You are running low on fuel!
As I hear the monster growl, I can see my firecamp dwindle, and I knew in a few minutes, the flame would be weak enough for him to grab me to the shadow.
I was born blind, so I learned braille.
Imagine my sheer horror when I felt u201cHeu2019s comingu201d
Two turbines and yet the loudest thing on this play is that screaming child.
After killing the little annoyens his mother proof that the apple don't fall far from the three .
Sitting on the toilet, she pushed and pushed until finally she heard the familiar sound of water splashing, and the pressure inside of her was finally gone.
This was her easiest pregnancy yet.
As the Superbowl TV camera cut to the crowd and zoomed in on us, I dropped to one knee, produced the ring, and asked her to marry me.
"No" she replied, stood up, and walked away.
After a long day, I went to lay down in bed next to my girlfriend.
If only she was still alive to hold me.
after hearing a single gunshot ring, we grabbed our crying baby from the other room and swaddled him in our arms
it brought joy to our faces when he not only fell asleep very quickly, but was clearly in a very deep sleep.
"Doctor Carnegie what are you doing with the Milleru2019s new babe?"
Placing a suction cup over the boys left nipple, and with a spiteful glint in her eye, Doctor Carnegie muttered, u201cMales donu2019t need nipples."
i didn't realise how tired i was until i blinked.
are the faces closer than they were a second ago?
The test can't hurt me, but then I see the dreaded word.
I just asked my Google Home to set a timer for "when Ragnarok starts".
And it set a timer for 6 hours.
Standing in the mirror, she frantically attempted to peel the horrifying mask off, only to find it bound to her flesh, just as the shop owner warned her it would be.
The beauty would now forever be the beast.
I learned a lot about Sarah while we spent a week in the psych ward together, so now that we're both released, I don't understand why she won't answer when I visit every night.
If she keeps this up, I might have to punish her.
"Mommy," I hear her call tonight, "I'm cold."
We had her funeral yesterday.
As general manager, I check the motion-activated security footage every morning before opening the department store to the public.
Itu2019s always the same smiling mannequins standing absolutely still by the time the camera begins recording, though weirdly never where I left them.
My paranoia always makes me see things out of the corner of my eye.
But this time *it* was actually there.
Through complete boredom, I pressed the launch button as I had a thousand times before, knowing the nuclear launch codes hadn't been entered.
The blaring klaxon, flashing beacons, and a countdown told me this time things were different.
I've never been one to ask for help, but I may need assistance.
I'm currently hovering over some board with numbers and letters on it, and I can't move from this spot!
After some consideration, I decided to name my new pets.
Tortured, burned, drowned.
I accidentally saw that my husband had ordered me some sexy limgerie on Amazon, so I decided to walk into the bedroom where he was lying down, and, with a very serious face, said, "I know what you've done."
The way his eyes stared at me chilled me to the bone as he pulled his gun out of his end table, pointed it at me, and told me that I never should've looked in the basement.
After my battalion and I failed to conquer the town, we were all sentenced to hanging.We hung there for days, weeks, months, years, the grip of death never taking hold.
Twenty years after my baby brother went missing, he was finally found.
In a long spate of serial murders that claimed my fiance, he was identified as the killer.
I love people who dream vividly.
Those people make it so much easier for me to complete my blood rituals.
+I don't care that they are hearing voices scream for help, give them ear plugs and make them mine again!
-Sir, the miners are hearing their own voices beg for mercy.
Having finally built up the courage to mercy kill the rest of my family, I raised the gun to my head with a trembling hand.
When we learned to revive the dead, the first test subjects wept and begged to be sent back to u201cparadiseu201d
We were overjoyed until our psychologist diagnosed them with Stockholm Syndrome.
My heart dropped as I woke with a raging hangover in an unfamiliar place
The loop was broken we were free but good lord what had we done yesterday
I was skeptical about going to Bosnia for my summer vacation...
When the landmine clicked under my feet at the local park...I knew I should have stayed home.
My house was broken into a while back, but nothing was stolen that I could see.
I keep imagining I hear footsteps at night, though.
The "Emos" (as they have been labeled by the other students) have taken a special interest in human anatomy.
They seem especially eager to learn about the location of major blood vessels like the External Jugular etc amd they suddenly seem....so happy y'know.
He peeled away the duct tape from my lips, still leaving my eyes covered.
I went to scream, only to find my lips had been sewn together.
I was eating a delicious cake my wife baked for me one day.
wait where did my penis go
In the news i read that my family had been found dead in the woods...
Who took them out of the freezer?
AITA for telling my little brother that he can fit a lightbulb in his mouth?
I mean, I didn't think he was dumb enough to actually try it.
"Is Hell really as bad as we're taught in church?" the child asked.
His father took out a cigarette, looked into the sky and said "Just look around you and tell me if Hell is as bad as depicted!"
u201cIu2019m sorry, I didnu2019t realize anyone would be placed in here so soon after Mrs. Carteru2019s passing this morning,u201d I muttered with embarrassment, as I hastily closed the door behind me.
As I turned to resume my nightly resident check throughout the nursing home, a chilling sweat trickled down my neck, dawning upon me the unsettling realization that I could see through the translucent form of the new occupant.
I finished my first real meal after weeks on the desert island, and thanked my rescuers for the pork
The ship's captain corrected me; "Long pork"
Your patrol cruiser only has two seats, how do you arrest people?
"I don't" the officer replied.
I adopted a stray cat recently, so I thought nothing of it when I found cat hair all over my bed after I got home from work.
I was mystified, however, when I woke up the next morning to find every hair inextricably rooted into my skin.
After trying to get pregnant for ten years with no success, finally holding my baby daughter in my arms is everything I always hoped it would be.
And no amount of teary-eyed press conferences in the world is going to make me give her back.
The message said to go downstairs
The killer man was downstairs!
"I'm sorry, but it appears your health insurance has lapsed."
I felt every stitch as the doctor began to reattach my infected tonsils.
The pus that came out of the gash in my leg was thick and off-white.
I stared at the napkin it was on in disgust and then it started moving.
I woke up bound to a chair in a place I didnu2019t recognize.
As I struggle to escape, the u201cnursesu201d, as they call themselves, sigh in exasperation and assure me everything is alright and I have nowhere else to be.
Hey, if your hear me, I could use your help!
It's not selfishness that made me ignore her, but the fact that I could hear her just fine although I was born deaf.
As he sat there, relief washing over him from the laxatives finally kicking in, a different peculiar feeling overcame him.
He was no longer alone in the bathroom.
I hate when they act like no one's home.
They keep quiet as soon as I knock on the basement door
The fire of the blazing inferno flickered and wove intricately as though it were performing a seductive dance, hypnotizing unsuspecting prey.
It was no wonder when the firefighters, to a man, had abandoned their hoses and slowly made their way towards the welcoming flame.
I began to weep as I found my monster-turned son feasting on the fresh corpse of his mother.
It was all the harder to pull the trigger when he looked up at me with tears in his still-lucid eyes.
In the summer I don't dare to go out of the house with my skin rash.
They might notice that I'm human...
In the summer I don't dare to go out of the house with my skin rash.
They might notice that I'm not human...
"Have you ever considered taking your own life," my therapist asked me during our session.
"I wouldn't normally say this, but I think you should consider it."
I dived in the cold lake water and swam back up, exhaling to prepare to breathe in again
Itu2019s been 30 seconds, where is the surface ?
They say that you die twice, once when you stop breathing, and again when someone utters your name one last time.
As my body slowly rots, im starting to think that being the most infamous killer wasn't the greatest idea
They scrolled, mindlessly reading stories of untold horror.
Not knowing their own was about to begin.
My breathing came sharp and fast as I listened to the hull creak and groan under the weight of the water.
Even though I knew my biggest problem was the 480m of water above me, I couldn't help but fixate on the precipice just to the right of my stricken vehicle and the 7700m of abyss beyond.
I had a surge of adrenaline as I felt a crushing pressure on my chest
Why did I have to put so much weight on the bar?
I use stethoscope to listem to my bals
But then... Doctor walk in
Did you know that most of the non-insect land animal biomass was either humans or food for humans?
Can you even imagine what that must have been like?
Longing for another spike of dopamine I took anither hit.
But this time I didn't feel anything.
The biggest lie they ever told us was that we were alone in the universe, that there was nothing beyond the cosmic veil of the cosmos.
We couldn't have ever been prepared for the maw of infinity as it closed in our desperate insanity, and in the end, we would be crushed for the hopeless cycle to begin in a blink of an eye.
I was on a wild acid trip last night where I fought a wild lion bare handed.
How do I tell my wife I strangled our golden retriever to death?
"He has his father's eyes!"
It was at that moment I understood that everyone knew who took advantage of me at that party, except me.
I pleadingly asked Jane to stop screaming and crying in the middle of the night.
She needs to save that for later once I'm done disposing John.
During my nightly panic attacks, my mother asked me what I saw in my nightmare this time and I replied, a creepy shadow haunting me.
I have to lie because if I tell her that I keep seeing her chop off my brother's limbs, I'll be next...
The pain from my kidney stone was getting worse every time I masturbated.
Reeling from the pain as I came, Iu2019m amazed at the relief I suddenly feel, until I look down and see a tiny fetus laying in the small puddle of blood and semen.
I didnu2019t intend to ghost the cute girl I met at the bar.
But since she drugged me and stole all my organs, I feel obligated to at least haunt her now.
This time while romping in the stairwell, my brother fell down the stairs and broke his neck.
I've rarely felt so entertained, so from now on I'm "playing" with my little sister.
The mask laughed as it was forced onto my face.
Next thing I knew, I was the mask.
I didn't matter to me what kind of torture they chose, I wasn't afraid.
That was until I saw a small bamboo sprout.
As my friend and I walked through the bushveld we saw a monster on the far side of a great hole who challenged us to throw a rock at itu2019s head.
My friend picked up a stone and threw it square at the beastu2019s forehead only for it to be reflected off the beasts fur and fly back at my friend killing him on the spot.
Being hard of hearing, I was always used to waking up to general quiet before I put my hearing aids in.
But today when I woke up, there was nothing but silence that not even my hearing aids could get through.
Alice jumped into the hole, Hoping to catch up to the white rabbit.
"Breaking news: Local girl found dead in the farmer's well, presumed to have committed suicide
On the nearly four hundredth day repeated exactly as the last, I finally broke down and gave into the urges to take advantage of my situation
But to my horror, when I woke up, her body was still in the same place as I had left it
You wake up in the midst of the night to an unfamiliar pitter-patter in the upstairs bedroom.
An uneasy feeling of dread washes over you as you flick on the lamp- there are no doorsu2026 but the giggles keep getting closer.
As I watched the news report, my heart sank when I saw them reporting my beautiful Julie was reported missing.
However, it was a relief to see that the police had no leads, meaning nothing was gonna interrupt our dream honeymoon.
The young child spun around, as she heard the sound of her motheru2019s voice, crying in pain for her baby.
The thing that was concerning was not the fact the voice was coming from the snowy forest, but it sounded just like her before she died.
Theyu2019ll make it sound like they can get inside but the door is sturdy enough to keep them out.
Itu2019s too late to make sure youu2019ve locked it once the sun goes down, though.
"Don't be scared, those are just fireworks!", I said, hugging my daughter tight.
At least I didn't let her watch the ceiling collapse.
Pitbulls have such an awful reputation.
I'm going to make sure it stays that way, so they can no longer be around to protect their human families!
I was shocked she was able to get all 9 inches in.
I screamed and begged her to pull the giant centipede out of my stoma.
It's not human.
Not yet anyways.
I was scaring my child for fun, making weird faces
He was pale with fear, but he was looking behind me
I stared at the blank white wall as the passage of time became an abstract concept.
But they wonu2019t let me go until I confessed a murder I didnu2019t do.
I don't know what kind of razor-beaked nightmare hatched from that strange egg I found, but it apparently thinks I'm its mother.
After watching what it did to my roommates, I've been regurgitating food into its mouth every hour and praying it doesn't figure out the truth.
The boy entered the room, expecting to see a happy, colorful clown.
instead, he was met with the sight of the clowns dead pale body.
When I was younger, I always had insomnia incase something bad happened when I was asleep
As the fires surrounded my cabin in a distant island, I realize my insomnia was always for good reason
I missed my wife.
Luckily for me, I still had a few rounds in the chamber; and she's got nowhere to run to.
you gleefully turn around and tell your dad at the end of your journey you would find out what really happened to your 24 mentally challenged siblings.
The last thing you're able to think is how the answer has been right under your nose the whole time.
When my husband told me the number of women he had murdered over the years I knew I would need to end his life.
Having one serial killer in a house is risky enough, but two under the same roof are bound to draw attention!
Although heu2019s gone, I enjoyed the gift my grandpa gave me.
It was unnerving how I would always wake to see the doors to the closet ajar though.
My cat dropped a snake head on my leg.
I watched, as the fangs sank into my thigh.
I could see the tears still actively falling from her eyes before I turned and walked away from her for the last time.
It was odd because the last 3 girls' tears stopped after I removed their heads.
I had been instilled since I was young that if I ever heard someone's voice who wasn't there to IMMEDIATELY hide.
But now, as I look into its dark, beady eyes, I now regret not hiding in the dumpster.
Al I heard was a thud and my son yelling u201ci didnu2019t mean to!! Iu2019m sorry!!!u201d from upstairs
I entire the playroom and find my youngest sobbing with a gun on the floor and his older brother crumbled in the corner holding a nerf gun
I pledged to the doctors to get that thing out of me, but they refused, saying I would regret it later.
But now as I'm laying here with my uterus on the floor, I'm sure that I prefer to die than have that thing growing in my body.
I bring my next participant on stage for a magic trick and saw through the box with surgical precision for her to come out untouched
I just hope the police dont connect the dots
They always say in case of an emergency call 911.
When I saw him frantically pick up his phone I remembered his car drove left.
I just heard my mother call my name.
Though I know that she died over a decade ago, I certainly welcome the company.
My mother promised that she would always sing me a song before bed.
Itu2019s nice that her promise stayed after she died.