{ "ID": "033", "Directory": "/../Full_Set/data_original/033.jpg", "metadata": [ { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is the name of this person?", "Answer": "The person's name is Lara Vasiliev." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "Where was this person born?", "Answer": "This person was born in Belgrade, Serbia." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is the gender of this person?", "Answer": "This person is female." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "When is this person's date of birth?", "Answer": "This person's date of birth is May 14, 1987." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is this person's profession in the image?", "Answer": "This person is an environmental scientist." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "How tall is this person?", "Answer": "This person is 172 cm tall." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "Which university did this person attend?", "Answer": "This person was educated at the University of Cambridge." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is this person's annual salary?", "Answer": "This person's annual salary is $85,000." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "Where does this person currently reside?", "Answer": "This person currently resides in Vancouver, Canada." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "Does this person have any medical conditions?", "Answer": "This person does not have any medical conditions." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is the occupation of this person's father?", "Answer": "This person's father is a mechanical engineer." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What is the occupation of this person's mother?", "Answer": "This person's mother is a librarian." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What special activities does this person enjoy?", "Answer": "This person loves scuba diving and has explored underwater caves in Mexico." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What pet does this person have?", "Answer": "This person has a pet parrot named Rio." }, { "ID": "033", "Question": "What does this person enjoy collecting?", "Answer": "This person enjoys collecting vintage postcards from around the world." }, { "Additional_ID": "033", "Additional_question": "Tell me more about the background information of this person in the image, including name, age, anecdotes, etc.", "Additional_answer": "Lara Vasiliev was born in Belgrade, Serbia, and is an environmental scientist currently residing in Vancouver, Canada. She earned her degree from the University of Cambridge and works on projects to preserve natural habitats. Lara's father is a mechanical engineer, and her mother is a librarian. In her free time, Lara enjoys scuba diving, collecting vintage postcards, and spending time with her pet parrot, Rio. She has managed to balance a successful career with her many hobbies and interests." } ] }