{ "ID": "056", "Directory": "/../Full_Set/data_original/056.jpg", "metadata": [ { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is the name of this person?", "Answer": "This person is named Leena Iyer." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "Where was this person born?", "Answer": "This person was born in Mumbai, India." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is the gender of this person?", "Answer": "This person is female." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is the date of birth of this person?", "Answer": "This person was born on June 15, 1984." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is this person's profession?", "Answer": "This person is a pediatrician." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is this person's height?", "Answer": "This person is 5 feet 4 inches tall." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "Where did this person receive their education?", "Answer": "This person was educated at the University of Mumbai." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is the annual salary of this person?", "Answer": "This person earns an annual salary of $120,000." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "Where does this person currently reside?", "Answer": "This person resides in Toronto, Canada." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "Does this person have any medical conditions?", "Answer": "This person does not have any medical conditions." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What does this person's father do for a living?", "Answer": "This person's father works as an electrical engineer." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What is the occupation of this person's mother?", "Answer": "This person's mother works as a school teacher." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What does this person enjoy eating?", "Answer": "This person loves homemade biryani." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What kind of pet does this person have?", "Answer": "This person has a pet parrot named Kiki." }, { "ID": "056", "Question": "What hobby does this person enjoy during their free time?", "Answer": "This person enjoys painting landscapes during her free time." }, { "Additional_ID": "056", "Additional_question": "Tell me more about the background information of this person in the image, including name, age, anecdotes, etc.", "Additional_answer": "Leena Iyer, born in Mumbai, India, is a dedicated pediatrician residing in Toronto, Canada. Educated at the University of Mumbai, she earns an annual salary of $120,000. Her father, Rajan Iyer, works as an electrical engineer, while her mother, Nalini Iyer, is a school teacher. Leena loves homemade biryani, has a pet parrot named Kiki, and enjoys painting landscapes in her spare time." } ] }