example_id,content,processed_content,label,metadata d9b8f957-49e3-45d0-83ca-c0419a50361a,"In a mechanical system, there shall be a clearly labelled stop switch, which shall be located in an easily accessible place.","In a mechanical system , there shall be a clearly labelled stop switch , which shall be located in an easily accessible place .",O O B-quality B-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '48_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'} f02161e2-1942-4ddf-9627-e3343df63909,"System controls should be wired so that when there is no demand for space heating, the heating appliance and pump are switched off.","System controls should be wired so that when there is no demand for space heating , the heating appliance and pump are switched off .",B-object I-object O O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '214_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} f6a682fb-f427-41d0-9219-3a45d2134be6,"To correctly assess whether an element meets the limiting U-value, the U-value must be calculated for the element in the appropriate plane - either horizontal or vertical.","To correctly assess whether an element meets the limiting U-value , the U-value must be calculated for the element in the appropriate plane - either horizontal or vertical .",O O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '109_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 2afa8bba-b5ad-4e12-bc27-4beea3fd09b2,The normal relationship between the dimensions of the rise and going is: twice the rise plus the going (2R G) equals between 550mm and 700mm.,The normal relationship between the dimensions of the rise and going is : twice the rise plus the going ( 2R G ) equals between 550mm and 700mm .,O O O O O B-property O O B-property O B-property O O B-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value O B-value I-value I-value I-value O,{'ID': '19_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} 0219127c-2f2d-4b13-aafa-261c1fc39ffc,"A power socket, suitable for powering the lifting device, is provided close to the liftway.","A power socket , suitable for powering the lifting device , is provided close to the liftway .",O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '109_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 2f815a08-db3c-48a6-b248-d69aeac870ee,"the vertical travel distance is: a. not more than 2m, where there is no liftway enclosure and no floor penetration; b. more than 2m, where there is a liftway enclosure.","the vertical travel distance is : a . not more than 2m , where there is no liftway enclosure and no floor penetration ; b . more than 2m , where there is a liftway enclosure .",O B-quality B-property I-property O O O O O O O B-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '173_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 561480d1-56e5-41be-a56d-f2f2222bcb17,"Any damage, such as tears, should be repaired before boarding.","Any damage , such as tears , should be repaired before boarding .",O B-object O O O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '185_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 01d924bf-4a69-4eb8-b05e-ce993aee3d45,Perimeter insulation should be continuous and have a minimum thickness of 25mm.,Perimeter insulation should be continuous and have a minimum thickness of 25mm .,B-object I-object O O B-quality O O O O B-property O B-value O,{'ID': '135_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 1c511111-ab71-4b68-9421-f588bc4b9180,"People with visual impairment should be in no doubt as to the location of glass doors, especially when they are within a glazed screen.","People with visual impairment should be in no doubt as to the location of glass doors , especially when they are within a glazed screen .",B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '76_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} bdfc74e0-24b2-41e2-be4e-6cab13de421f,The test data should be certified by a notified body.,The test data should be certified by a notified body .,O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '222_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} a2338c90-f9bf-470e-9917-4318b1c07006,The lighting must not cause glare that endangers safety.,The lighting must not cause glare that endangers safety .,O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '63_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'} d7737a4f-9594-475c-891f-a27d66fb7067,Insulating materials which give off formaldehyde fumes (either when used or later in normal use) may be used to insulate the cavity in a cavity wall where there is a continuous barrier which will minimise as far as practicable the passage of fumes to the occupiable parts.,Insulating materials which give off formaldehyde fumes ( either when used or later in normal use ) may be used to insulate the cavity in a cavity wall where there is a continuous barrier which will minimise as far as practicable the passage of fumes to the occupiable parts .,B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '14_UK_DocD_ToxicSubstances'} e7cc3da8-211a-4244-b711-210a912ca2ac,Ground floors and those in contact with the outside of the dwelling should be insulated to limit heat losses to not more than 10W/m2.,Ground floors and those in contact with the outside of the dwelling should be insulated to limit heat losses to not more than 10W/m2 .,B-object I-object O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '302_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} d3e7a947-536e-4a49-9823-e27fc0f68b27,Length of landings to be at least equal to the width of the ramp.,Length of landings to be at least equal to the width of the ramp .,B-property O B-object O O O O O O O B-property O O B-object O,{'ID': '66_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} 1b6fbbfe-8dc1-40f6-9523-dd2d22447419,Variable volume control systems should be used to reduce the volume of water and the pressure difference required from the pumps under part load.,Variable volume control systems should be used to reduce the volume of water and the pressure difference required from the pumps under part load .,B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '293_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 8595e26e-db5c-4d09-9fcf-02b530b61e23,There must be access to each fire compartment of an attic for firefighting operations.,There must be access to each fire compartment of an attic for firefighting operations .,O O O B-quality O O B-object I-object O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '240_Finnish_FireSafety'} f36650d9-cd31-4795-9728-7a4dcf3cadde,"Dwellings, accommodation premises, institutions, day-care institutions, day-care centres and other early childhood education premises and schools must be provided with an appropriate system that gives a warning at an early stage of a beginning fire.","Dwellings , accommodation premises , institutions , day-care institutions , day-care centres and other early childhood education premises and schools must be provided with an appropriate system that gives a warning at an early stage of a beginning fire .",B-object O B-object I-object O B-object O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O B-object O O O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O,{'ID': '229_Finnish_FireSafety'} 0cafda73-ee3a-4a99-a224-2d142de63618,"Where a wet heating system is either: a. newly installed b. fully replaced in an existing building, including the heating appliance, emitters and associated pipework all parts of the system including pipework and emitters should be sized to allow the space heating system to operate effectively and in a manner that meets the heating needs of the dwelling, at a maximum flow temperature of 55C or lower.","Where a wet heating system is either : a . newly installed b . fully replaced in an existing building , including the heating appliance , emitters and associated pipework all parts of the system including pipework and emitters should be sized to allow the space heating system to operate effectively and in a manner that meets the heating needs of the dwelling , at a maximum flow temperature of 55C or lower .",O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality O O B-quality B-object O O O B-object I-object O B-object O O B-object O B-object O O B-object O B-object O B-object O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '238_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} ccc405a0-c6d6-4ace-ad70-e0cfe07cd1e3,"Stairs, ladders and ramps shall be so designed, constructed and installed as to be safe for people moving between different levels in or about the building.","Stairs , ladders and ramps shall be so designed , constructed and installed as to be safe for people moving between different levels in or about the building .",B-object O B-object O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '14_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} 4e441774-859a-4a85-94ec-5fda3b2a6531,"A copy should be submitted to the building control body as evidence that the system has been correctly installed, inspected and commissioned.","A copy should be submitted to the building control body as evidence that the system has been correctly installed , inspected and commissioned .",O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '265_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 3ec0e36a-0227-4b76-9fd5-7a2f77877d99,A building that contains both living accommodation and space for commercial purposes (e.g. for a workshop or office) should be treated as a dwelling if the commercial part can be reverted to domestic use.,A building that contains both living accommodation and space for commercial purposes ( e.g . for a workshop or office ) should be treated as a dwelling if the commercial part can be reverted to domestic use .,O B-object O O O B-object I-object O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '23_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} bfe386ee-8c0b-41d4-9967-6e873edf7229,"Floors and foundations: insulation should be installed tight to the structure, without air gaps between insulation panels and at edges.","Floors and foundations : insulation should be installed tight to the structure , without air gaps between insulation panels and at edges .",B-object O B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '148_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} ec419055-6ed3-4dac-9879-748e2d365a26,"Internal building services: where services penetrate the air barrier, holes should be as small as possible and should be core drilled to limit damage.","Internal building services : where services penetrate the air barrier , holes should be as small as possible and should be core drilled to limit damage .",B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '180_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 0085ecdd-f2f0-45f5-948d-ded697c69866,"In addition, on one side of the toilet seat there shall be a free space of at least 800 millimetres.","In addition , on one side of the toilet seat there shall be a free space of at least 800 millimetres .",O O O O O B-property O O B-object I-object O O O O B-object I-object O O O B-value I-value O,{'ID': '44_Finnish_Accessibility'} f27c9fb4-dc28-494c-a277-a51360cdfdb8,A handrail and its ending must be shaped safely and must continue past the start and end points of the structure.,A handrail and its ending must be shaped safely and must continue past the start and end points of the structure .,O B-object O B-object B-property O O B-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '57_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'} a746a9da-a853-4ec3-a796-317b781216ad,Display lighting should be controlled on dedicated circuits that can be switched separately from those for lighting provided for general illuminance.,Display lighting should be controlled on dedicated circuits that can be switched separately from those for lighting provided for general illuminance .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '317_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} d941229d-4de4-4873-9704-c207a9b673c8,An exit enclosure has doors that open separately into each adjoining fire compartment without a need to open the doors at the same time.,An exit enclosure has doors that open separately into each adjoining fire compartment without a need to open the doors at the same time .,O B-object I-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '26_Finnish_FireSafety'} 973c9430-2b4a-4ab4-82df-7060c3002f77,The design temperature difference for the community heating primary circuit should be a minimum of 20C.,The design temperature difference for the community heating primary circuit should be a minimum of 20C .,O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O O O O B-value O,{'ID': '292_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 511c1a7f-08b9-48ec-aea6-9b749fdf31a1,"A non-residential building shall, considering the intended use and functional units of the building and distances in the building, have an adequate number of appropriately located toilet facilities which are suitable for users of wheelchairs and walking frames with wheels.","A non-residential building shall , considering the intended use and functional units of the building and distances in the building , have an adequate number of appropriately located toilet facilities which are suitable for users of wheelchairs and walking frames with wheels .",O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-value I-value O B-quality I-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '51_Finnish_Accessibility'} 17d9350b-ba07-405f-bbe3-3b728eab4dee,The facilities suitable for persons with mobility and functional impairment shall be marked with the International Symbol of Access.,The facilities suitable for persons with mobility and functional impairment shall be marked with the International Symbol of Access .,O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '62_Finnish_Accessibility'} 588857f5-9281-4c32-8d83-c98230d5b934,The use of boards with lapped or tongue and groove edges should be considered.,The use of boards with lapped or tongue and groove edges should be considered .,O O O B-object O B-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality B-property O O B-quality O,{'ID': '146_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 2cf150af-bede-4bb6-aa2e-b9f42a109761,The warning should be placed sufficiently in advance of the hazard to allow time to stop and not be so narrow that it might be missed in a single stride.,The warning should be placed sufficiently in advance of the hazard to allow time to stop and not be so narrow that it might be missed in a single stride .,O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '53_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} a9cea98b-d439-4930-a991-fc17eee6657c,the location of the electric vehicle charge point or future connection location should be suitable for use by electric vehicles with charging inlets in different places.,the location of the electric vehicle charge point or future connection location should be suitable for use by electric vehicles with charging inlets in different places .,O B-property O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O B-object I-object B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '102_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} 371e1755-8bb5-456e-bf66-5a50f4c19d59,"Where there is full-height structural guarding, if you provide a second (lower) handrail, the vertical height from the pitch line of the steps (or the surface of the ramp) to the top of the second (lower) handrail should be 600mm.","Where there is full-height structural guarding , if you provide a second ( lower ) handrail , the vertical height from the pitch line of the steps ( or the surface of the ramp ) to the top of the second ( lower ) handrail should be 600mm .",O O O B-quality I-quality B-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality B-object O O B-quality B-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-value O,{'ID': '50_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} bd1438b0-ce84-4908-8d01-6c0884aa4650,"For roof-lights, U-values should be calculated based on a horizontal position.","For roof-lights , U-values should be calculated based on a horizontal position .",O B-object O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '111_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 33d3a432-5793-4102-ba93-da485c334abd,The termination points of cable duct should be sited where access to maintain in future is unrestricted.,The termination points of cable duct should be sited where access to maintain in future is unrestricted .,O B-property I-property O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '113_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} 2fad9e0f-fa0d-4a6b-9c63-152ef8828c4d,An upstand built on site should not exceed a U-value of 0.35W/(m2K).,An upstand built on site should not exceed a U-value of 0.35W/ ( m2K ) .,O B-quality B-object I-object I-object O O O O B-property O B-value I-value I-value I-value O,{'ID': '115_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 28c47652-47a0-4fa4-8343-beee0af2691c,"Large roof surfaces must be divided into parts of no more than 2,400 square metres.","Large roof surfaces must be divided into parts of no more than 2,400 square metres .",B-quality B-object B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '181_Finnish_FireSafety'} c952db0f-b605-4335-8d56-97fc339ad5ba,All three parts of the installation and commissioning checklist should be completed.,All three parts of the installation and commissioning checklist should be completed .,O B-value B-object O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '262_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 3931f0fa-433e-4fb8-96bf-a747f3622ee0,"In order to help people with visual impairment to appreciate the size of a space they have entered, or to find their way around, there should be a visual contrast between the wall and the ceiling, and between the wall and the floor.","In order to help people with visual impairment to appreciate the size of a space they have entered , or to find their way around , there should be a visual contrast between the wall and the ceiling , and between the wall and the floor .",O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '97_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 53e31e26-a39b-4047-a86e-bdb8021413e8,Window handles on windows that open outwards are not more than 650mm from the inside face of the wall when the window is at its maximum openable angle.,Window handles on windows that open outwards are not more than 650mm from the inside face of the wall when the window is at its maximum openable angle .,B-object I-object O B-object O B-property I-property O O O O B-value B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '84_UK_DocO_Overheating'} 45adb0b6-63ee-4f42-b6a3-8fc396221c67,The depth of the insulation plus any required air gap should be at least to the depth of the rafters.,The depth of the insulation plus any required air gap should be at least to the depth of the rafters .,O B-property O O B-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O O O B-property O O B-object O,{'ID': '128_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 73efbdcb-2751-4f01-9471-ccca44ccc0f3,"If a drainage point is located below the height of backwater, the waste water must be pumped.","If a drainage point is located below the height of backwater , the waste water must be pumped .",O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '133_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} 77b0edab-012f-4047-a2db-fe6303993780,"Ventilation systems that, under normal operation, recirculate air between more than one space, room or zone should also be able to operate in a mode that reduces the risk of the transmission of airborne infection.","Ventilation systems that , under normal operation , recirculate air between more than one space , room or zone should also be able to operate in a mode that reduces the risk of the transmission of airborne infection .",B-object I-object O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '60_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 86365504-9029-4805-a93b-4256849b8e3a,Duct connections should be both mechanically secured and adequately sealed to prevent leaks.,Duct connections should be both mechanically secured and adequately sealed to prevent leaks .,B-object B-object O O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '116_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 33ed3038-99a6-4b2d-906a-a1db21f2d898,"For heating systems in new dwellings, or when a heat generator such as a boiler is replaced in an existing dwelling, each room should be provided with thermostatic room controls.","For heating systems in new dwellings , or when a heat generator such as a boiler is replaced in an existing dwelling , each room should be provided with thermostatic room controls .",O B-object I-object O B-quality B-object O O O O B-object I-object O O O B-object O B-quality O O B-quality B-object O B-quality B-object O O O O B-object I-object I-object O,{'ID': '250_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 05698d4d-c140-4bce-94b3-386ce02baa6b,The storm water sewers within the building shall be equipped with condensation insulation.,The storm water sewers within the building shall be equipped with condensation insulation .,O B-object I-object I-object O O B-object O O O O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '169_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} 96b38b2d-e67c-457c-86d4-2a47a1b834b1,"Drawings: all relevant drawings should be provided to clearly identify the position, continuity and extent of the air barrier.","Drawings : all relevant drawings should be provided to clearly identify the position , continuity and extent of the air barrier .",B-object O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '176_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} f1b9829d-7ac3-4bc5-918a-5bbb8d663a35,"For space heating systems, temperature control should be installed for the heating appliance.","For space heating systems , temperature control should be installed for the heating appliance .",O B-object I-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '248_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} c954c2a4-3d5c-4e63-8228-9704b463aa8e,"The input charge for electric storage heaters should be adjusted automatically, based on the internal air temperature.","The input charge for electric storage heaters should be adjusted automatically , based on the internal air temperature .",O B-property I-property O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '260_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} f6ea9be6-644d-4dc6-8954-d115bdd528c8,"The building emission rate and building primary energy rate submission should be accompanied by a report, signed by a suitably qualified person, detailing how the combined emission factor has been derived.","The building emission rate and building primary energy rate submission should be accompanied by a report , signed by a suitably qualified person , detailing how the combined emission factor has been derived .",O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property B-object O O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '62_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} c7035b48-7244-40a9-a70e-1d244caf72ac,"The same approved calculation tool must be used to calculate the target primary energy rate, target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate and the dwelling primary energy rate, dwelling emission rate and dwelling fabric energy efficiency rate.","The same approved calculation tool must be used to calculate the target primary energy rate , target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate and the dwelling primary energy rate , dwelling emission rate and dwelling fabric energy efficiency rate .",O B-quality B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O,{'ID': '56_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} db611a74-4d57-4f90-989b-23b990d705ae,"Whichever approach is adopted, the agreed level of provision should be clearly recorded.","Whichever approach is adopted , the agreed level of provision should be clearly recorded .",O B-object O O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '24_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 23867bb3-e845-48ca-9ee8-72010a55aa42,WC doors must be capable of opening outwards.,WC doors must be capable of opening outwards .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '124_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} e26e2280-635f-44b5-967c-6cf0b56e15de,Water pipes that are located in cold premises shall be thermally insulated.,Water pipes that are located in cold premises shall be thermally insulated .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '86_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} 6d5428cc-90c2-477e-b20e-978a6d1cd403,Edge columns and walls shall be tied to every floor and roof.,Edge columns and walls shall be tied to every floor and roof .,B-quality B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '186_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} 3153d771-404e-4a54-ac05-ed1b75e37506,"Gangways should not be less than 1100mm wide unless used by not more than 50 persons, in which case gangways should be a minimum of 900mm.","Gangways should not be less than 1100mm wide unless used by not more than 50 persons , in which case gangways should be a minimum of 900mm .",B-object O O O O O B-value B-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-object O O O O O B-value O,{'ID': '8_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} 12e545d1-64f4-45c9-a520-5b8a003eba0a,"If the dwelling has more than one exposed facade, the area of background ventilators on each facade should be similar, to allow cross-ventilation.","If the dwelling has more than one exposed facade , the area of background ventilators on each facade should be similar , to allow cross-ventilation .",O O B-object O O O B-value B-quality B-object O O B-property O B-object I-object O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '85_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 8c4a09c5-1eb2-4a41-86d9-b69c031b4592,Ground arrays including header pipes and manifolds should be flushed as one system to remove all debris and purged to remove all air.,Ground arrays including header pipes and manifolds should be flushed as one system to remove all debris and purged to remove all air .,B-object I-object O B-object I-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '384_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 569c7958-b7d6-4b9c-9dd9-13307e95e59b,"For ducted systems that are served by fans with a design flow rate greater than 1m3/s, ductwork leakage tests should be carried out.","For ducted systems that are served by fans with a design flow rate greater than 1m3/s , ductwork leakage tests should be carried out .",O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-value O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '385_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} ac2db7e5-ea0b-4a14-9623-eba6300272a7,A new dwelling must be built to a minimum standard of total energy performance.,A new dwelling must be built to a minimum standard of total energy performance .,O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '46_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 44a9bd12-31f1-4d6c-b1ab-507e1eaf2c83,Timing and temperature demand control should be provided.,Timing and temperature demand control should be provided .,B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '257_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} fa90c179-d32c-412b-a7d6-a515cc91dbdb,The structure of the exterior wall against the ground must be waterproofed or isolated against water pressure or a structurally managed water removal system allowing the cellar wall to dry in an outward direction must be used to prevent moisture from the surrounding ground and storm water from penetrating the wall structure.,The structure of the exterior wall against the ground must be waterproofed or isolated against water pressure or a structurally managed water removal system allowing the cellar wall to dry in an outward direction must be used to prevent moisture from the surrounding ground and storm water from penetrating the wall structure .,O B-object O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality B-object I-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '86_Finnish_Health-Humidity'} 56b0e4bf-81d7-4ab9-855b-780ef2f0b1d3,"Storage premises with a fire load exceeding 1,200 MJ/m2 are not permitted within the building.","Storage premises with a fire load exceeding 1,200 MJ/m2 are not permitted within the building .",B-object I-object O O B-property I-property O B-value I-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '73_Finnish_FireSafety'} d687ab7a-74e0-4d2e-8aad-27e009651634,Joints between vertical and horizontal structures shall always be designed without a reduction factor.,Joints between vertical and horizontal structures shall always be designed without a reduction factor .,B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '13_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} 5aebe4f8-6ca6-4448-94db-5272b5541efb,"The results of all pressure tests on dwellings, including any test failures, should be reported to the building control body.","The results of all pressure tests on dwellings , including any test failures , should be reported to the building control body .",O B-property O O B-object I-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '359_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 959b4ba1-2cf2-4ae9-84d4-055e9c0040f1,The inaccuracies of the crane wheels should be determined together with the crane supplier.,The inaccuracies of the crane wheels should be determined together with the crane supplier .,O B-property O O B-object B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '229_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} 29ad081e-90f4-4eb0-9cea-a4f49beea768,Fans used for general air distribution that are rated at more than 1100W should be fitted with variable speed drives.,Fans used for general air distribution that are rated at more than 1100W should be fitted with variable speed drives .,B-object O O B-quality B-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '298_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} bfc6b7af-2aa8-4c6c-8d4d-1b86f8a67eb5,The total supply air flow should be distributed proportionately to the volume of each habitable room.,The total supply air flow should be distributed proportionately to the volume of each habitable room .,O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '105_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} d7b27bbb-ac51-4036-8073-d094cbe994db,"In cases where the Energy Related Products Regulations and the Building Regulations both apply, both standards should be met.","In cases where the Energy Related Products Regulations and the Building Regulations both apply , both standards should be met .",O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality B-property O O B-quality O,{'ID': '232_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 8fcdc238-3c30-4659-9303-1b126a39b2cd,The design solar load should be reduced by at least 20%.,The design solar load should be reduced by at least 20 % .,O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality O O O B-value I-value O,{'ID': '499_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 6187cad8-0d6d-4154-b98b-7285b36fea8d,Continuously running fans should be set up to operate without occupant intervention but may have manual or automatic controls for selecting the high rate of operation.,Continuously running fans should be set up to operate without occupant intervention but may have manual or automatic controls for selecting the high rate of operation .,B-quality I-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality O B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '65_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 636bce88-fd3b-4e5a-9f6a-4aa0d3d1bfa4,"Where a new building contains more than one dwelling, a common access point for a gigabit-capable public electronic communications network is required as a part of the buildings gigabit-ready physical infrastructure.","Where a new building contains more than one dwelling , a common access point for a gigabit-capable public electronic communications network is required as a part of the buildings gigabit-ready physical infrastructure .",O O B-quality B-object O O O B-value B-object O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O O O O O O O B-object B-object I-object I-object O,{'ID': '6_UK_DocR_V1_InfrastructureForElectircalCommunications'} e32bbb47-c826-40c1-8ea4-8c32353d3fd2,There shall be adequate means of ventilation provided for people in the building.,There shall be adequate means of ventilation provided for people in the building .,O O O B-value I-value O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '15_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} a387fcb8-ead2-4094-9be9-72d783468b33,"If the area of windows, roof windows, rooflights and doors exceeds 25 of the total floor area of the dwelling, compensating measures should be taken to improve the energy efficiency of the dwelling.","If the area of windows , roof windows , rooflights and doors exceeds 25 of the total floor area of the dwelling , compensating measures should be taken to improve the energy efficiency of the dwelling .",O O B-property O B-object O B-object I-object O B-object O B-object O B-value O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object O B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '422_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 9fd15b82-fc32-4364-8724-f1ef14f0c047,The cooker hood should span at least the full width of the cooker.,The cooker hood should span at least the full width of the cooker .,O B-object I-object O B-property O O O B-property I-property O O B-object O,{'ID': '36_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} f420ae57-5656-4558-b1a3-1079e46bf6cc,"In the case of the storey-level door of a dwelling, or if the number of people evacuating through the door exceeds 60, doors must open in the direction of the exit.","In the case of the storey-level door of a dwelling , or if the number of people evacuating through the door exceeds 60 , doors must open in the direction of the exit .",O O O O O B-quality B-object O O B-object O O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-object O B-value O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '223_Finnish_FireSafety'} 2fc22f95-5131-40af-8e97-513ecc970217,What constitutes a substantial proportion should be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the building control body.,What constitutes a substantial proportion should be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the building control body .,O O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '18_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 38745b5e-4dea-43fe-9378-5befa5a2399d,A copy of the completed commissioning sheet should be given to the owner of the building.,A copy of the completed commissioning sheet should be given to the owner of the building .,O B-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '99_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 5ca6b3d3-fd21-4cc1-8dd8-185268db6615,The doorset should be manufactured from solid or laminated timber with a minimum density of 600kg/m3.,The doorset should be manufactured from solid or laminated timber with a minimum density of 600kg/m3 .,O B-object O O O O B-quality O B-quality B-object O O O B-property O B-value O,{'ID': '26_UK_DocQ_Security_Dwellings'} a922fe4e-30c9-4fef-a442-27459b959914,Vertical service pipes shall be equipped with mechanical or structural leak detectors at each floor if the service pipes are not visible.,Vertical service pipes shall be equipped with mechanical or structural leak detectors at each floor if the service pipes are not visible .,B-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-quality O B-quality B-object I-object O B-quality B-object O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '82_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} f0c72b35-5a0a-4554-8713-96f6f73a67f1,A cube with edges of no more than 50 millimetres may pass between the lower edge of a barriers protective part and the landing or the upper surface or edge of a step.,A cube with edges of no more than 50 millimetres may pass between the lower edge of a barriers protective part and the landing or the upper surface or edge of a step .,O B-object O B-property O O O O B-value I-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '51_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'} 75bb8f62-768c-4f82-8f94-48fc158a85f6,It must be possible for fire and service rescue equipment to have sufficiently close access to the building (emergency access road).,It must be possible for fire and service rescue equipment to have sufficiently close access to the building ( emergency access road ) .,O O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '239_Finnish_FireSafety'} 6dd4c02d-ab0f-414d-b784-654bd72f9cd7,Monitors should therefore be positioned at least 500mm away from room occupants.,Monitors should therefore be positioned at least 500mm away from room occupants .,B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '123_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 12e1a42b-38ed-42c8-ac32-86091fcb85b1,The frequency of measurements should be sufficient to ensure that changes in the use of the room or space throughout the day are represented in the readings.,The frequency of measurements should be sufficient to ensure that changes in the use of the room or space throughout the day are represented in the readings .,O B-property O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '125_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} b88c2c2a-5c6f-4347-888d-0224c8971d7b,Non-condensing boilers should be fitted with a flue condensing kit where feasible and where the boiler is likely to be able to operate in condensing mode (e.g. variable temperature circuits).,Non-condensing boilers should be fitted with a flue condensing kit where feasible and where the boiler is likely to be able to operate in condensing mode ( e.g . variable temperature circuits ) .,B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O,{'ID': '235_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 4e119abd-0cf7-4c60-9c7b-1083f9b46280,"NOTE: If an exposed facade is close to an area of sustained and loud noise (e.g. a main road), then a noise attenuating background ventilator should be fitted.","NOTE : If an exposed facade is close to an area of sustained and loud noise ( e.g . a main road ) , then a noise attenuating background ventilator should be fitted .",O O O O B-quality B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '85_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 549fd984-e319-47d9-9a86-4ea7f4cbf508,The space between the air barrier and the insulation layer should be filled with solid material.,The space between the air barrier and the insulation layer should be filled with solid material .,O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '191_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 533762d6-e592-494d-a08b-a0817b5b4f9f,"If there are associated parking spaces where there is not a requirement to install electric vehicle charge points, cable routes must be installed in all remaining associated parking spaces.","If there are associated parking spaces where there is not a requirement to install electric vehicle charge points , cable routes must be installed in all remaining associated parking spaces .",O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '50_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} ffc11c58-ff7e-45f4-a5c7-da59404e5659,"Reasonable provision shall be made in the design and installation of electrical installations in order to protect persons operating, maintaining or altering the installations from fire or injury.","Reasonable provision shall be made in the design and installation of electrical installations in order to protect persons operating , maintaining or altering the installations from fire or injury .",O O O O O O O B-property O B-property O B-object I-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '1_UK_DocP_ElectricalSafety'} 9fee4426-8d7f-40f9-bc6f-562a5d3fd9b4,"For roofs insulated at ceiling level, the long-term protection of the insulation layer should be considered: boarded areas should be provided above the insulation to give access for maintenance.","For roofs insulated at ceiling level , the long-term protection of the insulation layer should be considered : boarded areas should be provided above the insulation to give access for maintenance .",O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality B-property O O B-object I-object O O O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '144_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 76acc6bd-50c0-4f3f-b015-42e171ec6ce7,One electric vehicle charge point must be installed.,One electric vehicle charge point must be installed .,B-value B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '82_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} c47598f9-df79-4d77-aba9-8f380342372f,extract air of category 4 shall be conducted to the outdoors through individual extract air ducts.,extract air of category 4 shall be conducted to the outdoors through individual extract air ducts .,B-object I-object O B-property B-value O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '88_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'} c2e0629d-350b-45b8-9e9e-d58be1780f12,"If the basement has no bedrooms, it should be treated as having one bedroom when calculating the ventilation required for the purposes of meeting the ventilation standards.","If the basement has no bedrooms , it should be treated as having one bedroom when calculating the ventilation required for the purposes of meeting the ventilation standards .",O O B-object O O B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '73_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 35af73f1-53c7-4377-9da0-acf99eef4d8e,"WC compartment doors, and doors to wheelchair-accessible unisex toilets, changing rooms or shower rooms have an emergency release mechanism so that they are capable of being opened outwards, from the outside , in case of emergency.","WC compartment doors , and doors to wheelchair-accessible unisex toilets , changing rooms or shower rooms have an emergency release mechanism so that they are capable of being opened outwards , from the outside , in case of emergency .",B-object I-object I-object O O B-object O B-quality B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '159_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 7134933d-17df-4a8c-b72e-1c09177bad1c,The spread of fire in voids of wall-type building elements must be restricted at least by storey.,The spread of fire in voids of wall-type building elements must be restricted at least by storey .,O B-property I-property I-property O B-object O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '130_Finnish_FireSafety'} 12f1333f-4dd5-4172-8135-681002824f9f,Heat pumps should be selected to meet the full space heating requirement at the design condition chosen for heat loss calculations.,Heat pumps should be selected to meet the full space heating requirement at the design condition chosen for heat loss calculations .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '243_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} bd5bd070-a838-4496-8d33-8b4cf201bc20,The gradient is as shallow as the site permits.,The gradient is as shallow as the site permits .,O B-property O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '45_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 74002ed3-548e-4e2f-8835-be76e643c67d,NOTE 2: Double doors effectively provide nibs where each leaf is at least 300mm wide.,NOTE 2 : Double doors effectively provide nibs where each leaf is at least 300mm wide .,O O O B-object I-object O O B-object O O B-object O O O B-value B-property O,{'ID': '51_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} f19c920a-bd5a-49ac-a111-69fb944271b4,The net heating energy demand for ventilation shall be calculated on the basis of the heating of air after heat recovery to supply air temperature and any heating before heat recovery.,The net heating energy demand for ventilation shall be calculated on the basis of the heating of air after heat recovery to supply air temperature and any heating before heat recovery .,O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '86_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'} 5afbc8c9-4c2e-4cb8-8945-24e184d161e1,The fan should be set at a speed that will approximately achieve the desired continuous flow rate.,The fan should be set at a speed that will approximately achieve the desired continuous flow rate .,O B-object O O O O O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '201_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} b5addb77-be99-45a2-8dc0-fdf5d1969a57,Each column and wall shall be supplied with continuous vertical ties from the foundations to the roof level.,Each column and wall shall be supplied with continuous vertical ties from the foundations to the roof level .,O B-object O B-object O O O O B-quality B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '194_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} a064e2ec-0793-4312-a45a-1eea61b17583,A system for purge ventilation should be provided in each habitable room.,A system for purge ventilation should be provided in each habitable room .,O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O O O O B-object I-object O,{'ID': '46_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 38020928-c137-486e-88d7-c8feec038c99,A building must be provided with a fire wall if it is situated adjacent to a neighbouring building or so close to a neighbouring building that the spread of fire is evident.,A building must be provided with a fire wall if it is situated adjacent to a neighbouring building or so close to a neighbouring building that the spread of fire is evident .,O B-object O O O O O B-object I-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '189_Finnish_FireSafety'} 6a41a473-bd3c-4e38-a093-094b3fdae388,At least one in every five remaining parking spaces must be provided with cable routes.,At least one in every five remaining parking spaces must be provided with cable routes .,O O B-value O O B-value B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '68_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} aec934d9-6175-4624-9e8d-1ee6f71fb49d,Sufficient information about the overheating mitigation strategy and its maintenance requirements must be given to owners so that it can be used effectively.,Sufficient information about the overheating mitigation strategy and its maintenance requirements must be given to owners so that it can be used effectively .,B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '92_UK_DocO_Overheating'} 8b7e8e7e-81dd-4a76-bdd3-8269ac00f74b,The system can be overridden by a door reactivating device that relies on appropriate electronic methods (but not a door edge pressure system); provided that the lift door remains fully open for at least three seconds.,The system can be overridden by a door reactivating device that relies on appropriate electronic methods ( but not a door edge pressure system ) ; provided that the lift door remains fully open for at least three seconds .,O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-value I-value O,{'ID': '24_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 2c725d50-13d5-4e77-bacf-9f174530e27c,The energy efficiency of historic and traditional buildings should be improved only if doing so will not cause long-term deterioration of the buildings fabric or fittings.,The energy efficiency of historic and traditional buildings should be improved only if doing so will not cause long-term deterioration of the buildings fabric or fittings .,O B-property I-property O B-quality O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '17_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} ddd6ec57-ed54-4a8a-abaf-4b1efc287dde,The flushing shall be carried out with household water to remove any dirt and debris from the pipe network.,The flushing shall be carried out with household water to remove any dirt and debris from the pipe network .,O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '111_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} 6543949e-dd47-4365-b5a9-d952bf233cd7,"Any manual high rate controls should be provided locally to the spaces being served, e.g. bathrooms and kitchens.","Any manual high rate controls should be provided locally to the spaces being served , e.g . bathrooms and kitchens .",O B-quality B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O,{'ID': '66_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 2c07775a-c1de-4796-989a-96572c81f9d4,The crawl space must be ventilated.,The crawl space must be ventilated .,O B-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '80_Finnish_Health-Humidity'} 82330d3d-6139-4050-9ca0-946bc982fbb0,The sign should be suitably weatherproof for its location.,The sign should be suitably weatherproof for its location .,O B-object O O B-quality B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '119_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} 31d635b2-1d32-49dd-a848-5b5acaf50128,"For existing dwellings, when installing a complete new or replacement system (e.g. replacing a heating system including the heating appliance, pipework and heat emitters), the energy performance of the whole system should be assessed.","For existing dwellings , when installing a complete new or replacement system ( e.g . replacing a heating system including the heating appliance , pipework and heat emitters ) , the energy performance of the whole system should be assessed .",O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-property I-property O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '407_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} caa5332f-5180-4d07-a41f-e6e0e044a8c1,An existing district heat network that is being connected to a new dwelling should not have a CO2 emission factor for delivered heat to the dwelling which is greater than 0.350kgCO2/kWh.,An existing district heat network that is being connected to a new dwelling should not have a CO2 emission factor for delivered heat to the dwelling which is greater than 0.350kgCO2/kWh .,O B-quality B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '287_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} e5b89c46-e6d5-4fb8-9e13-936c670c37c7,Consideration should be given to installing a chemical sanitary waste disposal unit in wheelchair-accessible WC accommodation.,Consideration should be given to installing a chemical sanitary waste disposal unit in wheelchair-accessible WC accommodation .,O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality B-object I-object O,{'ID': '164_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} c0abe869-e87e-4e66-a8ca-8578a338b07a,"Where a building automation and control system is installed, its control capabilities should be appropriate for the building, its expected usage and the building services specification.","Where a building automation and control system is installed , its control capabilities should be appropriate for the building , its expected usage and the building services specification .",O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality O O B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '329_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 642e2c46-45a8-440f-af0b-1b53f41d8d8f,Taps and WC cubicle doors should be operable by people with limited strength or manual dexterity and doors to cubicles should be capable of being opened if a person has collapsed against them while inside the cubicle.,Taps and WC cubicle doors should be operable by people with limited strength or manual dexterity and doors to cubicles should be capable of being opened if a person has collapsed against them while inside the cubicle .,B-object O B-quality I-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '156_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 1e0aa8d6-4291-4a33-883c-b88453c83287,"To correctly assess whether an element meets the limiting U-value, the U-value must be calculated for the element in the appropriate plane either horizontal or vertical.","To correctly assess whether an element meets the limiting U-value , the U-value must be calculated for the element in the appropriate plane either horizontal or vertical .",O O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '128_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 17fba530-c42b-4eeb-85dd-16da0bacc49c,"Areas that are not enclosed, such as open floors, covered ways and balconies, should be excluded.","Areas that are not enclosed , such as open floors , covered ways and balconies , should be excluded .",B-object O O B-quality I-quality O O O B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O B-object O O O B-quality O,{'ID': '470_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 2f0f22aa-06d3-478d-a777-5aca5c2fb5c1,"For sliding doors and gates, provide both of the following: (i) a stop or other effective means to prevent them coming off the end of the track; (ii) a retaining rail to prevent doors and gates falling if the suspension system fails or the rollers leave the track.","For sliding doors and gates , provide both of the following : ( i ) a stop or other effective means to prevent them coming off the end of the track ; ( ii ) a retaining rail to prevent doors and gates falling if the suspension system fails or the rollers leave the track .",O B-quality B-object O B-object O O O O O O O O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '120_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} 3ec9d4e7-3526-411c-8b30-0c7671660ed1,"The relationship between the kitchen, dining and living areas should be convenient and step-free.","The relationship between the kitchen , dining and living areas should be convenient and step-free .",O B-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O B-quality O,{'ID': '91_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 8db97194-2e07-415d-a4e0-1f32790d1d8a,"U-values should be assessed for the whole thermal element (e.g. in the caseof a window, the combined performance of the glazing and the frame).","U-values should be assessed for the whole thermal element ( e.g . in the caseof a window , the combined performance of the glazing and the frame ) .",B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,{'ID': '123_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 29957187-5bca-4da2-b309-4b7ea2fdbf55,Provision shall be made for powered doors and gates to be opened in the event of a power failure.,Provision shall be made for powered doors and gates to be opened in the event of a power failure .,B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '115_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'} df122091-ca53-4134-98a3-47779c06f9df,The index terminal flow rate should be set with the terminal fully open and all other terminals should be adjusted to achieve the required flows at each terminal.,The index terminal flow rate should be set with the terminal fully open and all other terminals should be adjusted to achieve the required flows at each terminal .,O B-object I-object B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '198_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} aec8a3e1-5ba0-4288-ab0a-e47b0310ff6a,Capacities should be derived from the combined total of a buildings publicly accessible facilities.,Capacities should be derived from the combined total of a buildings publicly accessible facilities .,B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '162_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 3d58c7b6-7176-4504-8f2f-3a8cd8c69a62,"Wheelchair users should be able to approach, transfer to and use the sanitary facilities provided within a building.","Wheelchair users should be able to approach , transfer to and use the sanitary facilities provided within a building .",B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '163_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 6c789809-b1b8-429a-8fe2-8ce16f8a4b54,Air flows in the continuous working area of a parking garage for motor vehicles shall be designed so that the instantaneous carbon monoxide concentration does not exceed 7 mg/m3 (6 ppm).,Air flows in the continuous working area of a parking garage for motor vehicles shall be designed so that the instantaneous carbon monoxide concentration does not exceed 7 mg/m3 ( 6 ppm ) .,B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O O B-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value O,{'ID': '62_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'} ec1783bd-3e59-42d6-9709-cd0cc7d2c365,The air flow resistance of all components should be considered when specifying ventilation systems.,The air flow resistance of all components should be considered when specifying ventilation systems .,O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '55_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 2cfc6994-0cbe-4bdf-9ed5-af8d40c79d8c,The load shall be stated on this sign in kg/m2.,The load shall be stated on this sign in kg/m2 .,O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '22_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} 835d8fad-7a27-4299-aa38-a5b1771a6779,"In large building complexes, such as retail parks and large sports centres, there should be one wheelchair-accessible unisex toilet capable of including an adult changing table.","In large building complexes , such as retail parks and large sports centres , there should be one wheelchair-accessible unisex toilet capable of including an adult changing table .",O B-quality B-object I-object O O O B-object I-object O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-value B-quality B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '178_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 536b172d-ccd1-479a-8136-6ee05db0f264,"Where pipework is above ground, the performance of the pipe insulation should be at least as high as the insulating performance of pipework in the buried part of the system.","Where pipework is above ground , the performance of the pipe insulation should be at least as high as the insulating performance of pipework in the buried part of the system .",O B-object O B-quality I-quality O O B-property O O B-object B-object O O O O O O O O B-property I-property O B-object O O B-object I-object O O B-object O,{'ID': '205_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} aca1acce-65c1-4677-a979-ce2920457a55,The surface of stairs the must not be slippery.,The surface of stairs the must not be slippery .,O B-property O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '14_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'} e15250c0-1279-4d29-a1ec-31560b045007,Extinguishing routes of basement storeys must not be connected to fire and smoke-proof exits.,Extinguishing routes of basement storeys must not be connected to fire and smoke-proof exits .,B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality B-object O,{'ID': '244_Finnish_FireSafety'} 061c3b6a-49ed-4803-9436-e6349fae98e0,Entrance doors should be capable of being held closed when not in use.,Entrance doors should be capable of being held closed when not in use .,B-object B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '65_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} b2b81097-97a3-41c2-922c-ffec3e2dd8c0,Turning circle should be clear of top step of any adjacent flight of steps.,Turning circle should be clear of top step of any adjacent flight of steps .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '87_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 0262f6e5-21bc-4312-9388-8ac93b79416d,The minimum full load EER of the absorption chillers should be no worse than 0.7.,The minimum full load EER of the absorption chillers should be no worse than 0.7 .,O B-quality B-quality B-property I-property O O B-object I-object O O O O O B-value O,{'ID': '285_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 52de82bc-2c00-4500-81ec-a46781a8e4e7,Automatic control of input charge should be provided.,Automatic control of input charge should be provided .,B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O O O O,{'ID': '279_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} a0c838b5-5fe2-4b52-abe1-432804c2c8aa,A temperature of 21 C shall be used as the design value for room temperature during the heating season.,A temperature of 21 C shall be used as the design value for room temperature during the heating season .,O B-property O B-value I-value O O O O O B-property I-property O B-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '33_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'} 3c0a8ccb-d813-40fb-b69b-88250d3bc4ec,These fittings should not exceed a centre pane U-value of 1.2W/(m2K).,These fittings should not exceed a centre pane U-value of 1.2W/ ( m2K ) .,O B-object O O O O B-property I-property I-property O B-value I-value I-value I-value O,{'ID': '118_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 5e226793-2805-41b0-bcb6-49319afaefc7,"If the building has a floor area greater than 150m2, heating should be split into different heating zones and each zone should have separate controls for timing and temperature demand.","If the building has a floor area greater than 150m2 , heating should be split into different heating zones and each zone should have separate controls for timing and temperature demand .",O O B-object O O B-property I-property O O B-value O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '258_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 46ee0eda-086a-40ab-8e8f-bfa4c85abd49,"If the indoor access route leading to an evacuation area in a non-residential building is via the indoor stairs in the area, these stairs must be wide enough that they can be used to transport an immobile individual on a stretcher.","If the indoor access route leading to an evacuation area in a non-residential building is via the indoor stairs in the area , these stairs must be wide enough that they can be used to transport an immobile individual on a stretcher .",O O B-quality B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality B-object O O B-object O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '16_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'} 525aa713-65e1-4368-a6f4-38f628be7fed,"in clothes shops, the dimensions and fittings recommended for an individual changing cubicle in a sports building should be provided.","in clothes shops , the dimensions and fittings recommended for an individual changing cubicle in a sports building should be provided .",O B-object I-object O O B-property O B-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '177_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 755b768a-b9d0-4175-8b69-398c399aeac7,It should be possible for information about the building to be easily obtained from a reception point or gathered from notice boards and signs.,It should be possible for information about the building to be easily obtained from a reception point or gathered from notice boards and signs .,O O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '86_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 0096a3bf-ac16-4a75-adf9-8c3f4a9b8610,The smaller dimension of each panel which can be either the width or height of the panel should be 230mm or less.,The smaller dimension of each panel which can be either the width or height of the panel should be 230mm or less .,O B-quality B-property O O B-object O O O O O B-property O B-property O O B-object O O B-value O O O,{'ID': '33_UK_DocQ_Security_Dwellings'} 0aad98a7-74e6-4678-9620-2f80355e7ba8,commissioning notice must be given to the building control body.,commissioning notice must be given to the building control body .,B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '94_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 1d312b80-748c-4f92-a74e-6f1b918f741c,"To provide easy access between rooms on the entrance storey, a stepped change of level within the entrance storey should be avoided where possible.","To provide easy access between rooms on the entrance storey , a stepped change of level within the entrance storey should be avoided where possible .",O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '27_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 07a9b148-d87f-492c-abe2-04175801038d,Standard WC compartments should also have a minimum manoeuvring space clear of any door swing.,Standard WC compartments should also have a minimum manoeuvring space clear of any door swing .,B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '170_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 981a0996-c526-4ee7-b679-0f17bd5ecd29,"Where it is not feasible to install a space heating system that can operate at this temperature (e.g. where there is insufficient space for larger radiators, or the existing distribution system is provided with higher temperature heat from a low carbon district heat network), the space heating system should be designed to the lowest design temperature possible that will still meet the heating needs of the building.","Where it is not feasible to install a space heating system that can operate at this temperature ( e.g . where there is insufficient space for larger radiators , or the existing distribution system is provided with higher temperature heat from a low carbon district heat network ) , the space heating system should be designed to the lowest design temperature possible that will still meet the heating needs of the building .",O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '209_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} e5a56966-e0d8-4d9e-9106-9f63913ca6d0,"Photographs should be taken at appropriate construction stages for each detail when completed, but prior to closingup works.","Photographs should be taken at appropriate construction stages for each detail when completed , but prior to closingup works .",B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '482_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} f034fbd1-7547-425a-8163-513fcac0b66b,The roof structures and joints must be properly inclined and sealed for water drainage.,The roof structures and joints must be properly inclined and sealed for water drainage .,O B-object I-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '103_Finnish_Health-Humidity'} 1fc9255c-929e-4052-aaec-e3ffede5a62e,"For large or complex projects, a commissioning manager should be appointed.","For large or complex projects , a commissioning manager should be appointed .",O B-quality O B-quality B-object O O B-object I-object O O O O,{'ID': '374_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 9b2e2a40-6d63-4ee6-a539-da1d15dd68bd,"Where relevant work is undertaken on a mixed-use building, it should be determined which parking spaces are associated parking spaces for the use of occupants of the dwellings, and which parking spaces are for use by users of the non-residential function of the building.","Where relevant work is undertaken on a mixed-use building , it should be determined which parking spaces are associated parking spaces for the use of occupants of the dwellings , and which parking spaces are for use by users of the non-residential function of the building .",O B-quality B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '94_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} 9fefb0c6-9530-4277-bfba-162315e8fc37,One electric vehicle charge point must be provided for the building.,One electric vehicle charge point must be provided for the building .,B-value B-object I-object I-object I-object O O O O O B-object O,{'ID': '67_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} 70760393-8139-47e8-a329-87da3a477396,Under-floor heating systems intended for intermittent or cyclical operation and/or installed over unheated rooms should be separated from the structural floor by a layer of insulation with a thermal resistance of at least 1.25(m2K)/W.,Under-floor heating systems intended for intermittent or cyclical operation and/or installed over unheated rooms should be separated from the structural floor by a layer of insulation with a thermal resistance of at least 1.25 ( m2K ) /W .,B-quality B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '304_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 70292367-f940-4ca6-b35f-b47bd4e66cd3,Cable routes must still be provided for a minimum of one in five parking spaces.,Cable routes must still be provided for a minimum of one in five parking spaces .,B-object I-object O O O O O O O O B-value O B-value B-object I-object O,{'ID': '71_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} c9983da5-23f1-4211-88ce-68e4753e4ab9,"A target primary energy rate, target emission rate, building primary energy rate and the building emission rate should be calculated for non-exempt buildings with low energy demand.","A target primary energy rate , target emission rate , building primary energy rate and the building emission rate should be calculated for non-exempt buildings with low energy demand .",O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '102_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 0071a7ee-a50c-44ab-a562-d99bf06d7918,The text should be displayed over three lines.,The text should be displayed over three lines .,O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '118_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'} d12808b8-b64d-4742-8026-ba93fe86246d,The pumping station shall be located in a place where it can be easily inspected and serviced.,The pumping station shall be located in a place where it can be easily inspected and serviced .,O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '132_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'} 55d84237-8fad-4bd7-b67d-0745b9cc1e31,"The doors of exits, and of areas leading to them, must be easy to open in an emergency.","The doors of exits , and of areas leading to them , must be easy to open in an emergency .",O B-object O B-object O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '222_Finnish_FireSafety'} eefe1191-2903-4fb8-9138-6471e09fb67d,The internal temperature exceeds 23C at 11pm.,The internal temperature exceeds 23C at 11pm .,O B-property I-property O B-value B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '53_UK_DocO_Overheating'} 43a7a088-718f-4a11-a392-88e71559466e,"In exceptional circumstances in an existing building, a wheelchair platform stairlift may be considered, provided its installation does not conflict with requirements for means of escape.","In exceptional circumstances in an existing building , a wheelchair platform stairlift may be considered , provided its installation does not conflict with requirements for means of escape .",O B-property I-property O O B-quality B-object O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '107_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} eccc60e7-3d76-46c0-a9d9-e398bf3e475a,The part of the dwelling above ground level should be considered separately.,The part of the dwelling above ground level should be considered separately .,O B-object O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '71_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'} 8151be81-09ad-4dac-b2d2-f0d757915b6c,"However, when the snow load can occur, the minimum value of the load s should be at least 0.5 kN/m2.","However , when the snow load can occur , the minimum value of the load s should be at least 0.5 kN/m2 .",O O O O B-object I-object O B-quality O O B-property I-property O O B-object O O O O O B-value I-value O,{'ID': '110_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'} d82c4149-8daa-48b2-8f46-c959a5f9ebe3,"Artificial lighting should be designed to give good colour rendering of all surfaces, without creating glare or pools of bright light and strong shadows.","Artificial lighting should be designed to give good colour rendering of all surfaces , without creating glare or pools of bright light and strong shadows .",B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '152_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 2a8898d7-8561-4f67-9979-1bbba8ad42e6,"If insulating material is inserted into a cavity in a cavity wall, reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the subsequent permeation of any toxic fumes from that material into any part of the building occupied by people.","If insulating material is inserted into a cavity in a cavity wall , reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the subsequent permeation of any toxic fumes from that material into any part of the building occupied by people .",O B-object I-object O O O O B-object O O B-object I-object O O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '3_UK_DocD_ToxicSubstances'} 81314489-dcd9-410f-9b15-595b87e7c8f9,"The resilient layer should be timber sheathing at least 9mm thick, expanded metal or a similar resilient material.","The resilient layer should be timber sheathing at least 9mm thick , expanded metal or a similar resilient material .",O B-object I-object O O B-object I-object O O B-value B-property O B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O,{'ID': '14_UK_DocQ_Security_Dwellings'} a68b404d-d10a-4e48-b25b-907261271e75,Voids between insulation at the top of the external wall and the cavity wall/timber frame insulation should be fully filled with insulation.,Voids between insulation at the top of the external wall and the cavity wall/timber frame insulation should be fully filled with insulation .,B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '171_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} 87c9cfa3-8093-497d-be10-dc054abe7062,"For common leaf lintels, the base plate should not be continuous and the lintel core should be insulated.","For common leaf lintels , the base plate should not be continuous and the lintel core should be insulated .",O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object I-object O O B-quality O,{'ID': '164_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'} e2f06254-ca46-4471-89c7-ebef89a4d93d,"Where used, passive stack ventilation terminals should be located in the ceiling.","Where used , passive stack ventilation terminals should be located in the ceiling .",O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '50_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'} 1ebce0c9-705c-47ee-8429-e83cfbed72db,"All walls, ducts and boxings to every WC/cloakroom, bath and shower room are strong enough to support grab rails, seats and other adaptations that could impose a load of 1.5kN/m2.","All walls , ducts and boxings to every WC/cloakroom , bath and shower room are strong enough to support grab rails , seats and other adaptations that could impose a load of 1.5kN/m2 .",O B-object O B-object O B-object O O B-object O B-object O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '103_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 1320873f-de9b-4c55-a7c0-67f545c4a46e,"All access routes to principal, or alternative accessible, entrances should be surfaced so that people are able to travel along them easily, without excessive effort and without the risk of tripping or falling.","All access routes to principal , or alternative accessible , entrances should be surfaced so that people are able to travel along them easily , without excessive effort and without the risk of tripping or falling .",O B-object I-object O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality O B-object O O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '42_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 710ef992-e187-4b1a-894b-e0e222f54359,"NOTE: For grid-supplied electricity, a CO2 emission factor of 0.136kgCO2/kWh and primary energy factor of 1.501kWhPE/kWh should be used.","NOTE : For grid-supplied electricity , a CO2 emission factor of 0.136kgCO2/kWh and primary energy factor of 1.501kWhPE/kWh should be used .",O O O B-quality B-object O O B-property I-property I-property O B-value O B-property I-property I-property O B-value O O O O,{'ID': '199_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'} 2f8d4247-e53b-49ae-bd26-c4f1765eaee8,"Extract air of categories 2, 3 and 4 shall not be used as recirculation air.","Extract air of categories 2 , 3 and 4 shall not be used as recirculation air .",B-object I-object O B-property B-value O B-value O B-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O,{'ID': '73_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'}