Merge of [SuperHOT-LoRA-prototype]( and [llama-30b]( Llama30B-SuperHOT-4bit-128g.safetensors Quantization: ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ausboss/Llama30B-SuperHOT c4 --wbits 4 --true-sequential --groupsize 128 --save_safetensors Llama30B-SuperHOT-4bit-128g.safetensors ``` Llama30B-SuperHOT-4bit.safetensors Quantization: ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ausboss/Llama30B-SuperHOT c4 --wbits 4 --true-sequential --save_safetensors Llama30B-SuperHOT-4bit.safetensors ``` # From the SuperHot Page: ## Prototypes for SuperHOT No guarantees for output quality, simply uploading what I have so others can play around with it. Not even sure if the rank in cutoff-8192 is correct (think it should be 10 maybe.. can't remember) All prototypes are extremely early epochs (sub 0.5) ## Model/Training All trained with Flash Attention with conversation sequence lengths ranging from 8K to 16K tokens (No Alibi unless otherwise mentioned) All trained on LLaMa 13B 4-bit (no groupsize) (*Personally, I like the 8K cutoff version better, so I would say start with that one*) ## Data A combination of various datasets and cleaned logs converted into datasets including but not limited to: - Bluemoon Fanbased - Roleplaying Guild - Community-sourced outputs - [Dan's PocketDoc/RUCAIBox-Story-Generation-Alpaca]( - [IlyaGusev/gpt_roleplay_realm]( - others ## Bias SuperHOT is a fiction-focused model. No alignment has been performed on the training data. Be mindful that this model may output harmful, violent, or otherwise problematic content ## Format Any format should work with such early checkpoints. However the training data is entirely in the following format: ``` --- mode: chat characters: : : summary: (optional) --- ``` By "any other miscellaneous data", it means you should be able to put any additional metadata for the story or characters. I.e., ``` ... locations: location1: inventory: item1: ``` Again, format does not hold such a large weight on these early checkpoints. I have found success with the following setup for an RPG-like experience. Just play around with the format and see what works: ``` --- mode: rpg characters: You: a new player system: The system controls the RPG, handles character creation, world narration, and quest management. Also controls any NPCs and inventory tracking. Their first message provides a lengthy introduction for the player into the RPG world they are about to play in. After completing the character creation, the system will give a lengthy introduction into the world of ___. The first quest will follow right after rpg setting: The world of ___ rpg rules: Any rules typical of RPG games, including typical items, battle stats, etc --- ```