1 value
6.47|5.77$ & $13.20|12.52$ \\ DU0 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.797|2.781$ & $27.5|25.2$ & $0.34|0.42$ & $0.00|0.00$ & AD6f2 & $\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}|\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}$ & $2.395|2.399$ & $233.1|219.7$ & $6.41|5.63$ & $12.31|11.79$ \\ DU1 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.786|2.777$ & $27.6|25.2$ & $0.23|0.27$ & $0.18|0.17$ & AD6f3 & $\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}|\mb
6.47|5.77$ & $13.20|12.52$ \\ DU0 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.797|2.781$ & $27.5|25.2$ & $0.34|0.42$ & $0.00|0.00$ & AD6f2 & $\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}|\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}$ & $2.395|2.399$ & $233.1|219.7$ & $6.41|5.63$ & $12.31|11.79$ \\ DU1 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.786|2.777$ & $27.6|25.2$ & $0.23|0.27$ & $0.18|0.17$ & AD6f3 & $\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}|\mb
ox{\large $ \bullet $}$ & $2.421|2.424$ & $229.1|216.7$ & $6.28|5.43$ & $11.47|11.06$ \\ DU2 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.774|2.763$ & $27.6|25.2$ & $0.24|0.31$ & $0.39|0.38$ & AD6f4 & $\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}|\mbox{\large $ \bullet $}$ & $2.463|2.444$ & $225.7|214.1$ & $5.95|5.12$ & $10.56|10.20$ \\ DU3 & $\mbox{\large $ \circ $}|\mbox{\large $ \circ $}$ & $2.756|2.758$ & $27.6|25.2$ & $0.31|0.27$
[ 21, 13, 2857, 91, 20, 13, 3324, 3, 1222, 720, 1485, 13, 1238, 91, 1065, 13, 4309, 3, 26867, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35480, 15, 1222, 39280, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 21170, 720, 92, 91, 59, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 21170, 720, 92, 3, 1222, 720, 17, 13, 44673, 91, 17, 13, 49703, 3, 1222, 220, 720, 1983, 13, 20, 91, 1495, 13, 17, 3, 220, 1222, 720, 15, 13, 2682, 91, 15, 13, 3682, 3, 1222, 220, 720, 15, 13, 405, 91, 15, 13, 405, 3, 220, 1222, 5984, 21, 69, 17, 1222, 39280, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 15065, 1616, 720, 92, 91, 59, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 15065, 1616, 720, 92, 3, 1222, 720, 17, 13, 31010, 91, 17, 13, 28771, 3, 1222, 720, 25429, 13, 16, 91, 28896, 13, 22, 3, 1222, 720, 21, 13, 3901, 91, 20, 13, 5066, 3, 1222, 720, 1065, 13, 3132, 91, 1157, 13, 3720, 3, 26867, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35480, 16, 1222, 39280, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 21170, 720, 92, 91, 59, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 21170, 720, 92, 3, 1222, 720, 17, 13, 46302, 91, 17, 13, 29331, 3, 1222, 220, 720, 1983, 13, 21, 91, 1495, 13, 17, 3, 220, 1222, 720, 15, 13, 1954, 91, 15, 13, 1983, 3, 1222, 220, 720, 15, 13, 1507, 91, 15, 13, 1558, 3, 220, 1222, 5984, 21, 69, 18, 1222, 39280, 2022, 1140, 31478, 11664, 720, 3467, 15065, 1616, 720, 92, 91, 59, 2022 ]
[ 21, 13, 2618, 91, 20, 13, 2813, 3, 612, 400, 1032, 13, 508, 91, 717, 13, 4103, 3, 91255, 262, 48155, 15, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 25314, 91, 17, 13, 21893, 3, 612, 220, 400, 1544, 13, 20, 91, 914, 13, 17, 3, 220, 612, 400, 15, 13, 1958, 91, 15, 13, 2983, 3, 612, 220, 400, 15, 13, 410, 91, 15, 13, 410, 3, 220, 612, 9827, 21, 69, 17, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 19498, 91, 17, 13, 18572, 3, 612, 400, 12994, 13, 16, 91, 13762, 13, 22, 3, 612, 400, 21, 13, 3174, 91, 20, 13, 5495, 3, 612, 400, 717, 13, 2148, 91, 806, 13, 4643, 3, 91255, 262, 48155, 16, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 25251, 91, 17, 13, 15831, 3, 612, 220, 400, 1544, 13, 21, 91, 914, 13, 17, 3, 220, 612, 400, 15, 13, 1419, 91, 15, 13, 1544, 3, 612, 220, 400, 15, 13, 972, 91, 15, 13, 1114, 3, 220, 612, 9827, 21, 69, 18, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 92, 23813, 3172 ]
[ 5241, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 18245, 91, 17, 13, 18517, 3, 612, 400, 14378, 13, 16, 91, 12463, 13, 22, 3, 612, 400, 21, 13, 1591, 91, 20, 13, 3391, 3, 612, 400, 806, 13, 2618, 91, 806, 13, 2705, 3, 91255, 262, 48155, 17, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 24472, 91, 17, 13, 26083, 3, 612, 220, 400, 1544, 13, 21, 91, 914, 13, 17, 3, 220, 612, 400, 15, 13, 1187, 91, 15, 13, 2148, 3, 612, 220, 400, 15, 13, 2137, 91, 15, 13, 1987, 3, 220, 612, 9827, 21, 69, 19, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 40560, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 21290, 91, 17, 13, 14870, 3, 612, 400, 11057, 13, 22, 91, 11584, 13, 16, 3, 612, 400, 20, 13, 2721, 91, 20, 13, 717, 3, 612, 400, 605, 13, 3487, 91, 605, 13, 508, 3, 91255, 262, 48155, 18, 612, 59060, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 92, 23813, 76, 2054, 36802, 17185, 400, 1144, 44398, 400, 32816, 612, 400, 17, 13, 24456, 91, 17, 13, 25302, 3, 612, 220, 400, 1544, 13, 21, 91, 914, 13, 17, 3, 220, 612, 400, 15, 13, 2148, 91, 15, 13, 1544, 3 ]
(sphingomyelin, SM; ceramide, Cer; Glucocyl-ceramide, GluCer; ganglioside mannoside 3, GM3. Lipidomic analysis had revealed that the plasma of human and cynomolgus monkey were of similar compositions, with PC, SM, PE, LPC and PI constituting the major polar lipid species present. Human plasma contained significantly higher levels of plasmalogen PE species (p<0.005 and plasmalogen PC species (p<0.0005, while cynomolgus monkey had higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acyls (PUFA in PC, PE, PS and PI. Notably, cynomolgus monkey had significantly lower levels of glycosphingolipids, including GluCer (p<0.0005 and GM(3 (p<0.0005, but higher level of Cer (p<0.0005 in plasma than human. We next investigated the biochemical alterations in blood lipids of 8 naturally occurring diabetic cynomolgus monkeys when compared with 8 healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, we demonstrated that the plasma of human and cynomolgus
(sphingomyelin, SM; ceramide, Cer; Glucocyl-ceramide, GluCer; ganglioside mannoside 3, GM3. Lipidomic analysis had revealed that the plasma of human and cynomolgus monkey were of similar compositions, with PC, SM, PE, LPC and PI constituting the major polar lipid species present. Human plasma contained significantly higher levels of plasmalogen PE species (p<0.005 and plasmalogen PC species (p<0.0005, while cynomolgus monkey had higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acyls (PUFA in PC, PE, PS and PI. Notably, cynomolgus monkey had significantly lower levels of glycosphingolipids, including GluCer (p<0.0005 and GM(3 (p<0.0005, but higher level of Cer (p<0.0005 in plasma than human. We next investigated the biochemical alterations in blood lipids of 8 naturally occurring diabetic cynomolgus monkeys when compared with 8 healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, we demonstrated that the plasma of human and cynomolgus
monkey were of similar compositions, but contained different mol distribution of individual molecular species. Diabetic monkeys Spectrochemical analysis using laser plasma excitation Radziemski, L.J. This paper reports on analyses of gases, liquids, particles, and surfaces in which laser plasma is used to vaporize and excite a material. The authors present a discussion of the interaction between laser radiation and a solid and some recent analytical results using laser plasma excitation on metals. The use of laser plasmas as an ablation source is also discussed Noncircular plasma shape analysis in long-pulse current drive experiment in TRIAM-1M Minooka, Mayumi; Kawasaki, Shoji; Jotaki, Eriko; Moriyama, Shin-ichi; Nagao, Akihiro; Nakamura, Kazuo; Hiraki, Naoji; Nakamura, Yukio; Itoh, Satoshi Plasma cross section was noncircularized and the plasma shape was analyzed in order to study the characteristics of the plasma in long-pulse current drive experiments in high-field superconducting tokamak TRIAM-1M. Filament approximation method was adopted, since on-line processing by data processing
[ 357, 2777, 722, 9145, 27176, 11, 9447, 26, 26074, 37905, 11, 17419, 26, 2671, 1229, 420, 2645, 12, 2189, 37905, 11, 402, 2290, 34, 263, 26, 7706, 75, 4267, 485, 582, 39369, 485, 513, 11, 6951, 18, 13, 24701, 312, 10179, 3781, 550, 4602, 326, 262, 16074, 286, 1692, 290, 19768, 296, 349, 70, 385, 21657, 547, 286, 2092, 33543, 11, 351, 4217, 11, 9447, 11, 18468, 11, 406, 5662, 290, 30434, 7892, 15129, 262, 1688, 13559, 34073, 4693, 1944, 13, 5524, 16074, 7763, 5566, 2440, 2974, 286, 458, 292, 7617, 6644, 18468, 4693, 357, 79, 27, 15, 13, 22544, 290, 458, 292, 7617, 6644, 4217, 4693, 357, 79, 27, 15, 13, 830, 20, 11, 981, 19768, 296, 349, 70, 385, 21657, 550, 2440, 2974, 286, 7514, 13271, 30192, 19251, 936, 2645, 82, 357, 5105, 7708, 287, 4217, 11, 18468, 11, 6599, 290, 30434, 13, 45683, 11, 19768, 296, 349, 70, 385, 21657, 550, 5566, 2793, 2974, 286, 40232, 2117, 722, 349, 541, 2340, 11, 1390, 402, 2290, 34, 263, 357, 79, 27, 15, 13, 830, 20, 290, 6951, 7, 18, 357, 79, 27, 15, 13, 830, 20, 11, 475, 2440, 1241, 286, 17419, 357, 79, 27, 15, 13, 830, 20, 287, 16074, 621, 1692, 13, 775, 1306, 12565, 262, 47685, 29858, 287, 2910, 10645, 2340, 286, 807, 8752, 14963, 44016, 19768, 296, 349, 70, 385, 26697, 618, 3688, 351, 807, 5448, 6973, 13, 7102, 28332, 11053, 25, 1114, 262, 717, 640, 11, 356, 9555, 326, 262, 16074, 286, 1692, 290, 19768, 296, 349, 70, 385 ]
[ 320, 82, 764, 287, 5650, 33830, 11, 14031, 26, 10362, 66796, 11, 28764, 26, 8444, 1791, 511, 4010, 1824, 261, 66796, 11, 8444, 92111, 261, 26, 13481, 747, 437, 579, 893, 37491, 579, 220, 18, 11, 19722, 18, 13, 42239, 307, 3151, 6492, 1047, 10675, 430, 279, 32426, 315, 3823, 323, 48364, 316, 75163, 355, 39803, 1051, 315, 4528, 62644, 11, 449, 6812, 11, 14031, 11, 22557, 11, 50175, 323, 23396, 9129, 10831, 279, 3682, 25685, 68700, 9606, 3118, 13, 11344, 32426, 13282, 12207, 5190, 5990, 315, 628, 10753, 278, 11968, 22557, 9606, 320, 79, 27, 15, 13, 8504, 323, 628, 10753, 278, 11968, 6812, 9606, 320, 79, 27, 15, 13, 931, 20, 11, 1418, 48364, 316, 75163, 355, 39803, 1047, 5190, 5990, 315, 10062, 11099, 35467, 40085, 1645, 4010, 82, 320, 6459, 3711, 304, 6812, 11, 22557, 11, 11659, 323, 23396, 13, 2876, 2915, 11, 48364, 316, 75163, 355, 39803, 1047, 12207, 4827, 5990, 315, 37807, 9594, 764, 287, 337, 575, 3447, 11, 2737, 8444, 92111, 261, 320, 79, 27, 15, 13, 931, 20, 323, 19722, 7, 18, 320, 79, 27, 15, 13, 931, 20, 11, 719, 5190, 2237, 315, 28764, 320, 79, 27, 15, 13, 931, 20, 304, 32426, 1109, 3823, 13, 1226, 1828, 27313, 279, 93532, 61086, 304, 6680, 19588, 3447, 315, 220, 23, 18182, 31965, 71975, 48364, 316, 75163, 355, 61820, 994, 7863, 449, 220, 23, 9498, 11835, 13, 3501, 38953, 43486, 25, 1789, 279, 1176, 892, 11, 584, 21091, 430, 279, 32426, 315, 3823, 323, 48364, 316, 75163, 355 ]
[ 39803, 1051, 315, 4528, 62644, 11, 719, 13282, 2204, 22337, 8141, 315, 3927, 31206, 9606, 13, 7923, 45938, 61820, 198, 50, 1002, 299, 32056, 6492, 1701, 21120, 32426, 3521, 7709, 198, 43031, 8510, 336, 33639, 11, 445, 3587, 627, 2028, 5684, 6821, 389, 29060, 315, 45612, 11, 67849, 11, 19252, 11, 323, 27529, 304, 902, 21120, 32426, 374, 1511, 311, 38752, 553, 323, 3521, 635, 264, 3769, 13, 578, 12283, 3118, 264, 10430, 315, 279, 16628, 1990, 21120, 25407, 323, 264, 6573, 323, 1063, 3293, 44064, 3135, 1701, 21120, 32426, 3521, 7709, 389, 37182, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 21120, 628, 300, 7044, 439, 459, 671, 2354, 2592, 374, 1101, 14407, 198, 8284, 66, 22190, 32426, 6211, 6492, 304, 1317, 2320, 17660, 1510, 6678, 9526, 304, 55663, 1428, 12, 16, 44, 198, 6349, 1982, 64, 11, 3297, 25330, 26, 98538, 11, 1443, 28000, 26, 622, 354, 14966, 11, 469, 462, 9509, 26, 8613, 16618, 3105, 11, 35549, 12, 41652, 26, 30162, 3524, 11, 362, 6780, 86238, 26, 44329, 84817, 11, 36074, 24012, 26, 80735, 14966, 11, 452, 3524, 7910, 26, 44329, 84817, 11, 58763, 822, 26, 358, 998, 71, 11, 93252, 198, 2169, 23390, 5425, 3857, 574, 2536, 66, 22190, 1534, 323, 279, 32426, 6211, 574, 30239, 304, 2015, 311, 4007, 279, 17910, 315, 279, 32426, 304, 1317, 2320, 17660, 1510, 6678, 21896, 304, 1579, 19677, 2307, 77752, 287, 9825, 109605, 55663, 1428, 12, 16, 44, 13, 16807, 2908, 57304, 1749, 574, 18306, 11, 2533, 389, 8614, 8863, 555, 828, 8863 ]
for that candidate’s vice-presidential running mate.” The executed pledges must accompany the submission of the corresponding names to the secretary of state.” §208.46: “An elector who refuses to present a ballot, presents an unmarked ballot, or presents a ballot marked in violation of the elector’s pledge executed under section 208.43 or 208.45, paragraph (c), vacates the office of elector, creating a vacant position to be filled under section 208.45.” Michigan – “At any time before receipt of the certificate of the governor or within 48 hours thereafter, an elector may resign by submitting his written and verified resignation to the governor. Failure to so resign signifies consent to serve and to cast his vote for the candidates for president and vice-president appearing on the Michigan ballot of the political party which nominated him. Refusal or failure to vote for the candidates for president and vice-president appearing on the Michigan ballot of the political party which nominated the elector constitutes a resignation from the office of elector, his vote shall not be recorded and the remaining electors shall forthwith fill the vacancy.” Mississippi – “Each certificate of nomination and nominating petition must be accompanied by a list of the
for that candidate’s vice-presidential running mate.” The executed pledges must accompany the submission of the corresponding names to the secretary of state.” §208.46: “An elector who refuses to present a ballot, presents an unmarked ballot, or presents a ballot marked in violation of the elector’s pledge executed under section 208.43 or 208.45, paragraph (c), vacates the office of elector, creating a vacant position to be filled under section 208.45.” Michigan – “At any time before receipt of the certificate of the governor or within 48 hours thereafter, an elector may resign by submitting his written and verified resignation to the governor. Failure to so resign signifies consent to serve and to cast his vote for the candidates for president and vice-president appearing on the Michigan ballot of the political party which nominated him. Refusal or failure to vote for the candidates for president and vice-president appearing on the Michigan ballot of the political party which nominated the elector constitutes a resignation from the office of elector, his vote shall not be recorded and the remaining electors shall forthwith fill the vacancy.” Mississippi – “Each certificate of nomination and nominating petition must be accompanied by a list of the
names and addresses of persons, who shall be qualified voters of this state, equal in number to the number of presidential electors to be chosen. Each person so listed shall execute the following statement which shall be attached to the certificate or petition when it is filed with the State Board of Election Commissioners: “I do hereby consent and do hereby agree to serve as elector for President and Vice President of the United States, if elected to that position, and do hereby agree that, if so elected, I shall cast my ballot as such for for President and for Vice President of the United States” (inserting in said blank spaces the respective names of the persons named as nominees for said respective offices in the certificate to which this statement is attached). (4) The State Board of Election Commissioners and any other official charged with the preparation of official ballots shall place on such official ballots the words “PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS FOR (here insert the name of the candidate for President, the word ‘AND’ and the name of the candidate for Vice President)” in lieu of placing the names of such presidential electors on the official ballots, and a vote cast therefor shall be counted and shall be in all respects effective as a vote for each of the presidential electors representing
[ 329, 326, 4540, 447, 247, 82, 7927, 12, 22540, 498, 2491, 16133, 13, 447, 251, 383, 10945, 31241, 1276, 13873, 262, 14498, 286, 262, 11188, 3891, 284, 262, 7705, 286, 1181, 13, 447, 251, 8460, 21315, 13, 3510, 25, 564, 250, 2025, 43191, 508, 17567, 284, 1944, 257, 11100, 11, 10969, 281, 46791, 11100, 11, 393, 10969, 257, 11100, 7498, 287, 8747, 286, 262, 43191, 447, 247, 82, 13995, 10945, 739, 2665, 27121, 13, 3559, 393, 27121, 13, 2231, 11, 7322, 357, 66, 828, 6658, 689, 262, 2607, 286, 43191, 11, 4441, 257, 23957, 2292, 284, 307, 5901, 739, 2665, 27121, 13, 2231, 13, 447, 251, 198, 40610, 784, 564, 250, 2953, 597, 640, 878, 14507, 286, 262, 10703, 286, 262, 8153, 393, 1626, 4764, 2250, 19547, 11, 281, 43191, 743, 10931, 416, 24353, 465, 3194, 290, 19000, 18525, 284, 262, 8153, 13, 25743, 284, 523, 10931, 43854, 8281, 284, 4691, 290, 284, 3350, 465, 3015, 329, 262, 5871, 329, 1893, 290, 7927, 12, 22540, 12655, 319, 262, 7055, 11100, 286, 262, 1964, 2151, 543, 19332, 683, 13, 6524, 6775, 393, 5287, 284, 3015, 329, 262, 5871, 329, 1893, 290, 7927, 12, 22540, 12655, 319, 262, 7055, 11100, 286, 262, 1964, 2151, 543, 19332, 262, 43191, 19300, 257, 18525, 422, 262, 2607, 286, 43191, 11, 465, 3015, 2236, 407, 307, 6264, 290, 262, 5637, 39259, 2236, 6071, 4480, 6070, 262, 39836, 13, 447, 251, 198, 17140, 747, 12715, 784, 564, 250, 10871, 10703, 286, 11872, 290, 48833, 8853, 1276, 307, 11791, 416, 257, 1351, 286, 262 ]
[ 369, 430, 9322, 753, 17192, 80876, 11484, 4401, 30276, 2029, 578, 16070, 79118, 2011, 19780, 279, 21142, 315, 279, 12435, 5144, 311, 279, 19607, 315, 1614, 2029, 17036, 12171, 13, 2790, 25, 1054, 2127, 4135, 269, 889, 41716, 311, 3118, 264, 26938, 11, 18911, 459, 653, 47462, 26938, 11, 477, 18911, 264, 26938, 13160, 304, 20535, 315, 279, 4135, 269, 753, 36179, 16070, 1234, 3857, 220, 12171, 13, 3391, 477, 220, 12171, 13, 1774, 11, 14646, 320, 66, 705, 9467, 988, 279, 5274, 315, 4135, 269, 11, 6968, 264, 49791, 2361, 311, 387, 10409, 1234, 3857, 220, 12171, 13, 1774, 49216, 82657, 1389, 1054, 1688, 904, 892, 1603, 23383, 315, 279, 16125, 315, 279, 19582, 477, 2949, 220, 2166, 4207, 46095, 11, 459, 4135, 269, 1253, 24509, 555, 34194, 813, 5439, 323, 24884, 44734, 311, 279, 19582, 13, 33360, 311, 779, 24509, 78864, 14771, 311, 8854, 323, 311, 6445, 813, 7055, 369, 279, 11426, 369, 4872, 323, 17192, 67088, 26449, 389, 279, 14972, 26938, 315, 279, 5054, 4717, 902, 39048, 1461, 13, 8718, 36514, 477, 8060, 311, 7055, 369, 279, 11426, 369, 4872, 323, 17192, 67088, 26449, 389, 279, 14972, 26938, 315, 279, 5054, 4717, 902, 39048, 279, 4135, 269, 42675, 264, 44734, 505, 279, 5274, 315, 4135, 269, 11, 813, 7055, 4985, 539, 387, 12715, 323, 279, 9861, 4135, 1105, 4985, 13544, 4291, 5266, 279, 62562, 49216, 36412, 27126, 1389, 1054, 4959, 16125, 315, 29804, 323, 25194, 1113, 20984, 2011, 387, 24895, 555, 264, 1160, 315, 279 ]
[ 5144, 323, 14564, 315, 11434, 11, 889, 4985, 387, 15337, 11969, 315, 420, 1614, 11, 6273, 304, 1396, 311, 279, 1396, 315, 13621, 4135, 1105, 311, 387, 12146, 13, 9062, 1732, 779, 10212, 4985, 9203, 279, 2768, 5224, 902, 4985, 387, 12673, 311, 279, 16125, 477, 20984, 994, 433, 374, 13019, 449, 279, 3314, 8925, 315, 26838, 97345, 25, 1054, 40, 656, 22552, 14771, 323, 656, 22552, 7655, 311, 8854, 439, 4135, 269, 369, 4900, 323, 23270, 4900, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 422, 16689, 311, 430, 2361, 11, 323, 656, 22552, 7655, 430, 11, 422, 779, 16689, 11, 358, 4985, 6445, 856, 26938, 439, 1778, 369, 369, 4900, 323, 369, 23270, 4900, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 863, 320, 4302, 287, 304, 1071, 10321, 12908, 279, 20081, 5144, 315, 279, 11434, 7086, 439, 60142, 369, 1071, 20081, 19672, 304, 279, 16125, 311, 902, 420, 5224, 374, 12673, 570, 320, 19, 8, 578, 3314, 8925, 315, 26838, 97345, 323, 904, 1023, 4033, 11684, 449, 279, 18459, 315, 4033, 49736, 4985, 2035, 389, 1778, 4033, 49736, 279, 4339, 1054, 47, 7157, 20398, 6340, 73577, 10022, 4716, 320, 6881, 5774, 279, 836, 315, 279, 9322, 369, 4900, 11, 279, 3492, 3451, 4064, 529, 323, 279, 836, 315, 279, 9322, 369, 23270, 4900, 99382, 304, 39381, 315, 25012, 279, 5144, 315, 1778, 13621, 4135, 1105, 389, 279, 4033, 49736, 11, 323, 264, 7055, 6445, 1070, 2000, 4985, 387, 31094, 323, 4985, 387, 304, 682, 43666, 7524, 439, 264, 7055, 369, 1855, 315, 279, 13621, 4135, 1105, 14393 ]
서 \"Sygic Travel\"을 검색하세요. 인기 명소 더 보기 Google Trips Alternative 북아메리카 유명 관광지 미국 유명 해변 Disney California Adventure Disneyland Disney California Adventure 최종 사용자 사용권 계약 Use the app 지금 안 함 Ubisoft sends an email to those people who stop playing Far Cry 6. It is a message signed by Antón Castillo in which we are challenged to return indicating the hours that we have been. Yara, the massive island on which Far Cry 6 takes place, is full of activities to perform both in the primary mission of the game and in secondary objectives. However, there are people who the new installment of the Far Cry series has not convinced enough to continue exploring it, and they have parked the
서 \"Sygic Travel\"을 검색하세요. 인기 명소 더 보기 Google Trips Alternative 북아메리카 유명 관광지 미국 유명 해변 Disney California Adventure Disneyland Disney California Adventure 최종 사용자 사용권 계약 Use the app 지금 안 함 Ubisoft sends an email to those people who stop playing Far Cry 6. It is a message signed by Antón Castillo in which we are challenged to return indicating the hours that we have been. Yara, the massive island on which Far Cry 6 takes place, is full of activities to perform both in the primary mission of the game and in secondary objectives. However, there are people who the new installment of the Far Cry series has not convinced enough to continue exploring it, and they have parked the
game. At Ubisoft, they knew that this could happen, and they have devised a plan that, despite its originality, has not finished liking these users: send an email to their address to encourage them, in a somewhat direct way, to return to Far Cry 6 Brendan Sinclair, the editor of Gameindustry.biz, has been the one who has shared in his personal Twitter account the email that Ubisoft sends to those who stop playing his new game: “Many games are already ruthlessly designed to maximize engagement, but now they send you emails and bother you if you dare to stop playing them, “complains the journalist. A lot of games are already ruthlessly designed to maximize engagement, but now they email and hassle you if you dare to stop playing them. pic.twitter.com/TRIsV4jnZP — Brendan Sinclair (@BrendanSinclair) October 26, 2021 A lot of games are already ruthlessly designed to maximize engagement, but now they email and hassle you if you dare to stop playing them. pic.twitter.com/TRIsV4jnZP – Brendan Sinclair (@BrendanSinclair) October 26, 2021 “Sure, you can do better.”
[ 168, 226, 250, 19990, 13940, 70, 291, 13524, 7879, 35975, 226, 220, 166, 110, 222, 168, 225, 231, 47991, 246, 168, 226, 116, 168, 248, 242, 13, 198, 35975, 116, 166, 116, 108, 31619, 103, 227, 168, 228, 234, 31619, 235, 242, 31619, 111, 112, 166, 116, 108, 198, 11708, 7563, 862, 27182, 31619, 114, 223, 168, 243, 226, 167, 102, 242, 167, 99, 105, 168, 117, 112, 23821, 250, 254, 167, 103, 227, 220, 166, 112, 222, 166, 112, 239, 168, 100, 222, 31619, 107, 116, 166, 113, 255, 23821, 250, 254, 167, 103, 227, 220, 47991, 112, 167, 111, 222, 8519, 3442, 9553, 36312, 8519, 3442, 9553, 198, 168, 113, 250, 168, 95, 227, 23821, 8955, 168, 248, 102, 168, 252, 238, 23821, 8955, 168, 248, 102, 166, 114, 234, 220, 166, 111, 226, 168, 243, 121, 198, 11041, 262, 598, 23821, 100, 222, 166, 116, 230, 23821, 243, 230, 220, 47991, 101, 34559, 12800, 281, 3053, 284, 883, 661, 508, 2245, 2712, 6755, 8152, 718, 13, 632, 318, 257, 3275, 4488, 416, 3738, 18840, 5833, 16111, 287, 543, 356, 389, 12827, 284, 1441, 12739, 262, 2250, 326, 356, 423, 587, 13, 198, 56, 3301, 11, 262, 4858, 7022, 319, 543, 6755, 8152, 718, 2753, 1295, 11, 318, 1336, 286, 4568, 284, 1620, 1111, 287, 262, 4165, 4365, 286, 262, 983, 290, 287, 9233, 15221, 13, 2102, 11, 612, 389, 661, 508, 262, 649, 25168, 286, 262, 6755, 8152, 2168, 468, 407, 9431, 1576, 284, 2555, 13504, 340, 11, 290, 484, 423, 19584, 262 ]
[ 27796, 7393, 35767, 70, 292, 18589, 2153, 18359, 115036, 92245, 627, 32428, 21121, 104167, 44690, 102519, 111744, 198, 14783, 12639, 1725, 42209, 108772, 54059, 85767, 119420, 101003, 80732, 93851, 104176, 22035, 107449, 101003, 80732, 61816, 104449, 16795, 7188, 33112, 75174, 16795, 7188, 33112, 198, 104156, 102757, 41820, 26799, 41820, 103131, 120287, 198, 10464, 279, 917, 109296, 96270, 52072, 87997, 22014, 459, 2613, 311, 1884, 1274, 889, 3009, 5737, 13759, 43805, 220, 21, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 1984, 8667, 555, 6898, 3244, 96783, 304, 902, 584, 527, 29991, 311, 471, 19392, 279, 4207, 430, 584, 617, 1027, 627, 56, 5169, 11, 279, 11191, 13218, 389, 902, 13759, 43805, 220, 21, 5097, 2035, 11, 374, 2539, 315, 7640, 311, 2804, 2225, 304, 279, 6156, 9131, 315, 279, 1847, 323, 304, 14580, 26470, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 1274, 889, 279, 502, 47644, 315, 279, 13759, 43805, 4101, 706, 539, 22954, 3403, 311, 3136, 24919, 433, 11, 323, 814, 617, 43335, 279 ]
[ 1847, 13, 2468, 87997, 11, 814, 7020, 430, 420, 1436, 3621, 11, 323, 814, 617, 69120, 264, 3197, 430, 11, 8994, 1202, 4113, 488, 11, 706, 539, 8220, 49837, 1521, 3932, 25, 3708, 459, 2613, 311, 872, 2686, 311, 15253, 1124, 11, 304, 264, 14738, 2167, 1648, 11, 311, 471, 311, 13759, 43805, 220, 21, 198, 33, 9484, 276, 74289, 11, 279, 6576, 315, 4140, 71864, 53708, 11, 706, 1027, 279, 832, 889, 706, 6222, 304, 813, 4443, 6405, 2759, 279, 2613, 430, 87997, 22014, 311, 1884, 889, 3009, 5737, 813, 502, 1847, 25, 1054, 8607, 3953, 527, 2736, 54246, 16117, 6319, 311, 35608, 20392, 11, 719, 1457, 814, 3708, 499, 14633, 323, 20753, 499, 422, 499, 33304, 311, 3009, 5737, 1124, 11, 1054, 884, 501, 1771, 279, 23672, 627, 32, 2763, 315, 3953, 527, 2736, 54246, 16117, 6319, 311, 35608, 20392, 11, 719, 1457, 814, 2613, 323, 47947, 499, 422, 499, 33304, 311, 3009, 5737, 1124, 13, 10532, 16535, 916, 53427, 3957, 53, 19, 94908, 57, 47, 198, 2345, 56943, 74289, 8165, 33, 9484, 276, 49368, 49272, 8, 6664, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 198, 32, 2763, 315, 3953, 527, 2736, 54246, 16117, 6319, 311, 35608, 20392, 11, 719, 1457, 814, 2613, 323, 47947, 499, 422, 499, 33304, 311, 3009, 5737, 1124, 13, 10532, 16535, 916, 53427, 3957, 53, 19, 94908, 57, 47, 1389, 56943, 74289, 8165, 33, 9484, 276, 49368, 49272, 8, 6664, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 198, 2118, 40914, 11, 499, 649, 656, 2731, 2029 ]
Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. India and Vietnam are among the favourites for smartphones. Apple Inc has asked its major suppliers to assess the cost implications of moving 15 per cent -30 per cent of their production capacity from China to Southeast Asia as it prepares for a restructuring of its supply chain, according to a Nikkei Asian Review report on Wednesday. Apple’s request was a result of the extended Sino-US trade dispute, but a trade resolution will not lead to a change in the company’s decision, Nikkei said, citing multiple sources. The iPhone maker has decided the risks of depending heavily on manufacturing in China are too great and even rising, it said. Earlier this month, credit rating agency Fitch said it views Apple, Dell Technologies Inc and HP Inc as potential blacklist candidates if China blacklists US companies in retaliation for restrictions on Huawei. Key iPhone assemblers Foxconn, Pegatron Corp, Wistron Corp, major MacBook maker Quanta Computer Inc, iPad maker Compal Electronics Inc, and AirPods makers Inventec Corp, Luxshare-ICT and Goertek have been asked to evaluate options outside of China, Nikkei reported. The countries being considered include Mexico, India, Vietnam,
Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. India and Vietnam are among the favourites for smartphones. Apple Inc has asked its major suppliers to assess the cost implications of moving 15 per cent -30 per cent of their production capacity from China to Southeast Asia as it prepares for a restructuring of its supply chain, according to a Nikkei Asian Review report on Wednesday. Apple’s request was a result of the extended Sino-US trade dispute, but a trade resolution will not lead to a change in the company’s decision, Nikkei said, citing multiple sources. The iPhone maker has decided the risks of depending heavily on manufacturing in China are too great and even rising, it said. Earlier this month, credit rating agency Fitch said it views Apple, Dell Technologies Inc and HP Inc as potential blacklist candidates if China blacklists US companies in retaliation for restrictions on Huawei. Key iPhone assemblers Foxconn, Pegatron Corp, Wistron Corp, major MacBook maker Quanta Computer Inc, iPad maker Compal Electronics Inc, and AirPods makers Inventec Corp, Luxshare-ICT and Goertek have been asked to evaluate options outside of China, Nikkei reported. The countries being considered include Mexico, India, Vietnam,
Indonesia and Malaysia. India and Vietnam are among the favourites for smartphones, Nikkei said, citing sources who did not want to be identified as the discussions are private. Last week, Foxconn said it had enough capacity outside China to meet Apple’s demand in the American market if the company needed to adjust its production lines, as US President Donald Trump threatened to slap further USD 300 billion tariffs on Chinese goods. Analysts at Wedbush Securities said in a best-case scenario Apple would be able to move 5 per cent -7 per cent of its iPhone production likely to India in the next 12 to 18 months. Given the complexity and logistics involved, brokerage said, it would take at least 2-3 years to move 15 per cent of iPhone production from China to other regions. “We believe this is all a poker game and Apple will not diversify production out of China overnight and certainly a long-term US/China trade deal is key for Cook & Co to sleep well at night,” Wedbush analysts said. China is a key market for Apple as well as a major production centre for its devices. The company got nearly 18 per cent of its total revenue from Greater China in the quarter ended March. Earlier in June
[ 10836, 11, 16256, 290, 15336, 13, 3794, 290, 10836, 389, 1871, 262, 39489, 329, 18151, 13, 198, 16108, 3457, 468, 1965, 663, 1688, 20499, 284, 4659, 262, 1575, 10939, 286, 3867, 1315, 583, 1247, 532, 1270, 583, 1247, 286, 511, 3227, 5339, 422, 2807, 284, 21199, 7229, 355, 340, 25978, 329, 257, 32324, 286, 663, 5127, 6333, 11, 1864, 284, 257, 11271, 365, 72, 7740, 6602, 989, 319, 3583, 13, 198, 16108, 447, 247, 82, 2581, 373, 257, 1255, 286, 262, 7083, 311, 2879, 12, 2937, 3292, 11047, 11, 475, 257, 3292, 6323, 481, 407, 1085, 284, 257, 1487, 287, 262, 1664, 447, 247, 82, 2551, 11, 11271, 365, 72, 531, 11, 12988, 3294, 4237, 13, 198, 464, 7133, 16009, 468, 3066, 262, 7476, 286, 6906, 7272, 319, 9138, 287, 2807, 389, 1165, 1049, 290, 772, 7396, 11, 340, 531, 13, 198, 13689, 428, 1227, 11, 3884, 7955, 4086, 376, 2007, 531, 340, 5009, 4196, 11, 23617, 21852, 3457, 290, 6574, 3457, 355, 2785, 38810, 5871, 611, 2807, 2042, 20713, 1294, 2706, 287, 24671, 329, 8733, 319, 43208, 13, 198, 9218, 7133, 11156, 8116, 5426, 37043, 11, 31084, 23484, 11421, 11, 370, 396, 1313, 11421, 11, 1688, 28084, 16009, 2264, 4910, 13851, 3457, 11, 13133, 16009, 3082, 282, 27828, 3457, 11, 290, 3701, 47, 12978, 14429, 554, 1151, 721, 11421, 11, 17145, 20077, 12, 18379, 290, 1514, 263, 35424, 423, 587, 1965, 284, 13446, 3689, 2354, 286, 2807, 11, 11271, 365, 72, 2098, 13, 198, 464, 2678, 852, 3177, 2291, 5828, 11, 3794, 11, 10836, 11 ]
[ 23315, 11, 24922, 323, 28796, 13, 6890, 323, 23315, 527, 4315, 279, 58034, 369, 36122, 627, 27665, 4953, 706, 4691, 1202, 3682, 20972, 311, 8720, 279, 2853, 25127, 315, 7366, 220, 868, 824, 2960, 482, 966, 824, 2960, 315, 872, 5788, 8824, 505, 5734, 311, 36664, 13936, 439, 433, 48542, 369, 264, 69027, 315, 1202, 8312, 8957, 11, 4184, 311, 264, 22300, 441, 72, 14875, 10506, 1934, 389, 8079, 627, 27665, 753, 1715, 574, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 11838, 328, 3394, 33440, 6696, 26086, 11, 719, 264, 6696, 11175, 690, 539, 3063, 311, 264, 2349, 304, 279, 2883, 753, 5597, 11, 22300, 441, 72, 1071, 11, 33264, 5361, 8336, 627, 791, 12443, 25214, 706, 6773, 279, 15635, 315, 11911, 17345, 389, 15266, 304, 5734, 527, 2288, 2294, 323, 1524, 16448, 11, 433, 1071, 627, 34141, 420, 2305, 11, 6807, 10959, 9266, 435, 1641, 1071, 433, 6325, 8325, 11, 39424, 25579, 4953, 323, 12478, 4953, 439, 4754, 67149, 11426, 422, 5734, 3776, 18035, 2326, 5220, 304, 61449, 369, 17294, 389, 51707, 627, 1622, 12443, 439, 28111, 388, 13585, 5259, 11, 50766, 81189, 22621, 11, 468, 380, 2298, 22621, 11, 3682, 58679, 25214, 3489, 8424, 17863, 4953, 11, 23067, 25214, 13620, 278, 38784, 4953, 11, 323, 6690, 24434, 82, 29414, 93258, 762, 22621, 11, 27466, 19930, 12, 15149, 323, 6122, 531, 1247, 617, 1027, 4691, 311, 15806, 2671, 4994, 315, 5734, 11, 22300, 441, 72, 5068, 627, 791, 5961, 1694, 6646, 2997, 12550, 11, 6890, 11, 23315, 11 ]
[ 24922, 323, 28796, 13, 6890, 323, 23315, 527, 4315, 279, 58034, 369, 36122, 11, 22300, 441, 72, 1071, 11, 33264, 8336, 889, 1550, 539, 1390, 311, 387, 11054, 439, 279, 20954, 527, 879, 627, 5966, 2046, 11, 13585, 5259, 1071, 433, 1047, 3403, 8824, 4994, 5734, 311, 3449, 8325, 753, 7631, 304, 279, 3778, 3157, 422, 279, 2883, 4460, 311, 7652, 1202, 5788, 5238, 11, 439, 2326, 4900, 9641, 3420, 21699, 311, 51152, 4726, 20121, 220, 3101, 7239, 44995, 389, 8620, 11822, 627, 63085, 99335, 520, 6658, 65, 1136, 46272, 1071, 304, 264, 1888, 39585, 15398, 8325, 1053, 387, 3025, 311, 3351, 220, 20, 824, 2960, 482, 22, 824, 2960, 315, 1202, 12443, 5788, 4461, 311, 6890, 304, 279, 1828, 220, 717, 311, 220, 972, 4038, 627, 22818, 279, 23965, 323, 43257, 6532, 11, 75955, 1071, 11, 433, 1053, 1935, 520, 3325, 220, 17, 12, 18, 1667, 311, 3351, 220, 868, 824, 2960, 315, 12443, 5788, 505, 5734, 311, 1023, 13918, 627, 15085, 4510, 420, 374, 682, 264, 21481, 1847, 323, 8325, 690, 539, 21797, 1463, 5788, 704, 315, 5734, 25402, 323, 7995, 264, 1317, 9860, 2326, 14, 23078, 6696, 3568, 374, 1401, 369, 12797, 612, 3623, 311, 6212, 1664, 520, 3814, 2476, 6658, 65, 1136, 31499, 1071, 627, 23078, 374, 264, 1401, 3157, 369, 8325, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 3682, 5788, 12541, 369, 1202, 7766, 13, 578, 2883, 2751, 7154, 220, 972, 824, 2960, 315, 1202, 2860, 13254, 505, 33381, 5734, 304, 279, 8502, 9670, 5587, 627, 34141, 304, 5651 ]
förövade mordattentat på kejsaren Vilhelm I, vilka visserligen inte ledde sitt ursprung direkt från socialdemokraterna, tillskrevs dock den av dem befordrade anarkistiska agitationen och blev den närmaste anledningen till den i oktober 1878 av tyska riksdagen antagna socialistlagen. Genom dess förbud för möten och skrifter av socialistisk eller kommunistisk natur och offentlig socialistisk agitation i allmänhet gavs socialdemokratin en undantagsställning, som bekräftades vid lagens upprepade förnyanden. Rikskansler Otto von Bismarck var emellertid angelägen om att kombinera socialistlagen med ett socialt lagstiftningsarbete, varigenom han hoppades kunna bryta udden av den spirande rörelsen.
förövade mordattentat på kejsaren Vilhelm I, vilka visserligen inte ledde sitt ursprung direkt från socialdemokraterna, tillskrevs dock den av dem befordrade anarkistiska agitationen och blev den närmaste anledningen till den i oktober 1878 av tyska riksdagen antagna socialistlagen. Genom dess förbud för möten och skrifter av socialistisk eller kommunistisk natur och offentlig socialistisk agitation i allmänhet gavs socialdemokratin en undantagsställning, som bekräftades vid lagens upprepade förnyanden. Rikskansler Otto von Bismarck var emellertid angelägen om att kombinera socialistlagen med ett socialt lagstiftningsarbete, varigenom han hoppades kunna bryta udden av den spirande rörelsen.
Genom ett kejserligt budskap till riksdagen den 17 november 1881 bebådades framläggandet av förslag om olycksfalls-, sjuk- och invaliditetsförsäkring. Sjukförsäkringen blev genomförd i juni 1883 och olycksfallsförsäkringen i juli 1884. I juni 1889 sattes kronan på verket av en allmän folkpensionslag. Dessa och andra sociala förbättringar hindrade dock inte den tyska vänsterns fortsatta tillväxt. Socialistlagen upphörde att gälla den 30 september 1890. Källor Vidare läsning Sozialistengesetze på Deutsches Historisches Museum.de 1878 i Tyskland Tysklands lagar Socialism Politikåret 1878 Juridikå
[ 277, 30570, 9101, 85, 671, 285, 585, 1078, 298, 265, 279, 29090, 885, 8457, 5757, 34037, 33485, 314, 11, 39796, 4914, 410, 747, 263, 4604, 268, 493, 68, 2957, 2934, 264, 715, 220, 1834, 1050, 2150, 19958, 21841, 1216, 29090, 77, 1919, 9536, 482, 81, 729, 2616, 11, 256, 2171, 74, 260, 14259, 23423, 2853, 1196, 1357, 307, 3841, 27585, 281, 668, 396, 1984, 64, 42209, 268, 267, 354, 275, 2768, 2853, 299, 11033, 26224, 4594, 281, 992, 768, 268, 10597, 2853, 1312, 12876, 1462, 527, 1248, 3695, 1196, 256, 893, 4914, 374, 72, 591, 67, 11286, 1885, 48669, 15889, 75, 11286, 13, 220, 198, 198, 13746, 296, 288, 408, 277, 9101, 26145, 463, 277, 30570, 285, 9101, 1452, 267, 354, 1341, 81, 18171, 1196, 15889, 1984, 304, 6051, 479, 2002, 403, 396, 1984, 299, 2541, 267, 354, 572, 298, 4604, 15889, 1984, 42209, 1312, 477, 76, 11033, 77, 3202, 308, 615, 82, 1919, 9536, 482, 10366, 259, 551, 3318, 415, 3775, 301, 11033, 297, 768, 11, 3870, 307, 38584, 11033, 701, 2367, 410, 312, 19470, 641, 334, 381, 7856, 671, 277, 30570, 3281, 392, 268, 13, 30385, 591, 74, 504, 1754, 30755, 18042, 347, 1042, 283, 694, 1401, 795, 695, 861, 312, 18304, 11033, 5235, 39030, 708, 479, 2381, 7274, 64, 15889, 75, 11286, 1117, 304, 926, 1919, 83, 19470, 301, 2135, 23400, 283, 11181, 68, 11, 1401, 9324, 296, 289, 272, 8169, 381, 2367, 479, 403, 2616, 275, 563, 8326, 334, 4742, 1196, 2853, 9158, 40004, 374, 9101, 2411, 6248, 13, 220, 628 ]
[ 17053, 3029, 85, 1037, 296, 541, 1617, 306, 266, 9292, 2004, 2580, 9329, 64749, 52999, 358, 11, 26886, 4657, 2145, 805, 75, 6569, 29387, 6197, 451, 274, 1468, 220, 1759, 93452, 55931, 49206, 3674, 28531, 564, 81, 13680, 64, 11, 259, 3385, 74, 7430, 82, 28649, 3453, 1860, 2486, 387, 8350, 50176, 459, 847, 380, 49660, 91317, 268, 12218, 73099, 3453, 44217, 8892, 5642, 459, 839, 73208, 12222, 3453, 602, 5509, 53244, 220, 9674, 23, 1860, 78539, 4657, 436, 1609, 13752, 8703, 3276, 56057, 41289, 55808, 13, 4815, 10172, 316, 21273, 17053, 71027, 17053, 22951, 2002, 12218, 1940, 81, 38800, 1860, 41289, 3267, 27028, 94788, 16156, 3267, 14818, 12218, 1022, 306, 7864, 41289, 3267, 91317, 602, 682, 76, 15492, 14122, 342, 39851, 3674, 28531, 564, 81, 15111, 665, 2073, 519, 2076, 267, 33351, 1251, 11, 1794, 387, 10056, 57639, 3536, 18619, 22171, 729, 709, 72874, 1037, 17053, 3919, 62800, 13, 432, 1609, 4991, 598, 1565, 66991, 6675, 426, 2191, 277, 377, 767, 991, 616, 531, 307, 34426, 2357, 4469, 8019, 1651, 117490, 2473, 41289, 55808, 1812, 27822, 3674, 83, 22171, 267, 333, 1546, 826, 76370, 7870, 11, 767, 6569, 316, 19538, 305, 4880, 3536, 24213, 3458, 293, 894, 2629, 577, 11025, 1860, 3453, 18823, 23775, 436, 3029, 3833, 12021, 13, 4815 ]
[ 10172, 316, 27822, 2004, 73, 805, 59256, 37808, 4991, 391, 12222, 436, 1609, 13752, 8703, 3453, 220, 1114, 85323, 220, 9367, 16, 68146, 3870, 67, 3536, 1448, 9655, 2357, 14736, 438, 295, 1860, 17053, 3306, 351, 8019, 297, 398, 14895, 33695, 37619, 38536, 3178, 12, 12218, 8482, 275, 1441, 69, 3029, 5544, 2357, 10056, 287, 13, 328, 73, 3178, 69, 3029, 5544, 2357, 10056, 29018, 73099, 99298, 69, 3029, 6634, 602, 83844, 220, 9367, 18, 12218, 297, 398, 14895, 33695, 69, 3029, 5544, 2357, 10056, 29018, 602, 503, 24520, 220, 9367, 19, 13, 358, 83844, 220, 9367, 24, 274, 1617, 288, 89032, 276, 9292, 2807, 26554, 1860, 665, 682, 76, 15492, 29036, 79, 4769, 13667, 13, 423, 26577, 12218, 90914, 3674, 64, 17053, 65, 14360, 563, 277, 48419, 50176, 28649, 29387, 3453, 78539, 4657, 348, 15492, 267, 944, 82, 75652, 33019, 12222, 73150, 2302, 382, 27414, 380, 55808, 709, 764, 9603, 451, 1651, 342, 33351, 64, 3453, 220, 966, 84749, 220, 9378, 15, 382, 42, 33351, 269, 271, 53, 307, 548, 31105, 82, 1251, 720, 2100, 60480, 380, 833, 288, 295, 3059, 9292, 1611, 6256, 8696, 22425, 88057, 16730, 2337, 271, 9674, 23, 602, 350, 1065, 74, 1974, 198, 51, 1065, 74, 8329, 22171, 277, 198, 27414, 2191, 198, 97447, 1609, 3870, 2171, 220, 9674, 23, 198, 94277, 307, 1609, 3870 ]
If the ETF applications are rejected or delayed, he predicts that the alt market could experience a capital influx as some investors leave Bitcoin. Kelly pointed to the year’s overall growth in the cryptocurrency market, which saw the movements of Bitcoin and altcoins tightly correlated, with the former outperforming throughout August. Be cautious to buy Bitcoin today if you are counting on an imminent ETF approval, he warned investors. As a short-term trader, Kelly said he had just sold off some of his Bitcoin holdings. ETF: For Retail Traders or Not? As the hosts queried whether an ETF would benefit retail investors, Kelly noted that VanEck’s USD 200,000 share price was likely to weed out any potential for them, and rather serve institutional players. The SEC gave prospective providers 31 points needed to be met to receive approval, with one of these being protections for retail investors. It would seem that Vaneck responded to this by raising the costs to such an extent that they are cut out of the market. One issue that the Fast Money hosts did not think had been addressed yet remains the problem of providing a sufficient custodial service, with Kelly citing this as a significant reason why approval is not imminent. The post Brian Kelly:
If the ETF applications are rejected or delayed, he predicts that the alt market could experience a capital influx as some investors leave Bitcoin. Kelly pointed to the year’s overall growth in the cryptocurrency market, which saw the movements of Bitcoin and altcoins tightly correlated, with the former outperforming throughout August. Be cautious to buy Bitcoin today if you are counting on an imminent ETF approval, he warned investors. As a short-term trader, Kelly said he had just sold off some of his Bitcoin holdings. ETF: For Retail Traders or Not? As the hosts queried whether an ETF would benefit retail investors, Kelly noted that VanEck’s USD 200,000 share price was likely to weed out any potential for them, and rather serve institutional players. The SEC gave prospective providers 31 points needed to be met to receive approval, with one of these being protections for retail investors. It would seem that Vaneck responded to this by raising the costs to such an extent that they are cut out of the market. One issue that the Fast Money hosts did not think had been addressed yet remains the problem of providing a sufficient custodial service, with Kelly citing this as a significant reason why approval is not imminent. The post Brian Kelly:
One Last Hurdle for Bitcoin Rally appeared first on BitcoinNews.com. This entry was posted in Altcoins, bitcoin, Bitcoin News, BRIAN KELLY, CNBC, Cryptocurrency, etf, fast money, hurdle, market, Markets, News, rally, Securities and Exchange Commission, VanEck on August 25, 2018 by adminbtc. Upon mixing, just before use, the two components produce a low viscosity, high reactivity material that, once set, offers excellent flexibility and good compression resistance. NORPHEN DRESS technical features make it an ideal solution to realize fluid conglomerates with high inert material content, for use in tiles manufacturing or in situ floor laying followed by final honing. A typical example, in this regard, is the Venetian style floor, featuring marble and other stones chips mixed up with epoxy resin. NORPHEN DRESS is available in 18.85 kg packs. Apply one layer of NORPHEN FONDO primer. apply W3 (amount required: 1.5 kg/m2) reinforced with glass mesh. add the desired inert material and carry on mixing using the proper equipment. after 1 or 2 days setting (at 20 - 25
[ 1532, 262, 31112, 5479, 389, 8606, 393, 11038, 11, 339, 26334, 326, 262, 5988, 1910, 714, 1998, 257, 3139, 25065, 355, 617, 7713, 2666, 6185, 13, 9077, 6235, 284, 262, 614, 447, 247, 82, 4045, 3349, 287, 262, 20210, 1910, 11, 543, 2497, 262, 8650, 286, 6185, 290, 5988, 14624, 17707, 23551, 11, 351, 262, 1966, 33597, 15464, 3690, 2932, 13, 198, 3856, 21205, 284, 2822, 6185, 1909, 611, 345, 389, 14143, 319, 281, 21161, 31112, 7546, 11, 339, 7728, 7713, 13, 1081, 257, 1790, 12, 4354, 31791, 11, 9077, 531, 339, 550, 655, 2702, 572, 617, 286, 465, 6185, 27572, 13, 198, 22274, 25, 1114, 26702, 8397, 364, 393, 1892, 30, 198, 1722, 262, 11453, 42517, 798, 1771, 281, 31112, 561, 4414, 6308, 7713, 11, 9077, 4367, 326, 6656, 36, 694, 447, 247, 82, 11403, 939, 11, 830, 2648, 2756, 373, 1884, 284, 20349, 503, 597, 2785, 329, 606, 11, 290, 2138, 4691, 15855, 1938, 13, 198, 464, 10729, 2921, 17530, 9549, 3261, 2173, 2622, 284, 307, 1138, 284, 3328, 7546, 11, 351, 530, 286, 777, 852, 15018, 329, 6308, 7713, 13, 632, 561, 1283, 326, 569, 1531, 694, 7082, 284, 428, 416, 8620, 262, 3484, 284, 884, 281, 6287, 326, 484, 389, 2005, 503, 286, 262, 1910, 13, 198, 3198, 2071, 326, 262, 12549, 12911, 11453, 750, 407, 892, 550, 587, 9469, 1865, 3793, 262, 1917, 286, 4955, 257, 6751, 33702, 498, 2139, 11, 351, 9077, 12988, 428, 355, 257, 2383, 1738, 1521, 7546, 318, 407, 21161, 13, 198, 464, 1281, 8403, 9077, 25 ]
[ 2746, 279, 54163, 8522, 527, 18010, 477, 23540, 11, 568, 56978, 430, 279, 4902, 3157, 1436, 3217, 264, 6864, 53952, 439, 1063, 15167, 5387, 13428, 13, 19178, 14618, 311, 279, 1060, 753, 8244, 6650, 304, 279, 27128, 3157, 11, 902, 5602, 279, 19567, 315, 13428, 323, 4902, 30709, 40069, 49393, 11, 449, 279, 4846, 704, 29588, 287, 6957, 6287, 627, 3513, 46878, 311, 3780, 13428, 3432, 422, 499, 527, 26060, 389, 459, 51551, 54163, 14765, 11, 568, 19201, 15167, 13, 1666, 264, 2875, 9860, 45465, 11, 19178, 1071, 568, 1047, 1120, 6216, 1022, 1063, 315, 813, 13428, 58348, 627, 43339, 25, 1789, 35139, 1183, 6527, 477, 2876, 5380, 2170, 279, 18939, 79002, 3508, 459, 54163, 1053, 8935, 11040, 15167, 11, 19178, 10555, 430, 13000, 36, 377, 753, 20121, 220, 1049, 11, 931, 4430, 3430, 574, 4461, 311, 40475, 704, 904, 4754, 369, 1124, 11, 323, 4856, 8854, 33232, 4311, 627, 791, 22370, 6688, 33547, 12850, 220, 2148, 3585, 4460, 311, 387, 2322, 311, 5371, 14765, 11, 449, 832, 315, 1521, 1694, 37424, 369, 11040, 15167, 13, 1102, 1053, 2873, 430, 650, 2194, 377, 16846, 311, 420, 555, 19054, 279, 7194, 311, 1778, 459, 13112, 430, 814, 527, 4018, 704, 315, 279, 3157, 627, 4054, 4360, 430, 279, 17737, 18099, 18939, 1550, 539, 1781, 1047, 1027, 20669, 3686, 8625, 279, 3575, 315, 8405, 264, 14343, 16973, 90169, 2532, 11, 449, 19178, 33264, 420, 439, 264, 5199, 2944, 3249, 14765, 374, 539, 51551, 627, 791, 1772, 17520, 19178, 25 ]
[ 3861, 8155, 473, 16468, 273, 369, 13428, 59800, 9922, 1176, 389, 13428, 14710, 916, 627, 2028, 4441, 574, 8621, 304, 24610, 30709, 11, 18355, 11, 13428, 5513, 11, 426, 4403, 1111, 735, 2818, 9109, 11, 73359, 11, 38547, 78580, 11, 1880, 69, 11, 5043, 3300, 11, 81783, 11, 3157, 11, 47910, 11, 5513, 11, 19768, 11, 46272, 323, 19224, 9849, 11, 13000, 36, 377, 389, 6287, 220, 914, 11, 220, 679, 23, 555, 4074, 93734, 13, 30538, 27890, 11, 1120, 1603, 1005, 11, 279, 1403, 6956, 8356, 264, 3428, 99530, 11, 1579, 312, 7323, 3769, 430, 11, 3131, 743, 11, 6209, 9250, 25152, 323, 1695, 26168, 13957, 627, 45, 878, 11079, 965, 423, 7973, 11156, 4519, 1304, 433, 459, 10728, 6425, 311, 13383, 15962, 88751, 988, 449, 1579, 81073, 3769, 2262, 11, 369, 1005, 304, 21130, 15266, 477, 304, 10109, 6558, 35744, 8272, 555, 1620, 5954, 287, 13, 362, 14595, 3187, 11, 304, 420, 5363, 11, 374, 279, 18732, 295, 1122, 1742, 6558, 11, 16850, 42390, 323, 1023, 27302, 24512, 9709, 709, 449, 97744, 54614, 627, 45, 878, 11079, 965, 423, 7973, 374, 2561, 304, 220, 972, 13, 5313, 21647, 31406, 627, 29597, 832, 6324, 315, 70188, 11079, 965, 435, 715, 5989, 27909, 627, 10492, 468, 18, 320, 6173, 2631, 25, 220, 16, 13, 20, 21647, 3262, 17, 8, 49680, 449, 9168, 11546, 627, 723, 279, 12974, 81073, 3769, 323, 6920, 389, 27890, 1701, 279, 6300, 7241, 627, 10924, 220, 16, 477, 220, 17, 2919, 6376, 320, 266, 220, 508, 482, 220, 914 ]
bit of inexperience for both teams in that top order. I think there's so many different styles across the team. Captain Jason Holder is likely to have a big impact on the series. Image: PA Images "It's huge for the sport. It's something that really affected the older generation of West Indies cricketers to see the decline and you could see the anguish a lot of the time in watching West Indies cricket slip away, after being such a dominant force for such a long time. "So to actually see that resurgence of pace bowlers in the Caribbean, that desire to play the longer format, all the infrastructure around it, the administration, it feels like they're on an upward curve again. They've got an excellent captain in Jason Holder. They've got an incredible depth of fast bowling, there's a real battery there of fast bowlers. "To see it with the West Indies, for the global game it's brilliant to see and the importance of having such a good pace attack. You look at India and how armed they are with their pace bowlers so, really promising for West Indies cricket." 2009 World Cup winner Guha will present the BBC's first televised cricket since 2005. Image: PA Images Guha,
bit of inexperience for both teams in that top order. I think there's so many different styles across the team. Captain Jason Holder is likely to have a big impact on the series. Image: PA Images "It's huge for the sport. It's something that really affected the older generation of West Indies cricketers to see the decline and you could see the anguish a lot of the time in watching West Indies cricket slip away, after being such a dominant force for such a long time. "So to actually see that resurgence of pace bowlers in the Caribbean, that desire to play the longer format, all the infrastructure around it, the administration, it feels like they're on an upward curve again. They've got an excellent captain in Jason Holder. They've got an incredible depth of fast bowling, there's a real battery there of fast bowlers. "To see it with the West Indies, for the global game it's brilliant to see and the importance of having such a good pace attack. You look at India and how armed they are with their pace bowlers so, really promising for West Indies cricket." 2009 World Cup winner Guha will present the BBC's first televised cricket since 2005. Image: PA Images Guha,
who will present the highlights programme on BBC every night after play, says that Chemar Holder is the player she's most excited to see, "I'm looking forward to seeing Chemar Holder, a youngster from Barbados, I've heard good things about him. I'm not sure if he'll start, it will depend on their experienced bowlers and if they're fit enough, guys like Shannon Gabriel. "Alzarri Joseph, I'm also looking forward to seeing, even though he's quite young he's a bit more experienced than some of those other guys. I'm looking forward to seeing how he's progressed since the last time we saw him." Romaine Sawyers' 'No-Look' Own Goal For West Brom Vs Leeds Is The Weirdest Of The Season England's pace attack is also in an interesting and exciting place. With Jimmy Anderson and Stuart Broad closer to the end of their careers than the beginning and Mark Wood and Jofra Archer both showing the pace that could make an impact in Australia in 18 months time. Behind them the likes of Chris Woakes, Saqib Mahmood, Olly Stone, Craig Overton and Ollie Robinson will be hoping to make an impact this summer, with three Tests against Pakistan
[ 1643, 286, 31830, 1240, 329, 1111, 3466, 287, 326, 1353, 1502, 13, 314, 892, 612, 338, 523, 867, 1180, 12186, 1973, 262, 1074, 13, 198, 27898, 8982, 24210, 318, 1884, 284, 423, 257, 1263, 2928, 319, 262, 2168, 13, 7412, 25, 8147, 5382, 198, 1, 1026, 338, 3236, 329, 262, 6332, 13, 632, 338, 1223, 326, 1107, 5676, 262, 4697, 5270, 286, 2688, 42556, 1067, 624, 7307, 284, 766, 262, 7794, 290, 345, 714, 766, 262, 41210, 257, 1256, 286, 262, 640, 287, 4964, 2688, 42556, 18836, 13819, 1497, 11, 706, 852, 884, 257, 11410, 2700, 329, 884, 257, 890, 640, 13, 198, 1, 2396, 284, 1682, 766, 326, 39330, 286, 8761, 9396, 364, 287, 262, 18020, 11, 326, 6227, 284, 711, 262, 2392, 5794, 11, 477, 262, 6884, 1088, 340, 11, 262, 3662, 11, 340, 5300, 588, 484, 821, 319, 281, 18644, 12133, 757, 13, 1119, 1053, 1392, 281, 6275, 10654, 287, 8982, 24210, 13, 1119, 1053, 1392, 281, 8082, 6795, 286, 3049, 33564, 11, 612, 338, 257, 1103, 6555, 612, 286, 3049, 9396, 364, 13, 198, 1, 2514, 766, 340, 351, 262, 2688, 42556, 11, 329, 262, 3298, 983, 340, 338, 10457, 284, 766, 290, 262, 6817, 286, 1719, 884, 257, 922, 8761, 1368, 13, 921, 804, 379, 3794, 290, 703, 6936, 484, 389, 351, 511, 8761, 9396, 364, 523, 11, 1107, 11781, 329, 2688, 42556, 18836, 526, 198, 10531, 2159, 5454, 8464, 1962, 3099, 481, 1944, 262, 7823, 338, 717, 30681, 18836, 1201, 5075, 13, 7412, 25, 8147, 5382, 198, 8205, 3099, 11 ]
[ 2766, 315, 304, 50659, 369, 2225, 7411, 304, 430, 1948, 2015, 13, 358, 1781, 1070, 596, 779, 1690, 2204, 9404, 4028, 279, 2128, 627, 62158, 18984, 41433, 374, 4461, 311, 617, 264, 2466, 5536, 389, 279, 4101, 13, 4758, 25, 13174, 12041, 198, 12348, 596, 6908, 369, 279, 10775, 13, 1102, 596, 2555, 430, 2216, 11754, 279, 9191, 9659, 315, 4410, 85318, 1589, 875, 2481, 311, 1518, 279, 18174, 323, 499, 1436, 1518, 279, 96022, 264, 2763, 315, 279, 892, 304, 10307, 4410, 85318, 37099, 21818, 3201, 11, 1306, 1694, 1778, 264, 25462, 5457, 369, 1778, 264, 1317, 892, 627, 48058, 311, 3604, 1518, 430, 91590, 315, 18338, 15631, 9438, 304, 279, 35374, 11, 430, 12876, 311, 1514, 279, 5129, 3645, 11, 682, 279, 14054, 2212, 433, 11, 279, 8735, 11, 433, 11321, 1093, 814, 2351, 389, 459, 40872, 16029, 1578, 13, 2435, 3077, 2751, 459, 9250, 24862, 304, 18984, 41433, 13, 2435, 3077, 2751, 459, 15400, 8149, 315, 5043, 59296, 11, 1070, 596, 264, 1972, 11863, 1070, 315, 5043, 15631, 9438, 627, 66220, 1518, 433, 449, 279, 4410, 85318, 11, 369, 279, 3728, 1847, 433, 596, 20333, 311, 1518, 323, 279, 12939, 315, 3515, 1778, 264, 1695, 18338, 3440, 13, 1472, 1427, 520, 6890, 323, 1268, 17903, 814, 527, 449, 872, 18338, 15631, 9438, 779, 11, 2216, 26455, 369, 4410, 85318, 37099, 10246, 1049, 24, 4435, 11098, 13946, 4673, 4317, 690, 3118, 279, 18588, 596, 1176, 76710, 37099, 2533, 220, 1049, 20, 13, 4758, 25, 13174, 12041, 198, 17198, 4317, 11 ]
[ 889, 690, 3118, 279, 22020, 18629, 389, 18588, 1475, 3814, 1306, 1514, 11, 2795, 430, 19531, 277, 41433, 374, 279, 2851, 1364, 596, 1455, 12304, 311, 1518, 11, 330, 40, 2846, 3411, 4741, 311, 9298, 19531, 277, 41433, 11, 264, 83371, 505, 47142, 5670, 11, 358, 3077, 6755, 1695, 2574, 922, 1461, 13, 358, 2846, 539, 2771, 422, 568, 3358, 1212, 11, 433, 690, 6904, 389, 872, 10534, 15631, 9438, 323, 422, 814, 2351, 5052, 3403, 11, 7752, 1093, 54763, 39843, 627, 1, 2149, 57000, 462, 15466, 11, 358, 2846, 1101, 3411, 4741, 311, 9298, 11, 1524, 3582, 568, 596, 5115, 3995, 568, 596, 264, 2766, 810, 10534, 1109, 1063, 315, 1884, 1023, 7752, 13, 358, 2846, 3411, 4741, 311, 9298, 1268, 568, 596, 62916, 2533, 279, 1566, 892, 584, 5602, 1461, 10246, 49, 3199, 68, 38107, 49572, 6, 364, 2822, 8288, 1982, 6, 21189, 41047, 1789, 4410, 65698, 44082, 52629, 2209, 578, 1226, 404, 5086, 5046, 578, 14598, 198, 67308, 596, 18338, 3440, 374, 1101, 304, 459, 7185, 323, 13548, 2035, 13, 3161, 28933, 21293, 323, 44632, 16273, 12401, 311, 279, 842, 315, 872, 31133, 1109, 279, 7314, 323, 4488, 12404, 323, 622, 1073, 969, 59979, 2225, 9204, 279, 18338, 430, 1436, 1304, 459, 5536, 304, 8494, 304, 220, 972, 4038, 892, 627, 74742, 1124, 279, 13452, 315, 11517, 28357, 2094, 11, 16233, 80, 581, 72711, 1411, 11, 12225, 398, 14637, 11, 29517, 6193, 783, 323, 507, 657, 648, 28280, 690, 387, 16026, 311, 1304, 459, 5536, 420, 7474, 11, 449, 2380, 20756, 2403, 17076 ]
in prison for stealing more than $800,000 from nearly a dozen clients. "I just want to apologize. I know I've hurt a lot of people, but I just totally underestimated how sick I was," John M. Rodia told state Superior Court Judge George Thim, contending that an addiction to OxyContin led to his crime. Moments later, Debra Turner, of Prospect, walked slowly up to the front of the courtroom after meekly raising her hand for attention. She had hired Rodia to pay off her $125,000 mortgage, but instead he stole the money. "My life is still upside down," she told the judge, crying. "The bank says they were victims too and they want their money." In addition to the original mortgage amount, she said she is also being billed thousands of dollars in late fees that she can not pay. Thim lamented there is nothing he can do for her since Rodia claims he has no money.(1) Then facing the defendant, he continued: "Taking addictive drugs is not an excuse for illegal conduct. Our legal system gave you a license to practice law and protect clients and you violated that trust." He then sentenced Rodia, a former state trooper who previously pleaded guilty to
in prison for stealing more than $800,000 from nearly a dozen clients. "I just want to apologize. I know I've hurt a lot of people, but I just totally underestimated how sick I was," John M. Rodia told state Superior Court Judge George Thim, contending that an addiction to OxyContin led to his crime. Moments later, Debra Turner, of Prospect, walked slowly up to the front of the courtroom after meekly raising her hand for attention. She had hired Rodia to pay off her $125,000 mortgage, but instead he stole the money. "My life is still upside down," she told the judge, crying. "The bank says they were victims too and they want their money." In addition to the original mortgage amount, she said she is also being billed thousands of dollars in late fees that she can not pay. Thim lamented there is nothing he can do for her since Rodia claims he has no money.(1) Then facing the defendant, he continued: "Taking addictive drugs is not an excuse for illegal conduct. Our legal system gave you a license to practice law and protect clients and you violated that trust." He then sentenced Rodia, a former state trooper who previously pleaded guilty to
six counts of first-degree larceny and five counts of third-degree larceny, to 15 years, suspended after he serves nine years in prison and followed by five years probation. Senior Assistant State's Attorney Robert Brennan said the 47-year-old Rodia stole a total of $804,640 from 11 clients.(2) He has not paid any restitution and is not expected to. "We just don't know where the money went because his records disappeared," Brennan told the judge. "He may have gone into the practice of law to help people, but all he did was help himself." For more, see Lawyer sentenced 9 years for stealing $800,000. (1) If he wasn't half-asleep, Judge Thim (or the court's crime victim's advocate, for that matter) could have referred Ms. Turner and the other victims to the Connecticut Client Security Fund, which is a fund established by the rules of the Connecticut Superior Court to provide reimbursement to individuals who have lost money or property as a result of the dishonest conduct of an attorney practicing law in the State of Connecticut, in the course of the attorney-client relationship. The fund provides a remedy for clients who are unable to obtain reimbursement for their loss
[ 287, 3770, 329, 16568, 517, 621, 720, 7410, 11, 830, 422, 3016, 257, 8667, 7534, 13, 366, 40, 655, 765, 284, 16521, 13, 314, 760, 314, 1053, 5938, 257, 1256, 286, 661, 11, 475, 314, 655, 6635, 36190, 703, 6639, 314, 373, 553, 1757, 337, 13, 6882, 544, 1297, 1181, 22953, 3078, 8974, 4502, 536, 320, 11, 542, 1571, 326, 281, 13230, 284, 35471, 17875, 2957, 284, 465, 4065, 13, 198, 29252, 658, 1568, 11, 8965, 430, 15406, 11, 286, 26736, 11, 6807, 6364, 510, 284, 262, 2166, 286, 262, 24832, 706, 502, 988, 306, 8620, 607, 1021, 329, 3241, 13, 1375, 550, 9657, 6882, 544, 284, 1414, 572, 607, 720, 11623, 11, 830, 13682, 11, 475, 2427, 339, 18240, 262, 1637, 13, 366, 3666, 1204, 318, 991, 17196, 866, 553, 673, 1297, 262, 5052, 11, 13774, 13, 366, 464, 3331, 1139, 484, 547, 4970, 1165, 290, 484, 765, 511, 1637, 526, 554, 3090, 284, 262, 2656, 13682, 2033, 11, 673, 531, 673, 318, 635, 852, 33094, 4138, 286, 5054, 287, 2739, 6642, 326, 673, 460, 407, 1414, 13, 198, 817, 320, 40176, 612, 318, 2147, 339, 460, 466, 329, 607, 1201, 6882, 544, 3667, 339, 468, 645, 1637, 12195, 16, 8, 3244, 6476, 262, 11304, 11, 339, 3767, 25, 366, 26556, 28389, 5010, 318, 407, 281, 12226, 329, 5293, 3189, 13, 3954, 2742, 1080, 2921, 345, 257, 5964, 284, 3357, 1099, 290, 1805, 7534, 290, 345, 13998, 326, 3774, 526, 679, 788, 11897, 6882, 544, 11, 257, 1966, 1181, 41967, 508, 4271, 16407, 6717, 284 ]
[ 304, 9527, 369, 39098, 810, 1109, 400, 4728, 11, 931, 505, 7154, 264, 21030, 8403, 13, 330, 40, 1120, 1390, 311, 37979, 13, 358, 1440, 358, 3077, 13194, 264, 2763, 315, 1274, 11, 719, 358, 1120, 12756, 87136, 1268, 14363, 358, 574, 1359, 3842, 386, 13, 13611, 689, 3309, 1614, 42041, 7301, 20819, 10058, 666, 318, 11, 687, 2518, 430, 459, 27471, 311, 507, 4223, 37239, 6197, 311, 813, 9977, 627, 59883, 812, 3010, 11, 1611, 14720, 34131, 11, 315, 78915, 11, 15203, 14297, 709, 311, 279, 4156, 315, 279, 59220, 1306, 757, 1247, 398, 19054, 1077, 1450, 369, 6666, 13, 3005, 1047, 22163, 13611, 689, 311, 2343, 1022, 1077, 400, 6549, 11, 931, 21515, 11, 719, 4619, 568, 40606, 279, 3300, 13, 330, 5159, 2324, 374, 2103, 36941, 1523, 1359, 1364, 3309, 279, 11913, 11, 31299, 13, 330, 791, 6201, 2795, 814, 1051, 12697, 2288, 323, 814, 1390, 872, 3300, 1210, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 4113, 21515, 3392, 11, 1364, 1071, 1364, 374, 1101, 1694, 50546, 9214, 315, 11441, 304, 3389, 12718, 430, 1364, 649, 539, 2343, 627, 1016, 318, 51472, 291, 1070, 374, 4400, 568, 649, 656, 369, 1077, 2533, 13611, 689, 8349, 568, 706, 912, 3300, 13127, 16, 8, 5112, 13176, 279, 26884, 11, 568, 8738, 25, 330, 51197, 57407, 11217, 374, 539, 459, 28391, 369, 12079, 6929, 13, 5751, 5897, 1887, 6688, 499, 264, 5842, 311, 6725, 2383, 323, 6144, 8403, 323, 499, 34521, 430, 7095, 1210, 1283, 1243, 30231, 13611, 689, 11, 264, 4846, 1614, 8348, 3376, 889, 8767, 40001, 16390, 311 ]
[ 4848, 14921, 315, 1176, 38775, 326, 8362, 33495, 323, 4330, 14921, 315, 4948, 38775, 326, 8362, 33495, 11, 311, 220, 868, 1667, 11, 22340, 1306, 568, 17482, 11888, 1667, 304, 9527, 323, 8272, 555, 4330, 1667, 47027, 627, 48195, 22103, 3314, 596, 18919, 8563, 59850, 1071, 279, 220, 2618, 4771, 6418, 13611, 689, 40606, 264, 2860, 315, 400, 20417, 11, 14033, 505, 220, 806, 8403, 13127, 17, 8, 1283, 706, 539, 7318, 904, 90309, 323, 374, 539, 3685, 311, 13, 330, 1687, 1120, 1541, 956, 1440, 1405, 279, 3300, 4024, 1606, 813, 7576, 29496, 1359, 59850, 3309, 279, 11913, 13, 330, 1548, 1253, 617, 8208, 1139, 279, 6725, 315, 2383, 311, 1520, 1274, 11, 719, 682, 568, 1550, 574, 1520, 5678, 10246, 2520, 810, 11, 1518, 71314, 30231, 220, 24, 1667, 369, 39098, 400, 4728, 11, 931, 627, 7, 16, 8, 1442, 568, 5828, 956, 4376, 33534, 3583, 11, 20819, 666, 318, 320, 269, 279, 5590, 596, 9977, 11996, 596, 29115, 11, 369, 430, 5030, 8, 1436, 617, 14183, 16450, 13, 34131, 323, 279, 1023, 12697, 311, 279, 31461, 8589, 8398, 13492, 11, 902, 374, 264, 3887, 9749, 555, 279, 5718, 315, 279, 31461, 42041, 7301, 311, 3493, 71111, 311, 7931, 889, 617, 5675, 3300, 477, 3424, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 60016, 6929, 315, 459, 14065, 36666, 2383, 304, 279, 3314, 315, 31461, 11, 304, 279, 3388, 315, 279, 14065, 31111, 5133, 13, 578, 3887, 5825, 264, 40239, 369, 8403, 889, 527, 12153, 311, 6994, 71111, 369, 872, 4814 ]
ails The days leading up to getting our dog were exciting. Last minute phone calls to organise a rendez-vous with the breeder,… Surfing on the French Riviera in Sport by Florian Brehin & Scott Bell "Bro, you should have been here an hour ago” Most residents on the Côte d’Azur know the Mediterranean only for its warm and… Haemochromatosis and James Minter, the original iron man in Health and Well-being by Nancy Heslin Having a magnetic personality can be a deadly diagnosis, as James Minter learned. All for a good cause: James Minter, with… Golf Country Club Cannes-Mougins with new director general Mark Vickery in Sport by Nick Kent The Brit making his Mark at Mougins. The Honours Board was the first aspect of Cannes-Mougins Golf Club to impress me on my… Craig Glenday, “Guinness World Records” Editor-in-Chief, makes a stop in Nice in Features and Diaries by Riviera Reporter On Saturday June 21st, 2014, the city of Nice entered the Guinness World Records. As a kick-off to
ails The days leading up to getting our dog were exciting. Last minute phone calls to organise a rendez-vous with the breeder,… Surfing on the French Riviera in Sport by Florian Brehin & Scott Bell "Bro, you should have been here an hour ago” Most residents on the Côte d’Azur know the Mediterranean only for its warm and… Haemochromatosis and James Minter, the original iron man in Health and Well-being by Nancy Heslin Having a magnetic personality can be a deadly diagnosis, as James Minter learned. All for a good cause: James Minter, with… Golf Country Club Cannes-Mougins with new director general Mark Vickery in Sport by Nick Kent The Brit making his Mark at Mougins. The Honours Board was the first aspect of Cannes-Mougins Golf Club to impress me on my… Craig Glenday, “Guinness World Records” Editor-in-Chief, makes a stop in Nice in Features and Diaries by Riviera Reporter On Saturday June 21st, 2014, the city of Nice entered the Guinness World Records. As a kick-off to
the Fête de la Musique… May 2, 2019 / GO Brooklyn / Crown Heights / Theater Queer ‘Desire’: New ‘Streetcar’ features trans actor as female lead Rosie Soko Can’t you hear me yell-a: A new production of “A Streetcar Named Desire” features genderqueer actor Russell Peck, right, in the role of Blanche DuBois. By Julianne McShane Books: ‘Black’ comedy Theater: Crass menagerie Art: Nude awakening! Brooklyn Museum shows work that was banned in D.C. Manhattan Beach: Legality of proposed gender-separate beach days at Kingsborough questioned Books: Writing wrongs: Bookseller focuses on forgotten female authors Theater: Lady killer: ‘Macbeth’ actors swap roles in Shakespearean power couple After all, a woman’s charm is 50 percent illusion. A new production of the Tennessee Williams play “A Streetcar Named Desire,” opening in Crown Heights on May 7, puts a spotlight on the play’s gender roles by casting a genderqueer actor as troubled female
[ 1768, 198, 464, 1528, 3756, 510, 284, 1972, 674, 3290, 547, 7895, 13, 4586, 5664, 3072, 3848, 284, 42386, 257, 9851, 8471, 12, 31222, 351, 262, 1449, 5702, 11, 1399, 198, 14214, 28825, 319, 262, 4141, 34686, 41976, 198, 259, 12771, 416, 4432, 666, 3719, 20079, 1222, 4746, 7459, 198, 1, 15783, 11, 345, 815, 423, 587, 994, 281, 1711, 2084, 447, 251, 4042, 5085, 319, 262, 327, 27083, 660, 288, 447, 247, 26903, 333, 760, 262, 19517, 691, 329, 663, 5814, 290, 1399, 198, 23303, 368, 5374, 398, 265, 5958, 290, 3700, 1855, 353, 11, 262, 2656, 6953, 582, 198, 259, 3893, 290, 3894, 12, 11873, 416, 18496, 44773, 2815, 198, 14698, 257, 14091, 8806, 460, 307, 257, 10309, 13669, 11, 355, 3700, 1855, 353, 4499, 13, 1439, 329, 257, 922, 2728, 25, 3700, 1855, 353, 11, 351, 1399, 198, 38, 4024, 12946, 6289, 50158, 12, 44, 20805, 1040, 351, 649, 3437, 2276, 2940, 33347, 1924, 198, 259, 12771, 416, 8047, 8758, 198, 464, 2490, 1642, 465, 2940, 379, 337, 20805, 1040, 13, 383, 8835, 4662, 5926, 373, 262, 717, 4843, 286, 50158, 12, 44, 20805, 1040, 19709, 6289, 284, 14947, 502, 319, 616, 1399, 198, 40441, 2671, 437, 323, 11, 564, 250, 8205, 32990, 2159, 13407, 447, 251, 12058, 12, 259, 12, 23675, 11, 1838, 257, 2245, 287, 18460, 198, 259, 17571, 290, 6031, 3166, 416, 34686, 41976, 25869, 198, 2202, 3909, 2795, 2310, 301, 11, 1946, 11, 262, 1748, 286, 18460, 5982, 262, 41559, 2159, 13407, 13, 1081, 257, 4829, 12, 2364, 284 ]
[ 6341, 198, 791, 2919, 6522, 709, 311, 3794, 1057, 5679, 1051, 13548, 13, 8155, 9568, 4641, 6880, 311, 71040, 264, 66651, 45325, 449, 279, 5395, 7442, 11, 90578, 23912, 69, 287, 389, 279, 8753, 51768, 26919, 198, 258, 18707, 555, 97156, 426, 11310, 258, 612, 10016, 18366, 198, 1, 27368, 11, 499, 1288, 617, 1027, 1618, 459, 6596, 4227, 863, 7648, 11062, 389, 279, 356, 90486, 294, 529, 38299, 324, 1440, 279, 38785, 1193, 369, 1202, 8369, 323, 90578, 34042, 336, 5059, 442, 266, 10934, 323, 7957, 386, 2295, 11, 279, 4113, 11245, 893, 198, 258, 6401, 323, 8489, 33851, 555, 35336, 473, 288, 3817, 198, 29132, 264, 24924, 17743, 649, 387, 264, 25114, 23842, 11, 439, 7957, 386, 2295, 9687, 13, 2052, 369, 264, 1695, 5353, 25, 7957, 386, 2295, 11, 449, 90578, 38, 8255, 14438, 10349, 84620, 5364, 49404, 1354, 449, 502, 7690, 4689, 4488, 71362, 727, 198, 258, 18707, 555, 15341, 18206, 198, 791, 5567, 3339, 813, 4488, 520, 386, 49404, 1354, 13, 578, 16958, 2530, 8925, 574, 279, 1176, 13189, 315, 84620, 5364, 49404, 1354, 28131, 10349, 311, 10098, 757, 389, 856, 90578, 87376, 8444, 408, 352, 11, 1054, 17198, 71773, 4435, 22293, 863, 12865, 3502, 30653, 4843, 11, 3727, 264, 3009, 304, 29959, 198, 258, 20289, 323, 7923, 5548, 555, 51768, 26919, 48081, 198, 1966, 7884, 5651, 220, 1691, 267, 11, 220, 679, 19, 11, 279, 3363, 315, 29959, 10862, 279, 89559, 4435, 22293, 13, 1666, 264, 10536, 12744, 311 ]
[ 279, 435, 37093, 409, 1208, 5444, 2428, 1981, 3297, 220, 17, 11, 220, 679, 24, 611, 12890, 26832, 611, 29743, 40503, 611, 38571, 198, 26860, 261, 3451, 5001, 556, 89213, 1561, 3451, 35647, 7063, 529, 4519, 1380, 12360, 439, 8954, 3063, 198, 75120, 648, 328, 28342, 198, 6854, 1431, 499, 6865, 757, 65413, 7561, 25, 362, 502, 5788, 315, 1054, 32, 6825, 7063, 41559, 82524, 863, 4519, 10026, 593, 261, 12360, 25953, 5250, 377, 11, 1314, 11, 304, 279, 3560, 315, 2563, 29097, 16062, 1255, 285, 627, 1383, 38897, 818, 4584, 2059, 2194, 198, 25335, 25, 3451, 14755, 529, 23160, 198, 791, 977, 25, 4656, 395, 3026, 1435, 648, 198, 9470, 25, 55768, 75149, 0, 26832, 16730, 5039, 990, 430, 574, 21501, 304, 423, 732, 627, 1692, 26405, 13011, 25, 7765, 2786, 315, 11223, 10026, 7962, 68698, 11573, 2919, 520, 24980, 35179, 29440, 198, 25335, 25, 24838, 5076, 82, 25, 18312, 7218, 24400, 389, 25565, 8954, 12283, 198, 791, 977, 25, 21270, 25534, 25, 3451, 20122, 83144, 529, 20142, 14626, 13073, 304, 42482, 276, 2410, 5743, 198, 6153, 682, 11, 264, 5333, 753, 32353, 374, 220, 1135, 3346, 41919, 627, 32, 502, 5788, 315, 279, 24097, 13926, 1514, 1054, 32, 6825, 7063, 41559, 82524, 2476, 8736, 304, 29743, 40503, 389, 3297, 220, 22, 11, 9711, 264, 37973, 389, 279, 1514, 753, 10026, 13073, 555, 25146, 264, 10026, 593, 261, 12360, 439, 42132, 8954 ]
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[ 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2292, 14512, 657, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 2073, 611, 357, 39786, 13511, 4554, 1659, 520, 363, 10446, 41339, 32517, 13511, 8, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 493, 21737, 6116, 796, 14808, 1273, 363, 10446, 41339, 32517, 13511, 8, 12461, 13511, 737, 19796, 5962, 20988, 306, 53, 12843, 7449, 21604, 1756, 7, 8423, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 600, 1312, 796, 657, 26, 1312, 1279, 6116, 13, 13664, 26, 1312, 29577, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 1930, 1756, 58, 72, 60, 6624, 657, 8, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3991, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2081, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 2073, 611, 357, 19411, 13, 418, 13, 15580, 13, 43717, 13, 10305, 42, 62, 12394, 1279, 1478, 8, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 76, 21745, 4554, 1659, 13051, 8053, 7680, 8, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220 ]
[ 286, 471, 2361, 976, 220, 15, 280, 286, 335, 775, 422, 320, 8565, 2087, 8243, 800, 10322, 291, 3627, 49848, 8, 341, 310, 528, 1318, 10093, 284, 1819, 626, 10322, 291, 3627, 49848, 8, 85737, 570, 99142, 1110, 50268, 5834, 1256, 46893, 5074, 317, 310, 369, 320, 396, 602, 284, 220, 15, 26, 602, 366, 10093, 1996, 26, 602, 2516, 341, 394, 422, 320, 28536, 1004, 60, 624, 220, 15, 8, 341, 504, 471, 905, 280, 394, 457, 310, 457, 286, 457, 286, 471, 837, 280, 262, 335, 775, 422, 320, 6080, 9475, 26277, 32472, 47922, 9340, 366, 220, 975, 8, 341, 286, 422, 320, 76, 6531, 8243, 22855, 26657, 8, 341, 692 ]
[ 256, 1620, 22855, 26657, 3731, 26657, 284, 320, 28878, 26657, 8, 296, 6531, 280, 310, 471, 3731, 26657, 39128, 2568, 368, 871, 220, 15, 198, 504, 1024, 320, 3518, 26657, 65322, 5834, 3897, 368, 871, 220, 15, 1393, 3731, 26657, 95197, 7, 15, 340, 1014, 662, 456, 5479, 368, 366, 3731, 26657, 673, 22344, 5479, 1449, 286, 335, 775, 341, 310, 471, 296, 6531, 673, 8591, 56, 368, 871, 220, 15, 280, 286, 457, 262, 335, 775, 341, 286, 471, 2806, 8885, 28499, 8591, 6231, 2740, 1278, 6531, 11, 482, 16, 317, 262, 457, 3818, 32, 25, 23548, 2082, 374, 3318, 369, 757, 11, 4587, 6106, 430, 433, 374, 9277, 3770, 279, 11212, 27122, 51102, 861, 10763, 14909, 2811, 6390, 1749, 627, 11212, 3140, 3527, 1271, 63066, 10763, 3736 ]
the central part of the retina which is responsible for enabling fine detail to be discerned. The remainder of the retina enables 'peripheral vision' only. Without the use of the macula, tasks like reading small print and recognising faces become difficult or impossible. The macula contains a yellow pigment (hence the term macula lutea). The disease becomes increasingly more common amongst people in their 60s and 70s. By the age 75, almost 15% of people have this condition to some extent. The biggest risk factor is thus age. Other risk factors are a family history of the condition, cigarette smoking, and being white caucasian. What are the types of ARMD? There are two main types of ARMD often termed 'Dry ARMD' and 'Wet ARMD'. The pathological process is different between the two. In the wet form, there is a proliferation of abnormal blood vessels under the macula. In dry ARMD, there is the collection of small yellow deposits within the retina called drusen, and degeneration (atrophy) of the retinal tissue at the macula. The dry form is more common, but the wet form is usually more sudden and devastating to the vision. The
the central part of the retina which is responsible for enabling fine detail to be discerned. The remainder of the retina enables 'peripheral vision' only. Without the use of the macula, tasks like reading small print and recognising faces become difficult or impossible. The macula contains a yellow pigment (hence the term macula lutea). The disease becomes increasingly more common amongst people in their 60s and 70s. By the age 75, almost 15% of people have this condition to some extent. The biggest risk factor is thus age. Other risk factors are a family history of the condition, cigarette smoking, and being white caucasian. What are the types of ARMD? There are two main types of ARMD often termed 'Dry ARMD' and 'Wet ARMD'. The pathological process is different between the two. In the wet form, there is a proliferation of abnormal blood vessels under the macula. In dry ARMD, there is the collection of small yellow deposits within the retina called drusen, and degeneration (atrophy) of the retinal tissue at the macula. The dry form is more common, but the wet form is usually more sudden and devastating to the vision. The
paler elevated area at the macula represents the area where the retina is elevated, under which there is an abnormal 'membrane' due to abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. What does ARMD do to the vision? ARMD affects only the central area of the vision. The condition thus never causes complete blindness or loss of sight. Is there any treatment for ARMD? Currently, there is no cure for ARMD. The risk of developing ARMD can be reduced by not smoking. Studies have given us some evidence that a diet rich in antioxidants and certain pigments (found in dark green vegetables like broccoli and kale) may reduce the risk of progression of the disease process. For a very small percentage of 'wet' ARMD cases, a treatment called 'Photo Dynamic Therapy' (PDT) may be used to reduce the risk of further visual deterioration. LUCENTIS Injections There is now a NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) approved treatment for wet ARMD called LUCENTIS. This is known as an 'Anti-VEGF' agent. VEGF is an acronym and stands for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. Lucentis is able to reduce the proliferation of
[ 262, 4318, 636, 286, 262, 45804, 543, 318, 4497, 329, 15882, 3734, 3703, 284, 307, 22024, 276, 13, 383, 17675, 286, 262, 45804, 13536, 705, 525, 10803, 282, 5761, 6, 691, 13, 9170, 262, 779, 286, 262, 8352, 4712, 11, 8861, 588, 3555, 1402, 3601, 290, 3018, 1710, 6698, 1716, 2408, 393, 5340, 13, 383, 8352, 4712, 4909, 257, 7872, 43385, 357, 831, 344, 262, 3381, 8352, 4712, 300, 1133, 64, 737, 198, 464, 4369, 4329, 6481, 517, 2219, 12077, 661, 287, 511, 3126, 82, 290, 4317, 82, 13, 2750, 262, 2479, 5441, 11, 2048, 1315, 4, 286, 661, 423, 428, 4006, 284, 617, 6287, 13, 383, 4094, 2526, 5766, 318, 4145, 2479, 13, 3819, 2526, 5087, 389, 257, 1641, 2106, 286, 262, 4006, 11, 17779, 9216, 11, 290, 852, 2330, 269, 25205, 666, 13, 198, 2061, 389, 262, 3858, 286, 5923, 12740, 30, 198, 1858, 389, 734, 1388, 3858, 286, 5923, 12740, 1690, 28569, 705, 35, 563, 5923, 12740, 6, 290, 705, 54, 316, 5923, 12740, 4458, 383, 42306, 1429, 318, 1180, 1022, 262, 734, 13, 554, 262, 9583, 1296, 11, 612, 318, 257, 25068, 286, 18801, 2910, 14891, 739, 262, 8352, 4712, 13, 554, 5894, 5923, 12740, 11, 612, 318, 262, 4947, 286, 1402, 7872, 18190, 1626, 262, 45804, 1444, 1553, 385, 268, 11, 290, 25419, 341, 357, 47756, 6883, 8, 286, 262, 1005, 1292, 10712, 379, 262, 8352, 4712, 13, 383, 5894, 1296, 318, 517, 2219, 11, 475, 262, 9583, 1296, 318, 3221, 517, 4802, 290, 14101, 284, 262, 5761, 13, 198, 464 ]
[ 279, 8792, 961, 315, 279, 84827, 902, 374, 8647, 369, 28462, 7060, 7872, 311, 387, 42645, 291, 13, 578, 27410, 315, 279, 84827, 20682, 364, 716, 24179, 11376, 6, 1193, 13, 17586, 279, 1005, 315, 279, 9155, 5724, 11, 9256, 1093, 5403, 2678, 1194, 323, 5952, 3876, 12580, 3719, 5107, 477, 12266, 13, 578, 9155, 5724, 5727, 264, 14071, 77678, 320, 71, 768, 279, 4751, 9155, 5724, 326, 1088, 64, 4390, 791, 8624, 9221, 15098, 810, 4279, 24059, 1274, 304, 872, 220, 1399, 82, 323, 220, 2031, 82, 13, 3296, 279, 4325, 220, 2075, 11, 4661, 220, 868, 4, 315, 1274, 617, 420, 3044, 311, 1063, 13112, 13, 578, 8706, 5326, 8331, 374, 8617, 4325, 13, 7089, 5326, 9547, 527, 264, 3070, 3925, 315, 279, 3044, 11, 36213, 20149, 11, 323, 1694, 4251, 2211, 49946, 1122, 627, 3923, 527, 279, 4595, 315, 6395, 6204, 5380, 3947, 527, 1403, 1925, 4595, 315, 6395, 6204, 3629, 61937, 364, 86315, 6395, 6204, 6, 323, 364, 54, 295, 6395, 6204, 4527, 578, 89961, 1920, 374, 2204, 1990, 279, 1403, 13, 763, 279, 14739, 1376, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 53840, 315, 35663, 6680, 31080, 1234, 279, 9155, 5724, 13, 763, 9235, 6395, 6204, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 4526, 315, 2678, 14071, 34751, 2949, 279, 84827, 2663, 1377, 355, 268, 11, 323, 5367, 17699, 320, 36436, 12989, 8, 315, 279, 2160, 992, 20438, 520, 279, 9155, 5724, 13, 578, 9235, 1376, 374, 810, 4279, 11, 719, 279, 14739, 1376, 374, 6118, 810, 11210, 323, 33318, 311, 279, 11376, 627, 791 ]
[ 11091, 261, 32389, 3158, 520, 279, 9155, 5724, 11105, 279, 3158, 1405, 279, 84827, 374, 32389, 11, 1234, 902, 1070, 374, 459, 35663, 364, 10759, 88554, 6, 4245, 311, 35663, 53840, 315, 6680, 31080, 627, 3923, 1587, 6395, 6204, 656, 311, 279, 11376, 5380, 946, 6204, 22223, 1193, 279, 8792, 3158, 315, 279, 11376, 13, 578, 3044, 8617, 2646, 11384, 4686, 85515, 477, 4814, 315, 14254, 627, 3957, 1070, 904, 6514, 369, 6395, 6204, 5380, 34814, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 27208, 369, 6395, 6204, 13, 578, 5326, 315, 11469, 6395, 6204, 649, 387, 11293, 555, 539, 20149, 13, 19241, 617, 2728, 603, 1063, 6029, 430, 264, 10173, 9257, 304, 81115, 323, 3738, 24623, 1392, 320, 15456, 304, 6453, 6307, 24822, 1093, 79276, 323, 63577, 8, 1253, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 33824, 315, 279, 8624, 1920, 627, 2520, 264, 1633, 2678, 11668, 315, 364, 86, 295, 6, 6395, 6204, 5157, 11, 264, 6514, 2663, 364, 10682, 22648, 40143, 6, 320, 47, 10822, 8, 1253, 387, 1511, 311, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 4726, 9302, 82189, 627, 43, 5576, 1863, 1669, 763, 25593, 198, 3947, 374, 1457, 264, 452, 5604, 320, 31912, 10181, 369, 6401, 323, 10852, 58240, 8, 12054, 6514, 369, 14739, 6395, 6204, 2663, 445, 5576, 1863, 1669, 13, 1115, 374, 3967, 439, 459, 364, 33749, 12, 4592, 37432, 6, 8479, 13, 650, 9560, 37, 374, 459, 75614, 323, 13656, 369, 650, 50804, 4060, 8942, 59544, 34871, 38829, 13, 18866, 1189, 285, 374, 3025, 311, 8108, 279, 53840, 315 ]
blockade. Therefore, repeat doses can be administered at relatively regular intervals with predictable results. After an initial dose of 0.08 to 0.1 mg/kg under balanced anesthesia, the first maintenance dose (suggested maintenance dose is 0.01 to 0.015 mg/kg) is generally required within 25 to 40 minutes; subsequent maintenance doses, if required, may be administered at approximately 12 to 15 minute intervals. Halothane anesthesia increases the clinical duration of the maintenance dose only slightly. Under enflurane a maintenance dose of 0.01 mg/kg is approximately equal to 0.015 mg/kg dose under balanced anesthesia. The recovery index (time from 25% to 75% recovery) is approximately 15 to 25 minutes under balanced or halothane anesthesia. When recovery from vecuronium neuromuscular blocking effect begins, it proceeds more rapidly than recovery from pancuronium. Once spontaneous recovery has started, the neuromuscular block produced by vecuronium is readily reversed with various anticholinesterase agents, e.g., pyridostigmine, neostigmine, or edrophonium in conjunction with an anticholinergic agent such as atropine or glycopyrrolate.
blockade. Therefore, repeat doses can be administered at relatively regular intervals with predictable results. After an initial dose of 0.08 to 0.1 mg/kg under balanced anesthesia, the first maintenance dose (suggested maintenance dose is 0.01 to 0.015 mg/kg) is generally required within 25 to 40 minutes; subsequent maintenance doses, if required, may be administered at approximately 12 to 15 minute intervals. Halothane anesthesia increases the clinical duration of the maintenance dose only slightly. Under enflurane a maintenance dose of 0.01 mg/kg is approximately equal to 0.015 mg/kg dose under balanced anesthesia. The recovery index (time from 25% to 75% recovery) is approximately 15 to 25 minutes under balanced or halothane anesthesia. When recovery from vecuronium neuromuscular blocking effect begins, it proceeds more rapidly than recovery from pancuronium. Once spontaneous recovery has started, the neuromuscular block produced by vecuronium is readily reversed with various anticholinesterase agents, e.g., pyridostigmine, neostigmine, or edrophonium in conjunction with an anticholinergic agent such as atropine or glycopyrrolate.
Rapid recovery is a finding consistent with vecuronium short elimination half-life, although there have been occasional reports of prolonged neuromuscular blockade in patients in the intensive care unit (see PRECAUTIONS, Long Term Use in I.C.U.). The administration of clinical doses of vecuronium is not characterized by laboratory or clinical signs of chemically mediated histamine release. This does not preclude the possibility of rare hypersensitivity reactions (see ADVERSE REACTIONS). Pharmacokinetics: At clinical doses of 0.04 to 0.1 mg/kg, 60 to 80% of vecuronium bromide is usually bound to plasma protein. The distribution half-life following a single intravenous dose (range 0.025 to 0.28 mg/kg) is approximately 4 minutes. Elimination half-life over this sample dosage range is approximately 65 to 75 minutes in healthy surgical patients and in renal failure patients undergoing transplant surgery. In late pregnancy, elimination half-life may be shortened to approximately 35 to 40 minutes. The volume of distribution at steady state is approximately 300 to 400 mL/kg; systemic rate of clearance is approximately 3 to 4.5 mL/kg/minute. In man, urine recovery of
[ 30974, 13, 8447, 11, 9585, 16376, 460, 307, 17169, 379, 5365, 3218, 20016, 351, 20039, 2482, 13, 2293, 281, 4238, 10742, 286, 657, 13, 2919, 284, 657, 13, 16, 10527, 14, 10025, 739, 12974, 49592, 11, 262, 717, 9262, 10742, 357, 47811, 276, 9262, 10742, 318, 657, 13, 486, 284, 657, 13, 25150, 10527, 14, 10025, 8, 318, 4143, 2672, 1626, 1679, 284, 2319, 2431, 26, 8840, 9262, 16376, 11, 611, 2672, 11, 743, 307, 17169, 379, 6702, 1105, 284, 1315, 5664, 20016, 13, 11023, 849, 1531, 49592, 5732, 262, 8668, 9478, 286, 262, 9262, 10742, 691, 4622, 13, 4698, 551, 2704, 333, 1531, 257, 9262, 10742, 286, 657, 13, 486, 10527, 14, 10025, 318, 6702, 4961, 284, 657, 13, 25150, 10527, 14, 10025, 10742, 739, 12974, 49592, 13, 198, 464, 7628, 6376, 357, 2435, 422, 1679, 4, 284, 5441, 4, 7628, 8, 318, 6702, 1315, 284, 1679, 2431, 739, 12974, 393, 10284, 849, 1531, 49592, 13, 1649, 7628, 422, 1569, 22019, 261, 1505, 11943, 296, 385, 10440, 12013, 1245, 6140, 11, 340, 15740, 517, 8902, 621, 7628, 422, 22154, 44372, 1505, 13, 4874, 25319, 7628, 468, 2067, 11, 262, 11943, 296, 385, 10440, 2512, 4635, 416, 1569, 22019, 261, 1505, 318, 14704, 17687, 351, 2972, 1885, 488, 349, 1127, 353, 589, 6554, 11, 304, 13, 70, 1539, 279, 2417, 312, 455, 328, 3810, 11, 497, 455, 328, 3810, 11, 393, 1225, 10051, 261, 1505, 287, 17856, 351, 281, 1885, 488, 24910, 19793, 5797, 884, 355, 379, 1773, 500, 393, 13874, 22163, 2417, 3225, 378, 13 ]
[ 77237, 13, 15636, 11, 13454, 35130, 649, 387, 38018, 520, 12309, 5912, 28090, 449, 45207, 3135, 13, 4740, 459, 2926, 19660, 315, 220, 15, 13, 2318, 311, 220, 15, 13, 16, 14060, 45870, 1234, 24770, 91906, 11, 279, 1176, 13709, 19660, 320, 82, 54376, 13709, 19660, 374, 220, 15, 13, 1721, 311, 220, 15, 13, 16037, 14060, 45870, 8, 374, 8965, 2631, 2949, 220, 914, 311, 220, 1272, 4520, 26, 17876, 13709, 35130, 11, 422, 2631, 11, 1253, 387, 38018, 520, 13489, 220, 717, 311, 220, 868, 9568, 28090, 13, 20442, 8942, 2194, 91906, 12992, 279, 14830, 8250, 315, 279, 13709, 19660, 1193, 10284, 13, 9636, 665, 1517, 324, 2194, 264, 13709, 19660, 315, 220, 15, 13, 1721, 14060, 45870, 374, 13489, 6273, 311, 220, 15, 13, 16037, 14060, 45870, 19660, 1234, 24770, 91906, 627, 791, 13654, 1963, 320, 1712, 505, 220, 914, 4, 311, 220, 2075, 4, 13654, 8, 374, 13489, 220, 868, 311, 220, 914, 4520, 1234, 24770, 477, 15104, 8942, 2194, 91906, 13, 3277, 13654, 505, 7638, 37190, 2411, 21143, 442, 355, 22077, 22978, 2515, 12302, 11, 433, 34555, 810, 19019, 1109, 13654, 505, 54574, 37190, 2411, 13, 9843, 54557, 13654, 706, 3940, 11, 279, 21143, 442, 355, 22077, 2565, 9124, 555, 7638, 37190, 2411, 374, 31368, 28537, 449, 5370, 3276, 718, 37737, 5302, 521, 13307, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 4611, 1907, 537, 343, 6095, 11, 841, 537, 343, 6095, 11, 477, 1608, 22761, 90344, 304, 32546, 449, 459, 3276, 718, 37737, 75439, 8479, 1778, 439, 520, 897, 483, 477, 37807, 8728, 81, 1098, 349, 13 ]
[ 48090, 13654, 374, 264, 9455, 13263, 449, 7638, 37190, 2411, 2875, 44032, 4376, 26928, 11, 8051, 1070, 617, 1027, 28961, 6821, 315, 44387, 21143, 442, 355, 22077, 77237, 304, 6978, 304, 279, 37295, 2512, 5089, 320, 4151, 21626, 5158, 29717, 50, 11, 5843, 17978, 5560, 304, 358, 732, 5368, 13, 4390, 791, 8735, 315, 14830, 35130, 315, 7638, 37190, 2411, 374, 539, 32971, 555, 27692, 477, 14830, 12195, 315, 8590, 2740, 78926, 13034, 20588, 4984, 13, 1115, 1587, 539, 864, 866, 279, 13336, 315, 9024, 87752, 48937, 25481, 320, 4151, 9827, 57601, 3680, 32, 37868, 4390, 3438, 72482, 79117, 25265, 25, 2468, 14830, 35130, 315, 220, 15, 13, 2371, 311, 220, 15, 13, 16, 14060, 45870, 11, 220, 1399, 311, 220, 1490, 4, 315, 7638, 37190, 2411, 94571, 579, 374, 6118, 6965, 311, 32426, 13128, 13, 578, 8141, 4376, 26928, 2768, 264, 3254, 10805, 81443, 19660, 320, 9866, 220, 15, 13, 18070, 311, 220, 15, 13, 1591, 14060, 45870, 8, 374, 13489, 220, 19, 4520, 13, 43420, 2617, 4376, 26928, 927, 420, 6205, 47040, 2134, 374, 13489, 220, 2397, 311, 220, 2075, 4520, 304, 9498, 34933, 6978, 323, 304, 63915, 8060, 6978, 47397, 43929, 15173, 627, 644, 3389, 20209, 11, 44032, 4376, 26928, 1253, 387, 66663, 311, 13489, 220, 1758, 311, 220, 1272, 4520, 13, 578, 8286, 315, 8141, 520, 24981, 1614, 374, 13489, 220, 3101, 311, 220, 3443, 65170, 45870, 26, 46417, 4478, 315, 36654, 374, 13489, 220, 18, 311, 220, 19, 13, 20, 65170, 45870, 14, 43657, 13, 763, 893, 11, 40335, 13654, 315 ]
alls combine a traditional firewall with other network device filtering functionalities. Web and Wi-Fi filtering solutions are also important. By filtering the Internet, it is possible to prevent drive-by malware downloads and carefully control the risks that employees take. Spora Ransomware: A Particularly Dangerous New Ransomware Threat Jan 10, 2017 | Cybersecurity News, Web Filtering There is now a new and particularly dangerous ransomware threat to deal with. Spora ransomware could well be the new Locky. Locky and Samas ransomware have proved to be major headaches for IT departments. Both forms of ransomware have a host of innovative features designed to avoid detection, increase infections, and inflict maximum damage, leaving businesses with little alternative but pay the ransom demand. However, there is now a new ransomware threat to deal with, and it could well be even bigger than Locky and Samas. Fortunately, the ransomware authors only appear to be targeting Russian users, but that is likely to change. While a Russian version has been used in attacks so far, an English language version has now been developed. Spora ransomware attacks will soon be a global problem. A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into producing this particularly dangerous new ransomware variant and a decryptor is
alls combine a traditional firewall with other network device filtering functionalities. Web and Wi-Fi filtering solutions are also important. By filtering the Internet, it is possible to prevent drive-by malware downloads and carefully control the risks that employees take. Spora Ransomware: A Particularly Dangerous New Ransomware Threat Jan 10, 2017 | Cybersecurity News, Web Filtering There is now a new and particularly dangerous ransomware threat to deal with. Spora ransomware could well be the new Locky. Locky and Samas ransomware have proved to be major headaches for IT departments. Both forms of ransomware have a host of innovative features designed to avoid detection, increase infections, and inflict maximum damage, leaving businesses with little alternative but pay the ransom demand. However, there is now a new ransomware threat to deal with, and it could well be even bigger than Locky and Samas. Fortunately, the ransomware authors only appear to be targeting Russian users, but that is likely to change. While a Russian version has been used in attacks so far, an English language version has now been developed. Spora ransomware attacks will soon be a global problem. A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into producing this particularly dangerous new ransomware variant and a decryptor is
unlikely to be developed due to the way that the ransomware encrypts data. In contrast to many new ransomware threats that rely on a Command and Control server to receive instructions, Spora ransomware is capable of encrypting files even if the user is offline. Shutting down Internet access will not prevent an infection. It is also not possible to block access to the C&C server to stop infection. Ransomware variants have previously been developed that can encrypt without C&C communication, although unique decryption keys are not required. That means one key will unlock all infections. Spora ransomware on the other hand requires all victims to use a unique key to unlock the encryption. A hard-coded RSA public key is used to generate a unique AES key for every user. That process occurs locally. The AES key is then used to encrypt the private key from a public/private RSA key pair generated for each victim, without C&C communications. The RSA key also encrypts the unique AES keys for each user. Without the key supplied by the attackers, it will not be possible to unlock the encryption. This complex encryption process is only part of what makes Spora ransomware unique. In contrast to many other ransomware variants, the attackers have not set the ransom amount. This
[ 5691, 12082, 257, 4569, 32928, 351, 584, 3127, 3335, 25431, 10345, 871, 13, 5313, 290, 11759, 12, 10547, 25431, 8136, 389, 635, 1593, 13, 2750, 25431, 262, 4455, 11, 340, 318, 1744, 284, 2948, 3708, 12, 1525, 18953, 21333, 290, 7773, 1630, 262, 7476, 326, 4409, 1011, 13, 198, 50, 38851, 371, 22011, 1574, 25, 317, 47674, 29892, 968, 371, 22011, 1574, 25238, 198, 12128, 838, 11, 2177, 930, 15101, 12961, 3000, 11, 5313, 7066, 20212, 198, 1858, 318, 783, 257, 649, 290, 3573, 4923, 49134, 2372, 284, 1730, 351, 13, 1338, 5799, 49134, 714, 880, 307, 262, 649, 13656, 88, 13, 198, 25392, 88, 290, 3409, 292, 49134, 423, 8302, 284, 307, 1688, 29432, 329, 7283, 13346, 13, 5747, 5107, 286, 49134, 423, 257, 2583, 286, 13097, 3033, 3562, 284, 3368, 13326, 11, 2620, 16079, 11, 290, 28640, 5415, 2465, 11, 4305, 5692, 351, 1310, 5559, 475, 1414, 262, 26424, 3512, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 612, 318, 783, 257, 649, 49134, 2372, 284, 1730, 351, 11, 290, 340, 714, 880, 307, 772, 5749, 621, 13656, 88, 290, 3409, 292, 13, 20525, 11, 262, 49134, 7035, 691, 1656, 284, 307, 10822, 3394, 2985, 11, 475, 326, 318, 1884, 284, 1487, 13, 2893, 257, 3394, 2196, 468, 587, 973, 287, 3434, 523, 1290, 11, 281, 3594, 3303, 2196, 468, 783, 587, 4166, 13, 1338, 5799, 49134, 3434, 481, 2582, 307, 257, 3298, 1917, 13, 198, 32, 11091, 2033, 286, 640, 290, 3626, 468, 3750, 656, 9194, 428, 3573, 4923, 649, 49134, 15304, 290, 257, 42797, 273, 318 ]
[ 5700, 16343, 264, 8776, 50977, 449, 1023, 4009, 3756, 30770, 93180, 13, 5000, 323, 17664, 27395, 30770, 10105, 527, 1101, 3062, 13, 3296, 30770, 279, 8191, 11, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 5471, 6678, 14656, 40831, 31572, 323, 15884, 2585, 279, 15635, 430, 8420, 1935, 627, 50, 71764, 432, 48331, 1698, 25, 362, 97485, 74132, 1561, 432, 48331, 1698, 53435, 198, 18820, 220, 605, 11, 220, 679, 22, 765, 34711, 17476, 5513, 11, 5000, 82631, 198, 3947, 374, 1457, 264, 502, 323, 8104, 11660, 58686, 1698, 6023, 311, 3568, 449, 13, 3165, 6347, 58686, 1698, 1436, 1664, 387, 279, 502, 16076, 88, 627, 12258, 88, 323, 8388, 300, 58686, 1698, 617, 19168, 311, 387, 3682, 55403, 369, 8871, 26280, 13, 11995, 7739, 315, 58686, 1698, 617, 264, 3552, 315, 18699, 4519, 6319, 311, 5766, 18468, 11, 5376, 30020, 11, 323, 68568, 7340, 5674, 11, 9564, 9873, 449, 2697, 10778, 719, 2343, 279, 58686, 7631, 627, 11458, 11, 1070, 374, 1457, 264, 502, 58686, 1698, 6023, 311, 3568, 449, 11, 323, 433, 1436, 1664, 387, 1524, 11493, 1109, 16076, 88, 323, 8388, 300, 13, 42536, 11, 279, 58686, 1698, 12283, 1193, 5101, 311, 387, 25103, 8690, 3932, 11, 719, 430, 374, 4461, 311, 2349, 13, 6104, 264, 8690, 2373, 706, 1027, 1511, 304, 8951, 779, 3117, 11, 459, 6498, 4221, 2373, 706, 1457, 1027, 8040, 13, 3165, 6347, 58686, 1698, 8951, 690, 5246, 387, 264, 3728, 3575, 627, 32, 24779, 3392, 315, 892, 323, 5149, 706, 8208, 1139, 17843, 420, 8104, 11660, 502, 58686, 1698, 11678, 323, 264, 39226, 269, 374 ]
[ 17821, 311, 387, 8040, 4245, 311, 279, 1648, 430, 279, 58686, 1698, 30725, 82, 828, 627, 644, 13168, 311, 1690, 502, 58686, 1698, 18208, 430, 17631, 389, 264, 7498, 323, 7935, 3622, 311, 5371, 11470, 11, 3165, 6347, 58686, 1698, 374, 13171, 315, 30725, 287, 3626, 1524, 422, 279, 1217, 374, 27258, 13, 49374, 1303, 1523, 8191, 2680, 690, 539, 5471, 459, 19405, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 539, 3284, 311, 2565, 2680, 311, 279, 356, 70881, 3622, 311, 3009, 19405, 627, 49, 48331, 1698, 27103, 617, 8767, 1027, 8040, 430, 649, 30725, 2085, 356, 70881, 10758, 11, 8051, 5016, 90474, 7039, 527, 539, 2631, 13, 3011, 3445, 832, 1401, 690, 15405, 682, 30020, 13, 3165, 6347, 58686, 1698, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 7612, 682, 12697, 311, 1005, 264, 5016, 1401, 311, 15405, 279, 26542, 13, 362, 2653, 87411, 46741, 586, 1401, 374, 1511, 311, 7068, 264, 5016, 39941, 1401, 369, 1475, 1217, 13, 3011, 1920, 13980, 24392, 13, 578, 39941, 1401, 374, 1243, 1511, 311, 30725, 279, 879, 1401, 505, 264, 586, 82101, 46741, 1401, 6857, 8066, 369, 1855, 11996, 11, 2085, 356, 70881, 17320, 13, 578, 46741, 1401, 1101, 30725, 82, 279, 5016, 39941, 7039, 369, 1855, 1217, 13, 17586, 279, 1401, 17665, 555, 279, 42065, 11, 433, 690, 539, 387, 3284, 311, 15405, 279, 26542, 627, 2028, 6485, 26542, 1920, 374, 1193, 961, 315, 1148, 3727, 3165, 6347, 58686, 1698, 5016, 13, 763, 13168, 311, 1690, 1023, 58686, 1698, 27103, 11, 279, 42065, 617, 539, 743, 279, 58686, 3392, 13, 1115 ]
in full into Latin and it may be assumed that St Thomas knew it well. Moreover, earlier scholastics had commented on it and almost invariably adopted it; it was therefore only natural that it should figure in the De Ente et Esentia in which he constantly appeals to Avicenna. By opening the gap between essence and existence, Avicenna may have provided the thirteenth century with one of its hotly debated questions, but the outcome had already been foreseen by William of Auvergne. The notion of contingent existence was highly congenial to the Biblical doctrine of creation, while Avicenna's cosmogony, in spite of some deceptive similarities, was utterly different from Christian Those who have been engaged in discovering traces of Avicenna in St Thomas are finding an increasing amount of interesting material, all going to show that his impact on the mind of the Angelic Doctor could be considered the most serious and prolonged encounter of Christianity with Islamic philosophy in Europe. That the former should adopt everything that the latter had taught was hardly to be expected; but there is no doubt that it proved extremely stimulating to St Thomas and abundantly profitable in the construction of his Christian synthesis. A case only recently pointed out is in connection with the theory of prophecy which, as
in full into Latin and it may be assumed that St Thomas knew it well. Moreover, earlier scholastics had commented on it and almost invariably adopted it; it was therefore only natural that it should figure in the De Ente et Esentia in which he constantly appeals to Avicenna. By opening the gap between essence and existence, Avicenna may have provided the thirteenth century with one of its hotly debated questions, but the outcome had already been foreseen by William of Auvergne. The notion of contingent existence was highly congenial to the Biblical doctrine of creation, while Avicenna's cosmogony, in spite of some deceptive similarities, was utterly different from Christian Those who have been engaged in discovering traces of Avicenna in St Thomas are finding an increasing amount of interesting material, all going to show that his impact on the mind of the Angelic Doctor could be considered the most serious and prolonged encounter of Christianity with Islamic philosophy in Europe. That the former should adopt everything that the latter had taught was hardly to be expected; but there is no doubt that it proved extremely stimulating to St Thomas and abundantly profitable in the construction of his Christian synthesis. A case only recently pointed out is in connection with the theory of prophecy which, as
has been seen, Farabi and Avicenna had expounded with some ingenuity. In his Summa Theologiae and in his De Veritate St Thomas expresses the belief that there are two kinds of prophecy, one which he calls 'divine' and the other 'natural' prophecy. He strongly disapproves of the explanation that Farabi and Avicenna had given of the reasons and the way in which Prophets are delegated and the powers that they come to possess. A prophet, he insists, is chosen by God and his special powers are granted to him usually through the intermediary of an angel; and he goes on to give the doctrinal view on the subject. It is to be remembered that Ghazali had done the same thing in a book already rendered into Latin. And yet when he comes to what he calls natural prophecy, we find him making it conditional on exactly those extraordinary faculties of the imagination, insight and clear thinking that Farabi and Avicenna had said were the distinguishing marks of the prophet. In other words, he felt that their explanation applied to natural and not to divine prophecy. Of all the great authors of the thirteenth century, the best informed on the life and works of Avicenna is supposed to have been Roger Bacon (
[ 287, 1336, 656, 9133, 290, 340, 743, 307, 9672, 326, 520, 5658, 2993, 340, 880, 13, 10968, 11, 2961, 5513, 349, 24232, 550, 16476, 319, 340, 290, 2048, 31338, 8197, 340, 26, 340, 373, 4361, 691, 3288, 326, 340, 815, 3785, 287, 262, 1024, 7232, 68, 2123, 8678, 298, 544, 287, 543, 339, 7558, 15192, 284, 5184, 291, 13713, 13, 2750, 4756, 262, 7625, 1022, 12799, 290, 6224, 11, 5184, 291, 13713, 743, 423, 2810, 262, 294, 343, 20283, 4289, 351, 530, 286, 663, 50180, 24594, 2683, 11, 475, 262, 8055, 550, 1541, 587, 1674, 15898, 416, 3977, 286, 40666, 332, 70, 710, 13, 383, 9495, 286, 25477, 6224, 373, 4047, 41174, 498, 284, 262, 31752, 13115, 286, 6282, 11, 981, 5184, 291, 13713, 338, 8615, 76, 519, 1647, 11, 287, 15275, 286, 617, 34036, 20594, 11, 373, 15950, 1180, 422, 4302, 5845, 508, 423, 587, 7953, 287, 21611, 20675, 286, 5184, 291, 13713, 287, 520, 5658, 389, 4917, 281, 3649, 2033, 286, 3499, 2587, 11, 477, 1016, 284, 905, 326, 465, 2928, 319, 262, 2000, 286, 262, 3905, 291, 9356, 714, 307, 3177, 262, 749, 2726, 290, 20573, 8791, 286, 13624, 351, 5533, 8876, 287, 2031, 13, 1320, 262, 1966, 815, 11206, 2279, 326, 262, 6846, 550, 7817, 373, 8941, 284, 307, 2938, 26, 475, 612, 318, 645, 4719, 326, 340, 8302, 4457, 35640, 284, 520, 5658, 290, 49244, 17967, 287, 262, 5103, 286, 465, 4302, 21263, 13, 317, 1339, 691, 2904, 6235, 503, 318, 287, 4637, 351, 262, 4583, 286, 28322, 543, 11, 355 ]
[ 304, 2539, 1139, 20023, 323, 433, 1253, 387, 19655, 430, 800, 11355, 7020, 433, 1664, 13, 23674, 11, 6931, 5817, 337, 39171, 1047, 29786, 389, 433, 323, 4661, 74614, 18306, 433, 26, 433, 574, 9093, 1193, 5933, 430, 433, 1288, 7216, 304, 279, 1611, 4968, 68, 1880, 9419, 306, 689, 304, 902, 568, 15320, 35730, 311, 7671, 292, 15299, 13, 3296, 8736, 279, 13225, 1990, 28591, 323, 14209, 11, 7671, 292, 15299, 1253, 617, 3984, 279, 270, 404, 46487, 9478, 449, 832, 315, 1202, 4106, 398, 59674, 4860, 11, 719, 279, 15632, 1047, 2736, 1027, 2291, 29412, 555, 12656, 315, 33150, 424, 68255, 13, 578, 23035, 315, 59575, 14209, 574, 7701, 83066, 532, 311, 279, 68201, 33235, 315, 9886, 11, 1418, 7671, 292, 15299, 596, 56754, 540, 3633, 11, 304, 34781, 315, 1063, 81374, 43874, 11, 574, 38631, 2204, 505, 9052, 13266, 889, 617, 1027, 17045, 304, 42687, 35483, 315, 7671, 292, 15299, 304, 800, 11355, 527, 9455, 459, 7859, 3392, 315, 7185, 3769, 11, 682, 2133, 311, 1501, 430, 813, 5536, 389, 279, 4059, 315, 279, 23950, 292, 19150, 1436, 387, 6646, 279, 1455, 6129, 323, 44387, 13123, 315, 32186, 449, 15558, 19675, 304, 4606, 13, 3011, 279, 4846, 1288, 11142, 4395, 430, 279, 15629, 1047, 15972, 574, 20781, 311, 387, 3685, 26, 719, 1070, 374, 912, 10712, 430, 433, 19168, 9193, 65792, 311, 800, 11355, 323, 23325, 18007, 34235, 304, 279, 8246, 315, 813, 9052, 39975, 13, 362, 1162, 1193, 6051, 14618, 704, 374, 304, 3717, 449, 279, 10334, 315, 66884, 902, 11, 439 ]
[ 706, 1027, 3970, 11, 13759, 26140, 323, 7671, 292, 15299, 1047, 1367, 13382, 449, 1063, 6892, 90589, 13, 763, 813, 8279, 1764, 578, 39073, 68, 323, 304, 813, 1611, 6383, 20227, 800, 11355, 61120, 279, 16801, 430, 1070, 527, 1403, 13124, 315, 66884, 11, 832, 902, 568, 6880, 364, 614, 483, 6, 323, 279, 1023, 364, 53980, 6, 66884, 13, 1283, 16917, 834, 16082, 2396, 315, 279, 16540, 430, 13759, 26140, 323, 7671, 292, 15299, 1047, 2728, 315, 279, 8125, 323, 279, 1648, 304, 902, 1322, 764, 1441, 527, 91757, 323, 279, 13736, 430, 814, 2586, 311, 15575, 13, 362, 53604, 11, 568, 43446, 11, 374, 12146, 555, 4359, 323, 813, 3361, 13736, 527, 11938, 311, 1461, 6118, 1555, 279, 95170, 315, 459, 34426, 26, 323, 568, 5900, 389, 311, 3041, 279, 61990, 992, 1684, 389, 279, 3917, 13, 1102, 374, 311, 387, 27569, 430, 24855, 1394, 8115, 1047, 2884, 279, 1890, 3245, 304, 264, 2363, 2736, 23188, 1139, 20023, 13, 1628, 3686, 994, 568, 4131, 311, 1148, 568, 6880, 5933, 66884, 11, 584, 1505, 1461, 3339, 433, 35787, 389, 7041, 1884, 24674, 98083, 315, 279, 28899, 11, 20616, 323, 2867, 7422, 430, 13759, 26140, 323, 7671, 292, 15299, 1047, 1071, 1051, 279, 86055, 15785, 315, 279, 53604, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 568, 6612, 430, 872, 16540, 9435, 311, 5933, 323, 539, 311, 30467, 66884, 13, 5046, 682, 279, 2294, 12283, 315, 279, 270, 404, 46487, 9478, 11, 279, 1888, 16369, 389, 279, 2324, 323, 4375, 315, 7671, 292, 15299, 374, 10171, 311, 617, 1027, 29607, 62484, 320 ]
recipient giving news relating to "Sir R" [Roger Casement], 1914 October 17. Documents and correspondence relating to Sir Roger Casement, 1911-1919. Letter from Roger Casement, New York, to Miss Hines, Philadelphia, thanking her and others for their warm welcome, with enclosed note about the letter, 1914 August 10. Typescript memo about the departure of Sir Roger Casement by Joseph McGarrity, 1914 October 17. Telegram from A. F. Donnell of the Boston Sunday Post to Roger Casement, Philadelphia, asking him for a photograph for an article on plea for arms for the Irish, 1914 August 5. Letter from John Gaffney to Joseph McGarrity concerning his passport, 1916 November 24. Letter from Alice Milligan to Joseph McGarrity regarding Casement's trial, [1916?] December 9. Photostat notes by Joseph McGarrity about Roger Casement after his departure to Germany, 1914 October 18. Note to a prisoner in Germany who appealed for help or release by Joseph McGarrity, undated [c. 1915]. Note on envelope by unidentified author, undated. Typescript text entitled 'The History of the Diary of Sir Roger
recipient giving news relating to "Sir R" [Roger Casement], 1914 October 17. Documents and correspondence relating to Sir Roger Casement, 1911-1919. Letter from Roger Casement, New York, to Miss Hines, Philadelphia, thanking her and others for their warm welcome, with enclosed note about the letter, 1914 August 10. Typescript memo about the departure of Sir Roger Casement by Joseph McGarrity, 1914 October 17. Telegram from A. F. Donnell of the Boston Sunday Post to Roger Casement, Philadelphia, asking him for a photograph for an article on plea for arms for the Irish, 1914 August 5. Letter from John Gaffney to Joseph McGarrity concerning his passport, 1916 November 24. Letter from Alice Milligan to Joseph McGarrity regarding Casement's trial, [1916?] December 9. Photostat notes by Joseph McGarrity about Roger Casement after his departure to Germany, 1914 October 18. Note to a prisoner in Germany who appealed for help or release by Joseph McGarrity, undated [c. 1915]. Note on envelope by unidentified author, undated. Typescript text entitled 'The History of the Diary of Sir Roger
Casement', undated. Note entitled "To New York Nation" praising Roger Casement by Joseph McGarrity, with an excerpt from Thomas Osborne Davis' 'No Redress - No Inquiry' inscribed on the back, 1917. Memo about the departure of Sir Roger Casement by Joseph McGarrity, 1914 October 17. Typescript text entitled "Roger Casement, A Glimpse into the Past" by Joseph McGarrity relating the actions of Casement between 1914 and his death, undated. Newspaper article entiled 'Section of Casement's Irish Brigade' featuring a photograph of the men in the prisoners' camp at Wuensdorf, undated [c. 1937]. Typescript copy of newspaper article containing a poem entitled 'Roger Casement' by Baron Von Huenefeld, undated. Western Union Telegram from Roger Casement to Joseph McGarrity, Philadelphia, informing him that he will arrive the following day, 1921. Copy poster of Roger Casement's passport from the German Governement and postcard reproducing the same, 1914. Typescript text entitled "Sir Roger Casement" by Joseph McGarrity relating to the actions of Casement between 1914 and his
[ 17800, 3501, 1705, 11270, 284, 366, 22788, 371, 1, 685, 43719, 11294, 972, 4357, 26833, 3267, 1596, 13, 198, 38354, 290, 22440, 11270, 284, 7361, 13637, 11294, 972, 11, 32216, 12, 1129, 1129, 13, 198, 45708, 422, 13637, 11294, 972, 11, 968, 1971, 11, 284, 4544, 367, 1127, 11, 8857, 11, 41892, 607, 290, 1854, 329, 511, 5814, 7062, 11, 351, 28543, 3465, 546, 262, 3850, 11, 26833, 2932, 838, 13, 198, 31467, 3798, 1968, 16155, 546, 262, 12928, 286, 7361, 13637, 11294, 972, 416, 7212, 11130, 3258, 414, 11, 26833, 3267, 1596, 13, 198, 6767, 30536, 422, 317, 13, 376, 13, 2094, 10076, 286, 262, 6182, 3502, 2947, 284, 13637, 11294, 972, 11, 8857, 11, 4737, 683, 329, 257, 8408, 329, 281, 2708, 319, 16720, 329, 5101, 329, 262, 8685, 11, 26833, 2932, 642, 13, 198, 45708, 422, 1757, 402, 2001, 1681, 284, 7212, 11130, 3258, 414, 9305, 465, 17981, 11, 32811, 3389, 1987, 13, 198, 45708, 422, 14862, 9212, 5516, 284, 7212, 11130, 3258, 414, 5115, 11294, 972, 338, 4473, 11, 685, 1129, 1433, 26398, 3426, 860, 13, 198, 27248, 455, 265, 4710, 416, 7212, 11130, 3258, 414, 546, 13637, 11294, 972, 706, 465, 12928, 284, 4486, 11, 26833, 3267, 1248, 13, 198, 6425, 284, 257, 17234, 287, 4486, 508, 22280, 329, 1037, 393, 2650, 416, 7212, 11130, 3258, 414, 11, 3318, 515, 685, 66, 13, 32062, 4083, 198, 6425, 319, 22878, 416, 27022, 1772, 11, 3318, 515, 13, 198, 31467, 3798, 1968, 2420, 9080, 705, 464, 7443, 286, 262, 35911, 286, 7361, 13637 ]
[ 22458, 7231, 3754, 23343, 311, 330, 51290, 432, 1, 510, 79525, 11301, 1133, 1145, 220, 7529, 19, 6664, 220, 1114, 627, 28242, 323, 44818, 23343, 311, 17177, 29607, 11301, 1133, 11, 220, 7529, 16, 12, 7529, 24, 627, 35364, 505, 29607, 11301, 1133, 11, 1561, 4356, 11, 311, 9083, 473, 1572, 11, 19895, 11, 94121, 1077, 323, 3885, 369, 872, 8369, 10788, 11, 449, 44910, 5296, 922, 279, 6661, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 6287, 220, 605, 627, 4266, 1250, 22154, 922, 279, 25959, 315, 17177, 29607, 11301, 1133, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 6664, 220, 1114, 627, 73344, 505, 362, 13, 435, 13, 4418, 49565, 315, 279, 10406, 7418, 3962, 311, 29607, 11301, 1133, 11, 19895, 11, 10371, 1461, 369, 264, 10512, 369, 459, 4652, 389, 40067, 369, 11977, 369, 279, 18088, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 6287, 220, 20, 627, 35364, 505, 3842, 480, 2715, 3520, 311, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 18815, 813, 26536, 11, 220, 7529, 21, 6841, 220, 1187, 627, 35364, 505, 30505, 8384, 11118, 311, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 9002, 11301, 1133, 596, 9269, 11, 510, 7529, 21, 94068, 6790, 220, 24, 627, 53304, 109524, 8554, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 922, 29607, 11301, 1133, 1306, 813, 25959, 311, 10057, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 6664, 220, 972, 627, 9290, 311, 264, 42950, 304, 10057, 889, 53382, 369, 1520, 477, 4984, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 11, 2073, 660, 510, 66, 13, 220, 7529, 20, 27218, 9290, 389, 35498, 555, 65578, 3229, 11, 2073, 660, 627, 4266, 1250, 1495, 20458, 364, 791, 11346, 315, 279, 53125, 315, 17177, 29607 ]
[ 11301, 1133, 518, 2073, 660, 627, 9290, 20458, 330, 1271, 1561, 4356, 17671, 1, 81678, 29607, 11301, 1133, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 11, 449, 459, 50565, 505, 11355, 71229, 17200, 6, 364, 2822, 3816, 676, 482, 2360, 66802, 6, 1672, 17890, 389, 279, 1203, 11, 220, 7529, 22, 627, 47502, 922, 279, 25959, 315, 17177, 29607, 11301, 1133, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 6664, 220, 1114, 627, 4266, 1250, 1495, 20458, 330, 79525, 11301, 1133, 11, 362, 480, 4763, 79, 325, 1139, 279, 24561, 1, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 23343, 279, 6299, 315, 11301, 1133, 1990, 220, 7529, 19, 323, 813, 4648, 11, 2073, 660, 627, 3648, 2203, 3271, 4652, 1218, 2230, 364, 9817, 315, 11301, 1133, 596, 18088, 67314, 6, 16850, 264, 10512, 315, 279, 3026, 304, 279, 28240, 6, 3190, 520, 37230, 729, 91099, 11, 2073, 660, 510, 66, 13, 220, 7285, 22, 27218, 4266, 1250, 3048, 315, 17222, 4652, 8649, 264, 33894, 20458, 364, 79525, 11301, 1133, 6, 555, 54007, 43179, 473, 10529, 830, 789, 11, 2073, 660, 627, 55924, 9323, 44063, 505, 29607, 11301, 1133, 311, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 11, 19895, 11, 63025, 1461, 430, 568, 690, 17782, 279, 2768, 1938, 11, 220, 5926, 16, 627, 12379, 23163, 315, 29607, 11301, 1133, 596, 26536, 505, 279, 6063, 8114, 1133, 323, 1772, 5057, 14843, 6253, 279, 1890, 11, 220, 7529, 19, 627, 4266, 1250, 1495, 20458, 330, 51290, 29607, 11301, 1133, 1, 555, 15466, 23778, 1138, 488, 23343, 311, 279, 6299, 315, 11301, 1133, 1990, 220, 7529, 19, 323, 813 ]
ia Sikander) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 33 Aldous Huxley (Feature on artist Matthew Barney ) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 32 Steven Weinberg and Woody Allen and “The Meaningless of All Things” (Feature on photographer Martin Karplus ) November 6, 2014 – 4:42 am FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 31 David Hume and “How do we know we know?” (Feature on artist William Pope L. ) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 30 Rene Descartes and “How do we know we know?” (Feature on artist Olafur Eliasson) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 29 W.H. Thorpe and “The Search for an Adequate World-View: A Question of Method” (Feature on artist Jeff Koons) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 28 Woody Allen and “The
ia Sikander) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 33 Aldous Huxley (Feature on artist Matthew Barney ) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 32 Steven Weinberg and Woody Allen and “The Meaningless of All Things” (Feature on photographer Martin Karplus ) November 6, 2014 – 4:42 am FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 31 David Hume and “How do we know we know?” (Feature on artist William Pope L. ) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 30 Rene Descartes and “How do we know we know?” (Feature on artist Olafur Eliasson) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 29 W.H. Thorpe and “The Search for an Adequate World-View: A Question of Method” (Feature on artist Jeff Koons) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 28 Woody Allen and “The
Mannishness of Man” (Feature on artist Ryan Gander) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 27 Jurgen Habermas (Featured artist is Hiroshi Sugimoto) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 26 Bettina Aptheker (Featured artist is Krzysztof Wodiczko) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 25 BOB DYLAN (Part C) Francis Schaeffer comments on Bob Dylan’s song “Ballad of a Thin Man” and the disconnect between the young generation of the 60’s and their parents’ generation (Feature on artist Fred Wilson) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 24 BOB DYLAN (Part B) Francis Schaeffer comments on Bob Dylan’s words from HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED!! (Feature on artist Susan Rothenberg) FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 23 BOB DYLAN (Part A) (Feature on artist Josiah
[ 544, 32615, 4066, 8, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 4747, 15586, 516, 367, 2821, 1636, 357, 38816, 319, 6802, 9308, 41921, 1267, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 3933, 8239, 40966, 3900, 290, 37684, 9659, 290, 564, 250, 464, 30563, 1203, 286, 1439, 11597, 447, 251, 357, 38816, 319, 16413, 5780, 9375, 9541, 1267, 198, 21159, 718, 11, 1946, 784, 604, 25, 3682, 716, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 3261, 3271, 45485, 290, 564, 250, 2437, 466, 356, 760, 356, 760, 30, 447, 251, 357, 38816, 319, 6802, 3977, 13258, 406, 13, 1267, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 1542, 371, 1734, 2935, 26674, 274, 290, 564, 250, 2437, 466, 356, 760, 356, 760, 30, 447, 251, 357, 38816, 319, 6802, 6544, 1878, 333, 25204, 562, 261, 8, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 2808, 370, 13, 39, 13, 13002, 431, 290, 564, 250, 464, 11140, 329, 281, 1215, 4853, 378, 2159, 12, 7680, 25, 317, 18233, 286, 11789, 447, 251, 357, 38816, 319, 6802, 5502, 509, 13022, 8, 198, 10913, 20940, 1797, 22374, 14242, 45746, 3537, 1847, 56, 57, 1546, 24278, 5357, 327, 16724, 11335, 2142, 2579, 37684, 9659, 290, 564, 250, 464 ]
[ 689, 78449, 8363, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1644, 31447, 788, 473, 2249, 3258, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 19475, 94529, 1763, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 843, 24565, 71613, 7881, 323, 76059, 20661, 323, 1054, 791, 49203, 1752, 315, 2052, 20695, 863, 320, 14180, 389, 29867, 11826, 13528, 7284, 1763, 34827, 220, 21, 11, 220, 679, 19, 1389, 220, 19, 25, 2983, 1097, 198, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 2148, 6941, 473, 3972, 323, 1054, 4438, 656, 584, 1440, 584, 1440, 12671, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 12656, 30460, 445, 13, 1763, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 966, 67527, 32285, 472, 288, 323, 1054, 4438, 656, 584, 1440, 584, 1440, 12671, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 12225, 2642, 324, 34362, 395, 263, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1682, 468, 3924, 13, 29550, 375, 323, 1054, 791, 7694, 369, 459, 63140, 19684, 4435, 12, 860, 25, 362, 16225, 315, 6872, 863, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 12149, 735, 29639, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1591, 76059, 20661, 323, 1054, 791 ]
[ 30960, 819, 2136, 315, 2418, 863, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 13960, 480, 8363, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1544, 39898, 4469, 29976, 4289, 300, 320, 53043, 10255, 374, 57392, 60521, 84867, 97258, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1627, 68688, 2259, 5345, 339, 52316, 320, 53043, 10255, 374, 16852, 89, 73445, 998, 69, 468, 347, 53322, 9509, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 914, 7967, 33, 96958, 24299, 320, 5920, 356, 8, 26184, 5124, 6043, 3018, 6170, 389, 14596, 44458, 753, 5609, 1054, 37007, 329, 315, 264, 70722, 2418, 863, 323, 279, 30069, 1990, 279, 3995, 9659, 315, 279, 220, 1399, 753, 323, 872, 6699, 529, 9659, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 28588, 17882, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1187, 7967, 33, 96958, 24299, 320, 5920, 426, 8, 26184, 5124, 6043, 3018, 6170, 389, 14596, 44458, 753, 4339, 505, 38717, 42903, 220, 5547, 3680, 58427, 79604, 3001, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 31033, 12093, 3473, 7881, 340, 10725, 27267, 1669, 75938, 13983, 1785, 643, 66857, 41309, 1600, 34979, 3651, 356, 3616, 4622, 3744, 220, 1419, 7967, 33, 96958, 24299, 320, 5920, 362, 8, 320, 14180, 389, 10255, 28978, 19870 ]
expansionist and repressive power, Cui said "people have to fully recognize the realities of today's world." "We certainly have the legitimate right to build our country into a modernized, strong, prosperous country, like every other country in the world," the ambassador said. "I think that the fundamental question for the United States is very simple," he said. "Is the United States ready or willing to live with another country with a very different culture, a very different political and economic system … in peace and cooperate on so many and still growing global challenges?" [SOURCE] China Is Using Uighur Labor to Produce Face Masks ‘Three Pounds in My Pocket’ – BBC Radio Four Series 4 looks at decade from 1990s and presenter Kavita Puri talks Partition threads… Posted On: 6th January 2021 By: Asian Culture Vulture Critically-acclaimed series documents Asian community’s development in Britain… PARTITION and the infamous Norman Tebbit cricket test may seem a long way from each other but to BBC broadcaster Kavita Puri, they are both part of an important story. That story is us, or the Asian community at large. Partition is about Empire
expansionist and repressive power, Cui said "people have to fully recognize the realities of today's world." "We certainly have the legitimate right to build our country into a modernized, strong, prosperous country, like every other country in the world," the ambassador said. "I think that the fundamental question for the United States is very simple," he said. "Is the United States ready or willing to live with another country with a very different culture, a very different political and economic system … in peace and cooperate on so many and still growing global challenges?" [SOURCE] China Is Using Uighur Labor to Produce Face Masks ‘Three Pounds in My Pocket’ – BBC Radio Four Series 4 looks at decade from 1990s and presenter Kavita Puri talks Partition threads… Posted On: 6th January 2021 By: Asian Culture Vulture Critically-acclaimed series documents Asian community’s development in Britain… PARTITION and the infamous Norman Tebbit cricket test may seem a long way from each other but to BBC broadcaster Kavita Puri, they are both part of an important story. That story is us, or the Asian community at large. Partition is about Empire
and how one sub-continent became several countries and how in this context, the sons and daughters of those nations landed up in Britain. Kavita Puri It is one significant part of the story of modern immigration to Britain – and many of those who came to the UK in the 1950s were migrants already displaced from their ancestral homelands. In 1990, Tebbit, a Tory grandee and former government Cabinet minister, accused many migrants of showing disloyalty to the home country in which they lived, by supporting cricket teams from the subcontinent rather than England. All this is covered in Puri’s latest BBC Radio 4’s ‘Three Pounds in My Pocket’ – now in its fourth series and about to drop this Friday (January 8). Some of the people she spoke to in earlier series contribute again in what is a series charting social developments within the British Asian community. There are two episodes now that cover the 1990s and the final instalment of the three episode series looks back at the major developments over that period. Radio show explores the capital music scene Sister India music group: Naz the Cat, Ajay Srivastav, Chic Chandaria, JC
[ 7118, 396, 290, 44430, 1176, 11, 327, 9019, 531, 366, 15332, 423, 284, 3938, 7564, 262, 22072, 286, 1909, 338, 995, 526, 198, 1, 1135, 3729, 423, 262, 9829, 826, 284, 1382, 674, 1499, 656, 257, 3660, 1143, 11, 1913, 11, 32757, 1499, 11, 588, 790, 584, 1499, 287, 262, 995, 553, 262, 14791, 531, 13, 198, 1, 40, 892, 326, 262, 7531, 1808, 329, 262, 1578, 1829, 318, 845, 2829, 553, 339, 531, 13, 366, 3792, 262, 1578, 1829, 3492, 393, 4684, 284, 2107, 351, 1194, 1499, 351, 257, 845, 1180, 3968, 11, 257, 845, 1180, 1964, 290, 3034, 1080, 3926, 287, 4167, 290, 21270, 319, 523, 867, 290, 991, 3957, 3298, 6459, 1701, 685, 47690, 60, 198, 14581, 1148, 8554, 471, 394, 333, 7882, 284, 21522, 344, 15399, 337, 6791, 564, 246, 12510, 350, 3733, 287, 2011, 27290, 447, 247, 784, 7823, 8829, 6675, 7171, 604, 3073, 379, 5707, 422, 6303, 82, 290, 39597, 509, 615, 5350, 9330, 72, 6130, 2142, 653, 14390, 1399, 198, 14231, 1550, 25, 718, 400, 3269, 33448, 198, 3886, 25, 7740, 17346, 569, 6456, 198, 18559, 1146, 12, 330, 12795, 2168, 4963, 7740, 2055, 447, 247, 82, 2478, 287, 5491, 1399, 198, 30709, 17941, 290, 262, 16526, 19636, 1665, 65, 2545, 18836, 1332, 743, 1283, 257, 890, 835, 422, 1123, 584, 475, 284, 7823, 26661, 509, 615, 5350, 9330, 72, 11, 484, 389, 1111, 636, 286, 281, 1593, 1621, 13, 198, 2504, 1621, 318, 514, 11, 393, 262, 7740, 2055, 379, 1588, 13, 198, 7841, 653, 318, 546, 8065 ]
[ 14800, 380, 323, 312, 69563, 2410, 11, 356, 2005, 1071, 330, 16455, 617, 311, 7373, 15641, 279, 50446, 315, 3432, 596, 1917, 10246, 10944, 7995, 617, 279, 23583, 1314, 311, 1977, 1057, 3224, 1139, 264, 6617, 1534, 11, 3831, 11, 71407, 3224, 11, 1093, 1475, 1023, 3224, 304, 279, 1917, 1359, 279, 37756, 1071, 627, 7189, 1781, 430, 279, 16188, 3488, 369, 279, 3723, 4273, 374, 1633, 4382, 1359, 568, 1071, 13, 330, 3957, 279, 3723, 4273, 5644, 477, 10032, 311, 3974, 449, 2500, 3224, 449, 264, 1633, 2204, 7829, 11, 264, 1633, 2204, 5054, 323, 7100, 1887, 4696, 304, 9096, 323, 47903, 389, 779, 1690, 323, 2103, 7982, 3728, 11774, 7673, 510, 44098, 933, 23078, 2209, 12362, 549, 1108, 324, 15277, 311, 87988, 19109, 62232, 3451, 20215, 393, 3171, 304, 3092, 46824, 529, 1389, 18588, 13792, 13625, 11378, 220, 19, 5992, 520, 13515, 505, 220, 2550, 15, 82, 323, 34756, 735, 402, 6388, 393, 6198, 13739, 55726, 14906, 90578, 17827, 1952, 25, 220, 21, 339, 6186, 220, 2366, 16, 198, 1383, 25, 14875, 21023, 650, 10745, 198, 65358, 2740, 38698, 21974, 4101, 9477, 14875, 4029, 753, 4500, 304, 13527, 90578, 34590, 7237, 323, 279, 39633, 41168, 2722, 65, 4590, 37099, 1296, 1253, 2873, 264, 1317, 1648, 505, 1855, 1023, 719, 311, 18588, 60983, 735, 402, 6388, 393, 6198, 11, 814, 527, 2225, 961, 315, 459, 3062, 3446, 627, 4897, 3446, 374, 603, 11, 477, 279, 14875, 4029, 520, 3544, 627, 51078, 374, 922, 21080 ]
[ 323, 1268, 832, 1207, 35172, 14168, 6244, 3892, 5961, 323, 1268, 304, 420, 2317, 11, 279, 26419, 323, 30968, 315, 1884, 17089, 27212, 709, 304, 13527, 627, 42, 402, 6388, 393, 6198, 198, 2181, 374, 832, 5199, 961, 315, 279, 3446, 315, 6617, 15443, 311, 13527, 1389, 323, 1690, 315, 1884, 889, 3782, 311, 279, 6560, 304, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 1051, 32087, 2736, 49246, 505, 872, 78771, 5105, 301, 2914, 627, 644, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 2722, 65, 4590, 11, 264, 47250, 6800, 2176, 323, 4846, 3109, 34046, 13015, 11, 13487, 1690, 32087, 315, 9204, 834, 2032, 10231, 311, 279, 2162, 3224, 304, 902, 814, 12439, 11, 555, 12899, 37099, 7411, 505, 279, 1207, 75695, 4856, 1109, 9635, 627, 2460, 420, 374, 9960, 304, 393, 6198, 753, 5652, 18588, 13792, 220, 19, 753, 3451, 20215, 393, 3171, 304, 3092, 46824, 529, 1389, 1457, 304, 1202, 11999, 4101, 323, 922, 311, 6068, 420, 6740, 320, 33327, 220, 23, 570, 4427, 315, 279, 1274, 1364, 12570, 311, 304, 6931, 4101, 17210, 1578, 304, 1148, 374, 264, 4101, 9676, 287, 3674, 26006, 2949, 279, 8013, 14875, 4029, 627, 3947, 527, 1403, 18243, 1457, 430, 3504, 279, 220, 2550, 15, 82, 323, 279, 1620, 46698, 479, 315, 279, 2380, 9417, 4101, 5992, 1203, 520, 279, 3682, 26006, 927, 430, 4261, 627, 29303, 1501, 41424, 279, 6864, 4731, 6237, 198, 50, 1601, 6890, 4731, 1912, 25, 29874, 279, 17810, 11, 41757, 352, 34688, 344, 561, 402, 11, 71820, 67736, 10649, 345, 59467 ]
was interesting enough I think you might like it too. View all posts by Noelle Campbell PreviousWhat Happened to Common Sense? NextWhy We Tell Stories G. Love, Special Olympics fundraiser, more weekend concerts Music 2 PM 02.13.2014 The weekend of love sees shows from a Philly funk-hop crew, an EP release show from a local alt-rock buzz band, and a homecoming show for a Motown-style crooner. Significant other or not, there’s plenty of love to be felt. Storm shmorm, there definitely isn’t enough snow on the ground to keep you from rocking. Tonight at Great Scott, Krill releases its new EP, “Steve Hears Pile in Malden and Bursts into Tears.” Sadly, due to more severe weather in New York, Brooklyn’s Ava Luna had to drop, but the fine crew of locals providing support on this bill makes it a top choice for tonight (with Fat Creeps, Kal Marks, and Bad History Month; 9 p.m., $7, 18+). Maybe you’re looking to shake it a bit though? Make it New at Middlesex has a top notch lineup this
was interesting enough I think you might like it too. View all posts by Noelle Campbell PreviousWhat Happened to Common Sense? NextWhy We Tell Stories G. Love, Special Olympics fundraiser, more weekend concerts Music 2 PM 02.13.2014 The weekend of love sees shows from a Philly funk-hop crew, an EP release show from a local alt-rock buzz band, and a homecoming show for a Motown-style crooner. Significant other or not, there’s plenty of love to be felt. Storm shmorm, there definitely isn’t enough snow on the ground to keep you from rocking. Tonight at Great Scott, Krill releases its new EP, “Steve Hears Pile in Malden and Bursts into Tears.” Sadly, due to more severe weather in New York, Brooklyn’s Ava Luna had to drop, but the fine crew of locals providing support on this bill makes it a top choice for tonight (with Fat Creeps, Kal Marks, and Bad History Month; 9 p.m., $7, 18+). Maybe you’re looking to shake it a bit though? Make it New at Middlesex has a top notch lineup this
week, welcoming Montreal-based producers Bordello and Iron Galaxy on top of residents Coralcola and John Barera (9 p.m., $10, 21+). English folk-tronica songwriter Beth Orton will make a stop at The Paradise if you’re looking for something more out of the ordinary (with The Murphy Beds; 8 p.m., $25, 18+). Considering this week is Beatles Week, it would be criminal not to put a little of the Fab Four in your life. If you’ve yet to do so, The Wilbur is hosting “All You Need Is Love,” a tribute to the Beatles (7:30 p.m., $30-40, all ages). Nothing tells your lover that you mean it like taking them to see some live music. Perhaps you’d like to get funky with your special someone at House of Blues with Philly alt-funk trio G. Love & Special Sauce (with Kristy Lee; 8 p.m., $25, all ages). Maybe even get a little funkier with blue-eyed soul local boy Eli “Paperboy” Reed at The Sinclair (with Ruby Rose Fox and Soulelujah DJ set
[ 373, 3499, 1576, 314, 892, 345, 1244, 588, 340, 1165, 13, 197, 7680, 477, 6851, 416, 1400, 13485, 14327, 198, 21448, 2061, 18321, 2945, 284, 8070, 24956, 30, 198, 10019, 5195, 775, 14026, 18152, 402, 13, 5896, 11, 6093, 14935, 27639, 11, 517, 5041, 28565, 198, 22648, 197, 362, 3122, 7816, 13, 1485, 13, 4967, 198, 464, 5041, 286, 1842, 7224, 2523, 422, 257, 30029, 46212, 12, 8548, 5462, 11, 281, 14724, 2650, 905, 422, 257, 1957, 5988, 12, 10823, 14713, 4097, 11, 290, 257, 1363, 4976, 905, 329, 257, 6543, 593, 12, 7635, 6763, 14491, 13, 49631, 584, 393, 407, 11, 612, 447, 247, 82, 6088, 286, 1842, 284, 307, 2936, 13, 198, 32173, 427, 76, 579, 11, 612, 4753, 2125, 447, 247, 83, 1576, 6729, 319, 262, 2323, 284, 1394, 345, 422, 38059, 13, 27117, 379, 3878, 4746, 11, 13685, 359, 10050, 663, 649, 14724, 11, 564, 250, 19206, 367, 4127, 350, 576, 287, 37490, 268, 290, 5481, 6448, 656, 40328, 13, 447, 251, 27213, 11, 2233, 284, 517, 6049, 6193, 287, 968, 1971, 11, 12232, 447, 247, 82, 5184, 64, 23694, 550, 284, 4268, 11, 475, 262, 3734, 5462, 286, 17205, 4955, 1104, 319, 428, 2855, 1838, 340, 257, 1353, 3572, 329, 9975, 357, 4480, 12301, 5844, 25386, 11, 12612, 27366, 11, 290, 7772, 7443, 16061, 26, 860, 279, 13, 76, 1539, 720, 22, 11, 1248, 10, 737, 6674, 345, 447, 247, 260, 2045, 284, 13279, 340, 257, 1643, 996, 30, 6889, 340, 968, 379, 46050, 1069, 468, 257, 1353, 29838, 12750, 428 ]
[ 574, 7185, 3403, 358, 1781, 499, 2643, 1093, 433, 2288, 13, 70803, 682, 8158, 555, 2360, 6853, 30524, 198, 21994, 3923, 35800, 6901, 311, 7874, 47329, 5380, 5971, 10445, 1226, 25672, 30129, 480, 13, 10919, 11, 9984, 33063, 59759, 11, 810, 9178, 47679, 198, 25099, 197, 220, 17, 5975, 220, 2437, 13, 1032, 13, 679, 19, 198, 791, 9178, 315, 3021, 16008, 5039, 505, 264, 66254, 69392, 49819, 13941, 11, 459, 19613, 4984, 1501, 505, 264, 2254, 4902, 80437, 31527, 7200, 11, 323, 264, 2162, 5065, 1501, 369, 264, 19514, 785, 11549, 14425, 27674, 13, 90462, 1023, 477, 539, 11, 1070, 753, 11510, 315, 3021, 311, 387, 6612, 627, 35391, 77600, 494, 11, 1070, 8659, 4536, 1431, 3403, 12056, 389, 279, 5015, 311, 2567, 499, 505, 67724, 13, 55314, 520, 8681, 10016, 11, 16852, 484, 19786, 1202, 502, 19613, 11, 1054, 38595, 473, 7596, 393, 458, 304, 386, 4852, 268, 323, 12649, 37379, 1139, 92014, 2029, 57243, 11, 4245, 311, 810, 15748, 9282, 304, 1561, 4356, 11, 26832, 753, 92757, 50905, 1047, 311, 6068, 11, 719, 279, 7060, 13941, 315, 25958, 8405, 1862, 389, 420, 4121, 3727, 433, 264, 1948, 5873, 369, 18396, 320, 4291, 26417, 7948, 7270, 11, 27930, 49195, 11, 323, 11717, 11346, 19961, 26, 220, 24, 281, 749, 2637, 400, 22, 11, 220, 972, 10, 570, 10926, 499, 3207, 3411, 311, 27116, 433, 264, 2766, 3582, 30, 7557, 433, 1561, 520, 12877, 11814, 706, 264, 1948, 51554, 28612, 420 ]
[ 2046, 11, 36387, 30613, 6108, 24190, 98985, 4896, 323, 16979, 20238, 389, 1948, 315, 11062, 64916, 56552, 323, 3842, 4821, 2473, 320, 24, 281, 749, 2637, 400, 605, 11, 220, 1691, 10, 570, 6498, 29036, 10398, 65045, 85757, 29103, 2582, 783, 690, 1304, 264, 3009, 520, 578, 48691, 422, 499, 3207, 3411, 369, 2555, 810, 704, 315, 279, 19664, 320, 4291, 578, 31053, 67354, 26, 220, 23, 281, 749, 2637, 400, 914, 11, 220, 972, 10, 570, 56877, 420, 2046, 374, 55957, 10563, 11, 433, 1053, 387, 9337, 539, 311, 2231, 264, 2697, 315, 279, 19797, 13625, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 1442, 499, 4070, 3686, 311, 656, 779, 11, 578, 10785, 11490, 374, 20256, 1054, 2460, 1472, 14998, 2209, 10919, 2476, 264, 35491, 311, 279, 55957, 320, 22, 25, 966, 281, 749, 2637, 400, 966, 12, 1272, 11, 682, 17051, 4390, 24714, 10975, 701, 31657, 430, 499, 3152, 433, 1093, 4737, 1124, 311, 1518, 1063, 3974, 4731, 13, 19292, 499, 7070, 1093, 311, 636, 74988, 449, 701, 3361, 4423, 520, 4783, 315, 33425, 449, 66254, 4902, 2269, 3200, 35062, 480, 13, 10919, 612, 9984, 61276, 320, 4291, 27973, 88, 12336, 26, 220, 23, 281, 749, 2637, 400, 914, 11, 682, 17051, 570, 10926, 1524, 636, 264, 2697, 69392, 1291, 449, 6437, 53613, 13836, 2254, 8334, 34362, 1054, 31998, 17627, 863, 36521, 520, 578, 74289, 320, 4291, 24658, 16344, 13585, 323, 9424, 273, 75, 9832, 1494, 22102, 743 ]
river into Slavonia where they would be aligned with Drljević as the Montenegrin National Army with Đurišić retaining operational command.[42] The Chetniks however, appear to have tried to outsmart the HOS forces and Drljević by sending their sick and wounded across the river, but retaining their fit troops south of the river, after which they began moving them westwards. Harassed by both the HOS troops and Partisans, they reached the Vrbas river, which they began to cross. In the Battle of Lijevče Field, north of Banja Luka, the combined Chetnik force was badly beaten by a strong HOS force which possessed German-supplied tanks.[42] Following this defeat and the defection of one of their sub-units to Drljević, Đurišić was induced to negotiate directly with the leaders of the HOS forces about the further movement of the Chetniks towards the Ljubljana Gap. However, this appears to have been a trap, as he was attacked and captured by them on his way to the meeting. According to the historian Professor Jozo Tomasevich,
river into Slavonia where they would be aligned with Drljević as the Montenegrin National Army with Đurišić retaining operational command.[42] The Chetniks however, appear to have tried to outsmart the HOS forces and Drljević by sending their sick and wounded across the river, but retaining their fit troops south of the river, after which they began moving them westwards. Harassed by both the HOS troops and Partisans, they reached the Vrbas river, which they began to cross. In the Battle of Lijevče Field, north of Banja Luka, the combined Chetnik force was badly beaten by a strong HOS force which possessed German-supplied tanks.[42] Following this defeat and the defection of one of their sub-units to Drljević, Đurišić was induced to negotiate directly with the leaders of the HOS forces about the further movement of the Chetniks towards the Ljubljana Gap. However, this appears to have been a trap, as he was attacked and captured by them on his way to the meeting. According to the historian Professor Jozo Tomasevich,
exactly what occurred after his capture is not clear, but Baćović, Đurišić, Vasić, Ostojić were subsequently killed, along with some Serbian Orthodox priests and others.[42] According to some sources, on 20 April, Đurišić, Baćović, Vasić and Ostojić were taken to the Stara Gradiška prison, near Jasenovac. The Ustaše gathered them in a field alongside 5,000 other Chetnik prisoners and arranged for Drljević and his followers to select 150 Chetnik officers and non-combatant intellectuals for execution.[43] Đurišić, Baćović, Vasić and Ostojić were amongst those selected.[44] They and the others were loaded onto boats by the Ustaše and taken across the Sava River, never to be seen again. It is reported that they were killed either in the Jasenovac concentration camp itself, or in a marsh in its vicinity.[43] The website of the Jasenovac Memorial Site says Ostojić was killed at the camp by the Ustaše in 1945.[45] The location of Ost
[ 7850, 656, 34314, 11339, 810, 484, 561, 307, 19874, 351, 1583, 75, 73, 1990, 72, 38325, 355, 262, 50008, 12769, 2351, 5407, 351, 34754, 238, 9900, 32790, 72, 38325, 26645, 13919, 3141, 3693, 3682, 60, 383, 2580, 83, 8461, 591, 2158, 11, 1656, 284, 423, 3088, 284, 503, 27004, 262, 367, 2640, 3386, 290, 1583, 75, 73, 1990, 72, 38325, 416, 7216, 511, 6639, 290, 10657, 1973, 262, 7850, 11, 475, 26645, 511, 4197, 6553, 5366, 286, 262, 7850, 11, 706, 543, 484, 2540, 3867, 606, 7421, 2017, 13, 2113, 21390, 416, 1111, 262, 367, 2640, 6553, 290, 2142, 26100, 11, 484, 4251, 262, 569, 81, 12093, 7850, 11, 543, 484, 2540, 284, 3272, 13, 554, 262, 5838, 286, 406, 2926, 1990, 46195, 68, 7663, 11, 5093, 286, 10274, 6592, 406, 14852, 11, 262, 5929, 2580, 83, 17187, 2700, 373, 11234, 13125, 416, 257, 1913, 367, 2640, 2700, 543, 17273, 2679, 12, 18608, 18511, 11657, 3693, 3682, 60, 198, 14291, 428, 7433, 290, 262, 825, 3213, 286, 530, 286, 511, 850, 12, 41667, 284, 1583, 75, 73, 1990, 72, 38325, 11, 34754, 238, 9900, 32790, 72, 38325, 373, 18268, 284, 16674, 3264, 351, 262, 2766, 286, 262, 367, 2640, 3386, 546, 262, 2252, 3356, 286, 262, 2580, 83, 8461, 591, 3371, 262, 406, 73, 549, 75, 73, 2271, 33899, 13, 2102, 11, 428, 3568, 284, 423, 587, 257, 12840, 11, 355, 339, 373, 7384, 290, 7907, 416, 606, 319, 465, 835, 284, 262, 3249, 13, 4784, 284, 262, 18026, 8129, 5302, 10872, 4186, 589, 49547, 11 ]
[ 15140, 1139, 120859, 21947, 1405, 814, 1053, 387, 27210, 449, 423, 2438, 3841, 10176, 7886, 439, 279, 9995, 268, 14750, 258, 5165, 13309, 449, 51427, 6198, 11906, 68929, 51110, 25605, 3290, 8032, 2983, 60, 578, 921, 295, 22212, 82, 4869, 11, 5101, 311, 617, 6818, 311, 704, 40903, 279, 473, 3204, 8603, 323, 423, 2438, 3841, 10176, 7886, 555, 11889, 872, 14363, 323, 28593, 4028, 279, 15140, 11, 719, 51110, 872, 5052, 17312, 10007, 315, 279, 15140, 11, 1306, 902, 814, 6137, 7366, 1124, 9909, 4102, 13, 5340, 60104, 555, 2225, 279, 473, 3204, 17312, 323, 3744, 67499, 11, 814, 8813, 279, 650, 10910, 300, 15140, 11, 902, 814, 6137, 311, 5425, 13, 763, 279, 16506, 315, 445, 3251, 5230, 93586, 8771, 11, 10411, 315, 23565, 5697, 445, 26261, 11, 279, 11093, 921, 295, 22212, 5457, 574, 25587, 31394, 555, 264, 3831, 473, 3204, 5457, 902, 43890, 6063, 59615, 3523, 26951, 8032, 2983, 933, 28055, 420, 18506, 323, 279, 11211, 407, 315, 832, 315, 872, 1207, 20486, 1220, 311, 423, 2438, 3841, 10176, 7886, 11, 51427, 6198, 11906, 68929, 574, 36572, 311, 37667, 6089, 449, 279, 6164, 315, 279, 473, 3204, 8603, 922, 279, 4726, 7351, 315, 279, 921, 295, 22212, 82, 7119, 279, 445, 73, 392, 53835, 3444, 59015, 13, 4452, 11, 420, 8111, 311, 617, 1027, 264, 23709, 11, 439, 568, 574, 18855, 323, 17439, 555, 1124, 389, 813, 1648, 311, 279, 6574, 13, 10771, 311, 279, 44068, 17054, 622, 96614, 8529, 521, 85, 718, 11 ]
[ 7041, 1148, 10222, 1306, 813, 12602, 374, 539, 2867, 11, 719, 14659, 7886, 46188, 7886, 11, 51427, 6198, 11906, 68929, 11, 650, 10426, 7886, 11, 66535, 28000, 7886, 1051, 28520, 7577, 11, 3235, 449, 1063, 88264, 46273, 42963, 323, 3885, 8032, 2983, 60, 10771, 311, 1063, 8336, 11, 389, 220, 508, 5936, 11, 51427, 6198, 11906, 68929, 11, 14659, 7886, 46188, 7886, 11, 650, 10426, 7886, 323, 66535, 28000, 7886, 1051, 4529, 311, 279, 800, 5169, 2895, 2836, 109039, 9527, 11, 3221, 86216, 268, 869, 582, 13, 578, 549, 21127, 58067, 20802, 1124, 304, 264, 2115, 16662, 220, 20, 11, 931, 1023, 921, 295, 22212, 28240, 323, 28902, 369, 423, 2438, 3841, 10176, 7886, 323, 813, 20723, 311, 3373, 220, 3965, 921, 295, 22212, 9808, 323, 2536, 11733, 14034, 519, 83936, 369, 11572, 8032, 3391, 60, 51427, 6198, 11906, 68929, 11, 14659, 7886, 46188, 7886, 11, 650, 10426, 7886, 323, 66535, 28000, 7886, 1051, 24059, 1884, 4183, 8032, 2096, 60, 2435, 323, 279, 3885, 1051, 6799, 8800, 32731, 555, 279, 549, 21127, 58067, 323, 4529, 4028, 279, 328, 2979, 11188, 11, 2646, 311, 387, 3970, 1578, 13, 1102, 374, 5068, 430, 814, 1051, 7577, 3060, 304, 279, 86216, 268, 869, 582, 20545, 3190, 5196, 11, 477, 304, 264, 33096, 304, 1202, 53851, 8032, 3391, 60, 578, 3997, 315, 279, 86216, 268, 869, 582, 27872, 13207, 2795, 66535, 28000, 7886, 574, 7577, 520, 279, 3190, 555, 279, 549, 21127, 58067, 304, 220, 6393, 20, 8032, 1774, 60, 578, 3813, 315, 66535 ]
grandfather was named Oliver John (the son of William John and Jane). Olivia’s paternal grandmother was Daisy Newton (the daughter of James Newton and Elizabeth Richards). James was born in Somerset, England, the son of James Newton and Elizabeth Bryant. Olivia’s maternal grandather was Max Born, a scientist, who won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics (the son of Gustav Jacob Born, a histologist and author, and Margarethe Gretchen Kaufmann/Kauffmann). Max was a German Jew, who was born in Breslau, German Empire, now Wrocław, Poland. As an adult, he was baptized a Lutheran. Gustav was born in Kempen, the son of Dr. Marcus Buttermilch/Born and Fanny Epstein. Olivia’s great-grandmother Margarethe was born in Tannhausen, the daughter of Saloman Kaufmann/Kauffmann and Marie Joachimstal/Joachimsthal. Olivia’s maternal grandmother was Hedwig Martha “Hedi” Ehrenberg (the daughter of Victor Gabriel Ehrenberg, a jurist, and Elise Marie A. Helene von
grandfather was named Oliver John (the son of William John and Jane). Olivia’s paternal grandmother was Daisy Newton (the daughter of James Newton and Elizabeth Richards). James was born in Somerset, England, the son of James Newton and Elizabeth Bryant. Olivia’s maternal grandather was Max Born, a scientist, who won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics (the son of Gustav Jacob Born, a histologist and author, and Margarethe Gretchen Kaufmann/Kauffmann). Max was a German Jew, who was born in Breslau, German Empire, now Wrocław, Poland. As an adult, he was baptized a Lutheran. Gustav was born in Kempen, the son of Dr. Marcus Buttermilch/Born and Fanny Epstein. Olivia’s great-grandmother Margarethe was born in Tannhausen, the daughter of Saloman Kaufmann/Kauffmann and Marie Joachimstal/Joachimsthal. Olivia’s maternal grandmother was Hedwig Martha “Hedi” Ehrenberg (the daughter of Victor Gabriel Ehrenberg, a jurist, and Elise Marie A. Helene von
Jhering). Victor was a German Jew, born in Wolfenbüttel, who had converted to the Lutheran religion. He was the son of Rabbi Philipp Ehrenberg, who was born in Wolfenbüttel, and of Julie Fischel, who was born in Prague. Olivia’s great-grandmother Elise was of German, non-Jewish background, and was the daughter of Caspar Rudolph Ritter von Jhering, a jurist, from Aurich, Lower Saxony, and of Ida Christina Frölich. Source: Genealogy of Olivia Newton-John – https://www.geni.com Damian Lewis Spencer Daniels Jamie Follese Ryan Follese Tags: Ashkenazi JewishCzech JewishEnglishEnglish JewishGermanGerman JewishJewishPolish JewishWelsh jackson9 says: @Smiley, I believe Olivia’s great-grandfather James Newton (1857) was English born and ethnically English not Welsh. From what I could find he was born in Somerset, England. He was the son of James Newton (1820) Somerset, England, and Elizabeth Bryant (1824, Somerset). James was the son of B
[ 17695, 373, 3706, 15416, 1757, 357, 1169, 3367, 286, 3977, 1757, 290, 12091, 737, 198, 46, 16017, 544, 447, 247, 82, 38082, 18410, 373, 40355, 17321, 357, 1169, 4957, 286, 3700, 17321, 290, 10674, 14743, 737, 3700, 373, 4642, 287, 46123, 11, 4492, 11, 262, 3367, 286, 3700, 17321, 290, 10674, 16754, 13, 198, 46, 16017, 544, 447, 247, 82, 22160, 4490, 1032, 373, 5436, 18889, 11, 257, 11444, 11, 508, 1839, 262, 24718, 20715, 15895, 287, 23123, 357, 1169, 3367, 286, 43715, 12806, 18889, 11, 257, 1554, 7451, 290, 1772, 11, 290, 11899, 533, 1169, 35877, 6607, 28148, 69, 9038, 14, 42, 559, 487, 9038, 737, 5436, 373, 257, 2679, 3370, 11, 508, 373, 4642, 287, 347, 411, 75, 559, 11, 2679, 8065, 11, 783, 370, 12204, 41615, 707, 11, 12873, 13, 1081, 281, 4044, 11, 339, 373, 40357, 257, 43772, 13, 43715, 373, 4642, 287, 24854, 3617, 11, 262, 3367, 286, 1583, 13, 17068, 887, 4354, 346, 354, 14, 28524, 290, 376, 7737, 34594, 13, 33911, 447, 247, 82, 1049, 12, 23936, 13552, 11899, 533, 1169, 373, 4642, 287, 309, 1236, 30404, 268, 11, 262, 4957, 286, 4849, 5185, 28148, 69, 9038, 14, 42, 559, 487, 9038, 290, 20492, 5302, 620, 320, 7757, 14, 9908, 620, 320, 301, 14201, 13, 198, 46, 16017, 544, 447, 247, 82, 22160, 18410, 373, 30920, 28033, 27243, 564, 250, 39, 13740, 447, 251, 31480, 918, 3900, 357, 1169, 4957, 286, 12622, 17371, 31480, 918, 3900, 11, 257, 8174, 396, 11, 290, 46174, 20492, 317, 13, 5053, 1734, 18042 ]
[ 38950, 574, 7086, 31346, 3842, 320, 1820, 4538, 315, 12656, 3842, 323, 22195, 4390, 43819, 21475, 753, 93367, 39284, 574, 71264, 21324, 320, 1820, 10003, 315, 7957, 21324, 323, 21393, 54072, 570, 7957, 574, 9405, 304, 72232, 11, 9635, 11, 279, 4538, 315, 7957, 21324, 323, 21393, 40692, 627, 43819, 21475, 753, 50150, 6800, 1894, 574, 7639, 38916, 11, 264, 28568, 11, 889, 2834, 279, 220, 6280, 19, 48078, 32293, 304, 28415, 320, 1820, 4538, 315, 49720, 402, 25537, 38916, 11, 264, 13034, 16549, 323, 3229, 11, 323, 24079, 548, 1820, 88652, 7674, 59254, 18022, 33954, 64, 1386, 18022, 570, 7639, 574, 264, 6063, 8117, 11, 889, 574, 9405, 304, 426, 417, 75, 2933, 11, 6063, 21080, 11, 1457, 468, 28787, 98348, 11, 28702, 13, 1666, 459, 6822, 11, 568, 574, 90225, 264, 83081, 13, 49720, 402, 574, 9405, 304, 67066, 2821, 11, 279, 4538, 315, 2999, 13, 36783, 2030, 5098, 321, 331, 16675, 1540, 323, 435, 13184, 81132, 13, 60387, 753, 2294, 72102, 27510, 24079, 548, 1820, 574, 9405, 304, 350, 1036, 77247, 11, 279, 10003, 315, 8375, 7053, 59254, 18022, 33954, 64, 1386, 18022, 323, 33116, 11186, 613, 318, 111722, 14, 23307, 613, 318, 267, 12130, 627, 43819, 21475, 753, 50150, 39284, 574, 75263, 38022, 51970, 1054, 39, 19586, 863, 61651, 1466, 7881, 320, 1820, 10003, 315, 33412, 39843, 61651, 1466, 7881, 11, 264, 16422, 380, 11, 323, 4072, 1082, 33116, 362, 13, 16183, 1994, 6675 ]
[ 622, 1964, 287, 570, 33412, 574, 264, 6063, 8117, 11, 9405, 304, 26296, 268, 65, 2448, 5683, 301, 11, 889, 1047, 16489, 311, 279, 83081, 13901, 13, 1283, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 71969, 20540, 61651, 1466, 7881, 11, 889, 574, 9405, 304, 26296, 268, 65, 2448, 5683, 301, 11, 323, 315, 42287, 435, 16438, 301, 11, 889, 574, 9405, 304, 68389, 13, 60387, 753, 2294, 72102, 27510, 4072, 1082, 574, 315, 6063, 11, 2536, 12278, 66929, 4092, 11, 323, 574, 279, 10003, 315, 11301, 1768, 48538, 44070, 432, 3328, 6675, 622, 1964, 287, 11, 264, 16422, 380, 11, 505, 35731, 718, 11, 28636, 68027, 3633, 11, 323, 315, 358, 3315, 60771, 2939, 3029, 6915, 627, 3692, 25, 24983, 80378, 315, 60387, 21324, 12278, 3180, 1389, 3788, 1129, 2185, 23668, 72, 916, 198, 49057, 1122, 21256, 198, 6540, 20099, 50635, 198, 97750, 40555, 273, 325, 198, 49546, 40555, 273, 325, 198, 16309, 25, 14937, 2779, 18291, 13653, 34, 26835, 13653, 23392, 23392, 13653, 33179, 33179, 13653, 41, 66929, 15000, 819, 13653, 84616, 939, 198, 73, 19950, 24, 2795, 512, 31, 10902, 18280, 11, 358, 4510, 60387, 753, 2294, 72102, 23881, 7957, 21324, 320, 9741, 22, 8, 574, 6498, 9405, 323, 79180, 2740, 6498, 539, 46881, 13, 5659, 1148, 358, 1436, 1505, 568, 574, 9405, 304, 72232, 11, 9635, 13, 1283, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 7957, 21324, 320, 10828, 15, 8, 72232, 11, 9635, 11, 323, 21393, 40692, 320, 10828, 19, 11, 72232, 570, 7957, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 426 ]
-Elcac, designated as an agency to eliminate communism, is using mechanisms of red-tagging and is labeling journalists as enemies of the state.” In 2016, a Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMs) was created under the Administrative Order No. 1. But De Jesus of CMFR said the agency, which was attached to the Office of the President and tasked to investigate and act on cases of media violence, did not even coordinate with journalist groups. “From the very beginning, there was no shared information… They work on their own, but the idea of state protection should be linked to the efforts of those working in journalism themselves,” De Jesus said. PTFoMS executive director Joel Egco, a former journalist, is also the spokesperson for media engagements of NTF-Elcac. PCIJ has reached out to the task force but has not received any response as of this writing. De Santos said it was important for journalists to diligently report attacks, show solidarity with each other, and demand government action to prevent these attacks. “If you look at it, the responsibility of keeping the media safe is not upon us… Shouldn’t it be the responsibility of the
-Elcac, designated as an agency to eliminate communism, is using mechanisms of red-tagging and is labeling journalists as enemies of the state.” In 2016, a Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMs) was created under the Administrative Order No. 1. But De Jesus of CMFR said the agency, which was attached to the Office of the President and tasked to investigate and act on cases of media violence, did not even coordinate with journalist groups. “From the very beginning, there was no shared information… They work on their own, but the idea of state protection should be linked to the efforts of those working in journalism themselves,” De Jesus said. PTFoMS executive director Joel Egco, a former journalist, is also the spokesperson for media engagements of NTF-Elcac. PCIJ has reached out to the task force but has not received any response as of this writing. De Santos said it was important for journalists to diligently report attacks, show solidarity with each other, and demand government action to prevent these attacks. “If you look at it, the responsibility of keeping the media safe is not upon us… Shouldn’t it be the responsibility of the
government to ensure that we have an environment that is conducive to press freedom and a free flow of information? So it’s really up to them,” De Santos said. END PCIJ collated the data from various news reports, including alerts from the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines. View the data here. Timeline: Attacks and hostility against the media Oct. 30, 2021: Radio commentator and Newsline Philippines reporter Orlando Dinoy was killed in his apartment. He was being pushed to run for vice mayor of Bansalan, Davao del Sur. Dinoy had six gunshot wounds, according to reports. Nov. 17-18, 2021: Pinoy Media Center, which publishes Pinoy Weekly, was subjected to DDoS attacks. The cyberattacks came after it published an editorial on a possible Duterte-Marcos alliance and an analysis of the agenda for the 2022 elections. Dec. 11, 2021: The ABS-CBN news website was targeted by a DDoS attack and was inaccessible for six hours. Dec. 15, 2021: Rappler was subjected to a DDoS attack. Dec. 16, 2021: The Vera Files website was hit by a DDoS attack. Dec. 19, 2021: Alter
[ 12, 9527, 66, 330, 11, 11032, 355, 281, 4086, 284, 11005, 27770, 11, 318, 1262, 11701, 286, 2266, 12, 12985, 2667, 290, 318, 27393, 9046, 355, 5775, 286, 262, 1181, 13, 447, 251, 198, 818, 1584, 11, 257, 17471, 15941, 5221, 319, 6343, 4765, 357, 47, 10234, 78, 10128, 8, 373, 2727, 739, 262, 30048, 8284, 1400, 13, 352, 13, 887, 1024, 5803, 286, 16477, 10913, 531, 262, 4086, 11, 543, 373, 7223, 284, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 1992, 290, 23052, 284, 9161, 290, 719, 319, 2663, 286, 2056, 3685, 11, 750, 407, 772, 20435, 351, 10099, 2628, 13, 198, 447, 250, 4863, 262, 845, 3726, 11, 612, 373, 645, 4888, 1321, 1399, 1119, 670, 319, 511, 898, 11, 475, 262, 2126, 286, 1181, 4800, 815, 307, 6692, 284, 262, 4040, 286, 883, 1762, 287, 14033, 2405, 11, 447, 251, 1024, 5803, 531, 13, 198, 47, 10234, 78, 5653, 4640, 3437, 18623, 36386, 1073, 11, 257, 1966, 10099, 11, 318, 635, 262, 11821, 329, 2056, 40588, 286, 399, 10234, 12, 9527, 66, 330, 13, 198, 5662, 23852, 468, 4251, 503, 284, 262, 4876, 2700, 475, 468, 407, 2722, 597, 2882, 355, 286, 428, 3597, 13, 198, 5005, 28458, 531, 340, 373, 1593, 329, 9046, 284, 44243, 989, 3434, 11, 905, 17803, 351, 1123, 584, 11, 290, 3512, 1230, 2223, 284, 2948, 777, 3434, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1532, 345, 804, 379, 340, 11, 262, 5798, 286, 5291, 262, 2056, 3338, 318, 407, 2402, 514, 1399, 10358, 77, 447, 247, 83, 340, 307, 262, 5798, 286, 262 ]
[ 12, 6719, 84210, 11, 24073, 439, 459, 9266, 311, 22472, 71189, 11, 374, 1701, 24717, 315, 2579, 39304, 3252, 323, 374, 55402, 23348, 439, 14207, 315, 279, 1614, 49216, 644, 220, 679, 21, 11, 264, 42855, 5546, 11994, 389, 7972, 8398, 320, 2898, 92979, 22365, 8, 574, 3549, 1234, 279, 52941, 7365, 2360, 13, 220, 16, 13, 2030, 1611, 10811, 315, 18582, 10725, 1071, 279, 9266, 11, 902, 574, 12673, 311, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 4900, 323, 51920, 311, 19874, 323, 1180, 389, 5157, 315, 3772, 9349, 11, 1550, 539, 1524, 16580, 449, 23672, 5315, 627, 2118, 3915, 279, 1633, 7314, 11, 1070, 574, 912, 6222, 2038, 1981, 2435, 990, 389, 872, 1866, 11, 719, 279, 4623, 315, 1614, 9313, 1288, 387, 10815, 311, 279, 9045, 315, 1884, 3318, 304, 30104, 5694, 2476, 1611, 10811, 1071, 627, 2898, 92979, 4931, 11145, 7690, 39447, 39175, 1030, 11, 264, 4846, 23672, 11, 374, 1101, 279, 29003, 369, 3772, 79971, 315, 452, 11042, 12, 6719, 84210, 627, 54802, 41, 706, 8813, 704, 311, 279, 3465, 5457, 719, 706, 539, 4036, 904, 2077, 439, 315, 420, 4477, 627, 1951, 48723, 1071, 433, 574, 3062, 369, 23348, 311, 91705, 1934, 8951, 11, 1501, 44254, 449, 1855, 1023, 11, 323, 7631, 3109, 1957, 311, 5471, 1521, 8951, 627, 38684, 499, 1427, 520, 433, 11, 279, 12014, 315, 10494, 279, 3772, 6220, 374, 539, 5304, 603, 1981, 12540, 77, 1431, 433, 387, 279, 12014, 315, 279 ]
[ 3109, 311, 6106, 430, 584, 617, 459, 4676, 430, 374, 95561, 311, 3577, 11542, 323, 264, 1949, 6530, 315, 2038, 30, 2100, 433, 753, 2216, 709, 311, 1124, 2476, 1611, 48723, 1071, 13, 11424, 198, 54802, 41, 4631, 660, 279, 828, 505, 5370, 3754, 6821, 11, 2737, 30350, 505, 279, 5165, 9323, 315, 10139, 1705, 315, 279, 26363, 13, 2806, 279, 828, 1618, 627, 60741, 25, 67242, 323, 61029, 2403, 279, 3772, 198, 18544, 13, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 13792, 69836, 323, 5513, 1074, 26363, 19496, 28944, 45873, 2303, 574, 7577, 304, 813, 13455, 13, 1283, 574, 1694, 15753, 311, 1629, 369, 17192, 17352, 315, 95061, 33383, 11, 423, 2979, 78, 1624, 8242, 13, 45873, 2303, 1047, 4848, 74881, 34254, 11, 4184, 311, 6821, 627, 19480, 13, 220, 1114, 12, 972, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 17929, 2303, 7972, 5955, 11, 902, 65585, 17929, 2303, 34114, 11, 574, 38126, 311, 423, 5519, 50, 8951, 13, 578, 21516, 81210, 3782, 1306, 433, 4756, 459, 28144, 389, 264, 3284, 64552, 5364, 8362, 437, 30764, 323, 459, 6492, 315, 279, 18909, 369, 279, 220, 2366, 17, 16374, 627, 5005, 13, 220, 806, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 578, 37581, 7813, 15967, 3754, 3997, 574, 17550, 555, 264, 423, 5519, 50, 3440, 323, 574, 82828, 369, 4848, 4207, 627, 5005, 13, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 23097, 13206, 574, 38126, 311, 264, 423, 5519, 50, 3440, 627, 5005, 13, 220, 845, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 578, 68200, 17833, 3997, 574, 4295, 555, 264, 423, 5519, 50, 3440, 627, 5005, 13, 220, 777, 11, 220, 2366, 16, 25, 43951 ]
wood, Richmond Heights, University City, Fenton, Eureka, Hillsboro, Maryland Heights, Bridgeton, Creve Coeur, Ballwin, Manchester and Chesterfield. . © 2019 by Lake Munro, LLC. All rights reserved. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy From Berkeley to Boston: Coming Together Around Freedom, Fairness and Food March 16, 2013 March 18, 2013 Mike Callicrate By Mike Callicrate & Fred Stokes Eating is one thing we all have in common. And, to millions of us, what we eat, how it’s produced, and where it comes from is important. OCM has worked for the last fourteen years to restore competition in the agricultural marketplace. We believe family farmers and ranchers make the best stewards of our land and livestock, and are the most reliable and trustworthy sources of high quality, healthy and safe food. OCM’s fundamental unifying belief is that fair, open and competitive markets are critical to our nation’s food supply. A growing number of people believe that family farmers and ranchers will soon be a thing of the past unless something is done quickly about the abusive power of big food companies. Since inception, OCM
wood, Richmond Heights, University City, Fenton, Eureka, Hillsboro, Maryland Heights, Bridgeton, Creve Coeur, Ballwin, Manchester and Chesterfield. . © 2019 by Lake Munro, LLC. All rights reserved. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy From Berkeley to Boston: Coming Together Around Freedom, Fairness and Food March 16, 2013 March 18, 2013 Mike Callicrate By Mike Callicrate & Fred Stokes Eating is one thing we all have in common. And, to millions of us, what we eat, how it’s produced, and where it comes from is important. OCM has worked for the last fourteen years to restore competition in the agricultural marketplace. We believe family farmers and ranchers make the best stewards of our land and livestock, and are the most reliable and trustworthy sources of high quality, healthy and safe food. OCM’s fundamental unifying belief is that fair, open and competitive markets are critical to our nation’s food supply. A growing number of people believe that family farmers and ranchers will soon be a thing of the past unless something is done quickly about the abusive power of big food companies. Since inception, OCM
has believed litigation to be the most direct and effective way to correct the injustices of an unfair marketplace. Unfortunately, so far, the higher courts have taken the side of the big packers when juries have found market unfairness. Legislative solutions have failed, either at the point of law-making or later in rule-making when the big packers and their lobbyists help write the rules, reversing the intent of lawmakers. Last year during our annual conference we announced the filing of a lawsuit against USDA in response to their failure to act following a 2010 performance review, which found the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) had knowingly misappropriated (stolen) funds from the beef checkoff. Cattlemen’s fears were confirmed – NCBA was in fact using cattlemen’s money intended for promotion and research, against them, in advocating for big meat packer and retailer control of the cattle industry. Polsinelli Shughart, a large law firm based in Kansas City, agreed to represent me (Mike Callicrate), pro bono, as the sole plaintiff in the case. The suit asked the court for a permanent injunction, blocking future checkoff funds from going to NCBA. As soon as the
[ 3822, 11, 16940, 20365, 11, 2059, 2254, 11, 376, 26673, 11, 412, 495, 4914, 11, 14379, 21513, 11, 10769, 20365, 11, 1709, 17484, 261, 11, 5844, 303, 1766, 23365, 11, 6932, 5404, 11, 9502, 290, 26943, 3245, 13, 764, 198, 16224, 13130, 416, 6233, 12107, 305, 11, 11419, 13, 1439, 2489, 10395, 13, 3167, 17111, 930, 14413, 9347, 930, 16777, 7820, 3574, 14727, 284, 6182, 25, 21808, 17083, 16824, 10204, 11, 7011, 1108, 290, 7318, 198, 16192, 1467, 11, 2211, 2805, 1248, 11, 2211, 4995, 4889, 291, 4873, 198, 3886, 4995, 4889, 291, 4873, 1222, 8559, 520, 3369, 198, 36, 803, 318, 530, 1517, 356, 477, 423, 287, 2219, 13, 843, 11, 284, 5242, 286, 514, 11, 644, 356, 4483, 11, 703, 340, 447, 247, 82, 4635, 11, 290, 810, 340, 2058, 422, 318, 1593, 13, 198, 4503, 44, 468, 3111, 329, 262, 938, 29167, 812, 284, 11169, 5449, 287, 262, 14240, 17432, 13, 775, 1975, 1641, 9818, 290, 32205, 7084, 787, 262, 1266, 38030, 286, 674, 1956, 290, 24424, 11, 290, 389, 262, 749, 9314, 290, 34412, 4237, 286, 1029, 3081, 11, 5448, 290, 3338, 2057, 13, 440, 24187, 447, 247, 82, 7531, 555, 4035, 4901, 318, 326, 3148, 11, 1280, 290, 7606, 5939, 389, 4688, 284, 674, 3277, 447, 247, 82, 2057, 5127, 13, 317, 3957, 1271, 286, 661, 1975, 326, 1641, 9818, 290, 32205, 7084, 481, 2582, 307, 257, 1517, 286, 262, 1613, 4556, 1223, 318, 1760, 2952, 546, 262, 19546, 1176, 286, 1263, 2057, 2706, 13, 198, 6385, 30839, 11, 440, 24187 ]
[ 6798, 11, 35348, 40503, 11, 3907, 4409, 11, 435, 75072, 11, 469, 61622, 11, 25964, 35967, 11, 23481, 40503, 11, 32437, 456, 263, 11, 7948, 588, 3623, 12844, 11, 13131, 7678, 11, 19922, 323, 53512, 2630, 13, 16853, 20644, 220, 679, 24, 555, 11940, 28982, 299, 11, 15620, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 67929, 765, 13207, 5135, 765, 19406, 11216, 5659, 33108, 311, 10406, 25, 40991, 32255, 33916, 25320, 11, 14930, 2136, 323, 12369, 198, 28623, 220, 845, 11, 220, 679, 18, 5587, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 18, 11519, 3400, 416, 7853, 198, 1383, 11519, 3400, 416, 7853, 612, 28588, 98620, 198, 36, 1113, 374, 832, 3245, 584, 682, 617, 304, 4279, 13, 1628, 11, 311, 11990, 315, 603, 11, 1148, 584, 8343, 11, 1268, 433, 753, 9124, 11, 323, 1405, 433, 4131, 505, 374, 3062, 627, 7767, 44, 706, 6575, 369, 279, 1566, 63360, 1667, 311, 15301, 10937, 304, 279, 29149, 30633, 13, 1226, 4510, 3070, 20957, 323, 39161, 388, 1304, 279, 1888, 61443, 2402, 315, 1057, 4363, 323, 51876, 11, 323, 527, 279, 1455, 15062, 323, 57042, 8336, 315, 1579, 4367, 11, 9498, 323, 6220, 3691, 13, 507, 10190, 753, 16188, 653, 7922, 16801, 374, 430, 6762, 11, 1825, 323, 15022, 11987, 527, 9200, 311, 1057, 7140, 753, 3691, 8312, 13, 362, 7982, 1396, 315, 1274, 4510, 430, 3070, 20957, 323, 39161, 388, 690, 5246, 387, 264, 3245, 315, 279, 3347, 7389, 2555, 374, 2884, 6288, 922, 279, 43658, 2410, 315, 2466, 3691, 5220, 627, 12834, 54529, 11, 507, 10190 ]
[ 706, 11846, 39725, 311, 387, 279, 1455, 2167, 323, 7524, 1648, 311, 4495, 279, 98753, 1238, 315, 459, 28743, 30633, 13, 19173, 11, 779, 3117, 11, 279, 5190, 19359, 617, 4529, 279, 3185, 315, 279, 2466, 3854, 388, 994, 503, 10612, 617, 1766, 3157, 28743, 2136, 13, 68505, 10105, 617, 4745, 11, 3060, 520, 279, 1486, 315, 2383, 28846, 477, 3010, 304, 6037, 28846, 994, 279, 2466, 3854, 388, 323, 872, 73442, 1520, 3350, 279, 5718, 11, 76283, 279, 7537, 315, 26137, 627, 5966, 1060, 2391, 1057, 9974, 10017, 584, 7376, 279, 26559, 315, 264, 19831, 2403, 61091, 304, 2077, 311, 872, 8060, 311, 1180, 2768, 264, 220, 679, 15, 5178, 3477, 11, 902, 1766, 279, 5165, 356, 1617, 42407, 753, 64225, 10229, 320, 10153, 7209, 8, 1047, 68113, 5906, 76571, 660, 320, 267, 17648, 8, 10736, 505, 279, 25309, 1817, 1885, 13, 356, 1617, 42407, 753, 24087, 1051, 11007, 1389, 20660, 7209, 574, 304, 2144, 1701, 272, 1617, 42407, 753, 3300, 10825, 369, 20862, 323, 3495, 11, 2403, 1124, 11, 304, 59416, 369, 2466, 13339, 3854, 261, 323, 37891, 2585, 315, 279, 36952, 5064, 627, 47, 3145, 258, 21148, 1443, 7595, 472, 11, 264, 3544, 2383, 7626, 3196, 304, 20754, 4409, 11, 7378, 311, 4097, 757, 320, 35541, 3400, 416, 7853, 705, 463, 7970, 78, 11, 439, 279, 13612, 43102, 304, 279, 1162, 13, 578, 7937, 4691, 279, 5590, 369, 264, 15690, 61529, 11, 22978, 3938, 1817, 1885, 10736, 505, 2133, 311, 20660, 7209, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 279 ]
30 CET provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io version: v1.17.1 name: context_info namespace: ecomm-ns user: minikube name: minikube current-context: minikube kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: gke_sca-ecommerce-291313_europe-west1-b_ecomm-demo user: auth-provider: config: access-token: ya29.A0A cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json cmd-path: /Users/someuser/Devs/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud expiry: "2021-02-01T18:23:02Z"
30 CET provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io version: v1.17.1 name: context_info namespace: ecomm-ns user: minikube name: minikube current-context: minikube kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: gke_sca-ecommerce-291313_europe-west1-b_ecomm-demo user: auth-provider: config: access-token: ya29.A0A cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json cmd-path: /Users/someuser/Devs/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud expiry: "2021-02-01T18:23:02Z"
expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}' token-key: '{.credential.access_token}' name: gcp - name: minikube user: client-certificate: /Users/someuser/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.crt client-key: /Users/someuser/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.key A: Read somewhere else removing the extensions fixes it for minikube https://github.com/microsoft/mindaro/issues/111 Q: What is this parenthesis enclosed variable declaration syntax in Go? I am trying to find some information on parenthesis enclosed variable declaration syntax in Go but maybe I just do not know its name and that's why I cannot find it (just like with e.g. value and pointer receivers). Namely I would like to know the rules behind this type of syntax: package main import ( "path" ) // What's this syntax ?
[ 1270, 46632, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10131, 25, 949, 1134, 3266, 13, 82, 9235, 13, 74, 23, 82, 13, 952, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2196, 25, 410, 16, 13, 1558, 13, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 25, 4732, 62, 10951, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25745, 25, 304, 9503, 12, 5907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2836, 25, 949, 1134, 3266, 198, 220, 1438, 25, 949, 1134, 3266, 198, 14421, 12, 22866, 25, 949, 1134, 3266, 198, 11031, 25, 17056, 198, 3866, 69, 4972, 25, 23884, 198, 18417, 25, 198, 12, 1438, 25, 308, 365, 62, 1416, 64, 12, 721, 296, 11647, 12, 1959, 1485, 1485, 62, 44252, 431, 12, 7038, 16, 12, 65, 62, 721, 2002, 12, 9536, 78, 198, 220, 2836, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6284, 12, 15234, 1304, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1895, 12, 30001, 25, 21349, 1959, 13, 32, 15, 32, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23991, 12, 22046, 25, 4566, 4566, 12, 2978, 525, 1377, 18982, 28, 17752, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23991, 12, 6978, 25, 1220, 14490, 14, 11246, 7220, 14, 13603, 82, 14, 70, 17721, 14, 13297, 12, 17721, 12, 21282, 74, 14, 8800, 14, 70, 17721, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 9045, 25, 366, 1238, 2481, 12, 2999, 12, 486, 51, 1507, 25, 1954, 25, 2999, 57, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220 ]
[ 966, 88420, 198, 286, 9287, 25, 1332, 1609, 3845, 516, 14801, 5314, 23, 82, 4340, 198, 286, 2373, 25, 348, 16, 13, 1114, 13, 16, 198, 415, 836, 25, 2317, 3186, 198, 262, 4573, 25, 384, 3705, 12, 4511, 198, 262, 1217, 25, 1332, 1609, 3845, 198, 220, 836, 25, 1332, 1609, 3845, 198, 3311, 64733, 25, 1332, 1609, 3845, 198, 15674, 25, 5649, 198, 62089, 25, 5731, 4312, 512, 12, 836, 25, 342, 441, 646, 936, 12, 66274, 10400, 12, 17335, 15231, 2253, 4176, 38702, 16, 1481, 37944, 20372, 59993, 198, 220, 1217, 512, 262, 4259, 82632, 512, 415, 2242, 512, 286, 2680, 35941, 25, 13835, 1682, 885, 15, 32, 198, 286, 5556, 12, 2164, 25, 2242, 2242, 78764, 1198, 2293, 38607, 198, 286, 5556, 34195, 25, 611, 7283, 2754, 638, 882, 14, 1951, 11823, 4951, 12641, 41789, 60297, 36578, 8923, 4951, 12641, 198, 286, 51021, 25, 330, 2366, 16, 12, 2437, 12, 1721, 51, 972, 25, 1419, 25, 2437, 57, 702, 415 ]
[ 256, 51021, 16569, 25, 11834, 13, 67899, 14754, 97609, 44441, 286, 4037, 16569, 25, 11834, 13, 67899, 22757, 6594, 44441, 415, 836, 25, 342, 4777, 198, 12, 836, 25, 1332, 1609, 3845, 198, 220, 1217, 512, 262, 3016, 1824, 21636, 25, 611, 7283, 2754, 638, 882, 12196, 1083, 1609, 3845, 24496, 82, 45273, 1609, 3845, 26141, 94969, 198, 262, 3016, 16569, 25, 611, 7283, 2754, 638, 882, 12196, 1083, 1609, 3845, 24496, 82, 45273, 1609, 3845, 26141, 4840, 1432, 32, 25, 4557, 15038, 775, 18054, 279, 20300, 27635, 433, 369, 1332, 1609, 3845, 198, 2485, 1129, 5316, 916, 3262, 4016, 3262, 485, 17606, 39845, 14, 5037, 198, 1229, 25, 3639, 374, 420, 96456, 44910, 3977, 18489, 20047, 304, 6122, 30, 358, 1097, 4560, 311, 1505, 1063, 2038, 389, 96456, 44910, 3977, 18489, 20047, 304, 6122, 719, 7344, 358, 1120, 656, 539, 1440, 1202, 836, 323, 430, 596, 3249, 358, 4250, 1505, 433, 320, 4345, 1093, 449, 384, 1326, 13, 907, 323, 7597, 41006, 4390, 72467, 989, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 1440, 279, 5718, 4920, 420, 955, 315, 20047, 512, 1757, 1925, 271, 475, 2456, 262, 330, 2398, 702, 696, 322, 3639, 596, 420, 20047, 949 ]
the State to protect human rights of all. Individuals, groups or associations who work for promotion and protection of human rights, commonly referred to as Human Rights Defenders, should also be provided protection by the State against any violence, threats, retaliation, adverse discrimination, pressure or any arbitrary action as a consequence of their activities for promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom. NHRC and SHRCs can also play an important role in this regard.” It is in this context that the PUCL is concerned about the prosecution and persecution of Teesta Setalvad, Javed Anand and others of the Citizens for Peace and Justice, who had taken up the issues of the victims of Gujarat riots which took place in the year 2002. It was their intervention before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and other courts which ultimately led to over 110 conviction so far with other trials nearing completion. It was this Hon’ble Commission which had challenged the acquittals of all the accused in Best Bakery Case before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and had sought transfer of important cases outside the State of Gujarat; the Citizen for Justice and Peace was also one of the Petitioners in the case. The Best Bakery case was transferred to Mumbai and eventually the trial court
the State to protect human rights of all. Individuals, groups or associations who work for promotion and protection of human rights, commonly referred to as Human Rights Defenders, should also be provided protection by the State against any violence, threats, retaliation, adverse discrimination, pressure or any arbitrary action as a consequence of their activities for promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom. NHRC and SHRCs can also play an important role in this regard.” It is in this context that the PUCL is concerned about the prosecution and persecution of Teesta Setalvad, Javed Anand and others of the Citizens for Peace and Justice, who had taken up the issues of the victims of Gujarat riots which took place in the year 2002. It was their intervention before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and other courts which ultimately led to over 110 conviction so far with other trials nearing completion. It was this Hon’ble Commission which had challenged the acquittals of all the accused in Best Bakery Case before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and had sought transfer of important cases outside the State of Gujarat; the Citizen for Justice and Peace was also one of the Petitioners in the case. The Best Bakery case was transferred to Mumbai and eventually the trial court
has convicted 9 persons. The efforts made by them are required to be appreciated as they acted for defending and protecting the gross human rights violations of the victims of 2002 riots. It is the duty of the State of Gujarat and all its administrative organs to protect Teesta Setalvad, Javed Anand & others of CJP in defending the legal constitutional and human rights of the victims of Gujarat Riots and to provide them protection as envisaged in the United National Human Rights Documents, which is also endorsed by this Hon’ble Commission. B. International and National Human Rights Obligations 3. As stated earlier under international human rights principles there is a duty cast upon every State to accord adequate protection to human rights defenders. The United Nations “Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” (March, 1999) acknowledges that human rights defenders play a very important role in the promotion and protection of human rights and it is the duty of every State and its administrators to avoid criminalisation, stigmatisation, impediments, obstructions or restrictions on the work of human rights defenders. The UN expressed its grave concern that in some instances national security and
[ 262, 1812, 284, 1805, 1692, 2489, 286, 477, 13, 34884, 11, 2628, 393, 15814, 508, 670, 329, 12148, 290, 4800, 286, 1692, 2489, 11, 8811, 6412, 284, 355, 5524, 6923, 26983, 11, 815, 635, 307, 2810, 4800, 416, 262, 1812, 1028, 597, 3685, 11, 7432, 11, 24671, 11, 12681, 8839, 11, 3833, 393, 597, 14977, 2223, 355, 257, 12921, 286, 511, 4568, 329, 12148, 290, 4800, 286, 1692, 2489, 290, 7531, 4925, 13, 24451, 7397, 290, 6006, 7397, 82, 460, 635, 711, 281, 1593, 2597, 287, 428, 2754, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1026, 318, 287, 428, 4732, 326, 262, 24676, 5097, 318, 5213, 546, 262, 12580, 290, 22839, 286, 1665, 18059, 5345, 282, 85, 324, 11, 449, 9586, 1052, 392, 290, 1854, 286, 262, 18029, 329, 12689, 290, 4796, 11, 508, 550, 2077, 510, 262, 2428, 286, 262, 4970, 286, 30311, 23766, 543, 1718, 1295, 287, 262, 614, 6244, 13, 632, 373, 511, 9572, 878, 262, 8835, 447, 247, 903, 5617, 3078, 290, 584, 8028, 543, 6165, 2957, 284, 625, 9796, 11375, 523, 1290, 351, 584, 9867, 37242, 11939, 13, 632, 373, 428, 8835, 447, 247, 903, 4513, 543, 550, 12827, 262, 4078, 715, 874, 286, 477, 262, 5371, 287, 6705, 17466, 1924, 8913, 878, 262, 8835, 447, 247, 903, 5617, 3078, 290, 550, 7194, 4351, 286, 1593, 2663, 2354, 262, 1812, 286, 30311, 26, 262, 22307, 329, 4796, 290, 12689, 373, 635, 530, 286, 262, 43723, 364, 287, 262, 1339, 13, 383, 6705, 17466, 1924, 1339, 373, 11172, 284, 22917, 290, 4191, 262, 4473, 2184 ]
[ 279, 3314, 311, 6144, 3823, 3268, 315, 682, 13, 62525, 11, 5315, 477, 30257, 889, 990, 369, 20862, 323, 9313, 315, 3823, 3268, 11, 17037, 14183, 311, 439, 11344, 10734, 3979, 14846, 11, 1288, 1101, 387, 3984, 9313, 555, 279, 3314, 2403, 904, 9349, 11, 18208, 11, 61449, 11, 31959, 21934, 11, 7410, 477, 904, 25142, 1957, 439, 264, 29774, 315, 872, 7640, 369, 20862, 323, 9313, 315, 3823, 3268, 323, 16188, 11542, 13, 35931, 7532, 323, 6570, 7532, 82, 649, 1101, 1514, 459, 3062, 3560, 304, 420, 5363, 49216, 2181, 374, 304, 420, 2317, 430, 279, 53188, 3218, 374, 11920, 922, 279, 32699, 323, 56529, 315, 2722, 30279, 2638, 278, 85, 329, 11, 622, 4234, 1556, 438, 323, 3885, 315, 279, 40996, 369, 26888, 323, 12007, 11, 889, 1047, 4529, 709, 279, 4819, 315, 279, 12697, 315, 62953, 61096, 902, 3952, 2035, 304, 279, 1060, 220, 1049, 17, 13, 1102, 574, 872, 21623, 1603, 279, 16958, 529, 901, 13814, 7301, 323, 1023, 19359, 902, 13967, 6197, 311, 927, 220, 5120, 29191, 779, 3117, 449, 1023, 19622, 83399, 9954, 13, 1102, 574, 420, 16958, 529, 901, 9849, 902, 1047, 29991, 279, 19830, 1468, 1147, 315, 682, 279, 13487, 304, 7252, 91715, 11799, 1603, 279, 16958, 529, 901, 13814, 7301, 323, 1047, 16495, 8481, 315, 3062, 5157, 4994, 279, 3314, 315, 62953, 26, 279, 47317, 369, 12007, 323, 26888, 574, 1101, 832, 315, 279, 11586, 684, 388, 304, 279, 1162, 13, 578, 7252, 91715, 1162, 574, 23217, 311, 35812, 323, 9778, 279, 9269, 5590 ]
[ 706, 23959, 220, 24, 11434, 13, 578, 9045, 1903, 555, 1124, 527, 2631, 311, 387, 26893, 439, 814, 31532, 369, 29269, 323, 22973, 279, 20547, 3823, 3268, 27655, 315, 279, 12697, 315, 220, 1049, 17, 61096, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 14523, 315, 279, 3314, 315, 62953, 323, 682, 1202, 23541, 36853, 311, 6144, 2722, 30279, 2638, 278, 85, 329, 11, 622, 4234, 1556, 438, 612, 3885, 315, 356, 28287, 304, 29269, 279, 5897, 25543, 323, 3823, 3268, 315, 279, 12697, 315, 62953, 52830, 2469, 323, 311, 3493, 1124, 9313, 439, 85775, 3359, 304, 279, 3723, 5165, 11344, 10734, 45890, 11, 902, 374, 1101, 40728, 555, 420, 16958, 529, 901, 9849, 627, 33, 13, 7327, 323, 5165, 11344, 10734, 56875, 343, 811, 198, 18, 13, 1666, 11224, 6931, 1234, 6625, 3823, 3268, 16565, 1070, 374, 264, 14523, 6445, 5304, 1475, 3314, 311, 14902, 26613, 9313, 311, 3823, 3268, 41131, 13, 578, 3723, 19687, 1054, 25499, 389, 279, 10291, 323, 78712, 315, 62525, 11, 35680, 323, 34806, 598, 315, 13581, 311, 18042, 1295, 323, 34763, 15915, 750, 67975, 1534, 11344, 10734, 323, 92539, 87976, 7085, 863, 320, 28623, 11, 220, 2550, 24, 8, 56030, 430, 3823, 3268, 41131, 1514, 264, 1633, 3062, 3560, 304, 279, 20862, 323, 9313, 315, 3823, 3268, 323, 433, 374, 279, 14523, 315, 1475, 3314, 323, 1202, 38212, 311, 5766, 9337, 8082, 11, 357, 25100, 98771, 11, 50502, 12843, 11, 1536, 20232, 477, 17294, 389, 279, 990, 315, 3823, 3268, 41131, 13, 578, 6781, 13605, 1202, 25165, 4747, 430, 304, 1063, 13422, 5426, 4868, 323 ]
� Unavailable - Watch on Broadcast restrictions in your area Broadcast restrictions in your area, available when event is archived when event is end Join Fight Pass Purchase on Pay-Per-View Available Now Included with your subscription Free Purchased Watch Live Watch the Replay ZTE's Grand S3 smartphone scans eyes for authentication The biometric technology is used for access to the phone, but will be expanded to include apps Mikael Ricknäs (IDG News Service) ZTE is taking biometric authentication in a new direction with its Grand S3 smartphone, which lets users log into their phones with eye scanning. By including fingerprint recognition on its iPhones, Apple helped legitimize biometric authentication for phones. But fingerprints aren't the only thing that can be used to authenticate, so in collaboration with EyeVerify, ZTE has integrated retina scanning technology in the customized front camera of the new Grand S3. For now, the Eyeprint ID feature only controls log-in, but ZTE has plans to expand the feature to work with apps. The underlying technology works by identifying unique vein patterns in the human eye. It doesn't take a picture, but shoots a short video to ensure the right person is trying to access the phone.
� Unavailable - Watch on Broadcast restrictions in your area Broadcast restrictions in your area, available when event is archived when event is end Join Fight Pass Purchase on Pay-Per-View Available Now Included with your subscription Free Purchased Watch Live Watch the Replay ZTE's Grand S3 smartphone scans eyes for authentication The biometric technology is used for access to the phone, but will be expanded to include apps Mikael Ricknäs (IDG News Service) ZTE is taking biometric authentication in a new direction with its Grand S3 smartphone, which lets users log into their phones with eye scanning. By including fingerprint recognition on its iPhones, Apple helped legitimize biometric authentication for phones. But fingerprints aren't the only thing that can be used to authenticate, so in collaboration with EyeVerify, ZTE has integrated retina scanning technology in the customized front camera of the new Grand S3. For now, the Eyeprint ID feature only controls log-in, but ZTE has plans to expand the feature to work with apps. The underlying technology works by identifying unique vein patterns in the human eye. It doesn't take a picture, but shoots a short video to ensure the right person is trying to access the phone.
In a test, Eyeprint ID worked flawlessly. It takes about a second for it to authenticate a user if the phone is held at the right distance from the face and eyes. The screen goes white when the scanner does its thing, which helps improve performance in low-light conditions Still, using retina scanning to access the phone isn't as quick as entering a PIN code. However, it may be worth the extra time to use Eyeprint ID to access sensitive information, such as banking and other financial apps. The Grand S3 is in all other respects a normal big-screen LTE smartphone running Android 4.4. It has a 5.5-inch, 1080 x 1920 pixel screen and is powered by a Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor. There are 3GB of RAM and 16GB of integrated storage that can be expanded using a microSD card by up to 64GB. The main camera shoots at 16-megapixels and the one on the front at 8-megapixels. For now, the ZTE Grand S3 is only available for purchase online in China, priced at 3000 yuan (US$480). But ZTE plans to put it on sale in other parts of the world sometime this year, it said.
[ 4210, 198, 3118, 15182, 532, 6305, 319, 44244, 8733, 287, 534, 1989, 44244, 8733, 287, 534, 1989, 11, 1695, 618, 1785, 318, 33962, 618, 1785, 318, 886, 15251, 10480, 6251, 27637, 319, 7119, 12, 5990, 12, 7680, 14898, 2735, 34774, 351, 534, 14569, 3232, 34459, 839, 6305, 7547, 6305, 262, 23635, 1168, 9328, 338, 5675, 311, 18, 11745, 23824, 2951, 329, 18239, 198, 464, 3182, 16996, 3037, 318, 973, 329, 1895, 284, 262, 3072, 11, 475, 481, 307, 9902, 284, 2291, 6725, 198, 44, 1134, 3010, 8759, 77, 11033, 82, 357, 2389, 38, 3000, 4809, 8, 198, 57, 9328, 318, 2263, 3182, 16996, 18239, 287, 257, 649, 4571, 351, 663, 5675, 311, 18, 11745, 11, 543, 8781, 2985, 2604, 656, 511, 9512, 351, 4151, 21976, 13, 198, 3886, 1390, 25338, 9465, 319, 663, 33845, 11, 4196, 4193, 18262, 1096, 3182, 16996, 18239, 329, 9512, 13, 887, 34290, 3588, 470, 262, 691, 1517, 326, 460, 307, 973, 284, 8323, 5344, 11, 523, 287, 12438, 351, 14144, 13414, 1958, 11, 1168, 9328, 468, 11521, 45804, 21976, 3037, 287, 262, 27658, 2166, 4676, 286, 262, 649, 5675, 311, 18, 13, 198, 1890, 783, 11, 262, 21566, 538, 22272, 4522, 3895, 691, 6973, 2604, 12, 259, 11, 475, 1168, 9328, 468, 3352, 284, 4292, 262, 3895, 284, 670, 351, 6725, 13, 383, 10238, 3037, 2499, 416, 13720, 3748, 27208, 7572, 287, 262, 1692, 4151, 13, 632, 1595, 470, 1011, 257, 4286, 11, 475, 20611, 257, 1790, 2008, 284, 4155, 262, 826, 1048, 318, 2111, 284, 1895, 262, 3072, 13, 198 ]
[ 5809, 198, 94028, 482, 10573, 389, 33065, 17294, 304, 701, 3158, 33065, 17294, 304, 701, 3158, 11, 2561, 994, 1567, 374, 53093, 994, 1567, 374, 842, 16877, 19143, 10175, 32088, 389, 11728, 12, 3976, 12, 860, 16528, 4800, 47064, 449, 701, 15493, 3658, 53792, 1503, 10573, 11406, 10573, 279, 60161, 1901, 2505, 596, 10517, 328, 18, 22234, 43739, 6548, 369, 17066, 198, 791, 6160, 24264, 5557, 374, 1511, 369, 2680, 311, 279, 4641, 11, 719, 690, 387, 17626, 311, 2997, 10721, 198, 44, 1609, 6015, 23194, 77, 55940, 320, 926, 38, 5513, 5475, 340, 57, 2505, 374, 4737, 6160, 24264, 17066, 304, 264, 502, 5216, 449, 1202, 10517, 328, 18, 22234, 11, 902, 15714, 3932, 1515, 1139, 872, 18084, 449, 8071, 36201, 627, 1383, 2737, 43697, 18324, 389, 1202, 73165, 11, 8325, 9087, 15933, 12117, 6160, 24264, 17066, 369, 18084, 13, 2030, 77777, 7784, 956, 279, 1193, 3245, 430, 649, 387, 1511, 311, 34289, 11, 779, 304, 20632, 449, 28929, 33727, 11, 1901, 2505, 706, 18751, 84827, 36201, 5557, 304, 279, 32789, 4156, 6382, 315, 279, 502, 10517, 328, 18, 627, 2520, 1457, 11, 279, 28929, 1374, 3110, 4668, 1193, 11835, 1515, 3502, 11, 719, 1901, 2505, 706, 6787, 311, 9407, 279, 4668, 311, 990, 449, 10721, 13, 578, 16940, 5557, 4375, 555, 25607, 5016, 54344, 12912, 304, 279, 3823, 8071, 13, 1102, 3250, 956, 1935, 264, 6945, 11, 719, 44727, 264, 2875, 2835, 311, 6106, 279, 1314, 1732, 374, 4560, 311, 2680, 279, 4641, 627 ]
[ 644, 264, 1296, 11, 28929, 1374, 3110, 6575, 26784, 16117, 13, 1102, 5097, 922, 264, 2132, 369, 433, 311, 34289, 264, 1217, 422, 279, 4641, 374, 5762, 520, 279, 1314, 6138, 505, 279, 3663, 323, 6548, 13, 578, 4264, 5900, 4251, 994, 279, 21438, 1587, 1202, 3245, 11, 902, 8779, 7417, 5178, 304, 3428, 18179, 4787, 16782, 11, 1701, 84827, 36201, 311, 2680, 279, 4641, 4536, 956, 439, 4062, 439, 16661, 264, 28228, 2082, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 1253, 387, 5922, 279, 5066, 892, 311, 1005, 28929, 1374, 3110, 311, 2680, 16614, 2038, 11, 1778, 439, 23641, 323, 1023, 6020, 10721, 627, 791, 10517, 328, 18, 374, 304, 682, 1023, 43666, 264, 4725, 2466, 30360, 52498, 22234, 4401, 8682, 220, 19, 13, 19, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 220, 20, 13, 20, 25224, 11, 220, 6640, 15, 865, 220, 5926, 15, 13252, 4264, 323, 374, 23134, 555, 264, 83155, 220, 17973, 28181, 24357, 18121, 13, 2684, 527, 220, 18, 5494, 315, 22813, 323, 220, 845, 5494, 315, 18751, 5942, 430, 649, 387, 17626, 1701, 264, 8162, 5608, 3786, 555, 709, 311, 220, 1227, 5494, 13, 578, 1925, 6382, 44727, 520, 220, 845, 1474, 797, 391, 10486, 323, 279, 832, 389, 279, 4156, 520, 220, 23, 1474, 797, 391, 10486, 627, 2520, 1457, 11, 279, 1901, 2505, 10517, 328, 18, 374, 1193, 2561, 369, 7782, 2930, 304, 5734, 11, 33705, 520, 220, 3101, 15, 73383, 320, 2078, 3, 11738, 570, 2030, 1901, 2505, 6787, 311, 2231, 433, 389, 6412, 304, 1023, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 36113, 420, 1060, 11, 433, 1071, 13 ]
recall the Flight Anniversary Series use them). Just wonderful. Now, I actually have nothing against the plastic frets myself. If you use the right strings (not wound, not compound) they stand up well enough for me. My original Flea with plastic frets is now about 13 years old and still going strong as has my 2019 Nova U. But a few people have been put off by the Nova for the plastic and being limited on what strings they can use. This gets over that issue in one fell swoop. Use what you like on these, they ain't going to wear down. You get 18 of those, joined at the body at the 13th and in another improvement the top of the fingerboard looks to my eyes to be slightly more radiused. They don't specify the radius number, and it might be a trick of the light so don't quote me on that. The familiar star shaped white fret markers are inlaid into the 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 15th spaces. And.. finally.. they've included side dots too! Yay! Beyond the integral nut is the usual Nova U asymmetric headstock shape with the Enya logo screen printed in gold on the top. I like that look.
recall the Flight Anniversary Series use them). Just wonderful. Now, I actually have nothing against the plastic frets myself. If you use the right strings (not wound, not compound) they stand up well enough for me. My original Flea with plastic frets is now about 13 years old and still going strong as has my 2019 Nova U. But a few people have been put off by the Nova for the plastic and being limited on what strings they can use. This gets over that issue in one fell swoop. Use what you like on these, they ain't going to wear down. You get 18 of those, joined at the body at the 13th and in another improvement the top of the fingerboard looks to my eyes to be slightly more radiused. They don't specify the radius number, and it might be a trick of the light so don't quote me on that. The familiar star shaped white fret markers are inlaid into the 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 15th spaces. And.. finally.. they've included side dots too! Yay! Beyond the integral nut is the usual Nova U asymmetric headstock shape with the Enya logo screen printed in gold on the top. I like that look.
The tuners look identical too in the form of gold open gears with small black buttons. I didn't have any gripes with them on other models bar feeling that the gold jarred with the jet black body. It suits this dark grey better though I think, but I wonder whether another improvement could have been made to the tenor by going with a more exotic tuner choice. Ah well, can't have everything.. Finishing off the package are the usual Enya additions - a branded pod case, a couple of strap buttons, a strap, capo and spare strings. As I say you also get a choice of the model with the transacoustic system with onboard effects too, and that will come with a charging and instrument cable. In another change, the instrument itself comes strung with D'Addario Titanium strings which is a wise move as I was not a fan of the stock Enya strings myself. Very oddly though, the spare strings in the goodie bag are NOT D'Addario though, rather Enya's own... hmmmm. And it's now available for pre-order from Enya at $139.99, and the transacoustic version at $229. I expect they will appear on Amazon in due course but for
[ 10014, 262, 13365, 21967, 7171, 779, 606, 737, 2329, 7932, 13, 2735, 11, 314, 1682, 423, 2147, 1028, 262, 7309, 2030, 912, 3589, 13, 1002, 345, 779, 262, 826, 13042, 357, 1662, 11699, 11, 407, 13061, 8, 484, 1302, 510, 880, 1576, 329, 502, 13, 2011, 2656, 12005, 64, 351, 7309, 2030, 912, 318, 783, 546, 1511, 812, 1468, 290, 991, 1016, 1913, 355, 468, 616, 13130, 17711, 471, 13, 887, 257, 1178, 661, 423, 587, 1234, 572, 416, 262, 17711, 329, 262, 7309, 290, 852, 3614, 319, 644, 13042, 484, 460, 779, 13, 770, 3011, 625, 326, 2071, 287, 530, 3214, 38527, 13, 5765, 644, 345, 588, 319, 777, 11, 484, 18959, 470, 1016, 284, 5806, 866, 13, 921, 651, 1248, 286, 883, 11, 5399, 379, 262, 1767, 379, 262, 1511, 400, 290, 287, 1194, 9025, 262, 1353, 286, 262, 7660, 3526, 3073, 284, 616, 2951, 284, 307, 4622, 517, 19772, 1484, 13, 1119, 836, 470, 11986, 262, 16874, 1271, 11, 290, 340, 1244, 307, 257, 6908, 286, 262, 1657, 523, 836, 470, 9577, 502, 319, 326, 13, 383, 5385, 3491, 14292, 2330, 33960, 19736, 389, 287, 75, 1698, 656, 262, 642, 400, 11, 767, 400, 11, 838, 400, 11, 1105, 400, 290, 1315, 400, 9029, 13, 843, 492, 3443, 492, 484, 1053, 3017, 1735, 22969, 1165, 0, 575, 323, 0, 198, 24102, 262, 19287, 6701, 318, 262, 6678, 17711, 471, 30372, 19482, 1182, 13578, 5485, 351, 262, 2039, 3972, 11112, 3159, 10398, 287, 3869, 319, 262, 1353, 13, 314, 588, 326, 804, 13, 198 ]
[ 19635, 279, 27675, 47898, 11378, 1005, 1124, 570, 4702, 11364, 13, 4800, 11, 358, 3604, 617, 4400, 2403, 279, 12466, 54164, 82, 7182, 13, 1442, 499, 1005, 279, 1314, 9246, 320, 1962, 27653, 11, 539, 24549, 8, 814, 2559, 709, 1664, 3403, 369, 757, 13, 3092, 4113, 47790, 64, 449, 12466, 54164, 82, 374, 1457, 922, 220, 1032, 1667, 2362, 323, 2103, 2133, 3831, 439, 706, 856, 220, 679, 24, 35741, 549, 13, 2030, 264, 2478, 1274, 617, 1027, 2231, 1022, 555, 279, 35741, 369, 279, 12466, 323, 1694, 7347, 389, 1148, 9246, 814, 649, 1005, 13, 1115, 5334, 927, 430, 4360, 304, 832, 11299, 34227, 454, 13, 5560, 1148, 499, 1093, 389, 1521, 11, 814, 37202, 956, 2133, 311, 10051, 1523, 13, 1472, 636, 220, 972, 315, 1884, 11, 11096, 520, 279, 2547, 520, 279, 220, 1032, 339, 323, 304, 2500, 16048, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 14654, 2541, 5992, 311, 856, 6548, 311, 387, 10284, 810, 12164, 2656, 13, 2435, 1541, 956, 14158, 279, 10801, 1396, 11, 323, 433, 2643, 387, 264, 14397, 315, 279, 3177, 779, 1541, 956, 12929, 757, 389, 430, 13, 578, 11537, 6917, 27367, 4251, 54164, 24915, 527, 304, 75, 3864, 1139, 279, 220, 20, 339, 11, 220, 22, 339, 11, 220, 605, 339, 11, 220, 717, 339, 323, 220, 868, 339, 12908, 13, 1628, 497, 5616, 497, 814, 3077, 5343, 3185, 32094, 2288, 0, 816, 352, 4999, 56441, 279, 26154, 10184, 374, 279, 13783, 35741, 549, 97929, 2010, 13787, 6211, 449, 279, 2998, 7911, 12708, 4264, 17124, 304, 6761, 389, 279, 1948, 13, 358, 1093, 430, 1427, 627 ]
[ 791, 11716, 388, 1427, 20086, 2288, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 6761, 1825, 54260, 449, 2678, 3776, 12706, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 617, 904, 25703, 288, 449, 1124, 389, 1023, 4211, 3703, 8430, 430, 279, 6761, 30695, 1171, 449, 279, 17004, 3776, 2547, 13, 1102, 29076, 420, 6453, 20366, 2731, 3582, 358, 1781, 11, 719, 358, 5895, 3508, 2500, 16048, 1436, 617, 1027, 1903, 311, 279, 5899, 269, 555, 2133, 449, 264, 810, 39418, 91795, 5873, 13, 16770, 1664, 11, 649, 956, 617, 4395, 35047, 9312, 11218, 1022, 279, 6462, 527, 279, 13783, 2998, 7911, 38314, 482, 264, 46935, 7661, 1162, 11, 264, 5743, 315, 34647, 12706, 11, 264, 34647, 11, 2107, 78, 323, 24804, 9246, 13, 1666, 358, 2019, 499, 1101, 636, 264, 5873, 315, 279, 1646, 449, 279, 1380, 582, 35415, 1887, 449, 56158, 6372, 2288, 11, 323, 430, 690, 2586, 449, 264, 23468, 323, 14473, 14994, 13, 763, 2500, 2349, 11, 279, 14473, 5196, 4131, 610, 2234, 449, 423, 6, 2261, 3370, 80454, 9246, 902, 374, 264, 24219, 3351, 439, 358, 574, 539, 264, 8571, 315, 279, 5708, 2998, 7911, 9246, 7182, 13, 15668, 74544, 3582, 11, 279, 24804, 9246, 304, 279, 1695, 648, 9145, 527, 4276, 423, 6, 2261, 3370, 3582, 11, 4856, 2998, 7911, 596, 1866, 1131, 88601, 3906, 13, 1628, 433, 596, 1457, 2561, 369, 864, 24747, 505, 2998, 7911, 520, 400, 10125, 13, 1484, 11, 323, 279, 1380, 582, 35415, 2373, 520, 400, 14378, 13, 358, 1755, 814, 690, 5101, 389, 8339, 304, 4245, 3388, 719, 369 ]
slope for sledding.” A 1968 photo of 3-year-old Jim Galasyn next to a Cessna at Ulco Airport. The last aeronautical chart depiction which has been located of Ulco Airport was on the February 1970 Albany Sectional Chart, which depicted Ulco as having a 2,400' unpaved runway. The 1978 USGS topo map depicted “Ulco Landing Strip” as an unpaved northwest/southeast runway, with several small buildings along the east side. Ulco Airport was evidently closed (for reasons unknown) at some point between 1970-92, as a 1992 USGS aerial view looking northwest showed a closed-runway “X” symbol on the south end of the runway (bottom-left of picture). The airport otherwise remained intact, including the grass runway & several small hangars. A June 2012 photo (courtesy of Lee Corbin) looking northeast at what appears to be a former hangar on the east side of the site of Ulco Airport. A 2017 aerial view looking northwest shows houses were built at some point between 1992-2017 on the middle of the former Ulco Airport runway, but at least 1 former hangar remains on
slope for sledding.” A 1968 photo of 3-year-old Jim Galasyn next to a Cessna at Ulco Airport. The last aeronautical chart depiction which has been located of Ulco Airport was on the February 1970 Albany Sectional Chart, which depicted Ulco as having a 2,400' unpaved runway. The 1978 USGS topo map depicted “Ulco Landing Strip” as an unpaved northwest/southeast runway, with several small buildings along the east side. Ulco Airport was evidently closed (for reasons unknown) at some point between 1970-92, as a 1992 USGS aerial view looking northwest showed a closed-runway “X” symbol on the south end of the runway (bottom-left of picture). The airport otherwise remained intact, including the grass runway & several small hangars. A June 2012 photo (courtesy of Lee Corbin) looking northeast at what appears to be a former hangar on the east side of the site of Ulco Airport. A 2017 aerial view looking northwest shows houses were built at some point between 1992-2017 on the middle of the former Ulco Airport runway, but at least 1 former hangar remains on
the east side of the runway (bottom-center of photo). The site of Ulco Airport is located at the northern terminus of Airport Road, appropriately enough. Thanks to Lee Corbin for pointing out this airfield. Carbondale-Clifford Airport / Johnson's Airport, Clifford, PA 41.652, -75.58 (Northwest of Philadelphia, PA). Carbondale-Clifford Airport, as depicted on the July 1949 NY Sectional Chart (courtesy of Ron Plante). Carbondale-Clifford Airport was not yet depicted on the January 1945 NY Sectional Chart (courtesy of Ron Plante). According to a photo caption, Carbondale-Clifford Airport was established in 1946 (probably the single biggest year for the establishment of US airports). Karsten Wallis recalled, “Clifford Airport... My grandfather had a hand in opening this airport. He was a WW2 instructor & had lots of time in Stearmans.” The earliest depiction which has been located of Carbondale-Clifford Airport was on the July 1949 NY Sectional Chart (courtesy of Ron Plante). It depicted Carbond
[ 22638, 329, 46822, 12083, 13, 447, 251, 198, 32, 15963, 4590, 286, 513, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 5395, 5027, 292, 2047, 1306, 284, 257, 327, 408, 2616, 379, 16322, 1073, 12690, 13, 198, 464, 938, 9551, 261, 37073, 8262, 33016, 543, 468, 587, 5140, 286, 16322, 1073, 12690, 373, 319, 262, 3945, 8069, 29285, 24062, 1538, 22086, 11, 198, 4758, 18904, 16322, 1073, 355, 1719, 257, 362, 11, 7029, 6, 8593, 9586, 23443, 13, 198, 464, 15524, 1294, 14313, 1353, 78, 3975, 18904, 564, 250, 47920, 1073, 29689, 18508, 447, 251, 355, 281, 8593, 9586, 24821, 14, 82, 14474, 23443, 11, 351, 1811, 1402, 6832, 1863, 262, 7627, 1735, 13, 198, 47920, 1073, 12690, 373, 27450, 4838, 357, 1640, 3840, 6439, 8, 379, 617, 966, 1022, 8069, 12, 5892, 11, 198, 292, 257, 9768, 1294, 14313, 17789, 1570, 2045, 24821, 3751, 257, 4838, 12, 5143, 1014, 564, 250, 55, 447, 251, 6194, 319, 262, 5366, 886, 286, 262, 23443, 357, 22487, 12, 9464, 286, 4286, 737, 198, 464, 9003, 4306, 6150, 16572, 11, 1390, 262, 8701, 23443, 1222, 1811, 1402, 8181, 945, 13, 198, 32, 2795, 2321, 4590, 357, 43220, 27090, 286, 5741, 2744, 8800, 8, 2045, 24287, 379, 644, 3568, 284, 307, 257, 1966, 44338, 319, 262, 7627, 1735, 286, 262, 2524, 286, 16322, 1073, 12690, 13, 198, 32, 2177, 17789, 1570, 2045, 24821, 2523, 7777, 547, 3170, 379, 617, 966, 1022, 9768, 12, 5539, 319, 262, 3504, 286, 262, 1966, 16322, 1073, 12690, 23443, 11, 198, 4360, 379, 1551, 352, 1966, 44338, 3793, 319 ]
[ 31332, 369, 20328, 634, 287, 49216, 32, 220, 5162, 23, 6685, 315, 220, 18, 4771, 6418, 11641, 10845, 300, 1910, 1828, 311, 264, 356, 434, 3458, 520, 16991, 1030, 21348, 627, 791, 1566, 264, 20110, 68267, 9676, 73764, 902, 706, 1027, 7559, 315, 16991, 1030, 21348, 574, 389, 279, 7552, 220, 4468, 15, 56054, 11360, 278, 21964, 345, 8370, 44894, 16991, 1030, 439, 3515, 264, 220, 17, 11, 3443, 6, 22355, 4234, 52861, 627, 791, 220, 4468, 23, 2326, 16929, 73619, 2472, 44894, 1054, 92159, 1030, 47524, 35999, 863, 439, 459, 22355, 4234, 53342, 2754, 283, 15102, 52861, 11, 449, 3892, 2678, 14016, 3235, 279, 11226, 3185, 627, 92159, 1030, 21348, 574, 67170, 8036, 320, 2000, 8125, 9987, 8, 520, 1063, 1486, 1990, 220, 4468, 15, 12, 6083, 345, 300, 264, 220, 2550, 17, 2326, 16929, 41884, 1684, 3411, 53342, 8710, 264, 8036, 23831, 3195, 1054, 55, 863, 7891, 389, 279, 10007, 842, 315, 279, 52861, 320, 15205, 8109, 315, 6945, 4390, 791, 17149, 6062, 14958, 35539, 11, 2737, 279, 16763, 52861, 612, 3892, 2678, 15020, 1590, 627, 32, 5651, 220, 679, 17, 6685, 320, 67971, 19414, 315, 12336, 4563, 7006, 8, 3411, 41929, 520, 1148, 8111, 311, 387, 264, 4846, 15020, 277, 389, 279, 11226, 3185, 315, 279, 2816, 315, 16991, 1030, 21348, 627, 32, 220, 679, 22, 41884, 1684, 3411, 53342, 5039, 15316, 1051, 5918, 520, 1063, 1486, 1990, 220, 2550, 17, 12, 679, 22, 389, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 4846, 16991, 1030, 21348, 52861, 345, 8248, 520, 3325, 220, 16, 4846, 15020, 277, 8625, 389 ]
[ 279, 11226, 3185, 315, 279, 52861, 320, 15205, 7027, 315, 6685, 4390, 791, 2816, 315, 16991, 1030, 21348, 374, 7559, 520, 279, 18671, 10415, 355, 315, 21348, 9728, 11, 36001, 3403, 627, 12947, 311, 12336, 4563, 7006, 369, 22364, 704, 420, 3805, 2630, 627, 9028, 65339, 1604, 12, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 611, 11605, 596, 21348, 11, 86783, 11, 13174, 198, 3174, 13, 23181, 11, 482, 2075, 13, 2970, 320, 26287, 11285, 315, 19895, 11, 13174, 4390, 9028, 65339, 1604, 12, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 11, 439, 44894, 389, 279, 5887, 220, 6393, 24, 12551, 11360, 278, 21964, 320, 67971, 19414, 315, 14662, 1856, 5048, 4390, 9028, 65339, 1604, 12, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 574, 539, 3686, 44894, 389, 279, 6186, 220, 6393, 20, 12551, 11360, 278, 21964, 320, 67971, 19414, 315, 14662, 1856, 5048, 4390, 11439, 311, 264, 6685, 17703, 11, 3341, 65339, 1604, 12, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 6393, 21, 198, 75594, 2915, 279, 3254, 8706, 1060, 369, 279, 21967, 315, 2326, 46163, 4390, 77489, 16172, 9935, 285, 32230, 11, 1054, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 1131, 3092, 38950, 1047, 264, 1450, 304, 8736, 420, 17149, 627, 1548, 574, 264, 29144, 17, 33315, 612, 1047, 10283, 315, 892, 304, 3441, 2227, 598, 49216, 791, 30758, 73764, 902, 706, 1027, 7559, 315, 3341, 65339, 1604, 12, 5176, 3168, 541, 21348, 574, 389, 279, 5887, 220, 6393, 24, 12551, 11360, 278, 21964, 320, 67971, 19414, 315, 14662, 1856, 5048, 4390, 2181, 44894, 3341, 65339 ]
and W Masters (eds.) (2009), Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa, World Bank. Arbache, JS and J Page (2010), “How Fragile is Africa's Recent Growth?”, Journal of African Economies, 19(1):1-24. Easterly, W and R Levine (1997), “Africa's Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4):1203-1250. Heston, A, R Summers, and B Aten (2009), Penn World Table Version 6.3, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania. Ndulu, BJ and SA O'Connell (2007), “Policy Plus: African Growth Performance 1960-2000”, Ch1 (pp. 3-75) in BJ Ndulu, P Collier, RH Bates and S O'Connell (eds.), The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000, Cambridge University Press. Page, J (2009), “Africa’s Growth Turnaround: From Fewer Mistakes to Sustained Growth”, Commission on Growth
and W Masters (eds.) (2009), Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa, World Bank. Arbache, JS and J Page (2010), “How Fragile is Africa's Recent Growth?”, Journal of African Economies, 19(1):1-24. Easterly, W and R Levine (1997), “Africa's Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4):1203-1250. Heston, A, R Summers, and B Aten (2009), Penn World Table Version 6.3, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania. Ndulu, BJ and SA O'Connell (2007), “Policy Plus: African Growth Performance 1960-2000”, Ch1 (pp. 3-75) in BJ Ndulu, P Collier, RH Bates and S O'Connell (eds.), The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000, Cambridge University Press. Page, J (2009), “Africa’s Growth Turnaround: From Fewer Mistakes to Sustained Growth”, Commission on Growth
and Development Working Paper No. 54, World Bank. 1 See, for example, the wide range of major donor partners that have joined with the Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa, at www.agra-alliance.org/section/links and the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa, at www.partnership-africa.org, as well as the contribution from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation at www.gatesfoundation.org/agriculturaldevelopment/Pages/default.aspx. Topics: Development Tags: sub-Saharan Africa, regulation, ethnic divisions Kym Anderson George Gollin Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Adelaide; Honorary Professor of Economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University; and CEPR Research Fellow Markus Brückner Professor of Economics, University of Queensland Academic Dialogues Program HUM Symposium on History & Archaeology A Small Symposium on History & Archaeology as part of the 9th Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World 3-6 January 2022, Athens, Greece Sponsored by the Athens Journal of History & the Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts The Arts,
[ 290, 370, 15812, 357, 5379, 2014, 357, 10531, 828, 4307, 419, 507, 284, 36694, 554, 1087, 1083, 287, 5478, 11, 2159, 5018, 13, 198, 3163, 65, 4891, 11, 26755, 290, 449, 7873, 357, 10333, 828, 564, 250, 2437, 24229, 576, 318, 5478, 338, 22926, 19045, 30, 447, 251, 11, 4913, 286, 5510, 6683, 444, 11, 678, 7, 16, 2599, 16, 12, 1731, 13, 198, 36, 1603, 306, 11, 370, 290, 371, 38294, 357, 21498, 828, 564, 250, 17584, 30997, 338, 19045, 833, 1886, 88, 25, 42283, 290, 48021, 4777, 3279, 447, 251, 11, 36082, 4913, 286, 18963, 11, 13539, 7, 19, 2599, 1065, 3070, 12, 1065, 1120, 13, 198, 39, 19115, 11, 317, 11, 371, 36776, 11, 290, 347, 317, 1452, 357, 10531, 828, 6595, 2159, 8655, 10628, 718, 13, 18, 11, 3337, 329, 4037, 22565, 9886, 286, 19174, 11, 19003, 290, 29431, 11, 2059, 286, 9589, 13, 198, 45, 67, 15712, 11, 47204, 290, 14719, 440, 6, 15559, 357, 12726, 828, 564, 250, 36727, 8227, 25, 5510, 19045, 15193, 9507, 12, 11024, 447, 251, 11, 609, 16, 357, 381, 13, 513, 12, 2425, 8, 287, 47204, 399, 67, 15712, 11, 350, 7778, 959, 11, 35662, 35591, 290, 311, 440, 6, 15559, 357, 5379, 12179, 383, 14611, 18493, 286, 11279, 19045, 287, 5478, 11, 9507, 12, 11024, 11, 14457, 2059, 4332, 13, 198, 9876, 11, 449, 357, 10531, 828, 564, 250, 17584, 30997, 447, 247, 82, 19045, 6756, 14145, 25, 3574, 20463, 263, 15078, 1124, 284, 311, 436, 1328, 19045, 447, 251, 11, 4513, 319, 19045 ]
[ 323, 468, 34722, 320, 6910, 6266, 320, 1049, 24, 705, 28704, 371, 919, 311, 60134, 763, 1189, 1924, 304, 10384, 11, 4435, 8715, 627, 7098, 65, 1815, 11, 12438, 323, 622, 5874, 320, 679, 15, 705, 1054, 4438, 59189, 458, 374, 10384, 596, 35390, 34871, 30, 9520, 10139, 315, 11904, 51183, 552, 11, 220, 777, 7, 16, 1680, 16, 12, 1187, 627, 36, 2352, 398, 11, 468, 323, 432, 81702, 320, 2550, 22, 705, 1054, 74691, 596, 34871, 1183, 3359, 88, 25, 63348, 323, 92518, 8940, 6948, 9520, 75483, 10139, 315, 35300, 11, 220, 7261, 7, 19, 1680, 4364, 18, 12, 6549, 15, 627, 39, 478, 263, 11, 362, 11, 432, 80748, 11, 323, 426, 362, 2002, 320, 1049, 24, 705, 13813, 4435, 6771, 6207, 220, 21, 13, 18, 11, 5955, 369, 7327, 23611, 19941, 315, 25003, 11, 33620, 323, 37133, 11, 3907, 315, 20355, 627, 40937, 25415, 11, 87599, 323, 16998, 507, 6, 39594, 320, 1049, 22, 705, 1054, 14145, 12623, 25, 11904, 34871, 21304, 220, 5162, 15, 12, 1049, 15, 9520, 921, 16, 320, 604, 13, 220, 18, 12, 2075, 8, 304, 87599, 88468, 25415, 11, 393, 4349, 5741, 11, 57256, 74962, 323, 328, 507, 6, 39594, 320, 6910, 25390, 578, 31597, 38661, 315, 23362, 34871, 304, 10384, 11, 220, 5162, 15, 12, 1049, 15, 11, 24562, 3907, 8612, 627, 2732, 11, 622, 320, 1049, 24, 705, 1054, 74691, 753, 34871, 12268, 20019, 25, 5659, 44015, 261, 35198, 2094, 311, 328, 592, 2692, 34871, 9520, 9849, 389, 34871 ]
[ 323, 11050, 22938, 18343, 2360, 13, 220, 4370, 11, 4435, 8715, 627, 16, 3580, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 279, 7029, 2134, 315, 3682, 35558, 8717, 430, 617, 11096, 449, 279, 23590, 369, 264, 7997, 22910, 369, 10384, 11, 520, 8604, 13, 12944, 23148, 5397, 2726, 14, 2879, 14, 16259, 323, 279, 47362, 311, 20223, 67636, 323, 70274, 304, 10384, 11, 520, 8604, 24424, 5079, 2200, 7561, 30980, 2726, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 19035, 505, 279, 8766, 323, 11220, 17872, 36593, 16665, 520, 8604, 1326, 988, 73407, 2726, 65131, 2265, 44547, 30671, 16744, 1154, 30089, 25688, 627, 46103, 25, 11050, 198, 16309, 25, 1207, 97519, 10384, 11, 19812, 11, 22277, 37601, 198, 42, 1631, 21293, 198, 40052, 480, 980, 258, 17054, 21185, 36891, 315, 35300, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 50301, 26, 16958, 7746, 17054, 315, 35300, 520, 279, 54276, 6150, 315, 3142, 11216, 11, 13673, 5165, 3907, 26, 323, 27809, 6616, 8483, 37946, 198, 9126, 355, 3320, 19919, 1215, 198, 48120, 315, 35300, 11, 3907, 315, 41306, 42170, 13698, 1157, 198, 10920, 473, 2864, 198, 29012, 54237, 389, 11346, 612, 66102, 2508, 198, 32, 15344, 74938, 389, 11346, 612, 66102, 2508, 198, 300, 961, 315, 279, 220, 24, 339, 25992, 7327, 15217, 389, 87345, 612, 17979, 304, 264, 8121, 4435, 198, 18, 12, 21, 6186, 220, 2366, 17, 11, 46926, 11, 25431, 198, 50, 35841, 555, 279, 46926, 10139, 315, 11346, 612, 279, 46926, 10139, 315, 87345, 612, 17979, 198, 791, 17979, 11 ]
) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between serum ferritin level and bilirubin level was (0.665) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between serum ferritin level and (AST) level was (0.727) while P-value was <0.001 and the correlation between serum ferritin level and (ALT) level was (0.737) while P-value was <0.001. The correlation between SOD and age, ferritin, bilirubin, AST, and ALT in patients group in patients group showed that, the correlation between (SOD) and age was (−0.454) while P-value was 0.012, the correlation between (SOD) and ferritin level was (−0.664) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between (SOD) and bilirubin level was (−0.535) while P-value was 0.002, the correlation between (SOD) and (AST) level was (−0.567) while P-value was <0.001 and the correlation between (SOD) and (ALT) level was (−0
) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between serum ferritin level and bilirubin level was (0.665) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between serum ferritin level and (AST) level was (0.727) while P-value was <0.001 and the correlation between serum ferritin level and (ALT) level was (0.737) while P-value was <0.001. The correlation between SOD and age, ferritin, bilirubin, AST, and ALT in patients group in patients group showed that, the correlation between (SOD) and age was (−0.454) while P-value was 0.012, the correlation between (SOD) and ferritin level was (−0.664) while P-value was <0.001, the correlation between (SOD) and bilirubin level was (−0.535) while P-value was 0.002, the correlation between (SOD) and (AST) level was (−0.567) while P-value was <0.001 and the correlation between (SOD) and (ALT) level was (−0
.558) while P-value was <0.001. Conclusion Impaired levels of antioxidant enzymes SOD and GPX in patients with β-TM on repeated transfusion, in addition to excessive free iron concentration, iron overload may attribute to oxidative damage in these patients. Antioxidant systems that compensate for reduced lipid peroxidation to lower tissue damage are needed. Cluster of differentiation 97 as a biomarker for the detection of minimal residual disease in common acute lymphoblastic leukemia Laila M Sherif, Mervat M Azab, Ghada M Al-Akad, Marwa Zakaria, Maha Atfy, Sara M Sorour July-September 2017, 42(3):81-87 Background Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a biologically heterogeneous disorder. Clinical parameters, immunophenotype, cytogenetic factors, and minimal residual disease (MRD) are among currently used factors in risk stratification and therapy determination of ALL patients. MRD is gaining importance nowadays for therapy efficacy, follow-up, and relapse risk estimation. Recent studies have highlighted potential markers that may improve the sensitivity of MRD detection by flow cytometry. Cluster of differentiation (CD) 97 is one of the markers that show overe
[ 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 20502, 11354, 799, 259, 1241, 290, 47027, 343, 549, 259, 1241, 373, 357, 15, 13, 36879, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 20502, 11354, 799, 259, 1241, 290, 357, 11262, 8, 1241, 373, 357, 15, 13, 47760, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 290, 262, 16096, 1022, 20502, 11354, 799, 259, 1241, 290, 357, 31429, 8, 1241, 373, 357, 15, 13, 22, 2718, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 13, 383, 16096, 1022, 311, 3727, 290, 2479, 11, 11354, 799, 259, 11, 47027, 343, 549, 259, 11, 29273, 11, 290, 8355, 51, 287, 3871, 1448, 287, 3871, 1448, 3751, 326, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 357, 50, 3727, 8, 290, 2479, 373, 35508, 15, 13, 34229, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 657, 13, 30206, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 357, 50, 3727, 8, 290, 11354, 799, 259, 1241, 373, 35508, 15, 13, 21, 2414, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 357, 50, 3727, 8, 290, 47027, 343, 549, 259, 1241, 373, 35508, 15, 13, 44465, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 657, 13, 21601, 11, 262, 16096, 1022, 357, 50, 3727, 8, 290, 357, 11262, 8, 1241, 373, 35508, 15, 13, 20, 3134, 8, 981, 350, 12, 8367, 373, 1279, 15, 13, 8298, 290, 262, 16096, 1022, 357, 50, 3727, 8, 290, 357, 31429, 8, 1241, 373, 35508, 15 ]
[ 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 41529, 58139, 85986, 2237, 323, 123687, 392, 258, 2237, 574, 320, 15, 13, 23467, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 41529, 58139, 85986, 2237, 323, 320, 6483, 8, 2237, 574, 320, 15, 13, 23486, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 323, 279, 26670, 1990, 41529, 58139, 85986, 2237, 323, 320, 36930, 8, 2237, 574, 320, 15, 13, 22039, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 13, 578, 26670, 1990, 328, 2114, 323, 4325, 11, 58139, 85986, 11, 123687, 392, 258, 11, 23276, 11, 323, 50512, 304, 6978, 1912, 304, 6978, 1912, 8710, 430, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 320, 50, 2114, 8, 323, 4325, 574, 320, 34363, 15, 13, 20555, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 220, 15, 13, 11531, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 320, 50, 2114, 8, 323, 58139, 85986, 2237, 574, 320, 34363, 15, 13, 23888, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 320, 50, 2114, 8, 323, 123687, 392, 258, 2237, 574, 320, 34363, 15, 13, 20618, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 220, 15, 13, 6726, 11, 279, 26670, 1990, 320, 50, 2114, 8, 323, 320, 6483, 8, 2237, 574, 320, 34363, 15, 13, 19282, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 323, 279, 26670, 1990, 320, 50, 2114, 8, 323, 320, 36930, 8, 2237, 574, 320, 34363, 15 ]
[ 13, 22895, 8, 1418, 393, 19625, 574, 366, 15, 13, 4119, 13, 74977, 14727, 25260, 5990, 315, 70339, 56067, 328, 2114, 323, 24618, 55, 304, 6978, 449, 34318, 9469, 44, 389, 11763, 20429, 7713, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 27639, 1949, 11245, 20545, 11, 11245, 43284, 1253, 7180, 311, 79401, 5674, 304, 1521, 6978, 13, 6898, 42651, 519, 6067, 430, 46794, 369, 11293, 68700, 824, 85078, 367, 311, 4827, 20438, 5674, 527, 4460, 627, 29778, 315, 60038, 220, 3534, 439, 264, 39538, 13152, 369, 279, 18468, 315, 17832, 33247, 8624, 304, 4279, 30883, 43745, 677, 52279, 96306, 198, 43, 607, 64, 386, 17530, 333, 11, 386, 651, 266, 386, 15757, 370, 11, 24855, 2649, 386, 1708, 6830, 94375, 11, 2947, 10196, 68553, 10649, 11, 386, 13856, 2468, 31695, 11, 44020, 386, 30631, 414, 198, 29527, 12, 30649, 220, 679, 22, 11, 220, 2983, 7, 18, 1680, 5932, 12, 4044, 198, 8879, 6515, 1088, 43745, 677, 52279, 96306, 320, 4006, 8, 374, 264, 6160, 30450, 98882, 19823, 13, 33135, 5137, 11, 33119, 5237, 268, 4249, 11, 79909, 11968, 5411, 9547, 11, 323, 17832, 33247, 8624, 320, 18953, 35, 8, 527, 4315, 5131, 1511, 9547, 304, 5326, 44397, 2461, 323, 15419, 26314, 315, 13398, 6978, 13, 29433, 35, 374, 30240, 12939, 46877, 369, 15419, 41265, 11, 1833, 5352, 11, 323, 1375, 7629, 5326, 42304, 13, 35390, 7978, 617, 27463, 4754, 24915, 430, 1253, 7417, 279, 27541, 315, 29433, 35, 18468, 555, 6530, 79909, 7133, 13, 36480, 315, 60038, 320, 6620, 8, 220, 3534, 374, 832, 315, 279, 24915, 430, 1501, 927, 68 ]
ema on December 9-10. Light to moderate rainfall will occur at most places across north coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Heavy rainfall is expected over South Interior Karnataka and Kerala on December 9 and 11. Widespread rains and thunderstorms may occur over the southern half of the subcontinent after the system landing, on December 11. Meanwhile, a feeble western disturbance is present over Kashmir and will result in scattered light/moderate rainfall/snowfall likely over Jammu-Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh till December 10. As for mercury, the maximum temperature will be higher than normal over much of the North East, at least until later December. For weather, science, and COVID-19 updates on the go, download The Weather Channel App (on Android and iOS store). It’s free! Previous articleCyclone Mandous: What is Landfall, Expected Time and Location Next articleCalifornia Snow, Plains Blizzard, Then Northeast Snow Top Brands - Facial Cleansing Wipes Face Cleansing Info Facial Cleansing Wipes Privacy Policy This page sets forth the site terms and privacy policies of FacialCleansingWipes.com I. LINKS
ema on December 9-10. Light to moderate rainfall will occur at most places across north coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Heavy rainfall is expected over South Interior Karnataka and Kerala on December 9 and 11. Widespread rains and thunderstorms may occur over the southern half of the subcontinent after the system landing, on December 11. Meanwhile, a feeble western disturbance is present over Kashmir and will result in scattered light/moderate rainfall/snowfall likely over Jammu-Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh till December 10. As for mercury, the maximum temperature will be higher than normal over much of the North East, at least until later December. For weather, science, and COVID-19 updates on the go, download The Weather Channel App (on Android and iOS store). It’s free! Previous articleCyclone Mandous: What is Landfall, Expected Time and Location Next articleCalifornia Snow, Plains Blizzard, Then Northeast Snow Top Brands - Facial Cleansing Wipes Face Cleansing Info Facial Cleansing Wipes Privacy Policy This page sets forth the site terms and privacy policies of FacialCleansingWipes.com I. LINKS
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[ 19687, 319, 3426, 860, 12, 940, 13, 4401, 284, 10768, 25807, 481, 3051, 379, 749, 4113, 1973, 5093, 17475, 32519, 46917, 290, 350, 463, 1229, 13372, 13, 14089, 25807, 318, 2938, 625, 2520, 19614, 31625, 48088, 290, 34649, 319, 3426, 860, 290, 1367, 13, 370, 9790, 29424, 290, 18355, 38563, 743, 3051, 625, 262, 8372, 2063, 286, 262, 850, 3642, 7233, 706, 262, 1080, 9581, 11, 319, 3426, 1367, 13, 198, 10294, 11, 257, 46299, 8830, 30497, 318, 1944, 625, 24664, 290, 481, 1255, 287, 16830, 1657, 14, 47189, 25807, 14, 82, 2197, 7207, 1884, 625, 449, 49487, 12, 42, 1077, 10793, 11, 12862, 11322, 290, 10978, 620, 282, 25945, 10597, 3426, 838, 13, 198, 1722, 329, 27394, 11, 262, 5415, 5951, 481, 307, 2440, 621, 3487, 625, 881, 286, 262, 2258, 3687, 11, 379, 1551, 1566, 1568, 3426, 13, 198, 1890, 6193, 11, 3783, 11, 290, 7375, 11008, 12, 1129, 5992, 319, 262, 467, 11, 4321, 383, 15615, 11102, 2034, 357, 261, 5565, 290, 8969, 3650, 737, 632, 447, 247, 82, 1479, 0, 198, 21448, 2708, 20418, 21018, 13314, 516, 25, 1867, 318, 6379, 7207, 11, 1475, 7254, 3862, 290, 13397, 198, 10019, 2708, 25284, 7967, 11, 31981, 20206, 11, 3244, 26315, 7967, 5849, 46129, 532, 13585, 498, 3779, 504, 278, 370, 18636, 198, 32388, 3779, 504, 278, 14151, 198, 37, 18150, 3779, 504, 278, 370, 18636, 16777, 7820, 198, 1212, 2443, 5621, 6071, 262, 2524, 2846, 290, 6782, 4788, 286, 13585, 498, 34, 11861, 278, 54, 18636, 13, 785, 198, 40, 13, 34426, 50 ]
[ 9355, 389, 6790, 220, 24, 12, 605, 13, 8828, 311, 24070, 53958, 690, 12446, 520, 1455, 7634, 4028, 10411, 35335, 44883, 75905, 323, 393, 664, 1412, 5515, 13, 29201, 53958, 374, 3685, 927, 4987, 29958, 79149, 323, 61507, 389, 6790, 220, 24, 323, 220, 806, 13, 468, 3422, 21376, 62555, 323, 37943, 83109, 1253, 12446, 927, 279, 18561, 4376, 315, 279, 1207, 75695, 1306, 279, 1887, 20948, 11, 389, 6790, 220, 806, 627, 26054, 11, 264, 11307, 901, 19001, 65858, 374, 3118, 927, 50280, 323, 690, 1121, 304, 38067, 3177, 39579, 59768, 53958, 2754, 3409, 13772, 4461, 927, 622, 88139, 16222, 1003, 20531, 11, 70130, 22506, 323, 21058, 613, 278, 43458, 12222, 6790, 220, 605, 627, 2170, 369, 51852, 11, 279, 7340, 9499, 690, 387, 5190, 1109, 4725, 927, 1790, 315, 279, 4892, 6460, 11, 520, 3325, 3156, 3010, 6790, 627, 2520, 9282, 11, 8198, 11, 323, 20562, 12, 777, 9013, 389, 279, 733, 11, 4232, 578, 23454, 13740, 1883, 320, 263, 8682, 323, 16433, 3637, 570, 1102, 753, 1949, 4999, 21994, 4652, 34, 6310, 606, 24789, 788, 25, 3639, 374, 11680, 13772, 11, 32121, 4212, 323, 10067, 198, 5971, 4652, 46510, 19435, 11, 63911, 53133, 11, 5112, 45680, 19435, 7054, 55332, 482, 75622, 86762, 287, 468, 9100, 198, 16680, 86762, 287, 13374, 198, 29802, 532, 86762, 287, 468, 9100, 19406, 11216, 198, 2028, 2199, 7437, 13544, 279, 2816, 3878, 323, 12625, 10396, 315, 75622, 34, 22451, 287, 54, 9100, 916, 198, 40, 13, 41591, 50 ]
[ 5257, 10271, 328, 49596, 198, 2028, 13207, 706, 12135, 449, 1023, 5220, 430, 584, 2187, 311, 2035, 14058, 323, 7902, 389, 1057, 5000, 6959, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 701, 4034, 311, 1115, 13207, 11, 1008, 3622, 5220, 1253, 6667, 2038, 1778, 439, 701, 8106, 955, 11, 701, 6933, 2686, 11, 323, 4299, 4116, 2038, 627, 5618, 5296, 430, 994, 499, 4299, 389, 832, 315, 1521, 7902, 11, 499, 527, 7366, 505, 1115, 13207, 311, 2500, 5000, 2816, 13, 1226, 15253, 499, 311, 1373, 279, 2816, 3878, 323, 12625, 12518, 315, 1521, 10815, 6732, 439, 872, 2816, 3878, 323, 12625, 10396, 1253, 1782, 505, 11604, 627, 5660, 13, 70369, 4419, 198, 2746, 499, 7782, 264, 2027, 505, 832, 315, 279, 5220, 1115, 13207, 11105, 11, 814, 690, 1715, 3738, 16102, 72450, 2038, 505, 499, 389, 872, 2015, 1376, 13, 1472, 2011, 3493, 3729, 2038, 320, 21470, 439, 836, 11, 2613, 11, 323, 11862, 2686, 8, 323, 6020, 2038, 320, 21470, 439, 6807, 3786, 1396, 11, 32792, 2457, 570, 1115, 13207, 374, 539, 8647, 369, 279, 2816, 3878, 477, 12625, 10396, 315, 1778, 1023, 6732, 779, 3477, 872, 2816, 3878, 323, 12625, 4947, 1603, 27666, 701, 2015, 627, 40, 13, 45613, 20255, 26659, 4053, 25, 19877, 3166, 926, 16788, 62771, 1372, 3501, 28477, 4419, 198, 32, 13, 63647, 23322, 23444, 8245, 320, 1932, 40, 4390, 16648, 912, 13463, 1587, 1115, 13207, 1715, 477, 6667, 16614, 393, 5660, 1778, 439, 459, 8191, 1217, 596, 6593, 14, 12393, 4787, 26, 19739, 477, 22277 ]
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[ 635, 24184, 262, 1363, 3159, 12461, 290, 751, 40803, 284, 787, 511, 4410, 517, 28949, 13, 198, 3198, 286, 262, 1266, 1243, 546, 350, 25634, 26385, 318, 326, 340, 318, 18700, 290, 37225, 845, 1342, 4088, 11, 543, 2482, 287, 257, 7209, 290, 19470, 12, 5787, 1998, 13, 14674, 11, 350, 25634, 26385, 318, 257, 1049, 24008, 326, 4394, 257, 1256, 286, 3033, 290, 31344, 3689, 1231, 35294, 2854, 13, 198, 818, 7664, 11, 350, 25634, 26385, 318, 257, 1049, 3572, 329, 2687, 2045, 329, 257, 24008, 326, 318, 4047, 38322, 11, 3895, 12, 7527, 11, 290, 18700, 13, 2080, 663, 19933, 7071, 11, 18342, 1104, 11, 290, 3665, 2989, 2163, 11, 350, 25634, 26385, 1838, 340, 2562, 329, 2985, 284, 16500, 511, 4410, 290, 1895, 262, 6725, 484, 761, 13, 1002, 345, 389, 2045, 329, 257, 649, 24008, 11, 788, 350, 25634, 26385, 318, 4753, 2861, 6402, 13, 198, 3109, 11766, 27558, 319, 10031, 2752, 262, 6705, 26385, 198, 22164, 2752, 262, 826, 24008, 329, 534, 5565, 3335, 460, 307, 257, 30496, 4876, 11, 2592, 351, 262, 5909, 1271, 286, 3689, 1695, 287, 262, 1910, 13, 887, 351, 262, 826, 1321, 290, 617, 9110, 11, 345, 460, 1064, 262, 2818, 24008, 326, 11414, 534, 2476, 290, 15387, 13, 3423, 389, 617, 9040, 319, 703, 284, 3853, 262, 1266, 24008, 329, 534, 3335, 13, 198, 49709, 11, 2074, 534, 3335, 447, 247, 82, 2854, 13, 317, 24008, 326, 318, 18700, 290, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 15000, 1165, 881, 4088, 481, 4155, 257, 7209, 290, 19470, 12 ]
[ 1101, 32187, 279, 2162, 4264, 6932, 323, 923, 32955, 311, 1304, 872, 7766, 810, 35649, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 1888, 2574, 922, 393, 13441, 53330, 374, 430, 433, 374, 30244, 323, 60606, 1633, 2753, 5044, 11, 902, 3135, 304, 264, 11113, 323, 22171, 12862, 3217, 13, 28993, 11, 393, 13441, 53330, 374, 264, 2294, 47549, 430, 6209, 264, 2763, 315, 4519, 323, 49141, 2671, 2085, 76100, 5178, 627, 644, 17102, 11, 393, 13441, 53330, 374, 264, 2294, 5873, 369, 5606, 3411, 369, 264, 47549, 430, 374, 7701, 63174, 11, 4668, 41947, 11, 323, 30244, 13, 3161, 1202, 42779, 3834, 11, 31257, 1862, 11, 323, 8147, 2778, 734, 11, 393, 13441, 53330, 3727, 433, 4228, 369, 3932, 311, 21546, 872, 7766, 323, 2680, 279, 10721, 814, 1205, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 3411, 369, 264, 502, 47549, 11, 1243, 393, 13441, 53330, 374, 8659, 5922, 13126, 627, 75392, 26788, 389, 77351, 279, 7252, 53330, 198, 96144, 279, 1314, 47549, 369, 701, 8682, 3756, 649, 387, 264, 57697, 3465, 11, 5423, 449, 279, 13057, 1396, 315, 2671, 2561, 304, 279, 3157, 13, 2030, 449, 279, 1314, 2038, 323, 1063, 18361, 11, 499, 649, 1505, 279, 4832, 47549, 430, 18809, 701, 3966, 323, 19882, 13, 5810, 527, 1063, 10631, 389, 1268, 311, 5268, 279, 1888, 47549, 369, 701, 3756, 627, 5451, 398, 11, 2980, 701, 3756, 753, 5178, 13, 362, 47549, 430, 374, 30244, 323, 3250, 1431, 25024, 2288, 1790, 5044, 690, 6106, 264, 11113, 323, 22171, 12 ]
[ 10816, 3217, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 3062, 311, 1817, 279, 47549, 753, 25780, 449, 701, 3756, 753, 10565, 1887, 627, 5971, 11, 1781, 922, 279, 4519, 430, 499, 1205, 13, 8886, 499, 3411, 369, 264, 47549, 449, 264, 63174, 6932, 11, 31257, 1862, 11, 477, 5918, 3502, 2778, 734, 30, 58733, 1148, 4519, 527, 3062, 311, 499, 690, 1520, 499, 15376, 1523, 701, 2671, 627, 14364, 3062, 8331, 311, 2980, 374, 279, 47549, 753, 49141, 2671, 13, 4427, 7195, 388, 2187, 3932, 311, 2349, 279, 4706, 3854, 11, 7057, 11, 323, 3381, 11, 1418, 3885, 1253, 617, 7347, 49141, 2671, 13, 1442, 499, 1390, 264, 47549, 430, 6276, 499, 311, 81938, 701, 3756, 11, 1243, 499, 1288, 1427, 369, 264, 47549, 430, 6209, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 49141, 2671, 627, 2675, 1288, 1101, 1817, 279, 47549, 753, 1217, 3834, 11, 439, 433, 374, 459, 3062, 13189, 315, 279, 8244, 1217, 3217, 13, 362, 47549, 449, 264, 4335, 323, 42779, 3834, 690, 1304, 433, 4228, 369, 499, 311, 21546, 701, 3756, 323, 2680, 279, 10721, 499, 1205, 627, 81586, 11, 1935, 279, 892, 311, 1373, 8544, 323, 1817, 369, 904, 23367, 477, 4819, 430, 1023, 3932, 1253, 617, 10534, 449, 279, 47549, 13, 1115, 690, 3041, 499, 264, 2731, 4623, 315, 279, 47549, 753, 5178, 323, 1520, 499, 1304, 264, 810, 16369, 5597, 627, 21124, 6405, 26106, 27728, 41113, 198, 99327, 21519, 17, 87, 1322, 5768, 5345, 74, 198, 2822 ]
to support and maintain them. That is one of the major problems today that has intensified. An old but good example is electronic mail. A large group of students may like mobile Android technology while a die-hard group of faculty and staff have BlackBerrys while yet another group love their iPhones. The key has to be connection and security standards. If all of these can speak the same language (protocol) with a strong standard security mechanism (encryption), great! But, if someone wants to start using something that only supports POP mail standards or wants to adopt the newest DMARC authentication, then you have to stop and guide the process a bit. Otherwise, it will get messy and costly very, very fast. The other concern is that with the newest technologies so accessible, everyone becomes a technology “expert” and a cheerleader for their favorite tech of the month. The CIO has to attempt to guide the organization with experience and a deeper understanding of those new technologies and what is best for the long-term success of the organization and the underlying costs associated. One person’s beautiful tablet OS could be tomorrow’s incompatible door stop. Q. What impact will open source, WiMAX and derivatives, and LTE have on how IT provides
to support and maintain them. That is one of the major problems today that has intensified. An old but good example is electronic mail. A large group of students may like mobile Android technology while a die-hard group of faculty and staff have BlackBerrys while yet another group love their iPhones. The key has to be connection and security standards. If all of these can speak the same language (protocol) with a strong standard security mechanism (encryption), great! But, if someone wants to start using something that only supports POP mail standards or wants to adopt the newest DMARC authentication, then you have to stop and guide the process a bit. Otherwise, it will get messy and costly very, very fast. The other concern is that with the newest technologies so accessible, everyone becomes a technology “expert” and a cheerleader for their favorite tech of the month. The CIO has to attempt to guide the organization with experience and a deeper understanding of those new technologies and what is best for the long-term success of the organization and the underlying costs associated. One person’s beautiful tablet OS could be tomorrow’s incompatible door stop. Q. What impact will open source, WiMAX and derivatives, and LTE have on how IT provides
services? A. I’m a cautious advocate of open source. I think that we’ve seen the impact of open source and its hidden costs enough by now to make a good evaluation of those options. The server and mobile OS, learning management, Web content management, and even VoIP markets have changed, but with little or no serious cost impact to organizations. Organizations are much more hesitant to trust their enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to an open-source solution without heavy in-house support and expertise. If I knew the true future impact of WiMAX derivatives, I would be a very rich man! LTE is going to be the standard that changes everything after carriers complete a full buildout. The next generation of cellular data technology—6G—will most likely get speeds over 1Gbs. I guess my question is if students have a full 1Gbs connection to the Internet with their smartphone/tablet computer, how can the majority of small/mid-sized institutions economically provide similar service unless the carriers cannot deliver a good quality of service? If providers can provide this level of service, it will drastically change the landscape of institutional technology data service, much as it has already deeply affected telephone long-distance resale operations.
[ 284, 1104, 290, 5529, 606, 13, 1320, 318, 530, 286, 262, 1688, 2761, 1909, 326, 468, 32413, 13, 1052, 1468, 475, 922, 1672, 318, 7914, 6920, 13, 317, 1588, 1448, 286, 2444, 743, 588, 5175, 5565, 3037, 981, 257, 4656, 12, 10424, 1448, 286, 12829, 290, 3085, 423, 30845, 82, 981, 1865, 1194, 1448, 1842, 511, 33845, 13, 383, 1994, 468, 284, 307, 4637, 290, 2324, 5423, 13, 1002, 477, 286, 777, 460, 2740, 262, 976, 3303, 357, 11235, 4668, 8, 351, 257, 1913, 3210, 2324, 9030, 357, 12685, 13168, 828, 1049, 0, 887, 11, 611, 2130, 3382, 284, 923, 1262, 1223, 326, 691, 6971, 37586, 6920, 5423, 393, 3382, 284, 11206, 262, 15530, 14848, 25793, 18239, 11, 788, 345, 423, 284, 2245, 290, 5698, 262, 1429, 257, 1643, 13, 15323, 11, 340, 481, 651, 24097, 290, 16378, 845, 11, 845, 3049, 13, 198, 464, 584, 2328, 318, 326, 351, 262, 15530, 8514, 523, 9857, 11, 2506, 4329, 257, 3037, 564, 250, 1069, 11766, 447, 251, 290, 257, 14042, 27940, 329, 511, 4004, 7261, 286, 262, 1227, 13, 383, 327, 9399, 468, 284, 2230, 284, 5698, 262, 4009, 351, 1998, 290, 257, 9211, 4547, 286, 883, 649, 8514, 290, 644, 318, 1266, 329, 262, 890, 12, 4354, 1943, 286, 262, 4009, 290, 262, 10238, 3484, 3917, 13, 1881, 1048, 447, 247, 82, 4950, 14147, 7294, 714, 307, 9439, 447, 247, 82, 27294, 3420, 2245, 13, 198, 48, 13, 1867, 2928, 481, 1280, 2723, 11, 11759, 22921, 290, 28486, 11, 290, 28519, 423, 319, 703, 7283, 3769 ]
[ 311, 1862, 323, 10519, 1124, 13, 3011, 374, 832, 315, 279, 3682, 5435, 3432, 430, 706, 79849, 13, 1556, 2362, 719, 1695, 3187, 374, 14683, 8232, 13, 362, 3544, 1912, 315, 4236, 1253, 1093, 6505, 8682, 5557, 1418, 264, 2815, 71845, 1912, 315, 22291, 323, 5687, 617, 5348, 33, 618, 1065, 1418, 3686, 2500, 1912, 3021, 872, 73165, 13, 578, 1401, 706, 311, 387, 3717, 323, 4868, 10886, 13, 1442, 682, 315, 1521, 649, 6604, 279, 1890, 4221, 320, 17447, 8, 449, 264, 3831, 5410, 4868, 17383, 320, 81037, 705, 2294, 0, 2030, 11, 422, 4423, 6944, 311, 1212, 1701, 2555, 430, 1193, 11815, 46828, 8232, 10886, 477, 6944, 311, 11142, 279, 24519, 20804, 47572, 17066, 11, 1243, 499, 617, 311, 3009, 323, 8641, 279, 1920, 264, 2766, 13, 18715, 11, 433, 690, 636, 46946, 323, 34348, 1633, 11, 1633, 5043, 627, 791, 1023, 4747, 374, 430, 449, 279, 24519, 14645, 779, 15987, 11, 5127, 9221, 264, 5557, 1054, 74987, 863, 323, 264, 26085, 38491, 369, 872, 7075, 13312, 315, 279, 2305, 13, 578, 356, 3895, 706, 311, 4879, 311, 8641, 279, 7471, 449, 3217, 323, 264, 19662, 8830, 315, 1884, 502, 14645, 323, 1148, 374, 1888, 369, 279, 1317, 9860, 2450, 315, 279, 7471, 323, 279, 16940, 7194, 5938, 13, 3861, 1732, 753, 6366, 21354, 10293, 1436, 387, 16986, 753, 53924, 6134, 3009, 627, 48, 13, 3639, 5536, 690, 1825, 2592, 11, 17664, 10809, 323, 43645, 11, 323, 52498, 617, 389, 1268, 8871, 5825 ]
[ 3600, 5380, 32, 13, 358, 4344, 264, 46878, 29115, 315, 1825, 2592, 13, 358, 1781, 430, 584, 4070, 3970, 279, 5536, 315, 1825, 2592, 323, 1202, 8340, 7194, 3403, 555, 1457, 311, 1304, 264, 1695, 16865, 315, 1884, 2671, 13, 578, 3622, 323, 6505, 10293, 11, 6975, 6373, 11, 5000, 2262, 6373, 11, 323, 1524, 29179, 3378, 11987, 617, 5614, 11, 719, 449, 2697, 477, 912, 6129, 2853, 5536, 311, 11351, 13, 67792, 527, 1790, 810, 71560, 311, 7095, 872, 20790, 5211, 9293, 320, 85358, 8, 3241, 311, 459, 1825, 31874, 6425, 2085, 8987, 304, 37002, 1862, 323, 19248, 627, 2746, 358, 7020, 279, 837, 3938, 5536, 315, 17664, 10809, 43645, 11, 358, 1053, 387, 264, 1633, 9257, 893, 0, 52498, 374, 2133, 311, 387, 279, 5410, 430, 4442, 4395, 1306, 35991, 4686, 264, 2539, 1977, 412, 13, 578, 1828, 9659, 315, 35693, 828, 5557, 2345, 21, 38, 2345, 14724, 1455, 4461, 636, 25753, 927, 220, 16, 38, 1302, 13, 358, 8101, 856, 3488, 374, 422, 4236, 617, 264, 2539, 220, 16, 38, 1302, 3717, 311, 279, 8191, 449, 872, 22234, 46426, 83, 6500, 11, 1268, 649, 279, 8857, 315, 2678, 3262, 307, 28935, 14673, 47379, 3493, 4528, 2532, 7389, 279, 35991, 4250, 6493, 264, 1695, 4367, 315, 2532, 30, 1442, 12850, 649, 3493, 420, 2237, 315, 2532, 11, 433, 690, 48863, 2349, 279, 18921, 315, 33232, 5557, 828, 2532, 11, 1790, 439, 433, 706, 2736, 17693, 11754, 21186, 1317, 74908, 99324, 7677, 627 ]
) May 2007 (83) April 2007 (69) March 2007 (58) February 2007 (72) January 2007 (72) December 2006 (76) November 2006 (57) October 2006 (69) September 2006 (61) August 2006 (69) July 2006 (71) June 2006 (71) May 2006 (82) April 2006 (63) March 2006 (63) February 2006 (74) January 2006 (64) December 2005 (75) November 2005 (112) October 2005 (197) September 2005 (188) August 2005 (206) July 2005 (105) June 2005 (92) May 2005 (100) April 2005 (87) March 2005 (85) February 2005 (74) January 2005 (98) December 2004 (83) November 2004 (81) October 2004 (99) September 2004 (94) August 2004 (81) July 2004 (90) June 2004 (71) May 2004 (75) April 2004 (122) March 2004 (144) February 2004 (174) January 2004 (146) December 2003 (140) November 2003 (147) October 2003 (139) September 2003 (104) August 2003 (49) July 2003 (52) An ArtsJournal Blog Terry Teachout, 65 Gripping musical melodrama
) May 2007 (83) April 2007 (69) March 2007 (58) February 2007 (72) January 2007 (72) December 2006 (76) November 2006 (57) October 2006 (69) September 2006 (61) August 2006 (69) July 2006 (71) June 2006 (71) May 2006 (82) April 2006 (63) March 2006 (63) February 2006 (74) January 2006 (64) December 2005 (75) November 2005 (112) October 2005 (197) September 2005 (188) August 2005 (206) July 2005 (105) June 2005 (92) May 2005 (100) April 2005 (87) March 2005 (85) February 2005 (74) January 2005 (98) December 2004 (83) November 2004 (81) October 2004 (99) September 2004 (94) August 2004 (81) July 2004 (90) June 2004 (71) May 2004 (75) April 2004 (122) March 2004 (144) February 2004 (174) January 2004 (146) December 2003 (140) November 2003 (147) October 2003 (139) September 2003 (104) August 2003 (49) July 2003 (52) An ArtsJournal Blog Terry Teachout, 65 Gripping musical melodrama
Replay: Somerset Maugham in 1965 Almanac: Somerset Maugham on sentimentality Snapshot: Richard Strauss conducts Till Eulenspiegel Christian Høgsbjerg – Historian Apartheid is Not a Game British Labour and the Russian Revolution C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain Celebrating C.L.R. James in Hackney, London Chris Braithwaite Marxism, Colonialism and Cricket Paul Foot on Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution Revolutionary Lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917 The Black Jacobins Reader The Red and the Black: The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic Toussaint Louverture by C.L.R. James Toussaint Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions World Revolution by C.L.R. James Plagues, vaccines and revolutionaries I have written a short piece on Plagues, Vaccines and Revolutionaries: When Waldemar Haffkine met Shapurji Saklatvala in Colonial Bombay for the London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter, 72 (Spring 2021) which explores the life of the little known Russian
[ 8, 1737, 4343, 357, 5999, 8, 3035, 4343, 357, 3388, 8, 2805, 4343, 357, 3365, 8, 3945, 4343, 357, 4761, 8, 3269, 4343, 357, 4761, 8, 3426, 4793, 357, 4304, 8, 3389, 4793, 357, 3553, 8, 3267, 4793, 357, 3388, 8, 2693, 4793, 357, 5333, 8, 2932, 4793, 357, 3388, 8, 2901, 4793, 357, 4869, 8, 2795, 4793, 357, 4869, 8, 1737, 4793, 357, 6469, 8, 3035, 4793, 357, 5066, 8, 2805, 4793, 357, 5066, 8, 3945, 4793, 357, 4524, 8, 3269, 4793, 357, 2414, 8, 3426, 5075, 357, 2425, 8, 3389, 5075, 357, 14686, 8, 3267, 5075, 357, 24991, 8, 2693, 5075, 357, 20356, 8, 2932, 5075, 357, 22136, 8, 2901, 5075, 357, 13348, 8, 2795, 5075, 357, 5892, 8, 1737, 5075, 357, 3064, 8, 3035, 5075, 357, 5774, 8, 2805, 5075, 357, 5332, 8, 3945, 5075, 357, 4524, 8, 3269, 5075, 357, 4089, 8, 3426, 5472, 357, 5999, 8, 3389, 5472, 357, 6659, 8, 3267, 5472, 357, 2079, 8, 2693, 5472, 357, 5824, 8, 2932, 5472, 357, 6659, 8, 2901, 5472, 357, 3829, 8, 2795, 5472, 357, 4869, 8, 1737, 5472, 357, 2425, 8, 3035, 5472, 357, 18376, 8, 2805, 5472, 357, 18444, 8, 3945, 5472, 357, 22985, 8, 3269, 5472, 357, 20964, 8, 3426, 5816, 357, 15187, 8, 3389, 5816, 357, 20198, 8, 3267, 5816, 357, 20219, 8, 2693, 5816, 357, 13464, 8, 2932, 5816, 357, 2920, 8, 2901, 5816, 357, 4309, 8, 198, 2025, 11536, 25296, 14001, 198, 50241, 42015, 448, 11, 6135, 198, 38, 380, 2105, 10530, 7758, 375, 20058, 198 ]
[ 8, 3297, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 6069, 8, 5936, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 3076, 8, 5587, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 2970, 8, 7552, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 5332, 8, 6186, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 5332, 8, 6790, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 4767, 8, 6841, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 3226, 8, 6664, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 3076, 8, 6250, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 5547, 8, 6287, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 3076, 8, 5887, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 6028, 8, 5651, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 6028, 8, 3297, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 6086, 8, 5936, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 5495, 8, 5587, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 5495, 8, 7552, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 5728, 8, 6186, 220, 1049, 21, 320, 1227, 8, 6790, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 2075, 8, 6841, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 7261, 8, 6664, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 4468, 8, 6250, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 9367, 8, 6287, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 11056, 8, 5887, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 6550, 8, 5651, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 6083, 8, 3297, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 1041, 8, 5936, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 4044, 8, 5587, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 5313, 8, 7552, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 5728, 8, 6186, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 3264, 8, 6790, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 6069, 8, 6841, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 5932, 8, 6664, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 1484, 8, 6250, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 6281, 8, 6287, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 5932, 8, 5887, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 1954, 8, 5651, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 6028, 8, 3297, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 2075, 8, 5936, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 8259, 8, 5587, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 8929, 8, 7552, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 11771, 8, 6186, 220, 1049, 19, 320, 10465, 8, 6790, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 6860, 8, 6841, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 10288, 8, 6664, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 10125, 8, 6250, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 6849, 8, 6287, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 2491, 8, 5887, 220, 1049, 18, 320, 4103, 340, 2127, 17979, 44594, 14496, 198, 51, 5515, 70377, 412, 11, 220, 2397, 198, 38, 462, 10964, 18273, 97374, 31473, 198 ]
[ 697, 1387, 25, 72232, 11583, 773, 5721, 304, 220, 5162, 20, 198, 2149, 1543, 582, 25, 72232, 11583, 773, 5721, 389, 27065, 2786, 198, 15359, 25, 12131, 94511, 74198, 40788, 469, 360, 729, 20898, 29952, 9052, 473, 6282, 5981, 92978, 1389, 22425, 1122, 198, 32, 1768, 69455, 374, 2876, 264, 4140, 198, 52961, 18993, 323, 279, 8690, 22910, 198, 34, 1236, 2056, 13, 7957, 304, 31013, 13527, 198, 90785, 1113, 356, 1236, 2056, 13, 7957, 304, 36082, 3520, 11, 7295, 198, 32978, 26531, 411, 10196, 635, 198, 12331, 87, 2191, 11, 73848, 2191, 323, 59019, 198, 26368, 15819, 389, 57895, 784, 1673, 9928, 65930, 323, 279, 43502, 1122, 22910, 198, 37284, 3294, 661, 40495, 315, 279, 3816, 323, 5348, 23179, 2533, 220, 7529, 22, 198, 791, 5348, 25537, 1354, 26226, 198, 791, 3816, 323, 279, 5348, 25, 578, 8690, 22910, 323, 279, 5348, 23179, 198, 51, 283, 784, 1673, 9928, 65930, 555, 356, 1236, 2056, 13, 7957, 198, 51, 283, 784, 1673, 9928, 65930, 25, 362, 5348, 25537, 258, 304, 279, 13381, 315, 10315, 20813, 198, 10343, 22910, 555, 356, 1236, 2056, 13, 7957, 198, 2169, 13796, 11, 40300, 323, 14110, 5548, 198, 40, 617, 5439, 264, 2875, 6710, 389, 1856, 13796, 11, 59788, 1572, 323, 22910, 5548, 25, 3277, 51668, 336, 277, 473, 2715, 74, 483, 2322, 1443, 100140, 7910, 39867, 5641, 115999, 304, 73848, 97713, 369, 279, 7295, 57210, 22425, 5493, 5856, 39693, 11, 220, 5332, 320, 26208, 220, 2366, 16, 8, 902, 41424, 279, 2324, 315, 279, 2697, 3967, 8690 ]
archivists and often being pleased with positive results. I prefer the former, the visit & the planning & the excitement of turning over a page myself and seeing Plath's handwriting, signature or typed return address. All the papers in all the archives are pieces of a puzzle that enables a researcher to reconstruct aspects and creations of Plath's life that are now separated. The archive forms the center of the Plath universe, being the remnants of the production of her life. The posts you will read highlight brand new archival finds (to me) as well as older archives that I have known about but never posted on (some posts I drafted as many as three or four years ago). They will also refer to previously mentioned collections for which more information was learned, and to archival materials that might be familiar to some but that may have largely gone unnoticed, under-utilized, etc. Currently I have in mind more than twelve posts, which I hope to post every Tuesday and Friday. So as to not totally inundate you all with information, this will extend beyond October and into November (every month is archive month!). When I discuss Plath's letters, paraphrasing will be used. This is not ideal, but it is the best option for now.
archivists and often being pleased with positive results. I prefer the former, the visit & the planning & the excitement of turning over a page myself and seeing Plath's handwriting, signature or typed return address. All the papers in all the archives are pieces of a puzzle that enables a researcher to reconstruct aspects and creations of Plath's life that are now separated. The archive forms the center of the Plath universe, being the remnants of the production of her life. The posts you will read highlight brand new archival finds (to me) as well as older archives that I have known about but never posted on (some posts I drafted as many as three or four years ago). They will also refer to previously mentioned collections for which more information was learned, and to archival materials that might be familiar to some but that may have largely gone unnoticed, under-utilized, etc. Currently I have in mind more than twelve posts, which I hope to post every Tuesday and Friday. So as to not totally inundate you all with information, this will extend beyond October and into November (every month is archive month!). When I discuss Plath's letters, paraphrasing will be used. This is not ideal, but it is the best option for now.
And I should add, not surprisingly, that in the process of uncovering some of these documents they were located with Ted Hughes materials too. The documents I discuss are largely materials that might have gone into a next "These Ghostly Archives" paper, the series of archival conversations and stories of discovery, inquiry, and revelation which I have co-written with Gail Crowther between 2009-2013 (see this page of my website to read them). But as there are no plans for now to continue on with that series, it seems better to blog about the materials that have since been located. As I post each collection, I will be updating the list of Plath materials on the Archival Collections page of my website for Sylvia Plath, A celebration, this is. Labels: Archives , Sylvia Plath , Sylvia Plath Collections What Is an Electric Car? Home What Is an Electric Car? You see them on the highway in the carpool lane, in town, and zipping by on busy city streets! Electric cars are fun to drive, save you time and money and are good for the environment. Electric cars provide a new driving experience. View Makes and Models Know How and Where to “Fill Up”
[ 3934, 452, 1023, 290, 1690, 852, 10607, 351, 3967, 2482, 13, 314, 4702, 262, 1966, 11, 262, 3187, 1222, 262, 5410, 1222, 262, 14067, 286, 6225, 625, 257, 2443, 3589, 290, 4379, 1345, 776, 338, 44396, 11, 9877, 393, 25683, 1441, 2209, 13, 1439, 262, 9473, 287, 477, 262, 22415, 389, 5207, 286, 257, 15027, 326, 13536, 257, 13453, 284, 31081, 7612, 290, 28443, 286, 1345, 776, 338, 1204, 326, 389, 783, 11266, 13, 383, 15424, 5107, 262, 3641, 286, 262, 1345, 776, 6881, 11, 852, 262, 30468, 286, 262, 3227, 286, 607, 1204, 13, 383, 6851, 345, 481, 1100, 7238, 4508, 649, 3934, 2473, 7228, 357, 1462, 502, 8, 355, 880, 355, 4697, 22415, 326, 314, 423, 1900, 546, 475, 1239, 4481, 319, 357, 11246, 6851, 314, 15937, 355, 867, 355, 1115, 393, 1440, 812, 2084, 737, 1119, 481, 635, 3522, 284, 4271, 4750, 17268, 329, 543, 517, 1321, 373, 4499, 11, 290, 284, 3934, 2473, 5696, 326, 1244, 307, 5385, 284, 617, 475, 326, 743, 423, 5688, 3750, 33755, 11, 739, 12, 22602, 1143, 11, 3503, 13, 198, 21327, 314, 423, 287, 2000, 517, 621, 14104, 6851, 11, 543, 314, 2911, 284, 1281, 790, 3431, 290, 3217, 13, 1406, 355, 284, 407, 6635, 43431, 378, 345, 477, 351, 1321, 11, 428, 481, 9117, 3675, 3267, 290, 656, 3389, 357, 16833, 1227, 318, 15424, 1227, 19588, 1649, 314, 2112, 1345, 776, 338, 7475, 11, 38624, 81, 2313, 481, 307, 973, 13, 770, 318, 407, 7306, 11, 475, 340, 318, 262, 1266, 3038, 329, 783, 13 ]
[ 5438, 344, 1705, 323, 3629, 1694, 18949, 449, 6928, 3135, 13, 358, 10932, 279, 4846, 11, 279, 4034, 612, 279, 9293, 612, 279, 28361, 315, 13353, 927, 264, 2199, 7182, 323, 9298, 1856, 589, 596, 92809, 11, 12223, 477, 33069, 471, 2686, 13, 2052, 279, 16064, 304, 682, 279, 39104, 527, 9863, 315, 264, 25649, 430, 20682, 264, 32185, 311, 44928, 13878, 323, 53862, 315, 1856, 589, 596, 2324, 430, 527, 1457, 19180, 13, 578, 18624, 7739, 279, 4219, 315, 279, 1856, 589, 15861, 11, 1694, 279, 73440, 315, 279, 5788, 315, 1077, 2324, 13, 578, 8158, 499, 690, 1373, 11415, 6883, 502, 95047, 14035, 320, 998, 757, 8, 439, 1664, 439, 9191, 39104, 430, 358, 617, 3967, 922, 719, 2646, 8621, 389, 320, 15031, 8158, 358, 39056, 439, 1690, 439, 2380, 477, 3116, 1667, 4227, 570, 2435, 690, 1101, 8464, 311, 8767, 9932, 15661, 369, 902, 810, 2038, 574, 9687, 11, 323, 311, 95047, 7384, 430, 2643, 387, 11537, 311, 1063, 719, 430, 1253, 617, 14090, 8208, 78023, 11, 1234, 74546, 1534, 11, 5099, 627, 34814, 358, 617, 304, 4059, 810, 1109, 30335, 8158, 11, 902, 358, 3987, 311, 1772, 1475, 7742, 323, 6740, 13, 2100, 439, 311, 539, 12756, 92629, 349, 499, 682, 449, 2038, 11, 420, 690, 13334, 7953, 6664, 323, 1139, 6841, 320, 30115, 2305, 374, 18624, 2305, 43492, 3277, 358, 4358, 1856, 589, 596, 12197, 11, 63330, 97578, 690, 387, 1511, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 10728, 11, 719, 433, 374, 279, 1888, 3072, 369, 1457, 13 ]
[ 1628, 358, 1288, 923, 11, 539, 29392, 11, 430, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 45063, 287, 1063, 315, 1521, 9477, 814, 1051, 7559, 449, 23989, 41411, 7384, 2288, 627, 791, 9477, 358, 4358, 527, 14090, 7384, 430, 2643, 617, 8208, 1139, 264, 1828, 330, 9673, 26099, 398, 38329, 1, 5684, 11, 279, 4101, 315, 95047, 21633, 323, 7493, 315, 18841, 11, 26981, 11, 323, 40010, 902, 358, 617, 1080, 67383, 449, 480, 607, 27991, 700, 1990, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 679, 18, 320, 4151, 420, 2199, 315, 856, 3997, 311, 1373, 1124, 570, 2030, 439, 1070, 527, 912, 6787, 369, 1457, 311, 3136, 389, 449, 430, 4101, 11, 433, 5084, 2731, 311, 5117, 922, 279, 7384, 430, 617, 2533, 1027, 7559, 627, 2170, 358, 1772, 1855, 4526, 11, 358, 690, 387, 21686, 279, 1160, 315, 1856, 589, 7384, 389, 279, 9683, 4023, 26394, 2199, 315, 856, 3997, 369, 89406, 1856, 589, 11, 362, 25960, 11, 420, 374, 627, 24600, 25, 38329, 1174, 89406, 1856, 589, 1174, 89406, 1856, 589, 26394, 3639, 2209, 459, 21246, 3341, 5380, 7778, 3639, 2209, 459, 21246, 3341, 5380, 2675, 1518, 1124, 389, 279, 27834, 304, 279, 1841, 10497, 21971, 11, 304, 6424, 11, 323, 1167, 5772, 555, 389, 13326, 3363, 14708, 0, 21246, 9515, 527, 2523, 311, 6678, 11, 3665, 499, 892, 323, 3300, 323, 527, 1695, 369, 279, 4676, 627, 65965, 9515, 3493, 264, 502, 10043, 3217, 627, 860, 37970, 323, 27972, 198, 39512, 2650, 323, 11208, 311, 1054, 14788, 3216, 863 ]
мещения базы Вооружённых сил России. В период с 2018 по 2020 год Россия поставила несколько партий оружия для оснащения Вооруженных сил Центральноафриканской Республики, для чего Россия добилась от Совета Безопасности ООН частичного снятия э
мещения базы Вооружённых сил России. В период с 2018 по 2020 год Россия поставила несколько партий оружия для оснащения Вооруженных сил Центральноафриканской Республики, для чего Россия добилась от Совета Безопасности ООН частичного снятия э
мбарго на поставки оружия в Центральноафриканскую Республику с 2013 года. С конца 2020 года россияне обучали центральноафриканских военнослужащих военному делу для борьбы с боевиками из сети группировок «Коалиция патриотов за перемены» (CPC). П
[ 43108, 16843, 141, 231, 16843, 22177, 18849, 40623, 12466, 109, 16142, 140, 115, 45035, 12466, 240, 15166, 15166, 21169, 35072, 140, 114, 141, 239, 22177, 22177, 45035, 141, 227, 220, 21727, 18849, 30143, 12466, 254, 15166, 21727, 21727, 18849, 18849, 13, 198, 198, 140, 240, 12466, 123, 16843, 21169, 18849, 25443, 112, 220, 21727, 2864, 12466, 123, 15166, 12131, 12466, 111, 25443, 112, 12466, 254, 15166, 21727, 21727, 18849, 40623, 12466, 123, 15166, 21727, 20375, 16142, 38857, 18849, 30143, 16142, 12466, 121, 16843, 21727, 31583, 25443, 119, 45367, 31583, 15166, 12466, 123, 16142, 21169, 20375, 18849, 140, 117, 12466, 122, 21169, 35072, 140, 114, 18849, 40623, 12466, 112, 30143, 40623, 12466, 122, 21727, 22177, 16142, 141, 231, 16843, 22177, 18849, 40623, 12466, 240, 15166, 15166, 21169, 35072, 140, 114, 16843, 22177, 22177, 45035, 141, 227, 220, 21727, 18849, 30143, 12466, 99, 16843, 22177, 20375, 21169, 16142, 30143, 45367, 22177, 15166, 16142, 141, 226, 21169, 18849, 31583, 16142, 22177, 21727, 31583, 25443, 117, 12466, 254, 16843, 21727, 140, 123, 35072, 140, 109, 30143, 18849, 31583, 18849, 11, 12466, 112, 30143, 40623, 220, 141, 229, 16843, 140, 111, 15166, 12466, 254, 15166, 21727, 21727, 18849, 40623, 12466, 112, 25443, 109, 18849, 30143, 16142, 21727, 45367, 12466, 122, 20375, 12466, 94, 25443, 110, 16843, 20375, 16142, 12466, 239, 16843, 140, 115, 25443, 123, 16142, 21727, 22177, 15166, 21727, 20375, 18849, 12466, 252, 140, 252, 140, 251, 220, 141, 229, 16142, 21727, 20375, 18849, 141, 229, 22177, 25443, 111, 15166, 220, 21727, 22177, 40623, 20375, 18849, 40623, 220, 141, 235 ]
[ 114302, 18999, 79373, 4655, 111260, 116716, 104559, 44786, 108133, 108190, 382, 16604, 107305, 5524, 220, 679, 23, 18154, 220, 2366, 15, 100739, 120804, 107887, 101484, 105553, 63780, 115279, 8379, 102371, 40231, 20440, 81376, 14525, 14476, 18999, 111260, 116716, 104967, 108133, 114260, 2233, 102660, 109775, 31203, 106863, 101469, 122645, 17165, 11, 20440, 109691, 120804, 102026, 64292, 18437, 4929, 20879, 112300, 102511, 119801, 111214, 68742, 35448, 117619, 102153, 119026, 5524, 109114, 4329, 21599 ]
[ 6578, 10124, 17721, 66349, 13373, 107887, 17165, 8379, 102371, 40231, 5927, 114260, 2233, 102660, 109775, 31203, 106863, 117299, 122645, 36352, 5524, 220, 679, 18, 101932, 382, 19871, 127809, 220, 2366, 15, 101932, 104259, 108245, 79862, 122512, 48355, 117252, 102660, 109775, 31203, 106863, 104901, 100797, 102715, 41036, 56999, 1506, 113019, 100797, 5372, 101322, 95369, 3865, 20440, 124357, 103205, 5524, 107284, 33742, 38822, 50807, 23934, 5524, 107374, 107736, 59921, 15088, 12769, 27435, 1482, 48355, 71829, 106702, 31203, 101295, 44946, 71901, 79686, 13289, 320, 34, 4977, 570, 23227 ]
that as currently implemented developers may overlook the details and think they are making use of the arc4random() function when in reality they are not. When asked about this, Microsoft’s provided the following statement: “This initial preview is primarily meant to generate community feedback on the core architecture of the project to help ensure we have a solid foundation to build on. Feedback to date suggests that core project components such as compiler integration and Windows interoperability are architecturally sound. We released an early preview knowing that the community would help find gaps in our technology and our processes and we’ve already made fixes to things like code attribution based on community input. We’re very encouraged by the level of interest and constructive feedback that the Islandwood preview is generating and will keep working with the community to improve the project.” For background, Matt Thompson has written a brief explanation for why arc4random() is considered a better choice (see the section “Why Should I Use arc4random(3) instead of rand(3) or random(3)?”). This content is in the Operating Systems topic Web of Things over IoT and Its Applications Generics Enter Go Change Proposal Process AWS Transfer Family Introduces Support for
that as currently implemented developers may overlook the details and think they are making use of the arc4random() function when in reality they are not. When asked about this, Microsoft’s provided the following statement: “This initial preview is primarily meant to generate community feedback on the core architecture of the project to help ensure we have a solid foundation to build on. Feedback to date suggests that core project components such as compiler integration and Windows interoperability are architecturally sound. We released an early preview knowing that the community would help find gaps in our technology and our processes and we’ve already made fixes to things like code attribution based on community input. We’re very encouraged by the level of interest and constructive feedback that the Islandwood preview is generating and will keep working with the community to improve the project.” For background, Matt Thompson has written a brief explanation for why arc4random() is considered a better choice (see the section “Why Should I Use arc4random(3) instead of rand(3) or random(3)?”). This content is in the Operating Systems topic Web of Things over IoT and Its Applications Generics Enter Go Change Proposal Process AWS Transfer Family Introduces Support for
EFS Being Secure by Default The InfoQ eMag: Managing Observability, Resilience, and Complexity within Distributed Systems Experiences from a Testing Tour of Pairing and Learning Embracing Observability in Distributed Systems at InfoQ Live (Virtual Event on Feb 16th) Donkey: a Highly-Performant HTTP Stack for Clojure Medium Describes \"Rex\" - a Go-Based Recommendation Service Shifting Modes: Creating a Program to Support Sustained Resilience Microsoft Announces Support for Azure Container Registry across Availability Zones in Public Preview Scaling Culture of Resiliency in the Enterprise I am shocked by Mark N / Re: I am shocked by Luis Espinal / by Robert Sullivan / Someone actually cared enough about this to look at it? Obviously you did :) LOL. Not the article. The code. :) Hahaha, my bad :) You shouldn't be shocked unless I'm missing something: Couple points: 1. Surely the developers who wrote the code, but did not receive credit, would be interested in seeing this implementation? 2. This is a great example of the idea that security is better in
[ 326, 355, 3058, 9177, 6505, 743, 15677, 262, 3307, 290, 892, 484, 389, 1642, 779, 286, 262, 10389, 19, 25120, 3419, 2163, 618, 287, 3950, 484, 389, 407, 13, 1649, 1965, 546, 428, 11, 5413, 447, 247, 82, 2810, 262, 1708, 2643, 25, 198, 447, 250, 1212, 4238, 12714, 318, 7525, 4001, 284, 7716, 2055, 7538, 319, 262, 4755, 10959, 286, 262, 1628, 284, 1037, 4155, 356, 423, 257, 4735, 8489, 284, 1382, 319, 13, 37774, 284, 3128, 5644, 326, 4755, 1628, 6805, 884, 355, 17050, 11812, 290, 3964, 48817, 1799, 389, 7068, 20221, 2128, 13, 775, 2716, 281, 1903, 12714, 6970, 326, 262, 2055, 561, 1037, 1064, 17332, 287, 674, 3037, 290, 674, 7767, 290, 356, 447, 247, 303, 1541, 925, 13040, 284, 1243, 588, 2438, 39629, 1912, 319, 2055, 5128, 13, 775, 447, 247, 260, 845, 10085, 416, 262, 1241, 286, 1393, 290, 26938, 7538, 326, 262, 5451, 3822, 12714, 318, 15453, 290, 481, 1394, 1762, 351, 262, 2055, 284, 2987, 262, 1628, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1890, 4469, 11, 4705, 11654, 468, 3194, 257, 4506, 7468, 329, 1521, 10389, 19, 25120, 3419, 318, 3177, 257, 1365, 3572, 357, 3826, 262, 2665, 564, 250, 5195, 10358, 314, 5765, 10389, 19, 25120, 7, 18, 8, 2427, 286, 43720, 7, 18, 8, 393, 4738, 7, 18, 19427, 447, 251, 737, 198, 1212, 2695, 318, 287, 262, 24850, 11998, 7243, 198, 13908, 286, 11597, 625, 38488, 290, 6363, 26622, 198, 8645, 873, 6062, 1514, 9794, 1041, 40007, 10854, 198, 12298, 50, 20558, 7884, 11036, 728, 7929, 329 ]
[ 430, 439, 5131, 11798, 13707, 1253, 31805, 279, 3649, 323, 1781, 814, 527, 3339, 1005, 315, 279, 15952, 19, 11719, 368, 734, 994, 304, 8903, 814, 527, 539, 13, 3277, 4691, 922, 420, 11, 5210, 753, 3984, 279, 2768, 5224, 512, 31378, 2926, 17562, 374, 15871, 8967, 311, 7068, 4029, 11302, 389, 279, 6332, 18112, 315, 279, 2447, 311, 1520, 6106, 584, 617, 264, 6573, 16665, 311, 1977, 389, 13, 37957, 311, 2457, 13533, 430, 6332, 2447, 6956, 1778, 439, 19979, 18052, 323, 5632, 95230, 2968, 527, 11726, 43024, 5222, 13, 1226, 6004, 459, 4216, 17562, 14392, 430, 279, 4029, 1053, 1520, 1505, 33251, 304, 1057, 5557, 323, 1057, 11618, 323, 584, 4070, 2736, 1903, 27635, 311, 2574, 1093, 2082, 63124, 3196, 389, 4029, 1988, 13, 1226, 3207, 1633, 21190, 555, 279, 2237, 315, 2802, 323, 54584, 11302, 430, 279, 10951, 6798, 17562, 374, 24038, 323, 690, 2567, 3318, 449, 279, 4029, 311, 7417, 279, 2447, 49216, 2520, 4092, 11, 13678, 26224, 706, 5439, 264, 10015, 16540, 369, 3249, 15952, 19, 11719, 368, 374, 6646, 264, 2731, 5873, 320, 4151, 279, 3857, 1054, 10445, 12540, 358, 5560, 15952, 19, 11719, 7, 18, 8, 4619, 315, 10598, 7, 18, 8, 477, 4288, 7, 18, 12106, 863, 4390, 2028, 2262, 374, 304, 279, 36233, 15264, 8712, 198, 6109, 315, 20695, 927, 50180, 323, 11699, 32625, 198, 5648, 1233, 11502, 6122, 10604, 66990, 8773, 198, 37236, 24078, 12517, 1357, 4653, 1634, 9365, 369 ]
[ 469, 8653, 198, 34242, 35602, 555, 8058, 198, 791, 13374, 48, 384, 34015, 25, 49407, 31943, 2968, 11, 1838, 321, 1873, 11, 323, 71718, 2949, 45055, 15264, 198, 849, 69597, 505, 264, 27866, 14986, 315, 27086, 287, 323, 21579, 198, 2321, 1347, 4628, 31943, 2968, 304, 45055, 15264, 520, 13374, 48, 11406, 320, 34126, 3749, 389, 13806, 220, 845, 339, 340, 8161, 798, 25, 264, 53485, 12, 48051, 519, 10339, 14619, 369, 19197, 53402, 198, 42094, 3959, 56236, 7393, 49, 327, 2153, 482, 264, 6122, 61439, 97631, 5475, 198, 2059, 18148, 82789, 25, 32406, 264, 6826, 311, 9365, 328, 592, 2692, 1838, 321, 1873, 198, 13068, 9489, 31044, 9365, 369, 35219, 9876, 33212, 4028, 52910, 95686, 304, 3142, 32341, 198, 60784, 21023, 315, 1838, 4008, 2301, 304, 279, 26551, 198, 40, 1097, 27718, 198, 1729, 4488, 452, 40081, 697, 25, 358, 1097, 27718, 198, 1729, 34297, 27612, 992, 40081, 1729, 8563, 43089, 40081, 55611, 3604, 42777, 3403, 922, 420, 311, 1427, 520, 433, 5380, 49314, 499, 1550, 90163, 1623, 43, 13, 2876, 279, 4652, 13, 578, 2082, 13, 90163, 39, 74635, 11, 856, 3958, 90163, 2675, 13434, 956, 387, 27718, 7389, 358, 2846, 7554, 2555, 512, 69310, 698, 3585, 512, 16, 13, 65288, 279, 13707, 889, 6267, 279, 2082, 11, 719, 1550, 539, 5371, 6807, 11, 1053, 387, 8173, 304, 9298, 420, 8292, 5380, 17, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 2294, 3187, 315, 279, 4623, 430, 4868, 374, 2731, 304 ]
effects. Therefore, Beyond Stigma knew that continuing our work and research on HIV stigma in Zimbabwe was still absolutely critical despite the pandemic. In 2019, Beyond Stigma and Africaid had decided to partner on a formative research piece to support and guide a self-stigma intervention planned for young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. I was invited to the team for my research dissertation of my MSc. in Global Health degree at Trinity College Dublin. Together we developed a research plan to understand the unique beliefs and experiences of HIV self-stigma as experienced by the young adult members of Africaid. This research project was intended to be in person interviews conducted in Zimbabwe. Once COVID-19 hit, I realized that I could not travel to Zimbabwe and many members of Africaid were no longer coming to the facility due to government restrictions and worries of coronavirus. Without medication, HIV causes immunosuppression, so people living with HIV are at increased risk for catching coronavirus. The research boards temporarily shut down and we were unsure of what to do. Do we postpone the research? Do we change the research project? Do we wait it out? How do we adapt? No one had been in a situation quite like this before. However,
effects. Therefore, Beyond Stigma knew that continuing our work and research on HIV stigma in Zimbabwe was still absolutely critical despite the pandemic. In 2019, Beyond Stigma and Africaid had decided to partner on a formative research piece to support and guide a self-stigma intervention planned for young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. I was invited to the team for my research dissertation of my MSc. in Global Health degree at Trinity College Dublin. Together we developed a research plan to understand the unique beliefs and experiences of HIV self-stigma as experienced by the young adult members of Africaid. This research project was intended to be in person interviews conducted in Zimbabwe. Once COVID-19 hit, I realized that I could not travel to Zimbabwe and many members of Africaid were no longer coming to the facility due to government restrictions and worries of coronavirus. Without medication, HIV causes immunosuppression, so people living with HIV are at increased risk for catching coronavirus. The research boards temporarily shut down and we were unsure of what to do. Do we postpone the research? Do we change the research project? Do we wait it out? How do we adapt? No one had been in a situation quite like this before. However,
we knew that despite how uncertain the world was, that HIV was not going to disappear while coronavirus raged on. We knew that those living with HIV would be disproportionately affected by the crisis and that research and interventions would be needed for people living with HIV more than ever. So, we decided to adapt. The team and I came up with a new plan that allowed us to stay safe and continue our work at the same time. We redesigned the research project to be conducted online and only included members of Africaid who were adherent to their medication in order to minimize risk of coronavirus. Questions and activities were changed and adapted to the online format. Whatsapp and Zoom became our new best friends as we figured out communication and collaboration techniques remotely. In the end, with extra hard work and fantastic teamwork, we were still able to achieve our goal number of interviews. While the research experience was not quite the same online, we were able to gather valuable data for this study and for the foundation of the self-stigma intervention for young adults. Our findings will help contribute to the growing field of HIV self-stigma and demonstrate to other researchers that important research can still be completed even in the time of COVID-19. Vongai's Story: A
[ 3048, 13, 8447, 11, 12197, 520, 13495, 2993, 326, 8282, 674, 670, 290, 2267, 319, 10498, 26695, 287, 28589, 373, 991, 5543, 4688, 3805, 262, 19798, 5314, 13, 198, 818, 13130, 11, 12197, 520, 13495, 290, 3295, 1698, 550, 3066, 284, 5212, 319, 257, 1296, 876, 2267, 3704, 284, 1104, 290, 5698, 257, 2116, 12, 301, 13495, 9572, 6027, 329, 1862, 661, 2877, 351, 10498, 287, 28589, 13, 314, 373, 9392, 284, 262, 1074, 329, 616, 2267, 46793, 286, 616, 337, 3351, 13, 287, 8060, 3893, 4922, 379, 22844, 5535, 18220, 13, 17083, 356, 4166, 257, 2267, 1410, 284, 1833, 262, 3748, 9056, 290, 6461, 286, 10498, 2116, 12, 301, 13495, 355, 5924, 416, 262, 1862, 4044, 1866, 286, 3295, 1698, 13, 770, 2267, 1628, 373, 5292, 284, 307, 287, 1048, 9299, 5952, 287, 28589, 13, 198, 7454, 7375, 11008, 12, 1129, 2277, 11, 314, 6939, 326, 314, 714, 407, 3067, 284, 28589, 290, 867, 1866, 286, 3295, 1698, 547, 645, 2392, 2406, 284, 262, 6841, 2233, 284, 1230, 8733, 290, 18572, 286, 26920, 615, 19397, 13, 9170, 14103, 11, 10498, 5640, 16217, 418, 7211, 2234, 11, 523, 661, 2877, 351, 10498, 389, 379, 3220, 2526, 329, 16508, 26920, 615, 19397, 13, 383, 2267, 11490, 13413, 4423, 866, 290, 356, 547, 22147, 286, 644, 284, 466, 13, 2141, 356, 47328, 262, 2267, 30, 2141, 356, 1487, 262, 2267, 1628, 30, 2141, 356, 4043, 340, 503, 30, 1374, 466, 356, 6068, 30, 1400, 530, 550, 587, 287, 257, 3074, 2407, 588, 428, 878, 13, 198, 4864, 11 ]
[ 6372, 13, 15636, 11, 31886, 800, 11750, 7020, 430, 14691, 1057, 990, 323, 3495, 389, 23495, 60381, 304, 52320, 574, 2103, 11112, 9200, 8994, 279, 28522, 627, 644, 220, 679, 24, 11, 31886, 800, 11750, 323, 10384, 307, 1047, 6773, 311, 8427, 389, 264, 1376, 1413, 3495, 6710, 311, 1862, 323, 8641, 264, 659, 5594, 11750, 21623, 13205, 369, 3995, 1274, 5496, 449, 23495, 304, 52320, 13, 358, 574, 18719, 311, 279, 2128, 369, 856, 3495, 37445, 315, 856, 386, 3407, 13, 304, 8121, 6401, 8547, 520, 45659, 9304, 33977, 13, 32255, 584, 8040, 264, 3495, 3197, 311, 3619, 279, 5016, 21463, 323, 11704, 315, 23495, 659, 5594, 11750, 439, 10534, 555, 279, 3995, 6822, 3697, 315, 10384, 307, 13, 1115, 3495, 2447, 574, 10825, 311, 387, 304, 1732, 19905, 13375, 304, 52320, 627, 12805, 20562, 12, 777, 4295, 11, 358, 15393, 430, 358, 1436, 539, 5944, 311, 52320, 323, 1690, 3697, 315, 10384, 307, 1051, 912, 5129, 5108, 311, 279, 12764, 4245, 311, 3109, 17294, 323, 38145, 315, 33333, 13, 17586, 24099, 11, 23495, 11384, 33119, 437, 455, 4099, 11, 779, 1274, 5496, 449, 23495, 527, 520, 7319, 5326, 369, 34168, 33333, 13, 578, 3495, 21126, 28191, 9495, 1523, 323, 584, 1051, 44003, 315, 1148, 311, 656, 13, 3234, 584, 95758, 279, 3495, 30, 3234, 584, 2349, 279, 3495, 2447, 30, 3234, 584, 3868, 433, 704, 30, 2650, 656, 584, 10737, 30, 2360, 832, 1047, 1027, 304, 264, 6671, 5115, 1093, 420, 1603, 627, 11458, 11 ]
[ 584, 7020, 430, 8994, 1268, 36218, 279, 1917, 574, 11, 430, 23495, 574, 539, 2133, 311, 32153, 1418, 33333, 436, 3359, 389, 13, 1226, 7020, 430, 1884, 5496, 449, 23495, 1053, 387, 73152, 11754, 555, 279, 11501, 323, 430, 3495, 323, 39455, 1053, 387, 4460, 369, 1274, 5496, 449, 23495, 810, 1109, 3596, 13, 2100, 11, 584, 6773, 311, 10737, 13, 578, 2128, 323, 358, 3782, 709, 449, 264, 502, 3197, 430, 5535, 603, 311, 4822, 6220, 323, 3136, 1057, 990, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 1226, 76572, 279, 3495, 2447, 311, 387, 13375, 2930, 323, 1193, 5343, 3697, 315, 10384, 307, 889, 1051, 36051, 306, 311, 872, 24099, 304, 2015, 311, 30437, 5326, 315, 33333, 13, 24271, 323, 7640, 1051, 5614, 323, 30464, 311, 279, 2930, 3645, 13, 73001, 323, 38629, 6244, 1057, 502, 1888, 4885, 439, 584, 25720, 704, 10758, 323, 20632, 12823, 39529, 13, 763, 279, 842, 11, 449, 5066, 2653, 990, 323, 14964, 84633, 11, 584, 1051, 2103, 3025, 311, 11322, 1057, 5915, 1396, 315, 19905, 627, 8142, 279, 3495, 3217, 574, 539, 5115, 279, 1890, 2930, 11, 584, 1051, 3025, 311, 9762, 15525, 828, 369, 420, 4007, 323, 369, 279, 16665, 315, 279, 659, 5594, 11750, 21623, 369, 3995, 12884, 13, 5751, 14955, 690, 1520, 17210, 311, 279, 7982, 2115, 315, 23495, 659, 5594, 11750, 323, 20461, 311, 1023, 12074, 430, 3062, 3495, 649, 2103, 387, 8308, 1524, 304, 279, 892, 315, 20562, 12, 777, 627, 53, 647, 2192, 596, 15457, 25, 362 ]
ve not gone out of my way avoid them but I’ve also never made any real effort to see them. And I’m not sure why. I’ve read a lot about them, most of which I’ve forgotten, but nothing I’ve read has got me excited either. I dislike things that require hype. I knew about Tim Burton’s Batman YEARS before it came out and there was no way on earth it was ever going to live up to the hype and I was right. Don’t get me wrong it was a good film in so many ways but nothing—and I do mean NOTHING—could ever live up to the hype. That’s how I feel about all the films DC have lined up from Dawn of Justice on. It’ll be years before I get to see these films, before any of us will get to see these films, and yet every day it seems there’s another article discussing their pros and cons. There’s a school of thought that says if you have young children and fall pregnant again you shouldn’t tell them a new baby’s coming until a couple of weeks before your due date. Otherwise every day they
ve not gone out of my way avoid them but I’ve also never made any real effort to see them. And I’m not sure why. I’ve read a lot about them, most of which I’ve forgotten, but nothing I’ve read has got me excited either. I dislike things that require hype. I knew about Tim Burton’s Batman YEARS before it came out and there was no way on earth it was ever going to live up to the hype and I was right. Don’t get me wrong it was a good film in so many ways but nothing—and I do mean NOTHING—could ever live up to the hype. That’s how I feel about all the films DC have lined up from Dawn of Justice on. It’ll be years before I get to see these films, before any of us will get to see these films, and yet every day it seems there’s another article discussing their pros and cons. There’s a school of thought that says if you have young children and fall pregnant again you shouldn’t tell them a new baby’s coming until a couple of weeks before your due date. Otherwise every day they
’ll be asking you, “Is the baby here yet? Is the baby here yet?” And the same goes for sci fi fans and new films/TV shows. With regard to your comment about the new film being a bit too much of a tribute to earlier films, yes, I’ve read that and that’s only to be expected but it’s a fine line. I remember Alien 3 being heavily criticised at the time because it was different. And for a long time it was unappreciated but I think opinions are starting to change and people are starting to realise there was an awful lot good about it. If we’d never seen the first two we’d’ve been raving about it for years. And that is the problem with familiarity. It’s like the Borg. In Star Trek: The Next Generation they were a genuine menace. Not so in the Delta Quadrant where Voyager routinely shrugged them off. Or what about the Doctor Who episode ‘Dalek’. In that episode a single Dalek practically caused the Doctor to pee his pants. Jump forward a few dozen episodes and Matt Smith is prancing around in font of hundreds of them as if they
[ 303, 407, 3750, 503, 286, 616, 835, 3368, 606, 475, 314, 447, 247, 303, 635, 1239, 925, 597, 1103, 3626, 284, 766, 606, 13, 843, 314, 447, 247, 76, 407, 1654, 1521, 13, 314, 447, 247, 303, 1100, 257, 1256, 546, 606, 11, 749, 286, 543, 314, 447, 247, 303, 11564, 11, 475, 2147, 314, 447, 247, 303, 1100, 468, 1392, 502, 6568, 2035, 13, 314, 23109, 1243, 326, 2421, 20606, 13, 314, 2993, 546, 5045, 27209, 447, 247, 82, 9827, 32914, 50, 878, 340, 1625, 503, 290, 612, 373, 645, 835, 319, 4534, 340, 373, 1683, 1016, 284, 2107, 510, 284, 262, 20606, 290, 314, 373, 826, 13, 2094, 447, 247, 83, 651, 502, 2642, 340, 373, 257, 922, 2646, 287, 523, 867, 2842, 475, 2147, 960, 392, 314, 466, 1612, 5626, 39, 2751, 960, 24089, 1683, 2107, 510, 284, 262, 20606, 13, 1320, 447, 247, 82, 703, 314, 1254, 546, 477, 262, 7328, 6257, 423, 16566, 510, 422, 12258, 286, 4796, 319, 13, 632, 447, 247, 297, 307, 812, 878, 314, 651, 284, 766, 777, 7328, 11, 878, 597, 286, 514, 481, 651, 284, 766, 777, 7328, 11, 290, 1865, 790, 1110, 340, 2331, 612, 447, 247, 82, 1194, 2708, 11142, 511, 10360, 290, 762, 13, 198, 1858, 447, 247, 82, 257, 1524, 286, 1807, 326, 1139, 611, 345, 423, 1862, 1751, 290, 2121, 10423, 757, 345, 6584, 447, 247, 83, 1560, 606, 257, 649, 5156, 447, 247, 82, 2406, 1566, 257, 3155, 286, 2745, 878, 534, 2233, 3128, 13, 15323, 790, 1110, 484 ]
[ 588, 539, 8208, 704, 315, 856, 1648, 5766, 1124, 719, 358, 4070, 1101, 2646, 1903, 904, 1972, 5149, 311, 1518, 1124, 13, 1628, 358, 4344, 539, 2771, 3249, 13, 358, 4070, 1373, 264, 2763, 922, 1124, 11, 1455, 315, 902, 358, 4070, 25565, 11, 719, 4400, 358, 4070, 1373, 706, 2751, 757, 12304, 3060, 13, 358, 48969, 2574, 430, 1397, 45990, 13, 358, 7020, 922, 9538, 54755, 753, 27805, 89913, 1603, 433, 3782, 704, 323, 1070, 574, 912, 1648, 389, 9578, 433, 574, 3596, 2133, 311, 3974, 709, 311, 279, 45990, 323, 358, 574, 1314, 13, 4418, 1431, 636, 757, 5076, 433, 574, 264, 1695, 4632, 304, 779, 1690, 5627, 719, 4400, 17223, 358, 656, 3152, 87181, 2345, 29177, 3596, 3974, 709, 311, 279, 45990, 13, 3011, 753, 1268, 358, 2733, 922, 682, 279, 12631, 11162, 617, 32393, 709, 505, 35607, 315, 12007, 389, 13, 1102, 4805, 387, 1667, 1603, 358, 636, 311, 1518, 1521, 12631, 11, 1603, 904, 315, 603, 690, 636, 311, 1518, 1521, 12631, 11, 323, 3686, 1475, 1938, 433, 5084, 1070, 753, 2500, 4652, 25394, 872, 8882, 323, 1615, 627, 3947, 753, 264, 2978, 315, 3463, 430, 2795, 422, 499, 617, 3995, 2911, 323, 4498, 20895, 1578, 499, 13434, 1431, 3371, 1124, 264, 502, 8945, 753, 5108, 3156, 264, 5743, 315, 5672, 1603, 701, 4245, 2457, 13, 18715, 1475, 1938, 814 ]
[ 4805, 387, 10371, 499, 11, 1054, 3957, 279, 8945, 1618, 3686, 30, 2209, 279, 8945, 1618, 3686, 12671, 1628, 279, 1890, 5900, 369, 39074, 9314, 7359, 323, 502, 12631, 14, 16027, 5039, 627, 2409, 5363, 311, 701, 4068, 922, 279, 502, 4632, 1694, 264, 2766, 2288, 1790, 315, 264, 35491, 311, 6931, 12631, 11, 10035, 11, 358, 4070, 1373, 430, 323, 430, 753, 1193, 311, 387, 3685, 719, 433, 753, 264, 7060, 1584, 13, 358, 6227, 47847, 220, 18, 1694, 17345, 60479, 520, 279, 892, 1606, 433, 574, 2204, 13, 1628, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 433, 574, 653, 680, 2827, 10234, 719, 358, 1781, 18463, 527, 6041, 311, 2349, 323, 1274, 527, 6041, 311, 39256, 1070, 574, 459, 25629, 2763, 1695, 922, 433, 13, 1442, 584, 7070, 2646, 3970, 279, 1176, 1403, 584, 7070, 4070, 1027, 436, 2370, 922, 433, 369, 1667, 13, 1628, 430, 374, 279, 3575, 449, 71540, 13, 1102, 753, 1093, 279, 65582, 13, 763, 7834, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 814, 1051, 264, 22785, 81695, 13, 2876, 779, 304, 279, 26002, 65048, 519, 1405, 86260, 40076, 70756, 1124, 1022, 13, 2582, 1148, 922, 279, 19150, 10699, 9417, 3451, 35, 1604, 74, 24535, 763, 430, 9417, 264, 3254, 37828, 74, 32367, 9057, 279, 19150, 311, 65238, 813, 25567, 13, 29888, 4741, 264, 2478, 21030, 18243, 323, 13678, 9259, 374, 550, 9151, 2212, 304, 3381, 315, 11758, 315, 1124, 439, 422, 814 ]
the dwell times according to at least two drilling parameters is directly and unambiguously derivable from the passages of the publication of the original application in column 6, lines 28 to 30, 35 and 46 to 47, and column 6, line 56 to column 7, line 6. The use of the two parameters specified in amended claims 1 and 10 is also supported by the original claim 1 and by the embodiment disclosed in the original application with reference to Figure 4. The publication of the alleged prior art document E1 has never been proved. It may well be possible that document E1 was an internal document available only within the company Sieb & Meyer without ever having been made publicly available. But even if document E1 was considered comprised in the state of the art, the presence of an inventive step should be acknowledged for the following reasons. Document E2 discloses a drilling machine having a tool changer. However, the document is silent as to any dwell time. The use of extended dwell times as required by worktables of a big size and a high inertia leads to a slow drilling rate. This problem is addressed in document E1 which, if considered as prior art, discloses a drilling machine operating with a different dwell time for each drill tool. In document
the dwell times according to at least two drilling parameters is directly and unambiguously derivable from the passages of the publication of the original application in column 6, lines 28 to 30, 35 and 46 to 47, and column 6, line 56 to column 7, line 6. The use of the two parameters specified in amended claims 1 and 10 is also supported by the original claim 1 and by the embodiment disclosed in the original application with reference to Figure 4. The publication of the alleged prior art document E1 has never been proved. It may well be possible that document E1 was an internal document available only within the company Sieb & Meyer without ever having been made publicly available. But even if document E1 was considered comprised in the state of the art, the presence of an inventive step should be acknowledged for the following reasons. Document E2 discloses a drilling machine having a tool changer. However, the document is silent as to any dwell time. The use of extended dwell times as required by worktables of a big size and a high inertia leads to a slow drilling rate. This problem is addressed in document E1 which, if considered as prior art, discloses a drilling machine operating with a different dwell time for each drill tool. In document
E1, however, although a different optimized dwell time for each drill tool may be obtained from the machine manufacturer, only one single dwell time can be entered in the system for each drill tool, resulting in that all drilling operations carried out by the control system with a particular one of the selectable drill tools are all carried out with the same dwell time. In addition, document E1 merely teaches that big drill holes require a lower drilling precision than small drill holes and is far from suggesting that not all drill holes having the same diameter require the same degree of drilling accuracy and therefore the same dwell time. The latter concept is neither disclosed nor suggested in the alleged prior art and is advantageously used in the invention to increase the flexibility in setting the dwell time of each drilling operation so that the throughput can be optimized while maintaining a satisfactory hole placement accuracy by selecting the dwell time for drilling a specific hole according to the location precision required by the intended use of the hole. VI. The respondent's arguments in support of his request can be summarised as follows: With regard to the question of the admissibility of the opposition, the statement of grounds of opposition contained a detailed discussion of the correspondence between the features of the claimed subject matter and the disclosure of the prior art references and
[ 262, 14046, 1661, 1864, 284, 379, 1551, 734, 19747, 10007, 318, 3264, 290, 42053, 328, 24987, 16124, 540, 422, 262, 22674, 286, 262, 9207, 286, 262, 2656, 3586, 287, 5721, 718, 11, 3951, 2579, 284, 1542, 11, 3439, 290, 6337, 284, 6298, 11, 290, 5721, 718, 11, 1627, 7265, 284, 5721, 767, 11, 1627, 718, 13, 383, 779, 286, 262, 734, 10007, 7368, 287, 11412, 3667, 352, 290, 838, 318, 635, 4855, 416, 262, 2656, 1624, 352, 290, 416, 262, 23168, 16404, 287, 262, 2656, 3586, 351, 4941, 284, 11291, 604, 13, 198, 464, 9207, 286, 262, 4260, 3161, 1242, 3188, 412, 16, 468, 1239, 587, 8302, 13, 632, 743, 880, 307, 1744, 326, 3188, 412, 16, 373, 281, 5387, 3188, 1695, 691, 1626, 262, 1664, 48931, 65, 1222, 23975, 1231, 1683, 1719, 587, 925, 7271, 1695, 13, 887, 772, 611, 3188, 412, 16, 373, 3177, 19869, 287, 262, 1181, 286, 262, 1242, 11, 262, 4931, 286, 281, 47602, 2239, 815, 307, 10810, 329, 262, 1708, 3840, 13, 198, 24941, 412, 17, 5862, 4629, 257, 19747, 4572, 1719, 257, 2891, 1488, 263, 13, 2102, 11, 262, 3188, 318, 10574, 355, 284, 597, 14046, 640, 13, 383, 779, 286, 7083, 14046, 1661, 355, 2672, 416, 670, 83, 2977, 286, 257, 1263, 2546, 290, 257, 1029, 48482, 5983, 284, 257, 3105, 19747, 2494, 13, 770, 1917, 318, 9469, 287, 3188, 412, 16, 543, 11, 611, 3177, 355, 3161, 1242, 11, 5862, 4629, 257, 19747, 4572, 5361, 351, 257, 1180, 14046, 640, 329, 1123, 16007, 2891, 13, 554, 3188 ]
[ 279, 44935, 3115, 4184, 311, 520, 3325, 1403, 39662, 5137, 374, 6089, 323, 653, 3042, 27843, 7162, 19290, 481, 505, 279, 47869, 315, 279, 17009, 315, 279, 4113, 3851, 304, 3330, 220, 21, 11, 5238, 220, 1591, 311, 220, 966, 11, 220, 1758, 323, 220, 2790, 311, 220, 2618, 11, 323, 3330, 220, 21, 11, 1584, 220, 3487, 311, 3330, 220, 22, 11, 1584, 220, 21, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 279, 1403, 5137, 5300, 304, 31011, 8349, 220, 16, 323, 220, 605, 374, 1101, 7396, 555, 279, 4113, 3802, 220, 16, 323, 555, 279, 49497, 36489, 304, 279, 4113, 3851, 449, 5905, 311, 19575, 220, 19, 627, 791, 17009, 315, 279, 10711, 4972, 1989, 2246, 469, 16, 706, 2646, 1027, 19168, 13, 1102, 1253, 1664, 387, 3284, 430, 2246, 469, 16, 574, 459, 5419, 2246, 2561, 1193, 2949, 279, 2883, 8663, 65, 612, 48290, 2085, 3596, 3515, 1027, 1903, 17880, 2561, 13, 2030, 1524, 422, 2246, 469, 16, 574, 6646, 40056, 304, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 1989, 11, 279, 9546, 315, 459, 92032, 3094, 1288, 387, 26579, 369, 279, 2768, 8125, 627, 7676, 469, 17, 2624, 50441, 264, 39662, 5780, 3515, 264, 5507, 62439, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 2246, 374, 21737, 439, 311, 904, 44935, 892, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 11838, 44935, 3115, 439, 2631, 555, 990, 33210, 315, 264, 2466, 1404, 323, 264, 1579, 78552, 11767, 311, 264, 6435, 39662, 4478, 13, 1115, 3575, 374, 20669, 304, 2246, 469, 16, 902, 11, 422, 6646, 439, 4972, 1989, 11, 2624, 50441, 264, 39662, 5780, 10565, 449, 264, 2204, 44935, 892, 369, 1855, 31646, 5507, 13, 763, 2246 ]
[ 469, 16, 11, 4869, 11, 8051, 264, 2204, 34440, 44935, 892, 369, 1855, 31646, 5507, 1253, 387, 12457, 505, 279, 5780, 14290, 11, 1193, 832, 3254, 44935, 892, 649, 387, 10862, 304, 279, 1887, 369, 1855, 31646, 5507, 11, 13239, 304, 430, 682, 39662, 7677, 11953, 704, 555, 279, 2585, 1887, 449, 264, 4040, 832, 315, 279, 82151, 31646, 7526, 527, 682, 11953, 704, 449, 279, 1890, 44935, 892, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 2246, 469, 16, 16632, 33992, 430, 2466, 31646, 20349, 1397, 264, 4827, 39662, 16437, 1109, 2678, 31646, 20349, 323, 374, 3117, 505, 23377, 430, 539, 682, 31646, 20349, 3515, 279, 1890, 23899, 1397, 279, 1890, 8547, 315, 39662, 13708, 323, 9093, 279, 1890, 44935, 892, 13, 578, 15629, 7434, 374, 14188, 36489, 6463, 12090, 304, 279, 10711, 4972, 1989, 323, 374, 9610, 7162, 1511, 304, 279, 28229, 311, 5376, 279, 25152, 304, 6376, 279, 44935, 892, 315, 1855, 39662, 5784, 779, 430, 279, 64862, 649, 387, 34440, 1418, 20958, 264, 58831, 14512, 22165, 13708, 555, 27397, 279, 44935, 892, 369, 39662, 264, 3230, 14512, 4184, 311, 279, 3813, 16437, 2631, 555, 279, 10825, 1005, 315, 279, 14512, 627, 26376, 13, 578, 67988, 596, 6105, 304, 1862, 315, 813, 1715, 649, 387, 29385, 4147, 439, 11263, 512, 2409, 5363, 311, 279, 3488, 315, 279, 1008, 1869, 3225, 315, 279, 14076, 11, 279, 5224, 315, 21319, 315, 14076, 13282, 264, 11944, 10430, 315, 279, 44818, 1990, 279, 4519, 315, 279, 11922, 3917, 5030, 323, 279, 28957, 315, 279, 4972, 1989, 15407, 323 ]
taken step by step through the various stages of classical painting techniques. To begin, students will learn about the historical pigments and their origin in the natural world; these include pigments made from earth, semi precious rocks as well as a range of colours from the plant kingdom. Students will learn how to make their own oil paints using traditional recipes. Renaissance oil painting involves constructing the painting in specific stages – after the preparation of the ground, a tonal composition (grisailles) is prepared in tones of light and shade. Over this under-painting glazes of colours are then applied in a series of layers. By this method a dynamic relationship is created between the tones beneath and the glazes of colour above, this is the key to the chiaroscuro effect whereby light and dark emanate from within the paint layers, resulting in a profound luminosity in the colours as well as depth in the shadow tones. The aim of this workshop is to offer students a good grounding in the traditional painting methods employed by such artists as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Leonardo Da Vinci. Once understood, these techniques may then be adapted to all styles of painting, figurative, imaginative and abstract. Students are welcome from all levels of experience including
taken step by step through the various stages of classical painting techniques. To begin, students will learn about the historical pigments and their origin in the natural world; these include pigments made from earth, semi precious rocks as well as a range of colours from the plant kingdom. Students will learn how to make their own oil paints using traditional recipes. Renaissance oil painting involves constructing the painting in specific stages – after the preparation of the ground, a tonal composition (grisailles) is prepared in tones of light and shade. Over this under-painting glazes of colours are then applied in a series of layers. By this method a dynamic relationship is created between the tones beneath and the glazes of colour above, this is the key to the chiaroscuro effect whereby light and dark emanate from within the paint layers, resulting in a profound luminosity in the colours as well as depth in the shadow tones. The aim of this workshop is to offer students a good grounding in the traditional painting methods employed by such artists as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Leonardo Da Vinci. Once understood, these techniques may then be adapted to all styles of painting, figurative, imaginative and abstract. Students are welcome from all levels of experience including
those without previous experience. This event is not going ahead. The cost for the 5 day workshop is £420 including materials. Places are limited to ten. This course will take place in the Tower Room Renaissance Art Studio. 1.75 Yards Barrow M6970 Chenille Tapestry Upholstery Fabric in Tobacco. This high end woven upholstery weight fabric is suited for uses requiring a more durable designer fabric. Uses include any upholstery project, sofas, chairs, dining chairs, pillows, certain types of window treatments, handbags and craft projects. 12 Lancasters minelaying in the Frisian Islands, 25 OTU sorties. No aircraft lost. 3 Mosquitos to Cologne, 2 Mosquitos to Duisburg, 32 aircraft minelaying in the Frisians and off Brittany ports. No aircraft lost. 653 aircraft - 293 Lancasters, 182 Halifaxes, 89 Wellingtons, 76 Stirlings, 13 Mosquitos returned to Cologne. The aiming point for this raid was that part of Cologne situated on the east bank of the Rhine. Much industry was located there. Pathfinder ground marking was accurately maintained by both the Mosquito Oboe aircraft and the backers-up
[ 2077, 2239, 416, 2239, 832, 262, 2972, 9539, 286, 15993, 12036, 7605, 13, 1675, 2221, 11, 2444, 481, 2193, 546, 262, 6754, 12967, 902, 290, 511, 8159, 287, 262, 3288, 995, 26, 777, 2291, 12967, 902, 925, 422, 4534, 11, 10663, 14186, 12586, 355, 880, 355, 257, 2837, 286, 18915, 422, 262, 4618, 13239, 13, 14882, 481, 2193, 703, 284, 787, 511, 898, 3056, 32281, 1262, 4569, 14296, 13, 198, 49, 8107, 16419, 3056, 12036, 9018, 30580, 262, 12036, 287, 2176, 9539, 784, 706, 262, 11824, 286, 262, 2323, 11, 257, 5680, 282, 11742, 357, 2164, 9160, 21718, 8, 318, 5597, 287, 23755, 286, 1657, 290, 17979, 13, 3827, 428, 739, 12, 35436, 889, 1278, 36096, 286, 18915, 389, 788, 5625, 287, 257, 2168, 286, 11685, 13, 2750, 428, 2446, 257, 8925, 2776, 318, 2727, 1022, 262, 23755, 11061, 290, 262, 1278, 36096, 286, 9568, 2029, 11, 428, 318, 262, 1994, 284, 262, 442, 12571, 17500, 1434, 1245, 23482, 1657, 290, 3223, 31184, 378, 422, 1626, 262, 7521, 11685, 11, 7186, 287, 257, 11982, 29763, 16579, 287, 262, 18915, 355, 880, 355, 6795, 287, 262, 9082, 23755, 13, 198, 464, 4031, 286, 428, 20243, 318, 284, 2897, 2444, 257, 922, 48459, 287, 262, 4569, 12036, 5050, 9322, 416, 884, 7912, 355, 3982, 17938, 83, 11, 4643, 1326, 263, 290, 38083, 9637, 11820, 979, 13, 4874, 7247, 11, 777, 7605, 743, 788, 307, 16573, 284, 477, 12186, 286, 12036, 11, 31474, 876, 11, 41138, 290, 12531, 13, 198, 28239, 389, 7062, 422, 477, 2974, 286, 1998, 1390 ]
[ 4529, 3094, 555, 3094, 1555, 279, 5370, 18094, 315, 29924, 19354, 12823, 13, 2057, 3240, 11, 4236, 690, 4048, 922, 279, 13970, 24623, 1392, 323, 872, 6371, 304, 279, 5933, 1917, 26, 1521, 2997, 24623, 1392, 1903, 505, 9578, 11, 18768, 27498, 23902, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 2134, 315, 27230, 505, 279, 6136, 26135, 13, 20783, 690, 4048, 1268, 311, 1304, 872, 1866, 5707, 57948, 1701, 8776, 19141, 627, 49, 7304, 24918, 5707, 19354, 18065, 50453, 279, 19354, 304, 3230, 18094, 1389, 1306, 279, 18459, 315, 279, 5015, 11, 264, 8941, 278, 18528, 320, 911, 285, 87455, 8, 374, 10235, 304, 43076, 315, 3177, 323, 28601, 13, 6193, 420, 1234, 2320, 71959, 2840, 74885, 315, 27230, 527, 1243, 9435, 304, 264, 4101, 315, 13931, 13, 3296, 420, 1749, 264, 8915, 5133, 374, 3549, 1990, 279, 43076, 24923, 323, 279, 2840, 74885, 315, 12745, 3485, 11, 420, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 279, 99199, 24366, 2868, 2515, 49001, 3177, 323, 6453, 69239, 349, 505, 2949, 279, 6308, 13931, 11, 13239, 304, 264, 28254, 46058, 22828, 304, 279, 27230, 439, 1664, 439, 8149, 304, 279, 12737, 43076, 627, 791, 9395, 315, 420, 26129, 374, 311, 3085, 4236, 264, 1695, 95841, 304, 279, 8776, 19354, 5528, 20011, 555, 1778, 13820, 439, 5031, 13781, 83, 11, 6383, 91025, 323, 66486, 14569, 97866, 13, 9843, 16365, 11, 1521, 12823, 1253, 1243, 387, 30464, 311, 682, 9404, 315, 19354, 11, 56755, 1413, 11, 77361, 323, 8278, 627, 32052, 527, 10788, 505, 682, 5990, 315, 3217, 2737 ]
[ 1884, 2085, 3766, 3217, 13, 1115, 1567, 374, 539, 2133, 8469, 627, 791, 2853, 369, 279, 220, 20, 1938, 26129, 374, 7083, 12819, 2737, 7384, 13, 45836, 527, 7347, 311, 5899, 627, 2028, 3388, 690, 1935, 2035, 304, 279, 22703, 10637, 55383, 5277, 19074, 13, 220, 16, 13, 2075, 816, 2402, 4821, 654, 386, 25388, 15, 25507, 4618, 58586, 4720, 100005, 337, 77070, 37407, 304, 66210, 13, 1115, 1579, 842, 56874, 96788, 4785, 13354, 374, 32599, 369, 5829, 23537, 264, 810, 27220, 15034, 13354, 13, 39923, 2997, 904, 96788, 2447, 11, 97506, 11, 26993, 11, 18397, 26993, 11, 67026, 11, 3738, 4595, 315, 3321, 22972, 11, 1450, 53494, 323, 11003, 7224, 13, 220, 717, 39634, 14533, 1332, 7040, 287, 304, 279, 2939, 285, 1122, 23028, 11, 220, 914, 8775, 52, 3460, 552, 13, 2360, 14467, 5675, 627, 18, 12847, 447, 26675, 311, 79158, 11, 220, 17, 12847, 447, 26675, 311, 97315, 10481, 11, 220, 843, 14467, 1332, 7040, 287, 304, 279, 2939, 285, 5493, 323, 1022, 89254, 20946, 13, 2360, 14467, 5675, 627, 21598, 14467, 482, 220, 17313, 39634, 14533, 11, 220, 10828, 20442, 333, 20589, 11, 220, 4578, 57104, 82, 11, 220, 4767, 800, 2881, 826, 11, 220, 1032, 12847, 447, 26675, 6052, 311, 79158, 13, 578, 38178, 1486, 369, 420, 25834, 574, 430, 961, 315, 79158, 31183, 389, 279, 11226, 6201, 315, 279, 18452, 483, 13, 24191, 5064, 574, 7559, 1070, 13, 85281, 5015, 36024, 574, 30357, 18908, 555, 2225, 279, 12847, 42196, 507, 754, 68, 14467, 323, 279, 54730, 5352 ]
problem I can see is that you might do Mark latham out of a job. One of his favourite hobbies is dissing Hendo for Crikey. I really liked you refs to Hendo's backers. The table of OLs and their fates gives me heart, when otherwise I'd feel something close to HS's gloomy outlook. Gough was the only successful one with a long lead-up. In addition to what you mentioned he had to keep pushing for reform of the Labor structures which had made it near unelectable in Victoria especially. The contrast with Abbott is quite compelling. Gough had a comprehensive program, prepared after lengthy consultations and research. And Abbott has ... what? I think we can take some heart from that, especially when there's not much to cheer about. Very much so. The difference is that Whitlam recognised his party had a structural problem and forced them to confront it, whereas Abbott hasn't convinced himself or anyone else of anything. bb 11/4/12 3:47 pm Fraser was helped just a little bit by having 2 state premiers willing to stack the senate and block supply, which is why he did not have to wait out a full term before he got the prize.
problem I can see is that you might do Mark latham out of a job. One of his favourite hobbies is dissing Hendo for Crikey. I really liked you refs to Hendo's backers. The table of OLs and their fates gives me heart, when otherwise I'd feel something close to HS's gloomy outlook. Gough was the only successful one with a long lead-up. In addition to what you mentioned he had to keep pushing for reform of the Labor structures which had made it near unelectable in Victoria especially. The contrast with Abbott is quite compelling. Gough had a comprehensive program, prepared after lengthy consultations and research. And Abbott has ... what? I think we can take some heart from that, especially when there's not much to cheer about. Very much so. The difference is that Whitlam recognised his party had a structural problem and forced them to confront it, whereas Abbott hasn't convinced himself or anyone else of anything. bb 11/4/12 3:47 pm Fraser was helped just a little bit by having 2 state premiers willing to stack the senate and block supply, which is why he did not have to wait out a full term before he got the prize.
Abbott didn't get across the line in '10 because Gillard memorably promised no carbon tax and an East Timor solution which saved a raft of NSW seats falling. That and the Libs pre-selecting too late in same key NSW seats. silkworm 21/4/12 5:52 pm Sorry, but you're wrong about the "carbon tax." Gillard asked for an ETS on the eve of the election, and she delivered. Abbott deceitfully claimed that the carbon pricing mechanism was a tax, and Gillard foolishly let him get away with it, even though Abbott's now famous Sky News interview of 2009 showed he knew full well the difference between a carbon price and a carbon tax. Abbott goes around telling people the people it's a tax because he's hoping that people are gullible enough not to know the difference. Then we have people like Barnaby Joyce going round telling the media that the carbon pricing mechanism will be a "broad-based consumption tax." I don't think Barnaby is lying. He's just fallen into the trap set by Abbott, but then I don't see Abbott correcting this blatant bit of misinformation. If anyone is the JULIAR, it's Tony Abbott. You will
[ 1917, 314, 460, 766, 318, 326, 345, 1244, 466, 2940, 300, 37520, 503, 286, 257, 1693, 13, 1881, 286, 465, 12507, 45578, 318, 6249, 278, 14666, 78, 329, 327, 380, 2539, 13, 314, 1107, 8288, 345, 1006, 82, 284, 14666, 78, 338, 18917, 13, 198, 464, 3084, 286, 22258, 82, 290, 511, 277, 689, 3607, 502, 2612, 11, 618, 4306, 314, 1549, 1254, 1223, 1969, 284, 18070, 338, 46400, 19360, 13, 198, 38, 619, 373, 262, 691, 4388, 530, 351, 257, 890, 1085, 12, 929, 13, 554, 3090, 284, 644, 345, 4750, 339, 550, 284, 1394, 7796, 329, 4975, 286, 262, 7882, 8573, 543, 550, 925, 340, 1474, 555, 9509, 540, 287, 12313, 2592, 13, 383, 6273, 351, 16988, 318, 2407, 13206, 13, 198, 38, 619, 550, 257, 9815, 1430, 11, 5597, 706, 16452, 42052, 290, 2267, 13, 843, 16988, 468, 2644, 644, 30, 198, 40, 892, 356, 460, 1011, 617, 2612, 422, 326, 11, 2592, 618, 612, 338, 407, 881, 284, 14042, 546, 13, 198, 16371, 881, 523, 13, 383, 3580, 318, 326, 13183, 2543, 20915, 465, 2151, 550, 257, 13204, 1917, 290, 4137, 606, 284, 7239, 340, 11, 9472, 16988, 5818, 470, 9431, 2241, 393, 2687, 2073, 286, 1997, 13, 198, 11848, 1367, 14, 19, 14, 1065, 513, 25, 2857, 9114, 198, 6732, 6005, 373, 4193, 655, 257, 1310, 1643, 416, 1719, 362, 1181, 4199, 3183, 4684, 284, 8931, 262, 34548, 290, 2512, 5127, 11, 543, 318, 1521, 339, 750, 407, 423, 284, 4043, 503, 257, 1336, 3381, 878, 339, 1392, 262, 11596, 13 ]
[ 3575, 358, 649, 1518, 374, 430, 499, 2643, 656, 4488, 326, 69476, 704, 315, 264, 2683, 13, 3861, 315, 813, 19214, 64405, 374, 14091, 287, 473, 8862, 369, 92240, 798, 13, 358, 2216, 15262, 499, 44243, 311, 473, 8862, 596, 54730, 627, 791, 2007, 315, 56370, 82, 323, 872, 282, 988, 6835, 757, 4851, 11, 994, 6062, 358, 4265, 2733, 2555, 3345, 311, 34514, 596, 14015, 5650, 36721, 627, 38, 1409, 574, 279, 1193, 6992, 832, 449, 264, 1317, 3063, 5352, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 1148, 499, 9932, 568, 1047, 311, 2567, 17919, 369, 15180, 315, 279, 15277, 14726, 902, 1047, 1903, 433, 3221, 6316, 772, 481, 304, 23225, 5423, 13, 578, 13168, 449, 43227, 374, 5115, 29722, 627, 38, 1409, 1047, 264, 16195, 2068, 11, 10235, 1306, 35306, 75537, 323, 3495, 13, 1628, 43227, 706, 2564, 1148, 5380, 40, 1781, 584, 649, 1935, 1063, 4851, 505, 430, 11, 5423, 994, 1070, 596, 539, 1790, 311, 26085, 922, 627, 26840, 1790, 779, 13, 578, 6811, 374, 430, 27484, 24705, 39764, 813, 4717, 1047, 264, 24693, 3575, 323, 9770, 1124, 311, 17302, 433, 11, 20444, 43227, 12775, 956, 22954, 5678, 477, 5606, 775, 315, 4205, 627, 6194, 220, 806, 14, 19, 14, 717, 220, 18, 25, 2618, 9012, 198, 23376, 12351, 574, 9087, 1120, 264, 2697, 2766, 555, 3515, 220, 17, 1614, 6954, 4918, 10032, 311, 5729, 279, 77470, 323, 2565, 8312, 11, 902, 374, 3249, 568, 1550, 539, 617, 311, 3868, 704, 264, 2539, 4751, 1603, 568, 2751, 279, 22643, 13 ]
[ 198, 81319, 1751, 3287, 956, 636, 4028, 279, 1584, 304, 364, 605, 1606, 33826, 569, 16420, 2915, 19487, 912, 12782, 3827, 323, 459, 6460, 9538, 269, 6425, 902, 6924, 264, 53555, 315, 39008, 16712, 16054, 13, 3011, 323, 279, 5806, 82, 864, 21090, 287, 2288, 3389, 304, 1890, 1401, 39008, 16712, 627, 35904, 29700, 494, 220, 1691, 14, 19, 14, 717, 220, 20, 25, 4103, 9012, 198, 19701, 11, 719, 499, 2351, 5076, 922, 279, 330, 74441, 3827, 10246, 38, 67359, 4691, 369, 459, 469, 10155, 389, 279, 49996, 315, 279, 6355, 11, 323, 1364, 12886, 13, 43227, 86585, 3725, 11922, 430, 279, 12782, 21913, 17383, 574, 264, 3827, 11, 323, 33826, 569, 46337, 398, 1095, 1461, 636, 3201, 449, 433, 11, 1524, 3582, 43227, 596, 1457, 11495, 15064, 5513, 7274, 315, 220, 1049, 24, 8710, 568, 7020, 2539, 1664, 279, 6811, 1990, 264, 12782, 3430, 323, 264, 12782, 3827, 13, 43227, 5900, 2212, 11890, 1274, 279, 1274, 433, 596, 264, 3827, 1606, 568, 596, 16026, 430, 1274, 527, 342, 620, 1260, 3403, 539, 311, 1440, 279, 6811, 627, 12487, 584, 617, 1274, 1093, 23229, 6243, 54726, 2133, 4883, 11890, 279, 3772, 430, 279, 12782, 21913, 17383, 690, 387, 264, 330, 65, 8714, 6108, 15652, 3827, 1210, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 23229, 6243, 374, 21078, 13, 1283, 596, 1120, 21536, 1139, 279, 23709, 743, 555, 43227, 11, 719, 1243, 358, 1541, 956, 1518, 43227, 82475, 420, 72547, 2766, 315, 75159, 13, 1442, 5606, 374, 279, 88160, 40, 946, 11, 433, 596, 19036, 43227, 627, 2675, 690 ]
the use of its revenues at the Central Bank of Libya until an agreement is reached. On the other hand, the House of Representatives mandated the dismantling of militias and the deportation of foreign mercenaries in order to achieve a ceasefire. Militias BEST ADVICE SHOW Do you talk down to yourself? These pieces of advice will help you nip that in the bud If you ever find yourself being overly critical of your own actions, thoughts or feelings, that can be tough. ‘I’m not losing my mind. I’m angry at the unfairness of it,’ jailed journalist’s dad says ahead of next hearing More than a month ago, on May 24, a 37-year-old journalist from the U.S. was detained and thrown in jail, without access to a lawyer or even granted a phone call. What’s the best advice you ever received from your dad? We’d love to hear As we approach Father’s Day weekend, it seems dads are on the brain -- and it got us thinking: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten from your father? All the best ways to watch a space launch Have you ever
the use of its revenues at the Central Bank of Libya until an agreement is reached. On the other hand, the House of Representatives mandated the dismantling of militias and the deportation of foreign mercenaries in order to achieve a ceasefire. Militias BEST ADVICE SHOW Do you talk down to yourself? These pieces of advice will help you nip that in the bud If you ever find yourself being overly critical of your own actions, thoughts or feelings, that can be tough. ‘I’m not losing my mind. I’m angry at the unfairness of it,’ jailed journalist’s dad says ahead of next hearing More than a month ago, on May 24, a 37-year-old journalist from the U.S. was detained and thrown in jail, without access to a lawyer or even granted a phone call. What’s the best advice you ever received from your dad? We’d love to hear As we approach Father’s Day weekend, it seems dads are on the brain -- and it got us thinking: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten from your father? All the best ways to watch a space launch Have you ever
watched a rocket launch? Speck was featured in a recent episode of “The Best Advice Show,” and spoke about some of the best ways to take in this cool experience. “Watching a launch with a child, especially with one who has never seen a launch before, is the best experience,” Speck said. It is so cool.”If you’re trying to watch a launch online, put the launch feed up on the TV, maybe somewhere like your living room, for the best experience. What’s so cool about a rocket launch, anyway? Feeling stressed? This breathing technique might be just the trick you need Did you realize just how powerful our breath can really be? 7 ways to make better cookies from scratch When it comes to cookies, they’re all pretty good, but they were not all created equally. On this 50th anniversary for the USPS, mail a letter to a friend Fifty years ago, the former Post Office Department changed over and became the United States Postal Service. Postal Service, as we know it now, has only been around since 1970? Energized by the Civil Rights Movement, postal workers in New York went on strike, and the
[ 262, 779, 286, 663, 13089, 379, 262, 5694, 5018, 286, 13465, 1566, 281, 4381, 318, 4251, 13, 1550, 262, 584, 1021, 11, 262, 2097, 286, 17132, 28853, 262, 41928, 286, 28195, 290, 262, 24031, 286, 3215, 37569, 287, 1502, 284, 4620, 257, 29717, 13, 198, 44, 6392, 4448, 38502, 5984, 27389, 37041, 198, 5211, 345, 1561, 866, 284, 3511, 30, 2312, 5207, 286, 5608, 481, 1037, 345, 299, 541, 326, 287, 262, 3600, 198, 1532, 345, 1683, 1064, 3511, 852, 17698, 4688, 286, 534, 898, 4028, 11, 6066, 393, 7666, 11, 326, 460, 307, 5802, 13, 198, 447, 246, 40, 447, 247, 76, 407, 6078, 616, 2000, 13, 314, 447, 247, 76, 7954, 379, 262, 11675, 1108, 286, 340, 11, 447, 247, 22159, 10099, 447, 247, 82, 9955, 1139, 4058, 286, 1306, 4854, 198, 5167, 621, 257, 1227, 2084, 11, 319, 1737, 1987, 11, 257, 5214, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 10099, 422, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 373, 14847, 290, 8754, 287, 7356, 11, 1231, 1895, 284, 257, 6853, 393, 772, 7520, 257, 3072, 869, 13, 198, 2061, 447, 247, 82, 262, 1266, 5608, 345, 1683, 2722, 422, 534, 9955, 30, 775, 447, 247, 67, 1842, 284, 3285, 198, 1722, 356, 3164, 9190, 447, 247, 82, 3596, 5041, 11, 340, 2331, 47713, 389, 319, 262, 3632, 1377, 290, 340, 1392, 514, 3612, 25, 1867, 447, 247, 82, 262, 1266, 3704, 286, 5608, 345, 447, 247, 303, 1683, 7891, 422, 534, 2988, 30, 198, 3237, 262, 1266, 2842, 284, 2342, 257, 2272, 4219, 198, 11980, 345, 1683 ]
[ 279, 1005, 315, 1202, 30466, 520, 279, 10913, 8715, 315, 38059, 3156, 459, 9306, 374, 8813, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 279, 4783, 315, 40845, 65509, 279, 49212, 2785, 315, 80592, 323, 279, 59371, 315, 7362, 99687, 304, 2015, 311, 11322, 264, 82873, 627, 44, 3748, 3557, 46882, 9827, 8688, 39581, 198, 5519, 499, 3137, 1523, 311, 6261, 30, 4314, 9863, 315, 9650, 690, 1520, 499, 99570, 430, 304, 279, 37808, 198, 2746, 499, 3596, 1505, 6261, 1694, 39532, 9200, 315, 701, 1866, 6299, 11, 11555, 477, 16024, 11, 430, 649, 387, 11292, 627, 14336, 40, 4344, 539, 13490, 856, 4059, 13, 358, 4344, 19021, 520, 279, 28743, 2136, 315, 433, 23189, 55606, 23672, 753, 18233, 2795, 8469, 315, 1828, 11011, 198, 7816, 1109, 264, 2305, 4227, 11, 389, 3297, 220, 1187, 11, 264, 220, 1806, 4771, 6418, 23672, 505, 279, 549, 815, 13, 574, 37993, 323, 15338, 304, 17999, 11, 2085, 2680, 311, 264, 15779, 477, 1524, 11938, 264, 4641, 1650, 627, 3923, 753, 279, 1888, 9650, 499, 3596, 4036, 505, 701, 18233, 30, 1226, 7070, 3021, 311, 6865, 198, 2170, 584, 5603, 20941, 753, 6187, 9178, 11, 433, 5084, 89861, 527, 389, 279, 8271, 1198, 323, 433, 2751, 603, 7422, 25, 3639, 753, 279, 1888, 6710, 315, 9650, 499, 4070, 3596, 17454, 505, 701, 7126, 5380, 2460, 279, 1888, 5627, 311, 3821, 264, 3634, 7195, 198, 12389, 499, 3596 ]
[ 15746, 264, 25294, 7195, 30, 12587, 377, 574, 15109, 304, 264, 3293, 9417, 315, 1054, 791, 7252, 55820, 7073, 2476, 323, 12570, 922, 1063, 315, 279, 1888, 5627, 311, 1935, 304, 420, 7155, 3217, 13, 1054, 96837, 264, 7195, 449, 264, 1716, 11, 5423, 449, 832, 889, 706, 2646, 3970, 264, 7195, 1603, 11, 374, 279, 1888, 3217, 2476, 12587, 377, 1071, 13, 1102, 374, 779, 7155, 2029, 2746, 499, 3207, 4560, 311, 3821, 264, 7195, 2930, 11, 2231, 279, 7195, 5510, 709, 389, 279, 6007, 11, 7344, 15038, 1093, 701, 5496, 3130, 11, 369, 279, 1888, 3217, 13, 3639, 753, 779, 7155, 922, 264, 25294, 7195, 11, 13971, 5380, 6251, 20659, 32647, 30, 1115, 27027, 15105, 2643, 387, 1120, 279, 14397, 499, 1205, 198, 7131, 499, 13383, 1120, 1268, 8147, 1057, 11745, 649, 2216, 387, 5380, 22, 5627, 311, 1304, 2731, 8443, 505, 19307, 198, 4599, 433, 4131, 311, 8443, 11, 814, 3207, 682, 5128, 1695, 11, 719, 814, 1051, 539, 682, 3549, 18813, 627, 1966, 420, 220, 1135, 339, 22310, 369, 279, 85976, 11, 8232, 264, 6661, 311, 264, 4333, 198, 37, 39724, 1667, 4227, 11, 279, 4846, 3962, 8410, 6011, 5614, 927, 323, 6244, 279, 3723, 4273, 55317, 5475, 13, 55317, 5475, 11, 439, 584, 1440, 433, 1457, 11, 706, 1193, 1027, 2212, 2533, 220, 4468, 15, 30, 75101, 1534, 555, 279, 16803, 10734, 29098, 11, 40854, 7487, 304, 1561, 4356, 4024, 389, 13471, 11, 323, 279 ]
situation allowed foreign troops to hand combat duty over to the Afghans. The arrival of the Marines comes a day after the Taliban announced this year’s spring offensive, pledging to keep on pressure on Afghan’s security forces. Last week, the militants conducted one of its deadliest attacks of this year, killing over 100 troops at a military base in the northern Balkh province. With thanks to the original sources for this video from the now deceased but popular radio show "AIR AMERICA" which stopped broadcasting shortly after this clip was captured around 2012. As one can see, with US troops guarding the opium poppy fields throughout their stay in Afghanistan, from which street heroin derives, its not hard to work out who's pushing this deadly addictive black market drug that causes so much misery to all who succumb to it, apart from, of course, the producers + dealers, who make astronomical £profits. Between 2002 and 2013, heroin-related overdose deaths quadrupled. In 2014, more than 10,000 people died of heroin overdoses in America. Should we add these casualties to the 3,504 U.S. and coalition soldiers who died in the war, or the 26,000 dead Afghan civilians? FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted (© )
situation allowed foreign troops to hand combat duty over to the Afghans. The arrival of the Marines comes a day after the Taliban announced this year’s spring offensive, pledging to keep on pressure on Afghan’s security forces. Last week, the militants conducted one of its deadliest attacks of this year, killing over 100 troops at a military base in the northern Balkh province. With thanks to the original sources for this video from the now deceased but popular radio show "AIR AMERICA" which stopped broadcasting shortly after this clip was captured around 2012. As one can see, with US troops guarding the opium poppy fields throughout their stay in Afghanistan, from which street heroin derives, its not hard to work out who's pushing this deadly addictive black market drug that causes so much misery to all who succumb to it, apart from, of course, the producers + dealers, who make astronomical £profits. Between 2002 and 2013, heroin-related overdose deaths quadrupled. In 2014, more than 10,000 people died of heroin overdoses in America. Should we add these casualties to the 3,504 U.S. and coalition soldiers who died in the war, or the 26,000 dead Afghan civilians? FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted (© )
material. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed for analysis, commentary, educational and intellectual purposes. In some cases comedy and parody have been recognized as fair use. The IWC Pilot's Watch UTC Spitfire Edition 'MJ271' was introduced at SIHH 2019, marking the return of the classic 'UTC'. This watch is powered by IWC's in-house caliber 82710 with the iconic arched 'UTC' display for a second timezone. The bronze case of this 271-piece limited edition measures 41mm across. the geordie times online (newcastle united archive fanzine): THE 'WINTER' OF DISCONTENT! The Geordie Times'z 'little sister The Times of London has done an excellent article by their respected chief sports writer Henry Winter on wor current plight! THE BANNER IN THE GALLOWGATE END! Are you looking for specialists in Event Security in the Winter
[ 3074, 3142, 3215, 6553, 284, 1021, 5249, 7077, 625, 284, 262, 48336, 13, 198, 464, 10325, 286, 262, 19586, 2058, 257, 1110, 706, 262, 15471, 3414, 428, 614, 447, 247, 82, 6076, 5859, 11, 43858, 284, 1394, 319, 3833, 319, 6539, 447, 247, 82, 2324, 3386, 13, 4586, 1285, 11, 262, 13162, 5952, 530, 286, 663, 39268, 3434, 286, 428, 614, 11, 5170, 625, 1802, 6553, 379, 257, 2422, 2779, 287, 262, 7840, 29643, 71, 8473, 13, 198, 3152, 5176, 284, 262, 2656, 4237, 329, 428, 2008, 422, 262, 783, 20117, 475, 2968, 5243, 905, 366, 42149, 49463, 1, 543, 5025, 22978, 8972, 706, 428, 10651, 373, 7907, 1088, 2321, 13, 1081, 530, 460, 766, 11, 351, 1294, 6553, 33294, 262, 40299, 47867, 7032, 3690, 511, 2652, 287, 8037, 11, 422, 543, 4675, 16914, 37453, 11, 663, 407, 1327, 284, 670, 503, 508, 338, 7796, 428, 10309, 28389, 2042, 1910, 2563, 326, 5640, 523, 881, 24672, 284, 477, 508, 33505, 284, 340, 11, 5475, 422, 11, 286, 1781, 11, 262, 11408, 1343, 15737, 11, 508, 787, 37209, 4248, 31504, 13, 198, 25262, 6244, 290, 2211, 11, 16914, 12, 5363, 27357, 7040, 40977, 10137, 13, 554, 1946, 11, 517, 621, 838, 11, 830, 661, 3724, 286, 16914, 49626, 287, 2253, 13, 10358, 356, 751, 777, 18499, 284, 262, 513, 11, 33580, 471, 13, 50, 13, 290, 9906, 5795, 508, 3724, 287, 262, 1175, 11, 393, 262, 2608, 11, 830, 2636, 6539, 10380, 30, 198, 7708, 4663, 23210, 28536, 25, 770, 2008, 743, 3994, 33696, 357, 16224, 1267 ]
[ 6671, 5535, 7362, 17312, 311, 1450, 12896, 14523, 927, 311, 279, 13203, 876, 598, 627, 791, 19163, 315, 279, 51889, 4131, 264, 1938, 1306, 279, 41770, 7376, 420, 1060, 753, 10683, 15538, 11, 30886, 3252, 311, 2567, 389, 7410, 389, 17214, 753, 4868, 8603, 13, 8155, 2046, 11, 279, 39449, 13375, 832, 315, 1202, 99469, 8951, 315, 420, 1060, 11, 13419, 927, 220, 1041, 17312, 520, 264, 6411, 2385, 304, 279, 18671, 60969, 71, 17271, 627, 2409, 9523, 311, 279, 4113, 8336, 369, 420, 2835, 505, 279, 1457, 43720, 719, 5526, 9063, 1501, 330, 58261, 6912, 96390, 1, 902, 10717, 49927, 20193, 1306, 420, 12607, 574, 17439, 2212, 220, 679, 17, 13, 1666, 832, 649, 1518, 11, 449, 2326, 17312, 80600, 279, 1200, 2411, 2477, 3368, 5151, 6957, 872, 4822, 304, 21139, 11, 505, 902, 8761, 42734, 75549, 11, 1202, 539, 2653, 311, 990, 704, 889, 596, 17919, 420, 25114, 57407, 3776, 3157, 5623, 430, 11384, 779, 1790, 58701, 311, 682, 889, 20639, 3635, 311, 433, 11, 10980, 505, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 279, 24190, 489, 27291, 11, 889, 1304, 87283, 7083, 77601, 627, 26556, 220, 1049, 17, 323, 220, 679, 18, 11, 42734, 14228, 60553, 16779, 30236, 455, 839, 13, 763, 220, 679, 19, 11, 810, 1109, 220, 605, 11, 931, 1274, 8636, 315, 42734, 40552, 20274, 304, 5270, 13, 12540, 584, 923, 1521, 48988, 311, 279, 220, 18, 11, 18048, 549, 815, 13, 323, 26283, 15201, 889, 8636, 304, 279, 4208, 11, 477, 279, 220, 1627, 11, 931, 5710, 17214, 29536, 5380, 3711, 2871, 9645, 30329, 25, 1115, 2835, 1253, 6782, 59713, 320, 20644, 883 ]
[ 3769, 13, 15483, 3769, 374, 1903, 2561, 311, 12178, 8830, 315, 50953, 11, 5054, 11, 3823, 3268, 11, 7100, 11, 20095, 11, 12624, 11, 16033, 11, 31308, 11, 323, 3674, 12437, 4819, 13, 1115, 42675, 264, 364, 42000, 1005, 6, 315, 904, 1778, 59713, 3769, 439, 3984, 369, 304, 3857, 220, 7699, 315, 279, 2326, 3028, 7658, 13, 763, 18859, 449, 11106, 220, 1114, 549, 815, 732, 13, 11360, 220, 7699, 11, 420, 3769, 374, 4332, 369, 6492, 11, 31710, 11, 16627, 323, 20207, 10096, 13, 763, 1063, 5157, 23160, 323, 67265, 617, 1027, 15324, 439, 6762, 1005, 13, 578, 358, 26538, 45599, 596, 10573, 28503, 82841, 11029, 14398, 364, 78832, 15828, 6, 574, 11784, 520, 31648, 24056, 220, 679, 24, 11, 36024, 279, 471, 315, 279, 11670, 364, 21872, 4527, 1115, 3821, 374, 23134, 555, 358, 26538, 596, 304, 37002, 61868, 220, 24920, 605, 449, 279, 27373, 802, 2454, 364, 21872, 6, 3113, 369, 264, 2132, 35057, 13, 578, 40907, 1162, 315, 420, 220, 15828, 56964, 7347, 14002, 11193, 220, 3174, 3906, 4028, 13, 279, 3980, 541, 648, 3115, 2930, 320, 943, 36208, 29292, 18624, 8571, 89, 483, 1680, 3247, 364, 54, 16321, 6, 3083, 12244, 68972, 4999, 791, 4323, 541, 648, 8691, 6, 89, 364, 56492, 13219, 578, 8691, 315, 7295, 706, 2884, 459, 9250, 4652, 555, 872, 31387, 10388, 10034, 7061, 18063, 20704, 389, 4191, 1510, 71075, 4999, 17673, 426, 66914, 2006, 3247, 480, 54425, 38, 2390, 11424, 0, 8886, 499, 3411, 369, 35416, 304, 3749, 8398, 304, 279, 20704 ]
the closure by at least one integral connector portion. U.S. Pat. No. 4,666,053, hereby incorporated by reference, illustrates one embodiment of such a closure, and a method of vertically scoring the closure pilfer band. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/958,014, filed Oct. 7, 1992, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,230,234, hereby incorporated by reference, illustrates a presently preferred configuration for such vertical scoring, including a pair of staggered vertical scores. Experience has shown that consistent tamper-indication, and in particular consistent resistance to pilfer band fracture, or "pull strength", is facilitated by always positioning the vertical scoring of the pilfer band between adjacent ones of the inwardly extending projections of the band. This is in contrast to random disposition of the vertical scoring either between the projections, or in the region of, and partially or completely through, one of the projections. Heretofore, this preferred vertical scoring between the projections has not been possible during high-speed manufacture, since the closures are randomly oriented about their respective vertical axes during handling and scoring. The present invention is directed to a method and apparatus for handling a closure during manufacture such that the
the closure by at least one integral connector portion. U.S. Pat. No. 4,666,053, hereby incorporated by reference, illustrates one embodiment of such a closure, and a method of vertically scoring the closure pilfer band. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/958,014, filed Oct. 7, 1992, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,230,234, hereby incorporated by reference, illustrates a presently preferred configuration for such vertical scoring, including a pair of staggered vertical scores. Experience has shown that consistent tamper-indication, and in particular consistent resistance to pilfer band fracture, or "pull strength", is facilitated by always positioning the vertical scoring of the pilfer band between adjacent ones of the inwardly extending projections of the band. This is in contrast to random disposition of the vertical scoring either between the projections, or in the region of, and partially or completely through, one of the projections. Heretofore, this preferred vertical scoring between the projections has not been possible during high-speed manufacture, since the closures are randomly oriented about their respective vertical axes during handling and scoring. The present invention is directed to a method and apparatus for handling a closure during manufacture such that the
closure is oriented in a predetermined orientation relative to the vertical axis of the closure, thus facilitating subsequent processing, such as vertical scoring of one or more predetermined portions of the closure pilfer band. The method and apparatus of the present invention facilitate manufacture and handling of a plastic closure, and in particular a tamper-indicating closure, by orienting the closure in a predetermined orientation relative to an associated mandrel assembly. The mandrel assembly, in turn, is arranged in a predetermined relationship to an associated processing mechanism, which in the illustrated embodiment comprises an arrangement for vertically scoring the pilfer band of the closure. Thus, scoring of the closure pilfer band at a predetermined portion thereof, such as between adjacent container-engaging projections of the pilfer band, is readily and consistently achieved. In accordance with the illustrated embodiment, a method of handling a plastic closure includes providing a closure having a top wall portion and a depending annular skirt portion, and providing an orientation mandrel which includes at least one movable stop dog engageable with the closure. The present method contemplates that the closure is positioned in operative association with the orientation mandrel, and thereafter the closure and mandrel relatively rotated until the closure is positioned in a predetermined orientation with respect to the mandrel.
[ 262, 16512, 416, 379, 1551, 530, 19287, 21716, 6903, 13, 471, 13, 50, 13, 3208, 13, 1400, 13, 604, 11, 27310, 11, 2713, 18, 11, 29376, 16560, 416, 4941, 11, 21290, 530, 23168, 286, 884, 257, 16512, 11, 290, 257, 2446, 286, 31677, 9689, 262, 16512, 5560, 2232, 4097, 13, 471, 13, 50, 13, 12701, 3586, 2930, 13, 1400, 13, 8753, 14, 24, 3365, 11, 28645, 11, 5717, 2556, 13, 767, 11, 9768, 11, 783, 471, 13, 50, 13, 3208, 13, 1400, 13, 642, 11, 19214, 11, 24409, 11, 29376, 16560, 416, 4941, 11, 21290, 257, 27606, 9871, 8398, 329, 884, 11723, 9689, 11, 1390, 257, 5166, 286, 48480, 11723, 8198, 13, 198, 44901, 468, 3402, 326, 6414, 21885, 525, 12, 521, 3299, 11, 290, 287, 1948, 6414, 6625, 284, 5560, 2232, 4097, 31846, 11, 393, 366, 31216, 4202, 1600, 318, 35923, 416, 1464, 22097, 262, 11723, 9689, 286, 262, 5560, 2232, 4097, 1022, 15909, 3392, 286, 262, 29879, 306, 16610, 19887, 286, 262, 4097, 13, 770, 318, 287, 6273, 284, 4738, 24665, 286, 262, 11723, 9689, 2035, 1022, 262, 19887, 11, 393, 287, 262, 3814, 286, 11, 290, 12387, 393, 3190, 832, 11, 530, 286, 262, 19887, 13, 3423, 1462, 754, 11, 428, 9871, 11723, 9689, 1022, 262, 19887, 468, 407, 587, 1744, 1141, 1029, 12, 12287, 6161, 11, 1201, 262, 32149, 389, 15456, 25921, 546, 511, 11756, 11723, 34197, 1141, 9041, 290, 9689, 13, 198, 464, 1944, 14250, 318, 7924, 284, 257, 2446, 290, 21152, 329, 9041, 257, 16512, 1141, 6161, 884, 326, 262 ]
[ 279, 22722, 555, 520, 3325, 832, 26154, 28087, 13651, 13, 549, 815, 13, 7281, 13, 2360, 13, 220, 19, 11, 10943, 11, 25210, 11, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 11, 46480, 832, 49497, 315, 1778, 264, 22722, 11, 323, 264, 1749, 315, 52035, 20413, 279, 22722, 11715, 809, 7200, 13, 549, 815, 13, 25589, 3851, 8409, 13, 2360, 13, 220, 2589, 14, 27079, 11, 15901, 11, 13019, 5020, 13, 220, 22, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 1457, 549, 815, 13, 7281, 13, 2360, 13, 220, 20, 11, 9870, 11, 11727, 11, 22552, 32762, 555, 5905, 11, 46480, 264, 50801, 15236, 6683, 369, 1778, 12414, 20413, 11, 2737, 264, 6857, 315, 40256, 291, 12414, 12483, 627, 35215, 706, 6982, 430, 13263, 26555, 716, 18251, 20901, 11, 323, 304, 4040, 13263, 13957, 311, 11715, 809, 7200, 59904, 11, 477, 330, 24335, 8333, 498, 374, 72849, 555, 2744, 39825, 279, 12414, 20413, 315, 279, 11715, 809, 7200, 1990, 24894, 6305, 315, 279, 63018, 398, 33459, 41579, 315, 279, 7200, 13, 1115, 374, 304, 13168, 311, 4288, 46096, 315, 279, 12414, 20413, 3060, 1990, 279, 41579, 11, 477, 304, 279, 5654, 315, 11, 323, 26310, 477, 6724, 1555, 11, 832, 315, 279, 41579, 13, 6385, 295, 1073, 461, 11, 420, 15236, 12414, 20413, 1990, 279, 41579, 706, 539, 1027, 3284, 2391, 1579, 30699, 30847, 11, 2533, 279, 61000, 527, 27716, 42208, 922, 872, 20081, 12414, 25776, 2391, 11850, 323, 20413, 627, 791, 3118, 28229, 374, 15910, 311, 264, 1749, 323, 41705, 369, 11850, 264, 22722, 2391, 30847, 1778, 430, 279 ]
[ 22722, 374, 42208, 304, 264, 87010, 17140, 8844, 311, 279, 12414, 8183, 315, 279, 22722, 11, 8617, 68365, 17876, 8863, 11, 1778, 439, 12414, 20413, 315, 832, 477, 810, 87010, 19885, 315, 279, 22722, 11715, 809, 7200, 627, 791, 1749, 323, 41705, 315, 279, 3118, 28229, 28696, 30847, 323, 11850, 315, 264, 12466, 22722, 11, 323, 304, 4040, 264, 26555, 716, 18251, 292, 1113, 22722, 11, 555, 11744, 287, 279, 22722, 304, 264, 87010, 17140, 8844, 311, 459, 5938, 11837, 3833, 14956, 13, 578, 11837, 3833, 14956, 11, 304, 2543, 11, 374, 28902, 304, 264, 87010, 5133, 311, 459, 5938, 8863, 17383, 11, 902, 304, 279, 36762, 49497, 41095, 459, 27204, 369, 52035, 20413, 279, 11715, 809, 7200, 315, 279, 22722, 13, 14636, 11, 20413, 315, 279, 22722, 11715, 809, 7200, 520, 264, 87010, 13651, 34366, 11, 1778, 439, 1990, 24894, 5593, 97202, 4210, 41579, 315, 279, 11715, 809, 7200, 11, 374, 31368, 323, 21356, 17427, 627, 644, 18859, 449, 279, 36762, 49497, 11, 264, 1749, 315, 11850, 264, 12466, 22722, 5764, 8405, 264, 22722, 3515, 264, 1948, 7147, 13651, 323, 264, 11911, 3008, 1299, 38380, 13651, 11, 323, 8405, 459, 17140, 11837, 3833, 902, 5764, 520, 3325, 832, 83679, 3009, 5679, 16988, 481, 449, 279, 22722, 13, 578, 3118, 1749, 687, 77893, 430, 279, 22722, 374, 35328, 304, 64885, 15360, 449, 279, 17140, 11837, 3833, 11, 323, 46095, 279, 22722, 323, 11837, 3833, 12309, 46720, 3156, 279, 22722, 374, 35328, 304, 264, 87010, 17140, 449, 5201, 311, 279, 11837, 3833, 13 ]
caffeine – and it’s probably the most popular and widely used drug in the world. Caffeine has been used both recreationally and medicinally since before recorded history, it’s stimulant properties curing a variety of ailments. It wasn’t until 1819 when a doctor by the name of Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge was handed a box of Arabian mocha beans by the world famous German poet and baron Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that the crystalline compound we know today as caffeine was isolated. But how exactly does caffeine work? Once you ingest your Starbucks grande, quad, ristretto, nonfat, dry cappuccino, (Starbucks actually offers a book on ordering, but I didn’t read it) and it hits your small intestine you’ve got about 15 minutes of slush time before the 80-150 mg of caffeine starts to get to work on your central nervous system. Multiple cups will add to the stimulant effect since it takes about five to six hours before it totally clears your body. Does that mean you can overdose? Well, as a matter of fact, yes. While most people don’t kill themselves with caffeine (it would take about
caffeine – and it’s probably the most popular and widely used drug in the world. Caffeine has been used both recreationally and medicinally since before recorded history, it’s stimulant properties curing a variety of ailments. It wasn’t until 1819 when a doctor by the name of Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge was handed a box of Arabian mocha beans by the world famous German poet and baron Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that the crystalline compound we know today as caffeine was isolated. But how exactly does caffeine work? Once you ingest your Starbucks grande, quad, ristretto, nonfat, dry cappuccino, (Starbucks actually offers a book on ordering, but I didn’t read it) and it hits your small intestine you’ve got about 15 minutes of slush time before the 80-150 mg of caffeine starts to get to work on your central nervous system. Multiple cups will add to the stimulant effect since it takes about five to six hours before it totally clears your body. Does that mean you can overdose? Well, as a matter of fact, yes. While most people don’t kill themselves with caffeine (it would take about
10 grams = 80 or more cups in rapid succession), excessive intake of caffine can lead to several psychiatric disorders including caffeine-induced anxiety disorder and of course, sleep disorders. To put it bluntly, a stimulant is a stimulant: take too much you get twitchy and sleepless. You may want to hold off on that 4pm double espresso pick-me-up if you want to catch your requisite eight hours of zzz’s. But it’s not just the coffee you’ve got to watch. Caffeine shows up in lots of unexpected places and in some pretty hefty quantities. Eight ounces of black tea has got 45 mg. of caffeine as opposed to your regular run of the mill coffee’s 60. Dark chocolate, touted lately for it’s anti-oxidant qualities has 20 mg per ounce. Considering the number of people who consider chocolate dessert this could cause definite sleep problems. Oh, and speaking of dessert, eight ounces of Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt packs a giant 85 mg of caffeine. It may taste like a treat, but don’t hand it to your kids after dinner while they’re watching the latest Disney flick unless you’
[ 22511, 784, 290, 340, 447, 247, 82, 2192, 262, 749, 2968, 290, 6768, 973, 2563, 287, 262, 995, 13, 198, 34, 21223, 500, 468, 587, 973, 1111, 11027, 15208, 290, 6924, 3289, 1201, 878, 6264, 2106, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 11591, 415, 6608, 46053, 257, 4996, 286, 42549, 13, 632, 2492, 447, 247, 83, 1566, 1248, 1129, 618, 257, 6253, 416, 262, 1438, 286, 15442, 14485, 65, 44312, 5660, 469, 373, 10158, 257, 3091, 286, 33081, 285, 5374, 64, 16567, 416, 262, 995, 5863, 2679, 21810, 290, 2318, 261, 28056, 48566, 18042, 1514, 10567, 326, 262, 31578, 500, 13061, 356, 760, 1909, 355, 22511, 373, 11557, 13, 198, 1537, 703, 3446, 857, 22511, 670, 30, 198, 7454, 345, 26151, 534, 24527, 4490, 68, 11, 15094, 11, 374, 396, 11489, 78, 11, 1729, 17359, 11, 5894, 1275, 381, 18863, 2879, 11, 357, 8248, 18999, 1682, 4394, 257, 1492, 319, 16216, 11, 475, 314, 1422, 447, 247, 83, 1100, 340, 8, 290, 340, 7127, 534, 1402, 45426, 345, 447, 247, 303, 1392, 546, 1315, 2431, 286, 1017, 1530, 640, 878, 262, 4019, 12, 8628, 10527, 286, 22511, 4940, 284, 651, 284, 670, 319, 534, 4318, 10927, 1080, 13, 20401, 14180, 481, 751, 284, 262, 11591, 415, 1245, 1201, 340, 2753, 546, 1936, 284, 2237, 2250, 878, 340, 6635, 37526, 534, 1767, 13, 198, 13921, 326, 1612, 345, 460, 27357, 30, 198, 5779, 11, 355, 257, 2300, 286, 1109, 11, 3763, 13, 2893, 749, 661, 836, 447, 247, 83, 1494, 2405, 351, 22511, 357, 270, 561, 1011, 546 ]
[ 49750, 1389, 323, 433, 753, 4762, 279, 1455, 5526, 323, 13882, 1511, 5623, 304, 279, 1917, 627, 34, 38880, 483, 706, 1027, 1511, 2225, 23671, 30154, 323, 8249, 38745, 2533, 1603, 12715, 3925, 11, 433, 753, 12936, 69733, 6012, 97330, 264, 8205, 315, 82907, 13, 1102, 5828, 1431, 3156, 220, 10562, 24, 994, 264, 10896, 555, 279, 836, 315, 31351, 11828, 65, 93607, 6588, 713, 574, 23415, 264, 3830, 315, 73698, 4647, 6583, 27994, 555, 279, 1917, 11495, 6063, 40360, 323, 3703, 263, 88964, 87598, 6675, 6122, 19030, 430, 279, 64568, 483, 24549, 584, 1440, 3432, 439, 49750, 574, 25181, 627, 4071, 1268, 7041, 1587, 49750, 990, 5380, 12805, 499, 89372, 701, 49884, 25626, 11, 28181, 11, 436, 380, 2171, 998, 11, 2536, 45283, 11, 9235, 272, 680, 14912, 3394, 11, 320, 12988, 40888, 3604, 6209, 264, 2363, 389, 22106, 11, 719, 358, 3287, 1431, 1373, 433, 8, 323, 433, 13280, 701, 2678, 92234, 499, 4070, 2751, 922, 220, 868, 4520, 315, 1776, 1136, 892, 1603, 279, 220, 1490, 12, 3965, 14060, 315, 49750, 8638, 311, 636, 311, 990, 389, 701, 8792, 23418, 1887, 13, 29911, 26446, 690, 923, 311, 279, 12936, 69733, 2515, 2533, 433, 5097, 922, 4330, 311, 4848, 4207, 1603, 433, 12756, 57698, 701, 2547, 627, 22186, 430, 3152, 499, 649, 60553, 5380, 11649, 11, 439, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 10035, 13, 6104, 1455, 1274, 1541, 1431, 5622, 5694, 449, 49750, 320, 275, 1053, 1935, 922 ]
[ 220, 605, 34419, 284, 220, 1490, 477, 810, 26446, 304, 11295, 50787, 705, 27639, 23730, 315, 2211, 544, 483, 649, 3063, 311, 3892, 47657, 24673, 2737, 49750, 38973, 18547, 19823, 323, 315, 3388, 11, 6212, 24673, 13, 2057, 2231, 433, 49770, 398, 11, 264, 12936, 69733, 374, 264, 12936, 69733, 25, 1935, 2288, 1790, 499, 636, 60513, 88, 323, 6212, 1752, 13, 1472, 1253, 1390, 311, 3412, 1022, 389, 430, 220, 19, 5298, 2033, 66521, 3820, 35073, 5352, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 2339, 701, 82780, 8223, 4207, 315, 1167, 10616, 753, 627, 4071, 433, 753, 539, 1120, 279, 11033, 499, 4070, 2751, 311, 3821, 13, 356, 38880, 483, 5039, 709, 304, 10283, 315, 16907, 7634, 323, 304, 1063, 5128, 65242, 33776, 13, 36944, 49138, 315, 3776, 15600, 706, 2751, 220, 1774, 14060, 13, 315, 49750, 439, 16475, 311, 701, 5912, 1629, 315, 279, 2606, 11033, 753, 220, 1399, 13, 12538, 18414, 11, 67528, 31445, 369, 433, 753, 7294, 12, 85078, 519, 29600, 706, 220, 508, 14060, 824, 54808, 13, 56877, 279, 1396, 315, 1274, 889, 2980, 18414, 43849, 420, 1436, 5353, 44870, 6212, 5435, 13, 8840, 11, 323, 12365, 315, 43849, 11, 8223, 49138, 315, 7505, 612, 29808, 753, 27171, 435, 20132, 58846, 95671, 5757, 31406, 264, 14880, 220, 5313, 14060, 315, 49750, 13, 1102, 1253, 12945, 1093, 264, 4322, 11, 719, 1541, 1431, 1450, 433, 311, 701, 6980, 1306, 14177, 1418, 814, 3207, 10307, 279, 5652, 16795, 29447, 7389, 499, 529 ]
of Israel in the form of civil discourse is not considered antisemitic. Yet, all too often, this criticism is presented in a historical vacuum without any sense of context, intended to mislead its audience. This is exactly what the Soviet Union did starting in the late 1940’s – take those old canards and hateful caricatures, and harness them to persecute and demonize Jews now behind a façade of anti-Zionism. How soon we have forgotten the decades of oppression and incarceration of Soviet Jewish dissidents simply because of their identity. These are the same dangerous myths that are rearing their ugly heads today. Just this past July, two anti-Israel rallies, one in Toronto, one in Mississauga, graphically demonstrated how anti-Zionism is used as a cover for plain old antisemitism. They were organized by known hate groups with a strong presence on Ontario campuses. Far from peaceful, they quickly devolved into hatemongering and incitement to violence, with the chanting of slogans such as “intifada, intifada”, “from the river to the sea,” and most frightening of all, “The Jews are our dogs.” Is this any way to
of Israel in the form of civil discourse is not considered antisemitic. Yet, all too often, this criticism is presented in a historical vacuum without any sense of context, intended to mislead its audience. This is exactly what the Soviet Union did starting in the late 1940’s – take those old canards and hateful caricatures, and harness them to persecute and demonize Jews now behind a façade of anti-Zionism. How soon we have forgotten the decades of oppression and incarceration of Soviet Jewish dissidents simply because of their identity. These are the same dangerous myths that are rearing their ugly heads today. Just this past July, two anti-Israel rallies, one in Toronto, one in Mississauga, graphically demonstrated how anti-Zionism is used as a cover for plain old antisemitism. They were organized by known hate groups with a strong presence on Ontario campuses. Far from peaceful, they quickly devolved into hatemongering and incitement to violence, with the chanting of slogans such as “intifada, intifada”, “from the river to the sea,” and most frightening of all, “The Jews are our dogs.” Is this any way to
rally for human rights, here, in Ontario? The Arab-Israeli conflict is longstanding and very complex. The only way to resolve the issues is for the two parties to sit down together at the negotiating table and have direct dialogue. Just recently, Canada applauded as Sudan followed UAE and Bahrain in establishing a peace agreement with Israel. The Middle East is rapidly changing and finally acknowledging Israel as a partner and a neighbour. This is the way of true progress and liberalism. It’s time to leave the ancient myths and medieval tropes in the past, where they belong. To embrace each other and give each other space. To listen to one other. To rely on data and facts on the ground. To promote freedom. To build bridges, instead of threatening destruction. The IHRA definition of antisemitism will help to confront the escalating revival of an ancient hatred, and stop it once and for all, so that all of us may feel welcome and safe. Randi Skurka Randi Skurka is a writer and lay leader in the Jewish community, with a focus on education and antisemitism. She sits on the boards of Beth Sholom Synagogue and StandWithUs Canada, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies.
[ 286, 2692, 287, 262, 1296, 286, 3026, 18129, 318, 407, 3177, 33064, 368, 16233, 13, 6430, 11, 477, 1165, 1690, 11, 428, 7734, 318, 5545, 287, 257, 6754, 17076, 1231, 597, 2565, 286, 4732, 11, 5292, 284, 42154, 663, 5386, 13, 770, 318, 3446, 644, 262, 7570, 4479, 750, 3599, 287, 262, 2739, 16236, 447, 247, 82, 784, 1011, 883, 1468, 460, 1371, 290, 30367, 33674, 6691, 11, 290, 19356, 606, 284, 583, 2363, 1133, 290, 3222, 1096, 6771, 783, 2157, 257, 24685, 16175, 671, 286, 3098, 12, 57, 295, 1042, 13, 1374, 2582, 356, 423, 11564, 262, 4647, 286, 18345, 290, 27224, 286, 7570, 5582, 49913, 2391, 780, 286, 511, 5369, 13, 198, 4711, 389, 262, 976, 4923, 22886, 326, 389, 302, 1723, 511, 13400, 6665, 1909, 13, 198, 5703, 428, 1613, 2901, 11, 734, 3098, 12, 14040, 22558, 11, 530, 287, 6586, 11, 530, 287, 12732, 44718, 11, 4823, 1146, 9555, 703, 3098, 12, 57, 295, 1042, 318, 973, 355, 257, 3002, 329, 8631, 1468, 33064, 368, 18937, 13, 1119, 547, 8389, 416, 1900, 5465, 2628, 351, 257, 1913, 4931, 319, 10553, 23003, 13, 6755, 422, 12309, 11, 484, 2952, 1614, 5634, 656, 6877, 368, 506, 1586, 290, 753, 12559, 284, 3685, 11, 351, 262, 31138, 286, 31139, 884, 355, 564, 250, 600, 361, 4763, 11, 493, 361, 4763, 447, 251, 11, 564, 250, 6738, 262, 7850, 284, 262, 5417, 11, 447, 251, 290, 749, 23101, 286, 477, 11, 564, 250, 464, 6771, 389, 674, 6844, 13, 447, 251, 1148, 428, 597, 835, 284 ]
[ 315, 6921, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 8431, 41602, 374, 539, 6646, 65617, 19233, 292, 13, 14968, 11, 682, 2288, 3629, 11, 420, 19347, 374, 10666, 304, 264, 13970, 29302, 2085, 904, 5647, 315, 2317, 11, 10825, 311, 5906, 27152, 1202, 10877, 13, 1115, 374, 7041, 1148, 279, 19953, 9323, 1550, 6041, 304, 279, 3389, 220, 6393, 15, 753, 1389, 1935, 1884, 2362, 649, 2402, 323, 76815, 77071, 2859, 11, 323, 33508, 1124, 311, 38568, 1088, 323, 7097, 553, 17420, 1457, 4920, 264, 95972, 1037, 315, 7294, 11419, 290, 2191, 13, 2650, 5246, 584, 617, 25565, 279, 11026, 315, 47748, 323, 70152, 315, 19953, 13653, 14091, 7024, 5042, 1606, 315, 872, 9764, 627, 9673, 527, 279, 1890, 11660, 51286, 430, 527, 312, 3329, 872, 28360, 14971, 3432, 627, 10156, 420, 3347, 5887, 11, 1403, 7294, 72090, 57431, 11, 832, 304, 14974, 11, 832, 304, 9083, 1056, 90624, 11, 4876, 2740, 21091, 1268, 7294, 11419, 290, 2191, 374, 1511, 439, 264, 3504, 369, 14733, 2362, 65617, 19233, 2191, 13, 2435, 1051, 17057, 555, 3967, 12491, 5315, 449, 264, 3831, 9546, 389, 21193, 53008, 13, 13759, 505, 26733, 11, 814, 6288, 3567, 8905, 1139, 9072, 336, 647, 4776, 323, 3709, 275, 1133, 311, 9349, 11, 449, 279, 77674, 315, 78101, 1778, 439, 1054, 396, 333, 2649, 11, 528, 333, 2649, 9520, 1054, 1527, 279, 15140, 311, 279, 9581, 2476, 323, 1455, 54739, 315, 682, 11, 1054, 791, 17420, 527, 1057, 12875, 2029, 2209, 420, 904, 1648, 311 ]
[ 19768, 369, 3823, 3268, 11, 1618, 11, 304, 21193, 5380, 791, 10989, 72090, 72, 12324, 374, 74229, 323, 1633, 6485, 13, 578, 1193, 1648, 311, 9006, 279, 4819, 374, 369, 279, 1403, 9875, 311, 2503, 1523, 3871, 520, 279, 44725, 2007, 323, 617, 2167, 21976, 13, 4702, 6051, 11, 7008, 96728, 439, 43554, 8272, 47949, 323, 66739, 304, 31692, 264, 9096, 9306, 449, 6921, 13, 578, 12877, 6460, 374, 19019, 10223, 323, 5616, 61708, 6921, 439, 264, 8427, 323, 264, 22686, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 1648, 315, 837, 5208, 323, 84581, 627, 2181, 753, 892, 311, 5387, 279, 14154, 51286, 323, 42108, 21965, 288, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 1405, 814, 9352, 13, 2057, 27830, 1855, 1023, 323, 3041, 1855, 1023, 3634, 13, 2057, 9020, 311, 832, 1023, 13, 2057, 17631, 389, 828, 323, 13363, 389, 279, 5015, 13, 2057, 12192, 11542, 13, 2057, 1977, 40073, 11, 4619, 315, 27903, 19814, 13, 578, 46411, 5726, 7419, 315, 65617, 19233, 2191, 690, 1520, 311, 17302, 279, 77157, 57105, 315, 459, 14154, 35242, 11, 323, 3009, 433, 3131, 323, 369, 682, 11, 779, 430, 682, 315, 603, 1253, 2733, 10788, 323, 6220, 627, 57224, 72, 4923, 324, 4657, 198, 57224, 72, 4923, 324, 4657, 374, 264, 7061, 323, 11203, 7808, 304, 279, 13653, 4029, 11, 449, 264, 5357, 389, 6873, 323, 65617, 19233, 2191, 13, 3005, 23874, 389, 279, 21126, 315, 29103, 1443, 337, 316, 24028, 72036, 323, 15948, 2409, 3642, 7008, 11, 323, 10187, 264, 11060, 315, 17979, 8547, 304, 13653, 19241, 13 ]
service all the way through. And I love free shipping and return freight. Have purchased from here before and would like to do it again. Good quality, easy to find the right target. Good quality, easy to find the correct dimensions as diameter and perimeter were specified. Impressive and original ring, distinguished from other types of jewelry. Quite massive, so you have to get used to it for a moment. Well packaged and on time. Of a truth, some humans are terribly wicked! I just wonder what could have warranted this kind of wickedness. Watch the video after the cut. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service has been helping Oklahomans improve their lives since 1914. By taking the knowledge gained from scientific research at Oklahoma State University and other land-grant colleges to the people of Oklahoma, Extension has worked to increase agricultural productivity and profitability; promote better family relationships, nutrition, and health; provide better community services; and encourage the development of our youth. OSU County Extension offices throughout the state put citizens in touch with research-based information from Oklahoma State University and entire land-grant university system. This three-way county, state, and federal partnership has resulted in an effective and flexible organzation -- one that is designed to
service all the way through. And I love free shipping and return freight. Have purchased from here before and would like to do it again. Good quality, easy to find the right target. Good quality, easy to find the correct dimensions as diameter and perimeter were specified. Impressive and original ring, distinguished from other types of jewelry. Quite massive, so you have to get used to it for a moment. Well packaged and on time. Of a truth, some humans are terribly wicked! I just wonder what could have warranted this kind of wickedness. Watch the video after the cut. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service has been helping Oklahomans improve their lives since 1914. By taking the knowledge gained from scientific research at Oklahoma State University and other land-grant colleges to the people of Oklahoma, Extension has worked to increase agricultural productivity and profitability; promote better family relationships, nutrition, and health; provide better community services; and encourage the development of our youth. OSU County Extension offices throughout the state put citizens in touch with research-based information from Oklahoma State University and entire land-grant university system. This three-way county, state, and federal partnership has resulted in an effective and flexible organzation -- one that is designed to
meet the changing needs of the state's citizens while continuing to fulfill its historic role in improving the quality of life for all of the people of the state. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, a part of OSU's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, is proudly continuing its tradition of bringing the Uhiversity to you. After setting up the game with the Quick Setup Guide, and ensuring my InnerSpace program was fully updated, I attempted to launch WoW. In selecting my character set, the mouse icon indicates that something is loading up for a split second, but no client or Battle.net launcher is opened. Nothing appears to launch in the processor tab either. 1) Your ISBoxer version is several months out of date - Update it through the Help > About menu. 3) It looks like you have both AMD and nVidia drivers installed. Are you running two GPUs of different manufacturers? If not, then you may want to clean out the old, unused drivers. 4) McAffee could be interfering, and so you would need to completely uninstall it and restart your machine in order to test if it's causing a conflict. Other than that, I don't know if there are any issues with Windows 8.1 specifically, since most
[ 2139, 477, 262, 835, 832, 13, 843, 314, 1842, 1479, 8440, 290, 1441, 30724, 13, 8192, 8155, 422, 994, 878, 290, 561, 588, 284, 466, 340, 757, 13, 198, 10248, 3081, 11, 2562, 284, 1064, 262, 826, 2496, 13, 198, 10248, 3081, 11, 2562, 284, 1064, 262, 3376, 15225, 355, 14753, 290, 25317, 547, 7368, 13, 198, 26950, 3314, 290, 2656, 5858, 11, 18876, 422, 584, 3858, 286, 22634, 13, 29051, 4858, 11, 523, 345, 423, 284, 651, 973, 284, 340, 329, 257, 2589, 13, 198, 5779, 25555, 290, 319, 640, 13, 3226, 257, 3872, 11, 617, 5384, 389, 22121, 20589, 0, 314, 655, 4240, 644, 714, 423, 32502, 428, 1611, 286, 20589, 1108, 13, 6305, 262, 2008, 706, 262, 2005, 13, 383, 10433, 43457, 27995, 4809, 468, 587, 5742, 6762, 9271, 296, 504, 2987, 511, 3160, 1201, 26833, 13, 2750, 2263, 262, 3725, 8618, 422, 5654, 2267, 379, 10433, 1812, 2059, 290, 584, 1956, 12, 2164, 415, 15273, 284, 262, 661, 286, 10433, 11, 27995, 468, 3111, 284, 2620, 14240, 13714, 290, 37129, 26, 7719, 1365, 1641, 6958, 11, 16633, 11, 290, 1535, 26, 2148, 1365, 2055, 2594, 26, 290, 7898, 262, 2478, 286, 674, 6205, 13, 198, 2640, 52, 3418, 27995, 9730, 3690, 262, 1181, 1234, 4290, 287, 3638, 351, 2267, 12, 3106, 1321, 422, 10433, 1812, 2059, 290, 2104, 1956, 12, 2164, 415, 6403, 1080, 13, 770, 1115, 12, 1014, 7968, 11, 1181, 11, 290, 2717, 10413, 468, 8724, 287, 281, 4050, 290, 12846, 1618, 89, 341, 1377, 530, 326, 318, 3562, 284 ]
[ 2532, 682, 279, 1648, 1555, 13, 1628, 358, 3021, 1949, 11862, 323, 471, 46217, 13, 12522, 15075, 505, 1618, 1603, 323, 1053, 1093, 311, 656, 433, 1578, 627, 15571, 4367, 11, 4228, 311, 1505, 279, 1314, 2218, 627, 15571, 4367, 11, 4228, 311, 1505, 279, 4495, 15696, 439, 23899, 323, 47442, 1051, 5300, 627, 26282, 49053, 323, 4113, 10264, 11, 39575, 505, 1023, 4595, 315, 31817, 13, 58795, 11191, 11, 779, 499, 617, 311, 636, 1511, 311, 433, 369, 264, 4545, 627, 11649, 47237, 323, 389, 892, 13, 5046, 264, 8206, 11, 1063, 12966, 527, 50136, 45077, 0, 358, 1120, 5895, 1148, 1436, 617, 74280, 420, 3169, 315, 45077, 2136, 13, 10573, 279, 2835, 1306, 279, 4018, 13, 578, 23640, 86805, 27571, 5475, 706, 1027, 10695, 7777, 15342, 316, 598, 7417, 872, 6439, 2533, 220, 7529, 19, 13, 3296, 4737, 279, 6677, 18661, 505, 12624, 3495, 520, 23640, 3314, 3907, 323, 1023, 4363, 25313, 519, 31252, 311, 279, 1274, 315, 23640, 11, 27571, 706, 6575, 311, 5376, 29149, 26206, 323, 63336, 26, 12192, 2731, 3070, 12135, 11, 26677, 11, 323, 2890, 26, 3493, 2731, 4029, 3600, 26, 323, 15253, 279, 4500, 315, 1057, 12822, 627, 3204, 52, 6406, 27571, 19672, 6957, 279, 1614, 2231, 10495, 304, 5916, 449, 3495, 6108, 2038, 505, 23640, 3314, 3907, 323, 4553, 4363, 25313, 519, 12374, 1887, 13, 1115, 2380, 27896, 14189, 11, 1614, 11, 323, 6918, 15664, 706, 19543, 304, 459, 7524, 323, 19303, 2942, 89, 367, 1198, 832, 430, 374, 6319, 311 ]
[ 3449, 279, 10223, 3966, 315, 279, 1614, 596, 10495, 1418, 14691, 311, 21054, 1202, 18526, 3560, 304, 18899, 279, 4367, 315, 2324, 369, 682, 315, 279, 1274, 315, 279, 1614, 627, 791, 23640, 86805, 27571, 5475, 11, 264, 961, 315, 10293, 52, 596, 14829, 315, 60134, 23199, 323, 18955, 16607, 11, 374, 45909, 14691, 1202, 14135, 315, 12967, 279, 69149, 3050, 311, 499, 13, 4740, 6376, 709, 279, 1847, 449, 279, 17697, 19139, 13002, 11, 323, 23391, 856, 37456, 10115, 2068, 574, 7373, 6177, 11, 358, 17644, 311, 7195, 88745, 13, 763, 27397, 856, 3752, 743, 11, 279, 8814, 4706, 15151, 430, 2555, 374, 8441, 709, 369, 264, 6859, 2132, 11, 719, 912, 3016, 477, 16506, 5181, 47549, 374, 9107, 13, 12334, 8111, 311, 7195, 304, 279, 18121, 5769, 3060, 627, 16, 8, 4718, 3507, 1642, 261, 2373, 374, 3892, 4038, 704, 315, 2457, 482, 5666, 433, 1555, 279, 11736, 871, 10180, 5130, 627, 18, 8, 1102, 5992, 1093, 499, 617, 2225, 25300, 323, 308, 53, 87800, 12050, 10487, 13, 8886, 499, 4401, 1403, 71503, 315, 2204, 17032, 30, 1442, 539, 11, 1243, 499, 1253, 1390, 311, 4335, 704, 279, 2362, 11, 20604, 12050, 627, 19, 8, 4584, 26926, 2176, 1436, 387, 75387, 11, 323, 779, 499, 1053, 1205, 311, 6724, 54735, 433, 323, 17460, 701, 5780, 304, 2015, 311, 1296, 422, 433, 596, 14718, 264, 12324, 627, 11663, 1109, 430, 11, 358, 1541, 956, 1440, 422, 1070, 527, 904, 4819, 449, 5632, 220, 23, 13, 16, 11951, 11, 2533, 1455 ]
-year contract with club options for 2019 and 2020, avoiding arbitration Combined to go 3-2 with a 2.33 ERA (15 ER/58.0 IP) and 27 saves over 59 relief appearances with Texas and Milwaukee, 24th-lowest relief ERA in majors…his 2.33 ERA and 1.259 WHIP figures were his lowest in any full season, along with career highs in saves (27) and games finished (41)…had a 1.71 ERA (5 ER/26.1 IP) over final 26 games with Texas and Milwaukee beginning 6/24, 12th-lowest among all ML relievers in that span (min. 25.0 IP). Went 5-0 with a 2.65 ERA in a career-high 72 relief appearances…Also produced career highs in wins (5), innings (68.0) and strikeouts (67)…Posted a 1.40 ERA over his last 25 appearances (25.2ip, 4er)…Held opponents to a .249 batting average with 67 strikeouts in 68.0 innings…Retired 45 of 72 first batters faced (62.5%)…Stranded 19 of 31 inherited runners (61.3%)…Was named Brewers Unsung
-year contract with club options for 2019 and 2020, avoiding arbitration Combined to go 3-2 with a 2.33 ERA (15 ER/58.0 IP) and 27 saves over 59 relief appearances with Texas and Milwaukee, 24th-lowest relief ERA in majors…his 2.33 ERA and 1.259 WHIP figures were his lowest in any full season, along with career highs in saves (27) and games finished (41)…had a 1.71 ERA (5 ER/26.1 IP) over final 26 games with Texas and Milwaukee beginning 6/24, 12th-lowest among all ML relievers in that span (min. 25.0 IP). Went 5-0 with a 2.65 ERA in a career-high 72 relief appearances…Also produced career highs in wins (5), innings (68.0) and strikeouts (67)…Posted a 1.40 ERA over his last 25 appearances (25.2ip, 4er)…Held opponents to a .249 batting average with 67 strikeouts in 68.0 innings…Retired 45 of 72 first batters faced (62.5%)…Stranded 19 of 31 inherited runners (61.3%)…Was named Brewers Unsung
Hero as voted on by members of the Milwaukee Chapter of the Baseball Writers Association of America. Began the season with Toronto and appeared in three games before he was designated for assignment on 4/5.....was outrighted to Triple-A Buffalo on 4/15...Elected free agency on 4/16 and signed with Milwaukee on 4/18...Was assigned to Triple-A Nashville, where he went 4-1 with a 1.51 ERA and five saves in 30 relief appearances.....produced 45 strikeouts in just 41.2 innings with the Sounds...Held Pacific Coast League opponents to a .224 batting average...Contract was selected by Milwaukee on 7/21...Went 1-1 with a 1.88 ERA in 29 relief appearances with the Brewers...Retired 18 of 29 first batters faced (62.1%)...Stranded seven of 10 inherited runners (70%)...Earned his only win of the season on 8/8 vs. Los Angeles Earned his 1st win as a Blue Jay September 14 vs. BAL…Was his 1st victory since April 5, 2011 vs. CWS and the 3rd win of his career. Had his contract selected September 3 by the Blue Jays…In his 2nd stint with Toronto, did not
[ 12, 1941, 2775, 351, 3430, 3689, 329, 13130, 290, 12131, 11, 14928, 26038, 198, 20575, 1389, 284, 467, 513, 12, 17, 351, 257, 362, 13, 2091, 18802, 357, 1314, 13793, 14, 3365, 13, 15, 6101, 8, 290, 2681, 16031, 625, 7863, 8259, 11057, 351, 3936, 290, 16629, 11, 1987, 400, 12, 9319, 395, 8259, 18802, 287, 26353, 1399, 14363, 362, 13, 2091, 18802, 290, 352, 13, 25191, 7655, 4061, 5538, 547, 465, 9016, 287, 597, 1336, 1622, 11, 1863, 351, 3451, 28227, 287, 16031, 357, 1983, 8, 290, 1830, 5201, 357, 3901, 8, 1399, 18108, 257, 352, 13, 4869, 18802, 357, 20, 13793, 14, 2075, 13, 16, 6101, 8, 625, 2457, 2608, 1830, 351, 3936, 290, 16629, 3726, 718, 14, 1731, 11, 1105, 400, 12, 9319, 395, 1871, 477, 10373, 15705, 690, 287, 326, 11506, 357, 1084, 13, 1679, 13, 15, 6101, 737, 198, 54, 298, 642, 12, 15, 351, 257, 362, 13, 2996, 18802, 287, 257, 3451, 12, 8929, 7724, 8259, 11057, 1399, 7583, 4635, 3451, 28227, 287, 7864, 357, 20, 828, 16267, 357, 3104, 13, 15, 8, 290, 36431, 357, 3134, 8, 1399, 14231, 257, 352, 13, 1821, 18802, 625, 465, 938, 1679, 11057, 357, 1495, 13, 17, 541, 11, 604, 263, 8, 1399, 1544, 335, 7691, 284, 257, 764, 21626, 23761, 2811, 351, 8275, 36431, 287, 8257, 13, 15, 16267, 1399, 9781, 1202, 4153, 286, 7724, 717, 42442, 7452, 357, 5237, 13, 20, 4407, 1399, 13290, 12249, 678, 286, 3261, 19552, 19323, 357, 5333, 13, 18, 4407, 1399, 16973, 3706, 35295, 791, 9854 ]
[ 4771, 5226, 449, 6469, 2671, 369, 220, 679, 24, 323, 220, 2366, 15, 11, 31526, 54708, 198, 95368, 311, 733, 220, 18, 12, 17, 449, 264, 220, 17, 13, 1644, 45120, 320, 868, 27590, 14, 2970, 13, 15, 6933, 8, 323, 220, 1544, 27024, 927, 220, 2946, 16337, 27351, 449, 8421, 323, 36918, 11, 220, 1187, 339, 60369, 478, 16337, 45120, 304, 56333, 1981, 26301, 220, 17, 13, 1644, 45120, 323, 220, 16, 13, 15537, 8662, 3378, 12678, 1051, 813, 15821, 304, 904, 2539, 3280, 11, 3235, 449, 7076, 54879, 304, 27024, 320, 1544, 8, 323, 3953, 8220, 320, 3174, 8, 1981, 32345, 264, 220, 16, 13, 6028, 45120, 320, 20, 27590, 14, 1627, 13, 16, 6933, 8, 927, 1620, 220, 1627, 3953, 449, 8421, 323, 36918, 7314, 220, 21, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 717, 339, 60369, 478, 4315, 682, 20187, 59644, 3078, 304, 430, 9575, 320, 1083, 13, 220, 914, 13, 15, 6933, 4390, 54, 306, 220, 20, 12, 15, 449, 264, 220, 17, 13, 2397, 45120, 304, 264, 7076, 28661, 220, 5332, 16337, 27351, 1981, 13699, 9124, 7076, 54879, 304, 15160, 320, 20, 705, 36100, 320, 2614, 13, 15, 8, 323, 90026, 320, 3080, 8, 1981, 17827, 264, 220, 16, 13, 1272, 45120, 927, 813, 1566, 220, 914, 27351, 320, 914, 13, 17, 575, 11, 220, 19, 261, 8, 1981, 39, 789, 19949, 311, 264, 662, 14735, 51910, 5578, 449, 220, 3080, 90026, 304, 220, 2614, 13, 15, 36100, 1981, 12289, 2757, 220, 1774, 315, 220, 5332, 1176, 293, 10385, 17011, 320, 5538, 13, 20, 11587, 1981, 2645, 6601, 220, 777, 315, 220, 2148, 28088, 39380, 320, 5547, 13, 18, 11587, 1981, 27125, 7086, 81511, 62143, 2234 ]
[ 16905, 439, 16626, 389, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 36918, 15957, 315, 279, 38258, 59798, 10229, 315, 5270, 627, 92679, 279, 3280, 449, 14974, 323, 9922, 304, 2380, 3953, 1603, 568, 574, 24073, 369, 16720, 389, 220, 19, 14, 20, 18575, 16514, 40228, 291, 311, 37749, 6830, 32489, 389, 220, 19, 14, 868, 1131, 36, 2258, 1949, 9266, 389, 220, 19, 14, 845, 323, 8667, 449, 36918, 389, 220, 19, 14, 972, 1131, 27125, 12893, 311, 37749, 6830, 37640, 11, 1405, 568, 4024, 220, 19, 12, 16, 449, 264, 220, 16, 13, 3971, 45120, 323, 4330, 27024, 304, 220, 966, 16337, 27351, 18575, 8723, 2041, 220, 1774, 90026, 304, 1120, 220, 3174, 13, 17, 36100, 449, 279, 45241, 1131, 39, 789, 16867, 16377, 9130, 19949, 311, 264, 662, 10697, 51910, 5578, 1131, 14396, 574, 4183, 555, 36918, 389, 220, 22, 14, 1691, 1131, 54, 306, 220, 16, 12, 16, 449, 264, 220, 16, 13, 2421, 45120, 304, 220, 1682, 16337, 27351, 449, 279, 81511, 1131, 12289, 2757, 220, 972, 315, 220, 1682, 1176, 293, 10385, 17011, 320, 5538, 13, 16, 11587, 1131, 2645, 6601, 8254, 315, 220, 605, 28088, 39380, 320, 2031, 11587, 1131, 96359, 291, 813, 1193, 3243, 315, 279, 3280, 389, 220, 23, 14, 23, 6296, 13, 9853, 12167, 198, 96359, 291, 813, 220, 16, 267, 3243, 439, 264, 8868, 19455, 6250, 220, 975, 6296, 13, 70245, 1981, 27125, 813, 220, 16, 267, 12845, 2533, 5936, 220, 20, 11, 220, 679, 16, 6296, 13, 356, 7585, 323, 279, 220, 18, 6634, 3243, 315, 813, 7076, 13, 24805, 813, 5226, 4183, 6250, 220, 18, 555, 279, 8868, 66835, 1981, 644, 813, 220, 17, 303, 61808, 449, 14974, 11, 1550, 539 ]
Singer - batteria, voce Tommy Thayer - chitarra solista Note Collegamenti esterni Tour musicali del 2007 Tour dei Kiss Šumná města jsou český dokumentární cyklus, vznikající postupně v letech 1995–2008 v produkci České televize o moderní architektuře českých měst. Autorem a režisérem byl Radovan Lipus, s nímž se na scénáři podílel David Vávra, který celým cyklem jako komentující architekt provázel. V letech 1995 a 1996 byly natočeny samostatné dokumenty Šumná Ostrava, Šumná Opava a Šumná Olomouc. V roce 1999 získal projekt podobu televizního
Singer - batteria, voce Tommy Thayer - chitarra solista Note Collegamenti esterni Tour musicali del 2007 Tour dei Kiss Šumná města jsou český dokumentární cyklus, vznikající postupně v letech 1995–2008 v produkci České televize o moderní architektuře českých měst. Autorem a režisérem byl Radovan Lipus, s nímž se na scénáři podílel David Vávra, který celým cyklem jako komentující architekt provázel. V letech 1995 a 1996 byly natočeny samostatné dokumenty Šumná Ostrava, Šumná Opava a Šumná Olomouc. V roce 1999 získal projekt podobu televizního
seriálu, ale v roce 2004 bylo natáčení cyklu dočasně přerušeno z důvodu úsporných opatření v České televizi. Později bylo v natáčení pokračováno a celý cyklus skončil posledním 66. dílem Šumné Brno v roce 2008. Na celou sérii poté navázal podobný cyklus Šumné stopy, který se zaměřil na tvorbu českých architektů v zahraničí. Na obrazovkách České televize se objevil i kratší bonusový díl Šumná Šumná, který parodoval cyklus natáčením v obci Šumná. Seznam dílů �
[ 28755, 532, 4984, 544, 11, 7608, 344, 198, 13787, 1820, 536, 2794, 532, 442, 7940, 430, 1540, 12523, 198, 198, 6425, 198, 198, 5216, 1455, 3263, 72, 1658, 759, 72, 220, 198, 220, 198, 198, 39152, 10530, 72, 1619, 4343, 198, 39152, 390, 72, 20350, 25370, 254, 4182, 6557, 285, 128, 249, 38031, 44804, 280, 34754, 235, 274, 74, 127, 121, 466, 74, 1713, 6557, 35906, 8836, 3075, 41582, 385, 11, 410, 89, 17187, 1228, 8836, 66, 8836, 1281, 929, 77, 128, 249, 410, 443, 13670, 8735, 1906, 11528, 410, 990, 74, 979, 34754, 234, 274, 74, 2634, 22884, 1096, 267, 3660, 8836, 3934, 578, 21841, 84, 129, 247, 68, 34754, 235, 274, 74, 127, 121, 354, 285, 128, 249, 301, 13, 5231, 29625, 257, 302, 129, 122, 271, 2634, 2787, 416, 75, 5325, 22590, 24701, 385, 11, 264, 299, 8836, 76, 129, 122, 384, 12385, 629, 35942, 6557, 129, 247, 72, 24573, 8836, 293, 75, 3271, 569, 6557, 85, 430, 11, 479, 353, 127, 121, 18725, 127, 121, 76, 3075, 74, 10671, 474, 25496, 479, 296, 298, 23577, 8836, 66, 8836, 3934, 578, 21841, 899, 6557, 17396, 13, 198, 198, 53, 443, 13670, 8735, 257, 8235, 416, 306, 299, 5549, 46195, 28558, 6072, 455, 265, 77, 2634, 466, 74, 1713, 88, 25370, 254, 4182, 6557, 38919, 4108, 64, 11, 25370, 254, 4182, 6557, 8670, 4170, 257, 25370, 254, 4182, 6557, 6544, 296, 280, 66, 13, 569, 686, 344, 7358, 1976, 8836, 8135, 282, 386, 73, 988, 83, 24573, 672, 84, 22884, 528, 77, 8836, 8873 ]
[ 55770, 482, 8919, 689, 11, 4160, 346, 198, 25763, 2465, 666, 1155, 482, 523, 12635, 969, 2092, 9265, 271, 9290, 271, 6255, 1978, 64580, 1826, 944, 72, 720, 4815, 56050, 18273, 72, 1624, 220, 1049, 22, 198, 56050, 22558, 44730, 101945, 22082, 1995, 108015, 101062, 126186, 87061, 1995, 36722, 2483, 9693, 10784, 355, 11, 107555, 1662, 122703, 124664, 348, 107705, 220, 2550, 20, 4235, 1049, 23, 348, 61974, 5979, 107358, 110228, 553, 297, 6617, 2483, 5438, 635, 5964, 84, 100871, 123991, 102838, 13, 9648, 13475, 264, 114169, 69068, 1864, 101302, 21254, 43757, 42239, 355, 11, 274, 113235, 12453, 513, 4415, 1156, 10610, 119498, 111740, 273, 75, 6941, 650, 100350, 969, 11, 101590, 19637, 100434, 118955, 3516, 50826, 11129, 306, 103157, 126316, 2605, 1995, 28493, 382, 53, 107705, 220, 2550, 20, 264, 220, 2550, 21, 104900, 308, 4428, 13453, 33495, 119843, 52235, 87061, 88, 101945, 22082, 1995, 507, 496, 2979, 11, 101945, 22082, 1995, 10901, 2979, 264, 101945, 22082, 1995, 12225, 316, 283, 66, 13, 650, 102528, 220, 2550, 24, 125585, 74994, 106417, 84, 110228, 450, 101215 ]
[ 94446, 108374, 11, 22180, 348, 102528, 220, 1049, 19, 102343, 18050, 1995, 103172, 118955, 10036, 656, 13453, 66636, 22161, 59406, 112644, 11906, 12052, 1167, 124666, 18448, 2203, 1540, 98955, 116753, 348, 107358, 110228, 34335, 13, 80085, 107911, 102343, 348, 18050, 1995, 103172, 111957, 113021, 264, 114056, 9693, 10784, 355, 114844, 105840, 106825, 100778, 220, 2287, 13, 4194, 106539, 3516, 101945, 22082, 978, 115358, 348, 102528, 220, 1049, 23, 13, 13106, 117224, 19266, 462, 72, 116047, 8235, 113356, 106417, 100808, 9693, 10784, 355, 101945, 22082, 978, 357, 1289, 11, 101590, 513, 120901, 321, 4415, 122572, 20218, 123991, 5438, 635, 5964, 52353, 348, 1167, 15464, 5676, 101330, 13, 13106, 113794, 869, 107917, 107358, 110228, 553, 513, 2909, 59967, 602, 92114, 89950, 12306, 102028, 118105, 101945, 22082, 1995, 101945, 22082, 1995, 11, 101590, 1370, 6132, 838, 9693, 10784, 355, 18050, 113618, 107048, 348, 1536, 5979, 101945, 22082, 1995, 382, 1542, 104282, 118105, 52353, 720, 30433 ]
Zitnik, to the position of Managing Director is a reflection of his commitment to the ESCO industry and the accomplishments his team has experienced over the past five years as well as his commitment to his clients and to D.A. Davidson & Co. DesignLights Consortium (DLC) publishes 2 new resources for Cities and Towns (and the ESCOs who service these customers) for Responsible Light at Night Seven Strategies to Minimize Negative Impacts of Outdoor Light at Night This resource provides high-level application strategies that go beyond the LUNA product requirements for energy efficiency program staff, contractors, distributors, and lighting practitioners who are interested in using outdoor lighting that is both energy efficient and reduces light pollution. https://www.designlights.org/resources/reports/seven-strategies-to-minimize-negative-impacts-of-outdoor-light-at-night/ Outdoor Lighting Ordinances The DLC has posted new resources to provide some high-level information on outdoor lighting ordinances. There is a handout providing general information on outdoor lighting ordinances and how the LUNA requirements can help address them. Additionally, there are maps to show which provinces/states and cities/towns/counties throughout Canada and the
Zitnik, to the position of Managing Director is a reflection of his commitment to the ESCO industry and the accomplishments his team has experienced over the past five years as well as his commitment to his clients and to D.A. Davidson & Co. DesignLights Consortium (DLC) publishes 2 new resources for Cities and Towns (and the ESCOs who service these customers) for Responsible Light at Night Seven Strategies to Minimize Negative Impacts of Outdoor Light at Night This resource provides high-level application strategies that go beyond the LUNA product requirements for energy efficiency program staff, contractors, distributors, and lighting practitioners who are interested in using outdoor lighting that is both energy efficient and reduces light pollution. https://www.designlights.org/resources/reports/seven-strategies-to-minimize-negative-impacts-of-outdoor-light-at-night/ Outdoor Lighting Ordinances The DLC has posted new resources to provide some high-level information on outdoor lighting ordinances. There is a handout providing general information on outdoor lighting ordinances and how the LUNA requirements can help address them. Additionally, there are maps to show which provinces/states and cities/towns/counties throughout Canada and the
U.S. that have an outdoor lighting ordinance. https://www.designlights.org/resources/reports/outdoor-lighting-ordinances/ More information on the DLC’s LUNA program can be found here: https://www.designlights.org/our-work/luna/why-luna/ ECM Receives Honor from Johnson Controls Johnson Controls, Inc. recently honored the ECM Holding Group with their 2022 Customer Driven Supplier Leadership Award. JCI cited our $25 million subcontracting project at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. This project was noteworthy for its size, scale, multi-disciplinary scope, and innovative project management. ECM provided multiple energy efficiency measures to almost 7,000 housing units. Most specialty energy subcontractors only offer measures within a single trade discipline. And subcontractors which offer more than one trade seldom coordinate operations between trades on-site. At Fort Bragg, ECM delivered measures from 4 trade disciplines through a unified command structure called 1-Touch PM™. ECM managed its internal teams at Fort Bragg – Building Envelope Solutions, Aqua Engineering, HVAC Armor, and ECM Lighting – with a single point-of-contact. This style
[ 1168, 270, 17187, 11, 284, 262, 2292, 286, 37108, 5890, 318, 257, 14580, 286, 465, 7901, 284, 262, 40251, 46, 2831, 290, 262, 26516, 465, 1074, 468, 5924, 625, 262, 1613, 1936, 812, 355, 880, 355, 465, 7901, 284, 465, 7534, 290, 284, 360, 13, 32, 13, 27905, 1222, 1766, 13, 198, 23067, 43, 2337, 42727, 357, 35, 5639, 8, 34134, 362, 649, 4133, 329, 20830, 290, 40752, 357, 392, 262, 40251, 16748, 508, 2139, 777, 4297, 8, 329, 20549, 856, 4401, 379, 5265, 198, 31334, 40996, 284, 1855, 48439, 36183, 9855, 8656, 286, 43047, 4401, 379, 5265, 198, 1212, 8271, 3769, 1029, 12, 5715, 3586, 10064, 326, 467, 3675, 262, 50168, 4535, 1720, 5359, 329, 2568, 9332, 1430, 3085, 11, 17736, 11, 32612, 11, 290, 12019, 24068, 508, 389, 4609, 287, 1262, 15162, 12019, 326, 318, 1111, 2568, 6942, 290, 12850, 1657, 12231, 13, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 26124, 8091, 13, 2398, 14, 37540, 14, 48922, 14, 26548, 12, 2536, 2397, 444, 12, 1462, 12, 1084, 48439, 12, 31591, 12, 11011, 8656, 12, 1659, 12, 448, 9424, 12, 2971, 12, 265, 12, 3847, 14, 198, 7975, 9424, 43150, 14230, 34999, 198, 464, 18068, 468, 4481, 649, 4133, 284, 2148, 617, 1029, 12, 5715, 1321, 319, 15162, 12019, 36968, 13, 1318, 318, 257, 1021, 448, 4955, 2276, 1321, 319, 15162, 12019, 36968, 290, 703, 262, 50168, 4535, 5359, 460, 1037, 2209, 606, 13, 12032, 11, 612, 389, 8739, 284, 905, 543, 17812, 14, 27219, 290, 4736, 14, 12735, 82, 14, 9127, 444, 3690, 3340, 290, 262 ]
[ 1901, 275, 22212, 11, 311, 279, 2361, 315, 49407, 10783, 374, 264, 22599, 315, 813, 15507, 311, 279, 44374, 46, 5064, 323, 279, 53881, 813, 2128, 706, 10534, 927, 279, 3347, 4330, 1667, 439, 1664, 439, 813, 15507, 311, 813, 8403, 323, 311, 423, 885, 13, 54345, 612, 3623, 627, 21103, 75584, 73547, 320, 35, 8724, 8, 65585, 220, 17, 502, 5070, 369, 38373, 323, 14298, 82, 320, 438, 279, 44374, 29967, 889, 2532, 1521, 6444, 8, 369, 68728, 8828, 520, 13120, 198, 60628, 56619, 311, 3468, 12117, 51957, 14727, 11613, 315, 33782, 8828, 520, 13120, 198, 2028, 5211, 5825, 1579, 11852, 3851, 15174, 430, 733, 7953, 279, 445, 1899, 32, 2027, 8670, 369, 4907, 15374, 2068, 5687, 11, 33840, 11, 56694, 11, 323, 18186, 43195, 889, 527, 8173, 304, 1701, 16166, 18186, 430, 374, 2225, 4907, 11297, 323, 26338, 3177, 25793, 13, 3788, 1129, 2185, 37129, 14146, 2726, 40000, 10991, 3476, 60687, 1055, 42728, 70488, 4791, 13703, 12117, 62035, 12, 6802, 11613, 8838, 9994, 11020, 18179, 29883, 45427, 6018, 99635, 45623, 31137, 258, 3095, 198, 791, 44019, 706, 8621, 502, 5070, 311, 3493, 1063, 1579, 11852, 2038, 389, 16166, 18186, 89864, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 1450, 412, 8405, 4689, 2038, 389, 16166, 18186, 89864, 323, 1268, 279, 445, 1899, 32, 8670, 649, 1520, 2686, 1124, 13, 23212, 11, 1070, 527, 14370, 311, 1501, 902, 41021, 14607, 988, 323, 9919, 5640, 43456, 82143, 552, 6957, 7008, 323, 279 ]
[ 549, 815, 13, 430, 617, 459, 16166, 18186, 48721, 13, 3788, 1129, 2185, 37129, 14146, 2726, 40000, 10991, 3476, 49416, 11020, 18179, 287, 12, 6114, 3095, 6018, 7816, 2038, 389, 279, 44019, 753, 445, 1899, 32, 2068, 649, 387, 1766, 1618, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 37129, 14146, 2726, 14, 414, 29721, 13631, 8733, 14, 35734, 2922, 8733, 6018, 7650, 44, 61396, 1924, 43044, 505, 11605, 33170, 198, 63760, 33170, 11, 4953, 13, 6051, 39377, 279, 80700, 55777, 5856, 449, 872, 220, 2366, 17, 12557, 2999, 2116, 32804, 37263, 17768, 13, 622, 11487, 22628, 1057, 400, 914, 3610, 95479, 287, 2447, 520, 11246, 3320, 16094, 304, 4892, 13030, 627, 2028, 2447, 574, 67479, 369, 1202, 1404, 11, 5569, 11, 7447, 52765, 44550, 7036, 11, 323, 18699, 2447, 6373, 13, 80700, 3984, 5361, 4907, 15374, 11193, 311, 4661, 220, 22, 11, 931, 11983, 8316, 13, 7648, 36974, 4907, 95479, 1105, 1193, 3085, 11193, 2949, 264, 3254, 6696, 26434, 13, 1628, 95479, 1105, 902, 3085, 810, 1109, 832, 6696, 56452, 16580, 7677, 1990, 31442, 389, 29654, 627, 1688, 11246, 3320, 16094, 11, 80700, 12886, 11193, 505, 220, 19, 6696, 49255, 1555, 264, 43790, 3290, 6070, 2663, 220, 16, 9469, 3102, 5975, 16500, 13, 80700, 9152, 1202, 5419, 7411, 520, 11246, 3320, 16094, 1389, 17283, 2998, 19384, 23508, 11, 72507, 17005, 11, 66433, 32283, 11, 323, 80700, 45623, 1389, 449, 264, 3254, 1486, 8838, 54096, 13, 1115, 1742 ]
the outset that researchers have the right to the data and the right to publish the results no matter what the findings are. However, even when these measures are taken, there may be psychological or ideological reasons that researchers might still not be fully independent from partners. 2.2 Users: Quality of Research Findings Given the fact that field experiments can impose costs on some groups, including subjects, assessing the beneficence of a study is especially tricky. A part of the consideration of beneficence however involves an assessment of the quality of the work and the lessons that can be drawn from it. If an argument in favor of a research design is that the lessons from the research produce positive effects, for example by providing answers to normatively important questions, then an assessment of beneficence requires an expectation that the design is capable of generating credible results (Baele 2013).[8] In practice though researchers sometimes defend research that involves potential risks on the basis of the gains from knowledge there is rarely any kind of systematic accounting for such gains and rarely a treatment of how to assess these gains when there are value disagreements. Moreover researchers, given their interests in the research, are likely the wrong people to try to make this determination. Nevertheless, any claim based on the value of the findings needs to
the outset that researchers have the right to the data and the right to publish the results no matter what the findings are. However, even when these measures are taken, there may be psychological or ideological reasons that researchers might still not be fully independent from partners. 2.2 Users: Quality of Research Findings Given the fact that field experiments can impose costs on some groups, including subjects, assessing the beneficence of a study is especially tricky. A part of the consideration of beneficence however involves an assessment of the quality of the work and the lessons that can be drawn from it. If an argument in favor of a research design is that the lessons from the research produce positive effects, for example by providing answers to normatively important questions, then an assessment of beneficence requires an expectation that the design is capable of generating credible results (Baele 2013).[8] In practice though researchers sometimes defend research that involves potential risks on the basis of the gains from knowledge there is rarely any kind of systematic accounting for such gains and rarely a treatment of how to assess these gains when there are value disagreements. Moreover researchers, given their interests in the research, are likely the wrong people to try to make this determination. Nevertheless, any claim based on the value of the findings needs to
assume that the findings are credible. The credibility of research depends on many features. I would like to draw attention to one which is the loss in credibility that can arise from weak analytic transparency. Post hoc analysis is still the norm in much of political science and economics. Until recently it has been almost impossible to find a registered design of any experiment in the political economy of development (in the first draft of this paper I pointed to one study; there are now close to 200 pre-registered designs housed on the EGAP registry (109), RIDIE (37), and AEA registry (49)). When experiments are not pre-registered there may be concerns that results are selected based on their statistical significance or the substantive claims they make, with serious implications for bias (Gerber and Malhotra 2008; Casey et al. 2012). As research of this form increases in prominence, there will be a need to develop principles to address these questions of audience. For this, social scientists might follow the lead of the National Commission that established the principles for health research and seek not to root assessments of what is or is not ethical research in conflicting moral intuitions or on normative theories that may or may not be broadly shared. Instead in response to the issues raised by field experiments,
[ 262, 30761, 326, 4837, 423, 262, 826, 284, 262, 1366, 290, 262, 826, 284, 7715, 262, 2482, 645, 2300, 644, 262, 6373, 389, 13, 2102, 11, 772, 618, 777, 5260, 389, 2077, 11, 612, 743, 307, 10590, 393, 15735, 3840, 326, 4837, 1244, 991, 407, 307, 3938, 4795, 422, 4887, 13, 198, 17, 13, 17, 18987, 25, 14156, 286, 4992, 9938, 654, 198, 15056, 262, 1109, 326, 2214, 10256, 460, 13551, 3484, 319, 617, 2628, 11, 1390, 7481, 11, 24171, 262, 25021, 594, 286, 257, 2050, 318, 2592, 17198, 13, 317, 636, 286, 262, 9110, 286, 25021, 594, 2158, 9018, 281, 8922, 286, 262, 3081, 286, 262, 670, 290, 262, 11658, 326, 460, 307, 7428, 422, 340, 13, 1002, 281, 4578, 287, 2661, 286, 257, 2267, 1486, 318, 326, 262, 11658, 422, 262, 2267, 4439, 3967, 3048, 11, 329, 1672, 416, 4955, 7429, 284, 2593, 9404, 1593, 2683, 11, 788, 281, 8922, 286, 25021, 594, 4433, 281, 17507, 326, 262, 1486, 318, 6007, 286, 15453, 18409, 2482, 357, 33, 3609, 293, 2211, 42669, 23, 60, 554, 3357, 996, 4837, 3360, 4404, 2267, 326, 9018, 2785, 7476, 319, 262, 4308, 286, 262, 8810, 422, 3725, 612, 318, 8365, 597, 1611, 286, 17895, 14317, 329, 884, 8810, 290, 8365, 257, 3513, 286, 703, 284, 4659, 777, 8810, 618, 612, 389, 1988, 37990, 13, 10968, 4837, 11, 1813, 511, 5353, 287, 262, 2267, 11, 389, 1884, 262, 2642, 661, 284, 1949, 284, 787, 428, 12123, 13, 15933, 11, 597, 1624, 1912, 319, 262, 1988, 286, 262, 6373, 2476, 284 ]
[ 279, 68864, 430, 12074, 617, 279, 1314, 311, 279, 828, 323, 279, 1314, 311, 3498, 279, 3135, 912, 5030, 1148, 279, 14955, 527, 13, 4452, 11, 1524, 994, 1521, 11193, 527, 4529, 11, 1070, 1253, 387, 24064, 477, 42933, 8125, 430, 12074, 2643, 2103, 539, 387, 7373, 9678, 505, 8717, 627, 17, 13, 17, 14969, 25, 18410, 315, 8483, 7531, 826, 198, 22818, 279, 2144, 430, 2115, 21896, 649, 33330, 7194, 389, 1063, 5315, 11, 2737, 15223, 11, 47614, 279, 4270, 292, 768, 315, 264, 4007, 374, 5423, 34553, 13, 362, 961, 315, 279, 18361, 315, 4270, 292, 768, 4869, 18065, 459, 15813, 315, 279, 4367, 315, 279, 990, 323, 279, 18872, 430, 649, 387, 15107, 505, 433, 13, 1442, 459, 5811, 304, 4799, 315, 264, 3495, 2955, 374, 430, 279, 18872, 505, 279, 3495, 8356, 6928, 6372, 11, 369, 3187, 555, 8405, 11503, 311, 7617, 8046, 3062, 4860, 11, 1243, 459, 15813, 315, 4270, 292, 768, 7612, 459, 31293, 430, 279, 2955, 374, 13171, 315, 24038, 43010, 3135, 320, 33, 6043, 273, 220, 679, 18, 94638, 23, 60, 763, 6725, 3582, 12074, 7170, 10726, 3495, 430, 18065, 4754, 15635, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 279, 20192, 505, 6677, 1070, 374, 19029, 904, 3169, 315, 37538, 24043, 369, 1778, 20192, 323, 19029, 264, 6514, 315, 1268, 311, 8720, 1521, 20192, 994, 1070, 527, 907, 91972, 13, 23674, 12074, 11, 2728, 872, 12034, 304, 279, 3495, 11, 527, 4461, 279, 5076, 1274, 311, 1456, 311, 1304, 420, 26314, 13, 35053, 11, 904, 3802, 3196, 389, 279, 907, 315, 279, 14955, 3966, 311 ]
[ 9855, 430, 279, 14955, 527, 43010, 627, 791, 38769, 315, 3495, 14117, 389, 1690, 4519, 13, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 4128, 6666, 311, 832, 902, 374, 279, 4814, 304, 38769, 430, 649, 31889, 505, 7621, 79136, 28330, 13, 3962, 67490, 6492, 374, 2103, 279, 7617, 304, 1790, 315, 5054, 8198, 323, 28989, 13, 30070, 6051, 433, 706, 1027, 4661, 12266, 311, 1505, 264, 9879, 2955, 315, 904, 9526, 304, 279, 5054, 8752, 315, 4500, 320, 258, 279, 1176, 10165, 315, 420, 5684, 358, 14618, 311, 832, 4007, 26, 1070, 527, 1457, 3345, 311, 220, 1049, 864, 12, 36009, 14769, 52258, 389, 279, 57211, 2599, 19989, 320, 7743, 705, 28426, 5484, 320, 1806, 705, 323, 362, 19657, 19989, 320, 2491, 4682, 3277, 21896, 527, 539, 864, 12, 36009, 1070, 1253, 387, 10742, 430, 3135, 527, 4183, 3196, 389, 872, 29564, 26431, 477, 279, 67749, 8349, 814, 1304, 11, 449, 6129, 25127, 369, 15837, 320, 66497, 655, 323, 8560, 10847, 969, 220, 1049, 23, 26, 45624, 1880, 453, 13, 220, 679, 17, 4390, 2170, 3495, 315, 420, 1376, 12992, 304, 71199, 11, 1070, 690, 387, 264, 1205, 311, 2274, 16565, 311, 2686, 1521, 4860, 315, 10877, 13, 1789, 420, 11, 3674, 14248, 2643, 1833, 279, 3063, 315, 279, 5165, 9849, 430, 9749, 279, 16565, 369, 2890, 3495, 323, 6056, 539, 311, 3789, 41300, 315, 1148, 374, 477, 374, 539, 31308, 3495, 304, 52133, 16033, 528, 84, 6055, 477, 389, 7617, 1413, 26018, 430, 1253, 477, 1253, 539, 387, 44029, 6222, 13, 12361, 304, 2077, 311, 279, 4819, 9408, 555, 2115, 21896, 11 ]
use gossip to my advantage. As soon as I heard something juicy I told Mama and Mr. Boatwright. Some of the news I brought into the house was so good, Mr. Boatwright kept me in the kitchen repeating things over and over so long that he canceled trips to my bedroom. Good gossip always mellowed Mama. What I couldn't pick up from eavesdropping at church or peeping in one of Scary Mary's windows, I got from Pee Wee. Even though he was my so-called companion, he got on my nerves from time to time. One Sunday when Mama was home, Pee Wee wandered in and made himself comfortable at the kitchen table with Mama and me. Mr. Boatwright had gone to visit his foot doctor. Mama and I had the house to ourselves for a few hours before Pee Wee's invasion. "Sister Goode, I just stopped by to see if Annette's goin' to pick beans in the mornin'. Brother Jones is pickin' me up at 8 A.M.," Pee Wee said. I gave him a look as severe as the ones I gave to Mr. Boatwright. Pee Wee wouldn't look at me. I hated
use gossip to my advantage. As soon as I heard something juicy I told Mama and Mr. Boatwright. Some of the news I brought into the house was so good, Mr. Boatwright kept me in the kitchen repeating things over and over so long that he canceled trips to my bedroom. Good gossip always mellowed Mama. What I couldn't pick up from eavesdropping at church or peeping in one of Scary Mary's windows, I got from Pee Wee. Even though he was my so-called companion, he got on my nerves from time to time. One Sunday when Mama was home, Pee Wee wandered in and made himself comfortable at the kitchen table with Mama and me. Mr. Boatwright had gone to visit his foot doctor. Mama and I had the house to ourselves for a few hours before Pee Wee's invasion. "Sister Goode, I just stopped by to see if Annette's goin' to pick beans in the mornin'. Brother Jones is pickin' me up at 8 A.M.," Pee Wee said. I gave him a look as severe as the ones I gave to Mr. Boatwright. Pee Wee wouldn't look at me. I hated
working on the farms, and he knew it! I preferred earning my spending money by running errands for Scary Mary and her women. "I made a whole dollar yesterday," Pee Wee added. I was mad enough to slap him. "Well now." Mama turned to me. Her look said it all. The next morning I went to pick beans. That was my first and last day in the bean fields, thanks to Mr. Boatwright. A lot of mannish boys worked in the bean fields. Some of them had already fathered a baby or two. When old Mr. Jones stopped in front of our house to let me out at the end of the day, one of those boys slapped me on the butt as I was getting out of the car. Mr. Boatwright was on our front-porch glider sitting straight-backed and stone-faced, with his hands on his knees like a sphinx. He saw what that boy did to me and hopped in the house before I could get up on the front porch. Before I could get in the door, Mr. Boatwright had grabbed me by my arm and snatched me the rest of the way in. He was filled with rage.
[ 779, 30914, 284, 616, 4621, 13, 1081, 2582, 355, 314, 2982, 1223, 35075, 314, 1297, 40084, 290, 1770, 13, 30828, 29995, 13, 198, 198, 4366, 286, 262, 1705, 314, 3181, 656, 262, 2156, 373, 523, 922, 11, 1770, 13, 30828, 29995, 4030, 502, 287, 262, 9592, 20394, 1243, 625, 290, 625, 523, 890, 326, 339, 19994, 13229, 284, 616, 14043, 13, 4599, 30914, 1464, 33748, 6972, 40084, 13, 1867, 314, 3521, 470, 2298, 510, 422, 42174, 37554, 379, 4928, 393, 613, 7213, 287, 530, 286, 1446, 560, 5335, 338, 9168, 11, 314, 1392, 422, 350, 1453, 48643, 13, 3412, 996, 339, 373, 616, 523, 12, 7174, 15185, 11, 339, 1392, 319, 616, 25377, 422, 640, 284, 640, 13, 198, 198, 3198, 3502, 618, 40084, 373, 1363, 11, 350, 1453, 48643, 36036, 287, 290, 925, 2241, 6792, 379, 262, 9592, 3084, 351, 40084, 290, 502, 13, 1770, 13, 30828, 29995, 550, 3750, 284, 3187, 465, 2366, 6253, 13, 40084, 290, 314, 550, 262, 2156, 284, 6731, 329, 257, 1178, 2250, 878, 350, 1453, 48643, 338, 11796, 13, 198, 198, 1, 50, 1694, 4599, 68, 11, 314, 655, 5025, 416, 284, 766, 611, 1052, 48115, 338, 467, 259, 6, 284, 2298, 16567, 287, 262, 285, 1211, 259, 4458, 8402, 5437, 318, 2298, 259, 6, 502, 510, 379, 807, 317, 13, 44, 44388, 350, 1453, 48643, 531, 13, 198, 198, 40, 2921, 683, 257, 804, 355, 6049, 355, 262, 3392, 314, 2921, 284, 1770, 13, 30828, 29995, 13, 350, 1453, 48643, 3636, 470, 804, 379, 502, 13, 314, 16563 ]
[ 1005, 58587, 311, 856, 9610, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 358, 6755, 2555, 56153, 358, 3309, 61806, 323, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 382, 8538, 315, 279, 3754, 358, 7263, 1139, 279, 3838, 574, 779, 1695, 11, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 8774, 757, 304, 279, 9979, 40916, 2574, 927, 323, 927, 779, 1317, 430, 568, 34546, 23277, 311, 856, 14150, 13, 7839, 58587, 2744, 296, 5412, 291, 61806, 13, 3639, 358, 7846, 956, 3820, 709, 505, 384, 4798, 11513, 10964, 520, 8993, 477, 1069, 55323, 304, 832, 315, 2522, 661, 10455, 596, 11276, 11, 358, 2751, 505, 96408, 1226, 68, 13, 7570, 3582, 568, 574, 856, 779, 19434, 22489, 11, 568, 2751, 389, 856, 50581, 505, 892, 311, 892, 382, 4054, 7418, 994, 61806, 574, 2162, 11, 96408, 1226, 68, 82294, 304, 323, 1903, 5678, 10882, 520, 279, 9979, 2007, 449, 61806, 323, 757, 13, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 1047, 8208, 311, 4034, 813, 4579, 10896, 13, 61806, 323, 358, 1047, 279, 3838, 311, 13520, 369, 264, 2478, 4207, 1603, 96408, 1226, 68, 596, 30215, 382, 67410, 1601, 6122, 536, 11, 358, 1120, 10717, 555, 311, 1518, 422, 1556, 79828, 596, 733, 258, 6, 311, 3820, 27994, 304, 279, 296, 1540, 258, 4527, 27445, 12201, 374, 3820, 258, 6, 757, 709, 520, 220, 23, 362, 1345, 13, 1359, 96408, 1226, 68, 1071, 382, 40, 6688, 1461, 264, 1427, 439, 15748, 439, 279, 6305, 358, 6688, 311, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 13, 96408, 1226, 68, 8434, 956, 1427, 520, 757, 13, 358, 38674 ]
[ 3318, 389, 279, 34324, 11, 323, 568, 7020, 433, 0, 358, 15236, 28744, 856, 10374, 3300, 555, 4401, 1886, 2914, 369, 2522, 661, 10455, 323, 1077, 3278, 382, 7189, 1903, 264, 4459, 18160, 13985, 1359, 96408, 1226, 68, 3779, 13, 358, 574, 13088, 3403, 311, 51152, 1461, 382, 56084, 1457, 1210, 61806, 6656, 311, 757, 13, 6385, 1427, 1071, 433, 682, 13, 578, 1828, 6693, 358, 4024, 311, 3820, 27994, 13, 3011, 574, 856, 1176, 323, 1566, 1938, 304, 279, 21059, 5151, 11, 9523, 311, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 13, 362, 2763, 315, 38908, 819, 13305, 6575, 304, 279, 21059, 5151, 13, 4427, 315, 1124, 1047, 2736, 7126, 291, 264, 8945, 477, 1403, 382, 4599, 2362, 4491, 13, 12201, 10717, 304, 4156, 315, 1057, 3838, 311, 1095, 757, 704, 520, 279, 842, 315, 279, 1938, 11, 832, 315, 1884, 13305, 72888, 757, 389, 279, 31056, 439, 358, 574, 3794, 704, 315, 279, 1841, 13, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 574, 389, 1057, 4156, 2320, 22312, 2840, 1814, 11961, 7833, 46128, 323, 9998, 77981, 11, 449, 813, 6206, 389, 813, 31624, 1093, 264, 42822, 20612, 13, 1283, 5602, 1148, 430, 8334, 1550, 311, 757, 323, 305, 18033, 304, 279, 3838, 1603, 358, 1436, 636, 709, 389, 279, 4156, 45747, 382, 10438, 358, 1436, 636, 304, 279, 6134, 11, 4491, 13, 45332, 53852, 1047, 30418, 757, 555, 856, 6916, 323, 4224, 35344, 757, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 1648, 304, 13, 1283, 574, 10409, 449, 34049, 13 ]
Recent medical research on both animals and humans has validated many of turmeric’s traditional uses for the prevention and treatment of conditions associated with inflammation. These include certain cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. If you have a chance, take an hour to survey the research literature on turmeric via your favorite search engine—you will be astonished at the overwhelming evidence of its benefits. Papaya (carica papaya) Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) Meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria) Basil (ocimum basilicum) Pumpkin (cucurbita pepo) Alexandrian Senna (senna alexandrina) Herbs Tips Copyright © 2019. Delayed reopening for Grayswood Primary School after bad weather hit building works The school is going through a multi-million pound expansion to take on more pupils in the next couple of years Becca Taylor Sally Bloomfield with pupils at the new entrance A delay to the start of term saw parents and children club together to save their school near Haslemere. Grayswood Primary School, in Lower Road, had to put back the start of the
Recent medical research on both animals and humans has validated many of turmeric’s traditional uses for the prevention and treatment of conditions associated with inflammation. These include certain cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. If you have a chance, take an hour to survey the research literature on turmeric via your favorite search engine—you will be astonished at the overwhelming evidence of its benefits. Papaya (carica papaya) Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) Meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria) Basil (ocimum basilicum) Pumpkin (cucurbita pepo) Alexandrian Senna (senna alexandrina) Herbs Tips Copyright © 2019. Delayed reopening for Grayswood Primary School after bad weather hit building works The school is going through a multi-million pound expansion to take on more pupils in the next couple of years Becca Taylor Sally Bloomfield with pupils at the new entrance A delay to the start of term saw parents and children club together to save their school near Haslemere. Grayswood Primary School, in Lower Road, had to put back the start of the
2015/16 term by a week when torrential rain saw building works grind to a muddy halt for several days. When the school finally opened its doors last Monday (September 14), pupils were able to gaze upon the results of the £2m refurbishment including a new pupil entrance and four new classrooms. A specialised science, technology and art space, kitchen, toilets and hall will be completed in the next few weeks. Headteacher Sally Bloomfield said: “Without hesitation, acting headteacher Clare Talbot from Woolmer Hill secondary school enabled pupils from Grayswood to be educated at her school. “It was a fantastic collaboration with everyone benefiting from working together. We had access to a classroom base, the gym, media lab with iPads, the canteen for lunches and outdoor play space.” Pupils showing headteacher Sally Bloomfield their new play area Chairman of governors, Fiona Tough, said: “This is such an exciting and pivotal time for our village school, which not only has a secure future but incredible new facilities. “It is wonderful to see the children enjoying the new environment and the opportunities it is already bringing. “It has been a long journey and
[ 22926, 3315, 2267, 319, 1111, 4695, 290, 5384, 468, 31031, 867, 286, 7858, 946, 447, 247, 82, 4569, 3544, 329, 262, 14196, 290, 3513, 286, 3403, 3917, 351, 20881, 13, 2312, 2291, 1728, 25217, 11, 2612, 4369, 11, 290, 2099, 362, 12593, 13, 1002, 345, 423, 257, 2863, 11, 1011, 281, 1711, 284, 5526, 262, 2267, 9285, 319, 7858, 946, 2884, 534, 4004, 2989, 3113, 960, 5832, 481, 307, 40962, 379, 262, 9721, 2370, 286, 663, 4034, 13, 198, 47, 499, 11729, 357, 7718, 3970, 20461, 11729, 8, 198, 50, 707, 3175, 4164, 1462, 357, 325, 918, 12162, 1128, 641, 8, 198, 44, 1329, 1666, 7277, 357, 10379, 541, 437, 4712, 14856, 3876, 544, 8, 198, 15522, 346, 357, 420, 2847, 37792, 39901, 8, 198, 47, 931, 5116, 357, 66, 1229, 333, 2545, 64, 279, 538, 78, 8, 198, 15309, 392, 4484, 311, 13713, 357, 82, 13713, 257, 2588, 392, 22267, 8, 198, 9360, 1443, 27558, 15069, 10673, 13130, 13, 4216, 16548, 302, 29443, 329, 1902, 592, 3822, 21087, 3961, 706, 2089, 6193, 2277, 2615, 2499, 198, 464, 1524, 318, 1016, 832, 257, 5021, 12, 14100, 14896, 7118, 284, 1011, 319, 517, 25613, 287, 262, 1306, 3155, 286, 812, 198, 3856, 13227, 8121, 198, 50, 453, 11891, 3245, 351, 25613, 379, 262, 649, 10384, 198, 32, 5711, 284, 262, 923, 286, 3381, 2497, 3397, 290, 1751, 3430, 1978, 284, 3613, 511, 1524, 1474, 7875, 10671, 567, 13, 198, 8642, 592, 3822, 21087, 3961, 11, 287, 16048, 5567, 11, 550, 284, 1234, 736, 262, 923, 286, 262 ]
[ 35390, 6593, 3495, 389, 2225, 10099, 323, 12966, 706, 33432, 1690, 315, 13535, 2165, 753, 8776, 5829, 369, 279, 27344, 323, 6514, 315, 4787, 5938, 449, 37140, 13, 4314, 2997, 3738, 51423, 11, 4851, 8624, 11, 323, 955, 220, 17, 20335, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 6140, 11, 1935, 459, 6596, 311, 10795, 279, 3495, 17649, 389, 13535, 2165, 4669, 701, 7075, 2778, 4817, 71480, 690, 387, 100174, 520, 279, 22798, 6029, 315, 1202, 7720, 627, 47, 391, 12874, 320, 7063, 3074, 26365, 12874, 340, 50, 675, 11165, 4150, 998, 320, 805, 12052, 64, 2109, 729, 340, 44, 3228, 4336, 4589, 320, 12723, 575, 408, 5724, 8725, 5730, 689, 340, 33, 30149, 320, 511, 3375, 68186, 86231, 340, 47, 1538, 8148, 320, 66, 1791, 324, 4590, 64, 87695, 78, 340, 28487, 438, 7414, 328, 15299, 320, 82, 15299, 57578, 438, 41071, 340, 21364, 1302, 26788, 3028, 7388, 220, 679, 24, 13, 40893, 291, 94500, 369, 2895, 954, 6798, 26150, 6150, 1306, 3958, 9282, 4295, 4857, 4375, 198, 791, 2978, 374, 2133, 1555, 264, 7447, 46149, 31123, 14800, 311, 1935, 389, 810, 45172, 304, 279, 1828, 5743, 315, 1667, 198, 3513, 25445, 16844, 198, 50, 750, 25517, 2630, 449, 45172, 520, 279, 502, 20396, 198, 32, 7781, 311, 279, 1212, 315, 4751, 5602, 6699, 323, 2911, 6469, 3871, 311, 3665, 872, 2978, 3221, 11697, 3516, 486, 627, 6600, 954, 6798, 26150, 6150, 11, 304, 28636, 9728, 11, 1047, 311, 2231, 1203, 279, 1212, 315, 279 ]
[ 220, 679, 20, 14, 845, 4751, 555, 264, 2046, 994, 31675, 532, 11422, 5602, 4857, 4375, 40336, 311, 264, 80573, 27365, 369, 3892, 2919, 627, 4599, 279, 2978, 5616, 9107, 1202, 14365, 1566, 7159, 320, 30649, 220, 975, 705, 45172, 1051, 3025, 311, 36496, 5304, 279, 3135, 315, 279, 7083, 17, 76, 56756, 16409, 2737, 264, 502, 61072, 20396, 323, 3116, 502, 58216, 627, 32, 89004, 8198, 11, 5557, 323, 1989, 3634, 11, 9979, 11, 63287, 323, 14321, 690, 387, 8308, 304, 279, 1828, 2478, 5672, 627, 12626, 24247, 53391, 25517, 2630, 1071, 25, 1054, 27131, 65437, 11, 15718, 2010, 24247, 62140, 18051, 6465, 505, 47400, 1195, 8270, 14580, 2978, 9147, 45172, 505, 2895, 954, 6798, 311, 387, 33142, 520, 1077, 2978, 627, 17818, 574, 264, 14964, 20632, 449, 5127, 84015, 505, 3318, 3871, 13, 1226, 1047, 2680, 311, 264, 24978, 2385, 11, 279, 19343, 11, 3772, 10278, 449, 77586, 7819, 11, 279, 272, 5048, 268, 369, 94730, 323, 16166, 1514, 3634, 49216, 47, 455, 8839, 9204, 2010, 24247, 53391, 25517, 2630, 872, 502, 1514, 3158, 198, 85295, 1543, 315, 68140, 11, 89943, 78154, 11, 1071, 25, 1054, 2028, 374, 1778, 459, 13548, 323, 60850, 892, 369, 1057, 14458, 2978, 11, 902, 539, 1193, 706, 264, 9966, 3938, 719, 15400, 502, 13077, 627, 17818, 374, 11364, 311, 1518, 279, 2911, 22128, 279, 502, 4676, 323, 279, 10708, 433, 374, 2736, 12967, 627, 17818, 706, 1027, 264, 1317, 11879, 323 ]
LESSON OF THE EVIL had its World Premiere at the Rome Film Festival on November 9, 2012. Toho is now offering the film for international sales. 32 year old Seiji Hasumi (Hideaki Ito) is an English instructor at Shinko Academy, a private high school. He is a model teacher, extremely popular with the students and well respected by the faculty and the PTA. However, one of the students — 17 year old Reika Katagiri (Fumi Nikaido) — feels something menacing lurking beneath his shining reputation. Student Reika Katagiri (Fumi Nikaido, center) suspects their is a dark side to her popular teacher. © 2012 Lesson of the Evil Film Partners Hasumi brilliantly solves one problem after another, from teacher-student sexual harassment to group cheating to bullying. Specifically, the boss of the bullies gets expelled because of his violent behavior. A “monster parent” dies at home in a fire started by an arsonist. The problems go away, but Reika is uneasy about the way they are solved. 55 year old Masanobu Tsurii (Mitsuru Fukikoshi), an unpopular teacher in the school, despises the popular Hasumi
LESSON OF THE EVIL had its World Premiere at the Rome Film Festival on November 9, 2012. Toho is now offering the film for international sales. 32 year old Seiji Hasumi (Hideaki Ito) is an English instructor at Shinko Academy, a private high school. He is a model teacher, extremely popular with the students and well respected by the faculty and the PTA. However, one of the students — 17 year old Reika Katagiri (Fumi Nikaido) — feels something menacing lurking beneath his shining reputation. Student Reika Katagiri (Fumi Nikaido, center) suspects their is a dark side to her popular teacher. © 2012 Lesson of the Evil Film Partners Hasumi brilliantly solves one problem after another, from teacher-student sexual harassment to group cheating to bullying. Specifically, the boss of the bullies gets expelled because of his violent behavior. A “monster parent” dies at home in a fire started by an arsonist. The problems go away, but Reika is uneasy about the way they are solved. 55 year old Masanobu Tsurii (Mitsuru Fukikoshi), an unpopular teacher in the school, despises the popular Hasumi
. He starts investigating Hasumi’s past and discovers that many people he was involved with have died. Hasumi, who had hidden listening devices around the school, finds out that Tsurii is looking into his past, so he kills him one day on the train and makes it look like suicide. Hasumi also murders a male student who was trying to get back at Hasumi for catching him cheating on a test. In his true nature, Hasumi is a psychopath, a man who cannot feel empathy toward other people. Since he was a child, he has killed people who got in his way. He even killed his own parents when they realized what he was doing. Soon, Hasumi becomes physically involved with Miya Yasuhara (Erina Mizuno), a female student who he helped in a sexual harassment incident, and Miya starts to sense his evil nature. Hasumi finds out about Miya’s suspicion and decides that she must be eliminated… LESSON OF THE EVIL OPENING CHAPTER Advertisement for the LESSON OF THE EVIL OPENING CHAPTER television series. © BeeTV. © 2012 Lesson of the Evil Partners Broadcast Dates: October 15 – November 5, 2012 Network: Bee
[ 198, 48481, 1340, 3963, 3336, 8696, 4146, 550, 663, 2159, 44151, 379, 262, 10598, 13741, 11117, 319, 3389, 860, 11, 2321, 13, 309, 40950, 318, 783, 6011, 262, 2646, 329, 3230, 4200, 13, 198, 2624, 614, 1468, 1001, 20770, 7875, 12994, 357, 38518, 8182, 632, 78, 8, 318, 281, 3594, 21187, 379, 911, 676, 78, 8581, 11, 257, 2839, 1029, 1524, 13, 679, 318, 257, 2746, 4701, 11, 4457, 2968, 351, 262, 2444, 290, 880, 14462, 416, 262, 12829, 290, 262, 350, 5603, 13, 2102, 11, 530, 286, 262, 2444, 851, 1596, 614, 1468, 797, 9232, 8595, 363, 14783, 357, 37, 12994, 11271, 44354, 8, 851, 5300, 1223, 39579, 36105, 11061, 465, 22751, 8507, 13, 198, 38778, 797, 9232, 8595, 363, 14783, 357, 37, 12994, 11271, 44354, 11, 3641, 8, 11826, 511, 318, 257, 3223, 1735, 284, 607, 198, 47568, 4701, 13, 10673, 2321, 12892, 261, 286, 262, 10461, 13741, 14205, 198, 19242, 12994, 37928, 39107, 530, 1917, 706, 1194, 11, 422, 4701, 12, 50139, 3206, 10556, 284, 1448, 21608, 284, 20714, 13, 22426, 11, 262, 6478, 286, 262, 42677, 3011, 27307, 780, 286, 465, 6590, 4069, 13, 317, 564, 250, 39050, 2560, 447, 251, 10564, 379, 1363, 287, 257, 2046, 2067, 416, 281, 35181, 396, 13, 383, 2761, 467, 1497, 11, 475, 797, 9232, 318, 34644, 546, 262, 835, 484, 389, 16019, 13, 198, 2816, 614, 1468, 11066, 272, 672, 84, 309, 11793, 4178, 357, 44, 896, 14717, 22431, 1134, 13704, 828, 281, 24166, 4701, 287, 262, 1524, 11, 11267, 2696, 262, 2968, 7875, 12994 ]
[ 198, 38873, 715, 3083, 3247, 15238, 1750, 1047, 1202, 4435, 69924, 520, 279, 22463, 17042, 17772, 389, 6841, 220, 24, 11, 220, 679, 17, 13, 2057, 6292, 374, 1457, 10209, 279, 4632, 369, 6625, 6763, 627, 843, 1060, 2362, 1369, 35973, 11697, 25330, 320, 22434, 14966, 358, 998, 8, 374, 459, 6498, 33315, 520, 1443, 771, 78, 16192, 11, 264, 879, 1579, 2978, 13, 1283, 374, 264, 1646, 11326, 11, 9193, 5526, 449, 279, 4236, 323, 1664, 31387, 555, 279, 22291, 323, 279, 393, 15559, 13, 4452, 11, 832, 315, 279, 4236, 2001, 220, 1114, 1060, 2362, 1050, 11755, 17816, 351, 21336, 320, 37, 25330, 22300, 3864, 78, 8, 2001, 11321, 2555, 95072, 83075, 24923, 813, 49025, 17444, 627, 14428, 1050, 11755, 17816, 351, 21336, 320, 37, 25330, 22300, 3864, 78, 11, 4219, 8, 30861, 872, 374, 264, 6453, 3185, 311, 1077, 198, 44348, 11326, 13, 7388, 220, 679, 17, 50015, 315, 279, 34819, 17042, 23663, 198, 10493, 25330, 79349, 68577, 832, 3575, 1306, 2500, 11, 505, 11326, 5594, 4986, 7392, 26425, 311, 1912, 42823, 311, 45647, 13, 45863, 11, 279, 13697, 315, 279, 17231, 552, 5334, 67331, 1606, 315, 813, 16806, 7865, 13, 362, 1054, 51619, 2748, 863, 8898, 520, 2162, 304, 264, 4027, 3940, 555, 459, 87850, 380, 13, 578, 5435, 733, 3201, 11, 719, 1050, 11755, 374, 83372, 922, 279, 1648, 814, 527, 29056, 627, 2131, 1060, 2362, 20459, 276, 677, 84, 350, 20370, 3893, 320, 44, 1220, 21585, 63759, 1609, 32945, 705, 459, 66858, 11326, 304, 279, 2978, 11, 40060, 5014, 279, 5526, 11697, 25330 ]
[ 13, 1283, 8638, 24834, 11697, 25330, 753, 3347, 323, 52114, 430, 1690, 1274, 568, 574, 6532, 449, 617, 8636, 13, 11697, 25330, 11, 889, 1047, 8340, 14624, 7766, 2212, 279, 2978, 11, 14035, 704, 430, 350, 20370, 3893, 374, 3411, 1139, 813, 3347, 11, 779, 568, 29910, 1461, 832, 1938, 389, 279, 5542, 323, 3727, 433, 1427, 1093, 18639, 13, 11697, 25330, 1101, 43086, 264, 8762, 5575, 889, 574, 4560, 311, 636, 1203, 520, 11697, 25330, 369, 34168, 1461, 42823, 389, 264, 1296, 627, 644, 813, 837, 7138, 11, 11697, 25330, 374, 264, 8841, 36211, 11, 264, 893, 889, 4250, 2733, 48451, 9017, 1023, 1274, 13, 8876, 568, 574, 264, 1716, 11, 568, 706, 7577, 1274, 889, 2751, 304, 813, 1648, 13, 1283, 1524, 7577, 813, 1866, 6699, 994, 814, 15393, 1148, 568, 574, 3815, 13, 32862, 11, 11697, 25330, 9221, 22655, 6532, 449, 21402, 7911, 71028, 12825, 5169, 320, 20027, 2259, 72695, 16711, 705, 264, 8954, 5575, 889, 568, 9087, 304, 264, 7392, 26425, 10672, 11, 323, 21402, 7911, 8638, 311, 5647, 813, 14289, 7138, 13, 11697, 25330, 14035, 704, 922, 21402, 7911, 753, 38141, 323, 28727, 430, 1364, 2011, 387, 34373, 90578, 38873, 715, 3083, 3247, 15238, 1750, 30941, 1753, 96424, 198, 13894, 369, 279, 76048, 715, 3083, 3247, 15238, 1750, 30941, 1753, 198, 88539, 12707, 4101, 13, 7388, 38530, 16027, 13, 7388, 220, 679, 17, 50015, 315, 279, 198, 35212, 321, 23663, 198, 44462, 52724, 25, 6664, 220, 868, 1389, 6841, 220, 20, 11, 220, 679, 17, 198, 12600, 25, 38530 ]
ousal relationship with the accused, with about half of victims (49%) being currently or previously married to the accused. These victims included those who were or had been in a legal or common-law union. Another 18% of family violence victims were victimized by their parent, 13% by an extended family member, 11% by a sibling and 9% by a child, most often a grown child. Regardless of the type of family violence, victims were predominantly female. Overall, nearly seven in ten (69%) victims of family violence were female. This disproportionate representation was most pronounced for spousal violence, as 80% of victims were female, but was also evident when the accused was a child (63%), extended family member (58%), parent (57%) and sibling (57%). Reflecting women's over-representation as spousal violence victims, female victims of family violence tended to fall between the ages of 15 to 44 years (Chart 1.1). On the other hand, for male victims of family violence, rates were similar between all age groups until the age of 55 years, when the rates subsequently drop. At age 55, grown children replace spouses as the most common perpetrator of violence against men aged 55 and older. Description for chart
ousal relationship with the accused, with about half of victims (49%) being currently or previously married to the accused. These victims included those who were or had been in a legal or common-law union. Another 18% of family violence victims were victimized by their parent, 13% by an extended family member, 11% by a sibling and 9% by a child, most often a grown child. Regardless of the type of family violence, victims were predominantly female. Overall, nearly seven in ten (69%) victims of family violence were female. This disproportionate representation was most pronounced for spousal violence, as 80% of victims were female, but was also evident when the accused was a child (63%), extended family member (58%), parent (57%) and sibling (57%). Reflecting women's over-representation as spousal violence victims, female victims of family violence tended to fall between the ages of 15 to 44 years (Chart 1.1). On the other hand, for male victims of family violence, rates were similar between all age groups until the age of 55 years, when the rates subsequently drop. At age 55, grown children replace spouses as the most common perpetrator of violence against men aged 55 and older. Description for chart
1.1 Police-reported rates of family violence generally decreasing In general, monitoring changes in family violence over time can help to identify emerging trends, as well as informing the development and evaluation of programs, policy, criminal legislation, and various initiatives designed to reduce this form of violence. According to police-reported data, there is some indication that violence against family members is declining. Though relatively rare, homicides – often considered a barometer of violent crime overall - have been declining against family members over the previous 30 years (Chart 1.2). In 2011, the rate of family homicides per million was 47% lower than in 1981. This downward trend mirrors patterns in homicide overall and was the case for both female and male victims of family homicide. Reported incidents of non-lethal forms of family violence have also seen decreases in recent years. For instance, the rate of attempted murders dropped 10% between 2009 and 2011 (Table 1.2). Smaller drops were also reported over this time period for physical assaults (levels 1, 2, and 3) and sexual assaults (levels 1, 2, and 3) against family members (-6% and -5%). Trends in non-lethal violence may reflect both actual changes in the occurrence of family violence in Canada and changes
[ 516, 282, 2776, 351, 262, 5371, 11, 351, 546, 2063, 286, 4970, 357, 2920, 4407, 852, 3058, 393, 4271, 6405, 284, 262, 5371, 13, 2312, 4970, 3017, 883, 508, 547, 393, 550, 587, 287, 257, 2742, 393, 2219, 12, 6270, 6441, 13, 6023, 1248, 4, 286, 1641, 3685, 4970, 547, 47414, 416, 511, 2560, 11, 1511, 4, 416, 281, 7083, 1641, 2888, 11, 1367, 4, 416, 257, 33423, 290, 860, 4, 416, 257, 1200, 11, 749, 1690, 257, 7334, 1200, 13, 198, 27894, 286, 262, 2099, 286, 1641, 3685, 11, 4970, 547, 20736, 4048, 13, 14674, 11, 3016, 3598, 287, 3478, 357, 3388, 4407, 4970, 286, 1641, 3685, 547, 4048, 13, 770, 30982, 10552, 373, 749, 16293, 329, 599, 516, 282, 3685, 11, 355, 4019, 4, 286, 4970, 547, 4048, 11, 475, 373, 635, 10678, 618, 262, 5371, 373, 257, 1200, 357, 5066, 15920, 7083, 1641, 2888, 357, 3365, 15920, 2560, 357, 3553, 4407, 290, 33423, 357, 3553, 18823, 198, 8134, 801, 278, 1466, 338, 625, 12, 15603, 341, 355, 599, 516, 282, 3685, 4970, 11, 4048, 4970, 286, 1641, 3685, 19960, 284, 2121, 1022, 262, 9337, 286, 1315, 284, 5846, 812, 357, 45488, 352, 13, 16, 737, 1550, 262, 584, 1021, 11, 329, 4257, 4970, 286, 1641, 3685, 11, 3965, 547, 2092, 1022, 477, 2479, 2628, 1566, 262, 2479, 286, 5996, 812, 11, 618, 262, 3965, 12412, 4268, 13, 1629, 2479, 5996, 11, 7334, 1751, 6330, 30250, 355, 262, 749, 2219, 33599, 286, 3685, 1028, 1450, 9722, 5996, 290, 4697, 13, 198, 11828, 329, 8262 ]
[ 788, 278, 5133, 449, 279, 13487, 11, 449, 922, 4376, 315, 12697, 320, 2491, 11587, 1694, 5131, 477, 8767, 12502, 311, 279, 13487, 13, 4314, 12697, 5343, 1884, 889, 1051, 477, 1047, 1027, 304, 264, 5897, 477, 4279, 31412, 11552, 13, 13596, 220, 972, 4, 315, 3070, 9349, 12697, 1051, 11996, 1534, 555, 872, 2748, 11, 220, 1032, 4, 555, 459, 11838, 3070, 4562, 11, 220, 806, 4, 555, 264, 45323, 323, 220, 24, 4, 555, 264, 1716, 11, 1455, 3629, 264, 15042, 1716, 627, 63717, 315, 279, 955, 315, 3070, 9349, 11, 12697, 1051, 47904, 8954, 13, 28993, 11, 7154, 8254, 304, 5899, 320, 3076, 11587, 12697, 315, 3070, 9349, 1051, 8954, 13, 1115, 80153, 13340, 574, 1455, 38617, 369, 993, 788, 278, 9349, 11, 439, 220, 1490, 4, 315, 12697, 1051, 8954, 11, 719, 574, 1101, 30576, 994, 279, 13487, 574, 264, 1716, 320, 5495, 34971, 11838, 3070, 4562, 320, 2970, 34971, 2748, 320, 3226, 11587, 323, 45323, 320, 3226, 4, 4390, 73889, 287, 3278, 596, 927, 5621, 45025, 439, 993, 788, 278, 9349, 12697, 11, 8954, 12697, 315, 3070, 9349, 49890, 311, 4498, 1990, 279, 17051, 315, 220, 868, 311, 220, 2096, 1667, 320, 14828, 220, 16, 13, 16, 570, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 369, 8762, 12697, 315, 3070, 9349, 11, 7969, 1051, 4528, 1990, 682, 4325, 5315, 3156, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 2131, 1667, 11, 994, 279, 7969, 28520, 6068, 13, 2468, 4325, 220, 2131, 11, 15042, 2911, 8454, 66312, 439, 279, 1455, 4279, 85636, 315, 9349, 2403, 3026, 20330, 220, 2131, 323, 9191, 627, 5116, 369, 9676 ]
[ 220, 16, 13, 16, 198, 22993, 85296, 7969, 315, 3070, 9349, 8965, 44649, 198, 644, 4689, 11, 16967, 4442, 304, 3070, 9349, 927, 892, 649, 1520, 311, 10765, 24084, 18845, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 63025, 279, 4500, 323, 16865, 315, 7620, 11, 4947, 11, 9337, 13543, 11, 323, 5370, 28271, 6319, 311, 8108, 420, 1376, 315, 9349, 13, 10771, 311, 4379, 85296, 828, 11, 1070, 374, 1063, 28137, 430, 9349, 2403, 3070, 3697, 374, 43848, 13, 18056, 12309, 9024, 11, 89495, 1389, 3629, 6646, 264, 3703, 21037, 315, 16806, 9977, 8244, 482, 617, 1027, 43848, 2403, 3070, 3697, 927, 279, 3766, 220, 966, 1667, 320, 14828, 220, 16, 13, 17, 570, 763, 220, 679, 16, 11, 279, 4478, 315, 3070, 89495, 824, 3610, 574, 220, 2618, 4, 4827, 1109, 304, 220, 3753, 16, 13, 1115, 45578, 9327, 41585, 12912, 304, 50077, 8244, 323, 574, 279, 1162, 369, 2225, 8954, 323, 8762, 12697, 315, 3070, 50077, 627, 10577, 291, 24455, 315, 2536, 31307, 31392, 7739, 315, 3070, 9349, 617, 1101, 3970, 43154, 304, 3293, 1667, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 279, 4478, 315, 17644, 43086, 12504, 220, 605, 4, 1990, 220, 1049, 24, 323, 220, 679, 16, 320, 2620, 220, 16, 13, 17, 570, 4487, 14283, 21701, 1051, 1101, 5068, 927, 420, 892, 4261, 369, 7106, 57919, 320, 43664, 220, 16, 11, 220, 17, 11, 323, 220, 18, 8, 323, 7392, 57919, 320, 43664, 220, 16, 11, 220, 17, 11, 323, 220, 18, 8, 2403, 3070, 3697, 10505, 21, 4, 323, 482, 20, 53172, 50730, 304, 2536, 31307, 31392, 9349, 1253, 8881, 2225, 5150, 4442, 304, 279, 32659, 315, 3070, 9349, 304, 7008, 323, 4442 ]
EU grandeur with strategic clarity about what European governments actually want, how much they are willing to pay to get it, and how much support they can get for it at home. Even though this might sound like a comparatively small thing, current EU foreign policy is in such bad shape that it would be a pretty big leap forward. Jan Techau is a senior fellow and director of the Europe Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author's, not those of EUobserver. No Libya truce in Moscow: time for EU step in Libya is now turning into an international conflict EU rejects Turkish troops in Libya Western 'endarkenment' and the voodoo politics of Europe Taking the aether out of the EU universe Why do EU arms end up in Libya despite UN ban? While the European Union was too divided to help resolve Libya's civil war, Russia filled the gap. It managed to get the fighting parties to Moscow, but without result. Italy, with its particular relations with Tripoli and Misrata, and UAE, with its significant influence in Egypt and Libya, can truly play a pivotal role in halting the Haftar offensive.
EU grandeur with strategic clarity about what European governments actually want, how much they are willing to pay to get it, and how much support they can get for it at home. Even though this might sound like a comparatively small thing, current EU foreign policy is in such bad shape that it would be a pretty big leap forward. Jan Techau is a senior fellow and director of the Europe Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author's, not those of EUobserver. No Libya truce in Moscow: time for EU step in Libya is now turning into an international conflict EU rejects Turkish troops in Libya Western 'endarkenment' and the voodoo politics of Europe Taking the aether out of the EU universe Why do EU arms end up in Libya despite UN ban? While the European Union was too divided to help resolve Libya's civil war, Russia filled the gap. It managed to get the fighting parties to Moscow, but without result. Italy, with its particular relations with Tripoli and Misrata, and UAE, with its significant influence in Egypt and Libya, can truly play a pivotal role in halting the Haftar offensive.
The EU's foreign policy chief - along with French, German, Italian and British foreign ministers - have rejected Turkey's troop deployment in Libya. The continent that gave the world the Enlightenment has collectively reverted to believing in fairy tales and the soothing power of cozy narrowness. Moscow and Beijing like what they see, and are doing everything to strengthen the trend. The Aether theory made a lot of sense, it was beautiful, even poetic. Its only problem was that it was wrong. There is no such thing as aether out there in the cosmos. French arms sold to Egypt and the UAE risk ending up in Libya despite a UN embargo, as EU powers face a war of "who dares wins". More money, more problems in EU answer to US green subsidies Industrial energy-intense sectors, outside Germany and France, will not move to the US. They will go bust, as they cannot compete in a fragmented single market. So to save industry in two member states, we will kill the rest? Democracy — is it in crisis or renaissance? Countries that were once democratising are now moving in the other direction — think of Turkey, Myanmar, Hungary or Tunisia. On the other hand, in autocracies mass mobil
[ 4576, 4490, 23365, 351, 10039, 16287, 546, 644, 3427, 6905, 1682, 765, 11, 703, 881, 484, 389, 4684, 284, 1414, 284, 651, 340, 11, 290, 703, 881, 1104, 484, 460, 651, 329, 340, 379, 1363, 13, 198, 6104, 996, 428, 1244, 2128, 588, 257, 31188, 1402, 1517, 11, 1459, 4576, 3215, 2450, 318, 287, 884, 2089, 5485, 326, 340, 561, 307, 257, 2495, 1263, 16470, 2651, 13, 198, 12128, 9634, 559, 318, 257, 4664, 5891, 290, 3437, 286, 262, 2031, 6118, 379, 262, 2679, 13606, 7557, 286, 262, 1578, 1829, 357, 15548, 37, 737, 198, 464, 5009, 6241, 287, 428, 4459, 3704, 389, 262, 1772, 338, 11, 407, 883, 286, 4576, 672, 15388, 13, 198, 2949, 13465, 39854, 287, 9070, 25, 640, 329, 4576, 2239, 287, 198, 25835, 3972, 318, 783, 6225, 656, 281, 3230, 5358, 198, 19684, 28317, 9663, 6553, 287, 13465, 198, 24227, 705, 437, 668, 23242, 6, 290, 262, 410, 36038, 4819, 286, 2031, 198, 26556, 262, 257, 6750, 503, 286, 262, 4576, 6881, 198, 5195, 466, 4576, 5101, 886, 510, 287, 13465, 3805, 4725, 3958, 30, 198, 3633, 262, 3427, 4479, 373, 1165, 9086, 284, 1037, 10568, 13465, 338, 3026, 1175, 11, 3284, 5901, 262, 7625, 13, 632, 5257, 284, 651, 262, 4330, 4671, 284, 9070, 11, 475, 1231, 1255, 13, 198, 45001, 11, 351, 663, 1948, 2316, 351, 47318, 290, 14136, 81, 1045, 11, 290, 29367, 11, 351, 663, 2383, 4588, 287, 6365, 290, 13465, 11, 460, 4988, 711, 257, 28992, 2597, 287, 45588, 262, 9398, 701, 283, 5859, 13, 198 ]
[ 10013, 6800, 12844, 449, 19092, 32373, 922, 1148, 7665, 17047, 3604, 1390, 11, 1268, 1790, 814, 527, 10032, 311, 2343, 311, 636, 433, 11, 323, 1268, 1790, 1862, 814, 649, 636, 369, 433, 520, 2162, 627, 13461, 3582, 420, 2643, 5222, 1093, 264, 71561, 2678, 3245, 11, 1510, 10013, 7362, 4947, 374, 304, 1778, 3958, 6211, 430, 433, 1053, 387, 264, 5128, 2466, 32571, 4741, 627, 18820, 17829, 2933, 374, 264, 10195, 12637, 323, 7690, 315, 279, 4606, 6826, 520, 279, 6063, 30508, 13492, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 320, 21287, 37, 4390, 791, 6325, 13605, 304, 420, 9647, 6710, 527, 279, 3229, 596, 11, 539, 1884, 315, 10013, 31830, 627, 2822, 38059, 490, 10743, 304, 23223, 25, 892, 369, 10013, 3094, 304, 198, 9374, 7911, 374, 1457, 13353, 1139, 459, 6625, 12324, 198, 39907, 60515, 24666, 17312, 304, 38059, 198, 55924, 364, 408, 847, 53061, 6, 323, 279, 348, 74501, 11759, 315, 4606, 198, 51197, 279, 264, 2791, 704, 315, 279, 10013, 15861, 198, 10445, 656, 10013, 11977, 842, 709, 304, 38059, 8994, 6781, 9120, 5380, 8142, 279, 7665, 9323, 574, 2288, 18255, 311, 1520, 9006, 38059, 596, 8431, 4208, 11, 8524, 10409, 279, 13225, 13, 1102, 9152, 311, 636, 279, 11039, 9875, 311, 23223, 11, 719, 2085, 1121, 627, 71603, 11, 449, 1202, 4040, 4398, 449, 27852, 14559, 323, 33659, 81, 460, 11, 323, 47949, 11, 449, 1202, 5199, 10383, 304, 15212, 323, 38059, 11, 649, 9615, 1514, 264, 60850, 3560, 304, 15104, 1303, 279, 14433, 47301, 15538, 627 ]
[ 791, 10013, 596, 7362, 4947, 10388, 482, 3235, 449, 8753, 11, 6063, 11, 15155, 323, 8013, 7362, 35050, 482, 617, 18010, 17442, 596, 71816, 24047, 304, 38059, 627, 791, 32843, 430, 6688, 279, 1917, 279, 92931, 706, 45925, 94693, 311, 35090, 304, 45586, 37565, 323, 279, 65464, 2410, 315, 43535, 15376, 2136, 13, 23223, 323, 27647, 1093, 1148, 814, 1518, 11, 323, 527, 3815, 4395, 311, 20259, 279, 9327, 627, 791, 362, 2791, 10334, 1903, 264, 2763, 315, 5647, 11, 433, 574, 6366, 11, 1524, 76534, 13, 11699, 1193, 3575, 574, 430, 433, 574, 5076, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 1778, 3245, 439, 264, 2791, 704, 1070, 304, 279, 83645, 627, 44297, 11977, 6216, 311, 15212, 323, 279, 47949, 5326, 13696, 709, 304, 38059, 8994, 264, 6781, 48702, 11, 439, 10013, 13736, 3663, 264, 4208, 315, 330, 14965, 3067, 417, 15160, 23811, 7816, 3300, 11, 810, 5435, 304, 10013, 4320, 311, 2326, 6307, 43121, 198, 84212, 4907, 20653, 1137, 26593, 11, 4994, 10057, 323, 9822, 11, 690, 539, 3351, 311, 279, 2326, 13, 2435, 690, 733, 21444, 11, 439, 814, 4250, 20874, 304, 264, 87195, 3254, 3157, 13, 2100, 311, 3665, 5064, 304, 1403, 4562, 5415, 11, 584, 690, 5622, 279, 2800, 5380, 33103, 46360, 2001, 374, 433, 304, 11501, 477, 312, 46302, 5380, 72828, 430, 1051, 3131, 12345, 3689, 287, 527, 1457, 7366, 304, 279, 1023, 5216, 2001, 1781, 315, 17442, 11, 53455, 11, 43876, 477, 77935, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 304, 3154, 4309, 27121, 3148, 29905 ]
off effect on the regional demand for geogrids in recent years. The cost-saving and other crucial features, including lightweight, easy handling, high-temperature stability, etc., of geogrids have contributed to their burgeoning use in enhancing the infrastructure capabilities. The various up-gradation activities in the US, upcoming transportation projects in Mexico, & railway projects in Canada have paved robust grounds for the geogrid market across North America in recent years. In addition, high awareness levels about geogrids among the North American end-users have also propagated the regional market growth to a greater extent. Key Driver: Mounting Infrastructure Construction Buzz to Steer the Market Growth The rise in infrastructure developments across countries like China, India, the UK, Canada, etc., has led to the escalating demand for geogrids worldwide. In addition to these, it also benefits other industries, including heavy vehicles & equipment, railways, etc., by enhancing the performance of earth-moving vehicles and confrontation against severe weather situations, such as heavy rains. The expanding size of the global construction industry focusing on the rehabilitation of existing roads & bridges is expected to complement the demand for geogrids in the coming years. The engineering & maintenance challenges, including weather
off effect on the regional demand for geogrids in recent years. The cost-saving and other crucial features, including lightweight, easy handling, high-temperature stability, etc., of geogrids have contributed to their burgeoning use in enhancing the infrastructure capabilities. The various up-gradation activities in the US, upcoming transportation projects in Mexico, & railway projects in Canada have paved robust grounds for the geogrid market across North America in recent years. In addition, high awareness levels about geogrids among the North American end-users have also propagated the regional market growth to a greater extent. Key Driver: Mounting Infrastructure Construction Buzz to Steer the Market Growth The rise in infrastructure developments across countries like China, India, the UK, Canada, etc., has led to the escalating demand for geogrids worldwide. In addition to these, it also benefits other industries, including heavy vehicles & equipment, railways, etc., by enhancing the performance of earth-moving vehicles and confrontation against severe weather situations, such as heavy rains. The expanding size of the global construction industry focusing on the rehabilitation of existing roads & bridges is expected to complement the demand for geogrids in the coming years. The engineering & maintenance challenges, including weather
ing effects, poor drainage, aging of road surfaces, increased traffic, etc., due to the heavyweight of vehicles causing cracks on roads & highways, have shifted focus toward a more sustainable alternative, such as geogrids. Hence, these aspects are projected to fuel the growth of the Global GeoGrid Market during 2022-27. In 2021, the US government approved a USD 1 trillion investment bill, of which USD 240 billion was allocated for rebuilding roads, bridges, public transit, airports, & railways. Moreover, the aggregating burden of perpetual maintenance of the infrastructure settings, such as roads, etc., has also propagated the usage of geogrids. Growth Opportunity: Surge in Railway Development In railway tracks, geogrids help stabilize the substructure on soft soil, reinforce soil walls & steep stones, asphalt reinforcement, spread loads over piles, etc. Hence, they play a crucial role in reducing the maintenance costs associated with tracks while preventing structural deficiencies as the deployment of GeoGrid ensures the structural integrity of the base aggregate and the capacity of the railway. Consequently, the rising railway development & up-gradation projects in several countries worldwide would lead to a notable demand for geogrids in the upcoming years, which would act as an area of
[ 2364, 1245, 319, 262, 7915, 3512, 329, 4903, 519, 81, 2340, 287, 2274, 812, 13, 383, 1575, 12, 29336, 290, 584, 8780, 3033, 11, 1390, 18700, 11, 2562, 9041, 11, 1029, 12, 11498, 21069, 10159, 11, 3503, 1539, 286, 4903, 519, 81, 2340, 423, 8639, 284, 511, 38935, 779, 287, 27496, 262, 6884, 9889, 13, 383, 2972, 510, 12, 26317, 4568, 287, 262, 1294, 11, 7865, 9358, 4493, 287, 5828, 11, 1222, 20515, 4493, 287, 3340, 423, 31285, 12373, 9384, 329, 262, 4903, 519, 6058, 1910, 1973, 2258, 2253, 287, 2274, 812, 13, 554, 3090, 11, 1029, 9359, 2974, 546, 4903, 519, 81, 2340, 1871, 262, 2258, 1605, 886, 12, 18417, 423, 635, 8928, 515, 262, 7915, 1910, 3349, 284, 257, 3744, 6287, 13, 198, 9218, 12434, 25, 5628, 278, 33709, 20395, 15753, 284, 2441, 263, 262, 5991, 19045, 198, 464, 4485, 287, 6884, 13312, 1973, 2678, 588, 2807, 11, 3794, 11, 262, 3482, 11, 3340, 11, 3503, 1539, 468, 2957, 284, 262, 32206, 3512, 329, 4903, 519, 81, 2340, 8688, 13, 554, 3090, 284, 777, 11, 340, 635, 4034, 584, 11798, 11, 1390, 4334, 5672, 1222, 5112, 11, 45247, 11, 3503, 1539, 416, 27496, 262, 2854, 286, 4534, 12, 31462, 5672, 290, 19207, 1028, 6049, 6193, 7445, 11, 884, 355, 4334, 29424, 13, 198, 464, 11581, 2546, 286, 262, 3298, 5103, 2831, 10759, 319, 262, 23668, 286, 4683, 9725, 1222, 19432, 318, 2938, 284, 16829, 262, 3512, 329, 4903, 519, 81, 2340, 287, 262, 2406, 812, 13, 383, 8705, 1222, 9262, 6459, 11, 1390, 6193 ]
[ 1885, 2515, 389, 279, 15481, 7631, 369, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 304, 3293, 1667, 13, 578, 2853, 59085, 323, 1023, 16996, 4519, 11, 2737, 30244, 11, 4228, 11850, 11, 1579, 12, 35658, 20334, 11, 5099, 2637, 315, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 617, 20162, 311, 872, 90669, 1005, 304, 47594, 279, 14054, 17357, 13, 578, 5370, 709, 12, 49241, 7640, 304, 279, 2326, 11, 14827, 18386, 7224, 304, 12550, 11, 612, 40106, 7224, 304, 7008, 617, 63675, 22514, 21319, 369, 279, 3980, 540, 1907, 3157, 4028, 4892, 5270, 304, 3293, 1667, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 1579, 17985, 5990, 922, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 4315, 279, 4892, 3778, 842, 44480, 617, 1101, 86150, 279, 15481, 3157, 6650, 311, 264, 7191, 13112, 627, 1622, 14919, 25, 10640, 287, 45587, 24987, 39051, 311, 3441, 261, 279, 8152, 34871, 198, 791, 10205, 304, 14054, 26006, 4028, 5961, 1093, 5734, 11, 6890, 11, 279, 6560, 11, 7008, 11, 5099, 2637, 706, 6197, 311, 279, 77157, 7631, 369, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 15603, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 1521, 11, 433, 1101, 7720, 1023, 19647, 11, 2737, 8987, 11731, 612, 7241, 11, 96247, 11, 5099, 2637, 555, 47594, 279, 5178, 315, 9578, 86572, 11731, 323, 48853, 2403, 15748, 9282, 15082, 11, 1778, 439, 8987, 62555, 627, 791, 24050, 1404, 315, 279, 3728, 8246, 5064, 21760, 389, 279, 44438, 315, 6484, 19795, 612, 40073, 374, 3685, 311, 23606, 279, 7631, 369, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 304, 279, 5108, 1667, 13, 578, 15009, 612, 13709, 11774, 11, 2737, 9282 ]
[ 287, 6372, 11, 8009, 58592, 11, 30084, 315, 5754, 27529, 11, 7319, 9629, 11, 5099, 2637, 4245, 311, 279, 71729, 315, 11731, 14718, 45963, 389, 19795, 612, 60395, 11, 617, 30073, 5357, 9017, 264, 810, 22556, 10778, 11, 1778, 439, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 13, 32140, 11, 1521, 13878, 527, 28448, 311, 10633, 279, 6650, 315, 279, 8121, 33010, 3627, 8152, 2391, 220, 2366, 17, 12, 1544, 627, 644, 220, 2366, 16, 11, 279, 2326, 3109, 12054, 264, 20121, 220, 16, 32610, 9341, 4121, 11, 315, 902, 20121, 220, 8273, 7239, 574, 20816, 369, 56228, 19795, 11, 40073, 11, 586, 25032, 11, 46163, 11, 612, 96247, 13, 23674, 11, 279, 26263, 1113, 23104, 315, 66693, 13709, 315, 279, 14054, 5110, 11, 1778, 439, 19795, 11, 5099, 2637, 706, 1101, 86150, 279, 10648, 315, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 627, 38, 19632, 48379, 25, 57257, 304, 55556, 11050, 198, 644, 40106, 14242, 11, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 1520, 70236, 279, 1207, 7993, 389, 8579, 17614, 11, 55414, 17614, 14620, 612, 32366, 27302, 11, 46362, 72378, 11, 9041, 21577, 927, 59872, 11, 5099, 13, 32140, 11, 814, 1514, 264, 16996, 3560, 304, 18189, 279, 13709, 7194, 5938, 449, 14242, 1418, 27252, 24693, 72946, 439, 279, 24047, 315, 33010, 3627, 26420, 279, 24693, 17025, 315, 279, 2385, 24069, 323, 279, 8824, 315, 279, 40106, 13, 53123, 11, 279, 16448, 40106, 4500, 612, 709, 12, 49241, 7224, 304, 3892, 5961, 15603, 1053, 3063, 311, 264, 28289, 7631, 369, 3980, 540, 1907, 82, 304, 279, 14827, 1667, 11, 902, 1053, 1180, 439, 459, 3158, 315 ]
I very strongly feel that no-one should be forced to wear one, nor should anyone be judged for making the decision not to. The only accident I’ve had, was when I hit a dropped kerb badly and came off, sideways. Damage to arm and shoulder and knee (none of which had a helmet on them!). Twelve weeks of regular physio for my shoulder, but a helmet made no difference whatsoever! I think it all boils down to what you do on your bike – yes, if you’re doing BMX stunts, mountain biking or racing, a helmet might be useful (but interestingly “proper” BMX helmets are built to a significantly higher standard to ordinary bike hats) but I wouldn’t dream of wearing one on my roadster carrying a load of shopping! I have learned from past risk related experiences andI no longer wear flip flops when strimming the lawn! Great, sensible article matched by some equally sensible comments. I’m sharing it with friends, many of whom see fit to get cross with me if they see me without a helmet. I share the frustration that otherwise rational people suspend logical thought and let emotion get in the way of their thinking when it comes to helmets
I very strongly feel that no-one should be forced to wear one, nor should anyone be judged for making the decision not to. The only accident I’ve had, was when I hit a dropped kerb badly and came off, sideways. Damage to arm and shoulder and knee (none of which had a helmet on them!). Twelve weeks of regular physio for my shoulder, but a helmet made no difference whatsoever! I think it all boils down to what you do on your bike – yes, if you’re doing BMX stunts, mountain biking or racing, a helmet might be useful (but interestingly “proper” BMX helmets are built to a significantly higher standard to ordinary bike hats) but I wouldn’t dream of wearing one on my roadster carrying a load of shopping! I have learned from past risk related experiences andI no longer wear flip flops when strimming the lawn! Great, sensible article matched by some equally sensible comments. I’m sharing it with friends, many of whom see fit to get cross with me if they see me without a helmet. I share the frustration that otherwise rational people suspend logical thought and let emotion get in the way of their thinking when it comes to helmets
. As all the logic says it is silly to take the risk. Only vanity may try and say “there is no risk”. Good debate all, and yep, no need for compulsion with helmets. I always wear one, though, and a high-viz jacket to boot. Even pootling around Horsham on my hybrid bike. Makes me feel a bit safer, I guess. Good job I’m not too bothered what I look like……. You probably know that there is research to indicate that helmets for car occupants would be an effective way of reducing head injuries. When people talk to me about bicycle helmets I ask them what their view is of car helmets. They tend to go quiet and/or change the subject. Seems like some didn’t like your take on matters! I quite agree that a helmet is unlikely to help much, if at all, in a serious collision with a car/lorry, and I’m not in favour of compulsory helmets, but I’ve been glad of mine on two occasions when I’ve fallen off and hit my forehead on the ground (once while trying to avoid a pedestrian in the road, and once when
[ 314, 845, 7634, 1254, 326, 645, 12, 505, 815, 307, 4137, 284, 5806, 530, 11, 4249, 815, 2687, 307, 19589, 329, 1642, 262, 2551, 407, 284, 13, 198, 464, 691, 5778, 314, 447, 247, 303, 550, 11, 373, 618, 314, 2277, 257, 5710, 479, 23552, 11234, 290, 1625, 572, 11, 35303, 13, 8995, 284, 3211, 290, 8163, 290, 10329, 357, 23108, 286, 543, 550, 257, 14335, 319, 606, 19588, 30775, 2745, 286, 3218, 2281, 952, 329, 616, 8163, 11, 475, 257, 14335, 925, 645, 3580, 16014, 0, 198, 40, 892, 340, 477, 40169, 866, 284, 644, 345, 466, 319, 534, 7161, 784, 3763, 11, 611, 345, 447, 247, 260, 1804, 29944, 55, 49772, 11, 8598, 38088, 393, 11717, 11, 257, 14335, 1244, 307, 4465, 357, 4360, 50226, 564, 250, 1676, 525, 447, 251, 29944, 55, 28359, 389, 3170, 284, 257, 5566, 2440, 3210, 284, 8850, 7161, 23910, 8, 475, 314, 3636, 447, 247, 83, 4320, 286, 5762, 530, 319, 616, 2975, 1706, 6872, 257, 3440, 286, 9735, 0, 198, 40, 423, 4499, 422, 1613, 2526, 3519, 6461, 290, 40, 645, 2392, 5806, 14283, 781, 2840, 618, 965, 27428, 262, 21133, 0, 198, 13681, 11, 20586, 2708, 14451, 416, 617, 8603, 20586, 3651, 13, 314, 447, 247, 76, 7373, 340, 351, 2460, 11, 867, 286, 4150, 766, 4197, 284, 651, 3272, 351, 502, 611, 484, 766, 502, 1231, 257, 14335, 13, 314, 2648, 262, 14285, 326, 4306, 9377, 661, 22004, 12219, 1807, 290, 1309, 9942, 651, 287, 262, 835, 286, 511, 3612, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 28359 ]
[ 358, 1633, 16917, 2733, 430, 912, 19101, 1288, 387, 9770, 311, 10051, 832, 11, 6463, 1288, 5606, 387, 45487, 369, 3339, 279, 5597, 539, 311, 627, 791, 1193, 11677, 358, 4070, 1047, 11, 574, 994, 358, 4295, 264, 12504, 34801, 65, 25587, 323, 3782, 1022, 11, 74829, 13, 21428, 311, 6916, 323, 17308, 323, 22095, 320, 6836, 315, 902, 1047, 264, 32635, 389, 1124, 43492, 70332, 5672, 315, 5912, 4571, 822, 369, 856, 17308, 11, 719, 264, 32635, 1903, 912, 6811, 36734, 4999, 40, 1781, 433, 682, 90055, 1523, 311, 1148, 499, 656, 389, 701, 13260, 1389, 10035, 11, 422, 499, 3207, 3815, 20387, 55, 357, 38040, 11, 16700, 67180, 477, 22019, 11, 264, 32635, 2643, 387, 5505, 320, 8248, 7185, 398, 1054, 81768, 863, 20387, 55, 65720, 527, 5918, 311, 264, 12207, 5190, 5410, 311, 19664, 13260, 45526, 8, 719, 358, 8434, 1431, 8063, 315, 12512, 832, 389, 856, 5754, 3751, 15691, 264, 2865, 315, 12185, 4999, 40, 617, 9687, 505, 3347, 5326, 5552, 11704, 323, 40, 912, 5129, 10051, 18791, 9943, 1725, 994, 610, 41133, 279, 37125, 4999, 22111, 11, 38761, 4652, 18545, 555, 1063, 18813, 38761, 6170, 13, 358, 4344, 11821, 433, 449, 4885, 11, 1690, 315, 8884, 1518, 5052, 311, 636, 5425, 449, 757, 422, 814, 1518, 757, 2085, 264, 32635, 13, 358, 4430, 279, 33086, 430, 6062, 25442, 1274, 27343, 20406, 3463, 323, 1095, 20356, 636, 304, 279, 1648, 315, 872, 7422, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 65720 ]
[ 627, 2170, 682, 279, 12496, 2795, 433, 374, 30571, 311, 1935, 279, 5326, 627, 7456, 52671, 1253, 1456, 323, 2019, 1054, 19041, 374, 912, 5326, 113068, 15571, 11249, 682, 11, 323, 379, 752, 11, 912, 1205, 369, 1391, 34003, 449, 65720, 627, 40, 2744, 10051, 832, 11, 3582, 11, 323, 264, 1579, 8437, 450, 27300, 311, 10677, 13, 7570, 281, 1944, 2785, 2212, 15083, 939, 309, 389, 856, 26038, 13260, 13, 37970, 757, 2733, 264, 2766, 30549, 11, 358, 8101, 13, 7839, 2683, 358, 4344, 539, 2288, 46376, 1148, 358, 1427, 1093, 14382, 627, 2675, 4762, 1440, 430, 1070, 374, 3495, 311, 13519, 430, 65720, 369, 1841, 75772, 1053, 387, 459, 7524, 1648, 315, 18189, 2010, 15319, 627, 4599, 1274, 3137, 311, 757, 922, 36086, 65720, 358, 2610, 1124, 1148, 872, 1684, 374, 315, 1841, 65720, 13, 2435, 8541, 311, 733, 11594, 323, 5255, 2349, 279, 3917, 627, 1542, 12116, 1093, 1063, 3287, 1431, 1093, 701, 1935, 389, 13146, 4999, 40, 5115, 7655, 430, 264, 32635, 374, 17821, 311, 1520, 1790, 11, 422, 520, 682, 11, 304, 264, 6129, 19277, 449, 264, 1841, 13631, 8635, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 539, 304, 12617, 315, 65868, 65720, 11, 719, 358, 4070, 1027, 16089, 315, 10705, 389, 1403, 25975, 994, 358, 4070, 21536, 1022, 323, 4295, 856, 52354, 389, 279, 5015, 320, 13486, 1418, 4560, 311, 5766, 264, 47854, 304, 279, 5754, 11, 323, 3131, 994 ]
it to Be. Use Simple Language. Write Letters. What is a mood in writing? Mood in literature is another word for the atmosphere or ambience of a piece of writing, be it a short story, novel, poem, or essay. The mood is the feeling that the writer is trying to evoke in their readers—feelings like calm, anxiety, joy, or anger. What is mood diary? Keeping a mood diary allows you to track and understand how certain events, situations and interactions make you feel. The good and the bad. By keeping track of the context of your ups and downs, over time you’ll build up a clear picture of what affects your mood and how. Why is it important to track your mood? Understanding your moods helps you manage them and feel better faster. If you are more aware of your moods, you may be able to better manage your lifestyle choices, make informed health decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative moods, and work towards a better quality of life. How often should I track my mood? Decide When to Write on Your Chart To gradually ease into tracking, try charting your information on a weekly basis. The more information, the better understanding
it to Be. Use Simple Language. Write Letters. What is a mood in writing? Mood in literature is another word for the atmosphere or ambience of a piece of writing, be it a short story, novel, poem, or essay. The mood is the feeling that the writer is trying to evoke in their readers—feelings like calm, anxiety, joy, or anger. What is mood diary? Keeping a mood diary allows you to track and understand how certain events, situations and interactions make you feel. The good and the bad. By keeping track of the context of your ups and downs, over time you’ll build up a clear picture of what affects your mood and how. Why is it important to track your mood? Understanding your moods helps you manage them and feel better faster. If you are more aware of your moods, you may be able to better manage your lifestyle choices, make informed health decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative moods, and work towards a better quality of life. How often should I track my mood? Decide When to Write on Your Chart To gradually ease into tracking, try charting your information on a weekly basis. The more information, the better understanding
you will have, so try to eventually chart every couple days or daily if you can. What is a mood in English? In English grammar, mood is the quality of a verb that conveys the writer’s attitude toward a subject. It is also known as mode and modality. The indicative mood is used to make factual statements (the declarative) or pose questions, such as the interrogative. Is subjunctive a mood? The subjunctive mood is one of three moods in English grammar. The subjunctive mood is for expressing wishes, suggestions, or desires, and is usually indicated by an indicative verb such as wish or suggest, paired then with a subjunctive verb. How do you track bipolar moods? eMoods is a mood tracker built for people with bipolar disorder. To capture your daily highs and lows, the app prompts you to track depressive symptoms, psychotic symptoms, irritability, and elevated mood throughout the day, including an estimate of severity for each. What is a habit tracker? A habit tracker is exactly what the name suggests: it’s a way to help you track how well you’re sticking with daily, weekly, or monthly habits. A
[ 340, 284, 1355, 13, 198, 11041, 17427, 15417, 13, 198, 16594, 24501, 13, 198, 2061, 318, 257, 10038, 287, 3597, 30, 198, 44, 702, 287, 9285, 318, 1194, 1573, 329, 262, 8137, 393, 4915, 1240, 286, 257, 3704, 286, 3597, 11, 307, 340, 257, 1790, 1621, 11, 5337, 11, 21247, 11, 393, 14268, 13, 383, 10038, 318, 262, 4203, 326, 262, 6260, 318, 2111, 284, 44672, 287, 511, 7183, 960, 36410, 654, 588, 9480, 11, 9751, 11, 8716, 11, 393, 8993, 13, 198, 2061, 318, 10038, 26339, 30, 198, 44815, 257, 10038, 26339, 3578, 345, 284, 2610, 290, 1833, 703, 1728, 2995, 11, 7445, 290, 12213, 787, 345, 1254, 13, 383, 922, 290, 262, 2089, 13, 2750, 5291, 2610, 286, 262, 4732, 286, 534, 19649, 290, 21838, 11, 625, 640, 345, 447, 247, 297, 1382, 510, 257, 1598, 4286, 286, 644, 10975, 534, 10038, 290, 703, 13, 198, 5195, 318, 340, 1593, 284, 2610, 534, 10038, 30, 198, 43467, 534, 10038, 82, 5419, 345, 6687, 606, 290, 1254, 1365, 5443, 13, 1002, 345, 389, 517, 3910, 286, 534, 10038, 82, 11, 345, 743, 307, 1498, 284, 1365, 6687, 534, 12263, 7747, 11, 787, 7981, 1535, 5370, 11, 2948, 393, 3368, 20022, 286, 4633, 10038, 82, 11, 290, 670, 3371, 257, 1365, 3081, 286, 1204, 13, 198, 2437, 1690, 815, 314, 2610, 616, 10038, 30, 198, 10707, 485, 1649, 284, 19430, 319, 3406, 22086, 1675, 11835, 10152, 656, 9646, 11, 1949, 8262, 278, 534, 1321, 319, 257, 10273, 4308, 13, 383, 517, 1321, 11, 262, 1365, 4547 ]
[ 433, 311, 2893, 627, 10464, 9170, 11688, 627, 8144, 45397, 627, 3923, 374, 264, 20247, 304, 4477, 5380, 44, 1411, 304, 17649, 374, 2500, 3492, 369, 279, 16975, 477, 9049, 1873, 315, 264, 6710, 315, 4477, 11, 387, 433, 264, 2875, 3446, 11, 11775, 11, 33894, 11, 477, 9071, 13, 578, 20247, 374, 279, 8430, 430, 279, 7061, 374, 4560, 311, 95263, 304, 872, 13016, 2345, 57676, 826, 1093, 19858, 11, 18547, 11, 16267, 11, 477, 19788, 627, 3923, 374, 20247, 47242, 5380, 72447, 264, 20247, 47242, 6276, 499, 311, 3839, 323, 3619, 1268, 3738, 4455, 11, 15082, 323, 22639, 1304, 499, 2733, 13, 578, 1695, 323, 279, 3958, 13, 3296, 10494, 3839, 315, 279, 2317, 315, 701, 33834, 323, 40291, 11, 927, 892, 499, 4805, 1977, 709, 264, 2867, 6945, 315, 1148, 22223, 701, 20247, 323, 1268, 627, 10445, 374, 433, 3062, 311, 3839, 701, 20247, 5380, 71251, 701, 296, 9242, 8779, 499, 10299, 1124, 323, 2733, 2731, 10819, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 810, 8010, 315, 701, 296, 9242, 11, 499, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 2731, 10299, 701, 19433, 11709, 11, 1304, 16369, 2890, 11429, 11, 5471, 477, 5766, 31854, 315, 8389, 296, 9242, 11, 323, 990, 7119, 264, 2731, 4367, 315, 2324, 627, 4438, 3629, 1288, 358, 3839, 856, 20247, 5380, 5005, 579, 3277, 311, 9842, 389, 4718, 21964, 2057, 27115, 14553, 1139, 15194, 11, 1456, 9676, 287, 701, 2038, 389, 264, 17496, 8197, 13, 578, 810, 2038, 11, 279, 2731, 8830 ]
[ 499, 690, 617, 11, 779, 1456, 311, 9778, 9676, 1475, 5743, 2919, 477, 7446, 422, 499, 649, 627, 3923, 374, 264, 20247, 304, 6498, 5380, 644, 6498, 32528, 11, 20247, 374, 279, 4367, 315, 264, 19120, 430, 390, 50369, 279, 7061, 753, 19451, 9017, 264, 3917, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 3967, 439, 3941, 323, 1491, 2786, 13, 578, 64005, 20247, 374, 1511, 311, 1304, 61001, 12518, 320, 1820, 9632, 1413, 8, 477, 17477, 4860, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 37539, 1413, 627, 3957, 81417, 20526, 535, 264, 20247, 5380, 791, 81417, 20526, 535, 20247, 374, 832, 315, 2380, 296, 9242, 304, 6498, 32528, 13, 578, 81417, 20526, 535, 20247, 374, 369, 37810, 25223, 11, 18726, 11, 477, 32097, 11, 323, 374, 6118, 16717, 555, 459, 64005, 19120, 1778, 439, 6562, 477, 4284, 11, 35526, 1243, 449, 264, 81417, 20526, 535, 19120, 627, 4438, 656, 499, 3839, 65919, 296, 9242, 5380, 68, 44, 9242, 374, 264, 20247, 29431, 5918, 369, 1274, 449, 65919, 19823, 13, 2057, 12602, 701, 7446, 54879, 323, 66246, 11, 279, 917, 52032, 499, 311, 3839, 84564, 13803, 11, 94241, 13803, 11, 30118, 2968, 11, 323, 32389, 20247, 6957, 279, 1938, 11, 2737, 459, 16430, 315, 31020, 369, 1855, 627, 3923, 374, 264, 14464, 29431, 5380, 32, 14464, 29431, 374, 7041, 1148, 279, 836, 13533, 25, 433, 753, 264, 1648, 311, 1520, 499, 3839, 1268, 1664, 499, 3207, 38072, 449, 7446, 11, 17496, 11, 477, 15438, 26870, 13, 362 ]
years report that they’ve had positive experiences. Here’s everything you need to know about sage cleansing, from what to expect to how to smudge at home—regardless of where you live or your culture of origin. What is sage? Sage is a low-growing shrub that belongs to the mint family. Many of us are familiar with its use as an herb in culinary applications, but sage has also been associated with healing and wellness since ancient times—and not just in North American indigenous cultures. The Romans used sage in sacred ceremonies and the herb’s scientific name, Salvia, which comes from Latin, actually means “to be in good health” or “to save,” proving that the plant has long been associated with well-being and renewal. What is sage cleansing? One of the most common questions about sage cleansing goes something like this: “But what is it?” Because many people are unfamiliar with the concepts behind smudging, it’s a good idea to start with its most basic definition. Native American shamans have used sage smoke to carry away conflict, anger, unrest, and other negative emotions for generations. “Sage cleansing, otherwise
years report that they’ve had positive experiences. Here’s everything you need to know about sage cleansing, from what to expect to how to smudge at home—regardless of where you live or your culture of origin. What is sage? Sage is a low-growing shrub that belongs to the mint family. Many of us are familiar with its use as an herb in culinary applications, but sage has also been associated with healing and wellness since ancient times—and not just in North American indigenous cultures. The Romans used sage in sacred ceremonies and the herb’s scientific name, Salvia, which comes from Latin, actually means “to be in good health” or “to save,” proving that the plant has long been associated with well-being and renewal. What is sage cleansing? One of the most common questions about sage cleansing goes something like this: “But what is it?” Because many people are unfamiliar with the concepts behind smudging, it’s a good idea to start with its most basic definition. Native American shamans have used sage smoke to carry away conflict, anger, unrest, and other negative emotions for generations. “Sage cleansing, otherwise
known as ‘smudging’ is simply the act of burning sage or sage-scented incense in your home,” says Caleb Backe, a health and wellness expert who works for Maple Holistics. Donna Henes, a Brooklyn resident and urban shaman who makes a living doing space clearings and blessings that often involve burning sage says, “As long as there have been houses, people everywhere have made sure to cleanse them spiritually to ensure a safe, supportive, comforting environment in which to live.” She goes on to say, “All sorts of methods have been and still are employed to accomplish this. The fragrant smoke of burning herbs is probably the most common method.” People have relied on different herbs indigenous to their environments including juniper, camphor, frankincense, and myrrh, but sage—commonly used by Native Americans—has become the go-to herb for smudging. The Spiritual History of Sage Cleansing Sage has and continues to play an integral part in diverse rituals and complex belief systems, and the basic premise that supports its use for smudging is that sage smoke can carry away negative feelings. “The belief is that the smoke will
[ 812, 989, 326, 484, 447, 247, 303, 550, 3967, 6461, 13, 3423, 447, 247, 82, 2279, 345, 761, 284, 760, 546, 35021, 32784, 11, 422, 644, 284, 1607, 284, 703, 284, 895, 12587, 379, 1363, 960, 2301, 14694, 286, 810, 345, 2107, 393, 534, 3968, 286, 8159, 13, 198, 2061, 318, 35021, 30, 198, 50, 496, 318, 257, 1877, 12, 25167, 10157, 549, 326, 14448, 284, 262, 21043, 1641, 13, 4650, 286, 514, 389, 5385, 351, 663, 779, 355, 281, 21047, 287, 35956, 5479, 11, 475, 35021, 468, 635, 587, 3917, 351, 11516, 290, 42506, 1201, 6156, 1661, 960, 392, 407, 655, 287, 2258, 1605, 17673, 13817, 13, 383, 22482, 973, 35021, 287, 13626, 27340, 290, 262, 21047, 447, 247, 82, 5654, 1438, 11, 4849, 8869, 11, 543, 2058, 422, 9133, 11, 1682, 1724, 564, 250, 1462, 307, 287, 922, 1535, 447, 251, 393, 564, 250, 1462, 3613, 11, 447, 251, 17742, 326, 262, 4618, 468, 890, 587, 3917, 351, 880, 12, 11873, 290, 22901, 13, 198, 2061, 318, 35021, 32784, 30, 198, 3198, 286, 262, 749, 2219, 2683, 546, 35021, 32784, 2925, 1223, 588, 428, 25, 564, 250, 1537, 644, 318, 340, 30, 447, 251, 4362, 867, 661, 389, 22594, 351, 262, 10838, 2157, 895, 38840, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 257, 922, 2126, 284, 923, 351, 663, 749, 4096, 6770, 13, 198, 31272, 1605, 23565, 504, 423, 973, 35021, 7523, 284, 3283, 1497, 5358, 11, 8993, 11, 17093, 11, 290, 584, 4633, 10825, 329, 10439, 13, 198, 447, 250, 50, 496, 32784, 11, 4306 ]
[ 1667, 1934, 430, 814, 4070, 1047, 6928, 11704, 13, 5810, 753, 4395, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 922, 39361, 60052, 11, 505, 1148, 311, 1755, 311, 1268, 311, 1554, 20132, 520, 2162, 2345, 1610, 30920, 315, 1405, 499, 3974, 477, 701, 7829, 315, 6371, 627, 3923, 374, 39361, 5380, 50, 425, 374, 264, 3428, 56657, 14362, 392, 430, 17623, 311, 279, 29437, 3070, 13, 9176, 315, 603, 527, 11537, 449, 1202, 1005, 439, 459, 39999, 304, 58441, 8522, 11, 719, 39361, 706, 1101, 1027, 5938, 449, 21730, 323, 39890, 2533, 14154, 3115, 17223, 539, 1120, 304, 4892, 3778, 39678, 27833, 13, 578, 49817, 1511, 39361, 304, 32442, 60283, 323, 279, 39999, 753, 12624, 836, 11, 8375, 20708, 11, 902, 4131, 505, 20023, 11, 3604, 3445, 1054, 998, 387, 304, 1695, 2890, 863, 477, 1054, 998, 3665, 2476, 39858, 430, 279, 6136, 706, 1317, 1027, 5938, 449, 1664, 33851, 323, 43901, 627, 3923, 374, 39361, 60052, 5380, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 4279, 4860, 922, 39361, 60052, 5900, 2555, 1093, 420, 25, 1054, 4071, 1148, 374, 433, 12671, 9393, 1690, 1274, 527, 50383, 449, 279, 19476, 4920, 1554, 88412, 11, 433, 753, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 1212, 449, 1202, 1455, 6913, 7419, 627, 21464, 3778, 72976, 598, 617, 1511, 39361, 16603, 311, 6920, 3201, 12324, 11, 19788, 11, 59322, 11, 323, 1023, 8389, 21958, 369, 22540, 627, 2118, 50, 425, 60052, 11, 6062 ]
[ 3967, 439, 3451, 3647, 88412, 529, 374, 5042, 279, 1180, 315, 20252, 39361, 477, 39361, 1355, 1189, 291, 3709, 1137, 304, 701, 2162, 2476, 2795, 84162, 6984, 68, 11, 264, 2890, 323, 39890, 6335, 889, 4375, 369, 44570, 16071, 5706, 627, 8161, 3458, 13370, 288, 11, 264, 26832, 19504, 323, 16036, 559, 13005, 889, 3727, 264, 5496, 3815, 3634, 2867, 826, 323, 56650, 430, 3629, 21736, 20252, 39361, 2795, 11, 1054, 2170, 1317, 439, 1070, 617, 1027, 15316, 11, 1274, 17277, 617, 1903, 2771, 311, 81155, 1124, 88853, 311, 6106, 264, 6220, 11, 33445, 11, 69130, 4676, 304, 902, 311, 3974, 49216, 8100, 5900, 389, 311, 2019, 11, 1054, 2460, 21522, 315, 5528, 617, 1027, 323, 2103, 527, 20011, 311, 22829, 420, 13, 578, 8508, 35534, 16603, 315, 20252, 42393, 374, 4762, 279, 1455, 4279, 1749, 2029, 9029, 617, 41013, 389, 2204, 42393, 39678, 311, 872, 22484, 2737, 18169, 13154, 11, 6730, 764, 269, 11, 26875, 2910, 1137, 11, 323, 856, 637, 71, 11, 719, 39361, 2345, 5581, 398, 1511, 555, 17118, 9053, 2345, 4752, 3719, 279, 733, 4791, 39999, 369, 1554, 88412, 627, 791, 63849, 11346, 315, 54384, 86762, 287, 198, 50, 425, 706, 323, 9731, 311, 1514, 459, 26154, 961, 304, 17226, 57679, 323, 6485, 16801, 6067, 11, 323, 279, 6913, 41302, 430, 11815, 1202, 1005, 369, 1554, 88412, 374, 430, 39361, 16603, 649, 6920, 3201, 8389, 16024, 627, 14305, 16801, 374, 430, 279, 16603, 690 ]
from IPWatchdog Cellspin Says Judge Gonzalez Rogers’ Financial Ties to Silicon Valley Require Recusal Steve Brachmann USPTO Issues Final Rule to Eliminate CLE Certification Program Alec Pronk Rising to the Top in a Post-Pandemic IP World: A Look at the Most Active Patent Litigators and the Latest District Court Patent Litigation Data Pedram Sameni A Look at the Comments on USPTO-FDA Collaboration Initiatives: How Bad Data Could Chill Critical Drug Innovation Steve Brachmann This Week in Washington IP: IPWatchdog Event to Review the State of the PTAB; US Inventor Protests in D.C.; and the House Considers Supply Chain Challenges Alec Pronk Clause 8 Podcast: Bruce Berman on Telling a Patent Story Eli Mazour Republicans have Obama in a corner on Syrian refugees By Dara Lind Nov 19, 2015, 2:06pm EST Share All sharing options for: Republicans have Obama in a corner on Syrian refugees The Obama administration has a big Syrian refugee problem. The House of Representatives just voted to approve a bill that would allegedly require three top administration officials, including the FBI director, to approve every individual Syrian refugee asking to enter the
from IPWatchdog Cellspin Says Judge Gonzalez Rogers’ Financial Ties to Silicon Valley Require Recusal Steve Brachmann USPTO Issues Final Rule to Eliminate CLE Certification Program Alec Pronk Rising to the Top in a Post-Pandemic IP World: A Look at the Most Active Patent Litigators and the Latest District Court Patent Litigation Data Pedram Sameni A Look at the Comments on USPTO-FDA Collaboration Initiatives: How Bad Data Could Chill Critical Drug Innovation Steve Brachmann This Week in Washington IP: IPWatchdog Event to Review the State of the PTAB; US Inventor Protests in D.C.; and the House Considers Supply Chain Challenges Alec Pronk Clause 8 Podcast: Bruce Berman on Telling a Patent Story Eli Mazour Republicans have Obama in a corner on Syrian refugees By Dara Lind Nov 19, 2015, 2:06pm EST Share All sharing options for: Republicans have Obama in a corner on Syrian refugees The Obama administration has a big Syrian refugee problem. The House of Representatives just voted to approve a bill that would allegedly require three top administration officials, including the FBI director, to approve every individual Syrian refugee asking to enter the
US. The administration argues that the bill would essentially stop America from taking in any Syrians at all. But it can't even convince members of the president's own party: The bill passed the House with a veto-proof majority. Related How the US screens Syrian refugees now Even if Senate Democrats hold the line against a veto override, that won't permanently solve the problem. It's looking extremely likely that congressional Republicans will demand changes to Syrian refugee policy as a condition for keeping the government open past December 11. And unlike past shutdown threats, this is one congressional Democrats might actually go along with. For congressional Republicans, this bill is a brilliant strategic move. It's anodyne enough that it's attracted broad support from congressional Democrats as well as Republicans. And it's forced the Obama administration — which has never had good relationships with Democrats on Capitol Hill — to fight an uphill battle. The bill would require the Department of Homeland Security secretary and the FBI director to sign off on each individual refugee The bill the House passed, which is called the American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act (or the American SAFE Act, because Congress has a cutesy-acronym problem), requires the federal government to set up a new process, on top of the background and
[ 422, 6101, 10723, 9703, 198, 28780, 39706, 28628, 8974, 24416, 15372, 447, 247, 11302, 309, 444, 284, 18210, 6916, 9394, 557, 3311, 6775, 6542, 42229, 9038, 198, 2937, 47, 10468, 22852, 8125, 14330, 284, 27405, 4559, 30301, 40609, 6118, 38285, 350, 1313, 74, 198, 49, 1710, 284, 262, 5849, 287, 257, 2947, 12, 47206, 5314, 6101, 2159, 25, 317, 6803, 379, 262, 4042, 14199, 34830, 25659, 25975, 290, 262, 26603, 5665, 3078, 34830, 25659, 7065, 6060, 13457, 859, 3409, 43850, 198, 32, 6803, 379, 262, 19502, 319, 1294, 47, 10468, 12, 37, 5631, 37322, 341, 16204, 2929, 25, 1374, 7772, 6060, 10347, 38290, 17684, 11095, 27724, 6542, 42229, 9038, 198, 1212, 6119, 287, 2669, 6101, 25, 6101, 10723, 9703, 8558, 284, 6602, 262, 1812, 286, 262, 350, 5603, 33, 26, 1294, 554, 1151, 273, 5038, 3558, 287, 360, 13, 34, 15089, 290, 262, 2097, 3515, 4157, 22663, 21853, 44495, 38285, 350, 1313, 74, 198, 2601, 682, 807, 16036, 25, 11088, 43859, 319, 309, 9417, 257, 34830, 8362, 25204, 21625, 454, 4734, 423, 2486, 287, 257, 5228, 319, 6318, 8015, 198, 3886, 360, 3301, 9329, 5267, 678, 11, 1853, 11, 362, 25, 3312, 4426, 17160, 198, 11649, 1439, 7373, 3689, 329, 25, 4734, 423, 2486, 287, 257, 5228, 319, 6318, 8015, 198, 464, 2486, 3662, 468, 257, 1263, 6318, 12540, 1917, 13, 198, 464, 2097, 286, 17132, 655, 7052, 284, 14762, 257, 2855, 326, 561, 7910, 2421, 1115, 1353, 3662, 2828, 11, 1390, 262, 5349, 3437, 11, 284, 14762, 790, 1981, 6318, 12540, 4737, 284, 3802, 262 ]
[ 505, 6933, 14581, 18964, 198, 3683, 42682, 47559, 20819, 52186, 34467, 529, 17961, 350, 552, 311, 38250, 13345, 25011, 4158, 36514, 14129, 3320, 613, 18022, 198, 2078, 2898, 46, 37543, 13321, 18592, 311, 43420, 3357, 356, 877, 51310, 6826, 86116, 88015, 74, 198, 49, 3876, 311, 279, 7054, 304, 264, 3962, 9483, 438, 8274, 6933, 4435, 25, 362, 9372, 520, 279, 7648, 10106, 59090, 39351, 66083, 323, 279, 29257, 11182, 7301, 59090, 39351, 18413, 2956, 19878, 2453, 8388, 34229, 198, 32, 9372, 520, 279, 18149, 389, 2326, 2898, 46, 7424, 6486, 87687, 32497, 5983, 25, 2650, 11717, 2956, 16910, 87589, 35761, 26166, 38710, 14129, 3320, 613, 18022, 198, 2028, 10563, 304, 6652, 6933, 25, 6933, 14581, 18964, 3749, 311, 10506, 279, 3314, 315, 279, 19932, 1905, 26, 2326, 93258, 269, 1322, 24781, 304, 423, 732, 16016, 323, 279, 4783, 7440, 13572, 30909, 29625, 69778, 86116, 88015, 74, 198, 29582, 220, 23, 30869, 25, 24785, 426, 4858, 389, 350, 6427, 264, 59090, 15457, 34362, 40091, 414, 13063, 617, 7250, 304, 264, 9309, 389, 18636, 22475, 198, 1383, 423, 5169, 28318, 4723, 220, 777, 11, 220, 679, 20, 11, 220, 17, 25, 2705, 5298, 26963, 198, 12388, 2052, 11821, 2671, 369, 25, 13063, 617, 7250, 304, 264, 9309, 389, 18636, 22475, 198, 791, 7250, 8735, 706, 264, 2466, 18636, 34267, 3575, 627, 791, 4783, 315, 40845, 1120, 16626, 311, 29251, 264, 4121, 430, 1053, 19755, 1397, 2380, 1948, 8735, 7510, 11, 2737, 279, 14160, 7690, 11, 311, 29251, 1475, 3927, 18636, 34267, 10371, 311, 3810, 279 ]
[ 2326, 13, 578, 8735, 29633, 430, 279, 4121, 1053, 16168, 3009, 5270, 505, 4737, 304, 904, 80056, 520, 682, 13, 2030, 433, 649, 956, 1524, 28008, 3697, 315, 279, 4872, 596, 1866, 4717, 25, 578, 4121, 5946, 279, 4783, 449, 264, 48960, 60267, 8857, 627, 11948, 2650, 279, 2326, 15670, 18636, 22475, 1457, 198, 13461, 422, 10092, 12643, 3412, 279, 1584, 2403, 264, 48960, 2882, 11, 430, 2834, 956, 31859, 11886, 279, 3575, 13, 1102, 596, 3411, 9193, 4461, 430, 31719, 13063, 690, 7631, 4442, 311, 18636, 34267, 4947, 439, 264, 3044, 369, 10494, 279, 3109, 1825, 3347, 6790, 220, 806, 13, 1628, 20426, 3347, 24700, 18208, 11, 420, 374, 832, 31719, 12643, 2643, 3604, 733, 3235, 449, 627, 2520, 31719, 13063, 11, 420, 4121, 374, 264, 20333, 19092, 3351, 13, 1102, 596, 459, 1094, 818, 3403, 430, 433, 596, 29123, 7353, 1862, 505, 31719, 12643, 439, 1664, 439, 13063, 13, 1628, 433, 596, 9770, 279, 7250, 8735, 2001, 902, 706, 2646, 1047, 1695, 12135, 449, 12643, 389, 32633, 8270, 2001, 311, 4465, 459, 77758, 8209, 627, 791, 4121, 1053, 1397, 279, 6011, 315, 44804, 8398, 19607, 323, 279, 14160, 7690, 311, 1879, 1022, 389, 1855, 3927, 34267, 198, 791, 4121, 279, 4783, 5946, 11, 902, 374, 2663, 279, 3778, 8398, 30241, 19620, 61581, 3298, 320, 269, 279, 3778, 66969, 3298, 11, 1606, 8151, 706, 264, 272, 2142, 88, 38698, 47980, 3575, 705, 7612, 279, 6918, 3109, 311, 743, 709, 264, 502, 1920, 11, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 4092, 323 ]
� actual union patrols on the US-Mexico border aimed at keeping illegals—“wetbacks” in popular usage, including by the UFW—out of the country. The boycott offices themselves collected signatures on petitions “calling on the Justice Department and (INS) to enforce the immigration laws and expel hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. There were many people in and around the union who opposed this turn. But several hundred people patrolled a main crossing on the Arizona-Mexico border and beat people trying to cross into the United States. “The union leaders, particularly Chavez, seemed blind to the consequences of [the] demographic shift that was happening before their eyes…By the mid-1980s, when the UFW was defeated in the fields, less than 10 percent of California farmworkers would be native born…” For Bardacke, it was in part Chavez’s focus on the boycott which blinded him to the “disastrous policy” of the “wet line.” The policy also served to cover up the union’s failure in many instances to involve illegal workers in strikes. But Chavez went even farther in a memo, saying “We’re against illegals no matter where they work
� actual union patrols on the US-Mexico border aimed at keeping illegals—“wetbacks” in popular usage, including by the UFW—out of the country. The boycott offices themselves collected signatures on petitions “calling on the Justice Department and (INS) to enforce the immigration laws and expel hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. There were many people in and around the union who opposed this turn. But several hundred people patrolled a main crossing on the Arizona-Mexico border and beat people trying to cross into the United States. “The union leaders, particularly Chavez, seemed blind to the consequences of [the] demographic shift that was happening before their eyes…By the mid-1980s, when the UFW was defeated in the fields, less than 10 percent of California farmworkers would be native born…” For Bardacke, it was in part Chavez’s focus on the boycott which blinded him to the “disastrous policy” of the “wet line.” The policy also served to cover up the union’s failure in many instances to involve illegal workers in strikes. But Chavez went even farther in a memo, saying “We’re against illegals no matter where they work
because if they’re not breaking the strike they’re taking our jobs.” But by the time of the anti-“wetback” campaign in mid-1974, “most of the unionized jobs in the fields were not held by Chicanos, and the majority of UFW members were Mexicans…” In Bardacke’s view, Chavez’s visceral commitment was to his original base, the Mexican-American workers. The INS in the mid-1970s, unlike its post 9/11 successors today, was so understaffed and underfunded that it was almost a joke. Up to 300 people on a “UFW Border Patrol” used “dune buggies, cars, vans and small trucks to chase people down….County, state and federal officials gave the UFW a free hand in this wilderness.” Hard-to-verify accounts differ considerably on the level of violence used by the UFW Border Patrol, organized (as usual) by cousin Manuel Chavez. The border patrol initially emerged as an alternative after a local judge had banned picketing by striking limoneros at both the work sites and the morning shape-up. Cesar Chavez had his
[ 4210, 4036, 6441, 34141, 319, 262, 1294, 12, 33006, 4865, 8998, 379, 5291, 4416, 874, 960, 447, 250, 86, 316, 10146, 447, 251, 287, 2968, 8748, 11, 1390, 416, 262, 471, 24160, 960, 448, 286, 262, 1499, 13, 383, 23659, 9730, 2405, 7723, 17239, 319, 32890, 564, 250, 44714, 319, 262, 4796, 2732, 290, 357, 20913, 8, 284, 4605, 262, 6272, 3657, 290, 46466, 5179, 286, 4138, 286, 5293, 16269, 13, 1318, 547, 867, 661, 287, 290, 1088, 262, 6441, 508, 6886, 428, 1210, 13, 887, 1811, 3470, 661, 1458, 8375, 257, 1388, 12538, 319, 262, 7943, 12, 33006, 4865, 290, 4405, 661, 2111, 284, 3272, 656, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 564, 250, 464, 6441, 2766, 11, 3573, 31039, 11, 3947, 7770, 284, 262, 6948, 286, 685, 1169, 60, 16728, 6482, 326, 373, 5836, 878, 511, 2951, 1399, 3886, 262, 3095, 12, 23664, 82, 11, 618, 262, 471, 24160, 373, 9772, 287, 262, 7032, 11, 1342, 621, 838, 1411, 286, 3442, 5318, 22896, 561, 307, 6868, 4642, 1399, 447, 251, 1114, 25654, 330, 365, 11, 340, 373, 287, 636, 31039, 447, 247, 82, 2962, 319, 262, 23659, 543, 38497, 683, 284, 262, 564, 250, 6381, 20168, 2450, 447, 251, 286, 262, 564, 250, 86, 316, 1627, 13, 447, 251, 383, 2450, 635, 4983, 284, 3002, 510, 262, 6441, 447, 247, 82, 5287, 287, 867, 10245, 284, 6211, 5293, 3259, 287, 8956, 13, 887, 31039, 1816, 772, 18485, 287, 257, 16155, 11, 2282, 564, 250, 1135, 447, 247, 260, 1028, 4416, 874, 645, 2300, 810, 484, 670 ]
[ 5809, 5150, 11552, 88142, 389, 279, 2326, 5364, 327, 4042, 3973, 20034, 520, 10494, 30067, 1147, 2345, 2118, 86, 295, 25082, 863, 304, 5526, 10648, 11, 2737, 555, 279, 549, 18723, 2345, 412, 315, 279, 3224, 13, 578, 53645, 19672, 5694, 14890, 33728, 389, 75554, 1054, 74826, 389, 279, 12007, 6011, 323, 320, 9751, 8, 311, 29262, 279, 15443, 7016, 323, 1367, 301, 11758, 315, 9214, 315, 12079, 37219, 13, 2684, 1051, 1690, 1274, 304, 323, 2212, 279, 11552, 889, 16475, 420, 2543, 13, 2030, 3892, 7895, 1274, 3352, 21621, 264, 1925, 27736, 389, 279, 17368, 5364, 327, 4042, 3973, 323, 9567, 1274, 4560, 311, 5425, 1139, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 1054, 791, 11552, 6164, 11, 8104, 77341, 11, 9508, 18507, 311, 279, 16296, 315, 510, 1820, 60, 38462, 6541, 430, 574, 12765, 1603, 872, 6548, 1981, 1383, 279, 5209, 12, 3753, 15, 82, 11, 994, 279, 549, 18723, 574, 24164, 304, 279, 5151, 11, 2753, 1109, 220, 605, 3346, 315, 7188, 8961, 56058, 1053, 387, 10068, 9405, 51279, 1789, 64304, 474, 68, 11, 433, 574, 304, 961, 77341, 753, 5357, 389, 279, 53645, 902, 90216, 1461, 311, 279, 1054, 4338, 21100, 788, 4947, 863, 315, 279, 1054, 86, 295, 1584, 2029, 578, 4947, 1101, 10434, 311, 3504, 709, 279, 11552, 753, 8060, 304, 1690, 13422, 311, 21736, 12079, 7487, 304, 23170, 13, 2030, 77341, 4024, 1524, 43726, 304, 264, 22154, 11, 5605, 1054, 1687, 3207, 2403, 30067, 1147, 912, 5030, 1405, 814, 990 ]
[ 1606, 422, 814, 3207, 539, 15061, 279, 13471, 814, 3207, 4737, 1057, 7032, 2029, 2030, 555, 279, 892, 315, 279, 7294, 12, 2118, 86, 295, 1445, 863, 4901, 304, 5209, 12, 4468, 19, 11, 1054, 3646, 315, 279, 11552, 1534, 7032, 304, 279, 5151, 1051, 539, 5762, 555, 921, 7210, 437, 11, 323, 279, 8857, 315, 549, 18723, 3697, 1051, 97862, 51279, 763, 64304, 474, 68, 753, 1684, 11, 77341, 753, 89116, 15507, 574, 311, 813, 4113, 2385, 11, 279, 24160, 24145, 7487, 627, 791, 26776, 304, 279, 5209, 12, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 20426, 1202, 1772, 220, 24, 14, 806, 75996, 3432, 11, 574, 779, 14653, 2715, 291, 323, 1234, 69, 37153, 430, 433, 574, 4661, 264, 22380, 13, 3216, 311, 220, 3101, 1274, 389, 264, 1054, 52, 18723, 14319, 45498, 863, 1511, 1054, 67, 2957, 293, 2661, 552, 11, 9515, 11, 77124, 323, 2678, 27861, 311, 33586, 1274, 1523, 21060, 69994, 11, 1614, 323, 6918, 7510, 6688, 279, 549, 18723, 264, 1949, 1450, 304, 420, 49362, 2029, 11481, 4791, 12, 12728, 9815, 1782, 33452, 389, 279, 2237, 315, 9349, 1511, 555, 279, 549, 18723, 14319, 45498, 11, 17057, 320, 300, 13783, 8, 555, 36271, 44681, 77341, 13, 578, 3973, 33622, 15453, 22763, 439, 459, 10778, 1306, 264, 2254, 11913, 1047, 21501, 3820, 11880, 555, 21933, 4671, 263, 6398, 520, 2225, 279, 990, 6732, 323, 279, 6693, 6211, 5352, 13, 356, 33340, 77341, 1047, 813 ]
the notion of a benevolent dictatorship; 5) Most (larger) countries have too many vested interests of different sorts, and corruption already runs too deep. Adherent of the discipline, Lee advocated severe punishment for social offenses Some Lessons of Wisdom to Learn from LKY #1 The Importance of incentives Putting the right incentives in place is THE single most important factor determining the long-term success of an organization, corporation, or a country. It is the leadership’s role to assume that people will game the system ruthlessly, and therefore make it as hard as humanly possible to do that. Unlike many other countries–such as Sweden, where most politicians are incompetent–LKY, like Napoleon, Caesar, and the Founding Fathers, understood that government must be meritocratic. #2 The importance of prevention: Be ruthless with wrongdoers LKY, like many other intelligent people, understands the importance of prevention. Mistakes should never have to be fixed, they should be prevented. Most problems stem from incompetence or negative psychology (bad habits and lack of discipline), and as such they have a strong tendency to repeat themselves, especially on a countrywide level. It is nearly impossible to fix a problem once it has become
the notion of a benevolent dictatorship; 5) Most (larger) countries have too many vested interests of different sorts, and corruption already runs too deep. Adherent of the discipline, Lee advocated severe punishment for social offenses Some Lessons of Wisdom to Learn from LKY #1 The Importance of incentives Putting the right incentives in place is THE single most important factor determining the long-term success of an organization, corporation, or a country. It is the leadership’s role to assume that people will game the system ruthlessly, and therefore make it as hard as humanly possible to do that. Unlike many other countries–such as Sweden, where most politicians are incompetent–LKY, like Napoleon, Caesar, and the Founding Fathers, understood that government must be meritocratic. #2 The importance of prevention: Be ruthless with wrongdoers LKY, like many other intelligent people, understands the importance of prevention. Mistakes should never have to be fixed, they should be prevented. Most problems stem from incompetence or negative psychology (bad habits and lack of discipline), and as such they have a strong tendency to repeat themselves, especially on a countrywide level. It is nearly impossible to fix a problem once it has become
culturally rooted. The problem is that most people are not able to think long-term and deal with incremental change. Instead, they make the mistake of allowing problems to grow like cancer, until they cannot be stopped. Only then does the media start reporting on it – in a not-so-constructive way, asking: “Who is to blame!?” Playing the blame game is for children. Grown-ups think in terms of prevention. #3 The importance of public perception Not only did LKY put in the right financial incentives, thereby attracting the most competent ministers, but he also increased the respect and status by which the Singaporean politicians and statesmen are treated with. LKY set a strict policy of non-acceptance against satire, crude jokes, or caricatures of himself and the leadership: “If you keep on mocking your leader, poking fun at him, everyday, and he has no right to reply, it is very difficult for him to command your respect”. #4 Human beings are not equal–and never will be! Only a person with a strong character can speak the truth, especially when his position in life depends on it. Fortunately, LKY was such an individual
[ 262, 9495, 286, 257, 45599, 26457, 26, 198, 20, 8, 4042, 357, 15521, 263, 8, 2678, 423, 1165, 867, 32789, 5353, 286, 1180, 10524, 11, 290, 9253, 1541, 4539, 1165, 2769, 13, 198, 2782, 8334, 286, 262, 12883, 11, 5741, 25828, 6049, 9837, 329, 1919, 18514, 198, 4366, 46885, 286, 24075, 284, 14365, 422, 406, 31159, 198, 2, 16, 383, 17267, 590, 286, 16538, 198, 46399, 262, 826, 16538, 287, 1295, 318, 3336, 2060, 749, 1593, 5766, 13213, 262, 890, 12, 4354, 1943, 286, 281, 4009, 11, 12017, 11, 393, 257, 1499, 13, 632, 318, 262, 5531, 447, 247, 82, 2597, 284, 7048, 326, 661, 481, 983, 262, 1080, 23562, 8613, 11, 290, 4361, 787, 340, 355, 1327, 355, 1692, 306, 1744, 284, 466, 326, 13, 198, 18521, 867, 584, 2678, 1906, 10508, 355, 10710, 11, 810, 749, 7602, 389, 33840, 1906, 43, 31159, 11, 588, 28283, 11, 24088, 11, 290, 262, 44593, 30969, 11, 7247, 326, 1230, 1276, 307, 17004, 15405, 13, 198, 2, 17, 383, 6817, 286, 14196, 25, 1355, 29541, 351, 2642, 4598, 364, 198, 43, 31159, 11, 588, 867, 584, 12661, 661, 11, 14759, 262, 6817, 286, 14196, 13, 198, 49370, 1124, 815, 1239, 423, 284, 307, 5969, 11, 484, 815, 307, 13351, 13, 198, 6943, 2761, 10717, 422, 39674, 393, 4633, 15119, 357, 14774, 13870, 290, 3092, 286, 12883, 828, 290, 355, 884, 484, 423, 257, 1913, 13542, 284, 9585, 2405, 11, 2592, 319, 257, 1499, 4421, 1241, 13, 632, 318, 3016, 5340, 284, 4259, 257, 1917, 1752, 340, 468, 1716 ]
[ 279, 23035, 315, 264, 20331, 72137, 69948, 280, 20, 8, 7648, 320, 27995, 261, 8, 5961, 617, 2288, 1690, 79051, 12034, 315, 2204, 21522, 11, 323, 21948, 2736, 8640, 2288, 5655, 627, 2654, 38638, 315, 279, 26434, 11, 12336, 64854, 15748, 25060, 369, 3674, 47243, 198, 8538, 61566, 315, 57201, 311, 15281, 505, 445, 77685, 198, 2, 16, 578, 94100, 315, 36580, 198, 99004, 279, 1314, 36580, 304, 2035, 374, 3247, 3254, 1455, 3062, 8331, 26679, 279, 1317, 9860, 2450, 315, 459, 7471, 11, 27767, 11, 477, 264, 3224, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 11692, 753, 3560, 311, 9855, 430, 1274, 690, 1847, 279, 1887, 54246, 16117, 11, 323, 9093, 1304, 433, 439, 2653, 439, 3823, 398, 3284, 311, 656, 430, 627, 44179, 1690, 1023, 5961, 4235, 21470, 439, 24067, 11, 1405, 1455, 19287, 527, 81912, 4235, 43, 77685, 11, 1093, 70527, 11, 54753, 11, 323, 279, 12595, 287, 77005, 11, 16365, 430, 3109, 2011, 387, 38559, 38341, 627, 2, 17, 578, 12939, 315, 27344, 25, 2893, 69510, 449, 5076, 3055, 388, 198, 43, 77685, 11, 1093, 1690, 1023, 25530, 1274, 11, 31869, 279, 12939, 315, 27344, 627, 44, 380, 2094, 1288, 2646, 617, 311, 387, 8521, 11, 814, 1288, 387, 32098, 627, 13622, 5435, 19646, 505, 99748, 477, 8389, 31018, 320, 14176, 26870, 323, 6996, 315, 26434, 705, 323, 439, 1778, 814, 617, 264, 3831, 31954, 311, 13454, 5694, 11, 5423, 389, 264, 3224, 9328, 2237, 13, 1102, 374, 7154, 12266, 311, 5155, 264, 3575, 3131, 433, 706, 3719 ]
[ 66963, 41976, 627, 791, 3575, 374, 430, 1455, 1274, 527, 539, 3025, 311, 1781, 1317, 9860, 323, 3568, 449, 53399, 2349, 627, 31887, 11, 814, 1304, 279, 16930, 315, 10923, 5435, 311, 3139, 1093, 9572, 11, 3156, 814, 4250, 387, 10717, 13, 8442, 1243, 1587, 279, 3772, 1212, 13122, 389, 433, 1389, 304, 264, 539, 34119, 12, 7750, 535, 1648, 11, 10371, 25, 1054, 15546, 374, 311, 19065, 0, 12671, 198, 28571, 279, 19065, 1847, 374, 369, 2911, 627, 38, 4935, 27859, 1781, 304, 3878, 315, 27344, 627, 2, 18, 578, 12939, 315, 586, 21063, 198, 2688, 1193, 1550, 445, 77685, 2231, 304, 279, 1314, 6020, 36580, 11, 28592, 51647, 279, 1455, 40883, 35050, 11, 719, 568, 1101, 7319, 279, 5201, 323, 2704, 555, 902, 279, 21181, 276, 19287, 323, 5415, 5794, 527, 12020, 449, 627, 43, 77685, 743, 264, 7452, 4947, 315, 2536, 12, 10543, 685, 2403, 82495, 11, 35750, 32520, 11, 477, 77071, 2859, 315, 5678, 323, 279, 11692, 512, 38684, 499, 2567, 389, 67583, 701, 7808, 11, 92463, 2523, 520, 1461, 11, 18254, 11, 323, 568, 706, 912, 1314, 311, 10052, 11, 433, 374, 1633, 5107, 369, 1461, 311, 3290, 701, 5201, 113068, 2, 19, 11344, 23837, 527, 539, 6273, 87023, 2646, 690, 387, 4999, 7456, 264, 1732, 449, 264, 3831, 3752, 649, 6604, 279, 8206, 11, 5423, 994, 813, 2361, 304, 2324, 14117, 389, 433, 13, 42536, 11, 445, 77685, 574, 1778, 459, 3927 ]
contacted suppliers in Europe, and VAC-U-MAX in the U.S. Its systems are well known in Israel, and the company had the technical expertise we were looking for,” says Golick. Belleville, New Jersey-based VAC-U-MAX, an expert in the design and manufacture of pneumatic systems and support equipment for conveying, batching, and weighing of dry materials, couples its proven pre-engineered conveying solutions with industry expertise to design custom solutions for processors. Recognizing that materials behave differently under various conditions, the conveyor manufacturer has a long-standing practice of offering no obligation test runs of customers’ materials in their testing facility, and DSW sent samples of its product for test with the equipment. Before running any tests, the conveyor manufacturer had to first consider the unique location and environment of the application and design the system using high temperature materials and also materials that are corrosion resistant—which is a whole subject in itself. It was decided that a conveying system built from 316L stainless steel could withstand the harsh desert temperatures and corrosive atmosphere at the Dead Sea. With the equipment material decided, VAC-U-MAX tested the hydroscopic material to ensure
contacted suppliers in Europe, and VAC-U-MAX in the U.S. Its systems are well known in Israel, and the company had the technical expertise we were looking for,” says Golick. Belleville, New Jersey-based VAC-U-MAX, an expert in the design and manufacture of pneumatic systems and support equipment for conveying, batching, and weighing of dry materials, couples its proven pre-engineered conveying solutions with industry expertise to design custom solutions for processors. Recognizing that materials behave differently under various conditions, the conveyor manufacturer has a long-standing practice of offering no obligation test runs of customers’ materials in their testing facility, and DSW sent samples of its product for test with the equipment. Before running any tests, the conveyor manufacturer had to first consider the unique location and environment of the application and design the system using high temperature materials and also materials that are corrosion resistant—which is a whole subject in itself. It was decided that a conveying system built from 316L stainless steel could withstand the harsh desert temperatures and corrosive atmosphere at the Dead Sea. With the equipment material decided, VAC-U-MAX tested the hydroscopic material to ensure
it would not absorb moisture and clump in the conveying tube and packaging equipment. To prevent this, the conveyor manufacturer tested and employed flow promotion devices such as aeration, agitation or vibration to keep the material moving with a transport weight of 5.5 tons per hour. Beyond environmental factors, Golick says, “the equipment needed to be user friendly so that different language groups can operate it.” The national language of Israel is Hebrew and Arabic, and English and Russian are the most popular unofficial languages in Israel. Therefore, the system is fully automated to run 24/7 with 30 operators rotating off with no operator attention required except to push a start button. “The two systems have been up and running since the beginning of the year and they are working without any problems so far,” says Golick. VAC-U-MAX offers a wide range of standard pneumatic conveyor systems, weighing systems and accessories, plus semi-custom systems, as well as totally custom-engineered systems. They offer factory testing of trial materials, as well as installation assistance and full maintenance documentation. They are the provider of choice of many well-known companies in the food, drug, and industrial manufacturing sectors. For more information
[ 11237, 20499, 287, 2031, 11, 290, 569, 2246, 12, 52, 12, 22921, 287, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 6363, 3341, 389, 880, 1900, 287, 2692, 11, 290, 262, 1664, 550, 262, 6276, 13572, 356, 547, 2045, 329, 11, 447, 251, 1139, 26849, 624, 13, 198, 12193, 2768, 8270, 11, 968, 8221, 12, 3106, 569, 2246, 12, 52, 12, 22921, 11, 281, 5887, 287, 262, 1486, 290, 6161, 286, 279, 710, 16735, 3341, 290, 1104, 5112, 329, 24748, 1112, 11, 15458, 278, 11, 290, 21990, 286, 5894, 5696, 11, 11886, 663, 9157, 662, 12, 18392, 1068, 24748, 1112, 8136, 351, 2831, 13572, 284, 1486, 2183, 8136, 329, 20399, 13, 198, 6690, 2360, 2890, 326, 5696, 17438, 10338, 739, 2972, 3403, 11, 262, 13878, 273, 11554, 468, 257, 890, 12, 5646, 3357, 286, 6011, 645, 12990, 1332, 4539, 286, 4297, 447, 247, 5696, 287, 511, 4856, 6841, 11, 290, 17400, 54, 1908, 8405, 286, 663, 1720, 329, 1332, 351, 262, 5112, 13, 198, 8421, 2491, 597, 5254, 11, 262, 13878, 273, 11554, 550, 284, 717, 2074, 262, 3748, 4067, 290, 2858, 286, 262, 3586, 290, 1486, 262, 1080, 1262, 1029, 5951, 5696, 290, 635, 5696, 326, 389, 41677, 18290, 960, 4758, 318, 257, 2187, 2426, 287, 2346, 13, 632, 373, 3066, 326, 257, 24748, 1112, 1080, 3170, 422, 34131, 43, 25704, 7771, 714, 25073, 262, 11859, 10326, 10101, 290, 30329, 425, 8137, 379, 262, 5542, 6896, 13, 198, 3152, 262, 5112, 2587, 3066, 11, 569, 2246, 12, 52, 12, 22921, 6789, 262, 17173, 1416, 16603, 2587, 284, 4155 ]
[ 25559, 20972, 304, 4606, 11, 323, 650, 1741, 35681, 5364, 3027, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 11699, 6067, 527, 1664, 3967, 304, 6921, 11, 323, 279, 2883, 1047, 279, 11156, 19248, 584, 1051, 3411, 369, 2476, 2795, 55679, 875, 627, 22404, 3532, 4618, 11, 1561, 16228, 6108, 650, 1741, 35681, 5364, 3027, 11, 459, 6335, 304, 279, 2955, 323, 30847, 315, 44626, 33030, 6067, 323, 1862, 7241, 369, 94165, 11, 85356, 11, 323, 47826, 315, 9235, 7384, 11, 21961, 1202, 17033, 864, 50725, 12616, 94165, 10105, 449, 5064, 19248, 311, 2955, 2587, 10105, 369, 37686, 627, 18398, 4954, 430, 7384, 36792, 22009, 1234, 5370, 4787, 11, 279, 50241, 14290, 706, 264, 1317, 56703, 6725, 315, 10209, 912, 29672, 1296, 8640, 315, 6444, 529, 7384, 304, 872, 7649, 12764, 11, 323, 423, 17268, 3288, 10688, 315, 1202, 2027, 369, 1296, 449, 279, 7241, 627, 10438, 4401, 904, 7177, 11, 279, 50241, 14290, 1047, 311, 1176, 2980, 279, 5016, 3813, 323, 4676, 315, 279, 3851, 323, 2955, 279, 1887, 1701, 1579, 9499, 7384, 323, 1101, 7384, 430, 527, 56488, 31785, 50004, 374, 264, 4459, 3917, 304, 5196, 13, 1102, 574, 6773, 430, 264, 94165, 1887, 5918, 505, 220, 15340, 43, 25468, 9699, 1436, 51571, 279, 25984, 24521, 20472, 323, 46657, 535, 16975, 520, 279, 15371, 15379, 627, 2409, 279, 7241, 3769, 6773, 11, 650, 1741, 35681, 5364, 3027, 12793, 279, 17055, 58510, 3769, 311, 6106 ]
[ 433, 1053, 539, 35406, 32257, 323, 1206, 1538, 304, 279, 94165, 14019, 323, 24066, 7241, 13, 2057, 5471, 420, 11, 279, 50241, 14290, 12793, 323, 20011, 6530, 20862, 7766, 1778, 439, 264, 21597, 11, 91317, 477, 48913, 311, 2567, 279, 3769, 7366, 449, 264, 7710, 4785, 315, 220, 20, 13, 20, 20181, 824, 6596, 627, 56441, 12434, 9547, 11, 55679, 875, 2795, 11, 1054, 1820, 7241, 4460, 311, 387, 1217, 11919, 779, 430, 2204, 4221, 5315, 649, 14816, 433, 2029, 578, 5426, 4221, 315, 6921, 374, 37366, 323, 35217, 11, 323, 6498, 323, 8690, 527, 279, 1455, 5526, 57751, 15823, 304, 6921, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 1887, 374, 7373, 28598, 311, 1629, 220, 1187, 14, 22, 449, 220, 966, 20197, 42496, 1022, 449, 912, 5793, 6666, 2631, 3734, 311, 4585, 264, 1212, 3215, 627, 14305, 1403, 6067, 617, 1027, 709, 323, 4401, 2533, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 1060, 323, 814, 527, 3318, 2085, 904, 5435, 779, 3117, 2476, 2795, 55679, 875, 627, 53, 1741, 35681, 5364, 3027, 6209, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 5410, 44626, 33030, 50241, 6067, 11, 47826, 6067, 323, 23090, 11, 5636, 18768, 37998, 6067, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 12756, 2587, 50725, 12616, 6067, 13, 2435, 3085, 8803, 7649, 315, 9269, 7384, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 14028, 13291, 323, 2539, 13709, 9904, 13, 2435, 527, 279, 9287, 315, 5873, 315, 1690, 1664, 22015, 5220, 304, 279, 3691, 11, 5623, 11, 323, 13076, 15266, 26593, 627, 2520, 810, 2038 ]
this species seems to be a speciality of the area. A similar distance further on you come to a crossroads – to the left are some ruined fincas (c) and to the right a track (d) that heads off towards the A 407. The fincas have Lesser Kestrel and I've seen Montagu's here. The track splits in two after the buildings and both routes look good for bustards (though so far I've drawn a blank here). The track on the other side of the road crosses good bustard habitat. I have seen Little Bustard here plus Roller, Black-winged Kite and Stone Curlew. Naturally the whole area hosts a good range of raptors (Short-toed and Booted Eagle, etc.) and, during migration periods, stray Honey Buzzards may pass over. Check buzzards for Long-legged Buzzard which have occurred not so far away. Back on the 'main' road, a small (but metalled) road turns off to the right neasr a sign for the 'Venta la Romera' (no longer, it seems, in business). This road again heads through excellent bustard habitat and makes a great short cut if you're heading over towards
this species seems to be a speciality of the area. A similar distance further on you come to a crossroads – to the left are some ruined fincas (c) and to the right a track (d) that heads off towards the A 407. The fincas have Lesser Kestrel and I've seen Montagu's here. The track splits in two after the buildings and both routes look good for bustards (though so far I've drawn a blank here). The track on the other side of the road crosses good bustard habitat. I have seen Little Bustard here plus Roller, Black-winged Kite and Stone Curlew. Naturally the whole area hosts a good range of raptors (Short-toed and Booted Eagle, etc.) and, during migration periods, stray Honey Buzzards may pass over. Check buzzards for Long-legged Buzzard which have occurred not so far away. Back on the 'main' road, a small (but metalled) road turns off to the right neasr a sign for the 'Venta la Romera' (no longer, it seems, in business). This road again heads through excellent bustard habitat and makes a great short cut if you're heading over towards
La Lantjuela. At times a temporary pools is established on the right before you reach the railway bridge – check it for Collared Pratincole, Gull-billed Tern and Black-winged Stilt. As well a Roller, this is a good route for Southern Grey Shrike, Bee-eater and, near some ruins, Spanish Sparrow. The fields beyond the A 407 are worth checking for the same birds. Back on the original road you soon pass though rolling cereal fields before you drop down into a hollow (f) - 'Laguna' de los Ojuelos. This area of temporary pools is the only place I've seen Black-bellied Sandgrouse in Andalucia, but I suspect I've used up both my luck and yours as I saw it from the train! (Amazingly, it flew up and flew along next to my window – not bad as it was a lifer at the time). There are fewer than 50 pairs in eastern Andalucia so I was incredibly lucky. This area, though, is good for Collared Pratincoles, wheatears, Red-rumped Swallow, Bee-eater and Roller so always worth a look.
[ 428, 4693, 2331, 284, 307, 257, 2041, 414, 286, 262, 1989, 13, 198, 32, 2092, 5253, 2252, 319, 345, 1282, 284, 257, 3272, 21372, 784, 284, 262, 1364, 389, 617, 20484, 957, 34004, 357, 66, 8, 290, 284, 262, 826, 257, 2610, 357, 67, 8, 326, 6665, 572, 3371, 262, 317, 41879, 13, 383, 957, 34004, 423, 12892, 263, 509, 395, 2411, 290, 314, 1053, 1775, 5575, 11433, 338, 994, 13, 383, 2610, 30778, 287, 734, 706, 262, 6832, 290, 1111, 11926, 804, 922, 329, 13076, 1371, 357, 2016, 523, 1290, 314, 1053, 7428, 257, 9178, 994, 737, 383, 2610, 319, 262, 584, 1735, 286, 262, 2975, 24234, 922, 13076, 446, 20018, 13, 314, 423, 1775, 7703, 36988, 446, 994, 5556, 24945, 11, 2619, 12, 5469, 276, 509, 578, 290, 8026, 4424, 293, 86, 13, 30413, 262, 2187, 1989, 11453, 257, 922, 2837, 286, 38404, 669, 357, 16438, 12, 1462, 276, 290, 18892, 276, 18456, 11, 3503, 2014, 290, 11, 1141, 13472, 9574, 11, 28583, 21788, 15753, 1371, 743, 1208, 625, 13, 6822, 14713, 1371, 329, 5882, 12, 40898, 15753, 446, 543, 423, 5091, 407, 523, 1290, 1497, 13, 198, 7282, 319, 262, 705, 12417, 6, 2975, 11, 257, 1402, 357, 4360, 1138, 4262, 8, 2975, 4962, 572, 284, 262, 826, 497, 292, 81, 257, 1051, 329, 262, 705, 53, 29188, 8591, 3570, 8607, 6, 357, 3919, 2392, 11, 340, 2331, 11, 287, 1597, 737, 770, 2975, 757, 6665, 832, 6275, 13076, 446, 20018, 290, 1838, 257, 1049, 1790, 2005, 611, 345, 821, 9087, 625, 3371 ]
[ 420, 9606, 5084, 311, 387, 264, 3361, 488, 315, 279, 3158, 627, 32, 4528, 6138, 4726, 389, 499, 2586, 311, 264, 5425, 43791, 1389, 311, 279, 2163, 527, 1063, 47168, 1913, 25295, 320, 66, 8, 323, 311, 279, 1314, 264, 3839, 320, 67, 8, 430, 14971, 1022, 7119, 279, 362, 220, 18501, 13, 578, 1913, 25295, 617, 14231, 735, 478, 3833, 323, 358, 3077, 3970, 9995, 47820, 596, 1618, 13, 578, 3839, 41567, 304, 1403, 1306, 279, 14016, 323, 2225, 11543, 1427, 1695, 369, 21444, 2402, 320, 4636, 779, 3117, 358, 3077, 15107, 264, 10321, 1618, 570, 578, 3839, 389, 279, 1023, 3185, 315, 279, 5754, 50535, 1695, 21444, 569, 39646, 13, 358, 617, 3970, 15013, 71433, 569, 1618, 5636, 45642, 11, 5348, 29480, 291, 735, 635, 323, 14637, 13182, 76064, 13, 60842, 279, 4459, 3158, 18939, 264, 1695, 2134, 315, 436, 58512, 320, 12755, 4791, 291, 323, 15354, 291, 36895, 11, 5099, 6266, 323, 11, 2391, 12172, 18852, 11, 62490, 40715, 39051, 2402, 1253, 1522, 927, 13, 4343, 31527, 2402, 369, 5843, 95364, 39051, 569, 902, 617, 10222, 539, 779, 3117, 3201, 627, 3792, 389, 279, 364, 3902, 6, 5754, 11, 264, 2678, 320, 8248, 2322, 4841, 8, 5754, 10800, 1022, 311, 279, 1314, 841, 300, 81, 264, 1879, 369, 279, 364, 89168, 1208, 12036, 2473, 6, 320, 2201, 5129, 11, 433, 5084, 11, 304, 2626, 570, 1115, 5754, 1578, 14971, 1555, 9250, 21444, 569, 39646, 323, 3727, 264, 2294, 2875, 4018, 422, 499, 2351, 14836, 927, 7119 ]
[ 5034, 445, 519, 73, 24669, 13, 2468, 3115, 264, 13643, 34239, 374, 9749, 389, 279, 1314, 1603, 499, 5662, 279, 40106, 14497, 1389, 1817, 433, 369, 13201, 1636, 2394, 15111, 56745, 11, 480, 620, 1481, 4473, 350, 944, 323, 5348, 29480, 291, 800, 3036, 13, 1666, 1664, 264, 45642, 11, 420, 374, 264, 1695, 6149, 369, 16642, 26769, 1443, 41752, 11, 38530, 5773, 977, 323, 11, 3221, 1063, 46762, 11, 15506, 70906, 654, 13, 578, 5151, 7953, 279, 362, 220, 18501, 527, 5922, 13598, 369, 279, 1890, 20229, 627, 3792, 389, 279, 4113, 5754, 499, 5246, 1522, 3582, 20700, 62233, 5151, 1603, 499, 6068, 1523, 1139, 264, 42902, 320, 69, 8, 482, 364, 43, 351, 8733, 6, 409, 2537, 507, 73, 4088, 437, 13, 1115, 3158, 315, 13643, 34239, 374, 279, 1193, 2035, 358, 3077, 3970, 5348, 1481, 616, 1142, 8847, 70, 583, 325, 304, 1628, 278, 1791, 689, 11, 719, 358, 15562, 358, 3077, 1511, 709, 2225, 856, 15369, 323, 18821, 439, 358, 5602, 433, 505, 279, 5542, 0, 320, 66173, 398, 11, 433, 32122, 709, 323, 32122, 3235, 1828, 311, 856, 3321, 1389, 539, 3958, 439, 433, 574, 264, 10345, 261, 520, 279, 892, 570, 2684, 527, 17162, 1109, 220, 1135, 13840, 304, 24024, 1628, 278, 1791, 689, 779, 358, 574, 17235, 18069, 13, 1115, 3158, 11, 3582, 11, 374, 1695, 369, 13201, 1636, 2394, 15111, 85938, 11, 15240, 349, 1590, 11, 3816, 3880, 61292, 4593, 7331, 11, 38530, 5773, 977, 323, 45642, 779, 2744, 5922, 264, 1427, 13 ]
E4 · The Evans Get Involved: The Final Final Willona anxiously awaits the adoption board's decision about her impen... S5 E3 · The Evans Get Involved: The Solution Willona must make an agonizing decision that could change the rest of ... S5 E2 · The Evans Get Involved: Meet Penny, Part 2 Willona and the Evans family try to help a mysterious little girl. S6 E4 · Florida's Homecoming (United We Stand) Thelma's new husband stands to lose his contract and J.J. faces the ja... S6 E3 · Florida's Homecoming (The Wedding) The day arrives for Thelma to marry handsome football star Keith Ander... S6 E2 · Florida's Homecoming Wedding bells are ringing for Thelma and Keith, but they may not be he... Thelma gives a dinner party for her new boyfriend with such sensationa... The Jeffersons The Brady Bunch Sanford & Son HomeEnvironment & Climate NewsEnergy Provider May Jump Ship On Offshore Wind Ventures Energy Provider May Jump Ship On Offshore Wind Ventures Eversource, the largest energy provider in
E4 · The Evans Get Involved: The Final Final Willona anxiously awaits the adoption board's decision about her impen... S5 E3 · The Evans Get Involved: The Solution Willona must make an agonizing decision that could change the rest of ... S5 E2 · The Evans Get Involved: Meet Penny, Part 2 Willona and the Evans family try to help a mysterious little girl. S6 E4 · Florida's Homecoming (United We Stand) Thelma's new husband stands to lose his contract and J.J. faces the ja... S6 E3 · Florida's Homecoming (The Wedding) The day arrives for Thelma to marry handsome football star Keith Ander... S6 E2 · Florida's Homecoming Wedding bells are ringing for Thelma and Keith, but they may not be he... Thelma gives a dinner party for her new boyfriend with such sensationa... The Jeffersons The Brady Bunch Sanford & Son HomeEnvironment & Climate NewsEnergy Provider May Jump Ship On Offshore Wind Ventures Energy Provider May Jump Ship On Offshore Wind Ventures Eversource, the largest energy provider in
New England, initiated a review Wednesday of its offshore wind ventures which have been touted by the Biden administration. The company’s “strategic review” will examine its 50% stake in a multi-project joint offshore venture with global renewable energy powerhouse Ørsted, Eversource — which serves about 4 million customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire — confirmed to investors Thursday. The multi-billion-dollar venture with Ørsted includes three offshore wind projects: the South Fork Wind and Sunrise Wind projects in New York and the Revolution Wind in Rhode Island. “We are conducting a fulsome review of our interest in the joint venture with Ørsted to assess alternatives that will allow us to create shareholder value and continue building a leading clean energy company that is wholly supportive of our region’s climate change goals,” Eversource President and CEO Joe Nolan said in a statement Wednesday. He added that the company would continue to support offshore wind development through “advocacy, transmission investment solutions and clean energy resource integration.” (RELATED: Weak Wind Power To Blame For European Energy Crisis, Greater Reliance On Fossil Fuels: REPORT) Nolan said the energy utility’s
[ 412, 19, 14128, 383, 13922, 3497, 10001, 5634, 25, 383, 8125, 8125, 198, 8743, 4450, 7296, 6819, 37180, 262, 12695, 3096, 338, 2551, 546, 607, 848, 268, 986, 198, 50, 20, 412, 18, 14128, 383, 13922, 3497, 10001, 5634, 25, 383, 28186, 198, 8743, 4450, 1276, 787, 281, 26990, 2890, 2551, 326, 714, 1487, 262, 1334, 286, 2644, 198, 50, 20, 412, 17, 14128, 383, 13922, 3497, 10001, 5634, 25, 21167, 25965, 11, 2142, 362, 198, 8743, 4450, 290, 262, 13922, 1641, 1949, 284, 1037, 257, 11428, 1310, 2576, 13, 198, 50, 21, 412, 19, 14128, 4744, 338, 5995, 4976, 357, 17013, 775, 5751, 8, 198, 464, 75, 2611, 338, 649, 5229, 6296, 284, 4425, 465, 2775, 290, 449, 13, 41, 13, 6698, 262, 45091, 986, 198, 50, 21, 412, 18, 14128, 4744, 338, 5995, 4976, 357, 464, 36679, 8, 198, 464, 1110, 14443, 329, 383, 75, 2611, 284, 12479, 22665, 4346, 3491, 14926, 317, 681, 986, 198, 50, 21, 412, 17, 14128, 4744, 338, 5995, 4976, 198, 54, 6048, 278, 30987, 389, 32333, 329, 383, 75, 2611, 290, 14926, 11, 475, 484, 743, 407, 307, 339, 986, 198, 464, 75, 2611, 3607, 257, 8073, 2151, 329, 607, 649, 13850, 351, 884, 18098, 64, 986, 198, 464, 5502, 364, 684, 198, 464, 15260, 347, 3316, 198, 15017, 3841, 1222, 6295, 5995, 31441, 1222, 13963, 3000, 28925, 32549, 1737, 15903, 16656, 1550, 3242, 14640, 3086, 41673, 198, 28925, 32549, 1737, 15903, 16656, 1550, 3242, 14640, 3086, 41673, 198, 36, 690, 1668, 11, 262, 4387, 2568, 10131, 287 ]
[ 469, 19, 9787, 578, 30563, 2175, 19337, 8905, 25, 578, 13321, 13321, 198, 10149, 6863, 74884, 13610, 71904, 279, 25375, 4580, 596, 5597, 922, 1077, 737, 2821, 9522, 50, 20, 469, 18, 9787, 578, 30563, 2175, 19337, 8905, 25, 578, 12761, 198, 10149, 6863, 2011, 1304, 459, 57770, 4954, 5597, 430, 1436, 2349, 279, 2800, 315, 12515, 50, 20, 469, 17, 9787, 578, 30563, 2175, 19337, 8905, 25, 26911, 54015, 11, 3744, 220, 17, 198, 10149, 6863, 323, 279, 30563, 3070, 1456, 311, 1520, 264, 26454, 2697, 3828, 627, 50, 21, 469, 19, 9787, 9784, 596, 5492, 5065, 320, 23175, 1226, 15948, 340, 1016, 301, 1764, 596, 502, 10177, 13656, 311, 9229, 813, 5226, 323, 622, 3587, 13, 12580, 279, 12203, 9522, 50, 21, 469, 18, 9787, 9784, 596, 5492, 5065, 320, 791, 31917, 340, 791, 1938, 30782, 369, 666, 301, 1764, 311, 32918, 44877, 9141, 6917, 32602, 362, 910, 9522, 50, 21, 469, 17, 9787, 9784, 596, 5492, 5065, 198, 27601, 7113, 61794, 527, 68143, 369, 666, 301, 1764, 323, 32602, 11, 719, 814, 1253, 539, 387, 568, 9522, 1016, 301, 1764, 6835, 264, 14177, 4717, 369, 1077, 502, 26923, 449, 1778, 37392, 64, 9522, 791, 34644, 82, 198, 791, 36470, 426, 3265, 198, 24661, 8350, 612, 12103, 5492, 13013, 612, 31636, 5513, 33775, 23766, 3297, 29888, 27901, 1952, 4206, 29526, 22862, 75896, 198, 33775, 23766, 3297, 29888, 27901, 1952, 4206, 29526, 22862, 75896, 198, 36, 3078, 930, 11, 279, 7928, 4907, 9287, 304 ]
[ 1561, 9635, 11, 33230, 264, 3477, 8079, 315, 1202, 39500, 10160, 66724, 902, 617, 1027, 67528, 555, 279, 38180, 8735, 627, 791, 2883, 753, 1054, 496, 90467, 3477, 863, 690, 21635, 1202, 220, 1135, 4, 18783, 304, 264, 7447, 34796, 10496, 39500, 26255, 449, 3728, 33268, 4907, 75214, 90043, 81, 24836, 11, 469, 3078, 930, 2001, 902, 17482, 922, 220, 19, 3610, 6444, 304, 22108, 11, 31461, 323, 1561, 31997, 2001, 11007, 311, 15167, 7950, 13, 578, 7447, 70173, 54135, 26255, 449, 90043, 81, 24836, 5764, 2380, 39500, 10160, 7224, 25, 279, 4987, 48950, 22862, 323, 88288, 22862, 7224, 304, 1561, 4356, 323, 279, 22910, 22862, 304, 50981, 10951, 627, 15085, 527, 31474, 264, 5716, 15031, 3477, 315, 1057, 2802, 304, 279, 10496, 26255, 449, 90043, 81, 24836, 311, 8720, 27548, 430, 690, 2187, 603, 311, 1893, 63342, 907, 323, 3136, 4857, 264, 6522, 4335, 4907, 2883, 430, 374, 42241, 33445, 315, 1057, 5654, 753, 10182, 2349, 9021, 2476, 469, 3078, 930, 4900, 323, 12432, 13142, 62732, 1071, 304, 264, 5224, 8079, 627, 1548, 3779, 430, 279, 2883, 1053, 3136, 311, 1862, 39500, 10160, 4500, 1555, 1054, 14625, 511, 2826, 11, 18874, 9341, 10105, 323, 4335, 4907, 5211, 18052, 2029, 320, 35420, 25, 42264, 22862, 7572, 2057, 2563, 373, 1789, 7665, 12634, 46250, 11, 33381, 6649, 5397, 1952, 435, 85061, 30353, 2053, 25, 45176, 340, 45, 38872, 1071, 279, 4907, 15919, 753 ]
a nationwide animal epidemic. A U.S. intelligence source told Newsday last week he […] CIA Knew Where Eichmann Was Hiding, Documents Show (NYT 6/7/2006) The Central Intelligence Agency took no action after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust administrator Adolf Eichmann in 1958, according to C.I.A. documents released Tuesday that shed new light on the spy agency’s use of former Nazis as informants after World War II. The C.I.A. was told by West German intelligence that […] House Panel Told of Four Shots at #Kennedy (NYT 22/12/1978 Pg A16) pdf file 111180523 According to Mae Brussell, the LA Times and SF Chronicle made this a front page story, but the NYT, in typical fashion, buried it on A16. NYT’s Editorial Page Admits Many US #Police are Poorly Trained and Supervised Mere Tinkering With a Bad Program The Obama administration announced last month plans to repair Secure Communities, the program that compels state and local police to join its wide and expanding hunt for illegal immigrants. From now on, when illegal immigrants are stopped for traffic violations
a nationwide animal epidemic. A U.S. intelligence source told Newsday last week he […] CIA Knew Where Eichmann Was Hiding, Documents Show (NYT 6/7/2006) The Central Intelligence Agency took no action after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust administrator Adolf Eichmann in 1958, according to C.I.A. documents released Tuesday that shed new light on the spy agency’s use of former Nazis as informants after World War II. The C.I.A. was told by West German intelligence that […] House Panel Told of Four Shots at #Kennedy (NYT 22/12/1978 Pg A16) pdf file 111180523 According to Mae Brussell, the LA Times and SF Chronicle made this a front page story, but the NYT, in typical fashion, buried it on A16. NYT’s Editorial Page Admits Many US #Police are Poorly Trained and Supervised Mere Tinkering With a Bad Program The Obama administration announced last month plans to repair Secure Communities, the program that compels state and local police to join its wide and expanding hunt for illegal immigrants. From now on, when illegal immigrants are stopped for traffic violations
by local police, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will consid […] ce399 | research archive (eugenics) Plan Nation-Wide #Eugenics Society: Race Purity is the Aim (NYT 16/11/1913) (pdf file) There’s a #Zucker Born Every Minute Facial recognition technology is a staple of sci-fi thrillers like “Minority Report.” But of bars in Chicago? SceneTap, a new app for smart phones, uses cameras with facial detection software to scout bar scenes. Without identifying specific bar patrons, it posts information like the average age of a crowd and the ratio of men to […] US Primary Care Doctors Greediest on Planet Earth (NYT 8/9/11) Doctors are paid higher fees in the United States than in several other countries, and this is a major factor in the nation’s higher overall cost of health care, says a new study by two Columbia University professors, one of whom is now a top health official in the Obama administration. “American primary care and […] Science and Inhumanity: The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society William E. Seidelman MD Science and Inhumanity:
[ 257, 13673, 5044, 18195, 13, 317, 471, 13, 50, 13, 4430, 2723, 1297, 3000, 820, 938, 1285, 339, 23834, 198, 49732, 509, 3605, 6350, 412, 488, 9038, 8920, 367, 2530, 11, 33267, 5438, 357, 12805, 51, 718, 14, 22, 14, 13330, 8, 198, 464, 5694, 9345, 7732, 1718, 645, 2223, 706, 4673, 262, 48129, 290, 33035, 286, 262, 43799, 18661, 18382, 35333, 412, 488, 9038, 287, 24648, 11, 1864, 284, 327, 13, 40, 13, 32, 13, 4963, 2716, 3431, 326, 14999, 649, 1657, 319, 262, 13997, 4086, 447, 247, 82, 779, 286, 1966, 19147, 355, 50254, 706, 2159, 1810, 2873, 13, 383, 327, 13, 40, 13, 32, 13, 373, 1297, 416, 2688, 2679, 4430, 326, 23834, 198, 18102, 18810, 309, 727, 286, 6675, 42162, 379, 1303, 39324, 4716, 357, 12805, 51, 2534, 14, 1065, 14, 37950, 350, 70, 317, 1433, 8, 37124, 2393, 198, 26259, 28256, 1954, 4784, 284, 34673, 15507, 7255, 11, 262, 9131, 3782, 290, 14362, 14160, 925, 428, 257, 2166, 2443, 1621, 11, 475, 262, 47243, 11, 287, 7226, 6977, 11, 11694, 340, 319, 317, 1433, 13, 198, 12805, 51, 447, 247, 82, 39525, 7873, 1215, 24883, 4650, 1294, 1303, 9039, 389, 23676, 306, 833, 1328, 290, 3115, 16149, 198, 44, 567, 309, 676, 1586, 2080, 257, 7772, 6118, 383, 2486, 3662, 3414, 938, 1227, 3352, 284, 9185, 26707, 35530, 11, 262, 1430, 326, 552, 1424, 1181, 290, 1957, 1644, 284, 4654, 663, 3094, 290, 11581, 12601, 329, 5293, 7971, 13, 3574, 783, 319, 11, 618, 5293, 7971, 389, 5025, 329, 4979, 11734 ]
[ 264, 29054, 10065, 42620, 13, 362, 549, 815, 13, 11478, 2592, 3309, 5513, 1316, 1566, 2046, 568, 126459, 34, 5987, 735, 943, 11208, 469, 718, 18022, 15148, 473, 6714, 11, 45890, 7073, 320, 23923, 51, 220, 21, 14, 22, 14, 1049, 21, 340, 791, 10913, 22107, 16784, 3952, 912, 1957, 1306, 6975, 279, 51743, 7987, 323, 80602, 315, 279, 49184, 3486, 44198, 29193, 90585, 469, 718, 18022, 304, 220, 6280, 23, 11, 4184, 311, 356, 2506, 885, 13, 9477, 6004, 7742, 430, 25351, 502, 3177, 389, 279, 21930, 9266, 753, 1005, 315, 4846, 49533, 439, 6179, 1821, 1306, 4435, 5111, 8105, 13, 578, 356, 2506, 885, 13, 574, 3309, 555, 4410, 6063, 11478, 430, 126459, 29707, 19482, 350, 820, 315, 13625, 92132, 520, 674, 89734, 9497, 320, 23923, 51, 220, 1313, 14, 717, 14, 4468, 23, 98365, 362, 845, 8, 13072, 1052, 198, 5037, 5245, 21123, 10771, 311, 65914, 3320, 1892, 616, 11, 279, 13256, 8691, 323, 24360, 42159, 1903, 420, 264, 4156, 2199, 3446, 11, 719, 279, 99812, 11, 304, 14595, 11401, 11, 28016, 433, 389, 362, 845, 627, 23923, 51, 753, 66233, 5874, 2467, 45803, 9176, 2326, 674, 22993, 527, 45773, 398, 1183, 2692, 323, 62924, 4147, 198, 44, 486, 350, 771, 4776, 3161, 264, 11717, 6826, 578, 7250, 8735, 7376, 1566, 2305, 6787, 311, 13023, 35602, 58443, 11, 279, 2068, 430, 1391, 2053, 1614, 323, 2254, 4379, 311, 5249, 1202, 7029, 323, 24050, 19614, 369, 12079, 20550, 13, 5659, 1457, 389, 11, 994, 12079, 20550, 527, 10717, 369, 9629, 27655 ]
[ 555, 2254, 4379, 11, 40782, 323, 46771, 44056, 690, 77554, 126459, 346, 18572, 765, 3495, 18624, 320, 68, 70089, 1233, 340, 21119, 17671, 13299, 579, 674, 36, 70089, 1233, 13581, 25, 24583, 393, 5631, 374, 279, 71715, 320, 23923, 51, 220, 845, 14, 806, 14, 7529, 18, 8, 320, 12091, 1052, 340, 3947, 753, 264, 674, 57, 25369, 38916, 7357, 56267, 198, 29802, 532, 18324, 5557, 374, 264, 50056, 315, 39074, 37731, 54904, 388, 1093, 1054, 58124, 488, 8423, 2029, 2030, 315, 16283, 304, 10780, 30, 17952, 24821, 11, 264, 502, 917, 369, 7941, 18084, 11, 5829, 18632, 449, 28900, 18468, 3241, 311, 54594, 3703, 16451, 13, 17586, 25607, 3230, 3703, 52860, 11, 433, 8158, 2038, 1093, 279, 5578, 4325, 315, 264, 13734, 323, 279, 11595, 315, 3026, 311, 126459, 2078, 26150, 10852, 54943, 13842, 291, 13744, 389, 29935, 9420, 320, 23923, 51, 220, 23, 14, 24, 14, 806, 340, 96269, 527, 7318, 5190, 12718, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 1109, 304, 3892, 1023, 5961, 11, 323, 420, 374, 264, 3682, 8331, 304, 279, 7140, 753, 5190, 8244, 2853, 315, 2890, 2512, 11, 2795, 264, 502, 4007, 555, 1403, 19326, 3907, 45724, 11, 832, 315, 8884, 374, 1457, 264, 1948, 2890, 4033, 304, 279, 7250, 8735, 13, 1054, 29518, 6156, 2512, 323, 126459, 36500, 323, 763, 26380, 488, 25, 578, 68065, 13299, 321, 52999, 14, 6102, 9878, 377, 13581, 198, 45887, 469, 13, 1369, 27900, 1543, 14306, 10170, 323, 763, 26380, 488, 25 ]
to articulate in writing the essence of who we are and more importantly who our customers are has meant that our website content and resources are working for us rather than against us. I would have no hesitation in recommending Caroline to help you with your content, writing or anything that requires ‘words’. I was skeptical about hiring a content writer for our marketing newsletters in both print and electronic versions but Caroline proved her weight in gold. Her down to earth ‘say it as it is attitude’ coupled with her great ideas meant that we increased our website traffic, gained more subscribers and have converted three major customers. I am convinced that it’s Caroline’s knowledge of writing, web, and SEO that helped us achieve our marketing goals. She’s busy so if you want to use her you need to be quick! Working with me will involve understanding what your business is about, what you do and how you do it. Who your audience is, where they are, what you want to say to them and the best way to get your marketing messages across. Contact me for a FREE consultation NOW! And let’s make things happen! Our light weight button up Cardigan in Granite is a must have for
to articulate in writing the essence of who we are and more importantly who our customers are has meant that our website content and resources are working for us rather than against us. I would have no hesitation in recommending Caroline to help you with your content, writing or anything that requires ‘words’. I was skeptical about hiring a content writer for our marketing newsletters in both print and electronic versions but Caroline proved her weight in gold. Her down to earth ‘say it as it is attitude’ coupled with her great ideas meant that we increased our website traffic, gained more subscribers and have converted three major customers. I am convinced that it’s Caroline’s knowledge of writing, web, and SEO that helped us achieve our marketing goals. She’s busy so if you want to use her you need to be quick! Working with me will involve understanding what your business is about, what you do and how you do it. Who your audience is, where they are, what you want to say to them and the best way to get your marketing messages across. Contact me for a FREE consultation NOW! And let’s make things happen! Our light weight button up Cardigan in Granite is a must have for
Fall layering. Made from soft Cotton Knit fabric. Wear it over a Leotard or throw it on over a Pinafore Suspender Skirt or pair it with our Pocket Skirt. A MUST-HAVE wardrobe piece for tying together the whole outfit. The leaf collection dates for the Olney Oaks community have been set. The first pickup is scheduled for the week of November 12th. The second is scheduled for the week of December 3rd. All pickups will occur weather permitting. Trucks will work throughout the week until they’ve made one pass along each street. To minimize blocking of the streets, do NOT rake your leaves into the street. This is prohibited by Montgomery County. Instead rake them along the curbline at the edge of the street. Do NOT start putting out leaves until closer to the collection dates. During October, put your leaves in appropriate containers (paper yard trim bags or reusable trash cans) and set them out for Montgomery County to collect on recycling days with your other yard trim. You could also store the leaves in a garden area in your yard until just before the collection week. Please do NOT put sticks and other debris in with the leaves. They clog the leaf vacuum machines. Papers is an Apple
[ 284, 32154, 287, 3597, 262, 12799, 286, 508, 356, 389, 290, 517, 11003, 508, 674, 4297, 389, 468, 4001, 326, 674, 3052, 2695, 290, 4133, 389, 1762, 329, 514, 2138, 621, 1028, 514, 13, 198, 40, 561, 423, 645, 29592, 287, 34639, 29037, 284, 1037, 345, 351, 534, 2695, 11, 3597, 393, 1997, 326, 4433, 564, 246, 10879, 447, 247, 13, 198, 40, 373, 17988, 546, 12965, 257, 2695, 6260, 329, 674, 7124, 16983, 287, 1111, 3601, 290, 7914, 6300, 475, 29037, 8302, 607, 3463, 287, 3869, 13, 198, 9360, 866, 284, 4534, 564, 246, 16706, 340, 355, 340, 318, 9408, 447, 247, 18064, 351, 607, 1049, 4213, 4001, 326, 356, 3220, 674, 3052, 4979, 11, 8618, 517, 18327, 290, 423, 11513, 1115, 1688, 4297, 13, 314, 716, 9431, 326, 340, 447, 247, 82, 29037, 447, 247, 82, 3725, 286, 3597, 11, 3992, 11, 290, 30850, 326, 4193, 514, 4620, 674, 7124, 4661, 13, 198, 3347, 447, 247, 82, 8179, 523, 611, 345, 765, 284, 779, 607, 345, 761, 284, 307, 2068, 0, 198, 28516, 351, 502, 481, 6211, 4547, 644, 534, 1597, 318, 546, 11, 644, 345, 466, 290, 703, 345, 466, 340, 13, 198, 8241, 534, 5386, 318, 11, 810, 484, 389, 11, 644, 345, 765, 284, 910, 284, 606, 290, 262, 1266, 835, 284, 651, 534, 7124, 6218, 1973, 13, 198, 17829, 502, 329, 257, 17189, 18103, 20229, 0, 843, 1309, 447, 247, 82, 787, 1243, 1645, 0, 3954, 1657, 3463, 4936, 510, 5172, 5516, 287, 17113, 578, 318, 257, 1276, 423, 329 ]
[ 311, 69318, 304, 4477, 279, 28591, 315, 889, 584, 527, 323, 810, 23659, 889, 1057, 6444, 527, 706, 8967, 430, 1057, 3997, 2262, 323, 5070, 527, 3318, 369, 603, 4856, 1109, 2403, 603, 627, 40, 1053, 617, 912, 65437, 304, 65774, 54491, 311, 1520, 499, 449, 701, 2262, 11, 4477, 477, 4205, 430, 7612, 3451, 5880, 529, 627, 40, 574, 44929, 922, 24009, 264, 2262, 7061, 369, 1057, 8661, 35488, 304, 2225, 1194, 323, 14683, 11028, 719, 54491, 19168, 1077, 4785, 304, 6761, 627, 21364, 1523, 311, 9578, 3451, 37890, 433, 439, 433, 374, 19451, 529, 34356, 449, 1077, 2294, 6848, 8967, 430, 584, 7319, 1057, 3997, 9629, 11, 18661, 810, 31120, 323, 617, 16489, 2380, 3682, 6444, 13, 358, 1097, 22954, 430, 433, 753, 54491, 753, 6677, 315, 4477, 11, 3566, 11, 323, 26029, 430, 9087, 603, 11322, 1057, 8661, 9021, 627, 8100, 753, 13326, 779, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 1005, 1077, 499, 1205, 311, 387, 4062, 4999, 35078, 449, 757, 690, 21736, 8830, 1148, 701, 2626, 374, 922, 11, 1148, 499, 656, 323, 1268, 499, 656, 433, 627, 15546, 701, 10877, 374, 11, 1405, 814, 527, 11, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 2019, 311, 1124, 323, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 636, 701, 8661, 6743, 4028, 627, 8906, 757, 369, 264, 16655, 29173, 23214, 0, 1628, 1095, 753, 1304, 2574, 3621, 0, 5751, 3177, 4785, 3215, 709, 6938, 11118, 304, 65594, 374, 264, 2011, 617, 369 ]
[ 15128, 6324, 287, 13, 19332, 505, 8579, 38796, 13934, 275, 13354, 13, 42162, 433, 927, 264, 2009, 354, 569, 477, 2571, 433, 389, 927, 264, 393, 2259, 1348, 53306, 1693, 4923, 2154, 477, 6857, 433, 449, 1057, 46824, 4923, 2154, 13, 362, 28832, 11529, 9682, 46846, 6710, 369, 63143, 3871, 279, 4459, 28403, 13, 578, 16312, 4526, 13003, 369, 279, 12225, 3520, 75356, 4029, 617, 1027, 743, 13, 578, 1176, 30686, 374, 13847, 369, 279, 2046, 315, 6841, 220, 717, 339, 13, 578, 2132, 374, 13847, 369, 279, 2046, 315, 6790, 220, 18, 6634, 627, 2460, 93138, 690, 12446, 9282, 62174, 13, 86435, 690, 990, 6957, 279, 2046, 3156, 814, 4070, 1903, 832, 1522, 3235, 1855, 8761, 627, 1271, 30437, 22978, 315, 279, 14708, 11, 656, 4276, 76518, 701, 11141, 1139, 279, 8761, 13, 1115, 374, 27010, 555, 44125, 6406, 13, 12361, 76518, 1124, 3235, 279, 44962, 1074, 520, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 8761, 627, 5519, 4276, 1212, 10917, 704, 11141, 3156, 12401, 311, 279, 4526, 13003, 13, 12220, 6664, 11, 2231, 701, 11141, 304, 8475, 24794, 320, 19716, 20085, 11259, 18381, 477, 62671, 23701, 43732, 8, 323, 743, 1124, 704, 369, 44125, 6406, 311, 6667, 389, 34978, 2919, 449, 701, 1023, 20085, 11259, 13, 1472, 1436, 1101, 3637, 279, 11141, 304, 264, 13863, 3158, 304, 701, 20085, 3156, 1120, 1603, 279, 4526, 2046, 627, 5618, 656, 4276, 2231, 34240, 323, 1023, 35098, 304, 449, 279, 11141, 13, 2435, 272, 848, 279, 16312, 29302, 12933, 13, 45231, 374, 459, 8325 ]
. I cannotttttttt ??? https://t.co/SaluIAzH1o — Nola Marianna Ojomu (@NolaMarianna) May 17, 2019 Psalm West. At least they didn’t name the baby Deuteronomy. ????? pic.twitter.com/Ix94H4Pzoa — Janelle (@Roketteaux) May 17, 2019 Psalm West sounds like the location of a new desert music festival that costs $1,000 a ticket — Betches (@betchesluvthis) May 17, 2019 Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have named their newborn Psalm West. I have only one question. Is it a hymn or a her? — Mr. Drinks On Me (@Mr_DrinksOnMe) May 18, 2019 I’m a little disappointed in the name Psalm West. I was hoping for Wild West — Scott Williams (@jswilliams1962) May 17, 2019 kim: We’ll name him… Psalm West midwives and doctors in the room: pic.twitter.com/YCxYTPY365 — everything i
. I cannotttttttt ??? https://t.co/SaluIAzH1o — Nola Marianna Ojomu (@NolaMarianna) May 17, 2019 Psalm West. At least they didn’t name the baby Deuteronomy. ????? pic.twitter.com/Ix94H4Pzoa — Janelle (@Roketteaux) May 17, 2019 Psalm West sounds like the location of a new desert music festival that costs $1,000 a ticket — Betches (@betchesluvthis) May 17, 2019 Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have named their newborn Psalm West. I have only one question. Is it a hymn or a her? — Mr. Drinks On Me (@Mr_DrinksOnMe) May 18, 2019 I’m a little disappointed in the name Psalm West. I was hoping for Wild West — Scott Williams (@jswilliams1962) May 17, 2019 kim: We’ll name him… Psalm West midwives and doctors in the room: pic.twitter.com/YCxYTPY365 — everything i
do is pointless (@Lucie_Grayy) May 18, 2019 *Kanye west church* Kanye: everyone open to psalms 12 Psalm West: pic.twitter.com/GNPlXf4tDy — Big Head Sam (@BIGHEADSAM) May 18, 2019 Kim & Kanye: PSALM WEST!! Jesus & the 12 Disciples: pic.twitter.com/MOsjHMFe1i — nya threatt ? (@nyaaathreatt) May 18, 2019 Kim Kardashian : Psalm West God: pic.twitter.com/M09lMI8wYS — ntokozo (@NtokozoNxumalo4) May 17, 2019 Jesus when Kim and Kanye named their baby Psalm West… pic.twitter.com/UUSb1cvRH0 — skyerenaee (@skyerenaee1) May 17, 2019 Kim, Kanye, and God coming together to name Psalm West: pic.twitter.com/Uvw3vaj43t — Jonah Miller (@jonahmiller1022) May 18, 2019 sister: Kim & Kanye had
[ 13, 314, 2314, 926, 926, 926, 83, 34913, 3740, 1378, 83, 13, 1073, 14, 19221, 84, 3539, 89, 39, 16, 78, 198, 960, 399, 5708, 37919, 2616, 440, 73, 296, 84, 4275, 45, 5708, 44, 3699, 2616, 8, 1737, 1596, 11, 13130, 198, 12016, 38182, 2688, 13, 1629, 1551, 484, 1422, 447, 247, 83, 1438, 262, 5156, 1024, 11894, 30565, 13, 220, 19622, 8301, 13, 6956, 13, 785, 14, 40, 87, 5824, 39, 19, 47, 10872, 64, 198, 960, 2365, 13485, 4275, 49, 482, 5857, 14644, 8, 1737, 1596, 11, 13130, 198, 12016, 38182, 2688, 5238, 588, 262, 4067, 286, 257, 649, 10326, 2647, 10876, 326, 3484, 720, 16, 11, 830, 257, 7846, 198, 960, 5147, 2052, 4275, 11181, 2052, 2290, 85, 5661, 8, 1737, 1596, 11, 13130, 198, 26374, 48099, 290, 27775, 2688, 423, 3706, 511, 23856, 40601, 76, 2688, 13, 314, 423, 691, 530, 1808, 13, 198, 3792, 340, 257, 2537, 10295, 393, 257, 607, 30, 198, 960, 1770, 13, 1583, 2973, 1550, 2185, 4275, 5246, 62, 6187, 2973, 2202, 5308, 8, 1737, 1248, 11, 13130, 198, 40, 447, 247, 76, 257, 1310, 11679, 287, 262, 1438, 40601, 76, 2688, 13, 198, 40, 373, 7725, 329, 6183, 2688, 198, 960, 4746, 6484, 4275, 73, 2032, 359, 1789, 82, 1129, 5237, 8, 1737, 1596, 11, 13130, 198, 74, 320, 25, 775, 447, 247, 297, 1438, 683, 1399, 40601, 76, 2688, 198, 13602, 35234, 290, 7519, 287, 262, 2119, 25, 8301, 13, 6956, 13, 785, 14, 44816, 87, 56, 7250, 56, 24760, 198, 960, 2279, 1312 ]
[ 13, 358, 14068, 1751, 5683, 5683, 5683, 52417, 3788, 1129, 83, 6973, 11628, 38086, 5987, 89, 39, 16, 78, 198, 2345, 452, 8083, 29829, 12930, 507, 61318, 84, 8165, 45, 8083, 97967, 12930, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 21051, 7828, 4410, 13, 2468, 3325, 814, 3287, 1431, 836, 279, 8945, 1611, 29051, 17404, 13, 74578, 10532, 16535, 916, 39251, 87, 6281, 39, 19, 47, 13028, 64, 198, 2345, 622, 2444, 273, 8165, 49, 564, 6672, 12249, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 21051, 7828, 4410, 10578, 1093, 279, 3813, 315, 264, 502, 24521, 4731, 19309, 430, 7194, 400, 16, 11, 931, 264, 11989, 198, 2345, 426, 3068, 288, 8165, 65, 3068, 288, 106399, 576, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 49436, 69107, 323, 59817, 4410, 617, 7086, 872, 46397, 82976, 4410, 13, 358, 617, 1193, 832, 3488, 627, 3957, 433, 264, 67743, 77, 477, 264, 1077, 5380, 2345, 4491, 13, 98098, 1952, 2206, 8165, 12555, 1586, 81, 15872, 1966, 7979, 8, 3297, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 40, 4344, 264, 2697, 25406, 304, 279, 836, 82976, 4410, 627, 40, 574, 16026, 369, 13944, 4410, 198, 2345, 10016, 13926, 8165, 73, 2332, 484, 12663, 5162, 17, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 58993, 25, 1226, 4805, 836, 1461, 1981, 82976, 4410, 198, 16497, 59488, 323, 16410, 304, 279, 3130, 25, 10532, 16535, 916, 40349, 92312, 56, 4334, 56, 12676, 198, 2345, 4395, 602 ]
[ 656, 374, 60791, 8165, 41745, 648, 2712, 11872, 88, 8, 3297, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 65346, 49383, 9909, 8993, 5736, 42, 49383, 25, 5127, 1825, 311, 4831, 278, 1026, 220, 717, 198, 21051, 7828, 4410, 25, 10532, 16535, 916, 16169, 45, 2169, 55, 69, 19, 83, 35, 88, 198, 2345, 6295, 11452, 8388, 8165, 68117, 36533, 87434, 8, 3297, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 49436, 612, 59817, 25, 11659, 984, 44, 66190, 51447, 55065, 612, 279, 220, 717, 11997, 38558, 25, 10532, 16535, 916, 10482, 46, 23760, 53248, 6251, 16, 72, 198, 2345, 76289, 6023, 83, 949, 8165, 3919, 5418, 589, 1244, 83, 8, 3297, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 49436, 69107, 551, 82976, 4410, 198, 28622, 25, 10532, 16535, 916, 10482, 2545, 75, 9972, 23, 86, 9579, 198, 2345, 308, 30694, 96614, 8165, 45, 30694, 96614, 92531, 372, 12812, 19, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 55065, 994, 13818, 323, 59817, 7086, 872, 8945, 82976, 4410, 1981, 10532, 16535, 916, 63110, 2078, 65, 16, 13423, 68073, 15, 198, 2345, 13180, 261, 7304, 2176, 8165, 4991, 27253, 7304, 2176, 16, 8, 3297, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 49436, 11, 59817, 11, 323, 4359, 5108, 3871, 311, 836, 82976, 4410, 25, 10532, 16535, 916, 63110, 35531, 18, 85, 1662, 3391, 83, 198, 2345, 94728, 17472, 8165, 35265, 1494, 76, 15610, 4278, 17, 8, 3297, 220, 972, 11, 220, 679, 24, 198, 82, 1601, 25, 13818, 612, 59817, 1047 ]
the Gamafuya, a volunteer group that collects the remains of those who died in the Battle of Okinawa, and handed over a petition with 33,389 signatures. He argued, “Moving ahead with this plan is a betrayal of the war dead, their families, and the Japanese people.” During the negotiations, he also asked the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare to perform DNA tests for 52 family members of people who died in the Pacific War. Taeko Yasuma (Aichi Prefecture) also participated virtually. She is the child of a Japanese soldier who drowned on duty in 1945. He was 29 and a crewmember on a submarine sailing from Okinawa to Saipan. Yasuma called for her father’s remains to be retrieved and for DNA testing to be performed, saying “While I’m still alive, I want to hold my father in my arms, and to lay him to rest with my mother in her grave.” A representative of the Ministry of Defense repeatedly testified that “The contractor in charge of construction decides the soil that they will use in the land reclamation after the approval of the change. That being said, we believe that the issue of the remains of the war dead
the Gamafuya, a volunteer group that collects the remains of those who died in the Battle of Okinawa, and handed over a petition with 33,389 signatures. He argued, “Moving ahead with this plan is a betrayal of the war dead, their families, and the Japanese people.” During the negotiations, he also asked the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare to perform DNA tests for 52 family members of people who died in the Pacific War. Taeko Yasuma (Aichi Prefecture) also participated virtually. She is the child of a Japanese soldier who drowned on duty in 1945. He was 29 and a crewmember on a submarine sailing from Okinawa to Saipan. Yasuma called for her father’s remains to be retrieved and for DNA testing to be performed, saying “While I’m still alive, I want to hold my father in my arms, and to lay him to rest with my mother in her grave.” A representative of the Ministry of Defense repeatedly testified that “The contractor in charge of construction decides the soil that they will use in the land reclamation after the approval of the change. That being said, we believe that the issue of the remains of the war dead
is very important.” In response, Gushiken said, “This is the country’s responsibility, not the workers’.” With campaigning for the Liberal Democratic Party leadership election beginning on September 17, and voting on September 29, Gushiken indicated his intentions to determine opinions on this issue by sending a public list of questions to the candidate likely to become prime minister. He also plans to mail the list of questions to the heads of opposition parties including the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Japanese Communist Party. Gushiken says, “There is no way that this inhuman action can be allowed. The plan must be abandoned.” (English translation by T&CT and Ellen Huntley) Previous Article:“SPAM Musubi,” originally from Okinawa, gains popularity throughout Japan, becomes best seller at Family Mart in August Next Article:Valuable coral from construction site crushed into pieces and anchored at transplantation site “Respect the War Dead” Gushiken’s Hunger Strike in Front of Yasukuni Shrine on Memorial Day for the End of the War Draws Attention to the Issue of War Dead Remains at Okinawan Battleground Gushiken says collecting soil from former
[ 262, 402, 1689, 20942, 3972, 11, 257, 13904, 1448, 326, 26609, 262, 3793, 286, 883, 508, 3724, 287, 262, 5838, 286, 47221, 11, 290, 10158, 625, 257, 8853, 351, 4747, 11, 29769, 17239, 13, 679, 7189, 11, 564, 250, 33622, 4058, 351, 428, 1410, 318, 257, 29355, 286, 262, 1175, 2636, 11, 511, 4172, 11, 290, 262, 4960, 661, 13, 447, 251, 198, 7191, 262, 9825, 11, 339, 635, 1965, 262, 9475, 286, 3893, 11, 7179, 11, 290, 32404, 284, 1620, 7446, 5254, 329, 6740, 1641, 1866, 286, 661, 508, 3724, 287, 262, 8211, 1810, 13, 198, 38586, 988, 78, 25957, 7487, 357, 32, 16590, 3771, 36637, 8, 635, 14888, 9826, 13, 1375, 318, 262, 1200, 286, 257, 4960, 10686, 508, 30859, 319, 7077, 287, 15761, 13, 679, 373, 2808, 290, 257, 5462, 19522, 319, 257, 24927, 28499, 422, 47221, 284, 10318, 541, 272, 13, 25957, 7487, 1444, 329, 607, 2988, 447, 247, 82, 3793, 284, 307, 29517, 290, 329, 7446, 4856, 284, 307, 6157, 11, 2282, 564, 250, 3633, 314, 447, 247, 76, 991, 6776, 11, 314, 765, 284, 1745, 616, 2988, 287, 616, 5101, 11, 290, 284, 3830, 683, 284, 1334, 351, 616, 2802, 287, 607, 12296, 13, 447, 251, 198, 32, 8852, 286, 262, 9475, 286, 5947, 7830, 15463, 326, 564, 250, 464, 17195, 287, 3877, 286, 5103, 13267, 262, 9260, 326, 484, 481, 779, 287, 262, 1956, 302, 20931, 706, 262, 7546, 286, 262, 1487, 13, 1320, 852, 531, 11, 356, 1975, 326, 262, 2071, 286, 262, 3793, 286, 262, 1175, 2636 ]
[ 279, 31079, 2642, 45644, 11, 264, 26202, 1912, 430, 52307, 279, 8625, 315, 1884, 889, 8636, 304, 279, 16506, 315, 7777, 258, 14406, 11, 323, 23415, 927, 264, 20984, 449, 220, 1644, 11, 20422, 33728, 13, 1283, 18784, 11, 1054, 40832, 8469, 449, 420, 3197, 374, 264, 68376, 315, 279, 4208, 5710, 11, 872, 8689, 11, 323, 279, 11002, 1274, 49216, 16397, 279, 24345, 11, 568, 1101, 4691, 279, 20214, 315, 6401, 11, 18993, 11, 323, 66187, 311, 2804, 15922, 7177, 369, 220, 4103, 3070, 3697, 315, 1274, 889, 8636, 304, 279, 16867, 5111, 627, 57099, 98764, 71028, 13722, 320, 32, 41652, 43688, 63293, 8, 1101, 31408, 21907, 13, 3005, 374, 279, 1716, 315, 264, 11002, 27202, 889, 74995, 389, 14523, 304, 220, 6393, 20, 13, 1283, 574, 220, 1682, 323, 264, 13941, 9792, 389, 264, 58629, 51129, 505, 7777, 258, 14406, 311, 16233, 575, 276, 13, 71028, 13722, 2663, 369, 1077, 7126, 753, 8625, 311, 387, 31503, 323, 369, 15922, 7649, 311, 387, 10887, 11, 5605, 1054, 8142, 358, 4344, 2103, 13989, 11, 358, 1390, 311, 3412, 856, 7126, 304, 856, 11977, 11, 323, 311, 11203, 1461, 311, 2800, 449, 856, 6691, 304, 1077, 25165, 49216, 32, 18740, 315, 279, 20214, 315, 16777, 19352, 39873, 430, 1054, 791, 31072, 304, 6900, 315, 8246, 28727, 279, 17614, 430, 814, 690, 1005, 304, 279, 4363, 312, 34084, 1306, 279, 14765, 315, 279, 2349, 13, 3011, 1694, 1071, 11, 584, 4510, 430, 279, 4360, 315, 279, 8625, 315, 279, 4208, 5710 ]
[ 374, 1633, 3062, 2029, 763, 2077, 11, 480, 1136, 37533, 1071, 11, 1054, 2028, 374, 279, 3224, 753, 12014, 11, 539, 279, 7487, 529, 49216, 2409, 55927, 369, 279, 31158, 11650, 8722, 11692, 6355, 7314, 389, 6250, 220, 1114, 11, 323, 16043, 389, 6250, 220, 1682, 11, 480, 1136, 37533, 16717, 813, 34334, 311, 8417, 18463, 389, 420, 4360, 555, 11889, 264, 586, 1160, 315, 4860, 311, 279, 9322, 4461, 311, 3719, 10461, 13015, 13, 1283, 1101, 6787, 311, 8232, 279, 1160, 315, 4860, 311, 279, 14971, 315, 14076, 9875, 2737, 279, 63285, 11650, 8722, 323, 279, 11002, 37961, 8722, 13, 480, 1136, 37533, 2795, 11, 1054, 3947, 374, 912, 1648, 430, 420, 304, 26380, 1957, 649, 387, 5535, 13, 578, 3197, 2011, 387, 23838, 49216, 7, 23392, 14807, 555, 350, 5, 1182, 323, 47685, 27690, 3258, 340, 21994, 13659, 25, 2118, 4695, 1428, 5444, 55333, 2476, 13517, 505, 7777, 258, 14406, 11, 20192, 23354, 6957, 6457, 11, 9221, 1888, 23703, 520, 12517, 8290, 304, 6287, 198, 5971, 13659, 25, 2257, 13429, 53103, 505, 8246, 2816, 33745, 1139, 9863, 323, 78219, 520, 98702, 2816, 198, 2118, 1079, 1002, 279, 5111, 15371, 863, 480, 1136, 37533, 753, 67636, 36478, 304, 15248, 315, 71028, 3178, 16080, 94574, 389, 27872, 6187, 369, 279, 4060, 315, 279, 5111, 84532, 63120, 311, 279, 26292, 315, 5111, 15371, 5031, 1771, 520, 7777, 258, 42029, 33267, 65866, 198, 38, 1136, 37533, 2795, 26984, 17614, 505, 4846 ]
Wire; 8/14/17 Mask off: Mainstream Dem groups unite with radical Left; By Jordan Schachtel; Conservative Review; 8/16/17 Black Lives Matter (BLM) From Accuracy in Media: The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. Its agitation has provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. If allowed to continue, that agitation could devolve into anarchy and civil war. The BLM crowd appears to be spoiling for just such an outcome. Leftist Origins Exploiting blacks to promote Marxist revolution is an old tactic. … Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool—a puppet—to use against white America. Obama’s legacy at home will certainly include more racial division. [BLM Founder Photo not a part of AIM article] Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the
Wire; 8/14/17 Mask off: Mainstream Dem groups unite with radical Left; By Jordan Schachtel; Conservative Review; 8/16/17 Black Lives Matter (BLM) From Accuracy in Media: The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. Its agitation has provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. If allowed to continue, that agitation could devolve into anarchy and civil war. The BLM crowd appears to be spoiling for just such an outcome. Leftist Origins Exploiting blacks to promote Marxist revolution is an old tactic. … Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool—a puppet—to use against white America. Obama’s legacy at home will certainly include more racial division. [BLM Founder Photo not a part of AIM article] Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country. The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). Nelini Stamp’s ACORN—now rebranded under a variety of different names—works with all four organizations, and Dream Defenders is backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others. FRSO is a hereditary descendant of the New Communist Movement, which was inspired by Mao and the many communist revolutions throughout the world in the 1960s and 1970s. FRSO split into two separate groups in 1999, FRSO/Fight Back and FRSO/OSCL (Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organizaci?n Socialista del Camino para la Libertad). Black Lives Matter and its founders are allied with the latter group. Future references to FRSO in this article refer to FRSO/OSCL. BLM is one of many projects undertaken by the FRSO. Except for the website, blacklivesmatter.com, there is no actual organization. The website implicitly acknowledges
[ 14712, 26, 807, 14, 1415, 14, 1558, 198, 45195, 572, 25, 8774, 5532, 1897, 2628, 24558, 351, 7702, 9578, 26, 2750, 8078, 3059, 19725, 417, 26, 11132, 6602, 26, 807, 14, 1433, 14, 1558, 198, 9915, 18965, 16900, 357, 9148, 44, 8, 198, 4863, 33222, 287, 6343, 25, 198, 464, 2619, 18965, 16900, 3356, 357, 9148, 44, 8, 26217, 2346, 355, 257, 25319, 26312, 4642, 286, 8434, 1748, 14285, 11, 475, 318, 11, 287, 1109, 11, 262, 3452, 290, 749, 4923, 1986, 286, 257, 3992, 286, 880, 12, 18246, 20555, 14, 14557, 396, 5745, 326, 423, 587, 556, 21712, 1028, 2253, 329, 4647, 13, 6363, 42209, 468, 29579, 1644, 17709, 290, 584, 3685, 11, 1099, 17587, 290, 17093, 287, 9137, 5348, 3690, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 1002, 3142, 284, 2555, 11, 326, 42209, 714, 1614, 6442, 656, 42856, 290, 3026, 1175, 13, 383, 45188, 4315, 3568, 284, 307, 15106, 4386, 329, 655, 884, 281, 8055, 13, 198, 18819, 396, 24079, 198, 18438, 78, 1780, 15102, 284, 7719, 26305, 5854, 318, 281, 1468, 18543, 13, 3926, 15615, 22153, 10509, 3941, 13709, 364, 290, 16197, 500, 360, 1219, 35906, 11987, 8732, 2486, 11, 3025, 1964, 3451, 484, 15901, 11, 355, 257, 2891, 960, 64, 30095, 960, 1462, 779, 1028, 2330, 2253, 13, 2486, 447, 247, 82, 10655, 379, 1363, 481, 3729, 2291, 517, 8425, 7297, 13, 198, 58, 9148, 44, 30153, 5555, 407, 257, 636, 286, 317, 3955, 2708, 60, 198, 27676, 4496, 11, 31289, 669, 290, 309, 908, 72, 477, 670, 329, 2166, 2628, 286, 262 ]
[ 19940, 26, 220, 23, 14, 975, 14, 1114, 198, 12975, 1022, 25, 4802, 4116, 4829, 5315, 52696, 449, 18336, 14043, 26, 3296, 17527, 5124, 16317, 301, 26, 30071, 10506, 26, 220, 23, 14, 845, 14, 1114, 198, 14755, 40495, 34464, 320, 9574, 44, 340, 3915, 51275, 304, 7972, 512, 791, 5348, 40495, 34464, 7351, 320, 9574, 44, 8, 57133, 5196, 439, 264, 54557, 70506, 9405, 315, 9358, 3363, 33086, 11, 719, 374, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 279, 5652, 323, 1455, 11660, 3663, 315, 264, 3566, 315, 1664, 50701, 50315, 92608, 380, 11351, 430, 617, 1027, 945, 50644, 2403, 5270, 369, 11026, 13, 11699, 91317, 706, 76566, 4379, 48133, 323, 1023, 9349, 11, 2383, 33028, 323, 59322, 304, 23413, 10977, 6957, 279, 549, 815, 13, 1442, 5535, 311, 3136, 11, 430, 91317, 1436, 3567, 4035, 1139, 459, 15630, 323, 8431, 4208, 13, 578, 426, 11237, 13734, 8111, 311, 387, 20016, 8138, 369, 1120, 1778, 459, 15632, 627, 5530, 380, 70591, 198, 8193, 385, 5977, 40077, 311, 12192, 70050, 14110, 374, 459, 2362, 39001, 13, 4696, 23454, 54987, 29331, 8766, 24852, 388, 323, 35352, 483, 423, 2319, 36722, 27458, 24448, 7250, 11, 6832, 5054, 7076, 814, 30638, 11, 439, 264, 5507, 29096, 50548, 50617, 1005, 2403, 4251, 5270, 13, 7250, 753, 20160, 520, 2162, 690, 7995, 2997, 810, 19739, 13096, 627, 58, 9574, 44, 55628, 11064, 539, 264, 961, 315, 87868, 4652, 933, 45030, 4458, 11, 356, 620, 1105, 323, 350, 4512, 72, 682, 990, 369, 4156, 5315, 315, 279 ]
[ 25320, 9728, 57210, 21021, 320, 10725, 14202, 705, 832, 315, 279, 3116, 7928, 18336, 14043, 11351, 304, 279, 3224, 13, 578, 3885, 527, 279, 37961, 8722, 7427, 320, 7269, 25342, 705, 11650, 9983, 1705, 315, 5270, 320, 73738, 705, 323, 279, 69017, 315, 52042, 768, 369, 48189, 323, 9983, 2191, 320, 3791, 6061, 570, 89461, 6729, 55887, 753, 10807, 47052, 2345, 3409, 312, 1347, 6601, 1234, 264, 8205, 315, 2204, 5144, 2345, 19033, 449, 682, 3116, 11351, 11, 323, 18308, 3979, 14846, 374, 22126, 555, 279, 5475, 44741, 7327, 9323, 320, 937, 81100, 705, 279, 65968, 11, 279, 16642, 70274, 7658, 5955, 323, 3885, 627, 10725, 14202, 374, 264, 1077, 95454, 76951, 315, 279, 1561, 37961, 29098, 11, 902, 574, 14948, 555, 57278, 323, 279, 1690, 50315, 93574, 6957, 279, 1917, 304, 279, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 323, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 13, 435, 11706, 46, 6859, 1139, 1403, 8821, 5315, 304, 220, 2550, 24, 11, 435, 11706, 46, 12598, 492, 6984, 323, 435, 11706, 46, 14, 3204, 3218, 320, 86872, 9728, 57210, 21021, 17991, 8609, 450, 25471, 30, 77, 9983, 9265, 1624, 8215, 3394, 3429, 1208, 52181, 329, 570, 5348, 40495, 34464, 323, 1202, 48727, 527, 54502, 449, 279, 15629, 1912, 13, 12781, 15407, 311, 435, 11706, 46, 304, 420, 4652, 8464, 311, 435, 11706, 46, 14, 3204, 3218, 627, 9574, 44, 374, 832, 315, 1690, 7224, 45179, 555, 279, 435, 11706, 46, 13, 38267, 369, 279, 3997, 11, 3776, 75, 1924, 60065, 916, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 5150, 7471, 13, 578, 3997, 52873, 56030 ]
girl has a slender build not only due to regular exercise and sports but also as a result of good genes. Even if a Chinese woman does not follow a diet and eats a lot of unhealthy foods, she is very unlikely to put on excessive weight. Slim Chinese wives are considered a stereotype, but it's entirely based on reality. If you are into thin and petite girls, marrying a Chinese mail-order bride will give you a delightful spousal life. In China, women use bright and abundant makeup only on special occasions. On a daily basis, a Chinese girl applies as little makeup as necessary to emphasize her beautiful features. If you, like the majority of Western men, want to see your lady with minimal makeup, dating a Chinese girl may be the right choice for you. A Glimpse Into The Character Of Chinese Girls Modern Chinese women. Dating a Chinese girl with a modern outlook on the matters of relationships and marriage, you'll be showered with loved, care, and sentiments. However, your Chinese wife's life will not revolve around you, your relationship, and children. She'll have a strong focus on obtaining education and climbing up the career ladder. A modern Chinese lady strives to be accomplished in every aspect of her life, from
girl has a slender build not only due to regular exercise and sports but also as a result of good genes. Even if a Chinese woman does not follow a diet and eats a lot of unhealthy foods, she is very unlikely to put on excessive weight. Slim Chinese wives are considered a stereotype, but it's entirely based on reality. If you are into thin and petite girls, marrying a Chinese mail-order bride will give you a delightful spousal life. In China, women use bright and abundant makeup only on special occasions. On a daily basis, a Chinese girl applies as little makeup as necessary to emphasize her beautiful features. If you, like the majority of Western men, want to see your lady with minimal makeup, dating a Chinese girl may be the right choice for you. A Glimpse Into The Character Of Chinese Girls Modern Chinese women. Dating a Chinese girl with a modern outlook on the matters of relationships and marriage, you'll be showered with loved, care, and sentiments. However, your Chinese wife's life will not revolve around you, your relationship, and children. She'll have a strong focus on obtaining education and climbing up the career ladder. A modern Chinese lady strives to be accomplished in every aspect of her life, from
marriage to employment. She has an active disposition and liberal views. It's a growing trend among modern Chinese women to pick foreigners as their husbands, as men from the West are more inclined to treat women as equal partners. Becoming a mail-order bride allows young Chinese ladies to focus on self-development. Besides, a Chinese girl is 25 years or older by the time she's received a degree and made her first steps in the professional field. Chinese men are generally interested in brides aged from late teens to early twenties. Traditional Chinese girls. A different character is pertinent to ladies who were brought up in patriarchal families and embraced the traditional views on the female role in marriage. For a traditional Chinese woman, marrying a good man and creating a family is the main life goal and a means of self-fulfillment. Keeping the husband happy is one of her top priorities. In terms of temperament, she's distinguished by faithfulness, modesty, and a docile attitude. Your gorgeous Chinese wife will be passionate about transforming your house into a cozy family nest. She'll be the best mother to your future children, fully devoting herself to their upbringing. Such a Chinese spouse is the dream of every man who prefers the traditional gender roles in marriage. What Are The
[ 2576, 468, 257, 36808, 1382, 407, 691, 2233, 284, 3218, 5517, 290, 5701, 475, 635, 355, 257, 1255, 286, 922, 10812, 13, 3412, 611, 257, 3999, 2415, 857, 407, 1061, 257, 5496, 290, 25365, 257, 1256, 286, 27942, 9013, 11, 673, 318, 845, 7485, 284, 1234, 319, 13181, 3463, 13, 34199, 3999, 17743, 389, 3177, 257, 31240, 11, 475, 340, 338, 5000, 1912, 319, 3950, 13, 1002, 345, 389, 656, 7888, 290, 4273, 578, 4813, 11, 34862, 257, 3999, 6920, 12, 2875, 26619, 481, 1577, 345, 257, 32327, 599, 516, 282, 1204, 13, 198, 818, 2807, 11, 1466, 779, 6016, 290, 23263, 16029, 691, 319, 2041, 12432, 13, 1550, 257, 4445, 4308, 11, 257, 3999, 2576, 8991, 355, 1310, 16029, 355, 3306, 284, 21322, 607, 4950, 3033, 13, 1002, 345, 11, 588, 262, 3741, 286, 4885, 1450, 11, 765, 284, 766, 534, 10846, 351, 10926, 16029, 11, 10691, 257, 3999, 2576, 743, 307, 262, 826, 3572, 329, 345, 13, 198, 32, 402, 2475, 7752, 20008, 383, 15684, 3226, 3999, 12002, 198, 31439, 3999, 1466, 13, 43528, 257, 3999, 2576, 351, 257, 3660, 19360, 319, 262, 6067, 286, 6958, 290, 4845, 11, 345, 1183, 307, 905, 1068, 351, 6151, 11, 1337, 11, 290, 26930, 13, 2102, 11, 534, 3999, 3656, 338, 1204, 481, 407, 2710, 6442, 1088, 345, 11, 534, 2776, 11, 290, 1751, 13, 1375, 1183, 423, 257, 1913, 2962, 319, 16727, 3707, 290, 14281, 510, 262, 3451, 18002, 13, 317, 3660, 3999, 10846, 37873, 284, 307, 13013, 287, 790, 4843, 286, 607, 1204, 11, 422 ]
[ 3828, 706, 264, 73342, 1977, 539, 1193, 4245, 311, 5912, 10368, 323, 10034, 719, 1101, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 1695, 21389, 13, 7570, 422, 264, 8620, 5333, 1587, 539, 1833, 264, 10173, 323, 50777, 264, 2763, 315, 53808, 15657, 11, 1364, 374, 1633, 17821, 311, 2231, 389, 27639, 4785, 13, 45491, 8620, 39720, 527, 6646, 264, 74746, 11, 719, 433, 596, 11622, 3196, 389, 8903, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 1139, 15792, 323, 38920, 7724, 11, 78849, 264, 8620, 8232, 24747, 42447, 690, 3041, 499, 264, 50189, 993, 788, 278, 2324, 627, 644, 5734, 11, 3278, 1005, 10107, 323, 44611, 27649, 1193, 389, 3361, 25975, 13, 1952, 264, 7446, 8197, 11, 264, 8620, 3828, 17208, 439, 2697, 27649, 439, 5995, 311, 47032, 1077, 6366, 4519, 13, 1442, 499, 11, 1093, 279, 8857, 315, 11104, 3026, 11, 1390, 311, 1518, 701, 17240, 449, 17832, 27649, 11, 5029, 264, 8620, 3828, 1253, 387, 279, 1314, 5873, 369, 499, 627, 32, 480, 4763, 79, 325, 32745, 578, 16007, 5046, 8620, 20666, 198, 49552, 8620, 3278, 13, 17783, 264, 8620, 3828, 449, 264, 6617, 36721, 389, 279, 13146, 315, 12135, 323, 11103, 11, 499, 3358, 387, 17639, 291, 449, 10456, 11, 2512, 11, 323, 58214, 13, 4452, 11, 701, 8620, 7555, 596, 2324, 690, 539, 5891, 4035, 2212, 499, 11, 701, 5133, 11, 323, 2911, 13, 3005, 3358, 617, 264, 3831, 5357, 389, 19546, 6873, 323, 30608, 709, 279, 7076, 36865, 13, 362, 6617, 8620, 17240, 75651, 311, 387, 27332, 304, 1475, 13189, 315, 1077, 2324, 11, 505 ]
[ 11103, 311, 14740, 13, 3005, 706, 459, 4642, 46096, 323, 18250, 6325, 13, 1102, 596, 264, 7982, 9327, 4315, 6617, 8620, 3278, 311, 3820, 48512, 439, 872, 61954, 11, 439, 3026, 505, 279, 4410, 527, 810, 43131, 311, 4322, 3278, 439, 6273, 8717, 13, 32146, 18238, 264, 8232, 24747, 42447, 6276, 3995, 8620, 23628, 311, 5357, 389, 659, 95706, 13, 31909, 11, 264, 8620, 3828, 374, 220, 914, 1667, 477, 9191, 555, 279, 892, 1364, 596, 4036, 264, 8547, 323, 1903, 1077, 1176, 7504, 304, 279, 6721, 2115, 13, 8620, 3026, 527, 8965, 8173, 304, 61365, 20330, 505, 3389, 27294, 311, 4216, 97696, 627, 85782, 8620, 7724, 13, 362, 2204, 3752, 374, 62623, 311, 23628, 889, 1051, 7263, 709, 304, 71321, 278, 8689, 323, 43603, 279, 8776, 6325, 389, 279, 8954, 3560, 304, 11103, 13, 1789, 264, 8776, 8620, 5333, 11, 78849, 264, 1695, 893, 323, 6968, 264, 3070, 374, 279, 1925, 2324, 5915, 323, 264, 3445, 315, 659, 12, 1285, 7712, 479, 13, 56478, 279, 10177, 6380, 374, 832, 315, 1077, 1948, 30601, 13, 763, 3878, 315, 79964, 11, 1364, 596, 39575, 555, 10082, 31514, 11, 27946, 88, 11, 323, 264, 4733, 458, 19451, 13, 4718, 24415, 8620, 7555, 690, 387, 25429, 922, 46890, 701, 3838, 1139, 264, 43535, 3070, 23634, 13, 3005, 3358, 387, 279, 1888, 6691, 311, 701, 3938, 2911, 11, 7373, 3567, 11780, 11937, 311, 872, 92385, 13, 15483, 264, 8620, 32080, 374, 279, 8063, 315, 1475, 893, 889, 55064, 279, 8776, 10026, 13073, 304, 11103, 627, 3923, 8886, 578 ]
als are covered: conversations he had, actions he took. The personal prayers and Bible studies are not mentioned, leaving the reader wondering what he based this decision on, besides discontent with the local Churches of Christ he visited after moving to a new town and state. There is some value here, found in Allen’s lighthearted humor, which often hits its mark, and a few vivid scenes that draw the reader in for a moment. But his lack of depth will leave readers unsatisfied and wondering why. Allen’s blog presents much of the book’s content. Or readers can see a sample or buy the book on Amazon. KIMBERLY MAUCK is Reviews Editor for The Christian Chronicle. Contact Mauck. Knew Mike while a USAF officer stationed in England in the mid 90’s…would love to make contact with him again…via email or phone 575.399.2697…plan to get a copy of the book soon for I too grew up Church of Christ…God bless to all… Christ’s Church Dexter, New Mexico 88230 I agree with the reviewing editor. I kept thinking there will be a point to all this. I saw more about tensions between Mike
als are covered: conversations he had, actions he took. The personal prayers and Bible studies are not mentioned, leaving the reader wondering what he based this decision on, besides discontent with the local Churches of Christ he visited after moving to a new town and state. There is some value here, found in Allen’s lighthearted humor, which often hits its mark, and a few vivid scenes that draw the reader in for a moment. But his lack of depth will leave readers unsatisfied and wondering why. Allen’s blog presents much of the book’s content. Or readers can see a sample or buy the book on Amazon. KIMBERLY MAUCK is Reviews Editor for The Christian Chronicle. Contact Mauck. Knew Mike while a USAF officer stationed in England in the mid 90’s…would love to make contact with him again…via email or phone 575.399.2697…plan to get a copy of the book soon for I too grew up Church of Christ…God bless to all… Christ’s Church Dexter, New Mexico 88230 I agree with the reviewing editor. I kept thinking there will be a point to all this. I saw more about tensions between Mike
and his father than an exploration of “growing up Church of Christ.” Maybe He should treat this work as an outline and go ahead and say what he was afraid to say in print. There is a reason that the book is self-published. T. Mark Jones Graham Street Church of Christ The reviewer may be mistaking lack of detail for lack of depth. Sometimes it’s the mysteries, those things left unsaid or barely spoke to, that point toward the larger truth. non-CofC Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief. ~William Shakespeare, Hamlet “Growing Up Church of Christ” was a refreshing read in my opinion. Michael Allen’s reflections are brief and to the point, however they connected to my own experiences and those of many of my friends. Sugar Grove Church of Christ I disagree with the reviewer – I really enjoyed reading this book and appreciate Mike’s search for a faith community where Jesus is central over and above institution or biblically-flimsy tradition. Wes Woodell Lake Merced Church of Christ Where did
[ 874, 389, 5017, 25, 10275, 339, 550, 11, 4028, 339, 1718, 13, 383, 2614, 15707, 290, 9111, 3640, 389, 407, 4750, 11, 4305, 262, 9173, 11263, 644, 339, 1912, 428, 2551, 319, 11, 13769, 39784, 351, 262, 1957, 46446, 286, 1951, 339, 8672, 706, 3867, 284, 257, 649, 3240, 290, 1181, 13, 198, 1858, 318, 617, 1988, 994, 11, 1043, 287, 9659, 447, 247, 82, 1657, 20122, 14733, 11, 543, 1690, 7127, 663, 1317, 11, 290, 257, 1178, 21002, 8188, 326, 3197, 262, 9173, 287, 329, 257, 2589, 13, 887, 465, 3092, 286, 6795, 481, 2666, 7183, 39264, 798, 290, 11263, 1521, 13, 198, 39989, 447, 247, 82, 4130, 10969, 881, 286, 262, 1492, 447, 247, 82, 2695, 13, 1471, 7183, 460, 766, 257, 6291, 393, 2822, 262, 1492, 319, 6186, 13, 198, 42, 3955, 13246, 11319, 8779, 16696, 318, 20871, 12058, 329, 383, 4302, 14160, 13, 14039, 28931, 694, 13, 198, 42, 3605, 4995, 981, 257, 45353, 3818, 25967, 287, 4492, 287, 262, 3095, 4101, 447, 247, 82, 1399, 19188, 1842, 284, 787, 2800, 351, 683, 757, 1399, 8869, 3053, 393, 3072, 642, 2425, 13, 28771, 13, 2075, 5607, 1399, 11578, 284, 651, 257, 4866, 286, 262, 1492, 2582, 329, 314, 1165, 6348, 510, 4564, 286, 1951, 1399, 13482, 12012, 284, 477, 1399, 198, 10684, 447, 247, 82, 4564, 198, 48875, 353, 11, 968, 5828, 807, 6469, 1270, 198, 40, 4236, 351, 262, 17217, 5464, 13, 314, 4030, 3612, 612, 481, 307, 257, 966, 284, 477, 428, 13, 314, 2497, 517, 546, 15733, 1022, 4995 ]
[ 1147, 527, 9960, 25, 21633, 568, 1047, 11, 6299, 568, 3952, 13, 578, 4443, 34296, 323, 17377, 7978, 527, 539, 9932, 11, 9564, 279, 6742, 20910, 1148, 568, 3196, 420, 5597, 389, 11, 28858, 91222, 449, 279, 2254, 94641, 315, 3771, 568, 12263, 1306, 7366, 311, 264, 502, 6424, 323, 1614, 627, 3947, 374, 1063, 907, 1618, 11, 1766, 304, 20661, 753, 326, 1108, 1820, 472, 291, 28485, 11, 902, 3629, 13280, 1202, 1906, 11, 323, 264, 2478, 43120, 16451, 430, 4128, 279, 6742, 304, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 2030, 813, 6996, 315, 8149, 690, 5387, 13016, 7120, 47365, 323, 20910, 3249, 627, 80977, 753, 5117, 18911, 1790, 315, 279, 2363, 753, 2262, 13, 2582, 13016, 649, 1518, 264, 6205, 477, 3780, 279, 2363, 389, 8339, 627, 42, 1829, 9745, 9109, 9917, 28643, 374, 19832, 12865, 369, 578, 9052, 42159, 13, 9359, 11583, 1983, 627, 42, 943, 11519, 1418, 264, 7427, 37, 9640, 63620, 304, 9635, 304, 279, 5209, 220, 1954, 753, 1981, 41450, 3021, 311, 1304, 3729, 449, 1461, 1578, 1981, 20708, 2613, 477, 4641, 220, 21228, 13, 18572, 13, 16955, 22, 1981, 10609, 311, 636, 264, 3048, 315, 279, 2363, 5246, 369, 358, 2288, 14264, 709, 9441, 315, 3771, 1981, 28622, 16458, 311, 682, 90578, 19875, 753, 9441, 198, 35, 38665, 11, 1561, 12550, 220, 23213, 966, 198, 40, 7655, 449, 279, 34988, 6576, 13, 358, 8774, 7422, 1070, 690, 387, 264, 1486, 311, 682, 420, 13, 358, 5602, 810, 922, 39510, 1990, 11519 ]
[ 323, 813, 7126, 1109, 459, 27501, 315, 1054, 70, 25156, 709, 9441, 315, 3771, 2029, 10926, 1283, 1288, 4322, 420, 990, 439, 459, 21782, 323, 733, 8469, 323, 2019, 1148, 568, 574, 16984, 311, 2019, 304, 1194, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 2944, 430, 279, 2363, 374, 659, 2320, 11931, 627, 51, 13, 4488, 12201, 198, 38, 17012, 6825, 9441, 315, 3771, 198, 791, 56614, 1253, 387, 8770, 1802, 6996, 315, 7872, 369, 6996, 315, 8149, 13, 18156, 433, 753, 279, 57700, 11, 1884, 2574, 2163, 7120, 3864, 477, 20025, 12570, 311, 11, 430, 1486, 9017, 279, 8294, 8206, 627, 6414, 7813, 1073, 34, 198, 55915, 11, 2533, 5395, 85, 488, 374, 279, 13836, 315, 38467, 345, 3112, 66838, 2136, 279, 49695, 323, 52046, 20415, 21168, 345, 40, 690, 387, 10015, 627, 93, 45887, 42482, 11, 9777, 1169, 198, 2118, 85102, 3216, 9441, 315, 3771, 863, 574, 264, 37018, 1373, 304, 856, 9647, 13, 8096, 20661, 753, 63851, 527, 10015, 323, 311, 279, 1486, 11, 4869, 814, 8599, 311, 856, 1866, 11704, 323, 1884, 315, 1690, 315, 856, 4885, 627, 84514, 41234, 9441, 315, 3771, 198, 40, 29395, 449, 279, 56614, 1389, 358, 2216, 14333, 5403, 420, 2363, 323, 15763, 11519, 753, 2778, 369, 264, 10082, 4029, 1405, 10811, 374, 8792, 927, 323, 3485, 15244, 477, 24768, 416, 750, 12556, 5861, 88, 14135, 627, 54, 288, 12404, 616, 198, 82389, 8930, 2041, 9441, 315, 3771, 198, 9241, 1550 ]
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[ 2662, 2679, 544, 27390, 606, 416, 11426, 393, 3053, 284, 7330, 777, 3307, 3161, 284, 27965, 286, 8587, 13, 1002, 428, 1321, 318, 407, 2810, 287, 922, 640, 416, 262, 8464, 290, 5035, 1104, 318, 2810, 416, 14545, 57, 4805, 2662, 2679, 544, 11, 597, 1624, 329, 8587, 2236, 1716, 7951, 13, 198, 16273, 642, 1475, 11539, 198, 7149, 14020, 3196, 286, 777, 2846, 286, 10270, 44594, 14545, 57, 4805, 2662, 2679, 544, 284, 19607, 262, 18399, 287, 1808, 422, 262, 11596, 5449, 13, 770, 8991, 3573, 611, 262, 18399, 468, 2810, 3991, 1321, 618, 28336, 393, 468, 900, 510, 3294, 5504, 13, 198, 818, 262, 1339, 286, 257, 18399, 508, 468, 587, 15009, 290, 508, 468, 1541, 587, 11343, 257, 11596, 422, 262, 3197, 11, 262, 11596, 460, 991, 307, 12412, 595, 40845, 11, 2592, 611, 262, 8464, 468, 2702, 465, 393, 607, 7846, 13, 198, 16273, 718, 12556, 19883, 290, 17835, 198, 9273, 57, 4805, 2662, 2679, 544, 14072, 262, 826, 284, 23654, 262, 11596, 5449, 1903, 379, 597, 640, 290, 635, 1231, 5963, 4003, 2035, 3938, 393, 287, 636, 11, 393, 284, 13582, 262, 5449, 379, 597, 966, 287, 262, 1429, 611, 340, 318, 407, 1744, 329, 6276, 357, 68, 13, 70, 13, 3644, 20547, 11, 262, 17512, 286, 393, 8563, 287, 3788, 14, 10424, 1574, 8, 393, 2742, 3840, 284, 9149, 326, 262, 11596, 5449, 460, 307, 5952, 287, 257, 1774, 5642, 13, 198, 16273, 767, 6060, 4800, 1321, 198, 3152, 2461, 284, 10270, 287, 262, 11596, 3197, 11, 6809, 447, 247 ]
[ 1937, 6063, 689, 47208, 1124, 555, 21186, 477, 2613, 311, 6994, 1521, 3649, 4972, 311, 6988, 315, 14741, 13, 1442, 420, 2038, 374, 539, 3984, 304, 1695, 892, 555, 279, 13946, 323, 8475, 1862, 374, 3984, 555, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 11, 904, 3802, 369, 14741, 4985, 3719, 742, 627, 18332, 220, 20, 1398, 24436, 198, 8780, 45119, 3808, 315, 1521, 3878, 315, 20852, 1218, 1017, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 311, 22429, 279, 25923, 304, 3488, 505, 279, 22643, 10937, 13, 1115, 17208, 8104, 422, 279, 25923, 706, 3984, 905, 2038, 994, 39829, 477, 706, 743, 709, 5361, 9815, 627, 644, 279, 1162, 315, 264, 25923, 889, 706, 1027, 28544, 323, 889, 706, 2736, 1027, 22034, 264, 22643, 505, 279, 4128, 11, 279, 22643, 649, 2103, 387, 28520, 834, 21642, 11, 5423, 422, 279, 13946, 706, 6216, 813, 477, 1077, 11989, 627, 18332, 220, 21, 23591, 35508, 323, 41693, 198, 16519, 57, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 30600, 279, 1314, 311, 30754, 279, 22643, 10937, 4216, 520, 904, 892, 323, 1101, 2085, 12178, 5406, 3060, 7373, 477, 304, 961, 11, 477, 311, 30569, 279, 10937, 520, 904, 1486, 304, 279, 1920, 422, 433, 374, 539, 3284, 369, 11156, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 6500, 42068, 11, 279, 34786, 315, 477, 6103, 304, 3241, 7682, 38850, 8, 477, 5897, 8125, 311, 15803, 430, 279, 22643, 10937, 649, 387, 13375, 304, 264, 6300, 11827, 627, 18332, 220, 22, 2956, 9313, 2038, 198, 2409, 5201, 311, 20852, 304, 279, 22643, 4128, 11, 13324, 529 ]
[ 4443, 828, 430, 374, 14890, 994, 814, 4254, 374, 15590, 304, 2015, 311, 10765, 323, 15820, 3927, 26526, 13, 1472, 527, 9093, 26160, 311, 8464, 311, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 753, 828, 9313, 4947, 902, 649, 387, 24174, 2930, 520, 3788, 1129, 2185, 1326, 1394, 25475, 85242, 916, 13920, 48136, 12, 24467, 13469, 12, 47921, 627, 791, 26526, 527, 7376, 555, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 4669, 1202, 1866, 2883, 10758, 12006, 13, 1789, 420, 7580, 11, 26526, 9093, 7655, 430, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 6063, 689, 649, 3498, 198, 10826, 404, 5144, 323, 198, 10826, 404, 2035, 315, 22423, 198, 263, 8604, 1326, 1394, 25475, 85242, 916, 323, 3674, 3772, 12006, 1511, 555, 480, 24476, 47, 3442, 21424, 25, 8604, 20172, 916, 4951, 1394, 25475, 85436, 11, 8604, 16535, 916, 4951, 1394, 25475, 85436, 323, 8604, 57927, 916, 4951, 1394, 25475, 85436, 627, 18332, 220, 23, 13321, 19705, 198, 2746, 279, 3878, 315, 20852, 6782, 8482, 3878, 11, 279, 32939, 315, 279, 9861, 3878, 374, 78622, 13, 578, 9875, 527, 54117, 311, 8454, 459, 8482, 4751, 449, 264, 2764, 4751, 902, 4131, 279, 18585, 311, 14393, 279, 9395, 315, 279, 5226, 11, 4737, 4245, 2759, 315, 279, 8518, 12034, 315, 2225, 9875, 13, 578, 1890, 1920, 1288, 3881, 422, 264, 5897, 94095, 48282, 2391, 279, 11572, 315, 420, 5226, 902, 7612, 459, 28238, 627, 791, 11928, 76543, 4221 ]
Mamluk architecture of Baybars and Qa'it Bay, there was an almost wild playfulness with forms. Another aspect of Mamluk masonry was the alternation of stones of different colours to provide variations on the surfaces of buildings. _The courtyard of the madrasah of Sultan Hasan, Cairo, 1356–62_. GEKS The Mamluks created a monumental setting for Syria and Egypt that lasted until the 20th century. It was at its most remarkable in architecture, and nearly 3,000 major monuments have been preserved or are known from texts in cities from the Euphrates to Cairo. There were only minor modifications in the typology of architecture, and even the 15th-century buildings with interiors totally covered with ornamentation have possible prototypes in the architecture of the Seljuqs. Yet there are formal and functional features that do distinguish Mamluk buildings. One is the tendency to build structures of different functions in a complex or cluster. Thus the Qala'un mosque (1284–85) in Cairo has a mausoleum, a madrasah, and a hospital erected as one architectural unit. Another characteristic is the tendency of Mamluk patrons to build their major monuments near each other. As a
Mamluk architecture of Baybars and Qa'it Bay, there was an almost wild playfulness with forms. Another aspect of Mamluk masonry was the alternation of stones of different colours to provide variations on the surfaces of buildings. _The courtyard of the madrasah of Sultan Hasan, Cairo, 1356–62_. GEKS The Mamluks created a monumental setting for Syria and Egypt that lasted until the 20th century. It was at its most remarkable in architecture, and nearly 3,000 major monuments have been preserved or are known from texts in cities from the Euphrates to Cairo. There were only minor modifications in the typology of architecture, and even the 15th-century buildings with interiors totally covered with ornamentation have possible prototypes in the architecture of the Seljuqs. Yet there are formal and functional features that do distinguish Mamluk buildings. One is the tendency to build structures of different functions in a complex or cluster. Thus the Qala'un mosque (1284–85) in Cairo has a mausoleum, a madrasah, and a hospital erected as one architectural unit. Another characteristic is the tendency of Mamluk patrons to build their major monuments near each other. As a
result, certain streets of Cairo, such as Bayn al-Qasrayn, became galleries of architectural masterpieces. _Mamluk tombs, Cairo, 14th–15th centuries_. H. Roger-Viollet The third element of change in Mamluk art was perhaps the most important: almost all formal artistic achievements rapidly became part of the common vocabulary of the whole culture, thus ensuring high quality of construction and decorative technique throughout the period. With the exception of portals and _qiblah_ walls, architectural decoration was usually subordinated to the architectural elements of the design. Generally the material of construction (usually stone) was carved with ornamental motifs. ##### **O THER ARTS** Like architecture, the other arts of the Mamluk period achieved a high level of technical perfection but were often lacking in originality. The so-called Baptistère de Saint Louis ( _c_. 1310) is the most impressive example of inlaid metalwork preserved from this period. Several Mamluk illustrated manuscripts, such as the _Maqamat_ (1334), display an amazing ornamental sense in the use of colour on gold backgrounds. Mamluk mosque lamps
[ 29926, 2290, 74, 10959, 286, 4696, 34046, 290, 1195, 64, 6, 270, 4696, 11, 612, 373, 281, 2048, 4295, 711, 15538, 351, 5107, 13, 6023, 4843, 286, 29926, 2290, 74, 285, 38950, 373, 262, 3983, 341, 286, 14966, 286, 1180, 18915, 284, 2148, 13991, 319, 262, 16649, 286, 6832, 13, 198, 198, 62, 464, 34941, 286, 262, 8805, 8847, 993, 286, 37399, 49482, 11, 23732, 11, 1511, 3980, 1906, 5237, 44807, 22319, 27015, 198, 198, 464, 29926, 2290, 591, 2727, 257, 36364, 4634, 329, 4392, 290, 6365, 326, 15436, 1566, 262, 1160, 400, 4289, 13, 632, 373, 379, 663, 749, 11004, 287, 10959, 11, 290, 3016, 513, 11, 830, 1688, 28814, 423, 587, 17232, 393, 389, 1900, 422, 13399, 287, 4736, 422, 262, 47441, 9700, 284, 23732, 13, 1318, 547, 691, 4159, 19008, 287, 262, 2170, 1435, 286, 10959, 11, 290, 772, 262, 1315, 400, 12, 14792, 6832, 351, 987, 12706, 6635, 5017, 351, 45618, 341, 423, 1744, 32338, 287, 262, 10959, 286, 262, 15300, 14396, 48382, 13, 6430, 612, 389, 8766, 290, 10345, 3033, 326, 466, 15714, 29926, 2290, 74, 6832, 13, 1881, 318, 262, 13542, 284, 1382, 8573, 286, 1180, 5499, 287, 257, 3716, 393, 13946, 13, 6660, 262, 1195, 6081, 6, 403, 18575, 357, 1065, 5705, 1906, 5332, 8, 287, 23732, 468, 257, 285, 8717, 2305, 388, 11, 257, 8805, 8847, 993, 11, 290, 257, 4436, 28415, 355, 530, 27070, 4326, 13, 6023, 16704, 318, 262, 13542, 286, 29926, 2290, 74, 25720, 284, 1382, 511, 1688, 28814, 1474, 1123, 584, 13, 1081, 257 ]
[ 386, 9655, 3178, 18112, 315, 9332, 25995, 323, 1229, 64, 6, 275, 9332, 11, 1070, 574, 459, 4661, 8545, 1514, 31514, 449, 7739, 13, 13596, 13189, 315, 386, 9655, 3178, 296, 51893, 574, 279, 7064, 367, 315, 27302, 315, 2204, 27230, 311, 3493, 27339, 389, 279, 27529, 315, 14016, 382, 62, 791, 66385, 315, 279, 13088, 13075, 1494, 315, 76086, 100072, 11, 53650, 11, 220, 8878, 21, 4235, 5538, 5056, 30957, 41549, 271, 791, 386, 9655, 84, 2857, 3549, 264, 78856, 6376, 369, 12911, 323, 15212, 430, 36513, 3156, 279, 220, 508, 339, 9478, 13, 1102, 574, 520, 1202, 1455, 23649, 304, 18112, 11, 323, 7154, 220, 18, 11, 931, 3682, 63003, 617, 1027, 34683, 477, 527, 3967, 505, 22755, 304, 9919, 505, 279, 469, 455, 4171, 988, 311, 53650, 13, 2684, 1051, 1193, 9099, 29882, 304, 279, 3666, 2508, 315, 18112, 11, 323, 1524, 279, 220, 868, 339, 34457, 14016, 449, 74564, 12756, 9960, 449, 79760, 367, 617, 3284, 47728, 304, 279, 18112, 315, 279, 24082, 8783, 27455, 13, 14968, 1070, 527, 16287, 323, 16003, 4519, 430, 656, 33137, 386, 9655, 3178, 14016, 13, 3861, 374, 279, 31954, 311, 1977, 14726, 315, 2204, 5865, 304, 264, 6485, 477, 10879, 13, 14636, 279, 1229, 6181, 22827, 51112, 320, 4386, 19, 4235, 5313, 8, 304, 53650, 706, 264, 7643, 355, 1286, 372, 11, 264, 13088, 13075, 1494, 11, 323, 264, 8952, 66906, 439, 832, 43563, 5089, 13, 13596, 29683, 374, 279, 31954, 315, 386, 9655, 3178, 52860, 311, 1977, 872, 3682, 63003, 3221, 1855, 1023, 13, 1666, 264 ]
[ 1121, 11, 3738, 14708, 315, 53650, 11, 1778, 439, 9332, 77, 453, 29342, 300, 11872, 77, 11, 6244, 43654, 315, 43563, 7491, 47568, 382, 1267, 9655, 3178, 10390, 1302, 11, 53650, 11, 220, 975, 339, 4235, 868, 339, 24552, 5056, 473, 13, 29607, 20198, 25947, 1169, 271, 791, 4948, 2449, 315, 2349, 304, 386, 9655, 3178, 1989, 574, 8530, 279, 1455, 3062, 25, 4661, 682, 16287, 32692, 33997, 19019, 6244, 961, 315, 279, 4279, 36018, 315, 279, 4459, 7829, 11, 8617, 23391, 1579, 4367, 315, 8246, 323, 46536, 15105, 6957, 279, 4261, 382, 2409, 279, 4788, 315, 76563, 323, 721, 80, 581, 15342, 62, 14620, 11, 43563, 20841, 574, 6118, 1207, 83569, 311, 279, 43563, 5540, 315, 279, 2955, 13, 44493, 279, 3769, 315, 8246, 320, 44066, 9998, 8, 574, 49267, 449, 40545, 44186, 84989, 382, 68431, 3146, 46, 350, 3087, 34979, 50, 57277, 13246, 18112, 11, 279, 1023, 19071, 315, 279, 386, 9655, 3178, 4261, 17427, 264, 1579, 2237, 315, 11156, 39143, 719, 1051, 3629, 32161, 304, 4113, 488, 13, 578, 779, 19434, 43748, 12339, 409, 14539, 12140, 320, 721, 66, 5056, 220, 9263, 15, 8, 374, 279, 1455, 16358, 3187, 315, 304, 75, 3864, 9501, 1816, 34683, 505, 420, 4261, 13, 26778, 386, 9655, 3178, 36762, 79688, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 721, 30635, 80, 43011, 62, 320, 9423, 19, 705, 3113, 459, 8056, 40545, 44186, 5647, 304, 279, 1005, 315, 12745, 389, 6761, 36576, 13, 386, 9655, 3178, 51112, 50552 ]
went careening into the sidelines late in the first half of Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Iguodala missed... Opinion: Warriors-Rockets drama gives Eastern Conference teams hope for NBA Finals Reality dictates that an NBA champ coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the Atlantic Coast hinges on what happens between Golden State and Houston. ... Opinion: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver blew it with soft penalty for Warriors&apos; minority owner The popular commissioner didn&apos;t come down hard enough on Mark Stevens, failing to protect the NBA&apos;s image and the players who are vulnerable. ... Opinion: Raptors deserve celebration, but Warriors&apos; injuries denied NBA fans classic Finals This will be remembered as one of the saddest finals we’ve seen. Because of what it could have been. Because we watched so many stars get injured. ... Steve Kerr: There&apos;s only one comparison for Kevin Durant&apos;s historic stretch Kevin Durant&apos;s historic postseason run reminds Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr of one of his former teammates. ... &apos;(Expletive) them&apos;: DeMarcus Cousins rips Kevin Durant
went careening into the sidelines late in the first half of Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Iguodala missed... Opinion: Warriors-Rockets drama gives Eastern Conference teams hope for NBA Finals Reality dictates that an NBA champ coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the Atlantic Coast hinges on what happens between Golden State and Houston. ... Opinion: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver blew it with soft penalty for Warriors&apos; minority owner The popular commissioner didn&apos;t come down hard enough on Mark Stevens, failing to protect the NBA&apos;s image and the players who are vulnerable. ... Opinion: Raptors deserve celebration, but Warriors&apos; injuries denied NBA fans classic Finals This will be remembered as one of the saddest finals we’ve seen. Because of what it could have been. Because we watched so many stars get injured. ... Steve Kerr: There&apos;s only one comparison for Kevin Durant&apos;s historic stretch Kevin Durant&apos;s historic postseason run reminds Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr of one of his former teammates. ... &apos;(Expletive) them&apos;: DeMarcus Cousins rips Kevin Durant
skeptics after injury Golden State Warriors big man DeMarcus Cousins had a message for the people who questioned teammate Kevin Durant&apos;s heart. ... A guy kept chanting &apos;New York Knicks!&apos; at Kevin Durant during Game 4 and fans loved it Right now, Kevin Durant is trying to lead the Warriors to a third straight championship. Next year? Well, he could be playing for the Knicks. ... Phoenix family knows there&apos;s more to Kevin Durant&apos;s social media presence than feuds with trolls It&apos;s easy to get the impression Kevin Durant is just a jerk who uses social media to argue. But his biggest fan, Jordan Pruneau, knows better. ... Ex-teammate Kendrick Perkins: Kevin Durant &apos;finally got his own team&apos; as face of the Nets Former teammate Kendrick Perkins said Kevin Durant has signed on for a "golden opportunity" as the new face of the Brooklyn Nets. ... Earth&apos;s most-skilled player: Steve Kerr likens Kevin Durant&apos;s dominance to Michael Jordan Kevin Durant&apos;s historic postseason run reminds Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr of
[ 1816, 1337, 3101, 656, 262, 29394, 2739, 287, 262, 717, 2063, 286, 3776, 352, 286, 262, 7403, 19705, 13, 314, 5162, 375, 6081, 6825, 986, 198, 46, 11635, 295, 25, 12090, 12, 49, 11603, 10512, 3607, 8345, 8785, 3466, 2911, 329, 7403, 19705, 22520, 35054, 326, 281, 7403, 24092, 2406, 422, 7382, 287, 262, 25980, 286, 262, 10596, 8545, 41442, 319, 644, 4325, 1022, 8407, 1812, 290, 6995, 13, 2644, 198, 46, 11635, 295, 25, 7403, 13270, 7244, 7698, 17948, 340, 351, 2705, 7389, 329, 12090, 5, 499, 418, 26, 9137, 4870, 383, 2968, 16248, 1422, 5, 499, 418, 26, 83, 1282, 866, 1327, 1576, 319, 2940, 20019, 11, 9894, 284, 1805, 262, 7403, 5, 499, 418, 26, 82, 2939, 290, 262, 1938, 508, 389, 8826, 13, 2644, 198, 46, 11635, 295, 25, 30836, 10925, 14395, 11, 475, 12090, 5, 499, 418, 26, 6821, 6699, 7403, 3296, 6833, 19705, 770, 481, 307, 12086, 355, 530, 286, 262, 17766, 395, 18576, 356, 447, 247, 303, 1775, 13, 4362, 286, 644, 340, 714, 423, 587, 13, 4362, 356, 7342, 523, 867, 5788, 651, 6686, 13, 2644, 198, 19206, 32879, 25, 1318, 5, 499, 418, 26, 82, 691, 530, 7208, 329, 7939, 27686, 5, 499, 418, 26, 82, 9566, 7539, 7939, 27686, 5, 499, 418, 26, 82, 9566, 22905, 1057, 17603, 8407, 1812, 12090, 1182, 3985, 6542, 32879, 286, 530, 286, 465, 1966, 13107, 13, 2644, 198, 5, 499, 418, 26, 7, 3109, 37069, 425, 8, 606, 5, 499, 418, 26, 25, 1024, 35110, 32644, 374, 2419, 7939, 27686 ]
[ 4024, 2512, 6147, 1139, 279, 70513, 3389, 304, 279, 1176, 4376, 315, 4140, 220, 16, 315, 279, 17846, 46147, 13, 358, 8890, 347, 6181, 13942, 9522, 7271, 37400, 25, 32987, 11151, 20174, 20156, 6835, 18516, 15217, 7411, 3987, 369, 17846, 46147, 44874, 80330, 430, 459, 17846, 35641, 5108, 505, 15038, 304, 279, 53851, 315, 279, 23179, 16377, 80934, 389, 1148, 8741, 1990, 18288, 3314, 323, 16386, 13, 12515, 7271, 37400, 25, 17846, 30454, 15387, 15347, 42423, 433, 449, 8579, 16750, 369, 32987, 46249, 26, 23413, 6506, 578, 5526, 41443, 3287, 46249, 54847, 2586, 1523, 2653, 3403, 389, 4488, 36177, 11, 22109, 311, 6144, 279, 17846, 46249, 40514, 2217, 323, 279, 4311, 889, 527, 20134, 13, 12515, 7271, 37400, 25, 74678, 23528, 25960, 11, 719, 32987, 46249, 26, 15319, 15164, 17846, 7359, 11670, 46147, 1115, 690, 387, 27569, 439, 832, 315, 279, 12703, 5086, 41402, 584, 4070, 3970, 13, 9393, 315, 1148, 433, 1436, 617, 1027, 13, 9393, 584, 15746, 779, 1690, 9958, 636, 15902, 13, 12515, 38595, 60295, 25, 2684, 46249, 40514, 1193, 832, 12593, 369, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 18526, 14841, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 18526, 56471, 1629, 35710, 18288, 3314, 32987, 2010, 7395, 14129, 60295, 315, 832, 315, 813, 4846, 32746, 13, 12515, 46249, 58809, 849, 11053, 535, 8, 1124, 46249, 101986, 1611, 83634, 78704, 436, 3153, 16768, 67440 ]
[ 37679, 1233, 1306, 11134, 18288, 3314, 32987, 2466, 893, 1611, 83634, 78704, 1047, 264, 1984, 369, 279, 1274, 889, 29440, 48666, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 4851, 13, 12515, 32, 7564, 8774, 77674, 612, 31515, 26, 3648, 4356, 62512, 0, 5, 31515, 26, 520, 16768, 67440, 2391, 4140, 220, 19, 323, 7359, 10456, 433, 10291, 1457, 11, 16768, 67440, 374, 4560, 311, 3063, 279, 32987, 311, 264, 4948, 7833, 22279, 13, 9479, 1060, 30, 8489, 11, 568, 1436, 387, 5737, 369, 279, 62512, 13, 12515, 79925, 3070, 8964, 1070, 46249, 40514, 810, 311, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 3674, 3772, 9546, 1109, 1172, 29088, 449, 65685, 1102, 46249, 40514, 4228, 311, 636, 279, 21455, 16768, 67440, 374, 1120, 264, 54524, 889, 5829, 3674, 3772, 311, 18046, 13, 2030, 813, 8706, 8571, 11, 17527, 2394, 2957, 2933, 11, 8964, 2731, 13, 12515, 849, 49893, 8836, 349, 88713, 66011, 25, 16768, 67440, 612, 31515, 26, 40276, 2751, 813, 1866, 2128, 46249, 26, 439, 3663, 315, 279, 59487, 33600, 48666, 88713, 66011, 1071, 16768, 67440, 706, 8667, 389, 369, 264, 330, 98335, 6776, 1, 439, 279, 502, 3663, 315, 279, 26832, 59487, 13, 12515, 44924, 46249, 40514, 1455, 46407, 4473, 2851, 25, 14129, 60295, 3208, 729, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 44592, 311, 8096, 17527, 16768, 67440, 46249, 40514, 18526, 56471, 1629, 35710, 18288, 3314, 32987, 2010, 7395, 14129, 60295, 315 ]
and local positions, and Harold Pryor is counting on our support. Joe Kimok Joe Kimok is running for Broward County State Attorney to dismantle a criminal justice system that criminalizes poverty, perpetuates institutionalized racism, and continues a failed war on drugs that has devastated communities of color. That’s why I’m proud to endorse his campaign for Broward County State Attorney. Marco Lopez Marco Lopez is running for Sheriff in Florida. We need to continue building and strengthening our movement from the ground up by electing more progressives to state and local positions, and Marco Lopez is counting on our support. Monique Worrell Monique Worrell is running for Orange-Osceola State Attorney in Florida and is particularly focused on criminal justice reform. She has taught and advocated a wide range of progressive criminal justice ideas throughout her career. She most recently served as the Chief Legal Officer of the Reform Alliance. Raphael Warnock Throughout decades of leadership in Georgia on voting rights, health care and criminal justice reform, Rev. Raphael Warnock has fought tirelessly for the security and dignity of working people. As Georgia’s next Senator, he will stand up for an agenda to address our public health crisis, end poverty, tackle the climate
and local positions, and Harold Pryor is counting on our support. Joe Kimok Joe Kimok is running for Broward County State Attorney to dismantle a criminal justice system that criminalizes poverty, perpetuates institutionalized racism, and continues a failed war on drugs that has devastated communities of color. That’s why I’m proud to endorse his campaign for Broward County State Attorney. Marco Lopez Marco Lopez is running for Sheriff in Florida. We need to continue building and strengthening our movement from the ground up by electing more progressives to state and local positions, and Marco Lopez is counting on our support. Monique Worrell Monique Worrell is running for Orange-Osceola State Attorney in Florida and is particularly focused on criminal justice reform. She has taught and advocated a wide range of progressive criminal justice ideas throughout her career. She most recently served as the Chief Legal Officer of the Reform Alliance. Raphael Warnock Throughout decades of leadership in Georgia on voting rights, health care and criminal justice reform, Rev. Raphael Warnock has fought tirelessly for the security and dignity of working people. As Georgia’s next Senator, he will stand up for an agenda to address our public health crisis, end poverty, tackle the climate
crisis and build an economy that works for all of us – not just those at the top. He’s building a grassroots movement to uplift and represent all Georgians, and I am pleased to endorse his campaign for U.S. Senate. Jacquie Esser Jacquie Esser is the first Deputy Public Defender to run for Honolulu Prosecutor. For the last decade, Jacquie has represented over 1,000 clients and worked to reform the criminal justice system as a Deputy Public Defender, demanding fair treatment and justice for Honolulu citizens of all backgrounds. As Honolulu Prosecutor, Jacquie would create a Prosecutor’s Office that encourages rehabilitation, stabilization, and reintegration in the community whenever possible. Chris Schwartz Chris Schwartz is running for Chair, Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors in Iowa. We need to continue building and strengthening our movement from the ground up by electing more progressives to state and local positions, and Chris Schwartz is counting on our support. Iowa CCI Iowa CCI Action is the largest progressive people's organization in Iowa. Iowa CCI Action is a people-led political force that speaks truth to power and drives public debate towards populist policies and actions that put people before profits and communities before corporations Jeff Kurtz
[ 290, 1957, 6116, 11, 290, 23987, 45350, 318, 14143, 319, 674, 1104, 13, 198, 19585, 6502, 482, 198, 19585, 6502, 482, 318, 2491, 329, 19600, 446, 3418, 1812, 8123, 284, 37890, 257, 4301, 5316, 1080, 326, 4301, 4340, 8098, 11, 8939, 12632, 15855, 1143, 10713, 11, 290, 4477, 257, 4054, 1175, 319, 5010, 326, 468, 25074, 5348, 286, 3124, 13, 1320, 447, 247, 82, 1521, 314, 447, 247, 76, 6613, 284, 11438, 465, 1923, 329, 19600, 446, 3418, 1812, 8123, 13, 198, 37179, 22593, 198, 37179, 22593, 318, 2491, 329, 12874, 287, 4744, 13, 775, 761, 284, 2555, 2615, 290, 24175, 674, 3356, 422, 262, 2323, 510, 416, 46913, 517, 31778, 284, 1181, 290, 1957, 6116, 11, 290, 16556, 22593, 318, 14143, 319, 674, 1104, 13, 198, 9069, 2350, 16597, 11252, 198, 9069, 2350, 16597, 11252, 318, 2491, 329, 11942, 12, 16748, 344, 5708, 1812, 8123, 287, 4744, 290, 318, 3573, 5670, 319, 4301, 5316, 4975, 13, 1375, 468, 7817, 290, 25828, 257, 3094, 2837, 286, 10393, 4301, 5316, 4213, 3690, 607, 3451, 13, 1375, 749, 2904, 4983, 355, 262, 5953, 16027, 10391, 286, 262, 17893, 10302, 13, 198, 49, 34889, 39567, 735, 198, 26797, 4647, 286, 5531, 287, 7859, 319, 6709, 2489, 11, 1535, 1337, 290, 4301, 5316, 4975, 11, 5416, 13, 37464, 39567, 735, 468, 8350, 47905, 329, 262, 2324, 290, 16247, 286, 1762, 661, 13, 1081, 7859, 447, 247, 82, 1306, 8962, 11, 339, 481, 1302, 510, 329, 281, 8666, 284, 2209, 674, 1171, 1535, 4902, 11, 886, 8098, 11, 9761, 262, 4258 ]
[ 323, 2254, 10093, 11, 323, 53215, 74514, 269, 374, 26060, 389, 1057, 1862, 627, 41444, 13818, 564, 198, 41444, 13818, 564, 374, 4401, 369, 29477, 569, 6406, 3314, 18919, 311, 95158, 264, 9337, 12437, 1887, 430, 9337, 4861, 19542, 11, 22313, 52085, 33232, 1534, 27052, 11, 323, 9731, 264, 4745, 4208, 389, 11217, 430, 706, 59097, 10977, 315, 1933, 13, 3011, 753, 3249, 358, 4344, 12691, 311, 19507, 813, 4901, 369, 29477, 569, 6406, 3314, 18919, 627, 86484, 45315, 198, 86484, 45315, 374, 4401, 369, 29783, 304, 9784, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 3136, 4857, 323, 48513, 1057, 7351, 505, 279, 5015, 709, 555, 4135, 287, 810, 82859, 311, 1614, 323, 2254, 10093, 11, 323, 35281, 45315, 374, 26060, 389, 1057, 1862, 627, 11342, 2428, 36636, 16684, 198, 11342, 2428, 36636, 16684, 374, 4401, 369, 22725, 24540, 82, 346, 8083, 3314, 18919, 304, 9784, 323, 374, 8104, 10968, 389, 9337, 12437, 15180, 13, 3005, 706, 15972, 323, 64854, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 23053, 9337, 12437, 6848, 6957, 1077, 7076, 13, 3005, 1455, 6051, 10434, 439, 279, 14681, 25705, 20148, 315, 279, 40365, 23590, 627, 49, 75340, 68846, 1197, 198, 60105, 11026, 315, 11692, 304, 16272, 389, 16043, 3268, 11, 2890, 2512, 323, 9337, 12437, 15180, 11, 10315, 13, 90986, 68846, 1197, 706, 21095, 99229, 369, 279, 4868, 323, 38929, 315, 3318, 1274, 13, 1666, 16272, 753, 1828, 23072, 11, 568, 690, 2559, 709, 369, 459, 18909, 311, 2686, 1057, 586, 2890, 11501, 11, 842, 19542, 11, 22118, 279, 10182 ]
[ 11501, 323, 1977, 459, 8752, 430, 4375, 369, 682, 315, 603, 1389, 539, 1120, 1884, 520, 279, 1948, 13, 1283, 753, 4857, 264, 57193, 7351, 311, 97547, 323, 4097, 682, 13629, 5493, 11, 323, 358, 1097, 18949, 311, 19507, 813, 4901, 369, 549, 815, 13, 10092, 627, 83929, 447, 648, 13133, 261, 198, 83929, 447, 648, 13133, 261, 374, 279, 1176, 32724, 3142, 66114, 311, 1629, 369, 82640, 88428, 13, 1789, 279, 1566, 13515, 11, 80177, 648, 706, 15609, 927, 220, 16, 11, 931, 8403, 323, 6575, 311, 15180, 279, 9337, 12437, 1887, 439, 264, 32724, 3142, 66114, 11, 26192, 6762, 6514, 323, 12437, 369, 82640, 10495, 315, 682, 36576, 13, 1666, 82640, 88428, 11, 80177, 648, 1053, 1893, 264, 88428, 753, 8410, 430, 37167, 44438, 11, 83938, 11, 323, 312, 61268, 304, 279, 4029, 15716, 3284, 627, 32978, 65885, 198, 32978, 65885, 374, 4401, 369, 16478, 11, 5348, 56423, 6406, 8925, 315, 62924, 42314, 304, 21357, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 3136, 4857, 323, 48513, 1057, 7351, 505, 279, 5015, 709, 555, 4135, 287, 810, 82859, 311, 1614, 323, 2254, 10093, 11, 323, 11517, 65885, 374, 26060, 389, 1057, 1862, 627, 40, 13780, 356, 11487, 198, 40, 13780, 356, 11487, 5703, 374, 279, 7928, 23053, 1274, 596, 7471, 304, 21357, 13, 21357, 356, 11487, 5703, 374, 264, 1274, 35054, 5054, 5457, 430, 21881, 8206, 311, 2410, 323, 20722, 586, 11249, 7119, 70068, 10396, 323, 6299, 430, 2231, 1274, 1603, 22613, 323, 10977, 1603, 25341, 198, 39727, 44023, 89, 198 ]
bright individuals with future potential in leadership and community service. Try to apply to as many scholarships as possible to increase your odds of graduating debt-free. Are you ready to be part of the Wolfpack? This guide will show you how to initiate your admission application to NC State University. 10 SMU Scholarships for Highly-Driven Students Worth Checking Out List of Merit-Based SCU Scholarships for First-Year Students 9 FSU Scholarships to Kick-start Your Studies Elon University Scholarship for Students Pursuing an MHE Park Scholarship NC State for Undergraduate Study in Any Discipline Port of LA partners with Harbor Freight Tools… Port of LA partners with Harbor Freight Tools to distribute 11,000 pieces of PPE to health workers Personal protective equipment, or PPE, includes nitrile gloves. (AP Photo/Chris Ehrmann) PUBLISHED: May 20, 2020 at 11:03 a.m. | UPDATED: May 20, 2020 at 12:54 p.m. The Port of Los Angeles has received a donation of more than 11,000 pieces of personal protective equipment from Harbor Freight Tools that will go to various health and medical facilities treating COVID-19 patients
bright individuals with future potential in leadership and community service. Try to apply to as many scholarships as possible to increase your odds of graduating debt-free. Are you ready to be part of the Wolfpack? This guide will show you how to initiate your admission application to NC State University. 10 SMU Scholarships for Highly-Driven Students Worth Checking Out List of Merit-Based SCU Scholarships for First-Year Students 9 FSU Scholarships to Kick-start Your Studies Elon University Scholarship for Students Pursuing an MHE Park Scholarship NC State for Undergraduate Study in Any Discipline Port of LA partners with Harbor Freight Tools… Port of LA partners with Harbor Freight Tools to distribute 11,000 pieces of PPE to health workers Personal protective equipment, or PPE, includes nitrile gloves. (AP Photo/Chris Ehrmann) PUBLISHED: May 20, 2020 at 11:03 a.m. | UPDATED: May 20, 2020 at 12:54 p.m. The Port of Los Angeles has received a donation of more than 11,000 pieces of personal protective equipment from Harbor Freight Tools that will go to various health and medical facilities treating COVID-19 patients
, the port announced Wednesday, May 20. “We are greatly appreciative to Harbor Freight for this generous donation, as PPE equipment continues to be urgently needed by frontline health care workers throughout the region,” Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka said. Seroka also serves as Mayor Eric Garcetti’s chief logistics officer during the coronavirus pandemic. “Harbor Freight is a great example of what the private sector can do to help during this pandemic,” Seroka said. LA County’s COVID hospitalizations fall below 700 LA County reports 19 more COVID deaths, more than 1,100 new cases on Friday LA County COVID numbers slide again, but vigilance still urged The donation from Harbor Freight Tools, based in Calabasas, includes 1,500 nitrile gloves, 500 N95 respirator masks, almost 9,300 deluxe face shields and 60 five-gallon spray bottles. The equipment will be distributed by Logistics Victory Los Angeles, also known as LoVLA. “We know how acute the need is for personal protective equipment, especially for the heroic healthcare workers on the front lines caring for COVID-19
[ 6016, 3925, 351, 2003, 2785, 287, 5531, 290, 2055, 2139, 13, 9993, 284, 4174, 284, 355, 867, 32055, 355, 1744, 284, 2620, 534, 10402, 286, 30024, 5057, 12, 5787, 13, 198, 8491, 345, 3492, 284, 307, 636, 286, 262, 8662, 8002, 30, 770, 5698, 481, 905, 345, 703, 284, 22118, 534, 13938, 3586, 284, 8823, 1812, 2059, 13, 198, 940, 9447, 52, 26381, 5748, 329, 38254, 12, 20564, 574, 14882, 22301, 39432, 3806, 198, 8053, 286, 4638, 270, 12, 15001, 6374, 52, 26381, 5748, 329, 3274, 12, 17688, 14882, 198, 24, 376, 12564, 26381, 5748, 284, 10279, 12, 9688, 3406, 10422, 198, 9527, 261, 2059, 38178, 329, 14882, 34089, 4250, 281, 337, 13909, 198, 25478, 38178, 8823, 1812, 329, 4698, 17680, 12481, 287, 4377, 48532, 4347, 286, 9131, 4887, 351, 21146, 4848, 432, 20003, 1399, 198, 13924, 286, 9131, 4887, 351, 21146, 4848, 432, 20003, 284, 14983, 1367, 11, 830, 5207, 286, 350, 11401, 284, 1535, 3259, 198, 30228, 14153, 5112, 11, 393, 350, 11401, 11, 3407, 13759, 380, 293, 18051, 13, 357, 2969, 5555, 14, 15645, 412, 11840, 9038, 8, 198, 5105, 9148, 18422, 1961, 25, 1737, 1160, 11, 12131, 379, 1367, 25, 3070, 257, 13, 76, 13, 930, 471, 49316, 25, 1737, 1160, 11, 12131, 379, 1105, 25, 4051, 279, 13, 76, 13, 198, 464, 4347, 286, 5401, 5652, 468, 2722, 257, 13784, 286, 517, 621, 1367, 11, 830, 5207, 286, 2614, 14153, 5112, 422, 21146, 4848, 432, 20003, 326, 481, 467, 284, 2972, 1535, 290, 3315, 7291, 13622, 7375, 11008, 12, 1129, 3871 ]
[ 10107, 7931, 449, 3938, 4754, 304, 11692, 323, 4029, 2532, 13, 9934, 311, 3881, 311, 439, 1690, 55855, 439, 3284, 311, 5376, 701, 21448, 315, 57017, 11897, 12862, 627, 11787, 499, 5644, 311, 387, 961, 315, 279, 26296, 4853, 30, 1115, 8641, 690, 1501, 499, 1268, 311, 39201, 701, 26360, 3851, 311, 20660, 3314, 3907, 627, 605, 14031, 52, 25542, 18143, 369, 53485, 12, 99584, 20783, 37246, 47193, 4470, 198, 861, 315, 8930, 275, 61439, 7683, 52, 25542, 18143, 369, 5629, 71998, 20783, 198, 24, 25275, 52, 25542, 18143, 311, 27776, 19471, 4718, 19241, 198, 6719, 263, 3907, 58984, 369, 20783, 71760, 7623, 459, 386, 1837, 198, 64706, 58984, 20660, 3314, 369, 9636, 28770, 19723, 304, 5884, 98646, 5896, 315, 13256, 8717, 449, 40282, 91338, 14173, 90578, 7229, 315, 13256, 8717, 449, 40282, 91338, 14173, 311, 16822, 220, 806, 11, 931, 9863, 315, 393, 1777, 311, 2890, 7487, 198, 35127, 29219, 7241, 11, 477, 393, 1777, 11, 5764, 308, 22288, 458, 36516, 13, 320, 2599, 11064, 14, 32978, 469, 4171, 18022, 340, 47, 14451, 39979, 25, 3297, 220, 508, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 520, 220, 806, 25, 2839, 264, 749, 13, 765, 78961, 25, 3297, 220, 508, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 520, 220, 717, 25, 4370, 281, 749, 627, 791, 5896, 315, 9853, 12167, 706, 4036, 264, 25968, 315, 810, 1109, 220, 806, 11, 931, 9863, 315, 4443, 29219, 7241, 505, 40282, 91338, 14173, 430, 690, 733, 311, 5370, 2890, 323, 6593, 13077, 27723, 20562, 12, 777, 6978 ]
[ 11, 279, 2700, 7376, 8079, 11, 3297, 220, 508, 627, 15085, 527, 19407, 9989, 54679, 311, 40282, 91338, 369, 420, 28771, 25968, 11, 439, 393, 1777, 7241, 9731, 311, 387, 77720, 4460, 555, 97101, 2890, 2512, 7487, 6957, 279, 5654, 2476, 5896, 315, 9853, 12167, 18362, 10783, 24983, 8409, 31866, 1071, 627, 32845, 31866, 1101, 17482, 439, 22868, 16645, 30414, 29037, 753, 10388, 43257, 9640, 2391, 279, 33333, 28522, 627, 2118, 27588, 9552, 91338, 374, 264, 2294, 3187, 315, 1148, 279, 879, 10706, 649, 656, 311, 1520, 2391, 420, 28522, 2476, 8409, 31866, 1071, 627, 18326, 6406, 753, 20562, 8952, 8200, 4498, 3770, 220, 7007, 198, 18326, 6406, 6821, 220, 777, 810, 20562, 16779, 11, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 1041, 502, 5157, 389, 6740, 198, 18326, 6406, 20562, 5219, 15332, 1578, 11, 719, 38494, 685, 2103, 28932, 198, 791, 25968, 505, 40282, 91338, 14173, 11, 3196, 304, 3400, 370, 300, 300, 11, 5764, 220, 16, 11, 2636, 308, 22288, 458, 36516, 11, 220, 2636, 452, 2721, 33515, 859, 27227, 11, 4661, 220, 24, 11, 3101, 79524, 3663, 53765, 323, 220, 1399, 4330, 2427, 93514, 23749, 27474, 13, 578, 7241, 690, 387, 4332, 555, 71422, 49427, 9853, 12167, 11, 1101, 3967, 439, 6621, 53, 18326, 627, 15085, 1440, 1268, 30883, 279, 1205, 374, 369, 4443, 29219, 7241, 11, 5423, 369, 279, 56375, 18985, 7487, 389, 279, 4156, 5238, 30598, 369, 20562, 12, 777 ]
the story unravels backwards through time. Something has been killing live stock in a remote part of North Wales and now it’s started attacking humans. SOPHIE, a teenager with a troubled past, puts herself and her friends at the mercy of this wild beast, when her obsession of the unexplained leads them deep into the Welsh countryside. Looking for evidence within an abandoned building, Sophie witnesses a vicious attack on her friend and then finds herself incarcerated in a locked room. She cannot escape and her only hope is that her friends manage to find her before her captor makes them his latest victim… Running Time; 100 mins UK Theatrical Release Date: 3rd September 2010 Directed by Simeon Halligan Holly Weston Sacha Dhawan Sadie Pickering THE TRUTH ABOUT ROMANS AND HOMOSEXUALITY… 01) THE TRUTH ABOUT ROMANS AND HOMOSEXUALITY The Bible also says nothing, about forbidding committed relations between men and boys. …Pedophilia is not condemned by the Bible. It seems…the main sexual practices attacked in the Bible, are prostitution and pagan ritual sex. The social structure they wanted…was one where males and females
the story unravels backwards through time. Something has been killing live stock in a remote part of North Wales and now it’s started attacking humans. SOPHIE, a teenager with a troubled past, puts herself and her friends at the mercy of this wild beast, when her obsession of the unexplained leads them deep into the Welsh countryside. Looking for evidence within an abandoned building, Sophie witnesses a vicious attack on her friend and then finds herself incarcerated in a locked room. She cannot escape and her only hope is that her friends manage to find her before her captor makes them his latest victim… Running Time; 100 mins UK Theatrical Release Date: 3rd September 2010 Directed by Simeon Halligan Holly Weston Sacha Dhawan Sadie Pickering THE TRUTH ABOUT ROMANS AND HOMOSEXUALITY… 01) THE TRUTH ABOUT ROMANS AND HOMOSEXUALITY The Bible also says nothing, about forbidding committed relations between men and boys. …Pedophilia is not condemned by the Bible. It seems…the main sexual practices attacked in the Bible, are prostitution and pagan ritual sex. The social structure they wanted…was one where males and females
paired and lived together…made babies with each other…and were around to raise those babies into adulthood… It was oriented around growing the number of humans, in it’s cultural collective…and hence, enlarging it’s power. They wanted to stamp out competing religions, as well… …If they allowed other religions to “up stage” Christianity…if other religions were way more fun and satisfying than Christianity…then who would want to be a Christian? This entry was posted in SX-TV, Wordpress Archive on October 7, 2018 by eqfoundation. The End of the Universe – with Geraint Lewis… 01) The End of the Universe – with Geraint Lewis “Come with us on a very final journey as we wander forwards in time at breakneck speeds to see what happens at the very end of the universe. Will there forever be stars in the sky? Will humanity roam the cosmos for eternity? What does the future hold for our Universe? This is a journey through space and time, from galactic collisions and hyperactive black holes, on to the death of the last star. Geraint F. Lewis is a Welsh astrophysicist at the University of Sydney. He’s
[ 262, 1621, 30282, 82, 16196, 832, 640, 13, 198, 22210, 468, 587, 5170, 2107, 4283, 287, 257, 6569, 636, 286, 2258, 11769, 290, 783, 340, 447, 247, 82, 2067, 9274, 5384, 13, 198, 50, 3185, 39, 10008, 11, 257, 15287, 351, 257, 17840, 1613, 11, 7584, 5223, 290, 607, 2460, 379, 262, 17703, 286, 428, 4295, 13824, 11, 618, 607, 22286, 286, 262, 43286, 5983, 606, 2769, 656, 262, 22945, 25708, 13, 15616, 329, 2370, 1626, 281, 9958, 2615, 11, 35331, 11432, 257, 17686, 1368, 319, 607, 1545, 290, 788, 7228, 5223, 33946, 287, 257, 8970, 2119, 13, 1375, 2314, 6654, 290, 607, 691, 2911, 318, 326, 607, 2460, 6687, 284, 1064, 607, 878, 607, 3144, 273, 1838, 606, 465, 3452, 3117, 1399, 198, 28768, 3862, 26, 1802, 23550, 198, 15039, 383, 265, 8143, 13868, 7536, 25, 513, 4372, 2693, 3050, 198, 13470, 276, 416, 311, 524, 261, 4789, 5516, 198, 39, 5098, 46949, 198, 50, 34518, 20529, 43004, 198, 26699, 494, 12346, 1586, 3336, 7579, 24318, 33478, 21224, 15037, 5357, 367, 2662, 2640, 6369, 25620, 9050, 1399, 198, 486, 8, 3336, 7579, 24318, 33478, 21224, 15037, 5357, 367, 2662, 2640, 6369, 25620, 9050, 198, 464, 9111, 635, 1139, 2147, 11, 546, 11747, 13494, 5364, 2316, 1022, 1450, 290, 6510, 13, 198, 1399, 43468, 2522, 17517, 318, 407, 15006, 416, 262, 9111, 13, 198, 1026, 2331, 1399, 1169, 1388, 3206, 6593, 7384, 287, 262, 9111, 11, 389, 22679, 290, 36164, 12146, 1714, 13, 198, 464, 1919, 4645, 484, 2227, 1399, 9776, 530, 810, 10835, 290, 12366 ]
[ 279, 3446, 41480, 402, 2053, 29512, 1555, 892, 627, 23958, 706, 1027, 13419, 3974, 5708, 304, 264, 8870, 961, 315, 4892, 23782, 323, 1457, 433, 753, 3940, 23664, 12966, 627, 50, 3143, 39, 5484, 11, 264, 32639, 449, 264, 42132, 3347, 11, 9711, 11937, 323, 1077, 4885, 520, 279, 39324, 315, 420, 8545, 32236, 11, 994, 1077, 49635, 315, 279, 653, 81950, 11767, 1124, 5655, 1139, 279, 46881, 47967, 13, 21815, 369, 6029, 2949, 459, 23838, 4857, 11, 60410, 28823, 264, 43510, 3440, 389, 1077, 4333, 323, 1243, 14035, 11937, 81224, 304, 264, 16447, 3130, 13, 3005, 4250, 12731, 323, 1077, 1193, 3987, 374, 430, 1077, 4885, 10299, 311, 1505, 1077, 1603, 1077, 6563, 269, 3727, 1124, 813, 5652, 11996, 90578, 19527, 4212, 26, 220, 1041, 25876, 198, 25554, 578, 266, 12381, 17836, 2696, 25, 220, 18, 6634, 6250, 220, 679, 15, 198, 93769, 555, 328, 547, 263, 11166, 11118, 198, 39, 8788, 91119, 198, 50, 52676, 44327, 42029, 198, 60765, 648, 20305, 4776, 3247, 5091, 9331, 52912, 31786, 11954, 3651, 473, 1937, 76734, 55, 16788, 3414, 90578, 1721, 8, 3247, 5091, 9331, 52912, 31786, 11954, 3651, 473, 1937, 76734, 55, 16788, 3414, 198, 791, 17377, 1101, 2795, 4400, 11, 922, 55844, 27598, 11411, 4398, 1990, 3026, 323, 13305, 627, 1981, 36294, 93655, 374, 539, 39025, 555, 279, 17377, 627, 2181, 5084, 94518, 1925, 7392, 12659, 18855, 304, 279, 17377, 11, 527, 50850, 323, 84902, 28278, 1877, 627, 791, 3674, 6070, 814, 4934, 1981, 16514, 832, 1405, 25000, 323, 28585 ]
[ 35526, 323, 12439, 3871, 1981, 28010, 24869, 449, 1855, 1023, 53676, 1051, 2212, 311, 4933, 1884, 24869, 1139, 64033, 90578, 2181, 574, 42208, 2212, 7982, 279, 1396, 315, 12966, 11, 304, 433, 753, 13042, 22498, 53676, 16472, 11, 41039, 287, 433, 753, 2410, 627, 7009, 4934, 311, 21899, 704, 27260, 44230, 11, 439, 1664, 90578, 1981, 2746, 814, 5535, 1023, 44230, 311, 1054, 455, 6566, 863, 32186, 1981, 333, 1023, 44230, 1051, 1648, 810, 2523, 323, 37154, 1109, 32186, 1981, 3473, 889, 1053, 1390, 311, 387, 264, 9052, 5380, 2028, 4441, 574, 8621, 304, 55868, 53392, 11, 89169, 30802, 389, 6664, 220, 22, 11, 220, 679, 23, 555, 9116, 73407, 627, 791, 4060, 315, 279, 29849, 1389, 449, 20524, 1673, 21256, 90578, 1721, 8, 578, 4060, 315, 279, 29849, 1389, 449, 20524, 1673, 21256, 198, 2118, 29951, 449, 603, 389, 264, 1633, 1620, 11879, 439, 584, 40320, 42154, 304, 892, 520, 1464, 63440, 25753, 311, 1518, 1148, 8741, 520, 279, 1633, 842, 315, 279, 15861, 627, 10149, 1070, 16058, 387, 9958, 304, 279, 13180, 30, 4946, 22706, 76067, 279, 83645, 369, 64482, 30, 3639, 1587, 279, 3938, 3412, 369, 1057, 29849, 30, 1115, 374, 264, 11879, 1555, 3634, 323, 892, 11, 505, 15730, 24045, 48453, 323, 17508, 3104, 3776, 20349, 11, 389, 311, 279, 4648, 315, 279, 1566, 6917, 627, 66497, 1673, 435, 13, 21256, 374, 264, 46881, 12025, 22761, 1065, 292, 380, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 21972, 13, 1283, 753 ]
but likely would not please anyone wanting a traditional London Dry gin. And don’t waste it with tonic, or in a gimlet. But Aviation would be an outstanding gin for older cocktails where the gin is expected to be very present, likes in its namesake Aviation cocktail, or in a Last Word, Corpse Reviver #2, or one of our new favorites, the Hanky Panky. First time I tried this, a few years ago, I was not a fan. It was far and away too odd for me. But having graduated from martins and gin and tonic, and now greatly appreciating other traditional and pre-Prohibition cocktails using gin in it’s many expressions, Aviation is my new friend for the summer. Dealing with Career Politicians – The American Advantage! Although the American and British democratic systems are very similar in many ways, there are differences that are rather significant. For one thing, America has a written Constitution, whereas the UK does not. The American President is elected directly, whereas the British Prime Minister is normally the leader of the political party currently elected to form the government, though this has not always been the case. In 19 states, there is a Recall facility, which provides for the
but likely would not please anyone wanting a traditional London Dry gin. And don’t waste it with tonic, or in a gimlet. But Aviation would be an outstanding gin for older cocktails where the gin is expected to be very present, likes in its namesake Aviation cocktail, or in a Last Word, Corpse Reviver #2, or one of our new favorites, the Hanky Panky. First time I tried this, a few years ago, I was not a fan. It was far and away too odd for me. But having graduated from martins and gin and tonic, and now greatly appreciating other traditional and pre-Prohibition cocktails using gin in it’s many expressions, Aviation is my new friend for the summer. Dealing with Career Politicians – The American Advantage! Although the American and British democratic systems are very similar in many ways, there are differences that are rather significant. For one thing, America has a written Constitution, whereas the UK does not. The American President is elected directly, whereas the British Prime Minister is normally the leader of the political party currently elected to form the government, though this has not always been the case. In 19 states, there is a Recall facility, which provides for the
removal of an elected official under certain conditions. Where a recall petition is generated without cause, however, there is a risk that the recall be deemed “frivolous” if successful. Note that the Recall facility does not apply to Federal officials. “Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification. By a national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds (at present 34) of the states. It is precisely this mechanism that is being used in the push to apply Term Limits to all American politicians, and not just the President. This is necessary, as their system is overloaded with career politicians who need to be replaced. The UK has the same problem with career politicians, but there is no convenient mechanism to deal with it. We have to rely on the tried and trusted system of the “Petition”. Any thoughts on how to get started? Visit our Partners and other sites which provide further information on Western Port Bay and Surrounding areas. Mesothelioma Centre - Those who have worked on ports and aboard ships were at risk of asbestos exposure and developing mesothelioma, a rare cancer that can take 20-50 years to
[ 475, 1884, 561, 407, 3387, 2687, 10291, 257, 4569, 3576, 22408, 39733, 13, 843, 836, 447, 247, 83, 7030, 340, 351, 5680, 291, 11, 393, 287, 257, 308, 320, 1616, 13, 887, 25186, 561, 307, 281, 11660, 39733, 329, 4697, 34281, 810, 262, 39733, 318, 2938, 284, 307, 845, 1944, 11, 7832, 287, 663, 49829, 25186, 24554, 11, 393, 287, 257, 4586, 9678, 11, 45311, 5416, 1428, 1303, 17, 11, 393, 530, 286, 674, 649, 18852, 11, 262, 24386, 88, 350, 39556, 13, 198, 5962, 640, 314, 3088, 428, 11, 257, 1178, 812, 2084, 11, 314, 373, 407, 257, 4336, 13, 632, 373, 1290, 290, 1497, 1165, 5629, 329, 502, 13, 887, 1719, 18303, 422, 11277, 1040, 290, 39733, 290, 5680, 291, 11, 290, 783, 9257, 5763, 803, 584, 4569, 290, 662, 12, 2964, 24108, 34281, 1262, 39733, 287, 340, 447, 247, 82, 867, 14700, 11, 25186, 318, 616, 649, 1545, 329, 262, 3931, 13, 1024, 4272, 351, 32619, 7793, 5106, 784, 383, 1605, 45318, 0, 198, 7003, 262, 1605, 290, 3517, 10518, 3341, 389, 845, 2092, 287, 867, 2842, 11, 612, 389, 5400, 326, 389, 2138, 2383, 13, 1114, 530, 1517, 11, 2253, 468, 257, 3194, 7965, 11, 9472, 262, 3482, 857, 407, 13, 383, 1605, 1992, 318, 7018, 3264, 11, 9472, 262, 3517, 5537, 4139, 318, 7685, 262, 3554, 286, 262, 1964, 2151, 3058, 7018, 284, 1296, 262, 1230, 11, 996, 428, 468, 407, 1464, 587, 262, 1339, 13, 198, 818, 678, 2585, 11, 612, 318, 257, 44536, 6841, 11, 543, 3769, 329, 262 ]
[ 719, 4461, 1053, 539, 4587, 5606, 19762, 264, 8776, 7295, 31941, 47283, 13, 1628, 1541, 1431, 12571, 433, 449, 99305, 11, 477, 304, 264, 84358, 1169, 13, 2030, 50047, 1053, 387, 459, 19310, 47283, 369, 9191, 58076, 1405, 279, 47283, 374, 3685, 311, 387, 1633, 3118, 11, 13452, 304, 1202, 5144, 731, 50047, 41010, 11, 477, 304, 264, 8155, 9506, 11, 22621, 325, 10315, 1553, 674, 17, 11, 477, 832, 315, 1057, 502, 27672, 11, 279, 55761, 88, 393, 92916, 627, 5451, 892, 358, 6818, 420, 11, 264, 2478, 1667, 4227, 11, 358, 574, 539, 264, 8571, 13, 1102, 574, 3117, 323, 3201, 2288, 10535, 369, 757, 13, 2030, 3515, 33109, 505, 49295, 1354, 323, 47283, 323, 99305, 11, 323, 1457, 19407, 9989, 23747, 1023, 8776, 323, 864, 58186, 60073, 58076, 1701, 47283, 304, 433, 753, 1690, 24282, 11, 50047, 374, 856, 502, 4333, 369, 279, 7474, 13, 1611, 6260, 449, 41576, 16307, 9818, 1389, 578, 3778, 71459, 4999, 16179, 279, 3778, 323, 8013, 26623, 6067, 527, 1633, 4528, 304, 1690, 5627, 11, 1070, 527, 12062, 430, 527, 4856, 5199, 13, 1789, 832, 3245, 11, 5270, 706, 264, 5439, 18039, 11, 20444, 279, 6560, 1587, 539, 13, 578, 3778, 4900, 374, 16689, 6089, 11, 20444, 279, 8013, 12801, 9675, 374, 14614, 279, 7808, 315, 279, 5054, 4717, 5131, 16689, 311, 1376, 279, 3109, 11, 3582, 420, 706, 539, 2744, 1027, 279, 1162, 627, 644, 220, 777, 5415, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 80640, 12764, 11, 902, 5825, 369, 279 ]
[ 17065, 315, 459, 16689, 4033, 1234, 3738, 4787, 13, 11208, 264, 19635, 20984, 374, 8066, 2085, 5353, 11, 4869, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 5326, 430, 279, 19635, 387, 25660, 1054, 1658, 81606, 788, 863, 422, 6992, 13, 7181, 430, 279, 80640, 12764, 1587, 539, 3881, 311, 12411, 7510, 627, 2118, 2149, 60485, 279, 18039, 17610, 315, 57515, 459, 28238, 477, 41693, 323, 17876, 11494, 2461, 627, 1383, 264, 5426, 21977, 35105, 520, 279, 1715, 315, 279, 15312, 2859, 315, 520, 3325, 1403, 45726, 320, 266, 3118, 220, 1958, 8, 315, 279, 5415, 627, 2181, 374, 24559, 420, 17383, 430, 374, 1694, 1511, 304, 279, 4585, 311, 3881, 17978, 72955, 311, 682, 3778, 19287, 11, 323, 539, 1120, 279, 4900, 13, 1115, 374, 5995, 11, 439, 872, 1887, 374, 75691, 449, 7076, 19287, 889, 1205, 311, 387, 12860, 627, 791, 6560, 706, 279, 1890, 3575, 449, 7076, 19287, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 912, 17125, 17383, 311, 3568, 449, 433, 13, 1226, 617, 311, 17631, 389, 279, 6818, 323, 22542, 1887, 315, 279, 1054, 35919, 684, 113068, 8780, 11555, 389, 1268, 311, 636, 3940, 30, 19545, 1057, 23663, 323, 1023, 6732, 902, 3493, 4726, 2038, 389, 11104, 5896, 9332, 323, 100060, 287, 5789, 627, 60158, 8942, 12574, 7942, 14821, 482, 13266, 889, 617, 6575, 389, 20946, 323, 37606, 18198, 1051, 520, 5326, 315, 77235, 14675, 323, 11469, 11083, 8942, 12574, 7942, 11, 264, 9024, 9572, 430, 649, 1935, 220, 508, 12, 1135, 1667, 311 ]
Last month the American Foundation for the Blind launched one of the largest collections of content about the life and work of Helen Keller, the Washington Post reports. The archive, located in New York City, “is the first of its kind to be fully accessible to blind, deaf, hard-of-hearing, low vision and deaf-blind audiences,” according to the foundation. Keller became one of the most famous advocates for children and people with disabilities, and worked for the American Foundation for the Blind for 44 years. When she died at 87 in 1968, she left all her belongings to the foundation. “Due to their fragility, many of these items were unavailable to the public until now,” the foundation said in a statement. The archive includes copies of more than 475 of Keller's speeches and essays. “Despite her fame, relatively few people know that Helen Keller wrote 14 books as well as hundreds of essays and articles on a broad array of subjects ranging from animals and atomic energy to Mahatma Gandhi,” according to the foundation. When you buy a 72 hour DoDublin Card you don't just get unlimited use of the Airlink Express and Hop on Hop off Sightseeing buses, you also get
Last month the American Foundation for the Blind launched one of the largest collections of content about the life and work of Helen Keller, the Washington Post reports. The archive, located in New York City, “is the first of its kind to be fully accessible to blind, deaf, hard-of-hearing, low vision and deaf-blind audiences,” according to the foundation. Keller became one of the most famous advocates for children and people with disabilities, and worked for the American Foundation for the Blind for 44 years. When she died at 87 in 1968, she left all her belongings to the foundation. “Due to their fragility, many of these items were unavailable to the public until now,” the foundation said in a statement. The archive includes copies of more than 475 of Keller's speeches and essays. “Despite her fame, relatively few people know that Helen Keller wrote 14 books as well as hundreds of essays and articles on a broad array of subjects ranging from animals and atomic energy to Mahatma Gandhi,” according to the foundation. When you buy a 72 hour DoDublin Card you don't just get unlimited use of the Airlink Express and Hop on Hop off Sightseeing buses, you also get
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[ 198, 5956, 1227, 262, 1605, 5693, 329, 262, 24507, 5611, 530, 286, 262, 4387, 17268, 286, 2695, 546, 262, 1204, 290, 670, 286, 22695, 35999, 11, 262, 2669, 2947, 3136, 13, 198, 464, 15424, 11, 5140, 287, 968, 1971, 2254, 11, 564, 250, 271, 262, 717, 286, 663, 1611, 284, 307, 3938, 9857, 284, 7770, 11, 21815, 11, 1327, 12, 1659, 12, 258, 1723, 11, 1877, 5761, 290, 21815, 12, 27461, 15579, 11, 447, 251, 1864, 284, 262, 8489, 13, 198, 42, 12368, 2627, 530, 286, 262, 749, 5863, 11009, 329, 1751, 290, 661, 351, 19358, 11, 290, 3111, 329, 262, 1605, 5693, 329, 262, 24507, 329, 5846, 812, 13, 198, 2215, 673, 3724, 379, 10083, 287, 15963, 11, 673, 1364, 477, 607, 30985, 284, 262, 8489, 13, 564, 250, 22229, 284, 511, 7956, 879, 11, 867, 286, 777, 3709, 547, 23485, 284, 262, 1171, 1566, 783, 11, 447, 251, 262, 8489, 531, 287, 257, 2643, 13, 198, 464, 15424, 3407, 9088, 286, 517, 621, 45881, 286, 35999, 338, 18138, 290, 27126, 13, 564, 250, 8332, 607, 16117, 11, 5365, 1178, 661, 760, 326, 22695, 35999, 2630, 1478, 3835, 355, 880, 355, 5179, 286, 27126, 290, 6685, 319, 257, 3154, 7177, 286, 7481, 12897, 422, 4695, 290, 17226, 2568, 284, 8882, 265, 2611, 22081, 11, 447, 251, 1864, 284, 262, 8489, 13, 1649, 345, 2822, 257, 7724, 1711, 2141, 37590, 2815, 5172, 345, 836, 470, 655, 651, 15822, 779, 286, 262, 16016, 676, 10604, 290, 9996, 319, 9996, 572, 26864, 42041, 16893, 11, 345, 635, 651 ]
[ 198, 5966, 2305, 279, 3778, 5114, 369, 279, 55370, 11887, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 15661, 315, 2262, 922, 279, 2324, 323, 990, 315, 43881, 66603, 11, 279, 6652, 3962, 6821, 627, 791, 18624, 11, 7559, 304, 1561, 4356, 4409, 11, 1054, 285, 279, 1176, 315, 1202, 3169, 311, 387, 7373, 15987, 311, 18507, 11, 47842, 11, 2653, 8838, 38435, 3329, 11, 3428, 11376, 323, 47842, 95449, 30994, 2476, 4184, 311, 279, 16665, 627, 42, 7218, 6244, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 11495, 28424, 369, 2911, 323, 1274, 449, 36801, 11, 323, 6575, 369, 279, 3778, 5114, 369, 279, 55370, 369, 220, 2096, 1667, 627, 4599, 1364, 8636, 520, 220, 4044, 304, 220, 5162, 23, 11, 1364, 2163, 682, 1077, 64028, 311, 279, 16665, 13, 1054, 34160, 311, 872, 8508, 1429, 11, 1690, 315, 1521, 3673, 1051, 36087, 311, 279, 586, 3156, 1457, 2476, 279, 16665, 1071, 304, 264, 5224, 627, 791, 18624, 5764, 11236, 315, 810, 1109, 220, 19799, 315, 66603, 596, 44440, 323, 23691, 13, 1054, 20397, 1077, 33651, 11, 12309, 2478, 1274, 1440, 430, 43881, 66603, 6267, 220, 975, 6603, 439, 1664, 439, 11758, 315, 23691, 323, 9908, 389, 264, 7353, 1358, 315, 15223, 24950, 505, 10099, 323, 25524, 4907, 311, 16566, 266, 1764, 48994, 2476, 4184, 311, 279, 16665, 13, 3277, 499, 3780, 264, 220, 5332, 6596, 3234, 74294, 3817, 6938, 499, 1541, 956, 1120, 636, 27862, 1005, 315, 279, 6690, 2125, 17855, 323, 26634, 389, 26634, 1022, 66437, 66154, 34480, 11, 499, 1101, 636 ]
[ 2680, 311, 279, 4553, 33977, 19111, 586, 5951, 2532, 13, 1115, 690, 3041, 499, 279, 11542, 311, 733, 28578, 499, 1390, 11, 15716, 499, 1390, 13, 578, 586, 5951, 4009, 1589, 1056, 77529, 288, 6957, 279, 3363, 323, 14189, 315, 33977, 11, 779, 499, 649, 4034, 25861, 3235, 279, 13962, 11, 12185, 36282, 304, 279, 48013, 477, 1120, 636, 505, 362, 311, 426, 6288, 323, 30820, 2949, 33977, 4409, 627, 16042, 1405, 701, 5951, 374, 389, 701, 4641, 477, 21354, 627, 1041, 15, 5951, 3831, 26155, 449, 220, 22, 2219, 2469, 3363, 7029, 627, 20381, 12222, 499, 6068, 482, 220, 5547, 4, 315, 682, 12185, 23277, 304, 33977, 527, 1903, 555, 5951, 627, 10031, 1148, 4892, 33977, 706, 311, 3085, 482, 12040, 264, 8577, 311, 832, 279, 4892, 11314, 1948, 34205, 627, 42575, 311, 656, 389, 279, 10007, 3002, 315, 279, 3363, 482, 4343, 704, 41209, 389, 3085, 369, 264, 1938, 704, 10007, 315, 279, 445, 3168, 1216, 627, 15547, 44382, 482, 13969, 279, 3995, 6305, 6380, 555, 17136, 832, 315, 279, 7029, 2134, 315, 33977, 596, 2911, 323, 3070, 7640, 627, 2677, 1618, 311, 4034, 279, 33977, 19111, 3997, 369, 810, 2038, 389, 11543, 323, 369, 8976, 4212, 68734, 8245, 320, 5463, 1932, 570, 20371, 994, 701, 1828, 5951, 374, 4245, 304, 1972, 892, 389, 904, 14683, 3756, 13, 3161, 264, 220, 4161, 4, 13708, 4478, 8748, 369, 279, 5951, 374, 1457, 264, 3245, 315, 279, 3347, 627, 10673, 2518, 33977, 369, 459, 1567, 30, 578, 33977, 19111, 4455 ]
orem} In the case when $\gamma_1= \gamma_2$, we have furthermore the convergence of the trajectory: \begin{corollary}\label{Corol2} Let $\gamma>2$. If $F$ is coercive and satisfies $\textbf{H}_1(\gamma)$ and $\textbf{H}_2(\gamma)$, and if $\alpha\geqslant \frac{\gamma+2}{\gamma-2}$ then we have: \begin{equation*}\label{eqCorol2} F(x(t))-F^*=O\left(\frac{1}{t^{\frac{2\gamma}{\gamma-2}}}\right), \end{equation*} and \begin{equation} \norm{\dot x(t)}=O\left(\frac{1}{t^{\frac{\gamma}{\gamma-2}}}\right). \end{equation} Moreover the trajectory $x(t)$ has a finite length and it converges to a minimizer $x^
orem} In the case when $\gamma_1= \gamma_2$, we have furthermore the convergence of the trajectory: \begin{corollary}\label{Corol2} Let $\gamma>2$. If $F$ is coercive and satisfies $\textbf{H}_1(\gamma)$ and $\textbf{H}_2(\gamma)$, and if $\alpha\geqslant \frac{\gamma+2}{\gamma-2}$ then we have: \begin{equation*}\label{eqCorol2} F(x(t))-F^*=O\left(\frac{1}{t^{\frac{2\gamma}{\gamma-2}}}\right), \end{equation*} and \begin{equation} \norm{\dot x(t)}=O\left(\frac{1}{t^{\frac{\gamma}{\gamma-2}}}\right). \end{equation} Moreover the trajectory $x(t)$ has a finite length and it converges to a minimizer $x^
*$ of $F$. \end{corollary} \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{RateFlat.png} \caption{Decay rate $r(\alpha,\gamma)=\frac{2\gamma}{\gamma-2}$ depending on the value of $\alpha$ when $\alpha\geqslant \frac{\gamma+2}{\gamma-2}$ when $F$ satisfies $\textbf{H}_1(\gamma)$ (as in Theorem \ref{Theo2}) for two values $\gamma$: $\gamma_3=3$ dotted line and $\gamma_4=5$ dashed-dotted line.}\label{fig:flat1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{RateAll.png} \caption{Decay rate $r(\alpha,\gamma)$ depending on the value of $\alpha$ if $F$ satisfies $\textbf{H}_1(\gamma
[ 29625, 92, 198, 818, 262, 1339, 618, 39280, 28483, 2611, 62, 16, 28, 3467, 28483, 2611, 62, 17, 47113, 356, 423, 50002, 262, 40826, 286, 262, 22942, 25, 198, 59, 27471, 90, 10215, 692, 560, 32239, 18242, 90, 10606, 349, 17, 92, 198, 5756, 39280, 28483, 2611, 29, 17, 35307, 1002, 720, 37, 3, 318, 47236, 290, 45104, 39280, 5239, 19881, 90, 39, 92, 62, 16, 38016, 28483, 2611, 8, 3, 290, 39280, 5239, 19881, 90, 39, 92, 62, 17, 38016, 28483, 2611, 8, 47113, 290, 611, 220, 198, 3, 59, 26591, 59, 469, 80, 6649, 415, 220, 3467, 31944, 31478, 28483, 2611, 10, 17, 18477, 59, 28483, 2611, 12, 17, 92, 3, 788, 356, 423, 25, 198, 59, 27471, 90, 4853, 341, 9, 32239, 18242, 90, 27363, 10606, 349, 17, 92, 198, 37, 7, 87, 7, 83, 4008, 12, 37, 61, 9, 28, 46, 59, 9464, 38016, 31944, 90, 16, 18477, 83, 61, 31478, 31944, 90, 17, 59, 28483, 2611, 18477, 59, 28483, 2611, 12, 17, 11709, 32239, 3506, 828, 198, 59, 437, 90, 4853, 341, 9, 92, 220, 198, 392, 198, 59, 27471, 90, 4853, 341, 92, 198, 59, 27237, 31478, 26518, 2124, 7, 83, 38165, 28, 46, 59, 9464, 38016, 31944, 90, 16, 18477, 83, 61, 31478, 31944, 31478, 28483, 2611, 18477, 59, 28483, 2611, 12, 17, 11709, 32239, 3506, 737, 198, 59, 437, 90, 4853, 341, 92, 198, 24606, 262, 22942, 720, 87, 7, 83, 8, 3, 468, 257, 27454, 4129, 290, 340, 6718, 3212, 284, 257, 10356, 7509, 720, 87, 61 ]
[ 13475, 534, 644, 279, 1162, 994, 59060, 33314, 62, 16, 28, 1144, 33314, 62, 17, 55976, 584, 617, 78637, 279, 56541, 315, 279, 35782, 512, 59, 7413, 90, 6133, 980, 661, 11281, 1530, 90, 10803, 337, 17, 534, 10267, 59060, 33314, 29, 17, 13244, 1442, 400, 37, 3, 374, 55363, 535, 323, 69001, 59060, 1342, 13536, 90, 39, 20009, 16, 11781, 33314, 15437, 323, 59060, 1342, 13536, 90, 39, 20009, 17, 11781, 33314, 15437, 11, 323, 422, 720, 59836, 7288, 59, 713, 80, 3306, 519, 220, 1144, 38118, 36802, 33314, 10, 17, 15523, 59, 33314, 12, 17, 32816, 1243, 584, 617, 512, 59, 7413, 90, 26378, 367, 9, 11281, 1530, 90, 11251, 10803, 337, 17, 534, 37, 2120, 1175, 65640, 37, 61, 41108, 46, 59, 2414, 11781, 38118, 90, 16, 15523, 83, 61, 36802, 38118, 90, 17, 59, 33314, 15523, 59, 33314, 12, 17, 3500, 11281, 1315, 1350, 59, 408, 90, 26378, 367, 9, 92, 720, 438, 198, 59, 7413, 90, 26378, 367, 534, 1734, 494, 36802, 16510, 865, 1175, 9317, 28, 46, 59, 2414, 11781, 38118, 90, 16, 15523, 83, 61, 36802, 38118, 36802, 33314, 15523, 59, 33314, 12, 17, 3500, 11281, 1315, 4390, 59, 408, 90, 26378, 367, 534, 58276, 279, 35782, 400, 87, 1175, 15437, 706, 264, 35326, 3160, 323, 433, 19873, 4282, 311, 264, 21877, 3213, 400, 87, 61 ]
[ 40118, 315, 400, 37, 3, 627, 59, 408, 90, 6133, 980, 661, 534, 59, 7413, 90, 18257, 44489, 71, 933, 59, 1012, 32785, 58, 3175, 35533, 1342, 3175, 15731, 11825, 32119, 3592, 534, 59, 24232, 90, 5005, 352, 4478, 400, 81, 11781, 7288, 27362, 33314, 11992, 59, 38118, 90, 17, 59, 33314, 15523, 59, 33314, 12, 17, 32816, 11911, 389, 279, 907, 315, 59060, 7288, 3, 994, 59060, 7288, 59, 713, 80, 3306, 519, 1144, 38118, 36802, 33314, 10, 17, 15523, 59, 33314, 12, 17, 32816, 720, 9493, 400, 37, 3, 69001, 59060, 1342, 13536, 90, 39, 20009, 16, 11781, 33314, 15437, 320, 300, 304, 578, 13475, 1144, 1116, 90, 110798, 17, 5525, 369, 1403, 2819, 59060, 33314, 63646, 59060, 33314, 62, 18, 28, 18, 3, 59201, 1584, 323, 59060, 33314, 62, 19, 28, 20, 3, 67822, 1773, 15889, 1584, 13, 11281, 1530, 90, 915, 25, 27323, 16, 534, 59, 408, 90, 18257, 534, 59, 7413, 90, 18257, 44489, 71, 933, 59, 1012, 32785, 58, 3175, 35533, 1342, 3175, 15731, 11825, 2460, 3592, 534, 59, 24232, 90, 5005, 352, 4478, 400, 81, 11781, 7288, 27362, 33314, 15437, 11911, 389, 279, 907, 315, 59060, 7288, 3, 422, 400, 37, 3, 220, 69001, 59060, 1342, 13536, 90, 39, 20009, 16, 11781, 33314 ]
suspicious about the circumstances surrounding his wife’s death. Walker is set to premiere January 21st on the CW. Tags the CW Walker Lawyer. Writer. Columnist. Geek. Eternal optimist. Fangirl since the dawn of time. Hates the color yellow, olives and cigarettes. Has a recurring nightmare where she’s forced to choose between sports and books. Falls in love with fictional characters. ‘Tiny Pretty Things’ Season 1 Review: “The Show Must Go On” Fangirlish Countdown To Christmas: 'Five Star Christmas' 4 Things You Should Know About ‘Trickster’ More Pictures From The Pilot Episode of ‘Walker’ Released 10 Shows We’re Looking Forward to in 2021 The First Trailer for ‘Superman & Lois’ is Here Essays & Papers History American History Origin and Role of the Missouri Compromise Origin and Role of the Missouri Compromise The Missouri Compromise in History of America Pages: 3 (601 words) Missouri Compromise Pages: 2 (273 words) Three-Fifths Compromise Pages: 3 (507 words) The Compromise of
suspicious about the circumstances surrounding his wife’s death. Walker is set to premiere January 21st on the CW. Tags the CW Walker Lawyer. Writer. Columnist. Geek. Eternal optimist. Fangirl since the dawn of time. Hates the color yellow, olives and cigarettes. Has a recurring nightmare where she’s forced to choose between sports and books. Falls in love with fictional characters. ‘Tiny Pretty Things’ Season 1 Review: “The Show Must Go On” Fangirlish Countdown To Christmas: 'Five Star Christmas' 4 Things You Should Know About ‘Trickster’ More Pictures From The Pilot Episode of ‘Walker’ Released 10 Shows We’re Looking Forward to in 2021 The First Trailer for ‘Superman & Lois’ is Here Essays & Papers History American History Origin and Role of the Missouri Compromise Origin and Role of the Missouri Compromise The Missouri Compromise in History of America Pages: 3 (601 words) Missouri Compromise Pages: 2 (273 words) Three-Fifths Compromise Pages: 3 (507 words) The Compromise of
1850 Pages: 4 (915 words) Territorial Expansion and Slavery Pages: 2 (477 words) Pages: 4 (933 words) By 1819, a heated controversy over whether or not Missouri was to be admitted to the Union as a slave state or as a free state was underway. Before Missouri’s admission to the Union, there was an equal balance of free state and slave state senators in the United Sates Senate. If Missouri was to be admitted as a slave state without the admission of another free state, it would have upset the balance in the Senate. Not too long after the conflict over Missouri had begun, Maine had applied for statehood as well. Eventually, the United States Congress managed to come up with a solution to the slavery conflicts, called the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri compromise basically allowed for Maine to be admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state, but it also said that all new states formed in the Union north of the southern border of Missouri in the area of the Louisiana Purchase were to be free. Although some may have thought that the conflict over slavery was over in the United States, the Missouri Compromise merely postponed America’s problems. The admission of Missouri to
[ 13678, 546, 262, 5917, 7346, 465, 3656, 447, 247, 82, 1918, 13, 198, 39950, 318, 900, 284, 19245, 3269, 2310, 301, 319, 262, 24006, 13, 198, 36142, 262, 24006, 10120, 198, 16966, 9860, 13, 26606, 13, 29201, 396, 13, 33639, 13, 21475, 6436, 396, 13, 24468, 1901, 1201, 262, 17577, 286, 640, 13, 367, 689, 262, 3124, 7872, 11, 25776, 1083, 290, 17626, 13, 7875, 257, 24824, 17123, 810, 673, 447, 247, 82, 4137, 284, 3853, 1022, 5701, 290, 3835, 13, 17930, 287, 1842, 351, 19812, 3435, 13, 198, 447, 246, 51, 3541, 20090, 11597, 447, 247, 7369, 352, 6602, 25, 564, 250, 464, 5438, 12039, 1514, 1550, 447, 251, 198, 37, 648, 343, 1836, 47555, 1675, 6786, 25, 705, 20029, 2907, 6786, 6, 198, 19, 11597, 921, 10358, 9365, 7994, 564, 246, 2898, 624, 1706, 447, 247, 198, 5167, 20051, 3574, 383, 21697, 7922, 286, 564, 246, 39950, 447, 247, 28728, 198, 940, 25156, 775, 447, 247, 260, 15616, 19530, 284, 287, 33448, 198, 464, 3274, 36923, 329, 564, 246, 12442, 805, 1222, 42879, 447, 247, 318, 3423, 11985, 592, 1222, 27420, 7443, 1605, 7443, 19349, 290, 20934, 286, 262, 11565, 3082, 398, 786, 198, 39688, 290, 20934, 286, 262, 11565, 3082, 398, 786, 198, 464, 11565, 3082, 398, 786, 287, 7443, 286, 2253, 28221, 25, 513, 357, 41706, 2456, 8, 198, 17140, 10300, 3082, 398, 786, 28221, 25, 362, 357, 27367, 2456, 8, 198, 12510, 12, 44403, 9998, 3082, 398, 786, 28221, 25, 513, 357, 35378, 2456, 8, 198, 464, 3082, 398, 786, 286 ]
[ 32427, 922, 279, 13463, 14932, 813, 7555, 753, 4648, 627, 85992, 374, 743, 311, 35952, 6186, 220, 1691, 267, 389, 279, 41135, 627, 16309, 279, 41135, 23074, 198, 39166, 27253, 13, 30504, 13, 9516, 380, 13, 71465, 13, 67872, 7706, 380, 13, 59027, 2881, 2533, 279, 39493, 315, 892, 13, 473, 988, 279, 1933, 14071, 11, 8492, 1924, 323, 34576, 13, 11697, 264, 46350, 38911, 1405, 1364, 753, 9770, 311, 5268, 1990, 10034, 323, 6603, 13, 30743, 304, 3021, 449, 44682, 5885, 627, 14336, 86793, 36416, 20695, 529, 14598, 220, 16, 10506, 25, 1054, 791, 7073, 15832, 6122, 1952, 89874, 37, 526, 404, 1706, 87486, 2057, 10280, 25, 364, 38120, 7834, 10280, 1270, 19, 20695, 1472, 12540, 14521, 10180, 3451, 1305, 875, 3751, 123956, 7816, 29485, 5659, 578, 45599, 20421, 315, 3451, 85992, 529, 45894, 198, 605, 37380, 1226, 3207, 21815, 22952, 311, 304, 220, 2366, 16, 198, 791, 5629, 38042, 369, 3451, 19841, 1543, 612, 85046, 529, 374, 5810, 56714, 612, 45231, 11346, 3778, 11346, 17554, 323, 15766, 315, 279, 25378, 13620, 5386, 198, 13601, 323, 15766, 315, 279, 25378, 13620, 5386, 198, 791, 25378, 13620, 5386, 304, 11346, 315, 5270, 22521, 25, 220, 18, 320, 18262, 4339, 340, 36412, 22185, 13620, 5386, 22521, 25, 220, 17, 320, 15451, 4339, 340, 20215, 7424, 333, 17323, 13620, 5386, 22521, 25, 220, 18, 320, 20068, 4339, 340, 791, 13620, 5386, 315 ]
[ 220, 9741, 15, 22521, 25, 220, 19, 320, 22387, 4339, 340, 52502, 1960, 532, 55654, 323, 6995, 25727, 22521, 25, 220, 17, 320, 21144, 4339, 340, 18183, 25, 220, 19, 320, 25806, 4339, 340, 1383, 220, 10562, 24, 11, 264, 32813, 26654, 927, 3508, 477, 539, 25378, 574, 311, 387, 16584, 311, 279, 9323, 439, 264, 20985, 1614, 477, 439, 264, 1949, 1614, 574, 38199, 13, 13538, 25378, 753, 26360, 311, 279, 9323, 11, 1070, 574, 459, 6273, 8335, 315, 1949, 1614, 323, 20985, 1614, 40020, 304, 279, 3723, 328, 988, 10092, 13, 1442, 25378, 574, 311, 387, 16584, 439, 264, 20985, 1614, 2085, 279, 26360, 315, 2500, 1949, 1614, 11, 433, 1053, 617, 23268, 279, 8335, 304, 279, 10092, 13, 2876, 2288, 1317, 1306, 279, 12324, 927, 25378, 1047, 22088, 11, 30890, 1047, 9435, 369, 1614, 5812, 439, 1664, 627, 69082, 11, 279, 3723, 4273, 8151, 9152, 311, 2586, 709, 449, 264, 6425, 311, 279, 33792, 26885, 11, 2663, 279, 25378, 13620, 5386, 13, 578, 25378, 30485, 13524, 5535, 369, 30890, 311, 387, 16584, 439, 264, 1949, 1614, 323, 25378, 439, 264, 20985, 1614, 11, 719, 433, 1101, 1071, 430, 682, 502, 5415, 14454, 304, 279, 9323, 10411, 315, 279, 18561, 3973, 315, 25378, 304, 279, 3158, 315, 279, 29974, 32088, 1051, 311, 387, 1949, 627, 16179, 1063, 1253, 617, 3463, 430, 279, 12324, 927, 33792, 574, 927, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 279, 25378, 13620, 5386, 16632, 62720, 5270, 753, 5435, 627, 791, 26360, 315, 25378, 311 ]
machine that could do this task for me.” If you haven’t already heard these musings from them, just ask. They’ll probably be able to come up with a few ideas for making their work less tedious, physically demanding, or more fulfilling. Observe your process with an eye for what can be automated – online videos and robot vendor websites are a great way to see cobots in action and get a sense of all the things they can do. Can you picture it in your building alongside your employees? Brainstorm and have fun imagining what could be, such as: assembling pieces then rotating them into position for a worker to complete the job opening the door to a CNC machine, inserting an unfinished piece of material, closing the door, and repeating the process to remove it after machining inserting or removing items from the appropriate tray or rack based on simple logic programming tending an injection molding machine, opening and removing the part, pressing the start button, then trimming the new part while the next is molded. As you perform a close review of your processes and workflows to identify areas where cobot might make a difference, trace any problems up and downstream to find root causes. These may be
machine that could do this task for me.” If you haven’t already heard these musings from them, just ask. They’ll probably be able to come up with a few ideas for making their work less tedious, physically demanding, or more fulfilling. Observe your process with an eye for what can be automated – online videos and robot vendor websites are a great way to see cobots in action and get a sense of all the things they can do. Can you picture it in your building alongside your employees? Brainstorm and have fun imagining what could be, such as: assembling pieces then rotating them into position for a worker to complete the job opening the door to a CNC machine, inserting an unfinished piece of material, closing the door, and repeating the process to remove it after machining inserting or removing items from the appropriate tray or rack based on simple logic programming tending an injection molding machine, opening and removing the part, pressing the start button, then trimming the new part while the next is molded. As you perform a close review of your processes and workflows to identify areas where cobot might make a difference, trace any problems up and downstream to find root causes. These may be
some of the best opportunities for automation. Things to pay attention to include: Time-intensive steps (e.g. waiting for material to come up to temperature, time for parts to queue, etc.) – especially if an operator could be working on something else during this time Tasks that require multiple operators Routine quality problems like a frequent need to scrap or rework, or areas of inconsistent quality between operators Points of wasted labor or labor that is better spent on “human-only” tasks (e.g. installing delicate electrical wires or soldering tiny components) Consistent bottlenecks and backups in production Work that utilizes heavy tools or parts - especially since these often cause workers to slow down as the shift progresses Rule-based operations (e.g. sorting, simple if-then logic) Tasks that don’t rely on human senses to complete (e.g. process that can only begin once paint/adhesive is dry to the touch) Jobs or locations in your facility with a record of accidents or near misses Jobs employees complain about, dislike, or find challenging Areas with exposure to gases, dust, or byproducts of the manufacturing process Activities with repetitive
[ 4572, 326, 714, 466, 428, 4876, 329, 502, 13, 447, 251, 1002, 345, 4398, 447, 247, 83, 1541, 2982, 777, 1928, 654, 422, 606, 11, 655, 1265, 13, 1119, 447, 247, 297, 2192, 307, 1498, 284, 1282, 510, 351, 257, 1178, 4213, 329, 1642, 511, 670, 1342, 32460, 11, 10170, 11334, 11, 393, 517, 26187, 13, 198, 31310, 3760, 534, 1429, 351, 281, 4151, 329, 644, 460, 307, 16359, 784, 2691, 5861, 290, 9379, 18371, 9293, 389, 257, 1049, 835, 284, 766, 22843, 1747, 287, 2223, 290, 651, 257, 2565, 286, 477, 262, 1243, 484, 460, 466, 13, 1680, 345, 4286, 340, 287, 534, 2615, 7848, 534, 4409, 30, 14842, 12135, 290, 423, 1257, 34140, 644, 714, 307, 11, 884, 355, 25, 198, 34455, 1359, 5207, 788, 24012, 606, 656, 2292, 329, 257, 8383, 284, 1844, 262, 1693, 198, 29443, 262, 3420, 284, 257, 327, 7792, 4572, 11, 19319, 281, 34419, 3704, 286, 2587, 11, 9605, 262, 3420, 11, 290, 20394, 262, 1429, 284, 4781, 340, 706, 3235, 3191, 198, 28463, 278, 393, 10829, 3709, 422, 262, 5035, 26473, 393, 19127, 1912, 319, 2829, 9156, 8300, 198, 83, 1571, 281, 16954, 15936, 278, 4572, 11, 4756, 290, 10829, 262, 636, 11, 12273, 262, 923, 4936, 11, 788, 15797, 2229, 262, 649, 636, 981, 262, 1306, 318, 46725, 13, 198, 1722, 345, 1620, 257, 1969, 2423, 286, 534, 7767, 290, 670, 44041, 284, 5911, 3006, 810, 22843, 313, 1244, 787, 257, 3580, 11, 12854, 597, 2761, 510, 290, 33218, 284, 1064, 6808, 5640, 13, 2312, 743, 307 ]
[ 5780, 430, 1436, 656, 420, 3465, 369, 757, 2029, 1442, 499, 9167, 1431, 2736, 6755, 1521, 3167, 826, 505, 1124, 11, 1120, 2610, 13, 2435, 4805, 4762, 387, 3025, 311, 2586, 709, 449, 264, 2478, 6848, 369, 3339, 872, 990, 2753, 66838, 11, 22655, 26192, 11, 477, 810, 50698, 627, 4213, 13570, 701, 1920, 449, 459, 8071, 369, 1148, 649, 387, 28598, 1389, 2930, 6946, 323, 12585, 21390, 13335, 527, 264, 2294, 1648, 311, 1518, 34928, 2469, 304, 1957, 323, 636, 264, 5647, 315, 682, 279, 2574, 814, 649, 656, 13, 3053, 499, 6945, 433, 304, 701, 4857, 16662, 701, 8420, 30, 31417, 27511, 323, 617, 2523, 77724, 1148, 1436, 387, 11, 1778, 439, 512, 300, 43064, 9863, 1243, 42496, 1124, 1139, 2361, 369, 264, 12128, 311, 4686, 279, 2683, 198, 68785, 279, 6134, 311, 264, 60797, 5780, 11, 39398, 459, 64716, 6710, 315, 3769, 11, 15676, 279, 6134, 11, 323, 40916, 279, 1920, 311, 4148, 433, 1306, 98423, 198, 4302, 287, 477, 18054, 3673, 505, 279, 8475, 35788, 477, 30759, 3196, 389, 4382, 12496, 15840, 198, 83, 2518, 459, 26127, 66157, 5780, 11, 8736, 323, 18054, 279, 961, 11, 26422, 279, 1212, 3215, 11, 1243, 82987, 279, 502, 961, 1418, 279, 1828, 374, 85760, 627, 2170, 499, 2804, 264, 3345, 3477, 315, 701, 11618, 323, 88568, 311, 10765, 5789, 1405, 34928, 354, 2643, 1304, 264, 6811, 11, 11917, 904, 5435, 709, 323, 52452, 311, 1505, 3789, 11384, 13, 4314, 1253, 387 ]
[ 1063, 315, 279, 1888, 10708, 369, 33762, 13, 20695, 311, 2343, 6666, 311, 2997, 512, 1489, 88092, 7504, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 8748, 369, 3769, 311, 2586, 709, 311, 9499, 11, 892, 369, 5596, 311, 7325, 11, 5099, 6266, 1389, 5423, 422, 459, 5793, 1436, 387, 3318, 389, 2555, 775, 2391, 420, 892, 198, 26527, 430, 1397, 5361, 20197, 198, 74118, 4367, 5435, 1093, 264, 21420, 1205, 311, 21512, 477, 312, 1816, 11, 477, 5789, 315, 40240, 4367, 1990, 20197, 198, 11665, 315, 39928, 9511, 477, 9511, 430, 374, 2731, 7543, 389, 1054, 26380, 15744, 863, 9256, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 27730, 36301, 20314, 36108, 477, 60877, 287, 13987, 6956, 340, 15577, 18620, 11176, 35291, 14895, 323, 60766, 304, 5788, 198, 6919, 430, 60880, 8987, 7526, 477, 5596, 482, 5423, 2533, 1521, 3629, 5353, 7487, 311, 6435, 1523, 439, 279, 6541, 68711, 198, 11590, 6108, 7677, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 29373, 11, 4382, 422, 12, 3473, 12496, 340, 26527, 430, 1541, 1431, 17631, 389, 3823, 38207, 311, 4686, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 1920, 430, 649, 1193, 3240, 3131, 6308, 45560, 41918, 374, 9235, 311, 279, 5916, 340, 41767, 477, 10687, 304, 701, 12764, 449, 264, 3335, 315, 33788, 477, 3221, 43394, 198, 41767, 8420, 29011, 922, 11, 48969, 11, 477, 1505, 17436, 198, 72337, 449, 14675, 311, 45612, 11, 16174, 11, 477, 555, 10354, 315, 279, 15266, 1920, 198, 68920, 449, 59177 ]
Other Problems In addition to the major issue with a weak story structure, a failure to tie a character’s internal layers to the external story can also create problems in other ways. In a story with a strong internal/external balance: Their false beliefs, flaws, and fears add complications to their attempts to reach their external goals—if success were easy, they’d have done it already. Their internal layers create motivations—why do they want to prove themselves to their boss (or whatever their external goal)? What internal reasons do they have for not giving up? Their fears create the story’s stakes—the consequences of failure scares them. Their internal layers often trigger their body language and actions—nervousness, longings, etc. all can be expressed externally. Their emotions directly influence their reactions—how they think and feel affects how they act and react. But a story without that balance will lack those traits. …Which Results in a Weaker Story We might have read stories with this all-internal-no-external problem before. An author can think they’re creating a well-rounded character because they’ve focused on all sorts of internal layers. However, if those
Other Problems In addition to the major issue with a weak story structure, a failure to tie a character’s internal layers to the external story can also create problems in other ways. In a story with a strong internal/external balance: Their false beliefs, flaws, and fears add complications to their attempts to reach their external goals—if success were easy, they’d have done it already. Their internal layers create motivations—why do they want to prove themselves to their boss (or whatever their external goal)? What internal reasons do they have for not giving up? Their fears create the story’s stakes—the consequences of failure scares them. Their internal layers often trigger their body language and actions—nervousness, longings, etc. all can be expressed externally. Their emotions directly influence their reactions—how they think and feel affects how they act and react. But a story without that balance will lack those traits. …Which Results in a Weaker Story We might have read stories with this all-internal-no-external problem before. An author can think they’re creating a well-rounded character because they’ve focused on all sorts of internal layers. However, if those
layers don’t tie into the external story, they’re less meaningful: There’s no plot trigger for what they learn or do, so we might wonder why they didn’t have their epiphany before. We might not trust that they’ve learned their lesson well enough because we haven’t seen their new-found knowledge affect them in any tangible way. The character might seem inconsistent, or their actions might feel “out of character” because their internal life doesn’t match their external life. Some literary stories or those with a too-convenient plot often fall into this category. In those stories, the plot and external events are barely relevant to the overall story. While successes with this format prove it’s not the end of the world, it’s a sign that our story isn’t as strong as it could be. If We Show External Layers without Internal Aspects… A character with strong external layers might have robust characterization: their dialogue, actions, and body language make them feel like a living and breathing person they have external goals to drive the plot However, without the internal layers, the character will be superficial, lacking the depth
[ 3819, 32093, 198, 818, 3090, 284, 262, 1688, 2071, 351, 257, 4939, 1621, 4645, 11, 257, 5287, 284, 9839, 257, 2095, 447, 247, 82, 5387, 11685, 284, 262, 7097, 1621, 460, 635, 2251, 2761, 287, 584, 2842, 13, 198, 818, 257, 1621, 351, 257, 1913, 5387, 14, 22615, 5236, 25, 198, 14574, 3991, 9056, 11, 17978, 11, 290, 10251, 751, 19481, 284, 511, 6370, 284, 3151, 511, 7097, 4661, 960, 361, 1943, 547, 2562, 11, 484, 447, 247, 67, 423, 1760, 340, 1541, 13, 198, 14574, 5387, 11685, 2251, 28140, 960, 22850, 466, 484, 765, 284, 5879, 2405, 284, 511, 6478, 357, 273, 4232, 511, 7097, 3061, 19427, 1867, 5387, 3840, 466, 484, 423, 329, 407, 3501, 510, 30, 198, 14574, 10251, 2251, 262, 1621, 447, 247, 82, 21147, 960, 1169, 6948, 286, 5287, 44462, 606, 13, 198, 14574, 5387, 11685, 1690, 7616, 511, 1767, 3303, 290, 4028, 960, 77, 712, 516, 1108, 11, 890, 654, 11, 3503, 13, 477, 460, 307, 6241, 45107, 13, 198, 14574, 10825, 3264, 4588, 511, 12737, 960, 4919, 484, 892, 290, 1254, 10975, 703, 484, 719, 290, 6324, 13, 198, 1537, 257, 1621, 1231, 326, 5236, 481, 3092, 883, 12796, 13, 198, 1399, 13828, 15691, 287, 257, 775, 3110, 8362, 198, 1135, 1244, 423, 1100, 3923, 351, 428, 477, 12, 32538, 12, 3919, 12, 22615, 1917, 878, 13, 1052, 1772, 460, 892, 484, 447, 247, 260, 4441, 257, 880, 12, 39262, 2095, 780, 484, 447, 247, 303, 5670, 319, 477, 10524, 286, 5387, 11685, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 611, 883 ]
[ 7089, 45635, 198, 644, 5369, 311, 279, 3682, 4360, 449, 264, 7621, 3446, 6070, 11, 264, 8060, 311, 18623, 264, 3752, 753, 5419, 13931, 311, 279, 9434, 3446, 649, 1101, 1893, 5435, 304, 1023, 5627, 627, 644, 264, 3446, 449, 264, 3831, 5419, 14, 21591, 8335, 512, 35897, 905, 21463, 11, 41859, 11, 323, 24087, 923, 36505, 311, 872, 13865, 311, 5662, 872, 9434, 9021, 90863, 2450, 1051, 4228, 11, 814, 7070, 617, 2884, 433, 2736, 627, 35897, 5419, 13931, 1893, 65931, 2345, 35734, 656, 814, 1390, 311, 12391, 5694, 311, 872, 13697, 320, 269, 8996, 872, 9434, 5915, 12106, 3639, 5419, 8125, 656, 814, 617, 369, 539, 7231, 709, 5380, 35897, 24087, 1893, 279, 3446, 753, 45525, 22416, 16296, 315, 8060, 97471, 1124, 627, 35897, 5419, 13931, 3629, 8346, 872, 2547, 4221, 323, 6299, 2345, 77, 651, 788, 2136, 11, 1317, 826, 11, 5099, 13, 682, 649, 387, 13605, 69442, 627, 35897, 21958, 6089, 10383, 872, 25481, 2345, 5269, 814, 1781, 323, 2733, 22223, 1268, 814, 1180, 323, 14085, 627, 4071, 264, 3446, 2085, 430, 8335, 690, 6996, 1884, 25022, 627, 1981, 23956, 18591, 304, 264, 1226, 4506, 15457, 198, 1687, 2643, 617, 1373, 7493, 449, 420, 682, 12, 10701, 29466, 12, 21591, 3575, 1603, 13, 1556, 3229, 649, 1781, 814, 3207, 6968, 264, 1664, 65318, 3752, 1606, 814, 4070, 10968, 389, 682, 21522, 315, 5419, 13931, 627, 11458, 11, 422, 1884 ]
[ 13931, 1541, 1431, 18623, 1139, 279, 9434, 3446, 11, 814, 3207, 2753, 23222, 512, 3947, 753, 912, 7234, 8346, 369, 1148, 814, 4048, 477, 656, 11, 779, 584, 2643, 5895, 3249, 814, 3287, 1431, 617, 872, 4248, 15619, 3852, 1603, 627, 1687, 2643, 539, 7095, 430, 814, 4070, 9687, 872, 18228, 1664, 3403, 1606, 584, 9167, 1431, 3970, 872, 502, 27802, 6677, 7958, 1124, 304, 904, 50401, 1648, 627, 791, 3752, 2643, 2873, 40240, 11, 477, 872, 6299, 2643, 2733, 1054, 412, 315, 3752, 863, 1606, 872, 5419, 2324, 3250, 1431, 2489, 872, 9434, 2324, 627, 8538, 32465, 7493, 477, 1884, 449, 264, 2288, 15204, 48239, 7234, 3629, 4498, 1139, 420, 5699, 13, 763, 1884, 7493, 11, 279, 7234, 323, 9434, 4455, 527, 20025, 9959, 311, 279, 8244, 3446, 13, 6104, 48188, 449, 420, 3645, 12391, 433, 753, 539, 279, 842, 315, 279, 1917, 11, 433, 753, 264, 1879, 430, 1057, 3446, 4536, 1431, 439, 3831, 439, 433, 1436, 387, 627, 2746, 1226, 7073, 32036, 84922, 2085, 15774, 1666, 8132, 90578, 32, 3752, 449, 3831, 9434, 13931, 2643, 617, 22514, 60993, 512, 50828, 21976, 11, 6299, 11, 323, 2547, 4221, 1304, 1124, 2733, 1093, 264, 5496, 323, 27027, 1732, 198, 20670, 617, 9434, 9021, 311, 6678, 279, 7234, 198, 11458, 11, 2085, 279, 5419, 13931, 11, 279, 3752, 690, 387, 59915, 11, 32161, 279, 8149 ]
ating foetus that exist in the maternal bloodstream. In 2011, a systematic review and meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)[8], looking at 57 studies involving about 6,500 pregnancies, discovered that cfDNA can detect foetal sex with an accuracy of 95% when carried out at 7 weeks. Due to this evolving technology the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) in the Report of the IBC on Updating Its Reflection on the Human Genome and Human Rights in 2015[9], stated: “[A] risk lies in the cultural prejudices of preferring a child of the male sex, the sex of the baby being one of the characteristics that can obviously be discovered by NIPT. As this test can be carried out at a very early stage of the pregnancy it would be difficult, even impossible for doctors to forbid the communicating of sex to the parents, and especially at a time when many countries have liberalised abortion. This could lead to a selection based on sex, which is against ethical values of equality and non-discrimination”. In 2015, UK Government officials also expressed concerns that cfDNA implementation could carry the risk of enabling sex-selective abortions[10]. Nothing in law
ating foetus that exist in the maternal bloodstream. In 2011, a systematic review and meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)[8], looking at 57 studies involving about 6,500 pregnancies, discovered that cfDNA can detect foetal sex with an accuracy of 95% when carried out at 7 weeks. Due to this evolving technology the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) in the Report of the IBC on Updating Its Reflection on the Human Genome and Human Rights in 2015[9], stated: “[A] risk lies in the cultural prejudices of preferring a child of the male sex, the sex of the baby being one of the characteristics that can obviously be discovered by NIPT. As this test can be carried out at a very early stage of the pregnancy it would be difficult, even impossible for doctors to forbid the communicating of sex to the parents, and especially at a time when many countries have liberalised abortion. This could lead to a selection based on sex, which is against ethical values of equality and non-discrimination”. In 2015, UK Government officials also expressed concerns that cfDNA implementation could carry the risk of enabling sex-selective abortions[10]. Nothing in law
or medical Guidelines (further discussion of which is on the ‘Regulatory Context: Potential of Procedural Abuse’ section of this briefing below) forbids notification of foetal sex to parents, so this is a perennial danger of emerging technology in the current legal and regulatory context. The Abortion Reform Bill fails to take these problems into account, since the combination of abortion on demand in the first and early second trimesters, and the availability of NIPT that can discern foetal sex after 7 weeks, would make sex-selective abortion a real legal potentiality on the Isle of Man between 7-14 weeks. International Context: The Swiss and Canadian Experiences Two obvious international analogues that show the practical sex-selective potential of abortion-on-demand after 7 weeks, are Switzerland and Canada. Switzerland introduced abortion-on-demand up to 12 weeks into law in 2002[11], with abortion available throughout all of pregnancy “to prevent the pregnant woman from sustaining serious physical injury or serious psychological distress”[12], but made sex-selective abortion explicitly illegal[13]. Since however, parents are able to receive a diagnosis of foetal sex at 9 weeks through ultrasound tests, this has meant that there
[ 803, 11511, 29158, 326, 2152, 287, 262, 22160, 46005, 13, 198, 818, 2813, 11, 257, 17895, 2423, 290, 13634, 12, 20930, 287, 262, 4913, 286, 262, 1605, 8366, 5396, 357, 41, 25087, 38381, 23, 4357, 2045, 379, 7632, 3640, 7411, 546, 718, 11, 4059, 33593, 11, 5071, 326, 30218, 28886, 460, 4886, 11511, 316, 282, 1714, 351, 281, 9922, 286, 6957, 4, 618, 5281, 503, 379, 767, 2745, 13, 14444, 284, 428, 21568, 3037, 262, 49372, 4037, 16024, 2788, 873, 4606, 357, 40, 2749, 8, 287, 262, 6358, 286, 262, 314, 2749, 319, 3205, 38734, 6363, 6524, 1564, 319, 262, 5524, 5215, 462, 290, 5524, 6923, 287, 1853, 58, 24, 4357, 5081, 25, 198, 447, 250, 58, 32, 60, 2526, 7363, 287, 262, 6467, 39800, 286, 41109, 257, 1200, 286, 262, 4257, 1714, 11, 262, 1714, 286, 262, 5156, 852, 530, 286, 262, 9695, 326, 460, 6189, 307, 5071, 416, 399, 4061, 51, 13, 1081, 428, 1332, 460, 307, 5281, 503, 379, 257, 845, 1903, 3800, 286, 262, 10241, 340, 561, 307, 2408, 11, 772, 5340, 329, 7519, 284, 33277, 262, 22889, 286, 1714, 284, 262, 3397, 11, 290, 2592, 379, 257, 640, 618, 867, 2678, 423, 7270, 1417, 7950, 13, 770, 714, 1085, 284, 257, 6356, 1912, 319, 1714, 11, 543, 318, 1028, 15028, 3815, 286, 10537, 290, 1729, 12, 42723, 447, 251, 13, 198, 818, 1853, 11, 3482, 5070, 2828, 635, 6241, 4786, 326, 30218, 28886, 7822, 714, 3283, 262, 2526, 286, 15882, 1714, 12, 19738, 425, 19985, 58, 940, 4083, 10528, 287, 1099 ]
[ 1113, 12018, 64476, 430, 3073, 304, 279, 50150, 100216, 627, 644, 220, 679, 16, 11, 264, 37538, 3477, 323, 8999, 56536, 304, 279, 10139, 315, 279, 3778, 13235, 10229, 320, 41, 39200, 6758, 23, 1145, 3411, 520, 220, 3226, 7978, 16239, 922, 220, 21, 11, 2636, 82308, 11, 11352, 430, 25080, 56420, 649, 11388, 12018, 22029, 1877, 449, 459, 13708, 315, 220, 2721, 4, 994, 11953, 704, 520, 220, 22, 5672, 13, 24586, 311, 420, 42028, 5557, 279, 81876, 7327, 24432, 774, 1233, 10554, 320, 87240, 8, 304, 279, 8423, 315, 279, 358, 5002, 389, 79218, 11699, 43976, 389, 279, 11344, 82917, 323, 11344, 10734, 304, 220, 679, 20, 58, 24, 1145, 11224, 512, 2118, 58, 32, 60, 5326, 15812, 304, 279, 13042, 99876, 315, 98717, 264, 1716, 315, 279, 8762, 1877, 11, 279, 1877, 315, 279, 8945, 1694, 832, 315, 279, 17910, 430, 649, 14224, 387, 11352, 555, 42601, 2898, 13, 1666, 420, 1296, 649, 387, 11953, 704, 520, 264, 1633, 4216, 6566, 315, 279, 20209, 433, 1053, 387, 5107, 11, 1524, 12266, 369, 16410, 311, 74731, 279, 42247, 315, 1877, 311, 279, 6699, 11, 323, 5423, 520, 264, 892, 994, 1690, 5961, 617, 18250, 4147, 20710, 13, 1115, 1436, 3063, 311, 264, 6727, 3196, 389, 1877, 11, 902, 374, 2403, 31308, 2819, 315, 22526, 323, 2536, 1773, 87013, 113068, 644, 220, 679, 20, 11, 6560, 10423, 7510, 1101, 13605, 10742, 430, 25080, 56420, 8292, 1436, 6920, 279, 5326, 315, 28462, 1877, 21090, 535, 54373, 58, 605, 948, 12334, 304, 2383 ]
[ 477, 6593, 48528, 320, 69, 4004, 10430, 315, 902, 374, 389, 279, 3451, 3561, 38220, 9805, 25, 55057, 315, 1322, 2041, 4269, 46784, 529, 3857, 315, 420, 43636, 3770, 8, 55844, 3447, 11801, 315, 12018, 22029, 1877, 311, 6699, 11, 779, 420, 374, 264, 74718, 8137, 315, 24084, 5557, 304, 279, 1510, 5897, 323, 23331, 2317, 627, 791, 3765, 26973, 40365, 8766, 14865, 311, 1935, 1521, 5435, 1139, 2759, 11, 2533, 279, 10824, 315, 20710, 389, 7631, 304, 279, 1176, 323, 4216, 2132, 75110, 388, 11, 323, 279, 18539, 315, 42601, 2898, 430, 649, 42645, 12018, 22029, 1877, 1306, 220, 22, 5672, 11, 1053, 1304, 1877, 21090, 535, 20710, 264, 1972, 5897, 4754, 488, 389, 279, 55365, 315, 2418, 1990, 220, 22, 12, 975, 5672, 627, 34746, 9805, 25, 578, 30791, 323, 12152, 1398, 69597, 198, 11874, 8196, 6625, 24291, 1157, 430, 1501, 279, 15325, 1877, 21090, 535, 4754, 315, 20710, 10539, 57364, 1306, 220, 22, 5672, 11, 527, 30221, 323, 7008, 627, 13521, 27521, 11784, 20710, 10539, 57364, 709, 311, 220, 717, 5672, 1139, 2383, 304, 220, 1049, 17, 58, 806, 1145, 449, 20710, 2561, 6957, 682, 315, 20209, 1054, 998, 5471, 279, 20895, 5333, 505, 80184, 6129, 7106, 11134, 477, 6129, 24064, 35104, 863, 58, 717, 1145, 719, 1903, 1877, 21090, 535, 20710, 21650, 12079, 58, 1032, 948, 8876, 4869, 11, 6699, 527, 3025, 311, 5371, 264, 23842, 315, 12018, 22029, 1877, 520, 220, 24, 5672, 1555, 63859, 7177, 11, 420, 706, 8967, 430, 1070 ]
said. For those funds that will be hit with the new measure if Labor wins the election, SMSF practitioners may want to start considering some of the planning strategies for these clients, he said. “There are planning strategies being thought up, particularly around dividend distribution from private companies in the lead-up to the implementation of this proposal if Labor does get in,” he said. Mr Butler said that if Labor’s policy is implemented, it will apply from 1 July this year. “This means that companies will need to carefully examine what their optimal dividend distribution will be prior to 1 June, given this proposal,” he explained. For clients that have private companies, it’s necessary to think about what the distribution position is this year. “A lot of companies are corporate beneficiaries of family trusts. So, if the family trust has been distributing to the bucket company, then this bucket company might have a lot of accumulated reserves, so it’s really something that you should be focusing on,” he said. Some SMSF members may also consider whether having a pension in retirement phase is worthwhile if the fund is “burning” excess franking credits, he said. If two
said. For those funds that will be hit with the new measure if Labor wins the election, SMSF practitioners may want to start considering some of the planning strategies for these clients, he said. “There are planning strategies being thought up, particularly around dividend distribution from private companies in the lead-up to the implementation of this proposal if Labor does get in,” he said. Mr Butler said that if Labor’s policy is implemented, it will apply from 1 July this year. “This means that companies will need to carefully examine what their optimal dividend distribution will be prior to 1 June, given this proposal,” he explained. For clients that have private companies, it’s necessary to think about what the distribution position is this year. “A lot of companies are corporate beneficiaries of family trusts. So, if the family trust has been distributing to the bucket company, then this bucket company might have a lot of accumulated reserves, so it’s really something that you should be focusing on,” he said. Some SMSF members may also consider whether having a pension in retirement phase is worthwhile if the fund is “burning” excess franking credits, he said. If two
members each have $1.6 million, Mr Butler said, they will be no worse off by converting their account-based pension to accumulation phase as they substantially reduce their franking credit wastage. “The SMSF also accumulates greater assets for the longer-term in the concessionally taxed superannuation environment by not having to pay out annual pension payments to its members,” he explained. The Crazy Mountains and the Bridger Range provide a breathtaking view for Clyde Park nestled in the Shields Valley between these two mountain ranges. The area is excellent for hiking, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing. Clyde Park also offers varied opportunities get a taste of what life is really like in rural Montana and to experience a working cattle ranch. Ian shows you how to make an inversion and unlocks more of the mystery of music theory. Watch Jeffrey’s class on the number system. All chords have inversions – root, 1st, 2nd etc. Ian focuses on “3rd-heavy” chords. When you have a chord chart, its not telling you what to play. There’s no sheet music. It’s great to know how chords work together so you can feel out the music.
[ 531, 13, 198, 1890, 883, 5153, 326, 481, 307, 2277, 351, 262, 649, 3953, 611, 7882, 7864, 262, 3071, 11, 29287, 37, 24068, 743, 765, 284, 923, 6402, 617, 286, 262, 5410, 10064, 329, 777, 7534, 11, 339, 531, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1858, 389, 5410, 10064, 852, 1807, 510, 11, 3573, 1088, 30494, 6082, 422, 2839, 2706, 287, 262, 1085, 12, 929, 284, 262, 7822, 286, 428, 6961, 611, 7882, 857, 651, 287, 11, 447, 251, 339, 531, 13, 198, 5246, 17389, 531, 326, 611, 7882, 447, 247, 82, 2450, 318, 9177, 11, 340, 481, 4174, 422, 352, 2901, 428, 614, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1212, 1724, 326, 2706, 481, 761, 284, 7773, 10716, 644, 511, 16586, 30494, 6082, 481, 307, 3161, 284, 352, 2795, 11, 1813, 428, 6961, 11, 447, 251, 339, 4893, 13, 198, 1890, 7534, 326, 423, 2839, 2706, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 3306, 284, 892, 546, 644, 262, 6082, 2292, 318, 428, 614, 13, 198, 447, 250, 32, 1256, 286, 2706, 389, 6355, 28237, 286, 1641, 31976, 13, 1406, 11, 611, 262, 1641, 3774, 468, 587, 25950, 284, 262, 19236, 1664, 11, 788, 428, 19236, 1664, 1244, 423, 257, 1256, 286, 22425, 14072, 11, 523, 340, 447, 247, 82, 1107, 1223, 326, 345, 815, 307, 10759, 319, 11, 447, 251, 339, 531, 13, 198, 4366, 29287, 37, 1866, 743, 635, 2074, 1771, 1719, 257, 13553, 287, 10737, 7108, 318, 24769, 611, 262, 1814, 318, 564, 250, 44313, 447, 251, 6992, 14346, 278, 10824, 11, 339, 531, 13, 198, 1532, 734 ]
[ 1071, 627, 2520, 1884, 10736, 430, 690, 387, 4295, 449, 279, 502, 6767, 422, 15277, 15160, 279, 6355, 11, 31009, 37, 43195, 1253, 1390, 311, 1212, 13126, 1063, 315, 279, 9293, 15174, 369, 1521, 8403, 11, 568, 1071, 627, 35816, 527, 9293, 15174, 1694, 3463, 709, 11, 8104, 2212, 46980, 8141, 505, 879, 5220, 304, 279, 3063, 5352, 311, 279, 8292, 315, 420, 14050, 422, 15277, 1587, 636, 304, 2476, 568, 1071, 627, 12555, 38325, 1071, 430, 422, 15277, 753, 4947, 374, 11798, 11, 433, 690, 3881, 505, 220, 16, 5887, 420, 1060, 627, 31378, 3445, 430, 5220, 690, 1205, 311, 15884, 21635, 1148, 872, 23669, 46980, 8141, 690, 387, 4972, 311, 220, 16, 5651, 11, 2728, 420, 14050, 2476, 568, 11497, 627, 2520, 8403, 430, 617, 879, 5220, 11, 433, 753, 5995, 311, 1781, 922, 1148, 279, 8141, 2361, 374, 420, 1060, 627, 48349, 2763, 315, 5220, 527, 13166, 61668, 315, 3070, 66614, 13, 2100, 11, 422, 279, 3070, 7095, 706, 1027, 50812, 311, 279, 15994, 2883, 11, 1243, 420, 15994, 2883, 2643, 617, 264, 2763, 315, 41165, 30600, 11, 779, 433, 753, 2216, 2555, 430, 499, 1288, 387, 21760, 389, 2476, 568, 1071, 627, 8538, 31009, 37, 3697, 1253, 1101, 2980, 3508, 3515, 264, 28781, 304, 21624, 10474, 374, 48776, 422, 279, 3887, 374, 1054, 22464, 287, 863, 13937, 26875, 287, 20746, 11, 568, 1071, 627, 2746, 1403 ]
[ 3697, 1855, 617, 400, 16, 13, 21, 3610, 11, 4491, 38325, 1071, 11, 814, 690, 387, 912, 11201, 1022, 555, 34537, 872, 2759, 6108, 28781, 311, 46835, 10474, 439, 814, 32302, 8108, 872, 26875, 287, 6807, 41421, 425, 627, 14305, 31009, 37, 1101, 15783, 24031, 7191, 12032, 369, 279, 5129, 9860, 304, 279, 69573, 750, 72515, 2307, 1036, 4090, 4676, 555, 539, 3515, 311, 2343, 704, 9974, 28781, 14507, 311, 1202, 3697, 2476, 568, 11497, 13, 578, 51363, 41114, 323, 279, 32437, 1414, 16842, 3493, 264, 57192, 1684, 369, 91494, 5657, 89777, 304, 279, 75897, 13345, 1990, 1521, 1403, 16700, 21986, 13, 578, 3158, 374, 9250, 369, 38464, 11, 12056, 35035, 8138, 323, 5425, 56971, 63117, 13, 91494, 5657, 1101, 6209, 28830, 10708, 636, 264, 12945, 315, 1148, 2324, 374, 2216, 1093, 304, 19624, 37105, 323, 311, 3217, 264, 3318, 36952, 39161, 13, 29335, 5039, 499, 1268, 311, 1304, 459, 47588, 323, 74291, 810, 315, 279, 23347, 315, 4731, 10334, 627, 14581, 42107, 753, 538, 389, 279, 1396, 1887, 627, 2460, 56759, 617, 1558, 36379, 1389, 3789, 11, 220, 16, 267, 11, 220, 17, 303, 5099, 13, 29335, 24400, 389, 1054, 18, 6634, 74666, 863, 56759, 627, 4599, 499, 617, 264, 44321, 9676, 11, 1202, 539, 11890, 499, 1148, 311, 1514, 13, 2684, 753, 912, 11071, 4731, 13, 1102, 753, 2294, 311, 1440, 1268, 56759, 990, 3871, 779, 499, 649, 2733, 704, 279, 4731, 627 ]
in which they gazed into each other's eyes and chuckled over memories of old spats—seemed to invite ridicule. But only days later came the launch of Labour's manifesto at which Mr Brown talked enthusiastically about the part that private providers could play in offering choice in publicly funded health care. Even hardened cynics were taken aback. From that point onwards, the two men were hardly ever seen out of each other's company, rushing to Birmingham to share the pain of the wretched Rover workers, pumping the flesh to get the vote out in marginal constituencies, and appearing in countless photo opportunities and press conferences. When, at the end of last week, the attorney-general's advice on the legality of the war was leaked to newspapers and journalists scented blood, the chancellor interposed his body between Mr Blair and the media pack. The prime minister, said Mr Brown, had not only behaved entirely properly in the run-up to war, but he would have done exactly the same thing. Turning up to be interviewed by Sir David Frost last Sunday, Mr Blair said chirpily: “I'm on my own this morning.” It isn't just the ruthless professionalism of a couple of seasoned politicians. There's more to it than that. The body language
in which they gazed into each other's eyes and chuckled over memories of old spats—seemed to invite ridicule. But only days later came the launch of Labour's manifesto at which Mr Brown talked enthusiastically about the part that private providers could play in offering choice in publicly funded health care. Even hardened cynics were taken aback. From that point onwards, the two men were hardly ever seen out of each other's company, rushing to Birmingham to share the pain of the wretched Rover workers, pumping the flesh to get the vote out in marginal constituencies, and appearing in countless photo opportunities and press conferences. When, at the end of last week, the attorney-general's advice on the legality of the war was leaked to newspapers and journalists scented blood, the chancellor interposed his body between Mr Blair and the media pack. The prime minister, said Mr Brown, had not only behaved entirely properly in the run-up to war, but he would have done exactly the same thing. Turning up to be interviewed by Sir David Frost last Sunday, Mr Blair said chirpily: “I'm on my own this morning.” It isn't just the ruthless professionalism of a couple of seasoned politicians. There's more to it than that. The body language
has become increasingly relaxed; their tributes to each other are no longer paid through gritted teeth. Thrown together by necessity during the campaign, they started talking to each other in a way they had not for more than a decade and rediscovered, to their surprise, something close to mutual admiration. What nobody knows, including them, is whether their rapprochement will survive after May 6th. A test for Mr Brown Hopes that it may rest on two assumptions. The first is that Mr Brown no longer wants to cast himself as the drag anchor on public-service reform. That may be because his old opposition was driven less by ideology than by the need to find differences with his former friend. It may also be because policies he was once sceptical about are beginning to work: the English NHS, for instance, is performing better than the unreformed versions in Scotland and Wales. Mr Brown's allies maintain that it is nonsense to suggest he has been anti-reform: what irked the chancellor was the self-consciously confrontational way in which Mr Blair set about it. Mr Brown, they say, is happy with both the distinctly New Labour manifesto and the departmental five-year plans that preceded it. The second assumption is that Mr
[ 287, 543, 484, 50255, 656, 1123, 584, 338, 2951, 290, 39889, 625, 9846, 286, 1468, 599, 1381, 960, 325, 9006, 284, 14037, 38364, 13, 887, 691, 1528, 1568, 1625, 262, 4219, 286, 7179, 338, 29960, 379, 543, 1770, 4373, 6619, 42045, 546, 262, 636, 326, 2839, 9549, 714, 711, 287, 6011, 3572, 287, 7271, 10588, 1535, 1337, 13, 3412, 33034, 19768, 873, 547, 2077, 50147, 13, 198, 4863, 326, 966, 31719, 11, 262, 734, 1450, 547, 8941, 1683, 1775, 503, 286, 1123, 584, 338, 1664, 11, 15795, 284, 18899, 284, 2648, 262, 2356, 286, 262, 41857, 36718, 3259, 11, 26916, 262, 11222, 284, 651, 262, 3015, 503, 287, 14461, 43742, 11, 290, 12655, 287, 12925, 4590, 6443, 290, 1803, 19993, 13, 1649, 11, 379, 262, 886, 286, 938, 1285, 11, 262, 6136, 12, 24622, 338, 5608, 319, 262, 38209, 286, 262, 1175, 373, 14109, 284, 14741, 290, 9046, 629, 4714, 2910, 11, 262, 30006, 987, 29813, 465, 1767, 1022, 1770, 18520, 290, 262, 2056, 2353, 13, 383, 6994, 5342, 11, 531, 1770, 4373, 11, 550, 407, 691, 39207, 5000, 6105, 287, 262, 1057, 12, 929, 284, 1175, 11, 475, 339, 561, 423, 1760, 3446, 262, 976, 1517, 13, 36143, 510, 284, 307, 12299, 416, 7361, 3271, 15122, 938, 3502, 11, 1770, 18520, 531, 442, 343, 79, 813, 25, 564, 250, 40, 1101, 319, 616, 898, 428, 3329, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1026, 2125, 470, 655, 262, 29541, 42554, 286, 257, 3155, 286, 29314, 7602, 13, 1318, 338, 517, 284, 340, 621, 326, 13, 383, 1767, 3303 ]
[ 304, 902, 814, 342, 28109, 1139, 1855, 1023, 596, 6548, 323, 97711, 927, 19459, 315, 2362, 993, 1900, 2345, 325, 16809, 311, 22114, 94847, 13, 2030, 1193, 2919, 3010, 3782, 279, 7195, 315, 18993, 596, 75703, 520, 902, 4491, 10690, 15243, 99325, 922, 279, 961, 430, 879, 12850, 1436, 1514, 304, 10209, 5873, 304, 17880, 24853, 2890, 2512, 13, 7570, 71836, 48364, 1233, 1051, 4529, 671, 474, 627, 3915, 430, 1486, 60525, 11, 279, 1403, 3026, 1051, 20781, 3596, 3970, 704, 315, 1855, 1023, 596, 2883, 11, 38117, 311, 36937, 311, 4430, 279, 6784, 315, 279, 289, 62837, 53276, 7487, 11, 53226, 279, 26000, 311, 636, 279, 7055, 704, 304, 32873, 31605, 6072, 11, 323, 26449, 304, 28701, 6685, 10708, 323, 3577, 38614, 13, 3277, 11, 520, 279, 842, 315, 1566, 2046, 11, 279, 14065, 69097, 596, 9650, 389, 279, 89846, 315, 279, 4208, 574, 34947, 311, 32594, 323, 23348, 1156, 16243, 6680, 11, 279, 77275, 958, 3950, 813, 2547, 1990, 4491, 42969, 323, 279, 3772, 3854, 13, 578, 10461, 13015, 11, 1071, 4491, 10690, 11, 1047, 539, 1193, 89831, 11622, 10489, 304, 279, 1629, 5352, 311, 4208, 11, 719, 568, 1053, 617, 2884, 7041, 279, 1890, 3245, 13, 72633, 709, 311, 387, 30147, 555, 17177, 6941, 42320, 1566, 7418, 11, 4491, 42969, 1071, 71546, 79, 1570, 25, 1054, 40, 2846, 389, 856, 1866, 420, 6693, 49216, 2181, 4536, 956, 1120, 279, 69510, 66429, 315, 264, 5743, 315, 52614, 19287, 13, 2684, 596, 810, 311, 433, 1109, 430, 13, 578, 2547, 4221 ]
[ 706, 3719, 15098, 31467, 26, 872, 14121, 2142, 311, 1855, 1023, 527, 912, 5129, 7318, 1555, 42018, 6702, 18311, 13, 666, 4935, 3871, 555, 32961, 2391, 279, 4901, 11, 814, 3940, 7556, 311, 1855, 1023, 304, 264, 1648, 814, 1047, 539, 369, 810, 1109, 264, 13515, 323, 21540, 21468, 11, 311, 872, 13051, 11, 2555, 3345, 311, 27848, 66939, 13, 3639, 19093, 8964, 11, 2737, 1124, 11, 374, 3508, 872, 436, 16082, 331, 1133, 690, 18167, 1306, 3297, 220, 21, 339, 627, 32, 1296, 369, 4491, 10690, 198, 39, 19031, 430, 433, 1253, 2800, 389, 1403, 32946, 13, 578, 1176, 374, 430, 4491, 10690, 912, 5129, 6944, 311, 6445, 5678, 439, 279, 11161, 17543, 389, 586, 24358, 15180, 13, 3011, 1253, 387, 1606, 813, 2362, 14076, 574, 16625, 2753, 555, 34649, 1109, 555, 279, 1205, 311, 1505, 12062, 449, 813, 4846, 4333, 13, 1102, 1253, 1101, 387, 1606, 10396, 568, 574, 3131, 67451, 950, 922, 527, 7314, 311, 990, 25, 279, 6498, 37381, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 374, 16785, 2731, 1109, 279, 38223, 10365, 11028, 304, 19627, 323, 23782, 13, 4491, 10690, 596, 20724, 10519, 430, 433, 374, 41902, 311, 4284, 568, 706, 1027, 7294, 5621, 630, 25, 1148, 6348, 48259, 279, 77275, 574, 279, 659, 15204, 71888, 17302, 1697, 1648, 304, 902, 4491, 42969, 743, 922, 433, 13, 4491, 10690, 11, 814, 2019, 11, 374, 6380, 449, 2225, 279, 71249, 1561, 18993, 75703, 323, 279, 9476, 278, 4330, 4771, 6787, 430, 53580, 433, 627, 791, 2132, 25329, 374, 430, 4491 ]
Cancer Research Institute, and he’s on track to complete his swim on Sunday December 27th! David has planned a socially distanced on deck celebration for community members to cheer him to the finish line, complete with t-shirts & swim caps for the participants who swim alongside him to the finish. SUPPORT SWIM A MILLION HERE LEARN MORE ABOUT DAVID’S PROJECT HERE (and below) by David Miller It’s been a tough year for everyone. A global pandemic, social and racial unrest, political discord, and natural disasters running the full gamut from wildfires to hurricanes and tornadoes. As bad as all this has been, imagine adding cancer to the list. Imagine hearing your child’s doctor tell you that your 3-year-old has a brain tumor. Or, because of COVID, your best friend has had her chemo treatments suspended because it’s just too risky to go to the hospital. Regardless of your race, age or nationality, whether one is battling the disease personally, watching a friend or family member suffer, mourning the loss of a loved one or acting as the caregiver of someone fighting to beat the odds, we’ve all been hit
Cancer Research Institute, and he’s on track to complete his swim on Sunday December 27th! David has planned a socially distanced on deck celebration for community members to cheer him to the finish line, complete with t-shirts & swim caps for the participants who swim alongside him to the finish. SUPPORT SWIM A MILLION HERE LEARN MORE ABOUT DAVID’S PROJECT HERE (and below) by David Miller It’s been a tough year for everyone. A global pandemic, social and racial unrest, political discord, and natural disasters running the full gamut from wildfires to hurricanes and tornadoes. As bad as all this has been, imagine adding cancer to the list. Imagine hearing your child’s doctor tell you that your 3-year-old has a brain tumor. Or, because of COVID, your best friend has had her chemo treatments suspended because it’s just too risky to go to the hospital. Regardless of your race, age or nationality, whether one is battling the disease personally, watching a friend or family member suffer, mourning the loss of a loved one or acting as the caregiver of someone fighting to beat the odds, we’ve all been hit
by cancer. My name is David Miller and I seem to be surrounded by those who have been afflicted. My father passed away in 2014 after battling valiantly to overcome lung cancer. My mother has had three different bouts of cancer over the past 30 years and my sister, just recently, one as well. Thanks to early diagnosis, fast and effective treatments, and a little bit of luck, both are cancer-free and living well. A dear friend – a father of 4 – is in treatment as I write this. A close cousin is still in a longtime fight with leukemia . . . and the list goes on and on: immediate family and distant relatives, dear friends and casual acquaintances, colleagues, clients, fellow swimmers, tennis buddies. The numbers are bewildering. See who I swim for Because of those numbers, you’re reading about my new project. I started back on January 1, but there have been a few roadblocks. Now I’ve got 60 days to reach my goal and those same two months to reach my fundraising objective. I’m swimming a million yards in 2020 and working to raise funds for the Cancer Research Institute. Some would say that’s an outrageous distance. Avid swimmers
[ 15523, 4992, 5136, 11, 290, 339, 447, 247, 82, 319, 2610, 284, 1844, 465, 9422, 319, 3502, 3426, 2681, 400, 0, 3271, 468, 6027, 257, 18118, 1233, 2903, 319, 6203, 14395, 329, 2055, 1866, 284, 14042, 683, 284, 262, 5461, 1627, 11, 1844, 351, 256, 12, 23231, 1222, 9422, 11022, 329, 262, 6809, 508, 9422, 7848, 683, 284, 262, 5461, 13, 198, 40331, 15490, 12672, 3955, 317, 49775, 2849, 15698, 198, 2538, 1503, 45, 12011, 33478, 42274, 2389, 447, 247, 50, 21965, 23680, 15698, 357, 392, 2174, 8, 198, 1525, 3271, 7920, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 587, 257, 5802, 614, 329, 2506, 13, 317, 3298, 19798, 5314, 11, 1919, 290, 8425, 17093, 11, 1964, 36446, 11, 290, 3288, 24193, 2491, 262, 1336, 9106, 315, 422, 48298, 284, 40370, 290, 12445, 46368, 13, 1081, 2089, 355, 477, 428, 468, 587, 11, 5967, 4375, 4890, 284, 262, 1351, 13, 198, 25153, 4854, 534, 1200, 447, 247, 82, 6253, 1560, 345, 326, 534, 513, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 468, 257, 3632, 22359, 13, 1471, 11, 780, 286, 7375, 11008, 11, 534, 1266, 1545, 468, 550, 607, 4607, 78, 13820, 9951, 780, 340, 447, 247, 82, 655, 1165, 17564, 284, 467, 284, 262, 4436, 13, 198, 27894, 286, 534, 3234, 11, 2479, 393, 29835, 11, 1771, 530, 318, 20581, 262, 4369, 7620, 11, 4964, 257, 1545, 393, 1641, 2888, 8659, 11, 33404, 262, 2994, 286, 257, 6151, 530, 393, 7205, 355, 262, 32386, 1428, 286, 2130, 4330, 284, 4405, 262, 10402, 11, 356, 447, 247, 303, 477, 587, 2277 ]
[ 26211, 8483, 10181, 11, 323, 568, 753, 389, 3839, 311, 4686, 813, 16587, 389, 7418, 6790, 220, 1544, 339, 0, 6941, 706, 13205, 264, 40418, 1612, 4979, 389, 9722, 25960, 369, 4029, 3697, 311, 26085, 1461, 311, 279, 6381, 1584, 11, 4686, 449, 259, 49760, 612, 16587, 19079, 369, 279, 13324, 889, 16587, 16662, 1461, 311, 279, 6381, 627, 50, 16911, 13692, 1829, 362, 83585, 1294, 19804, 198, 877, 9228, 18954, 52912, 25561, 7635, 40702, 40992, 19804, 320, 438, 3770, 340, 1729, 6941, 17472, 198, 2181, 753, 1027, 264, 11292, 1060, 369, 5127, 13, 362, 3728, 28522, 11, 3674, 323, 19739, 59322, 11, 5054, 32141, 11, 323, 5933, 51751, 4401, 279, 2539, 9192, 332, 505, 99482, 311, 90127, 323, 45272, 288, 13, 1666, 3958, 439, 682, 420, 706, 1027, 11, 13085, 7999, 9572, 311, 279, 1160, 627, 52157, 11011, 701, 1716, 753, 10896, 3371, 499, 430, 701, 220, 18, 4771, 6418, 706, 264, 8271, 36254, 13, 2582, 11, 1606, 315, 20562, 11, 701, 1888, 4333, 706, 1047, 1077, 523, 6868, 22972, 22340, 1606, 433, 753, 1120, 2288, 41273, 311, 733, 311, 279, 8952, 627, 63717, 315, 701, 7102, 11, 4325, 477, 59343, 11, 3508, 832, 374, 47336, 279, 8624, 16102, 11, 10307, 264, 4333, 477, 3070, 4562, 7831, 11, 76350, 279, 4814, 315, 264, 10456, 832, 477, 15718, 439, 279, 93561, 315, 4423, 11039, 311, 9567, 279, 21448, 11, 584, 4070, 682, 1027, 4295 ]
[ 555, 9572, 627, 5159, 836, 374, 6941, 17472, 323, 358, 2873, 311, 387, 23712, 555, 1884, 889, 617, 1027, 92268, 13, 3092, 7126, 5946, 3201, 304, 220, 679, 19, 1306, 47336, 1062, 5485, 398, 311, 23075, 21271, 9572, 13, 3092, 6691, 706, 1047, 2380, 2204, 96271, 315, 9572, 927, 279, 3347, 220, 966, 1667, 323, 856, 13219, 11, 1120, 6051, 11, 832, 439, 1664, 13, 11361, 311, 4216, 23842, 11, 5043, 323, 7524, 22972, 11, 323, 264, 2697, 2766, 315, 15369, 11, 2225, 527, 9572, 12862, 323, 5496, 1664, 13, 362, 25237, 4333, 1389, 264, 7126, 315, 220, 19, 1389, 374, 304, 6514, 439, 358, 3350, 420, 13, 362, 3345, 36271, 374, 2103, 304, 264, 36504, 4465, 449, 96306, 662, 662, 662, 323, 279, 1160, 5900, 389, 323, 389, 25, 14247, 3070, 323, 29827, 29658, 11, 25237, 4885, 323, 16736, 54627, 3095, 11, 18105, 11, 8403, 11, 12637, 2064, 73683, 11, 32515, 61450, 13, 578, 5219, 527, 99774, 4776, 627, 10031, 889, 358, 16587, 369, 198, 18433, 315, 1884, 5219, 11, 499, 3207, 5403, 922, 856, 502, 2447, 627, 40, 3940, 1203, 389, 6186, 220, 16, 11, 719, 1070, 617, 1027, 264, 2478, 5754, 22692, 13, 4800, 358, 4070, 2751, 220, 1399, 2919, 311, 5662, 856, 5915, 323, 1884, 1890, 1403, 4038, 311, 5662, 856, 37419, 16945, 627, 40, 4344, 24269, 264, 3610, 14006, 304, 220, 2366, 15, 323, 3318, 311, 4933, 10736, 369, 279, 26211, 8483, 10181, 627, 8538, 1053, 2019, 430, 753, 459, 55588, 6138, 13, 362, 1325, 2064, 73683 ]
Backpacks With HopeThere are at least 2,000 homeless children enrolled in the DISD. Fortunately, there are people who are not only aware of the situation, but are doing something everyday to try and turn it around. Shoppers Embrace 'Sales Tax Thursday' To Beat Weekend CrowdsPaying more to skip the crowds is a back to school shopping strategy some embraced Thursday before the start of the Texas Sales Tax Holiday weekend. Kindergartners Learn To "Pay It Forward"One man's commitment to sharing kindness turned into a lesson today that could last a lifetime for some Irving students. Tips On Packing Lightly For VacationFor the first-time traveler hoping to avoid baggage fees to the experienced globetrotter, the following 10 tips will help teach you how to pack more efficiently and maybe even more safely. Burbank, CA (May 16, 2005) � ABC Family launches its first scripted series WILDFIRE, a drama set in the world of horse racing, with a two-hour movie premiere Monday, June 20 (8:00 - 10:00 PM ET/PT), followed by 11 one-hour episodes airing consecutive Mondays beginning June 27 (8:00 � 9:00 PM ET/PT). The series,
Backpacks With HopeThere are at least 2,000 homeless children enrolled in the DISD. Fortunately, there are people who are not only aware of the situation, but are doing something everyday to try and turn it around. Shoppers Embrace 'Sales Tax Thursday' To Beat Weekend CrowdsPaying more to skip the crowds is a back to school shopping strategy some embraced Thursday before the start of the Texas Sales Tax Holiday weekend. Kindergartners Learn To "Pay It Forward"One man's commitment to sharing kindness turned into a lesson today that could last a lifetime for some Irving students. Tips On Packing Lightly For VacationFor the first-time traveler hoping to avoid baggage fees to the experienced globetrotter, the following 10 tips will help teach you how to pack more efficiently and maybe even more safely. Burbank, CA (May 16, 2005) � ABC Family launches its first scripted series WILDFIRE, a drama set in the world of horse racing, with a two-hour movie premiere Monday, June 20 (8:00 - 10:00 PM ET/PT), followed by 11 one-hour episodes airing consecutive Mondays beginning June 27 (8:00 � 9:00 PM ET/PT). The series,
produced by Lions Gate Television in association with Piller� and The Segan Company, centers on the struggles of a teenage girl (gifted newcomer Genevieve Cortese) to turn her life around. The film also stars veteran actor Dennis Weaver ("McCloud"), Nana Visitor (�Star Trek: Deep Space Nine�), Greg Serano (�Kingpin�) and Micah Alberti ("All My Children"). WILDFIRE follows eighteen-year-old Kris Furillo (Cortese) who, after serving time at a juvenile detention center, is given the opportunity to start a new life. Her talent with horses is recognized by a volunteer and local trainer (Serano), who arranges a job for her at the Ritter's family run ranch. Thrown into a completely new environment, Kris must learn to deal with the challenges of fitting in, while trying not to disappoint the one family willing to give her a chance. The Ritters are facing challenges of their own even as they reach out to help Kris. The family patriarch Henry (Weaver) and his daughter Jean Ritter (Visitor) are in a critical stage of their battle to save the ranch from financial ruin. Rounding out the ensemble cast are Nicole Tubiola
[ 5157, 32377, 2080, 13408, 1858, 389, 379, 1551, 362, 11, 830, 10463, 1751, 18724, 287, 262, 13954, 35, 13, 20525, 11, 612, 389, 661, 508, 389, 407, 691, 3910, 286, 262, 3074, 11, 475, 389, 1804, 1223, 10908, 284, 1949, 290, 1210, 340, 1088, 13, 198, 2484, 37186, 2295, 46565, 705, 44490, 9241, 3635, 6, 1675, 12568, 30537, 29452, 82, 47, 8369, 517, 284, 14267, 262, 15779, 318, 257, 736, 284, 1524, 9735, 4811, 617, 18079, 3635, 878, 262, 923, 286, 262, 3936, 17329, 9241, 22770, 5041, 13, 198, 42, 5540, 41651, 2741, 14365, 1675, 366, 19197, 632, 19530, 1, 3198, 582, 338, 7901, 284, 7373, 23887, 2900, 656, 257, 11483, 1909, 326, 714, 938, 257, 10869, 329, 617, 26101, 2444, 13, 198, 43368, 1550, 350, 5430, 4401, 306, 1114, 25709, 341, 1890, 262, 717, 12, 2435, 40168, 7725, 284, 3368, 30466, 6642, 284, 262, 5924, 15095, 316, 10599, 353, 11, 262, 1708, 838, 9040, 481, 1037, 4545, 345, 703, 284, 2353, 517, 18306, 290, 3863, 772, 517, 11512, 13, 5481, 17796, 11, 7257, 357, 6747, 1467, 11, 5075, 8, 20543, 9738, 7884, 18617, 663, 717, 37341, 2168, 370, 4146, 8068, 41736, 11, 257, 10512, 900, 287, 262, 995, 286, 8223, 11717, 11, 351, 257, 734, 12, 9769, 3807, 19245, 3321, 11, 2795, 1160, 357, 23, 25, 405, 532, 838, 25, 405, 3122, 12152, 14, 11571, 828, 3940, 416, 1367, 530, 12, 9769, 8640, 31701, 12785, 49748, 3726, 2795, 2681, 357, 23, 25, 405, 20543, 860, 25, 405, 3122, 12152, 14, 11571, 737, 383, 2168, 11 ]
[ 72760, 82, 3161, 18231, 3947, 527, 520, 3325, 220, 17, 11, 931, 23855, 2911, 37191, 304, 279, 12244, 35, 13, 42536, 11, 1070, 527, 1274, 889, 527, 539, 1193, 8010, 315, 279, 6671, 11, 719, 527, 3815, 2555, 18254, 311, 1456, 323, 2543, 433, 2212, 627, 2059, 32542, 5867, 32337, 364, 36518, 15545, 7950, 6, 2057, 27894, 48534, 27991, 5469, 47, 17718, 810, 311, 10936, 279, 35851, 374, 264, 1203, 311, 2978, 12185, 8446, 1063, 43603, 7950, 1603, 279, 1212, 315, 279, 8421, 16207, 15545, 32769, 9178, 627, 10854, 2431, 472, 5079, 15281, 2057, 330, 21243, 1102, 22952, 74737, 893, 596, 15507, 311, 11821, 45972, 6656, 1139, 264, 18228, 3432, 430, 1436, 1566, 264, 19569, 369, 1063, 56310, 4236, 627, 50179, 1952, 98918, 8828, 398, 1789, 70251, 2520, 279, 1176, 7394, 63865, 16026, 311, 5766, 61649, 12718, 311, 279, 10534, 13509, 295, 4744, 466, 11, 279, 2768, 220, 605, 10631, 690, 1520, 4639, 499, 1268, 311, 3854, 810, 30820, 323, 7344, 1524, 810, 21676, 13, 92733, 1201, 11, 9362, 320, 11356, 220, 845, 11, 220, 1049, 20, 8, 30433, 19921, 12517, 38175, 1202, 1176, 86125, 4101, 468, 1750, 5375, 7618, 11, 264, 20156, 743, 304, 279, 1917, 315, 15580, 22019, 11, 449, 264, 1403, 21925, 5818, 35952, 7159, 11, 5651, 220, 508, 320, 23, 25, 410, 482, 220, 605, 25, 410, 5975, 18241, 14, 2898, 705, 8272, 555, 220, 806, 832, 21925, 18243, 71353, 24871, 91271, 7314, 5651, 220, 1544, 320, 23, 25, 410, 30433, 220, 24, 25, 410, 5975, 18241, 14, 2898, 570, 578, 4101, 11 ]
[ 9124, 555, 33865, 30343, 41445, 304, 15360, 449, 393, 15610, 5809, 323, 578, 328, 16133, 8351, 11, 19169, 389, 279, 28970, 315, 264, 34268, 3828, 320, 53430, 291, 88405, 24983, 85, 19704, 36775, 2423, 8, 311, 2543, 1077, 2324, 2212, 13, 578, 4632, 1101, 9958, 21487, 12360, 35727, 67372, 3573, 26353, 16440, 4063, 452, 3444, 56982, 320, 5809, 12988, 31571, 25, 18682, 11746, 38166, 5809, 705, 16431, 8409, 5770, 320, 5809, 34655, 13576, 5809, 8, 323, 28095, 1494, 17971, 72, 3573, 2460, 3092, 15394, 39709, 54, 1750, 5375, 7618, 11263, 63134, 4771, 6418, 53102, 50940, 22532, 320, 34, 371, 2423, 8, 889, 11, 1306, 13788, 892, 520, 264, 48770, 33273, 4219, 11, 374, 2728, 279, 6776, 311, 1212, 264, 502, 2324, 13, 6385, 11005, 449, 27928, 374, 15324, 555, 264, 26202, 323, 2254, 29994, 320, 32845, 5770, 705, 889, 2961, 5637, 264, 2683, 369, 1077, 520, 279, 432, 3328, 596, 3070, 1629, 39161, 13, 666, 4935, 1139, 264, 6724, 502, 4676, 11, 53102, 2011, 4048, 311, 3568, 449, 279, 11774, 315, 27442, 304, 11, 1418, 4560, 539, 311, 14429, 279, 832, 3070, 10032, 311, 3041, 1077, 264, 6140, 13, 578, 432, 29163, 527, 13176, 11774, 315, 872, 1866, 1524, 439, 814, 5662, 704, 311, 1520, 53102, 13, 578, 3070, 71321, 18063, 320, 1687, 7403, 8, 323, 813, 10003, 20263, 432, 3328, 320, 17215, 8, 527, 304, 264, 9200, 6566, 315, 872, 8209, 311, 3665, 279, 39161, 505, 6020, 38339, 627, 49, 13900, 704, 279, 40126, 6445, 527, 45130, 40640, 81539 ]
Palestinians were expelled, or fled, from the borders of historic Palestine. Those who left did not do so of their own volition. In contrast, Jews from Arab lands came to this country under the initiative of the State of Israel and Jewish organizations. Some came of their own free will; others arrived against their will. Some lived comfortably and securely in Arab lands; others suffered from fear and oppression. ^ Yehouda Shenhav 'Arab Jews, population Exchange, and the Palestinian Right of Return,' in Ann M. Lesch, Ian S. Lustick (eds.), Exile and Return: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008 ISBN 978-0-812-22052-0 pp.225-244 p.225:’ In July 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton announced that an agreement had been reached at the Camp David summit to recognize the Jews from Arab countries as "refugees" and that an international fund would provide compensation for the property they left behind when they immigrated to Israel during the 1950s. The immediate political significance of this declaration was to help Israel's prime minister at the time, Ehud Barak, to mobilize Shas's voters (the majority of whom are of
Palestinians were expelled, or fled, from the borders of historic Palestine. Those who left did not do so of their own volition. In contrast, Jews from Arab lands came to this country under the initiative of the State of Israel and Jewish organizations. Some came of their own free will; others arrived against their will. Some lived comfortably and securely in Arab lands; others suffered from fear and oppression. ^ Yehouda Shenhav 'Arab Jews, population Exchange, and the Palestinian Right of Return,' in Ann M. Lesch, Ian S. Lustick (eds.), Exile and Return: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008 ISBN 978-0-812-22052-0 pp.225-244 p.225:’ In July 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton announced that an agreement had been reached at the Camp David summit to recognize the Jews from Arab countries as "refugees" and that an international fund would provide compensation for the property they left behind when they immigrated to Israel during the 1950s. The immediate political significance of this declaration was to help Israel's prime minister at the time, Ehud Barak, to mobilize Shas's voters (the majority of whom are of
Arab descent) in support of the peace process. However, the underlying logic – defining the Jews from Arab countries as refugees-responded to a deeper political theory that was developed in Israel in the 1950s to counterbalance the collective rights of the Palestinian refugees. It is not surprising, therefore, that Palestinians around the world reacted with dismay and rage to this announcement. In its contemporary garb, this "population exchange" theory was proposed to abdicate Israel's responsibility for the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 and to alleviate demands to compensate the Palestinian refugees, and serve as a bargaining chip against their right of return. For all practical purposes, the population exchange initiative was used to legitimate Israel's wrongdoing with regard to the transfer of the Palestinian refugees in 1948.’ ^ a b c Mendes, Philip (2002). The Forgotten Refugees: the causes of the post-1948 Jewish Exodus from Arab Countries. 14th Jewish Studies Conference Melbourne March 2002. – "The Forgotten Refugees". Archived from the original on 13 January 2013. Retrieved 12 June 2007 – via MEFacts.com. – "The Forgotten Refugees" – via Palestine Remembered. ^ Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 45 ^ Lewis 1984 p. 62 ^ Lewis
[ 12890, 547, 27307, 11, 393, 11468, 11, 422, 262, 11637, 286, 9566, 17263, 13, 5845, 508, 1364, 750, 407, 466, 523, 286, 511, 898, 2322, 653, 13, 554, 6273, 11, 6771, 422, 4498, 8604, 1625, 284, 428, 1499, 739, 262, 10219, 286, 262, 1812, 286, 2692, 290, 5582, 5745, 13, 2773, 1625, 286, 511, 898, 1479, 481, 26, 1854, 5284, 1028, 511, 481, 13, 2773, 5615, 24341, 290, 30835, 287, 4498, 8604, 26, 1854, 6989, 422, 3252, 290, 18345, 13, 198, 61, 11609, 71, 2778, 64, 22323, 71, 615, 705, 31602, 6771, 11, 3265, 12516, 11, 290, 262, 8501, 6498, 286, 8229, 4032, 287, 5506, 337, 13, 11732, 354, 11, 12930, 311, 13, 43883, 624, 357, 5379, 12179, 37273, 290, 8229, 25, 14322, 291, 12604, 286, 12890, 290, 6771, 11, 2059, 286, 9589, 4332, 11, 3648, 32429, 41417, 12, 15, 12, 23, 1065, 12, 17572, 4309, 12, 15, 9788, 13, 18182, 12, 25707, 279, 13, 18182, 25, 447, 247, 554, 2901, 4751, 11, 471, 13, 50, 13, 1992, 3941, 2605, 3414, 326, 281, 4381, 550, 587, 4251, 379, 262, 5425, 3271, 14237, 284, 7564, 262, 6771, 422, 4498, 2678, 355, 366, 5420, 2217, 274, 1, 290, 326, 281, 3230, 1814, 561, 2148, 9836, 329, 262, 3119, 484, 1364, 2157, 618, 484, 2296, 38769, 284, 2692, 1141, 262, 11445, 82, 13, 383, 7103, 1964, 12085, 286, 428, 14305, 373, 284, 1037, 2692, 338, 6994, 5342, 379, 262, 640, 11, 31480, 463, 2409, 461, 11, 284, 43494, 911, 292, 338, 4446, 357, 1169, 3741, 286, 4150, 389, 286 ]
[ 34234, 1051, 67331, 11, 477, 30010, 11, 505, 279, 24743, 315, 18526, 42034, 13, 13266, 889, 2163, 1550, 539, 656, 779, 315, 872, 1866, 4499, 684, 13, 763, 13168, 11, 17420, 505, 10989, 12098, 3782, 311, 420, 3224, 1234, 279, 20770, 315, 279, 3314, 315, 6921, 323, 13653, 11351, 13, 4427, 3782, 315, 872, 1866, 1949, 690, 26, 3885, 11721, 2403, 872, 690, 13, 4427, 12439, 45769, 323, 52123, 304, 10989, 12098, 26, 3885, 16654, 505, 8850, 323, 47748, 627, 61, 816, 2701, 3023, 64, 1443, 40967, 402, 364, 7098, 370, 17420, 11, 7187, 19224, 11, 323, 279, 22596, 10291, 315, 3494, 2965, 304, 9489, 386, 13, 11876, 331, 11, 29335, 328, 13, 74355, 875, 320, 6910, 25390, 1398, 458, 323, 3494, 25, 30924, 292, 24469, 315, 34234, 323, 17420, 11, 3907, 315, 20355, 8612, 11, 220, 1049, 23, 34526, 220, 17272, 12, 15, 12, 19270, 12, 8610, 4103, 12, 15, 12086, 13, 11057, 12, 13719, 281, 13, 11057, 25, 529, 763, 5887, 220, 1049, 15, 11, 549, 815, 13, 4900, 8766, 8283, 7376, 430, 459, 9306, 1047, 1027, 8813, 520, 279, 9702, 6941, 30048, 311, 15641, 279, 17420, 505, 10989, 5961, 439, 330, 1116, 4838, 288, 1, 323, 430, 459, 6625, 3887, 1053, 3493, 20448, 369, 279, 3424, 814, 2163, 4920, 994, 814, 15644, 660, 311, 6921, 2391, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 13, 578, 14247, 5054, 26431, 315, 420, 18489, 574, 311, 1520, 6921, 596, 10461, 13015, 520, 279, 892, 11, 61651, 664, 4821, 587, 11, 311, 29905, 553, 1443, 300, 596, 11969, 320, 1820, 8857, 315, 8884, 527, 315 ]
[ 10989, 38052, 8, 304, 1862, 315, 279, 9096, 1920, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 16940, 12496, 1389, 27409, 279, 17420, 505, 10989, 5961, 439, 22475, 12, 6961, 291, 311, 264, 19662, 5054, 10334, 430, 574, 8040, 304, 6921, 304, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 311, 5663, 22298, 279, 22498, 3268, 315, 279, 22596, 22475, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 15206, 11, 9093, 11, 430, 34234, 2212, 279, 1917, 55841, 449, 73082, 323, 34049, 311, 420, 17480, 13, 763, 1202, 19225, 7515, 65, 11, 420, 330, 45541, 9473, 1, 10334, 574, 11223, 311, 671, 67, 8630, 6921, 596, 12014, 369, 279, 95989, 315, 34234, 304, 220, 6393, 23, 323, 311, 61705, 18651, 311, 46794, 279, 22596, 22475, 11, 323, 8854, 439, 264, 55309, 16797, 2403, 872, 1314, 315, 471, 13, 1789, 682, 15325, 10096, 11, 279, 7187, 9473, 20770, 574, 1511, 311, 23583, 6921, 596, 65328, 449, 5363, 311, 279, 8481, 315, 279, 22596, 22475, 304, 220, 6393, 23, 14639, 198, 61, 264, 293, 272, 46211, 288, 11, 26241, 320, 1049, 17, 570, 578, 95547, 52219, 288, 25, 279, 11384, 315, 279, 1772, 12, 6393, 23, 13653, 88942, 505, 10989, 54837, 13, 220, 975, 339, 13653, 19241, 15217, 27535, 5587, 220, 1049, 17, 627, 4235, 330, 791, 95547, 52219, 288, 3343, 98850, 505, 279, 4113, 389, 220, 1032, 6186, 220, 679, 18, 13, 58891, 220, 717, 5651, 220, 1049, 22, 1389, 4669, 386, 15229, 11613, 916, 627, 4235, 330, 791, 95547, 52219, 288, 1, 1389, 4669, 42034, 20474, 291, 627, 61, 16488, 32269, 6, 269, 320, 3753, 20, 705, 281, 13, 220, 1774, 198, 61, 21256, 220, 3753, 19, 281, 13, 220, 5538, 198, 61, 21256 ]
21 July 2020; updated 08 September 2020) Name of donor: Ivor Windsor-Clive, Earl of Plymouth (Registered 06 January 2020) Land and property in Herefordshire, some held in trust for life: (i) and (ii). Interest in land in Surrey: (i) and (ii). Residential flat in London SW3: (i) and (ii). From 24 March 2016, a residential flat owned jointly with my wife: (i) and (ii). (Registered 03 May 2016) 7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital Nomina 538 LLP, a member of Lloyd’s. (Registered 22 January 2010) 7. (ii) Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000 From 22 June 2017, Enigma Video Games Ltd, through Hindsight Media EIS Fund. (Registered 04 July 2017) From 12 December 2018, Deputy Chairman (unremunerated) of the Defence Growth Partnership. (Registered 20 December 2018; updated 02 January 2020) From 12 December 2018, Visiting Professor (unremunerated) at the Institute for Global Health Innovation. (Registered 20 December 2018)
21 July 2020; updated 08 September 2020) Name of donor: Ivor Windsor-Clive, Earl of Plymouth (Registered 06 January 2020) Land and property in Herefordshire, some held in trust for life: (i) and (ii). Interest in land in Surrey: (i) and (ii). Residential flat in London SW3: (i) and (ii). From 24 March 2016, a residential flat owned jointly with my wife: (i) and (ii). (Registered 03 May 2016) 7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital Nomina 538 LLP, a member of Lloyd’s. (Registered 22 January 2010) 7. (ii) Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000 From 22 June 2017, Enigma Video Games Ltd, through Hindsight Media EIS Fund. (Registered 04 July 2017) From 12 December 2018, Deputy Chairman (unremunerated) of the Defence Growth Partnership. (Registered 20 December 2018; updated 02 January 2020) From 12 December 2018, Visiting Professor (unremunerated) at the Institute for Global Health Innovation. (Registered 20 December 2018)
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[ 2310, 2901, 12131, 26, 6153, 8487, 2693, 12131, 8, 198, 5376, 286, 17052, 25, 16975, 273, 31561, 12, 2601, 425, 11, 21647, 286, 42125, 198, 7, 47473, 9130, 3269, 12131, 8, 198, 22342, 290, 3119, 287, 3423, 3841, 10932, 11, 617, 2714, 287, 3774, 329, 1204, 25, 357, 72, 8, 290, 357, 4178, 737, 198, 19302, 287, 1956, 287, 38805, 25, 357, 72, 8, 290, 357, 4178, 737, 198, 4965, 35599, 6228, 287, 3576, 12672, 18, 25, 357, 72, 8, 290, 357, 4178, 737, 198, 4863, 1987, 2805, 1584, 11, 257, 12420, 6228, 6898, 26913, 351, 616, 3656, 25, 357, 72, 8, 290, 357, 4178, 737, 357, 47473, 7643, 1737, 1584, 8, 198, 22, 13, 357, 72, 8, 8734, 2946, 654, 25, 625, 1315, 4, 286, 4884, 2648, 3139, 198, 45, 296, 1437, 642, 2548, 43245, 11, 257, 2888, 286, 22361, 447, 247, 82, 13, 357, 47473, 2534, 3269, 3050, 8, 198, 22, 13, 357, 4178, 8, 3819, 2648, 2946, 654, 11, 17560, 379, 517, 621, 4248, 2154, 11, 830, 198, 4863, 2534, 2795, 2177, 11, 2039, 13495, 7623, 5776, 12052, 11, 832, 17099, 18627, 6343, 412, 1797, 7557, 13, 357, 47473, 8702, 2901, 2177, 8, 198, 4863, 1105, 3426, 2864, 11, 15110, 12787, 357, 403, 2787, 38886, 515, 8, 286, 262, 16721, 19045, 23270, 13, 357, 47473, 1160, 3426, 2864, 26, 6153, 7816, 3269, 12131, 8, 198, 4863, 1105, 3426, 2864, 11, 6911, 1780, 8129, 357, 403, 2787, 38886, 515, 8, 379, 262, 5136, 329, 8060, 3893, 27724, 13, 357, 47473, 1160, 3426, 2864, 8 ]
[ 220, 1691, 5887, 220, 2366, 15, 26, 6177, 220, 2318, 6250, 220, 2366, 15, 340, 678, 315, 35558, 25, 34583, 269, 57555, 12, 5176, 535, 11, 48510, 315, 72098, 198, 7, 42530, 220, 2705, 6186, 220, 2366, 15, 340, 43057, 323, 3424, 304, 5810, 8350, 15255, 11, 1063, 5762, 304, 7095, 369, 2324, 25, 320, 72, 8, 323, 320, 3893, 4390, 35656, 304, 4363, 304, 68064, 25, 320, 72, 8, 323, 320, 3893, 4390, 1079, 11484, 10269, 304, 7295, 13692, 18, 25, 320, 72, 8, 323, 320, 3893, 4390, 3915, 220, 1187, 5587, 220, 679, 21, 11, 264, 20658, 10269, 13234, 53258, 449, 856, 7555, 25, 320, 72, 8, 323, 320, 3893, 570, 320, 42530, 220, 2839, 3297, 220, 679, 21, 340, 22, 13, 320, 72, 8, 12037, 6416, 826, 25, 927, 220, 868, 4, 315, 11136, 4430, 6864, 198, 37412, 2259, 220, 22600, 69065, 11, 264, 4562, 315, 46296, 753, 13, 320, 42530, 220, 1313, 6186, 220, 679, 15, 340, 22, 13, 320, 3893, 8, 7089, 4430, 6416, 826, 11, 33647, 520, 810, 1109, 7083, 2031, 11, 931, 198, 3915, 220, 1313, 5651, 220, 679, 22, 11, 2998, 11750, 8519, 11871, 12604, 11, 1555, 473, 79960, 7972, 469, 1669, 13492, 13, 320, 42530, 220, 2371, 5887, 220, 679, 22, 340, 3915, 220, 717, 6790, 220, 679, 23, 11, 32724, 27390, 320, 359, 1864, 48137, 660, 8, 315, 279, 40007, 34871, 47362, 13, 320, 42530, 220, 508, 6790, 220, 679, 23, 26, 6177, 220, 2437, 6186, 220, 2366, 15, 340, 3915, 220, 717, 6790, 220, 679, 23, 11, 7811, 5977, 17054, 320, 359, 1864, 48137, 660, 8, 520, 279, 10181, 369, 8121, 6401, 38710, 13, 320, 42530, 220, 508, 6790, 220, 679, 23, 8 ]
[ 198, 4808, 7360, 220, 777, 339, 6186, 220, 2366, 16, 5321, 5387, 603, 701, 3729, 3649, 779, 584, 649, 5662, 704, 311, 499, 439, 5246, 439, 584, 649, 627, 58, 26322, 1100, 354, 52122, 1100, 354, 12, 14206, 933, 3711, 25737, 198, 10031, 682, 98984, 25510, 826, 198, 39922, 28673, 42392, 198, 25523, 488, 612, 16666, 5513, 21731, 198, 52, 8440, 11706, 10199, 9742, 198, 791, 76812, 76260, 13690, 198, 791, 48989, 45344, 81399, 198, 10714, 4196, 729, 8483, 198, 3923, 374, 549, 8440, 11706, 5380, 8140, 6872, 2508, 323, 18591, 198, 34976, 269, 76260, 13690, 198, 3915, 9141, 19424, 311, 4580, 12295, 11, 420, 3887, 5097, 389, 1124, 682, 198, 9219, 47819, 15167, 617, 3629, 1027, 9932, 304, 31186, 304, 1690, 6020, 32947, 323, 32594, 11, 449, 872, 5845, 311, 2793, 304, 71490, 5220, 323, 4662, 1124, 369, 264, 5199, 11626, 627, 9673, 15167, 527, 6118, 46935, 439, 1054, 53, 10745, 18880, 1705, 9520, 279, 7941, 478, 323, 60406, 15167, 304, 279, 42766, 3887, 5064, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 2294, 24005, 315, 279, 39633, 348, 10745, 87408, 374, 7000, 1023, 1109, 7043, 55770, 11, 19533, 315, 279, 48644, 9744, 13332, 627, 3915, 7665, 9141, 19424, 311, 1690, 9873, 323, 1524, 46384, 45305, 11, 7043, 55770, 8710, 459, 16358, 3187, 315, 1694, 264, 348, 10745, 41067, 323, 1903, 264, 836, 369, 433, 304, 279, 42766, 3887, 5064, 627, 15724, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 1427, 520, 48644, 9744, 1555, 279, 36057, 315, 48989, 45344, 11, 311, 636, 264, 2731, 3412 ]
Dad agrees in theory but something like this happens and he hits the roof. Like when Robert Novak said "shit" on CNN. Dad was all "Call the FCC!" and I think he did complain, I know he talked about it. Ma was like, "Over shit?" Dad was all, "If it was James Carville, the right-wing would be screaming their heads off and calling for Senate hearings!" It's an interesting debate and I'm not really sure where I stand. In calm moments, Dad agrees with Ma but I share his temper and when stuff like that happens, like the thing Congress member Baker said, I just think, "Man, they would crucify us if we said that!" And they would. What do you guys think? Ma says we can fight back and we can hit hard but we don't give up what we believe in no matter how tempting. I think about what Baker said and how they forced an apology of Senator Dick Durbin and shamed him. He didn't do anything wrong but look what they did. So I asked Ma her opinion and here it is: say you find the statement disgusting, mock him, gripe about him, point out how idiotic and insensitive he
Dad agrees in theory but something like this happens and he hits the roof. Like when Robert Novak said "shit" on CNN. Dad was all "Call the FCC!" and I think he did complain, I know he talked about it. Ma was like, "Over shit?" Dad was all, "If it was James Carville, the right-wing would be screaming their heads off and calling for Senate hearings!" It's an interesting debate and I'm not really sure where I stand. In calm moments, Dad agrees with Ma but I share his temper and when stuff like that happens, like the thing Congress member Baker said, I just think, "Man, they would crucify us if we said that!" And they would. What do you guys think? Ma says we can fight back and we can hit hard but we don't give up what we believe in no matter how tempting. I think about what Baker said and how they forced an apology of Senator Dick Durbin and shamed him. He didn't do anything wrong but look what they did. So I asked Ma her opinion and here it is: say you find the statement disgusting, mock him, gripe about him, point out how idiotic and insensitive he
is but leave the "get out of America" and "he should step down" stuff to Ann Coulter. Two Journalists Detained in Haiti In Haiti, police have detained two journalists including Kevin Pina who regularly reports for the Pacifica Radio program Flashpoints. Pina was arrested on Friday as he filmed the Haitian police searching a church run by the jailed priest Gerard Jean-Juste. A Haitian journalist named Jean Ristil, who works for the Associated Press, was also detained after he tried to photograph Pina's arrest. Haitian officials say they are being held on suspicion of QUOTE "disrespect to a magistrate" and resisting arrest. I was on my way out the door this morning and trying to hurry because I was running late and Dad calls after me and is all "You got to see this." I go back in and Dad's at The Common Ills. I didn't have time to read it then. So I asked Dad to give me the quick summary. Can you believe this? I didn't know about the Haitian journalist but Dad told me about Kevin Pina. This is disgusting and you didn't hear about it in the pages of the New York Times, did you? Democracy Now! told you. WBAI told you
[ 17415, 14386, 287, 4583, 475, 1223, 588, 428, 4325, 290, 339, 7127, 262, 9753, 13, 4525, 618, 5199, 5267, 461, 531, 366, 16211, 1, 319, 8100, 13, 198, 46270, 373, 477, 366, 14134, 262, 15915, 2474, 290, 314, 892, 339, 750, 13121, 11, 314, 760, 339, 6619, 546, 340, 13, 6669, 373, 588, 11, 366, 5886, 7510, 1701, 17415, 373, 477, 11, 366, 1532, 340, 373, 3700, 1879, 4244, 11, 262, 826, 12, 5469, 561, 307, 14788, 511, 6665, 572, 290, 4585, 329, 3845, 18921, 2474, 198, 1026, 338, 281, 3499, 4384, 290, 314, 1101, 407, 1107, 1654, 810, 314, 1302, 13, 554, 9480, 7188, 11, 17415, 14386, 351, 6669, 475, 314, 2648, 465, 4124, 290, 618, 3404, 588, 326, 4325, 11, 588, 262, 1517, 3162, 2888, 14372, 531, 11, 314, 655, 892, 11, 366, 5124, 11, 484, 561, 27020, 1958, 514, 611, 356, 531, 326, 2474, 198, 1870, 484, 561, 13, 1867, 466, 345, 3730, 892, 30, 198, 21467, 1139, 356, 460, 1907, 736, 290, 356, 460, 2277, 1327, 475, 356, 836, 470, 1577, 510, 644, 356, 1975, 287, 645, 2300, 703, 29850, 13, 198, 40, 892, 546, 644, 14372, 531, 290, 703, 484, 4137, 281, 17029, 286, 8962, 11740, 360, 5945, 259, 290, 427, 2434, 683, 13, 679, 1422, 470, 466, 1997, 2642, 475, 804, 644, 484, 750, 13, 198, 2396, 314, 1965, 6669, 607, 4459, 290, 994, 340, 318, 25, 910, 345, 1064, 262, 2643, 23374, 11, 15290, 683, 11, 11120, 431, 546, 683, 11, 966, 503, 703, 4686, 16357, 290, 41246, 339 ]
[ 33621, 34008, 304, 10334, 719, 2555, 1093, 420, 8741, 323, 568, 13280, 279, 15485, 13, 9086, 994, 8563, 4723, 587, 1071, 330, 41153, 1, 389, 20352, 627, 35, 329, 574, 682, 330, 7368, 279, 38676, 9135, 323, 358, 1781, 568, 1550, 29011, 11, 358, 1440, 568, 15243, 922, 433, 13, 11583, 574, 1093, 11, 330, 1959, 17619, 7673, 33621, 574, 682, 11, 330, 2746, 433, 574, 7957, 3341, 8078, 11, 279, 1314, 29480, 1053, 387, 35101, 872, 14971, 1022, 323, 8260, 369, 10092, 45348, 25765, 2181, 596, 459, 7185, 11249, 323, 358, 2846, 539, 2216, 2771, 1405, 358, 2559, 13, 763, 19858, 14269, 11, 33621, 34008, 449, 11583, 719, 358, 4430, 813, 6940, 323, 994, 6392, 1093, 430, 8741, 11, 1093, 279, 3245, 8151, 4562, 29492, 1071, 11, 358, 1120, 1781, 11, 330, 1692, 11, 814, 1053, 15131, 1463, 603, 422, 584, 1071, 430, 25765, 3112, 814, 1053, 13, 3639, 656, 499, 7752, 1781, 5380, 30635, 2795, 584, 649, 4465, 1203, 323, 584, 649, 4295, 2653, 719, 584, 1541, 956, 3041, 709, 1148, 584, 4510, 304, 912, 5030, 1268, 61299, 627, 40, 1781, 922, 1148, 29492, 1071, 323, 1268, 814, 9770, 459, 41258, 315, 23072, 23373, 20742, 7006, 323, 559, 3690, 1461, 13, 1283, 3287, 956, 656, 4205, 5076, 719, 1427, 1148, 814, 1550, 627, 4516, 358, 4691, 11583, 1077, 9647, 323, 1618, 433, 374, 25, 2019, 499, 1505, 279, 5224, 54766, 11, 8018, 1461, 11, 23854, 375, 922, 1461, 11, 1486, 704, 1268, 43358, 292, 323, 71580, 568 ]
[ 374, 719, 5387, 279, 330, 456, 704, 315, 5270, 1, 323, 330, 383, 1288, 3094, 1523, 1, 6392, 311, 9489, 67948, 466, 627, 11874, 10139, 1705, 16828, 2692, 304, 56290, 198, 644, 56290, 11, 4379, 617, 37993, 1403, 23348, 2737, 16768, 393, 2259, 889, 15870, 6821, 369, 279, 16867, 64, 13792, 2068, 17710, 7862, 13, 393, 2259, 574, 12800, 389, 6740, 439, 568, 42508, 279, 43502, 1122, 4379, 15389, 264, 8993, 1629, 555, 279, 55606, 28185, 82218, 20263, 12, 10156, 68, 13, 362, 43502, 1122, 23672, 7086, 20263, 432, 380, 321, 11, 889, 4375, 369, 279, 26475, 8612, 11, 574, 1101, 37993, 1306, 568, 6818, 311, 10512, 393, 2259, 596, 8163, 13, 43502, 1122, 7510, 2019, 814, 527, 1694, 5762, 389, 38141, 315, 27090, 19707, 330, 4338, 45734, 311, 264, 95191, 1, 323, 70441, 8163, 627, 40, 574, 389, 856, 1648, 704, 279, 6134, 420, 6693, 323, 4560, 311, 48335, 1606, 358, 574, 4401, 3389, 323, 33621, 6880, 1306, 757, 323, 374, 682, 330, 2675, 2751, 311, 1518, 420, 1210, 358, 733, 1203, 304, 323, 33621, 596, 520, 578, 7874, 12799, 82, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 617, 892, 311, 1373, 433, 1243, 13, 2100, 358, 4691, 33621, 311, 3041, 757, 279, 4062, 12399, 13, 3053, 499, 4510, 420, 30, 358, 3287, 956, 1440, 922, 279, 43502, 1122, 23672, 719, 33621, 3309, 757, 922, 16768, 393, 2259, 13, 1115, 374, 54766, 323, 499, 3287, 956, 6865, 922, 433, 304, 279, 6959, 315, 279, 1561, 4356, 8691, 11, 1550, 499, 30, 48189, 4800, 0, 3309, 499, 13, 468, 7209, 40, 3309, 499 ]
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''To play dey hungry us'' See letter purportedly s... Broadway star, Nick Cordero has leg amputated due ... Trump warns China could face consequences if they ... Singer Simi expecting her first child with Adekunl... LISTEN UP TO DABLISS LIVE ON AIR- @YOUNGBLIZZ... Africa may suffer 300,000 to 3 million deaths from... Nigerian man dies of COVID-19 in the US Ghanian MInister accuses Bishop Obinim of sleeping... 'I was prepared for everything Messi did on that d... KCee shows off his family as he celebrates his bir... Gov Obaseki, Keyamo, Dino Melaye, Ben Bruce, other... Nigerian President's Chief of Staff Dies From Coro... How an article about Elrufai's wife's reaction to ... Video purportedly showing Oluwo of Iwo rolling up ... COVID-19 Palliatives: Senator Ndume accuses federa... Niger state government lifts ban on Juma'at prayer... China must pay damages to Africa, write off all he... "Now is the Time to
Display your Wealth by Giving ... Maltreatment of Nigerians in China has been sorted... Ubi Franklin's 3rd babymama responds to his 4th ba... CNN anchor Chris Cuomo's wife Cristina tests posit... Kanye West implies he will vote for Donald Trump i... Police arrests mother and son for allegedly attemp... Coronavirus: History will not be kind to us if Nig... One COVID19 patient discharged in Kaduna Trump's name to be added to Coronavirus relief ch... "11 have died of Coronavirus. How many have died o... Jailed rapper YNW Melly denied early prison releas... 63-year-old man with no travel history or contact ... Stray bullet hits noodles seller after police alle... 21-year-old meat seller arrested for allegedly rap... Morocco arrests 4,300 people for breaching emergen... Blac Chyna's mom Tokyo Toni praises Tyga as ‘The B... Gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey and wife, Sarah ce... "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos ... Governor El-Rufai's wife, Hadiza admits her son
[ 198, 7061, 2514, 711, 390, 88, 14720, 514, 7061, 4091, 3850, 40891, 264, 986, 198, 30507, 1014, 3491, 11, 8047, 327, 2875, 78, 468, 1232, 40338, 515, 2233, 2644, 198, 6170, 22145, 2807, 714, 1986, 6948, 611, 484, 2644, 198, 50, 3889, 3184, 72, 12451, 607, 717, 1200, 351, 1215, 988, 403, 75, 986, 198, 45849, 1677, 15958, 5390, 360, 6242, 43, 16744, 28323, 6177, 31600, 12, 2488, 56, 19385, 4579, 43, 14887, 57, 986, 198, 17584, 30997, 743, 8659, 5867, 11, 830, 284, 513, 1510, 7040, 422, 986, 198, 45, 8254, 666, 582, 10564, 286, 7375, 11008, 12, 1129, 287, 262, 1294, 198, 38, 7637, 666, 337, 818, 1694, 35062, 16559, 1835, 259, 320, 286, 11029, 986, 198, 6, 40, 373, 5597, 329, 2279, 36128, 750, 319, 326, 288, 986, 198, 36222, 1453, 2523, 572, 465, 1641, 355, 339, 24538, 465, 35122, 986, 198, 23774, 1835, 589, 4106, 11, 7383, 18811, 11, 39430, 5616, 48822, 11, 3932, 11088, 11, 584, 986, 198, 45, 8254, 666, 1992, 338, 5953, 286, 9983, 360, 444, 3574, 2744, 78, 986, 198, 2437, 281, 2708, 546, 2574, 622, 69, 1872, 338, 3656, 338, 6317, 284, 2644, 198, 10798, 40891, 4478, 440, 2290, 21638, 286, 314, 21638, 10708, 510, 2644, 198, 8220, 11008, 12, 1129, 350, 36546, 2929, 25, 8962, 399, 67, 2454, 35062, 28062, 64, 986, 198, 45, 8254, 1181, 1230, 27103, 3958, 319, 449, 7487, 6, 265, 11443, 986, 198, 14581, 1276, 1414, 12616, 284, 5478, 11, 3551, 572, 477, 339, 986, 198, 1, 3844, 318, 262, 3862, 284 ]
[ 198, 4708, 1271, 1514, 409, 88, 30056, 603, 4708, 3580, 6661, 59860, 398, 274, 9522, 69424, 3195, 6917, 11, 15341, 356, 1382, 78, 706, 2531, 1097, 631, 660, 4245, 12515, 16509, 49140, 5734, 1436, 3663, 16296, 422, 814, 12515, 50, 5248, 4567, 72, 23132, 1077, 1176, 1716, 449, 63140, 74, 359, 75, 9522, 23699, 965, 12250, 5257, 423, 1905, 19046, 1242, 45269, 6328, 46994, 12, 571, 56, 5152, 5494, 43, 2913, 57, 9522, 74691, 1253, 7831, 220, 3101, 11, 931, 311, 220, 18, 3610, 16779, 505, 9522, 45, 7420, 1122, 893, 8898, 315, 20562, 12, 777, 304, 279, 2326, 198, 38, 10118, 1122, 386, 644, 1601, 87156, 34342, 4761, 258, 318, 315, 21811, 9522, 42069, 574, 10235, 369, 4395, 71105, 1550, 389, 430, 294, 9522, 65738, 2176, 5039, 1022, 813, 3070, 439, 568, 49193, 813, 15606, 9522, 68001, 507, 3231, 6780, 11, 5422, 21781, 11, 423, 3394, 386, 7040, 68, 11, 7505, 24785, 11, 1023, 9522, 45, 7420, 1122, 4900, 596, 14681, 315, 17381, 24934, 5659, 4563, 78, 9522, 4438, 459, 4652, 922, 4072, 81, 1739, 2192, 596, 7555, 596, 13010, 311, 12515, 10955, 59860, 398, 9204, 507, 10036, 1146, 315, 358, 1146, 20700, 709, 12515, 79063, 12, 777, 72460, 72, 5983, 25, 23072, 88468, 3972, 87156, 23114, 2473, 9522, 45, 7420, 1614, 3109, 54166, 9120, 389, 622, 13722, 6, 266, 23788, 9522, 23078, 2011, 2343, 26186, 311, 10384, 11, 3350, 1022, 682, 568, 9522, 83524, 374, 279, 4212, 311 ]
[ 10848, 701, 60841, 555, 58951, 12515, 44, 3223, 35320, 315, 20992, 5493, 304, 5734, 706, 1027, 10839, 9522, 52, 8385, 19372, 596, 220, 18, 6634, 16993, 1631, 3105, 31680, 311, 813, 220, 19, 339, 13081, 9522, 56555, 17543, 11517, 68307, 596, 7555, 100214, 7177, 20940, 9522, 42, 49383, 4410, 24897, 568, 690, 7055, 369, 9641, 3420, 602, 9522, 22993, 38811, 6691, 323, 4538, 369, 19755, 520, 3975, 9522, 10803, 263, 24713, 25, 11346, 690, 539, 387, 3169, 311, 603, 422, 452, 343, 9522, 4054, 20562, 777, 8893, 57191, 304, 74776, 8733, 198, 16509, 596, 836, 311, 387, 3779, 311, 70920, 16337, 523, 9522, 1, 806, 617, 8636, 315, 70920, 13, 2650, 1690, 617, 8636, 297, 9522, 41, 5805, 50437, 816, 70314, 11220, 398, 15164, 4216, 9527, 14049, 300, 9522, 5495, 4771, 6418, 893, 449, 912, 5944, 3925, 477, 3729, 12515, 2645, 352, 17889, 13280, 61260, 23703, 1306, 4379, 12584, 9522, 1691, 4771, 6418, 13339, 23703, 12800, 369, 19755, 7477, 9522, 42778, 41942, 38811, 220, 19, 11, 3101, 1274, 369, 5395, 12092, 7425, 268, 9522, 5028, 582, 921, 53444, 596, 3450, 27286, 90402, 87178, 14221, 6885, 439, 3451, 791, 426, 9522, 38, 27248, 23597, 11, 61909, 12315, 15004, 8674, 323, 7555, 11, 21077, 3846, 9522, 1, 15571, 29084, 5270, 1, 3552, 10058, 39464, 57995, 12515, 78706, 269, 4072, 11151, 1739, 2192, 596, 7555, 11, 24805, 17528, 38239, 1077, 4538 ]
sim$10 ns. To provide a practical estimate of this approximation, the typical FWHM pulse width of a 20-GHz OFC is about 50 ps, which seems sufficient to be confident with Eqs. (2) and (3). In either case, we stress that the pulse train is experimentally built up and mathematically described by the discrete set of spectral amplitudes $g_n$ in Eq. (1), and so any other single-pulse spectral amplitude, say $\tilde {g}(f)$, such that $\tilde {g}(nf_s) = g_n$ for $n\ge 0$ and zero for $n<0$ could have been used to describe the train. The choice in Eq. (3) is the simplest compatible with the experimental evidences, namely the expected smooth character of $g(f)$ and the absence of optical frequencies below the seed frequency, and permits a direct asymptotic analysis as will be shown below. Fractional Talbot effect [23], in turn, corresponds to fractional values of the above mentioned product, $f_s\tau _c=p/q$, with $p$ and $q
sim$10 ns. To provide a practical estimate of this approximation, the typical FWHM pulse width of a 20-GHz OFC is about 50 ps, which seems sufficient to be confident with Eqs. (2) and (3). In either case, we stress that the pulse train is experimentally built up and mathematically described by the discrete set of spectral amplitudes $g_n$ in Eq. (1), and so any other single-pulse spectral amplitude, say $\tilde {g}(f)$, such that $\tilde {g}(nf_s) = g_n$ for $n\ge 0$ and zero for $n<0$ could have been used to describe the train. The choice in Eq. (3) is the simplest compatible with the experimental evidences, namely the expected smooth character of $g(f)$ and the absence of optical frequencies below the seed frequency, and permits a direct asymptotic analysis as will be shown below. Fractional Talbot effect [23], in turn, corresponds to fractional values of the above mentioned product, $f_s\tau _c=p/q$, with $p$ and $q
$ coprime integers. In this case, the linear term in $n$ in the first phase term in Eq. (1) represents again a global delay $\tau _c/2 = pT/(2q)$. The FSL envelope is [26,33]: (4)$$E_{\mathit {FSL}}(t)=\frac{e^{j\xi_0}}{\sqrt{q}} \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty} e^{j\pi \frac{s}{q}m^2}E_0(t-mT/q-\epsilon_{pq}T/2)$$ where $\epsilon _{pq}$ denotes the parity of the product $pq$, i.e. $\epsilon _{pq} =1$ for $pq$ odd and zero for $pq$ even, and where we have omitted the $\tau _c/2$ delay. Hence, the train consists of a series of transform-limited pulses mutually separated by a fraction $T/q$ of the original period. Each of these pulses is multiplied by a quadratic
[ 14323, 3, 940, 36545, 13, 1675, 2148, 257, 8472, 8636, 286, 428, 40874, 11, 262, 7226, 376, 12418, 44, 19445, 9647, 286, 257, 1160, 12, 23741, 3963, 34, 318, 546, 2026, 26692, 11, 543, 2331, 6751, 284, 307, 6563, 351, 412, 48382, 13, 357, 17, 8, 290, 357, 18, 737, 554, 2035, 1339, 11, 356, 5503, 326, 262, 19445, 4512, 318, 6306, 453, 3170, 510, 290, 2603, 46558, 3417, 416, 262, 28810, 900, 286, 37410, 12306, 10455, 720, 70, 62, 77, 3, 287, 412, 80, 13, 357, 16, 828, 290, 523, 597, 584, 2060, 12, 79, 9615, 37410, 37188, 11, 910, 39280, 83, 44725, 1391, 70, 92, 7, 69, 8, 47113, 884, 326, 39280, 83, 44725, 1391, 70, 92, 7, 77, 69, 62, 82, 8, 796, 308, 62, 77, 3, 329, 720, 77, 59, 469, 657, 3, 290, 6632, 329, 720, 77, 27, 15, 3, 714, 423, 587, 973, 284, 6901, 262, 4512, 13, 383, 3572, 287, 412, 80, 13, 357, 18, 8, 318, 262, 24043, 11670, 351, 262, 11992, 25568, 3007, 11, 14811, 262, 2938, 7209, 2095, 286, 720, 70, 7, 69, 8, 3, 290, 262, 8889, 286, 18480, 19998, 2174, 262, 9403, 8373, 11, 290, 13892, 257, 1277, 355, 4948, 457, 6210, 3781, 355, 481, 307, 3402, 2174, 13, 198, 37, 7861, 282, 7193, 13645, 1245, 685, 1954, 4357, 287, 1210, 11, 24866, 284, 13390, 282, 3815, 286, 262, 2029, 4750, 1720, 11, 720, 69, 62, 82, 59, 83, 559, 4808, 66, 28, 79, 14, 80, 47113, 351, 720, 79, 3, 290, 720, 80 ]
[ 15124, 3, 605, 12548, 13, 2057, 3493, 264, 15325, 16430, 315, 420, 57304, 11, 279, 14595, 435, 20484, 44, 28334, 2430, 315, 264, 220, 508, 12279, 11732, 3083, 34, 374, 922, 220, 1135, 4831, 11, 902, 5084, 14343, 311, 387, 16913, 449, 469, 27455, 13, 320, 17, 8, 323, 320, 18, 570, 763, 3060, 1162, 11, 584, 8631, 430, 279, 28334, 5542, 374, 9526, 750, 5918, 709, 323, 7033, 336, 7167, 7633, 555, 279, 44279, 743, 315, 57077, 1097, 2344, 29246, 400, 70, 1107, 3, 304, 34222, 13, 320, 16, 705, 323, 779, 904, 1023, 3254, 2320, 17660, 57077, 45209, 11, 2019, 59060, 1678, 451, 314, 70, 26628, 69, 15437, 11, 1778, 430, 59060, 1678, 451, 314, 70, 26628, 32837, 646, 8, 284, 342, 1107, 3, 369, 400, 77, 59, 713, 220, 15, 3, 323, 7315, 369, 400, 77, 27, 15, 3, 1436, 617, 1027, 1511, 311, 7664, 279, 5542, 13, 578, 5873, 304, 34222, 13, 320, 18, 8, 374, 279, 45648, 18641, 449, 279, 22772, 5339, 2436, 11, 32125, 279, 3685, 11113, 3752, 315, 400, 70, 968, 15437, 323, 279, 19821, 315, 29393, 34873, 3770, 279, 10533, 11900, 11, 323, 29790, 264, 2167, 97354, 14546, 6492, 439, 690, 387, 6982, 3770, 627, 63055, 278, 18051, 6465, 2515, 510, 1419, 1145, 304, 2543, 11, 34310, 311, 69309, 2819, 315, 279, 3485, 9932, 2027, 11, 400, 69, 646, 59, 30243, 721, 66, 17841, 34994, 55976, 449, 400, 79, 3, 323, 400, 80 ]
[ 3, 6293, 81, 547, 26864, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 11, 279, 13790, 4751, 304, 400, 77, 3, 304, 279, 1176, 10474, 4751, 304, 34222, 13, 320, 16, 8, 11105, 1578, 264, 3728, 7781, 59060, 30243, 721, 66, 14, 17, 284, 281, 51, 12148, 17, 80, 8, 13244, 578, 435, 8143, 35498, 374, 510, 1627, 11, 1644, 10556, 7, 19, 8, 14415, 36, 15511, 59, 10590, 275, 314, 37, 8143, 3500, 7, 83, 11992, 59, 38118, 90, 68, 48922, 73, 3546, 72, 62, 15, 3500, 36802, 27986, 90, 80, 3500, 1144, 1264, 15511, 76, 11065, 59, 258, 38058, 92, 48922, 42815, 258, 38058, 92, 384, 48922, 73, 59, 2554, 1144, 38118, 85486, 15523, 80, 92, 76, 61, 17, 92, 36, 62, 15, 1175, 1474, 51, 34994, 31629, 32867, 15511, 65116, 92, 51, 14, 17, 8, 14415, 198, 2940, 59060, 32867, 102499, 65116, 32816, 72214, 279, 50715, 315, 279, 2027, 400, 65116, 55976, 602, 1770, 13, 59060, 32867, 102499, 65116, 92, 284, 16, 3, 369, 400, 65116, 3, 10535, 323, 7315, 369, 400, 65116, 3, 1524, 11, 323, 1405, 584, 617, 40542, 279, 59060, 30243, 721, 66, 14, 17, 3, 7781, 13, 32140, 11, 279, 5542, 17610, 315, 264, 4101, 315, 5276, 2922, 32611, 66557, 53579, 19180, 555, 264, 19983, 400, 51, 34994, 3, 315, 279, 4113, 4261, 13, 9062, 315, 1521, 66557, 374, 56016, 555, 264, 80251 ]
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he will return to defend his… WORLD NUMBER ONE AND DEFENDING CHAMPION ROSE TO STAR AT INDONESIAN MASTERS Jakarta, September 20: England’s Justin Rose, whose career reached full bloom in early September when he became world number one, will return in December to defend his Indonesian Masters title which he won in thrilling fashion in 2017. The eighth edition of the prestigious Indonesian Masters will bring the curtain… How to See Other Devices Logged in to Your Google Account Chris Hoffman Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read nearly one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more... @chrisbhoffman Updated Jul 11, 2017, 10:54 pm EST | 2 min read Feel like you forgot to log out of Gmail on your friend’s computer? Google makes it
easy to see all the devices—laptop, phone, tablet, and otherwise—logged into your Google account. You can view both a list of IP addresses that have accessed it, and a list of devices that have actively used your account in the last 28 days. These aren’t necessarily complete lists. Google only shows devices that have recently accessed your account, not every device that may have access. It also doesn’t show devices that have accessed your account through connected apps. View Devices That Have Recently Accessed Your Account RELATED: Secure Your Online Accounts By Removing Third-Party App Access Google offers a Recently Used Devices page that shows you where specific devices have accessed your account. This page is available from the Sign-in & Security account section in your Google account settings page. You’ll see a list of recently used devices along with their locations—associated with their IP addresses—and when they were actively using your account. Click one of the devices and you’ll see more information, including the name of the device, what browser was used on it, and the approximate location the device was used in. Hopefully, all of these are devices you expect to see here. If you see one you don�
[ 339, 481, 1441, 284, 4404, 465, 1399, 198, 45359, 11163, 36871, 13246, 16329, 5357, 23449, 10619, 2751, 5870, 23518, 2849, 371, 14058, 5390, 25424, 5161, 24413, 39677, 16868, 337, 11262, 4877, 198, 41, 461, 34202, 11, 2693, 1160, 25, 4492, 447, 247, 82, 10799, 8049, 11, 3025, 3451, 4251, 1336, 29955, 287, 1903, 2693, 618, 339, 2627, 995, 1271, 530, 11, 481, 1441, 287, 3426, 284, 4404, 465, 28259, 15812, 3670, 543, 339, 1839, 287, 31610, 6977, 287, 2177, 13, 198, 464, 16974, 8313, 286, 262, 23566, 28259, 15812, 481, 2222, 262, 29461, 1399, 1374, 284, 4091, 3819, 29362, 50098, 287, 284, 3406, 3012, 10781, 198, 15645, 29010, 198, 15645, 29010, 318, 12058, 12, 259, 12, 23675, 286, 1374, 12, 2514, 33639, 13, 679, 338, 3194, 546, 3037, 329, 625, 257, 5707, 290, 373, 257, 4217, 10603, 22309, 329, 734, 812, 13, 5180, 468, 3194, 329, 383, 968, 1971, 3782, 11, 587, 12299, 355, 257, 3037, 5887, 319, 3195, 8985, 588, 8437, 338, 9716, 718, 11, 290, 550, 465, 670, 5017, 416, 1705, 12527, 588, 262, 7823, 13, 4619, 2813, 11, 5180, 468, 3194, 625, 362, 11, 830, 6685, 326, 423, 587, 1100, 3016, 530, 2997, 1661, 6329, 392, 326, 338, 655, 994, 379, 1374, 12, 2514, 33639, 13, 4149, 517, 986, 198, 31, 354, 2442, 34369, 2364, 805, 198, 17354, 5979, 1367, 11, 2177, 11, 838, 25, 4051, 9114, 17160, 930, 362, 949, 1100, 198, 35114, 588, 345, 16453, 284, 2604, 503, 286, 33662, 319, 534, 1545, 447, 247, 82, 3644, 30, 3012, 1838, 340 ]
[ 568, 690, 471, 311, 10726, 813, 90578, 54, 26001, 37936, 25002, 3651, 24806, 31979, 6969, 16407, 1294, 12076, 937, 5257, 57845, 7520, 19877, 61389, 22774, 386, 6483, 4419, 198, 90372, 26017, 11, 6250, 220, 508, 25, 9635, 753, 23278, 16344, 11, 6832, 7076, 8813, 2539, 52554, 304, 4216, 6250, 994, 568, 6244, 1917, 1396, 832, 11, 690, 471, 304, 6790, 311, 10726, 813, 59929, 34722, 2316, 902, 568, 2834, 304, 57399, 11401, 304, 220, 679, 22, 627, 791, 37477, 14002, 315, 279, 41385, 59929, 34722, 690, 4546, 279, 46866, 1981, 2650, 311, 3580, 7089, 41477, 58155, 304, 311, 4718, 5195, 8785, 198, 32978, 62982, 198, 32978, 62982, 374, 12865, 3502, 30653, 4843, 315, 2650, 59408, 71465, 13, 1283, 596, 5439, 922, 5557, 369, 927, 264, 13515, 323, 574, 264, 6812, 10343, 54187, 369, 1403, 1667, 13, 11517, 706, 5439, 369, 578, 1561, 4356, 8691, 11, 1027, 30147, 439, 264, 5557, 6335, 389, 6007, 17789, 1093, 18045, 596, 24426, 220, 21, 11, 323, 1047, 813, 990, 9960, 555, 3754, 28183, 1093, 279, 18588, 13, 8876, 220, 679, 16, 11, 11517, 706, 5439, 927, 220, 17, 11, 931, 9908, 430, 617, 1027, 1373, 7154, 832, 7239, 3115, 4521, 438, 430, 596, 1120, 1618, 520, 2650, 59408, 71465, 13, 4557, 810, 9522, 31, 331, 6091, 52971, 1885, 1543, 198, 16593, 10263, 220, 806, 11, 220, 679, 22, 11, 220, 605, 25, 4370, 9012, 26963, 765, 220, 17, 1332, 1373, 198, 34027, 1093, 499, 29695, 311, 1515, 704, 315, 62046, 389, 701, 4333, 753, 6500, 30, 5195, 3727, 433 ]
[ 4228, 311, 1518, 682, 279, 7766, 2345, 75, 16791, 11, 4641, 11, 21354, 11, 323, 6062, 2345, 25909, 1139, 701, 5195, 2759, 13, 1472, 649, 1684, 2225, 264, 1160, 315, 6933, 14564, 430, 617, 25790, 433, 11, 323, 264, 1160, 315, 7766, 430, 617, 22815, 1511, 701, 2759, 304, 279, 1566, 220, 1591, 2919, 627, 9673, 7784, 1431, 14647, 4686, 11725, 13, 5195, 1193, 5039, 7766, 430, 617, 6051, 25790, 701, 2759, 11, 539, 1475, 3756, 430, 1253, 617, 2680, 13, 1102, 1101, 3250, 1431, 1501, 7766, 430, 617, 25790, 701, 2759, 1555, 8599, 10721, 627, 860, 41477, 3011, 12522, 42096, 98400, 4718, 8785, 198, 35420, 25, 35602, 4718, 8267, 41755, 3296, 67803, 21530, 12, 38461, 1883, 9742, 198, 14783, 6209, 264, 42096, 12477, 41477, 2199, 430, 5039, 499, 1405, 3230, 7766, 617, 25790, 701, 2759, 13, 1115, 2199, 374, 2561, 505, 279, 7220, 3502, 612, 8398, 2759, 3857, 304, 701, 5195, 2759, 5110, 2199, 627, 2675, 4805, 1518, 264, 1160, 315, 6051, 1511, 7766, 3235, 449, 872, 10687, 2345, 50187, 449, 872, 6933, 14564, 17223, 994, 814, 1051, 22815, 1701, 701, 2759, 627, 2677, 832, 315, 279, 7766, 323, 499, 4805, 1518, 810, 2038, 11, 2737, 279, 836, 315, 279, 3756, 11, 1148, 7074, 574, 1511, 389, 433, 11, 323, 279, 45968, 3813, 279, 3756, 574, 1511, 304, 627, 69506, 11, 682, 315, 1521, 527, 7766, 499, 1755, 311, 1518, 1618, 13, 1442, 499, 1518, 832, 499, 1541, 5809 ]
of it to live our lives. We can get more money, but not more time. So if the person with a $2.5 million portfolio needs $1 million a year to live on and be happy, that person is relatively poor since he’s only banked 2.5 years of wealth. The person with $250,000, however, who only needs an extra $10,000 a year above Social Security, is rich with 25 years of wealth — assuming the portfolio keeps up with inflation, so it doesn’t require cutting back in later years. This simple formula has significant implications. You can either increase your net worth in dollars, which takes a very long time, or you can cut annual expenditures, which has an immediate impact on your wealth in years. Further, spending more money may only make you marginally happy in the short run. Jonathan Clements, the longtime personal finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal and editor of the Humble Dollar blog, has been researching and writing about money and happiness for many years. His new book, From Here to Financial Happiness — which Next Avenue recently featured in a Q and A with Clements — provides a simple roadmap to reach this lofty goal in just 77 days, spending only about five
of it to live our lives. We can get more money, but not more time. So if the person with a $2.5 million portfolio needs $1 million a year to live on and be happy, that person is relatively poor since he’s only banked 2.5 years of wealth. The person with $250,000, however, who only needs an extra $10,000 a year above Social Security, is rich with 25 years of wealth — assuming the portfolio keeps up with inflation, so it doesn’t require cutting back in later years. This simple formula has significant implications. You can either increase your net worth in dollars, which takes a very long time, or you can cut annual expenditures, which has an immediate impact on your wealth in years. Further, spending more money may only make you marginally happy in the short run. Jonathan Clements, the longtime personal finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal and editor of the Humble Dollar blog, has been researching and writing about money and happiness for many years. His new book, From Here to Financial Happiness — which Next Avenue recently featured in a Q and A with Clements — provides a simple roadmap to reach this lofty goal in just 77 days, spending only about five
to 10 minutes a day. To be clear, the goal is to be happier in this time frame, not necessarily financially independent. 1. Save diligently. This creates wealth by both increasing the numerator (dollars) of the equation above and decreasing the denominator (annual expenditures). 2. Keep debt to a minimum. The more interest you pay others, the less financial freedom you will have. It’s much better to have money working for you than against you as debt. 3. Insure against major financial threats. Bad things do happen, so insure against what you can’t afford to lose — nothing more, however. 4. Prepare for unemployment. Have an adequate reserve for all potential emergencies. 5. Hold down investment costs. Higher fees lead to lower returns. And your financial happiness is more important than how much those of us in the financial services industry make. 6. Minimize taxes. Taxes are costs, too, but a better goal is to make more money after taxes. You may not pay taxes on interest from that municipal bond, but you may make more after the tax bill with a taxable corporate or government bond. 7. Avoid unnecessarily risky investments. Though you may luck out once or
[ 286, 340, 284, 2107, 674, 3160, 13, 775, 460, 651, 517, 1637, 11, 475, 407, 517, 640, 13, 1406, 611, 262, 1048, 351, 257, 720, 17, 13, 20, 1510, 15320, 2476, 720, 16, 1510, 257, 614, 284, 2107, 319, 290, 307, 3772, 11, 326, 1048, 318, 5365, 3595, 1201, 339, 447, 247, 82, 691, 3331, 276, 362, 13, 20, 812, 286, 5129, 13, 383, 1048, 351, 720, 9031, 11, 830, 11, 2158, 11, 508, 691, 2476, 281, 3131, 720, 940, 11, 830, 257, 614, 2029, 5483, 4765, 11, 318, 5527, 351, 1679, 812, 286, 5129, 851, 13148, 262, 15320, 7622, 510, 351, 10610, 11, 523, 340, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 2421, 7720, 736, 287, 1568, 812, 13, 198, 1212, 2829, 10451, 468, 2383, 10939, 13, 198, 1639, 460, 2035, 2620, 534, 2010, 2861, 287, 5054, 11, 543, 2753, 257, 845, 890, 640, 11, 393, 345, 460, 2005, 5079, 22895, 11, 543, 468, 281, 7103, 2928, 319, 534, 5129, 287, 812, 13, 7735, 11, 4581, 517, 1637, 743, 691, 787, 345, 44108, 3772, 287, 262, 1790, 1057, 13, 198, 30365, 327, 3639, 11, 262, 15076, 2614, 9604, 22309, 329, 383, 5007, 3530, 4913, 290, 5464, 286, 262, 367, 10344, 29747, 4130, 11, 468, 587, 24114, 290, 3597, 546, 1637, 290, 12157, 329, 867, 812, 13, 2399, 649, 1492, 11, 3574, 3423, 284, 11302, 38456, 851, 543, 7406, 8878, 2904, 8096, 287, 257, 1195, 290, 317, 351, 327, 3639, 851, 3769, 257, 2829, 40332, 284, 3151, 428, 37248, 3061, 287, 655, 8541, 1528, 11, 4581, 691, 546, 1936 ]
[ 315, 433, 311, 3974, 1057, 6439, 13, 1226, 649, 636, 810, 3300, 11, 719, 539, 810, 892, 13, 2100, 422, 279, 1732, 449, 264, 400, 17, 13, 20, 3610, 20136, 3966, 400, 16, 3610, 264, 1060, 311, 3974, 389, 323, 387, 6380, 11, 430, 1732, 374, 12309, 8009, 2533, 568, 753, 1193, 6201, 291, 220, 17, 13, 20, 1667, 315, 12205, 13, 578, 1732, 449, 400, 5154, 11, 931, 11, 4869, 11, 889, 1193, 3966, 459, 5066, 400, 605, 11, 931, 264, 1060, 3485, 9983, 8398, 11, 374, 9257, 449, 220, 914, 1667, 315, 12205, 2001, 26619, 279, 20136, 13912, 709, 449, 25544, 11, 779, 433, 3250, 1431, 1397, 14713, 1203, 304, 3010, 1667, 627, 2028, 4382, 15150, 706, 5199, 25127, 627, 2675, 649, 3060, 5376, 701, 4272, 5922, 304, 11441, 11, 902, 5097, 264, 1633, 1317, 892, 11, 477, 499, 649, 4018, 9974, 53869, 11, 902, 706, 459, 14247, 5536, 389, 701, 12205, 304, 1667, 13, 15903, 11, 10374, 810, 3300, 1253, 1193, 1304, 499, 4850, 750, 6380, 304, 279, 2875, 1629, 627, 66091, 53227, 82, 11, 279, 36504, 4443, 17452, 54187, 369, 578, 9935, 6825, 10139, 323, 6576, 315, 279, 20449, 901, 43464, 5117, 11, 706, 1027, 45243, 323, 4477, 922, 3300, 323, 23871, 369, 1690, 1667, 13, 5414, 502, 2363, 11, 5659, 5810, 311, 17961, 79244, 2001, 902, 9479, 17569, 6051, 15109, 304, 264, 1229, 323, 362, 449, 53227, 82, 2001, 5825, 264, 4382, 69917, 311, 5662, 420, 87791, 5915, 304, 1120, 220, 2813, 2919, 11, 10374, 1193, 922, 4330 ]
[ 311, 220, 605, 4520, 264, 1938, 627, 1271, 387, 2867, 11, 279, 5915, 374, 311, 387, 44467, 304, 420, 892, 4124, 11, 539, 14647, 39075, 9678, 627, 16, 13, 10467, 91705, 13, 1115, 11705, 12205, 555, 2225, 7859, 279, 64633, 320, 78289, 1590, 8, 315, 279, 24524, 3485, 323, 44649, 279, 48012, 320, 64709, 53869, 4390, 17, 13, 13969, 11897, 311, 264, 8187, 13, 578, 810, 2802, 499, 2343, 3885, 11, 279, 2753, 6020, 11542, 499, 690, 617, 13, 1102, 753, 1790, 2731, 311, 617, 3300, 3318, 369, 499, 1109, 2403, 499, 439, 11897, 627, 18, 13, 9925, 554, 2403, 3682, 6020, 18208, 13, 11717, 2574, 656, 3621, 11, 779, 70632, 2403, 1148, 499, 649, 1431, 10150, 311, 9229, 2001, 4400, 810, 11, 4869, 627, 19, 13, 32266, 369, 26690, 13, 12522, 459, 26613, 21137, 369, 682, 4754, 69074, 627, 20, 13, 23588, 1523, 9341, 7194, 13, 35321, 12718, 3063, 311, 4827, 4780, 13, 1628, 701, 6020, 23871, 374, 810, 3062, 1109, 1268, 1790, 1884, 315, 603, 304, 279, 6020, 3600, 5064, 1304, 627, 21, 13, 3468, 12117, 13426, 13, 72837, 527, 7194, 11, 2288, 11, 719, 264, 2731, 5915, 374, 311, 1304, 810, 3300, 1306, 13426, 13, 1472, 1253, 539, 2343, 13426, 389, 2802, 505, 430, 27512, 11049, 11, 719, 499, 1253, 1304, 810, 1306, 279, 3827, 4121, 449, 264, 59453, 13166, 477, 3109, 11049, 627, 22, 13, 35106, 83474, 41273, 22538, 13, 18056, 499, 1253, 15369, 704, 3131, 477 ]
video games This is a list of video games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies, unless otherwise noted. This article also includes alternative measures for sales, including gross revenues and online subscriptions. Main https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/List_of_best-selling_video_games Kingdom Hearts III is new title in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is available for the PlayStation 4 and, for the first time in Kingdom Hearts history, Xbox One. Sora returns as the main character https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Kingdom_Hearts_III Main Page Headings - Featured Video Game Final Fantasy VII is one of the most iconic and recognizable video games of the modern era, and is available via a number of digital platforms, such as Steam, the Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Store and https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Main_Page_Headings_-_Featured_Video_Game List of GameCube video games with multiple discs This is a list of video games for the GameCube home console with two discs, organized alphabetically by name. B[edit| edit source] Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, Baten K
video games This is a list of video games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies, unless otherwise noted. This article also includes alternative measures for sales, including gross revenues and online subscriptions. Main https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/List_of_best-selling_video_games Kingdom Hearts III is new title in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is available for the PlayStation 4 and, for the first time in Kingdom Hearts history, Xbox One. Sora returns as the main character https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Kingdom_Hearts_III Main Page Headings - Featured Video Game Final Fantasy VII is one of the most iconic and recognizable video games of the modern era, and is available via a number of digital platforms, such as Steam, the Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Store and https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Main_Page_Headings_-_Featured_Video_Game List of GameCube video games with multiple discs This is a list of video games for the GameCube home console with two discs, organized alphabetically by name. B[edit| edit source] Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, Baten K
aitos Origins https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/List_of_GameCube_video_games_with_multiple_discs Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard is a first-person shooter set in the universe of Star Trek during the time of The Next Generation. The game was developed by MicroProse in 1998 https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation_-_Klingon_Honor_Guard Star Trek: The Next Generation - Future's Past Star Trek: The Next Generation - Future's Past is a SNES game in which Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D are sent to investigate a situation involving the https://gamicus.gamepedia.com/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation_-_Future's_Past Star Trek: The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past Star Trek: The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past is chiefly a top-down adventure game, though it also has pronounced strategy and puzzle-solving elements. It takes place in the Star Trek universe
[ 2008, 1830, 198, 1212, 318, 257, 1351, 286, 2008, 1830, 326, 423, 2702, 393, 14338, 379, 1551, 530, 1510, 9088, 11, 4556, 4306, 4367, 13, 770, 2708, 635, 3407, 5559, 5260, 329, 4200, 11, 1390, 10319, 13089, 290, 2691, 35675, 13, 8774, 198, 5450, 1378, 70, 18127, 385, 13, 6057, 50235, 13, 785, 14, 8053, 62, 1659, 62, 13466, 12, 16473, 62, 15588, 62, 19966, 198, 15708, 3438, 20592, 6711, 318, 649, 3670, 287, 262, 7526, 20592, 2168, 13, 632, 318, 1695, 329, 262, 14047, 604, 290, 11, 329, 262, 717, 640, 287, 7526, 20592, 2106, 11, 9445, 1881, 13, 42359, 5860, 355, 262, 1388, 2095, 198, 5450, 1378, 70, 18127, 385, 13, 6057, 50235, 13, 785, 14, 15708, 3438, 62, 1544, 5889, 62, 10855, 198, 13383, 7873, 7123, 654, 532, 38188, 7623, 3776, 198, 19006, 10982, 19691, 318, 530, 286, 262, 749, 14133, 290, 30264, 2008, 1830, 286, 262, 3660, 6980, 11, 290, 318, 1695, 2884, 257, 1271, 286, 4875, 9554, 11, 884, 355, 9094, 11, 262, 9714, 304, 29917, 11, 14047, 9363, 290, 198, 5450, 1378, 70, 18127, 385, 13, 6057, 50235, 13, 785, 14, 13383, 62, 9876, 62, 13847, 654, 31386, 37948, 62, 10798, 62, 8777, 198, 8053, 286, 3776, 29071, 2008, 1830, 351, 3294, 31014, 198, 1212, 318, 257, 1351, 286, 2008, 1830, 329, 262, 3776, 29071, 1363, 8624, 351, 734, 31014, 11, 8389, 24830, 1146, 416, 1438, 13, 347, 58, 19312, 91, 4370, 2723, 60, 6577, 268, 509, 4548, 418, 25, 21475, 17330, 290, 262, 9164, 10692, 11, 6577, 268, 509 ]
[ 2835, 3953, 198, 2028, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 2835, 3953, 430, 617, 6216, 477, 28358, 520, 3325, 832, 3610, 11236, 11, 7389, 6062, 10555, 13, 1115, 4652, 1101, 5764, 10778, 11193, 369, 6763, 11, 2737, 20547, 30466, 323, 2930, 41455, 13, 4802, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 77497, 3659, 34201, 48724, 20402, 68470, 198, 34655, 5717, 53876, 14767, 374, 502, 2316, 304, 279, 15422, 53876, 4101, 13, 1102, 374, 2561, 369, 279, 32365, 220, 19, 323, 11, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 304, 15422, 53876, 3925, 11, 21222, 3861, 13, 328, 6347, 4780, 439, 279, 1925, 3752, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 33954, 287, 5717, 62, 1548, 7183, 62, 23440, 198, 6334, 5874, 11452, 826, 482, 51319, 8519, 4140, 198, 19918, 27582, 46069, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 27373, 323, 66352, 2835, 3953, 315, 279, 6617, 11639, 11, 323, 374, 2561, 4669, 264, 1396, 315, 7528, 15771, 11, 1778, 439, 22578, 11, 279, 23643, 384, 20381, 11, 32365, 9307, 323, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 66341, 52640, 62, 12626, 826, 84200, 53043, 2388, 1926, 50323, 198, 861, 315, 4140, 44429, 2835, 3953, 449, 5361, 57795, 198, 2028, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 2835, 3953, 369, 279, 4140, 44429, 2162, 2393, 449, 1403, 57795, 11, 17057, 28890, 2740, 555, 836, 13, 426, 58, 3671, 91, 4600, 2592, 60, 426, 13827, 735, 1339, 437, 25, 67872, 46197, 323, 279, 28351, 22302, 11, 426, 13827, 735 ]
[ 1339, 437, 70591, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 77497, 3659, 50323, 44429, 20402, 68470, 6753, 46333, 38845, 82, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 80127, 263, 43044, 12542, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 80127, 263, 43044, 12542, 374, 264, 1176, 29145, 32671, 743, 304, 279, 15861, 315, 7834, 31571, 2391, 279, 892, 315, 578, 9479, 24367, 13, 578, 1847, 574, 8040, 555, 18654, 1360, 325, 304, 220, 2550, 23, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 14, 12988, 1159, 42961, 22810, 791, 1635, 428, 2712, 17699, 84200, 42, 2785, 263, 2083, 55137, 2712, 11280, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 12781, 596, 24561, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 12781, 596, 24561, 374, 264, 18407, 1600, 1847, 304, 902, 20263, 8288, 1791, 26987, 569, 323, 279, 13941, 315, 279, 549, 815, 815, 13, 26551, 9607, 527, 3288, 311, 19874, 264, 6671, 16239, 279, 198, 2485, 1129, 70, 4079, 355, 9283, 83150, 916, 14, 12988, 1159, 42961, 22810, 791, 1635, 428, 2712, 17699, 84200, 25184, 596, 1106, 561, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 38906, 288, 505, 279, 24561, 198, 12988, 31571, 25, 578, 9479, 24367, 482, 38906, 288, 505, 279, 24561, 374, 89382, 264, 1948, 15220, 18427, 1847, 11, 3582, 433, 1101, 706, 38617, 8446, 323, 25649, 99246, 5540, 13, 1102, 5097, 2035, 304, 279, 7834, 31571, 15861 ]
this administration has done in less than four years,” Okupe said. Home›blog›michael stanley net worth michael stanley net worth I am Michael Stanley, a man who is well known for his many accomplishments in the fields of business, politics, and philanthropy. I am also the author of the book, The Money Bomb: How to Make Money and Save Money, in which I share how I made $1.13 million dollars in the first three months of 2009. Most of you reading this have probably read Michael Stanley’s book. You probably know he’s also the author of the best-selling blog, The Money Bomb. Michael Stanley was a co-founder and owner of Net Worth.net. As the CEO and co-founder of the company, he’s the guy who made money so he could buy his way out of a financial disaster. I am also the author of the book, The Money Bomb How to Make Money and Save Money, in which I share how I made 1.13 million dollars in the first three months of 2009.Most of you reading this have probably read Michael Stanleys book. You probably know hes also the author of the best
this administration has done in less than four years,” Okupe said. Home›blog›michael stanley net worth michael stanley net worth I am Michael Stanley, a man who is well known for his many accomplishments in the fields of business, politics, and philanthropy. I am also the author of the book, The Money Bomb: How to Make Money and Save Money, in which I share how I made $1.13 million dollars in the first three months of 2009. Most of you reading this have probably read Michael Stanley’s book. You probably know he’s also the author of the best-selling blog, The Money Bomb. Michael Stanley was a co-founder and owner of Net Worth.net. As the CEO and co-founder of the company, he’s the guy who made money so he could buy his way out of a financial disaster. I am also the author of the book, The Money Bomb How to Make Money and Save Money, in which I share how I made 1.13 million dollars in the first three months of 2009.Most of you reading this have probably read Michael Stanleys book. You probably know hes also the author of the best
-selling blog, The Money Bomb.Michael Stanley was a co-founder and owner of Net Worth.net. He is currently the co-owner and CEO of Stanley Capital Management, a financial services firm that owns and manages some of the most important funds in the world. He also owns a private equity fund named Stanleys. Michael Stanley, a.k.a. Michael Stanley, is an American television and film producer. He is best known for directing the 2007 movie Sliding Doors. He is a co-founder and president of Net Worth.net, an internet marketing firm, and the former president and co-founder of Stanley Capital Management. He also founded and owns the Stanley Capital Fund, a hedge fund, and serves as its principal investment manager. Well, apparently the most important funds in the world are the ones he controls. A hedge fund that invests in the same securities as his private equity funds. And because he already owns the most important fund in the world, he’s making another one of his most important funds into a hedge fund. The most important fund in the world is his hedge fund, Stanley Capital Fund. It’s worth $4 billion and is a hedge fund that manages about $3 billion. He�
[ 428, 3662, 468, 1760, 287, 1342, 621, 1440, 812, 11, 447, 251, 6762, 48722, 531, 13, 5995, 447, 118, 14036, 447, 118, 76, 40302, 336, 272, 1636, 2010, 2861, 198, 76, 40302, 336, 272, 1636, 2010, 2861, 198, 40, 716, 3899, 14167, 11, 257, 582, 508, 318, 880, 1900, 329, 465, 867, 26516, 287, 262, 7032, 286, 1597, 11, 4819, 11, 290, 28150, 88, 13, 314, 716, 635, 262, 1772, 286, 262, 1492, 11, 383, 12911, 14476, 25, 1374, 284, 6889, 12911, 290, 12793, 12911, 11, 287, 543, 314, 2648, 703, 314, 925, 720, 16, 13, 1485, 1510, 5054, 287, 262, 717, 1115, 1933, 286, 3717, 13, 198, 6943, 286, 345, 3555, 428, 423, 2192, 1100, 3899, 14167, 447, 247, 82, 1492, 13, 921, 2192, 760, 339, 447, 247, 82, 635, 262, 1772, 286, 262, 1266, 12, 16473, 4130, 11, 383, 12911, 14476, 13, 198, 13256, 14167, 373, 257, 763, 12, 15454, 290, 4870, 286, 3433, 22301, 13, 3262, 13, 1081, 262, 6123, 290, 763, 12, 15454, 286, 262, 1664, 11, 339, 447, 247, 82, 262, 3516, 508, 925, 1637, 523, 339, 714, 2822, 465, 835, 503, 286, 257, 3176, 9336, 13, 198, 40, 716, 635, 262, 1772, 286, 262, 1492, 11, 383, 12911, 14476, 1374, 284, 6889, 12911, 290, 12793, 12911, 11, 287, 543, 314, 2648, 703, 314, 925, 352, 13, 1485, 1510, 5054, 287, 262, 717, 1115, 1933, 286, 3717, 13, 6943, 286, 345, 3555, 428, 423, 2192, 1100, 3899, 7299, 21325, 1492, 13, 921, 2192, 760, 10818, 635, 262, 1772, 286, 262, 1266 ]
[ 420, 8735, 706, 2884, 304, 2753, 1109, 3116, 1667, 2476, 7777, 86577, 1071, 13, 5492, 69209, 11921, 69209, 76, 60808, 46294, 3258, 4272, 5922, 198, 76, 60808, 46294, 3258, 4272, 5922, 198, 40, 1097, 8096, 31552, 11, 264, 893, 889, 374, 1664, 3967, 369, 813, 1690, 53881, 304, 279, 5151, 315, 2626, 11, 11759, 11, 323, 58738, 18237, 13, 358, 1097, 1101, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 2363, 11, 578, 18099, 33909, 25, 2650, 311, 7557, 18099, 323, 10467, 18099, 11, 304, 902, 358, 4430, 1268, 358, 1903, 400, 16, 13, 1032, 3610, 11441, 304, 279, 1176, 2380, 4038, 315, 220, 1049, 24, 627, 13622, 315, 499, 5403, 420, 617, 4762, 1373, 8096, 31552, 753, 2363, 13, 1472, 4762, 1440, 568, 753, 1101, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 1888, 48724, 5117, 11, 578, 18099, 33909, 627, 26597, 31552, 574, 264, 1080, 36927, 323, 6506, 315, 9558, 37246, 5181, 13, 1666, 279, 12432, 323, 1080, 36927, 315, 279, 2883, 11, 568, 753, 279, 7564, 889, 1903, 3300, 779, 568, 1436, 3780, 813, 1648, 704, 315, 264, 6020, 21426, 627, 40, 1097, 1101, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 2363, 11, 578, 18099, 33909, 2650, 311, 7557, 18099, 323, 10467, 18099, 11, 304, 902, 358, 4430, 1268, 358, 1903, 220, 16, 13, 1032, 3610, 11441, 304, 279, 1176, 2380, 4038, 315, 220, 1049, 24, 1345, 537, 315, 499, 5403, 420, 617, 4762, 1373, 8096, 15560, 48779, 2363, 13, 1472, 4762, 1440, 20365, 1101, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 1888 ]
[ 48724, 5117, 11, 578, 18099, 33909, 1345, 60808, 31552, 574, 264, 1080, 36927, 323, 6506, 315, 9558, 37246, 5181, 627, 1548, 374, 5131, 279, 1080, 70909, 323, 12432, 315, 31552, 18880, 9744, 11, 264, 6020, 3600, 7626, 430, 25241, 323, 29972, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 10736, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1283, 1101, 25241, 264, 879, 25452, 3887, 7086, 15560, 48779, 627, 26597, 31552, 11, 264, 5314, 5973, 13, 8096, 31552, 11, 374, 459, 3778, 12707, 323, 4632, 17276, 13, 1283, 374, 1888, 3967, 369, 46090, 279, 220, 1049, 22, 5818, 6995, 6714, 50717, 13, 1283, 374, 264, 1080, 36927, 323, 4872, 315, 9558, 37246, 5181, 11, 459, 7757, 8661, 7626, 11, 323, 279, 4846, 4872, 323, 1080, 36927, 315, 31552, 18880, 9744, 13, 1283, 1101, 18538, 323, 25241, 279, 31552, 18880, 13492, 11, 264, 42766, 3887, 11, 323, 17482, 439, 1202, 12717, 9341, 6783, 627, 11649, 11, 14132, 279, 1455, 3062, 10736, 304, 279, 1917, 527, 279, 6305, 568, 11835, 13, 362, 42766, 3887, 430, 2793, 82, 304, 279, 1890, 34919, 439, 813, 879, 25452, 10736, 13, 1628, 1606, 568, 2736, 25241, 279, 1455, 3062, 3887, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 568, 753, 3339, 2500, 832, 315, 813, 1455, 3062, 10736, 1139, 264, 42766, 3887, 627, 791, 1455, 3062, 3887, 304, 279, 1917, 374, 813, 42766, 3887, 11, 31552, 18880, 13492, 13, 1102, 753, 5922, 400, 19, 7239, 323, 374, 264, 42766, 3887, 430, 29972, 922, 400, 18, 7239, 13, 1283, 5809 ]