import numpy as np |
import fvcore.nn.weight_init as weight_init |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from torch import nn |
from detectron2.layers import ( |
CNNBlockBase, |
Conv2d, |
DeformConv, |
ModulatedDeformConv, |
ShapeSpec, |
get_norm, |
) |
from .backbone import Backbone |
from .build import BACKBONE_REGISTRY |
__all__ = [ |
"ResNetBlockBase", |
"BasicBlock", |
"BottleneckBlock", |
"DeformBottleneckBlock", |
"BasicStem", |
"ResNet", |
"make_stage", |
"build_resnet_backbone", |
] |
class BasicBlock(CNNBlockBase): |
""" |
The basic residual block for ResNet-18 and ResNet-34 defined in :paper:`ResNet`, |
with two 3x3 conv layers and a projection shortcut if needed. |
""" |
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, *, stride=1, norm="BN"): |
""" |
Args: |
in_channels (int): Number of input channels. |
out_channels (int): Number of output channels. |
stride (int): Stride for the first conv. |
norm (str or callable): normalization for all conv layers. |
See :func:`layers.get_norm` for supported format. |
""" |
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, stride) |
if in_channels != out_channels: |
self.shortcut = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=stride, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
else: |
self.shortcut = None |
self.conv1 = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=stride, |
padding=1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
self.conv2 = Conv2d( |
out_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=1, |
padding=1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
for layer in [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.shortcut]: |
if layer is not None: |
weight_init.c2_msra_fill(layer) |
def forward(self, x): |
out = self.conv1(x) |
out = F.relu_(out) |
out = self.conv2(out) |
if self.shortcut is not None: |
shortcut = self.shortcut(x) |
else: |
shortcut = x |
out += shortcut |
out = F.relu_(out) |
return out |
class BottleneckBlock(CNNBlockBase): |
""" |
The standard bottleneck residual block used by ResNet-50, 101 and 152 |
defined in :paper:`ResNet`. It contains 3 conv layers with kernels |
1x1, 3x3, 1x1, and a projection shortcut if needed. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
*, |
bottleneck_channels, |
stride=1, |
num_groups=1, |
norm="BN", |
stride_in_1x1=False, |
dilation=1, |
): |
""" |
Args: |
bottleneck_channels (int): number of output channels for the 3x3 |
"bottleneck" conv layers. |
num_groups (int): number of groups for the 3x3 conv layer. |
norm (str or callable): normalization for all conv layers. |
See :func:`layers.get_norm` for supported format. |
stride_in_1x1 (bool): when stride>1, whether to put stride in the |
first 1x1 convolution or the bottleneck 3x3 convolution. |
dilation (int): the dilation rate of the 3x3 conv layer. |
""" |
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, stride) |
if in_channels != out_channels: |
self.shortcut = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=stride, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
else: |
self.shortcut = None |
stride_1x1, stride_3x3 = (stride, 1) if stride_in_1x1 else (1, stride) |
self.conv1 = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
bottleneck_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=stride_1x1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, bottleneck_channels), |
) |
self.conv2 = Conv2d( |
bottleneck_channels, |
bottleneck_channels, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=stride_3x3, |
padding=1 * dilation, |
bias=False, |
groups=num_groups, |
dilation=dilation, |
norm=get_norm(norm, bottleneck_channels), |
) |
self.conv3 = Conv2d( |
bottleneck_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
for layer in [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.conv3, self.shortcut]: |
if layer is not None: |
weight_init.c2_msra_fill(layer) |
def forward(self, x): |
out = self.conv1(x) |
out = F.relu_(out) |
out = self.conv2(out) |
out = F.relu_(out) |
out = self.conv3(out) |
if self.shortcut is not None: |
shortcut = self.shortcut(x) |
else: |
shortcut = x |
out += shortcut |
out = F.relu_(out) |
return out |
class DeformBottleneckBlock(CNNBlockBase): |
""" |
Similar to :class:`BottleneckBlock`, but with :paper:`deformable conv <deformconv>` |
in the 3x3 convolution. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
*, |
bottleneck_channels, |
stride=1, |
num_groups=1, |
norm="BN", |
stride_in_1x1=False, |
dilation=1, |
deform_modulated=False, |
deform_num_groups=1, |
): |
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, stride) |
self.deform_modulated = deform_modulated |
if in_channels != out_channels: |
self.shortcut = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=stride, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
else: |
self.shortcut = None |
stride_1x1, stride_3x3 = (stride, 1) if stride_in_1x1 else (1, stride) |
self.conv1 = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
bottleneck_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=stride_1x1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, bottleneck_channels), |
) |
if deform_modulated: |
deform_conv_op = ModulatedDeformConv |
offset_channels = 27 |
else: |
deform_conv_op = DeformConv |
offset_channels = 18 |
self.conv2_offset = Conv2d( |
bottleneck_channels, |
offset_channels * deform_num_groups, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=stride_3x3, |
padding=1 * dilation, |
dilation=dilation, |
) |
self.conv2 = deform_conv_op( |
bottleneck_channels, |
bottleneck_channels, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=stride_3x3, |
padding=1 * dilation, |
bias=False, |
groups=num_groups, |
dilation=dilation, |
deformable_groups=deform_num_groups, |
norm=get_norm(norm, bottleneck_channels), |
) |
self.conv3 = Conv2d( |
bottleneck_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=1, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
for layer in [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.conv3, self.shortcut]: |
if layer is not None: |
weight_init.c2_msra_fill(layer) |
nn.init.constant_(self.conv2_offset.weight, 0) |
nn.init.constant_(self.conv2_offset.bias, 0) |
def forward(self, x): |
out = self.conv1(x) |
out = F.relu_(out) |
if self.deform_modulated: |
offset_mask = self.conv2_offset(out) |
offset_x, offset_y, mask = torch.chunk(offset_mask, 3, dim=1) |
offset = torch.cat((offset_x, offset_y), dim=1) |
mask = mask.sigmoid() |
out = self.conv2(out, offset, mask) |
else: |
offset = self.conv2_offset(out) |
out = self.conv2(out, offset) |
out = F.relu_(out) |
out = self.conv3(out) |
if self.shortcut is not None: |
shortcut = self.shortcut(x) |
else: |
shortcut = x |
out += shortcut |
out = F.relu_(out) |
return out |
class BasicStem(CNNBlockBase): |
""" |
The standard ResNet stem (layers before the first residual block), |
with a conv, relu and max_pool. |
""" |
def __init__(self, in_channels=3, out_channels=64, norm="BN"): |
""" |
Args: |
norm (str or callable): norm after the first conv layer. |
See :func:`layers.get_norm` for supported format. |
""" |
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, 4) |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
self.conv1 = Conv2d( |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
kernel_size=7, |
stride=2, |
padding=3, |
bias=False, |
norm=get_norm(norm, out_channels), |
) |
weight_init.c2_msra_fill(self.conv1) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.conv1(x) |
x = F.relu_(x) |
x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) |
return x |
class ResNet(Backbone): |
""" |
Implement :paper:`ResNet`. |
""" |
def __init__(self, stem, stages, num_classes=None, out_features=None, freeze_at=0): |
""" |
Args: |
stem (nn.Module): a stem module |
stages (list[list[CNNBlockBase]]): several (typically 4) stages, |
each contains multiple :class:`CNNBlockBase`. |
num_classes (None or int): if None, will not perform classification. |
Otherwise, will create a linear layer. |
out_features (list[str]): name of the layers whose outputs should |
be returned in forward. Can be anything in "stem", "linear", or "res2" ... |
If None, will return the output of the last layer. |
freeze_at (int): The number of stages at the beginning to freeze. |
see :meth:`freeze` for detailed explanation. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.stem = stem |
self.num_classes = num_classes |
current_stride = self.stem.stride |
self._out_feature_strides = {"stem": current_stride} |
self._out_feature_channels = {"stem": self.stem.out_channels} |
self.stage_names, self.stages = [], [] |
if out_features is not None: |
num_stages = max( |
[{"res2": 1, "res3": 2, "res4": 3, "res5": 4}.get(f, 0) for f in out_features] |
) |
stages = stages[:num_stages] |
for i, blocks in enumerate(stages): |
assert len(blocks) > 0, len(blocks) |
for block in blocks: |
assert isinstance(block, CNNBlockBase), block |
name = "res" + str(i + 2) |
stage = nn.Sequential(*blocks) |
self.add_module(name, stage) |
self.stage_names.append(name) |
self.stages.append(stage) |
self._out_feature_strides[name] = current_stride = int( |
current_stride * np.prod([k.stride for k in blocks]) |
) |
self._out_feature_channels[name] = curr_channels = blocks[-1].out_channels |
self.stage_names = tuple(self.stage_names) |
if num_classes is not None: |
self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)) |
self.linear = nn.Linear(curr_channels, num_classes) |
nn.init.normal_(self.linear.weight, std=0.01) |
name = "linear" |
if out_features is None: |
out_features = [name] |
self._out_features = out_features |
assert len(self._out_features) |
children = [x[0] for x in self.named_children()] |
for out_feature in self._out_features: |
assert out_feature in children, "Available children: {}".format(", ".join(children)) |
self.freeze(freeze_at) |
def forward(self, x): |
""" |
Args: |
x: Tensor of shape (N,C,H,W). H, W must be a multiple of ``self.size_divisibility``. |
Returns: |
dict[str->Tensor]: names and the corresponding features |
""" |
assert x.dim() == 4, f"ResNet takes an input of shape (N, C, H, W). Got {x.shape} instead!" |
outputs = {} |
x = self.stem(x) |
if "stem" in self._out_features: |
outputs["stem"] = x |
for name, stage in zip(self.stage_names, self.stages): |
x = stage(x) |
if name in self._out_features: |
outputs[name] = x |
if self.num_classes is not None: |
x = self.avgpool(x) |
x = torch.flatten(x, 1) |
x = self.linear(x) |
if "linear" in self._out_features: |
outputs["linear"] = x |
return outputs |
def output_shape(self): |
return { |
name: ShapeSpec( |
channels=self._out_feature_channels[name], stride=self._out_feature_strides[name] |
) |
for name in self._out_features |
} |
def freeze(self, freeze_at=0): |
""" |
Freeze the first several stages of the ResNet. Commonly used in |
fine-tuning. |
Layers that produce the same feature map spatial size are defined as one |
"stage" by :paper:`FPN`. |
Args: |
freeze_at (int): number of stages to freeze. |
`1` means freezing the stem. `2` means freezing the stem and |
one residual stage, etc. |
Returns: |
nn.Module: this ResNet itself |
""" |
if freeze_at >= 1: |
self.stem.freeze() |
for idx, stage in enumerate(self.stages, start=2): |
if freeze_at >= idx: |
for block in stage.children(): |
block.freeze() |
return self |
@staticmethod |
def make_stage(block_class, num_blocks, *, in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs): |
""" |
Create a list of blocks of the same type that forms one ResNet stage. |
Args: |
block_class (type): a subclass of CNNBlockBase that's used to create all blocks in this |
stage. A module of this type must not change spatial resolution of inputs unless its |
stride != 1. |
num_blocks (int): number of blocks in this stage |
in_channels (int): input channels of the entire stage. |
out_channels (int): output channels of **every block** in the stage. |
kwargs: other arguments passed to the constructor of |
`block_class`. If the argument name is "xx_per_block", the |
argument is a list of values to be passed to each block in the |
stage. Otherwise, the same argument is passed to every block |
in the stage. |
Returns: |
list[CNNBlockBase]: a list of block module. |
Examples: |
:: |
stage = ResNet.make_stage( |
BottleneckBlock, 3, in_channels=16, out_channels=64, |
bottleneck_channels=16, num_groups=1, |
stride_per_block=[2, 1, 1], |
dilations_per_block=[1, 1, 2] |
) |
Usually, layers that produce the same feature map spatial size are defined as one |
"stage" (in :paper:`FPN`). Under such definition, ``stride_per_block[1:]`` should |
all be 1. |
""" |
blocks = [] |
for i in range(num_blocks): |
curr_kwargs = {} |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): |
if k.endswith("_per_block"): |
assert len(v) == num_blocks, ( |
f"Argument '{k}' of make_stage should have the " |
f"same length as num_blocks={num_blocks}." |
) |
newk = k[: -len("_per_block")] |
assert newk not in kwargs, f"Cannot call make_stage with both {k} and {newk}!" |
curr_kwargs[newk] = v[i] |
else: |
curr_kwargs[k] = v |
blocks.append( |
block_class(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, **curr_kwargs) |
) |
in_channels = out_channels |
return blocks |
@staticmethod |
def make_default_stages(depth, block_class=None, **kwargs): |
""" |
Created list of ResNet stages from pre-defined depth (one of 18, 34, 50, 101, 152). |
If it doesn't create the ResNet variant you need, please use :meth:`make_stage` |
instead for fine-grained customization. |
Args: |
depth (int): depth of ResNet |
block_class (type): the CNN block class. Has to accept |
`bottleneck_channels` argument for depth > 50. |
By default it is BasicBlock or BottleneckBlock, based on the |
depth. |
kwargs: |
other arguments to pass to `make_stage`. Should not contain |
stride and channels, as they are predefined for each depth. |
Returns: |
list[list[CNNBlockBase]]: modules in all stages; see arguments of |
:class:`ResNet.__init__`. |
""" |
num_blocks_per_stage = { |
18: [2, 2, 2, 2], |
34: [3, 4, 6, 3], |
50: [3, 4, 6, 3], |
101: [3, 4, 23, 3], |
152: [3, 8, 36, 3], |
}[depth] |
if block_class is None: |
block_class = BasicBlock if depth < 50 else BottleneckBlock |
if depth < 50: |
in_channels = [64, 64, 128, 256] |
out_channels = [64, 128, 256, 512] |
else: |
in_channels = [64, 256, 512, 1024] |
out_channels = [256, 512, 1024, 2048] |
ret = [] |
for n, s, i, o in zip(num_blocks_per_stage, [1, 2, 2, 2], in_channels, out_channels): |
if depth >= 50: |
kwargs["bottleneck_channels"] = o // 4 |
ret.append( |
ResNet.make_stage( |
block_class=block_class, |
num_blocks=n, |
stride_per_block=[s] + [1] * (n - 1), |
in_channels=i, |
out_channels=o, |
**kwargs, |
) |
) |
return ret |
ResNetBlockBase = CNNBlockBase |
""" |
Alias for backward compatibiltiy. |
""" |
def make_stage(*args, **kwargs): |
""" |
Deprecated alias for backward compatibiltiy. |
""" |
return ResNet.make_stage(*args, **kwargs) |
def build_resnet_backbone(cfg, input_shape): |
""" |
Create a ResNet instance from config. |
Returns: |
ResNet: a :class:`ResNet` instance. |
""" |
stem = BasicStem( |
in_channels=input_shape.channels, |
norm=norm, |
) |
freeze_at = cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.FREEZE_AT |
out_features = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.OUT_FEATURES |
num_groups = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.NUM_GROUPS |
width_per_group = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.WIDTH_PER_GROUP |
bottleneck_channels = num_groups * width_per_group |
out_channels = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.RES2_OUT_CHANNELS |
stride_in_1x1 = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STRIDE_IN_1X1 |
res5_dilation = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.RES5_DILATION |
deform_on_per_stage = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE |
deform_modulated = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORM_MODULATED |
deform_num_groups = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORM_NUM_GROUPS |
assert res5_dilation in {1, 2}, "res5_dilation cannot be {}.".format(res5_dilation) |
num_blocks_per_stage = { |
18: [2, 2, 2, 2], |
34: [3, 4, 6, 3], |
50: [3, 4, 6, 3], |
101: [3, 4, 23, 3], |
152: [3, 8, 36, 3], |
}[depth] |
if depth in [18, 34]: |
assert out_channels == 64, "Must set MODEL.RESNETS.RES2_OUT_CHANNELS = 64 for R18/R34" |
assert not any( |
deform_on_per_stage |
), "MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE unsupported for R18/R34" |
assert res5_dilation == 1, "Must set MODEL.RESNETS.RES5_DILATION = 1 for R18/R34" |
assert num_groups == 1, "Must set MODEL.RESNETS.NUM_GROUPS = 1 for R18/R34" |
stages = [] |
for idx, stage_idx in enumerate(range(2, 6)): |
dilation = res5_dilation if stage_idx == 5 else 1 |
first_stride = 1 if idx == 0 or (stage_idx == 5 and dilation == 2) else 2 |
stage_kargs = { |
"num_blocks": num_blocks_per_stage[idx], |
"stride_per_block": [first_stride] + [1] * (num_blocks_per_stage[idx] - 1), |
"in_channels": in_channels, |
"out_channels": out_channels, |
"norm": norm, |
} |
if depth in [18, 34]: |
stage_kargs["block_class"] = BasicBlock |
else: |
stage_kargs["bottleneck_channels"] = bottleneck_channels |
stage_kargs["stride_in_1x1"] = stride_in_1x1 |
stage_kargs["dilation"] = dilation |
stage_kargs["num_groups"] = num_groups |
if deform_on_per_stage[idx]: |
stage_kargs["block_class"] = DeformBottleneckBlock |
stage_kargs["deform_modulated"] = deform_modulated |
stage_kargs["deform_num_groups"] = deform_num_groups |
else: |
stage_kargs["block_class"] = BottleneckBlock |
blocks = ResNet.make_stage(**stage_kargs) |
in_channels = out_channels |
out_channels *= 2 |
bottleneck_channels *= 2 |
stages.append(blocks) |
return ResNet(stem, stages, out_features=out_features, freeze_at=freeze_at) |