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"author": "IWasMeButNowHesGone",
"comments": [
"author": "ProfessionalOne2943",
"body": "Pharaoh Total War lol"
"author": "penguin032",
"body": "People still bought it. They'll keep doing it because it works."
"author": "IceClimber",
"body": "There is a particular game that has over 600M invested and 10+ years of development. Your a blizz IDIOT if you think for a second it won't deliver."
"author": "DesolationJones",
"body": "Do people still play this? Other than world bosses, it's such a lonely game compared to previous versions. And I had to spend half my time doing inventory management. Has any of this been addressed yet?"
"author": "Instantcoffees",
"body": "Eh, it has no staying power, but it was fun for the first 50-100 hours though. The campaign was great. The endgame started off fun, but got boring around level 80. I still snored me way to level 100, but I have no interest in playing it again.\n\nApparently the new season has some interesting things in it, but my interest to play the game is completely gone."
"author": "ProphetofChud",
"body": "Can't believe you only got 100 hours of fun out of a 50 dollar game, the horror."
"author": "ty4scam",
"body": "I don't get how people enjoy the D3 group experience. It's either : \n\n- jump into random groups and everyone does their own thing and really no different to solo except for a 4x drops multiplier (bounties) \n- jump into random groups and the guy with the best build carries everyone else (speedrift)\n- jump into organised groups and your barbarian is no longer allowed to smash things but instead is a buff totem who has to round up mobs for other people to have fun (grs)."
"author": "Indifferent_Response",
"body": "TBH I really believed they would have at least began by copy/pasting D3 which I really enjoy lol"
"author": "Sokjuice",
"body": "A title that has a reputation for endgame loop? Yes it is actually quite horrible. That 50-100 hour is mostly carried by the story and progression to unlocking endgame, but then it felt bad the moment you reach it.\n\nAlso, I doubt it was \"wow, GOTY\" fun for that period and more like \"oo, cool\"."
"author": "hates_stupid_people",
"body": "It got a short uptick with the release of a new season recently.\n\nBut D3 got a new season just before, and had more viewers on twitch for that."
"author": "Zizbouze",
"body": "\nYou're naïve lil bro. When you grow up you ll realize a lot of things in particular that the time and the money invested is rarely in correlation with the quality of the game but more often just Promotional advertisement."
"author": "influenceridiocy",
"body": "20-30 years ago you'd be correct. These days? Not so much."
"author": "Instantcoffees",
"body": "That was kind of my point, I'm not mad if a game can give me that amount of hours of fun. It's a shame it has no staying power, but I personally got my moneys worth and moved on."
"author": "Jamie651651",
"body": "It's funny when people call others idiots while misusing the correct form of \"you're\" in the same sentence."
"author": "evadeinseconds",
"body": "> Your a blizz IDIOT if you think for a second it won't deliver.\n\nParody levels of projection."
"author": "lordisgaea",
"body": ">The campaign was great.\n\n​\n\nYeah, no. The campaign was bland, ultra basic, unoriginal, tediously grindy, had no tension or challenge, was stretched out only for the sake of making you waste more time, repetitive as fuck, it even had escort quests in 2023, none of the characters were interesting, the story had high school level of writing, the in game \"cinematics\" were so poorly designed it was laughable and all the bosses were boring as fuck.\n\nIt's not because you like shit that it makes it less of a shit."
"author": "Longjumping_Ad_1729",
"body": "-100 hours"
"author": "Pepe_XYXY",
"body": "Total Flop"
"author": "shower_optional",
"body": "Why so green"
"author": "Tyrayentali",
"body": "Just buy a game key. Got an ultimate edition of d4 for 62 bucks."
"author": "lokkenitup",
"body": "I played season 0, was fun till endgame (or lack thereof). Then tried to play season 1 and quit really early for all the reasons you listed plus more.\n\nI got back on for season 2 and was expecting to lose interest quickly, but it's actually gotten quite a bit better. Lot's of QOL changes, the seasonal affect is infinitely better than season 1 (and makes the game less lonely like you said), and they made every class playable and strong (a little too strong maybe but I like it that way rather than the alternative). There's still some big issues in the endgame content though, and stash space still isnt perfect although a little better. \n\nOverall it kinda seems like they are following in D3's shadow, releasing an undercooked game that causes nearly everyone to quit cause of all the issues, then make it slowly better after iterations of player feedback, and in 5-10 seasons we'll probably have a really good game."
"author": "SkeezyMak",
"body": "Not that viewership matters for ARPGs since they are pretty boring to watch, but I dont think this is true. Asmon playing D4 alone is +20k views. Then add quin and the other PoE boys playing for a week or so."
"author": "Derpinator368",
"body": "Hope it goes like d3 when it’s a good game in like 18 seasons"
"author": "ErikHumphrey",
"body": "They reduced the inventory management, so equipment is pretty much the only thing taking up inventory space. And at higher levels, you only get legendary drops and no trash. As for loneliness, no changes there because they probably think that randomly encountering other people like it's Journey is still better than D3, even in the absence of other in-game grouping systems.\n\nBiggest drop-off will probably be after everyone has done a season as each class. Maybe they'll make it F2P eventually.\n\nPaid expansion probably planned though"
"author": "ciofinho",
"body": "is he playing the orginal MG games? damn I remember MG2 was so hard to beat back in the day"
"author": "RhodieCommando",
"body": "Everyone's daily reminder that Titan Quest 2, a new Grim Dawn DLC, PoE2 and Last Epoch full release is all being released next year. There is zero chance the player base for D4 survives through all that. It's basically pointless to get invested in a game that will be fully dead 1 year from now."
"author": "SnakePrinceBoa",
"body": "clip could be both for starfield and diablo lmao"
"author": "West_Set",
"body": "I really thought this was a comment shitting on D4 at first, did you meant to end that second sentence some other way?"
"author": "Pure_Comparison_5206",
"body": "What are you even saying?\n\nhttps://twitchtracker.com/games/515024\n\n\nhttps://twitchtracker.com/games/313558\n\n\n210k peak Vs 18k peak\n\nI don't know why but people here on Reddit really love to lie and create wild narrative when talking about D4.\n\nLike even saying it got a short uptick, how can you tell? You were wrong about twitch but i'm sure you can share the playerbase numbers with us.\n\nIt's wild."
"author": "drpyh",
"body": " The campaign was great.\n\nIt was completely uninteresting and uninspired dogshit which consisted of Talk to NPC -> Kill monsters -> Go talk to NPC in new zone -> kill monsters for the entire duration. Sprinkle in boring and meaningless boss fights that don't have any reason to exist other than interrupting the plot. Throw in escort quests that serve no purpose but to add fake variety in the most counteractive way possible. Zones having no sense of inter-connectivity made the world building non-existent since it only existed to serve the overarching plot and its development from start to finish.\n\nDon't even get me started on that insult of an ending. The events of the last 2-3 hours are wholly preordained. You have no say in the outcome whatsoever, the side character (don't even remember her name) we're all meant to care about was tacked on garbage that hindered the conclusion and took reins of the plot like we give a shit about her place in it. I audibly groaned at the end when Lilith offers the player character to join her side and without a second of thought my character turned the offer down because I only exist to be the hero in the story, devoid of any character complexity or independent thought. Like why even have this dialogue if it is never going anywhere. I couldn't believe there could be this much of a lack of choice in a damn RPG game. Railroaded trash."
"author": "Gyokan7",
"body": "62 bucks too many."
"author": "Leetzers",
"body": "Asking questions is how you get shot."
"author": "penguin17077",
"body": "Diablo 3 is so much better honestly. D4 takes it itself to seriously and is just not good at it. D3 feels more wacky and it's arcadey in a sense, and it works."
"author": "penguin17077",
"body": "Last Epoch is a great middle ground for anyone that finds PoE overwhelming, and D3 a bit basic."
"author": "NeilaTheSecond",
"body": "> Make good endgame content for a game knows about the endgame grind\n\n\nnah\n\n\n> Make a good story and focus on the campaign\n\n\nnah, lol they couldn't make a compelling story if they tried\n\n\n> Make it interesting to play with giving players the opportunity to experiment with their build\n\n\n\"We won't bother making interesting classes or leveling because everyone will just look up a guide. have fun with the most basic abilities an linear progression\""
"author": "CringeTeam",
"body": "You can get way more than that for less money in ARPGs that are older, from smaller companies and were made with less budget. Your point?"
"author": "evadeinseconds",
"body": "It doesn't make sense, he says \"blizz idiot\" which is what you might call somebody who is insisting what he is insisting."
"author": "Tails4005",
"body": "They're saying Diablo 4 got a short uptick with the new season, which is true, 210k peak versus the highest being 941k. Also this link literally says that two months ago Diablo 4 had 10k peak views and Diablo 3 had 18k peak viewers. So they're also right with that aren't they? The peak for D3 has died down since, and they now have less viewers, but they weren't wrong."
"author": "NorthLeech",
"body": "Thats specifically what a lot of people dont like about 3, and a big selling point for 4 was that its going back to not being that.\n\nOh how the turntables..."
"author": "Season2WasBetter",
"body": "I'd also recommend Chronicon to anyone liking those games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/375480/Chronicon/\n\nBut let's be real, having way better more indepth mechanics doesn't matter to the majority of the playerbase. D4 looks good and is called Diablo, it will survive."
"author": "recOneLo",
"body": "The internet made up this \"endgame loop\" out of thin air. No one making these claims has played the original Diablo 2. How do I know this? Let's look at what original D2 \"endgame\" was - completing the game, unlocking a harder difficulty and then completing it again on that harder difficulty. That's it.\n\nThe notion that Diablo franchise is boring now or not as good as it used to be is because they've been lied to about what Diablo actually is. It's just a complete game with replayability options of running a harder difficulty. Whoever sold you onto the idea that Diablo was a place for amazing endgame content lied to your face with rose-colored glasses."
"author": "mtnlol",
"body": "This post tells me that you definitely have not played d2. \n\nThe endgame loop of Diablo 2 is grinding for better gear and making your character stronger, something that is actually very fun in d2 and completely sucks balls in d4. Getting loot in Diablo 4 feels like nothing, there's no excitement about gear."
"author": "MancunianCandidatex",
"body": "It's a problem with his camera that became part of the stream so he hasn't fixed it/got a new camera."
"author": "ControlledByEmotions",
"body": "by the time it's good you'll have to buy an expansion to play the good parts"
"author": "ControlledByEmotions",
"body": "Not only that. It let you play early before the season 1 even started. So all of your progress wouldn't matter in those 5 days.\n\nI was arguing with people how much a waste of money spending more was on the d4 subreddit remember so many people being mad and calling me poor"
"author": "penguin17077",
"body": "I agree, a lot people didn't like the style of D3, but at least it did the style well (post expansion) - which at least means the people that do like the style, really enjoy the game.\n\n\nWhereas D4 is in the style that a lot of people wanted, but they did the style so poorly that not many people are enjoying the game at all. Perhaps D4 can be saved in a couple years like D3 was."
"author": "Yocas",
"body": "Mortal Kombat 1 too, if I'm not mistaken."
"author": "Schnidler",
"body": "yeah, the campaign really was shit. no idea why people said its good or that the story is good. i dont remember a single boss, which is usually what diablo should be about. also the game has like 7 acts which are not really acts? plus the world looks super boring, its all just sand"
"author": "recOneLo",
"body": "I want to make the distinction of ORIGINAL DIABLO 2. Not the remastered bullshit. In order to defeat the harder difficulties you obviously needed better gear, that's a given. But what is there to do after you have beaten the game on the hardest difficulty? Nothing unless you make goals for yourself like rerolling a new character or playing on a seasonal ladder. There is no \"endgame loop\" and never has been."
"author": "Tyrayentali",
"body": "At least Blizzard doesn't get a penny of it"
"author": "mtnlol",
"body": "What is there to do? Grind for gear to make your character stronger, farm torches, annihilus, etc. \n\nDiablo 2 has actual gear that is meaningful and fun to grind and feels amazing once you actually get it. Diablo 4 has nothing. Gear is boring as fuck in Diablo 4. \n\nIn a game all about gearing up your character, the game is worthless if gear is uninteresting.\n\n\nOnce again, your post screams \"I have never played Diablo 2\"."
"author": "NaziPunks_Fuck_Off",
"body": "This honestly reads like you have never played a Diablo game before and were expecting the campaign for an ARPG to be like Baldur's Gate, which is just silly. Crazy that this shit gets upvoted, but D4/Blizzard bad will always result in a chorus of clapping monkeys."
"author": "mtnlol",
"body": "Lol. This is an incredibly rigid way of thinking about it, the end game loop of any game is doing what is enjoyable in the end game. \n\nSure, there's no \"YOU WIN!\" screen after you beat the hardest difficulty in D2, but why would there need to be? The game provides a very enjoyable loop of grinding for gear, getting stronger and grinding for more gear. That is literally the whole genre in a nutshell.\n\nPeople literally do the same thing in mmos, you don't quit after you beat the latest raid 1 time. People keep doing the raid every week because getting stronger is the fun of the game."
"author": "milk_ninja",
"body": "man i finally want to play poe2. not worth going back into poe till release."
"author": "recOneLo",
"body": "I'm not talking about Diablo 4 or gearing. I'm talking about Diablo as a franchise not having an endgame loop in comparison to say MMOs where you get a new patch of content to grind and then defeat. Once Diablo is beaten - that's it, it's beaten. You can CHOOSE to endlessly grind if you wish as I've stated that's your own personal goals but Diablo was developed as a complete game. It's only recently that the game has changed its focus on the idea that Diablo was always about having an \"endgame loop\" which it never was."
"author": "Hlidskialf",
"body": "And most of them stopped playing already lmao."
"author": "paoloking",
"body": "No one of those games will threat D4 in any way. D4 will get seasons and expansions for years with milions players playing and enjoying it over years and there is nothing those games can do to change that. That is just reality."
"author": "recOneLo",
"body": "But that's the thing, there is no END GAME to be had. You beat the game and then it's over! You're making things up to do because YOU want to keep playing the game and that's totally cool. That was never the intention of the original games, they were developed to be beaten and then put down like the rest of the RPGs of the time. \n\nI think you're confusing \"gameplay loop\" and \"endgame loop\". Yes the point of RPGs is to kill boss, get item to get stronger and kill stronger boss, we all love that. But the term endgame usually comes from things after you've completed the \"main quest\" of the game and I'm saying there is no endgame to be had because there is nothing to do in the game itself post credits unless YOU specifically make a goal for yourself. \n\nLook at games like The Elder Scrolls series or Fallout or Baldur's Gate. You kill enemies, get better loot and play thru a story. What kind of \"endgame loop\" do these games have? None. It's the same for the original Diablos. You can make your own goals after you've completed the stories of each game but there's no, \"oh now the real game begins where we farm near infinitely until we're satisfied\""
"author": "mtnlol",
"body": "The difference is that there's a fucking ton of items that can only drop in the later parts of the hardest difficulty, clearly designed to be done over and over to get stronger items. There's also ubers etc that is post end-game content designed to be incredibly hard which requires your character to be much, much stronger than what is required just to \"beat\" the game. They absolutely were designed to be played over and over and to grind for better and better gear."
"author": "efficient_giraffe",
"body": "You do understand that Blizzard still gets paid, right?"
"author": "LarsNourish",
"body": "I was going to buy diablo 4 and play on release, then a couple of days before release day i saw streamers playing it and i found out about the stupid \"pre release\" idk what to call it, and i never even bothered to buy it afterwards. Ngl i would've stopped playing after a couple of weeks anyways so i saved my money, thanks blizzard."
"author": "recOneLo",
"body": "And that's just part of the base game. Look at some of the Tales RPGs or Disgaea RPGs. They have many grinding systems in place to beat all of the content within the game - the \"gameplay loop\" - but there's no \"endgame loop\" where new items and new levels and skills are being put in so you can kill new bosses outside of the base game. Once they're done, they're done."
"author": "Gulruon",
"body": "I just bought it as I'm in a temporary game drought now and it was on sale...managed to slog my way through the campaign, no, it was not great. The only thing that was notable (in a good way, anyways) was that one Hell cinematic. It was clear millions had been spent on that cutscene. Otherwise, the campaign felt like an overly-angsty fanfic in terms of writing, had no notable gameplay elements to it, and in general was just mediocre."
"author": "SnakePrinceBoa",
"body": "2023 gaming Aware"
"author": "thalastor",
"body": "The game key is probably conjured from thin air by a wizard. Surely no money reached blizzard."
"author": "Soffman1",
"body": "Holy copium HAHAHAHAAH"
"author": "Bohya",
"body": "The only way that I see Diablo 4 surviving beyond PoE 2's release is if Activision-Blizzard go full overdrive into marketing it. It won't be a testiment to the quality of the game itself though."
"author": "XRustyPx",
"body": "also ''oh you picked one of the 3 builds that are actually viable and somewhat fun to play? its getting nerfed''"
"author": "Tyrayentali",
"body": "The game key is bought once and reselled by someone else. If I bought it from Blizzard it would mean two games were bought and at full price."
"author": "Synchrotr0n",
"body": "They will do it again when the first expansion launches, and dumb idiots will once again pay for it. It will be curious to hear the mental gymnastic that they will use to explain themselves charging for early access again now that there isn't a pre-season period anymore."
"author": "notsureenergymaybe",
"body": "poe2 is a totally different game now. GGG will run both at the same time."
"author": "yidaxo",
"body": "all those games play like they are 2 decades old \n\nno matter how barren of content d4 is, it will always have better combat"
"author": "wewfarmer",
"body": "They are different games marketed towards different people. You're legit insane if you think PoE2 is going to kill D4."
"author": "LoK_z",
"body": "Yes, gamers are commercially stupid, what else is new."
"author": "NearlySomething",
"body": "Slow boring quest 2, Slow Dawn DLC, Path of slow 2 to be closer to what chris wants."
"author": "DrGreenthumbJr",
"body": "no d4 dies in like 1 yr noone will care or talk about it until some expansion then some comeback for a month to do new content and leave. diablo died with blizzard north."
"author": "Hoovyisspy",
"body": "no ?"
"author": "yidaxo",
"body": "everyone knows d3 and d4 are the kings of combat \nyou can seethe, you can cope, but that is the reality \nyour janky 1 click spammers are not fun to play and feel bad"
"author": "TurboRetro64",
"body": "And yet millions bought it. \n\nPaying to be a beta tester - gamers are clowns"
"author": "SkeezyMak",
"body": "A lot of people forget about the massive amount of casuals and console players that diablo and other blizzard games appeal to."
"author": "-Rewind",
"body": "No, you will have to buy multiple expansions before that. They are planning on a paid expansion every year."
"author": "paoloking",
"body": "lol"
"author": "Discombobulated_Owl4",
"body": "Just throw in most games past few yrars"
"author": "Ovahzealousy",
"body": "Comment I didn’t know I needed to see, definitely taking a look nowz"
"author": "alchemist87",
"body": "I bought D3 with reaper of souls, after its been out for some time. Had insane fun with it. All i hear is stories about auction house and gearing before hand, but none of that matters, because the game was super fun when i played it.\n\nI am holding on D4 hoping something similar happens in the future, i don't mind waiting years."
"author": "Cause_and_Effect",
"body": "True. But this happened in the past with D3 where for years now it was put on a life support skeleton team because it started doing terribly for revenue. Its even leaked a long time ago a planned second expansion after Reaper of Souls was canceled because the game was doing bad. \n\nNow this time around they have more monetization so that may not happen. But PoE 2 is going to be a juggernaut even with casuals. I'd be worried if I was Blizzard."
"author": "wewfarmer",
"body": "I don't see the casual angle with PoE2. Every PoE enjoyer I know has been playing so long that things are \"so simple\" and \"second nature\" to them. In reality, it's basically nuclear physics for the layman gamer. \n\nPoE has carved out a successful niche and it does it well. But that's all it is - a niche."
"author": "bondsmatthew",
"body": "The story had potential, and some parts were alright but yeah I agree. I did like the villain, but when I compare that story to so many other games it's not fair lol"
"author": "drpyh",
"body": "\"It's a Diablo game, what did you expect?\". My fucking god are people so willing to handwave a company delivering mediocre garbage for the sake of appearing holier-than-thou on the internet. Funny you mention prior Diablo games like that helps your case when the first game utilizes the same narrative structure 27 years ago that D4 does now. Nothing has changed at all. Still the same rehashed slop that Blizzard have tricked you into accepting as the status quo of the genre that you so graciously eat up.\n\nI didn't expect the campaign to be like Baldur's Gate (which hadn't even released at that point). I expected Blizzard to iterate and improve a genre they pioneered 25+ years ago instead of regurgitating the same dull gameplay loop and narrative design that's been done better by other games in the past. Fuck me for having grand expectations for a game we spent 11 years waiting for."
"author": "Tom2232",
"body": "older games are cheaper,shocking"
"author": "imnphilyeet",
"body": "Wait titan quest 2? That game has the best campaign of any ARPG even if it’s kinda long. Kinda hyped"
"author": "Sokjuice",
"body": "You discounted stuffs like:\n\nNMD, Helltide, Tree of Whisper, Worldboss, Echo.\n\nAll are for after the game story ends. Also, drop rates are abysmal or locked for single story playthrough. This is apparent even back in D2 itself. You don't just casually get BiS uniques from doing it the story once.\n\nIt's designed for a repetitive loop to make your character strong. Sure enough base game D2 isn't insane in 2023 but back then, it was sufficient to keep people hooked, by design. It was enough for the developers to expand even more endgame content loops, more rare items (that again, statistically doesn't drop from a casual story run).\n\nMoving on to D3, needless to say, they followed the same trend of having endgame loop. Whether you're farming BiS items or Paragon 100. \n\nSo yes, the point still stands when we are talking about the Diablo franchise. Sure 50-100 hours of story/unlocking the endgame can be fun, but the actual loop at the end is/was not.\n\nThat's like telling a Starcraft player that's into competitive gamemode, \"Story was good, 50 hours, wtf do you want more?\" while the PvP game balance is borked. Yes, starcraft has lore and story but you cant just brush off the PvP aspect in determining whether its a success or not."
"author": "Eccmecc",
"body": "What got me was when the legandary horadrim scholar who deafeated Astarok and banished him from the world, died to a pillar."
"title": "How about Diablo 4, Aris?",
"transcript": "It's insane that a game like that, a game like that launched with a version that costs a hundred dollars that allows you to play like five days early. Could you even imagine that a game like that, which has such a long way to go to even be acceptable had a hundred dollar version that allowed you to play a few days earlier? Is this even Earth, dude? Jesus. This isn't Earth."
"author": "Stonedflame",
"comments": [
"author": "SingSillySongs",
"body": "It's the same kind of issue that he had on G4, never saw Name Your Price (Or even G4 for that matter) promoted anywhere except when I'd see an LSF clip pop up.\n\nIsn't the whole idea of the front page to promote events? Currently I see Kai's prison event up there then two 1k andies, fortnite reruns, and some sub 300 channels"
"author": "SingSillySongs",
"body": "honestly sometimes it's posts like this that make the gimmick posters like daniel seem alright"
"author": "Aseryu",
"body": "What a lack of real life connection does to a mf"
"author": "reodorant",
"body": "yeah, this game is pretty lame. out of all of Austin's shows (including his Rajj stuff), this is by far the least entertaining. even when the contestants are streamers i'm a fan of, this game just gives them nothing to work with. no skill, no showcase of personality, no stakes, no rewards. just overacting, camp, and screaming."
"author": "JeffTek",
"body": "boy thinks they feel like sand bags"
"author": "Aman19011999",
"body": "Chicken Gladiator"
"author": "lucasM005",
"body": "this people have no crowd etiquette. if you are in a show and they are announcing people you cheer. it doesnt matter who they are or if you know them or not. you are in the audience motherfucker make some noice."
"author": "dreamweavrr",
"body": "you make me want to shit in my hands and clap"
"author": "SolidTake",
"body": "Sorry they hurt your daddy"
"author": "Intrepid-Tank-3414",
"body": "https://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1713998574718214337\n\n[https://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1718347854991798345](https://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1718347854991798345)\n\nhttps://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1714344910634225913"
"author": "karlpoppery",
"body": "I think half the audience didn't know the previous names either. Will threw them off by saying a joke fake name, so they were not sure if Austin was joking when he said NMPLOL"
"author": "calsi-tea",
"body": " \"Common *your own name* W\" after that is WILD"
"author": "meanpotatoes",
"body": "I was at the show tonight and trust me before the show most people were talking about the Minecrafters so it’s a whole different crowd which might not know who NMP is"
"author": "2ToTooTwoFish",
"body": "I agree with you. Being on stage is terrifying. Once I realized that after going on one myself, I've always tried to be a good audience member tbh. Clapping, shouting, participating. Nothing's worse than a dead audience when you're up on a stage. Most people haven't gone on stage though, so they either don't think their participation matters or some people just don't care about making the performer/presenter feel comfortable.\n\nI might have a problem though because even if I'm not entertained at all I'll be clapping for people or participating when they're calling for crowd participation."
"author": "IfIWasASerialKiller",
"body": "That was very funny"
"author": "Intrepid-Tank-3414",
"body": "Did you think all those people accidentally bought the tickets and packed the auditorium each time because they find it boring?"
"author": "Intrepid-Tank-3414",
"body": "This is a recurring segment on LSF isn't it? Because I remember [this same cluelessness](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/16ytthu/qtcinderella_end_of_the_gala_250000_raised/) but for QTCinderella's [Gala For Good](https://twitter.com/qtcinderella/status/1702780129188200506) charity auction that 7[4,500 viewers](https://twitchtracker.com/qtcinderella/streams/42848064715) somehow knew to tune in.\n\nEvery single episode of this live Name Your Price have been announced by its creator. How else do you think it's sold-out every time?\n\nhttps://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1713998574718214337 \nhttps://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1718347854991798345 \nhttps://twitter.com/AustinOnTwitter/status/1714344910634225913"
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "Twitter and insta isn’t dead for minecrafters. When otk does massive events irl with each other they post places and have less followers and stream everyday to tell their folllowers. \n\nIf you don’t stream and don’t post how is any of your fans going to know you are on Austin’s streams. \n\nIt all seems weird to me especially since some of them have equity in misfits"
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "Austin and misfits promoted it. The problem is the minecrafters on the show for some reason refuse to promote it anywhere when they go live."
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "Qts event had those viewers because all those streamers consistently told their fans they were going to be at qts event. They all posted to insta and twitter. \n\nThe mincecrafters on Austin’s shows literally never post they go on his shows. People forget things. If you bought a ticket you show up. If you tweet the day of the event your followers might go oh something I can watch today"
"author": "Prior-Growth8951",
"body": "Sometimes I’ll write like 3-4 sentences in a comment and rethink my entire life. And then I see this."
"author": "Almostlongenough2",
"body": "Modern soap fans"
"author": "Lyminate",
"body": "What else can you call it besides a W? [Aria literally made an account to respond to me](https://i.redd.it/uiw9jqcaejwb1.jpg). \n\nObviously she only responded because my in-depth analysis was spot on. And in her own words, I helped her \"improve\" and \"move on\". [And she responded to the sub again today](https://www.reddit.com/r/otvandfriendsrumors/comments/17jlwv2/aria_responds_to_this_subreddit_again/)"
"author": "Fun-Pin-4474",
"body": "Nick’s audience are a bunch of 18-25 year old losers of course no one is there is gonna know him"
"author": "flewency",
"body": "I'm curious what the viewership would've been if emiru hadn't been on the show, from what I understand she has a more dedicated fanbase than the minecrafters at this point. With her they were around 16k but w/o her i'd guess theyre barely above 10k.\n\nNothing wrong with having a young audience, but they are so fickle. If you don't stay on top of what they care about, they will quickly grow up and change interests, and then it will feel like you fell off overnight."
"author": "xdthunderize",
"body": "yea adding them to guest star/stream together would send live notifications to each streamers' followers"
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "Yeah I think if Austin will Emiru and Rae were on any stream it would be like 12k minimum. It was the same as his love or host. He did one with sapnap and George got like 35k. Meanwhile xqc had 100k. \n\nI just think a lot of just chatting twitch audience doesn’t find any of the minecrafters funny or watchable."
"author": "smoke_crack",
"body": "The G4 redux was a dumpster fire though, I kinda feel bad for Adam Sessler."
"author": "Fellers",
"body": "Austin switching up for the Minecraft fanbase was good for him money wise but entertainment wise, not for me.\n\nDude chose one fanbase over the other. I'm surprised too that they let him get with the RajPatel schtick."
"author": "Le_witcheroo",
"body": "ok, but will forsen be there?"
"author": "Slightly_Famous",
"body": "Umm I watch Nick and I'm a 29 year old loser"
"author": "Plasticised",
"body": "That's that shit son"
"author": "Kornographic",
"body": "Im a 30 yr old loser, watch every stream"
"author": "Kornographic",
"body": "Very cringe tbh"
"author": "Krenicus",
"body": "I want you to know that there is more to life than this. You're making horrible decisions for your own mental wellbeing and if you ever regain your sanity as a human being, you will look upon your own actions with regret and disgust. So please, take a step back and realize what you are doing to yourself."
"author": "Quzzy",
"body": "this guy thinks people are making fun of him because of his take, not that his life revolves around this shit. \n\nhe's lost man."
"author": "Maxxman-1",
"body": "Tbf Name Your Price sucks and has sucked since it began. As have almost every game show that twitch has had in the last 3 years. The only live one that was any good was the mogul money show where soda and miz got drunk. Schooled live was fun this year as well"
"author": "Nodior47_",
"body": "i mean strictly speaking qtcinderella isn't any more of an \"actual name\" than nmplol. Yeah it has Cinderella but thats a fake name mythological princess"
"author": "zmxfh",
"body": "Bots Gladiator"
"author": "Material-Syllabub-82",
"body": "You're right but exaggerating, Miz was live and that's why the show didnt get much views with Emi on it."
"author": "toggl3d",
"body": "I think Will's joke broke the momentum of cheering for names. It's weird timing to do 3 names and then a joke name and then continue with a 4th."
"author": "Gogr0n",
"body": "Hey, watch your mouth young man! We are 30+ year old losers"
"author": "prolurker315",
"body": "Is this a copy pasta"
"author": "yinyangseed",
"body": "They cheered at everyone except nmp how're they minecrafters"
"author": "thisiskitta",
"body": "Yep that’s exactly it. I’m convinced people would’ve cheered the same if the momentum stayed intact. Especially that they didn’t cheer at all to Olivia Rodrigo which you’d assume they would go harder for, but they understood it was a joke and it just derailed from there."
"author": "Karahx",
"body": "I turned 31 a week ago and I'm a loser for sure."
"author": "daisiesintheskye",
"body": "This is kind of valid. I didn't know who nmplol was for a long time, but I knew nick and malena."
"author": "gimmike",
"body": "Get help before you shoot up a bowling alley"
"author": "gimmike",
"body": "So you either got hurt pretty badly or have never felt the touch of a woman. I'm placing a bet on the latter."
"author": "Intrepid-Tank-3414",
"body": ">Qts event had those viewers because all those streamers consistently told their fans they were going to be at qts event. They all posted to insta and twitter. \n\nWait, so that event WAS well-advertised after all? Then why are these clueless posts have so much upvotes on LSF?\n\n>The mincecrafters on Austin’s shows literally never post they go on his shows. People forget things. If you bought a ticket you show up. If you tweet the day of the event your followers might go oh something I can watch today\n\nIgnore the fact that these minecrafters barely touch twitter as it is, do you believe sapnap and georgenotfound tweeting about it would help the clueless LSF guy on LSF who supposedly watches Fear& to be more informed about Austin's event better than the multiple announcement straight from Austin himself?"
"author": "lag_is_cancer",
"body": "it's never to late to touch grass man..."
"author": "Shamata",
"body": "the amount of screaming all show was actually unbearable"
"author": "theguyinchat",
"body": "the crossover is both their audience are kids nmp have juicers and austin has minecrafters"
"author": "Abbreviations-Proud",
"body": "218 post karma. 9k comment.\n\nand you write a full article."
"author": "cyrfuckedmymum",
"body": "A bunch of those people would turn up if it said Georgenotfound or sapnap would be sitting silent on a chair for 2 hours on stage because people are weird like that. Same way people went to twitchcon to line up to see some of these people. Doesn't mean the show itself is remotely entertaining. I mean Austin has gotten 100k on other shows he's done and when I checked it yesterday he was at like 16k viewers, no one really gives a shit about it, for a star lineup and his own numbers that is pretty fucking terrible viewcount.\n\nAustinshow barely streaming, doing so many shows with minecrafters who have been boring as fuck has really caused him to drop off hard as the minecrafters stopped streaming on twitch after covid."
"author": "ParticularBug138",
"body": "oh wow nmp made it after being sodas butler"
"author": "BigDaveUK",
"body": "Future serial killer shit"
"author": "DoesAnyoneReadName",
"body": "I don't have any social media dumbfuck. Austin and Will never mention dates when promoting stuff on Fear & (which I have literally watched every episode since it was Fear & Malding) QT literally constantly said the date and Hasan literally went shopping before hand so of course I knew when it was."
"author": "banal_remarks",
"body": "The comment in question is 4 sentences.."
"author": "BusterKtn",
"body": "Austin keeps inviting the same people over and over again. He needs new friends"
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "Nick has said as much, he doesn't want twitter people watching him."
"author": "Spade_011",
"body": "You’re surprised a celebrity is greedy"
"author": "l1b3r4t0r",
"body": "I hope one day you can become a functioning member of society, if not for your sake, then so you stop being such a burden on your family and others."
"author": "acap37",
"body": "An upvoted daniel-sensei comment. Never thought I'd see the day"
"author": "Dislex1a",
"body": "we old"
"author": "Dislex1a",
"body": ">Just like QT's events, every single episode of Name Your Price have been announced by its creator multiple of times:\n\nSo.. what you are saying is twitter has a shitty engangement when it comes to bring viewers on a stream?"
"author": "phish73",
"body": "oh Hasan will be there!??!?! wow, i will definitely SKIP...."
"author": "Zealousideal-Tie-204",
"body": "that makes it even better, minecrafters and painschamp community, dodged 2 bullets."
"author": "elliottmorganoficial",
"body": "This is unhinged"
"author": "DeCa796",
"body": "It's a copy pasta, I guess my bad for not copying a well known one?"
"author": "iamADP",
"body": "Bro I’m in my 30s can you at least call out the correct age when calling us losers"
"author": "thekissik",
"body": "As someone who would turn up for Georgenotfound sitting silent on a chair for two hours, I agree that this format isn’t really entertaining unless you’re just there for Will’s improv (which, tbf, some are). I do like Austin a lot, but his shows/hosting really excel in a more personality-based environment, like Rajj Royale. But he seems to enjoy doing it and he seems to be getting hefty sponsors based on the number of ad disguised as games they do lol so I doubt they’re operating at a loss."
"author": "putinseesyou",
"body": "And apex predator (in heart)"
"author": "itsavirus",
"body": "Literally all these shows have the same few recurring guests. From OTK game shows to LA game shows."
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "Also the guy is dumb the minecrafters tweet all the time. You think they would tweet about a couple hundred thousand production they put on. \n\nWhen qt does an event the date and time is everywhere by her and everyone going. Anyone that says otherwise is just dumb"
"author": "TheJeffNeff",
"body": "Can't wait for nick to ditch for the next week and a half to avoid reacting to this."
"author": "Prior-Growth8951",
"body": "Click the shiny blue words."
"author": "Jenxpeno",
"body": "Poor nicky never gets appreciated enough :("
"author": "banal_remarks",
"body": "oh.. Erobb has ruined all links for me man"
"author": "t3cadeus",
"body": "She's not coming back bro."
"author": "Additional_Ad5318",
"body": "Never stops being funny, not even a courtesy scream 😂"
"author": "xdthunderize",
"body": "do you know if the guest star notifications worked today? did you get them? nmp,qt,hasan,willneff"
"author": "Ajp_iii",
"body": "i only have nick notifs and didnt get one. i usually get all guest star notifs"
"title": "Hasan! Ludwig! QT! Nmp...",
"transcript": "They are on sale now. They are on sale. Hassan Piker's going to be there, ladies and gentlemen. Ludwig's going to be there, ladies and gentlemen. Cutie Cinderella, anybody? Olivia Rodrigo. No, she's not going to be there. NMP, lol. Yeah. All right. Buy tickets now, nyplive.com. All right. Hey, Austin, we'll be there, too. We'll be there, too, me and Will. This is it."
"author": "OMEGALULSQUE",
"comments": [
"author": "OMEGALULSQUE",
"body": "Fairs"
"author": "Pepizaur",
"body": "so what you're sayin is.... you wanna give her the gabagool? You wanna simmer your meatballs in her sauce?"
"author": "Cintrao",
"body": "this is a goomah i like to have"
"title": "Cinna gets the pass",
"transcript": "Say whatever you want about us, we just don't care. I- I don't care. You can say whatever you want. So if I say it now, I can say it? Yes, I literally- I will give you the- You'll give me the pass? What is the Italian pass? Like, I don't even know, like a $25 gift card to Olive Garden. I don't know what it is, but you can have it. I don't care. Say whatever you want about Italians, we don't care. Gu- Guido? What? Oh, stop!"
"author": "csprm977",
"comments": [
"author": "throwdemawaaay",
"body": "He's legit funny when he puts effort in."
"author": "csprm977",
"body": "Oh, I figured he shut it down because every post mentioning Mitch joining the guild was deleted from his subreddit \n\nTo be fair, his subreddit were **really** pissed after everything that happened. His subreddit gets overly parasocial about his emotions, but I get it considering how open he is with his mental health"
"author": "komandantmirko",
"body": "see a miz post, click it just to see if barry is in the comments. see that he is under his new pseudonym, downvote, leave."
"author": "EveningSubject118",
"body": "nice Mitch cosplay Cinna"
"author": "X1861",
"body": "he would know"
"author": "YSoma00",
"body": "Miz and Cinna collabs actually always have good clips"
"author": "borninsane",
"body": "certified well one"
"author": "El_Deeabloo",
"body": "i dont realy keep up with the goings on in here? Are we talking about like Barry barry the monk player barry? mitch and reckful friend barry? Why does he hate miz so much?"
"author": "komandantmirko",
"body": "nah. pretty sure he's just a discord schizo from one of those servers"
"title": "Mizkif makes a good one LUL",
"transcript": "It was nice meeting you. Um, let's... Glad to say the word, miss. Glad to say the word, miss. No, listen, if you're a streamer, it goes back here. Oh, God!"
"author": "downWithXqCOW",
"comments": [
"author": "IReallyLikeAvocadoes",
"body": "Respectfully."
"author": "DDRGuido",
"body": "I don't understand the hate boner lsf has for ice."
"author": "Blackops606",
"body": "Throw in a juicer Minecraft fail and forsen reacting and we’re in business baby!"
"author": "Quixan",
"body": "I don't know, and I don't care"
"author": "Lyminate",
"body": "Then I'll say it for you. It must feel so good for Pokimane to have that video floating around twitter of Hasanabi kissing her ear after Valkyrae blatantly broke girl code by dating her roommate's ex. While I don't condone cheating, somethings are just off limits and former SOs of homies is one of them."
"author": "quizonmyface",
"body": "[LSF](https://i.imgur.com/oGkeIMW.png)"
"author": "ninjyte",
"body": "are they implying that he's in a threeway relationship with valkyrae and pokimane"
"author": "scienceproject3",
"body": "He may be a scumbag but his kick steams been more interesting than 99% of the trash posted on here."
"author": "EQd-That-Shit",
"body": "is the court case still going on?"
"author": "pahbdicake",
"body": "She was too busy talking to hasan in the corner of that party 💀 https://x.com/minarealtakes/status/1716681327699706182?s=46&t=NpsKtiA5R-EeZk8g9GGyDQ"
"author": "smallbluetext",
"body": "This guy is in deep"
"author": "Interesting-Trust150",
"body": "Yea he’s a good human"
"author": "PrimaryCod",
"body": "posting it again after deleting your other one wont change anything weirdo"
"author": "pahbdicake",
"body": "She was too busy talking to hasan in the corner of that party 💀 https://x.com/minarealtakes/status/1716681327699706182?s=46&t=NpsKtiA5R-EeZk8g9GGyDQ"
"author": "IReallyLikeAvocadoes",
"body": "Respectfully."
"author": "DDRGuido",
"body": "I don't understand the hate boner lsf has for ice."
"author": "Blackops606",
"body": "Throw in a juicer Minecraft fail and forsen reacting and we’re in business baby!"
"author": "Quixan",
"body": "I don't know, and I don't care"
"author": "Lyminate",
"body": "Then I'll say it for you. It must feel so good for Pokimane to have that video floating around twitter of Hasanabi kissing her ear after Valkyrae blatantly broke girl code by dating her roommate's ex. While I don't condone cheating, somethings are just off limits and former SOs of homies is one of them."
"author": "quizonmyface",
"body": "[LSF](https://i.imgur.com/oGkeIMW.png)"
"author": "pahbdicake",
"body": "She was too busy talking to hasan in the corner of that party 💀 https://x.com/minarealtakes/status/1716681327699706182?s=46&t=NpsKtiA5R-EeZk8g9GGyDQ"
"author": "akzz7",
"body": "... what?"
"author": "Dark_Wing_350",
"body": "I feel like this isn't such a big shock. I'm only a very casual stream viewer these days (only watch maybe an hour or two total Twitch per week now compared to 10x that like 5 years ago) but I have no idea who Cinna is, saw her in 1 or 2 random clips over the last month or so but that's about it."
"author": "AP3Brain",
"body": "...wat"
"author": "Jeremithiandiah",
"body": "twitch is big enough to have industry plants now"
"author": "thelonelyward2",
"body": "its so bad man.. these peoples lives are so empty they keep up the lives of F list online celebrities'...."
"author": "YoMumGayLol",
"body": "Actual schizo poster"
"author": "messigoat1337",
"body": "lsf is legit dead only schizo and stalkers these days"
"author": "akaWhisp",
"body": "Maybe people finally realized it's a fucking cesspool."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "They’re well aware that they need women sitting next to them to keep viewers so they’re always rotating in new young women. Same with Esfand. It’s kind of weird and I expect we’ll hear more about the dark side of it all one day"
"author": "roundttwo",
"body": "^(Who is she? and why should I care?)"
"author": "pahbdicake",
"body": "She was too busy talking to hasan in the corner of that party 💀 https://x.com/minarealtakes/status/1716681327699706182?s=46&t=NpsKtiA5R-EeZk8g9GGyDQ"
"author": "Toastylump",
"body": "if you're stuck in 2017 or you're 13 edgelord maybe, I don't watch him but all I saw posted here before the mods remove it it's the same edgy shit he's been doing for years, getting assaulted 2 or 3 times, hooker drama, getting arrested, etc."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Uh huh 🧐"
"author": "Lordsokka",
"body": "What the actual fuck? Nick, Mizkif and Esfand each have a large house with multiple rooms, so because of that if they happen have roommates that are girls… then that means they are abusing them?\n\nYes I’m sure the OTK men are kidnapping the women and forcing them to live in their homes as sex slaves. It all makes sense now. Lol"
"author": "MysteryMinxx",
"body": "still less trashy than any of Hasan's taliban excuses, or destiny's interpersonal drama where he sics his cult like community on someone with 120 average viewers"
"author": "PepsiColaRapist",
"body": "How do you even find out this info bro? what are you doing with your life, when even lsf has no idea what youre talking about."
"author": "FromBassToTip",
"body": "Clips get removed on here if they don't get enough attention within a certain amount of time, that isn't likely if they're not from one of the usual LSF streamers and they're stale now so there's nothing to interesting.\n\nDestiny or Hasan posts get a lot of discussion but it's just arguing between fans instead talking about the clip, then they get removed anyway for being political.\n\nThen you have erobb in every thread and the same jokes being posted or clipped over and over. No wonder it's dead, noone wants to see anything new."
"author": "Ockams_Razor",
"body": "She's the Youtube thumbnail."
"author": "bluesteel117",
"body": "Not gonna be active on twitch chat tonight. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't whisper me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok). Shes actually really interested in me and its not a situation i can pass up for some meaningless twitch chat pastas"
"author": "lokkenitup",
"body": "You really just exposed yourself for never going to a club or party 💀 That's how you talk to people when the music is super loud."
"author": "Brainberry",
"body": "don't forget the 500 year old vampire stuck in a kids body.\n\nLSF loves those too"
"author": "Cablead",
"body": "what reality tv does to a mf"
"author": "snsdfan00",
"body": "i think Poki is just abit out of the loop w/ regards to twitch. Sure, she does stream once in a while, but that doesn't mean she's paying attention to every up & coming twitch streamer or what is going on w/ OTK."
"author": "congil",
"body": "huWhat"
"author": "thetateman",
"body": "Her personality and her other personality."
"author": "NerdOctopus",
"body": "Why not just be a normal human and live with the assumption that people you haven't met shouldn't know who you are?"
"author": "battleshipclamato",
"body": "Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realize even if you have a good sized community not everyone is going to know you. I'm sure there's a ton of people who don't know who Pokimane is."
"author": "No_Personality6685",
"body": "I mean it’s basically just self curated itself to be an OTK and friends + approved poggers streamers subreddit. It’s stale as fuck because these streamers are stale as fuck when there a not some drama going on."
"author": "Snarker",
"body": "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"author": "DDRGuido",
"body": "All streamers aren't good humans. More at 11."
"author": "Samuraiking",
"body": "That's certainly an opinion, and regardless, the solution would be to get rid of Hasan/Destiny as well, not to add more shit like Ice to the pile. Ice is trash, good riddance."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "I’m not the one with the implication. That would be the folks who put these young women on stream or make them part of their group as long as they stay “friends”"
"author": "lotlcs",
"body": "the implication of this is so fucking weird, how are people upvoting this shit"
"author": "Rojiblanc040",
"body": "Left forehead and right forehead."
"author": "Rojiblanc040",
"body": "I didn't know she streamed too, I only know of her because of her singing. Some people are just doing everything I guess."
"author": "lotlcs",
"body": "''I'm not the one with the implication'' -> '''put these young women on stream'', ''make them part of their group as long as they stay 'friends''. \n \nYou know what you're doing, and it's mental illness."
"author": "Foxfire802",
"body": "Mods don't remove posts anymore. Unless is a duplicate or breaks rules. There are a bunch of clips with 0 comments or upvotes from days ago. Just sort by new and you will see all of them."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Lol. Right, my fault for mentioning it, that won’t hold up in the courts"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "No I heard there are NDAs and hush money so it won’t. And really it’s the implication, out in the open water, you know"
"author": "lotlcs",
"body": "speaks volumes that your imaginary scenario has already reached court"
"author": "hollygolightly1378",
"body": "All I know of Cinna is being the needy and slightly annoying girl on Mizkif's streams. A little bit of confidence and poise could push her a long way."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Always appreciate people who read my comments history. Love to get some more of your time, that’s a W 🫡"
"author": "lotlcs",
"body": ">''Yes, it’s fun to troll them until I get blocked. Then I’ll create a new account and do it again'' \n \nYes, the guy who said this surely ''heard'' that. Do something better with your life. Implying people target young women, force them to stream, and make them sign NDAs and pay hush money is genuinely schizophrenic shit."
"author": "Alundra828",
"body": "It's just a transaction, man.\n\nWomen drive engagement, female streamers want exposure. Women *can* have agency in this transaction, amazingly.\n\nAnd sometimes, incredibly, it's a pleasant experience. I'd imagine going on Miz's stream for example can be just a bit of fun."
"author": "LethalLolo",
"body": "she rarely goes on his streams though. and miz for the most part has been trying to rebrand from what it seems."
"author": "pahbdicake",
"body": "She was too busy talking to hasan in the corner of that party 💀 https://x.com/minarealtakes/status/1716681327699706182?s=46&t=NpsKtiA5R-EeZk8g9GGyDQ"
"author": "0FaptainMyFaptain",
"body": "Deep cut reference"
"author": "DjackMeek",
"body": "What the fuck are you talking about"
"author": "xnbv",
"body": "[Replace iDubbbz with Ice and the video with Ice being banned from LSF.] (https://i.postimg.cc/mk1zRGrw/if-anything-this-video-gave-us-more-idubbbz-memes-v0-6uib41jd5x0b1.webp)"
"author": "Ghostaflux",
"body": "But who is she really ?"
"author": "Doomblaze",
"body": "Are you implying that twitch streamers dont know every single other twitch streamer?\n\nMy life is a lie"
"author": "Blurbyo",
"body": ">Cinna did kinda come out of no were\n\nWas friends with people who were friends with OTK\\*\\*\\*"
"author": "Blurbyo",
"body": "Aware"
"author": "LethalLolo",
"body": "miz has been attempting to rebrand from that image and reputation that you’re specifying. and for nick, he has a WHOLE cast of people, both men and women, on his streams. In the last year there has been a rotation of the same people with the occasional LA group that comes over (caroline, willneff, austin); as for emily and cinna, they both have great synergy with him which is why he invites them over consistently— good vibes usually equals better content which equals better viewership. same goes for Russell who has been appearing more on his streams as well. if your observation was correct, then we’d have a constant flow of women coming into the stream. a new girl every month. but that’s not the case— it’s the same cast for the most part. you’re kind of pulling assumptions out your asshole without any thorough research."
"author": "Hanshee",
"body": "Because they’ve met prior over a stream thing apparently"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "😂. So you didn’t watch the clip to see how the new one is dressing to help? I’d believe this if there wasn’t an obvious pair of goals here"
"author": "Hanshee",
"body": "I don’t k ow what your thinking. Can you say it?"
"author": "AdrianDrum",
"body": "we need to get u some pussy on god bro.."
"author": "Poems_And_Money",
"body": "I know what you mean. Seeing the name Cinna instantly reminded me of Lucius Cornelius Cinna. According to Wikipedia, Lucius Cornelius Cinna (before 130 BC – early 84 BC) was a four-time consul of the Roman republic. Opposing Sulla's march on Rome in 88 BC, he was elected to the consulship of 87 BC, during which he engaged in an armed conflict – the Bellum Octavianum – with his co-consul, Gnaeus Octavius. Emerging victorious, Cinna initiated with his ally, Gaius Marius, extrajudicial killings of their personal enemies. In the aftermath, he dominated the republic for the next three years, serving continuously as consul.\n\nWhile his domination was not complete – he largely contented himself with securing the consulship for himself and allies – his political rule set a \"crucial precedent\" for later strongmen in the republic. Through 85 and 84 BC, he prepared for civil war with Sulla, who was soon to return from the First Mithridatic War. But when trying to ferry his men across the Adriatic at Ancona early in 84 BC, they mutinied and Cinna was killed.\n\nSo yeah, she has the name of a dude."
"author": "BugValuable6072",
"body": "simp"
"author": "BugValuable6072",
"body": "I'll take all of that over cringy fucking shit like\n\nDUDE LOOK HOW FAST I BEAT THIS GAME???? Dickriders post on here that aren't fails"
"author": "ty4scam",
"body": "Loremasters? Before OTK and being force inserted into this subreddit, was she a games streamer, IRL streamer, musician, particle physicist, onlyfans girl, like who is she and where did she come from?"
"author": "BugValuable6072",
"body": "[I swear people like you and everyone else in this thread simping over her have to be like Mizkids who are all 16-17 or some shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DIQbZRUIDs)"
"author": "admiralbebeg",
"body": "Cinna gon make me act up fr"
"author": "tonnuminat",
"body": "You wonder about that while she is sitting there in a skimpy nurse outfit?"
"author": "winterfresh0",
"body": "They have met online on a show, they talked to each other."
"author": "hates_stupid_people",
"body": "Yeah that's what happens when you have a subreddit where bots instantly downvote literally any new post that isn't flaired with a few very specific streamers. \n\nIf you click on \"new\" and scroll down, 80% or so of all posts sitt at 9 votes with 25-45% downvote ratio.\n\nSo the only posts that get shown in \"hot\" or \"top\" is ones those bots upvote."
"author": "TophuSkin",
"body": "when berry got kidnapped, if I remember correctly, didn't even hit top of lsf. Literally did not get any attention because xqc was juicing it up some drama that I can't even remember and he took all the spotlight"
"author": "Tommh",
"body": "Bruh anytime I read LSF comments I’m reminded how some of the people here are just terminally online"
"author": "Patmanexploring",
"body": "Why would she know an OF model?"
"author": "SuccinctEarth07",
"body": "Crazy valkyrae Hasan burners on twitter cut a 30 second video down to 2 seconds to make it look like Hasan leaned in at a club to kiss Loki when in the full video he was just talking in her ear at a loud club"
"author": "CoastalSquirrel22",
"body": "Idk who you are either. Zzzzzz"
"author": "Shamata",
"body": "bad bot"
"author": "CodingAndAlgorithm",
"body": "This subs obsession with consuming content from \"good people\" is so annoying. Ice is putting out peak IRL content again like the good ol' days of LSF, but we delete the clips because \"Ice bad\"."
"author": "CoastalSquirrel22",
"body": "Nobody"
"author": "KUZYRII",
"body": "weird porn intro"
"author": "OPTCgod",
"body": "I now see the crazy shit going down on kick 2 days later when all the youtubers make their videos about it because the mods up here have a stick up their ass about allowing anything that could offend someone"
"author": "HumanBackground",
"body": "Holy... whoever runs that twitter account is mentally ill"
"author": "witheredjimmy",
"body": "Pretty sure its just ran by mizkif"
"author": "jKnox",
"body": "This guy probably still thinks that one girl is mizkifs sister. Lmao"
"author": "MightyRez",
"body": "She is a nobody"
"author": "Fernis_",
"body": "But it's a reality tv with direct chat interaction and paracocial relationships. So it's actually 100% real!\n\n\n^^Disclaimer: ^^This ^^statement ^^was ^^made ^^for ^^promotional ^^purposes ^^only. ^^It's ^^not ^^actually ^^real."
"author": "pete070597",
"body": "Yeah embarrassing for poki not knowing Cinna"
"author": "EternalDeath",
"body": "Excuse you, Forsen is not reacting, he is simply watching."
"author": "Tarrot_Card",
"body": "You and me both, bro."
"author": "Lost_Tumbleweed_5669",
"body": "Oh shit Poki got owned by Brokiemane"
"author": "i_have_exploded",
"body": "She's on the Bonnie arc"
"author": "Bright-Savings-9857",
"body": "It's OK, otk is normally trying to shove a female streamer in our face like porn ads and force them on us. Making them un memorable."
"author": "4spooked",
"body": "Bro I just wanna take Cinna away from all of this and start a new life with her somewhere in the mountains."
"author": "Glittering-Yam-288",
"body": "It is ddfinitely ran by a lot of bots clearly in favor of a specific group of business people"
"author": "MotorheadFB",
"body": "Wow that outfit is nice 👌 👀"
"author": "Glittering-Yam-288",
"body": "Unironically this happens every other month."
"author": "thisiskitta",
"body": "No please keep him away from women 🙅♀️"
"author": "genzkiwi",
"body": "/r/LivestreamFails was better"
"author": "Glittering-Yam-288",
"body": "This is poetry"
"author": "YSoma00",
"body": "They have met online tho, twice, and those meetings weren't really forgettable"
"author": "YSoma00",
"body": "Miz and Cinna collabs actually always have good clips"
"author": "Snowman009",
"author": "100tByamba",
"body": "wasn't Cinna on a Austin show about being friends with Poki ? hahahah"
"author": "Rowannn",
"body": "One of the worst clips ive ever seen be number 1 on this sub"
"author": "NotChatGPTISwear",
"body": "> Hasan leaned in at a club to kiss Loki\n\nThese multiverse shenanigans are getting out of hand."
"author": "360fov",
"body": "Somebody that appears out of nowhere and seems to be instantly famous and popular, but a company paid for their visibility, to have them interact with other famous people and appear on shows etc.. and they didn't get there by \"grinding\"."
"author": "360fov",
"body": "When did not knowing who someone is become synonymous with being rude? If she even was rude... I'm assuming that's what's implied by \"and then walked away\"."
"author": "hoimanc",
"body": "She's a small streamer who started on AustinShow's Love or Host. After that, she got picked up by Mizkif (as is tradition for attractive female streamers) for being the \"Latina Emiru\" despite not being Latina. Her career started from there."
"author": "Snowman009",
"body": "Ah ok, but what do they get out of that?"
"author": "Ockams_Razor",
"body": "Cinna gets money via increased viewership. Miz and Nick get a new face to clickbait lonely men with."
"author": "Snowman009",
"body": "Ok so Nick and Miz are the industry and Cinna is the plant. Now what is the difference between hanging out with a smaller girl streamer for views and “planting” her? Or is that the same thing"
"author": "Kevftw",
"body": "No way man, totally sane and friendly community if we ignore every thread that gains traction probably being one of:\n\n\n- Destiny/Hasan fans screeching at each other about brigading.\n\n\n- Conspiracy theorists somehow surprised that popular streamers, even though they don't personally like them, get lots of threads.\n\n\n- Hatewatchers reminding everyone how much they hate OTK despite seeming to know everything about them.\n\n\n- Incels insulting or shitting on female streamers they don't even know and reminding everyone that their success was because of simps (Remember if they're a male streamer it's just nice viewers / friends).\n\n\n- Pitchfork mobs condemning someone to death for making some mistake while their favourite streamer gets a pass for the same thing."
"author": "Burea_Huwaito",
"body": "Miss the days when she would stream Minecraft with my favorite no name Andys.\n\nWatching her blow up and seeing the little personality she had disappear is disappointing"
"author": "Ennaii",
"body": "Maybe you only notice when it is a woman , but they also had Squeex and Trihex collab tours recently."
"author": "saucybossys",
"body": "please, if he's not using emiru for streams he's using cinna or emily and if not them alinity or fandy or riley or the fake sister or some other onlyfans promoter, and then once in awhile he calls some other girl to bother like poki or kyedae or whoever is available. his 'rebrand' from using girls to inflate his content is non-existent to any honest person"
"author": "creaking_floor",
"body": "She was a 500-600 viewer andy who used to chill with the three idiots ( Big youtubers rhymestyle dototdoya and Seereax) she became friends with wojitoo who started to watch her streams and was asked to move in since they wanted another roommate. She thought it was a joke at first but made the choice to move in after she found out he was serious, thats how she met the austin streamer circle"
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": ">So they’re always rotating in new young women\n\nI don't know about Mizkif and Esfand, since I do not watch them.\n\nBut Nick and Malena have almost equally collabed with Men and women, outside of events, this year. As far as I remember it has been Will Neff, Cyr, Esfand, Russel, Erobb, Tectone, Caroline, Daph, PeachJars, Britt, Cinna, Wake, Trihex, Squeex, Ariathome, FanFan and MisterArther."
"author": "saucybossys",
"body": "cinna was on pokimanes love or host and talked shit to her, she knows who she is and remembers, the video is linked in this thread"
"author": "SuccinctEarth07",
"body": "Disney astroturfing right here in lsf"
"author": "headphones_J",
"body": "I can't down vote these all by myself."
"author": "Cerealforsupper",
"body": "Do women scare you?"
"author": "masumiuwu",
"body": ">So you didn’t watch the clip to see how the new one is dressing to help\n\npeople like you are the exact reason why cinna typically wears hoodies as her main outfit \n\nthe second she wears something that shows anything you 'people' act like this"
"author": "JulianZ88",
"body": "https://imgur.com/a/j2adi5P"
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "Pokimane has likely met a dozen people since then."
"author": "LobsterD",
"body": "Livestreamfails has fallen \n\nBillions must downvote"
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "That is assuming that what that guys says is true. It's outdated, at best, and it was only really true for Mizkif and Esfand. Nick and Malena usually have the same group of guests, and it is equally likely to be men as it is women."
"author": "theguyinchat",
"body": "hope xqc sees this kid"
"author": "Luke_sein_Vater",
"body": "she is genuinely funny, but her streams are all the same joke where she is infantilizing chat, flirt spam, rinse repeat. Boring af. But VERY funny when she is interacting with other streamers. First time I saw her was the drunk streams with Squeex & Simply. Some of the best streams this year for sure"
"author": "CinemaAndChillLT",
"body": "cause poki literally added an emote of cinna on her own channel and talked to her for a bit"
"author": "cypher1169",
"body": "When you're not as clouted as you think you are lol"
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "Didn't Pokimane say that Cinna was going to join OTK one day? There is a clip of Pokimane talking about Cinna on LSF."
"author": "b1gt0nka",
"body": "im sure bots are part of it, but the rabid fan base of the top streamers are also downvoting threads that aren't xqc or otk, etc."
"author": "hi_0",
"body": "Who she bangin tho"
"author": "TrriF",
"body": "This person needs to be studied in some sort of facility. I think the learnings would be of immeasurable value."
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "Yeah, it is a transaction as it is with any collab, it is both true for men and women. But the idea that they are all \"always rotating new young women\" on to their stream is weird and not true."
"author": "The_mango55",
"body": "It’s late October, why do you think she might be dressed like that?"
"author": "oklilpup",
"body": "Me"
"author": "The_mango55",
"body": "She didn’t imply it was rude, she implied it was humbling/humiliating for herself that this person who she respects and has met before didn’t remember who she was."
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "There is a clip of Pokimane talking about Cinna on this sub."
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "There is literally a clip on LSF of Pokimane talking about her."
"author": "FlingaNFZ",
"body": "Ive been on this sub everyday for years. I think ive seen her name a few times but no still no idea who she is."
"author": "pujolsrox11",
"body": "WHO?"
"author": "M4tjesf1let",
"body": "just cuz you americans dont know any history that is a) outside of your country and b) more then 200 years ago doesnt mean everyone is like that."
"author": "No_Personality6685",
"body": "Don’t mention them or get a horde of people downvoting you. Smart."
"author": "notevolve",
"body": "he means the implication of what the person he responded to said \n\n> It’s kind of weird and I expect we’ll hear more about the dark side of it all one day"
"author": "KoreanSamgyupsal",
"body": "She used to have vids of her banging old men... but it's been removed for the most part..."
"author": "KoreanSamgyupsal",
"body": "This just goes to show that organic growth is pretty much impossible with Twitch. I know we call them the OTK Farm Team but Cinna, Emily and Squeex all exploded when they started associating with the OTK group. \n\nYou can probably get to the <1K viewers organically with consistency. But pushing the 1k+ barrier is hard for most without some sort of collab or a very niche thing."
"author": "hyperrainz",
"body": "Thing is when cinna appeared out of nowhere on gameday, she had a quiet shy type at the time then suddenly as she got more attraction to her channel, it just felt unnatural vibes. I really don't mind inorganic growths but I think she could of been more natural popping in the scene since when I first saw her on gameday I thought she was gonna be someone to eye on, I tuned into her streams recently and it's just non stop rants with no natural content where as extraemily she actually puts effort and natural funny vibes."
"author": "iiLove_Soda",
"body": "People still grow \"organically\" look at Jynxzi, caseoh, playboymax, etc.\n\nCaseoh is someone I have never heard of before until i randomly saw him on twitch with like 20k viewers (and 20k subs), dude did all that in under a year from tiktok and twitch.\n\nAs to the second paragraph thats true for everything. If you want to be massive you usaually have to be special in some way. Not everyone can be a 20k andy. Even the people that get boosted by miz and crew arent as big as people think. Russel, wake, and others always get mentioned on lsf but if you look at their viewers they barley get 1k, so they really arent that big."
"author": "Zercx",
"body": "Goes to show how attention can get to people's heads, even with the little amount of attention that Cinna has gotten in the recent months from the OTK group, it was enough to make her believe that she is well-known enough throughout Twitch that she didn't even have to introduce herself to someone like Poki lmaooo"
"author": "Tellasion",
"body": "They mean Cinna. No one asked to bring that up."
"author": "reediculus1",
"body": "Honest question: Who is toosks? What does it mean?"
"author": "Dramatic-Ad3928",
"body": "En effet"
"author": "Schmarsten1306",
"body": "This is some of the most deranged shit I've read this year wtf"
"author": "theicon1681",
"body": "don't forget three-panel korean titty streamers"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Simps"
"author": "creaking_floor",
"body": "Has organic growth ever been a thing? Didnt the older streamers all get big from having their clips posted on here etc? \n\nThe W community does this but with tiktok, thats how ppl like CaseOh, Jynxzi and Plaqueboymax got big.\n\non the UK side of twitch, ppl like AngryGinge or Danny Aarons got big bc of collabbing with the sidemen / sidemen reaction vids\n\nEven when we look at youtube the platform, huge creators like jacksepticeye only got big bc of a shout-out from pewdiepie.\n\nGrowing due to collabbing with someone or getting a shout out is just as organic imo🤷🏾♂️ its just rhe way things are when theres millions of people that stream every month."
"author": "creaking_floor",
"body": "She didn’t talk “shit”. Cinna is a retard that for some reason doesn’t properly explain the situation💀\n\nPoki kicked a contestant out for knowing too much about pokimane and was gonna kick cinna out later for not knowing enough. This led to cinna saying these reasons were contradictory but i think shes more embarrassed for saying the word hypocrite rather than anything else bc ppl obvs have other implications when it comes to Poki and that word"
"author": "Kevftw",
"body": "That's more about the content of the sub than the community tbf.\nI don't really care about seeing those clips either though, people can stream and post what they like.\n\nBut it inevitably circles back to who else would actually want their stuff posted here when it can be such a horrible place."
"author": "djentlemetal",
"body": "S-->M-->L?"
"author": "KingRuthless",
"body": "Which one lf the Bonnie's arc tho.. 😶🌫️"
"author": "djentlemetal",
"body": "forsen"
"author": "KingRuthless",
"body": "She is a ruthless bussiness women"
"author": "ThisIs_americunt",
"body": "for Mizkif I agree, he created his content bantering with others. just happens his chat likes girls more(who woulda thought right?) but not Esfand. Esfand is the only one doing shit \"outside\" of OTK away from the others. he had a NFL sponsor recently and met with a few players. nick will sometimes get sponsors but thats only cause of his numbers on twich which is a result of him streaming in a time slot no one else in NA is awake to stream in(said by him btw)"
"author": "NerdOctopus",
"body": "Ah, perhaps it was a difficulty of putting a face to a name or something. I imagine it can be that way when you're presumably meeting dozens of other content creators all the time."
"author": "LeDude2323",
"body": "This. Growing \"organically\" on Twitch is exceptionally rare. Even the ones that don't do TikTok or YouTube grow from collabs, getting lucky with raids, getting clips posted on lsf etc. Twitch has no discoverability. \n\nYouTube and TikTok on the other hand, do, and therefore allow for organic growth. If you wanna grow on Twitch, your best bet is to either grow big on those first and then try to convert that to Twitch (even if it's just a fraction) or to collaborate (otherwise known as \"leeching\")."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "True. Esfand I just like to lump in because of Bonny/Jinny/Mitchy/etc."
"author": "creaking_floor",
"body": "The word “leeching” has lost all its meaning nowadays. A leech is someone who only uses u for a boost in viewership and doesn’t actually like you or is your friend. \n\nPeople nowadays call anyone with a lower viewcount hanging out with someone who has a higher viewcount a leech, even if those ppl are friends / the lower viewcount person was invited over by the higher viewcount person"
"author": "ThisIs_americunt",
"body": "He's one of the only few people who get better when they have someone to bounce off of. Him and poke are fucking amazing together [Clip 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuOy5JjPF9I)[Clip 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7pdAZ1MdU)[Bonus Clip with Cyr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw2qqOSx_Xw&pp=ygUKZXNmYW5kIGN5cg%3D%3D) this is what Miz is trying to recreate but he's lost his way and has no idea what to do (hi miz hi nick :D)"
"author": "LeDude2323",
"body": "Yes I agree 100%. This is why I used quotation marks. People call it leeching but in reality, it's just collaboration usuallly."
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Poke is a slimeball and I refuse to watch him in anything. Esfand just loves to talk over people if there’s more then a few people in a group which is painful to watch"
"author": "AwonderfulWinter",
"body": "caseoh gets 20k viewers? I've seen him on tiktok and thought he was like 100 viewers streamer"
"author": "poopmonster_coming",
"body": "By who ? Her crazy ass ex husband ??"
"author": "Hojalululu",
"body": "It's becoming anarchychess"
"author": "iiLove_Soda",
"body": "https://streamscharts.com/channels/caseoh_/subscribers \n\nhes massive, LSF is in a bubble."
"author": "YSoma00",
"body": "Yeah sure but what i meant for was, Cinna calling poki a hypocrite and the \"what a dub\" thing"
"author": "BoredomHeights",
"body": "Ah, so we were all on the same page."
"author": "BoredomHeights",
"body": "Possibly even a baker's dozen."
"author": "Bookwu",
"body": "this guy is simping over miz"
"author": "Philorsum",
"body": "twitter and mentally ill? nah no way right?"
"author": "snsdfan00",
"body": "agreed, the exposure when collabing w/ OTK plays a big part in expanding their viewerbase & average CCV. They still have to be a good/entertaining streamer tho, otherwise they won't be able to keep their new viewers. For every success story, I could name more that haven't been able to keep the \"otk boost.\" Also, consistency plays a bigger role on twitch than on other platforms, imo. If you don't stream, ppl tend to forget you exist, & will either move their subs to someone else, or stop subbing all together."
"author": "KetchupSpaghetti",
"body": "LSF definitely has a blindspot to newer streamers. I got clips of caseoh on my tiktok but never knew he was a 20k streamer until recently. I also didn't know Jynxzi was up to 30k. Just shows the power of the Tiktok algo."
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "For Nick, it is also a way for him to make jokes about his relationship with his mom since Cinna is a black woman and Nick's mom wants him to have more black friends."
"author": "Avallon_1",
"body": "Not sure about Mizkif, but I think Nick also brought her on because she is a black woman, so he can make more race jokes and jokes about how his mom wants him to have black friends."
"author": "xseodz",
"body": "Gotta agree with Jynxzi. I have never played Seige, never seen that man play a game, but all of a sudden TikTok recommended me a video of him knocking out his webcam and screaming at bad siege players.\n\nFucking sold."
"author": "HahaMin",
"body": "How much do you get paid to post ads in LSF of all places?"
"author": "GorillaCannibal",
"body": "Poki has talked about how OTK should sign Cinna in the past"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Trying to rebrand and this stream is up on YouTube with her and three other scantily clad women on the thumbnail 😂. His editor didn’t get the note that you seem to have gotten"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "She don’t know you bro, just like Pokimane don’t know her 😂"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Who?"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "The good one hopefully"
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "This guy saying Miz is rebranding. Of course the YouTube thumbnail from this exact stream is three women and Miz. Wtf is he talking about"
"author": "Drcdngame",
"body": "Same with OTV, alot of the streamers became big off them via the same way."
"author": "SuccinctEarth07",
"body": "Definitely not enough"
"author": "Freedom_Living",
"body": "Hi Barry"
"title": "Cinna meets Pokimane at Twitchcon",
"transcript": "I didn't tell anybody. Do you want to know? Yeah, are you about to cry? It's so embarrassing. I saw her, and I was like, Oh, Poki! In person! It was at the OTV thing. And then I said, Um, hi Poki. I shook her hand. I said, I'm Santa, nice to meet you. And she goes, oh, it's nice to meet you too. And then she walked away. Because she didn't know who I was! It was so embarrassing! It was so embarrassing! And I literally, I died! I died! And I said, never again! Never again! So, so, never again! Never again, never again, never again. I'm never saying hi to anybody ever again. It's so embarrassing. It's so embarrassing."
"author": "ZersetzungMedia",
"comments": [
"author": "ZeCeee",
"body": "Sheever. We've had issues with Sheever at previous events. Some Valve people lobbied to bring her back, feeling that she deserved another chance. That was a mistake. Sheever is an ass, and we won't be working with her again."
"author": "t40r",
"body": "Long forever live 2gd"
"title": "Panel offers style tips to win The International",
"transcript": "You know, our coach said, if we get top four at TI, I will shave my head. William looked us in our eyes and said, I promise you guys, if we get top four, I will shave my head. Yeah, so we got top four, and then we're like, all right, William, we got four days, let's shave it. And he's like, no, no, no, no, I said top three. But we had vlog footage, so we went back and watched the vlog, and it's very clearly top four. But you guys also got top three. And then we got top three, and we're like, William, shave your head. And he's like, mm, you know, like, he Williams out of it. And then, yeah, no, shaving your head, I think, probably is the reason we didn't do better at this TI. I mean, next year, there's always a chance. So maybe, you know, there's a 15-minute break in the meantime. Maybe Game of Gladiators is finding a razor, as we speak, for their head, that is. And, you know, that was very grim. That's not why I wanted to go with that."
"author": "Wild-Wanderer016",
"comments": [
"author": "ThatGhst",
"body": "Hi, /u/Wild-Wanderer016,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail:\r\n\r\n**Rule 3.5 - Quality: Submissions with 0 points**\r\n\r\n>To maintain the subreddit’s high quality, we remove submissions that have 0 points after 1 hour of being posted, unless they have at least 10 comments. This rule is not punishable, and does not apply to moderator announcements or megathreads.\r\n\r\nAdditional moderator comments:\r\n\r\n>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail)."
"title": "FAIL! SHOTGUN!",
"transcript": "Thanks for watching!"
"author": "Gold_Orchid_2561",
"comments": [
"author": "manq3123",
"body": "\"Blind playthrough\", kinda ableist no?"
"author": "agenttud",
"body": "https://streamable.com/yxspzw"
"author": "JennaSZN",
"body": "Worsen"
"title": "Forsen clarifies stream title",
"transcript": "would do well to return the favor by playing your part or stay out of my way, Mr. Wig. Hi, Mr. Force. Your title says Blind Playthrough. Yet I only see a movie and a hobo at the top left corner of the screen. Please clarify, when is the playthrough starting? Right now."
"author": "Gold_Orchid_2561",
"comments": [
"author": "Nineties",
"body": "Would love a phasmophobia map with the apartment and nina as the ghost"
"author": "LilMeryonub",
"body": "That's my clip LULE"
"title": "Actual demon donates to Forsen",
"transcript": "I can see you. You're running right back to it. I'll help. I have to stop. Stop fighting it. I've all got another one. Stop fighting it. Stop fighting it. I know you want to wash me away. But what if I forget why I stopped? What if I forget I stopped at all? Stop fighting it. Did I say something? I said stop. There's too much at stake."
"author": "Stalkings_",
"comments": [
"author": "NO_FNX_NO_MAJOR",
"body": "people legit don't even click on a thread if its not either xqc, forsen, destiny, or hasan"
"title": "Kai's Friend Drops it",
"transcript": "Oh god. Bitch, you down for like, like a fucker? Like, we could do a little fuck switch shit. No, nigger. Nigga. Niggeroni. You call me a niggerbocker? Yeah, niggerbocker. What the fuck? Niggerbocker, you trickin'. You really tweakin', bro. This nigga callin' me a niggerbocker. Yeah, stop it. Yo. Bro, you really a niggerbocker."
"author": "ThatCheshireCat",
"comments": [
"author": "REALStephenStark",
"body": "It's a prison stream on Twitch you fucking idiot, what the fuck were you expecting?"
"author": "TheBuGG",
"body": "No need. You just need to take a look at the article i linked and you'll see how stupid you look."
"author": "REALStephenStark",
"body": "Cause it is and the majority of the comments in here. It's pretty fucked up."
"author": "Jofinn_",
"body": "Think it’s a movie set just for this content"
"author": "kyoji6",
"body": "If you wanna go ahead and rebuttal the points said in the video then by all means do you"
"author": "JesterDolor",
"body": "Elaborate what makes you think it's “cool” and “hip”? He's a content creator making content. Tf makes you think his audience should emulate him? Do you think it's serious and that he's some monolith his audience should all follow like a guide? He's a fucking entertainer. You type like someone writing in some scientific journal studying and looking too deeply to understand the meaning when creators on here stare at walls for content."
"author": "0DvGate",
"body": "It's not that unknown"
"author": "halfashell",
"body": "There’s a white guy but that’s about it, everyone else is just the people he surrounds himself with, same reason ninja mostly streamed with white people"
"author": "ForRealKuil",
"body": "Ngl, I like ludwigs content and actually think QT's really funny,\n\nhowever, glazing an award show is so fucking cringe, especially with the politics behind it. Half the viewers of Qt's stream would probably shit on the grammys.\n\nI think 99% of award shows are cringeeeeee. Especially when you know there are people being nominated and winning for political reasons, but you can't call out it our your gonna seem like a schizo. (Or if you do you might cause someones mental breakdown). \n\n\nAlso I think it's unfair to compare your list of people to kai. \n\n\nGranted I don't watch any twitch, however, what Kai seems to be doing is bigger than anything twitch has been doing for the past 10 years, not even purely production budget wise, but overall planning into daily streams and ideas."
"author": "erizzluh",
"body": "milf manor"
"author": "SeroWriter",
"body": "Google scripted improv."
"author": "MayorJeb",
"body": "My name is Jeb and I have a fear of going to jail and being anally raped."
"author": "HauntedCS",
"body": "Kids mimic the people they grow up watching, they are legit sponges. Role models are a thing, whether they are good or bad ones. You underestimate how impressionable kids are, even 16 year old kids still act how they see others act."
"author": "smallbluetext",
"body": "You don't script every single word you script the scenarios and events and drama for each day. Like a schedule."
"author": "ForRealKuil",
"body": "Ngl, I like ludwigs content and actually think QT's really funny,\n\nhowever, glazing an award show is so fucking cringe, especially with the politics behind it. Half the viewers of Qt's stream would probably shit on the grammys.\n\nI think 99% of award shows are cringeeeeee. Especially when you know there are people being nominated and winning for political reasons, but you can't call out it our your gonna seem like a schizo. (Or if you do you might cause someones mental breakdown). \n\n\nAlso I think it's unfair to compare your list of people to kai. \n\n\nGranted I don't watch any twitch, however, what Kai seems to be doing is bigger than anything twitch has been doing for the past 10 years, not even purely production budget wise, but overall planning into daily streams and ideas."
"author": "erizzluh",
"body": "milf manor"
"author": "SeroWriter",
"body": "Google scripted improv."
"author": "jta156",
"body": "Does the experiment being conducted in the US make it an American thing? Like would you also call the Milgram experiment an American thing?"
"author": "throwdemawaaay",
"body": "Yeah, Name Your Price really hits this note on the bullseye. It's so scuffed and corney, but it also is knowingly so, so it ends up hilariously entertaining.\n\nKai takes himself to seriously to understand that."
"author": "Ozzloo",
"body": "Neither kai or miz covered up rape"
"author": "JeffTek",
"body": "now my old ass is wondering if SNL was funny back in the day because it was scuffed and weird but now streaming has out done it"
"author": "DoubleExists",
"body": "Exactly, hell, kids will literally come up and say I want to be exactly like x person without being asked to, I can’t be alone in thinking that prompting this stuff is a net negative, entertainment or not"
"author": "JesterDolor",
"body": "Kai is literally popular on Instagram, YT, radio, and Int TV. Why do you think his audience are kids? You have one world view because you haven't matured beyond one brain cell to leave your bubble on LSF yet my dude."
"author": "HauntedCS",
"body": "If you want to play that game, I assume you are one of the kids, I hope when you get above the age of 18 you'll start thinking critically. If you are above the age of 18, dear god do I pray for our future....."
"author": "scuffedTravels",
"body": "My man"
"author": "No_Wayyyyy",
"body": "Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, I had psych in high school it was my favorite class."
"author": "Reintroversion",
"body": "Stop promoting this piece of shit"
"author": "rbprocks",
"body": "Chill out bruh, i feel ppl here judge way too seriously to W/L communi, i dont watch him but i atleast respect the efforts he put into the streams which is more than most streamers"
"author": "JesterDolor",
"body": "God bless you"
"author": "andyweir",
"body": "I didn't catch the very beginning of this stream event so I may be wrong here, but does he actually show himself committing crimes that would then put him in jail? If he doesn't, then isn't it a leap to assume that he's glorifying being a criminal?\n\nThere are songs out right now that glorify drug abuse, sexual assault, and all types of crimes and I feel like that music being drilled into one's head is more harmful than a stream experiment. Assuming this stream event may make kids want to be criminals is like assuming that kids who watched fear factor wanted to grow up to be stunt people. The world doesn't work that way\n\nI feel like comments like yours are inherently racist because of the mental gymnastics you need to perform to consider your argument valid. If the terminology you use is strange. \"Cool\" is one thing but I've learned in life that whenever someone says \"hip,\" they're usually talking about black people. So because this streamer is black, and because they're doing a stream event in a prison, you're assuming that these black streamers are glorifying crime and the prison system to black youths\n\nAnd you're doing this while assuming that these same youths are brain dead enough to not understand the difference between essentially a play and the actual prison system. You're assuming them to be dumb enough to actually want to go to jail simply because a streamer is inside a jail. You probably wouldn't assume that those who play video games are more likely to shoot up schools, but you wanna sit here and believe that Kai Cenat has enough influence to make kids wanna sit in a prison for fun? You do realize that his audience just wants to interact with him, right? This isn't the drug game where there's glory in all that. These kids spend all day watching him because that's what they want to do. Kai doesn't have the pull to make these kids want to commit crimes so they can sit in jail. He's just gonna do something different in a month and all those kids are gonna watch that too\n\nSo idk. Your comments are just racist tbh. If Kai donated money, you wouldn't assume that his audience would want to donate money because he did it. You wouldn't say shit. But he does this and now all of a sudden his community is a bunch of drones who'll do anything he does\n\n**tl;dr you a racist**"
"author": "VaultDwellerist",
"body": "How is EBZ not legit in prison or at least a registered sex offender?"
"author": "Obelisk7777",
"body": "Elaborate?"
"author": "alabastergrim",
"body": "the cell doors look like they're made of cardboard lol"
"author": "MidnightShampoo",
"body": "Not Glee x Scared Straight."
"author": "Samuraiking",
"body": "It transcends just people who are interested in psych-related topics or study. I have never stepped foot in college or care about psychology and I have not only heard about, but watched at least one, if not multiple, videos on the experiment. It's one of the most famous experiments period because of what happens. \n\nIt's fine if someone doesn't know about it or hasn't heard about it, I am sure the new Gen Z kids are more likely to have not heard about it than previous generations, but it is a commonly known thing if you factor in all generations and not just Gen Z."
"author": "ThatAardvark",
"body": "> his groin area\n\nAre you my mom when she wrote a note to my third grade teacher about a kid that kept punching me in the balls as his idea of a joke"
"author": "FatherShambles",
"body": "and ?? i’ll crank 90s on the dick if i want tf"
"author": "FatherShambles",
"body": "possibly"
"author": "notheretoarguee",
"body": "Ya I wish I had psych in high school physics and Chem broke my brain"
"author": "BlackRz17",
"body": "lsf when streamers actually put effort in something \"umm actually this is very problematic hehe\" its a form of entertainment just like movies/tv shows that revolves around jail if you're not entertain then its not for you lmao"
"author": "Substantial_Base_557",
"body": "\"Intended for certain audiences\""
"author": "Tshirt_Ninja_",
"body": "Not a single twitch viewer I know IRL likes Miz. and most dont even know about any scandals. Everyone is a stretch"
"author": "jeno_aran",
"body": "There were multiple articles linked above yours, I didn’t notice. \n\n[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Q5tj5LvIw)is the one that will make you feel silly for defending your entire point."
"author": "Ghostaflux",
"body": "What’s that movie that depicted SPE in its full glory ?"
"author": "InTupacWeTrust",
"body": "expect its not 2 dudes almost fought and he you can't fight its on twitch"
"author": "InTupacWeTrust",
"body": "really [Ice prison 1.0 highlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12cZy4hdzhU&pp=ygURaWNlIHByaXNvbiBzdHJlYW0%3D) is way different than what Adin or Kai ever made"
"author": "WeAreTheMassacre",
"body": "It's refreshing that lately big streamers(OTK) have actually been admitting to tuning into Ice, or even \"joking\" that they were late to stream because they were watching Ice. The LSF community still mostly refuses to mention anything he does on stream, because admitting you are watching him means instant downvotes. Ice has been tame af for years, other than the crazy situations he ends up in because of viewers, or in the name of content, he himself doesn't harass or do anything thats more degen than most irl streamers. The moral highground shit is super weird."
"author": "peduxe",
"body": "No one knows but it’s making some people money."
"author": "MashStars",
"body": "There's a movie from 2015 called The Stanford Prison Experiment with not great reviews that I've never watched.\n\nAlthough SPE was a biased experiment, the claim that there is a tendency for power dynamics allowing for the worst in people is not false. If you wanna watch something that explores that motif I'd suggest The Bridge on the River Kwai, Cool Hand Luke, Shawshank Redemption, or The Green Mile."
"author": "Zyrobe",
"body": "It's like dream smp"
"author": "Jamie651651",
"body": "What a crazy thing to say....The kai thing was allegedly literal rape, the mizkif thing was his creepy friend touching a girls chest while she was too drunk with 10 other people in the room. Not exactly the same situation."
"author": "B0ris_Johnson",
"body": "Maybe. But if they pretend to be prisoners and guards every hour of the day they could start to associate with those roles. Everyone knew in the stanford experiment it's not real and still it fell apart."
"author": "I_am_the_one123",
"body": "what happened??"
"author": "plinky4",
"body": "You just need that one teacher. I got her in 3rd grade.\n\nWe learned about the stanford prison experiment, the brown eye/blue eye experiment, and the milgram experiment too. It was all dumbed down for kids of course, but it was mindblowing and I still remember it.\n\nNow that I think about it, how did she even get permission to put all this stuff in the curriculum? It was the 90s so she probably didn't."
"author": "_EMDID_",
"body": "“I don’t know things, so others don’t either!!1!”\n\nLmao!"
"author": "_EMDID_",
"body": "lol!"
"author": "StephewDestroyer",
"body": "this gotta b racist"
"author": "AccurateTranslator71",
"body": "group of friends larping prisoners&prison guards and seems like kais 10year old viewerbase loves it"
"author": "DivinationByCheese",
"body": "Twitch streamers are protected minority apparently"
"author": "MacJonesIsOverrated",
"body": "Every big streamer watched Ice \n\nThere's a reason why Andy is still used to this day in streamer slang"
"author": "DivinationByCheese",
"body": "My man thinks there are no scripts in reality shows either 💀"
"author": "Colley619",
"body": "A lot of people have forgotten that ice was the OG irl streamer. The dude quit RuneScape and moved across the country and popularized an entire genre of streaming."
"author": "Latter-Number7351",
"body": "People on here are taking this shit way too seriously it’s just celebrities interacting with eachother to create content. Your favorite streamer does it too to some degree."
"author": "Tuxiak",
"body": "And I thank God every day I haven't"
"author": "Fizzay",
"body": "Most streamers do not have the money kai has to do the things that kai does lol"
"author": "Liutauras-",
"body": "That one i deleted from youtube but still got it on twitter"
"author": "KelloPudgerro",
"body": "im usually racist but not this time"
"author": "Grintastic",
"body": "Id rather it be scripted and humane then whatever deranged exploitative bullshit ice was doing."
"author": "_MrJackGuy",
"body": "From what I can tell this is taught in American schools, its not taught here so why would the average person know it?"
"author": "Quirky_Contract_7652",
"body": "Every psych adjacent class teaches this shit like its brand new. You have to talk about it like 20 times. It's very suspect as a real experiment."
"author": "Truckerwholikesmen",
"body": "I cant tell whats crazier, you trying to get a own on kai by using rape and probably not actually caring for any victims, or you downplaying sexual assault...."
"author": "sivi1337",
"body": "The experiment (2010)"
"author": "Ghostaflux",
"body": "I think it must be that 2015 movie. I remember watching something in my teens about SPE but couldn’t seem to recall its name or if it was a movie or adaptation. Thanks."
"author": "andreiareta30",
"body": "They’re not ready to hear that but it’s true. If he was unbanned from his sub and twitch he would be on top every week"
"author": "Tellasion",
"body": "How is he downplaying it when he simply said exactly what happened?"
"author": "lukadoncic",
"body": "is the basics of psychology not something most people have in high school for a year? I'm not college educated and they taught us this..."
"author": "Skullripper675",
"body": "I only listen to real rappers like Eminem, NF, and one half of Logic 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"
"author": "slatt_slime",
"body": "The good half of logic goes hard"
"author": "Ok-Affect2709",
"body": "The stanford prison experiment is widely taught as an example of poor experimental design. Specifically how the experimenter can directly influence the outcome.\n\nIt's just parroted often on the internet by people who refuse to look past a headline."
"author": "Ok-Affect2709",
"body": "It's not \"faked\", but it's widely discredited and used as an example of poor experimental design."
"author": "eigh_tee",
"body": "I wasn’t explicitly taught it, but I was required to read The Tipping Point (amazing book) in my AP Lang class in 11th grade, which goes over it in one of the first chapters."
"author": "Kindly-Guidance714",
"body": "He did do a rug pull crypto scam."
"author": "JennaSZN",
"body": "damn LSF hates Kai lol"
"author": "kingflamigo",
"body": "It’s not like fully simulated prison he has his PC in his cell so it shouldn’t be mentally straining on them"
"author": "kingflamigo",
"body": "It is been pretty entertaining actually for the three days a lot of effort into it"
"author": "kingflamigo",
"body": "Because everybody in there is friends, he probably just invited his friends. He doesn’t know many white people and not to mention there are white people in there anyway so"
"author": "Far_Calligrapher5437",
"body": "Different video, but that one is good too."
"author": "Sarasin",
"body": "Yeah pretty much, I honestly can't tell if many of the commentators talking about it realize that or not. It would be deeply ironic for people to clown on Kai for not knowing about the Stanford prison experiment whilst not knowing how absurdly bad a study it was."
"author": "Sarasin",
"body": "There are some big benefits the experiment still yields though. Such as it being very funny when people refer to it seriously as evidence."
"author": "mariaozawa2",
"body": "no politics rule is dumb. Everything is politics"
"author": "mongoos3",
"body": "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"author": "professionaldog1984",
"body": "I mean if we are assuming Kai has a large audience of young black men (which I don't think is too much of a stretch), its pretty bad to romanticize prison. Black dudes are massively over represented in poverty/prison stats for a lot of fucked up systemic reasons. If you have a group of people that are at a greater risk of ending up in prison the last thing you want to do is imply to them that prison is cool, which is basically what Kai is doing."
"author": "Jamie651651",
"body": "Okay so you don't really know anything about what I just said besides like 2 clips or posts you read. Thanks for sharing."
"author": "professionaldog1984",
"body": "This exact thing has been done by multiple other content creators and also has multiple reality shows dedicated to it."
"author": "TheJeffNeff",
"body": "You could explain the entire experiment to kai and I still don't think he'd understand any of the psychology of it"
"author": "Spacegoatiex",
"body": "[kick.com/iceposeidon](https://kick.com/iceposeidon) :)"
"author": "kurruchi",
"body": "What infers they are \"degens\" this is probably the most normie audience on twitch lmao"
"author": "Obelisk7777",
"body": "Bro I already watch Ice, I just don’t get what you mean by season 2 or what’s happening on that date. He hasn’t been live in a while"
"author": "juris_feet",
"body": "They didn't instruct by giving them lines or anything. They were told to \"act tough\" \n\nThe issue is the experiment as it was performed back then cannot be replicated due to it violating several ethical concerns. We can't entirely prove *or* disprove it's results because we don't know to what degree that kind of guidance may have influenced the subjects. Fwiw there are other experiments such as the milgram experiment which have results somewhat in line with the SPE"
"author": "Roder777",
"body": "NO FUN ALLOWED! 🤓"
"author": "Dvoraxx",
"body": "i mean it’s basically roblox/gmod jailbreak but irl"
"author": "afraidtobecrate",
"body": "> and the results shouldn't be taken with any kind of modern scientific merit.\n\nYou could say that about the vast majority of sociology studies."
"author": "CorrectRegret",
"body": "Fuck that shit, go watch reality TV then"
"author": "randomguy301048",
"body": "to be fair i learned about it via american dad and not school"
"author": "Duck_mypitifullife",
"body": "Yes, this is an American thing and probably some psychology major thing. Believe me when I say this, people have to really go out of their way to know what this experiment is."
"author": "Duck_mypitifullife",
"body": "Least self centred American."
"author": "zHellas",
"body": "Not everything is a war crime"
"author": "PM_ME_UR_HOT_SISTERS",
"body": "For me there's only so much of the same old I can watch before it gets boring.\n\nWith IRL content it's more new things constantly, I mean watching XQC and Forsen run through Minecraft 24/7 gets tiring after a while, because only thing that carries the streams at those points are chat and maybe TTS. And if you've been around the block here you can predict chat's behavior and TTS donos.\n\nRest of variety gaming at this point is just glorified lets plays in a live streaming scale with minimal energy output."
"author": "marksteele6",
"body": "Sure but that's not really variety gaming though. I'm talking stuff like Cohh, or Lirik, or Dansgaming. The streamers who regularly change up what they stream, that's variety streaming. \n\nXQC and Forsen are glorified just chatting streamers as far as I'm concerned."
"author": "PM_ME_UR_HOT_SISTERS",
"body": "> Sure but that's not really variety gaming though. I'm talking stuff like Cohh, or Lirik, or Dansgaming. The streamers who regularly change up what they stream, that's variety streaming.\n\nYeah but that covers the last sentence. They just clock in clock out booting up a random newly released game, run through it and call it a day with low energy pure gameplay streams, the equivalence of old school lets plays on Youtube. They are variety streamers, but only in the sense of variety gaming. It's no longer the days of when Lirik did his innovative fun stuff in CS or DayZ\n\nBut that's just my perspective."
"author": "marksteele6",
"body": "Ya, I can't see our opinions aligning on this one."
"author": "Public-Ad6688",
"body": "That’s a Kai Cenet W"
"author": "PoetOk9167",
"body": "The companies allowing him to broadcast this shit just says a lot. \n\nPerpetuating the same stereotypes over and over smh"
"author": "Firnin",
"body": "if anything the opposite problem (way too many people know about it and think it was good science) is true"
"author": "GorillaWolf2099",
"body": "I was learning about it yesterday in my University class after basically, I have talked about it in months since taking Sociology in High School a few months back. And now I finally realized Kai is basically doing the same thing but less extreme, lol."
"title": "Kai realises he's created the Stanford Prison Experiment",
"transcript": "I don't give a fuck. I'm not asking you a question. I'm asking you. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. God dang, Chris Gores, I love you. Don't respond. Chris taking this shit too serious. Chris really might be a cop. What's that? Chris really might be a cop, bro. We taking this shit too serious, bro. Let's marble these niggas. We taking this shit too serious, bro. I'm telling you. Chris might be a fucking federal officer. Officer. Officer. Yo. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ."
"author": "Koreabooooooo",
"comments": [
"author": "LowConclusionScore",
"body": "Getting old doesn’t help either"
"author": "s4my_h4ck3r",
"body": "your 35 years old daughter you mean"
"author": "SingSillySongs",
"body": "Happens to almost all IRL streamers when they switch over to gaming/PC content and now that it's easier than ever to travel and start streaming there's like 10 more to every one replacing original/Wave 2 IRL streamer who's quit."
"author": "VH-Attila",
"body": "Funniest Hachubby clip"
"author": "DEVGRU1",
"body": "She killed her community by having to many SIMP mods."
"author": "Maxpayne198717",
"body": "Also VIPs"
"author": "Juzek86",
"body": "When did you start hating? Got banned?"
"title": "POV: It's 3 am and your daughter sees a bug",
"transcript": "아닙니다 헬스장? 아닙니다 아무튼 아빠 아빠 아빠 아빠 여기 빨리 벌레 날아다녀 나 카메라 끌게 잠깐만 신나라"
"author": "Jazzlike_Junket4540",
"comments": [
"author": "InTupacWeTrust",
"body": "WeirdChamp so funny"
"author": "tworunosep2",
"body": "It took me a minute, too FeelsDankMan"
"title": "Zoil accurately guesses the song from the first few lyrics",
"transcript": "Karma Chameleon! Another one bites the dust! Time after time!"
"author": "Enough_Inflation1213",
"comments": [
"author": "TFJshot",
"body": "A bunch of simps in her chat if you ever watch her"
"title": "Lydia Violet Reveals Her Boyfriend and Everyone Leaves the Stream",
"transcript": "This top-secret information is... I can't say it, Chad. It's too much. It's too much. Some of you might even leave the community after hearing this information. But I have to say it. I have to let you know. Are you having a baby just to avoid eviction? Pretty sus. No. The top-secret information is that I can't say it."
"author": "thousandfold1000",
"comments": [
"author": "ThroatVacuum",
"body": "It's wild he just got away with something like that lmao"
"author": "Zyhuna",
"body": "No, it's because he started off and franchised his twitch channel as IRL. Asmongold is a WoW streamer and racks in 20-30k views, there is a big difference."
"title": "jakenbake's irl reality check",
"transcript": "Come to the reassured conclusion by talking to many executives big streamers and friends and family That IRL is literally the shittest end of the stick for any type of content creation on the internet the reason for that is because When you think about IRL you cannot compare us Traveling IRL streamers cannot be compared to any other live streamers on Twitch And this is not a dig to any live streamers I understand everyone comes with their own gripes and their own headaches and their own stressors, but IRL travel streamers Literally have the shittest end of the stick you have the You have the most demanding mental and physical capacities You have the highest overhead from your travels expenses"
"author": "rogu14",
"comments": [
"author": "Brainberry",
"body": "[\"Forsen\"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgpefnl0o7lvb1.gif)"
"title": "forsen",
"transcript": "way. He went this way. He went fucking left. This is not the way to the stairs."
"author": "yogurtNOP",
"comments": [
"author": "Ledoux88",
"body": "it's good for you"
"title": "Gangnam Style",
"transcript": "강남스타일 오빤 강남스타일 오빤 강남스타일 오빤 강남스타일"
"author": "PrinceGaleel",
"comments": [
"author": "Vercentorix",
"body": "Action is coming!\n\n&#x200B;\n\nZULUL"
"title": "Forsen gets 0 snipers on pubg",
"transcript": "I'm funny. I don't know where the snipers came from, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. "
"author": "Robin-Hoodie",
"comments": [
"author": "MediumSizedTurtle",
"body": "Today he figured out he had a steering wheel still plugged in that was scrolling the menus."
"title": "Disaster strikes for NL when going into settings",
"transcript": "My latency is off by like, a tenth of a second. How do you recalibrate? We should all do that. My ass go into the calibration menu for a second. Well done, well done. Yeah, let's all calibrate. Okay, so because of my controller drift, I immediately went to the options menu and it changed my language to Chinese. That is very funny. At least you didn't leave the spectator mode because you wanted to play a longer song. Oh, man, what am I going to do, dude? Hang on, I'll figure this out. Oh, no, it changed all my display settings. You're ready to launch? So my latency went from negative five. Negative? Negative? My input latency went from negative five to positive five."
"author": "mrtkdr98",
"comments": [
"author": "staledepression",
"body": "another peasant mobile/console post that doesn't know how flicking works with a mouse..."
"title": "Shroud Aim Hack?",
"transcript": "Can I get it? Depip? It's too late, no. We're not Depip, what? No. That's money. Dude, the coin's blocked. What?!"
"author": "Hour-Wild",
"comments": [
"author": "marcowhatever",
"body": "I thought that was michael reeves with a wig on for a sec"
"title": "PeachJars Makes an Accidental 1ncest Joke",
"transcript": "look like him or not? Well, my crotch is vibrating. It's my dad. Oh, wait. Are you sure you should answer that? Let me know. It's my dad. Dad, I'm on stream. I have to go. I'm sorry. You"
"author": "FantasticBlock420",
"comments": [
"author": "TheJeffNeff",
"body": "dragonforce is still together??"
"title": "DragonForce with excess amounts of fog on stage during their opening song",
"transcript": "Once more I need you to make some fucking noise! You know? What the fuck just happened! Okay chillax! If you like this video please subscribe! Thanks for watching!"
"author": "Vegetable_Bass_4885",
"comments": [
"author": "mailwasnotforwarded",
"body": "If you're going to set the gdoc to anyone who has the link can access at least set it so they can't edit."
"title": "Veibae's ex-boyfriend's spreadsheet gets hijacked live to display a terrorist manifesto",
"transcript": "I'm the last boss of a certain how many seconds left should you click what the fuck okay is a leak okay?"
"author": "toborraelcun",
"comments": [
"author": "MancunianCandidatex",
"body": "They always have the will to live though"
"title": "Wholesome Japan IRL streamer meets real DOGE meme dog (Kabosu)",
"transcript": "今日誕生日なんですかね18歳 おめでとう カボスちゃんおめでとう 彼女は本物のカボスちゃん ありがとうございます 感動です海外ですごくカボスちゃん有名なので ぜひ海外の視聴者に見せたいなぁと思って今日来たんですよ わーすごい カボスちゃん 彼女は本物のカボスちゃん すごい楽しみです"
"author": "chronicallysigma",
"comments": [
"author": "BF4-HeliScoutPilot",
"body": "Who the fuck with a working brain watches destiny? lol"
"title": "xqc responds to criticisms of his reaction to gaza",
"transcript": "And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, okay? The topic at hand, the war, the polities, or whatever, okay? I ignored all of it. This is not about this, this is about that. People are missing the point. It is not about this, it is about that. And to this, to this, I respond, I respond with that. That behavior, that behavior, the response we get is this, okay? That's it. Oh, don't worry, I don't need to show replies, I'll show you in a minute. Okay. I say I'm cringed, but that's the whole point. That's the... Bro, I just said it, it's the main... Bro, you're upset."
"author": "FPG_Odin",
"comments": [
"author": "Earth92",
"body": "Weeb profiles with Twitter pages full of hentai and 2d waifus fantasies lol \n\nPvc doesn't have to worry much, those people literally don't go outside, just a bunch of lonely hentai worthless gooners enjoying their echo chamber moment on Twitter."
"title": "xqc gets twitter'd",
"transcript": "All right, what else we got? Use the money to buy some nice high quality rope and turn yourself into content for Logan Paul you crack Addicted Ken doll looking sack of shit. That's a good one chat. I gotta be honest chat. This is a compounded joke There's multiple good ones in this chat Yes, a lot of reference here reference to suicide to the Logan fucking the Logan Paul suicide forest event Ken doll Classic to like four three joking to one that he has 39,000 tweets So many on there, that's a good one"
"author": "Free_Perception7124",
"comments": [
"author": "daniel-sensei",
"body": "W XQC😂 Fuck what they gotta stay! We stand on business round here! 💯😈"
"author": "Shrabster33",
"body": "He wasn't calling out Hasan he was calling out Hasan's editor because Hasan's clips look just like the one he called out Xqc for.\n\nHe even said it on stream.\n\nStop trying to create drama."
"author": "DrAnalist",
"body": "Oh man we farmin! lets goooooooo!"
"author": "Leather_Idea6266",
"body": "This was in response to ostonox, and the whole point is xqc is \"profiting\" off reactions to the Isreal/Palestine conflict, when he only did so for 20-30 minutes tops. While hasan watches and talks abt this topic for his whole stream whole getting ad revenue."
"author": "countrycaptainn",
"body": "those tweets were the weakest shit ever bro"
"author": "JustMusic76",
"body": "Replying to Hasan's paid editor (Ostonox) and to Hasan's mod (frogan) = pulls the \"Hasan bad\" cord\n\nMaybe Hasan shouldn't have minions on payroll to farm xQc then"
"author": "No_Personality6685",
"body": "Ostonox might be the least likable person on Twitter ngl"
"author": "Either-Sail-6023",
"body": "Can someone answer me this. Why is XQC worse then Hasan on this topic? is it because Hasan Actually views this stuff everyday so he has a better understanding or is it because people just think XQC is watching it for the money? \nBecause they both make money from watching this Hasan probably alittle more then XQC but im confused why one gets hate an the other doesn't"
"author": "Leather_Idea6266",
"body": "This is the best take, Hasan called xqc out for his editor saying something very bad abt hasan, tomorrow hasan will call xqc out most likely but its the same shit xqc is chilling doing his thing and he gets frogan and ostonox shitting on him unprovoked."
"author": "PavementFan1",
"body": "Ostonox is annoying as hell. and this is coming from someone who watches hasan"
"author": "YesIam18plus",
"body": "The notion Hasan has no power over his editor is absurd, Hasan is 100% responsible for it too..."
"title": "Xqc pulls the \"Hasan bad\" cord, in response to getting cooked on Twitter for posting his money/watch response to Gaza/Israel react",
"transcript": "This is more a dig at the culture entirely right because they will green light one thing and not another Just because of what is currently accepted and was the current fucking public narrative America deserved 9-eleven dude. Fuck it. I'm saying it. We're there to partner with them. We're not there doing our own I'm personally not in the fucking in the in the school of thought of kind of I'm Saying shit like that ever But seems like people think that you get away with it based on what the current public opinion is is what it is. Okay We can move on that, okay Let's keep it up, let's keep it up Let's keep it up. Let's keep going"
"author": "nagatoroenjoyerLULE",
"comments": [
"author": "Tarrot_Card",
"body": "Hi, /u/nagatoroenjoyerLULE,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail:\r\n\r\n**Rule 6.1 - Restricted content: “He said it” posts**\r\n\r\n>We do not allow submissions about racist donations, stream snipers saying racist things, etc. Submissions featuring the streamer “saying it” are allowed, however.\r\n\r\nAdditional moderator comments:\r\n\r\n>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail)."
"title": "xqc lets it slip (again)",
"transcript": "What was I going to say about this? Oh, this other guy? I don't know who this kite guy is. Uh, this kite guy, so I'm going to have to say kite guy. My bad, I'm sorry. I just want to be completely transparent with you guys."
"author": "Kimbumbala",
"comments": [
"author": "kotd4545",
"body": "Yeah, I mean valo and csgo are pretty boring to watch so I get it\n\nKappa"
"title": "The Most Insane Crowd Ever at the Sentinels Invitational",
"transcript": "Can we go to a fan cam? Are we able to go to a fan cam production? Wait, so I can't do anything about the FPS? Yeah, it's on 30 FPS. What the fuck, is everyone asleep? Everyone's asleep. Wait, what the fuck is going on here? Everyone's knocked out. They must be acting, right? Paid actors! Yeah, that means less breaks tomorrow. Do they know that Goodmatch is on now?"
"author": "IsThatRyanC",
"comments": [
"author": "notreallydeep",
"body": "I didn't think the -50% applied to future food purchases as well 😭"
"title": "xQc shows us his Big Mac",
"transcript": "Last game obviously stank due to the unfortunate loss. We got a big matchup. Westbrook fires it up in his career, isolating LeBron on his right wing. What the fuck was that? Yo, what the? Wait, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Guys, this only happened because look. Oh my god! There's nothing on the button. Well, of course it's going to slip. There's nothing on the fucking button. So of course it slips. Look, the rest is not slipping. There's something on it. Did they just scam me out of a fucking patty? Meow. Oh my god, dude."
"author": "Ishaan863",
"comments": [
"author": "Ishaan863",
"body": "i was going to title it immaculate vibes or something like that haha\n\nthe vibes were truly exceptional"
"title": "cyr final quirk",
"transcript": "Oh, my rhythm's a little off right now. No, you're killing it. Hold on, let me feel it real, let me re-feel it. Oh, my rhythm's a little off right now. Oh, my rhythm's a little off right now."
"author": "mavarcebisak",
"comments": [
"author": "Lerdroth",
"body": "It does when you have a literal camera watching your monitors and mouse my dude. What more do you expect as proof?\n\nSeriously. Braindead."
"title": "lvndmark gets 3 kills in 3 shots",
"transcript": "... ... three-piece. later boys! ..."
"author": "Ishaan863",
"comments": [
"author": "relpis",
"body": "i can 100% confirm this, you always imagine yourself when youre a certain age but at the blink of an eye youre suddently that age."
"title": "Cyr's advice",
"transcript": "Sierk, before we sign off, what's one thing you wish you knew when you were younger? I wish I knew how fast time would move when I got older, exponentially. I wish I knew that the ten years between 20 and 30 would go by like a year because the ten years from when I was 10 and 20 felt like it was 40 years. And when I was 5 to 10, that felt like fucking 40 years. But 20 to 30, that went by real fast. And then 30 to 32, 33, that felt like a couple months. And it goes by exponentially faster. Life goes by very faster as you get older, and I wish I would have known that because I wouldn't have wasted so much time in my 20s. That's an age-old tale that you hear about every old man on his deathbed. I wish I would have done more, and I wish I would have taken more risks."
"author": "nt-dot",
"comments": [
"author": "ProfessionalOne2943",
"body": "If you're a man of culture watch this clip at 0.25x speed."
"title": "Pro gamer trying Super Mario Bros. Wonder for the first time",
"transcript": "While in med- midair press R or shake the controller to open your hat and flip down Look guys look Oh Yeah"
"author": "Accomplished-List322",
"comments": [
"author": "botoxallegations",
"body": "I wish people had the same sentiment for gambling."
"title": "Andy Milonakis save a small streamer trip (passport stolen, van broken in) with a HUGE DONO! *LOUD*",
"transcript": "Andy, Andy, bro, what the fuck, holy shit, Andy, yo, holy, oh my god a thousand bucks bro, shit, dude, I love you, I wanna fuck you, no, I don't, but dude, come on man, come on man, oh my god, Andy, dude, you're crazy, thank you so much man."
"author": "Fighter4all",
"comments": [
"author": "F4B3R",
"body": "logitech Embody, it’s like $1,200 though because it’s a Herman Miller collab"
"title": "Streamer's attempt to not be called \"Mommy\".",
"transcript": "um stop calling me mommy I'm gonna kill you hold on why did I stop calling me mommy? Mommy's getting mad at me now Is that what's supposed to make me want to do it less? Yes!"
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "CynicalXennial",
"body": "Oh... Isn't she in one of those streamer factories?"
"title": "3-cam music evolving",
"transcript": "You So Please Foreign It is just a spouses"
"author": "god_fkin_dammit",
"comments": [
"author": "Elyzeon",
"body": "except pause time is taken into account in runs under 13 minutes"
"title": "K4yfour hits stronghold portal room on a random blind portal in damageless run",
"transcript": "I don't have room for a barb I don't have room for a barb I have to find a fucking library"
"author": "TouchFan",
"comments": [
"author": "spicytaco297",
"body": "Great push"
"title": "pools and hot tubs is wild",
"transcript": "오늘도 영상 봐주셔서 감사합니다."
"author": "Long-Nothing9533",
"comments": [
"author": "SampleCandid",
"body": "tbh I would never beat the racist allegations in today's standards. \n\n\nBut if we're talking about the Islam comments then I agree, there was nothing racist about it."
"title": "xQc became rich off the gaza video",
"transcript": "In real time chat, I've been fucking caught live red-handed on air, making money off of this shit. The total, the tally. The video with the clip everybody hates and is very upset about that is not a big deal at all in the current landscape. Made it to a $21."
"author": "TheDJBuntin",
"comments": [
"author": "deb8er",
"body": "[man's practiced](https://media.tenor.com/fNs8_8hiJFgAAAAC/cat-blind-flashbang-light-mode.gif)"
"title": "Streamer Experiences First VR Solar Flare!",
"transcript": "And I am safely able to say I am pretty damn sure I am the first person in VR to experience a solar flare on another planet- ARRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Q- WHAT THE FUCK?! HAPPY HALLOWEEN, YEAH, YEAH, SHIT... Oh my God, my- There's suntspots- Okay, nonono, no they're on- they're in VR Okay, that's not my real eyes doing that I was like, am I real eyes fucking damaged? HOLY SHIT"
"author": "M_M4yhem",
"comments": [
"author": "Iron_PTMN",
"body": "Baseg"
"title": "Quin asks the important question",
"transcript": "Bro, there's a million people out there who did Diablo shit, and I watched all of it, and when it comes down to it, the, you know, I can spot them, bro, let me tell you, I'm a scout. I can spot the real ones from the fucking, you know, the fake ones. Okay, bro. Alright, dude, you're chillin', you're chillin'. Um, okay, now, now I've been saying all this shit to make you like me, um, so do you think I'm a sexist?"
"author": "-PonySlaystation-",
"comments": [
"author": "BF4-HeliScoutPilot",
"body": "thought it was going to be a video of destiny calling him the nword"
"title": "trihex getting hit with a classic",
"transcript": "Under what conditions could any any human toss something that heavy that far consistently? even if assisted You know, I mean like oh my god, of course, there's a video that went oh my god Oh my god, fuck I got ripped dude, bro in 2023, dude, I My god, okay, bro, bro Bro you're such a How okay mods How many workplace accidents reset it back to zero days man, I cannot believe I got Rick rolled in 2023"
"author": "FreeAPHUGs",
"comments": [
"author": "SuperNinjaNye",
"body": "On second thought they dont look as similar as I thought but I enjoyed squeex's Vivek bit so that probably blinded me."
"title": "Squeex at home talks about sex",
"transcript": "Thank you so much with your mom because I fuck your mom went by 69 in her wait What how does 69 in work You're sharing oral sex with your partner. In other words, it's giving and receiving wait, how do you do oral sex on a woman? Oh God oh my god. I might be the best fucking clip I've ever seen It gets even better I can't believe it Wait, seriously, how does it work? Oh"
"author": "DiaMat2040",
"comments": [
"author": "SokoJojo",
"body": "Fake"
"title": "Smartest UC Davis graduate (not a bit)",
"transcript": "France? Oh god, is this Italy? Oh god, I don't know. I don't know, I'm telling you, you have no idea how bad I am at geography. I'm not joking, I don't know geography."
"author": "AhmedYasha",
"comments": [
"author": "PrisonArteezy",
"body": "He forgot his own mama"
"title": "Chiblee gets put on the spot",
"transcript": "That one's for you, Chad. Where did Kate go? She's eating lunch before her stream. She said if you'd listen to women. That's very true. I do listen to women so much that I was probably didn't hear it because I was listening to other women as well. Name five women. Anya Taylor-Joy, Amelia Earhart, Hillary Clinton, Obama's wife, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton."
"author": "Juuzoz_",
"comments": [
"author": "Shotokanguy",
"body": "She has so little control, imagine if she'd dropped one of those on her face"
"title": "Emiru hits a new bench press PR",
"transcript": "Oh, God! The hard steel box is falling! This is so terrible! Ah, shit! Bro, my nose is running! Am I dying? Is my brain leaking out? Ah! Ow, fuck!"
"author": "stepping_",
"comments": [
"author": "mailwasnotforwarded",
"body": "None of my gfs have taken my car it must be because he gambles."
"title": "XQC is a bit aware",
"transcript": "I will say oh dude like Gambling you can lose your house. You lose your car. Okay shit. I mean if you had a girlfriend before okay My bad, that was too far"
"author": "Doublenyher",
"comments": [
"author": "Logizmo",
"body": "The guy below really just called me a cringe lord then blocked me so I couldn't reply, LSF is wild sometimes\n\nLook in a mirror /u/Mizkifs-slave"
"title": "Emiru spent the entire OTK 2024 budget on optical camo",
"transcript": "I don't even know if this is going to work. Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wait, it does work. It is a little bit off, but it's not that noticeable. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, my god! Wait. Wait. Wait. Um, I'm going to take green. Whoa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I hate this. This is so scary. Invisibility potion. Wait. Wait. Wait. Ha! Ha!"
"author": "CinemaAndChillLT",
"comments": [
"author": "YSoma00",
"body": "Holy shit days when miz had 30k+ subs"
"title": "Emi thinks she's invisible",
"transcript": "and uh face the wall and then do nothing for like 30 seconds and in those 30 seconds people will join who don't know what's going on and i'm gonna scare them to be like wait where is she oh shit wait surprise motherfucker"
"author": "ERRA_",
"comments": [
"author": "Commercial_Boss4639",
"body": "Sick stream if anyone's looking for a vod to watch"
"title": "Bobcat COGGERS",
"transcript": ""
"author": "iminfam0us",
"comments": [
"author": "Shadostruct",
"body": "Is this game PvP? I could swear I saw the game pause when he hit escape earlier, but there's no way this game makes sense if it was PvE."
"title": "Just some cool spear work",
"transcript": "Thanks for watching!"
"author": "Mcorama32",
"comments": [
"author": "kmlav",
"body": "i was the 69th upvote"
"title": "Qt heads home",
"transcript": "Gonna go to my wife and kids without dying. Yes, sir. It's a hard day at work No electric bees gonna be stinging me I"
"author": "Glycal",
"comments": [
"author": "Upbeat_Camel6179",
"body": "I know the answer but why do chicks show so much of themselves on cam AND make it take up twice as much as the average bloke? I remember when SC2 was king on twitch, they'd put their cam on the unit portrait, which is to say less than 10% of the screen."
"title": "Storm Encounters a Cutscen Issue in Alan Wake II",
"transcript": "Of course it is, sweetie pie. Hey, what's that behind? What the fuck is that? Shadows! Look in the mirror What? I wanted to listen to the song Dude, my heart rate Wait, did I actually die? No, it's fine It's fine There is simply no way! Oh my fucking god, dude"
"author": "esoe___",
"comments": [
"author": "esoe___",
"body": "when he takes off you can hear the tire shake and then the wheel falls off, it could of been some cheap stuff or maybe even stock parts that would just wore out"
"title": "Mustang fox body crashes during a test pass",
"transcript": "Hey, that's weird."
"author": "Konfartius",
"comments": [
"author": "MatterofDoge",
"body": "thats crazy how that guy made a few valid points, and you addressed literally none of them, and ignored the things hasan said about crimea and saying russia has a right to the land because they speak the same language and all that crazy whacky shit he said, and instead you just wrote 3 paragraphs of \"nuh uh\" and rhetoric babbling butthurt childish insults in the cadence of a 12 year old in middle school lol"
"title": "Hasan seeks out criticism",
"transcript": "By the way, before getting clapped, if you think that I would entertain such a psychotic thing, ever, in my life, I don't know what to tell you, there is nothing more perverted and psychopathic than literally putting Ukrainian people in Ukraine that are being fucking bombed, okay, by an invading force that is unjustifiably occupying their country, making Ukrainians sit down and fucking watch my clips out of fucking context in a way that you have framed it, to have them go, oh, wow, how fucked up, fuck this guy, it is literally the most unimaginably insane thing I've ever seen in my entire life, it completely betrays how much you care about the conflict that you are covering on the ground, it's nasty as fuck."
"author": "kasserk",
"comments": [
"author": "xanax_weekend",
"body": "It would have cost you 0$ to not type this."
"title": "Knut caught wild Alinity at blizzcon",
"transcript": "What is the key to success? Alitt Cartel oh! Andrew Nathan! Oh, Jude. Hi! Doug, hi, I'm Judenth. Nice to meet you. That's a nice surprise too. What's up with you? Yeah, I am there. I'm so intimidated! I see."
"author": "hourouheki",
"comments": [
"author": "Robjn",
"body": "magenta is what i had in mind for taking the influence of FESN and putting a european spin on it. colin read's tengu and spirit quest are pretty explicit in being influenced by the japan scene as well. wasnt mentioned before but gou miyagi of course was a huge influence as well for showing the the west that spots dont have to only resemble skate park obstacles. \n\nskateboarding discussion on reddit doesnt exist. not a big overlap of core skaters and reddit users. skateboarding subreddit is just new skaters getting flexed on by park heroes. no discussions of videos and other topics really suck, but whatever. theres better places online for that. \n\nskating is in a really good place right now i find. every niche is filled from primitive to fancy lad and progression has reached a point where people want to just watch good styles and energy over just bigger and more complex tricks (which obviously still has a place). people are ready to accept that skateboarding isnt that serious and enjoying it is #1. so much good stuff coming out, love the fact that there is a place for stuff like wknd who find a way to revive putting skits in videos that are genuinely really well done and funny, while also making LA look like an interesting place to skate again"
"title": "Tokyo skater lands huge a 360 flip to boardslide on a tight jump",
"transcript": "I'm gonna have a look at these girls' expressions. You got it, girl. "
"author": "ProperLSFBot",
"comments": [
"author": "epitome89",
"body": "Counter Strike"
"title": "Swedish Rap God",
"transcript": "Godzent att kunna plocka dubbelsiffrigt. Smokesen flyger in på sajten. Här kliver Golden fram. Det är Smoya i stället som kommer kunna få med sig första fraggen. Nu vill de plocka skiss i stället för att försöka leverera. Kommer kunna få med sig två strykningar i alla fall. Samtidigt som Rolf kommer kunna vara där och hjälpa till. Smoya kommer kunna ta med sig traden samtidigt som han kliver in på sajten. Så kommer det vara BobXD som kommer kunna ta med sig traden. Samtidigt som Saltlike kommer upp via mitten. Och nu kommer en ytterligare flash här. Någon kommer vilja försöka kliva ut så snabbt det går. Men Smoker ligger i vägen. Men det kommer bli gratis för BobXD som är på plats. Och det blir dubbelsiffrigt. Och det är Godzent som plockar..."
"author": "FantasticBlock420",
"comments": [
"author": "afwsf3",
"body": "Why does it have to be an edgy joke about Colin dying instead of something like \"erobbb wishes he was that great.\" What a tragic accident. The joke doesn't even make sense in context."
"title": "Eric Lamont Mcrae shows you how to rally race",
"transcript": "into small jump 14 jump 13, slight left of the crest and slight right 80 5 left 100 finish into 5 left to stop ok that's the 6 minute 33 you see that shit baby someone clip it"
"author": "Fleymour",
"comments": [
"author": "GGCodes",
"body": "Tipping culture is stupid.\nNobody in EU expects to be tipped. And it isn't a percentage of the order but the customers chosen amount."
"title": "Jinnytty - 25min no Service at Morton's Steakhouse ... -100$ customer",
"transcript": "The audacity. I'm just going to order so much. Hi, have you not been helping? Yeah, I've been waiting here for like 20 minutes. It's okay. Did you want to stay? Sorry, miscommunication. No problem."
"author": "Stonedflame",
"comments": [
"author": "Stonedflame",
"body": "Yeah nothing is there. They are just RPing"
"title": "Vtuber Ritual Sacrifice in WOW",
"transcript": "I'm gonna go up to the top of the tower for you, babe. I'm gonna kill myself. What? No, you're not. No, you're not. Hey guys, welcome to the stream. I'm gonna kill myself today. Please don't kill yourself! Do not! Do not! Do not kill yourself while doing the psychodo impression! I can't handle it, please! Do not kill yourself! Please, please, please, please, baby. It's your birthday. I simply cannot hear them anymore. I already lost $500, please. That's the only way I know. I've lost $1,000 today, April. I can't lose anymore, please. Chad, I'm gonna go through the portal now. No, no, no. Wait, what's on the other side? No, no, no, no. When I walk through this portal, my life will be over. And I'll be joining my love in the afterlife. Babe! She wouldn't want that! I'm ready. But you made so much progress, dude. No, no, no."
"author": "CinemaAndChillLT",
"comments": [
"author": "imbraxton",
"body": ">No that’s not what happened, I was disagreeing with the guy who was saying that and trying to say that mindset does not apply to this situation and while I was trying to explain people started yelling and then I kind of just let it die because it was over and then people tried to throw me in there as defending the guy I was disagreeing with and it sucked because I was trying to explain calmly and just got yelled over and then people started hating on me for something I wasn’t even trying to say\n\nSaving Private Train was one of the most epic streams ever"
"title": "Esfando gets emotional",
"transcript": "Be so like happy and making friends and like just going with relations with people over the course of like four years through covid and through like everything that happened man, like I'm such a baby. I don't know why it's making it much more popping job, bro Oh, man And I dude i'm just so happy to see how happy everybody is man It really means the world to me dude. It's so like I i'm so proud of what we did dude. I'm, just so proud of everybody man"
"author": "Rhyker1",
"comments": [
"author": "belleslovinit",
"body": "It's Steve Suptic's joke that he plays on his friends/new people he meets. \n\nhttps://youtu.be/0O_CifI4930?feature=shared\n\nBut when he tried it on Tectone he got uno-reversed\n\nhttps://youtu.be/0O_CifI4930?feature=shared"
"title": "Tectone's dad has COTC",
"transcript": "I guess you like really really sick Yeah, I mean it's not fatal, but oh, man. What is it man? Yes? It's corn on the cob Oh Classic oh, that's a classic boys Yeah, but uh no really has cancer"
"author": "netgold1",
"comments": [
"author": "BFCC3101",
"body": "Being skilled at minecraft is like being skilled at playing with those wire block toys that every doctor's office has... It's not that impressive, a 6-year-old can figure out how that game works."
"title": "Dream announces new minecraft content that will \"change the scene\"",
"transcript": "Like I'm so excited for the new stuff coming like I genuinely like you'll you'll be so surprised. I'm telling you I'm telling you It's gonna be the perfect combination of like the dream team dynamic my like Minecraft skills like Saturn George's Minecraft skills are like personalities and then also incredible like creativity and then seeing Minecraft in like a new way that you've never you've like never seen it ever and There's things that will it'll change the scene for sure like I just will objectively"
"author": "nagatoroenjoyerLULE",
"comments": [
"author": "stinkycatto",
"body": ">G e n t l e m e n\n\n*M e n t l e g e n*"
"title": "psp rolls impostor in CS2",
"transcript": "Oh, I'm retarded. What the fuck? What? Yo, line them up. What the fuck is this guy doing? Is he invading? Yo, ballers. Ready to gamble? What the fuck is this dude? Oh my God. Oh, they know. They know. Oh my God, no way. What the fuck? What? Oh, they know they know. Oh my God, no way. What the fuck? What? What? What? There's no..."
"author": "davidh818",
"comments": [
"author": "Tarrot_Card",
"body": "Hi, /u/davidh818,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail:\r\n\r\n**Rule 3.2 - Quality: Duplicate submissions**\r\n\r\n> Duplicate submissions will be removed to keep the subreddit fresh, this also applies to clips announcing the same thing but via different mediums (Tweets, News articles). The submission we keep will generally either be the clip with the best timing, or the clip posted first. Tweets must also not be related to any topic from any thread within the last 7 days. This does not apply to official news/events/announcements, granted they are different enough from the original.\r\n\r\nAdditional moderator comments:\r\n\r\n>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail)."
"title": "Malek_04 after her haircut",
"transcript": "Chat, do you know what my problem is, I think? Do you know what my problem is, chat? Ever since my hair got cut, my hair got snip, snip, snipped, and now it's all choppy and wonky. snip, snip, snip, snip, snip"
"author": "AboTizo",
"comments": [
"author": "misteronetwo518",
"body": "Damn, he almost made it."
"transcript": "yo what's up chat how we doing today how we doing today welcome to the fucking 24 hour stream bro let's fucking go guys i'm fucking hyped are you guys hyped bro are you guys hyped bro cause i'm fucking hyped as well let's fucking go"
"author": "davidh818",
"comments": [
"author": "omega_nik",
"body": "This is one of the dumbest clips I have ever seen"
"title": "Streamer losing her mind after Ice T's son cut her hair",
"transcript": "I'm here so you can forget about everything that's wrong with your life, because your life probably fucking sucks. That's reality. Reality is shit. Reality is really fucking shit."
"author": "downWithXqCOW",
"comments": [
"author": "WilliamBoxing",
"body": "[Grey link](https://i.imgur.com/sZTX9mu.jpeg)"
"title": "Ogre minecraft version",
"transcript": "I don't want to be on my computer ever, like I'm so over the computer, like corona, I can't take the seriousness of it."
"author": "Themutv",
"comments": [
"author": "tanaka-taro",
"title": "Ohne's OMG Moment",
"transcript": "SPAWN NEEDS IT! TEST NEEDS IT! OH MY GOD! Did you write test? Oh my god, yes, write test, write test, write test, write test, write test, fast! I bought it, I bought it, I bought it, I bought it, I bought it! Good, good, good, good, good, good!"
"author": "erickadue32",
"comments": [
"author": "Tarrot_Card",
"body": "Hi, /u/erickadue32,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail:\r\n\r\n**Rule 2 - Politics**\r\n\r\n>Politics are out of scope for LSF, so any content related to politics will be removed. Politics is defined as the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area. The common census among you and other moderators is that, for the sake of not having to draw blurry lines that leave space for individual bias and animosity between mods, it would be best also to be more strict with content that isn't inherently political but carries a political intent or message nonetheless. This affects, for example, streams with a campaigning background regardless of the content shown, and podcasts.\r\n>\r\n>When the content directly relates to gaming and/or streaming, exceptions will be made. Examples of such exceptions are the Blizzard-Hong Kong controversy in 2019, or streamers talking about the effect of Article 13 on the industry.\r\n\r\nAdditional moderator comments:\r\n\r\n>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail)."
"title": "streamer thinks everyone has the right to wage war",
"transcript": "Like, for example, Russia vs. Ukraine. I am honestly... The way it works is that I feel like Russia has the full right to wage war against Ukraine. But the thing is that with the state of nowadays, people would... What's it called? People will ally with Ukraine because they have a lot more allies because of this. A lot of people support the disliked idea of imperialism. So Russia has the right to wage war against Ukraine, but they have to deal with the aftermath of having every single country in the world hate them. This wasn't talking about, like, 1940s or 1800s. Every country has the right to wage war."
"author": "yogo_goyo",
"comments": [
"author": "Zerokxis",
"body": "Truly an angle of Shibuya, giving kisses and hugs"
"title": "Can I kiss you? 😳",
"transcript": "おめでとうございます! おめでとうございます! キスしてもいいですか? どこで? どこで? ここで? あなたの唇に? 私の唇ではない あなたの唇ではない? 私のフォロワーは大丈夫 私は知っている でも、私はあなたの唇にキスするのが大好き 私の友達があなたの唇をキスしてくれたとき みんな帰って帰る 遅すぎた 遅すぎた 少し遅すぎた スプレーできる? スプレーできる? あなたのスプレーをききます ありがとう あなたのスプレーをききます ありがとう おめでとう あなたの名前は? マイスチュンキ"
"author": "Kapperok",
"comments": [
"author": "TheeEmperor",
"body": "twitch dot com I swear..."
"title": "Meowko trains her weak side before the competition",
"transcript": "the position is different so I have to do on both side so this is my good side for the shoulder stand I can be here and I can lift myself but my left side is not my strong side okay let's try to but I have to do the left so left will be like this it looks so weird I don't know it's so difficult"
"author": "warkro",
"comments": [
"author": "howdy8x629",
"body": "i like the part where she went \" pr pr pr pr \""
"title": "Swedish Girl's Diary-hea",
"transcript": "starts to like squirt all over the car and it wasn't even my mom's car it was her husband's car I can't talk it was crazy before I found a hole and could stop the thing and pull out the whole bag it was crazy it was like squirting all over the snow you know everyone that was there they saw it it was crazy the whole snow went brown"
"author": "casqtv",
"comments": [
"author": "unDturd",
"body": "TitleChamp"
"title": "The Stars Are Aligned...",
"transcript": "Out, throwing fire. Deploying flashbang. Flashbang. Flashbang. Oh my god. Fire in the hole. Grenade. On."
"author": "LastCrystal",
"comments": [
"author": "CLGbyBirth",
"body": "OTK got paid by microsoft just wait after blizzcon and he'll revert back to wow/blizzard sucks"
"title": "Diablo streamer sees WoW streamer rating of Day 1 Blizzcon",
"transcript": "Classic, I would say this is a 9.5 out of 10, actually I'd say a 9 out of 10. 9.5 out of 10 with Classic? Yeah, 9 out of 10 for sure. And Diablo, Diablo 4, or just Diablo, Diablo 4, yeah whatever. I will say is also an 8 out of 10. Classic. Holy shit, what the fuck?"
"author": "-eDgAR-",
"comments": [
"author": "muncken",
"body": "This meme is 15 years old now."
"title": "Lirik on WoW gamers",
"transcript": "You fucking hate this turd that you serve every fucking year and you've been going to this chef for 20 fucking years and you're constantly like, dude, this is so disgusting, but you keep going to his fucking restaurant and then he decides to charge you more for that piece of shit that you have been fucking eating for 20 years. And you're still like, dude, this is fucking disgusting. But then you're like, what the fuck? How is this guy? How is this the best fucking selling piece of shit? And all these other people are eating it too. And he's making fucking insane profits, even though you keep saying, wow, they, uh, this tastes like shit and you fucking keep fucking it up. But still you're there at the same fucking chair, at the same table, at the same fucking restaurant."
"author": "alecbutt",
"comments": [
"author": "alecbutt",
"body": "You’re on a subreddit about twitch streamers who would have guessed there being clips about twitch streamers posted 😅😅"
"title": "the comments under 'SomeOrdinaryGamers' latest video about xqc are cooking him up 😂",
"transcript": "This guy, man, when he actually made a poggers face on the plane at the second tower, it made me want to give him all the money to get flexed on Twitter. Such a really good creator. Thank you, man. What?"
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "EstebanIsAGamerWord",
"body": "Pegging's not my thing but you do you man"
"title": "a little too happy about the new sponsor",
"transcript": "I'm so happy I got sponsored by Razer I'm just so happy you know like Razer is one of the company I've always you know admired and they sponsored me I'm just so happy I don't know"
"author": "malackz",
"comments": [
"author": "Tranq11",
"body": "Need the VOD, that slaps"
"author": "Diehard_Drew",
"body": "same"
"author": "Ruggsy",
"body": "I think it's just that his friend told him to sing it a certain way and he did and it was good"
"title": "T-Pain listens to his friend",
"transcript": "This is my favorite part guys, the harmonies. How many breaks does it take to be great? Ooh no wait. Whooooooooaaa! Hakakaka! Et roll yo! Go fucking high! Gooo! Hiiiiii! Gooo Hiiiiiiiii!!!"
"author": "AwesomePancakez",
"comments": [
"author": "madroxide86",
"body": "that is some next level degen shit...go touch grass OP."
"title": "Squirtle Gets A Shell Massage!",
"transcript": "이 영상은 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다."
"author": "LargeFatJuicyBalls",
"comments": [
"author": "kovaluu",
"body": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQq8M88s3BU\n\nAI skyrim mod is incredible"
"author": "Degenerate_Game",
"body": "My guy really got downvoted for speaking the truth.\n \nPeople really got mad that a clip they thought would be funny was actually just some guy troubleshooting lmao"
"author": "NewForReddit21",
"body": "yeah thats exactly what i said"
"title": "Guy thinks Skyrim NPC's are real people",
"transcript": "A dragon! I saw a dragon! Hello? What is it now, Mother? It was as big as the mountain and black as night! It flew right over the barrel! Hello? And I've got better things to do than listen to more of your fantasies. Hello? It was a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me! Hello? Hello?"
"author": "arcticslush",
"comments": [
"author": "Still_Tomato_4280",
"body": "In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the member of this group"
"title": "Moonmoon has finally gone off the deep end",
"transcript": "Your brother killed me in a past life, you know that your brother killed me Now I'll have my pound of flesh my sweet Teasing slice for your chest. Oh, you're bending over now. You want a piece on your back as well? Oh Is that a rib I see let me just reach in there and grab it come here You"
"author": "FlooringContractor",
"comments": [
"author": "RedSavitar",
"body": "lmao, she has absolutely fucking zero awareness of what's going on"
"title": "ExtraEmily's first WoW death",
"transcript": "my best okay can i just walk away is that allowed oh potion potion uh oh my god run away i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jump past them nothing a few jumps can't fix where am i where am i oh no am i dead forever i'm dead forever"
"author": "r2002",
"comments": [
"author": "wiegah",
"body": "Just wondering, why do you think they are together? I know they streamed together, and were at the gala. Anything else?\nWhen Emily is in LA she is always staying in a hotel or with other people, not with him it seems."
"title": "Cinna rizzes up Emily",
"transcript": "I've never asked anyone this directly. Uh-huh. Do you think you could try my fish pie? Yeah, I'll try your fish pie. Yeah? I love fish. Well, you, you'll, do you like that? I love fish pie. Do you wanna eat just my fish pie? Yes, I would love to eat your fish pie. Because me and, and Wash have been drinking. Uh-huh. And we made a fish pie. Yes, I'm down to try your fish pie. And you'll come down and try it. Maybe not come down, but I'll, maybe I will. Somebody has to come, so it's gotta be. Ooh."
"author": "MikeKrombopulos",
"comments": [
"author": "BF4-HeliScoutPilot",
"body": "Hitman rocks"
"title": "He knocked every NPC unconscious, dragged them all onto the runway, and dropped the chandelier on them",
"transcript": "Okay, three, two, one, go! How long is this gonna- How long is this gonna scroll? Chat how- How long is it gonna scroll? How come one of them was an accidental kill? Chat how come one of them was an accidental kill? I missed two of them. I did miss two of them, chat. Where are they? Aren't they all-"
"author": "Hopexo",
"comments": [
"author": "SumToast",
"body": "he's about to start his villain act because of hc wow"
"title": "Cyr falls for it",
"transcript": "D&B, D&S, I don't know what D& means guys, I don't play this game. What is that, what is that? Mind you I, okay. I am gonna end stream, I am, I am. I'm almost there. I'm almost there. I'm almost there."
"author": "Crashcede",
"comments": [
"author": "owa00",
"body": "The game backstabbed Dyrus harder than he backstabbed Imaqtpie at worlds."
"title": "Dyrus is having a bad time",
"transcript": "Oh Fuck man Fucking fast-running Oh the giant's coming for him Oh yeah AHHHHH AHHHHH NOOOO"
"author": "-eDgAR-",
"comments": [
"author": "Inner_Raise_4493",
"body": "You're right, it is code switching, which is a deliberate choice."
"title": "Vei gets a pass",
"transcript": "I Would laugh so hard at all the people saying She's got the retard pause. She's dating a retard. It's fine guys That was the funniest I've ever been a part of"
"author": "r2002",
"comments": [
"author": "porkyboy11",
"body": "Haven't played since 2016"
"title": "Soda teaching Emily WOW going well",
"transcript": "What is it doing? It's melee, that's fine. How do I kill it? It's melee, you're doing great. Stop running from it. There's no need to run away. You've almost killed it. It's health bar is in the top left. How do I kill it? Click it. Turn around and face it. Turn around and face it. Fucking face it. Holy shit."
"author": "Doublenyher",
"comments": [
"author": "UlaBrita45",
"body": "just the way I see him putting away that folded table top i already know something really doesn't work well in that brain."
"author": "wkdsadskshewkebv",
"body": "i guess two wrongs can make a right"
"author": "Feeling-Inspection40",
"body": "That’s Emmy’s uncle’s niece."
"title": "Tyler1's niece outsmarts infamous Halloween candy thief",
"transcript": "Speaking of our candy someone's mentioned in the chat, bro. I put it all the way up here in my fucking closet All the way All up here Way up I can't even reach up there and And I go to bathroom. I come out of the bathroom. She's sitting right here on the ground eating her candy all of it It's like all just trash Just eating it with the sucker in her mouth While the suckers in their mouth, she's something like M&Ms eating them"
"author": "Jockwards",
"comments": [
"author": "TacoChowder",
"body": "This happened to me last night. Just finished up an industrial district centered around some oil fields. Finishing building the off ramps and the game dies"
"author": "uhh_",
"body": "I had a bustling downtown in my city with a lot of traffic and parking needs. I set up bus routes, a tram system, set up crosswalks and traffic signals. Added a centrally located parking garage. Color coded the bus routes. It took maybe 30 mins total but I was being meticulous. Of course the inevitable happens. My game crashes and all the work was out the window. I know I shouldve set up autosave but hindsight is 20/20."
"author": "memesauruses",
"body": "LMAO i heard it was trash at release (just like every other game these days) but surely no way the devs fucked it up so bad??"
"author": "Njagos",
"body": "I expected the AI trying to U turn or something like that and create a huge traffic jam because of it"
"author": "m8_is_me",
"body": "this game seems well made"
"title": "Finishing the new intersection",
"transcript": "You mother"
"author": "csprm977",
"comments": [
"author": "haydon90",
"body": "The what of failure?"
"title": "When SODAING goes wrong",
"transcript": "HOLY FUCK! JUST TAKE IT! They can use swords, they can use staffs, they can use wands. Sorry, honey."
"author": "VastParticular1",
"comments": [
"author": "DjEggroll",
"body": "Looks like she's at the beginning of her career designing super suits for the Incredibles."
"title": "Marisnot12 looks like ...",
"transcript": "This is not real Oh, it's real. Oh, it's real. Um, it looks really good You it looks really good That's not the finish Okay you you look like a Like an ethnically ambiguous Hillary Clinton Which is not a bad thing not a bad thing I really don't think it's a bad thing because you know, Hillary Clinton is a woman in power Feminism go women you look you look good"
"author": "pikachu8090",
"comments": [
"author": "sisterrfister69",
"body": "does it make you feel complete, to willfully misunderstanding other people's comments for the purpose of a snarky reply?"
"title": "New Chess Meta: playing chess while having a live DJ",
"transcript": "Nightz4, buddy buddy, okay bring the king around, all the way, all the way, he's still objectively drawn but it's not easy. Okay iRiven is doing this really well, bringing the king to B4, now he's going to play G5 and now he's asking the question whether he wants to take his son F."
"author": "EchoOk4335",
"comments": [
"author": "Halluci",
"body": "hey, alright"
"title": "Even the game turns green",
"transcript": "How did it turn green? Oh."
"author": "felicej1550",
"comments": [
"author": "P3LLII",
"body": "Bet I'll get downvoted but Never underestimate the ignorance and egocentrism of North Americans . Feel bad for the good ones but man.. most of them just don't know the world. It's a bit uncanny but You can see this on their Twitch streamers communities"
"title": "Messi Become Co-Owner Of KRÜ Esports",
"transcript": "¿Por qué no soy dueño del club? Porque ahora somos dos. Ahora somos dos. Bueno, vamos a jugar."
"author": "Iamspamable",
"comments": [
"author": "NaCl_Sailor",
"body": "it's unoptimized and runs like crap, but is anything really broken?"
"title": "Sips has an air pollution problem",
"transcript": "The wind is blowing it from the porch, come on man. You mean to tell me that they spent time coding that and just nothing else? Hey, what did you spend the last three months coding? Oh, uh, air pollution in the wind. Good job, Timmy. Well done. Anything else working? Nah. But we've simulated air pollution in the wind really well. Hey, man. Oh, no. Oh, come on, they have as well. I just borrowed the lawnmower. It's from the incinerators. I was, like, totally going to give it back, man. I swear I only ate one of Lake Renu at the zoo. Oh, for fuck's sake. Well done, Timmy. You did it. Good job, Timmy."
"author": "Koreabooooooo",
"comments": [
"author": "mailwasnotforwarded",
"body": "Yup, in China there are street vendors who collect sewage oil and reuse it for cooking. It is absolutely disgusting and I wouldn't be surprised if street vendors in India do the same thing. If they are willing to pick up acid corroded batteries and open them up and just dump the acid on the ground just to \"rebuild\" the battery for sale without any sort of protection equipment, you wonder what else they are \"recycling\". I've seen way too many documentaries of third world countries literally picking up garbage/human waste to repurpose for food to be sold. I just saw one last week of some place in Asia that would go around and collect discarded meat/bones and make a bone broth to serve at restaurants."
"title": "Jinny tries some spicy Indian food",
"transcript": "Really? Oh, okay. Okay. It's ready. How much? How much? It's ready. 60 Rupees. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Do you need change? Yeah, I need change. I don't have change. Do you have 50?"
"author": "Secksi323",
"comments": [
"author": "shaggymatter",
"body": "Skip"
"title": "Caroline Impersonates Summit",
"transcript": "thank you dear see if yours is better oh I will drink it that's not how you get listen that's crazy you're saying that that's crazy I was like yo we got a straw I said I get the straws at the casino just kidding I got it now she's sitting here saying is your drink good or what you poisonous yeah I'm uh I'm again"
"author": "Randy2D",
"comments": [
"author": "LivestreamFail-ModTeam",
"body": "Hi, /u/Randy2D,\n\nUnfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail:\n\n**Rule 4.1 - Spam: Self-promotion**\n\n>LSF should not be used as a platform for promotion. For this reason, do not post videos of channels that you own, moderate, or otherwise have a personal stake in. If your goal is to promote something or someone, you are breaking this rule.\n\nAdditional moderator comments:\n\n>\n\n\n\nWe recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again.\n\nIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail)."
"title": "As an IT tech I am about to have night terrors for a week",
"transcript": "I scoop it up, I um, and then I look through and I try and find the little, I try and find the little port that I need and I'm like oh this is the port and then I spend like ten minutes unwinding all of them. I hate to break it to you chats, I have cut some wires. Some wires in here have been cut so I can get some other wires out so there are some like loose cut ends. I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys. But they're wires that I don't need, like it doesn't even matter, like 50% of these I'm never gonna use. This is seriously a woman moment. No it's not! I know you guys just love to hate. I know, okay, maybe not all of you guys but I reckon 50% of you have this. I'm pretty sure my parents had this."
"author": "Madness_cookie",
"comments": [
"author": "tjamen",
"body": "Never go full Kungen"
"title": "Lirik plays a prot warrior in WoW Classic HC.",
"transcript": "Subscribe to JoBlo for more awesome videos!"
"author": "FlameVShadow",
"comments": [
"author": "Green_Initial_5913",
"body": "My favorite song is the one that has a frog croaking in it"
"title": "LIRIK finds his inner self",
"transcript": "I've never been here. This is all- WHAAAT?! HEY! YO! I- OH MY G- WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHAT?! Y- HAHAHAHAHA WAIT- HAHAHAHAHA Wait, is this me? Are- Do we have the same shields? He has the bug- He has no pants either! EWWWW! You fuckin' asshole! Of course, this whole game- Oh my god, the devs are geniuses. The whole game is battling your inner demon. And now I- I am confronted with my inner self. WHAT?! The fuck?! OH I DROPPED IT! Oh my god, I just-"
"author": "-eDgAR-",
"comments": [
"author": "Ur3rdIMcFly",
"body": "He was listening to this: \n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fng0OQu1PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fng0OQu1PU) \nIt was just good timing."
"title": "Lirik fights himself in Half Sword",
"transcript": "🔥🔥🔥 💀💢💰💷 Ah Are You fucking kidding Yo We found"
"author": "-eDgAR-",
"comments": [
"author": "Faisallu",
"body": "is this the KSI vs Fury fight?"
"title": "Lirik dances with himself",
"transcript": "Relax. Relax. Maybe we don't need to fight. All right, relax. So much death in this game. So much blood. Maybe we don't have to. Maybe we can just leave. Relax. Relax. You're so fucking jittery. You piece of shit. Just chill."
"author": "Secksi323",
"comments": [
"author": "joehatesithere",
"body": "his other two accounts /u/Secksi321 and /u/Secksi322 got permabanned from reddit too and yet...this account is still going LOL\n\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/zgr25h/novah_celebrates_2_years_since_esb_disbanded_with/\n\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/zb066g/mrk_gives_stirring_speech_before_gallery_tunnels/"
"title": "Carmella confronts Ramee",
"transcript": "Hey, what's new Carmella? How you been? It's like it's so hard to live without you Rami like Last time we spend together the more drama happens. I think we should just be together forever like non-stop 24 hours a day seven days a week 60 minutes an hour. You know what? I mean? We should just never separate again, right? I think that's just how it should be babe, right? Yeah, baby. Where's my hug at? You straight I'm losing my fucking mind. I I don't know what's going on anymore. I'm depressed I need to start doing drugs again. Oh, you got drugs. I want drugs. How come you?"
"author": "alexiiinho10",
"comments": [
"author": "Mjolnoggy",
"body": "Your worst assumption is the correct one."
"title": "Kim KARDASHIAN BOOBA",
"transcript": "Jackets go. There. What's this? This is just a black top. I can go in here. Whoops. You want this to your pile too? I feel like you want to look like me. I can send this with this."
"author": "TheDanecdote",
"comments": [
"author": "DiaMat2040",
"body": "Not in this political climate. Best we can get is probably a fake successor AA title from a eastern European studio lmao, but never from Rockstar"
"title": "Ludwig make an appearance in Bully",
"transcript": "Why does that guy look like Mudwig? It takes breeding and nepotism and snobbery. Filthy Democrat! Gentlemen, are we going to let some of that Fuckin' come in and beat up our friend Biff? No! Then what are we going to do? Beat him back to the ghetto! Yeah! Holy shit it is!"
"author": "blackice22_",
"comments": [
"author": "MattieBubbles",
"body": "It was never in doubt."
"title": "Dan tests Northernlion's theory",
"transcript": "woman in our demographic, what she wants for dinner tonight, she would say, I don't know, how about sushi? And if you took the median take from a man in our demographic, they would say, How are you feeling about pizza? All right, I'm going to test this theory. Okay, well, that's your wife right now. No, I'm gonna do you one better. You text my wife. Oh. Now, Chad, no matter what, if Dan's experiment bears this out, then I'm going to I'm going to be insufferable because I was right. And if Dan's experiment doesn't bear this out, hey, what's going on? Quick question for you. Yeah. So let's say I know we have like plans tonight for date night. And it's kind of already set. But if you could have like on an average date night, if you could have what one food that you would love to have? What would it be like, say genre of food? Italian. Okay. Yeah. Sushi."
"author": "Testiclesinvicegrip",
"comments": [
"author": "Flabbergash",
"body": "They let him die becuase he ninja'd a staff like 30 seconds before this"
"title": "Quin speed runs a dungeon",
"transcript": "Help me, help me, help me, help me. Fucking Merc, fucking help me. You might just- HEAL ME!"
"author": "MizkifEggHehe",
"comments": [
"author": "andrecinno",
"body": ">D:\n\nnah dog that ain't me"
"title": "Alinity looks up the top hit song of the the day she was born",
"transcript": "Like the top hit on the day you were born Wow was the number one, okay It better be a fucking good one this better be good what if I don't know this song You"
"author": "Batmanzrightnut",
"comments": [
"author": "LDYo",
"body": "Big ounce dies (for real)"
"title": "Capybara smiles for chat",
"transcript": "oh what is that very comfortable oh you like that you like the bottom i know like oh he's chunky is he a is he a little chunky for his size or it's why is it because he's happy here let me see if i can peel it he'll do his little smile for you that's so nice that's so nice he's like a cat it's impossible not to love them i know"
"author": "Red_coats",
"comments": [
"author": "KuroNoctis",
"body": "u/clipsync Sodapoppin"
"title": "Soda XD",
"transcript": "I Don't matter we have plenty in the Kill ourselves meanwhile"
"author": "Ishaan863",
"comments": [
"author": "Stud76",
"body": "Skip"
"title": "Indian guy clutches when chat needed it most",
"transcript": "It's a bit of, you know like, um, plum, like sour plum, it kind of tastes like that. How you, is this how you're supposed to eat it? Yes. Just suck it? Just suck it. Interesting!"
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "Nineties",
"body": "But were they flipped inside out before the shove, is the big question here"
"title": "Japanese vending machine gives out useless prize to female streamer",
"transcript": "Easy doesn't exist. Oh, I miss a spot. Okay, okay. Okay. Us! Woosh. What is this? Premium lotion. I don't find natural. What is this?"
"author": "Secksi323",
"comments": [
"author": "truthurtsyou",
"body": "GIGACHAD i see hutch, i SKIP"
"title": "Rockstar Announce GTA 6",
"transcript": "minutes ago so a lot of you guys are the first people to hear this so congratulations you're not too far behind we are excited to let you know that early December we will release the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto we look forward to many more years of sharing these experience with you thank you Sam Hauser and yes this is the official rock star account go ahead and retweet this"
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "Specialist-Bear7139",
"body": "Right!???"
"title": "fanfan shows off her best rizz",
"transcript": "Yeah, sorry about that my fault. No, it's okay. It's okay I'm gonna put a virus inside you and that virus is my dick Was that a good one Oh, that's programming or like technology related I"
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "Redduckit",
"body": "I don't think anyone was asking if you'd like to go. I both see your point and don't. I only see it as an issue if the stream was super populated but this one isn't."
"title": "Livestream catches somebody casually stealing tip money off the bar",
"transcript": "Don't worry, I got it, I don't know what that is. What? What? Hi. Hello."
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "evolsoulx",
"body": "OMG.\n\nI'm the 'Mayor' of Squirrelville, you have no idea how huge my smile is right now. \n\nFinding a clip of my channel, somewhere else, has just made me so freaking happy., even if it's a livestreamfail :D \n\nIf anyone wants to come watch, it's at [https://squirrels.supplies](https://squirrels.supplies) or [https://twitch.tv/squirrelville](https://twitch.tv/squirrelville). <3"
"title": "Squirrel uses Ultra Instinct",
"transcript": ""
"author": "csprm977",
"comments": [
"author": "Supahh",
"body": "Its funny because NMP got carried in WoW many years ago and still sucks."
"title": "Experienced WoW player gives advice to a noob",
"transcript": "As far as add-ons, you know, there's AI VoiceOver, there's BagBrother, there's Bagnon, there's BagnonConfig, there's ClassicalBeastTheory, there's DeathLog, uh, you know, there's UnitScan, CellJunk, WeaponSwingTimer, so it all comes down to what you want. LeapFrog Maps, if you like, you know, uh, Optimized Maps. Jesus, dude, you know everything! Yeah, you know, so... Oh my god, you're, you're really into it, dude. Yeah, just let me know if you need some help. Uh, I was a noob once. Okay. Are you taking advice from a GTA streamer? Alright, see you soon. I'll be watching. Bye."
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "HulklingsBoyfriend",
"body": "I really hope we all get to see a shooting star IRL before we pass. What a beautiful thing to see."
"title": "Astronomy streamer catches a shooting star on stream",
"transcript": "But let me, whoa, that was awesome."
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "Character_Ad_6175",
"body": "1. A failure of logic, you made the mistake in your initial reply, and attempted to correct it in your second. Now, in your third reply you attempt to gaslight me into thinking that was your meaning all along. This is could be sign of evil debate tactics, but it's most likely you being stupid and incapable of logical thinking.\n2. The definition of slovenly has no bearing on who is doing their job or not, because you didn't realize this it means you struggle with logical thinking, ipso facto you are stupid.\n3. You made the word slovenly a topic of discussion (ie. you brought it up). If you don't agree, that means you're stupid."
"title": "Joey adds safety to his stream",
"transcript": "Wait, wait, wait, hang on, hang on, hang on. Okay I'm not going to get banned now."
"author": "arthur-11",
"comments": [
"author": "CryptographerIcy1508",
"body": "?????????????????????????????????????????????"
"title": "Cleaning the lens",
"transcript": "Hi Hoobango! I'm fingering, yeah I'm fingering you guys, I'm just like I'm scrolling, this is me scrolling up and down the chat."
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "coronavirus_",
"title": "Streamer creates an interactive \"driving stream\" where Chat can submit images to display on local billboards",
"transcript": "EVERYTHING HAS TO DO WITH SPRING BREAK! I want to talk about that, but there's another billboard. Oh, yeah. Ah! Oh! Earpod buttplug. Oh, it's also a buttplug! We have plenty of those. We're actually sponsored by Earpod's buttplug at Spring Break last year."
"author": "uhh_",
"comments": [
"author": "terrim_arque",
"body": "More content like this"
"title": "After 27 hours, Barbarous King beats Kaizo 3 Bowser without a mushroom",
"transcript": "Oh, I've never had moose. Go backwards. Yes! Oh, my fucking god! Ah! Ha ha! Ah! God damn, motherfucker! Son. Yeah! God damn, motherfucker! Son. Yeah!"
"author": "Flairsurfer",
"comments": [
"author": "LGBTLMAO",
"body": "?"
"title": "Streamer gets electrocuted",
"transcript": "I got electrocuted in real life."
"author": "Vegetable_Bass_4885",
"comments": [
"author": "First-Pass1121",
"body": "Because degens love it"
"title": "Streamer caught lounging offstream",
"transcript": "Wait, what is that? AH! EW! EW! EW! EW!"
"author": "Misshapss",
"comments": [
"author": "redditoct23",
"body": "A 23 year old talking to a 13 year old girl?"
"title": "Small streamer helps random fortnite girl escape domestic abuse (she leaves with her mom in the end)",
"transcript": "How did you meet your boyfriend? Um, well I've known him since I was like, um, and this sounds really, really, really weird but I've known him since I was 13 and he was 23. Girl, no. Girl, no. You're not joking with me, right? No, I'm not, I promise. And he had the biggest crush on me. No! And, yeah. And so we didn't start dating until like last year in May. But the relationship, I mean we're probably about to break up anyway because the relationship has gotten so bad. So abusive. And he's a lot, like, stronger than me so there's nothing much I can do, you know?"
"author": "Secksi323",
"comments": [
"author": "HumboldtLeo",
"body": "But you commented"
"title": "Summit gets Sent Signed Gloves from ONE World Champion",
"transcript": "Yeah, no, I'm not kidding like at all. He fucks me every time he's behind me. He fucks me every time No, but it's not about like he doesn't he doesn't do shit No, he doesn't give a fuck like at all and I've mentioned it to him before and he doesn't give a fuck about BS or Pumpkin I'm talking about pumpkin Hit me that last race. I'm like Going to the river lost race. No, he literally He's very yeah, that's you see that that's fucking cool trust me I dealt with him for like a lap and he just hit me"
"author": "EchoOk4335",
"comments": [
"author": "Xeptix",
"body": "I'm glad he doesn't, for now. I'm happy he's finally able to work on other stuff. I'm looking forward to DS2 and I'm still holding out hope that he's working on an unannounced horror IP with junji ito like he was going to do before Konami shot itself in both feet.\n\nBut some day it's gonna be time for that MGS reboot or spiritual successor and I hope Kojima is somehow able to take the reins again."
"title": "Forsen plays Metal Gear",
"transcript": "Moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron. Get you waiting, huh? I'm going to show you how sniping should be handled. Take a good look. Are you alright, sir? Snake! Snake!"
"author": "Breaker_Of_Chains",
"comments": [
"author": "Lost-Snail2",
"body": "The girls were talking about being horny, fansly and talking about jiggling their tiddies on the show, it's a bit much for a kid.\n\nAlso Fanfan keeps swearing and stuff throughout the show.\n\nLud and Jimmy were trying their best to keep it a bit more pg."
"title": "Fanfan welcomes the kid on Schooled",
"transcript": "Let's go for Mason Mason What up Mason What up, bro Take a seat. Take a seat. It's fucking kid. I think you're smarter than us. Yeah, I think he can hear us Oh shit"
"author": "YeKingBooMate",
"comments": [
"author": "heehheeheh",
"body": "classic toosks"
"title": "Forsen's best scream in a while, watch til the end",
"transcript": "What the fuck? AHHHHHH! What the fuck is this? Fuck."
"author": "CinemaAndChillLT",
"comments": [
"author": "Zealousideal-Tie-204",
"body": "wut?"
"title": "MaryMaybe leaks her real voice",
"transcript": "want to actually focus next time and use something you failed my class in sixth grade. I'm disappointed in you. Mary, how do you feel? Uh, I guess I'll just get off the show and play. Wow. I'm like, sick. All right. Have fun, Mary. That's some extra credit. Yeah, that's some sweet stuff. Mods. Please shut up, Mary. She's fantastic. She has great stuff. Uh, she"
"author": "joelgsmst",
"comments": [
"author": "beatboxxin",
"body": "Still legitimately one of the better streams on twitch even after all this time. Dude just games, doesn't care about the rest of the stuff on twitch."
"title": "Imaqtpie watches TFT World Championship (Contender) Emily Wang Pop off in Valorant",
"transcript": "Oh, one window? Okay Another one"
"author": "ThatTacoGuy69",
"comments": [
"author": "FowD8",
"body": "dO yOu ConDeMn hggggMaS????"
"title": "Hasan learning about Gen Alpha Memes",
"transcript": "it absolutely says something it says that you're so skippity you're so phantom tax i just want to be your sigma oh god i should be fucking shot for that very concerned about the issue livy dunn was elected in ohio and baby gronk is rizzing the caucus to pass tort reform of abortion rights and democrats as you pointed out had several victories last night in this off election year especially here in ohio when israel is invading giaza women strongly backed this measure overall but what's very interesting too is when you break out both men and women under the age of 30 80 of them also"
"author": "Dargut",
"comments": [
"author": "Iamnotmayahiga",
"body": "So he had one at 30k knew it was at 150k and decided not to sell?"
"title": "Mizkif watch his investments drop between 50-90%",
"transcript": "64. One sold in July 2021 for $140,000. This is the exact copy I have of my Mario- Mario Super Smash Bros. The exact copy. I bought mine for $30,000. $34,000. Then, the exact same copy, and we know it's the same copy because of the barcode on the back, sold for $15,000 in January. This guy really makes the worst videos."
"author": "njs355",
"comments": [
"author": "Darozay_",
"body": "I don’t see that value ever coming back.. getting sealed video games and sealed vhs was just unheard of and it went mainstream so fast ppl overspent ignoring the huge delays on grading and how over produced games/vhs were."
"title": "Mizkif's actual smash bros box value",
"transcript": "This is the exact copy I have of my Mario- Mario Super Smash Bros. The exact copy. I bought mine for $30,000. Then, the exact same copy, and we know it's the same copy because of the barcode on the back, sold for $15,000 in January."
"author": "Kolipe",
"comments": [
"author": "CantImagineBeingYou",
"body": "I figure she has a lazy eye or something."
"title": "Crystalst is an adventurous eater",
"transcript": "Can I put ketchup on the cannoli? Do it. I haven't tried it. Don't knock it till you try it, OK? Hey, you know what? When someone went up to a cow and just started sucking on its nipples, people probably said the same thing. But look, now we got milk. Exactly. Who knows? What's going on? Is that ketchup on the cannoli? Yes, that's what's about to happen. That's ketchup on a mint and bread. I know, I know, listen. That's a deconstructed cannoli with a reduced tomato sauce on the side. I'm just going to try it. I probably won't like it, but I'll let you know. Doesn't the cannoli have like cream in it? Well, there's cream in the chocolate. Oh, it's rude to be on your phone. I was looking at chat. I was looking at chat. My bad, it's my bad. It's not bad. Not bad? But I prefer it without. What the? Would you actually prefer it without? Without ketchup? Kind of weird. It's kind of weird. It's kind of weird. Is it weird? Well, for you it's kind of weird. It has a tangy taste. The tangy taste doesn't match it. It's fucking chocolate."
"author": "ConfidentDivide",
"comments": [
"author": "Alarming-Week2914",
"body": "Good 'ol 30 cup buck"
"title": "Wobo puts his life in Buck hands",
"transcript": "I'll be watching you every step of the way, man. Okay, I feel better knowing that you're watching me. Eyes on the screen, my man, I got you! Woop woop! Woop woop! Oh, hell yeah, Greasy. Ha ha ha! Ah, that's me! Was that a snow worm? Uh, that was a worm! Uh, hold on, wait a second. Wait, wait, I was busy watching. What the fuck happened? Greasy cat! Ah, Wobo, are you there, bud?"
"author": "FlooringContractor",
"comments": [
"author": "jay1891",
"body": "The Tv show The Bear had a good episode on this like one of the staff members goes and works as a server in a Michelin star to understand how it all works. The insane level of detail they go into for the service is ridiculous to try to make it an overall experience because they understand the cost involved. \n\nI don't know how true it was to real life but they had it where they where checking customers social media etc. incase it was some sort of occasion etc. to ensure they went above and beyond."
"title": "Cinna compliments the \"fancy metal\" cup at Michelin star restaurant",
"transcript": "Oh, it's really good. I like the cup. It's like fancy metal. I mean, I don't know what fancy metal is, but it's very fancy. Yeah, porcelain. It's not metal, but it's good. Oh, it's porcelain. Yeah, but it is very sturdy metal. It feels metal to me, okay? I don't really know."
"author": "csprm977",
"comments": [
"author": "krillocq",
"body": "I cant wait to see malena absolutely lose her shit when nick gets them both killed before 60"
"title": "Malena's experience as a healer mirrors Emiru's experience PepeLaugh",
"transcript": "Then don't tank! And she roasted him so bad that he never- And I die! He never came back and played again. On a fucking time dungeon. Okay, did you do the quest? There's no way I'm out healing a fucking tank to the point where I'm taking aggro. That should never ever happen. Especially not when I'm staying so far in the back. Alright, Milena, you are the leader, we do exactly what you said."
"author": "Ethee",
"comments": [
"author": "Worthlec",
"body": "You realize she buffed them with fortitude at the beginning? That mage wouldn't pick them up through threat in 5 seconds. You can literally see him miss flamestrike, and follow it up with a fireball cast. He basically does nothing the entire time. \n\n\nTo be blunt, I was simply highlighting that you didn't understand the mechanics of the abilities you made fun of her for not using (namely fade)."
"title": "Emi Dies in Hardcore WoW",
"transcript": "Ow. Oh no, you're gonna die, you're gonna die! Uh, do you have anything? I- I- Run. Oh god. You're fine, you're fine, you're fine. I think we can kill them all. No, I- I was fine. But my stuff is- Wait, I- I- Bro, I- Help. I- I- I- I- NOOOOOOO"
"author": "NoodleTheTree",
"comments": [
"author": "Pojogermany",
"body": "backpeedling and a oom mage - It was bound to happen. Why the fuck do you take a noob to hardcore?"
"title": "Soda going off on Miz after letting Emi die",
"transcript": "It was easy. Not clear! You don't know who it is! You don't know this mage! Do you understand the difference between a stupid fuck and a good player? It's massive, and you don't know who the fuck this person is. And you go in here and you do this stupid pull in this dumb, extremely risky quest, dependent on some random fuck. The guy's name is GameIsBut. What do you fucking think's gonna happen? Everyone's warning you about this quest, and you still do it. I tell you to calm down, you're going crazy. Like, I'm being spammed, Dude, this is almost dying! And I'm like, okay, hoppers, I check in, You really are almost dying! And then guess what? She's actually dead. Do you feel how fucking demoralizing it is? Do you regret what the fuck happened? Because you cannot rewind time. She's fucking dead! And now you have to level a warrior by yourself. You probably can't even fucking do it. Because you've had her the whole fucking time healing you. Now you gotta actually play the game. And she has to start-"
"author": "Stonedflame",
"comments": [
"author": "DanGheesling",
"body": "it was an amazing moment, i had to follow"
"title": "Soda confronting the murder",
"transcript": "everyone's warning you about this quest and you still do it I tell you to calm down you're going crazy like I'm being spammed there mrs. almost dying and I'm like okay hoppers I check in you really are almost dying and then guess what she's actually dead do you feel how fucking demoralizing it is do you regret what the fuck happened cuz you cannot rewind time she's fucking dead and now you have to level a warrior by yourself you probably can't even fucking do it cuz you've had her the whole fucking time healing you now you got to actually play the game and she has to start over because you decided to do something stupid maybe I'm better off on my fucking own all right"
"author": "r2002",
"comments": [
"author": "dropping_axe_puzzles",
"body": "yeah thats not funny"
"title": "Cinna at a Michelin star restaurant",
"transcript": "Oh my gosh, wait, which is which? This is our best cheesecake and this is our guava sorbet. Okay, cool, thank you. White truffle. I get a full white truffle? I'll share with you. Oh. Oh, that makes sense. Sorry, I didn't know. It's okay. I thought it was like, I was like, whoa, I get like one whole truffle, but I... You get four grams of white truffle."
"author": "Annual-Register4966",
"comments": [
"author": "EstebanIsAGamerWord",
"body": "20 years ago, this request would have been some harmless fun, and the dedicated ass camera would be the weird part."
"title": "An extremely weird donation request",
"transcript": "Hey, shall we do an impression of a cute little girl? Yeah. Um, no."
"author": "1336plus1",
"comments": [
"author": "Degenerate_Game",
"body": "Based."
"title": "Miz Regretting his decisions",
"transcript": "If I had a time machine, would you come with me, would you come with me, yeah?"
"author": "CheatingCheetos",
"comments": [
"author": "torexmus",
"body": "I don't know the band but this one sounds shoe gazey to me"
"title": "Mizkifs midwest emo arc begins",
"transcript": "You don't know who it is! You don't know this mage! You understand the difference between a stupid fuck and a good player? It's massive, and you don't know who the fuck this person is. And you go in here and you do this stupid pull in this dumb, extremely risky quest, dependent on some random fuck. The guy's name is GameIsButt. What do you fucking think's gonna happen? Everyone's warning you about this quest, and you still do it. I tell you to calm down. You're going crazy. Like, I'm being spammed. Yeah, this is almost dying! And I'm like, okay, hoppers. I check in. You really are almost dying! And then guess what? She's actually dead. Do you feel how fucking demoralizing it is? Do you regret what the fuck happened? Because you cannot rewind time. She's fucking dead. And now you have to level a warrior by yourself. You probably can't even fucking do it. Because you've had her the whole fucking time healing you. Now you've got to actually play the game. And she has to start over because you decided to do something stupid. Like, you level with a coward?"
"author": "CinemaAndChillLT",
"comments": [
"author": "Justanitch69420hah",
"body": "Yes, exactly how I imagine it would be. Leveling in wow was no easy task from what I remember. Things can actually kill you lol"
"title": "Another one bites the dust SODAING",
"transcript": "Let's tag this one. What did you do? What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?"
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "AlbatrossSerious6920",
"body": "I got my friends into Magic The Gathering :)"
"title": "vTuber with adorable art style shares not-so-adorable take on Friendship",
"transcript": "That's how we do, right? The friendos, uh, get together and then, um, like, share the addiction. So we'll all get addicted. I think that's how the friendship works. Um."
"author": "Dramashamaladingdong",
"comments": [
"author": "Veps",
"body": "That is Finnish coastal minelayer is anyone is curious. One of the Hämeenmaa class."
"title": "Final footage of last living descendant of the House of Bernadotte",
"transcript": "Holy shit Whoa"
"author": "choff97",
"comments": [
"author": "Gyokan7",
"body": "Looks like you misunderstood the comment, I'm asking a question because I don't get it haha. I don't play WoW."
"title": "Quin tries making a WeakAura sound to play when he's low HP",
"transcript": "Oh yeah. Repeat after... Alright, let's see what happens here. Okay, get rid of these fucking emotes, bro, what the fuck is this? Okay, does he make a fart noise? What did I say? 40? "
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "coronavirus_",
"body": "Holy shit did you even read"
"title": "Streamer creates a cartoon where he voices all the characters and edits everything live",
"transcript": "Cool snow That is the dumbest name that anyone could ever think of in like five seconds. I know I know I'm so tired from busting through this wall. I gotta go home and recharge. How do you recharge? I like to Netflix Then I take off my snow You take off your snow, what's under there machines Machine I have machines under me Are you What software you're running 100% mechanical. Wow, that's some cool stuff. Oh, I accidentally pressed a button. Well, I guess we gotta Get rid of you soon. Oh Can I choose the words you can choose the words this time"
"author": "NormalInternetGuy",
"comments": [
"author": "Nauzhror_",
"body": "I'd bet it's far more likely that is her car, and this is a satellite image."
"title": "Surprising find on GeoGuesser",
"transcript": "I know how to snorkel trick yeah and hello she's poopy i think oh my god"
"author": "drpolarbear_",
"comments": [
"author": "Affectionate-Ear8516",
"body": "it's morcant. Brother..."
"title": "TTS Wake needs to chill",
"transcript": "Oh, gosh. Jay, I heard you were telling your chat that you cut out sugar. That's super sick. Next, we need to get you eating nothing but air-fried chicken with some white rice like me. Let me know if I can help you get the gains in the gym. Later, chat, I'm off to take your mom on a date and talk her ear off about how gambling is bad before I let her touch my enormous cock and become your new stepdad. Come on. Wake. Hey, yo, chill, man. You just woke up. Damn. He came in swinging. Oh, the rodent. Who did that? Who did that in my... Who did that? Dang. No. Who? Oh, gosh. Jay, I heard you were telling your chat... Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Jay, I heard you were telling your chat that you cut out sugar. It's more canned. That's... Fuck. Brother."
"author": "grepenoop",
"comments": [
"author": "memesauruses",
"body": "bring back doc pepehands twitch hasn't been the same since he left"
"title": "forsen gets the \"SHIFT STICKY SHIFT KEYS!\"",
"transcript": "I'm standing still, oh fuck, I, I got the shift, sticky shift keys! How do I turn it off? How do you, how do I turn off sticky keys? Fucking new computer, man."
"author": "EchoOk4335",
"comments": [
"author": "Nineties",
"body": "MORON"
"title": "Forsen used a bazooka",
"author": "TwinkieSavior",
"comments": [
"author": "YoshiPL",
"body": "I thought he said halal-y as in like halal but I guess everyone hears different things"
"title": "TFT Brain",
"transcript": "Mosher? I'm a Mosher. Mosher? Wait, is it like some Jewish food that's called Mosher or something? That's kosher. Oh, kosher. Wait, what is kosher? That's like a specific brand of salt. It's a brand of salt? It's something like that, like a brand of salt. Wait, what? No, it's like some kind of like, it's like some brand or something. They say it's not, they say it's not. Wait, it's actually always Ginson and so on. They say it's Halali. This is not good. Halali?"
"author": "MelkorBlackFoe",
"comments": [
"author": "T44v1",
"body": "Forsen"
"title": "Forsen's average pubg stream",
"transcript": "I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man Yeah"
"author": "jo_jo_nyeb",
"comments": [
"author": "Kallehoe",
"body": "That's not it.\n\nWe tell them to look at their hand as a easy trick to make people face their hand with their body. \n\nIf you hold both arms straight forward you create a zone, if your hand is inside that zone you are fine because you can win and lose without problems.\n\nWhen your hand goes outside your shoulder, the zone you just set up. You can win but you can't lose any longer because your elbow won't let you bend your arm that way. \n\n[Bad position left, good position right.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ed463ef64290007b80228d07452ed707-lq) (just a picture)\n\nYou can try this yourself. \n\nHold your arm straight forward as if armwrestling, you can do winning and losing easy. \n\nNow hold your arm out to the side 90 degrees and do the same movements. That's where it will snap.\n\nI coach armwestling, and i wrestled a person who snapped his arm this way."
"title": "the most soy armwrestling duel",
"transcript": "Okay, wait, wait, wait, I have to leave it, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, no, I feel like one of those anime people who like, they have like, the really big ball thing, and they're like, huh, and then everyone goes, huh, and just crashes and it explodes, and no one dies."
"author": "poopdeath",
"comments": [
"author": "Alt-456",
"body": "Was that what cohh was responding to, a viewer asking why he wasn’t lead? Sorry I’m genuinely confused at this clip lol"
"author": "SSXVegeta",
"body": "Whats FKP? \nLOL"
"title": "Cohh acquires 20 FKP",
"transcript": "how friend guy soda poppin is a guild leader you're goddamn right I am okay he's a guild leader he's a leader thank you he has to take it seriously you're fucking right I do thank you rely on him first thank you so I would if he didn't take it seriously do you think I'd be in the guild no give him give him 20 FKP get them up there 20 FKP furry kitty points all the way to the fucking top I couldn't have said it better my damn self and I get 50 gold thank you I don't know why but"
"author": "entfesseltdiepferde",
"comments": [
"author": "XequR",
"body": "er ist schon ein Hurensohn."
"title": "German Streamer Knossi buys original \"Back to The Future\" Hoverboard for 100000£ in Live Auction",
"transcript": "100.000 mal. 100.000 mal, mach keinen Fehler. 100.000 mal. Sind sie aufgeregt? Bist du sicher? Bist du sicher? Ja? Ich hab's gekauft! Ich hab's gekauft! Für 100.000 Pfund! Ich hab's gewonnen! So auch dir! Ich hab's! Ich hab's gekauft! Du hast es! Ich hab's übers Budget, Tutschi! Ich bin übers Budget! Wie viel hab ich ausgegeben? 181 ist drin. 187! Ich hab's einfach gekauft! Ich hab's gekauft! Ich hab's gekauft! Ich bin der Größte! Zurück in die Zukunft, Fred, in Deutschland! Jemand kann den Hut jetzt haben! Warum preist du den Preis noch hoch?"
"author": "BusterKtn",
"comments": [
"author": "the_pedigree",
"body": "That’s basically the entirety of this sub, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t follow lame ass streamer drama"
"title": "Cohh's WoW experience",
"transcript": "Devising strategies to retake their city. As a gnome of proud standing, it falls to you to answer the challenge, and lead your curious people to a brighter future. Anyway, that was World of Warcraft Hardcore. Bye!"
"author": "willemthefriend",
"comments": [
"author": "boogswald",
"body": "Me too bro just not this month 😎"
"title": "Jerma has a stroke",
"transcript": "There it is. There it is. There it is. Watch this. Watch this game. You know what I mean?"
"author": "TrickyGoon",
"comments": [
"author": "Shamata",
"body": "please find something productive to do with your life, you are wasting away obsessing over this shit"
"title": "Airheads",
"transcript": "He did not just do- give me those. Was a slave of tec- BRO! Okay, fine, take one! BRO! Are you really serious? Like I can't have one of these airheads? Yeah. HMMM! HMMM! Are you kidding me? I can't have one airhead? No! Cause you didn't ask! Oh. Can I have one? No. "
"author": "Breaker_Of_Chains",
"comments": [
"author": "BillyDip",
"body": "On switch? I play the game every day and have not crashed a single time."
"title": "Jerma has an issue with Suika game",
"transcript": "there we go okay I'm already at seven hundred and twenty a dude how come this does by the way how come every time you get something it doesn't go chain reaction groovy how come it doesn't do that"
"author": "tradaxa",
"comments": [
"author": "northXnortheast3",
"body": "Ethan crying bc people dont agree with his dogshit zionist take, plays victim"
"author": "heartlessxandra",
"body": "Damn, a perfect example of \"this aged well\""
"author": "BF3-4ScoutHeliPilot",
"body": "Why, you chuds didn't actually have any evidence, lmao"
"title": "Hasan says he cannot moderate his Chat/Discord from calling Ethan a racist",
"transcript": "Not by the way, I'm not even defending the phone I'm not even like I'm just tell I'm just trying to tell you guys how it Feels and I'm fucking shocked that you don't care that people in your chat are saying who the fuck is this child cold arrogant I love you, but there's but there's only so much I can you be surprised when your discord is literally full of fucking Even I love you, but there's only so much I can do if you're making that argument You know that right like at a certain point You're an adult and the words that you're saying are gonna be perceived by people in a certain way I can't constantly tell my community to shut the fuck up like well I have and I do it should but in at the end of the day It's because I know you personally and I think your heart is in the right place, but they don't know so it's hard It's hard for people to view what you're saying. You know beyond telling you the perspective you disagree. That's it I mean, what do you want from me? Okay, but do you but do you get do you get where I'm coming from like that?"
"author": "litbacod4",
"comments": [
"author": "Winter-Charge-8529",
"body": "Avenging his not-girlfriends death. Awe cute. But nope they are definitely not dating."
"title": "Mizkif kills the mage from the Emi incident",
"transcript": "It looks like this. Oh, you got it. Wait, what? What happened? Okay. Here, let me just invite you. Okay. Oh my fucking god, I can't believe this. Woo! I cannot fucking believe this. You know... You know... Maybe... So, you're actually... So, bro... Sorry, my overlay was fucked. You just died... To the mobs that spawned... And where Mizkif is dancing on you?"
"author": "warkro",
"comments": [
"author": "tmpAccnt0013",
"body": "If you think about companies like RealDoll that are selling things in the $1-2k+ market and potentially more expensive with the ones that include a moving face that talks to you using an integrated AI - I think that they have customers that can afford it and are simply assessing how much they're willing to pay based partially on how good the product is. \n\nSo, I think there are clear cases where if you did a better job of reproducing something like this, you wouldn't have to dedicate your life to continuing to work on boobs for your whole life. You could just patent one idea, make one reference model, and use it to license the patent to a company.\n\nAsking for a friend."
"title": "Streamer tests fake boobs",
"transcript": "Oh, that's so strange. Let me touch it with my real hand. Wow, chat, that is so weird. That is so weird. It feels like an actual finger. Touch the booba? I would love to. I don't want to do that right now. Maybe I should. People looking at me. Wow. Nah, chat. It doesn't feel like a real boob. Unfortunately. Nothing compares to a real boob. Can't recreate it. I did it though. It was kind of weird. It's very silicone. It didn't feel like a real boob, unfortunately. So if you're planning on buying one, just letting you know. You're going to be a little bit scammed. But if you've never touched a boob before, then you're good. Then it works."
"author": "FlooringContractor",
"comments": [
"author": "Te4RHyP3",
"title": "Is Will OK? ... I'm Coming",
"transcript": "Will, are you okay? I mean... Will, are you okay? Okay, like a blonde girl on a couch surrounded by dudes in underpants. Kinda okay. Okay. I'm coming. Maybe I can come in."
] |
Subsets and Splits