# Chill Watcher consider deploy on: - huggingface inference point - replicate api - lightning.ai # Deploy Guide(Chinese) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14V4y167m7 # platform comparison > all support autoscaling |platform|prediction speed|charges|deploy handiness| |-|-|-|-| |huggingface|fast:20s|high:$0.6/hr (without autoscaling)|easy:git push| |replicate|fast if used frequently: 30s, slow if needs initialization: 5min|low: $0.02 per generation|difficult: build image and upload| |lightning.ai|fast with app running: 20s, slow if idle: XXs|low: free $30 per month, $0.18 per init, $0.02 per run|easy: one command| # platform deploy options ## huggingface > [docs](https://huggingface.co/docs/inference-endpoints/guides/custom_handler) - requirements: use pip packages in `requirements.txt` - `init()` and `predict()` function: use `handler.py`, implement the `EndpointHandler` class - more: modify `handler.py` for requests and inference and explore more highly-customized features - deploy: git (lfs) push to huggingface repository(the whole directory including models and weights, etc.), and use inference endpoints to deploy. Click and deploy automaticly, very simple. - call api: use the url provide by inference endpoints after endpoint is ready(build, initialize and in a "running" state), make a post request to the url using request schema definied in the `handler.py` ## replicate > [docs](https://replicate.com/docs/guides/push-a-model) - requirements: specify all requirements(pip packages, system packages, python version, cuda, etc.) in `cog.yaml` - `init()` and `predict()` function: use `predict.py`, implement the `Predictor` class - more: modify `predict.py` - deploy: 1. get a linux GPU machine with 60GB disk space; 2. install [cog](https://replicate.com/docs/guides/push-a-model) and [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository) 3. `git pull` the current repository from huggingface, including large model files 4. after `predict.py` and `cog.yaml` is correctly coded, run `cog login`, `cog push`, then cog will build a docker image locally and push the image to replicate. As the image could take 30GB or so disk space, it would cost a lot network bandwidth. - call api: if everything runs successfully and the docker image is pushed to replicate, you will see a web-ui and an API example directly in your replicate repository ## lightning.ai > docs: [code](https://lightning.ai/docs/app/stable/levels/basic/real_lightning_component_implementations.html), [deploy](https://lightning.ai/docs/app/stable/workflows/run_app_on_cloud/) - requirements: - pip packages are listed in `requirements_lightning.txt`, because some requirements are different from those in huggingface. Rename it to `requirements.txt` - other pip packages, system packages and some big model weight files download commands, can be listed using a custom build config. Checkout `class CustomBuildConfig(BuildConfig)` in `app.py`. In a custom build config you can use many linux commands such as `wget` and `sudo apt-get update`. The custom build config will be executed on the `__init__()` of the `PythonServer` class - `init()` and `predict()` function: use `app.py`, implement the `PythonServer` class. Note: - some packages haven't been installed when the file is called(these packages may be installed when `__init__()` is called), so some import code should be in the function, not at the top of the file, or you may get import errors. - you can't save your own value to `PythonServer.self` unless it's predifined in the variables, so don't assign any self-defined variables to `self` - if you use the custom build config, you should implement `PythonServer`'s `__init()__` yourself, so don't forget to use the correct function signature - more: ... - deploy: - `pip install lightning` - prepare the directory on your local computer(no need to have a GPU) - list big files in the `.lightningignore` file to avoid big file upload and save deploy time cost - run `lightning run app app.py --cloud` in the local terminal, and it will upload the files in the directory to lightning cloud, and start deploying on the cloud - check error logs on the web-ui, use `all logs` - call api: only if the app starts successfully, you can see a valid url in the `settings` page of the web-ui. Open that url, and you can see the api ### some stackoverflow: install docker: - https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository install git-lfs: - https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/blob/main/INSTALLING.md linux: ``` curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash sudo apt-get install git-lfs ``` --- license: apache-2.0 ---