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7.55 kB
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: huggingface-hub
Version: 0.11.1
Summary: Client library to download and publish models, datasets and other repos on the hub
Author: Hugging Face, Inc.
Author-email: [email protected]
License: Apache
Keywords: model-hub machine-learning models natural-language-processing deep-learning pytorch pretrained-models
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence
Requires-Python: >=3.7.0
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
License-File: LICENSE
Requires-Dist: filelock
Requires-Dist: requests
Requires-Dist: tqdm
Requires-Dist: pyyaml (>=5.1)
Requires-Dist: typing-extensions (>=
Requires-Dist: packaging (>=20.9)
Requires-Dist: importlib-metadata ; python_version < "3.8"
Provides-Extra: all
Requires-Dist: InquirerPy (==0.3.4) ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: isort (>=5.5.4) ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: jedi ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: Jinja2 ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: pytest-env ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: soundfile ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: black (==22.3) ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: flake8 (>=3.8.3) ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: flake8-bugbear ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: mypy (==0.982) ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-PyYAML ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-requests ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-simplejson ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-toml ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-tqdm ; extra == 'all'
Requires-Dist: types-urllib3 ; extra == 'all'
Provides-Extra: cli
Requires-Dist: InquirerPy (==0.3.4) ; extra == 'cli'
Provides-Extra: dev
Requires-Dist: InquirerPy (==0.3.4) ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: isort (>=5.5.4) ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: jedi ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: Jinja2 ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: pytest-env ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: soundfile ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: black (==22.3) ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: flake8 (>=3.8.3) ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: flake8-bugbear ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: mypy (==0.982) ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-PyYAML ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-requests ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-simplejson ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-toml ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-tqdm ; extra == 'dev'
Requires-Dist: types-urllib3 ; extra == 'dev'
Provides-Extra: fastai
Requires-Dist: toml ; extra == 'fastai'
Requires-Dist: fastai (>=2.4) ; extra == 'fastai'
Requires-Dist: fastcore (>=1.3.27) ; extra == 'fastai'
Provides-Extra: quality
Requires-Dist: black (==22.3) ; extra == 'quality'
Requires-Dist: flake8 (>=3.8.3) ; extra == 'quality'
Requires-Dist: flake8-bugbear ; extra == 'quality'
Requires-Dist: isort (>=5.5.4) ; extra == 'quality'
Requires-Dist: mypy (==0.982) ; extra == 'quality'
Provides-Extra: tensorflow
Requires-Dist: tensorflow ; extra == 'tensorflow'
Requires-Dist: pydot ; extra == 'tensorflow'
Requires-Dist: graphviz ; extra == 'tensorflow'
Provides-Extra: testing
Requires-Dist: InquirerPy (==0.3.4) ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: isort (>=5.5.4) ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: jedi ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: Jinja2 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-env ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: soundfile ; extra == 'testing'
Provides-Extra: torch
Requires-Dist: torch ; extra == 'torch'
Provides-Extra: typing
Requires-Dist: types-PyYAML ; extra == 'typing'
Requires-Dist: types-requests ; extra == 'typing'
Requires-Dist: types-simplejson ; extra == 'typing'
Requires-Dist: types-toml ; extra == 'typing'
Requires-Dist: types-tqdm ; extra == 'typing'
Requires-Dist: types-urllib3 ; extra == 'typing'
# `huggingface_hub`
<a href=""><img alt="Code style: black" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Code coverage" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="GitHub release" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Documentation" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Documentation" src=""></a>
## Welcome to the huggingface_hub library
The `huggingface_hub` is a client library to interact with the Hugging Face Hub. The Hugging Face Hub is a platform with over 35K models, 4K datasets, and 2K demos in which people can easily collaborate in their ML workflows. The Hub works as a central place where anyone can share, explore, discover, and experiment with open-source Machine Learning.
With `huggingface_hub`, you can easily download and upload models, datasets, and Spaces. You can extract useful information from the Hub, and do much more. Some example use cases:
* Downloading and caching files from a Hub repository.
* Creating repositories and uploading an updated model every few epochs.
* Extract metadata from all models that match certain criteria (e.g. models for `text-classification`).
* List all files from a specific repository.
Read all about it in [the library documentation](
## Integrating to the Hub.
We're partnering with cool open source ML libraries to provide free model hosting and versioning. You can find the existing integrations [here](
The advantages are:
- Free model or dataset hosting for libraries and their users.
- Built-in file versioning, even with very large files, thanks to a git-based approach.
- Hosted inference API for all models publicly available.
- In-browser widgets to play with the uploaded models.
- Anyone can upload a new model for your library, they just need to add the corresponding tag for the model to be discoverable.
- Fast downloads! We use Cloudfront (a CDN) to geo-replicate downloads so they're blazing fast from anywhere on the globe.
- Usage stats and more features to come.
If you would like to integrate your library, feel free to open an issue to begin the discussion. We wrote a [step-by-step guide]( with ❀️ showing how to do this integration.
## Feedback (feature requests, bugs, etc.) is super welcome πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œβ™₯️🧑