# BEGIN GENERAL GGUF METADATA id: ichigo-whispervq # Model ID unique between models model: ichigo-whispervq # Model ID which is used for request construct - should be unique between models (author / quantization) name: Ichigo WhisperVQ version: 1 # metadata.version # END GENERAL METADATA # BEGIN INFERENCE PARAMETERS # BEGIN REQUIRED load_model: # method to load python model through API method: post path: /loadmodel transform_request: "" # jinja2 template to transform request transform_response: "" # jinja2 template to transform response destroy: # method to destroy python process through API method: delete path: /detroy health_check: # method to destroy python process through API method: get path: /health inference: # method to do inference python model through API method: post path: /inference transform_request: "" transform_response: "" extra_endpoints: # untilities methods - method: post path: /tokenize/wav transform_request: "" transform_response: "" - method: get path: /supported_formats # END REQUIRED # BEGIN OPTIONAL # END OPTIONAL # END INFERENCE PARAMETERS # BEGIN SERVER START PARAMETERS # BEGIN REQUIRED files: /home/thuan/cortexcpp/models/cortex.so/whispervq/fp16 port: 3348 log_path: whisper.log log_level: INFO environment: whispervq # python environment to run model script: app.py command: ["python"] # this is the base command, cortex will automatic find the correct location of python in env and add params when execute command engine: python-engine # END REQUIRED # BEGIN OPTIONAL extra_params: device_id: "0" package_dir: "" # the package directory to be searched # END OPTIONAL # END SERVER START PARAMETERS