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for the UC Santa Cruz campus for his paper “Radically Expanding the Expressive Power of Serious Games.” Stern is a designer, researcher, writer, and engineer of “personality-rich, AI-based interactive characters and stories.” Stern and Mateas believe this type of interactive drama has the potential to be to this century what cinema was to the last: “[we] wanted to make an experience that could be played to some endpoint (there are a number of possible endings, of course) in a short amount of time, say the length of a half-hour TV show with the commercials removed. This is an antidote or contrarian response to the 50+ hours of game play common in contemporary games.” With games like Facade and The Restaurant Game, it’s easy to imagine AI agents that both learn from the people who interact with them and that can react with human-like adaptability to whatever situation they’re thrust into –- creating instant drama and never-ending variations in play. You may end up learning as much from them as they do from you. Are SpaceX and Tesla Motors the Future of 21st Century Transportation? “SixthSense” and the
for the UC Santa Cruz campus for his paper “Radically Expanding the Expressive Power of Serious Games.” Stern is a designer, researcher, writer, and engineer of “personality-rich, AI-based interactive characters and stories.” Stern and Mateas believe this type of interactive drama has the potential to be to this century what cinema was to the last: “[we] wanted to make an experience that could be played to some endpoint (there are a number of possible endings, of course) in a short amount of time, say the length of a half-hour TV show with the commercials removed. This is an antidote or contrarian response to the 50+ hours of game play common in contemporary games.” With games like Facade and The Restaurant Game, it’s easy to imagine AI agents that both learn from the people who interact with them and that can react with human-like adaptability to whatever situation they’re thrust into –- creating instant drama and never-ending variations in play. You may end up learning as much from them as they do from you. Are SpaceX and Tesla Motors the Future of 21st Century Transportation? “SixthSense” and the
Magic of Fluid Interfaces: An Interview with Pattie Maes of MIT Media Lab Brain-Computer Interfacing: From Prosthetic Limbs to Telepathy Chips Wearing the Internet Sousveillance: Wearable Computing and Citizen “Undersight” Shall we wish for the singularity to happen and could it happen without human intervention ? AI software common cancers diseases Distinctive patterns DNA methylation drugs Edward Albee Emotiv Systems gene expression Georgia scientists Grace Jeff Orkin Michael Mateas MIT Personal Robots Group Protein Prozac Robert Dziekanski Herschel Space Telescope’s SPIRE instrument package makes first-light observations Moonwalkers When Death is an Outlaw “The Transhumanist Wager” by Zoltan Istvan — review by Ben Goertzel yifancrusher April 21, 2010, 10:39 pm Could be interesting for psychologists.A PI is very handy and easy to understand, but hardly documented at all.It looks exciting. Tom Hammond April 7, 2010, 6:43 pm Hmm!. I am certain the young market will enjoy the concept of building a real scene with intimate behaviors as directed by their
[ 329, 262, 14417, 8909, 8742, 7611, 329, 465, 3348, 564, 250, 15546, 1146, 5518, 27225, 262, 5518, 3314, 4333, 286, 32231, 5776, 13, 447, 251, 22990, 318, 257, 11915, 11, 13453, 11, 6260, 11, 290, 11949, 286, 564, 250, 6259, 1483, 12, 7527, 11, 9552, 12, 3106, 14333, 3435, 290, 3923, 13, 447, 251, 198, 50, 759, 290, 24787, 292, 1975, 428, 2099, 286, 14333, 10512, 468, 262, 2785, 284, 307, 284, 428, 4289, 644, 22041, 373, 284, 262, 938, 25, 564, 250, 58, 732, 60, 2227, 284, 787, 281, 1998, 326, 714, 307, 2826, 284, 617, 36123, 357, 8117, 389, 257, 1271, 286, 1744, 38168, 11, 286, 1781, 8, 287, 257, 1790, 2033, 286, 640, 11, 910, 262, 4129, 286, 257, 2063, 12, 9769, 3195, 905, 351, 262, 30503, 4615, 13, 770, 318, 281, 50131, 393, 3445, 3699, 2882, 284, 262, 2026, 10, 2250, 286, 983, 711, 2219, 287, 11811, 1830, 13, 447, 251, 198, 3152, 1830, 588, 13585, 671, 290, 383, 26078, 3776, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 2562, 284, 5967, 9552, 6554, 326, 1111, 2193, 422, 262, 661, 508, 9427, 351, 606, 290, 326, 460, 6324, 351, 1692, 12, 2339, 6068, 1799, 284, 4232, 3074, 484, 447, 247, 260, 14613, 656, 784, 12, 4441, 9113, 10512, 290, 1239, 12, 1571, 13991, 287, 711, 13, 921, 743, 886, 510, 4673, 355, 881, 422, 606, 355, 484, 466, 422, 345, 13, 198, 8491, 26549, 290, 11938, 19292, 262, 10898, 286, 2310, 301, 13641, 15198, 30, 198, 447, 250, 21447, 400, 41166, 447, 251, 290, 262 ]
[ 369, 279, 31613, 16376, 21510, 15679, 369, 813, 5684, 1054, 43031, 2740, 7943, 26673, 279, 17855, 535, 7572, 315, 74596, 11871, 2029, 51850, 374, 264, 15034, 11, 32185, 11, 7061, 11, 323, 24490, 315, 1054, 9164, 2786, 41947, 11, 15592, 6108, 21416, 5885, 323, 7493, 49216, 50, 4253, 323, 44670, 300, 4510, 420, 955, 315, 21416, 20156, 706, 279, 4754, 311, 387, 311, 420, 9478, 1148, 34292, 574, 311, 279, 1566, 25, 66850, 906, 60, 4934, 311, 1304, 459, 3217, 430, 1436, 387, 6476, 311, 1063, 15233, 320, 19041, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 3284, 77697, 11, 315, 3388, 8, 304, 264, 2875, 3392, 315, 892, 11, 2019, 279, 3160, 315, 264, 4376, 21925, 6007, 1501, 449, 279, 63595, 7108, 13, 1115, 374, 459, 90687, 1295, 477, 6155, 8997, 2077, 311, 279, 220, 1135, 10, 4207, 315, 1847, 1514, 4279, 304, 19225, 3953, 49216, 2409, 3953, 1093, 17375, 1037, 323, 578, 26568, 4140, 11, 433, 753, 4228, 311, 13085, 15592, 13307, 430, 2225, 4048, 505, 279, 1274, 889, 16681, 449, 1124, 323, 430, 649, 14085, 449, 3823, 12970, 10737, 2968, 311, 8996, 6671, 814, 3207, 30985, 1139, 1389, 12, 6968, 9888, 20156, 323, 2646, 67897, 27339, 304, 1514, 13, 1472, 1253, 842, 709, 6975, 439, 1790, 505, 1124, 439, 814, 656, 505, 499, 627, 11787, 63024, 323, 28298, 37792, 279, 12781, 315, 220, 1691, 267, 28200, 30978, 5380, 2118, 42560, 339, 62109, 863, 323, 279 ]
[ 15852, 315, 60696, 80957, 25, 1556, 32567, 449, 45403, 648, 11583, 288, 315, 15210, 7972, 11868, 198, 66177, 12, 38432, 5783, 69, 4628, 25, 5659, 1322, 267, 27961, 13903, 1302, 311, 13875, 2398, 88, 87768, 198, 54, 13992, 279, 8191, 198, 50, 788, 61400, 25, 42162, 481, 46879, 323, 47317, 1054, 20552, 388, 492, 89874, 2059, 543, 584, 6562, 369, 279, 7936, 30079, 311, 3621, 323, 1436, 433, 3621, 2085, 3823, 21623, 18072, 15836, 3241, 4279, 51423, 19338, 28704, 7956, 535, 12912, 15922, 21747, 79933, 11217, 22653, 1708, 33131, 5867, 354, 344, 15264, 15207, 7645, 16272, 14248, 32171, 12149, 2582, 8148, 8096, 44670, 300, 15210, 19758, 97146, 5856, 49475, 1322, 96726, 8563, 423, 13846, 74, 598, 6780, 198, 39, 388, 331, 301, 11746, 87062, 753, 21061, 793, 14473, 6462, 3727, 1176, 18179, 24654, 198, 77119, 19599, 388, 198, 4599, 16290, 374, 459, 4470, 20510, 198, 14305, 4149, 26380, 380, 468, 1435, 863, 555, 1901, 6312, 276, 60590, 16023, 2001, 3477, 555, 7505, 6122, 531, 28493, 198, 88, 333, 1149, 81, 52780, 197, 5936, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 679, 15, 11, 220, 605, 25, 2137, 9012, 198, 13191, 387, 7185, 369, 74191, 885, 23396, 374, 1633, 26222, 323, 4228, 311, 3619, 11, 719, 20781, 27470, 520, 682, 28628, 5992, 13548, 627, 25763, 65443, 197, 5936, 220, 22, 11, 220, 679, 15, 11, 220, 21, 25, 3391, 9012, 198, 81122, 15725, 358, 1097, 3738, 279, 3995, 3157, 690, 4774, 279, 7434, 315, 4857, 264, 1972, 6237, 449, 32487, 28198, 439, 15910, 555, 872 ]
by. Now here’s what Marcus Welby was. He was a family physician. He would get up in the morning, he would go to the homeless shelter, take care of people for free. On the way home to lunch, a cow would be having trouble delivering a calf, he’d deliver it. He’d then go to his family medicine office in the afternoon, and then at night he’d do left ventricular neurosurgery. We were Gods, we could do everything, that’s how people viewed us. In the 2010s this is what we had. Anybody remember this guy? (Laughter) He was a drug-addicted, sex-addicted, really smart guy that couldn’t communicate or see patients. That’s what people viewed us. The number one TV show of 2023? Was Doctor WHO, which stands for Watson Hybrid Organo Doc, who basically fell in love with his robotic-bionic counterpart who does all the scientific stuff while he does the emotional stuff. And as you can imagine, hilarity ensues. By the way … (Laughter) By the way the first season of Doctor WHO
by. Now here’s what Marcus Welby was. He was a family physician. He would get up in the morning, he would go to the homeless shelter, take care of people for free. On the way home to lunch, a cow would be having trouble delivering a calf, he’d deliver it. He’d then go to his family medicine office in the afternoon, and then at night he’d do left ventricular neurosurgery. We were Gods, we could do everything, that’s how people viewed us. In the 2010s this is what we had. Anybody remember this guy? (Laughter) He was a drug-addicted, sex-addicted, really smart guy that couldn’t communicate or see patients. That’s what people viewed us. The number one TV show of 2023? Was Doctor WHO, which stands for Watson Hybrid Organo Doc, who basically fell in love with his robotic-bionic counterpart who does all the scientific stuff while he does the emotional stuff. And as you can imagine, hilarity ensues. By the way … (Laughter) By the way the first season of Doctor WHO
is available on Google Glass implantable chips, available at Stevie’s Vinyl Records and Implantable Chips on South Street. (Laughter) So the other thing we embraced was entrepreneurship. We recognized that being academic and entrepreneurial just were not mutually exclusive, and we also recognized that we had to enhance the consumer experience. It really was lousy going to a physician. This is what it looked like back in 2014. Female: What’s wrong? Stevenson: I don’t feel so good. F: Then you need to go to a doctor. Female nurse: Mr. Stephenson? S: Stevenson. FN: Do you have any allergies? How would you describe your symptoms? What is the general area of pain? Does your family have a history of heart disease or diabetes? Doctor: And what seems to be the problem today, Mr. Stevenson? S: I’m feeling a little stuffed up. I’m experiencing some … FN: Doctor, your 3 o’clock is early, your 2:45 is late from 6 and 7. D: Follow these instructions; if it doesn’t clear up in a week or two, come back
[ 1525, 13, 2735, 994, 447, 247, 82, 644, 17068, 22268, 1525, 373, 13, 679, 373, 257, 1641, 14325, 13, 679, 561, 651, 510, 287, 262, 3329, 11, 339, 561, 467, 284, 262, 10463, 11772, 11, 198, 20657, 1337, 286, 661, 329, 1479, 13, 1550, 262, 835, 1363, 284, 9965, 11, 257, 9875, 561, 198, 1350, 1719, 5876, 13630, 257, 31134, 11, 339, 447, 247, 67, 5203, 340, 13, 679, 447, 247, 67, 788, 467, 284, 465, 1641, 9007, 198, 31810, 287, 262, 6672, 11, 290, 788, 379, 1755, 339, 447, 247, 67, 466, 198, 9464, 7435, 41001, 7669, 11793, 7076, 13, 775, 547, 15391, 11, 356, 714, 466, 2279, 11, 198, 5562, 447, 247, 82, 703, 661, 9569, 514, 13, 554, 262, 3050, 82, 428, 318, 644, 356, 550, 13, 198, 7149, 2618, 3505, 428, 3516, 30, 357, 43, 3637, 8, 679, 373, 257, 2563, 12, 2860, 5722, 11, 198, 8044, 12, 2860, 5722, 11, 1107, 4451, 3516, 326, 3521, 447, 247, 83, 10996, 393, 766, 3871, 13, 1320, 447, 247, 82, 644, 661, 9569, 514, 13, 383, 1271, 530, 3195, 905, 286, 1160, 1954, 30, 8920, 9356, 19494, 11, 543, 198, 1481, 82, 329, 14959, 29481, 7221, 78, 14432, 11, 508, 6209, 3214, 287, 1842, 198, 4480, 465, 25810, 12, 65, 26523, 11283, 508, 857, 477, 262, 5654, 3404, 198, 4514, 339, 857, 262, 7016, 3404, 13, 843, 355, 345, 460, 5967, 11, 17570, 414, 3140, 947, 13, 2750, 262, 835, 3926, 357, 43, 3637, 8, 2750, 262, 835, 262, 717, 1622, 286, 9356, 19494 ]
[ 1729, 13, 4800, 1618, 753, 1148, 36783, 26056, 1729, 574, 13, 1283, 574, 264, 3070, 28378, 13, 1283, 1053, 636, 709, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 568, 1053, 733, 311, 279, 23855, 23756, 345, 23609, 2512, 315, 1274, 369, 1949, 13, 1952, 279, 1648, 2162, 311, 16163, 11, 264, 19923, 1053, 198, 1395, 3515, 12544, 24944, 264, 65643, 11, 568, 7070, 6493, 433, 13, 1283, 7070, 1243, 733, 311, 813, 3070, 16088, 198, 27614, 304, 279, 13658, 11, 323, 1243, 520, 3814, 568, 7070, 656, 198, 2414, 10594, 57333, 18247, 82, 85392, 13, 1226, 1051, 44875, 11, 584, 1436, 656, 4395, 345, 9210, 753, 1268, 1274, 19894, 603, 13, 763, 279, 220, 679, 15, 82, 420, 374, 1148, 584, 1047, 627, 8780, 2664, 6227, 420, 7564, 30, 320, 8921, 7490, 8, 1283, 574, 264, 5623, 19082, 13060, 345, 11814, 19082, 13060, 11, 2216, 7941, 7564, 430, 7846, 1431, 19570, 477, 1518, 6978, 13, 3011, 753, 1148, 1274, 19894, 603, 13, 578, 1396, 832, 6007, 1501, 315, 220, 2366, 18, 30, 15148, 19150, 40312, 11, 902, 198, 97815, 369, 32580, 50727, 34806, 5770, 22452, 11, 889, 13524, 11299, 304, 3021, 198, 4291, 813, 59101, 1481, 21427, 45116, 889, 1587, 682, 279, 12624, 6392, 198, 3556, 568, 1587, 279, 14604, 6392, 13, 1628, 439, 499, 649, 13085, 11, 36759, 488, 4675, 1157, 13, 3296, 279, 1648, 4696, 320, 8921, 7490, 8, 3296, 279, 1648, 279, 1176, 3280, 315, 19150, 40312 ]
[ 374, 2561, 389, 5195, 21396, 198, 6517, 519, 481, 24512, 11, 2561, 520, 3441, 64519, 753, 54634, 22293, 198, 438, 2417, 21494, 481, 87768, 389, 4987, 6825, 13, 320, 8921, 7490, 8, 2100, 279, 1023, 3245, 584, 43603, 198, 16514, 75505, 13, 1226, 15324, 430, 1694, 14584, 198, 438, 70406, 1120, 1051, 539, 53579, 14079, 11, 323, 584, 1101, 15324, 430, 584, 1047, 198, 998, 18885, 279, 11761, 3217, 13, 1102, 2216, 574, 326, 94623, 2133, 311, 264, 28378, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 433, 7111, 1093, 1203, 304, 220, 679, 19, 13, 29738, 25, 3639, 753, 5076, 5380, 626, 5230, 34237, 25, 358, 1541, 1431, 2733, 779, 1695, 13, 435, 25, 5112, 499, 1205, 311, 733, 311, 264, 10896, 13, 29738, 29198, 25, 4491, 13, 41659, 34237, 5380, 50, 25, 83048, 13, 50587, 25, 3234, 499, 617, 904, 58742, 30, 2650, 1053, 499, 7664, 701, 13803, 5380, 3923, 374, 279, 4689, 3158, 315, 6784, 30, 12838, 701, 3070, 617, 264, 3925, 198, 1073, 4851, 8624, 477, 20335, 30, 19150, 25, 1628, 1148, 5084, 198, 998, 387, 279, 3575, 3432, 11, 4491, 13, 83048, 30, 328, 25, 358, 4344, 8430, 264, 2697, 45413, 709, 627, 40, 4344, 25051, 1063, 4696, 50587, 25, 19150, 11, 701, 220, 18, 297, 529, 21321, 374, 4216, 345, 22479, 220, 17, 25, 1774, 374, 3389, 505, 220, 21, 323, 220, 22, 13, 423, 25, 11359, 1521, 11470, 26, 422, 433, 3250, 1431, 2867, 709, 304, 264, 2046, 477, 1403, 345, 2063, 1203 ]
existed for nearly 50 years and its international statute gives it a joint mission: protecting food safety and promoting world food trade. It is supposed to do so by adopting voluntary guidelines and standards (defining foods in international trade) and its decisions are enforced through the World Trade Organization (WTO) which considers its guidelines and standards as presumptive evidence in WTO trade disputes. It has become a creature of the Bigs – Big Govt, Big Agra, Big Pharma… etc. In order to understand what Codex Alimentarius is, one needs to know it has nothing to do with consumer protection as its charter says. Such statement is just a catchy phrase to have the people and the nations approve its implementation. “Codex Alimentarius” means “food rules” in Latin. The plan was born in 1962 when the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) was founded by the U.N. to supposedly facilitate trade relations. In reality, it was created to regulate and control the way in which food and nutrition are guided and how products are sold to people. It is indeed all about the profits of multi-national corporations. The relation is very simple: the more natural products people use, the less profits the pharmaceutical corporations make. Codex Aliment
existed for nearly 50 years and its international statute gives it a joint mission: protecting food safety and promoting world food trade. It is supposed to do so by adopting voluntary guidelines and standards (defining foods in international trade) and its decisions are enforced through the World Trade Organization (WTO) which considers its guidelines and standards as presumptive evidence in WTO trade disputes. It has become a creature of the Bigs – Big Govt, Big Agra, Big Pharma… etc. In order to understand what Codex Alimentarius is, one needs to know it has nothing to do with consumer protection as its charter says. Such statement is just a catchy phrase to have the people and the nations approve its implementation. “Codex Alimentarius” means “food rules” in Latin. The plan was born in 1962 when the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) was founded by the U.N. to supposedly facilitate trade relations. In reality, it was created to regulate and control the way in which food and nutrition are guided and how products are sold to people. It is indeed all about the profits of multi-national corporations. The relation is very simple: the more natural products people use, the less profits the pharmaceutical corporations make. Codex Aliment
arius was created to protect Big Pharma´s profits through the elimination of natural health products and treatments. What is more alarming at this point is that Codex was approved on December 31st, 2009. After this plan was signed, it was mandated on all member countries through its approval by Congresses around the world; a lot like the Copenhagen Treaty. Superbugs within Big Corp Superbugs are bacteria that developed an ability to fight antibiotics. Examples of superbugs first appeared in Europe in the 60’s and since then they spread freely around the world. In the United States, deaths from the MRSA superbug infections reached 17,000 in 2005. A survey conducted in 2007 found that ST398, a new version of MRSA, was present in 39% of pigs and 81% of local piggeries in the Netherlands. Further research has found that MRSA is in at least two thirds of the farms located in E.U. member countries. In studies conducted around Europe, researchers found that Spain and Germany were two of the countries with the highest incidence of MRSA in their farms; with over 40% of pigs testing positive for MRSA. That is why it does not come as a surprise that the Europeans send most of their pork meat overseas. According to the
[ 11196, 329, 3016, 2026, 812, 290, 663, 3230, 14195, 3607, 340, 257, 6466, 4365, 25, 10192, 2057, 3747, 290, 11560, 995, 2057, 3292, 13, 632, 318, 4385, 284, 466, 523, 416, 22868, 16171, 9949, 290, 5423, 357, 4299, 3191, 9013, 287, 3230, 3292, 8, 290, 663, 5370, 389, 20326, 832, 262, 2159, 9601, 12275, 357, 54, 10468, 8, 543, 14358, 663, 9949, 290, 5423, 355, 39715, 2370, 287, 47074, 3292, 18563, 13, 632, 468, 1716, 257, 7185, 286, 262, 4403, 82, 784, 4403, 10964, 83, 11, 4403, 2449, 430, 11, 4403, 41845, 1399, 3503, 13, 198, 818, 1502, 284, 1833, 644, 41982, 978, 3681, 19897, 318, 11, 530, 2476, 284, 760, 340, 468, 2147, 284, 466, 351, 7172, 4800, 355, 663, 17422, 1139, 13, 8013, 2643, 318, 655, 257, 46124, 9546, 284, 423, 262, 661, 290, 262, 7027, 14762, 663, 7822, 13, 564, 250, 43806, 1069, 978, 3681, 19897, 447, 251, 1724, 564, 250, 19425, 3173, 447, 251, 287, 9133, 13, 383, 1410, 373, 4642, 287, 20033, 618, 262, 41982, 978, 3681, 19897, 4513, 357, 34, 2246, 8, 373, 9393, 416, 262, 471, 13, 45, 13, 284, 13519, 15570, 3292, 2316, 13, 554, 3950, 11, 340, 373, 2727, 284, 16697, 290, 1630, 262, 835, 287, 543, 2057, 290, 16633, 389, 17455, 290, 703, 3186, 389, 2702, 284, 661, 13, 632, 318, 5600, 477, 546, 262, 10177, 286, 5021, 12, 14648, 10225, 13, 383, 8695, 318, 845, 2829, 25, 262, 517, 3288, 3186, 661, 779, 11, 262, 1342, 10177, 262, 18423, 10225, 787, 13, 41982, 978, 3681 ]
[ 25281, 369, 7154, 220, 1135, 1667, 323, 1202, 6625, 35786, 6835, 433, 264, 10496, 9131, 25, 22973, 3691, 7296, 323, 22923, 1917, 3691, 6696, 13, 1102, 374, 10171, 311, 656, 779, 555, 48810, 37079, 17959, 323, 10886, 320, 755, 5859, 15657, 304, 6625, 6696, 8, 323, 1202, 11429, 527, 45421, 1555, 279, 4435, 17657, 21021, 320, 54, 5319, 8, 902, 32238, 1202, 17959, 323, 10886, 439, 23073, 54835, 6029, 304, 100233, 6696, 42254, 13, 1102, 706, 3719, 264, 17661, 315, 279, 6295, 82, 1389, 6295, 25428, 83, 11, 6295, 362, 33050, 11, 6295, 79881, 1981, 5099, 627, 644, 2015, 311, 3619, 1148, 34777, 327, 1708, 3904, 41321, 374, 11, 832, 3966, 311, 1440, 433, 706, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 11761, 9313, 439, 1202, 38124, 2795, 13, 15483, 5224, 374, 1120, 264, 86605, 17571, 311, 617, 279, 1274, 323, 279, 17089, 29251, 1202, 8292, 13, 1054, 64791, 327, 1708, 3904, 41321, 863, 3445, 1054, 14239, 5718, 863, 304, 20023, 13, 578, 3197, 574, 9405, 304, 220, 5162, 17, 994, 279, 34777, 327, 1708, 3904, 41321, 9849, 320, 93932, 8, 574, 18538, 555, 279, 549, 2112, 13, 311, 33828, 28696, 6696, 4398, 13, 763, 8903, 11, 433, 574, 3549, 311, 37377, 323, 2585, 279, 1648, 304, 902, 3691, 323, 26677, 527, 33687, 323, 1268, 3956, 527, 6216, 311, 1274, 13, 1102, 374, 13118, 682, 922, 279, 22613, 315, 7447, 75629, 25341, 13, 578, 12976, 374, 1633, 4382, 25, 279, 810, 5933, 3956, 1274, 1005, 11, 279, 2753, 22613, 279, 35410, 25341, 1304, 13, 34777, 327, 1708, 3904 ]
[ 41321, 574, 3549, 311, 6144, 6295, 79881, 56476, 22613, 1555, 279, 44032, 315, 5933, 2890, 3956, 323, 22972, 13, 3639, 374, 810, 57376, 520, 420, 1486, 374, 430, 34777, 327, 574, 12054, 389, 6790, 220, 2148, 267, 11, 220, 1049, 24, 13, 4740, 420, 3197, 574, 8667, 11, 433, 574, 65509, 389, 682, 4562, 5961, 1555, 1202, 14765, 555, 8151, 288, 2212, 279, 1917, 26, 264, 2763, 1093, 279, 64161, 52131, 627, 19841, 57276, 2949, 6295, 22621, 198, 19841, 57276, 527, 24032, 430, 8040, 459, 5845, 311, 4465, 46850, 13, 26379, 315, 2307, 57276, 1176, 9922, 304, 4606, 304, 279, 220, 1399, 753, 323, 2533, 1243, 814, 9041, 26662, 2212, 279, 1917, 13, 763, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 16779, 505, 279, 29433, 7934, 2307, 2365, 30020, 8813, 220, 1114, 11, 931, 304, 220, 1049, 20, 13, 362, 10795, 13375, 304, 220, 1049, 22, 1766, 430, 4015, 19838, 11, 264, 502, 2373, 315, 29433, 7934, 11, 574, 3118, 304, 220, 2137, 4, 315, 49910, 323, 220, 5932, 4, 315, 2254, 281, 4601, 552, 304, 279, 26746, 13, 15903, 3495, 706, 1766, 430, 29433, 7934, 374, 304, 520, 3325, 1403, 94237, 315, 279, 34324, 7559, 304, 469, 5368, 13, 4562, 5961, 13, 763, 7978, 13375, 2212, 4606, 11, 12074, 1766, 430, 18157, 323, 10057, 1051, 1403, 315, 279, 5961, 449, 279, 8592, 39775, 315, 29433, 7934, 304, 872, 34324, 26, 449, 927, 220, 1272, 4, 315, 49910, 7649, 6928, 369, 29433, 7934, 13, 3011, 374, 3249, 433, 1587, 539, 2586, 439, 264, 13051, 430, 279, 51607, 3708, 1455, 315, 872, 36167, 13339, 25355, 13, 10771, 311, 279 ]
A Warm Welcome from the International Team The International Team is part of the Family Association and currently has 24 different nationality/language group Representatives. The team is involved in various school and Family Association events throughout the year, celebrating the amazingly diverse BSN international community. This includes our Welcome Days, International Festival and Summer and Winter Fairs, plus much more. As parents, we understand the challenges facing families arriving and settling in a new country. Our Representatives help new families feel welcome and navigate the BSN and their new environment easily. All Representatives are volunteers and sit across our five campuses. If you would like to join the team, contact the International Team Lead, Ren Bryden, at [email protected] If you would like to meet other people from your home country/ community, a contact list of current Representatives can be found on Gateway under the FA pages. 17 Learning Self-Expression Natasha Devon MBE at the BSN Staff Conference 2019 “The words to describe how we feel may not exist. Creativity, art, music, dance and drama are wordless ways to express ourselves.” The keynote speaker for this year’s BSN Staff Conference was Natasha Devon MBE. She is a renowned mental health awareness campaigner
A Warm Welcome from the International Team The International Team is part of the Family Association and currently has 24 different nationality/language group Representatives. The team is involved in various school and Family Association events throughout the year, celebrating the amazingly diverse BSN international community. This includes our Welcome Days, International Festival and Summer and Winter Fairs, plus much more. As parents, we understand the challenges facing families arriving and settling in a new country. Our Representatives help new families feel welcome and navigate the BSN and their new environment easily. All Representatives are volunteers and sit across our five campuses. If you would like to join the team, contact the International Team Lead, Ren Bryden, at [email protected] If you would like to meet other people from your home country/ community, a contact list of current Representatives can be found on Gateway under the FA pages. 17 Learning Self-Expression Natasha Devon MBE at the BSN Staff Conference 2019 “The words to describe how we feel may not exist. Creativity, art, music, dance and drama are wordless ways to express ourselves.” The keynote speaker for this year’s BSN Staff Conference was Natasha Devon MBE. She is a renowned mental health awareness campaigner
who was a UK Government Adviser. She regularly tours schools and colleges to campaign for better mental health provision for children and young people. Natasha explained that one in three people will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime and that one in ten 5 to 18 years olds has a diagnosable mental health illness. Importantly, she also emphasised that everybody has mental health that should be looked after as carefully as their physical health. It was fascinating to hear that the English language has a far more limited range of emotional vocabulary than many other languages. Other languages have a much richer vocabulary to express joy, anger, disappointment – something our multilingual community will identify with, I am sure! There were many nods of agreement as Natasha pointed out: “The words to describe how we feel may not exist. Creativity, art, music, dance and drama are wordless ways to express ourselves.” This is one of the many reasons for the BSN’s focus on the arts, both curricular and extra-curricular. Her excellent speech underlined that awareness and an understanding of mental health, both within the education system and in our homes, is crucial. Her powerful words were an important reminder that we should continue to make student and staff mental health and wellbeing
[ 198, 32, 25692, 19134, 422, 262, 4037, 4816, 383, 4037, 4816, 318, 636, 286, 262, 7884, 5396, 290, 3058, 468, 1987, 1180, 29835, 14, 16129, 1448, 17132, 13, 383, 1074, 318, 2950, 287, 2972, 1524, 290, 7884, 5396, 2995, 3690, 262, 614, 11, 17499, 262, 32513, 10084, 347, 15571, 3230, 2055, 13, 770, 3407, 674, 19134, 12579, 11, 4037, 11117, 290, 10216, 290, 10633, 376, 3468, 11, 5556, 881, 517, 13, 198, 1722, 3397, 11, 356, 1833, 262, 6459, 6476, 4172, 14820, 290, 25446, 287, 257, 649, 1499, 13, 3954, 17132, 1037, 649, 4172, 1254, 7062, 290, 16500, 262, 347, 15571, 290, 511, 649, 2858, 3538, 13, 1439, 17132, 389, 11661, 290, 1650, 1973, 674, 1936, 23003, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 561, 588, 284, 4654, 262, 1074, 11, 2800, 262, 4037, 4816, 20116, 11, 7152, 9092, 6559, 11, 379, 4037, 31, 1443, 77, 13331, 13, 785, 198, 1532, 345, 561, 588, 284, 1826, 584, 661, 422, 534, 1363, 1499, 14, 2055, 11, 257, 2800, 1351, 286, 1459, 17132, 460, 307, 1043, 319, 29916, 739, 262, 9677, 5468, 13, 1596, 198, 41730, 12189, 12, 16870, 2234, 41875, 36889, 10771, 36, 379, 262, 347, 15571, 9983, 8785, 13130, 564, 250, 464, 2456, 284, 6901, 703, 356, 1254, 743, 407, 2152, 13, 7921, 3458, 11, 1242, 11, 2647, 11, 9280, 290, 10512, 389, 1573, 1203, 2842, 284, 4911, 6731, 13, 447, 251, 383, 37332, 10834, 329, 428, 614, 447, 247, 82, 347, 15571, 9983, 8785, 373, 41875, 36889, 10771, 36, 13, 1375, 318, 257, 22140, 5110, 1535, 9359, 47219 ]
[ 198, 32, 46863, 20776, 505, 279, 7327, 8068, 578, 7327, 8068, 374, 961, 315, 279, 12517, 10229, 323, 5131, 706, 220, 1187, 2204, 59343, 89536, 1912, 40845, 13, 578, 2128, 374, 6532, 304, 5370, 2978, 323, 12517, 10229, 4455, 6957, 279, 1060, 11, 32689, 279, 63615, 17226, 426, 19503, 6625, 4029, 13, 1115, 5764, 1057, 20776, 21882, 11, 7327, 17772, 323, 19367, 323, 20704, 435, 4825, 11, 5636, 1790, 810, 627, 2170, 6699, 11, 584, 3619, 279, 11774, 13176, 8689, 33111, 323, 52945, 304, 264, 502, 3224, 13, 5751, 40845, 1520, 502, 8689, 2733, 10788, 323, 21546, 279, 426, 19503, 323, 872, 502, 4676, 6847, 13, 2052, 40845, 527, 23872, 323, 2503, 4028, 1057, 4330, 53008, 627, 2746, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 5249, 279, 2128, 11, 3729, 279, 7327, 8068, 30982, 11, 14094, 19803, 5294, 11, 520, 7327, 31, 1302, 77, 3716, 916, 198, 2746, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 3449, 1023, 1274, 505, 701, 2162, 3224, 14, 4029, 11, 264, 3729, 1160, 315, 1510, 40845, 649, 387, 1766, 389, 40478, 1234, 279, 15358, 6959, 13, 220, 1114, 198, 48567, 10323, 12, 9790, 87766, 60434, 386, 11855, 520, 279, 426, 19503, 17381, 15217, 220, 679, 24, 1054, 791, 4339, 311, 7664, 1268, 584, 2733, 1253, 539, 3073, 13, 18134, 1968, 11, 1989, 11, 4731, 11, 15612, 323, 20156, 527, 3492, 1752, 5627, 311, 3237, 13520, 2029, 578, 72005, 19114, 369, 420, 1060, 753, 426, 19503, 17381, 15217, 574, 87766, 60434, 386, 11855, 13, 3005, 374, 264, 37048, 10723, 2890, 17985, 4901, 261 ]
[ 889, 574, 264, 6560, 10423, 24874, 261, 13, 3005, 15870, 31261, 8853, 323, 31252, 311, 4901, 369, 2731, 10723, 2890, 17575, 369, 2911, 323, 3995, 1274, 13, 87766, 11497, 430, 832, 304, 2380, 1274, 690, 3217, 264, 10723, 2890, 4360, 304, 872, 19569, 323, 430, 832, 304, 5899, 220, 20, 311, 220, 972, 1667, 79573, 706, 264, 13493, 437, 481, 10723, 2890, 17563, 13, 13516, 18007, 11, 1364, 1101, 20654, 4147, 430, 16470, 706, 10723, 2890, 430, 1288, 387, 7111, 1306, 439, 15884, 439, 872, 7106, 2890, 13, 1102, 574, 27387, 311, 6865, 430, 279, 6498, 4221, 706, 264, 3117, 810, 7347, 2134, 198, 1073, 14604, 36018, 1109, 1690, 1023, 15823, 13, 7089, 15823, 617, 264, 1790, 59774, 36018, 311, 3237, 16267, 11, 19788, 11, 41698, 1389, 2555, 1057, 2814, 50923, 4029, 690, 10765, 449, 11, 358, 1097, 2771, 0, 2684, 1051, 1690, 83759, 315, 9306, 439, 87766, 14618, 704, 25, 1054, 791, 4339, 311, 7664, 1268, 584, 2733, 1253, 539, 3073, 13, 18134, 1968, 11, 1989, 11, 4731, 11, 15612, 323, 20156, 527, 3492, 1752, 5627, 311, 3237, 13520, 2029, 1115, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1690, 8125, 369, 279, 426, 19503, 753, 5357, 389, 279, 19071, 11, 2225, 2917, 57333, 323, 5066, 95149, 57333, 13, 6385, 9250, 8982, 1234, 15472, 430, 17985, 323, 459, 8830, 315, 10723, 2890, 11, 2225, 2949, 279, 6873, 1887, 323, 304, 1057, 10632, 11, 374, 16996, 13, 6385, 8147, 4339, 1051, 459, 3062, 27626, 430, 584, 1288, 3136, 311, 1304, 5575, 323, 5687, 10723, 2890, 323, 57930 ]
meets its ultimate demise. @glecharles Twitter is real-time for me and RSS is asynchronous–there's no way one could replace the other. — Nancy Foasberg (@nfoasberg) March 14, 2013 Mike Masnick Then here’s a non-Dan, Mike Masnick at TechDirt to warn us that the Googlers can’t really be trusted, in The Killing Of Google Reader Highlights The Risk Of Relying On A Single Provider: A very large number of folks I know feel like they practically live inside Google Reader — and I know (for example) that Google Reader is a huge driver of traffic to this site, so I get the feeling many of you use Google Reader as well. The thing that seems to have so many folks upset is the fact that there really aren’t any comparable alternatives if you want that same basic experience. In fact, you could argue that Google effectively killed off many of those alternatives… I wonder if Google may not realize the wider impact of this move. For example, it has me directly rethinking how much I rely on Google Calendar, Google Drive and Gmail. Now, I don’t think any of those are going away any time
meets its ultimate demise. @glecharles Twitter is real-time for me and RSS is asynchronous–there's no way one could replace the other. — Nancy Foasberg (@nfoasberg) March 14, 2013 Mike Masnick Then here’s a non-Dan, Mike Masnick at TechDirt to warn us that the Googlers can’t really be trusted, in The Killing Of Google Reader Highlights The Risk Of Relying On A Single Provider: A very large number of folks I know feel like they practically live inside Google Reader — and I know (for example) that Google Reader is a huge driver of traffic to this site, so I get the feeling many of you use Google Reader as well. The thing that seems to have so many folks upset is the fact that there really aren’t any comparable alternatives if you want that same basic experience. In fact, you could argue that Google effectively killed off many of those alternatives… I wonder if Google may not realize the wider impact of this move. For example, it has me directly rethinking how much I rely on Google Calendar, Google Drive and Gmail. Now, I don’t think any of those are going away any time
soon, but not too long ago (um, yesterday, according to some…) you could have said the same exact thing about Reader. UGH. There is no replacement of comparable quality. MT @glecharles: Goodbye Google Reader? No!!!!! http://t.co/VxUY21cmzw @verge — Jane Friedman (@JaneFriedman) March 14, 2013 Our Pollyanna entry—because somebody always has to say bad is good—comes from Marco Arment in Google Reader shutting down July 1: Back when it [Google Reader] was launched in 2005 (before iPhones), it destroyed the market for desktop RSS clients. Client innovation completely stopped for a few years until iOS made it a market again — but every major iOS RSS client is still dependent on Google Reader for feed crawling and sync. Now, we’ll be forced to fill the hole that Reader will leave behind, and there’s no immediately obvious alternative. We’re finally likely to see substantial innovation and competition in RSS desktop apps and sync platforms for the first time in almost a decade. And it was good — I could care less who hosts the feeds as long as I can continue to use Reeder. — Craig Mod (@
[ 11185, 663, 8713, 25403, 13, 198, 31, 70, 293, 10641, 829, 3009, 318, 1103, 12, 2435, 329, 502, 290, 25012, 318, 39354, 1906, 8117, 338, 645, 835, 530, 714, 6330, 262, 584, 13, 198, 960, 18496, 19434, 292, 3900, 4275, 77, 6513, 292, 3900, 8, 2805, 1478, 11, 2211, 198, 16073, 11066, 17172, 198, 6423, 994, 447, 247, 82, 257, 1729, 12, 21174, 11, 4995, 11066, 17172, 379, 9634, 35, 2265, 284, 9828, 514, 326, 262, 1514, 519, 8116, 460, 447, 247, 83, 1107, 307, 13467, 11, 287, 383, 25536, 3226, 3012, 25342, 30776, 383, 19602, 3226, 797, 3157, 1550, 317, 14206, 32549, 25, 198, 32, 845, 1588, 1271, 286, 7974, 314, 760, 1254, 588, 484, 14547, 2107, 2641, 3012, 25342, 851, 290, 314, 760, 357, 1640, 1672, 8, 326, 3012, 25342, 318, 257, 3236, 4639, 286, 4979, 284, 428, 2524, 11, 523, 314, 651, 262, 4203, 867, 286, 345, 779, 3012, 25342, 355, 880, 13, 383, 1517, 326, 2331, 284, 423, 523, 867, 7974, 9247, 318, 262, 1109, 326, 612, 1107, 3588, 447, 247, 83, 597, 13975, 14693, 611, 345, 765, 326, 976, 4096, 1998, 13, 554, 1109, 11, 345, 714, 7267, 326, 3012, 6840, 2923, 572, 867, 286, 883, 14693, 1399, 198, 40, 4240, 611, 3012, 743, 407, 6537, 262, 10595, 2928, 286, 428, 1445, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 340, 468, 502, 3264, 302, 28973, 703, 881, 314, 8814, 319, 3012, 26506, 11, 3012, 9974, 290, 33662, 13, 2735, 11, 314, 836, 447, 247, 83, 892, 597, 286, 883, 389, 1016, 1497, 597, 640 ]
[ 20628, 1202, 17139, 58964, 627, 31, 3491, 1799, 645, 6405, 374, 1972, 7394, 369, 757, 323, 30374, 374, 40107, 4235, 19041, 596, 912, 1648, 832, 1436, 8454, 279, 1023, 627, 2345, 35336, 32757, 300, 7881, 8165, 77, 831, 300, 7881, 8, 5587, 220, 975, 11, 220, 679, 18, 198, 35541, 20459, 21035, 198, 12487, 1618, 753, 264, 2536, 9607, 276, 11, 11519, 20459, 21035, 520, 17829, 35, 2154, 311, 8985, 603, 430, 279, 6122, 540, 9438, 649, 1431, 2216, 387, 22542, 11, 304, 578, 70677, 5046, 5195, 26226, 53300, 578, 32388, 5046, 432, 989, 287, 1952, 362, 11579, 23766, 512, 32, 1633, 3544, 1396, 315, 15687, 358, 1440, 2733, 1093, 814, 32367, 3974, 4871, 5195, 26226, 2001, 323, 358, 1440, 320, 2000, 3187, 8, 430, 5195, 26226, 374, 264, 6908, 5696, 315, 9629, 311, 420, 2816, 11, 779, 358, 636, 279, 8430, 1690, 315, 499, 1005, 5195, 26226, 439, 1664, 13, 578, 3245, 430, 5084, 311, 617, 779, 1690, 15687, 23268, 374, 279, 2144, 430, 1070, 2216, 7784, 1431, 904, 30139, 27548, 422, 499, 1390, 430, 1890, 6913, 3217, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 499, 1436, 18046, 430, 5195, 13750, 7577, 1022, 1690, 315, 1884, 27548, 90578, 40, 5895, 422, 5195, 1253, 539, 13383, 279, 22622, 5536, 315, 420, 3351, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 433, 706, 757, 6089, 312, 83360, 1268, 1790, 358, 17631, 389, 5195, 17263, 11, 5195, 16542, 323, 62046, 13, 4800, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 904, 315, 1884, 527, 2133, 3201, 904, 892 ]
[ 5246, 11, 719, 539, 2288, 1317, 4227, 320, 372, 11, 13985, 11, 4184, 311, 1063, 73939, 499, 1436, 617, 1071, 279, 1890, 4839, 3245, 922, 26226, 627, 38912, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 14039, 315, 30139, 4367, 13, 19629, 571, 3491, 1799, 645, 25, 7839, 29474, 5195, 26226, 30, 2360, 70900, 1795, 1129, 83, 6973, 28332, 87, 32401, 1691, 6358, 31881, 571, 424, 713, 198, 2345, 22195, 62458, 8165, 63602, 37, 4588, 1543, 8, 5587, 220, 975, 11, 220, 679, 18, 198, 8140, 94517, 12930, 4441, 2345, 28753, 18570, 2744, 706, 311, 2019, 3958, 374, 1695, 2345, 6716, 505, 35281, 1676, 479, 304, 5195, 26226, 51126, 1523, 5887, 220, 16, 512, 3792, 994, 433, 510, 14783, 26226, 60, 574, 11887, 304, 220, 1049, 20, 320, 15145, 73165, 705, 433, 14763, 279, 3157, 369, 17963, 30374, 8403, 13, 8589, 19297, 6724, 10717, 369, 264, 2478, 1667, 3156, 16433, 1903, 433, 264, 3157, 1578, 2001, 719, 1475, 3682, 16433, 30374, 3016, 374, 2103, 18222, 389, 5195, 26226, 369, 5510, 72179, 323, 13105, 13, 4800, 11, 584, 4805, 387, 9770, 311, 5266, 279, 14512, 430, 26226, 690, 5387, 4920, 11, 323, 1070, 753, 912, 7214, 8196, 10778, 13, 1226, 3207, 5616, 4461, 311, 1518, 12190, 19297, 323, 10937, 304, 30374, 17963, 10721, 323, 13105, 15771, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 304, 4661, 264, 13515, 627, 3112, 433, 574, 1695, 2001, 358, 1436, 2512, 2753, 889, 18939, 279, 35496, 439, 1317, 439, 358, 649, 3136, 311, 1005, 1050, 7442, 627, 2345, 29517, 5768, 8165 ]
click the blue info button to see what 1 serving equals) and click “Log”. The meal will be logged under the “Food Log” above and the macros will be subtracted from your daily goal. On the Today Page (click our logo), click “Skip” on the meal which you wish to skip. It will remove the recipes from your “Planned Meals” list and replace it with a graphic that shows the macros of the entire meal so that you can use those numbers to help plan an off-plan meal, if desired. Go to the Today Page (click our logo). The calories and macros will be subtracted from your daily goal. If you click the “Off-plan” button again, you will notice that all of your off-plan entries will be saved in the Recent tab, in case you ever want to log them again. Search for your food item. The list will automatically update. Click the “>” button. Enter in your serving size and click the green checkmark. For larger recipes that you don’t want to add to the app as a custom recipe, we recommend calculating elsewhere online using tools like this
click the blue info button to see what 1 serving equals) and click “Log”. The meal will be logged under the “Food Log” above and the macros will be subtracted from your daily goal. On the Today Page (click our logo), click “Skip” on the meal which you wish to skip. It will remove the recipes from your “Planned Meals” list and replace it with a graphic that shows the macros of the entire meal so that you can use those numbers to help plan an off-plan meal, if desired. Go to the Today Page (click our logo). The calories and macros will be subtracted from your daily goal. If you click the “Off-plan” button again, you will notice that all of your off-plan entries will be saved in the Recent tab, in case you ever want to log them again. Search for your food item. The list will automatically update. Click the “>” button. Enter in your serving size and click the green checkmark. For larger recipes that you don’t want to add to the app as a custom recipe, we recommend calculating elsewhere online using tools like this
. Too see progress and to have the app adjust your nutrition recommendations over time, be sure to regularly update your weight using the weight log which can be found on the Today Page (click our logo). Click Menu > Progress, to see how your weight has fluctuated over time. Click on the image of the recipe you want to add people to. Click the “Add people” button at the bottom of the screen. Edit the fields and click “Save and add”. This will save the person for future use. If their weight or goals fluctuate over time, be sure to come back and edit their information. Add as many people as you need. When done, click “Accept”. You grocery list and recipe will update automatically to include any other people. When you return to the meal plan page, you will see this symbol on any meal that has multiple people. Go to the Meal Plan page. Click on the image of the meal you want to remove people from. Click on the “Add people” button at the bottom. Click “Remove” and then click “Accept”. On the meal that has multiple people, click the “
[ 12976, 262, 4171, 7508, 4936, 284, 766, 644, 352, 7351, 21767, 8, 290, 3904, 564, 250, 11187, 447, 251, 13, 198, 464, 9799, 481, 307, 18832, 739, 262, 564, 250, 24602, 5972, 447, 251, 2029, 290, 262, 34749, 481, 307, 13284, 20216, 422, 534, 4445, 3061, 13, 198, 2202, 262, 6288, 7873, 357, 12976, 674, 11112, 828, 3904, 564, 250, 50232, 447, 251, 319, 262, 9799, 543, 345, 4601, 284, 14267, 13, 198, 1026, 481, 4781, 262, 14296, 422, 534, 564, 250, 3646, 3577, 2185, 874, 447, 251, 1351, 290, 6330, 340, 351, 257, 13028, 326, 2523, 262, 34749, 286, 262, 2104, 9799, 523, 326, 345, 460, 779, 883, 3146, 284, 1037, 1410, 281, 572, 12, 11578, 9799, 11, 611, 10348, 13, 198, 5247, 284, 262, 6288, 7873, 357, 12976, 674, 11112, 737, 198, 464, 14653, 290, 34749, 481, 307, 13284, 20216, 422, 534, 4445, 3061, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 3904, 262, 564, 250, 9362, 12, 11578, 447, 251, 4936, 757, 11, 345, 481, 4003, 326, 477, 286, 534, 572, 12, 11578, 12784, 481, 307, 7448, 287, 262, 22926, 7400, 11, 287, 1339, 345, 1683, 765, 284, 2604, 606, 757, 13, 198, 18243, 329, 534, 2057, 2378, 13, 383, 1351, 481, 6338, 4296, 13, 6914, 262, 564, 250, 29, 447, 251, 4936, 13, 198, 17469, 287, 534, 7351, 2546, 290, 3904, 262, 4077, 2198, 4102, 13, 198, 1890, 4025, 14296, 326, 345, 836, 447, 247, 83, 765, 284, 751, 284, 262, 598, 355, 257, 2183, 8364, 11, 356, 4313, 26019, 8057, 2691, 1262, 4899, 588, 428 ]
[ 3763, 279, 6437, 3630, 3215, 311, 1518, 1148, 220, 16, 13788, 17239, 8, 323, 4299, 1054, 2250, 113068, 791, 15496, 690, 387, 14042, 1234, 279, 1054, 27844, 2905, 863, 3485, 323, 279, 38814, 690, 387, 33356, 291, 505, 701, 7446, 5915, 627, 1966, 279, 11450, 5874, 320, 3763, 1057, 12708, 705, 4299, 1054, 36234, 863, 389, 279, 15496, 902, 499, 6562, 311, 10936, 627, 2181, 690, 4148, 279, 19141, 505, 701, 1054, 2169, 7443, 96350, 863, 1160, 323, 8454, 433, 449, 264, 21154, 430, 5039, 279, 38814, 315, 279, 4553, 15496, 779, 430, 499, 649, 1005, 1884, 5219, 311, 1520, 3197, 459, 1022, 74081, 15496, 11, 422, 12974, 627, 11087, 311, 279, 11450, 5874, 320, 3763, 1057, 12708, 4390, 791, 25247, 323, 38814, 690, 387, 33356, 291, 505, 701, 7446, 5915, 627, 2746, 499, 4299, 279, 1054, 4699, 74081, 863, 3215, 1578, 11, 499, 690, 5406, 430, 682, 315, 701, 1022, 74081, 10925, 690, 387, 6924, 304, 279, 35390, 5769, 11, 304, 1162, 499, 3596, 1390, 311, 1515, 1124, 1578, 627, 6014, 369, 701, 3691, 1537, 13, 578, 1160, 690, 9651, 2713, 13, 9369, 279, 1054, 29, 863, 3215, 627, 6403, 304, 701, 13788, 1404, 323, 4299, 279, 6307, 1817, 4075, 627, 2520, 8294, 19141, 430, 499, 1541, 1431, 1390, 311, 923, 311, 279, 917, 439, 264, 2587, 11363, 11, 584, 7079, 38714, 18403, 2930, 1701, 7526, 1093, 420 ]
[ 627, 32346, 1518, 5208, 323, 311, 617, 279, 917, 7652, 701, 26677, 19075, 927, 892, 11, 387, 2771, 311, 15870, 2713, 701, 4785, 1701, 279, 4785, 1515, 902, 649, 387, 1766, 389, 279, 11450, 5874, 320, 3763, 1057, 12708, 4390, 2677, 9937, 871, 16418, 11, 311, 1518, 1268, 701, 4785, 706, 39388, 13148, 927, 892, 627, 2677, 389, 279, 2217, 315, 279, 11363, 499, 1390, 311, 923, 1274, 311, 627, 2677, 279, 1054, 2261, 1274, 863, 3215, 520, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 4264, 627, 4126, 279, 5151, 323, 4299, 1054, 8960, 323, 923, 11453, 1115, 690, 3665, 279, 1732, 369, 3938, 1005, 13, 1442, 872, 4785, 477, 9021, 39388, 6426, 927, 892, 11, 387, 2771, 311, 2586, 1203, 323, 4600, 872, 2038, 627, 2261, 439, 1690, 1274, 439, 499, 1205, 13, 3277, 2884, 11, 4299, 1054, 17059, 113068, 2675, 30687, 1160, 323, 11363, 690, 2713, 9651, 311, 2997, 904, 1023, 1274, 13, 3277, 499, 471, 311, 279, 15496, 3197, 2199, 11, 499, 690, 1518, 420, 7891, 389, 904, 15496, 430, 706, 5361, 1274, 627, 11087, 311, 279, 57488, 9878, 2199, 627, 2677, 389, 279, 2217, 315, 279, 15496, 499, 1390, 311, 4148, 1274, 505, 627, 2677, 389, 279, 1054, 2261, 1274, 863, 3215, 520, 279, 5740, 627, 2677, 1054, 13319, 863, 323, 1243, 4299, 1054, 17059, 113068, 1966, 279, 15496, 430, 706, 5361, 1274, 11, 4299, 279, 1054 ]
David, as they machine-gunned the Liberty’s life rafts using armor-piercing projectiles. But now, new Israeli records obtained by Al Jazeera show Israel was 100% aware Liberty was a U.S. vessel. “The reconnaissance plane reported the Liberty as an American spy ship, hull number GTR5,” revealed the program. Al Jazeera also got their hands on real-time audio tapes, which are both informative and sickening, especially when one considers that these transmissions were made while men were dead and dying. Pilot: Does he screw her or not? Control Tower: He goes down on her with low napalm. In another, “the Israeli military argued about what should happen next and who should sink the Liberty,” again with ruthless and evil language. Control Tower: We don’t need more aircraft for the attack. Enough. Pilots and Control Tower: Let’s leave something for the Navy to do. Pilot: What state does the ship belong to? Besides the slaughter which left “body parts and blood streaming down the bulkheads,” perhaps the most revealing and some would say revolting part of the program was when
David, as they machine-gunned the Liberty’s life rafts using armor-piercing projectiles. But now, new Israeli records obtained by Al Jazeera show Israel was 100% aware Liberty was a U.S. vessel. “The reconnaissance plane reported the Liberty as an American spy ship, hull number GTR5,” revealed the program. Al Jazeera also got their hands on real-time audio tapes, which are both informative and sickening, especially when one considers that these transmissions were made while men were dead and dying. Pilot: Does he screw her or not? Control Tower: He goes down on her with low napalm. In another, “the Israeli military argued about what should happen next and who should sink the Liberty,” again with ruthless and evil language. Control Tower: We don’t need more aircraft for the attack. Enough. Pilots and Control Tower: Let’s leave something for the Navy to do. Pilot: What state does the ship belong to? Besides the slaughter which left “body parts and blood streaming down the bulkheads,” perhaps the most revealing and some would say revolting part of the program was when
American-Jewish influence was highlighted in the cover-up. Initially, President Lyndon B. Johnson briefed Newsweek magazine off-the-record that the Israelis had attacked Liberty because they thought it was an intelligence ship that was intercepting communications. When it was leaked that LBJ was Newsweek’s source, influential American Jews positioned deep within the U.S government, swung into action on the orders of the Israeli Embassy. Blood libel is an accusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered Christian children to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays. Several Liberty survivors as well as Admiral Bobby Ray Inman had a big part in the documentary. “The Jewish community has always been more generous than many of their other counterparts in supporting, financially, elections, political causes, and in the process, that does translate into influence,” explained Inman. Al Jazeera also uncovered the secret identities of powerful American Jews spying on the U.S. for Israel. “Many of Johnson’s closest friends and advisors were pro-Israeli, and they reported back to Tel Aviv on his every move,” reported the program, using code names to protect the identity of their White House agents. With LBJ controlled, Israel’
[ 3271, 11, 355, 484, 4572, 12, 7145, 2817, 262, 14734, 447, 247, 82, 1204, 31812, 82, 1262, 8328, 12, 79, 959, 2259, 33281, 13, 198, 1537, 783, 11, 649, 6085, 4406, 6492, 416, 978, 32409, 905, 2692, 373, 1802, 4, 3910, 14734, 373, 257, 471, 13, 50, 13, 8837, 13, 564, 250, 464, 39471, 6614, 2098, 262, 14734, 355, 281, 1605, 13997, 4074, 11, 23644, 1271, 402, 5446, 20, 11, 447, 251, 4602, 262, 1430, 13, 198, 2348, 32409, 635, 1392, 511, 2832, 319, 1103, 12, 2435, 6597, 23695, 11, 543, 389, 1111, 30304, 290, 6639, 3101, 11, 2592, 618, 530, 14358, 326, 777, 45649, 547, 925, 981, 1450, 547, 2636, 290, 9950, 13, 198, 47, 23439, 25, 8314, 339, 9580, 607, 393, 407, 30, 198, 15988, 8765, 25, 679, 2925, 866, 319, 607, 351, 1877, 25422, 38182, 13, 198, 818, 1194, 11, 564, 250, 1169, 6085, 2422, 7189, 546, 644, 815, 1645, 1306, 290, 508, 815, 14595, 262, 14734, 11, 447, 251, 757, 351, 29541, 290, 6181, 3303, 13, 198, 15988, 8765, 25, 775, 836, 447, 247, 83, 761, 517, 6215, 329, 262, 1368, 13, 31779, 13, 198, 47, 346, 1747, 290, 6779, 8765, 25, 3914, 447, 247, 82, 2666, 1223, 329, 262, 8565, 284, 466, 13, 198, 47, 23439, 25, 1867, 1181, 857, 262, 4074, 5594, 284, 30, 198, 23937, 262, 17968, 543, 1364, 564, 250, 2618, 3354, 290, 2910, 11305, 866, 262, 11963, 16600, 11, 447, 251, 3737, 262, 749, 13477, 290, 617, 561, 910, 35891, 889, 636, 286, 262, 1430, 373, 618 ]
[ 6941, 11, 439, 814, 5780, 2427, 39090, 279, 32492, 753, 2324, 15473, 45544, 1701, 20634, 2320, 1291, 6253, 80137, 627, 4071, 1457, 11, 502, 16286, 7576, 12457, 555, 1708, 86024, 1501, 6921, 574, 220, 1041, 4, 8010, 32492, 574, 264, 549, 815, 13, 27274, 13, 1054, 791, 88605, 11277, 5068, 279, 32492, 439, 459, 3778, 21930, 8448, 11, 41298, 1396, 480, 2434, 20, 2476, 10675, 279, 2068, 627, 2149, 86024, 1101, 2751, 872, 6206, 389, 1972, 7394, 7855, 52796, 11, 902, 527, 2225, 39319, 323, 14363, 6147, 11, 5423, 994, 832, 32238, 430, 1521, 92096, 1051, 1903, 1418, 3026, 1051, 5710, 323, 23069, 627, 47, 24911, 25, 12838, 568, 22733, 1077, 477, 539, 5380, 3353, 22703, 25, 1283, 5900, 1523, 389, 1077, 449, 3428, 26944, 7828, 627, 644, 2500, 11, 1054, 1820, 16286, 6411, 18784, 922, 1148, 1288, 3621, 1828, 323, 889, 1288, 19868, 279, 32492, 2476, 1578, 449, 69510, 323, 14289, 4221, 627, 3353, 22703, 25, 1226, 1541, 1431, 1205, 810, 14467, 369, 279, 3440, 13, 62692, 627, 47, 321, 2469, 323, 7935, 22703, 25, 6914, 753, 5387, 2555, 369, 279, 19574, 311, 656, 627, 47, 24911, 25, 3639, 1614, 1587, 279, 8448, 9352, 311, 5380, 52555, 279, 40856, 902, 2163, 1054, 2664, 5596, 323, 6680, 17265, 1523, 279, 20155, 36910, 2476, 8530, 279, 1455, 31720, 323, 1063, 1053, 2019, 5891, 337, 1303, 961, 315, 279, 2068, 574, 994 ]
[ 3778, 12278, 66929, 10383, 574, 27463, 304, 279, 3504, 5352, 627, 91084, 11, 4900, 16333, 86452, 426, 13, 11605, 86865, 5513, 10476, 14756, 1022, 10826, 57263, 430, 279, 56723, 1047, 18855, 32492, 1606, 814, 3463, 433, 574, 459, 11478, 8448, 430, 574, 29739, 287, 17320, 13, 3277, 433, 574, 34947, 430, 445, 15327, 574, 5513, 10476, 753, 2592, 11, 32549, 3778, 17420, 35328, 5655, 2949, 279, 549, 815, 3109, 11, 70955, 1139, 1957, 389, 279, 10373, 315, 279, 16286, 53527, 627, 52586, 3127, 301, 374, 459, 65506, 430, 17420, 55945, 323, 32485, 9052, 2911, 311, 1005, 872, 6680, 439, 961, 315, 872, 10597, 57679, 2391, 13653, 25425, 627, 35862, 32492, 32696, 439, 1664, 439, 59094, 38481, 13558, 763, 1543, 1047, 264, 2466, 961, 304, 279, 25999, 627, 14305, 13653, 4029, 706, 2744, 1027, 810, 28771, 1109, 1690, 315, 872, 1023, 38495, 304, 12899, 11, 39075, 11, 16374, 11, 5054, 11384, 11, 323, 304, 279, 1920, 11, 430, 1587, 15025, 1139, 10383, 2476, 11497, 763, 1543, 627, 2149, 86024, 1101, 43522, 279, 6367, 40521, 315, 8147, 3778, 17420, 63314, 389, 279, 549, 815, 13, 369, 6921, 627, 2118, 8607, 315, 11605, 753, 18585, 4885, 323, 58784, 1051, 463, 72090, 72, 11, 323, 814, 5068, 1203, 311, 23683, 66947, 389, 813, 1475, 3351, 2476, 5068, 279, 2068, 11, 1701, 2082, 5144, 311, 6144, 279, 9764, 315, 872, 5929, 4783, 13307, 627, 2409, 445, 15327, 14400, 11, 6921, 529 ]
, Jimmy Wales, will be advising us on the common standards that will have to be agreed and adopted for open access to be a success, and also helping to make sure that the new government-funded portal for accessing research really promotes collaboration and engagement. We want to harness new technologies to enable people to comment and rate published papers in ways that were not possible before, and we want to develop new online channels that enable researchers from around the world to collaborate and share data and build new research partnerships. With Jimmy Wales's help, I'm confident that we can achieve all this and much more. Our commitment to open up access to academic research will help strengthen this information revolution, and put more data and power in the hands of people. It's proof that there are still dividing lines in British politics – and that we are firmly on the side of openness. Paywalls Peer review and scientific publishing Open access scientific publishing Medical Industry Feature Understanding Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension and the Role of Norepinephrine RestartResume Transcript PDF Announcer: Welcome to ReachMD. This medical industry feature, titled “Understanding neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and the key role of norepinephrine”
, Jimmy Wales, will be advising us on the common standards that will have to be agreed and adopted for open access to be a success, and also helping to make sure that the new government-funded portal for accessing research really promotes collaboration and engagement. We want to harness new technologies to enable people to comment and rate published papers in ways that were not possible before, and we want to develop new online channels that enable researchers from around the world to collaborate and share data and build new research partnerships. With Jimmy Wales's help, I'm confident that we can achieve all this and much more. Our commitment to open up access to academic research will help strengthen this information revolution, and put more data and power in the hands of people. It's proof that there are still dividing lines in British politics – and that we are firmly on the side of openness. Paywalls Peer review and scientific publishing Open access scientific publishing Medical Industry Feature Understanding Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension and the Role of Norepinephrine RestartResume Transcript PDF Announcer: Welcome to ReachMD. This medical industry feature, titled “Understanding neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and the key role of norepinephrine”
is sponsored by Lundbeck. Your guest is Dr. Satish R. Raj. Dr. Raj is Professor of Cardiac Services, Medical Director of Calgary Autonomic Clinic, and Chief of Cardiac Arhythmia Service at the University of Calgary in Canada. He is the past-president of the American Autonomic Society and now serves on the board of directors. Dr. Raj: nOH is a rare but distinct subset of orthostatic hypotension caused by autonomic nervous system failure. It occurs frequently in patients with certain neurodegenerative disorders. nOH reflects an inability to maintain an adequate blood pressure in response to the orthostatic challenge of standing up. Although nOH presents as a hemodynamic problem, its potentially debilitating symptoms need to be the focus of clinical management. These can include dizziness, lightheadedness, blurry vision, fatigue, neck and shoulder pain, and cognitive impairment. Still, understanding the underlying pathophysiology may help align management approaches to patient needs. Normally, following a shift to an upright posture, blood shifts downward, to below the level of the heart, resulting in baroreceptors signaling the brain to initiate a compensatory response. Mediated by the neurotransmitter norepinephrine this
[ 11, 12963, 11769, 11, 481, 307, 30341, 514, 319, 262, 2219, 5423, 326, 481, 423, 284, 307, 4987, 290, 8197, 329, 1280, 1895, 284, 307, 257, 1943, 11, 290, 635, 5742, 284, 787, 1654, 326, 262, 649, 1230, 12, 18246, 17898, 329, 22534, 2267, 1107, 21068, 12438, 290, 12352, 13, 775, 765, 284, 19356, 649, 8514, 284, 7139, 661, 284, 2912, 290, 2494, 3199, 9473, 287, 2842, 326, 547, 407, 1744, 878, 11, 290, 356, 765, 284, 1205, 649, 2691, 9619, 326, 7139, 4837, 422, 1088, 262, 995, 284, 30081, 290, 2648, 1366, 290, 1382, 649, 2267, 22867, 13, 2080, 12963, 11769, 338, 1037, 11, 314, 1101, 6563, 326, 356, 460, 4620, 477, 428, 290, 881, 517, 13, 198, 5122, 7901, 284, 1280, 510, 1895, 284, 8233, 2267, 481, 1037, 12160, 428, 1321, 5854, 11, 290, 1234, 517, 1366, 290, 1176, 287, 262, 2832, 286, 661, 13, 632, 338, 6617, 326, 612, 389, 991, 27241, 3951, 287, 3517, 4819, 784, 290, 326, 356, 389, 14245, 319, 262, 1735, 286, 30913, 13, 198, 19197, 86, 5691, 198, 6435, 263, 2423, 290, 5654, 12407, 198, 11505, 1895, 5654, 12407, 8366, 17420, 27018, 198, 43467, 13782, 38516, 47664, 455, 1512, 21209, 313, 3004, 290, 262, 20934, 286, 399, 382, 23908, 47723, 198, 19452, 433, 4965, 2454, 198, 8291, 6519, 12960, 198, 18858, 977, 2189, 25, 198, 14618, 284, 25146, 12740, 13, 198, 1212, 3315, 2831, 3895, 11, 11946, 564, 250, 43467, 7669, 38516, 29617, 455, 1512, 8813, 3004, 290, 262, 1994, 2597, 286, 299, 382, 23908, 47723, 447, 251 ]
[ 11, 28933, 23782, 11, 690, 387, 63779, 603, 389, 279, 4279, 10886, 430, 690, 617, 311, 387, 7378, 323, 18306, 369, 1825, 2680, 311, 387, 264, 2450, 11, 323, 1101, 10695, 311, 1304, 2771, 430, 279, 502, 3109, 50701, 24007, 369, 32888, 3495, 2216, 39990, 20632, 323, 20392, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 33508, 502, 14645, 311, 7431, 1274, 311, 4068, 323, 4478, 4756, 16064, 304, 5627, 430, 1051, 539, 3284, 1603, 11, 323, 584, 1390, 311, 2274, 502, 2930, 12006, 430, 7431, 12074, 505, 2212, 279, 1917, 311, 51696, 323, 4430, 828, 323, 1977, 502, 3495, 40705, 13, 3161, 28933, 23782, 596, 1520, 11, 358, 2846, 16913, 430, 584, 649, 11322, 682, 420, 323, 1790, 810, 627, 8140, 15507, 311, 1825, 709, 2680, 311, 14584, 3495, 690, 1520, 20259, 420, 2038, 14110, 11, 323, 2231, 810, 828, 323, 2410, 304, 279, 6206, 315, 1274, 13, 1102, 596, 11311, 430, 1070, 527, 2103, 50802, 5238, 304, 8013, 11759, 1389, 323, 430, 584, 527, 32620, 389, 279, 3185, 315, 71160, 627, 21243, 87396, 198, 31988, 3477, 323, 12624, 23763, 198, 5109, 2680, 12624, 23763, 13235, 24780, 20595, 198, 71251, 32359, 89305, 32210, 537, 780, 39515, 354, 2711, 323, 279, 15766, 315, 452, 461, 39138, 764, 40101, 198, 60454, 29663, 198, 3246, 1250, 11612, 198, 28192, 80845, 512, 14262, 311, 50942, 6204, 627, 2028, 6593, 5064, 4668, 11, 25891, 1054, 71251, 18247, 89305, 30299, 537, 780, 9950, 354, 2711, 323, 279, 1401, 3560, 315, 308, 461, 39138, 764, 40101, 863 ]
[ 374, 30638, 555, 69281, 55177, 627, 7927, 8810, 374, 2999, 13, 13479, 819, 432, 13, 26291, 13, 2999, 13, 26291, 374, 17054, 315, 6938, 18029, 8471, 11, 13235, 10783, 315, 38975, 9648, 48228, 40324, 11, 323, 14681, 315, 6938, 18029, 1676, 61254, 689, 5475, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 38975, 304, 7008, 13, 1283, 374, 279, 3347, 67088, 315, 279, 3778, 9648, 48228, 13581, 323, 1457, 17482, 389, 279, 4580, 315, 28454, 627, 9023, 13, 26291, 512, 77, 47861, 374, 264, 9024, 719, 12742, 27084, 315, 30299, 537, 780, 9950, 354, 2711, 9057, 555, 3154, 48228, 23418, 1887, 8060, 13, 1102, 13980, 14134, 304, 6978, 449, 3738, 18247, 451, 7642, 1413, 24673, 627, 77, 47861, 27053, 459, 38550, 311, 10519, 459, 26613, 6680, 7410, 304, 2077, 311, 279, 30299, 537, 780, 8815, 315, 11509, 709, 627, 16179, 308, 47861, 18911, 439, 264, 17728, 61002, 3575, 11, 1202, 13893, 92890, 13803, 1205, 311, 387, 279, 5357, 315, 14830, 6373, 13, 4314, 649, 2997, 294, 97745, 11, 326, 1108, 11671, 291, 2136, 11, 100155, 11376, 11, 36709, 11, 13272, 323, 17308, 6784, 11, 323, 25702, 53317, 627, 24205, 11, 8830, 279, 16940, 1853, 85404, 31226, 1253, 1520, 5398, 6373, 20414, 311, 8893, 3966, 627, 95294, 11, 2768, 264, 6541, 311, 459, 49685, 48378, 11, 6680, 29735, 45578, 11, 311, 3770, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 4851, 11, 13239, 304, 3703, 461, 58650, 43080, 279, 8271, 311, 39201, 264, 14573, 5382, 2077, 13, 3344, 10234, 555, 279, 90351, 16517, 308, 461, 39138, 764, 40101, 420 ]
All-Around titles total that year. 2015 – Won 5 All-Around titles. Finished 28th in All-Around in the World standings. 2014 – Won the All-Around at Cheyenne Frontier Days and RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo. 2013 – Won the Linderman Award for the fourth time. This puts him into a tie for 2nd place on the all - time winners list with Phil Lyne and Chip Whitaker. Became the first cowboy to win the Linderman Award the first three years of his PRCA career, 2008-2009-2010. 2008 – PRCA All-Around Rookie of the Year. Trell comes from a rodeo family. His dad Robert was a world champion saddle bronc rider in 1990 & 1991, uncle Billy is a five-time world champion saddle bronc champion (1992,1996,1999,2000,2004), and uncle Dan qualified for the NFR saddle bronc riding 10 times. Trell did not purchase his PRCA card till he finished college although he had qualified for it well before then. He makes log furniture and shoes horses when not on the road competing. His favorite rodeo is Cheyenne Frontier Days. Trevor Brazile trevor_b
All-Around titles total that year. 2015 – Won 5 All-Around titles. Finished 28th in All-Around in the World standings. 2014 – Won the All-Around at Cheyenne Frontier Days and RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo. 2013 – Won the Linderman Award for the fourth time. This puts him into a tie for 2nd place on the all - time winners list with Phil Lyne and Chip Whitaker. Became the first cowboy to win the Linderman Award the first three years of his PRCA career, 2008-2009-2010. 2008 – PRCA All-Around Rookie of the Year. Trell comes from a rodeo family. His dad Robert was a world champion saddle bronc rider in 1990 & 1991, uncle Billy is a five-time world champion saddle bronc champion (1992,1996,1999,2000,2004), and uncle Dan qualified for the NFR saddle bronc riding 10 times. Trell did not purchase his PRCA card till he finished college although he had qualified for it well before then. He makes log furniture and shoes horses when not on the road competing. His favorite rodeo is Cheyenne Frontier Days. Trevor Brazile trevor_b
razile.png Decatur,TX Tie-down Roping, Team Roping, Steer Roping 23 World Titles 50 NFR Qualifications 7 Cinch Timed Event Championships (the most) Inducted into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame Jan.2008 3 National Finals Steer Roping Titles 2 All American ProRodeo Final Titles 2017 Rodeo Wins 18 All-around rodeo titles 5 Tie-down roping titles 5 Team roping titles 3 Steer roping titles 2002 his horse Tinys Clipso (Tweeter) was AQHA Tie-down Horse of the Year 2012 Lite My Dynamite (Sic Em) was AQHA/PRCA was Team roping heading Horse of the Year. Wife Shada is a barrel racer, who has qualified for the NFR herself. Mom and Dad were both rodeo competitors. Dad Jimmy was a 4-time qualifier for the National Final Steer Roping and mom Glenda competed in woman’s rodeo. He has 3 children, all oddly born on the 1st of the month. Trevor has appeared on tv specifically the NBC Today Show in April 2008, was featured in Dec.2006 issue of ESPN The Magazine
[ 1439, 12, 24472, 8714, 2472, 326, 614, 13, 198, 4626, 784, 23306, 642, 1439, 12, 24472, 8714, 13, 42931, 2579, 400, 287, 1439, 12, 24472, 287, 262, 2159, 33864, 13, 198, 4967, 784, 23306, 262, 1439, 12, 24472, 379, 2580, 88, 29727, 23281, 12579, 290, 13931, 41196, 13588, 19705, 371, 1098, 78, 13, 198, 6390, 784, 23306, 262, 9329, 2224, 11289, 329, 262, 5544, 640, 13, 770, 7584, 683, 656, 257, 9839, 329, 362, 358, 1295, 319, 262, 477, 532, 640, 14591, 1351, 351, 4543, 9334, 710, 290, 17869, 13183, 3110, 13, 198, 39649, 480, 262, 717, 42966, 284, 1592, 262, 9329, 2224, 11289, 262, 717, 1115, 812, 286, 465, 4810, 8141, 3451, 11, 3648, 12, 10531, 12, 10333, 13, 3648, 784, 4810, 8141, 1439, 12, 24472, 36595, 286, 262, 6280, 13, 4700, 297, 2058, 422, 257, 22075, 78, 1641, 13, 2399, 9955, 5199, 373, 257, 995, 8783, 33083, 18443, 66, 17876, 287, 6303, 1222, 10249, 11, 7711, 15890, 318, 257, 1936, 12, 2435, 995, 8783, 33083, 18443, 66, 8783, 357, 23847, 11, 22288, 11, 18946, 11, 11024, 11, 15724, 828, 290, 7711, 6035, 10617, 329, 262, 399, 10913, 33083, 18443, 66, 10311, 838, 1661, 13, 4700, 297, 750, 407, 5001, 465, 4810, 8141, 2657, 10597, 339, 5201, 4152, 3584, 339, 550, 10617, 329, 340, 880, 878, 788, 13, 679, 1838, 2604, 13091, 290, 10012, 14260, 618, 407, 319, 262, 2975, 11780, 13, 2399, 4004, 22075, 78, 318, 2580, 88, 29727, 23281, 12579, 13, 198, 51, 18218, 273, 41414, 576, 198, 83, 18218, 273, 62, 65 ]
[ 2052, 6830, 1067, 15671, 2860, 430, 1060, 627, 679, 20, 1389, 43549, 220, 20, 2052, 6830, 1067, 15671, 13, 53726, 220, 1591, 339, 304, 2052, 6830, 1067, 304, 279, 4435, 68663, 627, 679, 19, 1389, 43549, 279, 2052, 6830, 1067, 520, 8602, 88, 26193, 58418, 21882, 323, 22813, 72049, 28317, 46147, 432, 536, 78, 627, 679, 18, 1389, 43549, 279, 28318, 4858, 17768, 369, 279, 11999, 892, 13, 1115, 9711, 1461, 1139, 264, 18623, 369, 220, 17, 303, 2035, 389, 279, 682, 482, 892, 26526, 1160, 449, 7302, 16333, 818, 323, 32013, 27484, 4506, 627, 33, 762, 373, 279, 1176, 81272, 311, 3243, 279, 28318, 4858, 17768, 279, 1176, 2380, 1667, 315, 813, 8743, 5158, 7076, 11, 220, 1049, 23, 12, 1049, 24, 12, 679, 15, 13, 220, 1049, 23, 1389, 8743, 5158, 2052, 6830, 1067, 83225, 315, 279, 9941, 13, 12758, 657, 4131, 505, 264, 41761, 78, 3070, 13, 5414, 18233, 8563, 574, 264, 1917, 18824, 61858, 31071, 66, 38226, 304, 220, 2550, 15, 612, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 38594, 33919, 374, 264, 4330, 7394, 1917, 18824, 61858, 31071, 66, 18824, 320, 2550, 17, 11, 2550, 21, 11, 2550, 24, 11, 1049, 15, 11, 1049, 19, 705, 323, 38594, 11824, 15337, 369, 279, 452, 10725, 61858, 31071, 66, 20427, 220, 605, 3115, 13, 12758, 657, 1550, 539, 7782, 813, 8743, 5158, 3786, 12222, 568, 8220, 7926, 8051, 568, 1047, 15337, 369, 433, 1664, 1603, 1243, 13, 1283, 3727, 1515, 14891, 323, 15653, 27928, 994, 539, 389, 279, 5754, 27260, 13, 5414, 7075, 41761, 78, 374, 8602, 88, 26193, 58418, 21882, 627, 51, 7430, 269, 73411, 458, 198, 83, 7430, 269, 890 ]
[ 8875, 458, 3592, 198, 5005, 2693, 20594, 55, 198, 51, 648, 15220, 432, 34807, 11, 8068, 432, 34807, 11, 3441, 261, 432, 34807, 198, 1419, 4435, 85487, 220, 1135, 452, 10725, 20143, 7174, 198, 22, 30011, 331, 9538, 291, 3749, 48854, 320, 1820, 1455, 340, 1451, 670, 291, 1139, 279, 8421, 96122, 11166, 315, 39627, 4448, 13, 1049, 23, 198, 18, 5165, 46147, 3441, 261, 432, 34807, 85487, 198, 17, 2052, 3778, 1322, 49, 536, 78, 13321, 85487, 198, 679, 22, 432, 536, 78, 49544, 220, 972, 2052, 46716, 41761, 78, 15671, 220, 20, 59825, 15220, 49495, 287, 15671, 220, 20, 8068, 49495, 287, 15671, 220, 18, 3441, 261, 49495, 287, 15671, 220, 1049, 17, 813, 15580, 57355, 1065, 30792, 708, 320, 51, 906, 1430, 8, 574, 83555, 17455, 59825, 15220, 34392, 315, 279, 9941, 220, 679, 17, 41965, 3092, 33593, 635, 320, 50, 292, 5867, 8, 574, 83555, 17455, 14, 6616, 5158, 574, 8068, 49495, 287, 14836, 34392, 315, 279, 9941, 13, 43508, 1443, 2649, 374, 264, 20929, 85932, 11, 889, 706, 15337, 369, 279, 452, 10725, 11937, 13, 22969, 323, 33621, 1051, 2225, 41761, 78, 28650, 13, 33621, 28933, 574, 264, 220, 19, 7394, 61747, 369, 279, 5165, 13321, 3441, 261, 432, 34807, 323, 3450, 8444, 9895, 67235, 304, 5333, 753, 41761, 78, 13, 1283, 706, 220, 18, 2911, 11, 682, 74544, 9405, 389, 279, 220, 16, 267, 315, 279, 2305, 13, 54651, 706, 9922, 389, 11333, 11951, 279, 24426, 11450, 7073, 304, 5936, 220, 1049, 23, 11, 574, 15109, 304, 3799, 13, 1049, 21, 4360, 315, 27290, 578, 22168 ]
. It is Chris’s vision that has established Cream as a world-class facility, combining the latest technology with a classic, traditional studio environment. Paul Diller I Only Have Ice For You (with Sam Horta, Michael Gollom and Mark R. Crookston) Pepper Ann (Sound Effects Editor) Eloise At The Plaza (Sound Effects Editor) American Dragon: Jake Long (Sound Effects Editor) Jonas (Sound Effects Editor) Smallville (Sound Effects Editor) Witchblade (Sound Editor) Rosewood (Sound Effects) Assassins (Sound Editor) Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (Sound Effects Editor) Animation Debut: Heathcliff (1980) - Sound Effects Editor. Most Recent: iZombie (2017) - Sound Effects Editor/Time After Time - Sound Effects Editor/Six - Sound Effects Editor/The New 30 - Sound Effects Editor. Total Resume Credits: 194 Sound Department Credits, 1 Editorial Department Credit. Summary: Paul J. Diller as he is known has been sound editing since 1980. Paul was a sound effects editor for Heathcliff and as has been a sound effects editor since then doing over 170 titles.
. It is Chris’s vision that has established Cream as a world-class facility, combining the latest technology with a classic, traditional studio environment. Paul Diller I Only Have Ice For You (with Sam Horta, Michael Gollom and Mark R. Crookston) Pepper Ann (Sound Effects Editor) Eloise At The Plaza (Sound Effects Editor) American Dragon: Jake Long (Sound Effects Editor) Jonas (Sound Effects Editor) Smallville (Sound Effects Editor) Witchblade (Sound Editor) Rosewood (Sound Effects) Assassins (Sound Editor) Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (Sound Effects Editor) Animation Debut: Heathcliff (1980) - Sound Effects Editor. Most Recent: iZombie (2017) - Sound Effects Editor/Time After Time - Sound Effects Editor/Six - Sound Effects Editor/The New 30 - Sound Effects Editor. Total Resume Credits: 194 Sound Department Credits, 1 Editorial Department Credit. Summary: Paul J. Diller as he is known has been sound editing since 1980. Paul was a sound effects editor for Heathcliff and as has been a sound effects editor since then doing over 170 titles.
Sample Resume: Smallville, In Plain Sight, Jonas, Prison Break, American Dragon: Jake Long, North Shore, Tarzan WB version, Night Vision, Nash Bridges, Walker Texas Ranger, Parker Lewis Cannot Lose, Bobby's World, 21 Jump Street and St. Elsewhere. Barbara Donatelli Plunder & Lightning (Part II/IV- with Stephannie Elliott and Traci Tolman) The Golden Sprocket of Friendship (with Stephannie Elliott) Save The Tiger! (with Traci Tolman) Jumping The Guns (with Traci Tolman) Louie's Last Stand (with Traci Tolman) Sheepskin Deep (with Stephannie Elliott and Traci Tolman) Road to Macadamia (with Stephannie Elliott and Traci Tolman) Ransom of the Red Chimp (with Stephannie Elliot and Traci Tolman) The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh (Continuity Coordinator) The Little Mermaid: The Series (Continuity Coordinator) Raw Toonage (Continuity Coordinator) The Bug Hunt (Continuity Coordinator) Aladdin & The King of Thieves (Continuity Coordinator) Boo To You Too! Winnie The
[ 13, 632, 318, 5180, 447, 247, 82, 5761, 326, 468, 4920, 19979, 355, 257, 995, 12, 4871, 6841, 11, 19771, 262, 3452, 3037, 351, 257, 6833, 11, 4569, 8034, 2858, 13, 198, 12041, 360, 4665, 198, 40, 5514, 8192, 6663, 1114, 921, 357, 4480, 3409, 31693, 64, 11, 3899, 402, 692, 296, 290, 2940, 371, 13, 9325, 482, 3743, 8, 198, 6435, 2848, 5506, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 36, 5439, 786, 1629, 383, 23280, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 7437, 2851, 25, 14757, 5882, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 18219, 292, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 18712, 4244, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 54, 2007, 22500, 357, 21369, 12058, 8, 198, 31087, 3822, 357, 21369, 17417, 8, 198, 8021, 562, 1040, 357, 21369, 12058, 8, 198, 6187, 13, 16109, 11, 11558, 14381, 357, 21369, 17417, 12058, 8, 198, 39520, 1024, 4360, 25, 25846, 565, 733, 357, 23664, 8, 532, 9506, 17417, 12058, 13, 198, 6943, 22926, 25, 1312, 57, 9081, 357, 5539, 8, 532, 9506, 17417, 12058, 14, 7575, 2293, 3862, 532, 9506, 17417, 12058, 14, 21447, 532, 9506, 17417, 12058, 14, 464, 968, 1542, 532, 9506, 17417, 12058, 13, 198, 14957, 1874, 2454, 29501, 25, 30483, 9506, 2732, 29501, 11, 352, 39525, 2732, 10504, 13, 198, 22093, 25, 3362, 449, 13, 360, 4665, 355, 339, 318, 1900, 468, 587, 2128, 12857, 1201, 7169, 13, 3362, 373, 257, 2128, 3048, 5464, 329, 25846, 565, 733, 290, 355, 468, 587, 257, 2128, 3048, 5464, 1201, 788, 1804, 625, 16677, 8714, 13 ]
[ 13, 1102, 374, 11517, 753, 11376, 430, 706, 9749, 30800, 439, 264, 1917, 15144, 12764, 11, 35271, 279, 5652, 5557, 449, 264, 11670, 11, 8776, 14356, 4676, 627, 26368, 423, 15610, 198, 40, 8442, 12522, 20534, 1789, 1472, 320, 4291, 8388, 473, 89639, 11, 8096, 480, 980, 316, 323, 4488, 432, 13, 25611, 564, 7876, 340, 10407, 7067, 9489, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 36, 385, 1082, 2468, 578, 41407, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 29518, 16537, 25, 33172, 5843, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 38252, 300, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 26375, 8078, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 54, 1641, 63827, 320, 16493, 12865, 340, 58524, 6798, 320, 16493, 30246, 340, 5733, 395, 1354, 320, 16493, 12865, 340, 9023, 13, 41623, 11, 19152, 25525, 320, 16493, 30246, 12865, 340, 10618, 1611, 8248, 25, 48562, 566, 3168, 320, 3753, 15, 8, 482, 14936, 30246, 12865, 627, 13622, 35390, 25, 602, 57, 24227, 320, 679, 22, 8, 482, 14936, 30246, 12865, 14, 1489, 4740, 4212, 482, 14936, 30246, 12865, 11628, 953, 482, 14936, 30246, 12865, 48848, 1561, 220, 966, 482, 14936, 30246, 12865, 627, 7749, 34498, 49800, 25, 220, 6393, 14936, 6011, 49800, 11, 220, 16, 66233, 6011, 16666, 627, 19791, 25, 7043, 622, 13, 423, 15610, 439, 568, 374, 3967, 706, 1027, 5222, 16039, 2533, 220, 3753, 15, 13, 7043, 574, 264, 5222, 6372, 6576, 369, 48562, 566, 3168, 323, 439, 706, 1027, 264, 5222, 6372, 6576, 2533, 1243, 3815, 927, 220, 8258, 15671, 13 ]
[ 19690, 34498, 25, 15344, 8078, 11, 763, 44299, 66437, 11, 69186, 11, 42618, 15996, 11, 3778, 16537, 25, 33172, 5843, 11, 4892, 45819, 11, 24912, 50226, 53603, 2373, 11, 13120, 31541, 11, 28512, 77339, 11, 23074, 8421, 49422, 11, 29306, 21256, 35755, 61789, 11, 38481, 596, 4435, 11, 220, 1691, 29888, 6825, 323, 800, 13, 19334, 2940, 627, 3511, 25062, 4418, 266, 21148, 198, 2169, 8154, 612, 34944, 320, 5920, 8105, 14, 3166, 12, 449, 41659, 72176, 48644, 323, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 791, 18288, 328, 782, 4084, 315, 73169, 320, 4291, 41659, 72176, 48644, 340, 8960, 578, 36845, 0, 320, 4291, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 35079, 287, 578, 60565, 320, 4291, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 93906, 648, 596, 8155, 15948, 320, 4291, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 8100, 752, 37282, 18682, 320, 4291, 41659, 72176, 48644, 323, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 58059, 311, 7553, 52054, 689, 320, 4291, 41659, 72176, 48644, 323, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 49, 48331, 315, 279, 3816, 921, 6802, 320, 4291, 41659, 72176, 69518, 323, 1183, 25471, 59602, 1543, 340, 791, 1561, 51679, 315, 41631, 648, 578, 14128, 2319, 320, 37239, 35594, 43424, 340, 791, 15013, 8930, 46342, 25, 578, 11378, 320, 37239, 35594, 43424, 340, 20613, 2057, 263, 425, 320, 37239, 35594, 43424, 340, 791, 31601, 27690, 320, 37239, 35594, 43424, 340, 2149, 98106, 612, 578, 6342, 315, 666, 39235, 320, 37239, 35594, 43424, 340, 1255, 78, 2057, 1472, 25619, 0, 41631, 648, 578 ]
an aptamer was hybridized to prepare a detection pair to bind with any E2 molecule, as the aptamer captures the E2 molecule naturally. The fluorescence microscopy signal was used for the detection of E2. The biomolecule activities were determined through special treatment, with three different stages evident in the fluorescence result, namely, hybridization, detection, and denaturation. When E2 was detected by the aptamer, the intensity of the fluorescence signal decreased because of the aptamer binding with the E2 molecule. E2 was detected by determining the fluorescence signal intensity of the dot pattern. When the aptamer was released from the supporting DNA and formed a complex with the E2 molecule, the intensity of the dot pattern decreased rapidly. The difference between the two signals indicated the number of E2 molecules bound to the aptamer. The proposed method is simple and powerful for the detection of small molecules with high sensitivity by utilizing the basic reaction of aptamers. AB - A label-free fluorescence aptasensor for the determination of 17β-estradiol (E2) was developed. The aptasensor was prepared by the functionalization of a diamond surface using a nitrogen radical beam (NRB) system to produce amine terminals
an aptamer was hybridized to prepare a detection pair to bind with any E2 molecule, as the aptamer captures the E2 molecule naturally. The fluorescence microscopy signal was used for the detection of E2. The biomolecule activities were determined through special treatment, with three different stages evident in the fluorescence result, namely, hybridization, detection, and denaturation. When E2 was detected by the aptamer, the intensity of the fluorescence signal decreased because of the aptamer binding with the E2 molecule. E2 was detected by determining the fluorescence signal intensity of the dot pattern. When the aptamer was released from the supporting DNA and formed a complex with the E2 molecule, the intensity of the dot pattern decreased rapidly. The difference between the two signals indicated the number of E2 molecules bound to the aptamer. The proposed method is simple and powerful for the detection of small molecules with high sensitivity by utilizing the basic reaction of aptamers. AB - A label-free fluorescence aptasensor for the determination of 17β-estradiol (E2) was developed. The aptasensor was prepared by the functionalization of a diamond surface using a nitrogen radical beam (NRB) system to produce amine terminals
on the diamond itself. The fabrication of the sensor was performed by photolithography to produce a dot pattern, which was used as a sensing area for activated biomolecules. The supporting DNA strands were immobilized and an aptamer was hybridized to prepare a detection pair to bind with any E2 molecule, as the aptamer captures the E2 molecule naturally. The fluorescence microscopy signal was used for the detection of E2. The biomolecule activities were determined through special treatment, with three different stages evident in the fluorescence result, namely, hybridization, detection, and denaturation. When E2 was detected by the aptamer, the intensity of the fluorescence signal decreased because of the aptamer binding with the E2 molecule. E2 was detected by determining the fluorescence signal intensity of the dot pattern. When the aptamer was released from the supporting DNA and formed a complex with the E2 molecule, the intensity of the dot pattern decreased rapidly. The difference between the two signals indicated the number of E2 molecules bound to the aptamer. The proposed method is simple and powerful for the detection of small molecules with high sensitivity by utilizing the basic reaction of aptamers. KW - Aptamer KW - Diamond KW
[ 281, 15409, 2382, 373, 14554, 1143, 284, 8335, 257, 13326, 5166, 284, 11007, 351, 597, 412, 17, 27756, 11, 355, 262, 15409, 2382, 23007, 262, 412, 17, 27756, 8752, 13, 383, 6562, 48699, 21145, 11081, 6737, 373, 973, 329, 262, 13326, 286, 412, 17, 13, 383, 27488, 2305, 23172, 4568, 547, 5295, 832, 2041, 3513, 11, 351, 1115, 1180, 9539, 10678, 287, 262, 6562, 48699, 1255, 11, 14811, 11, 14554, 1634, 11, 13326, 11, 290, 2853, 36921, 13, 1649, 412, 17, 373, 12326, 416, 262, 15409, 2382, 11, 262, 12245, 286, 262, 6562, 48699, 6737, 11832, 780, 286, 262, 15409, 2382, 12765, 351, 262, 412, 17, 27756, 13, 412, 17, 373, 12326, 416, 13213, 262, 6562, 48699, 6737, 12245, 286, 262, 16605, 3912, 13, 1649, 262, 15409, 2382, 373, 2716, 422, 262, 6493, 7446, 290, 7042, 257, 3716, 351, 262, 412, 17, 27756, 11, 262, 12245, 286, 262, 16605, 3912, 11832, 8902, 13, 383, 3580, 1022, 262, 734, 10425, 8203, 262, 1271, 286, 412, 17, 17745, 5421, 284, 262, 15409, 2382, 13, 383, 5150, 2446, 318, 2829, 290, 3665, 329, 262, 13326, 286, 1402, 17745, 351, 1029, 14233, 416, 25137, 262, 4096, 6317, 286, 15409, 321, 364, 13, 198, 6242, 532, 317, 6167, 12, 5787, 6562, 48699, 15409, 292, 22854, 329, 262, 12123, 286, 1596, 26638, 12, 395, 6335, 1669, 357, 36, 17, 8, 373, 4166, 13, 383, 15409, 292, 22854, 373, 5597, 416, 262, 10345, 1634, 286, 257, 15291, 4417, 1262, 257, 23417, 7702, 15584, 357, 24723, 33, 8, 1080, 284, 4439, 716, 500, 30237 ]
[ 459, 20697, 15589, 574, 26038, 1534, 311, 10772, 264, 18468, 6857, 311, 10950, 449, 904, 469, 17, 43030, 11, 439, 279, 20697, 15589, 41255, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 18182, 13, 578, 97332, 92914, 8450, 574, 1511, 369, 279, 18468, 315, 469, 17, 13, 578, 39538, 55269, 7640, 1051, 11075, 1555, 3361, 6514, 11, 449, 2380, 2204, 18094, 30576, 304, 279, 97332, 1121, 11, 32125, 11, 26038, 2065, 11, 18468, 11, 323, 3453, 266, 2060, 13, 3277, 469, 17, 574, 16914, 555, 279, 20697, 15589, 11, 279, 21261, 315, 279, 97332, 8450, 25983, 1606, 315, 279, 20697, 15589, 11212, 449, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 13, 469, 17, 574, 16914, 555, 26679, 279, 97332, 8450, 21261, 315, 279, 13046, 5497, 13, 3277, 279, 20697, 15589, 574, 6004, 505, 279, 12899, 15922, 323, 14454, 264, 6485, 449, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 11, 279, 21261, 315, 279, 13046, 5497, 25983, 19019, 13, 578, 6811, 1990, 279, 1403, 17738, 16717, 279, 1396, 315, 469, 17, 35715, 6965, 311, 279, 20697, 15589, 13, 578, 11223, 1749, 374, 4382, 323, 8147, 369, 279, 18468, 315, 2678, 35715, 449, 1579, 27541, 555, 35988, 279, 6913, 13010, 315, 20697, 309, 388, 627, 1905, 482, 362, 2440, 12862, 97332, 20697, 300, 3890, 369, 279, 26314, 315, 220, 1114, 52355, 12, 15462, 2836, 337, 320, 36, 17, 8, 574, 8040, 13, 578, 20697, 300, 3890, 574, 10235, 555, 279, 16003, 2065, 315, 264, 22996, 7479, 1701, 264, 47503, 18336, 24310, 320, 27416, 33, 8, 1887, 311, 8356, 1097, 483, 54079 ]
[ 389, 279, 22996, 5196, 13, 578, 59251, 315, 279, 12271, 574, 10887, 555, 4604, 48218, 5814, 311, 8356, 264, 13046, 5497, 11, 902, 574, 1511, 439, 264, 60199, 3158, 369, 22756, 39538, 82206, 13, 578, 12899, 15922, 69864, 1051, 77441, 1534, 323, 459, 20697, 15589, 574, 26038, 1534, 311, 10772, 264, 18468, 6857, 311, 10950, 449, 904, 469, 17, 43030, 11, 439, 279, 20697, 15589, 41255, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 18182, 13, 578, 97332, 92914, 8450, 574, 1511, 369, 279, 18468, 315, 469, 17, 13, 578, 39538, 55269, 7640, 1051, 11075, 1555, 3361, 6514, 11, 449, 2380, 2204, 18094, 30576, 304, 279, 97332, 1121, 11, 32125, 11, 26038, 2065, 11, 18468, 11, 323, 3453, 266, 2060, 13, 3277, 469, 17, 574, 16914, 555, 279, 20697, 15589, 11, 279, 21261, 315, 279, 97332, 8450, 25983, 1606, 315, 279, 20697, 15589, 11212, 449, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 13, 469, 17, 574, 16914, 555, 26679, 279, 97332, 8450, 21261, 315, 279, 13046, 5497, 13, 3277, 279, 20697, 15589, 574, 6004, 505, 279, 12899, 15922, 323, 14454, 264, 6485, 449, 279, 469, 17, 43030, 11, 279, 21261, 315, 279, 13046, 5497, 25983, 19019, 13, 578, 6811, 1990, 279, 1403, 17738, 16717, 279, 1396, 315, 469, 17, 35715, 6965, 311, 279, 20697, 15589, 13, 578, 11223, 1749, 374, 4382, 323, 8147, 369, 279, 18468, 315, 2678, 35715, 449, 1579, 27541, 555, 35988, 279, 6913, 13010, 315, 20697, 309, 388, 627, 79710, 482, 98087, 15589, 198, 79710, 482, 25328, 198, 79710 ]
and should the club hope to contend, they need to add this tool to their arsenal. Chicago has shown some weakness – in part due to communication and part due to revolving lineups – in their defensive capabilities on set-plays. Wandrille Lefevre was twice able to get open, sending his first header wide before scoring on the second when his back-side run allowed him to break clear of his marker, Palmer: In many ways, set-pieces are a matter of communication and practice, while having a variety of options makes the success of any one means more likely. Whether a near-post move, drifting off the back side, or simply beating the opponent to a ball, all rely on a quality and reliability of service that has often been lacking from TFC. Chicago has also shown a propensity to be troubled by the combined use of width and runners into the centre. The first goal of Drogba's hat-trick came when Justin Mapp slipped a ball down the right for Nigel Reo-Coker, who picked out the big man with a cross – Chicago needed to either cut out the ball or get between it and Drogba. While against Orlando it was the space left at the top of the area that
and should the club hope to contend, they need to add this tool to their arsenal. Chicago has shown some weakness – in part due to communication and part due to revolving lineups – in their defensive capabilities on set-plays. Wandrille Lefevre was twice able to get open, sending his first header wide before scoring on the second when his back-side run allowed him to break clear of his marker, Palmer: In many ways, set-pieces are a matter of communication and practice, while having a variety of options makes the success of any one means more likely. Whether a near-post move, drifting off the back side, or simply beating the opponent to a ball, all rely on a quality and reliability of service that has often been lacking from TFC. Chicago has also shown a propensity to be troubled by the combined use of width and runners into the centre. The first goal of Drogba's hat-trick came when Justin Mapp slipped a ball down the right for Nigel Reo-Coker, who picked out the big man with a cross – Chicago needed to either cut out the ball or get between it and Drogba. While against Orlando it was the space left at the top of the area that
did the damage when Brek Shea's ball in fell to Rochez (no video available) – that the forward was not picked up, or that there were not enough defensive bodies to match the threat, was the issue. In Justin Morrow, Toronto has one of the premier full-backs in the league, but his offensive talents have not always been utilized, while the wide midfield – Jonathan Osorio, Marky Delgado, etc – is capable of bursting into those spaces and putting in service. Again the issue of getting runners forward comes to light – it is well and good to gain the territory, but to finish, targets are required. One final note on Chicago: they can be undone by a bit of quick trickery. They were caught napping on New York's short corner trick, when Sam touched the ball, allowing Kljestan to saunter towards goal, Zubar turning it in – the goal should not have stood, due to Sam's multiple touches, but the point stands, Chicago were slow to react. Similarly, against Montreal it was a quick restart from Ignacio Piatti that allowed him to put in Drogba for his second: Toronto needs to look to exploit those situations The two teams have met twenty times
[ 290, 815, 262, 3430, 2911, 284, 24351, 11, 484, 761, 284, 751, 428, 2891, 284, 511, 24375, 13, 198, 25705, 468, 3402, 617, 10453, 784, 287, 636, 2233, 284, 6946, 290, 636, 2233, 284, 39350, 1627, 4739, 784, 287, 511, 6110, 9889, 319, 900, 12, 26024, 13, 22420, 81, 8270, 406, 891, 1990, 260, 373, 5403, 1498, 284, 651, 1280, 11, 7216, 465, 717, 13639, 3094, 878, 9689, 319, 262, 1218, 618, 465, 736, 12, 1589, 1057, 3142, 683, 284, 2270, 1598, 286, 465, 18364, 11, 18918, 25, 198, 818, 867, 2842, 11, 900, 12, 34154, 389, 257, 2300, 286, 6946, 290, 3357, 11, 981, 1719, 257, 4996, 286, 3689, 1838, 262, 1943, 286, 597, 530, 1724, 517, 1884, 13, 10127, 257, 1474, 12, 7353, 1445, 11, 38193, 572, 262, 736, 1735, 11, 393, 2391, 11226, 262, 6125, 284, 257, 2613, 11, 477, 8814, 319, 257, 3081, 290, 17843, 286, 2139, 326, 468, 1690, 587, 14394, 422, 309, 4851, 13, 198, 25705, 468, 635, 3402, 257, 41121, 284, 307, 17840, 416, 262, 5929, 779, 286, 9647, 290, 19323, 656, 262, 7372, 13, 383, 717, 3061, 286, 360, 3828, 7012, 338, 6877, 12, 2213, 624, 1625, 618, 10799, 337, 1324, 18859, 257, 2613, 866, 262, 826, 329, 28772, 797, 78, 12, 34, 11020, 11, 508, 6497, 503, 262, 1263, 582, 351, 257, 3272, 784, 4842, 2622, 284, 2035, 2005, 503, 262, 2613, 393, 651, 1022, 340, 290, 360, 3828, 7012, 13, 198, 3633, 1028, 13117, 340, 373, 262, 2272, 1364, 379, 262, 1353, 286, 262, 1989, 326 ]
[ 323, 1288, 279, 6469, 3987, 311, 56195, 11, 814, 1205, 311, 923, 420, 5507, 311, 872, 58031, 627, 47275, 706, 6982, 1063, 23948, 1389, 304, 961, 4245, 311, 10758, 323, 961, 4245, 311, 87126, 1584, 8772, 1389, 304, 872, 16399, 17357, 389, 743, 12, 28897, 13, 70029, 81, 4618, 445, 830, 5230, 265, 574, 11157, 3025, 311, 636, 1825, 11, 11889, 813, 1176, 4342, 7029, 1603, 20413, 389, 279, 2132, 994, 813, 1203, 25034, 1629, 5535, 1461, 311, 1464, 2867, 315, 813, 11381, 11, 42216, 512, 644, 1690, 5627, 11, 743, 2320, 30865, 527, 264, 5030, 315, 10758, 323, 6725, 11, 1418, 3515, 264, 8205, 315, 2671, 3727, 279, 2450, 315, 904, 832, 3445, 810, 4461, 13, 13440, 264, 3221, 25414, 3351, 11, 85353, 1022, 279, 1203, 3185, 11, 477, 5042, 27242, 279, 15046, 311, 264, 5041, 11, 682, 17631, 389, 264, 4367, 323, 31638, 315, 2532, 430, 706, 3629, 1027, 32161, 505, 350, 6897, 627, 47275, 706, 1101, 6982, 264, 95323, 311, 387, 42132, 555, 279, 11093, 1005, 315, 2430, 323, 39380, 1139, 279, 12541, 13, 578, 1176, 5915, 315, 423, 12184, 4749, 596, 9072, 10398, 875, 3782, 994, 23278, 386, 680, 43578, 264, 5041, 1523, 279, 1314, 369, 66916, 1050, 78, 7813, 10668, 11, 889, 13061, 704, 279, 2466, 893, 449, 264, 5425, 1389, 10780, 4460, 311, 3060, 4018, 704, 279, 5041, 477, 636, 1990, 433, 323, 423, 12184, 4749, 627, 8142, 2403, 28944, 433, 574, 279, 3634, 2163, 520, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 3158, 430 ]
[ 1550, 279, 5674, 994, 11681, 74, 86068, 596, 5041, 304, 11299, 311, 12093, 35115, 320, 2201, 2835, 2561, 8, 1389, 430, 279, 4741, 574, 539, 13061, 709, 11, 477, 430, 1070, 1051, 539, 3403, 16399, 13162, 311, 2489, 279, 6023, 11, 574, 279, 4360, 627, 644, 23278, 87374, 11, 14974, 706, 832, 315, 279, 21134, 2539, 15825, 82, 304, 279, 10966, 11, 719, 813, 15538, 35032, 617, 539, 2744, 1027, 34716, 11, 1418, 279, 7029, 30789, 1389, 24150, 15796, 50931, 11, 4488, 88, 7462, 78740, 11, 5099, 1389, 374, 13171, 315, 77850, 1139, 1884, 12908, 323, 10917, 304, 2532, 13, 14077, 279, 4360, 315, 3794, 39380, 4741, 4131, 311, 3177, 1389, 433, 374, 1664, 323, 1695, 311, 8895, 279, 18455, 11, 719, 311, 6381, 11, 11811, 527, 2631, 627, 4054, 1620, 5296, 389, 10780, 25, 814, 649, 387, 79841, 555, 264, 2766, 315, 4062, 14397, 727, 13, 2435, 1051, 10791, 308, 3713, 389, 1561, 4356, 596, 2875, 9309, 14397, 11, 994, 8388, 24891, 279, 5041, 11, 10923, 29041, 50115, 276, 311, 829, 30259, 7119, 5915, 11, 1901, 45597, 13353, 433, 304, 1389, 279, 5915, 1288, 539, 617, 14980, 11, 4245, 311, 8388, 596, 5361, 29727, 11, 719, 279, 1486, 13656, 11, 10780, 1051, 6435, 311, 14085, 627, 68791, 11, 2403, 30613, 433, 574, 264, 4062, 17460, 505, 34881, 36970, 21286, 32055, 430, 5535, 1461, 311, 2231, 304, 423, 12184, 4749, 369, 813, 2132, 512, 72437, 3966, 311, 1427, 311, 33294, 1884, 15082, 198, 791, 1403, 7411, 617, 2322, 17510, 3115 ]
reported. File Image: Chinese J-16 Fighters According to naval and flight tracking website data, cited by the news agency, US naval and aerial assets are being drawn closer to Taiwan, including the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, which was previously in Singapore, the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli and the amphibious assault ship USS America, which were near Japan, as well as over 30 other warships, three submarines and several fighter aircraft. Taiwanese media reported on Monday, citing unnamed sources, that Pelosi may arrive in Taiwan on August 2. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on July 28 that in the event of Pelosi’s visit, Beijing will take decisive measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the US will be fully responsible for all the consequences resulting from the visit. The possible visit of the US house speaker to Taiwan was speculated on back in April, but the Asian tour was postponed after Pelosi tested positive for the coronavirus. The media also reported that Chinese diplomats in the United States were actively working to convey to US congressmen the inadvisability of visiting the island in the interests of both countries. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) held from July 29-30 military drills with firing exercises in the
reported. File Image: Chinese J-16 Fighters According to naval and flight tracking website data, cited by the news agency, US naval and aerial assets are being drawn closer to Taiwan, including the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, which was previously in Singapore, the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli and the amphibious assault ship USS America, which were near Japan, as well as over 30 other warships, three submarines and several fighter aircraft. Taiwanese media reported on Monday, citing unnamed sources, that Pelosi may arrive in Taiwan on August 2. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on July 28 that in the event of Pelosi’s visit, Beijing will take decisive measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the US will be fully responsible for all the consequences resulting from the visit. The possible visit of the US house speaker to Taiwan was speculated on back in April, but the Asian tour was postponed after Pelosi tested positive for the coronavirus. The media also reported that Chinese diplomats in the United States were actively working to convey to US congressmen the inadvisability of visiting the island in the interests of both countries. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) held from July 29-30 military drills with firing exercises in the
southeastern province of Fujian across the strait from Taiwan as well as in the western part of the Hainan Strait. Taiwan became alienated from Beijing after becoming a stronghold of the Chinese Nationalist Party (the Kuomintang) that suffered defeat to the Communist Party in a civil war in 1949. The Chinese mainland and the island resumed business and informal contact in the late 1980s. Beijing opposes any official contact of foreign countries with Taiwan and considers Chinese sovereignty over the island indisputable. Via Sputnik News Agency Previous articleMid-Air Catastrophe Averted But Pakistan’s National Carrier’s Reputation Further Sinks After Iran Orders Inquiry Next articleHitting The Bullseye! BrahMos Looks To Outdo US Harpoon Missiles To Win Lucrative ASEAN, M.East Deals Sputnik is a Russian news agency. Most of the stories are auto-generated feeds except for the headlines. All queries regarding the content published in EurAsian Times can be sent to [email protected] Man picking up patient from CT hospital suddenly stabbed twice in random attack <iframe width="476" height="267" src="https://abc7ny.com/video/embed/?pid
[ 2098, 13, 198, 8979, 7412, 25, 3999, 449, 12, 1433, 29165, 198, 4821, 284, 19014, 290, 5474, 9646, 3052, 1366, 11, 9181, 416, 262, 1705, 4086, 11, 1294, 19014, 290, 17789, 6798, 389, 852, 7428, 5699, 284, 14119, 11, 1390, 262, 6215, 11920, 23116, 14430, 12823, 11, 543, 373, 4271, 287, 12551, 11, 262, 38255, 699, 4641, 4074, 23116, 47318, 290, 262, 38255, 699, 4641, 4074, 23116, 2253, 11, 543, 547, 1474, 2869, 11, 355, 880, 355, 625, 1542, 584, 44304, 11, 1115, 34031, 290, 1811, 10543, 6215, 13, 198, 47976, 8149, 2771, 2056, 2098, 319, 3321, 11, 12988, 23226, 4237, 11, 326, 29611, 743, 9240, 287, 14119, 319, 2932, 362, 13, 383, 3999, 8708, 9475, 531, 319, 2901, 2579, 326, 287, 262, 1785, 286, 29611, 447, 247, 82, 3187, 11, 11618, 481, 1011, 21112, 5260, 284, 1805, 663, 18582, 290, 22414, 11540, 11, 290, 262, 1294, 481, 307, 3938, 4497, 329, 477, 262, 6948, 7186, 422, 262, 3187, 13, 198, 464, 1744, 3187, 286, 262, 1294, 2156, 10834, 284, 14119, 373, 29131, 319, 736, 287, 3035, 11, 475, 262, 7740, 4205, 373, 33922, 706, 29611, 6789, 3967, 329, 262, 26920, 615, 19397, 13, 198, 464, 2056, 635, 2098, 326, 3999, 24836, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 547, 10630, 1762, 284, 13878, 284, 1294, 8681, 3653, 262, 287, 324, 4703, 1799, 286, 10013, 262, 7022, 287, 262, 5353, 286, 1111, 2678, 13, 198, 464, 3999, 4380, 447, 247, 82, 29235, 5407, 357, 45710, 8, 2714, 422, 2901, 2808, 12, 1270, 2422, 26721, 351, 9645, 13565, 287, 262 ]
[ 5068, 627, 1738, 4758, 25, 8620, 622, 12, 845, 79067, 198, 11439, 311, 46398, 323, 11213, 15194, 3997, 828, 11, 22628, 555, 279, 3754, 9266, 11, 2326, 46398, 323, 41884, 12032, 527, 1694, 15107, 12401, 311, 29389, 11, 2737, 279, 14467, 19115, 39608, 39748, 35226, 11, 902, 574, 8767, 304, 21181, 11, 279, 89022, 1245, 11965, 8448, 39608, 27852, 14559, 323, 279, 89022, 1245, 11965, 8448, 39608, 5270, 11, 902, 1051, 3221, 6457, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 927, 220, 966, 1023, 4208, 18143, 11, 2380, 86642, 323, 3892, 25902, 14467, 627, 79094, 16965, 2423, 3772, 5068, 389, 7159, 11, 33264, 53873, 8336, 11, 430, 60080, 1253, 17782, 304, 29389, 389, 6287, 220, 17, 13, 578, 8620, 19620, 20214, 1071, 389, 5887, 220, 1591, 430, 304, 279, 1567, 315, 60080, 753, 4034, 11, 27647, 690, 1935, 51391, 11193, 311, 6144, 1202, 47059, 323, 52482, 17025, 11, 323, 279, 2326, 690, 387, 7373, 8647, 369, 682, 279, 16296, 13239, 505, 279, 4034, 627, 791, 3284, 4034, 315, 279, 2326, 3838, 19114, 311, 29389, 574, 74877, 389, 1203, 304, 5936, 11, 719, 279, 14875, 7364, 574, 62720, 1306, 60080, 12793, 6928, 369, 279, 33333, 627, 791, 3772, 1101, 5068, 430, 8620, 65179, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 1051, 22815, 3318, 311, 20599, 311, 2326, 21716, 5794, 279, 304, 329, 2749, 2968, 315, 17136, 279, 13218, 304, 279, 12034, 315, 2225, 5961, 627, 791, 8620, 9029, 753, 72984, 13309, 320, 2989, 32, 8, 5762, 505, 5887, 220, 1682, 12, 966, 6411, 57648, 449, 23677, 23783, 304, 279 ]
[ 83209, 17271, 315, 63370, 1122, 4028, 279, 610, 1339, 505, 29389, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 279, 19001, 961, 315, 279, 473, 467, 276, 83163, 627, 79094, 16965, 6244, 20167, 660, 505, 27647, 1306, 10671, 264, 86568, 315, 279, 8620, 5165, 380, 8722, 320, 1820, 33479, 316, 396, 526, 8, 430, 16654, 18506, 311, 279, 37961, 8722, 304, 264, 8431, 4208, 304, 220, 6393, 24, 627, 791, 8620, 51115, 323, 279, 13218, 58505, 2626, 323, 42887, 3729, 304, 279, 3389, 220, 3753, 15, 82, 13, 27647, 76312, 904, 4033, 3729, 315, 7362, 5961, 449, 29389, 323, 32238, 8620, 47059, 927, 279, 13218, 83975, 631, 481, 627, 55528, 328, 631, 22212, 5513, 16784, 198, 21994, 4652, 34748, 6830, 404, 89572, 267, 48983, 362, 22361, 2030, 17076, 753, 5165, 51961, 753, 89180, 15903, 328, 15872, 4740, 10471, 32936, 66802, 198, 5971, 4652, 39, 15154, 578, 22353, 8674, 68, 0, 78084, 77406, 42906, 2057, 4470, 3055, 2326, 5340, 33076, 9083, 3742, 2057, 12468, 14103, 81, 1413, 99967, 1111, 11, 386, 5253, 561, 42282, 198, 50, 631, 22212, 374, 264, 8690, 3754, 9266, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 7493, 527, 3313, 16581, 35496, 3734, 369, 279, 31186, 13, 2052, 20126, 9002, 279, 2262, 4756, 304, 85477, 68540, 8691, 649, 387, 3288, 311, 6576, 31, 12844, 300, 5485, 1769, 916, 2418, 21816, 709, 8893, 505, 19084, 8952, 15187, 51280, 11157, 304, 4288, 3440, 198, 27, 24085, 2430, 429, 22191, 1, 2673, 429, 16567, 1, 2338, 429, 2485, 1129, 13997, 22, 3919, 916, 42403, 59753, 18236, 10629 ]
. Roscoe Bartlett Maryland State Senator David Brinkley's Direct Mail Piece Highlighting Endorsements Watch Robin Ficker's comments about Afzali and Brinkley below: Labels: congress, david brinkley, district 6, kathy afzali, robin ficker, roscoe bartlett Bobcat hybrid kittens have "rock-star" ... NC Roar greets bill to ... Bobcat hybrid kittens have "rock-star" value to breeder By Patrice Stewart The Decatur Daily DECATUR, Ala. — Mitchell Morris needs a new boat motor and a new heart. Now he’s counting on his 13 cats to help him get them. An unlucky number? “It might be lucky this time,” said his wife, Robbie, glancing at a basket of 10 kittens they believe are part bobcat. Three mama cats lounge around their headquarters in an elegant pink and white barn in Alabama’s Lawrence County. But there’ll be no more barn mice for these special kitties, Morris says, because he’s been promised “thousands of dollars” for them by a breeder in Washington state
. Roscoe Bartlett Maryland State Senator David Brinkley's Direct Mail Piece Highlighting Endorsements Watch Robin Ficker's comments about Afzali and Brinkley below: Labels: congress, david brinkley, district 6, kathy afzali, robin ficker, roscoe bartlett Bobcat hybrid kittens have "rock-star" ... NC Roar greets bill to ... Bobcat hybrid kittens have "rock-star" value to breeder By Patrice Stewart The Decatur Daily DECATUR, Ala. — Mitchell Morris needs a new boat motor and a new heart. Now he’s counting on his 13 cats to help him get them. An unlucky number? “It might be lucky this time,” said his wife, Robbie, glancing at a basket of 10 kittens they believe are part bobcat. Three mama cats lounge around their headquarters in an elegant pink and white barn in Alabama’s Lawrence County. But there’ll be no more barn mice for these special kitties, Morris says, because he’s been promised “thousands of dollars” for them by a breeder in Washington state
. They are getting Delta tickets for flights to new homes across the country. Seattle-area breeder Carol Ann Brewer, who got Pixie-Bobs approved as a breed, believes Morris’ cats are the part-bobcat breed, each worth $300 to $1,500. She and other breeders want to preserve this cross between a cat and a bobcat. “We’re very excited about it, and we’re quite certain they’re going to be what we’re looking for,” Brewer said, adding that the breed is in very high demand. Morris said the kittens will have a different lifestyle now that they’re famous. “They’ve been upgraded to rock-star status now. They’ve been to the vet and they get the best food,” said Morris. At first, Morris started to give the kittens away, but with little luck. Then he planned to take them to the animal shelter, where they might have been euthanized. “But something held me back — I just thought there was something special about these cats,” he said. Before he took them to the pound, he decided to do research
[ 13, 10018, 49270, 13167, 15503, 198, 24119, 1044, 1812, 8962, 3271, 1709, 676, 1636, 338, 4128, 11099, 27053, 3334, 43351, 5268, 7615, 902, 198, 10723, 12325, 376, 15799, 338, 3651, 546, 2483, 89, 7344, 290, 1709, 676, 1636, 2174, 25, 198, 17822, 1424, 25, 8681, 11, 21970, 29585, 1636, 11, 4783, 718, 11, 479, 10036, 6580, 89, 7344, 11, 3857, 259, 277, 15799, 11, 686, 82, 49270, 30539, 15503, 5811, 9246, 14554, 45584, 423, 366, 10823, 12, 7364, 1, 2644, 198, 7792, 5564, 283, 45204, 2855, 284, 2644, 198, 18861, 9246, 14554, 45584, 423, 366, 10823, 12, 7364, 1, 1988, 284, 1449, 5702, 198, 3886, 3208, 20970, 13671, 198, 464, 4280, 2541, 6714, 198, 41374, 1404, 4261, 11, 42682, 13, 851, 14526, 14433, 2476, 257, 649, 8848, 5584, 290, 257, 649, 2612, 13, 2735, 339, 447, 247, 82, 14143, 319, 465, 1511, 11875, 284, 1037, 683, 651, 606, 13, 198, 2025, 39411, 1271, 30, 198, 447, 250, 1026, 1244, 307, 9670, 428, 640, 11, 447, 251, 531, 465, 3656, 11, 34855, 11, 1278, 5077, 379, 257, 7988, 286, 838, 45584, 484, 1975, 389, 636, 29202, 9246, 13, 198, 12510, 285, 1689, 11875, 31893, 1088, 511, 10043, 287, 281, 19992, 11398, 290, 2330, 25203, 287, 9266, 447, 247, 82, 13914, 3418, 13, 198, 1537, 612, 447, 247, 297, 307, 645, 517, 25203, 10693, 329, 777, 2041, 479, 715, 444, 11, 14433, 1139, 11, 780, 339, 447, 247, 82, 587, 8072, 564, 250, 400, 19983, 286, 5054, 447, 251, 329, 606, 416, 257, 1449, 5702, 287, 2669, 1181 ]
[ 13, 16870, 73872, 29627, 28163, 198, 42584, 1974, 3314, 23072, 6941, 3320, 771, 3258, 596, 7286, 15219, 30030, 57094, 287, 4060, 11073, 1392, 198, 14581, 17582, 435, 5327, 596, 6170, 922, 13203, 89, 8115, 323, 3320, 771, 3258, 3770, 512, 24600, 25, 21716, 11, 55046, 68215, 3258, 11, 9474, 220, 21, 11, 597, 19682, 8136, 89, 8115, 11, 99685, 282, 5327, 11, 27282, 73872, 62618, 28163, 14596, 4719, 26038, 83190, 617, 330, 21161, 21337, 1, 12515, 10153, 12093, 277, 2886, 1441, 4121, 311, 12515, 33488, 4719, 26038, 83190, 617, 330, 21161, 21337, 1, 907, 311, 5395, 7442, 198, 1383, 7281, 23994, 29868, 198, 791, 3799, 2693, 13690, 198, 1170, 29296, 1539, 11, 89762, 13, 2001, 31038, 30283, 3966, 264, 502, 15688, 9048, 323, 264, 502, 4851, 13, 4800, 568, 753, 26060, 389, 813, 220, 1032, 19987, 311, 1520, 1461, 636, 1124, 627, 2127, 89544, 1396, 5380, 17818, 2643, 387, 18069, 420, 892, 2476, 1071, 813, 7555, 11, 74232, 11, 2840, 9151, 520, 264, 14351, 315, 220, 605, 83190, 814, 4510, 527, 961, 36292, 4719, 627, 20215, 57264, 19987, 39032, 2212, 872, 26097, 304, 459, 26861, 18718, 323, 4251, 33419, 304, 21272, 753, 28574, 6406, 627, 4071, 1070, 4805, 387, 912, 810, 33419, 24548, 369, 1521, 3361, 67712, 552, 11, 30283, 2795, 11, 1606, 568, 753, 1027, 19487, 1054, 339, 40137, 315, 11441, 863, 369, 1124, 555, 264, 5395, 7442, 304, 6652, 1614 ]
[ 13, 2435, 527, 3794, 26002, 14741, 369, 25952, 311, 502, 10632, 4028, 279, 3224, 627, 72772, 30122, 5395, 7442, 10463, 9489, 84067, 11, 889, 2751, 50566, 648, 7826, 5598, 12054, 439, 264, 28875, 11, 13919, 30283, 529, 19987, 527, 279, 961, 1481, 677, 4719, 28875, 11, 1855, 5922, 400, 3101, 311, 400, 16, 11, 2636, 13, 3005, 323, 1023, 28875, 388, 1390, 311, 21813, 420, 5425, 1990, 264, 8415, 323, 264, 36292, 4719, 627, 15085, 3207, 1633, 12304, 922, 433, 11, 323, 584, 3207, 5115, 3738, 814, 3207, 2133, 311, 387, 1148, 584, 3207, 3411, 369, 2476, 84067, 1071, 11, 7999, 430, 279, 28875, 374, 304, 1633, 1579, 7631, 13, 30283, 1071, 279, 83190, 690, 617, 264, 2204, 19433, 1457, 430, 814, 3207, 11495, 627, 46690, 4070, 1027, 33624, 311, 7091, 21337, 2704, 1457, 13, 2435, 4070, 1027, 311, 279, 24195, 323, 814, 636, 279, 1888, 3691, 2476, 1071, 30283, 627, 1688, 1176, 11, 30283, 3940, 311, 3041, 279, 83190, 3201, 11, 719, 449, 2697, 15369, 13, 5112, 568, 13205, 311, 1935, 1124, 311, 279, 10065, 23756, 11, 1405, 814, 2643, 617, 1027, 81680, 276, 1534, 627, 61603, 2555, 5762, 757, 1203, 2001, 358, 1120, 3463, 1070, 574, 2555, 3361, 922, 1521, 19987, 2476, 568, 1071, 627, 10438, 568, 3952, 1124, 311, 279, 31123, 11, 568, 6773, 311, 656, 3495 ]
hotels you can select from. Some of the newer hotels have been built green standards in mind. Some older hotels that aren’t that new will pick out some ways to be more eco-friendly so they can show they care. Talk to a travel agent in order to find hotels that are eco-friendly. The price you are charged for your hotel room is going to affected by how early you book the room. Rooms in hotels are priced based on their availability. This will net you a great price when it comes to hotel rooms. Be sure to avoid hotel transfers when booking a room. Especially in situations where the price of the room represents a major deal, the price of your transfer can make a big difference. You save the most money when you ask about such a thing in advance. There are many times that we need to use a hotel. Research can help you plan an enjoyable trip and save money in the process. Use this article to help you become a seasoned shopper of hotel rooms. The hotel room you pick can make or break a trip. Are you often overwhelmed when searching for bargain hotel room? How do you find one that is perfect when the choices available?The following article will guide you on how to find a hotel for your travel
hotels you can select from. Some of the newer hotels have been built green standards in mind. Some older hotels that aren’t that new will pick out some ways to be more eco-friendly so they can show they care. Talk to a travel agent in order to find hotels that are eco-friendly. The price you are charged for your hotel room is going to affected by how early you book the room. Rooms in hotels are priced based on their availability. This will net you a great price when it comes to hotel rooms. Be sure to avoid hotel transfers when booking a room. Especially in situations where the price of the room represents a major deal, the price of your transfer can make a big difference. You save the most money when you ask about such a thing in advance. There are many times that we need to use a hotel. Research can help you plan an enjoyable trip and save money in the process. Use this article to help you become a seasoned shopper of hotel rooms. The hotel room you pick can make or break a trip. Are you often overwhelmed when searching for bargain hotel room? How do you find one that is perfect when the choices available?The following article will guide you on how to find a hotel for your travel
companions enjoy. Check online reviews prior to booking your stay. These types of sites let you some information from people that have stayed at that certain hotel. What former guests have to say about their experiences at the hotels you’re thinking of booking can ensure you in coming to the right decision. You can find good deals on hotels if you go online and check out some of the travel sites out there. If you have a hotel loyalty program your a part of, be sure to input that information when checking rates. You may also be able to get discounts due to AAA or AARP membership. There are things to consider as you search for a hotel to stay in. You may or may not care about such amenities such as a gym, large pool, free long distance or a nice pool or gym. Try to find a hotel that offers as many of your desired amenities as is realistic. Always look for online deals before booking your hotel room. This is why you to search for these hidden discounts. Check out websites such as Jetsetter, Jetsetter, or RueLaLaTravel. Check out your hotel room prior to unpacking. Is your room clean? Do you see any mold and mildew free? Are linens and towels you’ll
[ 18505, 345, 460, 2922, 422, 13, 2773, 286, 262, 15064, 18505, 423, 587, 3170, 4077, 5423, 287, 2000, 13, 2773, 4697, 18505, 326, 3588, 447, 247, 83, 326, 649, 481, 2298, 503, 617, 2842, 284, 307, 517, 34286, 12, 13120, 523, 484, 460, 905, 484, 1337, 13, 12167, 284, 257, 3067, 5797, 287, 1502, 284, 1064, 18505, 326, 389, 34286, 12, 13120, 13, 198, 464, 2756, 345, 389, 5047, 329, 534, 7541, 2119, 318, 1016, 284, 5676, 416, 703, 1903, 345, 1492, 262, 2119, 13, 42043, 287, 18505, 389, 19744, 1912, 319, 511, 11500, 13, 770, 481, 2010, 345, 257, 1049, 2756, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 7541, 9519, 13, 198, 3856, 1654, 284, 3368, 7541, 16395, 618, 25452, 257, 2119, 13, 18948, 287, 7445, 810, 262, 2756, 286, 262, 2119, 6870, 257, 1688, 1730, 11, 262, 2756, 286, 534, 4351, 460, 787, 257, 1263, 3580, 13, 921, 3613, 262, 749, 1637, 618, 345, 1265, 546, 884, 257, 1517, 287, 5963, 13, 198, 1858, 389, 867, 1661, 326, 356, 761, 284, 779, 257, 7541, 13, 4992, 460, 1037, 345, 1410, 281, 20050, 5296, 290, 3613, 1637, 287, 262, 1429, 13, 5765, 428, 2708, 284, 1037, 345, 1716, 257, 29314, 7354, 2848, 286, 7541, 9519, 13, 383, 7541, 2119, 345, 2298, 460, 787, 393, 2270, 257, 5296, 13, 198, 8491, 345, 1690, 20974, 618, 10342, 329, 22803, 7541, 2119, 30, 1374, 466, 345, 1064, 530, 326, 318, 2818, 618, 262, 7747, 1695, 30, 464, 1708, 2708, 481, 5698, 345, 319, 703, 284, 1064, 257, 7541, 329, 534, 3067 ]
[ 25325, 499, 649, 3373, 505, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 26627, 25325, 617, 1027, 5918, 6307, 10886, 304, 4059, 13, 4427, 9191, 25325, 430, 7784, 1431, 430, 502, 690, 3820, 704, 1063, 5627, 311, 387, 810, 42688, 22658, 779, 814, 649, 1501, 814, 2512, 13, 19513, 311, 264, 5944, 8479, 304, 2015, 311, 1505, 25325, 430, 527, 42688, 22658, 627, 791, 3430, 499, 527, 11684, 369, 701, 9689, 3130, 374, 2133, 311, 11754, 555, 1268, 4216, 499, 2363, 279, 3130, 13, 48403, 304, 25325, 527, 33705, 3196, 389, 872, 18539, 13, 1115, 690, 4272, 499, 264, 2294, 3430, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 9689, 12295, 627, 3513, 2771, 311, 5766, 9689, 31711, 994, 22615, 264, 3130, 13, 36625, 304, 15082, 1405, 279, 3430, 315, 279, 3130, 11105, 264, 3682, 3568, 11, 279, 3430, 315, 701, 8481, 649, 1304, 264, 2466, 6811, 13, 1472, 3665, 279, 1455, 3300, 994, 499, 2610, 922, 1778, 264, 3245, 304, 12178, 627, 3947, 527, 1690, 3115, 430, 584, 1205, 311, 1005, 264, 9689, 13, 8483, 649, 1520, 499, 3197, 459, 32180, 8577, 323, 3665, 3300, 304, 279, 1920, 13, 5560, 420, 4652, 311, 1520, 499, 3719, 264, 52614, 94303, 315, 9689, 12295, 13, 578, 9689, 3130, 499, 3820, 649, 1304, 477, 1464, 264, 8577, 627, 11787, 499, 3629, 43206, 994, 15389, 369, 45663, 9689, 3130, 30, 2650, 656, 499, 1505, 832, 430, 374, 4832, 994, 279, 11709, 2561, 30, 791, 2768, 4652, 690, 8641, 499, 389, 1268, 311, 1505, 264, 9689, 369, 701, 5944 ]
[ 41957, 4774, 627, 4061, 2930, 8544, 4972, 311, 22615, 701, 4822, 13, 4314, 4595, 315, 6732, 1095, 499, 1063, 2038, 505, 1274, 430, 617, 20186, 520, 430, 3738, 9689, 13, 3639, 4846, 15051, 617, 311, 2019, 922, 872, 11704, 520, 279, 25325, 499, 3207, 7422, 315, 22615, 649, 6106, 499, 304, 5108, 311, 279, 1314, 5597, 627, 2675, 649, 1505, 1695, 12789, 389, 25325, 422, 499, 733, 2930, 323, 1817, 704, 1063, 315, 279, 5944, 6732, 704, 1070, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 9689, 32883, 2068, 701, 264, 961, 315, 11, 387, 2771, 311, 1988, 430, 2038, 994, 13598, 7969, 13, 1472, 1253, 1101, 387, 3025, 311, 636, 32162, 4245, 311, 48197, 477, 362, 43893, 16250, 627, 3947, 527, 2574, 311, 2980, 439, 499, 2778, 369, 264, 9689, 311, 4822, 304, 13, 1472, 1253, 477, 1253, 539, 2512, 922, 1778, 36483, 1778, 439, 264, 19343, 11, 3544, 7463, 11, 1949, 1317, 6138, 477, 264, 6555, 7463, 477, 19343, 13, 9934, 311, 1505, 264, 9689, 430, 6209, 439, 1690, 315, 701, 12974, 36483, 439, 374, 26569, 627, 38195, 1427, 369, 2930, 12789, 1603, 22615, 701, 9689, 3130, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 499, 311, 2778, 369, 1521, 8340, 32162, 13, 4343, 704, 13335, 1778, 439, 25365, 89579, 11, 25365, 89579, 11, 477, 79151, 8921, 8921, 41348, 627, 4061, 704, 701, 9689, 3130, 4972, 311, 32165, 287, 13, 2209, 701, 3130, 4335, 30, 3234, 499, 1518, 904, 29561, 323, 23900, 365, 1949, 30, 8886, 10006, 729, 323, 53984, 499, 4805 ]
T be his last trial--I don' want that to be his last run in competition ever! Especially since he still seemed so happy about being there. I even got him to play some running fetch and tug-of-war with his tug-n-treat after the run, which felt like a major success after his growing reluctance lately. He pooped out pretty quickly compared to his usual Energizer Rabbit endurance, but that's not surprising since he doesn't do it much. I just have to be more persistent in getting him going, I guess. Tika Tika Qed 7 of 9--slightly above average for us at CPE trials--but most were not among our best runs. Missed the first Standard of the weekend on a challenging turn that she took but then backjumped. Missed Wildcard when she knocked a bar. Some of the Qs definitely would not have been Qs if they'd been USDAA events. Managed only one run where Tika was the #1 among 4/5/C (roughy 50-60 dogs)--I usually hope for more than that at a CPE trial [she says greedily]. She wasn't sticking her contacts, so I spent a lot of time standing
T be his last trial--I don' want that to be his last run in competition ever! Especially since he still seemed so happy about being there. I even got him to play some running fetch and tug-of-war with his tug-n-treat after the run, which felt like a major success after his growing reluctance lately. He pooped out pretty quickly compared to his usual Energizer Rabbit endurance, but that's not surprising since he doesn't do it much. I just have to be more persistent in getting him going, I guess. Tika Tika Qed 7 of 9--slightly above average for us at CPE trials--but most were not among our best runs. Missed the first Standard of the weekend on a challenging turn that she took but then backjumped. Missed Wildcard when she knocked a bar. Some of the Qs definitely would not have been Qs if they'd been USDAA events. Managed only one run where Tika was the #1 among 4/5/C (roughy 50-60 dogs)--I usually hope for more than that at a CPE trial [she says greedily]. She wasn't sticking her contacts, so I spent a lot of time standing
still waiting for her to come back and settle. Had a few bobbles here and there that would've been refusals elsewhere but aren't in CPE. Had a totally messy Jackpot opening but got a gamble that so few other people were getting that the judge rearranged the gamble and let all the dogs so far rerun it. Still, it was either a 25-point gamble or 20-pt gamble and I proved once again that I don't know how to get Tika to go OUT even when it's a straight line from where she is and I'm moving in that direction, because she came in to me for only the 20 pts. That was the last run of the weekend. I'd have loved to rerun it anyway when the judge reran people, to try to get some of the 13 to 16 points that we hosed (yikes! that many!--came on the side of the teeter, my fault, for 0 instead of 5; muffed a weave entry, undoubtedly also my fault, so missed 3 pts; those 5 extra pts in the gamble; and a 3-point tunnel I didn't take because we spent time fumblefingering the weaves) but walking back to my canopy after the run, I
[ 51, 307, 465, 938, 4473, 438, 40, 836, 6, 765, 326, 284, 307, 465, 938, 1057, 287, 5449, 1683, 0, 18948, 1201, 339, 991, 3947, 523, 3772, 546, 852, 612, 13, 314, 772, 1392, 683, 284, 711, 617, 2491, 21207, 290, 27762, 12, 1659, 12, 5767, 351, 465, 27762, 12, 77, 12, 83, 630, 706, 262, 1057, 11, 543, 2936, 588, 257, 1688, 1943, 706, 465, 3957, 33506, 16537, 13, 679, 745, 19458, 503, 2495, 2952, 3688, 284, 465, 6678, 412, 25649, 7509, 25498, 22965, 11, 475, 326, 338, 407, 6452, 1201, 339, 1595, 470, 466, 340, 881, 13, 314, 655, 423, 284, 307, 517, 16218, 287, 1972, 683, 1016, 11, 314, 4724, 13, 198, 51, 9232, 198, 51, 9232, 1195, 276, 767, 286, 860, 438, 82, 30945, 2029, 2811, 329, 514, 379, 327, 11401, 9867, 438, 4360, 749, 547, 407, 1871, 674, 1266, 4539, 13, 4544, 276, 262, 717, 8997, 286, 262, 5041, 319, 257, 9389, 1210, 326, 673, 1718, 475, 788, 736, 73, 27073, 13, 4544, 276, 6183, 9517, 618, 673, 13642, 257, 2318, 13, 2773, 286, 262, 1195, 82, 4753, 561, 407, 423, 587, 1195, 82, 611, 484, 1549, 587, 11403, 3838, 2995, 13, 1869, 1886, 691, 530, 1057, 810, 309, 9232, 373, 262, 1303, 16, 1871, 604, 14, 20, 14, 34, 357, 740, 88, 2026, 12, 1899, 6844, 42944, 40, 3221, 2911, 329, 517, 621, 326, 379, 257, 327, 11401, 4473, 685, 7091, 1139, 25474, 813, 4083, 1375, 2492, 470, 17274, 607, 13961, 11, 523, 314, 3377, 257, 1256, 286, 640, 5055 ]
[ 51, 387, 813, 1566, 9269, 313, 40, 1541, 6, 1390, 430, 311, 387, 813, 1566, 1629, 304, 10937, 3596, 0, 36625, 2533, 568, 2103, 9508, 779, 6380, 922, 1694, 1070, 13, 358, 1524, 2751, 1461, 311, 1514, 1063, 4401, 7963, 323, 82715, 8838, 48260, 449, 813, 82715, 5392, 2442, 1244, 1306, 279, 1629, 11, 902, 6612, 1093, 264, 3682, 2450, 1306, 813, 7982, 84050, 31445, 13, 1283, 3273, 16771, 704, 5128, 6288, 7863, 311, 813, 13783, 75101, 3213, 49431, 49286, 11, 719, 430, 596, 539, 15206, 2533, 568, 3250, 956, 656, 433, 1790, 13, 358, 1120, 617, 311, 387, 810, 26048, 304, 3794, 1461, 2133, 11, 358, 8101, 627, 51, 11755, 198, 51, 11755, 61688, 220, 22, 315, 220, 24, 313, 3306, 73048, 3485, 5578, 369, 603, 520, 356, 1777, 19622, 313, 8248, 1455, 1051, 539, 4315, 1057, 1888, 8640, 13, 9083, 291, 279, 1176, 12028, 315, 279, 9178, 389, 264, 17436, 2543, 430, 1364, 3952, 719, 1243, 1203, 44396, 291, 13, 9083, 291, 13944, 5057, 994, 1364, 33085, 264, 3703, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 1229, 82, 8659, 1053, 539, 617, 1027, 1229, 82, 422, 814, 4265, 1027, 20121, 6157, 4455, 13, 61844, 1193, 832, 1629, 1405, 350, 11755, 574, 279, 674, 16, 4315, 220, 19, 14, 20, 11547, 320, 1458, 88, 220, 1135, 12, 1399, 12875, 30721, 40, 6118, 3987, 369, 810, 1109, 430, 520, 264, 356, 1777, 9269, 510, 32158, 2795, 56926, 1570, 948, 3005, 5828, 956, 38072, 1077, 19015, 11, 779, 358, 7543, 264, 2763, 315, 892, 11509 ]
[ 2103, 8748, 369, 1077, 311, 2586, 1203, 323, 25760, 13, 24805, 264, 2478, 293, 21046, 645, 1618, 323, 1070, 430, 1053, 3077, 1027, 2098, 355, 1147, 18403, 719, 7784, 956, 304, 356, 1777, 13, 24805, 264, 12756, 46946, 7762, 19644, 8736, 719, 2751, 264, 64901, 430, 779, 2478, 1023, 1274, 1051, 3794, 430, 279, 11913, 56427, 3811, 279, 64901, 323, 1095, 682, 279, 12875, 779, 3117, 49647, 359, 433, 13, 16782, 11, 433, 574, 3060, 264, 220, 914, 16983, 64901, 477, 220, 508, 97151, 64901, 323, 358, 19168, 3131, 1578, 430, 358, 1541, 956, 1440, 1268, 311, 636, 350, 11755, 311, 733, 10009, 1524, 994, 433, 596, 264, 7833, 1584, 505, 1405, 1364, 374, 323, 358, 2846, 7366, 304, 430, 5216, 11, 1606, 1364, 3782, 304, 311, 757, 369, 1193, 279, 220, 508, 31093, 627, 4897, 574, 279, 1566, 1629, 315, 279, 9178, 13, 358, 4265, 617, 10456, 311, 49647, 359, 433, 13971, 994, 279, 11913, 49647, 276, 1274, 11, 311, 1456, 311, 636, 1063, 315, 279, 220, 1032, 311, 220, 845, 3585, 430, 584, 305, 20158, 320, 88, 12732, 0, 430, 1690, 2556, 6142, 389, 279, 3185, 315, 279, 1028, 1430, 11, 856, 14867, 11, 369, 220, 15, 4619, 315, 220, 20, 26, 296, 41673, 264, 68608, 4441, 11, 38048, 1101, 856, 14867, 11, 779, 13942, 220, 18, 31093, 26, 1884, 220, 20, 5066, 31093, 304, 279, 64901, 26, 323, 264, 220, 18, 16983, 26711, 358, 3287, 956, 1935, 1606, 584, 7543, 892, 282, 23568, 69, 287, 4776, 279, 584, 4798, 8, 719, 11689, 1203, 311, 856, 64071, 1306, 279, 1629, 11, 358 ]
streets, luxury homes in Ann Arbor Hills range from remodeled historic homes built in the 1930s and traditional homes to new construction properties and mid-century modern homes. Residents of Ann Arbor Hills are within walking distance of downtown, the University of Michigan, Nichols Arboretum, Huron Hills Golf Course, Gallup Park, and the Ann Arbor Racquet Club. ASHLEY MEWS CONDOS Situated in the heart of downtown, Ashley Mews Condos is a condominium complex comprised of 54 units built between 2002 and 2003. Featuring a variety of floor plans and amenities, these condos were built to resemble the traditional brownstones of Boston. Features of Ashley Mews Condos include hardwood flooring, solid wood cabinetry, secure attached underground parking, granite countertops, and more. Some units also have fireplaces, private balconies and bay windows. IVES WOODS Technically located within the Burns Park neighborhood, Ives Woods is a desirable upscale community with stately homes. This small enclave features quiet tree-lined streets with large estate properties ranging in style, including Tudor, contemporary, colonial, Cape Cod and ranch. Residents of Ives Woods are not far from Burns Park and the neighboring Burns Park Elementary, which are both within
streets, luxury homes in Ann Arbor Hills range from remodeled historic homes built in the 1930s and traditional homes to new construction properties and mid-century modern homes. Residents of Ann Arbor Hills are within walking distance of downtown, the University of Michigan, Nichols Arboretum, Huron Hills Golf Course, Gallup Park, and the Ann Arbor Racquet Club. ASHLEY MEWS CONDOS Situated in the heart of downtown, Ashley Mews Condos is a condominium complex comprised of 54 units built between 2002 and 2003. Featuring a variety of floor plans and amenities, these condos were built to resemble the traditional brownstones of Boston. Features of Ashley Mews Condos include hardwood flooring, solid wood cabinetry, secure attached underground parking, granite countertops, and more. Some units also have fireplaces, private balconies and bay windows. IVES WOODS Technically located within the Burns Park neighborhood, Ives Woods is a desirable upscale community with stately homes. This small enclave features quiet tree-lined streets with large estate properties ranging in style, including Tudor, contemporary, colonial, Cape Cod and ranch. Residents of Ives Woods are not far from Burns Park and the neighboring Burns Park Elementary, which are both within
walking distance. OLD FOURTH WARD Located directly north of Main Street Ann Arbor adjacent to Kerrytown, Old Fourth Ward is a desirable historic neighborhood in the heart of activity. Considered one of the first residential areas in the city, Old Fourth Ward is home to a number of historic homes, buildings and churches. The neighborhood is especially popular amongst University of Michigan students and faculty due to its proximity to campus and downtown. Lined with a variety of homes both old and new, the streets of Old Fourth Ward are shaded under a mature canopy of trees. TOWER PLAZA CONDOS Tower Plaza Condominium is a 26-floor building with individually owned condominiums. Measuring at 267 feet, Tower Plaza is the tallest building in Ann Arbor. The complex is popular amongst students and their investment-minded parents for its central location near campus and potential for a return on investment. Tower Plaza units range in size, from 383-square-foot studios to 694-square-foot one-bedroom condos. Amenities include 24-hour security and concierge service, full-service laundry service, and a full-time maintenance and cleaning staff. 641 Geddes Ridge Avenue 3099 Overridge Drive 2000 Hill Street
[ 6483, 11, 13064, 5682, 287, 5506, 30455, 14379, 2837, 422, 38977, 18449, 9566, 5682, 3170, 287, 262, 15533, 82, 290, 4569, 5682, 284, 649, 5103, 6608, 290, 3095, 12, 14792, 3660, 5682, 13, 29602, 286, 5506, 30455, 14379, 389, 1626, 6155, 5253, 286, 9436, 11, 262, 2059, 286, 7055, 11, 38403, 943, 65, 9997, 388, 11, 10077, 261, 14379, 19709, 20537, 11, 29183, 3250, 11, 290, 262, 5506, 30455, 24746, 21108, 6289, 13, 198, 11211, 25173, 337, 6217, 50, 7102, 35178, 198, 46655, 6605, 287, 262, 2612, 286, 9436, 11, 20899, 337, 15515, 9724, 418, 318, 257, 1779, 46134, 3716, 19869, 286, 7175, 4991, 3170, 1022, 6244, 290, 5816, 13, 39778, 257, 4996, 286, 4314, 3352, 290, 35468, 11, 777, 48093, 547, 3170, 284, 22464, 262, 4569, 7586, 28750, 286, 6182, 13, 17571, 286, 20899, 337, 15515, 9724, 418, 2291, 1327, 3822, 4314, 278, 11, 4735, 4898, 9351, 11973, 11, 5713, 7223, 11447, 7647, 11, 41013, 3753, 35011, 11, 290, 517, 13, 2773, 4991, 635, 423, 2046, 23625, 11, 2839, 26857, 444, 290, 15489, 9168, 13, 198, 42472, 370, 22808, 50, 198, 25574, 1146, 5140, 1626, 262, 23592, 3250, 6232, 11, 314, 1158, 16483, 318, 257, 18763, 44918, 2055, 351, 1181, 306, 5682, 13, 770, 1402, 49842, 3033, 5897, 5509, 12, 10837, 6483, 351, 1588, 7964, 6608, 12897, 287, 3918, 11, 1390, 48256, 273, 11, 11811, 11, 17091, 11, 15725, 18720, 290, 28752, 13, 29602, 286, 314, 1158, 16483, 389, 407, 1290, 422, 23592, 3250, 290, 262, 19651, 23592, 3250, 25335, 11, 543, 389, 1111, 1626 ]
[ 14708, 11, 19913, 10632, 304, 9489, 65639, 25964, 2134, 505, 1323, 97579, 18526, 10632, 5918, 304, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 323, 8776, 10632, 311, 502, 8246, 6012, 323, 5209, 34457, 6617, 10632, 13, 64348, 315, 9489, 65639, 25964, 527, 2949, 11689, 6138, 315, 19441, 11, 279, 3907, 315, 14972, 11, 81250, 87987, 18673, 372, 11, 21670, 263, 25964, 28131, 17026, 11, 80901, 5657, 11, 323, 279, 9489, 65639, 56806, 24181, 10349, 627, 9729, 54949, 16691, 7585, 3501, 35, 3204, 198, 61935, 13148, 304, 279, 4851, 315, 19441, 11, 38218, 386, 28844, 1221, 41625, 374, 264, 86076, 6485, 40056, 315, 220, 4370, 8316, 5918, 1990, 220, 1049, 17, 323, 220, 1049, 18, 13, 52331, 264, 8205, 315, 6558, 6787, 323, 36483, 11, 1521, 88475, 1051, 5918, 311, 52280, 279, 8776, 14198, 33610, 315, 10406, 13, 20289, 315, 38218, 386, 28844, 1221, 41625, 2997, 51645, 37248, 11, 6573, 7732, 13691, 15501, 11, 9966, 12673, 26326, 13217, 11, 38390, 85313, 11, 323, 810, 13, 4427, 8316, 1101, 617, 4027, 27170, 11, 879, 38405, 552, 323, 23542, 11276, 627, 49860, 468, 56350, 50, 198, 29356, 2740, 7559, 2949, 279, 51016, 5657, 12818, 11, 358, 2396, 35848, 374, 264, 35946, 75023, 4029, 449, 357, 2718, 10632, 13, 1115, 2678, 98812, 4519, 11594, 5021, 90059, 14708, 449, 3544, 12675, 6012, 24950, 304, 1742, 11, 2737, 91251, 269, 11, 19225, 11, 37683, 11, 29715, 34777, 323, 39161, 13, 64348, 315, 358, 2396, 35848, 527, 539, 3117, 505, 51016, 5657, 323, 279, 42617, 51016, 5657, 41763, 11, 902, 527, 2225, 2949 ]
[ 11689, 6138, 627, 8021, 75191, 3701, 468, 7527, 198, 48852, 6089, 10411, 315, 4802, 6825, 9489, 65639, 24894, 311, 40340, 28931, 11, 10846, 36174, 27738, 374, 264, 35946, 18526, 12818, 304, 279, 4851, 315, 5820, 13, 21829, 291, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 20658, 5789, 304, 279, 3363, 11, 10846, 36174, 27738, 374, 2162, 311, 264, 1396, 315, 18526, 10632, 11, 14016, 323, 31012, 13, 578, 12818, 374, 5423, 5526, 24059, 3907, 315, 14972, 4236, 323, 22291, 4245, 311, 1202, 37843, 311, 15679, 323, 19441, 13, 445, 1619, 449, 264, 8205, 315, 10632, 2225, 2362, 323, 502, 11, 279, 14708, 315, 10846, 36174, 27738, 527, 92866, 1234, 264, 15196, 64071, 315, 12690, 627, 51, 20491, 10528, 24476, 32, 3501, 35, 3204, 198, 96924, 41407, 1221, 5717, 64990, 374, 264, 220, 1627, 80450, 4857, 449, 32399, 13234, 86076, 82, 13, 2206, 69774, 520, 220, 16567, 7693, 11, 22703, 41407, 374, 279, 82717, 4857, 304, 9489, 65639, 13, 578, 6485, 374, 5526, 24059, 4236, 323, 872, 9341, 34423, 6699, 369, 1202, 8792, 3813, 3221, 15679, 323, 4754, 369, 264, 471, 389, 9341, 13, 22703, 41407, 8316, 2134, 304, 1404, 11, 505, 220, 19230, 34047, 21117, 42795, 311, 220, 25392, 34047, 21117, 832, 67967, 88475, 13, 62496, 1385, 2997, 220, 1187, 21925, 4868, 323, 3613, 87103, 2532, 11, 2539, 24358, 35189, 2532, 11, 323, 264, 2539, 7394, 13709, 323, 16204, 5687, 627, 23525, 65577, 5919, 35305, 17569, 198, 15500, 24, 6193, 11431, 16542, 198, 1049, 15, 8270, 6825 ]
middle of a Godfather movie.” Only a few days after Stefan’s murder, Omar Lkhorf, who police believe was the intended target and has now fled abroad, knocked on her door. “He was just a boy. He was crying and totally distraught. It was genuine. He said it was meant for him and he had come home 30 minutes early that night. I was angry I thought my god, just 30 minutes and maybe it would have been a different story, ” she said. “I am coping. But people don’t seem to understand that it could so easily be their loved one. All it took for Stefan to die was to be driving the same car and living in the area. That seems crazy to me.We need a response from the public.” Last month Dutch police arrested a 26-year-old man in connection with Stefan’s death after confirming the firearm which killed him had been found at the suspect’s home. But he has told detectives he was holding the weapon for someone he will not name. The suspect does not fit the description of the assassin and he has only been charged with possession of a firearm. Janke added: “He will
middle of a Godfather movie.” Only a few days after Stefan’s murder, Omar Lkhorf, who police believe was the intended target and has now fled abroad, knocked on her door. “He was just a boy. He was crying and totally distraught. It was genuine. He said it was meant for him and he had come home 30 minutes early that night. I was angry I thought my god, just 30 minutes and maybe it would have been a different story, ” she said. “I am coping. But people don’t seem to understand that it could so easily be their loved one. All it took for Stefan to die was to be driving the same car and living in the area. That seems crazy to me.We need a response from the public.” Last month Dutch police arrested a 26-year-old man in connection with Stefan’s death after confirming the firearm which killed him had been found at the suspect’s home. But he has told detectives he was holding the weapon for someone he will not name. The suspect does not fit the description of the assassin and he has only been charged with possession of a firearm. Janke added: “He will
get maybe two years but who is directing these young people to do these things? They are the people that need to be caught. The silence cannot continue.” Stefan Eggermont crime scene Netherland’s Openbaar Ministerie, (OM) the equivalent of the Crown Prosecution Service, which is handling the investigation, are braced for more assassinations to come. They are up against gangsters using state-of-the-art trackers and jammers to stay ahead of law enforcement. In Antwerp port they also had the ability to corrupt a customs officer, now serving 14 years and install malicious software into the ports computers to change cargo details so that they would be passed through any checks. Last week the Dutch authorities had their first major success in what has become a huge investigation draining their resources. One of the ringleaders of one of the gangs involved was jailed for ten years for his role in the first murder which sparked the trail of killings. Benaouf Adaoui, 30, was convicted on Monday of his role in the murder of Najeb Bouhbouh. When I spoke to the authorities a few weeks ago they were candid. They didn’t believe the killings were over.
[ 3504, 286, 257, 1793, 11358, 3807, 13, 447, 251, 198, 10049, 257, 1178, 1528, 706, 28842, 447, 247, 82, 5123, 11, 24980, 406, 14636, 24263, 11, 508, 1644, 1975, 373, 262, 5292, 2496, 290, 468, 783, 11468, 10522, 11, 13642, 319, 607, 3420, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1544, 373, 655, 257, 2933, 13, 679, 373, 13774, 290, 6635, 48629, 13, 632, 373, 8768, 13, 679, 531, 340, 373, 4001, 329, 683, 290, 339, 550, 1282, 1363, 1542, 2431, 1903, 326, 1755, 13, 314, 373, 7954, 314, 1807, 616, 5770, 11, 655, 1542, 2431, 290, 3863, 340, 561, 423, 587, 257, 1180, 1621, 11, 564, 251, 673, 531, 13, 564, 250, 40, 716, 35326, 13, 887, 661, 836, 447, 247, 83, 1283, 284, 1833, 326, 340, 714, 523, 3538, 307, 511, 6151, 530, 13, 1439, 340, 1718, 329, 28842, 284, 4656, 373, 284, 307, 5059, 262, 976, 1097, 290, 2877, 287, 262, 1989, 13, 1320, 2331, 7165, 284, 502, 13, 1135, 761, 257, 2882, 422, 262, 1171, 13, 447, 251, 198, 5956, 1227, 10914, 1644, 5169, 257, 2608, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 582, 287, 4637, 351, 28842, 447, 247, 82, 1918, 706, 23366, 262, 13988, 543, 2923, 683, 550, 587, 1043, 379, 262, 4099, 447, 247, 82, 1363, 13, 887, 339, 468, 1297, 24304, 339, 373, 4769, 262, 4282, 329, 2130, 339, 481, 407, 1438, 13, 383, 4099, 857, 407, 4197, 262, 6764, 286, 262, 31120, 290, 339, 468, 691, 587, 5047, 351, 7797, 286, 257, 13988, 13, 198, 12128, 365, 2087, 25, 564, 250, 1544, 481 ]
[ 6278, 315, 264, 4359, 23881, 5818, 49216, 7456, 264, 2478, 2919, 1306, 50002, 753, 10102, 11, 54658, 445, 74, 20100, 69, 11, 889, 4379, 4510, 574, 279, 10825, 2218, 323, 706, 1457, 30010, 22917, 11, 33085, 389, 1077, 6134, 627, 40565, 574, 1120, 264, 8334, 13, 1283, 574, 31299, 323, 12756, 58571, 3948, 13, 1102, 574, 22785, 13, 1283, 1071, 433, 574, 8967, 369, 1461, 323, 568, 1047, 2586, 2162, 220, 966, 4520, 4216, 430, 3814, 13, 358, 574, 19021, 358, 3463, 856, 10087, 11, 1120, 220, 966, 4520, 323, 7344, 433, 1053, 617, 1027, 264, 2204, 3446, 11, 19524, 1364, 1071, 13, 1054, 40, 1097, 63082, 13, 2030, 1274, 1541, 1431, 2873, 311, 3619, 430, 433, 1436, 779, 6847, 387, 872, 10456, 832, 13, 2052, 433, 3952, 369, 50002, 311, 2815, 574, 311, 387, 10043, 279, 1890, 1841, 323, 5496, 304, 279, 3158, 13, 3011, 5084, 14599, 311, 757, 23210, 1205, 264, 2077, 505, 279, 586, 49216, 5966, 2305, 24113, 4379, 12800, 264, 220, 1627, 4771, 6418, 893, 304, 3717, 449, 50002, 753, 4648, 1306, 50096, 279, 36705, 902, 7577, 1461, 1047, 1027, 1766, 520, 279, 15562, 753, 2162, 13, 2030, 568, 706, 3309, 59859, 568, 574, 10168, 279, 10500, 369, 4423, 568, 690, 539, 836, 13, 578, 15562, 1587, 539, 5052, 279, 4096, 315, 279, 68769, 323, 568, 706, 1193, 1027, 11684, 449, 19243, 315, 264, 36705, 627, 18820, 441, 3779, 25, 1054, 1548, 690 ]
[ 636, 7344, 1403, 1667, 719, 889, 374, 46090, 1521, 3995, 1274, 311, 656, 1521, 2574, 30, 2435, 527, 279, 1274, 430, 1205, 311, 387, 10791, 13, 578, 21847, 4250, 3136, 49216, 626, 830, 276, 39175, 1414, 21047, 9977, 6237, 198, 45, 2791, 1974, 753, 5377, 71317, 9675, 648, 11, 320, 1937, 8, 279, 13890, 315, 279, 29743, 52270, 1516, 5475, 11, 902, 374, 11850, 279, 8990, 11, 527, 1437, 4535, 369, 810, 26816, 12922, 311, 2586, 13, 2435, 527, 709, 2403, 13481, 12855, 1701, 1614, 8838, 10826, 38921, 92082, 323, 503, 43157, 311, 4822, 8469, 315, 2383, 13627, 13, 763, 6898, 95419, 2700, 814, 1101, 1047, 279, 5845, 311, 22681, 264, 35869, 9640, 11, 1457, 13788, 220, 975, 1667, 323, 4685, 39270, 3241, 1139, 279, 20946, 19002, 311, 2349, 26735, 3649, 779, 430, 814, 1053, 387, 5946, 1555, 904, 12621, 627, 5966, 2046, 279, 24113, 11527, 1047, 872, 1176, 3682, 2450, 304, 1148, 706, 3719, 264, 6908, 8990, 74109, 872, 5070, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 436, 2222, 6527, 315, 832, 315, 279, 55223, 6532, 574, 55606, 369, 5899, 1667, 369, 813, 3560, 304, 279, 1176, 10102, 902, 41544, 279, 9025, 315, 48133, 13, 426, 7304, 283, 69, 52249, 74944, 11, 220, 966, 11, 574, 23959, 389, 7159, 315, 813, 3560, 304, 279, 10102, 315, 67453, 3141, 31054, 50139, 283, 71, 627, 4599, 358, 12570, 311, 279, 11527, 264, 2478, 5672, 4227, 814, 1051, 5803, 13, 2435, 3287, 1431, 4510, 279, 48133, 1051, 927, 13 ]
month after waking, in the gym building up muscle tissue. To this end, a member of the crew had been woken weekly, so that the exercise machines could be used in rotation. Frank had been the last to wake. ‘Jake,’ said Frank as he pedalled the bicycle slowly on the lowest setting, ‘I’d like you to fill me in on the events leading up to Harold’s death.’ Jake was a short man for his age, and was prematurely balding. The hair he did have was light brown, and he possessed a pair of radiant blue eyes that captivated all who looked at them, as though he were wearing blue contact lenses. His eyes betrayed his Nordic ancestry. He was sitting on the edge of the crate that housed the dumbbells. In his hand was a pinch-force dynamometer, used for testing finger strength. He toyed with the device as he spoke. Jake was young for an astronaut, aged thirty-one, give or take a hundred and fifteen years. Frank was always slightly dubious about having younger astronauts on his crews. But Jake’s medical adeptness was hard to beat, and he provided a certain youthful flair that was lacking
month after waking, in the gym building up muscle tissue. To this end, a member of the crew had been woken weekly, so that the exercise machines could be used in rotation. Frank had been the last to wake. ‘Jake,’ said Frank as he pedalled the bicycle slowly on the lowest setting, ‘I’d like you to fill me in on the events leading up to Harold’s death.’ Jake was a short man for his age, and was prematurely balding. The hair he did have was light brown, and he possessed a pair of radiant blue eyes that captivated all who looked at them, as though he were wearing blue contact lenses. His eyes betrayed his Nordic ancestry. He was sitting on the edge of the crate that housed the dumbbells. In his hand was a pinch-force dynamometer, used for testing finger strength. He toyed with the device as he spoke. Jake was young for an astronaut, aged thirty-one, give or take a hundred and fifteen years. Frank was always slightly dubious about having younger astronauts on his crews. But Jake’s medical adeptness was hard to beat, and he provided a certain youthful flair that was lacking
in some of the older, more experienced crewmembers. When Jake spoke, his voice quivered slightly, and Frank considered that maybe this investigation was happening too soon. ‘Harold had been running some chemical analysis tests. It all seems like such a haze now. You see, he was trying to ascertain the density of the hydrogen particles in the solar wind.’ he paused. ‘Go on’ Looking down at his hands, Jake continued. ‘He was carrying a tray of test tubes and slides and other stuff, I don’t know what was in them, I was only following him around to try and learn something. I had nothing else to do. We climbed through the axis corridor into Service Tunnel A and we were making our way down the ladder.’ Jake met Frank's eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek, ‘Harold was in front. He was below me. Then there was a massive jolt. The whole of the Daedalus lurched. I think something must have hit us. It must have been a small meteorite perhaps. Or possibly the termination shock.’ ‘No,’ Frank interrupted, correcting him, ‘it wouldn’t
[ 1227, 706, 23137, 11, 287, 262, 11550, 2615, 510, 8280, 10712, 13, 1675, 428, 886, 11, 257, 2888, 286, 262, 5462, 550, 587, 266, 4233, 10273, 11, 523, 326, 262, 5517, 8217, 714, 307, 973, 287, 13179, 13, 198, 17439, 550, 587, 262, 938, 284, 7765, 13, 198, 447, 246, 43930, 11, 447, 247, 531, 5278, 355, 339, 7190, 4262, 262, 17026, 6364, 319, 262, 9016, 4634, 11, 564, 246, 40, 447, 247, 67, 588, 345, 284, 6070, 502, 287, 319, 262, 2995, 3756, 510, 284, 198, 13587, 727, 447, 247, 82, 1918, 13, 447, 247, 198, 43930, 373, 257, 1790, 582, 329, 465, 2479, 11, 290, 373, 41370, 28273, 278, 13, 383, 4190, 339, 750, 423, 373, 1657, 7586, 11, 290, 339, 17273, 257, 5166, 286, 43888, 4171, 2951, 326, 3144, 30829, 477, 508, 3114, 379, 606, 11, 355, 996, 339, 547, 5762, 4171, 2800, 18405, 13, 2399, 2951, 26281, 465, 35834, 29171, 13, 679, 373, 5586, 319, 262, 5743, 286, 262, 27021, 326, 23707, 262, 13526, 7923, 82, 13, 554, 465, 1021, 373, 257, 25394, 12, 3174, 6382, 15635, 11, 973, 329, 4856, 7660, 4202, 13, 679, 13373, 276, 351, 262, 3335, 355, 339, 5158, 13, 198, 43930, 373, 1862, 329, 281, 33779, 11, 9722, 12277, 12, 505, 11, 1577, 393, 1011, 257, 3470, 290, 17280, 812, 13, 5278, 373, 1464, 4622, 25292, 546, 1719, 7099, 26835, 319, 465, 18936, 13, 887, 14757, 447, 247, 82, 3315, 34080, 1108, 373, 1327, 284, 4405, 11, 290, 339, 2810, 257, 1728, 35444, 37457, 326, 373, 14394 ]
[ 2305, 1306, 48728, 11, 304, 279, 19343, 4857, 709, 16124, 20438, 13, 2057, 420, 842, 11, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 13941, 1047, 1027, 289, 1713, 17496, 11, 779, 430, 279, 10368, 12933, 1436, 387, 1511, 304, 12984, 627, 38426, 1047, 1027, 279, 1566, 311, 15508, 627, 14336, 95336, 23189, 1071, 9454, 439, 568, 10696, 4841, 279, 36086, 14297, 389, 279, 15821, 6376, 11, 3451, 40, 7070, 1093, 499, 311, 5266, 757, 304, 389, 279, 4455, 6522, 709, 311, 198, 27588, 820, 753, 4648, 14639, 198, 95336, 574, 264, 2875, 893, 369, 813, 4325, 11, 323, 574, 89019, 48653, 287, 13, 578, 7013, 568, 1550, 617, 574, 3177, 14198, 11, 323, 568, 43890, 264, 6857, 315, 77443, 6437, 6548, 430, 6563, 55786, 682, 889, 7111, 520, 1124, 11, 439, 3582, 568, 1051, 12512, 6437, 3729, 36057, 13, 5414, 6548, 65397, 813, 64466, 66004, 13, 1283, 574, 11961, 389, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 18187, 430, 52258, 279, 30355, 65, 6572, 13, 763, 813, 1450, 574, 264, 50346, 81149, 18003, 21037, 11, 1511, 369, 7649, 14654, 8333, 13, 1283, 22068, 291, 449, 279, 3756, 439, 568, 12570, 627, 95336, 574, 3995, 369, 459, 47733, 11, 20330, 27219, 19101, 11, 3041, 477, 1935, 264, 7895, 323, 37755, 1667, 13, 9454, 574, 2744, 10284, 63189, 922, 3515, 14992, 69522, 389, 813, 43160, 13, 2030, 33172, 753, 6593, 76588, 2136, 574, 2653, 311, 9567, 11, 323, 568, 3984, 264, 3738, 65655, 69665, 430, 574, 32161 ]
[ 304, 1063, 315, 279, 9191, 11, 810, 10534, 13941, 23832, 627, 4599, 33172, 12570, 11, 813, 7899, 934, 44156, 10284, 11, 323, 9454, 6646, 430, 7344, 420, 8990, 574, 12765, 2288, 5246, 627, 14336, 27588, 820, 1047, 1027, 4401, 1063, 11742, 6492, 7177, 13, 1102, 682, 5084, 1093, 1778, 264, 90409, 1457, 13, 1472, 1518, 11, 568, 574, 4560, 311, 77277, 279, 17915, 315, 279, 35784, 19252, 304, 279, 13238, 10160, 14639, 568, 35595, 627, 14336, 11087, 389, 123956, 23274, 1523, 520, 813, 6206, 11, 33172, 8738, 13, 3451, 1548, 574, 15691, 264, 35788, 315, 1296, 34083, 323, 22245, 323, 1023, 6392, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1148, 574, 304, 1124, 11, 358, 574, 1193, 2768, 1461, 2212, 311, 1456, 323, 4048, 2555, 13, 358, 1047, 4400, 775, 311, 656, 13, 1226, 45519, 1555, 279, 8183, 46979, 1139, 5475, 66701, 362, 323, 584, 1051, 3339, 1057, 1648, 1523, 279, 36865, 14639, 198, 95336, 2322, 9454, 596, 6548, 439, 264, 18036, 23255, 1523, 813, 41803, 11, 3451, 27588, 820, 574, 304, 4156, 13, 1283, 574, 3770, 757, 13, 5112, 1070, 574, 264, 11191, 503, 6312, 13, 578, 4459, 315, 279, 14569, 291, 87227, 47747, 2454, 13, 358, 1781, 2555, 2011, 617, 4295, 603, 13, 1102, 2011, 617, 1027, 264, 2678, 42142, 635, 8530, 13, 2582, 11000, 279, 35508, 10988, 14639, 198, 14336, 2822, 23189, 9454, 37883, 11, 82475, 1461, 11, 3451, 275, 8434, 1431 ]
The team also employed two translators: Alex and Jason. Both translators became my friends and I hope they visit Korea. But this isn’t about them and it’s not about the two couples I just mentioned. It’s not. It’s about Henry. Henry Ruf: Before Korea, as I had just turned 27, I was assuming a “Clooney” mindset. What I mean is, I had been single for a while, loved my life, had a great time, and didn’t think the relationship/family thing was really for me. I was beginning to accept things and I was giving up on that path. Then, as you’d expect, after a month in Asia, Henry showed up. In understated essence, Henry is the coolest. But there’s more to it. Small children have always scared me. I enjoy being around them, but, if you ask me to hold, or watch, or clean, I’m out. I’m not sure where that fear or hesitancy came from–but it was there. It was there and I was scared, honestly… Five months with Henry now has me wanting to find the first
The team also employed two translators: Alex and Jason. Both translators became my friends and I hope they visit Korea. But this isn’t about them and it’s not about the two couples I just mentioned. It’s not. It’s about Henry. Henry Ruf: Before Korea, as I had just turned 27, I was assuming a “Clooney” mindset. What I mean is, I had been single for a while, loved my life, had a great time, and didn’t think the relationship/family thing was really for me. I was beginning to accept things and I was giving up on that path. Then, as you’d expect, after a month in Asia, Henry showed up. In understated essence, Henry is the coolest. But there’s more to it. Small children have always scared me. I enjoy being around them, but, if you ask me to hold, or watch, or clean, I’m out. I’m not sure where that fear or hesitancy came from–but it was there. It was there and I was scared, honestly… Five months with Henry now has me wanting to find the first
moderately attractive girl with a job and minimal debt and start a family. Henry was that cool. I know I don’t think there will ever be another like him, and his legitimacy is credit to his parents–who are awesome btw–and grandparents I was fortunate enough to meet, Doug and Betsy, but I’ve now seen the end game. I know this will be absolute symphony to my mother’s ears, but Henry Ruf, my 18 month old buddy, has made realize that there in fact may be more rewarding, fulfilling life trajectories than “stay single, stay fun.” Henry was that fun. Electric scooter: Anthony bought an electric scooter. I became a part of the Gyongsang fabric as the bearded man cruising and waiving. Anthony just flat out scared people on that thing as it added 8 inches and he was a tatted 6 ft 7 giant to begin with. Walter and Jessie: The names of the two Korean turtles Anthony and I bought. You both would have secured a main, integral bullet but you got dull the last few months in Daegu. I gave you new cage/tank configurations every week–post clean–and all I got was more lethargy.
[ 383, 1074, 635, 9322, 734, 4779, 2024, 25, 4422, 290, 8982, 13, 5747, 4779, 2024, 2627, 616, 2460, 290, 314, 2911, 484, 3187, 4969, 13, 887, 428, 2125, 447, 247, 83, 546, 606, 290, 340, 447, 247, 82, 407, 546, 262, 734, 11886, 314, 655, 4750, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 407, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 546, 8616, 13, 198, 32476, 371, 3046, 25, 7413, 4969, 11, 355, 314, 550, 655, 2900, 2681, 11, 314, 373, 13148, 257, 564, 250, 2601, 78, 1419, 447, 251, 20527, 13, 1867, 314, 1612, 318, 11, 314, 550, 587, 2060, 329, 257, 981, 11, 6151, 616, 1204, 11, 550, 257, 1049, 640, 11, 290, 1422, 447, 247, 83, 892, 262, 2776, 14, 17989, 1517, 373, 1107, 329, 502, 13, 314, 373, 3726, 284, 2453, 1243, 290, 314, 373, 3501, 510, 319, 326, 3108, 13, 3244, 11, 355, 345, 447, 247, 67, 1607, 11, 706, 257, 1227, 287, 7229, 11, 8616, 3751, 510, 13, 554, 739, 21989, 12799, 11, 8616, 318, 262, 38889, 13, 887, 612, 447, 247, 82, 517, 284, 340, 13, 10452, 1751, 423, 1464, 12008, 502, 13, 314, 2883, 852, 1088, 606, 11, 475, 11, 611, 345, 1265, 502, 284, 1745, 11, 393, 2342, 11, 393, 3424, 11, 314, 447, 247, 76, 503, 13, 314, 447, 247, 76, 407, 1654, 810, 326, 3252, 393, 10818, 270, 3883, 1625, 422, 1906, 4360, 340, 373, 612, 13, 632, 373, 612, 290, 314, 373, 12008, 11, 12698, 1399, 10579, 1933, 351, 8616, 783, 468, 502, 10291, 284, 1064, 262, 717 ]
[ 578, 2128, 1101, 20011, 1403, 73804, 25, 8683, 323, 18984, 13, 11995, 73804, 6244, 856, 4885, 323, 358, 3987, 814, 4034, 12126, 13, 2030, 420, 4536, 1431, 922, 1124, 323, 433, 753, 539, 922, 279, 1403, 21961, 358, 1120, 9932, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 13, 1102, 753, 922, 18063, 627, 64463, 99257, 25, 13538, 12126, 11, 439, 358, 1047, 1120, 6656, 220, 1544, 11, 358, 574, 26619, 264, 1054, 52336, 2596, 863, 40543, 13, 3639, 358, 3152, 374, 11, 358, 1047, 1027, 3254, 369, 264, 1418, 11, 10456, 856, 2324, 11, 1047, 264, 2294, 892, 11, 323, 3287, 1431, 1781, 279, 5133, 6801, 5285, 3245, 574, 2216, 369, 757, 13, 358, 574, 7314, 311, 4287, 2574, 323, 358, 574, 7231, 709, 389, 430, 1853, 13, 5112, 11, 439, 499, 7070, 1755, 11, 1306, 264, 2305, 304, 13936, 11, 18063, 8710, 709, 13, 763, 14653, 660, 28591, 11, 18063, 374, 279, 74534, 13, 2030, 1070, 753, 810, 311, 433, 13, 15344, 2911, 617, 2744, 27207, 757, 13, 358, 4774, 1694, 2212, 1124, 11, 719, 11, 422, 499, 2610, 757, 311, 3412, 11, 477, 3821, 11, 477, 4335, 11, 358, 4344, 704, 13, 358, 4344, 539, 2771, 1405, 430, 8850, 477, 20365, 275, 6709, 3782, 505, 4235, 8248, 433, 574, 1070, 13, 1102, 574, 1070, 323, 358, 574, 27207, 11, 27136, 1981, 21594, 4038, 449, 18063, 1457, 706, 757, 19762, 311, 1505, 279, 1176 ]
[ 70351, 19411, 3828, 449, 264, 2683, 323, 17832, 11897, 323, 1212, 264, 3070, 13, 18063, 574, 430, 7155, 13, 358, 1440, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 1070, 690, 3596, 387, 2500, 1093, 1461, 11, 323, 813, 57008, 374, 6807, 311, 813, 6699, 4235, 14965, 527, 12738, 90957, 87023, 56435, 358, 574, 40510, 3403, 311, 3449, 11, 32608, 323, 426, 63727, 11, 719, 358, 4070, 1457, 3970, 279, 842, 1847, 13, 358, 1440, 420, 690, 387, 10973, 8045, 30748, 311, 856, 6691, 753, 25212, 11, 719, 18063, 99257, 11, 856, 220, 972, 2305, 2362, 37772, 11, 706, 1903, 13383, 430, 1070, 304, 2144, 1253, 387, 810, 42093, 11, 50698, 2324, 86648, 1109, 1054, 60021, 3254, 11, 4822, 2523, 2029, 18063, 574, 430, 2523, 627, 65965, 76140, 25, 21353, 11021, 459, 9249, 76140, 13, 358, 6244, 264, 961, 315, 279, 56015, 13483, 526, 13354, 439, 279, 387, 21632, 893, 73327, 323, 10667, 2299, 13, 21353, 1120, 10269, 704, 27207, 1274, 389, 430, 3245, 439, 433, 3779, 220, 23, 15271, 323, 568, 574, 264, 259, 12400, 220, 21, 10702, 220, 22, 14880, 311, 3240, 449, 627, 54, 38377, 323, 80217, 25, 578, 5144, 315, 279, 1403, 16526, 72503, 21353, 323, 358, 11021, 13, 1472, 2225, 1053, 617, 27528, 264, 1925, 11, 26154, 17889, 719, 499, 2751, 41630, 279, 1566, 2478, 4038, 304, 14569, 797, 84, 13, 358, 6688, 499, 502, 36460, 5640, 1201, 33483, 1475, 2046, 4235, 2252, 4335, 87023, 682, 358, 2751, 574, 810, 98522, 867, 88, 13 ]
ilgilant Guardian” training exercise. This simulated multiple aircraft hijacks on the US in NORADS monitoring systems AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME AS THE 911 HIJACKINGS TOOK PLACE!!!! Global Guardian is performed in conjunction with “Vigilant Guardian”, the annual training exercise conducted by NORAD in which a threat to North American airspace is simulated. The simulated scenario is varied from year to year.The September 11 attacks in 2001 occurred during that year’s Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian joint exercises. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Guardian Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. [Utne] According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center “up to the day the buildings fell down.” The company lists as government clients “the U.S. Army, U
ilgilant Guardian” training exercise. This simulated multiple aircraft hijacks on the US in NORADS monitoring systems AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME AS THE 911 HIJACKINGS TOOK PLACE!!!! Global Guardian is performed in conjunction with “Vigilant Guardian”, the annual training exercise conducted by NORAD in which a threat to North American airspace is simulated. The simulated scenario is varied from year to year.The September 11 attacks in 2001 occurred during that year’s Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian joint exercises. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Guardian Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. [Utne] According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center “up to the day the buildings fell down.” The company lists as government clients “the U.S. Army, U
.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice,” in projects that “often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites.” The World Trade Center was destroyed just days after a heightened security alert was lifted at the landmark 110-story towers, security personnel said yesterday [September 11]. Daria Coard, 37, a guard at Tower One, said the security detail had been working 12-hour shifts for the past two weeks because of numerous phone threats. But on Thursday [September 6], bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed. [NY Newsday] On the weekend of 9/8, 9/9 there was a ‘power down’ condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36 hrs from floor 50 up… “Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the tower.” [WingTV] WTC surveillance tapes feared missing Surveillance tapes and maintenance logs are among the missing evidence as investigators try to figure out why the World Trade
[ 346, 37718, 415, 8283, 447, 251, 3047, 5517, 13, 770, 28590, 3294, 6215, 16836, 4595, 319, 262, 1294, 287, 25273, 47149, 9904, 3341, 5161, 7788, 10659, 11319, 3336, 311, 10067, 20460, 7054, 3336, 16679, 367, 23852, 8120, 20754, 5390, 11380, 9297, 11598, 13896, 8060, 8283, 318, 6157, 287, 17856, 351, 564, 250, 53, 27187, 415, 8283, 447, 251, 11, 262, 5079, 3047, 5517, 5952, 416, 25273, 2885, 287, 543, 257, 2372, 284, 2258, 1605, 34216, 318, 28590, 13, 383, 28590, 8883, 318, 15641, 422, 614, 284, 614, 13, 464, 2693, 1367, 3434, 287, 5878, 5091, 1141, 326, 614, 447, 247, 82, 8060, 8283, 290, 39840, 415, 8283, 6466, 13565, 13, 198, 4023, 1378, 268, 13, 31266, 13, 2398, 14, 15466, 14, 22289, 62, 24502, 666, 198, 7676, 7114, 350, 13, 5511, 11, 262, 1893, 447, 247, 82, 7099, 3956, 11, 373, 257, 10033, 287, 257, 1664, 1444, 1882, 333, 330, 296, 326, 2810, 2324, 329, 262, 2159, 9601, 3337, 11, 1578, 16712, 11, 290, 45401, 274, 4037, 12690, 13, 383, 1664, 11, 23592, 4367, 11, 373, 9763, 416, 12554, 86, 5840, 11, 257, 27028, 72, 12, 7437, 4896, 4081, 319, 3025, 3096, 35105, 23592, 635, 4983, 13, 685, 18274, 710, 60, 198, 4821, 284, 663, 1944, 6123, 11, 14488, 1982, 19962, 11, 262, 1664, 550, 281, 7044, 2775, 284, 5412, 2324, 379, 262, 2159, 9601, 3337, 564, 250, 929, 284, 262, 1110, 262, 6832, 3214, 866, 13, 447, 251, 198, 464, 1664, 8341, 355, 1230, 7534, 564, 250, 1169, 471, 13, 50, 13, 5407, 11, 471 ]
[ 321, 61887, 519, 25460, 863, 4967, 10368, 13, 1115, 46836, 5361, 14467, 22130, 7977, 389, 279, 2326, 304, 70188, 50641, 16967, 6067, 7520, 4154, 6966, 9109, 3247, 84590, 23029, 5871, 3247, 220, 17000, 34511, 41, 4122, 12124, 5257, 4012, 82982, 17523, 8121, 25460, 374, 10887, 304, 32546, 449, 1054, 53, 343, 321, 519, 25460, 9520, 279, 9974, 4967, 10368, 13375, 555, 70188, 1846, 304, 902, 264, 6023, 311, 4892, 3778, 88282, 374, 46836, 13, 578, 46836, 15398, 374, 28830, 505, 1060, 311, 1060, 11829, 6250, 220, 806, 8951, 304, 220, 1049, 16, 10222, 2391, 430, 1060, 753, 8121, 25460, 323, 58201, 321, 519, 25460, 10496, 23783, 627, 1277, 1129, 268, 34466, 2726, 26583, 14, 11907, 2712, 11280, 1122, 198, 12331, 9799, 393, 13, 14409, 11, 279, 4872, 753, 14992, 10868, 11, 574, 264, 12717, 304, 264, 2883, 2663, 4621, 324, 45670, 430, 3984, 4868, 369, 279, 4435, 17657, 5955, 11, 3723, 35230, 11, 323, 63715, 645, 7327, 21348, 13, 578, 2883, 11, 51016, 10555, 11, 574, 22126, 555, 33479, 86, 6219, 11, 264, 57111, 72, 24145, 9341, 7626, 389, 6832, 4580, 74626, 51016, 1101, 10434, 13, 510, 61220, 818, 933, 11439, 311, 1202, 3118, 12432, 11, 31858, 4584, 41686, 11, 279, 2883, 1047, 459, 14529, 5226, 311, 3790, 4868, 520, 279, 4435, 17657, 5955, 1054, 455, 311, 279, 1938, 279, 14016, 11299, 1523, 49216, 791, 2883, 11725, 439, 3109, 8403, 1054, 1820, 549, 815, 13, 13309, 11, 549 ]
[ 815, 13, 19574, 11, 549, 815, 6690, 5457, 11, 323, 279, 6011, 315, 12007, 2476, 304, 7224, 430, 1054, 61917, 1397, 1614, 8838, 10826, 38921, 4868, 10105, 369, 21771, 477, 1579, 46570, 3109, 6732, 49216, 791, 4435, 17657, 5955, 574, 14763, 1120, 2919, 1306, 264, 60487, 4868, 5225, 574, 30831, 520, 279, 38350, 220, 5120, 46199, 40825, 11, 4868, 17274, 1071, 13985, 510, 30649, 220, 806, 948, 423, 10649, 3623, 569, 11, 220, 1806, 11, 264, 7771, 520, 22703, 3861, 11, 1071, 279, 4868, 7872, 1047, 1027, 3318, 220, 717, 21925, 29735, 369, 279, 3347, 1403, 5672, 1606, 315, 12387, 4641, 18208, 13, 2030, 389, 7950, 510, 30649, 220, 21, 1145, 13054, 76550, 3168, 287, 12875, 1051, 60845, 7108, 13, 510, 23923, 5513, 1316, 933, 1966, 279, 9178, 315, 220, 24, 14, 23, 11, 220, 24, 14, 24, 1070, 574, 264, 3451, 13477, 1523, 529, 3044, 304, 468, 7905, 21970, 220, 17, 11, 279, 10007, 21970, 13, 1115, 2410, 1523, 3044, 8967, 1070, 574, 912, 20314, 8312, 369, 10049, 220, 1927, 41140, 505, 6558, 220, 1135, 709, 1981, 1054, 2173, 3388, 2085, 2410, 1070, 1051, 912, 4868, 18632, 11, 912, 4868, 32776, 389, 14365, 323, 1690, 11, 1690, 3451, 8680, 388, 529, 5108, 304, 323, 704, 315, 279, 21970, 2029, 510, 54, 287, 16027, 933, 54, 7905, 22156, 52796, 38569, 7554, 198, 23912, 61400, 52796, 323, 13709, 18929, 527, 4315, 279, 7554, 6029, 439, 26453, 1456, 311, 7216, 704, 3249, 279, 4435, 17657 ]
all available places are booked. Final Details regarding venue, timings, etc. will be mailed to you no later than 10 days before commencement of the workshop/training day. Please ensure that the email listed on your home nation’s membership profile is correct. If there is a waiting list for the workshop/training day you are registered on then you will be able to defer your spot on to another equivalent workshop/training day. If there is no waiting list for the workshop/training day this will not be possible. All days must be attended and any missed parts of the workshop/training day will require additional payment to complete again. IF WE ARE REQUIRED TO CANCEL WORKSHOP/TRAINING DAY, OUR LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO A FULL REFUND OF THE COURSE FEES PAID, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FURTHER LOSS. On application a record is generated for workshop/training day you have applied for, this is only shared with the workshop/training day organiser, tutor and/or coach. * The initial headlines on Friday called it a “U-Verse glitch,” but we now know that
all available places are booked. Final Details regarding venue, timings, etc. will be mailed to you no later than 10 days before commencement of the workshop/training day. Please ensure that the email listed on your home nation’s membership profile is correct. If there is a waiting list for the workshop/training day you are registered on then you will be able to defer your spot on to another equivalent workshop/training day. If there is no waiting list for the workshop/training day this will not be possible. All days must be attended and any missed parts of the workshop/training day will require additional payment to complete again. IF WE ARE REQUIRED TO CANCEL WORKSHOP/TRAINING DAY, OUR LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO A FULL REFUND OF THE COURSE FEES PAID, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FURTHER LOSS. On application a record is generated for workshop/training day you have applied for, this is only shared with the workshop/training day organiser, tutor and/or coach. * The initial headlines on Friday called it a “U-Verse glitch,” but we now know that
the presidential-level (“EAN”) alert message that made its way through part of the national Emergency Alert System had nothing to do with AT&T’s TV service in particular. Instead, it was the result of a nationally syndicated morning show (Premiere’s Nashville-based Bobby Bones) playing an audio clip of the national EAS test that happened three years ago this autumn. Will Bones lose his show over this? No, and he shouldn’t. While a FEMA alert to the engineering community on Friday afternoon urged, among other bullet points, to “socialize the implications of including EAS tones in the broadcast (§11.45 “Prohibition of false or deceptive EAS transmissions”) among the content providers and program directors,” we’d argue that there are deeper underlying flaws in the way the EAS system is designed – and until those are addressed and fixed, incidents like this one will keep happening. A bit of background for those of you on the programming or management side: as the successor to the old Emergency Broadcasting System, EAS was designed, at least in part, as an in-band system. Under each state’s EAS plan, every
[ 477, 1695, 4113, 389, 21765, 13, 198, 19006, 14890, 5115, 14359, 11, 4628, 654, 11, 3503, 13, 481, 307, 37789, 284, 345, 645, 1568, 621, 838, 1528, 878, 32609, 286, 262, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 13, 198, 5492, 4155, 326, 262, 3053, 5610, 319, 534, 1363, 3277, 447, 247, 82, 9931, 7034, 318, 3376, 13, 198, 1532, 612, 318, 257, 4953, 1351, 329, 262, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 345, 389, 6823, 319, 788, 345, 481, 307, 1498, 284, 29135, 534, 4136, 319, 284, 1194, 7548, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 13, 1002, 612, 318, 645, 4953, 1351, 329, 262, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 428, 481, 407, 307, 1744, 13, 198, 3237, 1528, 1276, 307, 9141, 290, 597, 6825, 3354, 286, 262, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 481, 2421, 3224, 6074, 284, 1844, 757, 13, 198, 5064, 12887, 15986, 4526, 10917, 37819, 5390, 15628, 34, 3698, 30936, 9693, 3185, 14, 51, 3861, 1268, 2751, 24644, 11, 30229, 43031, 25382, 17682, 9348, 40880, 5390, 317, 34958, 4526, 42296, 35, 3963, 3336, 37384, 5188, 18630, 1546, 8147, 2389, 11, 35219, 8005, 327, 49060, 5883, 2257, 20940, 1546, 17682, 12887, 9348, 47203, 19213, 34563, 7473, 15529, 376, 4261, 21250, 406, 18420, 13, 198, 2202, 3586, 257, 1700, 318, 7560, 329, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 345, 423, 5625, 329, 11, 428, 318, 691, 4888, 351, 262, 20243, 14, 34409, 1110, 1618, 5847, 11, 48680, 290, 14, 273, 3985, 13, 1635, 383, 4238, 14408, 319, 3217, 1444, 340, 257, 564, 250, 52, 12, 13414, 325, 29204, 11, 447, 251, 475, 356, 783, 760, 326 ]
[ 682, 2561, 7634, 527, 34070, 627, 19918, 12589, 9002, 22150, 11, 85898, 11, 5099, 13, 690, 387, 76310, 311, 499, 912, 3010, 1109, 220, 605, 2919, 1603, 69544, 315, 279, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 627, 5618, 6106, 430, 279, 2613, 10212, 389, 701, 2162, 7140, 753, 16250, 5643, 374, 4495, 627, 2746, 1070, 374, 264, 8748, 1160, 369, 279, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 499, 527, 9879, 389, 1243, 499, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 18440, 701, 7858, 389, 311, 2500, 13890, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 912, 8748, 1160, 369, 279, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 420, 690, 539, 387, 3284, 627, 2460, 2919, 2011, 387, 18677, 323, 904, 13942, 5596, 315, 279, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 690, 1397, 5217, 8323, 311, 4686, 1578, 627, 2843, 20255, 16202, 67677, 5257, 356, 31099, 32904, 79842, 53427, 6979, 1753, 38788, 11, 46013, 14495, 29015, 7354, 13405, 5257, 362, 40841, 39129, 13508, 3083, 3247, 54548, 937, 29031, 1600, 13174, 926, 11, 57318, 5782, 356, 52940, 2864, 790, 85510, 29015, 20255, 7354, 90079, 13880, 4716, 4230, 435, 88196, 3087, 28453, 627, 1966, 3851, 264, 3335, 374, 8066, 369, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 499, 617, 9435, 369, 11, 420, 374, 1193, 6222, 449, 279, 26129, 22205, 2101, 1938, 2942, 12329, 11, 26370, 323, 5255, 7395, 13, 353, 578, 2926, 31186, 389, 6740, 2663, 433, 264, 1054, 52, 12, 69143, 62184, 2476, 719, 584, 1457, 1440, 430 ]
[ 279, 13621, 11852, 27179, 36, 1111, 33611, 5225, 1984, 430, 1903, 1202, 1648, 1555, 961, 315, 279, 5426, 32708, 14302, 744, 1047, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 7520, 31389, 753, 6007, 2532, 304, 4040, 13, 12361, 11, 433, 574, 279, 1121, 315, 264, 40343, 22013, 10297, 6693, 1501, 320, 42562, 19380, 753, 37640, 6108, 38481, 72399, 8, 5737, 459, 7855, 12607, 315, 279, 5426, 469, 1950, 1296, 430, 7077, 2380, 1667, 4227, 420, 42774, 627, 10149, 72399, 9229, 813, 1501, 927, 420, 30, 2360, 11, 323, 568, 13434, 1431, 13, 6104, 264, 92789, 5225, 311, 279, 15009, 4029, 389, 6740, 13658, 28932, 11, 4315, 1023, 17889, 3585, 11, 311, 1054, 23191, 553, 279, 25127, 315, 2737, 469, 1950, 43076, 304, 279, 13195, 320, 18332, 806, 13, 1774, 1054, 1360, 60073, 315, 905, 477, 81374, 469, 1950, 92096, 33611, 4315, 279, 2262, 12850, 323, 2068, 28454, 2476, 584, 7070, 18046, 430, 1070, 527, 19662, 16940, 41859, 304, 279, 1648, 279, 469, 1950, 1887, 374, 6319, 1389, 323, 3156, 1884, 527, 20669, 323, 8521, 11, 24455, 1093, 420, 832, 690, 2567, 12765, 627, 32, 2766, 315, 4092, 369, 1884, 315, 499, 389, 279, 15840, 477, 6373, 3185, 25, 439, 279, 34665, 311, 279, 2362, 32708, 64560, 744, 11, 469, 1950, 574, 6319, 11, 520, 3325, 304, 961, 11, 439, 459, 304, 68775, 1887, 13, 9636, 1855, 1614, 753, 469, 1950, 3197, 11, 1475 ]
successful on that front.” Mike van der HoornFirst Team Mike van der Hoorn | An important time ahead Mike van der Hoorn | It's a fresh start for everyone Mike's praise for Potter's pups Dayton players talk about upcoming exhibition game against Capital. Photo: David Jablonski - Staff Writer Dayton coach Anthony Grant on renovated UD Arena: ‘It’s beautiful’ David Jablonski, Staff Writer Dayton plays Capital in exhibition game Friday DAYTON — Trey Landers wore a T-shirt reading, “Just a Kid From Dayton,” to interviews at the Cronin Center on Tuesday. Landers was born in Dayton, but he’s hardly a kid when it comes to the 2018-19 college basketball season, which starts for the Dayton Flyers with an exhibition game at 7 p.m. Friday against Capital at UD Arena and then gets going for real at 7 p.m. Nov. 7 with the season opener against North Florida. » SEASON PREDICTIONS: Dayton fans make their best guesses The Wayne grad Landers, now a junior guard, played 16 times as many minutes as a sophomore (837
successful on that front.” Mike van der HoornFirst Team Mike van der Hoorn | An important time ahead Mike van der Hoorn | It's a fresh start for everyone Mike's praise for Potter's pups Dayton players talk about upcoming exhibition game against Capital. Photo: David Jablonski - Staff Writer Dayton coach Anthony Grant on renovated UD Arena: ‘It’s beautiful’ David Jablonski, Staff Writer Dayton plays Capital in exhibition game Friday DAYTON — Trey Landers wore a T-shirt reading, “Just a Kid From Dayton,” to interviews at the Cronin Center on Tuesday. Landers was born in Dayton, but he’s hardly a kid when it comes to the 2018-19 college basketball season, which starts for the Dayton Flyers with an exhibition game at 7 p.m. Friday against Capital at UD Arena and then gets going for real at 7 p.m. Nov. 7 with the season opener against North Florida. » SEASON PREDICTIONS: Dayton fans make their best guesses The Wayne grad Landers, now a junior guard, played 16 times as many minutes as a sophomore (837
) than he did as a freshman (52). He’ll be counted on to play a similar role this season as one of four returning starters. He and the other Flyers can’t wait to get on the court in front of the fans at the new-look UD Arena, which opens its doors Thursday and Friday for women’s and men’s exhibition games after phase two of the three-year, $72-million renovation. “It’s really exciting,” Landers said. “We’ve been beating up on each other, so it’s always good to play outside competition, and obviously to be in the arena with the renovations, it’s a great feeling for us to be back.” Dayton coach Anthony Grant got a sneak peek at the arena, which features expanded concourses and new seats in the 300 and 400 levels among many other updates, on Monday. Dayton Athletic Director Neil Sullivan gave Grant and some of his assistant coaches a tour. Grant expected the team to get practice at the arena for the first time Wednesday or Thursday. “It’s beautiful,” Grant said. “I’m excited for our fans to get
[ 4388, 319, 326, 2166, 13, 447, 251, 198, 16073, 5719, 4587, 9544, 1211, 5962, 4816, 198, 16073, 5719, 4587, 9544, 1211, 930, 1052, 1593, 640, 4058, 198, 16073, 5719, 4587, 9544, 1211, 930, 632, 338, 257, 4713, 923, 329, 2506, 198, 16073, 338, 13463, 329, 14179, 338, 279, 4739, 24450, 1938, 1561, 546, 7865, 17127, 983, 1028, 9747, 13, 198, 6191, 25, 3271, 449, 23117, 684, 4106, 532, 9983, 26606, 198, 12393, 1122, 3985, 9953, 12181, 319, 46353, 43700, 10937, 25, 564, 246, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 4950, 447, 247, 198, 11006, 449, 23117, 684, 4106, 11, 9983, 26606, 198, 12393, 1122, 5341, 9747, 287, 17127, 983, 3217, 198, 26442, 11357, 851, 198, 51, 4364, 6379, 364, 12408, 257, 309, 12, 15600, 3555, 11, 564, 250, 5703, 257, 16828, 3574, 24450, 11, 447, 251, 284, 9299, 379, 262, 31683, 259, 3337, 319, 3431, 13, 198, 22342, 364, 373, 4642, 287, 24450, 11, 475, 339, 447, 247, 82, 8941, 257, 5141, 618, 340, 2058, 284, 262, 2864, 12, 1129, 4152, 9669, 1622, 11, 543, 4940, 329, 262, 24450, 30652, 351, 281, 17127, 983, 379, 767, 279, 13, 76, 13, 3217, 1028, 9747, 379, 43700, 10937, 290, 788, 3011, 1016, 329, 1103, 379, 767, 279, 13, 76, 13, 5267, 13, 767, 351, 262, 1622, 21996, 1028, 2258, 4744, 13, 198, 17730, 7946, 36033, 4810, 1961, 18379, 11053, 25, 24450, 3296, 787, 511, 1266, 44774, 198, 464, 13329, 3915, 6379, 364, 11, 783, 257, 13430, 4860, 11, 2826, 1467, 1661, 355, 867, 2431, 355, 257, 24505, 357, 23, 2718 ]
[ 6992, 389, 430, 4156, 49216, 35541, 5355, 2761, 17723, 1540, 5451, 8068, 198, 35541, 5355, 2761, 17723, 1540, 765, 1556, 3062, 892, 8469, 198, 35541, 5355, 2761, 17723, 1540, 765, 1102, 596, 264, 7878, 1212, 369, 5127, 198, 35541, 596, 29488, 369, 30427, 596, 90821, 49273, 4311, 3137, 922, 14827, 28099, 1847, 2403, 18880, 627, 10682, 25, 6941, 54082, 75, 2439, 6780, 482, 17381, 30504, 198, 10369, 783, 7395, 21353, 24668, 389, 57934, 79651, 28145, 25, 3451, 2181, 753, 6366, 123956, 23083, 54082, 75, 2439, 6780, 11, 17381, 30504, 198, 10369, 783, 11335, 18880, 304, 28099, 1847, 6740, 198, 34212, 10483, 107216, 51, 8233, 11680, 388, 28670, 264, 350, 34768, 5403, 11, 1054, 10156, 264, 32666, 5659, 49273, 2476, 311, 19905, 520, 279, 56917, 258, 5955, 389, 7742, 627, 43057, 388, 574, 9405, 304, 49273, 11, 719, 568, 753, 20781, 264, 10585, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 279, 220, 679, 23, 12, 777, 7926, 19794, 3280, 11, 902, 8638, 369, 279, 49273, 74834, 449, 459, 28099, 1847, 520, 220, 22, 281, 749, 13, 6740, 2403, 18880, 520, 79651, 28145, 323, 1243, 5334, 2133, 369, 1972, 520, 220, 22, 281, 749, 13, 4723, 13, 220, 22, 449, 279, 3280, 36253, 2403, 4892, 9784, 627, 13289, 5161, 36404, 393, 6641, 40, 37868, 25, 49273, 7359, 1304, 872, 1888, 61637, 198, 791, 28640, 6117, 11680, 388, 11, 1457, 264, 27144, 7771, 11, 6476, 220, 845, 3115, 439, 1690, 4520, 439, 264, 51498, 320, 26244 ]
[ 8, 1109, 568, 1550, 439, 264, 41317, 320, 4103, 570, 1283, 4805, 387, 31094, 389, 311, 1514, 264, 4528, 3560, 420, 3280, 439, 832, 315, 3116, 13758, 43806, 13, 1283, 323, 279, 1023, 74834, 649, 1431, 3868, 311, 636, 389, 279, 5590, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 7359, 520, 279, 502, 12, 7349, 79651, 28145, 11, 902, 16264, 1202, 14365, 7950, 323, 6740, 369, 3278, 753, 323, 3026, 753, 28099, 3953, 1306, 10474, 1403, 315, 279, 2380, 4771, 11, 400, 5332, 46149, 50555, 627, 17818, 753, 2216, 13548, 2476, 11680, 388, 1071, 13, 1054, 1687, 4070, 1027, 27242, 709, 389, 1855, 1023, 11, 779, 433, 753, 2744, 1695, 311, 1514, 4994, 10937, 11, 323, 14224, 311, 387, 304, 279, 25946, 449, 279, 78664, 11, 433, 753, 264, 2294, 8430, 369, 603, 311, 387, 1203, 49216, 10369, 783, 7395, 21353, 24668, 2751, 264, 45264, 33692, 520, 279, 25946, 11, 902, 4519, 17626, 3613, 16753, 323, 502, 16712, 304, 279, 220, 3101, 323, 220, 3443, 5990, 4315, 1690, 1023, 9013, 11, 389, 7159, 13, 49273, 51506, 10783, 34221, 43089, 6688, 24668, 323, 1063, 315, 813, 18328, 24909, 264, 7364, 13, 24668, 3685, 279, 2128, 311, 636, 6725, 520, 279, 25946, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 8079, 477, 7950, 627, 17818, 753, 6366, 2476, 24668, 1071, 13, 1054, 40, 4344, 12304, 369, 1057, 7359, 311, 636 ]
en’ [nobody will ever again be able to state that “there is no evidence” of his origin]. In short, ‘El padre (o uno de los padres) del tenis moderno era español’ [The father (or one of the fathers) of modern tennis was a Spaniard] Intriguing! And so, it being summer and me being incorrigibly nosy, I decided to look into Perera’s biography for myself. And a couple of days’ research turned into a week, a page of notes turned into 8,000 words, and the elusive Augurio Perera turned out to be connected not only to Birmingham, but also to Hispanic Liverpool, Manchester, and even the powerful Spanish business community in London. And this is just from the digitised records available from my laptop – archival research in Leamington, Birmingham, London and Spain will inevitably flesh the story out further. You can download the full biography from my website, but in the meantime, here are the highlights: Juan Bautista Luis Augurio Perera (c.1822 – aft. 1889) Augurio Perera was born somewhere in Spain in
en’ [nobody will ever again be able to state that “there is no evidence” of his origin]. In short, ‘El padre (o uno de los padres) del tenis moderno era español’ [The father (or one of the fathers) of modern tennis was a Spaniard] Intriguing! And so, it being summer and me being incorrigibly nosy, I decided to look into Perera’s biography for myself. And a couple of days’ research turned into a week, a page of notes turned into 8,000 words, and the elusive Augurio Perera turned out to be connected not only to Birmingham, but also to Hispanic Liverpool, Manchester, and even the powerful Spanish business community in London. And this is just from the digitised records available from my laptop – archival research in Leamington, Birmingham, London and Spain will inevitably flesh the story out further. You can download the full biography from my website, but in the meantime, here are the highlights: Juan Bautista Luis Augurio Perera (c.1822 – aft. 1889) Augurio Perera was born somewhere in Spain in
around 1822. At the age of four, in 1826, he moved with his parents, Augurio senior and Francisca to London, where they stayed for ten years and where Augurio’s two younger brothers, Pedro Ricardo and F[r]ederico were born. In 1836, the family moved to Birmingham and Augurio senior, a merchant, took over the Great Charles St warehouse that would be the centre of their Birmingham operations for more than fifty years. Three years later, when ‘our’ Augurio was almost eighteen, his parents and brothers relocated to Manchester to set up a new branch of the business, leaving Augurio junior in charge of the Birmingham warehouse. He would remain in the Midlands for at least fifty years. The map below shows the locations associated with the Perera family in Birmingham. Click on each pin, and it will tell you what happened there! Augurio married Irish-born Charlotte Louisa O’Donnell (known as Louisa) in Liverpool in 1847 and the couple had four children, all born in Birmingham: Francisca Eliza (1848), José Cortes Augurio (1850), Adrienne Clara (1852) and Carmen Mar
[ 268, 447, 247, 685, 34952, 1118, 481, 1683, 757, 307, 1498, 284, 1181, 326, 564, 250, 8117, 318, 645, 2370, 447, 251, 286, 465, 8159, 4083, 554, 1790, 11, 564, 246, 9527, 14841, 260, 357, 78, 555, 78, 390, 22346, 14841, 411, 8, 1619, 3478, 271, 3660, 78, 6980, 1658, 8957, 12654, 349, 447, 247, 685, 464, 2988, 357, 273, 530, 286, 262, 17150, 8, 286, 3660, 20790, 373, 257, 37506, 446, 60, 198, 5317, 4359, 4250, 0, 843, 523, 11, 340, 852, 3931, 290, 502, 852, 5970, 4359, 3193, 43630, 88, 11, 314, 3066, 284, 804, 656, 17229, 430, 447, 247, 82, 26444, 329, 3589, 13, 843, 257, 3155, 286, 1528, 447, 247, 2267, 2900, 656, 257, 1285, 11, 257, 2443, 286, 4710, 2900, 656, 807, 11, 830, 2456, 11, 290, 262, 29885, 2447, 333, 952, 17229, 430, 2900, 503, 284, 307, 5884, 407, 691, 284, 18899, 11, 475, 635, 284, 16949, 11761, 11, 9502, 11, 290, 772, 262, 3665, 7897, 1597, 2055, 287, 3576, 13, 843, 428, 318, 655, 422, 262, 16839, 1417, 4406, 1695, 422, 616, 13224, 784, 3934, 2473, 2267, 287, 1004, 3723, 1122, 11, 18899, 11, 3576, 290, 8602, 481, 16857, 11222, 262, 1621, 503, 2252, 13, 921, 460, 4321, 262, 1336, 26444, 422, 616, 3052, 11, 475, 287, 262, 14324, 11, 994, 389, 262, 11330, 25, 198, 41, 7258, 347, 2306, 12523, 20894, 2447, 333, 952, 17229, 430, 357, 66, 13, 1507, 1828, 784, 46088, 13, 49545, 8, 198, 12512, 333, 952, 17229, 430, 373, 4642, 7382, 287, 8602, 287 ]
[ 268, 529, 510, 77, 43440, 690, 3596, 1578, 387, 3025, 311, 1614, 430, 1054, 19041, 374, 912, 6029, 863, 315, 813, 6371, 948, 763, 2875, 11, 3451, 6719, 62120, 320, 78, 24840, 409, 2537, 11262, 417, 8, 1624, 5899, 285, 6617, 78, 11639, 70988, 529, 510, 791, 7126, 320, 269, 832, 315, 279, 40317, 8, 315, 6617, 32515, 574, 264, 12168, 68965, 933, 644, 376, 343, 7623, 0, 1628, 779, 11, 433, 1694, 7474, 323, 757, 1694, 9097, 14746, 6623, 12155, 88, 11, 358, 6773, 311, 1427, 1139, 3700, 2473, 753, 48345, 369, 7182, 13, 1628, 264, 5743, 315, 2919, 529, 3495, 6656, 1139, 264, 2046, 11, 264, 2199, 315, 8554, 6656, 1139, 220, 23, 11, 931, 4339, 11, 323, 279, 66684, 5033, 324, 822, 3700, 2473, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 8599, 539, 1193, 311, 36937, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 41985, 25715, 11, 19922, 11, 323, 1524, 279, 8147, 15506, 2626, 4029, 304, 7295, 13, 1628, 420, 374, 1120, 505, 279, 16099, 4147, 7576, 2561, 505, 856, 21288, 1389, 95047, 3495, 304, 2009, 309, 4910, 11, 36937, 11, 7295, 323, 18157, 690, 40605, 26000, 279, 3446, 704, 4726, 13, 1472, 649, 4232, 279, 2539, 48345, 505, 856, 3997, 11, 719, 304, 279, 33953, 11, 1618, 527, 279, 22020, 512, 93077, 426, 2784, 9265, 34297, 5033, 324, 822, 3700, 2473, 320, 66, 13, 10828, 17, 1389, 60801, 13, 220, 9367, 24, 340, 22630, 324, 822, 3700, 2473, 574, 9405, 15038, 304, 18157, 304 ]
[ 2212, 220, 10828, 17, 13, 2468, 279, 4325, 315, 3116, 11, 304, 220, 10828, 21, 11, 568, 7882, 449, 813, 6699, 11, 5033, 324, 822, 10195, 323, 26184, 936, 311, 7295, 11, 1405, 814, 20186, 369, 5899, 1667, 323, 1405, 5033, 324, 822, 753, 1403, 14992, 20820, 11, 43582, 67050, 323, 435, 16523, 60, 7442, 4042, 1051, 9405, 13, 763, 220, 10750, 21, 11, 279, 3070, 7882, 311, 36937, 323, 5033, 324, 822, 10195, 11, 264, 30338, 11, 3952, 927, 279, 8681, 15274, 800, 31212, 430, 1053, 387, 279, 12541, 315, 872, 36937, 7677, 369, 810, 1109, 33517, 1667, 13, 14853, 1667, 3010, 11, 994, 3451, 414, 529, 5033, 324, 822, 574, 4661, 63134, 11, 813, 6699, 323, 20820, 70209, 311, 19922, 311, 743, 709, 264, 502, 9046, 315, 279, 2626, 11, 9564, 5033, 324, 822, 27144, 304, 6900, 315, 279, 36937, 31212, 13, 1283, 1053, 7293, 304, 279, 81251, 369, 520, 3325, 33517, 1667, 13, 578, 2472, 3770, 5039, 279, 10687, 5938, 449, 279, 3700, 2473, 3070, 304, 36937, 13, 9369, 389, 1855, 9160, 11, 323, 433, 690, 3371, 499, 1148, 7077, 1070, 4999, 22630, 324, 822, 12502, 18088, 40260, 29473, 9928, 10994, 507, 529, 8161, 49565, 320, 5391, 439, 9928, 10994, 8, 304, 25715, 304, 220, 10336, 22, 323, 279, 5743, 1047, 3116, 2911, 11, 682, 9405, 304, 36937, 25, 26184, 936, 4072, 17528, 320, 10336, 23, 705, 44365, 36775, 288, 5033, 324, 822, 320, 9741, 15, 705, 62443, 26193, 51657, 320, 9741, 17, 8, 323, 71058, 2947 ]
чётное наименование «Симферопольских». Танк-памятник Работы по установке танка-памятника были начаты по инициативе начальника штаба 216-го сапёрного батальона 19-го танкового корпуса капитана С. Ф. Коробкина и продолжались с конца апр
чётное наименование «Симферопольских». Танк-памятник Работы по установке танка-памятника были начаты по инициативе начальника штаба 216-го сапёрного батальона 19-го танкового корпуса капитана С. Ф. Коробкина и продолжались с конца апр
еля по конец мая 1944 года. По воспоминаниям директора Крымского краеведческого музея ветерана войны В. Н. Бухаркина, бывшего в то время командиром подразделения 216-го сапёрного батальона, «его неиссякаемая энергия, знание дела, предприимчивость
[ 141, 229, 141, 239, 20375, 22177, 15166, 16843, 12466, 121, 16142, 18849, 43108, 16843, 22177, 25443, 110, 16142, 22177, 18849, 16843, 21110, 140, 94, 18849, 43108, 141, 226, 16843, 21169, 25443, 123, 25443, 119, 45367, 21727, 31583, 18849, 141, 227, 17730, 13, 198, 198, 140, 95, 16142, 22177, 31583, 12, 140, 123, 16142, 43108, 40623, 20375, 22177, 18849, 31583, 220, 198, 140, 254, 16142, 140, 109, 15166, 20375, 45035, 12466, 123, 15166, 220, 35072, 21727, 20375, 16142, 22177, 25443, 110, 31583, 16843, 220, 20375, 16142, 22177, 31583, 16142, 12, 140, 123, 16142, 43108, 40623, 20375, 22177, 18849, 31583, 16142, 12466, 109, 45035, 30143, 18849, 12466, 121, 16142, 141, 229, 16142, 20375, 45035, 12466, 123, 15166, 12466, 116, 22177, 18849, 141, 228, 18849, 16142, 20375, 18849, 38857, 16843, 12466, 121, 16142, 141, 229, 16142, 30143, 45367, 22177, 18849, 31583, 16142, 220, 141, 230, 20375, 16142, 140, 109, 16142, 26881, 12, 140, 111, 15166, 220, 21727, 16142, 140, 123, 141, 239, 21169, 22177, 25443, 111, 15166, 12466, 109, 16142, 20375, 16142, 30143, 45367, 15166, 22177, 16142, 678, 12, 140, 111, 15166, 220, 20375, 16142, 22177, 31583, 25443, 110, 25443, 111, 15166, 12466, 118, 15166, 21169, 140, 123, 35072, 21727, 16142, 12466, 118, 16142, 140, 123, 18849, 20375, 16142, 22177, 16142, 12466, 94, 13, 1849, 140, 97, 13, 1849, 140, 248, 15166, 21169, 25443, 109, 31583, 18849, 22177, 16142, 12466, 116, 12466, 123, 21169, 25443, 112, 25443, 119, 140, 114, 16142, 30143, 18849, 21727, 45367, 220, 21727, 12466, 118, 15166, 22177, 141, 228, 16142, 12466, 108, 140, 123, 21169 ]
[ 6148, 106822, 48150, 13373, 16494, 5372, 105216, 12769, 19871, 16494, 104410, 29256, 17461, 104901, 104881, 35095, 113930, 103000, 24697, 90297, 70959, 720, 34604, 3732, 36820, 4655, 18154, 103699, 53671, 117239, 13433, 103000, 24697, 90297, 88596, 105170, 73642, 110102, 18154, 7740, 23446, 15458, 104758, 1532, 116204, 88596, 105257, 38722, 1506, 220, 12463, 113313, 5524, 19619, 110211, 39900, 14391, 8131, 39127, 74828, 220, 777, 113313, 117239, 113481, 112038, 112955, 116370, 101369, 28599, 13, 4194, 55258, 13, 118299, 9239, 14082, 17165, 14525, 7740, 111119, 105734, 5524, 127809, 115855 ]
[ 44100, 18154, 38098, 101401, 115622, 220, 6393, 19, 101932, 13, 103841, 106871, 12507, 19479, 39280, 6578, 113252, 123722, 36479, 39103, 6578, 101943, 101281, 33742, 13404, 113055, 106790, 108773, 109343, 7753, 101369, 123304, 23784, 13, 106739, 13, 126826, 101082, 17721, 17165, 14525, 11, 14391, 35667, 109437, 5927, 59346, 92878, 112860, 78746, 12507, 124755, 59030, 18999, 220, 12463, 113313, 5524, 19619, 110211, 39900, 14391, 8131, 39127, 74828, 11, 12769, 47295, 19175, 13810, 21204, 13433, 10298, 36497, 116435, 40231, 11, 105161, 27717, 123936, 11, 110277, 16494, 103538, 97747 ]
, National Theatre, Nothing Like a Dame, Rain, reviews, stage actresses, Sundance Selects, tea, Tea With the Dames, Vietnam war protests, VOD Reviews | Leave a reply Download Flash! The Ledge > Main Forums > Peter Green "Might be Peter Green..." Make the Ads Go Away! Click here. Junior Ledgie Since nothing new is happening here and the old stories have been told a hundred times, it reminded me to start a new thread called "Might Be Peter Green...". Some young guitarists sound like Peter Green. I just listened to the next song and thought this might be Peter Green: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUiYamjM4GU (Sorry for my mistakes - my native language is not English) Find all posts by LeoL Something same.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFu3cBNhV60 (instrumental part) Last edited by LeoL; 02-07-2019 at 10:07 AM.. Addicted Ledgie Originally Posted by LeoL I can hear the similarity. It's in the treatment. It has a
, National Theatre, Nothing Like a Dame, Rain, reviews, stage actresses, Sundance Selects, tea, Tea With the Dames, Vietnam war protests, VOD Reviews | Leave a reply Download Flash! The Ledge > Main Forums > Peter Green "Might be Peter Green..." Make the Ads Go Away! Click here. Junior Ledgie Since nothing new is happening here and the old stories have been told a hundred times, it reminded me to start a new thread called "Might Be Peter Green...". Some young guitarists sound like Peter Green. I just listened to the next song and thought this might be Peter Green: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUiYamjM4GU (Sorry for my mistakes - my native language is not English) Find all posts by LeoL Something same.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFu3cBNhV60 (instrumental part) Last edited by LeoL; 02-07-2019 at 10:07 AM.. Addicted Ledgie Originally Posted by LeoL I can hear the similarity. It's in the treatment. It has a
lot of country in it, too, old country. Besides Green, it reminds me of Albert Lee. moviekinks.blogspot.com Ledgie And another..... Oh Well, The Running Guns. I hope this link works..... They are playing at The George Ale House in Great Missenden UK, Saturday 15th June @ approx 20:30. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2222391864545931 Highly respected local band. Find all posts by Norton Also some older guitarists have their Peter Green moments...this is so petergreen - so petergreen - more petergreen could be only Peter Green himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqI43pOb_kE lazy poker Location: Lahr (Germany) . . . oooohh, thank you so much for pointing out this one, leo! knowing pretty well, that mr. knopfler has always been a guitarist with an extremely tasty style of his own, i'd have never expected such a wonderful tribute to peter from him - GREAT recording! on the subject of this here thread: there is an
[ 11, 2351, 15752, 11, 10528, 4525, 257, 20377, 11, 10301, 11, 8088, 11, 3800, 49798, 11, 3309, 590, 9683, 82, 11, 8887, 11, 15777, 2080, 262, 360, 1047, 11, 10836, 1175, 8536, 11, 569, 3727, 20871, 197, 91, 17446, 257, 10971, 10472, 9973, 0, 198, 464, 406, 14907, 1875, 8774, 38592, 1875, 5613, 3469, 198, 1, 44, 432, 307, 5613, 3469, 9313, 198, 12050, 262, 47442, 1514, 21986, 0, 6914, 994, 13, 198, 22396, 1504, 22964, 22699, 198, 6385, 2147, 649, 318, 5836, 994, 290, 262, 1468, 3923, 423, 587, 1297, 257, 3470, 1661, 11, 340, 14516, 502, 284, 923, 257, 649, 4704, 1444, 366, 44, 432, 1355, 5613, 3469, 9313, 13, 2773, 1862, 10047, 1023, 2128, 588, 5613, 3469, 13, 314, 655, 16399, 284, 262, 1306, 3496, 290, 1807, 428, 1244, 307, 5613, 3469, 25, 198, 5450, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 8340, 30, 85, 28, 66, 52, 72, 56, 321, 73, 44, 19, 38022, 198, 7, 14385, 329, 616, 10135, 532, 616, 6868, 3303, 318, 407, 3594, 8, 198, 16742, 477, 6851, 416, 19632, 43, 198, 22210, 976, 1106, 198, 5450, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 8340, 30, 85, 28, 43, 41133, 18, 66, 15766, 71, 53, 1899, 198, 7, 259, 43872, 282, 636, 8, 198, 5956, 13012, 416, 19632, 43, 26, 7816, 12, 2998, 12, 23344, 379, 838, 25, 2998, 3001, 492, 198, 4550, 5722, 22964, 22699, 198, 22731, 12918, 416, 19632, 43, 198, 40, 460, 3285, 262, 26789, 13, 632, 338, 287, 262, 3513, 13, 632, 468, 257 ]
[ 11, 5165, 27315, 11, 12334, 9086, 264, 41798, 11, 22674, 11, 8544, 11, 6566, 91128, 11, 37902, 685, 8593, 82, 11, 15600, 11, 31125, 3161, 279, 423, 986, 11, 23315, 4208, 22670, 11, 650, 2114, 19832, 197, 91, 26257, 264, 10052, 8745, 17710, 4999, 791, 445, 7334, 871, 4802, 45615, 871, 11291, 7997, 198, 74627, 492, 387, 11291, 7997, 31538, 8238, 279, 43283, 6122, 42581, 0, 9369, 1618, 627, 91808, 32755, 22235, 198, 12834, 4400, 502, 374, 12765, 1618, 323, 279, 2362, 7493, 617, 1027, 3309, 264, 7895, 3115, 11, 433, 31256, 757, 311, 1212, 264, 502, 4617, 2663, 330, 44, 492, 2893, 11291, 7997, 1131, 3343, 4427, 3995, 17418, 1705, 5222, 1093, 11291, 7997, 13, 358, 1120, 34793, 311, 279, 1828, 5609, 323, 3463, 420, 2643, 387, 11291, 7997, 512, 2485, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 20105, 24640, 56, 309, 73, 44, 19, 55795, 198, 3844, 8635, 369, 856, 21294, 482, 856, 10068, 4221, 374, 539, 6498, 340, 10086, 682, 8158, 555, 37848, 43, 198, 23958, 1890, 78928, 2485, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 28, 23433, 84, 18, 66, 15967, 71, 53, 1399, 198, 6024, 20039, 278, 961, 340, 5966, 19685, 555, 37848, 43, 26, 220, 2437, 12, 2589, 12, 679, 24, 520, 220, 605, 25, 2589, 6912, 35047, 2261, 13060, 32755, 22235, 198, 38363, 15634, 555, 37848, 43, 198, 40, 649, 6865, 279, 38723, 13, 1102, 596, 304, 279, 6514, 13, 1102, 706, 264 ]
[ 2763, 315, 3224, 304, 433, 11, 2288, 11, 2362, 3224, 13, 31909, 7997, 11, 433, 35710, 757, 315, 17971, 12336, 627, 20633, 74, 15872, 46389, 916, 198, 61950, 22235, 198, 3112, 2500, 1975, 627, 12174, 8489, 11, 578, 29125, 60565, 627, 40, 3987, 420, 2723, 4375, 18575, 2435, 527, 5737, 520, 578, 10058, 19623, 4783, 304, 8681, 9083, 20468, 6560, 11, 7884, 220, 868, 339, 5651, 571, 10049, 220, 508, 25, 966, 627, 2485, 1129, 2185, 20172, 916, 27305, 18236, 85, 28, 9716, 14815, 9714, 20555, 22608, 16, 198, 12243, 398, 31387, 2254, 7200, 627, 10086, 682, 8158, 555, 60364, 198, 13699, 1063, 9191, 17418, 1705, 617, 872, 11291, 7997, 14269, 1131, 576, 374, 779, 95087, 13553, 482, 779, 95087, 13553, 482, 810, 95087, 13553, 1436, 387, 1193, 11291, 7997, 5678, 512, 2485, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 27305, 23856, 32220, 80, 40, 3391, 79, 4213, 4803, 36, 198, 50113, 21481, 198, 4812, 25, 445, 15464, 320, 51270, 340, 13, 662, 662, 297, 2689, 2319, 71, 11, 9901, 499, 779, 1790, 369, 22364, 704, 420, 832, 11, 89601, 0, 14392, 5128, 1664, 11, 430, 17767, 13, 1168, 454, 1517, 261, 706, 2744, 1027, 264, 62740, 449, 459, 9193, 39953, 1742, 315, 813, 1866, 11, 602, 4265, 617, 2646, 3685, 1778, 264, 11364, 35491, 311, 95087, 505, 1461, 482, 62093, 14975, 4999, 263, 279, 3917, 315, 420, 1618, 4617, 25, 1070, 374, 459 ]
^{\mystar}_{90}$. The correlations are unsurprising: at roughly fixed mass, galaxies that are radially extended are also flatter, have larger stellar spin parameters, and have a greater fraction of rotation support. The final panel in Figure~\ref{fig:mymorh_vs_othermorph} indicates the relationship between $f^\mystar_\mathrm{disk}$ and $R^{\mystar}_{90}$. As suggested by the visualizations in Figure~\ref{fig:stellarviz}, the radial extent of the stars correlates with the degree of order in the disk, but with non-trivial scatter, motivating our analysis of both properties throughout. \begin{figure*} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{plots/morphology_vs_masses.pdf} \caption{The $z=0$ relationship between our morphological measures and, (\textit{a}) the virial mass of the halo $M_\mathrm{vir}$, (\text
^{\mystar}_{90}$. The correlations are unsurprising: at roughly fixed mass, galaxies that are radially extended are also flatter, have larger stellar spin parameters, and have a greater fraction of rotation support. The final panel in Figure~\ref{fig:mymorh_vs_othermorph} indicates the relationship between $f^\mystar_\mathrm{disk}$ and $R^{\mystar}_{90}$. As suggested by the visualizations in Figure~\ref{fig:stellarviz}, the radial extent of the stars correlates with the degree of order in the disk, but with non-trivial scatter, motivating our analysis of both properties throughout. \begin{figure*} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{plots/morphology_vs_masses.pdf} \caption{The $z=0$ relationship between our morphological measures and, (\textit{a}) the virial mass of the halo $M_\mathrm{vir}$, (\text
it{b}) the stellar mass of the galaxy $M^\mystar_\mathrm{galaxy}$, (\textit{c}) the gas mass within the galaxy $M^\mathrm{gas}_\mathrm{galaxy}$, and (\textit{d}) the total gas mass within $R_\mathrm{vir}$. Morphology in the FIRE-2 simulations is not correlated with either $M_\mathrm{vir}$, $M^\mystar_\mathrm{galaxy}$, or the total gas mass within $R_\mathrm{vir}$, across this narrow mass range, but gas rich galaxies are more likely to be disky today; we discuss this correlation in more detail below.} \label{fig:morph_v_mass} \end{figure*} The text in each panel (and in similar Figures below) indicates the Spearman $r$-coefficient, $r_\mathrm{sp}$, which quantifies the monotonicity of each relationship. We compute $r_\mathrm
[ 61, 31478, 1820, 7364, 92, 23330, 3829, 92, 35307, 220, 383, 220, 198, 10215, 39468, 389, 31035, 14619, 25, 220, 379, 7323, 5969, 2347, 11, 27982, 326, 389, 220, 198, 6335, 1927, 7083, 389, 635, 781, 1436, 11, 423, 4025, 25041, 7906, 10007, 11, 220, 198, 392, 423, 257, 3744, 13390, 286, 13179, 1104, 13, 220, 383, 2457, 6103, 287, 220, 198, 11337, 93, 59, 5420, 90, 5647, 25, 1820, 4491, 71, 62, 14259, 62, 847, 24503, 92, 9217, 262, 2776, 1022, 220, 198, 3, 69, 61, 59, 1820, 7364, 62, 59, 11018, 26224, 90, 39531, 92, 3, 290, 720, 49, 61, 31478, 1820, 7364, 92, 23330, 3829, 92, 35307, 220, 1081, 5220, 416, 262, 5874, 4582, 287, 220, 198, 11337, 93, 59, 5420, 90, 5647, 25, 28732, 85, 528, 5512, 262, 44503, 6287, 286, 262, 5788, 42567, 351, 220, 198, 1169, 4922, 286, 1502, 287, 262, 11898, 11, 475, 351, 1729, 12, 83, 15104, 498, 41058, 11, 46891, 220, 198, 454, 3781, 286, 1111, 6608, 3690, 13, 628, 628, 198, 59, 27471, 90, 26875, 9, 92, 198, 59, 1087, 1586, 198, 59, 259, 758, 1533, 11549, 58, 10394, 28, 59, 5239, 10394, 60, 90, 489, 1747, 14, 24503, 1435, 62, 14259, 62, 76, 13978, 13, 12315, 92, 198, 59, 6888, 1159, 90, 464, 720, 89, 28, 15, 3, 2776, 1022, 674, 17488, 2770, 5260, 290, 11, 220, 198, 38016, 5239, 270, 90, 64, 30072, 262, 5709, 498, 2347, 286, 262, 289, 7335, 720, 44, 62, 59, 11018, 26224, 90, 37040, 92, 47113, 357, 59, 5239 ]
[ 61, 36802, 76, 599, 277, 52635, 1954, 92, 13244, 220, 578, 720, 6133, 66434, 527, 69217, 34754, 25, 220, 520, 17715, 8521, 3148, 11, 66017, 430, 527, 720, 13584, 34575, 11838, 527, 1101, 1344, 1683, 11, 617, 8294, 48317, 12903, 5137, 11, 720, 438, 617, 264, 7191, 19983, 315, 12984, 1862, 13, 220, 578, 1620, 7090, 304, 720, 22804, 93, 59, 1116, 90, 915, 31386, 1631, 269, 71, 43534, 31556, 90933, 92, 15151, 279, 5133, 1990, 720, 42406, 25928, 76, 599, 277, 57114, 92650, 90, 31596, 32816, 323, 400, 49, 61, 36802, 76, 599, 277, 52635, 1954, 92, 13244, 220, 1666, 12090, 555, 279, 9302, 8200, 304, 720, 22804, 93, 59, 1116, 90, 915, 25, 78393, 70940, 2186, 279, 57936, 13112, 315, 279, 9958, 97303, 449, 720, 1820, 8547, 315, 2015, 304, 279, 13668, 11, 719, 449, 2536, 10398, 27756, 45577, 11, 89689, 720, 414, 6492, 315, 2225, 6012, 6957, 75223, 59, 7413, 90, 18257, 9, 534, 59, 3133, 287, 198, 59, 1012, 32785, 58, 3175, 35533, 1342, 3175, 15731, 33897, 3262, 16751, 2508, 43534, 37814, 288, 16378, 534, 59, 24232, 90, 791, 400, 89, 28, 15, 3, 5133, 1990, 1057, 27448, 5848, 11193, 323, 11, 720, 11781, 1342, 275, 90, 64, 5525, 279, 9043, 532, 3148, 315, 279, 71812, 400, 44, 57114, 92650, 90, 46957, 32816, 11, 20374, 1342 ]
[ 275, 90, 65, 5525, 279, 720, 78393, 3148, 315, 279, 34261, 400, 44, 25928, 76, 599, 277, 57114, 92650, 90, 16876, 14092, 32816, 11, 20374, 1342, 275, 90, 66, 5525, 279, 6962, 3148, 2949, 720, 1820, 34261, 400, 44, 25928, 92650, 90, 40625, 20009, 59, 92650, 90, 16876, 14092, 32816, 11, 323, 20374, 1342, 275, 90, 67, 5525, 279, 2860, 6962, 3148, 2949, 400, 49, 57114, 92650, 90, 46957, 92, 13244, 2355, 44, 16751, 2508, 304, 279, 61563, 12, 17, 47590, 374, 539, 49393, 449, 3060, 720, 3, 44, 57114, 92650, 90, 46957, 32816, 11, 400, 44, 25928, 76, 599, 277, 57114, 92650, 90, 16876, 14092, 32816, 11, 477, 279, 2860, 6962, 3148, 2949, 400, 49, 57114, 92650, 90, 46957, 32816, 11, 4028, 420, 720, 77, 6172, 3148, 2134, 11, 719, 6962, 9257, 66017, 527, 810, 4461, 311, 387, 834, 8050, 720, 31213, 26, 584, 4358, 420, 26670, 304, 810, 7872, 3770, 13, 534, 59, 1530, 90, 915, 31386, 16751, 2325, 37814, 534, 59, 408, 90, 18257, 9, 3818, 791, 1495, 304, 1855, 7090, 320, 438, 304, 4528, 69356, 3770, 8, 15151, 279, 720, 50, 8174, 1543, 400, 81, 3, 12, 1030, 43870, 11, 400, 81, 57114, 92650, 90, 2203, 32816, 11, 902, 10484, 9803, 279, 78316, 14338, 488, 315, 1855, 720, 37195, 13, 220, 1226, 12849, 400, 81, 57114, 92650 ]
�s Whiskey, Jansen mentioned. In 2017, an executive for the company that equipped hen to Walker despatched a involved email, inquiring about $7,200 in bills he said Walker had incorrectly tried to bill the company from his efforts to secure the waffle deal. Though Jack Daniel never owned enslaved individuals, he did learn to make whiskey in Tennessee from an enslaved person named Nathan “Nearest” Green, who was owned by a Lutheran minister, in line with the company. Yale University is named after Elihu Yale, a former slave trader. Elihu Yale was a slave trader who profited from the sale of human lives. I’m absolutely not inspired to make use of emotion when buying a house, making use of for a job, or doing my private funds, however on the subject of choosing a human being that I’m imagined to spend the rest of my life with, I’m advised by the establishment narrative to use emotion for the largest resolution of all of them. After Obama’s 2016 comments, the White House Historical Association started aggressively researching slavery and its relationship with US presidents and the White House, said Matthew Costello, a senior historian at the historic affiliation. The building’s building
�s Whiskey, Jansen mentioned. In 2017, an executive for the company that equipped hen to Walker despatched a involved email, inquiring about $7,200 in bills he said Walker had incorrectly tried to bill the company from his efforts to secure the waffle deal. Though Jack Daniel never owned enslaved individuals, he did learn to make whiskey in Tennessee from an enslaved person named Nathan “Nearest” Green, who was owned by a Lutheran minister, in line with the company. Yale University is named after Elihu Yale, a former slave trader. Elihu Yale was a slave trader who profited from the sale of human lives. I’m absolutely not inspired to make use of emotion when buying a house, making use of for a job, or doing my private funds, however on the subject of choosing a human being that I’m imagined to spend the rest of my life with, I’m advised by the establishment narrative to use emotion for the largest resolution of all of them. After Obama’s 2016 comments, the White House Historical Association started aggressively researching slavery and its relationship with US presidents and the White House, said Matthew Costello, a senior historian at the historic affiliation. The building’s building
started in 1793. Like with the White House, officials struggled to seek out expert labor so they turned to enslaved folks, who had been often rented from homeowners. The US Capitol building was additionally constructed with the labor of enslaved individuals. Fuentes attended the event at the Capitol, but was photographed remaining outdoors the Capitol constructing. Caspering: Ghosting may be cruel – you’ve got dated someone for a while and also you thought they liked you, but then they just disappear into nowhere. But sometimes giving to somebody you hold special might be the most frustrating. Its job is to get your attention so you may examine additional. Membership fees can range greatly from service to service. But throughout trendy instances, some of the greatest life-saving inventions haven’t been from pharmaceutical companies but have been low-tech, frequent-sense solutions like clean water and clean air. Provide help to corporations who need to start producing masks or scale up manufacturing. We should act with urgency, utilizing the next package deal of Covid-19 relief coming up this month l and take fast advantage of the Defense Production Act. How To Show Your Emeeting Dating From Blah Into Fantastic Now You may Have Your Dating Done Safely Australia Motorcycle Club News Hells
[ 4210, 82, 28424, 2539, 11, 449, 33807, 4750, 13, 554, 2177, 11, 281, 4640, 329, 262, 1664, 326, 10911, 30963, 284, 10120, 748, 8071, 1740, 257, 2950, 3053, 11, 7949, 3428, 546, 720, 22, 11, 2167, 287, 9024, 339, 531, 10120, 550, 23175, 3088, 284, 2855, 262, 1664, 422, 465, 4040, 284, 5713, 262, 266, 30697, 1730, 13, 198, 10915, 3619, 7806, 1239, 6898, 39216, 3925, 11, 339, 750, 2193, 284, 787, 29219, 287, 11287, 422, 281, 39216, 1048, 3706, 18106, 564, 250, 8199, 12423, 447, 251, 3469, 11, 508, 373, 6898, 416, 257, 43772, 5342, 11, 287, 1627, 351, 262, 1664, 13, 19681, 2059, 318, 3706, 706, 2574, 48406, 19681, 11, 257, 1966, 11778, 31791, 13, 2574, 48406, 19681, 373, 257, 11778, 31791, 508, 1534, 863, 422, 262, 5466, 286, 1692, 3160, 13, 314, 447, 247, 76, 5543, 407, 7867, 284, 787, 779, 286, 9942, 618, 7067, 257, 2156, 11, 1642, 779, 286, 329, 257, 1693, 11, 393, 1804, 616, 2839, 5153, 11, 2158, 319, 262, 2426, 286, 11236, 257, 1692, 852, 326, 314, 447, 247, 76, 15758, 284, 4341, 262, 1334, 286, 616, 1204, 351, 11, 314, 447, 247, 76, 13030, 416, 262, 9323, 8689, 284, 779, 9942, 329, 262, 4387, 6323, 286, 477, 286, 606, 13, 2293, 2486, 447, 247, 82, 1584, 3651, 11, 262, 2635, 2097, 23121, 5396, 2067, 19855, 24114, 13503, 290, 663, 2776, 351, 1294, 19033, 290, 262, 2635, 2097, 11, 531, 9308, 6446, 11109, 11, 257, 4664, 18026, 379, 262, 9566, 26218, 13, 383, 2615, 447, 247, 82, 2615 ]
[ 52063, 1254, 47190, 11, 622, 61965, 9932, 13, 763, 220, 679, 22, 11, 459, 11145, 369, 279, 2883, 430, 19167, 48916, 311, 23074, 951, 3482, 291, 264, 6532, 2613, 11, 304, 71194, 922, 400, 22, 11, 1049, 304, 19123, 568, 1071, 23074, 1047, 44447, 6818, 311, 4121, 279, 2883, 505, 813, 9045, 311, 9966, 279, 289, 45190, 3568, 627, 27831, 7762, 15469, 2646, 13234, 95389, 7931, 11, 568, 1550, 4048, 311, 1304, 65354, 304, 24097, 505, 459, 95389, 1732, 7086, 37837, 1054, 8989, 15795, 863, 7997, 11, 889, 574, 13234, 555, 264, 83081, 13015, 11, 304, 1584, 449, 279, 2883, 13, 44552, 3907, 374, 7086, 1306, 34362, 17156, 44552, 11, 264, 4846, 20985, 45465, 13, 34362, 17156, 44552, 574, 264, 20985, 45465, 889, 2848, 1639, 505, 279, 6412, 315, 3823, 6439, 13, 358, 4344, 11112, 539, 14948, 311, 1304, 1005, 315, 20356, 994, 12096, 264, 3838, 11, 3339, 1005, 315, 369, 264, 2683, 11, 477, 3815, 856, 879, 10736, 11, 4869, 389, 279, 3917, 315, 19301, 264, 3823, 1694, 430, 358, 4344, 35706, 311, 8493, 279, 2800, 315, 856, 2324, 449, 11, 358, 4344, 26160, 555, 279, 21967, 19775, 311, 1005, 20356, 369, 279, 7928, 11175, 315, 682, 315, 1124, 13, 4740, 7250, 753, 220, 679, 21, 6170, 11, 279, 5929, 4783, 41143, 10229, 3940, 49139, 45243, 33792, 323, 1202, 5133, 449, 2326, 47608, 323, 279, 5929, 4783, 11, 1071, 19475, 11443, 4896, 11, 264, 10195, 44068, 520, 279, 18526, 53891, 13, 578, 4857, 753, 4857 ]
[ 3940, 304, 220, 11128, 18, 13, 9086, 449, 279, 5929, 4783, 11, 7510, 28214, 311, 6056, 704, 6335, 9511, 779, 814, 6656, 311, 95389, 15687, 11, 889, 1047, 1027, 3629, 49959, 505, 40962, 13, 578, 2326, 32633, 4857, 574, 37938, 20968, 449, 279, 9511, 315, 95389, 7931, 13, 435, 69837, 18677, 279, 1567, 520, 279, 32633, 11, 719, 574, 57303, 9861, 34632, 279, 32633, 50453, 627, 34, 33361, 287, 25, 26099, 287, 1253, 387, 28128, 1389, 499, 4070, 2751, 30105, 4423, 369, 264, 1418, 323, 1101, 499, 3463, 814, 15262, 499, 11, 719, 1243, 814, 1120, 32153, 1139, 28211, 13, 2030, 7170, 7231, 311, 18570, 499, 3412, 3361, 2643, 387, 279, 1455, 35711, 13, 11699, 2683, 374, 311, 636, 701, 6666, 779, 499, 1253, 21635, 5217, 13, 43652, 12718, 649, 2134, 19407, 505, 2532, 311, 2532, 13, 2030, 6957, 58930, 13422, 11, 1063, 315, 279, 12474, 2324, 59085, 85149, 9167, 1431, 1027, 505, 35410, 5220, 719, 617, 1027, 3428, 42357, 11, 21420, 1355, 1137, 10105, 1093, 4335, 3090, 323, 4335, 3805, 13, 40665, 1520, 311, 25341, 889, 1205, 311, 1212, 17843, 27227, 477, 5569, 709, 15266, 13, 1226, 1288, 1180, 449, 54917, 11, 35988, 279, 1828, 6462, 3568, 315, 38074, 12, 777, 16337, 5108, 709, 420, 2305, 326, 323, 1935, 5043, 9610, 315, 279, 16777, 25003, 3298, 627, 4438, 2057, 7073, 4718, 469, 62349, 17783, 5659, 2563, 1494, 32745, 58038, 198, 7184, 1472, 1253, 12522, 4718, 17783, 28457, 12867, 989, 8494, 70762, 10349, 5513, 473, 6572 ]
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arteritis as an antigen-driven disease. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1995;21:1027–39. Wolchok JD, Neyns B, Linette G, Negrier S, Lutzky J, Ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with pretreated advanced melanoma: a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 2, dose-ranging study. Lancet Oncol 2010;11:155–64. Maio M, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gajweski TF, Pehamberger H, Bondarenko IN, Efficacy and safety of ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with pretreated advanced melanoma: a multicenter single-arm phase II study. Ann Oncol 2010;21:1712–7. Kim KB, Schuchter L, Gonzalez R, Pavlick AC, Weber JS, Survival in BRAF V600-mutant advanced melanoma treated with vemurafenib. N Engl J Med 2012;366:707–14. Ferrara N, Hillan KJ,
arteritis as an antigen-driven disease. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1995;21:1027–39. Wolchok JD, Neyns B, Linette G, Negrier S, Lutzky J, Ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with pretreated advanced melanoma: a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 2, dose-ranging study. Lancet Oncol 2010;11:155–64. Maio M, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gajweski TF, Pehamberger H, Bondarenko IN, Efficacy and safety of ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with pretreated advanced melanoma: a multicenter single-arm phase II study. Ann Oncol 2010;21:1712–7. Kim KB, Schuchter L, Gonzalez R, Pavlick AC, Weber JS, Survival in BRAF V600-mutant advanced melanoma treated with vemurafenib. N Engl J Med 2012;366:707–14. Ferrara N, Hillan KJ,
Gerber HP, Novotny W . Discovery and development of bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF antibody for treating cancer. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2004;3:391–400. Heitz F, Harter P, Barinoff J, Beutel B, Kannisto P, Grabowski JP, Bevacizumab in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Adv Ther 2012;29:723–35. Pere H, Maillere B, Merillon N, Taieb J, Angiogenesis and immunity: a bidirectional link potentially relevant for the monitoring of antiangiogenic therapy and the development of novel therapeutic combination with immunotherapy. Cancer Metastasis Rev 2011;30:83–95. Thank you for sharing this Cancer Immunology Research article. You are going to email the following Bevacizumab plus Ipilimumab in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Message Subject (Your Name) has forwarded a page to you from Cancer Immunology Research Message Body (Your Name) thought you would be interested in this article in Cancer Immunology Research. Cancer
[ 30675, 11815, 355, 281, 50059, 12, 15808, 4369, 13, 371, 258, 388, 3167, 11834, 2258, 1703, 8735, 26, 2481, 25, 40403, 1906, 2670, 13, 198, 54, 349, 354, 482, 28591, 11, 198, 8199, 2047, 82, 347, 11, 198, 14993, 5857, 402, 11, 198, 32863, 5277, 311, 11, 198, 43, 27839, 2584, 449, 11, 198, 40, 79, 346, 2847, 397, 937, 18952, 287, 3871, 351, 2181, 15978, 6190, 34963, 6086, 25, 257, 4738, 1417, 11, 4274, 12, 27461, 11, 1963, 36712, 260, 11, 7108, 362, 11, 10742, 12, 32319, 2050, 13, 45122, 1550, 4033, 3050, 26, 1157, 25, 18742, 1906, 2414, 13, 198, 21467, 952, 337, 11, 198, 1925, 12571, 295, 12, 15086, 43850, 569, 11, 198, 38, 1228, 86, 274, 4106, 24958, 11, 198, 6435, 2763, 21041, 367, 11, 198, 33, 623, 5757, 7204, 3268, 11, 198, 36, 2108, 1590, 290, 3747, 286, 20966, 346, 2847, 397, 937, 18952, 287, 3871, 351, 2181, 15978, 6190, 34963, 6086, 25, 257, 47368, 9255, 2060, 12, 1670, 7108, 2873, 2050, 13, 5506, 1550, 4033, 3050, 26, 2481, 25, 1558, 1065, 1906, 22, 13, 198, 26374, 14204, 11, 198, 14874, 794, 353, 406, 11, 198, 38, 13569, 22149, 371, 11, 198, 47, 615, 75, 624, 7125, 11, 198, 1135, 527, 26755, 11, 198, 34652, 2473, 287, 39947, 37, 569, 8054, 12, 21973, 415, 6190, 34963, 6086, 5716, 351, 1569, 28582, 1878, 268, 571, 13, 399, 1985, 75, 449, 2019, 2321, 26, 32459, 25, 24038, 1906, 1415, 13, 198, 37, 8056, 3301, 399, 11, 198, 36369, 272, 509, 41, 11, 198 ]
[ 47357, 20000, 439, 459, 83089, 32505, 8624, 13, 71636, 372, 4185, 18905, 4892, 3383, 220, 2550, 20, 26, 1691, 25, 4278, 22, 4235, 2137, 627, 54, 337, 331, 564, 45037, 345, 45, 1216, 4511, 426, 345, 51697, 6672, 480, 345, 48900, 7401, 328, 345, 43, 34097, 8050, 622, 345, 24267, 321, 3375, 370, 1647, 42811, 304, 6978, 449, 4509, 2920, 11084, 68012, 7942, 25, 264, 4288, 4147, 11, 2033, 95449, 11, 92520, 40997, 11, 10474, 220, 17, 11, 19660, 82105, 4007, 13, 39634, 295, 77854, 337, 220, 679, 15, 26, 806, 25, 9992, 4235, 1227, 627, 30635, 822, 386, 345, 1163, 13884, 290, 6354, 23684, 72, 650, 345, 38, 1662, 86, 288, 6780, 30245, 345, 47, 2701, 15578, 1414, 473, 345, 90944, 9329, 9509, 2006, 345, 36, 21264, 2826, 323, 7296, 315, 6125, 321, 3375, 370, 1647, 42811, 304, 6978, 449, 4509, 2920, 11084, 68012, 7942, 25, 264, 92520, 1992, 3254, 67918, 10474, 8105, 4007, 13, 9489, 77854, 337, 220, 679, 15, 26, 1691, 25, 11123, 17, 4235, 22, 627, 49436, 26068, 345, 31224, 1412, 466, 445, 345, 38, 28143, 44045, 432, 345, 47, 402, 1228, 10807, 345, 1687, 655, 12438, 345, 63443, 4023, 304, 74863, 37, 650, 5067, 1474, 332, 519, 11084, 68012, 7942, 12020, 449, 98162, 324, 68658, 581, 13, 452, 99730, 622, 3344, 220, 679, 17, 26, 18044, 25, 18770, 4235, 975, 627, 37, 618, 5169, 452, 345, 39, 484, 276, 735, 41, 345 ]
[ 66497, 655, 12478, 345, 19480, 354, 3919, 468, 198, 13, 39193, 323, 4500, 315, 387, 54803, 450, 372, 370, 11, 459, 7294, 12, 4592, 37432, 63052, 369, 27723, 9572, 13, 24772, 10315, 26166, 11997, 869, 220, 1049, 19, 26, 18, 25, 19631, 4235, 3443, 627, 1548, 11289, 435, 345, 39, 5408, 393, 345, 3511, 258, 1885, 622, 345, 3513, 332, 301, 426, 345, 42, 1036, 26407, 393, 345, 57022, 29384, 49880, 345, 3513, 54803, 450, 372, 370, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 85542, 9572, 13, 12605, 23258, 220, 679, 17, 26, 1682, 25, 24388, 4235, 1758, 627, 47, 486, 473, 345, 30635, 484, 486, 426, 345, 27814, 43588, 452, 345, 57099, 648, 65, 622, 345, 10976, 72, 52379, 323, 40368, 25, 264, 14435, 45770, 2723, 13893, 9959, 369, 279, 16967, 315, 7294, 79428, 29569, 15419, 323, 279, 4500, 315, 11775, 37471, 10824, 449, 33119, 42811, 13, 26211, 6344, 561, 10949, 10315, 220, 679, 16, 26, 966, 25, 6069, 4235, 2721, 627, 13359, 499, 369, 11821, 420, 26211, 67335, 2508, 8483, 4652, 627, 2675, 527, 2133, 311, 2613, 279, 2768, 2893, 54803, 450, 372, 370, 5636, 36133, 321, 3375, 370, 304, 44430, 449, 6344, 561, 780, 11220, 276, 7942, 198, 2097, 17908, 320, 7927, 4076, 8, 706, 53346, 264, 2199, 311, 499, 505, 26211, 67335, 2508, 8483, 198, 2097, 14285, 320, 7927, 4076, 8, 3463, 499, 1053, 387, 8173, 304, 420, 4652, 304, 26211, 67335, 2508, 8483, 627, 34, 11967 ]
personality and Pierce The Veil’s much more striking metal meets pop-rock sound eventually sent this funk packing. With tracks like ‘Caraphernelia’ and ‘Bulls In The Bronx’ bringing the riffs in abundance and a fired up Fuentes killing both his clean and throat shredding vocals, this set quickly turned into a full bore and super fun romp that even featured some nailed intricate Spanish guitar work. Not something you see that often that one. Riled up by the added bite and punch of PTV’s sound compared to their predecessors, the O2 was soon even rowdier then it had been earlier. Late in the set ‘A Match Into Water’ even saw Fuentes organise one of the more timidly approached and carefully executed walls of death live music has ever seen. Although given it was filled almost exclusively with post-pubescent’s struggling to see through their eye make-up this can probably be forgiven. Earlier ‘Props and Mayhem’ did a passable job of living up to its name, its driving bass line and more of those CO2 cannons getting most of the room bouncing. A second acoustic interlude lost some of its impetus after the
personality and Pierce The Veil’s much more striking metal meets pop-rock sound eventually sent this funk packing. With tracks like ‘Caraphernelia’ and ‘Bulls In The Bronx’ bringing the riffs in abundance and a fired up Fuentes killing both his clean and throat shredding vocals, this set quickly turned into a full bore and super fun romp that even featured some nailed intricate Spanish guitar work. Not something you see that often that one. Riled up by the added bite and punch of PTV’s sound compared to their predecessors, the O2 was soon even rowdier then it had been earlier. Late in the set ‘A Match Into Water’ even saw Fuentes organise one of the more timidly approached and carefully executed walls of death live music has ever seen. Although given it was filled almost exclusively with post-pubescent’s struggling to see through their eye make-up this can probably be forgiven. Earlier ‘Props and Mayhem’ did a passable job of living up to its name, its driving bass line and more of those CO2 cannons getting most of the room bouncing. A second acoustic interlude lost some of its impetus after the
earlier one, but Fuentes still did a decent job of leading the masses in a stripped back solo airing of ‘I’m Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket’. ‘Bulletproof Love’ then got hands up and clapping to close the main set. But PTV had saved the best for last as the encore performance of ‘King For A Day’ (sadly without a guest appearance from Quinn) provided the night’s undeniable highlight. (4/5) This was an evening that showed commercial US heavy rock is clearly in rude good health; and it’s hard not to see a future repeat of Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens touring the UK together being able to make the step up and do decent business in selected arenas. However to view the presentation and stage show of both bands, with the focus on the looks and personalities of the frontmen and a huge over reliance on flashy stage gimmicks like the CO2 and endless confetti cannon shots, over the strength of the songs, with a healthy dose of cynicism; then the whole package starts to whiff a little as being over hyped beginner heavy rock for the 1D generation. Basically too much attention grabbing flash and
[ 8806, 290, 23023, 383, 46104, 447, 247, 82, 881, 517, 8871, 6147, 11185, 1461, 12, 10823, 2128, 4191, 1908, 428, 46212, 24157, 13, 198, 3152, 8339, 588, 564, 246, 9914, 499, 2881, 25418, 447, 247, 290, 564, 246, 39549, 82, 554, 383, 32486, 447, 247, 6079, 262, 374, 10203, 287, 20038, 290, 257, 6294, 510, 13333, 298, 274, 5170, 1111, 465, 3424, 290, 13589, 21163, 12083, 25355, 11, 428, 900, 2952, 2900, 656, 257, 1336, 18631, 290, 2208, 1257, 374, 3361, 326, 772, 8096, 617, 37708, 28746, 7897, 10047, 670, 13, 1892, 1223, 345, 766, 326, 1690, 326, 530, 13, 198, 49, 3902, 510, 416, 262, 2087, 13197, 290, 10862, 286, 350, 6849, 447, 247, 82, 2128, 3688, 284, 511, 27677, 11, 262, 440, 17, 373, 2582, 772, 5752, 67, 959, 788, 340, 550, 587, 2961, 13, 18319, 287, 262, 900, 564, 246, 32, 13225, 20008, 5638, 447, 247, 772, 2497, 13333, 298, 274, 42386, 530, 286, 262, 517, 44295, 306, 10448, 290, 7773, 10945, 7714, 286, 1918, 2107, 2647, 468, 1683, 1775, 13, 4900, 1813, 340, 373, 5901, 2048, 11541, 351, 1281, 12, 12984, 45470, 447, 247, 82, 9648, 284, 766, 832, 511, 4151, 787, 12, 929, 428, 460, 2192, 307, 32350, 13, 198, 13689, 564, 246, 2964, 862, 290, 35450, 447, 247, 750, 257, 1208, 540, 1693, 286, 2877, 510, 284, 663, 1438, 11, 663, 5059, 12702, 1627, 290, 517, 286, 883, 7375, 17, 37577, 1972, 749, 286, 262, 2119, 30713, 13, 317, 1218, 26071, 987, 38792, 2626, 617, 286, 663, 43007, 706, 262 ]
[ 17743, 323, 50930, 578, 23404, 321, 753, 1790, 810, 21933, 9501, 20628, 2477, 80437, 5222, 9778, 3288, 420, 69392, 36813, 627, 2409, 14242, 1093, 3451, 9028, 1366, 5571, 689, 529, 323, 3451, 33, 71523, 763, 578, 66236, 529, 12967, 279, 436, 19383, 304, 37492, 323, 264, 14219, 709, 435, 69837, 13419, 2225, 813, 4335, 323, 28691, 53462, 287, 47196, 11, 420, 743, 6288, 6656, 1139, 264, 2539, 39786, 323, 2307, 2523, 10083, 79, 430, 1524, 15109, 1063, 75974, 57216, 15506, 17418, 990, 13, 2876, 2555, 499, 1518, 430, 3629, 430, 832, 627, 49, 2230, 709, 555, 279, 3779, 23556, 323, 21004, 315, 393, 16027, 753, 5222, 7863, 311, 872, 62540, 11, 279, 507, 17, 574, 5246, 1524, 2872, 67, 1291, 1243, 433, 1047, 1027, 6931, 13, 36931, 304, 279, 743, 3451, 32, 14484, 32745, 10164, 529, 1524, 5602, 435, 69837, 71040, 832, 315, 279, 810, 99149, 398, 25735, 323, 15884, 16070, 14620, 315, 4648, 3974, 4731, 706, 3596, 3970, 13, 10541, 2728, 433, 574, 10409, 4661, 24121, 449, 1772, 2320, 51725, 1189, 753, 20558, 311, 1518, 1555, 872, 8071, 1304, 5352, 420, 649, 4762, 387, 73695, 627, 34141, 3451, 6120, 323, 3297, 30132, 529, 1550, 264, 1522, 481, 2683, 315, 5496, 709, 311, 1202, 836, 11, 1202, 10043, 22253, 1584, 323, 810, 315, 1884, 7432, 17, 98014, 3794, 1455, 315, 279, 3130, 65128, 13, 362, 2132, 45166, 958, 53638, 5675, 1063, 315, 1202, 3242, 64476, 1306, 279 ]
[ 6931, 832, 11, 719, 435, 69837, 2103, 1550, 264, 15326, 2683, 315, 6522, 279, 32738, 304, 264, 37779, 1203, 13839, 71353, 315, 3451, 40, 4344, 12310, 1952, 21523, 1628, 1472, 14998, 362, 55870, 24535, 3451, 45758, 16157, 10919, 529, 1243, 2751, 6206, 709, 323, 1206, 3713, 311, 3345, 279, 1925, 743, 13, 2030, 393, 16027, 1047, 6924, 279, 1888, 369, 1566, 439, 279, 35597, 5178, 315, 3451, 34655, 1789, 362, 6187, 529, 320, 83214, 398, 2085, 264, 8810, 11341, 505, 41623, 8, 3984, 279, 3814, 753, 81832, 11415, 13, 320, 19, 14, 20, 340, 2028, 574, 459, 11714, 430, 8710, 8518, 2326, 8987, 7091, 374, 9539, 304, 47101, 1695, 2890, 26, 323, 433, 753, 2653, 539, 311, 1518, 264, 3938, 13454, 315, 50930, 578, 23404, 321, 323, 75247, 3161, 328, 556, 4511, 48551, 279, 6560, 3871, 1694, 3025, 311, 1304, 279, 3094, 709, 323, 656, 15326, 2626, 304, 4183, 98767, 13, 4452, 311, 1684, 279, 15864, 323, 6566, 1501, 315, 2225, 21562, 11, 449, 279, 5357, 389, 279, 5992, 323, 44908, 315, 279, 4156, 5794, 323, 264, 6908, 927, 54180, 389, 96567, 6566, 75873, 5908, 1093, 279, 7432, 17, 323, 26762, 2389, 29037, 49499, 15300, 11, 927, 279, 8333, 315, 279, 11936, 11, 449, 264, 9498, 19660, 315, 48364, 42914, 26, 1243, 279, 4459, 6462, 8638, 311, 421, 3168, 264, 2697, 439, 1694, 927, 9950, 291, 50048, 8987, 7091, 369, 279, 220, 16, 35, 9659, 13, 41812, 2288, 1790, 6666, 50030, 8381, 323 ]
. Craig can be reached at 610-778-7993 or at [email protected] Follow Craig on Twitter @cklarimer Read more stories by Craig Larimer here. Commercial Awareness Update: US v UK Aeroplane Manufacturer Tensions, Leicester Businesses Sue Govt & More Published on July 27, 2020 by Holly Porter What’s been happening in the commercial world in the past week? Read on to find out! UK & US Trade Tensions Over Aeroplane Manufacturer Subsidies Trade tensions between the UK and US over aeroplane manufacturer subsidies have rumbled on for months, however things now look set to worsen. So what is the backdrop? The US believes that Airbus is vastly and unfairly subsidised by European governments notably the UK and took its complaint to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Here, the US was awarded $7.5bn of retaliatory trade measures as compensation. Accordingly, a 24% tariff was added to Scotch malt whisky, UK cashmere sweaters and biscuits including shortbread exported to the states. As expected, Scottish exporters have suffered disproportionately from the tariffs with a £200m fall in whisky exports to the US reported by the Scottish Whisky Association. It should
. Craig can be reached at 610-778-7993 or at [email protected] Follow Craig on Twitter @cklarimer Read more stories by Craig Larimer here. Commercial Awareness Update: US v UK Aeroplane Manufacturer Tensions, Leicester Businesses Sue Govt & More Published on July 27, 2020 by Holly Porter What’s been happening in the commercial world in the past week? Read on to find out! UK & US Trade Tensions Over Aeroplane Manufacturer Subsidies Trade tensions between the UK and US over aeroplane manufacturer subsidies have rumbled on for months, however things now look set to worsen. So what is the backdrop? The US believes that Airbus is vastly and unfairly subsidised by European governments notably the UK and took its complaint to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Here, the US was awarded $7.5bn of retaliatory trade measures as compensation. Accordingly, a 24% tariff was added to Scotch malt whisky, UK cashmere sweaters and biscuits including shortbread exported to the states. As expected, Scottish exporters have suffered disproportionately from the tariffs with a £200m fall in whisky exports to the US reported by the Scottish Whisky Association. It should
be noted that this only covers single malts. The situation has deteriorated further since as the US launched another claim about Airbus subsidies, the result of which is due in August. The US consultation is likely to see more tariffs on other European countries such as Germany, France and Spain alongside the UK, as the main Airbus-manufacturing countries. There are concerns that the US may attach a tariff to blended Scotch, which could cost a further £660million for Scotland as well as UK gin and salmon, which again may impact Scotland particularly harshly. However, the EU is also bringing a claim against the US. The European Union has launched a complaint with the WTO over concerns that Boeing is over-subsidised by the US, of which the outcome has been delayed due to COVID-19. If affirmative, the effect of mutual retaliatory tariffs could result in re-negotiations. However, there are a number of external complicating factors that will delay any conclusion including but not exclusive to: the fact the UK and US are currently engaged in talks over a bilateral free trade deal, the upcoming US presidential election and the increase of both parties in Airbus and Boeing subsidies over the pandemic. Talking Points: This is a clear example of the wider effects of
[ 13, 13854, 460, 307, 4251, 379, 44300, 12, 39761, 12, 22, 44821, 393, 379, 10212, 22723, 31, 76, 13345, 13, 785, 198, 7155, 13854, 319, 3009, 2488, 694, 21681, 22723, 198, 5569, 517, 3923, 416, 13854, 25577, 22723, 994, 13, 22724, 36735, 10133, 25, 1294, 410, 3482, 15781, 20106, 1531, 40218, 309, 5736, 11, 29224, 7320, 274, 26089, 10964, 83, 1222, 3125, 198, 24492, 319, 2901, 2681, 11, 12131, 416, 7764, 20890, 198, 2061, 447, 247, 82, 587, 5836, 287, 262, 5068, 995, 287, 262, 1613, 1285, 30, 4149, 319, 284, 1064, 503, 0, 198, 15039, 1222, 1294, 9601, 309, 5736, 3827, 15781, 20106, 1531, 40218, 3834, 30255, 444, 198, 35965, 15733, 1022, 262, 3482, 290, 1294, 625, 9551, 20106, 1531, 11554, 16230, 423, 374, 11137, 319, 329, 1933, 11, 2158, 1243, 783, 804, 900, 284, 47058, 13, 198, 2396, 644, 318, 262, 26373, 30, 383, 1294, 5804, 326, 39173, 318, 22056, 290, 30750, 7905, 1417, 416, 3427, 6905, 14660, 262, 3482, 290, 1718, 663, 8224, 284, 262, 2159, 9601, 30801, 357, 54, 10468, 737, 3423, 11, 262, 1294, 373, 11343, 720, 22, 13, 20, 9374, 286, 28160, 2870, 3292, 5260, 355, 9836, 13, 28386, 11, 257, 1987, 4, 36427, 373, 2087, 284, 46755, 26868, 39501, 11, 3482, 5003, 34671, 3490, 8605, 290, 50128, 1390, 1790, 29573, 29050, 284, 262, 2585, 13, 1081, 2938, 11, 11905, 1033, 3816, 423, 6989, 28719, 422, 262, 29240, 351, 257, 4248, 2167, 76, 2121, 287, 39501, 15319, 284, 262, 1294, 2098, 416, 262, 11905, 854, 34041, 5396, 13, 632, 815 ]
[ 13, 29517, 649, 387, 8813, 520, 220, 17608, 12, 23592, 12, 23987, 18, 477, 520, 20064, 3212, 92464, 6797, 916, 198, 12763, 29517, 389, 6405, 571, 377, 14115, 3212, 198, 4518, 810, 7493, 555, 29517, 32404, 3212, 1618, 13, 28943, 63135, 5666, 25, 2326, 348, 6560, 64150, 454, 38947, 35551, 350, 4769, 11, 58849, 71190, 48749, 25428, 83, 612, 4497, 198, 29986, 389, 5887, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 555, 53425, 39037, 198, 3923, 753, 1027, 12765, 304, 279, 8518, 1917, 304, 279, 3347, 2046, 30, 4557, 389, 311, 1505, 704, 4999, 25554, 612, 2326, 17657, 350, 4769, 6193, 64150, 454, 38947, 35551, 3804, 21703, 552, 198, 40273, 39510, 1990, 279, 6560, 323, 2326, 927, 34548, 454, 38947, 14290, 43121, 617, 436, 26902, 389, 369, 4038, 11, 4869, 2574, 1457, 1427, 743, 311, 47293, 268, 627, 4516, 1148, 374, 279, 39577, 30, 578, 2326, 13919, 430, 81474, 374, 53108, 323, 76725, 25905, 4147, 555, 7665, 17047, 35146, 279, 6560, 323, 3952, 1202, 12458, 311, 279, 4435, 17657, 47843, 320, 54, 5319, 570, 5810, 11, 279, 2326, 574, 22034, 400, 22, 13, 20, 11328, 315, 91155, 5382, 6696, 11193, 439, 20448, 13, 63909, 11, 264, 220, 1187, 4, 61361, 574, 3779, 311, 93050, 55756, 81583, 11, 6560, 8515, 61031, 10769, 11796, 323, 87076, 2737, 2875, 48616, 35990, 311, 279, 5415, 13, 1666, 3685, 11, 27188, 75948, 617, 16654, 73152, 505, 279, 44995, 449, 264, 7083, 1049, 76, 4498, 304, 81583, 13086, 311, 279, 2326, 5068, 555, 279, 27188, 1254, 71804, 10229, 13, 1102, 1288 ]
[ 387, 10555, 430, 420, 1193, 14861, 3254, 8811, 2641, 627, 791, 6671, 706, 39436, 660, 4726, 2533, 439, 279, 2326, 11887, 2500, 3802, 922, 81474, 43121, 11, 279, 1121, 315, 902, 374, 4245, 304, 6287, 13, 578, 2326, 29173, 374, 4461, 311, 1518, 810, 44995, 389, 1023, 7665, 5961, 1778, 439, 10057, 11, 9822, 323, 18157, 16662, 279, 6560, 11, 439, 279, 1925, 81474, 21110, 4830, 1711, 5961, 13, 2684, 527, 10742, 430, 279, 2326, 1253, 15866, 264, 61361, 311, 55645, 93050, 11, 902, 1436, 2853, 264, 4726, 7083, 19274, 59413, 369, 19627, 439, 1664, 439, 6560, 47283, 323, 41420, 11, 902, 1578, 1253, 5536, 19627, 8104, 25984, 398, 627, 11458, 11, 279, 10013, 374, 1101, 12967, 264, 3802, 2403, 279, 2326, 13, 578, 7665, 9323, 706, 11887, 264, 12458, 449, 279, 100233, 927, 10742, 430, 42959, 374, 927, 1355, 16115, 307, 4147, 555, 279, 2326, 11, 315, 902, 279, 15632, 706, 1027, 23540, 4245, 311, 20562, 12, 777, 13, 1442, 68741, 11, 279, 2515, 315, 27848, 91155, 5382, 44995, 1436, 1121, 304, 312, 5392, 67078, 17583, 627, 11458, 11, 1070, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 9434, 69226, 1113, 9547, 430, 690, 7781, 904, 17102, 2737, 719, 539, 14079, 311, 25, 279, 2144, 279, 6560, 323, 2326, 527, 5131, 17045, 304, 13739, 927, 264, 52303, 1949, 6696, 3568, 11, 279, 14827, 2326, 13621, 6355, 323, 279, 5376, 315, 2225, 9875, 304, 81474, 323, 42959, 43121, 927, 279, 28522, 627, 91057, 21387, 25, 1115, 374, 264, 2867, 3187, 315, 279, 22622, 6372, 315 ]
icability alone, but on this factor when it is combined with impossibility or illegality. One group of such cases is that already discussed,165 in which long delays in performance resulted from wartime restrictions, and it was held that performance need not be resumed in the totally altered conditions which prevailed when those restrictions were removed. It could be said that performance at the later time was "impracticable"; but this was only one factor leading to discharge, the other being that, for a considerable period, the wartime conditions made performance actually impossible. Similar reasoning can apply where a supervening change in the law makes it illegal to perform a contract to render a service unless (for example) additional safety precautions are taken by the party who is to render it. The extra expense to be incurred by that party in taking those precautions may then be regarded as a kind of "impracticability", leading to discharge;166 but this result will, more significantly, be based on the special considerations of public policy on which discharge is based in cases of supervening illegality:167 in other words, it does not follow that the contract would be discharged if the same amount of extra expense were occasioned simply by commercial factors, without any element of supervening illegality. **
icability alone, but on this factor when it is combined with impossibility or illegality. One group of such cases is that already discussed,165 in which long delays in performance resulted from wartime restrictions, and it was held that performance need not be resumed in the totally altered conditions which prevailed when those restrictions were removed. It could be said that performance at the later time was "impracticable"; but this was only one factor leading to discharge, the other being that, for a considerable period, the wartime conditions made performance actually impossible. Similar reasoning can apply where a supervening change in the law makes it illegal to perform a contract to render a service unless (for example) additional safety precautions are taken by the party who is to render it. The extra expense to be incurred by that party in taking those precautions may then be regarded as a kind of "impracticability", leading to discharge;166 but this result will, more significantly, be based on the special considerations of public policy on which discharge is based in cases of supervening illegality:167 in other words, it does not follow that the contract would be discharged if the same amount of extra expense were occasioned simply by commercial factors, without any element of supervening illegality. **
19–036** **Express contractual provision**. Secondly, there are cases in which contracts were discharged, not under the general doctrine of frustration, but under express contractual provisions (such as force majeure or prohibition of export clauses) which excuse one party, or both, if a specified event prevents performance. Such clauses do not protect a party merely because supervening events make performance more difficult or more expensive for him;168 nor do they normally protect him where he can perform in alternative ways and only one of them becomes impossible, e.g. a seller who cannot obtain the goods that he had undertaken to deliver from the source intended by him (e.g. because of being let down by his supplier or because of an export embargo) must obtain them from other sources that remain available.169 But this rule is subject to an exception which applies where it would be unreasonable to require the seller to perform in this way, because attempts to do so by him, and by other sellers similarly situated, would drive prices up to "unheard of levels".170 In one case of this kind, it was said that the seller need not make such an attempt where to require him to do so would be "impracticable and commercially unsuitable".171 These cases are
[ 291, 1799, 3436, 11, 475, 319, 428, 5766, 618, 340, 318, 5929, 351, 50097, 393, 4416, 1483, 13, 1881, 1448, 286, 884, 2663, 318, 326, 1541, 6693, 11, 20986, 287, 543, 890, 16119, 287, 2854, 8724, 422, 35382, 8733, 11, 290, 340, 373, 2714, 326, 2854, 761, 407, 307, 28291, 287, 262, 6635, 14294, 3403, 543, 34429, 618, 883, 8733, 547, 4615, 13, 632, 714, 307, 531, 326, 2854, 379, 262, 1568, 640, 373, 366, 11011, 974, 18424, 8172, 475, 428, 373, 691, 530, 5766, 3756, 284, 17655, 11, 262, 584, 852, 326, 11, 329, 257, 11091, 2278, 11, 262, 35382, 3403, 925, 2854, 1682, 5340, 13, 11014, 14607, 460, 4174, 810, 257, 2208, 574, 278, 1487, 287, 262, 1099, 1838, 340, 5293, 284, 1620, 257, 2775, 284, 8543, 257, 2139, 4556, 357, 1640, 1672, 8, 3224, 3747, 31320, 389, 2077, 416, 262, 2151, 508, 318, 284, 8543, 340, 13, 383, 3131, 10907, 284, 307, 23436, 416, 326, 2151, 287, 2263, 883, 31320, 743, 788, 307, 11987, 355, 257, 1611, 286, 366, 11011, 974, 291, 1799, 1600, 3756, 284, 17655, 26, 23055, 475, 428, 1255, 481, 11, 517, 5566, 11, 307, 1912, 319, 262, 2041, 18506, 286, 1171, 2450, 319, 543, 17655, 318, 1912, 287, 2663, 286, 2208, 574, 278, 4416, 1483, 25, 21940, 287, 584, 2456, 11, 340, 857, 407, 1061, 326, 262, 2775, 561, 307, 26476, 611, 262, 976, 2033, 286, 3131, 10907, 547, 6695, 276, 2391, 416, 5068, 5087, 11, 1231, 597, 5002, 286, 2208, 574, 278, 4416, 1483, 13, 198, 198, 1174 ]
[ 292, 2968, 7636, 11, 719, 389, 420, 8331, 994, 433, 374, 11093, 449, 91182, 3225, 477, 30067, 2786, 13, 3861, 1912, 315, 1778, 5157, 374, 430, 2736, 14407, 11, 10680, 304, 902, 1317, 32174, 304, 5178, 19543, 505, 87952, 17294, 11, 323, 433, 574, 5762, 430, 5178, 1205, 539, 387, 58505, 304, 279, 12756, 29852, 4787, 902, 85814, 994, 1884, 17294, 1051, 7108, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 1071, 430, 5178, 520, 279, 3010, 892, 574, 330, 318, 652, 24045, 481, 5233, 719, 420, 574, 1193, 832, 8331, 6522, 311, 32643, 11, 279, 1023, 1694, 430, 11, 369, 264, 24779, 4261, 11, 279, 87952, 4787, 1903, 5178, 3604, 12266, 13, 22196, 33811, 649, 3881, 1405, 264, 15945, 6147, 2349, 304, 279, 2383, 3727, 433, 12079, 311, 2804, 264, 5226, 311, 3219, 264, 2532, 7389, 320, 2000, 3187, 8, 5217, 7296, 61003, 527, 4529, 555, 279, 4717, 889, 374, 311, 3219, 433, 13, 578, 5066, 20900, 311, 387, 52872, 555, 430, 4717, 304, 4737, 1884, 61003, 1253, 1243, 387, 27458, 439, 264, 3169, 315, 330, 318, 652, 24045, 2968, 498, 6522, 311, 32643, 26, 11247, 719, 420, 1121, 690, 11, 810, 12207, 11, 387, 3196, 389, 279, 3361, 38864, 315, 586, 4947, 389, 902, 32643, 374, 3196, 304, 5157, 315, 15945, 6147, 30067, 2786, 25, 11515, 304, 1023, 4339, 11, 433, 1587, 539, 1833, 430, 279, 5226, 1053, 387, 57191, 422, 279, 1890, 3392, 315, 5066, 20900, 1051, 13402, 291, 5042, 555, 8518, 9547, 11, 2085, 904, 2449, 315, 15945, 6147, 30067, 2786, 382, 334 ]
[ 777, 4235, 23110, 57277, 334, 8672, 76543, 17575, 334, 13, 72131, 11, 1070, 527, 5157, 304, 902, 17517, 1051, 57191, 11, 539, 1234, 279, 4689, 33235, 315, 33086, 11, 719, 1234, 3237, 76543, 19705, 320, 21470, 439, 5457, 296, 11305, 554, 477, 50967, 315, 7637, 50198, 8, 902, 28391, 832, 4717, 11, 477, 2225, 11, 422, 264, 5300, 1567, 29034, 5178, 13, 15483, 50198, 656, 539, 6144, 264, 4717, 16632, 1606, 15945, 6147, 4455, 1304, 5178, 810, 5107, 477, 810, 11646, 369, 1461, 26, 8953, 6463, 656, 814, 14614, 6144, 1461, 1405, 568, 649, 2804, 304, 10778, 5627, 323, 1193, 832, 315, 1124, 9221, 12266, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 264, 23703, 889, 4250, 6994, 279, 11822, 430, 568, 1047, 45179, 311, 6493, 505, 279, 2592, 10825, 555, 1461, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 1606, 315, 1694, 1095, 1523, 555, 813, 19353, 477, 1606, 315, 459, 7637, 48702, 8, 2011, 6994, 1124, 505, 1023, 8336, 430, 7293, 2561, 13, 11739, 2030, 420, 6037, 374, 3917, 311, 459, 4788, 902, 17208, 1405, 433, 1053, 387, 59525, 311, 1397, 279, 23703, 311, 2804, 304, 420, 1648, 11, 1606, 13865, 311, 656, 779, 555, 1461, 11, 323, 555, 1023, 37249, 30293, 31183, 11, 1053, 6678, 7729, 709, 311, 330, 359, 55603, 315, 5990, 3343, 8258, 763, 832, 1162, 315, 420, 3169, 11, 433, 574, 1071, 430, 279, 23703, 1205, 539, 1304, 1778, 459, 4879, 1405, 311, 1397, 1461, 311, 656, 779, 1053, 387, 330, 318, 652, 24045, 481, 323, 54453, 7120, 86581, 3343, 11123, 4314, 5157, 527 ]
aving upward into peaks and subsiding again in troughs, the spume blown in bursts from the crests of the waves. Like Churchill, I am half-American and half-English, though he was American on his maternal side, and I British on mine. I recall thinking of myself while growing up in the Northeast as British and American in about equal parts; later, after moving to Wyoming in my early 30’s, quintessentially American. About 15 years ago, that self-perception began to change again-a thing I felt viscerally without understanding it clearly, until recently. It is often hard to distinguish what one loves truly until one sees it threatened, and responds instinctively and with an intensity of directed emotion that clarifies everything. I felt just such a response while in England last December. We had just come from Sunday Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Farm Street, London, where Evelyn Waugh was converted and later married to Laura Herbert, and were crossing St. George’s Garden behind the church toward Scott’s Restaurant in Mount Street when the thing happened. The architecture in this neighborhood is late 19th century in the Flemish and Renaissance style, salmon-colored brick relieved by
aving upward into peaks and subsiding again in troughs, the spume blown in bursts from the crests of the waves. Like Churchill, I am half-American and half-English, though he was American on his maternal side, and I British on mine. I recall thinking of myself while growing up in the Northeast as British and American in about equal parts; later, after moving to Wyoming in my early 30’s, quintessentially American. About 15 years ago, that self-perception began to change again-a thing I felt viscerally without understanding it clearly, until recently. It is often hard to distinguish what one loves truly until one sees it threatened, and responds instinctively and with an intensity of directed emotion that clarifies everything. I felt just such a response while in England last December. We had just come from Sunday Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Farm Street, London, where Evelyn Waugh was converted and later married to Laura Herbert, and were crossing St. George’s Garden behind the church toward Scott’s Restaurant in Mount Street when the thing happened. The architecture in this neighborhood is late 19th century in the Flemish and Renaissance style, salmon-colored brick relieved by
white marble trim set off by the brilliant green lawns of an English autumn, and there were gravel walks across manicured lawns and those sturdy wooden park benches, the same as one used to find aboard Cunard liners, and pigeons and a squat fat-boled palm tree surrounded by a circle of gravel, and I seem to recall bow windows on the ground floors, though I can’t find them in photographs—and suddenly, in the midst of so much peace and beauty, and after receiving Communion, I felt a sudden access of fury, struck by the thought that had been gathering all week in the new semi-Asiatic London, that all this storied historical loveliness is on the verge of being inherited by barbarians who did not create it, know nothing of the civilization of my people from whence it sprang, and have neither interest in knowing it nor attachment to it. And I recalled, immediately afterward, an opposite but directly related experience several years before when, gazing at sunset from the summit of the Gianicolo across the golden city of Rome west toward the Apennines 50 kilometers or so off at the purple horizon, I became fully aware of the massive and moving breadth and integrity of the historic Western Christian civilization,
[ 2703, 18644, 656, 25740, 290, 6352, 2530, 757, 287, 45047, 82, 11, 262, 599, 2454, 16318, 287, 29404, 422, 262, 1126, 6448, 286, 262, 9813, 13, 198, 7594, 25987, 11, 314, 716, 2063, 12, 7437, 290, 2063, 12, 15823, 11, 996, 339, 373, 1605, 319, 465, 22160, 1735, 11, 290, 314, 3517, 319, 6164, 13, 314, 10014, 3612, 286, 3589, 981, 3957, 510, 287, 262, 26315, 355, 3517, 290, 1605, 287, 546, 4961, 3354, 26, 1568, 11, 706, 3867, 284, 24533, 287, 616, 1903, 1542, 447, 247, 82, 11, 28533, 408, 3746, 1605, 13, 7994, 1315, 812, 2084, 11, 326, 2116, 12, 525, 4516, 2540, 284, 1487, 757, 12, 64, 1517, 314, 2936, 1490, 2189, 453, 1231, 4547, 340, 4084, 11, 1566, 2904, 13, 632, 318, 1690, 1327, 284, 15714, 644, 530, 10408, 4988, 1566, 530, 7224, 340, 8556, 11, 290, 20067, 43045, 290, 351, 281, 12245, 286, 7924, 9942, 326, 10212, 6945, 2279, 13, 314, 2936, 655, 884, 257, 2882, 981, 287, 4492, 938, 3426, 13, 775, 550, 655, 1282, 422, 3502, 5674, 287, 262, 4564, 286, 262, 9543, 330, 5039, 1482, 4516, 287, 11272, 3530, 11, 3576, 11, 810, 12882, 6213, 370, 1567, 373, 11513, 290, 1568, 6405, 284, 16753, 28648, 11, 290, 547, 12538, 520, 13, 4502, 447, 247, 82, 11652, 2157, 262, 4928, 3812, 4746, 447, 247, 82, 26078, 287, 5628, 3530, 618, 262, 1517, 3022, 13, 383, 10959, 287, 428, 6232, 318, 2739, 678, 400, 4289, 287, 262, 376, 10671, 680, 290, 29396, 3918, 11, 24535, 12, 25717, 17214, 22598, 416 ]
[ 2370, 40872, 1139, 40035, 323, 5258, 6714, 1578, 304, 79065, 82, 11, 279, 993, 3972, 36574, 304, 66801, 505, 279, 1922, 37379, 315, 279, 17301, 627, 13246, 58274, 11, 358, 1097, 4376, 24145, 323, 4376, 12, 23392, 11, 3582, 568, 574, 3778, 389, 813, 50150, 3185, 11, 323, 358, 8013, 389, 10705, 13, 358, 19635, 7422, 315, 7182, 1418, 7982, 709, 304, 279, 45680, 439, 8013, 323, 3778, 304, 922, 6273, 5596, 26, 3010, 11, 1306, 7366, 311, 49832, 304, 856, 4216, 220, 966, 753, 11, 40757, 434, 31668, 3778, 13, 10180, 220, 868, 1667, 4227, 11, 430, 659, 17453, 1010, 6137, 311, 2349, 1578, 7561, 3245, 358, 6612, 2145, 3913, 750, 2085, 8830, 433, 9539, 11, 3156, 6051, 13, 1102, 374, 3629, 2653, 311, 33137, 1148, 832, 16180, 9615, 3156, 832, 16008, 433, 21699, 11, 323, 31680, 31655, 3210, 323, 449, 459, 21261, 315, 15910, 20356, 430, 20064, 9803, 4395, 13, 358, 6612, 1120, 1778, 264, 2077, 1418, 304, 9635, 1566, 6790, 13, 1226, 1047, 1120, 2586, 505, 7418, 9346, 304, 279, 9441, 315, 279, 2417, 12214, 6468, 1221, 1010, 304, 18945, 6825, 11, 7295, 11, 1405, 96425, 29614, 7595, 574, 16489, 323, 3010, 12502, 311, 30928, 58463, 11, 323, 1051, 27736, 800, 13, 10058, 753, 19558, 4920, 279, 8993, 9017, 10016, 753, 26568, 304, 10640, 6825, 994, 279, 3245, 7077, 13, 578, 18112, 304, 420, 12818, 374, 3389, 220, 777, 339, 9478, 304, 279, 65122, 819, 323, 55383, 1742, 11, 41420, 58822, 25878, 51512, 555 ]
[ 4251, 42390, 11259, 743, 1022, 555, 279, 20333, 6307, 2383, 4511, 315, 459, 6498, 42774, 11, 323, 1070, 1051, 42623, 23291, 4028, 70222, 3149, 2383, 4511, 323, 1884, 45652, 23162, 6246, 79509, 11, 279, 1890, 439, 832, 1511, 311, 1505, 37606, 356, 359, 569, 96474, 11, 323, 50455, 2439, 323, 264, 58570, 8834, 70566, 839, 33552, 5021, 23712, 555, 264, 12960, 315, 42623, 11, 323, 358, 2873, 311, 19635, 15631, 11276, 389, 279, 5015, 27035, 11, 3582, 358, 649, 1431, 1505, 1124, 304, 25232, 17223, 15187, 11, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 779, 1790, 9096, 323, 13444, 11, 323, 1306, 12588, 6947, 16588, 11, 358, 6612, 264, 11210, 2680, 315, 64159, 11, 17948, 555, 279, 3463, 430, 1047, 1027, 23738, 682, 2046, 304, 279, 502, 18768, 12, 2170, 72, 780, 7295, 11, 430, 682, 420, 34789, 1142, 13970, 781, 899, 1918, 374, 389, 279, 59818, 315, 1694, 28088, 555, 54490, 5493, 889, 1550, 539, 1893, 433, 11, 1440, 4400, 315, 279, 36017, 315, 856, 1274, 505, 88549, 433, 8314, 526, 11, 323, 617, 14188, 2802, 304, 14392, 433, 6463, 20581, 311, 433, 13, 1628, 358, 32230, 11, 7214, 49043, 11, 459, 14329, 719, 6089, 5552, 3217, 3892, 1667, 1603, 994, 11, 342, 6795, 520, 44084, 505, 279, 30048, 315, 279, 79704, 292, 10216, 4028, 279, 21411, 3363, 315, 22463, 9909, 9017, 279, 5345, 2734, 1572, 220, 1135, 41668, 477, 779, 1022, 520, 279, 25977, 35174, 11, 358, 6244, 7373, 8010, 315, 279, 11191, 323, 7366, 58321, 323, 17025, 315, 279, 18526, 11104, 9052, 36017, 11 ]
Anglo Leasing was a ghost company — a firm without office or employees. On Monday, Prof Sharman said he would have reached a different conclusion if the EACC had presented him with all documents related to the firm and a chance to interview top officials like the Auditor General. “Had I been supplied with all the documents, I would have formed a different opinion,” Prof Sharman said. Prof Sharman was tapped by the EACC in 2015 to give an expert opinion on how shell companies are used in committing corruption and other economic crimes. Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi for the defence said the don’s opinion was based on partial information and that some documents such as approvals from State departments, including that of the Attorney-General, were not available to him. Sound Day was one of the firms offered multibillion-shilling tenders that the government cancelled as irregular in 2003 and was depicted in past accounts as a ghost company. Prof Sharman said among the documents made available to him by the EACC was the Anglo Leasing contract dated December 17, 2003, and that he was not aware that the company had contracts with the government since 1993, to supply weapons to the police. He also said that part
Anglo Leasing was a ghost company — a firm without office or employees. On Monday, Prof Sharman said he would have reached a different conclusion if the EACC had presented him with all documents related to the firm and a chance to interview top officials like the Auditor General. “Had I been supplied with all the documents, I would have formed a different opinion,” Prof Sharman said. Prof Sharman was tapped by the EACC in 2015 to give an expert opinion on how shell companies are used in committing corruption and other economic crimes. Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi for the defence said the don’s opinion was based on partial information and that some documents such as approvals from State departments, including that of the Attorney-General, were not available to him. Sound Day was one of the firms offered multibillion-shilling tenders that the government cancelled as irregular in 2003 and was depicted in past accounts as a ghost company. Prof Sharman said among the documents made available to him by the EACC was the Anglo Leasing contract dated December 17, 2003, and that he was not aware that the company had contracts with the government since 1993, to supply weapons to the police. He also said that part
of his finding was informed by the Auditor General’s report. The witness said he was not supplied with the former Attorney General Amos Wako’s legal opinion, which gave the 2003 contract between the government and Sound Day a clean bill of health. He said award of the contract lacked competitive bidding. Kioko Kilukumi, lawyer for the accused, said the law allowed the minister to go for direct procurement, especially on security contracts. The mention is on February 28. It doesn't matter what exclusive handbag, heels or labels you own, if you don't have a wardrobe plan that you stick to, truth be told, you're not winning! Use these three tips to help you stick to your wardrobe budget. Although most of us do our shopping online, the same rules apply. If you know you can't afford it or haven't worked those trips into your budget; stay away from the malls, boutiques and online shopping sites; because the temptation is real and often hard to avoid! Use the the Bones of Your Wardrobe Checklist in the Style Slay Development Guide to keep track of what your wardrobe needs which creates more control of your planned purchases. This is one way that most retailers get you to buy and that
[ 27525, 1004, 2313, 373, 257, 10905, 1664, 851, 257, 4081, 1231, 2607, 393, 4409, 13, 198, 2202, 3321, 11, 4415, 15465, 805, 531, 339, 561, 423, 4251, 257, 1180, 7664, 611, 262, 412, 26861, 550, 5545, 683, 351, 477, 4963, 3519, 284, 262, 4081, 290, 257, 2863, 284, 2720, 1353, 2828, 588, 262, 38938, 3611, 13, 198, 447, 250, 25383, 314, 587, 14275, 351, 477, 262, 4963, 11, 314, 561, 423, 7042, 257, 1180, 4459, 11, 447, 251, 4415, 15465, 805, 531, 13, 198, 15404, 15465, 805, 373, 22499, 416, 262, 412, 26861, 287, 1853, 284, 1577, 281, 5887, 4459, 319, 703, 7582, 2706, 389, 973, 287, 17222, 9253, 290, 584, 3034, 6741, 13, 198, 16966, 9860, 21157, 24716, 343, 26804, 72, 329, 262, 9366, 531, 262, 836, 447, 247, 82, 4459, 373, 1912, 319, 13027, 1321, 290, 326, 617, 4963, 884, 355, 45818, 422, 1812, 13346, 11, 1390, 326, 286, 262, 8123, 12, 12218, 11, 547, 407, 1695, 284, 683, 13, 198, 21369, 3596, 373, 530, 286, 262, 9611, 4438, 1963, 571, 1131, 12, 1477, 4509, 4327, 364, 326, 262, 1230, 16769, 355, 21388, 287, 5816, 290, 373, 18904, 287, 1613, 5504, 355, 257, 10905, 1664, 13, 198, 15404, 15465, 805, 531, 1871, 262, 4963, 925, 1695, 284, 683, 416, 262, 412, 26861, 373, 262, 27525, 1004, 2313, 2775, 14567, 3426, 1596, 11, 5816, 11, 290, 326, 339, 373, 407, 3910, 326, 262, 1664, 550, 8592, 351, 262, 1230, 1201, 9656, 11, 284, 5127, 3777, 284, 262, 1644, 13, 198, 1544, 635, 531, 326, 636 ]
[ 60259, 2009, 4522, 574, 264, 20457, 2883, 2001, 264, 7626, 2085, 5274, 477, 8420, 627, 1966, 7159, 11, 8626, 36216, 1543, 1071, 568, 1053, 617, 8813, 264, 2204, 17102, 422, 279, 469, 30542, 1047, 10666, 1461, 449, 682, 9477, 5552, 311, 279, 7626, 323, 264, 6140, 311, 7274, 1948, 7510, 1093, 279, 62492, 3331, 627, 2118, 56568, 358, 1027, 17665, 449, 682, 279, 9477, 11, 358, 1053, 617, 14454, 264, 2204, 9647, 2476, 8626, 36216, 1543, 1071, 627, 19105, 36216, 1543, 574, 49523, 555, 279, 469, 30542, 304, 220, 679, 20, 311, 3041, 459, 6335, 9647, 389, 1268, 12811, 5220, 527, 1511, 304, 40583, 21948, 323, 1023, 7100, 17073, 627, 39166, 27253, 41769, 46523, 404, 64532, 72, 369, 279, 23682, 1071, 279, 1541, 753, 9647, 574, 3196, 389, 7276, 2038, 323, 430, 1063, 9477, 1778, 439, 83923, 505, 3314, 26280, 11, 2737, 430, 315, 279, 18919, 59082, 11, 1051, 539, 2561, 311, 1461, 627, 16493, 6187, 574, 832, 315, 279, 19339, 9076, 2814, 581, 15068, 7666, 9585, 8541, 388, 430, 279, 3109, 26765, 439, 42408, 304, 220, 1049, 18, 323, 574, 44894, 304, 3347, 9815, 439, 264, 20457, 2883, 627, 19105, 36216, 1543, 1071, 4315, 279, 9477, 1903, 2561, 311, 1461, 555, 279, 469, 30542, 574, 279, 60259, 2009, 4522, 5226, 30105, 6790, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 1049, 18, 11, 323, 430, 568, 574, 539, 8010, 430, 279, 2883, 1047, 17517, 449, 279, 3109, 2533, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 311, 8312, 10094, 311, 279, 4379, 627, 1548, 1101, 1071, 430, 961 ]
[ 315, 813, 9455, 574, 16369, 555, 279, 62492, 3331, 753, 1934, 627, 791, 11550, 1071, 568, 574, 539, 17665, 449, 279, 4846, 18919, 3331, 3383, 437, 468, 29886, 753, 5897, 9647, 11, 902, 6688, 279, 220, 1049, 18, 5226, 1990, 279, 3109, 323, 14936, 6187, 264, 4335, 4121, 315, 2890, 627, 1548, 1071, 10292, 315, 279, 5226, 49101, 15022, 49500, 627, 73672, 28342, 38988, 3178, 25330, 11, 15779, 369, 279, 13487, 11, 1071, 279, 2383, 5535, 279, 13015, 311, 733, 369, 2167, 53678, 11, 5423, 389, 4868, 17517, 627, 791, 6420, 374, 389, 7552, 220, 1591, 13, 1102, 3250, 956, 5030, 1148, 14079, 1450, 21946, 11, 34460, 477, 9382, 499, 1866, 11, 422, 499, 1541, 956, 617, 264, 46846, 3197, 430, 499, 9396, 311, 11, 8206, 387, 3309, 11, 499, 2351, 539, 11230, 0, 5560, 1521, 2380, 10631, 311, 1520, 499, 9396, 311, 701, 46846, 8199, 627, 16179, 1455, 315, 603, 656, 1057, 12185, 2930, 11, 279, 1890, 5718, 3881, 13, 1442, 499, 1440, 499, 649, 956, 10150, 433, 477, 9167, 956, 6575, 1884, 23277, 1139, 701, 8199, 26, 4822, 3201, 505, 279, 84468, 11, 25646, 8467, 323, 2930, 12185, 6732, 26, 1606, 279, 62461, 374, 1972, 323, 3629, 2653, 311, 5766, 0, 5560, 279, 279, 72399, 315, 4718, 27738, 33936, 96069, 304, 279, 12179, 328, 6789, 11050, 13002, 311, 2567, 3839, 315, 1148, 701, 46846, 3966, 902, 11705, 810, 2585, 315, 701, 13205, 24393, 627, 2028, 374, 832, 1648, 430, 1455, 30282, 636, 499, 311, 3780, 323, 430 ]
everything changes… No, I will not come with them. Dad…. Dad…. I'm sorry…. I'm sorry…. Dad…. I'm sorry, I love you. (click) Harris turns around, and sees Dominique standing at the door of her bedroom, staring back at her mom… Go kiss your brother goodnight. Dominique comes to her mom, with a hug and a kiss, before running off to her brother's room. Harris watches her, with a proud smile… Dominique enters bedroom, her brother is already tucked away, but awake, and smiling as she approaches. She hands him a piece of paper, and plants a kiss on his cheek. She then flips on his night light, and shuts off bedroom light, on her way out… He looks at the piece of paper. It's a drawing of him holding hands with her and their mother, and they are all smiling… Dominique is walking from his room to hers, flashing a beautiful smile at her mother, with one in return… She closes her bedroom door, as her mom's smile slowly fades… Harris walks into the kitchen, sitting at dining room table, and pulling out her phone. She pulls up a picture of her father
everything changes… No, I will not come with them. Dad…. Dad…. I'm sorry…. I'm sorry…. Dad…. I'm sorry, I love you. (click) Harris turns around, and sees Dominique standing at the door of her bedroom, staring back at her mom… Go kiss your brother goodnight. Dominique comes to her mom, with a hug and a kiss, before running off to her brother's room. Harris watches her, with a proud smile… Dominique enters bedroom, her brother is already tucked away, but awake, and smiling as she approaches. She hands him a piece of paper, and plants a kiss on his cheek. She then flips on his night light, and shuts off bedroom light, on her way out… He looks at the piece of paper. It's a drawing of him holding hands with her and their mother, and they are all smiling… Dominique is walking from his room to hers, flashing a beautiful smile at her mother, with one in return… She closes her bedroom door, as her mom's smile slowly fades… Harris walks into the kitchen, sitting at dining room table, and pulling out her phone. She pulls up a picture of her father
, looking at it, before swiping to next picture, which is of her sister… EXT. MANSION (makeshift ER) – DAY Harris sits next to IKE (in bed), who is being treated by a doctor. There are three nurses close-by, and three more in the large room/area… Yeah, he's going to be just fine. I have someone else to check in on, but I'll be back in in a bit. Harris nods (trying to smile) as he exits the area… Ike looks over at one of the nurses. But I'm at least in bad enough shape for some of the good drugs, no? NURSE (Taylor) We should be saving those for a rainy day, but with those things at our walls, maybe we should all get loaded. They'll all leave, eventually. Will they? They should. At least if we're quiet enough to make them forget we're in here. Ike takes notice of Harris, lost in somber thought… That badass over there, has literally walked with an entire herd of those things. Her and her buddy convicts. I think we
[ 37814, 2458, 1399, 1400, 11, 314, 481, 407, 1282, 351, 606, 13, 198, 46270, 11580, 17415, 11580, 314, 1101, 7926, 11580, 314, 1101, 7926, 11580, 17415, 11580, 314, 1101, 7926, 11, 314, 198, 23205, 345, 13, 357, 12976, 8, 198, 41589, 4962, 1088, 11, 290, 7224, 11817, 2350, 5055, 379, 262, 3420, 286, 607, 14043, 11, 16143, 736, 379, 607, 1995, 1399, 198, 5247, 9245, 534, 3956, 922, 3847, 13, 198, 43417, 2350, 2058, 284, 607, 1995, 11, 351, 257, 16225, 290, 257, 9245, 11, 878, 2491, 572, 284, 607, 3956, 338, 2119, 13, 10026, 16860, 607, 11, 351, 257, 6613, 8212, 1399, 198, 43417, 2350, 14170, 14043, 11, 607, 3956, 318, 1541, 29779, 1497, 11, 475, 21693, 11, 290, 16755, 355, 673, 10581, 13, 1375, 2832, 683, 257, 3704, 286, 3348, 11, 290, 6134, 257, 9245, 319, 465, 19353, 13, 1375, 788, 45971, 319, 465, 1755, 1657, 11, 290, 44854, 572, 14043, 1657, 11, 319, 607, 835, 503, 1399, 198, 1544, 3073, 379, 262, 3704, 286, 3348, 13, 632, 338, 257, 8263, 286, 683, 4769, 2832, 351, 607, 290, 511, 2802, 11, 290, 484, 389, 477, 16755, 1399, 198, 43417, 2350, 318, 6155, 422, 465, 2119, 284, 25144, 11, 25293, 257, 4950, 8212, 379, 607, 2802, 11, 351, 530, 287, 1441, 1399, 198, 3347, 20612, 607, 14043, 3420, 11, 355, 607, 1995, 338, 8212, 6364, 41381, 1399, 198, 41589, 11114, 656, 262, 9592, 11, 5586, 379, 17423, 2119, 3084, 11, 290, 10427, 503, 607, 3072, 13, 198, 3347, 16194, 510, 257, 4286, 286, 607, 2988 ]
[ 73826, 4442, 1981, 2360, 11, 358, 690, 539, 2586, 449, 1124, 627, 35, 329, 21060, 33621, 21060, 358, 2846, 14931, 21060, 358, 2846, 14931, 21060, 33621, 21060, 358, 2846, 14931, 11, 358, 198, 31153, 499, 13, 320, 3763, 340, 39, 59422, 10800, 2212, 11, 323, 16008, 23286, 2428, 11509, 520, 279, 6134, 315, 1077, 14150, 11, 37874, 1203, 520, 1077, 3450, 90578, 11087, 21735, 701, 10868, 1695, 9471, 627, 72641, 2428, 4131, 311, 1077, 3450, 11, 449, 264, 30884, 323, 264, 21735, 11, 1603, 4401, 1022, 311, 1077, 10868, 596, 3130, 13, 21750, 32860, 1077, 11, 449, 264, 12691, 15648, 90578, 72641, 2428, 29933, 14150, 11, 1077, 10868, 374, 2736, 61218, 3201, 11, 719, 35447, 11, 323, 37163, 439, 1364, 20414, 13, 3005, 6206, 1461, 264, 6710, 315, 5684, 11, 323, 11012, 264, 21735, 389, 813, 41803, 13, 3005, 1243, 86286, 389, 813, 3814, 3177, 11, 323, 89678, 1022, 14150, 3177, 11, 389, 1077, 1648, 704, 90578, 1548, 5992, 520, 279, 6710, 315, 5684, 13, 1102, 596, 264, 13633, 315, 1461, 10168, 6206, 449, 1077, 323, 872, 6691, 11, 323, 814, 527, 682, 37163, 90578, 72641, 2428, 374, 11689, 505, 813, 3130, 311, 11074, 11, 50857, 264, 6366, 15648, 520, 1077, 6691, 11, 449, 832, 304, 471, 90578, 8100, 34350, 1077, 14150, 6134, 11, 439, 1077, 3450, 596, 15648, 14297, 87509, 90578, 39, 59422, 23291, 1139, 279, 9979, 11, 11961, 520, 18397, 3130, 2007, 11, 323, 23062, 704, 1077, 4641, 627, 8100, 34145, 709, 264, 6945, 315, 1077, 7126 ]
[ 11, 3411, 520, 433, 11, 1603, 2064, 47195, 311, 1828, 6945, 11, 902, 374, 315, 1077, 13219, 90578, 5841, 13, 386, 11954, 1294, 320, 80785, 48933, 27590, 8, 1389, 38788, 198, 39, 59422, 23874, 1828, 311, 85464, 320, 258, 4950, 705, 889, 374, 1694, 12020, 555, 264, 10896, 13, 2684, 527, 2380, 37465, 3345, 14656, 11, 323, 2380, 810, 304, 279, 3544, 3130, 14, 4903, 90578, 24220, 11, 568, 596, 2133, 311, 387, 1120, 7060, 13, 358, 617, 4423, 775, 198, 998, 1817, 304, 389, 11, 719, 358, 3358, 387, 1203, 304, 304, 264, 2766, 627, 39, 59422, 83759, 320, 85134, 311, 15648, 8, 439, 568, 43186, 279, 3158, 90578, 40, 441, 5992, 927, 520, 832, 315, 279, 37465, 627, 4071, 358, 2846, 520, 3325, 304, 3958, 3403, 6211, 369, 1063, 315, 198, 1820, 1695, 11217, 11, 912, 5380, 45, 1539, 937, 320, 68236, 340, 1687, 1288, 387, 14324, 1884, 369, 264, 63857, 1938, 11, 719, 449, 1884, 198, 58174, 520, 1057, 14620, 11, 7344, 584, 1288, 682, 636, 6799, 627, 7009, 3358, 682, 5387, 11, 9778, 627, 10149, 814, 5380, 7009, 1288, 13, 2468, 3325, 422, 584, 2351, 11594, 3403, 311, 1304, 1124, 198, 41119, 584, 2351, 304, 1618, 627, 40, 441, 5097, 5406, 315, 21750, 11, 5675, 304, 1794, 655, 3463, 90578, 4897, 87402, 927, 1070, 11, 706, 16280, 15203, 449, 198, 276, 4553, 59213, 315, 1884, 2574, 13, 6385, 323, 1077, 37772, 198, 12296, 31095, 13, 358, 1781, 584 ]
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[ 2775, 318, 22111, 4817, 1022, 34317, 38729, 7966, 660, 532, 1312, 410, 5362, 1619, 299, 585, 13993, 7966, 660, 286, 797, 2879, 30851, 22198, 11, 33356, 29600, 11, 2310, 532, 2579, 20943, 2199, 83, 570, 8126, 357, 15285, 8, 543, 739, 262, 1296, 286, 5230, 2524, 34317, 13993, 7966, 660, 784, 290, 262, 410, 259, 47428, 286, 5093, 13993, 7966, 660, 290, 262, 2457, 7172, 13, 632, 318, 257, 6920, 1502, 4200, 2775, 329, 7017, 884, 355, 8237, 11, 435, 39051, 3186, 290, 3048, 13, 198, 3152, 428, 2775, 34317, 38729, 7966, 660, 16395, 393, 10122, 1124, 284, 4351, 7017, 21057, 284, 1012, 2334, 290, 1012, 2334, 1414, 393, 25340, 5989, 262, 2756, 13, 198, 464, 3040, 292, 540, 7017, 389, 1944, 319, 262, 3052, 13, 34317, 38729, 7966, 660, 532, 1312, 410, 5362, 1619, 299, 585, 13993, 7966, 660, 19582, 284, 4691, 11541, 2839, 7008, 13, 383, 7017, 389, 329, 5466, 389, 23985, 284, 606, 13, 198, 2601, 2334, 5001, 3709, 355, 17915, 319, 262, 3052, 7848, 2614, 1417, 16969, 3194, 416, 34317, 38729, 7966, 660, 329, 779, 319, 262, 3052, 34317, 13993, 7966, 660, 532, 1312, 410, 5362, 1619, 299, 585, 13993, 7966, 660, 11, 543, 318, 262, 6195, 4870, 286, 531, 16969, 13, 2750, 12264, 319, 262, 564, 250, 14518, 447, 251, 3709, 389, 4624, 287, 262, 9735, 6383, 13, 554, 262, 6383, 1123, 2378, 460, 307, 1775, 1863, 351, 262, 2033, 284, 307, 3432, 351, 262, 5885, 284, 4296, 393, 13096, 262, 10154, 13, 198, 4863, 262, 9735, 6383, 318, 635, 262 ]
[ 5226, 374, 43773, 7913, 1990, 54370, 47, 27960, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 315, 1050, 3394, 79704, 44943, 11, 45899, 46601, 11, 220, 1691, 482, 220, 11209, 605, 356, 3223, 625, 12748, 320, 9173, 8, 902, 1234, 279, 1376, 315, 7757, 2816, 54370, 21286, 336, 53377, 1389, 323, 279, 24848, 93828, 315, 10411, 21286, 336, 53377, 323, 279, 1620, 11761, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 8232, 2015, 6763, 5226, 369, 11822, 1778, 439, 13378, 11, 38450, 661, 3956, 323, 6372, 627, 2409, 420, 5226, 54370, 47, 27960, 53377, 31711, 477, 19165, 2094, 311, 8481, 11822, 49009, 311, 48508, 323, 48508, 2343, 477, 49643, 12798, 279, 3430, 627, 791, 5007, 300, 481, 11822, 527, 3118, 389, 279, 3997, 13, 54370, 47, 27960, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 44330, 311, 8854, 24121, 879, 13723, 13, 578, 11822, 527, 369, 6412, 527, 51687, 311, 1124, 627, 48274, 7782, 3673, 439, 42666, 389, 279, 3997, 16662, 85348, 28887, 5439, 555, 54370, 47, 27960, 53377, 369, 1005, 389, 279, 3997, 54370, 21286, 336, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 11, 902, 374, 279, 13612, 6506, 315, 1071, 28887, 13, 3296, 18965, 389, 279, 1054, 17940, 863, 3673, 527, 9277, 304, 279, 12185, 7558, 13, 763, 279, 7558, 1855, 1537, 649, 387, 3970, 3235, 449, 279, 3392, 311, 387, 7318, 449, 279, 13336, 311, 2713, 477, 5719, 279, 8970, 627, 3915, 279, 12185, 7558, 374, 1101, 279 ]
[ 13336, 315, 1701, 36398, 311, 11294, 323, 1518, 279, 9889, 7194, 13, 1952, 279, 7782, 12399, 4264, 48508, 649, 4254, 369, 279, 2816, 422, 539, 2736, 2884, 13, 5112, 8403, 527, 6982, 4686, 2015, 3649, 2737, 8589, 3649, 11, 9889, 2686, 11, 5873, 315, 8323, 323, 1620, 2015, 20109, 13, 435, 9585, 304, 279, 21085, 6872, 323, 26422, 34663, 7365, 279, 8589, 27441, 1521, 16207, 3878, 323, 45537, 279, 7901, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 54370, 21286, 336, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 690, 3708, 279, 2027, 304, 279, 30064, 13416, 323, 279, 8589, 690, 387, 50546, 627, 2746, 279, 8589, 1587, 539, 4287, 279, 20163, 1243, 279, 7365, 374, 539, 20536, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 54370, 21286, 336, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 690, 539, 3708, 279, 2027, 304, 279, 30064, 13416, 11, 279, 8589, 690, 539, 387, 50546, 323, 279, 30064, 13416, 94972, 13, 578, 8589, 690, 5371, 264, 3997, 12506, 2613, 627, 4921, 17910, 323, 28887, 527, 16717, 1828, 311, 1855, 6685, 6847, 15987, 555, 18965, 389, 279, 2027, 836, 389, 279, 35689, 477, 505, 279, 1948, 5130, 627, 4921, 25232, 323, 28887, 527, 5439, 555, 54370, 47, 27960, 53377, 369, 3237, 1005, 389, 279, 54370, 21286, 336, 53377, 482, 602, 348, 6729, 1624, 48734, 21286, 336, 53377, 3997, 11, 902, 374, 279, 13612, 6506, 315, 1124, 13, 34991, 8041, 369, 1005, 2011, 387, 19426, 505, 603, 627, 791, 2027, 7729, 527, 65395, 9621, 449 ]
outliers. Averaging multiple samples prior to input into the trained model may mitigate the effect of these outliers. With these improvements, this soft foam touch sensor may imbue robots with a sense of touch rivalling that of humans. This device is of particular interest in robotics due to its flexible form factor and low cost. The elastomeric foams used in this device are easily cast into 3D shapes to form a tactile skin for a soft robot. Furthermore, this initial prototype cost approximately $150, including the cost of custom PCB fabrication. The actual sensors and emitters cost less than $1 each, even when bought in quantities of one. While this project only tested scenarios with a single press into the foam actuator, it is likely that the device is capable of multi-touch operation. This device may also be suitable for integration into stretchable applications (e.g. soft robotics) where the sensor is stretching in addition to being pressed. More advanced training routines would be needed to decouple device strain from external pressing. Decoupling strain and external stimuli would enable significant improvements in the closed-loop feedback control of soft robotic systems. [1] Mac Murray et al. (2015) Poroelastic foams for
outliers. Averaging multiple samples prior to input into the trained model may mitigate the effect of these outliers. With these improvements, this soft foam touch sensor may imbue robots with a sense of touch rivalling that of humans. This device is of particular interest in robotics due to its flexible form factor and low cost. The elastomeric foams used in this device are easily cast into 3D shapes to form a tactile skin for a soft robot. Furthermore, this initial prototype cost approximately $150, including the cost of custom PCB fabrication. The actual sensors and emitters cost less than $1 each, even when bought in quantities of one. While this project only tested scenarios with a single press into the foam actuator, it is likely that the device is capable of multi-touch operation. This device may also be suitable for integration into stretchable applications (e.g. soft robotics) where the sensor is stretching in addition to being pressed. More advanced training routines would be needed to decouple device strain from external pressing. Decoupling strain and external stimuli would enable significant improvements in the closed-loop feedback control of soft robotic systems. [1] Mac Murray et al. (2015) Poroelastic foams for
simple fabrication of complex soft robots. Advanced Materials. [2] Sugiura et al. (2011) FuwaFuwa: Detecting shape deformation of soft objects using directional photoreflectivity measurement. UIST. [3] Processing: https://processing.org/ [4] G-code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code [5] GRBL: http://bengler.no/grbl [6] caret Package: http://topepo.github.io/caret/index.html KiCad EDA Psychopaths among us They exhibit a cluster of distinctive personality traits, the most significant of which is an utter lack of conscience. They also have huge egos, short tempers, and an appetite for excitement — a dangerous mix. Saturday Night magazine Dr. Robert Hare claims there are 300,000 psychopaths in Canada, but that only a tiny fraction are violent offenders like Paul Bernardo and Clifford Olsen. Who are the rest? Take a look around Robert Hercz "Psychopath! psychopath!" I'm alone in my living room and I'm yelling at my TV. "Forget rehabilitation — that
[ 41528, 3183, 13, 317, 332, 3039, 3294, 8405, 3161, 284, 5128, 656, 262, 8776, 2746, 743, 24237, 262, 1245, 286, 777, 198, 448, 75, 3183, 13, 2080, 777, 8561, 11, 428, 2705, 19828, 3638, 12694, 743, 33966, 518, 14193, 351, 257, 2565, 286, 3638, 374, 452, 9221, 326, 286, 5384, 13, 770, 3335, 318, 286, 1948, 1393, 287, 36359, 2233, 284, 663, 12846, 1296, 5766, 290, 1877, 1575, 13, 383, 1288, 459, 12057, 291, 11511, 4105, 973, 287, 428, 3335, 389, 3538, 3350, 656, 513, 35, 15268, 284, 1296, 257, 48896, 4168, 329, 257, 2705, 9379, 13, 11399, 11, 428, 4238, 14879, 1575, 6702, 720, 8628, 11, 1390, 262, 1575, 286, 2183, 28700, 38876, 13, 383, 4036, 15736, 290, 27588, 1010, 1575, 1342, 621, 720, 16, 1123, 11, 772, 618, 5839, 287, 17794, 286, 530, 13, 198, 3633, 428, 1628, 691, 6789, 13858, 351, 257, 2060, 1803, 656, 262, 19828, 43840, 1352, 11, 340, 318, 1884, 326, 262, 3335, 318, 6007, 286, 5021, 12, 29332, 4905, 13, 770, 3335, 743, 635, 307, 11080, 329, 11812, 656, 7539, 540, 5479, 357, 68, 13, 70, 13, 2705, 36359, 8, 810, 262, 12694, 318, 20880, 287, 3090, 284, 852, 12070, 13, 3125, 6190, 3047, 31878, 561, 307, 2622, 284, 875, 43846, 3335, 14022, 422, 7097, 12273, 13, 4280, 280, 11347, 14022, 290, 7097, 25973, 561, 7139, 2383, 8561, 287, 262, 4838, 12, 26268, 7538, 1630, 286, 2705, 25810, 3341, 13, 198, 58, 16, 60, 4100, 12164, 2123, 435, 13, 357, 4626, 8, 350, 16522, 417, 3477, 11511, 4105, 329 ]
[ 87763, 13, 362, 424, 4210, 5361, 10688, 4972, 311, 1988, 1139, 279, 16572, 1646, 1253, 50460, 279, 2515, 315, 1521, 198, 412, 41476, 13, 3161, 1521, 18637, 11, 420, 8579, 32183, 5916, 12271, 1253, 73354, 361, 29807, 449, 264, 5647, 315, 5916, 44229, 17157, 430, 315, 12966, 13, 1115, 3756, 374, 315, 4040, 2802, 304, 74706, 4245, 311, 1202, 19303, 1376, 8331, 323, 3428, 2853, 13, 578, 92185, 316, 11893, 12018, 4214, 1511, 304, 420, 3756, 527, 6847, 6445, 1139, 220, 18, 35, 21483, 311, 1376, 264, 99683, 6930, 369, 264, 8579, 12585, 13, 24296, 11, 420, 2926, 25018, 2853, 13489, 400, 3965, 11, 2737, 279, 2853, 315, 2587, 51177, 59251, 13, 578, 5150, 26148, 323, 991, 29163, 2853, 2753, 1109, 400, 16, 1855, 11, 1524, 994, 11021, 304, 33776, 315, 832, 627, 8142, 420, 2447, 1193, 12793, 26350, 449, 264, 3254, 3577, 1139, 279, 32183, 1180, 46262, 11, 433, 374, 4461, 430, 279, 3756, 374, 13171, 315, 7447, 40026, 5784, 13, 1115, 3756, 1253, 1101, 387, 14791, 369, 18052, 1139, 14841, 481, 8522, 320, 68, 1326, 13, 8579, 74706, 8, 1405, 279, 12271, 374, 42949, 304, 5369, 311, 1694, 17770, 13, 4497, 11084, 4967, 30597, 1053, 387, 4460, 311, 1654, 85489, 3756, 26800, 505, 9434, 26422, 13, 3799, 283, 12127, 26800, 323, 9434, 56688, 1053, 7431, 5199, 18637, 304, 279, 8036, 61766, 11302, 2585, 315, 8579, 59101, 6067, 627, 58, 16, 60, 7553, 28253, 1880, 453, 13, 320, 679, 20, 8, 393, 18812, 63064, 12018, 4214, 369 ]
[ 4382, 59251, 315, 6485, 8579, 29807, 13, 21844, 32009, 627, 58, 17, 60, 328, 51640, 5808, 1880, 453, 13, 320, 679, 16, 8, 30353, 10196, 77845, 10196, 25, 34387, 287, 6211, 91621, 315, 8579, 6302, 1701, 73945, 4604, 47852, 772, 1968, 19179, 13, 3774, 790, 627, 58, 18, 60, 29225, 25, 3788, 1129, 21315, 2726, 6018, 58, 19, 60, 480, 26327, 25, 3788, 1129, 268, 34466, 2726, 26583, 16169, 26327, 198, 58, 20, 60, 15116, 9574, 25, 1795, 1129, 65, 833, 1565, 18847, 41436, 2067, 198, 58, 21, 60, 53401, 17333, 25, 1795, 1129, 998, 375, 5481, 11267, 4340, 2971, 11554, 9199, 2628, 198, 73672, 94438, 469, 6486, 17680, 454, 27382, 4315, 603, 198, 7009, 31324, 264, 10879, 315, 35947, 17743, 25022, 11, 279, 1455, 5199, 315, 902, 374, 459, 22256, 6996, 315, 42563, 13, 2435, 1101, 617, 6908, 8866, 437, 11, 2875, 2798, 388, 11, 323, 459, 38575, 369, 28361, 2001, 264, 11660, 6651, 627, 34774, 13120, 14756, 198, 9023, 13, 8563, 473, 548, 8349, 1070, 527, 220, 3101, 11, 931, 8841, 454, 27382, 304, 7008, 11, 719, 430, 1193, 264, 13987, 19983, 527, 16806, 41702, 1093, 7043, 14502, 21106, 323, 86783, 82881, 13, 10699, 527, 279, 2800, 30, 12040, 264, 1427, 2212, 198, 35632, 78252, 89, 198, 1, 69803, 36211, 0, 8841, 36211, 25765, 40, 2846, 7636, 304, 856, 5496, 3130, 323, 358, 2846, 53302, 520, 856, 6007, 13, 330, 88383, 44438, 2001, 430 ]
somehow physical in nature. So, how does one go about classifying a ‘mental illness as physical? This is an Interesting dilemma. It is done thusly: first one must be convinced that he is nothing more than an animal and led to believe that he not spiritual in nature. This must be done on a very wide scale. When they are all convinced they are animals, tell them that their animal brains are defective giving them disabilities. ‘Prove’ this by boldly stating (without any evidence) that they suffer from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Never tell them that there is no test to confirm this, and above all do not tell them what the proper chemical balance should be. Then one must NORMALIZE disabilities by weaving the idea into the fabric of society with a marketing campaign to ‘remove the stigma’, wipe out opposition to what’s happening by criticizing people who speak out against it and provide widespread identification and evaluation (school psychologists), make the teachers part of the identification process and get the parents on board with the idea that their child has a brain defect and thereby ‘disabled’ and in need of ‘treatment’, make the system more widespread with ‘early intervention’ and �
somehow physical in nature. So, how does one go about classifying a ‘mental illness as physical? This is an Interesting dilemma. It is done thusly: first one must be convinced that he is nothing more than an animal and led to believe that he not spiritual in nature. This must be done on a very wide scale. When they are all convinced they are animals, tell them that their animal brains are defective giving them disabilities. ‘Prove’ this by boldly stating (without any evidence) that they suffer from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Never tell them that there is no test to confirm this, and above all do not tell them what the proper chemical balance should be. Then one must NORMALIZE disabilities by weaving the idea into the fabric of society with a marketing campaign to ‘remove the stigma’, wipe out opposition to what’s happening by criticizing people who speak out against it and provide widespread identification and evaluation (school psychologists), make the teachers part of the identification process and get the parents on board with the idea that their child has a brain defect and thereby ‘disabled’ and in need of ‘treatment’, make the system more widespread with ‘early intervention’ and �
�early detection’ and voila’ you have destroyed a generation, created a new cash cow, and a whole new array of ‘illnesses’ which can now be covered by insurance. When they are all labeled disabled what a vast array of money making opportunities would lie before one. Look up the IDEA ACT. Couched in pedantic semantics it seems innocuous, but looking at what is really occurring, one can see the debilitative effects of these destructive policies created in the name of help but contrived from the depths of hell. When President Clinton signed the “Educate America, Goals 2000” into law, it sounds quite innocuous, and it sounded quite helpful, but what he effectively did, was to install the final piece of the implementation of the largest psychological and money-making plot in America’s history. That Act installed a school psychologist into every public school in America with the purpose of ‘identifying’ and labeling ‘at risk’ children who could then be diagnosed and labeled ‘mentally defective’ through nothing more than subjective criteria which can then be assigned a a ‘disease’, an insurance code and then your child could be subsequently drugged, taken
[ 7599, 3518, 287, 3450, 13, 198, 2396, 11, 703, 857, 530, 467, 546, 1398, 4035, 257, 564, 246, 37098, 8526, 355, 3518, 30, 770, 318, 281, 43580, 26566, 13, 632, 318, 1760, 4145, 306, 25, 717, 530, 1276, 307, 9431, 326, 339, 318, 2147, 517, 621, 281, 5044, 290, 2957, 284, 1975, 326, 339, 407, 8557, 287, 3450, 13, 770, 1276, 307, 1760, 319, 257, 845, 3094, 5046, 13, 198, 2215, 484, 389, 477, 9431, 484, 389, 4695, 11, 1560, 606, 326, 511, 5044, 14290, 389, 32129, 3501, 606, 19358, 13, 564, 246, 2964, 303, 447, 247, 428, 416, 42831, 12316, 357, 19419, 597, 2370, 8, 326, 484, 8659, 422, 257, 5931, 32556, 287, 262, 3632, 13, 7236, 1560, 606, 326, 612, 318, 645, 1332, 284, 6216, 428, 11, 290, 2029, 477, 466, 407, 1560, 606, 644, 262, 1774, 5931, 5236, 815, 307, 13, 198, 6423, 530, 1276, 25273, 42126, 35400, 19358, 416, 44889, 262, 2126, 656, 262, 9664, 286, 3592, 351, 257, 7124, 1923, 284, 564, 246, 28956, 262, 26695, 447, 247, 11, 19916, 503, 5471, 284, 644, 447, 247, 82, 5836, 416, 26816, 661, 508, 2740, 503, 1028, 340, 290, 2148, 10095, 11795, 290, 12660, 357, 14347, 30842, 828, 787, 262, 7799, 636, 286, 262, 11795, 1429, 290, 651, 262, 3397, 319, 3096, 351, 262, 2126, 326, 511, 1200, 468, 257, 3632, 11855, 290, 12839, 564, 246, 47730, 447, 247, 290, 287, 761, 286, 564, 246, 42487, 447, 247, 11, 787, 262, 1080, 517, 10095, 351, 564, 246, 11458, 9572, 447, 247, 290, 20543 ]
[ 17354, 7106, 304, 7138, 627, 4516, 11, 1268, 1587, 832, 733, 922, 538, 7922, 264, 3451, 93221, 17563, 439, 7106, 30, 1115, 374, 459, 71770, 55867, 13, 1102, 374, 2884, 8617, 398, 25, 1176, 832, 2011, 387, 22954, 430, 568, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 459, 10065, 323, 6197, 311, 4510, 430, 568, 539, 18330, 304, 7138, 13, 1115, 2011, 387, 2884, 389, 264, 1633, 7029, 5569, 627, 4599, 814, 527, 682, 22954, 814, 527, 10099, 11, 3371, 1124, 430, 872, 10065, 35202, 527, 64903, 7231, 1124, 36801, 13, 3451, 1360, 588, 529, 420, 555, 96029, 28898, 320, 30096, 904, 6029, 8, 430, 814, 7831, 505, 264, 11742, 68331, 304, 279, 8271, 13, 15037, 3371, 1124, 430, 1070, 374, 912, 1296, 311, 7838, 420, 11, 323, 3485, 682, 656, 539, 3371, 1124, 1148, 279, 6300, 11742, 8335, 1288, 387, 627, 12487, 832, 2011, 53531, 3362, 36801, 555, 84709, 279, 4623, 1139, 279, 13354, 315, 8396, 449, 264, 8661, 4901, 311, 3451, 5514, 279, 60381, 20182, 40194, 704, 14076, 311, 1148, 753, 12765, 555, 69088, 1274, 889, 6604, 704, 2403, 433, 323, 3493, 24716, 22654, 323, 16865, 320, 22606, 74191, 705, 1304, 279, 13639, 961, 315, 279, 22654, 1920, 323, 636, 279, 6699, 389, 4580, 449, 279, 4623, 430, 872, 1716, 706, 264, 8271, 23011, 323, 28592, 3451, 12246, 529, 323, 304, 1205, 315, 3451, 83, 35320, 20182, 1304, 279, 1887, 810, 24716, 449, 3451, 22928, 21623, 529, 323, 30433 ]
[ 5809, 22928, 18468, 529, 323, 4160, 10746, 529, 499, 617, 14763, 264, 9659, 11, 3549, 264, 502, 8515, 19923, 11, 323, 264, 4459, 502, 1358, 315, 3451, 484, 2136, 288, 529, 902, 649, 1457, 387, 9960, 555, 8276, 627, 4599, 814, 527, 682, 30929, 8552, 1148, 264, 13057, 1358, 315, 3300, 3339, 10708, 1053, 10457, 1603, 832, 627, 10596, 709, 279, 73145, 21800, 13, 18733, 2454, 304, 10696, 8322, 53794, 433, 5084, 19132, 9373, 11, 719, 3411, 520, 1148, 374, 2216, 31965, 11, 832, 649, 1518, 279, 4316, 3748, 1413, 6372, 315, 1521, 40652, 10396, 3549, 304, 279, 836, 315, 1520, 719, 6155, 2270, 505, 279, 43957, 315, 15123, 627, 4599, 4900, 8283, 8667, 279, 1054, 98982, 349, 5270, 11, 55293, 220, 1049, 15, 863, 1139, 2383, 11, 433, 10578, 5115, 19132, 9373, 11, 323, 433, 35408, 5115, 11190, 11, 719, 1148, 568, 13750, 1550, 11, 574, 311, 4685, 279, 1620, 6710, 315, 279, 8292, 315, 279, 7928, 24064, 323, 3300, 28846, 7234, 304, 5270, 753, 3925, 13, 3011, 3298, 10487, 264, 2978, 54595, 1139, 1475, 586, 2978, 304, 5270, 449, 279, 7580, 315, 3451, 1748, 7922, 529, 323, 55402, 3451, 266, 5326, 529, 2911, 889, 1436, 1243, 387, 29704, 323, 30929, 3451, 479, 750, 64903, 529, 1555, 4400, 810, 1109, 44122, 13186, 902, 649, 1243, 387, 12893, 264, 264, 3451, 67, 56407, 20182, 459, 8276, 2082, 323, 1243, 701, 1716, 1436, 387, 28520, 1377, 20752, 11, 4529 ]
receiverships totaled over $3.9 billion in 1995. There have been a total of 2,127 18-5 insured financial institution resolutions since the FDIC began operations in 1934. Of this total, 1,445 were P&A transactions, 79 were open bank assistance transactions, and 603 were deposit payoff transactions. Total disbursements by the FDIC since January 1, 1934, have amounted to $104.3 billion. Of that amount, actual and projected recoveries are anticipated to be approximately $67.4 billion, which equates to a projected loss of $36.9 billion to the BIF fund. At the beginning of 1995, the FDIC held $16.7 billion in assets from failed institutions, and acquired some $550 million in assets from the six financial institutions that failed during the year. The FDIC successfully collected, sold, or otherwise resolved 40 percent, or almost $7 billion, of its asset inventory during the year. This included 2,687 real estate properties which were sold for $573.3 million, representing 94.3 percent of their appraised value. Also included were over 23,750 loans and other assets totaling $2 billion that were sold in sealed-bid and other asset marketing events, resulting
receiverships totaled over $3.9 billion in 1995. There have been a total of 2,127 18-5 insured financial institution resolutions since the FDIC began operations in 1934. Of this total, 1,445 were P&A transactions, 79 were open bank assistance transactions, and 603 were deposit payoff transactions. Total disbursements by the FDIC since January 1, 1934, have amounted to $104.3 billion. Of that amount, actual and projected recoveries are anticipated to be approximately $67.4 billion, which equates to a projected loss of $36.9 billion to the BIF fund. At the beginning of 1995, the FDIC held $16.7 billion in assets from failed institutions, and acquired some $550 million in assets from the six financial institutions that failed during the year. The FDIC successfully collected, sold, or otherwise resolved 40 percent, or almost $7 billion, of its asset inventory during the year. This included 2,687 real estate properties which were sold for $573.3 million, representing 94.3 percent of their appraised value. Also included were over 23,750 loans and other assets totaling $2 billion that were sold in sealed-bid and other asset marketing events, resulting
in sales proceeds of 97.7 percent of the appraised value of these assets. At year-end 1995, the FDIC held $10.3 billion in assets for liquidation. That included $8.8 billion in BIF assets, $6 million in SAIF assets, and $1.5 billion in FRF assets. The congressional appropriation for affordable housing was reduced from $15 million to $3.7 million during the year. Notwithstanding this reduction, the FDIC was able to help qualified buyers purchase 412 single-family properties during the year. In addition, eight multifamily properties containing 225 units were sold to nonprofit organizations and public agencies. Other financial recoveries during the year included $252 million from professional liability settlements or judgments, and $7.6 million in collections from court-ordered restitution from individuals convicted of bank fraud. Table 18-4 shows the FDIC's assets in liquidation and Chart 18-1 shows the asset mix. Table 18-4 shows the FDIC's assets in liquidation and Chart 18-1 shows the asset mix. With the continuing recovery of the banking industry and institution's earnings at record levels, 1995 was another positive year for the BIF. The BIF grew to a record high of
[ 19137, 5748, 39398, 625, 720, 18, 13, 24, 2997, 287, 8735, 13, 198, 1858, 423, 587, 257, 2472, 286, 362, 11, 16799, 1248, 12, 20, 31977, 3176, 9901, 21811, 1201, 262, 30002, 2149, 2540, 4560, 287, 29300, 13, 3226, 428, 2472, 11, 352, 11, 43489, 547, 350, 5, 32, 8945, 11, 9225, 547, 1280, 3331, 6829, 8945, 11, 290, 718, 3070, 547, 14667, 43843, 8945, 13, 198, 14957, 595, 21780, 902, 416, 262, 30002, 2149, 1201, 3269, 352, 11, 29300, 11, 423, 30008, 284, 720, 13464, 13, 18, 2997, 13, 3226, 326, 2033, 11, 4036, 290, 13301, 8551, 444, 389, 14486, 284, 307, 6702, 720, 3134, 13, 19, 2997, 11, 543, 1602, 689, 284, 257, 13301, 2994, 286, 720, 2623, 13, 24, 2997, 284, 262, 347, 5064, 1814, 13, 198, 2953, 262, 3726, 286, 8735, 11, 262, 30002, 2149, 2714, 720, 1433, 13, 22, 2997, 287, 6798, 422, 4054, 6712, 11, 290, 9477, 617, 720, 22730, 1510, 287, 6798, 422, 262, 2237, 3176, 6712, 326, 4054, 1141, 262, 614, 13, 383, 30002, 2149, 7675, 7723, 11, 2702, 11, 393, 4306, 12939, 2319, 1411, 11, 393, 2048, 720, 22, 2997, 11, 286, 663, 11171, 13184, 1141, 262, 614, 13, 770, 3017, 362, 11, 39925, 1103, 7964, 6608, 543, 547, 2702, 329, 720, 48638, 13, 18, 1510, 11, 10200, 10048, 13, 18, 1411, 286, 511, 28309, 1417, 1988, 13, 4418, 3017, 547, 625, 2242, 11, 15426, 10021, 290, 584, 6798, 37066, 720, 17, 2997, 326, 547, 2702, 287, 15283, 12, 14065, 290, 584, 11171, 7124, 2995, 11, 7186 ]
[ 41006, 34322, 89518, 927, 400, 18, 13, 24, 7239, 304, 220, 2550, 20, 627, 3947, 617, 1027, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 17, 11, 6804, 220, 972, 12, 20, 53142, 6020, 15244, 43595, 2533, 279, 36418, 1341, 6137, 7677, 304, 220, 7285, 19, 13, 5046, 420, 2860, 11, 220, 16, 11, 19697, 1051, 393, 36121, 14463, 11, 220, 4643, 1051, 1825, 6201, 13291, 14463, 11, 323, 220, 21006, 1051, 16946, 85365, 14463, 627, 7749, 834, 39082, 1392, 555, 279, 36418, 1341, 2533, 6186, 220, 16, 11, 220, 7285, 19, 11, 617, 74319, 311, 400, 6849, 13, 18, 7239, 13, 5046, 430, 3392, 11, 5150, 323, 28448, 11993, 552, 527, 30199, 311, 387, 13489, 400, 3080, 13, 19, 7239, 11, 902, 3312, 988, 311, 264, 28448, 4814, 315, 400, 1927, 13, 24, 7239, 311, 279, 426, 2843, 3887, 627, 1688, 279, 7314, 315, 220, 2550, 20, 11, 279, 36418, 1341, 5762, 400, 845, 13, 22, 7239, 304, 12032, 505, 4745, 14673, 11, 323, 19426, 1063, 400, 13506, 3610, 304, 12032, 505, 279, 4848, 6020, 14673, 430, 4745, 2391, 279, 1060, 13, 578, 36418, 1341, 7946, 14890, 11, 6216, 11, 477, 6062, 20250, 220, 1272, 3346, 11, 477, 4661, 400, 22, 7239, 11, 315, 1202, 9513, 15808, 2391, 279, 1060, 13, 1115, 5343, 220, 17, 11, 21897, 1972, 12675, 6012, 902, 1051, 6216, 369, 400, 22529, 13, 18, 3610, 11, 14393, 220, 6281, 13, 18, 3346, 315, 872, 917, 93613, 907, 13, 7429, 5343, 1051, 927, 220, 1419, 11, 11711, 17017, 323, 1023, 12032, 82223, 400, 17, 7239, 430, 1051, 6216, 304, 19584, 1481, 307, 323, 1023, 9513, 8661, 4455, 11, 13239 ]
[ 304, 6763, 34555, 315, 220, 3534, 13, 22, 3346, 315, 279, 917, 93613, 907, 315, 1521, 12032, 13, 2468, 1060, 13368, 220, 2550, 20, 11, 279, 36418, 1341, 5762, 400, 605, 13, 18, 7239, 304, 12032, 369, 14812, 367, 13, 3011, 5343, 400, 23, 13, 23, 7239, 304, 426, 2843, 12032, 11, 400, 21, 3610, 304, 16998, 2843, 12032, 11, 323, 400, 16, 13, 20, 7239, 304, 17067, 37, 12032, 627, 791, 31719, 86740, 369, 17049, 11983, 574, 11293, 505, 400, 868, 3610, 311, 400, 18, 13, 22, 3610, 2391, 279, 1060, 13, 2876, 50044, 420, 14278, 11, 279, 36418, 1341, 574, 3025, 311, 1520, 15337, 23455, 7782, 220, 17574, 3254, 17633, 6012, 2391, 279, 1060, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 8223, 62387, 5285, 6012, 8649, 220, 11057, 8316, 1051, 6216, 311, 33184, 11351, 323, 586, 13607, 627, 11663, 6020, 11993, 552, 2391, 279, 1060, 5343, 400, 12326, 3610, 505, 6721, 24305, 45704, 477, 59358, 11, 323, 400, 22, 13, 21, 3610, 304, 15661, 505, 5590, 12, 10767, 90309, 505, 7931, 23959, 315, 6201, 16515, 13, 6771, 220, 972, 12, 19, 5039, 279, 36418, 1341, 596, 12032, 304, 14812, 367, 323, 21964, 220, 972, 12, 16, 5039, 279, 9513, 6651, 627, 2620, 220, 972, 12, 19, 5039, 279, 36418, 1341, 596, 12032, 304, 14812, 367, 323, 21964, 220, 972, 12, 16, 5039, 279, 9513, 6651, 627, 2409, 279, 14691, 13654, 315, 279, 23641, 5064, 323, 15244, 596, 24608, 520, 3335, 5990, 11, 220, 2550, 20, 574, 2500, 6928, 1060, 369, 279, 426, 2843, 13, 578, 426, 2843, 14264, 311, 264, 3335, 1579, 315 ]
grammar rule that the first letter of the first word in a written sentence is capitalized. I think this easily qualifies as a syntactic rule of written English; however, prominent writers have violated it throughout history (E. E. Cummings is one obvious example), and people today often violate it when talking to one another through electronic media such as texting on the phone and messaging online. I think we still want to say that these people are using English – they are just temporarily disregarding a grammar rule of English, which is more of a regularity than a law. However, though some rules of linguistic syntax are not absolutely strict, I do think that there are rules which are inviolable. Lewis’ rule that there is a finite set of elementary constituents paired with meanings that we can use in the construction of sentences is of paramount importance when using a language. I can’t type out a random assortment of characters and expect that configuration to be an English sentence. Similarly, certain combinatorial grammar rules are absolute. And it seems to me that musical syntax has very similar characteristics to this conception of the characteristics of linguistic syntax. There are certain rules which can be bent; a piece of music can preserve its status as a piece of music in a certain genre regardless
grammar rule that the first letter of the first word in a written sentence is capitalized. I think this easily qualifies as a syntactic rule of written English; however, prominent writers have violated it throughout history (E. E. Cummings is one obvious example), and people today often violate it when talking to one another through electronic media such as texting on the phone and messaging online. I think we still want to say that these people are using English – they are just temporarily disregarding a grammar rule of English, which is more of a regularity than a law. However, though some rules of linguistic syntax are not absolutely strict, I do think that there are rules which are inviolable. Lewis’ rule that there is a finite set of elementary constituents paired with meanings that we can use in the construction of sentences is of paramount importance when using a language. I can’t type out a random assortment of characters and expect that configuration to be an English sentence. Similarly, certain combinatorial grammar rules are absolute. And it seems to me that musical syntax has very similar characteristics to this conception of the characteristics of linguistic syntax. There are certain rules which can be bent; a piece of music can preserve its status as a piece of music in a certain genre regardless
of whether it follows a specific syntactic ‘regularity’ of this kind. This is similar to syntactic rules like capitalization mentioned in the previous paragraph. Then there are certain rules which must be followed for a piece to be classified as a member of a certain genre – relate this to how a string must follow a certain instantiation of the grammar rules Lewis established to be characterized as a member of one language rather than another. Then there are certain rules any genre of music must follow to be music rather than mere noise. This is similar to syntactic rules any language must have; a language must follow the general rules Lewis gives us, in one form or another. We can also see that the activity of music is analogous to the activity of ‘language’ that Lewis describes. Music is not just an entity, but also a social activity concerning musicians and listeners, wherein musicians make certain noises and they expect their listeners to respond a certain way. And I see no reason why we wouldn’t say that this activity is in some way arbitrary, however limited that arbitrariness is by the hard-wiring of our brains to enjoy certain sounds. The parallels between music as ‘language’ do not stop there. Music shares the ability
[ 23491, 3896, 326, 262, 717, 3850, 286, 262, 717, 1573, 287, 257, 3194, 6827, 318, 3139, 1143, 13, 314, 892, 428, 3538, 37782, 355, 257, 7419, 12009, 3896, 286, 3194, 3594, 26, 2158, 11, 9208, 8786, 423, 13998, 340, 3690, 2106, 357, 36, 13, 412, 13, 38154, 318, 530, 3489, 1672, 828, 290, 661, 1909, 1690, 16967, 340, 618, 3375, 284, 530, 1194, 832, 7914, 2056, 884, 355, 36634, 319, 262, 3072, 290, 19925, 2691, 13, 314, 892, 356, 991, 765, 284, 910, 326, 777, 661, 389, 1262, 3594, 784, 484, 389, 655, 13413, 18795, 13493, 257, 23491, 3896, 286, 3594, 11, 543, 318, 517, 286, 257, 3218, 414, 621, 257, 1099, 13, 2102, 11, 996, 617, 3173, 286, 29929, 15582, 389, 407, 5543, 7646, 11, 314, 466, 892, 326, 612, 389, 3173, 543, 389, 800, 1669, 540, 13, 10174, 447, 247, 3896, 326, 612, 318, 257, 27454, 900, 286, 19823, 22573, 20312, 351, 26368, 326, 356, 460, 779, 287, 262, 5103, 286, 13439, 318, 286, 37352, 6817, 618, 1262, 257, 3303, 13, 314, 460, 447, 247, 83, 2099, 503, 257, 4738, 36168, 286, 3435, 290, 1607, 326, 8398, 284, 307, 281, 3594, 6827, 13, 15298, 11, 1728, 1974, 20900, 498, 23491, 3173, 389, 4112, 13, 198, 1870, 340, 2331, 284, 502, 326, 10530, 15582, 468, 845, 2092, 9695, 284, 428, 19759, 286, 262, 9695, 286, 29929, 15582, 13, 1318, 389, 1728, 3173, 543, 460, 307, 17157, 26, 257, 3704, 286, 2647, 460, 12201, 663, 3722, 355, 257, 3704, 286, 2647, 287, 257, 1728, 12121, 7692 ]
[ 32528, 6037, 430, 279, 1176, 6661, 315, 279, 1176, 3492, 304, 264, 5439, 11914, 374, 98421, 13, 358, 1781, 420, 6847, 81007, 439, 264, 84287, 24045, 6037, 315, 5439, 6498, 26, 4869, 11, 21102, 16483, 617, 34521, 433, 6957, 3925, 320, 36, 13, 469, 13, 88471, 374, 832, 8196, 3187, 705, 323, 1274, 3432, 3629, 41587, 433, 994, 7556, 311, 832, 2500, 1555, 14683, 3772, 1778, 439, 69094, 389, 279, 4641, 323, 30622, 2930, 13, 358, 1781, 584, 2103, 1390, 311, 2019, 430, 1521, 1274, 527, 1701, 6498, 1389, 814, 527, 1120, 28191, 43903, 29510, 264, 32528, 6037, 315, 6498, 11, 902, 374, 810, 315, 264, 5912, 488, 1109, 264, 2383, 13, 4452, 11, 3582, 1063, 5718, 315, 65767, 20047, 527, 539, 11112, 7452, 11, 358, 656, 1781, 430, 1070, 527, 5718, 902, 527, 1558, 25947, 481, 13, 21256, 529, 6037, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 35326, 743, 315, 36256, 51720, 35526, 449, 50800, 430, 584, 649, 1005, 304, 279, 8246, 315, 23719, 374, 315, 74510, 12939, 994, 1701, 264, 4221, 13, 358, 649, 1431, 955, 704, 264, 4288, 56395, 315, 5885, 323, 1755, 430, 6683, 311, 387, 459, 6498, 11914, 13, 35339, 11, 3738, 3698, 17720, 532, 32528, 5718, 527, 10973, 627, 3112, 433, 5084, 311, 757, 430, 18273, 20047, 706, 1633, 4528, 17910, 311, 420, 43656, 315, 279, 17910, 315, 65767, 20047, 13, 2684, 527, 3738, 5718, 902, 649, 387, 30280, 26, 264, 6710, 315, 4731, 649, 21813, 1202, 2704, 439, 264, 6710, 315, 4731, 304, 264, 3738, 17779, 15851 ]
[ 315, 3508, 433, 11263, 264, 3230, 84287, 24045, 3451, 23108, 488, 529, 315, 420, 3169, 13, 1115, 374, 4528, 311, 84287, 24045, 5718, 1093, 6864, 2065, 9932, 304, 279, 3766, 14646, 13, 5112, 1070, 527, 3738, 5718, 902, 2011, 387, 8272, 369, 264, 6710, 311, 387, 21771, 439, 264, 4562, 315, 264, 3738, 17779, 1389, 29243, 420, 311, 1268, 264, 925, 2011, 1833, 264, 3738, 82228, 315, 279, 32528, 5718, 21256, 9749, 311, 387, 32971, 439, 264, 4562, 315, 832, 4221, 4856, 1109, 2500, 13, 5112, 1070, 527, 3738, 5718, 904, 17779, 315, 4731, 2011, 1833, 311, 387, 4731, 4856, 1109, 17983, 12248, 13, 1115, 374, 4528, 311, 84287, 24045, 5718, 904, 4221, 2011, 617, 26, 264, 4221, 2011, 1833, 279, 4689, 5718, 21256, 6835, 603, 11, 304, 832, 1376, 477, 2500, 627, 1687, 649, 1101, 1518, 430, 279, 5820, 315, 4731, 374, 79283, 311, 279, 5820, 315, 3451, 11789, 529, 430, 21256, 16964, 13, 10948, 374, 539, 1120, 459, 5502, 11, 719, 1101, 264, 3674, 5820, 18815, 32629, 323, 24475, 11, 42418, 32629, 1304, 3738, 58448, 323, 814, 1755, 872, 24475, 311, 6013, 264, 3738, 1648, 13, 1628, 358, 1518, 912, 2944, 3249, 584, 8434, 1431, 2019, 430, 420, 5820, 374, 304, 1063, 1648, 25142, 11, 4869, 7347, 430, 17114, 45083, 1918, 374, 555, 279, 2653, 2695, 6322, 315, 1057, 35202, 311, 4774, 3738, 10578, 627, 791, 72474, 1990, 4731, 439, 3451, 11789, 529, 656, 539, 3009, 1070, 13, 10948, 13551, 279, 5845 ]
time. For those who are uninterested in WPA, feel free to sort the columns however you like. Click on the position headers below to go to the full lists of players and their stats, and the links behind each player's name will take you to a game-by-game break down of their 2011 season. With that, to the selections. Envelope, please. The 2011 WPA's go to... Aaron Rodgers tops the NFC with 5.83 WPA. He's by far #1 in the league in EPA, which suggests a lot of his gaudy numbers have come when the game was already in hand. He's #3 in SR, and #1 in AYPA. Rodgers had a monster game against NYG, good for 0.94 WPA. Drew Brees is second with 4.94 WPA in his record-breaking season. Brees is #2 in total EPA, #2 in SR, and #4 in AYPA. His most heroic game came against CAR in a 30-27 win. Just like Tom Brady in AFC, Rodgers and Brees had their WPA numbers inflated thanks to their below average defenses, which gave them ample opportunities to match TD for TD. Jonathan Stewart
time. For those who are uninterested in WPA, feel free to sort the columns however you like. Click on the position headers below to go to the full lists of players and their stats, and the links behind each player's name will take you to a game-by-game break down of their 2011 season. With that, to the selections. Envelope, please. The 2011 WPA's go to... Aaron Rodgers tops the NFC with 5.83 WPA. He's by far #1 in the league in EPA, which suggests a lot of his gaudy numbers have come when the game was already in hand. He's #3 in SR, and #1 in AYPA. Rodgers had a monster game against NYG, good for 0.94 WPA. Drew Brees is second with 4.94 WPA in his record-breaking season. Brees is #2 in total EPA, #2 in SR, and #4 in AYPA. His most heroic game came against CAR in a 30-27 win. Just like Tom Brady in AFC, Rodgers and Brees had their WPA numbers inflated thanks to their below average defenses, which gave them ample opportunities to match TD for TD. Jonathan Stewart
tops the NFC with 1.11 WPA. He's #5 in the league in both total EPA and SR. His 5.1 YPC is tied for #8 in the NFL so far this season. Cam Newton gets all the attention for the CAR offense, but Stewart deserves his share of the credit. Stewart was consistently positive all season, with just two negative WPA games. His two biggest games of the season came against DET in a 49-35 loss and against JAX in a 16-10 win. The 2011 All-WPA Teams - AFC Offense Yay, Stats! 2009 ushered in the first All-Win Probability Added team, and 2010 continued the tradition. Here's the 2011 All-WPA Team. We'll start with offense. Keep in mind what these stats measure. They are not necessarily the best players in the league. They are the players who actually played the best when it mattered most. It's a narrative statistic, highly sensitive to the circumstances of score and time. For those who are uninterested in WPA, feel free to sort the columns however you like. Click on the position headers below to go to the full lists of players and their stats, and the links behind each player's name will take you
[ 640, 13, 1114, 883, 508, 389, 555, 34339, 287, 370, 4537, 11, 1254, 1479, 284, 3297, 262, 15180, 2158, 345, 588, 13, 6914, 319, 262, 2292, 24697, 2174, 284, 467, 284, 262, 1336, 8341, 286, 1938, 290, 511, 9756, 11, 290, 262, 6117, 2157, 1123, 2137, 338, 1438, 481, 1011, 345, 284, 257, 983, 12, 1525, 12, 6057, 2270, 866, 286, 511, 2813, 1622, 13, 198, 3152, 326, 11, 284, 262, 28224, 13, 2039, 1091, 68, 11, 3387, 13, 383, 2813, 370, 4537, 338, 467, 284, 986, 198, 34451, 19947, 21246, 262, 24004, 351, 642, 13, 5999, 370, 4537, 13, 679, 338, 416, 1290, 1303, 16, 287, 262, 4652, 287, 10193, 11, 543, 5644, 257, 1256, 286, 465, 308, 3885, 88, 3146, 423, 1282, 618, 262, 983, 373, 1541, 287, 1021, 13, 679, 338, 1303, 18, 287, 16808, 11, 290, 1303, 16, 287, 317, 56, 4537, 13, 19947, 550, 257, 9234, 983, 1028, 6645, 38, 11, 922, 329, 657, 13, 5824, 370, 4537, 13, 198, 35, 1809, 46373, 318, 1218, 351, 604, 13, 5824, 370, 4537, 287, 465, 1700, 12, 13395, 1622, 13, 46373, 318, 1303, 17, 287, 2472, 10193, 11, 1303, 17, 287, 16808, 11, 290, 1303, 19, 287, 317, 56, 4537, 13, 2399, 749, 23523, 983, 1625, 1028, 17368, 287, 257, 1542, 12, 1983, 1592, 13, 198, 5703, 588, 4186, 15260, 287, 27987, 11, 19947, 290, 46373, 550, 511, 370, 4537, 3146, 32387, 5176, 284, 511, 2174, 2811, 18370, 11, 543, 2921, 606, 23933, 6443, 284, 2872, 13320, 329, 13320, 13, 198, 30365, 13671 ]
[ 892, 13, 1789, 1884, 889, 527, 653, 84798, 304, 468, 8201, 11, 2733, 1949, 311, 3460, 279, 8310, 4869, 499, 1093, 13, 9369, 389, 279, 2361, 7247, 3770, 311, 733, 311, 279, 2539, 11725, 315, 4311, 323, 872, 10691, 11, 323, 279, 7902, 4920, 1855, 2851, 596, 836, 690, 1935, 499, 311, 264, 1847, 14656, 19959, 1464, 1523, 315, 872, 220, 679, 16, 3280, 627, 2409, 430, 11, 311, 279, 38499, 13, 2998, 19384, 11, 4587, 13, 578, 220, 679, 16, 468, 8201, 596, 733, 311, 9522, 75903, 50117, 33522, 279, 48305, 449, 220, 20, 13, 6069, 468, 8201, 13, 1283, 596, 555, 3117, 674, 16, 304, 279, 10966, 304, 27250, 11, 902, 13533, 264, 2763, 315, 813, 342, 8039, 88, 5219, 617, 2586, 994, 279, 1847, 574, 2736, 304, 1450, 13, 1283, 596, 674, 18, 304, 21550, 11, 323, 674, 16, 304, 362, 56, 8201, 13, 50117, 1047, 264, 18118, 1847, 2403, 12551, 38, 11, 1695, 369, 220, 15, 13, 6281, 468, 8201, 627, 35, 4361, 426, 8016, 374, 2132, 449, 220, 19, 13, 6281, 468, 8201, 304, 813, 3335, 55407, 3280, 13, 426, 8016, 374, 674, 17, 304, 2860, 27250, 11, 674, 17, 304, 21550, 11, 323, 674, 19, 304, 362, 56, 8201, 13, 5414, 1455, 56375, 1847, 3782, 2403, 28876, 304, 264, 220, 966, 12, 1544, 3243, 627, 10156, 1093, 8529, 36470, 304, 64636, 11, 50117, 323, 426, 8016, 1047, 872, 468, 8201, 5219, 70954, 9523, 311, 872, 3770, 5578, 46616, 11, 902, 6688, 1124, 42853, 10708, 311, 2489, 28816, 369, 28816, 627, 66091, 29868 ]
[ 33522, 279, 48305, 449, 220, 16, 13, 806, 468, 8201, 13, 1283, 596, 674, 20, 304, 279, 10966, 304, 2225, 2860, 27250, 323, 21550, 13, 5414, 220, 20, 13, 16, 816, 4977, 374, 17791, 369, 674, 23, 304, 279, 12873, 779, 3117, 420, 3280, 13, 8215, 21324, 5334, 682, 279, 6666, 369, 279, 28876, 17193, 11, 719, 29868, 30675, 813, 4430, 315, 279, 6807, 13, 29868, 574, 21356, 6928, 682, 3280, 11, 449, 1120, 1403, 8389, 468, 8201, 3953, 13, 5414, 1403, 8706, 3953, 315, 279, 3280, 3782, 2403, 41343, 304, 264, 220, 2491, 12, 1758, 4814, 323, 2403, 622, 3027, 304, 264, 220, 845, 12, 605, 3243, 627, 791, 220, 679, 16, 2052, 13299, 8201, 40713, 482, 64636, 4206, 1137, 198, 56, 352, 11, 31027, 4999, 1049, 24, 64260, 291, 304, 279, 1176, 2052, 13299, 258, 87739, 18152, 2128, 11, 323, 220, 679, 15, 8738, 279, 14135, 13, 5810, 596, 279, 220, 679, 16, 2052, 13299, 8201, 8068, 13, 1226, 3358, 1212, 449, 17193, 13, 13969, 304, 4059, 1148, 1521, 10691, 6767, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 14647, 279, 1888, 4311, 304, 279, 10966, 13, 2435, 527, 279, 4311, 889, 3604, 6476, 279, 1888, 994, 433, 81720, 1455, 13, 1102, 596, 264, 19775, 43589, 11, 7701, 16614, 311, 279, 13463, 315, 5573, 323, 892, 13, 1789, 1884, 889, 527, 653, 84798, 304, 468, 8201, 11, 2733, 1949, 311, 3460, 279, 8310, 4869, 499, 1093, 13, 9369, 389, 279, 2361, 7247, 3770, 311, 733, 311, 279, 2539, 11725, 315, 4311, 323, 872, 10691, 11, 323, 279, 7902, 4920, 1855, 2851, 596, 836, 690, 1935, 499 ]
played the lead characters. However, the film failed at the box office and she fell heavily into debt after the film's release. She sold her house at Mount Road, Chennai in order to pay the debt, while she was also booked in a cheque-bounce case filed by the financiers of the movie. Rambha has acted in several languages and always maintained a successful balance in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Bhojpuri and Bengali. Her last film in Malayalam titled Paayum Puli in 2007 got good reviews and despite being in her mid 30s, she did one of her most glamorous roles for this film. Most of her movies are successful. In 2010, Rambha shot alongside Prakash Raj for a thriller film titled Vidiyum Varai Kathiru. The film was shot in three languages namely Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam, but the film did not have a theatrical release. After her marriage she had given up films and has judged a very popular Tamil TV show Maanada Mayilada, and the Telugu dance show Dhee. After a long gap she came back from Toronto, she appeared as a judge of Zee Telugu
played the lead characters. However, the film failed at the box office and she fell heavily into debt after the film's release. She sold her house at Mount Road, Chennai in order to pay the debt, while she was also booked in a cheque-bounce case filed by the financiers of the movie. Rambha has acted in several languages and always maintained a successful balance in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Bhojpuri and Bengali. Her last film in Malayalam titled Paayum Puli in 2007 got good reviews and despite being in her mid 30s, she did one of her most glamorous roles for this film. Most of her movies are successful. In 2010, Rambha shot alongside Prakash Raj for a thriller film titled Vidiyum Varai Kathiru. The film was shot in three languages namely Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam, but the film did not have a theatrical release. After her marriage she had given up films and has judged a very popular Tamil TV show Maanada Mayilada, and the Telugu dance show Dhee. After a long gap she came back from Toronto, she appeared as a judge of Zee Telugu
dance show ABCD-Anybody Can Dance and judged Kings of Comedy Juniors on Vijay TV. She is a brand ambassador for Kolors health care, Chennai and also for her husband's firm based in Toronto. Rambha is married to Indrakumar Pathmanathan, an entrepreneur with businesses in Toronto, Chennai and Kancheepuram, on 8 April 2010 at Karnataka Kalyana Mandapam in Tirumala, followed by the wedding reception on 11 April 2010 at Rani Meyyaiamma Hall, Chennai. The newly married couple travelled to Fiji and New Zealand for their honeymoon. Since then, the two settled in North York, Toronto. Their children, daughter Laanya (born 13 January 2011), daughter Sasha (born 27 March 2015) and son Shivin (born 23 September 2018) were born at Mount Sinai Hospital. Tholi Muddhu Divya Replaced Divya Bharti in the boxing scene since she died. Hello Brother Herself Cameo appearance in the song "Kanne Pettaro" Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi Herself Cameo appearance in the song "Chaligali Jhummandhi" Iddaru Mitr
[ 2826, 262, 1085, 3435, 13, 2102, 11, 262, 2646, 4054, 379, 262, 3091, 2607, 290, 673, 3214, 7272, 656, 5057, 706, 262, 2646, 338, 2650, 13, 1375, 2702, 607, 2156, 379, 5628, 5567, 11, 47678, 287, 1502, 284, 1414, 262, 5057, 11, 981, 673, 373, 635, 21765, 287, 257, 1125, 4188, 12, 65, 8652, 1339, 5717, 416, 262, 17240, 979, 364, 286, 262, 3807, 13, 198, 49, 4131, 3099, 468, 13134, 287, 1811, 8950, 290, 1464, 9456, 257, 4388, 5236, 287, 4434, 323, 44949, 11, 12088, 45284, 11, 32519, 11, 43443, 11, 509, 1236, 4763, 11, 347, 8873, 34523, 9900, 290, 14964, 7344, 13, 2332, 938, 2646, 287, 4434, 323, 44949, 11946, 11243, 323, 388, 21624, 72, 287, 4343, 1392, 922, 8088, 290, 3805, 852, 287, 607, 3095, 1542, 82, 11, 673, 750, 530, 286, 607, 749, 46185, 9176, 329, 428, 2646, 13, 4042, 286, 607, 6918, 389, 4388, 13, 554, 3050, 11, 371, 4131, 3099, 2823, 7848, 350, 17716, 1077, 13308, 329, 257, 32251, 2646, 11946, 38965, 7745, 388, 12372, 1872, 18341, 35406, 13, 383, 2646, 373, 2823, 287, 1115, 8950, 14811, 32519, 11, 12088, 45284, 290, 4434, 323, 44949, 11, 475, 262, 2646, 750, 407, 423, 257, 32010, 2650, 13, 198, 3260, 607, 4845, 673, 550, 1813, 510, 7328, 290, 468, 19589, 257, 845, 2968, 32519, 3195, 905, 6669, 272, 4763, 1737, 346, 4763, 11, 290, 262, 12088, 45284, 9280, 905, 360, 21067, 13, 2293, 257, 890, 7625, 673, 1625, 736, 422, 6586, 11, 673, 4120, 355, 257, 5052, 286, 1168, 1453, 12088, 45284 ]
[ 6476, 279, 3063, 5885, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 4632, 4745, 520, 279, 3830, 5274, 323, 1364, 11299, 17345, 1139, 11897, 1306, 279, 4632, 596, 4984, 13, 3005, 6216, 1077, 3838, 520, 10640, 9728, 11, 64921, 304, 2015, 311, 2343, 279, 11897, 11, 1418, 1364, 574, 1101, 34070, 304, 264, 78110, 1481, 9933, 1162, 13019, 555, 279, 41645, 4918, 315, 279, 5818, 627, 49, 3042, 4317, 706, 31532, 304, 3892, 15823, 323, 2744, 18908, 264, 6992, 8335, 304, 80240, 17243, 11, 23683, 30885, 11, 44883, 11, 45080, 11, 78311, 2649, 11, 426, 6292, 47154, 6198, 323, 26316, 8115, 13, 6385, 1566, 4632, 304, 80240, 17243, 25891, 16056, 352, 372, 393, 24520, 304, 220, 1049, 22, 2751, 1695, 8544, 323, 8994, 1694, 304, 1077, 5209, 220, 966, 82, 11, 1364, 1550, 832, 315, 1077, 1455, 77014, 13073, 369, 420, 4632, 13, 7648, 315, 1077, 9698, 527, 6992, 13, 763, 220, 679, 15, 11, 432, 3042, 4317, 6689, 16662, 2394, 95095, 26291, 369, 264, 54461, 4632, 25891, 650, 12558, 90752, 8909, 2192, 33995, 404, 84, 13, 578, 4632, 574, 6689, 304, 2380, 15823, 32125, 44883, 11, 23683, 30885, 323, 80240, 17243, 11, 719, 279, 4632, 1550, 539, 617, 264, 66333, 4984, 627, 6153, 1077, 11103, 1364, 1047, 2728, 709, 12631, 323, 706, 45487, 264, 1633, 5526, 44883, 6007, 1501, 11583, 276, 2649, 3297, 321, 2649, 11, 323, 279, 23683, 30885, 15612, 1501, 423, 50153, 13, 4740, 264, 1317, 13225, 1364, 3782, 1203, 505, 14974, 11, 1364, 9922, 439, 264, 11913, 315, 1901, 2176, 23683, 30885 ]
[ 15612, 1501, 19921, 35, 12, 8780, 2664, 3053, 30704, 323, 45487, 24980, 315, 44851, 12044, 22625, 389, 79127, 352, 6007, 627, 8100, 374, 264, 6883, 37756, 369, 735, 795, 82, 2890, 2512, 11, 64921, 323, 1101, 369, 1077, 10177, 596, 7626, 3196, 304, 14974, 627, 49, 3042, 4317, 374, 12502, 311, 2314, 104172, 31967, 8092, 1543, 14308, 11, 459, 29349, 449, 9873, 304, 14974, 11, 64921, 323, 735, 29097, 752, 324, 309, 11, 389, 220, 23, 5936, 220, 679, 15, 520, 79149, 735, 5893, 3444, 24789, 391, 309, 304, 83655, 372, 6181, 11, 8272, 555, 279, 13306, 23991, 389, 220, 806, 5936, 220, 679, 15, 520, 432, 5676, 84962, 88, 2192, 13400, 11166, 11, 64921, 13, 578, 13945, 12502, 5743, 46368, 311, 86196, 323, 1561, 17340, 369, 872, 84893, 13, 8876, 1243, 11, 279, 1403, 23183, 304, 4892, 4356, 11, 14974, 13, 11205, 2911, 11, 10003, 5034, 25041, 320, 16381, 220, 1032, 6186, 220, 679, 16, 705, 10003, 83278, 320, 16381, 220, 1544, 5587, 220, 679, 20, 8, 323, 4538, 90913, 258, 320, 16381, 220, 1419, 6250, 220, 679, 23, 8, 220, 1051, 9405, 520, 10640, 79985, 15429, 627, 1016, 14559, 386, 8512, 17156, 8940, 7911, 1050, 37469, 8940, 7911, 31930, 68641, 304, 279, 46329, 6237, 2533, 1364, 8636, 627, 9906, 27445, 65466, 491, 76278, 78, 11341, 304, 279, 5609, 330, 42, 20991, 83596, 17606, 702, 32, 19747, 2649, 3383, 18864, 72, 358, 19747, 2649, 27063, 112717, 65466, 491, 76278, 78, 11341, 304, 279, 5609, 330, 1163, 278, 343, 8115, 622, 28400, 1969, 6151, 702, 40, 634, 31244, 386, 22288 ]
for you to start listening to it as you read through this blog 🙂 Its spoken word opening sets the contemplative tone for the entire EP, and the rich strings that follow the echoing words give a sense of regality to the beginning. In just fifty-two seconds, Jen piques your interest in the entire project. The second track, “Sleeping Lessons,” offers a song as mellow (yet intriguing) as its title. This really showcases Jen’s voice right off the bat, and the ambient sound that trickles in behind her is the perfect prelude to instrumentation that gradually enters. Wordplay like “you’re not obliged to swallow anything you despise” throws an engaging message, both rebellious and gleeful as the song builds. Bizarre imagery against a rhythmic background defines the title track, “The Lotus Eaters,” giving an ominous tone to this adventurous song. Full of pounding percussion, the pulse is broken only for a crash of cymbals and an exposition of Jen’s upper range. It doesn’t tell a story so much as show us a character, giving a sense of futility and determination all in one wallop. And somewhere in the
for you to start listening to it as you read through this blog 🙂 Its spoken word opening sets the contemplative tone for the entire EP, and the rich strings that follow the echoing words give a sense of regality to the beginning. In just fifty-two seconds, Jen piques your interest in the entire project. The second track, “Sleeping Lessons,” offers a song as mellow (yet intriguing) as its title. This really showcases Jen’s voice right off the bat, and the ambient sound that trickles in behind her is the perfect prelude to instrumentation that gradually enters. Wordplay like “you’re not obliged to swallow anything you despise” throws an engaging message, both rebellious and gleeful as the song builds. Bizarre imagery against a rhythmic background defines the title track, “The Lotus Eaters,” giving an ominous tone to this adventurous song. Full of pounding percussion, the pulse is broken only for a crash of cymbals and an exposition of Jen’s upper range. It doesn’t tell a story so much as show us a character, giving a sense of futility and determination all in one wallop. And somewhere in the
world There’s two kids with their hands In each other’s hair Kissing in tutus And the whole world is watching, The whole world is watching Cause this is the lens that makes sense. Next, with “Kissing in Tutus” (previously released as a single) Jen gives us a higher, more feminine beginning to a song that carries itself with a driving drum—thumping like an over-eager heartbeat. It bears some of the same inspirational vibes as “Sleeping Lessons,” but it’s elevating “ah-ah’s” play against crisp strings and sharp staccato sounds in a very different way. The flow of her voice against the instrumentation is uplifting, and this song as a whole paints a picture of love familiar and fanciful, iconic and individual. It seems to seek to remind us why a kiss—any kiss—is unique and powerful. I must have missed a memo, because I was pleasantly surprised when I heard track five and recognized that delightfully distinct British voice telling me, in little more than a minute, a brilliant story of a girl and her dreams. How can you not
[ 329, 345, 284, 923, 8680, 284, 340, 355, 345, 1100, 832, 428, 4130, 32485, 198, 20459, 9635, 1573, 4756, 5621, 262, 19377, 876, 8216, 329, 262, 2104, 14724, 11, 290, 262, 5527, 13042, 326, 1061, 262, 39915, 2456, 1577, 257, 2565, 286, 842, 1483, 284, 262, 3726, 13, 554, 655, 15334, 12, 11545, 4201, 11, 13364, 279, 6368, 534, 1393, 287, 262, 2104, 1628, 13, 198, 464, 1218, 2610, 11, 564, 250, 50, 293, 7213, 46885, 11, 447, 251, 4394, 257, 3496, 355, 33748, 322, 357, 25907, 19827, 8, 355, 663, 3670, 13, 770, 1107, 45064, 13364, 447, 247, 82, 3809, 826, 572, 262, 7365, 11, 290, 262, 25237, 2128, 326, 6908, 829, 287, 2157, 607, 318, 262, 2818, 662, 38792, 284, 8875, 341, 326, 11835, 14170, 13, 9678, 1759, 588, 564, 250, 5832, 447, 247, 260, 407, 23278, 284, 26633, 1997, 345, 44351, 447, 251, 12542, 281, 11932, 3275, 11, 1111, 43860, 290, 26852, 13839, 355, 262, 3496, 12188, 13, 198, 33, 12474, 19506, 1028, 257, 14405, 9383, 4469, 15738, 262, 3670, 2610, 11, 564, 250, 464, 27578, 412, 8605, 11, 447, 251, 3501, 281, 34837, 8216, 284, 428, 39770, 3496, 13, 6462, 286, 33919, 48388, 11, 262, 19445, 318, 5445, 691, 329, 257, 7014, 286, 3075, 2022, 874, 290, 281, 45357, 286, 13364, 447, 247, 82, 6727, 2837, 13, 632, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 1560, 257, 1621, 523, 881, 355, 905, 514, 257, 2095, 11, 3501, 257, 2565, 286, 13294, 879, 290, 12123, 477, 287, 530, 3355, 404, 13, 198, 1870, 7382, 287, 262 ]
[ 369, 499, 311, 1212, 14624, 311, 433, 439, 499, 1373, 1555, 420, 5117, 28584, 198, 37220, 22066, 3492, 8736, 7437, 279, 39471, 1413, 16630, 369, 279, 4553, 19613, 11, 323, 279, 9257, 9246, 430, 1833, 279, 94824, 4339, 3041, 264, 5647, 315, 1239, 2786, 311, 279, 7314, 13, 763, 1120, 33517, 38502, 6622, 11, 25937, 281, 8467, 701, 2802, 304, 279, 4553, 2447, 627, 791, 2132, 3839, 11, 1054, 42845, 287, 61566, 2476, 6209, 264, 5609, 439, 296, 5412, 320, 47492, 41765, 8, 439, 1202, 2316, 13, 1115, 2216, 71849, 25937, 753, 7899, 1314, 1022, 279, 16120, 11, 323, 279, 35288, 5222, 430, 14397, 645, 304, 4920, 1077, 374, 279, 4832, 864, 53638, 311, 78133, 430, 27115, 29933, 13, 9506, 1387, 1093, 1054, 9514, 3207, 539, 54117, 311, 42276, 4205, 499, 40060, 1082, 863, 3872, 459, 23387, 1984, 11, 2225, 42301, 1245, 323, 30103, 52221, 439, 279, 5609, 22890, 627, 33, 30582, 41545, 2403, 264, 29171, 21914, 4092, 19170, 279, 2316, 3839, 11, 1054, 791, 61269, 469, 11796, 2476, 7231, 459, 86596, 16630, 311, 420, 68188, 5609, 13, 8797, 315, 70627, 84849, 11, 279, 28334, 374, 11102, 1193, 369, 264, 10121, 315, 272, 3437, 1147, 323, 459, 91518, 315, 25937, 753, 8582, 2134, 13, 1102, 3250, 1431, 3371, 264, 3446, 779, 1790, 439, 1501, 603, 264, 3752, 11, 7231, 264, 5647, 315, 282, 32000, 323, 26314, 682, 304, 832, 41926, 23085, 627, 3112, 15038, 304, 279 ]
[ 1917, 198, 3947, 753, 1403, 6980, 449, 872, 6206, 198, 644, 1855, 1023, 753, 7013, 198, 42, 13889, 304, 18551, 355, 198, 3112, 279, 4459, 1917, 374, 10307, 345, 791, 4459, 1917, 374, 10307, 198, 62012, 420, 374, 279, 18848, 430, 3727, 5647, 627, 5971, 11, 449, 1054, 42, 13889, 304, 67063, 355, 863, 320, 1762, 18785, 6004, 439, 264, 3254, 8, 25937, 6835, 603, 264, 5190, 11, 810, 46284, 7314, 311, 264, 5609, 430, 24266, 5196, 449, 264, 10043, 24074, 2345, 339, 55432, 1093, 459, 927, 5773, 1435, 53205, 13, 1102, 30824, 1063, 315, 279, 1890, 57314, 90949, 439, 1054, 42845, 287, 61566, 2476, 719, 433, 753, 12231, 1113, 1054, 1494, 12, 1494, 753, 863, 1514, 2403, 42954, 9246, 323, 17676, 357, 4575, 4428, 10578, 304, 264, 1633, 2204, 1648, 13, 578, 6530, 315, 1077, 7899, 2403, 279, 78133, 374, 95609, 11, 323, 420, 5609, 439, 264, 4459, 57948, 264, 6945, 315, 3021, 11537, 323, 81697, 5092, 11, 27373, 323, 3927, 13, 1102, 5084, 311, 6056, 311, 24928, 603, 3249, 264, 21735, 2345, 3852, 21735, 55434, 5016, 323, 8147, 627, 40, 2011, 617, 13942, 264, 22154, 11, 1606, 358, 574, 82374, 14792, 994, 358, 6755, 3839, 4330, 323, 15324, 430, 18454, 3725, 12742, 8013, 7899, 11890, 757, 11, 304, 2697, 810, 1109, 264, 9568, 11, 264, 20333, 3446, 315, 264, 3828, 323, 1077, 19226, 13, 2650, 649, 499, 539 ]
the Chinese government: it did not expect the MMD would lose the election. The end of the Cold War has brought African governments a certain degree of stability. African rulers have since often been able to measure their tenures in decades rather than years. Where elections have been held the results have, by and large, favored incumbent leaders. However, if the “Arab Spring” has shown anything to the one-man-rule Middle East and African regimes of today, it is that nothing lasts forever. The change of political leadership in Zambia, the largest copper producer in Africa, came as a really unpleasant wake up call for China, one of the world’s largest consumers of this precious metal. Sata’s electoral campaign played heavily on anti-Chinese sentiment, which, given that China is the largest investor in this low-developed country, looked to many observers a quite risky platform. But Sata had a good grasp of his audience and knew only too well how cunning the Chinese can be in seeking to achieve their objectives. During the 2006 presidential election campaign Sata, who under British colonial rule was a railway worker and trade unionist, once referred to Taiwan as a sovereign state. Beijing then reportedly fumed about what it considered a trans
the Chinese government: it did not expect the MMD would lose the election. The end of the Cold War has brought African governments a certain degree of stability. African rulers have since often been able to measure their tenures in decades rather than years. Where elections have been held the results have, by and large, favored incumbent leaders. However, if the “Arab Spring” has shown anything to the one-man-rule Middle East and African regimes of today, it is that nothing lasts forever. The change of political leadership in Zambia, the largest copper producer in Africa, came as a really unpleasant wake up call for China, one of the world’s largest consumers of this precious metal. Sata’s electoral campaign played heavily on anti-Chinese sentiment, which, given that China is the largest investor in this low-developed country, looked to many observers a quite risky platform. But Sata had a good grasp of his audience and knew only too well how cunning the Chinese can be in seeking to achieve their objectives. During the 2006 presidential election campaign Sata, who under British colonial rule was a railway worker and trade unionist, once referred to Taiwan as a sovereign state. Beijing then reportedly fumed about what it considered a trans
gression of diplomatic norms. It even threatened to withdraw from the country should he be elected. The Zambian media even hinted that Beijing may be secretly transferring funds to the MMD’d coffers. A little less confrontational in his September campaign, Sata nevertheless made good use of his anti-China diatribes, and this paid off handsomely in the final vote count. China’s economic relations with Zambia are considerable in terms of the sums of money invested. The communist state has poured in approximately $2 billion in Zambia. Investment projects are mostly concentrated in the exploitation of copper, a metal China voraciously consumes to supply its ever-expanding infrastructure programs, especially those involving electric cabling. The MMD regime enthusiastically sought to court Chinese state-owned companies and facilitates their access to Zambia’s national wealth. Out of a total of six Chinese Special Economic Zones in Africa, two are located in Zambia. In 2011 Lusaka, the country’s capital, became an African financial leader by offering Chinese people the possibility to deposit and withdraw funds denominated in Yuan, China’s national currency. Banda and his predecessors made every effort to lure the Chinese. Ordinary Zambians, however
[ 262, 3999, 1230, 25, 340, 750, 407, 1607, 262, 337, 12740, 561, 4425, 262, 3071, 13, 383, 886, 286, 262, 10250, 1810, 468, 3181, 5510, 6905, 257, 1728, 4922, 286, 10159, 13, 5510, 24925, 423, 1201, 1690, 587, 1498, 284, 3953, 511, 3478, 942, 287, 4647, 2138, 621, 812, 13, 6350, 7024, 423, 587, 2714, 262, 2482, 423, 11, 416, 290, 1588, 11, 19344, 23526, 2766, 13, 2102, 11, 611, 262, 564, 250, 31602, 8225, 447, 251, 468, 3402, 1997, 284, 262, 530, 12, 805, 12, 25135, 6046, 3687, 290, 5510, 25879, 286, 1909, 11, 340, 318, 326, 2147, 20374, 8097, 13, 198, 464, 1487, 286, 1964, 5531, 287, 44418, 544, 11, 262, 4387, 15317, 9920, 287, 5478, 11, 1625, 355, 257, 1107, 22029, 7765, 510, 869, 329, 2807, 11, 530, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 4387, 7008, 286, 428, 14186, 6147, 13, 311, 1045, 447, 247, 82, 13901, 1923, 2826, 7272, 319, 3098, 12, 23604, 15598, 11, 543, 11, 1813, 326, 2807, 318, 262, 4387, 15811, 287, 428, 1877, 12, 33082, 1499, 11, 3114, 284, 867, 17984, 257, 2407, 17564, 3859, 13, 887, 311, 1045, 550, 257, 922, 13180, 286, 465, 5386, 290, 2993, 691, 1165, 880, 703, 34218, 262, 3999, 460, 307, 287, 6095, 284, 4620, 511, 15221, 13, 198, 7191, 262, 4793, 4787, 3071, 1923, 311, 1045, 11, 508, 739, 3517, 17091, 3896, 373, 257, 20515, 8383, 290, 3292, 6441, 396, 11, 1752, 6412, 284, 14119, 355, 257, 18901, 1181, 13, 11618, 788, 7478, 277, 18940, 546, 644, 340, 3177, 257, 1007 ]
[ 279, 8620, 3109, 25, 433, 1550, 539, 1755, 279, 386, 6204, 1053, 9229, 279, 6355, 13, 578, 842, 315, 279, 24062, 5111, 706, 7263, 11904, 17047, 264, 3738, 8547, 315, 20334, 13, 11904, 60996, 617, 2533, 3629, 1027, 3025, 311, 6767, 872, 5899, 1439, 304, 11026, 4856, 1109, 1667, 13, 11208, 16374, 617, 1027, 5762, 279, 3135, 617, 11, 555, 323, 3544, 11, 46603, 51382, 6164, 13, 4452, 11, 422, 279, 1054, 7098, 370, 12531, 863, 706, 6982, 4205, 311, 279, 832, 21110, 60401, 12877, 6460, 323, 11904, 61911, 315, 3432, 11, 433, 374, 430, 4400, 40758, 16058, 627, 791, 2349, 315, 5054, 11692, 304, 95104, 11, 279, 7928, 24166, 17276, 304, 10384, 11, 3782, 439, 264, 2216, 47989, 15508, 709, 1650, 369, 5734, 11, 832, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 7928, 13723, 315, 420, 27498, 9501, 13, 328, 460, 753, 34941, 4901, 6476, 17345, 389, 7294, 30653, 7496, 27065, 11, 902, 11, 2728, 430, 5734, 374, 279, 7928, 30693, 304, 420, 3428, 49061, 291, 3224, 11, 7111, 311, 1690, 37643, 264, 5115, 41273, 5452, 13, 2030, 328, 460, 1047, 264, 1695, 34477, 315, 813, 10877, 323, 7020, 1193, 2288, 1664, 1268, 81779, 279, 8620, 649, 387, 304, 11125, 311, 11322, 872, 26470, 627, 16397, 279, 220, 1049, 21, 13621, 6355, 4901, 328, 460, 11, 889, 1234, 8013, 37683, 6037, 574, 264, 40106, 12128, 323, 6696, 11552, 380, 11, 3131, 14183, 311, 29389, 439, 264, 46384, 1614, 13, 27647, 1243, 18307, 282, 39255, 922, 1148, 433, 6646, 264, 1380 ]
[ 30840, 315, 34616, 40851, 13, 1102, 1524, 21699, 311, 15142, 505, 279, 3224, 1288, 568, 387, 16689, 13, 578, 1901, 3042, 1122, 3772, 1524, 67469, 430, 27647, 1253, 387, 42839, 51051, 10736, 311, 279, 386, 6204, 7070, 10095, 388, 13, 362, 2697, 2753, 17302, 1697, 304, 813, 6250, 4901, 11, 328, 460, 38330, 1903, 1695, 1005, 315, 813, 7294, 98709, 1891, 76667, 288, 11, 323, 420, 7318, 1022, 6206, 316, 989, 304, 279, 1620, 7055, 1797, 627, 23078, 753, 7100, 4398, 449, 95104, 527, 24779, 304, 3878, 315, 279, 37498, 315, 3300, 29091, 13, 578, 50315, 1614, 706, 44033, 304, 13489, 400, 17, 7239, 304, 95104, 13, 33350, 7224, 527, 10213, 38626, 304, 279, 40761, 315, 24166, 11, 264, 9501, 5734, 14230, 582, 13610, 60606, 311, 8312, 1202, 3596, 18882, 26673, 14054, 7620, 11, 5423, 1884, 16239, 9249, 272, 19295, 627, 791, 386, 6204, 17942, 99325, 16495, 311, 5590, 8620, 1614, 29799, 5220, 323, 73633, 872, 2680, 311, 95104, 753, 5426, 12205, 13, 4470, 315, 264, 2860, 315, 4848, 8620, 9984, 23362, 95686, 304, 10384, 11, 1403, 527, 7559, 304, 95104, 13, 763, 220, 679, 16, 445, 355, 13637, 11, 279, 3224, 753, 6864, 11, 6244, 459, 11904, 6020, 7808, 555, 10209, 8620, 1274, 279, 13336, 311, 16946, 323, 15142, 10736, 3453, 50615, 304, 69984, 11, 5734, 753, 5426, 11667, 627, 33, 10018, 323, 813, 62540, 1903, 1475, 5149, 311, 57683, 279, 8620, 13, 99011, 1901, 3042, 5493, 11, 4869 ]
to redefine the standards of California wine. All five choices for our latest round of Winemakers to Watch fit this mold. Some of their projects are new; others are established wineries that have returned to the foreground after years in soft focus. Some are making deft, transparently beautiful Pinot Noir from Anderson Valley to Santa Barbara. Others have taken huge strides in farming or are mining such overshadowed regions as the Sierra Foothills for their true potential. As a group, they are casting a new mold - one that trades away big, impact-driven wines for the values that originally brought fame to California: exuberant fruit, nuance and a willingness to break the rules. That combination pays tribute to our homegrown potential. The proximity to the Hilton Resort ensures that there are facilities nearby to go with the beautiful scenery and activity possibilities, including swimming, snorkelling, and sailing. Long sandy beach on Silhouette that runs in front of some of the island’s accommodation, including the Hilton Labriz Resort. Lifeguards watch over sections of the beach for added safety. Numerous natural pools line the beach. Great for numerous activities, including swimming, snorkelling, and sunbathing. La Passe
to redefine the standards of California wine. All five choices for our latest round of Winemakers to Watch fit this mold. Some of their projects are new; others are established wineries that have returned to the foreground after years in soft focus. Some are making deft, transparently beautiful Pinot Noir from Anderson Valley to Santa Barbara. Others have taken huge strides in farming or are mining such overshadowed regions as the Sierra Foothills for their true potential. As a group, they are casting a new mold - one that trades away big, impact-driven wines for the values that originally brought fame to California: exuberant fruit, nuance and a willingness to break the rules. That combination pays tribute to our homegrown potential. The proximity to the Hilton Resort ensures that there are facilities nearby to go with the beautiful scenery and activity possibilities, including swimming, snorkelling, and sailing. Long sandy beach on Silhouette that runs in front of some of the island’s accommodation, including the Hilton Labriz Resort. Lifeguards watch over sections of the beach for added safety. Numerous natural pools line the beach. Great for numerous activities, including swimming, snorkelling, and sunbathing. La Passe
is a long stretch of fine sand on the east coast of Silhouette Island, the third-largest in the Seychelles archipelago. The sand is lined with natural pools of water, formed when the water collects as the tide changes. The tide itself is very dependent on the moon, and changes throughout the year. Getting to the beach is simple for guests of the nearby Hilton Labriz Resort and the smaller guesthouse, La Belle Tortue, both of which are located on this side of the island. It is likely, too, that La Passe will be your first real impression of Silhouette Island, as the island’s jetty is located on the beach, ensuring a beautiful scenic view as you arrive on the island. The beach itself offers multiple activities, including swimming, snorkelling, and sailing. While the water is sometimes too shallow to swim, especially at low tide, it is sometimes possible to bathe in the beautiful water here, made safer by the presence of lifeguards on sections of the beach as well. Besides that, there are sunbeds and hammocks spread across the beach, so La Passe is also the perfect place for relaxing, sunbathing, or taking a break from the stress
[ 284, 34087, 500, 262, 5423, 286, 3442, 8237, 13, 198, 3237, 1936, 7747, 329, 674, 3452, 2835, 286, 7178, 368, 3979, 284, 6305, 4197, 428, 15936, 13, 2773, 286, 511, 4493, 389, 649, 26, 1854, 389, 4920, 1592, 10640, 326, 423, 4504, 284, 262, 36282, 706, 812, 287, 2705, 2962, 13, 2773, 389, 1642, 46208, 11, 13245, 306, 4950, 13727, 313, 36961, 422, 9918, 6916, 284, 8909, 16685, 13, 12691, 423, 2077, 3236, 35002, 287, 16035, 393, 389, 9691, 884, 43861, 7652, 355, 262, 17559, 376, 5226, 2171, 329, 511, 2081, 2785, 13, 198, 1722, 257, 1448, 11, 484, 389, 13092, 257, 649, 15936, 532, 530, 326, 17674, 1497, 1263, 11, 2928, 12, 15808, 30680, 329, 262, 3815, 326, 6198, 3181, 16117, 284, 3442, 25, 409, 18478, 415, 8234, 11, 47128, 290, 257, 16826, 284, 2270, 262, 3173, 13, 198, 2504, 6087, 13831, 17547, 284, 674, 49847, 2785, 13, 383, 20387, 284, 262, 31248, 28345, 19047, 326, 612, 389, 7291, 6716, 284, 467, 351, 262, 4950, 31068, 290, 3842, 12779, 11, 1390, 14899, 11, 3013, 273, 365, 2680, 11, 290, 28499, 13, 198, 14617, 44039, 10481, 319, 4243, 15710, 5857, 326, 4539, 287, 2166, 286, 617, 286, 262, 7022, 447, 247, 82, 19711, 11, 1390, 262, 31248, 3498, 47847, 28345, 13, 198, 14662, 33427, 2342, 625, 9004, 286, 262, 10481, 329, 2087, 3747, 13, 198, 45, 31385, 3288, 20354, 1627, 262, 10481, 13, 198, 13681, 329, 6409, 4568, 11, 1390, 14899, 11, 3013, 273, 365, 2680, 11, 290, 4252, 8664, 722, 13, 198, 14772, 17454, 325 ]
[ 311, 84375, 279, 10886, 315, 7188, 13378, 627, 2460, 4330, 11709, 369, 1057, 5652, 4883, 315, 12468, 336, 8476, 311, 10573, 5052, 420, 29561, 13, 4427, 315, 872, 7224, 527, 502, 26, 3885, 527, 9749, 3243, 4804, 430, 617, 6052, 311, 279, 40405, 1306, 1667, 304, 8579, 5357, 13, 4427, 527, 3339, 711, 83, 11, 18300, 398, 6366, 17929, 354, 73814, 505, 21293, 13345, 311, 16376, 32207, 13, 26080, 617, 4529, 6908, 37387, 304, 33489, 477, 527, 11935, 1778, 85305, 291, 13918, 439, 279, 36903, 435, 6627, 3385, 369, 872, 837, 4754, 627, 2170, 264, 1912, 11, 814, 527, 25146, 264, 502, 29561, 482, 832, 430, 31442, 3201, 2466, 11, 5536, 32505, 43855, 369, 279, 2819, 430, 13517, 7263, 33651, 311, 7188, 25, 506, 30970, 519, 14098, 11, 11148, 685, 323, 264, 39375, 311, 1464, 279, 5718, 627, 4897, 10824, 21935, 35491, 311, 1057, 2162, 62376, 4754, 13, 578, 37843, 311, 279, 53865, 34937, 26420, 430, 1070, 527, 13077, 14373, 311, 733, 449, 279, 6366, 51331, 323, 5820, 24525, 11, 2737, 24269, 11, 97806, 6427, 11, 323, 51129, 627, 6720, 68539, 11573, 389, 8211, 46725, 430, 8640, 304, 4156, 315, 1063, 315, 279, 13218, 753, 28377, 11, 2737, 279, 53865, 11868, 25772, 34937, 627, 43, 333, 797, 55708, 3821, 927, 14491, 315, 279, 11573, 369, 3779, 7296, 627, 68837, 788, 5933, 34239, 1584, 279, 11573, 627, 22111, 369, 12387, 7640, 11, 2737, 24269, 11, 97806, 6427, 11, 323, 7160, 65, 44661, 627, 8921, 393, 13559 ]
[ 374, 264, 1317, 14841, 315, 7060, 9462, 389, 279, 11226, 13962, 315, 8211, 46725, 10951, 11, 279, 4948, 68067, 304, 279, 58980, 331, 37907, 5438, 82179, 6438, 13, 578, 9462, 374, 32393, 449, 5933, 34239, 315, 3090, 11, 14454, 994, 279, 3090, 52307, 439, 279, 43038, 4442, 13, 578, 43038, 5196, 374, 1633, 18222, 389, 279, 18266, 11, 323, 4442, 6957, 279, 1060, 627, 29755, 311, 279, 11573, 374, 4382, 369, 15051, 315, 279, 14373, 53865, 11868, 25772, 34937, 323, 279, 9333, 8810, 7830, 11, 5034, 51608, 56927, 361, 11, 2225, 315, 902, 527, 7559, 389, 420, 3185, 315, 279, 13218, 13, 1102, 374, 4461, 11, 2288, 11, 430, 5034, 393, 13559, 690, 387, 701, 1176, 1972, 21455, 315, 8211, 46725, 10951, 11, 439, 279, 13218, 753, 17004, 1919, 374, 7559, 389, 279, 11573, 11, 23391, 264, 6366, 62081, 1684, 439, 499, 17782, 389, 279, 13218, 627, 791, 11573, 5196, 6209, 5361, 7640, 11, 2737, 24269, 11, 97806, 6427, 11, 323, 51129, 13, 6104, 279, 3090, 374, 7170, 2288, 26682, 311, 16587, 11, 5423, 520, 3428, 43038, 11, 433, 374, 7170, 3284, 311, 16120, 383, 304, 279, 6366, 3090, 1618, 11, 1903, 30549, 555, 279, 9546, 315, 10345, 797, 55708, 389, 14491, 315, 279, 11573, 439, 1664, 13, 31909, 430, 11, 1070, 527, 7160, 2788, 82, 323, 83665, 26246, 9041, 4028, 279, 11573, 11, 779, 5034, 393, 13559, 374, 1101, 279, 4832, 2035, 369, 34948, 11, 7160, 65, 44661, 11, 477, 4737, 264, 1464, 505, 279, 8631 ]
. Herber, Keith. (2007). "On 'The Haunted House.'" In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media, edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. London, MIT Press. 41-43. Hite, Kenneth (2007). "Narrative Structure and Creative Tension in Call of Cthulhu." In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media, edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. London, MIT Press. 31-40. Joshi, S. T. (2003). Primal Sources: Essays on H. P. Lovecraft. New York: Hippocampus Press. Lovecraft, H. P. (1935). "Supernatural Horror in Literature." In H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, edited by August Derleth (2000). London: Voyager. 423-512. Murray, Margaret (1921). The Witch-Cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Stevens, Duncan (1999). Rev. of Anchorhead, by Michael S. Gentry. In SPAG
. Herber, Keith. (2007). "On 'The Haunted House.'" In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media, edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. London, MIT Press. 41-43. Hite, Kenneth (2007). "Narrative Structure and Creative Tension in Call of Cthulhu." In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media, edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. London, MIT Press. 31-40. Joshi, S. T. (2003). Primal Sources: Essays on H. P. Lovecraft. New York: Hippocampus Press. Lovecraft, H. P. (1935). "Supernatural Horror in Literature." In H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, edited by August Derleth (2000). London: Voyager. 423-512. Murray, Margaret (1921). The Witch-Cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Stevens, Duncan (1999). Rev. of Anchorhead, by Michael S. Gentry. In SPAG
18. Games Cited Anchorhead. Michael S. Gentry; The Interactive Fiction Archive. 1999. Arkham Horror. Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson; Fantasy Flight Games. 2005. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. Headfirst Productions; Bethesda Softworks. 2005. Van Leavenworth. “Playing with the Mythos”, Electronic Book Review, December 25, 2007, Leavenworth, Van. Filed Under: first person J. Yellowlees Douglas responds by J. Yellowlees Douglas Ken Perlin responds in turn by Ken Perlin The Unit Is in the Eye of the Beholder by Emily Short “Is this for real? Is that a stupid question?”: A Review of Dennis Cooper’s The Sluts by Megan Milks Leavenworth’s allusion to “forbidden” and “life-altering” knowledge evokes Goethe’s Faust, a text Marjorie Perloff dwells on in her reivew of Franco Moretti. How the Roles Society Assigns Men and Women Factor Into Sexual Abuse in Schools About a month ago, I
[ 13, 198, 9360, 527, 11, 14926, 13, 357, 12726, 737, 366, 2202, 705, 464, 43884, 2097, 11496, 554, 5498, 7755, 25, 20934, 12, 36530, 290, 8362, 287, 5776, 290, 3811, 540, 6343, 11, 13012, 416, 3208, 2113, 35631, 290, 18394, 12150, 5528, 12, 37, 622, 259, 13, 3576, 11, 17168, 4332, 13, 6073, 12, 3559, 13, 198, 39, 578, 11, 23632, 357, 12726, 737, 366, 45750, 876, 32522, 290, 17404, 309, 3004, 287, 4889, 286, 39316, 526, 554, 5498, 7755, 25, 20934, 12, 36530, 290, 8362, 287, 5776, 290, 3811, 540, 6343, 11, 13012, 416, 3208, 2113, 35631, 290, 18394, 12150, 5528, 12, 37, 622, 259, 13, 3576, 11, 17168, 4332, 13, 3261, 12, 1821, 13, 198, 41, 13704, 11, 311, 13, 309, 13, 357, 16088, 737, 37712, 26406, 25, 11985, 592, 319, 367, 13, 350, 13, 37655, 13, 968, 1971, 25, 33812, 26047, 385, 4332, 13, 198, 18565, 3323, 11, 367, 13, 350, 13, 357, 1129, 2327, 737, 366, 12442, 11802, 22732, 287, 33818, 526, 554, 367, 13, 350, 13, 37655, 31816, 26333, 362, 25, 360, 1840, 290, 3819, 4100, 46241, 15214, 11, 13012, 416, 2932, 9626, 293, 400, 357, 11024, 737, 3576, 25, 34124, 13, 49125, 12, 25836, 13, 198, 49998, 11, 19579, 357, 1129, 2481, 737, 383, 14522, 12, 34, 586, 287, 4885, 2031, 25, 317, 12481, 287, 50171, 13, 13643, 25, 22736, 358, 261, 4332, 13, 198, 28292, 82, 11, 18625, 357, 18946, 737, 5416, 13, 286, 29253, 273, 2256, 11, 416, 3899, 311, 13, 402, 13000, 13, 554, 311, 4537, 38 ]
[ 627, 21364, 655, 11, 32602, 13, 320, 1049, 22, 570, 330, 1966, 364, 791, 14433, 28736, 4783, 30251, 763, 10657, 7508, 25, 15766, 12, 28571, 323, 15457, 304, 11871, 323, 7199, 481, 7972, 11, 19685, 555, 7281, 15591, 11118, 323, 43084, 27738, 4664, 7424, 2739, 258, 13, 7295, 11, 15210, 8612, 13, 220, 3174, 12, 3391, 627, 39, 635, 11, 49498, 320, 1049, 22, 570, 330, 64379, 1413, 29696, 323, 25248, 350, 2711, 304, 7290, 315, 356, 339, 360, 17156, 1210, 763, 10657, 7508, 25, 15766, 12, 28571, 323, 15457, 304, 11871, 323, 7199, 481, 7972, 11, 19685, 555, 7281, 15591, 11118, 323, 43084, 27738, 4664, 7424, 2739, 258, 13, 7295, 11, 15210, 8612, 13, 220, 2148, 12, 1272, 627, 41, 32945, 11, 328, 13, 350, 13, 320, 1049, 18, 570, 2394, 2931, 48132, 25, 56714, 389, 473, 13, 393, 13, 10919, 7868, 13, 1561, 4356, 25, 75463, 511, 44651, 8612, 627, 29351, 7868, 11, 473, 13, 393, 13, 320, 7285, 20, 570, 330, 10254, 944, 4688, 52812, 304, 47470, 1210, 763, 473, 13, 393, 13, 10919, 7868, 90934, 34495, 220, 17, 25, 423, 6241, 323, 7089, 7553, 370, 265, 54955, 11, 19685, 555, 6287, 13031, 273, 339, 320, 1049, 15, 570, 7295, 25, 86260, 13, 220, 19711, 12, 8358, 627, 44, 24648, 11, 38649, 320, 5926, 16, 570, 578, 39450, 7813, 495, 304, 11104, 4606, 25, 362, 19723, 304, 70384, 2508, 13, 26275, 25, 2493, 53945, 263, 8612, 627, 626, 5230, 729, 11, 42409, 320, 2550, 24, 570, 10315, 13, 315, 49872, 2025, 11, 555, 8096, 328, 13, 480, 4177, 13, 763, 9440, 1929 ]
[ 220, 972, 627, 36907, 356, 1639, 198, 15019, 2025, 13, 8096, 328, 13, 480, 4177, 26, 578, 42966, 43754, 30802, 13, 220, 2550, 24, 627, 91888, 5721, 52812, 13, 12131, 5034, 359, 9334, 323, 16768, 17882, 26, 27582, 27675, 11871, 13, 220, 1049, 20, 627, 7368, 315, 356, 339, 360, 17156, 25, 12538, 22036, 388, 315, 279, 9420, 13, 11452, 3983, 52964, 26, 79431, 25046, 19033, 13, 220, 1049, 20, 627, 46324, 2009, 5389, 20069, 13, 1054, 28571, 449, 279, 47595, 437, 9520, 35269, 6017, 10506, 11, 6790, 220, 914, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 11, 2009, 5389, 20069, 11, 13000, 627, 89182, 9636, 25, 1176, 1732, 198, 41, 13, 26541, 273, 288, 31164, 31680, 198, 1729, 622, 13, 26541, 273, 288, 31164, 198, 48341, 3700, 3817, 31680, 304, 2543, 198, 1729, 14594, 3700, 3817, 198, 791, 8113, 2209, 304, 279, 28929, 315, 279, 14954, 2061, 198, 1729, 35266, 10928, 198, 2118, 3957, 420, 369, 1972, 30, 2209, 430, 264, 18754, 3488, 12671, 25, 362, 10506, 315, 35727, 24421, 753, 578, 6995, 6256, 198, 1729, 55629, 10357, 2857, 198, 2356, 5389, 20069, 753, 682, 7713, 311, 1054, 2000, 22886, 863, 323, 1054, 14789, 19308, 60485, 863, 6677, 3721, 8099, 6122, 19030, 753, 18145, 592, 11, 264, 1495, 2947, 73, 30303, 3700, 94138, 14156, 6572, 389, 304, 1077, 312, 344, 365, 315, 44943, 4497, 98565, 13, 2650, 279, 52007, 13581, 32739, 82, 11258, 323, 11215, 38829, 32745, 39767, 46784, 304, 31483, 198, 10714, 264, 2305, 4227, 11, 358 ]
by 2050. He said that composting would reduce approximately 80,000 tonnes carbon dioxide between 2023-2050. Cowesses First Nation in Saskatchewan received $630,000 to put solar arrays on its property. These arrays now account for approximately 60% of the nation’s annual electricity consumption. Chief of Cowessess First Nation Cadmus Delorme praised the project for its important role in Canada’s reconciliation process with Indigenous peoples. He also said that workers who received training from the experience have been able to find work in other parts of the province. However, the descriptions of these projects are small and provide context for Canada’s challenges in meeting its emissions reductions goals. In 2019, The latest data available from governmentThe country emitted 730million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2009, up from 694million tonnes in 2009. 52 percent of total emissions were attributed to the oil-and-gas and transport sectors. This amounts to approximately 379.6million tonnes. Oilpatch spending will rise, while some oil producers aim for a debt free future Hydrogen power to be a new dimension in energy geopolitics We are witnessing the birth and growth of an industry in Alberta as we race to develop carbon capture technologies
by 2050. He said that composting would reduce approximately 80,000 tonnes carbon dioxide between 2023-2050. Cowesses First Nation in Saskatchewan received $630,000 to put solar arrays on its property. These arrays now account for approximately 60% of the nation’s annual electricity consumption. Chief of Cowessess First Nation Cadmus Delorme praised the project for its important role in Canada’s reconciliation process with Indigenous peoples. He also said that workers who received training from the experience have been able to find work in other parts of the province. However, the descriptions of these projects are small and provide context for Canada’s challenges in meeting its emissions reductions goals. In 2019, The latest data available from governmentThe country emitted 730million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2009, up from 694million tonnes in 2009. 52 percent of total emissions were attributed to the oil-and-gas and transport sectors. This amounts to approximately 379.6million tonnes. Oilpatch spending will rise, while some oil producers aim for a debt free future Hydrogen power to be a new dimension in energy geopolitics We are witnessing the birth and growth of an industry in Alberta as we race to develop carbon capture technologies
Canada needs clarity in its energy policy around carbon capture in order to get projects off of the ground The government wants new vehicles to emit zero emissions by 2035. There are interim targets. According to estimates, the oil and natural gas industry will need to invest $75 billion in carbon capture systems and other technology to reach net-zero emission by 2050. A group representing the industry suggested that the government contribute up to two-thirds of this amount. Already there is opposition, including a letter signed last week by more than 400 scientists, academics, and others who claim that carbon-capture technology has not been proven and is expensive. They asked the government to halt its proposed tax credit for carbon capture investments. This would be a subsidy for fossil fuels. Guilbeault is expected release his plan for reducing emissions by March 31st. He has also stated that he opposes new fossil-fuel subsidies. Environment & Waste Management Technician He said that it was impossible to combat climate change while encouraging the production and consumption of fossil fuels financially. Email: [email protected] | Twitter: GabeFriedz If you enjoyed this story, subscribe to the FP Energy Newsletter for more. This article can be shared in your social networks
[ 416, 32215, 13, 679, 531, 326, 36541, 278, 561, 4646, 6702, 4019, 11, 830, 26840, 6588, 17556, 1022, 1160, 1954, 12, 1238, 1120, 13, 198, 40147, 44667, 3274, 8741, 287, 31346, 2722, 720, 30005, 11, 830, 284, 1234, 6591, 26515, 319, 663, 3119, 13, 2312, 26515, 783, 1848, 329, 6702, 3126, 4, 286, 262, 3277, 447, 247, 82, 5079, 8744, 7327, 13, 198, 23675, 286, 10417, 408, 408, 3274, 8741, 20517, 14664, 4216, 579, 68, 15342, 262, 1628, 329, 663, 1593, 2597, 287, 3340, 447, 247, 82, 27515, 1429, 351, 24033, 14366, 13, 679, 635, 531, 326, 3259, 508, 2722, 3047, 422, 262, 1998, 423, 587, 1498, 284, 1064, 670, 287, 584, 3354, 286, 262, 8473, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 262, 16969, 286, 777, 4493, 389, 1402, 290, 2148, 4732, 329, 3340, 447, 247, 82, 6459, 287, 3249, 663, 8971, 20691, 4661, 13, 198, 818, 13130, 11, 383, 3452, 1366, 1695, 422, 1230, 464, 1499, 31234, 767, 1270, 14100, 26840, 286, 6588, 17556, 7548, 287, 3717, 11, 510, 422, 718, 5824, 14100, 26840, 287, 3717, 13, 6740, 1411, 286, 2472, 8971, 547, 14183, 284, 262, 3056, 12, 392, 12, 22649, 290, 4839, 16020, 13, 770, 6867, 284, 6702, 45937, 13, 21, 14100, 26840, 13, 198, 44142, 17147, 4581, 481, 4485, 11, 981, 617, 3056, 11408, 4031, 329, 257, 5057, 1479, 2003, 198, 40436, 8648, 1176, 284, 307, 257, 649, 15793, 287, 2568, 30324, 21704, 198, 1135, 389, 31121, 262, 4082, 290, 3349, 286, 281, 2831, 287, 15555, 355, 356, 3234, 284, 1205, 6588, 8006, 8514, 198 ]
[ 555, 220, 10866, 15, 13, 1283, 1071, 430, 57823, 287, 1053, 8108, 13489, 220, 1490, 11, 931, 52021, 12782, 40589, 1990, 220, 2366, 18, 12, 10866, 15, 627, 91015, 65970, 5629, 17671, 304, 66253, 4036, 400, 18660, 11, 931, 311, 2231, 13238, 18893, 389, 1202, 3424, 13, 4314, 18893, 1457, 2759, 369, 13489, 220, 1399, 4, 315, 279, 7140, 753, 9974, 18200, 15652, 627, 66907, 315, 22607, 434, 434, 5629, 17671, 33160, 38827, 7462, 494, 68, 37475, 279, 2447, 369, 1202, 3062, 3560, 304, 7008, 753, 58755, 1920, 449, 47103, 32538, 13, 1283, 1101, 1071, 430, 7487, 889, 4036, 4967, 505, 279, 3217, 617, 1027, 3025, 311, 1505, 990, 304, 1023, 5596, 315, 279, 17271, 627, 11458, 11, 279, 28887, 315, 1521, 7224, 527, 2678, 323, 3493, 2317, 369, 7008, 753, 11774, 304, 6574, 1202, 20748, 47311, 9021, 627, 644, 220, 679, 24, 11, 578, 5652, 828, 2561, 505, 3109, 791, 3224, 48042, 220, 20785, 59413, 52021, 315, 12782, 40589, 13890, 304, 220, 1049, 24, 11, 709, 505, 220, 25392, 59413, 52021, 304, 220, 1049, 24, 13, 220, 4103, 3346, 315, 2860, 20748, 1051, 30706, 311, 279, 5707, 9976, 2427, 300, 323, 7710, 26593, 13, 1115, 15055, 311, 13489, 220, 19867, 13, 21, 59413, 52021, 627, 78009, 3482, 10374, 690, 10205, 11, 1418, 1063, 5707, 24190, 9395, 369, 264, 11897, 1949, 3938, 198, 31916, 11513, 4469, 2410, 311, 387, 264, 502, 13167, 304, 4907, 74556, 48079, 198, 1687, 527, 70042, 279, 7342, 323, 6650, 315, 459, 5064, 304, 33654, 439, 584, 7102, 311, 2274, 12782, 12602, 14645, 198 ]
[ 37031, 3966, 32373, 304, 1202, 4907, 4947, 2212, 12782, 12602, 304, 2015, 311, 636, 7224, 1022, 315, 279, 5015, 198, 791, 3109, 6944, 502, 11731, 311, 17105, 7315, 20748, 555, 220, 9639, 20, 13, 2684, 527, 41653, 11811, 627, 11439, 311, 17989, 11, 279, 5707, 323, 5933, 6962, 5064, 690, 1205, 311, 2793, 400, 2075, 7239, 304, 12782, 12602, 6067, 323, 1023, 5557, 311, 5662, 4272, 38029, 41353, 555, 220, 10866, 15, 13, 362, 1912, 14393, 279, 5064, 12090, 430, 279, 3109, 17210, 709, 311, 1403, 45726, 315, 420, 3392, 627, 39470, 1070, 374, 14076, 11, 2737, 264, 6661, 8667, 1566, 2046, 555, 810, 1109, 220, 3443, 14248, 11, 48709, 11, 323, 3885, 889, 3802, 430, 12782, 1824, 12114, 5557, 706, 539, 1027, 17033, 323, 374, 11646, 13, 2435, 4691, 279, 3109, 311, 27365, 1202, 11223, 3827, 6807, 369, 12782, 12602, 22538, 13, 1115, 1053, 387, 264, 68747, 369, 31376, 40373, 627, 17198, 321, 1395, 957, 374, 3685, 4984, 813, 3197, 369, 18189, 20748, 555, 5587, 220, 2148, 267, 13, 1283, 706, 1101, 11224, 430, 568, 76312, 502, 31376, 2269, 4088, 43121, 627, 13013, 612, 49522, 9744, 60156, 198, 1548, 1071, 430, 433, 574, 12266, 311, 12896, 10182, 2349, 1418, 26921, 279, 5788, 323, 15652, 315, 31376, 40373, 39075, 627, 4886, 25, 42988, 4588, 1543, 31, 2252, 7551, 916, 765, 6405, 25, 480, 8393, 37, 4588, 89, 198, 2746, 499, 14333, 420, 3446, 11, 18447, 311, 279, 34651, 12634, 39693, 369, 810, 627, 2028, 4652, 649, 387, 6222, 304, 701, 3674, 14488 ]
can save the list of folders only to a disk file in XML, CSV, or tab delimited format for importing into a database. DDFileCatcher can also list files, with over file properties available. For example to list all the files in a folder and to search subfolders. This chapter, many readers think, contains the culmination of the novel: the instant when Holden decides to refuse the imagination of the cabin in the West and reconnect with his home. Some readers explain his decision as a sort of crash or at least an acceptance of hopelessness because of Holden’s reaction to the shameful graffiti he encounters where children will see it. Readers are right that Holden decides he cannot clean up the world to make it safe for innocent children. However, it may be that Holden has grasped that the cause he’d taken up, to be the “catcher” of the children near the cliff, is unrealistic, or at least that he’s going about the job wrong. Whatever Holden’s adult life entails, it won’t involve pretending to be a deaf-mute, avoiding conversation, and trying to rub out offending words. He turns his back on that hopeless quest and focuses instead on the children�
can save the list of folders only to a disk file in XML, CSV, or tab delimited format for importing into a database. DDFileCatcher can also list files, with over file properties available. For example to list all the files in a folder and to search subfolders. This chapter, many readers think, contains the culmination of the novel: the instant when Holden decides to refuse the imagination of the cabin in the West and reconnect with his home. Some readers explain his decision as a sort of crash or at least an acceptance of hopelessness because of Holden’s reaction to the shameful graffiti he encounters where children will see it. Readers are right that Holden decides he cannot clean up the world to make it safe for innocent children. However, it may be that Holden has grasped that the cause he’d taken up, to be the “catcher” of the children near the cliff, is unrealistic, or at least that he’s going about the job wrong. Whatever Holden’s adult life entails, it won’t involve pretending to be a deaf-mute, avoiding conversation, and trying to rub out offending words. He turns his back on that hopeless quest and focuses instead on the children�
�s willingness to reach out for the gold ring, despite the risks. You like your Cadillac? You will love your Kid Kustoms! Sure that’s not the “everybody” stroller, but a visit on the Kid Kustoms strollers website is a pleasure not to miss! Real vehicles which remind some old cars, designed to glorify the 50’S, with brillant chromes and aluminium rims! A collection of very original strollers availables for 2000$ to 3500$ depends on models and options, but including the guaranty to never more go unnoticed! What happens when a man with a checkered past comes face to face with a woman whose past is as mysterious as his? As writers, we tell our stories with the best words we can choose. Then we suffer through the agonies of one re-write after another. And finally, with fear in our hearts, we put the final period in place and send the book spiraling through cyberspace to Amazon. I was both honored and flattered when The Association of Texas Authors gave Back Side of a Blue Moon its Best of Texas Book Award for Historical fiction. I guess the stars were aligned just right.
[ 460, 3613, 262, 1351, 286, 24512, 691, 284, 257, 11898, 2393, 287, 23735, 11, 44189, 11, 393, 7400, 46728, 863, 5794, 329, 33332, 656, 257, 6831, 13, 198, 35, 8068, 576, 21979, 2044, 460, 635, 1351, 3696, 11, 351, 625, 2393, 6608, 1695, 13, 1114, 1672, 284, 1351, 477, 262, 3696, 287, 257, 9483, 290, 284, 2989, 850, 11379, 364, 13, 770, 6843, 11, 867, 7183, 892, 11, 4909, 262, 41089, 286, 262, 5337, 25, 262, 9113, 618, 43393, 13267, 284, 11148, 262, 13843, 286, 262, 9351, 287, 262, 2688, 290, 37671, 351, 465, 1363, 13, 2773, 7183, 4727, 465, 2551, 355, 257, 3297, 286, 7014, 393, 379, 1551, 281, 13427, 286, 23292, 1108, 780, 286, 43393, 447, 247, 82, 6317, 284, 262, 34078, 28530, 339, 16925, 810, 1751, 481, 766, 340, 13, 41969, 389, 826, 326, 43393, 13267, 339, 2314, 3424, 510, 262, 995, 284, 787, 340, 3338, 329, 10218, 1751, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 340, 743, 307, 326, 43393, 468, 45569, 326, 262, 2728, 339, 447, 247, 67, 2077, 510, 11, 284, 307, 262, 564, 250, 9246, 2044, 447, 251, 286, 262, 1751, 1474, 262, 19516, 11, 318, 31363, 11, 393, 379, 1551, 326, 339, 447, 247, 82, 1016, 546, 262, 1693, 2642, 13, 15935, 43393, 447, 247, 82, 4044, 1204, 35445, 11, 340, 1839, 447, 247, 83, 6211, 23662, 284, 307, 257, 21815, 12, 76, 1133, 11, 14928, 5273, 11, 290, 2111, 284, 6437, 503, 30810, 2456, 13, 679, 4962, 465, 736, 319, 326, 23292, 1235, 290, 13692, 2427, 319, 262, 1751, 4210 ]
[ 649, 3665, 279, 1160, 315, 30342, 1193, 311, 264, 13668, 1052, 304, 12138, 11, 28545, 11, 477, 5769, 86428, 3645, 369, 50995, 1139, 264, 4729, 627, 4195, 1738, 34, 29158, 649, 1101, 1160, 3626, 11, 449, 927, 1052, 6012, 2561, 13, 1789, 3187, 311, 1160, 682, 279, 3626, 304, 264, 8695, 323, 311, 2778, 1207, 68455, 13, 1115, 12735, 11, 1690, 13016, 1781, 11, 5727, 279, 93301, 315, 279, 11775, 25, 279, 9888, 994, 87485, 28727, 311, 26122, 279, 28899, 315, 279, 13691, 304, 279, 4410, 323, 51136, 449, 813, 2162, 13, 4427, 13016, 10552, 813, 5597, 439, 264, 3460, 315, 10121, 477, 520, 3325, 459, 26586, 315, 3987, 33028, 1606, 315, 87485, 753, 13010, 311, 279, 84294, 65943, 568, 35006, 1405, 2911, 690, 1518, 433, 13, 65514, 527, 1314, 430, 87485, 28727, 568, 4250, 4335, 709, 279, 1917, 311, 1304, 433, 6220, 369, 25226, 2911, 627, 11458, 11, 433, 1253, 387, 430, 87485, 706, 50087, 7018, 430, 279, 5353, 568, 7070, 4529, 709, 11, 311, 387, 279, 1054, 7320, 261, 863, 315, 279, 2911, 3221, 279, 44106, 11, 374, 71985, 11, 477, 520, 3325, 430, 568, 753, 2133, 922, 279, 2683, 5076, 13, 33739, 87485, 753, 6822, 2324, 71204, 11, 433, 2834, 1431, 21736, 55906, 311, 387, 264, 47842, 1474, 1088, 11, 31526, 10652, 11, 323, 4560, 311, 10485, 704, 70669, 4339, 13, 1283, 10800, 813, 1203, 389, 430, 75323, 2271, 323, 24400, 4619, 389, 279, 2911, 5809 ]
[ 52063, 39375, 311, 5662, 704, 369, 279, 6761, 10264, 11, 8994, 279, 15635, 13, 1472, 1093, 701, 78595, 30, 1472, 690, 3021, 701, 32666, 735, 1476, 82, 4999, 40914, 430, 753, 539, 279, 1054, 30115, 2664, 863, 357, 1496, 11, 719, 264, 4034, 389, 279, 32666, 735, 1476, 82, 357, 7421, 3997, 374, 264, 17069, 539, 311, 3194, 4999, 13058, 11731, 902, 24928, 1063, 2362, 9515, 11, 6319, 311, 58135, 1463, 279, 220, 1135, 40702, 11, 449, 18041, 519, 22083, 288, 323, 55993, 98262, 0, 362, 4526, 315, 1633, 4113, 357, 7421, 2561, 82, 369, 220, 1049, 15, 3, 311, 220, 8652, 15, 3, 14117, 389, 4211, 323, 2671, 11, 719, 2737, 279, 9536, 519, 88, 311, 2646, 810, 733, 78023, 0, 3639, 8741, 994, 264, 893, 449, 264, 1817, 12616, 3347, 4131, 3663, 311, 3663, 449, 264, 5333, 6832, 3347, 374, 439, 26454, 439, 813, 5380, 2170, 16483, 11, 584, 3371, 1057, 7493, 449, 279, 1888, 4339, 584, 649, 5268, 627, 12487, 584, 7831, 1555, 279, 57770, 552, 315, 832, 312, 63162, 1306, 2500, 627, 3112, 5616, 11, 449, 8850, 304, 1057, 23492, 11, 584, 2231, 279, 1620, 4261, 304, 2035, 323, 3708, 279, 2363, 18823, 6260, 1555, 9693, 1941, 1330, 311, 8339, 627, 40, 574, 2225, 39377, 323, 1344, 22688, 994, 578, 10229, 315, 8421, 25095, 6688, 6984, 17072, 315, 264, 8868, 17781, 1202, 7252, 315, 8421, 6017, 17768, 369, 41143, 17422, 627, 40, 8101, 279, 9958, 1051, 27210, 1120, 1314, 13 ]
subsp. medellin into toxicB. sphaericus strains by electroporation. The level of expression of the gene differed according to the strain into which the gene was transferred. Only strain 2297(pcyt1Ab1) produced Cyt1Ab1 protein in amounts large enough to be detected as a band by SDS-PAGE. The recombinant strain 2297(pcyt1Ab1) produced two cuboid crystalline inclusion bodies inside the exosporium: a large crystal surrounded by an envelope which probably contains the binary toxin (5a) and an additional inclusion body thought to contain the Cyt1Ab1 cytolytic protein (Fig. 5A). Immunocytochemical studies are required to confirm the contents of the inclusion bodies. The B. sphaericus recombinant strains Iab872 and 2362 did not produce any additional crystals. This is consistent with the work of Bar et al. (1), who observed no extra crystals after introducing the genes encoding the Cyt1Aa1 (and/or Cry11A) from B. thuringiensis subsp.israelensis into B. sphaericus 2362. Other Cry4B and Cry11
subsp. medellin into toxicB. sphaericus strains by electroporation. The level of expression of the gene differed according to the strain into which the gene was transferred. Only strain 2297(pcyt1Ab1) produced Cyt1Ab1 protein in amounts large enough to be detected as a band by SDS-PAGE. The recombinant strain 2297(pcyt1Ab1) produced two cuboid crystalline inclusion bodies inside the exosporium: a large crystal surrounded by an envelope which probably contains the binary toxin (5a) and an additional inclusion body thought to contain the Cyt1Ab1 cytolytic protein (Fig. 5A). Immunocytochemical studies are required to confirm the contents of the inclusion bodies. The B. sphaericus recombinant strains Iab872 and 2362 did not produce any additional crystals. This is consistent with the work of Bar et al. (1), who observed no extra crystals after introducing the genes encoding the Cyt1Aa1 (and/or Cry11A) from B. thuringiensis subsp.israelensis into B. sphaericus 2362. Other Cry4B and Cry11
A toxins from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis have been synthesized in B. sphaericus 2297 (17), and Cry4B has been synthesized in strains 2362 and 1593 (24). However, an additional crystal was reported only for the recombinant B. sphaericus 2297 strain producing the Cry11A protein (16), although whether the protein accumulated inside or outside the exosporium was not determined. The production of an additional crystal may be recipient strain dependent, because it is only observed in B. sphaericus 2297, whether the gene is located on a plasmid or the chromosome. The introduction of the p19 orp21 gene at the same time may affect the crystallization of the Cry11A and Cyt1Ab1 proteins in B. sphaericus 2297. This effect could be studied by the deletion or interruption of these genes. The production of the Cyt1Ab1 protein in B. thuringiensis SPL407 led to the synthesis of two crystals, one cuboid, with a very homogeneous lattice, and another, with areas of various densities surrounded by an envelope.B. sphaericus 2297(p
[ 850, 2777, 13, 1117, 695, 259, 656, 11422, 33, 13, 599, 3099, 263, 24552, 21245, 416, 1742, 1773, 6944, 13, 383, 1241, 286, 5408, 286, 262, 9779, 36337, 1864, 284, 262, 14022, 656, 543, 262, 9779, 373, 11172, 13, 5514, 14022, 362, 26561, 7, 79, 948, 83, 16, 4826, 16, 8, 4635, 5934, 83, 16, 4826, 16, 7532, 287, 6867, 1588, 1576, 284, 307, 12326, 355, 257, 4097, 416, 311, 5258, 12, 4537, 8264, 13, 383, 44759, 42483, 14022, 362, 26561, 7, 79, 948, 83, 16, 4826, 16, 8, 4635, 734, 13617, 1868, 31578, 500, 14900, 5920, 2641, 262, 409, 418, 1819, 1505, 25, 257, 1588, 15121, 11191, 416, 281, 22878, 543, 2192, 4909, 262, 13934, 43026, 357, 20, 64, 8, 290, 281, 3224, 14900, 1767, 1807, 284, 3994, 262, 5934, 83, 16, 4826, 16, 3075, 1462, 306, 13370, 7532, 357, 14989, 13, 642, 32, 737, 25445, 13733, 83, 32864, 3640, 389, 2672, 284, 6216, 262, 10154, 286, 262, 14900, 5920, 13, 198, 464, 347, 13, 599, 3099, 263, 24552, 44759, 42483, 21245, 314, 397, 23, 4761, 290, 2242, 5237, 750, 407, 4439, 597, 3224, 24770, 13, 770, 318, 6414, 351, 262, 670, 286, 2409, 2123, 435, 13, 357, 16, 828, 508, 6515, 645, 3131, 24770, 706, 16118, 262, 10812, 21004, 262, 5934, 83, 16, 32, 64, 16, 357, 392, 14, 273, 8152, 1157, 32, 8, 422, 347, 13, 294, 870, 10465, 271, 850, 2777, 13, 271, 2510, 37834, 656, 347, 13, 599, 3099, 263, 24552, 2242, 5237, 13, 3819, 8152, 19, 33, 290, 8152, 1157 ]
[ 1207, 2203, 13, 1812, 616, 258, 1139, 21503, 33, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 42400, 555, 4135, 897, 7769, 13, 578, 2237, 315, 7645, 315, 279, 15207, 89075, 4184, 311, 279, 26800, 1139, 902, 279, 15207, 574, 23217, 13, 8442, 26800, 220, 14378, 22, 1319, 11377, 83, 16, 5953, 16, 8, 9124, 356, 16820, 16, 5953, 16, 13128, 304, 15055, 3544, 3403, 311, 387, 16914, 439, 264, 7200, 555, 96712, 9483, 3669, 13, 578, 38301, 7006, 519, 26800, 220, 14378, 22, 1319, 11377, 83, 16, 5953, 16, 8, 9124, 1403, 19250, 590, 64568, 483, 28286, 13162, 4871, 279, 506, 437, 4406, 2411, 25, 264, 3544, 26110, 23712, 555, 459, 35498, 902, 4762, 5727, 279, 8026, 98534, 320, 20, 64, 8, 323, 459, 5217, 28286, 2547, 3463, 311, 6782, 279, 356, 16820, 16, 5953, 16, 79909, 5849, 29150, 13128, 320, 30035, 13, 220, 20, 32, 570, 67335, 34946, 998, 32056, 7978, 527, 2631, 311, 7838, 279, 8970, 315, 279, 28286, 13162, 627, 791, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 38301, 7006, 519, 42400, 358, 370, 25303, 323, 220, 14087, 17, 1550, 539, 8356, 904, 5217, 48473, 13, 1115, 374, 13263, 449, 279, 990, 315, 4821, 1880, 453, 13, 320, 16, 705, 889, 13468, 912, 5066, 48473, 1306, 33018, 279, 21389, 11418, 279, 356, 16820, 16, 32, 64, 16, 320, 438, 5255, 43805, 806, 32, 8, 505, 426, 13, 270, 1711, 80463, 285, 1207, 2203, 2124, 6327, 87778, 1139, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14087, 17, 13, 7089, 43805, 19, 33, 323, 43805, 806 ]
[ 32, 62186, 505, 426, 13, 270, 1711, 80463, 285, 1207, 2203, 13, 374, 6327, 87778, 617, 1027, 92106, 304, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14378, 22, 320, 1114, 705, 323, 43805, 19, 33, 706, 1027, 92106, 304, 42400, 220, 14087, 17, 323, 220, 11068, 18, 320, 1187, 570, 4452, 11, 459, 5217, 26110, 574, 5068, 1193, 369, 279, 38301, 7006, 519, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14378, 22, 26800, 17843, 279, 43805, 806, 32, 13128, 320, 845, 705, 8051, 3508, 279, 13128, 41165, 4871, 477, 4994, 279, 506, 437, 4406, 2411, 574, 539, 11075, 13, 578, 5788, 315, 459, 5217, 26110, 1253, 387, 22458, 26800, 18222, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 1193, 13468, 304, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14378, 22, 11, 3508, 279, 15207, 374, 7559, 389, 264, 628, 10753, 307, 477, 279, 51815, 13, 578, 17219, 315, 279, 281, 777, 477, 79, 1691, 15207, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 1253, 7958, 279, 64568, 2065, 315, 279, 43805, 806, 32, 323, 356, 16820, 16, 5953, 16, 28896, 304, 426, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14378, 22, 13, 1115, 2515, 1436, 387, 20041, 555, 279, 37166, 477, 75103, 315, 1521, 21389, 627, 791, 5788, 315, 279, 356, 16820, 16, 5953, 16, 13128, 304, 426, 13, 270, 1711, 80463, 285, 65800, 18501, 6197, 311, 279, 39975, 315, 1403, 48473, 11, 832, 19250, 590, 11, 449, 264, 1633, 87282, 55372, 11, 323, 2500, 11, 449, 5789, 315, 5370, 90816, 23712, 555, 459, 35498, 1823, 13, 274, 4055, 11893, 355, 220, 14378, 22, 1319 ]
water level measurements indicated a remarkable increase of the water after having opened the feeding pipes. Farmers reported that the quality of underground water was improved. It is hoped that this project will be extended into different regions of the kingdom. The net-zero transition needs the circular economy transition – so how do we communicate the link? edie launches new business explains guide on the circular economy Resource Revolution: edie kicks off week of content and online events dedicated to the circular economy Achieving the SDGs: Innovations for People and Planet Achieving the SDGs: A Blueprint for Business Leadership Resource revolution: The Circular Economy Inspiration Sessions Our 2022 in numbers UK businesses have almost £59 billion worth of assets sitting idle Volunteering: The Key to Employee Engagement Home News Local Charlotte County 911 call from woman involved in crash that killed Charlotte County deputy released by Samantha Serbin 8:49 PM EST, Wed November 30, 2022 CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. — Funeral services are now planned for a Charlotte County deputy killed in the line of duty. 23-year-old Christopher Taylor will be honored Wednesday morning at 10 at the Babcock Ranch field house. The public is welcome but parking is
water level measurements indicated a remarkable increase of the water after having opened the feeding pipes. Farmers reported that the quality of underground water was improved. It is hoped that this project will be extended into different regions of the kingdom. The net-zero transition needs the circular economy transition – so how do we communicate the link? edie launches new business explains guide on the circular economy Resource Revolution: edie kicks off week of content and online events dedicated to the circular economy Achieving the SDGs: Innovations for People and Planet Achieving the SDGs: A Blueprint for Business Leadership Resource revolution: The Circular Economy Inspiration Sessions Our 2022 in numbers UK businesses have almost £59 billion worth of assets sitting idle Volunteering: The Key to Employee Engagement Home News Local Charlotte County 911 call from woman involved in crash that killed Charlotte County deputy released by Samantha Serbin 8:49 PM EST, Wed November 30, 2022 CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. — Funeral services are now planned for a Charlotte County deputy killed in the line of duty. 23-year-old Christopher Taylor will be honored Wednesday morning at 10 at the Babcock Ranch field house. The public is welcome but parking is
limited. Those who cannot attend, or would like to support the family after the service, can line up along Piper Road to watch the procession to a private graveside service. ABC7 just obtained newly released 911 calls from the night Cassandra Smith hit Deputy Taylor and a man he’d pulled over on I-75. In a call she made to dispatchers, you hear Smith go from frantic to giggling. She’s going to have to live with the consequences of that night as people pay tribute to Taylor at a growing memorial outside CCSO. Here are a few select bits from Smith’s conversation with dispatch: “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God…. I was trying to get out of the way of the other people in the road, oh my God.” FHP Troopers report Smith was drunk and later refused a breathalyzer. “I was trying to avoid the cars on the road,” Smith told 911. When asked what kind of car she was driving, Smith laughed and said, “I have no idea. It’s a rental.” The dispatcher proceeded to ask the color of the Jeep which Smith also didn
[ 1660, 1241, 13871, 8203, 257, 11004, 2620, 286, 262, 1660, 706, 1719, 4721, 262, 13017, 19860, 13, 34982, 2098, 326, 262, 3081, 286, 11447, 1660, 373, 6596, 13, 632, 318, 10719, 326, 428, 1628, 481, 307, 7083, 656, 1180, 7652, 286, 262, 13239, 13, 198, 464, 2010, 12, 22570, 6801, 2476, 262, 18620, 3773, 6801, 784, 523, 703, 466, 356, 10996, 262, 2792, 30, 198, 276, 494, 18617, 649, 1597, 6688, 5698, 319, 262, 18620, 3773, 198, 26198, 9303, 25, 1225, 494, 17364, 572, 1285, 286, 2695, 290, 2691, 2995, 7256, 284, 262, 18620, 3773, 198, 32, 3043, 1075, 262, 9834, 33884, 25, 43405, 602, 329, 4380, 290, 11397, 198, 32, 3043, 1075, 262, 9834, 33884, 25, 317, 39932, 329, 7320, 26935, 198, 26198, 5854, 25, 383, 7672, 934, 18493, 25300, 15297, 15184, 198, 5122, 33160, 287, 3146, 198, 15039, 5692, 423, 2048, 4248, 3270, 2997, 2861, 286, 6798, 5586, 21696, 198, 16598, 6311, 1586, 25, 383, 7383, 284, 36824, 1985, 5082, 5995, 3000, 10714, 14685, 3418, 198, 35549, 869, 422, 2415, 2950, 287, 7014, 326, 2923, 14685, 3418, 10636, 2716, 198, 1525, 34778, 2930, 8800, 198, 23, 25, 2920, 3122, 17160, 11, 3300, 3389, 1542, 11, 33160, 198, 38019, 43, 2394, 9328, 41012, 11, 22026, 13, 851, 11138, 1691, 2594, 389, 783, 6027, 329, 257, 14685, 3418, 10636, 2923, 287, 262, 1627, 286, 7077, 13, 198, 1954, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 12803, 8121, 481, 307, 21014, 3583, 3329, 379, 838, 379, 262, 12400, 21517, 24576, 2214, 2156, 13, 383, 1171, 318, 7062, 475, 7647, 318 ]
[ 3090, 2237, 22323, 16717, 264, 23649, 5376, 315, 279, 3090, 1306, 3515, 9107, 279, 26040, 32275, 13, 63422, 5068, 430, 279, 4367, 315, 26326, 3090, 574, 13241, 13, 1102, 374, 26253, 430, 420, 2447, 690, 387, 11838, 1139, 2204, 13918, 315, 279, 26135, 627, 791, 4272, 38029, 9320, 3966, 279, 28029, 8752, 9320, 1389, 779, 1268, 656, 584, 19570, 279, 2723, 5380, 291, 648, 38175, 502, 2626, 15100, 8641, 389, 279, 28029, 8752, 198, 4888, 22910, 25, 1608, 648, 37350, 1022, 2046, 315, 2262, 323, 2930, 4455, 12514, 311, 279, 28029, 8752, 198, 72685, 4504, 279, 8189, 82252, 25, 55947, 811, 369, 9029, 323, 29935, 198, 72685, 4504, 279, 8189, 82252, 25, 362, 31103, 369, 8184, 37263, 198, 4888, 14110, 25, 578, 46861, 38661, 79577, 31900, 198, 8140, 220, 2366, 17, 304, 5219, 198, 25554, 9873, 617, 4661, 7083, 2946, 7239, 5922, 315, 12032, 11961, 28747, 198, 37461, 11066, 4776, 25, 578, 5422, 311, 17275, 60463, 5492, 5513, 8949, 29473, 6406, 198, 17000, 1650, 505, 5333, 6532, 304, 10121, 430, 7577, 29473, 6406, 27158, 6004, 198, 1729, 63908, 8409, 7006, 198, 23, 25, 2491, 5975, 26963, 11, 6658, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 17, 198, 15594, 16122, 2505, 77176, 11, 54297, 13, 2001, 59449, 3600, 527, 1457, 13205, 369, 264, 29473, 6406, 27158, 7577, 304, 279, 1584, 315, 14523, 627, 1419, 4771, 6418, 26035, 16844, 690, 387, 39377, 8079, 6693, 520, 220, 605, 520, 279, 26441, 38253, 42982, 2115, 3838, 13, 578, 586, 374, 10788, 719, 13217, 374 ]
[ 7347, 627, 23025, 889, 4250, 9604, 11, 477, 1053, 1093, 311, 1862, 279, 3070, 1306, 279, 2532, 11, 649, 1584, 709, 3235, 70907, 9728, 311, 3821, 279, 84814, 311, 264, 879, 62281, 579, 2532, 627, 26484, 22, 1120, 12457, 13945, 6004, 220, 17000, 6880, 505, 279, 3814, 82342, 9259, 4295, 32724, 16844, 323, 264, 893, 568, 7070, 13541, 927, 389, 358, 12, 2075, 627, 644, 264, 1650, 1364, 1903, 311, 6988, 388, 11, 499, 6865, 9259, 733, 505, 89706, 311, 70718, 2785, 13, 3005, 753, 2133, 311, 617, 311, 3974, 449, 279, 16296, 315, 430, 3814, 439, 1274, 2343, 35491, 311, 16844, 520, 264, 7982, 39017, 4994, 74192, 46, 627, 8586, 527, 264, 2478, 3373, 9660, 505, 9259, 753, 10652, 449, 6988, 512, 87990, 856, 4359, 13, 8840, 856, 4359, 13, 8840, 856, 4359, 21060, 358, 574, 4560, 311, 636, 704, 315, 279, 1648, 315, 279, 1023, 1274, 304, 279, 5754, 11, 14346, 856, 4359, 49216, 37, 6748, 19881, 52187, 1934, 9259, 574, 29850, 323, 3010, 16436, 264, 11745, 28264, 627, 10378, 574, 4560, 311, 5766, 279, 9515, 389, 279, 5754, 2476, 9259, 3309, 220, 17000, 627, 4599, 4691, 1148, 3169, 315, 1841, 1364, 574, 10043, 11, 9259, 32627, 323, 1071, 11, 1054, 40, 617, 912, 4623, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 19160, 49216, 791, 39899, 45374, 311, 2610, 279, 1933, 315, 279, 51002, 902, 9259, 1101, 3287 ]
, THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Somerville/Medford Remembering Luis Majano Yanes Somerville/Medford Remembering Gerda E. Hardy Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line: I do not wish to fight to stay in a city that now sucks big time Somerville's & Medford’s #1 Local News Source a href=”http://thesomervillenewsweekly.blog/wp-logln.php?action=logout”Logout</a> Eric Engel on Somerville Remembering Dr. Dav… John Anderson on Letter from the Editor:LOCAL D… Anonymous on Somerville/Cambridge Rememberi… D Shea on Somerville Remembering Joe How… D. Shea on Somerville Remembering Joe How… Roberta Breen on A Message From Katherine Cremi… Cassandra on Letter to the Editor:Somervill… Anonymous on Letter from the Editor:Somervi… Jesus Jeffrey Christ on Letter from the Editor: Defund… Charlie on the MTA on Letter from the Editor: Defund… Dan Elton on Somerville/Medford News Weekly
, THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Somerville/Medford Remembering Luis Majano Yanes Somerville/Medford Remembering Gerda E. Hardy Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line: I do not wish to fight to stay in a city that now sucks big time Somerville's & Medford’s #1 Local News Source a href=”http://thesomervillenewsweekly.blog/wp-logln.php?action=logout”Logout</a> Eric Engel on Somerville Remembering Dr. Dav… John Anderson on Letter from the Editor:LOCAL D… Anonymous on Somerville/Cambridge Rememberi… D Shea on Somerville Remembering Joe How… D. Shea on Somerville Remembering Joe How… Roberta Breen on A Message From Katherine Cremi… Cassandra on Letter to the Editor:Somervill… Anonymous on Letter from the Editor:Somervi… Jesus Jeffrey Christ on Letter from the Editor: Defund… Charlie on the MTA on Letter from the Editor: Defund… Dan Elton on Somerville/Medford News Weekly
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[ 11, 3336, 46586, 5357, 44738, 6158, 25, 198, 50, 296, 33487, 14, 9921, 3841, 11436, 278, 20894, 12390, 5733, 575, 7305, 198, 50, 296, 33487, 14, 9921, 3841, 11436, 278, 13573, 6814, 412, 13, 27583, 198, 50, 296, 33487, 14, 9921, 3841, 3000, 18168, 40802, 929, 6910, 25, 314, 466, 407, 4601, 284, 1907, 284, 2652, 287, 257, 1748, 326, 783, 22523, 1263, 640, 198, 50, 296, 33487, 338, 1222, 2019, 3841, 447, 247, 82, 1303, 16, 10714, 3000, 8090, 198, 64, 13291, 28, 447, 251, 4023, 1378, 83, 956, 296, 712, 359, 268, 15515, 45291, 13, 14036, 14, 24142, 12, 6404, 18755, 13, 10121, 30, 2673, 28, 6404, 448, 447, 251, 11187, 448, 3556, 64, 29, 198, 25004, 46073, 319, 9995, 33487, 11436, 278, 1583, 13, 2544, 1399, 198, 7554, 9918, 319, 18121, 422, 262, 12058, 25, 29701, 1847, 360, 1399, 198, 20660, 319, 9995, 33487, 14, 21701, 9458, 11436, 72, 1399, 198, 35, 42368, 319, 9995, 33487, 11436, 278, 5689, 1374, 1399, 198, 35, 13, 42368, 319, 9995, 33487, 11436, 278, 5689, 1374, 1399, 198, 15924, 8326, 347, 1361, 319, 317, 16000, 3574, 32719, 327, 2787, 72, 1399, 198, 43529, 15918, 319, 18121, 284, 262, 12058, 25, 50, 296, 712, 359, 1399, 198, 20660, 319, 18121, 422, 262, 12058, 25, 50, 296, 712, 72, 1399, 198, 28219, 19627, 1951, 319, 18121, 422, 262, 12058, 25, 2896, 917, 1399, 198, 37136, 319, 262, 48824, 319, 18121, 422, 262, 12058, 25, 2896, 917, 1399, 198, 21174, 2574, 1122, 319, 9995, 33487, 14, 9921, 3841, 3000, 18168 ]
[ 11, 3247, 69461, 3651, 85907, 2390, 512, 50982, 51872, 10482, 291, 8350, 20474, 287, 34297, 31779, 5770, 816, 14997, 198, 50982, 51872, 10482, 291, 8350, 20474, 287, 20524, 3315, 469, 13, 58374, 198, 50982, 51872, 10482, 291, 8350, 5513, 34114, 68301, 455, 7228, 25, 358, 656, 539, 6562, 311, 4465, 311, 4822, 304, 264, 3363, 430, 1457, 40199, 2466, 892, 198, 50982, 51872, 596, 612, 3344, 8350, 753, 674, 16, 8949, 5513, 8922, 198, 64, 1839, 45221, 1277, 1129, 6509, 316, 651, 484, 268, 28844, 72867, 31168, 31846, 47432, 2312, 2348, 58887, 28, 16316, 863, 29058, 524, 64, 397, 50554, 91990, 389, 18024, 51872, 20474, 287, 2999, 13, 5460, 90578, 13379, 21293, 389, 27757, 505, 279, 12865, 25, 40181, 423, 90578, 33784, 389, 18024, 51872, 11547, 309, 14024, 20474, 72, 90578, 35, 86068, 389, 18024, 51872, 20474, 287, 13142, 2650, 90578, 35, 13, 86068, 389, 18024, 51872, 20474, 287, 13142, 2650, 90578, 14804, 23463, 426, 4542, 389, 362, 4961, 5659, 62426, 356, 1864, 72, 90578, 34, 71193, 389, 27757, 311, 279, 12865, 25, 50982, 651, 484, 90578, 33784, 389, 27757, 505, 279, 12865, 25, 50982, 651, 72, 90578, 55065, 42107, 3771, 389, 27757, 505, 279, 12865, 25, 3979, 1263, 90578, 73728, 389, 279, 386, 15559, 389, 27757, 505, 279, 12865, 25, 3979, 1263, 90578, 39125, 4072, 783, 389, 18024, 51872, 10482, 291, 8350, 5513, 34114 ]
[ 90578, 54924, 24855, 822, 89, 8510, 389, 18024, 51872, 10482, 291, 8350, 20474, 287, 90578, 33784, 389, 45528, 4393, 3247, 33357, 878, 25, 82794, 3507, 90578, 33784, 389, 18024, 51872, 11, 578, 23591, 23116, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 763, 18024, 51872, 4999, 53, 9437, 7252, 88972, 269, 763, 18024, 51872, 0, 320, 21717, 8, 23141, 12, 22529, 21, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 22413, 21372, 304, 18024, 51872, 0, 320, 21717, 8, 15894, 12, 24850, 16, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 12477, 9156, 52996, 763, 18024, 51872, 0, 320, 1114, 8, 23574, 12, 21860, 16, 198, 39166, 8410, 5046, 8096, 423, 23361, 261, 25447, 7658, 320, 21717, 8, 15894, 12, 15830, 15, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 27200, 5475, 304, 18024, 51872, 0, 320, 21717, 8, 15894, 12, 2636, 15, 612, 320, 21717, 8, 23574, 12, 15101, 15, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 67814, 809, 763, 18024, 51872, 0, 47209, 612, 51838, 47449, 287, 612, 328, 6714, 320, 21717, 8, 15894, 12, 22904, 19, 198, 42315, 480, 13, 7923, 47941, 1098, 21781, 612, 9489, 386, 13, 58201, 269, 6491, 7867, 27910, 2468, 7658, 33836, 40007, 11547, 6362, 39351, 18413, 14, 35127, 66176, 12598, 5285, 7658, 73060, 20324, 320, 21717, 8, 10943, 12, 18248, 15, 198, 7184, 89297, 220, 18, 37790, 27608, 37326, 10653, 46837, 22403, 5119, 220, 18252, 89625, 21998, 3344, 8350, 9917, 220, 11592, 2131, 198, 53, 9437, 7252, 763, 18024, 51872, 0, 24562, 13716, 14936, 1708, 16293, 14, 9028, 9156, 21400, 5256, 388, 11628, 466, 3614, 320, 21717, 8, 24870, 12 ]
adopted by most of the world’s industrialized nations. Today, with some major changes, we still use the 24-time zone system originally proposed by Fleming. The logic of dividing the earth into 24 zones arises from the fact that the planet is a sphere and, like any sphere, can be divided into 360 equal sections or 360 degrees, with each time zone being measured at 15 degrees latitude and 360 degrees divided. At 15 is 24. All of these zones are numbered consecutively east from what is known as the Prime Meridian, a longitude that runs directly through the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich, Great Britain. The Prime Meridian was established in 1851 at a time when the United States was one of the most powerful and technologically advanced nations on earth. With a powerful navy, the British were very advanced in navigation and timing, using the most modern equipment available to calculate global position and time. The prime meridian at 0 degrees longitude is the point from which all other length measurements are made. The 24-hour timekeeping system called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is also located in the prime meridian. As you move east from the prime meridian, the time zones increase continuously by an hour or, conversely, decrease continuously by an hour as
adopted by most of the world’s industrialized nations. Today, with some major changes, we still use the 24-time zone system originally proposed by Fleming. The logic of dividing the earth into 24 zones arises from the fact that the planet is a sphere and, like any sphere, can be divided into 360 equal sections or 360 degrees, with each time zone being measured at 15 degrees latitude and 360 degrees divided. At 15 is 24. All of these zones are numbered consecutively east from what is known as the Prime Meridian, a longitude that runs directly through the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich, Great Britain. The Prime Meridian was established in 1851 at a time when the United States was one of the most powerful and technologically advanced nations on earth. With a powerful navy, the British were very advanced in navigation and timing, using the most modern equipment available to calculate global position and time. The prime meridian at 0 degrees longitude is the point from which all other length measurements are made. The 24-hour timekeeping system called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is also located in the prime meridian. As you move east from the prime meridian, the time zones increase continuously by an hour or, conversely, decrease continuously by an hour as
you move west. But of course the earth does not exist indefinitely; At some point you will come to a point where, depending on the direction of travel, you have to start over or jump forwards or backwards in good time. What happens when you cross the international date line? Here is an example of how time zones and the international date line work. London, U., is eight time zones away from San Francisco, California. When you drive from San Francisco to London, you are driving eight time zones forward, which really means you are eight hours ahead. So if it is 1:00 p.m. in San Francisco, it is 9:00 p.m. in London on the same day. However, if you were to move eight time zones in the opposite direction at 1:00 p.m. from San Francisco. That means, west across the Pacific Ocean, for example to the Siberian city of Yakutsk, it gets complicated. Deducting Eight Hours from San Francisco Time You start by subtracting an hour for each time zone moving west and arriving at 9:00 AM. m., but at this point you reach the IDL where everything changes. add a full 24 hours to your calculations and skip a full day in
[ 8197, 416, 749, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 47670, 7027, 13, 198, 8888, 11, 351, 617, 1688, 2458, 11, 356, 991, 779, 262, 1987, 12, 2435, 6516, 1080, 6198, 5150, 416, 42439, 13, 383, 9156, 286, 27241, 262, 4534, 656, 1987, 14123, 22068, 422, 262, 1109, 326, 262, 5440, 318, 257, 16558, 290, 11, 588, 597, 16558, 11, 460, 307, 9086, 656, 11470, 4961, 9004, 393, 11470, 7370, 11, 351, 1123, 640, 6516, 852, 8630, 379, 1315, 7370, 32477, 290, 11470, 7370, 9086, 13, 1629, 1315, 318, 1987, 13, 198, 3237, 286, 777, 14123, 389, 25840, 12358, 2280, 7627, 422, 644, 318, 1900, 355, 262, 5537, 46348, 11, 257, 890, 3984, 326, 4539, 3264, 832, 262, 3517, 8111, 25758, 287, 46339, 11, 3878, 5491, 13, 383, 5537, 46348, 373, 4920, 287, 1248, 4349, 379, 257, 640, 618, 262, 1578, 1829, 373, 530, 286, 262, 749, 3665, 290, 48299, 6190, 7027, 319, 4534, 13, 2080, 257, 3665, 23956, 11, 262, 3517, 547, 845, 6190, 287, 16408, 290, 10576, 11, 1262, 262, 749, 3660, 5112, 1695, 284, 15284, 3298, 2292, 290, 640, 13, 383, 6994, 4017, 19825, 379, 657, 7370, 890, 3984, 318, 262, 966, 422, 543, 477, 584, 4129, 13871, 389, 925, 13, 383, 1987, 12, 9769, 640, 19934, 1080, 1444, 46339, 22728, 3862, 357, 49424, 8, 318, 635, 5140, 287, 262, 6994, 4017, 19825, 13, 198, 1722, 345, 1445, 7627, 422, 262, 6994, 4017, 19825, 11, 262, 640, 14123, 2620, 17282, 416, 281, 1711, 393, 11, 369, 21243, 11, 10070, 17282, 416, 281, 1711, 355 ]
[ 18306, 555, 1455, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 13076, 1534, 17089, 627, 15724, 11, 449, 1063, 3682, 4442, 11, 584, 2103, 1005, 279, 220, 1187, 7394, 10353, 1887, 13517, 11223, 555, 86297, 13, 578, 12496, 315, 50802, 279, 9578, 1139, 220, 1187, 26467, 48282, 505, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 11841, 374, 264, 26436, 323, 11, 1093, 904, 26436, 11, 649, 387, 18255, 1139, 220, 6843, 6273, 14491, 477, 220, 6843, 12628, 11, 449, 1855, 892, 10353, 1694, 17303, 520, 220, 868, 12628, 21518, 323, 220, 6843, 12628, 18255, 13, 2468, 220, 868, 374, 220, 1187, 627, 2460, 315, 1521, 26467, 527, 49926, 20503, 332, 3210, 11226, 505, 1148, 374, 3967, 439, 279, 12801, 8930, 36742, 11, 264, 21155, 430, 8640, 6089, 1555, 279, 8013, 16591, 58974, 304, 86938, 11, 8681, 13527, 13, 578, 12801, 8930, 36742, 574, 9749, 304, 220, 9741, 16, 520, 264, 892, 994, 279, 3723, 4273, 574, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 8147, 323, 2869, 30450, 11084, 17089, 389, 9578, 13, 3161, 264, 8147, 45874, 11, 279, 8013, 1051, 1633, 11084, 304, 10873, 323, 18912, 11, 1701, 279, 1455, 6617, 7241, 2561, 311, 11294, 3728, 2361, 323, 892, 13, 578, 10461, 4809, 36742, 520, 220, 15, 12628, 21155, 374, 279, 1486, 505, 902, 682, 1023, 3160, 22323, 527, 1903, 13, 578, 220, 1187, 21925, 892, 33494, 1887, 2663, 86938, 16729, 4212, 320, 38177, 8, 374, 1101, 7559, 304, 279, 10461, 4809, 36742, 627, 2170, 499, 3351, 11226, 505, 279, 10461, 4809, 36742, 11, 279, 892, 26467, 5376, 31978, 555, 459, 6596, 477, 11, 7669, 989, 11, 18979, 31978, 555, 459, 6596, 439 ]
[ 499, 3351, 9909, 13, 2030, 315, 3388, 279, 9578, 1587, 539, 3073, 56334, 26, 2468, 1063, 1486, 499, 690, 2586, 311, 264, 1486, 1405, 11, 11911, 389, 279, 5216, 315, 5944, 11, 499, 617, 311, 1212, 927, 477, 7940, 42154, 477, 29512, 304, 1695, 892, 627, 3923, 8741, 994, 499, 5425, 279, 6625, 2457, 1584, 5380, 8586, 374, 459, 3187, 315, 1268, 892, 26467, 323, 279, 6625, 2457, 1584, 990, 627, 40672, 11, 549, 2637, 374, 8223, 892, 26467, 3201, 505, 5960, 13175, 11, 7188, 13, 3277, 499, 6678, 505, 5960, 13175, 311, 7295, 11, 499, 527, 10043, 8223, 892, 26467, 4741, 11, 902, 2216, 3445, 499, 527, 8223, 4207, 8469, 13, 2100, 422, 433, 374, 220, 16, 25, 410, 281, 749, 13, 304, 5960, 13175, 11, 433, 374, 220, 24, 25, 410, 281, 749, 13, 304, 7295, 389, 279, 1890, 1938, 627, 11458, 11, 422, 499, 1051, 311, 3351, 8223, 892, 26467, 304, 279, 14329, 5216, 520, 220, 16, 25, 410, 281, 749, 13, 505, 5960, 13175, 13, 3011, 3445, 11, 9909, 4028, 279, 16867, 22302, 11, 369, 3187, 311, 279, 68600, 1122, 3363, 315, 71968, 332, 4991, 11, 433, 5334, 17395, 13, 51499, 670, 287, 36944, 30192, 505, 5960, 13175, 4212, 1472, 1212, 555, 33356, 287, 459, 6596, 369, 1855, 892, 10353, 7366, 9909, 323, 33111, 520, 220, 24, 25, 410, 6912, 13, 296, 2637, 719, 520, 420, 1486, 499, 5662, 279, 3110, 43, 1405, 4395, 4442, 13, 923, 264, 2539, 220, 1187, 4207, 311, 701, 29217, 323, 10936, 264, 2539, 1938, 304 ]
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[ 11033, 782, 263, 475, 407, 355, 356, 760, 340, 198, 1925, 359, 503, 11, 49973, 959, 11117, 12138, 12022, 7025, 198, 2025, 1605, 379, 262, 10335, 82, 198, 5195, 262, 2688, 12, 46109, 4777, 272, 34017, 30, 347, 5757, 2127, 320, 1355, 986, 198, 24814, 48590, 89, 383, 8498, 73, 504, 10335, 1367, 198, 33, 5757, 2127, 320, 14551, 36858, 1355, 2788, 16206, 10335, 838, 198, 5497, 2304, 1186, 507, 286, 6205, 198, 33, 5757, 2127, 320, 1355, 2788, 16206, 352, 1222, 362, 14551, 36858, 10335, 860, 198, 12885, 417, 4794, 292, 4100, 66, 397, 46052, 10335, 807, 198, 36, 11400, 12, 47, 988, 4914, 4849, 34481, 34868, 1350, 11258, 645, 2319, 198, 10684, 494, 3178, 16923, 959, 3271, 2123, 5966, 776, 292, 317, 844, 198, 464, 1305, 29873, 286, 12946, 7849, 532, 632, 2492, 470, 1793, 508, 17266, 986, 198, 41347, 1046, 311, 43837, 3754, 10318, 10312, 8873, 16852, 7639, 6065, 64, 10335, 642, 198, 13414, 10989, 440, 660, 18798, 11, 8111, 26049, 2097, 11, 198, 5167, 4502, 14533, 22503, 319, 17847, 357, 32, 844, 8, 198, 5167, 10335, 82, 43113, 2634, 292, 2123, 43579, 27999, 40004, 449, 36, 12790, 7274, 198, 39152, 3576, 287, 2647, 198, 47, 695, 2634, 292, 2123, 43579, 27999, 40004, 10335, 82, 8965, 14650, 198, 51, 439, 271, 5849, 286, 262, 350, 2840, 5145, 198, 9414, 359, 3014, 649, 16642, 287, 2807, 532, 6342, 198, 24064, 329, 262, 5848, 286, 15993, 2647, 198, 40541, 17677, 3274, 5265, 286, 262, 10335, 82, 2321, 198, 13414, 10989, 440, 660, 18798, 198, 36 ]
[ 62773, 719, 539, 439, 584, 1440, 433, 198, 1163, 484, 704, 11, 60314, 1291, 17772, 23966, 17606, 13195, 198, 2127, 3778, 520, 279, 18042, 82, 198, 10445, 279, 4410, 94764, 944, 8940, 276, 54617, 30, 426, 9329, 754, 318, 2893, 9522, 39379, 747, 9700, 578, 19881, 73, 598, 18042, 220, 806, 198, 33, 9329, 754, 318, 31054, 41881, 2893, 93622, 18042, 220, 605, 198, 1451, 285, 4523, 919, 315, 12822, 198, 33, 9329, 754, 318, 2893, 93622, 220, 16, 612, 220, 17, 31054, 41881, 18042, 220, 24, 198, 2367, 301, 11462, 300, 386, 4575, 370, 6043, 355, 18042, 220, 23, 198, 36, 9258, 9483, 1247, 4657, 8375, 43028, 79843, 96231, 912, 220, 1272, 198, 19875, 648, 4969, 46225, 1291, 6941, 1880, 12565, 589, 300, 362, 953, 198, 791, 2939, 875, 64, 315, 14438, 10948, 482, 1102, 5828, 956, 4359, 889, 7643, 9522, 77414, 1892, 328, 69695, 9334, 16233, 10649, 6292, 29604, 7453, 386, 7304, 18042, 220, 20, 198, 10351, 8747, 31676, 4896, 11, 16591, 39679, 4783, 345, 7816, 10058, 30411, 34991, 389, 28049, 320, 32, 953, 340, 7816, 18042, 82, 89008, 978, 300, 1880, 386, 19010, 285, 23775, 71430, 23251, 10670, 198, 56050, 7295, 304, 4731, 198, 47, 616, 978, 300, 1880, 386, 19010, 285, 23775, 18042, 82, 36561, 13753, 198, 51, 96244, 7054, 315, 279, 393, 3806, 59162, 6971, 484, 5485, 502, 42726, 304, 5734, 482, 12366, 198, 43993, 369, 279, 13836, 315, 29924, 4731, 198, 28409, 29680, 5629, 13120, 315, 279, 18042, 82, 220, 679, 17, 198, 10351, 8747, 31676, 4896, 198, 36 ]
[ 77780, 55069, 11, 6658, 6518, 39679, 3842, 69235, 198, 20944, 505, 47304, 480, 45326, 466, 67, 67997, 1195, 2234, 198, 4873, 46225, 1291, 6941, 1880, 12565, 589, 300, 45269, 198, 40052, 30411, 34991, 389, 28049, 482, 1917, 35952, 198, 64102, 44727, 42202, 285, 709, 279, 27223, 198, 44, 9700, 472, 7445, 12134, 2360, 89, 3059, 362, 953, 13195, 198, 97003, 19098, 8485, 1207, 1342, 18072, 39379, 747, 9700, 578, 19881, 73, 598, 426, 70619, 30239, 198, 86383, 26181, 11, 98256, 6518, 11166, 198, 42562, 328, 3852, 300, 11, 8574, 2009, 1412, 668, 1666, 80463, 198, 16813, 3838, 43516, 11, 480, 4354, 263, 20176, 1742, 198, 24641, 44499, 729, 2930, 11, 719, 279, 1972, 3446, 374, 279, 25098, 9522, 5002, 33039, 482, 13548, 220, 914, 339, 22310, 3280, 198, 39379, 62898, 7302, 13279, 1677, 25840, 220, 679, 17, 12, 679, 18, 3280, 198, 36, 77780, 55069, 482, 72232, 23347, 43516, 198, 42, 51628, 18022, 81948, 2727, 27063, 2172, 14103, 68495, 435, 27900, 822, 198, 34, 511, 8511, 49528, 32494, 97395, 198, 6292, 4239, 6086, 198, 71, 22119, 29238, 198, 6766, 8960, 32494, 97395, 1789, 25929, 198, 60628, 68, 2396, 25, 362, 53976, 198, 791, 6187, 279, 4435, 76278, 311, 14298, 25, 220, 24, 14, 806, 304, 480, 8363, 11, 89396, 198, 791, 8092, 28232, 279, 93496, 25, 578, 35386, 315, 279, 49136, 53748, 11, 220, 9674, 15, 12, 7529, 19, 198, 791, 8155, 10657, 198, 2507, 34, 432, 220, 6028, 198, 16137, 64877, 63688, 369, 20755, 198, 5913, 83881 ]
making things tough for themselves, and some slack marking, following the award of a free kick to Cambuur, allowed Heide to climb above the defenders and head past goalkeeper Maenpaa and bring the score back to 3-2. The excitement continued as 2' later Den Bosch again opened up a 2 goals advantage. Wau and Rossen broke clear after Cambuur players were caught upfield and it was the impressive blonde haired Rossen who cleverly steered the ball just inside the post to make it 4-2, which was the final score. The FC Den Bosch players had to wait for several minutes, on the field, for the final results of the other games to come through before their position as 'Period Champions" was confirmed. They celebrated with their faithful fans who stayed behind to enjoy the occasion, engaging in several 'swan-like' dives across the pitch, much to the delight of the blue and white army. Coach Theo Bos admitted later "that he had not expected to clinch the Period Championship after just 5 games. We had no strikers when the season began but we have scored 13 goals so far. We took the right moments to score tonight but now I have to motivate the players for next weeks game against Zw
making things tough for themselves, and some slack marking, following the award of a free kick to Cambuur, allowed Heide to climb above the defenders and head past goalkeeper Maenpaa and bring the score back to 3-2. The excitement continued as 2' later Den Bosch again opened up a 2 goals advantage. Wau and Rossen broke clear after Cambuur players were caught upfield and it was the impressive blonde haired Rossen who cleverly steered the ball just inside the post to make it 4-2, which was the final score. The FC Den Bosch players had to wait for several minutes, on the field, for the final results of the other games to come through before their position as 'Period Champions" was confirmed. They celebrated with their faithful fans who stayed behind to enjoy the occasion, engaging in several 'swan-like' dives across the pitch, much to the delight of the blue and white army. Coach Theo Bos admitted later "that he had not expected to clinch the Period Championship after just 5 games. We had no strikers when the season began but we have scored 13 goals so far. We took the right moments to score tonight but now I have to motivate the players for next weeks game against Zw
olle", said the coach. He also spoke of anticipated challenges from last seasons relegated teams RKC Waalwijk and ADO Den Haag. "They will be very strong for sure, so we have to just keep playing well and picking up points", said Bos. The team which is top at the end of the season in April, automatically gets promoted to the Eredivisie. Probably the most impressive victory of the season to date for FC Den Bosch came in Roosendaal when they beat RBC by 1-0, in a game of high quality. RBC are another team fancied to push for promotion this season, but they found the Den Bosch defence in an uncompromising mood, and determined to hang on to a 1-0 lead courtesy of a goal by top scorer Koen Van Der Biezen. Finnish goal-keeper Niki Maenpaa made several excellent saves to frustrate the RBC strikers, while midfielder Ivo Rossen defended superbly, but also found time to make several excellent runs into the opposing half of the field. The opening game of the season saw FC Den Bosch edge pass AGOVV by 1-0 in Apeldoorn. They followed this with an impressive 4-1
[ 1642, 1243, 5802, 329, 2405, 11, 290, 617, 30740, 18730, 11, 1708, 262, 5764, 286, 257, 1479, 4829, 284, 21456, 84, 333, 11, 3142, 679, 485, 284, 12080, 2029, 262, 16355, 290, 1182, 1613, 26318, 6669, 268, 79, 7252, 290, 2222, 262, 4776, 736, 284, 513, 12, 17, 13, 383, 14067, 3767, 355, 362, 6, 1568, 5601, 14548, 354, 757, 4721, 510, 257, 362, 4661, 4621, 13, 370, 559, 290, 9847, 268, 6265, 1598, 706, 21456, 84, 333, 1938, 547, 4978, 510, 3245, 290, 340, 373, 262, 8036, 21541, 387, 1202, 9847, 268, 508, 14169, 306, 49300, 262, 2613, 655, 2641, 262, 1281, 284, 787, 340, 604, 12, 17, 11, 543, 373, 262, 2457, 4776, 13, 383, 10029, 5601, 14548, 354, 1938, 550, 284, 4043, 329, 1811, 2431, 11, 319, 262, 2214, 11, 329, 262, 2457, 2482, 286, 262, 584, 1830, 284, 1282, 832, 878, 511, 2292, 355, 705, 5990, 2101, 6662, 1, 373, 4999, 13, 1119, 13943, 351, 511, 17074, 3296, 508, 9658, 2157, 284, 2883, 262, 6695, 11, 11932, 287, 1811, 705, 2032, 272, 12, 2339, 6, 46638, 1973, 262, 7078, 11, 881, 284, 262, 10974, 286, 262, 4171, 290, 2330, 5428, 13, 16393, 43999, 14548, 6848, 1568, 366, 5562, 339, 550, 407, 2938, 284, 45963, 262, 18581, 10749, 706, 655, 642, 1830, 13, 775, 550, 645, 45892, 618, 262, 1622, 2540, 475, 356, 423, 7781, 1511, 4661, 523, 1290, 13, 775, 1718, 262, 826, 7188, 284, 4776, 9975, 475, 783, 314, 423, 284, 35065, 262, 1938, 329, 1306, 2745, 983, 1028, 1168, 86 ]
[ 3339, 2574, 11292, 369, 5694, 11, 323, 1063, 46719, 36024, 11, 2768, 279, 10292, 315, 264, 1949, 10536, 311, 34896, 51481, 11, 5535, 1283, 579, 311, 26438, 3485, 279, 41131, 323, 2010, 3347, 63300, 11583, 268, 79, 5418, 323, 4546, 279, 5573, 1203, 311, 220, 18, 12, 17, 13, 578, 28361, 8738, 439, 220, 17, 6, 3010, 9973, 72325, 1578, 9107, 709, 264, 220, 17, 9021, 9610, 13, 468, 2933, 323, 21116, 268, 14760, 2867, 1306, 34896, 51481, 4311, 1051, 10791, 709, 2630, 323, 433, 574, 279, 16358, 27117, 87202, 21116, 268, 889, 28799, 398, 4179, 12616, 279, 5041, 1120, 4871, 279, 1772, 311, 1304, 433, 220, 19, 12, 17, 11, 902, 574, 279, 1620, 5573, 13, 578, 16396, 9973, 72325, 4311, 1047, 311, 3868, 369, 3892, 4520, 11, 389, 279, 2115, 11, 369, 279, 1620, 3135, 315, 279, 1023, 3953, 311, 2586, 1555, 1603, 872, 2361, 439, 364, 24684, 29908, 1, 574, 11007, 13, 2435, 28284, 449, 872, 37513, 7359, 889, 20186, 4920, 311, 4774, 279, 13402, 11, 23387, 304, 3892, 364, 2332, 276, 12970, 6, 94521, 4028, 279, 9846, 11, 1790, 311, 279, 18454, 315, 279, 6437, 323, 4251, 13695, 13, 28275, 85237, 29071, 16584, 3010, 330, 9210, 568, 1047, 539, 3685, 311, 9400, 331, 279, 26572, 19134, 1306, 1120, 220, 20, 3953, 13, 1226, 1047, 912, 6076, 27269, 994, 279, 3280, 6137, 719, 584, 617, 16957, 220, 1032, 9021, 779, 3117, 13, 1226, 3952, 279, 1314, 14269, 311, 5573, 18396, 719, 1457, 358, 617, 311, 62425, 279, 4311, 369, 1828, 5672, 1847, 2403, 64265 ]
[ 55148, 498, 1071, 279, 7395, 13, 1283, 1101, 12570, 315, 30199, 11774, 505, 1566, 15956, 87552, 7411, 432, 65738, 29614, 278, 86, 19275, 323, 362, 5989, 9973, 14433, 351, 13, 330, 7009, 690, 387, 1633, 3831, 369, 2771, 11, 779, 584, 617, 311, 1120, 2567, 5737, 1664, 323, 21816, 709, 3585, 498, 1071, 29071, 13, 578, 2128, 902, 374, 1948, 520, 279, 842, 315, 279, 3280, 304, 5936, 11, 9651, 5334, 30026, 311, 279, 96113, 614, 285, 648, 13, 38254, 279, 1455, 16358, 12845, 315, 279, 3280, 311, 2457, 369, 16396, 9973, 72325, 3782, 304, 12093, 437, 9895, 278, 994, 814, 9567, 432, 5002, 555, 220, 16, 12, 15, 11, 304, 264, 1847, 315, 1579, 4367, 13, 432, 5002, 527, 2500, 2128, 81697, 1142, 311, 4585, 369, 20862, 420, 3280, 11, 719, 814, 1766, 279, 9973, 72325, 23682, 304, 459, 66637, 442, 3876, 20247, 11, 323, 11075, 311, 15020, 389, 311, 264, 220, 16, 12, 15, 3063, 27104, 315, 264, 5915, 555, 1948, 64769, 735, 16355, 13000, 13031, 426, 648, 5797, 13, 58953, 5915, 12, 19393, 452, 7723, 11583, 268, 79, 5418, 1903, 3892, 9250, 27024, 311, 14796, 349, 279, 432, 5002, 6076, 27269, 11, 1418, 45067, 358, 3415, 21116, 268, 35844, 33689, 398, 11, 719, 1101, 1766, 892, 311, 1304, 3892, 9250, 8640, 1139, 279, 31322, 4376, 315, 279, 2115, 13, 578, 8736, 1847, 315, 279, 3280, 5602, 16396, 9973, 72325, 6964, 1522, 15432, 40057, 53, 555, 220, 16, 12, 15, 304, 5345, 84555, 1540, 13, 2435, 8272, 420, 449, 459, 16358, 220, 19, 12, 16 ]
strange,” Jones said. “It’s been so hot for pants.” But Carpenter said not to worry. “Out of respect, we request the employees wear their uniform pants, instead of their shorts,” Carpenter said. “It is only a request, it is not mandatory.” The Islamic Circle of North America requested the day as a celebration for end of Ramadan. Muslim Family Day comes just five days after the end of Ramadan, a Muslim religious observance in which participating Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. Park officials will try to meet the Muslim group’s needs as it does with any other group, Carpenter said. “There will be a plethora of things to do for the youth and the entire family including halal food stalls, ethnic bazaar and family entertainment” the event’s Web site states. The group is hosting Muslim Family and Youth Days in seven other United States cities this fall. Shorts, today, non-Halal hot dogs, tomorrow. And the next day, the garb of non-Muslim female patrons to the amusement park. The Islamic Circle of North America openly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah and refuses to condemn them. It
strange,” Jones said. “It’s been so hot for pants.” But Carpenter said not to worry. “Out of respect, we request the employees wear their uniform pants, instead of their shorts,” Carpenter said. “It is only a request, it is not mandatory.” The Islamic Circle of North America requested the day as a celebration for end of Ramadan. Muslim Family Day comes just five days after the end of Ramadan, a Muslim religious observance in which participating Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. Park officials will try to meet the Muslim group’s needs as it does with any other group, Carpenter said. “There will be a plethora of things to do for the youth and the entire family including halal food stalls, ethnic bazaar and family entertainment” the event’s Web site states. The group is hosting Muslim Family and Youth Days in seven other United States cities this fall. Shorts, today, non-Halal hot dogs, tomorrow. And the next day, the garb of non-Muslim female patrons to the amusement park. The Islamic Circle of North America openly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah and refuses to condemn them. It
has been under investigation for fundraising for and money laundering to Islamic terrorist groups. Not sure why any amusement park would ask it’s employees to do anything for ICNA “out of respect”. The group deserves none. This is America. When will we decide to take it back? If you live in the Washington, DC area, it might be a good idea to let your neighbor, Daniel Snyder, know what you think about this. And think twice about pouring money into his Redskins. Six Flags calls itself “Six Flags Great America.” But what it’s doing is neither great nor American. Liberals that screwed up the country in the 60’s and 70’s will be the death of America. Personally I haven’t been to Cedar Point in about 10 years, but if and when I do decide to pay too much for a ticket and get annoyed by rude teens and early 20 somethings, I’ll certainly think twice. No, come to think of it, I won’t, they can keep that s–t. samurai on October 2, 2008 at 11:58 am Maybe Six Flags has a new “72 Virgins”
[ 6283, 11, 447, 251, 5437, 531, 13, 564, 250, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 587, 523, 3024, 329, 12581, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1537, 32659, 531, 407, 284, 5490, 13, 198, 447, 250, 7975, 286, 2461, 11, 356, 2581, 262, 4409, 5806, 511, 8187, 12581, 11, 2427, 286, 511, 22078, 11, 447, 251, 32659, 531, 13, 564, 250, 1026, 318, 691, 257, 2581, 11, 340, 318, 407, 13677, 13, 447, 251, 198, 464, 5533, 16291, 286, 2258, 2253, 9167, 262, 1110, 355, 257, 14395, 329, 886, 286, 37604, 13, 3765, 7884, 3596, 2058, 655, 1936, 1528, 706, 262, 886, 286, 37604, 11, 257, 3765, 4158, 3799, 590, 287, 543, 11983, 7045, 3049, 422, 17577, 1566, 26428, 13, 198, 25478, 2828, 481, 1949, 284, 1826, 262, 3765, 1448, 447, 247, 82, 2476, 355, 340, 857, 351, 597, 584, 1448, 11, 32659, 531, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1858, 481, 307, 257, 35146, 286, 1243, 284, 466, 329, 262, 6205, 290, 262, 2104, 1641, 1390, 10284, 282, 2057, 40308, 11, 9450, 275, 34485, 290, 1641, 9739, 447, 251, 262, 1785, 447, 247, 82, 5313, 2524, 2585, 13, 198, 464, 1448, 318, 13662, 3765, 7884, 290, 17582, 12579, 287, 3598, 584, 1578, 1829, 4736, 428, 2121, 13, 198, 2484, 2096, 11, 1909, 11, 1729, 12, 40202, 282, 3024, 6844, 11, 9439, 13, 843, 262, 1306, 1110, 11, 262, 5482, 65, 286, 1729, 12, 17067, 4048, 25720, 284, 262, 30184, 3952, 13, 198, 464, 5533, 16291, 286, 2258, 2253, 11764, 6971, 48079, 1921, 290, 22871, 290, 17567, 284, 15402, 606, 13, 632 ]
[ 15234, 2476, 12201, 1071, 13, 1054, 2181, 753, 1027, 779, 4106, 369, 25567, 49216, 4071, 68138, 1071, 539, 311, 11196, 627, 2118, 2729, 315, 5201, 11, 584, 1715, 279, 8420, 10051, 872, 14113, 25567, 11, 4619, 315, 872, 36876, 2476, 68138, 1071, 13, 1054, 2181, 374, 1193, 264, 1715, 11, 433, 374, 539, 23911, 49216, 791, 15558, 21918, 315, 4892, 5270, 11472, 279, 1938, 439, 264, 25960, 369, 842, 315, 82908, 13, 10451, 12517, 6187, 4131, 1120, 4330, 2919, 1306, 279, 842, 315, 82908, 11, 264, 10451, 10597, 9466, 685, 304, 902, 24435, 20071, 5043, 505, 39493, 3156, 44084, 627, 64706, 7510, 690, 1456, 311, 3449, 279, 10451, 1912, 753, 3966, 439, 433, 1587, 449, 904, 1023, 1912, 11, 68138, 1071, 627, 35816, 690, 387, 264, 68706, 315, 2574, 311, 656, 369, 279, 12822, 323, 279, 4553, 3070, 2737, 15104, 278, 3691, 74673, 11, 22277, 293, 69438, 323, 3070, 16924, 863, 279, 1567, 753, 5000, 2816, 5415, 627, 791, 1912, 374, 20256, 10451, 12517, 323, 30160, 21882, 304, 8254, 1023, 3723, 4273, 9919, 420, 4498, 627, 12755, 82, 11, 3432, 11, 2536, 11529, 278, 278, 4106, 12875, 11, 16986, 13, 1628, 279, 1828, 1938, 11, 279, 7515, 65, 315, 2536, 62505, 8954, 52860, 311, 279, 62468, 6246, 627, 791, 15558, 21918, 315, 4892, 5270, 30447, 11815, 473, 1428, 1950, 323, 62994, 323, 41716, 311, 40074, 1124, 13, 1102 ]
[ 706, 1027, 1234, 8990, 369, 37419, 369, 323, 3300, 64402, 311, 15558, 20320, 5315, 627, 2688, 2771, 3249, 904, 62468, 6246, 1053, 2610, 433, 753, 8420, 311, 656, 4205, 369, 19845, 7476, 1054, 412, 315, 5201, 11453, 578, 1912, 30675, 7000, 627, 2028, 374, 5270, 13, 3277, 690, 584, 10491, 311, 1935, 433, 1203, 5380, 2746, 499, 3974, 304, 279, 6652, 11, 11162, 3158, 11, 433, 2643, 387, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 1095, 701, 9760, 11, 15469, 54231, 11, 1440, 1148, 499, 1781, 922, 420, 13, 1628, 1781, 11157, 922, 51513, 3300, 1139, 813, 60378, 627, 42560, 34305, 6880, 5196, 1054, 42560, 34305, 8681, 5270, 2029, 2030, 1148, 433, 753, 3815, 374, 14188, 2294, 6463, 3778, 627, 43, 8799, 1147, 430, 57445, 709, 279, 3224, 304, 279, 220, 1399, 753, 323, 220, 2031, 753, 690, 387, 279, 4648, 315, 5270, 13, 63647, 358, 9167, 1431, 1027, 311, 57748, 5236, 304, 922, 220, 605, 1667, 11, 719, 422, 323, 994, 358, 656, 10491, 311, 2343, 2288, 1790, 369, 264, 11989, 323, 636, 57130, 555, 47101, 27294, 323, 4216, 220, 508, 1794, 774, 826, 11, 358, 4805, 7995, 1781, 11157, 13, 2360, 11, 2586, 311, 1781, 315, 433, 11, 358, 2834, 1431, 11, 814, 649, 2567, 430, 274, 4235, 83, 627, 47096, 49013, 389, 6664, 220, 17, 11, 220, 1049, 23, 520, 220, 806, 25, 2970, 1097, 198, 22105, 19198, 34305, 706, 264, 502, 1054, 5332, 9734, 70, 1354, 863 ]
have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, free from stigma and prejudice. Welcome to The Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas We exist to empower and assist youth, families and adults in South Central Kansas to achieve optimal mental health and wellness through education, advocacy, and service. With your help, we can make a difference. MHA seeks to intervene, treat, and educate those throughout south central Kansas in the many forms that mental illness takes among our families and friends, while doing all that we can to remove the sigma too often associated with mental health. MHASCK is a proud affiliate of Mental Health America. Please click here to view our Patient Privacy Notice. Sarah's Journey to Recovery byBethany Anderson Sarah was introduced to the MHA CABHI Program during homeless outreach efforts in February. She has been homeless for four years after being brought to Kansas from Texas as a victim of human trafficking. Sarah was struggling with addiction and coping with mental illness. CABHI staff were able to work with MHA’s Residential Care program to access supported housing and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance funds to get Sarah safe, stable housing as well as furniture. Her CABHI Case Managers are working to get her
have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, free from stigma and prejudice. Welcome to The Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas We exist to empower and assist youth, families and adults in South Central Kansas to achieve optimal mental health and wellness through education, advocacy, and service. With your help, we can make a difference. MHA seeks to intervene, treat, and educate those throughout south central Kansas in the many forms that mental illness takes among our families and friends, while doing all that we can to remove the sigma too often associated with mental health. MHASCK is a proud affiliate of Mental Health America. Please click here to view our Patient Privacy Notice. Sarah's Journey to Recovery byBethany Anderson Sarah was introduced to the MHA CABHI Program during homeless outreach efforts in February. She has been homeless for four years after being brought to Kansas from Texas as a victim of human trafficking. Sarah was struggling with addiction and coping with mental illness. CABHI staff were able to work with MHA’s Residential Care program to access supported housing and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance funds to get Sarah safe, stable housing as well as furniture. Her CABHI Case Managers are working to get her
benefits reinstated and have linked with other resources in the community for assistance. Sarah was also referred to MHA’s Addictions program were she participated in specific, intensive sessions designed for individuals who have had trauma. Sarah is now able to attend group and individual sessions. Sarah was also referred to the Counseling Center @ MHA where her therapist is delighted to report that they have made tremendous progress in symptom reduction. Sarah recently told her therapist that “I didn't’ know I was allowed to feel this way. I have never been allowed to feel before.” INTRUST Bank has already sent in their sponsorship check for the 2020 Beautiful Minds Gala supporting mental health… https://t.co/884eWQVTP2 MHASCK "...philanthropic contributions are associated with increased sales growth..." Not to mention "...more productive… https://t.co/Y5sbRXeL2q Stay up to date with the newest tips from the pros, tutorials, competitions and more! Tutorials, Offers, New Products & Competitions Tutorials Popup Website Popup [] I AGREE Check out our privacy policy here You can unsubscribe from emails at any time
[ 423, 262, 3663, 284, 4620, 511, 1336, 2785, 11, 1479, 422, 26695, 290, 20226, 13, 198, 14618, 284, 383, 21235, 3893, 5396, 286, 2520, 5694, 9470, 198, 1135, 2152, 284, 17549, 290, 3342, 6205, 11, 4172, 290, 6490, 287, 2520, 5694, 9470, 284, 4620, 16586, 5110, 1535, 290, 42506, 832, 3707, 11, 15364, 11, 290, 2139, 13, 2080, 534, 1037, 11, 356, 460, 787, 257, 3580, 13, 337, 7801, 12932, 284, 22432, 11, 2190, 11, 290, 20771, 883, 3690, 5366, 4318, 9470, 287, 262, 867, 5107, 326, 5110, 8526, 2753, 1871, 674, 4172, 290, 2460, 11, 981, 1804, 477, 326, 356, 460, 284, 4781, 262, 264, 13495, 1165, 1690, 3917, 351, 5110, 1535, 13, 198, 36208, 42643, 42, 318, 257, 6613, 17375, 286, 21235, 3893, 2253, 13, 198, 5492, 3904, 994, 284, 1570, 674, 35550, 16777, 17641, 13, 198, 29284, 338, 15120, 284, 21007, 198, 1525, 33, 2788, 1092, 9918, 198, 29284, 373, 5495, 284, 262, 337, 7801, 327, 6242, 25374, 6118, 1141, 10463, 23424, 4040, 287, 3945, 13, 1375, 468, 587, 10463, 329, 1440, 812, 706, 852, 3181, 284, 9470, 422, 3936, 355, 257, 3117, 286, 1692, 14616, 13, 10490, 373, 9648, 351, 13230, 290, 35326, 351, 5110, 8526, 13, 198, 34, 6242, 25374, 3085, 547, 1498, 284, 670, 351, 337, 7801, 447, 247, 82, 46388, 7276, 1430, 284, 1895, 4855, 5627, 290, 9368, 415, 12, 15001, 371, 2470, 25126, 5153, 284, 651, 10490, 3338, 11, 8245, 5627, 355, 880, 355, 13091, 13, 2332, 327, 6242, 25374, 8913, 1869, 10321, 389, 1762, 284, 651, 607 ]
[ 617, 279, 6776, 311, 11322, 872, 2539, 4754, 11, 1949, 505, 60381, 323, 48786, 627, 14262, 311, 578, 38895, 6401, 10229, 315, 4987, 10913, 20754, 198, 1687, 3073, 311, 26285, 323, 7945, 12822, 11, 8689, 323, 12884, 304, 4987, 10913, 20754, 311, 11322, 23669, 10723, 2890, 323, 39890, 1555, 6873, 11, 35954, 11, 323, 2532, 13, 3161, 701, 1520, 11, 584, 649, 1304, 264, 6811, 13, 386, 17455, 26737, 311, 55579, 11, 4322, 11, 323, 39170, 1884, 6957, 10007, 8792, 20754, 304, 279, 1690, 7739, 430, 10723, 17563, 5097, 4315, 1057, 8689, 323, 4885, 11, 1418, 3815, 682, 430, 584, 649, 311, 4148, 279, 20868, 2288, 3629, 5938, 449, 10723, 2890, 627, 49302, 1950, 3096, 374, 264, 12691, 22325, 315, 38895, 6401, 5270, 627, 5618, 4299, 1618, 311, 1684, 1057, 30024, 19406, 25773, 627, 54183, 596, 43680, 311, 35011, 198, 1729, 92703, 3852, 21293, 198, 54183, 574, 11784, 311, 279, 386, 17455, 81217, 24860, 6826, 2391, 23855, 47210, 9045, 304, 7552, 13, 3005, 706, 1027, 23855, 369, 3116, 1667, 1306, 1694, 7263, 311, 20754, 505, 8421, 439, 264, 11996, 315, 3823, 34563, 13, 21077, 574, 20558, 449, 27471, 323, 63082, 449, 10723, 17563, 627, 34, 1905, 24860, 5687, 1051, 3025, 311, 990, 449, 386, 17455, 753, 55555, 10852, 2068, 311, 2680, 7396, 11983, 323, 74824, 61439, 40298, 46865, 10736, 311, 636, 21077, 6220, 11, 15528, 11983, 439, 1664, 439, 14891, 13, 6385, 81217, 24860, 11799, 62534, 527, 3318, 311, 636, 1077 ]
[ 7720, 69767, 660, 323, 617, 10815, 449, 1023, 5070, 304, 279, 4029, 369, 13291, 13, 21077, 574, 1101, 14183, 311, 386, 17455, 753, 2758, 22155, 2068, 1051, 1364, 31408, 304, 3230, 11, 37295, 16079, 6319, 369, 7931, 889, 617, 1047, 30988, 13, 21077, 374, 1457, 3025, 311, 9604, 1912, 323, 3927, 16079, 13, 21077, 574, 1101, 14183, 311, 279, 89549, 5955, 571, 386, 17455, 1405, 1077, 42863, 374, 35072, 311, 1934, 430, 814, 617, 1903, 28040, 5208, 304, 49648, 14278, 13, 21077, 6051, 3309, 1077, 42863, 430, 1054, 40, 3287, 956, 529, 1440, 358, 574, 5535, 311, 2733, 420, 1648, 13, 358, 617, 2646, 1027, 5535, 311, 2733, 1603, 49216, 80179, 8721, 8715, 706, 2736, 3288, 304, 872, 55531, 1817, 369, 279, 220, 2366, 15, 20055, 61410, 76541, 12899, 10723, 2890, 1981, 3788, 1129, 83, 6973, 14, 25962, 68, 54, 48, 53, 4334, 17, 198, 49302, 1950, 3096, 198, 53670, 46185, 32329, 45036, 19564, 527, 5938, 449, 7319, 6763, 6650, 21908, 2876, 311, 6420, 39813, 6518, 27331, 1981, 3788, 1129, 83, 6973, 40349, 20, 17319, 46913, 68, 43, 17, 80, 29837, 709, 311, 2457, 449, 279, 24519, 10631, 505, 279, 8882, 11, 44912, 11, 43682, 323, 810, 4999, 51, 56027, 11, 52418, 11, 1561, 15899, 612, 26517, 6055, 198, 51, 56027, 47290, 198, 31151, 47290, 198, 1318, 358, 15432, 6731, 198, 4061, 704, 1057, 12625, 4947, 1618, 198, 2675, 649, 45474, 505, 14633, 520, 904, 892, 198 ]
passengers are allowed to be transported during these one-hour periods. Drivers are to comply with the requirements of keeping windows open and having the air conditioning turned off when operating the vehicle. The current protocols under the Controlled Entry Programme for both residents and visitors will remain in effect until November 30, 2020. While the requirements for pre-testing and quarantine, etc. remain the same, various operational improvements continue to be implemented to streamline the processing of arriving passengers at our airports. All the other measures which are slated to expire on November 30, 2020 under the existing Disaster Risk Management (Enforcement Measures) (No. 15) Order, 2020 therefore continue to remain in effect. Some of these are: The gathering limit will remain at 15 persons until November 30, 2020. The ban on funerals and parties or events will continue until November 30, 2020. Burials will continue to be allowed with strict observation and enforcement of the 15-person rule. Regular church or religious services operating in compliance with the established protocols may continue. However, congregants are reminded that gatherings in excess of 15 persons are not allowed outside the place of worship. The restrictions applicable to hospitals, nursing homes and infirmaries remain in place until November 30, 2020.
passengers are allowed to be transported during these one-hour periods. Drivers are to comply with the requirements of keeping windows open and having the air conditioning turned off when operating the vehicle. The current protocols under the Controlled Entry Programme for both residents and visitors will remain in effect until November 30, 2020. While the requirements for pre-testing and quarantine, etc. remain the same, various operational improvements continue to be implemented to streamline the processing of arriving passengers at our airports. All the other measures which are slated to expire on November 30, 2020 under the existing Disaster Risk Management (Enforcement Measures) (No. 15) Order, 2020 therefore continue to remain in effect. Some of these are: The gathering limit will remain at 15 persons until November 30, 2020. The ban on funerals and parties or events will continue until November 30, 2020. Burials will continue to be allowed with strict observation and enforcement of the 15-person rule. Regular church or religious services operating in compliance with the established protocols may continue. However, congregants are reminded that gatherings in excess of 15 persons are not allowed outside the place of worship. The restrictions applicable to hospitals, nursing homes and infirmaries remain in place until November 30, 2020.
The age limit for the ‘stay at home’ measure remains at 65 until November 30, 2020. Persons 65 years and older must therefore continue to stay at home but are permitted to leave home once each day for the necessities of life. Given the high vulnerability of persons in this age group, particularly those with comorbidities, we reiterate the importance of strict adherence. The requirement to wear a mask fitted to cover the nose and mouth when in a public place (including a workplace and a licensed public passenger vehicle) remains in effect under the Order without an expiry date. Cabinet is currently assessing and reviewing the situation and will advise on the measures applicable for December 2020 and in particular the Christmas period, in another two weeks. “We encourage all Jamaicans to strictly observe all the protocols and measures to control the spread of COVID-19 to save lives and preserve livelihoods,” the OPM said. coronavirus COVID-19 curfew disater risk management News JM Sep 17, 2022 Jamaica’s community approach to COVID boosted by US$540,000 medical resource donation Reading Time: 3 minutes The community-based approach to combatting COVID-19 and reinforcing routine
[ 10405, 389, 3142, 284, 307, 18665, 1141, 777, 530, 12, 9769, 9574, 13, 198, 20564, 690, 389, 284, 11997, 351, 262, 5359, 286, 5291, 9168, 1280, 290, 1719, 262, 1633, 21143, 2900, 572, 618, 5361, 262, 4038, 13, 198, 464, 1459, 19565, 739, 262, 43253, 21617, 35232, 329, 1111, 5085, 290, 9692, 481, 3520, 287, 1245, 1566, 3389, 1542, 11, 12131, 13, 2893, 262, 5359, 329, 662, 12, 33407, 290, 48827, 11, 3503, 13, 3520, 262, 976, 11, 2972, 13919, 8561, 2555, 284, 307, 9177, 284, 4269, 1370, 262, 7587, 286, 14820, 10405, 379, 674, 22600, 13, 198, 3237, 262, 584, 5260, 543, 389, 23488, 284, 24264, 319, 3389, 1542, 11, 12131, 739, 262, 4683, 35213, 19602, 8549, 357, 4834, 13442, 45040, 8, 357, 2949, 13, 1315, 8, 8284, 11, 12131, 4361, 2555, 284, 3520, 287, 1245, 13, 2773, 286, 777, 389, 25, 198, 464, 11228, 4179, 481, 3520, 379, 1315, 6506, 1566, 3389, 1542, 11, 12131, 13, 198, 464, 3958, 319, 49831, 874, 290, 4671, 393, 2995, 481, 2555, 1566, 3389, 1542, 11, 12131, 13, 5481, 8231, 481, 2555, 284, 307, 3142, 351, 7646, 13432, 290, 5394, 286, 262, 1315, 12, 6259, 3896, 13, 198, 40164, 4928, 393, 4158, 2594, 5361, 287, 11846, 351, 262, 4920, 19565, 743, 2555, 13, 2102, 11, 30663, 1187, 389, 14516, 326, 37134, 287, 6992, 286, 1315, 6506, 389, 407, 3142, 2354, 262, 1295, 286, 11892, 13, 198, 464, 8733, 9723, 284, 11301, 11, 19167, 5682, 290, 1167, 2533, 3166, 3520, 287, 1295, 1566, 3389, 1542, 11, 12131, 13, 198 ]
[ 22961, 527, 5535, 311, 387, 40460, 2391, 1521, 832, 21925, 18852, 627, 89929, 527, 311, 26069, 449, 279, 8670, 315, 10494, 11276, 1825, 323, 3515, 279, 3805, 35121, 6656, 1022, 994, 10565, 279, 7458, 627, 791, 1510, 32885, 1234, 279, 82445, 16165, 47516, 369, 2225, 11062, 323, 15613, 690, 7293, 304, 2515, 3156, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 13, 6104, 279, 8670, 369, 864, 83255, 323, 71489, 11, 5099, 13, 7293, 279, 1890, 11, 5370, 25605, 18637, 3136, 311, 387, 11798, 311, 82703, 279, 8863, 315, 33111, 22961, 520, 1057, 46163, 627, 2460, 279, 1023, 11193, 902, 527, 53370, 311, 33663, 389, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 1234, 279, 6484, 73378, 32388, 9744, 320, 1737, 11167, 73656, 8, 320, 2822, 13, 220, 868, 8, 7365, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 9093, 3136, 311, 7293, 304, 2515, 13, 4427, 315, 1521, 527, 512, 791, 23738, 4017, 690, 7293, 520, 220, 868, 11434, 3156, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 627, 791, 9120, 389, 2523, 17822, 323, 9875, 477, 4455, 690, 3136, 3156, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 13, 12649, 10522, 690, 3136, 311, 387, 5535, 449, 7452, 22695, 323, 13627, 315, 279, 220, 868, 29145, 6037, 627, 31504, 8993, 477, 10597, 3600, 10565, 304, 8907, 449, 279, 9749, 32885, 1253, 3136, 13, 4452, 11, 77415, 1821, 527, 31256, 430, 66237, 304, 13937, 315, 220, 868, 11434, 527, 539, 5535, 4994, 279, 2035, 315, 24863, 627, 791, 17294, 8581, 311, 24461, 11, 28456, 10632, 323, 4225, 2923, 5548, 7293, 304, 2035, 3156, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 627 ]
[ 791, 4325, 4017, 369, 279, 3451, 60021, 520, 2162, 529, 6767, 8625, 520, 220, 2397, 3156, 6841, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 13, 63030, 220, 2397, 1667, 323, 9191, 2011, 9093, 3136, 311, 4822, 520, 2162, 719, 527, 15480, 311, 5387, 2162, 3131, 1855, 1938, 369, 279, 76500, 315, 2324, 627, 22818, 279, 1579, 34104, 315, 11434, 304, 420, 4325, 1912, 11, 8104, 1884, 449, 470, 269, 21301, 1385, 11, 584, 312, 42612, 279, 12939, 315, 7452, 71628, 627, 791, 16686, 311, 10051, 264, 7056, 29441, 311, 3504, 279, 19689, 323, 11013, 994, 304, 264, 586, 2035, 320, 16564, 264, 27465, 323, 264, 16383, 586, 24023, 7458, 8, 8625, 304, 2515, 1234, 279, 7365, 2085, 459, 51021, 2457, 627, 34, 76612, 374, 5131, 47614, 323, 34988, 279, 6671, 323, 690, 32113, 389, 279, 11193, 8581, 369, 6790, 220, 2366, 15, 323, 304, 4040, 279, 10280, 4261, 11, 304, 2500, 1403, 5672, 627, 15085, 15253, 682, 41259, 38473, 311, 26549, 23846, 682, 279, 32885, 323, 11193, 311, 2585, 279, 9041, 315, 20562, 12, 777, 311, 3665, 6439, 323, 21813, 64751, 82, 2476, 279, 507, 8971, 1071, 627, 6133, 263, 24713, 20562, 12, 777, 2917, 71830, 834, 977, 5326, 6373, 198, 14710, 83152, 17907, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 2366, 17, 198, 41, 3105, 3074, 753, 4029, 5603, 311, 20562, 65208, 555, 2326, 3, 17048, 11, 931, 6593, 5211, 25968, 198, 32999, 4212, 25, 220, 18, 4520, 578, 4029, 6108, 5603, 311, 12896, 1303, 20562, 12, 777, 323, 91115, 14348 ]
to work with all parties towards that goal.” It’s unclear what will happen to the bill next, but the clock is ticking toward next month’s deadline. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), a progressive leader who has previously called for significant reforms to the USA Freedom Act, told The Hill on Wednesday that she’s continuing to work with the committee leaders to encourage them to include more privacy reforms in the bill. “We have been trying to get a set of reforms in and trying to get to that place where we can have these tools for the intelligence community but also have some very strong protections,” said Jayapal, who was planning to vote for Lofgren’s amendments. Nadler and Schiff’s bill would have extended all of the expiring counterintelligence investigation powers until 2023. But it also would have ended the government’s authority to gain information about Americans’ phone calls, which was enabled under a provision called Section 215. Section 215 enables the government to collect business records without a warrant and surveil targets across multiple communications devices during terrorism investigations. The National Security Agency shuttered the phone records program, but the Trump
to work with all parties towards that goal.” It’s unclear what will happen to the bill next, but the clock is ticking toward next month’s deadline. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), a progressive leader who has previously called for significant reforms to the USA Freedom Act, told The Hill on Wednesday that she’s continuing to work with the committee leaders to encourage them to include more privacy reforms in the bill. “We have been trying to get a set of reforms in and trying to get to that place where we can have these tools for the intelligence community but also have some very strong protections,” said Jayapal, who was planning to vote for Lofgren’s amendments. Nadler and Schiff’s bill would have extended all of the expiring counterintelligence investigation powers until 2023. But it also would have ended the government’s authority to gain information about Americans’ phone calls, which was enabled under a provision called Section 215. Section 215 enables the government to collect business records without a warrant and surveil targets across multiple communications devices during terrorism investigations. The National Security Agency shuttered the phone records program, but the Trump
administration is pushing for Congress to reauthorize its ability to reopen it at any point. Olivia Beavers contributed. Tags Adam Schiff Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Jerrold Nadler Mass surveillance National security Patriot Act Pramila Jayapal USA Freedom Act Zoe Lofgren More National Security News Biden job approval steady after classified documents discoveries by Jared Gans 4 hours ago FBI searches Biden’s Rehoboth home by Brett Samuels 6 hours ago Defense & National Security — US says Russia is violating nuclear arms treaty by Brad Dress 21 hours ago Raskin asks Secret Service for information on visitors at Trump, Pence homes by Rebecca Beitsch 1 day ago National Security / 1 day ago Out of Office: Sega and The Boombox + DJ Dan Alani (Live Band and DJ) 5:00 PM until 1:00 AM Out of Office Featuring Sega and The Boombox & DJ Dan Put your Out of Office on, and kickstart your weekend at Amazing Grace! Out of Office is our weekly Friday night show playing a range of disco, funk, soul and old school hip-hop. We work with musicians and DJ’s from around the country
[ 284, 670, 351, 477, 4671, 3371, 326, 3061, 13, 447, 251, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 10061, 644, 481, 1645, 284, 262, 2855, 1306, 11, 475, 262, 8801, 318, 40212, 3812, 1306, 1227, 447, 247, 82, 12508, 13, 198, 6207, 13, 350, 859, 10102, 9180, 499, 282, 357, 35, 12, 54, 1077, 12179, 257, 10393, 3554, 508, 468, 4271, 1444, 329, 2383, 12506, 284, 262, 4916, 10204, 2191, 11, 1297, 383, 3327, 319, 3583, 326, 673, 447, 247, 82, 8282, 284, 670, 351, 262, 5583, 2766, 284, 7898, 606, 284, 2291, 517, 6782, 12506, 287, 262, 2855, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1135, 423, 587, 2111, 284, 651, 257, 900, 286, 12506, 287, 290, 2111, 284, 651, 284, 326, 1295, 810, 356, 460, 423, 777, 4899, 329, 262, 4430, 2055, 475, 635, 423, 617, 845, 1913, 15018, 11, 447, 251, 531, 9180, 499, 282, 11, 508, 373, 5410, 284, 3015, 329, 406, 1659, 32762, 447, 247, 82, 17835, 13, 198, 45, 324, 1754, 290, 41665, 447, 247, 82, 2855, 561, 423, 7083, 477, 286, 262, 1033, 3428, 3753, 32683, 3645, 5635, 1566, 1160, 1954, 13, 887, 340, 635, 561, 423, 4444, 262, 1230, 447, 247, 82, 4934, 284, 4461, 1321, 546, 3399, 447, 247, 3072, 3848, 11, 543, 373, 9343, 739, 257, 8287, 1444, 7275, 22951, 13, 198, 16375, 22951, 13536, 262, 1230, 284, 2824, 1597, 4406, 1231, 257, 8084, 290, 6549, 346, 6670, 1973, 3294, 8062, 4410, 1141, 8649, 10986, 13, 198, 464, 2351, 4765, 7732, 4423, 4400, 262, 3072, 4406, 1430, 11, 475, 262, 1301 ]
[ 311, 990, 449, 682, 9875, 7119, 430, 5915, 49216, 2181, 753, 25420, 1148, 690, 3621, 311, 279, 4121, 1828, 11, 719, 279, 9042, 374, 83437, 9017, 1828, 2305, 753, 22143, 627, 18833, 13, 2394, 309, 10746, 19455, 391, 278, 320, 35, 13299, 1003, 25390, 264, 23053, 7808, 889, 706, 8767, 2663, 369, 5199, 31343, 311, 279, 7427, 25320, 3298, 11, 3309, 578, 8270, 389, 8079, 430, 1364, 753, 14691, 311, 990, 449, 279, 13093, 6164, 311, 15253, 1124, 311, 2997, 810, 12625, 31343, 304, 279, 4121, 627, 15085, 617, 1027, 4560, 311, 636, 264, 743, 315, 31343, 304, 323, 4560, 311, 636, 311, 430, 2035, 1405, 584, 649, 617, 1521, 7526, 369, 279, 11478, 4029, 719, 1101, 617, 1063, 1633, 3831, 37424, 2476, 1071, 19455, 391, 278, 11, 889, 574, 9293, 311, 7055, 369, 445, 1073, 75365, 753, 41693, 627, 45, 329, 1565, 323, 88683, 753, 4121, 1053, 617, 11838, 682, 315, 279, 1367, 6322, 5663, 93375, 8990, 13736, 3156, 220, 2366, 18, 13, 2030, 433, 1101, 1053, 617, 9670, 279, 3109, 753, 11447, 311, 8895, 2038, 922, 9053, 529, 4641, 6880, 11, 902, 574, 9147, 1234, 264, 17575, 2663, 11360, 220, 12112, 627, 9817, 220, 12112, 20682, 279, 3109, 311, 6667, 2626, 7576, 2085, 264, 7236, 323, 15765, 321, 11811, 4028, 5361, 17320, 7766, 2391, 24020, 26969, 627, 791, 5165, 8398, 16784, 49056, 291, 279, 4641, 7576, 2068, 11, 719, 279, 3420 ]
[ 8735, 374, 17919, 369, 8151, 311, 312, 53122, 1202, 5845, 311, 37859, 433, 520, 904, 1486, 627, 43819, 21475, 2893, 22292, 20162, 627, 16309, 15387, 88683, 19620, 22107, 76458, 3298, 8569, 299, 509, 35762, 1565, 9346, 22156, 5165, 4868, 68031, 3298, 2394, 309, 10746, 19455, 391, 278, 7427, 25320, 3298, 75741, 445, 1073, 75365, 198, 7816, 5165, 8398, 5513, 198, 33, 12770, 2683, 14765, 24981, 1306, 21771, 9477, 54098, 198, 1729, 44328, 480, 598, 220, 19, 4207, 4227, 198, 37, 8768, 27573, 38180, 753, 1050, 71, 677, 8942, 2162, 198, 1729, 40203, 8388, 61244, 220, 21, 4207, 4227, 198, 61034, 612, 5165, 8398, 2001, 2326, 2795, 8524, 374, 45462, 11499, 11977, 38997, 198, 1729, 17478, 29318, 220, 1691, 4207, 4227, 198, 49, 1091, 258, 17501, 8769, 5475, 369, 2038, 389, 15613, 520, 3420, 11, 47060, 10632, 198, 1729, 45557, 2893, 1220, 331, 220, 16, 1938, 4227, 198, 31912, 8398, 611, 220, 16, 1938, 4227, 4470, 315, 8410, 25, 80949, 323, 578, 54511, 2054, 489, 22102, 11824, 1708, 5676, 320, 20944, 17366, 323, 22102, 340, 20, 25, 410, 5975, 3156, 220, 16, 25, 410, 6912, 198, 2729, 315, 8410, 52331, 80949, 323, 578, 54511, 2054, 612, 22102, 11824, 198, 19648, 701, 4470, 315, 8410, 389, 11, 323, 10536, 2527, 701, 9178, 520, 37633, 32171, 4999, 2729, 315, 8410, 374, 1057, 17496, 6740, 3814, 1501, 5737, 264, 2134, 315, 54969, 11, 69392, 11, 13836, 323, 2362, 2978, 18638, 49819, 627, 1687, 990, 449, 32629, 323, 22102, 753, 505, 2212, 279, 3224 ]
.0.0.1:10150: Connection established on fd 13 using source address 2018/07/31 14:32:53.097305 aprsc[21864:7f5bfd55f700] DEBUG: pass_client_to_worker: client on fd 13 to thread 0 with 0 users 2018/07/31 14:32:53.097324 aprsc[21864:7f5bfd55f700] INFO: status: setting error flag no_uplink ttl 3600 2018/07/31 14:32:53.126840 aprsc[21864:7f5c00890700] DEBUG: collect_new_clients(worker 0): added fd 13 to polling list, xfd 0x7f5c00a02030 2018/07/31 14:32:53.126950 aprsc[21864:7f5c00890700] DEBUG: Worker 0 accepted 1 new clients, 1 new connections, now total 1 clients 2018/07/31 14:32:53.663743 aprsc[21864:
.0.0.1:10150: Connection established on fd 13 using source address 2018/07/31 14:32:53.097305 aprsc[21864:7f5bfd55f700] DEBUG: pass_client_to_worker: client on fd 13 to thread 0 with 0 users 2018/07/31 14:32:53.097324 aprsc[21864:7f5bfd55f700] INFO: status: setting error flag no_uplink ttl 3600 2018/07/31 14:32:53.126840 aprsc[21864:7f5c00890700] DEBUG: collect_new_clients(worker 0): added fd 13 to polling list, xfd 0x7f5c00a02030 2018/07/31 14:32:53.126950 aprsc[21864:7f5c00890700] DEBUG: Worker 0 accepted 1 new clients, 1 new connections, now total 1 clients 2018/07/31 14:32:53.663743 aprsc[21864:
7f5c008b1700] DEBUG: http status [] request /status.json 2018/07/31 14:32:53.664754 aprsc[21864:7f5c008b1700] DEBUG: http_compress_gzip: compressed 7656 bytes to 1743 bytes: 22.8 % 2018/07/31 14:32:54.994428 aprsc[21864:7f5c00890700] INFO: Uplink server software: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request $ sudo service aprsc status ● aprsc.service - LSB: start and stop aprsc Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/aprsc; generated; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-07-31 16:32:48 CEST; 20min ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) Process: 21831 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/aprsc stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS
[ 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 25, 8784, 1120, 25, 26923, 4920, 319, 277, 67, 1511, 1262, 2723, 2209, 18112, 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 25, 29796, 2624, 198, 7908, 14, 2998, 14, 3132, 1478, 25, 2624, 25, 4310, 13, 2931, 22, 22515, 46593, 1416, 58, 28727, 2414, 25, 22, 69, 20, 65, 16344, 2816, 69, 9879, 60, 16959, 25, 1208, 62, 16366, 62, 1462, 62, 28816, 25, 5456, 319, 277, 67, 1511, 284, 4704, 657, 351, 657, 2985, 198, 7908, 14, 2998, 14, 3132, 1478, 25, 2624, 25, 4310, 13, 2931, 4790, 1731, 46593, 1416, 58, 28727, 2414, 25, 22, 69, 20, 65, 16344, 2816, 69, 9879, 60, 24890, 25, 3722, 25, 4634, 4049, 6056, 645, 62, 84, 489, 676, 256, 28781, 4570, 405, 198, 7908, 14, 2998, 14, 3132, 1478, 25, 2624, 25, 4310, 13, 1065, 3104, 1821, 46593, 1416, 58, 28727, 2414, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 405, 4531, 2998, 405, 60, 16959, 25, 2824, 62, 3605, 62, 565, 2334, 7, 28816, 657, 2599, 2087, 277, 67, 1511, 284, 13985, 1351, 11, 2124, 16344, 657, 87, 22, 69, 20, 66, 405, 64, 33618, 1270, 198, 7908, 14, 2998, 14, 3132, 1478, 25, 2624, 25, 4310, 13, 1065, 3388, 1120, 46593, 1416, 58, 28727, 2414, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 405, 4531, 2998, 405, 60, 16959, 25, 35412, 657, 6292, 352, 649, 7534, 11, 352, 649, 8787, 11, 783, 2472, 352, 7534, 198, 7908, 14, 2998, 14, 3132, 1478, 25, 2624, 25, 4310, 13, 2791, 2718, 3559, 46593, 1416, 58, 28727, 2414, 25 ]
[ 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 25, 4645, 1135, 25, 11278, 9749, 389, 12696, 220, 1032, 1701, 2592, 2686, 220, 6804, 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 25, 22345, 843, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 28384, 13364, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 82764, 2131, 69, 7007, 60, 12946, 25, 1522, 8342, 2401, 41485, 25, 3016, 389, 12696, 220, 1032, 311, 4617, 220, 15, 449, 220, 15, 3932, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 28384, 16723, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 82764, 2131, 69, 7007, 60, 31871, 25, 2704, 25, 6376, 1493, 5292, 912, 8401, 2125, 55032, 220, 6843, 15, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 9390, 19899, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 11436, 23505, 410, 60, 12946, 25, 6667, 6046, 57999, 74848, 220, 15, 1680, 3779, 12696, 220, 1032, 311, 31744, 1160, 11, 865, 7047, 220, 15, 87, 22, 69, 20, 66, 410, 64, 11139, 966, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 9390, 15862, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 11436, 23505, 410, 60, 12946, 25, 34186, 220, 15, 11928, 220, 16, 502, 8403, 11, 220, 16, 502, 13537, 11, 1457, 2860, 220, 16, 8403, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 24491, 26260, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25 ]
[ 22, 69, 20, 66, 11436, 65, 8258, 15, 60, 12946, 25, 1795, 2704, 510, 6804, 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 60, 1715, 611, 2899, 4421, 198, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4331, 13, 23888, 23952, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 11436, 65, 8258, 15, 60, 12946, 25, 1795, 88945, 1928, 10169, 25, 31749, 220, 22240, 21, 5943, 311, 220, 11771, 18, 5943, 25, 220, 1313, 13, 23, 33648, 679, 23, 14, 2589, 14, 2148, 220, 975, 25, 843, 25, 4370, 13, 22897, 19140, 21726, 2445, 58, 13302, 1227, 25, 22, 69, 20, 66, 11436, 23505, 410, 60, 31871, 25, 220, 6804, 13, 15, 13, 15, 13, 16, 25, 4645, 1135, 25, 549, 501, 771, 3622, 3241, 25, 10339, 14, 16, 13, 16, 220, 3443, 11717, 6274, 271, 3, 26481, 2532, 21726, 2445, 2704, 198, 45048, 21726, 2445, 5855, 482, 94410, 25, 1212, 323, 3009, 21726, 2445, 198, 23172, 25, 6799, 47325, 12380, 44048, 962, 25697, 81, 2445, 26, 8066, 26, 21390, 44021, 25, 9147, 340, 5847, 25, 4642, 320, 28272, 8, 2533, 40267, 220, 679, 23, 12, 2589, 12, 2148, 220, 845, 25, 843, 25, 2166, 356, 5288, 26, 220, 508, 1083, 4227, 198, 64207, 25, 893, 25, 9125, 67, 1355, 1065, 85, 79102, 7, 23, 340, 7575, 25, 220, 13302, 2148, 10502, 10903, 24167, 12380, 44048, 962, 25697, 81, 2445, 3009, 320, 1889, 28, 327, 1639, 11, 2704, 28, 15, 11628, 7289 ]
largest source of connections beating Germany into fourth place. ike France, Germany has gone from being a major production to partner to an occasional source of connections after 2004. This is also true of Canada, which has no connections listed for 2009 at all, as well as Spain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Denmark. The category ‘Europe’ is not defined by the UK Film Council. If we look at the diversity of countries connected to the UK in this way and the number of connections, we find that European countries are the most numerous at 33, accounting for a total of 528 connections (I include Turkey as a European country here). North america accounts for only 3 countries but the USA accounts for 173 connections and Canada 60 so clearly. Next comes ASia, which accounts for only four countries but a total of 75 connections. It should be noted, however, that almost all of these are accounted for by India. Notable absentees from the list of co-production partners in Table 3 are China, Japan, and South Korea. Africa is represented by four countries totalling 15 connections, of which South Africa account for two-thirds. Oceania is represented by Australia and New Zealand, providing a total of 15 connections; while the only South
largest source of connections beating Germany into fourth place. ike France, Germany has gone from being a major production to partner to an occasional source of connections after 2004. This is also true of Canada, which has no connections listed for 2009 at all, as well as Spain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Denmark. The category ‘Europe’ is not defined by the UK Film Council. If we look at the diversity of countries connected to the UK in this way and the number of connections, we find that European countries are the most numerous at 33, accounting for a total of 528 connections (I include Turkey as a European country here). North america accounts for only 3 countries but the USA accounts for 173 connections and Canada 60 so clearly. Next comes ASia, which accounts for only four countries but a total of 75 connections. It should be noted, however, that almost all of these are accounted for by India. Notable absentees from the list of co-production partners in Table 3 are China, Japan, and South Korea. Africa is represented by four countries totalling 15 connections, of which South Africa account for two-thirds. Oceania is represented by Australia and New Zealand, providing a total of 15 connections; while the only South
American countries included are Argentina and Brazil, accounting for only 3 films. Figures 2 and 3 make this information somewhat easier to appreciate. Figure 2 Countries with connections to UK film production by region, 2003 to 2009 Figure 3 Number of connections to countries sorted by region, 2003 to 2009 Often when we talk about globalisation in the film industry we imply something that happens all over the world, but this is clearly not the case for connections between the UK film industry and elsewhere. The places to which film production in the UK is connected can be sorted into three major groups: first, there are the countries geographically closest to the UK – i.e. Europe; second, there are the countries that are historically closest to the UK – i.e. former colonies such as India, Canada, Australia, and South Africa; and, third, there is the United States, which is the dominant global power in the film industry. We can therefore say that some of the ways in which the UK film industry is globalised are through proximity, legacy, and domination by a superior market. When we turn our attention to countries that are far from the UK, that do not have a close historical/cultural relationship, and which are not major world cinema powers – in other words South America
[ 4387, 2723, 286, 8787, 11226, 4486, 656, 5544, 1295, 13, 220, 522, 4881, 11, 4486, 468, 3750, 422, 852, 257, 1688, 3227, 284, 5212, 284, 281, 12209, 2723, 286, 8787, 706, 5472, 13, 770, 318, 635, 2081, 286, 3340, 11, 543, 468, 645, 8787, 5610, 329, 3717, 379, 477, 11, 355, 880, 355, 8602, 11, 8031, 11, 7517, 11, 31864, 11, 290, 16490, 13, 383, 6536, 564, 246, 16112, 447, 247, 318, 407, 5447, 416, 262, 3482, 13741, 4281, 13, 198, 1532, 356, 804, 379, 262, 9573, 286, 2678, 5884, 284, 262, 3482, 287, 428, 835, 290, 262, 1271, 286, 8787, 11, 356, 1064, 326, 3427, 2678, 389, 262, 749, 6409, 379, 4747, 11, 14317, 329, 257, 2472, 286, 642, 2078, 8787, 357, 40, 2291, 7137, 355, 257, 3427, 1499, 994, 737, 2258, 45630, 64, 5504, 329, 691, 513, 2678, 475, 262, 4916, 5504, 329, 28174, 8787, 290, 3340, 3126, 523, 4084, 13, 7406, 2058, 7054, 544, 11, 543, 5504, 329, 691, 1440, 2678, 475, 257, 2472, 286, 5441, 8787, 13, 632, 815, 307, 4367, 11, 2158, 11, 326, 2048, 477, 286, 777, 389, 17830, 329, 416, 3794, 13, 1892, 540, 13717, 2841, 422, 262, 1351, 286, 763, 12, 25493, 4887, 287, 8655, 513, 389, 2807, 11, 2869, 11, 290, 2520, 4969, 13, 5478, 318, 7997, 416, 1440, 2678, 2006, 9221, 1315, 8787, 11, 286, 543, 2520, 5478, 1848, 329, 734, 12, 17936, 13, 440, 344, 5411, 318, 7997, 416, 4505, 290, 968, 8936, 11, 4955, 257, 2472, 286, 1315, 8787, 26, 981, 262, 691, 2520 ]
[ 7928, 2592, 315, 13537, 27242, 10057, 1139, 11999, 2035, 13, 602, 441, 9822, 11, 10057, 706, 8208, 505, 1694, 264, 3682, 5788, 311, 8427, 311, 459, 28961, 2592, 315, 13537, 1306, 220, 1049, 19, 13, 1115, 374, 1101, 837, 315, 7008, 11, 902, 706, 912, 13537, 10212, 369, 220, 1049, 24, 520, 682, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 18157, 11, 15704, 11, 14990, 11, 65971, 11, 323, 35440, 13, 578, 5699, 3451, 31880, 529, 374, 539, 4613, 555, 279, 6560, 17042, 9251, 627, 2746, 584, 1427, 520, 279, 20057, 315, 5961, 8599, 311, 279, 6560, 304, 420, 1648, 323, 279, 1396, 315, 13537, 11, 584, 1505, 430, 7665, 5961, 527, 279, 1455, 12387, 520, 220, 1644, 11, 24043, 369, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 21458, 13537, 320, 40, 2997, 17442, 439, 264, 7665, 3224, 1618, 570, 4892, 64766, 9815, 369, 1193, 220, 18, 5961, 719, 279, 7427, 9815, 369, 220, 11908, 13537, 323, 7008, 220, 1399, 779, 9539, 13, 9479, 4131, 5871, 689, 11, 902, 9815, 369, 1193, 3116, 5961, 719, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 2075, 13537, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 10555, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 4661, 682, 315, 1521, 527, 41853, 369, 555, 6890, 13, 2876, 481, 28310, 5633, 505, 279, 1160, 315, 1080, 70666, 8717, 304, 6771, 220, 18, 527, 5734, 11, 6457, 11, 323, 4987, 12126, 13, 10384, 374, 15609, 555, 3116, 5961, 2458, 17157, 220, 868, 13537, 11, 315, 902, 4987, 10384, 2759, 369, 1403, 45726, 13, 507, 346, 9345, 374, 15609, 555, 8494, 323, 1561, 17340, 11, 8405, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 868, 13537, 26, 1418, 279, 1193, 4987 ]
[ 3778, 5961, 5343, 527, 32164, 323, 16327, 11, 24043, 369, 1193, 220, 18, 12631, 13, 69356, 220, 17, 323, 220, 18, 1304, 420, 2038, 14738, 8831, 311, 15763, 627, 22804, 220, 17, 54837, 449, 13537, 311, 6560, 4632, 5788, 555, 5654, 11, 220, 1049, 18, 311, 220, 1049, 24, 198, 22804, 220, 18, 5742, 315, 13537, 311, 5961, 10839, 555, 5654, 11, 220, 1049, 18, 311, 220, 1049, 24, 198, 78013, 994, 584, 3137, 922, 3728, 8082, 304, 279, 4632, 5064, 584, 34608, 2555, 430, 8741, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 11, 719, 420, 374, 9539, 539, 279, 1162, 369, 13537, 1990, 279, 6560, 4632, 5064, 323, 18403, 13, 578, 7634, 311, 902, 4632, 5788, 304, 279, 6560, 374, 8599, 649, 387, 10839, 1139, 2380, 3682, 5315, 25, 1176, 11, 1070, 527, 279, 5961, 3980, 65031, 18585, 311, 279, 6560, 1389, 602, 1770, 13, 4606, 26, 2132, 11, 1070, 527, 279, 5961, 430, 527, 35901, 18585, 311, 279, 6560, 1389, 602, 1770, 13, 4846, 49028, 1778, 439, 6890, 11, 7008, 11, 8494, 11, 323, 4987, 10384, 26, 323, 11, 4948, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 902, 374, 279, 25462, 3728, 2410, 304, 279, 4632, 5064, 13, 1226, 649, 9093, 2019, 430, 1063, 315, 279, 5627, 304, 902, 279, 6560, 4632, 5064, 374, 3728, 4147, 527, 1555, 37843, 11, 20160, 11, 323, 55949, 555, 264, 16757, 3157, 13, 3277, 584, 2543, 1057, 6666, 311, 5961, 430, 527, 3117, 505, 279, 6560, 11, 430, 656, 539, 617, 264, 3345, 13970, 2971, 44547, 5133, 11, 323, 902, 527, 539, 3682, 1917, 34292, 13736, 1389, 304, 1023, 4339, 4987, 5270 ]
en Gillibrand for ignoring mask mandate... H&G country HaGC_logo Created with Sketch. hag_logo_Vertical Created with Sketch. Country The art of rural living SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY HOMES & INTERIORS COUNTRY GARDEN IDEAS COUNTRY PAINT COLORS COTTAGE KITCHEN IDEAS SUBSCRIBE TO PERIOD LIVING Home-tours This beautifully restored country rectory is the perfect place to celebrate Christmas A Georgian rectory has been sympathetically updated and extended while remaining true to its elegant period details (Image credit: Polly Eltes) By Karen Darlow published 29 November 21 Renovating a period home is rarely a quick process, but the owners of this old Georgian rectory had a shared vision of a blissful country home, and were prepared to take the long view. Ten years after acquiring the Old Rectory, a Georgian house in an Oxfordshire village, their home is a delight to behold. Completed in a series of steady phases, it’s proof that patience really does pay off. The attention to detail and the quality of the
en Gillibrand for ignoring mask mandate... H&G country HaGC_logo Created with Sketch. hag_logo_Vertical Created with Sketch. Country The art of rural living SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY HOMES & INTERIORS COUNTRY GARDEN IDEAS COUNTRY PAINT COLORS COTTAGE KITCHEN IDEAS SUBSCRIBE TO PERIOD LIVING Home-tours This beautifully restored country rectory is the perfect place to celebrate Christmas A Georgian rectory has been sympathetically updated and extended while remaining true to its elegant period details (Image credit: Polly Eltes) By Karen Darlow published 29 November 21 Renovating a period home is rarely a quick process, but the owners of this old Georgian rectory had a shared vision of a blissful country home, and were prepared to take the long view. Ten years after acquiring the Old Rectory, a Georgian house in an Oxfordshire village, their home is a delight to behold. Completed in a series of steady phases, it’s proof that patience really does pay off. The attention to detail and the quality of the
finish in this renovated period property truly make it one of the world's best homes. It was the garden that first attracted the homeowners to the property and one of the first things they did was repair the tennis court and swimming pool for the family to enjoy. The house itself, while attractive, had fallen into disrepair and was in need of a committed effort to reclaim its former glory. The property had been in the same family for well over 50 years and really hadn’t been touched much in that time. Its new owners discovered that some of the walls that were more structurally unsound than they had expected, and the roof was beginning to leak. They started with all the essential structural requirements before taking on each floor. The owners were keen to preserve as much detail as possible in the original property. This included the cornicing, the shutters and the fireplaces, as well as an ornate marquetry floor in the drawing room and an original Arts & Crafts carved staircase. For anyone looking for kitchen ideas, this smart space is full of inspiration. The dark walnut bar table pairs elegantly with the grey cabinetry and great care has been taken to match and retain the surrounding period features. The owner came up with the interior schemes
[ 268, 12981, 2889, 392, 329, 15482, 9335, 14598, 986, 367, 5, 38, 1499, 198, 23303, 15916, 62, 6404, 78, 15622, 351, 17001, 13, 289, 363, 62, 6404, 78, 62, 42369, 605, 15622, 351, 17001, 13, 12946, 198, 464, 1242, 286, 10016, 2877, 198, 12564, 4462, 34, 7112, 12473, 5390, 31404, 40405, 367, 2662, 1546, 1222, 23255, 40, 20673, 198, 34, 19385, 40405, 402, 9795, 1677, 33497, 1921, 198, 34, 19385, 40405, 8147, 12394, 20444, 20673, 198, 34, 29089, 11879, 509, 31949, 1677, 33497, 1921, 198, 12564, 4462, 34, 7112, 12473, 5390, 19878, 40, 3727, 406, 3824, 2751, 198, 16060, 12, 83, 4662, 198, 1212, 21104, 15032, 1499, 13621, 652, 318, 262, 2818, 1295, 284, 10648, 6786, 198, 32, 45262, 13621, 652, 468, 587, 10558, 265, 31786, 6153, 290, 7083, 981, 5637, 2081, 284, 663, 19992, 2278, 3307, 198, 7, 5159, 3884, 25, 36898, 412, 2528, 274, 8, 198, 3886, 18678, 360, 7063, 322, 3199, 2808, 3389, 2310, 198, 26764, 709, 803, 257, 2278, 1363, 318, 8365, 257, 2068, 1429, 11, 475, 262, 4393, 286, 428, 1468, 45262, 13621, 652, 550, 257, 4888, 5761, 286, 257, 30533, 913, 1499, 1363, 11, 290, 547, 5597, 284, 1011, 262, 890, 1570, 13, 198, 24893, 812, 706, 22488, 262, 5706, 48599, 652, 11, 257, 45262, 2156, 287, 281, 13643, 10932, 7404, 11, 511, 1363, 318, 257, 10974, 284, 23700, 13, 32983, 287, 257, 2168, 286, 11831, 21164, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 6617, 326, 16336, 1107, 857, 1414, 572, 13, 198, 464, 3241, 284, 3703, 290, 262, 3081, 286, 262 ]
[ 268, 33826, 10892, 438, 369, 32003, 7056, 35381, 1131, 473, 5, 38, 3224, 198, 34042, 23710, 31062, 4388, 449, 39501, 13, 305, 351, 31062, 81910, 950, 4388, 449, 39501, 13, 14438, 198, 791, 1989, 315, 19624, 5496, 198, 30138, 65740, 5257, 356, 49868, 473, 1937, 1600, 612, 30442, 40, 10022, 198, 34, 49868, 480, 7527, 965, 29075, 1950, 198, 34, 49868, 13174, 3301, 87922, 198, 34, 24732, 3669, 735, 26043, 965, 29075, 1950, 198, 30138, 65740, 5257, 18335, 34391, 445, 73246, 198, 7778, 2442, 2530, 198, 2028, 32719, 28101, 3224, 7763, 683, 374, 279, 4832, 2035, 311, 18890, 10280, 198, 32, 87542, 7763, 683, 706, 1027, 33818, 37774, 6177, 323, 11838, 1418, 9861, 837, 311, 1202, 26861, 4261, 3649, 198, 31222, 6807, 25, 94517, 4072, 2392, 340, 1383, 35745, 15367, 10516, 4756, 220, 1682, 6841, 220, 1691, 198, 35725, 869, 1113, 264, 4261, 2162, 374, 19029, 264, 4062, 1920, 11, 719, 279, 7980, 315, 420, 2362, 87542, 7763, 683, 1047, 264, 6222, 11376, 315, 264, 59045, 1285, 3224, 2162, 11, 323, 1051, 10235, 311, 1935, 279, 1317, 1684, 627, 33787, 1667, 1306, 42990, 279, 10846, 12186, 683, 11, 264, 87542, 3838, 304, 459, 26275, 15255, 14458, 11, 872, 2162, 374, 264, 18454, 311, 57215, 13, 46594, 304, 264, 4101, 315, 24981, 35530, 11, 433, 753, 11311, 430, 30401, 2216, 1587, 2343, 1022, 627, 791, 6666, 311, 7872, 323, 279, 4367, 315, 279 ]
[ 6381, 304, 420, 57934, 4261, 3424, 9615, 1304, 433, 832, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 1888, 10632, 627, 2181, 574, 279, 13863, 430, 1176, 29123, 279, 40962, 311, 279, 3424, 323, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 2574, 814, 1550, 574, 13023, 279, 32515, 5590, 323, 24269, 7463, 369, 279, 3070, 311, 4774, 13, 578, 3838, 5196, 11, 1418, 19411, 11, 1047, 21536, 1139, 834, 77539, 323, 574, 304, 1205, 315, 264, 11411, 5149, 311, 58583, 1202, 4846, 27025, 627, 791, 3424, 1047, 1027, 304, 279, 1890, 3070, 369, 1664, 927, 220, 1135, 1667, 323, 2216, 19117, 1431, 1027, 24891, 1790, 304, 430, 892, 13, 11699, 502, 7980, 11352, 430, 1063, 315, 279, 14620, 430, 1051, 810, 2080, 43024, 7120, 801, 1109, 814, 1047, 3685, 11, 323, 279, 15485, 574, 7314, 311, 24237, 13, 2435, 3940, 449, 682, 279, 7718, 24693, 8670, 1603, 4737, 389, 1855, 6558, 627, 791, 7980, 1051, 27989, 311, 21813, 439, 1790, 7872, 439, 3284, 304, 279, 4113, 3424, 13, 1115, 5343, 279, 14095, 10332, 11, 279, 9495, 5153, 323, 279, 4027, 27170, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 459, 40545, 349, 3678, 447, 15501, 6558, 304, 279, 13633, 3130, 323, 459, 4113, 17979, 612, 66041, 49267, 62862, 627, 2520, 5606, 3411, 369, 9979, 6848, 11, 420, 7941, 3634, 374, 2539, 315, 20343, 13, 578, 6453, 93729, 3703, 2007, 13840, 18190, 18007, 449, 279, 20366, 13691, 15501, 323, 2294, 2512, 706, 1027, 4529, 311, 2489, 323, 14389, 279, 14932, 4261, 4519, 627, 791, 6506, 3782, 709, 449, 279, 15135, 31956 ]
forehead on mine. He whispers, "Don't deserve you. Not even a bit. But as long as you want me, you got me." My eyes close and I whisper, "Don't leave me. Ever." "Never. You're my girl," he replies seriously.” — Belle Aurora “I suffered from post-natal depression after Rowan was born. I had a healthy, beautiful baby girl and I couldn't look at her. I couldn't hold her, smile at her. All I wanted was to disappear and die.” — Brooke Shields “So, I see we meet again." He offered a smile. Although he could clearly see from her rounded abdomen that she was expecting a baby, he couldn't keep from noticing once again that she was a lovely woman. "I have to say, we didn't officially meet," he continued, trying to put her at ease. "Unless of course you go by the title Frau Maple Syrup." "I'm Frau Werner. Annalisa Werner." "And I'm Carl Richards." He put his arm to his waist and bowed as if he were the grand duke and she a duchess. "I'm Gretchen." Ann
forehead on mine. He whispers, "Don't deserve you. Not even a bit. But as long as you want me, you got me." My eyes close and I whisper, "Don't leave me. Ever." "Never. You're my girl," he replies seriously.” — Belle Aurora “I suffered from post-natal depression after Rowan was born. I had a healthy, beautiful baby girl and I couldn't look at her. I couldn't hold her, smile at her. All I wanted was to disappear and die.” — Brooke Shields “So, I see we meet again." He offered a smile. Although he could clearly see from her rounded abdomen that she was expecting a baby, he couldn't keep from noticing once again that she was a lovely woman. "I have to say, we didn't officially meet," he continued, trying to put her at ease. "Unless of course you go by the title Frau Maple Syrup." "I'm Frau Werner. Annalisa Werner." "And I'm Carl Richards." He put his arm to his waist and bowed as if he were the grand duke and she a duchess. "I'm Gretchen." Ann
alisa's daughter let go of her oma and turned to him. "Ah, I was expecting something like Raindrop." He turned to the little girl and bowed to her. "But I like Gretchen much better. It's a lovely name for a princess.” — Jody Hedlund A Baby Girl Smile Quotes Pictures Want to see more pictures of A Baby Girl Smile quotes? Click on image of A Baby Girl Smile quotes to view full size. Alexis Taylor Quotes Bill Plotkin Quotes Elliot Richardson Quotes Fannie Farmer Quotes George C. Homans Quotes Hermann Emil Fischer Quotes Jesse Taylor Quotes Kim Askew Quotes Margaret Starbird Quotes Nikhil Advani Quotes Richard Baker Quotes Roald Amundsen Quotes Robert Henry Newell Quotes Sara Levine Quotes Vincent Collins Quotes Canada Dry Quotes “She introduces me to a nurse as the Best Friend. The impersonal article is more intimate. It tells me that they are intimate,” — Amy Hempel Quotes About Wave-particle Duality “Wave particle duality is
[ 22645, 319, 6164, 13, 679, 37806, 11, 366, 3987, 470, 10925, 345, 13, 1892, 772, 257, 1643, 13, 887, 355, 890, 355, 345, 765, 502, 11, 345, 1392, 502, 526, 198, 3666, 2951, 1969, 290, 314, 31992, 11, 366, 3987, 470, 2666, 502, 13, 10776, 526, 198, 1, 12295, 13, 921, 821, 616, 2576, 553, 339, 20616, 6411, 13, 447, 251, 198, 960, 31974, 22218, 198, 447, 250, 40, 6989, 422, 1281, 12, 33150, 8862, 706, 11314, 272, 373, 4642, 13, 314, 550, 257, 5448, 11, 4950, 5156, 2576, 290, 314, 3521, 470, 804, 379, 607, 13, 314, 3521, 470, 1745, 607, 11, 8212, 379, 607, 13, 1439, 314, 2227, 373, 284, 10921, 290, 4656, 13, 447, 251, 198, 960, 46459, 30512, 198, 447, 250, 2396, 11, 314, 766, 356, 1826, 757, 526, 679, 4438, 257, 8212, 13, 4900, 339, 714, 4084, 766, 422, 607, 19273, 32956, 326, 673, 373, 12451, 257, 5156, 11, 339, 3521, 470, 1394, 422, 28107, 1752, 757, 326, 673, 373, 257, 14081, 2415, 13, 366, 40, 423, 284, 910, 11, 356, 1422, 470, 8720, 1826, 553, 339, 3767, 11, 2111, 284, 1234, 607, 379, 10152, 13, 366, 28042, 286, 1781, 345, 467, 416, 262, 3670, 39313, 84, 21249, 1632, 12618, 526, 366, 40, 1101, 39313, 84, 48642, 13, 5506, 282, 9160, 48642, 526, 366, 1870, 314, 1101, 8124, 14743, 526, 679, 1234, 465, 3211, 284, 465, 16139, 290, 35737, 355, 611, 339, 547, 262, 4490, 288, 4649, 290, 673, 257, 288, 1229, 33979, 13, 366, 40, 1101, 35877, 6607, 526, 5506 ]
[ 52354, 389, 10705, 13, 1283, 89248, 11, 330, 8161, 956, 23528, 499, 13, 2876, 1524, 264, 2766, 13, 2030, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 1390, 757, 11, 499, 2751, 757, 10246, 5159, 6548, 3345, 323, 358, 35955, 11, 330, 8161, 956, 5387, 757, 13, 18374, 10246, 1, 27247, 13, 1472, 2351, 856, 3828, 1359, 568, 31737, 14243, 49216, 2345, 51608, 47892, 198, 10378, 16654, 505, 1772, 5392, 4306, 18710, 1306, 11035, 276, 574, 9405, 13, 358, 1047, 264, 9498, 11, 6366, 8945, 3828, 323, 358, 7846, 956, 1427, 520, 1077, 13, 358, 7846, 956, 3412, 1077, 11, 15648, 520, 1077, 13, 2052, 358, 4934, 574, 311, 32153, 323, 2815, 49216, 2345, 79561, 75897, 198, 70214, 11, 358, 1518, 584, 3449, 1578, 1210, 1283, 9076, 264, 15648, 13, 10541, 568, 1436, 9539, 1518, 505, 1077, 18460, 64772, 430, 1364, 574, 23132, 264, 8945, 11, 568, 7846, 956, 2567, 505, 62464, 3131, 1578, 430, 1364, 574, 264, 17104, 5333, 13, 330, 40, 617, 311, 2019, 11, 584, 3287, 956, 19073, 3449, 1359, 568, 8738, 11, 4560, 311, 2231, 1077, 520, 14553, 13, 330, 36687, 315, 3388, 499, 733, 555, 279, 2316, 52843, 44570, 5837, 31722, 1210, 330, 40, 2846, 52843, 80835, 13, 9489, 278, 10994, 80835, 1210, 330, 3112, 358, 2846, 22770, 54072, 1210, 1283, 2231, 813, 6916, 311, 813, 29142, 323, 85473, 439, 422, 568, 1051, 279, 6800, 96923, 323, 1364, 264, 294, 1412, 434, 13, 330, 40, 2846, 88652, 7674, 1210, 9489 ]
[ 278, 10994, 596, 10003, 1095, 733, 315, 1077, 48253, 323, 6656, 311, 1461, 13, 330, 25797, 11, 358, 574, 23132, 2555, 1093, 22674, 6861, 1210, 1283, 6656, 311, 279, 2697, 3828, 323, 85473, 311, 1077, 13, 330, 4071, 358, 1093, 88652, 7674, 1790, 2731, 13, 1102, 596, 264, 17104, 836, 369, 264, 40688, 49216, 2345, 622, 1094, 75263, 85833, 198, 32, 21266, 11617, 79405, 36713, 29485, 198, 29923, 311, 1518, 810, 9364, 315, 362, 21266, 11617, 79405, 17637, 30, 9369, 389, 2217, 315, 362, 21266, 11617, 79405, 17637, 311, 1684, 2539, 1404, 627, 28487, 285, 16844, 36713, 198, 28576, 27124, 8148, 36713, 198, 43810, 11345, 46823, 36713, 198, 37, 72176, 68564, 36713, 198, 40052, 356, 13, 13525, 598, 36713, 198, 39, 92550, 88824, 63016, 36713, 198, 41, 24201, 16844, 36713, 198, 49436, 21069, 365, 36713, 198, 45337, 11554, 7834, 23414, 36713, 198, 45, 31603, 321, 12605, 5676, 36713, 198, 42315, 29492, 36713, 198, 39972, 4852, 3383, 1263, 12021, 36713, 198, 35632, 18063, 1561, 616, 36713, 198, 50, 5169, 81702, 36713, 198, 73092, 1189, 29770, 36713, 198, 37031, 31941, 36713, 198, 84498, 40019, 757, 311, 264, 29198, 439, 279, 7252, 11848, 13, 578, 60849, 278, 4652, 374, 810, 32487, 13, 1102, 10975, 757, 430, 814, 527, 32487, 2476, 2001, 29793, 57308, 301, 198, 44880, 10180, 32418, 2320, 7203, 423, 10965, 198, 2118, 52782, 19320, 294, 10965, 374 ]
a Roads and Airports Department's representative. Please allow for a 2 to 3 week review period. Once the application has been approved, an encroachment permit may be issued. Depending on the type of project, a performance bond may be required. Encroachment permit applicants may contact a Roads and Airports Department's representative at (408) 299-2198 for information regarding the permit process or the status of their permit application. Note: This information is to serve as a guideline for encroachment permit applicants. Additional information (some examples: elevations, drainage calculations prepared by a registered civil engineer, sight distance plan prepared by a registered civil engineer, cross sections, etc.) may be required, depending on the size and scope of the project. How do I actuate the traffic signal with my bicycle? ​There are two possible means to actuate the signal for a bicycle. Most of our signals utilize Loop Detectors (see above) They all should be sensitive to bicycles. Bicycles have very little metal compared to a car so the influence they have on the detection device is very small. It is best to pass through the center of the loop area passing across the loop wire at a 45 degree angle. If the loop is visible on the surface
a Roads and Airports Department's representative. Please allow for a 2 to 3 week review period. Once the application has been approved, an encroachment permit may be issued. Depending on the type of project, a performance bond may be required. Encroachment permit applicants may contact a Roads and Airports Department's representative at (408) 299-2198 for information regarding the permit process or the status of their permit application. Note: This information is to serve as a guideline for encroachment permit applicants. Additional information (some examples: elevations, drainage calculations prepared by a registered civil engineer, sight distance plan prepared by a registered civil engineer, cross sections, etc.) may be required, depending on the size and scope of the project. How do I actuate the traffic signal with my bicycle? ​There are two possible means to actuate the signal for a bicycle. Most of our signals utilize Loop Detectors (see above) They all should be sensitive to bicycles. Bicycles have very little metal compared to a car so the influence they have on the detection device is very small. It is best to pass through the center of the loop area passing across the loop wire at a 45 degree angle. If the loop is visible on the surface
of the pavement due to the patching of the saw slot this may be easy. If the loop is not visible, there may be a painted outline where the loop is located. Another way bicycles can actuate the signals is a bicycle pushbutton. These are usually adjacent to the right lane and have a special bicycle symbol on the information plate by the button. The pedestrian pushbutton may also be used. Encroachment Permit: What Is An Encroachment Permit? ​An encroachment permit is a written permit authorizing certain work to be done within a County publicly maintained right of way. A construction permit is issued in lieu of an encroachment permit when the public right of way or easement in which the work is being performed is not maintained by the County's Roads and Airports Department and is within the County's jurisdiction. Encroachment Permit: Workers' Compensation Acknowledgement County of Santa Clara Roads and Airports Department Planning Office County Government Center, East Wing, 7th Floor 70 West Hedding Street ______________________________________________________________________________________​ WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Owner's Form) I, the undersigned, certify that I am familiar with
[ 257, 40065, 290, 3701, 3742, 2732, 338, 8852, 13, 4222, 1249, 329, 257, 362, 284, 513, 1285, 2423, 2278, 13, 198, 7454, 262, 3586, 468, 587, 6325, 11, 281, 45121, 15520, 8749, 743, 307, 4884, 13, 23591, 319, 262, 2099, 286, 1628, 11, 257, 2854, 6314, 743, 307, 2672, 13, 198, 4834, 19915, 15520, 8749, 17057, 743, 2800, 257, 40065, 290, 3701, 3742, 2732, 338, 8852, 379, 357, 26200, 8, 31011, 12, 17, 22337, 329, 1321, 5115, 262, 8749, 1429, 393, 262, 3722, 286, 511, 8749, 3586, 13, 198, 6425, 25, 770, 1321, 318, 284, 4691, 355, 257, 40888, 329, 45121, 15520, 8749, 17057, 13, 15891, 1321, 357, 11246, 6096, 25, 7662, 602, 11, 37664, 16765, 5597, 416, 257, 6823, 3026, 11949, 11, 6504, 5253, 1410, 5597, 416, 257, 6823, 3026, 11949, 11, 3272, 9004, 11, 3503, 2014, 743, 307, 2672, 11, 6906, 319, 262, 2546, 290, 8354, 286, 262, 1628, 13, 198, 2437, 466, 314, 719, 4985, 262, 4979, 6737, 351, 616, 17026, 30, 198, 9525, 1858, 389, 734, 1744, 1724, 284, 719, 4985, 262, 6737, 329, 257, 17026, 13, 4042, 286, 674, 10425, 17624, 26304, 35874, 669, 357, 3826, 2029, 8, 1119, 477, 815, 307, 8564, 284, 35426, 13, 347, 4611, 5427, 423, 845, 1310, 6147, 3688, 284, 257, 1097, 523, 262, 4588, 484, 423, 319, 262, 13326, 3335, 318, 845, 1402, 13, 632, 318, 1266, 284, 1208, 832, 262, 3641, 286, 262, 9052, 1989, 6427, 1973, 262, 9052, 6503, 379, 257, 4153, 4922, 9848, 13, 1002, 262, 9052, 318, 7424, 319, 262, 4417 ]
[ 264, 80353, 323, 6690, 3476, 6011, 596, 18740, 13, 5321, 2187, 369, 264, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 2046, 3477, 4261, 627, 12805, 279, 3851, 706, 1027, 12054, 11, 459, 3289, 299, 9064, 11810, 1253, 387, 11136, 13, 40730, 389, 279, 955, 315, 2447, 11, 264, 5178, 11049, 1253, 387, 2631, 627, 7560, 299, 9064, 11810, 32177, 1253, 3729, 264, 80353, 323, 6690, 3476, 6011, 596, 18740, 520, 320, 18058, 8, 220, 15531, 12, 13762, 23, 369, 2038, 9002, 279, 11810, 1920, 477, 279, 2704, 315, 872, 11810, 3851, 627, 9290, 25, 1115, 2038, 374, 311, 8854, 439, 264, 73545, 369, 3289, 299, 9064, 11810, 32177, 13, 24086, 2038, 320, 15031, 10507, 25, 12231, 811, 11, 58592, 29217, 10235, 555, 264, 9879, 8431, 24490, 11, 14254, 6138, 3197, 10235, 555, 264, 9879, 8431, 24490, 11, 5425, 14491, 11, 5099, 6266, 1253, 387, 2631, 11, 11911, 389, 279, 1404, 323, 7036, 315, 279, 2447, 627, 4438, 656, 358, 1180, 6426, 279, 9629, 8450, 449, 856, 36086, 5380, 16067, 3947, 527, 1403, 3284, 3445, 311, 1180, 6426, 279, 8450, 369, 264, 36086, 13, 7648, 315, 1057, 17738, 29166, 22070, 16828, 10829, 320, 4151, 3485, 8, 2435, 682, 1288, 387, 16614, 311, 73961, 13, 426, 2912, 19153, 617, 1633, 2697, 9501, 7863, 311, 264, 1841, 779, 279, 10383, 814, 617, 389, 279, 18468, 3756, 374, 1633, 2678, 13, 1102, 374, 1888, 311, 1522, 1555, 279, 4219, 315, 279, 6471, 3158, 12579, 4028, 279, 6471, 9244, 520, 264, 220, 1774, 8547, 9392, 13, 1442, 279, 6471, 374, 9621, 389, 279, 7479 ]
[ 315, 279, 65442, 4245, 311, 279, 11140, 287, 315, 279, 5602, 9633, 420, 1253, 387, 4228, 13, 1442, 279, 6471, 374, 539, 9621, 11, 1070, 1253, 387, 264, 24937, 21782, 1405, 279, 6471, 374, 7559, 13, 13596, 1648, 73961, 649, 1180, 6426, 279, 17738, 374, 264, 36086, 4585, 2208, 13, 4314, 527, 6118, 24894, 311, 279, 1314, 21971, 323, 617, 264, 3361, 36086, 7891, 389, 279, 2038, 12235, 555, 279, 3215, 13, 578, 47854, 4585, 2208, 1253, 1101, 387, 1511, 627, 7560, 299, 9064, 81739, 25, 3639, 2209, 1556, 10984, 299, 9064, 81739, 5380, 16067, 2127, 3289, 299, 9064, 11810, 374, 264, 5439, 11810, 3229, 4954, 3738, 990, 311, 387, 2884, 2949, 264, 6406, 17880, 18908, 1314, 315, 1648, 13, 362, 8246, 11810, 374, 11136, 304, 39381, 315, 459, 3289, 299, 9064, 11810, 994, 279, 586, 1314, 315, 1648, 477, 2593, 1133, 304, 902, 279, 990, 374, 1694, 10887, 374, 539, 18908, 555, 279, 6406, 596, 80353, 323, 6690, 3476, 6011, 323, 374, 2949, 279, 6406, 596, 29101, 627, 7560, 299, 9064, 81739, 25, 36798, 6, 70396, 52082, 51122, 30664, 198, 69994, 315, 16376, 51657, 198, 58059, 82, 323, 6690, 3476, 6011, 198, 84080, 8410, 198, 69994, 10423, 5955, 11, 6460, 35622, 11, 220, 22, 339, 16990, 198, 2031, 4410, 75263, 7113, 6825, 198, 48032, 7841, 2179, 565, 16067, 198, 18977, 4419, 6, 22735, 20982, 3579, 54863, 97622, 38, 16837, 198, 7, 14120, 596, 3459, 340, 40, 11, 279, 26445, 1571, 11, 93330, 430, 358, 1097, 11537, 449 ]
Outreach Fellow Adam Steinbaugh, Senior Program Officer and Investigative Reporter Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon, Director of Litigation Ryne Weiss, Assistant to the Executive Director Mary Zoeller, Program Officer, Policy Reform Thor Halvorssen, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Shuchman, Chairman Harvey Silverglate, Co-founder Barbara Bishop Anthony Dick Richard Losick Joseph Maline Marlene Mieske Virginia Postrel[17] Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz[18] William J. Hume James Wiggins Kenny J. Williams (deceased) As of July 2017, the status of the Board of Advisors is unknown. Lloyd Buchanan T. Kenneth Cribb Benjamin Hammond Wendy Kaminer Woody Kaplan Leonard P. Liggio Herbert I. London Peter L. Malkin Milton Rosenberg Candace de Russy John R. Searle Ricky Silberman Website: https://www.thefire.org Email: [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheFIREorg
Outreach Fellow Adam Steinbaugh, Senior Program Officer and Investigative Reporter Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon, Director of Litigation Ryne Weiss, Assistant to the Executive Director Mary Zoeller, Program Officer, Policy Reform Thor Halvorssen, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Shuchman, Chairman Harvey Silverglate, Co-founder Barbara Bishop Anthony Dick Richard Losick Joseph Maline Marlene Mieske Virginia Postrel[17] Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz[18] William J. Hume James Wiggins Kenny J. Williams (deceased) As of July 2017, the status of the Board of Advisors is unknown. Lloyd Buchanan T. Kenneth Cribb Benjamin Hammond Wendy Kaminer Woody Kaplan Leonard P. Liggio Herbert I. London Peter L. Malkin Milton Rosenberg Candace de Russy John R. Searle Ricky Silberman Website: https://www.thefire.org Email: [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheFIREorg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefireorg ↑ Kelly Lack [https://dfkpq46c1l9o7.cloudfront.net/pdfs/1f4529f01322e3243b84c30403444668.pdf Harris '99 fights against campus censorship] The Daily Princetonian, Feb 19, 2007 ↑ FIRE Mission organizational website, accessed July 2018 ↑ 3.0 3.1 Colleen Flaherty Divided Wisconsin Supreme Court Backs Marquette Faculty Blogger Higher Education, July 9, 2018 ↑ The American Association of University Professors Free Speech organizational website, accessed July 2018 ↑ Toni Airaksinen AAUP calls campus free speech bills a 'right-wing' conspiracy Campus Reform, July 10, 2018 ↑ 6.0 6.1 Bradley Foundation, [Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Grant Proposal Record], Bradley Files 2014 ↑ Bradley Foundation, [Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Grant Proposal Record], Bradley Files, 2016 ↑ PennToday University of Pennsylvania History Professor Alan Charles Kors Awarded 2008 Bradley Prize University of Pennsylvania April 28, 2008 ↑ Bradley Foundation, [Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Grant History], Bradley Files, 2016
[ 3806, 16250, 29764, 198, 23159, 15215, 23768, 11, 14017, 6118, 10391, 290, 43965, 25869, 198, 44507, 365, 309, 1071, 359, 11739, 12, 34, 2049, 11, 5890, 286, 25659, 7065, 198, 49, 39547, 16152, 11, 15286, 284, 262, 10390, 5890, 198, 24119, 31645, 12368, 11, 6118, 10391, 11, 7820, 17893, 198, 46765, 11023, 85, 669, 6248, 11, 10390, 5890, 290, 5953, 10390, 10391, 198, 19962, 911, 794, 805, 11, 12787, 198, 13587, 3304, 7698, 4743, 378, 11, 1766, 12, 15454, 198, 10374, 39389, 16559, 198, 32697, 11740, 198, 22245, 5401, 624, 198, 29458, 4434, 500, 198, 44, 7063, 1734, 337, 444, 365, 198, 41017, 2947, 2411, 58, 1558, 60, 198, 46489, 12456, 16109, 15564, 74, 2596, 89, 58, 1507, 60, 198, 17121, 449, 13, 45485, 198, 14731, 44633, 198, 42, 11870, 449, 13, 6484, 357, 2934, 344, 839, 8, 198, 1722, 286, 2901, 2177, 11, 262, 3722, 286, 262, 5926, 286, 17014, 669, 318, 6439, 13, 198, 43, 75, 12192, 36358, 198, 51, 13, 23632, 327, 822, 65, 198, 11696, 13337, 26649, 198, 54, 437, 88, 509, 32086, 198, 22911, 88, 37105, 198, 36185, 446, 350, 13, 406, 6950, 952, 198, 9360, 4835, 314, 13, 3576, 198, 19727, 406, 13, 41980, 259, 198, 44, 9044, 40827, 198, 41572, 558, 390, 1887, 88, 198, 7554, 371, 13, 42016, 293, 198, 49, 17479, 4243, 34591, 198, 33420, 25, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 1169, 6495, 13, 2398, 198, 15333, 25, 2046, 31, 1169, 6495, 13, 2398, 198, 14254, 25, 3740, 1378, 6956, 13, 785, 14, 464, 11674, 2200, 2398, 198 ]
[ 97550, 37946, 198, 38675, 35606, 62739, 11, 19903, 6826, 20148, 323, 33180, 1413, 48081, 198, 12331, 648, 441, 350, 952, 484, 29818, 87271, 263, 11, 10783, 315, 39351, 18413, 198, 49, 82808, 42255, 11, 22103, 311, 279, 18362, 10783, 198, 42584, 45903, 7218, 11, 6826, 20148, 11, 11216, 40365, 198, 98752, 20442, 37215, 784, 268, 11, 18362, 10783, 323, 14681, 18362, 20148, 198, 41686, 1443, 1412, 1543, 11, 27390, 198, 27588, 5735, 15347, 70, 5185, 11, 3623, 36927, 198, 3511, 25062, 34342, 198, 70098, 23373, 198, 42315, 9853, 875, 198, 61760, 8560, 483, 198, 12331, 35291, 386, 552, 441, 198, 81696, 3962, 3833, 58, 1114, 933, 86279, 19736, 41623, 35120, 74, 6713, 89, 58, 972, 933, 45887, 622, 13, 473, 3972, 198, 29184, 468, 53026, 198, 42, 18314, 622, 13, 13926, 320, 451, 95304, 340, 2170, 315, 5887, 220, 679, 22, 11, 279, 2704, 315, 279, 8925, 315, 91785, 374, 9987, 627, 43, 26881, 85290, 198, 51, 13, 49498, 356, 1936, 65, 198, 25584, 26312, 65443, 198, 54, 408, 88, 735, 65253, 198, 63862, 1094, 81237, 198, 73004, 569, 393, 13, 445, 20831, 822, 198, 21364, 9339, 358, 13, 7295, 198, 37659, 445, 13, 98991, 258, 198, 44, 16695, 97707, 198, 34, 438, 580, 409, 4608, 88, 198, 13379, 432, 13, 328, 686, 273, 198, 49, 19501, 8211, 81295, 198, 31151, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 13991, 830, 556, 2726, 198, 4886, 25, 4027, 31, 339, 830, 556, 2726, 198, 25904, 25, 3788, 1129, 15021, 916, 48848, 37, 7618, 1813, 198 ]
[ 21124, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20172, 916, 21071, 830, 556, 1813, 198, 77386, 19178, 68502, 510, 2485, 1129, 3013, 49595, 80, 2790, 66, 16, 75, 24, 78, 22, 17365, 7096, 5181, 4420, 35478, 14, 16, 69, 21098, 24, 69, 16368, 1313, 68, 16723, 18, 65, 5833, 66, 12166, 22379, 20385, 2614, 16378, 21750, 364, 1484, 28533, 2403, 15679, 52988, 60, 578, 13690, 50421, 1122, 11, 13806, 220, 777, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 198, 77386, 61563, 24098, 41295, 3997, 11, 25790, 5887, 220, 679, 23, 198, 77386, 220, 18, 13, 15, 220, 18, 13, 16, 4349, 40762, 3061, 1494, 1368, 8940, 4591, 21073, 13814, 7301, 6984, 82, 2947, 52806, 42904, 88775, 35321, 11930, 11, 5887, 220, 24, 11, 220, 679, 23, 198, 77386, 578, 3778, 10229, 315, 3907, 8626, 434, 1105, 3658, 39841, 41295, 3997, 11, 25790, 5887, 220, 679, 23, 198, 77386, 90402, 6690, 10011, 17090, 29334, 3202, 6880, 15679, 1949, 8982, 19123, 264, 364, 1315, 29480, 6, 26359, 39680, 40365, 11, 5887, 220, 605, 11, 220, 679, 23, 198, 77386, 220, 21, 13, 15, 220, 21, 13, 16, 37548, 5114, 11, 510, 19137, 369, 30440, 10734, 304, 11930, 24668, 66990, 13896, 1145, 37548, 17833, 220, 679, 19, 198, 77386, 37548, 5114, 11, 510, 19137, 369, 30440, 10734, 304, 11930, 24668, 66990, 13896, 1145, 37548, 17833, 11, 220, 679, 21, 198, 77386, 13813, 15724, 3907, 315, 20355, 11346, 17054, 26349, 15274, 735, 1105, 17768, 291, 220, 1049, 23, 37548, 32293, 3907, 315, 20355, 5936, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1049, 23, 198, 77386, 37548, 5114, 11, 510, 19137, 369, 30440, 10734, 304, 11930, 24668, 11346, 1145, 37548, 17833, 11, 220, 679, 21 ]
the modern era, the name peaked in popularity for girls around 1985. (ZephyrMedia/Shutterstock) Lior | Also spelled “Leor” and “Leeor,” this name comes from a Hebrew word meaning “my light.” The name is common for Jewish babies born during or around Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. (pixelheadphoto digitalskillet/Shutterstock) Matan Matan | Boys born around the time of Shavuot, which is held 50 days after Passover, might be given the name Matan. The name means “the time of giving” or “the time of the giving of the Torah.” (Anna Nahabed/Shutterstock) Ilan | The name Ilan is more popular now than any time since at least the mid-1960s. The name means “tree,” which is, of course, closely associated with Christmas. Jewish traditions also incorporate the tree, which has long been a symbol of life, growth, strength, and reproduction. (Yulia Sribna/Shutterstock) Nissan | Completely unrelated to the Japanese automaker, the name Nissan honors the month
the modern era, the name peaked in popularity for girls around 1985. (ZephyrMedia/Shutterstock) Lior | Also spelled “Leor” and “Leeor,” this name comes from a Hebrew word meaning “my light.” The name is common for Jewish babies born during or around Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. (pixelheadphoto digitalskillet/Shutterstock) Matan Matan | Boys born around the time of Shavuot, which is held 50 days after Passover, might be given the name Matan. The name means “the time of giving” or “the time of the giving of the Torah.” (Anna Nahabed/Shutterstock) Ilan | The name Ilan is more popular now than any time since at least the mid-1960s. The name means “tree,” which is, of course, closely associated with Christmas. Jewish traditions also incorporate the tree, which has long been a symbol of life, growth, strength, and reproduction. (Yulia Sribna/Shutterstock) Nissan | Completely unrelated to the Japanese automaker, the name Nissan honors the month
of Passover’s celebration. The origin of the traditional boy’s name is the Hebrew word for “miracle.” (Sharomka/Shutterstock) Meira | Meira is the feminine variation of the name Meir and translates into “one who illuminates.” Because of the holiday’s strong association with light and candles, the name is often given to babies born during Hanukkah. (FamVeld/Shutterstock) Joseph | Although it has dwindled dramatically in popularity since its peak at the start of the 20th century, Joseph is one of the 50 most common boy names in America in 2021. The Hebrew name Joseph has special holiday significance for Jews and Christians, as the namesake is the son of Jacob, husband of Mary, and father of Jesus. (Dmitrii Erekhinskii/Shutterstock) Mary | Like Joseph, the name Mary has plummeted in popularity since its peak in 1880 when it was given to nearly 78,000 babies per million. Even still, it’s among the top 200 most popular girl baby names in 2021. This Anglicized version of Maria derives from the Hebrew word “Miryam” and,
[ 262, 3660, 6980, 11, 262, 1438, 33948, 287, 11533, 329, 4813, 1088, 12863, 13, 357, 57, 27446, 2417, 13152, 14, 2484, 28819, 8, 198, 43, 1504, 930, 4418, 32213, 564, 250, 3123, 273, 447, 251, 290, 564, 250, 24338, 273, 11, 447, 251, 428, 1438, 2058, 422, 257, 16505, 1573, 3616, 564, 250, 1820, 1657, 13, 447, 251, 383, 1438, 318, 2219, 329, 5582, 11903, 4642, 1141, 393, 1088, 9530, 2724, 74, 993, 11, 262, 11117, 286, 22661, 13, 357, 32515, 2256, 23074, 3100, 8321, 74, 32512, 14, 2484, 28819, 8, 198, 19044, 272, 198, 19044, 272, 930, 17528, 4642, 1088, 262, 640, 286, 911, 615, 84, 313, 11, 543, 318, 2714, 2026, 1528, 706, 6251, 2502, 11, 1244, 307, 1813, 262, 1438, 6550, 272, 13, 383, 1438, 1724, 564, 250, 1169, 640, 286, 3501, 447, 251, 393, 564, 250, 1169, 640, 286, 262, 3501, 286, 262, 33366, 13, 447, 251, 357, 31160, 35201, 397, 276, 14, 2484, 28819, 8, 198, 40, 9620, 930, 383, 1438, 314, 9620, 318, 517, 2968, 783, 621, 597, 640, 1201, 379, 1551, 262, 3095, 12, 38503, 82, 13, 383, 1438, 1724, 564, 250, 21048, 11, 447, 251, 543, 318, 11, 286, 1781, 11, 7173, 3917, 351, 6786, 13, 5582, 15421, 635, 19330, 262, 5509, 11, 543, 468, 890, 587, 257, 6194, 286, 1204, 11, 3349, 11, 4202, 11, 290, 20728, 13, 357, 56, 43640, 311, 822, 2616, 14, 2484, 28819, 8, 198, 45, 24112, 930, 13248, 306, 19938, 284, 262, 4960, 3557, 3110, 11, 262, 1438, 28190, 25279, 262, 1227 ]
[ 279, 6617, 11639, 11, 279, 836, 78292, 304, 23354, 369, 7724, 2212, 220, 3753, 20, 13, 320, 57, 97353, 81, 12950, 77302, 63696, 340, 43, 2521, 765, 7429, 68918, 1054, 2356, 269, 863, 323, 1054, 55088, 269, 2476, 420, 836, 4131, 505, 264, 37366, 3492, 7438, 1054, 2465, 3177, 2029, 578, 836, 374, 4279, 369, 13653, 24869, 9405, 2391, 477, 2212, 21296, 3178, 84602, 11, 279, 17772, 315, 35270, 13, 320, 30784, 2025, 11817, 16099, 1147, 74, 41984, 77302, 63696, 340, 11836, 276, 198, 11836, 276, 765, 30857, 9405, 2212, 279, 892, 315, 1443, 402, 84, 354, 11, 902, 374, 5762, 220, 1135, 2919, 1306, 10175, 2017, 11, 2643, 387, 2728, 279, 836, 7011, 276, 13, 578, 836, 3445, 1054, 1820, 892, 315, 7231, 863, 477, 1054, 1820, 892, 315, 279, 7231, 315, 279, 73050, 2029, 320, 57856, 73088, 370, 291, 77302, 63696, 340, 40, 10946, 765, 578, 836, 7695, 276, 374, 810, 5526, 1457, 1109, 904, 892, 2533, 520, 3325, 279, 5209, 12, 5162, 15, 82, 13, 578, 836, 3445, 1054, 9528, 2476, 902, 374, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 15499, 5938, 449, 10280, 13, 13653, 32006, 1101, 33435, 279, 5021, 11, 902, 706, 1317, 1027, 264, 7891, 315, 2324, 11, 6650, 11, 8333, 11, 323, 39656, 13, 320, 56, 70845, 328, 1936, 3458, 77302, 63696, 340, 45, 34197, 765, 86214, 46305, 311, 279, 11002, 5113, 4506, 11, 279, 836, 42981, 49593, 279, 2305 ]
[ 315, 10175, 2017, 753, 25960, 13, 578, 6371, 315, 279, 8776, 8334, 753, 836, 374, 279, 37366, 3492, 369, 1054, 20531, 8061, 2029, 320, 43315, 316, 4657, 77302, 63696, 340, 7979, 9008, 765, 2206, 9008, 374, 279, 46284, 23851, 315, 279, 836, 2206, 404, 323, 48018, 1139, 1054, 606, 889, 44087, 988, 2029, 9393, 315, 279, 13560, 753, 3831, 15360, 449, 3177, 323, 52305, 11, 279, 836, 374, 3629, 2728, 311, 24869, 9405, 2391, 21296, 3178, 84602, 13, 320, 37, 309, 53, 789, 77302, 63696, 340, 61760, 765, 10541, 433, 706, 83222, 839, 29057, 304, 23354, 2533, 1202, 16557, 520, 279, 1212, 315, 279, 220, 508, 339, 9478, 11, 15466, 374, 832, 315, 279, 220, 1135, 1455, 4279, 8334, 5144, 304, 5270, 304, 220, 2366, 16, 13, 578, 37366, 836, 15466, 706, 3361, 13560, 26431, 369, 17420, 323, 22125, 11, 439, 279, 5144, 731, 374, 279, 4538, 315, 25537, 11, 10177, 315, 10455, 11, 323, 7126, 315, 10811, 13, 320, 35, 1800, 462, 72, 96113, 31764, 89492, 3893, 77302, 63696, 340, 42584, 765, 9086, 15466, 11, 279, 836, 10455, 706, 71278, 291, 304, 23354, 2533, 1202, 16557, 304, 220, 9367, 15, 994, 433, 574, 2728, 311, 7154, 220, 2495, 11, 931, 24869, 824, 3610, 13, 7570, 2103, 11, 433, 753, 4315, 279, 1948, 220, 1049, 1455, 5526, 3828, 8945, 5144, 304, 220, 2366, 16, 13, 1115, 91634, 1534, 2373, 315, 23880, 75549, 505, 279, 37366, 3492, 1054, 44, 34870, 309, 863, 323, 11 ]
, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. ZIP code 33135 is located in southeast Florida and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has an extremely large population density. The people living in ZIP code 33135 are primarily white. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of seniors is large. There are also an extremely large number of single parents and an extremely small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 33135 ZIP code is small compared to other areas of the country. ZIP code 33135 has a small percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby. The majority of household are rented. Homes in ZIP code 33135 were primarily built in the 1940s or 1939 or earlier. Looking at 33135 real estate data, the median home value of $204,800 is slightly higher than average compared to the rest of the country. It is also slightly less than average compared to nearby ZIP codes. 33135 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas. Rentals in 33
, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. ZIP code 33135 is located in southeast Florida and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has an extremely large population density. The people living in ZIP code 33135 are primarily white. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of seniors is large. There are also an extremely large number of single parents and an extremely small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 33135 ZIP code is small compared to other areas of the country. ZIP code 33135 has a small percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby. The majority of household are rented. Homes in ZIP code 33135 were primarily built in the 1940s or 1939 or earlier. Looking at 33135 real estate data, the median home value of $204,800 is slightly higher than average compared to the rest of the country. It is also slightly less than average compared to nearby ZIP codes. 33135 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas. Rentals in 33
135 are most commonly 1 bedrooms. The rent for 1 bedrooms is normally $750-$999/month including utilities. 2 bedrooms are also common and rent for $1,000+/month. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 33135 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences. For more information, see Miami, FL rent prices. The median household income of $21,576 is compared to the rest of the country. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. While money isn't everything, ZIP code 33135 may not be as nice as other parts of town. As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. ZIP code 33135 uses public transportation to get to work more than almost anywhere in the country. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. However, that is not the case in 33135. It has a much lower than average number of people that make it to work in under half an hour. There are a slightly smaller percentage of employees that have to travel over 45 minutes to reach their place of employment. ZIP Code 33135 is in the following school districts: Dade School District and Private.
[ 11, 1464, 2291, 262, 9871, 393, 10909, 4736, 13, 8554, 597, 1748, 287, 262, 1351, 286, 18010, 4736, 743, 1255, 287, 16119, 13, 198, 57, 4061, 2438, 4747, 17059, 318, 5140, 287, 26015, 4744, 290, 8698, 257, 4622, 1342, 621, 2811, 1956, 1989, 3688, 284, 584, 42977, 12416, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 632, 635, 468, 281, 4457, 1588, 3265, 12109, 13, 198, 464, 661, 2877, 287, 42977, 2438, 4747, 17059, 389, 7525, 2330, 13, 383, 1271, 286, 661, 287, 511, 2739, 1160, 82, 284, 1903, 2319, 82, 318, 4457, 1588, 981, 262, 1271, 286, 23481, 318, 1588, 13, 1318, 389, 635, 281, 4457, 1588, 1271, 286, 2060, 3397, 290, 281, 4457, 1402, 1271, 286, 4172, 13, 383, 5873, 286, 1751, 739, 1248, 2877, 287, 262, 4747, 17059, 42977, 2438, 318, 1402, 3688, 284, 584, 3006, 286, 262, 1499, 13, 198, 57, 4061, 2438, 4747, 17059, 468, 257, 1402, 5873, 286, 48639, 13, 383, 20962, 635, 9217, 326, 612, 389, 530, 393, 517, 19167, 5682, 6716, 13, 198, 464, 3741, 286, 6641, 389, 26399, 13, 34698, 287, 42977, 2438, 4747, 17059, 547, 7525, 3170, 287, 262, 16236, 82, 393, 24414, 393, 2961, 13, 15616, 379, 4747, 17059, 1103, 7964, 1366, 11, 262, 14288, 1363, 1988, 286, 720, 18638, 11, 7410, 318, 4622, 2440, 621, 2811, 3688, 284, 262, 1334, 286, 262, 1499, 13, 632, 318, 635, 4622, 1342, 621, 2811, 3688, 284, 6716, 42977, 12416, 13, 4747, 17059, 714, 307, 281, 1989, 284, 804, 329, 7026, 5627, 3688, 284, 7346, 3006, 13, 29832, 874, 287, 4747 ]
[ 11, 2744, 2997, 279, 15236, 477, 22281, 9919, 13, 12362, 904, 3363, 304, 279, 1160, 315, 44085, 9919, 1253, 1121, 304, 32174, 627, 62685, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 374, 7559, 304, 42552, 9784, 323, 14861, 264, 10284, 2753, 1109, 5578, 4363, 3158, 7863, 311, 1023, 57774, 14236, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 13, 1102, 1101, 706, 459, 9193, 3544, 7187, 17915, 627, 791, 1274, 5496, 304, 57774, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 527, 15871, 4251, 13, 578, 1396, 315, 1274, 304, 872, 3389, 220, 508, 82, 311, 4216, 220, 1272, 82, 374, 9193, 3544, 1418, 279, 1396, 315, 38349, 374, 3544, 13, 2684, 527, 1101, 459, 9193, 3544, 1396, 315, 3254, 6699, 323, 459, 9193, 2678, 1396, 315, 8689, 13, 578, 11668, 315, 2911, 1234, 220, 972, 5496, 304, 279, 220, 16707, 1758, 57774, 2082, 374, 2678, 7863, 311, 1023, 5789, 315, 279, 3224, 627, 62685, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 706, 264, 2678, 11668, 315, 67751, 13, 578, 46627, 1101, 15151, 430, 1070, 527, 832, 477, 810, 28456, 10632, 14373, 627, 791, 8857, 315, 14048, 527, 49959, 13, 37664, 304, 57774, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 1051, 15871, 5918, 304, 279, 220, 6393, 15, 82, 477, 220, 7285, 24, 477, 6931, 13, 21815, 520, 220, 16707, 1758, 1972, 12675, 828, 11, 279, 23369, 2162, 907, 315, 400, 7854, 11, 4728, 374, 10284, 5190, 1109, 5578, 7863, 311, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 3224, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 10284, 2753, 1109, 5578, 7863, 311, 14373, 57774, 14236, 13, 220, 16707, 1758, 1436, 387, 459, 3158, 311, 1427, 369, 12136, 11983, 7863, 311, 14932, 5789, 13, 84217, 304, 220, 1644 ]
[ 8878, 527, 1455, 17037, 220, 16, 28689, 13, 578, 8175, 369, 220, 16, 28689, 374, 14614, 400, 11711, 22104, 5500, 48417, 2737, 30519, 13, 220, 17, 28689, 527, 1101, 4279, 323, 8175, 369, 400, 16, 11, 931, 41731, 10460, 13, 37133, 369, 19160, 3424, 2997, 57774, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 32729, 11, 6424, 37841, 11, 323, 10632, 430, 527, 6156, 85871, 627, 2520, 810, 2038, 11, 1518, 18045, 11, 13062, 8175, 7729, 627, 791, 23369, 14048, 8070, 315, 400, 1691, 11, 20758, 374, 7863, 311, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 3224, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 7863, 311, 14373, 57774, 14236, 13, 6104, 3300, 4536, 956, 4395, 11, 57774, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 1253, 539, 387, 439, 6555, 439, 1023, 5596, 315, 6424, 627, 2170, 449, 1455, 5596, 315, 279, 3224, 11, 11731, 527, 279, 1455, 4279, 1376, 315, 18386, 311, 7634, 315, 14740, 13, 57774, 2082, 220, 16707, 1758, 5829, 586, 18386, 311, 636, 311, 990, 810, 1109, 4661, 12660, 304, 279, 3224, 13, 763, 1455, 5596, 315, 279, 3224, 11, 279, 8857, 315, 82821, 636, 311, 990, 304, 1234, 4376, 459, 6596, 13, 4452, 11, 430, 374, 539, 279, 1162, 304, 220, 16707, 1758, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 1790, 4827, 1109, 5578, 1396, 315, 1274, 430, 1304, 433, 311, 990, 304, 1234, 4376, 459, 6596, 13, 2684, 527, 264, 10284, 9333, 11668, 315, 8420, 430, 617, 311, 5944, 927, 220, 1774, 4520, 311, 5662, 872, 2035, 315, 14740, 627, 62685, 6247, 220, 16707, 1758, 374, 304, 279, 2768, 2978, 27536, 25, 423, 1037, 6150, 11182, 323, 9877, 13 ]
,' I said to myself. But I could feel his hugeness growing and beginning to fill the ring. With the arrival of the townspeople for the finals, the town hall was at least half full. I had looked down on a bigger crowd when I played Chopin at the Barberton concert, but a boxing crowd is different, much more raw or something. I remembered Doc's words, 'You must box like a Mozart piano concerto.' In my head I could hear the way Doc would play a Mozart concerto, no arpeggio, fast and straight, the timing perfect. It made sense to box Killer Kroon in the same way. 'Never mind his head, Peekay. You just keep landing them to the body. Quick punches in and out with both hands. Scoring shots. Stay out of reach and don't let him get you against the ropes, not even once. You box him in the middle of the ring. Make him work, make him chase you all the time, you hear?' I listened to them carefully, but I knew the real answer came from Geel Piet. That I had to box with my feet. I had no idea what sort of a boxer Killer Kro
,' I said to myself. But I could feel his hugeness growing and beginning to fill the ring. With the arrival of the townspeople for the finals, the town hall was at least half full. I had looked down on a bigger crowd when I played Chopin at the Barberton concert, but a boxing crowd is different, much more raw or something. I remembered Doc's words, 'You must box like a Mozart piano concerto.' In my head I could hear the way Doc would play a Mozart concerto, no arpeggio, fast and straight, the timing perfect. It made sense to box Killer Kroon in the same way. 'Never mind his head, Peekay. You just keep landing them to the body. Quick punches in and out with both hands. Scoring shots. Stay out of reach and don't let him get you against the ropes, not even once. You box him in the middle of the ring. Make him work, make him chase you all the time, you hear?' I listened to them carefully, but I knew the real answer came from Geel Piet. That I had to box with my feet. I had no idea what sort of a boxer Killer Kro
on was. His first opponent had lasted less than a minute and Fonnie went down a few seconds into the second round but had spent all of the first back-pedalling. As I just sat there waiting, Kroon stared at me with an evil grin and I began to feel very small and a little bewildered. The feeling of being in front of the Judge came back to me and the ring became the dormitory and the audience the jury. I closed my eyes and counted from ten to one. I stood on a rock just below the full moon, the roar of the falls in my ears. The river and the gorge and the African veld stretched out below me in the silver light. I was a young Zulu warrior who had killed his first lion and I could feel the lion skin skirt around my hips, the tail of the lion wrapped around my waist. I took a deep breath and jumped the first of the falls into a pool lashed with white spray and thunder, rose to the surface and was swept to the rim of the second, plunged downwards and rose again to be swept to the edge of the third pool where I fell again, rising to the surface at the bottom of the falls where the water danced with silver and the first
[ 4032, 314, 531, 284, 3589, 13, 887, 314, 714, 1254, 465, 16225, 9449, 3957, 290, 3726, 284, 6070, 262, 5858, 13, 198, 198, 3152, 262, 10325, 286, 262, 3240, 4125, 643, 329, 262, 18576, 11, 262, 3240, 6899, 373, 379, 1551, 2063, 1336, 13, 314, 550, 3114, 866, 319, 257, 5749, 4315, 618, 314, 2826, 40159, 259, 379, 262, 35338, 1122, 10010, 11, 475, 257, 21576, 4315, 318, 1180, 11, 881, 517, 8246, 393, 1223, 13, 314, 12086, 14432, 338, 2456, 11, 705, 1639, 1276, 3091, 588, 257, 28036, 433, 19132, 10010, 78, 2637, 554, 616, 1182, 314, 714, 3285, 262, 835, 14432, 561, 711, 257, 28036, 433, 10010, 78, 11, 645, 610, 431, 1130, 952, 11, 3049, 290, 3892, 11, 262, 10576, 2818, 13, 632, 925, 2565, 284, 3091, 19900, 30088, 261, 287, 262, 976, 835, 13, 198, 198, 6, 12295, 2000, 465, 1182, 11, 2631, 988, 323, 13, 921, 655, 1394, 9581, 606, 284, 262, 1767, 13, 12029, 25495, 287, 290, 503, 351, 1111, 2832, 13, 1446, 3255, 6934, 13, 16160, 503, 286, 3151, 290, 836, 470, 1309, 683, 651, 345, 1028, 262, 31001, 11, 407, 772, 1752, 13, 921, 3091, 683, 287, 262, 3504, 286, 262, 5858, 13, 6889, 683, 670, 11, 787, 683, 15505, 345, 477, 262, 640, 11, 345, 3285, 8348, 198, 198, 40, 16399, 284, 606, 7773, 11, 475, 314, 2993, 262, 1103, 3280, 1625, 422, 2269, 417, 36548, 13, 1320, 314, 550, 284, 3091, 351, 616, 3625, 13, 314, 550, 645, 2126, 644, 3297, 286, 257, 38660, 19900, 30088 ]
[ 2965, 358, 1071, 311, 7182, 13, 2030, 358, 1436, 2733, 813, 30884, 24639, 7982, 323, 7314, 311, 5266, 279, 10264, 382, 2409, 279, 19163, 315, 279, 25861, 16455, 369, 279, 41402, 11, 279, 6424, 14321, 574, 520, 3325, 4376, 2539, 13, 358, 1047, 7111, 1523, 389, 264, 11493, 13734, 994, 358, 6476, 65097, 258, 520, 279, 4821, 9339, 263, 21497, 11, 719, 264, 46329, 13734, 374, 2204, 11, 1790, 810, 7257, 477, 2555, 13, 358, 27569, 22452, 596, 4339, 11, 364, 2675, 2011, 3830, 1093, 264, 95769, 27374, 3613, 14200, 3238, 763, 856, 2010, 358, 1436, 6865, 279, 1648, 22452, 1053, 1514, 264, 95769, 3613, 14200, 11, 912, 802, 10524, 46245, 11, 5043, 323, 7833, 11, 279, 18912, 4832, 13, 1102, 1903, 5647, 311, 3830, 54053, 68917, 263, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 382, 6, 27247, 4059, 813, 2010, 11, 97687, 352, 13, 1472, 1120, 2567, 20948, 1124, 311, 279, 2547, 13, 17697, 61851, 304, 323, 704, 449, 2225, 6206, 13, 2522, 5620, 15300, 13, 29837, 704, 315, 5662, 323, 1541, 956, 1095, 1461, 636, 499, 2403, 279, 65046, 11, 539, 1524, 3131, 13, 1472, 3830, 1461, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 10264, 13, 7557, 1461, 990, 11, 1304, 1461, 33586, 499, 682, 279, 892, 11, 499, 6865, 87314, 40, 34793, 311, 1124, 15884, 11, 719, 358, 7020, 279, 1972, 4320, 3782, 505, 4323, 301, 86288, 13, 3011, 358, 1047, 311, 3830, 449, 856, 7693, 13, 358, 1047, 912, 4623, 1148, 3460, 315, 264, 79557, 54053, 68917 ]
[ 263, 574, 13, 5414, 1176, 15046, 1047, 36513, 2753, 1109, 264, 9568, 323, 71593, 11044, 4024, 1523, 264, 2478, 6622, 1139, 279, 2132, 4883, 719, 1047, 7543, 682, 315, 279, 1176, 1203, 2320, 291, 17157, 382, 2170, 358, 1120, 7731, 1070, 8748, 11, 68917, 263, 45135, 520, 757, 449, 459, 14289, 59380, 323, 358, 6137, 311, 2733, 1633, 2678, 323, 264, 2697, 99774, 12616, 13, 578, 8430, 315, 1694, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 20819, 3782, 1203, 311, 757, 323, 279, 10264, 6244, 279, 30209, 10843, 323, 279, 10877, 279, 21928, 382, 40, 8036, 856, 6548, 323, 31094, 505, 5899, 311, 832, 13, 358, 14980, 389, 264, 7091, 1120, 3770, 279, 2539, 18266, 11, 279, 78724, 315, 279, 17503, 304, 856, 25212, 13, 578, 15140, 323, 279, 98477, 323, 279, 11904, 348, 789, 41398, 704, 3770, 757, 304, 279, 15310, 3177, 13, 358, 574, 264, 3995, 1901, 25415, 38490, 889, 1047, 7577, 813, 1176, 40132, 323, 358, 1436, 2733, 279, 40132, 6930, 38380, 2212, 856, 43523, 11, 279, 9986, 315, 279, 40132, 20037, 2212, 856, 29142, 13, 358, 3952, 264, 5655, 11745, 323, 27096, 279, 1176, 315, 279, 17503, 1139, 264, 7463, 326, 13883, 449, 4251, 23749, 323, 37943, 11, 16392, 311, 279, 7479, 323, 574, 41323, 311, 279, 31230, 315, 279, 2132, 11, 75803, 92370, 323, 16392, 1578, 311, 387, 41323, 311, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 4948, 7463, 1405, 358, 11299, 1578, 11, 16448, 311, 279, 7479, 520, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 17503, 1405, 279, 3090, 84852, 449, 15310, 323, 279, 1176 ]
round. Next week, there will be a two-days hearing at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe about the funding of the public broadcasting system in Germany for which every household in Germany is legally obligated to pay a substantial fee, whether anyone watches public TV and listens to public radio or not. I, for one, will take a break next weekend, the official reason being the high Christian holiday of Pentecost, the unofficial that I need it, so I’ll report back in two weeks, okay? In the meantime, all the best and take care, Max Steinbeis SUGGESTED CITATION Steinbeis, Maximilian: Show your Fetish, VerfBlog, 2018/5/12, https://verfassungsblog.de/show-your-fetish/, DOI: 10.17176/20180514-104952. Maximilian Steinbeis Maximilian Steinbeis is a legal journalist and writer and the founder and chief editor of Verfassungsblog. Tag Archives: bias Confronting Racism is Our American Duty By: Tony Reardon, National President, National Treasury Employees Union Note: this is a guest post
round. Next week, there will be a two-days hearing at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe about the funding of the public broadcasting system in Germany for which every household in Germany is legally obligated to pay a substantial fee, whether anyone watches public TV and listens to public radio or not. I, for one, will take a break next weekend, the official reason being the high Christian holiday of Pentecost, the unofficial that I need it, so I’ll report back in two weeks, okay? In the meantime, all the best and take care, Max Steinbeis SUGGESTED CITATION Steinbeis, Maximilian: Show your Fetish, VerfBlog, 2018/5/12, https://verfassungsblog.de/show-your-fetish/, DOI: 10.17176/20180514-104952. Maximilian Steinbeis Maximilian Steinbeis is a legal journalist and writer and the founder and chief editor of Verfassungsblog. Tag Archives: bias Confronting Racism is Our American Duty By: Tony Reardon, National President, National Treasury Employees Union Note: this is a guest post
, the first one on this blog. I thought it was of such significance and so well done, that I elected to repost it here in its entirety (with the author’s consent, of course). Tony Reardon is someone I know well and respect much. My wife worked for the National Treasury Employees Union for 13 years. This post was originally published on October 9 at https://bit.ly/31ab0S3 in Government Executive, where much surprising and important information about the federal workforce is published. Here is what Mr. Reardon had to say: “Any guidance on how employees can better understand and respect others is a sign of progress in a civilized society, not a threat to it, argues the leader of the National Treasury Employees Union. President Trump recently ordered a massive governmentwide investigation to root out programs in which federal employees learn about and guard against systemic racism. Just consider how preposterous that sounds. At this moment, political appointees and senior managers are under orders to turn their agencies upside down in a frantic effort to review any training or professional education programs that mention diversity or inclusion in an effort to comply with the president’s executive order. Employees are being threatened with disciplinary action for organizing such training that falls
[ 2835, 13, 7406, 1285, 11, 612, 481, 307, 257, 734, 12, 12545, 4854, 379, 262, 5618, 26740, 3078, 287, 15415, 82, 622, 258, 546, 262, 4918, 286, 262, 1171, 22978, 1080, 287, 4486, 329, 543, 790, 6641, 287, 4486, 318, 11119, 31586, 284, 1414, 257, 8904, 6838, 11, 1771, 2687, 16860, 1171, 3195, 290, 35019, 284, 1171, 5243, 393, 407, 13, 314, 11, 329, 530, 11, 481, 1011, 257, 2270, 1306, 5041, 11, 262, 1743, 1738, 852, 262, 1029, 4302, 9912, 286, 9696, 721, 455, 11, 262, 27220, 326, 314, 761, 340, 11, 523, 314, 447, 247, 297, 989, 736, 287, 734, 2745, 11, 8788, 30, 554, 262, 14324, 11, 477, 262, 1266, 290, 1011, 1337, 11, 198, 11518, 15215, 1350, 271, 198, 50, 7340, 38, 6465, 1961, 327, 2043, 6234, 15215, 1350, 271, 11, 5436, 26641, 666, 25, 5438, 534, 44649, 680, 11, 4643, 69, 42383, 11, 2864, 14, 20, 14, 1065, 11, 3740, 1378, 332, 69, 562, 2150, 82, 14036, 13, 2934, 14, 12860, 12, 14108, 12, 34045, 680, 47454, 40722, 25, 838, 13, 1558, 24096, 14, 1264, 28256, 1415, 12, 940, 2920, 4309, 13, 198, 11518, 26641, 666, 15215, 1350, 271, 5436, 26641, 666, 15215, 1350, 271, 318, 257, 2742, 10099, 290, 6260, 290, 262, 9119, 290, 4039, 5464, 286, 4643, 69, 562, 2150, 82, 14036, 13, 17467, 22275, 25, 10690, 198, 3103, 8534, 278, 24746, 1042, 318, 3954, 1605, 18104, 198, 3886, 25, 8832, 797, 19917, 11, 2351, 1992, 11, 2351, 13419, 30260, 4479, 198, 6425, 25, 428, 318, 257, 8319, 1281 ]
[ 4883, 13, 9479, 2046, 11, 1070, 690, 387, 264, 1403, 96314, 11011, 520, 279, 12411, 63285, 7301, 304, 13528, 94509, 922, 279, 11006, 315, 279, 586, 49927, 1887, 304, 10057, 369, 902, 1475, 14048, 304, 10057, 374, 26267, 67976, 311, 2343, 264, 12190, 11307, 11, 3508, 5606, 32860, 586, 6007, 323, 64748, 311, 586, 9063, 477, 539, 13, 358, 11, 369, 832, 11, 690, 1935, 264, 1464, 1828, 9178, 11, 279, 4033, 2944, 1694, 279, 1579, 9052, 13560, 315, 23458, 762, 537, 11, 279, 57751, 430, 358, 1205, 433, 11, 779, 358, 4805, 1934, 1203, 304, 1403, 5672, 11, 17339, 30, 763, 279, 33953, 11, 682, 279, 1888, 323, 1935, 2512, 345, 6102, 35606, 1395, 285, 198, 50, 3014, 82857, 1507, 98577, 3579, 35606, 1395, 285, 11, 56625, 69183, 25, 7073, 701, 100019, 11, 6383, 69, 27798, 11, 220, 679, 23, 14, 20, 14, 717, 11, 3788, 1129, 424, 69, 395, 29222, 11921, 2337, 35275, 53246, 2269, 295, 819, 35645, 59670, 25, 220, 605, 13, 11123, 4767, 14, 679, 21032, 975, 12, 6849, 24597, 627, 6102, 318, 69183, 35606, 1395, 285, 56625, 69183, 35606, 1395, 285, 374, 264, 5897, 23672, 323, 7061, 323, 279, 19533, 323, 10388, 6576, 315, 6383, 69, 395, 29222, 11921, 13, 12633, 38329, 25, 15837, 198, 1128, 7096, 287, 56806, 2191, 374, 5751, 3778, 36689, 198, 1383, 25, 19036, 1050, 46396, 11, 5165, 4900, 11, 5165, 32991, 44741, 9323, 198, 9290, 25, 420, 374, 264, 8810, 1772 ]
[ 11, 279, 1176, 832, 389, 420, 5117, 13, 358, 3463, 433, 574, 315, 1778, 26431, 323, 779, 1664, 2884, 11, 430, 358, 16689, 311, 95287, 433, 1618, 304, 1202, 49017, 320, 4291, 279, 3229, 753, 14771, 11, 315, 3388, 570, 19036, 1050, 46396, 374, 4423, 358, 1440, 1664, 323, 5201, 1790, 13, 3092, 7555, 6575, 369, 279, 5165, 32991, 44741, 9323, 369, 220, 1032, 1667, 13, 1115, 1772, 574, 13517, 4756, 389, 6664, 220, 24, 520, 3788, 1129, 4590, 28349, 14, 2148, 370, 15, 50, 18, 304, 10423, 18362, 11, 1405, 1790, 15206, 323, 3062, 2038, 922, 279, 6918, 32027, 374, 4756, 13, 5810, 374, 1148, 4491, 13, 1050, 46396, 1047, 311, 2019, 512, 2118, 8780, 19351, 389, 1268, 8420, 649, 2731, 3619, 323, 5201, 3885, 374, 264, 1879, 315, 5208, 304, 264, 86079, 8396, 11, 539, 264, 6023, 311, 433, 11, 29633, 279, 7808, 315, 279, 5165, 32991, 44741, 9323, 627, 27229, 3420, 6051, 11713, 264, 11191, 3109, 9328, 8990, 311, 3789, 704, 7620, 304, 902, 6918, 8420, 4048, 922, 323, 7771, 2403, 46417, 27052, 627, 10156, 2980, 1268, 864, 46501, 788, 430, 10578, 627, 1688, 420, 4545, 11, 5054, 9732, 5633, 323, 10195, 20258, 527, 1234, 10373, 311, 2543, 872, 13607, 36941, 1523, 304, 264, 89706, 5149, 311, 3477, 904, 4967, 477, 6721, 6873, 7620, 430, 6420, 20057, 477, 28286, 304, 459, 5149, 311, 26069, 449, 279, 4872, 753, 11145, 2015, 13, 44741, 527, 1694, 21699, 449, 57315, 1957, 369, 35821, 1778, 4967, 430, 17503 ]
man does this a) resonate and b) explain a lot. Our engineers can also perform preventative drain maintenance to minimise future issues. If you are need of emergency drain services, please do not hesitate to call us or apply for a quote online. Our emergency plumbers are available in London and Essex 24 hours a day. GALLAGHER, Julie E. Julie E. (Walker) Gallagher, 63, beloved wife of Gilbert H. Gallagher, of Ellington, died suddenly, Monday (March 13, 2006) at Rockville General Hospital. Born in Port Jefferson, NY on August 29, 1942, daughter of the late, William and Margaret (Pelli) Walker, she had lived in Ellington for the last 42 years. Julie enjoyed gardening, card games and had been a member of the Rockville Bowling League. In addition to the husband, she leaves three sons, Steven Gallagher of Ellington, Kenneth Gallagher of East Hartford and Craig Gallagher of Ellington; a brother and his wife, William and Ann Marie Walker of West Warwick, RI; two sisters, Elizabeth Walker of Los Angeles, CA and Katherine Dean and her husband, Donald of Fort Fairfield, ME and her mother-in-law, Esther Gallagher of Caribou,
man does this a) resonate and b) explain a lot. Our engineers can also perform preventative drain maintenance to minimise future issues. If you are need of emergency drain services, please do not hesitate to call us or apply for a quote online. Our emergency plumbers are available in London and Essex 24 hours a day. GALLAGHER, Julie E. Julie E. (Walker) Gallagher, 63, beloved wife of Gilbert H. Gallagher, of Ellington, died suddenly, Monday (March 13, 2006) at Rockville General Hospital. Born in Port Jefferson, NY on August 29, 1942, daughter of the late, William and Margaret (Pelli) Walker, she had lived in Ellington for the last 42 years. Julie enjoyed gardening, card games and had been a member of the Rockville Bowling League. In addition to the husband, she leaves three sons, Steven Gallagher of Ellington, Kenneth Gallagher of East Hartford and Craig Gallagher of Ellington; a brother and his wife, William and Ann Marie Walker of West Warwick, RI; two sisters, Elizabeth Walker of Los Angeles, CA and Katherine Dean and her husband, Donald of Fort Fairfield, ME and her mother-in-law, Esther Gallagher of Caribou,
ME. She was predeceased by a son, Kevin Gallagher. The funeral service will be held Friday, 11 a.m., at the Ladd, Turkington & Carmon Funeral Home, 551 Talcottville Road, (Rte 83) Vernon. Burial will be private. Her family will receive friends, Friday one hour prior to the service at the Ladd, Turkington & Carmon Funeral Home. Memorial donations may be made to Ellington Ambulance Corps, 41 Maple St., Ellington, 06029. Please visit us at www.carmonfuneralhome.com for online condolences. The brand is supporting the event by donating 12,000 £1-off vouchers to be redeemed against its products at all grocery and convenience retailers nationwide from 7 February 2019. “The McVitie’s brand purpose is about enabling everyday moments of real human connection. That’s why getting behind Time to Talk Day, which promotes open and honest conversations about mental health, was so important to us. What better way to get people talking over a cup of tea and the nation’s favourite biscuit,” said Emma Stowers, brand director for McVitie
[ 582, 857, 428, 257, 8, 41523, 290, 275, 8, 4727, 257, 1256, 13, 3954, 12037, 460, 635, 1620, 2948, 876, 14782, 9262, 284, 10356, 786, 2003, 2428, 13, 1002, 345, 389, 761, 286, 6334, 14782, 2594, 11, 3387, 466, 407, 22898, 284, 869, 514, 393, 4174, 329, 257, 9577, 2691, 13, 3954, 6334, 458, 17024, 389, 1695, 287, 3576, 290, 38307, 1987, 2250, 257, 1110, 13, 402, 7036, 4760, 16879, 11, 21946, 412, 13, 21946, 412, 13, 357, 39950, 8, 38580, 11, 8093, 11, 14142, 3656, 286, 24023, 367, 13, 38580, 11, 286, 412, 2680, 1122, 11, 3724, 6451, 11, 3321, 357, 16192, 1511, 11, 4793, 8, 379, 4631, 4244, 3611, 9256, 13, 18889, 287, 4347, 15375, 11, 6645, 319, 2932, 2808, 11, 22458, 11, 4957, 286, 262, 2739, 11, 3977, 290, 19579, 357, 47, 23225, 8, 10120, 11, 673, 550, 5615, 287, 412, 2680, 1122, 329, 262, 938, 5433, 812, 13, 21946, 8359, 46072, 11, 2657, 1830, 290, 550, 587, 257, 2888, 286, 262, 4631, 4244, 44748, 4041, 13, 554, 3090, 284, 262, 5229, 11, 673, 5667, 1115, 11989, 11, 8239, 38580, 286, 412, 2680, 1122, 11, 23632, 38580, 286, 3687, 37118, 290, 13854, 38580, 286, 412, 2680, 1122, 26, 257, 3956, 290, 465, 3656, 11, 3977, 290, 5506, 20492, 10120, 286, 2688, 49398, 11, 37271, 26, 734, 15153, 11, 10674, 10120, 286, 5401, 5652, 11, 7257, 290, 32719, 11325, 290, 607, 5229, 11, 3759, 286, 6401, 7011, 3245, 11, 11948, 290, 607, 2802, 12, 259, 12, 6270, 11, 47533, 38580, 286, 17152, 280, 11 ]
[ 893, 1587, 420, 264, 8, 89986, 323, 293, 8, 10552, 264, 2763, 13, 5751, 25175, 649, 1101, 2804, 97420, 24659, 13709, 311, 97087, 3938, 4819, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 1205, 315, 13147, 24659, 3600, 11, 4587, 656, 539, 39666, 311, 1650, 603, 477, 3881, 369, 264, 12929, 2930, 13, 5751, 13147, 42272, 1941, 527, 2561, 304, 7295, 323, 64158, 220, 1187, 4207, 264, 1938, 13, 480, 4006, 1929, 3087, 11, 42287, 469, 13, 42287, 469, 13, 320, 85992, 8, 79087, 11, 220, 5495, 11, 28530, 7555, 315, 46092, 473, 13, 79087, 11, 315, 13852, 4910, 11, 8636, 15187, 11, 7159, 320, 28623, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 1049, 21, 8, 520, 9305, 8078, 3331, 15429, 13, 38916, 304, 5896, 34644, 11, 12551, 389, 6287, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 6393, 17, 11, 10003, 315, 279, 3389, 11, 12656, 323, 38649, 320, 47, 21148, 8, 23074, 11, 1364, 1047, 12439, 304, 13852, 4910, 369, 279, 1566, 220, 2983, 1667, 13, 42287, 14333, 60299, 11, 3786, 3953, 323, 1047, 1027, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 9305, 8078, 84069, 9130, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 10177, 11, 1364, 11141, 2380, 26419, 11, 24565, 79087, 315, 13852, 4910, 11, 49498, 79087, 315, 6460, 73220, 323, 29517, 79087, 315, 13852, 4910, 26, 264, 10868, 323, 813, 7555, 11, 12656, 323, 9489, 33116, 23074, 315, 4410, 78202, 11, 48597, 26, 1403, 30393, 11, 21393, 23074, 315, 9853, 12167, 11, 9362, 323, 62426, 25028, 323, 1077, 10177, 11, 9641, 315, 11246, 88529, 11, 16691, 323, 1077, 6691, 3502, 31412, 11, 84738, 79087, 315, 3341, 581, 283, 11 ]
[ 16691, 13, 3005, 574, 864, 451, 95304, 555, 264, 4538, 11, 16768, 79087, 13, 578, 32079, 2532, 690, 387, 5762, 6740, 11, 220, 806, 264, 749, 2637, 520, 279, 445, 723, 11, 21187, 4910, 612, 3341, 1677, 59449, 5492, 11, 220, 21860, 350, 17356, 1751, 8078, 9728, 11, 320, 49, 668, 220, 6069, 8, 60237, 13, 12649, 532, 690, 387, 879, 13, 6385, 3070, 690, 5371, 4885, 11, 6740, 832, 6596, 4972, 311, 279, 2532, 520, 279, 445, 723, 11, 21187, 4910, 612, 3341, 1677, 59449, 5492, 13, 27872, 24910, 1253, 387, 1903, 311, 13852, 4910, 20423, 41932, 31242, 11, 220, 3174, 44570, 800, 2637, 13852, 4910, 11, 220, 15101, 1682, 13, 5321, 4034, 603, 520, 8604, 27988, 1677, 12158, 3333, 5227, 916, 369, 2930, 80293, 13, 578, 6883, 374, 12899, 279, 1567, 555, 61959, 220, 717, 11, 931, 7083, 16, 12744, 73080, 311, 387, 84343, 2403, 1202, 3956, 520, 682, 30687, 323, 19679, 30282, 29054, 505, 220, 22, 7552, 220, 679, 24, 627, 14305, 4584, 53, 275, 648, 753, 6883, 7580, 374, 922, 28462, 18254, 14269, 315, 1972, 3823, 3717, 13, 3011, 753, 3249, 3794, 4920, 4212, 311, 19513, 6187, 11, 902, 39990, 1825, 323, 10978, 21633, 922, 10723, 2890, 11, 574, 779, 3062, 311, 603, 13, 3639, 2731, 1648, 311, 636, 1274, 7556, 927, 264, 10747, 315, 15600, 323, 279, 7140, 753, 19214, 60559, 3159, 2476, 1071, 36035, 800, 16345, 11, 6883, 7690, 369, 4584, 53, 275, 648 ]
climate for military use. Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world. Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the
climate for military use. Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world. Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the
triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’ In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.’ It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing –through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.’ While the substance of the 1977 Convention was reasserted in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, debate on weather modification for military use has become a scientific taboo. Military analysts are mute on the subject. Meteorologists are not investigating the matter and environmentalists are focused on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol
[ 4258, 329, 2422, 779, 13, 198, 47213, 17613, 7605, 423, 587, 5625, 416, 262, 1294, 2422, 329, 517, 621, 2063, 257, 4289, 13, 1294, 48251, 1757, 18042, 3169, 40062, 11, 287, 43176, 351, 262, 1294, 2732, 286, 5947, 11, 2067, 465, 2267, 319, 6193, 17613, 287, 262, 2739, 16236, 82, 379, 262, 6001, 286, 262, 10250, 1810, 290, 1674, 43439, 564, 246, 23914, 286, 5424, 1512, 15611, 355, 1865, 28418, 363, 1389, 447, 247, 13, 5856, 262, 10836, 1175, 11, 6279, 12, 325, 8228, 7605, 547, 973, 11, 3599, 287, 15904, 739, 4935, 8099, 25379, 11, 262, 9432, 286, 543, 373, 284, 16761, 262, 937, 36194, 1622, 290, 2512, 4472, 5127, 11926, 1863, 262, 9544, 21380, 1855, 71, 13069, 13, 198, 464, 1294, 2422, 468, 4166, 6190, 9889, 326, 7139, 340, 39119, 284, 8343, 6193, 7572, 13, 383, 3037, 11, 543, 318, 852, 42155, 739, 262, 3334, 12, 35324, 14199, 15412, 6864, 4992, 6118, 357, 7801, 36035, 828, 318, 281, 24443, 496, 286, 262, 24999, 5947, 18362, 784, 564, 246, 8248, 6176, 447, 247, 13, 3574, 257, 2422, 22116, 11, 14558, 36035, 318, 257, 4282, 286, 2347, 8166, 11, 5361, 422, 262, 12076, 8137, 290, 6007, 286, 27397, 1710, 14240, 290, 25047, 3341, 1088, 262, 995, 13, 198, 41865, 12, 4666, 2649, 11, 1864, 284, 262, 1294, 3701, 5221, 3188, 12341, 32190, 8125, 6358, 11, 564, 246, 2364, 364, 262, 1175, 10543, 257, 3094, 2837, 286, 1744, 3689, 284, 7433, 393, 31255, 344, 281, 34114, 447, 247, 11, 9889, 11, 340, 1139, 11, 9117, 284, 262 ]
[ 10182, 369, 6411, 1005, 627, 83166, 17466, 12823, 617, 1027, 9435, 555, 279, 2326, 6411, 369, 810, 1109, 4376, 264, 9478, 13, 2326, 21651, 1122, 3842, 6675, 4275, 64607, 11, 304, 83199, 449, 279, 2326, 6011, 315, 16777, 11, 3940, 813, 3495, 389, 9282, 17466, 304, 279, 3389, 220, 6393, 15, 82, 520, 279, 2673, 315, 279, 24062, 5111, 323, 70856, 675, 3451, 10008, 315, 11323, 780, 39307, 439, 3686, 653, 29116, 1619, 24535, 12220, 279, 23315, 4208, 11, 9624, 7962, 16490, 12823, 1051, 1511, 11, 6041, 304, 220, 5162, 22, 1234, 5907, 30460, 9188, 11, 279, 16945, 315, 902, 574, 311, 33482, 279, 1647, 67156, 3280, 323, 2565, 9354, 8312, 11543, 3235, 279, 17723, 34382, 93255, 19177, 627, 791, 2326, 6411, 706, 8040, 11084, 17357, 430, 7431, 433, 82775, 311, 11857, 9282, 12912, 13, 578, 5557, 11, 902, 374, 1694, 95246, 1234, 279, 5234, 79412, 10106, 35731, 10020, 8483, 6826, 320, 17455, 43893, 705, 374, 459, 8911, 425, 315, 279, 46661, 16777, 38756, 1389, 3451, 12988, 15317, 24535, 5659, 264, 6411, 51882, 11, 42416, 43893, 374, 264, 10500, 315, 3148, 19814, 11, 10565, 505, 279, 16335, 16975, 323, 13171, 315, 72257, 3876, 29149, 323, 50953, 6067, 2212, 279, 1917, 627, 30081, 17515, 2461, 11, 4184, 311, 279, 2326, 6690, 11994, 2246, 20479, 220, 2366, 20, 13321, 8423, 11, 3451, 72979, 279, 4208, 25902, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 3284, 2671, 311, 18506, 477, 84125, 459, 82499, 20182, 17357, 11, 433, 2795, 11, 13334, 311, 279 ]
[ 52605, 315, 61272, 11, 90127, 11, 37846, 82, 323, 66579, 25, 3451, 30081, 17466, 690, 3719, 264, 961, 315, 13018, 323, 6625, 4868, 323, 1436, 387, 2884, 653, 91895, 750, 1981, 1102, 1436, 617, 15538, 323, 16399, 8522, 323, 1524, 387, 1511, 369, 4130, 16271, 10096, 13, 578, 5845, 311, 7068, 61050, 11, 31349, 323, 44583, 389, 9578, 477, 311, 5719, 3634, 9282, 1981, 323, 279, 5788, 315, 21075, 9282, 682, 527, 264, 961, 315, 459, 18751, 743, 315, 510, 76, 20860, 60, 14645, 14639, 198, 644, 220, 4468, 22, 11, 459, 6625, 26958, 574, 97665, 555, 279, 6781, 3331, 12000, 902, 21501, 3451, 76, 20860, 477, 1023, 33615, 1005, 315, 12434, 17466, 12823, 3515, 24716, 11, 1317, 65265, 477, 15748, 6372, 14639, 1102, 4613, 3451, 24175, 278, 17466, 12823, 529, 439, 3451, 3852, 15105, 369, 10223, 1389, 20322, 279, 46072, 34786, 315, 5933, 11618, 1389, 279, 30295, 11, 18528, 477, 6070, 315, 279, 9578, 11, 2737, 1202, 6160, 6217, 11, 46282, 66222, 11, 6409, 67, 3714, 8182, 323, 16975, 11, 477, 315, 16335, 3634, 14639, 198, 8142, 279, 20278, 315, 279, 220, 4468, 22, 26958, 574, 312, 2256, 291, 304, 279, 6781, 24686, 26958, 389, 31636, 10604, 320, 1899, 37, 54973, 8, 8667, 520, 279, 220, 2550, 17, 9420, 35769, 304, 28059, 11, 11249, 389, 9282, 17466, 369, 6411, 1005, 706, 3719, 264, 12624, 77045, 627, 86426, 31499, 527, 54321, 389, 279, 3917, 13, 40732, 22012, 527, 539, 24834, 279, 5030, 323, 12434, 1705, 527, 10968, 389, 37647, 6962, 20748, 1234, 279, 82122, 25590 ]
izing the amplitude of the waveforms at the two ears and then performing a differencing operation. This results in a cancellation of the components identical at the two ears, leaving the nonidentical components (Durlach, 1963). Although this approach accounts for many of the properties of the BMLD, it is not firmly anchored in the known physiology. A more physiological approach involves filtering the waveforms at each ear into a series of frequency channels based on psychophysical measures of auditory filters (Stern and Colburn, 1978). The outputs of the channels at the same frequency from the two ears are then cross-correlated (replicating the action of coincidence detectors known to exist in the brainstem). The second dimension of the model is the interaural delay. The signal is detected as a change in the correlation in any frequency channel at any point along the delay axis. For a wide-band noise presented binaurally, the cross-correlation model produces the largest response at zero interaural delay across all the frequency channels. The addition of 500 Hz tones presented in identical phase at the masked threshold produces a small increase around zero interaural delay in the 500 Hz channel. Adding a low-level So signal does not disrupt the interaural phase difference
izing the amplitude of the waveforms at the two ears and then performing a differencing operation. This results in a cancellation of the components identical at the two ears, leaving the nonidentical components (Durlach, 1963). Although this approach accounts for many of the properties of the BMLD, it is not firmly anchored in the known physiology. A more physiological approach involves filtering the waveforms at each ear into a series of frequency channels based on psychophysical measures of auditory filters (Stern and Colburn, 1978). The outputs of the channels at the same frequency from the two ears are then cross-correlated (replicating the action of coincidence detectors known to exist in the brainstem). The second dimension of the model is the interaural delay. The signal is detected as a change in the correlation in any frequency channel at any point along the delay axis. For a wide-band noise presented binaurally, the cross-correlation model produces the largest response at zero interaural delay across all the frequency channels. The addition of 500 Hz tones presented in identical phase at the masked threshold produces a small increase around zero interaural delay in the 500 Hz channel. Adding a low-level So signal does not disrupt the interaural phase difference
established by No noise; rather, the signal is detected as an increased correlation in the signal frequency channel. In contrast, an additional Sπ signal causes variations in the interaural phase differences established by the No noise. This variation in interaural phase difference results in a desynchronization and thus a reduction in the correlation attributable to the No noise, as indicated by a decrease in the output at approximately zero interaural delay and an increase in the output at interaural delays of ∼1000 μsec (half of the signal period). In this model, the BMLD results from an asymmetry in the effects of the So and Sπ signals. Because the Sπ signals have a larger effect in reducing the correlated activity than the So signal has in increasing the correlation, it is more detectable. Note that the BMLD results from computations within a single frequency channel at the signal frequency. To relate the model to the physiological measurements, the internal delay axis could be regarded as an array of binaural delay-sensitive neurons with different best interaural delays (Yin et al., 1987). The increase or decrease in the output of the cross-correlation model predicts increases or decreases in the discharge rate, caused by the addition of the signal.
[ 2890, 262, 37188, 286, 262, 6769, 23914, 379, 262, 734, 11368, 290, 788, 9489, 257, 980, 77, 2259, 4905, 13, 770, 2482, 287, 257, 25395, 286, 262, 6805, 10411, 379, 262, 734, 11368, 11, 4305, 262, 1729, 738, 605, 6805, 357, 35, 6371, 620, 11, 19342, 737, 4900, 428, 3164, 5504, 329, 867, 286, 262, 6608, 286, 262, 347, 5805, 35, 11, 340, 318, 407, 14245, 39871, 287, 262, 1900, 38033, 13, 317, 517, 25033, 3164, 9018, 25431, 262, 6769, 23914, 379, 1123, 1027, 656, 257, 2168, 286, 8373, 9619, 1912, 319, 3795, 41789, 5260, 286, 38949, 16628, 357, 50, 759, 290, 1623, 10899, 11, 15524, 737, 383, 23862, 286, 262, 9619, 379, 262, 976, 8373, 422, 262, 734, 11368, 389, 788, 3272, 12, 10215, 5363, 357, 35666, 12364, 262, 2223, 286, 21083, 40471, 1900, 284, 2152, 287, 262, 3632, 927, 737, 383, 1218, 15793, 286, 262, 2746, 318, 262, 987, 64, 1523, 5711, 13, 383, 6737, 318, 12326, 355, 257, 1487, 287, 262, 16096, 287, 597, 8373, 6518, 379, 597, 966, 1863, 262, 5711, 16488, 13, 1114, 257, 3094, 12, 3903, 7838, 5545, 275, 1437, 20221, 11, 262, 3272, 12, 10215, 49501, 2746, 11073, 262, 4387, 2882, 379, 6632, 987, 64, 1523, 5711, 1973, 477, 262, 8373, 9619, 13, 383, 3090, 286, 5323, 26109, 23755, 5545, 287, 10411, 7108, 379, 262, 29229, 11387, 11073, 257, 1402, 2620, 1088, 6632, 987, 64, 1523, 5711, 287, 262, 5323, 26109, 6518, 13, 18247, 257, 1877, 12, 5715, 1406, 6737, 857, 407, 10114, 262, 987, 64, 1523, 7108, 3580 ]
[ 4954, 279, 45209, 315, 279, 12330, 10008, 520, 279, 1403, 25212, 323, 1243, 16785, 264, 1782, 11627, 5784, 13, 1115, 3135, 304, 264, 36935, 315, 279, 6956, 20086, 520, 279, 1403, 25212, 11, 9564, 279, 2536, 1748, 950, 6956, 320, 35, 1103, 613, 11, 220, 5162, 18, 570, 10541, 420, 5603, 9815, 369, 1690, 315, 279, 6012, 315, 279, 426, 2735, 35, 11, 433, 374, 539, 32620, 78219, 304, 279, 3967, 78152, 13, 362, 810, 53194, 5603, 18065, 30770, 279, 12330, 10008, 520, 1855, 2487, 1139, 264, 4101, 315, 11900, 12006, 3196, 389, 8841, 91004, 11193, 315, 83629, 13711, 320, 50, 4253, 323, 4349, 22464, 11, 220, 4468, 23, 570, 578, 16674, 315, 279, 12006, 520, 279, 1890, 11900, 505, 279, 1403, 25212, 527, 1243, 5425, 46713, 9920, 320, 10200, 416, 1113, 279, 1957, 315, 50278, 69087, 3967, 311, 3073, 304, 279, 8271, 65188, 570, 578, 2132, 13167, 315, 279, 1646, 374, 279, 958, 4202, 278, 7781, 13, 578, 8450, 374, 16914, 439, 264, 2349, 304, 279, 26670, 304, 904, 11900, 5613, 520, 904, 1486, 3235, 279, 7781, 8183, 13, 1789, 264, 7029, 68775, 12248, 10666, 293, 2259, 43024, 11, 279, 5425, 46713, 23013, 1646, 19159, 279, 7928, 2077, 520, 7315, 958, 4202, 278, 7781, 4028, 682, 279, 11900, 12006, 13, 578, 5369, 315, 220, 2636, 37192, 43076, 10666, 304, 20086, 10474, 520, 279, 43248, 12447, 19159, 264, 2678, 5376, 2212, 7315, 958, 4202, 278, 7781, 304, 279, 220, 2636, 37192, 5613, 13, 31470, 264, 3428, 11852, 2100, 8450, 1587, 539, 24927, 279, 958, 4202, 278, 10474, 6811 ]
[ 9749, 555, 2360, 12248, 26, 4856, 11, 279, 8450, 374, 16914, 439, 459, 7319, 26670, 304, 279, 8450, 11900, 5613, 13, 763, 13168, 11, 459, 5217, 328, 49345, 8450, 11384, 27339, 304, 279, 958, 4202, 278, 10474, 12062, 9749, 555, 279, 2360, 12248, 13, 1115, 23851, 304, 958, 4202, 278, 10474, 6811, 3135, 304, 264, 951, 69029, 323, 8617, 264, 14278, 304, 279, 26670, 71526, 311, 279, 2360, 12248, 11, 439, 16717, 555, 264, 18979, 304, 279, 2612, 520, 13489, 7315, 958, 4202, 278, 7781, 323, 459, 5376, 304, 279, 2612, 520, 958, 4202, 278, 32174, 315, 12264, 120, 1041, 15, 33983, 5132, 320, 38106, 315, 279, 8450, 4261, 570, 763, 420, 1646, 11, 279, 426, 2735, 35, 3135, 505, 459, 54395, 33342, 304, 279, 6372, 315, 279, 2100, 323, 328, 49345, 17738, 13, 9393, 279, 328, 49345, 17738, 617, 264, 8294, 2515, 304, 18189, 279, 49393, 5820, 1109, 279, 2100, 8450, 706, 304, 7859, 279, 26670, 11, 433, 374, 810, 11388, 481, 13, 7181, 430, 279, 426, 2735, 35, 3135, 505, 83699, 2949, 264, 3254, 11900, 5613, 520, 279, 8450, 11900, 627, 1271, 29243, 279, 1646, 311, 279, 53194, 22323, 11, 279, 5419, 7781, 8183, 1436, 387, 27458, 439, 459, 1358, 315, 293, 2259, 4269, 7781, 57767, 34313, 449, 2204, 1888, 958, 4202, 278, 32174, 320, 56, 258, 1880, 453, 2637, 220, 3753, 22, 570, 578, 5376, 477, 18979, 304, 279, 2612, 315, 279, 5425, 46713, 23013, 1646, 56978, 12992, 477, 43154, 304, 279, 32643, 4478, 11, 9057, 555, 279, 5369, 315, 279, 8450, 13 ]
hold for an entry-level table-top model. The G Pen Elite is truly an elite device. This is the easiest dry herb vape to use. Just open it, load it and get it heated up. Very simple. Lee Jun Ki Is HOT HOT HOT! Yoon Eun Hye making her way back into singing!? What is UP with G-Dragon? Ok WTF is wrong with G-Dragon? I know it’s cool to experiment with styles and stuff, but he’s starting to look like an heroine addict (I’m not saying that he is one, but what is up with his look lately?). He’s getting tattoos left and right, his stylist is going crazy with his hair or cutting it in the dark, and the boy is looking mad skinny. Does he even eat? But I do have to say that if G-Dragon wasn’t a rapper he so could pass as a rock star any day. I do have to say that the guys are looking hot in their new pics for the latest issue of Esquire magazine (Korean issue). Another WonderGirls Epicdemic Is On It’s Way! For first my true blog post I will
hold for an entry-level table-top model. The G Pen Elite is truly an elite device. This is the easiest dry herb vape to use. Just open it, load it and get it heated up. Very simple. Lee Jun Ki Is HOT HOT HOT! Yoon Eun Hye making her way back into singing!? What is UP with G-Dragon? Ok WTF is wrong with G-Dragon? I know it’s cool to experiment with styles and stuff, but he’s starting to look like an heroine addict (I’m not saying that he is one, but what is up with his look lately?). He’s getting tattoos left and right, his stylist is going crazy with his hair or cutting it in the dark, and the boy is looking mad skinny. Does he even eat? But I do have to say that if G-Dragon wasn’t a rapper he so could pass as a rock star any day. I do have to say that the guys are looking hot in their new pics for the latest issue of Esquire magazine (Korean issue). Another WonderGirls Epicdemic Is On It’s Way! For first my true blog post I will
talk about one of my favorite Korean girl groups no other than THE WONDERGIRLS. I can not wait for their new single album (it’s not their 2nd album from what I’ve heard) which is due out on the 25th of September, also showcasing a new sound and style. A new song that some say will out do the “So Hot” song, which probably is not a surprise because every time WonderGirls come out with something new it always goes through the roof into the heavens, and explodes into sparkly little pieces we know as stars. Was I over doing it just now? HAHA well you know what I mean the WonderGirls’ songs always have this magic power to put people into trances and have them video tape themselves singing and do the choreography of one the their latest additive hits step by step. No matter if you you’re young or old, rich or poor, male or female, Korean celeb or non-celeb folks, or even a military serves person or regular Joe Schmo. Once you hear a up-beat song by the WonderGirls something in your brain goes hay-wire and you are grabbing for your video camera, and then YOU yourself become the latest most
[ 1745, 329, 281, 5726, 12, 5715, 3084, 12, 4852, 2746, 13, 383, 402, 7507, 16158, 318, 4988, 281, 9085, 3335, 13, 198, 1212, 318, 262, 16638, 5894, 21047, 44931, 284, 779, 13, 2329, 1280, 340, 11, 3440, 340, 290, 651, 340, 16968, 510, 13, 9576, 2829, 13, 5741, 7653, 21927, 1148, 44607, 44607, 44607, 0, 198, 56, 2049, 412, 403, 367, 5948, 1642, 607, 835, 736, 656, 13777, 22857, 198, 2061, 318, 15958, 351, 402, 12, 17808, 30, 198, 18690, 370, 10234, 318, 2642, 351, 402, 12, 17808, 30, 314, 760, 340, 447, 247, 82, 3608, 284, 6306, 351, 12186, 290, 3404, 11, 475, 339, 447, 247, 82, 3599, 284, 804, 588, 281, 41487, 19678, 357, 40, 447, 247, 76, 407, 2282, 326, 339, 318, 530, 11, 475, 644, 318, 510, 351, 465, 804, 16537, 29865, 679, 447, 247, 82, 1972, 29591, 1364, 290, 826, 11, 465, 22152, 396, 318, 1016, 7165, 351, 465, 4190, 393, 7720, 340, 287, 262, 3223, 11, 290, 262, 2933, 318, 2045, 8805, 29494, 13, 8314, 339, 772, 4483, 30, 887, 314, 466, 423, 284, 910, 326, 611, 402, 12, 17808, 2492, 447, 247, 83, 257, 25670, 339, 523, 714, 1208, 355, 257, 3881, 3491, 597, 1110, 13, 198, 40, 466, 423, 284, 910, 326, 262, 3730, 389, 2045, 3024, 287, 511, 649, 27618, 329, 262, 3452, 2071, 286, 8678, 29782, 7093, 357, 42, 29456, 2071, 737, 198, 6610, 12902, 41044, 16781, 67, 5314, 1148, 1550, 632, 447, 247, 82, 6378, 0, 198, 1890, 717, 616, 2081, 4130, 1281, 314, 481 ]
[ 3412, 369, 459, 4441, 11852, 2007, 8338, 1646, 13, 578, 480, 13597, 34864, 374, 9615, 459, 21342, 3756, 627, 2028, 374, 279, 30689, 9235, 39999, 69270, 311, 1005, 13, 4702, 1825, 433, 11, 2865, 433, 323, 636, 433, 32813, 709, 13, 15668, 4382, 13, 12336, 12044, 30558, 2209, 54473, 54473, 54473, 4999, 56, 9186, 469, 359, 473, 9188, 3339, 1077, 1648, 1203, 1139, 26139, 0, 5380, 3923, 374, 12250, 449, 480, 9607, 56250, 5380, 11839, 78270, 374, 5076, 449, 480, 9607, 56250, 30, 358, 1440, 433, 753, 7155, 311, 9526, 449, 9404, 323, 6392, 11, 719, 568, 753, 6041, 311, 1427, 1093, 459, 81187, 39326, 320, 40, 4344, 539, 5605, 430, 568, 374, 832, 11, 719, 1148, 374, 709, 449, 813, 1427, 31445, 48366, 1283, 753, 3794, 54742, 2163, 323, 1314, 11, 813, 67473, 374, 2133, 14599, 449, 813, 7013, 477, 14713, 433, 304, 279, 6453, 11, 323, 279, 8334, 374, 3411, 13088, 48777, 13, 12838, 568, 1524, 8343, 30, 2030, 358, 656, 617, 311, 2019, 430, 422, 480, 9607, 56250, 5828, 1431, 264, 50437, 568, 779, 1436, 1522, 439, 264, 7091, 6917, 904, 1938, 627, 40, 656, 617, 311, 2019, 430, 279, 7752, 527, 3411, 4106, 304, 872, 502, 22067, 369, 279, 5652, 4360, 315, 9419, 999, 14756, 320, 42, 46295, 4360, 4390, 14364, 27205, 75588, 40467, 67, 8274, 2209, 1952, 1102, 753, 12424, 4999, 2520, 1176, 856, 837, 5117, 1772, 358, 690 ]
[ 3137, 922, 832, 315, 856, 7075, 16526, 3828, 5315, 912, 1023, 1109, 3247, 98467, 11645, 38, 2871, 7416, 13, 358, 649, 539, 3868, 369, 872, 502, 3254, 8176, 320, 275, 753, 539, 872, 220, 17, 303, 8176, 505, 1148, 358, 4070, 6755, 8, 902, 374, 4245, 704, 389, 279, 220, 914, 339, 315, 6250, 11, 1101, 67908, 264, 502, 5222, 323, 1742, 13, 362, 502, 5609, 430, 1063, 2019, 690, 704, 656, 279, 1054, 4516, 8166, 863, 5609, 11, 902, 4762, 374, 539, 264, 13051, 1606, 1475, 892, 27205, 75588, 2586, 704, 449, 2555, 502, 433, 2744, 5900, 1555, 279, 15485, 1139, 279, 63880, 11, 323, 95013, 1139, 15541, 398, 2697, 9863, 584, 1440, 439, 9958, 13, 15148, 358, 927, 3815, 433, 1120, 1457, 30, 42416, 17455, 1664, 499, 1440, 1148, 358, 3152, 279, 27205, 75588, 529, 11936, 2744, 617, 420, 11204, 2410, 311, 2231, 1274, 1139, 490, 3095, 323, 617, 1124, 2835, 17401, 5694, 26139, 323, 656, 279, 50671, 5814, 315, 832, 279, 872, 5652, 64338, 13280, 3094, 555, 3094, 13, 2360, 5030, 422, 499, 499, 3207, 3995, 477, 2362, 11, 9257, 477, 8009, 11, 8762, 477, 8954, 11, 16526, 6630, 65, 477, 2536, 54312, 273, 65, 15687, 11, 477, 1524, 264, 6411, 17482, 1732, 477, 5912, 13142, 5124, 6489, 13, 9843, 499, 6865, 264, 709, 15502, 266, 5609, 555, 279, 27205, 75588, 2555, 304, 701, 8271, 5900, 18137, 2695, 556, 323, 499, 527, 50030, 369, 701, 2835, 6382, 11, 323, 1243, 15334, 6261, 3719, 279, 5652, 1455 ]
/mo marks and spencer meadowhall opening times today Meadowhall is one of the stores that belong to the Marks & Spencer group, placed at Unit 2 1 The Arcade, S9 1EH, in Sheffield. Marks and Spencer Aberdeen 2 St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB10 1BU Marks and Spencer Aberdeen Union Square Units Rtu 2 And 3, Union Square Shopping Park, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB11 5PF Marks and Spencer Abington Ave Northampton 159-185 Abington Ave, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4QB Marks and Spencer Accrington 23 Broadway, Accrington, … Covid-19 Update: Across the UK, all our food halls remain open Our M&S womenswear brands offer the latest fashions trends for every occasion as well as stylish footwear, lingerie, sleepwear and beauty products. Marks & Spencer stores in Sheffield - Opening times, phone numbers and addresses There is no doubt that Marks & Spencer is an iconic British retailer. Pret a Manger and Caffe Nero are reopening sites, while fast food chains McDonalds and Burger King are opening up drive-throughs. Please take into consideration that the open hours for M
/mo marks and spencer meadowhall opening times today Meadowhall is one of the stores that belong to the Marks & Spencer group, placed at Unit 2 1 The Arcade, S9 1EH, in Sheffield. Marks and Spencer Aberdeen 2 St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB10 1BU Marks and Spencer Aberdeen Union Square Units Rtu 2 And 3, Union Square Shopping Park, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB11 5PF Marks and Spencer Abington Ave Northampton 159-185 Abington Ave, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4QB Marks and Spencer Accrington 23 Broadway, Accrington, … Covid-19 Update: Across the UK, all our food halls remain open Our M&S womenswear brands offer the latest fashions trends for every occasion as well as stylish footwear, lingerie, sleepwear and beauty products. Marks & Spencer stores in Sheffield - Opening times, phone numbers and addresses There is no doubt that Marks & Spencer is an iconic British retailer. Pret a Manger and Caffe Nero are reopening sites, while fast food chains McDonalds and Burger King are opening up drive-throughs. Please take into consideration that the open hours for M
&S Marks and Spencer in Meadowhall, Sheffield may differ from daily times over UK legal holidays. Due to the current situation, opening hours may vary. For any further queries call us today! Meadowhall reopened today after the centre was forced to close for a month-long national lockdown. To find more detailed information about the ongoing & upcoming events, Contact us today! Marks & Spencer Meadowhall in Sheffield Opening Hours Marks & Spencer Meadowhall at Meadowhall (Unit 2 1 The Arcade) in Sheffield, S9 1EH is a branch of the Marks & Spencer's group. In Sheffield, and other cities in Yorkshire, massive queues outside of shopping stores could be seen as many retailers opened their doors for the first time in months. It serves the market with 1158 shops. }, Marks & Spencer cafes … Marks & Spencer Meadowhall offers a wide range of women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing, shoes, beauty products, home lines, food and wine. Marks and Spencer, Sheffield: See 68 unbiased reviews of Marks and Spencer, rated 3 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #1,181 of 1,502 restaurants in Sheffield. Hereâ€
[ 14, 5908, 8849, 290, 599, 12137, 502, 4584, 18323, 4756, 1661, 1909, 198, 44, 1329, 322, 18323, 318, 530, 286, 262, 7000, 326, 5594, 284, 262, 27366, 1222, 15971, 1448, 11, 4624, 379, 11801, 362, 352, 383, 23190, 11, 311, 24, 352, 42413, 11, 287, 33496, 13, 27366, 290, 15971, 44985, 362, 520, 20320, 3530, 11, 44985, 11, 27700, 2934, 641, 10695, 9564, 940, 352, 19499, 27366, 290, 15971, 44985, 4479, 9276, 27719, 371, 28047, 362, 843, 513, 11, 4479, 9276, 39109, 3250, 11, 44985, 11, 27700, 2934, 641, 10695, 9564, 1157, 642, 42668, 27366, 290, 15971, 2275, 9557, 12761, 2258, 23427, 26422, 12, 21652, 2275, 9557, 12761, 11, 2258, 23427, 11, 2258, 321, 457, 684, 10695, 399, 45, 16, 604, 40291, 27366, 290, 15971, 6366, 24833, 2242, 20617, 11, 6366, 24833, 11, 6184, 95, 126, 222, 126, 99, 39751, 312, 12, 1129, 10133, 25, 27497, 262, 3482, 11, 477, 674, 2057, 24350, 3520, 1280, 3954, 337, 5, 50, 1116, 641, 13927, 11394, 2897, 262, 3452, 277, 1077, 507, 11257, 329, 790, 6695, 355, 880, 355, 30511, 43463, 11, 31402, 494, 11, 3993, 13927, 290, 8737, 3186, 13, 27366, 1222, 15971, 7000, 287, 33496, 532, 25522, 1661, 11, 3072, 3146, 290, 9405, 1318, 318, 645, 4719, 326, 27366, 1222, 15971, 318, 281, 14133, 3517, 21538, 13, 37123, 257, 337, 2564, 290, 327, 21223, 46810, 389, 302, 29443, 5043, 11, 981, 3049, 2057, 14659, 14115, 82, 290, 28983, 2677, 389, 4756, 510, 3708, 12, 9579, 82, 13, 4222, 1011, 656, 9110, 326, 262, 1280, 2250, 329, 337 ]
[ 3262, 78, 15785, 323, 993, 20099, 757, 5967, 43341, 8736, 3115, 3432, 198, 44, 3228, 363, 43341, 374, 832, 315, 279, 10756, 430, 9352, 311, 279, 49195, 612, 36221, 1912, 11, 9277, 520, 8113, 220, 17, 220, 16, 578, 65307, 11, 328, 24, 220, 16, 46689, 11, 304, 61125, 13, 49195, 323, 36221, 80351, 220, 17, 800, 40796, 6825, 11, 80351, 11, 37674, 451, 729, 35548, 14469, 605, 220, 16, 15275, 49195, 323, 36221, 80351, 9323, 15992, 36281, 432, 25506, 220, 17, 1628, 220, 18, 11, 9323, 15992, 30064, 5657, 11, 80351, 11, 37674, 451, 729, 35548, 14469, 806, 220, 20, 20280, 49195, 323, 36221, 3765, 4910, 21998, 4892, 43101, 220, 11068, 12, 9741, 3765, 4910, 21998, 11, 4892, 43101, 11, 4892, 43101, 15255, 45778, 16, 220, 19, 81058, 49195, 323, 36221, 11683, 81, 4910, 220, 1419, 37776, 11, 11683, 81, 4910, 11, 29005, 43576, 99, 38074, 12, 777, 5666, 25, 58237, 279, 6560, 11, 682, 1057, 3691, 52473, 7293, 1825, 5751, 386, 90385, 88461, 23581, 16097, 3085, 279, 5652, 282, 1003, 919, 18845, 369, 1475, 13402, 439, 1664, 439, 32461, 68172, 11, 57274, 11, 6212, 23581, 323, 13444, 3956, 13, 49195, 612, 36221, 10756, 304, 61125, 482, 41137, 3115, 11, 4641, 5219, 323, 14564, 2684, 374, 912, 10712, 430, 49195, 612, 36221, 374, 459, 27373, 8013, 37891, 13, 63039, 264, 386, 4091, 323, 356, 38880, 85178, 527, 94500, 6732, 11, 1418, 5043, 3691, 27271, 32014, 82, 323, 52871, 6342, 527, 8736, 709, 6678, 43847, 82, 13, 5321, 1935, 1139, 18361, 430, 279, 1825, 4207, 369, 386 ]
[ 90385, 49195, 323, 36221, 304, 89842, 43341, 11, 61125, 1253, 1782, 505, 7446, 3115, 927, 6560, 5897, 25425, 13, 24586, 311, 279, 1510, 6671, 11, 8736, 4207, 1253, 13592, 13, 1789, 904, 4726, 20126, 1650, 603, 3432, 0, 89842, 43341, 78881, 3432, 1306, 279, 12541, 574, 9770, 311, 3345, 369, 264, 2305, 24725, 5426, 51235, 13, 2057, 1505, 810, 11944, 2038, 922, 279, 14529, 612, 14827, 4455, 11, 9359, 603, 3432, 0, 49195, 612, 36221, 89842, 43341, 304, 61125, 41137, 30192, 49195, 612, 36221, 89842, 43341, 520, 89842, 43341, 320, 4665, 220, 17, 220, 16, 578, 65307, 8, 304, 61125, 11, 328, 24, 220, 16, 46689, 374, 264, 9046, 315, 279, 49195, 612, 36221, 596, 1912, 13, 763, 61125, 11, 323, 1023, 9919, 304, 51327, 11, 11191, 49194, 4994, 315, 12185, 10756, 1436, 387, 3970, 439, 1690, 30282, 9107, 872, 14365, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 304, 4038, 13, 1102, 17482, 279, 3157, 449, 220, 7322, 23, 20021, 13, 2529, 49195, 612, 36221, 74671, 29005, 43576, 99, 49195, 612, 36221, 89842, 43341, 6209, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 3278, 9011, 75809, 82, 11, 3026, 9011, 75809, 82, 11, 323, 2911, 9011, 75809, 82, 17895, 11, 15653, 11, 13444, 3956, 11, 2162, 5238, 11, 3691, 323, 13378, 13, 49195, 323, 36221, 11, 61125, 25, 3580, 220, 2614, 74315, 8544, 315, 49195, 323, 36221, 11, 22359, 220, 18, 315, 220, 20, 389, 27852, 82894, 323, 21682, 674, 16, 11, 10562, 315, 220, 16, 11, 17824, 15926, 304, 61125, 13, 5810, 9011, 42516 ]
Radio 92FM spoke to Sue Mayo to find out more about it. Broadcast 12 /03/15 https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nusound-radio-92fm-120315-magic-me-love-east-london.mp3 Distilleries used to be common in East London but decades after the last one closed down, the East London Liquor Company have re-introduced the tradition. NuSound Radio 92FM went down to an old glue factory in Bow where they were in the middle of making a batch of their famous local gin. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nusound-radio-92fm-120315-e-ldn-liquor-gin.mp3 Pubs seem to be closing down all over East London. Is it a problem or is it just a sign of the times ? And can anything be done to keep pubs open ? NuSound Radio 92FM met up with James Watson from the Campaign for Real Ale to look at these issues. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03
Radio 92FM spoke to Sue Mayo to find out more about it. Broadcast 12 /03/15 https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nusound-radio-92fm-120315-magic-me-love-east-london.mp3 Distilleries used to be common in East London but decades after the last one closed down, the East London Liquor Company have re-introduced the tradition. NuSound Radio 92FM went down to an old glue factory in Bow where they were in the middle of making a batch of their famous local gin. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nusound-radio-92fm-120315-e-ldn-liquor-gin.mp3 Pubs seem to be closing down all over East London. Is it a problem or is it just a sign of the times ? And can anything be done to keep pubs open ? NuSound Radio 92FM met up with James Watson from the Campaign for Real Ale to look at these issues. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03
/nusound-radio-92fm-050315-pub-cosures-camra.mp3 NuSound Radio 92FM met up with the Newham Invitation Flying Club as they prepared for a weekend of pigeon racing. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nusound-radio-92fm-050315-pigeon-racing-rpt.mp3 Lyndsay Jones from the Friends of West Ham Park organised a stargazing event in the Park. NuSound Radio 92FM met up with her to find out more about Astronomy and what can be seen in the light polluted sky over East London. https://radiopetedotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/nusound-radio-92fm-260215-frnds-wh-park-stargazing.mp3 Residents of Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers in Waltham Forest met up to campaign against the decision of their Council to carry out major refurbishment works on their flats, meaning they will have to leave their homes and face an uncertain future. They are also unhappy that one of the blocks is to be sold off
[ 8829, 10190, 23264, 5158, 284, 26089, 32987, 284, 1064, 503, 517, 546, 340, 13, 198, 30507, 2701, 1105, 1220, 3070, 14, 1314, 198, 5450, 1378, 6335, 14922, 316, 276, 313, 2398, 13, 16624, 13, 40346, 13, 785, 14, 4626, 14, 3070, 14, 77, 385, 633, 12, 37004, 12, 5892, 38353, 12, 1065, 3070, 1314, 12, 32707, 12, 1326, 12, 23205, 12, 23316, 12, 75, 3391, 13, 3149, 18, 198, 20344, 4665, 444, 973, 284, 307, 2219, 287, 3687, 3576, 475, 4647, 706, 262, 938, 530, 4838, 866, 11, 262, 3687, 3576, 35515, 273, 5834, 423, 302, 12, 27427, 771, 262, 6761, 13, 21733, 21369, 8829, 10190, 23264, 1816, 866, 284, 281, 1468, 22749, 8860, 287, 9740, 810, 484, 547, 287, 262, 3504, 286, 1642, 257, 15458, 286, 511, 5863, 1957, 39733, 13, 198, 5450, 1378, 6335, 14922, 316, 276, 313, 2398, 13, 16624, 13, 40346, 13, 785, 14, 4626, 14, 3070, 14, 77, 385, 633, 12, 37004, 12, 5892, 38353, 12, 1065, 3070, 1314, 12, 68, 12, 335, 77, 12, 75, 1557, 273, 12, 1655, 13, 3149, 18, 198, 14876, 82, 1283, 284, 307, 9605, 866, 477, 625, 3687, 3576, 13, 1148, 340, 257, 1917, 393, 318, 340, 655, 257, 1051, 286, 262, 1661, 5633, 843, 460, 1997, 307, 1760, 284, 1394, 46972, 1280, 5633, 21733, 21369, 8829, 10190, 23264, 1138, 510, 351, 3700, 14959, 422, 262, 13718, 329, 6416, 9300, 284, 804, 379, 777, 2428, 13, 198, 5450, 1378, 6335, 14922, 316, 276, 313, 2398, 13, 16624, 13, 40346, 13, 785, 14, 4626, 14, 3070 ]
[ 13792, 220, 6083, 26691, 12570, 311, 48749, 58157, 311, 1505, 704, 810, 922, 433, 627, 44462, 220, 717, 611, 2839, 14, 868, 198, 2485, 1129, 70312, 454, 25489, 354, 1813, 20881, 40750, 916, 14, 679, 20, 14, 2839, 9809, 355, 801, 63793, 12, 6083, 21796, 12, 4364, 15189, 1474, 13070, 35073, 27578, 588, 40607, 2922, 6610, 17295, 18, 198, 24243, 484, 4804, 1511, 311, 387, 4279, 304, 6460, 7295, 719, 11026, 1306, 279, 1566, 832, 8036, 1523, 11, 279, 6460, 7295, 69618, 269, 8351, 617, 312, 20653, 30317, 279, 14135, 13, 33424, 16493, 13792, 220, 6083, 26691, 4024, 1523, 311, 459, 2362, 38561, 8803, 304, 18943, 1405, 814, 1051, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 3339, 264, 7309, 315, 872, 11495, 2254, 47283, 627, 2485, 1129, 70312, 454, 25489, 354, 1813, 20881, 40750, 916, 14, 679, 20, 14, 2839, 9809, 355, 801, 63793, 12, 6083, 21796, 12, 4364, 15189, 5773, 12, 509, 77, 12, 41093, 269, 2427, 258, 17295, 18, 198, 47, 16115, 2873, 311, 387, 15676, 1523, 682, 927, 6460, 7295, 13, 2209, 433, 264, 3575, 477, 374, 433, 1120, 264, 1879, 315, 279, 3115, 949, 1628, 649, 4205, 387, 2884, 311, 2567, 74862, 1825, 949, 33424, 16493, 13792, 220, 6083, 26691, 2322, 709, 449, 7957, 32580, 505, 279, 27643, 369, 8976, 19623, 311, 1427, 520, 1521, 4819, 627, 2485, 1129, 70312, 454, 25489, 354, 1813, 20881, 40750, 916, 14, 679, 20, 14, 2839 ]
[ 9809, 355, 801, 63793, 12, 6083, 21796, 12, 16193, 15189, 2320, 392, 1824, 437, 1439, 1824, 309, 969, 17295, 18, 198, 61435, 16493, 13792, 220, 6083, 26691, 2322, 709, 449, 279, 1561, 5721, 84342, 47152, 10349, 439, 814, 10235, 369, 264, 9178, 315, 93644, 22019, 627, 2485, 1129, 70312, 454, 25489, 354, 1813, 20881, 40750, 916, 14, 679, 20, 14, 2839, 9809, 355, 801, 63793, 12, 6083, 21796, 12, 16193, 15189, 2320, 7404, 263, 3880, 4628, 3880, 418, 17295, 18, 198, 48412, 303, 37890, 12201, 505, 279, 23323, 315, 4410, 9777, 5657, 39433, 264, 357, 867, 6795, 1567, 304, 279, 5657, 13, 33424, 16493, 13792, 220, 6083, 26691, 2322, 709, 449, 1077, 311, 1505, 704, 810, 922, 95803, 323, 1148, 649, 387, 3970, 304, 279, 3177, 95869, 13180, 927, 6460, 7295, 627, 2485, 1129, 70312, 454, 25489, 354, 1813, 20881, 40750, 916, 14, 679, 20, 14, 2437, 9809, 355, 801, 63793, 12, 6083, 21796, 12, 11387, 12112, 51478, 82103, 56432, 2320, 847, 5594, 867, 6795, 17295, 18, 198, 94709, 315, 28588, 468, 20831, 323, 3842, 52294, 68457, 304, 468, 1902, 309, 20585, 2322, 709, 311, 4901, 2403, 279, 5597, 315, 872, 9251, 311, 6920, 704, 3682, 56756, 16409, 4375, 389, 872, 61457, 11, 7438, 814, 690, 617, 311, 5387, 872, 10632, 323, 3663, 459, 36218, 3938, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 43251, 430, 832, 315, 279, 10215, 374, 311, 387, 6216, 1022 ]
Which companies are leading the way to commercialize green hydrogen? TH: “The landscape is still very fragmented. Many players are ramping up their activities in green hydrogen production. Building a huge hydrogen production site soon could generate tremendous cost advantages. The question is which company will be the Tesla of hydrogen – and who will be the Elon Musk of hydrogen?” Air Liquide, a French multinational company with a presence in more than 80 countries, recently announced a partnership with the Durance, Luberon, Verdon urban area (DLVA) and ENGIE to produce green hydrogen on industrial scale named the “HyGreen Provence”. “We are pleased to contribute to this flagship project, which will demonstrate, in France, on an industrial scale, the key role that hydrogen will play in the energy transition. For more than 40 years, the Group has developed a unique know-how in the field of hydrogen. This project is in line with the Group’s climate strategy, the most ambitious in its sector,” said Guy Salzgeber, Executive Vice President and member of the Air Liquide Group Executive Committee supervising Industrial Merchant, Hydrogen and Innovation. “Companies such as Michelin and
Which companies are leading the way to commercialize green hydrogen? TH: “The landscape is still very fragmented. Many players are ramping up their activities in green hydrogen production. Building a huge hydrogen production site soon could generate tremendous cost advantages. The question is which company will be the Tesla of hydrogen – and who will be the Elon Musk of hydrogen?” Air Liquide, a French multinational company with a presence in more than 80 countries, recently announced a partnership with the Durance, Luberon, Verdon urban area (DLVA) and ENGIE to produce green hydrogen on industrial scale named the “HyGreen Provence”. “We are pleased to contribute to this flagship project, which will demonstrate, in France, on an industrial scale, the key role that hydrogen will play in the energy transition. For more than 40 years, the Group has developed a unique know-how in the field of hydrogen. This project is in line with the Group’s climate strategy, the most ambitious in its sector,” said Guy Salzgeber, Executive Vice President and member of the Air Liquide Group Executive Committee supervising Industrial Merchant, Hydrogen and Innovation. “Companies such as Michelin and
PSA (Peugeot) have recently announced an alliance to build hydrogen fuel cells.” E-mobility – The automotive industry How green hydrogen applies to the Automotive Industry? TH: “Green hydrogen could be an alternative to battery-based e-mobility. Fuel cells would convert hydrogen to electricity that powers electric engines. There have also been approaches trying to use hydrogen in combustion engines, but it seems that the electric approach has won. The business model would still be rather similar to what we know today. Refueling at stations and not charging at home or in locations on the road where we will spend time anyhow – like shopping centers or restaurants. This is also why we can expect that incumbents such as big oil and gas companies will strongly support hydrogen. Hydrogen would allow them to at least use their downstream infrastructure in the future.” Could hydrogen fuel cells be an efficient alternative to plug-in EVs? TH: “Efficient” is the right keyword here. Battery based e-mobility is much more efficient. I would assume that in for short-distance transportation, they are in the pole position. For longer distances and utility vehicles, this might be different. This
[ 13828, 2706, 389, 3756, 262, 835, 284, 5068, 1096, 4077, 17669, 30, 198, 4221, 25, 564, 250, 464, 10747, 318, 991, 845, 41630, 13, 4650, 1938, 389, 10454, 278, 510, 511, 4568, 287, 4077, 17669, 3227, 13, 11819, 257, 3236, 17669, 3227, 2524, 2582, 714, 7716, 12465, 1575, 13391, 13, 198, 464, 1808, 318, 543, 1664, 481, 307, 262, 11938, 286, 17669, 784, 290, 508, 481, 307, 262, 32451, 20119, 286, 17669, 30, 447, 251, 198, 16170, 35515, 485, 11, 257, 4141, 28061, 1664, 351, 257, 4931, 287, 517, 621, 4019, 2678, 11, 2904, 3414, 257, 10413, 351, 262, 360, 3874, 11, 6026, 527, 261, 11, 4643, 9099, 7876, 1989, 357, 19260, 11731, 8, 290, 36924, 10008, 284, 4439, 4077, 17669, 319, 7593, 5046, 3706, 262, 564, 250, 21217, 13719, 1041, 574, 344, 447, 251, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1135, 389, 10607, 284, 8676, 284, 428, 21336, 1628, 11, 543, 481, 10176, 11, 287, 4881, 11, 319, 281, 7593, 5046, 11, 262, 1994, 2597, 326, 17669, 481, 711, 287, 262, 2568, 6801, 13, 1114, 517, 621, 2319, 812, 11, 262, 4912, 468, 4166, 257, 3748, 760, 12, 4919, 287, 262, 2214, 286, 17669, 13, 770, 1628, 318, 287, 1627, 351, 262, 4912, 447, 247, 82, 4258, 4811, 11, 262, 749, 14742, 287, 663, 6567, 11, 447, 251, 531, 13145, 4849, 89, 469, 527, 11, 10390, 11079, 1992, 290, 2888, 286, 262, 3701, 35515, 485, 4912, 10390, 4606, 29745, 1710, 19034, 33508, 11, 15084, 8648, 290, 27724, 13, 198, 447, 250, 49111, 884, 355, 27407, 2815, 290 ]
[ 23956, 5220, 527, 6522, 279, 1648, 311, 8518, 553, 6307, 35784, 5380, 3701, 25, 1054, 791, 18921, 374, 2103, 1633, 87195, 13, 9176, 4311, 527, 23091, 287, 709, 872, 7640, 304, 6307, 35784, 5788, 13, 17283, 264, 6908, 35784, 5788, 2816, 5246, 1436, 7068, 28040, 2853, 22934, 627, 791, 3488, 374, 902, 2883, 690, 387, 279, 28298, 315, 35784, 1389, 323, 889, 690, 387, 279, 69639, 40638, 315, 35784, 12671, 198, 26777, 69618, 579, 11, 264, 8753, 69026, 2883, 449, 264, 9546, 304, 810, 1109, 220, 1490, 5961, 11, 6051, 7376, 264, 15664, 449, 279, 423, 5890, 11, 58751, 20110, 11, 6383, 15357, 16036, 3158, 320, 16931, 13114, 8, 323, 71639, 5484, 311, 8356, 6307, 35784, 389, 13076, 5569, 7086, 279, 1054, 31916, 20147, 59429, 768, 113068, 15085, 527, 18949, 311, 17210, 311, 420, 43772, 2447, 11, 902, 690, 20461, 11, 304, 9822, 11, 389, 459, 13076, 5569, 11, 279, 1401, 3560, 430, 35784, 690, 1514, 304, 279, 4907, 9320, 13, 1789, 810, 1109, 220, 1272, 1667, 11, 279, 5856, 706, 8040, 264, 5016, 1440, 58523, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 35784, 13, 1115, 2447, 374, 304, 1584, 449, 279, 5856, 753, 10182, 8446, 11, 279, 1455, 32855, 304, 1202, 10706, 2476, 1071, 26340, 8375, 89, 97005, 11, 18362, 23270, 4900, 323, 4562, 315, 279, 6690, 69618, 579, 5856, 18362, 10554, 15945, 3876, 25563, 56499, 11, 40602, 4469, 323, 38710, 627, 2118, 64298, 1778, 439, 5384, 33830, 323 ]
[ 70586, 320, 10407, 94522, 8, 617, 6051, 7376, 459, 30764, 311, 1977, 35784, 10633, 7917, 49216, 36, 1474, 677, 1429, 1389, 578, 40508, 5064, 198, 4438, 6307, 35784, 17208, 311, 279, 55518, 24780, 5380, 3701, 25, 1054, 20147, 35784, 1436, 387, 459, 10778, 311, 11863, 6108, 384, 1474, 677, 1429, 13, 37384, 7917, 1053, 5625, 35784, 311, 18200, 430, 13736, 9249, 21787, 627, 3947, 617, 1101, 1027, 20414, 4560, 311, 1005, 35784, 304, 59333, 21787, 11, 719, 433, 5084, 430, 279, 9249, 5603, 706, 2834, 627, 791, 2626, 1646, 1053, 2103, 387, 4856, 4528, 311, 1148, 584, 1440, 3432, 13, 8718, 80097, 520, 17789, 323, 539, 23468, 520, 2162, 477, 304, 10687, 389, 279, 5754, 1405, 584, 690, 8493, 892, 90064, 1389, 1093, 12185, 19169, 477, 15926, 627, 2028, 374, 1101, 3249, 584, 649, 1755, 430, 43850, 812, 1778, 439, 2466, 5707, 323, 6962, 5220, 690, 16917, 1862, 35784, 13, 40602, 4469, 1053, 2187, 1124, 311, 520, 3325, 1005, 872, 52452, 14054, 304, 279, 3938, 49216, 13191, 35784, 10633, 7917, 387, 459, 11297, 10778, 311, 20206, 3502, 15238, 82, 5380, 3701, 25, 1054, 47688, 5499, 863, 374, 279, 1314, 16570, 1618, 13, 34712, 3196, 384, 1474, 677, 1429, 374, 1790, 810, 11297, 627, 40, 1053, 9855, 430, 304, 369, 2875, 74908, 18386, 11, 814, 527, 304, 279, 26078, 2361, 13, 1789, 5129, 27650, 323, 15919, 11731, 11, 420, 2643, 387, 2204, 627, 2028 ]
super well all the meals were full and delicious. The canoe is actually a boat ride where you can observe crocodiles and different birds. The Safari lasted well 4 hours we were lucky to see a tiger. We highly recommend this activity! Another big thank you to the various guides. Kathmandu: 3-Day Chitwan Safari Tour Reviewed by Laurine, 10/22/2021 the guide was very nice and helpful. He took all the time for us and was nice company. The trip was very beautiful and corresponded to what was stated in the description. (difficulty average, with lunch). Worth repeating! Fri greeting Harmien Bonte Scenic Ranikot Day Hike from Kathmandu or Bhaktapur Reviewed by Harmien, 2/11/2019 A great time with many impressions, landscapes, good food, an excellent guide Ramesh ... if only the rubbish were not everywhere. I had to get used to that. I was a solo traveler and would not want to miss this experience Kathmandu: 3-Day Nagarkot Trek Reviewed by , 3/10/2020 Had a very experienced guide who spoke good English and looked after me extremely well. Would definitely recommend
super well all the meals were full and delicious. The canoe is actually a boat ride where you can observe crocodiles and different birds. The Safari lasted well 4 hours we were lucky to see a tiger. We highly recommend this activity! Another big thank you to the various guides. Kathmandu: 3-Day Chitwan Safari Tour Reviewed by Laurine, 10/22/2021 the guide was very nice and helpful. He took all the time for us and was nice company. The trip was very beautiful and corresponded to what was stated in the description. (difficulty average, with lunch). Worth repeating! Fri greeting Harmien Bonte Scenic Ranikot Day Hike from Kathmandu or Bhaktapur Reviewed by Harmien, 2/11/2019 A great time with many impressions, landscapes, good food, an excellent guide Ramesh ... if only the rubbish were not everywhere. I had to get used to that. I was a solo traveler and would not want to miss this experience Kathmandu: 3-Day Nagarkot Trek Reviewed by , 3/10/2020 Had a very experienced guide who spoke good English and looked after me extremely well. Would definitely recommend
, especially if this your first time trekking in Nepal. Kathmandu: 14-Day Everest Base Camp Trek Reviewed by Claire, 1/15/2020 Authentic home and very welcoming and friendly hosts. We had a brilliant experience. Nepalese Cooking 4-Hour Workshop in Bhaktapur Reviewed by Roisin, 10/2/2018 Calgary charities adapting in tough times by Brady Grove November 5, 2016 September 4, 2020 Calgary charities continue to struggle in this economic downturn where unemployment continues to rise according to Statistics Canada. This has led to a drop in corporate donations for charities even with the New Democratic government maintaining services, according to a survey analyzing the health of Calgary non-profits done by the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO). “What’s different about this downturn is we have a government so far is committed to maintaining service levels and that has had somewhat of a stabilizing effect on Alberta’s non-profit sector,” says Geoff Braun, director of research and policy of CCVO. In Premier Rachel Notley’s address in early 2016, she cited the main cause for damaging the province’s economy as the price of a barrel of
[ 2208, 880, 477, 262, 13840, 547, 1336, 290, 12625, 13, 383, 47434, 318, 1682, 257, 8848, 6594, 810, 345, 460, 12414, 37565, 2915, 290, 1180, 10087, 13, 383, 23298, 15436, 880, 604, 2250, 356, 547, 9670, 284, 766, 257, 26241, 13, 775, 4047, 4313, 428, 3842, 0, 6023, 1263, 5875, 345, 284, 262, 2972, 17555, 13, 198, 42, 776, 22249, 84, 25, 513, 12, 12393, 609, 270, 8149, 23298, 9852, 6602, 276, 416, 13240, 500, 11, 838, 14, 1828, 14, 1238, 2481, 198, 1169, 5698, 373, 845, 3621, 290, 7613, 13, 679, 1718, 477, 262, 640, 329, 514, 290, 373, 3621, 1664, 13, 383, 5296, 373, 845, 4950, 290, 6053, 276, 284, 644, 373, 5081, 287, 262, 6764, 13, 357, 26069, 22402, 2811, 11, 351, 9965, 737, 22301, 20394, 0, 19480, 31933, 17925, 2013, 7979, 660, 198, 3351, 35866, 23075, 1134, 313, 3596, 367, 522, 422, 18341, 22249, 84, 393, 16581, 461, 44335, 333, 6602, 276, 416, 17925, 2013, 11, 362, 14, 1157, 14, 23344, 198, 32, 1049, 640, 351, 867, 25885, 11, 32964, 11, 922, 2057, 11, 281, 6275, 5698, 371, 1047, 71, 2644, 611, 691, 262, 35022, 547, 407, 8347, 13, 314, 550, 284, 651, 973, 284, 326, 13, 314, 373, 257, 12199, 40168, 290, 561, 407, 765, 284, 2051, 428, 1998, 198, 42, 776, 22249, 84, 25, 513, 12, 12393, 15196, 668, 313, 12338, 6602, 276, 416, 837, 513, 14, 940, 14, 42334, 198, 25383, 257, 845, 5924, 5698, 508, 5158, 922, 3594, 290, 3114, 706, 502, 4457, 880, 13, 10928, 4753, 4313 ]
[ 2307, 1664, 682, 279, 21644, 1051, 2539, 323, 18406, 13, 578, 84589, 374, 3604, 264, 15688, 12141, 1405, 499, 649, 23846, 14425, 20720, 3742, 323, 2204, 20229, 13, 578, 29861, 36513, 1664, 220, 19, 4207, 584, 1051, 18069, 311, 1518, 264, 52835, 13, 1226, 7701, 7079, 420, 5820, 0, 13596, 2466, 9901, 499, 311, 279, 5370, 28292, 627, 42, 589, 1969, 84, 25, 220, 18, 56012, 921, 275, 16965, 29861, 14986, 78851, 555, 54300, 483, 11, 220, 605, 14, 1313, 14, 2366, 16, 198, 1820, 8641, 574, 1633, 6555, 323, 11190, 13, 1283, 3952, 682, 279, 892, 369, 603, 323, 574, 6555, 2883, 13, 578, 8577, 574, 1633, 6366, 323, 8024, 291, 311, 1148, 574, 11224, 304, 279, 4096, 13, 320, 72964, 5578, 11, 449, 16163, 570, 37246, 40916, 0, 31502, 43213, 92071, 3675, 426, 53377, 198, 3407, 56989, 39431, 1609, 354, 6187, 473, 3043, 505, 33995, 1969, 84, 477, 31930, 10114, 100140, 78851, 555, 92071, 3675, 11, 220, 17, 14, 806, 14, 679, 24, 198, 32, 2294, 892, 449, 1690, 51091, 11, 55890, 11, 1695, 3691, 11, 459, 9250, 8641, 432, 986, 71, 2564, 422, 1193, 279, 62024, 1051, 539, 17277, 13, 358, 1047, 311, 636, 1511, 311, 430, 13, 358, 574, 264, 13839, 63865, 323, 1053, 539, 1390, 311, 3194, 420, 3217, 198, 42, 589, 1969, 84, 25, 220, 18, 56012, 30162, 847, 354, 31571, 78851, 555, 1174, 220, 18, 14, 605, 14, 2366, 15, 198, 56568, 264, 1633, 10534, 8641, 889, 12570, 1695, 6498, 323, 7111, 1306, 757, 9193, 1664, 13, 19418, 8659, 7079 ]
[ 11, 5423, 422, 420, 701, 1176, 892, 45688, 10789, 304, 50064, 627, 42, 589, 1969, 84, 25, 220, 975, 56012, 87578, 5464, 9702, 31571, 78851, 555, 43675, 11, 220, 16, 14, 868, 14, 2366, 15, 198, 5197, 4351, 2162, 323, 1633, 36387, 323, 11919, 18939, 13, 1226, 1047, 264, 20333, 3217, 627, 45, 752, 1604, 325, 57410, 220, 19, 11529, 414, 36202, 304, 31930, 10114, 100140, 78851, 555, 12093, 58504, 11, 220, 605, 14, 17, 14, 679, 23, 38975, 51371, 70817, 304, 11292, 3115, 198, 1729, 36470, 41234, 6841, 220, 20, 11, 220, 679, 21, 6250, 220, 19, 11, 220, 2366, 15, 198, 9027, 34588, 51371, 3136, 311, 14993, 304, 420, 7100, 76506, 1405, 26690, 9731, 311, 10205, 4184, 311, 25647, 7008, 627, 2028, 706, 6197, 311, 264, 6068, 304, 13166, 24910, 369, 51371, 1524, 449, 279, 1561, 11650, 3109, 20958, 3600, 11, 4184, 311, 264, 10795, 42118, 279, 2890, 315, 38975, 2536, 10039, 30322, 2884, 555, 279, 38975, 32479, 315, 11119, 60056, 67792, 320, 3791, 11417, 4390, 44130, 753, 2204, 922, 420, 76506, 374, 584, 617, 264, 3109, 779, 3117, 374, 11411, 311, 20958, 2532, 5990, 323, 430, 706, 1047, 14738, 315, 264, 27276, 4954, 2515, 389, 33654, 753, 2536, 28926, 10706, 2476, 2795, 51530, 70703, 11, 7690, 315, 3495, 323, 4947, 315, 13844, 11417, 627, 644, 20210, 32532, 2876, 3258, 753, 2686, 304, 4216, 220, 679, 21, 11, 1364, 22628, 279, 1925, 5353, 369, 34446, 279, 17271, 753, 8752, 439, 279, 3430, 315, 264, 20929, 315 ]
convincing as it seems, as this also leads to skewing of the sex ratio towards females, and a stable sex ratio of 3:1 females to males. As a result, males become 3 times as fit as females due to the extra matings they receive due to being in short supply. Factoring in this, haplodiploidy does not seem as likely to predispose a species to eusociality any more than diploidy, although this depends on if the females being counted are physically sterile or not. As a result of this, it has been inferred that the evolution of eusociality from haplodiploidy must involve the skewing of the sex ratio towards females, without the subsequent loss of fitness. Current theories as to how this occur have cited Partially bivoltine insects such as the Hallictine Bees and Sphecid wasps. Superorganism theory explains the evolutionary stability of eusociality by dictating that only reproductive individuals are counted as individuals and sterile individuals are simply independent parts of their reproductive parent. This theory makes sense only when the sterile caste is physically sterile and not simply being repressed. In this way the sterile caste provide for their reproductive parents so that their genes can spread
convincing as it seems, as this also leads to skewing of the sex ratio towards females, and a stable sex ratio of 3:1 females to males. As a result, males become 3 times as fit as females due to the extra matings they receive due to being in short supply. Factoring in this, haplodiploidy does not seem as likely to predispose a species to eusociality any more than diploidy, although this depends on if the females being counted are physically sterile or not. As a result of this, it has been inferred that the evolution of eusociality from haplodiploidy must involve the skewing of the sex ratio towards females, without the subsequent loss of fitness. Current theories as to how this occur have cited Partially bivoltine insects such as the Hallictine Bees and Sphecid wasps. Superorganism theory explains the evolutionary stability of eusociality by dictating that only reproductive individuals are counted as individuals and sterile individuals are simply independent parts of their reproductive parent. This theory makes sense only when the sterile caste is physically sterile and not simply being repressed. In this way the sterile caste provide for their reproductive parents so that their genes can spread
through them. It is thought that eusociality evolved 11 separate times within the order of Hymenoptera. The Hymenoptera are often referred to as "social insects," but it is now preferred to use the term "eusocial insects" for those species that exhibit eusociality, and not to apply the term "social insects" to other Hymenoptera; it is important to realise that not all the Hymenoptera are eusocial. Another extremely widespread insect group exhibiting eusociality are the termites (order Isoptera), although it is not well known how eusociality could evolve in these species, since they exhibit diploidy. Recently, some species of aphids (Order Hemiptera) were found to be eusocial, which is easier explained due to their partially asexual mode of reproduction (sterile soldier castes being of the same clone as the reproducing female). Eusociality is also known among mammals: the naked mole rat and the Delicate Slender Opossum are clear cases, and, less rigorously some canids can be argued to be eusocial, since only the alpha male and female will breed. In this case, the other members
[ 17101, 355, 340, 2331, 11, 355, 428, 635, 5983, 284, 6146, 5469, 286, 262, 1714, 8064, 3371, 12366, 11, 290, 257, 8245, 1714, 8064, 286, 513, 25, 16, 12366, 284, 10835, 13, 1081, 257, 1255, 11, 10835, 1716, 513, 1661, 355, 4197, 355, 12366, 2233, 284, 262, 3131, 2603, 654, 484, 3328, 2233, 284, 852, 287, 1790, 5127, 13, 19020, 3255, 287, 428, 11, 42519, 23130, 489, 1868, 88, 857, 407, 1283, 355, 1884, 284, 46276, 3455, 257, 4693, 284, 304, 385, 9402, 414, 597, 517, 621, 2566, 489, 1868, 88, 11, 3584, 428, 8338, 319, 611, 262, 12366, 852, 14789, 389, 10170, 38697, 393, 407, 13, 198, 1722, 257, 1255, 286, 428, 11, 340, 468, 587, 41240, 326, 262, 6954, 286, 304, 385, 9402, 414, 422, 42519, 23130, 489, 1868, 88, 1276, 6211, 262, 6146, 5469, 286, 262, 1714, 8064, 3371, 12366, 11, 1231, 262, 8840, 2994, 286, 13547, 13, 9236, 10946, 355, 284, 703, 428, 3051, 423, 9181, 2142, 1927, 275, 452, 5978, 500, 19435, 884, 355, 262, 4789, 713, 500, 46698, 290, 1338, 258, 66, 312, 373, 862, 13, 198, 5606, 8723, 1030, 1042, 4583, 6688, 262, 16673, 10159, 286, 304, 385, 9402, 414, 416, 8633, 803, 326, 691, 18391, 3925, 389, 14789, 355, 3925, 290, 38697, 3925, 389, 2391, 4795, 3354, 286, 511, 18391, 2560, 13, 770, 4583, 1838, 2565, 691, 618, 262, 38697, 30747, 318, 10170, 38697, 290, 407, 2391, 852, 1128, 2790, 13, 554, 428, 835, 262, 38697, 30747, 2148, 329, 511, 18391, 3397, 523, 326, 511, 10812, 460, 4104 ]
[ 40661, 439, 433, 5084, 11, 439, 420, 1101, 11767, 311, 41643, 287, 315, 279, 1877, 11595, 7119, 28585, 11, 323, 264, 15528, 1877, 11595, 315, 220, 18, 25, 16, 28585, 311, 25000, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 25000, 3719, 220, 18, 3115, 439, 5052, 439, 28585, 4245, 311, 279, 5066, 5634, 826, 814, 5371, 4245, 311, 1694, 304, 2875, 8312, 13, 37812, 5620, 304, 420, 11, 46900, 83582, 575, 385, 43686, 1587, 539, 2873, 439, 4461, 311, 80632, 2972, 264, 9606, 311, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 904, 810, 1109, 24522, 385, 43686, 11, 8051, 420, 14117, 389, 422, 279, 28585, 1694, 31094, 527, 22655, 82743, 477, 539, 627, 2170, 264, 1121, 315, 420, 11, 433, 706, 1027, 68695, 430, 279, 15740, 315, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 505, 46900, 83582, 575, 385, 43686, 2011, 21736, 279, 41643, 287, 315, 279, 1877, 11595, 7119, 28585, 11, 2085, 279, 17876, 4814, 315, 17479, 13, 9303, 26018, 439, 311, 1268, 420, 12446, 617, 22628, 25570, 398, 293, 344, 6312, 483, 41911, 1778, 439, 279, 20442, 21937, 483, 2893, 288, 323, 3165, 383, 21200, 574, 1725, 627, 19841, 8629, 2191, 10334, 15100, 279, 41993, 20334, 315, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 555, 6587, 1113, 430, 1193, 42889, 7931, 527, 31094, 439, 7931, 323, 82743, 7931, 527, 5042, 9678, 5596, 315, 872, 42889, 2748, 13, 1115, 10334, 3727, 5647, 1193, 994, 279, 82743, 69524, 374, 22655, 82743, 323, 539, 5042, 1694, 312, 14655, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 279, 82743, 69524, 3493, 369, 872, 42889, 6699, 779, 430, 872, 21389, 649, 9041 ]
[ 1555, 1124, 627, 2181, 374, 3463, 430, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 28995, 220, 806, 8821, 3115, 2949, 279, 2015, 315, 473, 1631, 268, 113547, 13, 578, 473, 1631, 268, 113547, 527, 3629, 14183, 311, 439, 330, 23191, 41911, 1359, 719, 433, 374, 1457, 15236, 311, 1005, 279, 4751, 330, 90802, 2772, 41911, 1, 369, 1884, 9606, 430, 31324, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 11, 323, 539, 311, 3881, 279, 4751, 330, 23191, 41911, 1, 311, 1023, 473, 1631, 268, 113547, 26, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 39256, 430, 539, 682, 279, 473, 1631, 268, 113547, 527, 384, 355, 2772, 627, 14364, 9193, 24716, 27080, 1912, 87719, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 527, 279, 2024, 92599, 320, 1382, 88043, 418, 2473, 705, 8051, 433, 374, 539, 1664, 3967, 1268, 384, 355, 2772, 488, 1436, 38680, 304, 1521, 9606, 11, 2533, 814, 31324, 24522, 385, 43686, 13, 42096, 11, 1063, 9606, 315, 89111, 3447, 320, 4531, 33924, 11696, 2473, 8, 1051, 1766, 311, 387, 384, 355, 2772, 11, 902, 374, 8831, 11497, 4245, 311, 872, 26310, 264, 44687, 3941, 315, 39656, 320, 3751, 458, 27202, 6445, 288, 1694, 315, 279, 1890, 15057, 439, 279, 14843, 6253, 8954, 570, 469, 355, 2772, 488, 374, 1101, 3967, 4315, 56669, 25, 279, 19557, 35751, 11494, 323, 279, 7462, 8630, 6995, 1693, 507, 981, 1264, 527, 2867, 5157, 11, 323, 11, 2753, 78477, 7162, 1063, 649, 3447, 649, 387, 18784, 311, 387, 384, 355, 2772, 11, 2533, 1193, 279, 8451, 8762, 323, 8954, 690, 28875, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 11, 279, 1023, 3697 ]
. Id. The district court dismissed the claims against MNN and its employees, holding that MNN was a private entity whose conduct did not constitute governmental action and that public access channels were not a public forum where First Amendment protections applied. Id. at 8–9. The district court also dismissed the claims against NYC because MNN’s actions were not made pursuant to any NYC municipal policies, which is a requirement in order for municipalities to be liable for a constitutional tort. Id at 10–11. On appeal, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of the claim against NYC and reversed the dismissal of the claims against MNN and its employees, holding that public access TV channels in Manhattan were public forums and that the employees of MNN were state actors whose acts violated the First Amendment free speech rights of Halleck and Melendez. Id. at 3–4. MNN appealed, and on October 12, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari. Orders and Proceedings, 17-1702. DETERMINING WHETHER A PUBLIC FORUM EXISTS MNN argues that the Second Circuit contradicted Supreme Court precedent by first determining that MNN’s public access channels were constitutional public
. Id. The district court dismissed the claims against MNN and its employees, holding that MNN was a private entity whose conduct did not constitute governmental action and that public access channels were not a public forum where First Amendment protections applied. Id. at 8–9. The district court also dismissed the claims against NYC because MNN’s actions were not made pursuant to any NYC municipal policies, which is a requirement in order for municipalities to be liable for a constitutional tort. Id at 10–11. On appeal, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of the claim against NYC and reversed the dismissal of the claims against MNN and its employees, holding that public access TV channels in Manhattan were public forums and that the employees of MNN were state actors whose acts violated the First Amendment free speech rights of Halleck and Melendez. Id. at 3–4. MNN appealed, and on October 12, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari. Orders and Proceedings, 17-1702. DETERMINING WHETHER A PUBLIC FORUM EXISTS MNN argues that the Second Circuit contradicted Supreme Court precedent by first determining that MNN’s public access channels were constitutional public
forums and then finding that MNN was a state actor. See Brief for Petitioner, Manhattan Community Access Corp. at 21–22. MNN asserts that the Second Circuit erroneously skipped the state action inquiry, conflicting with Supreme Court precedent indicating that it should be applied first. Id. at 23. Further, MNN notes that the Sixth and D.C. Circuits considered the same issue, and both applied the state action analysis first, concluding that private parties that operate public access channels do not constitute state actors. Id. at 26. Additionally, MNN maintains that district courts across the country also follow the same structure of analysis, ordinarily conducting the state action inquiry first. Id. at 27. Even when courts deemed public access channels constitutional public forums, MNN contends that courts only determined this after having conducted a state action test and on evidence that the government had direct control of the public access channel. Id. at 28. MNN argues that public access channels cannot be considered constitutional public forums because it is neither government‑owned or government‑controlled property, and therefore, not subject to constitutional restrictions. Id. at 31. According to MNN, the Supreme Court precedent that Halleck and Melendez cite is inapposite because it dealt with government-
[ 13, 5121, 13, 383, 4783, 2184, 11126, 262, 3667, 1028, 337, 6144, 290, 663, 4409, 11, 4769, 326, 337, 6144, 373, 257, 2839, 9312, 3025, 3189, 750, 407, 15613, 21850, 2223, 290, 326, 1171, 1895, 9619, 547, 407, 257, 1171, 10041, 810, 3274, 8441, 15018, 5625, 13, 5121, 13, 379, 807, 1906, 24, 13, 383, 4783, 2184, 635, 11126, 262, 3667, 1028, 19170, 780, 337, 6144, 447, 247, 82, 4028, 547, 407, 925, 12997, 284, 597, 19170, 13474, 4788, 11, 543, 318, 257, 9079, 287, 1502, 329, 29364, 284, 307, 17583, 329, 257, 9758, 7619, 13, 5121, 379, 838, 1906, 1157, 13, 198, 2202, 5198, 11, 262, 3078, 286, 20172, 329, 262, 5498, 13588, 31036, 262, 25693, 286, 262, 1624, 1028, 19170, 290, 17687, 262, 25693, 286, 262, 3667, 1028, 337, 6144, 290, 663, 4409, 11, 4769, 326, 1171, 1895, 3195, 9619, 287, 13458, 547, 1171, 14216, 290, 326, 262, 4409, 286, 337, 6144, 547, 1181, 10544, 3025, 6529, 13998, 262, 3274, 8441, 1479, 4046, 2489, 286, 367, 6765, 694, 290, 5616, 41913, 13, 5121, 13, 379, 513, 1906, 19, 13, 337, 6144, 22280, 11, 290, 319, 3267, 1105, 11, 2864, 11, 262, 5617, 3078, 286, 262, 1578, 1829, 7520, 5051, 1504, 2743, 13, 30689, 290, 30641, 11, 1596, 12, 1558, 2999, 13, 198, 35, 2767, 1137, 23678, 2751, 7655, 2767, 16879, 317, 44731, 7473, 5883, 7788, 1797, 4694, 198, 44, 6144, 11673, 326, 262, 5498, 13588, 44853, 5617, 3078, 19719, 416, 717, 13213, 326, 337, 6144, 447, 247, 82, 1171, 1895, 9619, 547, 9758, 1171 ]
[ 13, 5336, 13, 578, 9474, 5590, 27292, 279, 8349, 2403, 386, 9944, 323, 1202, 8420, 11, 10168, 430, 386, 9944, 574, 264, 879, 5502, 6832, 6929, 1550, 539, 35256, 52811, 1957, 323, 430, 586, 2680, 12006, 1051, 539, 264, 586, 12111, 1405, 5629, 22454, 37424, 9435, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 23, 4235, 24, 13, 578, 9474, 5590, 1101, 27292, 279, 8349, 2403, 34385, 1606, 386, 9944, 753, 6299, 1051, 539, 1903, 33549, 311, 904, 34385, 27512, 10396, 11, 902, 374, 264, 16686, 304, 2015, 369, 59589, 311, 387, 35473, 369, 264, 25543, 16831, 13, 5336, 520, 220, 605, 4235, 806, 627, 1966, 14638, 11, 279, 7301, 315, 48207, 369, 279, 10657, 28317, 74549, 279, 59323, 315, 279, 3802, 2403, 34385, 323, 28537, 279, 59323, 315, 279, 8349, 2403, 386, 9944, 323, 1202, 8420, 11, 10168, 430, 586, 2680, 6007, 12006, 304, 29890, 1051, 586, 25907, 323, 430, 279, 8420, 315, 386, 9944, 1051, 1614, 20142, 6832, 14385, 34521, 279, 5629, 22454, 1949, 8982, 3268, 315, 473, 5164, 377, 323, 11220, 73602, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 18, 4235, 19, 13, 386, 9944, 53382, 11, 323, 389, 6664, 220, 717, 11, 220, 679, 23, 11, 279, 13814, 7301, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 11938, 2847, 2521, 2850, 13, 32936, 323, 55227, 11, 220, 1114, 12, 8258, 17, 627, 1170, 4292, 16818, 1753, 18114, 362, 32516, 4716, 2864, 35939, 198, 44, 9944, 29633, 430, 279, 10657, 28317, 23093, 13060, 13814, 7301, 47891, 555, 1176, 26679, 430, 386, 9944, 753, 586, 2680, 12006, 1051, 25543, 586 ]
[ 25907, 323, 1243, 9455, 430, 386, 9944, 574, 264, 1614, 12360, 13, 3580, 37618, 369, 11586, 72346, 11, 29890, 12332, 9742, 22621, 13, 520, 220, 1691, 4235, 1313, 13, 386, 9944, 57876, 430, 279, 10657, 28317, 58889, 7162, 36257, 279, 1614, 1957, 26981, 11, 52133, 449, 13814, 7301, 47891, 19392, 430, 433, 1288, 387, 9435, 1176, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 1419, 13, 15903, 11, 386, 9944, 8554, 430, 279, 68077, 323, 423, 732, 13, 16741, 12059, 6646, 279, 1890, 4360, 11, 323, 2225, 9435, 279, 1614, 1957, 6492, 1176, 11, 72126, 430, 879, 9875, 430, 14816, 586, 2680, 12006, 656, 539, 35256, 1614, 20142, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 1627, 627, 50674, 11, 386, 9944, 33095, 430, 9474, 19359, 4028, 279, 3224, 1101, 1833, 279, 1890, 6070, 315, 6492, 11, 98081, 31474, 279, 1614, 1957, 26981, 1176, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 1544, 13, 7570, 994, 19359, 25660, 586, 2680, 12006, 25543, 586, 25907, 11, 386, 9944, 82033, 430, 19359, 1193, 11075, 420, 1306, 3515, 13375, 264, 1614, 1957, 1296, 323, 389, 6029, 430, 279, 3109, 1047, 2167, 2585, 315, 279, 586, 2680, 5613, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 1591, 13, 386, 9944, 29633, 430, 586, 2680, 12006, 4250, 387, 6646, 25543, 586, 25907, 1606, 433, 374, 14188, 3109, 57064, 18838, 477, 3109, 57064, 59707, 3424, 11, 323, 9093, 11, 539, 3917, 311, 25543, 17294, 13, 5336, 13, 520, 220, 2148, 13, 10771, 311, 386, 9944, 11, 279, 13814, 7301, 47891, 430, 473, 5164, 377, 323, 11220, 73602, 39396, 374, 304, 680, 88842, 1606, 433, 27023, 449, 3109, 12 ]
.com 9. How important are the profile building activities for admissions in Indian Universities? Also, from which grade should students focus on such profile building activities? A: Indian Universities are now increasingly focusing more on profile building activities. At least the new age private liberal education universities such as O P Jindal, Flame, Krea, Plaksha, Amity, Ashoka . Grade 9 ideally. A university checks the academic reports and all of the student’s extra- curricular activities, co-curricular activities. Universities also conduct entrance examinations and conduct personal interviews. 10. What profile building activities are easy and doable? A: One which are based on the student’s interest are easy and doable. Students should join school clubs, participate in Model United Nation during high school. Also, we recommend one social service activity. One can work with a NGO voluntarily. Here I would like to stress that the profile building activities should be focused according to the choice of course the student wishes to pursue at the under grad level. Any random activity will not help in personal growth of the student neither it will add value to a student’s profile to secure admission. 1 super hack Aesha want to give to 8th graders
.com 9. How important are the profile building activities for admissions in Indian Universities? Also, from which grade should students focus on such profile building activities? A: Indian Universities are now increasingly focusing more on profile building activities. At least the new age private liberal education universities such as O P Jindal, Flame, Krea, Plaksha, Amity, Ashoka . Grade 9 ideally. A university checks the academic reports and all of the student’s extra- curricular activities, co-curricular activities. Universities also conduct entrance examinations and conduct personal interviews. 10. What profile building activities are easy and doable? A: One which are based on the student’s interest are easy and doable. Students should join school clubs, participate in Model United Nation during high school. Also, we recommend one social service activity. One can work with a NGO voluntarily. Here I would like to stress that the profile building activities should be focused according to the choice of course the student wishes to pursue at the under grad level. Any random activity will not help in personal growth of the student neither it will add value to a student’s profile to secure admission. 1 super hack Aesha want to give to 8th graders
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[ 13, 785, 198, 24, 13, 1374, 1593, 389, 262, 7034, 2615, 4568, 329, 25349, 287, 3942, 42571, 30, 4418, 11, 422, 543, 9559, 815, 2444, 2962, 319, 884, 7034, 2615, 4568, 30, 198, 32, 25, 3942, 42571, 389, 783, 6481, 10759, 517, 319, 7034, 2615, 4568, 13, 1629, 1551, 262, 649, 2479, 2839, 7270, 3707, 11155, 884, 355, 440, 350, 49816, 11, 11981, 11, 509, 21468, 11, 1345, 461, 26270, 11, 1703, 414, 11, 7844, 17411, 764, 22653, 860, 30274, 13, 317, 6403, 8794, 262, 8233, 3136, 290, 477, 286, 262, 3710, 447, 247, 82, 3131, 12, 18363, 934, 4568, 11, 763, 12, 22019, 41001, 4568, 13, 42571, 635, 3189, 10384, 37305, 290, 3189, 2614, 9299, 13, 198, 940, 13, 1867, 7034, 2615, 4568, 389, 2562, 290, 466, 540, 30, 198, 32, 25, 1881, 543, 389, 1912, 319, 262, 3710, 447, 247, 82, 1393, 389, 2562, 290, 466, 540, 13, 14882, 815, 4654, 1524, 9784, 11, 8277, 287, 9104, 1578, 8741, 1141, 1029, 1524, 13, 4418, 11, 356, 4313, 530, 1919, 2139, 3842, 13, 1881, 460, 670, 351, 257, 22142, 22295, 13, 3423, 314, 561, 588, 284, 5503, 326, 262, 7034, 2615, 4568, 815, 307, 5670, 1864, 284, 262, 3572, 286, 1781, 262, 3710, 12802, 284, 10660, 379, 262, 739, 3915, 1241, 13, 4377, 4738, 3842, 481, 407, 1037, 287, 2614, 3349, 286, 262, 3710, 6159, 340, 481, 751, 1988, 284, 257, 3710, 447, 247, 82, 7034, 284, 5713, 13938, 13, 198, 16, 2208, 8156, 317, 274, 3099, 765, 284, 1577, 284, 807, 400, 3915, 364 ]
[ 916, 198, 24, 13, 2650, 3062, 527, 279, 5643, 4857, 7640, 369, 48911, 304, 7904, 75898, 30, 7429, 11, 505, 902, 12239, 1288, 4236, 5357, 389, 1778, 5643, 4857, 7640, 5380, 32, 25, 7904, 75898, 527, 1457, 15098, 21760, 810, 389, 5643, 4857, 7640, 13, 2468, 3325, 279, 502, 4325, 879, 18250, 6873, 23978, 1778, 439, 507, 393, 622, 485, 278, 11, 49957, 11, 735, 5325, 11, 1856, 587, 15605, 11, 3383, 488, 11, 14937, 31866, 662, 24749, 220, 24, 50663, 13, 362, 12374, 12621, 279, 14584, 6821, 323, 682, 315, 279, 5575, 753, 5066, 12, 2917, 57333, 7640, 11, 1080, 95149, 57333, 7640, 13, 75898, 1101, 6929, 20396, 69570, 323, 6929, 4443, 19905, 627, 605, 13, 3639, 5643, 4857, 7640, 527, 4228, 323, 656, 481, 5380, 32, 25, 3861, 902, 527, 3196, 389, 279, 5575, 753, 2802, 527, 4228, 323, 656, 481, 13, 20783, 1288, 5249, 2978, 19424, 11, 16136, 304, 5008, 3723, 17671, 2391, 1579, 2978, 13, 7429, 11, 584, 7079, 832, 3674, 2532, 5820, 13, 3861, 649, 990, 449, 264, 47886, 54523, 13, 5810, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 8631, 430, 279, 5643, 4857, 7640, 1288, 387, 10968, 4184, 311, 279, 5873, 315, 3388, 279, 5575, 25223, 311, 23564, 520, 279, 1234, 6117, 2237, 13, 5884, 4288, 5820, 690, 539, 1520, 304, 4443, 6650, 315, 279, 5575, 14188, 433, 690, 923, 907, 311, 264, 5575, 753, 5643, 311, 9966, 26360, 627, 16, 2307, 17524, 362, 288, 4317, 1390, 311, 3041, 311, 220, 23, 339, 6117, 388 ]
[ 198, 2181, 753, 4382, 13, 5256, 701, 5117, 627, 39115, 11, 420, 10430, 3984, 499, 1063, 26793, 1139, 7076, 9293, 369, 5234, 6150, 4236, 13, 1789, 810, 1778, 2038, 11, 1817, 704, 856, 3997, 47373, 91293, 13002, 627, 12763, 757, 389, 14318, 369, 9013, 389, 80320, 7076, 2671, 11, 14827, 502, 4325, 31252, 11, 10631, 389, 26360, 3851, 520, 7362, 23978, 323, 1790, 810, 627, 3112, 311, 2363, 459, 18101, 2733, 1949, 311, 5662, 704, 311, 757, 389, 57675, 4317, 31, 25802, 548, 2431, 35805, 916, 198, 24, 11555, 389, 1054, 10445, 41576, 32354, 38837, 30, 362, 41576, 19513, 89874, 56486, 13154, 3836, 54340, 198, 26840, 1695, 2262, 323, 39319, 13, 9930, 499, 369, 11821, 13, 358, 617, 9687, 264, 2763, 505, 420, 5117, 323, 690, 1101, 387, 11821, 420, 3674, 4009, 627, 34648, 753, 59143, 8267, 31340, 37357, 13782, 198, 32, 288, 4317, 198, 2642, 19776, 198, 36981, 1633, 47735, 198, 9023, 885, 76, 98827, 15004, 84, 198, 3923, 3169, 315, 10708, 527, 3284, 369, 659, 14740, 477, 1694, 20011, 1306, 19301, 264, 4040, 4365, 374, 459, 3062, 961, 315, 41576, 32354, 38837, 13, 57243, 18300, 828, 374, 32161, 627, 4897, 753, 264, 1695, 1486, 11, 22452, 13, 3011, 6835, 757, 459, 4623, 311, 3350, 369, 682, 889, 527, 7422, 315, 1694, 659, 20011, 627, 102712, 321, 342, 2784, 309, 198, 22111, 4652, 1633, 7185, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 1440, 1790, 922 ]
Summer, 1958 First job as Head writer on The Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme Summer Show on NBC, produced by Nick Vanoff (replacement show for Steve Allen). Dana wrote their opening song theme. November 23, 1959 Character Jose Jimenez born on the Steve Allen Show in the form of an instructor at a school for Santa Clauses. 1960 Producer-performer of “The Swinging Spiketakulars” with Spike Jones. 1960-69 At the pinnacle of his career, Dana takes on roles as a writer, actor, performer, producer, director, businessman, advertising executive, and recording artist. Makes frequent guest appearances (usually as Jose Jimenez) on many popular television shows including The Spike Jones Show, Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater, Batman, The Man from U.N.C.L.E, The Hollywood Palace, Love, American Style, Get Smart, The Courtship of Eddie’s Father, Playboy After Dark, the Jackie Gleason Show, The Andy Williams Show, etc. November, 1960 Receives honorary Master of Arts from Emerson College, Boston. 1960 Receives Emmy nomination as a writer for The Steve Allen Show.
Summer, 1958 First job as Head writer on The Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme Summer Show on NBC, produced by Nick Vanoff (replacement show for Steve Allen). Dana wrote their opening song theme. November 23, 1959 Character Jose Jimenez born on the Steve Allen Show in the form of an instructor at a school for Santa Clauses. 1960 Producer-performer of “The Swinging Spiketakulars” with Spike Jones. 1960-69 At the pinnacle of his career, Dana takes on roles as a writer, actor, performer, producer, director, businessman, advertising executive, and recording artist. Makes frequent guest appearances (usually as Jose Jimenez) on many popular television shows including The Spike Jones Show, Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater, Batman, The Man from U.N.C.L.E, The Hollywood Palace, Love, American Style, Get Smart, The Courtship of Eddie’s Father, Playboy After Dark, the Jackie Gleason Show, The Andy Williams Show, etc. November, 1960 Receives honorary Master of Arts from Emerson College, Boston. 1960 Receives Emmy nomination as a writer for The Steve Allen Show.
1961 Producer-Writer of The Spike Jones Show. June, 1961 Hired as head writer on the Steve Allen Show, ABC. June, 1961 “From the first man in space...Jose Jimenez, the Astronaut” album released on Kapp records by Mickey Kapp. Summer, 1961 Bill goes to Mexico to discuss pilot for television show using only Mexican musical talent. October, 1961 Pocketbooks releases “My Name...Jose Jimenez”, Bill’s first book. Guest-conductor at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra November, 1961 “Jose Jimenez in Orbit” released, Kapp Records. Bill performs at John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Ball. 1961 Jose makes numerous appearances on The Danny Thomas Show as an elevator operator. September, 1962 Dana accepts “Eighth Mercury Astronaut Award” in Cape Canaveral. January, 1962 Dana sues Roulette records for illegal release of comedy albums February, 1962 Dana headlines 3-week stint at Mr. Kelly’s, Chicago. June, 1963 Headlines the hungry I in San Francisco as a favor to his
[ 33560, 11, 24648, 197, 5962, 1693, 355, 7123, 6260, 319, 383, 6542, 13914, 290, 412, 5173, 494, 402, 579, 68, 10216, 5438, 319, 9716, 11, 4635, 416, 8047, 6656, 2364, 357, 35666, 5592, 905, 329, 6542, 9659, 737, 22937, 2630, 511, 4756, 3496, 7505, 13, 198, 21159, 2242, 11, 23859, 197, 27275, 5264, 5395, 11437, 4642, 319, 262, 6542, 9659, 5438, 287, 262, 1296, 286, 281, 21187, 379, 257, 1524, 329, 8909, 27166, 2664, 13, 198, 38503, 197, 11547, 2189, 12, 525, 16354, 286, 564, 250, 464, 2451, 14146, 1338, 1134, 316, 461, 934, 82, 447, 251, 351, 26309, 5437, 13, 198, 38503, 12, 3388, 197, 2953, 262, 45985, 286, 465, 3451, 11, 22937, 2753, 319, 9176, 355, 257, 6260, 11, 8674, 11, 26960, 11, 9920, 11, 3437, 11, 19834, 11, 8560, 4640, 11, 290, 8296, 6802, 13, 27433, 10792, 8319, 11057, 357, 23073, 355, 5264, 5395, 11437, 8, 319, 867, 2968, 5581, 2523, 1390, 383, 26309, 5437, 5438, 11, 5811, 13408, 47102, 262, 36477, 22207, 11, 9827, 11, 383, 1869, 422, 471, 13, 45, 13, 34, 13, 43, 13, 36, 11, 383, 8502, 15301, 11, 5896, 11, 1605, 17738, 11, 3497, 10880, 11, 383, 32631, 1056, 286, 19478, 447, 247, 82, 9190, 11, 43995, 2293, 3801, 11, 262, 24766, 25680, 888, 5438, 11, 383, 12382, 6484, 5438, 11, 3503, 13, 198, 21159, 11, 9507, 197, 3041, 344, 1083, 44358, 5599, 286, 11536, 422, 41886, 5535, 11, 6182, 13, 198, 38503, 197, 3041, 344, 1083, 33953, 11872, 355, 257, 6260, 329, 383, 6542, 9659, 5438, 13 ]
[ 51787, 11, 220, 6280, 23, 197, 5451, 2683, 439, 11452, 7061, 389, 578, 14129, 28574, 323, 44511, 27591, 480, 494, 68, 19367, 7073, 389, 24426, 11, 9124, 555, 15341, 13000, 1885, 320, 84731, 1501, 369, 14129, 20661, 570, 47713, 6267, 872, 8736, 5609, 7057, 627, 34827, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 6280, 24, 197, 12686, 11097, 11641, 21198, 9405, 389, 279, 14129, 20661, 7073, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 459, 33315, 520, 264, 2978, 369, 16376, 2493, 36243, 627, 5162, 15, 197, 46108, 17453, 35627, 315, 1054, 791, 4593, 24992, 3165, 1609, 89821, 1299, 82, 863, 449, 61352, 12201, 627, 5162, 15, 12, 3076, 197, 1688, 279, 99589, 315, 813, 7076, 11, 47713, 5097, 389, 13073, 439, 264, 7061, 11, 12360, 11, 49254, 11, 17276, 11, 7690, 11, 47378, 11, 13172, 11145, 11, 323, 14975, 10255, 13, 37970, 21420, 8810, 27351, 320, 44066, 439, 11097, 11641, 21198, 8, 389, 1690, 5526, 12707, 5039, 2737, 578, 61352, 12201, 7073, 11, 14596, 18231, 83836, 279, 65035, 38571, 11, 27805, 11, 578, 2418, 505, 549, 2112, 732, 1236, 5253, 11, 578, 17681, 31396, 11, 10919, 11, 3778, 12179, 11, 2175, 16147, 11, 578, 7301, 5383, 315, 41780, 753, 20941, 11, 91079, 4740, 12538, 11, 279, 51965, 72497, 1525, 7073, 11, 578, 25871, 13926, 7073, 11, 5099, 627, 34827, 11, 220, 5162, 15, 197, 697, 346, 1924, 99119, 11060, 315, 17979, 505, 80554, 9304, 11, 10406, 627, 5162, 15, 197, 697, 346, 1924, 67112, 29804, 439, 264, 7061, 369, 578, 14129, 20661, 7073, 13 ]
[ 198, 5162, 16, 197, 46108, 12, 6628, 315, 578, 61352, 12201, 7073, 627, 28259, 11, 220, 5162, 16, 13595, 2757, 439, 2010, 7061, 389, 279, 14129, 20661, 7073, 11, 19921, 627, 28259, 11, 220, 5162, 16, 197, 2118, 3915, 279, 1176, 893, 304, 3634, 1131, 46107, 11641, 21198, 11, 279, 39616, 37164, 863, 8176, 6004, 389, 735, 680, 7576, 555, 57659, 735, 680, 627, 51787, 11, 220, 5162, 16, 13083, 484, 5900, 311, 12550, 311, 4358, 18178, 369, 12707, 1501, 1701, 1193, 24160, 18273, 11005, 627, 31294, 11, 220, 5162, 16, 10230, 4638, 12383, 19786, 1054, 5159, 4076, 1131, 46107, 11641, 21198, 9520, 8766, 753, 1176, 2363, 627, 38904, 15204, 36869, 520, 279, 42451, 63306, 54617, 198, 34827, 11, 220, 5162, 16, 197, 2118, 46107, 11641, 21198, 304, 85557, 863, 6004, 11, 735, 680, 22293, 13, 8766, 27772, 520, 3842, 435, 13, 24573, 753, 763, 19729, 4269, 13131, 627, 5162, 16, 17538, 974, 3727, 12387, 27351, 389, 578, 33699, 11355, 7073, 439, 459, 39736, 5793, 627, 30649, 11, 220, 5162, 17, 11198, 3444, 27441, 1054, 36, 22635, 44662, 39616, 37164, 17768, 863, 304, 29715, 3053, 402, 3333, 627, 33327, 11, 220, 5162, 17, 11198, 3444, 924, 288, 80604, 7576, 369, 12079, 4984, 315, 23160, 28785, 198, 33877, 11, 220, 5162, 17, 11198, 3444, 31186, 220, 18, 30609, 61808, 520, 4491, 13, 19178, 753, 11, 10780, 627, 28259, 11, 220, 5162, 18, 197, 12626, 8128, 279, 30056, 358, 304, 5960, 13175, 439, 264, 4799, 311, 813 ]
: Strand Releasing/Demi-Monde Productions Director: Nicole Conn Producer: Nicole Conn Writer: Pamela S. Kuri Form and Registration Sample Clauses Clause: Form and Registration Transfer and Registration SEC Registration Form F-3 Registration Registration, etc Issuance and Registration of Warrants Registrations on Form S-3 Form S-3 Registration Qualification; Registration Registration on Form S-3 Registration of Registrable Securities The Certificates Secure Data Room Resignation Upon Prohibited Risk Retention Affiliation Delivery of Excluded Information to the Certificate Administrator Grantor Trust Reporting Litigation Control General Acknowledgement Regarding Companion Loan Holders Statements to Certificateholders Sub-Clauses Registration of Transfer and Exchange of Certificates Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate to Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate to Temporary Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate Temporary Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate or Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate to Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate Form and Registration Certificated Securities Rule 144A Global Certificate to Temporary Regulation S Global Certificate Temporary Regulation
: Strand Releasing/Demi-Monde Productions Director: Nicole Conn Producer: Nicole Conn Writer: Pamela S. Kuri Form and Registration Sample Clauses Clause: Form and Registration Transfer and Registration SEC Registration Form F-3 Registration Registration, etc Issuance and Registration of Warrants Registrations on Form S-3 Form S-3 Registration Qualification; Registration Registration on Form S-3 Registration of Registrable Securities The Certificates Secure Data Room Resignation Upon Prohibited Risk Retention Affiliation Delivery of Excluded Information to the Certificate Administrator Grantor Trust Reporting Litigation Control General Acknowledgement Regarding Companion Loan Holders Statements to Certificateholders Sub-Clauses Registration of Transfer and Exchange of Certificates Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate to Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate to Temporary Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate Temporary Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate or Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate to Rule 144A Book-Entry Certificate Form and Registration Certificated Securities Rule 144A Global Certificate to Temporary Regulation S Global Certificate Temporary Regulation
S Book-Entry Certificate to Regulation S Book-Entry Certificate Limitation on Obligations Form and Registration. (a) Each Class of Public Certificates shall be represented by a single, global certificate in definitive, fully registered form without interest coupons, substantially in the applicable form set forth as an exhibit hereto, which shall be deposited with the Certificate Registrar or an agent of the Certificate Registrar, as custodian for the Depository, and registered in the name of the Depository or a nominee of the Depository. The aggregate Certificate Balance of a Global Certificate may from time to time be increased or decreased by adjustments made on the records of the Certificate Registrar, as custodian for the Depository, as hereinafter provided. Form and Registration. (a) Each Class of the Certificates (other than the RR Interest and the Class R Certificates) sold to an institution that is a non-U.S. Securities Person in “offshore transactions” (as defined in Rule 902(h) of Regulation S) in reliance on Regulation S shall initially be represented by a temporary global certificate in definitive, fully registered form without interest coupons, substantially in the applicable form set forth as an exhibit hereto (each a “
[ 25, 4285, 392, 797, 48764, 14, 11522, 72, 12, 44, 14378, 25315, 198, 28702, 25, 25176, 20776, 198, 11547, 2189, 25, 25176, 20776, 198, 34379, 25, 43341, 311, 13, 509, 9900, 5178, 290, 24610, 27565, 27166, 2664, 198, 2601, 682, 25, 5178, 290, 24610, 198, 43260, 290, 24610, 198, 23683, 24610, 198, 8479, 376, 12, 18, 24610, 198, 47133, 11, 3503, 198, 27738, 84, 590, 290, 24610, 286, 1810, 15087, 198, 8081, 396, 9143, 319, 5178, 311, 12, 18, 198, 8479, 311, 12, 18, 24610, 198, 46181, 2649, 26, 24610, 198, 47133, 319, 5178, 311, 12, 18, 198, 47133, 286, 13811, 81, 540, 22971, 198, 464, 14965, 811, 689, 198, 49793, 6060, 10096, 198, 4965, 570, 341, 14438, 1041, 44139, 19602, 4990, 1463, 6708, 15547, 198, 33129, 286, 1475, 10341, 6188, 284, 262, 27895, 22998, 198, 45431, 273, 9870, 29595, 198, 43, 270, 7065, 6779, 198, 12218, 317, 33165, 16025, 38687, 30653, 32314, 9340, 364, 198, 17126, 3196, 284, 27895, 10476, 198, 7004, 12, 47404, 2664, 198, 47133, 286, 20558, 290, 12516, 286, 14965, 811, 689, 198, 31929, 20224, 32, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 284, 26472, 311, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 198, 31929, 20224, 32, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 284, 46042, 26472, 311, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 198, 12966, 5551, 26472, 311, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 393, 26472, 311, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 284, 14330, 20224, 32, 4897, 12, 30150, 27895, 198, 8479, 290, 24610, 198, 37608, 811, 515, 22971, 198, 31929, 20224, 32, 8060, 27895, 284, 46042, 26472, 311, 8060, 27895, 198, 12966, 5551, 26472 ]
[ 25, 78402, 1050, 84652, 15302, 22530, 5364, 17675, 52964, 198, 38294, 25, 45130, 18714, 198, 46108, 25, 45130, 18714, 198, 6628, 25, 83243, 328, 13, 735, 6198, 3459, 323, 25532, 19690, 2493, 36243, 198, 29582, 25, 3459, 323, 25532, 198, 22737, 323, 25532, 198, 26629, 25532, 198, 1876, 435, 12, 18, 25532, 198, 24253, 11, 5099, 198, 29316, 84, 685, 323, 25532, 315, 468, 52180, 198, 87680, 811, 389, 3459, 328, 12, 18, 198, 1876, 328, 12, 18, 25532, 198, 32129, 2461, 26, 25532, 198, 24253, 389, 3459, 328, 12, 18, 198, 24253, 315, 75659, 481, 46272, 198, 791, 15663, 25409, 198, 50913, 2956, 10637, 198, 1079, 625, 367, 30538, 1322, 93617, 32388, 10608, 3012, 9947, 29109, 198, 39221, 315, 1398, 10391, 8245, 311, 279, 32502, 29693, 198, 69071, 269, 17236, 47793, 198, 70054, 18413, 7935, 198, 15777, 52082, 51122, 30664, 73773, 70075, 36181, 23588, 388, 198, 94222, 311, 32502, 17075, 198, 3214, 7813, 4355, 4881, 198, 24253, 315, 24078, 323, 19224, 315, 15663, 25409, 198, 11590, 220, 8929, 32, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 311, 48338, 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 198, 11590, 220, 8929, 32, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 311, 55548, 48338, 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 198, 60462, 48338, 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 477, 48338, 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 311, 18592, 220, 8929, 32, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 198, 1876, 323, 25532, 198, 38034, 1104, 660, 46272, 198, 11590, 220, 8929, 32, 8121, 32502, 311, 55548, 48338, 328, 8121, 32502, 198, 60462, 48338 ]
[ 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 311, 48338, 328, 6017, 12, 5998, 32502, 198, 16934, 367, 389, 56875, 343, 811, 198, 1876, 323, 25532, 13, 320, 64, 8, 9062, 3308, 315, 3142, 15663, 25409, 4985, 387, 15609, 555, 264, 3254, 11, 3728, 16125, 304, 45813, 11, 7373, 9879, 1376, 2085, 2802, 36398, 11, 32302, 304, 279, 8581, 1376, 743, 13544, 439, 459, 31324, 1077, 11269, 11, 902, 4985, 387, 54568, 449, 279, 32502, 81326, 477, 459, 8479, 315, 279, 32502, 81326, 11, 439, 16973, 64949, 369, 279, 78150, 10843, 11, 323, 9879, 304, 279, 836, 315, 279, 78150, 10843, 477, 264, 29311, 315, 279, 78150, 10843, 13, 578, 24069, 32502, 31946, 315, 264, 8121, 32502, 1253, 505, 892, 311, 892, 387, 7319, 477, 25983, 555, 34074, 1903, 389, 279, 7576, 315, 279, 32502, 81326, 11, 439, 16973, 64949, 369, 279, 78150, 10843, 11, 439, 1618, 2259, 1064, 3984, 627, 1876, 323, 25532, 13, 320, 64, 8, 9062, 3308, 315, 279, 15663, 25409, 320, 1605, 1109, 279, 44498, 25074, 323, 279, 3308, 432, 15663, 25409, 8, 6216, 311, 459, 15244, 430, 374, 264, 2536, 35681, 815, 13, 46272, 7508, 304, 1054, 1885, 29526, 14463, 863, 320, 300, 4613, 304, 18592, 220, 21026, 3283, 8, 315, 48338, 328, 8, 304, 54180, 389, 48338, 328, 4985, 15453, 387, 15609, 555, 264, 13643, 3728, 16125, 304, 45813, 11, 7373, 9879, 1376, 2085, 2802, 36398, 11, 32302, 304, 279, 8581, 1376, 743, 13544, 439, 459, 31324, 1077, 11269, 320, 9739, 264, 1054 ]
Vietnam | Martin Hudler | History Pingback: Guerre des images #7 – 1er février 1968 – « Saïgon exécution » : débuts de l’opération Phoenix et sensationnalisme contre information. – Vinagéo Using Wikipedia as a citation for it being true drags down your credibility gafltc says: I disagree, because I look up everything I do not know on Wikipedia. It tells a story that matches up with my perception of reality, as well, whether it is a story about the Civil War, or about the Vietnam War, Wikipedia gathers verifiable information as best they can. [They do not allow posts like Alex Jones: “there’s a secret child sex ring at Comet Pizza, Washington, D.C.] Jones’ completely just made up out of whole cloth story caused a guy who lives in Salisbury, NC to do four years in prison, and Jones doesn’t take any responsibility–he doesn’t even send commissary money. I live off Old Salisbury Rd about 20 miles from the North Carolinian who, unfortunately, believed everything he heard on right wing bullshit radio, now he�
Vietnam | Martin Hudler | History Pingback: Guerre des images #7 – 1er février 1968 – « Saïgon exécution » : débuts de l’opération Phoenix et sensationnalisme contre information. – Vinagéo Using Wikipedia as a citation for it being true drags down your credibility gafltc says: I disagree, because I look up everything I do not know on Wikipedia. It tells a story that matches up with my perception of reality, as well, whether it is a story about the Civil War, or about the Vietnam War, Wikipedia gathers verifiable information as best they can. [They do not allow posts like Alex Jones: “there’s a secret child sex ring at Comet Pizza, Washington, D.C.] Jones’ completely just made up out of whole cloth story caused a guy who lives in Salisbury, NC to do four years in prison, and Jones doesn’t take any responsibility–he doesn’t even send commissary money. I live off Old Salisbury Rd about 20 miles from the North Carolinian who, unfortunately, believed everything he heard on right wing bullshit radio, now he�
�s doing the time for his “investigation”. Do you have a similar story of the danger of information from Wikipedia? Gary Schoo says: This is a message to all. You have to do things that are not cool looking to make a point. I hated to see our guys get shot I know it is war but justice is what it is. Our special teams were delt with also. G. Joe says: Some of the guys I knew the things they went through this guy got it easy. Minh An says: the photo after the lens of a camera is a photo. but the picture after the lens of our eyes has a lot more than just a picture. It all depends on the person behind the lens, then it is interpreted. Don’t blame on yourself Eddie. Nobody should be blamed here. All were forced to do what they thought was the most correct one at that moment. Thank you for sharing the stories. With the war, there is no winner. Both are losers. What do you think about this article? Cancel reply Hell on a Hilltop in Vietnam Why Were Vietnam War Vets Treated Poorly When They Returned? Vietnam-era
[ 10836, 930, 5780, 16961, 1754, 930, 7443, 198, 49806, 1891, 25, 30059, 260, 748, 4263, 1303, 22, 784, 352, 263, 277, 2634, 85, 5277, 15963, 784, 21110, 10318, 26884, 14520, 409, 2634, 66, 1009, 13355, 1058, 39073, 4360, 82, 390, 300, 447, 247, 404, 2634, 1358, 9643, 2123, 18098, 77, 282, 1042, 68, 542, 260, 1321, 13, 784, 11820, 363, 2634, 78, 198, 12814, 15312, 355, 257, 27860, 329, 340, 852, 2081, 1553, 3775, 866, 534, 16532, 198, 70, 1878, 2528, 66, 1139, 25, 198, 40, 12546, 11, 780, 314, 804, 510, 2279, 314, 466, 407, 760, 319, 15312, 13, 632, 4952, 257, 1621, 326, 7466, 510, 351, 616, 11202, 286, 3950, 11, 355, 880, 11, 1771, 340, 318, 257, 1621, 546, 262, 7511, 1810, 11, 393, 546, 262, 10836, 1810, 11, 15312, 43609, 3326, 16823, 1321, 355, 1266, 484, 460, 13, 685, 2990, 466, 407, 1249, 6851, 588, 4422, 5437, 25, 564, 250, 8117, 447, 247, 82, 257, 3200, 1200, 1714, 5858, 379, 36238, 20952, 11, 2669, 11, 360, 13, 34, 8183, 5437, 447, 247, 3190, 655, 925, 510, 503, 286, 2187, 16270, 1621, 4073, 257, 3516, 508, 3160, 287, 4849, 47967, 11, 8823, 284, 466, 1440, 812, 287, 3770, 11, 290, 5437, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 1011, 597, 5798, 1906, 258, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 772, 3758, 725, 747, 560, 1637, 13, 314, 2107, 572, 5706, 4849, 47967, 20769, 546, 1160, 4608, 422, 262, 2258, 5074, 24605, 508, 11, 12716, 11, 4762, 2279, 339, 2982, 319, 826, 8539, 20041, 5243, 11, 783, 339, 4210 ]
[ 23315, 765, 11826, 94005, 1565, 765, 11346, 198, 70983, 1445, 25, 4673, 67100, 951, 5448, 674, 22, 1389, 220, 16, 261, 58482, 91137, 220, 5162, 23, 1389, 12769, 16233, 38672, 11932, 506, 20243, 1516, 8345, 551, 7591, 65, 6256, 409, 326, 529, 454, 53301, 23503, 1880, 37392, 43078, 44618, 45973, 2038, 13, 1389, 21016, 351, 89577, 198, 16834, 27685, 439, 264, 45477, 369, 433, 1694, 837, 1377, 2076, 1523, 701, 38769, 198, 6885, 1517, 10630, 2795, 512, 40, 29395, 11, 1606, 358, 1427, 709, 4395, 358, 656, 539, 1440, 389, 27685, 13, 1102, 10975, 264, 3446, 430, 9248, 709, 449, 856, 21063, 315, 8903, 11, 439, 1664, 11, 3508, 433, 374, 264, 3446, 922, 279, 16803, 5111, 11, 477, 922, 279, 23315, 5111, 11, 27685, 86781, 2807, 23444, 2038, 439, 1888, 814, 649, 13, 510, 7009, 656, 539, 2187, 8158, 1093, 8683, 12201, 25, 1054, 19041, 753, 264, 6367, 1716, 1877, 10264, 520, 99198, 35918, 11, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 25750, 12201, 529, 6724, 1120, 1903, 709, 704, 315, 4459, 28392, 3446, 9057, 264, 7564, 889, 6439, 304, 93055, 11, 20660, 311, 656, 3116, 1667, 304, 9527, 11, 323, 12201, 3250, 1431, 1935, 904, 12014, 4235, 383, 3250, 1431, 1524, 3708, 1081, 1056, 661, 3300, 13, 358, 3974, 1022, 10846, 93055, 28567, 922, 220, 508, 8931, 505, 279, 4892, 10463, 258, 1122, 889, 11, 26907, 11, 11846, 4395, 568, 6755, 389, 1314, 20611, 52401, 9063, 11, 1457, 568, 5809 ]
[ 52063, 3815, 279, 892, 369, 813, 1054, 43114, 18413, 11453, 3234, 499, 617, 264, 4528, 3446, 315, 279, 8137, 315, 2038, 505, 27685, 5380, 74067, 57284, 78, 2795, 512, 2028, 374, 264, 1984, 311, 682, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 656, 2574, 430, 527, 539, 7155, 3411, 311, 1304, 264, 1486, 627, 40, 38674, 311, 1518, 1057, 7752, 636, 6689, 358, 1440, 433, 374, 4208, 719, 12437, 374, 1148, 433, 374, 13, 5751, 3361, 7411, 1051, 97350, 449, 1101, 627, 38, 13, 13142, 2795, 512, 8538, 315, 279, 7752, 358, 7020, 279, 2574, 814, 4024, 1555, 420, 7564, 2751, 433, 4228, 627, 6349, 71, 1556, 2795, 512, 1820, 6685, 1306, 279, 18848, 315, 264, 6382, 374, 264, 6685, 13, 719, 279, 6945, 1306, 279, 18848, 315, 1057, 6548, 706, 264, 2763, 810, 1109, 1120, 264, 6945, 13, 1102, 682, 14117, 389, 279, 1732, 4920, 279, 18848, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 33398, 13, 4418, 1431, 19065, 389, 6261, 41780, 13, 37558, 1288, 387, 36197, 1618, 13, 2052, 1051, 9770, 311, 656, 1148, 814, 3463, 574, 279, 1455, 4495, 832, 520, 430, 4545, 13, 9930, 499, 369, 11821, 279, 7493, 13, 3161, 279, 4208, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 13946, 13, 11995, 527, 68456, 627, 3923, 656, 499, 1781, 922, 420, 4652, 30, 24451, 10052, 198, 81394, 389, 264, 8270, 3565, 304, 23315, 198, 10445, 40070, 23315, 5111, 650, 1441, 350, 2920, 45773, 398, 3277, 2435, 76364, 5380, 95154, 12682, 52443 ]
. Anyone who is hesitating to try this because it might appear complicated, don’t be afraid of it! It really is easy. Even if your loaf is a little mangled-looking, a powdered sugar dusting will cover your sins. I found that the key flavor (for us, at any rate) is the orange and lemon zest. You could add those two things to nearly any sweet bread recipe and get a little stollen zing. Tomorrow the five year old comes over. Last Thanksgiving she made her first turkey. In the morning we try Stollen! Grandpas got to make a supply run. This still sounds good. Totally why not – because Stollen and Hot Cross Buns are very similar! Might try a cream cheese filling. But don’t want first try to be too far off spec. About scalding milk. is that boiled or almost burnt? Will be looking for a good ” Kolache”. Granny J was a old farm girl and made Blue berry and a cheese one with “Hoop Cheese”. Good luck finding the cheese. Still have not tried the Disney Land Tuna Burger that first led me to your site. Thanks.
. Anyone who is hesitating to try this because it might appear complicated, don’t be afraid of it! It really is easy. Even if your loaf is a little mangled-looking, a powdered sugar dusting will cover your sins. I found that the key flavor (for us, at any rate) is the orange and lemon zest. You could add those two things to nearly any sweet bread recipe and get a little stollen zing. Tomorrow the five year old comes over. Last Thanksgiving she made her first turkey. In the morning we try Stollen! Grandpas got to make a supply run. This still sounds good. Totally why not – because Stollen and Hot Cross Buns are very similar! Might try a cream cheese filling. But don’t want first try to be too far off spec. About scalding milk. is that boiled or almost burnt? Will be looking for a good ” Kolache”. Granny J was a old farm girl and made Blue berry and a cheese one with “Hoop Cheese”. Good luck finding the cheese. Still have not tried the Disney Land Tuna Burger that first led me to your site. Thanks.
Hi – Scalded is milk heated to just below the boiling point, then you let it cool to the right temp you need. I forgot to tell you – I found Hoop Cheese at a local specialty store! I was very excited to use it in recipes, but Tom ate it all down before I could experiment with it. But it was very good, very nutty in flavor. Its in the “rising stage” . Had her taste all the fruit to see what she likes.Needed Extra flour due to the fact that 10% missed the mixer bowl.Big mess. Tried to explain yeast. She got it when I said “microbe gas”. Thought that was funny. Updates to come. Turned out very good! Forgot the zest.Needs it. It’s a brain cell thing. I split the lump in 3 parts. The second one we put the zest in the fold. The first was good, the second off the charts. Third lump is in the freezer. Re post this next fall!! Baked the last chunk. Held up well in the freezer. Just let it get warm and need it again a little. Good make ahead food.
[ 13, 17462, 508, 318, 10818, 21712, 284, 1949, 428, 780, 340, 1244, 1656, 8253, 11, 836, 447, 247, 83, 307, 7787, 286, 340, 0, 632, 1107, 318, 2562, 13, 3412, 611, 534, 40134, 318, 257, 1310, 45663, 992, 12, 11534, 11, 257, 41642, 7543, 8977, 278, 481, 3002, 534, 18377, 13, 314, 1043, 326, 262, 1994, 9565, 357, 1640, 514, 11, 379, 597, 2494, 8, 318, 262, 10912, 290, 18873, 1976, 395, 13, 921, 714, 751, 883, 734, 1243, 284, 3016, 597, 6029, 8509, 8364, 290, 651, 257, 1310, 336, 29952, 1976, 278, 13, 198, 49488, 262, 1936, 614, 1468, 2058, 625, 13, 4586, 21494, 673, 925, 607, 717, 26876, 13, 554, 262, 3329, 356, 1949, 520, 29952, 0, 5675, 44429, 1392, 284, 787, 257, 5127, 1057, 13, 770, 991, 5238, 922, 13, 198, 51, 38908, 1521, 407, 784, 780, 520, 29952, 290, 6964, 6372, 347, 13271, 389, 845, 2092, 0, 198, 44, 432, 1949, 257, 8566, 9891, 12591, 13, 887, 836, 447, 247, 83, 765, 717, 1949, 284, 307, 1165, 1290, 572, 1020, 13, 198, 8585, 629, 1940, 278, 7545, 13, 318, 326, 29939, 393, 2048, 22999, 30, 198, 8743, 307, 2045, 329, 257, 922, 564, 251, 25910, 4891, 447, 251, 13, 1902, 7737, 449, 373, 257, 1468, 5318, 2576, 290, 925, 4518, 275, 6996, 290, 257, 9891, 530, 351, 564, 250, 39, 11224, 27601, 447, 251, 13, 4599, 8458, 4917, 262, 9891, 13, 198, 9590, 423, 407, 3088, 262, 8519, 6379, 309, 9613, 28983, 326, 717, 2957, 502, 284, 534, 2524, 13, 6930, 13 ]
[ 13, 33634, 889, 374, 20365, 50644, 311, 1456, 420, 1606, 433, 2643, 5101, 17395, 11, 1541, 1431, 387, 16984, 315, 433, 0, 1102, 2216, 374, 4228, 13, 7570, 422, 701, 77248, 374, 264, 2697, 296, 40040, 31348, 11, 264, 83583, 13465, 16174, 287, 690, 3504, 701, 40444, 13, 358, 1766, 430, 279, 1401, 17615, 320, 2000, 603, 11, 520, 904, 4478, 8, 374, 279, 19087, 323, 30564, 81631, 13, 1472, 1436, 923, 1884, 1403, 2574, 311, 7154, 904, 10437, 16385, 11363, 323, 636, 264, 2697, 357, 33389, 1167, 287, 627, 91273, 279, 4330, 1060, 2362, 4131, 927, 13, 8155, 37250, 1364, 1903, 1077, 1176, 45405, 13, 763, 279, 6693, 584, 1456, 800, 33389, 0, 10517, 42201, 2751, 311, 1304, 264, 8312, 1629, 13, 1115, 2103, 10578, 1695, 627, 65702, 750, 3249, 539, 1389, 1606, 800, 33389, 323, 8166, 11511, 426, 11099, 527, 1633, 4528, 4999, 44, 492, 1456, 264, 12932, 17604, 21973, 13, 2030, 1541, 1431, 1390, 1176, 1456, 311, 387, 2288, 3117, 1022, 1424, 627, 10714, 1156, 4852, 287, 14403, 13, 374, 430, 66185, 477, 4661, 50440, 5380, 10149, 387, 3411, 369, 264, 1695, 19524, 46615, 1815, 11453, 89240, 622, 574, 264, 2362, 8961, 3828, 323, 1903, 8868, 86188, 323, 264, 17604, 832, 449, 1054, 39, 48406, 45419, 11453, 7839, 15369, 9455, 279, 17604, 627, 24205, 617, 539, 6818, 279, 16795, 11680, 350, 8733, 52871, 430, 1176, 6197, 757, 311, 701, 2816, 13, 11361, 13 ]
[ 198, 13347, 1389, 2522, 4852, 291, 374, 14403, 32813, 311, 1120, 3770, 279, 50937, 1486, 11, 1243, 499, 1095, 433, 7155, 311, 279, 1314, 2798, 499, 1205, 627, 40, 29695, 311, 3371, 499, 1389, 358, 1766, 17723, 454, 45419, 520, 264, 2254, 36974, 3637, 0, 358, 574, 1633, 12304, 311, 1005, 433, 304, 19141, 11, 719, 8529, 30912, 433, 682, 1523, 1603, 358, 1436, 9526, 449, 433, 13, 2030, 433, 574, 1633, 1695, 11, 1633, 10184, 1919, 304, 17615, 627, 37220, 304, 279, 1054, 60023, 6566, 863, 662, 24805, 1077, 12945, 682, 279, 14098, 311, 1518, 1148, 1364, 13452, 2112, 12320, 291, 26041, 20415, 4245, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 220, 605, 4, 13942, 279, 38878, 19763, 70323, 9622, 13, 85183, 311, 10552, 41580, 13, 3005, 2751, 433, 994, 358, 1071, 1054, 41543, 1395, 6962, 11453, 36287, 430, 574, 15526, 13, 28600, 311, 2586, 627, 19952, 291, 704, 1633, 1695, 0, 67274, 279, 81631, 2112, 68, 6910, 433, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 8271, 2849, 3245, 627, 40, 6859, 279, 49629, 304, 220, 18, 5596, 13, 578, 2132, 832, 584, 2231, 279, 81631, 304, 279, 11816, 13, 578, 1176, 574, 1695, 11, 279, 2132, 1022, 279, 27223, 13, 21530, 49629, 374, 304, 279, 50685, 627, 697, 1772, 420, 1828, 4498, 51447, 33, 7897, 279, 1566, 12143, 13, 83531, 709, 1664, 304, 279, 50685, 13, 4702, 1095, 433, 636, 8369, 323, 1205, 433, 1578, 264, 2697, 627, 15571, 1304, 8469, 3691, 13 ]
no one would have thought him, against expectation, resurrected from the dead. Certainly visions of or perceived encounters with a postmortem Jesus would not by themselves, have supplied such reason." German Biblical scholar Martin Hengel notes that Lüdemann's theory transcends the limits of historical research, by providing an analysis which is not verifiable. See also Swoon hypothesis Stolen body hypothesis Historical Jesus Historicity of Jesus Notes References Sources Printed sources Gerd Lüdemann, The Resurrection of Jesus, trans. John Bowden (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994) Web-sources Further reading Historicity and origin of the Resurrection of Jesus Post-resurrection appearances of Jesus Пропионат серебра — химическое соединение, соль серебра и пропион
no one would have thought him, against expectation, resurrected from the dead. Certainly visions of or perceived encounters with a postmortem Jesus would not by themselves, have supplied such reason." German Biblical scholar Martin Hengel notes that Lüdemann's theory transcends the limits of historical research, by providing an analysis which is not verifiable. See also Swoon hypothesis Stolen body hypothesis Historical Jesus Historicity of Jesus Notes References Sources Printed sources Gerd Lüdemann, The Resurrection of Jesus, trans. John Bowden (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994) Web-sources Further reading Historicity and origin of the Resurrection of Jesus Post-resurrection appearances of Jesus Пропионат серебра — химическое соединение, соль серебра и пропион
овой кислоты с формулой CHCOOAg, бесцветные кристаллы, слабо растворяется в воде. Физические свойства Пропионат серебра образует бесцветные кристаллы. Слабо растворяется в холодной воде. Является диамагнетиком . Химические свойства Реа
[ 645, 530, 561, 423, 1807, 683, 11, 1028, 17507, 11, 41914, 422, 262, 2636, 13, 23631, 26096, 286, 393, 11067, 16925, 351, 257, 1281, 46515, 5803, 561, 407, 416, 2405, 11, 423, 14275, 884, 1738, 526, 198, 198, 16010, 31752, 15606, 5780, 367, 1516, 417, 4710, 326, 406, 9116, 9536, 1236, 338, 4583, 23589, 2412, 262, 7095, 286, 6754, 2267, 11, 416, 4955, 281, 3781, 543, 318, 407, 3326, 16823, 13, 198, 198, 6214, 635, 198, 2451, 2049, 14078, 198, 520, 8622, 1767, 14078, 198, 23121, 5803, 198, 30426, 414, 286, 5803, 198, 198, 16130, 198, 198, 19927, 198, 198, 21188, 198, 18557, 276, 4237, 628, 220, 628, 220, 628, 220, 628, 220, 628, 220, 628, 220, 198, 220, 198, 220, 628, 13573, 67, 406, 9116, 9536, 1236, 11, 383, 30688, 286, 5803, 11, 1007, 13, 1757, 9740, 6559, 357, 9452, 19359, 25, 25213, 4332, 11, 9162, 8, 628, 220, 628, 220, 198, 220, 198, 198, 13908, 12, 82, 2203, 198, 198, 13518, 3555, 198, 220, 198, 198, 13749, 8146, 414, 290, 8159, 286, 262, 30688, 286, 5803, 198, 6307, 12, 411, 21384, 11057, 286, 5803, 12466, 253, 21169, 25443, 123, 18849, 15166, 22177, 16142, 20375, 220, 21727, 16843, 21169, 16843, 140, 109, 21169, 16142, 1849, 960, 220, 141, 227, 18849, 43108, 18849, 141, 229, 16843, 21727, 31583, 15166, 16843, 220, 21727, 15166, 16843, 43666, 18849, 22177, 16843, 22177, 18849, 16843, 11, 198, 21727, 25443, 119, 45367, 220, 21727, 16843, 21169, 16843, 140, 109, 21169, 16142, 12466, 116, 12466, 123, 21169, 25443, 123, 18849, 15166, 22177 ]
[ 912, 832, 1053, 617, 3463, 1461, 11, 2403, 31293, 11, 66819, 291, 505, 279, 5710, 13, 53466, 58395, 315, 477, 26617, 35006, 449, 264, 1772, 93711, 336, 10811, 1053, 539, 555, 5694, 11, 617, 17665, 1778, 2944, 2266, 33179, 68201, 18640, 11826, 473, 833, 301, 8554, 430, 445, 2448, 28531, 1036, 596, 10334, 42590, 1438, 279, 13693, 315, 13970, 3495, 11, 555, 8405, 459, 6492, 902, 374, 539, 2807, 23444, 382, 10031, 1101, 198, 328, 1146, 263, 31178, 198, 800, 17648, 2547, 31178, 198, 41143, 10811, 198, 51887, 488, 315, 10811, 271, 22405, 271, 32812, 271, 33300, 198, 9171, 291, 8336, 271, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 33006, 4815, 480, 14685, 445, 2448, 28531, 1036, 11, 578, 1838, 40304, 315, 10811, 11, 1380, 13, 3842, 18943, 5294, 320, 6349, 39576, 25, 72535, 8612, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 696, 4815, 720, 4815, 6109, 1355, 2415, 271, 31428, 5403, 198, 4815, 50083, 62791, 323, 6371, 315, 279, 1838, 40304, 315, 10811, 198, 4226, 11849, 40304, 27351, 315, 10811, 80584, 29256, 1840, 17766, 8131, 66386, 50693, 22911, 4194, 2345, 45658, 16494, 120118, 120077, 17618, 345, 2297, 17461, 66386, 50693, 22911, 7740, 104171, 1840, 17766 ]
[ 106334, 116434, 4655, 198, 2297, 54261, 104406, 16742, 6969, 8445, 46, 9219, 345, 10124, 23297, 121684, 44065, 105924, 6735, 16331, 105792, 345, 41036, 126054, 112445, 121382, 5927, 101364, 1532, 382, 55258, 41873, 111376, 118998, 720, 54745, 29256, 1840, 17766, 8131, 66386, 50693, 22911, 102294, 73181, 111543, 121684, 44065, 105924, 6735, 16331, 105792, 382, 19871, 108230, 1482, 112445, 121382, 5927, 107184, 39988, 101364, 1532, 382, 86491, 5591, 102368, 102495, 24697, 34493, 108108, 127613, 6905, 102357, 16494, 111376, 118998, 720, 127313, 1506 ]
is incredibly difficult to reform and modernize Ethiopia’s judicial system. There may still be ineffective judicial systems in remote areas of the nation even after creating a centralized one. How can the present border disputes with neighboring nations be resolved given that Ethiopia’s boundary was shaped by colonial powers? England, France, and Italy all had boundary accords with Emperor Menelik. However, agreement does not imply demarcation. Ethiopia naturally agreed with England but not with Sudan. The current issue with Sudan stems from this. The Prime Minister of Sudan, Alnimeri, and Haileselasie got along well. Just before the emperor was ousted in 1972, they were about to start demarcating the border. I hope Sudan and Ethiopia will start the delineation process right away. Emperor Yohannes pleaded with England in the 1870s for assistance in keeping Masawa under control. Even though Yohannes assisted them in rescuing English troops in Sudan who were being surrounded by Mahdists, England refused. Meles Zenawi voluntarily gave over Assab a century later. This is a huge contradiction. But the situation with Sudan is becoming increasingly complicated. As long as the 1972 agreement is in force, it can
is incredibly difficult to reform and modernize Ethiopia’s judicial system. There may still be ineffective judicial systems in remote areas of the nation even after creating a centralized one. How can the present border disputes with neighboring nations be resolved given that Ethiopia’s boundary was shaped by colonial powers? England, France, and Italy all had boundary accords with Emperor Menelik. However, agreement does not imply demarcation. Ethiopia naturally agreed with England but not with Sudan. The current issue with Sudan stems from this. The Prime Minister of Sudan, Alnimeri, and Haileselasie got along well. Just before the emperor was ousted in 1972, they were about to start demarcating the border. I hope Sudan and Ethiopia will start the delineation process right away. Emperor Yohannes pleaded with England in the 1870s for assistance in keeping Masawa under control. Even though Yohannes assisted them in rescuing English troops in Sudan who were being surrounded by Mahdists, England refused. Meles Zenawi voluntarily gave over Assab a century later. This is a huge contradiction. But the situation with Sudan is becoming increasingly complicated. As long as the 1972 agreement is in force, it can
be resolved. The issue is that the borderlands’ value has increased recently. Ethiopia’s biggest issue is the absence of a succession plan whenever a new regime takes power. Haileselassie came to an accord and was about to draw the line with Sudan. Sadly, Derg surpassed Hailesselasie. Derg, however, started over after stumbling everything the emperor had begun. No Ethiopian administration adds on the successes of the preceding administration. Whether it be with the legal system, politics, development, or anything else, this is the root of practically all of Ethiopia’s problems. Others have suggested Ethiopia may be able to reach the Red Sea via Ras Dumera, a thin free line that runs between Eritrea and Djibouti border. Africa is home to fourteen landlocked nations. There is no other nation, however, that is as big, and as populous, as Ethiopia. The thirteen African nations that were already landlocked begged the UN to intervene before Ethiopia became landlocked. Aid couldn’t get to these landlocked African nations. Even when a machine is replaced by a different brand, spare parts still come in. Because perishable goods take longer to reach the landlocked countries,
[ 318, 8131, 2408, 284, 4975, 290, 3660, 1096, 31592, 447, 247, 82, 13657, 1080, 13, 1318, 743, 991, 307, 23693, 13657, 3341, 287, 6569, 3006, 286, 262, 3277, 772, 706, 4441, 257, 29024, 530, 13, 198, 2437, 460, 262, 1944, 4865, 18563, 351, 19651, 7027, 307, 12939, 1813, 326, 31592, 447, 247, 82, 18645, 373, 14292, 416, 17091, 5635, 30, 198, 39163, 11, 4881, 11, 290, 8031, 477, 550, 18645, 697, 3669, 351, 10851, 6065, 417, 1134, 13, 2102, 11, 4381, 857, 407, 20135, 1357, 5605, 341, 13, 31592, 8752, 4987, 351, 4492, 475, 407, 351, 19610, 13, 383, 1459, 2071, 351, 19610, 21552, 422, 428, 13, 198, 464, 5537, 4139, 286, 19610, 11, 978, 77, 22723, 72, 11, 290, 42913, 274, 417, 292, 494, 1392, 1863, 880, 13, 2329, 878, 262, 23129, 373, 37822, 287, 16101, 11, 484, 547, 546, 284, 923, 1357, 5605, 803, 262, 4865, 13, 314, 2911, 19610, 290, 31592, 481, 923, 262, 46925, 341, 1429, 826, 1497, 13, 198, 10161, 8723, 575, 1219, 1236, 274, 16407, 351, 4492, 287, 262, 37667, 82, 329, 6829, 287, 5291, 11066, 6909, 739, 1630, 13, 3412, 996, 575, 1219, 1236, 274, 18419, 606, 287, 48329, 3594, 6553, 287, 19610, 508, 547, 852, 11191, 416, 8882, 67, 1023, 11, 4492, 6520, 13, 5616, 274, 14760, 23368, 22295, 2921, 625, 2195, 397, 257, 4289, 1568, 13, 198, 1212, 318, 257, 3236, 25741, 13, 198, 1537, 262, 3074, 351, 19610, 318, 5033, 6481, 8253, 13, 198, 1722, 890, 355, 262, 16101, 4381, 318, 287, 2700, 11, 340, 460 ]
[ 374, 17235, 5107, 311, 15180, 323, 6617, 553, 60457, 753, 31752, 1887, 13, 2684, 1253, 2103, 387, 55288, 31752, 6067, 304, 8870, 5789, 315, 279, 7140, 1524, 1306, 6968, 264, 58983, 832, 627, 4438, 649, 279, 3118, 3973, 42254, 449, 42617, 17089, 387, 20250, 2728, 430, 60457, 753, 19254, 574, 27367, 555, 37683, 13736, 5380, 67308, 11, 9822, 11, 323, 15704, 682, 1047, 19254, 1046, 2311, 449, 35414, 11258, 102182, 13, 4452, 11, 9306, 1587, 539, 34608, 2486, 8362, 367, 13, 60457, 18182, 7378, 449, 9635, 719, 539, 449, 43554, 13, 578, 1510, 4360, 449, 43554, 44814, 505, 420, 627, 791, 12801, 9675, 315, 43554, 11, 1708, 77, 3212, 72, 11, 323, 14433, 3742, 40843, 648, 2751, 3235, 1664, 13, 4702, 1603, 279, 57883, 574, 98555, 304, 220, 4468, 17, 11, 814, 1051, 922, 311, 1212, 2486, 8362, 1113, 279, 3973, 13, 358, 3987, 43554, 323, 60457, 690, 1212, 279, 91784, 367, 1920, 1314, 3201, 627, 2321, 26904, 816, 2319, 42256, 40001, 449, 9635, 304, 279, 220, 9674, 15, 82, 369, 13291, 304, 10494, 20459, 14406, 1234, 2585, 13, 7570, 3582, 816, 2319, 42256, 39061, 1124, 304, 13208, 7623, 6498, 17312, 304, 43554, 889, 1051, 1694, 23712, 555, 16566, 67, 1705, 11, 9635, 16436, 13, 2206, 645, 32889, 41978, 54523, 6688, 927, 2755, 370, 264, 9478, 3010, 627, 2028, 374, 264, 6908, 50859, 627, 4071, 279, 6671, 449, 43554, 374, 10671, 15098, 17395, 627, 2170, 1317, 439, 279, 220, 4468, 17, 9306, 374, 304, 5457, 11, 433, 649 ]
[ 387, 20250, 13, 578, 4360, 374, 430, 279, 3973, 8329, 529, 907, 706, 7319, 6051, 13, 60457, 753, 8706, 4360, 374, 279, 19821, 315, 264, 50787, 3197, 15716, 264, 502, 17942, 5097, 2410, 627, 34042, 3742, 301, 395, 648, 3782, 311, 459, 14902, 323, 574, 922, 311, 4128, 279, 1584, 449, 43554, 13, 57243, 11, 423, 2431, 68328, 14433, 73241, 40843, 648, 13, 423, 2431, 11, 4869, 11, 3940, 927, 1306, 88455, 4395, 279, 57883, 1047, 22088, 627, 2822, 96634, 8735, 11621, 389, 279, 48188, 315, 279, 38846, 8735, 13, 13440, 433, 387, 449, 279, 5897, 1887, 11, 11759, 11, 4500, 11, 477, 4205, 775, 11, 420, 374, 279, 3789, 315, 32367, 682, 315, 60457, 753, 5435, 627, 51154, 617, 12090, 60457, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 5662, 279, 3816, 15379, 4669, 59130, 65082, 2473, 11, 264, 15792, 1949, 1584, 430, 8640, 1990, 469, 1018, 5325, 323, 52162, 581, 412, 72, 3973, 627, 74691, 374, 2162, 311, 63360, 4363, 25656, 17089, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 1023, 7140, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 374, 439, 2466, 11, 323, 439, 95551, 11, 439, 60457, 13, 578, 61759, 11904, 17089, 430, 1051, 2736, 4363, 25656, 80392, 279, 6781, 311, 55579, 1603, 60457, 6244, 4363, 25656, 627, 32, 307, 7846, 1431, 636, 311, 1521, 4363, 25656, 11904, 17089, 13, 7570, 994, 264, 5780, 374, 12860, 555, 264, 2204, 6883, 11, 24804, 5596, 2103, 2586, 304, 13, 9393, 83217, 481, 11822, 1935, 5129, 311, 5662, 279, 4363, 25656, 5961, 11 ]
its own truth. This simultaneous fragility and nerve is what defines the album. “Sueños muy largos” begins with dreams that are confused for reality and is mirrored musically with ethereal vocals and eerie echoes that create a hazy dreamscape that makes it difficult to distinguish between what’s real and what is just a dream. By contrast, the rest of the album feels very real. “Ya no te espero” is quiet and minimalistic to match the song’s tone of resignation until its sudden, yet stealthy surge near the end, an outburst of resentment, which is quickly hushed and reduced to a whisper. Normally, a line like “eres la luz mas bella” would induce nausea, but in the case of “Balada sin nombre,” it doesn’t offend me because it sounds so sincere that I have no choice but to believe it. And the last line of the song is a total cliffhanger. Preuss sings “deja que esta vez nadie sea testigo de lo que va pasar cuando descubras mis ojos,” then there’s
its own truth. This simultaneous fragility and nerve is what defines the album. “Sueños muy largos” begins with dreams that are confused for reality and is mirrored musically with ethereal vocals and eerie echoes that create a hazy dreamscape that makes it difficult to distinguish between what’s real and what is just a dream. By contrast, the rest of the album feels very real. “Ya no te espero” is quiet and minimalistic to match the song’s tone of resignation until its sudden, yet stealthy surge near the end, an outburst of resentment, which is quickly hushed and reduced to a whisper. Normally, a line like “eres la luz mas bella” would induce nausea, but in the case of “Balada sin nombre,” it doesn’t offend me because it sounds so sincere that I have no choice but to believe it. And the last line of the song is a total cliffhanger. Preuss sings “deja que esta vez nadie sea testigo de lo que va pasar cuando descubras mis ojos,” then there’s
this spacey outro and you’re all, what will happen? I want to know! “No tenemos remedio” is a lovely arrangement with ambient sound and whisper layering at the end that is ghostly, like the last vestiges of a long-fought battle slowly evaporating. This is reminiscent of Milan Kundera’s compelling philosophical work, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Like the pain of existence so aptly related in Kundera’s melancholy tale, La Orquesta Ocúlta is so moving you almost can’t stand it. The most beautiful song on this album full of beautiful songs, “Como las piedras,” begins playfully, with a light melody like raindrops on the still surface of a lake. The song appeals to those of us with hippie tendencies, what with the protagonist comparing himself to a tree and stones and all. But instead of becoming a Mitakuye Oyasin ode to Mother Earth, it builds into a love song. The final part of the song in which Preuss sings about wanting to enter your heartbeat is like the subtle swell of the Andante Moderato movement of Mahler�
[ 663, 898, 3872, 13, 770, 29526, 7956, 879, 290, 16384, 318, 644, 15738, 262, 5062, 13, 198, 447, 250, 50, 518, 12654, 418, 285, 4669, 2552, 418, 447, 251, 6140, 351, 10625, 326, 389, 10416, 329, 3950, 290, 318, 40070, 1928, 1146, 351, 304, 37827, 25355, 290, 41128, 30346, 326, 2251, 257, 387, 7357, 4320, 6794, 326, 1838, 340, 2408, 284, 15714, 1022, 644, 447, 247, 82, 1103, 290, 644, 318, 655, 257, 4320, 13, 2750, 6273, 11, 262, 1334, 286, 262, 5062, 5300, 845, 1103, 13, 564, 250, 56, 64, 645, 573, 1658, 525, 78, 447, 251, 318, 5897, 290, 10926, 2569, 284, 2872, 262, 3496, 447, 247, 82, 8216, 286, 18525, 1566, 663, 4802, 11, 1865, 19159, 88, 13853, 1474, 262, 886, 11, 281, 49088, 286, 28888, 11, 543, 318, 2952, 4791, 704, 290, 5322, 284, 257, 31992, 13, 198, 43625, 11, 257, 1627, 588, 564, 250, 68, 411, 8591, 300, 10277, 12422, 307, 8466, 447, 251, 561, 21155, 32122, 11, 475, 287, 262, 1339, 286, 564, 250, 24597, 4763, 7813, 299, 2381, 260, 11, 447, 251, 340, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 35117, 502, 780, 340, 5238, 523, 17082, 326, 314, 423, 645, 3572, 475, 284, 1975, 340, 13, 843, 262, 938, 1627, 286, 262, 3496, 318, 257, 2472, 19516, 71, 2564, 13, 3771, 1046, 33041, 564, 250, 2934, 6592, 8358, 1556, 64, 1569, 89, 299, 324, 494, 5417, 1332, 14031, 390, 2376, 8358, 46935, 38836, 283, 18912, 25440, 1715, 549, 8847, 2984, 267, 73, 418, 11, 447, 251, 788, 612, 447, 247, 82 ]
[ 1202, 1866, 8206, 13, 1115, 58632, 8508, 1429, 323, 32015, 374, 1148, 19170, 279, 8176, 627, 2118, 50, 361, 18720, 23321, 4143, 437, 863, 12302, 449, 19226, 430, 527, 22568, 369, 8903, 323, 374, 70137, 3167, 2740, 449, 8537, 44353, 47196, 323, 97383, 71057, 430, 1893, 264, 305, 13933, 19226, 5443, 430, 3727, 433, 5107, 311, 33137, 1990, 1148, 753, 1972, 323, 1148, 374, 1120, 264, 8063, 13, 3296, 13168, 11, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 8176, 11321, 1633, 1972, 13, 1054, 63993, 912, 1028, 31157, 78, 863, 374, 11594, 323, 17832, 4633, 311, 2489, 279, 5609, 753, 16630, 315, 44734, 3156, 1202, 11210, 11, 3686, 48065, 88, 22531, 3221, 279, 842, 11, 459, 704, 58838, 315, 71654, 11, 902, 374, 6288, 305, 53078, 323, 11293, 311, 264, 35955, 627, 95294, 11, 264, 1584, 1093, 1054, 13213, 1208, 65566, 9427, 97560, 863, 1053, 49853, 61880, 11, 719, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 1054, 38989, 2649, 7589, 13026, 2476, 433, 3250, 1431, 85086, 757, 1606, 433, 10578, 779, 49424, 430, 358, 617, 912, 5873, 719, 311, 4510, 433, 13, 1628, 279, 1566, 1584, 315, 279, 5609, 374, 264, 2860, 44106, 71, 4091, 13, 5075, 1892, 68341, 1054, 451, 5697, 1744, 15491, 21205, 34634, 648, 9581, 1296, 7992, 409, 781, 1744, 11412, 67714, 27443, 6697, 392, 13075, 5906, 297, 40261, 2476, 1243, 1070, 753 ]
[ 420, 3634, 88, 61758, 323, 499, 3207, 682, 11, 1148, 690, 3621, 30, 358, 1390, 311, 1440, 0, 1054, 2822, 71548, 34630, 822, 863, 374, 264, 17104, 27204, 449, 35288, 5222, 323, 35955, 6324, 287, 520, 279, 842, 430, 374, 20457, 398, 11, 1093, 279, 1566, 28705, 52763, 315, 264, 1317, 2269, 2509, 8209, 14297, 60150, 1113, 13, 1115, 374, 56085, 315, 39855, 735, 8154, 64, 753, 29722, 41903, 990, 11, 578, 1252, 68760, 481, 8828, 2136, 315, 21347, 13, 9086, 279, 6784, 315, 14209, 779, 20697, 398, 5552, 304, 735, 8154, 64, 753, 87163, 5849, 24162, 11, 5034, 2582, 724, 64, 83552, 6792, 75, 2629, 374, 779, 7366, 499, 4661, 649, 1431, 2559, 433, 627, 791, 1455, 6366, 5609, 389, 420, 8176, 2539, 315, 6366, 11936, 11, 1054, 66001, 5252, 44630, 13075, 2476, 12302, 1514, 3725, 11, 449, 264, 3177, 62684, 1093, 11422, 91612, 389, 279, 2103, 7479, 315, 264, 22553, 13, 578, 5609, 35730, 311, 1884, 315, 603, 449, 44656, 648, 61555, 11, 1148, 449, 279, 46684, 27393, 5678, 311, 264, 5021, 323, 27302, 323, 682, 13, 2030, 4619, 315, 10671, 264, 22515, 587, 56711, 110425, 51410, 73994, 311, 21720, 9420, 11, 433, 22890, 1139, 264, 3021, 5609, 13, 578, 1620, 961, 315, 279, 5609, 304, 902, 5075, 1892, 68341, 922, 19762, 311, 3810, 701, 53205, 374, 1093, 279, 27545, 78353, 315, 279, 1628, 5048, 44527, 4428, 7351, 315, 16566, 1565, 5809 ]
bad enough by some that even an attempt to miscegenate was an offence worthy of a lynching. The teller’s husband, Roy Bryant and his friend J.W. Milam brutally murdered Till, and – being two white men having killed a young black boy, were also acquitted. I stress this case as, at the time Hunter was dating a young white woman called Patti Bredenhoft. Hunter did pay some heed to his sister, packing the Smith and Wesson revolver in the boot of his step-father’s Mustang. He drove over to Patti’s and the two drove off for the concert. As a child I had heard he was a pimp, and Patti one of his girls – this is untrue – he was an Arts student. I had also heard he was way more fearless than he should have been, as he was high on methamphetamine. The latter was true. Picking up the tale from just after the Jefferson Airplane incident. The bikers flew through the crowd on their hogs, just whizzing past Hunter and Bredenhoft. The couple were nearby when violence erupted out front and singer Marty Balin was knocked unconscious. Patti had, at this
bad enough by some that even an attempt to miscegenate was an offence worthy of a lynching. The teller’s husband, Roy Bryant and his friend J.W. Milam brutally murdered Till, and – being two white men having killed a young black boy, were also acquitted. I stress this case as, at the time Hunter was dating a young white woman called Patti Bredenhoft. Hunter did pay some heed to his sister, packing the Smith and Wesson revolver in the boot of his step-father’s Mustang. He drove over to Patti’s and the two drove off for the concert. As a child I had heard he was a pimp, and Patti one of his girls – this is untrue – he was an Arts student. I had also heard he was way more fearless than he should have been, as he was high on methamphetamine. The latter was true. Picking up the tale from just after the Jefferson Airplane incident. The bikers flew through the crowd on their hogs, just whizzing past Hunter and Bredenhoft. The couple were nearby when violence erupted out front and singer Marty Balin was knocked unconscious. Patti had, at this
point, had enough and returned to the car. Meredith wanted to hang around, and just prior to the Rolling Stones set decided he would go back in to catch them. The two had words, Meredith was the more forceful of the two. He grabbed his gun, and the two made their way back to the stage – what could go wrong? Everything – everything could go wrong – and it happened very quickly. Why it unfolded is a subject to guesswork – following the incident, president of the Oakland chapter Ralph ‘Sonny’ Barger stated on KSAN Radio San Francisco “When they (the concertgoers) started messing over our bikes they started it” He went on to say their bikes represented their everything. Was this wave of violence caused because someone tipped a bike over? In any case the Rolling Stones had only just began their set when the group of Hell’s Angels at the front of the stage advanced, again on the crowd, like an Athenian phalanx. The crowd out front dispersed. Meredith Hunter had climbed atop a speaker cabinet at the side of the stage before the surge, perhaps feeling safer up there – but a Hell’s Angel grabbed him by the ear and threw him to the ground. Hunter back
[ 2089, 1576, 416, 617, 326, 772, 281, 2230, 284, 2984, 344, 5235, 378, 373, 281, 14148, 12733, 286, 257, 31432, 10813, 13, 383, 1560, 263, 447, 247, 82, 5229, 11, 9817, 16754, 290, 465, 1545, 449, 13, 54, 13, 4460, 321, 30040, 12864, 17888, 11, 290, 784, 852, 734, 2330, 1450, 1719, 2923, 257, 1862, 2042, 2933, 11, 547, 635, 35497, 13, 314, 5503, 428, 1339, 355, 11, 379, 262, 640, 9055, 373, 10691, 257, 1862, 2330, 2415, 1444, 24682, 72, 347, 445, 268, 8873, 701, 13, 198, 38803, 750, 1414, 617, 32420, 284, 465, 6621, 11, 24157, 262, 4176, 290, 370, 39670, 40968, 287, 262, 6297, 286, 465, 2239, 12, 11358, 447, 247, 82, 31163, 13, 679, 10357, 625, 284, 24682, 72, 447, 247, 82, 290, 262, 734, 10357, 572, 329, 262, 10010, 13, 1081, 257, 1200, 314, 550, 2982, 339, 373, 257, 279, 11011, 11, 290, 24682, 72, 530, 286, 465, 4813, 784, 428, 318, 35212, 784, 339, 373, 281, 11536, 3710, 13, 314, 550, 635, 2982, 339, 373, 835, 517, 43157, 621, 339, 815, 423, 587, 11, 355, 339, 373, 1029, 319, 39278, 13, 383, 6846, 373, 2081, 13, 198, 47, 7958, 510, 262, 12838, 422, 655, 706, 262, 15375, 3701, 14382, 4519, 13, 383, 275, 24913, 13112, 832, 262, 4315, 319, 511, 289, 18463, 11, 655, 348, 6457, 278, 1613, 9055, 290, 347, 445, 268, 8873, 701, 13, 383, 3155, 547, 6716, 618, 3685, 23681, 503, 2166, 290, 14015, 29876, 8528, 259, 373, 13642, 14917, 13, 24682, 72, 550, 11, 379, 428 ]
[ 3958, 3403, 555, 1063, 430, 1524, 459, 4879, 311, 5906, 346, 4469, 349, 574, 459, 35355, 28390, 315, 264, 90303, 28075, 13, 578, 3371, 261, 753, 10177, 11, 11284, 40692, 323, 813, 4333, 622, 1196, 13, 10357, 309, 70287, 32485, 40788, 11, 323, 1389, 1694, 1403, 4251, 3026, 3515, 7577, 264, 3995, 3776, 8334, 11, 1051, 1101, 91533, 13, 358, 8631, 420, 1162, 439, 11, 520, 279, 892, 24008, 574, 5029, 264, 3995, 4251, 5333, 2663, 393, 32055, 426, 1171, 268, 6292, 728, 627, 86791, 1550, 2343, 1063, 75499, 311, 813, 13219, 11, 36813, 279, 9259, 323, 468, 72505, 98898, 304, 279, 10677, 315, 813, 3094, 2269, 1894, 753, 53879, 13, 1283, 23980, 927, 311, 393, 32055, 753, 323, 279, 1403, 23980, 1022, 369, 279, 21497, 13, 1666, 264, 1716, 358, 1047, 6755, 568, 574, 264, 85448, 11, 323, 393, 32055, 832, 315, 813, 7724, 1389, 420, 374, 88977, 1389, 568, 574, 459, 17979, 5575, 13, 358, 1047, 1101, 6755, 568, 574, 1648, 810, 93111, 1109, 568, 1288, 617, 1027, 11, 439, 568, 574, 1579, 389, 21747, 85890, 13, 578, 15629, 574, 837, 627, 47, 16671, 709, 279, 24162, 505, 1120, 1306, 279, 34644, 6690, 19563, 10672, 13, 578, 38645, 388, 32122, 1555, 279, 13734, 389, 872, 305, 27403, 11, 1120, 421, 8934, 287, 3347, 24008, 323, 426, 1171, 268, 6292, 728, 13, 578, 5743, 1051, 14373, 994, 9349, 61274, 704, 4156, 323, 23597, 56254, 19984, 258, 574, 33085, 40711, 13, 393, 32055, 1047, 11, 520, 420 ]
[ 1486, 11, 1047, 3403, 323, 6052, 311, 279, 1841, 13, 84777, 4934, 311, 15020, 2212, 11, 323, 1120, 4972, 311, 279, 46048, 57200, 743, 6773, 568, 1053, 733, 1203, 304, 311, 2339, 1124, 13, 578, 1403, 1047, 4339, 11, 84777, 574, 279, 810, 5457, 1285, 315, 279, 1403, 13, 1283, 30418, 813, 6166, 11, 323, 279, 1403, 1903, 872, 1648, 1203, 311, 279, 6566, 1389, 1148, 1436, 733, 5076, 5380, 36064, 1389, 4395, 1436, 733, 5076, 1389, 323, 433, 7077, 1633, 6288, 13, 8595, 433, 76782, 374, 264, 3917, 311, 8101, 1816, 1389, 2768, 279, 10672, 11, 4872, 315, 279, 30781, 12735, 40904, 3451, 46714, 3919, 529, 426, 42876, 11224, 389, 47474, 1111, 13792, 5960, 13175, 198, 51928, 814, 320, 1820, 21497, 3427, 388, 8, 3940, 76851, 927, 1057, 31553, 814, 3940, 433, 89874, 1548, 4024, 389, 311, 2019, 872, 31553, 15609, 872, 4395, 13, 15148, 420, 12330, 315, 9349, 9057, 1606, 4423, 66472, 264, 13260, 927, 30, 763, 904, 1162, 279, 46048, 57200, 1047, 1193, 1120, 6137, 872, 743, 994, 279, 1912, 315, 24830, 753, 43145, 520, 279, 4156, 315, 279, 6566, 11084, 11, 1578, 389, 279, 13734, 11, 1093, 459, 59652, 1122, 1343, 33383, 87, 13, 578, 13734, 704, 4156, 77810, 13, 84777, 24008, 1047, 45519, 47088, 264, 19114, 22685, 520, 279, 3185, 315, 279, 6566, 1603, 279, 22531, 11, 8530, 8430, 30549, 709, 1070, 1389, 719, 264, 24830, 753, 23950, 30418, 1461, 555, 279, 2487, 323, 22982, 1461, 311, 279, 5015, 13, 24008, 1203 ]
the Good Governance in the Public Sector Framework, as outlined in the Special Report No 27/2016: Governance at the European Commission – best practice of the European Court of Auditors: Role/Composition of Audit Progress Committee and selected audit committees compared to best practices recommended by Good Governance in the Public Sector Framework [1] Sources: World Food Programme: Terms of reference for the Audit Committee of the World Food Programme (November 2011), European Investment Bank: Audit Committee Charter (June 2007), World Bank Group: World Bank Resolution Standing Committees (2009), Annex A Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee, United Nations: Terms of reference for the Independent Audit Advisory Committee and strengthening the Office of Internal Oversight Services (June 2007). [2] Source: ECA. The APC Charter also refers to external audit (see paragraph 30). 3rd Meeting of UN System Oversight Committees On 11-12 December 2018, the 3rd meeting of Oversight Committees from the United Nations system took place in New York. Mr. Suresh Kana, the current Chairperson of the WFP Audit Committee since 2017, joined the meeting. The agenda included, among others, the following items: • Assessing organizational culture, including in the context of digital
the Good Governance in the Public Sector Framework, as outlined in the Special Report No 27/2016: Governance at the European Commission – best practice of the European Court of Auditors: Role/Composition of Audit Progress Committee and selected audit committees compared to best practices recommended by Good Governance in the Public Sector Framework [1] Sources: World Food Programme: Terms of reference for the Audit Committee of the World Food Programme (November 2011), European Investment Bank: Audit Committee Charter (June 2007), World Bank Group: World Bank Resolution Standing Committees (2009), Annex A Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee, United Nations: Terms of reference for the Independent Audit Advisory Committee and strengthening the Office of Internal Oversight Services (June 2007). [2] Source: ECA. The APC Charter also refers to external audit (see paragraph 30). 3rd Meeting of UN System Oversight Committees On 11-12 December 2018, the 3rd meeting of Oversight Committees from the United Nations system took place in New York. Mr. Suresh Kana, the current Chairperson of the WFP Audit Committee since 2017, joined the meeting. The agenda included, among others, the following items: • Assessing organizational culture, including in the context of digital
ization, and how oversight committees can stimulate the discussion of purpose and future orientation of an organization; • The role of oversight committees in supporting and overseeing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and • Statement on internal control framework and how oversight committees can add value, including identifying the indicators of significant control or risk management deficiencies. WFP Audit Committee Chairperson Mr. Suresh Kana (South Africa), second row, the fifth from the left. 2nd Meeting of UN System Oversight Committees On 12-13 December 2017, the 2nd meeting of Oversight Committees from the United Nations system took place in New York. Mr. Suresh Kana, the current Chairperson of the WFP Audit Committee since 2017, joined the meeting. The agenda included the following items: Addressing new and emerging risks, in particular, cyber-security, and digitalization; Examining the role of oversight committees in the United Nations system setting, including its relationship with external auditors; Discussing good practices and challenges in addressing the performance and resourcing of the internal oversight function; and Briefing from KPMG on the outcome of the global survey pertaining to the role of audit committees. All of these issues have
[ 262, 4599, 3948, 590, 287, 262, 5094, 25892, 25161, 11, 355, 16493, 287, 262, 6093, 6358, 1400, 2681, 14, 5304, 25, 3948, 590, 379, 262, 3427, 4513, 784, 1266, 3357, 286, 262, 3427, 3078, 286, 7591, 6742, 25, 198, 47445, 14, 5377, 9150, 286, 46450, 18387, 4606, 290, 6163, 14984, 17460, 3688, 284, 1266, 6593, 7151, 416, 4599, 3948, 590, 287, 262, 5094, 25892, 25161, 198, 58, 16, 60, 26406, 25, 2159, 7318, 35232, 25, 17637, 286, 4941, 329, 262, 46450, 4606, 286, 262, 2159, 7318, 35232, 357, 21159, 2813, 828, 3427, 20877, 5018, 25, 46450, 4606, 23006, 357, 15749, 4343, 828, 2159, 5018, 4912, 25, 2159, 5018, 22406, 22493, 27808, 357, 10531, 828, 47036, 317, 17637, 286, 20984, 286, 262, 46450, 4606, 11, 1578, 7973, 25, 17637, 286, 4941, 329, 262, 13362, 46450, 23943, 4606, 290, 24175, 262, 4452, 286, 18628, 35968, 6168, 357, 15749, 4343, 737, 198, 58, 17, 60, 8090, 25, 412, 8141, 13, 383, 3486, 34, 23006, 635, 10229, 284, 7097, 14984, 357, 3826, 7322, 1542, 737, 198, 18, 4372, 22244, 286, 4725, 4482, 35968, 27808, 198, 2202, 1367, 12, 1065, 3426, 2864, 11, 262, 513, 4372, 3249, 286, 35968, 27808, 422, 262, 1578, 7973, 1080, 1718, 1295, 287, 968, 1971, 13, 1770, 13, 311, 942, 71, 509, 2271, 11, 262, 1459, 9369, 6259, 286, 262, 370, 5837, 46450, 4606, 1201, 2177, 11, 5399, 262, 3249, 13, 198, 464, 8666, 3017, 11, 1871, 1854, 11, 262, 1708, 3709, 25, 198, 3581, 2195, 27289, 26564, 3968, 11, 1390, 287, 262, 4732, 286, 4875 ]
[ 279, 7839, 81689, 304, 279, 3142, 41824, 24686, 11, 439, 33740, 304, 279, 9984, 8423, 2360, 220, 1544, 14, 679, 21, 25, 81689, 520, 279, 7665, 9849, 1389, 1888, 6725, 315, 279, 7665, 7301, 315, 15416, 12170, 512, 9207, 14, 76783, 315, 48746, 16418, 10554, 323, 4183, 25261, 42547, 7863, 311, 1888, 12659, 11349, 555, 7839, 81689, 304, 279, 3142, 41824, 24686, 198, 58, 16, 60, 48132, 25, 4435, 12369, 47516, 25, 20163, 315, 5905, 369, 279, 48746, 10554, 315, 279, 4435, 12369, 47516, 320, 34827, 220, 679, 16, 705, 7665, 33350, 8715, 25, 48746, 10554, 49705, 320, 28259, 220, 1049, 22, 705, 4435, 8715, 5856, 25, 4435, 8715, 38216, 46327, 69017, 320, 1049, 24, 705, 89720, 362, 20163, 315, 17650, 315, 279, 48746, 10554, 11, 3723, 19687, 25, 20163, 315, 5905, 369, 279, 22765, 48746, 45013, 10554, 323, 48513, 279, 8410, 315, 15774, 90951, 8471, 320, 28259, 220, 1049, 22, 4390, 58, 17, 60, 8922, 25, 469, 5158, 13, 578, 87341, 49705, 1101, 19813, 311, 9434, 25261, 320, 4151, 14646, 220, 966, 4390, 18, 6634, 30155, 315, 6781, 744, 90951, 69017, 198, 1966, 220, 806, 12, 717, 6790, 220, 679, 23, 11, 279, 220, 18, 6634, 6574, 315, 90951, 69017, 505, 279, 3723, 19687, 1887, 3952, 2035, 304, 1561, 4356, 13, 4491, 13, 328, 1439, 71, 735, 3444, 11, 279, 1510, 16478, 9164, 315, 279, 468, 11960, 48746, 10554, 2533, 220, 679, 22, 11, 11096, 279, 6574, 627, 791, 18909, 5343, 11, 4315, 3885, 11, 279, 2768, 3673, 512, 6806, 82935, 287, 41295, 7829, 11, 2737, 304, 279, 2317, 315, 7528 ]
[ 2065, 11, 323, 1268, 38189, 42547, 649, 51077, 279, 10430, 315, 7580, 323, 3938, 17140, 315, 459, 7471, 280, 6806, 578, 3560, 315, 38189, 42547, 304, 12899, 323, 68704, 279, 8292, 315, 279, 220, 9639, 15, 58662, 369, 61593, 11050, 26, 323, 198, 6806, 22504, 389, 5419, 2585, 12914, 323, 1268, 38189, 42547, 649, 923, 907, 11, 2737, 25607, 279, 34824, 315, 5199, 2585, 477, 5326, 6373, 72946, 627, 54, 11960, 48746, 10554, 16478, 9164, 4491, 13, 328, 1439, 71, 735, 3444, 320, 26070, 10384, 705, 2132, 2872, 11, 279, 18172, 505, 279, 2163, 627, 17, 303, 30155, 315, 6781, 744, 90951, 69017, 198, 1966, 220, 717, 12, 1032, 6790, 220, 679, 22, 11, 279, 220, 17, 303, 6574, 315, 90951, 69017, 505, 279, 3723, 19687, 1887, 3952, 2035, 304, 1561, 4356, 13, 4491, 13, 328, 1439, 71, 735, 3444, 11, 279, 1510, 16478, 9164, 315, 279, 468, 11960, 48746, 10554, 2533, 220, 679, 22, 11, 11096, 279, 6574, 627, 791, 18909, 5343, 279, 2768, 3673, 512, 4383, 287, 502, 323, 24084, 15635, 11, 304, 4040, 11, 21516, 63302, 11, 323, 7528, 2065, 280, 67794, 5859, 279, 3560, 315, 38189, 42547, 304, 279, 3723, 19687, 1887, 6376, 11, 2737, 1202, 5133, 449, 9434, 6264, 12170, 280, 97654, 287, 1695, 12659, 323, 11774, 304, 28118, 279, 5178, 323, 594, 43662, 315, 279, 5419, 38189, 734, 26, 323, 198, 87084, 287, 505, 735, 8971, 38, 389, 279, 15632, 315, 279, 3728, 10795, 47031, 311, 279, 3560, 315, 25261, 42547, 627, 2460, 315, 1521, 4819, 617 ]
still gave it a good score overall. SorcererHeidi, Alicenwonderment and TexasErin like this. Obviously hard to know what others would know - what seems very obvious to one person may not be to others. So perhaps the restaurant could have a note - particularly if it is something like "the flavor of today has alcohol" or something where it isn't a typical offerings. True. If I saw that the dessert was moscato sorbet and I had no idea what moscato was, I'd be Googling it on my phone or asking my server, especially if I have dietary restrictions. I've done that plenty of times when there was something I didn't recognize. I actually would love if restaurants would have complete ingredients lists readily available for all menu items, as well as nutrition information. And it doesn't even need to be on the menu which would be unwieldy. Nearly everyone has a smart phone. Put a QR code next to each item that I can scan and pull up the info instantly. BarbieGal457, SorcererHeidi and Jennifer Bowers like this. Many valid points above. I thought the sorbet had alcohol in it that didn't go through the cooking process
still gave it a good score overall. SorcererHeidi, Alicenwonderment and TexasErin like this. Obviously hard to know what others would know - what seems very obvious to one person may not be to others. So perhaps the restaurant could have a note - particularly if it is something like "the flavor of today has alcohol" or something where it isn't a typical offerings. True. If I saw that the dessert was moscato sorbet and I had no idea what moscato was, I'd be Googling it on my phone or asking my server, especially if I have dietary restrictions. I've done that plenty of times when there was something I didn't recognize. I actually would love if restaurants would have complete ingredients lists readily available for all menu items, as well as nutrition information. And it doesn't even need to be on the menu which would be unwieldy. Nearly everyone has a smart phone. Put a QR code next to each item that I can scan and pull up the info instantly. BarbieGal457, SorcererHeidi and Jennifer Bowers like this. Many valid points above. I thought the sorbet had alcohol in it that didn't go through the cooking process
. Maybe if a food item contains alcohol that can get you drunk "tipsy" whatever you want to call it then it should indicate that on the menu (it is illegal under 21 and a mind-altering drug). I think zebra domes have a notification on them? Correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't there always notification about consuming raw or undercooked fish at sushi places? So something similar to that. If it contains alcohol then it's not necessarly a dietary restriction/allergy concern, but something that directly affects brain chemistry on everyone. This post is becoming . I don't think I can go any deeper. lol. Or as more restuarnts move to a electronic menu where you get an iPad instead of paper menu they could have the info there ... and allow for more info describing the item. I know with my wife who doesn't eat beef or pork sometimes it will list some type of cured meat that we have to ask about - this way they could list the item and also a description of what the source is, how it is made, etc. I've never encountered that. What a waste of money. Having to have a whole slew of iPads, which aren't cheap, and are probably
[ 991, 2921, 340, 257, 922, 4776, 4045, 13, 198, 50, 8387, 11751, 1544, 19830, 11, 34745, 268, 86, 8623, 434, 290, 3936, 9139, 259, 588, 428, 13, 198, 20670, 1327, 284, 760, 644, 1854, 561, 760, 532, 644, 2331, 845, 3489, 284, 530, 1048, 743, 407, 307, 284, 1854, 13, 198, 2396, 3737, 262, 7072, 714, 423, 257, 3465, 532, 3573, 611, 340, 318, 1223, 588, 366, 1169, 9565, 286, 1909, 468, 5548, 1, 393, 1223, 810, 340, 2125, 470, 257, 7226, 18369, 13, 198, 17821, 13, 1002, 314, 2497, 326, 262, 23084, 373, 10867, 66, 5549, 25655, 11181, 290, 314, 550, 645, 2126, 644, 10867, 66, 5549, 373, 11, 314, 1549, 307, 1514, 519, 1359, 340, 319, 616, 3072, 393, 4737, 616, 4382, 11, 2592, 611, 314, 423, 15429, 8733, 13, 314, 1053, 1760, 326, 6088, 286, 1661, 618, 612, 373, 1223, 314, 1422, 470, 7564, 13, 198, 40, 1682, 561, 1842, 611, 10808, 561, 423, 1844, 9391, 8341, 14704, 1695, 329, 477, 6859, 3709, 11, 355, 880, 355, 16633, 1321, 13, 843, 340, 1595, 470, 772, 761, 284, 307, 319, 262, 6859, 543, 561, 307, 7379, 1164, 88, 13, 21233, 2506, 468, 257, 4451, 3072, 13, 5930, 257, 42137, 2438, 1306, 284, 1123, 2378, 326, 314, 460, 9367, 290, 2834, 510, 262, 7508, 11101, 13, 198, 10374, 12590, 26552, 33032, 11, 30467, 1544, 19830, 290, 16348, 347, 3618, 588, 428, 13, 198, 7085, 4938, 2173, 2029, 13, 314, 1807, 262, 25655, 11181, 550, 5548, 287, 340, 326, 1422, 470, 467, 832, 262, 10801, 1429 ]
[ 2103, 6688, 433, 264, 1695, 5573, 8244, 627, 50, 269, 69981, 1548, 12558, 11, 64258, 268, 86, 14518, 479, 323, 8421, 20027, 258, 1093, 420, 627, 49314, 2653, 311, 1440, 1148, 3885, 1053, 1440, 482, 1148, 5084, 1633, 8196, 311, 832, 1732, 1253, 539, 387, 311, 3885, 627, 4516, 8530, 279, 10960, 1436, 617, 264, 5296, 482, 8104, 422, 433, 374, 2555, 1093, 330, 1820, 17615, 315, 3432, 706, 13200, 1, 477, 2555, 1405, 433, 4536, 956, 264, 14595, 33935, 627, 2575, 13, 1442, 358, 5602, 430, 279, 43849, 574, 23518, 66, 4428, 25551, 29651, 323, 358, 1047, 912, 4623, 1148, 23518, 66, 4428, 574, 11, 358, 4265, 387, 6122, 540, 2785, 433, 389, 856, 4641, 477, 10371, 856, 3622, 11, 5423, 422, 358, 617, 34625, 17294, 13, 358, 3077, 2884, 430, 11510, 315, 3115, 994, 1070, 574, 2555, 358, 3287, 956, 15641, 627, 40, 3604, 1053, 3021, 422, 15926, 1053, 617, 4686, 14293, 11725, 31368, 2561, 369, 682, 5130, 3673, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 26677, 2038, 13, 1628, 433, 3250, 956, 1524, 1205, 311, 387, 389, 279, 5130, 902, 1053, 387, 15375, 823, 88, 13, 49669, 5127, 706, 264, 7941, 4641, 13, 10435, 264, 39799, 2082, 1828, 311, 1855, 1537, 430, 358, 649, 8737, 323, 6958, 709, 279, 3630, 22571, 627, 3511, 22493, 53619, 21675, 11, 30631, 69981, 1548, 12558, 323, 30750, 426, 16345, 1093, 420, 627, 8607, 2764, 3585, 3485, 13, 358, 3463, 279, 25551, 29651, 1047, 13200, 304, 433, 430, 3287, 956, 733, 1555, 279, 17677, 1920 ]
[ 13, 10926, 422, 264, 3691, 1537, 5727, 13200, 430, 649, 636, 499, 29850, 330, 46554, 88, 1, 8996, 499, 1390, 311, 1650, 433, 1243, 433, 1288, 13519, 430, 389, 279, 5130, 320, 275, 374, 12079, 1234, 220, 1691, 323, 264, 4059, 19308, 60485, 5623, 4390, 40, 1781, 1167, 51313, 4824, 288, 617, 264, 11801, 389, 1124, 30, 41070, 757, 422, 358, 2846, 5076, 627, 89041, 956, 1070, 2744, 11801, 922, 35208, 7257, 477, 1234, 99797, 7795, 520, 67322, 7634, 30, 2100, 2555, 4528, 311, 430, 13, 1442, 433, 5727, 13200, 1243, 433, 596, 539, 4541, 277, 398, 264, 34625, 20020, 32506, 43043, 4747, 11, 719, 2555, 430, 6089, 22223, 8271, 30903, 389, 5127, 627, 2028, 1772, 374, 10671, 662, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 358, 649, 733, 904, 19662, 13, 28509, 627, 2244, 439, 810, 2800, 19253, 66777, 3351, 311, 264, 14683, 5130, 1405, 499, 636, 459, 23067, 4619, 315, 5684, 5130, 814, 1436, 617, 279, 3630, 1070, 2564, 323, 2187, 369, 810, 3630, 23524, 279, 1537, 13, 358, 1440, 449, 856, 7555, 889, 3250, 956, 8343, 25309, 477, 36167, 7170, 433, 690, 1160, 1063, 955, 315, 64688, 13339, 430, 584, 617, 311, 2610, 922, 482, 420, 1648, 814, 1436, 1160, 279, 1537, 323, 1101, 264, 4096, 315, 1148, 279, 2592, 374, 11, 1268, 433, 374, 1903, 11, 5099, 627, 40, 3077, 2646, 23926, 430, 13, 3639, 264, 12571, 315, 3300, 13, 20636, 311, 617, 264, 4459, 60132, 315, 77586, 7819, 11, 902, 7784, 956, 12136, 11, 323, 527, 4762 ]
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[ 262, 1933, 25, 9718, 32953, 278, 58, 1049, 1282, 504, 2907, 504, 1416, 263, 24821, 25, 1754, 591, 27640, 2615, 1021, 667, 2317, 11, 56367, 31850, 25, 320, 2196, 8, 591, 720, 2611, 2907, 504, 7026, 3356, 1733, 2907, 1733, 85940, 1021, 504, 1716, 25, 4603, 1021, 2611, 5413, 25, 738, 15758, 7825, 7, 23, 1350, 1835 ]
[ 692, 1716, 25, 738, 2991, 493, 1336, 82, 3379, 2611, 1933, 25, 9718, 32953, 278, 58, 1049, 1282, 504, 2907, 504, 1416, 263, 24821, 25, 1754, 591, 27640, 2615, 1021, 667, 2317, 11, 56367, 31850, 25, 320, 2196, 8, 591, 720, 2611, 2907, 504, 7026, 3356, 1733, 2907, 310, 3291, 692, 5235, 10267, 757, 1440, 422, 433, 44204, 990, 198, 1229, 25, 56813, 15596, 389, 23804, 13576, 304, 264, 8521, 5135, 358, 617, 264, 5135, 2585, 9204, 264, 2478, 23804, 75658 ]
would eventually sire children with deities, when both were ready for it. However, one day, as Cecilia was getting ready for another day of training with Marcellus, she felt an odd feeling, one she hadn’t felt for eight years. Since she had developed her powers more, she was able to work out that it was due to the fact that there was a pregnant woman nearby, however, she was the only person in their room. After talking Marcellus into changing their training – telling him they should focus on learning more about their environment – she was able to secretly buy a pregnancy test in order to confirm her suspicions. However, Marcellus caught her and, after questioning her, she came clean, much to his shock. When they got back to the base, Cecilia tested everything and the results came back positive. When she told Marcellus, he tried to act happy – enough to fool Cecilia at least – however, he was worried about what would happen when the others found out. The next day, Marcellus proposed to Cecilia, wanting to marry her, and she said yes. However, while the couple were happy together and, in secret, excited for the arrival of a baby, the joy was not
would eventually sire children with deities, when both were ready for it. However, one day, as Cecilia was getting ready for another day of training with Marcellus, she felt an odd feeling, one she hadn’t felt for eight years. Since she had developed her powers more, she was able to work out that it was due to the fact that there was a pregnant woman nearby, however, she was the only person in their room. After talking Marcellus into changing their training – telling him they should focus on learning more about their environment – she was able to secretly buy a pregnancy test in order to confirm her suspicions. However, Marcellus caught her and, after questioning her, she came clean, much to his shock. When they got back to the base, Cecilia tested everything and the results came back positive. When she told Marcellus, he tried to act happy – enough to fool Cecilia at least – however, he was worried about what would happen when the others found out. The next day, Marcellus proposed to Cecilia, wanting to marry her, and she said yes. However, while the couple were happy together and, in secret, excited for the arrival of a baby, the joy was not
shared with the rest of the Adkins family, mainly Elijah. He tried to pressure his son into ending the relationship with Cecilia, believing her to be a liability and that his son should be more focused in continuing the family line. Unfortunately, during one of their arguments, Marcellus let it slip that Cecilia was pregnant, with his daughter. In rage, Elijah almost killed his son for “betraying” him, Marcellus only being saved by his magic. Luckily for Marcellus and Cecilia, Elijah kept the news of his future granddaughter secret, though more because of shame than because of any love he bore his family. However, Marcellus had already decided that the only way to protect his future wife and unborn daughter was to murder his father and for him to take his place as leader of the assassins. While Marcellus and his most trusted friends were busy planning the perfect attack, he kept his plans secret from his future wife, worried that any added stress on her would hurt her and the baby. However, she found out what he was doing when she overheard him discuss his plans with his friends and questioned him about it. He revealed his plan to her, much to Cecilia’s shock. Knowing that asking
[ 561, 4191, 264, 557, 1751, 351, 43844, 11, 618, 1111, 547, 3492, 329, 340, 13, 2102, 11, 530, 1110, 11, 355, 23367, 17517, 373, 1972, 3492, 329, 1194, 1110, 286, 3047, 351, 1526, 3846, 385, 11, 673, 2936, 281, 5629, 4203, 11, 530, 673, 8020, 447, 247, 83, 2936, 329, 3624, 812, 13, 4619, 673, 550, 4166, 607, 5635, 517, 11, 673, 373, 1498, 284, 670, 503, 326, 340, 373, 2233, 284, 262, 1109, 326, 612, 373, 257, 10423, 2415, 6716, 11, 2158, 11, 673, 373, 262, 691, 1048, 287, 511, 2119, 13, 2293, 3375, 1526, 3846, 385, 656, 5609, 511, 3047, 784, 5149, 683, 484, 815, 2962, 319, 4673, 517, 546, 511, 2858, 784, 673, 373, 1498, 284, 17348, 2822, 257, 10241, 1332, 287, 1502, 284, 6216, 607, 30508, 13, 2102, 11, 1526, 3846, 385, 4978, 607, 290, 11, 706, 14085, 607, 11, 673, 1625, 3424, 11, 881, 284, 465, 6380, 13, 1649, 484, 1392, 736, 284, 262, 2779, 11, 23367, 17517, 6789, 2279, 290, 262, 2482, 1625, 736, 3967, 13, 1649, 673, 1297, 1526, 3846, 385, 11, 339, 3088, 284, 719, 3772, 784, 1576, 284, 9192, 23367, 17517, 379, 1551, 784, 2158, 11, 339, 373, 7960, 546, 644, 561, 1645, 618, 262, 1854, 1043, 503, 13, 383, 1306, 1110, 11, 1526, 3846, 385, 5150, 284, 23367, 17517, 11, 10291, 284, 12479, 607, 11, 290, 673, 531, 3763, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 981, 262, 3155, 547, 3772, 1978, 290, 11, 287, 3200, 11, 6568, 329, 262, 10325, 286, 257, 5156, 11, 262, 8716, 373, 407 ]
[ 1053, 9778, 87011, 2911, 449, 409, 1385, 11, 994, 2225, 1051, 5644, 369, 433, 13, 4452, 11, 832, 1938, 11, 439, 50245, 25045, 574, 3794, 5644, 369, 2500, 1938, 315, 4967, 449, 2947, 5997, 355, 11, 1364, 6612, 459, 10535, 8430, 11, 832, 1364, 19117, 1431, 6612, 369, 8223, 1667, 13, 8876, 1364, 1047, 8040, 1077, 13736, 810, 11, 1364, 574, 3025, 311, 990, 704, 430, 433, 574, 4245, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 1070, 574, 264, 20895, 5333, 14373, 11, 4869, 11, 1364, 574, 279, 1193, 1732, 304, 872, 3130, 13, 4740, 7556, 2947, 5997, 355, 1139, 10223, 872, 4967, 1389, 11890, 1461, 814, 1288, 5357, 389, 6975, 810, 922, 872, 4676, 1389, 1364, 574, 3025, 311, 42839, 3780, 264, 20209, 1296, 304, 2015, 311, 7838, 1077, 79607, 13, 4452, 11, 2947, 5997, 355, 10791, 1077, 323, 11, 1306, 34685, 1077, 11, 1364, 3782, 4335, 11, 1790, 311, 813, 10988, 13, 3277, 814, 2751, 1203, 311, 279, 2385, 11, 50245, 25045, 12793, 4395, 323, 279, 3135, 3782, 1203, 6928, 13, 3277, 1364, 3309, 2947, 5997, 355, 11, 568, 6818, 311, 1180, 6380, 1389, 3403, 311, 24931, 50245, 25045, 520, 3325, 1389, 4869, 11, 568, 574, 18290, 922, 1148, 1053, 3621, 994, 279, 3885, 1766, 704, 13, 578, 1828, 1938, 11, 2947, 5997, 355, 11223, 311, 50245, 25045, 11, 19762, 311, 32918, 1077, 11, 323, 1364, 1071, 10035, 627, 11458, 11, 1418, 279, 5743, 1051, 6380, 3871, 323, 11, 304, 6367, 11, 12304, 369, 279, 19163, 315, 264, 8945, 11, 279, 16267, 574, 539 ]
[ 6222, 449, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 2467, 11966, 3070, 11, 14918, 83692, 13, 1283, 6818, 311, 7410, 813, 4538, 1139, 13696, 279, 5133, 449, 50245, 25045, 11, 35090, 1077, 311, 387, 264, 24305, 323, 430, 813, 4538, 1288, 387, 810, 10968, 304, 14691, 279, 3070, 1584, 13, 19173, 11, 2391, 832, 315, 872, 6105, 11, 2947, 5997, 355, 1095, 433, 21818, 430, 50245, 25045, 574, 20895, 11, 449, 813, 10003, 13, 763, 34049, 11, 83692, 4661, 7577, 813, 4538, 369, 1054, 29651, 11872, 287, 863, 1461, 11, 2947, 5997, 355, 1193, 1694, 6924, 555, 813, 11204, 13, 48600, 369, 2947, 5997, 355, 323, 50245, 25045, 11, 83692, 8774, 279, 3754, 315, 813, 3938, 92490, 6367, 11, 3582, 810, 1606, 315, 21648, 1109, 1606, 315, 904, 3021, 568, 39786, 813, 3070, 13, 4452, 11, 2947, 5997, 355, 1047, 2736, 6773, 430, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 6144, 813, 3938, 7555, 323, 86333, 10003, 574, 311, 10102, 813, 7126, 323, 369, 1461, 311, 1935, 813, 2035, 439, 7808, 315, 279, 26816, 1354, 627, 8142, 2947, 5997, 355, 323, 813, 1455, 22542, 4885, 1051, 13326, 9293, 279, 4832, 3440, 11, 568, 8774, 813, 6787, 6367, 505, 813, 3938, 7555, 11, 18290, 430, 904, 3779, 8631, 389, 1077, 1053, 13194, 1077, 323, 279, 8945, 13, 4452, 11, 1364, 1766, 704, 1148, 568, 574, 3815, 994, 1364, 927, 55603, 1461, 4358, 813, 6787, 449, 813, 4885, 323, 29440, 1461, 922, 433, 13, 1283, 10675, 813, 3197, 311, 1077, 11, 1790, 311, 50245, 25045, 753, 10988, 13, 58733, 430, 10371 ]
Context is a crucial, yet often overlooked, parameter in designing streets. Street design should both respond to and influence the desired character of the public realm. Rooted in city goals and policies, designers can work to enhance their surroundings by Downtown 1-Way Street In the mid-20th century, many 2-way downtown streets were converted to 1-way to streamline traffic operations, reduce conflicts, and create direct access points to newly built urban freeways. Today, many of these streets operate significantly below capacity and create swaths Busy downtown streets that operate 2-way are often the most difficult streets for cities to reconfigure and retrofit. Many of these streets suffer from double parking and loading conflicts, have heavy turn volumes, and offer insufficient accommodations for bicyclists and Downtown Thoroughfare Major streets that connect neighborhood centers or run through the downtown can be daunting for pedestrians to cross, depressing property values and the quality of the public realm as a result.While many of these streets have significant traffic volumes at Neighborhood Main Street Neighborhood main streets are a nexus of neighborhood life, with high pedestrian volumes, frequent parking turnover, key transit routes, and bicyclists all vying for limited space. Neighborhood Street
Context is a crucial, yet often overlooked, parameter in designing streets. Street design should both respond to and influence the desired character of the public realm. Rooted in city goals and policies, designers can work to enhance their surroundings by Downtown 1-Way Street In the mid-20th century, many 2-way downtown streets were converted to 1-way to streamline traffic operations, reduce conflicts, and create direct access points to newly built urban freeways. Today, many of these streets operate significantly below capacity and create swaths Busy downtown streets that operate 2-way are often the most difficult streets for cities to reconfigure and retrofit. Many of these streets suffer from double parking and loading conflicts, have heavy turn volumes, and offer insufficient accommodations for bicyclists and Downtown Thoroughfare Major streets that connect neighborhood centers or run through the downtown can be daunting for pedestrians to cross, depressing property values and the quality of the public realm as a result.While many of these streets have significant traffic volumes at Neighborhood Main Street Neighborhood main streets are a nexus of neighborhood life, with high pedestrian volumes, frequent parking turnover, key transit routes, and bicyclists all vying for limited space. Neighborhood Street
Local streets in residential neighborhoods are often underutilized as spaces for play and leisure. These streets should provide safe and inviting places to walk with direct access to local stores and schools. Design for local streets can combine stormwater management Yield Street 2-way yield streets are appropriate in residential environments where drivers are expected to travel at low speeds. Many yield streets have significant off-street parking provisions and on-street parking utilization of 40–60% or less. Create a “checkered” parking scheme to improve Boulevards separate very large streets into parallel urban realms, buffering the commercial or residential street edge from the high speed throughway by means of multi-way operations and frontage roads. Many boulevards were built at the turn of the 20th century, Residential Boulevard Broad historic boulevards and parkways often function as high-speed thoroughfares, even though their adjacent land uses may be primarily residential in nature. In many cases, these streets have excess width, underutilized on-street parking, and too many travel lanes. Retrofit residential Transit Corridor Transit corridors, including light rail (LRT), streetcar, and bus rapid transit (BRT), promote economic development around
[ 198, 21947, 318, 257, 8780, 11, 1865, 1690, 21655, 11, 11507, 287, 18492, 6483, 13, 3530, 1486, 815, 1111, 3031, 284, 290, 4588, 262, 10348, 2095, 286, 262, 1171, 13360, 13, 20410, 276, 287, 1748, 4661, 290, 4788, 11, 15441, 460, 670, 284, 9494, 511, 21334, 416, 198, 35, 22748, 352, 12, 25309, 3530, 198, 818, 262, 3095, 12, 1238, 400, 4289, 11, 867, 362, 12, 1014, 9436, 6483, 547, 11513, 284, 352, 12, 1014, 284, 4269, 1370, 4979, 4560, 11, 4646, 12333, 11, 290, 2251, 1277, 1895, 2173, 284, 8308, 3170, 7876, 2030, 43613, 13, 6288, 11, 867, 286, 777, 6483, 8076, 5566, 2174, 5339, 290, 2251, 1509, 33148, 198, 16286, 88, 9436, 6483, 326, 8076, 362, 12, 1014, 389, 1690, 262, 749, 2408, 6483, 329, 4736, 284, 8195, 26875, 290, 12175, 11147, 13, 4650, 286, 777, 6483, 8659, 422, 4274, 7647, 290, 11046, 12333, 11, 423, 4334, 1210, 15343, 11, 290, 2897, 19022, 33839, 329, 48094, 1023, 290, 198, 35, 22748, 536, 7985, 9496, 198, 24206, 6483, 326, 2018, 6232, 10399, 393, 1057, 832, 262, 9436, 460, 307, 30496, 329, 26735, 284, 3272, 11, 31193, 3119, 3815, 290, 262, 3081, 286, 262, 1171, 13360, 355, 257, 1255, 13, 3633, 867, 286, 777, 6483, 423, 2383, 4979, 15343, 379, 198, 46445, 2865, 2894, 8774, 3530, 198, 46445, 2865, 2894, 1388, 6483, 389, 257, 45770, 286, 6232, 1204, 11, 351, 1029, 22382, 15343, 11, 10792, 7647, 25079, 11, 1994, 11168, 11926, 11, 290, 48094, 1023, 477, 48067, 329, 3614, 2272, 13, 198, 46445, 2865, 2894, 3530 ]
[ 198, 2014, 374, 264, 16996, 11, 3686, 3629, 45536, 11, 5852, 304, 30829, 14708, 13, 6825, 2955, 1288, 2225, 6013, 311, 323, 10383, 279, 12974, 3752, 315, 279, 586, 22651, 13, 19385, 291, 304, 3363, 9021, 323, 10396, 11, 26897, 649, 990, 311, 18885, 872, 40190, 555, 198, 35, 15876, 220, 16, 13299, 352, 6825, 198, 644, 279, 5209, 12, 508, 339, 9478, 11, 1690, 220, 17, 27896, 19441, 14708, 1051, 16489, 311, 220, 16, 27896, 311, 82703, 9629, 7677, 11, 8108, 26885, 11, 323, 1893, 2167, 2680, 3585, 311, 13945, 5918, 16036, 3541, 70371, 13, 11450, 11, 1690, 315, 1521, 14708, 14816, 12207, 3770, 8824, 323, 1893, 2064, 27382, 198, 60037, 19441, 14708, 430, 14816, 220, 17, 27896, 527, 3629, 279, 1455, 5107, 14708, 369, 9919, 311, 312, 21678, 323, 25678, 13, 9176, 315, 1521, 14708, 7831, 505, 2033, 13217, 323, 8441, 26885, 11, 617, 8987, 2543, 27378, 11, 323, 3085, 39413, 55713, 369, 52517, 566, 1705, 323, 198, 35, 15876, 666, 14776, 23920, 198, 35575, 14708, 430, 4667, 12818, 19169, 477, 1629, 1555, 279, 19441, 649, 387, 57697, 369, 62558, 311, 5425, 11, 71810, 3424, 2819, 323, 279, 4367, 315, 279, 586, 22651, 439, 264, 1121, 95386, 1690, 315, 1521, 14708, 617, 5199, 9629, 27378, 520, 198, 8989, 47285, 4802, 6825, 198, 8989, 47285, 1925, 14708, 527, 264, 82501, 315, 12818, 2324, 11, 449, 1579, 47854, 27378, 11, 21420, 13217, 48639, 11, 1401, 25032, 11543, 11, 323, 52517, 566, 1705, 682, 348, 7169, 369, 7347, 3634, 627, 8989, 47285, 6825 ]
[ 198, 7469, 14708, 304, 20658, 33100, 527, 3629, 1234, 1338, 1534, 439, 12908, 369, 1514, 323, 41308, 13, 4314, 14708, 1288, 3493, 6220, 323, 42292, 7634, 311, 4321, 449, 2167, 2680, 311, 2254, 10756, 323, 8853, 13, 7127, 369, 2254, 14708, 649, 16343, 13766, 13284, 6373, 198, 56, 823, 6825, 198, 17, 27896, 7692, 14708, 527, 8475, 304, 20658, 22484, 1405, 12050, 527, 3685, 311, 5944, 520, 3428, 25753, 13, 9176, 7692, 14708, 617, 5199, 1022, 5594, 3829, 13217, 19705, 323, 389, 5594, 3829, 13217, 50549, 315, 220, 1272, 4235, 1399, 4, 477, 2753, 13, 4324, 264, 1054, 2071, 12616, 863, 13217, 13155, 311, 7417, 198, 33, 283, 3532, 2402, 8821, 1633, 3544, 14708, 1139, 15638, 16036, 77563, 11, 88239, 279, 8518, 477, 20658, 8761, 6964, 505, 279, 1579, 4732, 1555, 3195, 555, 3445, 315, 7447, 27896, 7677, 323, 4156, 425, 19795, 13, 9176, 30870, 3532, 2402, 1051, 5918, 520, 279, 2543, 315, 279, 220, 508, 339, 9478, 345, 1079, 11484, 48540, 198, 69424, 18526, 30870, 3532, 2402, 323, 6246, 2336, 3629, 734, 439, 1579, 30699, 17879, 3716, 417, 11, 1524, 3582, 872, 24894, 4363, 5829, 1253, 387, 15871, 20658, 304, 7138, 13, 763, 1690, 5157, 11, 1521, 14708, 617, 13937, 2430, 11, 1234, 1338, 1534, 389, 5594, 3829, 13217, 11, 323, 2288, 1690, 5944, 34125, 13, 58498, 20658, 198, 3246, 275, 4563, 83536, 198, 3246, 275, 75752, 11, 2737, 3177, 13881, 320, 43, 5463, 705, 8761, 7063, 11, 323, 5951, 11295, 25032, 320, 33, 5463, 705, 12192, 7100, 4500, 2212 ]
nod to how much the two characters have changed over the last few years. Daria: Why were you so anti-scholarship? Jane: No reason. Except maybe…seeing the big brains compete for a prize based on their academic achievement – well deserved, don’t get me wrong – might possibly have made little Janey feel a bit…I don’t know. Daria: Left out? Jane: Look, I’m good at the things I’m good at. Grades isn’t one of them. (sighs) We never used to think about stuff like this. Daria: I know. What’s happened to us? Jane: I don’t know. Selling out? Daria: Buying in? Jane: Joining the system? Daria: Being co-opted? Jane: Maybe we’re just getting older. Daria: Yeah, I felt a twinge of osteoporosis when I woke up this morning. Speaking as someone who went through most of their schooling with a best friend who was a wiz at academia, learning that their achievements in no way diminish your own is a
nod to how much the two characters have changed over the last few years. Daria: Why were you so anti-scholarship? Jane: No reason. Except maybe…seeing the big brains compete for a prize based on their academic achievement – well deserved, don’t get me wrong – might possibly have made little Janey feel a bit…I don’t know. Daria: Left out? Jane: Look, I’m good at the things I’m good at. Grades isn’t one of them. (sighs) We never used to think about stuff like this. Daria: I know. What’s happened to us? Jane: I don’t know. Selling out? Daria: Buying in? Jane: Joining the system? Daria: Being co-opted? Jane: Maybe we’re just getting older. Daria: Yeah, I felt a twinge of osteoporosis when I woke up this morning. Speaking as someone who went through most of their schooling with a best friend who was a wiz at academia, learning that their achievements in no way diminish your own is a
huge personal turning point. Going from being envious to genuinely proud of your friend’s achievements takes introspection and appreciation of your own strengths. Jane’s strengths lie in her art. Jane’s evolution and expression as an artist is key to her character. Rather than just saying, “oh and she paints” in a transparent attempt to give their character some depth, the writers actually succeed in giving her depth by exploring who Jane is as an artist. She doesn’t just enjoy painting and drawing, she is passionate about making art her life and her career. We learn this as early as the fourth episode of season one, College Bored, when Jane imagines what her college experience would be like. It involves spending the money on renting a loft space in New York rather than enrolling. “I used the money my parents saved for college” The episode Arts ‘n’ Crass explores Jane’s artistic integrity; something which she and Daria share. The two of them collaborate on the design for a poster which depicts “Student Life at the Dawn of the New Millennium” (ah, remember the 90s?). The staff fail to stipulate is that the message needs to be
[ 18666, 284, 703, 881, 262, 734, 3435, 423, 3421, 625, 262, 938, 1178, 812, 13, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 4162, 547, 345, 523, 3098, 12, 20601, 7828, 1056, 30, 198, 41083, 25, 1400, 1738, 13, 18181, 3863, 1399, 42041, 262, 1263, 14290, 9320, 329, 257, 11596, 1912, 319, 511, 8233, 13293, 784, 880, 20143, 11, 836, 447, 247, 83, 651, 502, 2642, 784, 1244, 5457, 423, 925, 1310, 12091, 88, 1254, 257, 1643, 1399, 40, 836, 447, 247, 83, 760, 13, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 9578, 503, 30, 198, 41083, 25, 6803, 11, 314, 447, 247, 76, 922, 379, 262, 1243, 314, 447, 247, 76, 922, 379, 13, 1902, 2367, 2125, 447, 247, 83, 530, 286, 606, 13, 357, 82, 394, 82, 8, 775, 1239, 973, 284, 892, 546, 3404, 588, 428, 13, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 314, 760, 13, 1867, 447, 247, 82, 3022, 284, 514, 30, 198, 41083, 25, 314, 836, 447, 247, 83, 760, 13, 47919, 503, 30, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 9842, 1112, 287, 30, 198, 41083, 25, 5302, 3191, 262, 1080, 30, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 11204, 763, 12, 45256, 30, 198, 41083, 25, 6674, 356, 447, 247, 260, 655, 1972, 4697, 13, 198, 35, 10312, 25, 9425, 11, 314, 2936, 257, 665, 11912, 286, 32674, 404, 273, 5958, 618, 314, 19092, 510, 428, 3329, 13, 198, 13887, 355, 2130, 508, 1816, 832, 749, 286, 511, 36946, 351, 257, 1266, 1545, 508, 373, 257, 266, 528, 379, 34326, 11, 4673, 326, 511, 16970, 287, 645, 835, 29889, 534, 898, 318, 257 ]
[ 16387, 311, 1268, 1790, 279, 1403, 5885, 617, 5614, 927, 279, 1566, 2478, 1667, 627, 35, 10649, 25, 8595, 1051, 499, 779, 7294, 1355, 331, 7569, 5383, 5380, 63602, 25, 2360, 2944, 13, 38267, 7344, 1981, 66154, 279, 2466, 35202, 20874, 369, 264, 22643, 3196, 389, 872, 14584, 26501, 1389, 1664, 45547, 11, 1541, 1431, 636, 757, 5076, 1389, 2643, 11000, 617, 1903, 2697, 4448, 1216, 2733, 264, 2766, 55080, 1541, 1431, 1440, 627, 35, 10649, 25, 14043, 704, 5380, 63602, 25, 9372, 11, 358, 4344, 1695, 520, 279, 2574, 358, 4344, 1695, 520, 13, 96320, 4536, 1431, 832, 315, 1124, 13, 320, 82, 1108, 82, 8, 1226, 2646, 1511, 311, 1781, 922, 6392, 1093, 420, 627, 35, 10649, 25, 358, 1440, 13, 3639, 753, 7077, 311, 603, 5380, 63602, 25, 358, 1541, 1431, 1440, 13, 54820, 704, 5380, 35, 10649, 25, 55409, 304, 5380, 63602, 25, 16877, 287, 279, 1887, 5380, 35, 10649, 25, 21347, 1080, 57212, 291, 5380, 63602, 25, 10926, 584, 3207, 1120, 3794, 9191, 627, 35, 10649, 25, 22335, 11, 358, 6612, 264, 4483, 18177, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 994, 358, 39826, 709, 420, 6693, 627, 33117, 439, 4423, 889, 4024, 1555, 1455, 315, 872, 68721, 449, 264, 1888, 4333, 889, 574, 264, 289, 450, 520, 67671, 11, 6975, 430, 872, 33997, 304, 912, 1648, 57160, 701, 1866, 374, 264 ]
[ 6908, 4443, 13353, 1486, 13, 35971, 505, 1694, 665, 2528, 311, 36297, 12691, 315, 701, 4333, 753, 33997, 5097, 26609, 16463, 323, 35996, 315, 701, 1866, 36486, 13, 22195, 753, 36486, 10457, 304, 1077, 1989, 627, 63602, 753, 15740, 323, 7645, 439, 459, 10255, 374, 1401, 311, 1077, 3752, 13, 26848, 1109, 1120, 5605, 11, 1054, 2319, 323, 1364, 57948, 863, 304, 264, 18300, 4879, 311, 3041, 872, 3752, 1063, 8149, 11, 279, 16483, 3604, 12265, 304, 7231, 1077, 8149, 555, 24919, 889, 22195, 374, 439, 459, 10255, 13, 3005, 3250, 1431, 1120, 4774, 19354, 323, 13633, 11, 1364, 374, 25429, 922, 3339, 1989, 1077, 2324, 323, 1077, 7076, 13, 1226, 4048, 420, 439, 4216, 439, 279, 11999, 9417, 315, 3280, 832, 11, 9304, 426, 3093, 11, 994, 22195, 6669, 1572, 1148, 1077, 7926, 3217, 1053, 387, 1093, 13, 1102, 18065, 10374, 279, 3300, 389, 53327, 264, 59527, 3634, 304, 1561, 4356, 4856, 1109, 665, 16608, 627, 10378, 1511, 279, 3300, 856, 6699, 6924, 369, 7926, 89874, 791, 9417, 17979, 3451, 77, 529, 4656, 395, 41424, 22195, 753, 32692, 17025, 26, 2555, 902, 1364, 323, 423, 10649, 4430, 13, 578, 1403, 315, 1124, 51696, 389, 279, 2955, 369, 264, 23163, 902, 62991, 1054, 14428, 9601, 520, 279, 35607, 315, 279, 1561, 72037, 863, 320, 1494, 11, 6227, 279, 220, 1954, 82, 48366, 578, 5687, 3775, 311, 43773, 6468, 374, 430, 279, 1984, 3966, 311, 387 ]
ologists and have a positive impact on Vietnam’s social and economic development. “These are spaces where students go to build and work as real engineers — from collaborating on hands-on projects with industry sponsors to developing their own inventions,” Goss said. These maker spaces will be similar to eSpaces at ASU’s Tempe campus that serve as hands-on learning spaces for freshman engineering students. The spaces will also provide a place for collaboration between Vietnamese and visiting Fulton Schools students, particularly students in the EPICS program, which organizes teams of undergraduate students to design, build and deploy systems to solve engineering-based problems for various communities and not-for-profit organizations. “Next year we expect to send ASU EPICS teams to Vietnam, where they can tackle engineering problems relevant to the local community alongside Vietnamese students,” Goss said. Transforming higher education in Vietnam The BUILD-IT Alliance was proposed by GOEE in response to USAID’s call for concepts to stimulate innovation in Vietnam’s higher education system through public-private alliances. Universities and non-governmental organizations across the nation submitted proposals. This is the third Global Development Alliance grant that the Fulton Schools have received
ologists and have a positive impact on Vietnam’s social and economic development. “These are spaces where students go to build and work as real engineers — from collaborating on hands-on projects with industry sponsors to developing their own inventions,” Goss said. These maker spaces will be similar to eSpaces at ASU’s Tempe campus that serve as hands-on learning spaces for freshman engineering students. The spaces will also provide a place for collaboration between Vietnamese and visiting Fulton Schools students, particularly students in the EPICS program, which organizes teams of undergraduate students to design, build and deploy systems to solve engineering-based problems for various communities and not-for-profit organizations. “Next year we expect to send ASU EPICS teams to Vietnam, where they can tackle engineering problems relevant to the local community alongside Vietnamese students,” Goss said. Transforming higher education in Vietnam The BUILD-IT Alliance was proposed by GOEE in response to USAID’s call for concepts to stimulate innovation in Vietnam’s higher education system through public-private alliances. Universities and non-governmental organizations across the nation submitted proposals. This is the third Global Development Alliance grant that the Fulton Schools have received
. The BUILD-IT Alliance will function within a dynamic ecosystem of students, faculty, industry and government collaborators. In addition to introducing new student learning platforms such as maker spaces for hands-on engineering education and curriculum improvements across Vietnam, the alliance aims to implement institutional policy change. This agenda will be advanced through semi-annual events hosted by visiting ASU faculty and staff that include executive leadership training and a forum geared toward women. Sherry Boger, vice president and general manager of Intel Products Vietnam, said, “HEEAP has proven to be an outstanding example of the powerful difference that can be made with a strong public-private partnership. ASU has been leading the program to achieve key objectives and today [Intel is] hiring quality students who have benefited from the improved instruction, curricula and labs.” Since 2002, GOEE has partnered with international academic institutions, governments and corporations to design professional development programs — giving Fulton Schools faculty a way to directly influence the professional development of a global network of engineers. Since 2010 more than 4,700 faculty, institutional leaders and quality assurance professionals — 27 percent of them females — have received training through HEEAP. “The HEEAP Consortium and its projects like BUILD
[ 9251, 290, 423, 257, 3967, 2928, 319, 10836, 447, 247, 82, 1919, 290, 3034, 2478, 13, 198, 447, 250, 4711, 389, 9029, 810, 2444, 467, 284, 1382, 290, 670, 355, 1103, 12037, 851, 422, 38152, 319, 2832, 12, 261, 4493, 351, 2831, 18073, 284, 5922, 511, 898, 39405, 11, 447, 251, 402, 793, 531, 13, 198, 4711, 16009, 9029, 481, 307, 2092, 284, 304, 4561, 2114, 379, 7054, 52, 447, 247, 82, 5825, 431, 7611, 326, 4691, 355, 2832, 12, 261, 4673, 9029, 329, 18621, 8705, 2444, 13, 198, 464, 9029, 481, 635, 2148, 257, 1295, 329, 12438, 1022, 23618, 290, 10013, 44373, 20357, 2444, 11, 3573, 2444, 287, 262, 14724, 19505, 1430, 11, 543, 1618, 4340, 3466, 286, 22952, 2444, 284, 1486, 11, 1382, 290, 6061, 3341, 284, 8494, 8705, 12, 3106, 2761, 329, 2972, 5348, 290, 407, 12, 1640, 12, 9183, 5745, 13, 198, 447, 250, 10019, 614, 356, 1607, 284, 3758, 7054, 52, 14724, 19505, 3466, 284, 10836, 11, 810, 484, 460, 9761, 8705, 2761, 5981, 284, 262, 1957, 2055, 7848, 23618, 2444, 11, 447, 251, 402, 793, 531, 13, 198, 8291, 15464, 2440, 3707, 287, 10836, 198, 464, 20571, 26761, 12, 2043, 10302, 373, 5150, 416, 10351, 6500, 287, 2882, 284, 4916, 2389, 447, 247, 82, 869, 329, 10838, 284, 26020, 11044, 287, 10836, 447, 247, 82, 2440, 3707, 1080, 832, 1171, 12, 19734, 29614, 13, 42571, 290, 1729, 12, 31353, 5745, 1973, 262, 3277, 8948, 11628, 13, 770, 318, 262, 2368, 8060, 7712, 10302, 7264, 326, 262, 44373, 20357, 423, 2722 ]
[ 22012, 323, 617, 264, 6928, 5536, 389, 23315, 753, 3674, 323, 7100, 4500, 627, 93269, 527, 12908, 1405, 4236, 733, 311, 1977, 323, 990, 439, 1972, 25175, 2001, 505, 73301, 389, 6206, 10539, 7224, 449, 5064, 39701, 311, 11469, 872, 1866, 85149, 2476, 480, 3746, 1071, 627, 9673, 25214, 12908, 690, 387, 4528, 311, 384, 72424, 520, 5871, 52, 753, 8817, 375, 15679, 430, 8854, 439, 6206, 10539, 6975, 12908, 369, 41317, 15009, 4236, 627, 791, 12908, 690, 1101, 3493, 264, 2035, 369, 20632, 1990, 49577, 323, 17136, 89984, 31483, 4236, 11, 8104, 4236, 304, 279, 19613, 19645, 2068, 11, 902, 2942, 4861, 7411, 315, 41534, 4236, 311, 2955, 11, 1977, 323, 10739, 6067, 311, 11886, 15009, 6108, 5435, 369, 5370, 10977, 323, 539, 15548, 28926, 11351, 627, 2118, 5971, 1060, 584, 1755, 311, 3708, 5871, 52, 19613, 19645, 7411, 311, 23315, 11, 1405, 814, 649, 22118, 15009, 5435, 9959, 311, 279, 2254, 4029, 16662, 49577, 4236, 2476, 480, 3746, 1071, 627, 9140, 287, 5190, 6873, 304, 23315, 198, 791, 48797, 12, 964, 23590, 574, 11223, 555, 12890, 7244, 304, 2077, 311, 7427, 926, 753, 1650, 369, 19476, 311, 51077, 19297, 304, 23315, 753, 5190, 6873, 1887, 1555, 586, 66377, 70800, 13, 75898, 323, 2536, 46704, 278, 11351, 4028, 279, 7140, 14976, 25243, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 4948, 8121, 11050, 23590, 13500, 430, 279, 89984, 31483, 617, 4036 ]
[ 627, 791, 48797, 12, 964, 23590, 690, 734, 2949, 264, 8915, 26031, 315, 4236, 11, 22291, 11, 5064, 323, 3109, 79119, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 33018, 502, 5575, 6975, 15771, 1778, 439, 25214, 12908, 369, 6206, 10539, 15009, 6873, 323, 30676, 18637, 4028, 23315, 11, 279, 30764, 22262, 311, 4305, 33232, 4947, 2349, 627, 2028, 18909, 690, 387, 11084, 1555, 18768, 12, 64709, 4455, 21685, 555, 17136, 5871, 52, 22291, 323, 5687, 430, 2997, 11145, 11692, 4967, 323, 264, 12111, 59547, 9017, 3278, 627, 2059, 5515, 42648, 261, 11, 17192, 4872, 323, 4689, 6783, 315, 15984, 15899, 23315, 11, 1071, 11, 1054, 1837, 36, 2599, 706, 17033, 311, 387, 459, 19310, 3187, 315, 279, 8147, 6811, 430, 649, 387, 1903, 449, 264, 3831, 586, 66377, 15664, 13, 5871, 52, 706, 1027, 6522, 279, 2068, 311, 11322, 1401, 26470, 323, 3432, 510, 50199, 374, 60, 24009, 4367, 4236, 889, 617, 56128, 505, 279, 13241, 7754, 11, 2917, 46582, 323, 51048, 49216, 12834, 220, 1049, 17, 11, 12890, 7244, 706, 53319, 449, 6625, 14584, 14673, 11, 17047, 323, 25341, 311, 2955, 6721, 4500, 7620, 2001, 7231, 89984, 31483, 22291, 264, 1648, 311, 6089, 10383, 279, 6721, 4500, 315, 264, 3728, 4009, 315, 25175, 627, 12834, 220, 679, 15, 810, 1109, 220, 19, 11, 7007, 22291, 11, 33232, 6164, 323, 4367, 44701, 15749, 2001, 220, 1544, 3346, 315, 1124, 28585, 2001, 617, 4036, 4967, 1555, 473, 7244, 2599, 627, 14305, 473, 7244, 2599, 73547, 323, 1202, 7224, 1093, 48797 ]
single can of soda a day can add 15 pounds a year. Purchasing fewer sodas Motivated by a UCLA study showing a link between soda and obesity in California, Mayor Gavin Newsom last year suggested a soda fee for San Francisco retailers who sell the beverages. He has yet to formally introduce the legislation, but in April he demanded that sugary drinks be removed from city vending machines. The new federal findings, reported by the Department of Agriculture, come a month after Harvard researchers released a study that showed people bought fewer sodas when the price was increased 35 percent. Both reports give leverage to efforts to tax sodas or levy fees on retailers who sell the sugary beverages. Even if the potential calorie reductions are small, say some nutritionists, any progress would be a success. "If there's anything that decreases the ingestion of added sugars, I guess we have to try it. If it has to be taxes, I guess it has to be taxes," said Jo Ann Hattner, a San Francisco registered dietitian who teaches nutrition courses at Stanford University School of Medicine. Beverage manufacturers have long argued against soda taxes, saying the fees would unfairly target the poor and wouldn't have any significant impact on obesity rates. Even
single can of soda a day can add 15 pounds a year. Purchasing fewer sodas Motivated by a UCLA study showing a link between soda and obesity in California, Mayor Gavin Newsom last year suggested a soda fee for San Francisco retailers who sell the beverages. He has yet to formally introduce the legislation, but in April he demanded that sugary drinks be removed from city vending machines. The new federal findings, reported by the Department of Agriculture, come a month after Harvard researchers released a study that showed people bought fewer sodas when the price was increased 35 percent. Both reports give leverage to efforts to tax sodas or levy fees on retailers who sell the sugary beverages. Even if the potential calorie reductions are small, say some nutritionists, any progress would be a success. "If there's anything that decreases the ingestion of added sugars, I guess we have to try it. If it has to be taxes, I guess it has to be taxes," said Jo Ann Hattner, a San Francisco registered dietitian who teaches nutrition courses at Stanford University School of Medicine. Beverage manufacturers have long argued against soda taxes, saying the fees would unfairly target the poor and wouldn't have any significant impact on obesity rates. Even
the harshest critics of Americans' over-consumption of sodas and other sugary beverages have said that a soda tax, unless it's so large that people refuse to pay it, won't help the country lose weight. A small tax - even a 20 percent tax that might result in people consuming slightly fewer calories every day - is "totally un-useful," Lustig said. "They're just going to make it up in other foods," he said. Americans' buying habits The USDA report is based on estimates that take into consideration studies on Americans' buying habits and their soda consumption. It predicts that a 20 percent increase in soda prices would drive more shoppers to purchase water, juice and milk instead. Replacing sodas with those beverages would lead the average adult to consume 37 fewer calories a day; the average child, 43 calories a day. The report focused only on sodas purchased at stores - not in restaurants or out of machines. The Harvard study, published in the American Journal of Public Health last month, found that when prices were raised 35 percent at a hospital cafeteria in Boston, sales of regular soft drinks fell 26 percent. The same study found that simply educating people by posting signs about the health risks associated with sodas
[ 2060, 460, 286, 20584, 257, 1110, 460, 751, 1315, 8059, 257, 614, 13, 198, 47, 2575, 2313, 7380, 32581, 292, 198, 47733, 30829, 416, 257, 21750, 2050, 4478, 257, 2792, 1022, 20584, 290, 13825, 287, 3442, 11, 10106, 30857, 3000, 296, 938, 614, 5220, 257, 20584, 6838, 329, 2986, 6033, 16167, 508, 3677, 262, 24173, 13, 679, 468, 1865, 284, 15832, 10400, 262, 5520, 11, 475, 287, 3035, 339, 12284, 326, 424, 14849, 11758, 307, 4615, 422, 1748, 47254, 8217, 13, 198, 464, 649, 2717, 6373, 11, 2098, 416, 262, 2732, 286, 19717, 11, 1282, 257, 1227, 706, 11131, 4837, 2716, 257, 2050, 326, 3751, 661, 5839, 7380, 32581, 292, 618, 262, 2756, 373, 3220, 3439, 1411, 13, 198, 10265, 3136, 1577, 16094, 284, 4040, 284, 1687, 32581, 292, 393, 35783, 6642, 319, 16167, 508, 3677, 262, 424, 14849, 24173, 13, 3412, 611, 262, 2785, 28740, 20691, 389, 1402, 11, 910, 617, 16633, 1023, 11, 597, 4371, 561, 307, 257, 1943, 13, 198, 1, 1532, 612, 338, 1997, 326, 20638, 262, 38382, 286, 2087, 34476, 11, 314, 4724, 356, 423, 284, 1949, 340, 13, 1002, 340, 468, 284, 307, 5704, 11, 314, 4724, 340, 468, 284, 307, 5704, 553, 531, 5302, 5506, 48509, 1008, 11, 257, 2986, 6033, 6823, 5496, 270, 666, 508, 17324, 16633, 10902, 379, 13863, 2059, 3961, 286, 11558, 13, 198, 33, 964, 496, 11372, 423, 890, 7189, 1028, 20584, 5704, 11, 2282, 262, 6642, 561, 30750, 2496, 262, 3595, 290, 3636, 470, 423, 597, 2383, 2928, 319, 13825, 3965, 13, 198, 6104 ]
[ 3254, 649, 315, 39962, 264, 1938, 649, 923, 220, 868, 16701, 264, 1060, 627, 47, 2639, 4522, 17162, 24905, 300, 198, 61032, 55786, 555, 264, 50751, 4007, 9204, 264, 2723, 1990, 39962, 323, 33048, 304, 7188, 11, 22868, 64495, 5513, 316, 1566, 1060, 12090, 264, 39962, 11307, 369, 5960, 13175, 30282, 889, 4662, 279, 47497, 13, 1283, 706, 3686, 311, 37402, 19678, 279, 13543, 11, 719, 304, 5936, 568, 30526, 430, 31705, 661, 21662, 387, 7108, 505, 3363, 86144, 12933, 627, 791, 502, 6918, 14955, 11, 5068, 555, 279, 6011, 315, 37963, 11, 2586, 264, 2305, 1306, 25996, 12074, 6004, 264, 4007, 430, 8710, 1274, 11021, 17162, 24905, 300, 994, 279, 3430, 574, 7319, 220, 1758, 3346, 627, 21279, 6821, 3041, 33164, 311, 9045, 311, 3827, 24905, 300, 477, 77162, 12718, 389, 30282, 889, 4662, 279, 31705, 661, 47497, 13, 7570, 422, 279, 4754, 52703, 47311, 527, 2678, 11, 2019, 1063, 26677, 1705, 11, 904, 5208, 1053, 387, 264, 2450, 627, 27806, 1070, 596, 4205, 430, 43154, 279, 88447, 315, 3779, 70913, 11, 358, 8101, 584, 617, 311, 1456, 433, 13, 1442, 433, 706, 311, 387, 13426, 11, 358, 8101, 433, 706, 311, 387, 13426, 1359, 1071, 11186, 9489, 473, 1617, 1215, 11, 264, 5960, 13175, 9879, 10173, 79544, 889, 33992, 26677, 14307, 520, 31788, 3907, 6150, 315, 19152, 627, 33, 2099, 425, 17032, 617, 1317, 18784, 2403, 39962, 13426, 11, 5605, 279, 12718, 1053, 76725, 2218, 279, 8009, 323, 8434, 956, 617, 904, 5199, 5536, 389, 33048, 7969, 627, 13461 ]
[ 279, 305, 1590, 6536, 23531, 315, 9053, 6, 927, 15204, 1264, 562, 315, 24905, 300, 323, 1023, 31705, 661, 47497, 617, 1071, 430, 264, 39962, 3827, 11, 7389, 433, 596, 779, 3544, 430, 1274, 26122, 311, 2343, 433, 11, 2834, 956, 1520, 279, 3224, 9229, 4785, 13, 362, 2678, 3827, 482, 1524, 264, 220, 508, 3346, 3827, 430, 2643, 1121, 304, 1274, 35208, 10284, 17162, 25247, 1475, 1938, 482, 374, 330, 28879, 750, 653, 25700, 1285, 1359, 74355, 343, 1071, 627, 32408, 2351, 1120, 2133, 311, 1304, 433, 709, 304, 1023, 15657, 1359, 568, 1071, 627, 92786, 6, 12096, 26870, 198, 791, 61091, 1934, 374, 3196, 389, 17989, 430, 1935, 1139, 18361, 7978, 389, 9053, 6, 12096, 26870, 323, 872, 39962, 15652, 13, 1102, 56978, 430, 264, 220, 508, 3346, 5376, 304, 39962, 7729, 1053, 6678, 810, 49835, 311, 7782, 3090, 11, 23661, 323, 14403, 4619, 13, 1050, 49033, 24905, 300, 449, 1884, 47497, 1053, 3063, 279, 5578, 6822, 311, 25024, 220, 1806, 17162, 25247, 264, 1938, 26, 279, 5578, 1716, 11, 220, 3391, 25247, 264, 1938, 627, 791, 1934, 10968, 1193, 389, 24905, 300, 15075, 520, 10756, 482, 539, 304, 15926, 477, 704, 315, 12933, 627, 791, 25996, 4007, 11, 4756, 304, 279, 3778, 10139, 315, 3142, 6401, 1566, 2305, 11, 1766, 430, 994, 7729, 1051, 9408, 220, 1758, 3346, 520, 264, 8952, 94948, 304, 10406, 11, 6763, 315, 5912, 8579, 21662, 11299, 220, 1627, 3346, 13, 578, 1890, 4007, 1766, 430, 5042, 67805, 1274, 555, 17437, 12195, 922, 279, 2890, 15635, 5938, 449, 24905, 300 ]
, even some stock (hopefully!)) and a fresh new interface. “All unnecessary visual elements have been removed,” the slide explains. “Each function also has its own color, so you have an easy overview.” The one discrepancy about today’s leak is that the Dutch LG site only mentions a Snapdragon 801 with 2GB of RAM. Earlier leaks suggested the device would sport a Snapdragon 805 processor and 3GB of RAM, so we’ll want to keep a close eye on that when the device is unveiled tomorrow. Either way, from what we can tell without actually using the device, the G3 is shaping into what will no doubt be a major contender. It’ll be difficult to stand against Samsung’s marketing muscle, but LG looks to have built a real winner. LG will officially unveil the G3 tomorrow, so stay tuned. Phones these days have a tendency to leak out ahead of their scheduled unveiling. But you’d have thought the G3 was already announced by now given how often leaks hit the Web. Still, we’re very much looking forward to getting our hands on this superphone. Below you can see the slides from the Dutch LG site for yourself
, even some stock (hopefully!)) and a fresh new interface. “All unnecessary visual elements have been removed,” the slide explains. “Each function also has its own color, so you have an easy overview.” The one discrepancy about today’s leak is that the Dutch LG site only mentions a Snapdragon 801 with 2GB of RAM. Earlier leaks suggested the device would sport a Snapdragon 805 processor and 3GB of RAM, so we’ll want to keep a close eye on that when the device is unveiled tomorrow. Either way, from what we can tell without actually using the device, the G3 is shaping into what will no doubt be a major contender. It’ll be difficult to stand against Samsung’s marketing muscle, but LG looks to have built a real winner. LG will officially unveil the G3 tomorrow, so stay tuned. Phones these days have a tendency to leak out ahead of their scheduled unveiling. But you’d have thought the G3 was already announced by now given how often leaks hit the Web. Still, we’re very much looking forward to getting our hands on this superphone. Below you can see the slides from the Dutch LG site for yourself
. ADA Standards of Medical Care Special Article Collections Hypoglycemia and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Hospitalized in the General Ward Alexander Turchin, MD, MS1,2,3, Michael E. Matheny, MD, MS, MPH4,5, Maria Shubina, SCD1, James V. Scanlon, PHARMD6, Bonnie Greenwood, PHARMD, BCPS1 and Merri L. Pendergrass, MD, PHD1,3,7 1Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 2Clinical Informatics Research and Development, Partners HealthCare System, Boston, Massachusetts; 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 4Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 5Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Veteran's Administration, Nashville, Tennessee; 6Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Worcester, Massachusetts; 7Medco Health Solutions, Inc., Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Corresponding author: Alexander Turchin, aturchin{at}partners.org. Diabetes Care 2009 Jul; 32(7): 1153-1157. https
[ 11, 772, 617, 4283, 357, 8548, 7549, 0, 4008, 290, 257, 4713, 649, 7071, 13, 564, 250, 3237, 13114, 5874, 4847, 423, 587, 4615, 11, 447, 251, 262, 10649, 6688, 13, 564, 250, 10871, 2163, 635, 468, 663, 898, 3124, 11, 523, 345, 423, 281, 2562, 16700, 13, 447, 251, 198, 464, 530, 34466, 546, 1909, 447, 247, 82, 13044, 318, 326, 262, 10914, 17370, 2524, 691, 15802, 257, 39508, 807, 486, 351, 362, 4579, 286, 13931, 13, 20635, 17316, 5220, 262, 3335, 561, 6332, 257, 39508, 807, 2713, 12649, 290, 513, 4579, 286, 13931, 11, 523, 356, 447, 247, 297, 765, 284, 1394, 257, 1969, 4151, 319, 326, 618, 262, 3335, 318, 18475, 9439, 13, 15467, 835, 11, 422, 644, 356, 460, 1560, 1231, 1682, 1262, 262, 3335, 11, 262, 402, 18, 318, 23610, 656, 644, 481, 645, 4719, 307, 257, 1688, 24190, 13, 632, 447, 247, 297, 307, 2408, 284, 1302, 1028, 10397, 447, 247, 82, 7124, 8280, 11, 475, 17370, 3073, 284, 423, 3170, 257, 1103, 8464, 13, 198, 41257, 481, 8720, 43784, 262, 402, 18, 9439, 11, 523, 2652, 16524, 13, 1380, 1952, 777, 1528, 423, 257, 13542, 284, 13044, 503, 4058, 286, 511, 7530, 41438, 13, 887, 345, 447, 247, 67, 423, 1807, 262, 402, 18, 373, 1541, 3414, 416, 783, 1813, 703, 1690, 17316, 2277, 262, 5313, 13, 7831, 11, 356, 447, 247, 260, 845, 881, 2045, 2651, 284, 1972, 674, 2832, 319, 428, 2208, 4862, 13, 10383, 345, 460, 766, 262, 19392, 422, 262, 10914, 17370, 2524, 329, 3511 ]
[ 11, 1524, 1063, 5708, 320, 97525, 0, 595, 323, 264, 7878, 502, 3834, 13, 1054, 2460, 26225, 9302, 5540, 617, 1027, 7108, 2476, 279, 15332, 15100, 13, 1054, 4959, 734, 1101, 706, 1202, 1866, 1933, 11, 779, 499, 617, 459, 4228, 24131, 49216, 791, 832, 79105, 922, 3432, 753, 24237, 374, 430, 279, 24113, 24294, 2816, 1193, 34945, 264, 83155, 220, 17973, 449, 220, 17, 5494, 315, 22813, 13, 47993, 37796, 12090, 279, 3756, 1053, 10775, 264, 83155, 220, 21032, 18121, 323, 220, 18, 5494, 315, 22813, 11, 779, 584, 4805, 1390, 311, 2567, 264, 3345, 8071, 389, 430, 994, 279, 3756, 374, 39297, 16986, 13, 21663, 1648, 11, 505, 1148, 584, 649, 3371, 2085, 3604, 1701, 279, 3756, 11, 279, 480, 18, 374, 46620, 1139, 1148, 690, 912, 10712, 387, 264, 3682, 57259, 13, 1102, 4805, 387, 5107, 311, 2559, 2403, 18907, 753, 8661, 16124, 11, 719, 24294, 5992, 311, 617, 5918, 264, 1972, 13946, 627, 48230, 690, 19073, 92131, 279, 480, 18, 16986, 11, 779, 4822, 33519, 13, 85675, 1521, 2919, 617, 264, 31954, 311, 24237, 704, 8469, 315, 872, 13847, 92588, 13, 2030, 499, 7070, 617, 3463, 279, 480, 18, 574, 2736, 7376, 555, 1457, 2728, 1268, 3629, 37796, 4295, 279, 5000, 13, 16782, 11, 584, 3207, 1633, 1790, 3411, 4741, 311, 3794, 1057, 6206, 389, 420, 2307, 4949, 13, 21883, 499, 649, 1518, 279, 22245, 505, 279, 24113, 24294, 2816, 369, 6261 ]
[ 13, 79425, 35653, 315, 13235, 10852, 198, 20989, 13659, 26394, 198, 39, 1100, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 323, 33135, 4470, 6716, 304, 44430, 3161, 53689, 15429, 1534, 304, 279, 3331, 27738, 198, 78850, 350, 2639, 258, 11, 14306, 11, 10504, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 345, 26597, 469, 13, 4242, 33495, 11, 14306, 11, 10504, 11, 88756, 19, 11, 20, 345, 69656, 1443, 392, 2259, 11, 328, 6620, 16, 345, 29184, 650, 13, 32208, 12490, 11, 15001, 946, 6204, 21, 345, 47696, 11044, 91074, 11, 15001, 946, 6204, 11, 18531, 5119, 16, 323, 198, 27814, 462, 445, 13, 393, 1693, 54454, 11, 14306, 11, 15001, 35, 16, 11, 18, 11, 22, 198, 16, 6971, 86322, 323, 11215, 596, 15429, 11, 10406, 11, 22108, 280, 17, 96830, 31701, 29470, 8483, 323, 11050, 11, 23663, 6401, 33099, 744, 11, 10406, 11, 22108, 280, 18, 27588, 22329, 13235, 6150, 11, 10406, 11, 22108, 280, 19, 53, 8363, 70824, 13235, 5955, 11, 37640, 11, 24097, 280, 20, 51, 22181, 13345, 39435, 744, 11, 68626, 596, 17128, 11, 37640, 11, 24097, 280, 21, 26909, 20652, 9304, 315, 48175, 323, 6401, 23199, 11, 89469, 11, 22108, 280, 22, 13613, 1030, 6401, 23508, 11, 4953, 2637, 19372, 42679, 11, 1561, 16228, 627, 10803, 6961, 287, 3229, 25, 20643, 350, 2639, 258, 11, 520, 2639, 258, 90, 266, 92, 98131, 2726, 627, 22427, 16629, 10852, 220, 1049, 24, 10263, 26, 220, 843, 7, 22, 1680, 220, 7322, 18, 12, 7322, 22, 13, 3788 ]
96. In Chhatisgarh, the FTC Scheme itself has been discontinued with effect from 1st April, 2011. 97. In some of the other States, the appointees have prayed for regularization of their services. 98. In some of the States, the FTC Scheme is being continued on ad hoc basis and without any final decision being taken in that behalf. The appointees have therefore, prayed for continuation of the FTC Scheme as well as regularization of their services in the regular cadre of the State Judicial Services. 99. The policy decision of the State should be in public interest and taken objectively. Adhocism or uncertainty in the State policy particularly relating to vital factors of governance, may not bringthe requisite dividend. Reasons for taking a policy decision would squarely fall in the domain of the State, but it should be free from element of arbitrariness and mala fide. There are three basic pillars of our constitutional governance i.e. the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The doctrine of separation of powers demarcates the area of their respective operation. Normally, the Government exercises various controls over its instrumentalities and the organizations involved in the governance of the State. This would be through financial, administrative or managerial and functional controls
96. In Chhatisgarh, the FTC Scheme itself has been discontinued with effect from 1st April, 2011. 97. In some of the other States, the appointees have prayed for regularization of their services. 98. In some of the States, the FTC Scheme is being continued on ad hoc basis and without any final decision being taken in that behalf. The appointees have therefore, prayed for continuation of the FTC Scheme as well as regularization of their services in the regular cadre of the State Judicial Services. 99. The policy decision of the State should be in public interest and taken objectively. Adhocism or uncertainty in the State policy particularly relating to vital factors of governance, may not bringthe requisite dividend. Reasons for taking a policy decision would squarely fall in the domain of the State, but it should be free from element of arbitrariness and mala fide. There are three basic pillars of our constitutional governance i.e. the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The doctrine of separation of powers demarcates the area of their respective operation. Normally, the Government exercises various controls over its instrumentalities and the organizations involved in the governance of the State. This would be through financial, administrative or managerial and functional controls
. These parameters of control may be applied to determine whether or not a particular organization or a body is a State within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution. We have noticed these aspects primarily with the purpose of demonstrating that judicial functions and judicial powers are one of the essential attributes of a sovereign State and on considerations of policy, the State transfers its judicial functions and powers, mainly to the courts established by the Constitution, but that does not affect competence of the State to, by appropriate measures, transfer a part of its judicial functions or powers to Tribunals or other such bodies. This view is expressed by this Court, in thecase of Associated Cements Co. Ltd. v. P.N. Sharma [AIR 1965 SC 1595]. However, as far as functioning of the courts, i.e., dispensation of justice by Courts is concerned, the Government has no control whatsoever over the courts. Further, in relation to matters of appointments to the Judicial Services of the States and even to the Higher Judiciary in the country, the Government has some say, however, the finances of Judiciary are entirely under the control of the State. It is obvious that these controls should be minimized to maintain the independence of the Judiciary. The courts should be able to function free of undesirable administrative
[ 4846, 13, 554, 609, 5183, 271, 4563, 71, 11, 262, 35606, 32448, 2346, 468, 587, 31349, 351, 1245, 422, 352, 301, 3035, 11, 2813, 13, 198, 5607, 13, 554, 617, 286, 262, 584, 1829, 11, 262, 5393, 2841, 423, 32168, 329, 3218, 1634, 286, 511, 2594, 13, 198, 4089, 13, 554, 617, 286, 262, 1829, 11, 262, 35606, 32448, 318, 852, 3767, 319, 512, 39158, 4308, 290, 1231, 597, 2457, 2551, 852, 2077, 287, 326, 8378, 13, 383, 5393, 2841, 423, 4361, 11, 32168, 329, 24659, 286, 262, 35606, 32448, 355, 880, 355, 3218, 1634, 286, 511, 2594, 287, 262, 3218, 20603, 260, 286, 262, 1812, 31411, 6168, 13, 198, 2079, 13, 383, 2450, 2551, 286, 262, 1812, 815, 307, 287, 1171, 1393, 290, 2077, 35721, 13, 1215, 71, 420, 1042, 393, 13479, 287, 262, 1812, 2450, 3573, 11270, 284, 9204, 5087, 286, 18848, 11, 743, 407, 2222, 1169, 37088, 30494, 13, 44923, 329, 2263, 257, 2450, 2551, 561, 38590, 2121, 287, 262, 7386, 286, 262, 1812, 11, 475, 340, 815, 307, 1479, 422, 5002, 286, 9277, 20040, 1272, 290, 285, 6081, 43340, 13, 1318, 389, 1115, 4096, 30485, 286, 674, 9758, 18848, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 262, 10390, 11, 262, 20815, 290, 262, 22351, 13, 383, 13115, 286, 14139, 286, 5635, 1357, 5605, 689, 262, 1989, 286, 511, 11756, 4905, 13, 29282, 11, 262, 5070, 13565, 2972, 6973, 625, 663, 21543, 871, 290, 262, 5745, 2950, 287, 262, 18848, 286, 262, 1812, 13, 770, 561, 307, 832, 3176, 11, 11553, 393, 43747, 290, 10345, 6973 ]
[ 4161, 13, 763, 921, 71, 3689, 12440, 71, 11, 279, 79360, 44881, 5196, 706, 1027, 65259, 449, 2515, 505, 220, 16, 267, 5936, 11, 220, 679, 16, 627, 3534, 13, 763, 1063, 315, 279, 1023, 4273, 11, 279, 9732, 5633, 617, 67797, 369, 88394, 315, 872, 3600, 627, 3264, 13, 763, 1063, 315, 279, 4273, 11, 279, 79360, 44881, 374, 1694, 8738, 389, 1008, 67490, 8197, 323, 2085, 904, 1620, 5597, 1694, 4529, 304, 430, 17981, 13, 578, 9732, 5633, 617, 9093, 11, 67797, 369, 42271, 315, 279, 79360, 44881, 439, 1664, 439, 88394, 315, 872, 3600, 304, 279, 5912, 60697, 315, 279, 3314, 68308, 8471, 627, 1484, 13, 578, 4947, 5597, 315, 279, 3314, 1288, 387, 304, 586, 2802, 323, 4529, 85121, 13, 2467, 89573, 2191, 477, 27924, 304, 279, 3314, 4947, 8104, 23343, 311, 16595, 9547, 315, 35186, 11, 1253, 539, 4546, 1820, 82780, 46980, 13, 66131, 369, 4737, 264, 4947, 5597, 1053, 95563, 4498, 304, 279, 8106, 315, 279, 3314, 11, 719, 433, 1288, 387, 1949, 505, 2449, 315, 17114, 45083, 1918, 323, 296, 6181, 282, 579, 13, 2684, 527, 2380, 6913, 64982, 315, 1057, 25543, 35186, 602, 1770, 13, 279, 18362, 11, 279, 47126, 323, 279, 53129, 13, 578, 33235, 315, 25768, 315, 13736, 2486, 8362, 988, 279, 3158, 315, 872, 20081, 5784, 13, 52783, 11, 279, 10423, 23783, 5370, 11835, 927, 1202, 42045, 1385, 323, 279, 11351, 6532, 304, 279, 35186, 315, 279, 3314, 13, 1115, 1053, 387, 1555, 6020, 11, 23541, 477, 91250, 323, 16003, 11835 ]
[ 13, 4314, 5137, 315, 2585, 1253, 387, 9435, 311, 8417, 3508, 477, 539, 264, 4040, 7471, 477, 264, 2547, 374, 264, 3314, 2949, 279, 7438, 315, 13659, 220, 717, 315, 279, 18039, 13, 1226, 617, 14000, 1521, 13878, 15871, 449, 279, 7580, 315, 45296, 430, 31752, 5865, 323, 31752, 13736, 527, 832, 315, 279, 7718, 8365, 315, 264, 46384, 3314, 323, 389, 38864, 315, 4947, 11, 279, 3314, 31711, 1202, 31752, 5865, 323, 13736, 11, 14918, 311, 279, 19359, 9749, 555, 279, 18039, 11, 719, 430, 1587, 539, 7958, 58266, 315, 279, 3314, 311, 11, 555, 8475, 11193, 11, 8481, 264, 961, 315, 1202, 31752, 5865, 477, 13736, 311, 21163, 359, 1147, 477, 1023, 1778, 13162, 13, 1115, 1684, 374, 13605, 555, 420, 7301, 11, 304, 279, 5756, 315, 26475, 356, 3808, 3623, 13, 12604, 13, 348, 13, 393, 2112, 13, 61115, 510, 58261, 220, 5162, 20, 7683, 220, 11068, 20, 948, 4452, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 31301, 315, 279, 19359, 11, 602, 1770, 2637, 36693, 367, 315, 12437, 555, 66563, 374, 11920, 11, 279, 10423, 706, 912, 2585, 36734, 927, 279, 19359, 13, 15903, 11, 304, 12976, 311, 13146, 315, 37256, 311, 279, 68308, 8471, 315, 279, 4273, 323, 1524, 311, 279, 35321, 53129, 304, 279, 3224, 11, 279, 10423, 706, 1063, 2019, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 40382, 315, 53129, 527, 11622, 1234, 279, 2585, 315, 279, 3314, 13, 1102, 374, 8196, 430, 1521, 11835, 1288, 387, 82178, 311, 10519, 279, 24589, 315, 279, 53129, 13, 578, 19359, 1288, 387, 3025, 311, 734, 1949, 315, 77344, 23541 ]
best preserved cave paintings in the world. Most of the paintings date back to 30,000 and 32,000 years ago during the Aurignacian period. The cave wall has more than 1,000 images of last stone age (between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago). The paintings represent various animals like cave lions, panthers, mammoths, bears and cave hyenas. Some rare ice age animals also featured on the wall of Chauvet cave. Other than the paintings the cave also contains fossilised remains and other human evidence. Magura Cave, Bulgaria Magura cave is one of the largest caves in Bulgaria. The paintings date back to Neolithic and early Bronze Age period, 8000 to 4000 years ago. The paintings feature hunting techniques, different animals, dancing people, deities, sun, stars, plants and instrument of labour. Not only that, the cave wall also has a solar calendar that represents 366 days and five different festivals. It is probably the oldest solar calendar discovered in the Europe. The cave also has some geological formations including stalactites, stalagmites and cave pearls. More than 700 drawings have been discovered on the cave walls and they were painted with bat guano (bat excrement). K
best preserved cave paintings in the world. Most of the paintings date back to 30,000 and 32,000 years ago during the Aurignacian period. The cave wall has more than 1,000 images of last stone age (between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago). The paintings represent various animals like cave lions, panthers, mammoths, bears and cave hyenas. Some rare ice age animals also featured on the wall of Chauvet cave. Other than the paintings the cave also contains fossilised remains and other human evidence. Magura Cave, Bulgaria Magura cave is one of the largest caves in Bulgaria. The paintings date back to Neolithic and early Bronze Age period, 8000 to 4000 years ago. The paintings feature hunting techniques, different animals, dancing people, deities, sun, stars, plants and instrument of labour. Not only that, the cave wall also has a solar calendar that represents 366 days and five different festivals. It is probably the oldest solar calendar discovered in the Europe. The cave also has some geological formations including stalactites, stalagmites and cave pearls. More than 700 drawings have been discovered on the cave walls and they were painted with bat guano (bat excrement). K
akadu Rock Paintings, Australia The Kakadu national park contains thousands of aboriginal sites including rock arts, rock shelters and stone tools. The rock arts represent the earliest human civilisation date back to more than 40,000 years ago. The paintings feature ritual ceremonies, hunting and social life of the people of the different period of time. Almost 5000 art sites have been discovered so far. The oldest rock painting in Kakadu national park dated back 20,000 years. Tasmanian tiger, goanna, mullet, catfish and snake-necked turtles are illustrated on the wall. Ubirr, Nanguluwur and Nourlangie rock are the most popular art sites in the national park. Cueva de las Manos, Argentina Cueva de las Manos or the Cave of the hands got its name from the stencilled outlines of human hands. The painting of hands dates between 9,000 and 13,000 years ago. The paintings are created by the ancestors of the Patagonia region in Argentina. Beside those hands, there are the paintings of animals, hunting, geometric shapes and zigzag patterns. Most of the hands are left hands so it is suggested that the painters held
[ 1266, 17232, 11527, 21641, 287, 262, 995, 13, 4042, 286, 262, 21641, 3128, 736, 284, 1542, 11, 830, 290, 3933, 11, 830, 812, 2084, 1141, 262, 15412, 570, 330, 666, 2278, 13, 383, 11527, 3355, 468, 517, 621, 352, 11, 830, 4263, 286, 938, 7815, 2479, 357, 23395, 2026, 11, 830, 290, 838, 11, 830, 812, 2084, 737, 198, 464, 21641, 2380, 2972, 4695, 588, 11527, 31420, 11, 15857, 7084, 11, 13418, 27118, 11, 13062, 290, 11527, 2537, 268, 292, 13, 2773, 4071, 4771, 2479, 4695, 635, 8096, 319, 262, 3355, 286, 49628, 16809, 11527, 13, 3819, 621, 262, 21641, 262, 11527, 635, 4909, 12584, 1417, 3793, 290, 584, 1692, 2370, 13, 198, 13436, 5330, 18603, 11, 27902, 198, 13436, 5330, 11527, 318, 530, 286, 262, 4387, 30923, 287, 27902, 13, 383, 21641, 3128, 736, 284, 3169, 30764, 290, 1903, 19461, 7129, 2278, 11, 38055, 284, 30123, 812, 2084, 13, 383, 21641, 3895, 10988, 7605, 11, 1180, 4695, 11, 15360, 661, 11, 43844, 11, 4252, 11, 5788, 11, 6134, 290, 8875, 286, 10515, 13, 1892, 691, 326, 11, 262, 11527, 3355, 635, 468, 257, 6591, 11845, 326, 6870, 44856, 1528, 290, 1936, 1180, 25575, 13, 632, 318, 2192, 262, 13325, 6591, 11845, 5071, 287, 262, 2031, 13, 383, 11527, 635, 468, 617, 41917, 30648, 1390, 29049, 529, 2737, 11, 29049, 363, 76, 2737, 290, 11527, 25286, 7278, 13, 198, 5167, 621, 13037, 23388, 423, 587, 5071, 319, 262, 11527, 7714, 290, 484, 547, 13055, 351, 7365, 915, 5733, 357, 8664, 2859, 260, 434, 737, 198, 42 ]
[ 1888, 34683, 26457, 36692, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 36692, 2457, 1203, 311, 220, 966, 11, 931, 323, 220, 843, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 2391, 279, 35731, 625, 582, 1122, 4261, 13, 578, 26457, 7147, 706, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 5448, 315, 1566, 9998, 4325, 320, 42967, 220, 1135, 11, 931, 323, 220, 605, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 4390, 791, 36692, 4097, 5370, 10099, 1093, 26457, 69132, 11, 7363, 3058, 11, 33820, 6489, 17323, 11, 30824, 323, 26457, 6409, 28043, 13, 4427, 9024, 10054, 4325, 10099, 1101, 15109, 389, 279, 7147, 315, 921, 2933, 17553, 26457, 13, 7089, 1109, 279, 36692, 279, 26457, 1101, 5727, 31376, 4147, 8625, 323, 1023, 3823, 6029, 627, 34015, 5808, 50492, 11, 59819, 198, 34015, 5808, 26457, 374, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 66664, 304, 59819, 13, 578, 36692, 2457, 1203, 311, 4275, 66470, 323, 4216, 45967, 13381, 4261, 11, 220, 4728, 15, 311, 220, 3443, 15, 1667, 4227, 13, 578, 36692, 4668, 23330, 12823, 11, 2204, 10099, 11, 29066, 1274, 11, 409, 1385, 11, 7160, 11, 9958, 11, 11012, 323, 14473, 315, 23791, 13, 2876, 1193, 430, 11, 279, 26457, 7147, 1101, 706, 264, 13238, 13470, 430, 11105, 220, 18044, 2919, 323, 4330, 2204, 45517, 13, 1102, 374, 4762, 279, 24417, 13238, 13470, 11352, 304, 279, 4606, 13, 578, 26457, 1101, 706, 1063, 86278, 62264, 2737, 80576, 533, 3695, 11, 80576, 351, 92599, 323, 26457, 92732, 627, 7816, 1109, 220, 7007, 38940, 617, 1027, 11352, 389, 279, 26457, 14620, 323, 814, 1051, 24937, 449, 16120, 1709, 5770, 320, 14034, 506, 13785, 4390, 42 ]
[ 587, 105925, 9305, 17646, 826, 11, 8494, 198, 791, 75571, 105925, 5426, 6246, 5727, 9214, 315, 671, 10090, 6732, 2737, 7091, 19071, 11, 7091, 52888, 323, 9998, 7526, 13, 578, 7091, 19071, 4097, 279, 30758, 3823, 8431, 8082, 2457, 1203, 311, 810, 1109, 220, 1272, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 13, 578, 36692, 4668, 28278, 60283, 11, 23330, 323, 3674, 2324, 315, 279, 1274, 315, 279, 2204, 4261, 315, 892, 13, 35403, 220, 2636, 15, 1989, 6732, 617, 1027, 11352, 779, 3117, 13, 578, 24417, 7091, 19354, 304, 75571, 105925, 5426, 6246, 30105, 1203, 220, 508, 11, 931, 1667, 627, 51, 300, 1543, 1122, 52835, 11, 733, 12930, 11, 15975, 1169, 11, 8415, 18668, 323, 26332, 96533, 291, 72503, 527, 36762, 389, 279, 7147, 13, 27559, 404, 81, 11, 452, 526, 25415, 86, 324, 323, 452, 414, 5317, 648, 7091, 527, 279, 1455, 5526, 1989, 6732, 304, 279, 5426, 6246, 627, 34, 51758, 409, 5252, 2418, 437, 11, 32164, 198, 34, 51758, 409, 5252, 2418, 437, 477, 279, 50492, 315, 279, 6206, 2751, 1202, 836, 505, 279, 357, 967, 4473, 50729, 315, 3823, 6206, 13, 578, 19354, 315, 6206, 13003, 1990, 220, 24, 11, 931, 323, 220, 1032, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 13, 578, 36692, 527, 3549, 555, 279, 38618, 315, 279, 7281, 6241, 689, 5654, 304, 32164, 13, 18569, 579, 1884, 6206, 11, 1070, 527, 279, 36692, 315, 10099, 11, 23330, 11, 53584, 21483, 323, 86912, 93774, 12912, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 6206, 527, 2163, 6206, 779, 433, 374, 12090, 430, 279, 97953, 5762 ]
record eight successive titles between 2005-2012. Fognini Rises To Career-High, Mover Of The Week Rankings Update - Apr 22 A Look Back At The 2019 Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters Monte-Carlo - Apr 22 Fognini Continues First-Time Masters 1000 Champion Trend In Monte-Carlo Monte-Carlo 2019 Monte-Carlo Player Revue 2017 Uncovered: The Story Of The 2019 Clay-Court Season ATP Uncovered - May 28 Uncovered: Soares Goes Behind The Scenes At Monte-Carlo Charity Event ATP Uncovered - Apr 23 Uncovered: Behind The Scenes At The Monte-Carlo Player Party 2019 NovakDjokovic KeiNishikori StefanosTsitsipas StanWawrinka Clive Brunskill/Getty Imagess Fabio Fognini accomplishes his childhood dream at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Nikola Mektic and Franko Skugor take the title at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Dusan Lajovic reaches his first ATP Masters 1000 final in Monte-Carlo. Fab
record eight successive titles between 2005-2012. Fognini Rises To Career-High, Mover Of The Week Rankings Update - Apr 22 A Look Back At The 2019 Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters Monte-Carlo - Apr 22 Fognini Continues First-Time Masters 1000 Champion Trend In Monte-Carlo Monte-Carlo 2019 Monte-Carlo Player Revue 2017 Uncovered: The Story Of The 2019 Clay-Court Season ATP Uncovered - May 28 Uncovered: Soares Goes Behind The Scenes At Monte-Carlo Charity Event ATP Uncovered - Apr 23 Uncovered: Behind The Scenes At The Monte-Carlo Player Party 2019 NovakDjokovic KeiNishikori StefanosTsitsipas StanWawrinka Clive Brunskill/Getty Imagess Fabio Fognini accomplishes his childhood dream at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Nikola Mektic and Franko Skugor take the title at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Dusan Lajovic reaches his first ATP Masters 1000 final in Monte-Carlo. Fab
io Fognini finishes a dream week in Monte-Carlo with his first ATP Masters 1000 title. Fabio Fognini defeats Dusan Lajovic in straight sets to win the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Franko Skugor and Nikola Mektic win their first ATP Tour title as a team. Rafael Nadal acknowledges the crowd following his semi-final defeat at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. Fabio Fognini breaks Rafael Nadal six times to reach the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters final. Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters (PHS Darrasse) Fabio Fognini earns his third clay-court win against Rafael Nadal, defeating the Spaniard in Monte-Carlo. Dusan Lajovic has not dropped a set in Monte-Carlo. Fabio Fognini reaches his first ATP Masters 1000 final, advancing to the championship in Monte-Carlo. Dusan Lajovic slides into his first ATP Masters 1000 final in Monte-Carlo. Dutchmen Wesley Koolhof and Robin Haase reach their first ATP Tour final together. Fabio Fognini breaks Borna Coric's serve four
[ 1700, 3624, 25175, 8714, 1022, 5075, 12, 6999, 13, 198, 37, 2360, 5362, 371, 2696, 1675, 32619, 12, 11922, 11, 337, 2502, 3226, 383, 6119, 198, 27520, 654, 10133, 532, 2758, 2534, 198, 32, 6803, 5157, 1629, 383, 13130, 20934, 87, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 15812, 198, 9069, 660, 12, 9914, 5439, 532, 2758, 2534, 198, 37, 2360, 5362, 6389, 947, 3274, 12, 7575, 15812, 8576, 15869, 22836, 554, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 198, 9069, 660, 12, 9914, 5439, 13130, 198, 9069, 660, 12, 9914, 5439, 7853, 5416, 518, 2177, 198, 3118, 32111, 25, 383, 8362, 3226, 383, 13130, 15551, 12, 36699, 7369, 198, 1404, 47, 28304, 2557, 532, 1737, 2579, 198, 3118, 32111, 25, 1406, 3565, 31914, 20787, 383, 49525, 1629, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 37575, 8558, 198, 1404, 47, 28304, 2557, 532, 2758, 2242, 198, 3118, 32111, 25, 20787, 383, 49525, 1629, 383, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 7853, 3615, 13130, 198, 20795, 461, 35, 73, 482, 17215, 198, 8896, 72, 45, 680, 1134, 10145, 198, 7447, 24408, 418, 33758, 896, 541, 292, 198, 32140, 54, 707, 81, 48955, 198, 2601, 425, 15700, 42401, 14, 6633, 39440, 408, 198, 43957, 952, 376, 2360, 5362, 6424, 5614, 465, 9963, 4320, 379, 262, 20934, 87, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 15812, 13, 198, 40979, 5708, 42859, 13370, 290, 5278, 78, 3661, 1018, 273, 1011, 262, 3670, 379, 262, 20934, 87, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 15812, 13, 198, 35, 385, 272, 406, 1228, 17215, 12229, 465, 717, 39046, 15812, 8576, 2457, 287, 22489, 12, 9914, 5439, 13, 198, 43957 ]
[ 3335, 8223, 50024, 15671, 1990, 220, 1049, 20, 12, 679, 17, 627, 37, 4021, 6729, 432, 5014, 2057, 41576, 11529, 1108, 11, 386, 2017, 5046, 578, 10563, 198, 23366, 826, 5666, 482, 5186, 220, 1313, 198, 32, 9372, 6984, 2468, 578, 220, 679, 24, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 198, 35515, 68, 7813, 62028, 482, 5186, 220, 1313, 198, 37, 4021, 6729, 20915, 1157, 5629, 55585, 34722, 220, 1041, 15, 33597, 31753, 763, 46867, 7813, 62028, 198, 35515, 68, 7813, 62028, 220, 679, 24, 198, 35515, 68, 7813, 62028, 7460, 10315, 361, 220, 679, 22, 198, 1844, 21468, 25, 578, 15457, 5046, 578, 220, 679, 24, 32501, 7813, 29686, 14598, 198, 835, 47, 1252, 21468, 482, 3297, 220, 1591, 198, 1844, 21468, 25, 2100, 5518, 61261, 43474, 578, 84283, 2468, 46867, 7813, 62028, 67031, 3749, 198, 835, 47, 1252, 21468, 482, 5186, 220, 1419, 198, 1844, 21468, 25, 43474, 578, 84283, 2468, 578, 46867, 7813, 62028, 7460, 8722, 220, 679, 24, 198, 19480, 587, 35, 73, 564, 41145, 198, 6746, 72, 45, 819, 1609, 13915, 198, 626, 830, 44705, 53893, 1220, 575, 300, 198, 52059, 54, 675, 35465, 64, 198, 5176, 535, 35561, 30554, 21560, 77533, 434, 198, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 13390, 21168, 813, 20587, 8063, 520, 279, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 627, 45, 1609, 8083, 386, 17588, 292, 323, 9454, 78, 4923, 773, 269, 1935, 279, 2316, 520, 279, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 627, 35, 41312, 445, 1662, 41145, 25501, 813, 1176, 67656, 34722, 220, 1041, 15, 1620, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 627, 53267 ]
[ 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 34136, 264, 8063, 2046, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 449, 813, 1176, 67656, 34722, 220, 1041, 15, 2316, 627, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 69869, 423, 41312, 445, 1662, 41145, 304, 7833, 7437, 311, 3243, 279, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 627, 38426, 78, 4923, 773, 269, 323, 97415, 386, 17588, 292, 3243, 872, 1176, 67656, 14986, 2316, 439, 264, 2128, 627, 49, 2642, 6015, 35762, 278, 56030, 279, 13734, 2768, 813, 18768, 55962, 18506, 520, 279, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 627, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 18808, 55500, 35762, 278, 4848, 3115, 311, 5662, 279, 97632, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 1620, 627, 9207, 87, 46867, 7813, 62028, 34722, 320, 11079, 50, 423, 1138, 13559, 340, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 64859, 813, 4948, 37148, 98462, 3243, 2403, 55500, 35762, 278, 11, 54216, 279, 12168, 68965, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 627, 35, 41312, 445, 1662, 41145, 706, 539, 12504, 264, 743, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 627, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 25501, 813, 1176, 67656, 34722, 220, 1041, 15, 1620, 11, 44169, 311, 279, 22279, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 627, 35, 41312, 445, 1662, 41145, 22245, 1139, 813, 1176, 67656, 34722, 220, 1041, 15, 1620, 304, 46867, 7813, 62028, 627, 35, 14390, 5794, 58706, 735, 1786, 76958, 323, 17582, 14433, 521, 5662, 872, 1176, 67656, 14986, 1620, 3871, 627, 53267, 822, 435, 4021, 6729, 18808, 426, 34364, 4563, 292, 596, 8854, 3116 ]