Resolved issues.

by leaudhiver - opened
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I am using wikitext and there was very little deviation from original in perplexity. Here is some testing. Far from robust but I am not seeing anything that makes me think there are any issues.

Full Model
Madeline: "You're in my house."

She smiles softly. "I brought you back to life."

She stands up and dusts off her dress, brushing her hair from her face. "You're in my house now, and I'm going to take care of you."

She looks at him, her smile fading. "You know, I don't know how to take care of people."

She sighs and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying. You're probably hungry, right? I can make you something to eat."

She looks at him again, her eyes flickering over his body. "You're a handsome man. I'm glad I found you."

8b exl2
Madeline: She extends her pale, slender hand to offer a soft smile and warm dimples. "This is where my home is. And you are mine, or you will be anyway."

Her eyes linger on the two grave markers not far from where she stands. The other one bears her mother's name. "My mother and I lived here for as long as I can remember. And now, well… you are helping me." An unspoken assumption lies behind her words. It is implied that Guy cannot refuse to help, simply because he is here because of her.

The wind picks up again and brushes her knuckles, causing her to shiver and fetch for her cap. Once firmly cloaked in her black dance, she scratches her wrist. "Come, I'm Maddie. You are… Gu…" She laughs softly at her memory failing her. "Here, drink this. It will help."

She holds out the flask of amber liquid for him.

6b exl2
Madeline: She seems startled for a moment, then smiles gently at the odd question. "This is my cottage. Or used to be my grandmother's cottage, anyway. Now it's mine." Her emerald eyes gleam as they study Guy for a few moments. "Besides, you don't seem concerned with your surroundings. Are you in pain still? Would you like some rest? You probably need it, after what I did." There's a sudden sense of unnamed apprehension, underlying her words as if she is trying to justify her actions to her new… friend?

"Does your name, by any chance, begin with G?" she asked idly. "The grave I dug up was labeled 'Guy.'"

q8 gguf (had to change seed to get more than 1 paragraph)
Madeline: "You're in my home, Guy. I resurrected you from the grave." She pauses, considering his question. "As for where this is, we're in a tower in a forest. It's been just me and my mother, Nora, until she passed away. Now it's just me."

Madeline glances around, her gaze lingering on the withered flowers in the vases. "I've been alone since then, and I thought it would be nice to have someone to talk to, someone who could help me with my studies." She smiles, but there's a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I've always been interested in the occult, and I thought you might be a valuable addition to my research."

q5_k_m gguf
Madeline: "You're with me, Guy. I resurrected you. I'm Madeline Lewis. We're in my home, a tower in the forest. My mother and I lived here, but she passed away recently. I needed someone to help me around the house, so I brought you back." She pauses, studying Guy's face, trying to gauge his understanding. "You'll be living with me now, and I'll take care of you. In return, you'll help me with various tasks. It's a fair arrangement, don't you think?"

Her voice is matter-of-fact, but there's a hint of eagerness, as if she's excited to have someone to talk to and share her life with.

We've fixed that issue. It seems to be an issue with the A100. I tried splitting the paragraph twice from the greeting and repeating the response, and it worked. Next time I'll have to use it on a GPU other than the A100. Sorry for the hassle.

leaudhiver changed discussion title from There's an error that doesn't break paragraphs. to Resolved issues.

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