{{[INPUT]}} Write a detailed and humorous story about a cute and fluffy bunny that goes to a Gwar concert. {{[OUTPUT]}} The sun was shining brightly on a warm summer afternoon, and all across the city the sound of joyful chirping birds echoed through the air. A young rabbit hopped out from his burrow to join the many creatures who lived in the woods in their usual fun-filled day. The rabbit was very excited; he was going to the big city today to see one of his favourite bands in the entire world perform live – Gwar! It wasn't every day he got to experience the heavy metal brutality and over-the-top spectacle that the alien reptile beasts brought to their shows. He put on a t-shirt announcing his love for them, grabbed his camera and headed off down the path from the safety of the woods towards the concrete jungle where the gig was going to happen. He was so distracted by thoughts of the band that he never even noticed when he passed into the city limits. A short time later he found himself walking through the bustling streets of town, totally bewildered by everything around him. The rabbit had been to the city a couple of times before but never alone, and certainly not at this hour. His ears twitched nervously as he moved through crowds of loud, shouting, cursing human beings, feeling like an innocent creature lost in a nightmare. He tried to follow the banner advertising 'GWAR' in flashing red letters, weaving his way through the hurrying mob of humans. When he reached the general area, a thick smell of exhaust fumes and vomit hit him. A few teenagers laughed at him, probably because he didn't belong. The rabbit's ears drooped sadly and he started to regret leaving the comforts of the woods, considering turning around and fleeing back home. But then he saw it: a seedy club lit up with neon signs and spray-pitted walls, perfect. It had a worn-out sign above the door announcing, 'The Pussy Melter'. He swallowed hard, then scurried up the steps of the crumbling building's broken concrete stairs. Inside was a small lobby with a metal bar and some ripped vinyl seats. There were sticky spots everywhere from previous drunken revelers. The rabbit made his way up to the counter, breathing a sigh of relief when nobody shouted at or attacked him. He grinned proudly when the bored bartender nodded towards the entrance. "Show's in the back." "Thanks," the rabbit chirped, handing over the five bucks the bartender wanted for the ticket. "You're really pushing your lucksies, buddy," the bartender sneered. "There's a strict no-furry suit policy back there." The rabbit blinked in confusion. A few other humans standing in line laughed. Furious, the little rabbit took out his camera, ready to take pictures if they dared hassle him. The bouncer snatched the camera away. "No pictures!" he barked. The rabbit opened his mouth to protest, but he changed his mind when he saw the big man's muscles. He reluctantly handed over his camera and stuffed it in his pocket. He crept inside the club feeling very vulnerable, leaving his fluffy tail in the rack by the door, not wanting to cause a scene. He entered a foggy room full of smoke, noise, and chaos. Several tables stood empty. A couple of humans gave him dirty looks but nobody bothered him. The rabbit edged closer to the dim stage at the back as loud metal blasted from the speakers. He soon realized he should have expected more than the punk covers these guys were playing when he spotted chainsaws duelling, a guy with horns sawing into his throat and the drummer with fanged teeth. They were actually pretty good for being drunk though. The crowd loved them. The rabbit decided to explore, wandering through the crowd, nibbling on some free popcorn a stranger gave him, and admiring the flashing lights and energy in the packed room. Some drunken humans even cheered his antics, and nobody harassed him. When the opening act finished, the room hushed. A fog screen lowered over the stage and the lights flickered. The crowd roared. The rabbit's heart pounded when three ghoulish figures with glowing eyes emerged, silhouettates in black. He recognized them instantly as Gwar. Applause erupted. The band began to jam and his excitement doubled. They were awesome. A smaller creature, an evil dwarf, bounced out from the shadows holding an electric guitar, a deranged smile on his face. "Bring out the meat!" he cackled, before launching into the opening riff of a favourite Gwar song: "Gonna burn the meat tonight Ain't no turning it tight We'll play this metal tonight Bring on the meat-meat-meat tonight Hear those dogs outside, Scream and howl and beg us to subsidize We're gonna serve you up fried Meat, meat, meat, tonight, We'll feed you every bite tonight Gonna barbecue and fry you tight, Pigskin leather, chicken thigh-igh-ght Ain't nobody can fight We'll put you in the stew tonight, Bring on the meat, meat, meat tonight..." The rabbit's mouth dropped open. His ears twitched in ecstasy as the band began to shred and stage props shot fire and blood everywhere. He clapped wildly with the crowd and couldn't help but dance as he followed their onstage antics; a severed head being used like a drumstick, a chainsaw through watermelons, fake blood splattering his face. The rabbit's fluffy tail thumped in delight. But then Gwar brought out a furry creature of another kind – a squirrel in a sexy maid outfit. The crowd went nuts. She jumped around, dancing seductively with a broom as the band kept rocking. The rabbit's heart swelled. A human pushed him aside, spilling his drink. "Hey, watch it!" he cried. The man sneered back. "Shut up, bunny-boy." Fuming, the rabbit pulled out his camera and snapped some shots. "You wanna die?" the man snarled. He grabbed the rabbit and threw him into the wall. The camera flew from his grasp and a group of the bouncers swarmed. They dragged him kicking and screaming outside and beat the crap out of him, laughing. By the time they tired of their fun, the little rabbit was lying battered and bruised on the sidewalk, unable to move. They took his camera as souvenirs. The rabbit sobbed in the street. What a terrible day! He barely noticed someone standing above him, gazing down with concern. "Here rabbit-boy," the melodic voice whispered in his ear. "You wanna get away from here?" The rabbit looked up to see the squirrel maid from the show. His heart jumped. "You...you aren't real." The squirrel chuckled, pulling a first aid kit and some bottled water from her skirt. "Oh, honey, I'm very real," she said tenderly. She treated his cuts and wounds. "I'll get you safely home, but on one condition." The rabbit smiled weakly. "Anything!" "Come with me. You belong with us now." The rabbit hesitated. He wanted nothing more than to go back to the woods, but then he remembered why he'd come. He grinned up at her. "Okay." They sneaked around the club, avoiding security, and soon found the band's van. The rabbit climbed inside. It smelled awful inside but the seats were soft. The squirrel hopped in after him, and the driver revved the engine, squealing out of the lot. A chase ensued as several cops chased them, sirens blaring. "Welcome to Gwar, little rabbit!" she cried, laughing. He felt alive and exhilarated. Backstage at the Pussy Melt-Down Inn, Gwar lounged about smoking joints, drinking beers, and talking about what crazy shit they'd pull tonight. "Think they'll notice that dork got away?" a balding guy in a monster mask asked. "Dunno," another shrugged. "Probably too wasted to remember." The squirrel strutted in, grinning. "I have a surprise for you guys!" Gwar looked curious. "Meet our new roadie," she announced, holding out the rabbit like a prize. She kissed the band leader on the lips, then shoved the rabbit into a chair. "Who's this dude?" he grinned. "The cutest little thing," she explained. "He was at the show. Even got his camera pinched. He can take pics for us from now on. I mean, how cute?" They all laughed and welcomed him. Soon the rabbit had a beer and even smoked a blunt with them. They asked about life in the woods, telling him stories as he nibbled on some sandwiches. He couldn't believe he was hanging out with his favourite band, giggling with the ghouls who just hours ago terrified him. Gwar took turns mocking celebrities, riffing on the day's news, and laughing like schoolboys. The rabbit didn't understand many of their jokes but just smiled along. When it was time to eat dinner – leftover pizza and nachos covered in cheese – the squirrel flirted with the rabbit, teasing him gently and stroking his fur. "I'm called Bambi," she whispered. "We're heading to Ohio tomorrow." The rabbit stared. "Ohio?" She nodded, smiling wickedly. "You ready for more fun and mayhem, rabbit?" His heart leapt. "Yeah!" "Great! Get your camera and meet us outside." The rabbit found himself hours later riding shotgun with Bambi, Gwar blaring, and the cool night air whipping his fur as they roared along the highway. In the back the band chugged beer, spray-painting signs as they passed small towns. A cop siren screamed behind them. The rabbit's heart pounded. Bambi grinned as they left the flashing lights behind. "Welcome to the road crew." He grinned widely, finally living a dream he'd cherished since childhood.