''' |
MIT license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT Copyright 2024 Infosys Ltd |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
''' |
from io import BytesIO |
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile |
import threading |
import time |
import uuid |
import requests |
from privacy.util.code_detect.ner.pii_inference.netcustom import code_detect_ner |
from privacy.util.code_detect.ner.CodePIINER import codeNer |
from fastapi import Depends, Query,Request,APIRouter, HTTPException, Response, WebSocket,websockets,FastAPI,Cookie,Body |
from typing import List, Union |
from privacy.service.privacytelemetryservice import PrivacyTelemetryRequest |
from privacy.service.Video_service import * |
from fastapi.params import Form |
from privacy.mappers.mappers import * |
from privacy.service.Video_service import VideoService |
from privacy.service.code_detect_service import * |
from privacy.service.excel_service import Excel |
from privacy.exception.exception import PrivacyException |
from privacy.config.logger import CustomLogger |
from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile,File |
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse |
from datetime import date |
import concurrent.futures |
from fastapi import Request |
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse |
from privacy.util.code_detect.ner.pii_inference.netcustom import * |
import logging |
from privacy.service.api_req import * |
from privacy.service.__init__ import * |
from privacy.service.textPrivacy import TextPrivacy,Shield |
from privacy.service.imagePrivacy import ImagePrivacy |
from privacy.service.dicomPrivacy import DICOMPrivacy |
from privacy.service.loadRecognizer import LoadRecognizer |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
router = APIRouter() |
log=CustomLogger() |
app = FastAPI() |
fileRouter=APIRouter() |
import tracemalloc |
from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer |
today = date.today() |
from datetime import datetime |
import asyncio |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
load_dotenv() |
import os |
from uuid import UUID, uuid4 |
from privacy.config.logger import request_id_var |
import traceback |
from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, Request, Depends |
from pydantic import BaseModel |
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse |
from privacy.util.auth.auth_client_id import get_auth_client_id |
from privacy.util.auth.auth_jwt import get_auth_jwt |
from privacy.util.auth.auth_none import get_auth_none |
now = datetime.now() |
magMap = {"True": True, "False": False,"true": True, "false": False} |
tel_Falg=os.getenv("TELE_FLAG") |
tel_Falg=magMap[tel_Falg] |
privacytelemetryurl = os.getenv("PRIVACY_TELEMETRY_URL") |
privacyerrorteleurl = os.getenv("PRIVACY_ERROR_URL") |
local_model_directory = "privacy/util/code_detect/ner/pii_inference/nermodel" |
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(local_model_directory) |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(local_model_directory, model_max_length=10000) |
class NoAccountException(Exception): |
pass |
class NoAdminConnException(Exception): |
pass |
class NoMatchingRecognizer(Exception): |
pass |
def send_telemetry_request(privacy_telemetry_request): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set("telemetry") |
try: |
log.debug("teleReq="+str(privacy_telemetry_request)) |
response = requests.post(privacytelemetryurl, json=privacy_telemetry_request) |
response.raise_for_status() |
response_data = response.json() |
log.debug("tele data response: "+ str(response)) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
class Telemetry: |
def error_telemetry_request(errobj,id): |
request_id_var.set(id) |
try: |
log.debug("teleReq="+str(errobj)) |
log.debug("teleReq="+str(errobj['error'])) |
errorRequest = errobj['error'][0] |
print(json.dumps(errorRequest)) |
if(tel_Falg): |
response = requests.post(privacyerrorteleurl, json=errorRequest) |
response.raise_for_status() |
response_data = response.json() |
log.debug("tele error response: "+ str(response)) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
auth_type = os.environ.get("AUTH_TYPE") |
if auth_type == "azure": |
auth = get_auth_client_id() |
elif auth_type == "jwt": |
auth = get_auth_jwt() |
elif auth_type == 'none': |
auth = get_auth_none() |
else: |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Invalid authentication type configured") |
router = APIRouter() |
@router.post('/privacy/loadRecognizer') |
def loadRecognizer(payload:UploadFile = File(...)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered into analyze routing method" ) |
try: |
log.debug("request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
payload = {"file":payload} |
response = LoadRecognizer.set_recognizer(payload) |
return response |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.get('/privacy/getRecognizer') |
def loadRecognizer(): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
try: |
response = LoadRecognizer.load_recognizer() |
return response |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/text/analyze', response_model= PIIAnalyzeResponse) |
def analyze(payload: PIIAnalyzeRequest,auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered into analyze routing method" ) |
try: |
log.debug("request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into analyze function") |
tracemalloc.start() |
response = TextPrivacy.analyze(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
tracemalloc.stop() |
log.debug("Returned from analyze function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==482): |
raise NoMatchingRecognizer |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.debug("response : "+ str(response)) |
log.info("exit create from analyze routing method") |
log.debug("TelFlag==="+ str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
responseList = list(map(lambda obj: obj.__dict__, response.PIIEntities)) |
requestList = payload.__dict__ |
requestObj = { |
"portfolio_name": payload.portfolio if payload.portfolio is not None else "None", |
"account_name": payload.account if payload.account is not None else "None", |
"inputText": requestList["inputText"], |
"exclusion_list": requestList["exclusionList"].split(',') if requestList["exclusionList"] is not None else [], |
} |
telemetryPayload = { |
"uniqueid": id, |
"tenant": "privacy", |
"apiname": analyze.__name__, |
"user": payload.user if payload.user is not None else "None", |
"date":now.isoformat(), |
"lotNumber": payload.lotNumber if payload.lotNumber is not None else "None", |
"request": requestObj, |
"response": responseList |
} |
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: |
executor.submit(send_telemetry_request, telemetryPayload) |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.debug("Exception for analyze") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textAnalyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/analyze", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from analyze routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except NoMatchingRecognizer: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=482, |
detail=" No matching recognizers were found to serve the request.", |
headers={"X-Error": "Check Recognizer"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textAnalyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/analyze", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/text/anonymize', response_model= PIIAnonymizeResponse) |
def anonymize(payload: PIIAnonymizeRequest,auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into anonymize routing method") |
try: |
log.debug("request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into anonymize function") |
response = TextPrivacy.anonymize(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
log.debug("Returned from anonymize function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==482): |
raise NoMatchingRecognizer |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.debug("response : "+ str(response)) |
log.info("exit create from anonymize routing method") |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
requestList = payload.__dict__ |
requestObj = { |
"portfolio_name": payload.portfolio if payload.portfolio is not None else "None", |
"account_name": payload.account if payload.account is not None else "None", |
"inputText": requestList["inputText"], |
"exclusion_list": requestList["exclusionList"].split(',') if requestList["exclusionList"] is not None else [], |
} |
responseObj = { |
"type": "None", |
"beginOffset": 0, |
"endOffset": 0, |
"score": 0, |
"responseText": response.anonymizedText |
} |
telemetryPayload = { |
"uniqueid": id, |
"tenant": "privacy", |
"apiname": anonymize.__name__, |
"user": payload.user if payload.user is not None else "None", |
"date":now.isoformat(), |
"lotNumber": payload.lotNumber if payload.lotNumber is not None else "None", |
"request": requestObj, |
"response": [responseObj] |
} |
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: |
executor.submit(send_telemetry_request, telemetryPayload) |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for anonymize") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/annonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from anonymize routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except NoMatchingRecognizer: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=482, |
detail=" No matching recognizers were found to serve the request.", |
headers={"X-Error": "Check Recognizer"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/annonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/text/encrpyt',response_model=PIIEncryptResponse) |
def encrypt(payload: PIIAnonymizeRequest,auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into encrypt routing method") |
try: |
log.debug("request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into encrypt function") |
response = TextPrivacy.encrypt(payload) |
log.debug("Returned from encrypt function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
print("response=======",response) |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("exit create from encrypt routing method") |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
requestList = payload.__dict__ |
requestObj = { |
"portfolio_name": payload.portfolio if payload.portfolio is not None else "None", |
"account_name": payload.account if payload.account is not None else "None", |
"inputText": requestList["inputText"], |
"exclusion_list": requestList["exclusionList"].split(',') if requestList["exclusionList"] is not None else [], |
} |
responseObj = { |
"type": "None", |
"beginOffset": 0, |
"endOffset": 0, |
"score": 0, |
"responseText": response.text |
} |
telemetryPayload = { |
"uniqueid": id, |
"tenant": "privacy", |
"apiname": anonymize.__name__, |
"user": payload.user if payload.user is not None else "None", |
"date":now.isoformat(), |
"lotNumber": payload.lotNumber if payload.lotNumber is not None else "None", |
"request": requestObj, |
"response": [responseObj] |
} |
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: |
executor.submit(send_telemetry_request, telemetryPayload) |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for encrypt") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textEncryptRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/encrpyt", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from encrypt routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textEncryptRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/encrpyt", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/text/decrpyt',response_model= PIIDecryptResponse) |
def decrypt(payload: PIIDecryptRequest,auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into decrypt routing method") |
try: |
log.debug("request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into decrypt function") |
response = TextPrivacy.decryption(payload) |
log.debug("Returned from decrypt function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for decrypt") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textDecryptRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/decrpyt", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from decrypt routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"textDecryptRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/text/decrpyt", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/image/analyze', response_model= PIIImageAnalyzeResponse) |
def image_analyze(ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract',"EasyOcr","ComputerVision"]),magnification:str=Form(...),rotationFlag:str=Form(...),image: UploadFile = File(...),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),piiEntitiesToBeRedacted:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_analyze routing method") |
try: |
payload={"easyocr":ocr,"mag_ratio":magMap[magnification],"rotationFlag":magMap[rotationFlag],"image":image,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"piiEntitiesToBeRedacted":piiEntitiesToBeRedacted,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
log.debug("Requested payload" + str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into image_analyze function") |
response = ImagePrivacy.image_analyze(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
log.debug("Returned from image_analyze function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==482): |
raise NoMatchingRecognizer |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from image_analyze routing method") |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for image_analyze") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageAnalyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/analyze", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from image_analyze routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except NoMatchingRecognizer: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=482, |
detail=" No matching recognizers were found to serve the request.", |
headers={"X-Error": "Check Recognizer"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageAnalyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/analyze", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/image/anonymize') |
def image_anonymize(ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract',"EasyOcr","ComputerVision"]),magnification:str=Form(...),rotationFlag:str=Form(...),image: UploadFile = File(...),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),piiEntitiesToBeRedacted:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_anonymize routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"easyocr":ocr,"mag_ratio":magMap[magnification],"rotationFlag":magMap[rotationFlag],"image":image,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"piiEntitiesToBeRedacted":piiEntitiesToBeRedacted,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
log.debug("Payload:"+str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into image_anonymize function") |
response = ImagePrivacy.image_anonymize(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
log.debug("Returned from image_anonymize function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==482): |
raise NoMatchingRecognizer |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from image_anonymize routing method") |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for image_anonymize") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create usecase routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except NoMatchingRecognizer: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=482, |
detail=" No matching recognizers were found to serve the request.", |
headers={"X-Error": "Check Recognizer"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/image/verify') |
def image_verify(image: UploadFile = File(...),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_verify routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"image":image,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
log.debug("request payload: "+str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into image_verify function") |
response = ImagePrivacy.image_verify(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
log.debug("Returned from image_verify function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from image_verify routing method") |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+ str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for image_verify") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageVerifyRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/verify", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er=[{"UUID":request_id_var.get(),"function":"imageVerifyRouter","msg":cie.__dict__,"description":cie.__dict__}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from image_verify routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageVerifyRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/verify", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/image/hashify') |
def image_hashify(ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract',"EasyOcr","ComputerVision"]),magnification:str=Form(...),rotationFlag:str=Form(...),image: UploadFile = File(...),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into imageEncryption routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"easyocr":ocr,"mag_ratio":magMap[magnification],"rotationFlag":magMap[rotationFlag],"image":image,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
log.debug("request payload: "+str(payload)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into imageEncryption function") |
response = ImagePrivacy.imageEncryption(payload) |
ApiCall.delAdminList() |
log.debug("Returned from imageEncryption function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from into imageEncryption routing method") |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for imageEncryption") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageVerifyRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/verify", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create usecase routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"imageVerifyRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/image/verify", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@router.post('/privacy/dicom/anonymize') |
def dicom_anonymize(payload: UploadFile = File(...),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into readDicom routing method" ) |
try: |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into readDicom function") |
response =DICOMPrivacy.readDicom(payload) |
log.debug("Returned from readDicom function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from readDicom routing method") |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for readDicom") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"DICOMAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/dicom/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from readDicom routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"DICOMAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/dicom/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@fileRouter.post('/privacy-files/excel/anonymize') |
def logo_anonymize(excel: UploadFile = File(...),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into excelanonymize routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"excel":excel} |
print("payload==",payload) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into excelanonymize function") |
response = Excel.excelanonymize(payload) |
log.debug("Returned from excelanonymize function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
if(response==404): |
raise NoAdminConnException |
log.info("exit create from excelanonymize routing method") |
log.debug("response===="+str(response)) |
log.debug("tel_Flag==="+str(tel_Falg)) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return FileResponse(response,media_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for excelanonymize") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"excelAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy-files/excel/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create usecase routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except NoAdminConnException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=435, |
detail=" Accounts and Portfolio not available with the Subscription!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Admin Connection is not established,"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"excelAnonimyzeRouter","errorMessage":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy-files/excel/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse |
@router.post('/privacy/code/anonymize',response_class=PlainTextResponse) |
async def code_redaction(payload_text: str = Body(..., media_type="text/plain", description="The code to be anonymized"),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into textner routing method") |
try: |
log.debug("payload==" + str(payload_text)) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into textner function") |
response = codeNer.codeText(payload_text,model, tokenizer) |
log.debug("Returned from textner function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken " + str(totalTime)) |
log.debug("response" + str(response)) |
if response is None: |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("exit create from textner routing method") |
return PlainTextResponse(content=response) |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for code anonymize") |
log.error(str(cie)) |
er=[{"tenetName":"Privacy","errorCode":"CodeAnnonymizeRouter","errorMessage":str(cie)+"Line No:"+str(cie.__traceback__.tb_lineno),"apiEndPoint":"/privacy/code/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod":"POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise cie |
from io import BytesIO |
@router.post('/privacy/codefile/anonymize') |
async def code_anonymize(code_file: UploadFile = File(...)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into filener routing method" ) |
try: |
code_content = await code_file.read() |
print("code_content==",code_content) |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into filener function") |
redacted_content, output_code_file = codeNer.codeFile(code_content, code_file.filename,model, tokenizer) |
log.debug("Returned from filener function") |
if isinstance(redacted_content, str): |
redacted_content = redacted_content.encode('utf-8') |
print(redacted_content,"REDACTED CONTENT") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
headers = { |
"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={output_code_file}", |
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "Content-Disposition" |
} |
await code_file.close() |
output_code_file = os.path.splitext(code_file.filename)[0] + "_redacted" + os.path.splitext(code_file.filename)[1] |
os.remove(output_code_file) |
if(tel_Falg == True): |
log.debug("Inside Telemetry Flag") |
log.info("******TELEMETRY REQUEST COMPLETED********") |
return StreamingResponse(BytesIO(redacted_content), media_type="application/octet-stream", headers=headers) |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for filener") |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "codeFileAnonimyzeRouter", "errorMessage": str(cie) + "Line No:" + str(cie.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/codefile/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise cie |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "codeFileAnonimyzeRouter", "errorMessage": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/codefile/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
from privacy.service.diffrentialPrivacy import DiffPrivacy |
@router.post('/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/file') |
def diff_privacy_file(dataset: UploadFile = File(...),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into uploadFIle routing method" ) |
try: |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into uploadFIle function") |
response = DiffPrivacy.uploadFIle(dataset) |
log.debug("Returned from uploadFIle function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("exit create from uploadFIle routing method") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for uploadFIle") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "diffPrivacyFileRouter", "errorMessage": str(cie) + "Line No:" + str(cie.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/file", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from uploadFIle routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "diffPrivacyFileRouter", "errorMessage": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/file", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
from privacy.service.diffrentialPrivacy import DiffPrivacy |
@router.post('/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/anonymize') |
def diff_privacy_anonymize(suppression:Optional[str]=Form(""),noiselist:Optional[str]=Form(""),binarylist:Optional[str]=Form(""),rangeList:Optional[str]=Form(""),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into diffPrivacy routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"suppression":suppression,"noiselist":noiselist,"binarylist":binarylist,"rangelist":rangeList} |
startTime = time.time() |
log.debug("Entered into diffPrivacy function") |
response = DiffPrivacy.diffPrivacy(payload) |
log.debug("Returned from diffPrivacy function") |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("exit create from diffPrivacy routing method") |
log.debug("res===="+str(response)) |
headers = {"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename=x.csv"} |
return StreamingResponse(response, media_type="text/csv", headers=headers) |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for diffPrivacy") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "diffPrivacyAnonimyzeRouter", "errorMessage": str(cie) + "Line No:" + str(cie.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create usecase routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "diffPrivacyAnonimyzeRouter", "errorMessage": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
@fileRouter.post('/privacy-files/video/anonymize') |
async def videoPrivacy(ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract',"EasyOcr","ComputerVision"]),magnification:str=Form(...),rotationFlag:str=Form(...),video: UploadFile = File(...),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_anonymize routing method" ) |
try: |
payload={"easyocr":ocr,"mag_ratio":magMap[magnification],"rotationFlag":magMap[rotationFlag],"video":video,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
startTime = time.time() |
response = await VideoService.videoPrivacy(payload) |
endTime = time.time() |
totalTime = endTime - startTime |
log.info("Total Time taken "+str(totalTime)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("exit create from image_anonymize routing method") |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for video_privacy") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create usecase routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"tenetName": "Privacy", "errorCode": "diffPrivacyAnonimyzeRouter", "errorMessage": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno), "apiEndPoint": "/privacy/DifferentialPrivacy/anonymize", "errorRequestMethod": "POST"}] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
from privacy.service.pdf_service import PDFService |
@fileRouter.post('/privacy-files/PDF/anonymize') |
async def PDF(pdf:UploadFile=File(...),ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract',"EasyOcr","ComputerVision"]),portfolio:Optional[str]=Form(None),account:Optional[str]=Form(None),exclusionList:Optional[str]=Form(None),auth= Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_anonymize routing method" ) |
try: |
start_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"start_time: {start_time}") |
log.info("Before invoking create usecase service ") |
payload={"easyocr":ocr,"mag_ratio":False,"rotationFlag":False,"file": pdf,"portfolio":portfolio,"account":account,"exclusion":exclusionList} |
log.debug("Request payload: "+ str(payload)) |
response = PDFService.mask_pdf(AttributeDict(payload)) |
if(response==None): |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("After invoking create usecase service ") |
log.debug("Response : "+ str(response)) |
log.info("Exit create usecase routing method") |
end_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"end_time: {end_time}") |
total_time = end_time - start_time |
log.info(f"total_time: {total_time}") |
response = Response(content=response.read(), media_type="application/pdf") |
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename="+pdf.filename |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for encrypt") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er=[{"UUID":id,"function":"textEncryptRouter","msg":cie.__dict__,"description":cie.__dict__}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from encrypt routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er=[{"UUID":request_id_var.get(),"function":"textAnonimyzeRouter","msg":str(e),"description":str(e)+"Line No:"+str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno)}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid":id,"error":er} |
if len(er)!=0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj,id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"}) |
from privacy.service.ppt_service import PPTService |
@fileRouter.post('/privacy-files/PPT/anonymize') |
async def PPT(ppt: UploadFile = File(...), ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract', "EasyOcr", "ComputerVision"]), portfolio: Optional[str] = Form(None), account: Optional[str] = Form(None), exclusionList: Optional[str] = Form(None), auth=Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_anonymize routing method") |
try: |
start_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"start_time: {start_time}") |
log.info("Before invoking create usecase service") |
payload = {"easyocr": ocr, "mag_ratio": False, "rotationFlag": False, "file": ppt, "portfolio": portfolio, "account": account, "exclusion": exclusionList} |
log.debug("Request payload: " + str(payload)) |
response = PPTService.mask_ppt(AttributeDict(payload)) |
if response is None: |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("After invoking create usecase service") |
log.debug("Response : " + str(response)) |
log.info("Exit create usecase routing method") |
end_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"end_time: {end_time}") |
total_time = end_time - start_time |
log.info(f"total_time: {total_time}") |
response = Response(content=response.read(), media_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation") |
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + ppt.filename |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for encrypt") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er = [{"UUID": id, "function": "textEncryptRouter", "msg": cie.__dict__, "description": cie.__dict__}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid": id, "error": er} |
if len(er) != 0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj, id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from encrypt routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"UUID": request_id_var.get(), "function": "textAnonimyzeRouter", "msg": str(e), "description": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno)}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid": id, "error": er} |
if len(er) != 0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj, id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"} |
) |
from privacy.service.docs_service import DOCService |
@fileRouter.post('/privacy-files/DOCX/anonymize') |
async def DOCX(docx: UploadFile = File(...), ocr: str = Query('Tesseract', enum=['Tesseract', "EasyOcr", "ComputerVision"]), portfolio: Optional[str] = Form(None), account: Optional[str] = Form(None), exclusionList: Optional[str] = Form(None), auth=Depends(auth)): |
id = uuid.uuid4().hex |
request_id_var.set(id) |
log.info("Entered create into image_anonymize routing method") |
try: |
start_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"start_time: {start_time}") |
log.info("Before invoking create usecase service") |
payload = {"easyocr": ocr, "mag_ratio": False, "rotationFlag": False, "file": docx, "portfolio": portfolio, "account": account, "exclusion": exclusionList} |
log.debug("Request payload: " + str(payload)) |
response = DOCService.mask_doc(AttributeDict(payload)) |
if response is None: |
raise NoAccountException |
log.info("After invoking create usecase service") |
log.debug("Response : " + str(response)) |
log.info("Exit create usecase routing method") |
end_time = datetime.now() |
log.info(f"end_time: {end_time}") |
total_time = end_time - start_time |
log.info(f"total_time: {total_time}") |
response = Response(content=response.read(), media_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document") |
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + docx.filename |
return response |
except PrivacyException as cie: |
log.error("Exception for encrypt") |
log.error(cie.__dict__) |
er = [{"UUID": id, "function": "textEncryptRouter", "msg": cie.__dict__, "description": cie.__dict__}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid": id, "error": er} |
if len(er) != 0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj, id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
log.error(cie, exc_info=True) |
log.info("exit create from encrypt routing method") |
raise HTTPException(**cie.__dict__) |
except NoAccountException: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=430, |
detail="Portfolio/Account Is Incorrect", |
headers={"X-Error": "There goes my error"}, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
log.error(str(e)) |
er = [{"UUID": request_id_var.get(), "function": "textAnonimyzeRouter", "msg": str(e), "description": str(e) + "Line No:" + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno)}] |
er.extend(error_dict[request_id_var.get()] if request_id_var.get() in error_dict else []) |
logobj = {"uniqueid": id, "error": er} |
if len(er) != 0: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=Telemetry.error_telemetry_request, args=(logobj, id)) |
thread.start() |
if request_id_var.get() in error_dict: |
del error_dict[id] |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=500, |
detail="Please check with administration!!", |
headers={"X-Error": "Please check with administration!!"} |
) |