1 value
years of low pay during the next five years compared with less than two additional years in Denmark. Persistence in low pay is also high in the United Kingdom. In recent years, both the United Kingdom and the United States have experienced much greater increases in earnings inequality than other OECD countries and persistence in low pay is greater where inequality is greater. Statutory minimum wages Youths are much more likely than adults to be in minimum-wage jobs because they generally have less labour market experience than other workers. On the one hand, minimum wages narrow earnings differentials across demographic groups, particularly between the young and the old, and countries with relatively high minimum wages have less earnings inequality and a lower incidence of low pay. On the other hand, if the minimum wage is set at too high a level, young workers may be most vulnerable to job losses. Indeed, one of the strongest criticisms of minimum wages is that, to the extent they are set at above market-clearing levels, they will price some people with low productivity and particularly young workers out of jobs. The econometric evidence reported in OECD (1998b) for nine countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United States) over the period
years of low pay during the next five years compared with less than two additional years in Denmark. Persistence in low pay is also high in the United Kingdom. In recent years, both the United Kingdom and the United States have experienced much greater increases in earnings inequality than other OECD countries and persistence in low pay is greater where inequality is greater. Statutory minimum wages Youths are much more likely than adults to be in minimum-wage jobs because they generally have less labour market experience than other workers. On the one hand, minimum wages narrow earnings differentials across demographic groups, particularly between the young and the old, and countries with relatively high minimum wages have less earnings inequality and a lower incidence of low pay. On the other hand, if the minimum wage is set at too high a level, young workers may be most vulnerable to job losses. Indeed, one of the strongest criticisms of minimum wages is that, to the extent they are set at above market-clearing levels, they will price some people with low productivity and particularly young workers out of jobs. The econometric evidence reported in OECD (1998b) for nine countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United States) over the period
1975 to 1996 showed that a 10% increase in the minimum is associated with a 1.5 to 3% decline in teenage employment, with no impact on young adults. However, the evidence also shows that hikes in the minimum, on their own, can explain only a very small fraction of the large observed falls in teenage employment rates over the past two decades in almost all countries.15 One solution to minimise the potential disemployment effects of a minimum wage on young people is to allow for sub-minimum rates differentiated by age. Over one-half of the seventeen countries16 which currently have a statutory or national minimum wage apply a reduced rate for young workers.17 Two features in the setting of these lower rates for young workers are worth noting. With few exceptions, the differential (i.e. the gap between the adult minimum and the special youth rate) is quite small usually about 10-15%. It also applies typically to those aged 18 years and less. Box 4. Stylised facts about school-leaving and labour market outcomes for young people today compared with the late 1970s/early 1980s They are more educated... More youths remain in education beyond compulsory schooling: on average across OECD countries 34% of youths aged 22 were attending school in 1997
[ 812, 286, 1877, 1414, 1141, 262, 1306, 1936, 812, 3688, 351, 1342, 621, 734, 3224, 812, 287, 16490, 13, 9467, 13274, 287, 1877, 1414, 318, 635, 1029, 287, 262, 1578, 7526, 13, 554, 2274, 812, 11, 1111, 262, 1578, 7526, 290, 262, 1578, 1829, 423, 5924, 881, 3744, 5732, 287, 12042, 12791, 621, 584, 33802, 2678, 290, 30802, 287, 1877, 1414, 318, 3744, 810, 12791, 318, 3744, 13, 198, 17126, 17957, 5288, 9400, 198, 56, 1536, 82, 389, 881, 517, 1884, 621, 6490, 284, 307, 287, 5288, 12, 21482, 3946, 780, 484, 4143, 423, 1342, 10515, 1910, 1998, 621, 584, 3259, 13, 1550, 262, 530, 1021, 11, 5288, 9400, 7135, 12042, 1180, 8231, 1973, 16728, 2628, 11, 3573, 1022, 262, 1862, 290, 262, 1468, 11, 290, 2678, 351, 5365, 1029, 5288, 9400, 423, 1342, 12042, 12791, 290, 257, 2793, 18349, 286, 1877, 1414, 13, 1550, 262, 584, 1021, 11, 611, 262, 5288, 7699, 318, 900, 379, 1165, 1029, 257, 1241, 11, 1862, 3259, 743, 307, 749, 8826, 284, 1693, 9089, 13, 9676, 11, 530, 286, 262, 12841, 25094, 286, 5288, 9400, 318, 326, 11, 284, 262, 6287, 484, 389, 900, 379, 2029, 1910, 12, 2375, 1723, 2974, 11, 484, 481, 2756, 617, 661, 351, 1877, 13714, 290, 3573, 1862, 3259, 503, 286, 3946, 13, 383, 304, 1102, 16996, 2370, 2098, 287, 33802, 357, 21113, 65, 8, 329, 5193, 2678, 357, 12193, 70, 1505, 11, 3340, 11, 4881, 11, 10315, 11, 2869, 11, 262, 12671, 11, 19101, 11, 8602, 290, 262, 1578, 1829, 8, 625, 262, 2278 ]
[ 1667, 315, 3428, 2343, 2391, 279, 1828, 4330, 1667, 7863, 449, 2753, 1109, 1403, 5217, 1667, 304, 35440, 13, 65336, 304, 3428, 2343, 374, 1101, 1579, 304, 279, 3723, 15422, 13, 763, 3293, 1667, 11, 2225, 279, 3723, 15422, 323, 279, 3723, 4273, 617, 10534, 1790, 7191, 12992, 304, 24608, 32305, 1109, 1023, 79517, 5961, 323, 42056, 304, 3428, 2343, 374, 7191, 1405, 32305, 374, 7191, 627, 16257, 37245, 8187, 23998, 198, 2675, 17323, 527, 1790, 810, 4461, 1109, 12884, 311, 387, 304, 8187, 96976, 7032, 1606, 814, 8965, 617, 2753, 23791, 3157, 3217, 1109, 1023, 7487, 13, 1952, 279, 832, 1450, 11, 8187, 23998, 15376, 24608, 2204, 10522, 4028, 38462, 5315, 11, 8104, 1990, 279, 3995, 323, 279, 2362, 11, 323, 5961, 449, 12309, 1579, 8187, 23998, 617, 2753, 24608, 32305, 323, 264, 4827, 39775, 315, 3428, 2343, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 422, 279, 8187, 19602, 374, 743, 520, 2288, 1579, 264, 2237, 11, 3995, 7487, 1253, 387, 1455, 20134, 311, 2683, 18151, 13, 23150, 11, 832, 315, 279, 31005, 63836, 315, 8187, 23998, 374, 430, 11, 311, 279, 13112, 814, 527, 743, 520, 3485, 3157, 68127, 287, 5990, 11, 814, 690, 3430, 1063, 1274, 449, 3428, 26206, 323, 8104, 3995, 7487, 704, 315, 7032, 13, 578, 3898, 24264, 6029, 5068, 304, 79517, 320, 2550, 23, 65, 8, 369, 11888, 5961, 320, 22404, 90339, 11, 7008, 11, 9822, 11, 25431, 11, 6457, 11, 279, 26746, 11, 34411, 11, 18157, 323, 279, 3723, 4273, 8, 927, 279, 4261 ]
[ 220, 4468, 20, 311, 220, 2550, 21, 8710, 430, 264, 220, 605, 4, 5376, 304, 279, 8187, 374, 5938, 449, 264, 220, 16, 13, 20, 311, 220, 18, 4, 18174, 304, 34268, 14740, 11, 449, 912, 5536, 389, 3995, 12884, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 6029, 1101, 5039, 430, 68585, 304, 279, 8187, 11, 389, 872, 1866, 11, 649, 10552, 1193, 264, 1633, 2678, 19983, 315, 279, 3544, 13468, 17503, 304, 34268, 14740, 7969, 927, 279, 3347, 1403, 11026, 304, 4661, 682, 5961, 13, 868, 3861, 6425, 311, 97087, 279, 4754, 834, 21093, 6372, 315, 264, 8187, 19602, 389, 3995, 1274, 374, 311, 2187, 369, 1207, 13703, 3375, 7969, 89142, 555, 4325, 13, 6193, 832, 34902, 315, 279, 82497, 5961, 845, 902, 5131, 617, 264, 45530, 477, 5426, 8187, 19602, 3881, 264, 11293, 4478, 369, 3995, 7487, 13, 1114, 9220, 4519, 304, 279, 6376, 315, 1521, 4827, 7969, 369, 3995, 7487, 527, 5922, 27401, 13, 3161, 2478, 20157, 11, 279, 41264, 320, 72, 1770, 13, 279, 13225, 1990, 279, 6822, 8187, 323, 279, 3361, 12822, 4478, 8, 374, 5115, 2678, 6118, 922, 220, 605, 12, 868, 14697, 1102, 1101, 17208, 11383, 311, 1884, 20330, 220, 972, 1667, 323, 2753, 627, 1642, 220, 19, 13, 800, 4010, 4147, 13363, 922, 2978, 31307, 2370, 323, 23791, 3157, 20124, 369, 3995, 1274, 3432, 7863, 449, 279, 3389, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 14, 22928, 220, 3753, 15, 82, 198, 7009, 527, 810, 33142, 9522, 7816, 65062, 7293, 304, 6873, 7953, 65868, 68721, 25, 389, 5578, 4028, 79517, 5961, 220, 1958, 4, 315, 65062, 20330, 220, 1313, 1051, 24096, 2978, 304, 220, 2550, 22 ]
. If anyone else has any, please share. By burnersxxx • Posted in News • Tagged burn bc, Canada, civic responsibility, court, decommodification, intellectual property, lawsuit, lawyers, legal, napalm dragon, news, self expression, trademark A Great Day in Quincy We Need to Cure Snake Abuse Rainy Day Photography An "Off" Day for Photography Student Artists in Touch with Nature! Spring in Plumas County I Like Slugs To Lewis and Clark The Mathematics of Miracles, 101 Some New Flowers Appeared Today A Grey Day Gets Even Better Bright Light on a Grey Day Let the Adventures Begin Three Phyla Under One Plank Art Walk Today in Quincy A Good Flower Day at 3,000' Last Installment of May 2 Canyon Trip More Canyon Beauties Feather River Canyon Delights Beauty Captured in 1.3 cc of Plastic and Electroni... In praise of weeds, if it's not too late.... Lunch Break: Just reserving this space for a May 13 entry that I'll post later today. It is prompted by reports on the tragic airplane crash in Libya the other day from which
. If anyone else has any, please share. By burnersxxx • Posted in News • Tagged burn bc, Canada, civic responsibility, court, decommodification, intellectual property, lawsuit, lawyers, legal, napalm dragon, news, self expression, trademark A Great Day in Quincy We Need to Cure Snake Abuse Rainy Day Photography An "Off" Day for Photography Student Artists in Touch with Nature! Spring in Plumas County I Like Slugs To Lewis and Clark The Mathematics of Miracles, 101 Some New Flowers Appeared Today A Grey Day Gets Even Better Bright Light on a Grey Day Let the Adventures Begin Three Phyla Under One Plank Art Walk Today in Quincy A Good Flower Day at 3,000' Last Installment of May 2 Canyon Trip More Canyon Beauties Feather River Canyon Delights Beauty Captured in 1.3 cc of Plastic and Electroni... In praise of weeds, if it's not too late.... Lunch Break: Just reserving this space for a May 13 entry that I'll post later today. It is prompted by reports on the tragic airplane crash in Libya the other day from which
there was only one survivor, a young boy. President of the EU pronounced the boy's survival a miracle. I beg to differ. 4:00 p.pm: Posting three pics I shot on the way home from work, the whole while thinking about this Math of Miracles Idea. They are, from top to bottom, a green racer, Coluber constrictor, a small mushroom farm :), and Blue Camas, the latter growing in a field full of them off Stampfli Lane in Indian Valley. 9:30 p. m.: Reports like the one above about the sole survivor of the plane crash are heart rending, and it's understandable that a word like miracle would get tossed around loosely. However, as a naturalist, I get a bit peeved (understatement) when the religious sense of the word is used in arguments against evolution. It is argued, in a broad sense, that life is so complex, especially certain intricate mechanisms like the human eye or the bacterial flagellum, that they couldn't have evolved or come into existence by accident. People who make a profession of developing these arguments, such as the staff of the Discovery Institute, portray the scientific case for evolution as a simplistic belief that life evolved by
[ 13, 1002, 2687, 2073, 468, 597, 11, 3387, 2648, 13, 198, 3886, 4245, 364, 31811, 1587, 243, 12918, 287, 3000, 197, 126, 243, 309, 14655, 4245, 47125, 11, 3340, 11, 23265, 5798, 11, 2184, 11, 26969, 4666, 2649, 11, 9028, 3119, 11, 8087, 11, 9326, 11, 2742, 11, 25422, 38182, 10441, 11, 1705, 11, 2116, 5408, 11, 16028, 317, 3878, 3596, 287, 46884, 198, 1135, 10664, 284, 36947, 16705, 24221, 198, 31443, 88, 3596, 32461, 198, 2025, 366, 9362, 1, 3596, 329, 32461, 198, 38778, 37599, 287, 15957, 351, 10362, 0, 198, 30387, 287, 43178, 292, 3418, 198, 40, 4525, 3454, 10339, 198, 2514, 10174, 290, 11264, 198, 464, 39448, 286, 7381, 9928, 11, 8949, 198, 4366, 968, 30036, 2034, 3380, 6288, 198, 32, 13980, 3596, 29620, 3412, 11625, 198, 41267, 4401, 319, 257, 13980, 3596, 198, 5756, 262, 15640, 16623, 198, 12510, 1380, 2645, 64, 4698, 1881, 1345, 962, 198, 8001, 6857, 6288, 287, 46884, 198, 32, 4599, 20025, 3596, 379, 513, 11, 830, 6, 198, 5956, 15545, 434, 286, 1737, 362, 22099, 18383, 198, 5167, 22099, 13711, 444, 198, 14304, 1032, 5866, 22099, 4216, 2337, 198, 38413, 88, 6790, 1522, 287, 352, 13, 18, 36624, 286, 33731, 290, 5903, 1313, 72, 986, 198, 818, 13463, 286, 36708, 11, 611, 340, 338, 407, 1165, 2739, 1106, 198, 43, 3316, 12243, 25, 2329, 5463, 278, 428, 2272, 329, 257, 1737, 1511, 5726, 326, 314, 1183, 1281, 1568, 1909, 13, 632, 318, 12053, 416, 3136, 319, 262, 15444, 19401, 7014, 287, 13465, 262, 584, 1110, 422, 543 ]
[ 13, 1442, 5606, 775, 706, 904, 11, 4587, 4430, 627, 1383, 8395, 388, 25013, 2188, 243, 15634, 304, 5513, 197, 116965, 12633, 3640, 8395, 18399, 11, 7008, 11, 44973, 12014, 11, 5590, 11, 29602, 98696, 11, 20207, 3424, 11, 19831, 11, 21866, 11, 5897, 11, 26944, 7828, 26161, 11, 3754, 11, 659, 7645, 11, 32464, 362, 8681, 6187, 304, 98498, 198, 1687, 14998, 311, 70819, 40756, 46784, 198, 60139, 88, 6187, 41147, 198, 2127, 330, 4699, 1, 6187, 369, 41147, 198, 14428, 53204, 304, 19898, 449, 22037, 4999, 26208, 304, 1856, 55024, 6406, 198, 40, 9086, 6995, 13602, 198, 1271, 21256, 323, 22010, 198, 791, 50895, 315, 14603, 18709, 11, 220, 4645, 198, 8538, 1561, 52645, 29154, 1636, 11450, 198, 32, 26769, 6187, 10523, 7570, 24327, 198, 75776, 8828, 389, 264, 26769, 6187, 198, 10267, 279, 51679, 19110, 198, 20215, 2405, 61822, 9636, 3861, 1856, 1201, 198, 9470, 12839, 11450, 304, 98498, 198, 32, 7839, 43786, 6187, 520, 220, 18, 11, 931, 1270, 5966, 19796, 479, 315, 3297, 220, 17, 41560, 27852, 198, 7816, 41560, 14808, 552, 198, 6251, 1894, 11188, 41560, 7462, 2866, 198, 94909, 17013, 3149, 304, 220, 16, 13, 18, 12810, 315, 37108, 323, 77976, 72, 9522, 644, 29488, 315, 70535, 11, 422, 433, 596, 539, 2288, 3389, 78928, 43, 3265, 15996, 25, 4702, 594, 20073, 420, 3634, 369, 264, 3297, 220, 1032, 4441, 430, 358, 3358, 1772, 3010, 3432, 13, 1102, 374, 29746, 555, 6821, 389, 279, 35279, 44024, 10121, 304, 38059, 279, 1023, 1938, 505, 902 ]
[ 1070, 574, 1193, 832, 49748, 11, 264, 3995, 8334, 13, 4900, 315, 279, 10013, 38617, 279, 8334, 596, 20237, 264, 45125, 13, 358, 2197, 311, 1782, 627, 19, 25, 410, 281, 41246, 25, 79773, 2380, 22067, 358, 6689, 389, 279, 1648, 2162, 505, 990, 11, 279, 4459, 1418, 7422, 922, 420, 4242, 315, 14603, 18709, 52101, 13, 2435, 527, 11, 505, 1948, 311, 5740, 11, 264, 6307, 85932, 11, 4349, 30970, 390, 6765, 269, 11, 264, 2678, 58466, 8961, 551, 705, 323, 8868, 8215, 300, 11, 279, 15629, 7982, 304, 264, 2115, 2539, 315, 1124, 1022, 55887, 69, 747, 27109, 304, 7904, 13345, 627, 24, 25, 966, 281, 13, 296, 18976, 29140, 1093, 279, 832, 3485, 922, 279, 13612, 49748, 315, 279, 11277, 10121, 527, 4851, 17634, 287, 11, 323, 433, 596, 49839, 430, 264, 3492, 1093, 45125, 1053, 636, 51249, 2212, 63557, 13, 4452, 11, 439, 264, 5933, 380, 11, 358, 636, 264, 2766, 65238, 2111, 320, 8154, 25159, 8, 994, 279, 10597, 5647, 315, 279, 3492, 374, 1511, 304, 6105, 2403, 15740, 13, 1102, 374, 18784, 11, 304, 264, 7353, 5647, 11, 430, 2324, 374, 779, 6485, 11, 5423, 3738, 57216, 24717, 1093, 279, 3823, 8071, 477, 279, 45964, 5292, 616, 372, 11, 430, 814, 7846, 956, 617, 28995, 477, 2586, 1139, 14209, 555, 11677, 13, 9029, 889, 1304, 264, 4913, 315, 11469, 1521, 6105, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 5687, 315, 279, 39193, 10181, 11, 25920, 279, 12624, 1162, 369, 15740, 439, 264, 78630, 16801, 430, 2324, 28995, 555 ]
of Happy). Your instructor will discuss how this practice came about, what should be in your book, what to avoid, fun ways to gather resources and different creative ideas for your own happy journal. Anna D Bruce is a Fine Art Portrait Photographer in Denver. Her focus is to create imaginative works of art that look like paintings with the use of her own photography. Anna has her BA in Art and Visual Technology with a concentration on Photography from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Anna loves to spend time with her husband, chihuahua and two cats. She also loves food! The Roma 3 Seater Swing Seat is perfect for adding a little luxury to your garden or patio. The wide swing bench has plenty of room for three people, with a set of luxury swing seat cushions to provide comfort. The tubular powder-coated steel ensures strength and stability, with metal hooks to hold the swing bench in place when not in use. Above is a water-resistant canopy in green to match the frame, which provides shade and shelter from light showers. Three luxury cushions are included in a choice of bold solid colours, each with contrast piping and ties to secure them to the frame. Each cushion consists of a back and seat section, with val
of Happy). Your instructor will discuss how this practice came about, what should be in your book, what to avoid, fun ways to gather resources and different creative ideas for your own happy journal. Anna D Bruce is a Fine Art Portrait Photographer in Denver. Her focus is to create imaginative works of art that look like paintings with the use of her own photography. Anna has her BA in Art and Visual Technology with a concentration on Photography from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Anna loves to spend time with her husband, chihuahua and two cats. She also loves food! The Roma 3 Seater Swing Seat is perfect for adding a little luxury to your garden or patio. The wide swing bench has plenty of room for three people, with a set of luxury swing seat cushions to provide comfort. The tubular powder-coated steel ensures strength and stability, with metal hooks to hold the swing bench in place when not in use. Above is a water-resistant canopy in green to match the frame, which provides shade and shelter from light showers. Three luxury cushions are included in a choice of bold solid colours, each with contrast piping and ties to secure them to the frame. Each cushion consists of a back and seat section, with val
ance piece attached to the front, and a matching scatter cushion to provide comfort on the armrests. The cushions are made from 100% polyester with a light water-resistant coating, so they're protected from spills and easy to clean. Each swing seat cushion is filled with 10cm thick foam for excellent comfort, while the scatter cushions are filled with blown fibre for a soft finish. Filled in the UK to a high standard. Good quality and solidly built. Appalling assembly instructions. Small black blobs shown to illustrate type of bolt head. Diagrams confusing. Ambu is a global company with its headquarters based in Denmark. We design, manufacture and promote a wide range of Neurophysiology products including subdermal, concentric, monopolar and Inoject needles. Our extensive product portfolio of EEG cup and surface electrodes has recently been complimented by the addition of a range of IOM products that includes a variety of stimulation probes and Corkscrew electrodes. Remember the Future: The Simulating Brain. Lecture and discussion panel. SimTecT Conference, Adelaide, August, 2015. The Microscope Project: Sensing the Unseen. Lecture with poetry. With Catherine Truman. Ausglass National Conference, Adelaide
[ 286, 14628, 737, 3406, 21187, 481, 2112, 703, 428, 3357, 1625, 546, 11, 644, 815, 307, 287, 534, 1492, 11, 644, 284, 3368, 11, 1257, 2842, 284, 6431, 4133, 290, 1180, 7325, 4213, 329, 534, 898, 3772, 3989, 13, 198, 31160, 360, 11088, 318, 257, 17867, 3683, 4347, 12907, 43809, 287, 10656, 13, 2332, 2962, 318, 284, 2251, 41138, 2499, 286, 1242, 326, 804, 588, 21641, 351, 262, 779, 286, 607, 898, 16223, 13, 11735, 468, 607, 23715, 287, 3683, 290, 15612, 8987, 351, 257, 10368, 319, 32461, 422, 4502, 14737, 2059, 287, 33514, 11, 6025, 13, 11735, 10408, 284, 4341, 640, 351, 607, 5229, 11, 442, 48406, 993, 6413, 290, 734, 11875, 13, 1375, 635, 10408, 2057, 0, 383, 29600, 513, 1001, 729, 43650, 26682, 318, 2818, 329, 4375, 257, 1310, 13064, 284, 534, 11376, 393, 39660, 13, 383, 3094, 9628, 7624, 468, 6088, 286, 2119, 329, 1115, 661, 11, 351, 257, 900, 286, 13064, 9628, 5852, 24736, 507, 284, 2148, 4467, 13, 198, 464, 12202, 934, 11913, 12, 1073, 515, 7771, 19047, 4202, 290, 10159, 11, 351, 6147, 26569, 284, 1745, 262, 9628, 7624, 287, 1295, 618, 407, 287, 779, 13, 23302, 318, 257, 1660, 12, 26128, 39418, 287, 4077, 284, 2872, 262, 5739, 11, 543, 3769, 17979, 290, 11772, 422, 1657, 32290, 13, 198, 12510, 13064, 24736, 507, 389, 3017, 287, 257, 3572, 286, 10758, 4735, 18915, 11, 1123, 351, 6273, 48426, 290, 8470, 284, 5713, 606, 284, 262, 5739, 13, 5501, 33579, 10874, 286, 257, 736, 290, 5852, 2665, 11, 351, 1188 ]
[ 315, 24241, 570, 4718, 33315, 690, 4358, 1268, 420, 6725, 3782, 922, 11, 1148, 1288, 387, 304, 701, 2363, 11, 1148, 311, 5766, 11, 2523, 5627, 311, 9762, 5070, 323, 2204, 11782, 6848, 369, 701, 1866, 6380, 8486, 627, 57856, 423, 24785, 374, 264, 31253, 5277, 79682, 75839, 304, 22898, 13, 6385, 5357, 374, 311, 1893, 77361, 4375, 315, 1989, 430, 1427, 1093, 36692, 449, 279, 1005, 315, 1077, 1866, 24685, 13, 24101, 706, 1077, 34589, 304, 5277, 323, 20796, 12053, 449, 264, 20545, 389, 41147, 505, 10058, 29927, 3907, 304, 77636, 11, 13286, 13, 24101, 16180, 311, 8493, 892, 449, 1077, 10177, 11, 523, 82984, 1494, 4381, 323, 1403, 19987, 13, 3005, 1101, 16180, 3691, 0, 578, 46601, 220, 18, 1369, 977, 53186, 40323, 374, 4832, 369, 7999, 264, 2697, 19913, 311, 701, 13863, 477, 32278, 13, 578, 7029, 19336, 13731, 706, 11510, 315, 3130, 369, 2380, 1274, 11, 449, 264, 743, 315, 19913, 19336, 10954, 68241, 311, 3493, 6981, 627, 791, 15286, 1299, 17138, 23283, 660, 9699, 26420, 8333, 323, 20334, 11, 449, 9501, 30777, 311, 3412, 279, 19336, 13731, 304, 2035, 994, 539, 304, 1005, 13, 44710, 374, 264, 3090, 47056, 64071, 304, 6307, 311, 2489, 279, 4124, 11, 902, 5825, 28601, 323, 23756, 505, 3177, 52902, 627, 20215, 19913, 68241, 527, 5343, 304, 264, 5873, 315, 14265, 6573, 27230, 11, 1855, 449, 13168, 77579, 323, 20405, 311, 9966, 1124, 311, 279, 4124, 13, 9062, 45738, 17610, 315, 264, 1203, 323, 10954, 3857, 11, 449, 1062 ]
[ 685, 6710, 12673, 311, 279, 4156, 11, 323, 264, 12864, 45577, 45738, 311, 3493, 6981, 389, 279, 6916, 4014, 82, 627, 791, 68241, 527, 1903, 505, 220, 1041, 4, 56170, 449, 264, 3177, 3090, 47056, 41394, 11, 779, 814, 2351, 2682, 505, 84051, 323, 4228, 311, 4335, 13, 9062, 19336, 10954, 45738, 374, 10409, 449, 220, 605, 6358, 12314, 32183, 369, 9250, 6981, 11, 1418, 279, 45577, 68241, 527, 10409, 449, 36574, 57525, 369, 264, 8579, 6381, 627, 77146, 304, 279, 6560, 311, 264, 1579, 5410, 627, 15571, 4367, 323, 6573, 398, 5918, 13, 1883, 17157, 14956, 11470, 13, 15344, 3776, 77999, 6982, 311, 41468, 955, 315, 32942, 2010, 13, 36361, 82, 31715, 13, 20423, 84, 374, 264, 3728, 2883, 449, 1202, 26097, 3196, 304, 35440, 13, 1226, 2955, 11, 30847, 323, 12192, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 32359, 42305, 31226, 3956, 2737, 1207, 1126, 14991, 11, 10219, 2265, 11, 1647, 454, 7569, 323, 763, 78, 585, 57267, 13, 5751, 16781, 2027, 20136, 315, 76908, 10747, 323, 7479, 80390, 706, 6051, 1027, 32241, 291, 555, 279, 5369, 315, 264, 2134, 315, 358, 1937, 3956, 430, 5764, 264, 8205, 315, 41959, 63610, 323, 53036, 82, 39717, 80390, 13, 20474, 279, 12781, 25, 578, 4567, 15853, 31417, 13, 68072, 323, 10430, 7090, 13, 4567, 51, 762, 51, 15217, 11, 50301, 11, 6287, 11, 220, 679, 20, 627, 791, 18654, 4280, 5907, 25, 32252, 287, 279, 1252, 29412, 13, 68072, 449, 32349, 13, 3161, 42663, 80936, 13, 20602, 59536, 5165, 15217, 11, 50301 ]
usage this properly can have a great impact on exactly how you play this gambling establishment video game. Don‘t fail to remember to play as frequently as you can to earn your gambling establishment video games much better. The chief executive of an insurance company holding its first conference in Dunedin this week says he would happily have it in the city again. Sovereign Life Insurance chief executive Nick Stanhope said yesterday about 200 insurance advisers and staff were in the city for a three-day biennial conference, which was finishing today. The conference was held at the Town Hall and Dunedin Centre complex. Mr Stanhope said he had studied at the University of Otago and was keen for his company to hold the conference in Dunedin. He said it was easy to fall into the trap of holding conferences in major centres, but Sovereign was a nationwide company, and it was important to use regional facilities. He said facilities were "outstanding'', parking was easy, hotels were within walking distance and the weather had been "beautiful''. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Doctors say they’re closer than ever to finding a cure for baldness, and from the most unusual sources. As CBS 2’s Maurice DuB
usage this properly can have a great impact on exactly how you play this gambling establishment video game. Don‘t fail to remember to play as frequently as you can to earn your gambling establishment video games much better. The chief executive of an insurance company holding its first conference in Dunedin this week says he would happily have it in the city again. Sovereign Life Insurance chief executive Nick Stanhope said yesterday about 200 insurance advisers and staff were in the city for a three-day biennial conference, which was finishing today. The conference was held at the Town Hall and Dunedin Centre complex. Mr Stanhope said he had studied at the University of Otago and was keen for his company to hold the conference in Dunedin. He said it was easy to fall into the trap of holding conferences in major centres, but Sovereign was a nationwide company, and it was important to use regional facilities. He said facilities were "outstanding'', parking was easy, hotels were within walking distance and the weather had been "beautiful''. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Doctors say they’re closer than ever to finding a cure for baldness, and from the most unusual sources. As CBS 2’s Maurice DuB
ois reported Tuesday, those sources include a drug that grows eyelashes and a prostate medication. Thinning hair, receding hairlines and bald spots are unwelcome signs of the inevitable for as many as 80 percent of all men. And for some men, hair loss can be devastating. “Hair equates confidence,” one man said. It can be so embarrassing that one man who has lost his hair didn’t want to show his face on camera. He has spent thousands on treatment, and although he was pleased with the results it was not exactly what he hoped for. “Anyone with hair loss is waiting for that big breakthrough,” he said. Now, doctors said that big breakthrough may finally be here. “I love Latisse, and I have very happy patients using Latisse,” said Dr. Joyce Davis, a dermatologist. You have probably seen the commercial for Latisse, an eyelash growing drug. Now Latisse is being tested for growing head hair. Davis said it is very effective — as long as the hair follicle, which is the cavity that contains the root of the hair, is still alive. Latisse was originally used to treat glau
[ 8748, 428, 6105, 460, 423, 257, 1049, 2928, 319, 3446, 703, 345, 711, 428, 19029, 9323, 2008, 983, 13, 2094, 447, 246, 83, 2038, 284, 3505, 284, 711, 355, 6777, 355, 345, 460, 284, 5160, 534, 19029, 9323, 2008, 1830, 881, 1365, 13, 383, 4039, 4640, 286, 281, 5096, 1664, 4769, 663, 717, 4495, 287, 5648, 27152, 428, 1285, 1139, 339, 561, 18177, 423, 340, 287, 262, 1748, 757, 13, 198, 50, 33518, 570, 5155, 17541, 4039, 4640, 8047, 7299, 71, 3008, 531, 7415, 546, 939, 5096, 20409, 290, 3085, 547, 287, 262, 1748, 329, 257, 1115, 12, 820, 3182, 27779, 4495, 11, 543, 373, 12848, 1909, 13, 198, 464, 4495, 373, 2714, 379, 262, 8329, 4789, 290, 5648, 27152, 9072, 3716, 13, 198, 5246, 7299, 71, 3008, 531, 339, 550, 9713, 379, 262, 2059, 286, 19740, 3839, 290, 373, 13795, 329, 465, 1664, 284, 1745, 262, 4495, 287, 5648, 27152, 13, 198, 1544, 531, 340, 373, 2562, 284, 2121, 656, 262, 12840, 286, 4769, 19993, 287, 1688, 19788, 11, 475, 44964, 373, 257, 13673, 1664, 11, 290, 340, 373, 1593, 284, 779, 7915, 7291, 13, 198, 1544, 531, 7291, 547, 366, 448, 5646, 6, 3256, 7647, 373, 2562, 11, 18505, 547, 1626, 6155, 5253, 290, 262, 6193, 550, 587, 366, 40544, 4135, 35384, 12682, 28154, 357, 22923, 3791, 49278, 8, 851, 28274, 910, 484, 447, 247, 260, 5699, 621, 1683, 284, 4917, 257, 13996, 329, 28273, 1108, 11, 290, 422, 262, 749, 8468, 4237, 13, 198, 1722, 11133, 362, 447, 247, 82, 32839, 10343, 33 ]
[ 10648, 420, 10489, 649, 617, 264, 2294, 5536, 389, 7041, 1268, 499, 1514, 420, 25725, 21967, 2835, 1847, 13, 4418, 14336, 83, 3775, 311, 6227, 311, 1514, 439, 14134, 439, 499, 649, 311, 7380, 701, 25725, 21967, 2835, 3953, 1790, 2731, 13, 578, 10388, 11145, 315, 459, 8276, 2883, 10168, 1202, 1176, 10017, 304, 29838, 31501, 420, 2046, 2795, 568, 1053, 37875, 617, 433, 304, 279, 3363, 1578, 627, 50, 70030, 625, 9601, 22413, 10388, 11145, 15341, 15560, 61893, 1071, 13985, 922, 220, 1049, 8276, 52075, 323, 5687, 1051, 304, 279, 3363, 369, 264, 2380, 11477, 6160, 32331, 10017, 11, 902, 574, 25270, 3432, 627, 791, 10017, 574, 5762, 520, 279, 14298, 11166, 323, 29838, 31501, 14821, 6485, 627, 12555, 15560, 61893, 1071, 568, 1047, 20041, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 507, 4681, 78, 323, 574, 27989, 369, 813, 2883, 311, 3412, 279, 10017, 304, 29838, 31501, 627, 1548, 1071, 433, 574, 4228, 311, 4498, 1139, 279, 23709, 315, 10168, 38614, 304, 3682, 36282, 11, 719, 89321, 625, 574, 264, 29054, 2883, 11, 323, 433, 574, 3062, 311, 1005, 15481, 13077, 627, 1548, 1071, 13077, 1051, 330, 412, 10276, 51917, 13217, 574, 4228, 11, 25325, 1051, 2949, 11689, 6138, 323, 279, 9282, 1047, 1027, 330, 88044, 98722, 16560, 47404, 320, 60003, 3648, 100077, 8, 2001, 54943, 2019, 814, 3207, 12401, 1109, 3596, 311, 9455, 264, 27208, 369, 48653, 2136, 11, 323, 505, 279, 1455, 19018, 8336, 627, 2170, 24991, 220, 17, 753, 68529, 16062, 33 ]
[ 30148, 5068, 7742, 11, 1884, 8336, 2997, 264, 5623, 430, 28815, 54957, 14380, 323, 264, 47447, 24099, 627, 1016, 20353, 7013, 11, 1421, 16490, 7013, 8128, 323, 48653, 19300, 527, 15375, 5836, 12195, 315, 279, 31352, 369, 439, 1690, 439, 220, 1490, 3346, 315, 682, 3026, 627, 3112, 369, 1063, 3026, 11, 7013, 4814, 649, 387, 33318, 627, 2118, 70793, 3312, 988, 12410, 2476, 832, 893, 1071, 627, 2181, 649, 387, 779, 45105, 430, 832, 893, 889, 706, 5675, 813, 7013, 3287, 1431, 1390, 311, 1501, 813, 3663, 389, 6382, 13, 1283, 706, 7543, 9214, 389, 6514, 11, 323, 8051, 568, 574, 18949, 449, 279, 3135, 433, 574, 539, 7041, 1148, 568, 26253, 369, 627, 2118, 41795, 449, 7013, 4814, 374, 8748, 369, 430, 2466, 42445, 2476, 568, 1071, 627, 7184, 11, 16410, 1071, 430, 2466, 42445, 1253, 5616, 387, 1618, 627, 10378, 3021, 445, 3689, 325, 11, 323, 358, 617, 1633, 6380, 6978, 1701, 445, 3689, 325, 2476, 1071, 2999, 13, 54726, 17200, 11, 264, 61485, 16549, 627, 2675, 617, 4762, 3970, 279, 8518, 369, 445, 3689, 325, 11, 459, 54957, 1003, 7982, 5623, 627, 7184, 445, 3689, 325, 374, 1694, 12793, 369, 7982, 2010, 7013, 13, 17200, 1071, 433, 374, 1633, 7524, 2001, 439, 1317, 439, 279, 7013, 82714, 273, 11, 902, 374, 279, 56429, 430, 5727, 279, 3789, 315, 279, 7013, 11, 374, 2103, 13989, 627, 43, 3689, 325, 574, 13517, 1511, 311, 4322, 2840, 2933 ]
they can't afford, to continue the insurance). This basically means that there will be a scramble to get the patient on low-paying Medicaid if possible; meanwhile, the patient is "self-pay", health care personnel, the non-profit institution, and the taxpayers eat the cost of treatment, and the patient goes bankrupt (in fact, most patients who go bankrupt due to medical bills started with private insurance). Yet, economic disincentive to provide fee-for-service medicine notwithstanding, such patients are treated. No system of health care coverage is perfect. The US seems to have the worst among developed nations. Our unique features are lack of true universal coverage and, although many other nations have private health insurers, massive reliance on private insurance. Why don't we try to make ourselves as good as others first, and then worry about more extreme ideas later, if we still want to? As long as there is a requirement to treat all patients whop show up at a hospital, the market system cannot reduce the costs of medical care. Libertarians and ultra conservatives do not want the insured to to be treated at all, or keep touting that they can go to a hospital and get full treatment. Hospital treatment is far more expensive than routine treatment
they can't afford, to continue the insurance). This basically means that there will be a scramble to get the patient on low-paying Medicaid if possible; meanwhile, the patient is "self-pay", health care personnel, the non-profit institution, and the taxpayers eat the cost of treatment, and the patient goes bankrupt (in fact, most patients who go bankrupt due to medical bills started with private insurance). Yet, economic disincentive to provide fee-for-service medicine notwithstanding, such patients are treated. No system of health care coverage is perfect. The US seems to have the worst among developed nations. Our unique features are lack of true universal coverage and, although many other nations have private health insurers, massive reliance on private insurance. Why don't we try to make ourselves as good as others first, and then worry about more extreme ideas later, if we still want to? As long as there is a requirement to treat all patients whop show up at a hospital, the market system cannot reduce the costs of medical care. Libertarians and ultra conservatives do not want the insured to to be treated at all, or keep touting that they can go to a hospital and get full treatment. Hospital treatment is far more expensive than routine treatment
. For instance, while uninsured for two weeks, years ago on Christmas Eve I was forced to go to a hospital for a bursitis attack in both shoulders that left me unable to do anything and in great pain. Normally, at that time, I would go to a walk-in clinic, pay $25 dollars, get a cortisone shot, and be fine a half hour later. At the hospital, after waiting three hours, I fainted from the pain. This immediately required all sorts of expensive tests before the doctors determined that I had a bursitis attack and needed a shot of cortisone. I ended up getting a bill for $936 that would normally cost me $25 (I paid myself). All the costs have gone up since then. Emergency room doctors often order expensive tests because they want to reduce liability from lawsuits for malpractice. These law suits are often initiated by professional con men who travel form one emergency room to another and know how to fake dire conditions. No matter what the doctors do, the con men find a way to sue for big money. Liberals and most moderates want a single payer system, such as they have in Canada, or a controlled universal insurance system such as they have in the Netherlands. But
[ 484, 460, 470, 5368, 11, 284, 2555, 262, 5096, 737, 770, 6209, 1724, 326, 612, 481, 307, 257, 36755, 284, 651, 262, 5827, 319, 1877, 12, 32629, 13594, 611, 1744, 26, 15066, 11, 262, 5827, 318, 366, 944, 12, 15577, 1600, 1535, 1337, 8213, 11, 262, 1729, 12, 9183, 9901, 11, 290, 262, 14086, 4483, 262, 1575, 286, 3513, 11, 290, 262, 5827, 2925, 13158, 357, 259, 1109, 11, 749, 3871, 508, 467, 13158, 2233, 284, 3315, 9024, 2067, 351, 2839, 5096, 737, 6430, 11, 3034, 595, 42816, 425, 284, 2148, 6838, 12, 1640, 12, 15271, 9007, 29951, 11, 884, 3871, 389, 5716, 13, 198, 2949, 1080, 286, 1535, 1337, 5197, 318, 2818, 13, 198, 464, 1294, 2331, 284, 423, 262, 5290, 1871, 4166, 7027, 13, 198, 5122, 3748, 3033, 389, 3092, 286, 2081, 10112, 5197, 290, 11, 3584, 867, 584, 7027, 423, 2839, 1535, 24668, 11, 4858, 24126, 319, 2839, 5096, 13, 198, 5195, 836, 470, 356, 1949, 284, 787, 6731, 355, 922, 355, 1854, 717, 11, 290, 788, 5490, 546, 517, 3257, 4213, 1568, 11, 611, 356, 991, 765, 284, 30, 198, 1722, 890, 355, 612, 318, 257, 9079, 284, 2190, 477, 3871, 348, 404, 905, 510, 379, 257, 4436, 11, 262, 1910, 1080, 2314, 4646, 262, 3484, 286, 3315, 1337, 13, 198, 31199, 28266, 290, 14764, 12471, 466, 407, 765, 262, 31977, 284, 284, 307, 5716, 379, 477, 11, 393, 1394, 48120, 326, 484, 460, 467, 284, 257, 4436, 290, 651, 1336, 3513, 13, 9256, 3513, 318, 1290, 517, 5789, 621, 8027, 3513 ]
[ 814, 649, 956, 10150, 11, 311, 3136, 279, 8276, 570, 1115, 13524, 3445, 430, 1070, 690, 387, 264, 77387, 311, 636, 279, 8893, 389, 3428, 89823, 34129, 422, 3284, 26, 37318, 11, 279, 8893, 374, 330, 726, 71188, 498, 2890, 2512, 17274, 11, 279, 2536, 28926, 15244, 11, 323, 279, 35748, 8343, 279, 2853, 315, 6514, 11, 323, 279, 8893, 5900, 29320, 320, 258, 2144, 11, 1455, 6978, 889, 733, 29320, 4245, 311, 6593, 19123, 3940, 449, 879, 8276, 570, 14968, 11, 7100, 64842, 1189, 535, 311, 3493, 11307, 15548, 24358, 16088, 72665, 11, 1778, 6978, 527, 12020, 627, 2822, 1887, 315, 2890, 2512, 10401, 374, 4832, 627, 791, 2326, 5084, 311, 617, 279, 12047, 4315, 8040, 17089, 627, 8140, 5016, 4519, 527, 6996, 315, 837, 20789, 10401, 323, 11, 8051, 1690, 1023, 17089, 617, 879, 2890, 56374, 11, 11191, 54180, 389, 879, 8276, 627, 10445, 1541, 956, 584, 1456, 311, 1304, 13520, 439, 1695, 439, 3885, 1176, 11, 323, 1243, 11196, 922, 810, 14560, 6848, 3010, 11, 422, 584, 2103, 1390, 311, 5380, 2170, 1317, 439, 1070, 374, 264, 16686, 311, 4322, 682, 6978, 421, 454, 1501, 709, 520, 264, 8952, 11, 279, 3157, 1887, 4250, 8108, 279, 7194, 315, 6593, 2512, 627, 9374, 531, 30627, 323, 24955, 34375, 656, 539, 1390, 279, 53142, 311, 311, 387, 12020, 520, 682, 11, 477, 2567, 259, 11149, 430, 814, 649, 733, 311, 264, 8952, 323, 636, 2539, 6514, 13, 15429, 6514, 374, 3117, 810, 11646, 1109, 14348, 6514 ]
[ 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 1418, 82707, 369, 1403, 5672, 11, 1667, 4227, 389, 10280, 32460, 358, 574, 9770, 311, 733, 311, 264, 8952, 369, 264, 293, 1759, 20000, 3440, 304, 2225, 28004, 430, 2163, 757, 12153, 311, 656, 4205, 323, 304, 2294, 6784, 13, 52783, 11, 520, 430, 892, 11, 358, 1053, 733, 311, 264, 4321, 3502, 28913, 11, 2343, 400, 914, 11441, 11, 636, 264, 23100, 285, 606, 6689, 11, 323, 387, 7060, 264, 4376, 6596, 3010, 13, 2468, 279, 8952, 11, 1306, 8748, 2380, 4207, 11, 358, 282, 31329, 505, 279, 6784, 13, 1115, 7214, 2631, 682, 21522, 315, 11646, 7177, 1603, 279, 16410, 11075, 430, 358, 1047, 264, 293, 1759, 20000, 3440, 323, 4460, 264, 6689, 315, 23100, 285, 606, 13, 358, 9670, 709, 3794, 264, 4121, 369, 400, 25612, 430, 1053, 14614, 2853, 757, 400, 914, 320, 40, 7318, 7182, 570, 2052, 279, 7194, 617, 8208, 709, 2533, 1243, 627, 80069, 3130, 16410, 3629, 2015, 11646, 7177, 1606, 814, 1390, 311, 8108, 24305, 505, 43986, 369, 8811, 60621, 13, 4314, 2383, 29076, 527, 3629, 33230, 555, 6721, 390, 3026, 889, 5944, 1376, 832, 13147, 3130, 311, 2500, 323, 1440, 1268, 311, 12700, 13510, 4787, 13, 2360, 5030, 1148, 279, 16410, 656, 11, 279, 390, 3026, 1505, 264, 1648, 311, 34872, 369, 2466, 3300, 627, 43, 8799, 1147, 323, 1455, 13606, 988, 1390, 264, 3254, 70375, 1887, 11, 1778, 439, 814, 617, 304, 7008, 11, 477, 264, 14400, 20789, 8276, 1887, 1778, 439, 814, 617, 304, 279, 26746, 13, 2030 ]
the US? France's new digital services tax has opened a can of worms. Here's everything you need to know about what's going on. Discovering True Farm-to-Table Dining at Rider As any local will proudly tell you, summers in the Pacific Northwest are tough to beat. The Puget Sound region is a haven for the food-obsessed this time of year. With a bounty of fresh seafood and produce in season, the readiness of farm-to-table dining in Seattle is mind-blowing. But what does it mean exactly to eat locally or to enjoy a farm-to-table meal at a restaurant? What does that relationship between the land, the farmer, the chef, and the diner truly look like? On a balmy August weekend, I venture off on a road trip from Portland to Seattle to dig deeper into the dynamics of this farm-to-table ecosystem. As a foodie, most of my travels are planned around where I’m eating. This summer road trip is no exception. Upon arrival at Hotel Theodore in downtown Seattle, I drop off my bags and head downstairs to Rider. Luckily, I’m able to snag a seat on the busy patio. Downtown Seattle is buzzing with the
the US? France's new digital services tax has opened a can of worms. Here's everything you need to know about what's going on. Discovering True Farm-to-Table Dining at Rider As any local will proudly tell you, summers in the Pacific Northwest are tough to beat. The Puget Sound region is a haven for the food-obsessed this time of year. With a bounty of fresh seafood and produce in season, the readiness of farm-to-table dining in Seattle is mind-blowing. But what does it mean exactly to eat locally or to enjoy a farm-to-table meal at a restaurant? What does that relationship between the land, the farmer, the chef, and the diner truly look like? On a balmy August weekend, I venture off on a road trip from Portland to Seattle to dig deeper into the dynamics of this farm-to-table ecosystem. As a foodie, most of my travels are planned around where I’m eating. This summer road trip is no exception. Upon arrival at Hotel Theodore in downtown Seattle, I drop off my bags and head downstairs to Rider. Luckily, I’m able to snag a seat on the busy patio. Downtown Seattle is buzzing with the
energy of the weekend and it’s the kind of evening in the Pacific Northwest that feels decadent—warm with a salty breeze rolling off nearby Elliot Bay waterfront. The server recommends the Local Summer Peach and Burrata Salad and I happily oblige. As the dish arrives, it appears to be more of a robust abstract art piece than a salad. I’m sold upon the first bite. The artful plated salad is served with melt-in-your-mouth local peaches draped with black pepper lardo, a generous helping of spiced yet sweet pecans, piled high with a contrasting bite of bitter greens, and sprinkled with edible marigold blossoms. The result? Stunning both on the plate and in taste. Savoring the dish and the evening, I linger on the Rider patio before wandering a few blocks to Pike Place Market to watch the sunset over the sound. It’s one of those nights that lead you to wonder why anyone would summer anywhere other than the Pacific Northwest. A Chef’s Tour of the West Seattle Farmers Market In the morning, I join Rider’s Executive Chef Dan Mallahan, his wife Jaqueline, and others for a small group excursion to the West
[ 262, 1294, 30, 198, 28572, 338, 649, 4875, 2594, 1687, 468, 4721, 257, 460, 286, 29174, 13, 3423, 338, 2279, 345, 761, 284, 760, 546, 644, 338, 1016, 319, 13, 29704, 278, 6407, 11272, 12, 1462, 12, 10962, 360, 3191, 379, 16414, 198, 1722, 597, 1957, 481, 23017, 1560, 345, 11, 43285, 287, 262, 8211, 20572, 389, 5802, 284, 4405, 13, 383, 33260, 316, 9506, 3814, 318, 257, 4398, 329, 262, 2057, 12, 8158, 6676, 428, 640, 286, 614, 13, 2080, 257, 24180, 286, 4713, 31473, 290, 4439, 287, 1622, 11, 262, 30618, 286, 5318, 12, 1462, 12, 11487, 17423, 287, 7312, 318, 2000, 12, 2436, 7855, 13, 887, 644, 857, 340, 1612, 3446, 284, 4483, 15726, 393, 284, 2883, 257, 5318, 12, 1462, 12, 11487, 9799, 379, 257, 7072, 30, 1867, 857, 326, 2776, 1022, 262, 1956, 11, 262, 18739, 11, 262, 21221, 11, 290, 262, 47519, 4988, 804, 588, 30, 198, 2202, 257, 3652, 1820, 2932, 5041, 11, 314, 13189, 572, 319, 257, 2975, 5296, 422, 10727, 284, 7312, 284, 3100, 9211, 656, 262, 17262, 286, 428, 5318, 12, 1462, 12, 11487, 13187, 13, 1081, 257, 2057, 494, 11, 749, 286, 616, 17781, 389, 6027, 1088, 810, 314, 447, 247, 76, 6600, 13, 770, 3931, 2975, 5296, 318, 645, 6631, 13, 198, 23792, 10325, 379, 12696, 36494, 287, 9436, 7312, 11, 314, 4268, 572, 616, 11668, 290, 1182, 34624, 284, 16414, 13, 24262, 11, 314, 447, 247, 76, 1498, 284, 48456, 257, 5852, 319, 262, 8179, 39660, 13, 25657, 7312, 318, 41719, 351, 262 ]
[ 279, 2326, 5380, 50100, 596, 502, 7528, 3600, 3827, 706, 9107, 264, 649, 315, 63000, 13, 5810, 596, 4395, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 922, 1148, 596, 2133, 389, 13, 34039, 287, 3082, 18945, 4791, 12, 2620, 39190, 520, 54942, 198, 2170, 904, 2254, 690, 45909, 3371, 499, 11, 80769, 304, 279, 16867, 40505, 527, 11292, 311, 9567, 13, 578, 22989, 456, 14936, 5654, 374, 264, 9167, 369, 279, 3691, 12, 5598, 22456, 420, 892, 315, 1060, 13, 3161, 264, 53523, 315, 7878, 53405, 323, 8356, 304, 3280, 11, 279, 62792, 315, 8961, 4791, 17203, 18397, 304, 16759, 374, 4059, 1481, 10516, 287, 13, 2030, 1148, 1587, 433, 3152, 7041, 311, 8343, 24392, 477, 311, 4774, 264, 8961, 4791, 17203, 15496, 520, 264, 10960, 30, 3639, 1587, 430, 5133, 1990, 279, 4363, 11, 279, 37500, 11, 279, 30806, 11, 323, 279, 89206, 9615, 1427, 1093, 5380, 1966, 264, 9839, 2465, 6287, 9178, 11, 358, 26255, 1022, 389, 264, 5754, 8577, 505, 23947, 311, 16759, 311, 4170, 19662, 1139, 279, 30295, 315, 420, 8961, 4791, 17203, 26031, 13, 1666, 264, 3691, 648, 11, 1455, 315, 856, 35292, 527, 13205, 2212, 1405, 358, 4344, 12459, 13, 1115, 7474, 5754, 8577, 374, 912, 4788, 627, 50384, 19163, 520, 14894, 77449, 304, 19441, 16759, 11, 358, 6068, 1022, 856, 18381, 323, 2010, 63891, 311, 54942, 13, 48600, 11, 358, 4344, 3025, 311, 72902, 264, 10954, 389, 279, 13326, 32278, 13, 44985, 16759, 374, 86424, 449, 279 ]
[ 4907, 315, 279, 9178, 323, 433, 753, 279, 3169, 315, 11714, 304, 279, 16867, 40505, 430, 11321, 88133, 306, 2345, 83697, 449, 264, 74975, 46385, 20700, 1022, 14373, 69518, 9332, 70027, 627, 791, 3622, 40912, 279, 8949, 19367, 64695, 323, 87284, 460, 64646, 323, 358, 37875, 1536, 53890, 13, 1666, 279, 12269, 30782, 11, 433, 8111, 311, 387, 810, 315, 264, 22514, 8278, 1989, 6710, 1109, 264, 33566, 13, 358, 4344, 6216, 5304, 279, 1176, 23556, 13, 578, 1989, 1285, 88233, 33566, 374, 10434, 449, 30099, 3502, 53246, 92139, 2254, 1069, 14576, 90980, 449, 3776, 25349, 326, 21106, 11, 264, 28771, 10695, 315, 993, 7725, 3686, 10437, 31100, 598, 11, 77431, 1579, 449, 264, 75055, 23556, 315, 26242, 52011, 11, 323, 51798, 839, 449, 67740, 3678, 343, 820, 50823, 7085, 13, 578, 1121, 30, 93453, 2225, 389, 279, 12235, 323, 304, 12945, 627, 50, 3372, 287, 279, 12269, 323, 279, 11714, 11, 358, 40609, 389, 279, 54942, 32278, 1603, 55063, 264, 2478, 10215, 311, 69829, 11004, 8152, 311, 3821, 279, 44084, 927, 279, 5222, 13, 1102, 753, 832, 315, 1884, 22178, 430, 3063, 499, 311, 5895, 3249, 5606, 1053, 7474, 12660, 1023, 1109, 279, 16867, 40505, 627, 32, 37075, 753, 14986, 315, 279, 4410, 16759, 63422, 8152, 198, 644, 279, 6693, 11, 358, 5249, 54942, 753, 18362, 37075, 11824, 32498, 22826, 11, 813, 7555, 23720, 447, 4939, 11, 323, 3885, 369, 264, 2678, 1912, 95440, 311, 279, 4410 ]
and the class struggles for emancipation which had previously occurred. The hunger for such information can be seen in the fact that editors of papers regularly received letters asking for previous issues so that an anarchist library could offer visitors a complete collection (Yeoman 2020, 53-4). Anarchists also spread their ideas through lectures, public debates and speaking tours. Some speaking tours were big events in which the most famous anarchist orators and writers gave talks across all of Spain. This included talks given by well known anarchists from abroad, such as Malatesta and Pedro Esteve’s November 1891 to January 1892 speaking tour which was promoted by the anarchist paper El Productor. Other speaking tours were much smaller affairs. In 1892 the Catalan metalworker Ignacio Martín visited the city of Gijón and single handedly spread anarchist ideas across factories, taverns and workers’ centres. Through these speaking tours anarchist orators attempted to simultaneously influence the consciousness of other workers and encourage them to form or join anarchist groups, organise, and take direct action. This can be seen in Malatesta and Esteve’s speaking tour. They travelled across the country giving talks which explained basic anarchist ideas and emphasised the need for organisation and armed insurrection to achieve
and the class struggles for emancipation which had previously occurred. The hunger for such information can be seen in the fact that editors of papers regularly received letters asking for previous issues so that an anarchist library could offer visitors a complete collection (Yeoman 2020, 53-4). Anarchists also spread their ideas through lectures, public debates and speaking tours. Some speaking tours were big events in which the most famous anarchist orators and writers gave talks across all of Spain. This included talks given by well known anarchists from abroad, such as Malatesta and Pedro Esteve’s November 1891 to January 1892 speaking tour which was promoted by the anarchist paper El Productor. Other speaking tours were much smaller affairs. In 1892 the Catalan metalworker Ignacio Martín visited the city of Gijón and single handedly spread anarchist ideas across factories, taverns and workers’ centres. Through these speaking tours anarchist orators attempted to simultaneously influence the consciousness of other workers and encourage them to form or join anarchist groups, organise, and take direct action. This can be seen in Malatesta and Esteve’s speaking tour. They travelled across the country giving talks which explained basic anarchist ideas and emphasised the need for organisation and armed insurrection to achieve
emancipation. Following their visit new anarchist groups or workers’ associations were formed. In addition to encouraging the formation of new anarchist groups, Malatesta and Esteve also visited prominent anarchist militants wherever they travelled in order to establish or strengthen social networks between anarchist groups throughout Spain. In so doing they aimed to create the organisational basis for future acts of revolt. The dual goal of consciousness raising and organising was typically facilitated through the distribution of posters, pamphlets, and periodicals at talks. This had the effect that speaking tours established a local archive of anarchist literature wherever they travelled. The new collection of print media could then be used by workers to educate themselves further and become more committed to anarchism once the speaking tour had left the area. Since periodicals included an address to send letters to, the distribution of print media also ensured that new local anarchists had a means to communicate with other anarchists and become part of the social networks that constituted the movement. This is not to say that speaking tours were always enormous successes. Their effectiveness was routinely hindered by state repression. For example, one speaking tour, which aimed to persuade proletarians and peasants in Andalusia to join the CNT, was abruptly ended when all the speakers were arrested at the first event (Yeoman 2020, 147
[ 290, 262, 1398, 12766, 329, 48936, 543, 550, 4271, 5091, 13, 383, 16460, 329, 884, 1321, 460, 307, 1775, 287, 262, 1109, 326, 15719, 286, 9473, 7987, 2722, 7475, 4737, 329, 2180, 2428, 523, 326, 281, 26177, 5888, 714, 2897, 9692, 257, 1844, 4947, 357, 35543, 5185, 12131, 11, 7192, 12, 19, 737, 198, 2025, 998, 1023, 635, 4104, 511, 4213, 832, 25917, 11, 1171, 15389, 290, 5486, 21284, 13, 2773, 5486, 21284, 547, 1263, 2995, 287, 543, 262, 749, 5863, 26177, 393, 2024, 290, 8786, 2921, 6130, 1973, 477, 286, 8602, 13, 770, 3017, 6130, 1813, 416, 880, 1900, 29676, 422, 10522, 11, 884, 355, 4434, 265, 18059, 290, 28855, 412, 4169, 303, 447, 247, 82, 3389, 1248, 6420, 284, 3269, 1248, 5892, 5486, 4205, 543, 373, 13722, 416, 262, 26177, 3348, 2574, 8721, 273, 13, 3819, 5486, 21284, 547, 881, 4833, 9674, 13, 554, 1248, 5892, 262, 31066, 6147, 28816, 16583, 48711, 3981, 39588, 8672, 262, 1748, 286, 402, 2926, 18840, 290, 2060, 10158, 306, 4104, 26177, 4213, 1973, 17590, 11, 42488, 82, 290, 3259, 447, 247, 19788, 13, 9561, 777, 5486, 21284, 26177, 393, 2024, 7482, 284, 11640, 4588, 262, 10510, 286, 584, 3259, 290, 7898, 606, 284, 1296, 393, 4654, 26177, 2628, 11, 42386, 11, 290, 1011, 1277, 2223, 13, 770, 460, 307, 1775, 287, 4434, 265, 18059, 290, 412, 4169, 303, 447, 247, 82, 5486, 4205, 13, 1119, 21650, 1973, 262, 1499, 3501, 6130, 543, 4893, 4096, 26177, 4213, 290, 6661, 1417, 262, 761, 329, 12684, 290, 6936, 47376, 284, 4620 ]
[ 323, 279, 538, 28970, 369, 91225, 49686, 902, 1047, 8767, 10222, 13, 578, 34906, 369, 1778, 2038, 649, 387, 3970, 304, 279, 2144, 430, 29846, 315, 16064, 15870, 4036, 12197, 10371, 369, 3766, 4819, 779, 430, 459, 78431, 6875, 1436, 3085, 15613, 264, 4686, 4526, 320, 87575, 7053, 220, 2366, 15, 11, 220, 4331, 12, 19, 4390, 2127, 1132, 1705, 1101, 9041, 872, 6848, 1555, 46232, 11, 586, 37635, 323, 12365, 31261, 13, 4427, 12365, 31261, 1051, 2466, 4455, 304, 902, 279, 1455, 11495, 78431, 477, 3046, 323, 16483, 6688, 13739, 4028, 682, 315, 18157, 13, 1115, 5343, 13739, 2728, 555, 1664, 3967, 93134, 505, 22917, 11, 1778, 439, 8560, 14217, 64, 323, 43582, 39776, 588, 753, 6841, 220, 9378, 16, 311, 6186, 220, 9378, 17, 12365, 7364, 902, 574, 30026, 555, 279, 78431, 5684, 4072, 5761, 269, 13, 7089, 12365, 31261, 1051, 1790, 9333, 22747, 13, 763, 220, 9378, 17, 279, 81944, 9501, 22179, 34881, 36970, 8290, 25196, 12263, 279, 3363, 315, 480, 3251, 3244, 323, 3254, 23415, 398, 9041, 78431, 6848, 4028, 35159, 11, 91235, 82, 323, 7487, 529, 36282, 13, 17331, 1521, 12365, 31261, 78431, 477, 3046, 17644, 311, 25291, 10383, 279, 25917, 315, 1023, 7487, 323, 15253, 1124, 311, 1376, 477, 5249, 78431, 5315, 11, 71040, 11, 323, 1935, 2167, 1957, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 3970, 304, 8560, 14217, 64, 323, 39776, 588, 753, 12365, 7364, 13, 2435, 46368, 4028, 279, 3224, 7231, 13739, 902, 11497, 6913, 78431, 6848, 323, 20654, 4147, 279, 1205, 369, 22139, 323, 17903, 1672, 40304, 311, 11322 ]
[ 91225, 49686, 13, 23548, 872, 4034, 502, 78431, 5315, 477, 7487, 529, 30257, 1051, 14454, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 26921, 279, 18488, 315, 502, 78431, 5315, 11, 8560, 14217, 64, 323, 39776, 588, 1101, 12263, 21102, 78431, 39449, 28578, 814, 46368, 304, 2015, 311, 5813, 477, 20259, 3674, 14488, 1990, 78431, 5315, 6957, 18157, 13, 763, 779, 3815, 814, 20034, 311, 1893, 279, 21874, 1697, 8197, 369, 3938, 14385, 315, 65935, 13, 578, 19091, 5915, 315, 25917, 19054, 323, 88171, 574, 11383, 72849, 1555, 279, 8141, 315, 39568, 11, 75931, 10145, 11, 323, 4261, 53703, 520, 13739, 13, 1115, 1047, 279, 2515, 430, 12365, 31261, 9749, 264, 2254, 18624, 315, 78431, 17649, 28578, 814, 46368, 13, 578, 502, 4526, 315, 1194, 3772, 1436, 1243, 387, 1511, 555, 7487, 311, 39170, 5694, 4726, 323, 3719, 810, 11411, 311, 44565, 2191, 3131, 279, 12365, 7364, 1047, 2163, 279, 3158, 13, 8876, 4261, 53703, 5343, 459, 2686, 311, 3708, 12197, 311, 11, 279, 8141, 315, 1194, 3772, 1101, 59754, 430, 502, 2254, 93134, 1047, 264, 3445, 311, 19570, 449, 1023, 93134, 323, 3719, 961, 315, 279, 3674, 14488, 430, 65591, 279, 7351, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 311, 2019, 430, 12365, 31261, 1051, 2744, 23205, 48188, 13, 11205, 27375, 574, 40076, 57780, 291, 555, 1614, 72498, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 832, 12365, 7364, 11, 902, 20034, 311, 51041, 64217, 30627, 323, 76847, 304, 1628, 87227, 689, 311, 5249, 279, 356, 6542, 11, 574, 60845, 9670, 994, 682, 279, 22032, 1051, 12800, 520, 279, 1176, 1567, 320, 87575, 7053, 220, 2366, 15, 11, 220, 10288 ]
on the coast, after all), the glow of the hotel looked picture-perfect welcoming. Gah, this is exactly what you want from a Yorkshire getaway. After dumping our bags and the obligatory jumping on beds, we pottered around the grounds and said hello to the cows. The grounds were my favourite thing about the hotel- I love scouting out all the cool little touches and going on mini-expeditions in the immediate area to build up an appetite and get some of that fresh air stuff in my lungs. You’re set in absolutely gorgeous surroundings, so if you go (and you should), take a camera and a pair of sturdy shoes! The hotel itself is an old country house, filled with log fires, thick comfy couches and, of course, that famous Yorkshire hospitality. The staff were impeccable- we were treated like royalty from the minute we walked in. Makes a change from being sneered at by Londoners all day! Our room was ENORMOUS. We’d been put into a suite, so had two king size bedrooms to choose from. After ip-dip-do we settled on a the slightly smaller one for the sole reason that it was slightly further away from our noisy cow-
on the coast, after all), the glow of the hotel looked picture-perfect welcoming. Gah, this is exactly what you want from a Yorkshire getaway. After dumping our bags and the obligatory jumping on beds, we pottered around the grounds and said hello to the cows. The grounds were my favourite thing about the hotel- I love scouting out all the cool little touches and going on mini-expeditions in the immediate area to build up an appetite and get some of that fresh air stuff in my lungs. You’re set in absolutely gorgeous surroundings, so if you go (and you should), take a camera and a pair of sturdy shoes! The hotel itself is an old country house, filled with log fires, thick comfy couches and, of course, that famous Yorkshire hospitality. The staff were impeccable- we were treated like royalty from the minute we walked in. Makes a change from being sneered at by Londoners all day! Our room was ENORMOUS. We’d been put into a suite, so had two king size bedrooms to choose from. After ip-dip-do we settled on a the slightly smaller one for the sole reason that it was slightly further away from our noisy cow-
neighbours(!). We were in the newer building, which was lovely but didn’t quite have the same feel as the more earthy charm of the older parts of the building, but did have the added bonus of getting a great seat for sunset. We booked into the restaurant, skipping Scarborough’s best fish and chips for what turned out to be one hell of a dinner. A four course lesson in proper Yorkshire Masterchef-level food, we were blown away by the quality of food (and service!). I had a carrot and coriander soup, the duck confit salad, the lamb, and the lemon assiette, washed down with the silkiest Carmenere ever. They looked fantastic, and judging by the sounds coming from our table, tasted gorgeous. I mean, just look at their menu. Both Jonathan and I needed a good lying down after all that, so crawled back to our room and into bed, ready for the best night sleep, literally ever. In the morning, we walked the wonderfully named Dog Bark Bend route through the North Yorkshire Moors, stopping for a cheeky selfie and to stroke passing pets-on-walkies. When I used to think of Scarborough, I thought of those
[ 319, 262, 7051, 11, 706, 477, 828, 262, 19634, 286, 262, 7541, 3114, 4286, 12, 25833, 22516, 13, 402, 993, 11, 428, 318, 3446, 644, 345, 765, 422, 257, 31157, 651, 8272, 13, 198, 3260, 30231, 674, 11668, 290, 262, 44609, 14284, 319, 20237, 11, 356, 1787, 4400, 1088, 262, 9384, 290, 531, 23748, 284, 262, 22575, 13, 383, 9384, 547, 616, 12507, 1517, 546, 262, 7541, 12, 314, 1842, 27088, 503, 477, 262, 3608, 1310, 18105, 290, 1016, 319, 9927, 12, 1069, 9124, 1756, 287, 262, 7103, 1989, 284, 1382, 510, 281, 20788, 290, 651, 617, 286, 326, 4713, 1633, 3404, 287, 616, 21726, 13, 921, 447, 247, 260, 900, 287, 5543, 18857, 21334, 11, 523, 611, 345, 467, 357, 392, 345, 815, 828, 1011, 257, 4676, 290, 257, 5166, 286, 28055, 10012, 0, 198, 464, 7541, 2346, 318, 281, 1468, 1499, 2156, 11, 5901, 351, 2604, 12252, 11, 6546, 401, 24928, 2284, 2052, 290, 11, 286, 1781, 11, 326, 5863, 31157, 33362, 13, 383, 3085, 547, 45707, 540, 12, 356, 547, 5716, 588, 29359, 422, 262, 5664, 356, 6807, 287, 13, 27433, 257, 1487, 422, 852, 10505, 1068, 379, 416, 3576, 364, 477, 1110, 0, 198, 5122, 2119, 373, 12964, 1581, 44, 20958, 13, 775, 447, 247, 67, 587, 1234, 656, 257, 18389, 11, 523, 550, 734, 5822, 2546, 38529, 284, 3853, 422, 13, 2293, 20966, 12, 67, 541, 12, 4598, 356, 10282, 319, 257, 262, 4622, 4833, 530, 329, 262, 6195, 1738, 326, 340, 373, 4622, 2252, 1497, 422, 674, 31210, 9875, 12 ]
[ 389, 279, 13962, 11, 1306, 682, 705, 279, 37066, 315, 279, 9689, 7111, 6945, 17453, 3836, 36387, 13, 480, 1494, 11, 420, 374, 7041, 1148, 499, 1390, 505, 264, 51327, 70993, 627, 6153, 61682, 1057, 18381, 323, 279, 98024, 30102, 389, 28036, 11, 584, 3419, 34259, 2212, 279, 21319, 323, 1071, 24748, 311, 279, 46266, 13, 578, 21319, 1051, 856, 19214, 3245, 922, 279, 9689, 12, 358, 3021, 67480, 704, 682, 279, 7155, 2697, 29727, 323, 2133, 389, 13726, 18882, 291, 6055, 304, 279, 14247, 3158, 311, 1977, 709, 459, 38575, 323, 636, 1063, 315, 430, 7878, 3805, 6392, 304, 856, 45274, 13, 1472, 3207, 743, 304, 11112, 24415, 40190, 11, 779, 422, 499, 733, 320, 438, 499, 1288, 705, 1935, 264, 6382, 323, 264, 6857, 315, 45652, 15653, 4999, 791, 9689, 5196, 374, 459, 2362, 3224, 3838, 11, 10409, 449, 1515, 27176, 11, 12314, 60421, 27240, 288, 323, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 430, 11495, 51327, 47609, 13, 578, 5687, 1051, 89646, 12, 584, 1051, 12020, 1093, 53817, 505, 279, 9568, 584, 15203, 304, 13, 37970, 264, 2349, 505, 1694, 21423, 12616, 520, 555, 7295, 388, 682, 1938, 4999, 8140, 3130, 574, 5301, 4463, 52567, 13, 1226, 7070, 1027, 2231, 1139, 264, 16578, 11, 779, 1047, 1403, 11734, 1404, 28689, 311, 5268, 505, 13, 4740, 6125, 1773, 575, 30659, 584, 23183, 389, 264, 279, 10284, 9333, 832, 369, 279, 13612, 2944, 430, 433, 574, 10284, 4726, 3201, 505, 1057, 50380, 19923, 12 ]
[ 818, 53217, 3555, 570, 1226, 1051, 304, 279, 26627, 4857, 11, 902, 574, 17104, 719, 3287, 1431, 5115, 617, 279, 1890, 2733, 439, 279, 810, 9578, 88, 32353, 315, 279, 9191, 5596, 315, 279, 4857, 11, 719, 1550, 617, 279, 3779, 12306, 315, 3794, 264, 2294, 10954, 369, 44084, 627, 1687, 34070, 1139, 279, 10960, 11, 43759, 86532, 753, 1888, 7795, 323, 24512, 369, 1148, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 832, 15123, 315, 264, 14177, 13, 362, 3116, 3388, 18228, 304, 6300, 51327, 11060, 76179, 11852, 3691, 11, 584, 1051, 36574, 3201, 555, 279, 4367, 315, 3691, 320, 438, 2532, 43492, 358, 1047, 264, 75294, 323, 1867, 72, 8363, 19724, 11, 279, 37085, 2389, 275, 33566, 11, 279, 39406, 11, 323, 279, 30564, 1089, 3978, 668, 11, 38593, 1523, 449, 279, 5554, 6780, 478, 71058, 486, 3596, 13, 2435, 7111, 14964, 11, 323, 50790, 555, 279, 10578, 5108, 505, 1057, 2007, 11, 61580, 24415, 13, 358, 3152, 11, 1120, 1427, 520, 872, 5130, 13, 11995, 24150, 323, 358, 4460, 264, 1695, 21078, 1523, 1306, 682, 430, 11, 779, 93270, 1203, 311, 1057, 3130, 323, 1139, 4950, 11, 5644, 369, 279, 1888, 3814, 6212, 11, 16280, 3596, 627, 644, 279, 6693, 11, 584, 15203, 279, 61085, 7086, 14588, 60629, 48838, 6149, 1555, 279, 4892, 51327, 6178, 1105, 11, 23351, 369, 264, 41803, 88, 65394, 323, 311, 12943, 12579, 26159, 10539, 2695, 1727, 552, 627, 4599, 358, 1511, 311, 1781, 315, 86532, 11, 358, 3463, 315, 1884 ]
encircled with motifs of brewing and accented with beer barrels at the base and beer hops throughout. Happy Oktoberfest Plastic Stein with Pretzel Handle. A truly unique .85 Liter beer stein which features landmarks of Germany with a special emphasis given to the historic Olympia Park. Classic in appearance with a cobalt blue finish and accented with an ornate handle. Amazing collection of Beer Steins to add a touch of Germany. file your comment online at https://ftcpublic.commentworks.com/ftc/jimkoonsmgtconsent by following the instructions on the web-based form. Street SW., 5th Floor, Suite 5610 (Annex D), Washington, DC 20024. 2016. Write ``Jim Koons Management Company--Consent Agreement; File No. comment to the Commission by courier or overnight service. practice under section 5 of the FTC Act. subject to an open recall. A project to attract school children to Antarctica ecology research was launched yesterday in Ukraine, Nov. 1, the Ministry of Education and Science reports. It will be implemented by the National Antarctic Scientific Center (NASC), together with the National Ecological and Naturalistic Youth Center. These
encircled with motifs of brewing and accented with beer barrels at the base and beer hops throughout. Happy Oktoberfest Plastic Stein with Pretzel Handle. A truly unique .85 Liter beer stein which features landmarks of Germany with a special emphasis given to the historic Olympia Park. Classic in appearance with a cobalt blue finish and accented with an ornate handle. Amazing collection of Beer Steins to add a touch of Germany. file your comment online at https://ftcpublic.commentworks.com/ftc/jimkoonsmgtconsent by following the instructions on the web-based form. Street SW., 5th Floor, Suite 5610 (Annex D), Washington, DC 20024. 2016. Write ``Jim Koons Management Company--Consent Agreement; File No. comment to the Commission by courier or overnight service. practice under section 5 of the FTC Act. subject to an open recall. A project to attract school children to Antarctica ecology research was launched yesterday in Ukraine, Nov. 1, the Ministry of Education and Science reports. It will be implemented by the National Antarctic Scientific Center (NASC), together with the National Ecological and Naturalistic Youth Center. These
studies are part of an international program to monitor and predict the state of the Southern Ocean’s ecosystem and Antarctic krill stocks. Vernadsky Station was one of the first to join this monitoring program. “The ultimate goal of the research is a scientifically sound answer to the question: does the krill population really decrease dramatically and needs protection as some eco-activists warn, or krill can be caught unconditionally, as industrialists convinced. Calculating krill in the ocean is very difficult. Therefore, scientists from different countries have agreed to use the state of penguin populations as a kind of ‘barometer’ for krill stocks, because krill is the main food for penguins in Antarctica. Judging by the success of reproduction of penguin nesting pairs and the survival of chicks, it will be possible to assess the available food reserve, that is, krill stocks in a certain area,” said Evgen Dykyj, the acting head of the NASC of Ukraine. Three cameras take images of penguins in the vicinity of Vernadsky Station. Several thousand pictures have accumulated that require processing and analysis. Scientists of the NASC decided to involve high school students to study the data. To do this
[ 2207, 343, 20095, 351, 32702, 82, 286, 21778, 290, 697, 4714, 351, 6099, 17907, 379, 262, 2779, 290, 6099, 29438, 3690, 13, 198, 25082, 6762, 1462, 527, 23411, 33731, 15215, 351, 37123, 17396, 33141, 13, 198, 32, 4988, 3748, 764, 5332, 17667, 6099, 2876, 259, 543, 3033, 41532, 286, 4486, 351, 257, 2041, 12476, 1813, 284, 262, 9566, 45760, 3250, 13, 13449, 287, 5585, 351, 257, 22843, 2501, 4171, 5461, 290, 697, 4714, 351, 281, 25322, 378, 5412, 13, 198, 42770, 4947, 286, 16971, 2441, 1040, 284, 751, 257, 3638, 286, 4486, 13, 2393, 534, 2912, 2691, 379, 3740, 1378, 701, 66, 11377, 13, 23893, 5225, 13, 785, 14, 701, 66, 14, 73, 320, 7204, 684, 11296, 83, 5936, 298, 416, 1708, 262, 7729, 319, 262, 3992, 12, 3106, 1296, 13, 198, 34356, 12672, 1539, 642, 400, 22343, 11, 26264, 7265, 940, 357, 2025, 12413, 360, 828, 2669, 11, 6257, 939, 1731, 13, 198, 5304, 13, 19430, 7559, 18050, 509, 13022, 8549, 5834, 438, 9444, 298, 12729, 26, 9220, 1400, 13, 198, 23893, 284, 262, 4513, 416, 48934, 393, 13417, 2139, 13, 198, 39541, 739, 2665, 642, 286, 262, 35606, 2191, 13, 198, 32796, 284, 281, 1280, 10014, 13, 317, 1628, 284, 4729, 1524, 1751, 284, 30185, 36517, 2267, 373, 5611, 7415, 287, 7049, 11, 5267, 13, 352, 11, 262, 9475, 286, 7868, 290, 5800, 3136, 13, 198, 1026, 481, 307, 9177, 416, 262, 2351, 33149, 22060, 3337, 357, 18293, 34, 828, 1978, 351, 262, 2351, 14003, 2770, 290, 12068, 2569, 17582, 3337, 13, 198, 4711 ]
[ 3289, 2496, 839, 449, 84989, 315, 50259, 323, 1046, 16243, 449, 13179, 42975, 520, 279, 2385, 323, 13179, 59218, 6957, 627, 33947, 74308, 53864, 37108, 35606, 449, 63039, 28493, 14078, 627, 32, 9615, 5016, 662, 5313, 26550, 13179, 4179, 258, 902, 4519, 61024, 315, 10057, 449, 264, 3361, 25679, 2728, 311, 279, 18526, 96829, 5657, 13, 22591, 304, 11341, 449, 264, 34928, 3223, 6437, 6381, 323, 1046, 16243, 449, 459, 40545, 349, 3790, 627, 66173, 4526, 315, 34484, 3441, 1354, 311, 923, 264, 5916, 315, 10057, 13, 1052, 701, 4068, 2930, 520, 3788, 1129, 728, 66, 898, 32070, 19033, 916, 14, 728, 66, 4537, 318, 9509, 2439, 76, 5289, 6387, 306, 555, 2768, 279, 11470, 389, 279, 3566, 6108, 1376, 627, 35647, 13692, 2637, 220, 20, 339, 16990, 11, 21652, 220, 20460, 15, 320, 28192, 327, 423, 705, 6652, 11, 11162, 220, 1049, 1187, 627, 679, 21, 13, 9842, 10103, 37734, 735, 29639, 9744, 8351, 313, 15577, 306, 23314, 26, 2958, 2360, 627, 6313, 311, 279, 9849, 555, 75617, 477, 25402, 2532, 627, 60621, 1234, 3857, 220, 20, 315, 279, 79360, 3298, 627, 11760, 311, 459, 1825, 19635, 13, 362, 2447, 311, 9504, 2978, 2911, 311, 72787, 72546, 3495, 574, 11887, 13985, 304, 19278, 11, 4723, 13, 220, 16, 11, 279, 20214, 315, 11930, 323, 10170, 6821, 627, 2181, 690, 387, 11798, 555, 279, 5165, 80841, 38130, 5955, 320, 45, 24635, 705, 3871, 449, 279, 5165, 37211, 5848, 323, 18955, 4633, 30160, 5955, 627, 9673 ]
[ 7978, 527, 961, 315, 459, 6625, 2068, 311, 8891, 323, 7168, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 16642, 22302, 753, 26031, 323, 80841, 23975, 484, 23301, 627, 53, 944, 329, 27782, 17040, 574, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 311, 5249, 420, 16967, 2068, 627, 14305, 17139, 5915, 315, 279, 3495, 374, 264, 74647, 5222, 4320, 311, 279, 3488, 25, 1587, 279, 23975, 484, 7187, 2216, 18979, 29057, 323, 3966, 9313, 439, 1063, 42688, 12, 9035, 1705, 8985, 11, 477, 23975, 484, 649, 387, 10791, 653, 97067, 11, 439, 13076, 1705, 22954, 13, 32459, 1113, 23975, 484, 304, 279, 18435, 374, 1633, 5107, 13, 15636, 11, 14248, 505, 2204, 5961, 617, 7378, 311, 1005, 279, 1614, 315, 281, 46972, 22673, 439, 264, 3169, 315, 3451, 2308, 21037, 529, 369, 23975, 484, 23301, 11, 1606, 23975, 484, 374, 279, 1925, 3691, 369, 281, 56458, 304, 72787, 13, 11462, 3252, 555, 279, 2450, 315, 39656, 315, 281, 46972, 67810, 13840, 323, 279, 20237, 315, 69089, 11, 433, 690, 387, 3284, 311, 8720, 279, 2561, 3691, 21137, 11, 430, 374, 11, 23975, 484, 23301, 304, 264, 3738, 3158, 2476, 1071, 10641, 4469, 43048, 8050, 73, 11, 279, 15718, 2010, 315, 279, 16473, 34, 315, 19278, 627, 20215, 18632, 1935, 5448, 315, 281, 56458, 304, 279, 53851, 315, 49845, 329, 27782, 17040, 13, 26778, 16579, 9364, 617, 41165, 430, 1397, 8863, 323, 6492, 13, 57116, 315, 279, 16473, 34, 6773, 311, 21736, 1579, 2978, 4236, 311, 4007, 279, 828, 627, 1271, 656, 420 ]
North and West by the Kadara tribe. It is about 12km from Kachia town. The vegetation of this Area falls under the guinea savannah type with prominent feature of fall grasses called elephant grass. Among the natural resources of the region are timber, palm produce, trees and some agricultural products such as ginger, maize, millet, yam, cassava and a host of others. 1.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The history of Kuturmi people was associated with migration. There exists two sources of the Kuturmi Origin. One traditional source holds that the Kutumbawa people captured Kanu empire in the year A.D. 499. Bagauda was said to be a grandson of Bayajidda the snake killer of Daura. The second source which is the Katsina fable, simly puts it that the Kuturmi people migrated to their present settlement from Kano city in 1807 (Burdon 1969). The Kutumbawa people were nicknamed after their occupation “Mortar carving” by their neighbour the word “Mortar” is Turimi in Hausa, But they later moved from Kano and by-passed Zaria to
North and West by the Kadara tribe. It is about 12km from Kachia town. The vegetation of this Area falls under the guinea savannah type with prominent feature of fall grasses called elephant grass. Among the natural resources of the region are timber, palm produce, trees and some agricultural products such as ginger, maize, millet, yam, cassava and a host of others. 1.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The history of Kuturmi people was associated with migration. There exists two sources of the Kuturmi Origin. One traditional source holds that the Kutumbawa people captured Kanu empire in the year A.D. 499. Bagauda was said to be a grandson of Bayajidda the snake killer of Daura. The second source which is the Katsina fable, simly puts it that the Kuturmi people migrated to their present settlement from Kano city in 1807 (Burdon 1969). The Kutumbawa people were nicknamed after their occupation “Mortar carving” by their neighbour the word “Mortar” is Turimi in Hausa, But they later moved from Kano and by-passed Zaria to
the north and Kauru to South and settled at a village called Kallah in Kajuru district of Kajuru Local Government Area. 1.3 SOCIO-CULTURAL PROFILE 1.3.1 CULTURAL PROFILE Culture is a shared learned symbolic of values, beliefs and attitude that shape and influence perception and behaviour. In Kuturmi land their culture respect the fact that females should not wear trouser while males should not wear skirts. Their belief is that men should not wear women clothing while women should also not wear men’s clothing. Also the longitudinal tribal mark on their cheeks is an identity to describe the Kutumbawa people. 1.3.2 RELIGION The Religion in Kuturmi land before Christianity was around just like other Nigerian community was essentially traditional, but now they have three religions namely: Traditional, Christianity and Islam. TRADITION This religion embraces a number of beliefs and practices among which he belief in the supernatural, who is believed to be the architect of their lives. In this practice, there is the belief of several spirits those that posses powers above those of ordinary human beings and the constitute power of their own and
[ 2258, 290, 2688, 416, 262, 31996, 3301, 14893, 13, 632, 318, 546, 1105, 13276, 422, 509, 620, 544, 3240, 13, 198, 464, 28459, 286, 428, 9498, 8953, 739, 262, 915, 18343, 6799, 25761, 2099, 351, 9208, 3895, 286, 2121, 8701, 274, 1444, 20950, 8701, 13, 198, 14311, 262, 3288, 4133, 286, 262, 3814, 389, 30605, 11, 18057, 4439, 11, 7150, 290, 617, 14240, 3186, 884, 355, 25072, 11, 49235, 11, 1465, 1616, 11, 331, 321, 11, 30606, 4170, 290, 257, 2583, 286, 1854, 13, 198, 16, 13, 17, 367, 8808, 1581, 20151, 28767, 46025, 198, 464, 2106, 286, 40323, 333, 11632, 661, 373, 3917, 351, 13472, 13, 1318, 7160, 734, 4237, 286, 262, 40323, 333, 11632, 19349, 13, 1881, 4569, 2723, 6622, 326, 262, 40323, 2178, 6909, 661, 7907, 14248, 84, 13735, 287, 262, 614, 317, 13, 35, 13, 48391, 13, 20127, 3885, 64, 373, 531, 284, 307, 257, 31845, 286, 4696, 1228, 1638, 64, 262, 17522, 11868, 286, 360, 33830, 13, 198, 464, 1218, 2723, 543, 318, 262, 47244, 1437, 277, 540, 11, 985, 306, 7584, 340, 326, 262, 40323, 333, 11632, 661, 40227, 284, 511, 1944, 9443, 422, 509, 5733, 1748, 287, 1248, 2998, 357, 33, 2799, 261, 16450, 737, 198, 464, 40323, 2178, 6909, 661, 547, 35786, 706, 511, 13755, 564, 250, 44, 419, 283, 39510, 447, 251, 416, 511, 12250, 262, 1573, 564, 250, 44, 419, 283, 447, 251, 318, 3831, 25236, 287, 367, 8717, 64, 11, 887, 484, 1568, 3888, 422, 509, 5733, 290, 416, 12, 6603, 276, 1168, 10312, 284 ]
[ 4892, 323, 4410, 555, 279, 74776, 5169, 34671, 13, 1102, 374, 922, 220, 717, 16400, 505, 735, 613, 689, 6424, 627, 791, 54832, 315, 420, 12299, 17503, 1234, 279, 1709, 35518, 11427, 44104, 955, 449, 21102, 4668, 315, 4498, 16763, 288, 2663, 46840, 16763, 627, 34710, 279, 5933, 5070, 315, 279, 5654, 527, 45888, 11, 33552, 8356, 11, 12690, 323, 1063, 29149, 3956, 1778, 439, 44768, 11, 93307, 11, 112455, 11, 379, 309, 11, 45324, 2979, 323, 264, 3552, 315, 3885, 627, 16, 13, 17, 473, 3931, 878, 15942, 97714, 198, 791, 3925, 315, 97007, 324, 8318, 1274, 574, 5938, 449, 12172, 13, 2684, 6866, 1403, 8336, 315, 279, 97007, 324, 8318, 17554, 13, 3861, 8776, 2592, 10187, 430, 279, 97007, 3635, 14406, 1274, 17439, 31663, 84, 32447, 304, 279, 1060, 362, 920, 13, 220, 18162, 13, 20287, 8039, 64, 574, 1071, 311, 387, 264, 66955, 315, 9332, 1662, 1810, 64, 279, 26332, 25534, 315, 423, 22290, 627, 791, 2132, 2592, 902, 374, 279, 735, 1900, 2259, 282, 481, 11, 1675, 398, 9711, 433, 430, 279, 97007, 324, 8318, 1274, 73691, 311, 872, 3118, 17516, 505, 735, 5770, 3363, 304, 220, 5245, 22, 320, 62339, 15357, 220, 5162, 24, 4390, 791, 97007, 3635, 14406, 1274, 1051, 90234, 1306, 872, 30747, 1054, 44, 371, 277, 77791, 863, 555, 872, 22686, 279, 3492, 1054, 44, 371, 277, 863, 374, 8877, 25877, 304, 48475, 64, 11, 2030, 814, 3010, 7882, 505, 735, 5770, 323, 555, 48067, 291, 1901, 10649, 311 ]
[ 279, 10411, 323, 735, 4202, 84, 311, 4987, 323, 23183, 520, 264, 14458, 2663, 735, 77578, 304, 735, 1662, 21585, 9474, 315, 735, 1662, 21585, 8949, 10423, 12299, 627, 16, 13, 18, 38750, 3895, 7813, 3616, 51785, 72050, 198, 16, 13, 18, 13, 16, 356, 3616, 51785, 72050, 198, 26896, 374, 264, 6222, 9687, 36396, 315, 2819, 11, 21463, 323, 19451, 430, 6211, 323, 10383, 21063, 323, 17432, 13, 763, 97007, 324, 8318, 4363, 872, 7829, 5201, 279, 2144, 430, 28585, 1288, 539, 10051, 61128, 261, 1418, 25000, 1288, 539, 10051, 77305, 13, 11205, 16801, 374, 430, 3026, 1288, 539, 10051, 3278, 17895, 1418, 3278, 1288, 1101, 539, 10051, 3026, 753, 17895, 13, 7429, 279, 68102, 40489, 1906, 389, 872, 54888, 374, 459, 9764, 311, 7664, 279, 97007, 3635, 14406, 1274, 627, 16, 13, 18, 13, 17, 32612, 1953, 1294, 198, 791, 44193, 304, 97007, 324, 8318, 4363, 1603, 32186, 574, 2212, 1120, 1093, 1023, 55433, 4029, 574, 16168, 8776, 11, 719, 1457, 814, 617, 2380, 44230, 32125, 25, 46560, 11, 32186, 323, 15256, 627, 16, 13, 18, 13, 17, 13, 16, 5091, 1846, 7237, 198, 2028, 13901, 83487, 264, 1396, 315, 21463, 323, 12659, 4315, 902, 568, 16801, 304, 279, 50058, 11, 889, 374, 11846, 311, 387, 279, 11726, 315, 872, 6439, 13, 763, 420, 6725, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 16801, 315, 3892, 31739, 1884, 430, 2278, 288, 13736, 3485, 1884, 315, 19664, 3823, 23837, 323, 279, 35256, 2410, 315, 872, 1866, 198, 438 ]
land Berufsrecht der Rechtsanwälte (Deutschland) Rechtsquelle (20. Jahrhundert) Patricia Ann Reese (born 1950s) is an American former professional tennis player. Reese grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida, where her father worked as a general surgeon. She won national championships as a junior and competed on the international tour during the 1970s. In 1975 she reached the third round of the Wimbledon Championships as a qualifier. She has been married to politician J. Edward Meyer since 1979. References External links 1950s births Date of birth missing (living people) Living people American female tennis players Tennis people from Florida Sportspeople from St. Petersburg, Florida Rywalizacja w wadze do 63 kg kobiet w podnoszeniu ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000 odbyła się 19 września 2000 roku w hali Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. W rywalizacji wystartowało 9 zawod
land Berufsrecht der Rechtsanwälte (Deutschland) Rechtsquelle (20. Jahrhundert) Patricia Ann Reese (born 1950s) is an American former professional tennis player. Reese grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida, where her father worked as a general surgeon. She won national championships as a junior and competed on the international tour during the 1970s. In 1975 she reached the third round of the Wimbledon Championships as a qualifier. She has been married to politician J. Edward Meyer since 1979. References External links 1950s births Date of birth missing (living people) Living people American female tennis players Tennis people from Florida Sportspeople from St. Petersburg, Florida Rywalizacja w wadze do 63 kg kobiet w podnoszeniu ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000 odbyła się 19 września 2000 roku w hali Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. W rywalizacji wystartowało 9 zawod
niczek z 9 krajów. Był to debiut tej konkurencji w programie olimpijskim. Pierwszą w historii mistrzynią olimpijską w tej kategorii wagowej została Chinka Chen Xiaomin, srebrny medal wywalczyła Rosjanka Walentina Popowa, a trzecie miejsce zajęła Joana Chadziioanu z Grecji. Wyniki Bibliografia Podnoszenie ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000 Бакхолтс () град је у америчкој савезној држави Тексас. По попису ст
[ 1044, 198, 24814, 3046, 82, 260, 21474, 4587, 797, 354, 912, 272, 86, 11033, 75, 660, 357, 5005, 40768, 1044, 8, 198, 3041, 354, 912, 421, 13485, 357, 1238, 13, 48984, 17179, 4625, 83, 8, 30223, 5506, 39929, 357, 6286, 11445, 82, 8, 318, 281, 1605, 1966, 4708, 20790, 2137, 13, 198, 198, 3041, 2771, 6348, 510, 287, 520, 13, 27051, 11, 4744, 11, 810, 607, 2988, 3111, 355, 257, 2276, 23923, 13, 1375, 1839, 2260, 27459, 355, 257, 13430, 290, 32440, 319, 262, 3230, 4205, 1141, 262, 8069, 82, 13, 554, 15231, 673, 4251, 262, 2368, 2835, 286, 262, 39999, 49258, 24782, 355, 257, 39265, 13, 1375, 468, 587, 6405, 284, 14971, 449, 13, 10443, 23975, 1201, 13521, 13, 198, 198, 19927, 198, 198, 41506, 6117, 198, 220, 198, 220, 198, 198, 42751, 82, 27244, 198, 10430, 286, 4082, 4814, 357, 19950, 661, 8, 198, 36376, 661, 198, 7437, 4048, 20790, 1938, 198, 51, 10679, 661, 422, 4744, 198, 18153, 15332, 422, 520, 13, 27051, 11, 4744, 11089, 16783, 528, 330, 6592, 266, 266, 324, 2736, 466, 8093, 14211, 479, 672, 1155, 266, 24573, 39369, 4801, 16115, 269, 72, 128, 247, 129, 120, 283, 10205, 86, 12385, 3914, 77, 488, 314, 2164, 89, 893, 74, 620, 440, 2475, 79, 2926, 8135, 488, 4751, 16298, 1525, 41615, 64, 33721, 128, 247, 678, 1319, 2736, 129, 249, 18142, 4751, 686, 23063, 266, 289, 7344, 11852, 11680, 290, 48064, 9072, 13, 370, 374, 88, 16783, 528, 330, 7285, 266, 88, 9688, 8455, 41615, 78, 860, 1976, 707, 375 ]
[ 1974, 198, 39379, 88183, 48731, 2761, 1050, 55427, 276, 86, 30902, 668, 320, 1951, 24681, 1974, 340, 697, 55427, 88265, 320, 508, 13, 38519, 71, 1263, 531, 8, 55034, 9489, 82639, 320, 16381, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 8, 374, 459, 3778, 4846, 6721, 32515, 2851, 382, 697, 2423, 14264, 709, 304, 800, 13, 55048, 11, 9784, 11, 1405, 1077, 7126, 6575, 439, 264, 4689, 46098, 13, 3005, 2834, 5426, 59284, 439, 264, 27144, 323, 67235, 389, 279, 6625, 7364, 2391, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 20, 1364, 8813, 279, 4948, 4883, 315, 279, 91257, 48854, 439, 264, 61747, 13, 3005, 706, 1027, 12502, 311, 37038, 622, 13, 22653, 48290, 2533, 220, 4468, 24, 382, 32812, 271, 27002, 7902, 27907, 4815, 6280, 15, 82, 66332, 198, 1956, 315, 7342, 7554, 320, 64275, 1274, 340, 45605, 1274, 198, 29518, 8954, 32515, 4311, 198, 51, 16550, 1274, 505, 9784, 198, 42079, 16455, 505, 800, 13, 55048, 11, 9784, 26775, 27495, 450, 52789, 289, 289, 329, 3059, 656, 220, 5495, 21647, 73351, 3978, 289, 7661, 37491, 5797, 19260, 12088, 82018, 277, 12543, 4415, 6914, 77, 718, 358, 911, 89, 1065, 74, 613, 507, 4763, 2554, 2580, 71876, 220, 1049, 15, 11018, 1729, 22250, 12951, 220, 777, 3189, 3059, 7545, 21557, 220, 1049, 15, 56402, 289, 305, 8115, 21972, 26958, 323, 68033, 14821, 13, 468, 35019, 27495, 450, 34478, 88664, 472, 13780, 23762, 220, 24, 65107, 347 ]
[ 11851, 64123, 1167, 220, 24, 108451, 12543, 13, 3296, 4697, 311, 4316, 72, 332, 63080, 97915, 554, 1031, 7910, 289, 2068, 648, 297, 4763, 2554, 2580, 58993, 13, 21377, 9092, 28381, 289, 7135, 3893, 93011, 89, 1910, 47992, 297, 4763, 2554, 2580, 74, 5985, 289, 63080, 111846, 3893, 65425, 61482, 62975, 22250, 921, 75222, 25507, 41235, 8129, 11, 274, 265, 1347, 3919, 37712, 16999, 86, 17356, 4341, 22250, 16870, 73, 27769, 14916, 24856, 10466, 13780, 11, 264, 490, 89, 762, 648, 77970, 346, 82447, 5267, 22250, 11186, 3444, 43130, 8510, 822, 276, 84, 1167, 480, 2827, 7910, 382, 54, 1910, 7723, 271, 33, 69713, 50901, 33006, 33006, 33006, 720, 4815, 24434, 37491, 39518, 12088, 82018, 277, 12543, 4415, 6914, 77, 718, 358, 911, 89, 1065, 74, 613, 507, 4763, 2554, 2580, 71876, 220, 1049, 15, 64571, 16248, 10693, 7975, 1830, 2297, 1754, 25756, 118900, 9015, 246, 1532, 14257, 21022, 64134, 34082, 48199, 117356, 5524, 18226, 32985, 13999, 117356, 121063, 17394, 125082, 51418, 79288, 18437, 13, 103841, 101910, 13810, 3865, 18868 ]
Western Izu Chubu Travel Guide Kansai region includes Kyoto, the most popular tourist destination of Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan, and its history and culture, temples and shrines, and traditional buildings attract both domestic and international tourists. The autumn colors of Kyoto are absolutely amazing. Osaka, the second largest city of Japan is also located in Kinki, and has become the entry point for foreign tourists into Japan alongside Tokyo. Kansai Travel Guide Chugoku region is located on the western part of Honshu. A popular tourist destination is Hiroshima. Hiroshima is famous for Itsukushima Shrine and floating Torii gates of Miyajima, as well as the A-bomb dome, Peace Park and Museum. One of the highest ranking shrines in Japan - Izumo Taisha, the picturesque town of Kurashiki, and the limestone cave of Akiyoshido are all part of Chugoku region. Chugoku Travel Guide Shikoku consists of as four prefectures and is one of the four islands that make up Japan. Shikoku is famous for the Shimanami Kaido that allows bicycle access across islands of the Seto inlet, the whirl pools of
Western Izu Chubu Travel Guide Kansai region includes Kyoto, the most popular tourist destination of Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan, and its history and culture, temples and shrines, and traditional buildings attract both domestic and international tourists. The autumn colors of Kyoto are absolutely amazing. Osaka, the second largest city of Japan is also located in Kinki, and has become the entry point for foreign tourists into Japan alongside Tokyo. Kansai Travel Guide Chugoku region is located on the western part of Honshu. A popular tourist destination is Hiroshima. Hiroshima is famous for Itsukushima Shrine and floating Torii gates of Miyajima, as well as the A-bomb dome, Peace Park and Museum. One of the highest ranking shrines in Japan - Izumo Taisha, the picturesque town of Kurashiki, and the limestone cave of Akiyoshido are all part of Chugoku region. Chugoku Travel Guide Shikoku consists of as four prefectures and is one of the four islands that make up Japan. Shikoku is famous for the Shimanami Kaido that allows bicycle access across islands of the Seto inlet, the whirl pools of
Naruto and Kagawa’s famous shrine, Kotohiragu. In recent years, the pilgrim journey (Ohenro) around the 88 temples scattered across Shikoku has become a popular activity for international travelers. Shikoku Travel Guide Kyushu region is the far west island and its surrounding islands including Okinawa. Kyushu has many places to visit including the largest city Fukuoka, one of the best hotsprings of Japan - Beppu Onsen, and the impressive black colored Kumamoto Castle. Okinawa has the blue sea and colorful coral reefs with a variety of marine life to enjoy. Shimabara Peninsula Kyushu & Okinawa Travel Guide DestinationsDestinations Nature/Scenery (landscape) Hotspring (Onsen) Cultural traditions Traditional handicrafts All about JapanAll About Japan Traditional performing arts Sub-culture About this SiteAbout this site About Japan Hoppers Travel Guide Menu Hirosaki Matsushima Hiraizumi The Tohoku region is located in the northern part of Honshu, including Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. The region
[ 198, 24227, 314, 27624, 198, 1925, 549, 84, 13524, 10005, 198, 42, 504, 1872, 3814, 3407, 36298, 11, 262, 749, 2968, 18473, 10965, 286, 2869, 13, 36298, 373, 262, 1966, 3139, 286, 2869, 11, 290, 663, 2106, 290, 3968, 11, 27081, 290, 10157, 1127, 11, 290, 4569, 6832, 4729, 1111, 5928, 290, 3230, 15930, 13, 383, 23608, 7577, 286, 36298, 389, 5543, 4998, 13, 42429, 11, 262, 1218, 4387, 1748, 286, 2869, 318, 635, 5140, 287, 509, 38799, 11, 290, 468, 1716, 262, 5726, 966, 329, 3215, 15930, 656, 2869, 7848, 11790, 13, 198, 42, 504, 1872, 13524, 10005, 198, 1925, 1018, 11601, 3814, 318, 5140, 319, 262, 8830, 636, 286, 367, 684, 13415, 13, 317, 2968, 18473, 10965, 318, 42922, 13, 42922, 318, 5863, 329, 632, 2385, 74, 30474, 30682, 290, 12462, 4022, 4178, 17435, 286, 29464, 1228, 8083, 11, 355, 880, 355, 262, 317, 12, 27657, 29500, 11, 12689, 3250, 290, 9594, 13, 1881, 286, 262, 4511, 12759, 10157, 1127, 287, 2869, 532, 28493, 43712, 11940, 19388, 11, 262, 5986, 4188, 3240, 286, 18132, 1077, 5580, 11, 290, 262, 48520, 11527, 286, 48663, 88, 3768, 17305, 389, 477, 636, 286, 609, 1018, 11601, 3814, 13, 198, 1925, 1018, 11601, 13524, 10005, 198, 2484, 1134, 11601, 10874, 286, 355, 1440, 662, 2309, 942, 290, 318, 530, 286, 262, 1440, 14807, 326, 787, 510, 2869, 13, 911, 1134, 11601, 318, 5863, 329, 262, 911, 24086, 6277, 509, 44354, 326, 3578, 17026, 1895, 1973, 14807, 286, 262, 5345, 78, 287, 1616, 11, 262, 348, 1901, 20354, 286 ]
[ 198, 55924, 358, 26738, 198, 1163, 125443, 18589, 13002, 198, 42, 598, 2192, 5654, 5764, 82122, 11, 279, 1455, 5526, 31070, 9284, 315, 6457, 13, 82122, 574, 279, 4846, 6864, 315, 6457, 11, 323, 1202, 3925, 323, 7829, 11, 57997, 323, 14362, 1572, 11, 323, 8776, 14016, 9504, 2225, 13018, 323, 6625, 32753, 13, 578, 42774, 8146, 315, 82122, 527, 11112, 8056, 13, 88085, 11, 279, 2132, 7928, 3363, 315, 6457, 374, 1101, 7559, 304, 735, 50509, 11, 323, 706, 3719, 279, 4441, 1486, 369, 7362, 32753, 1139, 6457, 16662, 27286, 627, 42, 598, 2192, 18589, 13002, 198, 1163, 773, 16900, 5654, 374, 7559, 389, 279, 19001, 961, 315, 16958, 939, 84, 13, 362, 5526, 31070, 9284, 374, 57392, 92577, 13, 57392, 92577, 374, 11495, 369, 11699, 3178, 76159, 94574, 323, 19596, 8611, 3893, 35634, 315, 67559, 1662, 7675, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 362, 1481, 2925, 58438, 11, 26888, 5657, 323, 16730, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 8592, 23862, 14362, 1572, 304, 6457, 482, 48923, 65725, 24172, 36040, 11, 279, 75001, 6424, 315, 32375, 1003, 7723, 11, 323, 279, 45016, 26457, 315, 362, 6780, 88, 9451, 5362, 527, 682, 961, 315, 921, 773, 16900, 5654, 627, 1163, 773, 16900, 18589, 13002, 198, 2059, 1609, 16900, 17610, 315, 439, 3116, 90545, 1439, 323, 374, 832, 315, 279, 3116, 30100, 430, 1304, 709, 6457, 13, 1443, 1609, 16900, 374, 11495, 369, 279, 1443, 40310, 10830, 735, 3864, 78, 430, 6276, 36086, 2680, 4028, 30100, 315, 279, 2638, 78, 80207, 11, 279, 64783, 34239, 315 ]
[ 50094, 323, 77091, 14406, 753, 11495, 74648, 11, 735, 2117, 30728, 47820, 13, 763, 3293, 1667, 11, 279, 55698, 318, 11879, 320, 12174, 268, 299, 8, 2212, 279, 220, 2421, 57997, 38067, 4028, 1443, 1609, 16900, 706, 3719, 264, 5526, 5820, 369, 6625, 40386, 627, 2059, 1609, 16900, 18589, 13002, 198, 78218, 1136, 84, 5654, 374, 279, 3117, 9909, 13218, 323, 1202, 14932, 30100, 2737, 7777, 258, 14406, 13, 23727, 1136, 84, 706, 1690, 7634, 311, 4034, 2737, 279, 7928, 3363, 435, 36834, 31866, 11, 832, 315, 279, 1888, 305, 2469, 652, 826, 315, 6457, 482, 2893, 604, 84, 1952, 12021, 11, 323, 279, 16358, 3776, 28296, 86341, 57960, 27987, 13, 7777, 258, 14406, 706, 279, 6437, 9581, 323, 34966, 53103, 92822, 449, 264, 8205, 315, 29691, 2324, 311, 4774, 627, 2059, 318, 370, 5169, 50714, 198, 78218, 1136, 84, 612, 7777, 258, 14406, 18589, 13002, 198, 35930, 12922, 35930, 12922, 198, 79519, 14, 3407, 90333, 320, 89491, 340, 39, 2469, 2702, 320, 1966, 12021, 340, 34, 44547, 32006, 198, 85782, 48270, 3017, 82, 198, 2460, 922, 6457, 2460, 10180, 6457, 198, 85782, 16785, 19071, 198, 3214, 1824, 10745, 198, 10714, 420, 13207, 10714, 420, 2816, 198, 10714, 6457, 473, 32542, 198, 41348, 13002, 9937, 198, 13347, 3714, 14966, 68279, 76159, 473, 9008, 450, 25330, 198, 791, 2057, 71, 16900, 5654, 374, 7559, 304, 279, 18671, 961, 315, 16958, 939, 84, 11, 2737, 362, 316, 13915, 11, 16762, 6388, 11, 358, 86, 349, 11, 34654, 351, 460, 11, 67559, 37135, 323, 89839, 90545, 1439, 13, 578, 5654 ]
The alliance appeared to move from pie in the sky to offering free pie for all when the press release promised that the group “will also significantly reduce costs for everyone involved while creating a smooth, positive user experience”. After the announcement dropped, Runway Girl Network spoke at length with Airbus’ vice president for digital transformation programmes Matt Evans and Eric Peyrucain from the airframer’s digital transformation office to try to nail down some of the more nebulous aspects of the alliance. Then, in advance of and during the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg, RGN also asked key stakeholders in the inflight connectivity ecosystem to weigh in with their thoughts. Airbus’ Evans and Peyrucain characterized the alliance as a sort of next-gen IFC version of the Wi-Fi Alliance, setting standards but not itself selling products, with a key focus for billing and the end user shifting to the mobile telcos. This is a controversial idea, to say the least. Building standards to support seamless inflight connectivity is one of the core ambitions of the Seamless Air Alliance. Image: Seamless Air Alliance slide deck. Evans told RGN that the group comprises “leading companies coming together
The alliance appeared to move from pie in the sky to offering free pie for all when the press release promised that the group “will also significantly reduce costs for everyone involved while creating a smooth, positive user experience”. After the announcement dropped, Runway Girl Network spoke at length with Airbus’ vice president for digital transformation programmes Matt Evans and Eric Peyrucain from the airframer’s digital transformation office to try to nail down some of the more nebulous aspects of the alliance. Then, in advance of and during the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg, RGN also asked key stakeholders in the inflight connectivity ecosystem to weigh in with their thoughts. Airbus’ Evans and Peyrucain characterized the alliance as a sort of next-gen IFC version of the Wi-Fi Alliance, setting standards but not itself selling products, with a key focus for billing and the end user shifting to the mobile telcos. This is a controversial idea, to say the least. Building standards to support seamless inflight connectivity is one of the core ambitions of the Seamless Air Alliance. Image: Seamless Air Alliance slide deck. Evans told RGN that the group comprises “leading companies coming together
across very different industries to try to make sure our technologies, particularly those that are emerging and coming into the market now, will work together seamlessly and for the benefit of the passenger”. The goal, Evans said, “is about delivering that experience. The alliance represents companies that in the past might not have overlapped much, but which are now coming to work together because we recognize that in the end it’s that cooperation and that frictionless experience that passengers on aircraft really do want.” Neither executive would be drawn on whether friction-reducing initiatives like Finnair’s thirty-second login cream off enough of the benefits to reduce the alliance’s raison d’être, although Peyrucain said he hopes that innovators like Finnair will join. “We are one player among many,” Evans noted, “but really we will bring our expertise in the aircraft itself, aircraft engineering and manufacturing, and our ability to integrate satellite and other connectivity features for cabins and aircraft.” Likening the ideal experience to a Europe-style free mobile roaming agreement at full speed and at no extra cost, Peyrucain said, “The idea is to
[ 198, 464, 12801, 4120, 284, 1445, 422, 2508, 287, 262, 6766, 284, 6011, 1479, 2508, 329, 477, 618, 262, 1803, 2650, 8072, 326, 262, 1448, 564, 250, 10594, 635, 5566, 4646, 3484, 329, 2506, 2950, 981, 4441, 257, 7209, 11, 3967, 2836, 1998, 447, 251, 13, 198, 3260, 262, 8009, 5710, 11, 5660, 1014, 7430, 7311, 5158, 379, 4129, 351, 39173, 447, 247, 7927, 1893, 329, 4875, 13389, 23698, 4705, 13922, 290, 7651, 2631, 88, 622, 66, 391, 422, 262, 1633, 19298, 263, 447, 247, 82, 4875, 13389, 2607, 284, 1949, 284, 17864, 866, 617, 286, 262, 517, 45508, 6985, 7612, 286, 262, 12801, 13, 3244, 11, 287, 5963, 286, 290, 1141, 262, 30767, 4225, 12706, 32330, 287, 32526, 11, 371, 16630, 635, 1965, 1994, 26138, 287, 262, 1167, 2971, 19843, 13187, 284, 10164, 287, 351, 511, 6066, 13, 198, 16170, 10885, 447, 247, 13922, 290, 2631, 88, 622, 66, 391, 16264, 262, 12801, 355, 257, 3297, 286, 1306, 12, 5235, 314, 4851, 2196, 286, 262, 11759, 12, 10547, 10302, 11, 4634, 5423, 475, 407, 2346, 6301, 3186, 11, 351, 257, 1994, 2962, 329, 26297, 290, 262, 886, 2836, 15852, 284, 262, 5175, 13632, 6966, 13, 770, 318, 257, 8381, 2126, 11, 284, 910, 262, 1551, 13, 198, 25954, 5423, 284, 1104, 32354, 1167, 2971, 19843, 318, 530, 286, 262, 4755, 22455, 286, 262, 1001, 321, 1203, 3701, 10302, 13, 7412, 25, 1001, 321, 1203, 3701, 10302, 10649, 6203, 13, 198, 15200, 504, 1297, 371, 16630, 326, 262, 1448, 28800, 564, 250, 12294, 2706, 2406, 1978 ]
[ 198, 791, 30764, 9922, 311, 3351, 505, 4447, 304, 279, 13180, 311, 10209, 1949, 4447, 369, 682, 994, 279, 3577, 4984, 19487, 430, 279, 1912, 1054, 14724, 1101, 12207, 8108, 7194, 369, 5127, 6532, 1418, 6968, 264, 11113, 11, 6928, 1217, 3217, 113068, 6153, 279, 17480, 12504, 11, 6588, 3195, 11617, 8304, 12570, 520, 3160, 449, 81474, 529, 17192, 4872, 369, 7528, 18475, 38737, 13678, 30563, 323, 16645, 73980, 80455, 467, 505, 279, 3805, 1658, 15589, 753, 7528, 18475, 5274, 311, 1456, 311, 32095, 1523, 1063, 315, 279, 810, 81967, 13850, 13878, 315, 279, 30764, 13, 5112, 11, 304, 12178, 315, 323, 2391, 279, 59945, 5783, 22625, 52423, 304, 51562, 11, 432, 26228, 1101, 4691, 1401, 39210, 304, 279, 4704, 492, 31357, 26031, 311, 17988, 304, 449, 872, 11555, 627, 26777, 10551, 529, 30563, 323, 73980, 80455, 467, 32971, 279, 30764, 439, 264, 3460, 315, 1828, 37564, 358, 6897, 2373, 315, 279, 17664, 27395, 23590, 11, 6376, 10886, 719, 539, 5196, 11486, 3956, 11, 449, 264, 1401, 5357, 369, 34631, 323, 279, 842, 1217, 32931, 311, 279, 6505, 19227, 9594, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 20733, 4623, 11, 311, 2019, 279, 3325, 627, 31233, 10886, 311, 1862, 47970, 4704, 492, 31357, 374, 832, 315, 279, 6332, 51566, 315, 279, 98062, 6690, 23590, 13, 4758, 25, 98062, 6690, 23590, 15332, 9722, 627, 35212, 598, 3309, 432, 26228, 430, 279, 1912, 41095, 1054, 21307, 5220, 5108, 3871 ]
[ 4028, 1633, 2204, 19647, 311, 1456, 311, 1304, 2771, 1057, 14645, 11, 8104, 1884, 430, 527, 24084, 323, 5108, 1139, 279, 3157, 1457, 11, 690, 990, 3871, 61440, 323, 369, 279, 8935, 315, 279, 24023, 113068, 791, 5915, 11, 30563, 1071, 11, 1054, 285, 922, 24944, 430, 3217, 13, 578, 30764, 11105, 5220, 430, 304, 279, 3347, 2643, 539, 617, 29204, 5795, 1790, 11, 719, 902, 527, 1457, 5108, 311, 990, 3871, 1606, 584, 15641, 430, 304, 279, 842, 433, 753, 430, 23915, 323, 430, 39676, 1752, 3217, 430, 22961, 389, 14467, 2216, 656, 1390, 49216, 63295, 11145, 1053, 387, 15107, 389, 3508, 39676, 5621, 1072, 6253, 28271, 1093, 35162, 1334, 753, 27219, 44963, 5982, 12932, 1022, 3403, 315, 279, 7720, 311, 8108, 279, 30764, 753, 73173, 294, 529, 38816, 11, 8051, 73980, 80455, 467, 1071, 568, 16388, 430, 9721, 3046, 1093, 35162, 1334, 690, 5249, 627, 15085, 527, 832, 2851, 4315, 1690, 2476, 30563, 10555, 11, 1054, 8248, 2216, 584, 690, 4546, 1057, 19248, 304, 279, 14467, 5196, 11, 14467, 15009, 323, 15266, 11, 323, 1057, 5845, 311, 32172, 24088, 323, 1023, 31357, 4519, 369, 89401, 323, 14467, 49216, 73097, 6147, 279, 10728, 3217, 311, 264, 4606, 11549, 1949, 6505, 69353, 9306, 520, 2539, 4732, 323, 520, 912, 5066, 2853, 11, 73980, 80455, 467, 1071, 11, 1054, 791, 4623, 374, 311 ]
Hohenschwangau | 01805/819–831 | www.schlosskonzerte-neuschwanstein.de Museum of the Bavarian Kings. Once the Alpenrose hotel, this grand building opened in 2012 as a museum chronicling the history of the Wittelsbach kings and queens, from the 11th century to the present day. Focusing primarily on King Maximilian II and his son Ludwig, it tells the story behind their neighboring castles. The influence of the Wittelsbach family in the region, from the development of Munich, their founding of the first Oktoberfest, and the family's role as resistors of the Nazi regime and their eventual imprisonment during World War II, are detailed. The interactive exhibits couple state-of-the-art technology with the gold and gilt belongings of the royal family. TIP The café overlooking the lake is the good spot to relax and take in the views after a day of castles. | Alpseestr. 27 | Hohenschwangau | 08362/926–4640 | www.museumderbayerischenkoenige.de | €9.50, combinaiton ticket with both castles
Hohenschwangau | 01805/819–831 | www.schlosskonzerte-neuschwanstein.de Museum of the Bavarian Kings. Once the Alpenrose hotel, this grand building opened in 2012 as a museum chronicling the history of the Wittelsbach kings and queens, from the 11th century to the present day. Focusing primarily on King Maximilian II and his son Ludwig, it tells the story behind their neighboring castles. The influence of the Wittelsbach family in the region, from the development of Munich, their founding of the first Oktoberfest, and the family's role as resistors of the Nazi regime and their eventual imprisonment during World War II, are detailed. The interactive exhibits couple state-of-the-art technology with the gold and gilt belongings of the royal family. TIP The café overlooking the lake is the good spot to relax and take in the views after a day of castles. | Alpseestr. 27 | Hohenschwangau | 08362/926–4640 | www.museumderbayerischenkoenige.de | €9.50, combinaiton ticket with both castles
and museum €29.50 | Apr.–Sept., daily 9–7; Oct.–Mar., daily 10–6. Schloss Hohenschwangau. Built by the knights of Schwangau in the 12th century, this castle was remodeled later by King Ludwig II's father, the Bavarian crown prince and future king Maximilian, between 1832 and 1836. Unlike Ludwig's more famous castle across the valley, Neuschwanstein, the mustard-yellow Schloss Hohenschwangau actually feels like a noble home, where comforts would be valued as much as outward splendor. Ludwig spent his childhood summers surrounded by the castle's murals, depicting ancient Germanic legends. It was here that the young prince met the composer Richard Wagner. Their friendship shaped and deepened the future king's interest in theater, music, and German mythology—the mythology Wagner drew upon for his Ring cycle of operas. After obtaining your ticket at the ticket center in the village, you can take a 25-minute walk up either of two clearly marked paths to the castle, or board one of the horse-drawn carriages that leave from the ticket center (uphill €4, downhill €2) or
[ 9544, 5135, 354, 47562, 559, 930, 5534, 28256, 14, 23, 1129, 1906, 23, 3132, 930, 7324, 13, 20601, 22462, 74, 261, 9107, 660, 12, 710, 385, 354, 8149, 5714, 13, 2934, 198, 198, 44, 6744, 286, 262, 37313, 3699, 10578, 13, 220, 220, 198, 7454, 262, 978, 3617, 13698, 7541, 11, 428, 4490, 2615, 4721, 287, 2321, 355, 257, 13257, 10726, 1359, 262, 2106, 286, 262, 38005, 1424, 19496, 21557, 290, 38771, 11, 422, 262, 1367, 400, 4289, 284, 262, 1944, 1110, 13, 376, 45743, 7525, 319, 2677, 5436, 26641, 666, 2873, 290, 465, 3367, 44476, 11, 340, 4952, 262, 1621, 2157, 511, 19651, 49203, 13, 383, 4588, 286, 262, 38005, 1424, 19496, 1641, 287, 262, 3814, 11, 422, 262, 2478, 286, 22418, 11, 511, 16636, 286, 262, 717, 6762, 1462, 527, 23411, 11, 290, 262, 1641, 338, 2597, 355, 4180, 669, 286, 262, 12267, 7142, 290, 511, 19657, 16510, 1141, 2159, 1810, 2873, 11, 389, 6496, 13, 383, 14333, 27508, 3155, 1181, 12, 1659, 12, 1169, 12, 433, 3037, 351, 262, 3869, 290, 308, 2326, 30985, 286, 262, 15100, 1641, 13, 309, 4061, 383, 40304, 34603, 262, 13546, 318, 262, 922, 4136, 284, 8960, 290, 1011, 287, 262, 5009, 706, 257, 1110, 286, 49203, 13, 930, 978, 7752, 395, 81, 13, 2681, 930, 9544, 5135, 354, 47562, 559, 930, 8487, 35667, 14, 24, 2075, 1906, 3510, 1821, 930, 7324, 13, 76, 6744, 1082, 65, 2794, 2304, 831, 74, 6571, 10045, 13, 2934, 930, 10432, 24, 13, 1120, 11, 1974, 1437, 37752, 7846, 351, 1111, 49203 ]
[ 473, 2319, 47845, 71652, 2933, 765, 220, 16745, 2304, 14, 18831, 4235, 25009, 765, 8604, 516, 331, 9563, 74, 28143, 14140, 41078, 52178, 16965, 12711, 2337, 271, 44, 11768, 315, 279, 78080, 8997, 24980, 13, 2355, 12805, 279, 1708, 2821, 25888, 9689, 11, 420, 6800, 4857, 9107, 304, 220, 679, 17, 439, 264, 24925, 21249, 2785, 279, 3925, 315, 279, 83276, 2053, 35638, 45619, 323, 70097, 11, 505, 279, 220, 806, 339, 9478, 311, 279, 3118, 1938, 13, 435, 87595, 15871, 389, 6342, 56625, 69183, 8105, 323, 813, 4538, 85550, 11, 433, 10975, 279, 3446, 4920, 872, 42617, 6445, 645, 13, 578, 10383, 315, 279, 83276, 2053, 35638, 3070, 304, 279, 5654, 11, 505, 279, 4500, 315, 47304, 11, 872, 36330, 315, 279, 1176, 74308, 53864, 11, 323, 279, 3070, 596, 3560, 439, 22884, 1105, 315, 279, 32527, 17942, 323, 872, 42835, 43374, 2391, 4435, 5111, 8105, 11, 527, 11944, 13, 578, 21416, 50829, 5743, 1614, 8838, 10826, 38921, 5557, 449, 279, 6761, 323, 70599, 64028, 315, 279, 30336, 3070, 13, 350, 3378, 578, 53050, 53324, 279, 22553, 374, 279, 1695, 7858, 311, 12234, 323, 1935, 304, 279, 6325, 1306, 264, 1938, 315, 6445, 645, 13, 765, 1708, 79, 325, 15462, 13, 220, 1544, 765, 473, 2319, 47845, 71652, 2933, 765, 220, 25077, 5538, 14, 26026, 4235, 21033, 15, 765, 8604, 749, 11768, 1126, 65, 1155, 18211, 9509, 268, 7404, 2337, 765, 13281, 24, 13, 1135, 11, 68225, 1339, 263, 11989, 449, 2225, 6445, 645 ]
[ 323, 24925, 13281, 1682, 13, 1135, 765, 5186, 97360, 25669, 2637, 7446, 220, 24, 4235, 22, 26, 5020, 97360, 12331, 2637, 7446, 220, 605, 4235, 21, 382, 31224, 9563, 473, 2319, 47845, 71652, 2933, 13, 2355, 55400, 555, 279, 71630, 315, 30605, 526, 2933, 304, 279, 220, 717, 339, 9478, 11, 420, 33684, 574, 1323, 97579, 3010, 555, 6342, 85550, 8105, 596, 7126, 11, 279, 78080, 8997, 27631, 42826, 323, 3938, 11734, 56625, 69183, 11, 1990, 220, 10750, 17, 323, 220, 10750, 21, 13, 27140, 85550, 596, 810, 11495, 33684, 4028, 279, 34681, 11, 4275, 52178, 16965, 12711, 11, 279, 65407, 74012, 5124, 9563, 473, 2319, 47845, 71652, 2933, 3604, 11321, 1093, 264, 35482, 2162, 11, 1405, 97181, 1053, 387, 33647, 439, 1790, 439, 52046, 12786, 8188, 13, 85550, 7543, 813, 20587, 80769, 23712, 555, 279, 33684, 596, 8309, 1147, 11, 60794, 14154, 6063, 292, 49428, 13, 1102, 574, 1618, 430, 279, 3995, 42826, 2322, 279, 40550, 12131, 52475, 13, 11205, 27607, 27367, 323, 5655, 6901, 279, 3938, 11734, 596, 2802, 304, 27803, 11, 4731, 11, 323, 6063, 59492, 22416, 59492, 52475, 24465, 5304, 369, 813, 22249, 11008, 315, 2040, 300, 382, 6153, 19546, 701, 11989, 520, 279, 11989, 4219, 304, 279, 14458, 11, 499, 649, 1935, 264, 220, 914, 24401, 4321, 709, 3060, 315, 1403, 9539, 13160, 13006, 311, 279, 33684, 11, 477, 4580, 832, 315, 279, 15580, 1773, 68668, 1841, 38132, 430, 5387, 505, 279, 11989, 4219, 320, 455, 28607, 13281, 19, 11, 73481, 13281, 17, 8, 477 ]
20,000) fine on each of them. The journalists, Saint Claver Oula, Stéphane Guédé and Théophile Kouamouo, editor-in-chief, publisher and managing editor respectively, were being tried summarily for publishing a leaked report on corruption in the cocoa and coffee sector of the country. They were charged for “theft of an administrative document” and sent to the Abidjan Civil Prison. 10 Out Of 12 Analysis Literature Review of Anne Washburn’s 10 out of 12 Anne Washburn’s play 10 out of 12 enables the audience to focus on an aspect of theatre that is little explored: Metatheatre. This literature review provides evidence in many methods Washburn uses in the play to concept to skew the perception of fiction and reality. Focus on script, setting, perspective and overall concept allows Washburn to take the concepts of metatheatre and transform it to create a unique audience experience. In ‘Strange Times’ Washburn explains to the interviewer how theatre is originally about “sitting in a dark space created by voices” (Washburn, Strange Times, page 43), and it is evident that she brings this concept to life in
20,000) fine on each of them. The journalists, Saint Claver Oula, Stéphane Guédé and Théophile Kouamouo, editor-in-chief, publisher and managing editor respectively, were being tried summarily for publishing a leaked report on corruption in the cocoa and coffee sector of the country. They were charged for “theft of an administrative document” and sent to the Abidjan Civil Prison. 10 Out Of 12 Analysis Literature Review of Anne Washburn’s 10 out of 12 Anne Washburn’s play 10 out of 12 enables the audience to focus on an aspect of theatre that is little explored: Metatheatre. This literature review provides evidence in many methods Washburn uses in the play to concept to skew the perception of fiction and reality. Focus on script, setting, perspective and overall concept allows Washburn to take the concepts of metatheatre and transform it to create a unique audience experience. In ‘Strange Times’ Washburn explains to the interviewer how theatre is originally about “sitting in a dark space created by voices” (Washburn, Strange Times, page 43), and it is evident that she brings this concept to life in
the play 10 out of 12. Tech rehearsals are…show more content… The dramaturgy (the study of dramatic composition of the play) is unique, in that Washburn takes an innovative approach to writing this play by attending a real-life tech rehearsal, transcribing the dialogue that occurs in the room between actors, technicians, directors, producers, etc., condenses the transcription and uses the condensed version in her piece 10 out of 12. The play intertwines dialogue between various departments of theatre (actors, directors and technicians) and various mediums of sound (use of taped dialogue, live dialogue and headset dialogue) thus creating an experience that uses all the senses. Washburn’s realistic style of script shows her focus on the view that theatre is not meant to be watched but rather heard or experiences, her play is an experience so realistic that it makes the audience question whether it is reality or fiction. She uses real-life reference in an accurate manner which led to the conception of the script for 10 out of…show more content… The first wall is of the play. The play is vaguely described as being in a Victorian era and has surreal scenes in the jungle or the ocean with mermaids. The actors are self-aware of
[ 1160, 11, 830, 8, 3734, 319, 1123, 286, 606, 13, 198, 464, 9046, 11, 9281, 1012, 8770, 440, 4712, 11, 520, 2634, 746, 1531, 1962, 2634, 67, 2634, 290, 536, 2634, 37161, 30559, 321, 280, 78, 11, 5464, 12, 259, 12, 17351, 11, 9991, 290, 11149, 5464, 8148, 11, 547, 852, 3088, 30114, 3093, 329, 12407, 257, 14109, 989, 319, 9253, 287, 262, 35845, 290, 6891, 6567, 286, 262, 1499, 13, 198, 2990, 547, 5047, 329, 564, 250, 1169, 701, 286, 281, 11553, 3188, 447, 251, 290, 1908, 284, 262, 2275, 312, 13881, 7511, 16999, 13, 838, 3806, 3226, 1105, 14691, 198, 43460, 1300, 6602, 286, 15397, 22892, 10899, 447, 247, 82, 838, 503, 286, 1105, 15397, 22892, 10899, 447, 247, 82, 711, 838, 503, 286, 1105, 13536, 262, 5386, 284, 2962, 319, 281, 4843, 286, 21421, 326, 318, 1310, 18782, 25, 3395, 26221, 10562, 13, 770, 9285, 2423, 3769, 2370, 287, 867, 5050, 22892, 10899, 3544, 287, 262, 711, 284, 3721, 284, 43370, 262, 11202, 286, 10165, 290, 3950, 13, 17061, 319, 4226, 11, 4634, 11, 6650, 290, 4045, 3721, 3578, 22892, 10899, 284, 1011, 262, 10838, 286, 1138, 26221, 10562, 290, 6121, 340, 284, 2251, 257, 3748, 5386, 1998, 13, 554, 564, 246, 38114, 3782, 447, 247, 22892, 10899, 6688, 284, 262, 39877, 703, 21421, 318, 6198, 546, 564, 250, 82, 2535, 287, 257, 3223, 2272, 2727, 416, 10839, 447, 251, 357, 54, 1077, 10899, 11, 16810, 3782, 11, 2443, 5946, 828, 290, 340, 318, 10678, 326, 673, 6774, 428, 3721, 284, 1204, 287 ]
[ 220, 508, 11, 931, 8, 7060, 389, 1855, 315, 1124, 627, 791, 23348, 11, 14539, 2493, 7403, 507, 5724, 11, 800, 978, 764, 2194, 4673, 15433, 978, 323, 666, 978, 68546, 76965, 309, 283, 78, 11, 6576, 3502, 74719, 11, 21959, 323, 18646, 6576, 15947, 11, 1051, 1694, 6818, 29385, 1570, 369, 23763, 264, 34947, 1934, 389, 21948, 304, 279, 62888, 323, 11033, 10706, 315, 279, 3224, 627, 7009, 1051, 11684, 369, 1054, 1820, 728, 315, 459, 23541, 2246, 863, 323, 3288, 311, 279, 3765, 307, 23685, 16803, 42618, 13, 220, 605, 4470, 5046, 220, 717, 18825, 198, 87115, 1598, 10506, 315, 29026, 6113, 22464, 753, 220, 605, 704, 315, 220, 717, 29026, 6113, 22464, 753, 1514, 220, 605, 704, 315, 220, 717, 20682, 279, 10877, 311, 5357, 389, 459, 13189, 315, 34596, 430, 374, 2697, 36131, 25, 6344, 70036, 16091, 13, 1115, 17649, 3477, 5825, 6029, 304, 1690, 5528, 6113, 22464, 5829, 304, 279, 1514, 311, 7434, 311, 41643, 279, 21063, 315, 17422, 323, 8903, 13, 26891, 389, 5429, 11, 6376, 11, 13356, 323, 8244, 7434, 6276, 6113, 22464, 311, 1935, 279, 19476, 315, 2322, 70036, 16091, 323, 5276, 433, 311, 1893, 264, 5016, 10877, 3217, 13, 763, 3451, 92434, 8691, 529, 6113, 22464, 15100, 311, 279, 87935, 1268, 34596, 374, 13517, 922, 1054, 82, 15154, 304, 264, 6453, 3634, 3549, 555, 24196, 863, 320, 54, 1003, 22464, 11, 43693, 8691, 11, 2199, 220, 3391, 705, 323, 433, 374, 30576, 430, 1364, 12716, 420, 7434, 311, 2324, 304 ]
[ 279, 1514, 220, 605, 704, 315, 220, 717, 13, 17829, 69672, 1147, 527, 1981, 3528, 810, 2262, 90578, 791, 13859, 2693, 4680, 320, 1820, 4007, 315, 22520, 18528, 315, 279, 1514, 8, 374, 5016, 11, 304, 430, 6113, 22464, 5097, 459, 18699, 5603, 311, 4477, 420, 1514, 555, 24096, 264, 1972, 26928, 13312, 89955, 11, 1380, 44631, 279, 21976, 430, 13980, 304, 279, 3130, 1990, 20142, 11, 53459, 11, 28454, 11, 24190, 11, 5099, 2637, 9955, 4377, 279, 46940, 323, 5829, 279, 75826, 2373, 304, 1077, 6710, 220, 605, 704, 315, 220, 717, 13, 578, 1514, 81050, 1572, 21976, 1990, 5370, 26280, 315, 34596, 320, 21846, 11, 28454, 323, 53459, 8, 323, 5370, 98912, 315, 5222, 320, 817, 315, 83614, 21976, 11, 3974, 21976, 323, 50679, 21976, 8, 8617, 6968, 459, 3217, 430, 5829, 682, 279, 38207, 13, 6113, 22464, 753, 26569, 1742, 315, 5429, 5039, 1077, 5357, 389, 279, 1684, 430, 34596, 374, 539, 8967, 311, 387, 15746, 719, 4856, 6755, 477, 11704, 11, 1077, 1514, 374, 459, 3217, 779, 26569, 430, 433, 3727, 279, 10877, 3488, 3508, 433, 374, 8903, 477, 17422, 13, 3005, 5829, 1972, 26928, 5905, 304, 459, 13687, 11827, 902, 6197, 311, 279, 43656, 315, 279, 5429, 369, 220, 605, 704, 315, 1981, 3528, 810, 2262, 90578, 791, 1176, 7147, 374, 315, 279, 1514, 13, 578, 1514, 374, 73059, 7633, 439, 1694, 304, 264, 44277, 11639, 323, 706, 65623, 16451, 304, 279, 45520, 477, 279, 18435, 449, 4809, 98250, 13, 578, 20142, 527, 659, 66104, 315 ]
not otherwise. Not only the infinite, but even the changeless and indestructible Existence, which is beyond the realms of declension (to, from, etc.), number (viz. singular/plural) or gender (male/female), is OM itself. The grandeur of OM can never be described fully. The worship, japa, meditation and reflection on the meaning of OM, are all extremely beneficial. Regular meditation on OM purifies the intellect and one is liberated from sorrows. OM purifies the mind. Through japa of OM, one can achieve fulfilment of worldly desires, have darshana of deities, attain spiritual consciousness and even realize Brahman. The sadhana of OM bestows an aspirant with energy, capability and divinity. It is a simple and excellent practice for material and spiritual progress. One who has reverential love to God and His devotees, and refrains from evil deeds is endowed with quick progress. OM, chanted with “Hari” (”Hari OM”), has a positive effect on all the five sense organs, imbuing them with purity. Chant “Hari OM” just 7 times and it creates vibrations in the
not otherwise. Not only the infinite, but even the changeless and indestructible Existence, which is beyond the realms of declension (to, from, etc.), number (viz. singular/plural) or gender (male/female), is OM itself. The grandeur of OM can never be described fully. The worship, japa, meditation and reflection on the meaning of OM, are all extremely beneficial. Regular meditation on OM purifies the intellect and one is liberated from sorrows. OM purifies the mind. Through japa of OM, one can achieve fulfilment of worldly desires, have darshana of deities, attain spiritual consciousness and even realize Brahman. The sadhana of OM bestows an aspirant with energy, capability and divinity. It is a simple and excellent practice for material and spiritual progress. One who has reverential love to God and His devotees, and refrains from evil deeds is endowed with quick progress. OM, chanted with “Hari” (”Hari OM”), has a positive effect on all the five sense organs, imbuing them with purity. Chant “Hari OM” just 7 times and it creates vibrations in the
“Mooladhara Chakra”. It also destroys harmful pathogens. Householders and women should not chant OM by itself (without other syllables) beyond a limit; rather, it should be chanted along with Hari, Rama, Krishna or any other desired name of God. Om is one of the most chanted sound symbols in Sanatana Hindu Dharma . It has a profound effect on the body and mind of the one who chants and also on the surroundings. Most mantras and vedic prayers start with Om. All auspicious actions begin with Om. It is even used as a greeting – Om , Hari Om etc. It is repeated as a mantra or meditated upon. Its form is worshipped, contemplated upon or used as an auspicious sign. Om is the universal name of the Supreme ParamAtman. It is made up of the letters A (phonetically as in “around”), U (phonetically as in “put”) and M (phonetically as in “mum”). The sound emerging from the vocal chords starts from the base of the throat as “A”. With the coming together of the lips, “U�
[ 407, 4306, 13, 1892, 691, 262, 15541, 11, 475, 772, 262, 1488, 5321, 290, 773, 395, 1356, 856, 1475, 13274, 11, 543, 318, 3675, 262, 35423, 286, 2377, 3004, 357, 1462, 11, 422, 11, 3503, 12179, 1271, 357, 85, 528, 13, 18032, 14, 489, 1523, 8, 393, 5279, 357, 22606, 14, 24724, 828, 318, 32468, 2346, 13, 198, 464, 4490, 23365, 286, 32468, 460, 1239, 307, 3417, 3938, 13, 383, 11892, 11, 474, 32678, 11, 16901, 290, 14580, 319, 262, 3616, 286, 32468, 11, 389, 477, 4457, 13205, 13, 23603, 16901, 319, 32468, 1308, 6945, 262, 7654, 290, 530, 318, 35112, 422, 24140, 82, 13, 32468, 1308, 6945, 262, 2000, 13, 9561, 474, 32678, 286, 32468, 11, 530, 460, 4620, 32363, 434, 286, 43249, 15997, 11, 423, 288, 5406, 2271, 286, 43844, 11, 18188, 8557, 10510, 290, 772, 6537, 36415, 805, 13, 383, 6507, 71, 2271, 286, 32468, 1266, 1666, 281, 18808, 415, 351, 2568, 11, 12971, 290, 2659, 6269, 13, 632, 318, 257, 2829, 290, 6275, 3357, 329, 2587, 290, 8557, 4371, 13, 1881, 508, 468, 2697, 1156, 498, 1842, 284, 1793, 290, 2399, 24103, 274, 11, 290, 1006, 81, 1299, 422, 6181, 23777, 318, 44134, 351, 2068, 4371, 13, 198, 2662, 11, 42261, 351, 564, 250, 39, 2743, 447, 251, 357, 447, 251, 39, 2743, 32468, 447, 251, 828, 468, 257, 3967, 1245, 319, 477, 262, 1936, 2565, 16613, 11, 33966, 4250, 606, 351, 25590, 13, 609, 415, 564, 250, 39, 2743, 32468, 447, 251, 655, 767, 1661, 290, 340, 8075, 38071, 287, 262 ]
[ 539, 6062, 13, 2876, 1193, 279, 24746, 11, 719, 1524, 279, 2349, 1752, 323, 5278, 1257, 1260, 62909, 768, 11, 902, 374, 7953, 279, 77563, 315, 4051, 2711, 320, 998, 11, 505, 11, 5099, 25390, 1396, 320, 70940, 13, 35044, 11505, 4269, 8, 477, 10026, 320, 37576, 6801, 12011, 705, 374, 48437, 5196, 627, 791, 6800, 12844, 315, 48437, 649, 2646, 387, 7633, 7373, 13, 578, 24863, 11, 503, 18826, 11, 33862, 323, 22599, 389, 279, 7438, 315, 48437, 11, 527, 682, 9193, 24629, 13, 29900, 33862, 389, 48437, 4087, 9803, 279, 17108, 323, 832, 374, 85855, 505, 25551, 1849, 13, 48437, 4087, 9803, 279, 4059, 13, 17331, 503, 18826, 315, 48437, 11, 832, 649, 11322, 64201, 479, 315, 97706, 32097, 11, 617, 15627, 939, 3444, 315, 409, 1385, 11, 36861, 18330, 25917, 323, 1524, 13383, 78084, 1543, 13, 578, 12703, 84203, 315, 48437, 1888, 4336, 459, 25689, 519, 449, 4907, 11, 23099, 323, 3512, 13797, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 4382, 323, 9250, 6725, 369, 3769, 323, 18330, 5208, 13, 3861, 889, 706, 36237, 2335, 3021, 311, 4359, 323, 5414, 48772, 288, 11, 323, 19914, 1771, 505, 14289, 54811, 374, 98728, 449, 4062, 5208, 627, 1937, 11, 523, 7719, 449, 1054, 39, 2850, 863, 320, 863, 39, 2850, 48437, 56955, 706, 264, 6928, 2515, 389, 682, 279, 4330, 5647, 36853, 11, 73354, 7623, 1124, 449, 53500, 13, 921, 519, 1054, 39, 2850, 48437, 863, 1120, 220, 22, 3115, 323, 433, 11705, 78352, 304, 279 ]
[ 1054, 44, 1786, 52687, 5169, 921, 52503, 11453, 1102, 1101, 60832, 28856, 78284, 627, 29707, 17075, 323, 3278, 1288, 539, 44453, 48437, 555, 5196, 320, 30096, 1023, 48704, 4893, 8, 7953, 264, 4017, 26, 4856, 11, 433, 1288, 387, 523, 7719, 3235, 449, 98545, 11, 432, 3105, 11, 80409, 477, 904, 1023, 12974, 836, 315, 4359, 627, 64588, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 523, 7719, 5222, 18210, 304, 121334, 3444, 36142, 423, 78338, 662, 1102, 706, 264, 28254, 2515, 389, 279, 2547, 323, 4059, 315, 279, 832, 889, 88587, 323, 1101, 389, 279, 40190, 13, 7648, 893, 13811, 323, 29033, 292, 34296, 1212, 449, 19116, 627, 2460, 90196, 9824, 6299, 3240, 449, 19116, 13, 1102, 374, 1524, 1511, 439, 264, 43213, 1389, 19116, 1174, 98545, 19116, 5099, 13, 1102, 374, 11763, 439, 264, 68009, 477, 1812, 33337, 5304, 13, 11699, 1376, 374, 83078, 6586, 11, 93439, 5304, 477, 1511, 439, 459, 90196, 9824, 1879, 627, 64588, 374, 279, 20789, 836, 315, 279, 13814, 7136, 1688, 1543, 13, 1102, 374, 1903, 709, 315, 279, 12197, 362, 320, 52801, 37774, 439, 304, 1054, 20019, 56955, 549, 320, 52801, 37774, 439, 304, 1054, 631, 33611, 323, 386, 320, 52801, 37774, 439, 304, 1054, 76, 372, 65312, 578, 5222, 24084, 505, 279, 26480, 56759, 8638, 505, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 28691, 439, 1054, 32, 11453, 3161, 279, 5108, 3871, 315, 279, 23726, 11, 1054, 52, 5809 ]
your option) any later version. % we recommend a name of the form README-.txt. % is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2006/05/20 or later. In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, the nation’s foremost LGBT Catholic organization. Recent polls show high levels of support for LGBT people among Catholics yet the Pope and bishops continue to lead attacks on civil rights for gay people. In Pope Benedict’s 2012 outrageous New Year’s speech to diplomats from approximately 180 countries the Pope said policies allowing gay marriage “threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.” We talked to Marianne about being Catholic and issues facing our LGBT community. Marianne Duddy-Burke received a Masters in Theology from Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was an Honors graduate of Wellesley College. Marianne speaks regularly at conferences around the country on issues of importance to LGBT Catholics and their families. She was featured in the video DignityUSA: A Conversation with Marianne Duddy and her work has been included in several books,
your option) any later version. % we recommend a name of the form README-.txt. % is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2006/05/20 or later. In this exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, the nation’s foremost LGBT Catholic organization. Recent polls show high levels of support for LGBT people among Catholics yet the Pope and bishops continue to lead attacks on civil rights for gay people. In Pope Benedict’s 2012 outrageous New Year’s speech to diplomats from approximately 180 countries the Pope said policies allowing gay marriage “threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.” We talked to Marianne about being Catholic and issues facing our LGBT community. Marianne Duddy-Burke received a Masters in Theology from Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was an Honors graduate of Wellesley College. Marianne speaks regularly at conferences around the country on issues of importance to LGBT Catholics and their families. She was featured in the video DignityUSA: A Conversation with Marianne Duddy and her work has been included in several books,
including, most recently, Redemption Stories: Stories of Survival and Transformation. Marianne lives in Boston, Massachusetts with her spouse Becky Duddy-Burke and their two adopted daughters, Emily and Infinity. The Line-Up For Our iHeartRadio Music Festival Is Here!!! What happens when you mix The Weeknd with Niall Horan, P!NK and Miley Cyrus? You get music's holy grail, that's what! Today we reveal the lineup for the legendary iHeartRadio Music Festival and BOY is it a goodie. It's happening in September; 15 of the world's best artist performing in Las Vegas - and we will be bringing the best of it to you! Watch the trailer below and get excited! You can stream the iHeartRadio Music Festival and all of your favourite artists data-free on iHeartRadio Australia on selected Optus mobile plans and streaming apps. Find out more here. hello, I have a problem with my Sony Xperia Z3 D6603 does not detect the SD memory, detected the first day of use , then a message that was removed and since then does not recognize it showed me , I've triedother reports and recognizes no , thank you who can help me .
[ 534, 3038, 8, 597, 1568, 2196, 13, 198, 4, 220, 220, 220, 356, 4313, 257, 1438, 286, 262, 1296, 20832, 11682, 34507, 14116, 13, 198, 4, 318, 636, 286, 477, 24570, 286, 4689, 49568, 2196, 4793, 14, 2713, 14, 1238, 393, 1568, 13, 554, 428, 8568, 6597, 2720, 33953, 25358, 14685, 12652, 2583, 286, 16289, 5603, 7336, 30578, 34444, 8151, 6130, 351, 37919, 710, 360, 21584, 12, 22991, 365, 11, 10390, 5890, 286, 43674, 414, 14053, 11, 262, 3277, 447, 247, 82, 20976, 9916, 7835, 4009, 13, 22926, 9231, 905, 1029, 2974, 286, 1104, 329, 9916, 661, 1871, 21374, 1865, 262, 13258, 290, 27538, 2555, 284, 1085, 3434, 319, 3026, 2489, 329, 5650, 661, 13, 554, 13258, 28697, 447, 247, 82, 2321, 23077, 968, 6280, 447, 247, 82, 4046, 284, 24836, 422, 6702, 11546, 2678, 262, 13258, 531, 4788, 5086, 5650, 4845, 564, 250, 19971, 268, 1692, 16247, 290, 262, 2003, 286, 9265, 2346, 13, 447, 251, 775, 6619, 284, 37919, 710, 546, 852, 7835, 290, 2428, 6476, 674, 9916, 2055, 13, 198, 44, 3699, 710, 360, 21584, 12, 22991, 365, 2722, 257, 15812, 287, 383, 1435, 422, 46949, 50190, 3961, 286, 383, 1435, 287, 14457, 11, 10140, 290, 373, 281, 8835, 669, 10428, 286, 3894, 49048, 5535, 13, 37919, 710, 9209, 7987, 379, 19993, 1088, 262, 1499, 319, 2428, 286, 6817, 284, 9916, 21374, 290, 511, 4172, 13, 1375, 373, 8096, 287, 262, 2008, 43674, 414, 14053, 25, 317, 42427, 351, 37919, 710, 360, 21584, 290, 607, 670, 468, 587, 3017, 287, 1811, 3835, 11 ]
[ 701, 3072, 8, 904, 3010, 2373, 627, 4, 262, 584, 7079, 264, 836, 315, 279, 1376, 63045, 14863, 8754, 627, 4, 374, 961, 315, 682, 43785, 315, 99013, 2373, 220, 1049, 21, 14, 2304, 14, 508, 477, 3010, 13, 763, 420, 14079, 7855, 7274, 67112, 47020, 29473, 28280, 3552, 315, 10009, 15559, 3472, 44752, 16213, 16500, 13739, 449, 2947, 64452, 423, 35017, 7826, 324, 441, 11, 18362, 10783, 315, 423, 625, 488, 25342, 11, 279, 7140, 753, 43780, 23983, 16879, 7471, 13, 35390, 23925, 1501, 1579, 5990, 315, 1862, 369, 23983, 1274, 4315, 51971, 3686, 279, 30460, 323, 66723, 3136, 311, 3063, 8951, 389, 8431, 3268, 369, 8485, 1274, 13, 763, 30460, 62245, 753, 220, 679, 17, 55588, 1561, 9941, 753, 8982, 311, 65179, 505, 13489, 220, 5245, 5961, 279, 30460, 1071, 10396, 10923, 8485, 11103, 1054, 97229, 268, 3823, 38929, 323, 279, 3938, 315, 22706, 5196, 2029, 1226, 15243, 311, 2947, 64452, 922, 1694, 16879, 323, 4819, 13176, 1057, 23983, 4029, 627, 44, 8997, 818, 423, 35017, 7826, 324, 441, 4036, 264, 34722, 304, 578, 2508, 505, 91119, 9243, 3159, 6150, 315, 578, 2508, 304, 24562, 11, 22108, 323, 574, 459, 16958, 1105, 19560, 315, 26056, 645, 3258, 9304, 13, 2947, 64452, 21881, 15870, 520, 38614, 2212, 279, 3224, 389, 4819, 315, 12939, 311, 23983, 51971, 323, 872, 8689, 13, 3005, 574, 15109, 304, 279, 2835, 423, 625, 488, 25342, 25, 362, 51930, 449, 2947, 64452, 423, 35017, 323, 1077, 990, 706, 1027, 5343, 304, 3892, 6603, 11 ]
[ 2737, 11, 1455, 6051, 11, 89741, 30129, 25, 30129, 315, 54451, 323, 54752, 627, 44, 8997, 818, 6439, 304, 10406, 11, 22108, 449, 1077, 32080, 88701, 423, 35017, 7826, 324, 441, 323, 872, 1403, 18306, 30968, 11, 35266, 323, 40989, 13, 578, 7228, 47197, 1789, 5751, 602, 46484, 29303, 10948, 17772, 2209, 5810, 80395, 3923, 8741, 994, 499, 6651, 578, 10563, 303, 449, 452, 532, 75, 15083, 276, 11, 393, 0, 77280, 323, 386, 18280, 71924, 5380, 2675, 636, 4731, 596, 27823, 1099, 607, 11, 430, 596, 1148, 4999, 15724, 584, 16805, 279, 28612, 369, 279, 28812, 602, 46484, 29303, 10948, 17772, 323, 7967, 56, 374, 433, 264, 1695, 648, 627, 2181, 596, 12765, 304, 6250, 26, 220, 868, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 1888, 10255, 16785, 304, 16132, 18059, 482, 323, 584, 690, 387, 12967, 279, 1888, 315, 433, 311, 499, 4999, 14581, 279, 19809, 3770, 323, 636, 12304, 4999, 2675, 649, 4365, 279, 602, 46484, 29303, 10948, 17772, 323, 682, 315, 701, 19214, 13820, 828, 12862, 389, 602, 46484, 29303, 8494, 389, 4183, 16963, 355, 6505, 6787, 323, 17265, 10721, 13, 7531, 704, 810, 1618, 13, 24748, 11, 358, 617, 264, 3575, 449, 856, 21533, 86989, 1901, 18, 423, 19274, 18, 1587, 539, 11388, 279, 8189, 5044, 11, 16914, 279, 1176, 1938, 315, 1005, 1174, 1243, 264, 1984, 430, 574, 7108, 323, 2533, 1243, 1587, 539, 15641, 433, 8710, 757, 1174, 358, 3077, 6818, 1605, 6821, 323, 45799, 912, 1174, 9901, 499, 889, 649, 1520, 757, 16853 ]
osa, po wydaniu tego albumu. Logic ma także kanał YouTube, na którym publikuje filmy o swoich ulubionych grach wideo. Wpływy Logic mówi, że Frank Sinatra jest jego główną inspiracją. Sam siebie nazywa „Young Sinatra”. Kiedy był jeszcze dzieckiem, jego matka kazała mu oglądać stare, czarno-białe filmy, które ukształtowały jego miłość do piosenkarza. Logic opisuje Sinatrę jako ważną dla niego osobę i człowieka, który „pokazał pokój, miłość, łaskę, pozytywność, honor i męstwo
osa, po wydaniu tego albumu. Logic ma także kanał YouTube, na którym publikuje filmy o swoich ulubionych grach wideo. Wpływy Logic mówi, że Frank Sinatra jest jego główną inspiracją. Sam siebie nazywa „Young Sinatra”. Kiedy był jeszcze dzieckiem, jego matka kazała mu oglądać stare, czarno-białe filmy, które ukształtowały jego miłość do piosenkarza. Logic opisuje Sinatrę jako ważną dla niego osobę i człowieka, który „pokazał pokój, miłość, łaskę, pozytywność, honor i męstwo
”. Logic mówi również o innych muzykach, którzy mieli wpływ na jego muzykę, m.in. A Tribe Called Quest, Mos Def, Outkast, Red Hot Chili Peppers, J. Cole, Drake, a także filmy Quentina Tarantino. Mówiąc o muzyce w wywiadzie przeprowadzonym pod koniec 2013 roku, Logic stwierdził: „Uwielbiam wszystkie podgatunki hip-hopu i wszystkich gatunków muzyki i myślę, że to właśnie pozwala mi tworzyć muzykę". Badania opublikowane w prestiżowym brytyjskim czasopiśmie naukowym British Medical Journal wykazały, że po ukazaniu się utworu "1-
[ 8546, 11, 745, 266, 5173, 3216, 84, 573, 2188, 5062, 84, 13, 198, 198, 11187, 291, 17266, 256, 461, 129, 120, 68, 479, 2271, 41615, 7444, 11, 12385, 479, 83, 10205, 563, 76, 2240, 75, 28643, 18015, 1226, 1820, 267, 1509, 78, 488, 14856, 549, 295, 88, 354, 1036, 620, 266, 1651, 13, 198, 198, 54, 79, 41615, 88, 21768, 220, 198, 11187, 291, 285, 10205, 37686, 11, 25370, 120, 68, 5278, 10884, 26066, 474, 395, 474, 1533, 78, 308, 41615, 10205, 675, 128, 227, 32285, 330, 73, 128, 227, 13, 3409, 264, 494, 12590, 299, 12582, 10247, 564, 252, 20917, 10884, 26066, 447, 251, 13, 509, 798, 88, 416, 41615, 474, 274, 89, 66, 2736, 288, 49746, 694, 26597, 11, 474, 1533, 78, 2603, 4914, 479, 7056, 41615, 64, 38779, 267, 4743, 128, 227, 6814, 38325, 24170, 11, 24785, 1501, 78, 12, 23339, 41615, 68, 1226, 1820, 11, 479, 83, 10205, 260, 334, 591, 89, 8326, 41615, 83, 8455, 41615, 88, 474, 1533, 78, 21504, 41615, 78, 129, 249, 38325, 466, 279, 4267, 268, 21070, 4496, 13, 30146, 1034, 46313, 18015, 10884, 265, 81, 128, 247, 474, 25496, 2082, 129, 120, 77, 128, 227, 288, 5031, 299, 494, 2188, 267, 568, 65, 128, 247, 1312, 24785, 41615, 322, 494, 4914, 11, 479, 83, 10205, 563, 564, 252, 79, 482, 7056, 41615, 279, 482, 10205, 73, 11, 21504, 41615, 78, 129, 249, 38325, 11, 25370, 224, 2093, 128, 247, 11, 745, 7357, 774, 675, 78, 129, 249, 38325, 11, 7522, 1312, 285, 128, 247, 301, 21638 ]
[ 12252, 11, 3273, 16999, 67, 73531, 50647, 8176, 84, 382, 27849, 7643, 64954, 597, 3444, 4697, 13674, 11, 4415, 42942, 76, 125593, 34967, 90494, 297, 34227, 718, 8725, 392, 290, 5759, 1099, 613, 289, 1926, 382, 54, 79, 30678, 23361, 720, 27849, 296, 12543, 72, 11, 24230, 9454, 93839, 13599, 72029, 66789, 42413, 5985, 12979, 582, 37937, 13, 8388, 10112, 22493, 308, 13933, 10196, 15179, 41672, 93839, 11453, 735, 82719, 82735, 81353, 50773, 377, 27960, 11, 72029, 5634, 4657, 597, 12997, 22250, 12097, 95056, 5985, 3315, 7886, 46943, 11, 18472, 1923, 78, 1481, 35384, 68, 90494, 11, 43990, 577, 2857, 89, 2629, 4697, 83, 13780, 30678, 72029, 9686, 23762, 25898, 656, 281, 3614, 268, 29234, 4458, 13, 37201, 1200, 285, 34967, 18098, 62078, 5267, 50826, 10667, 6077, 57450, 30076, 11568, 3427, 72757, 5267, 602, 18472, 4697, 30086, 4657, 11, 42942, 15179, 110907, 12997, 4697, 45295, 62424, 11, 9686, 23762, 25898, 11, 75527, 1091, 5267, 11, 3273, 4341, 1919, 1551, 78, 25898, 11, 16044, 602, 296, 5267, 267, 1146 ]
[ 15397, 27849, 296, 12543, 72, 68841, 297, 304, 28383, 12097, 4341, 74, 613, 11, 22051, 89088, 9686, 12574, 12895, 30678, 86, 4415, 72029, 12097, 4341, 85544, 11, 296, 1896, 13, 362, 63804, 21839, 15403, 11, 12847, 3979, 11, 4470, 74, 561, 11, 3816, 8166, 82515, 5250, 36623, 11, 622, 13, 24298, 11, 42865, 11, 264, 64954, 90494, 3489, 24856, 24912, 96464, 13, 386, 12543, 47992, 66, 297, 12097, 4341, 346, 289, 16999, 17043, 329, 13846, 21951, 752, 83387, 89, 7987, 7661, 16947, 67592, 220, 679, 18, 56402, 11, 37201, 357, 86, 1291, 75916, 4697, 25, 15179, 52, 86, 13327, 65, 5038, 45927, 31422, 7661, 70, 266, 3200, 72, 18638, 49819, 84, 602, 45927, 71876, 342, 266, 3200, 12543, 12097, 4341, 6780, 602, 856, 7545, 75, 5267, 11, 24230, 311, 83006, 79956, 3273, 31881, 6181, 9686, 4483, 269, 70700, 12097, 4341, 85544, 11690, 17519, 9345, 1200, 105273, 74449, 289, 23095, 72, 6077, 363, 1631, 293, 894, 1919, 2580, 58993, 48519, 72187, 7545, 74696, 93562, 74, 363, 1631, 8013, 13235, 10139, 16999, 74, 12997, 30678, 11, 24230, 3273, 119323, 73531, 12951, 8791, 50810, 84, 330, 16, 12 ]
§ 28-320.5 Outreach and education. The office of building energy and emissions performance shall establish and engage in outreach and education efforts to inform building owners about building emissions limits, building emissions intensity limits and compliance with this article. The materials developed for such outreach and education shall be made available on the office’s website. Such outreach shall include a list of city, state, federal, private and utility incentive programs related to energy reduction or renewable energy for which buildings reasonably could be eligible. The office of building energy and emissions performance shall also provide outreach, education, and training opportunities for buildings’ maintenance and operations staff. § 28-320.6 Penalties. An owner of a covered building who has submitted a report pursuant to section 28-320.3.7 which indicates that such building has exceeded its annual building emissions limit shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than an amount equal to the difference between the building emissions limit for such year and the reported building emissions for such year, multiplied by $268. § 28-320.6.1 Determination of penalty. In considering the amount of the civil penalty to be imposed pursuant to this article, a court or administrative tribunal shall give due regard to aggravating or mitigating factors including:
§ 28-320.5 Outreach and education. The office of building energy and emissions performance shall establish and engage in outreach and education efforts to inform building owners about building emissions limits, building emissions intensity limits and compliance with this article. The materials developed for such outreach and education shall be made available on the office’s website. Such outreach shall include a list of city, state, federal, private and utility incentive programs related to energy reduction or renewable energy for which buildings reasonably could be eligible. The office of building energy and emissions performance shall also provide outreach, education, and training opportunities for buildings’ maintenance and operations staff. § 28-320.6 Penalties. An owner of a covered building who has submitted a report pursuant to section 28-320.3.7 which indicates that such building has exceeded its annual building emissions limit shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than an amount equal to the difference between the building emissions limit for such year and the reported building emissions for such year, multiplied by $268. § 28-320.6.1 Determination of penalty. In considering the amount of the civil penalty to be imposed pursuant to this article, a court or administrative tribunal shall give due regard to aggravating or mitigating factors including:
1. The respondent’s good faith efforts to comply with the requirements of this article, including investments in energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reductions before the effective date of this article; 2. The respondent’s history of compliance with this article; 3. The respondent’s compliance with the conditions of any adjustment to the applicable building emissions limit, issued by the department pursuant to section 28-320.7; 4. Whether the non-compliance was directly related to unexpected and unforeseeable events or conditions during the calendar year outside the control of the respondent; 5. The respondent’s access to financial resources; and 6. Whether payment of such penalty would impact the operations of facilities critical to human life or safety . § 28-320.6.2 Civil penalty for failure to file report. It shall be unlawful for the owner of a covered building to fail to submit an annual report as required by section 28-320.3.7 on or before the applicable due date. An owner of a covered building subject to a violation for failure to file a report shall be liable for a penalty of not more than an amount equal to the gross floor area of such covered building, multiplied by $0.50, for each
[ 16273, 2579, 12, 19504, 13, 20, 3806, 16250, 290, 3707, 13, 383, 2607, 286, 2615, 2568, 290, 8971, 2854, 2236, 4474, 290, 8209, 287, 23424, 290, 3707, 4040, 284, 4175, 2615, 4393, 546, 2615, 8971, 7095, 11, 2615, 8971, 12245, 7095, 290, 11846, 351, 428, 2708, 13, 383, 5696, 4166, 329, 884, 23424, 290, 3707, 2236, 307, 925, 1695, 319, 262, 2607, 447, 247, 82, 3052, 13, 8013, 23424, 2236, 2291, 257, 1351, 286, 1748, 11, 1181, 11, 2717, 11, 2839, 290, 10361, 15660, 4056, 3519, 284, 2568, 7741, 393, 15713, 2568, 329, 543, 6832, 13025, 714, 307, 8867, 13, 383, 2607, 286, 2615, 2568, 290, 8971, 2854, 2236, 635, 2148, 23424, 11, 3707, 11, 290, 3047, 6443, 329, 6832, 447, 247, 9262, 290, 4560, 3085, 13, 198, 16273, 2579, 12, 19504, 13, 21, 7507, 10355, 13, 1052, 4870, 286, 257, 5017, 2615, 508, 468, 8948, 257, 989, 12997, 284, 2665, 2579, 12, 19504, 13, 18, 13, 22, 543, 9217, 326, 884, 2615, 468, 20672, 663, 5079, 2615, 8971, 4179, 2236, 307, 17583, 329, 257, 3026, 7389, 286, 407, 517, 621, 281, 2033, 4961, 284, 262, 3580, 1022, 262, 2615, 8971, 4179, 329, 884, 614, 290, 262, 2098, 2615, 8971, 329, 884, 614, 11, 33096, 416, 720, 25022, 13, 198, 16273, 2579, 12, 19504, 13, 21, 13, 16, 360, 29610, 286, 7389, 13, 554, 6402, 262, 2033, 286, 262, 3026, 7389, 284, 307, 10893, 12997, 284, 428, 2708, 11, 257, 2184, 393, 11553, 30105, 2236, 1577, 2233, 2754, 284, 20072, 803, 393, 47165, 5087, 1390, 25 ]
[ 18332, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 20, 97550, 323, 6873, 13, 578, 5274, 315, 4857, 4907, 323, 20748, 5178, 4985, 5813, 323, 16988, 304, 47210, 323, 6873, 9045, 311, 6179, 4857, 7980, 922, 4857, 20748, 13693, 11, 4857, 20748, 21261, 13693, 323, 8907, 449, 420, 4652, 13, 578, 7384, 8040, 369, 1778, 47210, 323, 6873, 4985, 387, 1903, 2561, 389, 279, 5274, 753, 3997, 13, 15483, 47210, 4985, 2997, 264, 1160, 315, 3363, 11, 1614, 11, 6918, 11, 879, 323, 15919, 36210, 7620, 5552, 311, 4907, 14278, 477, 33268, 4907, 369, 902, 14016, 29546, 1436, 387, 17446, 13, 578, 5274, 315, 4857, 4907, 323, 20748, 5178, 4985, 1101, 3493, 47210, 11, 6873, 11, 323, 4967, 10708, 369, 14016, 529, 13709, 323, 7677, 5687, 627, 18332, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 21, 13597, 24387, 13, 1556, 6506, 315, 264, 9960, 4857, 889, 706, 14976, 264, 1934, 33549, 311, 3857, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 18, 13, 22, 902, 15151, 430, 1778, 4857, 706, 34908, 1202, 9974, 4857, 20748, 4017, 4985, 387, 35473, 369, 264, 8431, 16750, 315, 539, 810, 1109, 459, 3392, 6273, 311, 279, 6811, 1990, 279, 4857, 20748, 4017, 369, 1778, 1060, 323, 279, 5068, 4857, 20748, 369, 1778, 1060, 11, 56016, 555, 400, 16332, 627, 18332, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 21, 13, 16, 36007, 367, 315, 16750, 13, 763, 13126, 279, 3392, 315, 279, 8431, 16750, 311, 387, 27070, 33549, 311, 420, 4652, 11, 264, 5590, 477, 23541, 63992, 4985, 3041, 4245, 5363, 311, 46041, 1113, 477, 36090, 1113, 9547, 2737, 25 ]
[ 198, 16, 13, 578, 67988, 753, 1695, 10082, 9045, 311, 26069, 449, 279, 8670, 315, 420, 4652, 11, 2737, 22538, 304, 4907, 15374, 323, 37647, 6962, 20748, 47311, 1603, 279, 7524, 2457, 315, 420, 4652, 280, 17, 13, 578, 67988, 753, 3925, 315, 8907, 449, 420, 4652, 280, 18, 13, 578, 67988, 753, 8907, 449, 279, 4787, 315, 904, 28174, 311, 279, 8581, 4857, 20748, 4017, 11, 11136, 555, 279, 9476, 33549, 311, 3857, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 22, 280, 19, 13, 13440, 279, 2536, 11733, 32712, 574, 6089, 5552, 311, 16907, 323, 96691, 4151, 481, 4455, 477, 4787, 2391, 279, 13470, 1060, 4994, 279, 2585, 315, 279, 67988, 280, 20, 13, 578, 67988, 753, 2680, 311, 6020, 5070, 26, 323, 220, 21, 13, 13440, 8323, 315, 1778, 16750, 1053, 5536, 279, 7677, 315, 13077, 9200, 311, 3823, 2324, 477, 7296, 16853, 18332, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 21, 13, 17, 16803, 16750, 369, 8060, 311, 1052, 1934, 13, 1102, 4985, 387, 45522, 369, 279, 6506, 315, 264, 9960, 4857, 311, 3775, 311, 9502, 459, 9974, 1934, 439, 2631, 555, 3857, 220, 1591, 12, 9588, 13, 18, 13, 22, 389, 477, 1603, 279, 8581, 4245, 2457, 13, 1556, 6506, 315, 264, 9960, 4857, 3917, 311, 264, 20535, 369, 8060, 311, 1052, 264, 1934, 4985, 387, 35473, 369, 264, 16750, 315, 539, 810, 1109, 459, 3392, 6273, 311, 279, 20547, 6558, 3158, 315, 1778, 9960, 4857, 11, 56016, 555, 400, 15, 13, 1135, 11, 369, 1855 ]
baum’s "Gulag" in the time share; I was surprised someone left such an expensive and unlikely beach read there. I usually end up leaving the beach in far better physical shape than when I arrive. Beach bling (skin is bling to the male eye) makes me restless so instead of reading I run, bike and swim. Every day a triathlon. Philosopher/runner/writer George Sheehan once wrote that racing is the love-making of running, so while out for a jog I spied a bunch of folks lining up for a race and I found that irresistible so I lined up myself, about ten yards away. It’s a sprint to the surf, about a hundred meters, and the six and seven year olds all wear expressions of great seriousness. At the finish line is the day care worker or teacher and we’re off! Those kids really have a good first step and I find myself lagging early. Teach gives me a wide grin as I hit the water. My two o’clock rule (before which I’ll drink no ale) feels arbitrary and wicked here under the blazing beachball sun. My IQ falls twenty points under this gladsome sun tide; I was reading
baum’s "Gulag" in the time share; I was surprised someone left such an expensive and unlikely beach read there. I usually end up leaving the beach in far better physical shape than when I arrive. Beach bling (skin is bling to the male eye) makes me restless so instead of reading I run, bike and swim. Every day a triathlon. Philosopher/runner/writer George Sheehan once wrote that racing is the love-making of running, so while out for a jog I spied a bunch of folks lining up for a race and I found that irresistible so I lined up myself, about ten yards away. It’s a sprint to the surf, about a hundred meters, and the six and seven year olds all wear expressions of great seriousness. At the finish line is the day care worker or teacher and we’re off! Those kids really have a good first step and I find myself lagging early. Teach gives me a wide grin as I hit the water. My two o’clock rule (before which I’ll drink no ale) feels arbitrary and wicked here under the blazing beachball sun. My IQ falls twenty points under this gladsome sun tide; I was reading
“God in the Quad”, hardly “War & Peace”, but after going outside it feels near burdensome. I sift “Treasure Island” and “Sanibel Flats” to the top of my book bag. My wife moves the cooler to use as a foot stool. I’m genuinely impressed. I say, “all the time I’ve been down here and I didn’t think of that!” “Babe, I’m an expert relaxer,” she coolly replies. But I should never mistake this for retirement. Three beers and a beach in front of me. Nay, retirement is probably shuffleboard and dyspepsia. I’m reading “Early Bird”, the account of a 28-year old joke-writer for David Letterman who burned out on his job and went to live in a Florida retirement community. The book vaguely depresses me, for reasons I can quite put my finger on. And yet it is extremely absorbing and witty and humorous. But the depiction of the community sounds so frivolous and superficial. Both too much seriousity and too much frivolity wear. Balance, where art
[ 24738, 447, 247, 82, 366, 38, 377, 363, 1, 287, 262, 640, 2648, 26, 314, 373, 6655, 2130, 1364, 884, 281, 5789, 290, 7485, 10481, 1100, 612, 13, 314, 3221, 886, 510, 4305, 262, 10481, 287, 1290, 1365, 3518, 5485, 621, 618, 314, 9240, 13, 8511, 698, 278, 357, 20407, 318, 698, 278, 284, 262, 4257, 4151, 8, 1838, 502, 42537, 523, 2427, 286, 3555, 314, 1057, 11, 7161, 290, 9422, 13, 3887, 1110, 257, 1333, 50236, 13, 18880, 8803, 14, 16737, 14, 16002, 4502, 1375, 68, 7637, 1752, 2630, 326, 11717, 318, 262, 1842, 12, 8601, 286, 2491, 11, 523, 981, 503, 329, 257, 48342, 314, 599, 798, 257, 7684, 286, 7974, 20883, 510, 329, 257, 3234, 290, 314, 1043, 326, 45420, 523, 314, 16566, 510, 3589, 11, 546, 3478, 5695, 1497, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 257, 18553, 284, 262, 9053, 11, 546, 257, 3470, 10700, 11, 290, 262, 2237, 290, 3598, 614, 44979, 477, 5806, 14700, 286, 1049, 32095, 13, 1629, 262, 5461, 1627, 318, 262, 1110, 1337, 8383, 393, 4701, 290, 356, 447, 247, 260, 572, 0, 5845, 3988, 1107, 423, 257, 922, 717, 2239, 290, 314, 1064, 3589, 300, 16406, 1903, 13, 42015, 3607, 502, 257, 3094, 16770, 355, 314, 2277, 262, 1660, 13, 198, 3666, 734, 267, 447, 247, 15750, 3896, 357, 19052, 543, 314, 447, 247, 297, 4144, 645, 31341, 8, 5300, 14977, 290, 20589, 994, 739, 262, 37019, 10481, 1894, 4252, 13, 2011, 18248, 8953, 8208, 2173, 739, 428, 1278, 5643, 462, 4252, 20013, 26, 314, 373, 3555 ]
[ 59611, 753, 330, 38, 360, 351, 1, 304, 279, 892, 4430, 26, 358, 574, 14792, 4423, 2163, 1778, 459, 11646, 323, 17821, 11573, 1373, 1070, 13, 358, 6118, 842, 709, 9564, 279, 11573, 304, 3117, 2731, 7106, 6211, 1109, 994, 358, 17782, 13, 13011, 1529, 287, 320, 37282, 374, 1529, 287, 311, 279, 8762, 8071, 8, 3727, 757, 89358, 779, 4619, 315, 5403, 358, 1629, 11, 13260, 323, 16587, 13, 7357, 1938, 264, 2463, 78017, 13, 7302, 46459, 14, 42836, 6458, 2604, 10058, 3005, 2701, 276, 3131, 6267, 430, 22019, 374, 279, 3021, 28846, 315, 4401, 11, 779, 1418, 704, 369, 264, 31225, 358, 993, 1142, 264, 15860, 315, 15687, 36471, 709, 369, 264, 7102, 323, 358, 1766, 430, 86929, 779, 358, 32393, 709, 7182, 11, 922, 5899, 14006, 3201, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 38949, 311, 279, 20884, 11, 922, 264, 7895, 20645, 11, 323, 279, 4848, 323, 8254, 1060, 79573, 682, 10051, 24282, 315, 2294, 75481, 13, 2468, 279, 6381, 1584, 374, 279, 1938, 2512, 12128, 477, 11326, 323, 584, 3207, 1022, 0, 13266, 6980, 2216, 617, 264, 1695, 1176, 3094, 323, 358, 1505, 7182, 22171, 3252, 4216, 13, 70377, 6835, 757, 264, 7029, 59380, 439, 358, 4295, 279, 3090, 627, 5159, 1403, 297, 529, 21321, 6037, 320, 15145, 902, 358, 4805, 7172, 912, 22180, 8, 11321, 25142, 323, 45077, 1618, 1234, 279, 86350, 11573, 4047, 7160, 13, 3092, 37811, 17503, 17510, 3585, 1234, 420, 2840, 7819, 638, 7160, 43038, 26, 358, 574, 5403 ]
[ 1054, 28622, 304, 279, 39118, 9520, 20781, 1054, 29784, 612, 26888, 9520, 719, 1306, 2133, 4994, 433, 11321, 3221, 64074, 638, 13, 358, 81844, 1054, 66875, 4058, 10951, 863, 323, 1054, 24661, 69695, 3061, 1900, 863, 311, 279, 1948, 315, 856, 2363, 9145, 627, 5159, 7555, 11031, 279, 36921, 311, 1005, 439, 264, 4579, 64172, 13, 358, 4344, 36297, 25408, 13, 358, 2019, 11, 1054, 543, 279, 892, 358, 4070, 1027, 1523, 1618, 323, 358, 3287, 1431, 1781, 315, 430, 18319, 198, 2118, 33, 8393, 11, 358, 4344, 459, 6335, 12234, 261, 2476, 1364, 7155, 398, 31737, 627, 4071, 358, 1288, 2646, 16930, 420, 369, 21624, 13, 14853, 38066, 323, 264, 11573, 304, 4156, 315, 757, 13, 99173, 11, 21624, 374, 4762, 27037, 2541, 323, 22709, 375, 1725, 689, 13, 358, 4344, 5403, 1054, 42298, 24214, 9520, 279, 2759, 315, 264, 220, 1591, 4771, 2362, 22380, 2695, 2604, 369, 6941, 27757, 1543, 889, 27724, 704, 389, 813, 2683, 323, 4024, 311, 3974, 304, 264, 9784, 21624, 4029, 13, 578, 2363, 73059, 39300, 288, 757, 11, 369, 8125, 358, 649, 5115, 2231, 856, 14654, 389, 13, 1628, 3686, 433, 374, 9193, 70275, 323, 83733, 323, 70946, 13, 2030, 279, 73764, 315, 279, 4029, 10578, 779, 96524, 788, 323, 59915, 13, 11995, 2288, 1790, 6129, 488, 323, 2288, 1790, 96524, 488, 10051, 13, 31946, 11, 1405, 1989 ]
had acquired the rights to the movie, said the Pixar team to make it edgier and darker. Steve Jobs and John Lasseter(the director) stopped the production and edited the story to make it friendlier. It still happened when he would open the first Apple store. He didn’t like the tiles, so he demanded all be taken out and replaced. Steve Jobs would avoid doing market research to determine what consumers prefer. He said: “Consumers don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them.” It goes with the famous statement from Henry Ford: “If I had asked customers what they wanted, they would reply, A faster horse.” Jobs had a sense of empathy for his customers, and he used intuition to figure out the desires that had not yet formed. It is easy to avoid meeting people in the high technology era and think that ideas come from the online world. Jobs had a firm belief that creativity comes from casual meetings or random conversations. When you talk to someone, you can explore different ideas and problems and even find solutions. It is a quote placed on the back cover of The Whole Earth Catalog in 1974. Stay
had acquired the rights to the movie, said the Pixar team to make it edgier and darker. Steve Jobs and John Lasseter(the director) stopped the production and edited the story to make it friendlier. It still happened when he would open the first Apple store. He didn’t like the tiles, so he demanded all be taken out and replaced. Steve Jobs would avoid doing market research to determine what consumers prefer. He said: “Consumers don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them.” It goes with the famous statement from Henry Ford: “If I had asked customers what they wanted, they would reply, A faster horse.” Jobs had a sense of empathy for his customers, and he used intuition to figure out the desires that had not yet formed. It is easy to avoid meeting people in the high technology era and think that ideas come from the online world. Jobs had a firm belief that creativity comes from casual meetings or random conversations. When you talk to someone, you can explore different ideas and problems and even find solutions. It is a quote placed on the back cover of The Whole Earth Catalog in 1974. Stay
hungry means never stopping seeking knowledge. Never stop searching for the next big thing. It would be best if you were adaptable to the change. Steve Jobs had made millions and had signed his name in the history of technology. But, he had a burning, persistent desire never to stop challenging himself to go further. Stay foolish means to dare to make big decisions even if they contradict society or industry. You have to have a passion for what you are doing. The reason is that it is so hard that if you don’t, any rational person will give up when faced with difficulties. If you don’t love it. If you don’t have fun doing it. You will give up. That’s what happens to most people. You have to love it. You have to have passion. Conclusion: From day one, Apple’s founder kept his vision intact, and they communicated it at every turn. How to develop charisma and influence people Charismatic like Bill Clinton Why Did R&B Singer Jhene Aiko Roll Out Her New Album at a Pot Dispensary? In the week her first full-length album, 'Souled Out,' debuted, singer J
[ 550, 9477, 262, 2489, 284, 262, 3807, 11, 531, 262, 46706, 1074, 284, 787, 340, 1225, 70, 959, 290, 18646, 13, 198, 19206, 19161, 290, 1757, 406, 562, 2357, 7, 1169, 3437, 8, 5025, 262, 3227, 290, 13012, 262, 1621, 284, 787, 340, 1545, 2505, 13, 198, 1026, 991, 3022, 618, 339, 561, 1280, 262, 717, 4196, 3650, 13, 679, 1422, 447, 247, 83, 588, 262, 19867, 11, 523, 339, 12284, 477, 307, 2077, 503, 290, 6928, 13, 198, 19206, 19161, 561, 3368, 1804, 1910, 2267, 284, 5004, 644, 7008, 4702, 13, 198, 1544, 531, 25, 564, 250, 9444, 31260, 836, 447, 247, 83, 760, 644, 484, 765, 1566, 356, 447, 247, 303, 3402, 606, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1026, 2925, 351, 262, 5863, 2643, 422, 8616, 8092, 25, 564, 250, 1532, 314, 550, 1965, 4297, 644, 484, 2227, 11, 484, 561, 10971, 11, 317, 5443, 8223, 13, 447, 251, 198, 41, 8158, 550, 257, 2565, 286, 21452, 329, 465, 4297, 11, 290, 339, 973, 31563, 284, 3785, 503, 262, 15997, 326, 550, 407, 1865, 7042, 13, 198, 1026, 318, 2562, 284, 3368, 3249, 661, 287, 262, 1029, 3037, 6980, 290, 892, 326, 4213, 1282, 422, 262, 2691, 995, 13, 198, 41, 8158, 550, 257, 4081, 4901, 326, 16389, 2058, 422, 9341, 8292, 393, 4738, 10275, 13, 198, 2215, 345, 1561, 284, 2130, 11, 345, 460, 7301, 1180, 4213, 290, 2761, 290, 772, 1064, 8136, 13, 198, 1026, 318, 257, 9577, 4624, 319, 262, 736, 3002, 286, 383, 23431, 3668, 44515, 287, 16489, 13, 198, 25681 ]
[ 1047, 19426, 279, 3268, 311, 279, 5818, 11, 1071, 279, 100223, 2128, 311, 1304, 433, 1608, 70, 1291, 323, 40130, 627, 38595, 23946, 323, 3842, 445, 395, 1430, 31524, 7690, 8, 10717, 279, 5788, 323, 19685, 279, 3446, 311, 1304, 433, 4333, 5741, 627, 2181, 2103, 7077, 994, 568, 1053, 1825, 279, 1176, 8325, 3637, 13, 1283, 3287, 1431, 1093, 279, 21130, 11, 779, 568, 30526, 682, 387, 4529, 704, 323, 12860, 627, 38595, 23946, 1053, 5766, 3815, 3157, 3495, 311, 8417, 1148, 13723, 10932, 627, 1548, 1071, 25, 1054, 43066, 388, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1148, 814, 1390, 3156, 584, 4070, 6982, 1124, 49216, 2181, 5900, 449, 279, 11495, 5224, 505, 18063, 14337, 25, 1054, 2746, 358, 1047, 4691, 6444, 1148, 814, 4934, 11, 814, 1053, 10052, 11, 362, 10819, 15580, 49216, 41767, 1047, 264, 5647, 315, 48451, 369, 813, 6444, 11, 323, 568, 1511, 57351, 311, 7216, 704, 279, 32097, 430, 1047, 539, 3686, 14454, 627, 2181, 374, 4228, 311, 5766, 6574, 1274, 304, 279, 1579, 5557, 11639, 323, 1781, 430, 6848, 2586, 505, 279, 2930, 1917, 627, 41767, 1047, 264, 7626, 16801, 430, 28697, 4131, 505, 16736, 16659, 477, 4288, 21633, 627, 4599, 499, 3137, 311, 4423, 11, 499, 649, 13488, 2204, 6848, 323, 5435, 323, 1524, 1505, 10105, 627, 2181, 374, 264, 12929, 9277, 389, 279, 1203, 3504, 315, 578, 41593, 9420, 32321, 304, 220, 4468, 19, 627, 39202 ]
[ 30056, 3445, 2646, 23351, 11125, 6677, 13, 15037, 3009, 15389, 369, 279, 1828, 2466, 3245, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 1888, 422, 499, 1051, 94848, 311, 279, 2349, 627, 38595, 23946, 1047, 1903, 11990, 323, 1047, 8667, 813, 836, 304, 279, 3925, 315, 5557, 13, 2030, 11, 568, 1047, 264, 20252, 11, 26048, 12876, 2646, 311, 3009, 17436, 5678, 311, 733, 4726, 627, 39202, 46337, 3445, 311, 33304, 311, 1304, 2466, 11429, 1524, 422, 814, 43561, 8396, 477, 5064, 627, 2675, 617, 311, 617, 264, 11939, 369, 1148, 499, 527, 3815, 627, 791, 2944, 374, 430, 433, 374, 779, 2653, 430, 422, 499, 1541, 1431, 11, 904, 25442, 1732, 690, 3041, 709, 994, 17011, 449, 27129, 627, 2746, 499, 1541, 1431, 3021, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 2523, 3815, 433, 13, 1472, 690, 3041, 709, 627, 4897, 753, 1148, 8741, 311, 1455, 1274, 627, 2675, 617, 311, 3021, 433, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 617, 11939, 627, 44534, 25, 5659, 1938, 832, 11, 8325, 753, 19533, 8774, 813, 11376, 35539, 11, 323, 814, 59035, 433, 520, 1475, 2543, 627, 4438, 311, 2274, 99749, 323, 10383, 1274, 198, 4873, 57245, 1093, 8766, 8283, 8595, 14910, 432, 49339, 55770, 622, 71, 1994, 362, 24551, 15028, 4470, 6385, 1561, 26749, 520, 264, 14020, 70830, 729, 661, 5380, 644, 279, 2046, 1077, 1176, 2539, 30425, 8176, 11, 364, 58532, 839, 4470, 2965, 58185, 11, 23597, 622 ]
if you want to make her life a tad easier. Your mom no doubt could use a boost in her physical and mental health as well. That’s where aromatherapy via an air diffuser comes in. An air diffuser can emit an essential oil fragrance for a whopping seven hours at a time. Daily doses of aromatherapy can easily refresh your mother’s mind and make her feel better overall. At the same time, it can freshen up her home since it can easily combat odors. You can’t beat that. If your mom isn’t a regular water drinker, now is the perfect time to give her a gift that will make her want to drink more water. That gift is a flavor-infusing water bottle. With this type of bottle, your mother can enjoy a flavored drink every time she needs hydration. A wide range of recipes is available online to liven up her water and make staying hydrated and thus healthy a lot more fun. Does your mom love necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets? Then give her a lovely jewelry box for storing her favorite jewels. An intricately designed vintage box would be an especially charming and elegant addition to
if you want to make her life a tad easier. Your mom no doubt could use a boost in her physical and mental health as well. That’s where aromatherapy via an air diffuser comes in. An air diffuser can emit an essential oil fragrance for a whopping seven hours at a time. Daily doses of aromatherapy can easily refresh your mother’s mind and make her feel better overall. At the same time, it can freshen up her home since it can easily combat odors. You can’t beat that. If your mom isn’t a regular water drinker, now is the perfect time to give her a gift that will make her want to drink more water. That gift is a flavor-infusing water bottle. With this type of bottle, your mother can enjoy a flavored drink every time she needs hydration. A wide range of recipes is available online to liven up her water and make staying hydrated and thus healthy a lot more fun. Does your mom love necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets? Then give her a lovely jewelry box for storing her favorite jewels. An intricately designed vintage box would be an especially charming and elegant addition to
her bedroom dresser. If you want to take things a notch higher, then surprise her with a box that plays background music. Every time she opens her box and hears the music, she’ll think of you. And without a doubt, a smile will soon follow. We mentioned the iRobot earlier, but let’s say your mom isn’t a big fan of gadgets. No problem — just gift her a professional home cleaning. By hiring a professional cleaner to tackle her home, you’ll give your mom a much-deserved break around the house. This gift may especially be welcome during the busy holidays or right before vacation. Do you want to pull at your mom’s heartstrings? You can’t go wrong with a photo in a frame with a poem beside it. As a general rule of thumb, women of all ages enjoy receiving messages that are dedicated to them. So, find the perfect poem to pair with a photo of your mom or a picture of your mom with her kids. Then, be prepared to watch the tears flow. As your mom gets older, dry skin will likely become an increasingly annoying problem for her. Help her to combat it with a high-quality
[ 611, 345, 765, 284, 787, 607, 1204, 257, 36264, 4577, 13, 198, 7120, 1995, 645, 4719, 714, 779, 257, 5750, 287, 607, 3518, 290, 5110, 1535, 355, 880, 13, 1320, 447, 247, 82, 810, 19731, 1032, 12826, 2884, 281, 1633, 814, 7220, 2058, 287, 13, 198, 2025, 1633, 814, 7220, 460, 27588, 281, 6393, 3056, 36860, 329, 257, 27833, 3598, 2250, 379, 257, 640, 13, 198, 28545, 16376, 286, 19731, 1032, 12826, 460, 3538, 14976, 534, 2802, 447, 247, 82, 2000, 290, 787, 607, 1254, 1365, 4045, 13, 1629, 262, 976, 640, 11, 340, 460, 34093, 831, 510, 607, 1363, 1201, 340, 460, 3538, 5249, 16298, 669, 13, 921, 460, 447, 247, 83, 4405, 326, 13, 198, 1532, 534, 1995, 2125, 447, 247, 83, 257, 3218, 1660, 4144, 263, 11, 783, 318, 262, 2818, 640, 284, 1577, 607, 257, 6979, 326, 481, 787, 607, 765, 284, 4144, 517, 1660, 13, 1320, 6979, 318, 257, 9565, 12, 10745, 3500, 1660, 9294, 13, 198, 3152, 428, 2099, 286, 9294, 11, 534, 2802, 460, 2883, 257, 45613, 4144, 790, 640, 673, 2476, 7409, 1358, 13, 317, 3094, 2837, 286, 14296, 318, 1695, 2691, 284, 300, 1469, 510, 607, 1660, 290, 787, 10589, 7409, 4111, 290, 4145, 5448, 257, 1256, 517, 1257, 13, 198, 13921, 534, 1995, 1842, 7393, 75, 2114, 11, 1027, 33173, 11, 13917, 11, 290, 22581, 5289, 30, 3244, 1577, 607, 257, 14081, 22634, 3091, 329, 23069, 607, 4004, 42701, 13, 198, 2025, 22588, 1286, 3562, 20276, 3091, 561, 307, 281, 2592, 23332, 290, 19992, 3090, 284 ]
[ 422, 499, 1390, 311, 1304, 1077, 2324, 264, 64906, 8831, 627, 7927, 3450, 912, 10712, 1436, 1005, 264, 7916, 304, 1077, 7106, 323, 10723, 2890, 439, 1664, 13, 3011, 753, 1405, 32369, 1894, 9864, 4669, 459, 3805, 3722, 882, 4131, 304, 627, 2127, 3805, 3722, 882, 649, 17105, 459, 7718, 5707, 56227, 369, 264, 63969, 8254, 4207, 520, 264, 892, 627, 44653, 35130, 315, 32369, 1894, 9864, 649, 6847, 10625, 701, 6691, 753, 4059, 323, 1304, 1077, 2733, 2731, 8244, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 433, 649, 7878, 268, 709, 1077, 2162, 2533, 433, 649, 6847, 12896, 11018, 1105, 13, 1472, 649, 1431, 9567, 430, 627, 2746, 701, 3450, 4536, 1431, 264, 5912, 3090, 7172, 261, 11, 1457, 374, 279, 4832, 892, 311, 3041, 1077, 264, 8352, 430, 690, 1304, 1077, 1390, 311, 7172, 810, 3090, 13, 3011, 8352, 374, 264, 17615, 48336, 985, 3090, 16893, 627, 2409, 420, 955, 315, 16893, 11, 701, 6691, 649, 4774, 264, 88340, 7172, 1475, 892, 1364, 3966, 88000, 13, 362, 7029, 2134, 315, 19141, 374, 2561, 2930, 311, 326, 2116, 709, 1077, 3090, 323, 1304, 19994, 95831, 323, 8617, 9498, 264, 2763, 810, 2523, 627, 22186, 701, 3450, 3021, 13272, 77688, 11, 67301, 11, 25562, 11, 323, 89965, 30, 5112, 3041, 1077, 264, 17104, 31817, 3830, 369, 28672, 1077, 7075, 86131, 627, 2127, 94603, 2718, 6319, 24724, 3830, 1053, 387, 459, 5423, 35509, 323, 26861, 5369, 311 ]
[ 1077, 14150, 96637, 627, 2746, 499, 1390, 311, 1935, 2574, 264, 51554, 5190, 11, 1243, 13051, 1077, 449, 264, 3830, 430, 11335, 4092, 4731, 13, 7357, 892, 1364, 16264, 1077, 3830, 323, 53159, 279, 4731, 11, 1364, 4805, 1781, 315, 499, 13, 1628, 2085, 264, 10712, 11, 264, 15648, 690, 5246, 1833, 627, 1687, 9932, 279, 602, 44474, 6931, 11, 719, 1095, 753, 2019, 701, 3450, 4536, 1431, 264, 2466, 8571, 315, 54475, 13, 2360, 3575, 2001, 1120, 8352, 1077, 264, 6721, 2162, 16204, 627, 1383, 24009, 264, 6721, 32981, 311, 22118, 1077, 2162, 11, 499, 4805, 3041, 701, 3450, 264, 1790, 25520, 2841, 1464, 2212, 279, 3838, 13, 1115, 8352, 1253, 5423, 387, 10788, 2391, 279, 13326, 25425, 477, 1314, 1603, 20769, 627, 5519, 499, 1390, 311, 6958, 520, 701, 3450, 753, 4851, 19107, 30, 1472, 649, 1431, 733, 5076, 449, 264, 6685, 304, 264, 4124, 449, 264, 33894, 30488, 433, 627, 2170, 264, 4689, 6037, 315, 25015, 11, 3278, 315, 682, 17051, 4774, 12588, 6743, 430, 527, 12514, 311, 1124, 13, 2100, 11, 1505, 279, 4832, 33894, 311, 6857, 449, 264, 6685, 315, 701, 3450, 477, 264, 6945, 315, 701, 3450, 449, 1077, 6980, 13, 5112, 11, 387, 10235, 311, 3821, 279, 24014, 6530, 627, 2170, 701, 3450, 5334, 9191, 11, 9235, 6930, 690, 4461, 3719, 459, 15098, 30931, 3575, 369, 1077, 13, 11736, 1077, 311, 12896, 433, 449, 264, 1579, 22867 ]
actermancer Want to make character building as easy and streamlined as possible? (Currently a beta feature) Troubleshooting guide Step-by-step guide to self-diagnose possible bugs, and how to report them to the developer Quoted in NPR Story on Farmer’s Almanac In this NPR piece from a few years ago I was interviewed about the accuracy of the Farmer’s Almanac (spoiler: I’m skeptical). An interesting look at “folk” predictions can be found HERE: Ben Radford, deputy editor of the science magazineSkeptical Inquirer, says mystery is actually a big part of why Tartisel and others might perceive the almanac as being more accurate than it actually is. People are attracted to the idea that a 200-year-old secret formula locked in a simple black box could outdo the weather geeks, says Radford, who has written books that examine urban legends and claims of the paranormal. So they tend to remember when the National Weather Service gets it wrong but forget when the almanac does. That’s what psychologists call confirmation bias, he says, which is “basically remembering the hits and forgetting the misses, or in some cases forgiving
actermancer Want to make character building as easy and streamlined as possible? (Currently a beta feature) Troubleshooting guide Step-by-step guide to self-diagnose possible bugs, and how to report them to the developer Quoted in NPR Story on Farmer’s Almanac In this NPR piece from a few years ago I was interviewed about the accuracy of the Farmer’s Almanac (spoiler: I’m skeptical). An interesting look at “folk” predictions can be found HERE: Ben Radford, deputy editor of the science magazineSkeptical Inquirer, says mystery is actually a big part of why Tartisel and others might perceive the almanac as being more accurate than it actually is. People are attracted to the idea that a 200-year-old secret formula locked in a simple black box could outdo the weather geeks, says Radford, who has written books that examine urban legends and claims of the paranormal. So they tend to remember when the National Weather Service gets it wrong but forget when the almanac does. That’s what psychologists call confirmation bias, he says, which is “basically remembering the hits and forgetting the misses, or in some cases forgiving
the misses.” “It’s the same with astrology columns,” Radford says. “You can look at your horoscope each day for a month, and if you later ask someone about it, they will tell you about the few times it was right, not the majority of times it was wrong.”And he says the almanac does an expert job of mixing in some real science with its pseudoscience: “On one page you might have accurate information about the moon phases, and on the next page you might have completely false information about how Venus influences your personal life.” Folklore, Media Appearances, Media Literacy, News, Psychology Quoted in New Book on Critical Thinking Was Screaming ‘Dead’ Honduran Teen Buried Alive? DePuy Jaw Implant Metal Hip Replacement Attorney Group for Arkansas / Lawsuits / Arkansas Bad Drug Attorney / Arkansas Xarelto Lawsuit Attorney Arkansas Xarelto Lawsuit Attorney JochenSands/DigitalVision/Thinkstock An Arkansas Xarelto lawsuit attorney can help those who have suffered complications after taking Xarelto. Lawsuits filed against Bayer Healthcare and Janssen Pharmaceuticals that allege
[ 529, 2224, 2189, 16168, 284, 787, 2095, 2615, 355, 2562, 290, 39673, 355, 1744, 30, 357, 21327, 257, 12159, 3895, 8, 198, 51, 472, 7689, 35486, 5698, 5012, 12, 1525, 12, 9662, 5698, 284, 2116, 12, 47356, 577, 1744, 11316, 11, 290, 703, 284, 989, 606, 284, 262, 8517, 2264, 5191, 287, 17921, 8362, 319, 37755, 447, 247, 82, 978, 46870, 198, 818, 428, 17921, 3704, 422, 257, 1178, 812, 2084, 314, 373, 12299, 546, 262, 9922, 286, 262, 37755, 447, 247, 82, 978, 46870, 357, 2777, 20837, 25, 314, 447, 247, 76, 17988, 737, 1052, 3499, 804, 379, 564, 250, 19956, 447, 251, 16277, 460, 307, 1043, 15698, 25, 198, 11696, 5325, 3841, 11, 10636, 5464, 286, 262, 3783, 7093, 50, 45089, 605, 17193, 557, 81, 11, 1139, 10715, 318, 1682, 257, 1263, 636, 286, 1521, 37109, 36811, 290, 1854, 1244, 19973, 262, 435, 46870, 355, 852, 517, 7187, 621, 340, 1682, 318, 13, 4380, 389, 12725, 284, 262, 2126, 326, 257, 939, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 3200, 10451, 8970, 287, 257, 2829, 2042, 3091, 714, 503, 4598, 262, 6193, 308, 32201, 11, 1139, 5325, 3841, 11, 508, 468, 3194, 3835, 326, 10716, 7876, 24901, 290, 3667, 286, 262, 47525, 13, 1406, 484, 4327, 284, 3505, 618, 262, 2351, 15615, 4809, 3011, 340, 2642, 475, 6044, 618, 262, 435, 46870, 857, 13, 198, 2504, 447, 247, 82, 644, 30842, 869, 12641, 10690, 11, 339, 1139, 11, 543, 318, 564, 250, 12093, 1146, 24865, 262, 7127, 290, 32012, 262, 18297, 11, 393, 287, 617, 2663, 43486 ]
[ 2540, 76, 11967, 24133, 311, 1304, 3752, 4857, 439, 4228, 323, 75160, 439, 3284, 30, 320, 34814, 264, 13746, 4668, 340, 91635, 65, 51340, 8641, 15166, 14656, 30308, 8641, 311, 659, 51389, 3326, 974, 3284, 23367, 11, 323, 1268, 311, 1934, 1124, 311, 279, 16131, 3489, 9437, 304, 45300, 15457, 389, 68564, 753, 108873, 582, 198, 644, 420, 45300, 6710, 505, 264, 2478, 1667, 4227, 358, 574, 30147, 922, 279, 13708, 315, 279, 68564, 753, 108873, 582, 320, 83959, 5888, 25, 358, 4344, 44929, 570, 1556, 7185, 1427, 520, 1054, 42031, 863, 20492, 649, 387, 1766, 19804, 512, 25584, 21254, 8350, 11, 27158, 6576, 315, 279, 8198, 14756, 50, 99020, 950, 763, 51892, 11, 2795, 23347, 374, 3604, 264, 2466, 961, 315, 3249, 78641, 66394, 323, 3885, 2643, 45493, 279, 453, 1543, 582, 439, 1694, 810, 13687, 1109, 433, 3604, 374, 13, 9029, 527, 29123, 311, 279, 4623, 430, 264, 220, 1049, 4771, 6418, 6367, 15150, 16447, 304, 264, 4382, 3776, 3830, 1436, 704, 3055, 279, 9282, 3980, 21854, 11, 2795, 21254, 8350, 11, 889, 706, 5439, 6603, 430, 21635, 16036, 49428, 323, 8349, 315, 279, 92697, 13, 2100, 814, 8541, 311, 6227, 994, 279, 5165, 23454, 5475, 5334, 433, 5076, 719, 10894, 994, 279, 453, 1543, 582, 1587, 627, 4897, 753, 1148, 74191, 1650, 20109, 15837, 11, 568, 2795, 11, 902, 374, 1054, 18275, 2740, 48384, 279, 13280, 323, 66127, 279, 43394, 11, 477, 304, 1063, 5157, 93441 ]
[ 279, 43394, 2029, 1054, 2181, 753, 279, 1890, 449, 91947, 8310, 2476, 21254, 8350, 2795, 13, 1054, 2675, 649, 1427, 520, 701, 4917, 63753, 1855, 1938, 369, 264, 2305, 11, 323, 422, 499, 3010, 2610, 4423, 922, 433, 11, 814, 690, 3371, 499, 922, 279, 2478, 3115, 433, 574, 1314, 11, 539, 279, 8857, 315, 3115, 433, 574, 5076, 2029, 3112, 568, 2795, 279, 453, 1543, 582, 1587, 459, 6335, 2683, 315, 27890, 304, 1063, 1972, 8198, 449, 1202, 51743, 24366, 1873, 25, 1054, 1966, 832, 2199, 499, 2643, 617, 13687, 2038, 922, 279, 18266, 35530, 11, 323, 389, 279, 1828, 2199, 499, 2643, 617, 6724, 905, 2038, 922, 1268, 50076, 34453, 701, 4443, 2324, 49216, 37, 23427, 20763, 11, 7972, 5345, 8174, 3095, 11, 7972, 26550, 2826, 11, 5513, 11, 36673, 198, 2232, 9437, 304, 1561, 6017, 389, 35761, 53389, 15148, 82798, 6605, 3451, 29420, 529, 59215, 27105, 24138, 12649, 1142, 66526, 30, 1611, 47, 4168, 34294, 2417, 21494, 198, 66761, 45628, 47312, 198, 10673, 9617, 5856, 369, 32790, 611, 42089, 12059, 611, 32790, 11717, 26166, 18919, 611, 32790, 1630, 31531, 998, 42089, 3159, 18919, 198, 91888, 14124, 1630, 31531, 998, 42089, 3159, 18919, 198, 41, 55636, 50, 2914, 15302, 10444, 69162, 14, 39787, 13787, 198, 2127, 32790, 1630, 31531, 998, 19831, 14065, 649, 1520, 1884, 889, 617, 16654, 36505, 1306, 4737, 1630, 31531, 998, 13, 42089, 12059, 13019, 2403, 86520, 39435, 323, 622, 598, 12021, 91771, 430, 83717 ]
">No</label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top"> Giorno preferito per il ricontatto <span class="req"></span> </td> <td class="answer" valign="top"> <div class="pad_left"> <input type="checkbox" name="giorno_ricontatto[]" id="giorno_ricontatto_1" value="giorno_ricontatto_1"> <label for="giorno_ricontatto_1">Lunedì</label> <br>
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[ 5320, 2949, 3556, 18242, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7359, 7146, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7359, 8671, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7359, 2213, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 2213, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 8671, 9647, 2625, 15259, 1, 1188, 570, 2625, 4852, 5320, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8118, 46447, 4702, 10094, 583, 4229, 12410, 756, 45807, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 12626, 1398, 2625, 42180, 23984, 12626, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7359, 8671, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 8671, 1398, 2625, 41484, 1, 1188, 570, 2625, 4852, 5320, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 7146, 1398, 2625, 15636, 62, 9464, 5320, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 15414, 2099, 2625, 9122, 3524, 1, 1438, 2625, 12397, 46447, 62, 1173, 756, 45807, 21737, 1, 4686, 2625, 12397, 46447, 62, 1173, 756, 45807, 62, 16, 1, 1988, 2625, 12397, 46447, 62, 1173, 756, 45807, 62, 16, 5320, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 18242, 329, 2625, 12397, 46447, 62, 1173, 756, 45807, 62, 16, 5320, 43, 40881, 127, 105, 3556, 18242, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 1671, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220 ]
[ 760, 2822, 524, 1530, 397, 692, 694, 614, 397, 286, 694, 1320, 397, 415, 694, 376, 397, 415, 366, 376, 397, 286, 366, 1320, 2430, 429, 5245, 1, 24799, 429, 3565, 891, 692, 15754, 11368, 10932, 6491, 824, 3900, 31050, 546, 17173, 198, 692, 366, 1508, 538, 429, 3031, 2043, 1508, 397, 286, 694, 1320, 397, 286, 366, 1320, 538, 429, 9399, 1, 24799, 429, 3565, 891, 692, 366, 614, 538, 429, 13545, 9774, 891, 310, 366, 1379, 955, 429, 10475, 1, 836, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 34425, 887, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 16, 1, 907, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 16, 891, 310, 366, 1530, 369, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 16, 760, 43, 49983, 24439, 524, 1530, 397, 310, 366, 1347, 397, 996 ]
[ 415, 366, 1379, 955, 429, 10475, 1, 836, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 34425, 887, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 17, 1, 907, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 17, 891, 310, 366, 1530, 369, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 17, 760, 71553, 291, 24439, 524, 1530, 397, 310, 366, 1347, 397, 310, 366, 1379, 955, 429, 10475, 1, 836, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 34425, 887, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 18, 1, 907, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 18, 891, 310, 366, 1530, 369, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 18, 760, 27814, 1030, 839, 24439, 524, 1530, 397, 310, 366, 1347, 397, 310, 366, 1379, 955, 429, 10475, 1, 836, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 34425, 887, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 19, 1, 907, 429, 8376, 11368, 1745, 52260, 17173, 62, 19, 891, 310, 366, 1530, 369, 429 ]
9–8.16. 688 _Scruttons Ltd v Midland Silicones Ltd_ 1962] A.C. 446; above, [para.14–060. 689 See above, para.14–061. 690 See s.1(6); above, para.14–091. 691 See above, para.14–091. 692 See the argument of counsel to this effect, which was rejected by the Court of Appeal, in _The Laemthong Glory (No.2)_ 2005] EWCA Civ 519; [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 688 at [37]–[48]. A similar argument might have been raised on the facts in _Elder Dempster & Co v Paterson Zochonis & Co_ [1924] A.C. 522, above, [para.14–059; cf. _Broughton v Capital Quality Ltd_ [2008] EWHC 3457 (QB) at [27]–[28]. 693 Law Com. No.242, para.10.26. 694 1999 Act s.7(4). This refers
9–8.16. 688 _Scruttons Ltd v Midland Silicones Ltd_ 1962] A.C. 446; above, [para.14–060. 689 See above, para.14–061. 690 See s.1(6); above, para.14–091. 691 See above, para.14–091. 692 See the argument of counsel to this effect, which was rejected by the Court of Appeal, in _The Laemthong Glory (No.2)_ 2005] EWCA Civ 519; [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 688 at [37]–[48]. A similar argument might have been raised on the facts in _Elder Dempster & Co v Paterson Zochonis & Co_ [1924] A.C. 522, above, [para.14–059; cf. _Broughton v Capital Quality Ltd_ [2008] EWHC 3457 (QB) at [27]–[28]. 693 Law Com. No.242, para.10.26. 694 1999 Act s.7(4). This refers
only to other _legislation_ , but the principle that C is not to be treated as a party to the contract appears also to apply for the purpose of rules of common law: see below at fn.709. 695 Also for a number of other purposes relating to defences available to A against C: see s.3(4) and (6); below, paras 14–108—14–112; and to arbitration provisions: see s.8; below, para.14–098. 696 See below, para.20–021. 697 See below, para.20–098. 698 See below, para.20–114. 699 See below, para.21–017; and cf. below, para.21–001. Law Com. No.242, paras 3.32, 3.33. 700 _Hurley Palmer Flatt Ltd v Barclays Bank_ Plc[2014] EWHC 3042 (TCC); [2014] B.L.R. 713 at [50]. 701 See above, para.11–052. 702 1999 Act s.8(1). Some difficulty is created in this regard by the
[ 24, 1906, 23, 13, 1433, 13, 198, 198, 34427, 4808, 3351, 81, 15318, 684, 12052, 410, 7215, 1044, 4243, 291, 1952, 12052, 62, 20033, 60, 317, 13, 34, 13, 604, 3510, 26, 2029, 11, 685, 1845, 64, 13, 1415, 1906, 41322, 13, 198, 198, 40523, 4091, 2029, 11, 31215, 13, 1415, 1906, 3312, 16, 13, 198, 198, 35844, 4091, 264, 13, 16, 7, 21, 1776, 2029, 11, 31215, 13, 1415, 1906, 2931, 16, 13, 198, 198, 49541, 4091, 2029, 11, 31215, 13, 1415, 1906, 2931, 16, 13, 198, 198, 46589, 4091, 262, 4578, 286, 7739, 284, 428, 1245, 11, 543, 373, 8606, 416, 262, 3078, 286, 31876, 11, 287, 4808, 464, 4689, 368, 400, 506, 25778, 357, 2949, 13, 17, 8, 62, 5075, 60, 43255, 8141, 47909, 642, 1129, 26, 685, 14315, 60, 352, 22361, 338, 1432, 13, 718, 3459, 379, 685, 2718, 60, 1906, 58, 2780, 4083, 317, 2092, 4578, 1244, 423, 587, 4376, 319, 262, 6419, 287, 4808, 36, 6499, 1897, 79, 1706, 1222, 1766, 410, 3208, 882, 1168, 5374, 43524, 1222, 1766, 62, 685, 1129, 1731, 60, 317, 13, 34, 13, 642, 1828, 11, 2029, 11, 685, 1845, 64, 13, 1415, 1906, 46712, 26, 30218, 13, 4808, 33, 740, 1122, 410, 9747, 14156, 12052, 62, 685, 11528, 60, 412, 12418, 34, 513, 33032, 357, 40291, 8, 379, 685, 1983, 60, 1906, 58, 2078, 4083, 198, 198, 48528, 3854, 955, 13, 1400, 13, 27877, 11, 31215, 13, 940, 13, 2075, 13, 198, 198, 45214, 7358, 2191, 264, 13, 22, 7, 19, 737, 770, 10229 ]
[ 24, 4235, 23, 13, 845, 382, 23292, 721, 66608, 973, 82, 12604, 348, 14013, 1974, 38250, 288, 12604, 62, 220, 5162, 17, 60, 362, 732, 13, 220, 20385, 26, 3485, 11, 510, 15138, 13, 975, 4235, 15101, 382, 25458, 3580, 3485, 11, 3429, 13, 975, 4235, 23324, 382, 21741, 3580, 274, 13, 16, 7, 21, 1237, 3485, 11, 3429, 13, 975, 4235, 24443, 382, 25168, 3580, 3485, 11, 3429, 13, 975, 4235, 24443, 382, 25073, 3580, 279, 5811, 315, 16467, 311, 420, 2515, 11, 902, 574, 18010, 555, 279, 7301, 315, 62006, 11, 304, 721, 791, 5034, 336, 339, 647, 59261, 320, 2822, 13, 17, 27020, 220, 1049, 20, 60, 64095, 5158, 80235, 220, 21851, 26, 510, 1049, 20, 60, 220, 16, 46296, 596, 3402, 13, 220, 23292, 520, 510, 1806, 60, 4235, 58, 2166, 948, 362, 4528, 5811, 2643, 617, 1027, 9408, 389, 279, 13363, 304, 721, 36, 77969, 98844, 3751, 612, 3623, 348, 7281, 1293, 1901, 5059, 97794, 612, 3623, 62, 510, 5926, 19, 60, 362, 732, 13, 220, 20936, 11, 3485, 11, 510, 15138, 13, 975, 4235, 27033, 26, 25080, 13, 721, 33, 6478, 263, 348, 18880, 18410, 12604, 62, 510, 1049, 23, 60, 469, 20484, 34, 220, 12901, 22, 320, 81058, 8, 520, 510, 1544, 60, 4235, 58, 1591, 30662, 25298, 7658, 1219, 13, 2360, 13, 12754, 11, 3429, 13, 605, 13, 1627, 382, 25392, 220, 2550, 24, 3298, 274, 13, 22, 7, 19, 570, 1115, 19813 ]
[ 1193, 311, 1023, 721, 1978, 59321, 62, 1174, 719, 279, 17966, 430, 356, 374, 539, 311, 387, 12020, 439, 264, 4717, 311, 279, 5226, 8111, 1101, 311, 3881, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 5718, 315, 4279, 2383, 25, 1518, 3770, 520, 5279, 13, 22874, 382, 24394, 7429, 369, 264, 1396, 315, 1023, 10096, 23343, 311, 711, 2436, 2561, 311, 362, 2403, 356, 25, 1518, 274, 13, 18, 7, 19, 8, 323, 320, 21, 1237, 3770, 11, 33403, 220, 975, 4235, 6640, 2345, 975, 4235, 7261, 26, 323, 311, 54708, 19705, 25, 1518, 274, 13, 23, 26, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 975, 4235, 26983, 382, 23578, 3580, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 508, 4235, 11592, 382, 25388, 3580, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 508, 4235, 26983, 382, 25169, 3580, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 508, 4235, 8011, 382, 23459, 3580, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 1691, 4235, 17248, 26, 323, 25080, 13, 3770, 11, 3429, 13, 1691, 4235, 4119, 13, 7658, 1219, 13, 2360, 13, 12754, 11, 33403, 220, 18, 13, 843, 11, 220, 18, 13, 1644, 382, 7007, 721, 98428, 3258, 42216, 3061, 1617, 12604, 348, 89845, 8715, 62, 1856, 66, 58, 679, 19, 60, 469, 20484, 34, 220, 12166, 17, 320, 51, 3791, 1237, 510, 679, 19, 60, 426, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 22977, 520, 510, 1135, 30662, 19597, 3580, 3485, 11, 3429, 13, 806, 4235, 24130, 382, 20253, 220, 2550, 24, 3298, 274, 13, 23, 7, 16, 570, 4427, 17250, 374, 3549, 304, 420, 5363, 555, 279 ]
of the Contagion Cabaret at the Curiosity Carnival held in September 2017. The composers of the Contagion Camerata are all participants in the Oxfordshire County Music Service Advanced Musicianship Programme (AMP). The children had attended a variety of events across the academic year, including workshops, seminars, lectures, and rehearsals, working on harmony, composition, and performance. The 19 compositions that were performed during the evening were by school pupils from Oxfordshire state schools, they attended the University of Oxford Curiosity Carnival - Contagion Cabaret performance, seeking inspiration for their compositions. Dr John Traill subsequently coached students through the creative process, also providing compositional 'building blocks'. Dr John Traill specialises in symphonic and contemporary repertoires, and is committed to making music accessible to all. The event can be seen here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTB04UIynNU Student interviews here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1saw-_u1jZM The composers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjAlin4hGD4 Impact As the interviews indicate, the work had a significant impact on the students understanding of
of the Contagion Cabaret at the Curiosity Carnival held in September 2017. The composers of the Contagion Camerata are all participants in the Oxfordshire County Music Service Advanced Musicianship Programme (AMP). The children had attended a variety of events across the academic year, including workshops, seminars, lectures, and rehearsals, working on harmony, composition, and performance. The 19 compositions that were performed during the evening were by school pupils from Oxfordshire state schools, they attended the University of Oxford Curiosity Carnival - Contagion Cabaret performance, seeking inspiration for their compositions. Dr John Traill subsequently coached students through the creative process, also providing compositional 'building blocks'. Dr John Traill specialises in symphonic and contemporary repertoires, and is committed to making music accessible to all. The event can be seen here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTB04UIynNU Student interviews here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1saw-_u1jZM The composers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjAlin4hGD4 Impact As the interviews indicate, the work had a significant impact on the students understanding of
the relationship between science and the arts, and the positive affects across their school work. URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1saw-_u1jZM Title Discovering Killer Plants with Chris Thorogood from the Oxford Botanical Garden Description Dr Kira Allman filmed and edited this video with Dr Chris Thorogood of the University of Oxford's Botanic Garden. With nearly 6,000 species of plant living in the botanic garden, Chris here focuses on perhaps the most dramatic ones: those which kill. How did nineteenth century scientists and writers make sense of carnivorous plants? Where is the line between fact and fiction? How does a carnivorous plant work? Dr. Chris Thorogood of Oxford University's Botanic Garden answers these questions and more in this mini-documentary! URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=0KJv6xEm0mw Title Don't Panic! Promises and Threats of Science and Technology (Being Human Festival) Description Following the success of the Public Health Private Pain evening event of medical history and drama held in May 2016, another event was planned in collaboration with the Pegasus Theatre and the Museum of
[ 286, 262, 2345, 363, 295, 15976, 8984, 379, 262, 39736, 40886, 2714, 287, 2693, 2177, 13, 383, 18882, 364, 286, 262, 2345, 363, 295, 8014, 1045, 389, 477, 6809, 287, 262, 13643, 10932, 3418, 7849, 4809, 13435, 2629, 5106, 1056, 35232, 357, 23518, 737, 383, 1751, 550, 9141, 257, 4996, 286, 2995, 1973, 262, 8233, 614, 11, 1390, 25982, 11, 44160, 11, 25917, 11, 290, 28779, 874, 11, 1762, 319, 22471, 11, 11742, 11, 290, 2854, 13, 383, 678, 33543, 326, 547, 6157, 1141, 262, 6180, 547, 416, 1524, 25613, 422, 13643, 10932, 1181, 4266, 11, 484, 9141, 262, 2059, 286, 13643, 39736, 40886, 532, 2345, 363, 295, 15976, 8984, 2854, 11, 6095, 12141, 329, 511, 33543, 13, 1583, 1757, 4759, 359, 12412, 31764, 2444, 832, 262, 7325, 1429, 11, 635, 4955, 18882, 1859, 705, 16894, 7021, 4458, 1583, 1757, 4759, 359, 2041, 2696, 287, 5659, 746, 9229, 290, 11811, 41096, 2387, 11, 290, 318, 5364, 284, 1642, 2647, 9857, 284, 477, 13, 383, 1785, 460, 307, 1775, 994, 532, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 8340, 30, 85, 28, 82, 22737, 3023, 10080, 2047, 45, 52, 13613, 9299, 994, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 8340, 30, 85, 28, 16, 43439, 12, 62, 84, 16, 73, 57, 44, 383, 18882, 364, 532, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 8340, 30, 85, 28, 33, 73, 2348, 259, 19, 71, 45113, 19, 198, 26950, 529, 1081, 262, 9299, 7603, 11, 262, 670, 550, 257, 2383, 2928, 319, 262, 2444, 4547, 286 ]
[ 315, 279, 2140, 351, 290, 27200, 11554, 520, 279, 13182, 33279, 78844, 5762, 304, 6250, 220, 679, 22, 13, 578, 95835, 315, 279, 2140, 351, 290, 8215, 261, 460, 527, 682, 13324, 304, 279, 26275, 15255, 6406, 10948, 5475, 21844, 5444, 9818, 2200, 47516, 320, 16407, 570, 578, 2911, 1047, 18677, 264, 8205, 315, 4455, 4028, 279, 14584, 1060, 11, 2737, 35936, 11, 68569, 11, 46232, 11, 323, 69672, 1147, 11, 3318, 389, 26348, 11, 18528, 11, 323, 5178, 13, 578, 220, 777, 62644, 430, 1051, 10887, 2391, 279, 11714, 1051, 555, 2978, 45172, 505, 26275, 15255, 1614, 8853, 11, 814, 18677, 279, 3907, 315, 26275, 13182, 33279, 78844, 482, 2140, 351, 290, 27200, 11554, 5178, 11, 11125, 20343, 369, 872, 62644, 13, 2999, 3842, 17747, 484, 28520, 71022, 4236, 1555, 279, 11782, 1920, 11, 1101, 8405, 40321, 3079, 364, 24177, 10215, 4527, 2999, 3842, 17747, 484, 3361, 5014, 304, 8045, 764, 14338, 323, 19225, 2109, 14200, 3946, 11, 323, 374, 11411, 311, 3339, 4731, 15987, 311, 682, 13, 578, 1567, 649, 387, 3970, 1618, 482, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 14481, 32260, 2371, 2327, 1910, 4013, 11988, 19905, 1618, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 28, 16, 82, 675, 71149, 84, 16, 73, 57, 44, 578, 95835, 482, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 55626, 73, 2149, 258, 19, 71, 41949, 19, 198, 72603, 1666, 279, 19905, 13519, 11, 279, 990, 1047, 264, 5199, 5536, 389, 279, 4236, 8830, 315 ]
[ 279, 5133, 1990, 8198, 323, 279, 19071, 11, 323, 279, 6928, 22223, 4028, 872, 2978, 990, 627, 3222, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 28, 16, 82, 675, 71149, 84, 16, 73, 57, 44, 198, 3936, 34039, 287, 54053, 50298, 449, 11517, 29550, 540, 1411, 505, 279, 26275, 23869, 45983, 19558, 198, 5116, 2999, 735, 9008, 2052, 1543, 42508, 323, 19685, 420, 2835, 449, 2999, 11517, 29550, 540, 1411, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 26275, 596, 23869, 32370, 19558, 13, 3161, 7154, 220, 21, 11, 931, 9606, 315, 6136, 5496, 304, 279, 11164, 32370, 13863, 11, 11517, 1618, 24400, 389, 8530, 279, 1455, 22520, 6305, 25, 1884, 902, 5622, 13, 2650, 1550, 66089, 9478, 14248, 323, 16483, 1304, 5647, 315, 97733, 20857, 11012, 30, 11208, 374, 279, 1584, 1990, 2144, 323, 17422, 30, 2650, 1587, 264, 97733, 20857, 6136, 990, 30, 2999, 13, 11517, 29550, 540, 1411, 315, 26275, 3907, 596, 23869, 32370, 19558, 11503, 1521, 4860, 323, 810, 304, 420, 13726, 83333, 661, 4999, 3222, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 30, 1712, 76397, 28, 16, 5, 85, 28, 15, 42, 41, 85, 21, 87, 2321, 15, 45228, 198, 3936, 4418, 956, 84840, 0, 18042, 5014, 323, 53435, 82, 315, 10170, 323, 12053, 320, 34242, 11344, 17772, 340, 5116, 23548, 279, 2450, 315, 279, 3142, 6401, 9877, 35567, 11714, 1567, 315, 6593, 3925, 323, 20156, 5762, 304, 3297, 220, 679, 21, 11, 2500, 1567, 574, 13205, 304, 20632, 449, 279, 393, 87133, 27315, 323, 279, 16730, 315 ]
in Morgan City, Louisiana. Arthur Paul "Art" "Frisco" Beese Art Beese became the 24th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 12 May 2011 at his home in Southern California. Marvin Alford Belcher Marvin Belcher became the 117th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 10 March 2015 in Bakersfield, California. Alfred David Benjamin Alfred Benjamin became the 109th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 31 January 2015 in Palm Beach, Florida. Dewayne "Ben" Bennett Ben Bennett became the 14th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 24 October 2010 in the 390th Bomb Group Museum at the Pima Air Museum, Arizona. Peter Julius Bielskis Pete Bielskis signed the wing panel at the 2010 reunion in Branson, Missouri, as one of the ten Veterans who were first to sign. Robert Charles Birney Bob Birney became the 101st Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 14 November 2014 in Williamsburg, Virginia. Robert J "John" Block
in Morgan City, Louisiana. Arthur Paul "Art" "Frisco" Beese Art Beese became the 24th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 12 May 2011 at his home in Southern California. Marvin Alford Belcher Marvin Belcher became the 117th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 10 March 2015 in Bakersfield, California. Alfred David Benjamin Alfred Benjamin became the 109th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 31 January 2015 in Palm Beach, Florida. Dewayne "Ben" Bennett Ben Bennett became the 14th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 24 October 2010 in the 390th Bomb Group Museum at the Pima Air Museum, Arizona. Peter Julius Bielskis Pete Bielskis signed the wing panel at the 2010 reunion in Branson, Missouri, as one of the ten Veterans who were first to sign. Robert Charles Birney Bob Birney became the 101st Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 14 November 2014 in Williamsburg, Virginia. Robert J "John" Block
John Block became the 27th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 18 June 2011 in Indiana. Marlyn Rae Bonacker Marlyn Bonacker became the 92nd Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 10 October 2014 at the 8th Air Force Historical Society reunion in Nashville, Tennessee. Donald L "Don" Brooks Don Brooks became the 21st Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 11 May 2011, in California. Gerald Russell "Jerry" Bryson 19 photos in 1 sub-album Jerry Bryson became the 113th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 24 February 2015 at his home in Edmonds Washington. Stephen S "Steve" Buczynski Steve Buczynski became the 80th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 20 January 2014 at his home in Marco Island, Florida. Robert E "Bob" Buis Bob Buis became the 28th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 18 June 2011 in Indiana. Paul Joseph Bureau Paul Bureau became the 86th Veteran of the 384th Bomb Group to sign the wing panel on 25 January 2014
[ 287, 10805, 2254, 11, 13340, 13, 198, 29874, 3362, 366, 8001, 1, 366, 37, 2442, 1073, 1, 1355, 2771, 198, 8001, 1355, 2771, 2627, 262, 1987, 400, 32733, 286, 262, 40400, 400, 14476, 4912, 284, 1051, 262, 8539, 6103, 319, 1105, 1737, 2813, 379, 465, 1363, 287, 8050, 3442, 13, 198, 7676, 7114, 978, 3841, 3944, 2044, 198, 7676, 7114, 3944, 2044, 2627, 262, 19048, 400, 32733, 286, 262, 40400, 400, 14476, 4912, 284, 1051, 262, 8539, 6103, 319, 838, 2805, 1853, 287, 347, 3979, 3245, 11, 3442, 13, 198, 32, 1652, 445, 3271, 14533, 198, 32, 1652, 445, 14533, 2627, 262, 16003, 400, 32733, 286, 262, 40400, 400, 14476, 4912, 284, 1051, 262, 8539, 6103, 319, 3261, 3269, 1853, 287, 18358, 8511, 11, 4744, 13, 198, 35, 16172, 710, 366, 11696, 1, 17468, 198, 11696, 17468, 2627, 262, 1478, 400, 32733, 286, 262, 40400, 400, 14476, 4912, 284, 1051, 262, 8539, 6103, 319, 1987, 3267, 3050, 287, 262, 33882, 400, 14476, 4912, 9594, 379, 262, 350, 8083, 3701, 9594, 11, 7943, 13, 198, 19727, 32834, 8436, 1424, 74, 271, 198, 47, 14471, 8436, 1424, 74, 271, 4488, 262, 8539, 6103, 379, 262, 3050, 30321, 287, 1709, 23103, 11, 11565, 11, 355, 530, 286, 262, 3478, 18950, 508, 547, 717, 284, 1051, 13, 198, 19156, 7516, 12817, 1681, 198, 18861, 12817, 1681, 2627, 262, 8949, 301, 32733, 286, 262, 40400, 400, 14476, 4912, 284, 1051, 262, 8539, 6103, 319, 1478, 3389, 1946, 287, 6484, 7423, 11, 6025, 13, 198, 19156, 449, 366, 7554, 1, 9726, 198 ]
[ 304, 23809, 4409, 11, 29974, 627, 60762, 7043, 330, 9470, 1, 330, 37, 6091, 1030, 1, 2893, 2423, 198, 9470, 2893, 2423, 6244, 279, 220, 1187, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 717, 3297, 220, 679, 16, 520, 813, 2162, 304, 16642, 7188, 627, 12331, 9799, 1708, 8350, 7984, 9211, 198, 12331, 9799, 7984, 9211, 6244, 279, 220, 8546, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 605, 5587, 220, 679, 20, 304, 426, 8476, 2630, 11, 7188, 627, 2149, 29093, 6941, 30411, 198, 2149, 29093, 30411, 6244, 279, 220, 7743, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 2148, 6186, 220, 679, 20, 304, 33578, 13011, 11, 9784, 627, 35, 25754, 818, 330, 25584, 1, 39386, 198, 25584, 39386, 6244, 279, 220, 975, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 1187, 6664, 220, 679, 15, 304, 279, 220, 15515, 339, 33909, 5856, 16730, 520, 279, 393, 7675, 6690, 16730, 11, 17368, 627, 37659, 70345, 12371, 2053, 74, 285, 198, 47, 7870, 12371, 2053, 74, 285, 8667, 279, 20611, 7090, 520, 279, 220, 679, 15, 58384, 304, 3320, 37645, 11, 25378, 11, 439, 832, 315, 279, 5899, 40432, 889, 1051, 1176, 311, 1879, 627, 35632, 15274, 37919, 3520, 198, 33488, 37919, 3520, 6244, 279, 220, 4645, 267, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 975, 6841, 220, 679, 19, 304, 13926, 10481, 11, 13286, 627, 35632, 622, 330, 13379, 1, 8527, 198 ]
[ 13379, 8527, 6244, 279, 220, 1544, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 972, 5651, 220, 679, 16, 304, 22319, 627, 12331, 18499, 90599, 13789, 9881, 198, 12331, 18499, 13789, 9881, 6244, 279, 220, 6083, 303, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 605, 6664, 220, 679, 19, 520, 279, 220, 23, 339, 6690, 11994, 41143, 13581, 58384, 304, 37640, 11, 24097, 627, 18735, 445, 330, 8161, 1, 39119, 198, 8161, 39119, 6244, 279, 220, 1691, 267, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 806, 3297, 220, 679, 16, 11, 304, 7188, 627, 38, 25380, 25953, 330, 90757, 1, 19803, 942, 198, 777, 7397, 304, 220, 16, 1207, 19308, 5490, 198, 90757, 19803, 942, 6244, 279, 220, 8190, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 1187, 7552, 220, 679, 20, 520, 813, 2162, 304, 3279, 55720, 6652, 627, 54924, 328, 330, 38595, 1, 426, 98667, 1910, 33639, 198, 38595, 426, 98667, 1910, 33639, 6244, 279, 220, 1490, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 508, 6186, 220, 679, 19, 520, 813, 2162, 304, 35281, 10951, 11, 9784, 627, 35632, 469, 330, 33488, 1, 426, 9425, 198, 33488, 426, 9425, 6244, 279, 220, 1591, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 972, 5651, 220, 679, 16, 304, 22319, 627, 26368, 15466, 22555, 198, 26368, 22555, 6244, 279, 220, 4218, 339, 68626, 315, 279, 220, 12910, 339, 33909, 5856, 311, 1879, 279, 20611, 7090, 389, 220, 914, 6186, 220, 679, 19 ]
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[ 13, 43839, 270, 3602, 13, 7407, 259, 13, 37372, 13, 37949, 27422, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 9527, 528, 35885, 18477, 9527, 528, 35885, 11, 36, 13, 43839, 270, 9368, 16331, 26622, 286, 13058, 1373, 198, 220, 1168, 17167, 15553, 17003, 5512, 3467, 9032, 357, 38454, 3889, 11, 11307, 11, 8735, 737, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 39989, 18477, 39989, 11, 33, 1539, 30938, 44456, 11, 32, 13, 290, 12488, 23461, 11, 38, 13, 54, 13, 3467, 489, 90, 23362, 18477, 27301, 18477, 21288, 27422, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 42, 3247, 263, 18477, 42, 3247, 263, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 9527, 528, 35885, 18, 18477, 9527, 528, 35885, 11, 36, 13, 43839, 270, 449, 13, 7293, 13, 392, 39100, 13, 16320, 44587, 43839, 19881, 19035, 92, 198, 220, 357, 11024, 8, 13151, 44587, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 9527, 528, 35885, 17, 18477, 9527, 528, 35885, 11, 36, 1539, 10529, 600, 47272, 13, 50, 13, 35, 11, 43989, 11, 317, 13, 290, 2750, 912, 32720, 11, 198, 220, 317, 13, 32, 290, 198, 220, 1168, 23552, 5362, 11, 50, 13, 198, 220, 43839, 270, 1168, 17167, 2163, 3218, 5612, 5512, 357, 10603, 22060, 11, 12551, 11, 198, 220, 9162, 737, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 36, 13254, 5714, 18477, 36, 13254, 5714, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 39, 721, 365, 18477, 39, 721, 365, 11, 36, 13, 3467, 2611, 90, 14686, 18477, 1129, 2623, 18477, 21, 2414, 27422, 92, 198, 220, 3467, 35790, 90, 39, 721, 365, 17 ]
[ 13, 29252, 275, 4149, 82433, 258, 47537, 815, 511, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 15523, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 43225, 13, 29252, 275, 18165, 28479, 32625, 315, 27726, 3545, 198, 220, 1901, 1955, 5830, 31535, 2186, 1144, 9137, 320, 26208, 261, 11, 20437, 11, 220, 2550, 20, 570, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 80977, 15523, 80977, 8324, 2637, 40555, 35703, 15381, 13, 323, 29479, 47620, 38406, 1196, 13, 1144, 501, 90, 9378, 15523, 3753, 22, 15523, 12166, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 42, 969, 7215, 15523, 42, 969, 7215, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 18, 15523, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 43225, 13, 29252, 275, 622, 68344, 35824, 58945, 13, 4242, 13, 92, 29252, 13536, 220, 8899, 534, 220, 320, 1049, 15, 8, 220, 6549, 13, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 17, 15523, 6719, 450, 278, 451, 43225, 2637, 25578, 396, 85393, 815, 920, 11, 71292, 11, 362, 13, 323, 3296, 2641, 56155, 345, 220, 362, 885, 323, 198, 220, 1901, 41599, 6729, 21861, 627, 220, 29252, 275, 1901, 1955, 734, 5912, 8082, 2186, 320, 10343, 38130, 11, 21181, 345, 220, 220, 2550, 19, 570, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 36, 24004, 12711, 15523, 36, 24004, 12711, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 1548, 61373, 15523, 1548, 61373, 43225, 13, 1144, 1764, 90, 7261, 15523, 7285, 21, 15523, 23888, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 1548, 61373, 17 ]
[ 15523, 1548, 61373, 43225, 13, 1144, 1764, 90, 7261, 15523, 7529, 23, 15523, 19838, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 52502, 300, 15523, 52502, 300, 15381, 13, 29252, 275, 40759, 292, 6492, 389, 11629, 16282, 69156, 92, 320, 26208, 261, 345, 220, 1561, 4356, 11, 220, 3753, 20, 570, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 34844, 38, 15523, 59500, 16357, 28494, 844, 13, 323, 43907, 54006, 43225, 13, 29252, 275, 3298, 64, 1676, 411, 13, 92, 29252, 13536, 220, 24, 534, 220, 320, 5162, 19, 8, 220, 12676, 13, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 1951, 1711, 15523, 1951, 1711, 28112, 13, 1144, 64, 316, 90, 1987, 15523, 7285, 22, 15523, 21535, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 17198, 76831, 15523, 17198, 76831, 13, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 17198, 76831, 17, 15523, 17198, 76831, 13, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 6349, 587, 15523, 6349, 587, 939, 285, 1263, 640, 13, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 44, 541, 616, 15523, 44, 541, 616, 59962, 13, 1144, 85405, 6390, 6390, 47491, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 38, 438, 57, 15523, 85103, 261, 28112, 1236, 13, 323, 55604, 11, 85512, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 43057, 2933, 17, 15523, 43057, 2933, 43225, 13, 1144, 73, 2453, 6390, 90, 7028, 18, 15523, 1227, 7966, 534, 220, 1144, 16690, 90, 42, 874, 268, 16, 15523, 42, 874, 268, 44754, 13, 1144, 62155, 90, 1758, 15523, 2550, 19, 15523, 22094 ]
's always time for introspection. After all, Nature makes the call; the surfer has to listen, process the message, and act according to his instinct. But first, what exactly is an expression session? Why did wave riders feel the need to design an event that is a contest but not quite a competition? Interestingly, the concept of an expression session is older than one might think. "The surfing showcase event without judges, scores, winners, or losers, was first held in 1970, 1971, and 1973, primarily on the North Shore of Oahu, featuring a select group of the world's best surfers," notes Matt Warshaw, author of "The Encyclopedia of Surfing." "The expression session was presented as a soulful 'anti contest' alternative to the standard surf meet." Surf journalist and author Drew Kampion was one of the first to suggest "a new system between the individual and himself, to do the thing he does best as well as he can." In other words, quite paradoxically, it's a contest that doesn't put a surfer against a surfer. But it still is a competition. Expression Sessions: The Inaugural 1970, 1971, and 1973 Editions
's always time for introspection. After all, Nature makes the call; the surfer has to listen, process the message, and act according to his instinct. But first, what exactly is an expression session? Why did wave riders feel the need to design an event that is a contest but not quite a competition? Interestingly, the concept of an expression session is older than one might think. "The surfing showcase event without judges, scores, winners, or losers, was first held in 1970, 1971, and 1973, primarily on the North Shore of Oahu, featuring a select group of the world's best surfers," notes Matt Warshaw, author of "The Encyclopedia of Surfing." "The expression session was presented as a soulful 'anti contest' alternative to the standard surf meet." Surf journalist and author Drew Kampion was one of the first to suggest "a new system between the individual and himself, to do the thing he does best as well as he can." In other words, quite paradoxically, it's a contest that doesn't put a surfer against a surfer. But it still is a competition. Expression Sessions: The Inaugural 1970, 1971, and 1973 Editions
The truth is that the idea turned out to be appealing and doable. "Duke Boyd, owner of California-based Golden Breed beachwear company, along with pro surfer Jeff Hakman and surf magazine publisher Dick Graham, brought Kampion's idea to life with the Golden Breed Expression Session," adds Warshaw. The world's first surfing expression session featured 24 male athletes - women were excluded from all three sessions. The invitational-like bout included a $200 appearance fee and was supposed to give complete control over when and where to stage the event. However, the inaugural expression session did not start well. An angry group of non-invitees crashed the opening "Good Karma Party at Hakman's beachfront house and brawled with the official participants. Then, the waves were far from perfect at Rocky Point. The first round of the 1970 event was made of four sessions, each featuring six surfers. A second round was held in slightly better surf the following week at Rainbows in Maui, with nine participants deciding not to fly over from Oahu. David Nuuhiwa, Jock Sutherland, and Nat Young were the standouts of surfing's inaugural expression session. Greg MacGilliv
[ 338, 1464, 640, 329, 18951, 31308, 13, 198, 3260, 477, 11, 10362, 1838, 262, 869, 26, 262, 969, 2232, 468, 284, 6004, 11, 1429, 262, 3275, 11, 290, 719, 1864, 284, 465, 13311, 13, 198, 1537, 717, 11, 644, 3446, 318, 281, 5408, 6246, 30, 4162, 750, 6769, 13750, 1254, 262, 761, 284, 1486, 281, 1785, 326, 318, 257, 8414, 475, 407, 2407, 257, 5449, 30, 198, 33092, 11, 262, 3721, 286, 281, 5408, 6246, 318, 4697, 621, 530, 1244, 892, 13, 198, 1, 464, 36254, 21742, 1785, 1231, 10266, 11, 8198, 11, 14591, 11, 393, 29502, 11, 373, 717, 2714, 287, 8069, 11, 16382, 11, 290, 15674, 11, 7525, 319, 262, 2258, 25759, 286, 440, 12196, 11, 9593, 257, 2922, 1448, 286, 262, 995, 338, 1266, 9053, 364, 553, 4710, 4705, 370, 5406, 707, 11, 1772, 286, 366, 464, 36732, 286, 4198, 28825, 526, 198, 1, 464, 5408, 6246, 373, 5545, 355, 257, 5848, 913, 705, 17096, 8414, 6, 5559, 284, 262, 3210, 9053, 1826, 526, 198, 14214, 69, 10099, 290, 1772, 18624, 509, 6734, 373, 530, 286, 262, 717, 284, 1950, 366, 64, 649, 1080, 1022, 262, 1981, 290, 2241, 11, 284, 466, 262, 1517, 339, 857, 1266, 355, 880, 355, 339, 460, 526, 198, 818, 584, 2456, 11, 2407, 22226, 1146, 11, 340, 338, 257, 8414, 326, 1595, 470, 1234, 257, 969, 2232, 1028, 257, 969, 2232, 13, 887, 340, 991, 318, 257, 5449, 13, 198, 16870, 2234, 15184, 25, 383, 554, 7493, 1523, 8069, 11, 16382, 11, 290, 15674, 1717, 1756, 198 ]
[ 596, 2744, 892, 369, 26609, 16463, 627, 6153, 682, 11, 22037, 3727, 279, 1650, 26, 279, 1765, 809, 706, 311, 9020, 11, 1920, 279, 1984, 11, 323, 1180, 4184, 311, 813, 31655, 627, 4071, 1176, 11, 1148, 7041, 374, 459, 7645, 3882, 30, 8595, 1550, 12330, 30803, 2733, 279, 1205, 311, 2955, 459, 1567, 430, 374, 264, 14130, 719, 539, 5115, 264, 10937, 5380, 82990, 11, 279, 7434, 315, 459, 7645, 3882, 374, 9191, 1109, 832, 2643, 1781, 627, 10227, 58840, 35883, 1567, 2085, 24958, 11, 12483, 11, 26526, 11, 477, 68456, 11, 574, 1176, 5762, 304, 220, 4468, 15, 11, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 323, 220, 4468, 18, 11, 15871, 389, 279, 4892, 45819, 315, 507, 27793, 11, 16850, 264, 3373, 1912, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 1888, 20884, 388, 1359, 8554, 13678, 5111, 51104, 11, 3229, 315, 330, 791, 68198, 315, 65197, 287, 10246, 10227, 7645, 3882, 574, 10666, 439, 264, 13836, 1285, 364, 15719, 14130, 6, 10778, 311, 279, 5410, 20884, 3449, 10246, 23912, 69, 23672, 323, 3229, 41208, 735, 13580, 574, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 311, 4284, 330, 64, 502, 1887, 1990, 279, 3927, 323, 5678, 11, 311, 656, 279, 3245, 568, 1587, 1888, 439, 1664, 439, 568, 649, 10246, 644, 1023, 4339, 11, 5115, 52313, 2740, 11, 433, 596, 264, 14130, 430, 3250, 956, 2231, 264, 1765, 809, 2403, 264, 1765, 809, 13, 2030, 433, 2103, 374, 264, 10937, 627, 9790, 31900, 25, 578, 763, 19729, 4269, 220, 4468, 15, 11, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 323, 220, 4468, 18, 14398, 82, 198 ]
[ 791, 8206, 374, 430, 279, 4623, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 33352, 323, 656, 481, 627, 62528, 10647, 63721, 11, 6506, 315, 7188, 6108, 18288, 75252, 11573, 23581, 2883, 11, 3235, 449, 463, 1765, 809, 12149, 72398, 1543, 323, 20884, 14756, 21959, 23373, 26181, 11, 7263, 735, 13580, 596, 4623, 311, 2324, 449, 279, 18288, 75252, 16783, 9343, 1359, 11621, 5111, 51104, 627, 791, 1917, 596, 1176, 58840, 7645, 3882, 15109, 220, 1187, 8762, 23579, 482, 3278, 1051, 28544, 505, 682, 2380, 16079, 627, 791, 1558, 50924, 12970, 25646, 5343, 264, 400, 1049, 11341, 11307, 323, 574, 10171, 311, 3041, 4686, 2585, 927, 994, 323, 1405, 311, 6566, 279, 1567, 627, 11458, 11, 279, 54559, 7645, 3882, 1550, 539, 1212, 1664, 627, 2127, 19021, 1912, 315, 2536, 88586, 635, 288, 34853, 279, 8736, 330, 15571, 75980, 8722, 520, 72398, 1543, 596, 11573, 7096, 3838, 323, 293, 1059, 839, 449, 279, 4033, 13324, 627, 12487, 11, 279, 17301, 1051, 3117, 505, 4832, 520, 48641, 5236, 627, 791, 1176, 4883, 315, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 1567, 574, 1903, 315, 3116, 16079, 11, 1855, 16850, 4848, 20884, 388, 627, 32, 2132, 4883, 574, 5762, 304, 10284, 2731, 20884, 279, 2768, 2046, 520, 22674, 55631, 304, 93550, 11, 449, 11888, 13324, 30230, 539, 311, 11722, 927, 505, 507, 27793, 627, 23083, 452, 31172, 6151, 10196, 11, 622, 1197, 328, 92932, 11, 323, 24772, 13566, 1051, 279, 2559, 11934, 315, 58840, 596, 54559, 7645, 3882, 627, 44612, 7553, 38, 484, 344 ]
created for the show, including Cersei’s Crown, Joffrey’s crown, and Margaery Tyrell’s wedding tiara here. They also have a line of Game of Thrones inspired jewellery for sale. Definitely a great keepsake if you’re looking for a Game of Thrones souvenir to take home with you! If those pieces are a bit out of your budget you can also find lots of other Game of Thrones inspired jewelry online here, including pieces you can customize. To help you visualise all these filming locations we’ve put together a map, which you can also see on Google Maps here. Note there are some additional locations not included on this list such as Magheramorne Quarry (where The Wall was shot) and Moneyglass estate (where a set was built for Winterfell), as these locations were entirely artificially constructed, and there’s nothing to see here resembling scenes from the show. They are also not easily accessible by the public. Here’s a summary of all the Game of Thrones filming locations across Northern Ireland, as well as where they represent, for quick reference. Leitrim Lodge / Mourne Mountains: Winterfell Tollymore
created for the show, including Cersei’s Crown, Joffrey’s crown, and Margaery Tyrell’s wedding tiara here. They also have a line of Game of Thrones inspired jewellery for sale. Definitely a great keepsake if you’re looking for a Game of Thrones souvenir to take home with you! If those pieces are a bit out of your budget you can also find lots of other Game of Thrones inspired jewelry online here, including pieces you can customize. To help you visualise all these filming locations we’ve put together a map, which you can also see on Google Maps here. Note there are some additional locations not included on this list such as Magheramorne Quarry (where The Wall was shot) and Moneyglass estate (where a set was built for Winterfell), as these locations were entirely artificially constructed, and there’s nothing to see here resembling scenes from the show. They are also not easily accessible by the public. Here’s a summary of all the Game of Thrones filming locations across Northern Ireland, as well as where they represent, for quick reference. Leitrim Lodge / Mourne Mountains: Winterfell Tollymore
Forest Park: Winterfell Forests Inch Abbey: Stark Camp, Riverrun, Riverlands Quoile River: Riverrun, Trident River Castle Ward: Winterfell Castle Audley’s Castle and Audley’s Field: Stark and Lannister Camp Quintin Bay and Castle: Stokeworth Castle Gosford Castle: Riverrun Castle Pollnagollum Cave: Hollow Hill, Brotherhood without Banners Hideout Lough Neagh: Summer Sea Shores Toome Canal: Old Valyrian Canal Sallagh Braes: Riverlands Cairncastle: Winterfell / Harrenhal / Moat Cailin Shillanavogy Valley: Dothraki Sea Carnlough Harbour: Braavos Galboly: Runestone, Vale of Arryn Cushendun Caves: Stormlands Murlough Bay: Slavers Bay / Stormlands & Iron Islands Fair Head Cliffs: Dragonstone Larrybane Quarry: Stormlands, Iron Islands Ballintoy Harbour: The Iron Islands Dunluce Castle: Pyke Castle Portstewart Strand: Coast of Dorne Downhill Beach
[ 2727, 329, 262, 905, 11, 1390, 17419, 36455, 447, 247, 82, 12223, 11, 449, 2364, 4364, 447, 247, 82, 12389, 11, 290, 11899, 64, 1924, 7039, 11252, 447, 247, 82, 10614, 46668, 3301, 994, 13, 198, 2990, 635, 423, 257, 1627, 286, 3776, 286, 20902, 7867, 12711, 41800, 329, 5466, 13, 33562, 257, 1049, 7622, 539, 611, 345, 447, 247, 260, 2045, 329, 257, 3776, 286, 20902, 45043, 343, 284, 1011, 1363, 351, 345, 0, 198, 1532, 883, 5207, 389, 257, 1643, 503, 286, 534, 4466, 345, 460, 635, 1064, 6041, 286, 584, 3776, 286, 20902, 7867, 22634, 2691, 994, 11, 1390, 5207, 345, 460, 24184, 13, 198, 2514, 1037, 345, 5874, 786, 477, 777, 17691, 7064, 356, 447, 247, 303, 1234, 1978, 257, 3975, 11, 543, 345, 460, 635, 766, 319, 3012, 20347, 994, 13, 198, 6425, 612, 389, 617, 3224, 7064, 407, 3017, 319, 428, 1351, 884, 355, 2944, 372, 321, 8553, 2264, 6532, 357, 3003, 383, 5007, 373, 2823, 8, 290, 12911, 20721, 7964, 357, 3003, 257, 900, 373, 3170, 329, 10633, 23299, 828, 355, 777, 7064, 547, 5000, 32455, 12006, 11, 290, 612, 447, 247, 82, 2147, 284, 766, 994, 29474, 8188, 422, 262, 905, 13, 1119, 389, 635, 407, 3538, 9857, 416, 262, 1171, 13, 198, 4342, 447, 247, 82, 257, 10638, 286, 477, 262, 3776, 286, 20902, 17691, 7064, 1973, 8342, 7517, 11, 355, 880, 355, 810, 484, 2380, 11, 329, 2068, 4941, 13, 198, 3123, 270, 3036, 27046, 1220, 24289, 710, 21124, 25, 10633, 23299, 198, 51, 5098, 3549 ]
[ 3549, 369, 279, 1501, 11, 2737, 28764, 73868, 753, 29743, 11, 622, 1885, 8233, 753, 27631, 11, 323, 386, 18405, 727, 14221, 16684, 753, 13306, 9165, 5169, 1618, 627, 7009, 1101, 617, 264, 1584, 315, 4140, 315, 47494, 14948, 63491, 369, 6412, 13, 60998, 264, 2294, 13912, 731, 422, 499, 3207, 3411, 369, 264, 4140, 315, 47494, 98395, 311, 1935, 2162, 449, 499, 4999, 2746, 1884, 9863, 527, 264, 2766, 704, 315, 701, 8199, 499, 649, 1101, 1505, 10283, 315, 1023, 4140, 315, 47494, 14948, 31817, 2930, 1618, 11, 2737, 9863, 499, 649, 32187, 627, 1271, 1520, 499, 9302, 1082, 682, 1521, 39970, 10687, 584, 4070, 2231, 3871, 264, 2472, 11, 902, 499, 649, 1101, 1518, 389, 5195, 28508, 1618, 627, 9290, 1070, 527, 1063, 5217, 10687, 539, 5343, 389, 420, 1160, 1778, 439, 7023, 1964, 309, 17334, 72183, 320, 2940, 578, 9935, 574, 6689, 8, 323, 18099, 59536, 12675, 320, 2940, 264, 743, 574, 5918, 369, 20704, 67643, 705, 439, 1521, 10687, 1051, 11622, 78220, 20968, 11, 323, 1070, 753, 4400, 311, 1518, 1618, 71707, 16451, 505, 279, 1501, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 539, 6847, 15987, 555, 279, 586, 627, 8586, 753, 264, 12399, 315, 682, 279, 4140, 315, 47494, 39970, 10687, 4028, 17355, 14990, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1405, 814, 4097, 11, 369, 4062, 5905, 627, 2356, 275, 6417, 44668, 611, 51648, 818, 41114, 25, 20704, 67643, 198, 51, 8788, 6518 ]
[ 20585, 5657, 25, 20704, 67643, 20585, 82, 198, 644, 331, 65555, 25, 47849, 9702, 11, 51768, 618, 359, 11, 11188, 8329, 198, 2232, 78, 458, 11188, 25, 51768, 618, 359, 11, 93166, 11188, 198, 87703, 27738, 25, 20704, 67643, 27987, 198, 54049, 3258, 753, 27987, 323, 15416, 3258, 753, 8771, 25, 47849, 323, 445, 1036, 1601, 9702, 198, 2232, 396, 258, 9332, 323, 27987, 25, 800, 564, 365, 2419, 27987, 198, 38, 437, 8350, 27987, 25, 51768, 618, 359, 27987, 198, 50307, 77, 351, 980, 372, 50492, 25, 49793, 8270, 11, 50336, 2085, 426, 24960, 26672, 412, 198, 43, 1409, 4275, 34856, 25, 19367, 15379, 1443, 4692, 198, 1271, 638, 53748, 25, 10846, 4196, 88, 7414, 53748, 198, 50, 543, 34856, 26531, 288, 25, 11188, 8329, 198, 34, 1334, 1031, 75530, 25, 20704, 67643, 611, 5340, 1466, 12130, 611, 6178, 266, 356, 607, 258, 198, 2059, 484, 276, 402, 16035, 13345, 25, 3234, 61124, 14966, 15379, 198, 34, 1923, 75, 1409, 63107, 25, 26531, 402, 437, 198, 53619, 65, 5849, 25, 6588, 99033, 11, 55069, 315, 18925, 1910, 198, 34, 1136, 408, 359, 356, 4798, 25, 22620, 8329, 198, 44, 1103, 1409, 9332, 25, 6995, 22292, 9332, 611, 22620, 8329, 612, 16979, 23028, 198, 61895, 11452, 2493, 19383, 25, 16537, 11046, 198, 89595, 37014, 72183, 25, 22620, 8329, 11, 16979, 23028, 198, 37007, 396, 2303, 63107, 25, 578, 16979, 23028, 198, 35, 359, 10036, 346, 27987, 25, 5468, 441, 27987, 198, 7229, 267, 27595, 78402, 25, 16377, 315, 423, 17334, 198, 4554, 28607, 13011 ]
olith,” said Dr. Diana Fox, a cultural anthropologist and professor at Bridgewater State University (https://goo.gl/9jTzBp; BSU). “There are certainly important overlaps, all of [the islands] experiencing European colonialism and slavery and East Indian indentureship following the end of slavery, but the various colonial powers left different religions, languages, legacies, and even different attitudes around gender and sexuality. “The Dutch speaking, English speaking, French and Spanish Caribbean are importantly distinct in certain ways. Even within the English-speaking Caribbean, there are variations that have to do with where the islands are located, how close they are to the United States, the demographics, the percentages of African, Indian, and Chinese, Lebanese … The [Caribbean] is an incredibly diverse society and that has some impact on understanding the nature of the conditions of LGBTQ persons in the region.” Though there is an inherent diversity in the region, when it comes to the rights of LGBTQ people in the Caribbean, Fox said that there are general patterns that can be observed. “It’s fair to say [LGBTQ rights are] a struggle … ” she said. Fox referenced the 2013
olith,” said Dr. Diana Fox, a cultural anthropologist and professor at Bridgewater State University (https://goo.gl/9jTzBp; BSU). “There are certainly important overlaps, all of [the islands] experiencing European colonialism and slavery and East Indian indentureship following the end of slavery, but the various colonial powers left different religions, languages, legacies, and even different attitudes around gender and sexuality. “The Dutch speaking, English speaking, French and Spanish Caribbean are importantly distinct in certain ways. Even within the English-speaking Caribbean, there are variations that have to do with where the islands are located, how close they are to the United States, the demographics, the percentages of African, Indian, and Chinese, Lebanese … The [Caribbean] is an incredibly diverse society and that has some impact on understanding the nature of the conditions of LGBTQ persons in the region.” Though there is an inherent diversity in the region, when it comes to the rights of LGBTQ people in the Caribbean, Fox said that there are general patterns that can be observed. “It’s fair to say [LGBTQ rights are] a struggle … ” she said. Fox referenced the 2013
film, “The Abominable Crime” as a powerful documentary on homophobia in Jamaica. The film explores the lives of a group of queer Jamaicans and the violence they experience for living openly. The homophobia Diaz experienced in that Providence nightclub by a group of Latin men, though common throughout the United States, has its roots in centuries-old social mores around masculinity that permeated Caribbean culture. “There were certain behavioral patterns that were introduced during slavery that entrenched existing heteronormativity such as using black male studs as slave breeders, which reinforced a kind of masculinity that was ranked,” said Fox. “ If you were going to be a man selected to reproduce with a woman who was selected, that would heighten the status of the male. That was one factor that has lead to a kind of privileging of heterosexual normativity.” “There is also a very strong presence of ‘machismo’ in the Dominican Republic, which only exacerbates the homophobia that persists in the culture,” he said. Diaz continued by relating an anecdote that he characterized as chilling. “My recent trip to [the] DR was last summer and the day I got there my mom was
[ 21446, 11, 447, 251, 531, 1583, 13, 25752, 5426, 11, 257, 6467, 17911, 7451, 290, 6240, 379, 48218, 1812, 2059, 357, 5450, 1378, 42469, 13, 4743, 14, 24, 73, 51, 89, 33, 79, 26, 347, 12564, 737, 564, 250, 1858, 389, 3729, 1593, 12893, 1686, 11, 477, 286, 685, 1169, 14807, 60, 13456, 3427, 48359, 290, 13503, 290, 3687, 3942, 33793, 942, 1056, 1708, 262, 886, 286, 13503, 11, 475, 262, 2972, 17091, 5635, 1364, 1180, 18879, 11, 8950, 11, 1232, 13433, 11, 290, 772, 1180, 14479, 1088, 5279, 290, 16641, 13, 198, 447, 250, 464, 10914, 5486, 11, 3594, 5486, 11, 4141, 290, 7897, 18020, 389, 11003, 7310, 287, 1728, 2842, 13, 3412, 1626, 262, 3594, 12, 25159, 18020, 11, 612, 389, 13991, 326, 423, 284, 466, 351, 810, 262, 14807, 389, 5140, 11, 703, 1969, 484, 389, 284, 262, 1578, 1829, 11, 262, 30084, 11, 262, 28071, 286, 5510, 11, 3942, 11, 290, 3999, 11, 28076, 3926, 383, 685, 9914, 571, 14289, 60, 318, 281, 8131, 10084, 3592, 290, 326, 468, 617, 2928, 319, 4547, 262, 3450, 286, 262, 3403, 286, 25172, 6506, 287, 262, 3814, 13, 447, 251, 198, 10915, 612, 318, 281, 11519, 9573, 287, 262, 3814, 11, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 262, 2489, 286, 25172, 661, 287, 262, 18020, 11, 5426, 531, 326, 612, 389, 2276, 7572, 326, 460, 307, 6515, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 3148, 284, 910, 685, 37701, 48, 2489, 389, 60, 257, 6531, 3926, 564, 251, 673, 531, 13, 198, 19399, 20717, 262, 2211 ]
[ 48218, 2476, 1071, 2999, 13, 45509, 13585, 11, 264, 13042, 41416, 16549, 323, 14561, 520, 32437, 86130, 3314, 3907, 320, 2485, 1129, 63148, 20373, 14, 24, 73, 51, 89, 33, 79, 26, 28718, 52, 570, 1054, 3947, 527, 7995, 3062, 77107, 11, 682, 315, 510, 1820, 30100, 60, 25051, 7665, 37683, 2191, 323, 33792, 323, 6460, 7904, 17962, 1439, 2200, 2768, 279, 842, 315, 33792, 11, 719, 279, 5370, 37683, 13736, 2163, 2204, 44230, 11, 15823, 11, 2531, 27121, 11, 323, 1524, 2204, 33726, 2212, 10026, 323, 39275, 627, 14305, 24113, 12365, 11, 6498, 12365, 11, 8753, 323, 15506, 35374, 527, 23659, 12742, 304, 3738, 5627, 13, 7570, 2949, 279, 6498, 62290, 35374, 11, 1070, 527, 27339, 430, 617, 311, 656, 449, 1405, 279, 30100, 527, 7559, 11, 1268, 3345, 814, 527, 311, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 279, 63334, 11, 279, 54208, 315, 11904, 11, 7904, 11, 323, 8620, 11, 69345, 4696, 578, 510, 9028, 33159, 60, 374, 459, 17235, 17226, 8396, 323, 430, 706, 1063, 5536, 389, 8830, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 4787, 315, 51042, 11434, 304, 279, 5654, 49216, 27831, 1070, 374, 459, 38088, 20057, 304, 279, 5654, 11, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 279, 3268, 315, 51042, 1274, 304, 279, 35374, 11, 13585, 1071, 430, 1070, 527, 4689, 12912, 430, 649, 387, 13468, 627, 17818, 753, 6762, 311, 2019, 510, 43, 21929, 48, 3268, 527, 60, 264, 14993, 4696, 19524, 1364, 1071, 627, 48414, 25819, 279, 220, 679, 18 ]
[ 4632, 11, 1054, 791, 3765, 8129, 481, 24845, 863, 439, 264, 8147, 25999, 389, 5105, 55608, 304, 57275, 13, 578, 4632, 41424, 279, 6439, 315, 264, 1912, 315, 55641, 41259, 38473, 323, 279, 9349, 814, 3217, 369, 5496, 30447, 627, 791, 5105, 55608, 58131, 10534, 304, 430, 58941, 70832, 555, 264, 1912, 315, 20023, 3026, 11, 3582, 4279, 6957, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 706, 1202, 20282, 304, 24552, 6418, 3674, 4647, 417, 2212, 80811, 430, 55424, 660, 35374, 7829, 627, 35816, 1051, 3738, 36695, 12912, 430, 1051, 11784, 2391, 33792, 430, 82144, 6484, 30548, 263, 494, 44515, 1778, 439, 1701, 3776, 8762, 86721, 439, 20985, 28875, 388, 11, 902, 49680, 264, 3169, 315, 80811, 430, 574, 21682, 2476, 1071, 13585, 13, 1054, 1442, 499, 1051, 2133, 311, 387, 264, 893, 4183, 311, 23645, 449, 264, 5333, 889, 574, 4183, 11, 430, 1053, 2673, 268, 279, 2704, 315, 279, 8762, 13, 3011, 574, 832, 8331, 430, 706, 3063, 311, 264, 3169, 315, 15900, 3252, 315, 66408, 7617, 44515, 49216, 35816, 374, 1101, 264, 1633, 3831, 9546, 315, 3451, 55377, 17434, 529, 304, 279, 67113, 5545, 11, 902, 1193, 52875, 988, 279, 5105, 55608, 430, 67145, 304, 279, 7829, 2476, 568, 1071, 627, 35, 28073, 8738, 555, 23343, 459, 50750, 1295, 430, 568, 32971, 439, 62724, 627, 62597, 3293, 8577, 311, 510, 1820, 60, 14644, 574, 1566, 7474, 323, 279, 1938, 358, 2751, 1070, 856, 3450, 574 ]
votes and report counts, the AP found. Windows 7 reached the end of its operational life in January 2020. After Jan. 14, Microsoft stopped providing technical support and producing “patches” to fix software vulnerabilities, making Windows 7 easy to hack unless U.S. jurisdictions paid a fee to receive security updates through 2023, the AP found. According to its assessment, multiple states were affected by the end of Windows 7 support, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, many counties in Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Interested in more news from Texas? We've got you covered! See More Texas News Previous Article “Amen” censored by social media [video] Next Article Facebook targeted Texas’ largest counties to primarily influence Democratic turnout in election, report alleges LA VIE DE BOHEME - #693 There is a mutual appreciation society between New York indie icon Jim Jarmusch and quirky Finnish filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki, and that spiritual and creative connection has never been more evident in any of the Kaurismäki films I have seen than it is in his 1992 effort La vie de bohème (The Bohemian Life). Like the early
votes and report counts, the AP found. Windows 7 reached the end of its operational life in January 2020. After Jan. 14, Microsoft stopped providing technical support and producing “patches” to fix software vulnerabilities, making Windows 7 easy to hack unless U.S. jurisdictions paid a fee to receive security updates through 2023, the AP found. According to its assessment, multiple states were affected by the end of Windows 7 support, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, many counties in Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Interested in more news from Texas? We've got you covered! See More Texas News Previous Article “Amen” censored by social media [video] Next Article Facebook targeted Texas’ largest counties to primarily influence Democratic turnout in election, report alleges LA VIE DE BOHEME - #693 There is a mutual appreciation society between New York indie icon Jim Jarmusch and quirky Finnish filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki, and that spiritual and creative connection has never been more evident in any of the Kaurismäki films I have seen than it is in his 1992 effort La vie de bohème (The Bohemian Life). Like the early
works of his Aki's New York compatriot, it's a lazy comedy drawn in warm tones, inhabited by genial losers, and depicting a pocket of society just around the corner from the norm. Based on work by writer Henri Murger that also served as the inspiration for La Bohème (and thus all the iterations that followed), La vie de bohème also owes a little something to the tradition of similarly minded efforts featuring ex-pat artists and writers and the bungled romances that plague them, such as Ernst Lubitsch's A Design for Living [review] or even Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly's An American in Paris [review]. La vie de bohème is quintessentially Kaurismäki, however, and unmistakably European. The trio at the heart of the film are Marcel (André Wilms), a struggling playwright; Schaunard (Kari Väänänen), a loutish musician; and Rodolfo (Matti Pellonpää), a refugee from the Soviet bloc making his way in Paris as a painter. Marcel is being evicted from his apartment, and Schaunard is moving into it, and after a night of drinking where the writer
[ 5690, 290, 989, 9853, 11, 262, 3486, 1043, 13, 3964, 767, 4251, 262, 886, 286, 663, 13919, 1204, 287, 3269, 12131, 13, 198, 3260, 2365, 13, 1478, 11, 5413, 5025, 4955, 6276, 1104, 290, 9194, 564, 250, 8071, 2052, 447, 251, 284, 4259, 3788, 23805, 11, 1642, 3964, 767, 2562, 284, 8156, 4556, 471, 13, 50, 13, 25281, 3432, 257, 6838, 284, 3328, 2324, 5992, 832, 1160, 1954, 11, 262, 3486, 1043, 13, 198, 4821, 284, 663, 8922, 11, 3294, 2585, 547, 5676, 416, 262, 886, 286, 3964, 767, 1104, 11, 1390, 7943, 11, 4744, 11, 7859, 11, 9406, 11, 10278, 11, 7055, 11, 2258, 5913, 11, 867, 14683, 287, 9589, 11, 290, 9279, 13, 198, 48860, 287, 517, 1705, 422, 3936, 30, 775, 1053, 1392, 345, 5017, 0, 4091, 3125, 3936, 3000, 198, 21448, 10172, 564, 250, 32, 3653, 447, 251, 43847, 416, 1919, 2056, 685, 15588, 60, 198, 10019, 10172, 3203, 7977, 3936, 447, 247, 4387, 14683, 284, 7525, 4588, 4390, 21666, 287, 3071, 11, 989, 24763, 9131, 569, 10008, 5550, 347, 12096, 3620, 36, 532, 1303, 48528, 198, 1858, 318, 257, 13584, 19163, 3592, 1022, 968, 1971, 19907, 7196, 5395, 449, 1670, 385, 354, 290, 37276, 26838, 26479, 48663, 509, 2899, 1042, 11033, 4106, 11, 290, 326, 8557, 290, 7325, 4637, 468, 1239, 587, 517, 10678, 287, 597, 286, 262, 509, 2899, 1042, 11033, 4106, 7328, 314, 423, 1775, 621, 340, 318, 287, 465, 9768, 3626, 4689, 410, 494, 390, 275, 1219, 14064, 1326, 357, 464, 45560, 666, 5155, 737, 4525, 262, 1903 ]
[ 12973, 323, 1934, 14921, 11, 279, 10314, 1766, 13, 5632, 220, 22, 8813, 279, 842, 315, 1202, 25605, 2324, 304, 6186, 220, 2366, 15, 627, 6153, 4448, 13, 220, 975, 11, 5210, 10717, 8405, 11156, 1862, 323, 17843, 1054, 97978, 863, 311, 5155, 3241, 52227, 11, 3339, 5632, 220, 22, 4228, 311, 17524, 7389, 549, 815, 13, 56043, 7318, 264, 11307, 311, 5371, 4868, 9013, 1555, 220, 2366, 18, 11, 279, 10314, 1766, 627, 11439, 311, 1202, 15813, 11, 5361, 5415, 1051, 11754, 555, 279, 842, 315, 5632, 220, 22, 1862, 11, 2737, 17368, 11, 9784, 11, 16272, 11, 21357, 11, 22319, 11, 14972, 11, 4892, 13030, 11, 1690, 31276, 304, 20355, 11, 323, 21073, 627, 84152, 304, 810, 3754, 505, 8421, 30, 1226, 3077, 2751, 499, 9960, 0, 3580, 4497, 8421, 5513, 198, 21994, 13659, 1054, 32, 5794, 863, 272, 56878, 555, 3674, 3772, 510, 10191, 933, 5971, 13659, 5690, 17550, 8421, 529, 7928, 31276, 311, 15871, 10383, 11650, 53019, 304, 6355, 11, 1934, 59797, 13256, 650, 5484, 3467, 7967, 40532, 482, 674, 25298, 198, 3947, 374, 264, 27848, 35996, 8396, 1990, 1561, 4356, 44578, 4706, 11641, 622, 2227, 52178, 323, 68232, 58953, 57337, 362, 6780, 735, 4202, 2191, 2357, 6780, 11, 323, 430, 18330, 323, 11782, 3717, 706, 2646, 1027, 810, 30576, 304, 904, 315, 279, 735, 4202, 2191, 2357, 6780, 12631, 358, 617, 3970, 1109, 433, 374, 304, 813, 220, 2550, 17, 5149, 5034, 17536, 409, 111907, 25253, 320, 791, 52450, 336, 1122, 9601, 570, 9086, 279, 4216 ]
[ 4375, 315, 813, 362, 6780, 596, 1561, 4356, 1391, 2416, 354, 11, 433, 596, 264, 16053, 23160, 15107, 304, 8369, 43076, 11, 70598, 555, 4173, 532, 68456, 11, 323, 60794, 264, 18301, 315, 8396, 1120, 2212, 279, 9309, 505, 279, 7617, 13, 20817, 389, 990, 555, 7061, 74310, 15356, 1414, 430, 1101, 10434, 439, 279, 20343, 369, 5034, 52450, 25253, 320, 438, 8617, 682, 279, 26771, 430, 8272, 705, 5034, 17536, 409, 111907, 25253, 1101, 69944, 264, 2697, 2555, 311, 279, 14135, 315, 30293, 61267, 9045, 16850, 506, 2320, 266, 13820, 323, 16483, 323, 279, 293, 2234, 839, 10083, 3095, 430, 55537, 1124, 11, 1778, 439, 74210, 58751, 1220, 331, 596, 362, 7127, 369, 19048, 510, 19981, 60, 477, 1524, 31552, 4418, 268, 323, 24983, 19178, 596, 1556, 3778, 304, 12366, 510, 19981, 27218, 8921, 17536, 409, 111907, 25253, 374, 40757, 434, 31668, 735, 4202, 2191, 2357, 6780, 11, 4869, 11, 323, 96207, 2915, 7665, 13, 578, 35062, 520, 279, 4851, 315, 279, 4632, 527, 49971, 320, 3112, 43711, 10785, 1026, 705, 264, 20558, 99468, 26, 92818, 359, 569, 320, 42, 2850, 650, 60446, 2357, 12778, 705, 264, 326, 412, 819, 39844, 26, 323, 13611, 337, 831, 320, 44, 32055, 89008, 263, 79, 43543, 705, 264, 34267, 505, 279, 19953, 41840, 3339, 813, 1648, 304, 12366, 439, 264, 30581, 13, 49971, 374, 1694, 3721, 13060, 505, 813, 13455, 11, 323, 92818, 359, 569, 374, 7366, 1139, 433, 11, 323, 1306, 264, 3814, 315, 16558, 1405, 279, 7061 ]
was the oil industry in question, though I follow such stories, as the fact that it was in the same bubble with a politician when the bubble rose to the top of the soup and burst, revealing the two playing cards inside. Right place, right time. I figured that it might make for interesting conversation. Luz María, I have heard that men also take HIV/AIDS home to their monogamous wives through their encounter with prostitutes. I am saddened when I hear of innocent women and children getting caught up in the deadly web of the disease. Haven’t heard dollars referred to as boondoggles. Sounds cool. Your post yesterday had a tone that felt less than conducive to conversation to me, so I scrolled past it and the rest of your posts on the page. I looked up more than what I posted – mostly re: unions – and posted little of what I found to save space. I printed the full result of my efforts and showed it to my family; but I don’t know enough SMS lingo to have watered down my online post any further and added more data. 35 Sheikh Kafumba Dukuly UNAIDS Report is alarming. I really wish people could act responsibly to avoid endangering others
was the oil industry in question, though I follow such stories, as the fact that it was in the same bubble with a politician when the bubble rose to the top of the soup and burst, revealing the two playing cards inside. Right place, right time. I figured that it might make for interesting conversation. Luz María, I have heard that men also take HIV/AIDS home to their monogamous wives through their encounter with prostitutes. I am saddened when I hear of innocent women and children getting caught up in the deadly web of the disease. Haven’t heard dollars referred to as boondoggles. Sounds cool. Your post yesterday had a tone that felt less than conducive to conversation to me, so I scrolled past it and the rest of your posts on the page. I looked up more than what I posted – mostly re: unions – and posted little of what I found to save space. I printed the full result of my efforts and showed it to my family; but I don’t know enough SMS lingo to have watered down my online post any further and added more data. 35 Sheikh Kafumba Dukuly UNAIDS Report is alarming. I really wish people could act responsibly to avoid endangering others
health all in the name of sexual desire. Hmmm. Since I didn’t ask for more information about unions, didin’t ask about printing results or your family, didn’t ask for or want (or know) “SMS lingo,” didn’t ask for either more data or a “watered down” post, and DID invite conversation, I have to assume you’ve confused me with someone else. I’m the one who asked why you included colledge costs without financial aid, how you imagined that people could be living in Los Angeles or anywhere on 25% less money than the “minimum posssible income,” and what the incomes of automobile industry employees had to do with any of it. Will my “tone” be more inviting if I say “pretty please?” Or is it my insistence on strict segregation of fact from fantasy that repels you, as in the matter of all that cheap, abundant oil that we’re so obviously NOT stealing from Iraq, since we don’t have it? 37 dretceterini PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A Portland man has filed
[ 373, 262, 3056, 2831, 287, 1808, 11, 996, 314, 1061, 884, 3923, 11, 355, 262, 1109, 326, 340, 373, 287, 262, 976, 14310, 351, 257, 14971, 618, 262, 14310, 8278, 284, 262, 1353, 286, 262, 17141, 290, 11173, 11, 13477, 262, 734, 2712, 4116, 2641, 13, 6498, 1295, 11, 826, 640, 13, 314, 11638, 326, 340, 1244, 787, 329, 3499, 5273, 13, 198, 43, 10277, 1526, 29690, 11, 314, 423, 2982, 326, 1450, 635, 1011, 10498, 14, 39338, 1363, 284, 511, 43173, 10877, 17743, 832, 511, 8791, 351, 32159, 13, 314, 716, 40434, 618, 314, 3285, 286, 10218, 1466, 290, 1751, 1972, 4978, 510, 287, 262, 10309, 3992, 286, 262, 4369, 13, 198, 39, 4005, 447, 247, 83, 2982, 5054, 6412, 284, 355, 1489, 623, 48549, 13, 27107, 3608, 13, 3406, 1281, 7415, 550, 257, 8216, 326, 2936, 1342, 621, 45645, 284, 5273, 284, 502, 11, 523, 314, 629, 8375, 1613, 340, 290, 262, 1334, 286, 534, 6851, 319, 262, 2443, 13, 314, 3114, 510, 517, 621, 644, 314, 4481, 784, 4632, 302, 25, 11936, 784, 290, 4481, 1310, 286, 644, 314, 1043, 284, 3613, 2272, 13, 314, 10398, 262, 1336, 1255, 286, 616, 4040, 290, 3751, 340, 284, 616, 1641, 26, 475, 314, 836, 447, 247, 83, 760, 1576, 29287, 18459, 78, 284, 423, 48024, 866, 616, 2691, 1281, 597, 2252, 290, 2087, 517, 1366, 13, 198, 2327, 30843, 33913, 2178, 64, 360, 2724, 2062, 198, 52, 4535, 14255, 6358, 318, 24128, 13, 314, 1107, 4601, 661, 714, 719, 43493, 284, 3368, 886, 49470, 1854 ]
[ 574, 279, 5707, 5064, 304, 3488, 11, 3582, 358, 1833, 1778, 7493, 11, 439, 279, 2144, 430, 433, 574, 304, 279, 1890, 24529, 449, 264, 37038, 994, 279, 24529, 16392, 311, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 19724, 323, 21165, 11, 31720, 279, 1403, 5737, 7563, 4871, 13, 10291, 2035, 11, 1314, 892, 13, 358, 25720, 430, 433, 2643, 1304, 369, 7185, 10652, 627, 43, 5308, 83305, 11, 358, 617, 6755, 430, 3026, 1101, 1935, 23495, 93646, 2162, 311, 872, 1647, 540, 23333, 39720, 1555, 872, 13123, 449, 63682, 13, 358, 1097, 95017, 994, 358, 6865, 315, 25226, 3278, 323, 2911, 3794, 10791, 709, 304, 279, 25114, 3566, 315, 279, 8624, 627, 39, 5389, 1431, 6755, 11441, 14183, 311, 439, 712, 2159, 51952, 13, 45241, 7155, 13, 4718, 1772, 13985, 1047, 264, 16630, 430, 6612, 2753, 1109, 95561, 311, 10652, 311, 757, 11, 779, 358, 96719, 3347, 433, 323, 279, 2800, 315, 701, 8158, 389, 279, 2199, 13, 358, 7111, 709, 810, 1109, 1148, 358, 8621, 1389, 10213, 312, 25, 29590, 1389, 323, 8621, 2697, 315, 1148, 358, 1766, 311, 3665, 3634, 13, 358, 17124, 279, 2539, 1121, 315, 856, 9045, 323, 8710, 433, 311, 856, 3070, 26, 719, 358, 1541, 1431, 1440, 3403, 31009, 326, 29008, 311, 617, 3090, 291, 1523, 856, 2930, 1772, 904, 4726, 323, 3779, 810, 828, 627, 1758, 72629, 127914, 71669, 423, 3178, 3988, 198, 1899, 32, 26696, 8423, 374, 57376, 13, 358, 2216, 6562, 1274, 1436, 1180, 87388, 311, 5766, 38037, 287, 3885 ]
[ 2890, 682, 304, 279, 836, 315, 7392, 12876, 627, 39, 49986, 13, 8876, 358, 3287, 1431, 2610, 369, 810, 2038, 922, 29590, 11, 1550, 258, 1431, 2610, 922, 18991, 3135, 477, 701, 3070, 11, 3287, 1431, 2610, 369, 477, 1390, 320, 269, 1440, 8, 1054, 66665, 326, 29008, 2476, 3287, 1431, 2610, 369, 3060, 810, 828, 477, 264, 1054, 13284, 291, 1523, 863, 1772, 11, 323, 60219, 22114, 10652, 11, 358, 617, 311, 9855, 499, 4070, 22568, 757, 449, 4423, 775, 627, 40, 4344, 279, 832, 889, 4691, 3249, 499, 5343, 1400, 4995, 7194, 2085, 6020, 12576, 11, 1268, 499, 35706, 430, 1274, 1436, 387, 5496, 304, 9853, 12167, 477, 12660, 389, 220, 914, 4, 2753, 3300, 1109, 279, 1054, 39088, 1153, 784, 1260, 8070, 2476, 323, 1148, 279, 46791, 315, 35528, 5064, 8420, 1047, 311, 656, 449, 904, 315, 433, 627, 10149, 856, 1054, 59029, 863, 387, 810, 42292, 422, 358, 2019, 1054, 34055, 4587, 12671, 2582, 374, 433, 856, 79397, 389, 7452, 64244, 315, 2144, 505, 18884, 430, 2109, 2053, 499, 11, 439, 304, 279, 5030, 315, 682, 430, 12136, 11, 44611, 5707, 430, 584, 3207, 779, 14224, 4276, 39098, 505, 11340, 11, 2533, 584, 1541, 1431, 617, 433, 5380, 1806, 294, 2171, 66, 1430, 6729, 198, 5205, 40915, 11, 34543, 13, 320, 2599, 8, 1389, 362, 23947, 893, 706, 13019 ]
represents ‘an important step towards achievement of the objective of the free movement of medicinal products’ and that ‘further measures [to] abolish any remaining barriers to the free movement [may] be necessary’. Complete harmonisation in a particular field is not incompatible with the fact that such harmonisation is in a state of continuing evolution. The fact that Directive 2001/83 lays down a complete system of rules for safety features of medicinal products in no way means that the European Union legislature cannot amend or adapt those rules or, if necessary, introduce new ones so as better to attain the objectives of removing barriers to trade between Member States and the protection of public health (see, by analogy, judgment of 8 November 2007, Gintec, C‑374/05, EU:C:2007:654, paragraph 29). 100 In the light of all the foregoing considerations, the answer to the fourth question is that Directive 2001/83 and Delegated Regulation 2016/161 must be interpreted as precluding a Member State from requiring that medicinal products imported in parallel must, in principle, be repackaged in new packaging and that recourse may be had to relabelling and to the affixing of new safety features to the original outer packaging of those medicinal
represents ‘an important step towards achievement of the objective of the free movement of medicinal products’ and that ‘further measures [to] abolish any remaining barriers to the free movement [may] be necessary’. Complete harmonisation in a particular field is not incompatible with the fact that such harmonisation is in a state of continuing evolution. The fact that Directive 2001/83 lays down a complete system of rules for safety features of medicinal products in no way means that the European Union legislature cannot amend or adapt those rules or, if necessary, introduce new ones so as better to attain the objectives of removing barriers to trade between Member States and the protection of public health (see, by analogy, judgment of 8 November 2007, Gintec, C‑374/05, EU:C:2007:654, paragraph 29). 100 In the light of all the foregoing considerations, the answer to the fourth question is that Directive 2001/83 and Delegated Regulation 2016/161 must be interpreted as precluding a Member State from requiring that medicinal products imported in parallel must, in principle, be repackaged in new packaging and that recourse may be had to relabelling and to the affixing of new safety features to the original outer packaging of those medicinal
products only on application and in exceptional circumstances, such as, inter alia, a risk of disruption to the supply of the medicinal product concerned. The fifth question 101 By its fifth question, the referring court asks, in essence, whether Article 9(2) and Article 15(2) of Regulation 2017/1001 and Article 10(2) and Article 15(2) of Directive 2015/2436, read in conjunction with Articles 34 and 36 TFEU, must be interpreted as meaning that a Member State rule which requires that medicinal products imported in parallel must, in principle, be repackaged in new packaging and that recourse may be had to relabelling and to the affixing of new safety features to the original outer packaging of those medicinal products only on application and in exceptional circumstances impedes the exercise by a trade mark proprietor of his or her right to oppose the marketing by a parallel importer of a medicinal product repackaged in new outer packaging to which that mark is affixed. 102 As was stated in paragraph 57 of this judgment, the trade mark proprietor may oppose the repackaging of a medicinal product by replacement of its outer packaging where the parallel importer is able to reuse the original packaging of that product for the purpose
[ 6870, 564, 246, 272, 1593, 2239, 3371, 13293, 286, 262, 9432, 286, 262, 1479, 3356, 286, 30381, 3186, 447, 247, 290, 326, 564, 246, 69, 1914, 5260, 685, 1462, 60, 35531, 597, 5637, 14725, 284, 262, 1479, 3356, 685, 11261, 60, 307, 3306, 447, 247, 13, 13248, 25625, 5612, 287, 257, 1948, 2214, 318, 407, 27294, 351, 262, 1109, 326, 884, 25625, 5612, 318, 287, 257, 1181, 286, 8282, 6954, 13, 383, 1109, 326, 34736, 5878, 14, 5999, 26614, 866, 257, 1844, 1080, 286, 3173, 329, 3747, 3033, 286, 30381, 3186, 287, 645, 835, 1724, 326, 262, 3427, 4479, 15928, 2314, 13582, 393, 6068, 883, 3173, 393, 11, 611, 3306, 11, 10400, 649, 3392, 523, 355, 1365, 284, 18188, 262, 15221, 286, 10829, 14725, 284, 3292, 1022, 10239, 1829, 290, 262, 4800, 286, 1171, 1535, 357, 3826, 11, 416, 23970, 11, 8492, 286, 807, 3389, 4343, 11, 402, 600, 721, 11, 327, 20977, 31020, 14, 2713, 11, 4576, 25, 34, 25, 12726, 25, 39111, 11, 7322, 2808, 737, 198, 3064, 554, 262, 1657, 286, 477, 262, 41660, 18506, 11, 262, 3280, 284, 262, 5544, 1808, 318, 326, 34736, 5878, 14, 5999, 290, 1024, 1455, 515, 26472, 1584, 14, 25948, 1276, 307, 16173, 355, 662, 6360, 257, 10239, 1812, 422, 10616, 326, 30381, 3186, 17392, 287, 10730, 1276, 11, 287, 7989, 11, 307, 1128, 441, 1886, 287, 649, 16846, 290, 326, 38424, 743, 307, 550, 284, 823, 397, 9417, 290, 284, 262, 1527, 844, 278, 286, 649, 3747, 3033, 284, 262, 2656, 12076, 16846, 286, 883, 30381 ]
[ 11105, 3451, 276, 3062, 3094, 7119, 26501, 315, 279, 16945, 315, 279, 1949, 7351, 315, 58041, 3956, 529, 323, 430, 3451, 69, 4004, 11193, 510, 998, 60, 90376, 904, 9861, 30740, 311, 279, 1949, 7351, 510, 18864, 60, 387, 5995, 24535, 19121, 18249, 8082, 304, 264, 4040, 2115, 374, 539, 53924, 449, 279, 2144, 430, 1778, 18249, 8082, 374, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 14691, 15740, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 57852, 220, 1049, 16, 14, 6069, 57622, 1523, 264, 4686, 1887, 315, 5718, 369, 7296, 4519, 315, 58041, 3956, 304, 912, 1648, 3445, 430, 279, 7665, 9323, 39856, 4250, 30569, 477, 10737, 1884, 5718, 477, 11, 422, 5995, 11, 19678, 502, 6305, 779, 439, 2731, 311, 36861, 279, 26470, 315, 18054, 30740, 311, 6696, 1990, 12308, 4273, 323, 279, 9313, 315, 586, 2890, 320, 4151, 11, 555, 56203, 11, 19971, 315, 220, 23, 6841, 220, 1049, 22, 11, 480, 396, 762, 11, 356, 57064, 18265, 14, 2304, 11, 10013, 57092, 25, 1049, 22, 25, 21969, 11, 14646, 220, 1682, 4390, 1041, 763, 279, 3177, 315, 682, 279, 88931, 38864, 11, 279, 4320, 311, 279, 11999, 3488, 374, 430, 57852, 220, 1049, 16, 14, 6069, 323, 1611, 1978, 660, 48338, 220, 679, 21, 14, 10718, 2011, 387, 33398, 439, 864, 11150, 264, 12308, 3314, 505, 23537, 430, 58041, 3956, 25973, 304, 15638, 2011, 11, 304, 17966, 11, 387, 2109, 474, 3359, 304, 502, 24066, 323, 430, 93370, 1253, 387, 1047, 311, 1375, 370, 6427, 323, 311, 279, 3611, 953, 287, 315, 502, 7296, 4519, 311, 279, 4113, 16335, 24066, 315, 1884, 58041 ]
[ 3956, 1193, 389, 3851, 323, 304, 25363, 13463, 11, 1778, 439, 11, 958, 453, 689, 11, 264, 5326, 315, 44219, 311, 279, 8312, 315, 279, 58041, 2027, 11920, 627, 791, 18172, 3488, 198, 4645, 3296, 1202, 18172, 3488, 11, 279, 22797, 5590, 17501, 11, 304, 28591, 11, 3508, 13659, 220, 24, 7, 17, 8, 323, 13659, 220, 868, 7, 17, 8, 315, 48338, 220, 679, 22, 14, 1041, 16, 323, 13659, 220, 605, 7, 17, 8, 323, 13659, 220, 868, 7, 17, 8, 315, 57852, 220, 679, 20, 14, 14052, 21, 11, 1373, 304, 32546, 449, 29461, 220, 1958, 323, 220, 1927, 350, 11673, 52, 11, 2011, 387, 33398, 439, 7438, 430, 264, 12308, 3314, 6037, 902, 7612, 430, 58041, 3956, 25973, 304, 15638, 2011, 11, 304, 17966, 11, 387, 2109, 474, 3359, 304, 502, 24066, 323, 430, 93370, 1253, 387, 1047, 311, 1375, 370, 6427, 323, 311, 279, 3611, 953, 287, 315, 502, 7296, 4519, 311, 279, 4113, 16335, 24066, 315, 1884, 58041, 3956, 1193, 389, 3851, 323, 304, 25363, 13463, 50502, 288, 279, 10368, 555, 264, 6696, 1906, 93023, 315, 813, 477, 1077, 1314, 311, 34134, 279, 8661, 555, 264, 15638, 63661, 315, 264, 58041, 2027, 2109, 474, 3359, 304, 502, 16335, 24066, 311, 902, 430, 1906, 374, 3611, 3366, 627, 4278, 1666, 574, 11224, 304, 14646, 220, 3226, 315, 420, 19971, 11, 279, 6696, 1906, 93023, 1253, 34134, 279, 2109, 474, 4210, 315, 264, 58041, 2027, 555, 14039, 315, 1202, 16335, 24066, 1405, 279, 15638, 63661, 374, 3025, 311, 27068, 279, 4113, 24066, 315, 430, 2027, 369, 279, 7580 ]
ominidae, a number of extant and known extinct, that is, genera are grouped with the humans and gorillas in the subfamily Homininae; the most recent common ancestor of all Hominidae lived 14 million years ago, when the ancestors of the orangutans speciated from the ancestral line of the other three genera. Those ancestors of the family Hominidae had speciated from the family Hylobatidae 15 million to 20 million years ago. In the early Miocene, about 22 million years ago, there were many species of arboreally adapted primitive catarrhines from East Africa. Fossils at 20 million years ago include fragments attributed to Victoriapithecus, the earliest Old World monkey. Among the genera thought to be in the ape lineage leading up to 13 million years ago are Proconsul, Dendropithecus, Nacholapithecus, Nyanzapithecus, Afropithecus and Kenyapithecus, all from East Africa. At sites far distant from East Africa, the presence of other generalized non-cercopithecids, that is, non-monkey primates, of middle Miocene age—Otavipithecus from
ominidae, a number of extant and known extinct, that is, genera are grouped with the humans and gorillas in the subfamily Homininae; the most recent common ancestor of all Hominidae lived 14 million years ago, when the ancestors of the orangutans speciated from the ancestral line of the other three genera. Those ancestors of the family Hominidae had speciated from the family Hylobatidae 15 million to 20 million years ago. In the early Miocene, about 22 million years ago, there were many species of arboreally adapted primitive catarrhines from East Africa. Fossils at 20 million years ago include fragments attributed to Victoriapithecus, the earliest Old World monkey. Among the genera thought to be in the ape lineage leading up to 13 million years ago are Proconsul, Dendropithecus, Nacholapithecus, Nyanzapithecus, Afropithecus and Kenyapithecus, all from East Africa. At sites far distant from East Africa, the presence of other generalized non-cercopithecids, that is, non-monkey primates, of middle Miocene age—Otavipithecus from
cave deposits in Namibia, Pierolapithecus and Dryopithecus from France and Austria—is further evidence of a wide diversity of ancestral ape forms across Africa and the Mediterranean basin during the warm and equable climatic regimes of the early and middle Miocene; the most recent of these far-flung Miocene apes is Oreopithecus, from the fossil-rich coal beds in northern Italy and dated to 9 million years ago. Molecular evidence indicates that the lineage of gibbons, the lesser apes, diverged from that of the great apes some 18–12 million years ago, that of orangutans diverged from the other great apes at about 12 million years. There are no fossils that document the ancestry of gibbons, which may have originated in a still-unknown South East Asian hominoid population. Species close to the last common ancestor of gorillas and humans may be represented by Nakalipithecus fossils found in Kenya and Ouranopithecus found in Greece. Molecular evidence suggests that between 8 and 4 million years ago, first the gorillas, the chimpanzees split off from the line leading to the humans. Human DNA is 98.4% identical to that of chimpanzees when comparing single nucleotide polymorphisms.
[ 6351, 31718, 11, 257, 1271, 286, 47862, 290, 1900, 28881, 11, 326, 318, 11, 1152, 64, 389, 32824, 351, 262, 5384, 290, 30344, 25314, 287, 262, 850, 17989, 367, 6351, 1437, 68, 26, 262, 749, 2274, 2219, 31836, 286, 477, 367, 6351, 31718, 5615, 1478, 1510, 812, 2084, 11, 618, 262, 18668, 286, 262, 393, 648, 315, 504, 693, 979, 515, 422, 262, 34843, 1627, 286, 262, 584, 1115, 1152, 64, 13, 198, 9627, 18668, 286, 262, 1641, 367, 6351, 31718, 550, 693, 979, 515, 422, 262, 1641, 367, 2645, 672, 265, 31718, 1315, 1510, 284, 1160, 1510, 812, 2084, 13, 554, 262, 1903, 13756, 34973, 11, 546, 2534, 1510, 812, 2084, 11, 612, 547, 867, 4693, 286, 610, 65, 382, 453, 16573, 20049, 3797, 3258, 71, 1127, 422, 3687, 5478, 13, 40515, 4487, 379, 1160, 1510, 812, 2084, 2291, 21441, 14183, 284, 6114, 10145, 499, 31470, 9042, 11, 262, 14555, 5706, 2159, 21657, 13, 9754, 262, 1152, 64, 1807, 284, 307, 287, 262, 43835, 31144, 3756, 510, 284, 1511, 1510, 812, 2084, 389, 1041, 5936, 377, 11, 360, 437, 1773, 31470, 9042, 11, 399, 620, 349, 499, 31470, 9042, 11, 399, 4121, 89, 499, 31470, 9042, 11, 2483, 1773, 31470, 9042, 290, 7148, 88, 499, 31470, 9042, 11, 477, 422, 3687, 5478, 13, 1629, 5043, 1290, 12899, 422, 3687, 5478, 11, 262, 4931, 286, 584, 38284, 1729, 12, 2189, 22163, 31470, 66, 2340, 11, 326, 318, 11, 1729, 12, 49572, 41316, 11, 286, 3504, 13756, 34973, 2479, 960, 46, 83, 615, 541, 31470, 9042, 422 ]
[ 8129, 114405, 11, 264, 1396, 315, 1327, 519, 323, 3967, 69918, 11, 430, 374, 11, 84535, 527, 41141, 449, 279, 12966, 323, 46298, 34344, 304, 279, 1207, 19521, 473, 8129, 125887, 26, 279, 1455, 3293, 4279, 46831, 315, 682, 473, 8129, 114405, 12439, 220, 975, 3610, 1667, 4227, 11, 994, 279, 38618, 315, 279, 50707, 332, 598, 1424, 10234, 505, 279, 78771, 1584, 315, 279, 1023, 2380, 84535, 627, 23025, 38618, 315, 279, 3070, 473, 8129, 114405, 1047, 1424, 10234, 505, 279, 3070, 10320, 1718, 266, 114405, 220, 868, 3610, 311, 220, 508, 3610, 1667, 4227, 13, 763, 279, 4216, 21402, 78782, 11, 922, 220, 1313, 3610, 1667, 4227, 11, 1070, 1051, 1690, 9606, 315, 59588, 461, 750, 30464, 28694, 8415, 1138, 71, 1572, 505, 6460, 10384, 13, 435, 3746, 8839, 520, 220, 508, 3610, 1667, 4227, 2997, 35603, 30706, 311, 12022, 13915, 391, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 279, 30758, 10846, 4435, 39803, 13, 22395, 279, 84535, 3463, 311, 387, 304, 279, 85980, 65009, 6522, 709, 311, 220, 1032, 3610, 1667, 4227, 527, 1322, 6387, 360, 11, 423, 408, 897, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 29375, 337, 391, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 452, 8503, 93471, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 13203, 897, 275, 42750, 355, 323, 14594, 88, 391, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 682, 505, 6460, 10384, 13, 2468, 6732, 3117, 29827, 505, 6460, 10384, 11, 279, 9546, 315, 1023, 67217, 2536, 1824, 3035, 454, 275, 42750, 3447, 11, 430, 374, 11, 2536, 78396, 798, 9036, 988, 11, 315, 6278, 21402, 78782, 4325, 2345, 85895, 402, 575, 275, 42750, 355, 505 ]
[ 26457, 34751, 304, 31074, 67337, 11, 21377, 337, 391, 275, 42750, 355, 323, 31941, 454, 275, 42750, 355, 505, 9822, 323, 35998, 55434, 4726, 6029, 315, 264, 7029, 20057, 315, 78771, 85980, 7739, 4028, 10384, 323, 279, 38785, 58309, 2391, 279, 8369, 323, 3312, 481, 11323, 780, 61911, 315, 279, 4216, 323, 6278, 21402, 78782, 26, 279, 1455, 3293, 315, 1521, 3117, 12556, 2234, 21402, 78782, 1469, 288, 374, 34543, 454, 275, 42750, 355, 11, 505, 279, 31376, 41947, 11756, 28036, 304, 18671, 15704, 323, 30105, 311, 220, 24, 3610, 1667, 4227, 627, 44, 43943, 6029, 15151, 430, 279, 65009, 315, 78427, 47620, 11, 279, 32415, 1469, 288, 11, 37441, 3640, 505, 430, 315, 279, 2294, 1469, 288, 1063, 220, 972, 4235, 717, 3610, 1667, 4227, 11, 430, 315, 50707, 332, 598, 37441, 3640, 505, 279, 1023, 2294, 1469, 288, 520, 922, 220, 717, 3610, 1667, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 81473, 430, 2246, 279, 66004, 315, 78427, 47620, 11, 902, 1253, 617, 44853, 304, 264, 2103, 12, 16476, 4987, 6460, 14875, 5105, 258, 590, 7187, 13, 51567, 3345, 311, 279, 1566, 4279, 46831, 315, 46298, 34344, 323, 12966, 1253, 387, 15609, 555, 44329, 278, 575, 275, 42750, 355, 81473, 1766, 304, 37766, 323, 5751, 276, 454, 275, 42750, 355, 1766, 304, 25431, 13, 60825, 6029, 13533, 430, 1990, 220, 23, 323, 220, 19, 3610, 1667, 4227, 11, 1176, 279, 46298, 34344, 11, 279, 99425, 3059, 288, 6859, 1022, 505, 279, 1584, 6522, 311, 279, 12966, 13, 11344, 15922, 374, 220, 3264, 13, 19, 4, 20086, 311, 430, 315, 99425, 3059, 288, 994, 27393, 3254, 31484, 69044, 46033, 16751, 13978, 13 ]
Media (album), the 1998 album by The Faint Media, a 2017 American TV thriller film directed by Craig Ross Jr. Media (AK-83), a World War II US Navy ship that was never commissioned Media (automobile company) RMS Media, a Cunard Line cargo liner in service 1948-61 Other uses[edit] Stella, l’amie de Maimie, a social justice and a community-based organization in Montreal, Canada Kaus Media, a star system in the constellation Sagittarius Medea (disambiguation) Media ecology Media meshing Media psychology Medium (disambiguation) Multimedia learning Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Media. Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Media&oldid=935431853" Place name disambiguation pages Ship disambiguation pages September 16, 2009 Music The Keck: Scottish one-hitters The Proclaimers keep searching for “the ke
Media (album), the 1998 album by The Faint Media, a 2017 American TV thriller film directed by Craig Ross Jr. Media (AK-83), a World War II US Navy ship that was never commissioned Media (automobile company) RMS Media, a Cunard Line cargo liner in service 1948-61 Other uses[edit] Stella, l’amie de Maimie, a social justice and a community-based organization in Montreal, Canada Kaus Media, a star system in the constellation Sagittarius Medea (disambiguation) Media ecology Media meshing Media psychology Medium (disambiguation) Multimedia learning Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Media. Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Media&oldid=935431853" Place name disambiguation pages Ship disambiguation pages September 16, 2009 Music The Keck: Scottish one-hitters The Proclaimers keep searching for “the ke
ck.” By Randy Harward Yeah, The Proclaimers did that song from Benny & Joon. Everybody knows at least two lines. There’s the chorus–“I would walk 500 miles”–and “If I haver.” The latter stuck only with Americans, who puzzled over the funny Scottish word and its definition that, incidentally, is ‘to babble nonsensically.’ That’s the one Proclaimers song everyone knows, because it was in a movie five years after its initial release, and it’s all most people care to know about them. It was like this even in 1993 when twin brothers Craig and Charlie Reid, the bespectacled Scottish Buddy Hollies that are The Proclaimers, had their lone American hit. Sunshine on Leith, the record containing “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles),” came out in 1988. While “I’m Gonna Be” hit No. 11 in the U.K., and “Letter from America” (from the previous album This Is the Story) hit No. 3 there, the United States was largely unaware of the band until Benny &
[ 198, 13152, 357, 40916, 828, 262, 7795, 5062, 416, 383, 376, 2913, 198, 13152, 11, 257, 2177, 1605, 3195, 32251, 2646, 7924, 416, 13854, 9847, 7504, 13, 198, 13152, 357, 10206, 12, 5999, 828, 257, 2159, 1810, 2873, 1294, 8565, 4074, 326, 373, 1239, 20462, 198, 13152, 357, 2306, 296, 3579, 1664, 8, 198, 49, 5653, 6343, 11, 257, 327, 403, 446, 6910, 15892, 35940, 287, 2139, 21794, 12, 5333, 198, 6395, 3544, 58, 19312, 60, 198, 7447, 8466, 11, 300, 447, 247, 321, 494, 390, 337, 1385, 494, 11, 257, 1919, 5316, 290, 257, 2055, 12, 3106, 4009, 287, 12871, 11, 3340, 198, 42, 8717, 6343, 11, 257, 3491, 1080, 287, 262, 38712, 25605, 715, 19897, 198, 9921, 18213, 357, 6381, 4131, 328, 2288, 8, 198, 13152, 36517, 198, 13152, 18842, 722, 198, 13152, 15119, 198, 31205, 357, 6381, 4131, 328, 2288, 8, 198, 15205, 20626, 4673, 198, 7279, 4131, 328, 2288, 2443, 4955, 6117, 284, 10233, 326, 714, 307, 6412, 284, 416, 262, 976, 2989, 3381, 198, 1212, 595, 4131, 328, 2288, 2443, 8341, 6685, 3917, 351, 262, 3670, 6343, 13, 198, 9781, 28130, 422, 366, 5450, 1378, 268, 13, 31266, 13, 2398, 14, 86, 14, 9630, 13, 10121, 30, 7839, 28, 13152, 5, 727, 312, 28, 24, 2327, 3559, 1507, 4310, 1, 198, 27271, 1438, 595, 4131, 328, 2288, 5468, 198, 25586, 595, 4131, 328, 2288, 5468, 2693, 1467, 11, 3717, 7849, 198, 464, 3873, 694, 25, 11905, 530, 12, 17945, 1010, 383, 1041, 6604, 364, 1394, 10342, 329, 564, 250, 1169, 885 ]
[ 198, 12950, 320, 21687, 705, 279, 220, 2550, 23, 8176, 555, 578, 435, 1673, 198, 12950, 11, 264, 220, 679, 22, 3778, 6007, 54461, 4632, 15910, 555, 29517, 21116, 16014, 627, 12950, 320, 12173, 12, 6069, 705, 264, 4435, 5111, 8105, 2326, 19574, 8448, 430, 574, 2646, 44224, 198, 12950, 320, 28172, 3454, 2883, 340, 49, 4931, 7972, 11, 264, 356, 359, 569, 7228, 26735, 54088, 304, 2532, 220, 6393, 23, 12, 5547, 198, 11663, 5829, 58, 3671, 933, 626, 6985, 11, 326, 77138, 648, 409, 386, 2706, 648, 11, 264, 3674, 12437, 323, 264, 4029, 6108, 7471, 304, 30613, 11, 7008, 198, 42, 12119, 7972, 11, 264, 6917, 1887, 304, 279, 83486, 55361, 1468, 41321, 198, 13613, 12791, 320, 4338, 3042, 343, 4090, 340, 12950, 72546, 198, 12950, 11546, 287, 198, 12950, 31018, 198, 42094, 320, 4338, 3042, 343, 4090, 340, 41504, 28034, 6975, 198, 4944, 3042, 343, 4090, 2199, 8405, 7902, 311, 13650, 430, 1436, 387, 14183, 311, 555, 279, 1890, 2778, 4751, 198, 2028, 834, 3042, 343, 4090, 2199, 11725, 9908, 5938, 449, 279, 2316, 7972, 627, 12289, 83712, 505, 330, 2485, 1129, 268, 34466, 2726, 6458, 9199, 2348, 30, 2150, 28, 12950, 5, 820, 307, 28, 26970, 19852, 25724, 702, 17826, 836, 834, 3042, 343, 4090, 6959, 198, 30724, 834, 3042, 343, 4090, 6959, 6250, 220, 845, 11, 220, 1049, 24, 10948, 198, 791, 6706, 377, 25, 27188, 832, 2902, 29163, 578, 1322, 8017, 388, 2567, 15389, 369, 1054, 1820, 2004 ]
[ 377, 49216, 1383, 46315, 5340, 1637, 198, 24220, 11, 578, 1322, 8017, 388, 1550, 430, 5609, 505, 95285, 612, 622, 9186, 13, 51898, 8964, 520, 3325, 1403, 5238, 13, 2684, 753, 279, 56910, 4235, 2118, 40, 1053, 4321, 220, 2636, 8931, 863, 4235, 438, 1054, 2746, 358, 305, 7403, 2029, 578, 15629, 16075, 1193, 449, 9053, 11, 889, 87420, 927, 279, 15526, 27188, 3492, 323, 1202, 7419, 430, 11, 10672, 750, 11, 374, 3451, 998, 16993, 901, 32795, 729, 2740, 14639, 3011, 753, 279, 832, 1322, 8017, 388, 5609, 5127, 8964, 11, 1606, 433, 574, 304, 264, 5818, 4330, 1667, 1306, 1202, 2926, 4984, 11, 323, 433, 753, 682, 1455, 1274, 2512, 311, 1440, 922, 1124, 627, 2181, 574, 1093, 420, 1524, 304, 220, 2550, 18, 994, 28497, 20820, 29517, 323, 25972, 38774, 11, 279, 9234, 1002, 582, 839, 27188, 60626, 25518, 552, 430, 527, 578, 1322, 8017, 388, 11, 1047, 872, 47766, 3778, 4295, 13, 62394, 389, 2009, 411, 11, 279, 3335, 8649, 1054, 40, 4344, 480, 13767, 2893, 320, 2636, 36303, 705, 863, 3782, 704, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 13, 6104, 1054, 40, 4344, 480, 13767, 2893, 863, 4295, 2360, 13, 220, 806, 304, 279, 549, 11606, 2637, 323, 1054, 35364, 505, 5270, 863, 320, 1527, 279, 3766, 8176, 1115, 2209, 279, 15457, 8, 4295, 2360, 13, 220, 18, 1070, 11, 279, 3723, 4273, 574, 14090, 41747, 315, 279, 7200, 3156, 95285, 612 ]
(2) Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 471 (1996), reprinted in Private Law Review (2003) and 4 Private Law Review (2004)(China University of Politics and Law Publishing)[8] "How Nonhuman Animals Became Trapped in a Nonexistent Universe," 1 Animal Law 15 (1995)[8] "Scientific experimental conduct is not protected by the First Amendment," 6(4) Boston Bar Journal 20 (Sept./ Oct., 1992) "Of Farm Animals and Justice," 3 Pace Environmental Law Review 191 (1986) Encyclopedia articles[edit] "Animal Rights" Encyclopædia Britannica[8] (http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-257090/animal-rights) "Should it be legal to use nonhumans in genetic research?" Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (2003) and Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences (2006) Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute Stephen R. L. Clark Gary Francione Tom Regan Richard D. Ryder Washoe ^ a b "About the author" Archived 2006-01-09 at the Wayback Machine, Steven Wise's home page. ^ "Emeritus Advisory
(2) Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 471 (1996), reprinted in Private Law Review (2003) and 4 Private Law Review (2004)(China University of Politics and Law Publishing)[8] "How Nonhuman Animals Became Trapped in a Nonexistent Universe," 1 Animal Law 15 (1995)[8] "Scientific experimental conduct is not protected by the First Amendment," 6(4) Boston Bar Journal 20 (Sept./ Oct., 1992) "Of Farm Animals and Justice," 3 Pace Environmental Law Review 191 (1986) Encyclopedia articles[edit] "Animal Rights" Encyclopædia Britannica[8] (http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-257090/animal-rights) "Should it be legal to use nonhumans in genetic research?" Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (2003) and Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences (2006) Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute Stephen R. L. Clark Gary Francione Tom Regan Richard D. Ryder Washoe ^ a b "About the author" Archived 2006-01-09 at the Wayback Machine, Steven Wise's home page. ^ "Emeritus Advisory
Council". AHM Website. Animal History Museum. Retrieved 3 September 2013. ^ Siebert, Charles (April 23, 2014). "Should a Chimp Be Able to Sue Its Owner?". New York Times. Retrieved November 9, 2014. ^ a b Gale, "Biography". ^ a b Sunstein, Cass R. "The Chimps' Day in Court", New York Times Book Review, February 20, 2000. ^ Wise, Steven. "The Problem with Being a Thing", Chapter One of Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals. ^ "Transcript of Prof. Steven Wise's ARZone Guest Chat". Animal Rights Zone. Retrieved 30 November 2015. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "Publications: The Nonhuman Rights Project". The Nonhuman Rights Project. Archived from the original on 22 December 2015. Retrieved 30 November 2015. ^ "Book Review: An American Trilogy: Death, Slavery, and Dominion on the Banks of the Cape Fear River". Michigan State University College of Law. Retrieved 30 November 2015. ^ Wise, Steven M. (2008). "A n Argument for the Basic Legal Rights of Farmed Animals". Michigan
[ 7, 17, 8, 6182, 5535, 13272, 10665, 3854, 6602, 604, 4869, 357, 22288, 828, 44362, 287, 15348, 3854, 6602, 357, 16088, 8, 290, 604, 15348, 3854, 6602, 357, 15724, 5769, 14581, 2059, 286, 17554, 290, 3854, 23499, 38381, 23, 60, 198, 1, 2437, 8504, 10734, 25390, 30769, 4759, 1496, 287, 257, 6045, 87, 7609, 11950, 553, 352, 13792, 3854, 1315, 357, 21908, 38381, 23, 60, 198, 1, 23010, 811, 11992, 3189, 318, 407, 6861, 416, 262, 3274, 8441, 553, 718, 7, 19, 8, 6182, 2409, 4913, 1160, 357, 14635, 19571, 2556, 1539, 9768, 8, 198, 1, 5189, 11272, 25390, 290, 4796, 553, 513, 44111, 13272, 3854, 6602, 31009, 357, 28054, 8, 198, 4834, 25497, 6685, 58, 19312, 60, 198, 1, 40002, 6923, 1, 2039, 22873, 21241, 67, 544, 46693, 3970, 58, 23, 60, 357, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 799, 1236, 3970, 13, 785, 14, 1765, 14, 20205, 12, 1495, 2154, 3829, 14, 41607, 12, 28046, 8, 198, 1, 19926, 340, 307, 2742, 284, 779, 1729, 40205, 287, 8513, 2267, 1701, 36732, 286, 262, 5524, 5215, 462, 357, 16088, 8, 290, 36732, 286, 262, 5155, 13473, 357, 13330, 8, 198, 1925, 320, 6839, 42871, 290, 5524, 26117, 5136, 198, 24920, 371, 13, 406, 13, 11264, 198, 33820, 4682, 7935, 198, 13787, 797, 1030, 198, 22245, 360, 13, 40238, 198, 54, 1077, 2577, 198, 61, 257, 275, 366, 8585, 262, 1772, 1, 5579, 1572, 4793, 12, 486, 12, 2931, 379, 262, 6378, 1891, 10850, 11, 8239, 28908, 338, 1363, 2443, 13, 198, 61, 366, 32779, 17506, 23943 ]
[ 7, 17, 8, 10406, 9304, 25027, 23298, 7658, 10506, 220, 20617, 320, 2550, 21, 705, 312, 53313, 304, 9877, 7658, 10506, 320, 1049, 18, 8, 323, 220, 19, 9877, 7658, 10506, 320, 1049, 19, 2432, 23078, 3907, 315, 35979, 323, 7658, 37933, 6758, 23, 933, 72059, 11842, 26380, 47966, 91144, 1183, 5795, 304, 264, 11842, 65185, 29849, 1359, 220, 16, 21995, 7658, 220, 868, 320, 2550, 20, 6758, 23, 933, 1, 51665, 1104, 22772, 6929, 374, 539, 2682, 555, 279, 5629, 22454, 1359, 220, 21, 7, 19, 8, 10406, 4821, 10139, 220, 508, 320, 25669, 1761, 5020, 2637, 220, 2550, 17, 340, 1, 2173, 18945, 47966, 323, 12007, 1359, 220, 18, 85619, 25027, 7658, 10506, 220, 7529, 320, 3753, 21, 340, 7560, 46226, 9908, 58, 3671, 933, 1, 42515, 10734, 1, 10984, 3418, 23085, 9371, 32106, 98520, 3074, 58, 23, 60, 320, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1018, 1036, 3074, 916, 14, 3141, 39281, 12, 15574, 18807, 14, 48999, 87656, 340, 1, 15346, 433, 387, 5897, 311, 1005, 2536, 28400, 598, 304, 19465, 3495, 7673, 68198, 315, 279, 11344, 82917, 320, 1049, 18, 8, 323, 68198, 315, 279, 9601, 23199, 320, 1049, 21, 340, 1163, 90988, 99066, 323, 11344, 31966, 10181, 198, 54924, 432, 13, 445, 13, 22010, 198, 74067, 9893, 6473, 198, 25763, 3263, 276, 198, 42315, 423, 13, 89123, 198, 54, 1003, 4748, 198, 61, 264, 293, 330, 10714, 279, 3229, 1, 98850, 220, 1049, 21, 12, 1721, 12, 2545, 520, 279, 105761, 13257, 11, 24565, 62101, 596, 2162, 2199, 627, 61, 330, 59387, 36891, 45013 ]
[ 9251, 3343, 48388, 44, 16406, 13, 21995, 11346, 16730, 13, 58891, 220, 18, 6250, 220, 679, 18, 627, 61, 8663, 9339, 11, 15274, 320, 29146, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 679, 19, 570, 330, 15346, 264, 921, 6802, 2893, 74950, 311, 48749, 11699, 26918, 30, 3343, 1561, 4356, 8691, 13, 58891, 6841, 220, 24, 11, 220, 679, 19, 627, 61, 264, 293, 79332, 11, 330, 37196, 5814, 23811, 61, 264, 293, 8219, 12711, 11, 26520, 432, 13, 330, 791, 921, 67758, 6, 6187, 304, 7301, 498, 1561, 4356, 8691, 6017, 10506, 11, 7552, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1049, 15, 627, 61, 62101, 11, 24565, 13, 330, 791, 22854, 449, 21347, 264, 38300, 498, 15957, 3861, 315, 432, 1617, 2785, 279, 58989, 25, 41493, 569, 25705, 10734, 369, 47966, 627, 61, 330, 3246, 1250, 315, 8626, 13, 24565, 62101, 596, 6395, 15723, 27307, 13149, 3343, 21995, 10734, 22967, 13, 58891, 220, 966, 6841, 220, 679, 20, 627, 61, 264, 293, 272, 294, 384, 282, 342, 305, 602, 503, 597, 326, 296, 308, 297, 281, 2874, 330, 12965, 811, 25, 578, 11842, 26380, 10734, 5907, 3343, 578, 11842, 26380, 10734, 5907, 13, 98850, 505, 279, 4113, 389, 220, 1313, 6790, 220, 679, 20, 13, 58891, 220, 966, 6841, 220, 679, 20, 627, 61, 330, 7280, 10506, 25, 1556, 3778, 97313, 25, 16290, 11, 6995, 25727, 11, 323, 76521, 389, 279, 38866, 315, 279, 29715, 43067, 11188, 3343, 14972, 3314, 3907, 9304, 315, 7658, 13, 58891, 220, 966, 6841, 220, 679, 20, 627, 61, 62101, 11, 24565, 386, 13, 320, 1049, 23, 570, 330, 32, 308, 14138, 369, 279, 14967, 25705, 10734, 315, 13759, 2106, 47966, 3343, 14972 ]
presidential election, in which Salvador Allende won a plurality on September 4, 1970, on his fourth try for the presidency. A congressional vote was required to confirm the winner. Allende was a Medical Doctor from the upper Chilean society. Having seen misery in hospitals, he founded the Unidad Popular (“Popular Unity”) coalition. He was minister of health in 1938, a deputy and a senator. Contrarily to what is often claimed, Allende was a socialist, not a Marxist. In personal conversations with his closest friends, he never evoked Marx. Allende lived in a mansion. Hollande, the French president who waged war in Mali and wants to “punir le dictateur Assad“, is also a socialist. Yet he is not from the upper society and does not own a mansion. The basic problem with Allende was that he was under the misconception that Chili was owned by Chileans. The CIA spent 2.7 million dollars to defeat Allende in 1964, plus much more millions from Royal houses in Europe, the Vatican, Christian Democratic parties, the Catholic church of the USA, all sorts of frantic plutocrats. The money was used for what the ambassador of the USA, Edward Korry
presidential election, in which Salvador Allende won a plurality on September 4, 1970, on his fourth try for the presidency. A congressional vote was required to confirm the winner. Allende was a Medical Doctor from the upper Chilean society. Having seen misery in hospitals, he founded the Unidad Popular (“Popular Unity”) coalition. He was minister of health in 1938, a deputy and a senator. Contrarily to what is often claimed, Allende was a socialist, not a Marxist. In personal conversations with his closest friends, he never evoked Marx. Allende lived in a mansion. Hollande, the French president who waged war in Mali and wants to “punir le dictateur Assad“, is also a socialist. Yet he is not from the upper society and does not own a mansion. The basic problem with Allende was that he was under the misconception that Chili was owned by Chileans. The CIA spent 2.7 million dollars to defeat Allende in 1964, plus much more millions from Royal houses in Europe, the Vatican, Christian Democratic parties, the Catholic church of the USA, all sorts of frantic plutocrats. The money was used for what the ambassador of the USA, Edward Korry
called “an enormous propaganda campaign” (American propaganda campaigns, Korry added, that he witnessed in many countries; even in Europe). The same strategy was used in Italy in 1948, or Chili in 1970 (this time with a CIA seed of ten millions): create an anti-Socialist terror (source: Nixon’s ambassador to Chile, again). Incidentally this shows that the concept of plutocracy is all-embracing, and that the Royal Houses are part of it. They should all be unceremoniously replaced by the Republic, and the main reason invoked ought to be, precisely, this sort of criminal conspiracies against humanity that they have been involved in. (Catalonia independencia is a good place to start!) This is not just dead history: all those who repeat that Allende was a Marxist are still part, consciously or not, of that propaganda, that conspiracy, serving the masters. Actually Nixon did not call Allende a Marxist. He knew better. Nixon called Allende a “bastard”, a “SOB”. Richard Nixon, the famous criminal, decided he got a vote too. Nixon ordered that Allende would not go from quasi elected president to
[ 4787, 3071, 11, 287, 543, 26482, 1439, 38396, 1839, 257, 36325, 319, 2693, 604, 11, 8069, 11, 319, 465, 5544, 1949, 329, 262, 12112, 13, 317, 11702, 3015, 373, 2672, 284, 6216, 262, 8464, 13, 198, 3237, 38396, 373, 257, 8366, 9356, 422, 262, 6727, 48014, 3592, 13, 11136, 1775, 24672, 287, 11301, 11, 339, 9393, 262, 791, 32482, 22623, 357, 447, 250, 16979, 934, 18714, 447, 251, 8, 9906, 13, 679, 373, 5342, 286, 1535, 287, 28017, 11, 257, 10636, 290, 257, 12329, 13, 2345, 39000, 284, 644, 318, 1690, 4752, 11, 1439, 38396, 373, 257, 15889, 11, 407, 257, 26305, 13, 554, 2614, 10275, 351, 465, 11706, 2460, 11, 339, 1239, 819, 6545, 10487, 13, 1439, 38396, 5615, 287, 257, 24141, 13, 198, 39, 692, 40004, 11, 262, 4141, 1893, 508, 34225, 1175, 287, 29599, 290, 3382, 284, 564, 250, 35512, 343, 443, 8633, 15093, 13032, 447, 250, 11, 318, 635, 257, 15889, 13, 6430, 339, 318, 407, 422, 262, 6727, 3592, 290, 857, 407, 898, 257, 24141, 13, 198, 464, 4096, 1917, 351, 1439, 38396, 373, 326, 339, 373, 739, 262, 43122, 326, 47107, 373, 6898, 416, 17456, 504, 13, 198, 464, 7688, 3377, 362, 13, 22, 1510, 5054, 284, 7433, 1439, 38396, 287, 17575, 11, 5556, 881, 517, 5242, 422, 8111, 7777, 287, 2031, 11, 262, 19057, 11, 4302, 4390, 4671, 11, 262, 7835, 4928, 286, 262, 4916, 11, 477, 10524, 286, 37644, 458, 315, 21988, 13, 383, 1637, 373, 973, 329, 644, 262, 14791, 286, 262, 4916, 11, 10443, 509, 5152 ]
[ 13621, 6355, 11, 304, 902, 49459, 2052, 11178, 2834, 264, 73405, 389, 6250, 220, 19, 11, 220, 4468, 15, 11, 389, 813, 11999, 1456, 369, 279, 32858, 13, 362, 31719, 7055, 574, 2631, 311, 7838, 279, 13946, 627, 2460, 11178, 574, 264, 13235, 19150, 505, 279, 8582, 34100, 276, 8396, 13, 20636, 3970, 58701, 304, 24461, 11, 568, 18538, 279, 1252, 5969, 32495, 27179, 59552, 22462, 33611, 26283, 13, 1283, 574, 13015, 315, 2890, 304, 220, 7285, 23, 11, 264, 27158, 323, 264, 32797, 13, 35341, 6751, 311, 1148, 374, 3629, 11922, 11, 2052, 11178, 574, 264, 41289, 11, 539, 264, 70050, 13, 763, 4443, 21633, 449, 813, 18585, 4885, 11, 568, 2646, 3721, 11059, 28187, 13, 2052, 11178, 12439, 304, 264, 52528, 627, 39, 980, 23775, 11, 279, 8753, 4872, 889, 92500, 4208, 304, 64994, 323, 6944, 311, 1054, 66007, 404, 514, 6587, 11067, 38616, 51786, 374, 1101, 264, 41289, 13, 14968, 568, 374, 539, 505, 279, 8582, 8396, 323, 1587, 539, 1866, 264, 52528, 627, 791, 6913, 3575, 449, 2052, 11178, 574, 430, 568, 574, 1234, 279, 98431, 430, 82515, 574, 13234, 555, 34100, 598, 627, 791, 22193, 7543, 220, 17, 13, 22, 3610, 11441, 311, 18506, 2052, 11178, 304, 220, 5162, 19, 11, 5636, 1790, 810, 11990, 505, 16591, 15316, 304, 4606, 11, 279, 47647, 11, 9052, 11650, 9875, 11, 279, 16879, 8993, 315, 279, 7427, 11, 682, 21522, 315, 89706, 60587, 55206, 13, 578, 3300, 574, 1511, 369, 1148, 279, 37756, 315, 279, 7427, 11, 22653, 735, 8635 ]
[ 2663, 1054, 276, 23205, 30617, 4901, 863, 320, 29518, 30617, 21343, 11, 735, 8635, 3779, 11, 430, 568, 32126, 304, 1690, 5961, 26, 1524, 304, 4606, 4390, 791, 1890, 8446, 574, 1511, 304, 15704, 304, 220, 6393, 23, 11, 477, 82515, 304, 220, 4468, 15, 320, 576, 892, 449, 264, 22193, 10533, 315, 5899, 11990, 1680, 1893, 459, 7294, 6354, 2772, 380, 8818, 320, 2484, 25, 42726, 753, 37756, 311, 34100, 11, 1578, 4390, 40345, 57222, 420, 5039, 430, 279, 7434, 315, 60587, 46360, 374, 682, 37612, 1347, 4628, 11, 323, 430, 279, 16591, 58759, 527, 961, 315, 433, 13, 2435, 1288, 682, 387, 653, 3913, 7439, 13610, 12860, 555, 279, 5545, 11, 323, 279, 1925, 2944, 27979, 22525, 311, 387, 11, 24559, 11, 420, 3460, 315, 9337, 22236, 27121, 2403, 22706, 430, 814, 617, 1027, 6532, 304, 13, 320, 34, 4306, 21947, 7156, 8968, 374, 264, 1695, 2035, 311, 1212, 28684, 2028, 374, 539, 1120, 5710, 3925, 25, 682, 1884, 889, 13454, 430, 2052, 11178, 574, 264, 70050, 527, 2103, 961, 11, 70903, 477, 539, 11, 315, 430, 30617, 11, 430, 26359, 11, 13788, 279, 36467, 627, 53692, 42726, 1550, 539, 1650, 2052, 11178, 264, 70050, 13, 1283, 7020, 2731, 13, 42726, 2663, 2052, 11178, 264, 1054, 29111, 569, 9520, 264, 1054, 14202, 33, 11453, 12131, 42726, 11, 279, 11495, 9337, 11, 6773, 568, 2751, 264, 7055, 2288, 13, 42726, 11713, 430, 2052, 11178, 1053, 539, 733, 505, 48844, 16689, 4872, 311 ]
- United States Mileage: 26756 . Please read safety notes, before buying this car. This exquisite Monogram Necklace is fully personalized with any initials! The monogram necklace is one of the hottest personalized jewelry items trending today. It has been spotted on countless celebrities and is an excellent and artistic way to showcase your individuality with intricate initials. Dr. Fred Paterson is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership Development at the University of Derby within the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences. Fred holds a PhD in professional learning and specialises in sustainable business, system change and how people learn to become leaders. He initiated the Business School’s involvement in the U.N. backed Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME). Fred is both Fellow of the Higher Education Association (FHEA) and Royal Society for the Arts (FRSA). He leads the D2EE Network that supports SMEs to grow their low carbon business; coordinates the Sustainable Business and Green Economy Research Cluster, representing the University on the Low Carbon forum of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. He also runs his own consultancy ‘Accelerate the Shift’ that provides experiential and discovery based learning experiences for leaders at every level of organisations and communities.
- United States Mileage: 26756 . Please read safety notes, before buying this car. This exquisite Monogram Necklace is fully personalized with any initials! The monogram necklace is one of the hottest personalized jewelry items trending today. It has been spotted on countless celebrities and is an excellent and artistic way to showcase your individuality with intricate initials. Dr. Fred Paterson is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership Development at the University of Derby within the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences. Fred holds a PhD in professional learning and specialises in sustainable business, system change and how people learn to become leaders. He initiated the Business School’s involvement in the U.N. backed Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME). Fred is both Fellow of the Higher Education Association (FHEA) and Royal Society for the Arts (FRSA). He leads the D2EE Network that supports SMEs to grow their low carbon business; coordinates the Sustainable Business and Green Economy Research Cluster, representing the University on the Low Carbon forum of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. He also runs his own consultancy ‘Accelerate the Shift’ that provides experiential and discovery based learning experiences for leaders at every level of organisations and communities.
Module Leader for postgraduate Business Impact dissertation studies. Research Methods support for Independent Studies postgraduate dissertation Module. Module leader for the Leadership and Systems Thinking element of the Masters in Innovation and Business Intelligence. Sustainable business – how do SMEs become future fit businesses? After months of reading reviews and watching demos of different Full-HD projectors i finally decided to go for Infocus IN82. The picture this beast can produce is outstanding, even right out of the box! Later on i’ll probably have an expert do a ISF-calibration but for now the issue at hand is to schmear install it and buy a screen that can do the projector justice. I wont bore you with specs and technical data, if you’re into that stuff (i’m one of those) you can find it here! The Oscars are over for this time, but what a night it was. Hugh Jackman did a great job hosting, and so did all the presenters. The decor and style of this oscars was great. All the movies nominated held high standars making it hard to pick a favourite. Slumdog Millionaire won for best picture which it greatly deserved. I´m a little
[ 532, 1578, 1829, 26004, 496, 25, 2608, 38219, 764, 4222, 1100, 3747, 4710, 11, 878, 7067, 428, 1097, 13, 770, 40123, 2892, 21857, 34726, 27077, 318, 3938, 28949, 351, 597, 47523, 0, 198, 464, 937, 21857, 38987, 318, 530, 286, 262, 26896, 28949, 22634, 3709, 29056, 1909, 13, 632, 468, 587, 13489, 319, 12925, 21305, 290, 318, 281, 6275, 290, 17290, 835, 284, 21742, 534, 48960, 351, 28746, 47523, 13, 1583, 13, 8559, 3208, 882, 318, 257, 14017, 31209, 15051, 287, 26935, 7712, 379, 262, 2059, 286, 22962, 1626, 262, 5535, 286, 7320, 11, 3854, 290, 5483, 13473, 13, 8559, 6622, 257, 16394, 287, 4708, 4673, 290, 2041, 2696, 287, 13347, 1597, 11, 1080, 1487, 290, 703, 661, 2193, 284, 1716, 2766, 13, 679, 16862, 262, 7320, 3961, 447, 247, 82, 9750, 287, 262, 471, 13, 45, 13, 9763, 34200, 286, 20549, 856, 8549, 7868, 10219, 357, 4805, 11682, 737, 198, 30847, 318, 1111, 29764, 286, 262, 16038, 7868, 5396, 357, 37, 13909, 32, 8, 290, 8111, 7023, 329, 262, 11536, 357, 10913, 4090, 737, 679, 5983, 262, 360, 17, 6500, 7311, 326, 6971, 9447, 23041, 284, 1663, 511, 1877, 6588, 1597, 26, 22715, 262, 45276, 7320, 290, 3469, 18493, 4992, 38279, 11, 10200, 262, 2059, 319, 262, 7754, 23699, 10041, 286, 262, 360, 17, 45, 17, 10714, 14973, 23270, 13, 679, 635, 4539, 465, 898, 47827, 564, 246, 12832, 7015, 378, 262, 15576, 447, 247, 326, 3769, 1121, 1153, 498, 290, 9412, 1912, 4673, 6461, 329, 2766, 379, 790, 1241, 286, 16435, 290, 5348, 13 ]
[ 482, 3723, 4273, 39697, 425, 25, 220, 16567, 3487, 662, 5321, 1373, 7296, 8554, 11, 1603, 12096, 420, 1841, 13, 1115, 59708, 3206, 13255, 86460, 374, 7373, 35649, 449, 904, 79537, 4999, 791, 1647, 13255, 55547, 374, 832, 315, 279, 38391, 35649, 31817, 3673, 51950, 3432, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 30652, 389, 28701, 40501, 323, 374, 459, 9250, 323, 32692, 1648, 311, 35883, 701, 3927, 488, 449, 57216, 79537, 13, 2999, 13, 28588, 7281, 1293, 374, 264, 19903, 42043, 7889, 304, 37263, 11050, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 46873, 2949, 279, 9304, 315, 8184, 11, 7658, 323, 9983, 23199, 13, 28588, 10187, 264, 30661, 304, 6721, 6975, 323, 3361, 5014, 304, 22556, 2626, 11, 1887, 2349, 323, 1268, 1274, 4048, 311, 3719, 6164, 13, 1283, 33230, 279, 8184, 6150, 753, 22315, 304, 279, 549, 2112, 13, 22126, 58014, 315, 68728, 9744, 11930, 20770, 320, 6616, 7614, 4390, 75696, 374, 2225, 37946, 315, 279, 35321, 11930, 10229, 320, 37, 1837, 32, 8, 323, 16591, 13581, 369, 279, 17979, 320, 10725, 7934, 570, 1283, 11767, 279, 423, 17, 7244, 8304, 430, 11815, 79867, 82, 311, 3139, 872, 3428, 12782, 2626, 26, 14259, 279, 61593, 8184, 323, 7997, 38661, 8483, 36480, 11, 14393, 279, 3907, 389, 279, 12310, 22208, 12111, 315, 279, 423, 17, 45, 17, 8949, 26551, 47362, 13, 1283, 1101, 8640, 813, 1866, 74379, 3451, 59282, 349, 279, 27608, 529, 430, 5825, 2183, 1188, 532, 323, 18841, 3196, 6975, 11704, 369, 6164, 520, 1475, 2237, 315, 29533, 323, 10977, 13 ]
[ 198, 3413, 23896, 369, 1772, 28770, 8184, 29680, 37445, 7978, 627, 28528, 19331, 1862, 369, 22765, 19241, 1772, 28770, 37445, 14026, 627, 3413, 7808, 369, 279, 37263, 323, 15264, 53389, 2449, 315, 279, 34722, 304, 38710, 323, 8184, 22107, 627, 50, 42341, 2626, 1389, 1268, 656, 79867, 82, 3719, 3938, 5052, 9873, 30, 4740, 4038, 315, 5403, 8544, 323, 10307, 68353, 315, 2204, 8797, 11529, 35, 2447, 1105, 602, 5616, 6773, 311, 733, 369, 15268, 3466, 2006, 6086, 627, 791, 6945, 420, 32236, 649, 8356, 374, 19310, 11, 1524, 1314, 704, 315, 279, 3830, 0, 25929, 389, 602, 4805, 4762, 617, 459, 6335, 656, 264, 3507, 37, 49236, 18856, 719, 369, 1457, 279, 4360, 520, 1450, 374, 311, 5817, 76, 686, 4685, 433, 323, 3780, 264, 4264, 430, 649, 656, 279, 69085, 12437, 627, 40, 40464, 39786, 499, 449, 33347, 323, 11156, 828, 11, 422, 499, 3207, 1139, 430, 6392, 320, 72, 4344, 832, 315, 1884, 8, 499, 649, 1505, 433, 1618, 4999, 791, 89896, 527, 927, 369, 420, 892, 11, 719, 1148, 264, 3814, 433, 574, 13, 30206, 7762, 1543, 1550, 264, 2294, 2683, 20256, 11, 323, 779, 1550, 682, 279, 3118, 388, 13, 578, 10799, 323, 1742, 315, 420, 32047, 1590, 574, 2294, 13, 2052, 279, 9698, 39048, 5762, 1579, 2559, 1590, 3339, 433, 2653, 311, 3820, 264, 19214, 13, 6995, 372, 18964, 34629, 12267, 2834, 369, 1888, 6945, 902, 433, 19407, 45547, 13, 358, 29211, 76, 264, 2697 ]
marketing high-end systems for high performance computing (HPC) applications. The company offers custom servers, compute accelerators, solid-state storage arrays and system expansion systems. The product line of the company includes GPU Appliances, GPU Expansion, GPUs and co-processors, Flash storage arrays, Flash storage expansion, Servers, Disk Arrays, Desktop computing appliances, accessories and parts. The company delivers high-end technology to customers through the sale of equipment and software for use on their premises or through remote cloud access to secure data centers housing technology.Learn more about One Stop Systems Lineage Cell Therapeutics (LCTX) Brian Culley - CEO & Brandi Roberts - CFO Lineage Cell Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel cell therapies for unmet medical needs. Lineage’s programs are based on its robust proprietary cell-based therapy platform and associated in-house development and manufacturing capabilities. With this platform Lineage develops and manufactures specialized, terminally differentiated human cells from its pluripotent and progenitor cell starting materials. These differentiated cells are developed to either replace or support cells that are dysfunctional or absent due to degenerative disease or traumatic injury or administered as a means of helping the body
marketing high-end systems for high performance computing (HPC) applications. The company offers custom servers, compute accelerators, solid-state storage arrays and system expansion systems. The product line of the company includes GPU Appliances, GPU Expansion, GPUs and co-processors, Flash storage arrays, Flash storage expansion, Servers, Disk Arrays, Desktop computing appliances, accessories and parts. The company delivers high-end technology to customers through the sale of equipment and software for use on their premises or through remote cloud access to secure data centers housing technology.Learn more about One Stop Systems Lineage Cell Therapeutics (LCTX) Brian Culley - CEO & Brandi Roberts - CFO Lineage Cell Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel cell therapies for unmet medical needs. Lineage’s programs are based on its robust proprietary cell-based therapy platform and associated in-house development and manufacturing capabilities. With this platform Lineage develops and manufactures specialized, terminally differentiated human cells from its pluripotent and progenitor cell starting materials. These differentiated cells are developed to either replace or support cells that are dysfunctional or absent due to degenerative disease or traumatic injury or administered as a means of helping the body
mount an effective immune response to cancer. Lineage’s clinical programs are in markets with billion dollar opportunities and include three allogeneic (“off-the-shelf”) product candidates: (i) OpRegen®, a retinal pigment epithelium transplant therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the developed world; (ii) OPC1, an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of acute spinal cord injuries; and (iii) VAC, an allogeneic dendritic cell therapy platform for immuno-oncology and infectious disease, currently in clinical development for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer.Learn more about Lineage Cell Therapeutics Dyadic International (DYAI) Wednesday October 14 Mark Emalfarb - President & CEO Dyadic International, Inc. is a global biotechnology company which is developing what it believes will be a potentially significant biopharmaceutical gene expression platform based on the industrially proven hyper productive engineered fungus Thermothelomyces heterothallica (formerly Myceli
[ 7124, 1029, 12, 437, 3341, 329, 1029, 2854, 14492, 357, 39, 5662, 8, 5479, 13, 383, 1664, 4394, 2183, 9597, 11, 24061, 8320, 2024, 11, 4735, 12, 5219, 6143, 26515, 290, 1080, 7118, 3341, 13, 383, 1720, 1627, 286, 262, 1664, 3407, 11362, 39100, 16097, 11, 11362, 25042, 11, 32516, 290, 763, 12, 14681, 669, 11, 9973, 6143, 26515, 11, 9973, 6143, 7118, 11, 2930, 690, 11, 31664, 943, 20477, 11, 27850, 14492, 29834, 11, 18199, 290, 3354, 13, 383, 1664, 16316, 1029, 12, 437, 3037, 284, 4297, 832, 262, 5466, 286, 5112, 290, 3788, 329, 779, 319, 511, 17095, 393, 832, 6569, 6279, 1895, 284, 5713, 1366, 10399, 5627, 3037, 13, 20238, 517, 546, 1881, 13707, 11998, 198, 13949, 496, 12440, 12634, 1758, 48063, 357, 43, 4177, 55, 8, 198, 24761, 32559, 1636, 532, 6123, 1222, 13512, 72, 10918, 532, 327, 6080, 198, 13949, 496, 12440, 12634, 1758, 48063, 318, 257, 8668, 12, 14247, 3182, 31201, 1664, 5922, 5337, 2685, 29596, 329, 555, 4164, 3315, 2476, 13, 6910, 496, 447, 247, 82, 4056, 389, 1912, 319, 663, 12373, 20622, 2685, 12, 3106, 9102, 3859, 290, 3917, 287, 12, 4803, 2478, 290, 9138, 9889, 13, 2080, 428, 3859, 6910, 496, 21126, 290, 46306, 16976, 11, 5651, 453, 47543, 1692, 4778, 422, 663, 30676, 541, 33715, 290, 1172, 268, 2072, 2685, 3599, 5696, 13, 2312, 47543, 4778, 389, 4166, 284, 2035, 6330, 393, 1104, 4778, 326, 389, 38127, 393, 13717, 2233, 284, 25419, 876, 4369, 393, 25115, 5095, 393, 17169, 355, 257, 1724, 286, 5742, 262, 1767 ]
[ 8661, 1579, 13368, 6067, 369, 1579, 5178, 25213, 320, 39, 4977, 8, 8522, 13, 578, 2883, 6209, 2587, 16692, 11, 12849, 14511, 3046, 11, 6573, 21395, 5942, 18893, 323, 1887, 14800, 6067, 13, 578, 2027, 1584, 315, 279, 2883, 5764, 23501, 97433, 11, 23501, 55654, 11, 71503, 323, 1080, 51194, 1105, 11, 17710, 5942, 18893, 11, 17710, 5942, 14800, 11, 72897, 11, 39968, 23824, 11, 36400, 25213, 34802, 11, 23090, 323, 5596, 13, 578, 2883, 28421, 1579, 13368, 5557, 311, 6444, 1555, 279, 6412, 315, 7241, 323, 3241, 369, 1005, 389, 872, 35022, 477, 1555, 8870, 9624, 2680, 311, 9966, 828, 19169, 11983, 5557, 1236, 10326, 810, 922, 3861, 14549, 15264, 198, 2519, 425, 14299, 23258, 88886, 320, 43, 41788, 340, 51188, 32794, 3258, 482, 12432, 612, 16835, 72, 31248, 482, 94852, 198, 2519, 425, 14299, 23258, 88886, 374, 264, 14830, 51256, 6160, 52536, 2883, 11469, 11775, 2849, 52312, 369, 653, 4150, 6593, 3966, 13, 7228, 425, 753, 7620, 527, 3196, 389, 1202, 22514, 34333, 2849, 6108, 15419, 5452, 323, 5938, 304, 37002, 4500, 323, 15266, 17357, 13, 3161, 420, 5452, 7228, 425, 39671, 323, 70901, 28175, 11, 10415, 750, 89142, 3823, 7917, 505, 1202, 60217, 575, 64632, 323, 84360, 1960, 2849, 6041, 7384, 13, 4314, 89142, 7917, 527, 8040, 311, 3060, 8454, 477, 1862, 7917, 430, 527, 88804, 477, 28310, 4245, 311, 5367, 75989, 8624, 477, 54286, 11134, 477, 38018, 439, 264, 3445, 315, 10695, 279, 2547 ]
[ 6606, 459, 7524, 22852, 2077, 311, 9572, 13, 7228, 425, 753, 14830, 7620, 527, 304, 11987, 449, 7239, 18160, 10708, 323, 2997, 2380, 453, 848, 1994, 292, 27179, 1885, 10826, 7666, 491, 33611, 2027, 11426, 25, 320, 72, 8, 10901, 3561, 268, 67457, 264, 2160, 992, 77678, 64779, 301, 2411, 43929, 15419, 304, 28673, 220, 16, 14, 17, 64, 4500, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 9235, 4325, 14228, 9155, 1299, 5367, 17699, 11, 264, 6522, 5353, 315, 85515, 304, 279, 8040, 1917, 26, 320, 3893, 8, 87471, 16, 11, 459, 55984, 347, 408, 299, 11377, 668, 84360, 1960, 2849, 15419, 304, 28673, 220, 16, 14, 17, 64, 4500, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 30883, 50112, 23125, 15319, 26, 323, 320, 35694, 8, 650, 1741, 11, 459, 453, 848, 1994, 292, 90052, 50308, 2849, 15419, 5452, 369, 4998, 16711, 10539, 66, 2508, 323, 50600, 8624, 11, 5131, 304, 14830, 4500, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 2536, 34859, 2849, 21271, 9572, 1236, 10326, 810, 922, 7228, 425, 14299, 23258, 88886, 198, 35, 88, 37314, 7327, 320, 71016, 15836, 340, 41619, 6664, 220, 975, 198, 9126, 5867, 3181, 76370, 482, 4900, 612, 12432, 198, 35, 88, 37314, 7327, 11, 4953, 13, 374, 264, 3728, 6160, 52536, 2883, 902, 374, 11469, 1148, 433, 13919, 690, 387, 264, 13893, 5199, 6160, 5237, 2227, 26191, 15207, 7645, 5452, 3196, 389, 279, 67965, 750, 17033, 17508, 27331, 46036, 79902, 68372, 8942, 301, 5650, 1634, 30548, 8942, 278, 15677, 320, 70614, 3092, 3757, 72 ]
go onto the streets, protest with the slogan "not in my name" and to clearly distance themselves from those atrocities. I also expect those communities to work with the police and the gouvernment as much as possible to prevent radicalization of the youth. Not saying or doing anythng has always been a sign of ignorance. If you look at it from the above perspective muslims in the west have got the most to lose because of that stigma image, yet they don't do anything to distance themselves. You can't tell me they've got no education or die of hunger.. by M99 Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:51 pm I already said what I find embarrassing. Guest07 spouting Azerbaijani propaganda and the snide digs toward an entire religion. Add the unnecessary digs on India as well. Funny you call me fragile when you are the one severely offended. @babun frankly your "expectations" are ridiculous. Muslims around the world don't have to prove anything to anyone. Its better to not just generalize and make baseless assumptions on such a large group of people instead. Also you really think people don't do anything to stop radicalization of youths? People do and have been striving for that for years.
go onto the streets, protest with the slogan "not in my name" and to clearly distance themselves from those atrocities. I also expect those communities to work with the police and the gouvernment as much as possible to prevent radicalization of the youth. Not saying or doing anythng has always been a sign of ignorance. If you look at it from the above perspective muslims in the west have got the most to lose because of that stigma image, yet they don't do anything to distance themselves. You can't tell me they've got no education or die of hunger.. by M99 Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:51 pm I already said what I find embarrassing. Guest07 spouting Azerbaijani propaganda and the snide digs toward an entire religion. Add the unnecessary digs on India as well. Funny you call me fragile when you are the one severely offended. @babun frankly your "expectations" are ridiculous. Muslims around the world don't have to prove anything to anyone. Its better to not just generalize and make baseless assumptions on such a large group of people instead. Also you really think people don't do anything to stop radicalization of youths? People do and have been striving for that for years.
There're radical catholic or protestant youths, also lots of sects. Do you know how the non muslim society reacts to them? They're reduculed as lunatics. They feel embarassed to show their extremist sides and go under. It should be the same with the islamic communities. No extremist should be able to proudly walk accross the streets or to express ridiculious thoughts during lessons at school. Whatever is been done to prevent extremism it isn't nearly enough. The decapitation of a teacher and the massacre at Charlie Hebdo are proof of that. I'm not actually offended though personally, don't worry, it's all for arguments sake. by Blue Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:25 am Virtually all of majority Muslim leaders signed a letter praising China for their treatment of the Uigurs. In the Israel and Palestine conflict, again the vast majority of the Muslim leaders Side with the non-Muslim side. Why? Because of power one side has it and the other doesn’t. The motivation of religion is vastly overblown, the reason for much of the conflict in the ME is for power. In fact human history wars and bloodshed is very easy to explain, they all have been
[ 467, 4291, 262, 6483, 11, 5402, 351, 262, 23796, 366, 1662, 287, 616, 1438, 1, 290, 284, 4084, 5253, 2405, 422, 883, 27817, 13, 314, 635, 1607, 883, 5348, 284, 670, 351, 262, 1644, 290, 262, 50162, 11355, 355, 881, 355, 1744, 284, 2948, 7702, 1634, 286, 262, 6205, 13, 198, 3673, 2282, 393, 1804, 597, 400, 782, 468, 1464, 587, 257, 1051, 286, 17010, 13, 1002, 345, 804, 379, 340, 422, 262, 2029, 6650, 1928, 2475, 82, 287, 262, 7421, 423, 1392, 262, 749, 284, 4425, 780, 286, 326, 26695, 2939, 11, 1865, 484, 836, 470, 466, 1997, 284, 5253, 2405, 13, 921, 460, 470, 1560, 502, 484, 1053, 1392, 645, 3707, 393, 4656, 286, 16460, 492, 198, 1525, 337, 2079, 3825, 2556, 1248, 11, 12131, 513, 25, 4349, 9114, 198, 40, 1541, 531, 644, 314, 1064, 18997, 13, 22358, 2998, 599, 13660, 29830, 73, 3216, 11613, 290, 262, 3013, 485, 46561, 3812, 281, 2104, 5737, 13, 3060, 262, 13114, 46561, 319, 3794, 355, 880, 13, 40473, 345, 869, 502, 21049, 618, 345, 389, 262, 530, 15052, 22231, 13, 198, 31, 65, 397, 403, 17813, 534, 366, 1069, 806, 602, 1, 389, 11441, 13, 7045, 1088, 262, 995, 836, 470, 423, 284, 5879, 1997, 284, 2687, 13, 6363, 1365, 284, 407, 655, 2276, 1096, 290, 787, 49241, 14895, 319, 884, 257, 1588, 1448, 286, 661, 2427, 13, 4418, 345, 1107, 892, 661, 836, 470, 466, 1997, 284, 2245, 7702, 1634, 286, 28247, 30, 4380, 466, 290, 423, 587, 34260, 329, 326, 329, 812, 13, 198 ]
[ 733, 8800, 279, 14708, 11, 8835, 449, 279, 52637, 330, 1962, 304, 856, 836, 1, 323, 311, 9539, 6138, 5694, 505, 1884, 72336, 13, 358, 1101, 1755, 1884, 10977, 311, 990, 449, 279, 4379, 323, 279, 85182, 77, 479, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 311, 5471, 18336, 2065, 315, 279, 12822, 627, 2688, 5605, 477, 3815, 904, 339, 983, 706, 2744, 1027, 264, 1879, 315, 41660, 13, 1442, 499, 1427, 520, 433, 505, 279, 3485, 13356, 62056, 82, 304, 279, 9909, 617, 2751, 279, 1455, 311, 9229, 1606, 315, 430, 60381, 2217, 11, 3686, 814, 1541, 956, 656, 4205, 311, 6138, 5694, 13, 1472, 649, 956, 3371, 757, 814, 3077, 2751, 912, 6873, 477, 2815, 315, 34906, 35047, 1729, 386, 1484, 8219, 5020, 220, 972, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 220, 18, 25, 3971, 9012, 198, 40, 2736, 1071, 1148, 358, 1505, 45105, 13, 27307, 2589, 993, 11149, 65423, 73, 5676, 30617, 323, 279, 4224, 579, 90057, 9017, 459, 4553, 13901, 13, 2758, 279, 26225, 90057, 389, 6890, 439, 1664, 13, 53940, 499, 1650, 757, 45350, 994, 499, 527, 279, 832, 35906, 54221, 627, 31, 48822, 359, 42762, 701, 330, 17557, 811, 1, 527, 27873, 13, 20071, 2212, 279, 1917, 1541, 956, 617, 311, 12391, 4205, 311, 5606, 13, 11699, 2731, 311, 539, 1120, 93640, 323, 1304, 2385, 1752, 32946, 389, 1778, 264, 3544, 1912, 315, 1274, 4619, 13, 7429, 499, 2216, 1781, 1274, 1541, 956, 656, 4205, 311, 3009, 18336, 2065, 315, 65062, 30, 9029, 656, 323, 617, 1027, 68727, 369, 430, 369, 1667, 627 ]
[ 3947, 2351, 18336, 83191, 477, 8835, 519, 65062, 11, 1101, 10283, 315, 31237, 82, 13, 3234, 499, 1440, 1268, 279, 2536, 62056, 8396, 69945, 311, 1124, 30, 2435, 2351, 3679, 66, 8615, 439, 33073, 29470, 13, 2435, 2733, 80701, 60104, 311, 1501, 872, 56882, 11314, 323, 733, 1234, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 279, 1890, 449, 279, 83031, 4079, 10977, 13, 2360, 56882, 1288, 387, 3025, 311, 45909, 4321, 1046, 2177, 279, 14708, 477, 311, 3237, 20561, 360, 1245, 11555, 2391, 18872, 520, 2978, 627, 47916, 374, 1027, 2884, 311, 5471, 70768, 433, 4536, 956, 7154, 3403, 13, 578, 1654, 391, 7709, 315, 264, 11326, 323, 279, 49352, 520, 25972, 85419, 3055, 527, 11311, 315, 430, 627, 40, 2846, 539, 3604, 54221, 3582, 16102, 11, 1541, 956, 11196, 11, 433, 596, 682, 369, 6105, 25491, 627, 1729, 8868, 3206, 5020, 220, 777, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 220, 17, 25, 914, 1097, 198, 53, 2154, 1870, 682, 315, 8857, 10451, 6164, 8667, 264, 6661, 81678, 5734, 369, 872, 6514, 315, 279, 549, 343, 1759, 627, 644, 279, 6921, 323, 42034, 12324, 11, 1578, 279, 13057, 8857, 315, 279, 10451, 6164, 17072, 449, 279, 2536, 62505, 3185, 627, 10445, 30, 9393, 315, 2410, 832, 3185, 706, 433, 323, 279, 1023, 3250, 1431, 13, 578, 25835, 315, 13901, 374, 53108, 927, 2067, 785, 11, 279, 2944, 369, 1790, 315, 279, 12324, 304, 279, 16691, 374, 369, 2410, 627, 644, 2144, 3823, 3925, 25981, 323, 6680, 70561, 374, 1633, 4228, 311, 10552, 11, 814, 682, 617, 1027 ]
Few places in the Mayurbhanj district are predicted to record very heavy rainfall. Severe lightning warning for some places in Khordha district on July 23 at around noon. Places in the Ganjam district may record severe lightning. Puri district may record lightning flashes at around evening hours on July 23. Big Alert: Another low-pressure area will develop over the northeast Bay of Bengal on July 27-28, says IMD, GSF and ECMWF. The system will become well marked in subsequent 12 hours, and models show may grow to a depression. But the system will move towards West Bengal and will cross the State on July 29. Heavy Rainfall Alert Weather Lightning Forecast For Odisha Till Past Midnight, Danger Looms Over Bhubaneswar Till 7 PM July 20 proved to be the rainiest day for Bhubaneswar. The IMD weather data shows that Capital City had yesterday recorded its third-highest ever rainfall in July.... Weather Heavy Rain To Lash Several Parts Of Odisha Today The weather department has predicted heavy rain in several parts especially coastal and interior regions of Odisha today Weather Heavy Rains Trigger Water Logging in Cuttack, Bhubaneswar; Monsoon Preparedness
Few places in the Mayurbhanj district are predicted to record very heavy rainfall. Severe lightning warning for some places in Khordha district on July 23 at around noon. Places in the Ganjam district may record severe lightning. Puri district may record lightning flashes at around evening hours on July 23. Big Alert: Another low-pressure area will develop over the northeast Bay of Bengal on July 27-28, says IMD, GSF and ECMWF. The system will become well marked in subsequent 12 hours, and models show may grow to a depression. But the system will move towards West Bengal and will cross the State on July 29. Heavy Rainfall Alert Weather Lightning Forecast For Odisha Till Past Midnight, Danger Looms Over Bhubaneswar Till 7 PM July 20 proved to be the rainiest day for Bhubaneswar. The IMD weather data shows that Capital City had yesterday recorded its third-highest ever rainfall in July.... Weather Heavy Rain To Lash Several Parts Of Odisha Today The weather department has predicted heavy rain in several parts especially coastal and interior regions of Odisha today Weather Heavy Rains Trigger Water Logging in Cuttack, Bhubaneswar; Monsoon Preparedness
Exposed The rains are believed to be a precursor to a low pressure area which is likely to be formed over northwest Bay of Bengal and the neighbourhood... Weather Odisha To See Rains on Jul 21, 22, But Heavy Rain In Maharashtra, South Andhra Pradesh It seems the cyclonic circulation over northwest Bay will remain less marked and unlikely to develop to a low-pressure centre by Jul 23 Punjab Assembly Polls Pre-Natal Sex Determination Test Pre-Natal Sex Determination Test Centre Raided In Cuttack, 2 Detained CRPF Havildar Shoots Self With AK-47 Rifle In Odisha’s Nuapada Covid Surge: OHRC To Remain Closed Till 25 January IOCL Announces Fresh Vacancies In 2022, Know Exam Details & More Comments/Reviews *NO* Darius Twin "Narukinians at War" By Rexy, March 20, 2021 in Judges Decisions Rexy ReMixer name: SilverFox Jams Real name: Marianne Markham Website: I don’t have an up-to-date website of my own, but I frequently upload a lot the music I create at
[ 32351, 4113, 287, 262, 1737, 5945, 7637, 73, 4783, 389, 11001, 284, 1700, 845, 4334, 25807, 13, 198, 4653, 4119, 14357, 6509, 329, 617, 4113, 287, 5311, 585, 3099, 4783, 319, 2901, 2242, 379, 1088, 19613, 13, 37291, 287, 262, 23207, 39159, 4783, 743, 1700, 6049, 14357, 13, 198, 47, 9900, 4783, 743, 1700, 14357, 29227, 379, 1088, 6180, 2250, 319, 2901, 2242, 13, 198, 12804, 23276, 25, 6023, 1877, 12, 36151, 1989, 481, 1205, 625, 262, 24287, 4696, 286, 28630, 319, 2901, 2681, 12, 2078, 11, 1139, 8959, 35, 11, 402, 20802, 290, 13182, 14326, 37, 13, 383, 1080, 481, 1716, 880, 7498, 287, 8840, 1105, 2250, 11, 290, 4981, 905, 743, 1663, 284, 257, 8862, 13, 887, 262, 1080, 481, 1445, 3371, 2688, 28630, 290, 481, 3272, 262, 1812, 319, 2901, 2808, 13, 198, 33210, 10301, 7207, 23276, 198, 41865, 12469, 4558, 2701, 1114, 10529, 19388, 17888, 11303, 27960, 11, 20419, 6706, 3150, 3827, 16581, 549, 7305, 5767, 17888, 767, 3122, 198, 16157, 1160, 8302, 284, 307, 262, 6290, 6386, 1110, 329, 16581, 549, 7305, 5767, 13, 383, 8959, 35, 6193, 1366, 2523, 326, 9747, 2254, 550, 7415, 6264, 663, 2368, 12, 35323, 1683, 25807, 287, 2901, 1106, 198, 41865, 14089, 10301, 1675, 47137, 12168, 22349, 3226, 10529, 19388, 6288, 198, 464, 6193, 5011, 468, 11001, 4334, 6290, 287, 1811, 3354, 2592, 17475, 290, 11087, 7652, 286, 10529, 19388, 1909, 198, 41865, 14089, 371, 1299, 24593, 5638, 5972, 2667, 287, 9712, 83, 441, 11, 16581, 549, 7305, 5767, 26, 2892, 36194, 19141, 1144, 1108 ]
[ 72204, 7634, 304, 279, 3297, 9225, 10118, 73, 9474, 527, 19698, 311, 3335, 1633, 8987, 53958, 627, 1542, 19846, 33538, 10163, 369, 1063, 7634, 304, 20774, 541, 4317, 9474, 389, 5887, 220, 1419, 520, 2212, 38245, 13, 45836, 304, 279, 50181, 44811, 9474, 1253, 3335, 15748, 33538, 627, 47, 6198, 9474, 1253, 3335, 33538, 62385, 520, 2212, 11714, 4207, 389, 5887, 220, 1419, 627, 16010, 14302, 25, 13596, 3428, 89561, 3158, 690, 2274, 927, 279, 41929, 9332, 315, 50120, 389, 5887, 220, 1544, 12, 1591, 11, 2795, 78363, 11, 480, 29767, 323, 80700, 33231, 13, 578, 1887, 690, 3719, 1664, 13160, 304, 17876, 220, 717, 4207, 11, 323, 4211, 1501, 1253, 3139, 311, 264, 18710, 13, 2030, 279, 1887, 690, 3351, 7119, 4410, 50120, 323, 690, 5425, 279, 3314, 389, 5887, 220, 1682, 627, 65569, 22674, 13772, 14302, 198, 30081, 34944, 56775, 1789, 25578, 36040, 40788, 24561, 64680, 11, 48399, 445, 4285, 82, 6193, 426, 27780, 14997, 11710, 40788, 220, 22, 5975, 198, 29527, 220, 508, 19168, 311, 387, 279, 11422, 13744, 1938, 369, 426, 27780, 14997, 11710, 13, 578, 78363, 9282, 828, 5039, 430, 18880, 4409, 1047, 13985, 12715, 1202, 4948, 2902, 7656, 3596, 53958, 304, 5887, 78928, 30081, 29201, 22674, 2057, 445, 1003, 26778, 27399, 5046, 25578, 36040, 11450, 198, 791, 9282, 9476, 706, 19698, 8987, 11422, 304, 3892, 5596, 5423, 35335, 323, 15135, 13918, 315, 25578, 36040, 3432, 198, 30081, 29201, 432, 1771, 31391, 10164, 42806, 304, 20223, 83, 474, 11, 426, 27780, 14997, 11710, 26, 3206, 67156, 88267, 2136 ]
[ 1398, 3950, 198, 791, 62555, 527, 11846, 311, 387, 264, 71261, 311, 264, 3428, 7410, 3158, 902, 374, 4461, 311, 387, 14454, 927, 53342, 9332, 315, 50120, 323, 279, 40442, 9522, 30081, 25578, 36040, 2057, 3580, 432, 1771, 389, 10263, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 1313, 11, 2030, 29201, 22674, 763, 68519, 11, 4987, 1628, 73010, 43458, 198, 2181, 5084, 279, 32343, 14338, 35855, 927, 53342, 9332, 690, 7293, 2753, 13160, 323, 17821, 311, 2274, 311, 264, 3428, 89561, 12541, 555, 10263, 220, 1419, 198, 47, 359, 40016, 12000, 25385, 82, 198, 4808, 11500, 4306, 6834, 36007, 367, 3475, 198, 4808, 11500, 4306, 6834, 36007, 367, 3475, 14821, 33800, 291, 763, 20223, 83, 474, 11, 220, 17, 16828, 2692, 198, 9150, 20280, 56208, 699, 277, 50366, 82, 10323, 3161, 31672, 12, 2618, 48138, 763, 25578, 36040, 753, 33424, 391, 2649, 198, 34, 26664, 57257, 25, 29822, 7532, 2057, 92692, 45779, 40788, 220, 914, 6186, 198, 3895, 3218, 9489, 31044, 30260, 31626, 32737, 763, 220, 2366, 17, 11, 14521, 33410, 12589, 612, 4497, 18149, 14, 46306, 198, 9, 9173, 9, 423, 41321, 36047, 330, 45, 277, 3178, 258, 5493, 520, 5111, 702, 1383, 42907, 88, 345, 28623, 220, 508, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 304, 86955, 3799, 6948, 198, 49, 327, 88, 198, 697, 44, 40114, 836, 25, 15347, 48414, 622, 4214, 198, 13058, 836, 25, 2947, 64452, 4488, 5721, 198, 31151, 25, 358, 1541, 1431, 617, 459, 709, 4791, 18920, 3997, 315, 856, 1866, 11, 719, 358, 14134, 8298, 264, 2763, 279, 4731, 358, 1893, 520 ]
couplecamsters.com credits) in such respect. Couple Links Swingers Dating Couple Cams Adult Dating Group Sex Cams Viagra Online © 2020 couplecamsters.com All Rights Reserved couplecamsters.com_IL2WEBAWS06 : 39.3659ms_-35983 Dead Island Riptide Preview: A Cleansing Bloodbath Gaming Today This article was written on an older version of FileFront / GameFront Formatting may be lacking as a result. If this article is un-readable please report it so that we may fix it. Published by GameFront.com 7 years ago , last updated 11 months ago Posted on September 1, 2012, Matt Hughes Dead Island Riptide Preview: A Cleansing Bloodbath Deep Silver’s original Dead Island from 2011 wasn’t exactly a refined experience. Glitches galore, messy inventories, and a lack of an interesting story prevented the novel concept from becoming a true masterpiece. Even so, the myriad of ways in which we could squash, skewer, dismember, and explode zombies provided unabashed, dumb fun. And, given that four million copies were sold, we weren’t the only ones
couplecamsters.com credits) in such respect. Couple Links Swingers Dating Couple Cams Adult Dating Group Sex Cams Viagra Online © 2020 couplecamsters.com All Rights Reserved couplecamsters.com_IL2WEBAWS06 : 39.3659ms_-35983 Dead Island Riptide Preview: A Cleansing Bloodbath Gaming Today This article was written on an older version of FileFront / GameFront Formatting may be lacking as a result. If this article is un-readable please report it so that we may fix it. Published by GameFront.com 7 years ago , last updated 11 months ago Posted on September 1, 2012, Matt Hughes Dead Island Riptide Preview: A Cleansing Bloodbath Deep Silver’s original Dead Island from 2011 wasn’t exactly a refined experience. Glitches galore, messy inventories, and a lack of an interesting story prevented the novel concept from becoming a true masterpiece. Even so, the myriad of ways in which we could squash, skewer, dismember, and explode zombies provided unabashed, dumb fun. And, given that four million copies were sold, we weren’t the only ones
who thought so. Thankfully, after a 15-minute hands-off demo, we came away impressed by just how much Dead Island Riptide seems to have improved upon its predecessor and become the game we originally wanted Dead Island to be. Dead Island Riptide Developer: Techland Publisher: Deep Silver Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3 Release date: TBD 2013 Oh right, we should probably mention some details… Riptide is a direct sequel to Dead Island, due out in 2013. The same four characters from the first game are returning (unfortunately, their escape attempt went awry and they’re now wrecked on another zombie infested island) and will be joined by a fifth: a military man who was not named. Players can start from scratch or import their characters from Dead Island: a definite relief, given how much time many spent leveling and acquiring skills. Even fully powered builds from the first game have a chance to grow even further, as new abilities and higher levels will be available. And unlike the first Dead Island, firearms will be made available from the start, removing one of the most highly-contentious aspects of the original game. We were shown a new type of mission called “defense
[ 3155, 20991, 5937, 13, 785, 10824, 8, 287, 884, 2461, 13, 198, 34, 43846, 21691, 2451, 40923, 43528, 15062, 1154, 327, 4105, 21171, 43528, 4912, 14419, 327, 4105, 16049, 45429, 7467, 198, 16224, 12131, 3155, 20991, 5937, 13, 785, 1439, 6923, 33876, 198, 66, 43846, 20991, 5937, 13, 785, 62, 4146, 17, 8845, 4339, 19416, 3312, 1058, 5014, 13, 2623, 3270, 907, 22955, 2327, 4089, 18, 5542, 5451, 371, 10257, 485, 22217, 25, 317, 3779, 504, 278, 7235, 37648, 198, 45509, 6288, 198, 1212, 2708, 373, 3194, 319, 281, 4697, 2196, 286, 9220, 25886, 1220, 3776, 25886, 198, 26227, 889, 743, 307, 14394, 355, 257, 1255, 13, 1002, 428, 2708, 318, 555, 12, 46155, 3387, 989, 340, 523, 326, 356, 743, 4259, 340, 13, 198, 24492, 416, 3776, 25886, 13, 785, 767, 812, 2084, 837, 938, 6153, 1367, 1933, 2084, 198, 14231, 319, 2693, 352, 11, 2321, 11, 4705, 19712, 5542, 5451, 371, 10257, 485, 22217, 25, 317, 3779, 504, 278, 7235, 37648, 198, 29744, 7698, 447, 247, 82, 2656, 5542, 5451, 422, 2813, 2492, 447, 247, 83, 3446, 257, 20449, 1998, 13, 2671, 9249, 9426, 382, 11, 24097, 8067, 1749, 11, 290, 257, 3092, 286, 281, 3499, 1621, 13351, 262, 5337, 3721, 422, 5033, 257, 2081, 30669, 13, 3412, 523, 11, 262, 24862, 286, 2842, 287, 543, 356, 714, 34613, 11, 6146, 15448, 11, 18099, 1491, 11, 290, 22818, 19005, 2810, 40986, 5263, 11, 13526, 1257, 13, 843, 11, 1813, 326, 1440, 1510, 9088, 547, 2702, 11, 356, 6304, 447, 247, 83, 262, 691, 3392 ]
[ 5743, 11860, 12855, 916, 20746, 8, 304, 1778, 5201, 627, 69310, 698, 26496, 4593, 14437, 17783, 66925, 356, 4214, 22919, 17783, 5856, 6834, 356, 4214, 31578, 8267, 198, 20644, 220, 2366, 15, 5743, 11860, 12855, 916, 2052, 10734, 15516, 198, 23045, 698, 11860, 12855, 916, 71962, 17, 12739, 7209, 7585, 2705, 551, 220, 2137, 13, 12676, 24, 1026, 40411, 19192, 6069, 15371, 10951, 432, 11696, 579, 32341, 25, 362, 86762, 287, 20671, 65, 589, 198, 38, 6605, 11450, 198, 2028, 4652, 574, 5439, 389, 459, 9191, 2373, 315, 2958, 24284, 611, 4140, 24284, 198, 83235, 1253, 387, 32161, 439, 264, 1121, 13, 1442, 420, 4652, 374, 653, 84318, 4587, 1934, 433, 779, 430, 584, 1253, 5155, 433, 627, 29986, 555, 4140, 24284, 916, 220, 22, 1667, 4227, 1174, 1566, 6177, 220, 806, 4038, 4227, 198, 17827, 389, 6250, 220, 16, 11, 220, 679, 17, 11, 13678, 41411, 15371, 10951, 432, 11696, 579, 32341, 25, 362, 86762, 287, 20671, 65, 589, 198, 34564, 15347, 753, 4113, 15371, 10951, 505, 220, 679, 16, 5828, 1431, 7041, 264, 38291, 3217, 13, 8444, 26286, 15730, 461, 11, 46946, 17459, 2490, 11, 323, 264, 6996, 315, 459, 7185, 3446, 32098, 279, 11775, 7434, 505, 10671, 264, 837, 59831, 13, 7570, 779, 11, 279, 52909, 315, 5627, 304, 902, 584, 1436, 59576, 11, 41643, 261, 11, 834, 9792, 11, 323, 16135, 48173, 3984, 96718, 13883, 11, 30355, 2523, 13, 1628, 11, 2728, 430, 3116, 3610, 11236, 1051, 6216, 11, 584, 15058, 1431, 279, 1193, 6305 ]
[ 889, 3463, 779, 13, 63554, 11, 1306, 264, 220, 868, 24401, 6206, 12744, 17074, 11, 584, 3782, 3201, 25408, 555, 1120, 1268, 1790, 15371, 10951, 432, 11696, 579, 5084, 311, 617, 13241, 5304, 1202, 40274, 323, 3719, 279, 1847, 584, 13517, 4934, 15371, 10951, 311, 387, 627, 29420, 10951, 432, 11696, 579, 198, 46011, 25, 17829, 1974, 198, 35650, 25, 18682, 15347, 198, 17745, 25, 6812, 11, 21222, 220, 6843, 11, 11659, 18, 198, 16464, 2457, 25, 73364, 220, 679, 18, 198, 12174, 1314, 11, 584, 1288, 4762, 6420, 1063, 3649, 1981, 432, 11696, 579, 374, 264, 2167, 35861, 311, 15371, 10951, 11, 4245, 704, 304, 220, 679, 18, 13, 578, 1890, 3116, 5885, 505, 279, 1176, 1847, 527, 13758, 320, 359, 11275, 11, 872, 12731, 4879, 4024, 1384, 894, 323, 814, 3207, 1457, 36850, 291, 389, 2500, 38836, 4225, 10185, 13218, 8, 323, 690, 387, 11096, 555, 264, 18172, 25, 264, 6411, 893, 889, 574, 539, 7086, 627, 25242, 649, 1212, 505, 19307, 477, 1179, 872, 5885, 505, 15371, 10951, 25, 264, 44870, 16337, 11, 2728, 1268, 1790, 892, 1690, 7543, 74085, 323, 42990, 7512, 13, 7570, 7373, 23134, 22890, 505, 279, 1176, 1847, 617, 264, 6140, 311, 3139, 1524, 4726, 11, 439, 502, 18000, 323, 5190, 5990, 690, 387, 2561, 13, 1628, 20426, 279, 1176, 15371, 10951, 11, 32653, 690, 387, 1903, 2561, 505, 279, 1212, 11, 18054, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 7701, 6951, 1245, 13878, 315, 279, 4113, 1847, 627, 1687, 1051, 6982, 264, 502, 955, 315, 9131, 2663, 1054, 98092 ]
officers were told by... OCC Extends Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test Requirements Through November 25, 2019 On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, the OCC issued a press release announcing that national banks and federal savings associations (FSAs) with consolidated assets between $100 billion and $250 billion will not be subject to the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test (DFAST) requirements as of November 24, 2019, the OCC extended the deadline for compliance with the DFAST requirements for those banks to November 25,... FDIC-Insured Institutions Report Net Income of $60.7 Billion in First Quarter 2019 On Thursday, May 30, 2019, the FDIC issued a press release reporting that Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC reported aggregate net income of $60.7 billion in first quarter of 2019, up $4.9 billion (8.7 percent) from a year earlier. The increase in net income was mainly attributable to a $7.9 billion (6 percent) increase in net interest income. Financial results for... CFPB Settles with BSI Financial On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, the CFPB announced a settlement with BSI Financial Services, a mortgage servicer, for violations of
officers were told by... OCC Extends Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test Requirements Through November 25, 2019 On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, the OCC issued a press release announcing that national banks and federal savings associations (FSAs) with consolidated assets between $100 billion and $250 billion will not be subject to the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test (DFAST) requirements as of November 24, 2019, the OCC extended the deadline for compliance with the DFAST requirements for those banks to November 25,... FDIC-Insured Institutions Report Net Income of $60.7 Billion in First Quarter 2019 On Thursday, May 30, 2019, the FDIC issued a press release reporting that Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC reported aggregate net income of $60.7 billion in first quarter of 2019, up $4.9 billion (8.7 percent) from a year earlier. The increase in net income was mainly attributable to a $7.9 billion (6 percent) increase in net interest income. Financial results for... CFPB Settles with BSI Financial On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, the CFPB announced a settlement with BSI Financial Services, a mortgage servicer, for violations of
the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and TILA. The Bureau found BSI violated the acts by: Handling mortgage servicing transfers with incomplete or inaccurate loss mitigation information. This resulted in failures to recognize transferred mortgage loans with pending... CFPB, Financial Education CFPB Launches Financial Education Tool For Active-Duty Servicemembers On Thursday, May 23, 2019, the CFPB issued a press release about significantly expanding its Misadventures in Money Management financial education tool to active-duty servicemembers. Misadventures in Money Management ( MIMM.gov ) was initially developed for future servicemembers who signed a contract to enlist in the armed forces, but had not yet shipped off to basic military training. The CFPB... CBA on HR 1500: CFPB Needs Bipartisan Commission, Not Partisan Legislation In advance of the House of Representatives’ consideration of the Consumer First Act (H.R. 1500), the Consumer Bankers Association wrote Members of Congress discussing provisions in the legislation. CBA and other financial services trade associations also wrote a letter addressing an amendment being offered by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) to reverse Congress’s previous vote to overturn the CFP
[ 3790, 547, 1297, 416, 986, 198, 46, 4093, 5683, 2412, 32145, 12, 17439, 2191, 36957, 6208, 24422, 9561, 3389, 1679, 11, 13130, 198, 2202, 3431, 11, 2795, 604, 11, 13130, 11, 262, 440, 4093, 4884, 257, 1803, 2650, 16428, 326, 2260, 6341, 290, 2717, 10653, 15814, 357, 10652, 1722, 8, 351, 27890, 6798, 1022, 720, 3064, 2997, 290, 720, 9031, 2997, 481, 407, 307, 2426, 284, 262, 32145, 12, 17439, 2191, 36957, 6208, 357, 8068, 11262, 8, 5359, 355, 286, 3389, 1987, 11, 13130, 11, 262, 440, 4093, 7083, 262, 12508, 329, 11846, 351, 262, 36323, 11262, 5359, 329, 883, 6341, 284, 3389, 1679, 42303, 198, 26009, 2149, 12, 20376, 1522, 37931, 3508, 6358, 3433, 19003, 286, 720, 1899, 13, 22, 37085, 287, 3274, 17264, 13130, 198, 2202, 3635, 11, 1737, 1542, 11, 13130, 11, 262, 30002, 2149, 4884, 257, 1803, 2650, 6447, 326, 22724, 6341, 290, 10653, 6712, 31977, 416, 262, 30002, 2149, 2098, 19406, 2010, 3739, 286, 720, 1899, 13, 22, 2997, 287, 717, 3860, 286, 13130, 11, 510, 720, 19, 13, 24, 2997, 357, 23, 13, 22, 1411, 8, 422, 257, 614, 2961, 13, 383, 2620, 287, 2010, 3739, 373, 8384, 29816, 284, 257, 720, 22, 13, 24, 2997, 357, 21, 1411, 8, 2620, 287, 2010, 1393, 3739, 13, 11302, 2482, 329, 986, 198, 34, 5837, 33, 41479, 829, 351, 347, 11584, 11302, 198, 2202, 3583, 11, 1737, 2808, 11, 13130, 11, 262, 327, 5837, 33, 3414, 257, 9443, 351, 347, 11584, 11302, 6168, 11, 257, 13682, 1113, 16647, 11, 329, 11734, 286 ]
[ 9808, 1051, 3309, 555, 9522, 46, 3791, 9634, 1438, 84093, 7424, 13430, 3298, 51568, 3475, 34884, 17331, 6841, 220, 914, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 1966, 7742, 11, 5651, 220, 19, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 279, 89113, 11136, 264, 3577, 4984, 38787, 430, 5426, 14286, 323, 6918, 19523, 30257, 320, 8653, 2170, 8, 449, 60391, 12032, 1990, 400, 1041, 7239, 323, 400, 5154, 7239, 690, 539, 387, 3917, 311, 279, 84093, 7424, 13430, 3298, 51568, 3475, 320, 35, 60306, 8, 8670, 439, 315, 6841, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 279, 89113, 11838, 279, 22143, 369, 8907, 449, 279, 423, 60306, 8670, 369, 1884, 14286, 311, 6841, 220, 914, 53488, 14938, 1341, 12, 15841, 3149, 88880, 8423, 9558, 33620, 315, 400, 1399, 13, 22, 66809, 304, 5629, 35494, 220, 679, 24, 198, 1966, 7950, 11, 3297, 220, 966, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 279, 36418, 1341, 11136, 264, 3577, 4984, 13122, 430, 28943, 14286, 323, 19523, 14673, 53142, 555, 279, 36418, 1341, 5068, 24069, 4272, 8070, 315, 400, 1399, 13, 22, 7239, 304, 1176, 8502, 315, 220, 679, 24, 11, 709, 400, 19, 13, 24, 7239, 320, 23, 13, 22, 3346, 8, 505, 264, 1060, 6931, 13, 578, 5376, 304, 4272, 8070, 574, 14918, 71526, 311, 264, 400, 22, 13, 24, 7239, 320, 21, 3346, 8, 5376, 304, 4272, 2802, 8070, 13, 17961, 3135, 369, 9522, 9847, 41737, 2638, 83, 645, 449, 426, 14137, 17961, 198, 1966, 8079, 11, 3297, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 279, 356, 11960, 33, 7376, 264, 17516, 449, 426, 14137, 17961, 8471, 11, 264, 21515, 4958, 13296, 11, 369, 27655, 315 ]
[ 279, 8976, 25447, 70148, 75111, 3298, 323, 350, 98596, 13, 578, 22555, 1766, 426, 14137, 34521, 279, 14385, 555, 25, 56813, 21515, 65918, 31711, 449, 33243, 477, 50504, 4814, 66860, 2038, 13, 1115, 19543, 304, 28950, 311, 15641, 23217, 21515, 17017, 449, 15639, 9522, 9847, 41737, 11, 17961, 11930, 198, 9847, 41737, 24083, 288, 17961, 11930, 13782, 1789, 10106, 9607, 20850, 27318, 292, 336, 7207, 198, 1966, 7950, 11, 3297, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 279, 356, 11960, 33, 11136, 264, 3577, 4984, 922, 12207, 24050, 1202, 33659, 329, 688, 1439, 304, 18099, 9744, 6020, 6873, 5507, 311, 4642, 55618, 82459, 336, 7207, 13, 33659, 329, 688, 1439, 304, 18099, 9744, 320, 386, 1829, 44, 14489, 883, 574, 15453, 8040, 369, 3938, 82459, 336, 7207, 889, 8667, 264, 5226, 311, 88724, 304, 279, 17903, 8603, 11, 719, 1047, 539, 3686, 28358, 1022, 311, 6913, 6411, 4967, 13, 578, 356, 11960, 33, 9522, 34, 7209, 389, 23096, 220, 3965, 15, 25, 356, 11960, 33, 44240, 98948, 37351, 9849, 11, 2876, 3744, 17570, 73067, 198, 644, 12178, 315, 279, 4783, 315, 40845, 529, 18361, 315, 279, 26262, 5629, 3298, 320, 39, 2056, 13, 220, 3965, 15, 705, 279, 26262, 8715, 388, 10229, 6267, 17384, 315, 8151, 25394, 19705, 304, 279, 13543, 13, 356, 7209, 323, 1023, 6020, 3600, 6696, 30257, 1101, 6267, 264, 6661, 28118, 459, 28238, 1694, 9076, 555, 3402, 13, 1708, 7997, 320, 35, 9469, 7619, 8, 311, 10134, 8151, 753, 3766, 7055, 311, 67687, 279, 356, 11960 ]
talk with a royal." The consensus in the room is that this RLW patch is very exciting. "To help with the project, Madame Cleo will be beaming in," Azalea adds as Dahlia goes to the magic mirror to dial up the Sea Siren who appears on-screen sporting pink hair and pearls laced into her sea-kelp top. "Darlings! How wonderful to see you," she drawls. "I trust you're having a lovely meeting?" "Yes, Madame Cleo," the girls say as if on cue. I forget to respond. "Splendid!" She claps her hands. "As Princess Rose told you, today we will learn the dance of language." Madame is swimming back and forth across the screen. "As visitation day approaches, it is imperative that you show your parents how far you've come since you entered FTRS." "Mastering a conversation shows your maturity," adds Princess Rose. "If you can go from talking to a royal to talking to a beggar, then you can appeal to the masses. Being adored has its rewards. People will follow you anywhere if they like what you have to say." "
talk with a royal." The consensus in the room is that this RLW patch is very exciting. "To help with the project, Madame Cleo will be beaming in," Azalea adds as Dahlia goes to the magic mirror to dial up the Sea Siren who appears on-screen sporting pink hair and pearls laced into her sea-kelp top. "Darlings! How wonderful to see you," she drawls. "I trust you're having a lovely meeting?" "Yes, Madame Cleo," the girls say as if on cue. I forget to respond. "Splendid!" She claps her hands. "As Princess Rose told you, today we will learn the dance of language." Madame is swimming back and forth across the screen. "As visitation day approaches, it is imperative that you show your parents how far you've come since you entered FTRS." "Mastering a conversation shows your maturity," adds Princess Rose. "If you can go from talking to a royal to talking to a beggar, then you can appeal to the masses. Being adored has its rewards. People will follow you anywhere if they like what you have to say." "
So true!" says Raza with applause, but I'm rubbing my nose. All these roses in here are making it itchy. "Let's start with a simple conversation about the weather," says Madame Cleo. "Miss Gillian, I'm so pleased to see you joined the Royal Ladies! And I love the new purple hair you're sporting! Why don't you and Miss Tessa start us off?" Tessa and I face each other. She's wearing perfume that is competing with the rose scent in this room. My nose doesn't like it. Tessa extends her hand and I— "Achoo!" I sneeze all over her face. A dozen girls produce pink handkerchiefs at the same time. "Oh my goodness, that will never do," tsks Madame Cleo. "You're supposed to cover your mouth when you sneeze and always turn away from your guest." Great, I've failed already. "Sorry." "Now, let's try that again," Rose encourages. Tessa looks less than happy, but she musters a smile as she extends her hand. Darn curtsy. I make it halfway down, wob
[ 1561, 351, 257, 15100, 526, 198, 198, 464, 11529, 287, 262, 2119, 318, 326, 428, 45715, 54, 8529, 318, 845, 7895, 13, 198, 198, 1, 2514, 1037, 351, 262, 1628, 11, 43116, 3779, 78, 481, 307, 307, 3723, 287, 553, 7578, 1000, 64, 6673, 355, 41471, 544, 2925, 284, 262, 5536, 10162, 284, 5980, 510, 262, 6896, 43904, 508, 3568, 319, 12, 9612, 17702, 11398, 4190, 290, 25286, 7278, 49699, 656, 607, 5417, 12, 7750, 79, 1353, 13, 198, 198, 1, 35, 7063, 654, 0, 1374, 7932, 284, 766, 345, 553, 673, 3197, 7278, 13, 366, 40, 3774, 345, 821, 1719, 257, 14081, 3249, 1701, 198, 198, 1, 5297, 11, 43116, 3779, 78, 553, 262, 4813, 910, 355, 611, 319, 28381, 13, 314, 6044, 284, 3031, 13, 198, 198, 1, 26568, 437, 312, 2474, 1375, 537, 1686, 607, 2832, 13, 366, 1722, 8449, 8049, 1297, 345, 11, 1909, 356, 481, 2193, 262, 9280, 286, 3303, 526, 43116, 318, 14899, 736, 290, 6071, 1973, 262, 3159, 13, 366, 1722, 49874, 1110, 10581, 11, 340, 318, 23602, 326, 345, 905, 534, 3397, 703, 1290, 345, 1053, 1282, 1201, 345, 5982, 376, 5446, 50, 526, 198, 198, 1, 18254, 278, 257, 5273, 2523, 534, 24841, 553, 6673, 8449, 8049, 13, 366, 1532, 345, 460, 467, 422, 3375, 284, 257, 15100, 284, 3375, 284, 257, 44887, 283, 11, 788, 345, 460, 5198, 284, 262, 14568, 13, 11204, 512, 1850, 468, 663, 11530, 13, 4380, 481, 1061, 345, 6609, 611, 484, 588, 644, 345, 423, 284, 910, 526, 198, 198, 1 ]
[ 3137, 449, 264, 30336, 2266, 791, 24811, 304, 279, 3130, 374, 430, 420, 48596, 54, 11140, 374, 1633, 13548, 382, 66220, 1520, 449, 279, 2447, 11, 84276, 37102, 78, 690, 387, 387, 6605, 304, 1359, 15757, 1604, 64, 11621, 439, 87967, 689, 5900, 311, 279, 11204, 18327, 311, 28960, 709, 279, 15379, 328, 47435, 889, 8111, 389, 30360, 36027, 18718, 7013, 323, 92732, 326, 4535, 1139, 1077, 9581, 12934, 1290, 1948, 382, 1, 53773, 19342, 0, 2650, 11364, 311, 1518, 499, 1359, 1364, 4128, 4835, 13, 330, 40, 7095, 499, 2351, 3515, 264, 17104, 6574, 12241, 58841, 11, 84276, 37102, 78, 1359, 279, 7724, 2019, 439, 422, 389, 50498, 13, 358, 10894, 311, 6013, 382, 67410, 501, 51503, 9135, 3005, 1206, 2690, 1077, 6206, 13, 330, 2170, 30389, 16344, 3309, 499, 11, 3432, 584, 690, 4048, 279, 15612, 315, 4221, 1210, 84276, 374, 24269, 1203, 323, 13544, 4028, 279, 4264, 13, 330, 2170, 4034, 367, 1938, 20414, 11, 433, 374, 48696, 430, 499, 1501, 701, 6699, 1268, 3117, 499, 3077, 2586, 2533, 499, 10862, 435, 82875, 2266, 1, 18532, 287, 264, 10652, 5039, 701, 48261, 1359, 11621, 30389, 16344, 13, 330, 2746, 499, 649, 733, 505, 7556, 311, 264, 30336, 311, 7556, 311, 264, 2197, 12440, 11, 1243, 499, 649, 14638, 311, 279, 32738, 13, 21347, 1008, 3093, 706, 1202, 21845, 13, 9029, 690, 1833, 499, 12660, 422, 814, 1093, 1148, 499, 617, 311, 2019, 2266, 1 ]
[ 4516, 837, 9135, 2795, 432, 12997, 449, 64626, 11, 719, 358, 2846, 57035, 856, 19689, 13, 2052, 1521, 61741, 304, 1618, 527, 3339, 433, 433, 59064, 382, 1, 10267, 596, 1212, 449, 264, 4382, 10652, 922, 279, 9282, 1359, 2795, 84276, 37102, 78, 13, 330, 36412, 33826, 1122, 11, 358, 2846, 779, 18949, 311, 1518, 499, 11096, 279, 16591, 49113, 0, 1628, 358, 3021, 279, 502, 25977, 7013, 499, 2351, 36027, 0, 8595, 1541, 956, 499, 323, 9083, 350, 26577, 1212, 603, 1022, 12241, 51, 26577, 323, 358, 3663, 1855, 1023, 13, 3005, 596, 12512, 67443, 430, 374, 27260, 449, 279, 16392, 41466, 304, 420, 3130, 13, 3092, 19689, 3250, 956, 1093, 433, 13, 350, 26577, 2289, 1077, 1450, 323, 358, 29472, 30233, 971, 78, 9135, 358, 21423, 68, 3059, 682, 927, 1077, 3663, 382, 32, 21030, 7724, 8356, 18718, 1450, 7197, 5584, 3933, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 382, 55005, 856, 39526, 11, 430, 690, 2646, 656, 1359, 10814, 2857, 84276, 37102, 78, 13, 330, 2675, 2351, 10171, 311, 3504, 701, 11013, 994, 499, 21423, 68, 3059, 323, 2744, 2543, 3201, 505, 701, 8810, 2266, 22111, 11, 358, 3077, 4745, 2736, 13, 330, 19701, 2266, 83524, 11, 1095, 596, 1456, 430, 1578, 1359, 16344, 37167, 382, 51, 26577, 5992, 2753, 1109, 6380, 11, 719, 1364, 2011, 388, 264, 15648, 439, 1364, 2289, 1077, 1450, 13, 423, 1923, 2917, 60060, 13, 358, 1304, 433, 42436, 1523, 11, 289, 677 ]
named Buffalo Insurance Law “Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers in America and the Defense Association of New York (DANY) presented him with its 2014 James S. Conway Award for Outstanding Service to the Defense Community. He was also honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award for Private Practice by the State University of New York at Buffalo Law Alumni Association in recognition of his contributions to the legal profession and the community in which he serves. Thomas F. Segalla Profiled in "Late In His Legal Career, Segalla Remains Busy," Buffalo Business First/Buffalo Law Journal The Best Lawyers in America 2020 Names Thomas P. Bernier and Patrick B. Naylon "Lawyers of the Year," Lists 37 Goldberg Segalla Attorneys Nationwide Super Lawyers Honors Nearly Two-Thirds of Goldberg Segalla’s Upstate New York Attorneys Sign up for news and notifications. Goldberg Segalla is one of the largest and fastest-growing law firms headquartered in the United States, with a footprint that reaches from Los Angeles to London. Its more than 400 attorneys serve regional, national, and international clients from over 20 offices, with teams based in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami, St. Louis,
named Buffalo Insurance Law “Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers in America and the Defense Association of New York (DANY) presented him with its 2014 James S. Conway Award for Outstanding Service to the Defense Community. He was also honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award for Private Practice by the State University of New York at Buffalo Law Alumni Association in recognition of his contributions to the legal profession and the community in which he serves. Thomas F. Segalla Profiled in "Late In His Legal Career, Segalla Remains Busy," Buffalo Business First/Buffalo Law Journal The Best Lawyers in America 2020 Names Thomas P. Bernier and Patrick B. Naylon "Lawyers of the Year," Lists 37 Goldberg Segalla Attorneys Nationwide Super Lawyers Honors Nearly Two-Thirds of Goldberg Segalla’s Upstate New York Attorneys Sign up for news and notifications. Goldberg Segalla is one of the largest and fastest-growing law firms headquartered in the United States, with a footprint that reaches from Los Angeles to London. Its more than 400 attorneys serve regional, national, and international clients from over 20 offices, with teams based in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami, St. Louis,
and other major business and economic centers across 10 states. Attorney Advertising. © 2020 Goldberg Segalla. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Employee LoginCareersConnect with usPrivacy PolicyLegal Disclaimer 18 Killed in Hong Kong Double-Decker Bus Crash Another 47 people were injured and taken to hospitals, including 19 in serious condition By Kelvin Chan • Published at 11:33 am on February 10, 2018 Apple Daily via AP A double-decker bus crashed in a Hong Kong suburb on Saturday evening, killing 18 people and injuring dozens more, authorities in the southern Chinese city said. Local media reports said the bus tipped over, and quoted passengers as saying the bus was full and traveling very fast. The death toll included 15 men and three women, a police spokeswoman said on customary condition of anonymity. Another 47 people were injured and taken to hospitals, including 19 in serious condition, the Hospital Authority said. Photos and videos published by local media or posted by users on social media showed the gold-colored bus lying on its side while emergency workers treat injured passengers nearby. Local TV channels broadcast footage of rescue workers cutting open the roof of the bus, operated by the Kowloon Motor Bus Co., and bodies of
[ 3706, 14905, 17541, 3854, 564, 250, 16966, 9860, 286, 262, 6280, 447, 251, 416, 6705, 42693, 287, 2253, 290, 262, 5947, 5396, 286, 968, 1971, 357, 35, 31827, 8, 5545, 683, 351, 663, 1946, 3700, 311, 13, 26608, 11289, 329, 3806, 5646, 4809, 284, 262, 5947, 8108, 13, 679, 373, 635, 21014, 351, 262, 4307, 46709, 978, 25402, 11289, 329, 15348, 19939, 416, 262, 1812, 2059, 286, 968, 1971, 379, 14905, 3854, 978, 25402, 5396, 287, 9465, 286, 465, 9284, 284, 262, 2742, 7573, 290, 262, 2055, 287, 543, 339, 9179, 13, 198, 22405, 376, 13, 31220, 30315, 4415, 3902, 287, 366, 26302, 554, 2399, 16027, 32619, 11, 31220, 30315, 3982, 1299, 5869, 88, 553, 14905, 7320, 3274, 14, 36474, 7335, 3854, 4913, 198, 464, 6705, 42693, 287, 2253, 12131, 28531, 5658, 350, 13, 6206, 959, 290, 9925, 347, 13, 38808, 14995, 366, 16966, 21200, 286, 262, 6280, 553, 44968, 5214, 31225, 31220, 30315, 3460, 13060, 49232, 198, 12442, 42693, 8835, 669, 21233, 4930, 12, 817, 11049, 286, 31225, 31220, 30315, 447, 247, 82, 3205, 5219, 968, 1971, 3460, 13060, 198, 11712, 510, 329, 1705, 290, 19605, 13, 198, 13306, 3900, 31220, 30315, 318, 530, 286, 262, 4387, 290, 14162, 12, 25167, 1099, 9611, 48583, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 11, 351, 257, 24713, 326, 12229, 422, 5401, 5652, 284, 3576, 13, 6363, 517, 621, 7337, 14449, 4691, 7915, 11, 2260, 11, 290, 3230, 7534, 422, 625, 1160, 9730, 11, 351, 3466, 1912, 287, 968, 1971, 11, 4842, 11, 8857, 11, 8437, 11, 520, 13, 5593, 11 ]
[ 7086, 32489, 22413, 7658, 1054, 39166, 27253, 315, 279, 9941, 863, 555, 7252, 71508, 304, 5270, 323, 279, 16777, 10229, 315, 1561, 4356, 320, 35, 17742, 8, 10666, 1461, 449, 1202, 220, 679, 19, 7957, 328, 13, 60574, 17768, 369, 76441, 5475, 311, 279, 16777, 12332, 13, 1283, 574, 1101, 39377, 449, 279, 423, 80382, 76526, 17768, 369, 9877, 28082, 555, 279, 3314, 3907, 315, 1561, 4356, 520, 32489, 7658, 76526, 10229, 304, 18324, 315, 813, 19564, 311, 279, 5897, 4913, 323, 279, 4029, 304, 902, 568, 17482, 627, 42493, 435, 13, 17652, 21575, 12609, 67, 304, 330, 62557, 763, 5414, 25705, 41576, 11, 17652, 21575, 5031, 1771, 95809, 1359, 32489, 8184, 5629, 16675, 1386, 12812, 7658, 10139, 198, 791, 7252, 71508, 304, 5270, 220, 2366, 15, 35975, 11355, 393, 13, 14502, 1291, 323, 20199, 426, 13, 99173, 12490, 330, 39166, 49572, 315, 279, 9941, 1359, 39005, 220, 1806, 72675, 17652, 21575, 7867, 27910, 90754, 198, 19841, 71508, 16958, 1105, 49669, 9220, 12, 38075, 82, 315, 72675, 17652, 21575, 753, 3216, 2513, 1561, 4356, 7867, 27910, 198, 7412, 709, 369, 3754, 323, 22736, 627, 26509, 7881, 17652, 21575, 374, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 323, 26731, 56657, 2383, 19339, 81296, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 449, 264, 43972, 430, 25501, 505, 9853, 12167, 311, 7295, 13, 11699, 810, 1109, 220, 3443, 31434, 8854, 15481, 11, 5426, 11, 323, 6625, 8403, 505, 927, 220, 508, 19672, 11, 449, 7411, 3196, 304, 1561, 4356, 11, 10780, 11, 19895, 11, 18045, 11, 800, 13, 12140, 11 ]
[ 323, 1023, 3682, 2626, 323, 7100, 19169, 4028, 220, 605, 5415, 627, 10673, 9617, 47423, 13, 7388, 220, 2366, 15, 72675, 17652, 21575, 13, 32499, 3135, 656, 539, 15803, 264, 4528, 15632, 627, 17415, 8955, 33099, 388, 14953, 449, 603, 48932, 11216, 53886, 67929, 220, 972, 44896, 304, 19730, 18711, 7238, 12, 1951, 15512, 19111, 51435, 198, 14364, 220, 2618, 1274, 1051, 15902, 323, 4529, 311, 24461, 11, 2737, 220, 777, 304, 6129, 3044, 198, 1383, 92073, 42402, 197, 6806, 30114, 520, 220, 806, 25, 1644, 1097, 389, 7552, 220, 605, 11, 220, 679, 23, 198, 27665, 13690, 4669, 10314, 198, 32, 2033, 6953, 15512, 5951, 34853, 304, 264, 19730, 18711, 52265, 389, 7884, 11714, 11, 13419, 220, 972, 1274, 323, 86685, 22700, 810, 11, 11527, 304, 279, 18561, 8620, 3363, 1071, 627, 7469, 3772, 6821, 1071, 279, 5951, 66472, 927, 11, 323, 24116, 22961, 439, 5605, 279, 5951, 574, 2539, 323, 21646, 1633, 5043, 627, 791, 4648, 26936, 5343, 220, 868, 3026, 323, 2380, 3278, 11, 264, 4379, 34241, 1071, 389, 73348, 3044, 315, 49612, 627, 14364, 220, 2618, 1274, 1051, 15902, 323, 4529, 311, 24461, 11, 2737, 220, 777, 304, 6129, 3044, 11, 279, 15429, 22677, 1071, 627, 32872, 323, 6946, 4756, 555, 2254, 3772, 477, 8621, 555, 3932, 389, 3674, 3772, 8710, 279, 6761, 58822, 5951, 21078, 389, 1202, 3185, 1418, 13147, 7487, 4322, 15902, 22961, 14373, 627, 7469, 6007, 12006, 13195, 22609, 315, 17629, 7487, 14713, 1825, 279, 15485, 315, 279, 5951, 11, 24026, 555, 279, 735, 363, 32435, 18079, 19111, 3623, 2637, 323, 13162, 315 ]
tarnished plant bugs. Nonwoven cotton, made by fusing or bonding the fibres together, is useful for making disposable products to be used as towels, polishing cloths, tea bags, tablecloths, bandages, and disposable uniforms and sheets for hospital and other medical uses. The second group contains the standard medium-staple cotton, such as American Upland, with staple length from about 1.3 to 3.3 cm (0.5 to 1.3 inches). The fertilized blossoms fall off after a few days and are replaced by small green triangular pods, called bolls, that mature after a period of 55–80 days. Mechanization has also reduced substantially the labour needed to grow cotton. Cotton, one of the world’s leading agricultural crops, is plentiful and economically produced, making cotton products relatively inexpensive. How to use cotton in a sentence. Because young seedlings are especially sensitive to attack by a complex of disease organisms, treatment of seeds before planting is common. Faster production methods include rotor spinning (a type of open-end spinning), in which fibres are detached from the card sliver and twisted, within a rotor, as they are joined to the end of the yarn. Cotton. Ginned cotton
tarnished plant bugs. Nonwoven cotton, made by fusing or bonding the fibres together, is useful for making disposable products to be used as towels, polishing cloths, tea bags, tablecloths, bandages, and disposable uniforms and sheets for hospital and other medical uses. The second group contains the standard medium-staple cotton, such as American Upland, with staple length from about 1.3 to 3.3 cm (0.5 to 1.3 inches). The fertilized blossoms fall off after a few days and are replaced by small green triangular pods, called bolls, that mature after a period of 55–80 days. Mechanization has also reduced substantially the labour needed to grow cotton. Cotton, one of the world’s leading agricultural crops, is plentiful and economically produced, making cotton products relatively inexpensive. How to use cotton in a sentence. Because young seedlings are especially sensitive to attack by a complex of disease organisms, treatment of seeds before planting is common. Faster production methods include rotor spinning (a type of open-end spinning), in which fibres are detached from the card sliver and twisted, within a rotor, as they are joined to the end of the yarn. Cotton. Ginned cotton
is shipped in bales to a textile mill for yarn manufacturing. Conventional cotton production requires more insecticides than any other major crop, and the production of organic cotton, which relies on nonsynthetic insecticides, has been increasing in many places worldwide. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Equipment includes tractor, two-row stalk-cutter, disk (to shred the stalks), bedder (to shape the soil into ridges or seedbeds), planter, cultivator, sprayer, and harvester. Additionally, genetically modified “Bt cotton” was developed to produce bacterial proteins that are toxic to herbivorous insects, ostensibly reducing the amount of pesticides needed (). Properly timed insecticide application provides fairly effective control. Least plentiful and most difficult to grow, long-staple cottons are costly and are used mainly for fine fabrics, yarns, and hosiery. Cotton, seed-hair fibre of several species of plants of the genus Gossypium, belonging to the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae). Cotton is made from the natural fibers of cotton plants, which are from the genus Gossypium.. Cotton is primarily
[ 40851, 1348, 4618, 11316, 13, 8504, 86, 16206, 15985, 11, 925, 416, 277, 3500, 393, 37228, 262, 12900, 411, 1978, 11, 318, 4465, 329, 1642, 32445, 3186, 284, 307, 973, 355, 38494, 11, 755, 3929, 16270, 82, 11, 8887, 11668, 11, 3084, 565, 27118, 11, 4097, 1095, 11, 290, 32445, 22551, 290, 15747, 329, 4436, 290, 584, 3315, 3544, 13, 383, 1218, 1448, 4909, 262, 3210, 7090, 12, 301, 24052, 15985, 11, 884, 355, 1605, 471, 489, 392, 11, 351, 25629, 4129, 422, 546, 352, 13, 18, 284, 513, 13, 18, 12067, 357, 15, 13, 20, 284, 352, 13, 18, 8331, 737, 383, 19078, 1143, 35107, 3150, 2121, 572, 706, 257, 1178, 1528, 290, 389, 6928, 416, 1402, 4077, 46963, 37185, 11, 1444, 275, 33421, 11, 326, 15345, 706, 257, 2278, 286, 5996, 1906, 1795, 1528, 13, 13438, 1634, 468, 635, 5322, 13788, 262, 10515, 2622, 284, 1663, 15985, 13, 23915, 11, 530, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 3756, 14240, 14450, 11, 318, 39976, 290, 20324, 4635, 11, 1642, 15985, 3186, 5365, 24475, 13, 1374, 284, 779, 15985, 287, 257, 6827, 13, 4362, 1862, 9403, 17783, 389, 2592, 8564, 284, 1368, 416, 257, 3716, 286, 4369, 20296, 11, 3513, 286, 11904, 878, 26630, 318, 2219, 13, 38996, 3227, 5050, 2291, 44883, 19493, 357, 64, 2099, 286, 1280, 12, 437, 19493, 828, 287, 543, 12900, 411, 389, 30795, 422, 262, 2657, 1017, 1428, 290, 19074, 11, 1626, 257, 44883, 11, 355, 484, 389, 5399, 284, 262, 886, 286, 262, 21181, 13, 23915, 13, 21444, 2817, 15985 ]
[ 87580, 3384, 6136, 23367, 13, 11842, 86, 16651, 24428, 11, 1903, 555, 282, 985, 477, 64186, 279, 16178, 417, 3871, 11, 374, 5505, 369, 3339, 44890, 3956, 311, 387, 1511, 439, 53984, 11, 85563, 5405, 17323, 11, 15600, 18381, 11, 2007, 33678, 17323, 11, 7200, 1154, 11, 323, 44890, 45233, 323, 25112, 369, 8952, 323, 1023, 6593, 5829, 13, 578, 2132, 1912, 5727, 279, 5410, 11298, 5594, 391, 273, 24428, 11, 1778, 439, 3778, 549, 501, 438, 11, 449, 50056, 3160, 505, 922, 220, 16, 13, 18, 311, 220, 18, 13, 18, 10166, 320, 15, 13, 20, 311, 220, 16, 13, 18, 15271, 570, 578, 36214, 1534, 50823, 7085, 4498, 1022, 1306, 264, 2478, 2919, 323, 527, 12860, 555, 2678, 6307, 66594, 55687, 11, 2663, 293, 68978, 11, 430, 15196, 1306, 264, 4261, 315, 220, 2131, 4235, 1490, 2919, 13, 28901, 2065, 706, 1101, 11293, 32302, 279, 23791, 4460, 311, 3139, 24428, 13, 38796, 11, 832, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 6522, 29149, 31665, 11, 374, 81826, 323, 47379, 9124, 11, 3339, 24428, 3956, 12309, 44252, 13, 2650, 311, 1005, 24428, 304, 264, 11914, 13, 9393, 3995, 10533, 19342, 527, 5423, 16614, 311, 3440, 555, 264, 6485, 315, 8624, 44304, 11, 6514, 315, 19595, 1603, 48114, 374, 4279, 13, 85586, 5788, 5528, 2997, 63125, 38960, 320, 64, 955, 315, 1825, 13368, 38960, 705, 304, 902, 16178, 417, 527, 45017, 505, 279, 3786, 1776, 1553, 323, 38817, 11, 2949, 264, 63125, 11, 439, 814, 527, 11096, 311, 279, 842, 315, 279, 39347, 13, 38796, 13, 480, 21203, 24428 ]
[ 374, 28358, 304, 293, 3916, 311, 264, 66638, 2606, 369, 39347, 15266, 13, 1221, 44322, 24428, 5788, 7612, 810, 27080, 76195, 1109, 904, 1023, 3682, 19641, 11, 323, 279, 5788, 315, 17808, 24428, 11, 902, 34744, 389, 32795, 1910, 18015, 27080, 76195, 11, 706, 1027, 7859, 304, 1690, 7634, 15603, 13, 1472, 1253, 1205, 311, 4232, 2373, 220, 17, 13, 15, 1457, 505, 279, 17669, 5000, 9307, 13, 20849, 5764, 59785, 11, 1403, 20115, 55972, 1824, 6339, 11, 13668, 320, 998, 98862, 279, 55972, 82, 705, 4950, 1126, 320, 998, 6211, 279, 17614, 1139, 9463, 4282, 477, 10533, 2788, 82, 705, 3197, 466, 11, 27981, 859, 11, 8314, 1155, 11, 323, 4960, 83838, 13, 23212, 11, 52033, 11041, 1054, 33, 83, 24428, 863, 574, 8040, 311, 8356, 45964, 28896, 430, 527, 21503, 311, 39999, 344, 20857, 41911, 11, 81594, 18189, 279, 3392, 315, 61257, 4460, 34811, 65658, 398, 26245, 27080, 14842, 3851, 5825, 14470, 7524, 2585, 13, 91616, 81826, 323, 1455, 5107, 311, 3139, 11, 1317, 5594, 391, 273, 24428, 82, 527, 34348, 323, 527, 1511, 14918, 369, 7060, 53054, 11, 39347, 82, 11, 323, 305, 31824, 727, 13, 38796, 11, 10533, 2902, 1334, 57525, 315, 3892, 9606, 315, 11012, 315, 279, 64677, 480, 3746, 1100, 2411, 11, 33152, 311, 279, 305, 581, 3510, 355, 11, 477, 296, 7331, 11, 3070, 320, 30700, 85, 114785, 570, 38796, 374, 1903, 505, 279, 5933, 49774, 315, 24428, 11012, 11, 902, 527, 505, 279, 64677, 480, 3746, 1100, 2411, 497, 38796, 374, 15871 ]
will be known as the Gies College of Business after an unprecedented investment from a distinguished alumnus. College of Medicine begins recruiting first - tuition free! - class Oct 16, 2017 8:30 am4 views The Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the first engineering-based medical school, has received preliminary accreditation and is recruiting students for its first class Coming soon: The Grainger College of Engineering Apr 15, 2019 3:30 pm0 views The renaming of the College of Engineering recognizes $300 million in support from The Grainger Foundation and honors distinguished alumnus William W. Grainger. Giving: A Dixon Springs Agricultural Center internship Mar 19, 2015 1:15 pm15 views For George Cmarik's 90th birthday, his family wanted to do something unique in his name and settled upon providing a student with an internship experience at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. Klues Family Foundation gives $1 million to College of Media Oct 21, 2015 1:00 pm13 views The gift will provide scholarship support to underrepresented students in advertising who have significant financial need. Jack Klues is a 1977 advertising graduate. Levenicks' gift to iSEE, NRES elevates U of I
will be known as the Gies College of Business after an unprecedented investment from a distinguished alumnus. College of Medicine begins recruiting first - tuition free! - class Oct 16, 2017 8:30 am4 views The Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the first engineering-based medical school, has received preliminary accreditation and is recruiting students for its first class Coming soon: The Grainger College of Engineering Apr 15, 2019 3:30 pm0 views The renaming of the College of Engineering recognizes $300 million in support from The Grainger Foundation and honors distinguished alumnus William W. Grainger. Giving: A Dixon Springs Agricultural Center internship Mar 19, 2015 1:15 pm15 views For George Cmarik's 90th birthday, his family wanted to do something unique in his name and settled upon providing a student with an internship experience at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. Klues Family Foundation gives $1 million to College of Media Oct 21, 2015 1:00 pm13 views The gift will provide scholarship support to underrepresented students in advertising who have significant financial need. Jack Klues is a 1977 advertising graduate. Levenicks' gift to iSEE, NRES elevates U of I
work in sustainability, environment Feb 21, 2019 8:30 am1 views 'As a growing world population must address its increasing food, clean water, energy, shelter, and basic health needs — without doing damage to the environment — we need leaders to emerge.' Stu Levenick Long after renovation, Lincoln Scholars program still growing Funded mainly through donors, the scholarship program selected its first nine Lincoln Scholars in fall 2012. It’s been growing ever since, providing assistance to students with unmet financial need and good academic standing so they can attend the U of I. Marajen Stevick Foundation gives $100,000 for journalism student internships Nov 10, 2015 12:00 pm7 views A $100,000 donation from the Marajen Stevick Foundation in honor of former News-Gazette Publisher John Foreman will fund internships for young journalists at the University of Illinois. Monsanto gift helps create state-of-the-art soils lab Sep 21, 2015 11:30 am4 views "Investments such as this allow us to attract the best students in the world – students who will graduate and become the next generation of leading soil and crop scientists.” - Interim Chancellor
[ 481, 307, 1900, 355, 262, 402, 444, 5535, 286, 7320, 706, 281, 13029, 4896, 422, 257, 18876, 435, 4182, 385, 13, 198, 38951, 286, 11558, 6140, 16517, 717, 532, 18385, 1479, 0, 532, 1398, 198, 12349, 1467, 11, 2177, 807, 25, 1270, 716, 19, 5009, 198, 464, 1879, 293, 9486, 5535, 286, 11558, 11, 262, 717, 8705, 12, 3106, 3315, 1524, 11, 468, 2722, 15223, 697, 42845, 290, 318, 16517, 2444, 329, 663, 717, 1398, 198, 30804, 2582, 25, 383, 7037, 3889, 5535, 286, 14044, 198, 13680, 1315, 11, 13130, 513, 25, 1270, 9114, 15, 5009, 198, 464, 8851, 3723, 286, 262, 5535, 286, 14044, 21570, 720, 6200, 1510, 287, 1104, 422, 383, 7037, 3889, 5693, 290, 25279, 18876, 435, 4182, 385, 3977, 370, 13, 7037, 3889, 13, 198, 49701, 25, 317, 31178, 18334, 36694, 3337, 42329, 198, 7676, 678, 11, 1853, 352, 25, 1314, 9114, 1314, 5009, 198, 1890, 4502, 327, 3876, 1134, 338, 4101, 400, 10955, 11, 465, 1641, 2227, 284, 466, 1223, 3748, 287, 465, 1438, 290, 10282, 2402, 4955, 257, 3710, 351, 281, 42329, 1998, 379, 262, 31178, 18334, 36694, 3337, 13, 198, 42, 75, 947, 7884, 5693, 3607, 720, 16, 1510, 284, 5535, 286, 6343, 198, 12349, 2310, 11, 1853, 352, 25, 405, 9114, 1485, 5009, 198, 464, 6979, 481, 2148, 18652, 1104, 284, 739, 33469, 2444, 287, 8560, 508, 423, 2383, 3176, 761, 13, 3619, 14770, 947, 318, 257, 15589, 8560, 10428, 13, 198, 3123, 574, 3378, 6, 6979, 284, 1312, 36078, 11, 399, 19535, 7662, 689, 471, 286, 314 ]
[ 690, 387, 3967, 439, 279, 480, 552, 9304, 315, 8184, 1306, 459, 31069, 9341, 505, 264, 39575, 453, 22082, 355, 627, 57549, 315, 19152, 12302, 32959, 1176, 482, 39038, 1949, 0, 482, 538, 198, 18544, 220, 845, 11, 220, 679, 22, 220, 23, 25, 966, 1097, 19, 6325, 198, 791, 3341, 273, 19174, 9304, 315, 19152, 11, 279, 1176, 15009, 6108, 6593, 2978, 11, 706, 4036, 33269, 84484, 323, 374, 32959, 4236, 369, 1202, 1176, 538, 198, 57789, 5246, 25, 578, 40113, 5248, 9304, 315, 17005, 198, 21383, 220, 868, 11, 220, 679, 24, 220, 18, 25, 966, 9012, 15, 6325, 198, 791, 93990, 315, 279, 9304, 315, 17005, 45799, 400, 3101, 3610, 304, 1862, 505, 578, 40113, 5248, 5114, 323, 49593, 39575, 453, 22082, 355, 12656, 468, 13, 40113, 5248, 627, 97602, 25, 362, 64795, 30304, 60134, 5955, 60859, 198, 12331, 220, 777, 11, 220, 679, 20, 220, 16, 25, 868, 9012, 868, 6325, 198, 2520, 10058, 356, 5730, 1609, 596, 220, 1954, 339, 15553, 11, 813, 3070, 4934, 311, 656, 2555, 5016, 304, 813, 836, 323, 23183, 5304, 8405, 264, 5575, 449, 459, 60859, 3217, 520, 279, 64795, 30304, 60134, 5955, 627, 42, 75, 1157, 12517, 5114, 6835, 400, 16, 3610, 311, 9304, 315, 7972, 198, 18544, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 679, 20, 220, 16, 25, 410, 9012, 1032, 6325, 198, 791, 8352, 690, 3493, 34225, 1862, 311, 1234, 53859, 4236, 304, 13172, 889, 617, 5199, 6020, 1205, 13, 7762, 29041, 1157, 374, 264, 220, 4468, 22, 13172, 19560, 627, 2356, 1055, 5908, 6, 8352, 311, 602, 49840, 11, 452, 7157, 12231, 988, 549, 315, 358 ]
[ 990, 304, 41329, 11, 4676, 198, 41691, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 679, 24, 220, 23, 25, 966, 1097, 16, 6325, 198, 6, 2170, 264, 7982, 1917, 7187, 2011, 2686, 1202, 7859, 3691, 11, 4335, 3090, 11, 4907, 11, 23756, 11, 323, 6913, 2890, 3966, 2001, 2085, 3815, 5674, 311, 279, 4676, 2001, 584, 1205, 6164, 311, 34044, 3238, 800, 84, 2009, 1055, 875, 198, 6720, 1306, 50555, 11, 25379, 99394, 2068, 2103, 7982, 198, 37, 37153, 14918, 1555, 33149, 11, 279, 34225, 2068, 4183, 1202, 1176, 11888, 25379, 99394, 304, 4498, 220, 679, 17, 13, 1102, 753, 1027, 7982, 3596, 2533, 11, 8405, 13291, 311, 4236, 449, 653, 4150, 6020, 1205, 323, 1695, 14584, 11509, 779, 814, 649, 9604, 279, 549, 315, 358, 627, 12331, 1662, 268, 3441, 85, 875, 5114, 6835, 400, 1041, 11, 931, 369, 30104, 5575, 2655, 18143, 198, 19480, 220, 605, 11, 220, 679, 20, 220, 717, 25, 410, 9012, 22, 6325, 198, 32, 400, 1041, 11, 931, 25968, 505, 279, 2947, 1662, 268, 3441, 85, 875, 5114, 304, 16044, 315, 4846, 5513, 12279, 1394, 6672, 40233, 3842, 8371, 1543, 690, 3887, 2655, 18143, 369, 3995, 23348, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 19174, 627, 44, 2439, 13873, 8352, 8779, 1893, 1614, 8838, 10826, 38921, 69561, 10278, 198, 42214, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 679, 20, 220, 806, 25, 966, 1097, 19, 6325, 198, 33703, 7164, 1392, 1778, 439, 420, 2187, 603, 311, 9504, 279, 1888, 4236, 304, 279, 1917, 1389, 4236, 889, 690, 19560, 323, 3719, 279, 1828, 9659, 315, 6522, 17614, 323, 19641, 14248, 2029, 482, 5783, 318, 48063 ]
hotel room Wednesday night following the ESPY awards. ... How my lost wedding rings led me to a sister I never knew existed When Brittany Oliver, then 29, looked down at her left hand on a beautiful day, she felt like she’d been punched in the stomach: Her diamond wedding rings were gone. Incredibly, she would get them back the next day — and that would lead her to a new discovery: a long-lost sister. It would take...... Lords of the Ring: Can 'smart' ring give BlackRock fund managers the edge? After years of using the internet, satellites, algos and other innovations to mine 'Big Data' for that edge over rivals, the world's biggest investment firm is trialing a gizmo that puts the focus...... Sophie Turner's Wedding Dress Revealed: See Her and Joe Jonas' First Wedding Photo Sophie Turner's wedding dress has been revealed and it's a gown truly fit for a Queen of the North. Game of Thrones' Sansa Stark wed Joe Jonas this past weekend in France and...... Mother-in-law wears wedding dress to her son's wedding, but not for the reason people assumed Everyone knows that only the bride is supposed to wear white to a wedding
hotel room Wednesday night following the ESPY awards. ... How my lost wedding rings led me to a sister I never knew existed When Brittany Oliver, then 29, looked down at her left hand on a beautiful day, she felt like she’d been punched in the stomach: Her diamond wedding rings were gone. Incredibly, she would get them back the next day — and that would lead her to a new discovery: a long-lost sister. It would take...... Lords of the Ring: Can 'smart' ring give BlackRock fund managers the edge? After years of using the internet, satellites, algos and other innovations to mine 'Big Data' for that edge over rivals, the world's biggest investment firm is trialing a gizmo that puts the focus...... Sophie Turner's Wedding Dress Revealed: See Her and Joe Jonas' First Wedding Photo Sophie Turner's wedding dress has been revealed and it's a gown truly fit for a Queen of the North. Game of Thrones' Sansa Stark wed Joe Jonas this past weekend in France and...... Mother-in-law wears wedding dress to her son's wedding, but not for the reason people assumed Everyone knows that only the bride is supposed to wear white to a wedding
, but apparently, one mother-in-law didn’t know that only the bride is supposed to wear a bridal gown.... Wedding Album: What Is Your Favorite Wedding Gift? Did you receive an item that has stood the test of time and you can’t imagine your life without it? Or do you have a go-to gift you give others? We want to hear from you.... Nintendo's Mobile Game Dragalia Lost Has Finally Lost Me From its launch in late September through mid-May, Nintendo’s mobile RPG Dragalia Lost was part of my daily routine. I only missed one daily login during the entire period, and that was because I was recovering from surgery. But, over the past couple of weeks, the game’s pull on me has faded, and my... For Stocks, the Line in the Sand Has been Drawn You've probably heard of support and resistance levels. The price of this particular global index "has met a support shelf area for the third time since the February 9 low." Here's what it implies.... Not enough sand for construction industry despite abundance? Sand as a building material is essential especially for highly industrialized societies. It's widely used around the world, and there seems to
[ 7541, 2119, 3583, 1755, 1708, 262, 9428, 56, 13304, 13, 2644, 198, 2437, 616, 2626, 10614, 13917, 2957, 502, 284, 257, 6621, 314, 1239, 2993, 11196, 1649, 48773, 15416, 11, 788, 2808, 11, 3114, 866, 379, 607, 1364, 1021, 319, 257, 4950, 1110, 11, 673, 2936, 588, 673, 447, 247, 67, 587, 25436, 287, 262, 11384, 25, 2332, 15291, 10614, 13917, 547, 3750, 13, 3457, 45779, 11, 673, 561, 651, 606, 736, 262, 1306, 1110, 851, 290, 326, 561, 1085, 607, 284, 257, 649, 9412, 25, 257, 890, 12, 33224, 6621, 13, 632, 561, 1011, 16317, 198, 43, 3669, 286, 262, 12569, 25, 1680, 705, 27004, 6, 5858, 1577, 2619, 19665, 1814, 11663, 262, 5743, 30, 2293, 812, 286, 1262, 262, 5230, 11, 20372, 11, 435, 70, 418, 290, 584, 25438, 284, 6164, 705, 12804, 6060, 6, 329, 326, 5743, 625, 14987, 11, 262, 995, 338, 4094, 4896, 4081, 318, 1333, 4272, 257, 308, 528, 5908, 326, 7584, 262, 2962, 16317, 198, 50, 2522, 494, 15406, 338, 36679, 33611, 31091, 3021, 25, 4091, 2332, 290, 5689, 40458, 6, 3274, 36679, 5555, 35331, 15406, 338, 10614, 6576, 468, 587, 4602, 290, 340, 338, 257, 33323, 4988, 4197, 329, 257, 7542, 286, 262, 2258, 13, 3776, 286, 20902, 6, 20845, 64, 20956, 29445, 5689, 40458, 428, 1613, 5041, 287, 4881, 290, 16317, 198, 31398, 12, 259, 12, 6270, 17326, 10614, 6576, 284, 607, 3367, 338, 10614, 11, 475, 407, 329, 262, 1738, 661, 9672, 11075, 4206, 326, 691, 262, 26619, 318, 4385, 284, 5806, 2330, 284, 257, 10614 ]
[ 9689, 3130, 8079, 3814, 2768, 279, 18609, 56, 23146, 13, 12515, 4438, 856, 5675, 13306, 25562, 6197, 757, 311, 264, 13219, 358, 2646, 7020, 25281, 3277, 89254, 31346, 11, 1243, 220, 1682, 11, 7111, 1523, 520, 1077, 2163, 1450, 389, 264, 6366, 1938, 11, 1364, 6612, 1093, 1364, 7070, 1027, 62018, 304, 279, 23152, 25, 6385, 22996, 13306, 25562, 1051, 8208, 13, 763, 11081, 6623, 11, 1364, 1053, 636, 1124, 1203, 279, 1828, 1938, 2001, 323, 430, 1053, 3063, 1077, 311, 264, 502, 18841, 25, 264, 1317, 27578, 267, 13219, 13, 1102, 1053, 1935, 29249, 198, 43, 2311, 315, 279, 22249, 25, 3053, 364, 40903, 6, 10264, 3041, 5348, 36152, 3887, 20258, 279, 6964, 30, 4740, 1667, 315, 1701, 279, 7757, 11, 47710, 11, 17797, 437, 323, 1023, 46045, 311, 10705, 364, 16010, 2956, 6, 369, 430, 6964, 927, 35938, 11, 279, 1917, 596, 8706, 9341, 7626, 374, 2463, 6260, 264, 112593, 6489, 430, 9711, 279, 5357, 29249, 198, 86332, 648, 34131, 596, 31917, 29318, 67653, 5962, 25, 3580, 6385, 323, 13142, 69186, 6, 5629, 31917, 11064, 60410, 34131, 596, 13306, 8679, 706, 1027, 10675, 323, 433, 596, 264, 65510, 9615, 5052, 369, 264, 16657, 315, 279, 4892, 13, 4140, 315, 47494, 6, 15089, 64, 47849, 11077, 13142, 69186, 420, 3347, 9178, 304, 9822, 323, 29249, 198, 59978, 3502, 31412, 38400, 13306, 8679, 311, 1077, 4538, 596, 13306, 11, 719, 539, 369, 279, 2944, 1274, 19655, 22172, 8964, 430, 1193, 279, 42447, 374, 10171, 311, 10051, 4251, 311, 264, 13306 ]
[ 11, 719, 14132, 11, 832, 6691, 3502, 31412, 3287, 1431, 1440, 430, 1193, 279, 42447, 374, 10171, 311, 10051, 264, 81512, 65510, 78928, 27601, 7113, 26749, 25, 3639, 2209, 4718, 40822, 31917, 22837, 30, 14910, 499, 5371, 459, 1537, 430, 706, 14980, 279, 1296, 315, 892, 323, 499, 649, 1431, 13085, 701, 2324, 2085, 433, 30, 2582, 656, 499, 617, 264, 733, 4791, 8352, 499, 3041, 3885, 30, 1226, 1390, 311, 6865, 505, 499, 78928, 87079, 596, 13716, 4140, 25903, 19379, 28351, 11697, 17830, 28351, 2206, 5659, 1202, 7195, 304, 3389, 6250, 1555, 5209, 63086, 11, 23643, 753, 6505, 34602, 25903, 19379, 28351, 574, 961, 315, 856, 7446, 14348, 13, 358, 1193, 13942, 832, 7446, 5982, 2391, 279, 4553, 4261, 11, 323, 430, 574, 1606, 358, 574, 42386, 505, 15173, 13, 2030, 11, 927, 279, 3347, 5743, 315, 5672, 11, 279, 1847, 753, 6958, 389, 757, 706, 54434, 11, 323, 856, 9522, 2520, 80336, 11, 279, 7228, 304, 279, 8847, 11697, 1027, 12261, 77, 1472, 3077, 4762, 6755, 315, 1862, 323, 13957, 5990, 13, 578, 3430, 315, 420, 4040, 3728, 1963, 330, 4752, 2322, 264, 1862, 28745, 3158, 369, 279, 4948, 892, 2533, 279, 7552, 220, 24, 3428, 1210, 5810, 596, 1148, 433, 24897, 78928, 2688, 3403, 9462, 369, 8246, 5064, 8994, 37492, 30, 8847, 439, 264, 4857, 3769, 374, 7718, 5423, 369, 7701, 13076, 1534, 34775, 13, 1102, 596, 13882, 1511, 2212, 279, 1917, 11, 323, 1070, 5084, 311 ]
. Other drug-related messages, however, were not offers or proposed transactions, but instead simply referred to drugs. They were not verbal acts. Yet a statement is not hearsay if “the very making of the statement, instead of the truth or falsity of the contents, is the fact at issue.” That was the case with the non-transactional, but drug-related, text messages, as they were offered as probative circumstantial evidence. For example, one message referred to the relative weight of two drug packages. That message was not offered to prove that Sykes sold two packages—and that one package contained more drugs to compensate for the earlier skimpier package—but “to demonstrate that the phone in Sykes’s possession engaged in drug-related transactions.” Thus, it and other similar messages were not hearsay. This article originally appeared in the Maryland Appellate Blog on November 29, 2021. More From Latest Posts Estate of Kwang Lee v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Lee v. Commissioner is a collections due process case wherein the United States Tax Court granted summary judgment for the Commissioner in upholding the IRS’s filing of a notice of … Options to M
. Other drug-related messages, however, were not offers or proposed transactions, but instead simply referred to drugs. They were not verbal acts. Yet a statement is not hearsay if “the very making of the statement, instead of the truth or falsity of the contents, is the fact at issue.” That was the case with the non-transactional, but drug-related, text messages, as they were offered as probative circumstantial evidence. For example, one message referred to the relative weight of two drug packages. That message was not offered to prove that Sykes sold two packages—and that one package contained more drugs to compensate for the earlier skimpier package—but “to demonstrate that the phone in Sykes’s possession engaged in drug-related transactions.” Thus, it and other similar messages were not hearsay. This article originally appeared in the Maryland Appellate Blog on November 29, 2021. More From Latest Posts Estate of Kwang Lee v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Lee v. Commissioner is a collections due process case wherein the United States Tax Court granted summary judgment for the Commissioner in upholding the IRS’s filing of a notice of … Options to M
aintain Life Insurance in Divorce Being the beneficiary of life insurance on your ex-spouse is a form of financial comfort and security because generally support, such as alimony or child support, will end in the … My New Year’s Resolution Is To Get Life Insurance, But What Can The Court Do With It If I Get Divorced? It’s the time of year when people start setting their New Year’s resolutions, and making sure that they have accomplished all of the housekeeping goals they intended. Many people’s to-do lists … J. Bradford McCullough Principal 301-657-0734 Lerch Early’s litigation team helps businesses, including nonprofits, and individuals resolve disputes throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Contact us to learn how we can help you rise to your next challenge. © 2022 Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Footer Primary Menu Engagement Letter Terms & Conditions Privacy/Attorney Advertising LinkedIn YouTube Twitter Facebook McClellan: Texas Rangers taking fans on a roller coaster ride early in the season If the first four games of the season are any indication of how the other 158 are going to go, it would appear
[ 13, 198, 6395, 2563, 12, 5363, 6218, 11, 2158, 11, 547, 407, 4394, 393, 5150, 8945, 11, 475, 2427, 2391, 6412, 284, 5010, 13, 1119, 547, 407, 17755, 6529, 13, 6430, 257, 2643, 318, 407, 23180, 323, 611, 564, 250, 1169, 845, 1642, 286, 262, 2643, 11, 2427, 286, 262, 3872, 393, 27807, 414, 286, 262, 10154, 11, 318, 262, 1109, 379, 2071, 13, 447, 251, 1320, 373, 262, 1339, 351, 262, 1729, 12, 7645, 529, 1538, 11, 475, 2563, 12, 5363, 11, 2420, 6218, 11, 355, 484, 547, 4438, 355, 1861, 876, 5397, 415, 498, 2370, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 530, 3275, 6412, 284, 262, 3585, 3463, 286, 734, 2563, 10392, 13, 1320, 3275, 373, 407, 4438, 284, 5879, 326, 1632, 5209, 2702, 734, 10392, 960, 392, 326, 530, 5301, 7763, 517, 5010, 284, 21392, 329, 262, 2961, 1341, 11011, 959, 5301, 960, 4360, 564, 250, 1462, 10176, 326, 262, 3072, 287, 1632, 5209, 447, 247, 82, 7797, 7953, 287, 2563, 12, 5363, 8945, 13, 447, 251, 6660, 11, 340, 290, 584, 2092, 6218, 547, 407, 23180, 323, 13, 198, 1212, 2708, 6198, 4120, 287, 262, 10769, 2034, 695, 378, 14001, 319, 3389, 2808, 11, 33448, 13, 198, 5167, 3574, 26603, 12043, 198, 36, 5219, 286, 31767, 648, 5741, 410, 13, 13270, 286, 18628, 20197, 198, 24338, 410, 13, 13270, 318, 257, 17268, 2233, 1429, 1339, 22881, 262, 1578, 1829, 9241, 3078, 7520, 10638, 8492, 329, 262, 13270, 287, 46004, 262, 14440, 447, 247, 82, 12180, 286, 257, 4003, 286, 3926, 198, 29046, 284, 337 ]
[ 627, 11663, 5623, 14228, 6743, 11, 4869, 11, 1051, 539, 6209, 477, 11223, 14463, 11, 719, 4619, 5042, 14183, 311, 11217, 13, 2435, 1051, 539, 36870, 14385, 13, 14968, 264, 5224, 374, 539, 53159, 352, 422, 1054, 1820, 1633, 3339, 315, 279, 5224, 11, 4619, 315, 279, 8206, 477, 33032, 488, 315, 279, 8970, 11, 374, 279, 2144, 520, 4360, 2029, 3011, 574, 279, 1162, 449, 279, 2536, 12, 13838, 278, 11, 719, 5623, 14228, 11, 1495, 6743, 11, 439, 814, 1051, 9076, 439, 3650, 1413, 10408, 77057, 6029, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 832, 1984, 14183, 311, 279, 8844, 4785, 315, 1403, 5623, 14519, 13, 3011, 1984, 574, 539, 9076, 311, 12391, 430, 5837, 12841, 6216, 1403, 14519, 17223, 430, 832, 6462, 13282, 810, 11217, 311, 46794, 369, 279, 6931, 1940, 6802, 1291, 6462, 38542, 1054, 998, 20461, 430, 279, 4641, 304, 5837, 12841, 753, 19243, 17045, 304, 5623, 14228, 14463, 2029, 14636, 11, 433, 323, 1023, 4528, 6743, 1051, 539, 53159, 352, 627, 2028, 4652, 13517, 9922, 304, 279, 23481, 1883, 616, 349, 14496, 389, 6841, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 627, 7816, 5659, 29257, 15781, 198, 36, 2513, 315, 65462, 526, 12336, 348, 13, 30454, 315, 15774, 38493, 198, 55088, 348, 13, 30454, 374, 264, 15661, 4245, 1920, 1162, 42418, 279, 3723, 4273, 15545, 7301, 11938, 12399, 19971, 369, 279, 30454, 304, 709, 43591, 279, 34483, 753, 26559, 315, 264, 5406, 315, 117054, 3883, 311, 386 ]
[ 1673, 467, 9601, 22413, 304, 8940, 16716, 198, 34242, 279, 63932, 315, 2324, 8276, 389, 701, 506, 23032, 1559, 374, 264, 1376, 315, 6020, 6981, 323, 4868, 1606, 8965, 1862, 11, 1778, 439, 453, 65556, 477, 1716, 1862, 11, 690, 842, 304, 279, 117054, 5159, 1561, 9941, 753, 38216, 2209, 2057, 2175, 9601, 22413, 11, 2030, 3639, 3053, 578, 7301, 3234, 3161, 1102, 1442, 358, 2175, 8940, 269, 2041, 5380, 2181, 753, 279, 892, 315, 1060, 994, 1274, 1212, 6376, 872, 1561, 9941, 753, 43595, 11, 323, 3339, 2771, 430, 814, 617, 27332, 682, 315, 279, 3838, 33494, 9021, 814, 10825, 13, 9176, 1274, 753, 311, 30659, 11725, 117054, 41, 13, 60929, 14583, 620, 1409, 198, 32871, 220, 12405, 12, 23480, 12, 25779, 19, 198, 43, 261, 331, 23591, 753, 39725, 2128, 8779, 9873, 11, 2737, 93360, 11, 323, 7931, 9006, 42254, 6957, 279, 6652, 11, 11162, 58506, 3158, 627, 8906, 603, 311, 4048, 1268, 584, 649, 1520, 499, 10205, 311, 701, 1828, 8815, 627, 20644, 220, 2366, 17, 80940, 331, 11, 23591, 612, 84067, 11, 356, 427, 67, 627, 20010, 26150, 9937, 198, 4198, 3531, 27757, 20163, 612, 32934, 198, 48932, 14, 10673, 9617, 47423, 198, 76303, 13674, 6405, 5690, 14583, 273, 657, 276, 25, 8421, 34287, 4737, 7359, 389, 264, 29551, 82168, 12141, 4216, 304, 279, 3280, 198, 2746, 279, 1176, 3116, 3953, 315, 279, 3280, 527, 904, 28137, 315, 1268, 279, 1023, 220, 11286, 527, 2133, 311, 733, 11, 433, 1053, 5101 ]
well-done meat as desired but also to determine internal temperatures for food safety too. An external thermometer, which comes built in as a standard feature on the Big Green Egg lid, measures the cooking temperature inside the EGG. Food should always be cooked to temperatures high enough to destroy any food-borne bacteria. A programmable Remote Smoker Thermometer lets you monitor both meat and cooking chamber temperatures from your poolside or garden or the comfort of your easy chair. It conveniently signals when food is done, so you don't have to lift the lid to peek and let heat escape unnecessarily. A Digital Pocket Thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the meat gives a quick read on its internal temperature. Other thermometer options include the Instant Read Thermometer, the Instant Read Digital Thermometer, a Digital Probe Thermometer, and a Stick and Stay Thermometer. **Vertical Roasters:** More convenient than a rotisserie, the Vertical Roaster, available in two sizes, fits inside the cavity of a chicken or turkey and suspends it vertically to produce even browning. The Vertical Roaster can be used in tandem with a Drip Pan to catch drippings or hold juice, beer, wine, or
well-done meat as desired but also to determine internal temperatures for food safety too. An external thermometer, which comes built in as a standard feature on the Big Green Egg lid, measures the cooking temperature inside the EGG. Food should always be cooked to temperatures high enough to destroy any food-borne bacteria. A programmable Remote Smoker Thermometer lets you monitor both meat and cooking chamber temperatures from your poolside or garden or the comfort of your easy chair. It conveniently signals when food is done, so you don't have to lift the lid to peek and let heat escape unnecessarily. A Digital Pocket Thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the meat gives a quick read on its internal temperature. Other thermometer options include the Instant Read Thermometer, the Instant Read Digital Thermometer, a Digital Probe Thermometer, and a Stick and Stay Thermometer. **Vertical Roasters:** More convenient than a rotisserie, the Vertical Roaster, available in two sizes, fits inside the cavity of a chicken or turkey and suspends it vertically to produce even browning. The Vertical Roaster can be used in tandem with a Drip Pan to catch drippings or hold juice, beer, wine, or
other liquids to infuse the bird with flavor and juiciness from the inside out. It also makes carving the bird much easier. **V-Racks:** Depending on your menu, this double-duty gadget will turn out perfectly roasted meats or enough ribs to feed a small army. Use it right side up to hold beef or pork roasts, or two chickens, and combine with a Drip Pan beneath to catch drippings for gravy. Or invert, and it holds racks of ribs vertically between the slats. The ceramic cooker's design ensures heat circulates perfectly throughout the grill, providing a convection effect and cooking multiple racks of ribs to pit-barbecue tenderness. ## Fuel: What to Use and How to Light It Ceramic cookers are fueled by charcoal, but not all charcoal is created equal. Natural lump charcoal is the recommended fuel for the Big Green Egg. An understanding of what makes this type of fuel so superior requires knowledge of what makes natural lump charcoal different from traditional charcoal briquettes. Natural lump charcoal is made from a variety of 100 percent hardwoods that are turned into charcoal the old-fashioned way: by charring the wood in a closed oxygen-free kiln or pit
[ 880, 12, 28060, 6174, 355, 10348, 475, 635, 284, 5004, 5387, 10101, 329, 2057, 3747, 1165, 13, 1052, 7097, 21969, 15635, 11, 543, 2058, 3170, 287, 355, 257, 3210, 3895, 319, 262, 4403, 3469, 14562, 19789, 11, 5260, 262, 10801, 5951, 2641, 262, 412, 11190, 13, 198, 198, 24602, 815, 1464, 307, 15847, 284, 10101, 1029, 1576, 284, 4117, 597, 2057, 12, 13555, 11492, 13, 317, 1430, 44102, 21520, 2439, 11020, 12634, 76, 15635, 8781, 345, 5671, 1111, 6174, 290, 10801, 11847, 10101, 422, 534, 5933, 1589, 393, 11376, 393, 262, 4467, 286, 534, 2562, 5118, 13, 632, 29801, 10425, 618, 2057, 318, 1760, 11, 523, 345, 836, 470, 423, 284, 10303, 262, 19789, 284, 27185, 290, 1309, 4894, 6654, 38347, 13, 317, 10231, 27290, 12634, 76, 15635, 18846, 287, 262, 6546, 395, 636, 286, 262, 6174, 3607, 257, 2068, 1100, 319, 663, 5387, 5951, 13, 3819, 21969, 15635, 3689, 2291, 262, 24470, 4149, 12634, 76, 15635, 11, 262, 24470, 4149, 10231, 12634, 76, 15635, 11, 257, 10231, 42600, 12634, 76, 15635, 11, 290, 257, 22994, 290, 16160, 12634, 76, 15635, 13, 198, 198, 1174, 42369, 605, 5564, 7060, 25, 1174, 3125, 11282, 621, 257, 5724, 747, 18287, 11, 262, 38937, 5564, 1603, 11, 1695, 287, 734, 10620, 11, 11414, 2641, 262, 31643, 286, 257, 9015, 393, 26876, 290, 4012, 2412, 340, 31677, 284, 4439, 772, 7586, 278, 13, 383, 38937, 5564, 1603, 460, 307, 973, 287, 32969, 351, 257, 360, 5528, 5961, 284, 4929, 1454, 37840, 393, 1745, 13135, 11, 6099, 11, 8237, 11, 393 ]
[ 1664, 95388, 13339, 439, 12974, 719, 1101, 311, 8417, 5419, 20472, 369, 3691, 7296, 2288, 13, 1556, 9434, 93297, 11, 902, 4131, 5918, 304, 439, 264, 5410, 4668, 389, 279, 6295, 7997, 42313, 27431, 11, 11193, 279, 17677, 9499, 4871, 279, 469, 23050, 382, 27844, 1288, 2744, 387, 30205, 311, 20472, 1579, 3403, 311, 7066, 904, 3691, 1481, 17334, 24032, 13, 362, 56586, 481, 21400, 4487, 10668, 68372, 21037, 15714, 499, 8891, 2225, 13339, 323, 17677, 25199, 20472, 505, 701, 7463, 3002, 477, 13863, 477, 279, 6981, 315, 701, 4228, 10716, 13, 1102, 49170, 17738, 994, 3691, 374, 2884, 11, 779, 499, 1541, 956, 617, 311, 12157, 279, 27431, 311, 33692, 323, 1095, 8798, 12731, 83474, 13, 362, 14434, 46824, 68372, 21037, 22306, 304, 279, 270, 70852, 961, 315, 279, 13339, 6835, 264, 4062, 1373, 389, 1202, 5419, 9499, 13, 7089, 93297, 2671, 2997, 279, 18549, 4557, 68372, 21037, 11, 279, 18549, 4557, 14434, 68372, 21037, 11, 264, 14434, 78378, 68372, 21037, 11, 323, 264, 47561, 323, 29837, 68372, 21037, 382, 334, 19125, 12093, 14533, 68063, 4497, 17125, 1109, 264, 5868, 285, 62243, 11, 279, 36563, 12093, 2352, 11, 2561, 304, 1403, 12562, 11, 18809, 4871, 279, 56429, 315, 264, 16553, 477, 45405, 323, 9482, 1438, 433, 52035, 311, 8356, 1524, 293, 51520, 13, 578, 36563, 12093, 2352, 649, 387, 1511, 304, 67042, 449, 264, 423, 4664, 11233, 311, 2339, 50511, 604, 826, 477, 3412, 23661, 11, 13179, 11, 13378, 11, 477 ]
[ 1023, 67849, 311, 4225, 817, 279, 12224, 449, 17615, 323, 10479, 292, 1918, 505, 279, 4871, 704, 13, 1102, 1101, 3727, 77791, 279, 12224, 1790, 8831, 382, 334, 53, 11151, 7977, 68063, 40730, 389, 701, 5130, 11, 420, 2033, 55618, 59951, 690, 2543, 704, 14268, 54662, 63875, 477, 3403, 56249, 311, 5510, 264, 2678, 13695, 13, 5560, 433, 1314, 3185, 709, 311, 3412, 25309, 477, 36167, 938, 12019, 11, 477, 1403, 54623, 11, 323, 16343, 449, 264, 423, 4664, 11233, 24923, 311, 2339, 50511, 604, 826, 369, 88864, 13, 2582, 43299, 11, 323, 433, 10187, 66968, 315, 56249, 52035, 1990, 279, 1776, 1900, 13, 578, 43124, 63183, 596, 2955, 26420, 8798, 4319, 24031, 14268, 6957, 279, 40158, 11, 8405, 264, 390, 80298, 2515, 323, 17677, 5361, 66968, 315, 56249, 311, 20428, 16150, 53085, 8541, 29668, 382, 567, 37384, 25, 3639, 311, 5560, 323, 2650, 311, 8828, 1102, 271, 34, 261, 4079, 4394, 388, 527, 59461, 555, 61203, 11, 719, 539, 682, 61203, 374, 3549, 6273, 13, 18955, 49629, 61203, 374, 279, 11349, 10633, 369, 279, 6295, 7997, 42313, 13, 1556, 8830, 315, 1148, 3727, 420, 955, 315, 10633, 779, 16757, 7612, 6677, 315, 1148, 3727, 5933, 49629, 61203, 2204, 505, 8776, 61203, 40568, 24181, 2392, 382, 55381, 49629, 61203, 374, 1903, 505, 264, 8205, 315, 220, 1041, 3346, 51645, 82, 430, 527, 6656, 1139, 61203, 279, 2362, 64369, 1648, 25, 555, 523, 20450, 279, 7732, 304, 264, 8036, 24463, 12862, 15395, 77, 477, 20428 ]
, even for some professionals. But when sellers try to decide this number without a Realtor, they aren't utilizing all of the tools available to professional agents. Local experience is one of those tools. As I mentioned earlier, understanding the local market, as well as demographics and more, gives real estate agents a gargantuan advantage when it comes to arriving at the perfect number. Through time and experience, an agent also acquires a professional savvy when it comes to computing real estate facts and figures that an owner flying solo just won’t be able to replicate. 3. Are you prepared to navigate offers, counter-offers, and/or several offers at a time? Clearly, it’s in Mr. Smith’s best interest to figure out who is willing to fork over the most cash for his home. Pretty simple, right? Accept the offer that has the highest number. Done. As you know , it’s just not that simple. Because, if he understood how to read through the offers — including all exceptions and expectations — Mr. Smith would have realized that, even though the offer is significantly higher than the others he received, it is contingent on the sale of the buyer's property
, even for some professionals. But when sellers try to decide this number without a Realtor, they aren't utilizing all of the tools available to professional agents. Local experience is one of those tools. As I mentioned earlier, understanding the local market, as well as demographics and more, gives real estate agents a gargantuan advantage when it comes to arriving at the perfect number. Through time and experience, an agent also acquires a professional savvy when it comes to computing real estate facts and figures that an owner flying solo just won’t be able to replicate. 3. Are you prepared to navigate offers, counter-offers, and/or several offers at a time? Clearly, it’s in Mr. Smith’s best interest to figure out who is willing to fork over the most cash for his home. Pretty simple, right? Accept the offer that has the highest number. Done. As you know , it’s just not that simple. Because, if he understood how to read through the offers — including all exceptions and expectations — Mr. Smith would have realized that, even though the offer is significantly higher than the others he received, it is contingent on the sale of the buyer's property
, or, on satisfying a seriously in-depth home inspection, or any one of the many “things” that can spell absolute disaster for a deal. Missing the small print can take a hefty bite out of what Mr.Smith thought would be a clear profit. There are so many documents that need to be signed, recorded officially, and filed properly. That alone warrants hiring a professional agent well-versed in all of the requirements that must be satisfied in order to consider a deal legal and binding. Having a Realtor on board just makes sense. 4. How will you verify potential buyers’ qualifications and ability to secure financing? Realtors know that an offer submitted by a pre-qualified buyer is likely to be a solid offer. A solid offer is more likely to result in an actual sale, as opposed to an offer submitted by a buyer with no evidence of funds or secure financing. An offer from a pre-approved buyer? Even stronger. But, even in the case of pre-qualifications or approvals, money issues can still rear their ugly heads and undo a deal! Real estate agents understand that receiving an offer is just the beginning. You work hard to make sure that any tempting offers
[ 11, 772, 329, 617, 11153, 13, 198, 1537, 618, 23531, 1949, 284, 5409, 428, 1271, 1231, 257, 797, 2501, 273, 11, 484, 3588, 470, 25137, 477, 286, 262, 4899, 1695, 284, 4708, 6554, 13, 198, 14565, 1998, 318, 530, 286, 883, 4899, 13, 198, 1722, 314, 4750, 2961, 11, 4547, 262, 1957, 1910, 11, 355, 880, 355, 30084, 290, 517, 11, 3607, 1103, 7964, 6554, 257, 44671, 415, 7258, 4621, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 14820, 379, 262, 2818, 1271, 13, 198, 15046, 640, 290, 1998, 11, 281, 5797, 635, 4078, 2387, 257, 4708, 32800, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 14492, 1103, 7964, 6419, 290, 5538, 326, 281, 4870, 7348, 12199, 655, 1839, 447, 247, 83, 307, 1498, 284, 24340, 13, 198, 18, 13, 4231, 345, 5597, 284, 16500, 4394, 11, 3753, 12, 2364, 364, 11, 290, 14, 273, 1811, 4394, 379, 257, 640, 30, 198, 30638, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 287, 1770, 13, 4176, 447, 247, 82, 1266, 1393, 284, 3785, 503, 508, 318, 4684, 284, 15563, 625, 262, 749, 5003, 329, 465, 1363, 13, 20090, 2829, 11, 826, 30, 21699, 262, 2897, 326, 468, 262, 4511, 1271, 13, 24429, 13, 198, 1722, 345, 760, 837, 340, 447, 247, 82, 655, 407, 326, 2829, 13, 198, 8128, 11, 611, 339, 7247, 703, 284, 1100, 832, 262, 4394, 851, 1390, 477, 13269, 290, 9027, 851, 1770, 13, 4176, 561, 423, 6939, 326, 11, 772, 996, 262, 2897, 318, 5566, 2440, 621, 262, 1854, 339, 2722, 11, 340, 318, 25477, 319, 262, 5466, 286, 262, 17872, 338, 3119 ]
[ 11, 1524, 369, 1063, 15749, 627, 4071, 994, 37249, 1456, 311, 10491, 420, 1396, 2085, 264, 88972, 269, 11, 814, 7784, 956, 35988, 682, 315, 279, 7526, 2561, 311, 6721, 13307, 627, 7469, 3217, 374, 832, 315, 1884, 7526, 627, 2170, 358, 9932, 6931, 11, 8830, 279, 2254, 3157, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 63334, 323, 810, 11, 6835, 1972, 12675, 13307, 264, 97183, 519, 10602, 9610, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 33111, 520, 279, 4832, 1396, 627, 24798, 892, 323, 3217, 11, 459, 8479, 1101, 1645, 18164, 264, 6721, 64828, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 25213, 1972, 12675, 13363, 323, 12678, 430, 459, 6506, 16706, 13839, 1120, 2834, 1431, 387, 3025, 311, 46113, 627, 18, 13, 8886, 499, 10235, 311, 21546, 6209, 11, 5663, 12744, 388, 11, 323, 5255, 3892, 6209, 520, 264, 892, 5380, 75471, 11, 433, 753, 304, 4491, 13, 9259, 753, 1888, 2802, 311, 7216, 704, 889, 374, 10032, 311, 23243, 927, 279, 1455, 8515, 369, 813, 2162, 13, 36416, 4382, 11, 1314, 30, 21496, 279, 3085, 430, 706, 279, 8592, 1396, 13, 28457, 627, 2170, 499, 1440, 1174, 433, 753, 1120, 539, 430, 4382, 627, 18433, 11, 422, 568, 16365, 1268, 311, 1373, 1555, 279, 6209, 2001, 2737, 682, 20157, 323, 17078, 2001, 4491, 13, 9259, 1053, 617, 15393, 430, 11, 1524, 3582, 279, 3085, 374, 12207, 5190, 1109, 279, 3885, 568, 4036, 11, 433, 374, 59575, 389, 279, 6412, 315, 279, 26171, 596, 3424 ]
[ 11, 477, 11, 389, 37154, 264, 14243, 304, 31410, 2162, 26767, 11, 477, 904, 832, 315, 279, 1690, 1054, 58174, 863, 430, 649, 13141, 10973, 21426, 369, 264, 3568, 627, 26136, 279, 2678, 1194, 649, 1935, 264, 65242, 23556, 704, 315, 1148, 4491, 815, 44774, 3463, 1053, 387, 264, 2867, 11626, 627, 3947, 527, 779, 1690, 9477, 430, 1205, 311, 387, 8667, 11, 12715, 19073, 11, 323, 13019, 10489, 627, 4897, 7636, 55688, 24009, 264, 6721, 8479, 1664, 12, 44876, 304, 682, 315, 279, 8670, 430, 2011, 387, 20097, 304, 2015, 311, 2980, 264, 3568, 5897, 323, 11212, 627, 29132, 264, 88972, 269, 389, 4580, 1120, 3727, 5647, 627, 19, 13, 2650, 690, 499, 10356, 4754, 23455, 529, 43784, 323, 5845, 311, 9966, 29642, 5380, 697, 3223, 1105, 1440, 430, 459, 3085, 14976, 555, 264, 864, 12, 37435, 26171, 374, 4461, 311, 387, 264, 6573, 3085, 13, 362, 6573, 3085, 374, 810, 4461, 311, 1121, 304, 459, 5150, 6412, 11, 439, 16475, 311, 459, 3085, 14976, 555, 264, 26171, 449, 912, 6029, 315, 10736, 477, 9966, 29642, 627, 2127, 3085, 505, 264, 864, 67362, 26171, 30, 7570, 16643, 627, 4071, 11, 1524, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 864, 12, 1788, 7174, 477, 83923, 11, 3300, 4819, 649, 2103, 14981, 872, 28360, 14971, 323, 29821, 264, 3568, 4999, 13058, 12675, 13307, 3619, 430, 12588, 459, 3085, 374, 1120, 279, 7314, 627, 2675, 990, 2653, 311, 1304, 2771, 430, 904, 61299, 6209 ]
story that the masses can consume right from the beginning without first caring about the characters. We have to work a lot to understand and love these characters because so many things are left unexplained. A writer shouldn’t need to have her characters explain their thoughts and actions all the time, or have to lay out every single context and personal history, but there is just too much untold and unexplained for the vast majority of viewers. All these holes leaves room for viewers to complain, to get nitpicky, and to drop the drama. I think this story would have done better in novel format rather than the drama format, actually. Not every part of this drama is good but the parts that are, man-oh-man do I love them. I know some people complained about Young and Gongmin’s relationship and how they seem to revisit the issue of trust and loyalty over and over but I actually love it because I don’t think trust and loyalty are built over one dramatic episode but continuously through various challenges. The best part of the drama for me is the character development and relationships between Gongmin, Noguk, Eun-soo, and Young. The growth and connection between the four main characters are detailed and gradual (and I have written
story that the masses can consume right from the beginning without first caring about the characters. We have to work a lot to understand and love these characters because so many things are left unexplained. A writer shouldn’t need to have her characters explain their thoughts and actions all the time, or have to lay out every single context and personal history, but there is just too much untold and unexplained for the vast majority of viewers. All these holes leaves room for viewers to complain, to get nitpicky, and to drop the drama. I think this story would have done better in novel format rather than the drama format, actually. Not every part of this drama is good but the parts that are, man-oh-man do I love them. I know some people complained about Young and Gongmin’s relationship and how they seem to revisit the issue of trust and loyalty over and over but I actually love it because I don’t think trust and loyalty are built over one dramatic episode but continuously through various challenges. The best part of the drama for me is the character development and relationships between Gongmin, Noguk, Eun-soo, and Young. The growth and connection between the four main characters are detailed and gradual (and I have written
numerous posts on this), but of course that means the average Korean viewer is not going to have enough interest or time to do the mental work to see it. Thankfully I was recapping it and interested enough from the beginning to take the time to ponder and fall in love. And I fell in love hard. Yay! Young’s smiling at me again! Tags: Faith, Kim Hee Sun, Lee Minho From: K-Drama ← Preparing for the Ending of “Faith” Keeping the Faith 2 → Fairycutter # as always, well written Joonni. thank you for clearing this issue. yay, i fell in love hard too… despite always questioning why Faith didn’t well received but then nodding to my self about all the flaws.. too bad korean people who had remote to control the tv didn’t have the chances to enjoy this ride… Nutty # Yes Faith has its flaws but there’s something in this show that makes you want to keep watching…I think it is because Faith showcases the growth in the characters that keeps one watching…even though the storyline might be repeating, but at least because of the
[ 1621, 326, 262, 14568, 460, 15000, 826, 422, 262, 3726, 1231, 717, 18088, 546, 262, 3435, 13, 775, 423, 284, 670, 257, 1256, 284, 1833, 290, 1842, 777, 3435, 780, 523, 867, 1243, 389, 1364, 43286, 13, 317, 6260, 6584, 447, 247, 83, 761, 284, 423, 607, 3435, 4727, 511, 6066, 290, 4028, 477, 262, 640, 11, 393, 423, 284, 3830, 503, 790, 2060, 4732, 290, 2614, 2106, 11, 475, 612, 318, 655, 1165, 881, 47872, 290, 43286, 329, 262, 5909, 3741, 286, 10209, 13, 1439, 777, 10421, 5667, 2119, 329, 10209, 284, 13121, 11, 284, 651, 13759, 79, 17479, 11, 290, 284, 4268, 262, 10512, 13, 314, 892, 428, 1621, 561, 423, 1760, 1365, 287, 5337, 5794, 2138, 621, 262, 10512, 5794, 11, 1682, 13, 198, 3673, 790, 636, 286, 428, 10512, 318, 922, 475, 262, 3354, 326, 389, 11, 582, 12, 1219, 12, 805, 466, 314, 1842, 606, 13, 314, 760, 617, 661, 13832, 546, 6960, 290, 47142, 1084, 447, 247, 82, 2776, 290, 703, 484, 1283, 284, 32302, 262, 2071, 286, 3774, 290, 15843, 625, 290, 625, 475, 314, 1682, 1842, 340, 780, 314, 836, 447, 247, 83, 892, 3774, 290, 15843, 389, 3170, 625, 530, 10092, 4471, 475, 17282, 832, 2972, 6459, 13, 383, 1266, 636, 286, 262, 10512, 329, 502, 318, 262, 2095, 2478, 290, 6958, 1022, 47142, 1084, 11, 399, 519, 2724, 11, 412, 403, 12, 568, 78, 11, 290, 6960, 13, 383, 3349, 290, 4637, 1022, 262, 1440, 1388, 3435, 389, 6496, 290, 24972, 357, 392, 314, 423, 3194 ]
[ 3446, 430, 279, 32738, 649, 25024, 1314, 505, 279, 7314, 2085, 1176, 30598, 922, 279, 5885, 13, 1226, 617, 311, 990, 264, 2763, 311, 3619, 323, 3021, 1521, 5885, 1606, 779, 1690, 2574, 527, 2163, 653, 81950, 13, 362, 7061, 13434, 1431, 1205, 311, 617, 1077, 5885, 10552, 872, 11555, 323, 6299, 682, 279, 892, 11, 477, 617, 311, 11203, 704, 1475, 3254, 2317, 323, 4443, 3925, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 1120, 2288, 1790, 13365, 820, 323, 653, 81950, 369, 279, 13057, 8857, 315, 22511, 13, 2052, 1521, 20349, 11141, 3130, 369, 22511, 311, 29011, 11, 311, 636, 25719, 79, 19501, 11, 323, 311, 6068, 279, 20156, 13, 358, 1781, 420, 3446, 1053, 617, 2884, 2731, 304, 11775, 3645, 4856, 1109, 279, 20156, 3645, 11, 3604, 627, 2688, 1475, 961, 315, 420, 20156, 374, 1695, 719, 279, 5596, 430, 527, 11, 893, 12, 2319, 21110, 656, 358, 3021, 1124, 13, 358, 1440, 1063, 1274, 35070, 922, 13566, 323, 98475, 1083, 753, 5133, 323, 1268, 814, 2873, 311, 65878, 279, 4360, 315, 7095, 323, 32883, 927, 323, 927, 719, 358, 3604, 3021, 433, 1606, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 7095, 323, 32883, 527, 5918, 927, 832, 22520, 9417, 719, 31978, 1555, 5370, 11774, 13, 578, 1888, 961, 315, 279, 20156, 369, 757, 374, 279, 3752, 4500, 323, 12135, 1990, 98475, 1083, 11, 452, 540, 3178, 11, 469, 359, 34119, 78, 11, 323, 13566, 13, 578, 6650, 323, 3717, 1990, 279, 3116, 1925, 5885, 527, 11944, 323, 53722, 320, 438, 358, 617, 5439 ]
[ 12387, 8158, 389, 420, 705, 719, 315, 3388, 430, 3445, 279, 5578, 16526, 26792, 374, 539, 2133, 311, 617, 3403, 2802, 477, 892, 311, 656, 279, 10723, 990, 311, 1518, 433, 13, 63554, 358, 574, 1421, 3713, 433, 323, 8173, 3403, 505, 279, 7314, 311, 1935, 279, 892, 311, 48883, 323, 4498, 304, 3021, 13, 1628, 358, 11299, 304, 3021, 2653, 627, 56, 352, 0, 13566, 753, 37163, 520, 757, 1578, 4999, 16309, 25, 34053, 11, 13818, 1283, 68, 8219, 11, 12336, 3468, 6292, 198, 3915, 25, 735, 9607, 31473, 198, 72958, 5075, 45252, 369, 279, 74521, 315, 1054, 48334, 411, 89874, 72447, 279, 34053, 220, 17, 11651, 198, 61895, 3418, 6339, 197, 5062, 300, 2744, 11, 1664, 5439, 622, 9186, 7907, 13, 9901, 499, 369, 33850, 420, 4360, 627, 88, 352, 11, 602, 11299, 304, 3021, 2653, 2288, 1981, 8994, 2744, 34685, 3249, 34053, 3287, 1431, 1664, 4036, 719, 1243, 16387, 7113, 311, 856, 659, 922, 682, 279, 41859, 35047, 37227, 3958, 597, 46295, 1274, 889, 1047, 8870, 311, 2585, 279, 11333, 3287, 1431, 617, 279, 17393, 311, 4774, 420, 12141, 90578, 79570, 1919, 197, 5062, 9642, 34053, 706, 1202, 41859, 719, 1070, 753, 2555, 304, 420, 1501, 430, 3727, 499, 1390, 311, 2567, 10307, 55080, 1781, 433, 374, 1606, 34053, 71849, 279, 6650, 304, 279, 5885, 430, 13912, 832, 10307, 1981, 17206, 3582, 279, 51728, 2643, 387, 40916, 11, 719, 520, 3325, 1606, 315, 279 ]
ZA were looking for beauty rather than sinister force in his music, if you can imagine such a thing. He also has terrific flow: his big influence on Eminem is well documented, though Eminem has I think surpassed him in this regard, but they aren’t far apart in style or standard, except Ace is much less of a comedian. It’s the lyrics that are the great strength here, setting this above just about any genuine hip hop record this year (well, maybe excepting Ghostface’s Pretty Toney Album). It’s the words of a mature and honest man who’s been at this for a long time, fairly successfully without ever being a superstar, and wants to tell us all about it, a kind of musical autobiography that seems to be saying a lot of new things, while not abandoning the staples of hip hop, the girls and money and bragging and so on. It’s full of strong and original rhymes. I’m sure it’s one of the albums of 2004 that I’ll be going back to regularly in years to come. Mark S’ excellent experiments in cooking (see the post directly below this post) — especially his adventures in gingerbread-making
ZA were looking for beauty rather than sinister force in his music, if you can imagine such a thing. He also has terrific flow: his big influence on Eminem is well documented, though Eminem has I think surpassed him in this regard, but they aren’t far apart in style or standard, except Ace is much less of a comedian. It’s the lyrics that are the great strength here, setting this above just about any genuine hip hop record this year (well, maybe excepting Ghostface’s Pretty Toney Album). It’s the words of a mature and honest man who’s been at this for a long time, fairly successfully without ever being a superstar, and wants to tell us all about it, a kind of musical autobiography that seems to be saying a lot of new things, while not abandoning the staples of hip hop, the girls and money and bragging and so on. It’s full of strong and original rhymes. I’m sure it’s one of the albums of 2004 that I’ll be going back to regularly in years to come. Mark S’ excellent experiments in cooking (see the post directly below this post) — especially his adventures in gingerbread-making
and theories about raisins — remind me greatly of J.J. Thomson’s slightly bonkers Geeta Dayal • Proven By Science • Post a comment • 273 views Mark S’ excellent experiments in cooking (see the post directly below this post) — especially his adventures in gingerbread-making and theories about raisins — remind me greatly of J.J. Thomson’s slightly bonkers “plum pudding” model of the atom, which was always the atomic model I had the most fondness for. Boring old Rutherford and his ‘gold foil’ experiments (gold foil with NO CHOCOLATE INSIDE, i might add!) and the others never came up with an atomic model that was NEARLY as pleasing as Thomson’s. Happy holidays, everyone, and eat lots of positively-charged pudding! Gnome Man’s Land 11 Jan 2016 I wrote a thing for here about David Bowie and how I felt about him and what he meant to me, but then Pitchfork kindly decided they wanted to run it, so it’s below. (Original title: He Could Be Dead, He Could Be Not, He Could Be You). And to
[ 34892, 547, 2045, 329, 8737, 2138, 621, 26592, 2700, 287, 465, 2647, 11, 611, 345, 460, 5967, 884, 257, 1517, 13, 679, 635, 468, 23754, 5202, 25, 465, 1263, 4588, 319, 49428, 318, 880, 12395, 11, 996, 49428, 468, 314, 892, 30612, 683, 287, 428, 2754, 11, 475, 484, 3588, 447, 247, 83, 1290, 5475, 287, 3918, 393, 3210, 11, 2845, 17102, 318, 881, 1342, 286, 257, 23139, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 262, 15844, 326, 389, 262, 1049, 4202, 994, 11, 4634, 428, 2029, 655, 546, 597, 8768, 10359, 1725, 1700, 428, 614, 357, 4053, 11, 3863, 2845, 278, 9897, 2550, 447, 247, 82, 20090, 309, 1419, 23999, 737, 632, 447, 247, 82, 262, 2456, 286, 257, 15345, 290, 5508, 582, 508, 447, 247, 82, 587, 379, 428, 329, 257, 890, 640, 11, 6547, 7675, 1231, 1683, 852, 257, 28422, 11, 290, 3382, 284, 1560, 514, 477, 546, 340, 11, 257, 1611, 286, 10530, 41795, 326, 2331, 284, 307, 2282, 257, 1256, 286, 649, 1243, 11, 981, 407, 31309, 262, 46413, 286, 10359, 1725, 11, 262, 4813, 290, 1637, 290, 43018, 290, 523, 319, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 1336, 286, 1913, 290, 2656, 9529, 22009, 13, 314, 447, 247, 76, 1654, 340, 447, 247, 82, 530, 286, 262, 16788, 286, 5472, 326, 314, 447, 247, 297, 307, 1016, 736, 284, 7987, 287, 812, 284, 1282, 13, 198, 9704, 311, 447, 247, 6275, 10256, 287, 10801, 357, 3826, 262, 1281, 3264, 2174, 428, 1281, 8, 851, 2592, 465, 17545, 287, 25072, 29573, 12, 8601 ]
[ 53436, 1051, 3411, 369, 13444, 4856, 1109, 63667, 5457, 304, 813, 4731, 11, 422, 499, 649, 13085, 1778, 264, 3245, 13, 1283, 1101, 706, 43660, 6530, 25, 813, 2466, 10383, 389, 81500, 336, 374, 1664, 27470, 11, 3582, 81500, 336, 706, 358, 1781, 68328, 1461, 304, 420, 5363, 11, 719, 814, 7784, 1431, 3117, 10980, 304, 1742, 477, 5410, 11, 3734, 38807, 374, 1790, 2753, 315, 264, 51912, 627, 2181, 753, 279, 24142, 430, 527, 279, 2294, 8333, 1618, 11, 6376, 420, 3485, 1120, 922, 904, 22785, 18638, 7598, 3335, 420, 1060, 320, 9336, 11, 7344, 3734, 287, 26099, 1594, 753, 36416, 350, 2596, 26749, 570, 1102, 753, 279, 4339, 315, 264, 15196, 323, 10978, 893, 889, 753, 1027, 520, 420, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 11, 14470, 7946, 2085, 3596, 1694, 264, 58347, 11, 323, 6944, 311, 3371, 603, 682, 922, 433, 11, 264, 3169, 315, 18273, 91537, 430, 5084, 311, 387, 5605, 264, 2763, 315, 502, 2574, 11, 1418, 539, 78339, 279, 87929, 315, 18638, 7598, 11, 279, 7724, 323, 3300, 323, 57794, 3252, 323, 779, 389, 13, 1102, 753, 2539, 315, 3831, 323, 4113, 22408, 79809, 13, 358, 4344, 2771, 433, 753, 832, 315, 279, 28785, 315, 220, 1049, 19, 430, 358, 4805, 387, 2133, 1203, 311, 15870, 304, 1667, 311, 2586, 627, 9126, 328, 529, 9250, 21896, 304, 17677, 320, 4151, 279, 1772, 6089, 3770, 420, 1772, 8, 2001, 5423, 813, 32078, 304, 44768, 48616, 28846 ]
[ 323, 26018, 922, 6503, 1354, 2001, 24928, 757, 19407, 315, 622, 3587, 13, 65332, 753, 10284, 7970, 27269, 198, 9688, 1955, 6187, 278, 7436, 1322, 1055, 3296, 10170, 7436, 3962, 264, 4068, 7436, 220, 15451, 6325, 198, 9126, 328, 529, 9250, 21896, 304, 17677, 320, 4151, 279, 1772, 6089, 3770, 420, 1772, 8, 2001, 5423, 813, 32078, 304, 44768, 48616, 28846, 323, 26018, 922, 6503, 1354, 2001, 24928, 757, 19407, 315, 622, 3587, 13, 65332, 753, 10284, 7970, 27269, 1054, 501, 372, 82527, 863, 1646, 315, 279, 19670, 11, 902, 574, 2744, 279, 25524, 1646, 358, 1047, 279, 1455, 21901, 2136, 369, 13, 426, 5620, 2362, 432, 94094, 323, 813, 3451, 35637, 47499, 529, 21896, 320, 35637, 47499, 449, 5782, 6969, 7767, 1971, 2390, 26776, 12420, 11, 602, 2643, 923, 16715, 323, 279, 3885, 2646, 3782, 709, 449, 459, 25524, 1646, 430, 574, 8014, 946, 9109, 439, 54799, 439, 65332, 753, 627, 33947, 25425, 11, 5127, 11, 323, 8343, 10283, 315, 40646, 11843, 93349, 82527, 4999, 38, 17518, 2418, 753, 11680, 198, 806, 4448, 220, 679, 21, 358, 6267, 264, 3245, 369, 1618, 922, 6941, 68347, 323, 1268, 358, 6612, 922, 1461, 323, 1148, 568, 8967, 311, 757, 11, 719, 1243, 46676, 45838, 47626, 6773, 814, 4934, 311, 1629, 433, 11, 779, 433, 753, 3770, 13, 320, 18902, 2316, 25, 1283, 16910, 2893, 15371, 11, 1283, 16910, 2893, 2876, 11, 1283, 16910, 2893, 1472, 570, 1628, 311 ]
and today we operate and mange more than 35 aircraft under different entities and countries in Europe. The red was the most important visual element of our previous logo and we took it over in our new one,” says Bodson. The new logo is part of a very large project which aims at modernising the entire corporate visual identity of ASL Group. The new logo and the new visual elements will slowly be implemented across the group's communication tools, including website, social media, in-flight magazine and brochures, and will be reflected on the company's buildings, uniforms, aircraft and vehicles. Variants of the new logo have been developed and will be implemented within certain subsidiaries of ASL Group, such as ASL Travel or ASL Academy. Other subsidiaries of the group will keep their names and logos but have the new ASL Group logo added next to it with a mention that they are members of the group. 2022 defined by growth and sustainable advancement for Qatar Exec The FIFA World Cup was good to Qatar Executive, bringing record flight movements into its Doha FBO nearly six times greater than for the previous year's end months. It made three G650ER fleet additions as well. Redstar inks ground handling deal for Saudi med
and today we operate and mange more than 35 aircraft under different entities and countries in Europe. The red was the most important visual element of our previous logo and we took it over in our new one,” says Bodson. The new logo is part of a very large project which aims at modernising the entire corporate visual identity of ASL Group. The new logo and the new visual elements will slowly be implemented across the group's communication tools, including website, social media, in-flight magazine and brochures, and will be reflected on the company's buildings, uniforms, aircraft and vehicles. Variants of the new logo have been developed and will be implemented within certain subsidiaries of ASL Group, such as ASL Travel or ASL Academy. Other subsidiaries of the group will keep their names and logos but have the new ASL Group logo added next to it with a mention that they are members of the group. 2022 defined by growth and sustainable advancement for Qatar Exec The FIFA World Cup was good to Qatar Executive, bringing record flight movements into its Doha FBO nearly six times greater than for the previous year's end months. It made three G650ER fleet additions as well. Redstar inks ground handling deal for Saudi med
evac flights Redstar has arranged for SPA to undertake ground handling services for its Saudi Arabia medical flights, and ensure that the medevac services request process is as smooth as possible. Location at Vienna GAT places Sparfell closer to customers The offices at Vienna International have been completely renovated prior to Sparfell's move. The larger premises accommodate recent and projected growth of aircraft under management, activity and employees. This wasn't exactly Miracle on Ice stuff, but when the Rochester Rhinos won the 1999 U.S. Open Cup tournament, it was certainly a surprising result given the level of advanced competition they had to defeat. In effect, their 2-0 victory over the Colorado Rapids on Sept. 13, 1999, was the equivalent of a Triple-A baseball team defeating its Major League parent team in a championship game. The Rhinos were then members of men's soccer's A-League, while the Rapids played in America's top league, Major League Soccer. "Congratulations to Rochester," said Rapids coach Glenn Myernick after the game, which was played in Columbus, Ohio. "I think they’re a team of destiny. To beat four teams from (MLS), they deserve to be the champions.”
[ 290, 1909, 356, 8076, 290, 582, 469, 517, 621, 3439, 6215, 739, 1180, 12066, 290, 2678, 287, 2031, 13, 383, 2266, 373, 262, 749, 1593, 5874, 5002, 286, 674, 2180, 11112, 290, 356, 1718, 340, 625, 287, 674, 649, 530, 11, 447, 251, 1139, 26285, 1559, 13, 198, 464, 649, 11112, 318, 636, 286, 257, 845, 1588, 1628, 543, 12031, 379, 3660, 1710, 262, 2104, 6355, 5874, 5369, 286, 7054, 43, 4912, 13, 383, 649, 11112, 290, 262, 649, 5874, 4847, 481, 6364, 307, 9177, 1973, 262, 1448, 338, 6946, 4899, 11, 1390, 3052, 11, 1919, 2056, 11, 287, 12, 22560, 7093, 290, 41978, 942, 11, 290, 481, 307, 12548, 319, 262, 1664, 338, 6832, 11, 22551, 11, 6215, 290, 5672, 13, 198, 23907, 1187, 286, 262, 649, 11112, 423, 587, 4166, 290, 481, 307, 9177, 1626, 1728, 34943, 286, 7054, 43, 4912, 11, 884, 355, 7054, 43, 13524, 393, 7054, 43, 8581, 13, 3819, 34943, 286, 262, 1448, 481, 1394, 511, 3891, 290, 29645, 475, 423, 262, 649, 7054, 43, 4912, 11112, 2087, 1306, 284, 340, 351, 257, 3068, 326, 484, 389, 1866, 286, 262, 1448, 13, 198, 1238, 1828, 5447, 416, 3349, 290, 13347, 27647, 329, 18286, 8393, 198, 464, 21285, 2159, 5454, 373, 922, 284, 18286, 10390, 11, 6079, 1700, 5474, 8650, 656, 663, 360, 28083, 376, 8202, 3016, 2237, 1661, 3744, 621, 329, 262, 2180, 614, 338, 886, 1933, 13, 632, 925, 1115, 402, 17544, 1137, 11026, 19885, 355, 880, 13, 198, 7738, 7364, 287, 591, 2323, 9041, 1730, 329, 7420, 1117 ]
[ 323, 3432, 584, 14816, 323, 60534, 810, 1109, 220, 1758, 14467, 1234, 2204, 15086, 323, 5961, 304, 4606, 13, 578, 2579, 574, 279, 1455, 3062, 9302, 2449, 315, 1057, 3766, 12708, 323, 584, 3952, 433, 927, 304, 1057, 502, 832, 2476, 2795, 45702, 942, 627, 791, 502, 12708, 374, 961, 315, 264, 1633, 3544, 2447, 902, 22262, 520, 6617, 3876, 279, 4553, 13166, 9302, 9764, 315, 5871, 43, 5856, 13, 578, 502, 12708, 323, 279, 502, 9302, 5540, 690, 14297, 387, 11798, 4028, 279, 1912, 596, 10758, 7526, 11, 2737, 3997, 11, 3674, 3772, 11, 304, 77303, 14756, 323, 2967, 331, 1439, 11, 323, 690, 387, 27000, 389, 279, 2883, 596, 14016, 11, 45233, 11, 14467, 323, 11731, 627, 57235, 1821, 315, 279, 502, 12708, 617, 1027, 8040, 323, 690, 387, 11798, 2949, 3738, 72202, 315, 5871, 43, 5856, 11, 1778, 439, 5871, 43, 18589, 477, 5871, 43, 16192, 13, 7089, 72202, 315, 279, 1912, 690, 2567, 872, 5144, 323, 50119, 719, 617, 279, 502, 5871, 43, 5856, 12708, 3779, 1828, 311, 433, 449, 264, 6420, 430, 814, 527, 3697, 315, 279, 1912, 627, 2366, 17, 4613, 555, 6650, 323, 22556, 50925, 369, 43018, 10502, 198, 791, 44742, 4435, 11098, 574, 1695, 311, 43018, 18362, 11, 12967, 3335, 11213, 19567, 1139, 1202, 423, 66183, 435, 4782, 7154, 4848, 3115, 7191, 1109, 369, 279, 3766, 1060, 596, 842, 4038, 13, 1102, 1903, 2380, 480, 13655, 643, 26155, 38314, 439, 1664, 627, 6161, 12134, 304, 2857, 5015, 11850, 3568, 369, 18387, 1812 ]
[ 5230, 582, 25952, 198, 6161, 12134, 706, 28902, 369, 77508, 311, 49643, 5015, 11850, 3600, 369, 1202, 18387, 23931, 6593, 25952, 11, 323, 6106, 430, 279, 1812, 5230, 582, 3600, 1715, 1920, 374, 439, 11113, 439, 3284, 627, 4812, 520, 47387, 480, 835, 7634, 70906, 67643, 12401, 311, 6444, 198, 791, 19672, 520, 47387, 7327, 617, 1027, 6724, 57934, 4972, 311, 70906, 67643, 596, 3351, 13, 578, 8294, 35022, 29376, 3293, 323, 28448, 6650, 315, 14467, 1234, 6373, 11, 5820, 323, 8420, 13, 1115, 5828, 956, 7041, 77064, 389, 20534, 6392, 11, 719, 994, 279, 53468, 18452, 15570, 2834, 279, 220, 2550, 24, 549, 815, 13, 5377, 11098, 16520, 11, 433, 574, 7995, 264, 15206, 1121, 2728, 279, 2237, 315, 11084, 10937, 814, 1047, 311, 18506, 627, 644, 2515, 11, 872, 220, 17, 12, 15, 12845, 927, 279, 15745, 55286, 389, 5488, 13, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 2550, 24, 11, 574, 279, 13890, 315, 264, 37749, 6830, 20075, 2128, 54216, 1202, 17559, 9130, 2748, 2128, 304, 264, 22279, 1847, 13, 578, 18452, 15570, 1051, 1243, 3697, 315, 3026, 596, 22963, 596, 362, 85711, 11, 1418, 279, 55286, 6476, 304, 5270, 596, 1948, 10966, 11, 17559, 9130, 38633, 627, 1, 52938, 311, 53468, 1359, 1071, 55286, 7395, 40208, 3092, 944, 875, 1306, 279, 1847, 11, 902, 574, 6476, 304, 32917, 11, 14689, 13, 330, 40, 1781, 814, 3207, 264, 2128, 315, 47176, 13, 2057, 9567, 3116, 7411, 505, 320, 51076, 705, 814, 23528, 311, 387, 279, 34838, 49216 ]
profit organizations and philanthropic foundations in Africa, Europe and the United States.She has served as Senior Advisor for Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups at the USAID- Sudan Mission and as Program Officer at the Open Society Foundations’ International Women’s Program and the Swedish International Development Agency Somalia and Sudan programs. She also served as Executive Director for Sudan Future Care – Amal Trust, an NGO working in war-affected areas in Eastern Sudan. Amel has worked on several countries across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, most extensively on her native Sudan and the countries of the Horn of Africa. Her work has focused on peace and security, political engagement, social justice and women’s rights. She has also worked on migration, integration and anti-discrimination issues, mostly in Sweden where she lived for many years. Shinaz Rehema Ali Feminist Republik Culture Curator Prior to joining UAF-Africa, Shinaz worked as a social worker, theatre trainer and a project officer within different projects of AMREF’s Children In Need Programme. She has extensive experience and expertise in women’s rights, development and implementation of legal policies and community oriented capacity development on psychosocial issues. She is
profit organizations and philanthropic foundations in Africa, Europe and the United States.She has served as Senior Advisor for Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups at the USAID- Sudan Mission and as Program Officer at the Open Society Foundations’ International Women’s Program and the Swedish International Development Agency Somalia and Sudan programs. She also served as Executive Director for Sudan Future Care – Amal Trust, an NGO working in war-affected areas in Eastern Sudan. Amel has worked on several countries across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, most extensively on her native Sudan and the countries of the Horn of Africa. Her work has focused on peace and security, political engagement, social justice and women’s rights. She has also worked on migration, integration and anti-discrimination issues, mostly in Sweden where she lived for many years. Shinaz Rehema Ali Feminist Republik Culture Curator Prior to joining UAF-Africa, Shinaz worked as a social worker, theatre trainer and a project officer within different projects of AMREF’s Children In Need Programme. She has extensive experience and expertise in women’s rights, development and implementation of legal policies and community oriented capacity development on psychosocial issues. She is
passionate about women’s human rights and keen on the intersectionalities between women’s rights and religion with emphasis on fundamentalisms, women and natural resources governance, policy reforms and has specific interest on Young Women and Girls in Africa.Shinaz’s rare skills set in legal, social work and the arts has been greatly valued at UAF-Africa’s grant making portfolio where intersectional strategies in the provision of grants is of huge priority. Her analytical, inquisitive and curious nature has afforded her the opportunity to conduct instructive grant making due diligence thereby ensuring provision of sound and innovative grants that have gone on to change women’s realities on the ground. She holds an LLB from the University of Nairobi School of Law and Diplomas in Project Management and Social Work and Development. She is currently completing her studies in French and finalizing her Master of Arts Degree in International Relations and Political Science from the University of Nairobi. She enjoys fashion, art, reading, sewing, cooking and working out during her spare time. Indie Western Folk Design Round Luggage Tags. Buy FLY-blue Men's Shirt Pocket Solid Color Loose Comfortable Fashion Long Sleeve Casual Shirt Top Red and other Casual Button-Down
[ 9183, 5745, 290, 28150, 291, 19369, 287, 5478, 11, 2031, 290, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 3347, 468, 4983, 355, 14017, 35399, 329, 569, 38828, 290, 11899, 1292, 1143, 27441, 379, 262, 4916, 2389, 12, 19610, 12633, 290, 355, 6118, 10391, 379, 262, 4946, 7023, 4062, 602, 447, 247, 4037, 6926, 447, 247, 82, 6118, 290, 262, 14023, 4037, 7712, 7732, 23918, 290, 19610, 4056, 13, 1375, 635, 4983, 355, 10390, 5890, 329, 19610, 10898, 7276, 784, 1703, 282, 9870, 11, 281, 22142, 1762, 287, 1175, 12, 43958, 3006, 287, 8345, 19610, 13, 1703, 417, 468, 3111, 319, 1811, 2678, 1973, 5478, 11, 262, 6046, 3687, 290, 7229, 11, 749, 20823, 319, 607, 6868, 19610, 290, 262, 2678, 286, 262, 13549, 286, 5478, 13, 2332, 670, 468, 5670, 319, 4167, 290, 2324, 11, 1964, 12352, 11, 1919, 5316, 290, 1466, 447, 247, 82, 2489, 13, 1375, 468, 635, 3111, 319, 13472, 11, 11812, 290, 3098, 12, 42723, 2428, 11, 4632, 287, 10710, 810, 673, 5615, 329, 867, 812, 13, 198, 44592, 1031, 797, 258, 2611, 12104, 198, 37, 14857, 396, 1432, 549, 46965, 17346, 4424, 1352, 198, 22442, 284, 9679, 471, 8579, 12, 17584, 30997, 11, 11466, 1031, 3111, 355, 257, 1919, 8383, 11, 21421, 21997, 290, 257, 1628, 3818, 1626, 1180, 4493, 286, 3001, 31688, 447, 247, 82, 8990, 554, 10664, 35232, 13, 1375, 468, 7667, 1998, 290, 13572, 287, 1466, 447, 247, 82, 2489, 11, 2478, 290, 7822, 286, 2742, 4788, 198, 392, 2055, 25921, 5339, 2478, 319, 3795, 418, 9402, 2428, 13, 1375, 318 ]
[ 26466, 11351, 323, 58738, 45036, 41582, 304, 10384, 11, 4606, 323, 279, 3723, 4273, 99641, 706, 10434, 439, 19903, 54432, 369, 81211, 481, 323, 24079, 992, 1534, 35680, 520, 279, 7427, 926, 12, 43554, 24098, 323, 439, 6826, 20148, 520, 279, 5377, 13581, 99612, 529, 7327, 11215, 753, 6826, 323, 279, 31209, 7327, 11050, 16784, 60851, 323, 43554, 7620, 13, 3005, 1101, 10434, 439, 18362, 10783, 369, 43554, 12781, 10852, 1389, 3383, 278, 17236, 11, 459, 47886, 3318, 304, 4208, 12, 32157, 5789, 304, 18516, 43554, 13, 3383, 301, 706, 6575, 389, 3892, 5961, 4028, 10384, 11, 279, 12877, 6460, 323, 13936, 11, 1455, 42817, 389, 1077, 10068, 43554, 323, 279, 5961, 315, 279, 27206, 315, 10384, 13, 6385, 990, 706, 10968, 389, 9096, 323, 4868, 11, 5054, 20392, 11, 3674, 12437, 323, 3278, 753, 3268, 13, 3005, 706, 1101, 6575, 389, 12172, 11, 18052, 323, 7294, 1773, 87013, 4819, 11, 10213, 304, 24067, 1405, 1364, 12439, 369, 1690, 1667, 627, 2059, 258, 1394, 1050, 71, 9355, 14925, 198, 37, 26768, 380, 3402, 105273, 21023, 13182, 859, 198, 50571, 311, 18667, 549, 8440, 6830, 30980, 11, 35549, 1394, 6575, 439, 264, 3674, 12128, 11, 34596, 29994, 323, 264, 2447, 9640, 2949, 2204, 7224, 315, 6912, 6124, 753, 15394, 763, 14998, 47516, 13, 3005, 706, 16781, 3217, 323, 19248, 304, 3278, 753, 3268, 11, 4500, 323, 8292, 315, 5897, 10396, 198, 438, 4029, 42208, 8824, 4500, 389, 8841, 437, 2772, 4819, 13, 3005, 374 ]
[ 25429, 922, 3278, 753, 3823, 3268, 323, 27989, 389, 279, 19801, 278, 1385, 1990, 3278, 753, 3268, 323, 13901, 449, 25679, 389, 16188, 13978, 11, 3278, 323, 5933, 5070, 35186, 11, 4947, 31343, 323, 706, 3230, 2802, 389, 13566, 11215, 323, 20666, 304, 10384, 11086, 258, 1394, 753, 9024, 7512, 743, 304, 5897, 11, 3674, 990, 323, 279, 19071, 706, 1027, 19407, 33647, 520, 549, 8440, 6830, 30980, 753, 13500, 3339, 20136, 1405, 19801, 278, 15174, 304, 279, 17575, 315, 25076, 374, 315, 6908, 10844, 13, 6385, 44064, 11, 304, 9383, 3486, 323, 22999, 7138, 706, 66699, 1077, 279, 6776, 311, 6929, 21745, 535, 13500, 3339, 4245, 63582, 28592, 23391, 17575, 315, 5222, 323, 18699, 25076, 430, 617, 8208, 389, 311, 2349, 3278, 753, 50446, 389, 279, 5015, 627, 8100, 10187, 459, 20072, 33, 505, 279, 3907, 315, 97625, 6150, 315, 7658, 323, 46562, 23063, 304, 5907, 9744, 323, 9983, 5664, 323, 11050, 13, 3005, 374, 5131, 27666, 1077, 7978, 304, 8753, 323, 1620, 4954, 1077, 11060, 315, 17979, 38182, 304, 7327, 32467, 323, 31597, 10170, 505, 279, 3907, 315, 97625, 13, 3005, 32838, 11401, 11, 1989, 11, 5403, 11, 52319, 11, 17677, 323, 3318, 704, 2391, 1077, 24804, 892, 627, 1451, 648, 11104, 65337, 7127, 17535, 445, 44765, 28783, 13, 11544, 435, 9109, 32754, 11258, 596, 55807, 46824, 22925, 3562, 87102, 44842, 481, 31700, 5843, 61362, 49922, 55807, 7054, 3816, 323, 1023, 49922, 6739, 12, 4554 ]
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:sup1;k 55–69, https://doi.org/10.1080/00393630.2016.1140935. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00393630.2016.1140935. Accessed Oct 2018. Thickett D, Stanley B, Booth K. Retrofitting old display cases. Preprints of the 15th Triennial Meeting of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, New Delhi. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd Vol II;2008 :775–782. (AP). Cano E, Bastidas JM. Effect of relative humidity on copper corrosion by acetic and formic acid vapours. Can Metall Q. 2002;41(3):327–36. Tétreault J, Sirois J, Stamatopoulou E. Studies of lead corrosion in acetic acid environments. Stud Conserv. 1998;43(1):17–32. Strlič M, Thickett D, Taylor J, Cassar M. Damage functions in heritage science. Stud Conserv. 2013;58(2):80–7. https://doi.org/10.1179/2047058412Y
.0000000073. OM did the measurement work, reporting from location and initial description of measurement locations. TG did the laboratory dosimeter preparation, laboratory measurements, organizing of the delivery of passive samplers and their analysis from the NILU laboratory, results data analysis, interpretation and development of the manuscript. Both authors contributed to finalizing the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. We would like to acknowledge the leadership of the “Ferdinand I” National military museum and the Abbess of Tismana monastery who accepted to cooperate within the Memori project as beneficiary partners and gave the permission to publish the obtained results. This research was made possible through the generous contribution of the conservators Ms. Gabriela Tuas from the National military museum and Sister Maria from the Tismana monastery who have assisted the performed measurements. We want to thank Håvard Vika Røen at NILU who did the programing of the MEMORI technology web pages. All equations and data necessary to calculate the model are given either in the text or in the cited references. This work has been funded by the EU- Memori project (Grant Agreement No. 265132) and by NILU-Norwegian Institute for
[ 25, 37330, 16, 26, 74, 5996, 1906, 3388, 11, 3740, 1378, 34023, 13, 2398, 14, 940, 13, 24045, 14, 405, 2670, 2623, 1270, 13, 5304, 13, 1157, 29416, 2327, 13, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 83, 392, 69, 25119, 13, 785, 14, 34023, 14, 12315, 14, 940, 13, 24045, 14, 405, 2670, 2623, 1270, 13, 5304, 13, 1157, 29416, 2327, 13, 48547, 2556, 2864, 13, 198, 817, 624, 3087, 360, 11, 14167, 347, 11, 36389, 509, 13, 29884, 32232, 1468, 3359, 2663, 13, 3771, 17190, 286, 262, 1315, 400, 7563, 27779, 22244, 286, 262, 314, 9858, 4606, 329, 23702, 11, 968, 12517, 13, 968, 12517, 25, 28234, 43403, 18367, 83, 12052, 4709, 2873, 26, 11528, 1058, 34483, 1906, 46519, 13, 357, 2969, 737, 198, 34, 5733, 412, 11, 17520, 24496, 47726, 13, 7896, 286, 3585, 27716, 319, 15317, 41677, 416, 936, 5139, 290, 1296, 291, 7408, 38187, 4662, 13, 1680, 35616, 1195, 13, 6244, 26, 3901, 7, 18, 2599, 34159, 1906, 2623, 13, 198, 51, 25125, 260, 1721, 449, 11, 311, 7058, 271, 449, 11, 30097, 265, 404, 2852, 280, 412, 13, 10422, 286, 1085, 41677, 287, 936, 5139, 7408, 12493, 13, 3604, 7162, 13, 7795, 26, 3559, 7, 16, 2599, 1558, 1906, 2624, 13, 198, 13290, 4528, 46195, 337, 11, 45816, 3087, 360, 11, 8121, 449, 11, 14154, 283, 337, 13, 8995, 5499, 287, 15012, 3783, 13, 3604, 7162, 13, 2211, 26, 3365, 7, 17, 2599, 1795, 1906, 22, 13, 3740, 1378, 34023, 13, 2398, 14, 940, 13, 1157, 3720, 14, 18638, 2154, 3365, 39226, 56 ]
[ 25, 13066, 16, 36096, 220, 2131, 4235, 3076, 11, 3788, 1129, 48886, 2726, 14, 605, 13, 6640, 15, 14, 6268, 25612, 966, 13, 679, 21, 13, 8011, 25202, 20, 13, 3788, 1129, 2185, 739, 438, 22188, 1074, 916, 14, 48886, 48851, 14, 605, 13, 6640, 15, 14, 6268, 25612, 966, 13, 679, 21, 13, 8011, 25202, 20, 13, 98400, 5020, 220, 679, 23, 627, 1016, 6021, 83, 423, 11, 31552, 426, 11, 64370, 735, 13, 58498, 1303, 2362, 3113, 5157, 13, 5075, 26822, 315, 279, 220, 868, 339, 12639, 32331, 30155, 315, 279, 358, 8867, 10554, 369, 45435, 11, 1561, 22767, 13, 1561, 22767, 25, 61855, 72714, 61775, 12604, 11119, 8105, 26, 1049, 23, 551, 22908, 4235, 23833, 13, 320, 2599, 4390, 34, 5770, 469, 11, 46168, 17449, 83152, 13, 13756, 315, 8844, 38193, 389, 24166, 56488, 555, 1645, 5411, 323, 1376, 292, 13935, 68857, 2530, 13, 3053, 6344, 543, 1229, 13, 220, 1049, 17, 26, 3174, 7, 18, 1680, 13817, 4235, 1927, 627, 51, 978, 10367, 957, 622, 11, 328, 8869, 285, 622, 11, 800, 43011, 454, 11206, 283, 469, 13, 19241, 315, 3063, 56488, 304, 1645, 5411, 13935, 22484, 13, 7814, 20650, 13, 220, 2550, 23, 26, 3391, 7, 16, 1680, 1114, 4235, 843, 627, 2645, 115267, 386, 11, 666, 6021, 83, 423, 11, 16844, 622, 11, 26520, 277, 386, 13, 21428, 5865, 304, 28948, 8198, 13, 7814, 20650, 13, 220, 679, 18, 26, 2970, 7, 17, 1680, 1490, 4235, 22, 13, 3788, 1129, 48886, 2726, 14, 605, 13, 8546, 24, 14, 7854, 21469, 25496, 17, 56 ]
[ 13, 931, 931, 11194, 18, 627, 1937, 1550, 279, 19179, 990, 11, 13122, 505, 3813, 323, 2926, 4096, 315, 19179, 10687, 13, 56972, 1550, 279, 27692, 8924, 26402, 18459, 11, 27692, 22323, 11, 35821, 315, 279, 9889, 315, 28979, 10167, 89509, 323, 872, 6492, 505, 279, 65247, 52, 27692, 11, 3135, 828, 6492, 11, 23692, 323, 4500, 315, 279, 47913, 13, 11995, 12283, 20162, 311, 1620, 4954, 279, 47913, 13, 11995, 12283, 1373, 323, 12054, 279, 1620, 47913, 627, 1687, 1053, 1093, 311, 25670, 279, 11692, 315, 279, 1054, 37, 14685, 76831, 358, 863, 5165, 6411, 24925, 323, 279, 27063, 434, 315, 350, 285, 48576, 85861, 889, 11928, 311, 47903, 2949, 279, 13862, 13915, 2447, 439, 63932, 8717, 323, 6688, 279, 8041, 311, 3498, 279, 12457, 3135, 13, 1115, 3495, 574, 1903, 3284, 1555, 279, 28771, 19035, 315, 279, 11357, 3046, 16450, 13, 71814, 8458, 29749, 300, 505, 279, 5165, 6411, 24925, 323, 48368, 23880, 505, 279, 350, 285, 48576, 85861, 889, 617, 39061, 279, 10887, 22323, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 9901, 473, 3870, 22329, 650, 11755, 432, 6282, 268, 520, 65247, 52, 889, 1550, 279, 2068, 287, 315, 279, 25486, 878, 40, 5557, 3566, 6959, 627, 2460, 39006, 323, 828, 5995, 311, 11294, 279, 1646, 527, 2728, 3060, 304, 279, 1495, 477, 304, 279, 22628, 15407, 627, 2028, 990, 706, 1027, 24853, 555, 279, 10013, 12, 13862, 13915, 2447, 320, 69071, 23314, 2360, 13, 220, 14374, 9413, 8, 323, 555, 65247, 52, 11500, 269, 37665, 10181, 369 ]