File size: 8,581 Bytes
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NodeManager: Node ID: 1ae331df3c166ab7388e30c064dbb2adb1e4aed1b4ea36f75137b9be Node name: InitialConfigResources: {node: 10000, CPU: 200000, accelerator_type:A40: 10000, memory: 854943723520000, node:__internal_head__: 10000, object_store_memory: 21474836480000, GPU: 20000} ClusterTaskManager: ========== Node: 1ae331df3c166ab7388e30c064dbb2adb1e4aed1b4ea36f75137b9be ================= Infeasible queue length: 0 Schedule queue length: 0 Dispatch queue length: 0 num_waiting_for_resource: 0 num_waiting_for_plasma_memory: 0 num_waiting_for_remote_node_resources: 0 num_worker_not_started_by_job_config_not_exist: 0 num_worker_not_started_by_registration_timeout: 0 num_tasks_waiting_for_workers: 0 num_cancelled_tasks: 0 cluster_resource_scheduler state: Local id: -1061436909368221946 Local resources: {"total":{node: [10000], accelerator_type:A40: [10000], CPU: [200000], GPU: [10000, 10000], object_store_memory: [21474836480000], node:__internal_head__: [10000], memory: [854943723520000]}}, "available": {node: [10000], accelerator_type:A40: [10000], CPU: [200000], GPU: [10000, 10000], object_store_memory: [21474836480000], node:__internal_head__: [10000], memory: [854943723520000]}}, "labels":{"":"1ae331df3c166ab7388e30c064dbb2adb1e4aed1b4ea36f75137b9be",} is_draining: 0 is_idle: 1 Cluster resources: node id: -1061436909368221946{"total":{CPU: 200000, node:__internal_head__: 10000, memory: 854943723520000, object_store_memory: 21474836480000, accelerator_type:A40: 10000, node: 10000, GPU: 20000}}, "available": {CPU: 200000, node:__internal_head__: 10000, memory: 854943723520000, object_store_memory: 21474836480000, accelerator_type:A40: 10000, node: 10000, GPU: 20000}}, "labels":{"":"1ae331df3c166ab7388e30c064dbb2adb1e4aed1b4ea36f75137b9be",}, "is_draining": 0, "draining_deadline_timestamp_ms": -1} { "placment group locations": [], "node to bundles": []} Waiting tasks size: 0 Number of executing tasks: 0 Number of pinned task arguments: 0 Number of total spilled tasks: 0 Number of spilled waiting tasks: 0 Number of spilled unschedulable tasks: 0 Resource usage { } Backlog Size per scheduling descriptor :{workerId: num backlogs}: Running tasks by scheduling class: ================================================== ClusterResources: LocalObjectManager: - num pinned objects: 0 - pinned objects size: 0 - num objects pending restore: 0 - num objects pending spill: 0 - num bytes pending spill: 0 - num bytes currently spilled: 0 - cumulative spill requests: 0 - cumulative restore requests: 0 - spilled objects pending delete: 0 ObjectManager: - num local objects: 0 - num unfulfilled push requests: 0 - num object pull requests: 0 - num chunks received total: 0 - num chunks received failed (all): 0 - num chunks received failed / cancelled: 0 - num chunks received failed / plasma error: 0 Event stats: Global stats: 0 total (0 active) Queueing time: mean = -nan s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s Execution time: mean = -nan s, total = 0.000 s Event stats: PushManager: - num pushes in flight: 0 - num chunks in flight: 0 - num chunks remaining: 0 - max chunks allowed: 409 OwnershipBasedObjectDirectory: - num listeners: 0 - cumulative location updates: 0 - num location updates per second: 0.000 - num location lookups per second: 0.000 - num locations added per second: 0.000 - num locations removed per second: 0.000 BufferPool: - create buffer state map size: 0 PullManager: - num bytes available for pulled objects: 2147483648 - num bytes being pulled (all): 0 - num bytes being pulled / pinned: 0 - get request bundles: BundlePullRequestQueue{0 total, 0 active, 0 inactive, 0 unpullable} - wait request bundles: BundlePullRequestQueue{0 total, 0 active, 0 inactive, 0 unpullable} - task request bundles: BundlePullRequestQueue{0 total, 0 active, 0 inactive, 0 unpullable} - first get request bundle: N/A - first wait request bundle: N/A - first task request bundle: N/A - num objects queued: 0 - num objects actively pulled (all): 0 - num objects actively pulled / pinned: 0 - num bundles being pulled: 0 - num pull retries: 0 - max timeout seconds: 0 - max timeout request is already processed. No entry. WorkerPool: - registered jobs: 0 - process_failed_job_config_missing: 0 - process_failed_rate_limited: 0 - process_failed_pending_registration: 0 - process_failed_runtime_env_setup_failed: 0 - num PYTHON workers: 0 - num PYTHON drivers: 0 - num PYTHON pending start requests: 0 - num PYTHON pending registration requests: 0 - num object spill callbacks queued: 0 - num object restore queued: 0 - num util functions queued: 0 - num idle workers: 0 TaskDependencyManager: - task deps map size: 0 - get req map size: 0 - wait req map size: 0 - local objects map size: 0 WaitManager: - num active wait requests: 0 Subscriber: Channel WORKER_OBJECT_EVICTION - cumulative subscribe requests: 0 - cumulative unsubscribe requests: 0 - active subscribed publishers: 0 - cumulative published messages: 0 - cumulative processed messages: 0 Channel WORKER_REF_REMOVED_CHANNEL - cumulative subscribe requests: 0 - cumulative unsubscribe requests: 0 - active subscribed publishers: 0 - cumulative published messages: 0 - cumulative processed messages: 0 Channel WORKER_OBJECT_LOCATIONS_CHANNEL - cumulative subscribe requests: 0 - cumulative unsubscribe requests: 0 - active subscribed publishers: 0 - cumulative published messages: 0 - cumulative processed messages: 0 num async plasma notifications: 0 Remote node managers: Event stats: Global stats: 23 total (13 active) Queueing time: mean = 1.513 ms, max = 10.846 ms, min = 32.014 us, total = 34.802 ms Execution time: mean = 44.677 ms, total = 1.028 s Event stats: PeriodicalRunner.RunFnPeriodically - 11 total (6 active, 1 running), Execution time: mean = 16.449 us, total = 180.935 us, Queueing time: mean = 3.137 ms, max = 10.846 ms, min = 1.295 ms, total = 34.507 ms MemoryMonitor.CheckIsMemoryUsageAboveThreshold - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ClusterResourceManager.ResetRemoteNodeView - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ray::rpc::InternalPubSubGcsService.grpc_client.GcsSubscriberPoll - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ray::rpc::InternalKVGcsService.grpc_client.GetInternalConfig.OnReplyReceived - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 1.023 s, total = 1.023 s, Queueing time: mean = 32.014 us, max = 32.014 us, min = 32.014 us, total = 32.014 us RayletWorkerPool.deadline_timer.kill_idle_workers - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s NodeManager.ScheduleAndDispatchTasks - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ray::rpc::NodeInfoGcsService.grpc_client.RegisterNode - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 2.432 ms, total = 2.432 ms, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s NodeManager.GCTaskFailureReason - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ObjectManager.UpdateAvailableMemory - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 4.652 us, total = 4.652 us, Queueing time: mean = 125.341 us, max = 125.341 us, min = 125.341 us, total = 125.341 us ray::rpc::NodeInfoGcsService.grpc_client.RegisterNode.OnReplyReceived - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 330.807 us, total = 330.807 us, Queueing time: mean = 138.330 us, max = 138.330 us, min = 138.330 us, total = 138.330 us ray::rpc::InternalPubSubGcsService.grpc_client.GcsSubscriberCommandBatch - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s ray::rpc::InternalKVGcsService.grpc_client.GetInternalConfig - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 1.818 ms, total = 1.818 ms, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s DebugString() time ms: 1 |