import json |
import os |
import pprint |
import random |
import re |
from io import BytesIO |
from pathlib import Path |
from typing import Optional, Union |
import boto3 |
import requests |
from internals.util.config import api_endpoint, api_headers |
s3 = boto3.client("s3") |
import io |
import urllib.request |
from PIL import Image |
black_list = {"alphonse mucha": "", "adolphe bouguereau": ""} |
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) |
webhook_url = ( |
"https://hooks.slack.com/services/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" |
) |
error_webhook = ( |
"https://hooks.slack.com/services/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" |
) |
characterSheets = [ |
"character+sheets/1.1.png", |
"character+sheets/10.1.png", |
"character+sheets/11.1.png", |
"character+sheets/12.1.png", |
"character+sheets/13.1.png", |
"character+sheets/14.1.png", |
"character+sheets/16.1.png", |
"character+sheets/17.1.png", |
"character+sheets/18.1.png", |
"character+sheets/19.1.png", |
"character+sheets/2.1.png", |
"character+sheets/20.1.png", |
"character+sheets/21.1.png", |
"character+sheets/22.1.png", |
"character+sheets/23.1.png", |
"character+sheets/24.1.png", |
"character+sheets/25.1.png", |
"character+sheets/26.1.png", |
"character+sheets/27.1.png", |
"character+sheets/28.1.png", |
"character+sheets/29.1.png", |
"character+sheets/3.1.png", |
"character+sheets/30.1.png", |
"character+sheets/31.1.png", |
"character+sheets/32.1.png", |
"character+sheets/33.1.png", |
"character+sheets/34.1.png", |
"character+sheets/35.1.png", |
"character+sheets/36.1.png", |
"character+sheets/38.1.png", |
"character+sheets/39.1.png", |
"character+sheets/4.1.png", |
"character+sheets/40.1.png", |
"character+sheets/42.1.png", |
"character+sheets/43.1.png", |
"character+sheets/44.1.png", |
"character+sheets/45.1.png", |
"character+sheets/46.1.png", |
"character+sheets/47.1.png", |
"character+sheets/48.1.png", |
"character+sheets/49.1.png", |
"character+sheets/5.1.png", |
"character+sheets/50.1.png", |
"character+sheets/51.1.png", |
"character+sheets/52.1.png", |
"character+sheets/53.1.png", |
"character+sheets/54.1.png", |
"character+sheets/55.1.png", |
"character+sheets/56.1.png", |
"character+sheets/57.1.png", |
"character+sheets/58.1.png", |
"character+sheets/59.1.png", |
"character+sheets/60.1.png", |
"character+sheets/61.1.png", |
"character+sheets/62.1.png", |
"character+sheets/63.1.png", |
"character+sheets/64.1.png", |
"character+sheets/65.1.png", |
"character+sheets/66.1.png", |
"character+sheets/7.1.png", |
"character+sheets/8.1.png", |
"character+sheets/9.1.png", |
] |
def upload_images(images, processName: str, taskId: str): |
imageUrls = [] |
for i, image in enumerate(images): |
img_io = BytesIO() |
image.save(img_io, "JPEG", quality=100) |
img_io.seek(0) |
key = "crecoAI/{}{}_{}.png".format(taskId, processName, i) |
requests.post( |
api_endpoint() |
+ "/comic-content/v1.0/upload/crecoai-assets-2?fileName=" |
+ "{}{}_{}.png".format(taskId, processName, i), |
headers=api_headers(), |
files={"file": ("image.png", img_io, "image/png")}, |
) |
imageUrls.append( |
"https://comic-assets.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/crecoAI/{}{}_{}.png".format( |
taskId, processName, i |
) |
) |
print({"promptImages": imageUrls}) |
return imageUrls |
def upload_image(image: Union[Image.Image, BytesIO], out_path): |
if type(image) is Image.Image: |
buffer = io.BytesIO() |
image.save(buffer, format="PNG") |
image = buffer |
image.seek(0) |
requests.post( |
api_endpoint() |
+ "/comic-content/v1.0/upload/crecoai-assets-2?fileName=" |
+ str(out_path).replace("crecoAI/", ""), |
headers=api_headers(), |
files={"file": ("image.png", image, "image/png")}, |
) |
image.close() |
image_url = "https://comic-assets.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/" + out_path |
print({"promptImages": image_url}) |
return image_url |
def download_image(url) -> Image.Image: |
response = requests.get(url) |
return Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)).convert("RGB") |
def download_file(url, out_path: Path): |
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: |
r.raise_for_status() |
with open(out_path, "wb") as f: |
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): |
f.write(chunk) |
def pickPoses(): |
random_images = random.sample(characterSheets, 4) |
poses = [] |
prefix = "https://comic-assets.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/" |
random_images_with_prefix = [prefix + img for img in random_images] |
print(random_images_with_prefix) |
for imageUrl in random_images_with_prefix: |
init_image = download_image(imageUrl).resize((512, 512)) |
imageUrlPose = imageUrl |
input_image_bytes = read_url(imageUrlPose) |
pose_image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(input_image_bytes)).convert("RGB") |
pose_image = pose_image.resize((512, 512)) |
poses.append(pose_image) |
return poses |
def construct_default_s3_url(key): |
return "https://comic-assets.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/" + key |
def safe_index(array, index) -> Optional: |
if index < 0: |
return None |
if index >= len(array): |
return None |
return array[index] |
def read_url(url: str): |
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as u: |
return u.read() |
def disable_safety_checker(pipe): |
def dummy(images, **kwargs): |
return images, False |
pipe.safety_checker = None |