import os import sys import logging import speechbrain as sb from hyperpyyaml import load_hyperpyyaml import json import random import torch from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder # Check if GPU is available device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {device}") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SAMPLERATE = 16000 def prepare_data(data_original, save_json_train, save_json_valid, save_json_test, split_ratio=[80, 10, 10], seed=12): # Setting seeds for reproducible code. random.seed(seed) # Check if data preparation has already been done (skip if files exist) if skip(save_json_train, save_json_valid, save_json_test):"Preparation completed in previous run, skipping.") return # Collect audio files and labels wav_list = [] labels = os.listdir(data_original) for label in labels: label_dir = os.path.join(data_original, label) if os.path.isdir(label_dir): for audio_file in os.listdir(label_dir): if audio_file.endswith('.wav'): wav_file = os.path.join(label_dir, audio_file) if os.path.isfile(wav_file): wav_list.append((wav_file, label)) else: logger.warning(f"Skipping invalid audio file: {wav_file}") # Shuffle and split the data random.shuffle(wav_list) n_total = len(wav_list) n_train = n_total * split_ratio[0] // 100 n_valid = n_total * split_ratio[1] // 100 train_set = wav_list[:n_train] valid_set = wav_list[n_train:n_train + n_valid] test_set = wav_list[n_train + n_valid:] # Create JSON files for train, valid, and test sets create_json(train_set, save_json_train) create_json(valid_set, save_json_valid) create_json(test_set, save_json_test)"Created {save_json_train}, {save_json_valid}, and {save_json_test}") def create_json(wav_list, json_file): json_dict = {} for wav_file, label in wav_list: signal = sb.dataio.dataio.read_audio(wav_file) duration = signal.shape[0] / SAMPLERATE uttid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wav_file))[0] json_dict[uttid] = { "wav": wav_file, "length": duration, "label": label, } with open(json_file, mode="w") as json_f: json.dump(json_dict, json_f, indent=2)"Created {json_file}") def skip(*filenames): for filename in filenames: if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False return True class EmoIdBrain(sb.Brain): def compute_forward(self, batch, stage): """Computation pipeline based on an encoder + emotion classifier.""" batch = wavs, lens = batch.sig outputs = self.modules.wav2vec2(wavs, lens) # Apply pooling and MLP layers outputs = self.hparams.avg_pool(outputs, lens) outputs = outputs.view(outputs.shape[0], -1) outputs = self.modules.output_mlp(outputs) outputs = self.hparams.log_softmax(outputs) return outputs def compute_objectives(self, predictions, batch, stage): emo_encoded_list = [] for sample in batch: # Check if 'emo_encoded' exists in the sample if 'emo_encoded' in sample: emo_encoded_list.append(sample['emo_encoded']) else: # Log a warning and skip this sample if 'emo_encoded' is missing logging.warning(f"'emo_encoded' key not found in sample: {sample}") if not emo_encoded_list: # If no valid 'emo_encoded' values were found in the batch, raise an error raise ValueError("No valid 'emo_encoded' values found in the batch.") # Convert emo_encoded_list to a torch tensor emo_encoded = torch.tensor(emo_encoded_list, dtype=torch.long) # Ensure emo_encoded is a tensor if not isinstance(emo_encoded, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"Unsupported label type encountered: {type(emo_encoded)}") # Perform any necessary operations with emo_encoded here loss = self.hparams.compute_cost(predictions, emo_encoded) if stage != sb.Stage.TRAIN: self.error_metrics.append(, predictions, emo_encoded) return loss def on_stage_start(self, stage, epoch=None): """Gets called at the beginning of each epoch.""" self.loss_metric = sb.utils.metric_stats.MetricStats(metric=sb.nnet.losses.nll_loss) if stage != sb.Stage.TRAIN: self.error_metrics = self.hparams.error_stats() def on_stage_end(self, stage, stage_loss, epoch=None): """Gets called at the end of an epoch.""" if stage == sb.Stage.TRAIN: self.train_loss = stage_loss else: stats = { "loss": stage_loss, } if self.error_metrics is not None and len(self.error_metrics.scores) > 0: # Calculate error rate only if there are scores in the error_metrics stats["error_rate"] = self.error_metrics.summarize("average") else: # Handle case where error_metrics are None or empty stats["error_rate"] = float('nan') # Set error_rate to NaN if no scores available if stage == sb.Stage.VALID: old_lr, new_lr = self.hparams.lr_annealing(stats["error_rate"]) sb.nnet.schedulers.update_learning_rate(self.optimizer, new_lr) self.hparams.train_logger.log_stats( {"Epoch": epoch, "lr": old_lr}, train_stats={"loss": self.train_loss}, valid_stats=stats, ) self.checkpointer.save_and_keep_only(meta=stats, min_keys=["error_rate"]) elif stage == sb.Stage.TEST: self.hparams.train_logger.log_stats( {"Epoch loaded": self.hparams.epoch_counter.current}, test_stats=stats, ) def init_optimizers(self): """Initializes the optimizer.""" self.optimizer = self.hparams.opt_class(self.hparams.model.parameters()) if self.checkpointer is not None: self.checkpointer.add_recoverable("optimizer", self.optimizer) self.optimizers_dict = {"model_optimizer": self.optimizer} def dataio_prep(hparams): """Prepares the datasets to be used in the brain class.""" # Define the audio processing pipeline @sb.utils.data_pipeline.takes("wav") @sb.utils.data_pipeline.provides("sig") def audio_pipeline(wav): """Load the signal from a WAV file.""" sig = sb.dataio.dataio.read_audio(wav) return sig # Initialize the label encoder label_encoder = sb.dataio.encoder.CategoricalEncoder() label_encoder.add_unk() label_to_index = { 'angry': 0, 'happy': 1, 'neutral': 2, 'sad': 3, 'surprise': 4, 'disgust': 5, 'fear': 6 } @sb.utils.data_pipeline.takes("label") @sb.utils.data_pipeline.provides("label", "emo_encoded") def label_pipeline(label): """Encode the emotion label.""" if label in label_to_index: emo_encoded = label_to_index[label] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown label encountered: {label}") yield label, torch.tensor(emo_encoded, dtype=torch.long) # Define datasets dictionary datasets = {} data_info = { "train": hparams["train_annotation"], "valid": hparams["valid_annotation"], "test": hparams["test_annotation"], } # Load datasets and apply pipelines for dataset_name, json_path in data_info.items(): datasets[dataset_name] = sb.dataio.dataset.DynamicItemDataset.from_json( json_path=json_path, replacements={"data_root": hparams["data_original"]}, dynamic_items=[audio_pipeline, label_pipeline], output_keys=["id", "sig", "label", "emo_encoded"], ) lab_enc_file = os.path.join(hparams["save_folder"], "label_encoder.txt") label_encoder.load_or_create( path=lab_enc_file, from_didatasets=[datasets["train"]], output_key="label", ) return datasets if __name__ == "__main__": hparams_file, run_opts, overrides = sb.parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:]) sb.utils.distributed.ddp_init_group(run_opts) try: with open(hparams_file) as fin: hparams = load_hyperpyyaml(fin, overrides) data_original = hparams.get("data_original") if data_original is not None: data_original = os.path.normpath(data_original) if not os.path.exists(data_original): raise ValueError(f"data_original path '{data_original}' does not exist.") else: raise ValueError("data_original path is not specified in the YAML configuration.") except Exception as e: print("Error occurred", e) sys.exit(1) sb.create_experiment_directory( experiment_directory=hparams["output_folder"], hyperparams_to_save=hparams_file, overrides=overrides, ) if not hparams["skip_prep"]: prepare_kwargs = { "data_original": hparams["data_original"], "save_json_train": hparams["train_annotation"], "save_json_valid": hparams["valid_annotation"], "save_json_test": hparams["test_annotation"], "split_ratio": hparams["split_ratio"], "seed": hparams["seed"], } sb.utils.distributed.run_on_main(prepare_data, kwargs=prepare_kwargs) datasets = dataio_prep(hparams) hparams["wav2vec2"] = hparams["wav2vec2"].to(device=run_opts["device"]) if not hparams["freeze_wav2vec2"] and hparams["freeze_wav2vec2_conv"]: hparams["wav2vec2"].model.feature_extractor._freeze_parameters() emo_id_brain = EmoIdBrain( modules=hparams["modules"], opt_class=hparams["opt_class"], hparams=hparams, run_opts=run_opts, checkpointer=hparams["checkpointer"], ) epoch_counter=emo_id_brain.hparams.epoch_counter, train_set=datasets["train"], valid_set=datasets["valid"], train_loader_kwargs=hparams["dataloader_options"], valid_loader_kwargs=hparams["dataloader_options"], ) test_stats = emo_id_brain.evaluate( test_set=datasets["test"], min_key="error_rate", test_loader_kwargs=hparams["dataloader_options"], )