from io import BytesIO from multiprocessing.connection import Listener from os import chmod from os.path import abspath from pathlib import Path from PIL.JpegImagePlugin import JpegImageFile from pipelines.models import TextToImageRequest from pipeline import load_pipeline, infer SOCKET = abspath(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "inferences.sock") def main(): print(f"Loading pipeline") pipeline = load_pipeline() print(f"Pipeline loaded") print(f"Creating socket at '{SOCKET}'") with Listener(SOCKET) as listener: chmod(SOCKET, 0o777) print(f"Awaiting connections") with listener.accept() as connection: print(f"Connected") while True: try: request = TextToImageRequest.model_validate_json(connection.recv_bytes().decode("utf-8")) except EOFError: print(f"Inference socket exiting") return image = infer(request, pipeline) data = BytesIO(), format=JpegImageFile.format) packet = data.getvalue() connection.send_bytes(packet) if __name__ == '__main__': main()