print('Loading...') |
from src.model_run import RWKV_RNN |
import numpy as np |
import os, copy, types, gc, sys |
import torch |
from src.utils import TOKENIZER |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = False |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False |
np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=200) |
WORD_NAME = ["20B_tokenizer.json", "20B_tokenizer.json"] |
args = types.SimpleNamespace() |
args.RUN_DEVICE = "cpu" |
args.FLOAT_MODE = "fp32" |
args.vocab_size = 50277 |
args.MODEL_NAME = 'zrwkv-37fifth' |
args.n_layer = 12 |
args.n_embd = 768 |
args.ctx_len = 1024 |
user = "User" |
bot = "Daniel" |
interface = ":" |
os.environ["RWKV_RUN_DEVICE"] = args.RUN_DEVICE |
print(f'loading... {MODEL_NAME}') |
model = RWKV_RNN(args) |
model_tokens = [] |
current_state = None |
def run_rnn(tokens, newline_adj = 0): |
global model_tokens, current_state |
for i in range(len(tokens)): |
model_tokens += [int(tokens[i])] |
if i == len(tokens) - 1: |
out, current_state = model.forward(model_tokens, current_state) |
else: |
current_state = model.forward(model_tokens, current_state, preprocess_only = True) |
out[0] = -999999999 |
out[187] += newline_adj |
return out |
all_state = {} |
def save_all_stat(name, last_out): |
all_state[name] = {} |
all_state[name]['out'] = last_out |
all_state[name]['rnn'] = copy.deepcopy(current_state) |
all_state[name]['token'] = copy.deepcopy(model_tokens) |
def load_all_stat(name): |
global model_tokens, current_state |
current_state = copy.deepcopy(all_state[name]['rnn']) |
model_tokens = copy.deepcopy(all_state[name]['token']) |
return all_state[name]['out'] |
print(f'\nRun prompt...') |
out = "" |
gc.collect() |
save_all_stat('chat_init', out) |
save_all_stat('chat', out) |
print(f'### prompt ###\n[{tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(model_tokens)}]\n') |
def reply_msg(msg): |
print(f'{bot}{interface} {msg}\n') |
def on_message(message): |
global model_tokens, current_state |
msg = message.replace('\\n','\n').strip() |
if len(msg) > 10000: |
reply_msg('your message is too long (max 1000 tokens)') |
return |
out = load_all_stat('chat') |
new = f"{user}{interface} {msg}\n{bot}{interface}" |
out = run_rnn(tokenizer.tokenizer.encode(new), newline_adj=-999999999) |
save_all_stat('chat_pre', out) |
begin = len(model_tokens) |
out_last = begin |
print(f'{bot}{interface}', end='', flush=True) |
for i in range(8000): |
token = tokenizer.sample_logits( |
out, |
model_tokens, |
args.ctx_len, |
temperature=1.0, |
top_p_usual=0.85, |
top_p_newline=0.85, |
) |
out = run_rnn([token], newline_adj=1) |
xxx = tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(model_tokens[out_last:]) |
if '\ufffd' not in xxx and 'user' not in str(xxx).lower() and '\n' not in xxx and str(xxx) != ':' and str(xxx) != '\n\n' and len(str(xxx)) > 0: |
print(xxx, end='', flush=True) |
out_last = begin + i + 1 |
else: |
print('\n', end='', flush=True) |
out_last = begin + i + 1 |
send_msg = tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(model_tokens[begin:]) |
if '\ufffd' in send_msg or send_msg.endswith(f'{user}{interface}') or send_msg.endswith(f'{bot}{interface}') or '\n' in send_msg: |
send_msg = send_msg.strip() |
send_msg = send_msg.replace(f'{user}{interface}', '') |
send_msg = send_msg.replace(f'{bot}{interface}', '') |
send_msg = send_msg.replace('\n', '') |
break |
save_all_stat('chat', out) |
print('Start chatting with Daniel!') |
while True: |
msg = input(f'{user}{interface} ') |
if len(msg.strip()) > 0: |
on_message(msg) |
else: |
print('Error: please say something') |