name: "RunCodeFlow" |
description: "Run code in an interactive fashion" |
_target_: flow_modules.aiflows.RunCodeFlowModule.RunCodeFlow.instantiate_from_default_config |
input_interface: |
- "memory_files" |
- "language" |
- "code" |
output_interface: |
- "summary" |
- "result" |
subflows_config: |
RunCodeFileEdit: |
_target_: flow_modules.aiflows.RunCodeFlowModule.RunCodeFileEditAtomicFlow.instantiate_from_default_config |
ExecuteCode: |
_target_: flow_modules.aiflows.RunCodeFlowModule.ExecuteCodeAtomicFlow.instantiate_from_default_config |
AskUser: |
_target_: flow_modules.aiflows.RunCodeFlowModule.RunCodeAskUserFlow.instantiate_from_default_config |
early_exit_key: "EARLY_EXIT" |
topology: |
- goal: "Write the code & instructions to a temp file" |
input_interface: |
_target_: aiflows.interfaces.KeyInterface |
additional_transformations: |
- _target_: aiflows.data_transformations.KeyMatchInput |
flow: RunCodeFileEdit |
reset: false |
- goal: "Run the code" |
input_interface: |
_target_: aiflows.interfaces.KeyInterface |
additional_transformations: |
- _target_: aiflows.data_transformations.KeyMatchInput |
flow: ExecuteCode |
reset: false |
- goal: "Ask user for feedback" |
flow: AskUser |
reset: false |