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@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ This is a trained model of a **QRDQN** agent playing **SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-
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using the [stable-baselines3 library](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3)
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and the [RL Zoo](https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo).
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There is a longer video of this agent playing at [Youtube](https://youtu.be/OmxWdSx0ouY)
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The RL Zoo is a training framework for Stable Baselines3
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reinforcement learning agents,
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with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
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## Usage (with SB3 RL Zoo)
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RL Zoo: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo<br/>
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using the [stable-baselines3 library](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3)
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and the [RL Zoo](https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo).
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The RL Zoo is a training framework for Stable Baselines3
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reinforcement learning agents,
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with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
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[W&B report](https://wandb.ai/corianas/sb3/reports/QRDQN-Agent-playing-SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4--VmlldzoyMjA4NDk4)
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There is a longer video of this agent playing at [Youtube](https://youtu.be/OmxWdSx0ouY)
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## Usage (with SB3 RL Zoo)
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RL Zoo: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo<br/>