import numpy as np import os import ntpath import time from . import util from . import html class Visualizer(): def __init__(self, opt): # self.opt = opt self.display_id = opt.display_id self.use_html = opt.isTrain and not opt.no_html self.win_size = opt.display_winsize = if self.display_id > 0: import visdom self.vis = visdom.Visdom(port = opt.display_port) self.display_single_pane_ncols = opt.display_single_pane_ncols if self.use_html: self.web_dir = os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir,, 'web') self.img_dir = os.path.join(self.web_dir, 'images') print('create web directory %s...' % self.web_dir) util.mkdirs([self.web_dir, self.img_dir]) self.log_name = os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir,, 'loss_log.txt') with open(self.log_name, "a") as log_file: now = time.strftime("%c") log_file.write('================ Training Loss (%s) ================\n' % now) # |visuals|: dictionary of images to display or save def display_current_results(self, visuals, epoch): if self.display_id > 0: # show images in the browser if self.display_single_pane_ncols > 0: h, w = next(iter(visuals.values())).shape[:2] table_css = """""" % (w, h) ncols = self.display_single_pane_ncols title = label_html = '' label_html_row = '' nrows = int(np.ceil(len(visuals.items()) / ncols)) images = [] idx = 0 for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): label_html_row += '%s' % label images.append(image_numpy.transpose([2, 0, 1])) idx += 1 if idx % ncols == 0: label_html += '%s' % label_html_row label_html_row = '' white_image = np.ones_like(image_numpy.transpose([2, 0, 1]))*255 while idx % ncols != 0: images.append(white_image) label_html_row += '' idx += 1 if label_html_row != '': label_html += '%s' % label_html_row # pane col = image row self.vis.images(images, nrow=ncols, win=self.display_id + 1, padding=2, opts=dict(title=title + ' images')) label_html = '%s
' % label_html self.vis.text(table_css + label_html, win = self.display_id + 2, opts=dict(title=title + ' labels')) else: idx = 1 for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): #image_numpy = np.flipud(image_numpy) self.vis.image(image_numpy.transpose([2,0,1]), opts=dict(title=label), win=self.display_id + idx) idx += 1 if self.use_html: # save images to a html file for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): img_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'epoch%.3d_%s.png' % (epoch, label)) util.save_image(image_numpy, img_path) # update website webpage = html.HTML(self.web_dir, 'Experiment name = %s' %, reflesh=1) for n in range(epoch, 0, -1): webpage.add_header('epoch [%d]' % n) ims = [] txts = [] links = [] for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): img_path = 'epoch%.3d_%s.png' % (n, label) ims.append(img_path) txts.append(label) links.append(img_path) webpage.add_images(ims, txts, links, width=self.win_size) # errors: dictionary of error labels and values def plot_current_errors(self, epoch, counter_ratio, opt, errors): if not hasattr(self, 'plot_data'): self.plot_data = {'X':[],'Y':[], 'legend':list(errors.keys())} self.plot_data['X'].append(epoch + counter_ratio) self.plot_data['Y'].append([errors[k] for k in self.plot_data['legend']]) self.vis.line( X=np.stack([np.array(self.plot_data['X'])]*len(self.plot_data['legend']),1), Y=np.array(self.plot_data['Y']), opts={ 'title': + ' loss over time', 'legend': self.plot_data['legend'], 'xlabel': 'epoch', 'ylabel': 'loss'}, win=self.display_id) # errors: same format as |errors| of plotCurrentErrors def print_current_errors(self, epoch, i, errors, t): message = '(epoch: %d, iters: %d, time: %.3f) ' % (epoch, i, t) for k, v in errors.items(): message += '%s: %.3f ' % (k, v) print(message) with open(self.log_name, "a") as log_file: log_file.write('%s\n' % message) # save image to the disk def save_images(self, webpage, visuals, image_path): image_dir = webpage.get_image_dir() short_path = ntpath.basename(image_path[0]) name = os.path.splitext(short_path)[0] webpage.add_header(name) ims = [] txts = [] links = [] for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): image_name = '%s_%s.png' % (name, label) save_path = os.path.join(image_dir, image_name) util.save_image(image_numpy, save_path) ims.append(image_name) txts.append(label) links.append(image_name) webpage.add_images(ims, txts, links, width=self.win_size) def save_images_demo(self, webpage, visuals, image_path): image_dir = webpage.get_image_dir() short_path = ntpath.basename(image_path[0]) name = os.path.splitext(short_path)[0] webpage.add_header(name) ims = [] txts = [] links = [] for label, image_numpy in visuals.items(): image_name = '%s.jpg' % (name) save_path = os.path.join(image_dir, image_name) util.save_image(image_numpy, save_path) ims.append(image_name) txts.append(label) links.append(image_name) webpage.add_images(ims, txts, links, width=self.win_size)