Paper for those who wish to read it themselves
Github from authors
Paper for those who wish to read it themselves
Github from authors
You really have been bringing the goodies lately (formerly too!) thanks !
For users with Chinese IP addresses, consider adding this URL to the rules of your U.S. node, as the response headers from this site will report the user's physical location to GPT.
Interested in what this means, can you say more about this part on Chinese IPs?
to your ad block whitelist. The ChatGPT webpage relies on this site for heartbeat detection, but since it belongs to an ad tracking network, it's included in major ad-blocking lists. (If you're using Clash, also remember to add it to the whitelist.) Failing to do so may cause the ChatGPT web interface to display a greyed-out send button after clicking, with no response.I propose another potential solution: stop using and instead use :)
If anyone thinks they can’t use this alternative solution and must use chatgpt for what they use it for then please share the details of what it is doing for you that you are unable to do with hugging face chat or maybe have not heard of hugging face chat so the community can help you out with how it most likely actually can do such things so you can free yourself from the closedAI shackles. :)