JayKimDevolved's picture
c011401 verified
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,483 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server_main.cc:52: Ray cluster metadata ray_version=2.40.0 ray_commit=22541c38dbef25286cd6d19f1c151bf4fd62f2ed
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,483 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) io_service_pool.cc:35: IOServicePool is running with 1 io_service.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,487 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) event.cc:493: Ray Event initialized for GCS
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,487 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) event.cc:493: Ray Event initialized for EXPORT_NODE
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,487 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) event.cc:493: Ray Event initialized for EXPORT_ACTOR
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,487 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) event.cc:493: Ray Event initialized for EXPORT_DRIVER_JOB
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,487 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) event.cc:324: Set ray event level to warning
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:73: GCS storage type is StorageType::IN_MEMORY
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:42: Loading job table data.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:54: Loading node table data.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:80: Loading actor table data.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:93: Loading actor task spec table data.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:66: Loading placement group table data.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:46: Finished loading job table data, size = 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:58: Finished loading node table data, size = 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:84: Finished loading actor table data, size = 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:97: Finished loading actor task spec table data, size = 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_init_data.cc:71: Finished loading placement group table data, size = 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,489 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:162: No existing server cluster ID found. Generating new ID: 4938472e8d9a1c00ec3e052fef36a9fe225f6d230aef37001aa4372b
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,490 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:644: Autoscaler V2 enabled: 0
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,491 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) grpc_server.cc:134: GcsServer server started, listening on port 64963.
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,698 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:245: Gcs Debug state:
- RegisterNode request count: 0
- DrainNode request count: 0
- GetAllNodeInfo request count: 0
- RegisterActor request count: 0
- CreateActor request count: 0
- GetActorInfo request count: 0
- GetNamedActorInfo request count: 0
- GetAllActorInfo request count: 0
- KillActor request count: 0
- ListNamedActors request count: 0
- Registered actors count: 0
- Destroyed actors count: 0
- Named actors count: 0
- Unresolved actors count: 0
- Pending actors count: 0
- Created actors count: 0
- owners_: 0
- actor_to_register_callbacks_: 0
- actor_to_restart_callbacks_: 0
- actor_to_create_callbacks_: 0
- sorted_destroyed_actor_list_: 0
- GetAllAvailableResources request count: 0
- GetAllTotalResources request count: 0
- GetAllResourceUsage request count: 0
- CreatePlacementGroup request count: 0
- RemovePlacementGroup request count: 0
- GetPlacementGroup request count: 0
- GetAllPlacementGroup request count: 0
- WaitPlacementGroupUntilReady request count: 0
- GetNamedPlacementGroup request count: 0
- Scheduling pending placement group count: 0
- Registered placement groups count: 0
- Named placement group count: 0
- Pending placement groups count: 0
- Infeasible placement groups count: 0
[runtime env manager] ID to URIs table:
[runtime env manager] URIs reference table:
-Total num task events reported: 0
-Total num status task events dropped: 0
-Total num profile events dropped: 0
-Current num of task events stored: 0
-Total num of actor creation tasks: 0
-Total num of actor tasks: 0
-Total num of normal tasks: 0
-Total num of driver tasks: 0
- last_seen_autoscaler_state_version_: 0
- last_cluster_resource_state_version_: 0
- pending demands:
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,698 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:843: Main service Event stats:
Global stats: 23 total (4 active)
Queueing time: mean = 81.778 ms, max = 208.629 ms, min = 1.438 us, total = 1.881 s
Execution time: mean = 9.074 ms, total = 208.706 ms
Event stats:
GcsInMemoryStore.Put - 9 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 23.183 ms, total = 208.646 ms, Queueing time: mean = 161.890 ms, max = 208.306 ms, min = 1.438 us, total = 1.457 s
GcsInMemoryStore.GetAll - 5 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 5.929 us, total = 29.646 us, Queueing time: mean = 37.809 us, max = 40.297 us, min = 35.015 us, total = 189.043 us
PeriodicalRunner.RunFnPeriodically - 4 total (2 active, 1 running), Execution time: mean = 2.127 us, total = 8.507 us, Queueing time: mean = 104.295 ms, max = 208.629 ms, min = 208.552 ms, total = 417.181 ms
event_loop_lag_probe - 2 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 6.286 us, total = 12.572 us, Queueing time: mean = 3.257 ms, max = 6.395 ms, min = 119.536 us, total = 6.514 ms
GcsInMemoryStore.Get - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 9.165 us, total = 9.165 us, Queueing time: mean = 2.117 us, max = 2.117 us, min = 2.117 us, total = 2.117 us
ClusterResourceManager.ResetRemoteNodeView - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s
RayletLoadPulled - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,698 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:847: task_io_context Event stats:
Global stats: 4 total (1 active)
Queueing time: mean = 99.421 us, max = 351.603 us, min = 15.511 us, total = 397.685 us
Execution time: mean = 111.384 us, total = 445.537 us
Event stats:
event_loop_lag_probe - 2 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 218.667 us, total = 437.333 us, Queueing time: mean = 191.087 us, max = 351.603 us, min = 30.571 us, total = 382.174 us
GcsTaskManager.GcJobSummary - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s
PeriodicalRunner.RunFnPeriodically - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 8.204 us, total = 8.204 us, Queueing time: mean = 15.511 us, max = 15.511 us, min = 15.511 us, total = 15.511 us
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,698 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:847: pubsub_io_context Event stats:
Global stats: 4 total (1 active)
Queueing time: mean = 604.364 us, max = 1.991 ms, min = 93.002 us, total = 2.417 ms
Execution time: mean = 41.831 us, total = 167.323 us
Event stats:
event_loop_lag_probe - 2 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 54.776 us, total = 109.553 us, Queueing time: mean = 1.042 ms, max = 1.991 ms, min = 93.002 us, total = 2.084 ms
Publisher.CheckDeadSubscribers - 1 total (1 active), Execution time: mean = 0.000 s, total = 0.000 s, Queueing time: mean = 0.000 s, max = -0.000 s, min = 9223372036.855 s, total = 0.000 s
PeriodicalRunner.RunFnPeriodically - 1 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 57.770 us, total = 57.770 us, Queueing time: mean = 333.920 us, max = 333.920 us, min = 333.920 us, total = 333.920 us
[2025-01-15 18:19:12,698 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:847: ray_syncer_io_context Event stats:
Global stats: 4 total (0 active)
Queueing time: mean = 1.033 ms, max = 2.611 ms, min = 31.434 us, total = 4.134 ms
Execution time: mean = 73.280 us, total = 293.119 us
Event stats:
RaySyncerRegister - 2 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 585.000 ns, total = 1.170 us, Queueing time: mean = 745.630 us, max = 746.611 us, min = 744.648 us, total = 1.491 ms
event_loop_lag_probe - 2 total (0 active), Execution time: mean = 145.975 us, total = 291.949 us, Queueing time: mean = 1.321 ms, max = 2.611 ms, min = 31.434 us, total = 2.643 ms
[2025-01-15 18:19:13,803 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_node_manager.cc:85: Registering node info, address =, node name = node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:13,803 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_node_manager.cc:91: Finished registering node info, address =, node name =, is_head_node = 1 node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:13,803 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_placement_group_manager.cc:819: A new node: d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2 registered, will try to reschedule all the infeasible placement groups.
[2025-01-15 18:19:13,808 I 547102 547188] (gcs_server) ray_syncer.cc:377: Get connection node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:14,719 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_job_manager.cc:90: Adding job, job id = 01000000, driver pid = 547034
[2025-01-15 18:19:14,719 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_job_manager.cc:111: Finished adding job, job id = 01000000, driver pid = 547034
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,450 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_job_manager.cc:149: Finished marking job state, job id = 01000000
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,656 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_node_manager.cc:366: Removing node, node name =, death reason = EXPECTED_TERMINATION, death message = received SIGTERM node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,657 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_placement_group_manager.cc:789: Node failed, rescheduling the placement groups on the dead node. node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,657 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_actor_manager.cc:1274: Node failed, reconstructing actors. node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,657 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_job_manager.cc:454: Node failed, mark all jobs from this node as finished node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,807 I 547102 547151] (gcs_server) ray_syncer-inl.h:318: Failed to read the message from: d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,807 I 547102 547151] (gcs_server) ray_syncer.cc:373: Connection is broken. node_id=d56cf482657876c7271586b0c91746d1ab86d68628252feb2b945ae2
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,820 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server_main.cc:130: GCS server received SIGTERM, shutting down...
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,821 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:267: Stopping GCS server.
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,884 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) gcs_server.cc:284: GCS server stopped.
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,884 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) io_service_pool.cc:47: IOServicePool is stopped.
[2025-01-15 18:19:20,895 I 547102 547102] (gcs_server) stats.h:120: Stats module has shutdown.