diarizefix / helpers.py
Alignment-Lab-AI's picture
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import os
import wget
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
import json
import shutil
import nltk
import logging
from whisperx.utils import LANGUAGES, TO_LANGUAGE_CODE
punct_model_langs = [
wav2vec2_langs = list(DEFAULT_ALIGN_MODELS_TORCH.keys()) + list(
whisper_langs = sorted(LANGUAGES.keys()) + sorted(
[k.title() for k in TO_LANGUAGE_CODE.keys()]
def create_config(output_dir):
DOMAIN_TYPE = "telephonic" # Can be meeting, telephonic, or general based on domain type of the audio file
CONFIG_LOCAL_DIRECTORY = "nemo_msdd_configs"
CONFIG_FILE_NAME = f"diar_infer_{DOMAIN_TYPE}.yaml"
if not os.path.exists(MODEL_CONFIG_PATH):
os.makedirs(CONFIG_LOCAL_DIRECTORY, exist_ok=True)
CONFIG_URL = f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/NeMo/main/examples/speaker_tasks/diarization/conf/inference/{CONFIG_FILE_NAME}"
config = OmegaConf.load(MODEL_CONFIG_PATH)
data_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "data")
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
meta = {
"audio_filepath": os.path.join(output_dir, "mono_file.wav"),
"offset": 0,
"duration": None,
"label": "infer",
"text": "-",
"rttm_filepath": None,
"uem_filepath": None,
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "input_manifest.json"), "w") as fp:
json.dump(meta, fp)
pretrained_vad = "vad_multilingual_marblenet"
pretrained_speaker_model = "titanet_large"
config.num_workers = 0
config.diarizer.manifest_filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_manifest.json")
config.diarizer.out_dir = (
output_dir # Directory to store intermediate files and prediction outputs
config.diarizer.speaker_embeddings.model_path = pretrained_speaker_model
config.diarizer.oracle_vad = (
False # compute VAD provided with model_path to vad config
config.diarizer.clustering.parameters.oracle_num_speakers = False
# Here, we use our in-house pretrained NeMo VAD model
config.diarizer.vad.model_path = pretrained_vad
config.diarizer.vad.parameters.onset = 0.8
config.diarizer.vad.parameters.offset = 0.6
config.diarizer.vad.parameters.pad_offset = -0.05
config.diarizer.msdd_model.model_path = (
"diar_msdd_telephonic" # Telephonic speaker diarization model
return config
def get_word_ts_anchor(s, e, option="start"):
if option == "end":
return e
elif option == "mid":
return (s + e) / 2
return s
def get_words_speaker_mapping(wrd_ts, spk_ts, word_anchor_option="start"):
s, e, sp = spk_ts[0]
wrd_pos, turn_idx = 0, 0
wrd_spk_mapping = []
for wrd_dict in wrd_ts:
ws, we, wrd = (
int(wrd_dict["start"] * 1000),
int(wrd_dict["end"] * 1000),
wrd_pos = get_word_ts_anchor(ws, we, word_anchor_option)
while wrd_pos > float(e):
turn_idx += 1
turn_idx = min(turn_idx, len(spk_ts) - 1)
s, e, sp = spk_ts[turn_idx]
if turn_idx == len(spk_ts) - 1:
e = get_word_ts_anchor(ws, we, option="end")
{"word": wrd, "start_time": ws, "end_time": we, "speaker": sp}
return wrd_spk_mapping
sentence_ending_punctuations = ".?!"
def get_first_word_idx_of_sentence(word_idx, word_list, speaker_list, max_words):
is_word_sentence_end = (
lambda x: x >= 0 and word_list[x][-1] in sentence_ending_punctuations
left_idx = word_idx
while (
left_idx > 0
and word_idx - left_idx < max_words
and speaker_list[left_idx - 1] == speaker_list[left_idx]
and not is_word_sentence_end(left_idx - 1)
left_idx -= 1
return left_idx if left_idx == 0 or is_word_sentence_end(left_idx - 1) else -1
def get_last_word_idx_of_sentence(word_idx, word_list, max_words):
is_word_sentence_end = (
lambda x: x >= 0 and word_list[x][-1] in sentence_ending_punctuations
right_idx = word_idx
while (
right_idx < len(word_list)
and right_idx - word_idx < max_words
and not is_word_sentence_end(right_idx)
right_idx += 1
return (
if right_idx == len(word_list) - 1 or is_word_sentence_end(right_idx)
else -1
def get_realigned_ws_mapping_with_punctuation(
word_speaker_mapping, max_words_in_sentence=50
is_word_sentence_end = (
lambda x: x >= 0
and word_speaker_mapping[x]["word"][-1] in sentence_ending_punctuations
wsp_len = len(word_speaker_mapping)
words_list, speaker_list = [], []
for k, line_dict in enumerate(word_speaker_mapping):
word, speaker = line_dict["word"], line_dict["speaker"]
k = 0
while k < len(word_speaker_mapping):
line_dict = word_speaker_mapping[k]
if (
k < wsp_len - 1
and speaker_list[k] != speaker_list[k + 1]
and not is_word_sentence_end(k)
left_idx = get_first_word_idx_of_sentence(
k, words_list, speaker_list, max_words_in_sentence
right_idx = (
k, words_list, max_words_in_sentence - k + left_idx - 1
if left_idx > -1
else -1
if min(left_idx, right_idx) == -1:
k += 1
spk_labels = speaker_list[left_idx : right_idx + 1]
mod_speaker = max(set(spk_labels), key=spk_labels.count)
if spk_labels.count(mod_speaker) < len(spk_labels) // 2:
k += 1
speaker_list[left_idx : right_idx + 1] = [mod_speaker] * (
right_idx - left_idx + 1
k = right_idx
k += 1
k, realigned_list = 0, []
while k < len(word_speaker_mapping):
line_dict = word_speaker_mapping[k].copy()
line_dict["speaker"] = speaker_list[k]
k += 1
return realigned_list
def get_sentences_speaker_mapping(word_speaker_mapping, spk_ts):
sentence_checker = nltk.tokenize.PunktSentenceTokenizer().text_contains_sentbreak
s, e, spk = spk_ts[0]
prev_spk = spk
snts = []
snt = {"speaker": f"Speaker {spk}", "start_time": s, "end_time": e, "text": ""}
for wrd_dict in word_speaker_mapping:
wrd, spk = wrd_dict["word"], wrd_dict["speaker"]
s, e = wrd_dict["start_time"], wrd_dict["end_time"]
if spk != prev_spk or sentence_checker(snt["text"] + " " + wrd):
snt = {
"speaker": f"Speaker {spk}",
"start_time": s,
"end_time": e,
"text": "",
snt["end_time"] = e
snt["text"] += wrd + " "
prev_spk = spk
return snts
def get_speaker_aware_transcript(sentences_speaker_mapping, f):
previous_speaker = sentences_speaker_mapping[0]["speaker"]
f.write(f"{previous_speaker}: ")
for sentence_dict in sentences_speaker_mapping:
speaker = sentence_dict["speaker"]
sentence = sentence_dict["text"]
# If this speaker doesn't match the previous one, start a new paragraph
if speaker != previous_speaker:
f.write(f"\n\n{speaker}: ")
previous_speaker = speaker
# No matter what, write the current sentence
f.write(sentence + " ")
def format_timestamp(
milliseconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, decimal_marker: str = "."
assert milliseconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected"
hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000
milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000
minutes = milliseconds // 60_000
milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000
seconds = milliseconds // 1_000
milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000
hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" if always_include_hours or hours > 0 else ""
return (
def write_srt(transcript, file):
Write a transcript to a file in SRT format.
for i, segment in enumerate(transcript, start=1):
# write srt lines
f"{format_timestamp(segment['start_time'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')} --> "
f"{format_timestamp(segment['end_time'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')}\n"
f"{segment['speaker']}: {segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
def find_numeral_symbol_tokens(tokenizer):
numeral_symbol_tokens = [
for token, token_id in tokenizer.get_vocab().items():
has_numeral_symbol = any(c in "0123456789%$£" for c in token)
if has_numeral_symbol:
return numeral_symbol_tokens
def _get_next_start_timestamp(word_timestamps, current_word_index, final_timestamp):
# if current word is the last word
if current_word_index == len(word_timestamps) - 1:
return word_timestamps[current_word_index]["start"]
next_word_index = current_word_index + 1
while current_word_index < len(word_timestamps) - 1:
if word_timestamps[next_word_index].get("start") is None:
# if next word doesn't have a start timestamp
# merge it with the current word and delete it
word_timestamps[current_word_index]["word"] += (
" " + word_timestamps[next_word_index]["word"]
word_timestamps[next_word_index]["word"] = None
next_word_index += 1
if next_word_index == len(word_timestamps):
return final_timestamp
return word_timestamps[next_word_index]["start"]
def filter_missing_timestamps(
word_timestamps, initial_timestamp=0, final_timestamp=None
# handle the first and last word
if word_timestamps[0].get("start") is None:
word_timestamps[0]["start"] = (
initial_timestamp if initial_timestamp is not None else 0
word_timestamps[0]["end"] = _get_next_start_timestamp(
word_timestamps, 0, final_timestamp
result = [
for i, ws in enumerate(word_timestamps[1:], start=1):
# if ws doesn't have a start and end
# use the previous end as start and next start as end
if ws.get("start") is None and ws.get("word") is not None:
ws["start"] = word_timestamps[i - 1]["end"]
ws["end"] = _get_next_start_timestamp(word_timestamps, i, final_timestamp)
if ws["word"] is not None:
return result
def cleanup(path: str):
"""path could either be relative or absolute."""
# check if file or directory exists
if os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path):
# remove file
elif os.path.isdir(path):
# remove directory and all its content
raise ValueError("Path {} is not a file or dir.".format(path))
def process_language_arg(language: str, model_name: str):
Process the language argument to make sure it's valid and convert language names to language codes.
if language is not None:
language = language.lower()
if language not in LANGUAGES:
if language in TO_LANGUAGE_CODE:
language = TO_LANGUAGE_CODE[language]
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported language: {language}")
if model_name.endswith(".en") and language != "en":
if language is not None:
f"{model_name} is an English-only model but received '{language}'; using English instead."
language = "en"
return language