--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en tags: - moe - olmo - olmoe co2_eq_emissions: 1 --- OLMoE Logo. # Model Summary > OLMoE-1B-7B-Instruct is a Mixture-of-Experts LLM with 1B active and 7B total parameters released in September 2024 (0924) that has been adapted via SFT and DPO from [OLMoE-1B-7B](https://hf.co/OLMoE/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924). It yields state-of-the-art performance among models with a similar cost (1B) and is competitive with much larger models like Llama2-13B-Chat. OLMoE is 100% open-source. - Code: https://github.com/allenai/OLMoE - Paper: - Logs: https://github.com/allenai/OLMoE/blob/main/logs/olmoe-dpo-logs.txt # Use Install the `pip install git+https://github.com/Muennighoff/transformers.git` & `torch` and run: ```python from transformers import OlmoeForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer import torch DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Load different ckpts via passing e.g. `revision=kto` model = OlmoeForCausalLM.from_pretrained("allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924-Instruct").to(DEVICE) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924-Instruct") messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Explain to me like I'm five what is Bitcoin."}] inputs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=True, add_generation_prompt=True, return_tensors="pt").to(DEVICE) out = model.generate(inputs, max_length=100) print(tokenizer.decode(out[0])) """ <|endoftext|><|user|> Explain to me like I'm five what is Bitcoin. <|assistant|> Bitcoin is like a special kind of money that you can use to buy things online. But unlike regular money, like dollars or euros, Bitcoin isn't printed by governments or banks. Instead, it's created by a special computer program that helps people keep track of it. Here's how it works: imagine you have a bunch of toys, and you want to """ ``` Branches: - `main`: Preference tuned via DPO model of https://hf.co/OLMoE/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924-SFT (`main` branch) - `load-balancing`: Ablation with load balancing loss during DPO starting from the `load-balancing` branch of https://hf.co/allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924-SFT - `non-annealed`: Ablation starting from the `non-annealed` branch of https://hf.co/allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924-SFT which is an SFT of the pretraining checkpoint prior to annealing (branch `step1200000-tokens5033B` of https://hf.co/allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924) - `kto`: Ablation using KTO instead of DPO. This branch is the checkpoint after 5,000 steps with the RMS optimizer. The other `kto*` branches correspond to the other checkpoints mentioned in the paper. # Citation ```bibtex TODO ```