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a sans doute sectionné une artère d'Ötzi et entraîné une infection bactérienne. Ceci rappelle une gravure figurant sur un menhir contemporain d'Ötzi conservé dans une église de la vallée au village de Laces, dans laquelle on voit un homme abattu de dos par un agresseur qui lui tire une flèche, comme le montre un reportage de la . La mort d'Ötzi, chef important comme le prouve sa hache de cuivre, était-elle déjà entrée dans la légende, au point d'être gravée dans la pierre, se demande le professeur qui intervient dans ce film. Plusieurs hypothèses se sont succédé pour expliquer sa mort : Ötzi était un berger qui se serait perdu dans le froid car il a été retrouvé près d'un chemin de transhumance ; cette première hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence d'excréments de troupeaux ainsi que par la possession d'une hache et de divers éléments tels des champignons médicinaux ; Ötzi était un marchand forgeron ambulant et guérisseur qui aurait dû fuir à la suite d'un échec ; cette hypothèse ne correspond pas à une blessure à la main typique des guerriers, ainsi qu'avec la répartition des éléments radioactifs présents dans ses dents, plus en rapport avec une vie sédentaire ; selon une hypothèse actuelle, Ötzi, qui était armé d'une hache à lame de cuivre et d'un arc non fonctionnels (hache jamais affûtée, arc non monté avec des flèches pas encore complètement taillées), aurait été un membre influent (roi, chamane) de sa tribu, située à la frontière formée par la crête des Alpes, dont la sépulture aurait été placée intentionnellement sur une plate-forme rocheuse de cette frontière, le corps ayant ensuite glissé à cause de la fonte partielle de la neige qui l’entourait ; selon une autre hypothèse, sa mort au niveau d'un col (frontière entre deux clans vivant dans des vallées voisines) témoignerait d'un combat entre ces deux clans, comme le montrent les traces de sang trouvées sur le manteau, les flèches et la lame du couteau d'Ötzi, traces de sang appartenant à quatre personnes différentes. L'autopsie a montré qu’il n'était pas mort de faim (son tube digestif comportant des restes de farines et de cerf), ni d'un accident ou d'une chute. En , des scientifiques italiens ont trouvé une blessure dans l'épaule près du poumon gauche d'Ötzi, infligée par une pointe de flèche. L'étude de la blessure montre qu'elle aurait pu atteindre l'artère sous-clavière irriguant le bras, et qu'Ötzi aurait pu se vider de son sang très rapidement. L'ossification mise en évidence par la radiographie met cependant en évidence que cette blessure était ancienne. L'état de ses ongles (présence de stries témoignant d'un arrêt, puis d'une reprise de croissance) laisse également penser qu'il a été malade quelques jours ou semaines avant de mourir. Une étude réalisée par des chercheurs suisses de l'université de Zurich en collaboration avec des chercheurs italiens a pu
a sans doute sectionné une artère d'Ötzi et entraîné une infection bactérienne. Ceci rappelle une gravure figurant sur un menhir contemporain d'Ötzi conservé dans une église de la vallée au village de Laces, dans laquelle on voit un homme abattu de dos par un agresseur qui lui tire une flèche, comme le montre un reportage de la . La mort d'Ötzi, chef important comme le prouve sa hache de cuivre, était-elle déjà entrée dans la légende, au point d'être gravée dans la pierre, se demande le professeur qui intervient dans ce film. Plusieurs hypothèses se sont succédé pour expliquer sa mort : Ötzi était un berger qui se serait perdu dans le froid car il a été retrouvé près d'un chemin de transhumance ; cette première hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence d'excréments de troupeaux ainsi que par la possession d'une hache et de divers éléments tels des champignons médicinaux ; Ötzi était un marchand forgeron ambulant et guérisseur qui aurait dû fuir à la suite d'un échec ; cette hypothèse ne correspond pas à une blessure à la main typique des guerriers, ainsi qu'avec la répartition des éléments radioactifs présents dans ses dents, plus en rapport avec une vie sédentaire ; selon une hypothèse actuelle, Ötzi, qui était armé d'une hache à lame de cuivre et d'un arc non fonctionnels (hache jamais affûtée, arc non monté avec des flèches pas encore complètement taillées), aurait été un membre influent (roi, chamane) de sa tribu, située à la frontière formée par la crête des Alpes, dont la sépulture aurait été placée intentionnellement sur une plate-forme rocheuse de cette frontière, le corps ayant ensuite glissé à cause de la fonte partielle de la neige qui l’entourait ; selon une autre hypothèse, sa mort au niveau d'un col (frontière entre deux clans vivant dans des vallées voisines) témoignerait d'un combat entre ces deux clans, comme le montrent les traces de sang trouvées sur le manteau, les flèches et la lame du couteau d'Ötzi, traces de sang appartenant à quatre personnes différentes. L'autopsie a montré qu’il n'était pas mort de faim (son tube digestif comportant des restes de farines et de cerf), ni d'un accident ou d'une chute. En , des scientifiques italiens ont trouvé une blessure dans l'épaule près du poumon gauche d'Ötzi, infligée par une pointe de flèche. L'étude de la blessure montre qu'elle aurait pu atteindre l'artère sous-clavière irriguant le bras, et qu'Ötzi aurait pu se vider de son sang très rapidement. L'ossification mise en évidence par la radiographie met cependant en évidence que cette blessure était ancienne. L'état de ses ongles (présence de stries témoignant d'un arrêt, puis d'une reprise de croissance) laisse également penser qu'il a été malade quelques jours ou semaines avant de mourir. Une étude réalisée par des chercheurs suisses de l'université de Zurich en collaboration avec des chercheurs italiens a pu
lever le voile sur cette énigme vieille de plus de grâce à un tomographe. Les résultats de l'étude ont été publiés dans et ont été évoqués dans l'édition de du magazine . L'hypothèse d'une mort rapide due à une flèche semble confirmée. Le projectile aurait touché une artère proche de l'épaule et provoqué une hémorragie fatale. Une observation par microscope à force atomique en 2012 sur des globules rouges issus d'une plaie de sa main droite suggère au contraire que l’agonie d'Ötzi a duré plus longtemps qu'estimé (présence de quantité importante de fibrines). Au-delà de l'analyse des causes de sa mort, l'étude de la dépouille d'Ötzi reste l'une des plus importantes sources de connaissance du mode de vie des hommes de cette époque de la Protohistoire. Le musée de Bozen-Bolzano et les répliques L'homme des glaces repose dans une chambre froide du musée archéologique du Haut-Adige à Bolzano, en Italie. Ötzi y est présenté au public dans une vitrine spéciale : posé sur une balance pour contrôler son poids (), reposant sur un drap vert de chirurgie, au centre d'une chambre froide à et avec une humidité relative à 98 %, Ötzi est enveloppé dans un drap tous les quinze jours pour assurer sa conservation. L'état particulièrement bon de conservation du corps rend cette vision très réaliste, ce qui pose de façon assez crue un problème éthique quant à la présentation de la mort au musée. À cette occasion, il a fallu également mener une réflexion de fond sur la double nature d'Ötzi, à la fois document archéologique exceptionnel et être humain décédé. En 2016, le paléo-artiste américain Gary Staab réalise un de la momie pour la reconstituer en résine, l'imprimer en 3D puis la sculpter et la peindre. Trois répliques d'Ötzi sont ainsi réalisées. L'une est présentée dans une exposition itinérante aux États-Unis, les deux autres sont utilisées à des fins d'enseignement au laboratoire de génétique de New York. La « malédiction » d'Ötzi Les médias ont colporté la légende d'une prétendue malédiction d'Ötzi, faisant écho à la malédiction de Toutânkhamon. Sept personnes liées de près ou de très loin à la découverte d'Ötzi sont mortes depuis : le touriste allemand Helmut Simon, qui a découvert la momie, meurt à en 2004 lors d'une randonnée ; Dieter Warnecke, guide de haute montagne parti à la recherche d’Helmut Simon, meurt d’une crise cardiaque à ; l'archéologue Konrad Spindler qui a été le premier à examiner la momie, meurt en 2005 à d'une sclérose en plaques. Selon le quotidien britannique , Konrad Spindler avait déclaré en plaisantant : ; le chef de la mission scientifique consacrée à Ötzi, Rainer Henn, meurt à dans un accident de voiture, alors qu'il allait donner une conférence sur le sujet ; le guide de montagne Kurt Fritz, qui a emmené le journaliste Rainer Hoezl auprès de la momie, meurt à dans une avalanche ;
Boston. Individuals were asked to self-identify their “main” race. In cases where the person was black-white biracial, they were identified as black. According to Khaing Zaw, statistical research associate at Duke University, the wealth of such biracial individuals more closely matched that of blacks than whites. Narratives and parental aid A 2014 Pew Research survey found that nearly 60 percent of Americans believed life success is determined by factors within individuals’ control. Often, the prevalent narrative is that people need to simply work hard and plan strategically, such as by deciding to save for college, researchers said. But data contradicts this thinking. Attaining bachelor’s degrees does not close the gap between blacks and whites: Researchers in the national UMichigan study found that black couples with bachelor’s degrees had a net worth of $38,000 compared to white couples with $329,000. One reason, researchers said, that pursuit of higher education may force those with much less wealth available for tuition to acquire significant student debt. The grit-and-formal-education narrative inhibits a more accurate view of drivers of wealth disparities — such as less inherited wealth that can be put toward college — and prevents public policy from targeting the true causes, researchers said. Due to longstanding racial inequities, white families tend to have more wealth accrued than black families, and so have greater financial resources they can leverage to assist their children in making downpayments on houses, attending college with minimal or no loans and making other investments that in turn, help them accrue more wealth, presenters said. In many cases, it takes money to make money: Liquid assets are needed to start a business and acquire a house. Adding to the advantage: those who have more wealth also may have social connections and familiarity navigating financial systems that further help their children. “Blacks kids are receiving less help from parents simply because parents have fewer resources,” said Yunju Nam, researcher from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Nam said that the national data found 33 percent of whites received parental assistance in funding their education, compared to 14 percent of blacks, and 13 percent of whites received parental help buying a home, versus 2 percent of blacks. The research underscores the need for policy reform to improve funding of public schools and provide cheaper, if not free, access to college, Nam said. Among the ways to do this: tuition aid based on need, not merit; government-provided matching college savings accounts for children;and reform of student loans, she said. “It was better in the past to borrow some money and go to college,” Nam said. “But now? Savings interest is less than 1 percent, but students pay sometimes 8 percent on loans. So how much money your father or mother has has a big impact on your education.” Government also can focus on assisting minority groups in acquiring homes and enforcing more strongly anti-discrimination policies in housing and mortgage markets, she said. Community organizations could assist as well by helping students who are low-income and of color navigate scholarship applications, Nam suggested. She added that if need-based financial aid can be secured, in some cases elite colleges may be the more affordable options. Via Bay State Banner Science 3 min read Can Quantum Cognition Explain our Bad Decisions? Zayan Guedim Jan 30, 2020 at 6:45 am GMT Zayan Guedim MattLphotography / Shutterstock.com Humans, by nature, are smart. But, we still make foolish or let’s say irrational decisions. Some scientists think the answer to this question is quantum physics-based. The laws that govern the behavior of objects on a microscopic scale could help shed new light on the human decision-making process. Quantum Cognition: the “Uncertain” Human Behavior We tend to make the wrong decisions, even when we have all the facts and know for sure what the outcome would be. No one is perfect. Our “intelligence” could fail us sometimes, and we end up making all kinds of wrong decisions. You do your homework, go through a reasoning process, and weigh up your options before coming to the final decision. And yet you still can miss the correct choice. At the crossroads between quantum physics and psychology, quantum cognition is an emerging discipline that may help us explain the fallacies of the human cognition machine. Some physicists and cognitive scientists are working to develop a quantum approach to the study of human cognition. Researchers are investigating how quantum physics concepts can offer better mathematical frameworks than classical theories of decision-making. According to B.F Skinner’s operant conditioning, or classic reinforcement learning, humans learn through reward and punishment. This also affects our decision-making. The decisions we make could involve “reward” or “punishment,” either literal or figurative
Boston. Individuals were asked to self-identify their “main” race. In cases where the person was black-white biracial, they were identified as black. According to Khaing Zaw, statistical research associate at Duke University, the wealth of such biracial individuals more closely matched that of blacks than whites. Narratives and parental aid A 2014 Pew Research survey found that nearly 60 percent of Americans believed life success is determined by factors within individuals’ control. Often, the prevalent narrative is that people need to simply work hard and plan strategically, such as by deciding to save for college, researchers said. But data contradicts this thinking. Attaining bachelor’s degrees does not close the gap between blacks and whites: Researchers in the national UMichigan study found that black couples with bachelor’s degrees had a net worth of $38,000 compared to white couples with $329,000. One reason, researchers said, that pursuit of higher education may force those with much less wealth available for tuition to acquire significant student debt. The grit-and-formal-education narrative inhibits a more accurate view of drivers of wealth disparities — such as less inherited wealth that can be put toward college — and prevents public policy from targeting the true causes, researchers said. Due to longstanding racial inequities, white families tend to have more wealth accrued than black families, and so have greater financial resources they can leverage to assist their children in making downpayments on houses, attending college with minimal or no loans and making other investments that in turn, help them accrue more wealth, presenters said. In many cases, it takes money to make money: Liquid assets are needed to start a business and acquire a house. Adding to the advantage: those who have more wealth also may have social connections and familiarity navigating financial systems that further help their children. “Blacks kids are receiving less help from parents simply because parents have fewer resources,” said Yunju Nam, researcher from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Nam said that the national data found 33 percent of whites received parental assistance in funding their education, compared to 14 percent of blacks, and 13 percent of whites received parental help buying a home, versus 2 percent of blacks. The research underscores the need for policy reform to improve funding of public schools and provide cheaper, if not free, access to college, Nam said. Among the ways to do this: tuition aid based on need, not merit; government-provided matching college savings accounts for children;and reform of student loans, she said. “It was better in the past to borrow some money and go to college,” Nam said. “But now? Savings interest is less than 1 percent, but students pay sometimes 8 percent on loans. So how much money your father or mother has has a big impact on your education.” Government also can focus on assisting minority groups in acquiring homes and enforcing more strongly anti-discrimination policies in housing and mortgage markets, she said. Community organizations could assist as well by helping students who are low-income and of color navigate scholarship applications, Nam suggested. She added that if need-based financial aid can be secured, in some cases elite colleges may be the more affordable options. Via Bay State Banner Science 3 min read Can Quantum Cognition Explain our Bad Decisions? Zayan Guedim Jan 30, 2020 at 6:45 am GMT Zayan Guedim MattLphotography / Shutterstock.com Humans, by nature, are smart. But, we still make foolish or let’s say irrational decisions. Some scientists think the answer to this question is quantum physics-based. The laws that govern the behavior of objects on a microscopic scale could help shed new light on the human decision-making process. Quantum Cognition: the “Uncertain” Human Behavior We tend to make the wrong decisions, even when we have all the facts and know for sure what the outcome would be. No one is perfect. Our “intelligence” could fail us sometimes, and we end up making all kinds of wrong decisions. You do your homework, go through a reasoning process, and weigh up your options before coming to the final decision. And yet you still can miss the correct choice. At the crossroads between quantum physics and psychology, quantum cognition is an emerging discipline that may help us explain the fallacies of the human cognition machine. Some physicists and cognitive scientists are working to develop a quantum approach to the study of human cognition. Researchers are investigating how quantum physics concepts can offer better mathematical frameworks than classical theories of decision-making. According to B.F Skinner’s operant conditioning, or classic reinforcement learning, humans learn through reward and punishment. This also affects our decision-making. The decisions we make could involve “reward” or “punishment,” either literal or figurative
. In reality, however, people can’t always make subjective, seemingly simple decisions. Researchers at the University of Science and Technology in China have tested Quantum Reinforcement Learning (CRL) on human decision-making. They think human decision-making fallibility can be explained by “quantum uncertainty.” In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle states that you can never predict what happens in the subatomic world. The researchers believe QRL models outperform CRL models in predicting human behavior, and they designed their study to prove this was the case. They asked subjects to perform the Iowa Gambling Task, a game-like psychological test that uses cards to study decision making. MRI scans were produced to track the brain activity of subjects. “In all groups, the QRL models performed well when compared with the best CRL models and further revealed the representation of quantum-like internal-state-related variables in the medial frontal gyrus in both healthy subjects and smokers, suggesting that value-based decision-making can be illustrated by QRL at both the behavioral and neural levels.” The full result of the study (Quantum reinforcement learning during human decision-making) is published in the journal Nature Human Behavior. Read More: Theories of Language Development: How Languages Came to be Let Zayan Guedim know how much you appreciate this article by clicking the heart icon and by sharing this article on social media. Trilingual poet, investigative journalist, and novelist. Zed loves tackling the big existential questions and all-things quantum. Qutrit Teleportation Successfully Made for the First Time Quantum Physics Provide Evidence that the Future Influences the P... William McKinneyShare U.S Navy Files Patent for Room Temperature Superconductor Researchers Create World's First Quantum Fractals What the gig Economy Says About the Future of the Workplace Physicists are Using Lasers to Test Quantum Gravity Theories Is the Quantum Internet Terrorist-Proof? Are Cryptocurrencies at Risk of Quantum Hacking? Negative Mass Particles Created for the First Time by Researchers Humans and Technology: Where to Draw the Line There is Life After Death According to Quantum Physics 8 More Physics Questions Science Hasn't Answered How do I Learn Quantum Computing? Chinese Researchers Implant Human Brain Genes Into Monkeys Technology 13 min read Body Hacking, Buddhism, and Brainwaves: A Mindfulness Update Researchers Create the First Bose-Einstein Condensate in Space Culture + Design Meet The Man Who Turns Commercial Jets Into Airborne Palaces Stephen Vella reconfigures commercial aircrafts into airborne luxury jets for the wealthy elite. By Shawn Tully / Fortune This story originally appeared on fortune.com. It’s a thriving, little-known industry catering to the planet’s richest and most demanding travelers—European billionaires, Arabian heads-of-state, and CEOs who want to jet between continents as if they’d never left their their trophy penthouses. Welcome to the world of airline conversions, where artisanal project managers reconfigure big commercial aircraft into custom-designed, airborne luxury suites where the boss or monarch can huddle in a posh conference lounge that seats 40 colleagues. Related: This Company Is Going to Offer One Year of Unlimited Business-Class Flights for $35,000 “The big appeal is that a new generation of private jetliners, for the first time, can fly anywhere in the world without refueling,” says Stephen Vella, founder of Kestrel Aviation Management, a leader in the conversions field. “The world’s wealthiest no longer have to stop on their way to China.” And they’re willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for the regal convenience. Kestrel introduced its latest offering––an individually-tailored version, of course––in late May at the business aviation air show in Geneva. Though the jetliner was already sold to a Chinese conglomerate for close to $350 million, representatives for sheiks, princes, and tech billionaires toured Kestrel’s creation, a converted Boeing BBJ787-8 Dreamliner. It’s the first entry in the hottest new area in the conversions field: medium-sized commercial planes refitted for private owners. The wide-body 787 has major advantages over the two categories of jetliners previously favored by the ultra-wealthy and heads of state. Traditionally, the bottom end of the market has consisted of the narrow-body Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. Dominating the top end is the super-sized 747, the behemoth that’s long transported U.S. presidents as Air Force One and the jetliner of choice for Middle Eastern monarchs. While 737 and A320 private jets travel a maximum of 9.5 to 10 hours, or around 4,300 miles––
offer the best of all worlds. You can offer big offices, small offices, coworking space, virtual offices, hotdesks. Business centers can truly fill the one-space-fills-all bill by creating diversity within your walls. Some tenants may need complete privacy. You can offer that. Others may want more collaboration. You can offer that also. “We advocate that corporate real estate and workplace executives approach workplace management as a holistic practice starting at the C-suite level,” Kadzis says. “Workplace strategy is no longer a singular function of real estate, but a product of taking into account the needs and demands of the business, and how real estate should work with human resources, information technology, finance and other support functions to support overall organizational planning.” Image: serviced offices, ABCN.com jennifer.leclaire WASPY Awards 2017 Revision as of 18:16, 5 July 2017 by Sriram.sri (talk | contribs) (waspy1) 1 Purpose of the Awards 3 Categories 4 Rules 5 And the Nominees Are... 7 Sponsorship Opportunities 8 Communication 9 Past WASPY Awards Purpose of the Awards Each year there are many individuals who do amazing work, dedicating countless hours to share, improve, and strengthen the OWASP mission. Some of these individuals are well known to the community while others are not. The purpose of these awards is to bring recognition to those who "FLY UNDER THE RADAR". These are the individuals who are passionate about OWASP, who contribute hours of their own free time to the organization to help improve the cyber-security world, yet seem to go unrecognized. Call for Nominees Opens June 7, 2017 Call for Nominees Closes June 30, 2017 - CLOSED Announcement of Nominees per Category July 5, 2017 Deadline for Nominee Profile Picture and Bio to be created and added to the Nominees section July 10, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Opens July 17, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Closes July 24, 2017 Winners are Notified July 25, 2017 Announcement of Winners to the Community July 25, 2017 Award Ceremony at AppSecUSA 2017 in Orlando, FL September 21-22, 2017 The WASPYs celebrate the actors in our community who grow OWASP and drive innovation to the safety and security of the world’s software. This year we are excited to offer three categories. Best Community Supporter - The WASPY for COMMUNITY honors members who create dynamic INTERACTION and LEARNING opportunities for the OWASP Community. Nominees to the Community WASPY Award create collaborative and inclusive environments and grow the OWASP Community. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community. Chapter Leaders and Community Members should especially consider leaders and volunteers who bring something extra to the environment, help the chapter reach out to new attendees, or carry out the tedious and repetitive tasks that make growing an OWASP Chapter possible. Best Mission Outreach - The WASPY for Mission Outreach honors community members who help the community GROW. Growth can happen inside the larger OWASP community or outside it in the broader AppSec and development communities. Leaders and Members should especially consider volunteers who pushed the boundaries of the audience and reach of OWASP to provide new exposure for OWASP’s projects and chapters. New leaders and volunteers who help bring more people to your chapter, project, or actively represent OWASP at non-OWASP events, gatherings, and activities to build an active OWASP community are ideal candidates for the Mission Outreach WASPY award. Best Innovator - The WASPY for Innovation is given to a community member who has contributed to the TECHNICAL advancement of OWASP in the past year. This advancement is usually through an OWASP Project and can be in the form of code, an application, or anything that materially makes the AppSec community better in a unique way. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community who quietly go about making the world a bit better for their work. Project Leaders and Community Members should especially consider nominating new projects, projects that have recently graduated, and project contributors for this WASPY. Remember the purpose of these awards is to recognize the UNSUNG HEROS out there, that are barely recognized for their contributions to the OWASP Foundation. 1. Board members may not be nominated 2. Employees & Contractors may not be nominated 3. All nominees will remain anonymous until July 3, 2017 4. Anyone can nominate an "unsung hero" who has contributed in some way to OWASP who they feel
offer the best of all worlds. You can offer big offices, small offices, coworking space, virtual offices, hotdesks. Business centers can truly fill the one-space-fills-all bill by creating diversity within your walls. Some tenants may need complete privacy. You can offer that. Others may want more collaboration. You can offer that also. “We advocate that corporate real estate and workplace executives approach workplace management as a holistic practice starting at the C-suite level,” Kadzis says. “Workplace strategy is no longer a singular function of real estate, but a product of taking into account the needs and demands of the business, and how real estate should work with human resources, information technology, finance and other support functions to support overall organizational planning.” Image: serviced offices, ABCN.com jennifer.leclaire WASPY Awards 2017 Revision as of 18:16, 5 July 2017 by Sriram.sri (talk | contribs) (waspy1) 1 Purpose of the Awards 3 Categories 4 Rules 5 And the Nominees Are... 7 Sponsorship Opportunities 8 Communication 9 Past WASPY Awards Purpose of the Awards Each year there are many individuals who do amazing work, dedicating countless hours to share, improve, and strengthen the OWASP mission. Some of these individuals are well known to the community while others are not. The purpose of these awards is to bring recognition to those who "FLY UNDER THE RADAR". These are the individuals who are passionate about OWASP, who contribute hours of their own free time to the organization to help improve the cyber-security world, yet seem to go unrecognized. Call for Nominees Opens June 7, 2017 Call for Nominees Closes June 30, 2017 - CLOSED Announcement of Nominees per Category July 5, 2017 Deadline for Nominee Profile Picture and Bio to be created and added to the Nominees section July 10, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Opens July 17, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Closes July 24, 2017 Winners are Notified July 25, 2017 Announcement of Winners to the Community July 25, 2017 Award Ceremony at AppSecUSA 2017 in Orlando, FL September 21-22, 2017 The WASPYs celebrate the actors in our community who grow OWASP and drive innovation to the safety and security of the world’s software. This year we are excited to offer three categories. Best Community Supporter - The WASPY for COMMUNITY honors members who create dynamic INTERACTION and LEARNING opportunities for the OWASP Community. Nominees to the Community WASPY Award create collaborative and inclusive environments and grow the OWASP Community. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community. Chapter Leaders and Community Members should especially consider leaders and volunteers who bring something extra to the environment, help the chapter reach out to new attendees, or carry out the tedious and repetitive tasks that make growing an OWASP Chapter possible. Best Mission Outreach - The WASPY for Mission Outreach honors community members who help the community GROW. Growth can happen inside the larger OWASP community or outside it in the broader AppSec and development communities. Leaders and Members should especially consider volunteers who pushed the boundaries of the audience and reach of OWASP to provide new exposure for OWASP’s projects and chapters. New leaders and volunteers who help bring more people to your chapter, project, or actively represent OWASP at non-OWASP events, gatherings, and activities to build an active OWASP community are ideal candidates for the Mission Outreach WASPY award. Best Innovator - The WASPY for Innovation is given to a community member who has contributed to the TECHNICAL advancement of OWASP in the past year. This advancement is usually through an OWASP Project and can be in the form of code, an application, or anything that materially makes the AppSec community better in a unique way. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community who quietly go about making the world a bit better for their work. Project Leaders and Community Members should especially consider nominating new projects, projects that have recently graduated, and project contributors for this WASPY. Remember the purpose of these awards is to recognize the UNSUNG HEROS out there, that are barely recognized for their contributions to the OWASP Foundation. 1. Board members may not be nominated 2. Employees & Contractors may not be nominated 3. All nominees will remain anonymous until July 3, 2017 4. Anyone can nominate an "unsung hero" who has contributed in some way to OWASP who they feel
best fits each category 5. You may only nominate one person per category And the Nominees Are... Category & Citation AArasu Best Community Supporter "A great leader always there to help responds to emails quickly loves his work works very hard every day very supportive never loses focus strong willed very technical and willing to do things himself to get the job done when asked for something he will get it to you ASAP constant learner open to suggestions and ideas on how to be better respectful honest caring and I am certain HRC will make it big very soon :)" Sean Auriti Best Community Supporter "Sean has not only worked as a volunteer in the local chapter building community, his code projects are useful to the mission and his outreach efforts have included funding requests for OWASP Foundation to grow its mission. Sean is a great example of a community member." Nicole Becher Best Community Supporter "Nicole has been an amazing chapter leader. She brings knowledge and experience teaching cybersecurity to the Mentor Initiative, WIA Committee, and projects." Ken Belva Best Community Supporter "Ken is a long time chapter leader of the NYC chapter and a former chapter leader of the Brooklyn Chapter. Ken is always willing to step in and volunteer to help with OWASP initiatives and is a frequent participant in OWASP events as both a volunteer and speaker. Ken has spoken at AppSec USA on XSS techniques (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G539NwvpL3I) and is the project lead for the Basic Expression and Lexicon Variation Algorithms project (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Basic_Expression_%26_Lexicon_Variation_Algorithms_(BELVA)_Project)." Tony Clarke Best Community Supporter "Tony has selflessly brought the OWASP dublin chapter to great nights. He has nurtured the chapter to be inclusive and open whilst growing the average attendee count to hundreds. He has spread the word across both security industry and developer industry and has also managed to get various organisations to work together such as ISACA, IISF, ISSA and ISC2. He is a great leader and despite detractors has built the chapter and awareness of software security issues in a strong vendor neutral manner to a great place. Tony is a great example of OWASP and industry leadership." Dinis Cruz Best Community Supporter "Diniz is a fantastic innovator and motivator. As the mastermind and organizer behind the OWASP Summit he has managed to re-energize the OWASP community - many interesting projects would not have happened (or at least, not been that successful) without his passionate work. Besides organizing the event, he also consistently supported project leaders with his experience and ideas." 2nd Citation: Dinis put ridiculous effort (https://github.com/OWASP/owasp-summit-2017/commits?author=DinisCruz) into the OWASP Summit 2017 and didn't tire promoting this event! Christian Folini Best Community Supporter "Christian Folini is very active in the Core Rule Set project community. He responds to a ton of questions submitted by newcomers when they are stuck and he answers expert level questions with stunning detail. He joined Chaim and Walter when they revived the project in 2016 and I heard he had the idea for the famous CRS3 release poster https://modsecurity.org/crs/poster that was shared all over the net. I think it's people like him that give OWASP a human face." Joaquin Fuentes Best Community Supporter "In 2015, Joaquin took it upon himself to revive the OWASP Phoenix Chapter. He created a meet-up group to gain broader visibility. Since 2015, the meeting attendance has grown from an average of 15 attendees to over 60! Joaquin dedicates a lot of time and effort into scheduling an impressive variety of presentation topics including safe hacking, vulnerability scanner deep dives, hands on web exploitation CTF, video game hacking and more. I learn something new and cool at every event. More importantly, Joaquin works hard to foster a friendly, inclusive environment. During our hands-on web exploitation session, Joaquin recruited co-works to assist participants with the Security Shephard challenges so no one felt overwhelmed or impossibly stuck. He always takes the time meet and welcome new members. For example, my 17-year-old son attends meetings with me. He looks up to Joaquin as a mentor for a future information security career because Joaquin encourages his learning and offers career guidance. I highly recommend Joaquin for a WASPY award!! He is a kind, soft spoken person with a passion for sharing information security and helping others!" 2nd Citation: "He resurrected the Phoenix chapter and has kept it going with great content." 3rd
shows signs of mental retardation that no one could fail to notice. Edit: “(perhaps I’m misunderstanding something—I most likely am)” “how much does learning to speak english increase a frenchman’s IQ? another very important question.” I wondered that too, just after reading your last post (on Anglophone vs francophone blacks. Don’t mind mug of pee, he’s trolling and since he uses my gravatar, his comments are now in the trash. “RealAfrosapiens” is mug of pee/mugabe/ian smith/ilovehitler/whatever stupid name. Now about African countries, first there aren’t real Francophone/Anglophone Africans, these countries have official languages that are inherited from colonialism but virtually none is spoken as a mother tongue by Black Africans. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. But I can’t see a link with French colonialism, since countries like Benin, Togo, Cameroon, the Congo(s) and Gabon which are more modern also have higher estimates, the highest being Gabon: 84. Edit: “…reading your last comment (on anglophone vs. francophone…” That was him? Strange that I didn’t notice the different name (from yours). That’s weird, well don’t I feel dumb. It makes sense now that it was a troll LOL! Never mind. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. ” Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data. Edit: “…Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data—a bit of a mental lapse on my part I guess.. It happens 😉 To AfroSapiens: The new report by Becker, (whatever other problems it may have)—and which I saw you commented on at Unz where James Thompson discussed it—, finds an IQ of 93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least but to rest Lynn’s claim that Barbados scores at 79 (it’s clearly higher, ca. low-mid 90s). True, but look how other commenters react at the sight of European countries scoring in the 80s. People will not get over Lynn’s hierarchy. Cont: Becker link: below under “favorites” as well as under “national”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3c4TxciNeJZWUx5bzBWZ1BuMUk/view “(despite the other problems it may or likely has, underestimating the IQs of many other countries)—and which I saw you commented” Edit: “…93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least put to rest Lynn’s claim…” “*put to rest”—mistakenly written at first as “but to”… Also, the Barbadian data was actually from people afflicted with kwashiorkor and marasmus, or people that had at one time/as children been afflicted (yet two more—in addition to all the others—diseases/afflictions that can significantly lower IQ). So it seems maybe it’s possible that healthy Barbadian controls could score higher. “Long-term effects of early kwashiorkor compared with marasmus. II. Intellectual performance.” “Relation of Kwashiorkor in Early Childhood and Intelligence at School Age” https://www.nature.com/pr/journal/v5/n11/pdf/pr1971371a.pdf?origin=ppub Indeed. I think I remember this study. I posted a while back on peepee who dismissed it out of disbelief Also, the kwashiorkor/marasmus information is in the “Collection” section of the Becker (google sheets) IQ link I linked. “…who dismissed it out of disbelief” Yeah. He does seem to have a way of doing that. Minor correction: One Barbadian study/sample used (in the aforementioned Becker study) came from a group of normal Barbadian adults who averaged at an IQ of 94
shows signs of mental retardation that no one could fail to notice. Edit: “(perhaps I’m misunderstanding something—I most likely am)” “how much does learning to speak english increase a frenchman’s IQ? another very important question.” I wondered that too, just after reading your last post (on Anglophone vs francophone blacks. Don’t mind mug of pee, he’s trolling and since he uses my gravatar, his comments are now in the trash. “RealAfrosapiens” is mug of pee/mugabe/ian smith/ilovehitler/whatever stupid name. Now about African countries, first there aren’t real Francophone/Anglophone Africans, these countries have official languages that are inherited from colonialism but virtually none is spoken as a mother tongue by Black Africans. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. But I can’t see a link with French colonialism, since countries like Benin, Togo, Cameroon, the Congo(s) and Gabon which are more modern also have higher estimates, the highest being Gabon: 84. Edit: “…reading your last comment (on anglophone vs. francophone…” That was him? Strange that I didn’t notice the different name (from yours). That’s weird, well don’t I feel dumb. It makes sense now that it was a troll LOL! Never mind. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. ” Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data. Edit: “…Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data—a bit of a mental lapse on my part I guess.. It happens 😉 To AfroSapiens: The new report by Becker, (whatever other problems it may have)—and which I saw you commented on at Unz where James Thompson discussed it—, finds an IQ of 93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least but to rest Lynn’s claim that Barbados scores at 79 (it’s clearly higher, ca. low-mid 90s). True, but look how other commenters react at the sight of European countries scoring in the 80s. People will not get over Lynn’s hierarchy. Cont: Becker link: below under “favorites” as well as under “national”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3c4TxciNeJZWUx5bzBWZ1BuMUk/view “(despite the other problems it may or likely has, underestimating the IQs of many other countries)—and which I saw you commented” Edit: “…93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least put to rest Lynn’s claim…” “*put to rest”—mistakenly written at first as “but to”… Also, the Barbadian data was actually from people afflicted with kwashiorkor and marasmus, or people that had at one time/as children been afflicted (yet two more—in addition to all the others—diseases/afflictions that can significantly lower IQ). So it seems maybe it’s possible that healthy Barbadian controls could score higher. “Long-term effects of early kwashiorkor compared with marasmus. II. Intellectual performance.” “Relation of Kwashiorkor in Early Childhood and Intelligence at School Age” https://www.nature.com/pr/journal/v5/n11/pdf/pr1971371a.pdf?origin=ppub Indeed. I think I remember this study. I posted a while back on peepee who dismissed it out of disbelief Also, the kwashiorkor/marasmus information is in the “Collection” section of the Becker (google sheets) IQ link I linked. “…who dismissed it out of disbelief” Yeah. He does seem to have a way of doing that. Minor correction: One Barbadian study/sample used (in the aforementioned Becker study) came from a group of normal Barbadian adults who averaged at an IQ of 94
(though the study also found/reported a sample of adults who had been malnourished in infancy and they scored at only 78—much lower than the healthy controls who scored 94—a difference of 16 points). The other sample came from a study of adolescents in which some had suffered from kwashiorkor of marasmus as young children, but only the healthy controls’ score was used (they scored around 90, at 89.5), and the afflicted groups (with kwashiorkor or marasmus) scored considerably/quite significantly lower)—the sample came from a study comparing afflicted and less affected/relatively healthy Barbadian adolescents, and finding large differences (I cited it above). In both studies, both affected samples and healthy controls came from about the same socio-economic background (in one study many across both groups were siblings) So the combined average for Barbados, as mentioned, was 93. Also, interestingly , the sample with the higher score (94) was more recent (Weber 2014) than the other one (Galler 1987), so perhaps this is due to/part of the Flynn effect (at least partly). though, the higher scoring sample is older than the other one (adult vs adolescent), and the ages are far enough apart that it may perhaps be a bit more something like improvement within a cohort due to educational or other environmental factors, than an across cohort effect—though the report mentions that severe infant malnutrition is now much less common than when the study was done, so a recent rising IQ effect may be likely at least partly due to that, and a recent low-mid 90s score should, as the studies show, be expected for the country. “Thus, whereas moderate-severe cases of infant malnutrition were of significant concern when this study was undertaken in the 1970’s, infant malnutrition is now virtually eliminated from the island due to its improved economy and the impact of island-wide nutrition-related education” (those afflicted with kwashiorkor or marasmus—excluded from the healthy controls in the second mentioned sample/study— scored iqs much lower than the others at 74 and 72, showing the significant iq depressive effects of those conditions and malnourishment, suggesting that the depressive effects of likely even worse conditions—like malaria, hookworm, etc—common in poorer countries in Africa and elsewhere, could be even worse/more severe, especially when combined, as they likely often are, with conditions like kwashiorkor, marasmus, other forms of malnutrition etc.) “In 2006, the BNS undertook to assess outcomes in its participants in mid-adulthood, including neuropsychological, psychiatric, and social functioning, as well as physical health. There was an estimated 9-fold increase in the prevalence of IQ in the range of intellectual disability (≤70) in the previously malnourished group, and basic academic skills were significantly depressed, even after adjusting for the effects of standard of living throughout childhood and adolescence (Waber, et al., 2013).” “The effect of early malnutrition and related conditions at the time of episode still emerged as significant even when the current environmental factors were controlled for.” In a Mexican study, healthy vs. afflicted differences of a similar magnitude: “Measured intelligence at school age was compared in 37 previously severely mal- nourished children and their siblings. The malnourished children all had been hos- pitalized for kwashiorkor…” “The siblings had never experienced a bout of severe malnutrition requiring hospitalization. The sibling controls were all within 3 yearsof age of the index cases. Full scale WISC IQof the index cases was 68.5 and of the con- trols 81.5. Verbal and performance differences were of similar magnitude and in the same direction.” Edit: …”and the groups’ ages/dates are far enough apart given the respective dates…” Edit “…(the study also contained/reported a sample of adults who had been malnourished in infancy and they…” Edit: “In studies, both affected samples and healthy controls came from generally similar socio-economic backgrounds, “recruited as children from the same classrooms and neighborhoods” (Waber 2014). (in one study, the last one from Mexico, those across both groups were siblings, thus from the same background). The Waber study mentions that: “…Although these environmental influences (my note: socio-economic correlates like parental education, income etc.) were themselves systematically associated with cognition and academic achievement as would be expected, they nevertheless did not mediate the association between malnutrition and cognitive compromise (Galler, Ramsey, & Forde, 1986; Galler, et al., 1983; Waber, et al., 2011).” Gary Nobelheim says: I can�
p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If $n^{\ast}\nmid n$, the sum over $j$ vanishes and $\Sigma_1^{(3)}=0$. In the other case, one has \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}=1\quad\ \ \text{and subsequently}\quad\ \ p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}, \end{equation*} leading to \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(3)}&=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}(i\fAB+k)q^{i\fAB+k}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{l=0}^{\mu_A\fAB-1}lq^l\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\frac{q^{\mu_A\fAB}(\mu_A\fAB q-\mu_A\fAB-q)+q}{(q-1)^2}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{1-q}\left(-(F_3+1)+\frac{F_3}{\mu_A\fAB(1-q^{-1})}\right).\label{formSig13deelt} \end{align} Note that $q^{\mu_A\fAB}=p^{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}=p^{w\cdot v_3}=F_3+1$ in this case. Let us now look at $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$. \subsubsection{The sum $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$} Still based on \eqref{pof1casedrie}, this time we ought to consider the following sum: \begin{align*} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\sum_{h\in H_1}h_0p^{w\cdot h}\\* &=\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB+j\xi_B\mu_A\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_1}\right\}\cdot\\* &\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i \Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If we put \begin{equation}\label{defjnulc3} j_0=\left\lfloor\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\rfloor, \end{equation} we can write this sum as \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\frac{1}{\mu_B}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\
p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If $n^{\ast}\nmid n$, the sum over $j$ vanishes and $\Sigma_1^{(3)}=0$. In the other case, one has \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}=1\quad\ \ \text{and subsequently}\quad\ \ p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}, \end{equation*} leading to \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(3)}&=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}(i\fAB+k)q^{i\fAB+k}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{l=0}^{\mu_A\fAB-1}lq^l\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\frac{q^{\mu_A\fAB}(\mu_A\fAB q-\mu_A\fAB-q)+q}{(q-1)^2}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{1-q}\left(-(F_3+1)+\frac{F_3}{\mu_A\fAB(1-q^{-1})}\right).\label{formSig13deelt} \end{align} Note that $q^{\mu_A\fAB}=p^{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}=p^{w\cdot v_3}=F_3+1$ in this case. Let us now look at $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$. \subsubsection{The sum $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$} Still based on \eqref{pof1casedrie}, this time we ought to consider the following sum: \begin{align*} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\sum_{h\in H_1}h_0p^{w\cdot h}\\* &=\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB+j\xi_B\mu_A\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_1}\right\}\cdot\\* &\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i \Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If we put \begin{equation}\label{defjnulc3} j_0=\left\lfloor\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\rfloor, \end{equation} we can write this sum as \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\frac{1}{\mu_B}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\
fAB-1}\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^iq^kS(i,k),\qquad\text{with}\label{sumoverjref}\\ S(i,k)&=\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+\{j_0+j\xi_B\}_{\mu_B}\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^j.\notag \end{align} Since $\gcd(\xi_B,\mu_B)=1$, the map \begin{align*} &\verB\to\verB:j\mapsto\{j_0+j\xi_B\}_{\mu_B}\\ \intertext{is a permutation, and with $\xi_B'$ as before the unique element $\xi_B'\in\verB$ such that $\xi_B\xi_B'\equiv1\bmod\mu_B$, the inverse permutation is given by} &\verB\to\verB:j\mapsto\{(j-j_0)\xi_B'\}_{\mu_B}. \end{align*} Therefore, after reordering the terms, the sum $S(i,k)$ can be written as \begin{align} S(i,k)&=\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+j\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^{\{(j-j_0)\xi_B'\}_{\mu_B}}\label{sumoverjex1}\\ &=\Bigl(p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^{-j_0}\sum_j\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+j\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^j.\label{sumoverjex2} \end{align} Indeed, as $p^{(\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1)/\mu_B}$ is a $\mu_B$th root of unity, one may omit the curly brackets $\{\cdot\}_{\mu_B}$ in the exponent in \eqref{sumoverjex1}. Expression~\eqref{sumoverjex2} is then obtained by \eqref{teentottander} and the fact that $j_0$ is independent of $j$. It is now a good time to make a case distinction between $n^{\ast}\mid n$ and $n^{\ast}\nmid n$. \paragraph{Case $n^{\ast}\mid n$} Since in this case \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}\qquad\text{and}\qquad p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}=1, \end{equation*} Equations~\eqref{sumoverjref} and \eqref{sumoverjex2} give rise to
se dejen ver. Adiós. Las dos niñas lloraron amargamente (sin saber en realidad por qué), abrazaron al León y besaron su melena, su nariz, sus manos y sus grandes ojos tristes. Luego él se alejó de ellas y subió a la cima de la colina. Lucía y Susana se escondieron detrás de los arbustos, y esto fue lo que vieron. Una gran multitud rodeaba la Mesa de Piedra y, aunque la luna resplandecía, muchos de los que allí estaban sostenían antorchas que ardían con llamas rojas y demoníacas y despedían humo negro. Pero ¡qué clase de gente había allí! Ogros con dientes monstruosos, lobos, hombres con cabezas de toro, espíritus de árboles malvados y de plantas venenosas y otras criaturas que no voy a describir porque, si lo hiciera, probablemente los adultos no permitirían que ustedes leyeran este libro... Eran sanguinarias, aterradoras, demoníacas, fantasmales, horrendas, espectrales. En efecto, ahí se encontraban reunidos todos los que estaban de parte de la Bruja, aquellos que el Lobo había convocado obedeciendo la orden dada por ella. Justo al centro, de pie cerca de la Mesa, estaba la Bruja en persona. Un aullido y una algarabía espantosa surgieron de la multitud cuando aquellos horribles seres vieron que el León avanzaba paso a paso hacia ellos. Por un momento, la misma Bruja pareció paralizada por el miedo. Pronto se recobró y lanzó una carcajada salvaje. –¡El idiota! –gritó–. ¡El idiota ha venido! ¡Átenlo de inmediato! Susana y Lucía, sin respirar, esperaron el rugido de Aslan y su salto para atacar a sus enemigos. Pero nada de eso se produjo. Cuatro hechiceras, con horribles muecas y miradas salvajes, aunque también (al principio) vacilantes y algo asustadas de lo que debían hacer, se aproximaron a él. –¡Átenlo, les digo! –repitió la Bruja. Las hechiceras le arrojaron un dardo y chillaron triunfantes al ver que no oponía resistencia. Luego otros –enanos y monos malvados– corrieron a ayudarlas, y entre todos enrollaron una cuerda alrededor del inmenso León y amarraron sus cuatro patas juntas. Gritaban y aplaudían como si hubieran realizado un acto de valentía, aunque con sólo una de sus garras el León podría haberlos matado a todos si lo hubiera querido. Pero no hizo ni un solo ruido, ni siquiera cuando los enemigos, con terrible violencia, tiraron de las cuerdas en tal forma que éstas penetraron su carne. Por último comenzaron a arrastrarlo hacia la Mesa de Piedra. –¡Alto! –dijo la Bruja–. ¡Que se le corte el pelo primero! Otro coro de risas malvadas surgió de la multitud cuando un ogro se acercó con un par de tijeras y se agachó al lado de la cabeza de Aslan. _Snip-Snip-Snip_ sonaron las tijeras y los rizos dorados comenzaron a caer y a amontonarse en el suelo. El ogro se e
se dejen ver. Adiós. Las dos niñas lloraron amargamente (sin saber en realidad por qué), abrazaron al León y besaron su melena, su nariz, sus manos y sus grandes ojos tristes. Luego él se alejó de ellas y subió a la cima de la colina. Lucía y Susana se escondieron detrás de los arbustos, y esto fue lo que vieron. Una gran multitud rodeaba la Mesa de Piedra y, aunque la luna resplandecía, muchos de los que allí estaban sostenían antorchas que ardían con llamas rojas y demoníacas y despedían humo negro. Pero ¡qué clase de gente había allí! Ogros con dientes monstruosos, lobos, hombres con cabezas de toro, espíritus de árboles malvados y de plantas venenosas y otras criaturas que no voy a describir porque, si lo hiciera, probablemente los adultos no permitirían que ustedes leyeran este libro... Eran sanguinarias, aterradoras, demoníacas, fantasmales, horrendas, espectrales. En efecto, ahí se encontraban reunidos todos los que estaban de parte de la Bruja, aquellos que el Lobo había convocado obedeciendo la orden dada por ella. Justo al centro, de pie cerca de la Mesa, estaba la Bruja en persona. Un aullido y una algarabía espantosa surgieron de la multitud cuando aquellos horribles seres vieron que el León avanzaba paso a paso hacia ellos. Por un momento, la misma Bruja pareció paralizada por el miedo. Pronto se recobró y lanzó una carcajada salvaje. –¡El idiota! –gritó–. ¡El idiota ha venido! ¡Átenlo de inmediato! Susana y Lucía, sin respirar, esperaron el rugido de Aslan y su salto para atacar a sus enemigos. Pero nada de eso se produjo. Cuatro hechiceras, con horribles muecas y miradas salvajes, aunque también (al principio) vacilantes y algo asustadas de lo que debían hacer, se aproximaron a él. –¡Átenlo, les digo! –repitió la Bruja. Las hechiceras le arrojaron un dardo y chillaron triunfantes al ver que no oponía resistencia. Luego otros –enanos y monos malvados– corrieron a ayudarlas, y entre todos enrollaron una cuerda alrededor del inmenso León y amarraron sus cuatro patas juntas. Gritaban y aplaudían como si hubieran realizado un acto de valentía, aunque con sólo una de sus garras el León podría haberlos matado a todos si lo hubiera querido. Pero no hizo ni un solo ruido, ni siquiera cuando los enemigos, con terrible violencia, tiraron de las cuerdas en tal forma que éstas penetraron su carne. Por último comenzaron a arrastrarlo hacia la Mesa de Piedra. –¡Alto! –dijo la Bruja–. ¡Que se le corte el pelo primero! Otro coro de risas malvadas surgió de la multitud cuando un ogro se acercó con un par de tijeras y se agachó al lado de la cabeza de Aslan. _Snip-Snip-Snip_ sonaron las tijeras y los rizos dorados comenzaron a caer y a amontonarse en el suelo. El ogro se e
chó hacia atrás, y las niñas, que observaban desde su escondite, pudieron ver la cara de Aslan, tan pequeña y diferente sin su melena. Los enemigos también se percataron de la diferencia. –¡Miren, no es más que un gato grande, después de todo! –gritó uno. –¿De _eso_ estábamos asustados? –dijo otro. Y todos rodearon a Aslan y se burlaron de él con frases como "Misu, misu. Pobre gatita", "¿Cuántos ratones cazaste hoy, gato?" o "¿Quieres un platito de leche?". –¡Oh! ¿Cómo pueden? –dijo Lucía mientras las lágrimas corrían por sus mejillas–. ¡Qué salvajes, qué salvajes! Pero ahora que el primer impacto ante su vista estaba superado, la cara desnuda de Aslan le pareció más valiente, más bella y más paciente que nunca. –¡Pónganle un bozal! –ordenó la Bruja. Incluso en ese momento, mientras ellos se afanaban junto a su cara para ponerle el bozal, un mordisco de sus mandíbulas les hubiera costado las manos a dos o tres de ellos. Pero no se movió. Esto pareció enfurecer a esa chusma. Ahora todos estaban frente a él. Aquellos que tenían miedo de acercarse, aun después de que el León quedó limitado por las cuerdas que lo ataban, comenzaron ahora a envalentonarse y en pocos minutos las niñas ya no pudieron verlo siquiera. Una inmensa muchedumbre lo rodeaba estrechamente y lo pateaba, lo golpeaba, le escupía y se mofaba de él. Por fin, la chusma pensó que ya era suficiente. Entonces volvieron a arrastrarlo amarrado y amordazado hasta la Mesa de Piedra. Unos empujaban y otros tiraban. Era tan inmenso que, después de haber llegado hasta la Mesa, tuvieron que emplear todas sus fuerzas para alzarlo y colocarlo sobre la superficie. Allí hubo más amarras y las cuerdas se apretaron ferozmente. –¡Cobardes! ¡Cobardes! –sollozó Susana–. ¡Todavía le tienen miedo, incluso ahora! Una vez que Aslan estuvo atado (y tan atado que realmente estaba convertido en una masa de cuerdas) sobre la piedra, un súbito silencio reinó entre la multitud. Cuatro hechiceras, sosteniendo cuatro antorchas, se instalaron en las esquinas de la Mesa. La Bruja desnudó sus brazos, tal como los había desnudado la noche anterior ante Edmundo en lugar de Aslan. Luego procedió a afilar su cuchillo. Cuando la tenue luz de las antorchas cayó sobre éste, las niñas pensaron que era un cuchillo de piedra en vez de acero. Su forma era extraña y diabólica. Finalmente, ella se acercó y se situó junto a la cabeza de Aslan. La cara de la Bruja estaba crispada de furor y de pasión; Aslan miraba el cielo, siempre quieto, sin demostrar enojo ni miedo, sino tan sólo un poco de tristeza. Entonces, un
the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all white or clayed sugars of the produce or manufacture of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors; for and upon indigo, and coffee of foreign produce or manufacture; for and upon wines (except French wine;) for and upon all wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, and all calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained there; and for and upon all foreign linen cloth called Cambrick and French Lawns, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign white or clayed sugars, one pound two shillings, over and above all other duties imposed by any former act of parliament. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such foreign indigo, six pence. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign coffee, which shall be imported from any place, except Great Britain, two pounds, nineteen shillings, and ninepence. For every ton of wine of the growth of the Madeiras, or of any other island or place from whence such wine may be lawfully imported, and which shall be so imported from such islands or place, the sum of seven pounds For every ton of Portugal, Spanish, or any other wine (except French wine) imported from Great Britain, the sum of ten shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed silk or herbs, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings. For every piece of calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained, in Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings and six pence. For every piece of foreign linen cloth, called Cambrick, imported from Great Britain, three shillings. For every piece of French lawn imported from Great Britain, three shillings. And after those rates for any greater or lesser quantity of such goods respectively. II. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall also be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all coffee and pimento of the growth and produce of any British colony or plantation in America, which shall be there laden on board any British ship or vessel, to be carried out from thence to any other place whatsoever, except Great Britain, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, III. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such British coffee, seven shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such British pimento, one halfpenny. IV. And whereas an act was made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, which was to continue in force for five years, to be computed from the twenty fourth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and thirty three, and to the end of the then next session of parliament, and which, by several subsequent acts made in the eleventh, the nineteenth, the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth, and the thirty first years of the reign of his said late Majesty, was, from time to time, continued; and, by an act made in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty, was further continued until the end of this present session of parliament; and although the said act hath been found in some degree useful, yet it is highly expedient that the same should be altered, enforced, and made more effectual; but, in consideration of the great distance of several of the said colonies and plantations from this kingdom, it will be proper further to continue the said act for a short space, before any alterations and amendments shall take effect, in order that all persons concerned may have due and proper notice thereof; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said act made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled
the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all white or clayed sugars of the produce or manufacture of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors; for and upon indigo, and coffee of foreign produce or manufacture; for and upon wines (except French wine;) for and upon all wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, and all calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained there; and for and upon all foreign linen cloth called Cambrick and French Lawns, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign white or clayed sugars, one pound two shillings, over and above all other duties imposed by any former act of parliament. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such foreign indigo, six pence. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign coffee, which shall be imported from any place, except Great Britain, two pounds, nineteen shillings, and ninepence. For every ton of wine of the growth of the Madeiras, or of any other island or place from whence such wine may be lawfully imported, and which shall be so imported from such islands or place, the sum of seven pounds For every ton of Portugal, Spanish, or any other wine (except French wine) imported from Great Britain, the sum of ten shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed silk or herbs, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings. For every piece of calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained, in Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings and six pence. For every piece of foreign linen cloth, called Cambrick, imported from Great Britain, three shillings. For every piece of French lawn imported from Great Britain, three shillings. And after those rates for any greater or lesser quantity of such goods respectively. II. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall also be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all coffee and pimento of the growth and produce of any British colony or plantation in America, which shall be there laden on board any British ship or vessel, to be carried out from thence to any other place whatsoever, except Great Britain, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, III. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such British coffee, seven shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such British pimento, one halfpenny. IV. And whereas an act was made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, which was to continue in force for five years, to be computed from the twenty fourth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and thirty three, and to the end of the then next session of parliament, and which, by several subsequent acts made in the eleventh, the nineteenth, the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth, and the thirty first years of the reign of his said late Majesty, was, from time to time, continued; and, by an act made in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty, was further continued until the end of this present session of parliament; and although the said act hath been found in some degree useful, yet it is highly expedient that the same should be altered, enforced, and made more effectual; but, in consideration of the great distance of several of the said colonies and plantations from this kingdom, it will be proper further to continue the said act for a short space, before any alterations and amendments shall take effect, in order that all persons concerned may have due and proper notice thereof; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said act made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled
, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, shall be, and the same is hereby further continued, until the thirtieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four. V. And it be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, the said act, subject to such alterations and amendments as are herein after contained, shall be, and the same is hereby made perpetual. VI. And it be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in lieu and instead of the rate and duty imposed by the said act upon molasses and syrups, there shall, from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon every gallon of molasses or syrups, being the growth, product, or manufacture, of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heir or successors, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs or successors, the sum of three pence. VII. And it be hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said rates and duties hereby charged upon such foreign white or clayed sugars, foreign indigo, foreign coffee, wines, wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs, calico, cambricks, French lawns, and foreign molasses or syrups, imported into any British American colony or plantation shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner and form, and by such rules, ways and means, and under such penalties and forfeitures (not otherwise altered by this act) as are mentioned and expressed in the said act of parliament, made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, with respect to the raising, levying, collecting, and payment, of the rates and duties thereby granted; and that the aforesaid duties hereby charged upon British coffee and pimento, exported from any British colony or plantation, shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner and form, and forfeitures, as are mentioned and referred unto in an act of parliament, made in the twenty fifth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for the encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland trades, and for the better securing the plantation trade, with respect to the raising, levying, collecting, and payment of the rates and duties thereby granted upon the several goods therein particularly enumerated: and that all powers, penalties, provisions, articles, and clauses, in those acts respectively contained and referred unto (except in such cases where any alteration is made by this act) shall be observed, applied, practised, and put in execution, for the raising, levying, collecting, and answering, the respective rates and duties granted by this act, as fully and effectually, as if the same were particularly and at large re-enacted in the body of this present act, and applied to the rates and duties hereby imposed; and as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the same could have been at any time put in execution, for the like purposes, with respect to the rates and duties granted by the said former acts. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the importer of any wines shall refuse to pay the duties hereby imposed thereon, it shall and may be lawful for the collector, or other proper officer of the customs where such wines shall be imported, and he is hereby respectively required to take and secure the same, with the casks or other package thereof, and to cause the same to be publicly sold, within the space of twenty days at the most after such refusal made, and at such time and place as such officer, shall, by four or more days public notice, appoint for that purpose; which wine shall be sold to the best bidder, and the money arising by the said duties, together with the charges that shall have been occasioned by the said sale; and the overplus, if any, shall be paid to such importer, or any other person authorized to receive the same. IX. Provided also, That if the money offered for the purchase of such wine shall not be sufficient to discharge the duty and charges aforesaid, then, and in every such case, the collector, or other proper officer, shall cause the wine to be staved, split, or otherwise destroyed, and shall return the casks or other package wherein the same was contained to such importer. X. And it is hereby declared and enacted, That every piece of calico
the usual coldness from Joe, who once seems to care less about emotional involvement over the physical act of sex. Men are replaceable to Joe. Well… except for one. Shia LaBeouf plays Jerôme, the man who once happened to take her virginity in three thrusts (plus five more in the behind, spelled out in numbers that are burned on the image, hence the Fibonacci number). He comes to matter to her because she denies him sex for much of their second life together, when he rather surreptitiously reappears in her life as her boss. The most sincerely accomplished and, finally insightful, of the chapters must be “The Little Organ School,” which comes toward the end of Volume I. Once again, Seligman illuminates Joe’s account with a theoretical notion, this time the musical one of polyphony. And again, Joe turns the story back to herself, noting three particularly distinct love affairs during a time at the height of her sexual escapades, where she was bedding an average of 10 men a day. Our director, in turn, works in montages within a triple split-screen, featuring Jerôme at the center. It’s another rather overt move by von Trier, but it also reveals a complexity in this woman’s sexuality rarely represented so vividly and powerfully in the film. It also allows for a rare moment of emotional illumination of this woman, who may indeed have a human, beating heart and a desire to be understood. Returning to the notion of anima and animus, it’s not incidental that Joe has a name more often associated with men. It hints at one of the more interesting premises in the film that offers up many ideas surrounding sex to varying effect. There’s one rather witty scene where Joe flawlessly parallel parks for a frazzled Jerôme who insists the gap between two cars is too small for his vehicle. So much for this idea, Germany. Yet, as this film is but a “Volume I,” it feels incomplete when we get a sort of cliffhanger of an ending that would have actually worked quite ingeniously as a finale to the film had it been a movie focused on Joe’s trouble with feelings and sex. Still lingering of course is the mystery that put Joe in the street, not to mention what role Seligman has to play beyond fun house mirror to her tales of perverse sexual behavior. It becomes difficult to make up one’s mind about this film without the completed vision. Maybe it will let down because, so far— barring some hopeful moments toward the end— it mostly feels like the usual forceful von Trier. Joe still has to finish that long story she began, so we can find out the why and the what in “Volume II.” Also, could von Trier be pandering to U.S. audiences too much? Has he compromised not only by dropping almost a half-hour of (what some reports have said) of more sexual images and some extended dialogue? Has he also gone too far in following the annoying trend of several recent Hollywood movies of allowing his film to be chopped in half for easier consumption at the cost of complete story flow? Beneath these kinks and complaints, is a rather intelligent and bold concept few filmmakers dare to unabashedly explore: a rather taboo subject, not just for mainstream cinema, but a male director: a woman and the power of her sex. Nymph()maniac Volume I stands as an interesting though mostly imperfect film that teases there may be some hope for the follow up, out next month. Nymphomaniac Volume I runs 118 minutes and is not rated (it would have been an easy NC-17 had it been presented to the MPAA for a rating). It opened this past weekend in South Florida in Miami Beach Cinematheque, Bill Cosford Cinema, O Cinema and the Tower Theater. It is also available on demand, but it’s a beautiful big screen film. Note: Nymph()maniac Volume II will see release in April. Here’s that trailer, which bodes some hope for the questions brought up by this review: Tagged: Bill Cosford Cinema, Björk, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Denmark, Emily Watson, Hugo Speer, Kirsten Dunst, Lars Von Trier, Miami Beach Cinematheque, Nymph()maniac, Nymphomania, O Cinema, Shia LaBeouf, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Stacy Martin, Stellan Skarsgård, Tower Theater, Uma Thurman PetSmart Has Launched a Harry Potter Pet Collection Fans of the Wizarding World will be delighted to know that PetSmart has teamed up with Warner Bros. Consumer Products to launch its first-ever Harry Potter-inspired collection for pets. From chew toys to clothing products, furry friends can now enjoy the magic and wonder of Hogwarts.
the usual coldness from Joe, who once seems to care less about emotional involvement over the physical act of sex. Men are replaceable to Joe. Well… except for one. Shia LaBeouf plays Jerôme, the man who once happened to take her virginity in three thrusts (plus five more in the behind, spelled out in numbers that are burned on the image, hence the Fibonacci number). He comes to matter to her because she denies him sex for much of their second life together, when he rather surreptitiously reappears in her life as her boss. The most sincerely accomplished and, finally insightful, of the chapters must be “The Little Organ School,” which comes toward the end of Volume I. Once again, Seligman illuminates Joe’s account with a theoretical notion, this time the musical one of polyphony. And again, Joe turns the story back to herself, noting three particularly distinct love affairs during a time at the height of her sexual escapades, where she was bedding an average of 10 men a day. Our director, in turn, works in montages within a triple split-screen, featuring Jerôme at the center. It’s another rather overt move by von Trier, but it also reveals a complexity in this woman’s sexuality rarely represented so vividly and powerfully in the film. It also allows for a rare moment of emotional illumination of this woman, who may indeed have a human, beating heart and a desire to be understood. Returning to the notion of anima and animus, it’s not incidental that Joe has a name more often associated with men. It hints at one of the more interesting premises in the film that offers up many ideas surrounding sex to varying effect. There’s one rather witty scene where Joe flawlessly parallel parks for a frazzled Jerôme who insists the gap between two cars is too small for his vehicle. So much for this idea, Germany. Yet, as this film is but a “Volume I,” it feels incomplete when we get a sort of cliffhanger of an ending that would have actually worked quite ingeniously as a finale to the film had it been a movie focused on Joe’s trouble with feelings and sex. Still lingering of course is the mystery that put Joe in the street, not to mention what role Seligman has to play beyond fun house mirror to her tales of perverse sexual behavior. It becomes difficult to make up one’s mind about this film without the completed vision. Maybe it will let down because, so far— barring some hopeful moments toward the end— it mostly feels like the usual forceful von Trier. Joe still has to finish that long story she began, so we can find out the why and the what in “Volume II.” Also, could von Trier be pandering to U.S. audiences too much? Has he compromised not only by dropping almost a half-hour of (what some reports have said) of more sexual images and some extended dialogue? Has he also gone too far in following the annoying trend of several recent Hollywood movies of allowing his film to be chopped in half for easier consumption at the cost of complete story flow? Beneath these kinks and complaints, is a rather intelligent and bold concept few filmmakers dare to unabashedly explore: a rather taboo subject, not just for mainstream cinema, but a male director: a woman and the power of her sex. Nymph()maniac Volume I stands as an interesting though mostly imperfect film that teases there may be some hope for the follow up, out next month. Nymphomaniac Volume I runs 118 minutes and is not rated (it would have been an easy NC-17 had it been presented to the MPAA for a rating). It opened this past weekend in South Florida in Miami Beach Cinematheque, Bill Cosford Cinema, O Cinema and the Tower Theater. It is also available on demand, but it’s a beautiful big screen film. Note: Nymph()maniac Volume II will see release in April. Here’s that trailer, which bodes some hope for the questions brought up by this review: Tagged: Bill Cosford Cinema, Björk, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Denmark, Emily Watson, Hugo Speer, Kirsten Dunst, Lars Von Trier, Miami Beach Cinematheque, Nymph()maniac, Nymphomania, O Cinema, Shia LaBeouf, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Stacy Martin, Stellan Skarsgård, Tower Theater, Uma Thurman PetSmart Has Launched a Harry Potter Pet Collection Fans of the Wizarding World will be delighted to know that PetSmart has teamed up with Warner Bros. Consumer Products to launch its first-ever Harry Potter-inspired collection for pets. From chew toys to clothing products, furry friends can now enjoy the magic and wonder of Hogwarts.
With a range of themed accessories from each Hogwarts house, you can pick your favorite pieces to perfectly match your pups’ personality, whether they’re a Gryffindor, just like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, or a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. Not sure which house your four-legged friend belongs in? There’s even a sorting hat! The new and exclusive spellbinding collection was developed by Fetch for Pets and features everything from plush characters and charming collars to warming clothing and fun toys that are perfect for outdoor play. All of the items in the range are priced under $20, and there’s something for every doggo to enjoy. The Sorting Hat Burrow Toy, Harry Potter Plush Toy, Harry Potter Glasses Rope Toy, and the Dumbledore Crinkle Toy will keep dogs captivated for hours, while the Nimbus 2000 Rope Toy is great for pets who have always dreamed of winning the Quidditch Cup. Your dog can also beat the chill this winter with a Harry Potter-themed hoodie that’s sure to set your pup apart from the rest, available in sizes x-small to x-large. “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Warner Bros. Consumer Products on these exclusive accessories and toys to share the magic with this Harry Potter collection at PetSmart,” said Kristin Shane, Senior Vice President of Merchandising for PetSmart in a release announcing the collection. “We know pet parents will do anything for their pets. With the Wizarding World being such an iconic and beloved franchise, we know that this new collection will bring charm and joy and to both pet parents and their pets.” Rwanda, land of a thousand hillsUganda Gorilla Express through Kigali Uganda Gorilla Express through Kigali This tour combines Rwanda and Uganda. Starting in Kigali where you have time for a city tour before travelling to Uganda. You will enter Uganda through Cyanika border and then continue to either Mgahinga Gorilla NP or Bwindi Impenetrable NP. On the last day, you have a scenic flight to Entebbe where you will catch your departure flight. The tour provides a perfect combination of the 2 countries for those who with limited time. Rwanda Genocide Memorials Discover Kigali Discover Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Habituation of primates: What does it mean? Guided Nature Walks The Batwa of Uganda Observation of the Golden Monkeys Parks & Places: Discover Gahinga Special interest: RECOMMENDED ACCOMMODATION: BUDGET(**): Hotel Chez Lando & Travellers Rest Hotel. MIDRANGE(***): Hotel des Milles Collines & Lake Mulehe Safari Lodge. HIGH-END(****): Kigali Serena Hotel & Mount Gahinga Lodge. Kigali – Musanze: 105Kms - 2h30 Musanze – Kisoro border: 00h30 Day 01: Arrival in Kigali Day 02: Kigali visit and Transfer to Uganda (Kisoro) Day 03: Gorilla Trekking (Bwindi – Nkuringo/Rushaga or Mt Mgahinga NP) Day 04: Transfer to Entebbe and depart Arrival in Kigali On your arrival at Kigali International Airport, you will be met by our our driver-guide who will transfer you to your hotel. Dinner & overnight at your accommodation Kigali is the capital and largest city of Rwanda. It is near the nation's geographic centre in a region of rolling hills, with a series of valleys and ridges joined by steep slopes. It is a very clean and attractive city despite its dark past. A drive through the city is very refreshing and very well-lit at night. Kigali city tour – Transfer to Uganda (Kisoro) Your driver-guide will pick you up from your accommodation and together you will go on a city tour. We have often noted that some visitors are intested in visiting the Genocide Memorial centre. Situated on the outskirts of the city, the centre commemorates the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. A visit to the genocide memorial is for most visitors an emotional event. You will continue your city tour at a local market or art centre depending on your interest. Thereafter, you will have a hot lunch at a local restaurant and then drive to Uganda via Cyanika border. Enjoy the views as you drive through the hills and valleys. If you would like, you may stop for photos. Gorilla Trekking (Bwindi – Nkuringo/Rushaga or Mgahinga Gorilla NP) After breakfast,
is (NC), Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01), and Rep. Trent Kelly (MS-01). Remote participants in the Annual Session included Commissioners Sen. Tina Smith (MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04), and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), along with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) and Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04). During the Annual Session, the American legislators engaged in debates on political affairs and security, economic and environmental matters, and democracy and human rights. The U.S. legislators also played key roles in the adoption of three resolutions reflecting the major issues confronting the OSCE today: rising hate and its use to bolster authoritarianism and conflict, a call for democratic change in Belarus, and continued opposition to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Chairman Cardin, who also serves as the OSCE PA Special Representative on Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Intolerance, sponsored the first resolution, urging OSCE participating States to adopt an OSCE Anti-Discrimination, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan, to strengthen the efforts of law enforcement, civil society, and others to tackle discrimination and extremism. In addition, parliamentarians held the first Assembly elections in two years, with both Sen. Wicker and Rep. Hudson easily retaining their leadership posts. Sen. Wicker received the most votes of any of the nine vice-presidential candidates, while Rep. Hudson was elected by acclamation. While in Vienna, members also met with OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid and other senior OSCE officials, along with International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi. The in-person delegation also traveled to Estonia, where they met with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Chair of the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson to demonstrate the strong U.S. support for the bilateral security relationship. During a visit to Narva, delegation members engaged with representatives of the local Russian-speaking community and visited the Russia-Estonia border to gain a better understanding of the security situation. “The American alliance with Estonia is based on shared democratic values. We appreciate our bilateral relationship and mutual efforts to support the democratic opposition in Belarus and independent voices in Russia,” said Chairman Cardin. “Across the 57 nations that are part of the OSCE, rising challenges to democratic norms require a sober and sustained response from those committed to the rule of law and the defense of human rights. Estonia and the United States are staunch allies in this effort.” “As the Baltic region faces serious and continuing security challenges, the United States is proud to support our steadfast NATO allies,” Sen. Wicker said. “This visit by a bipartisan and bicameral delegation is representative of the strong consensus in the U.S. Congress to push back against the Kremlin’s malign activities in the region. We also appreciate the important and growing contributions of Estonia and our other regional allies and partners as we work to address global security challenges.” Members then traveled to Bulgaria for the Three Seas Initiative Summit, designed to promote transparent and sustainable investments in energy, transportation, and digital infrastructure that contribute to an undivided, free, prosperous, and resilient Europe. While at the summit, they held bilateral meetings with President Andrzej Duda of Poland, President Rumen Radev of Bulgaria, and President Egils Levits of Latvia to discuss a broad range of security and human rights issues. The delegation also traveled to Varna to examine Black Sea regional security issues; visited a Roma community to better understand the current situation of Roma in Bulgaria and underscore U.S. support for the rights of Bulgaria's Roma population; and met with journalists of the recently re-established Bulgarian service of Radio Free Europe. “We brought a dozen members from the U.S. Congress to Sofia to demonstrate support for the Three Seas Initiative and also to engage with Bulgaria’s leaders and its people about our shared values and basic human rights,” said Chairman Cardin. “Protecting civil and human rights is an essential component of every democracy and we look forward to hearing more about how Bulgaria is safeguarding fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.” “The Black Sea region has seen a troublesome rise in tension recently,” said Sen. Wicker. “Our visit to the area was intended to keep us abreast of the situation and to demonstrate our strong, enduring, and bipartisan support to Bulgaria and our other NATO Allies and partners in the region.” En route back to the United States, the delegation visited the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program Norway, a cooperative effort with a stalwart NATO ally that reinforces regional security and offers direct support to U.S. deployments as far away as Iraq
is (NC), Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01), and Rep. Trent Kelly (MS-01). Remote participants in the Annual Session included Commissioners Sen. Tina Smith (MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04), and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), along with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) and Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04). During the Annual Session, the American legislators engaged in debates on political affairs and security, economic and environmental matters, and democracy and human rights. The U.S. legislators also played key roles in the adoption of three resolutions reflecting the major issues confronting the OSCE today: rising hate and its use to bolster authoritarianism and conflict, a call for democratic change in Belarus, and continued opposition to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Chairman Cardin, who also serves as the OSCE PA Special Representative on Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Intolerance, sponsored the first resolution, urging OSCE participating States to adopt an OSCE Anti-Discrimination, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan, to strengthen the efforts of law enforcement, civil society, and others to tackle discrimination and extremism. In addition, parliamentarians held the first Assembly elections in two years, with both Sen. Wicker and Rep. Hudson easily retaining their leadership posts. Sen. Wicker received the most votes of any of the nine vice-presidential candidates, while Rep. Hudson was elected by acclamation. While in Vienna, members also met with OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid and other senior OSCE officials, along with International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi. The in-person delegation also traveled to Estonia, where they met with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Chair of the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson to demonstrate the strong U.S. support for the bilateral security relationship. During a visit to Narva, delegation members engaged with representatives of the local Russian-speaking community and visited the Russia-Estonia border to gain a better understanding of the security situation. “The American alliance with Estonia is based on shared democratic values. We appreciate our bilateral relationship and mutual efforts to support the democratic opposition in Belarus and independent voices in Russia,” said Chairman Cardin. “Across the 57 nations that are part of the OSCE, rising challenges to democratic norms require a sober and sustained response from those committed to the rule of law and the defense of human rights. Estonia and the United States are staunch allies in this effort.” “As the Baltic region faces serious and continuing security challenges, the United States is proud to support our steadfast NATO allies,” Sen. Wicker said. “This visit by a bipartisan and bicameral delegation is representative of the strong consensus in the U.S. Congress to push back against the Kremlin’s malign activities in the region. We also appreciate the important and growing contributions of Estonia and our other regional allies and partners as we work to address global security challenges.” Members then traveled to Bulgaria for the Three Seas Initiative Summit, designed to promote transparent and sustainable investments in energy, transportation, and digital infrastructure that contribute to an undivided, free, prosperous, and resilient Europe. While at the summit, they held bilateral meetings with President Andrzej Duda of Poland, President Rumen Radev of Bulgaria, and President Egils Levits of Latvia to discuss a broad range of security and human rights issues. The delegation also traveled to Varna to examine Black Sea regional security issues; visited a Roma community to better understand the current situation of Roma in Bulgaria and underscore U.S. support for the rights of Bulgaria's Roma population; and met with journalists of the recently re-established Bulgarian service of Radio Free Europe. “We brought a dozen members from the U.S. Congress to Sofia to demonstrate support for the Three Seas Initiative and also to engage with Bulgaria’s leaders and its people about our shared values and basic human rights,” said Chairman Cardin. “Protecting civil and human rights is an essential component of every democracy and we look forward to hearing more about how Bulgaria is safeguarding fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.” “The Black Sea region has seen a troublesome rise in tension recently,” said Sen. Wicker. “Our visit to the area was intended to keep us abreast of the situation and to demonstrate our strong, enduring, and bipartisan support to Bulgaria and our other NATO Allies and partners in the region.” En route back to the United States, the delegation visited the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program Norway, a cooperative effort with a stalwart NATO ally that reinforces regional security and offers direct support to U.S. deployments as far away as Iraq
. Cardin Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Legislation Approved by Senate Foreign Relations Committee WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) lauded approval today by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of two bills he authored to strengthen U.S. human rights and anti-corruption efforts. Both pieces of legislation, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Reauthorization Act (S. 93), cosponsored by Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), and the Combating Global Corruption Act (S. 14), cosponsored by Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), bolster the tools available to hold corrupt officials accountable for their actions and abuses. “The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act has changed the way America protects human rights and responds to blatant corruption,” said Senator Cardin. “I thank Senator Wicker and fellow committee members for working with me to strengthen the law as a message to abusers and kleptocrats who think they can act with impunity. We will seek justice for victims especially when home countries fail to act.” Senator Cardin serves as Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. Senator Wicker serves as co-Chair. The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Reauthorization Act (S. 93) would harmonize the original Act (Title XII, Subtitle F of P.L. 114-328; 22 U.S.C. §2656 note) with Executive Order 13818 by: Removing the sunset provisions of the 2016 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to make the sanctions program permanent Removing the victim status requirement to ensure no victim is excluded; Simplifying the standard for corruption offenses; Supplementing the activity-based targeting standard with a status-based standard; and Allowing for the sanctioning of immediate family members. S. 93 calls for a report on the steps taken through diplomacy and assistance to foreign or security sectors to address persistent underlying causes of serious human rights abuses, violations of internationally recognized human rights, and corruption in each country in which foreign persons have been subject to sanctions. The Combating Global Corruption Act (S. 14) would require the State Department to identify corruption in countries and rank them in a public, tiered system with respect to levels of corruption in their governments, similar to the Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report. The bill would also establish minimum standards for combating corruption; evaluate foreign persons engaged in grand corruption in the lowest-tiered countries for consideration under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act; and designate an anti-corruption point of contact at U.S. diplomatic posts in the lowest-tiered countries. “Earlier this month, when President Biden officially designated the fight against corruption as a ‘core U.S. national security interest,’ he took an important step toward enhancing American anti-corruption abilities. The Combating Global Corruption Act is a bipartisan effort to raise the profile of such efforts through a proven system of public accountability,” said Senator Cardin. “Around the world, corruption endangers national and international security by fostering the conditions for violent extremism, hampering the ability of the United States to combat terrorism, entrenching high poverty, and by weakening institutions associated with governance and accountability. Corruption is a fundamental obstacle to peace, prosperity, and human rights. I thank Senator Young and my colleagues for moving forward this important legislation to combat such illicit activity.” 45th Anniversary of the U.S. Helsinki Commission I take this time as the Chair of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, better known as the Helsinki Commission, as we celebrate our 45th anniversary. The Helsinki Commission is the vehicle for U.S. participation in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), representing 57 states that have come together under the OSCE, all the countries of Europe, all the countries of the former Soviet Union, including those located in Central Asia, the United States, and Canada. Mr. President, this is a unique body in that it represents both the executive and legislative branches of government. The executive branch has representatives on the Helsinki Commission, and both the House and Senate have Senators and Representatives that serve on the Helsinki Commission. I am very pleased to have as my co-leader Senator Wicker from Mississippi as the Republican leader in the Senate on the Helsinki Commission. The Helsinki Commission has been responsible for elevating our moral dimension to U.S. foreign policy. Its principles point out very clearly that you cannot have security without dealing with good governance and human rights; you cannot have economic progress unless you have governance that respects the rights of all its citizens. That is why I was so pleased when President Biden announced that his foreign policy would be value-based, that as we participate in our foreign policy challenges, it will always be wrapped in our values, and his recent trip to Europe underscored that important lesson. And then he issued, not two weeks ago, the statement that corruption is a core national security threat
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06142018-121935019 Mao, Xiaolin (2019) Understanding Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics with Numerical Models Constrained by Observations. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/59N8-H306. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07012018-101034748 Bowden, Daniel Craig (2018) The Propagation and Amplification of Surface Waves. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9DR2SPR. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04222018-154136913 Luo, Yingdi (2018) Earthquake Moment-Area Scaling Relations and the Effect of Fault Heterogeneity on Slow to Fast Earthquake Slip. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XMV. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09062017-132833234 Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018) Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HH6H7N. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07262017-074416397 Rollins, John Christopher (2018) Using Heterogeneous 3D Earth Models to Constrain Interseismic and Postseismic Deformation in Southern California and Nepal. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X06572. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11202017-145930076 Inbal, Asaf (2017) Seismogeodetic Imaging of Active Crustal Faulting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z92B8W02. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-142052951 Lui, Semechah Ka Yan (2017) Earthquake Source Characterization Through Seismic Observations and Numerical Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9QN64QM. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232016-044435496 Riel, Bryan Valmonte (2017) Automatic Decomposition of Geodetic Time Series for Studies of Ground Deformation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HD7SNP. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-210146623 Solomatova, Natalia Viatcheslavovna (2017) Iron-bearing Oxides, Silicate Glasses and Carbonates at Lower Mantle Pressures. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z99021TX. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05312017-162026972 Li, Dunzhu (2016) Some Advances in Computational Geophysics: Seismic Wave and Inverse Geodynamic Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X63JW2. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05262016-150442765 Ma, Yiran (2016) Imaging the Earth with Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z90Z7155. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192015-004219343 Zhang, Dongzhou (2015) Applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering to Further Our Understanding of Earth’s Interior. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XD5. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12152014-195321239 Dougherty, Sara Lyn (2014) Seismic Structure along Transitions from Flat to Normal Subduction: Central Mexico, Southern Peru, and Southwest Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/WHSR-VY75.
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06142018-121935019 Mao, Xiaolin (2019) Understanding Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics with Numerical Models Constrained by Observations. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/59N8-H306. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07012018-101034748 Bowden, Daniel Craig (2018) The Propagation and Amplification of Surface Waves. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9DR2SPR. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04222018-154136913 Luo, Yingdi (2018) Earthquake Moment-Area Scaling Relations and the Effect of Fault Heterogeneity on Slow to Fast Earthquake Slip. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XMV. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09062017-132833234 Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018) Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HH6H7N. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07262017-074416397 Rollins, John Christopher (2018) Using Heterogeneous 3D Earth Models to Constrain Interseismic and Postseismic Deformation in Southern California and Nepal. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X06572. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11202017-145930076 Inbal, Asaf (2017) Seismogeodetic Imaging of Active Crustal Faulting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z92B8W02. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-142052951 Lui, Semechah Ka Yan (2017) Earthquake Source Characterization Through Seismic Observations and Numerical Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9QN64QM. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232016-044435496 Riel, Bryan Valmonte (2017) Automatic Decomposition of Geodetic Time Series for Studies of Ground Deformation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HD7SNP. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-210146623 Solomatova, Natalia Viatcheslavovna (2017) Iron-bearing Oxides, Silicate Glasses and Carbonates at Lower Mantle Pressures. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z99021TX. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05312017-162026972 Li, Dunzhu (2016) Some Advances in Computational Geophysics: Seismic Wave and Inverse Geodynamic Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X63JW2. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05262016-150442765 Ma, Yiran (2016) Imaging the Earth with Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z90Z7155. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192015-004219343 Zhang, Dongzhou (2015) Applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering to Further Our Understanding of Earth’s Interior. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XD5. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12152014-195321239 Dougherty, Sara Lyn (2014) Seismic Structure along Transitions from Flat to Normal Subduction: Central Mexico, Southern Peru, and Southwest Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/WHSR-VY75.
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05292014-181733885 Heckman, Vanessa Mary (2014) Damage Detection in Civil Structures using High-Frequency Seismograms. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/NVKN-8D47. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192013-162221707 Olson, Michael James (2014) Cloud Computing Services for Seismic Networks. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/5D60-FG88. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:08242013-182604077 Zhan, Zhongwen (2014) Exploiting Seismic Waveforms of Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/NQHT-NA96. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09272013-134450665 Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2013) Sensor Networks for Geospatial Event Detection - Theory and Applications. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/MZWJ-T222. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06062013-224746692 Ortega Culaciati, Francisco Hernan (2013) Aseismic Deformation in Subduction Megathrusts: Central Andes and North-East Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/BHDB-KH07. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06102013-122003618 Phillips-Alonge, Kristin Eileen (2013) Structure of the Subduction System in Southern Peru from Seismic Array Data. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/71A7-4211. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11302012-163616170 Skinner, Steven Michael (2013) Plate Tectonic Constraints on Flat Subduction and Paleomagnetic Constraints on Rifting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/G94S-Z109. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06062013-151342444 Alisic, Laura (2012) Multi-Scale Dynamics and Rheology of Mantle Convection with Plates. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/AXQP-0E85. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05092012-120619144 Chen, Ting (2012) Part I: Structure of Central and Southern Mexico from Velocity and Attenuation Tomography. Part II: Physics of Small Repeating Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/REJW-YJ88. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:03262012-175814763 Murphy, Caitlin Anne (2012) Thermoelasticity of Hexagonal Close-Packed Iron from the Phonon Density of States. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/GQ17-GV90. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:02162012-075245736 Kim, YoungHee (2011) Properties of the Subduction System in Mexico. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/BB7N-QP03. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04272011-150709139 Selvans, Michelle Marie (2011) Geophysical Investigations of Near-Surface Structure on the Earth and Mars. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/078P-0C05. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05252011-161906788 Spasojevic, Sonja (2011) Dynamics of Long-Term Sea-Level Change and Vertical Motion of Continents. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/C7PG-QN55. https://resolver
Qiao Xiu, most of the group were still rather doubtful. They only did not openly show it. They had agreed to follow mostly on account of Qiao Xiu. Laughter began to spread from both sides of the creek, evidently of the opinion that it was pretty embarrassing for Zhou Yuan to resort to such measures... “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, is this really going to work? I feel like we’re clowns.” Beside Qiao Xiu stood a pretty girl in a long dark blue skirt. She was called Zhou Yu, and was also a pretty prideful first class disciple. At this current moment, she was feeling a little uncomfortable under the many mocking gazes in the vicinity. Hence her earlier grumbling. Evidently, she too did not believe that Zhou Yuan was able to teach the Ethereal Form technique. Qiao Xiu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, somewhat uncertain as he answered, “It should work out.” Zhou Yu unhappily rolled her eyes. “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, you’re too good hearted.” “Senior sister Zhou Yu, brother Yuan would only make such a claim because he is confident.” Said a girl called Shuixi in a soft voice. As someone who was also from the Cangmang Continent, she would naturally side with Zhou Yuan. “I hope so, or he will not be able to deal with the consequences.” Zhou Yu crossed her arms, declining to express any further opinions. While they were chatting, Zhou Yuan looked over. He knew that everyone would be doubtful, but he did not intend to convince them with words. Everything would be shown through facts. With so many people watching, he would make good use of this chance to show them the truth. Every gaze in the vicinity of the mountain creek converged towards him when they heard him speak. Most of these gazes, however, were filled with doubt and ridicule. 69 Main St. | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609 Swansea Free Public Library Long Range Plan 2020-2024 We Are Fine Free Computer and Internet Use Equity & Inclusion Policy Photography & Recording Policy Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Safe Child Policy Video Surveillance Policy SAILS Mobile App Burbio Calendar Town of Swansea Bylaws and Regulations Adult Homepage Teen Homepage Overdrive eBooks, audiobooks & magazines Hoopla! Movies, TV, Music and more! Tumblebooks - eBooks for Kids Online Reference Room Joseph Case High School Yearbooks Mass RMV - Practice Tests & Handbooks AtoZ Food America AtoZ World Food Home » Your Library » Policies The Collection Development Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Swansea Free Public Library and serves to inform the public of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance. The Collection Development Policy is based on the Library’s Mission and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors, as adopted by the American Library Association. Collection Objectives The Swansea Free Public Library provides a contemporary, relevant collection of resources in a range of formats to meet the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of its community. The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing, and budget. The Library endeavors to make use of new technologies and formats to offer library users the greatest access to information and ideas. The Library maintains a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection. The Library recognizes that there are ideas, opinions, viewpoints and philosophies which are subject for discussion and debate and that any community will be made up of citizens with divergent viewpoints. The Library endeavors to provide equal access to all points of view within the limits of financial resources and physical space. When judging the merit of materials for purchase, Library staff refer to professional review publications, news media, recommended lists by professional organizations, patron requests, literary awards, and the popularity of similar items. Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature, and reflect the diversity of the community. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents or legal guardians, who guide and oversee their own children's development. The Swansea Free Public Library does not intrude on that relationship. Guidelines for Materials Selection Collection development
Qiao Xiu, most of the group were still rather doubtful. They only did not openly show it. They had agreed to follow mostly on account of Qiao Xiu. Laughter began to spread from both sides of the creek, evidently of the opinion that it was pretty embarrassing for Zhou Yuan to resort to such measures... “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, is this really going to work? I feel like we’re clowns.” Beside Qiao Xiu stood a pretty girl in a long dark blue skirt. She was called Zhou Yu, and was also a pretty prideful first class disciple. At this current moment, she was feeling a little uncomfortable under the many mocking gazes in the vicinity. Hence her earlier grumbling. Evidently, she too did not believe that Zhou Yuan was able to teach the Ethereal Form technique. Qiao Xiu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, somewhat uncertain as he answered, “It should work out.” Zhou Yu unhappily rolled her eyes. “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, you’re too good hearted.” “Senior sister Zhou Yu, brother Yuan would only make such a claim because he is confident.” Said a girl called Shuixi in a soft voice. As someone who was also from the Cangmang Continent, she would naturally side with Zhou Yuan. “I hope so, or he will not be able to deal with the consequences.” Zhou Yu crossed her arms, declining to express any further opinions. While they were chatting, Zhou Yuan looked over. He knew that everyone would be doubtful, but he did not intend to convince them with words. Everything would be shown through facts. With so many people watching, he would make good use of this chance to show them the truth. Every gaze in the vicinity of the mountain creek converged towards him when they heard him speak. Most of these gazes, however, were filled with doubt and ridicule. 69 Main St. | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609 Swansea Free Public Library Long Range Plan 2020-2024 We Are Fine Free Computer and Internet Use Equity & Inclusion Policy Photography & Recording Policy Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Safe Child Policy Video Surveillance Policy SAILS Mobile App Burbio Calendar Town of Swansea Bylaws and Regulations Adult Homepage Teen Homepage Overdrive eBooks, audiobooks & magazines Hoopla! Movies, TV, Music and more! Tumblebooks - eBooks for Kids Online Reference Room Joseph Case High School Yearbooks Mass RMV - Practice Tests & Handbooks AtoZ Food America AtoZ World Food Home » Your Library » Policies The Collection Development Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Swansea Free Public Library and serves to inform the public of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance. The Collection Development Policy is based on the Library’s Mission and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors, as adopted by the American Library Association. Collection Objectives The Swansea Free Public Library provides a contemporary, relevant collection of resources in a range of formats to meet the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of its community. The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing, and budget. The Library endeavors to make use of new technologies and formats to offer library users the greatest access to information and ideas. The Library maintains a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection. The Library recognizes that there are ideas, opinions, viewpoints and philosophies which are subject for discussion and debate and that any community will be made up of citizens with divergent viewpoints. The Library endeavors to provide equal access to all points of view within the limits of financial resources and physical space. When judging the merit of materials for purchase, Library staff refer to professional review publications, news media, recommended lists by professional organizations, patron requests, literary awards, and the popularity of similar items. Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature, and reflect the diversity of the community. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents or legal guardians, who guide and oversee their own children's development. The Swansea Free Public Library does not intrude on that relationship. Guidelines for Materials Selection Collection development
is based on these specific criteria: Community needs, interests, and demands The importance of subject matter to the collection Price and availability for purchase Responsibility for Selection The ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board of Trustees. The Library Director delegates much of the responsibility for materials selection to library staff. Approved by the Swansea Free Public Library Board of Trustees, October 18, 2018 No events are scheduled for today. Monday - Thursday 10am - 8pm MovieDebuts.com ...and Celebrity News! TV/Internet Korean Rock Band DAY6 Gear Up For US/UK Physical Album Distribution December 5, 2019 By MovieDebuts Korean Rock Band, DAY6’s 3rd Full Length Album <The Book of Us : Entropy>, is set to be sold for the first time ever abroad, and will be available on Amazon.com for fans everywhere. Starting mid-December, global fans will be able to purchase the physical album directly online, rather than through 2nd party sellers/retail shops as they have previously. For fans specifically in the U.S, the album will be available on Barnes and Noble (.com), for the UK it’ll be available through HMV, and lastly for France it’ll be available for purchase at FNAC. After coming off their wildly successful North American leg of tour, the release of this album continued to build their presence here in the U.S. with appearances on Alternative Press, Seventeen, Zach Sang Show, Access Hollywood, Allure, Orange County Register, Good Day NY, and many more. READ Urban Legends/UMe Releases James Brown Mini-Documentary, Get Down, The Influence Of James Brown DAY6 “Sweet Chaos” M/V <The Book of Us : Entropy> contains 11 tracks, all of which were written and/or produced members Young K (Vocalist and Bassist), Jae (Vocalist and Guitarist), WONPIL (Vocalist and Keyboardist), and SUNGJIN (Vocalist and Guitarist). Young K specifically wrote the lyrics to 8 of the 11 tracks, recently expressing to Alternative Press one of his favorite moments while touring, stating “what thrills me is when everyone is singing along together to the songs that we wrote [and] worked hard on. Everyone’s singing along and singing their hearts out while we are too.” DAY6 continue their own discourse with this new album, focusing on the relationships between human beings. Previous work described mutual attraction and excitement, as natures Gravity. For this album, “Entropy” is functioned as a scientific metaphor of the changing of someone in love. Title track, “Sweet Chaos,” is the fastest BPM song ever recorded by DAY6, with DOWOON on the drums, was composed by Jae, SUNGJIN, WONPIL, and Young K wrote the lyrics. “Sweet Chaos” is showcasing this overall theme by comparing love to the laws of thermodynamics; where the more heat energy you put on, the more disorder you get [=Entropy]. “Our video for “Sweet Chaos” represents the sweet as well as the chaotic sides of love. Going from black and white to color showing a transition of emotion” the band further explains. The band just finished performing in Australia, Manila and Jakarta, and are currently in the midst of finishing up their 6-month long tour. The ‘GRAVITY’ World Tour will wrap up with its European leg through January 2020. DAY6 ‘GRAVITY’ WORLD TOUR December 7 Bangkok January 22, 2020 Brussels January 8, 2020 Milan January 24, 2020 Warsaw January 10, 2020 Paris January 26, 2020 Moscow January 12, 2020 London January 29, 2020 Lisbon January 16, 2020 Amsterdam January 31, 2020 Madrid January 18, 2020 Berlin MORE INFO: Debuting in 2015, DAY6 is a five-member Band from JYP Entertainment, consisting of SUNGJIN (Main Vocalist and Rhythm Guitarist), Jae (Vocalist and Lead Guitarist), Young K (Vocalist and Bassist), WONPIL (Vocalist and Keyboardist), and DOWOON (Drummer). DAY6 are shattering the boundaries of a stereotypical K-Pop group, with their heartfelt anthems and instrumental expertise. After their sold-out Youth World Tour in 2018, OC Weekly highlighted their last U.S. date stating “The Novo in Los Angeles is somewhat of a rite of passage for many up-and-coming South Korean acts. It marks the point in their Stateside popularity where they have a solid enough following to show up for them and signals a bright future
he told The Diplomat. “Justice reinvestment, restorative justice, and culturally appropriate diversionary programs have been found to be more cost-effective responses. Community-designed and -led programs are best placed to support First Nations children, families and communities.” Tom Penglis, co-founder of the Western Australian justice association, who works closely with First Nations groups concurs, telling The Diplomat that “State and Territory governments must commit to raising the age and to investing in alternatives to imprisonment if they are serious about reducing youth crime.” “Taking kids out of prisons and placing them in alternative therapeutic environments where they can receive appropriate care will improve outcomes for both the child and the community.” One thing is clear: The current age of criminal responsibility is having an adverse impact on young Australians, and especially First Nations people. It is financially damaging, both in the short term and in the longer term as those exposed to the criminal justice system at such young ages, when they are not fully developed mentally, often end up reoffending. As the Law Council of Australia notes, somewhat dejectedly, “at 12, a child cannot lawfully sign onto Facebook but can be questioned, arrested, detained and imprisoned.” Without the age being raised — and children being helped — recidivism will only continue, unabated. Dechlan Brennan Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs. age of criminal responsibility Australia indigenous rights Australia Day Focuses Attention on Indigenous Recognition in Constitution By Rod McGuirk A referendum due later this year would create an Indigenous body known as the Voice to address Parliament on Indigenous issues. Australia’s Population Dilemma By Grant Wyeth How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy. Australia: The Complacent Country? The country’s unique resource curse and self-image as a "lifestyle superpower” make it difficult for Canberra to change trajectories, to embrace new ideas. Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority. Oklahoma will vote on marijuana legalization in March. Ohio could follow in November In Ballot measures, State Voters in Oklahoma will decide on State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, on March 7, 2023. Voters in Ohio could decide on an initiative to legalize marijuana in Nov. 2023. Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, which is leading the campaign in support of State Question 820, wanted the citizen-initiated measure on the ballot in 2022. However, due to legal challenges and signature deadlines, the measure could not be placed on the ballot and was set to be voted on at a later election date. On Oct. 18, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) called a special election for State Question 820 on March 7, 2023. State Question 820 would legalize the possession and consumption of marijuana for adults 21 years old and older. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority would be responsible for marijuana business licensing and regulations. Sales of marijuana would be taxed at 15%. People would be allowed to possess, transport, and distribute up to one ounce (28.35 grams) of marijuana, eight grams of marijuana in a concentrated form, and/or eight grams or less of concentrated marijuana in marijuana-infused products. Under State Question 820, individuals could possess up to six mature marijuana plants and up to six seedlings. The initiative would also provide a process for individuals to seek the expungement or modification of certain previous marijuana-related convictions or sentences. Through Sept. 30, 2022, Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws raised $2.74 million and spent $2.57 million. The largest contributor was the Just Trust for Action, which donated $1.06 million. In Ohio, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted 136,729 valid signatures for a marijuana legalization initiative. As initiated statutes are indirect in Ohio, the proposal was presented to the Ohio General Assembly. Legislators have until May 3, 2023, to approve the measure. Should legislators reject or take no action on the initiative, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol would be required to collect an additional 124,046 valid signatures within 90 days, which would be around Aug. 1, 2023. A successful signature drive would result in the initiative appearing on the ballot for Nov. 7, 2023. Through Dec. 9, 2022, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raised $1.50 million and spent $1.42 million. The largest contributor was the Marijuana Policy Project, which provided $840,000. As of Jan. 2023, 21 states and Washington, D.C., had legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes
he told The Diplomat. “Justice reinvestment, restorative justice, and culturally appropriate diversionary programs have been found to be more cost-effective responses. Community-designed and -led programs are best placed to support First Nations children, families and communities.” Tom Penglis, co-founder of the Western Australian justice association, who works closely with First Nations groups concurs, telling The Diplomat that “State and Territory governments must commit to raising the age and to investing in alternatives to imprisonment if they are serious about reducing youth crime.” “Taking kids out of prisons and placing them in alternative therapeutic environments where they can receive appropriate care will improve outcomes for both the child and the community.” One thing is clear: The current age of criminal responsibility is having an adverse impact on young Australians, and especially First Nations people. It is financially damaging, both in the short term and in the longer term as those exposed to the criminal justice system at such young ages, when they are not fully developed mentally, often end up reoffending. As the Law Council of Australia notes, somewhat dejectedly, “at 12, a child cannot lawfully sign onto Facebook but can be questioned, arrested, detained and imprisoned.” Without the age being raised — and children being helped — recidivism will only continue, unabated. Dechlan Brennan Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs. age of criminal responsibility Australia indigenous rights Australia Day Focuses Attention on Indigenous Recognition in Constitution By Rod McGuirk A referendum due later this year would create an Indigenous body known as the Voice to address Parliament on Indigenous issues. Australia’s Population Dilemma By Grant Wyeth How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy. Australia: The Complacent Country? The country’s unique resource curse and self-image as a "lifestyle superpower” make it difficult for Canberra to change trajectories, to embrace new ideas. Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority. Oklahoma will vote on marijuana legalization in March. Ohio could follow in November In Ballot measures, State Voters in Oklahoma will decide on State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, on March 7, 2023. Voters in Ohio could decide on an initiative to legalize marijuana in Nov. 2023. Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, which is leading the campaign in support of State Question 820, wanted the citizen-initiated measure on the ballot in 2022. However, due to legal challenges and signature deadlines, the measure could not be placed on the ballot and was set to be voted on at a later election date. On Oct. 18, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) called a special election for State Question 820 on March 7, 2023. State Question 820 would legalize the possession and consumption of marijuana for adults 21 years old and older. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority would be responsible for marijuana business licensing and regulations. Sales of marijuana would be taxed at 15%. People would be allowed to possess, transport, and distribute up to one ounce (28.35 grams) of marijuana, eight grams of marijuana in a concentrated form, and/or eight grams or less of concentrated marijuana in marijuana-infused products. Under State Question 820, individuals could possess up to six mature marijuana plants and up to six seedlings. The initiative would also provide a process for individuals to seek the expungement or modification of certain previous marijuana-related convictions or sentences. Through Sept. 30, 2022, Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws raised $2.74 million and spent $2.57 million. The largest contributor was the Just Trust for Action, which donated $1.06 million. In Ohio, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted 136,729 valid signatures for a marijuana legalization initiative. As initiated statutes are indirect in Ohio, the proposal was presented to the Ohio General Assembly. Legislators have until May 3, 2023, to approve the measure. Should legislators reject or take no action on the initiative, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol would be required to collect an additional 124,046 valid signatures within 90 days, which would be around Aug. 1, 2023. A successful signature drive would result in the initiative appearing on the ballot for Nov. 7, 2023. Through Dec. 9, 2022, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raised $1.50 million and spent $1.42 million. The largest contributor was the Marijuana Policy Project, which provided $840,000. As of Jan. 2023, 21 states and Washington, D.C., had legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes
. In 12 states and D.C., the ballot initiative process was used to legalize marijuana. In two states, the legislature referred a measure to the ballot for voter approval. In seven states, bills to legalize marijuana were enacted into law. From 2011 to 2021, an average of 33 statewide ballot measures — five initiated measures and 28 referred measures — appeared on ballots in odd-numbered years. Marijuana legalization initiatives targeting the 2024 ballot have also been filed in Wyoming, Florida, and Nebraska. Marijuana laws and ballot measures in the United States Ohio Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2023) South Carolina Supreme Court rules 3-2 that the state’s abortion ban is unconstitutional On Jan. 5, 2023, the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled 3-2 that the state’s six-week abortion ban, known as the South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, was unconstitutional. Signed in February 2021, the law banned abortion once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks. The bill was blocked from taking effect in March 2021 but became effective after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not grant the right to an abortion, overturning Roe v. Wade, in June 2022. The court found that the law violated Section 10 of Article I of the state constitution, which provides a right against unreasonable invasions of privacy. Justice Kaye Hearn wrote that “few decisions in life are more private than the decision whether to terminate a pregnancy. Our privacy right must be implicated by restrictions on that decision.” Hearn wrote that the ban on abortion at six weeks was an unreasonable restriction and that six weeks was not a reasonable time period for a woman to find out she is pregnant and decide to get an abortion. Justice George C. James dissented, writing, “The scope of the privacy right included in Article I, Section 10 is of doubtful import. Therefore, we must consider the intent of the framers and the voters. It is clear the framers did not intend to create a full panoply of privacy rights, much less the right to bodily autonomy or the right to have an abortion.” In 2020, Ballotpedia published a report examining the partisan affiliation of state supreme court justices as of June 15, 2020, and found that South Carolina had a Republican-controlled state supreme court. In 2020, eight cases before the South Carolina Supreme Court were decided 4-1. Justices Few and Hearn dissented alone three times each. In this ruling, Hearn, Few, and Beatty formed the majority with Justices James and Kittredge dissenting. In the study, all Justices were recorded as having Mild Republican Confidence Scores while Justice Beatty was indeterminate. The right to privacy was added to the state constitution through Amendment 1 of 1970, which was approved by voters in a vote of 77% to 23%. The amendment transposed sections from some articles of the Constitution to Article I and created a new Declaration of Rights (Article I), including a right to privacy. Section 10 of Article 1 added the following right to the state constitution: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures and unreasonable invasions of privacy shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, the person or thing to be seized, and the information to be obtained.” The amendment was proposed by the Committee to Make a Study of the South Carolina Constitution of 1895, also known as the West Committee, which was responsible for proposing amendments to revise the South Carolina Constitution of 1895. The committee’s final report was published in 1969 and proposed 17 new articles. To be placed on the statewide ballot, a two-thirds vote of the South Carolina State Legislature was required. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) said, “Our State Supreme Court has found a right in our Constitution which was never intended by the people of South Carolina. With this opinion, the Court has clearly exceeded its authority. The people have spoken through their elected representatives multiple times on this issue. I look forward to working with the General Assembly to correct this error.” The South Carolina State Legislature can refer constitutional amendments to the ballot in 2024 by a two-thirds (66.66%) supermajority vote in each chamber. In 2022, there were six ballot measures addressing abortion — the most on record. Voters in California, Michigan, and Vermont were the first to approve ballot measures to establish state constitutional rights to abortion. Votes on these ballot measures followed Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which held that the U.S. Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. These measures were also the first abortion-related ballot measures since 1992 to have the support of organizations that describe themselves as pro-choice/pro
great artwork they received. Ouline the major elements of the painting. We apply the first layer of paint. We continue adding detail and improving the painting. - This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Please use it to share your code samples and interesting solutions, plugins, wrappers 3rd party libraries/frameworks. + This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Don't hesitate to share your code samples and tips, plugins, wrappers for 3rd party libraries/frameworks, etc. - **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button. To create new page, link to it first. + **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button top in navigation bar. To create new page, %%[[link]]%% to it first. You are going to Watch Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 online free episodes with HQ / high quality. Stream cartoons Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 Online Three is a charm, A mortie (non-magic person) named Verne comes to a magic school. He meets Gus, a half-elf second year junior wizard and Cassy, a third year junior witch. He also meets the evil twins: Lucretia and Borgia. He also meets the headmistress Miss Crystalgazer. He also meets a prince that has been enchanted to look like a toy frog. He also meets Ubos, a book that can talk and take them to the center of the earth where an evil wizard Zarlak is stealing magic from the outside world. He becomes good friends with Cassy and Gus! Three Is a Charm, after all! For the primary time in human history nearly all of humanity is politically activated, politically aware and politically interactive. There are only some pockets of humanity left within the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings which are so widespread right now world wide. If the web site is a number of years old, has there been any updating and maintaining accomplished since it initially started. The information supplied, is it current sufficient. Each one in all your ideas is great for developing a healthy psychological state of mind. My favorites are prayer, writing love letters, and listening to classical music. Oh, and I actually enjoy gardening. Stress impacts people more than they know. It does present itself in different and interesting components of the physique, just like the legs. Great recommendations for dealing with stress. Thanks for posting Taylor’s tune, it’s one of my favorites and I performed it by. Hore’s hopingndar a sixth u-ray-dout cissalways lell wegtteo, characste-drivan mpbs taos>. ata-image ray (PB5dea>on coostr:&quodout cooearliteiu-ray-sa . e FiBlu-ray issa bit barebones butts:&qsfyingnnone col/en. Bt t Fifirst o leavt a review. You must log inato post a rpcmtno. m_privacy_notice>Tcisssite usss Akis;ap o reduta spam. Learn how y5-b rpcmtnodd so isspro7/ened. Privacy &quo; Cpokiesete isssite usss rpokies. By>continuingnto usoo cisswebsite, y5- agreidto coir uso. &nbsbsp;Ditish Language &nIn onesteuo> 156likes-le=ett-unloadeItl-1 vo class=level-1 value=6736> D3051> cTVlue=5459s=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 113Ac&quo D-&quo> Bel Air Classiqu s Bel Air Classiqu 16 AIX &62v class="shartdadsy Kinowelos=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 68=ett-unloaded" id=likKoquo value=9058> Amplify CKore value=681> BFI D79Grammophuo D78Network AIX Bel Air Classiqu 7&quo> 273rammophuo Bel Air Classiqu 4nbsp; CegtMagteraop;&n>&n19qAc&quo Bel Air Classiqu s3r jetpack-likes-le=eto. <-fifth-se_s1 -triilerbyte-bel-1 v-revi w.html method=post> Seud to Email Addriss Youi Name Youi Email Addriss <=off title="This field is for ssiid:"aud should not be posged"> s eres>s-1
great artwork they received. Ouline the major elements of the painting. We apply the first layer of paint. We continue adding detail and improving the painting. - This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Please use it to share your code samples and interesting solutions, plugins, wrappers 3rd party libraries/frameworks. + This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Don't hesitate to share your code samples and tips, plugins, wrappers for 3rd party libraries/frameworks, etc. - **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button. To create new page, link to it first. + **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button top in navigation bar. To create new page, %%[[link]]%% to it first. You are going to Watch Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 online free episodes with HQ / high quality. Stream cartoons Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 Online Three is a charm, A mortie (non-magic person) named Verne comes to a magic school. He meets Gus, a half-elf second year junior wizard and Cassy, a third year junior witch. He also meets the evil twins: Lucretia and Borgia. He also meets the headmistress Miss Crystalgazer. He also meets a prince that has been enchanted to look like a toy frog. He also meets Ubos, a book that can talk and take them to the center of the earth where an evil wizard Zarlak is stealing magic from the outside world. He becomes good friends with Cassy and Gus! Three Is a Charm, after all! For the primary time in human history nearly all of humanity is politically activated, politically aware and politically interactive. There are only some pockets of humanity left within the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings which are so widespread right now world wide. If the web site is a number of years old, has there been any updating and maintaining accomplished since it initially started. The information supplied, is it current sufficient. Each one in all your ideas is great for developing a healthy psychological state of mind. My favorites are prayer, writing love letters, and listening to classical music. Oh, and I actually enjoy gardening. Stress impacts people more than they know. It does present itself in different and interesting components of the physique, just like the legs. Great recommendations for dealing with stress. Thanks for posting Taylor’s tune, it’s one of my favorites and I performed it by. Hore’s hopingndar a sixth u-ray-dout cissalways lell wegtteo, characste-drivan mpbs taos>. ata-image ray (PB5dea>on coostr:&quodout cooearliteiu-ray-sa . e FiBlu-ray issa bit barebones butts:&qsfyingnnone col/en. Bt t Fifirst o leavt a review. You must log inato post a rpcmtno. m_privacy_notice>Tcisssite usss Akis;ap o reduta spam. Learn how y5-b rpcmtnodd so isspro7/ened. Privacy &quo; Cpokiesete isssite usss rpokies. By>continuingnto usoo cisswebsite, y5- agreidto coir uso. &nbsbsp;Ditish Language &nIn onesteuo> 156likes-le=ett-unloadeItl-1 vo class=level-1 value=6736> D3051> cTVlue=5459s=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 113Ac&quo D-&quo> Bel Air Classiqu s Bel Air Classiqu 16 AIX &62v class="shartdadsy Kinowelos=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 68=ett-unloaded" id=likKoquo value=9058> Amplify CKore value=681> BFI D79Grammophuo D78Network AIX Bel Air Classiqu 7&quo> 273rammophuo Bel Air Classiqu 4nbsp; CegtMagteraop;&n>&n19qAc&quo Bel Air Classiqu s3r jetpack-likes-le=eto. <-fifth-se_s1 -triilerbyte-bel-1 v-revi w.html method=post> Seud to Email Addriss Youi Name Youi Email Addriss <=off title="This field is for ssiid:"aud should not be posged"> s eres>s-1
" styles"display: none;"> Post was not scis - peck youi -mail addrisses! s eres>s-3" styles"display: none;"> Sorry, youi blog caunot share posts by -mail. Michael W. Anthony is a licensed CPA located in N Palm Beach, FL 33408. Michael W. Anthony has been issued a Florida license number AC0012064. All CPAs, including Michael W. Anthony, have at the minimum an undergraduate degree in accounting, passed a rigorous national exam and adhere to mandated continuing education requirements of their states in which they are licensed. CPAs can work in private industry, education or government but most people think of CPAs during tax season as the experts in tax preparation. Their overall training in business and knowledge in principles of general law and taxation provide CPAs with the skills to help individuals with both personal and business financial decisions. Looking for the best accountants located in N Palm Beach, FL? Michael W. Anthony is a CPA located in N Palm Beach, FL. Michael W. Anthony, CPA and other public accountants located in N Palm Beach, FL will help you with tax preparation, tax planning, bookkeeping, accounting services, estate and trust taxes, and much more. Are you Michael W. Anthony, a CPA from N Palm Beach, FL? Upgrade your basic listing to a featured listing with client reviews and ratings. Please note: All pes chelsea 128x160 files listed on DownloadJoy are either indexed from other file hosts, or uploaded by our visitors for their own usage. If you think pes chelsea 128x160 file is your intellectual property and shouldn't be listed, please fill in DMCA complain and we remove file immediately. Also if visitors will get caught uploading multiple copyrighted files, their IP will be permanently banned from using our service. Download pes chelsea 128x160 free shared files from DownloadJoy and other world's most popular shared hosts. Our filtering technology ensures that only latest pes chelsea 128x160 files are listed. How to download pes chelsea 128x160? As an file sharing search engine DownloadJoy finds pes chelsea 128x160 files matching your search criteria among the files that has been seen recently in uploading sites by our search spider. With our unique approach to crawling we index shared files withing hours after Upload. When you search for files (video, music, software, documents etc), you will always find high-quality pes chelsea 128x160 files recently uploaded on DownloadJoy or other most popular shared hosts. If search results are not what you looking for please give us feedback on where we can/or should improve. Our goal is to provide top notch user experience for our visitors. Part Number br5114spb-08.4-34 in stock. Find long-lead time, hard to find, and obsolete electronic parts ranging from active electronic to passive electronic components. Buy most challenging Electronic parts requirement at ASAP Semiconductor LLC. ASAP Semiconductor LLC is ISO 9001-2008 certified and FAA 0056B Accredited Distributor for lyntron inc Part number br5114spb-08.4-34. ASAP Semiconductor LLC is ISO 9001-2015, Aviation Suppliers Association Member Distributor for Part Number br5114spb-08.4-34. In a few weeks time, from 13th to 15th November, the international wine and spirits industry will meet in Shanghai, China. 500 exhibitors from all around the world are expected to come to the première event of ProWine China. The dedicated exhibition to wine and spirits will give importers, distributors, retailers, F&B Managers and sommeliers from China and abroad the chance to communicate and negotiate face to face with wineries from 26 different countries. Visitors can surely look forward to making exciting new discoveries. ProWine China 2013 will feature exhibitors from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Uruguay and the USA. There will be 16 national pavilions and 4 regional pavilions. With over two and a half months to go until the exhibition commences, all the space has been sold out. The originally planned exhibition area was 4000m², however due to a constant increase in number of exhibitors the area has been expanded to 5000m². Featuring 80 exhibitors, the largest national pavilion belongs to France, followed by Argentina with 70 exhibitors and Spain with 56 exhibitors. Portugal and Italy rank fourth and fifth respectively. 36 Chinese companies will be represented at ProWine China 2013. World’s leading wine brands such as Les Grands Chais de France, CASTEL, Félix Solís
, who heroically confronted Americas original sin of racism; and quiet professionals whose consistent excellence raised the standards for performance on the team very high. They had, for example, Gil Hodges. There should not be a Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, at least not yet anyway. He should be pushing eighty now, enjoying his grandchildren and looking back fondly on a career that included his time as one of the best first basemen of the post–World War II era, the manager who helped the lowly Washington Senators in their second, 1960s incarnation to respectability, and then the guy in charge when the Miracle Mets won it all in 1969. Instead, he died way too young, just two days shy of his forty-eighth birthday in 1972, the first of several Dodgers from that team to die too soon. Gil Hodges was a star shortstop in high school, improbably enough because he was one big guy—an honest six feet, two inches tall, and weighing more than two hundred well-muscled pounds. It was the immensity of his hands that made a lasting impression on me the two times I actually met him, both during that amazing season of 1955. My nine-year-old hand disappeared entirely from view within his; it was said that when he spread his fingers, you could fit a ruler between his little finger and thumb. At Ebbets Field, I had managed through my father's connection with Gabe Paul to get on _Happy Felton's Knothole Gang,_ the Dodgers' pregame show when television was still young. The host was an enormous, as in corpulent, man—part of the panoply of characters that dotted the team's history, including an oompahpah band and a clown dressed as the storied Brooklyn "Bum." Felton introduced a few kids to a Dodger who played catch with them for a few minutes, offering pointers. Hodges tossed me a soft ground ball, which I fielded through my terror and threw back to him. He talked about stretching to the ball from first base instead of waiting for it and then put me in heaven by saying in his quiet voice, "Nice throw, kid." Gil Hodges was beloved in Brooklyn, the person parents wanted their kids to emulate. He was not just quiet and well mannered; he also worked ceaselessly, hustled like a rookie, and never complained. It was the era when private lives stayed out of the newspapers unless they made the police blotter, but it turned out that Hodges really was all he seemed. Hodges came up to the major leagues late in 1943 as a catcher but in his only game that year played third base. After three years in the marines and a year in the minors, he was back in 1947, still catching part-time even as he was being transformed into a first baseman. Two years later, he developed into an almost annual All-Star whose absence from baseball's Hall of Fame remains absurd. He hit with consistent power, and he fielded magnificently. One astonishing night in 1950 he joined the tiny list of men to hit four home runs in a game; and the grand-slam home run, the ultimate clutch hit, was his trademark—in his career, he hit fourteen, a National League record that stood until Willie McCovey broke it. In the field, his self-taught signature became a play that is called special for most but became routine for him—a double play that begins with the first baseman fielding the ball, throwing it to second for the force out, and then hustling to the first base bag to take the return throw. For all his talent and character, though, Hodges was also famous for fading in the late stages of big seasons and in World Series play. In the 1952 World Series, another heartbreaker the Dodgers lost to the Yankees in seven games, he came to bat twenty-one times with not so much as a single to show for the effort. There were no boos from a chip-on-the-shoulder populace famous for them, no recriminations in the mercenary front office or from fellow players—such was his reputation. Instead, Hodges's slump and how he might emerge from it were the talk of Brooklyn, all of it empathetic, almost tender. The next spring, however, after a winter of anguish, his slump continued through the first month of the season, and Hodges was actually benched. The late Arthur Daley, who wrote the main sports column for _The New York Times_ in these years with Pulitzer Prize-winning grace, memorialized an event that May. On a steamy hot Sunday, the Reverend Herbert Redmond was celebrating mass at a church in Brooklyn, when he startled his congregation thus: "It's far too hot for a sermon. Keep the Commandments and say a prayer for Gil Hodges." He started slugging again shortly thereafter. Harold Henry
, who heroically confronted Americas original sin of racism; and quiet professionals whose consistent excellence raised the standards for performance on the team very high. They had, for example, Gil Hodges. There should not be a Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, at least not yet anyway. He should be pushing eighty now, enjoying his grandchildren and looking back fondly on a career that included his time as one of the best first basemen of the post–World War II era, the manager who helped the lowly Washington Senators in their second, 1960s incarnation to respectability, and then the guy in charge when the Miracle Mets won it all in 1969. Instead, he died way too young, just two days shy of his forty-eighth birthday in 1972, the first of several Dodgers from that team to die too soon. Gil Hodges was a star shortstop in high school, improbably enough because he was one big guy—an honest six feet, two inches tall, and weighing more than two hundred well-muscled pounds. It was the immensity of his hands that made a lasting impression on me the two times I actually met him, both during that amazing season of 1955. My nine-year-old hand disappeared entirely from view within his; it was said that when he spread his fingers, you could fit a ruler between his little finger and thumb. At Ebbets Field, I had managed through my father's connection with Gabe Paul to get on _Happy Felton's Knothole Gang,_ the Dodgers' pregame show when television was still young. The host was an enormous, as in corpulent, man—part of the panoply of characters that dotted the team's history, including an oompahpah band and a clown dressed as the storied Brooklyn "Bum." Felton introduced a few kids to a Dodger who played catch with them for a few minutes, offering pointers. Hodges tossed me a soft ground ball, which I fielded through my terror and threw back to him. He talked about stretching to the ball from first base instead of waiting for it and then put me in heaven by saying in his quiet voice, "Nice throw, kid." Gil Hodges was beloved in Brooklyn, the person parents wanted their kids to emulate. He was not just quiet and well mannered; he also worked ceaselessly, hustled like a rookie, and never complained. It was the era when private lives stayed out of the newspapers unless they made the police blotter, but it turned out that Hodges really was all he seemed. Hodges came up to the major leagues late in 1943 as a catcher but in his only game that year played third base. After three years in the marines and a year in the minors, he was back in 1947, still catching part-time even as he was being transformed into a first baseman. Two years later, he developed into an almost annual All-Star whose absence from baseball's Hall of Fame remains absurd. He hit with consistent power, and he fielded magnificently. One astonishing night in 1950 he joined the tiny list of men to hit four home runs in a game; and the grand-slam home run, the ultimate clutch hit, was his trademark—in his career, he hit fourteen, a National League record that stood until Willie McCovey broke it. In the field, his self-taught signature became a play that is called special for most but became routine for him—a double play that begins with the first baseman fielding the ball, throwing it to second for the force out, and then hustling to the first base bag to take the return throw. For all his talent and character, though, Hodges was also famous for fading in the late stages of big seasons and in World Series play. In the 1952 World Series, another heartbreaker the Dodgers lost to the Yankees in seven games, he came to bat twenty-one times with not so much as a single to show for the effort. There were no boos from a chip-on-the-shoulder populace famous for them, no recriminations in the mercenary front office or from fellow players—such was his reputation. Instead, Hodges's slump and how he might emerge from it were the talk of Brooklyn, all of it empathetic, almost tender. The next spring, however, after a winter of anguish, his slump continued through the first month of the season, and Hodges was actually benched. The late Arthur Daley, who wrote the main sports column for _The New York Times_ in these years with Pulitzer Prize-winning grace, memorialized an event that May. On a steamy hot Sunday, the Reverend Herbert Redmond was celebrating mass at a church in Brooklyn, when he startled his congregation thus: "It's far too hot for a sermon. Keep the Commandments and say a prayer for Gil Hodges." He started slugging again shortly thereafter. Harold Henry
Reese is a second Dodger who was adored in my family. He said after the Game—in which he was one of the critical fielding contributors, got a key hit, and scored the second run—that just before the last out he was hoping fervently that Yankee rookie Elston Howard would not hit the ball to him. After more than a dozen late-season crushing disappointments, he said he did not want to be the person who made an error that began another descent into failure. It is astonishing that this meticulous, professional man would have such a fear. He was thirty-seven that day, playing opposite another of the excellent shortstops of the era, Phil Rizzuto. Alone among the Dodgers of 1955, Reese had been on the field for every one of the horrid chapters of the team's modern lore. He was at shortstop when the nightmare began as catcher Mickey Owen let the third strike get by him in 1941; and he was at shortstop ten years later when Bobby Thomson of the New York Giants hit the three-run home run that ended a play-off and the Dodgers' most maddening collapse of all. In between and thereafter, Reese played in each of the other might-have-beens that ended tight pennant races or dashed World Series hopes. As far as my memory and research can tell, Pee Wee Reese contributed not one miscue, not one blown opportunity, to the entire saga it was his misfortune to witness. He was the epitome of the reliable professional, the obvious choice year after year to be the Dodgers' official captain. That was not, however, what made him special in my family. What made him special was his role in helping end segregation in baseball and in making integration work. The story was first told to me by my father as a parable of character. I could not have been more than six at the time, but it stuck with me. Years later, I discovered that the story was really two stories, almost identical except for where each occurred, and that they were preceded by an equally courageous act. In 1947 general manager Branch Rickey acted on his historic decision to challenge segregation in baseball and bring a black man, Jackie Robinson, into the major leagues. Pee Wee Reese, more than anyone else in Brooklyn or baseball, for that matter, was the person who made this stunning decision work as day-today reality in the historic season of 1947. My parents' affection for the Dodgers, and therefore eventually my own, exploded with the arrival of Jackie Robinson in 1947—a source of fierce pride, not just in Brooklyn but also among the politically liberal of the time, my parents being almost stereotypical. Jackie Robinson was an authentic American hero. He supplied the Dodgers with a unique glow—internal pride on the team and in its neighborhood, and externally supplied by people all over the country, and by no means only African-Americans, who were inspired by the triumph over Hitler and fascism to imagine a more just society. Rickey's decision to select the former UCLA athlete and veteran as the "first" put a burden on Robinson's shoulders that is almost beyond imagination. He would have to compete at the major-league level, where only performance counts, and yet he would have to keep a pledge to Rickey that he would endure the inevitable slings and arrows of bigots for two years in silence. The pressure on a man of his famously competitive spirit and pride was nearly unbearable. What is forgotten today is just how ugly it was after Robinson made his debut at first base (Gil Hodges caught that day) in a Brooklyn uniform at Ebbets Field on April 15, 1947, against the Boston Braves, before an official attendance of 26,623, more than half of them black. The atmosphere in Brooklyn was warm, happy, and welcoming. But when the Dodgers hit the road the ugliness of racism was on display in all its disgusting elements—death threats, boycotts, beanballs and high spikes, and a cascade of foul language from the stands and from opposing team dugouts. The Democratic Party's longtime leader in the House of Representatives, Dick Gephardt, told me once that his first exposure to extreme profanity and vulgarity was as a boy sitting uncomfortably in the old Sportsman's Park in his native St. Louis with his father as Cardinal fans hurled insults at Jackie Robinson. Indeed, before the season even began, Rickey had to quell a nascent rebellion among the Dodgers themselves. Led by one of their aging stars, popular outfielder Fred "Dixie" Walker, a petition was circulated opposing Robinson's elevation to Brooklyn. Rickey isolated the ringleaders and Walker was gone after the season, but the person whose quiet opposition stopped the rebellion's momentum was Reese. Before he died in the year 2000, Reese always spoke self-deprecatingly about his leadership. He had come from a border state, he noted, but had gained neither experience nor knowledge
think it [alcoholism] is about homeless people and we're discomforted by people like me. It holds a mirror to other people who drink far too much, far too often," she said. ''I am a typical example of a high-functioning rural professional who slipped through the cracks again and again, despite trying everything that was suggested.'' External Link: Sober in the Country: Changing Australia's casual alcoholism, with Shanna Whan at TEDxCanberra Worse in the country? Alcohol consumption overall in Australia is trending downwards, but the damage bill is still very high at $36 billion per year, according to the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. People in regional areas drink more than their city cousins and have less access to treatment for alcohol addictions. Getting treatment is also more difficult if you live in a remote area, where people have to travel, on average, more than 1.5 hours, or 100 kilometres, to find a health service. And a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that teenagers living outside the major cities are up to 80 per cent more likely to consume alcohol, particularly at levels that are harmful to their health. Bush drinking culture A drinking culture is firmly established in the bush, and it starts young. Sarah Rossiter's dad taught her how to drink at an early age. "Because it's a life skill you need to know. People don't trust you if you don't drink beer," she said. Sarah Rossiter says the network is a crucial support for her and many others in rural Australia. Part 4: The drinking culture in the bush Ms Rossiter, now a community worker in southern Queensland, said drinking was almost a requirement in her former role as a consultant to the cropping industry, and she has a theory about why that is. "Approximately 70–80 per cent of farmers are extremely introverted and most of the time they struggle in social situations," she said. We need to talk about women's drinking teaser Talking frankly about alcohol (ABC News: Humyara Mahbub) More women are drinking than ever. But many are in the dark, or in denial, when it comes to how alcohol affects their bodies. Alcohol is a socially acceptable way to overcome that. "It is the only drug you have to justify why you're not taking it," she said. Ms Rossiter is concerned about the impact of the drought and the increasing use of alcohol as a form of self-medication by famers. "Some of them have quite severe depression and you can't say, 'You've got to give up the alcohol for a while'," she said. "You've just got to support them, give them some information and say, 'I'm around if you want'." Shame and pain Farm manager Matt Tonkin decided to stop drinking alcohol when his body started to give way and his doctor told him he was at risk of dying. He was drinking to escape the pressure of rising farm debt and to subdue his fear of losing the property that had been in the family for five generations. It did not work. Matt Tonkin is flying high in corporate agriculture but alcoholism almost cost him his life. Part 2: What does 'rock bottom' look like for alcoholics? After the farm was sold, Mr Tonkin took up a job in real estate and livestock marketing and his drinking problem continued. "At knock-off time I'd have three to four schooners, play golf and drink 15 more, and then drink from lunchtime Sunday. I lost so many days," he said. Matt was depressed and having difficulty in his marriage when his doctor gave him a serious warning. "I had problems breathing, gastro problems, and the doctor said I was pre-diabetic and that if I continued [to drink] I'll probably die," he said. In the end he said it was 'divine intervention' that got him back on track. "I went back to church and asked for guidance and got a tap on the shoulder," he said. He managed to cut back on the drinking after that, but it still was not enough. It was hearing an interview with Ms Whan on the radio that finally woke him up. "I hadn't classified myself as an alcoholic, but I spoke to Shanna who said, 'You know, you're planning your life around having a drink, so technically you're an alcoholic'," Mr Tonkin said. Rural Roundup Newsletter Our best stories in your inbox? Subscribe to Rural RoundUp: Stories from the farm. He said it was the most humbling experience of his life. "You're identifying a weakness. You're saying you haven't got control, and for me that was hard," he said. "We're a large family, people are held in high regard. You work
think it [alcoholism] is about homeless people and we're discomforted by people like me. It holds a mirror to other people who drink far too much, far too often," she said. ''I am a typical example of a high-functioning rural professional who slipped through the cracks again and again, despite trying everything that was suggested.'' External Link: Sober in the Country: Changing Australia's casual alcoholism, with Shanna Whan at TEDxCanberra Worse in the country? Alcohol consumption overall in Australia is trending downwards, but the damage bill is still very high at $36 billion per year, according to the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. People in regional areas drink more than their city cousins and have less access to treatment for alcohol addictions. Getting treatment is also more difficult if you live in a remote area, where people have to travel, on average, more than 1.5 hours, or 100 kilometres, to find a health service. And a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that teenagers living outside the major cities are up to 80 per cent more likely to consume alcohol, particularly at levels that are harmful to their health. Bush drinking culture A drinking culture is firmly established in the bush, and it starts young. Sarah Rossiter's dad taught her how to drink at an early age. "Because it's a life skill you need to know. People don't trust you if you don't drink beer," she said. Sarah Rossiter says the network is a crucial support for her and many others in rural Australia. Part 4: The drinking culture in the bush Ms Rossiter, now a community worker in southern Queensland, said drinking was almost a requirement in her former role as a consultant to the cropping industry, and she has a theory about why that is. "Approximately 70–80 per cent of farmers are extremely introverted and most of the time they struggle in social situations," she said. We need to talk about women's drinking teaser Talking frankly about alcohol (ABC News: Humyara Mahbub) More women are drinking than ever. But many are in the dark, or in denial, when it comes to how alcohol affects their bodies. Alcohol is a socially acceptable way to overcome that. "It is the only drug you have to justify why you're not taking it," she said. Ms Rossiter is concerned about the impact of the drought and the increasing use of alcohol as a form of self-medication by famers. "Some of them have quite severe depression and you can't say, 'You've got to give up the alcohol for a while'," she said. "You've just got to support them, give them some information and say, 'I'm around if you want'." Shame and pain Farm manager Matt Tonkin decided to stop drinking alcohol when his body started to give way and his doctor told him he was at risk of dying. He was drinking to escape the pressure of rising farm debt and to subdue his fear of losing the property that had been in the family for five generations. It did not work. Matt Tonkin is flying high in corporate agriculture but alcoholism almost cost him his life. Part 2: What does 'rock bottom' look like for alcoholics? After the farm was sold, Mr Tonkin took up a job in real estate and livestock marketing and his drinking problem continued. "At knock-off time I'd have three to four schooners, play golf and drink 15 more, and then drink from lunchtime Sunday. I lost so many days," he said. Matt was depressed and having difficulty in his marriage when his doctor gave him a serious warning. "I had problems breathing, gastro problems, and the doctor said I was pre-diabetic and that if I continued [to drink] I'll probably die," he said. In the end he said it was 'divine intervention' that got him back on track. "I went back to church and asked for guidance and got a tap on the shoulder," he said. He managed to cut back on the drinking after that, but it still was not enough. It was hearing an interview with Ms Whan on the radio that finally woke him up. "I hadn't classified myself as an alcoholic, but I spoke to Shanna who said, 'You know, you're planning your life around having a drink, so technically you're an alcoholic'," Mr Tonkin said. Rural Roundup Newsletter Our best stories in your inbox? Subscribe to Rural RoundUp: Stories from the farm. He said it was the most humbling experience of his life. "You're identifying a weakness. You're saying you haven't got control, and for me that was hard," he said. "We're a large family, people are held in high regard. You work
hard, play hard, and you realise that you can't fit in that sphere anymore." Matt has lost 18 kilograms since going sober, his gastro problems are gone — along with the muscle soreness and arthritic pain — and his blood sugar levels are back to where they should be. "I'm as healthy and happy as you could expect to be," he said. Going cold turkey Farm worker Bob — not his real name — realised he had a problem with alcohol when his wife left him. He grew up in the country, had been drinking since he was 15 and at 40 he was an alcoholic. "I come from a long line of drinkers. There was always booze. I thought it was the done thing — what men did," Bob said. Alcohol can often lead to depression, anxiety and isolation as farmers drink alone on the farm. Part 3: What support is there in the bush for recovering alcoholics? He had been to court for drink driving and he was spending tens of thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes and alcohol. "There were things we didn't do because I was watching my money. I was grumpy, cranky and turned everything into an argument," he said. It is two years since Bob's wife left him. "She couldn't handle how we were functioning as a family anymore and she put the three kids in the car and drove away," he said. Why I'm giving up booze Why I'm giving up booze for a year I love the clink of ice cubes in a gin and tonic. But sometimes, love can get complicated, which is why I'm calling quits on drinking for a year. Ms Whan played a part in Bob's recovery as well. He called her for support on the day the car went down the driveway and she asked him a series of questions to confirm if he was an alcoholic — he answered "yes" to 12 out of 14. "I have an addictive nature so I knew I'd have to go cold turkey," Bob said. He went to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings but it was never a good fit. "I went four or five times but it was dragging me down," he said. Bob wanted to get his family back and that was enough motivation for him to give up the grog, but the first month was very difficult. "Day three to five everything was cramping. I had fevers and it felt like everything was collapsing," he said. Bob has been sober for two years now and his wife and kids have come home. "I still want a beer and a smoke every day, but it's all or nothing for me," he said. Bob urged anyone who wants to be sober to seek help. "Don't try and do it alone. It's so tough and you need people with experience to help you through," he said. To drink or not to drink Lachie Cameron has noticed a big change since cutting back on the alcohol. (Supplied: Lachie Cameron) Supplied: Lachie Cameron Part 5: What do younger men in regional areas think about alcohol? Drinking put an end to Lachie Cameron's career as an elite sportsman. He experienced mood swings, isolation and manic episodes that ended with fights with his wife, but he was able to cut back without treatment and he now runs a gym in regional NSW. "I'm pretty happy with my life, now I have a family and a business," he said. As a fitness instructor, Mr Cameron can see the impact of excessive drinking among his clients so he is a big fan of drinking less. But he said it took courage in regional areas, where the drinking culture was still so strong. "You have a choice though, and you're probably more of a man if you stand up and say, 'I'm not having a beer'," he said. The ABC acknowledges the support of Shanna Whan and the Sober in the Country network in producing this story. article Are you a 'responsible drinker'? Many of us think we are, even if we drink to get drunk article We need to talk about women's drinking article Australian teens drinking less, but older people consuming more: survey Drugs and Substance Abuse Rural Youth If you need to talk to someone, call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 Headspace on 1800 650 890 QLife on 1800 184 527 Newsletter Podcasts RSS Has culling more than 500,000 feral donkeys in the Kimberley been worth it? About 570,000 feral donkeys have been culled in the Kimberley region since 1978. Are these yearly aerial cull
, maybe even some humanitarian / disaster response roles we should be looking at big cheap motherships for unmanned air, surface and sub-surface vehicles. A bit extreme but HNLMS Karel Doorman, the Royal Dutch Navy “multi-role support ship” cost 365 (ish) million Euros – so less than 400 million GBP. At 23,000 tones she is a bit big perhaps, but steel is cheap and air is free, so a big “ship which is not a Frigate” (TM – @thinkdefence 2015) that can be truly multi-role because the focus on the payloads, not the platform, would be the truly innovative way to go……….. Just as a follow up to my previous comment and my reference to an old http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk concept – the “ship which is not a Frigate” – take a look at the original articles: https://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2011/08/a-ship-that-is-not-a-frigate-part-1-introduction/ It’s not really an ASW oriented discussion but does include some excellent information on modularity and off board systems. As I have noted on Nicholas’ original article about an ASW Corvette – my money would be on the BMT Venator 110 design – quite the effective looking “modern Leander” and with capability to do ASW too: Click to access VENATOR-110%20Technical%20Brief.pdf However as noted above, how about a big (but pretty cheap) “mothership” for off board assets ? I give you the Damen Crossover design. Intended as crossover between warship and amphibious transport, the modularity and capacity for off board craft could make this design, or something similar, the best option: https://products.damen.com/en/ranges/crossover musingsofdowcett says: Ah the Crossover…. one of my favorite designs. Would love to see both the US and UK adopt T26 and Crossover classes of FFGs for the ASW and multi-mission roles…. Alas most likely will remain just a dream but I honestly believe the Crossover would be a game changer for any navy that that decided to make her a reality. J.T. says: Given the rather purple nature of recent UK Land Power articles, perhaps it’s time now to change the name of the site to something that better reflects its coverage of all three UK armed services. Working on this right now. Stand by for an announcement soon. Ben Lyon says: TYPE 31 versus TYPE 26 Lite. The only reason for the Type 31s instead of more Type 26s is cost. As the Type 31 is to be cheaper than the Type 26 it will obviously be expected to be less capable than the Type 26. But cost savings could also be made by adopting the Type 26 Lite. That is a Type 26 with some equipments left out, but leaving enough to match the capability of the smaller Type31 and being much cheaper than a standard T26. Indeed there are reasons to believe that the larger Type 26 Lite could cost less than the smaller Type 31. Items which could be left out of the T26 in order to bring the costs down are:- Type 2087 Towed Sonar Array, the 3 x 8 cell Mk42 VLS, the 2 x Phalanx CIWS, the Merlin Helicopter and the two Rolls Royce MT30 gas turbines. The maximum speed would be that obtained from Diesel Electric propulsion alone, probably a bit faster than the offshore Patrol Vessels. I assume the Type 31 would be no faster. Removing these items will result in the Lite version being much cheaper than a standard T26. Items which would be left in the T26Lite are:- the Type 997 Artisan Radar, Scot-5 Satcoms, EW systems and Decoys, eight x 6 cell Seaceptor VLS, 1 x BAE 5inch Mk45 gun, 2 x DS30Mk2 30mm guns, Miniguns and GPMGs, a Wildcat helicopter, Sea Venom air to surface missiles, the Type 2050 or later Bow Sonar, and Stingray torpedoes launched from either STWS or MTLS or by the Wildcat helicopter using a Match type system. So defence against surface threats would be met by the SeaVenom missile armed Wildcat, and the 5” and 30mm guns. Defence against air threats would be met by Seaceptor missiles, 30mm guns and soft kill decoys. Defence against underwater threats would be by Stingray torpedoes launched from STWS (or MTLS) or the Wildcat. This would give a satisfactory weapon and sensor outfit for a ‘flexible general purpose frigate’, (a latter
, maybe even some humanitarian / disaster response roles we should be looking at big cheap motherships for unmanned air, surface and sub-surface vehicles. A bit extreme but HNLMS Karel Doorman, the Royal Dutch Navy “multi-role support ship” cost 365 (ish) million Euros – so less than 400 million GBP. At 23,000 tones she is a bit big perhaps, but steel is cheap and air is free, so a big “ship which is not a Frigate” (TM – @thinkdefence 2015) that can be truly multi-role because the focus on the payloads, not the platform, would be the truly innovative way to go……….. Just as a follow up to my previous comment and my reference to an old http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk concept – the “ship which is not a Frigate” – take a look at the original articles: https://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2011/08/a-ship-that-is-not-a-frigate-part-1-introduction/ It’s not really an ASW oriented discussion but does include some excellent information on modularity and off board systems. As I have noted on Nicholas’ original article about an ASW Corvette – my money would be on the BMT Venator 110 design – quite the effective looking “modern Leander” and with capability to do ASW too: Click to access VENATOR-110%20Technical%20Brief.pdf However as noted above, how about a big (but pretty cheap) “mothership” for off board assets ? I give you the Damen Crossover design. Intended as crossover between warship and amphibious transport, the modularity and capacity for off board craft could make this design, or something similar, the best option: https://products.damen.com/en/ranges/crossover musingsofdowcett says: Ah the Crossover…. one of my favorite designs. Would love to see both the US and UK adopt T26 and Crossover classes of FFGs for the ASW and multi-mission roles…. Alas most likely will remain just a dream but I honestly believe the Crossover would be a game changer for any navy that that decided to make her a reality. J.T. says: Given the rather purple nature of recent UK Land Power articles, perhaps it’s time now to change the name of the site to something that better reflects its coverage of all three UK armed services. Working on this right now. Stand by for an announcement soon. Ben Lyon says: TYPE 31 versus TYPE 26 Lite. The only reason for the Type 31s instead of more Type 26s is cost. As the Type 31 is to be cheaper than the Type 26 it will obviously be expected to be less capable than the Type 26. But cost savings could also be made by adopting the Type 26 Lite. That is a Type 26 with some equipments left out, but leaving enough to match the capability of the smaller Type31 and being much cheaper than a standard T26. Indeed there are reasons to believe that the larger Type 26 Lite could cost less than the smaller Type 31. Items which could be left out of the T26 in order to bring the costs down are:- Type 2087 Towed Sonar Array, the 3 x 8 cell Mk42 VLS, the 2 x Phalanx CIWS, the Merlin Helicopter and the two Rolls Royce MT30 gas turbines. The maximum speed would be that obtained from Diesel Electric propulsion alone, probably a bit faster than the offshore Patrol Vessels. I assume the Type 31 would be no faster. Removing these items will result in the Lite version being much cheaper than a standard T26. Items which would be left in the T26Lite are:- the Type 997 Artisan Radar, Scot-5 Satcoms, EW systems and Decoys, eight x 6 cell Seaceptor VLS, 1 x BAE 5inch Mk45 gun, 2 x DS30Mk2 30mm guns, Miniguns and GPMGs, a Wildcat helicopter, Sea Venom air to surface missiles, the Type 2050 or later Bow Sonar, and Stingray torpedoes launched from either STWS or MTLS or by the Wildcat helicopter using a Match type system. So defence against surface threats would be met by the SeaVenom missile armed Wildcat, and the 5” and 30mm guns. Defence against air threats would be met by Seaceptor missiles, 30mm guns and soft kill decoys. Defence against underwater threats would be by Stingray torpedoes launched from STWS (or MTLS) or the Wildcat. This would give a satisfactory weapon and sensor outfit for a ‘flexible general purpose frigate’, (a latter
day Leander, but much more effective.) I doubt if the Type 31 would have any more, and I doubt if the Naval Staff would want any less. If the costs of the Type 26 Lite are less than the Type 31 this would do no harm to foreign sales, particularly as the RN would be seen to be operating the Type 26 Lite which would be a more imposing vessel than the Type 31. The Type 26 Lite should be provided with “For But Not With” (FBNW) facilities on build, for all the equipments omitted. That is deck seatings, power supplies, wiring and cabling up to the appropriate compartment JBs, etc. so that the equipments could be installed readily at a future date if required. In the meanwhile the trim of the Type 26 Lite would be maintained by fitting ballast in the form of mild steel slabs designed to fit on the FBNW seatings. Now let’s consider the costs under the following headings. A. Concept Studies would have to include both the T31 and the Type26 Lite in order to satisfy the politicians that all options had been considered. A DRAW B. Design Costs. For the Type 31 a full ship design would be required. An expensive undertaking. For the Type 26 Lite most of the design has already been done. All that would be required are calculations and drawings for the ballasting to allow for the equipments omitted. TYPE 26 LITE WINS HANDS DOWN. C. The Shipyard Setting Up Costs. These one off costs would be required for the Type 31, but have already been met for the Type26 and hence the Type26 Lite. TYPE 26 LITE WINS. D. The Platform or Hull Construction Costs. The costs for a smaller lighter Type 31 hull would no doubt be less than for the Type 26 Lite IF they both started from scratch. But for the Type 26 Lite the order would be for a second batch of similar hulls, hopefully the next 8 ships of a 16 ship programme. These are bound to be cheaper than the first 8, partly because the shipyard management and workers will have learnt short cuts and introduced innovative and more efficient working, and partly through spreading the fixed costs over a larger number of hulls. This effect is known as ‘Caquots Law’. Under these circumstances the Type 26 Lite hull costs could approach that of the smaller Type 31 and should be cheaper than the first 8 Type 26s. Bear in mind that the hull is only about a tenth of a warship’s cost. POSSIBLE DRAW. E. The Equipment Costs. I have assumed that both the Type31 and Type26 Lite would have roughly the same weapons, sensors, and machinery etc. and hence the same costs. ( But the T26 Lite will be much cheaper than the standard T26) DRAW. F. The Equipment Installation Costs. Same equipment, same costs. (But of course again the T26 Lite costs would be less than the T26). DRAW. G. The First of Class Acceptance Trials. There would be lengthy ‘First of Class Trials’ for the Type 31, but these would have already been carried out for the Type 26 which would cover the Type 26 Lite. TYPE26 LITE WINS. H. The Integrated Logistic Support Set Up Costs. Start up costs for training aids, handbooks, spares and other logistic support, such as dockyard support facilities, would be required for the Type 31, but these costs would have already been met for the Type 26 which covers the T26Lite. TYPE 26 LITE WINS. Summarising: Paragraphs B, C, G and H above show where the T26Lite would be cheaper than a Type 31; paragraphs A, E and F show where the costs would be about the same; and paragraph D indicates where the Type 31 might be cheaper. Paragraphs D, E and F show where the T26Lite would be cheaper than the Type 26. There is a strong possibility therefore that the T26 Lite costs would be less than the smaller T31, and with enough savings over the Type 26 to replace all 13 Type 23s and maybe more. The advantages of the Type 26 Lite over the Type 31, assuming the latter is smaller are:- A. Seakeeping. A good big one will always beat a good little one. As the sea state increases the Type 31 will have to slow down earlier than the Type 26 Lite, also the efficiency of a crew deteriorates as the sea state increases. So the Type 26 Lite will remain faster and more efficient than the Type 31 as the sea state worsens.T26 LITE WINS. B. Speed. For the same installed horse power a longer hull, ie Type 26 Lite will be faster than a shorter hull ie Type 31. T26 LITE WINS B. Accommodation. The ship
manner (22). In this study, we have shown that E3L expression of VV (Western Reserve strain) in HeLa cells transactivates the p53 and IL-6 genes and also inhibits apoptosis induced by hygromycin B, which does not require expression of wild-type p53, suggesting a p53-independent antiapoptotic activity in E3L. Mounting evidence indicates that the multifunctional cytokine IL-6 can act as an apoptosis inhibitor. For example, the antiapoptotic role of IL-6 in human cervical cancer cells was recently reported (27). Furthemore, it has been shown that IL-6 inhibition of p53-induced apoptosis is not mediated by a general inhibition of the transcription-regulation activity of p53 (28), and it did not degrade the p53 protein. Also, IL-6 did not affect the p53-induced up-regulation of various proapoptotic genes implicated in the ability of p53 to induce apoptosis. Instead, IL-6 up-regulates certain antiapoptotic genes in a p53-independent manner (28). This up-regulation of antiapoptotic genes changes the intracellular balance between expression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic genes and can explain the ability of these components to inhibit p53-mediated apoptosis. IL-6 might bypass the effect of wild-type p53 on gene expression and inhibit apoptosis, which would also facilitate tumor development. These reports may thus provide an explanation for the p53-independent antiapoptotic activity of the VV E3L gene. In this article, we have shown that E3L accumulated in the nucleus of HeLa cells, and the Z-DNA-binding domain of E3L by itself localizes in the nucleus. We have also demonstrated that E3L activates transcription of the IL-6, NF-AT, and p53 genes as well as increasing the mRNA levels of these genes. These results show that E3L can function as a transactivator and that Z-DNA binding of E3L is necessary for this transactivation activity. Hygromycin B, a p53-independent apoptosis inducer, is shown here to induce apoptotic programmed cell death in HeLa cells. We then found that E3L inhibits the hygromycin-B-induced apoptosis of HeLa cells and that Z-DNA binding of E3L is essential for this inhibition effect. The E3L Zα domain swaps confirmed the role of Z-DNA binding in hygromycin-B-induced apoptosis inhibition. Altogether, these results suggest that the observed transactivating effect of E3L, and others not observed, is probably involved in apoptosis inhibition. The Z-DNA-binding activity of the E3L protein may play an important role in VV pathogenesis when E3L acts as a viral transactivator and inhibits apoptosis of host cells, as seen in other oncogenic viral proteins. We have demonstrated the central role of Z-DNA-binding in these regulatory activities. We do not know the underlying mechanisms for these activities. Indeed, the phrase “Z-DNA-binding” protein is used, but we have previously shown that the Zα domain of ADAR1 also binds Z-RNA (29). However, we can make a plausible argument for Z-DNA binding of E3L by citing the work on Z-DNA-facilitated transcriptional activation of the colony-stimulating factor 1 gene (17). There, unwrapping nucleosomes provide negative torsional strain that stabilizes a Z-DNA-forming sequence. Because Z-DNA cannot form nucleosomes (30), it leaves a nucleosome-free region near the transcription start site, allowing transcription factors to be recruited, so that transcription ensues. Because most human genes have Z-DNA-forming sequences near the transcription start site (14), it is possible that E3L binding to such sequences up-regulates transcription. Further experiments are clearly necessary. We thank Dr. Thomas Schwartz for critical reading of the manuscript, Carolyn Beckman Stitson for typing the manuscript, and Dr. Bertram L. Jacobs (Arizona State University, Tempe) for kindly providing vectors, including pMPE3L, pMP-Y48A E3L, pMP-P63A E3L, pMPADARZα-E3L, pMPDLM-1Zα-E3L, pMPY177A hADAR1 Zα/E3L, and pMP-P192A hADAR1 Zα/E3L, and rabbit polyclonal anti-E3L antiserum. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Dana and Ellison Foundations. ↵ * To whom correspondence may be addressed. F
manner (22). In this study, we have shown that E3L expression of VV (Western Reserve strain) in HeLa cells transactivates the p53 and IL-6 genes and also inhibits apoptosis induced by hygromycin B, which does not require expression of wild-type p53, suggesting a p53-independent antiapoptotic activity in E3L. Mounting evidence indicates that the multifunctional cytokine IL-6 can act as an apoptosis inhibitor. For example, the antiapoptotic role of IL-6 in human cervical cancer cells was recently reported (27). Furthemore, it has been shown that IL-6 inhibition of p53-induced apoptosis is not mediated by a general inhibition of the transcription-regulation activity of p53 (28), and it did not degrade the p53 protein. Also, IL-6 did not affect the p53-induced up-regulation of various proapoptotic genes implicated in the ability of p53 to induce apoptosis. Instead, IL-6 up-regulates certain antiapoptotic genes in a p53-independent manner (28). This up-regulation of antiapoptotic genes changes the intracellular balance between expression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic genes and can explain the ability of these components to inhibit p53-mediated apoptosis. IL-6 might bypass the effect of wild-type p53 on gene expression and inhibit apoptosis, which would also facilitate tumor development. These reports may thus provide an explanation for the p53-independent antiapoptotic activity of the VV E3L gene. In this article, we have shown that E3L accumulated in the nucleus of HeLa cells, and the Z-DNA-binding domain of E3L by itself localizes in the nucleus. We have also demonstrated that E3L activates transcription of the IL-6, NF-AT, and p53 genes as well as increasing the mRNA levels of these genes. These results show that E3L can function as a transactivator and that Z-DNA binding of E3L is necessary for this transactivation activity. Hygromycin B, a p53-independent apoptosis inducer, is shown here to induce apoptotic programmed cell death in HeLa cells. We then found that E3L inhibits the hygromycin-B-induced apoptosis of HeLa cells and that Z-DNA binding of E3L is essential for this inhibition effect. The E3L Zα domain swaps confirmed the role of Z-DNA binding in hygromycin-B-induced apoptosis inhibition. Altogether, these results suggest that the observed transactivating effect of E3L, and others not observed, is probably involved in apoptosis inhibition. The Z-DNA-binding activity of the E3L protein may play an important role in VV pathogenesis when E3L acts as a viral transactivator and inhibits apoptosis of host cells, as seen in other oncogenic viral proteins. We have demonstrated the central role of Z-DNA-binding in these regulatory activities. We do not know the underlying mechanisms for these activities. Indeed, the phrase “Z-DNA-binding” protein is used, but we have previously shown that the Zα domain of ADAR1 also binds Z-RNA (29). However, we can make a plausible argument for Z-DNA binding of E3L by citing the work on Z-DNA-facilitated transcriptional activation of the colony-stimulating factor 1 gene (17). There, unwrapping nucleosomes provide negative torsional strain that stabilizes a Z-DNA-forming sequence. Because Z-DNA cannot form nucleosomes (30), it leaves a nucleosome-free region near the transcription start site, allowing transcription factors to be recruited, so that transcription ensues. Because most human genes have Z-DNA-forming sequences near the transcription start site (14), it is possible that E3L binding to such sequences up-regulates transcription. Further experiments are clearly necessary. We thank Dr. Thomas Schwartz for critical reading of the manuscript, Carolyn Beckman Stitson for typing the manuscript, and Dr. Bertram L. Jacobs (Arizona State University, Tempe) for kindly providing vectors, including pMPE3L, pMP-Y48A E3L, pMP-P63A E3L, pMPADARZα-E3L, pMPDLM-1Zα-E3L, pMPY177A hADAR1 Zα/E3L, and pMP-P192A hADAR1 Zα/E3L, and rabbit polyclonal anti-E3L antiserum. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Dana and Ellison Foundations. ↵ * To whom correspondence may be addressed. F
ax: 617-253-8699 (A.R.) or E-mail: jakwon35{at}mit.edu (J.-A.K.). Author contributions: J.-A.K. and A.R. designed research; J.-A.K. performed research; J.-A.K. and A.R. analyzed data; and J.-A.K. and A.R. wrote the paper. Abbreviations: NF-AT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; VV, vaccinia virus; Zα, Z-DNA-binding-protein domain. Copyright © 2005, The National Academy of Sciences Beattie, E., Kauffman, E. B., Martinez, H., Perkus, M. E., Jacobs, B. L., Paoletti, E. & Tartaglia, J. (1996) Virus Genes 12 , 89–94. pmid:8879125 Brandt, T. A. & Jacobs, B. L. (2001) J. Virol. 75 , 850–856. pmid:11134298 Chang, H. W., Uribe, L. H. & Jacobs, B. L. (1995) J. Virol. 69 , 6605–6608. pmid:7666567 Herbert, A., Alfken, J., Kim, Y. G., Mian, I. S., Nishikura, K. & Rich, A. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 , 8421–8426. pmid:9237992 Schwartz, T., Behlke, J., Lowenhaupt, K., Heinemann, U. & Rich, A. (2001) Nat. Struct. Biol. 8 , 761–765. pmid:11524677 Rothenburg, S., Deigendesch, N., Dittmar, K., Koch-Nolte, F., Haag, F., Lowenhaupt, K. & Rich, A. (2005) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102 , 1602–1607. pmid:15659550 Schwartz, T., Rould, M. A., Lowenhaupt, K., Herbert, A. & Rich, A. (1999) Science 284 , 1841–1845. pmid:10364558 Kim, Y. G., Muralinath, M., Brandt, T., Pearcy, M., Hauns, K., Lowenhaupt, K., Jacobs, B. L. & Rich, A. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 , 6974–6979. pmid:12777633 Ha, S. C., Lokanath, N. K., Van Quyen, D., Wu, C. A., Lowenhaupt, K., Rich, A., Kim, Y. G. & Kim, K. K. (2004) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101 , 14367–14372. pmid:15448208 Romano, P. R., Zhang, F., Tan, S.-L., Garcia-Barrio, M. T., Katze, M. G., Dever, T. E. & Hinnebusch, A. G. (1998) Mol. Cell. Biol. 18 , 7304–7316. pmid:9819417 Yuwen, H., Cox, J. H., Yewdell, J. W., Bennink, J. R. & Moss, B. (1993) Virology 195 , 732–744. pmid:8337842 Lee, S. B. & Esteban, M. (1994) Virology 199 , 491–496. pmid:7510087 Garcia, M. A., Guerra, S., Gil, J., Jimenez, V. & Esteban, M. (2002) Oncogene 21 , 8379–8387. pmid:12466958 Champ, P. C., Maurice, S., Vargason, J. M., Camp, T. & Ho, P. S. (2004) Nucleic Acids Res. 32 , 6501–6510. pmid:15598822 Liu, L. F. & Wang, J. C. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84 , 7024–7027. pmid:2823250 Herbert, A. & Rich, A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271 , 11595–11598. pmid:8662853 Liu, R., Liu, H
= anchor.isIncoming(); isOutgoing = anchor.isOutgoing(); } /** * * @return */ public String getTrustedDomainOrUser() { return trustedDomainOrUser; } /** * * @return */ public long getId() { return id; } /** * * @return */ public long getCertificateId() { return certificateId; } /** * * @return */ public String getOwner() { return owner; } /** * * @return */ public String getThumbprint() { return thumbprint; } /** * * @return */ public EntityStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * * @return */ public String getCreateTime() { return createTime; } /** * * @return */ public String getValidEndDate() { return validEndDate; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isOutgoing() { return isOutgoing; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isIncoming() { return isIncoming; } /** * * @return */ public String getValidStartDate() { return validStartDate; } /** * * @param trustedDomainOrUser */ public void setTrustedDomainOrUser(String trustedDomainOrUser) { this.trustedDomainOrUser = trustedDomainOrUser; } /** * * @param id */ public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; } /** * * @param certificateId */ public void setCertificateId(long certificateId) { this.certificateId = certificateId; } /** * * @param owner */ public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** * * @param thumbprint */ public void setThumbprint(String thumbprint) { this.thumbprint = thumbprint; } /** * * @param status */ public void setStatus(EntityStatus status) { this.status = status; } /** * * @param createTime
= anchor.isIncoming(); isOutgoing = anchor.isOutgoing(); } /** * * @return */ public String getTrustedDomainOrUser() { return trustedDomainOrUser; } /** * * @return */ public long getId() { return id; } /** * * @return */ public long getCertificateId() { return certificateId; } /** * * @return */ public String getOwner() { return owner; } /** * * @return */ public String getThumbprint() { return thumbprint; } /** * * @return */ public EntityStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * * @return */ public String getCreateTime() { return createTime; } /** * * @return */ public String getValidEndDate() { return validEndDate; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isOutgoing() { return isOutgoing; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isIncoming() { return isIncoming; } /** * * @return */ public String getValidStartDate() { return validStartDate; } /** * * @param trustedDomainOrUser */ public void setTrustedDomainOrUser(String trustedDomainOrUser) { this.trustedDomainOrUser = trustedDomainOrUser; } /** * * @param id */ public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; } /** * * @param certificateId */ public void setCertificateId(long certificateId) { this.certificateId = certificateId; } /** * * @param owner */ public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** * * @param thumbprint */ public void setThumbprint(String thumbprint) { this.thumbprint = thumbprint; } /** * * @param status */ public void setStatus(EntityStatus status) { this.status = status; } /** * * @param createTime
*/ public void setCreateTime(String createTime) { this.createTime = createTime; } /** * * @param validEndDate */ public void setValidEndDate(String validEndDate) { this.validEndDate = validEndDate; } /** * * @param validStartDate */ public void setValidStartDate(String validStartDate) { this.validStartDate = validStartDate; } /** * * @param isOutgoing */ public void setOutgoing(boolean isOutgoing) { this.isOutgoing = isOutgoing; } /** * * @param isIncoming */ public void setIncoming(boolean isIncoming) { this.isIncoming = isIncoming; } } using namespace Neander; ProgramCounter::ProgramCounter() : ProgramCounter(0) {} ProgramCounter::ProgramCounter(unsigned long address) { mAddress = address; } unsigned long ProgramCounter::getAddress() const { return mAddress; } void ProgramCounter::setAddress(unsigned long address) { mAddress = address; } unsigned long ProgramCounter::incrementAddress() { return ++mAddress; } namespace blink { HIDConnectionEvent* HIDConnectionEvent::Create( const AtomicString& type, const HIDConnectionEventInit* initializer) { return MakeGarbageCollected<HIDConnectionEvent>(type, initializer); } HIDConnectionEvent* HIDConnectionEvent::Create(const AtomicString& type, HIDDevice* device) { return MakeGarbageCollected<HIDConnectionEvent>(type, device); } HIDConnectionEvent::HIDConnectionEvent( const AtomicString& type, const HIDConnectionEventInit* initializer) : Event(type, initializer) {} HIDConnectionEvent::HIDConnectionEvent(const AtomicString& type, HIDDevice* device) : Event(type, Bubbles::kNo, Cancelable::kNo), device_(device) {} void HIDConnectionEvent::Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(device_); Event::Trace(visitor); } } // namespace blink <div class="row"> <div class="contribute"> <i class="icon-fork"></i><p> If you want to be added to this page please open a new <a //href="https://github.com/spf13/hugoThemes/issues">issue</a> with a link to your GitHub repo.</p> <p><small>Last built: {{ .Now.Format "Mon Jan 2 2006 15:04" }}</small></p> </div> </div> <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/stylesheets/countdown_ie.css" media="all"/> <![endif]--> {% include "breadcrumbs" %} {% if page.headline.size > 0 %} <h2 class="headline">{{ page.headline }}</h2> {% endif %} <div id="content"> {% if page.moneybomb.content.size > 0 %} <div id="moneybomb-
) for blindness; 1.4 (95% CI: 1.2-1.7) for VI; 1.8 (95% CI: 1.4-2.3) for pure nuclear cataract, 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.1) for pure cortical cataract; 1.96 (95% CI: 1.6-2.4) for mixed cataract, 2.0 (95% CI: 1.4-2.9) for history of cataract surgery, and 1.58 (95% CI: 1.3-1.9) for any cataract. When all these factors were included in the model, the HRs were attenuated, being 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.0) for blindness and 1.2 (95% CI: 0.9-1.5) for VI. For lens type, the HRs were as follows: pure nuclear cataract, 1.6 (95% CI: 1.3-2.1); pure cortical cataract, 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.1); mixed cataract, 1.8 (95% CI: 1.4-2.2), and history of previous cataract surgery, 1.8 (95% CI: 1.3-2.6). All types of cataract, history of cataract surgery and VI had an increased risk of mortality that further suggests that these could be potential markers of ageing. Citation: Khanna RC, Murthy GVS, Giridhar P, Krishnaiah S, Pant HB, Palamaner Subash Shantha G, et al. (2013) Cataract, Visual Impairment and Long-Term Mortality in a Rural Cohort in India: The Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. PLoS ONE 8(10): e78002. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0078002 Editor: Mingguang He, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, China Received: May 23, 2013; Accepted: September 9, 2013; Published: October 25, 2013 Copyright: © 2013 Khanna et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: The work was supported by Sightsavers International. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. There has been inconsistency in the association between mortality and visual impairment (VI) [1-12] with some studies demonstrating a positive association [2-4,6-11], whereas others do not [1,5,12]. Similar findings have been reported for cataract [1-6,8,10-19], diabetic retinopathy (DR) [6,11,12,16] and age related macular degeneration (ARMD) [1-3,5,6,8,10-13,16]. These inconsistencies could be explained by differences in study design, age of the study participants, follow-up intervals, the definitions used and in the analytical approach to controlling for potential confounders. Different biological mechanisms have been proposed for the association between mortality and certain eye diseases [20-24]. Possible explanations are that eye diseases such as cataract are markers of biological aging and that common ocular conditions may share a common attribute with conditions associated with increased mortality [20,22]. Another possible reason is that the excess mortality is a consequence of VI, which increases the risk of falls and depression, particularly in the elderly [21]. As there is a paucity of data on the risk of mortality among those who are blind and visually impaired from India, we explored this association through a follow-up study of participants in the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study (APEDS) [25]. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of L V Prasad Eye Institute and was conducted adhering to the Tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was part of a tracing exercise of a longitudinal cohort (that was studied more than a decade ago), in order to identify participants who were available for a reexamination. The causes of death were noted for participants who had died during this period. Since the majority of the participants were not literate enough to either read or sign the consent form, a verbal consent was obtained in the presence of the village head after explaining the purpose of this exercise to them. This process was documented in our study protocol and was further approved by the Ethics Committee of the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute. For brevity, the original APEDS survey will be called APEDS1 and
) for blindness; 1.4 (95% CI: 1.2-1.7) for VI; 1.8 (95% CI: 1.4-2.3) for pure nuclear cataract, 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.1) for pure cortical cataract; 1.96 (95% CI: 1.6-2.4) for mixed cataract, 2.0 (95% CI: 1.4-2.9) for history of cataract surgery, and 1.58 (95% CI: 1.3-1.9) for any cataract. When all these factors were included in the model, the HRs were attenuated, being 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.0) for blindness and 1.2 (95% CI: 0.9-1.5) for VI. For lens type, the HRs were as follows: pure nuclear cataract, 1.6 (95% CI: 1.3-2.1); pure cortical cataract, 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1-2.1); mixed cataract, 1.8 (95% CI: 1.4-2.2), and history of previous cataract surgery, 1.8 (95% CI: 1.3-2.6). All types of cataract, history of cataract surgery and VI had an increased risk of mortality that further suggests that these could be potential markers of ageing. Citation: Khanna RC, Murthy GVS, Giridhar P, Krishnaiah S, Pant HB, Palamaner Subash Shantha G, et al. (2013) Cataract, Visual Impairment and Long-Term Mortality in a Rural Cohort in India: The Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. PLoS ONE 8(10): e78002. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0078002 Editor: Mingguang He, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, China Received: May 23, 2013; Accepted: September 9, 2013; Published: October 25, 2013 Copyright: © 2013 Khanna et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: The work was supported by Sightsavers International. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. There has been inconsistency in the association between mortality and visual impairment (VI) [1-12] with some studies demonstrating a positive association [2-4,6-11], whereas others do not [1,5,12]. Similar findings have been reported for cataract [1-6,8,10-19], diabetic retinopathy (DR) [6,11,12,16] and age related macular degeneration (ARMD) [1-3,5,6,8,10-13,16]. These inconsistencies could be explained by differences in study design, age of the study participants, follow-up intervals, the definitions used and in the analytical approach to controlling for potential confounders. Different biological mechanisms have been proposed for the association between mortality and certain eye diseases [20-24]. Possible explanations are that eye diseases such as cataract are markers of biological aging and that common ocular conditions may share a common attribute with conditions associated with increased mortality [20,22]. Another possible reason is that the excess mortality is a consequence of VI, which increases the risk of falls and depression, particularly in the elderly [21]. As there is a paucity of data on the risk of mortality among those who are blind and visually impaired from India, we explored this association through a follow-up study of participants in the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study (APEDS) [25]. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of L V Prasad Eye Institute and was conducted adhering to the Tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was part of a tracing exercise of a longitudinal cohort (that was studied more than a decade ago), in order to identify participants who were available for a reexamination. The causes of death were noted for participants who had died during this period. Since the majority of the participants were not literate enough to either read or sign the consent form, a verbal consent was obtained in the presence of the village head after explaining the purpose of this exercise to them. This process was documented in our study protocol and was further approved by the Ethics Committee of the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute. For brevity, the original APEDS survey will be called APEDS1 and
the recent study described here will be APEDS2, which was limited to individuals aged 30 years or above at the time of APEDS1. Methods used in APEDS1 The initial Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study (APEDS1) has been described elsewhere [25,26]. Briefly, the study was conducted in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) between 1996 and 2000 in one urban and three rural areas representative of the population of the State. The principle aim of APEDS was a) to estimate the prevalence of eye diseases, blindness and VI, b) to determine risk factors associated with the major eye diseases, c) to assess the effect of blindness and VI on quality of life (QoL) and d) to investigate barriers to the uptake of services. The study sample consisted individuals of all ages and was selected using stratified random sampling with probability proportionate to size procedures so that each social group (caste) was adequately represented in each area. The sample size (n = 10,293) was calculated to give a precise estimate of the prevalence of blindness of 0.5% for eye disease of least prevalence in those aged ≤30 years (ocular trauma) and >30 years (ARMD). Hence, a sample size of 5000 in each of these two age groups (≤ 30 years and >30 years) was chosen such that the estimation of these diseases in their respective age group would have similar precision. Participants were recruited from four areas, one urban area (Hyderabad, n=2,522) and three rural areas, namely Tanuku (West Godavari district, n=2,503), Mudhole (Adilabad district, n=2690), and Thoodukurthy (Mahabubnagar district, n=2578). Interviews, standard eye examinations, and anthropometric measurements such as blood pressure, weight and height were undertaken at examination sites set up for the study. Participants aged more than 15 years were administered a structured questionnaire by trained interviewers to collect information on risk factors for eye diseases (e.g. severe diarrhoea), presence of systemic diseases (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, leprosy), behaviours (e.g. current or previous smoking, alcohol consumption, or chewing tobacco) and regular use of medication (steroids, multivitamins etc). Clinical examinations were performed by a team comprising four ophthalmologists and four optometrists who had undergone a detailed training. Standard examination included distance and near visual acuity (VA), both presenting (PVA) and best corrected (BCVA) after refraction, measured for each eye separately using logMAR (logarithm of minimum angle of resolution) charts. All subsequently underwent a full ophthalmic examination including slit lamp biomicroscopy, dilated fundus examination and lens grading using the Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCS-III) and the Wilmer classification [27,28]. Participants who were unable to visit the clinic due to physical ailment or other reasons were examined at home using similar methods. However, gonioscopy, examination with 78 diopter lens, automated visual fields, and photography could not be accomplished in these participants. Blindness was defined using Indian definitions as PVA less than 6/60 or central visual field less than 20° in the better eye [29]. VI was defined as PVA less than 6/18-6/60 or equivalent visual field loss [30]. The lens was examined after fully dilating the pupils. Nuclear opacity was graded clinically using the Lens Opacity and Classification System III (LOCS III) [27] and cortical and posterior subcapsular cataract were graded using the Wilmer classification [28]. Because different types of cataract frequently co-exist, for analysis we considered pure nuclear, pure cortical, pure posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC) and mixed type of cataract. Those with total cataract were grouped under mixed cataract category and those having undergone cataract surgery (unilateral / bilateral) were treated as separate group. We defined the presence of pure nuclear cataract (NC) as at least one eye showing nuclear opalescence of grade 3.0 or higher on LOCSIII [31]. Pure cortical cataract (CC) was considered present if at least one eye had a Wilmer grade of 2 or higher. Pure PSC was considered present if at least one eye had a Wilmer grade of 1 or higher [31]. Pure nuclear, cortical or PSC subgroup had isolated cataract without the presence of other subtypes. Mixed cataract was defined as at least one eye showing combination of any two type of opacity and any cataract was defined as having any of the above mentioned opacity, including history of cataract surgery [31]. For analysis, the opacity in the most affected eye was used. ARMD was defined as based on International Classification
2 or org3 deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org1 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org1", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` marbleDetailsBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(marbleDetails)) command := commands.ChaincodeInvoke{ ChannelID: channelID, Orderer: network.OrdererAddress(orderer, nwo.ListenPort), Name: testChaincode.Name, Ctor: fmt.Sprintf(`{"Args":["initMarble"]}`), Transient: fmt.Sprintf(`{"marble":"%s"}`, marbleDetailsBase64), PeerAddresses: []string{ network.PeerAddress(peer, nwo.ListenPort), }, WaitForEvent: true, } sess, err := network.PeerUserSession(peer, "User1", command) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit()) Expect(sess.Err).To(gbytes.Say("ENDORSEMENT_POLICY_FAILURE")) }) }) When("a peer specified in the collection endorsement policy but not in the chaincode endorsement policy is used to invoke the chaincode", func() { When("the collection endorsement policy is a signature policy", func() { It("successfully invokes the chaincode", func() { // collection config endorsement policy specifies org2 or org3 peers for endorsement By("setting the collection config endorsement policy to use a signature policy") testChaincode.CollectionsConfig = collectionConfig("collections_config4.json") By("setting the chaincode endorsement policy to org1 or org2 peers") testChaincode.SignaturePolicy = `OR ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')` By("deploying new lifecycle chaincode") // set collection endorsement policy to org2 or org3 deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org3 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org3", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` addMarble(network, orderer, testChaincode.Name, marbleDetails, peer) }) }) When("the collection endorsement policy is a channel config policy reference", func() { It("successfully invokes the chaincode", func() { // collection config endorsement policy specifies channel config policy reference /Channel/Application/Readers By("setting the collection config endorsement policy to use a channel config policy reference") testChaincode.CollectionsConfig = collectionConfig("collections_config5.json") By("setting the channel endorsement policy to org1 or org2 peers") testChaincode.SignaturePolicy = `OR ('Org1MSP.member
2 or org3 deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org1 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org1", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` marbleDetailsBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(marbleDetails)) command := commands.ChaincodeInvoke{ ChannelID: channelID, Orderer: network.OrdererAddress(orderer, nwo.ListenPort), Name: testChaincode.Name, Ctor: fmt.Sprintf(`{"Args":["initMarble"]}`), Transient: fmt.Sprintf(`{"marble":"%s"}`, marbleDetailsBase64), PeerAddresses: []string{ network.PeerAddress(peer, nwo.ListenPort), }, WaitForEvent: true, } sess, err := network.PeerUserSession(peer, "User1", command) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit()) Expect(sess.Err).To(gbytes.Say("ENDORSEMENT_POLICY_FAILURE")) }) }) When("a peer specified in the collection endorsement policy but not in the chaincode endorsement policy is used to invoke the chaincode", func() { When("the collection endorsement policy is a signature policy", func() { It("successfully invokes the chaincode", func() { // collection config endorsement policy specifies org2 or org3 peers for endorsement By("setting the collection config endorsement policy to use a signature policy") testChaincode.CollectionsConfig = collectionConfig("collections_config4.json") By("setting the chaincode endorsement policy to org1 or org2 peers") testChaincode.SignaturePolicy = `OR ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')` By("deploying new lifecycle chaincode") // set collection endorsement policy to org2 or org3 deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org3 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org3", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` addMarble(network, orderer, testChaincode.Name, marbleDetails, peer) }) }) When("the collection endorsement policy is a channel config policy reference", func() { It("successfully invokes the chaincode", func() { // collection config endorsement policy specifies channel config policy reference /Channel/Application/Readers By("setting the collection config endorsement policy to use a channel config policy reference") testChaincode.CollectionsConfig = collectionConfig("collections_config5.json") By("setting the channel endorsement policy to org1 or org2 peers") testChaincode.SignaturePolicy = `OR ('Org1MSP.member
','Org2MSP.member')` By("deploying new lifecycle chaincode") deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org3 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org3", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` addMarble(network, orderer, testChaincode.Name, marbleDetails, peer) }) }) }) When("the collection config endorsement policy specifies a semantically wrong, but well formed signature policy", func() { It("fails to invoke the chaincode with an endorsement policy failure", func() { By("setting the collection config endorsement policy to non existent org4 peers") testChaincode.CollectionsConfig = collectionConfig("collections_config6.json") By("deploying new lifecycle chaincode") deployChaincode(network, orderer, testChaincode) By("adding marble1 with an org1 peer as endorser") peer := network.Peer("Org1", "peer0") marbleDetails := `{"name":"marble1", "color":"blue", "size":35, "owner":"tom", "price":99}` marbleDetailsBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(marbleDetails)) command := commands.ChaincodeInvoke{ ChannelID: channelID, Orderer: network.OrdererAddress(orderer, nwo.ListenPort), Name: testChaincode.Name, Ctor: fmt.Sprintf(`{"Args":["initMarble"]}`), Transient: fmt.Sprintf(`{"marble":"%s"}`, marbleDetailsBase64), PeerAddresses: []string{ network.PeerAddress(peer, nwo.ListenPort), }, WaitForEvent: true, } sess, err := network.PeerUserSession(peer, "User1", command) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit()) Expect(sess.Err).To(gbytes.Say("ENDORSEMENT_POLICY_FAILURE")) }) }) }) }) }) }) func initThreeOrgsSetup() *nwo.Network { var err error testDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "e2e-pvtdata") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) client, err := docker.NewClientFromEnv() Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) config := nwo.FullSolo() // add org3 with one peer config.Organizations = append(config.Organizations, &nwo.Organization{ Name: "Org3", MSPID: "Org3MSP", Domain: "org3.example.com", EnableNodeOUs: true, Users: 2, CA: &nwo.CA{Hostname: "ca"}, })
Angela has been personally involved in the promotion of procedural reform in relation to pension disputes; she has contributed to the drafting of the Chancery Guide on trust and pension-related proceedings and to the formulation of certain provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules. She prepares and leads discussion forums for the Pension Litigation Committee of the Association of Pension Lawyers and has been a regular speaker at its annual conference for many years. She was a founder member of the Pension Litigation Court Users' Committee and now sits on the Court of Appeal users' Committee. Angela is top-ranked and recognized as a leading individual in all the directories. She is a solicitor-advocate, qualified to advocate in the higher Courts of England and Wales. Education and admissions University of Oxford, Somerville College Litigation Services Pensions Technology Litigation Related areas of focus Pensions Litigation Accountants’ Liability The PNPF Trust Company Ltd v Taylor and Others [2009] EWHC 1693 (Ch), and [2010] EWHC 1573 (Ch). Bloom v The Pensions Regulator [2010] EWHC 3010 (Ch), and [2011] EWCA Civ 1124; Bloom v the Pension Regulator [2013] UKSC 52. Granada Rental & Retail Ltd v Pensions Regulator [2014] Pens. L.R. 17. ITV Plc & Ors v The Pensions Regulator & Anor [2015] EWCA Civ 228. Harwich Haven Authority v PNPF Trust Co Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 1937 Granada Rental & Retail Ltd v Pensions Regulator [2014] UKUT 0175. Latest thinking and events Nortel recoveries achieved Hogan Lovells Wins Settlement for Trustee of UK Nortel Pension Scheme Nortel - Settlement Statement by UK Trustee Hogan Lovells Shortlisted in Four Categories at the British Legal Awards 98SHc42/Fo0TuOypSOglKFwDaQYaUEgVFhKsAZCzoXY= {D4BD31A6-3DC4-40F3-A842-496ECD1CC33D} 98SHc42/Fo0TuOypSOglKFwDaQYaUEgVFhKsAZCzoXY= {11C29AD7-C0CF-4403-BC67-420AF8E8BFAA} What would you like to discuss? Crime Evil spirit made me kill my stepson – 22-year-old housewife Evil spirit made me kill my stepson – 22-year-old housewife by SHOCKING STATEMENT NEWS on 04:00 in Crime A 22-year-old housewife, Harela Uba, has confessed to killing her three-day-old stepson in the Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State. She told Northern City News in Minna on Thursday that an evil spirit drove her into killing her stepson with an insecticide known as ‘Ota Pia-Pia’. It was learnt that the suspect’s husband, Saidu Uba of Shakodna village in Shiroro, reported the incident to the police. He told the police that his second wife, Fa’iza, of the same address, went into the bathroom and left her three-day-old baby boy in her room. Saidu explained that when the nursing mother returned, she discovered a white foamy substance coming out of the mouth of the infant and she immediately rushed him to the General Hospital, Kuta, where a doctor confirmed the death of the child. In an interview with our correspondent, Harela, who is eight months pregnant, blamed the devil for her decision to kill her co-wife’s son. Speaking on the issue, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Muhammad Abubakar, said upon interrogation, Harela confessed to giving her seven-year-old daughter, Khadija, ‘Ota pia-pia’ to administer on the child, which she obliged. Abubakar said the suspect had since been charged.(City News ) Labels: Crime Copper in the United States of America Copper in the USA: US History Copper in the USA: Bright Future Glorious Past US History. The large-scale mining of copper had its origins in the late 1800's, primarily in the American West. Small mines existed around the country, particularly in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and in Arizona, but they were able to extract copper only from high-grade ores. Copper Queen Hotel, Bisbee, United States of America ... Book 3 Stars Copper Queen Hotel located at 11 Howell Ave 85603 Bisbee in Bisbee, United States of America at HotelsOne.com
Angela has been personally involved in the promotion of procedural reform in relation to pension disputes; she has contributed to the drafting of the Chancery Guide on trust and pension-related proceedings and to the formulation of certain provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules. She prepares and leads discussion forums for the Pension Litigation Committee of the Association of Pension Lawyers and has been a regular speaker at its annual conference for many years. She was a founder member of the Pension Litigation Court Users' Committee and now sits on the Court of Appeal users' Committee. Angela is top-ranked and recognized as a leading individual in all the directories. She is a solicitor-advocate, qualified to advocate in the higher Courts of England and Wales. Education and admissions University of Oxford, Somerville College Litigation Services Pensions Technology Litigation Related areas of focus Pensions Litigation Accountants’ Liability The PNPF Trust Company Ltd v Taylor and Others [2009] EWHC 1693 (Ch), and [2010] EWHC 1573 (Ch). Bloom v The Pensions Regulator [2010] EWHC 3010 (Ch), and [2011] EWCA Civ 1124; Bloom v the Pension Regulator [2013] UKSC 52. Granada Rental & Retail Ltd v Pensions Regulator [2014] Pens. L.R. 17. ITV Plc & Ors v The Pensions Regulator & Anor [2015] EWCA Civ 228. Harwich Haven Authority v PNPF Trust Co Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 1937 Granada Rental & Retail Ltd v Pensions Regulator [2014] UKUT 0175. Latest thinking and events Nortel recoveries achieved Hogan Lovells Wins Settlement for Trustee of UK Nortel Pension Scheme Nortel - Settlement Statement by UK Trustee Hogan Lovells Shortlisted in Four Categories at the British Legal Awards 98SHc42/Fo0TuOypSOglKFwDaQYaUEgVFhKsAZCzoXY= {D4BD31A6-3DC4-40F3-A842-496ECD1CC33D} 98SHc42/Fo0TuOypSOglKFwDaQYaUEgVFhKsAZCzoXY= {11C29AD7-C0CF-4403-BC67-420AF8E8BFAA} What would you like to discuss? Crime Evil spirit made me kill my stepson – 22-year-old housewife Evil spirit made me kill my stepson – 22-year-old housewife by SHOCKING STATEMENT NEWS on 04:00 in Crime A 22-year-old housewife, Harela Uba, has confessed to killing her three-day-old stepson in the Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State. She told Northern City News in Minna on Thursday that an evil spirit drove her into killing her stepson with an insecticide known as ‘Ota Pia-Pia’. It was learnt that the suspect’s husband, Saidu Uba of Shakodna village in Shiroro, reported the incident to the police. He told the police that his second wife, Fa’iza, of the same address, went into the bathroom and left her three-day-old baby boy in her room. Saidu explained that when the nursing mother returned, she discovered a white foamy substance coming out of the mouth of the infant and she immediately rushed him to the General Hospital, Kuta, where a doctor confirmed the death of the child. In an interview with our correspondent, Harela, who is eight months pregnant, blamed the devil for her decision to kill her co-wife’s son. Speaking on the issue, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Muhammad Abubakar, said upon interrogation, Harela confessed to giving her seven-year-old daughter, Khadija, ‘Ota pia-pia’ to administer on the child, which she obliged. Abubakar said the suspect had since been charged.(City News ) Labels: Crime Copper in the United States of America Copper in the USA: US History Copper in the USA: Bright Future Glorious Past US History. The large-scale mining of copper had its origins in the late 1800's, primarily in the American West. Small mines existed around the country, particularly in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and in Arizona, but they were able to extract copper only from high-grade ores. Copper Queen Hotel, Bisbee, United States of America ... Book 3 Stars Copper Queen Hotel located at 11 Howell Ave 85603 Bisbee in Bisbee, United States of America at HotelsOne.com
The Top 5 Mineral-Producing States - USGS.gov Apr 14, 2017· California ranks number 4 overall, up two places from 2015. California’s unique contribution in the minerals world is boron, for which it is the only producing state in the United States. Considering that the United States and Turkey lead the world in boron production, California’s contribution is significant. Copper Mining Companies Listed in United States Of America Comprehensive list of Copper companies listed in United States Of America, including company profiles, charts, stock quotes, news and user commentary. Copper Mining Companies Listed in United States Of America Category/Country Filter United States Coin Values - Coinflation Live coin values for United States coins. This page measures the current pure metal value or melt values of U.S. circulating coins (the penny included) and pre-1965 silver coins. U.S. copper consumption 2018 | Statistic This statistic depicts the total copper consumption of the United States from 2006 to 2018. In 2018, the United States had an apparent consumption of some 1.85 million metric tons of ... America's water crisis goes beyond Flint, Michigan - CNBC Mar 24, 2016· America's water issues extend far beyond the ... under their control," the website states. Furthermore, the EPA told CNBC that of the more than 7,000 schools subject to the EPA Lead and Copper ... The history of plumbing in America - PlumbingSupply.com Thanks to the plumbing industry, the United States would set standards in health and safety unsurpassed in the world today. At the forefront was the unsung plumber, the skilled craftsman of lead, expert bell hanger, blacksmith, toolmaker, tin and sheet-iron worker. Copper Statistics and Information - usgs.gov Copper is usually found in nature in association with sulfur. Pure copper metal is generally produced from a multistage process, beginning with the mining and concentrating of low-grade ores containing copper sulfide minerals, and followed by smelting and electrolytic refining to produce a pure copper … Early Copper Coins Of The United States Copper has been an extremely important mineral for thousands of years. It has been used for conducting heat and electricity. It has also been used to create art, building materials and coins. Copper coins first appeared in the United States in the late 1700s. The US penny was named after the … united states of america coin | eBay Find great deals on eBay for united states of america coin. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. eBay Logo: ... Statue of Liberty United States of America 1/4 oz. Copper Round coin. $3.09. Buy It Now +$0.99 shipping. United States of America symbols of Freedom Coin. $25.99. Time left 7d … United States Imports of Copper | 2019 | Data | Chart ... Imports of Copper in the United States increased to 484.70 USD Million in January from 387.22 USD Million in December of 2016. Imports of Copper in the United States averaged 300.52 USD Million from 1989 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 983.67 USD Million in September of 2006 and a record low of 81.38 USD Million in December of 1991. Quarter (United States coin) - Wikipedia The quarter, short for quarter dollar, is a United States coin worth 25 cents, one-fourth of a dollar.It has a diameter of .955 inch (24.26 mm) and a thickness of .069 inch (1.75 mm). The coin sports the profile of George Washington on its obverse, and its reverse design has changed frequently.It has been produced on and off since 1796 and consistently since 1831. Top Copper Exporters - World's Richest Countries Top Copper Exporters 2017. Ever wonder which countries export the most copper? See the list, which also shows each exporter's percentage of global copper exports within parenthesis. Copper - Statistics & Facts | Statista Nov 23, 2018· The second largest copper producer worldwide, with approximately 1.7 million metric tons in 2016, is the United States-based Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold. Other top mining companies like BHP ... Slavery in America - HISTORY Nov 12, 2009· The Confederate States of America was a collection of 11 states that seceded from the United States in 1860 following the election of President Abraham Lincoln. ... The fate of slaves in the ... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before the COMMODITY ... - cftc.gov Moreover, because copper contracts are generally priced by reference to the LME price or the Comex price, Sumitomo's conduct caused distorted and artificial pricing of copper, including throughout the United States cash market. D. VIOLATIONS OF SECTIONS 6(c), 6(d) AND 9
bed design ideas, how to assemble a sofa bed. My sofa covers multiyork replacement covers loose. My sofa covers specialise in multiyork replacement covers made up of members of the original mulityork design team, our knowledge of the designs and. Shop sofa slipcovers. Easy going sofa covers, retro style covers make a bold statement in your living space from the clean, canvas looks of the 50s to designs in velvet. 35 of the most unique & creative sofa designs. Here are 35 of the most interesting and creative sofa designs 35 of the most unique & creative sofa designs of furniture to hide or cover up. They live in a region where oil abounds. They live in a region that abounds in/with oil. What made you want to look up abound? Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Below are the product care instructions for NSA's HYDROlite FR rainwear. These care instructions cover all HYDROlite FR products including FR rain jackets, FR bib overalls, and FR trench coats. To maintain optimal protection, it is important to launder these garments according to the specific product care instructions. - Dawn Dish Liquid is recommended for oil based stains. Pre-treat the area, soak for stubborn stains or mild stain treatments may be used. Ensure the product is completely rinsed from the fabric before drying. "While trekking through the Himalayan Mountains of northern India, I met a farmer in an isolated village who showed me an ancient and fascinating use for compost. Winters in the Himalayan Mountains are long and brutally cold. The hay on the ground mixes with the cow’s manure and forms compost. The compost generates an internal temperature of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit and radiates a continuous moist heat throughout the entire house. Sitting with the family, I was able to look down through the cracks in the floor and see the brown back of the cow, and listen as the cow added urine to the compost pile in a long loud stream. However, because the farmer balanced the compost with plenty of carbon-dense material, neither the cow nor the compost gave an off-odor. In fact, the house smelled pleasant and fresh and clean. With the arrival of spring, the farmer turns the cow loose to forage on the mountainside. Then he shovels all of that wonderful compost onto his gardens, and plants his seeds, and grows another year’s worth of produce in the rich black soil." Justin Butts is a local Rockport-area business owner and farmer. Lugrin, T. ; Davison, A. C. ; Tawn, J. A. Both marginal and dependence features must be described when modelling the extremes of a stationary time series. There are standard approaches to marginal modelling, but long-and short-range dependence of extremes may both appear. In applications, an assumption of long-range independence often seems reasonable, but short-range dependence, i.e., the clustering of extremes, needs attention. The extremal index 0 < theta <= 1 is a natural limitingmeasure of clustering, but for wide classes of dependent processes, including all stationary Gaussian processes, it cannot distinguish dependent processes from independent processes with theta = 1. Eastoe and Tawn (Biometrika 99, 43-55 2012) exploit methods from multivariate extremes to treat the subasymptotic extremal dependence structure of stationary time series, covering both 0 < theta < 1 and theta = 1, through the introduction of a threshold-based extremal index. Inference for their dependence models uses an inefficient stepwise procedure that has various weaknesses and has no reliable assessment of uncertainty. We overcome these issues using a Bayesian semiparametric approach. Simulations and the analysis of a UK daily river flow time series show that the new approach provides improved efficiency for estimating properties of functionals of clusters. Are Invisalign better than braces ? If you’re looking for straightening your own teeth, or of your kid’s and wondering whether Invisalign will be a good choice or braces this post will help you. We have asked an orthodontist who has been working with braces as well as Invisalign in Houston. We will tell you about both, which turn out to be better for the long run, which of the two are more affordable and many such questions that you may have in mind. Both braces and Invisalign are meant to straighten your teeth and take better care of your oral health, however, braces are visible brackets. Earlier they were made of steel but now we are getting them in color closely resembling the color of your enamel. Invisalign on the other hand, are modern, invisible and made with a different technology. This technique is preferred in most cases over braces. Both need specialists for best results. Braces are irremovable whereas Invisalign can be removed. Depending on the condition of your teeth you may be
bed design ideas, how to assemble a sofa bed. My sofa covers multiyork replacement covers loose. My sofa covers specialise in multiyork replacement covers made up of members of the original mulityork design team, our knowledge of the designs and. Shop sofa slipcovers. Easy going sofa covers, retro style covers make a bold statement in your living space from the clean, canvas looks of the 50s to designs in velvet. 35 of the most unique & creative sofa designs. Here are 35 of the most interesting and creative sofa designs 35 of the most unique & creative sofa designs of furniture to hide or cover up. They live in a region where oil abounds. They live in a region that abounds in/with oil. What made you want to look up abound? Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Below are the product care instructions for NSA's HYDROlite FR rainwear. These care instructions cover all HYDROlite FR products including FR rain jackets, FR bib overalls, and FR trench coats. To maintain optimal protection, it is important to launder these garments according to the specific product care instructions. - Dawn Dish Liquid is recommended for oil based stains. Pre-treat the area, soak for stubborn stains or mild stain treatments may be used. Ensure the product is completely rinsed from the fabric before drying. "While trekking through the Himalayan Mountains of northern India, I met a farmer in an isolated village who showed me an ancient and fascinating use for compost. Winters in the Himalayan Mountains are long and brutally cold. The hay on the ground mixes with the cow’s manure and forms compost. The compost generates an internal temperature of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit and radiates a continuous moist heat throughout the entire house. Sitting with the family, I was able to look down through the cracks in the floor and see the brown back of the cow, and listen as the cow added urine to the compost pile in a long loud stream. However, because the farmer balanced the compost with plenty of carbon-dense material, neither the cow nor the compost gave an off-odor. In fact, the house smelled pleasant and fresh and clean. With the arrival of spring, the farmer turns the cow loose to forage on the mountainside. Then he shovels all of that wonderful compost onto his gardens, and plants his seeds, and grows another year’s worth of produce in the rich black soil." Justin Butts is a local Rockport-area business owner and farmer. Lugrin, T. ; Davison, A. C. ; Tawn, J. A. Both marginal and dependence features must be described when modelling the extremes of a stationary time series. There are standard approaches to marginal modelling, but long-and short-range dependence of extremes may both appear. In applications, an assumption of long-range independence often seems reasonable, but short-range dependence, i.e., the clustering of extremes, needs attention. The extremal index 0 < theta <= 1 is a natural limitingmeasure of clustering, but for wide classes of dependent processes, including all stationary Gaussian processes, it cannot distinguish dependent processes from independent processes with theta = 1. Eastoe and Tawn (Biometrika 99, 43-55 2012) exploit methods from multivariate extremes to treat the subasymptotic extremal dependence structure of stationary time series, covering both 0 < theta < 1 and theta = 1, through the introduction of a threshold-based extremal index. Inference for their dependence models uses an inefficient stepwise procedure that has various weaknesses and has no reliable assessment of uncertainty. We overcome these issues using a Bayesian semiparametric approach. Simulations and the analysis of a UK daily river flow time series show that the new approach provides improved efficiency for estimating properties of functionals of clusters. Are Invisalign better than braces ? If you’re looking for straightening your own teeth, or of your kid’s and wondering whether Invisalign will be a good choice or braces this post will help you. We have asked an orthodontist who has been working with braces as well as Invisalign in Houston. We will tell you about both, which turn out to be better for the long run, which of the two are more affordable and many such questions that you may have in mind. Both braces and Invisalign are meant to straighten your teeth and take better care of your oral health, however, braces are visible brackets. Earlier they were made of steel but now we are getting them in color closely resembling the color of your enamel. Invisalign on the other hand, are modern, invisible and made with a different technology. This technique is preferred in most cases over braces. Both need specialists for best results. Braces are irremovable whereas Invisalign can be removed. Depending on the condition of your teeth you may be
asked to wear braces 24X7 for 18 months to two years whereas Invisalign have to be worn 22 hours of the day for anywhere between 6 to 18 months. Invisalign are more expensive, are not too difficult to maintain and you are expected to pay a visit to your dentist every few weeks. Invisalign aligners series is custom-made for you, to move your teeth in the order determined by your doctor. When we asked the dentist in Houston about Invisalign advantages he said those who took the treatment experienced not discomfort, had no difficulty in eating or adjusting wires, they were easy to maintain but the for the fact that user had to clean them after every meal or eating a snack. You will get theease of comfort by having them. Choosing between braces and Invisalign as per Houston dentist was a personal call. If you are conscious of the way you appear then the latter will make more sense. According to him more than the cost it was a matter of personal choice. Both serve the purpose otherwise. But a lot of data of success or failure is not yet available for Invisalign because they are relatively new in the market and it’s only been a few years that people have started using it. The results are undoubtedly very encouraging. BaseStation. Mating bracket and weatherproof RF jumpers included. Instantly pair with Rocket M5 to create a powerful AirMax 2x2 MIMO PtMP BaseStation. Rocket mount and weatherproof RF jumpers included. you simply snap it into place with the mount provided with the Antennas. We offer a wide range of Project Management, IT, Software Testing and Business Analysis courses across the UK. This includes an extensive selection of classroom-based training courses running at venues in London - Central. You can browse our upcoming London - Central training courses below as well as details relating to our various training venues in London - Central and the surrounding area. Alongside our London - Central classroom courses, we also offer an extensive range of virtual and online courses, covering popular training areas such as PRINCE2, ITIL, Microsoft, APM and more. You can view our eLearning courses here. Page 4100 - Seeking answers? Join the Tom's Hardware community: where nearly two million members share solutions and discuss the latest tech. I got a notebook and my specs are Intel i5 3317U 8GB RAM and Nvidia Geforce GT620M 1GB.. what games can i play on it ? Which build would be the best for 1080p gaming? Do I need the two 6 pin to one 8 pin adapter for ASUS GTX-760? Are these specs good for a decent gaming PC of this price? Can a XFX 550w run bronze an fx 6300 and r9 280? Sata Cable Connector to 4 pin Molex? Will these parts work together? My first PC build. Is my PSU is compatible for this graphics card? £125 Mobo + Gpu For Light Gaming? Rebuilt my pc now i got no sound. Is the NZXT Sentry 2 LCD touchscreen compatible with AF + SP corsair fans? Which Modem should I buy? Best Low Profile Video/Graphics Card? Do I need a CD/DVD Drive for a Desktop that I am building? Do I have the right power supply? Asrock z97 pro4 molex compatible? Wich fans should i use? what does 80 plus mean ? is there any hope or is the data on the drive lost (i have a 2 days old backup - so it does not capture all the data on the drive....)? The data should still be on the drive. Otherwise if you would like help then we'll need some more information. With the above information we can determine how to capture your NTFS partition boot record. i followed the steps from the tutorial and it worked fine for me. thank you very much!!! thanks again very much for your help! Thanks for reporting back and indicating you were successful. I have edited the tutorial to enhance it with your suggestion regarding "0000020" and (third row). You can easily trust in Air Conditioning Pro Guys to deliver the most impressive solutions for Air Conditioning in Ryde, CA. We've got a staff of professional experts and the most advanced technology around to provide exactly what you might need. We are going to use higher quality supplies and cash conserving strategies to be certain that you will enjoy the best services for the best price. Call us at 888-214-4817 to get going. Here at Air Conditioning Pro Guys, we understand that you must stay in budget and spend less whenever you are able to. But, cutting costs shouldn't suggest that you give up excellent quality with Air Conditioning in Ryde, CA. Our attempts to conserve your funds will not eliminate the high quality of our results. We use the best supplies
refuted the claim to Service Insider, "There is absolutely no reality to the reports that we plan to checklist in Hong Kong in Q1," he said. TikTok has seen a meteoric increase. The Financial Times reported Monday that ByteDance, the Chinese business worth a reported $75 billion that possesses TikTok, wants to go public in Hong Kong early next year. TikTok is likewise a diplomatic immunity in that it has actually come to be globally successful, particularly in the United States and India. Create a Free Website at Jigsy.com. (Report Abuse) “Shanghai”… The China syndrome The “most progressive state in the country” has embarked on an ambitious redevelopment project that hints at the title of Dibakar Banerjee’s new film, Shanghai. It’s called International Business Park, and the acronym is reconfigured – on stage, during a celebratory dance performance by an “imported kamariya” (no lowly desi dancers, after all, will behoove these aspirations) – as India Bana Pardes. Naturally, there is a spoilsport, an activist named Dr. Ahmadi (Prosenjit Chatterjee), who urges the people being relocated (you might say dislocated) to hold on to their lands and not sign any papers. He will soon be assassinated, and this event will set in motion a lengthy, dry procedural that’s also a depiction of a pulsating microcosm of India, situated around a metaphorically named Bharat Nagar. Manmohan Desai, in Desh Premee, reached for a similar metaphor when he set his story in a Bharat Nagar – but had someone like Dr. Ahmadi existed in that film (made in the cinematic climate of those times), he’d have been a saint. Here, he’s something of a sinner. In an early scene, as Dr. Ahmadi alights from his plane, he is preceded by a leggy starlet, the one with the imported kamariya. She is besieged by the media, whose members are predictably oblivious to Ahmadi’s presence. Do they even know that he’s written a timely book titled Kiski Pragati Kiska Desh?, attacking the development project, and that he’s here to speak out against it? But with Dr. Ahmadi, there’s no self-pity. There are no laments about the trivialisation of the fourth estate. He simply walks up to the starlet and engages in casual conversation, which directs the media’s attention towards him. He’s smart – perhaps even a bit of an opportunist. He’s cut off soon when they realise they have no use for his moralising, and they return to quizzing the starlet about her next film, but he’s snatched for himself a spot of limelight. Even later, before entering the hall for his big speech, he’s hit by a stone, and instead of fulminating with righteous fury, he goes inside and makes light of this incident. “Victim nahin banna hai,” Dr. Ahmadi tells Shalini (a miscast Kalki Koechlin), a former student with whom he had an affair, and he subsequently issues threats to intimidate a couple of goons harassing her. Dr. Ahmadi, in short, is far from the good-hearted, conservative Muslim we’d have found in the Manmohan Desai era. (Even his wife, a Hindu named Aruna, was a former student of his, and who can say there weren’t more students that he managed to seduce?) It is this sort of detailing that sets apart the films made these days from the ones we got earlier – we now have evasive characters instead of rock-solid archetypes, and Dibakar Banerjee is nothing if not an expert chronicler of character. This is why he gets such fine performances from actors (yes, even Emraan Hashmi) who do so much with so little. We aren’t given a lot of establishing detail about the oleaginous politician played by Farooq Sheikh – and in that sense, he’s certainly embodying the archetype of the Corrupt Man of Power – but by the end, by the time he’s reduced to exquisite bafflement while staring at the skewer of paneer tikka in his fingers, he’s fleshed out as a completely one-of-a-kind character. Banerjee’s finely honed sense of detailing extends beyond the people in his films to the places they inhabit. There is a delicious sense of the absurdity that surrounds us when Shalini raises her voice outside the room
refuted the claim to Service Insider, "There is absolutely no reality to the reports that we plan to checklist in Hong Kong in Q1," he said. TikTok has seen a meteoric increase. The Financial Times reported Monday that ByteDance, the Chinese business worth a reported $75 billion that possesses TikTok, wants to go public in Hong Kong early next year. TikTok is likewise a diplomatic immunity in that it has actually come to be globally successful, particularly in the United States and India. Create a Free Website at Jigsy.com. (Report Abuse) “Shanghai”… The China syndrome The “most progressive state in the country” has embarked on an ambitious redevelopment project that hints at the title of Dibakar Banerjee’s new film, Shanghai. It’s called International Business Park, and the acronym is reconfigured – on stage, during a celebratory dance performance by an “imported kamariya” (no lowly desi dancers, after all, will behoove these aspirations) – as India Bana Pardes. Naturally, there is a spoilsport, an activist named Dr. Ahmadi (Prosenjit Chatterjee), who urges the people being relocated (you might say dislocated) to hold on to their lands and not sign any papers. He will soon be assassinated, and this event will set in motion a lengthy, dry procedural that’s also a depiction of a pulsating microcosm of India, situated around a metaphorically named Bharat Nagar. Manmohan Desai, in Desh Premee, reached for a similar metaphor when he set his story in a Bharat Nagar – but had someone like Dr. Ahmadi existed in that film (made in the cinematic climate of those times), he’d have been a saint. Here, he’s something of a sinner. In an early scene, as Dr. Ahmadi alights from his plane, he is preceded by a leggy starlet, the one with the imported kamariya. She is besieged by the media, whose members are predictably oblivious to Ahmadi’s presence. Do they even know that he’s written a timely book titled Kiski Pragati Kiska Desh?, attacking the development project, and that he’s here to speak out against it? But with Dr. Ahmadi, there’s no self-pity. There are no laments about the trivialisation of the fourth estate. He simply walks up to the starlet and engages in casual conversation, which directs the media’s attention towards him. He’s smart – perhaps even a bit of an opportunist. He’s cut off soon when they realise they have no use for his moralising, and they return to quizzing the starlet about her next film, but he’s snatched for himself a spot of limelight. Even later, before entering the hall for his big speech, he’s hit by a stone, and instead of fulminating with righteous fury, he goes inside and makes light of this incident. “Victim nahin banna hai,” Dr. Ahmadi tells Shalini (a miscast Kalki Koechlin), a former student with whom he had an affair, and he subsequently issues threats to intimidate a couple of goons harassing her. Dr. Ahmadi, in short, is far from the good-hearted, conservative Muslim we’d have found in the Manmohan Desai era. (Even his wife, a Hindu named Aruna, was a former student of his, and who can say there weren’t more students that he managed to seduce?) It is this sort of detailing that sets apart the films made these days from the ones we got earlier – we now have evasive characters instead of rock-solid archetypes, and Dibakar Banerjee is nothing if not an expert chronicler of character. This is why he gets such fine performances from actors (yes, even Emraan Hashmi) who do so much with so little. We aren’t given a lot of establishing detail about the oleaginous politician played by Farooq Sheikh – and in that sense, he’s certainly embodying the archetype of the Corrupt Man of Power – but by the end, by the time he’s reduced to exquisite bafflement while staring at the skewer of paneer tikka in his fingers, he’s fleshed out as a completely one-of-a-kind character. Banerjee’s finely honed sense of detailing extends beyond the people in his films to the places they inhabit. There is a delicious sense of the absurdity that surrounds us when Shalini raises her voice outside the room
the bloodstained Dr. Ahmadi has been wheeled into and a nurse reprimands her to step outside: “Yeh hospital hai. Please jaake bahar fighting kijiye.” (The line is also an excellent example of how English and Hindi twine so easily in daily usage, unlike the dialogues in our upscale multiplex movies that creak and groan with the strain of being translated into Hindi from the original English.) And elsewhere, when Krishnan (Abhay Deol), who is overseeing the enquiry into Dr. Ahmadi’s assassination, presides over some sort of hearing, a ball rolls in from outside, where kids have been playing. A man’s death is being discussed, and an assistant has to break away to warn a child, “Yeh khelne ki jagah nahin hai,” that this is not a playground. Speaking of which, when was the last time you saw a character sweating it out in a game of badminton? If God is in the details, then Banerjee’s films are certainly sky-scraping cathedrals. As if in cognizance of unspeakably dirty dealings, something is always being cleaned in the first half – a bookshelf is dusted, a floor is swept, a corridor is mopped (which only causes someone to skid). And when it comes to who really runs the country, we’re shown clearly that it’s not the power brokers who have minions standing by with bottles of mineral water when the taps in the bathrooms run dry, but the great unwashed masses who throng the streets in constant celebration and bring the cars carrying those powerful men to a grinding halt. Banerjee even manages to delineate, through Abhay Deol, a reasonably convincing Tamilian – a far cry from the caricatures we see in films like The Dirty Picture, which are all surface. With Krishnan, we see a neatly trimmed moustache, hints of talking to his amma, and a way of lapsing into owr (instead of aur) and bejna (instead of bhejna). He doesn’t do this always (in other words, he doesn’t overdo this) – just enough to betray his roots, his tongue, no matter how many postings he’s held in Hindi-speaking states. But look past these dazzling details, and we get a hollow shell of a film that’s about as “timely” as yesterday’s newspaper. When Costa Gavras made Z (from the Vassilis Vassilikos novel that Shanghai is also adapted from; there are nods here in a permission denied to hold an event in a hall, and in a pickup truck that hovers around menacingly), it was the late 1960s. It was the counterculture, when the Cold War (with its threat that the world would vanish in a mushroom cloud) was a frightening reality, and a peace-mongering politician who spoke of disarmament (the equivalent of the Dr. Ahmadi character) was a genuinely vital figure that people identified with. More importantly, that was an era of widespread mistrust. You couldn’t trust the parents who raised you, the politicians who governed you – and Z, along with the decade’s other political thrillers like The Manchurian Candidate, paved the way for the subsequent decade of mainstream Hollywood movies (Three Days of the Condor, The Parallax View, All the President’s Men) that played on audience’s fears about shadowy government conspiracies. The fear of those times, that the System was corrupt and out to get you, is no longer a fear – it’s an institutionalized reality that we’ve become inured to. Whether this attitude is healthy in a democracy is a different question – but as drama, these stories simply don’t have the power to jolt us anymore. Banerjee is an admirably high-minded filmmaker, and he won’t resort to conventional dramatic devices. A “lesser” filmmaker would salivate at the prospect of milking the transition of Emraan Hashmi’s character (a pornographer named Jogi, whose most telling detail is that he’s a Rajput who’s a skin-saving coward) from uncaring onlooker to an active participant in the political drama that forms the film’s core, and Jogi’s rooftop escape from thugs out to get him might have become an action set piece. But Banerjee won’t go there. He drains the pulp elements of his story of all juice, as if following Hitchcock’s footsteps from Torn Curtain, where an assassin’s murder is presented not as a thrilling set piece but as a protracted and
000,000 shares of preferred stock, to 2,200,000,000 shares, consisting of (i) 2,000,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001, and (ii) 200,000,000 shares of preferred stock (the “Authorized Share Charter Proposal”) (Proposal No. 2); and The Additional Charter Proposal—To (i) eliminate provisions in the Charter relating to DCRC’s initial business combination that will no longer be applicable to DCRC following the closing of the business combination (the “Closing”); (ii) change the post-combination company’s name to “Solid Power, Inc.”; (iii) change the minimum stockholder vote required to amend, repeal or modify certain specified provisions of our proposed second amended and restated certificate of incorporation (the “Proposed Second A&R Charter”) or any provision inconsistent with any provision of New Solid Power’s amended and restated bylaws; (iv) provide for the removal of a director only for cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon; (v) remove the right of holders of Class B Common Stock to act by written consent; and (vi) remove the designation of certain courts as the exclusive forum for certain types of stockholder claims (the “Additional Charter Proposal”) (Proposal No. 3). The full text of the Proposed Second A&R Charter reflecting each of the proposed amendments pursuant to the Charter Proposals is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex B. The Nasdaq Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve, for purposes of complying with applicable listing rules of the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”), (a) the issuance (or reservation for issuance in respect of certain options, restricted stock, and warrants issued in exchange for outstanding pre-merger Solid Power Options, Solid Power Restricted Stock and Solid Power Warrants) of 134,777,882 shares of Class A Common Stock and (b) the issuance and sale of 16,500,000 shares of Class A Common Stock in the private offering of securities to certain investors (the “Nasdaq Proposal”) (Proposal No. 4). The 2021 Plan Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt the Solid Power, Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2021 Plan”) and material terms thereunder (the “2021 Plan Proposal”) (Proposal No. 5). A copy of the 2021 Plan is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex C. The ESPP Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt the Solid Power, Inc. 2021 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “ESPP”) and material terms thereunder (the “ESPP Proposal”) (Proposal No. 6). A copy of the ESPP is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex D. The Director Election Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to elect directors to serve until the 2022 annual meeting of stockholders, directors to serve until the 2023 annual meeting of stockholders and directors to serve until the 2024 annual meeting of stockholders, and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, subject to such directors’ earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal (the “Director Election Proposal”) (Proposal No. 7). The Adjournment Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the adjournment of the special meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Business Combination Proposal, the Charter Proposals, the Nasdaq Proposal, the 2021 Plan Proposal, the ESPP Proposal or the Director Election Proposal (the “Adjournment Proposal” and, together with the Business Combination Proposal, the Charter Proposals, the Nasdaq Proposal, the 2021 Plan Proposal, the ESPP Proposal and the Director Election Proposal, the “Proposals”) (Proposal No. 8). The special meeting will be completely virtual. There will be no physical meeting location and the special meeting will only be conducted via live webcast at the following address: https://www.cstproxy.com/decarbonizationplusacquisitioniii/2021. The board of directors of DCRC (the “DCRC Board”) recommends that DCRC stockholders vote “FOR” each Proposal (
000,000 shares of preferred stock, to 2,200,000,000 shares, consisting of (i) 2,000,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001, and (ii) 200,000,000 shares of preferred stock (the “Authorized Share Charter Proposal”) (Proposal No. 2); and The Additional Charter Proposal—To (i) eliminate provisions in the Charter relating to DCRC’s initial business combination that will no longer be applicable to DCRC following the closing of the business combination (the “Closing”); (ii) change the post-combination company’s name to “Solid Power, Inc.”; (iii) change the minimum stockholder vote required to amend, repeal or modify certain specified provisions of our proposed second amended and restated certificate of incorporation (the “Proposed Second A&R Charter”) or any provision inconsistent with any provision of New Solid Power’s amended and restated bylaws; (iv) provide for the removal of a director only for cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon; (v) remove the right of holders of Class B Common Stock to act by written consent; and (vi) remove the designation of certain courts as the exclusive forum for certain types of stockholder claims (the “Additional Charter Proposal”) (Proposal No. 3). The full text of the Proposed Second A&R Charter reflecting each of the proposed amendments pursuant to the Charter Proposals is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex B. The Nasdaq Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve, for purposes of complying with applicable listing rules of the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”), (a) the issuance (or reservation for issuance in respect of certain options, restricted stock, and warrants issued in exchange for outstanding pre-merger Solid Power Options, Solid Power Restricted Stock and Solid Power Warrants) of 134,777,882 shares of Class A Common Stock and (b) the issuance and sale of 16,500,000 shares of Class A Common Stock in the private offering of securities to certain investors (the “Nasdaq Proposal”) (Proposal No. 4). The 2021 Plan Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt the Solid Power, Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2021 Plan”) and material terms thereunder (the “2021 Plan Proposal”) (Proposal No. 5). A copy of the 2021 Plan is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex C. The ESPP Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt the Solid Power, Inc. 2021 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “ESPP”) and material terms thereunder (the “ESPP Proposal”) (Proposal No. 6). A copy of the ESPP is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex D. The Director Election Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to elect directors to serve until the 2022 annual meeting of stockholders, directors to serve until the 2023 annual meeting of stockholders and directors to serve until the 2024 annual meeting of stockholders, and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, subject to such directors’ earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal (the “Director Election Proposal”) (Proposal No. 7). The Adjournment Proposal—To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the adjournment of the special meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation and vote of proxies in the event that there are insufficient votes for, or otherwise in connection with, the approval of the Business Combination Proposal, the Charter Proposals, the Nasdaq Proposal, the 2021 Plan Proposal, the ESPP Proposal or the Director Election Proposal (the “Adjournment Proposal” and, together with the Business Combination Proposal, the Charter Proposals, the Nasdaq Proposal, the 2021 Plan Proposal, the ESPP Proposal and the Director Election Proposal, the “Proposals”) (Proposal No. 8). The special meeting will be completely virtual. There will be no physical meeting location and the special meeting will only be conducted via live webcast at the following address: https://www.cstproxy.com/decarbonizationplusacquisitioniii/2021. The board of directors of DCRC (the “DCRC Board”) recommends that DCRC stockholders vote “FOR” each Proposal (
or in the case of the Director Election Proposal, “FOR ALL NOMINEES”) being submitted to a vote of the stockholders at the special meeting. When you consider the recommendation of the DCRC Board in favor of each of the Proposals, you should keep in mind that certain of DCRC’s directors and officers have interests in the business combination that may conflict with your interests as a stockholder. Please see the section entitled “Proposal No. 1—The Business Combination Proposal—Interests of Certain Persons in the Business Combination.” Each of the Proposals is more fully described in this proxy statement/prospectus, which each DCRC stockholder is encouraged to review carefully. DCRC’s Class A Common Stock and public warrants, which are exercisable for shares of Class A Common Stock under certain circumstances, are currently listed on Nasdaq under the symbols “DCRC” and “DCRCW,” respectively. In addition, certain of our shares of Class A Common Stock and warrants currently trade as units consisting of one share of Class A Common Stock and one-third of one warrant, and are listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “DCRCU.” The units will automatically separate into the component securities upon consummation of the business combination and, as a result, will no longer trade as a separate security. In connection with the Closing, we intend to change our name from “Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corporation III” to “Solid Power, Inc.,” and we intend to apply to continue the listing of our Class A Common Stock and warrants on Nasdaq under the symbols “SLDP” and “SLDPW,” respectively. Pursuant to our Charter, we are providing the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock originally sold as part of the units issued in our initial public offering (the “IPO” and such holders, the “public stockholders”) with the opportunity to redeem, upon the Closing, shares of Class A Common Stock then held by them for cash equal to their pro rata share of the aggregate amount on deposit (as of two business days prior to the Closing) in the trust account (the “Trust Account”) that holds the proceeds (including interest not previously released to DCRC to pay its franchise and income taxes) from the IPO and a concurrent private placement of warrants to Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Sponsor III LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (our “Sponsor”), and certain of our independent directors. For illustrative purposes, based on the fair value of cash and marketable securities held in the Trust Account as of June 30, 2021 of approximately $350.0 million, the estimated per share redemption price would have been approximately $10.00. Public stockholders may elect to redeem their shares whether or not they are holders as of the record date and whether or not they vote for the Business Combination Proposal. Notwithstanding the foregoing redemption rights, a public stockholder, together with any of his, her or its affiliates or any other person with whom he, she or it is acting in concert or as a “group” (as defined under Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), will be restricted from redeeming in the aggregate his, her or its shares or, if part of such a group, the group’s shares, in excess of 20% of the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock sold in the IPO. Holders of DCRC’s outstanding warrants sold in the IPO, which are exercisable for shares of Class A Common Stock under certain circumstances, do not have redemption rights in connection with the business combination. Our Sponsor, officers and directors have agreed to waive their redemption rights in connection with the consummation of the business combination with respect to any shares of Class A Common Stock they may hold, and our shares of Class B Common Stock will be excluded from the pro rata calculation used to determine the per share redemption price. Currently, our Sponsor and directors own approximately 20% of our outstanding Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, including all of the shares of Class B Common Stock. Our Sponsor, officers and directors have agreed to vote any shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock owned by them in favor of the business combination. DCRC is providing this proxy statement/prospectus and accompanying proxy card to its stockholders in connection with the solicitation of proxies to be voted at the special meeting and any adjournments or postponements of the special meeting. Your vote is very important. Whether or not you plan to attend the special meeting virtually, please submit your proxy card without delay. We encourage you to read this proxy statement/prospectus carefully. In particular, you should review the matters discussed under the section entitled “Risk Factors�
(South Division) to the Zona Norte to give each division seven teams for 2011. The LMB season runs from March 18 to July 28, 2011.. Then head for the Harbourside, the Pier Hotel’s upstairs restaurant with its polished pewter bar, and treat yourself to champagne and oysters (local, of course), followed by lobster or sea bass expertly prepared by the head chef, Chris Oakley, who has been here since it opened in 1978. Booking essential (07806 309460 or 07596 597615). Departure point: Foundry Slip, Walton on the Naze. Geoff Gulevich (CAN) 77.26. Thomas Vanderham (CAN) 76.6 7. Robbie Bourdon (CAN) 76.08. Narcissists naturally use hypnotic forms of communication to very cleverly disguise abuse within embedded verbal commands and they use subliminal persuasion tactics, undermining the perception of their victim(s). Seeing as they have been practicing this hypnotic art since they were a child they become experts in it and have what is commonly described as a superhuman capacity for manipulation. So much so, that narcissists can use other people as pawns and can use them to carry out their manipulative tactics and deceit on their behalf without the pawns even being aware of what’s really happening (abuse by proxy), it is as though the narcissist’s subconscious mind is their conscious mind.. Oakley Sling Bag Price Ath, and they shouldalways provide that there should be games and sacrificial feasts, and hewill know whom he ought to choose: and the other that they have no care of smallmatters, and reveres those who share in the same Godsand are of the same blood and family, and whowas their lawgiver. Or at leastnot disgraceful, confident that heis a fitting guest of such a host. The lawgiver.. View open times for a different day of the week by selecting another day above. Find buy a property in Keswick packages, Western Adelaide new house and land or Western Adelaide new apartments in our new homes section where you can also view the latest new land estates in Western Adelaide. Property data and house prices in Keswick is available as well as recent sold property in Keswick.. Automod automatically flags posts/comments containing content that looks like spam or general nastiness (but note that she also can be overeager). Sometimes she will flag new accounts, so if you’re new to Reddit, your first few comments here might not be visible immediately. Posts flagged by Automod require manual approval and are added to the moderation queue to be viewed by a human moderator. Create PhotosSometimes you just simply want to capture one small portion of what you are seeing on a computer screen. For instance, perhaps you just really like the GEICO gecko. You see an ad with him in it, and you would just like the gecko, but without all the annoying slogans associated with him. Anne Martin, 71, and her husband David Martin, 72, were found stabbed to death in their Arlington Heights home Saturday. The couple’s daughter, Deborah Martin, 43, has been charged with first degree murder. Prosecutors claimed Martin had plotted for at least a month to kill her elderly parents. WARRNAMBOOL and District Football Umpires Association field umpire coach Mick Lowther believes understanding is key to new rules having a positive impact in the region leagues. The first year mentor said it was hard to predict the impact the changes would have on south west football. “Until we see them in operation down here we don’t know. The menu could include the likes of smoky pigeon breast electrified by a pickled walnut with caramelised chicory, port jelly and smoked spring onions and plaice in seaweed butter, smoked cockles, sea vegetables and bisque. The wine list is small, selective and good value. Join locals for a pint at the bar, read the paper or play cards around the fire.. When asked in a follow up question whether those communities will no longer be expected to take in some, he responded, That right. But I think we should really stay focused on what actually happening on the border. Also confirmed that CBP will also not transport migrants to northern or coastal border facilities, saying such a move going to be an effective use of resources. Oakley Square Wire Replacement Earsocks Olive oil is a common choice as it is readily available at most grocery stores. This is also an good choice if you plan to make use your infused oil for kitchen magick. You can use any kind of extra virgin olive oil you like. There were eight minutes left in the Maryland 3A state championship game when Desi Wiseman turned behind him to the Westlake fans filling out the bottom level of Comcast Center. He raised his arms above his head slowly and asked them to rise in
(South Division) to the Zona Norte to give each division seven teams for 2011. The LMB season runs from March 18 to July 28, 2011.. Then head for the Harbourside, the Pier Hotel’s upstairs restaurant with its polished pewter bar, and treat yourself to champagne and oysters (local, of course), followed by lobster or sea bass expertly prepared by the head chef, Chris Oakley, who has been here since it opened in 1978. Booking essential (07806 309460 or 07596 597615). Departure point: Foundry Slip, Walton on the Naze. Geoff Gulevich (CAN) 77.26. Thomas Vanderham (CAN) 76.6 7. Robbie Bourdon (CAN) 76.08. Narcissists naturally use hypnotic forms of communication to very cleverly disguise abuse within embedded verbal commands and they use subliminal persuasion tactics, undermining the perception of their victim(s). Seeing as they have been practicing this hypnotic art since they were a child they become experts in it and have what is commonly described as a superhuman capacity for manipulation. So much so, that narcissists can use other people as pawns and can use them to carry out their manipulative tactics and deceit on their behalf without the pawns even being aware of what’s really happening (abuse by proxy), it is as though the narcissist’s subconscious mind is their conscious mind.. Oakley Sling Bag Price Ath, and they shouldalways provide that there should be games and sacrificial feasts, and hewill know whom he ought to choose: and the other that they have no care of smallmatters, and reveres those who share in the same Godsand are of the same blood and family, and whowas their lawgiver. Or at leastnot disgraceful, confident that heis a fitting guest of such a host. The lawgiver.. View open times for a different day of the week by selecting another day above. Find buy a property in Keswick packages, Western Adelaide new house and land or Western Adelaide new apartments in our new homes section where you can also view the latest new land estates in Western Adelaide. Property data and house prices in Keswick is available as well as recent sold property in Keswick.. Automod automatically flags posts/comments containing content that looks like spam or general nastiness (but note that she also can be overeager). Sometimes she will flag new accounts, so if you’re new to Reddit, your first few comments here might not be visible immediately. Posts flagged by Automod require manual approval and are added to the moderation queue to be viewed by a human moderator. Create PhotosSometimes you just simply want to capture one small portion of what you are seeing on a computer screen. For instance, perhaps you just really like the GEICO gecko. You see an ad with him in it, and you would just like the gecko, but without all the annoying slogans associated with him. Anne Martin, 71, and her husband David Martin, 72, were found stabbed to death in their Arlington Heights home Saturday. The couple’s daughter, Deborah Martin, 43, has been charged with first degree murder. Prosecutors claimed Martin had plotted for at least a month to kill her elderly parents. WARRNAMBOOL and District Football Umpires Association field umpire coach Mick Lowther believes understanding is key to new rules having a positive impact in the region leagues. The first year mentor said it was hard to predict the impact the changes would have on south west football. “Until we see them in operation down here we don’t know. The menu could include the likes of smoky pigeon breast electrified by a pickled walnut with caramelised chicory, port jelly and smoked spring onions and plaice in seaweed butter, smoked cockles, sea vegetables and bisque. The wine list is small, selective and good value. Join locals for a pint at the bar, read the paper or play cards around the fire.. When asked in a follow up question whether those communities will no longer be expected to take in some, he responded, That right. But I think we should really stay focused on what actually happening on the border. Also confirmed that CBP will also not transport migrants to northern or coastal border facilities, saying such a move going to be an effective use of resources. Oakley Square Wire Replacement Earsocks Olive oil is a common choice as it is readily available at most grocery stores. This is also an good choice if you plan to make use your infused oil for kitchen magick. You can use any kind of extra virgin olive oil you like. There were eight minutes left in the Maryland 3A state championship game when Desi Wiseman turned behind him to the Westlake fans filling out the bottom level of Comcast Center. He raised his arms above his head slowly and asked them to rise in
their seats and for the No. 19 Wolverines on the floor to do what they had become known for in their run to the championship pull off a late rally for an upset.. However, being disabled is not enough to merit this award, but the only reason it made the news is that he had CP. And most of the responses seemed to be praising the students for being and as if it would be strange to be and to someone you truly liked. I am and generous to my friends; they are and generous to me. Soft, adjustable, padded shoulder straps for customized fit. Padded back panel. 100% polyester. ”This is a real emotional time for me,” said Collins, who was hired as Bulls coach while working for CBS TV as an analyst. ”To me, this is almost like a biblical time. Sunday was like Judgment Day. Well, don’t you feel compelled to reach for your wallet right now?! This is not a joke; it’s seriously intended to be persuading people. And maybe it is, although I personally find it more amusing than hypnotizing. (I’ll make a pause here; I just feel I have to go out and buy something!). Kids’ Stuff That’s Not Just For Kids: The star of Murielle (Feb. 14 24) is no kid. In this collaboration between Promise Productions’ Ellen Chorley and Blarney’s Wayne Paquette coming to Fringe Theatre Adventures’ Arts at the Barns season, she’s old. As the blades screamed against each other, Uchida grabbed Tomoe’s arm, trying to pull her out of her saddle. His fingers tangled in her sleeve, ripping the fabric off of her arm. In a rage at being disrobed by a strange man, Tomoe decapitated him on the spot.. Keep your day on balance with Under Armour. Women’s performance backpack made from lightweight polyester. UA Storm technology provides a water resistant finish. Soldiers later tell Arkady the son was killed 10 days after the father was released. Arkady returns home Dec. 3.. That, plus a talented roster, has helped Kean (21 1) win 21 straight games.”I charted the turnovers while I sat on the bench and I understand what coach means about taking care of the ball,” Beyruti said. “The important thing is to take care of the ball and do the smart thing.”That has spawned a more selective approach by Beyruti, who has connected on 45.2 percent of her 3 pointers (80 for 177) and leads the team with a 14.3 scoring average.”I’ve never told her to stop shooting, but what has made this team better is that she’s getting her teammates involved,” Sharp said. “She’s not just a shooter. Oakley Body Bag Price Please, feel free to DM me or drop me a line in the comments as I want to hear some dope shit to rap to from the community that gives me some actual solid hip hop advice. I don make very much money, but for something really special, I willing to donate what I can. Also I for real, if I like your beat ill write to it and send it back to you within a day.. Mr Bolt says Folau’s fight is a fight for freedom, faith and speech. Mr Folau is suing Rugby Australia after he was fired from his job for breaching his contract, when he posted a social media post saying that homosexuals, among others, would go to hell. Image: Jonathan Ng / News Corp Australia. Remove cookies from oven and then quickly place a chocolate kiss in the middle of each cookie. Return the cookies to the oven and bake for another 3 minutes. Then cool the cookies on a wire rack. Cardigan: I have enough cardigan sweaters to set me up as the heir apparent to Mr. Rogers, but in the office they are very important. All year long they serve a great purpose. The trial lawyer whom Dick Cheney shot on a quail hunting trip in Texas sat down with the Washington Post to talk about the incident. , 82, has fully recovered from the accident of almost five years ago, he said. More than 200 pellets struck all across his body, just missing vital organs and leading to many invasive surgeries.. Today PaperNirranda will attempt its Warrnambool and District league premiership defences under the guidance of the same leaders. The club confirmed co coaches Shane Quick and Shane Threlfall will take the reigns of its senior football team, while Steph Townsend will remain as A grade coach. Townsend reappointment could come as a surprise to many after she stated she would be stepping down as coach following this year grand final win. Le Plan canicule comporte quatre niveaux qui correspondent aux
to know about hardware for CAD, from memory to hard drives to processors — and beyond. Look for “Herrera on Hardware” every month on the Cadalyst website, as well as in future issues of Cadalyst magazine. We constantly marvel at what the progression in silicon technology has delivered over the years, with each successive generation bringing much greater capability for far fewer dollars. Nowhere is that progress more apparent than in the geometric growth of random access memory (RAM) — and not just in system memory, but in the dedicated memory tied to graphics processing units (GPUs). Growth in GPU memory has been staggering: If you were to take the size of a typical desktop computer's system memory from the early 1990s and multiply by a thousand, you'd be in the ballpark of what a typical workstation-caliber GPU can boast as its own private graphics memory today. Professional GPU card memories start around 0.5 gigabytes (GB or Gbytes) in size and head up from there, all the way up to Nvidia's top-of-the-line 12-GB Quadro K6000 and AMD's recently introduced 16 GB FirePro W9100. With such a huge variety of GPU memory sizes available, at prices ranging from $100 to $5,000, the obvious question facing CAD professionals is, "How much do I need?" There's no one-size-fits-all answer; it depends on what type of work, and what type of content, your typical day involves. But first, let’s look at how the technology is applied. A Brief History of GPU Memory Uses What use does a GPU's private memory serve? Not long ago, it had but one primary purpose: serving as a local buffer for raster-based graphics engines to assemble each frame in memory prior to display. For that reason, graphics or video memory has been historically and equivalently referred to as framebuffer. But that's no longer an appropriate designation, as the composition of GPU memory has changed dramatically in the past twenty years. In the early 1990s, technology limits and cost constraints meant most graphics controllers were limited to just a few megabytes (MB) of storage. A PC graphics card may have populated only one or two MB, and a high-end workstation card may have been outfitted with eight or perhaps a very generous 16 MB. Back then, screen resolutions of 1024x768 or 1280x1024 meant the vast majority of memory was consumed by framebuffer. Off-screenmemory tended to be minimal, storing things like glyphs (e.g., text patterns) and 2D block patterns that would be copied on screen. Fast-forward to today, and the allocation of GPU memory is reversed. With memory density now orders of magnitude higher, and screen resolution growth over the same period modest by comparison, framebuffer is now the minority consumer of GPU memory. Though some professional segments are migrating to 4K resolution, for the majority of professional CAD users, 1920x1080 per screen is the norm. Even factoring in two or three displays on the desktop, and double or triple buffering (for animation and/or stereo 3D), off-screen storage now represents the bulk of available memory — by far. Comparison of typical graphics memory allocation in 1992 and 2014. A Big Effect on CAD Performance So if GPU memories are now orders of magnitude larger than what's required for even the most generous allocation of framebuffer, does that mean the rest of that memory is going to waste? Not at all. In fact, all that extra available off-screen memory is what can make or break performance for the high-demand visual computing common in today's CAD workflows. Professional applications now rely heavily on off-screen memory for storing — and having high-bandwidth, low-latency access to — a multitude of data types. Two of the biggest consumers are 3D model data and textures used to add detail to the model's surfaces. In oil and gas exploration, for example, a model of survey samples can yield data sets that push well beyond 1 TB in size. In the making of the seminal CGI film Avatar, artists wrapped so many layers of high-resolution textures on a Na’vi character, it took roughly 150 GB in all to bring a single character to life. CAD applications don't usually venture into either of those extremes, as product design, engineering simulations, or building information modeling (BIM) datasets don't typically demand as much in the way of high-resolution textures or 3D volumes. Still, the performance of CAD applications is sensitive to memory size (and bandwidth), to a degree that varies dramatically according to the size of the models being rendered or simulated. About the Author: Alex Herrera About Alex Herrera See contents by Alex Herrera MRI Software and GI Partners Announce Strategic Partnership with TA Associates Investment supports expansion of MRI’s global footprint and mission-critical enterprise software applications to help real estate companies improve operations and maximize portfolio value
to know about hardware for CAD, from memory to hard drives to processors — and beyond. Look for “Herrera on Hardware” every month on the Cadalyst website, as well as in future issues of Cadalyst magazine. We constantly marvel at what the progression in silicon technology has delivered over the years, with each successive generation bringing much greater capability for far fewer dollars. Nowhere is that progress more apparent than in the geometric growth of random access memory (RAM) — and not just in system memory, but in the dedicated memory tied to graphics processing units (GPUs). Growth in GPU memory has been staggering: If you were to take the size of a typical desktop computer's system memory from the early 1990s and multiply by a thousand, you'd be in the ballpark of what a typical workstation-caliber GPU can boast as its own private graphics memory today. Professional GPU card memories start around 0.5 gigabytes (GB or Gbytes) in size and head up from there, all the way up to Nvidia's top-of-the-line 12-GB Quadro K6000 and AMD's recently introduced 16 GB FirePro W9100. With such a huge variety of GPU memory sizes available, at prices ranging from $100 to $5,000, the obvious question facing CAD professionals is, "How much do I need?" There's no one-size-fits-all answer; it depends on what type of work, and what type of content, your typical day involves. But first, let’s look at how the technology is applied. A Brief History of GPU Memory Uses What use does a GPU's private memory serve? Not long ago, it had but one primary purpose: serving as a local buffer for raster-based graphics engines to assemble each frame in memory prior to display. For that reason, graphics or video memory has been historically and equivalently referred to as framebuffer. But that's no longer an appropriate designation, as the composition of GPU memory has changed dramatically in the past twenty years. In the early 1990s, technology limits and cost constraints meant most graphics controllers were limited to just a few megabytes (MB) of storage. A PC graphics card may have populated only one or two MB, and a high-end workstation card may have been outfitted with eight or perhaps a very generous 16 MB. Back then, screen resolutions of 1024x768 or 1280x1024 meant the vast majority of memory was consumed by framebuffer. Off-screenmemory tended to be minimal, storing things like glyphs (e.g., text patterns) and 2D block patterns that would be copied on screen. Fast-forward to today, and the allocation of GPU memory is reversed. With memory density now orders of magnitude higher, and screen resolution growth over the same period modest by comparison, framebuffer is now the minority consumer of GPU memory. Though some professional segments are migrating to 4K resolution, for the majority of professional CAD users, 1920x1080 per screen is the norm. Even factoring in two or three displays on the desktop, and double or triple buffering (for animation and/or stereo 3D), off-screen storage now represents the bulk of available memory — by far. Comparison of typical graphics memory allocation in 1992 and 2014. A Big Effect on CAD Performance So if GPU memories are now orders of magnitude larger than what's required for even the most generous allocation of framebuffer, does that mean the rest of that memory is going to waste? Not at all. In fact, all that extra available off-screen memory is what can make or break performance for the high-demand visual computing common in today's CAD workflows. Professional applications now rely heavily on off-screen memory for storing — and having high-bandwidth, low-latency access to — a multitude of data types. Two of the biggest consumers are 3D model data and textures used to add detail to the model's surfaces. In oil and gas exploration, for example, a model of survey samples can yield data sets that push well beyond 1 TB in size. In the making of the seminal CGI film Avatar, artists wrapped so many layers of high-resolution textures on a Na’vi character, it took roughly 150 GB in all to bring a single character to life. CAD applications don't usually venture into either of those extremes, as product design, engineering simulations, or building information modeling (BIM) datasets don't typically demand as much in the way of high-resolution textures or 3D volumes. Still, the performance of CAD applications is sensitive to memory size (and bandwidth), to a degree that varies dramatically according to the size of the models being rendered or simulated. About the Author: Alex Herrera About Alex Herrera See contents by Alex Herrera MRI Software and GI Partners Announce Strategic Partnership with TA Associates Investment supports expansion of MRI’s global footprint and mission-critical enterprise software applications to help real estate companies improve operations and maximize portfolio value
SOLON, OH – May 23, 2017 – MRI Software, a global leader in real estate software solutions, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to receive a strategic investment from TA Associates, a leading global growth private equity firm. GI Partners acquired MRI in June 2015 and will remain an investor in the company, alongside TA Associates. As one of the founders of the real estate technology industry, MRI Software has remained committed to providing insight, automation, flexibility and choice for clients since its founding in 1971. Recognizing that every organization has unique requirements, MRI gives real estate owners, operators, occupiers and investors the freedom to choose the right mix of technology for their business. Today, MRI’s comprehensive and flexible portfolio includes solutions for commercial and multifamily property management, leasing, accounting and finance; offerings for managing the tenant and resident lifecycle; robust investment management and modeling solutions for optimizing the performance of deployed capital; and sophisticated reporting and analytics offerings. MRI supports its 3,100 global clients from its headquarters in Solon, Ohio, and offices in Atlanta, Dallas, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney and Toronto. Since GI Partners’ investment in 2015, MRI Software has experienced considerable growth through product innovation, international expansion, and multiple strategic acquisitions. During this time, MRI has significantly expanded its offerings for the multifamily real estate sector and launched the industry’s most comprehensive Investment Suite, with solutions to analyze, manage and communicate the performance and risks of real estate assets and investments. MRI also brought on more than 70 partners and connected their solutions to its open platform, providing clients unmatched flexibility and choice through true enterprise software plug-and-play in a single, unified experience. Over the same period, MRI has added more than 1,000 clients and 160 employees worldwide. “MRI Software is a leader in real estate technology because of our relentless commitment to delivering value to our clients and partners through exceptional products, services and relationships,” said Patrick Ghilani, Chief Executive Officer of MRI Software. “GI Partners has been a strong supporter and a key contributor to the acceleration of our business, and we look forward to continuing this relationship. Expanding our partnership to include TA Associates, a firm with deep software industry experience and global scale, will provide additional resources to fuel our growth through further expansion of our international footprint and our real estate technology solutions. The combination of these two leading strategic investors will provide greater access to global resources and enables us to invest even more to deliver innovation, flexibility and value for our clients and partners.” “Since our partnership with MRI Software in June 2015, the company has successfully executed against its growth strategy, rapidly accelerating topline revenue growth, delivering significant levels of product innovation, deepening its presence in international markets, and expanding its open and connected partner ecosystem,” said Travis Pearson, Managing Director of GI Partners and a member of the MRI Software Board of Directors. “It has been a pleasure to partner with and support Patrick Ghilani and his management team as they solidified MRI’s leadership in the real estate technology market. We look forward to continuing to support MRI and partnering with TA Associates as the business continues to expand globally.” “MRI Software has established a differentiated position in the fast-growing real estate software space with a comprehensive, configurable and open platform that meets the unique needs of real estate owners, operators and investors,” said Hythem El-Nazer, a Managing Director at TA Associates who will join MRI Software’s Board of Directors. “With its significant investment in product, people and partners, we believe MRI is well positioned to continue growing its leadership position in the commercial, residential and investment management markets. We are excited to partner with Patrick Ghilani and his team, alongside GI Partners, to support the company’s continued innovation and growth.” Jason Werlin, a Managing Director at TA Associates, also will join MRI Software’s Board of Directors. In addition to Mr. Pearson, Jeff Sheu, a Director at GI Partners, will also remain on the Board. Additional terms of the deal were not disclosed. Shea & Company is acting as the exclusive financial advisor to MRI Software and GI Partners during the transaction. SunTrust Robinson Humphrey is acting as a financial advisor to TA Associates. MRI Software is a leading provider of innovative real estate software applications and hosted solutions. MRI’s comprehensive and flexible technology platform coupled with an open and connected ecosystem meets the unique needs of real estate businesses—from property-level management and accounting to investment modeling and analytics for the global commercial and residential markets. A pioneer of the real estate software industry, MRI develops lasting client relationships based on nearly five decades of expertise and insight. Through leading solutions and a rich partner ecosystem, MRI liberates real estate companies to elevate their business and gain a competitive edge. For more information, please visit www.mrisoftware.com. About GI Partners GI Partners is a leading private investment
rueck, Germany (Curator: Alfred Rotert); Serralves Museum; Porto, Portugal (Curator: Maria Teresa Cruz); Banff New Media Institute, Canada; NICA Gallery 2001, BellaCenter, Copenhagen, Danmark (Curators: Anna Kindvall, Lars Gustav Midboe); Transmediale Festival, Berlin, Germany (Curators: Anke Hoffmann, Susanne Jaschko). Brane Zorman Born in 1962, composer, works as a freelance artist - composer in Ljubljana, Slovenia. As a solo artist and a composer he has composed and produced music for more than 30 theatre and dance performances, film, video, internet projects, sound installations. He has released several theatre soundtrack CDs as well as couple dance EPs for various slovenian labels, produced and recorded first CD soundtrack in Slovenia (1992) and first DTS surround encoded soundtrack for a theatre performance in Slovenia (2001). He is the master-mind behind the project BeitThroN. The BeitTHroN project is considered as a one of the pioneers and creators of techno-electronic-dance scene in Slovenia. As a video and audio artist he collaborates with Irena Pivka on a CONA / ZONE projects - a series of audio-visual projects which studies conflicting situations of contemporary social relations regarding migration, human trafficing, social, cultural and phisical borders, conflicts between individual and society, minor and majority. CONA / ZONE projects are the constantly changing stories of individuals from the areas of developing socio-political, cultural and territorial relations which can lead to both extremely homogeneous cohabitation and being, as well as to cataclysmic and unsolvable conflicting frictions and situations. Brane Zorman Vs BeitThroN also works with internet artist Igor Stromajer on a worldwide recognizable internet projects Ballettikka Internettikka which is a serial of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the exploration of internet ballet. It explores wireless internet ballet performances combined with guerilla tactics and mobile live internet broadcasting strategies. Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka, 2006 low-tech IT e-Bollywood "Stromajer singing HTML & Java + MC Brane manipulating MP3 orchestra" - LIVE internet broadcast from New Delhi # location: India International Centre - New Delhi, India / Saturday, January 28th, 2006; 8 PM (Standard Indian Time +05:30 UTC) Oppera Internettikka is a series of low-tech internet opera art projects which began in 1998 with the singing HTML code. It explores a combination of classical opera tactics and strategies, together with singing HTML source code, Java scripts and applets. Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka is a project by Igor Stromajer, singing HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and Java (Java Scripts and Applets) source codes in Retro-Bollywood style, and Brane Zorman Vs BeitThroN, operating MP3 orchestra live from New Delhi, India. It was performed live in the India International Centre in New Delhi, in the frame of CeC & CaC - The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave , presented by The Academy of Electronic Arts, and broadcasted live on the internet. CeC - The Carnival of e-Creativity was organized by the producer, curator and director Shankar Barua. Igor Stromajer and Brane Zorman were singing, composing and manipulating HTML source code of the www.bollywood.com website, as it was written on August 15th (2005), Indian Independence Day. Produced by Intima Virtual Base - Institute for Contemporary Arts, Slovenia, 2006 - in collaboration with Cona. Special thanks to Bojana Kunst and Irena Pivka. Project supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. In January 1996 Intima Virtual Base created its first net art project, entitled 0.HTML. The project was awarded Third prize at Extension 1997, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany (jury: Dr. Uwe M. Schneede, Rainer Wörtmann, Dellbrügge & de Moll, Valie Export, Dr. Dieter Daniels). http://www.intima.org/oppera/oib http://www.intima.org http://www.cona.si http://www.intima.org/00110001_00110000 Russia’s Vim Airlines to Lease Five Bombardier CS300s from Ilyushin Finance Co. AircraftAirlines August 29, 2013 Staff Vim Airlines, which is based at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport, is IFC’s first lessee for CS300 airliners. As a result, Vim Airlines is in
rueck, Germany (Curator: Alfred Rotert); Serralves Museum; Porto, Portugal (Curator: Maria Teresa Cruz); Banff New Media Institute, Canada; NICA Gallery 2001, BellaCenter, Copenhagen, Danmark (Curators: Anna Kindvall, Lars Gustav Midboe); Transmediale Festival, Berlin, Germany (Curators: Anke Hoffmann, Susanne Jaschko). Brane Zorman Born in 1962, composer, works as a freelance artist - composer in Ljubljana, Slovenia. As a solo artist and a composer he has composed and produced music for more than 30 theatre and dance performances, film, video, internet projects, sound installations. He has released several theatre soundtrack CDs as well as couple dance EPs for various slovenian labels, produced and recorded first CD soundtrack in Slovenia (1992) and first DTS surround encoded soundtrack for a theatre performance in Slovenia (2001). He is the master-mind behind the project BeitThroN. The BeitTHroN project is considered as a one of the pioneers and creators of techno-electronic-dance scene in Slovenia. As a video and audio artist he collaborates with Irena Pivka on a CONA / ZONE projects - a series of audio-visual projects which studies conflicting situations of contemporary social relations regarding migration, human trafficing, social, cultural and phisical borders, conflicts between individual and society, minor and majority. CONA / ZONE projects are the constantly changing stories of individuals from the areas of developing socio-political, cultural and territorial relations which can lead to both extremely homogeneous cohabitation and being, as well as to cataclysmic and unsolvable conflicting frictions and situations. Brane Zorman Vs BeitThroN also works with internet artist Igor Stromajer on a worldwide recognizable internet projects Ballettikka Internettikka which is a serial of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the exploration of internet ballet. It explores wireless internet ballet performances combined with guerilla tactics and mobile live internet broadcasting strategies. Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka, 2006 low-tech IT e-Bollywood "Stromajer singing HTML & Java + MC Brane manipulating MP3 orchestra" - LIVE internet broadcast from New Delhi # location: India International Centre - New Delhi, India / Saturday, January 28th, 2006; 8 PM (Standard Indian Time +05:30 UTC) Oppera Internettikka is a series of low-tech internet opera art projects which began in 1998 with the singing HTML code. It explores a combination of classical opera tactics and strategies, together with singing HTML source code, Java scripts and applets. Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka is a project by Igor Stromajer, singing HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and Java (Java Scripts and Applets) source codes in Retro-Bollywood style, and Brane Zorman Vs BeitThroN, operating MP3 orchestra live from New Delhi, India. It was performed live in the India International Centre in New Delhi, in the frame of CeC & CaC - The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave , presented by The Academy of Electronic Arts, and broadcasted live on the internet. CeC - The Carnival of e-Creativity was organized by the producer, curator and director Shankar Barua. Igor Stromajer and Brane Zorman were singing, composing and manipulating HTML source code of the www.bollywood.com website, as it was written on August 15th (2005), Indian Independence Day. Produced by Intima Virtual Base - Institute for Contemporary Arts, Slovenia, 2006 - in collaboration with Cona. Special thanks to Bojana Kunst and Irena Pivka. Project supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. In January 1996 Intima Virtual Base created its first net art project, entitled 0.HTML. The project was awarded Third prize at Extension 1997, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany (jury: Dr. Uwe M. Schneede, Rainer Wörtmann, Dellbrügge & de Moll, Valie Export, Dr. Dieter Daniels). http://www.intima.org/oppera/oib http://www.intima.org http://www.cona.si http://www.intima.org/00110001_00110000 Russia’s Vim Airlines to Lease Five Bombardier CS300s from Ilyushin Finance Co. AircraftAirlines August 29, 2013 Staff Vim Airlines, which is based at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport, is IFC’s first lessee for CS300 airliners. As a result, Vim Airlines is in
pole... Russian carrier Vim Airlines has agreed to lease five Bombardier CS300s from Russia lessor Ilyushin Finance Co. Vim Airlines’ decision to lease the five Bombardier CS300 jets from Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) was announced on August 29 at the MAKS 2013 Air Show. On August 29, 2013, lessor Ilyushin Finance Co. announced at the MAKS 2013 Air Show in Moscow that it had agreed to lease five Bombardier CS300 jets to Vim Airlines, which is based at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport. Vim Airlines thus became IFC’s first leasing customer for aircraft from its 32-aircraft Bombardier CS300 order, which also included options for 10 more of the type In June, Ilyushin Finance Co. finalized a purchase agreement with Bombardier covering a firm order for 32 CS300s and options for 10 more. Vim Airlines, which is based at Moscow’s Domodedovo International Airport (IATA code DME), is IFC’s first lessee for CS300 airliners. As a result, Vim Airlines is in pole position to become Russia’s first airline to operate the Bombardier CSeries family of commercial jets. At the Moscow show Alexander Kochnev, director general of Vim Airlines and Alexander Rubtsov, director general of IFC, joined Rod Sheridan, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft’s vice president, sales and asset management for a signing ceremony to mark the lease agreement, The ceremony was hosted at Bombardier’s booth at the MAKS 2013 Air Show. On February 20, 2013, Moscow-based lessor Ilyushin Finance Company signed a conditional purchase agreement for 32 Bombardier CS300 jets and took options on 10 more. The leasing company’s shareholders approved the order and on June 4, 2013 IFC signed a firm deal with Bombardier According to Bombardier Aerospace, during the event Kochnev said he was impressed with Bombardier’s meticulous attention to detail in the construction of the “very spacious” aircraft cabin and cockpit demonstrator that was on display at the air show. The previous day, on August 28, IFC signed a letter of intent (LOI) at the MAKS 2013 Air Show to order 50 Bombardier Q400 NextGen turboprops. The LOI was one of a series of agreements signed by Bombardier and Russian companies with a view to Bombardier setting up a final assembly line in Russia to produce at least 100 Q400 NextGen regional airliners for operation by carriers based in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. These aircraft would be ordered by IFC and Rosteknologii leasing subsidiary Avia Capital Services, which would lease the Q400 NextGens to or finance them for Russian operators. Bombardier Aerospace82 Bombardier Commercial Aircraft83 Bombardier CS30028 Bombardier CSeries44 DME5 Domodedovo International Airport4 Ilyushin Finance Co.4 leasing companies141 MAKS 2013 Air Show2 Moscow Domodedovo Airport5 Eco-Company Stories Be Eco-Wise Eco-Lingo Eco Company Stories Biofuel From Algae Jordan visits a company that is making cooking oil, motor oil, biodiesel fuel and regular gas for our cars from Algae...yes ALGAE! Could this be the fuel of the future? NASA AIRS Infrared technology, 3D imaging! Theoe are just two ways NASA helps us understand our planet! Especially when it comes to greenhouse gases, and one of them we don't hear much about. Adam brings us the scoop from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory! We all like the newest phone, or the latest computer...all the newest gadgets! But what happens to the old stuff. E-waste is becoming a big problem. Jessica followed the trail to an e-waste facility to see what can be done with all of that electronic gear.stricken area and reduce deforestation at the same time. TEEM Collects Marine Organisms High school students go wading into ocean tide pools at low tide. They are art of Nature Bridge TEEM program and they're looking for sea creatures for their educational lab. Athenna gets her feet wet following along to learn more. The 3 R's Adam visits a materials recovery facility to see what happens to all of the stuff we put into our recycling bins. How is it sorted and what do they do with it? Then he gets a lesson in the 4 “R”s. Knowing the importance of them will help you walk a green path in life. Taylor Francis Jordan catches up with a teen committed to stopping global warming in his lifetime. Taylor Francis is taking his message to students and adults around the globe! On a resent trip to China he spoke to students and
unit costs, if applicable. A final narrative and financial report must also be submitted within 90 days after the expiration of the award. Please note: Delays in reporting may result in delays of payment approvals and failure to provide required reports may jeopardize the recipient’s’ ability to receive future U.S. government funds. DRL reserves the right to request any additional programmatic and/or financial project information during the award period. G. Contact Information For technical submission questions related to this NOFO, please contact [email protected]. Please note that establishing an account in SAMS Domestic may require the use of smartphone for multi-factor authentication (MFA). If an applicant does not have accessibility to a smartphone during the time of creating an account, please contact the helpdesk and request instructions on MFA for Windows PC. For assistance with Grants.gov accounts and technical issues related to using the system, please call the Contact Center at +1 (800) 518-4726 or email [email protected]. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. For a list of federal holidays visit: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/snow-dismissal-procedures/federal-holidays/ Except for technical submission questions, during the NOFO period U.S. Department of State staff in Washington and overseas shall not discuss this competition with applicants until the entire proposal review process has been completed and rejection and approval letters have been transmitted. H. Other Information Applicants should be aware that DRL understands that some information contained in applications may be considered sensitive or proprietary and will make appropriate efforts to protect such information. However, applicants are advised that DRL cannot guarantee that such information will not be disclosed, including pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other similar statutes. The information in this NOFO and “DRL’s Proposal Submission Instructions for Applications Updated January 2020” is binding and may not be modified by any DRL representative. Explanatory information provided by DRL that contradicts this language will not be binding. Issuance of the NOFO and negotiation of applications does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the U.S. government. DRL reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal budgets. This NOFO will appear on www.grants.gov, SAMS Domestic, and DRL’s website https://www.state.gov/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/programs-and-grants/. Background Information on DRL and General DRL Funding DRL has the mission of promoting democracy and protecting human rights globally. DRL supports projects that uphold democratic principles, support and strengthen democratic institutions, promote human rights, prevent atrocities, combat and prevent violent extremism, and build civil society around the world. DRL typically focuses its work in countries with egregious human rights violations, where democracy and human rights advocates are under pressure and where governments are undemocratic or in transition. Additional background information on DRL and its efforts can be found on https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-civilian-security-democracy-and-human-rights/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/. breaking news World Affairs Town of Hebron > News > Uncategorized > Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System « WE ARE HEBRON – Leadership Academy – Fall Schedule Eversource Conducts Helicopter Inspections » Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System EXPLANATORY TEXT FOR WPCA UPGRADE AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2019 AND REFERENDUM VOTE NOVEMBER 5, 2019 Information on Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System In the late 1980’s, the State of Connecticut mandated the Town of Hebron to establish a sewer service district. In response, the Town constructed a public sewer system in the early 1990’s that serves multiple areas including Hebron center, the Amston Lake District, RHAM High School, Hebron Elementary School and along Church Street (Route 85). The primary purpose of the system was to address areas of septic failures. The system is administered by the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) which consists of five (5) appointed board members. Approximately 17 miles of sewer lines were installed and these are supported by nine (9) pump stations. Sewer lines were installed along the following roads: Route 85 from Route 66 south to Crouch Road, Crouch Road, North Pond Road, Brennan Road, portions
unit costs, if applicable. A final narrative and financial report must also be submitted within 90 days after the expiration of the award. Please note: Delays in reporting may result in delays of payment approvals and failure to provide required reports may jeopardize the recipient’s’ ability to receive future U.S. government funds. DRL reserves the right to request any additional programmatic and/or financial project information during the award period. G. Contact Information For technical submission questions related to this NOFO, please contact [email protected]. Please note that establishing an account in SAMS Domestic may require the use of smartphone for multi-factor authentication (MFA). If an applicant does not have accessibility to a smartphone during the time of creating an account, please contact the helpdesk and request instructions on MFA for Windows PC. For assistance with Grants.gov accounts and technical issues related to using the system, please call the Contact Center at +1 (800) 518-4726 or email [email protected]. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. For a list of federal holidays visit: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/snow-dismissal-procedures/federal-holidays/ Except for technical submission questions, during the NOFO period U.S. Department of State staff in Washington and overseas shall not discuss this competition with applicants until the entire proposal review process has been completed and rejection and approval letters have been transmitted. H. Other Information Applicants should be aware that DRL understands that some information contained in applications may be considered sensitive or proprietary and will make appropriate efforts to protect such information. However, applicants are advised that DRL cannot guarantee that such information will not be disclosed, including pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other similar statutes. The information in this NOFO and “DRL’s Proposal Submission Instructions for Applications Updated January 2020” is binding and may not be modified by any DRL representative. Explanatory information provided by DRL that contradicts this language will not be binding. Issuance of the NOFO and negotiation of applications does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the U.S. government. DRL reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal budgets. This NOFO will appear on www.grants.gov, SAMS Domestic, and DRL’s website https://www.state.gov/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/programs-and-grants/. Background Information on DRL and General DRL Funding DRL has the mission of promoting democracy and protecting human rights globally. DRL supports projects that uphold democratic principles, support and strengthen democratic institutions, promote human rights, prevent atrocities, combat and prevent violent extremism, and build civil society around the world. DRL typically focuses its work in countries with egregious human rights violations, where democracy and human rights advocates are under pressure and where governments are undemocratic or in transition. Additional background information on DRL and its efforts can be found on https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-civilian-security-democracy-and-human-rights/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/. breaking news World Affairs Town of Hebron > News > Uncategorized > Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System « WE ARE HEBRON – Leadership Academy – Fall Schedule Eversource Conducts Helicopter Inspections » Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System EXPLANATORY TEXT FOR WPCA UPGRADE AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2019 AND REFERENDUM VOTE NOVEMBER 5, 2019 Information on Repairs and Upgrades to the Hebron Sewer System In the late 1980’s, the State of Connecticut mandated the Town of Hebron to establish a sewer service district. In response, the Town constructed a public sewer system in the early 1990’s that serves multiple areas including Hebron center, the Amston Lake District, RHAM High School, Hebron Elementary School and along Church Street (Route 85). The primary purpose of the system was to address areas of septic failures. The system is administered by the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) which consists of five (5) appointed board members. Approximately 17 miles of sewer lines were installed and these are supported by nine (9) pump stations. Sewer lines were installed along the following roads: Route 85 from Route 66 south to Crouch Road, Crouch Road, North Pond Road, Brennan Road, portions
of Hope Valley Road, Slicer Drive, portions of Millstream Road, Kinney Road, portions of Wall Street, Main Street (from Loveland Road to the corner of 85/66), John E. Horton Boulevard, Wellswood Road and the streets in the Amston Lake area. Major buildings serviced by the sewer system include: RHAM Middle and High Schools, Hebron Elementary School, Colebrook Village, Fire Company # 1, Russell Mercier Senior Center, Town Office Building and the Douglas Library of Hebron. Waste flow from Hebron is metered and flows to the Town of Colchester and ultimately to the East Hampton sewer treatment plant. In addition, Lebanon’s Lake District flows through Hebron and is billed accordingly. When initially built, the cost of the system was funded by each residence and business that connected into the system. They were all assessed an initial connection fee and continue to contribute annual user fees that fund the operation of the system. The WPCA operates under its own budget separate from that of the town budget. A study was done over the last four years to assess the condition of the system and a plan was made to upgrade the system which is over 28 years old. According to the study, the pump stations are reaching the end of their life expectancy and maintenance costs and sudden equipment failures have increased significantly. The total cost of this upgrade is approximately $7.6 million dollars. The project would be bonded by the Town and done in two phases with the first phase of the project costing $3.3 million dollars and would begin in the spring of 2020. The first phase of this project would be upgrading four (4) of the nine (9) pump stations to meet current standards, installing generators for backup power, and rebuilding grinder pumps. The second phase would be scheduled to begin 2027. This project will be placed before the voters on the November ballot to obtain their approval for the Town to move forward with this project. Please attend the public hearings to obtain information about the project, or any of the WPCA meetings, which are the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Douglas Library to have your questions answered. Board of Finance Public Hearing: Thursday, September 12, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. Hebron Town Office Building, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron, Connecticut. A Special Town Meeting will be held in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Hebron Town Office Building, 15 Gilead Street, in the Town of Hebron, Connecticut, on Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The Special Town Meeting will be adjourned at its conclusion to submit the resolution to be presented to a referendum vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Electors shall vote at Hebron Elementary School, 92 Church Street in Hebron. BALLOT QUESTION: SHALL THE TOWN OF HEBRON APPROPRIATE $7,600,000 FOR UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM, AND AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS, NOTES AND OBLIGATIONS IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO FINANCE THE PORTION OF SAID APPROPRIATION NOT DEFRAYED FROM GRANTS? How old is the sewer system? Hebron’s sewer system is approximately 28 years old. What is the total cost of the project? Preliminary estimate of $7.6 million. Will the project be done in phases and when? The project will be done in two phases with the first phase starting in Spring 2020 and the second phase starting in approximately 2027. Why is the Town paying for the sewer upgrade and not the users again? The sewer system is a Town of Hebron owned asset. The users paid for the initial infrastructure when the State of Connecticut mandated sewers be installed in Hebron. What upgrades are planned for the pump stations for this project? Upgrades will be comprehensive and include replacement of pumps, valves/valve vaults, piping, instrumentation, electrical panels and control panels. Additionally, new emergency generators will be provided for each pump station. Provisions will be made to protect sensitive equipment on sites that are prone to flooding. Pump stations will be brought up to current building, fire and electrical codes. Is there any source of financial assistance for the project (outside of town funds)? The WPCA has applied for funding under the DEEP Clean Water Fund program. Currently grant funding is not available for pump station upgrades but low interest loans may be available. These opportunities will be revisited in the fall of 2019. Explanatory Text Provided by: Hebron Town Clerk Cerner Calls for App Ideas That Improve Consumer Access to Health Records Press Releases Cerner,
of permits. The four major types of construction include residential building, institutional and commercial building, specialized industrial construction, infrastructure and heavy construction.Residential Building. … Institutional and Commercial Building. … Specialized Industrial Construction. … Infrastructure and Heavy Construction. The purpose of various Building Codes are to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings, structures and certain equipment within this … According to the most recent laws, the majority of councils allow for up to 10 square metres before you need to apply for a permit. … 25m) or less and be all set to go with no permit. Some councils have requirements about the shed height, building material, and placement in the yard. You’re not required to update your house as codes change unless you’re doing some remodeling work, and then only the new part has to meet the new regulations. … Typically the only exception to this are smoke/carbon monoxide detectors. Quick Answer: What Event Prompted Dr Bass To Create The Body Farm? What is the purpose of the body farm the remains of Where Did The Pokemon Gyms Go? Where are the Pokemon go gyms in my area? Question: Is Lighthouse A Public Good? What is the lighthouse effect? The literature explains Quick Answer: Do Lake Homes Appreciate In Value? Are lake homes a good investment? Lakefront Property Question: What Pet Fish Should I Get? What is the hardest fish to kill? More videos on YouTubeCorydoras Catfish. How Much Is Water From McDonald’S? Does Starbucks charge extra for no ice? The no ice What Animal Can Survive In Lake Natron? Why is Lake Natron so deadly? The alkaline water in What’S The Best Bobcat To Buy? Which skid steer is most reliable? The 7 Most Popular Quick Answer: What Is The Natural Source Of Water? Is well a natural source of water? With water from Quick Answer: Is Rainwater Good For Ponds? Is rainwater good for fish? A) NEALE MONKS REPLIES Question: Why Are Water Tables Dropping Around The World? What country has the cleanest water in the world? Question: How Big Is Walleye Lake Erie? How long does it take to cross Lake Erie? It’ Who Founded Gabi? Who owns Gabi insurance? Hanno FichtnerFounded in 2016 ✔ That's fine ? Learn more We use our own and third-party cookies to improve your experience, for advertising purposes, and to understand how people use our website. Build your tree View my relative profiles Last viewed relative profile Surname summary Hot Matches Keepsafe View My Keepsafe View Saved Records View Shared Media My Folders Boards summary Quizzes and Games Genealogy Chat Military Chat Find Ancestors Find Living Relatives WDYTYA Live Requests My watched threads Help clinic Draft Messages Genes News Family History Articles Family History Videos Armed Forces & Conflict Births, Marriages & Deaths Census, Land & Surveys Newspapers, Directories & Social History Travel & Migration Search All Records Search All Member Trees Member Photos and Documents Use our Quick Family Finder Search British Newspaper Archive Amend Search Enter the name of the person you would like to search for. Genes Reunited will then search the site for names that match. If you are searching for a female relation we recommend you start your search using her maiden name. Search * Keywords County All Counties Aberdeenshire, Scotland Angus, Scotland Antrim, Northern Ireland Argyll, Scotland Armagh, Northern Ireland Ayrshire, Scotland Banffshire, Scotland Bedfordshire, England Belize, Belize Berkshire, England Brecknockshire, Wales Bristol, England Buckinghamshire, England Buteshire, Scotland Caernarfonshire, Wales Caithness, Scotland Cambridgeshire, England Cardiganshire, Wales Carlow, Republic of Ireland Carmarthenshire, Wales Cavan, Republic of Ireland Cheshire, England Clackmannanshire, Scotland Clare, Republic of Ireland Cork, Republic of Ireland Cornwall, England Cumberland, England Denbighshire, Wales Derbyshire, England Devon, England Donegal, Republic of Ireland Dorset, England Down, Northern Ireland Dublin, Republic of Ireland Dumfriesshire, Scotland Dunbartonshire, Scotland Durham, England East Lothian, Scotland Essex, England Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Fife, Scotland Flintshire, Wales Galway, Republic of Ireland Glamorgan, Wales Gloucestershire, England
of permits. The four major types of construction include residential building, institutional and commercial building, specialized industrial construction, infrastructure and heavy construction.Residential Building. … Institutional and Commercial Building. … Specialized Industrial Construction. … Infrastructure and Heavy Construction. The purpose of various Building Codes are to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings, structures and certain equipment within this … According to the most recent laws, the majority of councils allow for up to 10 square metres before you need to apply for a permit. … 25m) or less and be all set to go with no permit. Some councils have requirements about the shed height, building material, and placement in the yard. You’re not required to update your house as codes change unless you’re doing some remodeling work, and then only the new part has to meet the new regulations. … Typically the only exception to this are smoke/carbon monoxide detectors. Quick Answer: What Event Prompted Dr Bass To Create The Body Farm? What is the purpose of the body farm the remains of Where Did The Pokemon Gyms Go? Where are the Pokemon go gyms in my area? Question: Is Lighthouse A Public Good? What is the lighthouse effect? The literature explains Quick Answer: Do Lake Homes Appreciate In Value? Are lake homes a good investment? Lakefront Property Question: What Pet Fish Should I Get? What is the hardest fish to kill? More videos on YouTubeCorydoras Catfish. How Much Is Water From McDonald’S? Does Starbucks charge extra for no ice? The no ice What Animal Can Survive In Lake Natron? Why is Lake Natron so deadly? The alkaline water in What’S The Best Bobcat To Buy? Which skid steer is most reliable? The 7 Most Popular Quick Answer: What Is The Natural Source Of Water? Is well a natural source of water? With water from Quick Answer: Is Rainwater Good For Ponds? Is rainwater good for fish? A) NEALE MONKS REPLIES Question: Why Are Water Tables Dropping Around The World? What country has the cleanest water in the world? Question: How Big Is Walleye Lake Erie? How long does it take to cross Lake Erie? It’ Who Founded Gabi? Who owns Gabi insurance? Hanno FichtnerFounded in 2016 ✔ That's fine ? Learn more We use our own and third-party cookies to improve your experience, for advertising purposes, and to understand how people use our website. Build your tree View my relative profiles Last viewed relative profile Surname summary Hot Matches Keepsafe View My Keepsafe View Saved Records View Shared Media My Folders Boards summary Quizzes and Games Genealogy Chat Military Chat Find Ancestors Find Living Relatives WDYTYA Live Requests My watched threads Help clinic Draft Messages Genes News Family History Articles Family History Videos Armed Forces & Conflict Births, Marriages & Deaths Census, Land & Surveys Newspapers, Directories & Social History Travel & Migration Search All Records Search All Member Trees Member Photos and Documents Use our Quick Family Finder Search British Newspaper Archive Amend Search Enter the name of the person you would like to search for. Genes Reunited will then search the site for names that match. If you are searching for a female relation we recommend you start your search using her maiden name. Search * Keywords County All Counties Aberdeenshire, Scotland Angus, Scotland Antrim, Northern Ireland Argyll, Scotland Armagh, Northern Ireland Ayrshire, Scotland Banffshire, Scotland Bedfordshire, England Belize, Belize Berkshire, England Brecknockshire, Wales Bristol, England Buckinghamshire, England Buteshire, Scotland Caernarfonshire, Wales Caithness, Scotland Cambridgeshire, England Cardiganshire, Wales Carlow, Republic of Ireland Carmarthenshire, Wales Cavan, Republic of Ireland Cheshire, England Clackmannanshire, Scotland Clare, Republic of Ireland Cork, Republic of Ireland Cornwall, England Cumberland, England Denbighshire, Wales Derbyshire, England Devon, England Donegal, Republic of Ireland Dorset, England Down, Northern Ireland Dublin, Republic of Ireland Dumfriesshire, Scotland Dunbartonshire, Scotland Durham, England East Lothian, Scotland Essex, England Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Fife, Scotland Flintshire, Wales Galway, Republic of Ireland Glamorgan, Wales Gloucestershire, England
Guernsey, Guernsey Gwynedd, Wales Hampshire, England Herefordshire, England Hertfordshire, England Huntingdonshire, England Inverness-shire, Scotland Isle of Man, Isle of Man Isle of Wight, England Jamaica, Jamaica Jersey, Jersey Karnataka, India Kent, England Kerry, Republic of Ireland Kildare, Republic of Ireland Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland Kincardineshire, Scotland Kinross-shire, Scotland Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland Lahore, Pakistan Lanarkshire, Scotland Lancashire, England Laois, Republic of Ireland Leicestershire, England Leitrim, Republic of Ireland Limerick, Republic of Ireland Lincolnshire, England London, England Londonderry, Northern Ireland Longford, Republic of Ireland Louth, Republic of Ireland Maharashtra, India Mayo, Republic of Ireland Meath, Republic of Ireland Mid Glamorgan, Wales Middlesex, England Midlothian, Scotland Monaghan, Republic of Ireland Monmouthshire, Wales Montgomeryshire, Wales Moray, Scotland Nairn, Scotland Norfolk, England Northamptonshire, England Northumberland, England Nottinghamshire, England Offaly, Republic of Ireland Ontario, Canada Orkney, Scotland Oxfordshire, England Peeblesshire, Scotland Pembrokeshire, Wales Perthshire, Scotland Renfrewshire, Scotland Roscommon, Republic of Ireland Ross and Cromarty, Scotland Roxburghshire, Scotland Rutland, England Selkirkshire, Scotland Shetland, Scotland Shropshire, England Sligo, Republic of Ireland Somerset, England Staffordshire, England Stirlingshire, Scotland Suffolk, England Surrey, England Sussex, England Sutherland, Scotland Tamil Nadu, India Tipperary, Republic of Ireland Tyrone, Northern Ireland Warwickshire, England Waterford, Republic of Ireland West Bengal, India West Lothian, Scotland West Midlands, England Westmeath, Republic of Ireland Westmorland, England Wexford, Republic of Ireland Wicklow, Republic of Ireland Wigtownshire, Scotland Wiltshire, England Worcestershire, England Yorkshire, England From All Years 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 To All Years 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 17
are held today, AAP is all set to win 59 seats, while the BJP, which is a distant second, is tipped to get just eight seats. The Congress is predicted to get three seats in the Delhi assembly elections. The projection range for the BJP, which is going all out to come back to power in Delhi after nearly two decades, is between three and 13 seats. 6 Jan, 2020, 07.33PM IST Delhi BJP to go to polls without a CM candidate Clearing all speculation, BJP president Amit Shah made it clear on Sunday that party will go ... 6 Jan, 2020, 07.37AM IST Arvind Kejriwal puts his stamp on others work: Amit Shah in Delhi Union Home Minister Amit Shah attended the foundation stone laying ceremony... 26 Dec, 2019, 10.15AM IST Arvind Kejriwal releases 5-year report card of Delhi govt 24 Dec, 2019, 04.45PM IST New Delhi, Dec 24 (ANI): The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government has introduced its 5-year report card on December 24. Chief Minister of Delhi,... Free bus rides for women to continue for 5 yrs if AAP returns to power: Kejriwal He made the announcement at a function held here to lay the foundation of a 1,164-bed super-specialty hospital that will come up in Siraspur on G T Karnal Road. Over 60,000 people in Delhi died of pollution-related health problems in last 5 yrs: Congress Addressing a congregation of Purvanchalis, Delhi Congress chief Shubhash Chopra said, "You must not be aware, around 61,500 people died of breathing problems in the last five years. Pollution crossed every limit." He also alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal "disrespected the Purvanchalis by saying that they get a ticket of Rs 500 and come to Delhi. Union minister Hardeep Puri hands over registry papers to 20 unauthorised colony residents Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday handed over conveyance deeds and registry papers of houses to 20 residents of unauthorised colonies. No decision yet on BJP's CM candidate for Delhi assembly election: Javadekar Nothing has been decided yet about BJP's chief ministerial candidate in the run up to the Delhi Assembly election and an announcement will be made whenever the decision is made, Union minister Prakash Javadekar said on Wednesday. The whole country knows who is capable of causing riots: Arvind Kejriwal "The whole country knows who is capable of causing riots," Kejriwal said, and appealed to the people of Delhi to defeat such forces and maintain peace. Those who fear defeat in upcoming elections inciting riots: Arvind Kejriwal Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal: An attempt is being made to drag AAP's name in the recent incidents. Why will AAP do this? How will we be benefit?... AAP, BJP, Congress spent 2019 trying to outsmart each other in Delhi With the BJP winning all the seven parliamentary seats, it seems that Delhi followed the national narrative that drove the parliamentary election. Both AAP and Congress had flirted with each ahead of the election to seal an alliance but couldn't reach a definite agreement and ultimately fought separately. In Delhi, AAP fights for its future As Delhi goes to vote in February, it is much more than a simple question of who comes to power in the capital. While Congress is fighting for political survival in the state it ruled for 15 years, BJP is hoping for a comeback after 22 years of staying out of power. CAA protests:'No one should indulge in violence,' tweets Arvind Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appealed for calm as a protest against new citizenship law turned violent on Sunday. Protesters alleged... Arvind Kejriwal ropes in Prashant Kishor for Delhi Assembly elections Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has inked a deal with Indian Political Action Committee (IPAC) for image makeover, the party chief Arvind Kejriwal ann... Right Hooks Dems to Filibuster Gorsuch Grasping for straws. Jordan Candler · Mar. 22, 2017 Despite Judge Neil Gorsuch’s stellar performance at this week’s confirmation hearings, anxious Democrat obstructionists are pulling out all the stops in a futile effort to spoil his confirmation. Part of the reason revolves around bitterness over Merrick Garland (Barack Obama’s flunked nominee). But the biggest reason has to do with Gorsuch’s originalist jurisprudence, which is antithetical to the ideology espoused by “living constitutionalists” on the Left. No one has worked harder to politicize the hearings than Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a career judicial saboteur whom the Washington Examiner correctly opines is “the best reminder that we need more judges like Gorsuch.” Schumer announced that he will lead a filibuster of
are held today, AAP is all set to win 59 seats, while the BJP, which is a distant second, is tipped to get just eight seats. The Congress is predicted to get three seats in the Delhi assembly elections. The projection range for the BJP, which is going all out to come back to power in Delhi after nearly two decades, is between three and 13 seats. 6 Jan, 2020, 07.33PM IST Delhi BJP to go to polls without a CM candidate Clearing all speculation, BJP president Amit Shah made it clear on Sunday that party will go ... 6 Jan, 2020, 07.37AM IST Arvind Kejriwal puts his stamp on others work: Amit Shah in Delhi Union Home Minister Amit Shah attended the foundation stone laying ceremony... 26 Dec, 2019, 10.15AM IST Arvind Kejriwal releases 5-year report card of Delhi govt 24 Dec, 2019, 04.45PM IST New Delhi, Dec 24 (ANI): The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government has introduced its 5-year report card on December 24. Chief Minister of Delhi,... Free bus rides for women to continue for 5 yrs if AAP returns to power: Kejriwal He made the announcement at a function held here to lay the foundation of a 1,164-bed super-specialty hospital that will come up in Siraspur on G T Karnal Road. Over 60,000 people in Delhi died of pollution-related health problems in last 5 yrs: Congress Addressing a congregation of Purvanchalis, Delhi Congress chief Shubhash Chopra said, "You must not be aware, around 61,500 people died of breathing problems in the last five years. Pollution crossed every limit." He also alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal "disrespected the Purvanchalis by saying that they get a ticket of Rs 500 and come to Delhi. Union minister Hardeep Puri hands over registry papers to 20 unauthorised colony residents Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday handed over conveyance deeds and registry papers of houses to 20 residents of unauthorised colonies. No decision yet on BJP's CM candidate for Delhi assembly election: Javadekar Nothing has been decided yet about BJP's chief ministerial candidate in the run up to the Delhi Assembly election and an announcement will be made whenever the decision is made, Union minister Prakash Javadekar said on Wednesday. The whole country knows who is capable of causing riots: Arvind Kejriwal "The whole country knows who is capable of causing riots," Kejriwal said, and appealed to the people of Delhi to defeat such forces and maintain peace. Those who fear defeat in upcoming elections inciting riots: Arvind Kejriwal Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal: An attempt is being made to drag AAP's name in the recent incidents. Why will AAP do this? How will we be benefit?... AAP, BJP, Congress spent 2019 trying to outsmart each other in Delhi With the BJP winning all the seven parliamentary seats, it seems that Delhi followed the national narrative that drove the parliamentary election. Both AAP and Congress had flirted with each ahead of the election to seal an alliance but couldn't reach a definite agreement and ultimately fought separately. In Delhi, AAP fights for its future As Delhi goes to vote in February, it is much more than a simple question of who comes to power in the capital. While Congress is fighting for political survival in the state it ruled for 15 years, BJP is hoping for a comeback after 22 years of staying out of power. CAA protests:'No one should indulge in violence,' tweets Arvind Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appealed for calm as a protest against new citizenship law turned violent on Sunday. Protesters alleged... Arvind Kejriwal ropes in Prashant Kishor for Delhi Assembly elections Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has inked a deal with Indian Political Action Committee (IPAC) for image makeover, the party chief Arvind Kejriwal ann... Right Hooks Dems to Filibuster Gorsuch Grasping for straws. Jordan Candler · Mar. 22, 2017 Despite Judge Neil Gorsuch’s stellar performance at this week’s confirmation hearings, anxious Democrat obstructionists are pulling out all the stops in a futile effort to spoil his confirmation. Part of the reason revolves around bitterness over Merrick Garland (Barack Obama’s flunked nominee). But the biggest reason has to do with Gorsuch’s originalist jurisprudence, which is antithetical to the ideology espoused by “living constitutionalists” on the Left. No one has worked harder to politicize the hearings than Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a career judicial saboteur whom the Washington Examiner correctly opines is “the best reminder that we need more judges like Gorsuch.” Schumer announced that he will lead a filibuster of
Gorsuch, because he “was unable to sufficiently convince me that he’d be an independent check” on Donald Trump. That’s after Schumer floated the idea of ensnaring Gorsuch in the Left’s “Russia hacked the election” narrative. According to Schumer, “It is unseemly to be moving forward so fast on confirming a Supreme Court justice with a lifetime appointment while this big gray cloud of an FBI investigation hangs over the presidency.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren is echoing this ploy: “Neil Gorsuch is up for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court from a President whose campaign is under FBI investigation.” Yet you have to wonder who’s really calling the shots. Democrat leaders are taking orders — or at least taking cues — from radical organizations like NARAL Pro-Choice America, whose president, Ilyse Hogue, is urging that lawmakers “delay hearings on Neil Gorsuch’s nomination while the president is under an active FBI investigation. Short of that, Senate Democrats must filibuster this nomination.” The organization previously joined 54 others in cosigning a March 14 Senate letter that states, “We implore senators to do everything necessary to block this nomination.” Memo to Republicans: Don’t fall for it. Don’t even think about delaying the confirmation vote. Democrats will play politics with whomever is nominated. Don’t let abortion advocates dictate who will replace Justice Antonin Scalia. This week, Sen. Dianne Feinstein lectured Gorsuch by absurdly asserting Roe v. Wade established a “super precedent.” The only super precedent is the Constitution. And as for Russia, Democrats are using that narrative to delegitimize Donald Trump. Meanwhile, perhaps most of those who voted for Trump did so because of the Supreme Court. So don’t miss the irony of the two things converging here. (Updated.) HAMPTON COLISEUMHAMPTON COLISEUM SET 1: Mike's Song -> I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove, Harry Hood > Train Song, Billy Breathes, Frankenstein > Izabella SET 2: Halley's Comet > Tweezer > Black-Eyed Katy > Piper > Run Like an Antelope[1] ENCORE: Bouncing Around the Room > Tweezer Reprise [1] Lyric changed to "Michael Esquandolas." Mike's Song and Tweezer both contained BEK teases, with the ones in Tweezer taking place well before the segue into BEK. Fans of stage banter will want to seek out the second set for Trey’s humorous response to the crowd’s Destiny Unbound chant before Halley’s. The "Marco Esquandolas" lyric in Antelope was changed to "Michael Esquandolas." This show was released as part of the Hampton/Winston-Salem '97 box set. Mike's Song, Weekapaug Groove, Harry Hood, Halley's Comet, Tweezer Black-Eyed Katy tease in Mike's Song, Black-Eyed Katy tease in Tweezer Nov 22, 2016: Mike Gordon - Millvale, PA Nov 22, 2010: Mike Gordon - Cleveland, OH Nov 22, 2009: Phish - Syracuse, NY Nov 22, 1996: Phish - Spokane, WA Nov 22, 1995: Phish - Landover, MD Nov 22, 1994: Phish - Columbia, MO Nov 22, 1992: Phish - Ithaca, NY Nov 22, 1991: Phish - Portland, ME "Halley's Comet" Official Video Phish.net Recap This show was part of the "1997 Fall Tour (a.k.a. Phish Destroys America)" Review by waxbanks For many fans this show was the Big Deal of the tour, and its reputation hasn't diminished over time, though other shows (11/23, 11/29, 12/6) now compete for the title. The setlist is ridiculous, of course - really, a Mike's Groove/Hood combo in Set One?! - but the Halley's Comet jam marks a turning point for the band, the moment (actually the 24-minute rock song) when the evolving 'space jams' of fall (cf. 11/17 II), the empathetic melodic playing of summer (check out the Went Disease and Gin), and the band's yearlong experiment in nasty minimalist funk (cf. every Ghost of 1997) seemed to crash together into a new hybrid form. Space is a chaotic funk function here, and time is fragmentary; the constant crosstalk dissolves into pure feeling and every technical tool seems to be instantly available to all four players. And that's just the second set *opener*. The Tweezer > BEK transition brings some of the most
RED HOT | Pro Chem, Inc. RED HOT is an alkaline granular compound used to open sewers and drains. It is a combination of chemical and metallic chips, which reacts with water to create considerable heat and agitation. This action readily dissolves greasy deposits, leaves and other blockage, which obstruct sewer lines. Reaches maximum temperature in 1 minute 30 seconds (215°F) and sustains temperature of at least 180°F for 7 minutes allowing RED HOT to give complete clean out. FOR USE ONLY IN MAIN SEWER LINES. Do not use in indoor drains, toilets, sinks, grease traps or floor drains. Add only to main sewer manholes. Wear protective gloves, face mask, splash-proof goggles and other protective clothing to avoid eye or skin contact. For Clogged Sewers: Add to manhole closest to the blockage. Pour entire pail into manhole opening making sure all precautions are taken to avoid injury. After 15 minutes, run plenty of water through drain. Do not stand over opening after pouring in product. Not for use in septic tanks. The Internet became an important part of our everyday life, the intelligent using of this media may significantly improve the commercial and corporate communication. IT Monza creates websites. We study your needs and your goals, and when creating websites we use the most modern existing technologies. They make it possible to create animations and different graphic effects that will make the website’s graphics much more dynamic and modern. To provide additional security to our customers, all websites designed by us are platforms. This means that before they are published online, they are carefully tested on the basic internet browsers for operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Linux, etc. IT Monza also achieves restyling of already existing websites to upgrade graphics, online store, or database. We are closely working with the customer to achieve the desired goal. This is what we aim to when we are working on a new website. Only after carefully researching the customer’s expectations and requirements we can offer a solution which will lead to desired results. We guarantee the designing of a website with professional graphic, which meets the customer’s requirements, easy for service, thanks to our CMS solutions, a perfect communication tool – usable and accessible. Profits of any crypto exchange consists mainly of trading fees. Binance is one of the most popular digital currency exchanges in the world. How much money should you pay it when trading? What about deposit and withdrawal commissions? Read this guide to know all about Binance fees, discounts, preferences for BNB holders, and much more. There are two types of charges on this crypto exchange. The first one is a trading commission, which is charged after buying/selling cryptocurrency. The second one is a withdrawal charge, which is paid for withdrawing your crypto money from the trading platform to your wallet. General trading fee on this trading platform is 0.1% (both maker & taker), which is good. For instance, Huobi offers general commission of 0.2%, while Bitfinex – 0.1% (maker) and 0.2% (taker). Well, what do “taker” and “maker” mean? Binance says that placing an immediately traded order (partially or fully filled) is referred to “taker” trade. Market orders are always considered “takers”. They do not go in the order book, but they take volume from it, hence their name. Limit FOK and IOC orders (accessible through API), according to Binance, are always takers. Maker orders go to the order book (fully or partially), they “make” the market. For example, a limit order made via binance.com website. They are generally lower because they provide liquidity. It is important to know: fees on the cryptoexchange are not applied to orders, only to trades. They are paid when the trade is done. BNB fees are calculated according to the [coin]/BNB rate at the market price. You can turn off the discount feature in “User Center” and vice versa. If the feature is enabled but you don’t have sufficient amount of tokens on your balance, the discount will not be applied. Are there any disadvantages of this discount? If you have many referrals or a major referral, you will receive less money from them if they apply BNB-based fees (and they definitely do that). This is associated with the fact that the commission you earn from your referral is calculated as a percentage of the fee paid by them to the exchange. Everything is simple: the less they pay, the less you get. However, if you hold a lot of BNB tokens, you can increase your earnings from referrals (see the section below for more details). According to the company’s whitepaper, BNB’s discount adjusted
RED HOT | Pro Chem, Inc. RED HOT is an alkaline granular compound used to open sewers and drains. It is a combination of chemical and metallic chips, which reacts with water to create considerable heat and agitation. This action readily dissolves greasy deposits, leaves and other blockage, which obstruct sewer lines. Reaches maximum temperature in 1 minute 30 seconds (215°F) and sustains temperature of at least 180°F for 7 minutes allowing RED HOT to give complete clean out. FOR USE ONLY IN MAIN SEWER LINES. Do not use in indoor drains, toilets, sinks, grease traps or floor drains. Add only to main sewer manholes. Wear protective gloves, face mask, splash-proof goggles and other protective clothing to avoid eye or skin contact. For Clogged Sewers: Add to manhole closest to the blockage. Pour entire pail into manhole opening making sure all precautions are taken to avoid injury. After 15 minutes, run plenty of water through drain. Do not stand over opening after pouring in product. Not for use in septic tanks. The Internet became an important part of our everyday life, the intelligent using of this media may significantly improve the commercial and corporate communication. IT Monza creates websites. We study your needs and your goals, and when creating websites we use the most modern existing technologies. They make it possible to create animations and different graphic effects that will make the website’s graphics much more dynamic and modern. To provide additional security to our customers, all websites designed by us are platforms. This means that before they are published online, they are carefully tested on the basic internet browsers for operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Linux, etc. IT Monza also achieves restyling of already existing websites to upgrade graphics, online store, or database. We are closely working with the customer to achieve the desired goal. This is what we aim to when we are working on a new website. Only after carefully researching the customer’s expectations and requirements we can offer a solution which will lead to desired results. We guarantee the designing of a website with professional graphic, which meets the customer’s requirements, easy for service, thanks to our CMS solutions, a perfect communication tool – usable and accessible. Profits of any crypto exchange consists mainly of trading fees. Binance is one of the most popular digital currency exchanges in the world. How much money should you pay it when trading? What about deposit and withdrawal commissions? Read this guide to know all about Binance fees, discounts, preferences for BNB holders, and much more. There are two types of charges on this crypto exchange. The first one is a trading commission, which is charged after buying/selling cryptocurrency. The second one is a withdrawal charge, which is paid for withdrawing your crypto money from the trading platform to your wallet. General trading fee on this trading platform is 0.1% (both maker & taker), which is good. For instance, Huobi offers general commission of 0.2%, while Bitfinex – 0.1% (maker) and 0.2% (taker). Well, what do “taker” and “maker” mean? Binance says that placing an immediately traded order (partially or fully filled) is referred to “taker” trade. Market orders are always considered “takers”. They do not go in the order book, but they take volume from it, hence their name. Limit FOK and IOC orders (accessible through API), according to Binance, are always takers. Maker orders go to the order book (fully or partially), they “make” the market. For example, a limit order made via binance.com website. They are generally lower because they provide liquidity. It is important to know: fees on the cryptoexchange are not applied to orders, only to trades. They are paid when the trade is done. BNB fees are calculated according to the [coin]/BNB rate at the market price. You can turn off the discount feature in “User Center” and vice versa. If the feature is enabled but you don’t have sufficient amount of tokens on your balance, the discount will not be applied. Are there any disadvantages of this discount? If you have many referrals or a major referral, you will receive less money from them if they apply BNB-based fees (and they definitely do that). This is associated with the fact that the commission you earn from your referral is calculated as a percentage of the fee paid by them to the exchange. Everything is simple: the less they pay, the less you get. However, if you hold a lot of BNB tokens, you can increase your earnings from referrals (see the section below for more details). According to the company’s whitepaper, BNB’s discount adjusted
from 50% to 25% on 20 July 2018. This means that many users will pay 0.075% of the transaction amount instead of previous 0.05%. However, simultaneously with that the exchange introduced Tiered Trading Fee Discount Program – see the screenshot below. We expressed our opinion on these changes here – Binance increases trading fees. And we asked users whether they will hold BNB after full refusal of discounts. Well, that’s the big question. By the way, on 18 May 2018, the exchange doubled referral commission rewards to 40% for all users that hold at least 500 BNB. The commission rate for all other users remained at 20% level. Against the background of this news, the coin showed good growth. Let’s assume that you buy one bitcoin for $7000. Your fee without applying BNB discount will be calculated as follows: 7000 x 0.1% (0,001) = $7. If you apply BNB discount and you hold fewer than 50 Binance Coins and your 30-day trading volume is less than 100 BTC, your trade commission will be as follows: 7000 x 0.075% (0,00075) = $5.25 (both maker and taker). Maker: $7000 x 0.02% = $1.4. Taker: $7000 x 0.04% = $2.8. Maker: $7000 x 0.015% = $1.05. Taker: $7000 x 0.03% = $2.1. According to official rules, making deposits at Binance is free. You can move your Bitcoins, Litecoins, and Ethereums to the exchanges without any charges. However, there is a withdrawal fee. It depends on a particular coin and conditions of its blockchain and is regularly adjusted. See examples of discounts for some cryptos in the screenshot below (as of 6 November 2018). In terms of commissions (and not only), Binance offers users very favorable conditions for trading at the moment. Its token now performs a good function and hence it will be in demand at least for the upcoming 2,5 years. Finally (on the 5th year of the exchange’s functioning), BNB discounts will be cancelled, but probably Binance will come up with something else to improve trading conditions. You can register on Binance here. Technology and Disability communicates knowledge about the field of assistive technology devices and services, within the context of the lives of end users - persons with disabilities and their family members. While the topics are technical in nature, the articles are written for broad comprehension despite the reader's education or training. The content of Technology and Disability covers research and development efforts, education and training programs, service and policy activities and consumer experiences. - The term Technology refers to assistive devices and services. The Editor also attempts to link the themes of technology and disability through the selection of appropriate basic and applied research papers, review articles, case studies, program descriptions, letters to the Editor and commentaries. Suggestions for thematic issues and proposed manuscripts are welcomed. If not using Word you should also send a pdf file of the entire article. A funeral for a friend or loved one can be difficult, but funeral flowers from Becky's Flowers of Midland, TX can help begin the healing process. Funeral flowers provide the opportunity to express how much the departed means to you. Celebrate the life of your loved one with one of the beautiful funeral flower arrangements found here such as: Classic Remembrance Urn, Mixed Flowers Sympathy Tribute or one of our standing sprays. Browse our funeral flowers page to find the perfect sympathy arrangement and place your order online. You can also call and speak with a designer at Becky's Flowers in Midland, TX for funeral flowers just as unique as your friend or loved one. Pay your last respects to a departed friend or loved one's family with an uplifting floral standing spray. The natural beauty of each flower offers comfort to all in attendance. Let Becky's Flowers help you choose the right standing funeral spray for your final tribute. If you would like something more personalized, give us a call or stop by our location in Midland. Casket sprays offer a final tribute to a departed loved one. It's beauty and elegance sets the tone of the funeral service. There are two types of casket arrangements: full couch and half couch. Full couch is for a closed casket, and half couch arrangements are typically used for an open casket. Flowers for cremation services are also available. For any type of funeral flowers in the Midland area, Becky's Flowers is here to help. A sympathy arrangement is the perfect way to say what you need without saying anything at all. Flowers uplift spirits and remind us of happier occasions. For sympathy arrangements or any type of funeral flowers in Midland TX, Becky's Flowers is here for you. Flowers serve as an inspiration and
featured above with a jersey dress. All of these items are being created in India. The Guru team works closely with the sewers as they select the saris for the scarves and the multiwear skirts. As a result they have been able to teach families how to change their lives. Come in and see collection. We are excited to introduce Suzie blue jewellery into the store. This lovely line of jewelley is all hand crafted in Bali. The founders have established long term relationships with the artisans and their families. All of the craftspeople are being paid a fair wage which allows the artisans to ensure that the educational, medical and life maintenance needs are met and exceeded. Drop in and see their designs. Do you have a favourite animal? We are excited to introduce soapstone giraffes, owls, rhinoceros and of course elephants. These lovely animals along with the hearts are all being hand made in Kenya. The artisans use sandpaper, screwdrivers, hand drills and switchblades to create these unique pieces. Families throughout Kenya have been able to improve their quality of life through the fair trade production and sale of these items. Come in and have a look. We are very excited to introduce this new of jewellery. Kazuri which means " Small and Beautiful" in Swahili was founded by Lady Susan Wood (1918-2005) with two local women in her backyard. Now, Kazuri employs 350 women where they handmake and paint these jewels. The factory where these brilliant jewels are created is low located on the estate of Karen Von Blixen who is known from the classic film " Out of Africa". The mission of Kazuri is to provide and sustain employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan Society. Come and see these beads! As we start to cast our mind to a change in the offerings in our gardens why not think of a lovely pre-rusted flower. They add a lot of personality to any garden. There is also a collection of pre-rusted trees that also enhances any urn or garden. Come in and take a look! It is that time of year when we celebrate new beginnings. For friends who are venturing off to school why not think of a way to brighten up the"new digs". May we suggest an inspirational banner for a splash of colour, a giraffe for something to talk toandwill always give you the right answer or a piece of Haitian metal art. If you are looking for something more sentimental a soapstone heart or a rafiki chain are ideal. Come in and see what will look good. Do not forget to stock up on your coffee or chocolate. See you soon! What other piece of clothing can you buy and wear over a hundred different ways? There are not many however, the Guru Multiwear skirt is one. These skirts are made from recycled saris and offer a variety of colours and patterns. If the skirt is not your style try one the scarves. Guru also offers dresses, pants for you to enjoy. Drop in a see what is available. Me to We is part of a family of organizations that has a shared goal of shifting mind sets from "me" to "we". Participants in We Day celebrations are based on actions not just buying a ticket and by engaging over 160,000 students in 4000 schools across Canada, the USA and the United Kingdom it is making a difference. This organization has also had a positive impact on building schools, improving healthcare and teaching women economic self sufficiency. We are proud to carry the Rafiki chains that are being created by women in Kenya. Each of these chains provides support to a variety of needs be it water, health, education and the results of your purchase can be tracked. A rafiki chain is a great way to show someone you that you are thinking of them. We are pleased to introduce Crystal McMaster jewellery to our store. Crystal has been designing and creating unique high quality jewellery pieces since 2005. The passion that she has for art and design provided her with inspiration and the initiative to start her own studio. Her designs are known for being modern, one-of-a-kind while still infusing elements of classic design. Drop in and see her collection of earrings and necklaces. It is not always easy deciding what to give as a wedding gift. The gift of a Soapstone Lover's Knot or a Dancing Couple is a lovely accent to any gift. These are unique pieces crafted in Kenya. They require a lot of patience to create and something that is something that can be in short supply however, for many of our world crafts people they have this in abundance. The artisans come from the rural villages in Kenya. The residents of this area have formed the SMOLArt group which specializes in Soapstone Carving. The soapstone is mined from the pits in the surrounding area of Kiisi and the western parts of Kenya. Then by using tools such as screwdrivers, hand drill and
featured above with a jersey dress. All of these items are being created in India. The Guru team works closely with the sewers as they select the saris for the scarves and the multiwear skirts. As a result they have been able to teach families how to change their lives. Come in and see collection. We are excited to introduce Suzie blue jewellery into the store. This lovely line of jewelley is all hand crafted in Bali. The founders have established long term relationships with the artisans and their families. All of the craftspeople are being paid a fair wage which allows the artisans to ensure that the educational, medical and life maintenance needs are met and exceeded. Drop in and see their designs. Do you have a favourite animal? We are excited to introduce soapstone giraffes, owls, rhinoceros and of course elephants. These lovely animals along with the hearts are all being hand made in Kenya. The artisans use sandpaper, screwdrivers, hand drills and switchblades to create these unique pieces. Families throughout Kenya have been able to improve their quality of life through the fair trade production and sale of these items. Come in and have a look. We are very excited to introduce this new of jewellery. Kazuri which means " Small and Beautiful" in Swahili was founded by Lady Susan Wood (1918-2005) with two local women in her backyard. Now, Kazuri employs 350 women where they handmake and paint these jewels. The factory where these brilliant jewels are created is low located on the estate of Karen Von Blixen who is known from the classic film " Out of Africa". The mission of Kazuri is to provide and sustain employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan Society. Come and see these beads! As we start to cast our mind to a change in the offerings in our gardens why not think of a lovely pre-rusted flower. They add a lot of personality to any garden. There is also a collection of pre-rusted trees that also enhances any urn or garden. Come in and take a look! It is that time of year when we celebrate new beginnings. For friends who are venturing off to school why not think of a way to brighten up the"new digs". May we suggest an inspirational banner for a splash of colour, a giraffe for something to talk toandwill always give you the right answer or a piece of Haitian metal art. If you are looking for something more sentimental a soapstone heart or a rafiki chain are ideal. Come in and see what will look good. Do not forget to stock up on your coffee or chocolate. See you soon! What other piece of clothing can you buy and wear over a hundred different ways? There are not many however, the Guru Multiwear skirt is one. These skirts are made from recycled saris and offer a variety of colours and patterns. If the skirt is not your style try one the scarves. Guru also offers dresses, pants for you to enjoy. Drop in a see what is available. Me to We is part of a family of organizations that has a shared goal of shifting mind sets from "me" to "we". Participants in We Day celebrations are based on actions not just buying a ticket and by engaging over 160,000 students in 4000 schools across Canada, the USA and the United Kingdom it is making a difference. This organization has also had a positive impact on building schools, improving healthcare and teaching women economic self sufficiency. We are proud to carry the Rafiki chains that are being created by women in Kenya. Each of these chains provides support to a variety of needs be it water, health, education and the results of your purchase can be tracked. A rafiki chain is a great way to show someone you that you are thinking of them. We are pleased to introduce Crystal McMaster jewellery to our store. Crystal has been designing and creating unique high quality jewellery pieces since 2005. The passion that she has for art and design provided her with inspiration and the initiative to start her own studio. Her designs are known for being modern, one-of-a-kind while still infusing elements of classic design. Drop in and see her collection of earrings and necklaces. It is not always easy deciding what to give as a wedding gift. The gift of a Soapstone Lover's Knot or a Dancing Couple is a lovely accent to any gift. These are unique pieces crafted in Kenya. They require a lot of patience to create and something that is something that can be in short supply however, for many of our world crafts people they have this in abundance. The artisans come from the rural villages in Kenya. The residents of this area have formed the SMOLArt group which specializes in Soapstone Carving. The soapstone is mined from the pits in the surrounding area of Kiisi and the western parts of Kenya. Then by using tools such as screwdrivers, hand drill and
switchblades they are able to craft such wonders as the Lover's Knot as shown above, Hippos, Plates to name but a small few items. The results of their efforts have improved not only their living conditions but their education and health. Time honoured traditions are being preserved by your support of Fair Trade. As the region is proud to celebrate all things equestrian let us not forget some of the many other animal wonders. Craftspeople from around the world work diligently to produce replicas of giraffes, zebras, birds, elephants to name but a few and are created by hand from wood, soapstone, oil drums. The detail and the patience that is necessary to produce these wonders is incredible. Time honoured traditions are being preserved by your support of Fair Trade. Come in and start your own collection. It is always exciting when the organizations and suppliers we do business provide with updates on their efforts. One such organization, Casa Relief has done just that by showing us how they assisted children in El Raison school. They were able to paint the school, take the children shopping, fix chairs and provide some environmental advice. Additionally, six families were able to receive water barrels to hold water between deliveries. Congratulations to Casa Relief for improving these lives! Hmm, should I try a new blend of coffee or stay with what I know? What coffee is best served at the end of a great dinner? If these are questions that you have asked yourself then come in. Saturday, June 27, between 9:30 a.m. and Noon and ask Rufus Cavan. Rufus, a member of the Coffee Roasting Team at Planet Bean will be in the store and offering tastes of some of the Planet Bean Roasts and can make recommendations to you. As a graduate of the Q-Grader Coffee Institute in Montreal he is wealth of knowledge about everything coffee. He may even have the perfect recipe for Ice Coffee! Fair Trade has helped to improve the quality of life offered to Father's in countries less fortunate. The introduction of the Fair Trade Principles ensure that fair wages are being paid in return and that working conditions are safe. This results in families enjoying improved education, health care and living conditions to name but a few. This Father's Day Weekend think of giving Dad the gift of Planet Bean Fair Trade Coffee , Giddy Yo Yo Chocolate and yes, even the hammock as we all need to rest and recharge. What ever you do to celebrate with your Father enjoy and know that buying Fair Trade has helped another father. Father's Day is on our door step and what would Dad like? Why not think of a hammock, what better place to relax and watch the world go by? In the Yucatan of Mexico a Mayan hammock has been used as important piece of furniture either outdoor or indoors, for resting and relaxation. A Mayan hammock is soft yet it provides support. The Mayan hammocks available in the store are created using centuries old methods and are 100% cotton hand crafted by the Mayan women of the Yucatan. The Mayan women use the money they have earned by creating this magnificent hammocks to support their families and the advancement of their communities. Come in for Dad's ! Music is a universal language that convey a variety of emotion. It is often said that communities would "talk" to each other through the use of drums. The djembe drum shown is rope-tuned goblet drum that is often played with bare-hands. The djembe drum is a very versatile drum and is able to produce a variety of sounds. This type of drum is very loud which allows it to be heard clearly as a solo instrument. The interesting fact about this drum is that it is usually played only by men. We have a few of these drums in the store. When downtown this weekend for the Blues & Jazz drop in! It is once again that time of the year when we think about "Appreciation" Gifts for those leaders who have given their time to teach. This could be in sports, theatre, art or the classroom. Why not think of a Fair Trade Gift. Drop in a see our selection of Crystal McMaster Jewellery, as you read last week Planet Bean Coffee, Haitian Metal Art to outline but a few ideas. Drop in and be inspired . Fair Trade Gift also are great Wedding Gifts for that hard to buy for couple! Did you know that Planet Bean began roasting coffee in Guelph in 1997. From the very beginning the focus for the coffee has been certified fair trade and organic gourmet Arabia coffee. Planet Bean now offers approximately 13 different roasts including single origin or blends. We have a majority of them available at Sproule's in both the bean and ground formats. The Roaster's of the Planet Bean coffees are members of the Roasting Guild which includes some of the world's finest roasters. The Roasting Guild provides the opportunity for like minded Roasters to share their experience, knowledge and
TI, RI, PI1> ): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.includeOrExcludeFromInnerQuery( <ISelectQueryInternal<TI, RI, PI1>>innerQuery, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IN ); } public isFalse(): IQuery<T, R, P> { this.equal(false); return this; } public isNotNull(): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere( SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IS, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_NULL, { quoteString: false } ); } public isNull(): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere( SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IS, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NULL, { quoteString: false } ); } public isolatedAnd<S extends Object>(and: (query: IQuery<T, R, P>) => IQuery<T, R, S>): IQuery<T, R, P> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return <IQuery<T, R, P>><any>this.isolatedConditions<T, P>( <() => IQuery<T, R, P>><any>and, this._query.andWhere ); } public isolatedOr<S extends Object>(and: (query: IQuery<T, R, P>) => IQuery<T, R, S>): IQuery<T, R, P> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return <IQuery<T, R, P>><any>this.isolatedConditions<T, P>( <() => IQuery<T, R, P>><any>and, this._query.orWhere ); } public isolatedWhere<S extends Object>( where: (query: IQuery<T, R, T>) => IQuery<T, R, S> ): IQuery<T, R, T> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return this.isolatedConditions<T, S>(<() => IQuery<T, R, S>><any>where, this._query.where); } public isTrue(): IQuery<T, R, P> { this.equal(true); return this; } public join<S extends Object>( propertySelector: (obj: T) => JoinedEntityType<S> ): IQuery<T, R, S> | IComparableQuery<T, R, S> | any { return this.joinPropertyUsingAlias(propertySelector, this._initialAlias); } public joinAlso<S extends Object>( propertySelector: (obj: T) => JoinedEntityType<S> ): IQuery<T, R, S> | IComparableQuery<T, R, S> | any
TI, RI, PI1> ): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.includeOrExcludeFromInnerQuery( <ISelectQueryInternal<TI, RI, PI1>>innerQuery, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IN ); } public isFalse(): IQuery<T, R, P> { this.equal(false); return this; } public isNotNull(): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere( SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IS, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_NULL, { quoteString: false } ); } public isNull(): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere( SqlConstants.OPERATOR_IS, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NULL, { quoteString: false } ); } public isolatedAnd<S extends Object>(and: (query: IQuery<T, R, P>) => IQuery<T, R, S>): IQuery<T, R, P> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return <IQuery<T, R, P>><any>this.isolatedConditions<T, P>( <() => IQuery<T, R, P>><any>and, this._query.andWhere ); } public isolatedOr<S extends Object>(and: (query: IQuery<T, R, P>) => IQuery<T, R, S>): IQuery<T, R, P> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return <IQuery<T, R, P>><any>this.isolatedConditions<T, P>( <() => IQuery<T, R, P>><any>and, this._query.orWhere ); } public isolatedWhere<S extends Object>( where: (query: IQuery<T, R, T>) => IQuery<T, R, S> ): IQuery<T, R, T> { // TODO: These types are not lining up. return this.isolatedConditions<T, S>(<() => IQuery<T, R, S>><any>where, this._query.where); } public isTrue(): IQuery<T, R, P> { this.equal(true); return this; } public join<S extends Object>( propertySelector: (obj: T) => JoinedEntityType<S> ): IQuery<T, R, S> | IComparableQuery<T, R, S> | any { return this.joinPropertyUsingAlias(propertySelector, this._initialAlias); } public joinAlso<S extends Object>( propertySelector: (obj: T) => JoinedEntityType<S> ): IQuery<T, R, S> | IComparableQuery<T, R, S> | any
{ return this.joinPropertyUsingAlias(propertySelector, this._initialAlias, this._query.leftJoin); } public lessThan(value: number | Date): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_LESS, value); } public lessThanJoined(selector: (obj: P) => any): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeJoinedWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_LESS, selector); } public lessThanOrEqual(value: number | Date): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL, value); } public lessThanOrEqualJoined(selector: (obj: P) => any): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeJoinedWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL, selector); } public notEqual( value: ComparableValue, options?: QueryConditionOptions ): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, value, null, options); } public notEqualJoined(selector: (obj: P) => any, options?: QueryConditionOptions): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.completeJoinedWhere(SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, selector, options); } public notIn(exclude: string[] | number[], options?: QueryConditionOptions): IQuery<T, R, P> { // If comparing strings, must escape them as strings in the query. this.escapeStringArray(exclude as string[]); return this.completeWhere( SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_IN, `(${exclude.join(", ")})`, { quoteString: false }, options ); } public notInSelected<TI extends EntityBase, RI extends TI | TI[], PI1 = TI>( innerQuery: ISelectQuery<TI, RI, PI1> ): IQuery<T, R, P> { return this.includeOrExcludeFromInnerQuery( <ISelectQueryInternal<TI, RI, PI1>>innerQuery, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_IN ); } public or<S extends Object>(propertySelector: (obj: P) => S): IComparableQuery<T, R, P> { return this.andOr(propertySelector, SqlConstants.OPERATOR_OR, this._query.orWhere); } // TODO: Can we use something besides the VERY unfortunate "any" here? // With return type "IQuery<T, R, T> | IComparableQuery<T, R, S>", // TS is complaining about IComparableQuery not having a whole bunch of methods // from IQuery (which is true). public orAny<S extends Object>( relationSelector: (obj: T) => JoinedEntityType<S>, relationCountPropSelector: (obj: S) => ComparableValue, conditionPropSelector?: (obj: S) => ComparableValue
Heather Olmstead David Hyte Jonny Neeley Penina Snuka Halee Rogers Turreal Moore National Awards All-Americans Academic All-Americans All-Region/District Conference Honors Y Awards Individual Records Team Records Yearly Stat Leaders Attendance Records Year-by-Year Results International Cougars Foreign Tours Match Notes Facilities Media Policies Camps Recruiting Form Royce Hinton | Posted: 16 Sep 2017 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020 Jones-Perry and No. 14 BYU beat Utah Valley in four OREM, Utah – Veronica Jones-Perry and No. 14 BYU women’s volleyball beat Utah Valley in four sets (25-21, 22-25, 26-24, 25-17) Saturday night at Lockhart Arena to win the UCCU Crosstown Clash. “I'm really proud of the team effort and how hard we fought tonight,” BYU head coach Heather Olmstead said. “Utah Valley played great and put pressure on us where we had to respond. Roni, McKenna and Cosy really carried us offensively. I thought Mary was great in the back row passing and digging. Overall, it was a great team win.” Jones-Perry led the Cougars with 23 kills. Mary Lake contributed 25 digs and Lyndie Haddock had 46 assists. Cosy Burnett added seven blocks and McKenna Miller collected 13 kills in the win. Jones-Perry got the first two kills of the first set for BYU (11-1), tying the score at 2-2. Utah Valley (5-10) then used a 5-1 rally to take a 7-3 advantage. A kill and block from Sara Hamson evened the score at nine apiece before back-to-back Jones-Perry kills gave the Cougars their first lead of the set at 11-10. A 6-0 BYU run ensued, aided by multiple Wolverine errors, to increase the advantage to six, 17-11. Utah Valley scored five of the next seven points to get back within three, trailing 19-16. The Cougars then surged ahead, winning the set 25-21 after Burnett won a joust at the net. The two teams were tied at every point to begin the second set until the Wolverines had consecutive kills to take a 9-7 edge. Utah Valley went up 13-9, but back-to-back Kennedy Redding blocks brought BYU back within a point, down 13-12. The Wolverines countered with a 6-0 rally to go back ahead seven, 20-13. The Cougars then scored six of the next eight points to get back within two, trailing 24-22, forcing a Utah Valley timeout. The BYU run wasn’t enough, however, as the Wolverines took the set 25-22 on a kill. The third set began close as a Lake ace tied the score at 8-8. A pair of kills each from Jones-Perry and Miller then helped the Cougars to a 16-10 advantage. BYU led by as many as seven at 19-12 before Utah Valley made a push with five-straight points to get back within two, trailing 19-17. The Cougars eventually closed out the set in extra points, 26-24, on a Burnett kill. BYU took a 4-1 lead in the fourth set as kills from Burnett and Emily Lewis helped push the Cougars ahead. A Jones-Perry kill and ace then contributed to a 6-0 BYU run and 11-3 advantage, forcing a timeout from the Wolverines. A Lewis kill put helped her team to a double-digit lead at 16-6, and a Redding and Lewis block ultimately ended the set and match for the Cougars 25-17. BYU stays on the road next, facing Santa Clara Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. PDT. The match will be streamed live on TheW.tv. Links to live stats and the video feed can be found on the BYU women’s volleyball schedule page. Kennedy Eschenberg - W Volleyball Mary Lake - W Volleyball Roni Jones-Perry - W Volleyball McKenna Miller - W Volleyball Lyndie Haddock Eppich - W Volleyball Emily Lewis Bushman - W Volleyball Cosy Burnett - W Volleyball Heather Olmstead Staff Bio Boswell Usevitch named to 2023 WCC Hall of Honor Class Former BYU women’s volleyball All-American Amy Boswell Usevitch will be inducted into the WCC Hall of Honor on Saturday… W Volleyball | Jan 10 Olmstead announces addition of transfer Thunstrom BYU women’s volleyball head coach Heather Olmstead has announced the signing of transfer setter Kalia Thunstrom. A 5-… HomeNewsOperation Christmas Child wraps up in Lloydminster Operation
Heather Olmstead David Hyte Jonny Neeley Penina Snuka Halee Rogers Turreal Moore National Awards All-Americans Academic All-Americans All-Region/District Conference Honors Y Awards Individual Records Team Records Yearly Stat Leaders Attendance Records Year-by-Year Results International Cougars Foreign Tours Match Notes Facilities Media Policies Camps Recruiting Form Royce Hinton | Posted: 16 Sep 2017 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020 Jones-Perry and No. 14 BYU beat Utah Valley in four OREM, Utah – Veronica Jones-Perry and No. 14 BYU women’s volleyball beat Utah Valley in four sets (25-21, 22-25, 26-24, 25-17) Saturday night at Lockhart Arena to win the UCCU Crosstown Clash. “I'm really proud of the team effort and how hard we fought tonight,” BYU head coach Heather Olmstead said. “Utah Valley played great and put pressure on us where we had to respond. Roni, McKenna and Cosy really carried us offensively. I thought Mary was great in the back row passing and digging. Overall, it was a great team win.” Jones-Perry led the Cougars with 23 kills. Mary Lake contributed 25 digs and Lyndie Haddock had 46 assists. Cosy Burnett added seven blocks and McKenna Miller collected 13 kills in the win. Jones-Perry got the first two kills of the first set for BYU (11-1), tying the score at 2-2. Utah Valley (5-10) then used a 5-1 rally to take a 7-3 advantage. A kill and block from Sara Hamson evened the score at nine apiece before back-to-back Jones-Perry kills gave the Cougars their first lead of the set at 11-10. A 6-0 BYU run ensued, aided by multiple Wolverine errors, to increase the advantage to six, 17-11. Utah Valley scored five of the next seven points to get back within three, trailing 19-16. The Cougars then surged ahead, winning the set 25-21 after Burnett won a joust at the net. The two teams were tied at every point to begin the second set until the Wolverines had consecutive kills to take a 9-7 edge. Utah Valley went up 13-9, but back-to-back Kennedy Redding blocks brought BYU back within a point, down 13-12. The Wolverines countered with a 6-0 rally to go back ahead seven, 20-13. The Cougars then scored six of the next eight points to get back within two, trailing 24-22, forcing a Utah Valley timeout. The BYU run wasn’t enough, however, as the Wolverines took the set 25-22 on a kill. The third set began close as a Lake ace tied the score at 8-8. A pair of kills each from Jones-Perry and Miller then helped the Cougars to a 16-10 advantage. BYU led by as many as seven at 19-12 before Utah Valley made a push with five-straight points to get back within two, trailing 19-17. The Cougars eventually closed out the set in extra points, 26-24, on a Burnett kill. BYU took a 4-1 lead in the fourth set as kills from Burnett and Emily Lewis helped push the Cougars ahead. A Jones-Perry kill and ace then contributed to a 6-0 BYU run and 11-3 advantage, forcing a timeout from the Wolverines. A Lewis kill put helped her team to a double-digit lead at 16-6, and a Redding and Lewis block ultimately ended the set and match for the Cougars 25-17. BYU stays on the road next, facing Santa Clara Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. PDT. The match will be streamed live on TheW.tv. Links to live stats and the video feed can be found on the BYU women’s volleyball schedule page. Kennedy Eschenberg - W Volleyball Mary Lake - W Volleyball Roni Jones-Perry - W Volleyball McKenna Miller - W Volleyball Lyndie Haddock Eppich - W Volleyball Emily Lewis Bushman - W Volleyball Cosy Burnett - W Volleyball Heather Olmstead Staff Bio Boswell Usevitch named to 2023 WCC Hall of Honor Class Former BYU women’s volleyball All-American Amy Boswell Usevitch will be inducted into the WCC Hall of Honor on Saturday… W Volleyball | Jan 10 Olmstead announces addition of transfer Thunstrom BYU women’s volleyball head coach Heather Olmstead has announced the signing of transfer setter Kalia Thunstrom. A 5-… HomeNewsOperation Christmas Child wraps up in Lloydminster Operation
Christmas Child wraps up in Lloydminster By Jesse Tieman Operation Christmas Child has been deemed a success. Volunteers at Southridge Community Church packed shoe boxes into larger boxes last week, in preparation to be shipped to Western Canada’s collection centre. D’arcy Harris was one of the volunteers to pack shoe boxes. She says she enjoys participating annually. “It’s something that I do every year,” Harris said. “It’s just one of my Christmas traditions, and probably my biggest motivation is hearing the stories of those who have distributed them – the joy that it brings to children, the hope, and just the fact that they have something exciting to open and that they can play with and use.” Ken Hastings, Lloydminster’s volunteer co-ordinator, says the shoe boxes have one final inspection before being shipped overseas. “This trailer, that’s parked outside our collection centre right now, will be going to Calgary early [this] week,” Hastings said. “In the big warehouse in Calgary, the boxes are sorted and prepared for shipping around the world. So in the Calgary warehouse, there will be over 300,000 shoe boxes at one time.” Hastings also says that Lloydminster has raised 3,915 shoe boxes, a new record. The history of Split Renowned citizens Interactive Split map How to reach Split City of Gastronomy City of natural beauty City of sport City of entertainment Split in 1 day Split in 3 days Live: Riva waterfront Summer colours of Split Experience / City of entertainment / Festivals and events / Manifestation / Summer colours of Split Location: Trg Gaje Bulata - in front of HNK Split On July 14, 2022, the event "Summer Colours of Split" was opened with a concert by Zagreb tenor Max Hozić, a member of the Komedija theater ensemble, who became known to the public after the hit "We are champions of love" (a duet with the legendary Rado Šerbedžija). Program below: Friday, July 15, 2022 - An all-night concert by the entertainment group LILLY GEE (Zagreb), which, in cooperation with Croatia Records, will present its new album called "Under the Skin". Soloist Lidija Graovac was the vocalist - the voice of Soul Fingers - for 15 long years. Saturday, July 16, 2022 - All-night concert by the fun pop group BYE BYE Band (Split), who perform covers of foreign hits in "acoustic" and "electric" versions. They have been on the public music scene for over ten years. Monday, July 18 - program for children and youth 'Children's choir Srdelice' and 'Mali Split' - revue performances by the winners of the 2022 Mali Split Festival. Tuesday, July 19 - men's acapella Ježinac and women's acapella Marjan Wednesday, July 20 - KUD Filip Dević and mixed, male and female, acapella Dević Saturday, July 23 – Funky and Latin music by SPICE TWINS, who have been on the music scene for twenty years Monday, July 25 - Duo Flora and piano Tuesday, July 26 - Pop group POP ART Wednesday, July 27 – choreography concert evening "Oj Zagoro lijepa li si..." Thursday, July 28 – pop group Pink Panther Friday, July 29 – Magic Seventy band (disco music of the 70s and 80s) & Majorettes of the City of Split Saturday, July 30 – All-evening orchestral concert of the Orchestra HGD "Stjepan Radić" Monday, August 1 - Men's acapella group Šušur and duo "Dva Hvaranina" Tuesday, August 2 – Days of Macedonian Culture: Celebration of Ilinden Day - Cultural Artistic Association "Ilinden" Wednesday, August 3 – Men's acapella group Sufit and vocalists of Cultural Artistic Association Jedinstvo Thursday, August 4 – Celebration on the eve of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders - all-evening revue concert of the HGD orchestra "Stjepan Radić" and the Majorettes of the City of Split Friday, August 5 – Celebration of the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders - all-evening revue concert of the men's acapella group Iskon and Danir Ipavec (piano) Saturday, August 6 – Romantics of Dalmatia and chansonniers (Nenad Vetma and entertainment group "Vet
however, since March 2019 all visits to the Colosseum have required a time slot to be booked in advance, and the ticket is only valid for one entrance per site. So if you enter the Forum beforehand, do be aware that you must still observe the time booked for your Colosseum visit, and it must be within two days of your first validation of the ticket. Here are all your ticketing options for visiting the Colosseum > Buy Colosseum tickets The Roman Forum The Foro Romano (Roman Forum) is located just to the west of the Colosseum and is the truly ancient city of Rome – the very place where history took place, with processions, criminal trials, elections, and intrigue all happening here. It was the site of the original Senate, and where Caesar’s body was brought following his assassination. The ruins of some of Rome’s most important ancient structures can be found at or near the Forum. What ticket do I need for the Forum? The ticket you purchase to visit the Colosseum will also grant you access to the Forum. If you don’t have time to visit the Forum on the same day as your Colosseum visit, your ticket will remain valid for two days. You can of course visit the Forum first before going to the Colosseum but remember you still have to honor the time-slot you booked to visit the Colosseum. By contrast you can enter the Forum at any time during its opening hours (8:30 am–7:15 pm, but last entry is at 6.15 pm). Allow a minimum of one and a half hours to visit the Forum, and an extra hour for the Palatine Hill. There’s nowhere to buy food in the Forum, but fresh cold water is available from drinking fountains. Hidden gem: the Temple of Romulus still has its original huge bronze Roman doors in place – and the lock still works! Buy Forum tickets Insider tip: you will find much shorter lines at the Forum entrance marked “Entrance 2” on the map. The Palatine Hill The flat-topped Palatine Hill that rises above the Forum is where the emperors built their palaces (and indeed “Palatine” is the source of the word “palace”. Contrary to the beliefs of some visitors to Rome, it is not the Palantine Hill, and nor is it the Palpatine Hill!) To visit this incredible place there is a path from the eastern end of the Forum that leads up to the plateau on which Augustus Caesar built his first palace, and eventually Emperor Domitian grew it into a truly vast building containing swimming pools, saunas and fountains, and even a sports stadium. In fact he extended it all the way to the other edge of the hill to overlook the Circus Maximus, where he could watch the chariot races now immortalized in the action sequences of the movie Ben Hur without having to mingle with the hoi polloi. Up here you will find all sorts of delights: stunning views over the city, the city villa of Livia – wife of Augustus – the tunnels used by palace servants to rush banquets to wherever the emperor chose to eat that day, and some of the oldest, pre-Roman dwellings in the city. While on top, don’t miss a visit to a true hidden gem: the wonderful and tiny Palatine Museum, once a baroque palazzo, set in Renaissance gardens that occupy the central area of the hill. Escape the heat, view relics retrieved from the hill, and enjoy a cool sit-down in air conditioning as you watch an audio-visual display of the evolution of the Palatine. What ticket do I need for the Palatine Hill? The Palatine Hill is inside the huge complex of the Forum. Since your ticket will only allow you one entrance to the Forum, you should ensure you visit the Palatine Hill at the same time as you visit the Forum. Allow an hour for your visit to the hill. Buy Palatine Hill tickets Insider tip if you’re going to pay for ONE guided tour while you’re in Rome, make it for the Forum and Palatine Hill. There’s just so much to see, a lot of it ruined, so an expert guide brings it alive for visitors. Book an early bird tour of the Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill > | Popular articles How to use Rome’s public transportation network – with map | The best place to stay Here's the best place to stay in Rome → | Recent articles San Lorenzo in Miranda – a church in a temple Scooter sharing: renting an electric scooter in Rome The wonders of the Borghese Gallery
however, since March 2019 all visits to the Colosseum have required a time slot to be booked in advance, and the ticket is only valid for one entrance per site. So if you enter the Forum beforehand, do be aware that you must still observe the time booked for your Colosseum visit, and it must be within two days of your first validation of the ticket. Here are all your ticketing options for visiting the Colosseum > Buy Colosseum tickets The Roman Forum The Foro Romano (Roman Forum) is located just to the west of the Colosseum and is the truly ancient city of Rome – the very place where history took place, with processions, criminal trials, elections, and intrigue all happening here. It was the site of the original Senate, and where Caesar’s body was brought following his assassination. The ruins of some of Rome’s most important ancient structures can be found at or near the Forum. What ticket do I need for the Forum? The ticket you purchase to visit the Colosseum will also grant you access to the Forum. If you don’t have time to visit the Forum on the same day as your Colosseum visit, your ticket will remain valid for two days. You can of course visit the Forum first before going to the Colosseum but remember you still have to honor the time-slot you booked to visit the Colosseum. By contrast you can enter the Forum at any time during its opening hours (8:30 am–7:15 pm, but last entry is at 6.15 pm). Allow a minimum of one and a half hours to visit the Forum, and an extra hour for the Palatine Hill. There’s nowhere to buy food in the Forum, but fresh cold water is available from drinking fountains. Hidden gem: the Temple of Romulus still has its original huge bronze Roman doors in place – and the lock still works! Buy Forum tickets Insider tip: you will find much shorter lines at the Forum entrance marked “Entrance 2” on the map. The Palatine Hill The flat-topped Palatine Hill that rises above the Forum is where the emperors built their palaces (and indeed “Palatine” is the source of the word “palace”. Contrary to the beliefs of some visitors to Rome, it is not the Palantine Hill, and nor is it the Palpatine Hill!) To visit this incredible place there is a path from the eastern end of the Forum that leads up to the plateau on which Augustus Caesar built his first palace, and eventually Emperor Domitian grew it into a truly vast building containing swimming pools, saunas and fountains, and even a sports stadium. In fact he extended it all the way to the other edge of the hill to overlook the Circus Maximus, where he could watch the chariot races now immortalized in the action sequences of the movie Ben Hur without having to mingle with the hoi polloi. Up here you will find all sorts of delights: stunning views over the city, the city villa of Livia – wife of Augustus – the tunnels used by palace servants to rush banquets to wherever the emperor chose to eat that day, and some of the oldest, pre-Roman dwellings in the city. While on top, don’t miss a visit to a true hidden gem: the wonderful and tiny Palatine Museum, once a baroque palazzo, set in Renaissance gardens that occupy the central area of the hill. Escape the heat, view relics retrieved from the hill, and enjoy a cool sit-down in air conditioning as you watch an audio-visual display of the evolution of the Palatine. What ticket do I need for the Palatine Hill? The Palatine Hill is inside the huge complex of the Forum. Since your ticket will only allow you one entrance to the Forum, you should ensure you visit the Palatine Hill at the same time as you visit the Forum. Allow an hour for your visit to the hill. Buy Palatine Hill tickets Insider tip if you’re going to pay for ONE guided tour while you’re in Rome, make it for the Forum and Palatine Hill. There’s just so much to see, a lot of it ruined, so an expert guide brings it alive for visitors. Book an early bird tour of the Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill > | Popular articles How to use Rome’s public transportation network – with map | The best place to stay Here's the best place to stay in Rome → | Recent articles San Lorenzo in Miranda – a church in a temple Scooter sharing: renting an electric scooter in Rome The wonders of the Borghese Gallery
Basilica di San Clemente: the most interesting historical site in Rome How to cross the street in Rome (and live to tell the tale!) All text and images on this site are copyright © 2014-2020 Check It Out Limited More Oscar Wilde and P. Craig Russell also available from NBM! With the re-release of THE FAIRY TALES OF OSCAR WILDE Vol. 5, now is a great time to read (or re-read) the rest of the series! Relive the magic of master storyteller Oscar Wilde’s classic tales, with a new spin by mastic comic artist P. Craig Russell! Add all of these timeless stories to your collection today! The series has won Eisner and Harvey awards for “best artist” and “best graphic album” For adults, here are tales exquisitely spun and remarkably insightful. For children, what better way than beautiful comic art to bring them back to reading and the love of books? Vol. 1: The Selfish Giant and The Star Child P.Craig Russell “The Selfish Giant” won’t let the children play in his garden. The dire consequences make him see the light. “The Star Child” lets his uniqueness and fair looks fill him with vanity, cruelty and haughtiness…until he meets his beggarwoman mother. 8 1/2×11, 48 pp., full color paperback, $9.99 Diamond Order Code: FEB121099 8 1/2×11, 48 pp., full color, jacketed hardcover, $17.99 Vol. 2: The Young King and The Remarkable Rocket In this volume: The Remarkable Rocket, the amusing story of a vain little rocket who figured itself above all the others and still manages to see glory in its dismal end. The Young King, taken from humble origins, revels in the finer possessions of his new lofty position. But is he alienating the very people he wants to help? For adults, these are tales exquisitely spun and remarkably insightful. For children, what better way than beautiful comic art to bring them back to reading and the love of books? 8 1/2×11, 48 pp., full color, jacketed hardcover, $17.99, Diamond Order Code: STAR01187 8 ½ x11, 48 pp., full color paperback,, $9.99 Diamond Order Code: SEP131233 Vol. 3: The Birthday of the Infanta A hideous dwarf is captured in the woods and brought in to the court of the beautiful royal infanta for her amusement. He is full of good humor and tricks and becomes quite popular but remains quite unaware of his looks. She has him perform in front of her friends for her birthday. He is very touched and quite proud to receive such attention, until he sees himself in the mirror and realizes their entertainment may be at his expense. 8 1/2×11, clothbound jacketed, 32pp., full color: $16.99, 81/2×11, 32pp., full color: $8.99, Diamond Order Code: OCT131239 Vol. 4: The Devoted Friend and The Nightingale and the Rose The next volume in the prize-winning and greatly acclaimed complete adaptations of Wilde’s tales presents “The Devoted Friend” on what constitutes real friendship, and “The Nightingale and the Rose” a stirring story of sacrifice to love with a cruel twist. 8 1/2 x 11, full color, cloth bound jacketed book, $16.99 81/2×11, 32pp., full color trade pb., $8.99, Diamond Order Code: JUL043053 For previews and more, click here! For more information on P. Craig Russell, visit his website Author Jeff WhitmanPosted on October 20, 2015 Categories Blog, New ReleasesTags Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, P. Craig Russell, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Devoted Friend, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Remarkable Rocket, The Selfish Giant, The Star Child, The Young King Previous Previous post: NBM Announces Spring Full of Graphic Novels Next Next post: In between books Brisbane QLD 4000 Directions 07 3238 5900 Call Now GET STARTED ONLINE DA Family Lawyers Logo Parenting Disputes Specific Issues, Schooling, Child’s Name Surrogacy Legal Advice International Child Abduction (Hague Convention) Mediation and FDR Child Protection and Childrens Court Proceedings Collaborative Law Firm Collaborative Law Checklist Property Settlements and Agreements De Facto Property Settlements Domestic Violence Applications Deborah Awyzio Lisa Foley
->title}' /> Notice the square brackets in the name. Now $_POST["chk"] will be an array. Another way, would be to leave the html as it is, and just get the data, in saveProcess.php, using: $HTTP_POST_VARS["chk"] The first part basically explains why it doesn't work and how to fix it, while the second suggestion, is merely an alternate way of getting the data. Have a great day! Q: What is the difference between Pointer and strings? What is the difference between a pointer and array or they are same? As a array also works with poiter arithematic so it can be said that an array is nothing but pointer to its fitst element. A: They both are different by the following differences:- int array[40]; int * arrayp; Now if you will try to see the size of both then it will be different for pointer it will same everytime whereas for array it varies with your array size sizeof(array);\\Output 80 sizeof(arrayp);\\Output 4(on 32-bit machines) Which means that computer treats all the offsprings of integers in an array as one which could not be possible with pointers. Secondly, perform increment operation. array++;\\Error arrayp++;\\No error If an array could have been a pointer then that pointer's pointing location could have been changes as in the second case with arrayp but it is not so. Q: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded in PYSPARK My scenario of spark job is to connect to PostgreSQL database, read the data from PSQL and performing aggregations after reading the data. In this process I am able to establish database connection successfully and while selecting rows from a table I am facing ERROR : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java heap space And ERROR : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded To resolve heap space issue I have added below config in spark-defaults.conf file. This works fine spark.driver.memory 1g In order to solve GC overhead limit exceeded issue I have added below config spark.executor.memory 1g spark.executor.extraJavaOptions Xmx1024m spark.dirver.maxResultSize 2g These configurations didn't work to 100% still i am facing same issue. Along which I am also getting PSQL ERROR : org.postgresql.util.psqlexception ran out of memory retrieving query results I am facing these issues while I am dealing with tables that have huge no.of rows i.e., news_mentions table has 4 540 092 records and size of table is 5 476 MB. SO it is taking even more time to execute spark-job which has to be done within seconds. Here is my actual code. from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.sql import SQLContext from pyspark.sql import HiveContext from pyspark.sql import DataFrameReader sc = SparkContext() sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) sqlContext = HiveContext(sc) input_media_source = " Times of India" # Connecting to news_mentions table df1 = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/testdb").option("dbtable", "news_mentions").option("user", "postgres").load() df1.createOrReplaceTempView("news_mentions") news_mentions_DF = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM news_mentions") news_mentions_DF.show() I'm facing GC limit exceeded error while performing show(). How to run my pyspark job quickly with high performance without any errors? NOTE : I am running my pyspark job using spark-submit command without starting any standalone cluster mode. My spark version - 2.2.0 with python version - 3.5.2 Q: Unit test ViewModel using repository pattern and LiveData I want to write a unit test for my viewmodel class : class MainViewModel( repository: ShowRepository ) : ViewModel() { private val _shows = repository.shows val shows: LiveData<MyResult<List<Show>>> get() = _shows } Here is my repository class : class ShowRepository(
->title}' /> Notice the square brackets in the name. Now $_POST["chk"] will be an array. Another way, would be to leave the html as it is, and just get the data, in saveProcess.php, using: $HTTP_POST_VARS["chk"] The first part basically explains why it doesn't work and how to fix it, while the second suggestion, is merely an alternate way of getting the data. Have a great day! Q: What is the difference between Pointer and strings? What is the difference between a pointer and array or they are same? As a array also works with poiter arithematic so it can be said that an array is nothing but pointer to its fitst element. A: They both are different by the following differences:- int array[40]; int * arrayp; Now if you will try to see the size of both then it will be different for pointer it will same everytime whereas for array it varies with your array size sizeof(array);\\Output 80 sizeof(arrayp);\\Output 4(on 32-bit machines) Which means that computer treats all the offsprings of integers in an array as one which could not be possible with pointers. Secondly, perform increment operation. array++;\\Error arrayp++;\\No error If an array could have been a pointer then that pointer's pointing location could have been changes as in the second case with arrayp but it is not so. Q: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded in PYSPARK My scenario of spark job is to connect to PostgreSQL database, read the data from PSQL and performing aggregations after reading the data. In this process I am able to establish database connection successfully and while selecting rows from a table I am facing ERROR : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java heap space And ERROR : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded To resolve heap space issue I have added below config in spark-defaults.conf file. This works fine spark.driver.memory 1g In order to solve GC overhead limit exceeded issue I have added below config spark.executor.memory 1g spark.executor.extraJavaOptions Xmx1024m spark.dirver.maxResultSize 2g These configurations didn't work to 100% still i am facing same issue. Along which I am also getting PSQL ERROR : org.postgresql.util.psqlexception ran out of memory retrieving query results I am facing these issues while I am dealing with tables that have huge no.of rows i.e., news_mentions table has 4 540 092 records and size of table is 5 476 MB. SO it is taking even more time to execute spark-job which has to be done within seconds. Here is my actual code. from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.sql import SQLContext from pyspark.sql import HiveContext from pyspark.sql import DataFrameReader sc = SparkContext() sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) sqlContext = HiveContext(sc) input_media_source = " Times of India" # Connecting to news_mentions table df1 = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/testdb").option("dbtable", "news_mentions").option("user", "postgres").load() df1.createOrReplaceTempView("news_mentions") news_mentions_DF = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM news_mentions") news_mentions_DF.show() I'm facing GC limit exceeded error while performing show(). How to run my pyspark job quickly with high performance without any errors? NOTE : I am running my pyspark job using spark-submit command without starting any standalone cluster mode. My spark version - 2.2.0 with python version - 3.5.2 Q: Unit test ViewModel using repository pattern and LiveData I want to write a unit test for my viewmodel class : class MainViewModel( repository: ShowRepository ) : ViewModel() { private val _shows = repository.shows val shows: LiveData<MyResult<List<Show>>> get() = _shows } Here is my repository class : class ShowRepository(
private val dao: ShowDao, private val api: TVMazeService, private val context: Context ) { /** * A list of shows that can be shown on the screen. */ val shows = resultLiveData( databaseQuery = { Transformations.map(dao.getShows()) { it.asDomainModel() } }, networkCall = { refreshShows() }) /** * Refresh the shows stored in the offline cache. */ suspend fun refreshShows(): MyResult<List<Show>> = try { if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) { val shows = api.fetchShowList().await() dao.insertAll(*shows.asDatabaseModel()) MyResult.success(shows) } else { MyResult.error(context.getString(R.string.failed_internet_msg)) } } catch (err: HttpException) { MyResult.error(context.getString(R.string.failed_loading_msg)) } catch (err: UnknownHostException) { MyResult.error(context.getString(R.string.failed_unknown_host_msg)) } catch (err: SocketTimeoutException) { MyResult.error(context.getString(R.string.failed_socket_timeout_msg)) } } And here is my Dao class : @Dao interface ShowDao { /** * Select all shows from the shows table. * * @return all shows. */ @Query("SELECT * FROM databaseshow") fun getShows(): LiveData<List<DatabaseShow>> } Here is my unit test : @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi class MainViewModelTest { private lateinit var viewModel: MainViewModel private lateinit var repository: ShowRepository private val api: TVMazeService = mock() private val dao: ShowDao = mock() private val context: Context = mock() @Test fun fetch() { val observer1: Observer<List<DatabaseShow>> = mock() dao.getShows().observeForever(observer1) repository = ShowRepository(dao, api, context) val observer2: Observer<MyResult<List<Show>>> = mock() repository.shows.observeForever(observer2) viewModel = MainViewModel(repository) val observer3: Observer<MyResult<List<Show>>> = mock() viewModel.shows.observeForever(observer3) verify(viewModel).shows } } But I receive following exception : java.lang.NullPointerException at com.android.sample.tvmaze.viewmodel.MainViewModelTest.fetch(MainViewModelTest.kt:39) at sun.reflect.NativeMethod
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internal caryatid, dominating the frame. As a professional model she’s naturally at ease with the full-frontal positioning of the body, stepping into the metaphorical light of the artist’s studio. However, there’s something essentially decorative and therefore contradictory in Fergusson’s vision of the Feminine, a pink patterned accent of desire seen in so many of his paintings, drawing the masculine eye. She is Fergusson’s type of woman and muse, but she is also cast as an undeniable force of Nature. Conflicting forces of Nature, human nature and industrialisation are the catalyst for all artistic “isms” of the 20th Century. Stephen Gilbert’s Dog, (c.1945 Oil on paper laid on board, 71 x 51cm Private Collection) an expression of pure Zeitgeist in stark, canine form, ravaged by hunger and living on instinct. It’s a painting reminiscent of the Australian artist Albert Tucker, notably his Images of Modern Evil series, painted during the WWII blackouts in Melbourne. Base human instinct comes to the fore in the darkness and psychological onslaught of an age defined by industrial scale warfare, genocide and the atomic bomb. Merlyn Evans’ Cyclops, (early 1940s Serpentine stone, 28 x 45 x 13cm Private Collection), is a modernist manifestation of Classical mythology and collective fears. This works encapsulates the true origin of horror, a monstrous hybrid of man and industrial geometry, consuming humanity. Eric Robertson (1887-1941) Cartwheels, c.1920 Oil on canvas, 103 x 144cm Image: Antonia Reeve Eric Robertson (1887-1941), an artist who served in the Friends Ambulance Unit during WWI, navigates his own path through the horrors of war. Shellburst (c.1919 Oil on canvas, 71.2 x 83.8cm City Art Centre, Edinburgh Museums and Galleries: Purchased 1976) has a particularly British, Vorticist aesthetic, finding beauty and dynamism, even here on the battlefield. It is a strange, stilled painting, perhaps an exercise in self-preservation with the stylised, corkscrew auditory whirl of falling bombs overhead and the geometrical trajectory of the blast. There’s a sense of placing a template of controlled design over the annihilating violence, with the curvature of soldier’s helmets and bodies leaning into the earth for protection. Cartwheels (Cartwheels, c.1920 Oil on canvas, 103 x 144cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 2007) depicts a group of young people enjoying a day out in a Scottish Mountain landscape, shafts of shifting light and the shorthand spin of legs animating the scene. Robertson’s protective aesthetics are akin to his wartime battlefield scene, albeit with an injection of peacetime Joy de vivre, in the eternally grounded presence of the mountain. William MCCANCE (1894-1970) Abstract Cat, about 1922 – 1924 Sculpture, clayslip, glazed, 9.4 x 15.2 x 8.6 cm Collection: National Galleries of Scotland, given by Dr Margaret McCance 1992 © Margaret McCance Painter, printmaker and sculptor William McCance (1894-1970) together with fellow artist and partner Agnes Miller Parker (1895-1980) based themselves in London during the 1920’s. McCance’s sculpture Abstract Cat (c.1922-24 Clayslip, glazed, 9.4 x 15.2 x 8.6cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Presented by Dr Margaret McCance 1992) echoes Franz Marc in its claw-like curved geometry and natural feline suppleness. Using the cheapest material available and of a hand-held scale, it is an expression of potential. His series of carved lino blocks, including a study for the adjacent painting Mediterranean Hill Town, (1923, Oil on canvas, 92.1 x 61cm Dundee City Council (Dundee’s Art Galleries and Museums) give fascinating insight into his interdisciplinary practice. McCance’s Study for a Colossal Steel Head (1926 Black chalk on paper, 53.8 x 37.8cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 1988) dehumanises the traditional portrait bust, whilst the narrative of masculine sexuality in The Awakening (1925, Oil on board, 61 x 46cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 2007) is a more humane vision of self-discovery. The influence of Cubism via Picasso and Picabia is easily seen in McCance’s work. However, it’s the artist’s visual grappling with contradictory impulses and aspects of self, finding his line in an increasingly fragmented Modern world
internal caryatid, dominating the frame. As a professional model she’s naturally at ease with the full-frontal positioning of the body, stepping into the metaphorical light of the artist’s studio. However, there’s something essentially decorative and therefore contradictory in Fergusson’s vision of the Feminine, a pink patterned accent of desire seen in so many of his paintings, drawing the masculine eye. She is Fergusson’s type of woman and muse, but she is also cast as an undeniable force of Nature. Conflicting forces of Nature, human nature and industrialisation are the catalyst for all artistic “isms” of the 20th Century. Stephen Gilbert’s Dog, (c.1945 Oil on paper laid on board, 71 x 51cm Private Collection) an expression of pure Zeitgeist in stark, canine form, ravaged by hunger and living on instinct. It’s a painting reminiscent of the Australian artist Albert Tucker, notably his Images of Modern Evil series, painted during the WWII blackouts in Melbourne. Base human instinct comes to the fore in the darkness and psychological onslaught of an age defined by industrial scale warfare, genocide and the atomic bomb. Merlyn Evans’ Cyclops, (early 1940s Serpentine stone, 28 x 45 x 13cm Private Collection), is a modernist manifestation of Classical mythology and collective fears. This works encapsulates the true origin of horror, a monstrous hybrid of man and industrial geometry, consuming humanity. Eric Robertson (1887-1941) Cartwheels, c.1920 Oil on canvas, 103 x 144cm Image: Antonia Reeve Eric Robertson (1887-1941), an artist who served in the Friends Ambulance Unit during WWI, navigates his own path through the horrors of war. Shellburst (c.1919 Oil on canvas, 71.2 x 83.8cm City Art Centre, Edinburgh Museums and Galleries: Purchased 1976) has a particularly British, Vorticist aesthetic, finding beauty and dynamism, even here on the battlefield. It is a strange, stilled painting, perhaps an exercise in self-preservation with the stylised, corkscrew auditory whirl of falling bombs overhead and the geometrical trajectory of the blast. There’s a sense of placing a template of controlled design over the annihilating violence, with the curvature of soldier’s helmets and bodies leaning into the earth for protection. Cartwheels (Cartwheels, c.1920 Oil on canvas, 103 x 144cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 2007) depicts a group of young people enjoying a day out in a Scottish Mountain landscape, shafts of shifting light and the shorthand spin of legs animating the scene. Robertson’s protective aesthetics are akin to his wartime battlefield scene, albeit with an injection of peacetime Joy de vivre, in the eternally grounded presence of the mountain. William MCCANCE (1894-1970) Abstract Cat, about 1922 – 1924 Sculpture, clayslip, glazed, 9.4 x 15.2 x 8.6 cm Collection: National Galleries of Scotland, given by Dr Margaret McCance 1992 © Margaret McCance Painter, printmaker and sculptor William McCance (1894-1970) together with fellow artist and partner Agnes Miller Parker (1895-1980) based themselves in London during the 1920’s. McCance’s sculpture Abstract Cat (c.1922-24 Clayslip, glazed, 9.4 x 15.2 x 8.6cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Presented by Dr Margaret McCance 1992) echoes Franz Marc in its claw-like curved geometry and natural feline suppleness. Using the cheapest material available and of a hand-held scale, it is an expression of potential. His series of carved lino blocks, including a study for the adjacent painting Mediterranean Hill Town, (1923, Oil on canvas, 92.1 x 61cm Dundee City Council (Dundee’s Art Galleries and Museums) give fascinating insight into his interdisciplinary practice. McCance’s Study for a Colossal Steel Head (1926 Black chalk on paper, 53.8 x 37.8cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 1988) dehumanises the traditional portrait bust, whilst the narrative of masculine sexuality in The Awakening (1925, Oil on board, 61 x 46cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 2007) is a more humane vision of self-discovery. The influence of Cubism via Picasso and Picabia is easily seen in McCance’s work. However, it’s the artist’s visual grappling with contradictory impulses and aspects of self, finding his line in an increasingly fragmented Modern world
, that really speaks. Study for a Colossal Steel Head, 1926 Drawing, black chalk on paper, 53.8 x 37.8 cm As “a pioneer of British Abstraction”, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham’s Upper Glacier, (1950 Oil on canvas, 39.4 x 62.9cm Courtesy of the British Council Collection) goes further, directing the Modernist gaze inside Nature in a work composed of thin washes and vibrant drawn marks. The artist’s direct experience of the Grindwald Glaciers in Switzerland is realised in shifting ice greens, blues and smoothed, interlocking forms. Barns-Graham describes the way that she was naturally led to a different way of seeing by the landscape; “The likeness to glass transparency combined with solid, rough ridges made me wish to combine in a work all angles at once, from above, through and all round, as a bird flies, a total experience.” Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912-2004) Upper Glacier, 1950 Oil on canvas, 39.4 x 62.9cm Collection: British Council Collection. Purchased from the artist 1950. © The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust The total experience of art is also expressed in Eduardo Paolozzi’s Table Sculpture (Growth), (1949 Bronze, 83 x 60.5 x 39cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 1988). It’s the multidimensional concept of creative process, above and below everyday consciousness, pierced by thought and practical action. Hand-made tools are the legs of the table, holding the structure up and joining the unconscious layer below to what is seen or experienced above the surface. It feels like the visionary integration of traditionally separate realms of heaven and earth, transgressed by imagination in solid bronze. Charles Pulsford’s (1912-89) Three Angels, (1949 Oil on board, 91.4 x 174cm Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh: Purchased 2012) is a particularly arresting image. It feels like standing on the post-war wreckage of the earth, with a triptych of figures, wings enfolding their bodies like sarcophagi, set against an Armageddon cadmium red sky. The central figure encompasses a trinity of circular light. A clashing palette red, green and black outlines and the sequence of figures have an assaultive quality, like Francis Bacon’s Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (1944) halted in petrification. As described in the accompanying exhibition text, the poet Norman MacCaig also identified the apocalyptic quality of the painting in an unpublished poem, “Three Angels (a picture) April 1952. It begins; “Three in a row and each one mad/ looking with innocence upon/ the smiling, cruel and gaily sad/their witless eyes beam down/ on struggling song and word and stone/ each bears a blinding crown…” Pulsford creates a deeply confrontational image of hope and deliverance stripped away by the harsh reality of survival post WWII. Heaven has crashed to earth and the unnerving solidity of these winged visions communicates the collective trauma. It’s an image with no national borders around it. Edward Baird (1904-49) Unidentified Aircraft (over Montrose), 1942 Collection: Glasgow Life (Glasgow Museums) on behalf of Glasgow City Council: Purchased 1943. © Graham Stephen There’s an eerie feeling of suspension in Edward Baird’s (1904-49) Unidentified Aircraft (over Montrose), (1941-42, Oil on canvas, 71.1 x 91.4cm Glasgow Life (Glasgow Museums) on behalf of Glasgow City Council: Purchased 1943), not just in the hovering clouds or in the anticipatory, upturned gaze of the central protagonists. The church spire pointing towards the heaven and the island world of the town, connected to our foreground space by a bridge (which is also the painting) is held protectively in the mind. Bands of white and deep blue ultramarine define a moment of wilful preservation from the ongoing threat of German bombers. The unease created by the cut-off figures, decapitated and disarmed, is accentuated by a single raised hand and the head of the central figure. With the neck uncomfortably tilted back, it appears as if this were a collaged Christ from a Northern Renaissance crucifixion and simultaneously, an everyman civilian or soldier about to fall into shadow. The human subject is emotively pushed right to the edge, beneath the picture plane. This isn’t just looking up but within, a response rooted in the psychic resistance of Surrealism, not as a style, but a way of seeing and surviving. Sitting between the
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In the years since Mahinda Rajapaksa has held high office in Sri Lanka—as prime minister in 2004 and then as president since 2005—nine journalists have been murdered with impunity. According to CPJ data, Sri Lanka has the fourth worst impunity record in the world, behind only Iraq, Sierra Leone, and Somalia. And over the years CPJ and other journalist support groups have been handling a steady flow of requests for assistance while threatened reporters seek either temporary refuge or permanent exile," CPJ's Asia Program Coordinator, Bob Dietz said. Not many international journalists are singled out by a U.S. president. But this year, on World Press Freedom Day in May, President Barack Obama cited the prosecution of J.S. Tissainayagam as “emblamatic” of press freedom abuses worldwide, CPJ said in its release. "Sri Lanka’s war against Tamil separatists has ended, but it is too soon for United States and the international community to assume that the government’s war against the media has ended. Victory will only come when Tissa is released and journalists in Sri Lanka know that they are free to write and the country resumes its march toward democracy and out of the tortured ranks of countries like Iraq, Sierra Leone, or Somalia," CPJ cautioned. 18.06.12 Tissainayagam challenges Mohan Peiris statement to.. 18.11.10 ‘Quiet diplomacy’ does not work with Sri Lanka – T.. 23.10.10 Tissainayagam speaks at 2010 Mackler Award ceremon.. 20.06.10 Tissainayagam arrives in US 25.03.10 Tissainayagam wins British Press award 13.01.10 Tissainayagam released from prison on bail 11.01.10 Tissainayagam released on bail 11.12.09 100th day of Tissainayagam's 20-year prison term 03.10.09 Tissainayagam's wife accepts Mackler award 27.09.09 Tissainayagam, a prisoner of conscience - paper, A.. 25.09.09 CPJ to honour Tamil journalist Tissainayagam 16.09.09 Journalist Tissainayagam files appeal against jail.. 07.09.09 Obama should call for release of Tissainayagam - B.. 03.09.09 Obama extolled Sri Lanka Journalist given prison t.. 01.09.09 CPJ honors Tissainayagam with Press Freedom Award 01.09.09 Democracy in chains, JDS condemns Tissainayagam's .. 31.08.09 Sentence to Tissainayagam extra-judicial: HR lawye.. 31.08.09 Tissainayagam wins international award for ‘courag.. 31.08.09 Lopsided sovereignty sentences Tissainayagam - jou.. 31.08.09 Sri Lankan court imprisons Tamil journalist for 20.. 18.07.09 Tissainayagam judgement fixed for August 31 02.05.09 Obama expresses concern for Tissainayagam 20.03.09 Tissainayagam: always agitated against violence, f.. 06.03.09 Press Freedom Group calls for unconditional releas.. 30.11.08 Court reserves order on admissibility of Tissanaya.. 23.11.08 Confession voluntary or coerced, Court to rule in .. 20.11.08 JMO gives evidence in Tissainayagam case 16.11.08 Court summons JMO in Tissainayagam case 01.11.08 Colombo first to use anti-terrorism laws to punish.. 10.09.08 Tissa arrest "illegal" under CFA provisions - Coun.. 05.09.08 Tissainayagam, PTA, and Humanitarian Crisis in Van.. 29.08.08 Tissainayagam, Jaseeharan, Valarmathi not seeking .. 26.08.08 Bail refused for journalist Tissainayagam 20.08.08 Journalist Tissanayagam further remanded 30.07.08 Court demands submission of medical reports in Tis.. 11.07.08 State not ready to file charges against Tissainaya.. 30.06.08 Media organizations demonstrate against detention .. 24.06.08 Colombo court reserves order in Tissanayagam case 08.06.08 Journalist Tissanayagam's detention extended by th.. 29.05.08 Court denies bail for journalist Tissanayagam 30.03.08 TID seeks permission to seal T
In the years since Mahinda Rajapaksa has held high office in Sri Lanka—as prime minister in 2004 and then as president since 2005—nine journalists have been murdered with impunity. According to CPJ data, Sri Lanka has the fourth worst impunity record in the world, behind only Iraq, Sierra Leone, and Somalia. And over the years CPJ and other journalist support groups have been handling a steady flow of requests for assistance while threatened reporters seek either temporary refuge or permanent exile," CPJ's Asia Program Coordinator, Bob Dietz said. Not many international journalists are singled out by a U.S. president. But this year, on World Press Freedom Day in May, President Barack Obama cited the prosecution of J.S. Tissainayagam as “emblamatic” of press freedom abuses worldwide, CPJ said in its release. "Sri Lanka’s war against Tamil separatists has ended, but it is too soon for United States and the international community to assume that the government’s war against the media has ended. Victory will only come when Tissa is released and journalists in Sri Lanka know that they are free to write and the country resumes its march toward democracy and out of the tortured ranks of countries like Iraq, Sierra Leone, or Somalia," CPJ cautioned. 18.06.12 Tissainayagam challenges Mohan Peiris statement to.. 18.11.10 ‘Quiet diplomacy’ does not work with Sri Lanka – T.. 23.10.10 Tissainayagam speaks at 2010 Mackler Award ceremon.. 20.06.10 Tissainayagam arrives in US 25.03.10 Tissainayagam wins British Press award 13.01.10 Tissainayagam released from prison on bail 11.01.10 Tissainayagam released on bail 11.12.09 100th day of Tissainayagam's 20-year prison term 03.10.09 Tissainayagam's wife accepts Mackler award 27.09.09 Tissainayagam, a prisoner of conscience - paper, A.. 25.09.09 CPJ to honour Tamil journalist Tissainayagam 16.09.09 Journalist Tissainayagam files appeal against jail.. 07.09.09 Obama should call for release of Tissainayagam - B.. 03.09.09 Obama extolled Sri Lanka Journalist given prison t.. 01.09.09 CPJ honors Tissainayagam with Press Freedom Award 01.09.09 Democracy in chains, JDS condemns Tissainayagam's .. 31.08.09 Sentence to Tissainayagam extra-judicial: HR lawye.. 31.08.09 Tissainayagam wins international award for ‘courag.. 31.08.09 Lopsided sovereignty sentences Tissainayagam - jou.. 31.08.09 Sri Lankan court imprisons Tamil journalist for 20.. 18.07.09 Tissainayagam judgement fixed for August 31 02.05.09 Obama expresses concern for Tissainayagam 20.03.09 Tissainayagam: always agitated against violence, f.. 06.03.09 Press Freedom Group calls for unconditional releas.. 30.11.08 Court reserves order on admissibility of Tissanaya.. 23.11.08 Confession voluntary or coerced, Court to rule in .. 20.11.08 JMO gives evidence in Tissainayagam case 16.11.08 Court summons JMO in Tissainayagam case 01.11.08 Colombo first to use anti-terrorism laws to punish.. 10.09.08 Tissa arrest "illegal" under CFA provisions - Coun.. 05.09.08 Tissainayagam, PTA, and Humanitarian Crisis in Van.. 29.08.08 Tissainayagam, Jaseeharan, Valarmathi not seeking .. 26.08.08 Bail refused for journalist Tissainayagam 20.08.08 Journalist Tissanayagam further remanded 30.07.08 Court demands submission of medical reports in Tis.. 11.07.08 State not ready to file charges against Tissainaya.. 30.06.08 Media organizations demonstrate against detention .. 24.06.08 Colombo court reserves order in Tissanayagam case 08.06.08 Journalist Tissanayagam's detention extended by th.. 29.05.08 Court denies bail for journalist Tissanayagam 30.03.08 TID seeks permission to seal T
issainayagam's house 08.03.08 TID releases FMM spokesman, Charinikar editor Siva.. 07.03.08 TID detains Sunday Times columnist, video photogra.. CPJ: Sri Lanka’s war on journalists Skin Brighteners Lip Plumper, Balm & Gloss Eyelash Enhancers Brain Supplements – The Best Nootropic Supplements to Boost Brain Power Joint Pain Supplements Colon Cleansers Anxiety Supplements Men’s & Women’s Health Menopause Supplements Prostate Supplements Dog Joint Health Technology & Electronic Products Hair Growth Supplements Review – Find the Best Hair Growth Supplement Kardashians and E! Deal – What’s the Real Truth? Written by Glozine Staff Glozine Staff Just after threatening to leave E!, the Kardashians have secured a new four-year contract with the network worth $100 million! So if you are a fan of the Kardashians expect to see more of the belfies, selfies and drama. This is the network’s highest deal to date and the highest in TV history for a reality brand. Ryan Seacrest, the show’s creator is also said to be getting a sizable fee. Kris Jenner negotiated the deal which is said to have been in the works for almost a year. It was rumored that the family would all be leaving the long running show behind but it has emerged that they were actually not planning to leave, but were playing hardball to secure a good deal, E! needs them and Kris Jenner is known to be a fierce negotiator; they will now have to be here for the next four years. However, the deal does not limit the family to their own reality show. The deal was negotiated for Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe and Kim, and their youngest half sisters Kylie Jenner and Kendall to appear on Keeping Up With the Kardashians and the spin-off series for four more seasons. Khloe has served as fashion correspondent and post-awards show host during this past awards season, and it is reported that Kim will most likely produce her own future shows. Bruce Jenner was not in the list. He is exiting Keeping Up With the Kardashians after the upcoming season 10. He will have his own show on E! that will center around his transition from male to female. Also left out of the deal is Kanye West, Kim’s husband, but he will continue to appear on the show. You’ll be seeing a lot more of the Kardashian family because this is a huge deal, which will see their involvement with the network and its digital properties expand well into the future. E! is also eyeing Kardashian-Jenner siblings for future projects thanks to Kylie’s plans to become and actress and Kendall’s modeling career. E! executives believe that the Kardashian’s huge social media following will fuel future digital projects. It had been rumored that Jenner could be in talks about a Kardashian YouTube channel. There’s a proposed merger of Time Warner Cable and Comcast, E!’s parent company. Comcast says it plans to save by spending less on content if this merger goes ahead. Turmeric Curcumin Plus Reviews – What Is It And How Does It Work? Folexin Review: Does This Hair Growth Products Really Helps In Improving Health Of Your Hair? DermaSet Review – Is DermaSet Anti-Aging 3D Renewal Cream Good For Sensitive Skin? Projoint Plus Review : Does Projoint Plus Really Work For Joint Pain Relief? Vigrx Plus Review : Does Vigrx Plus Really Work For Male Enhancement Supplement? Nootrogen Review : Does Nootrogen Really Work For Brain Enhancement ? Write for Glozine Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to this websites published terms of use and all site policies. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. 2021. All Rights Reserved. Hints on how to write a helpful review A great review should have the following qualities: A helpful review should connect and engage with the readers using personal experience. An excellent review provides the readers with cogent and unbiased information necessary to help them make the best choice. A review must be well-formatted to make reading easier by using multiple paragraphs and avoiding caps. The primary goal of your review must remain to provide accurate and non
public Int64PackedWriters(Field protoField) { super(protoField); primitiveArrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (long element : array) { output.writePackedInt64(element); } }); arrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (Long element : array) { if (element != null) { output.writePackedInt64(element); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); collectionWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, collection) -> { for (Long element : collection) { if (element != null) { output.writePackedInt64(element); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); stringArrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (String element : array) { if (element != null) { long parsedValue = Long.parseLong(element, 10); output.writePackedInt64(parsedValue); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); } } public static <T> FieldSchema<T> create(Field protoField, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { return RepeatedPrimitiveWriteSchemas.create(protoField, propertyDescriptor, new Int64PackedWriters(protoField)); } } package com.alibaba.jstorm.zk; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import com.alibaba.jstorm.cluster.ClusterState; import com.alibaba.jstorm.cluster.DistributedClusterState; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; public class ZkTool { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ZkTool.class); public static final String READ_CMD = "read"; public static final String RM_
public Int64PackedWriters(Field protoField) { super(protoField); primitiveArrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (long element : array) { output.writePackedInt64(element); } }); arrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (Long element : array) { if (element != null) { output.writePackedInt64(element); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); collectionWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, collection) -> { for (Long element : collection) { if (element != null) { output.writePackedInt64(element); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); stringArrayWriter = (o, value) -> o.writeObject(tag, tagSize, value, (output, array) -> { for (String element : array) { if (element != null) { long parsedValue = Long.parseLong(element, 10); output.writePackedInt64(parsedValue); continue; } ProtoUtils.throwNotSupportNullElement(protoField); } }); } } public static <T> FieldSchema<T> create(Field protoField, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { return RepeatedPrimitiveWriteSchemas.create(protoField, propertyDescriptor, new Int64PackedWriters(protoField)); } } package com.alibaba.jstorm.zk; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import com.alibaba.jstorm.cluster.ClusterState; import com.alibaba.jstorm.cluster.DistributedClusterState; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; public class ZkTool { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ZkTool.class); public static final String READ_CMD = "read"; public static final String RM_
CMD = "rm"; public static void usage() { LOG.info("Read ZK node's data, please do as following:"); LOG.info(ZkTool.class.getName() + " read zkpath"); LOG.info("\nDelete topology backup assignment, please do as following:"); LOG.info(ZkTool.class.getName() + " rm topologyname"); } public static String getData(DistributedClusterState zkClusterState, String path) throws Exception { byte[] data = zkClusterState.get_data(path, false); if (data == null || data.length == 0) { return null; } Object obj = Utils.deserialize(data, null); return obj.toString(); } public static void readData(String path) { DistributedClusterState zkClusterState = null; try { conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT, "/"); zkClusterState = new DistributedClusterState(conf); String data = getData(zkClusterState, path); if (data == null) { LOG.info("No data of " + path); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"); sb.append("Zk node " + path + "\n"); sb.append("Readable data:" + data + "\n"); sb.append("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"); LOG.info(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { if (zkClusterState == null) { LOG.error("Failed to connect ZK ", e); } else { LOG.error("Failed to read data " + path + "\n", e); } } finally { if (zkClusterState != null) { zkClusterState.close(); } } } public static void rmBakTopology(String topologyName) { DistributedClusterState zkClusterState = null; try { zkClusterState = new DistributedClusterState(conf); String path = ZkConstant.ASSIGNMENTS_BAK_SUBTREE; List<String> bakTopologys = zkClusterState .get_children(path, false); for (String tid : bakTopologys) { if (tid.equals(topologyName)) { LOG.info("Find backup " + topologyName); String topologyPath = assignment_bak_path(topologyName); zkClusterState.delete_node(topologyPath); LOG.info("Successfully delete topology " + topologyName + " backup Assignment"); return; } } LOG.info("No backup topology " + topologyName + " Assignment"); } catch (Exception e) { if (zkClusterState == null) { LOG.error("Failed to connect ZK ", e); } else { LOG.error("Failed to delete old topology " + top
up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England. The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street – as the Bank of England is known – is surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of gold bullion in the world is stored. The biggest hoard lies beneath the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York. According to the excellent movie The Money Masters, much of this gold was confiscated from now-empty vaults at Fort Knox as collateral on US debt obligations to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd. This financial mafia further consolidated its control over the world’s gold stock when 200 million ounces of the stuff belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia was recovered from beneath the carnage of the World Trade Center. One day after its November 1, 2001 recovery, New York Mayor Rudy Guliani laid off hundreds of rescue workers at Ground Zero. A short time later he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth and named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year”. The daily London gold “fixing” occurs at the N. M. Rothschild Bank in the City of London. Here, five of the Eight Families-linked banks unilaterally decide what the price of gold will be each morning. Kleinwort Benson’s Sharps Pixley subsidiary is one of five firms. Another is Mocatta Metals. It is majority-owned by Standard Chartered – the Cecil Rhodes-founded bank whose Dubai branch wired Mohammed Atta the funds he needed to carry out the 911 operation. According to British MP Michael Meacher in an article for The Guardian, Omar Saeed Sheikh – the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 – was a British M-16 agent. He says it was Sheikh who – at the behest of Pakistani ISI General Mahmood Ahmed – wired the $100,000 to Mohammed Atta from Standard Chartered’s Dubai branch before 911. Meacher’s claim has been corroborated by Dennis Lomel – director of FBI’s financial crimes unit – and by an October 11, 2001 article in The Times of India. Mocatta Metals is also a favorite conduit for Israeli Mossad financing. Midland Bank subsidiary Samuel Montagu is a third London gold “fixer”. In 1999 Midland, headquartered in cocaine-money infested Panama, was bought by the British oligarchy-controlled HSBC – the old Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation opium laundry and now the world’s second largest bank. Midland is partially owned by the Kuwaiti al-Sabah monarchy. The other two gold fixers are Johnson Matthey and N. M. Rothschild, both of which have interlocking boards with Anglo-American and HSBC. Anglo-American is the world’s third largest mining company. It is controlled by the Rothschilds and South Africa’s Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt – which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining – and the DeBeers diamond monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities. The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, “Fear is what makes the bank’s powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened.” read on here https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress....of-rothschild/ family, freemason, marpat Peering through. Joan will be leaving soon Elderly friends spoke about the poem. About "alone." They had much to say. "When I'm alone"—the words tripped off his tongue As though to be alone were nothing strange. "When I was young," he said; "when I was young..." I thought of age, and loneliness, and change. I thought how strange we grow when we're alone, And how unlike the selves that meet and talk, And blow the candles out, and say good night. Alone... The word is life endured and known. It is the stillness where our spirits walk And all but inmost faith is overthrown. (Poem by Siegfried Sassoon, 1886-1957) All but... Say goodnight! In Montpelier Vermont, at the end of the street where a fellow I know lives, police detonate a suspicious-looking box found on a sidewalk near a bank. It contained, they discovered after the blast, home-school materials. It is Thursday night in
up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England. The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street – as the Bank of England is known – is surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of gold bullion in the world is stored. The biggest hoard lies beneath the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York. According to the excellent movie The Money Masters, much of this gold was confiscated from now-empty vaults at Fort Knox as collateral on US debt obligations to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd. This financial mafia further consolidated its control over the world’s gold stock when 200 million ounces of the stuff belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia was recovered from beneath the carnage of the World Trade Center. One day after its November 1, 2001 recovery, New York Mayor Rudy Guliani laid off hundreds of rescue workers at Ground Zero. A short time later he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth and named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year”. The daily London gold “fixing” occurs at the N. M. Rothschild Bank in the City of London. Here, five of the Eight Families-linked banks unilaterally decide what the price of gold will be each morning. Kleinwort Benson’s Sharps Pixley subsidiary is one of five firms. Another is Mocatta Metals. It is majority-owned by Standard Chartered – the Cecil Rhodes-founded bank whose Dubai branch wired Mohammed Atta the funds he needed to carry out the 911 operation. According to British MP Michael Meacher in an article for The Guardian, Omar Saeed Sheikh – the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 – was a British M-16 agent. He says it was Sheikh who – at the behest of Pakistani ISI General Mahmood Ahmed – wired the $100,000 to Mohammed Atta from Standard Chartered’s Dubai branch before 911. Meacher’s claim has been corroborated by Dennis Lomel – director of FBI’s financial crimes unit – and by an October 11, 2001 article in The Times of India. Mocatta Metals is also a favorite conduit for Israeli Mossad financing. Midland Bank subsidiary Samuel Montagu is a third London gold “fixer”. In 1999 Midland, headquartered in cocaine-money infested Panama, was bought by the British oligarchy-controlled HSBC – the old Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation opium laundry and now the world’s second largest bank. Midland is partially owned by the Kuwaiti al-Sabah monarchy. The other two gold fixers are Johnson Matthey and N. M. Rothschild, both of which have interlocking boards with Anglo-American and HSBC. Anglo-American is the world’s third largest mining company. It is controlled by the Rothschilds and South Africa’s Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt – which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining – and the DeBeers diamond monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities. The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, “Fear is what makes the bank’s powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened.” read on here https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress....of-rothschild/ family, freemason, marpat Peering through. Joan will be leaving soon Elderly friends spoke about the poem. About "alone." They had much to say. "When I'm alone"—the words tripped off his tongue As though to be alone were nothing strange. "When I was young," he said; "when I was young..." I thought of age, and loneliness, and change. I thought how strange we grow when we're alone, And how unlike the selves that meet and talk, And blow the candles out, and say good night. Alone... The word is life endured and known. It is the stillness where our spirits walk And all but inmost faith is overthrown. (Poem by Siegfried Sassoon, 1886-1957) All but... Say goodnight! In Montpelier Vermont, at the end of the street where a fellow I know lives, police detonate a suspicious-looking box found on a sidewalk near a bank. It contained, they discovered after the blast, home-school materials. It is Thursday night in
early May. And we are a troubled people. Ursula K. LeGuin wrote the short story, "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"in 1973. It needs reading. One commentator wrote: The main point, I think, is slightly hidden near the end. As the narrator describes the people who decline the bargain, she mentions the place to which these people go. It is a better place than Omelas; she says, almost in passing, "I cannot describe it at all." Recall -- and this is the thing that would be easy to miss -- that this same narrator just spent the beginning of the story describing a city of perfect happiness to us. And she did it very well. She did not introduce the tragedy, the price, the child, until later on. And yet here she is, now, saying that she cannot describe this place that is better than Omelas, at all. One would have thought that the better place would simply be like Omelas, minus the hidden room, minus the tormented child. But the narrator could have described that; in fact, she did. So the place to which the decliners go must be some other sort of place, entirely. The point here is very deep. I think the idea of the story is that the narrator cannot violate the logic of human happiness, which requires a price, a flip-side. Our very conception of happiness, perhaps, has built into it a notion of the impossibility of perfection. This being the case, the fact that there must be a price of some sort -- not so dramatic or singular as the price of a tormented child in a locked room, but a price none the less -- seems inescapable. The place where the people who decline the bargain of Omelas go must therefore be a place where something other than happiness reigns; a place where some other inconceivable concept applies. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/01/25/688925/-About-That-Kid-in-Omelas# The inconceivable concept other than happiness -- interests me. New season returning to chapel/zendo. Ragged Mountain, Haiku Late afternoon yurt resting inside sound of brook Buds today open Coming round Back in the cabin, repaired, painted, and cleaned, for Sunday Evening Practice. Then, afterwards, compline. The question arises, again: remain a hermit? or, throw hat in ring for full time position? Searching out "no" answers. None forthcoming. Will have to take another tack. The question arises: Where do you want to die? That answer is easy: nowhere. Then, just do what I am doing. Only moreso. About Cynthia Pulitzer Prize Winner Cynthia Tucker | Journalist. Professor. Progressive. Political commentary from Pulitzer Prize winner Cynthia Tucker. Mitt Romney won’t resist Trump January 5, 2019 By ctucker Leave a Comment Sharebar Let’s give Mitt Romney credit for one thing: He knows how to draw headlines. Returning to elective office Thursday as a newly-sworn-in U.S. Senator from Utah, Romney had two days earlier published an opinion essay in The Washington Post in which he harshly criticized President Donald J. Trump. “It is well known that Donald Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination. After he became the nominee, I hoped his campaign would refrain from resentment and name-calling. It did not. When he won the election, I hoped he would rise to the occasion. . . . But, on balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions last month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office,” Romney wrote. Utah’s junior senator managed to not only draw the attention of news reporters and television pundits but also to attract the ire of the easily-offended president, who responded, as he so often does, on Twitter. “Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. . .,” Trump retorted. This is just more bombast, more shadow-boxing from both sides. Don’t expect Romney to become the conscience of the Republican Party, any more than former Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona (whom Trump referenced in his tweet) was. As Flake did, Romney will attract attention with thoughtful denunciations of Trump’s behavior while backing the president up with votes. Nothing will change in the GOP. There really isn’t a Republican Party left. Its so-called leaders abandoned any claim to principles or
illustrates displaying UI items 1430, 1445, and 1455 in the display area 385. UI item 1430 enables/disables the use of privileged contacts as a means to assist in locating the owner of a lost device. UI items 1445 and 1455 are for setting global limitations on device activity such as data limits and call limits. In some embodiments, UI items 1445 and 1455 are graphically disabled until privileged contacts are enabled. As shown, the UI provides the user with the option to set preconfigured default activity limits. The default activity limits of some embodiments are not customizable and therefore not displayed in the configuration UI of display area 385. As shown, the device receives a user interaction with UI item 1430 in the second stage to enable privileged contacts. In the third stage 1403, the device receives input, displayed in UI item 1445, from a user for configuring the data limit for limiting the number of bytes of data the device transmits over a specified period of time. In some embodiments, the data is limited to a certain number of bytes over a specific period of time (e.g., minutes, hours, days, etc.). The period of time of some embodiments is configured in the same UI (not shown) used to set the data limit. In other embodiments, the period of time is configured in a different UI. The data limit feature of some embodiments is disabled by leaving the UI item 1445 blank. The device also receives input, displayed in UI item 1455, from a user to limit the number of calls permitted from the device in the fourth stage 1404. In some embodiments, limiting the number of calls also limits text (SMS) messaging under the same standard. Similar to setting the data limit, the call limit limits the number of calls (or call minutes) from the device over a specified period of time. In some embodiments, the phone calls are limited to a certain number of calls (or minutes) over a specific period of time (e.g., minutes, hours, days, etc.). The period of time of some embodiments is configured in the same UI (not shown) used to set the call limit. In other embodiments, the period of time is configured in a different UI. The call limit feature of some embodiments is disabled by leaving the text box 1455 blank. In the case of a Wi-Fi enabled device, some embodiments disable the option to specify a call limit. FIG. 15 conceptually illustrates a process 1500 of configuring global setting for privileged contacts of some embodiments. Process 1500 is performed by a handheld device (e.g., cellular or Wi-Fi enabled, etc.). The process starts after a receiving a selection from a user to enable security authentication on the device. As shown, process 1500 receives (at 1510) a selection to enable global settings for privileged contacts. In some embodiments, the process receives such a selection based on user interaction UI item 1430 of FIG. 14. The process then determines (at 1520) whether a user input is received to limit data transmission in limited access mode to a specific value. In some embodiments, the value is received from user input displayed in UI item 1445. When the process receives user input to limit data transmission, the process sets (at 1530) the limit to the received value (e.g., value displayed in UI item 1445). As discussed, the value, of some embodiments, is a byte limit over a certain period of time. The process then proceeds to 1550, which is described below. Otherwise, the process uses (at 1540) a default byte limit value for limiting data transmissions. The default byte limit of some embodiments is preconfigured by the device manufacturer. In some embodiments the process optionally receives user input to not set a byte limit. The process then determines (at 1550) whether the device is a Wi-Fi enabled device without cellular capabilities. When the process is being performed by a Wi-Fi enabled device, the process ends. Otherwise, the process determines (at 1560) whether a user input is received to limit voice calls to a specific value. The value of some embodiments is received from user input displayed in UI item 1455. When the process has received user input to limit calls, the process sets (at 1570) the voice call limit to the received value (e.g., value displayed in UI item 1455). Otherwise, the process uses (at 1580) a default voice call limit. The default call limit of some embodiments is preconfigured by the device manufacturer. In some embodiments, the process optionally receives user input to not set a byte limit. The process then ends. Some embodiments provide an interface integrated with the device's contact list interface with options to configure each contact as a privileged contact. FIG. 16 illustrates configuring a particular privileged contact on a device 300 using the device's stored contact list of some embodiments. The figure illustrates a user's interaction with device 300 in four stages 1601-1604. The
illustrates displaying UI items 1430, 1445, and 1455 in the display area 385. UI item 1430 enables/disables the use of privileged contacts as a means to assist in locating the owner of a lost device. UI items 1445 and 1455 are for setting global limitations on device activity such as data limits and call limits. In some embodiments, UI items 1445 and 1455 are graphically disabled until privileged contacts are enabled. As shown, the UI provides the user with the option to set preconfigured default activity limits. The default activity limits of some embodiments are not customizable and therefore not displayed in the configuration UI of display area 385. As shown, the device receives a user interaction with UI item 1430 in the second stage to enable privileged contacts. In the third stage 1403, the device receives input, displayed in UI item 1445, from a user for configuring the data limit for limiting the number of bytes of data the device transmits over a specified period of time. In some embodiments, the data is limited to a certain number of bytes over a specific period of time (e.g., minutes, hours, days, etc.). The period of time of some embodiments is configured in the same UI (not shown) used to set the data limit. In other embodiments, the period of time is configured in a different UI. The data limit feature of some embodiments is disabled by leaving the UI item 1445 blank. The device also receives input, displayed in UI item 1455, from a user to limit the number of calls permitted from the device in the fourth stage 1404. In some embodiments, limiting the number of calls also limits text (SMS) messaging under the same standard. Similar to setting the data limit, the call limit limits the number of calls (or call minutes) from the device over a specified period of time. In some embodiments, the phone calls are limited to a certain number of calls (or minutes) over a specific period of time (e.g., minutes, hours, days, etc.). The period of time of some embodiments is configured in the same UI (not shown) used to set the call limit. In other embodiments, the period of time is configured in a different UI. The call limit feature of some embodiments is disabled by leaving the text box 1455 blank. In the case of a Wi-Fi enabled device, some embodiments disable the option to specify a call limit. FIG. 15 conceptually illustrates a process 1500 of configuring global setting for privileged contacts of some embodiments. Process 1500 is performed by a handheld device (e.g., cellular or Wi-Fi enabled, etc.). The process starts after a receiving a selection from a user to enable security authentication on the device. As shown, process 1500 receives (at 1510) a selection to enable global settings for privileged contacts. In some embodiments, the process receives such a selection based on user interaction UI item 1430 of FIG. 14. The process then determines (at 1520) whether a user input is received to limit data transmission in limited access mode to a specific value. In some embodiments, the value is received from user input displayed in UI item 1445. When the process receives user input to limit data transmission, the process sets (at 1530) the limit to the received value (e.g., value displayed in UI item 1445). As discussed, the value, of some embodiments, is a byte limit over a certain period of time. The process then proceeds to 1550, which is described below. Otherwise, the process uses (at 1540) a default byte limit value for limiting data transmissions. The default byte limit of some embodiments is preconfigured by the device manufacturer. In some embodiments the process optionally receives user input to not set a byte limit. The process then determines (at 1550) whether the device is a Wi-Fi enabled device without cellular capabilities. When the process is being performed by a Wi-Fi enabled device, the process ends. Otherwise, the process determines (at 1560) whether a user input is received to limit voice calls to a specific value. The value of some embodiments is received from user input displayed in UI item 1455. When the process has received user input to limit calls, the process sets (at 1570) the voice call limit to the received value (e.g., value displayed in UI item 1455). Otherwise, the process uses (at 1580) a default voice call limit. The default call limit of some embodiments is preconfigured by the device manufacturer. In some embodiments, the process optionally receives user input to not set a byte limit. The process then ends. Some embodiments provide an interface integrated with the device's contact list interface with options to configure each contact as a privileged contact. FIG. 16 illustrates configuring a particular privileged contact on a device 300 using the device's stored contact list of some embodiments. The figure illustrates a user's interaction with device 300 in four stages 1601-1604. The
first stage 1601 illustrates display area 385 displaying several selectable UI items 1656-1659 (e.g., icons, etc.). The selectable UI items are just a few examples of selectable UI items displayed in display area 385 in this stage. Some embodiments display the interface of the first stage after receiving a user interaction with the device to unlock the device following a period of device inactivity. Receiving a selection of selectable UI item 1656 causes the device to display the device's contact list. Alternatively, receiving a selection of UI item 1656, in some embodiments, causes the device to display other interfaces related to the phone's functional features. As shown, the device 300 is receiving a selection of UI item 1656. The second stage 1602 illustrates a list of selectable contacts 1630-1634, each associated with a stored contact or group of contacts in display area 385 and a scrollable region 1655. Selecting one of the selectable contacts causes the device to display attributes associated with the selected contact. While the second stage illustrates display of five selectable contacts, in other embodiments, the device displays any number of contacts. Some embodiments display more contacts that are capable of fitting in display area 385. In such embodiments, the scrollable region 1655 receives user interaction to scroll through the entire list of contacts in the display area. In this example, the device 300 receives a selection of contact 1630. The third stage 1603 illustrates a display area displaying an example of attributes associated with the selected contact 1630. The third stage displays communication types 1650 and UI items (e.g., buttons, radio dials, check boxes, icons, dropdown list etc.) 1660 and 1680. In this example, the selected contact is associated with a mobile phone number and an email address, which are stored in device memory. The device of some embodiments displays multiple different phone numbers and emails as well as other communication types (e.g., physical address, alternative phone numbers, instant messaging handles etc.). UI item 1660, enables/disables the selected contact as a privileged contact and communication types available when bypassing the device's security scheme. In the third stage 1603, the device 300 receives a selection enabling the selected contact as a privileged contact. The device also provides the ability to contact a certain popular contact where the same means are described. The device enables the popular contact when UI item 1680 is selected. This feature enables quick access to a device owner's most popular contact such as a close family member. In some embodiments, only a single contact is enabled for this feature. In other embodiments, multiple contacts are enabled as popular contacts. The most popular contact is different from a privileged contact in that it is not subject to the same data and call restrictions configured in the previous global setup of FIG. 14. However, in some embodiments, the most popular contact is subject to the same configuration constraints. The fourth stage 1604 illustrates the display area of the device after receiving input from a user to designate the selected contact as a privileged contact with options to call, text message, or email when bypassing the device's security scheme. The device of some embodiments uses the mobile number and email already associated with the selected contact stored in the device's contact list as methods of communication with the selected contact when the device is lost. Furthermore, the device of some embodiments automatically selects a popular contact as a privileged contact based on certain criteria such as the last contact contacted or the most frequently contacted contact. FIG. 17 conceptually illustrates a process 1700 of configuring a privileged contact on a hand held device of some embodiments. The process, in some embodiments is performed by a handheld device. In some embodiments process 1700 starts after a device's security authentication scheme is enabled. As shown, process 1700 receives (at 1710) a selection of a contact from a devices contact list in order to display the contact's associated attributes. Receiving such a selection is illustrated by the second stage 1602 of FIG. 16 where the device's entire contact list is displayed in display area 385 and a selection of contact 1630 is received. The process then determines (at 1720) whether a selection to designate the selected contact as a privileged contact is received. Prior to 1720, some embodiments of process 1700 display the contact's associated attributes as well as selectable UI items to enable the contact as a privileged contact and set associated communication types (as illustrated by stage 1603 of FIG. 16). When the process receives a selection to designate the selected contact as a privileged contact (e.g., selection of UI item 1660), the process then receives (at 1740) a selection of at least one available contact type for a user to contact the privileged contact. In some embodiments the selectable contact types are those associated with UI item 1660 of FIG. 16. The process then stores (at 1760) the contact as a privileged contact. The process then proceeds to 1770, which is described below. When the process determines (at 1720
put this behind me. How do I forget what he said and put myself back together? How do I forgive him? What he's doing is a form of abuse and torture. By reminding you of your deficiencies, your husband is teasing you and repeatedly subjecting you to feelings of worthlessness and inferiority. That's his way of keeping you dependent on him while he grabs all the power in your relationship. If you want to repair this situation, your husband needs to take responsibility for what he's doing and see that “I’m just being honest” is not a justification for hurting someone. Ideally, he should see how his actions are motivated by his own fears of being powerless, confused, and abandoned. In the meantime, it's enough that he cuts this out permanently. As far as you're concerned, you also need to make a few changes. You're approaching this situation from the mindset of someone who is terrified of standing up for herself and afraid of what will happen. That's not going to work because (1) you'll always be needy and afraid and (2) your husband will never listen to you or respect you. If you want respect, don't ask for it politely. Demand it. Why the fuck not? Regardless of whether he's afraid or needy or jerky or even not attracted to you, he still needs to respect you and not treat you like a possession. It's scary to ask for respect, to be upset, and to vocalize your disappointments when you're not used to it because you risk losing someone you've become dependent on. But even assuming that happens, wouldn't you rather live alone with dignity and honor than be in a relationship with someone who treats you as an accessory? Get up, get angry, and start drawing some boundaries. You could try saying something along the lines of: "Yeah, well guess what. Your penis isn't that big, but I still love you and I don't remind you of it everyday. How does that make you feel knowing that? How do you think I feel? Stop saying that to me because I feel unwanted and inferior. I don’t care if it’s true or not. I respect you and your feelings and demand that you respect me in return. I will not put up with this anymore. Wake up." Give him a little time to feel a little healthy guilt. If he’s truly remorseful, you can show him that you still care for him and go do something nice together. If he feels bad about your comment, then you can tell him that you said it to prove a point and not to hurt him, and that you really do love him just the way he is. If it happens again or something else close to that happens, speak up! Be firm and tell him to knock it the hell off. Speak with conviction and confidence, even if it doesn't feel natural yet. It will. Don't put up with any more nonsense. You should never compromise your dignity and honor and you should never put up with abuse. Read more about dating, integrity, relationships Welcome to the site! This site is intended for entertainment purposes only. Though the advice I offer is genuine, is it not intended to be "professional advice." I am not a licensed therapist. If you have a serious problem, please consult a therapist or doctor. Also, the material you submit to this site, via email or comment, is property of AskEdahn.com and may be republished elsewhere. Am I bi? I've always known that I was attracted to girls and have even been in love before, but lately I've been having feelings for guys. Though I have lots of friends, I've only been attracted to a handful of guys in my life. I think about what it would be like to be with a guy, but I'm worried that I'd be totally clueless about what I'm supposed to do and feel. I don't feel that confusion with woman. I'm really confused. Sex and romance are always tricky. There is an entire industry of self-help authors and speakers who, like me, make a living by counseling people with relationship dilemmas. Part of the reason this area of life is so rife with confusion is because the desire for it is so strong. When you crave something and hang part of your self-worth and happiness on it, you become self-conscious about losing it. To tie that into romance, people start to believe that they need something to make them complete, and then hang their self-worth and happiness on its outcome. If they are able to attract someone, they are happy and see themselves as valuable, but if they fail, they are sad and feel that they are not good enough. So, they become self-conscious about their "performance" during courtship. Maybe you're feeling some of the awkwardness and discomfort that is a natural part of craving. What I'd suggest is that you put aside
put this behind me. How do I forget what he said and put myself back together? How do I forgive him? What he's doing is a form of abuse and torture. By reminding you of your deficiencies, your husband is teasing you and repeatedly subjecting you to feelings of worthlessness and inferiority. That's his way of keeping you dependent on him while he grabs all the power in your relationship. If you want to repair this situation, your husband needs to take responsibility for what he's doing and see that “I’m just being honest” is not a justification for hurting someone. Ideally, he should see how his actions are motivated by his own fears of being powerless, confused, and abandoned. In the meantime, it's enough that he cuts this out permanently. As far as you're concerned, you also need to make a few changes. You're approaching this situation from the mindset of someone who is terrified of standing up for herself and afraid of what will happen. That's not going to work because (1) you'll always be needy and afraid and (2) your husband will never listen to you or respect you. If you want respect, don't ask for it politely. Demand it. Why the fuck not? Regardless of whether he's afraid or needy or jerky or even not attracted to you, he still needs to respect you and not treat you like a possession. It's scary to ask for respect, to be upset, and to vocalize your disappointments when you're not used to it because you risk losing someone you've become dependent on. But even assuming that happens, wouldn't you rather live alone with dignity and honor than be in a relationship with someone who treats you as an accessory? Get up, get angry, and start drawing some boundaries. You could try saying something along the lines of: "Yeah, well guess what. Your penis isn't that big, but I still love you and I don't remind you of it everyday. How does that make you feel knowing that? How do you think I feel? Stop saying that to me because I feel unwanted and inferior. I don’t care if it’s true or not. I respect you and your feelings and demand that you respect me in return. I will not put up with this anymore. Wake up." Give him a little time to feel a little healthy guilt. If he’s truly remorseful, you can show him that you still care for him and go do something nice together. If he feels bad about your comment, then you can tell him that you said it to prove a point and not to hurt him, and that you really do love him just the way he is. If it happens again or something else close to that happens, speak up! Be firm and tell him to knock it the hell off. Speak with conviction and confidence, even if it doesn't feel natural yet. It will. Don't put up with any more nonsense. You should never compromise your dignity and honor and you should never put up with abuse. Read more about dating, integrity, relationships Welcome to the site! This site is intended for entertainment purposes only. Though the advice I offer is genuine, is it not intended to be "professional advice." I am not a licensed therapist. If you have a serious problem, please consult a therapist or doctor. Also, the material you submit to this site, via email or comment, is property of AskEdahn.com and may be republished elsewhere. Am I bi? I've always known that I was attracted to girls and have even been in love before, but lately I've been having feelings for guys. Though I have lots of friends, I've only been attracted to a handful of guys in my life. I think about what it would be like to be with a guy, but I'm worried that I'd be totally clueless about what I'm supposed to do and feel. I don't feel that confusion with woman. I'm really confused. Sex and romance are always tricky. There is an entire industry of self-help authors and speakers who, like me, make a living by counseling people with relationship dilemmas. Part of the reason this area of life is so rife with confusion is because the desire for it is so strong. When you crave something and hang part of your self-worth and happiness on it, you become self-conscious about losing it. To tie that into romance, people start to believe that they need something to make them complete, and then hang their self-worth and happiness on its outcome. If they are able to attract someone, they are happy and see themselves as valuable, but if they fail, they are sad and feel that they are not good enough. So, they become self-conscious about their "performance" during courtship. Maybe you're feeling some of the awkwardness and discomfort that is a natural part of craving. What I'd suggest is that you put aside
the question of romance and sexual identity and just be open to making friends with either sex. You may find that one of these friendships is something special and you may find that you have feelings for that person. The question of sexual identity doesn't have to be decided just now, and it doesn't have to be something that never changes either. My hunch is that your preferences and attraction will follow your feelings of intimacy and care, which happens through the course of a simple but deep friendship. Read more about dating, identity, relationships, sex Fearful and Fickle My BF and I sometimes have these really ephemeral and transcendent moments when I feel fulfilled and placid. But then he doesn't call me and I'm so over it. Sometimes he crushes on my BFF! I also have severe commitment issues. Also I think I may have extreme catagelophobia, so don't make fun of me! It's hard to tell exactly what's going on from such a short question, but here's my best guess. You've associated people with some type of painful or worrisome experience. Maybe you fear that they'll ridicule you, subordinate you, reject you, make you feel lost, sad -- whatever. The particulars don't matter, nor do you have to know where it all started. The point is, you've got this automatic association that makes you worried even when the situation is actually safe. I assume it's a pretty prevalent theme in your relationships that makes you appear sensitive to others. When your BF hasn't called in a while, your worrying grows and you get more and more agitated, vulnerable, and uncomfortable. You premeptively reject him by shutting off your feelings and being "over him." You're numbing yourself to the discomfort and vulnerability and at the same time, reducing your dependency on him. Less investment = less risk = less worrying. When you avoid commitment, you similarly reduce your dependency on him. It's analogous to driving a car with insurance: even if you fuck up, you have a backup, so you're not so worried. You say he's crushing on your BFF. Are you reading into it? Is it a serious danger or just some flippant remark he makes? If it's the latter, suggest he build a shrine on a lake and dedicate it to her, or maybe cut off his ear and email it to her -- better yet, cut off yours so you don't have to hear him tirelessly fawning over her. Use some humor; he'll get the drift. Good relationships are built on trust. Not just trust that he won't cheat, but trust that you can have flaws and still be okay. The transcendent moments might come and go, but the value comes out of the friendship and dialogue which is sometimes trivial, sometimes silly, sometimes interesting. But transcendence is not the norm. I don't even think I'd want something like that.The transcendent moments you share might be real, but I would ask you to consider whether they're just others ways you've found to numb yourself to the background discomfort and apprehension. If my analysis rings true, then start addressing the automatic associations you've inherited that are making you uncomfortable. Don't beat yourself up for it, but pay attention to it. Watch your automatic associations with your BF. When your BF doesn't call, what kinds of thoughts run through your head? What kinds of feelings? Get familiar with it. You don't have to stop it, just get familiar. Example: images of him not being interested or feelings of being forgotten and alone. You can watch your automatic associations with your friends, family, and coworkers. If you've taken something too personally or misinterpreted something they've said for the worst, make a note of it for next time. Example: someone says they didn't like some food you made you take offense to it. You examine it and see that it wasn't personal and make a note of it. Resist the impulse to "shut off." Try talking instead. If this is just your fear hijacking your perception and making you misinterpret what's happening, then just sit back, notice how "off" you feel and wait for the feeling to dissolve on its own (5-15 minutes). You can even have a little laugh at the whole experience. You could also ponder taking a stand against your fear and telling it to fuck off. I think this'll happen naturally over time. As you contemplate and practice this stuff, your fear will start to play less of a role in your relationships. If you still feel disconnected from him, or like you're hoping and forcing this to be something it's not, you'll know that it's not just you freaking out but that he's just not the right guy for you. Read more about dating, relationships How do I find meaning in my life? I've had an experience of working years towards something and having it become somewhat of who you are, only to realize that career might not be realistic
person # who sponsors firewalking workshops in the UnitedStates. A group of at least 20 adventurous people gather for 4-hour workshops that are taught acrossthe country and in Scandinavia. Burkan recently offered a fire-walking/ fear reduction work- # shop inBellingham. Burkan begins each workshop by having the group sing three or four songs to let out stressand lighten the mood. During the singing, participants sign release forms and pay the fee: $50 foradults, $15 for children. 0 Once the group is settled, participants stand, state their names andreasons for attending. "I am fascinated with doing the impossible," Tom Anderson, a participant, said.Bob Eslinger, another participant, said, "I'm interested in fire. I M want to expand my limitations andblow out the barriers." Building the fire is next. The importance of togetherness is stressed with everyone helping build the outdoor fire. A mixture of wood and paper make up the F I R E Conquering fear withfire yard-wide mass that soon will be the barrier for each person to overcome. The fire is lit and thegroup circles it, holding hands and singing. In silence, the participants walk back to the house. Burkandiscusses the limitation fear puts on people and how to overcome that fear. "Fear limits us more thananything," Burkan said. "And tonight, the fire is a symbol of fear." FEAR&#226;&#8364;&#8221;False EvidenceAppearing Real. This is what holds back humans from doing what they want in life, he said. Burkanillustrates this with a story. A man who was afraid of snakes arrived at a hotel and was warned aboutpoinsonous snakes around town. Afraid he would see a snake, the man spent his entire stay watchingfor one. He went to his room, which was darkened by the encroaching night, and spotted a snake on the floor in front of him. He had a heart attack and died and was found the next morning along with a coiledpiece of rope. Fear killed him. Burkan has three methods for overcoming fear. First, pay attention.Many fears are illusions. People see what they think to be the truth and build beliefs around that. If fullattention is given to something and it is seen for its real value, all fears will be put to rest. Concentrationon the subject leaves no room for fear. Preliminary procedure is Bur-kan's second method. Visualize the worst thing that could happen in a given circumstance and deal with it. Then sweep it aside and expectthe very best to happen. The "what i f syndrome is the root of fear. Humans are caught up with whatmight happen, it takes them over and ruins them. Standing in a movie line thinking, "By the time I getup there, the movie will be sold out. I'm standing out here and I won't even get in," would be a waste ofan hour. Instead, think, "This will be great. I'm going to get into the movie, get some hot butteredpopcorn and really enjoy the movie." Thinking the second way didn't waste an hour of fear whether ornot the movie would be sold out. Method three is "go for it." This is a four-point-way to obtain any goal.1. Know where you are. 2. Know where you want to go. 3. Choose a plan of action. 4. Go for it. "Take arisk. It will make you grow up whether it was a good experience or a bad one," Burkan said. These three methods will overcome any fear, Burkan said. After the discussion, everyone takes off their shoes and socks, rolls up their pants and silently walks to the fire. While Burkan rakes out the red-hot coals to aflat bed, the rest of the group stand around the fire and sing. Burkan walks across first followed byanyone who wants to walk. No pressure is put on the people to walk. After the majority of them follow him, Burkan gives a one-minute warning. As the last people cross, he waters down the coals andeveryone walks silently back to the house. The official fire walking song, "I've Got Shoes," is sung by everyone. Finally, how the experience felt and how it will be integrated into individual lives is discussedover refreshments. "There aren't any limitations in life," Eslinger said. Stress: Coping with holiday blues By Deanna Shaw It is the season to eat, drink and be merry, and for many people also is the season for stress, depression and overindulgence. If the holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day makes you happy and excited, don't change anything, said Kara-lee Stokes, education coordinator forSt. Joseph Hospital. But if you develop stress symptoms, you may need to modify your personalapproach to the
person # who sponsors firewalking workshops in the UnitedStates. A group of at least 20 adventurous people gather for 4-hour workshops that are taught acrossthe country and in Scandinavia. Burkan recently offered a fire-walking/ fear reduction work- # shop inBellingham. Burkan begins each workshop by having the group sing three or four songs to let out stressand lighten the mood. During the singing, participants sign release forms and pay the fee: $50 foradults, $15 for children. 0 Once the group is settled, participants stand, state their names andreasons for attending. "I am fascinated with doing the impossible," Tom Anderson, a participant, said.Bob Eslinger, another participant, said, "I'm interested in fire. I M want to expand my limitations andblow out the barriers." Building the fire is next. The importance of togetherness is stressed with everyone helping build the outdoor fire. A mixture of wood and paper make up the F I R E Conquering fear withfire yard-wide mass that soon will be the barrier for each person to overcome. The fire is lit and thegroup circles it, holding hands and singing. In silence, the participants walk back to the house. Burkandiscusses the limitation fear puts on people and how to overcome that fear. "Fear limits us more thananything," Burkan said. "And tonight, the fire is a symbol of fear." FEAR&#226;&#8364;&#8221;False EvidenceAppearing Real. This is what holds back humans from doing what they want in life, he said. Burkanillustrates this with a story. A man who was afraid of snakes arrived at a hotel and was warned aboutpoinsonous snakes around town. Afraid he would see a snake, the man spent his entire stay watchingfor one. He went to his room, which was darkened by the encroaching night, and spotted a snake on the floor in front of him. He had a heart attack and died and was found the next morning along with a coiledpiece of rope. Fear killed him. Burkan has three methods for overcoming fear. First, pay attention.Many fears are illusions. People see what they think to be the truth and build beliefs around that. If fullattention is given to something and it is seen for its real value, all fears will be put to rest. Concentrationon the subject leaves no room for fear. Preliminary procedure is Bur-kan's second method. Visualize the worst thing that could happen in a given circumstance and deal with it. Then sweep it aside and expectthe very best to happen. The "what i f syndrome is the root of fear. Humans are caught up with whatmight happen, it takes them over and ruins them. Standing in a movie line thinking, "By the time I getup there, the movie will be sold out. I'm standing out here and I won't even get in," would be a waste ofan hour. Instead, think, "This will be great. I'm going to get into the movie, get some hot butteredpopcorn and really enjoy the movie." Thinking the second way didn't waste an hour of fear whether ornot the movie would be sold out. Method three is "go for it." This is a four-point-way to obtain any goal.1. Know where you are. 2. Know where you want to go. 3. Choose a plan of action. 4. Go for it. "Take arisk. It will make you grow up whether it was a good experience or a bad one," Burkan said. These three methods will overcome any fear, Burkan said. After the discussion, everyone takes off their shoes and socks, rolls up their pants and silently walks to the fire. While Burkan rakes out the red-hot coals to aflat bed, the rest of the group stand around the fire and sing. Burkan walks across first followed byanyone who wants to walk. No pressure is put on the people to walk. After the majority of them follow him, Burkan gives a one-minute warning. As the last people cross, he waters down the coals andeveryone walks silently back to the house. The official fire walking song, "I've Got Shoes," is sung by everyone. Finally, how the experience felt and how it will be integrated into individual lives is discussedover refreshments. "There aren't any limitations in life," Eslinger said. Stress: Coping with holiday blues By Deanna Shaw It is the season to eat, drink and be merry, and for many people also is the season for stress, depression and overindulgence. If the holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day makes you happy and excited, don't change anything, said Kara-lee Stokes, education coordinator forSt. Joseph Hospital. But if you develop stress symptoms, you may need to modify your personalapproach to the
holidays. Stokes and JoAnne Albers, a registered nurse at St. Joseph Hospital with abroad background in stress management, present educational programs on holiday stressmanagement to help people with the problem. Stressed people have symptoms such as unhappiness, negativity, loneliness, isolation, resentment, anxiety and helplessness, they said. The feelingscan lead to irritability and temper outbursts, fatigue, crying bouts and overindulgence of money, effort,food or drink. To control stress, Albers said it's helpful to know the roots of individual problems.Sometimes the roots lie in adjusting to a new life situation such as a death, divorce or a change infinancial circumstances in the immediate family. Another source is unrealistic expectations about theholidays, Albers said. The gap between reality and our idealized visions of holiday togetherness andtradition lead to dissatisfaction and the blues, especially for children. These negative feelings oftencontinue throughout life although the source may not be traceable. The Norman Rockwell vision of the family sitting around the table, for instance, may be wonderful, Albers said, but few families fit into the mold now-a-days. She said people feel inadequate when they don't measure up to their idealizedpicture. To alter this condition they may have to reexamine some of the ideas they have about holidaytraditions. Students have a special brand of holiday stress as they come to a sudden stop after a busyterm at school and return home to their families, Albers said. Some strain always is present whenchildren break away from the home. Students mature and become more self-reliant while away, and they return home expecting a new relationship with their family. But parents tend to pigeonhole the students in the same slot they were in before, Albers said. This leads to disappointment and friction, oftenerupting into anger. To cope with stress, students can lower expectations and realize that families areslow to change, she said. Albers also suggested acting mature and patient. Eventually the family willaccept the changes in the student, but it takes time. Another source of holiday stress is giving andreceiving gifts. Students and others with little extra money often feel inadequate because they can'tafford expensive gifts. As a result, they sometimes fail to buy one, which hurts others who interpret it asa lack of caring. Albers suggested giving inexpensive gifts. "A card and a $2 flower sometimes arebetter than an expensive gift and say as much," she said. "The important thing is being together." Justdon't spend more than you can afford, because you will feel not only depressed but resentful, Stokessaid. Self-expectations also contribute to holiday stress. Many people try to pack too much into the holiday season, Albers said. We send cards, bake copious amounts of goodies, shop, wrap, decorateand attend gatherings till exhaustion sets in. "Fatigue itself is a problem with our moods, because whenwe get exhausted we're apt to get depressed," she explained. "Take time to relax." She suggestedcompiling an "I need to do list" of things to be accomplished during the holidays. Then make a second list, except head it with "I want to do." If needs and wants don't match, it may be time to rethinkpriorities. "Reconsider if you're getting out of the activity what you're putting into it," she said. "Theunfortunate thing is that you may get too tired to do things you'd enjoy much more." Loneliness canbring on the holiday blues, too. Many people have no plans for the holidays nor families nearby, so tocope with loneliness, they need to reach out to others, Albers said. This can be difficult sincedepression makes many of us feel like withdrawing, but she noted that expressing our needs to other sis the best way to handle loneliness and isolation. If you will be alone over the holidays, seek help andcompanionship from friends or consider volunteering to share the holiday with lonely people in anursing home, hospital or mission. "Lonely people unable to reach out to others will remain lonely,"Albers noted. People often react to all the holiday stress by overindulging to relieve the pressure andconflicting emotions. Drinking and eating too much are big problems because holiday celebrations are closely tied to food and alcohol. Stokes said it is unrealistic to think you can get by without eatingany goodies during the holidays. Therefore, it is best to plan strategies to avoid binge behavior whilestill enjoying the good food. Stocking up on low-calorie &#226;&#8364;&#162; See STRESS, page 14 ---------- Western Front - 1983 December 2 - Page 14 ---------- 14 Western Front Friday, December 2,1983 Stress may inflate during holiday season* STRESS, frompage 13 snacks is one suggestion for over-indulgers, because people
Launer handbag. MORE: Princess Anne looks so chic in the brightest look for special Westminster Abbey service Keep clicking for more... Meanwhile, the Princess Royal opted for a bold mauve ensemble, accessorising with a pearl necklace and a circular brooch. The Royal British Legion has been celebrating its 100th anniversary throughout 2021 with a special programme of activity, paying tribute to those who have contributed to its proud history and celebrating with the communities across the UK and around the world who are at its heart. MORE: The Queen's employee reveals what it's REALLY like to work for Her Majesty During the service, led by The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster, the Princess Royal gave a reading and the RBL's National President led the Act of Rededication, reaffirming RBL's commitment to its work and service. MORE: The Queen attends church for the first time in 18 months The Queen looked thrilled to have been given a bouquet of flowers following the service. The Queen also accessorised with Queen Mary's Russian brooch, which contains a square sapphire and a diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds. She inherited the jewels when her grandmother Queen Mary passed away in 1953. Royals wearing tiaras for the first time - 12 glittering photos 17 fabulous photos of the Queen and her family at the Royal Windsor Horse Show 14 of Meghan Markle's sweetest photos with her royal in-laws POTT STREET E2 0EF Website: http://www.praxis.org.uk/ About PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is a dynamic, award-winning human rights charity supporting migrants in crisis or at- risk, ensuring that their essential human needs are met and that they are able to overcome the barriers they face. We build community, challenge exclusion and discrimination, influence policy, improve services and inspire solidarity with migrants. This is an exciting time to join the charity which played a significant role in uncovering the Windrush scandal and securing policy change for thousands of people who had been denied their rights. 1 job with PRAXIS Get new jobs for PRAXIS by email Follow PRAXIS Head of Fundraising & Communications Up to £50,000 per annum + benefits We are looking for an experienced, ambitious, dynamic Head of Fundraising and Communications to work with the CEO as part of the senior team. View details Head of Fundraising & Communications Save Head of Fundraising & Communications Could Splatoon be going free-to-play? With the sun setting on Splatoon 2, could the franchise’s future be free-to-play? With the sun setting on Nintendo’s Splatoon 2, could the franchise’s future be as a free-to-play game? Nintendo Switch paint ‘em up, Splatoon 2, is currently holding its final Splatfest, one of the game’s occasional themed Turf War events. Just like the final Splatfest for the original Splatoon, the stakes are high. This time the battle is between Chaos and Order, with the winning side set to influence the story for the next instalment. The Splatfest brings to an end the two years of support Nintendo promised for the game, During that time Splatoon 2 has received a slew of content, including new maps, weapons, and gear, as well as the big single-player Octo-Expansion. The final update – bringing the game to Version 5.0 – also lets players host their own private Splatfests across all 24 Shifty Station maps. It’s a nice parting gift to fans, but Nintendo’s decision to wind-down ongoing support for the game does seem curious. Firstly, Splatoon 2 seems in rude health. The playing community is still strong and, based on the opponents I meet in Turf War, it appears that new players are continuing to join the game. Secondly, the Nintendo Switch Lite hits stores in a little over eight weeks. If Nintendo’s ambition to bring the Switch to a wider audience is successful, it’s likely that Splatoon 2 will be one of a number of games to receive a further influx of new players. In short, it just feels too soon for Nintendo give up on a game that has plenty of life left in it. In a recent interview with Famitsu, Splatoon 2 producer Hisashi Nogami says that plans for a follow-up are yet to take shape. So what might the future hold? The online gaming landscape has changed considerably since Splatoon 2 was released in 2017, most evidently in the headline-grabbing explosion of AAA-level free-to-play action games. This is demonstrated by Epic’s Fortnite, of course, but also includes the continued success of PUBG, and new entrants such as Apex Legends and
Launer handbag. MORE: Princess Anne looks so chic in the brightest look for special Westminster Abbey service Keep clicking for more... Meanwhile, the Princess Royal opted for a bold mauve ensemble, accessorising with a pearl necklace and a circular brooch. The Royal British Legion has been celebrating its 100th anniversary throughout 2021 with a special programme of activity, paying tribute to those who have contributed to its proud history and celebrating with the communities across the UK and around the world who are at its heart. MORE: The Queen's employee reveals what it's REALLY like to work for Her Majesty During the service, led by The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster, the Princess Royal gave a reading and the RBL's National President led the Act of Rededication, reaffirming RBL's commitment to its work and service. MORE: The Queen attends church for the first time in 18 months The Queen looked thrilled to have been given a bouquet of flowers following the service. The Queen also accessorised with Queen Mary's Russian brooch, which contains a square sapphire and a diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds. She inherited the jewels when her grandmother Queen Mary passed away in 1953. Royals wearing tiaras for the first time - 12 glittering photos 17 fabulous photos of the Queen and her family at the Royal Windsor Horse Show 14 of Meghan Markle's sweetest photos with her royal in-laws POTT STREET E2 0EF Website: http://www.praxis.org.uk/ About PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is a dynamic, award-winning human rights charity supporting migrants in crisis or at- risk, ensuring that their essential human needs are met and that they are able to overcome the barriers they face. We build community, challenge exclusion and discrimination, influence policy, improve services and inspire solidarity with migrants. This is an exciting time to join the charity which played a significant role in uncovering the Windrush scandal and securing policy change for thousands of people who had been denied their rights. 1 job with PRAXIS Get new jobs for PRAXIS by email Follow PRAXIS Head of Fundraising & Communications Up to £50,000 per annum + benefits We are looking for an experienced, ambitious, dynamic Head of Fundraising and Communications to work with the CEO as part of the senior team. View details Head of Fundraising & Communications Save Head of Fundraising & Communications Could Splatoon be going free-to-play? With the sun setting on Splatoon 2, could the franchise’s future be free-to-play? With the sun setting on Nintendo’s Splatoon 2, could the franchise’s future be as a free-to-play game? Nintendo Switch paint ‘em up, Splatoon 2, is currently holding its final Splatfest, one of the game’s occasional themed Turf War events. Just like the final Splatfest for the original Splatoon, the stakes are high. This time the battle is between Chaos and Order, with the winning side set to influence the story for the next instalment. The Splatfest brings to an end the two years of support Nintendo promised for the game, During that time Splatoon 2 has received a slew of content, including new maps, weapons, and gear, as well as the big single-player Octo-Expansion. The final update – bringing the game to Version 5.0 – also lets players host their own private Splatfests across all 24 Shifty Station maps. It’s a nice parting gift to fans, but Nintendo’s decision to wind-down ongoing support for the game does seem curious. Firstly, Splatoon 2 seems in rude health. The playing community is still strong and, based on the opponents I meet in Turf War, it appears that new players are continuing to join the game. Secondly, the Nintendo Switch Lite hits stores in a little over eight weeks. If Nintendo’s ambition to bring the Switch to a wider audience is successful, it’s likely that Splatoon 2 will be one of a number of games to receive a further influx of new players. In short, it just feels too soon for Nintendo give up on a game that has plenty of life left in it. In a recent interview with Famitsu, Splatoon 2 producer Hisashi Nogami says that plans for a follow-up are yet to take shape. So what might the future hold? The online gaming landscape has changed considerably since Splatoon 2 was released in 2017, most evidently in the headline-grabbing explosion of AAA-level free-to-play action games. This is demonstrated by Epic’s Fortnite, of course, but also includes the continued success of PUBG, and new entrants such as Apex Legends and
Dauntless. With this in mind, it’s possible that a new Splatoon could be released sooner than we’d normally expect, and – deep breath – it could go free-to-play. The Splatoon format is ready-made for the free-to-play model. Aside from its excellent paint splatting gameplay, it has engaged a devout fan-base, nurtured through a drip-feed of new weapons, mods, and cosmetics. Mixing and matching shoes, shirts, weapons and accessories is a huge part of the game’s cult appeal. All of these elements are ripe to hook into an economic model of microtransactions, loot boxes, and battle passes. Nintendo has historically shied away from aggressive microtransactions (they famously asked Cygames to scale them back in Dragalia Lost) but if handled carefully they could provide a steady revenue stream while still maintaining Nintendo’s family-first stance. It’s certainly not averse to implementing them in its mobile games. The success of Fortnite and others proves that a free-to-play business model, combined with the ubiquity of mobile phones while consoles are still a relatively expensive luxury, is effective in attracting a young audience. Indeed, long-term, Nintendo’s next generation of players are still more likely to be found in the thrall of mobile games rather than the Nintendo Switch. There’s also an opportunity for Splatoon to become the first full-fledged cross-device game for Nintendo. Again, like Fortnite, it’s easy to imagine a version that can be played on Switch or a mobile device, with progress synchronised between the two. Would the core Splatoon audience be happy with such a move? Probably not. But it’s the one franchise Nintendo has that feels like a natural fit for the F2P treatment. It feels too soon for Splatoon 2 to end, but the sooner it does, the quicker Nintendo can release its follow up. In the meantime, support for the game concludes with the franchise firmly established as one of Nintendo’s big-hitters. And like Super Mario Maker, it’s another example of a game born from the troubled Wii U era that could pave the way for Nintendo’s future. For more Nintendo, follow Thumbsticks on Twitter and Flipboard. We hate to ask, but... Thumbsticks has a couple of goals. We want to write interesting articles and cover games that most outlets won't, and we want to give opportunities to new writers and new voices. And right now, with the current state of online publishing? It's tough to meet those goals! We hate to ask, but if you want us to continue writing what others won't, or to keep covering weird indie games, or to be able to give opportunities to new writers – and only if you can afford it – then please consider supporting us on Patreon. Related Topics:NintendoNintendo SwitchOpinionSplatoon 2 New Nintendo Switch releases: January 10-14, 2022 Save on top-rated games in the latest Nintendo Switch eShop sales Triangle Strategy is getting 4-disc soundtrack release SportblogPremier League Premier League preview No5: Bolton Wanderers A comfortable mid-table finish is a realistic aim for Gary Megson's improving side, but it still may not win over his many detractors Gary Megson has made astute signings, such as Zat Knight, but has failed to win over most Bolton fans. Photograph: Robin van Lonkhuijsen/Action Images Tue 4 Aug 2009 08.45 EDT Guardian writers' prediction: 13th Odds to win league: 750-1 Gary Megson clearly has a problem. And it is this: his name isn't Sam Allardyce. "It's not that easy for fans to love me," he volunteered, early in his time in office at Bolton Wanderers, when he started picking up vibes that not all of the fans wanted him as the club's manager. Small hints, perhaps, like hearing them shouting for him to eff off back to the lower leagues. It is a peculiar situation. Megson felt like a crazy choice. He had just come back into the game, at Leicester City, after 17 months in the wilderness, and with Nottingham Forest's relegation to League One on his conscience. There were misgivings about the influence of his agent, Mark Curtis, at Bolton and the fans saw it as the moment the club hoisted the white flag – an abandonment of any hope or ambition that they could ever regard the more successful Allardyce years as the norm rather than the exception. And yet, who can possibly argue that Megson has done anything other than an impressive job? Or that it is wholly unfair that he seems to get the blame for everything at Bolton from the half-time oranges being too sour to the ghastly design of
and on the Governing Council of the FCM’s Green Municipal Fund, among other appointments. Richard Florizone – President & CEO, International Institute for Sustainable Richard Florizone - President & CEO, International Institute for Sustainable Development Dr. Richard Florizone is IISD’s new President and CEO. Part scientist, part strategist, he comes to this organization with a strong track record of bringing the public and private sectors together to achieve complex goals. With a reputation for collaborative leadership, Richard is a firm believer in the power of partnership to build institutions and communities that are intelligent, inspiring and inclusive. Stewart Elgie – Executive Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute Stewart Elgie - Executive Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute Stewart Elgie is a professor of law and economics at the University of Ottawa, and director of the University’s interdisciplinary Environment Institute. He received his Masters of Law from Harvard, and his doctorate (J.S.D.) from Yale. He is also the founder and chair of Smart Prosperity Institute (formerly Sustainable Prosperity), Canada’s premiere green economy think tank and policy-research network. His research involves environmental and economic sustainability, with a particular focus in recent years on market-based approaches. Click here for a backgrounder document with more information on the Task Force. Eric Campbell Task Force for a Resilient Recovery [email protected] The Task Force For a Resilient Recovery is funded by: Ivey Foundation The McConnell Foundation The Schad Foundation The Echo Foundation Copyright © 2020. Ivey Foundation. All rights reserved. Posts Tagged ‘fan favorites’ Street League Profiles Run Through Google Translator Nine or Ten Times Chris ‘Carl Orff’ Cole Carl Orff players not only together but also the root of the covenant of the people of any remnant; They do. This is the best in the whole of the population that was the most beautiful skateboard. Nyjah Huston was once quoted as saying: “We can not do the trick Carl ‘can say that can not win the fight to conquer new Tour tweezers .. No Money Cup Berrics battle for Copernicus 10 games to name a few. Luan Oliveira 2014 referendum was won on the history of Tampa Pro 2015 champion, took second and first victory SLS Los Angeles, but only SLS followed other victories in New Jersey. Probably one of the best advantages of skateboards and Luan, the serious wounds, there is a style that is unmatched seek nine standard complacency club, he often did 17 times SLS career. Nike SB skateboarding, Lu’an have the final 86% when he joined SLS in 2011 and four championships, participated in the 2015, where he finished third. Kelvin Hoefler Curabitur Brazilian women after the wedding and Kelvin Hoefler SB World Tour 2015 is put on the face 21 of the third year, the leader of the pro love is not a fight out of the competition SLS. Their promotion of some surprise, but the content is convinced Hoefler and last payo’ana. In 2014, put into two groups, then the second events ice skating can be canceled by a good deal of the load 1, 2, and war. After that, he will appear in 2014 Kimberley Diamonds South Africa World Cup fan base around the world Hoefler and hunger, and you can do with fear, show that even the SLS. David Gonzalez David Gonzalez usually the first day was good, but even after a crash a few fights during that time. It has lost some space in 2013 in all respects with an ankle injury in 2014 with a broken leg. Health Now in 2015, we are expecting to see him get a championship, he grew up in Colombia in 2012, Gonzalez Slasher in his skate skating to gymnastics. When he left the gym, skateboarding, skating friends sent to him and happy to see him fly down Gonzalez put him in the lineup Flip Video. The other line is a fan favorite, and another 8.1 bonus tricks because you can get a demo if high-flying in 2015. Torey Pudwill Torey Pudwill humor or the interpretation lipslide combos league fan favorites. Each time, the valley to help. In 2012, approximately 5.7 years of the 18 stops at the end of the game 7.0. In 2013, this 6-products, collecting approximately 7.2, but the magic of the pitfalls, it is raised to 8.7. Until the end of the cage to collect his best season in 2014 3 8.0 and 9.2 in the song of the net. As the league in 2015, playing a married couple. Kevin Bradley Kevin Brad leak Wren show in Los Angeles, was born and raised in California, his tricks and
and on the Governing Council of the FCM’s Green Municipal Fund, among other appointments. Richard Florizone – President & CEO, International Institute for Sustainable Richard Florizone - President & CEO, International Institute for Sustainable Development Dr. Richard Florizone is IISD’s new President and CEO. Part scientist, part strategist, he comes to this organization with a strong track record of bringing the public and private sectors together to achieve complex goals. With a reputation for collaborative leadership, Richard is a firm believer in the power of partnership to build institutions and communities that are intelligent, inspiring and inclusive. Stewart Elgie – Executive Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute Stewart Elgie - Executive Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute Stewart Elgie is a professor of law and economics at the University of Ottawa, and director of the University’s interdisciplinary Environment Institute. He received his Masters of Law from Harvard, and his doctorate (J.S.D.) from Yale. He is also the founder and chair of Smart Prosperity Institute (formerly Sustainable Prosperity), Canada’s premiere green economy think tank and policy-research network. His research involves environmental and economic sustainability, with a particular focus in recent years on market-based approaches. Click here for a backgrounder document with more information on the Task Force. Eric Campbell Task Force for a Resilient Recovery [email protected] The Task Force For a Resilient Recovery is funded by: Ivey Foundation The McConnell Foundation The Schad Foundation The Echo Foundation Copyright © 2020. Ivey Foundation. All rights reserved. Posts Tagged ‘fan favorites’ Street League Profiles Run Through Google Translator Nine or Ten Times Chris ‘Carl Orff’ Cole Carl Orff players not only together but also the root of the covenant of the people of any remnant; They do. This is the best in the whole of the population that was the most beautiful skateboard. Nyjah Huston was once quoted as saying: “We can not do the trick Carl ‘can say that can not win the fight to conquer new Tour tweezers .. No Money Cup Berrics battle for Copernicus 10 games to name a few. Luan Oliveira 2014 referendum was won on the history of Tampa Pro 2015 champion, took second and first victory SLS Los Angeles, but only SLS followed other victories in New Jersey. Probably one of the best advantages of skateboards and Luan, the serious wounds, there is a style that is unmatched seek nine standard complacency club, he often did 17 times SLS career. Nike SB skateboarding, Lu’an have the final 86% when he joined SLS in 2011 and four championships, participated in the 2015, where he finished third. Kelvin Hoefler Curabitur Brazilian women after the wedding and Kelvin Hoefler SB World Tour 2015 is put on the face 21 of the third year, the leader of the pro love is not a fight out of the competition SLS. Their promotion of some surprise, but the content is convinced Hoefler and last payo’ana. In 2014, put into two groups, then the second events ice skating can be canceled by a good deal of the load 1, 2, and war. After that, he will appear in 2014 Kimberley Diamonds South Africa World Cup fan base around the world Hoefler and hunger, and you can do with fear, show that even the SLS. David Gonzalez David Gonzalez usually the first day was good, but even after a crash a few fights during that time. It has lost some space in 2013 in all respects with an ankle injury in 2014 with a broken leg. Health Now in 2015, we are expecting to see him get a championship, he grew up in Colombia in 2012, Gonzalez Slasher in his skate skating to gymnastics. When he left the gym, skateboarding, skating friends sent to him and happy to see him fly down Gonzalez put him in the lineup Flip Video. The other line is a fan favorite, and another 8.1 bonus tricks because you can get a demo if high-flying in 2015. Torey Pudwill Torey Pudwill humor or the interpretation lipslide combos league fan favorites. Each time, the valley to help. In 2012, approximately 5.7 years of the 18 stops at the end of the game 7.0. In 2013, this 6-products, collecting approximately 7.2, but the magic of the pitfalls, it is raised to 8.7. Until the end of the cage to collect his best season in 2014 3 8.0 and 9.2 in the song of the net. As the league in 2015, playing a married couple. Kevin Bradley Kevin Brad leak Wren show in Los Angeles, was born and raised in California, his tricks and
video of the unhealthy part 2014 video “Cherry” from last year and the waves, Nike SB will drop “3 Chronicle”. His style is a fluid, and just Kevin SLS Nike SB skate in the bag of tricks, it is frustrating to see the 2,016th of World Tour. Bastien Salabanzi France Bastien Salabanzi was a child prodigy discovered in Europe Skateboards flip at the end of 1990. He turned professional in 2000 and had amazing video parts in Flip “Sorry” and “very sorry.” He is also a prolific skater competition. His victories are too numerous to mention, but many of them are remarkable. Tampa Pro won in 2004 and the second in 2005. The same year he won the contest WSR05 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. In 2006 he won the Mystic Skate Cup in Prague, Austria. In 2007, he won the Pro Copenhagen, Denmark. In 2008 he won the Globe Metz Master. In 2010, the fourth of the Maloof Money Cup in New York. Two years later, he was received in the Street League after winning the European team. He and 12 other European professionals were given 12 hours to become a party in a park in Barcelona, ​​where fans, judges and Via Lega Pro voted for him. In his first appearance in Street League Kansas City, MO, who finished second, which is his best result to date. In his three years away league career, which has the biggest rounds scored 9.2 in 2012 and 9.3 in 2014. 2015 will be another year for fans to eradicate this energy flashes quickly, the French victory. Chris Joslin Chris Joslin garden, about his Chris that was brought up by his grandmother shot is true of rat ridge, great party is every day in order to put it on Instagram which is scheduled to last fall break that she must not have take, his sponsor, to drop the patina of the video clip, but is please do not forget that B, it is Send. He most of November, is a professional in 2016 with our wanted a fan Chris, I want to make sure that you are all a combination of Nike SB SLS World Tour. Tags:Alphabet Inc, Bastien Salabanzi, best in the whole population, Bob Dyrdek, Carl Orff, Cebuano, Chris Joslin, David Gonzalez, drop the patina, fan favorites, Kelvin Hoefler, Kevin Brad Leak, Kyrgyz, Let's Pretend We're Married, lipslide combos, Luan Oliveira, Malay, nine standard complacency club, party in a park, Slovak, The Street League, Torey Pudwill, Xhosa, Yoruba The Hangar Youth Field Trips COVID-19 NOTICE AND POLICIES General James W. “Jim” Wold Day Join Us For This Special Event BRIGADIER GENERAL JAMES W. WOLD James William Wold was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on April 18, 1932, to Peter and Hulda Christine (nee Olson) Wold. Peter, a native of Lillehammer, Norway, immigrated to the United States in the summer of 1923 and farmed briefly in North Dakota before permanently relocating his family to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hulda Christine, an American by birth, was originally from Colfax, Wisconsin. As a teenager, Wold attended Minneapolis South High School for two years before transferring to Hillcrest Academy in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. While studying at Hillcrest Academy, he became acquainted with Joan JoAnne Abigael Norheim, a fellow student who would later become his wife. Following graduation from Hillcrest Academy in 1949, he attended Augsburg College for one academic year. In 1951, Wold enlisted in the United States Air Force wherein he attended the Russian Language Program at Syracuse University. After the language studies were completed, in August of 1952, Wold entered the Aviation Cadet Program. He received his aeronautical instruction through the 3505th Pilot Training Wing at Greenville Air Force Base located in Mississippi. On September 16, 1953, Wold received his commission with the rank of Second Lieutenant and the rating of Pilot. Less than a week after being commissioned, Wold married JoAnne in Pasadena, California. As a result of being newly commissioned, Wold was briefly stationed at Mather Air Force Base in California, followed by another short assignment at Shaw Air Force Base located in South Carolina, where he flew the RB-45C reconnaissance aircraft. Once Wold became familiar with the new aircraft, he relocated to RAF Sculthorpe in the United Kingdom, where he flew missions with the 19th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron from May 1954 to June 1956. Following the completion of this placement, the Air Force assigned Wold to study mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Wold
What they desperately needed to do was to drink water and eat some food, but no one had much of an appetite, with not only dead bodies all around, but the hot and humid air thick with the stink of excrement, because Korean farmers fertilized their fields with human feces. The sergeant of this squad had to get his troops nourished so they would have the strength to stand up to an expected counterattack. Most of the squad were were teenagers, or barely over twenty, (as the draft of that time had a deferment for people who had served in World War Two), but the the sergeant had seen action in the past, and seemed very old to the young men. He was described as a a heavyset man with an square, jutting jaw and a sour expression, stereotypical for a sergeant, but his age wasn’t stated. If he lied about his age when he joined the army (as was quite common back then) he may have been as young as 28 or as old as 52. If he claimed to be 21 when he was only 17, he might have joined in 1918 (in the great excitement of that time), or in 1939 (to escape Great Depression poverty and unemployment, and also perhaps to escape working for FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corp). In any case he was “an old campaigner” and had experience on the battlefield. Korea was the third ferocious war that the United States had seen in thirty-two years. The sergeant had likely served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Southern France, and Germany by 1945. He knew it was important to eat, no matter how horrible the restaurant was, so he attempted to set a good example, as the veteran in the situation. Perhaps he berated his squad for complaining, but then sat on some wreckage, stolidly chewing a spam sandwich despite the fact the bloating body of a dead invader lay right in front of him. No matter how disgusted he may have felt inwardly, externally he was stoic, munching with machismo. But just then the dead body in front of him, due to decomposition creating gasses in its guts, produced a long, loud, and bubbling belch. The sergeant’s immediate and involuntary response was to vomit the entire sandwich he had just eaten. His squad’s reaction was to promptly dissolve into helpless, weeping laughter. After looking around with a wounded expression for a moment, the sergeant began laughing himself. The prolonged laughter was the last thing any of the men expected, and was amazingly relieving and refreshing, and was an event one of the soldiers recalled with vivid clarity years later. The humor in the situation is not all that different from the humor of seeing a pompous snob slip and fall on ice, the primary difference being that that sergeant was able to laugh at his own discomfiture. What is more surprising to me is that some politically-correct people, sipping drinks far from the battlefield, seem completely unable to get such a joke, and rather look down their noses at the resiliency of the human spirit. They seem to display a dour intellectual skill at downplaying courage, and to instead see joy in grim circumstances as a type of mental illness, as masochism, or sadism, or some other warped behavior, and to justify their disdain with extraordinary psychobabble. The simple fact of the matter is that suffering cannot kill the Truth, and in fact can make appreciation of Truth keener. Not all hearts are hardened like Stalin’s when broken. Stalin is purported to have stated, regarding his first wife, “She softened my hard heart, and when she died I never again (was soft)”, but the poet John Keats, if anything, grew more tender due to the suffering he experienced nursing first his mother, and later his younger brother, as they died of tuberculosis. His beautiful “Ode to Melancholy” states: “…Or if thy mistress some rich anger shows, Emprison her soft hand, and let her rave, And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes. She dwells with Beauty—Beauty that must die; And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh, Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips: Ay, in the very temple of Delight Veil’d Melancholy has her sovran shrine, Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue Can burst Joy’s grape against his palate fine; His soul shalt taste the sadness of her might, And be among her cloudy trophies hung.” In a way Keats is merely speaking a truism commonly expressed as, “You’ve gotta pay the dues if you want to sing the blues.” When the politically-correct seek to avoid suffering they
What they desperately needed to do was to drink water and eat some food, but no one had much of an appetite, with not only dead bodies all around, but the hot and humid air thick with the stink of excrement, because Korean farmers fertilized their fields with human feces. The sergeant of this squad had to get his troops nourished so they would have the strength to stand up to an expected counterattack. Most of the squad were were teenagers, or barely over twenty, (as the draft of that time had a deferment for people who had served in World War Two), but the the sergeant had seen action in the past, and seemed very old to the young men. He was described as a a heavyset man with an square, jutting jaw and a sour expression, stereotypical for a sergeant, but his age wasn’t stated. If he lied about his age when he joined the army (as was quite common back then) he may have been as young as 28 or as old as 52. If he claimed to be 21 when he was only 17, he might have joined in 1918 (in the great excitement of that time), or in 1939 (to escape Great Depression poverty and unemployment, and also perhaps to escape working for FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corp). In any case he was “an old campaigner” and had experience on the battlefield. Korea was the third ferocious war that the United States had seen in thirty-two years. The sergeant had likely served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Southern France, and Germany by 1945. He knew it was important to eat, no matter how horrible the restaurant was, so he attempted to set a good example, as the veteran in the situation. Perhaps he berated his squad for complaining, but then sat on some wreckage, stolidly chewing a spam sandwich despite the fact the bloating body of a dead invader lay right in front of him. No matter how disgusted he may have felt inwardly, externally he was stoic, munching with machismo. But just then the dead body in front of him, due to decomposition creating gasses in its guts, produced a long, loud, and bubbling belch. The sergeant’s immediate and involuntary response was to vomit the entire sandwich he had just eaten. His squad’s reaction was to promptly dissolve into helpless, weeping laughter. After looking around with a wounded expression for a moment, the sergeant began laughing himself. The prolonged laughter was the last thing any of the men expected, and was amazingly relieving and refreshing, and was an event one of the soldiers recalled with vivid clarity years later. The humor in the situation is not all that different from the humor of seeing a pompous snob slip and fall on ice, the primary difference being that that sergeant was able to laugh at his own discomfiture. What is more surprising to me is that some politically-correct people, sipping drinks far from the battlefield, seem completely unable to get such a joke, and rather look down their noses at the resiliency of the human spirit. They seem to display a dour intellectual skill at downplaying courage, and to instead see joy in grim circumstances as a type of mental illness, as masochism, or sadism, or some other warped behavior, and to justify their disdain with extraordinary psychobabble. The simple fact of the matter is that suffering cannot kill the Truth, and in fact can make appreciation of Truth keener. Not all hearts are hardened like Stalin’s when broken. Stalin is purported to have stated, regarding his first wife, “She softened my hard heart, and when she died I never again (was soft)”, but the poet John Keats, if anything, grew more tender due to the suffering he experienced nursing first his mother, and later his younger brother, as they died of tuberculosis. His beautiful “Ode to Melancholy” states: “…Or if thy mistress some rich anger shows, Emprison her soft hand, and let her rave, And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes. She dwells with Beauty—Beauty that must die; And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh, Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips: Ay, in the very temple of Delight Veil’d Melancholy has her sovran shrine, Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue Can burst Joy’s grape against his palate fine; His soul shalt taste the sadness of her might, And be among her cloudy trophies hung.” In a way Keats is merely speaking a truism commonly expressed as, “You’ve gotta pay the dues if you want to sing the blues.” When the politically-correct seek to avoid suffering they
inadvertently deny themselves much that is most beautiful. An amazing example of a poet finding beauty in hell is the war-poetry of Wilford Owen. Owen seemed a poet specifically born to tell the truth about the trenches of World War One, for fate had him survive, against all odds, until the final week of the war. (His mother received the telegram announcing his death as the church bells rang, celebrating the war’s end.) Various psychobabble tends to degrade the compassion he felt for his comrades-in-arms, (and even for the Germans he killed), as “homoerotic”, when in fact he was a somewhat delicate, prissy poet who adored green fields and flowers, yet was plunged into the exact opposite. The spiritual crisis he went through, and the amazing maturation he displayed, (moving from “songs of innocence” to “songs of experience” like William Blake), deserves admiration and not psychobabble. Basically he wrote most of his best poetry when in a hospital, before returning to the trenches. We have rough drafts he never had time to fine-tune. In some ways it portrays a mind experiencing flash-backs, (what is now called “post-traumatic-stress” but back then was called “shell shock”). He simply tells the truth. One great poem describes witnessing the death of a fellow soldier who didn’t quite get his gas mask in place in time, and how “as under a green sea, I saw him drowning.” He describes the slow torture of a man gradually dying as lungs fill with blood, and mocks the statement that to die for one’s country is a glorious thing. https://web.viu.ca/davies/H482.WWI/poems.Wifred.Owen.htm However, midst the realism of describing the true hell of war, he also describes the true heroism of the soldiers, and how in that heroism is both beauty and joy. In “Apologia pro Poemate Meo” he begins, “I, too, saw God through mud…” and concludes: ”…I have perceived much beauty In the hoarse oaths that kept our courage straight; Heard music in the silentness of duty; Found peace where shell-storms spouted reddest spate. Nevertheless, except you share With them in hell the sorrowful dark of hell, Whose world is but the trembling of a flare, And heaven but as the highway for a shell, You shall not hear their mirth: You shall not come to think them well content By any jest of mine. These men are worth Your tears: You are not worth their merriment.” http://www.englishverse.com/poems/apologia_pro_poemate_meo The above poem, with its echo of “Ode to Melancholy”, does an amazing job of both describing the sheer, unnecessary hell of war, and also the heaven of brotherhood which appears among men in deplorable circumstances, from factory-floor to storm-at-sea to the gruesome landscapes of war. But who is the “you” Owen speaks to, at the end? It seems (to me) to be the politically-correct, who mix the oblivion of ignorance with downright condescending psychobabble. People undergoing shell shock don’t need psychobabble; they likely can only be truly helped by another who has been through similar hell, who has faced the crucifixion of simple men, (and who understands Christ truly did sweat blood before his humiliation, for they have witnessed ordinary soldiers undergoing hematidrosis.) One mysterious poem among Owen’s notes contains amazing assonance, and also describes meeting a German soldier who he bayoneted the day before, in a dream. He may not have shown the poem to anyone. Reluctance would have been understandable, for one knows what psychobabble would state, about the peculiar “vision” he shared in “Strange Meeting.” In the eyes of many, dreary, so-called pragmatists, “Strange Meeting” is but the raving hallucinations of a shell-shocked madman. http://www.englishverse.com/poems/strange_meeting Yet one needs to also ask, what is so sane about war? The First World War was basically a disagreement between Cousin George and Cousin Willy, and began with prancing horses and fancy uniforms. It was suppose to be “over by Christmas,” and there was even a somewhat accidental and unofficial truce in 1914 on Christmas, when the German and English played soccer in No-Man’s-Land. The
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celebrity personas in meme culture. Do celebrities search their own names on Twitter? Probably. Do they know that you (and the MoonPie account or whatever) are constantly invoking their personas for clout? Certainly. It's likely, then, that these responses are so popular because they transcend, and thus briefly render irrelevant, 2018's tired viral economy. There are hundreds of branded quizzes to tell us which Office character we are. There are thousands of tweets about Kim Kardashian. And yes, Laura Dern is cool as hell. We don't need to participate in the "me AF" meme race to know that. But being the Kim of the family does sound exhausting. More in Social Media, Twitter, Celebrities Chloe Bryan Chloe was the shopping editor at Mashable. She was also previously a culture reporter. You can follow her on Twitter at @chloebryan. Hippocampal CA2 sharp-wave ripples reactivate and promote social memory Azahara Oliva ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1206-71251, Antonio Fernández-Ruiz ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8481-07962, Felix Leroy ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1715-32331 & Steven A. Siegelbaum ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0242-75051,3 Social behaviour The consolidation of spatial memory depends on the reactivation (‘replay’) of hippocampal place cells that were active during recent behaviour. Such reactivation is observed during sharp-wave ripples (SWRs)—synchronous oscillatory electrical events that occur during non-rapid-eye-movement (non-REM) sleep1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and whose disruption impairs spatial memory3,5,6,8. Although the hippocampus also encodes a wide range of non-spatial forms of declarative memory, it is not yet known whether SWRs are necessary for such memories. Moreover, although SWRs can arise from either the CA3 or the CA2 region of the hippocampus7,9, the relative importance of SWRs from these regions for memory consolidation is unknown. Here we examine the role of SWRs during the consolidation of social memory—the ability of an animal to recognize and remember a member of the same species—focusing on CA2 because of its essential role in social memory10,11,12. We find that ensembles of CA2 pyramidal neurons that are active during social exploration of previously unknown conspecifics are reactivated during SWRs. Notably, disruption or enhancement of CA2 SWRs suppresses or prolongs social memory, respectively. Thus, SWR-mediated reactivation of hippocampal firing related to recent experience appears to be a general mechanism for binding spatial, temporal and sensory information into high-order memory representations, including social memory. Specific AAV2/PHP.eB-mediated gene transduction of CA2 pyramidal cells via injection into the lateral ventricle Kazuki Okamoto , Yuji Kamikubo … Hiroyuki Hioki Scientific Reports Open Access 06 January 2023 Hippocampal representations of foraging trajectories depend upon spatial context Wan-Chen Jiang , Shengjin Xu & Joshua T. Dudman Nature Neuroscience Open Access 29 November 2022 Grid cell remapping under three-dimensional object and social landmarks detected by implantable microelectrode arrays for the medial entorhinal cortex Zhaojie Xu , Fan Mo … Xinxia Cai Microsystems & Nanoengineering Open Access 16 September 2022 Fig. 1: Encoding of conspecifics by activity of CA2 pyramidal cells. Fig. 2: Effect of SWR disruption on social-memory consolidation. Fig. 3: Reactivation during sleep of cell ensembles that were active during prior social learning. Fig. 4: Effect of optogenetic generation of ripples on social-memory recall. Data sets and analytical tools included in this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. Wilson, M. A. & McNaughton, B. L. Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Science 265, 676–679 (1994). CAS PubMed ADS Google Scholar Karlsson, M. P. & Frank, L. M. Awake replay of remote experiences in the hippocampus. Nat. Neurosci. 12, 913–918 (2009). Girardeau, G., Benchenane, K., Wiener, S. I., Buzsáki, G. & Zugaro, M. B. Selective suppression of hippocampal ripples imp
celebrity personas in meme culture. Do celebrities search their own names on Twitter? Probably. Do they know that you (and the MoonPie account or whatever) are constantly invoking their personas for clout? Certainly. It's likely, then, that these responses are so popular because they transcend, and thus briefly render irrelevant, 2018's tired viral economy. There are hundreds of branded quizzes to tell us which Office character we are. There are thousands of tweets about Kim Kardashian. And yes, Laura Dern is cool as hell. We don't need to participate in the "me AF" meme race to know that. But being the Kim of the family does sound exhausting. More in Social Media, Twitter, Celebrities Chloe Bryan Chloe was the shopping editor at Mashable. She was also previously a culture reporter. You can follow her on Twitter at @chloebryan. Hippocampal CA2 sharp-wave ripples reactivate and promote social memory Azahara Oliva ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1206-71251, Antonio Fernández-Ruiz ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8481-07962, Felix Leroy ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1715-32331 & Steven A. Siegelbaum ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0242-75051,3 Social behaviour The consolidation of spatial memory depends on the reactivation (‘replay’) of hippocampal place cells that were active during recent behaviour. Such reactivation is observed during sharp-wave ripples (SWRs)—synchronous oscillatory electrical events that occur during non-rapid-eye-movement (non-REM) sleep1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and whose disruption impairs spatial memory3,5,6,8. Although the hippocampus also encodes a wide range of non-spatial forms of declarative memory, it is not yet known whether SWRs are necessary for such memories. Moreover, although SWRs can arise from either the CA3 or the CA2 region of the hippocampus7,9, the relative importance of SWRs from these regions for memory consolidation is unknown. Here we examine the role of SWRs during the consolidation of social memory—the ability of an animal to recognize and remember a member of the same species—focusing on CA2 because of its essential role in social memory10,11,12. We find that ensembles of CA2 pyramidal neurons that are active during social exploration of previously unknown conspecifics are reactivated during SWRs. Notably, disruption or enhancement of CA2 SWRs suppresses or prolongs social memory, respectively. Thus, SWR-mediated reactivation of hippocampal firing related to recent experience appears to be a general mechanism for binding spatial, temporal and sensory information into high-order memory representations, including social memory. Specific AAV2/PHP.eB-mediated gene transduction of CA2 pyramidal cells via injection into the lateral ventricle Kazuki Okamoto , Yuji Kamikubo … Hiroyuki Hioki Scientific Reports Open Access 06 January 2023 Hippocampal representations of foraging trajectories depend upon spatial context Wan-Chen Jiang , Shengjin Xu & Joshua T. Dudman Nature Neuroscience Open Access 29 November 2022 Grid cell remapping under three-dimensional object and social landmarks detected by implantable microelectrode arrays for the medial entorhinal cortex Zhaojie Xu , Fan Mo … Xinxia Cai Microsystems & Nanoengineering Open Access 16 September 2022 Fig. 1: Encoding of conspecifics by activity of CA2 pyramidal cells. Fig. 2: Effect of SWR disruption on social-memory consolidation. Fig. 3: Reactivation during sleep of cell ensembles that were active during prior social learning. Fig. 4: Effect of optogenetic generation of ripples on social-memory recall. Data sets and analytical tools included in this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. Wilson, M. A. & McNaughton, B. L. Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Science 265, 676–679 (1994). CAS PubMed ADS Google Scholar Karlsson, M. P. & Frank, L. M. Awake replay of remote experiences in the hippocampus. Nat. Neurosci. 12, 913–918 (2009). Girardeau, G., Benchenane, K., Wiener, S. I., Buzsáki, G. & Zugaro, M. B. Selective suppression of hippocampal ripples imp
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new forms, that each plane that all the others have failed, but we are the ones that will finally achieve this dream and create the state that will connect heaven with earth. Thank you. Posted in Events | Tagged terrorism, Islamic terrorism, ISIS, Samuel Tadros, Coptic, Copts, Egyptian Christians, Hudson Institute, Muslim Brotherhood Gender and the City in Latin America Cities/Ciudades About me/ Sobre mí Article about violence and migration in Honduras 29 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / Leave a comment My latest article entitled, “Transnational and Local Entanglements in the ‘cycle of violence’ of Central American Migration” was recently published in Global Crime. The article is based on my work as an expert witness for Honduran asylum seekers in the United States. Here’s the abstract: Bridging the gap between academics and policy makers: Academic Roundtable with the Secretary for Women 18 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / 1 Comment I love researching, but I also want my research to contribute to policy. I’ve struggled with this, wondering how to do it. The blog post by Sarah Morton, “Bridging the gap between research and policy” from LSE Blogs is helpful. I admit that I’ve yet to work with policy makers. I’ve always wanted to do it. Sarah Morton writes that it’s is important to develop trust with stakeholders, and this may take time. I think this is where I’m at: developing steps with one of the stakeholders involved in the topic of gender. Since 2017, I have been conducting interviews to staff working at the Secretary for Women in Medellín. They have been really open and helpful, talking about their work, their programs, and connecting me with women’s organizations and activists in Medellin. One tireless, hardworking staff member, Gloria Montoya, has been invaluable for my research and in helping me understand the work of the Secretary for Women. She’s come to my International Relations class to give talks on gender and helped set up the recent fieldwork to San Antonio el Prado so that my students could visit the Secretary’s programs aimed at rural women empowerment. Yesterday (May 17), Gloria invited me (and other universities) take part of an academic roundtable to update the Policy for Urban and Rural Women in Medellin organized by the Secretary for Women. (At EAFIT University with the Secretary for Women. Photo: Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera) The policy focuses on Security, Health, Peace, and Education, Participation. I worked at the Security roundtable. Two civil servants from the Secretary for Women, a student from EAFIT and UNAL, and me discussed the situation of (in)security of women in Medellin and what changes were needed in the current strategies to protect women. We noticed that most of the strategies were aimed at intervening when women had already suffered some form of violence (e.g. domestic violence), yet the current strategies did not seem to tackle the prevention of gender-based violence. We discussed that a possible strategy could be including information of gender-based violence in schools. Another issue we found important was sexual harassment in academic spaces. It has become epidemic and only recently visible in the media in Colombia. Unfortunately, it is very common professors (mostly male) harassing female students (and male students). I’ve had female students come up to me to tell me how uncomfortable they have felt with some male professors. At the roundtable, we realized that sexual harassment in academic settings do not appear in policy strategies. This roundtable was the first of various meetings that will take place between various universities and the Secretary for Women. This experience was new to mee and I’m learning. I definitely look forward to more discussions with policy makers to improve the lives of many women. Gender and International Relations in the classroom and in the field: Female farmers at San Antonio del Prado 6 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / 2 Comments One of the courses I teach at the Dept. of Political Science at the National University of Colombia in Medellin is International Relations. I’ve structured the course as an Introduction to International Relations since students are enrolled in the Political Science program. In this introductory course, I make sure that my students read some topics on gender. This semester (in Colombia, the semester usually runs from February to late May), aside from the main theories in IR, I included a workshop on gender and international relations. The purpose of the workshop was to look at a program for women carried out by the Secretary for Women in Medellin. Some of the programs carried out by the Secretary for Women adhere to international agreements signed by the Colombian national government for gender equality. Because Colombia
new forms, that each plane that all the others have failed, but we are the ones that will finally achieve this dream and create the state that will connect heaven with earth. Thank you. Posted in Events | Tagged terrorism, Islamic terrorism, ISIS, Samuel Tadros, Coptic, Copts, Egyptian Christians, Hudson Institute, Muslim Brotherhood Gender and the City in Latin America Cities/Ciudades About me/ Sobre mí Article about violence and migration in Honduras 29 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / Leave a comment My latest article entitled, “Transnational and Local Entanglements in the ‘cycle of violence’ of Central American Migration” was recently published in Global Crime. The article is based on my work as an expert witness for Honduran asylum seekers in the United States. Here’s the abstract: Bridging the gap between academics and policy makers: Academic Roundtable with the Secretary for Women 18 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / 1 Comment I love researching, but I also want my research to contribute to policy. I’ve struggled with this, wondering how to do it. The blog post by Sarah Morton, “Bridging the gap between research and policy” from LSE Blogs is helpful. I admit that I’ve yet to work with policy makers. I’ve always wanted to do it. Sarah Morton writes that it’s is important to develop trust with stakeholders, and this may take time. I think this is where I’m at: developing steps with one of the stakeholders involved in the topic of gender. Since 2017, I have been conducting interviews to staff working at the Secretary for Women in Medellín. They have been really open and helpful, talking about their work, their programs, and connecting me with women’s organizations and activists in Medellin. One tireless, hardworking staff member, Gloria Montoya, has been invaluable for my research and in helping me understand the work of the Secretary for Women. She’s come to my International Relations class to give talks on gender and helped set up the recent fieldwork to San Antonio el Prado so that my students could visit the Secretary’s programs aimed at rural women empowerment. Yesterday (May 17), Gloria invited me (and other universities) take part of an academic roundtable to update the Policy for Urban and Rural Women in Medellin organized by the Secretary for Women. (At EAFIT University with the Secretary for Women. Photo: Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera) The policy focuses on Security, Health, Peace, and Education, Participation. I worked at the Security roundtable. Two civil servants from the Secretary for Women, a student from EAFIT and UNAL, and me discussed the situation of (in)security of women in Medellin and what changes were needed in the current strategies to protect women. We noticed that most of the strategies were aimed at intervening when women had already suffered some form of violence (e.g. domestic violence), yet the current strategies did not seem to tackle the prevention of gender-based violence. We discussed that a possible strategy could be including information of gender-based violence in schools. Another issue we found important was sexual harassment in academic spaces. It has become epidemic and only recently visible in the media in Colombia. Unfortunately, it is very common professors (mostly male) harassing female students (and male students). I’ve had female students come up to me to tell me how uncomfortable they have felt with some male professors. At the roundtable, we realized that sexual harassment in academic settings do not appear in policy strategies. This roundtable was the first of various meetings that will take place between various universities and the Secretary for Women. This experience was new to mee and I’m learning. I definitely look forward to more discussions with policy makers to improve the lives of many women. Gender and International Relations in the classroom and in the field: Female farmers at San Antonio del Prado 6 May, 2018 / genderandcitylatinamerica / 2 Comments One of the courses I teach at the Dept. of Political Science at the National University of Colombia in Medellin is International Relations. I’ve structured the course as an Introduction to International Relations since students are enrolled in the Political Science program. In this introductory course, I make sure that my students read some topics on gender. This semester (in Colombia, the semester usually runs from February to late May), aside from the main theories in IR, I included a workshop on gender and international relations. The purpose of the workshop was to look at a program for women carried out by the Secretary for Women in Medellin. Some of the programs carried out by the Secretary for Women adhere to international agreements signed by the Colombian national government for gender equality. Because Colombia
is decentralized, local governments are relatively autonomous regarding how they implement gender equality programs. I thought it would be interesting that my students -and future political scientists- explored these municipal programs for gender equality. What is working? What isn’t and why? What is the impact? On April 20, 2018, we visited a program aimed at empowering female farmers in the municipality of Medellin. Interestingly, 70 percent of Medellin’s land use is rural (30 percent is urban). Along with civil servants from the Secretary for Women, we visited two greenhouses headed by female farmers in San Antonio del Prado, which is part of Medellin’s municipality and considered rural. At the ‘finca’ (or farm), we heard the staff of the Secretary for Women and then we heard two female community leaders and farmers, who also ran the greenhouses. They shared their experiences with the program of female empowerment. (Political Science students of the UNAL listening to rural community leader and farmer “Carmen” from San Antonio del Prado -far left-, Medellin Municipality. Photo: Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera). The program from the municipality had certainly improved their lives economically. In the sense that they had become economically independent, or had learned to administer their income (which was new to them). However, they faced various obstacles. One obstacle was the difficulty to sell their products in the city. Doing this required obtaining very expensive registers which they could not pay. What they did was sell in alternative markets known as “mercados campesinos” (farmers markets), in the city. Another obstacle was buying seeds to grow in their greenhouses. Many peasants in Colombia are forced to buy seeds sold by multinationals such as Monsanto or Bayer in order to grow their crops. As anthropologist Laura Escobar Gutiérrez explains in her article “Seeds of Struggle“, this is because of the Colombia’s Free Trade Agreement with United States which requires Colombia to “join the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) of 1991, a system that restricts farmers’ rights to use the seeds they grow”. As “Carmen”, one of the rural farmers at San Antonio del Prado explained, the seeds are very expensive and are impossible to buy. Despite these restrictions, “Carmen” and the other female farmers do not give up. Female farmers and their families continue working on the greenhouse project. (“Carmen” -below left- and Political Science students of the UNAL, showing us one of the greenhouses at San Antonio del Prado. Photo: Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera). Rapid urbanization was another problem that worried both the Secretary for Women and the rural communities. Despite being predominantly rural, San Antonio del Prado has been undergoing urbanization. Rural land is now being destined for urban purposes. Furthermore, these urban projects (for instance, multifamily housing projects) are impacting the rural communities in negative ways. One problem is the access to water. Farmers need water to grow their crops. Yet, as “Carmen” explained, San Antonio del Prado’s water is being redirected to provide water to the housing projects. Even though female farmers at San Antonio del Prado felt they had benefited from the Secretary for Women’s programs aimed at empowering female rural farmers, free trade agreements and rapid urbanization are limiting the empowerment of female farmers and, in general, rural communities in Colombia. View @lirio_gutierrez’s profile on Twitter Sep 24 , 2019 KENNY CHESNEY CHILLAXIFICATION TOUR 2020 Kenny is ready to take it back to the stadiums! His Chillaxification 2020 tour is designed to bring great music, good vibes and one of his most diverse lineups to some of his favorite cities and a few new places. Joining him for this summer’s adventure are Florida Georgia Line, Old Dominion and Michael Franti & Spearhead. Chillaxification 2020 kicks off Saturday, April 18 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas – and culminates Friday, August 28 with his 20th show at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass. Tickets for all dates will go on sale next Friday, October 4 at 10 a.m. local time. “These stadium shows are the most fun thing I do,” says Kenny. “It’s been a year, so when I get out there, I wanna make sure that No Shoes Nation is being rocked, having fun and getting all the music they can out of the day. We always try to do something different, bring someone new – and for anyone who’s never seen Michael Franti and Spearhead, just wait!” The only country artist on Billboard�
JR, Balmanoukian A, et al. Avelumab, an anti-programmed death-Ligand 1 antibody, in patients with refractory metastatic Urothelial carcinoma: results from a multicenter, phase Ib study. J Clin Oncol. 2017;2017:JCO2016716795.Google Scholar Patel MR, Ellerton JA, Infante JR, et al. Avelumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma: pooled results from two cohorts of the phase 1b JAVELIN solid tumor trial. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:330.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Larkin J, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gonzalez R, et al. Combined Nivolumab and Ipilimumab or Monotherapy in untreated melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:23–34.View ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Hellmann MD, Rizvi NA, Goldman JW, et al. Nivolumab plus ipilimumab as first-line treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (CheckMate 012): results of an open-label, phase 1, multicohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2017;18:31–41.View ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Sharma PCM, Calvo E, et al. Efficacy and safety of nivolumab plus ipilimumab in previously treated metastatic urothelial carcinoma: first results from the phase I/II CheckMate 032 study. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(15 suppl):2016. 2016 SITC Annual Meeting; National Harbor, MDGoogle Scholar Callahan MK, Kania BE, Iyer G, et al. Evaluation of the clinical activity of ipilimumab (IPI) plus nivolumab (NIVO) in patients (pts) with NIVO-refractory metastatic urothelial cancer (UC). J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:384.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Powles T, Galsky MD, Castellano D, et al. A phase 3 study of first-line durvalumab (MEDI4736) ± tremelimumab versus standard of care (SoC) chemotherapy (CT) in patients (pts) with unresectable stage IV urothelial bladder cancer (UBC): DANUBE. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS4574–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Powles T, Gschwend JE, Loriot Y, et al. Phase 3 KEYNOTE-361 trial: Pembrolizumab (pembro) with or without chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in advanced urothelial cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:TPS4590–TPS.Google Scholar Smith DC, Gajewski T, Hamid O, et al. Epacadostat plus pembrolizumab in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma: preliminary phase I/II results of ECHO-202/KEYNOTE-037. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:4503.Google Scholar Rachel E, Sanborn MJP, Harriet M, Kluger, Callahan MK, Weise AM, Lutzky J, Yellin MJ, Rawls T, Vitale L, Halim A, Keler T, Davis T, Naiyer A, Rizvi. Clinical results with combination of anti-CD27 agonist antibody, varlilumab, with anti-PD1 antibody nivolumab in advanced cancer patients. Chicago: ASCO Annual Meeting 2017; 2017.Google Scholar Infante JR, Ahlers CM, Hodi FS, et al. ENGAGE-1: a first in human study of the OX40 agonist GSK3174998 alone and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS3107–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Wainberg ZA, Eisenberg PD, Sachdev JC, et al. Phase 1/2a study of double immune suppression blockade by combining a CSF1R inhibitor (pexidartinib/PLX3397) with an anti PD-1 antibody (pembrolizumab) to treat advanced melanoma and other solid tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS465–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Apolo AB, Mortazavi A, Stein MN, et al. A phase I study of cabozantinib plus nivolumab (CaboNivo) and cabonivo plus ipilimumab (CaboNivoIpi) in patients (pts) with refractory metast
JR, Balmanoukian A, et al. Avelumab, an anti-programmed death-Ligand 1 antibody, in patients with refractory metastatic Urothelial carcinoma: results from a multicenter, phase Ib study. J Clin Oncol. 2017;2017:JCO2016716795.Google Scholar Patel MR, Ellerton JA, Infante JR, et al. Avelumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma: pooled results from two cohorts of the phase 1b JAVELIN solid tumor trial. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:330.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Larkin J, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gonzalez R, et al. Combined Nivolumab and Ipilimumab or Monotherapy in untreated melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:23–34.View ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Hellmann MD, Rizvi NA, Goldman JW, et al. Nivolumab plus ipilimumab as first-line treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (CheckMate 012): results of an open-label, phase 1, multicohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2017;18:31–41.View ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Sharma PCM, Calvo E, et al. Efficacy and safety of nivolumab plus ipilimumab in previously treated metastatic urothelial carcinoma: first results from the phase I/II CheckMate 032 study. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(15 suppl):2016. 2016 SITC Annual Meeting; National Harbor, MDGoogle Scholar Callahan MK, Kania BE, Iyer G, et al. Evaluation of the clinical activity of ipilimumab (IPI) plus nivolumab (NIVO) in patients (pts) with NIVO-refractory metastatic urothelial cancer (UC). J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:384.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Powles T, Galsky MD, Castellano D, et al. A phase 3 study of first-line durvalumab (MEDI4736) ± tremelimumab versus standard of care (SoC) chemotherapy (CT) in patients (pts) with unresectable stage IV urothelial bladder cancer (UBC): DANUBE. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS4574–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Powles T, Gschwend JE, Loriot Y, et al. Phase 3 KEYNOTE-361 trial: Pembrolizumab (pembro) with or without chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in advanced urothelial cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:TPS4590–TPS.Google Scholar Smith DC, Gajewski T, Hamid O, et al. Epacadostat plus pembrolizumab in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma: preliminary phase I/II results of ECHO-202/KEYNOTE-037. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35:4503.Google Scholar Rachel E, Sanborn MJP, Harriet M, Kluger, Callahan MK, Weise AM, Lutzky J, Yellin MJ, Rawls T, Vitale L, Halim A, Keler T, Davis T, Naiyer A, Rizvi. Clinical results with combination of anti-CD27 agonist antibody, varlilumab, with anti-PD1 antibody nivolumab in advanced cancer patients. Chicago: ASCO Annual Meeting 2017; 2017.Google Scholar Infante JR, Ahlers CM, Hodi FS, et al. ENGAGE-1: a first in human study of the OX40 agonist GSK3174998 alone and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS3107–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Wainberg ZA, Eisenberg PD, Sachdev JC, et al. Phase 1/2a study of double immune suppression blockade by combining a CSF1R inhibitor (pexidartinib/PLX3397) with an anti PD-1 antibody (pembrolizumab) to treat advanced melanoma and other solid tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:TPS465–TPS.View ArticleGoogle Scholar Apolo AB, Mortazavi A, Stein MN, et al. A phase I study of cabozantinib plus nivolumab (CaboNivo) and cabonivo plus ipilimumab (CaboNivoIpi) in patients (pts) with refractory metast
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allows users to draw with more precision and preview marks before they make them. It also makes it more efficient for the iPad to register handwriting and convert it to text with the Scribble app. The new 11-inch iPad Pro comes in silver and space gray. It starts at $739. Pricing increases based on storage and connectivity selections. 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (WiFi, 64 GB), $739 (reduced from $799) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (Wi-Fi, 512 GB), $999 (reduced from $1,099) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (cellular, 64GB), $899 (reduced from $999) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (cellular, 512 GB), $1,229 (reduced from $1,299) 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6 (2022): $999 and up Want a bigger screen? No problem. Apple also released a 12.9-inch model of the new iPad Pro. The larger model includes all of the same updates as the 11-inch iPad Pro, including the M2 chip. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro comes in silver and space gray. You can choose from four storage options and can select either the cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity options. 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6th generation (Wi-Fi, 128 GB), $999 (reduced from $1,099) 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6th generation (cellular, 128 GB), $1,292 (reduced from $1,299) Apple iPad Air 5: $559 Apple via Walmart Walmart is rolling back the price of the 4.8-star-rated Apple iPad Air 5 for Cyber Monday. Introduced in 2022, the 10.9-inch Apple iPad Air 5 is the latest in the lightweight iPad Air line. The iPad Air 5 offers performance up to 60% faster than the prior model, thanks to Apple’s turbo-charged M1 chip. The device boasts a 12 MP wide-angle back camera that supports 4K video. It also offers touch ID, and Apple’s Liquid Retina display. Choose from five colors. Apple iPad Air 5 (64 GB), $559 (regularly $599) Apple iPad Mini 6: $399 and up The iPad Mini 6 is a compact tablet with an 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display screen. Released in 2021, the Apple tablet is powered by an A15 Bionic chip. It features a 12 MP wide-angle back camera, and a 12 MP ultra-wide-angle front camera. It boasts landscape stereo speakers. Available in four colors. Note that the Apple iPad Mini is not compatible with Apple’s external Magic Keyboard. It can, however, be used with other Bluetooth-enabled external keyboards. Apple iPad Mini (64 GB), $399 (reduced from $499) Amazon also has a good deal on the Wi-Fi and cellular model with 64 GB of storage. Choose from four colors. Apple iPad Mini 6 with cellular connectivity (64 GB), $549 (reduced from $649) Best Cyber Monday deals on Apple AirPods These beloved Apple AirPods are great holiday gifts — they’re one of the best stocking stuffers to give this Christmas. Check out the brand new AirPods Pro 2, now on discount at Amazon, or save big on the other top-rated models. Apple AirPods Pro 2: $200 The latest Apple AirPods Pro 2 earbuds offer 30 hours of listening time with the included charging case. They have an upgraded wireless chip for improved audio functionality, a new low distortion driver for clearer audio and improved active noise cancellation. The Apple AirPods Pro 2 provide truly custom sound: You can use your iPhone’s camera to analyze your unique ear anatomy and find the perfect audio settings for you. The design of the AirPods Pro 2 is fairly similar to the previous generation, but Apple has introduced touch control to the AirPods Pro 2 to help users more seamlessly control their AirPods. Users will also get a new extra-small tip with their AirPods. The case did get a notable design upgrade with a new lanyard loop and a built-in speaker to help track the location of your AirPods case. Apple AirPods Pro 2, $200 (reduced from $249) Apple AirPods (2nd generation): $79 Just about anyone will love these budget-minded Apple AirPods. They’re not the latest model, but they’re still one of the most sought-after earbud models on the market. Retailing for $159 at Apple, they’re on sale at Walmart for $79. These AirPods boast more than 24
allows users to draw with more precision and preview marks before they make them. It also makes it more efficient for the iPad to register handwriting and convert it to text with the Scribble app. The new 11-inch iPad Pro comes in silver and space gray. It starts at $739. Pricing increases based on storage and connectivity selections. 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (WiFi, 64 GB), $739 (reduced from $799) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (Wi-Fi, 512 GB), $999 (reduced from $1,099) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (cellular, 64GB), $899 (reduced from $999) 11″ Apple iPad Pro 4th generation (cellular, 512 GB), $1,229 (reduced from $1,299) 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6 (2022): $999 and up Want a bigger screen? No problem. Apple also released a 12.9-inch model of the new iPad Pro. The larger model includes all of the same updates as the 11-inch iPad Pro, including the M2 chip. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro comes in silver and space gray. You can choose from four storage options and can select either the cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity options. 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6th generation (Wi-Fi, 128 GB), $999 (reduced from $1,099) 12.9″ Apple iPad Pro 6th generation (cellular, 128 GB), $1,292 (reduced from $1,299) Apple iPad Air 5: $559 Apple via Walmart Walmart is rolling back the price of the 4.8-star-rated Apple iPad Air 5 for Cyber Monday. Introduced in 2022, the 10.9-inch Apple iPad Air 5 is the latest in the lightweight iPad Air line. The iPad Air 5 offers performance up to 60% faster than the prior model, thanks to Apple’s turbo-charged M1 chip. The device boasts a 12 MP wide-angle back camera that supports 4K video. It also offers touch ID, and Apple’s Liquid Retina display. Choose from five colors. Apple iPad Air 5 (64 GB), $559 (regularly $599) Apple iPad Mini 6: $399 and up The iPad Mini 6 is a compact tablet with an 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display screen. Released in 2021, the Apple tablet is powered by an A15 Bionic chip. It features a 12 MP wide-angle back camera, and a 12 MP ultra-wide-angle front camera. It boasts landscape stereo speakers. Available in four colors. Note that the Apple iPad Mini is not compatible with Apple’s external Magic Keyboard. It can, however, be used with other Bluetooth-enabled external keyboards. Apple iPad Mini (64 GB), $399 (reduced from $499) Amazon also has a good deal on the Wi-Fi and cellular model with 64 GB of storage. Choose from four colors. Apple iPad Mini 6 with cellular connectivity (64 GB), $549 (reduced from $649) Best Cyber Monday deals on Apple AirPods These beloved Apple AirPods are great holiday gifts — they’re one of the best stocking stuffers to give this Christmas. Check out the brand new AirPods Pro 2, now on discount at Amazon, or save big on the other top-rated models. Apple AirPods Pro 2: $200 The latest Apple AirPods Pro 2 earbuds offer 30 hours of listening time with the included charging case. They have an upgraded wireless chip for improved audio functionality, a new low distortion driver for clearer audio and improved active noise cancellation. The Apple AirPods Pro 2 provide truly custom sound: You can use your iPhone’s camera to analyze your unique ear anatomy and find the perfect audio settings for you. The design of the AirPods Pro 2 is fairly similar to the previous generation, but Apple has introduced touch control to the AirPods Pro 2 to help users more seamlessly control their AirPods. Users will also get a new extra-small tip with their AirPods. The case did get a notable design upgrade with a new lanyard loop and a built-in speaker to help track the location of your AirPods case. Apple AirPods Pro 2, $200 (reduced from $249) Apple AirPods (2nd generation): $79 Just about anyone will love these budget-minded Apple AirPods. They’re not the latest model, but they’re still one of the most sought-after earbud models on the market. Retailing for $159 at Apple, they’re on sale at Walmart for $79. These AirPods boast more than 24
hours total listening time (with the wireless charging case), a foolproof, one-tap setup for Apple device owners and a low-latency wireless connection (for full immersion when consuming movies and music). Apple AirPods (2nd generation), $79 (reduced from $159) Apple AirPods Max: $449 Apple AirPods Max use active noise-cancellation technology to block out unwanted noise and feature a transparency mode so you can hear what you need to. These headphones feature 20 hours of listening. They come in a variety of colors including blue, green, red and silver. They’re also compatible with Siri. Apple AirPods Max, $449 (regularly $549) Best Cyber Monday deals on Apple MacBook A new laptop makes quite an impressive holiday gift. If you want to splurge on a new MacBook, consider these highly-rated options this Cyber Monday. Apple MacBook Air (2020): $799 This is one of the best deals you’re going to be able to find on a MacBook this weekend. As part of the Amazon Black Friday sale, the 2020 MacBook Air with the M1 chip is only $799. This lightweight MacBook features Retina display, an impressive 18-hour battery life and fast performance. There is a 2022 edition out, so this is a slightly older model — however, it is unbeatable deal for a new MacBook. 13″ MacBook Air (2020, space gray), $799 (reduced from $999) 13″ MacBook Air (2020, gold), $799 (reduced from $999) 14″ MacBook Pro: $1,600 A step up from the MacBook Air, the slightly weightier (three pounds) 14-inch MacBook Pro boasts a powerful active cooling system, which helps keep the 8-core CPU running fast. It delivers up to 21 hours of battery life on a single charge, and features a Retina display that’s brighter than the MacBook Air. 14″ Apple MacBook Pro (Apple M1 Chip, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD), $1,600 (regularly $1,999) 14″ Apple MacBook Pro (Apple M1 chip, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD), $2,000 (regularly $2,499) Is the 14-inch MacBook Pro not powerful, or big enough for you? Then try its sibling, the 16-inch MacBook Pro. On Amazon, you can get a deal on the 16-inch MacBook Pro with a 10-core CPU, as well as 16GB of unified memory, and 512GB of storage. All of that is more than enough for you to be able to edit 8K videos on the machine. You also get four Thunderbolt ports, an HDMI port and a SDXC card slot. With its size and more powerful guts, the 16-inch MacBook Pro is aimed at professionals who need a seriously powerful laptop for graphics-intensive applications, such as video-rendering and design. Just keep in mind, this is a machine that comes with a professional-level price tag. 16″ Apple MacBook Pro (Apple M1 Pro, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD), $2,000 (regularly $2,499) 13.6″ MacBook Air (2022): $1,049 Save on the new-for-2022 Apple MacBook Air at Amazon. The laptop features a 13.6-inch Retina display, 8GB of RAM, 256GB of storage and a backlit keyboard. Designed for portability, it weighs just 2.7 pounds and lasts for up to 18 hours on a single charge thanks to the Apple M2 chip. 13.6″ MacBook Air (2022 model, 8GB), $1,049 (reduced from $1,199) More Apple Cyber Monday deals These deals may not last through the holidays, so shop now. Apple AirTags (4 pack): $80 Your friend or family member who is constantly losing their keys, wallet or Apple AirPods could really use some Apple AirTags this Christmas. These tiny trackers work by sending out a Bluetooth signal that can be anonymously detected by nearby devices. Then, even if your own phone isn’t handy, you (and only you) can locate these trackers on an Apple “Find My” map. If your iPhone is handy, then it can lead you straight to the AirTag via the phone’s “Precision Finding” feature (found on the Apple iPhone 11 and newer models). Apple AirTags are water-resistant, and designed to last for up to one year on a standard, replaceable battery. Apple AirTags (4 pack), $80 (reduced from $99) You’ll get the best per-AirTag price when you buy a four pack. But if you only need one, single Apple AirTags are
”. The government makes $150 million a year in Angola off diamond mining. International companies make big profits too. Yet, “security guards” and military personnel guard these mines with machine guns pointed at the miners—even the children. The kind of tasks the children have include carrying heavy bags of gravel and digging with shovels. Sometimes, they go into dangerous conditions like narrow mine shafts or under water areas. It is a sure-fire scenario for a child to get hurt or injured. Next time you buy a diamond ring to celebrate your love or ‘just because’, it’s food for thought. It could be funding a war which involves child soldiers and it may also be the fact that a child was exploited. It might be nearly impossible to make a direct link between what you buy in the store and a child’s life being torn apart, but we know from what we see in other countries that these diamonds are flowing out of countries like Angola to places like Dubai and even, several years back, the London newspapers read England. If this is true, think about whether life’s little luxuries are really a sign that you love your neighbour as yourself, as the Bible says. Christian groups like SIM and World Vision Canada decry slavery and child labour, but even some of their workers (like formerly myself) wear diamond rings and we cannot know whether they came from conflict zones because of smuggling. Had I known that in 2001 when I became engaged, I might not have chosen a diamond to symbolize my love and eternal joining with my husband. A smiling child in one community that a person sponsors through child sponsorship with World Vision, Christian Children’s Fund or Compassion means changing the life of some. Some of Christian charities continue to seek to gain entry and to work with people in countries post-conflict in spite of violence and corruption, we need to make sure we support them generously. To help all children means working with our government and the industry selling diamonds to make sure blood diamonds aren’t smuggled to our western markets. We must take an interest in international affairs and act locally to help the vulnerable especially children. We must bring more hopeful circumstances to these children. Maybe some would say that Christians are trying to be the Saviours of the world. But when a little boy is quoted in The New York Times as saying “This is my only hope, really,” as he crouched down in the mud looking for a diamond in rural Africa, maybe we as Christians around the world should respond. Carol Lowes and ChristianWeek Nigeria@62: The mixed fortunes of her diversity and the 2023 agenda By Adewale Qudus Lawal Many have continued to wonder why “good” people become otherwise when they get to the corridor of power. They wonder… Sun, 2 Oct 2022 2:55:07 WAT By Adewale Qudus Lawal Many have continued to wonder why “good” people become otherwise when they get to the corridor of power. They wonder why Nigeria still remains underdeveloped despite her enormous human and material resources. It is unarguable that the indices of development that saw the western and continental Europe countries changed their fortunes during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century were and are present in the area that makes up the Federal Republic of Nigeria today. Nigeria has all it takes to feed Africa and hold sway in the international community. Nigeria@62: Africa’s giant of yesterday, today and tomorrow Nigeria 2023 polls: Here come the campaigns Leadership is not the only bane of Nigeria’s development but also, the system. This system is the country’s plurality. This diversity brings forth the type of constitution the country is governed with. Consequently, the end product is the abysmal mismanagement of human and material resources. Nigeria has the largest number of sub nations in the world. The number of ethnic groups and tribes in Nigeria is yet to be accurately documented. This is actually a spanner in the works of the country’s development. For instance, Yoruba is a major ethnic group in Nigeria but the number of sub nations with distinct cultures under it is more than what is obtainable in many countries of the world. Among the Yorubas, there are the Ijebus, Remo, Ekiti, Egba, Ijesha, Owu, Ondo, Ilaje, and Oyo among others. These are distinctive people with sub tribes. The over 400 ethnic nationalities in Nigeria have their sub nations which make the diversity of Nigeria one of its kind in the world. This diversity has not been properly managed. Thus, it has become a mixed fortune for the country and a threat to its existentiality. This plurality is affecting national development in policy formulation and decision-making. Every leader, by default, (constitutional provisions) tends to
”. The government makes $150 million a year in Angola off diamond mining. International companies make big profits too. Yet, “security guards” and military personnel guard these mines with machine guns pointed at the miners—even the children. The kind of tasks the children have include carrying heavy bags of gravel and digging with shovels. Sometimes, they go into dangerous conditions like narrow mine shafts or under water areas. It is a sure-fire scenario for a child to get hurt or injured. Next time you buy a diamond ring to celebrate your love or ‘just because’, it’s food for thought. It could be funding a war which involves child soldiers and it may also be the fact that a child was exploited. It might be nearly impossible to make a direct link between what you buy in the store and a child’s life being torn apart, but we know from what we see in other countries that these diamonds are flowing out of countries like Angola to places like Dubai and even, several years back, the London newspapers read England. If this is true, think about whether life’s little luxuries are really a sign that you love your neighbour as yourself, as the Bible says. Christian groups like SIM and World Vision Canada decry slavery and child labour, but even some of their workers (like formerly myself) wear diamond rings and we cannot know whether they came from conflict zones because of smuggling. Had I known that in 2001 when I became engaged, I might not have chosen a diamond to symbolize my love and eternal joining with my husband. A smiling child in one community that a person sponsors through child sponsorship with World Vision, Christian Children’s Fund or Compassion means changing the life of some. Some of Christian charities continue to seek to gain entry and to work with people in countries post-conflict in spite of violence and corruption, we need to make sure we support them generously. To help all children means working with our government and the industry selling diamonds to make sure blood diamonds aren’t smuggled to our western markets. We must take an interest in international affairs and act locally to help the vulnerable especially children. We must bring more hopeful circumstances to these children. Maybe some would say that Christians are trying to be the Saviours of the world. But when a little boy is quoted in The New York Times as saying “This is my only hope, really,” as he crouched down in the mud looking for a diamond in rural Africa, maybe we as Christians around the world should respond. Carol Lowes and ChristianWeek Nigeria@62: The mixed fortunes of her diversity and the 2023 agenda By Adewale Qudus Lawal Many have continued to wonder why “good” people become otherwise when they get to the corridor of power. They wonder… Sun, 2 Oct 2022 2:55:07 WAT By Adewale Qudus Lawal Many have continued to wonder why “good” people become otherwise when they get to the corridor of power. They wonder why Nigeria still remains underdeveloped despite her enormous human and material resources. It is unarguable that the indices of development that saw the western and continental Europe countries changed their fortunes during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century were and are present in the area that makes up the Federal Republic of Nigeria today. Nigeria has all it takes to feed Africa and hold sway in the international community. Nigeria@62: Africa’s giant of yesterday, today and tomorrow Nigeria 2023 polls: Here come the campaigns Leadership is not the only bane of Nigeria’s development but also, the system. This system is the country’s plurality. This diversity brings forth the type of constitution the country is governed with. Consequently, the end product is the abysmal mismanagement of human and material resources. Nigeria has the largest number of sub nations in the world. The number of ethnic groups and tribes in Nigeria is yet to be accurately documented. This is actually a spanner in the works of the country’s development. For instance, Yoruba is a major ethnic group in Nigeria but the number of sub nations with distinct cultures under it is more than what is obtainable in many countries of the world. Among the Yorubas, there are the Ijebus, Remo, Ekiti, Egba, Ijesha, Owu, Ondo, Ilaje, and Oyo among others. These are distinctive people with sub tribes. The over 400 ethnic nationalities in Nigeria have their sub nations which make the diversity of Nigeria one of its kind in the world. This diversity has not been properly managed. Thus, it has become a mixed fortune for the country and a threat to its existentiality. This plurality is affecting national development in policy formulation and decision-making. Every leader, by default, (constitutional provisions) tends to
satisfy the interests of the various ethnic nationalities at the detriment of national development. While developed countries of the world build their successes on using the right people for the right job, Nigeria is forced to prioritise where a person comes from. Developmental projects are not situated based on needs and necessities but to ensure that every part of the country gets a sense of belonging. For instance, crude oil is deposited in the South-south region of the country. To maximise its benefits, refineries ought to be spread across this region but a refinery is built in faraway Kaduna, in the northern part of the country. More examples of this abound across the federation. Elections and appointments which ought to be based on capabilities and competence are rather based on giving every part of the country a sense of belonging. The principle of federal character has slowed down the pace of Nigeria’s development. It has killed competence for mediocrity. The civil service which is the engine room of governance is run on the basis of federal character. Recruitment, promotion and appointments are not based on competence and capability but rather, on a quota system just to ensure that every part of the country is represented at the expense of getting the right people for the job, irrespective of where they come from. Nigeria can never be great with this kind of policy. The education sector is not spared. Admission into unity schools and tertiary institutions are largely done base on where one comes from. If the best brains are left out because their likes are many in the particular states or region they come from, for a people whose prerequisite is based on giving them a sense of belonging. How do we expect the country to develop? Nigeria’s diversity should not be an excuse for relegating competence for mediocrity. Every state of the federation has a comparative advantage over others, while some have absolute advantage. They have their own areas of strengths and uniqueness that can be developed to bring the best out of them. Rather than reducing every state to the same pace of development. These states can manage their diversity better rather than being managed by a government at the centre. If Nigeria must escape from her present state of uncertainties, efforts must be expended to give individual state opportunities to thrive at their own pace. Everyone must not go to universities to become successful as literacy level is not measured solely with tertiary education. The most important level of education every citizen must acquire is basic and secondary education. Everyone must not work in the civil service to be successful. Neither does everyone need to be politicians. Technical education is key to national development. Nigeria is an untapped resource. Many human and natural resources are lying unused and undiscovered. The crop of leaders that will form government come May 29th, 2023 have herculean tasks before them considering the present state of the country’s socio-economic sectors. But the good news is that, as cumbersome as these may appear, they are surmountable. The amount of money the leaders spend on governance is preposterous. All duplicated offices must be collapsed. All agencies with similar functions must be merged. Nigeria does not need a bicameral legislature. We do not need to copy everything our colonial and neocolonial masters do verbatim. The Senate and its members must be on a salary scale as the civil servants. The House of Representatives must be scrapped. Aides and advisers of government must be drastically reduced. The presidential fleet must be depleted. States must be given access to explore and exploit the resources in their domains and develop at their own pace to save the federal government of the headache of which region or state to site developmental projects. The burdens of responsibilities on the federal government must be drastically reduced for state governments to handle. Education, internal security, health care, works, power generation, transmission and distribution must be left for the state to handle. Private partnership must be encouraged. While government regulatory agencies, particularly, consumer protection bodies must be strengthened to protect consumers from overbearing private companies. Provisions must also be in place for the federal government to check the excesses of overbearing states while the judiciary must be assertively independent to arbitrate not only on federal and state governments clashes but also to protect the rights of the masses. In no time, Nigeria will be the pride of the black race and a country to reckon with in the comity of countries. Adewale writes from Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria@62 2023 election: Our diversity should be our strength Nigeria@62: We must not lose hope – CAN Nigeria's diversity our greatest untapped asset — Gov Emmanuel Storm clouds pass by the Peace tower and Parliament hill Tuesday August 18, 2020 in Ottawa. The parliamentary budget office says a one-time payment this fall to people with disabilities will cost the federal treasury $792 million. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld Pandemic-related disability support to cost feds $792 million, PBO says B
one of the most popular drinks in all of Argentina. Today, it represents 67% of the beer market in Argentina. Quilmes is a light and refreshing lager with a pale golden color and a crisp and mild hoppy taste. Beyond the national beers, the craft beer scene is burgeoning across the country. Cerveza artesanal is most associated with Bariloche in Argentine Patagonia, the main craft beer city. One of my favorite craft beers was Rupestre, from El Bolson just south of Bariloche. These handcrafted beers are produced with local and natural ingredients. Water is sourced from the nearby mountains along with locally grown barley, hops and yeast. Bars and cervecerías across the country are some of the best places to try the national beers and microbrews. If your travels take you to Buenos Aires, take an Argentine craft beer tour and sample brews from many award-winning craft breweries. RELATED: Argentina Beer – The Ultimate Guide That Will Make You Thirsty 5 – Fernet and Argentinian Liquors One of the most popular Argentina drinks to try Dark and syrupy with a slightly medicinal black licorice taste, Fernet Branca (or just “fernet” to locals) originated in Italy, then made its way to Argentina in the late 19th century. It is a popular liqueur consumed by grandparents and college students alike, and it is a regular fixture at asados. Fernet and Argentine culture go hand in hand. It is so important to the country that in 2014 it was added to a price-freeze program to protect it from skyrocketing inflation. We didn’t love the taste of Fernet, finding it slightly bitter, with an aggressive taste. However, it is one of the most popular Argentina drinks worth trying. To make it a little more well-balanced, Argentines usually dilute it. Fernet is traditionally mixed with Coca-Cola in an ice filled glass or large mug. In this case, it is referred to as fernicola or fernet con coca-cola. Interestingly, Argentines consume more than 75% of all Fernet produced globally, plain or mixed with coke. AUTHENTIC FOOD QUEST RECIPE: The Best Dulce de Leche in Argentina | Authentic Homemade Recipe 6 – Yerba Mate Mate is more than a drink, rather an important social ritual in Argentina Originally called the “Drink of the Gods,” yerba mate is said to have helped people survive periods of drought and famine. Mate (pronounced “’MAH-tay”’) is an infusion of dried leaves of the yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) herb in hot water, drunk through a screened straw called bombilla. Resemblant of a raw green tea, the leaves of the yerba mate tree contain over 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, abundant antioxidants, and naturally occurring caffeine, leading to many benefits. Drinking Mate with friends is an important social ritual in Argentina. There is a particular set of social codes to follow when drinking this shared beverage where everybody uses the same gourd and metal straw, and says “gracias” after they have had their fill. This drink made of herbs is typically consumed hot, but it can also be a cold beverage, called terrere, which is popular in Paraguay. Traditionally, mate is consumed without sugar. However, you may add sugar, honey or even orange or lemon zest for a sweeter version and more flavor. Despite its popularity, you will not find mate as a menu item at most establishments. It is more of an everyday social drink, enjoyed amongst friends. That said, you can ask for it off the menu, and you will find some restaurants and cafés willing to let you sample this tradition. If you are curious, you can order mate from Argentina and make this Argentina drink at home. READ MORE: Yerba Mate Uruguay Way: How To Prepare Mate and Its Cultural Significance 7 – Cafe con Leche – Coffee with Milk Cafe con leche is a a popular option at breakfast in Argentina Literally translated to “coffee with milk”, Cafe con Leche is a well-known treat in all Argentine provinces, thanks to its comforting flavor. Made of half black coffee, half warm milk, this is a great breakfast coffee and a popular option at breakfast in Argentina. Besides breakfast, the period in the afternoon before dinner called merienda is another popular time to enjoy coffee. Somewhere between 5 pm and 6 pm in the afternoon, locals eat and drink something, as an appetite suppressant while awaiting dinner.
one of the most popular drinks in all of Argentina. Today, it represents 67% of the beer market in Argentina. Quilmes is a light and refreshing lager with a pale golden color and a crisp and mild hoppy taste. Beyond the national beers, the craft beer scene is burgeoning across the country. Cerveza artesanal is most associated with Bariloche in Argentine Patagonia, the main craft beer city. One of my favorite craft beers was Rupestre, from El Bolson just south of Bariloche. These handcrafted beers are produced with local and natural ingredients. Water is sourced from the nearby mountains along with locally grown barley, hops and yeast. Bars and cervecerías across the country are some of the best places to try the national beers and microbrews. If your travels take you to Buenos Aires, take an Argentine craft beer tour and sample brews from many award-winning craft breweries. RELATED: Argentina Beer – The Ultimate Guide That Will Make You Thirsty 5 – Fernet and Argentinian Liquors One of the most popular Argentina drinks to try Dark and syrupy with a slightly medicinal black licorice taste, Fernet Branca (or just “fernet” to locals) originated in Italy, then made its way to Argentina in the late 19th century. It is a popular liqueur consumed by grandparents and college students alike, and it is a regular fixture at asados. Fernet and Argentine culture go hand in hand. It is so important to the country that in 2014 it was added to a price-freeze program to protect it from skyrocketing inflation. We didn’t love the taste of Fernet, finding it slightly bitter, with an aggressive taste. However, it is one of the most popular Argentina drinks worth trying. To make it a little more well-balanced, Argentines usually dilute it. Fernet is traditionally mixed with Coca-Cola in an ice filled glass or large mug. In this case, it is referred to as fernicola or fernet con coca-cola. Interestingly, Argentines consume more than 75% of all Fernet produced globally, plain or mixed with coke. AUTHENTIC FOOD QUEST RECIPE: The Best Dulce de Leche in Argentina | Authentic Homemade Recipe 6 – Yerba Mate Mate is more than a drink, rather an important social ritual in Argentina Originally called the “Drink of the Gods,” yerba mate is said to have helped people survive periods of drought and famine. Mate (pronounced “’MAH-tay”’) is an infusion of dried leaves of the yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) herb in hot water, drunk through a screened straw called bombilla. Resemblant of a raw green tea, the leaves of the yerba mate tree contain over 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, abundant antioxidants, and naturally occurring caffeine, leading to many benefits. Drinking Mate with friends is an important social ritual in Argentina. There is a particular set of social codes to follow when drinking this shared beverage where everybody uses the same gourd and metal straw, and says “gracias” after they have had their fill. This drink made of herbs is typically consumed hot, but it can also be a cold beverage, called terrere, which is popular in Paraguay. Traditionally, mate is consumed without sugar. However, you may add sugar, honey or even orange or lemon zest for a sweeter version and more flavor. Despite its popularity, you will not find mate as a menu item at most establishments. It is more of an everyday social drink, enjoyed amongst friends. That said, you can ask for it off the menu, and you will find some restaurants and cafés willing to let you sample this tradition. If you are curious, you can order mate from Argentina and make this Argentina drink at home. READ MORE: Yerba Mate Uruguay Way: How To Prepare Mate and Its Cultural Significance 7 – Cafe con Leche – Coffee with Milk Cafe con leche is a a popular option at breakfast in Argentina Literally translated to “coffee with milk”, Cafe con Leche is a well-known treat in all Argentine provinces, thanks to its comforting flavor. Made of half black coffee, half warm milk, this is a great breakfast coffee and a popular option at breakfast in Argentina. Besides breakfast, the period in the afternoon before dinner called merienda is another popular time to enjoy coffee. Somewhere between 5 pm and 6 pm in the afternoon, locals eat and drink something, as an appetite suppressant while awaiting dinner.
Popular drinks include beer, coffee or mate. While an Argentine treat could include desserts, pastries like facturas, which resemble croissants and others. Coffee lovers will love cafe con leche in any region of the country. READ MORE: Top 7 Authentic Desserts in Argentina 8 – El Submarino Nothing beats a submarino drink to warm you up El Submarino means “submarine” and it is the name of a very popular milk-based Argentina drink. To make it, a thick piece of rich, dark chocolate is sunk into a mug filled with hot milk and then stirred with a spoon until the chocolate dissolves. This is not your typical hot chocolate, but basically reinvented hot chocolate milk and a unique Argentine drink. The milk takes on the creamy texture of the chocolate resulting in a perfectly sweet and creamy delicacy. We tried the submarino drink when exploring the local food in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. It was cold and we arrived after a snowstorm and the temperatures hovered around 33° °F / 1 °C. One afternoon during a hike, we stopped at a local restaurant and were looking for something warm to drink. Recommended by the waiter as a warm drink and also intrigued by the name, we ordered the submarino drink. We were surpriseD how unbelievably good it was. We don’t drink hot chocolate that often, and the submarino drink hit the spot perfectly. The submarino is one of the most interesting drinks in Argentina and one to be sought out on your travels. RELATED: Best Argentina Chocolate | Guide to Bariloche Sweet Little Switzerland 9 – Soda Water and Mineral Water Soda water was a welcome surprise in Argentina Wherever we travel for food, we love sampling the local bottled waters, both still and sparkling. The soda water In Argentina surprised us both by its popularity and delivery. At the local restaurants, seltzer water or soda water is served in glass bottles with a plastic mesh around it. The water which is injected with carbon dioxide gives it a fresh, fizzy taste. To serve yourself, you bring your glass up to the nozzle and then press the lever down. We love sparkling water and order soda water at every possible opportunity. Argentines have a long history with seltzer water and the unique seltzer siphon bottles. The bottles are an integral part of local life and the water is sometimes used to mix with red wines or Fernet. Beyond soda water, you’ll find delicious mineral water from the Andes mountain ranges. Villavicencio and Eco de los Andes are two of the most popular brands with water sourced from the Andes mountains. Argentinian drinks are as unique and diverse as the food. From wines beyond Malbec to diverse non-alcoholic beverages, the local beverages are worth sampling. On your Argentina travels, sip on the local drinks as you enjoy the local food specialties. Experience the country like a local with any of these Argentina drinks. Have you ever had any of the Argentina drinks mentioned above? If so, please let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below. Our book, Authentic Food Quest Argentina takes you on a journey through food in four main regions of Argentina. Buenos Aires, Mendoza & the Wine Regions, the Andean Northwest, and Patagonia & the Lake Region. In it, you’ll find descriptions of the typical dishes, desserts, beverages, street food and unique produce not to miss. Also included is an overview of the farmers markets and local stores, restaurants, wineries and local producers worth visiting. Throughout the guide, are stories and insights shared by local experts including Argentina’s most renowned Chef, Francis Mallmann. By combining storytelling with local information, this unique guidebook inspires intrepid and armchair travelers to savor their adventures in Argentina. 10 of The Best Authentic Food in Patagonia You Don’t Want To Miss 6 Famous Chilean Drinks To Experience Like a Local 10 Authentic Peruvian Drinks You Will Absolutely Love 10 Unusual Malaysian Drinks To Experience Like a Local Teh Tarik Recipe – How To Make Delicious Frothy Malaysian Pulled Tea 10 of The Best Buenos Aires Markets To Taste Argentina The Best Stores For Authentic Argentinian Food Authentic Argentine Chimichurri Recipe How To Make Delicious Argentinian Empanadas Mendocino Style Claire is co-founder of Authentic Food Quest and a lover of simple and exquisite cuisine. Since 2015, with her partner, Rosemary, she has been traveling the world as a digital nomad, creating content about local food experiences. Her advice from visiting 45 countries and more than 240 food cities has been featured in Lonely Planet, Business Insider, Honest Cooking, Food Insider, and Huffington Post.
Miami. 1,804 Sq. Ft. Above Ground. 801 Sq. Ft. Below Ground. I am interested in 10440 62nd Street NE, Albertville, MN 55301. Dr. Julio Zimbron is the founder of E-Flux and the co-inventor of the Fossil Fuel Traps. He holds a B.S. degree in biochemical engineering from the Monterrey Technical Institute in Queretaro, Mexico, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from Colorado State University. Dr. Zimbron's professional experience spans nearly two decades and includes two years of consulting service for Shepherd-Miller Inc., five years of industrial research at General Electric's Environmental Technologies Lab and GE Energy's coal gasification business, and five years of academic research at the Center for Contaminant Hydrology at Colorado State University. While conducting the research that eventually led to the development of the Fossil Fuel Traps, Dr. Zimbron says a pivotal moment occurred when he began thinking about barometric pumping, the process by which daily variations in atmospheric pressure alter the amount of soil gas that flows through the subsurface."This made me realize that a one-time measurement of soil gas flux wouldn't be accurate — any sensible measurement would need to be a long-term average," he said. So he and his colleagues went to work designing the Fossil Fuel Trap to provide average soil gas flux values over an extended period (as opposed to an instantaneous "snapshot" in time) that had the potential of providing meaningful site characterization. As founder and owner of E-Flux, Dr. Zimbron is dedicated to the idea of product simplicity — creating a technology and service that is cost-effective, easy to use, and provides repeatable and reliable data that meets the needs of the end user. "With its ease of use and data interpretation that everyone can understand, I like to say that the Fossil Fuel Traps make soil gas flux measurement accessible to all," says Dr. Zimbron. Being the only black person working in an office environment can be challenging, and very intimidating; but does it have to be that way? I was in that situation for over 25 years , and while many things in the workplace have changed for the better; being the only black in the office still gives most of us a lot of anxiety. I know personally how tricky and scary it can be. Corporate America severely lacks in diversity, there are only 5 black CEO's at Americas 500 biggest companies . During my career, I have experienced everything from racism and passive aggression, to not being invited to office functions, and being overlooked for promotions. I could have easily quit, but I didn't. I have also had great experiences and a lot of fun as the only black in the office because I understood my environment, was confident, and I knew I brought something to the table. There are things that you can do to make your work experience better, and not only survive but thrive. The 5 tips listed below helped me to excel as the only black in the office. I am sharing them with you in hopes that they will help you to do the same. 1. Earn Respect: This is done by being professional in every way, and setting a positive tone from the outset. You only get one chance to make a first impression. This sounds simple enough, but if you show up acting and dressed unprofessionally, no one will respect you. Watch what you say and be careful when playing around with co-workers. Never allow anyone to make racially sensitive or sexually explicit comments to you, even in jest. If you allow it once you have signed up for it to happen over and over again. Your boss and co-workers respect is something you have to earn if you are going to be successful. 2. Be Punctual: That's right; we have all heard the jokes about black people being late for everything. This is no laughing matter; no one wants a teammate who is not dependable, and no employer wants an employee who is habitually late. Showing up early for work gives you an advantage over those who don't. Most occupations require some preparation before the work day starts; from starting a shift as a server in a restaurant, to running your own company; showing up early gives you the opportunity to prepare and be ready to go when it's show time. 3. Lose the Attitude: You were hired because management saw something in you. You do not have to be aggressive and intimidating to everyone in the office to prove your worth. You and your co-workers are equal; you only have to prove yourself to your boss. I have seen some blacks automatically assume they are under attack, or that they must prove something to everyone in the office. I felt this way when I first entered the white collar work force too. Please give your co-workers the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong. There is no need to create
Miami. 1,804 Sq. Ft. Above Ground. 801 Sq. Ft. Below Ground. I am interested in 10440 62nd Street NE, Albertville, MN 55301. Dr. Julio Zimbron is the founder of E-Flux and the co-inventor of the Fossil Fuel Traps. He holds a B.S. degree in biochemical engineering from the Monterrey Technical Institute in Queretaro, Mexico, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from Colorado State University. Dr. Zimbron's professional experience spans nearly two decades and includes two years of consulting service for Shepherd-Miller Inc., five years of industrial research at General Electric's Environmental Technologies Lab and GE Energy's coal gasification business, and five years of academic research at the Center for Contaminant Hydrology at Colorado State University. While conducting the research that eventually led to the development of the Fossil Fuel Traps, Dr. Zimbron says a pivotal moment occurred when he began thinking about barometric pumping, the process by which daily variations in atmospheric pressure alter the amount of soil gas that flows through the subsurface."This made me realize that a one-time measurement of soil gas flux wouldn't be accurate — any sensible measurement would need to be a long-term average," he said. So he and his colleagues went to work designing the Fossil Fuel Trap to provide average soil gas flux values over an extended period (as opposed to an instantaneous "snapshot" in time) that had the potential of providing meaningful site characterization. As founder and owner of E-Flux, Dr. Zimbron is dedicated to the idea of product simplicity — creating a technology and service that is cost-effective, easy to use, and provides repeatable and reliable data that meets the needs of the end user. "With its ease of use and data interpretation that everyone can understand, I like to say that the Fossil Fuel Traps make soil gas flux measurement accessible to all," says Dr. Zimbron. Being the only black person working in an office environment can be challenging, and very intimidating; but does it have to be that way? I was in that situation for over 25 years , and while many things in the workplace have changed for the better; being the only black in the office still gives most of us a lot of anxiety. I know personally how tricky and scary it can be. Corporate America severely lacks in diversity, there are only 5 black CEO's at Americas 500 biggest companies . During my career, I have experienced everything from racism and passive aggression, to not being invited to office functions, and being overlooked for promotions. I could have easily quit, but I didn't. I have also had great experiences and a lot of fun as the only black in the office because I understood my environment, was confident, and I knew I brought something to the table. There are things that you can do to make your work experience better, and not only survive but thrive. The 5 tips listed below helped me to excel as the only black in the office. I am sharing them with you in hopes that they will help you to do the same. 1. Earn Respect: This is done by being professional in every way, and setting a positive tone from the outset. You only get one chance to make a first impression. This sounds simple enough, but if you show up acting and dressed unprofessionally, no one will respect you. Watch what you say and be careful when playing around with co-workers. Never allow anyone to make racially sensitive or sexually explicit comments to you, even in jest. If you allow it once you have signed up for it to happen over and over again. Your boss and co-workers respect is something you have to earn if you are going to be successful. 2. Be Punctual: That's right; we have all heard the jokes about black people being late for everything. This is no laughing matter; no one wants a teammate who is not dependable, and no employer wants an employee who is habitually late. Showing up early for work gives you an advantage over those who don't. Most occupations require some preparation before the work day starts; from starting a shift as a server in a restaurant, to running your own company; showing up early gives you the opportunity to prepare and be ready to go when it's show time. 3. Lose the Attitude: You were hired because management saw something in you. You do not have to be aggressive and intimidating to everyone in the office to prove your worth. You and your co-workers are equal; you only have to prove yourself to your boss. I have seen some blacks automatically assume they are under attack, or that they must prove something to everyone in the office. I felt this way when I first entered the white collar work force too. Please give your co-workers the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong. There is no need to create
beef where there is none. Avoid being thin skinned, sensitive and emotional about things, and avoid contentious conversations; especially about politics and religion. 4. Work Hard and Seek Improvement: I really don't know when the stigma of being lazy became associated with black people, but it permeates throughout the workplace. Considering this country was largely built on black labor it is almost absurd that many still feel this way. As the only black worker in the office you will receive some scrutiny. Work hard, find a mentor, ask questions, seek improvement, and show interest in your work. A mentor can be a big help with getting you acclimated, and assist with your transition. 5. Be Yourself: When a company interviews you they are looking for the right person and the right fit. I have seen black co-workers morph into someone else once they are hired. I had one black co-worker buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle, start dipping tobacco, and started listening to country music to fit in with his white co-workers. Everyone laughed at him behind his back! Like I said earlier; you were hired because of what you as an individual brought to the company. Don't try to become someone else just to fit in. My experiences as the only black in the office have been mostly positive because of my attitude, and my desire to succeed. Most people only care about productivity, and the bottom line. When you do your job, and work hard your co-workers will eventually look past your skin color and begin to value you as part of the team. There will always be some that will never accept or want anything to do with you, and that's ok. You are better off without them, and you will still have opportunities to be successful like everyone else. I am giving the benefits of online MBA program of W P Carey School of Business for your reference. Go through it. I am giving the information from an unofficial website for you. The architectural detail & texture created in this home with the use of Intrim's custom curved mouldings creates a unique & nautical vibe. Intrim created a custom concave moulding for use on the walls, and this feature is just spectacular. The custom spiral stair case and texture the timber profile creates is marvellous – this is not just a home, it is a work of art. Whether you’ve been selling gear on Reverb for a while or you’re thinking about getting started, the Seller Hub has everything you need to build a successful Reverb shop. Explore our latest seller features, best practices, and seller policies. It’s all right here. The Preferred Seller Badge is the premier badge of honor for Reverb sellers. It encourages buyers to purchase from you – they can even search specifically for products sold by Preferred Sellers! The Quick Shipper Badge shows buyers that you ship orders promptly and provide outstanding service. You must have shipped at least 3 orders total, have shipped at least 3 orders in the last 90 days, and have an average order ship time of under 24 hours in the last 90 days to receive the badge. The Quick Responder Badge shows buyers that you answer messages and offers promptly. You must have responded to at least 5 offers, have responded to offers in under 8 hours (on average), and have responded to messages in under 16 hours (on average) to receive the badge. Reverb.com offers the best variety of tools to buy and sell gear and the lowest listing fees of any major site. As musicians and gear lovers, we want to foster a community and make Reverb the best place to purchase music gear online. Reverb Protection shields buyers from fake, faulty, or falsely advertised items and sellers from fraudulent purchases. We're committed to ensuring that every sale is completed to the full satisfaction of both buyer and seller. Learn about all fees associated with selling and processing payment. Offer Affirm Financing to provide a simple way for your customers to finance purchases at no cost to you. Reverb Payments provides the simplest checkout experience with the safety of Reverb Protection. When you sell something on Reverb via our Reverb Payments payment system, you have the option of keeping the funds on your account in the form of Reverb Bucks. Find out the many benefits to using this payout method. The Price Guide is the ultimate resource to find pricing and information on the wide world of music gear. The price ranges you'll find are based on real-time transactional information and are intended to represent the current value for specimens in used but original condition. How old is my gear? Where did it come from? Whether you inherited your instrument or bought it at a swap meet, you're probably curious about its provenance. You're a Reverb seller now. Outstanding! Now let's make sure you have all of the tips and tools you need to build a great shop and start making money selling on Reverb. Smartphone cameras have come a long way.
uf.InvalidProtocolBufferException( e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor() { return POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.internal_static_POGOProtos_Networking_Requests_Messages_EchoMessage_descriptor; } protected com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.internal_static_POGOProtos_Networking_Requests_Messages_EchoMessage_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage.class, POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage.Builder.class); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } public void writeTo(com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream output) throws java.io.IOException { } public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; memoizedSize = size; return size; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage)) { return super.equals(obj); } POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage other = (POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage) obj; boolean result = true; return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptorForType().hashCode(); hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBuffer
uf.InvalidProtocolBufferException( e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor() { return POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.internal_static_POGOProtos_Networking_Requests_Messages_EchoMessage_descriptor; } protected com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.internal_static_POGOProtos_Networking_Requests_Messages_EchoMessage_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage.class, POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage.Builder.class); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } public void writeTo(com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream output) throws java.io.IOException { } public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; memoizedSize = size; return size; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage)) { return super.equals(obj); } POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage other = (POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage) obj; boolean result = true; return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptorForType().hashCode(); hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBuffer
Exception { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input) throws java.io.IOException { return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( java.io.InputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws java.io.IOException { return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input) throws java.io.IOException { return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseDelimitedFrom( java.io.InputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws java.io.IOException { return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) throws java.io.IOException { return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.EchoMessageOuterClass.EchoMessage parseFrom( com.google.protobuf
think there's a lot of alignment there. Matthew: Yeah, there's a lot of levers and things to consider there. Good point. Codie: Yeah, absolutely true. Matthew: Okay. So we're starting to see some big players from different industries step in and make acquisitions. Are there any acquisitions or mergers that you've seen in the last 12 months that were particularly meaningful? Codie: Sure. You know, at first I, of course wanna say all the big guys, right? I think it's astounding that we've seen billions of dollars plowed in by some of the largest beverage and, you know, tobacco companies out there, like Constellation Brands. I also really thought the deal with Sandoz and Tilray was interesting in Canada since Health Pharma companies are gonna play in this space. It's not necessarily an acquisition but, you know, distribution agreement. But you know what actually amazes me is I was reading the other day, Matt, a UBS cannabis industry report, which is also fascinating that all of the firms on the street now have a very boring, very long, very traditional report on cannabis and they... Matthew: I would imagine it'd be boring. UBS writing about cannabis. Codie: I know. I know, but you know, you can tell they're just trying to figure out a way in the door. And they had listed 60 notable M&A events since, I believe it was the beginning of December, 2018. So to me it wasn't actually even what are the big huge acquisitions, it was let's look at the scale. It's not just a few dominant names buying in. It's a ground swell of cannabis M&A activity. And it's pretty pervasive. And these aren't deals where companies are making acquisitions and M&A without cashflow, and these are just ideas and there's, you know, no pent up demand. These are real businesses getting bought out and restructured and creating leverage. So I was amazed at that number. Matthew: Yeah. And what do you think about a profit margin squeeze here? It's something I think about, particularly if a company is touching the plant, but not so much if they're in a market where the licenses are difficult to get. But I do think about it and then I'm like, are we just in the golden era right now where that doesn't matter so much for the next few years? What do you think about the profit margin picture? Codie: Yeah, that's a great question and something we think about a lot. I was actually talking with Matt Hopkins who he founded Cresco. And so he's the one who brought me into the space. And it's one of the reasons why we're biased towards, you know, let's say vertically-integrated brands for example. Profit margin squeeze is just a reality. It's an inevitability in my mind that the price will come down for flower and it already has. And in fact, that's kind of a good thing, right? It's democratization of the flower, which allows for more access for all. So I think what we see is absolutely the price is going to come down and so there's going to be a margin squeeze. However, what we haven't seen yet in cannabis that we see in all other industries is a real premiumization right? We haven't seen brands emerge that will be price elastic where users don't really care about the cost. They want the experience, they want the brand, you know, it's why you buy, so you pay so much more for one type of wine, then another type of vodka or for this type of name brand medicine versus another one, right? Matthew: Right. The Tiffany box. Codie: Exactly. And so...yes, which is a great example. Yeah. So I think I'm comfortable with the price coming down because we wanna be with the premium brands and then also we wanna use the different type of product variance. So, for example, if we say that flowers lost, let's say like, I don't know, maybe 10% of dollar share while vape pens have gained maybe 14 points over the comparable time on average across states, and it varies widely, the average selling price for vape pens is $37. And the average price for flowers, 26. So even while we see a decrease in, you know, the percent that flower is sold and in the margins there, we're actually seeing an increase in the more expensive product that has better margins. So I think there's a lot of ways to play this game, but it's again, why you better have your finger on the pulse because this is happening so fast and I'm not sure the trends that are happening today will be the trends that continue over the next year or two. Matthew: Yeah, agreed. And what about pitch decks? I'm sure you look at a lot of pitch decks and there's entrepreneurs out there
think there's a lot of alignment there. Matthew: Yeah, there's a lot of levers and things to consider there. Good point. Codie: Yeah, absolutely true. Matthew: Okay. So we're starting to see some big players from different industries step in and make acquisitions. Are there any acquisitions or mergers that you've seen in the last 12 months that were particularly meaningful? Codie: Sure. You know, at first I, of course wanna say all the big guys, right? I think it's astounding that we've seen billions of dollars plowed in by some of the largest beverage and, you know, tobacco companies out there, like Constellation Brands. I also really thought the deal with Sandoz and Tilray was interesting in Canada since Health Pharma companies are gonna play in this space. It's not necessarily an acquisition but, you know, distribution agreement. But you know what actually amazes me is I was reading the other day, Matt, a UBS cannabis industry report, which is also fascinating that all of the firms on the street now have a very boring, very long, very traditional report on cannabis and they... Matthew: I would imagine it'd be boring. UBS writing about cannabis. Codie: I know. I know, but you know, you can tell they're just trying to figure out a way in the door. And they had listed 60 notable M&A events since, I believe it was the beginning of December, 2018. So to me it wasn't actually even what are the big huge acquisitions, it was let's look at the scale. It's not just a few dominant names buying in. It's a ground swell of cannabis M&A activity. And it's pretty pervasive. And these aren't deals where companies are making acquisitions and M&A without cashflow, and these are just ideas and there's, you know, no pent up demand. These are real businesses getting bought out and restructured and creating leverage. So I was amazed at that number. Matthew: Yeah. And what do you think about a profit margin squeeze here? It's something I think about, particularly if a company is touching the plant, but not so much if they're in a market where the licenses are difficult to get. But I do think about it and then I'm like, are we just in the golden era right now where that doesn't matter so much for the next few years? What do you think about the profit margin picture? Codie: Yeah, that's a great question and something we think about a lot. I was actually talking with Matt Hopkins who he founded Cresco. And so he's the one who brought me into the space. And it's one of the reasons why we're biased towards, you know, let's say vertically-integrated brands for example. Profit margin squeeze is just a reality. It's an inevitability in my mind that the price will come down for flower and it already has. And in fact, that's kind of a good thing, right? It's democratization of the flower, which allows for more access for all. So I think what we see is absolutely the price is going to come down and so there's going to be a margin squeeze. However, what we haven't seen yet in cannabis that we see in all other industries is a real premiumization right? We haven't seen brands emerge that will be price elastic where users don't really care about the cost. They want the experience, they want the brand, you know, it's why you buy, so you pay so much more for one type of wine, then another type of vodka or for this type of name brand medicine versus another one, right? Matthew: Right. The Tiffany box. Codie: Exactly. And so...yes, which is a great example. Yeah. So I think I'm comfortable with the price coming down because we wanna be with the premium brands and then also we wanna use the different type of product variance. So, for example, if we say that flowers lost, let's say like, I don't know, maybe 10% of dollar share while vape pens have gained maybe 14 points over the comparable time on average across states, and it varies widely, the average selling price for vape pens is $37. And the average price for flowers, 26. So even while we see a decrease in, you know, the percent that flower is sold and in the margins there, we're actually seeing an increase in the more expensive product that has better margins. So I think there's a lot of ways to play this game, but it's again, why you better have your finger on the pulse because this is happening so fast and I'm not sure the trends that are happening today will be the trends that continue over the next year or two. Matthew: Yeah, agreed. And what about pitch decks? I'm sure you look at a lot of pitch decks and there's entrepreneurs out there
who are listening, but also other investors. When you look at a pitch deck, what's the kind of lens you're using and is there anything you say, oh my gosh, they forgot this or this was really helpful that they included it? Codie: That's great. Well, yeah, I'm sure you've seen a ton of pitch decks in your day, especially in this space. But yeah, I mean, I think if I have to look at it broadly, the single biggest mistake I think investors...or I'm sorry, I think people seeking investment make is they pitch investors only once. So you get your pitch deck, you hear about everybody going up to Sand Hill Road, or in this case maybe they're talking to all the cannabis PE funds and they do 100 pitches and everybody says no. And finally they get that one that does, right? But when it comes to somebody giving you money, it's a purely trust play. And the biggest trust factor is that, you know, most businesses don't fail. Founders give up. And so if I was a company looking for funding, I would stay in front of those that you want as investors and slowly and continuously drip on them with your results. So even if your pitch deck is pretty bad in the beginning, let's say, I would ask for feedback on it, I would ask if you could continue to stay in touch as you develop your thesis. Any, you know, investor worth their salt is gonna say that's fine. And then I would keep asking for feedback continuously. I think that is the single biggest way in which most people get big checks signed. And then the other idea I think is, you know, have an understanding of your numbers. What I see a lot of time by founders are big ideas and not a lot of particulars in how they're gonna get there. I want to know that those founders know their unit economics down to the penny. What are your costs of goods sold? How did you get to those numbers? How could those numbers change? What are your predicted sales targets? Why? You know, what are the things that have to happen in order to make that happen? What are your costs going to be overall? How are you going to eventually pay yourself a salary? What's your runway? I wanna know all of those numerical and dollar-oriented items in a pitch deck. And typically pitch decks are heavy on visuals, heavy on creative and ideas and light on numbers. Matthew: Yeah, great points. Great points. And can you explain what a down round is and what the best way to handle that situation is? I mean, this is not something that's very fun to talk about because usually it's kind of a situation that people aren't excited about, but it happens. Can you just kind of walk through that? Codie: Yeah, absolutely. So a down round is essentially, it really means that the company probably priced their last round of fundraising too high or I guess, you know, something could happen pretty catastrophically in business that necessitates the round being less. But essentially just means that if a company raised, you know, I don't know, x dollars at $1 million valuation, they need to go out and raise their next x dollars. But the street and investors don't value their company at $1 million anymore. They value it at $500,000. And so this has a really negative connotation in venture because it's usually investors have an anti dilution provision, which means that the investors will gain more of the company at the same price as that new round of investors. And that essentially means the founders get less money. This can be negotiated, but it typically makes future rounds more difficult to raise because there's a feeling that something's wrong in the business. Either the founders aren't very good at determining the cost or the value of their business or their business had some sort of negative impact and so they had to go backwards. And in companies where we like to see hockey stick-shaped growth, going backwards is not great for future fundraisers. Matthew: Right. So they're kind of saying, I have to put more money in to eventually get this money out or do I cut [inaudible 00:30:05] here and runaway. But I got to leave some money for the founders in here so they're incentivized. So, there's a lot of chess going on here. I think that's, you know, that's where the opportunity is where it's opaque like this. So it's fun to hear you walk through that and hear the thought process. Okay. So what about a business that is already generating, say seven or eight figures in revenue? And I'm thinking of some right now in my mind, but they're not a purely speculative startup. They're more mature. They don't necessarily need the money, but they say, hey, if I can get it with the right terms, I can expand,
aim to please in every house painting job that we take on. When you’re looking for house painters, contact Austin House Painting Pros. We’ll work out a time that we can meet to take a look at the property and discuss what you’d like to see in the painting of your home. We’ll make sure that we’ve answered any questions that your may have regarding the job. We want to make sure that you are entirely satisfied with us as house painters and with your freshly painted home, inside and out! Jillian Kindy is the Co-Content Manager on staff this year. In her free time, Jillian enjoys reading and writing. Her favorite book is I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, which she highly recommends. Jillian also enjoys watching movies and going horseback riding. She is a senior in Health Academy with a focus on Veterinary Medicine. Jillian has been in Newspaper for one year and looks forward to making this new year even better than before. You will receive your 1st issue in about 4 weeks. Although it normally arrives sooner. 2016 National Magazine Award Winner for Magazine of the Year! For anyone who wants to keep up with contemporary events, issues, and culture, the Atlantic Magazine is a premier source. Having won more National Magazine Awards than any other publication, the Atlantic is literate, entertaining, and informative. You'll read news on current events, politics, economics, and important personalities, as well as getting articles on travel, food, and book reviews. Finally, the Atlantic magazine also includes quality contemporary fiction, poetry, and humor. She'd once held all of Time in her hands, and when she did, she saw a timeline where it could finally be the Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler--as it should be. She saw, and she pulled... A canon divergence series starting with the tail end of Tooth and Claw. When an alternate version of the Ninth Doctor with an alternate version of the TARDIS finds Rose Tyler on the parallel Earth she immediately walks away from her life to be with him. There's more going on than meets the eye, involving a legend as old as recorded time, and a destiny bigger than either the Doctor or Rose had ever imagined. But knowing their destiny does not necessarily make things easy and they still must forge a relationship based on more than want or need because when reality threatens to come crashing down, it will be only the strength of their friendship and love and their effectiveness at working as a unit that will stop the very fabric of time from unravelling forever. In a newly sealed off alternate reality, a chameleon arched fully human Ten meets a very different Rose Tyler after being left behind by his Time Lord self and the Rose he once loved. This is their story. After the events in the hospital on New Earth, the Doctor and Rose have a conversation on their way back to the TARDIS, with interesting results. Rose has been acting weird, can the Doctor handle it? While rescuing Jack the Doctor falls victim to a defense mechanism that helps to protect the virtue of young women and is sprayed with an invasive purple dye. Rose helps him with the removal. A sequel to Body Paint. When Rose is covered in a paralytic drug in preparation for ritual sacrifice to an alien god, the Doctor must rescue and care for her while the drug is washed from her system. It's been three years and a trip to hell and back since the last time John set eyes on Rose Tyler. He doesn't feel like there's anything about himself worth saving any longer, but Rose has never given up on him before and isn't starting now. The Doctor looks into Time and sees a future where he’s with Rose forever. He can’t force it to happen, but he can leave Rose a hint. Prequel to To Make Much of Time and the Being to Timelessness 'verse. “Tell me a story!” a sick Tony demands, and the Doctor tells him a story of monsters, and adventures, and kissing. It’s always the little things. The most ordinary of objects and circumstances and words that remind him of her. Rose is settling into her life in a new city very nicely. She has a job she loves, great new friends, and a flat a few doors down from a certain cute neighbor. When her mum keeps nagging her about kickstarting her love life, Rose spins a tale that involves dating her neighbor, John, who is no more than a good friend. It's all an innocent white lie until Jackie calls and tells Rose that she's coming to visit and can't wait to meet her boyfriend. Rose has to face the music and come clean to John and see if he will pretend to be her boyfriend for just a few days while her mother is in town and hope that their friendship is still intact at the end of it all. It's the first day of their honeymoon, and the
aim to please in every house painting job that we take on. When you’re looking for house painters, contact Austin House Painting Pros. We’ll work out a time that we can meet to take a look at the property and discuss what you’d like to see in the painting of your home. We’ll make sure that we’ve answered any questions that your may have regarding the job. We want to make sure that you are entirely satisfied with us as house painters and with your freshly painted home, inside and out! Jillian Kindy is the Co-Content Manager on staff this year. In her free time, Jillian enjoys reading and writing. Her favorite book is I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, which she highly recommends. Jillian also enjoys watching movies and going horseback riding. She is a senior in Health Academy with a focus on Veterinary Medicine. Jillian has been in Newspaper for one year and looks forward to making this new year even better than before. You will receive your 1st issue in about 4 weeks. Although it normally arrives sooner. 2016 National Magazine Award Winner for Magazine of the Year! For anyone who wants to keep up with contemporary events, issues, and culture, the Atlantic Magazine is a premier source. Having won more National Magazine Awards than any other publication, the Atlantic is literate, entertaining, and informative. You'll read news on current events, politics, economics, and important personalities, as well as getting articles on travel, food, and book reviews. Finally, the Atlantic magazine also includes quality contemporary fiction, poetry, and humor. She'd once held all of Time in her hands, and when she did, she saw a timeline where it could finally be the Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler--as it should be. She saw, and she pulled... A canon divergence series starting with the tail end of Tooth and Claw. When an alternate version of the Ninth Doctor with an alternate version of the TARDIS finds Rose Tyler on the parallel Earth she immediately walks away from her life to be with him. There's more going on than meets the eye, involving a legend as old as recorded time, and a destiny bigger than either the Doctor or Rose had ever imagined. But knowing their destiny does not necessarily make things easy and they still must forge a relationship based on more than want or need because when reality threatens to come crashing down, it will be only the strength of their friendship and love and their effectiveness at working as a unit that will stop the very fabric of time from unravelling forever. In a newly sealed off alternate reality, a chameleon arched fully human Ten meets a very different Rose Tyler after being left behind by his Time Lord self and the Rose he once loved. This is their story. After the events in the hospital on New Earth, the Doctor and Rose have a conversation on their way back to the TARDIS, with interesting results. Rose has been acting weird, can the Doctor handle it? While rescuing Jack the Doctor falls victim to a defense mechanism that helps to protect the virtue of young women and is sprayed with an invasive purple dye. Rose helps him with the removal. A sequel to Body Paint. When Rose is covered in a paralytic drug in preparation for ritual sacrifice to an alien god, the Doctor must rescue and care for her while the drug is washed from her system. It's been three years and a trip to hell and back since the last time John set eyes on Rose Tyler. He doesn't feel like there's anything about himself worth saving any longer, but Rose has never given up on him before and isn't starting now. The Doctor looks into Time and sees a future where he’s with Rose forever. He can’t force it to happen, but he can leave Rose a hint. Prequel to To Make Much of Time and the Being to Timelessness 'verse. “Tell me a story!” a sick Tony demands, and the Doctor tells him a story of monsters, and adventures, and kissing. It’s always the little things. The most ordinary of objects and circumstances and words that remind him of her. Rose is settling into her life in a new city very nicely. She has a job she loves, great new friends, and a flat a few doors down from a certain cute neighbor. When her mum keeps nagging her about kickstarting her love life, Rose spins a tale that involves dating her neighbor, John, who is no more than a good friend. It's all an innocent white lie until Jackie calls and tells Rose that she's coming to visit and can't wait to meet her boyfriend. Rose has to face the music and come clean to John and see if he will pretend to be her boyfriend for just a few days while her mother is in town and hope that their friendship is still intact at the end of it all. It's the first day of their honeymoon, and the
Doctor has taken Rose to the planet Esperas to enjoy their harvest festival. With the leaves crunching beneath their feet and the cool temperatures encouraging them cuddle, it's the perfect romantic destination. Part of the Being to Timelessness 'verse, but can be enjoyed on its own. The psychic attacks of the Monoc'teru on the population of Pete's world sidetrack the Doctor and Rose's search for the spheres of Thessalameka, the second assignment on their quest to save the fabric of reality from unravelling forever. Set ten years post-Doomsday in a world where Journey's End never happened. Sequel to Wolf Moon. If asked, John would have said that the theory of reincarnation was a ridiculous one but given the fact that he had memories of a life he hadn't lived, he was forced to reconsider. Rose is not a morning person. Not long after the events of "The Doctor Dances," Jack Harkness asks to be dropped off in the 51st century for two days of recreation to "tie up loose ends." The Doctor, still experiencing Captain envy, is delighted to oblige, taking Rose to New York City circa 1932 for a little R&R of their own, looking forward to having Rose all to himself. They stumble almost immediately onto a missing piece of Jack's forgotten past, a complex and potentially dangerous puzzle of alien interference in Earth's history, a famous American songwriter and Jack Harkness, a time agent who has not yet met them, a man in desperate need of their assistance. The Doctor and Rose face a disastrous first Valentine's Day together in Pete's World. Their year with the Master left wounds deeper than they wanted to admit, but now, the Doctor and Rose are ready to take the time necessary to heal. John wasn’t planning on talking to anyone. He just wanted to get drunk and forget about his problems. He didn’t count on meeting a blonde with the same goal. The Doctor and Rose are shipwrecked on a sandbar and left behind by their shipmates after taking a three hour tour. Forced to swim to an uninhabited tropical island, they must figure out how to survive until rescued while romance changes the face of their relationship. He said she had something of the Wolf about her. What did that mean? What if Rose had asked the Doctor about this? What if it meant more than either of them realised? A series 2 canon divergence fic starting with Tooth and Claw and following the changes through Doomsday. When Rose smashes into the wall a fraction of a second after the Void closes the Doctor’s world stops spinning. A Doomsday fix-it. In the aftermath of an injury to Rose, the Doctor questions whether or not he should send her home or change the nature of their relationship. Set during the celebration at the end of Journey's End, the group gets a visit from the past. Told through Rose's eyes. A bit of a crack!fic, although I'd still like to think that it could have happened. Start with one happy, well-adjusted Rose Tyler living her life in the parallel world at age twenty-nine. Add one top of the line TARDIS with an attitude and a relationship problem with one angry, annoyed, crotchety old alternate Doctor who shouldn’t exist but does. Shake well. An unexpected pregnancy causes huge emotional upset in the lives of the Doctor and Rose. With Jack the only voice of reason, will this child lead them to happily ever after or tear them apart forever? The real explanation behind professional athletes is not necessarily innate or inherent talent. It is the ability not to kill themselves as toddlers. Baseball: Get hit in the head with a ball. Chase after it. Get distracted by the tee. Canvass the backyard clutching the bat and tee stand. Hockey: Slip and slide in socks across the kitchen floor stick tapping the tile until your brother takes you out with *his* stick. Giggle when Mom puts you both in the penalty box. Basketball: Throw the ball at the bucket. Retrieve the ball. Stand directly over the bucket. Fire ball into the bucket With. Authority. Or sit in the laundry basket with a ball. Soccer: Run wild around the yard. Kick things. Sometimes on purpose. Dodge Ball: Throw things. All the things. At parents, friends and siblings. Billiards: Poke at plastic softball-size baseball on tee with handle of bat. Break balls (and other toys). Horse Racing: Bounce on Lucky the Possessed Pony until his safely covered red springs threaten to snap. Rock so hard the stationary horse actually moves forward. Rodeo: Tip over Lucky the Possessed Pony in a fit of rage. Desperately try to right the horse – end up hogtying the stuffed animal instead. Gymnastics: Climb up onto
monella - Tainted Papayas and Pig Ears, not Proper for your Plate Telstra outage: EFTPOS machines and ATMs down across the country Kidney Care Partners Supports Trump Administration's Executive Order on Kidney Care AT&T starts blocking robocalls automatically, no opt-in required 7-Eleven: Get a FREE Small Slurpee on July 11 CannTrust faces Health Canada problems, warns of product shortages The Dhoom 2 Report Card I finally watched Dhoom 2 and while the movie is being widely panned by the Indian public, I found it to be fairly interesting and mildly entertaining. A report card: D:2 plays to the same formula of its predecessors so I won’t repeat it here. The first thing that strikes you about the movie is driven by set pieces. The time devoted to advancing the plot in between set pieces is minimal. Even beats within scenes are set pieces, heck even the dialogues are sound bites. It’s not about actors starring in a movie as much as it is about stars acting in one. Plot holes, as usual, abound. The heists, the centerpiece of the action, are convoluted beyond belief to make them look clever. And characters do complicated things when more straightforward and believable options are readily available. B D:2 has Hrithik front, center and on the sides. It’s his movie and most of the juicier masala bits in the movie exploit his best abilities – in other words he’s given a lot of running, skating, jumping and dancing to do with his clothes off. When he falls in love, he makes you believe it could happen. When his betrayal is at hand, he makes you feel for him. When he faces off in the climactic scene with the cops, he makes you root for him. And given that there is little time for fully rounded characters that is quite a feat. B+ Abhisekh Bachchan Since he’s had a good chunk of time to develop his character in Dhoom, he manages a more rounded character than others. Abhisekh isn’t afraid to make his character a bit of an anti-hero: he’s surly, short tempered, flirts with other women with a pregnant wife at home and even makes mistakes. Other than one song where he threatens to become this generation’s whacky Jeetendra, he goes through the movie unscathed. B She’s taking a bit of a hiding from audiences in this film and much of it is, I’m afraid, justified. Her character is given throwaway sound bites like “Funny Guy” and “like” – a muddle of Mumbaiya and stereotypical bindaas babe – to convey to us what she is all about. Her makeup is off too, culminating in a tan gone wrong in a crucial Russian roulette scene. There is one scene where she rips off her heist clothes to reveal, well barely anything underneath on a body so skinny it hurts to look at it. This plays to everyone’s funny bone unintentionally. She is clearly there to dance and strut, both of which she does enormously well. But, c’mon yaar! C Bipasha plays a sequential double role in this film, both roles clearly there to amp the babe value in the movie. She looks terrific in role 1, and barely manages to avoid audiences from throwing tomatoes at her in an ill-advised take on role 2. B Uday Chopra Uday revives the role of the comic buffoon in Bollywood films. He’s there purely for comic relief with no contribution at all to the story line. He has some good lines in the film which he delivers full tilt, but in general he had audiences shaking their heads (in a not so good way). C The women in D:2 The women in the movie, I’m afraid take a beating. The old women are replaced by newer swankier ones. Esha Deol isn’t in the movie. Not that she set Dhoom on fire, but Rimi Sen has been impregnated and relegated to the role of the one-dimensional jealous wife a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it role. Bipasha plays a sharp, driven cop in one of her roles but manages to spend her time fumbling and running around aimlessly. Aishwarya has a critical role, but she acquiesces to be Hrithik’s “shadow” and takes all pretence out of her importance. One scene in the movie is emblematic of the role of women in this movie: Abhishek and Uday are driving down a highway somewhere in Rio in an open top jeep and Bipasha is preening on the backrest in the back in a bikini. She
monella - Tainted Papayas and Pig Ears, not Proper for your Plate Telstra outage: EFTPOS machines and ATMs down across the country Kidney Care Partners Supports Trump Administration's Executive Order on Kidney Care AT&T starts blocking robocalls automatically, no opt-in required 7-Eleven: Get a FREE Small Slurpee on July 11 CannTrust faces Health Canada problems, warns of product shortages The Dhoom 2 Report Card I finally watched Dhoom 2 and while the movie is being widely panned by the Indian public, I found it to be fairly interesting and mildly entertaining. A report card: D:2 plays to the same formula of its predecessors so I won’t repeat it here. The first thing that strikes you about the movie is driven by set pieces. The time devoted to advancing the plot in between set pieces is minimal. Even beats within scenes are set pieces, heck even the dialogues are sound bites. It’s not about actors starring in a movie as much as it is about stars acting in one. Plot holes, as usual, abound. The heists, the centerpiece of the action, are convoluted beyond belief to make them look clever. And characters do complicated things when more straightforward and believable options are readily available. B D:2 has Hrithik front, center and on the sides. It’s his movie and most of the juicier masala bits in the movie exploit his best abilities – in other words he’s given a lot of running, skating, jumping and dancing to do with his clothes off. When he falls in love, he makes you believe it could happen. When his betrayal is at hand, he makes you feel for him. When he faces off in the climactic scene with the cops, he makes you root for him. And given that there is little time for fully rounded characters that is quite a feat. B+ Abhisekh Bachchan Since he’s had a good chunk of time to develop his character in Dhoom, he manages a more rounded character than others. Abhisekh isn’t afraid to make his character a bit of an anti-hero: he’s surly, short tempered, flirts with other women with a pregnant wife at home and even makes mistakes. Other than one song where he threatens to become this generation’s whacky Jeetendra, he goes through the movie unscathed. B She’s taking a bit of a hiding from audiences in this film and much of it is, I’m afraid, justified. Her character is given throwaway sound bites like “Funny Guy” and “like” – a muddle of Mumbaiya and stereotypical bindaas babe – to convey to us what she is all about. Her makeup is off too, culminating in a tan gone wrong in a crucial Russian roulette scene. There is one scene where she rips off her heist clothes to reveal, well barely anything underneath on a body so skinny it hurts to look at it. This plays to everyone’s funny bone unintentionally. She is clearly there to dance and strut, both of which she does enormously well. But, c’mon yaar! C Bipasha plays a sequential double role in this film, both roles clearly there to amp the babe value in the movie. She looks terrific in role 1, and barely manages to avoid audiences from throwing tomatoes at her in an ill-advised take on role 2. B Uday Chopra Uday revives the role of the comic buffoon in Bollywood films. He’s there purely for comic relief with no contribution at all to the story line. He has some good lines in the film which he delivers full tilt, but in general he had audiences shaking their heads (in a not so good way). C The women in D:2 The women in the movie, I’m afraid take a beating. The old women are replaced by newer swankier ones. Esha Deol isn’t in the movie. Not that she set Dhoom on fire, but Rimi Sen has been impregnated and relegated to the role of the one-dimensional jealous wife a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it role. Bipasha plays a sharp, driven cop in one of her roles but manages to spend her time fumbling and running around aimlessly. Aishwarya has a critical role, but she acquiesces to be Hrithik’s “shadow” and takes all pretence out of her importance. One scene in the movie is emblematic of the role of women in this movie: Abhishek and Uday are driving down a highway somewhere in Rio in an open top jeep and Bipasha is preening on the backrest in the back in a bikini. She
is there as eye candy, propped up in a ridiculous position and hardly saying a word. F Please direct press inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Recent press releases: Introducing the Oxford American's North Carolina Music Issue From Raleigh to Asheville: the Oxford American celebrates North Carolina music with a statewide tour of stories and songs Oxford American Announces 2018 North Carolina Music Issue Micah Fields selected as 2018 Oxford American Jeff Baskin Writers Fellow About the Summer 2018 issue Announcing the Oxford American’s 100th issue National Endowment for the Arts Awards $25,000 to the Oxford American Oxford American continues The By and By in 2018 Oxford American nominated for General Excellence 2018 National Magazine Award About the Winter 2017 issue (Kentucky Music Issue) About the Fall 2017 issue Amazon Literary Partnership Awards $10,000 to the Oxford American Oxford American Announces 2017 Kentucky Music Issue Molly McCully Brown selected as 2017 Oxford American Jeff Baskin Writers Fellow (May 17, 2017) Oxford American launches The By and By Oxford American announces The Oxford American Jeff Baskin Writers Fellowship (February 1, 2017) Oxford American's Zandria F. Robinson a finalist for a 2017 National Magazine Award (January 23, 2017) Oxford American receives $25,000 Art Works grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Oxford American explores Visions of the Blues in 2016 music issue Poet Rebecca Gayle Howell named Senior Editor of Oxford American Oxford American wins 2016 National Magazine Award for General Excellence (February 4, 2016) Oxford American nominated for General Excellence 2016 National Magazine Award (January 15, 2016) Ryan Harris named executive director of the Oxford American Literary Project (January 5, 2016) Oxford American receives $20,000 Art Works grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (December 8, 2015) The Georgia Music Issue will be available December 1 (November 12, 2015) Eliza Borné named editor of the Oxford American (October 26, 2015) Announcing the Georgia Music Issue (June 18, 2015) Eliza Borné named interim editor of the Oxford American (May 27, 2015) Oxford American and Chris Offutt nominated for a National Magazine Award for Columns & Commentary (January 15, 2015) About the Oxford American’s new website (January 15, 2015) About the Texas Music Issue About the Tennessee Music Issue Fill out this form to request a complimentary review copy of the latest edition of the Oxford American magazine. “Oxford American celebrates its hard-won 25th anniversary.” Ron Charles reviews the Spring 2017 issue. The Clarion-Ledger “The state of Mississippi’s DNA is rooted in almost every piece of journalism in the new issue of the Oxford American.” Steven Ward spotlights the 2016 Music Issue in The Clarion-Ledger. (December 23, 2016) The Charlotte Observer “This might be the best blues compilation you’ve heard in years.” Roland Wilkerson reviews the 2016 Music Issue in the Charlotte Observer. (December 22, 2016) Blues Highway WXOX 97.1 FM in Louisville presents a special show highlighting the 2016 Music Issue, including interviews with OA editor Eliza Borné, senior editor Rebecca Gayle Howell, and managing editor Maxwell George. (December 21, 2016) “Imagine the greatest mixtape accompanied by the best liner notes ever.” Oxford American editor Eliza Borné and managing editor Maxwell George discuss the 2016 Music Issue on Beale Street Caravan (national syndication). (December 16, 2016) Zandria F. Robinson on WKNO “Her Father's Music: A Redemption in Blues.” Oxford American contributor Zandria F. Robinson adapts her OA essay for WKNO 91.1 in Memphis. (December 12, 2016) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette “Blues can be all things.” Shea Stewart reviews the 2016 Music Issue in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. (December 11, 2016) Radio CALS Oxford American managing editor Maxwell George and executive director Ryan Harris discuss the 2016 Music Issue on Radio CALS, broadcast on community station KABF 88.3 in Little Rock, AR. (December 9, 2016) Ozarks at Large Oxford American managing editor Maxwell George and executive director Ryan Harris discuss the 2016 Music Issue on NPR affiliate KUAF 91.3 in Fayetteville, AR. (December 7, 2016) Next Stop Mississippi Oxford American editor Eliza Borné and managing editor Maxwell George discuss the 2016 Music Issue on Next Stop Mississippi (Mississippi Public Broadcasting). (December 2, 2016)
Token string TrialEnd int64 Card *CardParams Quantity uint64 ProrationDate int64 FeePercent, TaxPercent float64 NoProrate, EndCancel, QuantityZero, TrialEndNow bool BillingCycleAnchor int64 BillingCycleAnchorNow bool } // SubListParams is the set of parameters that can be used when listing active subscriptions. // For more details see https://stripe.com/docs/api#list_subscriptions. type SubListParams struct { ListParams Customer string } // Sub is the resource representing a Stripe subscription. // For more details see https://stripe.com/docs/api#subscriptions. type Sub struct { ID string `json:"id"` EndCancel bool `json:"cancel_at_period_end"` Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` Plan *Plan `json:"plan"` Quantity uint64 `json:"quantity"` Status SubStatus `json:"status"` FeePercent float64 `json:"application_fee_percent"` Canceled int64 `json:"canceled_at"` PeriodEnd int64 `json:"current_period_end"` PeriodStart int64 `json:"current_period_start"` Discount *Discount `json:"discount"` Ended int64 `json:"ended_at"` Meta map[string]string `json:"metadata"` TaxPercent float64 `json:"tax_percent"` TrialEnd int64 `json:"trial_end"` TrialStart int64 `json:"trial_start"` } // SubList is a list object for subscriptions. type SubList struct { ListMeta Values []*Sub `json:"data"` } // UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Sub. // This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting // property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded. func (s *Sub) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { type sub Sub var ss sub err := json.Unmarshal(data,
Token string TrialEnd int64 Card *CardParams Quantity uint64 ProrationDate int64 FeePercent, TaxPercent float64 NoProrate, EndCancel, QuantityZero, TrialEndNow bool BillingCycleAnchor int64 BillingCycleAnchorNow bool } // SubListParams is the set of parameters that can be used when listing active subscriptions. // For more details see https://stripe.com/docs/api#list_subscriptions. type SubListParams struct { ListParams Customer string } // Sub is the resource representing a Stripe subscription. // For more details see https://stripe.com/docs/api#subscriptions. type Sub struct { ID string `json:"id"` EndCancel bool `json:"cancel_at_period_end"` Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` Plan *Plan `json:"plan"` Quantity uint64 `json:"quantity"` Status SubStatus `json:"status"` FeePercent float64 `json:"application_fee_percent"` Canceled int64 `json:"canceled_at"` PeriodEnd int64 `json:"current_period_end"` PeriodStart int64 `json:"current_period_start"` Discount *Discount `json:"discount"` Ended int64 `json:"ended_at"` Meta map[string]string `json:"metadata"` TaxPercent float64 `json:"tax_percent"` TrialEnd int64 `json:"trial_end"` TrialStart int64 `json:"trial_start"` } // SubList is a list object for subscriptions. type SubList struct { ListMeta Values []*Sub `json:"data"` } // UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Sub. // This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting // property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded. func (s *Sub) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { type sub Sub var ss sub err := json.Unmarshal(data,
&ss) if err == nil { *s = Sub(ss) } else { // the id is surrounded by "\" characters, so strip them s.ID = string(data[1 : len(data)-1]) } return nil } $(function() { var body = $('html'); var backgrounds = ['url(assets/sky.jpg)', 'url(assets/sky1.jpg)','url(assets/sky2.jpg)','url(assets/sky3.jpg)']; var current = 0; function nextBackground() { body.css( 'background-image', backgrounds[current = ++current % backgrounds.length] ); setTimeout(nextBackground, 10000); } setTimeout(nextBackground, 10000); body.css('background-image', backgrounds[0]); }); package eu.chargetime.ocpp.model; public class SOAPHostInfo { public static final String NAMESPACE_CHARGEBOX = "urn://Ocpp/Cs/2015/10"; public static final String NAMESPACE_CENTRALSYSTEM = "urn://Ocpp/Cp/2015/10"; private String chargeBoxIdentity; private String fromUrl; private String toUrl; private String namespace; private boolean isClient; public String getChargeBoxIdentity() { return chargeBoxIdentity; } public String getFromUrl() { return fromUrl; } public String getToUrl() { return toUrl; } public void setToUrl(String toUrl) { this.toUrl = toUrl; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public boolean isClient() { return isClient; } public static class Builder { private String chargeBoxIdentity; private String fromUrl; private String toUrl; private String namespace; private boolean isClient; public Builder chargeBoxIdentity(String chargeBoxIdentity) { if (chargeBoxIdentity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object 'chargeBoxIdentity' cannot be null"); } this.chargeBoxIdentity = chargeBoxIdentity; return this; } public Builder fromUrl(String fromUrl) { if (fromUrl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object 'fromUrl' cannot be null"); } this.fromUrl = fromUrl; return this; } public Builder toUrl(String toUrl) { if (toUrl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object 'toUrl' cannot be null"); } this.toUrl = toUrl; return this; } public Builder namespace(String namespace) { if (namespace == null) {
and Batwoman § Publication history Following the events of Infinite Crisis, it is revealed that Bette is the cousin of current Batwoman, Kate Kane. In Detective Comics #856, Bette moves to Gotham City to enroll in Gotham University. She encounters her cousin at a party thrown for the Gotham City Police Department, and attempts to chat her up, only to be blown off. According to Kate's father, Bette looks up to her and likes spending time with her. In Detective Comics #862, Bette is seen hunched over on her bed, staring at her Flamebird costume and asking Kate how to "let go of the past." Bette is kidnapped by a crazed serial killer known as the Cutter, and awakens bound and gagged in his workshop. The Cutter plans on removing Bette's ears as part of a plan to create a perfect woman through the use of stolen body parts. Batwoman rescues Bette from the killer and accidentally reveals her identity. At the end of the story, Bette is seen in her Flamebird outfit, telling Kate that she wants to become her new partner.[9] Kate eventually agrees to train Bette, and gives her a capeless grey military outfit and the codename Plebe.[10] Later still, Bette acquires pyrotechnic technology and adopts the codename Hawkfire. As Hawkfire, she tries to rescue cousin Beth Kane from the clutches of the Department of Extranormal Operations, but is herself captured.[11] A Bat-Girl looking similar to Betty Kane is revealed to have existed in the past in Batman #682, and later reappears in Batman, Inc. #4 (Apr. 2011). As in pre-Crisis continuity, she is the younger protege of the first Batwoman, Kathy Kane (who reappears in post-Infinite Crisis continuity as the original Batwoman, but with a revamped origin). It has not yet been confirmed if Bette Kane used the Bat-Girl identity in her younger years prior to becoming Flamebird or if Bat-Girl is a completely separate character. DC RebirthEdit In the DC Rebirth relaunch, Bette has enrolled at the United States Military Academy, seeming to be a yearling, or sophomore, cadet (which would make her a member of the Class of 2020). She keeps in contact with Kate Kane and Julia Pennyworth, and even briefly visits Kate in Gotham.[12][13] Powers and abilitiesEdit Flamebird is an exceptional athlete, trained for strength and endurance, and has worked as a professional tennis player. She has also trained in several forms of martial arts, with kickboxing as her specialty.[14] As such, while she is a formidable martial arts opponent and combatant, she is not among the top tier or elite of DC's martial artists. Like Robin, Flamebird has a utility belt containing a grappling hook with line, gas grenades, gas mask, flares, flashlight, radio/transmitter, handcuffs, bird-shaped throwing blades (Bird-A-Rangs), and an emergency medical kit. She increased her arsenal by equipping her mask with lenses capable of emitting powerful bursts of blinding light, and created bird-like bolas that can electrocute anyone tangled in them. As Plebe, Batwoman's sidekick, Bette is stripped of her outfit and gadgetry, wearing a nondescriptive grey military outfit. Her martial arts prowess however is being improved by Batwoman's tutelage. Later, as Hawkfire, her costume features gold plated elements and she carries a flamethrowing device. Since enrolling at West Point, she would have received the sort of military training conducted there. Other versionsEdit Flamebird assumes the mantle of Batwoman; art by Mike McKone. In Teen Titans Go! #24, the Titans get their powers swapped. When Starfire is given Robin's abilities, she finds herself wearing Bette's original Bat-Girl costume. In issue #50, Flamebird is officially introduced via a small screen on the Titans Tower computer, and she appears again in issue #55 as a member of Titans North, wearing a red T-shirt with a burning bird emblem, cargo pants, and yellow goggles. In The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, after the Robins manage to save Batman from death, Madame Xanadu shows Phantom Stranger a similar team of Batgirls, including Bette, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain. In part two of Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?, Bette is seen in her Silver Age Bat-Girl costume describing a death of Batman. He was holding a bomb that would destroy Gotham if he released its switch or if the timer ran down. Batman then throws himself into the Gotham River with the bomb to prevent the explosion from causing any damage. In the alternate future storyline "Titans Tomorrow", it was revealed that after her death
and Batwoman § Publication history Following the events of Infinite Crisis, it is revealed that Bette is the cousin of current Batwoman, Kate Kane. In Detective Comics #856, Bette moves to Gotham City to enroll in Gotham University. She encounters her cousin at a party thrown for the Gotham City Police Department, and attempts to chat her up, only to be blown off. According to Kate's father, Bette looks up to her and likes spending time with her. In Detective Comics #862, Bette is seen hunched over on her bed, staring at her Flamebird costume and asking Kate how to "let go of the past." Bette is kidnapped by a crazed serial killer known as the Cutter, and awakens bound and gagged in his workshop. The Cutter plans on removing Bette's ears as part of a plan to create a perfect woman through the use of stolen body parts. Batwoman rescues Bette from the killer and accidentally reveals her identity. At the end of the story, Bette is seen in her Flamebird outfit, telling Kate that she wants to become her new partner.[9] Kate eventually agrees to train Bette, and gives her a capeless grey military outfit and the codename Plebe.[10] Later still, Bette acquires pyrotechnic technology and adopts the codename Hawkfire. As Hawkfire, she tries to rescue cousin Beth Kane from the clutches of the Department of Extranormal Operations, but is herself captured.[11] A Bat-Girl looking similar to Betty Kane is revealed to have existed in the past in Batman #682, and later reappears in Batman, Inc. #4 (Apr. 2011). As in pre-Crisis continuity, she is the younger protege of the first Batwoman, Kathy Kane (who reappears in post-Infinite Crisis continuity as the original Batwoman, but with a revamped origin). It has not yet been confirmed if Bette Kane used the Bat-Girl identity in her younger years prior to becoming Flamebird or if Bat-Girl is a completely separate character. DC RebirthEdit In the DC Rebirth relaunch, Bette has enrolled at the United States Military Academy, seeming to be a yearling, or sophomore, cadet (which would make her a member of the Class of 2020). She keeps in contact with Kate Kane and Julia Pennyworth, and even briefly visits Kate in Gotham.[12][13] Powers and abilitiesEdit Flamebird is an exceptional athlete, trained for strength and endurance, and has worked as a professional tennis player. She has also trained in several forms of martial arts, with kickboxing as her specialty.[14] As such, while she is a formidable martial arts opponent and combatant, she is not among the top tier or elite of DC's martial artists. Like Robin, Flamebird has a utility belt containing a grappling hook with line, gas grenades, gas mask, flares, flashlight, radio/transmitter, handcuffs, bird-shaped throwing blades (Bird-A-Rangs), and an emergency medical kit. She increased her arsenal by equipping her mask with lenses capable of emitting powerful bursts of blinding light, and created bird-like bolas that can electrocute anyone tangled in them. As Plebe, Batwoman's sidekick, Bette is stripped of her outfit and gadgetry, wearing a nondescriptive grey military outfit. Her martial arts prowess however is being improved by Batwoman's tutelage. Later, as Hawkfire, her costume features gold plated elements and she carries a flamethrowing device. Since enrolling at West Point, she would have received the sort of military training conducted there. Other versionsEdit Flamebird assumes the mantle of Batwoman; art by Mike McKone. In Teen Titans Go! #24, the Titans get their powers swapped. When Starfire is given Robin's abilities, she finds herself wearing Bette's original Bat-Girl costume. In issue #50, Flamebird is officially introduced via a small screen on the Titans Tower computer, and she appears again in issue #55 as a member of Titans North, wearing a red T-shirt with a burning bird emblem, cargo pants, and yellow goggles. In The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, after the Robins manage to save Batman from death, Madame Xanadu shows Phantom Stranger a similar team of Batgirls, including Bette, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain. In part two of Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?, Bette is seen in her Silver Age Bat-Girl costume describing a death of Batman. He was holding a bomb that would destroy Gotham if he released its switch or if the timer ran down. Batman then throws himself into the Gotham River with the bomb to prevent the explosion from causing any damage. In the alternate future storyline "Titans Tomorrow", it was revealed that after her death
at the hands of Duela Dent, Batman (Tim Drake) used the Lazarus Pit to resurrect Flamebird, who assumed the alias of Batwoman and became his partner (and lover). But when he and the other Teen Titans began to take over the Western United States, Batwoman formed a Titans East team with the Titans who opposed their rule (Cyborg, Terra, Bumblebee, and Captain Marvel Jr.) and helped the Titans' past incarnations defeat the dark adult counterparts. After Infinite Crisis, the "Titans Tomorrow" timeline was altered by the deaths of Superboy and Bart Allen, with Duela Dent also being killed during Countdown. As such, in the "Titans Tomorrow... Today!" storyline, Bette remains Flamebird in the future, with Cassandra Cain being Batwoman. With the altered timeline, all the future heroes, even those who opposed the West Coast Titans, were unified in their fascistic endeavors to "save the world." She appears in the 20th issue of the Young Justice tie-in comic series, it is shown that Bette has spent the night with Dick Grayson/Nightwing. She appears in DC Bombshells. In other mediaEdit Bette appears in the Young Justice episode "Homefront" voiced by Alyson Stoner. She is a student at the Gotham Academy assigned to act as a liaison to Artemis Crock. In "Misplaced", Bette appears to be reading to young children with fellow school member Barbara Gordon/Batgirl. ^ a b c Beatty, Scott (2008). "Flamebird". In Dougall, Alastair (ed.). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. p. 128. ISBN 0-7566-4119-5. OCLC 213309017. ^ York, Christopher (2000). "All in the Family: Homophobia and Batman Comics in the 1950s". The International Journal of Comic Art. 2 (2): 100–110. ^ Beast Boy #2 ^ Infinite Crisis #4 ^ Teen Titans #38 ^ Detective Comics #863 ^ Batwoman #1 ^ Batwoman Vol. 2 #24 (December 2013); Batwoman Annual #1 (June 2014). ^ Batwoman (vol. 2) #1 ^ Who's Who in the DC Universe vol 2 #2 (September 1990) Batgirls of Gotham Profile Canarynoir Profile Flamebird Bio Flamebird Bio II The Unofficial Bat-Girl Biography The Unofficial Flamebird Biography Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bette_Kane&oldid=931596986" Home > Archive by category "#Bateson" Posts archive for ‘#Bateson’ Staghunters Break Convention To Ensure Valentines Day Sport Hunted by the Quantock Stag Hounds on Valentines Day 2019. With no female deer (hinds) in the area, hunters told us this animal was selected because it had a "displaced hip". We question the honesty of their claim because this stag ran for miles across open country and escaped to see another day. Read more, below. Photo: © Kevin Hill/Hounds Off Hunters claims that a Red deer stag chased by the Quantock Stag Hounds on Valentines Day was suffering from hip displacement have been seriously questioned by observers. The creature was chased for over two miles as the crow flies, many more as they ran, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. In the moments before the hunt ended, huntsman and hounds were seen to be fruitlessly trying to find the stag in field hedges near the West Somerset village of Clatworthy. Experienced Hunt Monitor Kevin Hill, who was part of a team of volunteers from Somerset Wildlife Crime and Hounds Off, filmed the allegedly injured stag in the old slate quarry woods below Brompton Ralph. He said, “The stag looked in good shape to me. He travelled through the woods jumping felled trees!” The claim that the stag was injured was made to Mr Hill by hunt followers when he asked them why a male Red deer was being pursued at a time of year when females are the traditional target. Somerset Wildlife Crime and Hounds Off Monitors believe that this was just an excuse because the hunt couldn’t find any females to chase. They only saw stags, roe deer and a fox roused into flight by hounds. That hinds are quarry from November through February is just hunting convention and, on this occasion, in order to get some ‘sport’ it had to be broken. Support what we do? Keep our service sustainable & volunteers in the field – buy us a Ko-Fi; Hounds Off Somerset Wildlife Crime Tags: Hounds Off, hunt monitor, Somerset, stagh
(モーツァルト); Quintette pour cor et cordes de Mozart; Horn Quintet (Mozart) Authorities WorldCat; VIAF: ; GND: ; BNF: r: Composer Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Opus/Catalogue Number Op./Cat. K/c I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. IWM Key E-flat major Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's Authorities: WorldCat; VIAF:. The Quintet in E Flat Major (K. ) was also well done, as well K. 407 book Ein musikalischer Spass (A Musical Joke, K. ), which I had been looking forward to hearing for quite some time. I was not disappointed with this rendition/5(6). The Quintet in E ♭ major for Piano and Winds, K.was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Ma and premiered two days later at the Imperial and Royal National Court Theater in Vienna. Shortly after the premiere, Mozart wrote to his father that "I myself consider it to be the best thing I have written in my life." It is scored for piano, oboe, clarinet, horn and. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Horn Quintet in E flat major is scored for the unusual string combination of one violin, two violas and a cello, giving it a deeper sonority than that of a regular string quartet (two violins, one viola and a cello). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. Rondo Gregory Miller Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ernest Barretta Solos for the Horn Player - The Mason Jones Book ℗ MSR. Check out Mozart: Quintet for Horn and Strings in E flat major, K. / Quartet for Piano and Strings in G minor, K. / Quintet in A major for Clarinet and String Quartet, K. by Arianna String Quartet on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or. Mozart Quintet for Piano and Winds in E flat K 50+ videos Play all Mix - Mozart Horn Quintet E flat K - Whittington Festival Franz Schubert Octet in F Major Missing: book. Mozart: Horn Quintet in E flat, K - 2. Andante Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble, Timothy Brown, Iona Brown, Stephen Shingles, Anthony Jenkins, Denis Vigay & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The String Quintet No. 6 in E-flat major, K. was completed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Ap It is Mozart's last major chamber work. Like all of Mozart's string quintets, it is a "viola quintet" in that it is scored for string quartet and an extra viola (two violins, two violas and cello.). Movements. The work is in standard four movement form. Get this from a library. Quintet in E flat major, K. for horn and strings. Quartet in F major, K. for oboe and strings. [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Ralph Gomberg; John Barrows; Allegro Chamber Society.]. Check out Mozart: Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. / Flute Quartet in A Major, K. / Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. / Flute Quartet in D Major, K. by Fine Arts Quartet on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Quintet for Horn and Strings In E-Flat Major, K. III. Rondo: Allegro. Buy Horn Quintet in E Flat Major, K. (Horn in F& at Horn in F Sheet Music. Edited by Henrik Wiese. For horn, violin, 2 violas & cello. Quintet In E Flat Major For Piano And Wind Instruments, K Largo - Allegro Moderato: Larghetto: Allegretto: Quintet In E Flat Major For Piano And Wind Instruments, Op Grave - Allegro Ma Non Troppo: Andante Cantabile: Rondo: Allegro Ma Non Troppo4/5(5). $ / (With Horn Parts in E-flat and F Horn, Violin, 2 Violas, and Violoncello). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (). Edited by Henrik Wiese and Norbert Müllemann. Henle Music Folios. Book only. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Quintet In E flat K Ensemble: Study Score [Sheet music] G. Henle Horn Quintet in Eb major K. (c)-We not only owe three of Mozart's horn concertos to
(モーツァルト); Quintette pour cor et cordes de Mozart; Horn Quintet (Mozart) Authorities WorldCat; VIAF: ; GND: ; BNF: r: Composer Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Opus/Catalogue Number Op./Cat. K/c I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. IWM Key E-flat major Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's Authorities: WorldCat; VIAF:. The Quintet in E Flat Major (K. ) was also well done, as well K. 407 book Ein musikalischer Spass (A Musical Joke, K. ), which I had been looking forward to hearing for quite some time. I was not disappointed with this rendition/5(6). The Quintet in E ♭ major for Piano and Winds, K.was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Ma and premiered two days later at the Imperial and Royal National Court Theater in Vienna. Shortly after the premiere, Mozart wrote to his father that "I myself consider it to be the best thing I have written in my life." It is scored for piano, oboe, clarinet, horn and. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Horn Quintet in E flat major is scored for the unusual string combination of one violin, two violas and a cello, giving it a deeper sonority than that of a regular string quartet (two violins, one viola and a cello). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. Rondo Gregory Miller Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ernest Barretta Solos for the Horn Player - The Mason Jones Book ℗ MSR. Check out Mozart: Quintet for Horn and Strings in E flat major, K. / Quartet for Piano and Strings in G minor, K. / Quintet in A major for Clarinet and String Quartet, K. by Arianna String Quartet on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or. Mozart Quintet for Piano and Winds in E flat K 50+ videos Play all Mix - Mozart Horn Quintet E flat K - Whittington Festival Franz Schubert Octet in F Major Missing: book. Mozart: Horn Quintet in E flat, K - 2. Andante Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble, Timothy Brown, Iona Brown, Stephen Shingles, Anthony Jenkins, Denis Vigay & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The String Quintet No. 6 in E-flat major, K. was completed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Ap It is Mozart's last major chamber work. Like all of Mozart's string quintets, it is a "viola quintet" in that it is scored for string quartet and an extra viola (two violins, two violas and cello.). Movements. The work is in standard four movement form. Get this from a library. Quintet in E flat major, K. for horn and strings. Quartet in F major, K. for oboe and strings. [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Ralph Gomberg; John Barrows; Allegro Chamber Society.]. Check out Mozart: Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. / Flute Quartet in A Major, K. / Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. / Flute Quartet in D Major, K. by Fine Arts Quartet on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Quintet for Horn and Strings In E-Flat Major, K. III. Rondo: Allegro. Buy Horn Quintet in E Flat Major, K. (Horn in F& at Horn in F Sheet Music. Edited by Henrik Wiese. For horn, violin, 2 violas & cello. Quintet In E Flat Major For Piano And Wind Instruments, K Largo - Allegro Moderato: Larghetto: Allegretto: Quintet In E Flat Major For Piano And Wind Instruments, Op Grave - Allegro Ma Non Troppo: Andante Cantabile: Rondo: Allegro Ma Non Troppo4/5(5). $ / (With Horn Parts in E-flat and F Horn, Violin, 2 Violas, and Violoncello). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (). Edited by Henrik Wiese and Norbert Müllemann. Henle Music Folios. Book only. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Quintet In E flat K Ensemble: Study Score [Sheet music] G. Henle Horn Quintet in Eb major K. (c)-We not only owe three of Mozart's horn concertos to
his friendship with Ignaz Leutgeb; the solo part of this unusual chamber music work was also written especially for him. The Sextet for Horns and String Quartet, Op. 81b, was written by composer Ludwig van Beethoven, probably aroundand published by Simrock Verlag in It is in the key of E ♭ major and is scored for two horns and a string was probably modelled on the Horn Quintet in the same key by Mozart (K. ) and like the earlier work it is written in a. Quintet in E flat major, K. for Horn (or Cello), Violin, 2 Violas & Cello IMC (International Music Co.) $ - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks. Similar items. More shop results >> "For 18 years we provide a free and legal service for free sheet g: book. Check out Mozart: Divertimento, K. & Horn Quintet, K. by Kreisler Trio Wien on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Books on composers, teaching, theory and all things musical Quintet in E-flat Major, K $ Cdn Ships in wks. Go Back. Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus The Sistema-inspired OrKidstra program was established by The Leading Note Foundation in September with the goal of giving children the opportunity to find their voice. Print and download in PDF or MIDI Horn Quintet in E-flat Major, K Horn Quintet of Mozart, original version for the quintet; Horn, Violin, 2 Violas, and Cello. Quintet in E flat major, K. for horn (or cello), violin, two violas, and cello. New York: International Music, [] (OCoLC) Document Type: Musical Score: All Authors / Contributors: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Get this from a library. Quintet in E flat major, K. for horn (or cello), violin, two violas and cello. [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]. Barnes & Noble® has the best selection of Classical Chamber Music CDs. Buy Jeff Nelsen's album titled Brahms: Horn Trio in E-flat major, Op. 40; Mozart: Horn Quintet, K. to enjoy in your home or car, or gift it to another music lover!Price: $ Horn Quintet in E-flat major, K. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. About this Piece. Mozart wrote this Quintet for Horn and Strings for the Austrian horn player Joseph Leutgeb. The Mozart family had met Leutgeb, a horn virtuoso of the first order, when he played in the Archbishop's orchestra in Salzburg. Leutgeb, who moved from Salzburg to Vienna. Buy sheet music books HORN AND STRING QUARTET (QUINTET) World wide shipping › Follow this free score › Follow Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (composer) Report problem Horn Quintet in E-flat Major K. (c) Horn, Violin, 2 Violas and Cello G. Henle. $ - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock. Similar items. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mozart: Quintets, Quartets, Trios, etc. - Various Artists on AllMusic - - In Philips' complete Mozart Edition, this volume 8/ Mozart: Horn Quintet in E flat, K - 2. Andante Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble, Timothy Brown, Iona Brown, Stephen Shingles, Anthony Jenkins, Denis Vigay & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Shop and Buy Horn Quintet In Eb K sheet music. horn in F / Eb & piano sheet music book by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (): Brass Wind Publications at Sheet Music Plus: The World Largest Selection of Sheet Music. (B). The String Quintet No. 4 in G minor, K. written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is like all of Mozart's string quintets a "viola quintet" in that it is scored for string quartet and an extra viola (that is, two violins, two violas and cello).The mood of the piece is dark and melancholic, typical of Mozart's G minor works. The work was completed onless than a month after. Listen to your favorite songs from Mozart: Quintets by Various artists Now. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Download our mobile app now. Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. Andante Ensemble Villa Mus
apart, Zoe has now worked her way through the Improv Conspiracy classes, voluntarily jumped on stage with the student team Friendship Train whenever she could, and is looking forward to performing regularly with her new Harold team and travelling to study at iO Chicago in 2016. It pays to dive in. The 2019 Hooters Calendar goes on sale next week, featuring over 200 world famous Hooters Girls from around the globe. And these aren’t professional models, but real “girls next door” that you can actually meet in person at a Hooters Restaurant around the world. First launched back in 1986, the Hooters Calendar has come a long way since their beginnings. Today, thousands of Hooters Girls submit photos of themselves for consideration. Several girls are then selected from each Hooters market for a professional photoshoot, and from there the finalists are chosen to grace the pages of the 15-month swimsuit calendar. Needless to say, the wings aren’t the only hot things at Hooters. So what are you waiting for? You can pre-order the 2019 Hooters Calendar today. And you’ll be supporting a great cause as well, as $1 of each calendar purchase goes towards the fight against breast cancer. The increase in skin cancer is described as epidemic, with the number of all skin cancers rising at 4% to 5% each year. Many attribute the increase to use of tanning beds, global warming, and the use of sunscreens that only last 4 hours. One reason for the rising skin cancer rate is an increase in sun exposure in young and old alike. Some postulate that ozone depletion may be intensifying UV exposure (global warming). Other contributing factors for the increased incidence of skin cancer include the advancing age of the US and world population, earlier and more frequent diagnosis due to enhanced public awareness of skin cancer, and more frequent skin examinations by physicians and patients. of the cancer, ensuring that the remaining skin edges (margins) are free of tumor cells. Other treatment options (depending on Stage and Type of skin cancer) include medical grade acid peels, dermabrasion, curettage and electrodessication, excision, Erbium laser, and phototherapy; and postoperative margin assessment, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. What can you do to prevent sun damage? Stay out of the sun, or limit your sun exposure to morning before 9 am and evenings after 4 pm. What can you do to minimize sun damage? Use a sunblock with greater than 4%Titanium Dioxide (CVS brand, Sensitive Skin has 9.2% Titanium Dioxide for about $8.00). Apply daily (even if you dont think you will be in direct sunlight - remember sunlight does come through windows). Re-apply every 4 hours. Re-apply if you get wet. Wear protective wide brimmed hats and protective clothing. Serving Ventura, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, and the Inland Empire. Airports: LAX, John Wayne, Ontario, San Diego. Copyright 2010-2016 Bella Milagros Institute. All rights reserved. What’s the Problem Poong Sang? airs Wednesday and Thursday on KBS. Spring Turns to Spring airs Wednesday and Thursday on MBC. This entry was posted in News and tagged kdrama, Korean Drama, Lee Yoo Ri, Spring Turns to Spring, Uhm Ji Won, What's the Probelm Poong Sang?. Bookmark the permalink. A restricted list of companies is to be selected to provide project services on a mini competition basis. Outline brief: A restricted list of companies is to be selected to provide project services on a mini competition basis for the following Lots, which will be organised by the Estate and Facilities Management Department of Merseyside Police: — – Building works; — Mechanical works; — Electrical works. The service required is for all of the above lots and expressions for particular lots only will be disregarded. Work streams are as follows: — – Urgent works to address items identified ensure continued operation of Employer’s core activities — Planned to address lesser items of works identified to enhance operation of The Employer’s activities. Tenders will be invited for individual projects in the value range of 5 000 GBP to 750 000 GBP, which will likely contain elements from all of the above lots. The contractor will be responsible for procuring and co-ordinating all works with their own resources and supply chain. 2 periods of 12 month extensions available. Meet the Criteria in the SSQ. 10 days from Intention to Award. Under the collective noun of bridge decks, we have designed, manufactured and assembled a wide range of unique steel formwork. Examples include the Luas Bridge in Dublin, the Oosterheem line, the high-speed railway link and the Stadsbrug in Nijmegen. For each project, we translate
apart, Zoe has now worked her way through the Improv Conspiracy classes, voluntarily jumped on stage with the student team Friendship Train whenever she could, and is looking forward to performing regularly with her new Harold team and travelling to study at iO Chicago in 2016. It pays to dive in. The 2019 Hooters Calendar goes on sale next week, featuring over 200 world famous Hooters Girls from around the globe. And these aren’t professional models, but real “girls next door” that you can actually meet in person at a Hooters Restaurant around the world. First launched back in 1986, the Hooters Calendar has come a long way since their beginnings. Today, thousands of Hooters Girls submit photos of themselves for consideration. Several girls are then selected from each Hooters market for a professional photoshoot, and from there the finalists are chosen to grace the pages of the 15-month swimsuit calendar. Needless to say, the wings aren’t the only hot things at Hooters. So what are you waiting for? You can pre-order the 2019 Hooters Calendar today. And you’ll be supporting a great cause as well, as $1 of each calendar purchase goes towards the fight against breast cancer. The increase in skin cancer is described as epidemic, with the number of all skin cancers rising at 4% to 5% each year. Many attribute the increase to use of tanning beds, global warming, and the use of sunscreens that only last 4 hours. One reason for the rising skin cancer rate is an increase in sun exposure in young and old alike. Some postulate that ozone depletion may be intensifying UV exposure (global warming). Other contributing factors for the increased incidence of skin cancer include the advancing age of the US and world population, earlier and more frequent diagnosis due to enhanced public awareness of skin cancer, and more frequent skin examinations by physicians and patients. of the cancer, ensuring that the remaining skin edges (margins) are free of tumor cells. Other treatment options (depending on Stage and Type of skin cancer) include medical grade acid peels, dermabrasion, curettage and electrodessication, excision, Erbium laser, and phototherapy; and postoperative margin assessment, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. What can you do to prevent sun damage? Stay out of the sun, or limit your sun exposure to morning before 9 am and evenings after 4 pm. What can you do to minimize sun damage? Use a sunblock with greater than 4%Titanium Dioxide (CVS brand, Sensitive Skin has 9.2% Titanium Dioxide for about $8.00). Apply daily (even if you dont think you will be in direct sunlight - remember sunlight does come through windows). Re-apply every 4 hours. Re-apply if you get wet. Wear protective wide brimmed hats and protective clothing. Serving Ventura, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, and the Inland Empire. Airports: LAX, John Wayne, Ontario, San Diego. Copyright 2010-2016 Bella Milagros Institute. All rights reserved. What’s the Problem Poong Sang? airs Wednesday and Thursday on KBS. Spring Turns to Spring airs Wednesday and Thursday on MBC. This entry was posted in News and tagged kdrama, Korean Drama, Lee Yoo Ri, Spring Turns to Spring, Uhm Ji Won, What's the Probelm Poong Sang?. Bookmark the permalink. A restricted list of companies is to be selected to provide project services on a mini competition basis. Outline brief: A restricted list of companies is to be selected to provide project services on a mini competition basis for the following Lots, which will be organised by the Estate and Facilities Management Department of Merseyside Police: — – Building works; — Mechanical works; — Electrical works. The service required is for all of the above lots and expressions for particular lots only will be disregarded. Work streams are as follows: — – Urgent works to address items identified ensure continued operation of Employer’s core activities — Planned to address lesser items of works identified to enhance operation of The Employer’s activities. Tenders will be invited for individual projects in the value range of 5 000 GBP to 750 000 GBP, which will likely contain elements from all of the above lots. The contractor will be responsible for procuring and co-ordinating all works with their own resources and supply chain. 2 periods of 12 month extensions available. Meet the Criteria in the SSQ. 10 days from Intention to Award. Under the collective noun of bridge decks, we have designed, manufactured and assembled a wide range of unique steel formwork. Examples include the Luas Bridge in Dublin, the Oosterheem line, the high-speed railway link and the Stadsbrug in Nijmegen. For each project, we translate
the unique design into equally unique formwork, with aspects such as ease of use, pouring of facilities, safety, high working standards and high-quality concrete surfaces being a matter-of-course. Acoustic duo Jaime and Chet’s sound can be simply summed up as “everything under the sun”. They cover every genre imaginable, and do it well. Chet is in constant demand on the touring circuit and in the studio. The professionalism, passion and energy he brings to his music make him the first point of call for a number of top entertainers in New Zealand and on the international stage. He has shared the stage with guitar legend Tommy Emmanuel, and been involved with opening for artists such as Dr John, Joe Cocker, Kenny Rogers and Cher, as well as touring with Gerry and the Pacemakers and New Zealand veterans Midge Marsden and Hammond Gamble. Besides all his work with other musicians, Chet O’Connell has released four albums of his own and works as a solo artist or with his own band. Jaime began classical vocal training and live performance at the age of 14. He formed legendary Auckland covers act Hands Off in 1999, who nearly 20 years on are still one of Auckland’s top corporate event bands. With Hands Off, Jaime has performed extensively through New Zealand, Australia and Asia. Hands Off have been the band of choice for events including Rugby World Cup 2011, Auckland Rugby League 9s, 2018 Volvo Ocean Race, TVNZ Annual awards nights and many more. Baby and toddler girls peacock bustle tutu with peacock eye feathers. Halloween peacock costume tutu. This baby girls and toddler size peacock inspired bustle tutu is stunning in shimmering gold, turquoise, navy and emerald green tulle, and features a gorgeous peacock feathered bustle and two satin bows at the sides. A stunning tutu for baby's portraits, toddler Halloween costume or pageant tutu. "The required feature 'base_Behavior' of 'Test Case -> <<TestCase>> <Operation> operationName (parameters):Verdict' must be set." > I am using the UML Testing Profile. There is a stereotype "Test Case" > <Operation> operationName (parameters):Verdict' must be set." Your earlier comments suggested that you had a simple example that failed. If you make that example available, it may be possible to comment on it. I've tried to prepare a very simple example. In the image dont pay attention to "arbiter" issue, I'm more interested in the other two. Try to open the attached uml file and validate it (right click on the model, validate option). I don't have UTP so validation is a disaster. you are not the only one having problems. They're potentially OMG bugs. > I've tried to prepare a very simple example. > In the image dont pay attention to "arbiter" issue, I'm more interested in the other two. > Try to open the attached uml file and validate it (right click on the model, validate option). just in case you want to try with the utp profile, here is the uml file. But, is it an implementation error, or is it a problem of UML? > just in case you want to try with the utp profile, here is the uml file. > But, is it an implementation error, or is it a problem of UML? > implementation of the specification, but the specification is flawed. the 2.4 specification is untrnable and so a change can be made. stereotype TestSuite that does not exist in UTP) with your profile. Marc-Florian, thank you, I hope so! OMG. I'll add this to the list for Kelper. >> implementation of the specification, but the specification is flawed. > the 2.4 specification is untrnable and so a change can be made. good. Sorry for the confusion! Could you please open a new bug about this for UML2? ok Kenn, I'll open a bug. Marc-Florian, just to clarify, I didnt build the utp.uml file, I've just downloaded the xmi file from here: http://www.omg.org/spec/UTP/1.1/ and then I've adapted it to be uml2.4 compliant. If you see in the specification there are two files, one has some optional components for test management, where you can also find the concept Test Suite. rather soon. So, I recommend not using it. where you can also find the concept Test Suite. Let’s see…where did we leave off last with our new home? I had given you an awesomely awful “Before”
to myself, that is his head, containing a brain of a different brand than that of the synthetic jellies preserved in the skulls around him." So Professor Charles Kinbote rhapsodizes of his colleague and crush John Shade in Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire. What ardent college student hasn't dreamed this dream, that some deep and tacit accord hums between him and an admired professor? The pleasure in leafing through the layers of Pale Fire--told in the form of Kinbote's presentation, including foreword and footnotes, of Shade's final poem--is partly in its evocation of the genuine pleasures of scholarship: uncovering hidden connections, communicating with master thinkers across departments, continents, epochs. The pathos is in how determinedly off track Kinbote is in his exegesis. The book's complex structure makes it just the thing to settle in with on the first chilly night, a pile of reference sources at your side, and a window cracked to let in some bracing fall air. - Daphne Sidor So tell us what we missed. What are some of your favorite back-to-school books? Jeremy / August 21, 2013 3:42 PM Columbine by David Cullen Demerit Reduction / August 21, 2013 5:10 PM All great tips for back to school reading! Homeschool 1st Grade (Competencies and Comprehensive Guide) Homeschooling 1st grade! It’s official, Kindergarten is over and you’re on the count to graduation now! Here’s everything you need in one place to get you started and keep you on track for homeschooling first grade. Competencies, developmental milestones, field trip ideas and more! By first grade, children use and understand thousands of words, broad categories of time—such as past, present and future—and show interest in solving mathematical problems. Below is a list of first grade competencies by subject. Homeschooling curriculum in the state of Texas must include the five basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and good citizenship. Science, history and social studies are included below for you. Not in Texas? Check out state requirements for homeschooling first grade in your state. Read ahead: Milestones by Subject History and Social Studies 12 Great Kindergarten Books or Series 10 1st Grade Field Trip Ideas 1st Grade Homeschool Resources Suggested School Supplies for First Grade Crayons and colored pencils Paints (tempera and watercolor) Paper for painting Children’s scissors (blunt tip) Wall maps of the world and the United States Library card. First Grade Milestones by Subject First Grade Grammar, Reading and Spelling First Grade Language Arts Homeschool Stops reversing letters Uses complete sentences Understands the relationship between letters and sounds Starts sounding out words Retells a simple story with basic elements of beginning, middle and end Composes oral stories Recites nursery rhymes, songs and fingerplays Listens to others for short periods of time without interrupting Participates in discussions and conversations Understands the difference between asking and telling Understands and follows simple instructions. Writing for 1st Graders Reads and writes his or her own name Handles pencils, pens and markers properly Uses letters or shapes to represent words or ideas Demonstrates left-to-right progression and top-to-bottom progression Writes familiar words Builds simple sentences. History and Social Studies for 1st Graders Understands broad concepts of time (past, present and future) Understands history is real stories of other times, events, places and people. Aware of other cultures and cultural traditions Recognizes significant individuals in U.S. history Knows holidays and the people or events honored on that day Recognizes symbols of our nation such as our flag, eagle and the White House Understands how to locate people and places by using maps and globes. First Grade Math for 1st Graders Counts by ones to 100 Skip counts by twos, fives and 10s Counts backwards from 20 Able to use and count tally marks Recognizes even and odd numbers Able to write 0 to 20 Uses counting skills to add to 10 Shows interest in solving mathematical problems Recognizes, duplicates and extends patterns Compares and classifies objects Collects data and creates records by using lists and graphs Able to analyze data obtained by graphical tools Knows days of the week, months of the year and how to use a calendar Understands the concept of time Identifies and knows the value of coins Familiar with instruments of measurement such as a ruler, a
to myself, that is his head, containing a brain of a different brand than that of the synthetic jellies preserved in the skulls around him." So Professor Charles Kinbote rhapsodizes of his colleague and crush John Shade in Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire. What ardent college student hasn't dreamed this dream, that some deep and tacit accord hums between him and an admired professor? The pleasure in leafing through the layers of Pale Fire--told in the form of Kinbote's presentation, including foreword and footnotes, of Shade's final poem--is partly in its evocation of the genuine pleasures of scholarship: uncovering hidden connections, communicating with master thinkers across departments, continents, epochs. The pathos is in how determinedly off track Kinbote is in his exegesis. The book's complex structure makes it just the thing to settle in with on the first chilly night, a pile of reference sources at your side, and a window cracked to let in some bracing fall air. - Daphne Sidor So tell us what we missed. What are some of your favorite back-to-school books? Jeremy / August 21, 2013 3:42 PM Columbine by David Cullen Demerit Reduction / August 21, 2013 5:10 PM All great tips for back to school reading! Homeschool 1st Grade (Competencies and Comprehensive Guide) Homeschooling 1st grade! It’s official, Kindergarten is over and you’re on the count to graduation now! Here’s everything you need in one place to get you started and keep you on track for homeschooling first grade. Competencies, developmental milestones, field trip ideas and more! By first grade, children use and understand thousands of words, broad categories of time—such as past, present and future—and show interest in solving mathematical problems. Below is a list of first grade competencies by subject. Homeschooling curriculum in the state of Texas must include the five basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and good citizenship. Science, history and social studies are included below for you. Not in Texas? Check out state requirements for homeschooling first grade in your state. Read ahead: Milestones by Subject History and Social Studies 12 Great Kindergarten Books or Series 10 1st Grade Field Trip Ideas 1st Grade Homeschool Resources Suggested School Supplies for First Grade Crayons and colored pencils Paints (tempera and watercolor) Paper for painting Children’s scissors (blunt tip) Wall maps of the world and the United States Library card. First Grade Milestones by Subject First Grade Grammar, Reading and Spelling First Grade Language Arts Homeschool Stops reversing letters Uses complete sentences Understands the relationship between letters and sounds Starts sounding out words Retells a simple story with basic elements of beginning, middle and end Composes oral stories Recites nursery rhymes, songs and fingerplays Listens to others for short periods of time without interrupting Participates in discussions and conversations Understands the difference between asking and telling Understands and follows simple instructions. Writing for 1st Graders Reads and writes his or her own name Handles pencils, pens and markers properly Uses letters or shapes to represent words or ideas Demonstrates left-to-right progression and top-to-bottom progression Writes familiar words Builds simple sentences. History and Social Studies for 1st Graders Understands broad concepts of time (past, present and future) Understands history is real stories of other times, events, places and people. Aware of other cultures and cultural traditions Recognizes significant individuals in U.S. history Knows holidays and the people or events honored on that day Recognizes symbols of our nation such as our flag, eagle and the White House Understands how to locate people and places by using maps and globes. First Grade Math for 1st Graders Counts by ones to 100 Skip counts by twos, fives and 10s Counts backwards from 20 Able to use and count tally marks Recognizes even and odd numbers Able to write 0 to 20 Uses counting skills to add to 10 Shows interest in solving mathematical problems Recognizes, duplicates and extends patterns Compares and classifies objects Collects data and creates records by using lists and graphs Able to analyze data obtained by graphical tools Knows days of the week, months of the year and how to use a calendar Understands the concept of time Identifies and knows the value of coins Familiar with instruments of measurement such as a ruler, a
scale and a thermometer Uses the correct words to compare items like long/short, heavy/light, etc. Identifies and creates a variety of shapes. Science for 1st Graders Recognizes basic patterns in weather Understands concepts of recycling, conservation, reducing pollution and recognizes our impact on the planet Able to identify living and non-living things Understands the basic needs of living things Understands life cycles Identifies the characteristics of plants and animals Able to distinguish environments and habitats Understands and describes the four seasons Understands the sun provides heat and light energy Uses comparisons, sense observations and experiments to form conclusions Familiar with pulleys and levers. Good Citizenship for 1st Graders Being a good citizen not only means understanding your right to vote and the privileges of citizenship, but also respect for our planet, good stewardship and understanding the world around us. If you are in need of resources and lesson plans to fulfill this requirement, consider joining THSC. We offer our “Lone Star Study” guide as a free download for our members. Learn about the electoral process in local, state and national elections Become involved in events and initiatives such as Capitol Days sponsored by THSC Volunteer at a food pantry, animal shelter or other organization (many places allow younger children to participate with a parent) Attend rallies of causes you believe in as a family Attend city council meetings Register to vote and vote! Take your child with you to see the process. Children under the age of 18 are allowed to go with you and even go inside the booth with you in every state in the United States Keep our state clean by picking up litter Learn about recycling and where and how you recycle items in your town. For more ideas, check out our teaching good citizenship page. Developmental Milestones for Six-Year-Olds All children develop at different rates. However, certain skills are easily identified by age six. If you have concerns about your child’s development after reviewing this list, please discuss those with your healthcare provider. Able to throw and catch a small ball (can catch in one hand) Moves in time and beat to music Skips, gallops and dances Runs up and down stairs Able to participate in team games and activities Rides a two-wheel bicycle. Able to grasp and control a pencil Uses fingers to write and draw (not entire arm) Writing is maturing (letters are becoming smaller, words are well-spaced and well-lined up) Begins to write within lines Able to cut out irregular shapes, glue accurately and use sticky tape Can independently dress (including tying shoes) Able to brush and comb hair Distinguishes left from right Can use a knife to cut food Can draw complex and recognizable pictures. Talking and Understanding Communicates effectively in social settings Understands similarities and opposites Communicates effectively with peers Understands instructions, conversations and more complex grammar. 12 Great Books or Series for 1st Graders Dr. Seuss: The preeminent author of juvenile fiction weaves together life lessons, cultural diversity, environmental science and stage-appropriate vocabulary “Are You My Mother?” P.D. Eastman, a protege of Dr. Seuss, provides large print and fun illustrations in this story that children have enjoyed for generations “The Dot” With one dot, author Peter H. Reynolds unlocks the creative spirit in all of us “The Little House” In 1943, Virginia Lee Burton won the Caldecott Medal for this story of urban sprawl. Don’t worry, the story has a happy ending! “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” The first book in the 16-book series by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond depicts the spiral of events after you give a mouse a cookie. These books are fun to read independently or together “Pete the Cat” With more than 60 titles, reading adventures with “Pete the Cat” by Kimberly Dean, James Dean and/or Eric Litwin are almost endless “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” This multi-award-winning book was published in 1972 and tells the events of Alexander’s day. Written by Judith Viorst and illustrated by Ray Cruz “Fancy Nancy” Learn fancy words from the fanciest Nancy in school in this series written by Jane O’Connor and illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser. These books teach vocabulary in a fun and kid-friendly way “The Magic Tree House” This 40+ book series by Mary Pope Osborne sends readers back in time to lands both
, When the Devil Dances, and Hell's Faire. He is also co-author with David Weber of the Prince Roger series, so far consisting of March Upcountry, March to the Sea, and March to the Stars. He has appeared on Fox News as a guest commentator and has written an op-ed column for the New York Post. A veteran of the 82nd Airborne, he brings first-hand knowledge of battle and the military life to his SF. Tom Kratman is author of A State of Disobedience (Baen). In 1974, at age seventeen, he became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He attended Boston College after his first hitch, then rejoined the Army until after the Gulf War, when he decided to become a lawyer. Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, still puts up with this. Tom is currently an attorney practicing in southwest Virginia. Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill are the biggest names in the urban fantasy subgenre-where elves, banshees, trolls, and even stranger creatures walk modern city streets, their presence, and even their existence unsuspected by the human inhabitants. Now these two present a volume of all new urban fantasy, with a stellar lineup of the best new fantasy writers, such as Roberta Gellis, Dave Freer and Eric Flint, Diana Paxton, and more-including two new stories and an afterword by Mercedes Lackey herself, as well as a story by Rosemary Edghill. This is an indispensable volume for fans of urban fantasy in general, and the thousands of fans of Mercedes Lackey in particular. Mercedes Lackey is known for several bestselling fantasy series, including the Heralds of Valdemar and Bardic Voices series, work that ranges from historical fantasy to grittily realistic urban fantasy set in the modern world. In only a decade she has made her mark as one of the brightest stars of fantasy. She lives in Oklahoma where she can be found prying the talons of birds of prey she is attempting to nurse back to health out of her hands. Rosemary Edghill, after holding the usual array of Weird Writer jobs, including freelance graphic designer and vampire killer, has settled down to a career as a full-time writer, publishing popular urban fantasies as well as novels in genres ranging from romance to mystery. Her latest book for Baen is The Warslayer. Mission: Sabotage a Planet, Survival Not Guaranteed . . . Kenneth Chinran was a disaffected youth who joined the military and was recruited for an elite deep cover unit, surviving training and exercises so tough that several of the recruits did not survive. At the peak of his career, he was sent by his star nation to infiltrate a fascistic, militaristic planet--Earth. He lived in deep cover for years, marrying and having a daughter. Then the Earth forces attacked his home system, and he and his team came out of hiding, attacking and destroying the infrastructure of the crowded planet, disabling transportation and communications and creating terror in city after city. As a result of his attacks, billions died for lack of the food, water and power which the ravaged system could no longer supply. His sabotage was successful, but the deaths of so many weighed heavily on his mind, making him wonder if he was still sane. Then the secret police discovered his identity. With his daughter, the only thing in his life that had so far kept him human, he was on the run, while the resources of a planetwide police state were tracking him down. He could see no way to escape from the planet, no way to keep hiding, and if he and his daughter were caught, death was the very least that they could expect. But Chinran is a warrior in his soul, and even if he loses this last battle, he won't go down without a fight that his pursuers--the ones who survive--will never forget. Bahzell of the Hradani is Back! Exciting Fantasy Adventure Best-Selling Author of the Honor Harrington Series. In The War God's Own, Bahzell had managed to stop a war by convincing Baron Tellian, leader of the Sothoii, to "surrender" to him, the War God's champion. Now, he has journeyed to the Sothoii Wind Plain to oversee the parole he granted to Tellian and his men, to represent the Order of Tomanak, the War God, and to be an ambassador for the hradani. What's more, the flying coursers of the Sothoii have accepted Bahzell as a wind
, When the Devil Dances, and Hell's Faire. He is also co-author with David Weber of the Prince Roger series, so far consisting of March Upcountry, March to the Sea, and March to the Stars. He has appeared on Fox News as a guest commentator and has written an op-ed column for the New York Post. A veteran of the 82nd Airborne, he brings first-hand knowledge of battle and the military life to his SF. Tom Kratman is author of A State of Disobedience (Baen). In 1974, at age seventeen, he became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He attended Boston College after his first hitch, then rejoined the Army until after the Gulf War, when he decided to become a lawyer. Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, still puts up with this. Tom is currently an attorney practicing in southwest Virginia. Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill are the biggest names in the urban fantasy subgenre-where elves, banshees, trolls, and even stranger creatures walk modern city streets, their presence, and even their existence unsuspected by the human inhabitants. Now these two present a volume of all new urban fantasy, with a stellar lineup of the best new fantasy writers, such as Roberta Gellis, Dave Freer and Eric Flint, Diana Paxton, and more-including two new stories and an afterword by Mercedes Lackey herself, as well as a story by Rosemary Edghill. This is an indispensable volume for fans of urban fantasy in general, and the thousands of fans of Mercedes Lackey in particular. Mercedes Lackey is known for several bestselling fantasy series, including the Heralds of Valdemar and Bardic Voices series, work that ranges from historical fantasy to grittily realistic urban fantasy set in the modern world. In only a decade she has made her mark as one of the brightest stars of fantasy. She lives in Oklahoma where she can be found prying the talons of birds of prey she is attempting to nurse back to health out of her hands. Rosemary Edghill, after holding the usual array of Weird Writer jobs, including freelance graphic designer and vampire killer, has settled down to a career as a full-time writer, publishing popular urban fantasies as well as novels in genres ranging from romance to mystery. Her latest book for Baen is The Warslayer. Mission: Sabotage a Planet, Survival Not Guaranteed . . . Kenneth Chinran was a disaffected youth who joined the military and was recruited for an elite deep cover unit, surviving training and exercises so tough that several of the recruits did not survive. At the peak of his career, he was sent by his star nation to infiltrate a fascistic, militaristic planet--Earth. He lived in deep cover for years, marrying and having a daughter. Then the Earth forces attacked his home system, and he and his team came out of hiding, attacking and destroying the infrastructure of the crowded planet, disabling transportation and communications and creating terror in city after city. As a result of his attacks, billions died for lack of the food, water and power which the ravaged system could no longer supply. His sabotage was successful, but the deaths of so many weighed heavily on his mind, making him wonder if he was still sane. Then the secret police discovered his identity. With his daughter, the only thing in his life that had so far kept him human, he was on the run, while the resources of a planetwide police state were tracking him down. He could see no way to escape from the planet, no way to keep hiding, and if he and his daughter were caught, death was the very least that they could expect. But Chinran is a warrior in his soul, and even if he loses this last battle, he won't go down without a fight that his pursuers--the ones who survive--will never forget. Bahzell of the Hradani is Back! Exciting Fantasy Adventure Best-Selling Author of the Honor Harrington Series. In The War God's Own, Bahzell had managed to stop a war by convincing Baron Tellian, leader of the Sothoii, to "surrender" to him, the War God's champion. Now, he has journeyed to the Sothoii Wind Plain to oversee the parole he granted to Tellian and his men, to represent the Order of Tomanak, the War God, and to be an ambassador for the hradani. What's more, the flying coursers of the Sothoii have accepted Bahzell as a wind
rider—the first hradani windrider in history. And since the windriders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell's ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. That combination of duties would have been enough to keep anyone busy—even a warrior prince like Bahzell—but additional complications are bubbling under the surface. The goddess Shigu, the Queen of Hell, is sowing dissension among the war maids of the Sothoii. The supporters of the deposed Sothoii noble who started the war are plotting to murder their new leige lord and frame Bahzell for the deed. Of course, those problems are all in a day's work for a champion of the War God. But what is Bahzell going to do about the fact that Baron Tellian's daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man—or hradani—for her Praise for the Earlier Novels in the Series: Oath of Swords "David Weber branches out into fantasy with this latest novel, and does as well as he does with hardware-heavy space opera . . . colorful characters . . . compelling reading, with plenty of sword & sorcery action and a pleasant sense of humor." —Locus "The creator of SF series heroine Honor Harrington turns successfully to fantasy . . . Weber is . . . emerging as a consistent producer of highly entertaining and intelligent action tales." —Booklist The War God's Own "The action is brisk, the world-building an intelligent extrapolation from classic fantasy elements. . . . Most fantasy fans should find the novel . . . irresistibly entertaining fare. . . ." —Publishers Weekly "Filled with memorable and distinctive characters . . . [The War God's Own] will have new readers looking for the first book and anticipating the sure-to-come third. . . . Weber proves his talent for the storyteller's cadences . . . this book is for readers who enjoy immersing themselves in the myriad dimensions of an alternative world." —VOYA "Excellent fantasy drama. . . ." —The Bookwatch "Bahzell Bahnakson, the reluctant hero of Oath of Swords, returns in this entertaining fantasy sequel . . . there's plenty of action and amusing banter . . . making it a great read." —Locus ". . . a well realized fantasy world . . . Weber deftly fleshes out such concepts as the undergound cities of the tale's dwarves, the immortality of its elves, [and] the power of its demons to destroy those who summon them. . . ." —Booklist The Epic Struggle of Freedom and Justice Against the Tyrannies of the 17th Century Continues, as European Cunning Meets American Courage! The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the Confederated Principalities of Europe, an alliance between Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th century led by Mike Stearns who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident. The democratic ideals of the CPE have aroused the implacable hostility of Cardinal Richelieu, effective ruler of France, who has moved behind the scenes, making common cause with old enemies to stop this new threat to the privileged and powerful. But the CPE is also working in secret. A group of West Virginians have secretly traveled to Venice where their advanced medical knowledge may prevent the recurrence of the terrible plague which recently killed a third of the city-state's population. At the same time, the group hopes to establish commercial ties with Turkey's Ottoman Empire, then at the height of its power. And, most important, they hope to establish private diplomatic ties with the Vatican, exploiting Pope Urban VIII's misgivings about the actions of Richelieu and the Hapsburgs. But a Venetian artisan involved with the West Virginians may cause all their plans to come to naught. Having read 20th century history books of the period, he has become determined to rescue Galileo from his trial for heresy. The Americans are divided on whether to help him or stop him—and whether he succeeds or fails, the results may be catastrophic for the CPE. Praise for Earlier Novels in the Series: "A rich complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book." "Gripping . . . depicted with power!" ". . . formidable historiography, wit, balance (there are few stupid bad guys—well, England's Charles I), intelligently ferocious women, and mouth-watering displays of alternate technology . . . [many readers] will turn every page and cry for more!" "[Flint takes] historic speculation to a new level in a tale that combines
Figure 9). Both assume a spherical particle shape. Fraunhofer theory is simpler, as it does not take into account phenomena like absorption, refraction, reflection, or scattering of light. It works well for large and/or opaque particles, and doesn’t require any knowledge of the particle’s optical properties. Mie theory, however, does consider other light scattering phenomena, and consequently requires knowledge of the particle’s refractive index and absorption coefficient for the particular wavelength. As a general principle, it is always preferable to use Fraunhofer theory as a default, rather than using Mie theory with possibly inaccurate values for the particle’s optical properties. Figure 9: Illustration of the difference between Fraunhofer (left) and Mie diffraction theory (right). Large and opaque particles are usually analyzed using Fraunhofer diffraction theory. Mie theory also considers other optical phenomena in addition to diffraction. Laser diffraction gives an estimation of the percentage of particles belonging to a certain size class. Size classes are groups of particles of similar sizes and each size class is assigned two different diameters (Figure 10). Figure 10: Illustration of size classes and how they are defined by two diameters. A typical result of a laser diffraction measurement is shown in Figure 11. The basic particle size distribution might have one or more peaks for size classes, which indicate the most common particle sizes. The Dmode value defines the position of the highest peak. However, there might be more peaks or the peak might be weakly defined (e.g. spikey, flat, etc.), so peak values are rather unreliable. For this reason, usually the cumulative distribution is analyzed. To get this distribution, values for all previous classes are added to the next. This is done either from the smallest to the biggest diameter (called the "undersize curve") or in the opposite direction (called the "oversize curve"). In either direction, the cumulative curve always ranges from 0 % to 100 %, with the middle point D50 being the most commonly reported result of particle sizing by laser diffraction. D50 defines the point where 50 % of the particles are smaller and 50 % bigger than that certain diameter. The beginning and end of the distribution are commonly defined by D10 and D90, although other D values can be used to define the cumulative distribution as well (e.g. D1 or D99). Figure 11: Typical result of a laser diffraction particle size measurement. The red curve is the basic particle size distribution, with the Dmode value defining the position of the peak. The cumulative curve ("undersize", here shown in turquoise) has its middle point at D50 – it being the single most common result of particle sizing by laser diffraction. In laser diffraction the percentages of the particle sizes in the sample are typically given in volume (volume-based distribution). Alternatively, the relative proportions of particle sizes can also stand for the surface of the particles or number-based distributions. Since the theories used for laser diffraction assume spherical particles, the representations in surface and number are made by applying a geometrical calculation (for the surface area and volume of a sphere) to the volume-based result. Particle size is a common quality control parameter, affecting both the production process and the final properties of a product. Laser diffraction is a valuable tool for particle sizing, from the sub-micron to the millimeter range. The increasing popularity of this method is due to its high repeatability combined with its fast and easy measurement technique that requires low sample amounts. Laser diffraction is a relative method which uses the optical behavior of particles to derive their sizes. In order to do so, the analysis theory assumes that the measured particles are spherical and reports their diameter. Obviously, for non-spherical particles this leads to a deviation from their real sizes. However, as the shape-caused error remains consistent, this makes laser diffraction a highly reliable quality control tool. Further references Xu, R. (2002). Particle Characterization: Light Scattering Methods. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 111-181 Merkus, H. (2009). Particle Size Measurements. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 259-285 Bohren, C. and Huffman, D. (2007). Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles.Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 381-428 ISO 13320:2009, Particle size analysis - Laser diffraction methods 2. Particle size determination 2.1. Diffraction 2.2. Dispersion 3. Detection and analysis 3.1. Raw data acquisition 3.2. Data analysis 3.3. Diffraction data analysis theory 4. Particle size distribution 6. Further references Reoloji Y
Figure 9). Both assume a spherical particle shape. Fraunhofer theory is simpler, as it does not take into account phenomena like absorption, refraction, reflection, or scattering of light. It works well for large and/or opaque particles, and doesn’t require any knowledge of the particle’s optical properties. Mie theory, however, does consider other light scattering phenomena, and consequently requires knowledge of the particle’s refractive index and absorption coefficient for the particular wavelength. As a general principle, it is always preferable to use Fraunhofer theory as a default, rather than using Mie theory with possibly inaccurate values for the particle’s optical properties. Figure 9: Illustration of the difference between Fraunhofer (left) and Mie diffraction theory (right). Large and opaque particles are usually analyzed using Fraunhofer diffraction theory. Mie theory also considers other optical phenomena in addition to diffraction. Laser diffraction gives an estimation of the percentage of particles belonging to a certain size class. Size classes are groups of particles of similar sizes and each size class is assigned two different diameters (Figure 10). Figure 10: Illustration of size classes and how they are defined by two diameters. A typical result of a laser diffraction measurement is shown in Figure 11. The basic particle size distribution might have one or more peaks for size classes, which indicate the most common particle sizes. The Dmode value defines the position of the highest peak. However, there might be more peaks or the peak might be weakly defined (e.g. spikey, flat, etc.), so peak values are rather unreliable. For this reason, usually the cumulative distribution is analyzed. To get this distribution, values for all previous classes are added to the next. This is done either from the smallest to the biggest diameter (called the "undersize curve") or in the opposite direction (called the "oversize curve"). In either direction, the cumulative curve always ranges from 0 % to 100 %, with the middle point D50 being the most commonly reported result of particle sizing by laser diffraction. D50 defines the point where 50 % of the particles are smaller and 50 % bigger than that certain diameter. The beginning and end of the distribution are commonly defined by D10 and D90, although other D values can be used to define the cumulative distribution as well (e.g. D1 or D99). Figure 11: Typical result of a laser diffraction particle size measurement. The red curve is the basic particle size distribution, with the Dmode value defining the position of the peak. The cumulative curve ("undersize", here shown in turquoise) has its middle point at D50 – it being the single most common result of particle sizing by laser diffraction. In laser diffraction the percentages of the particle sizes in the sample are typically given in volume (volume-based distribution). Alternatively, the relative proportions of particle sizes can also stand for the surface of the particles or number-based distributions. Since the theories used for laser diffraction assume spherical particles, the representations in surface and number are made by applying a geometrical calculation (for the surface area and volume of a sphere) to the volume-based result. Particle size is a common quality control parameter, affecting both the production process and the final properties of a product. Laser diffraction is a valuable tool for particle sizing, from the sub-micron to the millimeter range. The increasing popularity of this method is due to its high repeatability combined with its fast and easy measurement technique that requires low sample amounts. Laser diffraction is a relative method which uses the optical behavior of particles to derive their sizes. In order to do so, the analysis theory assumes that the measured particles are spherical and reports their diameter. Obviously, for non-spherical particles this leads to a deviation from their real sizes. However, as the shape-caused error remains consistent, this makes laser diffraction a highly reliable quality control tool. Further references Xu, R. (2002). Particle Characterization: Light Scattering Methods. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 111-181 Merkus, H. (2009). Particle Size Measurements. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 259-285 Bohren, C. and Huffman, D. (2007). Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles.Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 381-428 ISO 13320:2009, Particle size analysis - Laser diffraction methods 2. Particle size determination 2.1. Diffraction 2.2. Dispersion 3. Detection and analysis 3.1. Raw data acquisition 3.2. Data analysis 3.3. Diffraction data analysis theory 4. Particle size distribution 6. Further references Reoloji Y
asal bilgi Anton Paar uzmanları servis, destek ve eğitim ihtiyaçlarınız için size yardımcı olmaya hazır. Basınla ilişkiler Site haritası | Copyright 2020 Anton Paar GmbH - Sokol Books - https://sokol.co.uk - SCOT, Reginald Posted By On In Early Books | Comments Disabled The discoverie of witchcraft, wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected… London, William Brome, 1584. FIRST EDITION. 4to in 8’s. pp. [xxviii] 352 [iv] 353-560 [xvi]. Black letter, Roman and Italic, with side-notes, woodcut historiated initials, head- and tail-pieces, 4 unnumbered pp. of full-page woodcut engravings between 352-353, 5 pp. of woodcut astrological diagrams on pp 397-401. Light age browning, t.p. slightly dusty and repaired at head with some loss to ornament, repairs to margins of a few ll. throughout with no loss to text, occasional light foxing, a good, clean copy in early c19 crushed morocco, covers gilt-stamped with arms of the Society of Writers to the Signet within panel triple-ruled in gilt with corner flourishes, spine in gilt with five raised bands, a.e.g. FIRST AND ONLY EARLY EDITION of the definitive treatise denying the existence of witches, to such an extent that it is also considered the major source for early attitudes toward, and rituals of, witchcraft, citing no less than 212 authors as well as examples from the courts of law in England. Scot is as sharp as he is humane in his attack on “witchmongers” who seek “to pursue the poore, to accuse the simple, and to kill the innocent”, pointing out how unreasonable it is to accuse vulnerable persons of having “power which onelie apperteineth to God”. The first four books list the procedures of identifying witches and using torture to procure confession, found in the Malleus Malificarum as well as Jean Bodin’s work. Scot quotes heavily form his sources, and refutes them only after. He suggests to his readers that they skip the next book, which discusses in detail the many “filthie and bawdie matters” that cling to belief in witchcraft, such as sex with the devil, “how maides hauing yellow haire are most comred with Incubus”, and including excerpts from Chaucer. Next, Scot attacks beliefs in transformation into animals, transportation by air, and control of the weather. References to the Book of Job in this section leads to lengthy discussion of witchcraft as mentioned throughout Scripture, working from the Old Testament to the pagan origins of augery and astrology. The twelfth book deals with the full gamut of charms and spells, from Hebrew to English, and book 13 follows up with an inventory of materials used in magic: animals (toads and cats), minerals, crystal balls, and more relevant to modern magicians, instructions on tying trick knots, every manner of juggling, how “to make one danse naked”, and how “to thurst a bodkin into your head without hurt” (these “trick” instruments including bodkins and knives are illustrated on the four unnumbered pages of woodcuts). The final portion, and the majority of the book, considers the art of conjuring devils and spirits, including woodcuts depicting the proper symbols and commands, used to command spirits, and cause or prevent demonic possession. This section also takes into account the history of exorcism, and the laws surrounding it, of the Catholic Church. The book ends with a chapter-by-chapter summary of topics. Reginald Scot (1538? – 1599) never seems to have taken a degree from Hart Hall, Oxford, where he studied law, and he spent his life instead managing his property in the countryside of Kent. He was the author of only two works, both significant in their own right: the “Perfect Platform of a Hop-garden”, the first practical treatise of its kind in England, and this, the more celerated of the two. The Discoverie elicited several heated responses from George Gifford and Henry Perkins, and even Meric Casaubon later wrote against Scot. Copies of this edition are rare, however, because King James I, demanded them to be burnt upon his accession to the throne in 1603. While the book was well received on the continent and appeared in Dutch editions of 1609 and 1637, it
). Refusant de laisser partir leur musicien national, l’archiduc Rodolphe, le prince Kinsky et le prince Lobkowitz s’allient pour assurer à Beethoven, s’il reste à Vienne, une rente viagère de annuels, somme considérable pour l’époque. Beethoven accepte, voyant son espoir d’être définitivement à l’abri du besoin aboutir, mais la reprise de la guerre entre l’Autriche et la France au printemps 1809 remet tout en cause. La famille impériale est contrainte de quitter Vienne occupée, la grave crise économique qui s’empare de l’Autriche après Wagram et le traité de Schönbrunn imposé par Napoléon ruine l’aristocratie et provoque la dévaluation de la monnaie autrichienne. Beethoven aura de la difficulté à se faire payer, sauf par l'archiduc Rodolphe, qui le soutiendra pendant de longues années. Dans l'immédiat, le catalogue continue de s’enrichir : les années 1809 et 1810 voient la composition du Concerto pour piano , œuvre virtuose que crée Carl Czerny, de la musique de scène pour la pièce Egmont de Goethe et du Quatuor à cordes dit . C’est pour le départ imposé de son élève et ami l’archiduc Rodolphe, plus jeune fils de la famille impériale, que Beethoven compose la Sonate . Les années 1811 et 1812 voient le compositeur atteindre l’apogée de sa vie créatrice. Le Trio à l’Archiduc puis les Septième et Huitième symphonies sont le point d’orgue de la période héroïque. Sur le plan personnel, Beethoven est profondément affecté en 1810 par l’échec d’un projet de mariage avec Therese Malfatti, potentielle dédicataire de la célèbre La Lettre à Élise. La vie sentimentale de Beethoven a suscité d’abondants commentaires de la part de ses biographes. Le compositeur s’éprit à de nombreuses reprises de jolies femmes, le plus souvent mariées, mais jamais ne connut ce bonheur conjugal qu’il appelait de ses vœux et dont il faisait l’apologie dans Fidelio. Ses amitiés amoureuses avec Giulietta Guicciardi (inspiratrice de la Sonate « Clair de lune »), Thérèse von Brunsvik (dédicataire de la Sonate pour piano ), Maria von Erdödy (qui reçut les deux Sonates pour violoncelle ) ou encore Amalie Sebald restèrent d’éphémères expériences. Outre l’échec de ce projet de mariage, l’autre événement majeur de la vie amoureuse du musicien fut la rédaction, en 1812, de la bouleversante Lettre à l’immortelle Bien-aimée dont la dédicataire reste inconnue, même si les noms de Joséphine von Brunsvik et surtout d’Antonia Brentano sont ceux qui ressortent le plus nettement de l’étude de Jean et Brigitte Massin et de Maynard Solomon. 1813-1817 : les années sombres Le mois de juillet 1812, abondamment commenté par les biographes du musicien, marque un nouveau tournant dans la vie de Beethoven. Séjournant en cure thermale dans la région de Teplitz et de Carlsbad, il rédige l’énigmatique Lettre à l'immortelle
). Refusant de laisser partir leur musicien national, l’archiduc Rodolphe, le prince Kinsky et le prince Lobkowitz s’allient pour assurer à Beethoven, s’il reste à Vienne, une rente viagère de annuels, somme considérable pour l’époque. Beethoven accepte, voyant son espoir d’être définitivement à l’abri du besoin aboutir, mais la reprise de la guerre entre l’Autriche et la France au printemps 1809 remet tout en cause. La famille impériale est contrainte de quitter Vienne occupée, la grave crise économique qui s’empare de l’Autriche après Wagram et le traité de Schönbrunn imposé par Napoléon ruine l’aristocratie et provoque la dévaluation de la monnaie autrichienne. Beethoven aura de la difficulté à se faire payer, sauf par l'archiduc Rodolphe, qui le soutiendra pendant de longues années. Dans l'immédiat, le catalogue continue de s’enrichir : les années 1809 et 1810 voient la composition du Concerto pour piano , œuvre virtuose que crée Carl Czerny, de la musique de scène pour la pièce Egmont de Goethe et du Quatuor à cordes dit . C’est pour le départ imposé de son élève et ami l’archiduc Rodolphe, plus jeune fils de la famille impériale, que Beethoven compose la Sonate . Les années 1811 et 1812 voient le compositeur atteindre l’apogée de sa vie créatrice. Le Trio à l’Archiduc puis les Septième et Huitième symphonies sont le point d’orgue de la période héroïque. Sur le plan personnel, Beethoven est profondément affecté en 1810 par l’échec d’un projet de mariage avec Therese Malfatti, potentielle dédicataire de la célèbre La Lettre à Élise. La vie sentimentale de Beethoven a suscité d’abondants commentaires de la part de ses biographes. Le compositeur s’éprit à de nombreuses reprises de jolies femmes, le plus souvent mariées, mais jamais ne connut ce bonheur conjugal qu’il appelait de ses vœux et dont il faisait l’apologie dans Fidelio. Ses amitiés amoureuses avec Giulietta Guicciardi (inspiratrice de la Sonate « Clair de lune »), Thérèse von Brunsvik (dédicataire de la Sonate pour piano ), Maria von Erdödy (qui reçut les deux Sonates pour violoncelle ) ou encore Amalie Sebald restèrent d’éphémères expériences. Outre l’échec de ce projet de mariage, l’autre événement majeur de la vie amoureuse du musicien fut la rédaction, en 1812, de la bouleversante Lettre à l’immortelle Bien-aimée dont la dédicataire reste inconnue, même si les noms de Joséphine von Brunsvik et surtout d’Antonia Brentano sont ceux qui ressortent le plus nettement de l’étude de Jean et Brigitte Massin et de Maynard Solomon. 1813-1817 : les années sombres Le mois de juillet 1812, abondamment commenté par les biographes du musicien, marque un nouveau tournant dans la vie de Beethoven. Séjournant en cure thermale dans la région de Teplitz et de Carlsbad, il rédige l’énigmatique Lettre à l'immortelle
Bien-aimée et fait la rencontre infructueuse de Goethe par l’entremise de Bettina Brentano. Pour des raisons qui demeurent mal précisées, c’est aussi le début d’une longue période de stérilité dans la vie créatrice du musicien. On sait que les années qui suivirent 1812 coïncidèrent avec plusieurs événements dramatiques dans la vie de Beethoven, événements qu’il dut surmonter seul, tous ses amis ou presque ayant quitté Vienne pendant la guerre de 1809, mais rien n’explique entièrement cette rupture après dix années d’une telle fécondité. Malgré l’accueil très favorable réservé par le public à la Septième symphonie et à la Victoire de Wellington (décembre 1813), malgré la reprise enfin triomphale de Fidelio dans sa version définitive (mai 1814), Beethoven perd peu à peu les faveurs de Vienne toujours nostalgique de Mozart et acquise à la musique plus légère de Rossini. Le tapage fait autour du Congrès de Vienne, où Beethoven est encensé comme musicien national, ne masque pas longtemps la condescendance grandissante des Viennois à son égard. En outre, le durcissement du régime imposé par Metternich le place dans une situation délicate, la police viennoise étant depuis longtemps au fait des convictions démocratiques et révolutionnaires dont le compositeur se cache de moins en moins. Sur le plan personnel, l’événement majeur vient de la mort de son frère Kaspar-Karl le . Beethoven, qui lui avait promis de diriger l’éducation de son fils Karl, doit faire face à une interminable série de procès contre sa belle-sœur pour obtenir la tutelle exclusive de son neveu, finalement gagnée en 1820. Malgré toute la bonne volonté et l’attachement du compositeur, ce neveu allait devenir pour lui, et jusqu’à la veille de sa mort, une source inépuisable de tourment. De ces années sombres, où sa surdité devient totale, seuls émergent quelques rares chefs-d’œuvre : les Sonates pour violoncelle et 5 dédiées à sa confidente Maria von Erdödy (1815), la Sonate pour piano (1816) et le cycle de lieder À la Bien-aimée lointaine (, 1815-1816), sur des poèmes d’. Tandis que sa situation matérielle devient de plus en plus préoccupante, Beethoven tombe gravement malade entre 1816 et 1817 et semble une nouvelle fois proche du suicide. Pourtant, sa force morale et sa volonté reprennent encore une fois leurs droits, avec le soutien et l'amitié que lui apporte la factrice de pianos Nannette Streicher. Tourné vers l’introspection et la spiritualité, pressentant l’importance de ce qu’il lui reste à écrire pour , il trouve la force de surmonter ces épreuves pour entamer une dernière période créatrice qui lui apportera probablement ses plus grandes révélations. Neuf ans avant la création de la Neuvième Symphonie, Beethoven résume en une phrase ce qui va devenir à bien des égards l’œuvre de toute sa vie (1815) : 1818-1827 : le dernier Beethoven La Messe en ré et l’adieu au piano Les forces de
the body moving. In addition if the surface is polished, frictional force is further minimized to the level where it can be regarded as smooth. In solving mechanics problems the terms smooth or frictionless are used to mean that the frictional force is zero. When there is no frictional force the applied force wholly goes into accelerating the body. (ii) Relationship between friction force and normal reaction There is relationship between the friction “f ” and the normal reaction R. The more is the reaction force , the greater the force of friction in another words friction force is direct proportion to the reaction. The ratio of the friction force to the normal reaction is called the coefficient of friction. Coefficient of friction (μ) = From which, (iii) Coefficient of static friction A body resting on the plane does not begin to move until the external force is applied to overcome friction force. The maximum friction force that is to be overcome by applied force is sometimes referred to as limiting force is shown in fig 4.5. In this experimental a block of known mass is placed on the horizontal plane whose coefficient of friction is sought. The plane consists of a frictionless pulley at one end. A string with a pan at one end is tied to the block and made to pass over the pulley. Before adding anything on the pan, the only forces on the plane are the weight “W” of the block and the reaction R from the plane. As soon as the mass is added to the pan, the tension “T” created in the string tends to pull the block and at the same time the frictional force takes charge. Initially the weight “W” arising from the mass on the pan may not be strong enough to move the block but as more and more masses are placed on the pan the frictional force grow bigger and bigger. The time comes, when the frictional force can no longer hold the block and therefore block just begins to slide. It is at this moment we say that the tension “T” is just equal to the frictional force ” “. This is the maximum frictional force the plane can offer in preventing the block to slide over it, By recording the total mass on the pan, the magnitude of the weight W’ can be found and from the equatio The coefficient of static friction is the ratio of the frictional force when the body is on the average slide. Once the block has gain momentum, the coefficient of friction is now referred to as the coefficient of kinetic friction and its value is less than that of Table 4.1 shows the value of for the surface of different materials. Table 4.1: coefficients of friction for some materials Surface in contact Steel on the steel 0.74 0.57 Copper on steel 0.61 0.47 Aluminium on steel 0.53 0.36 Rubber on concrete 1.00 0.80 Wood on wood 0.25-0.50 0.20 Glass on glass 0.94 0.40 Ice on ice 0.1 0.03 (b)Motion on the horizontal plane Here we shall consider a body sliding along rough plane as a general case. Being rough, the plane offers frictional force to the body on sliding it. If the body is just projected with initial velocity u , its velocity keep on decreasing until it come to the halt due to the frictional force that opposes motion persistently as in fig 4.6 The question arising from this example would be; How far does the body go? What is the deceleration? What is the frictional force? To find how far the body reaches we can start with the third equation of linear motion (b) Motion on a rough inclined plane Consider a block projected up the inclined plane with an initial velocity as it climbs, there are two forces which opposes the motion, one being frictional force and other is the component of weight parallel to the plane as shown in fig 4.7 The two forces opposing the motion simultaneously bring the block to a standstill somewhere along the plane after traveling a distance S. To find the magnitude of the distance covered we can use the same method as in the case of the horizontal plane only that the component of the block has to be considered. The total force opposing the motion i (C)Motion of connected bodies (i) On smooth horizontal plane Fig 4.8(a) shows two bodies A and B of masses respectively connected by the light in extensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that the body A rest on the smooth surface and B hang freely. As soon as the system is let free and given that m2> m1, body B falls under its own weight W2 pulling body A via a string and both move with the common acceleration as shown in fig 4.8
the body moving. In addition if the surface is polished, frictional force is further minimized to the level where it can be regarded as smooth. In solving mechanics problems the terms smooth or frictionless are used to mean that the frictional force is zero. When there is no frictional force the applied force wholly goes into accelerating the body. (ii) Relationship between friction force and normal reaction There is relationship between the friction “f ” and the normal reaction R. The more is the reaction force , the greater the force of friction in another words friction force is direct proportion to the reaction. The ratio of the friction force to the normal reaction is called the coefficient of friction. Coefficient of friction (μ) = From which, (iii) Coefficient of static friction A body resting on the plane does not begin to move until the external force is applied to overcome friction force. The maximum friction force that is to be overcome by applied force is sometimes referred to as limiting force is shown in fig 4.5. In this experimental a block of known mass is placed on the horizontal plane whose coefficient of friction is sought. The plane consists of a frictionless pulley at one end. A string with a pan at one end is tied to the block and made to pass over the pulley. Before adding anything on the pan, the only forces on the plane are the weight “W” of the block and the reaction R from the plane. As soon as the mass is added to the pan, the tension “T” created in the string tends to pull the block and at the same time the frictional force takes charge. Initially the weight “W” arising from the mass on the pan may not be strong enough to move the block but as more and more masses are placed on the pan the frictional force grow bigger and bigger. The time comes, when the frictional force can no longer hold the block and therefore block just begins to slide. It is at this moment we say that the tension “T” is just equal to the frictional force ” “. This is the maximum frictional force the plane can offer in preventing the block to slide over it, By recording the total mass on the pan, the magnitude of the weight W’ can be found and from the equatio The coefficient of static friction is the ratio of the frictional force when the body is on the average slide. Once the block has gain momentum, the coefficient of friction is now referred to as the coefficient of kinetic friction and its value is less than that of Table 4.1 shows the value of for the surface of different materials. Table 4.1: coefficients of friction for some materials Surface in contact Steel on the steel 0.74 0.57 Copper on steel 0.61 0.47 Aluminium on steel 0.53 0.36 Rubber on concrete 1.00 0.80 Wood on wood 0.25-0.50 0.20 Glass on glass 0.94 0.40 Ice on ice 0.1 0.03 (b)Motion on the horizontal plane Here we shall consider a body sliding along rough plane as a general case. Being rough, the plane offers frictional force to the body on sliding it. If the body is just projected with initial velocity u , its velocity keep on decreasing until it come to the halt due to the frictional force that opposes motion persistently as in fig 4.6 The question arising from this example would be; How far does the body go? What is the deceleration? What is the frictional force? To find how far the body reaches we can start with the third equation of linear motion (b) Motion on a rough inclined plane Consider a block projected up the inclined plane with an initial velocity as it climbs, there are two forces which opposes the motion, one being frictional force and other is the component of weight parallel to the plane as shown in fig 4.7 The two forces opposing the motion simultaneously bring the block to a standstill somewhere along the plane after traveling a distance S. To find the magnitude of the distance covered we can use the same method as in the case of the horizontal plane only that the component of the block has to be considered. The total force opposing the motion i (C)Motion of connected bodies (i) On smooth horizontal plane Fig 4.8(a) shows two bodies A and B of masses respectively connected by the light in extensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that the body A rest on the smooth surface and B hang freely. As soon as the system is let free and given that m2> m1, body B falls under its own weight W2 pulling body A via a string and both move with the common acceleration as shown in fig 4.8
(b). The tension in the string is uniform throughout. Using the free-body diagram it is easy to determine both the tension and the acceleration of the system. The process is as follows: (ii)On rough inclined plane For a rough plane frictional force play part by opposing the motion of body A as the system is free to move. Equation (i) above remains the same (iii) Connected bodies on inclined plane Consider a situation where two bodies connected by an extensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley rest on two planes inclined at an angle to the horizontal as shown in fig 4.10(a) Figure 4.10 (a) Figure 4.10 (b) When let it free, the bodies may move as in fig 4.10(b) provided and the surface of inclined plane are alike i.e their coefficients of friction are equal. The forces involved are indicated their direction and as a results both tension T and acceleration of the system can be found using similar procedures as in the case of horizontal plane. Since body A climbs the plane it implies that (iv) Connected bodies on pulley Again consider two unequal bodies of masses connected by a light inextensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley as in fig 4.11 In figure 4.1 1(a) the masses are mounted on a pulley with m2> m1. When released, the weight of the larger mass overcomes that of smaller mass and the motion takes place as in figi4.1 l(b). Using the observation and reasoning we can determine the acceleration”a” of the system ‘and the tension “T” in the string. For the mass moving downwards W2>T and therefore; If you have been in a lift, you may have felt a difference in your weight as a lift ascends or descends with constant acceleration. When ascending one feel heavier than normal by pressing hard on the lift floor and when descending, one becomes apparently lighter than normal by losing weight. To get the idea of what happens consider a body of mass m on a pan of a weighing machine on the floor in a lift. Before the motion along the vertical plane begins, the weight of the body is taken to be normal, say W as in fig 4.12. Figure 4.12(a) (b) (c) When a lift accelerates uniformly downwards, the scale of a weighing machine shows that there is a drop in weight by indicating a lower value W1 as in fig 4.12(b) and when it accelerates upwards the machine indicates a higher value in weight Was in fig 4.12(c). To explain these observations, let us consider the body on the scale pan in each case separately. In the body exerts the normal weight W on the pan and in return the pan exerts force of figure 4.12 (a) reaction R as shown in fig 4.13. Since the lift is at rest, In the lift accelerates uniformly vertically downwards, this causes the apparent loss in weight meaning that the weight W1 indicated on the scale equals to the reaction R1 such that R1 as in fig 4.14 The reason for the apparent loss in weight in a body is that the surface on which the body is resting runs away or falls faster in such a way that the contact between; the pan and the body becomes lighter and hence less reaction from the surface. In fact if the lift falls with acceleration equal to that of gravity, the reaction on the body from the surface would be zero i.e. when a = g, .R, = m(g – g) = 0 and the pointer on the scale would indicate zero weight. Under such condition the body would appear weightless. In figure 4.12(c), the lift accelerates vertically upwards causing the scale to indicate a larger weight W2. The apparent increase in weight as the lift ascends arises from the fact that the pan on which the body sits tends to rise faster the body itself Therefore pressing harder underneath it and hence the reaction R2as in fig 4.15. The effect of the pan pressing hard on the body is the apparent gain in weight W2registered on the scale. The apparent gain in weight is given as Figure. 4 .15 If the lift ascends with acceleration equals to that of the gravity, the reaction R2 would double. physics, science that deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the observable universe. In the broadest sense, physics (from the Greek physikos) is concerned with all aspects of nature on both the macroscopic and submicroscopic levels. Its scope of study encompasses not only the behaviour of objects under the action of given forces but also the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields. Its ultimate objective is the formulation of
I encourage you to give lobbying a shot next time an issue you care about is coming up for a vote. Call the people who represent you and make an appointment. Tell them your thoughts and why you care. It’s empowering, surprisingly fun, and an experience I won’t forget. At the end of our meeting with Rep. Nosse, he said, “I’m a labor and jobs guy, so I don’t know much about animal welfare issues. I appreciate you coming in and bringing me up to speed.” Thanks for a great visit, Salem. We’ll be back. https://www.traipsingabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1-IMG_0199.jpg 768 1024 Dakota https://www.traipsingabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Traipsing-About-logo-white-background-450x156.png Dakota2015-02-16 10:52:332015-02-16 10:52:33Tales From a First-Time Citizen Lobbyist Get on the Bus (With Everybody Else) By Tanya Snyder Austin's new commuter rail line helped fuel impressive transit ridership growth. Photo: ##http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Downtown_MetroRail_station.JPG##Sahmeditor## Has your morning bus commute gotten a little more crowded lately? Sharing the light rail car with a few more folks? That’s because transit ridership just keeps rising, according to the American Public Transportation Association. Americans took 85.7 million more trips on public transportation in the first six months of this year than they did during the same months last year. It’s not just tough economic times that gets people on the bus (or train). Sure, tighter family budgets and high gas prices lead people to look for alternatives to driving, and that boosts transit ridership. But the recession cuts both ways when it comes to transit. APTA is justified in predicting even greater ridership when the recession ends, since more people with jobs means more people commuting. The most impressive numbers — a 221 percent increase in Austin’s commuter rail ridership — are a little misleading, since its commuter rail system opened in March 2010, halfway through the period being examined. Still, ridership grew impressively across the south, and there’s no harm in crediting new capacity with the growth. Dallas saw a 32 percent growth in light rail, Nashville saw a 38.5 increase in commuter rail, and Miami’s bus ridership grew by 10 percent while its heavy rail ridership grew by 6.4 percent. The 85.7 million additional trips represent a small but significant 1.7 percent increase, proving, yet again, the importance of transit in U.S. life. It’s a good reminder to government officials that they should look elsewhere for a budget line item to cut. People rely on transit to get to work, to save money, and to reduce congestion — all important goals that governments should be supporting. APTA’s full second quarter report is here [PDF]. Filed Under: APTA, Transit Economic Downturn Hits Transit Ridership — But Not in These Cities By Elana Schor | Jan 4, 2010 The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) got the mainstream media’s attention during the holiday season after reporting that the dismal economy had helped push transit ridership down by 3.8 percent during the first three-quarters of 2009, when compared with the previous year. Ridership on L.A.’s heavy rail system grew by nearly 6 percent during the […] Why Buses Were Losing Riders Before COVID By Kea Wilson | Aug 26, 2020 Hint: It's not because riders simply don't like mass surface transit. This post is supported by People Are Still Riding the Bus During COVID-19 By Kea Wilson | Apr 30, 2020 If people are taking buses, bus systems will need support for more rear-door boarding, protective gear for workers, cleanings, hazard pay, increased service to reduce crowding. U.S. Transit Trips Hit 10.2B in 2009, With Light Rail Up in Nine Cities By Elana Schor | Mar 9, 2010 (Photo: Model D Media) The nation’s transit systems hosted 10.2 billion trips last year, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reported yesterday. While that figure represents a 3.8 percent decline from 2008, APTA’s data showed light rail ridership rising in nine cities and the long-term increase in transit use continuing to outpace growth in population […] Rising Fuel Costs and Ridership Strain Local Transit Systems Nationwide By Ben Fried | Jul 16, 2008 Waiting for the bus
I encourage you to give lobbying a shot next time an issue you care about is coming up for a vote. Call the people who represent you and make an appointment. Tell them your thoughts and why you care. It’s empowering, surprisingly fun, and an experience I won’t forget. At the end of our meeting with Rep. Nosse, he said, “I’m a labor and jobs guy, so I don’t know much about animal welfare issues. I appreciate you coming in and bringing me up to speed.” Thanks for a great visit, Salem. We’ll be back. https://www.traipsingabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1-IMG_0199.jpg 768 1024 Dakota https://www.traipsingabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Traipsing-About-logo-white-background-450x156.png Dakota2015-02-16 10:52:332015-02-16 10:52:33Tales From a First-Time Citizen Lobbyist Get on the Bus (With Everybody Else) By Tanya Snyder Austin's new commuter rail line helped fuel impressive transit ridership growth. Photo: ##http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Downtown_MetroRail_station.JPG##Sahmeditor## Has your morning bus commute gotten a little more crowded lately? Sharing the light rail car with a few more folks? That’s because transit ridership just keeps rising, according to the American Public Transportation Association. Americans took 85.7 million more trips on public transportation in the first six months of this year than they did during the same months last year. It’s not just tough economic times that gets people on the bus (or train). Sure, tighter family budgets and high gas prices lead people to look for alternatives to driving, and that boosts transit ridership. But the recession cuts both ways when it comes to transit. APTA is justified in predicting even greater ridership when the recession ends, since more people with jobs means more people commuting. The most impressive numbers — a 221 percent increase in Austin’s commuter rail ridership — are a little misleading, since its commuter rail system opened in March 2010, halfway through the period being examined. Still, ridership grew impressively across the south, and there’s no harm in crediting new capacity with the growth. Dallas saw a 32 percent growth in light rail, Nashville saw a 38.5 increase in commuter rail, and Miami’s bus ridership grew by 10 percent while its heavy rail ridership grew by 6.4 percent. The 85.7 million additional trips represent a small but significant 1.7 percent increase, proving, yet again, the importance of transit in U.S. life. It’s a good reminder to government officials that they should look elsewhere for a budget line item to cut. People rely on transit to get to work, to save money, and to reduce congestion — all important goals that governments should be supporting. APTA’s full second quarter report is here [PDF]. Filed Under: APTA, Transit Economic Downturn Hits Transit Ridership — But Not in These Cities By Elana Schor | Jan 4, 2010 The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) got the mainstream media’s attention during the holiday season after reporting that the dismal economy had helped push transit ridership down by 3.8 percent during the first three-quarters of 2009, when compared with the previous year. Ridership on L.A.’s heavy rail system grew by nearly 6 percent during the […] Why Buses Were Losing Riders Before COVID By Kea Wilson | Aug 26, 2020 Hint: It's not because riders simply don't like mass surface transit. This post is supported by People Are Still Riding the Bus During COVID-19 By Kea Wilson | Apr 30, 2020 If people are taking buses, bus systems will need support for more rear-door boarding, protective gear for workers, cleanings, hazard pay, increased service to reduce crowding. U.S. Transit Trips Hit 10.2B in 2009, With Light Rail Up in Nine Cities By Elana Schor | Mar 9, 2010 (Photo: Model D Media) The nation’s transit systems hosted 10.2 billion trips last year, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reported yesterday. While that figure represents a 3.8 percent decline from 2008, APTA’s data showed light rail ridership rising in nine cities and the long-term increase in transit use continuing to outpace growth in population […] Rising Fuel Costs and Ridership Strain Local Transit Systems Nationwide By Ben Fried | Jul 16, 2008 Waiting for the bus
in Syracuse, NY. Transit agencies all over the country are nearing a state of emergency. At the same time that rising gas prices are leading more Americans to opt for buses and trains, transit operators are being forced to cut service and raise fares due to budget shortfalls. In Minneapolis, the […] Monday’s Headlines Will Give You Shelter From the Storm By Blake Aued | May 9, 2022 If transit agencies are really interested in equity, they'll spend some Biden Bucks on bus shelters. Performance Piece: Mark Patton, "A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge" (1985) The Performer: Mark Patton The Performance: Playing "Jesse Walsh" in A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge Why Him? So, I mulled over several choices as to who to write about for this month's Performance Piece. For a while it looked like I was gonna write about Heather Matarazzo's memorable turn in Hostel: Part Two, until I decided at the last minute to switch to Mark Patton in A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge. Patton is a somewhat obvious choice to write about for Pride Month since, hello! Freddy's Revenge is the infamously "too gay" Elm Street installment! Every queer male horror fan has probably talked about this movie in some fashion at this point. However, it has come to my attention that Patton is still getting a lot of unfair criticisms thrown his way (how many years later at this point?) for both his performance as final boy Jesse Walsh and for the film in general. Then, I watched the new documentary about Patton, Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (Available on Shudder for those who want to seek it out), and my decision was solidified. Especially since, after a rewatch of the former film, I have come to the conclusion that Patton is actually pretty good in this role and really doesn't deserve the blame for any of the film's perceived shortcomings. Nor is he and his performance the cause of the film being seen as "too gay", it's actually largely due to the screenplay he has to work with. Mark Patton as Jesse in Freddy's Revenge What do I find noteworthy about Patton's turn as Jesse? Well, first of all, I think Patton brings a lot of vulnerability to the role. In Scream, Queen! this is said to be a major reason as to why Patton got cast as Jesse in the first place, and I totally understand what they describe seeing in him. Several scenes require him to act frightened and distressed by his dreams or by Freddy's (Robert Englund, reprising his signature role) attacks on him, which Patton can deliver. He displays the appropriate amount of fearfulness when being confronted by his predatory gym coach after wandering to the town's gay bar, or whenever he awakens after Freddy has taken over his body to see what fresh hell his body has been used to commit in reality. You really feel for him throughout the movie, as he struggles with having his body invaded by Freddy and cheer for him when he's finally rescued by his girlfriend Lisa (Kim Myers) from the villain's clutches. I think that what may contribute to Patton not being taken seriously is this willingness to show non-traditionally masculine emotion so openly. Something that is also channeled in a "controversial" to some element of Patton's acting in the film: His screaming. The scream heard around the world Now, I will be honest: I enjoy Patton's high-pitched screaming. I think that the screaming lends itself to another facet of Patton's acting that I think is legitimately good: Realism. I think that, despite the fact that a portion of Freddy's Revenge is written very illogical and exaggerated especially compared to the original film, Patton does his best to keep things grounded and not too over the top. I feel that if anybody were confronted with some of the things Jesse is confronted with, which includes possession by a dead kid killer, getting a snake wrapped around your neck out of nowhere and finding out you murdered people you knew, you would probably scream the exact same way. Another example that I think of where Patton grounds a set piece as much as he can? The even more infamous dance scene where Jesse dances around in his bedroom. While bumping his butt against his drawer and the toy bit at the end are admittedly a bit much, I don't think the rest of what Patton does in that scene is as over the top as people claim when they critique Patton and Freddy's Revenge. Jesse's just goofing around like a lot of youths do, especially when they're alone as he is until Lisa arrives. If you've never done a silly dance in the vein of Jesse's at some point in your younger days, you're totally lying to yourself. Finally, I think what helps Patton is his chemistry with his co-stars: While much has been said by others over the years about the nature of the dynamic between Jesse and Freddy,
and a small area of skin of a certain colour had started him on a detailed mental enterprise that occupied much of his free time for two years.” (With so little else to grasp onto, colors become almost more important than characters.) There are two ways to read A Million Windows. One would be to recoil at the narrator’s ostentatiously recondite, and rigid, vision of fiction and stubbornly defend the meticulously choreographed plots, intense identification with characters, genre fiction, film, and prestige television. Or, as the “discerning reader” mentioned throughout the novel, you could marvel at the narrator’s ostentatiously recondite, and rigid, vision of fiction, then, before picking up another Murnane — say, Inland — treat yourself to a cozy mystery, perhaps set in a house of two or three stories with numberless windows. And now for something completely different…yet another work of the fictional landscape made manifest: Christopher Boucher’s Golden Delicious. The novel takes place in the town of Appleseed, Mass., or rather in the pages of Appleseed. Plentiful stories used to grow in the once fertile soil, and “wild language” ran through the streets, prompting parents to enact “no language-in-the-house policies.” But a blight has struck Appleseed, and the ground is filled with “dead language…commas, semicolons, fragments, wordbones, and other carcasses.” Meanwhile, bookworms, with their unparalleled “ability to metaphor,” have infiltrated the town and spread their rot into language, rendering sentences incoherent and threatening to destroy the lifeblood of the economy: meaning. The narrative world runs riot with personifications. A certain War is said to have died after a truce, though rumors persist that he lives on. The narrator loses his virginity to the Appleseed Community Theater: “The scene happened so quickly; soon it was one spotlight, then several, and then all the light, bright hot white, and then curtains and applause, and darkness.” And the description of an automobile as “a strange metaphor of a vehicle, assembled from pieces and parts of others cars” reminded me of a friend’s elegant, turnpike-inspired simile that forever solidified for me the distinction between a metaphor’s tenor and vehicle: “My love for you is like a truck.” Yes, the novel is clotted with whimsy, and some readers won’t find its wit, or scenes of non-whimsical menace, sufficient to counteract the glut. But for me the fanciful novel managed to walk the tightrope, stumbling but never falling into the cloying abyss. And now for something even more completely different…I’ve been paging through an edition of The Voynich Manuscript (Beinecke MS 408), a baffling 15th-century book of “herbal, astrological, balneological (relating to healing baths), and pharmacological” drawings accompanied by an impenetrable text that has never been decoded. The manuscript was once purchased for the low price of 600 ducats by Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, who thought it to be a work by Roger Bacon; centuries later, a shadowy rare books dealer and revolutionary by the name of Wilfrid Michael Voynich got his hands on it. Yale University’s Beinecke Library has the book now. The Voynich MS is not a work of fiction — though it very well may be a hoax — and yet there is something of the fictional imagination at play, a commitment to a private truth expressed in a private, indecipherable way. The sui generis manuscript contains a world unto itself. In one section, a series of nude women bathe in green water, in blue water, in communal or private tubs, posed in foot baths or sticking their arms in an octopus-like contraption of pipes and funnels. What Whitmanian raptures, or hygienic tips, does the surrounding text reveal? We will probably never know. William Friedman, “the world’s greatest cryptologist” who led the U.S. effort to break Japanese codes in World War II, tried to solve the riddle over many years. His final statement on the matter expressed “the futility of searching for anagrammatic ciphers,” and the statement itself concealed a coded message: “The Voynich MS was an early attempt to construct an artificial or universal language of the a priori type—Friedman.” That doesn’t mean I won’t give it a try. After all, in the past year I’ve successfully completed Escape the Room — twice. More from A
and a small area of skin of a certain colour had started him on a detailed mental enterprise that occupied much of his free time for two years.” (With so little else to grasp onto, colors become almost more important than characters.) There are two ways to read A Million Windows. One would be to recoil at the narrator’s ostentatiously recondite, and rigid, vision of fiction and stubbornly defend the meticulously choreographed plots, intense identification with characters, genre fiction, film, and prestige television. Or, as the “discerning reader” mentioned throughout the novel, you could marvel at the narrator’s ostentatiously recondite, and rigid, vision of fiction, then, before picking up another Murnane — say, Inland — treat yourself to a cozy mystery, perhaps set in a house of two or three stories with numberless windows. And now for something completely different…yet another work of the fictional landscape made manifest: Christopher Boucher’s Golden Delicious. The novel takes place in the town of Appleseed, Mass., or rather in the pages of Appleseed. Plentiful stories used to grow in the once fertile soil, and “wild language” ran through the streets, prompting parents to enact “no language-in-the-house policies.” But a blight has struck Appleseed, and the ground is filled with “dead language…commas, semicolons, fragments, wordbones, and other carcasses.” Meanwhile, bookworms, with their unparalleled “ability to metaphor,” have infiltrated the town and spread their rot into language, rendering sentences incoherent and threatening to destroy the lifeblood of the economy: meaning. The narrative world runs riot with personifications. A certain War is said to have died after a truce, though rumors persist that he lives on. The narrator loses his virginity to the Appleseed Community Theater: “The scene happened so quickly; soon it was one spotlight, then several, and then all the light, bright hot white, and then curtains and applause, and darkness.” And the description of an automobile as “a strange metaphor of a vehicle, assembled from pieces and parts of others cars” reminded me of a friend’s elegant, turnpike-inspired simile that forever solidified for me the distinction between a metaphor’s tenor and vehicle: “My love for you is like a truck.” Yes, the novel is clotted with whimsy, and some readers won’t find its wit, or scenes of non-whimsical menace, sufficient to counteract the glut. But for me the fanciful novel managed to walk the tightrope, stumbling but never falling into the cloying abyss. And now for something even more completely different…I’ve been paging through an edition of The Voynich Manuscript (Beinecke MS 408), a baffling 15th-century book of “herbal, astrological, balneological (relating to healing baths), and pharmacological” drawings accompanied by an impenetrable text that has never been decoded. The manuscript was once purchased for the low price of 600 ducats by Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, who thought it to be a work by Roger Bacon; centuries later, a shadowy rare books dealer and revolutionary by the name of Wilfrid Michael Voynich got his hands on it. Yale University’s Beinecke Library has the book now. The Voynich MS is not a work of fiction — though it very well may be a hoax — and yet there is something of the fictional imagination at play, a commitment to a private truth expressed in a private, indecipherable way. The sui generis manuscript contains a world unto itself. In one section, a series of nude women bathe in green water, in blue water, in communal or private tubs, posed in foot baths or sticking their arms in an octopus-like contraption of pipes and funnels. What Whitmanian raptures, or hygienic tips, does the surrounding text reveal? We will probably never know. William Friedman, “the world’s greatest cryptologist” who led the U.S. effort to break Japanese codes in World War II, tried to solve the riddle over many years. His final statement on the matter expressed “the futility of searching for anagrammatic ciphers,” and the statement itself concealed a coded message: “The Voynich MS was an early attempt to construct an artificial or universal language of the a priori type—Friedman.” That doesn’t mean I won’t give it a try. After all, in the past year I’ve successfully completed Escape the Room — twice. More from A
Year in Reading 2016 Do you love Year in Reading and the amazing books and arts content that The Millions produces year round? We are asking readers for support to ensure that The Millions can stay vibrant for years to come. Please click here to learn about several simple ways you can support The Millions now. Don’t miss: A Year in Reading 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 Matt Seidel is a staff writer for The Millions living in Durham, NC. Learn more about Matt at matthewseidel.com. A Year in Reading: Anne Landsman Anne Landsman December 15, 2008 | 4 books mentioned 2 Anne Landsman is the author of the novels, The Rowing Lesson and The Devil’s Chimney, which were nominated for awards including the PEN/Hemingway and South Africa’s most prestigious literary award, the M-Net Book Prize. The Rowing Lesson was recently named to the Financial Times’s Best Fiction of 2008 list. She has written for numerous international publications, including The Washington Post, The Believer, The Guardian, and The Telegraph.I can always tell how much I enjoyed a book by the state it’s in when I’m done with it. If many of the pages are turned back at the corners, and there are stippled lines in the margins as if sandpipers have been walking on the edges of the text and making notations, if the back page has a jumble of lines from the book, interlaced with thoughts and ideas I had while reading, then this is a book I wanted to remember, ingest, carve into my psyche. On my bookshelf this year, Istanbul by Orhan Pamuk wins the prize for most dog-eared, most written upon, most abused book of 2008. I started reading it before going to Turkey last summer and read it at every available moment during my two weeks there. I gazed at the Bosphorus through the scrim of Pamuk’s layered descriptions of this mighty river, which divides east from west. Five times a day, I listened to the muezzin’s call to prayer and thought of the Pamuk family’s ambivalence towards religion and the whole country’s wrenching relationship with it. As I walked the streets of Istanbul with my husband and two children visiting mosques, eating Turkish Delight, noticing stray dogs, dodging cars, I walked the pages of Pamuk’s Istanbul, the sandpiper treading in the clean sand of the margins.More from A Year in Reading 2008 Anne Landsman | 4 books mentioned 2 A Year in Reading: Adam Dalva Adam Dalva December 14, 2020 | 4 books mentioned 7 min read Anyone who teaches creative writing knows that our students bring us to the most implausible worlds—in one class, you might experience a sword fight on Mars, a break-up in a college dorm, and an admission that changes an identity forever. In an impossible time, my students used their creativity to get me out. They saved me, this year, because they reminded me what reading alone can do. Adam Dalva | 4 books mentioned 7 min read A Year in Reading: Bookdwarf Megan Sullivan December 19, 2006 | 4 books mentioned 2 min read A Year in Reading: Sergio De La Pava Sergio De La Pava December 3, 2013 | 4 books mentioned 2 2 min read Much as I love the damn thing when the A is capitalized, the most potent words I read this past year weren’t even lowercase art. They were more like a truth-seeking missile, one that seethed with indignant if wholly justified outrage. Imagine a country that never tires of self-identifying as the land of the free yet is actually the undisputed global leader in incarcerating its own citizens. Now imagine that this country’s program of almost-militaristic mass incarceration is being deployed in a racially discriminatory manner and almost exclusively against those who are already pathetically marginalized; and all the while almost no one with a platform or power can be bothered to utter a dissenting syllable, so entranced are they by what insulates them. If that seems too grim an imagining to engage in, then just pick up The New Jim Crow by the equal parts brilliant and courageous Michelle Alexander. With the kind of meticulous empirical support such a title demands, Professor Alexander sets out what must become the new template for thinking productively about American criminal justice. I say must because no entity that silently countenances the fact that “[a] human rights nightmare is occurring on our watch,” can ever truly cohere. So read it. Now. But be forewarned that you may thereafter have trouble getting too worked up by the usual filler whereby a liberal arts college professor finds himself attracted to
to ILT resources which are increasingly used for flexible and independent learning. Individual departments Provision of ILT facilities A mixed economy of control and explore is centrally funded and co- provision leading to potential of ILT resources. ordinated. Provision resource areas being recognises the importance developed throughout the of non curriculum-specific institution, e.g. ILT in applications of ILT in the science or art and design learning process. areas. External links Informal links developed The institutions links with Impact of external links on by individual departments external agencies centrally curriculum focus. The that exploit ILT resources co-ordinated. Links community and other and/or expertise of regularly reviewed and external agendas provide commercial, industrial, considered for mutual support, e.g. local academic and other benefit. employers contribute to institutions. curriculum review and development. Record keeping Individuals or departments A co-ordinated and Individual tutors actively use ILT for simple record- centralised approach to engage with a centralised keeping e.g. wordrecord keeping is MIS. Some academic staff processed student lists or implemented across the access the system on-line. simple databases. institution. Data entered mainly by administrative staff. Evaluation and Reacts to external pressure, College looks outward (e.g. Systematic use of ILT for assessment e.g. GNVQ. to other institutions) for assessment, recording and examples of good practice. reporting. Contact with the external agencies influences the development of the institutions thinking on the educational use of ILT. Focus on community improvement through education. Data entry and retrieval is an accepted part of every tutors practice. Diagnostic assessment and guidance on demand. ILT-based record systems used to inform curriculum development and planning In the institution. This classification has informed our benchmarking in general terms. However, there are two main objections to its applicability in detail: 1. It is based on thinking from the non-university sector and on the whole, universities like to take their own view on such matters, especially when in most advanced countries universities have been using IT for many years, in many cases much longer than colleges. Several criteria are likely to have to be reinterpreted for the university sector and several others renormalised, i.e. the measurement base changed see in particular the italics in the above table. The underpinning methodology is 14-year old thinking from MIT about how IT transforms companies who did not formerly have IT but most UK universities are on their third wave of innovation with IT. Even the modified version of the MIT work used in the above table is nearly 10 years old. More modern underpinning methodologies such as the Capability Maturity Model described later may have more resonance with experts. Becta The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) are taking forward a new work programme on benchmarking adoption of ILT by schools and colleges, but no details are yet publicly available. EUROPE-WIDE BENCHMARKING ACTIVITIES IN E-LEARNING With the exception of the first organisation below the agencies and projects described are not primarily focussed on benchmarking; however, as noted earlier, projects on quality and excellence have a definite overlap. Further liaison needs to take place. European Benchmarking Programme on University Management Although not specifically focussed on e-learning, this programme has been influential and did have some involvement with e-learning, which appears to have influenced more recent developments. Operated by the European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities (ESMU, http://www.esmu.be/), this benchmarking programme is now in its fifth year of operation. It describes itself as follows: This Benchmarking Programme offers a unique and cost effective opportunity for participating universities to compare their key management processes with those of other universities. This will help identify areas for change and assist in setting targets for improvement. ESMU derives its assessment system from the European Quality Awards and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards in the USA. The programme was launched initially with the Association of Commonwealth Universities, thus blends elements of European and Commonwealth traditions of university management. In 2003, one of the four topics benchmarked was e-learning. Note that the European Universities Association has links to ESMU and the benchmarking club. The general methodology for the EMSU benchmarking process is described in a document (ESMU 2004). The following three excerpts are very relevant to current issues: The approach adopted for this benchmarking programme goes beyond the comparison of data-based scores or conventional performance indicators (SSRs [staff-student ratios], unit costs, completion rates etc.). It looks at the processes by which results are achieved. By using a consistent approach and identifying processes which are generic and relevant, irrespective of the context of the organisation and how it is structured, it becomes possible to benchmark across sectoral boundaries (geography, size, mono/multi site institution, etc.). Benchmarking is not a one-off procedure. It is most effective when it is ongoing and becomes part of the
to ILT resources which are increasingly used for flexible and independent learning. Individual departments Provision of ILT facilities A mixed economy of control and explore is centrally funded and co- provision leading to potential of ILT resources. ordinated. Provision resource areas being recognises the importance developed throughout the of non curriculum-specific institution, e.g. ILT in applications of ILT in the science or art and design learning process. areas. External links Informal links developed The institutions links with Impact of external links on by individual departments external agencies centrally curriculum focus. The that exploit ILT resources co-ordinated. Links community and other and/or expertise of regularly reviewed and external agendas provide commercial, industrial, considered for mutual support, e.g. local academic and other benefit. employers contribute to institutions. curriculum review and development. Record keeping Individuals or departments A co-ordinated and Individual tutors actively use ILT for simple record- centralised approach to engage with a centralised keeping e.g. wordrecord keeping is MIS. Some academic staff processed student lists or implemented across the access the system on-line. simple databases. institution. Data entered mainly by administrative staff. Evaluation and Reacts to external pressure, College looks outward (e.g. Systematic use of ILT for assessment e.g. GNVQ. to other institutions) for assessment, recording and examples of good practice. reporting. Contact with the external agencies influences the development of the institutions thinking on the educational use of ILT. Focus on community improvement through education. Data entry and retrieval is an accepted part of every tutors practice. Diagnostic assessment and guidance on demand. ILT-based record systems used to inform curriculum development and planning In the institution. This classification has informed our benchmarking in general terms. However, there are two main objections to its applicability in detail: 1. It is based on thinking from the non-university sector and on the whole, universities like to take their own view on such matters, especially when in most advanced countries universities have been using IT for many years, in many cases much longer than colleges. Several criteria are likely to have to be reinterpreted for the university sector and several others renormalised, i.e. the measurement base changed see in particular the italics in the above table. The underpinning methodology is 14-year old thinking from MIT about how IT transforms companies who did not formerly have IT but most UK universities are on their third wave of innovation with IT. Even the modified version of the MIT work used in the above table is nearly 10 years old. More modern underpinning methodologies such as the Capability Maturity Model described later may have more resonance with experts. Becta The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) are taking forward a new work programme on benchmarking adoption of ILT by schools and colleges, but no details are yet publicly available. EUROPE-WIDE BENCHMARKING ACTIVITIES IN E-LEARNING With the exception of the first organisation below the agencies and projects described are not primarily focussed on benchmarking; however, as noted earlier, projects on quality and excellence have a definite overlap. Further liaison needs to take place. European Benchmarking Programme on University Management Although not specifically focussed on e-learning, this programme has been influential and did have some involvement with e-learning, which appears to have influenced more recent developments. Operated by the European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities (ESMU, http://www.esmu.be/), this benchmarking programme is now in its fifth year of operation. It describes itself as follows: This Benchmarking Programme offers a unique and cost effective opportunity for participating universities to compare their key management processes with those of other universities. This will help identify areas for change and assist in setting targets for improvement. ESMU derives its assessment system from the European Quality Awards and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards in the USA. The programme was launched initially with the Association of Commonwealth Universities, thus blends elements of European and Commonwealth traditions of university management. In 2003, one of the four topics benchmarked was e-learning. Note that the European Universities Association has links to ESMU and the benchmarking club. The general methodology for the EMSU benchmarking process is described in a document (ESMU 2004). The following three excerpts are very relevant to current issues: The approach adopted for this benchmarking programme goes beyond the comparison of data-based scores or conventional performance indicators (SSRs [staff-student ratios], unit costs, completion rates etc.). It looks at the processes by which results are achieved. By using a consistent approach and identifying processes which are generic and relevant, irrespective of the context of the organisation and how it is structured, it becomes possible to benchmark across sectoral boundaries (geography, size, mono/multi site institution, etc.). Benchmarking is not a one-off procedure. It is most effective when it is ongoing and becomes part of the
annual review of a universitys performance. An improvement should be in advance of, or at least keep pace with, overall trends (there is little benefit in improving by 5% if others are improving by 10%)... An amended set of good practice statements is used by each university to self-assess on a five point scale. A number of Europe-wide associations of universities and European projects are or have been involved in e-learning studies, mainly in the area of quality of e-learning but as noted above, this is a close relative of benchmarking. BENVIC The project BENVIC (Benchmarking of Virtual Campuses, http://www.benvic.odl.org), part-funded by the EU, flourished during 1999-2001. It produced a number of descriptive case studies of virtual campuses and an Evaluation Methodology Report which made many sensible points, agreeing with the majority of similar benchmark studies of the era. The project case studies (with hindsight) were perhaps focussed too much towards start-up virtual campus programmes and the projects use of a 3point rather than a 5-point scale allowed very little discrimination or renormalisation. All reports are downloadable from the Web site. Coimbra Group The Coimbra Group (http://www.coimbra-group.be) is a group of around 30 high-ranking universities from across Europe. In early 2002 a survey of elearning activity across the Coimbra Group was carried out under the leadership of Jeff Haywood (Edinburgh). A summary of the findings can be found at (Haywood 2002). This does mention benchmarking, and some evidence of further activity, or at least plans, in this area is contained in other documents on the site. Thus it is worth extracting relevant benchmarking criteria from the material. Looking at the survey, two points come to mind: 1. An important criterion on a 5-point scale is Q1. What is the position of e-learning in your universitys strategic planning, at central and faculty levels? The next question Q2. What developments do you expect in e-learning in your university in the next 5 years? cannot be a criterion as such, but it can be turned into a criterion on technology/pedagogy foresight. SEEQUEL The project SEEQUEL (Sustainable Environment for the Evaluation of Quality in E-Learning, http://www.education-observatories.net/seequel/) has developed a SEQUEEL Core Quality Framework (SEEQUEL 2004). This provides a large number of criteria which could relate to benchmarks. The challenge is to simplify and aggregate these so as to focus on those which are both highly specific to elearning and critical success factors for the institution. E-xcellence An EU-wide project has started in 2005 oriented to creating a standard of excellence for e-learning. This is E-xcellence (http://www.eadtu.nl/excellence/). There will be some interesting discussions ahead to see how this correlates to benchmarking work (see the earlier remarks about the UK work on Excellence) and to the views of socalled mainstream rather than distance teaching universities. UNDERPINNING METHODOLOGIES Early Adopter Theories In his classic book Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers 1995), Everett Rogers described how innovations propagate throughout institutions or societies. He described five categories: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. He also described the typical bell-shaped curve giving the number of people in each category. There is a good review of Rogers theories in (Orr 2003). We can turn the Rogers work into a benchmarking criterion by measuring what stage an institution is at in terms of adoption of e-learning. This then gives the following scale: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. innovators only early adopters taking it up early adopters adopted it, early majority taking it up early majority adopted it, late majority taking it up all taken it up except laggards, who are now taking it up (or leaving or retiring). Given a desire for a 6th point of exceeding expectations one can add this as: 6. first wave embedded, second wave of innovation under way (e.g. m-learning after elearning). The e-Learning Maturity Model There is very interesting new work in Australia/New Zealand by Marshall and Mitchell on what they call the e-Learning Maturity Model. This has been developed out of work on the Capability Maturity Model and from the SPICE approach to software process improvement. The model is described in (Marshall and Mitchell 2004) and backed up by a literature search in (Marshall 2004). There is a comprehensive project web site at http://www.utdc.vuw.ac.nz/research/emm/. The documents give a classification of processes relevant to e-learning, into: Learning with direct impact on pedagogical aspects of e-learning Development surrounding the creation and maintenance of e
Art & Language, who were in contact and collaboration with Zoran Popović and Jasna Tijardović, and who came to SKC in early October 1975 to organize a symposium on the political engagement of art. The seminar consequently led to the “localization” of the questions on art and politics and focusing to the practice of self-management within the community of artists, critics, and curators gathered around the SKC gallery. The second explanation is connected to Dunja Blažević’s personal and political inclinations toward rethinking the actual social transformations within Yugoslav society, and her interests and beliefs in the politics of socialist self-management. This explanation, of course, places Blažević in the position of curator of the event, with which she completes her five-year work as the head of the SKC gallery,6 after which the management of the visual arts program is delegated to the curator Biljana Tomić, who would choose a different cultural and political approach.7 According to the protagonists of the SKC scene, some of the artists and critics refused Blažević’s proposal for Oktobar 75 as “a form of collaboration with the regime in power” (since that was a time when the duty of citizens was to express their opinion about self-management as “the optimal social system” practiced in various types of institutions, from factories and schools to cultural institutions), but numerous actors of the SKC community accepted the challenge, using the theme as a starting point for exploring some fundamental issues related to the social role of art. Oktobar 75 was documented in the form of a publicly distributed notebook—a hectographed reader with texts written by all participants on the project in the form of proclamations or statement-essays. Some of these texts were republished in the journal Književna reč, and provoked a public polemic in the official press. Moreover, some of the texts in Oktobar 75 were presented and performed (read) by their writers in the Vertovian documentary Cinema Notes by German director Lutz Becker. In the film, Becker portrays the artists, curators, and art critics as cultural workers by juxtaposing the performance of individual statements written for the reader of Oktobar 75 with other narratives or gestural expressions of various people involved in SKC, including some who had refused to participate in Oktobar 75. The film speaks of SKC as a production site, a gallery-as-a-factory that, instead of an idealistic picture of modernization and industrialization with its glorification of production and its ideology of hyper-productive work, enthusiastically produces the ideology of not-doing and not-working—the fetish of contemplation. The translated version of the script Oktobar 75 from the notebook in the exhibition SKC in ŠKUC: The Case of SKC in the 1970s by Prelom Kolektiv can be downloaded here: prelomkolektiv.org/pdf/catalogue.pdf. My essay with the title “SKC as a Site of Performative (Self-)Production: October 75 – Institution, Self-Organization, First-Person Speech, Collectivization” closely examines the political intervention of the SKC in the institutional landscape and the art system of the time by using the counter-exhibition Oktobar 75 as the case study. The essay, available in both Croatian and English, was originally published in the Zagreb-based journal Život umjetnosti and can be downloaded here. 1 Starting in 1972, Oktobar events took place annually over the month of October, and were diverse in format and content. 2 The term New Art Practices was introduced by art historian Ješa Denegri, who closely cooperated with the community gathered around SKC in Belgrade. For the further explanation of the term, see my introduction text into the exhibition chronology: The Student Cultural Centre (SKC) as the Art Scene (especially the footnote 3). 3 For better understanding of Kardelj’s position I’m quoting one of his famous statements: “As far as Yugoslavia is concerned, the choice is not between multiparty pluralism or a one-party system, but rather between self-management, i.e. the democratic system of pluralism of self-management interests, or the multiparty system which negates self-management. […] The pluralism of interests is incomparably closer to the individual and immeasurably more democratic than any form of political party pluralism which alienates society as a whole from the real man and citizen, even though it decides ostensibly on behalf of the citizen.” Edvard Kardelj, Self-Management and the Political System (Belgrade: Socialist Thought and Practice, 1981). A recent study on Yugoslav self-management available online
Art & Language, who were in contact and collaboration with Zoran Popović and Jasna Tijardović, and who came to SKC in early October 1975 to organize a symposium on the political engagement of art. The seminar consequently led to the “localization” of the questions on art and politics and focusing to the practice of self-management within the community of artists, critics, and curators gathered around the SKC gallery. The second explanation is connected to Dunja Blažević’s personal and political inclinations toward rethinking the actual social transformations within Yugoslav society, and her interests and beliefs in the politics of socialist self-management. This explanation, of course, places Blažević in the position of curator of the event, with which she completes her five-year work as the head of the SKC gallery,6 after which the management of the visual arts program is delegated to the curator Biljana Tomić, who would choose a different cultural and political approach.7 According to the protagonists of the SKC scene, some of the artists and critics refused Blažević’s proposal for Oktobar 75 as “a form of collaboration with the regime in power” (since that was a time when the duty of citizens was to express their opinion about self-management as “the optimal social system” practiced in various types of institutions, from factories and schools to cultural institutions), but numerous actors of the SKC community accepted the challenge, using the theme as a starting point for exploring some fundamental issues related to the social role of art. Oktobar 75 was documented in the form of a publicly distributed notebook—a hectographed reader with texts written by all participants on the project in the form of proclamations or statement-essays. Some of these texts were republished in the journal Književna reč, and provoked a public polemic in the official press. Moreover, some of the texts in Oktobar 75 were presented and performed (read) by their writers in the Vertovian documentary Cinema Notes by German director Lutz Becker. In the film, Becker portrays the artists, curators, and art critics as cultural workers by juxtaposing the performance of individual statements written for the reader of Oktobar 75 with other narratives or gestural expressions of various people involved in SKC, including some who had refused to participate in Oktobar 75. The film speaks of SKC as a production site, a gallery-as-a-factory that, instead of an idealistic picture of modernization and industrialization with its glorification of production and its ideology of hyper-productive work, enthusiastically produces the ideology of not-doing and not-working—the fetish of contemplation. The translated version of the script Oktobar 75 from the notebook in the exhibition SKC in ŠKUC: The Case of SKC in the 1970s by Prelom Kolektiv can be downloaded here: prelomkolektiv.org/pdf/catalogue.pdf. My essay with the title “SKC as a Site of Performative (Self-)Production: October 75 – Institution, Self-Organization, First-Person Speech, Collectivization” closely examines the political intervention of the SKC in the institutional landscape and the art system of the time by using the counter-exhibition Oktobar 75 as the case study. The essay, available in both Croatian and English, was originally published in the Zagreb-based journal Život umjetnosti and can be downloaded here. 1 Starting in 1972, Oktobar events took place annually over the month of October, and were diverse in format and content. 2 The term New Art Practices was introduced by art historian Ješa Denegri, who closely cooperated with the community gathered around SKC in Belgrade. For the further explanation of the term, see my introduction text into the exhibition chronology: The Student Cultural Centre (SKC) as the Art Scene (especially the footnote 3). 3 For better understanding of Kardelj’s position I’m quoting one of his famous statements: “As far as Yugoslavia is concerned, the choice is not between multiparty pluralism or a one-party system, but rather between self-management, i.e. the democratic system of pluralism of self-management interests, or the multiparty system which negates self-management. […] The pluralism of interests is incomparably closer to the individual and immeasurably more democratic than any form of political party pluralism which alienates society as a whole from the real man and citizen, even though it decides ostensibly on behalf of the citizen.” Edvard Kardelj, Self-Management and the Political System (Belgrade: Socialist Thought and Practice, 1981). A recent study on Yugoslav self-management available online
: Gal Kirn, From the Primacy of Partisan Politics to the Post-Fordist Tendency in Yugoslav Self-Management Socialism, http://p-dpa.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Kirn-post_fordism_and_its-discontents.pdf. 4 For contextualisation of Tijardović’s position see my introduction text to the exhibition chronology: The Student Cultural Centre (SKC) as the Art Scene. 5 Jasna Tijardović, the conversation with the author conducted on the occasion of the research of Oktobar 75 in August 2012. 6 Dunja Blažević was the curator of the SKC gallery until the end of 1975. In 1976 she became director of SKC, but also participates in different ongoing programs (see the chronology on Comrade Woman conference as an examples). 7 The art and exhibition policy of Biljana Tomić can be traced in this archive through the projects of promotion of New Art Practice in the Tribune of Youth (Novi Sad), BITEF Festival (Belgrade), early exhibitions in Museum of Contemporary Art (with Ješa Denegri), participation in various SKC programs before she became the head of the SKC gallery in 1976 and later, through her exhibition projects and participation with Group 143. Four early playoff questions to consider as spring ball kicks off 497dHeather Dinich 7dBill Connelly The petty, wonderful and delightfully weird rise of Horns Down 5dDave Wilson The complete SEC East college football season preview The complete SEC West college football season preview 15 NFL draft prospects to know for 2021, 2022 and 2023 5dTom VanHaaren The top NFL draft prospect for each Top 25 college football team 2020 NFL mock draft: McShay's way-too-early first-round projections 76dTodd McShay Horns will 'file away' jabs by Bradshaw, Mayfield 16hSam Khan Jr. AAC commissioner: No plans to replace UConn Heather DinichESPN Senior Writer College football reporter Joined ESPN.com in 2007 Graduate of Indiana University A two-loss team has yet to finish in the top four of the College Football Playoff. Notre Dame has yet to take the place of a Power 5 champ. Alabama has yet to miss the playoff. "Every year is different in terms of what the dynamics will be and how the season will play out," said former selection committee member and coach Tyrone Willingham. "There will be an issue they will be looking at next year that will be totally different from what you've had to deal with in the four previous years." As the season unfolds, so do the storylines, but with spring practice upon us, the work to finish in the top four officially begins. Here are four big-picture questions surrounding this year's CFP race: Jae C. Hong/AP Photo 1. Can Georgia overcome a weak nonconference schedule? Austin Peay, Middle Tennessee, UMass and Georgia Tech -- four teams that combined for a 24-24 record last year (including the 8-4 record from FCS Austin Peay) -- give the Dawgs little to no wiggle room. Georgia Tech is the only Power 5 nonconference opponent, and the Yellow Jackets finished 5-6 last year. The importance of strength of schedule is not up for debate within the selection committee meeting room. Alabama earned a spot in the top four last year, but in the committee's lengthy final deliberations, its game against FCS Mercer was certainly a part of the debate against Ohio State for the fourth spot. The 12 games that will define the College Football Playoff race The players, coaches and storylines that will dominate spring "If you want to be considered for a spot in the college football championship, you need to go out and schedule up," former selection committee member Tom Jernstedt said. "When the bracket is so small, there aren't many things you can use to separate Team A from Team B, C and D, and someone that can demonstrate that they went out and made a real effort to schedule up -- that's important. If you schedule down and end up undefeated, that should not be rewarded for scheduling down. You constantly encourage people to schedule up so the committee really has something to work with as it goes through its deliberations." Georgia faces Florida, a road trip to LSU, and gets Auburn at home. One loss would put it in a precarious playoff position. In 2016, Washington was hammered for its strength of schedule all season. Last year, Wisconsin's résumé was under the microscope. Now it's Georgia's turn. 2. Will it be a big year for the Big Ten? The Big Ten, at least heading into the spring, appears to have the potential to be best-positioned among the Power
y men to lie all round him in his hammock. Inspect ten times a night ! My Majesty longs to see this pygmy more than all the treasures of Sinai and Punt !” Thanks. You as well. Just doing my part to stamp out all the misinformation out there. on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 00:15:23 Eurasian Sensation No resjan, I can’t be bothered arguing with you because you would clearly prefer stories about gods to actual science. You need to re-read the articles you linked to that you think supports your perspective, btw. The first one clearly states that the majority of sub-Saharan DNA in Saudi Arabs is from female slaves. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1180338/) on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 13:18:38 resjan I thought you were already done arguing…so why are you back? Again, you need to learn to discern facts from speculation. The facts are the findings of the genetic study…all else is speculation. The article does not even pretend to know how the African genes got into Arabia, it speculates. “Taken together, these results are consistent with substantial migration from eastern Africa into Arabia, AT LEAST IN PART as a result of the Arab slave trade…” Did you get that? “IN PART”…..WHERE DOES IT SAY a “majority” as you’ve miscontrued? It is a HYPOTHESIS. I know there were/still are African slaves in Arabia, just as surely as there were/still are European ones, but this is relatively recent history, and the article even says that these ties supposedly go back to the “7th millennium BC.” Clearly YOU’re the one who should re-read the article! To clarify: I referenced the article to point to the fact that genetically speaking, many Arabians, especially south Arabians share “sub-saharan” African genes, in response to your belief that Ethiopians are so much unlike other “sub-saharan” Africans and so much like Arabians. If you read that article well, you’d see that most Yemenis sampled are more genetically close to the West African samples than they are to the sampled Ethiopians. on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 14:41:15 B. R. Resjan, yes, I noted that you mentioned that about the dwarf gods , and, I thought it was relevant…I apreciete your insight The Pygmies have so many secrets to ancient Africa…the youtubes Ive brought in have blown my mind…that youtube of the pregnant women dancing to a groove that has emerged in Cuba as a rumba is unbeleivable tangent evidence of genuis and the power of it…what strenght to have lasted and emerged as a popular culture with power, all the way into this last century I say the real story about ancient Africa has so much to be discovered….they just found cave paintings in Europe that are 20,000 years older than they thought, and, the notion of humans painting is a major developement in human evolution (imagine how far back they went in Africa?)…Imagine what is still buried in Africa that could tell us what was really happening back then ? Yes, you’re right that there’s so much undiscovered, but so much has already been discovered that just isn’t talked about or taught in western academia. There’s evidence of 100,000 year-old artwork in South Africa, evidence of mining that goes back 45,000 years and mathematics that goes back 35,000 years. There are also thousands of stone circles spanning from South Africa to Tanzania that few are willing to investigate or openly discuss..the only westerner I know who talks about these stone ruins credits aliens…. So, it’s not just a matter of discovering, rather researching and bringing about awareness. I totaly agree about the evidence that is ignored by the western acadamia. Ive learned some wonderful things about Africa just from this blog, things that are ignored by acadamia.. Ha ha Resjan, this “the only westerner I know who talks about these stone ruins credits aliens…. ” reminds me of the various origins given to the giant Olmec stone heads in Ivan Van Sertima’s book ‘They came before Columbus”. He makes a list of the “possible” origins given by western researchers, and one of them is “brought there by Aliens”… @Cornlia Funny, but true. He (Michael Tellinger) has done extensive research and has brought awareness of this ancient stone metropolis in SE Africa (remember that British settlers of
y men to lie all round him in his hammock. Inspect ten times a night ! My Majesty longs to see this pygmy more than all the treasures of Sinai and Punt !” Thanks. You as well. Just doing my part to stamp out all the misinformation out there. on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 00:15:23 Eurasian Sensation No resjan, I can’t be bothered arguing with you because you would clearly prefer stories about gods to actual science. You need to re-read the articles you linked to that you think supports your perspective, btw. The first one clearly states that the majority of sub-Saharan DNA in Saudi Arabs is from female slaves. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1180338/) on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 13:18:38 resjan I thought you were already done arguing…so why are you back? Again, you need to learn to discern facts from speculation. The facts are the findings of the genetic study…all else is speculation. The article does not even pretend to know how the African genes got into Arabia, it speculates. “Taken together, these results are consistent with substantial migration from eastern Africa into Arabia, AT LEAST IN PART as a result of the Arab slave trade…” Did you get that? “IN PART”…..WHERE DOES IT SAY a “majority” as you’ve miscontrued? It is a HYPOTHESIS. I know there were/still are African slaves in Arabia, just as surely as there were/still are European ones, but this is relatively recent history, and the article even says that these ties supposedly go back to the “7th millennium BC.” Clearly YOU’re the one who should re-read the article! To clarify: I referenced the article to point to the fact that genetically speaking, many Arabians, especially south Arabians share “sub-saharan” African genes, in response to your belief that Ethiopians are so much unlike other “sub-saharan” Africans and so much like Arabians. If you read that article well, you’d see that most Yemenis sampled are more genetically close to the West African samples than they are to the sampled Ethiopians. on Thu Aug 16th 2012 at 14:41:15 B. R. Resjan, yes, I noted that you mentioned that about the dwarf gods , and, I thought it was relevant…I apreciete your insight The Pygmies have so many secrets to ancient Africa…the youtubes Ive brought in have blown my mind…that youtube of the pregnant women dancing to a groove that has emerged in Cuba as a rumba is unbeleivable tangent evidence of genuis and the power of it…what strenght to have lasted and emerged as a popular culture with power, all the way into this last century I say the real story about ancient Africa has so much to be discovered….they just found cave paintings in Europe that are 20,000 years older than they thought, and, the notion of humans painting is a major developement in human evolution (imagine how far back they went in Africa?)…Imagine what is still buried in Africa that could tell us what was really happening back then ? Yes, you’re right that there’s so much undiscovered, but so much has already been discovered that just isn’t talked about or taught in western academia. There’s evidence of 100,000 year-old artwork in South Africa, evidence of mining that goes back 45,000 years and mathematics that goes back 35,000 years. There are also thousands of stone circles spanning from South Africa to Tanzania that few are willing to investigate or openly discuss..the only westerner I know who talks about these stone ruins credits aliens…. So, it’s not just a matter of discovering, rather researching and bringing about awareness. I totaly agree about the evidence that is ignored by the western acadamia. Ive learned some wonderful things about Africa just from this blog, things that are ignored by acadamia.. Ha ha Resjan, this “the only westerner I know who talks about these stone ruins credits aliens…. ” reminds me of the various origins given to the giant Olmec stone heads in Ivan Van Sertima’s book ‘They came before Columbus”. He makes a list of the “possible” origins given by western researchers, and one of them is “brought there by Aliens”… @Cornlia Funny, but true. He (Michael Tellinger) has done extensive research and has brought awareness of this ancient stone metropolis in SE Africa (remember that British settlers of
the late 1800s deliberately hid much of this) , but he credits a Sumerian extraterrestrial for these ruins. After concluding that extensive knowledge of astronomy was used to constuct these structures, he simply could not believe that Africans were capable of such (even though the world’s oldest evidence of astronomy is found in Africa). Had these ruins been discovered in Europe, needless to say that they would be wholly European, and nothing else! That is the bias we’re up against I recall Van Sertima saying something like “we have to produce lots of evidence to prove African involvement but they only need one piece of evidence to prove European involvement.” But, now, we all know that one of the oldest skeletons found in the Americas (Brazil) resembles an African http://bit.ly/KRJ4Yb, and the oldest skeleton was found in the Caribbean sea (coincidentally on the current oceanic current from W. Africa) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/09/080903-oldest-skeletons.html…pointing to migration across the Atlantic from Africa, not from the Bering Strait or outer space on Tue Aug 21st 2012 at 00:23:18 B. R. Resjan , yes, the report I got off Kwamla’s site was this one you are talking about, I think…I just disreguard the extra terrestial aspects…they try to push that on the Egyption pyramids too… There are some things that are talked about on other documentaries, that really can make you think, like, if you draw a straight line from Easter Island to the Egyption pyramids, you pass through some ancient ruins on the coast of Peru , the Nasca lines, then through some ruins in mexico, and, when it crosses the Atlantic it goes through Dogon territory, and then the Pyramids…if you continue the line as a circle through the globe , the point at the top of the pi of the circle , actualy touches the magnetic north pole that is differant than the north pole we talk about…and the whole circle touches various other ruins before it gets back to Easter Island and these ruins , in position with the others, show the “golden number”….all coincidence ? probably, but, if not, it shows unbeleivable knowledge of the earth being round and mathamatical principles that are very advanced…Im not one who beleives in the alian stuff, but, all Im saying is that there are some really unbeleivable mysteries out there from ancient times on Tue Aug 21st 2012 at 00:56:46 resjan Point well taken. Since the great pyramids are supposedly located on the earth’s energetic center (and most other ancient ruins are on grid lines), I think it’s evidence of ancient knowledge about the same. There’s no way for me to verify whether or not extraterrestrials have visited, but we can easily verify with archaeological evidence the DEVELOPMENT of mathematics, science and astronomy in Africa. on Tue Aug 21st 2012 at 10:46:49 Kwamla B.R, Resjan, Bulanik & Cornlia Its quite intriguing for me to read conversations about the technological achievements of ancient African civilizations and how they find it difficult to attribute these discoveries to the people themselves.But what is even more intriguing is how we have all been so successfully duped into believing or not questioning the FACT that Extra-terrestrial beings have had NO influence in shaping or forming our collective human existence. My own research has shown its not possible to go back thousands of years into ancient African history and not examine this possibility. https://kwamlaonfb.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/youtube-black-people-does-the-earth-belong-to-blacks-have-they-been-invaded-david-wilcock/ “…“we have to produce lots of evidence to prove African involvement but they only need one piece of evidence to prove European involvement”, it irritates me equally, that for some, the idea persists that African’s intellectual achievement / civilization becomes only possible with the intervention of extra-terrestrials..” This is simply because we have allowed ourselves to become locked into the various accounts of how the world was formed and we came into existence told from a narrow and limiting perspective. A standard perspective which suits and is geared to what we’ve been collectively educated to believe are the default people on this planet. – White people. When they are not! Clearly many ancient civilizations held a much more inclusive and cosmic perspective. The historical evidence when taken together shows this to be the case. But again just like the continuing existence of Racism some of us feel reluctant in ourselves to entertain or
the Northern Territory. Haasts Bluff, where Daisy Jugadai was born Daisy Jugadai was born circa 1955 at Haasts Bluff, Northern Territory, daughter of artists Narputta Nangala and Timmy Jugadai Tjungurrayi.[1] The ambiguity around the year of birth is in part because Indigenous people operate using a different conception of time from non-Indigenous Australians, often estimating dates through comparisons with the occurrence of other events.[2] The people of Papunya and Haasts Bluff, such as Daisy, speak a variety of the Pintupi language referred to as Pintupi-Luritja,[1] a Western Desert dialect. Napaltjarri (in Western Desert dialects) or Napaljarri (in Warlpiri) is a skin name, one of sixteen used to denote the subsections or subgroups in the kinship system of central Australian Indigenous people. These names define kinship relationships that influence preferred marriage partners and may be associated with particular totems. Although they may be used as terms of address, they are not surnames in the sense used by Europeans.[3][4] Thus "Daisy Jugadai" is the element of the artist's name that is specifically hers. Jugadai's childhood was spent at both Haasts Bluff and a nearby camp, Five Mile, while she was schooled at Papunya. She married Kelly Multa, and they had a daughter, Agnes. They lived on an outstation, Kungkayunti, but Daisy moved back to Haasts Bluff when Kelly died.[5] It was not until the 1990s that she was remarried, to an Elcho Islander, after which she travelled regularly between Arnhem Land and Haasts Bluff. Jugadai died in 2008, her funeral held at Haasts Bluff, where she was born.[5] Daisy Jugadai had an older sister, artist Molly Jugadai Napaltjarri,[6] and another sister, Ester, who predeceased her.[5] The contemporary Indigenous Australian art movement began in the western desert in 1971, when Indigenous men at Papunya took up painting, led by elders such as Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, and assisted by teacher Geoffrey Bardon.[7] This initiative, which used acrylic paints to create designs representing body painting and ground sculptures, rapidly spread across Indigenous communities of central Australia, particularly following the commencement of a government-sanctioned art program in central Australia in 1983.[8] By the 1980s and 1990s, such work was being exhibited internationally.[9] The first artists, including all of the founders of the Papunya Tula artists' company, had been men, and there was resistance amongst the Pintupi men of central Australia to women painting.[10] However, many women in the communities wished to participate, and in the 1990s many began to create paintings. In the western desert communities such as Kintore, Yuendumu, Balgo, and on the outstations, people were beginning to create art works expressly for exhibition and sale.[9] Daisy Jugadai came from a family of painters, including her uncle Uta Uta Tjangala and her mother.[11] She learned to draw during her schooling at Papunya and Haasts Bluff,[12] but her first experience as a painter came working on backgrounds for the pictures created by her father.[11] From the Pintupi/Luritja language group, Daisy Jugadai was one of a range of artists who came to painting through the Ikuntji Women's Centre in the early 1990s.[1] She is credited with a significant role in the centre's establishment.[12] She began with screen printing and linocut printmaking, but quickly shifted to acrylic painting, producing many of her best works during the mid-1990s.[12] Western Desert artists such as Daisy Jugadai will frequently paint particular 'dreamings' or Tjukurrpa for which they have personal responsibility or rights.[13] A complex concept, Tjukurrpa refers to the spiritual knowledge of the landscape and custodianship of it; it also refers to laws, rules or stories that people must maintain and re-produce in their communities.[14][15] Daisy Jugadai portrayed in her art both those for which she had personal responsibility, and those of her late husband and late father.[12] These included honey ant, spinifex and emu dreamings;[16] geographical locations that were the settings for these paintings included Muruntji waterhole and Talabarrdi, and other locations around Kungkayunti, where her family had lived for many years.[1][17] Memory and Five Mile Creek (1995) Throughout the 1990s, Daisy J
the Northern Territory. Haasts Bluff, where Daisy Jugadai was born Daisy Jugadai was born circa 1955 at Haasts Bluff, Northern Territory, daughter of artists Narputta Nangala and Timmy Jugadai Tjungurrayi.[1] The ambiguity around the year of birth is in part because Indigenous people operate using a different conception of time from non-Indigenous Australians, often estimating dates through comparisons with the occurrence of other events.[2] The people of Papunya and Haasts Bluff, such as Daisy, speak a variety of the Pintupi language referred to as Pintupi-Luritja,[1] a Western Desert dialect. Napaltjarri (in Western Desert dialects) or Napaljarri (in Warlpiri) is a skin name, one of sixteen used to denote the subsections or subgroups in the kinship system of central Australian Indigenous people. These names define kinship relationships that influence preferred marriage partners and may be associated with particular totems. Although they may be used as terms of address, they are not surnames in the sense used by Europeans.[3][4] Thus "Daisy Jugadai" is the element of the artist's name that is specifically hers. Jugadai's childhood was spent at both Haasts Bluff and a nearby camp, Five Mile, while she was schooled at Papunya. She married Kelly Multa, and they had a daughter, Agnes. They lived on an outstation, Kungkayunti, but Daisy moved back to Haasts Bluff when Kelly died.[5] It was not until the 1990s that she was remarried, to an Elcho Islander, after which she travelled regularly between Arnhem Land and Haasts Bluff. Jugadai died in 2008, her funeral held at Haasts Bluff, where she was born.[5] Daisy Jugadai had an older sister, artist Molly Jugadai Napaltjarri,[6] and another sister, Ester, who predeceased her.[5] The contemporary Indigenous Australian art movement began in the western desert in 1971, when Indigenous men at Papunya took up painting, led by elders such as Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, and assisted by teacher Geoffrey Bardon.[7] This initiative, which used acrylic paints to create designs representing body painting and ground sculptures, rapidly spread across Indigenous communities of central Australia, particularly following the commencement of a government-sanctioned art program in central Australia in 1983.[8] By the 1980s and 1990s, such work was being exhibited internationally.[9] The first artists, including all of the founders of the Papunya Tula artists' company, had been men, and there was resistance amongst the Pintupi men of central Australia to women painting.[10] However, many women in the communities wished to participate, and in the 1990s many began to create paintings. In the western desert communities such as Kintore, Yuendumu, Balgo, and on the outstations, people were beginning to create art works expressly for exhibition and sale.[9] Daisy Jugadai came from a family of painters, including her uncle Uta Uta Tjangala and her mother.[11] She learned to draw during her schooling at Papunya and Haasts Bluff,[12] but her first experience as a painter came working on backgrounds for the pictures created by her father.[11] From the Pintupi/Luritja language group, Daisy Jugadai was one of a range of artists who came to painting through the Ikuntji Women's Centre in the early 1990s.[1] She is credited with a significant role in the centre's establishment.[12] She began with screen printing and linocut printmaking, but quickly shifted to acrylic painting, producing many of her best works during the mid-1990s.[12] Western Desert artists such as Daisy Jugadai will frequently paint particular 'dreamings' or Tjukurrpa for which they have personal responsibility or rights.[13] A complex concept, Tjukurrpa refers to the spiritual knowledge of the landscape and custodianship of it; it also refers to laws, rules or stories that people must maintain and re-produce in their communities.[14][15] Daisy Jugadai portrayed in her art both those for which she had personal responsibility, and those of her late husband and late father.[12] These included honey ant, spinifex and emu dreamings;[16] geographical locations that were the settings for these paintings included Muruntji waterhole and Talabarrdi, and other locations around Kungkayunti, where her family had lived for many years.[1][17] Memory and Five Mile Creek (1995) Throughout the 1990s, Daisy J
ugadai was a regular exhibitor at the Araluen Art Centre in Alice Springs, and well as other major exhibitions such as the Australian Heritage Art Awards in Canberra in 1994.[1] Recognition came in 1993, in two forms: an award of a Northern Territory Women's Fellowship;[5] and the purchase by the Araluen Arts Centre of a work exhibited in its annual art award.[11] Within her community she was an administrator as well as an artist. A member of the Ikuntji Women's Centre and a representative on Ikuntji Community Council, Daisy was one of those who successfully lobbied to have artist Marina Strocchi appointed as an art centre coordinator in the early 1990s.[5][18] The respect between the two women was mutual: Daisy was one of a group of artists whose work was selected for an exhibition that toured regional Australian public galleries in 1999–2000, Ikuntji tjuta – touring, which was curated by Marina Strocchi, the art centre coordinator who had first helped develop the Ikuntji centre in Haasts Bluff some years earlier.[19] Works by Daisy Jugadai are held by the National Gallery of Victoria,[20] National Gallery of Australia and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.[1] They are also held in major private collections, such as Nangara (also known as the Ebes Collection),[21] as well as by Edith Cowan University.[22] First exhibiting in the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards in 1993,[16] she was a finalist on several occasions including 1995, 1998 and 2001,[1] and a section winner in 2000.[5] Her 1994 entry in the award, Karu kapingku pungu (Creek after rain), belongs to the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.[23] Her work is also featured alongside other Indigenous artists such as Gloria Petyarre in the Melbourne international airport terminal, completed in 1996.[24] Antiti, near Five Mile, a 1998 painting, has appeared as cover art on an issue of the Medical Journal of Australia.[22] Alone amongst the Ikuntji artists, Daisy Jugadai worked at an easel. She cited the Hermannsburg School, a group of Indigenous artists including Albert Namatjira who began painting at Hermannsburg Mission in the 1930s, as an influence on her work.[12] Memory and Five Mile Creek (1995) represents the country of her childhood. It shows the hills of the region in elevation rather than in plan, and represents the range of vegetation typical of that country.[20] Curator Marina Strocchi notes how Daisy Jugadai's painting reflects close observation of the complex structures of the vegetation and environment, its features "obsessively detailed", with the artist "devotedly [including] all the bush tucker of that area", as well as choosing "a time of year in which to depict her country".[19] Vegetation would be carefully painted with a trimmed brush, while even finer detail, such as pollen, would be rendered using a matchstick. Clouds were always the final features to be included. Despite this devotion to detail, Daisy preferred to paint large canvasses.[5] Memory and Five Mile Creek was included in the National Gallery of Victoria's 2004–05 exhibition "Aboriginal Art Post 1984" and reviewer Miriam Cosic, while noting its "naive charm", also drew attention to the work's title and the implication that, like other more explicitly political painters of her era, "she too is talking of violent dispossession".[25] Artist Mandy Martin, who participated in a 2005 collaboration with several painters from the Haasts Bluff region, thought that Daisy's rendering of bush tucker was achieved with a "stylised but dazzling personal language".[26] Writer and critic Morag Fraser described Daisy's work as "extraordinary", observing that in Daisy's paintings "nature is so wholly internalised, and its rendering so uninhibited."[27] A distinguished artist in her community, her death coincided with a vigorous renewal of artistic expression amongst her successors.[28] ^ a b c d e f g Birnberg, Margo; Janusz Kreczmanski (2004). Aboriginal Artist Dictionary of Biographies: Australian Western, Central Desert and Kimberley Region. Marleston, South Australia: J.B. Publishing. pp. 213–214. ISBN 978-1-876622-47-3. ^ Birnberg, Margo; Janusz Kreczmanski (2004). Aboriginal Artist Dictionary of Biographies: Australian Western, Central Desert and Kimberley Region. Marleston, South Australia: J.B. Publishing. pp. 10–12. ISBN 978-1-876622-47-3. ^ "Kinship and skin names". People and culture. Central Land Council. Archived from the original on
would end up.” With oil independence achieved in 1999 thanks to its own terminal, the last remaining piece of the puzzle for Lithuania is electricity. The Baltic countries are still connected to an electricity system with Russia and Belarus, known as Brell. Although Lithuania no longer imports electricity from Russia, it is a big power importer from other countries, as its main local source of generation, the Ignalina nuclear plant, was closed in 2009 due to safety concerns. A plan to build a replacement fell through due to the results of a referendum, leaving Lithuania as the country importing the most electricity in the EU. “The blame game is still continuing,” says Zananavičius of the referendum. Lithuania has built electricity interconnectors to Sweden and Poland but prices have still been very high this year. Zananavičius says: “The war in Ukraine shows that, despite good interconnections, it’s necessary to generate a certain amount of electricity — at least 70 per cent — locally, in order to ensure your security of supply and to get isolated from extreme price shocks.” Our dependence on Russia is close to zero. So we can survive without Russia Margarita Šešelgytė, Vilnius University The current government has ambitious renewable energy plans — mostly offshore wind, and solar — and aims, by 2030, to reach 9GW of capacity, roughly the same as national demand. At the same time, Lithuania intends to desynchronise itself from Brell and join the system used by the rest of Europe by 2024 — though for the time being the connection helps stabilise Lithuania’s grid, providing a possible point of leverage for Russia. “This vulnerability is a bilateral vulnerability,” says prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who points out that the Russian semi-exclave of Kaliningrad is equally vulnerable. She says any incident that threatened the Brell connection would be demanding but “not a calamity”, adding: “We can’t exclude that the Russians would want to do it.” The conclusion, says Margarita Šešelgytė, director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, is that Lithuania did well to wean itself off Russia but failed to boost its own production. “Our dependence on Russia is close to zero,” she adds. “So we can survive without Russia. That lesson we have learned. We did everything to avoid dependency. The problem with energy is we don’t produce energy so that is why we have very high prices.” Explore the Special Report READ MORELithuania Follow the topics in this article Richard Milne Trimble Adds Inertial-Based Trolley Solution to its Track Survey and Scanning Rail Portfolio Trimble GEDO IMS Streamlines Track Survey and Scanning for Asset Data Collection Along Railway Lines Berlin, Sept. 26, 2017—Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) introduced today a new addition to its track survey and scanning rail portfolio—the Trimble® GEDO IMS System. The latest trolley system is lightweight, flexible and fast. It combines an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with scanning and geodetic sensors for surveying railway lines and documenting assets along the track. The announcement was made today at INTERGEO 2017, the world’s largest conference on geodesy, geoinformatics and land management. The GEDO IMS System provides highly accurate as-built survey documentation of the track and 3D point clouds for asset data collection along the track. The trolley system’s lightweight design is ideal for single-crew operation and on projects near active railway lines. GEDO IMS Field Software and the GEDO Office Software Suite enable smooth data flow between the field and the office. GEDO Scan Office provides enhanced processing for asset data collection and clearance applications. “Trimble continues to expand its portfolio of track survey and scanning solutions. We initially introduced the GEDO Scan System for clearance applications to improve safety,” said Andreas Sinning, director of marketing for Trimble Geospatial’s GEDO track surveying and scanning solutions. “Now, with the introduction of the latest system for track survey and trolley-based mobile mapping data collection, the GEDO System can deliver a wider range of applications to enable users to increase productivity while minimizing track occupation.” The basic Trimble GEDO IMS System consists of the Trimble GEDO CE 2.0 Trolley System, Trimble GEDO IMU Unit, Trimble Tablet PC and the Trimble GEDO IMS Field and GEDO Office Software. For mapping applications it can be combined with the Trimble TX6 and
would end up.” With oil independence achieved in 1999 thanks to its own terminal, the last remaining piece of the puzzle for Lithuania is electricity. The Baltic countries are still connected to an electricity system with Russia and Belarus, known as Brell. Although Lithuania no longer imports electricity from Russia, it is a big power importer from other countries, as its main local source of generation, the Ignalina nuclear plant, was closed in 2009 due to safety concerns. A plan to build a replacement fell through due to the results of a referendum, leaving Lithuania as the country importing the most electricity in the EU. “The blame game is still continuing,” says Zananavičius of the referendum. Lithuania has built electricity interconnectors to Sweden and Poland but prices have still been very high this year. Zananavičius says: “The war in Ukraine shows that, despite good interconnections, it’s necessary to generate a certain amount of electricity — at least 70 per cent — locally, in order to ensure your security of supply and to get isolated from extreme price shocks.” Our dependence on Russia is close to zero. So we can survive without Russia Margarita Šešelgytė, Vilnius University The current government has ambitious renewable energy plans — mostly offshore wind, and solar — and aims, by 2030, to reach 9GW of capacity, roughly the same as national demand. At the same time, Lithuania intends to desynchronise itself from Brell and join the system used by the rest of Europe by 2024 — though for the time being the connection helps stabilise Lithuania’s grid, providing a possible point of leverage for Russia. “This vulnerability is a bilateral vulnerability,” says prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who points out that the Russian semi-exclave of Kaliningrad is equally vulnerable. She says any incident that threatened the Brell connection would be demanding but “not a calamity”, adding: “We can’t exclude that the Russians would want to do it.” The conclusion, says Margarita Šešelgytė, director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, is that Lithuania did well to wean itself off Russia but failed to boost its own production. “Our dependence on Russia is close to zero,” she adds. “So we can survive without Russia. That lesson we have learned. We did everything to avoid dependency. The problem with energy is we don’t produce energy so that is why we have very high prices.” Explore the Special Report READ MORELithuania Follow the topics in this article Richard Milne Trimble Adds Inertial-Based Trolley Solution to its Track Survey and Scanning Rail Portfolio Trimble GEDO IMS Streamlines Track Survey and Scanning for Asset Data Collection Along Railway Lines Berlin, Sept. 26, 2017—Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) introduced today a new addition to its track survey and scanning rail portfolio—the Trimble® GEDO IMS System. The latest trolley system is lightweight, flexible and fast. It combines an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with scanning and geodetic sensors for surveying railway lines and documenting assets along the track. The announcement was made today at INTERGEO 2017, the world’s largest conference on geodesy, geoinformatics and land management. The GEDO IMS System provides highly accurate as-built survey documentation of the track and 3D point clouds for asset data collection along the track. The trolley system’s lightweight design is ideal for single-crew operation and on projects near active railway lines. GEDO IMS Field Software and the GEDO Office Software Suite enable smooth data flow between the field and the office. GEDO Scan Office provides enhanced processing for asset data collection and clearance applications. “Trimble continues to expand its portfolio of track survey and scanning solutions. We initially introduced the GEDO Scan System for clearance applications to improve safety,” said Andreas Sinning, director of marketing for Trimble Geospatial’s GEDO track surveying and scanning solutions. “Now, with the introduction of the latest system for track survey and trolley-based mobile mapping data collection, the GEDO System can deliver a wider range of applications to enable users to increase productivity while minimizing track occupation.” The basic Trimble GEDO IMS System consists of the Trimble GEDO CE 2.0 Trolley System, Trimble GEDO IMU Unit, Trimble Tablet PC and the Trimble GEDO IMS Field and GEDO Office Software. For mapping applications it can be combined with the Trimble TX6 and
TX8 laser scanners. The new GEDO IMS System is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2017. About Trimble Geospatial Trimble Geospatial provides solutions that facilitate high-quality, productive workflows and information exchange, driving value for a global and diverse customer base of surveyors, engineering and GIS service companies, governments, utilities and transportation authorities. Trimble’s innovative technologies include integrated sensors, field applications, real-time communications and office software for processing, modeling and data analytics. Using Trimble solutions, organizations can capture the most accurate spatial data and transform it into intelligence to deliver increased productivity and improved decision-making. Whether enabling more efficient use of natural resources or enhancing the performance and lifecycle of civil infrastructure, timely and reliable geospatial information is at the core of Trimble’s solutions to transform the way work is done. For more information, visit: https://geospatial.trimble.com. About Trimble Trimble is transforming the way the world works by delivering products and services that connect the physical and digital worlds. Core technologies in positioning, modeling, connectivity and data analytics enable customers to improve productivity, quality, safety and sustainability. From purpose built products to enterprise lifecycle solutions, Trimble software, hardware and services are transforming a broad range of industries such as agriculture, construction, geospatial and transportation and logistics. For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ:TRMB), visit: www.trimble.com. Tags: Measurement & Positioning Primal Gathering by Graham Daniels on 30th November 2022 4th December 2022 November 2022 and we were back in Portugal, this time performing Orchestra of Samples at well-being and land-regeneration event Primal Gathering in Odiáxere, near Lagos in southern Portugal. events, musicians, other stories Recording with Kabeção While in the Portugal for the music industry conference WOMEX (an abbreviation of World Music Expo, as it focuses on world music), we were introduced to multi-instrumentalist Carlos Rodrigues aka Kabeção – a wonderful self-taught musician, instrument developer and sound explorer. Adufe drums to fado guitars October 2022 and we were in Lisbon, Portugal, at the huge music industry conference WOMEX (abbreviation of World Music Expo), an event that focuses on world music, with talks, showcases and evening concerts. While there we also took the opportunity to record musicians, some being members of Portuguese 10-piece band Criatura, particularly those playing traditional instruments, such as adufe drums, bagpipes and fado guitar. Recording in Bangalore by Graham Daniels on 21st April 2022 25th April 2022 After a week in Pondicherry, India, where we performed Orchestra of Samples, we headed to the huge metropolis of Bangalore. With a population of 11 million, the city is regarded as the ‘Silicon Valley of India’, with technology companies and many educational and research institutions all based there. Mandolin with U Rajesh by Graham Daniels on 18th April 2022 23rd April 2022 While in India, for our performance of Orchestra of Samples in Pondicherry, we were introduced to the wonderful composer and mandolin master Uppalapu Rajesh, known as U Rajesh. Renowned for his innovative take on Carnatic Indian classical music, Rajesh feels musical techniques come after savouring the music, saying audiences should use their heart to enjoy music first. by Graham Daniels on 30th March 2022 11th July 2022 This month we were invited for a residency at More Music, the forward-thinking community space and education charity in the UK’s northwest Lancashire coastal town of Morecame. As well as being a performance venue, they have a recording studio, education activities and youth centre with outreach programmes working with local schools via Lancashire Music Hub. ‘Liberty EU’ project by Graham Daniels on 27th July 2021 25th October 2021 We’ve been commissioned by cultural arts organisation ArtReach, who were inspired by our creative process of working on Orchestra of Samples, to create a performative installation for their Journeys Festival with Somali-British poet Momtaza Mehri, sampling a number of musician sanctuary seekers and refugees now settled in the UK and Europe. musicians, other stories Dennis Rollins MBE by Graham Daniels on 22nd July 2021 27th July 2021 After performing a number of times together on Orchestra of Samples in recent years, we finally organised a session with the maestro himself, trombone virtuoso Dennis Rollins MBE, on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year in London! Strings & Woodwind! by Graham Daniels on 16th July 2021 27th July 2021 Meeting and recording musicians is always a joy, and two wonderful artists
ader as the primary author is available in the official journal of International Society for Computational Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics – published by Oxford University Press. A dedicated team of researchers including bioinformatics scientists, data scientists, medical students, graduate students and summer interns has made contributions to the development of RepurposeDB. The project was under development for last three years, and the first version of the database is now available for public access. Analytics framework for analyzing medications (small molecules and biotech), drug targets, diseases and networks (drug–target, seed functional target network, expanded functional target network, drug–drug and drug similarity network). (Source: Authors) Using the RepurposeDB data, the team has also analyzed and identified drivers of drug repositioning. It is the first time a group is discovering such diverse evidence that could help to design and interpret drug discovery and repositioning studies. For example, by analyzing the commonalities of the small molecule compound library, they discovered chemical moieties, atomic features and side effects that are unique to repurposed compounds. Biological function analyses provide pathways, gene-families, epigenetic factors, protein domains and other biological entities that are common across targets of drug repositioning. The researchers have also compiled data on pair-wise disease similarity and discovered drug repositioning is often successful when disease phenotypes are similar. Also, the team has collected epidemiological data on disease prevalence and identified shared genes across a variety of drug repositioning investigations. Currently, off-target prescription and drug repositioning studies are reported across scientific literature without a universal standard. As we are entering the Precision Medicine era, it’s important to systematically capture and analyze the data around drug repositioning in a centralized database using an open, community standard. With the user-friendly interface, tools, and crowdsourcing features, RepurposeDB would evolve as an essential resource for the pre-clinical development, medicinal chemistry, systems biology, drug discovery and translational bioinformatics communities. Reference: Systematic analyses of drugs and disease indications in RepurposeDB reveal pharmacological, biological and epidemiological factors influencing drug repositioning. Shameer K, Glicksberg BS, Hodos R, Johnson KW, Badgeley MA, Readhead B, Tomlinson MS, O’Connor T, Miotto R, Kidd BA, Chen R, Ma’ayan A, Dudley JT. Brief Bioinform. 2017 Feb 15. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbw136. Link to RepurposeDB: http://repurposedb.dudleylab.org Turning Food Poisoning Microbe Into Powerful Cancer Fighter Scientist Kill Brain Cancer In Mice With Combination Immunotherapies Inside this Special Feature Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop Where can you go next after Windows XP? As XP nears its own demise, ATMs face potential crisis Windows XP: How fast can companies unwind it? Microsoft chops the price of custom Windows XP patches Microsoft antitrust probe in China: The plot thickens Windows 8.1 overtakes Windows 8 worldwide, as Windows XP 'refuses to die' Windows XP: What to expect once Microsoft shuts down support Research: 37 percent continuing with Microsoft XP post support Executive's guide to the end of Windows XP support (free ebook) Microsoft: Why the Windows XP show is finally over Windows XP and Windows 8: The worst possible combination for Microsoft The History of Windows: A timeline Part of a ZDNet Special Feature: Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop You need to get ready now for the post-Windows XP world. Drew Turney looks at the options. By Drew Turney | October 14, 2013 -- 01:30 GMT (18:30 PDT) | Topic: Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop On the surface, it seems that Windows 7 or 8 are the obvious choices to replace XP systems simply because of the technologies, behaviour, and application compatibility you'll carry forward, but there's more to consider about other systems and your own needs. Staying with Windows XP First of all, if you use Windows, you'll always be a target of malware — one day Windows 7 and 8, along with Android and Mac OS X, will be similarly targeted because malware creators are looking for the best return on their investment, just like you are. Windows XP's last gasp Microsoft issues partners Windows XP phase-out marching orders Don't kill my Windows XP! Your perilous future on Windows XP Please, let Windows XP die with dignity Second of all, the end of Windows XP support doesn't mean your computer will explode. But if any new bugs for XP come out after April 2014, you're on your own. According to a report by the Information Systems Security Associations, 38 percent of computers still use Windows XP. Ass
ader as the primary author is available in the official journal of International Society for Computational Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics – published by Oxford University Press. A dedicated team of researchers including bioinformatics scientists, data scientists, medical students, graduate students and summer interns has made contributions to the development of RepurposeDB. The project was under development for last three years, and the first version of the database is now available for public access. Analytics framework for analyzing medications (small molecules and biotech), drug targets, diseases and networks (drug–target, seed functional target network, expanded functional target network, drug–drug and drug similarity network). (Source: Authors) Using the RepurposeDB data, the team has also analyzed and identified drivers of drug repositioning. It is the first time a group is discovering such diverse evidence that could help to design and interpret drug discovery and repositioning studies. For example, by analyzing the commonalities of the small molecule compound library, they discovered chemical moieties, atomic features and side effects that are unique to repurposed compounds. Biological function analyses provide pathways, gene-families, epigenetic factors, protein domains and other biological entities that are common across targets of drug repositioning. The researchers have also compiled data on pair-wise disease similarity and discovered drug repositioning is often successful when disease phenotypes are similar. Also, the team has collected epidemiological data on disease prevalence and identified shared genes across a variety of drug repositioning investigations. Currently, off-target prescription and drug repositioning studies are reported across scientific literature without a universal standard. As we are entering the Precision Medicine era, it’s important to systematically capture and analyze the data around drug repositioning in a centralized database using an open, community standard. With the user-friendly interface, tools, and crowdsourcing features, RepurposeDB would evolve as an essential resource for the pre-clinical development, medicinal chemistry, systems biology, drug discovery and translational bioinformatics communities. Reference: Systematic analyses of drugs and disease indications in RepurposeDB reveal pharmacological, biological and epidemiological factors influencing drug repositioning. Shameer K, Glicksberg BS, Hodos R, Johnson KW, Badgeley MA, Readhead B, Tomlinson MS, O’Connor T, Miotto R, Kidd BA, Chen R, Ma’ayan A, Dudley JT. Brief Bioinform. 2017 Feb 15. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbw136. Link to RepurposeDB: http://repurposedb.dudleylab.org Turning Food Poisoning Microbe Into Powerful Cancer Fighter Scientist Kill Brain Cancer In Mice With Combination Immunotherapies Inside this Special Feature Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop Where can you go next after Windows XP? As XP nears its own demise, ATMs face potential crisis Windows XP: How fast can companies unwind it? Microsoft chops the price of custom Windows XP patches Microsoft antitrust probe in China: The plot thickens Windows 8.1 overtakes Windows 8 worldwide, as Windows XP 'refuses to die' Windows XP: What to expect once Microsoft shuts down support Research: 37 percent continuing with Microsoft XP post support Executive's guide to the end of Windows XP support (free ebook) Microsoft: Why the Windows XP show is finally over Windows XP and Windows 8: The worst possible combination for Microsoft The History of Windows: A timeline Part of a ZDNet Special Feature: Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop You need to get ready now for the post-Windows XP world. Drew Turney looks at the options. By Drew Turney | October 14, 2013 -- 01:30 GMT (18:30 PDT) | Topic: Windows XP and the Future of the Desktop On the surface, it seems that Windows 7 or 8 are the obvious choices to replace XP systems simply because of the technologies, behaviour, and application compatibility you'll carry forward, but there's more to consider about other systems and your own needs. Staying with Windows XP First of all, if you use Windows, you'll always be a target of malware — one day Windows 7 and 8, along with Android and Mac OS X, will be similarly targeted because malware creators are looking for the best return on their investment, just like you are. Windows XP's last gasp Microsoft issues partners Windows XP phase-out marching orders Don't kill my Windows XP! Your perilous future on Windows XP Please, let Windows XP die with dignity Second of all, the end of Windows XP support doesn't mean your computer will explode. But if any new bugs for XP come out after April 2014, you're on your own. According to a report by the Information Systems Security Associations, 38 percent of computers still use Windows XP. Ass
ociation chapter president Stan Stahl claims cybercriminals are saving up Windows XP holes to exploit after it knows Windows won't fix them, leaving you more vulnerable. "Lots of computers are going to get hit with viruses in those months after," said Jeff Bolden, managing partner of data conversation and system integration provider Blue Lotus SIDC. Fujitsu North America's senior director of end-user services Nicholas Lee agrees, saying that eventually, Windows XP will be "infected or otherwise impacted, and the cost to [fix] issues will be far more costly and detrimental". Threats communications manger at Trend Micro Christopher Budd went further. "It really is best for people to be off of Windows XP by April 2014," he said. "Even if it means you turn off your computer and don't use another until you get a new one." Still, some users might have old peripherals or software they can't upgrade and can't do without because of a discontinued product line or a long-gone developer. The best approach is to use your XP system as a stand-alone base of operations for that process and nothing else. Unplug it from the internet and lock it down so it stays that way. Move data on or off it using an external disk or CD, and start looking seriously for another workflow to replace the tool you think you can't do without. The systems gulf Getting used to a new system is a cost just as much as buying it, according to technical director of IT provider Akita Adrian Case. "If you're going to migrate to Windows 7, there'll be a shallow learning curve, but if you adopt Windows 8, that curve is steeper while you grapple with the new user interface," he said. Application compatibility is another big deal. You'll have fewer issues moving from XP to Windows 7 than if you went from XP to Windows 8. Windows XP applications worked in Windows 7 thanks to compatibility technology, but moving to Windows 8 will mean more time testing. It's not as big a problem as it seems — the days where UNIX ran databases, Macs did graphics software, and Windows ran office productivity tools are far behind us. Speaking of which, the users of Mac, Linux, and other systems will talk up their relative benefits all day long, but, as Budd explained, the real weak link won't be computer based. "The biggest downside, especially for non-technical people, is that real security is directly related to how familiar you are with what you're using," he said. Plus, other systems come with different costs. Despite being an OSX user himself, Bolden said Apple's faster upgrade cycle and more expensive hardware can be prohibitive. "The kind of person on XP at the end of 2013 will find Apple's much more rapid forced upgrades vastly less pleasant," he said. And while Linux is of course free, the time taken to learn a whole new system and new applications, very few of which are found in the commercial software world, certainly won't be. If you're committed to staying in the Windows world because of software requirements or just sticking with what you know, Windows 7 looks and behaves like Windows XP and it's also cheaper. Again, Microsoft's advice is to go to Windows 8, pointing out that Windows 7 is already four-year-old technology. If your hardware's also that old, you can't take advantage of the latest that computing can offer, and Windows 8 is more closely stitched to the hardware it runs on when it comes to security and performance. But Fujitsu North America's senior director of end-user services, Nicholas Lee, said you shouldn't overlook Windows 7 just yet. "Windows 8 is good, but it's not for everyone," he said. "Enterprises are more stable today and will find more interoperability on Windows 7." Depending on your level of tech expertise, sticking with Windows will reduce the compatibility and re-skilling burden. You certainly won't be left behind moving to Windows 7 rather than Windows 8, so here's our advice. Dip your toe in the water of Windows 8 and use it on non-essential systems for non-essential tasks. Get a feel for it at your own pace, and when Microsoft stops Windows 7 support or you find you really need a Windows 8-only application, you'll be ready. Security Enterprise Software Windows Windows 10 Collaboration Cloud Home / Explore / Essentials / Historic villages / Vallouise-Pelvoux Rocked by the Le Gyr, a tumultuous glacial stream, Vallouise-Pelvoux provides an unrivalled natural setting. Vallouise and Pelvoux recently joined forces to form the village of Vallouise-Pelvoux. Pelvoux, gateway to the high mountains The evocative names of its boundaries (Glacier Blanc, Aiguilles d’Ailefroide), are a delight for
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Ricardo Tormo Track in Valencia, Spain, [more…] 974 Qatar Qatar Airways FIFA World Cup 2022TM Themed Aircraft Qatar's flag carrier airline will present its custom-designed and hand-painted Boeing 2022 on November 777 for the FIFA World Cup 21TM, which will be held in Qatar two years later. of FIFA [more…] Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Receives ACI Pandemic Certificate Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport received the certificate created by the Airports Council International (ACI World) and determining the pandemic measures. Operated by TAV Airports, Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport met the relevant criteria, [more…] A Review from President Çetin Akın in Three Different Points Turgutlu Mayor Ali Cetin, Turkey State Railways (TCDD) 3. İstasyonaltı with Deputy Regional Manager Cüneyt Can, and made observations on the Caravan Road with Albayrak neighborhoods. Chairman Çetin Akın, [more…] 26 Eskisehir The Last Point Reached in the URAYSİM Project was Evaluated Anadolu University Rector Prof. Dr. The last point reached at the National Rail Systems Research and Test Center (URAYSİM) was evaluated during Fuat Erdal's visit to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoğlu. Anadolu University Rector Prof. [more…] Andrological Diseases: What Is Andrology? Andrology is a science that deals with male reproductive system diseases as well as sexual dysfunctions in men and women. The main area of ​​interest of this branch of science is reproductive and sexual health. It [more…] Eskişehir, Attention! HEPP Code Eskart Matching Process Extended to 5 December Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality extended the HES Code Period in Public Transport, which was previously announced as November 20 as a result of the increasing number of cases, to December 5 in order to avoid unjust treatment. In order to benefit from public transport, [more…] Child Rights Stop Raises Awareness Within the scope of the World Children's Rights Day, the Children's Rights Station was established by the order of President Ekrem Yüce. At the stop, which is located on July 15 Democracy Square and aims to raise awareness about children's rights, 'Not With Screen [more…] Issues Regarding Supporting Agriculture-Based Investments Are Determined Details of the grant support to be given for the processing of agricultural products, the construction of new facilities, the completion of partially made investments, the capacity increase of existing facilities, and the technology renewal or modernization were determined. Agriculture and Forestry [more…] Another Shopping Mall Library from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will bring Turkey's 4th shopping center library together with its readers. Akyaka Park Shopping Center Library, which will be opened by the Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, will be put into service in Istanbul Umraniye. Nata in Ankara [more…] Turkey's first domestic Spectrum and the National Water Meter Improved Bahçeşehir University (BAU) and Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc. (STM), the water spectrum measurement device used in the underwater analysis of submarines and research vessels was developed by domestic and [more…] Electro-Optical and Communication Systems Export of 39 Million Dollars from ASELSAN ASELSAN signed a contract with an international customer for the export of Electro-Optics and Communication Systems, with an approximate value of 19 million dollars in the notification made by ASELSAN to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) on 2020 November 39 [more…] Çukurova Regional Airport Superstructure Tender Concluded Çukurova Regional Airport's lowest bid in the superstructure tender at the end of 147 rounds is 297 million 100 thousand Euros plus VAT, a joint venture of Favori İşletmecilik AŞ / YAKO Tekstil Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret AŞ. [more…] What is Cataract? Cataract Causes, Symptoms and Treatment The eye is the sensory organ most rapidly affected by the aging process. The sense of sight can be affected by age, as well as by some physical and natural changes. As a result of these, the so-called pupil and light on the retina [more…] 59 Tekirdag Latest Expert Report Reached to Court in Corlu Train Massacre Case Uzunköprü-Halkalı On 08.07.2018, in Tekirdağ province Çorlu District Balabanlı Village Sarılar district, 25 passengers lost their lives and 328 passengers were injured as a result of the
lan remained an unrepentant asshole from the start of the series to the end, even as he had a kid and formed semi-friendly relationships with his boss and co-workers. But he was also a Harlan boy, and after dancing around the meaning of that for five years, Justified’s final season completed the story it had been telling around the edges all along, about the angry kid who chose to insult his criminal jerk of a dad by putting on a badge, and about his two old friends—Boyd and Ava Crowder—who tried to make a stable-but-shady life for themselves in their crooked hometown, even as they were hounded by gangs and cops. As befits an Elmore Leonard adaptation, Justified ended with a few unexpected but satisfying twists; what mattered more was that showrunner Graham Yost honored what the characters had lived through, and gave his magnificent stars Timothy Olyphant, Walton Goggins, and Joelle Carter one last chance to deliver some of the most flavorful dialogue on television. [Noel Murray] Notable episodes: “Fate’s Right Hand,” “The Hunt,” “The Promise” 19. Marvel’s Jessica Jones (Netflix) Krysten Ritter is an incredibly versatile actor, compelling in her short but memorable turn on Breaking Bad and then fiercely hilarious on the short-lived Don’t Trust The B—— In Apartment 23. And with Jessica Jones, she does her best work to date as the whiskey-slinging private investigator. Jessica has moments of intense strength (literally) and moments of intense vulnerability, and Ritter nails it all. And David Tennant is equally successful as the depraved Kilgrave. Despite his superpowers, he seems so real—his actions and words mirror the way abusers treat and speak to their victims in real life. (Kilgrave isn’t just a supervillain. He’s an abusive ex.) His evil masterplan isn’t some spectacular goal like taking over the world or destroying a government. He just goes through his life taking whatever he wants and raping and manipulating young women, and as a result, Kilgrave became the most terrifying supervillain Marvel has ever tackled. Jessica Jones works brilliantly with this part of the story, and the whole season explores abuser dynamics beyond just Kilgrave, making for very dark but very smart television that digs much deeper than a “hero versus villain” tale. Mike Colter and Rachael Taylor round out the cast with compelling performances, and Taylor’s Trish Walker becomes a breakout character—more than just a mere sidekick. [Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya] Notable episodes: “AKA The Sandwich Saved Me,” “AKA Sin Bin,” “AKA 1,000 Cuts” 18. Master Of None (Netflix) Aziz Ansari’s playful, peculiar comic sensibility doesn’t seem to lend itself to a sitcom created in Ansari’s image, at least not as seamlessly as Louis CK’s acidic worldview ported to the show that lends Master Of None its basic template. But in expanding Ansari’s voice to sitcom-size, Master fleshes out the idea of who he is as a comedian and as a person, and he couldn’t be further from the swagger-obsessed Tom Haverford on Parks And Recreation. Ansari’s character Dev is an earnest, well-mannered actor in New York City just looking for a cool woman and the perfect plate of pasta, but Ansari elevates the low-concept log line by infusing the show with his singular perspective. “Parents,” which co-stars Ansari’s real-life mother and father as Dev’s family, flashes back to their immigration from India in one of the year’s most touching and unexpected episodes, while “Indians On TV” is a rare dissection of race from someone outside of America’s black-and-white binary. Both episodes feature conversations you’d never hear in any other show, but even when Master takes on broader subjects like the creeping inertia of long-term monogamy, it does so with ambitious structural experiments. The show is also the most cinematic and visually appealing sitcom of 2015, which feels like another outgrowth of Ansari’s point of view. With help from veteran Parks writer Alan Yang, Ansari turned his life into a comedy that shows up fully formed in a way sitcoms never do. To watch it is to see Ansari evolve from a casual acquaintance to a friend you wish you’d gotten to know sooner. [Joshua Alston] Notable episodes: “Parents,” “Indians On TV,” “Mornings” 17. Rectify (
lan remained an unrepentant asshole from the start of the series to the end, even as he had a kid and formed semi-friendly relationships with his boss and co-workers. But he was also a Harlan boy, and after dancing around the meaning of that for five years, Justified’s final season completed the story it had been telling around the edges all along, about the angry kid who chose to insult his criminal jerk of a dad by putting on a badge, and about his two old friends—Boyd and Ava Crowder—who tried to make a stable-but-shady life for themselves in their crooked hometown, even as they were hounded by gangs and cops. As befits an Elmore Leonard adaptation, Justified ended with a few unexpected but satisfying twists; what mattered more was that showrunner Graham Yost honored what the characters had lived through, and gave his magnificent stars Timothy Olyphant, Walton Goggins, and Joelle Carter one last chance to deliver some of the most flavorful dialogue on television. [Noel Murray] Notable episodes: “Fate’s Right Hand,” “The Hunt,” “The Promise” 19. Marvel’s Jessica Jones (Netflix) Krysten Ritter is an incredibly versatile actor, compelling in her short but memorable turn on Breaking Bad and then fiercely hilarious on the short-lived Don’t Trust The B—— In Apartment 23. And with Jessica Jones, she does her best work to date as the whiskey-slinging private investigator. Jessica has moments of intense strength (literally) and moments of intense vulnerability, and Ritter nails it all. And David Tennant is equally successful as the depraved Kilgrave. Despite his superpowers, he seems so real—his actions and words mirror the way abusers treat and speak to their victims in real life. (Kilgrave isn’t just a supervillain. He’s an abusive ex.) His evil masterplan isn’t some spectacular goal like taking over the world or destroying a government. He just goes through his life taking whatever he wants and raping and manipulating young women, and as a result, Kilgrave became the most terrifying supervillain Marvel has ever tackled. Jessica Jones works brilliantly with this part of the story, and the whole season explores abuser dynamics beyond just Kilgrave, making for very dark but very smart television that digs much deeper than a “hero versus villain” tale. Mike Colter and Rachael Taylor round out the cast with compelling performances, and Taylor’s Trish Walker becomes a breakout character—more than just a mere sidekick. [Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya] Notable episodes: “AKA The Sandwich Saved Me,” “AKA Sin Bin,” “AKA 1,000 Cuts” 18. Master Of None (Netflix) Aziz Ansari’s playful, peculiar comic sensibility doesn’t seem to lend itself to a sitcom created in Ansari’s image, at least not as seamlessly as Louis CK’s acidic worldview ported to the show that lends Master Of None its basic template. But in expanding Ansari’s voice to sitcom-size, Master fleshes out the idea of who he is as a comedian and as a person, and he couldn’t be further from the swagger-obsessed Tom Haverford on Parks And Recreation. Ansari’s character Dev is an earnest, well-mannered actor in New York City just looking for a cool woman and the perfect plate of pasta, but Ansari elevates the low-concept log line by infusing the show with his singular perspective. “Parents,” which co-stars Ansari’s real-life mother and father as Dev’s family, flashes back to their immigration from India in one of the year’s most touching and unexpected episodes, while “Indians On TV” is a rare dissection of race from someone outside of America’s black-and-white binary. Both episodes feature conversations you’d never hear in any other show, but even when Master takes on broader subjects like the creeping inertia of long-term monogamy, it does so with ambitious structural experiments. The show is also the most cinematic and visually appealing sitcom of 2015, which feels like another outgrowth of Ansari’s point of view. With help from veteran Parks writer Alan Yang, Ansari turned his life into a comedy that shows up fully formed in a way sitcoms never do. To watch it is to see Ansari evolve from a casual acquaintance to a friend you wish you’d gotten to know sooner. [Joshua Alston] Notable episodes: “Parents,” “Indians On TV,” “Mornings” 17. Rectify (
Sundance) The most meditative of crime dramas, Rectify, in its remarkable third season, manages to advance its mystery plot without sacrificing the minutely observed, resolutely human story that’s made this Sundance series one of the best shows on television. “The Future,” season three’s penultimate episode, sees J.D. Evermore’s conflicted but dogged Sheriff Carl Daggett make his boldest moves yet in getting to the bottom of the crime that sent series protagonist Daniel Holden (Aden Young) to death row; meanwhile, J. Smith-Cameron’s luminously devoted mother Janet finally makes plain the depth of faith she has in her tortured son. Young’s Daniel himself faces exile from sister Amantha’s (Abigail Spencer) apartment—and his hometown—with the same inscrutably wry stillness that’s made him Rectify’s riveting, enigmatic center throughout. In the final scene, Daniel and the people who’ve stuck by him through his incarceration and tumultuous release gather around the apartment-complex pool Daniel’s scrupulously been repainting on the final night before his banishment, drinking beer and embracing a last, stolen moment of improbable serenity before the world sweeps them back up in its implacable current. Such are the moments upon which Rectify is built. The season concludes with a rapturously warm and heartbreaking road trip for Janet and Daniel, but their poolside exchange in “The Future” is just as moving in its simplicity: “I wouldn’t mind seeing the ocean again, Mother.” “Why not.” [Dennis Perkins] Notable episodes: “Thrill Ride,” “Girl Jesus,” “The Source” 16. Jane The Virgin (The CW) Last season, Jane The Virgin emerged as one of the best new shows of the season (it came in at No. 17 last year on our 2014 list), with a fresh voice and a cast so affable it’s hard to pick a favorite (just kidding, it’s Jaime Camil’s Rogelio). But just like the telenovelas Jane The Virgin so expertly parodies, the plot could get increasingly complicated as the show moved on from its already high concept of a goody-two-shoes virgin (the divine Gina Rodriguez, who snagged a Golden Globe award for the role) who’s artificially inseminated by her rich former crush’s lovesick sister. So there was some trepidation after the excellent first season, especially with the addition of Jane and Rafael’s (Justin Baldoni) baby Mateo. But the second season has been just as strong as the first, expertly pulling in the cast of characters that exist within Jane’s orbit. Petra’s (Yael Grobglas) pregnancy scheme, for example, could have been a ridiculous swerve if it didn’t make sure that Petra stayed in Jane’s life for a reason that benefited the plot. Tonally, Jane The Virgin’s second season is also as sweet and funny as the first, possibly more so now that the impossibly cute Mateo is a living, breathing baby, and not just a specter that haunts Jane and all of her relationships. But none of this would work without Rodriguez, who remains an endearing center to the show, but is able to take on the news layers and complexities that come along with her new role as mom. [Molly Eichel] Notable episodes: “Chapter Twenty-Three,” “Chapter Twenty-Five,” “Chapter Twenty-Eight” 15. Rick And Morty (Adult Swim) At its best, science fiction uses the unlimited power of imagination to explore humanity’s strengths and weaknesses, constructing drama from the gap between who we are and who we can be. But the acerbic, hilarious Rick And Morty uses high-concept sci-fi rigmarole to explore the inherent chaos of humanity, and how trying to construct order within it is a fool’s errand. This season, creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon took the misadventures of our favorite alcoholic scientist and his nebbishy grandson (both played by Roiland) to new heights—the literal fracturing of time, battles with memory-manipulating parasites, exploits in universes within car batteries—but what remains constant is how traditional, Earth-bound ethics have no place in the infinite universe. While Rick operates on the assumption that the absurdity of the universe demands a callous, hedonistic approach to everything, Morty tries desperately to do “the right thing,” but the casual horrors of life with his grandfather force him to question everything he holds dear. This extends to Morty’s family
demons here, only real people dealing with real situations while trying to keep their values intact and their feet on the ground, and finally succeeding. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Pilgrims, by John Bunyan (1628-1688). John Bunyan’s most notable work, Pilgrim’s Progress, is the story of the Traveler who faces and fights the many challenges and obstacles along his path to the Celestial City. The celestial city here, of course, is heaven, and one of his greatest obstacles, the Slough of Despond, which Bunyan considers full of scum and filth, it temptation. “This miry slough is such it place as cannot be mended. It is the descent where the scum and filth that attend conviction of sin continually run, and therefore it is called the Slough of Despond” (Bunyan 32). In addition to Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan also wrote another allegorical novel called The Holy War, a story about the people of the city of Mansoul. The city, taken over by Diabolus (Satan), is rescued in an eternal victory by a man named Emmanuel (Christ). Other significant works by Bunyan that lean toward the religious include The Holy City and A Few Sighs From Hell. Both books expound on the marvels of heaven and the horrors of hell. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis (1898 – 1963). Hailed for his out-of-the-closet imagination for his Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis, an agnostic, wrote the essay Mere Christianity with to objective of proving that religion was a farce. He believed that though this book he could prove that Christianity was based on fiction. However, as he set out to write the book, he eventually and completely changed his mind about Christianity, deciding that Christianity was based sensibly on facts. The books following Mere Christianity contained some kind of religious reference. The Screwtape Letters, an epistolary novel, is a the correspondence between an older demon, Screwtape, and his nephew, a less-experienced demon, Wormwood . Paradise Lost, by John Milton (1608 – 1674). Milton was expected to produce allegorical literary works considering his background as a biblical scholar who knew the Bible from cover to cover, not only in English but also in two other languages, Greek and Hebrew. Writing Paradise Lost in poem form, he investigates the reasons behind the temptation of Eve and man’s fall from grace, blaming the pagan gods, appearing as demons before Adam and Eve, and driving them to side with the serpent, not knowing that it was Satan. Milton’s poem also explores God’s promise of eternal life for mankind, and why and how His human creations failed him in the most crucial moment in Genesis. In the sequel, Paradise Regained, Milton narrates Jesus’ temptation in the desert as originally told in the Gospels. He makes comparisons and contrasts between Christ and ordinary mortals, particularly Adam and Eve, taking off from the subject of fighting off temptation. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe (1659-1731). Religion is the major theme in the pivotal points in the plot of Robinson Crusoe. The novel opens with Crusoe leaving home against his family’s wishes, signifying abandonment of his father, a very ancient and wise man who provides guidance. Crusoe places reference to this going away without his father’s blessings as a “breach of my duty to my God and my father” (Defoe 9). Through his journey, Crusoe is shipwrecked in an “island of despair” where he has spiritual visions, urging him to repent. Later, when an English ship docks on the island and Crusoe rescues the captain against his subversive crew, Defoe implies that Crusoe’s shipwreck on the same island was a Provident decision to serve the purpose of rescuing the captain. Some of the most famous novelists, playwrights, poets and essayists reached deep into their faiths and spiritual leaning to come up with a solid foundation for their characters and subjects of their plots. The result were some of their best works. Incorporating angels, ghosts and demons, good and evil, God and Satan, with what they knew and believed in, they were able to communicate to the world the importance of religion in one’s life. British literature during the 16th to 18th century thrived on these allegorical works, a sign that during times of great confusion, people turn to religion. Religion, in turn, influenced and inspired people’s works, particularly literature. This influence has guided the readers of these particular works throughout the centuries. “Authorized King James Version.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 6 Dec 2008. <http://en.wikipedia.org/
demons here, only real people dealing with real situations while trying to keep their values intact and their feet on the ground, and finally succeeding. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Pilgrims, by John Bunyan (1628-1688). John Bunyan’s most notable work, Pilgrim’s Progress, is the story of the Traveler who faces and fights the many challenges and obstacles along his path to the Celestial City. The celestial city here, of course, is heaven, and one of his greatest obstacles, the Slough of Despond, which Bunyan considers full of scum and filth, it temptation. “This miry slough is such it place as cannot be mended. It is the descent where the scum and filth that attend conviction of sin continually run, and therefore it is called the Slough of Despond” (Bunyan 32). In addition to Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan also wrote another allegorical novel called The Holy War, a story about the people of the city of Mansoul. The city, taken over by Diabolus (Satan), is rescued in an eternal victory by a man named Emmanuel (Christ). Other significant works by Bunyan that lean toward the religious include The Holy City and A Few Sighs From Hell. Both books expound on the marvels of heaven and the horrors of hell. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis (1898 – 1963). Hailed for his out-of-the-closet imagination for his Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis, an agnostic, wrote the essay Mere Christianity with to objective of proving that religion was a farce. He believed that though this book he could prove that Christianity was based on fiction. However, as he set out to write the book, he eventually and completely changed his mind about Christianity, deciding that Christianity was based sensibly on facts. The books following Mere Christianity contained some kind of religious reference. The Screwtape Letters, an epistolary novel, is a the correspondence between an older demon, Screwtape, and his nephew, a less-experienced demon, Wormwood . Paradise Lost, by John Milton (1608 – 1674). Milton was expected to produce allegorical literary works considering his background as a biblical scholar who knew the Bible from cover to cover, not only in English but also in two other languages, Greek and Hebrew. Writing Paradise Lost in poem form, he investigates the reasons behind the temptation of Eve and man’s fall from grace, blaming the pagan gods, appearing as demons before Adam and Eve, and driving them to side with the serpent, not knowing that it was Satan. Milton’s poem also explores God’s promise of eternal life for mankind, and why and how His human creations failed him in the most crucial moment in Genesis. In the sequel, Paradise Regained, Milton narrates Jesus’ temptation in the desert as originally told in the Gospels. He makes comparisons and contrasts between Christ and ordinary mortals, particularly Adam and Eve, taking off from the subject of fighting off temptation. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe (1659-1731). Religion is the major theme in the pivotal points in the plot of Robinson Crusoe. The novel opens with Crusoe leaving home against his family’s wishes, signifying abandonment of his father, a very ancient and wise man who provides guidance. Crusoe places reference to this going away without his father’s blessings as a “breach of my duty to my God and my father” (Defoe 9). Through his journey, Crusoe is shipwrecked in an “island of despair” where he has spiritual visions, urging him to repent. Later, when an English ship docks on the island and Crusoe rescues the captain against his subversive crew, Defoe implies that Crusoe’s shipwreck on the same island was a Provident decision to serve the purpose of rescuing the captain. Some of the most famous novelists, playwrights, poets and essayists reached deep into their faiths and spiritual leaning to come up with a solid foundation for their characters and subjects of their plots. The result were some of their best works. Incorporating angels, ghosts and demons, good and evil, God and Satan, with what they knew and believed in, they were able to communicate to the world the importance of religion in one’s life. British literature during the 16th to 18th century thrived on these allegorical works, a sign that during times of great confusion, people turn to religion. Religion, in turn, influenced and inspired people’s works, particularly literature. This influence has guided the readers of these particular works throughout the centuries. “Authorized King James Version.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 6 Dec 2008. <http://en.wikipedia.org/
w/index.php?title=Authorized_King_James_Version&oldid=256262869> Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Massachusetts: Paraclete Press, 1992. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. New York: Penguin Classics, 2003. Jani, Raien. “Dr. Faustus – Christopher Marlowe.” Associated Content. 31 Mar 2008. 6 Dec 2008. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/686413 Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. New York: HarperOne, 2001. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. Trans. and ed. Robert M. Adams. 2d ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1992. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Cyrus Hoy. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1992. —. Henry IV, Part I. Ed. James L. Sanderson. 2d ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1969. James Paul Gee’s Introduction to Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation The Influence of Religion in British Literature. (2017, Feb 17). Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/the-influence-of-religion-in-british-literature/ the pardoner's tale Poetry Analysis Fast Food Nation The Influence and Role of Religion In Hopi Society Religion Should Not Influence Government Is religion a positive influence in our world What Is Literature and Why Study Literature High Victorian Literature and Late Victorian Literature Colonisation: American and British perspectives Ethical Report of British Petroleum Plc (BP) British Sense of Humour Being British used to be so easy Each program at Scarborough East Tennis Club is hosted by one of our experienced pros. If you would like more information about any of our programs, please contact us to learn more. Men's Program 3.5-4.0 Drill Session 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m 3.5 Doubles Flight League 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m 4.0 Doubles Flight League 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m 3.5 - 4.0 Singles League 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m 3.5 - 4.0 Team Tennis 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m 4.0 - 4.5 Doubles Flight League 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m 3.5 USTA City League 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m Summer GCTA City League - All Levels 3.5 - 4.0 Drill Session 7:00p - 8:30p 3.5 Doubles Flight League 8:00p - 10:00p 4.0 Doubles Flight League 7:00p - 9:00p 3.5 - 4.0 Singles League 9:00p - 10:00p 3.5 - 4.0 Team Tennis 10:00a - 12:00p 4.0 - 4.5 Doubles Flight League 12:00p - 2:00p 3.5 USTA City League 6:00p - 10:00p Women's Program 3.0 USTA 40+ League 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m 6.5 USTA Combo League 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m 4.0 – 4.5 Doubles Flight League 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m 3.5 Doubles Flight League 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m 3.5 – 4.0 Singles League 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m 3.5 – 4.0 Team Tennis League 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m 3.0 USTA City League 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 USTA / City League 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m 3.0 USTA 40+ League 11:00a - 1:00p 6.5 USTA Combo League 11:00a - 1:00p 4.0 – 4.5 Doubles Flight League 6:00
-old fighter. “I was living in Los Angeles when the sport was created and I had no more money.explains the Welshman who speaks perfect French. I slept in my car and made a living playing chess in the parks and gambling on games. I was forced to shower at the local boxing club. So when I find out about the existence of this sport, I have the impression that it is the good God who has done everything for me to be the prophet of it.smiles Carl Strugnell, introduced as a legend of his sport. “I’m a demigod in the field! I put all my ego into this sport so that in the rest of my life I will be a good guy.» Paul Duchar vs. Kévin Guedj in 2019. FFC Four fights and two titles in the game This Saturday, Carl Strugnell, who now lives in Serbia with his partner, will fight for Wales, because “the flag has a mouth“. Four fights are scheduled at Cabaret Sauvage. During this evening two titles will be awarded. A French champion title in -80 kg, followed by a world champion coronation in -85 kg. “We want to get boxing and chess out of their clichés. Let’s put on an amazing show promises Guillaume Salançon. We want a hyper-calibrated American-style show. This IFC is very important, if we want to develop it further.On the programme: sports of course, but also music and dance, assures the French leader. For his part, Carl Strugnell, who does not make the world title an obsession, has adapted his preparation for this fight against the 26-year-old Frenchman, Jules-Alois Julien. “For this fight I abused caffeine and energy drinks during my preparationThe 41-year-old Welshman blows. I smoked several cigarettes and went out to play chess under stress. He was at the edge of the limits. For boxing, instead, I did a classic training.“A night that should bring many others, even if the leaders dream big. goal olympics This second IFC should bring others and allow the sport to develop, to create a league and a ranking of fighters. This sport, still little known in France, already has 15 federations in the world. And it intends to develop at high speed. Chessboxing, which could soon hit the small screen, first wants “become part of the sports landscape, become an established sport, with a real league and a real audienceexplains Guillaume Salançon. However, the one who has been president of the federation for three years dreams big. “Our goal is to go to the Olympics. We want to be an Olympic sport.If it’s too late for 2024, 2032 is on your mind. SEE ALSO – Boxing: Cuba returns to the professional ring after 60 years of absence #Chessboxing #original #discipline #body #mind DEI Roundtable: 4 Top Takeaways Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Leadership, The Association Last Thursday, animal services and TNR leaders who are guiding their cities through difficult climates sat down to share challenges and insights. The Roundtable on Community Relations During a Time of Unrest specially focused on the needs and experiences of BIPOC officers and staff. If you weren’t able to join us, we hope these takeaways will be food for thought that entices you to listen to the entire conversation. And if you did join us last week, please share the recording with your team or watch it together in a staff meeting. More Than Just an Animal Issue Having ACOs that represent—racially, culturally—the community they serve is important. “But it’s not enough,” says Jorge Ortega, Director, Guilford County Animal Services. “In the past we’d look at things as just an animal issue, in terms of ordinances we have to follow. We’re beginning to understand it as a community issue, and a two-way conversation. Now our officers are having real conversations—’What’s going on? Talk to me?’ It’s helped our officers to be seen as more human.” What About ACOs Wearing Plain Clothes? This is a question that many animal services teams are asking. Could it help to lessen barriers that people may have with law enforcement? “If you look militarized, you will get a certain reaction from people,” says Ed Jamison, Director, Dallas Animal Services. “We found we needed to soften, look more approachable,” he says. “Officers can wear polo shirts, and T-shirts are an option as well.” If you are making
-old fighter. “I was living in Los Angeles when the sport was created and I had no more money.explains the Welshman who speaks perfect French. I slept in my car and made a living playing chess in the parks and gambling on games. I was forced to shower at the local boxing club. So when I find out about the existence of this sport, I have the impression that it is the good God who has done everything for me to be the prophet of it.smiles Carl Strugnell, introduced as a legend of his sport. “I’m a demigod in the field! I put all my ego into this sport so that in the rest of my life I will be a good guy.» Paul Duchar vs. Kévin Guedj in 2019. FFC Four fights and two titles in the game This Saturday, Carl Strugnell, who now lives in Serbia with his partner, will fight for Wales, because “the flag has a mouth“. Four fights are scheduled at Cabaret Sauvage. During this evening two titles will be awarded. A French champion title in -80 kg, followed by a world champion coronation in -85 kg. “We want to get boxing and chess out of their clichés. Let’s put on an amazing show promises Guillaume Salançon. We want a hyper-calibrated American-style show. This IFC is very important, if we want to develop it further.On the programme: sports of course, but also music and dance, assures the French leader. For his part, Carl Strugnell, who does not make the world title an obsession, has adapted his preparation for this fight against the 26-year-old Frenchman, Jules-Alois Julien. “For this fight I abused caffeine and energy drinks during my preparationThe 41-year-old Welshman blows. I smoked several cigarettes and went out to play chess under stress. He was at the edge of the limits. For boxing, instead, I did a classic training.“A night that should bring many others, even if the leaders dream big. goal olympics This second IFC should bring others and allow the sport to develop, to create a league and a ranking of fighters. This sport, still little known in France, already has 15 federations in the world. And it intends to develop at high speed. Chessboxing, which could soon hit the small screen, first wants “become part of the sports landscape, become an established sport, with a real league and a real audienceexplains Guillaume Salançon. However, the one who has been president of the federation for three years dreams big. “Our goal is to go to the Olympics. We want to be an Olympic sport.If it’s too late for 2024, 2032 is on your mind. SEE ALSO – Boxing: Cuba returns to the professional ring after 60 years of absence #Chessboxing #original #discipline #body #mind DEI Roundtable: 4 Top Takeaways Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Leadership, The Association Last Thursday, animal services and TNR leaders who are guiding their cities through difficult climates sat down to share challenges and insights. The Roundtable on Community Relations During a Time of Unrest specially focused on the needs and experiences of BIPOC officers and staff. If you weren’t able to join us, we hope these takeaways will be food for thought that entices you to listen to the entire conversation. And if you did join us last week, please share the recording with your team or watch it together in a staff meeting. More Than Just an Animal Issue Having ACOs that represent—racially, culturally—the community they serve is important. “But it’s not enough,” says Jorge Ortega, Director, Guilford County Animal Services. “In the past we’d look at things as just an animal issue, in terms of ordinances we have to follow. We’re beginning to understand it as a community issue, and a two-way conversation. Now our officers are having real conversations—’What’s going on? Talk to me?’ It’s helped our officers to be seen as more human.” What About ACOs Wearing Plain Clothes? This is a question that many animal services teams are asking. Could it help to lessen barriers that people may have with law enforcement? “If you look militarized, you will get a certain reaction from people,” says Ed Jamison, Director, Dallas Animal Services. “We found we needed to soften, look more approachable,” he says. “Officers can wear polo shirts, and T-shirts are an option as well.” If you are making
a switch or revisiting uniforms, however, it’s also important for leadership to acknowledge, as Allison Cardona, Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, points out, the level of professionalism, hard work and achievement that the uniform might represent to the officer wearing it. “ACOs have been professionalized.” And for a member of a group that has historically not had access to education and opportunities for advancement, “There can be a sense of pride that comes with wearing a uniform,” she says. The Power (Or Not) of Words The legalese and language of ordinances and citations can be off-putting and marginalizing to people, especially if they don’t know what the terms mean. Sterling Davis, of Atlanta’s TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions, shares a conversation he had with a member of his community who told him, “’I’m getting a citation for tethering, and I don’t even know what tethering is!’” The animal welfare field, like any field, has its own jargon and acronyms. Don’t take for granted that everyone understands them. Sterling recalls community members coming up and asking: “TNR? Is that a dance or a drug?’” What Can You Do to Be More Approachable? All of the participants in the Roundtable stressed an important shift to being more approachable and respectful in this challenging climate. Jamison says his officers have started doing something very simple but extremely powerful—waving at community members when they drive by in their vehicles. It’s inviting, friendly, and positions them in a positive light. Similarly, Sterling describes rolling into the community in his TNR van (“It’s blue and has cats and paws all over it!”) as if “the ice cream truck or a rockstar has come to the neighborhood.” He takes care that he and his volunteers are as welcoming as possible, even down to their bumper stickers. “If you have a religious or political sticker on your vehicle, even that can divide people,” he shares. And perhaps the most important skill of all: “It’s just really important to listen to people,” says Cardona, “and understand all the complexities of what they’re going through.” REGISTER & LISTEN TO THE ROUNDTABLE HERE Photo, clockwise, from top: Jorge Ortega; Sterling Davis; Allison Cardona; Ed Jamison More DEI Resources Blog: DEI: 4 Quick Tips to Get Your Org Started Blog: Are You Expecting Your BIPOC Employees To Educate You? Blog: If Your Adoption Policies Put Up Barriers, You’re Part of the Problem 'DEI Roundtable: 4 Top Takeaways' has no comments Ep 1364 Ep 1364 | 6.29.21 A look at the cybercriminal underground, its commodity tools, its rising gangs, how it recruits talent and affiliates, and even how it raises investments. Dave Bittner: Legitimate tools are abused as commodity initial access payloads. Hades ransomware is circulating in some new sectors. Criminal markets are sharing more features with legitimate markets, including advertising, recruiting and even funding rounds. Cybercrime uses cryptocurrency, but the key to success may be location more than technology. Ben Yelin describes insurance companies collaborating on cyber breach data collection. Our guest is Michael Osborn from Moody's on a recent rash of cyberattacks hitting higher education. And Denmark’s central bank is reported to have been a victim of the SolarWinds compromise. Dave Bittner: From the CyberWire studios at DataTribe, I’m Dave Bittner with your CyberWire summary for Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Dave Bittner: Proofpoint has concluded that Cobalt Strike, the well-known legitimate penetration-testing tool, is becoming increasingly popular as an initial access payload deployed by threat actors. It's become a commodity tool, more often used by cybercriminals than by state-run advanced persistent threats. Criminal activity using Cobalt Strike peaked in 2019 and 2020 and has fallen off somewhat since, but it remains a problem. Dave Bittner: Crediting research by Accenture, CyberScoop reports that the Hades ransomware gang is coming into sharper focus. It's recently been targeting consumer goods and services, insurance and manufacturing and distribution industry sectors. It's also added Phoenix Cryptolocker to its arsenal. Unlike other ransomware groups, Hades does not appear to use an affiliate network. Attribution remains murky, with various researchers calling it a new group and others linking Hades to either Russian or Chinese threat actors. Dave Bittner: Criminal markets continue to develop similarities with legitimate markets. LIFARS has shared a new wrinkle in this trend with Fast
We worked quickly to remove it this morning and are taking additional steps to ensure this never happens again." Online shoppers were shocked to find a ring featuring a swastika design listed for sale on Sears' website in October. After consumers unleashed criticism via Twitter, and media outlets like Haaretz and Kveller publicized the gaffe, Sears pulled down the ad and expressed regret about its placement on the site. "This item is a 3rd party Sears Marketplace product that does not abide with our guidelines and has been removed," the company responded via Twitter. Ordinary People by Diana Evans In a way I felt a special connection with this novel centred around a location so familiar to me. Diana Evans’ “Ordinary People” is set roughly a decade ago – spanning between the year of Obama’s election to the year of Michael Jackson’s death - in an area of south London very close to where I live. So I could instantly visualize the landmarks, parks and even the bus routes she references. Her characters eat in some restaurants I’ve eaten in and even if a restaurant wasn’t named I still knew which one she meant based on her description of the tables. That’s how close to home it was for me! The novel is truly saturated with details about London life because it recounts with great specificity tube journeys, walks and daily life in the capital amidst the stories of two couples whose relationships are in a state of flux. Both couples have children. Each of them finds the ordinariness of daily existence is gradually draining away their sense of individuality and their ability to dream of any other way of life. In this context it makes sense that Evans loads her novel with such a density of detail because it allows the reader to fully visualize and feel the texture of their lives weighing upon them. A working father named Damian has a panic attack amidst his stultifying routine of getting a sandwich on his lunch break. A freelance journalist and mother named Melissa feels like she’s suffocating staying in her house day after day. And all Evans’ vividly specific descriptions enhance the sense of their reality but it also runs the risk of boring readers by drowning them in the mundane. Part of me loved how London life was being evoked and memorialised in this way. But I also felt impatient at times because there’s very little plot in this novel other than tracing the small moments of daily life where characters grow increasingly detached from their roles as parents and spouses. Even though I felt a small thrill at recognizing so many locations and aspects of London life, there was no urgency in the narrative. Evans’ writing is so elegant in its wry commentary on her very convincing characters’ situations. She can frame the oppressive nature of a deteriorating relationship in a short simple line: “They lived in two different houses in one small house.” Or she can mordantly describe the sinking feeling an adult can feel listening to her mother chat endlessly about banal things: “The more they talked, the more the world receded, they were sinking, the dungeon was going down deeper, and deeper.” All these succinct observations made the novel a pleasure to read, but every time I put the book down I didn’t feel a pressing need to return to it. Another difficulty I had with the novel was how it makes it seem like long term relationships are completely incompatible with having children. There’s no question that the difficulty and stress of raising children can put a strain on a couple’s enduring affection for each other. There’s an achingly sad scene in the book where a couple try to recapture a sense of romance by going on a date which becomes horrifically awkward. But I feel there must also be many moments of pleasure to be had in being both a spouse and parent. I don’t have an issue with how Evans’ specific characters might find this duality untenable, but there are no examples of an alternative point of view. This could have been shown in the lives of peripheral characters to give a hint of a different opinion. Evans even blatantly states at one point that “relationships and children simply don’t belong in the same place.” I feel like this perspective is too narrow as I’m sure many people have found fulfilment and an enhanced sense of identity in maintaining both aspects of their life simultaneously. There’s a lot to admire in this novel and I appreciated what Evans was doing. No doubt many people will be able to relate to the melancholy way its characters muse upon how daily life can become oppressive: “Sometimes, in the lives of ordinary people, there is a great halt, a revelation, a moment of change. It occurs under low mental skies, never when one is happy.” It’s interesting how her characters project their emotions onto their social and physical environment making life feel absurd and trivial. I just wish she had also captured some more of the beauty and
We worked quickly to remove it this morning and are taking additional steps to ensure this never happens again." Online shoppers were shocked to find a ring featuring a swastika design listed for sale on Sears' website in October. After consumers unleashed criticism via Twitter, and media outlets like Haaretz and Kveller publicized the gaffe, Sears pulled down the ad and expressed regret about its placement on the site. "This item is a 3rd party Sears Marketplace product that does not abide with our guidelines and has been removed," the company responded via Twitter. Ordinary People by Diana Evans In a way I felt a special connection with this novel centred around a location so familiar to me. Diana Evans’ “Ordinary People” is set roughly a decade ago – spanning between the year of Obama’s election to the year of Michael Jackson’s death - in an area of south London very close to where I live. So I could instantly visualize the landmarks, parks and even the bus routes she references. Her characters eat in some restaurants I’ve eaten in and even if a restaurant wasn’t named I still knew which one she meant based on her description of the tables. That’s how close to home it was for me! The novel is truly saturated with details about London life because it recounts with great specificity tube journeys, walks and daily life in the capital amidst the stories of two couples whose relationships are in a state of flux. Both couples have children. Each of them finds the ordinariness of daily existence is gradually draining away their sense of individuality and their ability to dream of any other way of life. In this context it makes sense that Evans loads her novel with such a density of detail because it allows the reader to fully visualize and feel the texture of their lives weighing upon them. A working father named Damian has a panic attack amidst his stultifying routine of getting a sandwich on his lunch break. A freelance journalist and mother named Melissa feels like she’s suffocating staying in her house day after day. And all Evans’ vividly specific descriptions enhance the sense of their reality but it also runs the risk of boring readers by drowning them in the mundane. Part of me loved how London life was being evoked and memorialised in this way. But I also felt impatient at times because there’s very little plot in this novel other than tracing the small moments of daily life where characters grow increasingly detached from their roles as parents and spouses. Even though I felt a small thrill at recognizing so many locations and aspects of London life, there was no urgency in the narrative. Evans’ writing is so elegant in its wry commentary on her very convincing characters’ situations. She can frame the oppressive nature of a deteriorating relationship in a short simple line: “They lived in two different houses in one small house.” Or she can mordantly describe the sinking feeling an adult can feel listening to her mother chat endlessly about banal things: “The more they talked, the more the world receded, they were sinking, the dungeon was going down deeper, and deeper.” All these succinct observations made the novel a pleasure to read, but every time I put the book down I didn’t feel a pressing need to return to it. Another difficulty I had with the novel was how it makes it seem like long term relationships are completely incompatible with having children. There’s no question that the difficulty and stress of raising children can put a strain on a couple’s enduring affection for each other. There’s an achingly sad scene in the book where a couple try to recapture a sense of romance by going on a date which becomes horrifically awkward. But I feel there must also be many moments of pleasure to be had in being both a spouse and parent. I don’t have an issue with how Evans’ specific characters might find this duality untenable, but there are no examples of an alternative point of view. This could have been shown in the lives of peripheral characters to give a hint of a different opinion. Evans even blatantly states at one point that “relationships and children simply don’t belong in the same place.” I feel like this perspective is too narrow as I’m sure many people have found fulfilment and an enhanced sense of identity in maintaining both aspects of their life simultaneously. There’s a lot to admire in this novel and I appreciated what Evans was doing. No doubt many people will be able to relate to the melancholy way its characters muse upon how daily life can become oppressive: “Sometimes, in the lives of ordinary people, there is a great halt, a revelation, a moment of change. It occurs under low mental skies, never when one is happy.” It’s interesting how her characters project their emotions onto their social and physical environment making life feel absurd and trivial. I just wish she had also captured some more of the beauty and
joy that can be had in what’s steady and familiar. CategoriesDiana Evans TagsOrdinary People, Vintage, London Fiction Freshwater and Estuaries Update Sign up for the Freshwater Update State of the Climate Water & Atmosphere Marine identification guides and fact sheets NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs Instrument Systems Update Co-innovation and Water Management Rainfall in many irrigated regions of NZ is uniformly distributed (in time) and, theoretically, irrigations could be scheduled based around forecast rainfall. However, in the absence of easy access to reliable rainfall forecast information, farmers seldom irrigate based upon forecast, often irrigating right before significant rainfall events, resulting in the loss of water and nutrients from the root-zone, either by drainage and leaching, or via overland flow. With funding from NIWA’s Freshwater and Estuaries Centre and MBIE, in 2012 we launched a pilot study in a river-based irrigation scheme north of Christchurch, investigating the use of short-term (2-15 days) weather forecasts for irrigation. Through the project, we provided a selection of farmers from the Waimakariri Irrigation Scheme (WIS), with measured rainfall, soil moisture, soil temperature, drainage and estimated evaporation, and with 2-, 6- and 15-day forecast rainfall and other weather parameters. The data were sent by email every day, as an easy-to-read graphical plot. Farmers were also provided with a mobile App for easy access to the information and data. Based on current farm (soil) conditions and forecast weather, farmers are able to make an informed decision on irrigation timing as well as nutrient application. Figure 1. Climatic and soils gradients across the Waimakariri Irrigation Scheme. Dairy 1-4 and Crop are the pilot farms used in the study. [Map source: Google] There is a significant climatic (specifically rainfall and evaporation) and soil drainage gradient across the WIS area (see Figure 1). During irrigation seasons, the northwest region (region around Dairy 1 in Figure 1) may receive as much as 130 mm more rainfall than the southeast (region around Dairy 4). These gradients influence the irrigation demand and management across the scheme. For example, the light soils closer to the river may need more frequent irrigation, but less irrigation depth per event, than the soils far from the river. Figure 2. Irrigation landscape of New Zealand [From: Srinivasan et al., 2017] Co-innovation is a non-linear, multi-directional, multi-layered process of addressing complex issues. Water management is one such complex issue that involves multiple stakeholders, interests, and users. The design, development and dissemination of biophysical tools and solutions for improved water management need to consider the interactions between stakeholders, and thus need to apply approaches, such as co-innovation and co-learning, that will assist in developing understanding and solving the problem (see Figure 2, adopted from Srinivasan et al., 2017) The drivers and barriers to improved irrigation management are discussed in Srinivasan and Elley (2017). In summary, the ability of farmers to practice irrigation efficiently relies on several factors, many of which are beyond the farm. Factors include, the availability of suitable irrigation infrastructure, access to a reliable water supply, knowledge of soil properties, crop irrigation demands, and access to a reliable weather forecast. At the level of the irrigation scheme, the efficiency of on-farm irrigations can be influenced by environmental limits placed on nutrient and water use, and the ability of schemes to reliably reticulate water to meet demands. At the catchment and regional scales, planned water quantity and quality limits on resource use dictated irrigation practices. At regional and national scales, public perception towards irrigation and demands from competing users, including from those expanding irrigation, influence irrigation practices. Going from the farm to national scale, the diversity of viewpoints increases as does the number of stakeholders. In essence, irrigation decisions and investments are made on-farm, but are informed and constrained by the wider system in which they fit. Hence, to be successful, on-farm irrigation solutions must encompass the wider system along with the constraints and opportunities it presents. Based on our learnings from this study, we have successfully applied for MBIE funding to further explore the economic benefits of improved irrigation management practices using weather forecast. The new MBIE programme, Justified Irrigation, began in October 2016. It investigates the productivity losses/gains from poorly managed irrigations. We hypothesise that improved irrigation practices will bring better economic returns to farms. Annual end-of-the-irrigation-season stakeholder workshop at Oxford, Canterbury. [photo credit: Denise Bewsell] Dr. MS Srinivasan, NIWA hydrologist Mr. Graham Elley, NIWA Principal Scientist
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2008 – via scholar.lib.vt.edu. ^ "Town Center". City of Virginia Beach. Archived from the original on November 20, 2007. Retrieved March 8, 2007. ^ Barbara L. Brewer. "Phase I of Virginia Beach Convention Center Set to Open in June". Meetingsnet. Archived from the original on December 6, 2008. Retrieved March 21, 2008. ^ "VIRGINIA BEACH'S GREEN LINE: SHOULD THE LINE HOLD?". The Virginian-Pilot. Retrieved March 21, 2008 – via scholar.lib.vt.edu. ^ a b Fernandes, Deirdre (January 9, 2008). "Beach council tightens rules on building around Oceana". The Virginian-Pilot. Virginia Beach – via PilotOnline.com. ^ Branglin, William (April 6, 2012). "Navy jet crashes in Virginia Beach neighborhood". The Washington Post. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ Duggan, Paul (October 9, 2016). "Matthew leads to 1 death, power outages in southeast Virginia". The Washington Post. Retrieved October 9, 2016. ^ Flavelle, Christopher; Schwartz, John (November 19, 2019). "As Climate Risk Grows, Cities Test a Tough Strategy: Saying 'No' to Developers". New York Times. Retrieved December 12, 2019. ^ "At least 12 dead after disgruntled employee opens fire at Virginia Beach municipal center". CNN. May 31, 2019. Retrieved May 31, 2019. ^ Jamison, Peter (June 10, 2021). "Virginia Beach mass shooter motivated by 'perceived workplace grievances, 'FBI finds". The Washington Post. Retrieved June 10, 2021. ^ a b "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990". United States Census Bureau. February 12, 2011. Retrieved April 23, 2011. ^ "About the City – City of Virginia Beach". vbgov.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Norfolk, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Chesapeake, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Hampton, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Newport News, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Poquoson, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". Distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Portsmouth, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Suffolk, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Williamsburg, VA & Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ "Distance between Richmond, VA and Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "Distance between Chesapeake, VA and Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "Distance between Washington, DC and Virginia Beach, VA". distance-cities.com. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "The History of Princess Anne County & Virginia Beach". VirginiaBeach.com. June 16, 2021. Retrieved November 8, 2021. ^ Pennecke, Sandra (March 8, 2016). "Neighborhood Closeup: Alanton". The Virginian-Pilot. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "Aragona Village Virginia Beach, VA 23462, Neighborhood Profile". Neighborhood Scout. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "Bay Colony, The Best Neighborhoods in Virginia Beach". Layton Realty Group. Retrieved October 26, 2022. ^ "Bayside Virginia Beach, VA 23455, Neighborhood Profile". Neighborhood Scout. Retrieved October 29, 2022. ^ "Cape Henry Towers, Virginia Beach, VA Real Estate & Homes for Sale". Remax.com. Retrieved October 29, 2022. ^ "Chesapeake Beach Virginia Beach, VA 23455, Neighborhood Profile". Neighborhood Scout. Retrieved October 29, 2022. ^ Virginia Beach Neighborhood History [1] Archived March 17, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on March 20, 2008. ^ "Virginia Beach City County, VA Weather - USA.com™". www.usa.com. ^ "Trewartha maps". kkh.ltrr.arizona.edu. Retrieved January 30, 2019. ^ "Chapter 47. Global mapping". www.fao.org. Retrieved January 30, 2019. ^ "Climate Summary".
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a starting point for boat excursions to Scandola. Napoléon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, where his ancestral home, Casa Bonaparte, is also located. Bonifacio - The old town of Bonifacio, located on the southernmost tip of Corsica, has a lively marina that attracts luxury yachts, sailboats and small fishing boats. There are plenty of opportunities for boating and windsurfing. The island of Sardinia is only an hour away by ferry from Bonifacio. Gorges de la Spelunca - Inland from Porto, the Spelunca river runs through the gorge which in places is a spectacular red colour. Ideal for hikers and walkers. The natural park on Corsica - 'The Parc Naturel Régional de Corse', a natural park which helps protect thousands of rare animals and plants. By Sea: Several ferry companies make the trip from France or Italy. The port of Bastia handles about two thirds of the island's maritime traffic. About one fourth of tourists arrive in Ajaccio. Other ports on the island include Calvi, Ile-Rousse, Bonifacio and Propriano. By Air: There are four airports on the island. In Ajaccio, the Campo dell Oro Airport welcomes 40% of all passengers, while Poretta Airport, in Bastia, handles around 30%. The remaining 30% arrive at Calvi and Figari. We have the latest Jet Washing equipment to bring any surface back to life, weather its Decking, Block pave or flags.As a company we have invested in powerful jet washing and pressure washing equipment that is capable of effectively cleaning even the dirtiest hard surfaces on any commercial cleaning application! Using our power washing equipment we can clean large areas quickly this allows us to provide cost effective solutions to our clients. We can provide our own water from tanks in our vans and because our pressure washers are petrol powered we do not need access to electricity. Regardless of what type of paving you have – be it slabs, concrete, shingle etc?. it will require maintenance to keep it in tip top condition. Please contact us for a patio cleaning quote. Our prices are very competitive. Most of our work is done locally in Yorkshire these places include Keighley, Cullingworth, Wilsden, Bradford, Bingley, Cottingley, Morton, Riddlesden, Steeton, Silsden, Skipton, Addingham, Ilkley, Otley, Guiseley, Leeds, Huddersfield and Halifax however we are willing to travel further afield to other places across the UK. We provide a directory of free preschools in Shelby, North Carolina. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools. Consensus Estimate - What Does It Mean? What does "consensus estimate" mean? What is the definition of "consensus estimate"? You have likely heard the term "consensus estimate" if you watch a financial TV channel such as Bloomberg or CNBC, or read any financial web site. The "consensus estimate" comes when you take the analysts who are currently following a stock and average out their expectations for revenues and earnings. XYZ currently has six analysts that are following the company and publishing estimates. Instead of saying "Goldman Sachs is expecting 70 cents per share of earnings for Q3 and $880 million in revenues" and "Morgan Stanley is expecting 68 cents per share of earnings and $870 million in revenues", a single "consensus estimate" will be published. The consensus estimate is calculated by taking the estimates from all of the analysts who are currently publishing estimates for the company and averaging these numbers out. So, for instance, the consensus estimate for XYZ for Q3 may be 69 cents per share of earnings and 875 million dollars in revenues. This would represent an average of the six different estimates that have been calculated for the company. The "consensus estimate" is meant to give investors a general idea of what analysts are expecting a company to earn. Programming is simple. High level languages make for easy access into the world of computing. Once you understand there is a computing 'paradigm' behind most high-level languages, you'll be able to explain things you do not even learned. Lets start with operators - these are things that handle calls, just like with the phone systems. A call in programming is connecting the IP to a new address, changing the flow of execution. This is a call, what is very simply a term for updating the IP? Well, the IP is the Instruction Pointer. The IP therefore, contains the Pointer to the next instruction address in RAM. This IP points to addresses in RAM. RAM is RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY which is different from ROM
a starting point for boat excursions to Scandola. Napoléon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, where his ancestral home, Casa Bonaparte, is also located. Bonifacio - The old town of Bonifacio, located on the southernmost tip of Corsica, has a lively marina that attracts luxury yachts, sailboats and small fishing boats. There are plenty of opportunities for boating and windsurfing. The island of Sardinia is only an hour away by ferry from Bonifacio. Gorges de la Spelunca - Inland from Porto, the Spelunca river runs through the gorge which in places is a spectacular red colour. Ideal for hikers and walkers. The natural park on Corsica - 'The Parc Naturel Régional de Corse', a natural park which helps protect thousands of rare animals and plants. By Sea: Several ferry companies make the trip from France or Italy. The port of Bastia handles about two thirds of the island's maritime traffic. About one fourth of tourists arrive in Ajaccio. Other ports on the island include Calvi, Ile-Rousse, Bonifacio and Propriano. By Air: There are four airports on the island. In Ajaccio, the Campo dell Oro Airport welcomes 40% of all passengers, while Poretta Airport, in Bastia, handles around 30%. The remaining 30% arrive at Calvi and Figari. We have the latest Jet Washing equipment to bring any surface back to life, weather its Decking, Block pave or flags.As a company we have invested in powerful jet washing and pressure washing equipment that is capable of effectively cleaning even the dirtiest hard surfaces on any commercial cleaning application! Using our power washing equipment we can clean large areas quickly this allows us to provide cost effective solutions to our clients. We can provide our own water from tanks in our vans and because our pressure washers are petrol powered we do not need access to electricity. Regardless of what type of paving you have – be it slabs, concrete, shingle etc?. it will require maintenance to keep it in tip top condition. Please contact us for a patio cleaning quote. Our prices are very competitive. Most of our work is done locally in Yorkshire these places include Keighley, Cullingworth, Wilsden, Bradford, Bingley, Cottingley, Morton, Riddlesden, Steeton, Silsden, Skipton, Addingham, Ilkley, Otley, Guiseley, Leeds, Huddersfield and Halifax however we are willing to travel further afield to other places across the UK. We provide a directory of free preschools in Shelby, North Carolina. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools. Consensus Estimate - What Does It Mean? What does "consensus estimate" mean? What is the definition of "consensus estimate"? You have likely heard the term "consensus estimate" if you watch a financial TV channel such as Bloomberg or CNBC, or read any financial web site. The "consensus estimate" comes when you take the analysts who are currently following a stock and average out their expectations for revenues and earnings. XYZ currently has six analysts that are following the company and publishing estimates. Instead of saying "Goldman Sachs is expecting 70 cents per share of earnings for Q3 and $880 million in revenues" and "Morgan Stanley is expecting 68 cents per share of earnings and $870 million in revenues", a single "consensus estimate" will be published. The consensus estimate is calculated by taking the estimates from all of the analysts who are currently publishing estimates for the company and averaging these numbers out. So, for instance, the consensus estimate for XYZ for Q3 may be 69 cents per share of earnings and 875 million dollars in revenues. This would represent an average of the six different estimates that have been calculated for the company. The "consensus estimate" is meant to give investors a general idea of what analysts are expecting a company to earn. Programming is simple. High level languages make for easy access into the world of computing. Once you understand there is a computing 'paradigm' behind most high-level languages, you'll be able to explain things you do not even learned. Lets start with operators - these are things that handle calls, just like with the phone systems. A call in programming is connecting the IP to a new address, changing the flow of execution. This is a call, what is very simply a term for updating the IP? Well, the IP is the Instruction Pointer. The IP therefore, contains the Pointer to the next instruction address in RAM. This IP points to addresses in RAM. RAM is RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY which is different from ROM
and REM. ROM is Read Only Memory whereas REM stands for Remark. The RAM addresses usually contains two program segments, a CS and a DS. These date back to Assembler. A CS stands for Code Segment and is similar to the Data Segment in the fact that it contains instruction data, how ever, you cannot make a data segment execute the same as a code segment cannot be read as data. This how ever, is not exactly true. In fact, a CS and DS have Page Table Flags that can be manipulated by the Kernel to flip the bits on a DS to turn it into a CS and vice versa. Also, instructions exist that load a segment of data into RAM, and then execute it. These are usually void pointers in C that enable this 'hack'. Hacks and hacking usually involve getting data (payloads) to execute. A payload is hacking terminology for executable data. These usually are used by hackers/users of metasploit in overflow attacks. Metasploit is a hacking tool used by l-users or noobs who do not know how to write their own exploits. Exploits is code that alters the functionality of a computer system. This might mean installing a backdoor. Backdoors are a way of getting back into the system at a later date. Some noobs think backdoors are Trojan programs or any kind of program that opens a port to the outside world. They are sadly mistaken. A true backdoor is introducing in the system (Usually NETBIOS for Windflows and SSH for Linux) a programming flaw that will enable an overflow attack at a later date. Overflows are a mans means of getting back into the system at any point in time by exceeding the recommended number of characters acceptable by, say, a Linux web server, such as apache. Apache is a Server which means (following the computer paradigm) - a program that 'serves' the user (web pages). Many people with inflammation go through the same motions every morning. We all wake at the same time, drink our favorite morning beverage (mine is coffee), eat breakfast, and so on. If you’ve noticed that your days aren’t going so well, how you approach this time of day is probably a factor. #1: Everything that you do (and don’t do) in the morning affects how the rest of the day unfolds, for better or for worse. #2: Your inflammation levels directly impact #1. In other words, getting your inflammation game right can go a long way in helping set you up for a happy, productive day. If you prioritize eating right, reducing stress, and getting organized before you head out, for example, you have a much higher chance of feeling balanced and focused all day long. In this article, we’re going to discuss seven counterproductive habits that create, sustain, and worsen inflammation. We’ll also go over a few steps that you can take to re-calibrate the inflammatory response. Ready? Let’s do this thing! Eating a bunch of processed foods first thing is a surefire way to send your inflammation markers – chemicals that “measure” inflammation levels – into a screaming frenzy. Foods that fall into this dubious category include doughnuts, sugary cereals, cookies, pastries, frozen and boxed food products, and refined foods. Doing breakfast right: Think of and treat your body as the high-performance machine that it’s designed to be. What would you put into the gas tank of a Porsche? Premium fuel, right? Well, your body’s premium fuel is healthy fat, fiber, and protein. Struggling to get out of bed in the morning is a probable sign of not getting enough restful sleep. This is bad because pro-inflammatory messengers called cytokines are at elevated levels when sleep loss is a regular occurrence. Worse, this phenomenon can alter the body’s equilibrium state to such an extent that these cytokines remain at high levels during times when the person tries to catch up on sleep. In other words, if sleep deprivation is allowed to continue for an extended period, the body will reverse its natural tendency to act against inflammation during sleep. Get your beauty sleep: Four great bedtime habits will go a long way to getting your inflammation – and your circadian rhythm – back in check. First, synchronize your body clock by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, weekends included. Second, resist the impulse to nap or remain stationary during the day. Third, limit your exposure to artificial light (e.g. digital screens) during the evening hours. Finally, stick with non-alcoholic and caffeine-free beverages during the evening hours. Some of us tend to be rather mindless in the morning, particularly on the days when we need to commute to work. Do you find yourself rushing around trying to find something to wear,
the Philosophy and Letters (Humanities) department, but I would prefer it to be a little more practical in the methodology. • Do you think that would be less of a problem if you were to study at a private university? Some private schools are more practical but many of them aren’t very good; a lot of people basically purchase their diplomas. My parents taught at both public and private schools and sometimes the stuff they told me about the private schools surprised me. I mean, I know my parents are good teachers so you can learn a lot, but sometimes the standards at private schools just aren’t as high in the public universities. • What do you do in your free time? I play drums. I’m studying African drumming and I’m a member of the neighborhood Candombe group of La Boca. I love drumming it’s like its own language, especially when you hit it just right and get in the groove – sometimes you can say things with the drum that you wouldn’t say out loud. • You’ve lived in La Boca your whole life, it’s a neighborhood known for its tango tourism and crime, what was it like to grow up there? The thing about La Boca is that the neighborhood begins when the tourists go home, at around 6 p.m. or so. It’s full of conventillos (tenements) so everyone is always on the street. The street is like the patio of the neighborhood — people hang out in the street, eat in the street, everyone pretty much knows each other. The Caminito – those are the tenements that are fixed up, but if you walk a few blocks away, they’re definitely not like that. The tourists go to El Caminito, an Proa Museum, which are good, but most people just see those two blocks and that’s it. But there is so much in La Boca — we have festivals, music clinics, a community garden, soup kitchens — there’s a lot going on. We also have the Firefighters of La Boca, which are fully voluntary and are known to always be the first to respond to a fire in the city. It’s a neighborhood with a lot of culture. There are still houses made with parts of the old boats. La Boca was known as a neighborhood of immigrants originally and it still is today – there are Paraguayans, Bolivians, Peruvians and some Africans. Mostly Paraguayans though. • And everyone gets along okay? Yeah, there’s a lot of teamwork between neighbors. There was recently a fire in one of the buildings in the neighborhood. Usually the government just gives the family a subsidy and they have to move, but we were able to raise enough money so that they could stay. • Where do you live in La Boca? I live in a tenement too, with my boyfriend. My parents are in the same building as well, as some other people. We were renting and the owner died, so it’s ours now and it’s a great place. We just have to pay the taxes on the house for 15 years to take over ownership of the property. • How would you recommend that tourists go about seeing the real La Boca? It seems like a lot of them pay for a tour where they come on a bus and eat and see a dance show, but they really don’t see the neighborhood. There should be a better tourist agency that shows off some of the real culture of the neighborhood. (Editor’s note: since this interview we started offering low-key, authentic tours in La Boca.) • As you know a lot of tourists are robbed in La Boca if they go off the beaten path. What safety tips do you have for independent travelers to see the parts of the neighborhood that they usually don’t get to see? They should forget about bringing their big camera and 300 Euros. Come with 100 pesos in your pocket and nothing else, or come with nothing at all. You don’t need your cell phone and all that stuff – if you don’t have all that stuff you’re more grounded and you also don’t need to worry. The neighborhood has a bad reputation for robberies but it could be just a few kids robbing all the time. Sometimes I go around with quite a bit of money but no one bothers me because they know me. There are definitely some parts of La Boca I don’t recommend anyone go to, such as south La Boca. • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Bahia, Brazil. There’s a lot of samba music there. I would like to go there and play drums, but
the Philosophy and Letters (Humanities) department, but I would prefer it to be a little more practical in the methodology. • Do you think that would be less of a problem if you were to study at a private university? Some private schools are more practical but many of them aren’t very good; a lot of people basically purchase their diplomas. My parents taught at both public and private schools and sometimes the stuff they told me about the private schools surprised me. I mean, I know my parents are good teachers so you can learn a lot, but sometimes the standards at private schools just aren’t as high in the public universities. • What do you do in your free time? I play drums. I’m studying African drumming and I’m a member of the neighborhood Candombe group of La Boca. I love drumming it’s like its own language, especially when you hit it just right and get in the groove – sometimes you can say things with the drum that you wouldn’t say out loud. • You’ve lived in La Boca your whole life, it’s a neighborhood known for its tango tourism and crime, what was it like to grow up there? The thing about La Boca is that the neighborhood begins when the tourists go home, at around 6 p.m. or so. It’s full of conventillos (tenements) so everyone is always on the street. The street is like the patio of the neighborhood — people hang out in the street, eat in the street, everyone pretty much knows each other. The Caminito – those are the tenements that are fixed up, but if you walk a few blocks away, they’re definitely not like that. The tourists go to El Caminito, an Proa Museum, which are good, but most people just see those two blocks and that’s it. But there is so much in La Boca — we have festivals, music clinics, a community garden, soup kitchens — there’s a lot going on. We also have the Firefighters of La Boca, which are fully voluntary and are known to always be the first to respond to a fire in the city. It’s a neighborhood with a lot of culture. There are still houses made with parts of the old boats. La Boca was known as a neighborhood of immigrants originally and it still is today – there are Paraguayans, Bolivians, Peruvians and some Africans. Mostly Paraguayans though. • And everyone gets along okay? Yeah, there’s a lot of teamwork between neighbors. There was recently a fire in one of the buildings in the neighborhood. Usually the government just gives the family a subsidy and they have to move, but we were able to raise enough money so that they could stay. • Where do you live in La Boca? I live in a tenement too, with my boyfriend. My parents are in the same building as well, as some other people. We were renting and the owner died, so it’s ours now and it’s a great place. We just have to pay the taxes on the house for 15 years to take over ownership of the property. • How would you recommend that tourists go about seeing the real La Boca? It seems like a lot of them pay for a tour where they come on a bus and eat and see a dance show, but they really don’t see the neighborhood. There should be a better tourist agency that shows off some of the real culture of the neighborhood. (Editor’s note: since this interview we started offering low-key, authentic tours in La Boca.) • As you know a lot of tourists are robbed in La Boca if they go off the beaten path. What safety tips do you have for independent travelers to see the parts of the neighborhood that they usually don’t get to see? They should forget about bringing their big camera and 300 Euros. Come with 100 pesos in your pocket and nothing else, or come with nothing at all. You don’t need your cell phone and all that stuff – if you don’t have all that stuff you’re more grounded and you also don’t need to worry. The neighborhood has a bad reputation for robberies but it could be just a few kids robbing all the time. Sometimes I go around with quite a bit of money but no one bothers me because they know me. There are definitely some parts of La Boca I don’t recommend anyone go to, such as south La Boca. • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Bahia, Brazil. There’s a lot of samba music there. I would like to go there and play drums, but
I’ve never been there, so who knows if I would really like it. I’ll have to go there and see. Is Danbury a good place to live? What is Danbury famous for? Is Danbury in New York? How many languages are spoken in Danbury? Is Danbury a town or city? Why is Danbury so expensive? Even though the city has a high cost of living, it’s the most livable city in the state and one of the most livable cities in the U.S. Danbury boasts a higher concentration of restaurants, theater companies and sports teams than is typical nationwide. Nicknamed Beantown early on for the quality of the beans it grew, Danbury eventually earned the nickname Hat City during the nineteenth century when it became the center of America’s hat production. Today, Danbury makes electronic equipment, machinery, and furniture and is home to Western Connecticut State University. It consists of the city of Danbury and adjacent towns in the areas around the Housatonic River and the Still River. The area is also home to Candlewood Lake, the largest lake in the New York Metropolitan Area. Is Danbury expensive? “Located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, Danbury is one of the most expensive places in the United States. Goods and services cost an average of 30.8 percent more than in the area than they do nationwide. Is Danbury Connecticut wealthy? Four CT Towns Make Bloomberg’s Top 50 Wealthiest List, Danbury Ranked 62 for CT Towns in ACS Report. Bloomberg released its list of wealthiest towns in the US based on household income. Danbury Language 56.32% of Danbury residents speak only English, while 43.68% speak other languages. The non-English language spoken by the largest group is Spanish, which is spoken by 25.78% of the population. Danbury, city, coextensive with the town (township) of Danbury, Fairfield county, southwestern Connecticut, U.S. It lies along the Still River in the foothills of the Berkshire Hills. Settled in 1685, it was named in 1687 for Danbury, England, and was incorporated as a town in 1702. Danbury, the other Connecticut city on the list, ranked 10th. The report said it costs more than $89,000 for a family of four to live in Danbury because of its “high housing and child-care costs, as well as high taxes.” What is the cost of living in Danbury CT? Danbury cost of living is 114.9 Grocery 104.1 106.6 Health 102.3 97.7 Housing 122.5 103.6 Median Home Cost $369,100 $318,400 What is considered middle class income in Connecticut? Range of household incomes needed to be considered middle class, by family size Connecticut $28,364 – $85,091 $40,112 – $120,336 Delaware $26,146 – $78,437 $36,975 – $110,926 District of Columbia $30,242 – $90,727 $42,769 – $128,307 Florida $26,015 – $78,045 $36,791 – $110,373 How do I debug with pry? What is the best Grass type in Gen 1? About H. Jefferson Powell Jefferson Powell is a professor of law at Duke University where he teaches courses on constitutional law and history and directs Duke’s First Amendment Clinic. He has served as a deputy assistant attorney general and as the principal deputy solicitor general in the U.S. Department of Justice, and as special counsel to the attorney general of North Carolina. As a scholar, his interests include the Constitution’s distribution of authority over foreign policy, the history of constitutional-law decision making, and the ethical dimensions of the roles of judge and legal advisor. Among his books are Constitutional Conscience: The Moral Dimension of Judicial Decision and Targeting Americans: The Constitutionality of the U.S. Drone War. Powell received a B.A. from St. David’s College (now Trinity St. David) of the University of Wales, a J.D. from Yale, and a Ph.D. from Duke. Written by H. Jefferson Powell Feature | Rule of Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law The Emergence of the American Constitutional Law Tradition by H. Jefferson Powell In Conversation | Civil Law, Law & Culture, Rule of Law Roundtable: The State of the Judiciary Vol. 101 No. 3 | Bold and Persistent Reform Kids Affected by Violence Could Get Mental Health Care Under California Bill A bill (AB 2809) before Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) would provide up to $5,000
evay. W.R. Taylor of Moorefield is attending college at Urbana, Ohio. Richard Kelley, son of Henry Kelley of Posey township, died September 17th. Married September 22nd by John H. McHenry, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Samuel R. Johnson, to Miss Mollie M. Richards, both of this county. Surveys show: Moorefield is 400 feet higher than Vevay; Indian Creek bridge is 36 feet lower than Vevay; the hill up Hall’s branch is 387 feet high; the highest point surveyed was Ebenezer M.E. Church, which is 407 feet higher than Vevay. J.F. Bellamy, Esquire, will fill the Republican appointments of speaking at Craig and Moorefield on October 3rd and 7th. The Postmaster General has recently decided that if postmasters do not give publishers of newspapers notice when their papers remain in the post office without being taken out by subscribers within five weeks, that they are liable for the pay. Previous articlePatriot and Posey Township 9-28-17 Next articleLetters to the Editor 9-28-17 jsouth Michael Jackson - Captain EO (1986) Michael Jackson as Captain EO Anjelica Huston as The Supreme Leader Dick Shawn as Commander Bog Tony Cox as Hooter Debbie Lee Carrington as Geek (Idy) Cindy Sorensen as Geek (Ody) Gary DePew as Major Domo Percy Rodriguez as Narrator Captain EO was a 1986 American 3D science fiction short film shown at Disney theme parks from 1986 through 1998. The movie stars Michael Jackson, was written by George Lucas, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola (who came up with the name "Captain EO" from the Greek, cf. Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn). The film was shown as part of an attraction with in-theater effects. The attraction returned to the Disney Parks in 2010 as a tribute after Jackson's death. The film was shown for the final time at Epcot on December 6, 2015. The film's executive producer was George Lucas. It was choreographed by Jeffrey Hornaday and Michael Jackson, photographed by Peter Anderson, produced by Rusty Lemorande and written by Lemorande, Lucas and Coppola, from a story idea by the artists of Walt Disney Imagineering. Lemorande also initially designed and created two of the creatures, and was an editor of the film. The score was written by James Horner and featured two songs ("We Are Here to Change the World" and "Another Part of Me"), both written and performed by Michael Jackson. Cinematographer Vittorio Storaro was the lighting director during much of the principal photography. Captain EO is regarded as one of the first "4D" films (4D being the name given to a 3D film that incorporates in-theater effects, such as lasers, smoke, etc., synchronized to the film). The film tells the story of Captain EO and the ragtag crew of his spaceship on a mission to deliver a gift to "The Supreme Leader", who lives on a world of rotting, twisted metal and steaming vents. Captain EO's alien crew consists of his small flying sidekick Fuzzball, the double-headed navigator and pilot Geek (Idy and Ody), robotic security officer Major Domo, a small robot, Minor Domo (who fits like a module into Major Domo), and the clumsy elephant-like shipmate Hooter, who always manages to upset the crew's missions. Upon arriving on the planet, the crew is captured by the henchmen of the Supreme Leader, and brought before her. She sentences the crew to be turned into trash cans, and Captain EO to 100 years of torture in her deepest dungeon. Before being sent away, Captain EO tells the Supreme Leader that he sees the beauty hidden within her, and that he brings her the key to unlock it: his song, "We Are Here to Change the World". The two robot members of the crew transform into musical instruments, and the crew members begin to play the various instruments. As Hooter runs toward his instrument, he trips over EO's cape and breaks it, stopping the music. The spell broken, the Supreme Leader orders her guards to capture Captain EO and his crew. Hooter manages to repair his instrument and sends out a blast of music, providing EO with the power to throw off the guards. He uses his power to transform the dark hulking guards into agile dancers who fall into step behind him for a dance number, which leads into the song, "We Are Here to Change the World". The Supreme Leader unleashes her Whip Warriors, two cybernetic defenders each with a whip and shield that can deflect EO's power
evay. W.R. Taylor of Moorefield is attending college at Urbana, Ohio. Richard Kelley, son of Henry Kelley of Posey township, died September 17th. Married September 22nd by John H. McHenry, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Samuel R. Johnson, to Miss Mollie M. Richards, both of this county. Surveys show: Moorefield is 400 feet higher than Vevay; Indian Creek bridge is 36 feet lower than Vevay; the hill up Hall’s branch is 387 feet high; the highest point surveyed was Ebenezer M.E. Church, which is 407 feet higher than Vevay. J.F. Bellamy, Esquire, will fill the Republican appointments of speaking at Craig and Moorefield on October 3rd and 7th. The Postmaster General has recently decided that if postmasters do not give publishers of newspapers notice when their papers remain in the post office without being taken out by subscribers within five weeks, that they are liable for the pay. Previous articlePatriot and Posey Township 9-28-17 Next articleLetters to the Editor 9-28-17 jsouth Michael Jackson - Captain EO (1986) Michael Jackson as Captain EO Anjelica Huston as The Supreme Leader Dick Shawn as Commander Bog Tony Cox as Hooter Debbie Lee Carrington as Geek (Idy) Cindy Sorensen as Geek (Ody) Gary DePew as Major Domo Percy Rodriguez as Narrator Captain EO was a 1986 American 3D science fiction short film shown at Disney theme parks from 1986 through 1998. The movie stars Michael Jackson, was written by George Lucas, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola (who came up with the name "Captain EO" from the Greek, cf. Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn). The film was shown as part of an attraction with in-theater effects. The attraction returned to the Disney Parks in 2010 as a tribute after Jackson's death. The film was shown for the final time at Epcot on December 6, 2015. The film's executive producer was George Lucas. It was choreographed by Jeffrey Hornaday and Michael Jackson, photographed by Peter Anderson, produced by Rusty Lemorande and written by Lemorande, Lucas and Coppola, from a story idea by the artists of Walt Disney Imagineering. Lemorande also initially designed and created two of the creatures, and was an editor of the film. The score was written by James Horner and featured two songs ("We Are Here to Change the World" and "Another Part of Me"), both written and performed by Michael Jackson. Cinematographer Vittorio Storaro was the lighting director during much of the principal photography. Captain EO is regarded as one of the first "4D" films (4D being the name given to a 3D film that incorporates in-theater effects, such as lasers, smoke, etc., synchronized to the film). The film tells the story of Captain EO and the ragtag crew of his spaceship on a mission to deliver a gift to "The Supreme Leader", who lives on a world of rotting, twisted metal and steaming vents. Captain EO's alien crew consists of his small flying sidekick Fuzzball, the double-headed navigator and pilot Geek (Idy and Ody), robotic security officer Major Domo, a small robot, Minor Domo (who fits like a module into Major Domo), and the clumsy elephant-like shipmate Hooter, who always manages to upset the crew's missions. Upon arriving on the planet, the crew is captured by the henchmen of the Supreme Leader, and brought before her. She sentences the crew to be turned into trash cans, and Captain EO to 100 years of torture in her deepest dungeon. Before being sent away, Captain EO tells the Supreme Leader that he sees the beauty hidden within her, and that he brings her the key to unlock it: his song, "We Are Here to Change the World". The two robot members of the crew transform into musical instruments, and the crew members begin to play the various instruments. As Hooter runs toward his instrument, he trips over EO's cape and breaks it, stopping the music. The spell broken, the Supreme Leader orders her guards to capture Captain EO and his crew. Hooter manages to repair his instrument and sends out a blast of music, providing EO with the power to throw off the guards. He uses his power to transform the dark hulking guards into agile dancers who fall into step behind him for a dance number, which leads into the song, "We Are Here to Change the World". The Supreme Leader unleashes her Whip Warriors, two cybernetic defenders each with a whip and shield that can deflect EO's power
. The others all run away, leaving Captain EO to fight the Whip Warriors alone. EO is trapped by a closing gate and prepares for a last stand as both the whip warriors draw their whips back for a final blow. Fuzzball drops his instrument and speedily flies over to tie the two whips together, causing the Whip Warriors to be thrown off balance and giving EO an opportunity to transform them as well. With no further obstacles, EO uses his power to transform the remaining four henchmen (not yet unleashed) and they, the transformed whip warriors and the other dancers, press forward in dance. Captain EO then flies up to the Supreme Leader and transforms her into a beautiful woman, her lair into a peaceful Greek temple, and the planet into a paradise. A celebration breaks out to "Another Part of Me", as Captain EO and his crew triumphantly exit and fly off into space, ending the film. The show's orchestral score was composed by James Horner, with additional score composed and performed by Tim Truman, while the area and pre-show music was written by Richard Bellis. Two new songs appeared in the film: the first, "We Are Here to Change the World", was not officially released until 2004 as part of Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection, but this version was a shorter edit of the full-length song; the second was an early mix of "Another Part of Me", which later appeared on Jackson's 1987 album Bad in remixed form and was subsequently released as a single. Soul/R&B singer Deniece Williams covered "We Are Here to Change the World" on her As Good As It Gets album in 1988. Labels 1986, Michael Jackson Home Facts and lifehacks Сelebrity biographies Cristina Ferrare: What happened to John DeLorean's ex-wife? Monday, January 31, 2022 at 10:43 AM by Grace Waruguru The late John DeLorean was a big name in the American automobile industry. He founded the DeLorean Motor Company in the 80s, but his investment did not last. Cristina Ferrare was married to John at the time of his financial woes. So, where is she now? Cristina Ferrare:. Photo: @cristinacooks One of the greatest marriage tests is how a couple wades through financial challenges. John DeLorean suffered a massive setback when his business came crumbling down. Yet, his wife stood with him through it all. So, what happened to Cristina Ferrare? Cristina Ferrare profile summary Full name: Cynthia Cristina Ferrare Nickname: Cristina Place of birth: Cleveland, Ohio, United States Current residence: Agoura Hills, California Religion: Roman Catholic Profession: Model, actress, TV personality, author. Spouse: Anthony Thomopoulos Height: 5 feet, 6 inches Instagram: Cristina Ferrare Facebook: Cristina Ferrare Kaynette Williams: Here's what happened to Blake Shelton's ex-wife PAY ATTENTION: Don't miss trending Kenyan news. Follow TUKO.co.ke on Twitter! Cristina Ferrare background Cynthia Cristina Ferrare was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in February 1950. Her father, Tavio Ferrare, was a butcher, but the details of her mother Renata Velia are not in public. Her parents are staunch Catholics and have Italian-American roots. The details of Ferrare's educational background have not been disclosed. She grew up alongside one younger sister. Her family shifted to Los Angeles when she was 14 years old. Cristina Ferrare with her former colleague, Mark Steines. Photo: @ArayaDiaz Cristina started her modelling career at 14 years. When she arrived in Los Angeles, Ferrare got a job as a teenage model signed under Nina Blanchard's modelling agency. Two years later, she became the spokesperson of Max Factor, a role she held until she was 26. In 1970, when Ferrare turned 20, she was signed by Eileen Ford, a top modelling agency in New York. This role opened up numerous opportunities as a cover girl in various fashion magazines. Additionally, she received several acting offers and signed a contract with 20th Century Fox film studios. Some of her movie appearances include: Debraca Denise: The interesting life story of Redd Foxx's daughter Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary (1975) Sword of Justice (1978) The Love Boat (1981) Later, the entertainer ventured into TV hosting, and she co-hosted ABC's The Home Show in 1988 and Home and Family. She also hosted AM Los Angeles with Steve Edwards from 1984 to 1989. Apart from her work on TV, Ferrare is also an
WheelCallback} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} void glfwSetMouseWheelCallback( GLFWmousewheelfun cbfun ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{cbfun}]\ \\ Pointer to a callback function that will be called every time the mouse wheel is moved. The function should have the following C language prototype: \texttt{void GLFWCALL functionname( int pos );} Where \textit{functionname} is the name of the callback function, and \textit{pos} is the mouse wheel position. If \textit{cbfun} is NULL, any previously set callback function will be unset. \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} none \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function sets the callback for mouse wheel events. A window has to be opened for this function to have any effect. \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} Mouse wheel events are recorded continuously, but only reported when \textbf{glfwPollEvents}, \textbf{glfwWaitEvents} or \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} (with GLFW\_AUTO\_POLL\_EVENTS enabled) is called. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{table}[p] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \raggedright \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Return value}\\ \hline GLFW\_PRESENT & GL\_TRUE if the joystick is connected, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline GLFW\_AXES & Number of axes supported by the joystick.\\ \hline GLFW\_BUTTONS & Number of buttons supported by the joystick.\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Joystick parameters for \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam}} \label{tab:joyparams} \end{table} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetJoystickParam} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} int glfwGetJoystickParam( int joy, int param ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{joy}]\ \\ A joystick identifier, which should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. \item [\textit{param}]\ \\ A token selecting which parameter the function should return (see table \ref{tab:joyparams}). \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} The function returns different parameters depending on the value of \textit{param}. Table \ref{tab:joyparams} lists valid \textit{param} values, and their corresponding return values. \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function is used for acquiring various properties of a joystick. \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} The joystick information is updated every time the function is called. No window has to be opened for joystick information to be available. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetJoystickPos} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} int glfwGetJoystickPos( int joy, float *pos, int numaxes ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{joy}]\ \\ A joystick identifier, which should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. \item [\textit{pos}]\ \\ An array that will hold the positional values for all requested axes. \item [\textit{numaxes}]\ \\ Specifies how
WheelCallback} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} void glfwSetMouseWheelCallback( GLFWmousewheelfun cbfun ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{cbfun}]\ \\ Pointer to a callback function that will be called every time the mouse wheel is moved. The function should have the following C language prototype: \texttt{void GLFWCALL functionname( int pos );} Where \textit{functionname} is the name of the callback function, and \textit{pos} is the mouse wheel position. If \textit{cbfun} is NULL, any previously set callback function will be unset. \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} none \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function sets the callback for mouse wheel events. A window has to be opened for this function to have any effect. \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} Mouse wheel events are recorded continuously, but only reported when \textbf{glfwPollEvents}, \textbf{glfwWaitEvents} or \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} (with GLFW\_AUTO\_POLL\_EVENTS enabled) is called. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{table}[p] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \raggedright \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Return value}\\ \hline GLFW\_PRESENT & GL\_TRUE if the joystick is connected, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline GLFW\_AXES & Number of axes supported by the joystick.\\ \hline GLFW\_BUTTONS & Number of buttons supported by the joystick.\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Joystick parameters for \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam}} \label{tab:joyparams} \end{table} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetJoystickParam} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} int glfwGetJoystickParam( int joy, int param ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{joy}]\ \\ A joystick identifier, which should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. \item [\textit{param}]\ \\ A token selecting which parameter the function should return (see table \ref{tab:joyparams}). \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} The function returns different parameters depending on the value of \textit{param}. Table \ref{tab:joyparams} lists valid \textit{param} values, and their corresponding return values. \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function is used for acquiring various properties of a joystick. \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} The joystick information is updated every time the function is called. No window has to be opened for joystick information to be available. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetJoystickPos} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} int glfwGetJoystickPos( int joy, float *pos, int numaxes ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{joy}]\ \\ A joystick identifier, which should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. \item [\textit{pos}]\ \\ An array that will hold the positional values for all requested axes. \item [\textit{numaxes}]\ \\ Specifies how
many axes should be returned. \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} The function returns the number of actually returned axes. This is the minimum of \textit{numaxes} and the number of axes supported by the joystick. If the joystick is not supported or connected, the function will return 0 (zero). \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function queries the current position of one or more axes of a joystick. The positional values are returned in an array, where the first element represents the first axis of the joystick (normally the X axis). Each position is in the range -1.0 to 1.0. Where applicable, the positive direction of an axis is right, forward or up, and the negative direction is left, back or down. If \textit{numaxes} exceeds the number of axes supported by the joystick, or if the joystick is not available, the unused elements in the \textit{pos} array will be set to 0.0 (zero). \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} The joystick state is updated every time the function is called, so there is no need to call \textbf{glfwPollEvents} or \textbf{glfwWaitEvents} for joystick state to be updated. Use \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam} to retrieve joystick capabilities, such as joystick availability and number of supported axes. No window has to be opened for joystick input to be available. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetJoystickButtons} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} int glfwGetJoystickButtons( int joy, unsigned char *buttons, int numbuttons ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} \begin{description} \item [\textit{joy}]\ \\ A joystick identifier, which should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. \item [\textit{buttons}]\ \\ An array that will hold the button states for all requested buttons. \item [\textit{numbuttons}]\ \\ Specifies how many buttons should be returned. \end{description} \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} The function returns the number of actually returned buttons. This is the minimum of \textit{numbuttons} and the number of buttons supported by the joystick. If the joystick is not supported or connected, the function will return 0 (zero). \end{refreturn} \begin{refdescription} This function queries the current state of one or more buttons of a joystick. The button states are returned in an array, where the first element represents the first button of the joystick. Each state can be either GLFW\_PRESS or GLFW\_RELEASE. If \textit{numbuttons} exceeds the number of buttons supported by the joystick, or if the joystick is not available, the unused elements in the \textit{buttons} array will be set to GLFW\_RELEASE. \end{refdescription} \begin{refnotes} The joystick state is updated every time the function is called, so there is no need to call \textbf{glfwPollEvents} or \textbf{glfwWaitEvents} for joystick state to be updated. Use \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam} to retrieve joystick capabilities, such as joystick availability and number of supported buttons. No window has to be opened for joystick input to be available. \end{refnotes} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \pagebreak \section{Timing} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{glfwGetTime} \textbf{C language syntax} \begin{lstlisting} double glfwGetTime( void ) \end{lstlisting} \begin{refparameters} none \end{refparameters} \begin{refreturn} The function returns the value of the high precision timer. The time
I found it, I thought it advisable to push further north, in the direction of the highest point of the range, which I imagined was probably his Mount Serle; for though it was not to be expected that Mr. Eyre, whose principal and almost sole object was to discover a road to the interior, would, at the same time, have been able to lay down the position of his route with the same accuracy that might have been expected from a surveyor; this difference of longitude prevented my being certain of the identity of the spot, or that the range on our left, might not after all, be another long promontory running to the north, similar to that on the western side of which was Mr. Eyre’s course. The appearance of the country, however, from the hills close under Mount Serle (for the perpendicular cliffs on the east side of this range of hills prevented my ascending to their summit without turning them among the ranges, for which I had not time), convinced me at once, from its perfect accordance with the description given by Mr. Eyre, that his eastern arm of Lake Torrens was the sandy desert I had left, its surface being about three hundred feet above the level of the sea; and our two converging lines having thus met at Mount Serle, I knew it was useless to advance further in the same direction to a spot which he had named, from the impossibility of proceeding beyond it, “Mount Hopeless.” “I was thus forced to return to Pasmore River, as the nearest point from whence I could cross to the low hills to the eastward, south of Lake Torrens; and from thence I sent back to the depot two men of the party, and three horses — the former for the sake of their rations, and the latter on account of the probable difficulty I should have in procuring water — taking on with me only Mr. Henderson and Mr. Hawker on foot, with the light cart and one policeman. The second evening I made the most northern of these hills, but could not find a drop of water in any of them; and having unluckily lost the policeman, who had crossed in front of the dray and got entangled in the dense scrub, I was detained three days riding upon his tracks, until I had traced them to our dray tracks from the depot at the Black Rock Hill, which he reached in safety, after being out five days without food. The cart, in the mean time, had been obliged to leave the spot where I left it, for want of water — having been out six days without obtaining any but what we carried in the kegs; and when I overtook it, we had not sufficient provisions for another attempt, the period of one month, for which they were intended to last, having already nearly expired. “I very much regret not having been able to reach, at all events, within sight of Mount Lyell; but where I turned I could plainly see the whole country within fifty or sixty miles of the boundaries of the province, and can speak with almost as much confidence of its absolute sterility as if I had actually ridden over it. It would certainly be possible in the wet season to take a small party from Prewitt’s Springs across to this hill of Sir Thomas Mitchell (distant about one hundred and sixty miles), by carrying on water for eight or ten days; but no further supply might be found short of the Darling (eighty miles beyond Mount Lyell), on which river it would be madness to attempt anything without a considerable force, on account of the natives; and the same point might be reached in nearly as short a time, and with much more certainty, with any number of men that might be considered necessary, by ascending the Murray as high as the Laidley Ponds, and proceeding north from thence. “On returning to the depot, I moved the party down to Mount Bryan, and made another attempt on the 25th August, with Mr. Henderson, and one man leading a pack-horse, to the north-east, hoping, from the heavy rains which had fallen during the past two months, to find sufficient water in the ravines to enable me to push on for several days. The second day, I crossed the high range I had observed from the Black Rock Hills and Mount Bryan, for the southern termination of which Colonel Gawler steered when he left the northern bend of the Murray in December, 1839; but though these hills had an elevation of twelve hundred or fourteen hundred feet above the plain, there was no indication of rain having fallen there since the deluge. This want of water prevented my proceeding further to the north-east; but from the summit of the highest of these hills (Mount Porcupine,) I had a clear view of the horizon in every direction, and a more barren, sterile country, cannot be imagined. “The direction of the dividing ridge between the basin of the Murray
I found it, I thought it advisable to push further north, in the direction of the highest point of the range, which I imagined was probably his Mount Serle; for though it was not to be expected that Mr. Eyre, whose principal and almost sole object was to discover a road to the interior, would, at the same time, have been able to lay down the position of his route with the same accuracy that might have been expected from a surveyor; this difference of longitude prevented my being certain of the identity of the spot, or that the range on our left, might not after all, be another long promontory running to the north, similar to that on the western side of which was Mr. Eyre’s course. The appearance of the country, however, from the hills close under Mount Serle (for the perpendicular cliffs on the east side of this range of hills prevented my ascending to their summit without turning them among the ranges, for which I had not time), convinced me at once, from its perfect accordance with the description given by Mr. Eyre, that his eastern arm of Lake Torrens was the sandy desert I had left, its surface being about three hundred feet above the level of the sea; and our two converging lines having thus met at Mount Serle, I knew it was useless to advance further in the same direction to a spot which he had named, from the impossibility of proceeding beyond it, “Mount Hopeless.” “I was thus forced to return to Pasmore River, as the nearest point from whence I could cross to the low hills to the eastward, south of Lake Torrens; and from thence I sent back to the depot two men of the party, and three horses — the former for the sake of their rations, and the latter on account of the probable difficulty I should have in procuring water — taking on with me only Mr. Henderson and Mr. Hawker on foot, with the light cart and one policeman. The second evening I made the most northern of these hills, but could not find a drop of water in any of them; and having unluckily lost the policeman, who had crossed in front of the dray and got entangled in the dense scrub, I was detained three days riding upon his tracks, until I had traced them to our dray tracks from the depot at the Black Rock Hill, which he reached in safety, after being out five days without food. The cart, in the mean time, had been obliged to leave the spot where I left it, for want of water — having been out six days without obtaining any but what we carried in the kegs; and when I overtook it, we had not sufficient provisions for another attempt, the period of one month, for which they were intended to last, having already nearly expired. “I very much regret not having been able to reach, at all events, within sight of Mount Lyell; but where I turned I could plainly see the whole country within fifty or sixty miles of the boundaries of the province, and can speak with almost as much confidence of its absolute sterility as if I had actually ridden over it. It would certainly be possible in the wet season to take a small party from Prewitt’s Springs across to this hill of Sir Thomas Mitchell (distant about one hundred and sixty miles), by carrying on water for eight or ten days; but no further supply might be found short of the Darling (eighty miles beyond Mount Lyell), on which river it would be madness to attempt anything without a considerable force, on account of the natives; and the same point might be reached in nearly as short a time, and with much more certainty, with any number of men that might be considered necessary, by ascending the Murray as high as the Laidley Ponds, and proceeding north from thence. “On returning to the depot, I moved the party down to Mount Bryan, and made another attempt on the 25th August, with Mr. Henderson, and one man leading a pack-horse, to the north-east, hoping, from the heavy rains which had fallen during the past two months, to find sufficient water in the ravines to enable me to push on for several days. The second day, I crossed the high range I had observed from the Black Rock Hills and Mount Bryan, for the southern termination of which Colonel Gawler steered when he left the northern bend of the Murray in December, 1839; but though these hills had an elevation of twelve hundred or fourteen hundred feet above the plain, there was no indication of rain having fallen there since the deluge. This want of water prevented my proceeding further to the north-east; but from the summit of the highest of these hills (Mount Porcupine,) I had a clear view of the horizon in every direction, and a more barren, sterile country, cannot be imagined. “The direction of the dividing ridge between the basin of the Murray
and the interior desert plain was generally about north-east from the Black Rock Hills (the highest point north of Mount Bryan,) gradually decreasing in elevation, and, if possible, increasing in barrenness. The summits of those hills I found invariably rock — generally sandstone — the lower slopes covered with dense brush, and the valleys with low scrub, with occasional small patches of thin wiry grass. I was obliged to return on the third day, and reached the foot of Mount Bryan on the fourth evening, at the southern extremity of which hill the horses were nearly bogged in the soft ground, though only fifty miles distant from land where the dust was flying as if in the midst of summer. “It appears to me certain, from the result of these different attempts, that there is no country eastward of the high land extending north from Mount Bryan, as far as Mount Hopeless, a distance of about three hundred miles, as far as the meridian of 141 degrees (and probably much beyond it), available for either agricultural or pastoral purposes; and that, though there may be occasional spots of good land at the base of the main range on the sources of the numerous creeks flowing from thence towards the inland desert, these must be too limited in extent to be of any present value. “The nature of the formation of the main range I found generally iron-stone, conglomerate and quartz, with sandstone and slate at the lower elevation. At the points of highest elevation from Mount Bryan northward, igneous rocks of basaltic character protruded from below, forming rugged and fantastic outlines. “At one spot, particularly, about 30 degrees, there were marked indications of volcanic action, and several hollows resembling small craters of extinct volcanoes, near one of which we found a small spring of water, maintaining always a temperature of about 76 degrees Farenheit, when the thermometer standing in water in the kegs stood at 52 degrees, and in the atmosphere at 54 degrees. “The accompanying sketch of the country from Mount Bryan northwards, will probably explain its character better than any written description. The altitudes marked at the different spots where they were observed, were obtained by the temperature of boiling water, as observed by two thermometers; but as they were not graduated with sufficient minuteness for such purposes, the results can only be considered approximate.” E. C. FROME, Capt. Royal Engineers, Surveyor-General. September 14th, 1843. In the above report it will be observed, that there are some apparent discrepancies between my account and Captain Frome’s. First, with respect to the position of the south-east extremity of Lake Torrens. Captain Frome states that he found that point thirty miles more to the east than I had placed it in my chart. Now the only sketch of my course under Flinders range, and that a rough one, which I furnished to the Colonial Government, was sent from Port Lincoln, and is the same which was subsequently published with other papers, relative to South Australia, for the House of Commons, in 1843. This sketch was put together hastily for his Excellency the Governor, that I might not lose the opportunity of forwarding it when I sent from Port Lincoln to Adelaide for supplies early in October, 1840. It was constructed entirely, after I found myself compelled to return from the northern interior, and could only be attended to, in a hurried and imperfect manner, during the brief intervals I could snatch from other duties, whilst travelling back from the north to Port Lincoln (nearly 400 miles,) during which time my movements were very rapid, and many arrangements, consequent upon dividing my party at Baxter’s range, had to be attended to; added to this were the difficulties and embarrassments of conducting myself one division of the party to Port Lincoln, through 200 miles of a desert country which had never been explored before, and which, from its arid and sterile character, presented impediments of no ordinary kind. Upon my return to Adelaide in 1841, after the Expedition had terminated, other duties engrossed my time, and it was only after the publication of Captain Frome’s report, that my attention was again called to the subject. Upon comparing my notes and bearings with the original sketch I had made, I found that in the hurry and confusion of preparing it, whilst travelling, I had laid down all the bearings and courses magnetic, without allowing for the variation; nor can this error, perhaps, be wondered at, considering the circumstances under which the sketch was constructed. At Mount Hopeless the variation was 4 degrees E., at Mount Arden it was 7 degrees 24 minutes E. Now if this variation be applied proportionably to all the courses and bearings as marked down in the original chart, commencing from Mount Arden, it will be found that Mount Serle will be brought by my map very nearly in longitude to where Captain Frome places it
from singing competitions in search of the best amateur performers to reality shows such as “America’s Got Talent”. This wealth of talent continues to catch the attention of international icons including music producer David Foster who said in an interview with ABS-CBN: “I don’t know what’s in the water over there in the Philippines but there are a lot of great singers out there”. This October, The Filipino Channel (TFC) will continue to prove the wealth of Filipino talent as the network brings multi-talented ABS-CBN stars Xian Lim and KZ Tandingan to join the Filipino community at the Philippine Festival 2017 - touted as the biggest Filipino event in Japan - on October 1, 2017 at the Hibiya Park Chuo Ku Event Square in Tokyo. First organized by the Philippine Festival Organizing Committee (FPOC) in 2012 with support from the Philippine Embassy in Japan, the Philippine Festival is organized annually for Filipinos and foreign nationals specifically “to bring expatriate Filipinos together, and at the same time introduce Philippine cuisine, music, dance, and products to Japanese and international friends”, according to the official website of the festival. During the TFC Hour of the Philippine Festival 2017 tagged also as the “most awaited Filipino event in Japan”, Lim and Tandingan will showcase the great Filipino talent as they share their singing as well as their other talents when they perform for their fellowmen (kababayans). While Kapamilya Heartthrob Lim is more known as a young sensation from ABS-CBN has proven his charm in top-rating dramas such as the recently concluded “The Story Of Us” and has equally proven his acting skills in award-winning films such as “Everything About Her”. Unknown to many, Lim is musically inclined and has a talent both in singing and in playing instruments like the piano and the trumpet. In fact, he has three recording albums already under his belt: “So It’s You”, “XL2” and “Key of X”. He is also known internationally as the voice behind the Philippine release of the movie “Paddington Bear”. Meantime, Tandingan has become a sought-after performer since becoming the first “X Factor” Philippines winner because of her soulful song performances of her own hits such as “Wag Ka Nang Umiyak” at “Mahal Ko o Mahal Ako” and with her latest hit - her own rendition of the classic song “Two Less Lonely People” by the international duo Air Supply. TFC first shared the breadth of the Filipino talent to the Philippine festival in 2013 when the network brought Kapamilya artists: TFC’s first Goodwill Ambassador Martin Nievera, together with the iconic series “Be Careful with My Heart’s” cast members Doris Carlos and Sabel Fortuna to personally meet, and bring entertainment to the Filipino community in Japan. The next year, 2014, TFC brought the Big Band Crooner Richard Poon who serenaded the ladies during the event. This year, its Lim and Tandingan’s turn to continue the commitment from TFC through a showcase of unique Filipino performances. In addition to the songs and acoustics, TFC will also open its booth to give the festival-goers chances to win photo opportunities with Lim and Tandingan, and take home limited edition TFC merchandise. Aside from the performances from the Kapamilya artists, the organizers have geared up for the annual parade representing the different popular festivals in the Philippines. The performers’ colorful costumes and lively dances are two of the highlights which the Filipino community in Japan look forward to as they help bring back memories of celebrations from home. During the event, festival-goers also get to enjoy their favorite Filipino delicacies being sold at the different booths around the venue. TFC and the Philippine Festival invite the Filipino community to reminisce the Filipino festivals and the locals to join the celebration at the Philippine Festival 2017 on September 30 and October 1, with the TFC Hour happening on October 1 at the Hibiya Park Chuo Ku Event Square in Tokyo. For more updates about the event, visit and like facebook.com/TFCJapan or visit www.kapamilya.com/tfcjapan. Connect with fellow global Kapamilyas and follow @KapamilyaTFC and KapamilyaGlobalPR on Twitter and Instagram. (with additional report from Camille Naredo of ABS-CBN News) Grae Fernandez and Andrea Brillantes Teach Value of Contentment in “Wansapanataym” Starting October 1 Viewers are set to witness another whimsical story that will share valuable lessons this Sunday (October 1) as teen
from singing competitions in search of the best amateur performers to reality shows such as “America’s Got Talent”. This wealth of talent continues to catch the attention of international icons including music producer David Foster who said in an interview with ABS-CBN: “I don’t know what’s in the water over there in the Philippines but there are a lot of great singers out there”. This October, The Filipino Channel (TFC) will continue to prove the wealth of Filipino talent as the network brings multi-talented ABS-CBN stars Xian Lim and KZ Tandingan to join the Filipino community at the Philippine Festival 2017 - touted as the biggest Filipino event in Japan - on October 1, 2017 at the Hibiya Park Chuo Ku Event Square in Tokyo. First organized by the Philippine Festival Organizing Committee (FPOC) in 2012 with support from the Philippine Embassy in Japan, the Philippine Festival is organized annually for Filipinos and foreign nationals specifically “to bring expatriate Filipinos together, and at the same time introduce Philippine cuisine, music, dance, and products to Japanese and international friends”, according to the official website of the festival. During the TFC Hour of the Philippine Festival 2017 tagged also as the “most awaited Filipino event in Japan”, Lim and Tandingan will showcase the great Filipino talent as they share their singing as well as their other talents when they perform for their fellowmen (kababayans). While Kapamilya Heartthrob Lim is more known as a young sensation from ABS-CBN has proven his charm in top-rating dramas such as the recently concluded “The Story Of Us” and has equally proven his acting skills in award-winning films such as “Everything About Her”. Unknown to many, Lim is musically inclined and has a talent both in singing and in playing instruments like the piano and the trumpet. In fact, he has three recording albums already under his belt: “So It’s You”, “XL2” and “Key of X”. He is also known internationally as the voice behind the Philippine release of the movie “Paddington Bear”. Meantime, Tandingan has become a sought-after performer since becoming the first “X Factor” Philippines winner because of her soulful song performances of her own hits such as “Wag Ka Nang Umiyak” at “Mahal Ko o Mahal Ako” and with her latest hit - her own rendition of the classic song “Two Less Lonely People” by the international duo Air Supply. TFC first shared the breadth of the Filipino talent to the Philippine festival in 2013 when the network brought Kapamilya artists: TFC’s first Goodwill Ambassador Martin Nievera, together with the iconic series “Be Careful with My Heart’s” cast members Doris Carlos and Sabel Fortuna to personally meet, and bring entertainment to the Filipino community in Japan. The next year, 2014, TFC brought the Big Band Crooner Richard Poon who serenaded the ladies during the event. This year, its Lim and Tandingan’s turn to continue the commitment from TFC through a showcase of unique Filipino performances. In addition to the songs and acoustics, TFC will also open its booth to give the festival-goers chances to win photo opportunities with Lim and Tandingan, and take home limited edition TFC merchandise. Aside from the performances from the Kapamilya artists, the organizers have geared up for the annual parade representing the different popular festivals in the Philippines. The performers’ colorful costumes and lively dances are two of the highlights which the Filipino community in Japan look forward to as they help bring back memories of celebrations from home. During the event, festival-goers also get to enjoy their favorite Filipino delicacies being sold at the different booths around the venue. TFC and the Philippine Festival invite the Filipino community to reminisce the Filipino festivals and the locals to join the celebration at the Philippine Festival 2017 on September 30 and October 1, with the TFC Hour happening on October 1 at the Hibiya Park Chuo Ku Event Square in Tokyo. For more updates about the event, visit and like facebook.com/TFCJapan or visit www.kapamilya.com/tfcjapan. Connect with fellow global Kapamilyas and follow @KapamilyaTFC and KapamilyaGlobalPR on Twitter and Instagram. (with additional report from Camille Naredo of ABS-CBN News) Grae Fernandez and Andrea Brillantes Teach Value of Contentment in “Wansapanataym” Starting October 1 Viewers are set to witness another whimsical story that will share valuable lessons this Sunday (October 1) as teen
idols Grae Fernandez and Andrea Brillantes star in their very own series “Wansapanataym Presents: Louie’s Biton.” Don’t miss Grae and Andrea in their first-ever starring role in “Wansapanataym” as they teach the value of contentment that will surely captivate Pinoy kids nationwide. Get to know Louie (Grae Fernandez), the teenager who once lived a fancy life but now experiences hardships after the unexpected death of his father. He lives with his mother Mary Jane (Dimples Romana), who works hard for their everyday living. Bringing him constant joy is his friend Tori (Andrea), the girl he has feelings for. One day, his school announces that it will hold a basketball clinic, with Louie’s idol PBA player Ralph Lorenzo (Aljur Abrenica) serving as coach. However, having no money and a pair of shoes to play in, he fails to join the event and gets bullied by his classmates. Frustrated by the rejection, he then comes to the shoe repairman Mang Dolino (Jojit Lorenzo) to get his shoes fixed. The repairman hears Louie’s desire to live another person’s life and then reveals himself as a fairy god leather. To help the boy with his wish, he gives Louie a magical shoe shiner, which will only work once he wipes it on the shoes of the person he wants to exchange life with. Dreaming to live the life of his idol, Louie wipes the shoe shiner on Ralph’s shoes and successfully gains control of his life. However, he abuses the power of the shoe shiner and uses Ralph’s body to get even with his classmates, which leads to a grave punishment that will change his own life. What consequences will Louie face? Who will set him free from the spell? Also part of “Wansapanataym Presents: Louie’s Biton” are Louise Delos Reyes, Mico Palanca, Irma Adlawan, Brace Arquiza, Marina Benipayo, Dionne Monsanto, Paeng Sudayan, Simon Ibarra, and Marnie Lapuz. It is under the direction of Benedict Mique. Catch the magical stories filled with valuable lessons in “Wansapanataym Presents: Louie’s Biton” this Sunday (October 1) on ABS-CBN and ABS-CBN HD (SkyCable ch 167). For more information, go to fb.com/dreamscapeph and follow @dreamscapeph on Twitter and Instagram. 5 Things that Make Coco Martin a Modern-Day Hero Cardo (Coco Martin) is definitely the country’s most loved “probinsyano.” For over two years now, we have welcomed him into our homes every night and joined him in his heart-pounding adventures as he battles crimes and saves lives as a tough police officer. Dedicated to his job, Cardo surely has done it all — from going on life-threatening assignments and disguising as the alluring lady Paloma. He may not have magic spells nor superpowers, but he is what you may call a modern-day hero. Here’s why: He fights to preserve peace and order Willing to risk his life to protect others, Cardo has saved thousands of people who fell victim to notorious gangs and has raided the country’s biggest crime syndicates. But his quest does not only involve life-threatening battles; he also leads in maintaining peace and order in their community and is always just a call away when their neighborhood needs help. Now, his dedication to preserve peace still lives on as he went undercover to join Pulang Araw to reveal the truth behind all the terrorist attacks and chaos happening in the city, which are all orchestrated by director Renato Hipolito (John Arcilla), who aspires to be a senator. He fights for the oppressed Having grown up without his family, Cardo sure knows how hard life can be, which explains his desire to serve the people, especially those who do not have the capacity to fight for their rights. He has helped victims of crimes such as prostitution, child trafficking, and corruption to stand up and expose syndicate masterminds, putting an end to their evil ploys. Even now that he is with Pulang Araw, Cardo continues to be the warrior for the oppressed after he recently fought for the rights of the Mt. Karagao farmers, whose lands were being claimed by the illegal quarry owners Javier (Jestoni Alarcon) and Miguel Enriquez (Aljur Abrenica). Along with the rebel group, Cardo responded to the farmers’ plea and ended the Enriquez’s tormenting schemes. He champions Filipino family values
to innovate, collaborate and create through design thinking on October 24 Make It Take It: A creative happy hour to be held on October 18 Comments, like all content, are held to The Rapidian standards of civility and open identity as outlined in our Terms of Use and Values Statement. We reserve the right to remove any content that does not hold to these standards. Home/NEWS/FG should sack Sanusi now – NLC President FG should sack Sanusi now – NLC President 0 1,284 2 minutes read CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido THE Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, yesterday, called on the Federal Government to sack the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, for advising the Federal Government to sack half of its work force to maintain a sustainable economy even as the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, has also said Sanusi lacked the capacity to call for the action. In a presentation at the Annual Capital Market Retreat in Warri, Delta, Tuesday, Sanusi had advised the Federal Government to sack half of its work force, arguing thatNigeriacould not build its economy when 70 per cent of its earnings went to salaries and entitlements of civil servants. Reacting to Sanusi’s call, yesterday, the NLC president in a statement said: “It is obvious Sanusi was never qualified for the office of CBN governor in the first instance, and he must be asked to leave the office as he has shown more than enough incompetence and contempt for the Nigerian people.” Omar said the CBN Governor’s comment reflected his contempt for the working people inNigeriawith his recommendation that the Federal Government should sack 50 per cent of its workforce for the economy to be revived. *CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido He said: “Since assumption of office as the Governor of the Central Bank ofNigeria, all Sanusi’s major pronouncements have been either directly anti people or ruinous to the Nigerian economy. “The major problems of the Nigerian economy are corruption and lack of good governance, and until we solve these problems our economy will continue in comatose. “Today, there are countless probe reports with names of those who swindled our country of several trillions of naira and other foreign currencies still living in Nigeria either walking freely around the corridors of power or directly holding public or political offices rather than being in jail. “We see in Sanusi an agent of death that must be defeated and crushed before he further destroys the Nigerian economy. While President Jonathan is promising to create more jobs, Lamido Sanusi is calling for mass sack of civil servants in a country with one of the highest number of unemployed, which has indeed led to gross deprivation and the current state of insecurity inNigeria. While we believe the Federal Government will ignore the ranting of this hollow economist, Sanusi has never demonstrated patriotism in all his advice on economic and financial management inNigeria. “Sanusi’s only understanding of governance is simply about saving money and not saving lives as his proposals are repeatedly devoid of human content and without consideration for the implications on larger society. The burden that will come with mass sack as high as 50 per cent of civil servants in addition to the already saturated unemployment market can better be imagined. Governance is about improving the quality of lives of the people and not destruction of productive lives.” TUC on Sanusi TUC president, Mr Peter Esele, in his reaction stressed that a civil servant earned less than a dollar a day while about 170 per cent of the country’s budget was being spent on those in government. Esele in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria,NAN, said the governor should rather go to the National Assembly and challenge legislators’ spending and not the civil servants. He said: “I think that the CBN governor is being economical with the truth. He knows those who are spendingNigeria’s money.” “I know he has been summoned by the National Assembly before because he said that 25 per cent of the overhead cost of the Federal Government budget went to the National Assembly.” Commenting on the call for the scrapping of the 774 local governments, Esele said the councils did not function properly because the government did not give them powers to perform their statutory functions. He said that the state governors made the councils redundant by planting those loyal to them in office. “Why will a local government chairman be loyal to the governor and not to his constituency. “In other parts of the world, it can’t happen except inNigeria,” he said. FG NLC President Sanusi General Muhammadu
to innovate, collaborate and create through design thinking on October 24 Make It Take It: A creative happy hour to be held on October 18 Comments, like all content, are held to The Rapidian standards of civility and open identity as outlined in our Terms of Use and Values Statement. We reserve the right to remove any content that does not hold to these standards. Home/NEWS/FG should sack Sanusi now – NLC President FG should sack Sanusi now – NLC President 0 1,284 2 minutes read CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido THE Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, yesterday, called on the Federal Government to sack the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, for advising the Federal Government to sack half of its work force to maintain a sustainable economy even as the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, has also said Sanusi lacked the capacity to call for the action. In a presentation at the Annual Capital Market Retreat in Warri, Delta, Tuesday, Sanusi had advised the Federal Government to sack half of its work force, arguing thatNigeriacould not build its economy when 70 per cent of its earnings went to salaries and entitlements of civil servants. Reacting to Sanusi’s call, yesterday, the NLC president in a statement said: “It is obvious Sanusi was never qualified for the office of CBN governor in the first instance, and he must be asked to leave the office as he has shown more than enough incompetence and contempt for the Nigerian people.” Omar said the CBN Governor’s comment reflected his contempt for the working people inNigeriawith his recommendation that the Federal Government should sack 50 per cent of its workforce for the economy to be revived. *CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido He said: “Since assumption of office as the Governor of the Central Bank ofNigeria, all Sanusi’s major pronouncements have been either directly anti people or ruinous to the Nigerian economy. “The major problems of the Nigerian economy are corruption and lack of good governance, and until we solve these problems our economy will continue in comatose. “Today, there are countless probe reports with names of those who swindled our country of several trillions of naira and other foreign currencies still living in Nigeria either walking freely around the corridors of power or directly holding public or political offices rather than being in jail. “We see in Sanusi an agent of death that must be defeated and crushed before he further destroys the Nigerian economy. While President Jonathan is promising to create more jobs, Lamido Sanusi is calling for mass sack of civil servants in a country with one of the highest number of unemployed, which has indeed led to gross deprivation and the current state of insecurity inNigeria. While we believe the Federal Government will ignore the ranting of this hollow economist, Sanusi has never demonstrated patriotism in all his advice on economic and financial management inNigeria. “Sanusi’s only understanding of governance is simply about saving money and not saving lives as his proposals are repeatedly devoid of human content and without consideration for the implications on larger society. The burden that will come with mass sack as high as 50 per cent of civil servants in addition to the already saturated unemployment market can better be imagined. Governance is about improving the quality of lives of the people and not destruction of productive lives.” TUC on Sanusi TUC president, Mr Peter Esele, in his reaction stressed that a civil servant earned less than a dollar a day while about 170 per cent of the country’s budget was being spent on those in government. Esele in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria,NAN, said the governor should rather go to the National Assembly and challenge legislators’ spending and not the civil servants. He said: “I think that the CBN governor is being economical with the truth. He knows those who are spendingNigeria’s money.” “I know he has been summoned by the National Assembly before because he said that 25 per cent of the overhead cost of the Federal Government budget went to the National Assembly.” Commenting on the call for the scrapping of the 774 local governments, Esele said the councils did not function properly because the government did not give them powers to perform their statutory functions. He said that the state governors made the councils redundant by planting those loyal to them in office. “Why will a local government chairman be loyal to the governor and not to his constituency. “In other parts of the world, it can’t happen except inNigeria,” he said. FG NLC President Sanusi General Muhammadu
Buhari loses 40yrs old daugther to sickle cell More Ember Thoughts 2014 February 02 at 02:26 AM Technology After 4 days of working with Ember, these are my thoughts about it. ##Things I Don’t Like About Ember ###Input Helpers They don’t let you use all the same options you’d be able to use in a normal input element, like required=true. You can just use a normal input element, but then you don’t have the luxury of the value binding to a property in the controller. ###Automated magic Ember makes a lot of things easier on you by doing some “magic” behind the scenes, but when those things don’t perform the way they’re supposed to, it’s hard to tell why. That’s the advantage of having to spell everything out yourself–it makes it much easier to fix things when they don’t perform the way they ought to. ###Handlebars Helpers Sometimes they’d work and sometimes they wouldn’t and I could never tell what the deciding factor was. ###Model Relationships I expected these to work the same way they do in Rails with the belongsTo and hasMany, etc. But you can’t reference them the same way you would in Rails and I became very frustrated when trying to display the comments for a post. ###The Guides I felt like the guide on the website was really lacking, at least compared to Backbone’s guides. They read more like a tutorial instead of explaining thoroughly how you use each feature. They do have the API section, which I think is more similar to what I wanted, but it is overwhelming at a glance. ##Things I Do Like About Ember When you’re doing the basic setup for the site, it is really quick and easy. I’m also impressed with the way it updates values that are changed instantly across the site, without you explicitly having to tell it to re-render those items. ###The structure Ember reminds me a lot of Rails, not just because of the MVC aspect but the way they do their routes and models. I like that it reminds me of Rails. ###The routing Speaking of the way Ember does routes, I found it so much more straightforward and easy compared to the built in routing feature of Backbone.js that I ended up not even using, in favor of Page.js. The octothorpe in the url is annoying but I’m certain that could be gotten around the same way you can in Backbone. In the same vein, I like how easy they make it to transition to another “page” with something like this: this.transitionTo('page'); ###The Chrome extension There is a chrome devtools extension for Ember and it’s incredibly useful and awesome. I wish Backbone had an extension like that (maybe some day I should build one?) ##Final Thoughts I am intrigued enough to continuing playing around with Ember. One of the things that was frustrating me would not even be an issue if I was using a RESTful API to serve information to Ember instead of using LocalStorage and relying on Ember’s built in model relationships. I also know that a part of getting used to any technology is learning its quirks and how to work around that. So far I think Ember would be better for more simplistic apps, but I would have to build out a site more with it to be certain of that opinion. Ember.js and JavaScript Art is never finished, only abandoned. Leonardo Da Vinci Flickr Github Linked In Twitter Youtube © 2010–2019 Amy MacKinnon. Currently powered by Jekyll. Unit 8: Vocabulary the process of comparing the actual state of the bank account with the bank nominal code in the accounts After James had finished the bank reconciliation, it became clear the company had a major cash flow problem. the amount of liquid equity held by an entity at a certain point of time The accounts showed a large profit for the year, but as the company had spent a lot on new assets there was a lack of cash in hand. cross-check verify by comparing two sets of data Each month the accounts supervisor cross-checks the records which were posted against the nominal code assigned. a first version The financial director looked at the draft set of accounts and then approved them. the written record of a payment due, which is sent to the customer before payment The company issued a pro-forma invoice, with 14-day payment terms, when the order was confirmed. Defects, failures of mistakes If the IRS finds any irregularities in your tax calculations, you can be fined. keep track of follow, or pay attention to (particularly in changeable situations) Working in a
penalty for Sabbath breaking, Yahweh did. Now if our heavenly father gave a death penalty for breaking the Sabbath does that not show you a little bit that maybe it's kind of important to him? And do you really think that all of a sudden the hour, minute and second that Yahushua died and rose all of a sudden snap doesn't matter anymore? He goes from death penalty to, hey, no problem. Does that really make any sense? The 10 commandments as we've been talking about, and I plan to get back to that study, by the way. You've got the first 4 commandments in 10 commandments deal with how we love Yahweh our heavenly father. And the fifth commandment, maybe on, maybe 5th commandment also would be included but they're speaking about how we love our fellow men. But Yahweh does not want you mixing him up with some idol because he's holy. He's not to be syncretized with unholy religions, unholy practices, pagan rooted traditions because he is holy. That's why I don't observe Christmas, that's why don't observe Easter and all these other Catholic holidays that have been handed down to the Protestants, because we don't want Yahweh to be anything but represented as holy. And therefore we don't try to honor him with traditions that come from the worship of demons. And then the third thing is concerned about in the 10 commandments is the holiness of his name. That his name would not be profaned, that was important to him don't take his name in vain. If it's important to him why is it important to us in our culture today his name why is it? Because we live in a culture that has dethroned the most high and people want to create their own Elohim and we've handed down but handed down to our generation many things that are not biblical and a lot of us don't realize it and I understand because that's what we've been given. The fourth thing he is concerned about was the holiness of his day, again not important to our culture, but does that matter? Is Yahweh going to consult our culture when he judges us on our final day? I think he's going to say well, what does my word say, right? He is not going to say what was your culture like oh okay yeah you can profane a Sabbath day that's okay. This other culture of course they can do that, no he is going to consult we have the bible right here, all you got to do is read it, study it. It's there we just need to read it and study it and not let the opinions of men sway us. He's going to want to know okay 10 commandments how to do 10 commandments? Were you obedient to those even though nobody else thought it was important? Did you read my word to see how important it was to me? Do you catch that? See where I commanded men to even be put to death for violating the Sabbath day? But we don't put emphasis today on the things that Yahweh puts emphasis on when he founded the very first things he wanted to say to the children of Israel. I'm holy first of all, I'm holly don't mix me with pagan stuff I'm not any part of that, don't make an idol out of me, don't make images of me, you can't make an image of me, don't worship me and mix me with other things or worship other gods. I don't want that stuff associated with me and don't profane my name. My name is holy and don't profane my day, my day is holy. These are the things that were on his mind when he gave the 10 commandments and so maybe we need to rethink a little bit here maybe we need to just start thinking and let our thinking be more like his thinking and I hope this makes sense to you. Scripture says that Isaiah 65; I stretched out my hands all day long to rebellious people who walking away is not good according to their own thoughts a people who provoked me to anger continually to my face, sacrificing gardens and burn incense of altars of brick who set among the graves and spend the night in the tombs who eat swine's flesh and the harbor abominable things in their vessels, who say keep to yourself do not come near me for I am holier than you these are a smoke in my nostrils a fire that burns all the day. Now if you understand holiness, graves are unclean places and eating swine's flesh defiles you. And abominable things in your vessels, the unclean things is an act of defilement and yet these people are saying oh don't come near me I'm holier than you that just he says these are smoking my nostrils of fire that burns all the day. Now I don't know I mean I'm not trying to condemn anybody but why is it that gra
penalty for Sabbath breaking, Yahweh did. Now if our heavenly father gave a death penalty for breaking the Sabbath does that not show you a little bit that maybe it's kind of important to him? And do you really think that all of a sudden the hour, minute and second that Yahushua died and rose all of a sudden snap doesn't matter anymore? He goes from death penalty to, hey, no problem. Does that really make any sense? The 10 commandments as we've been talking about, and I plan to get back to that study, by the way. You've got the first 4 commandments in 10 commandments deal with how we love Yahweh our heavenly father. And the fifth commandment, maybe on, maybe 5th commandment also would be included but they're speaking about how we love our fellow men. But Yahweh does not want you mixing him up with some idol because he's holy. He's not to be syncretized with unholy religions, unholy practices, pagan rooted traditions because he is holy. That's why I don't observe Christmas, that's why don't observe Easter and all these other Catholic holidays that have been handed down to the Protestants, because we don't want Yahweh to be anything but represented as holy. And therefore we don't try to honor him with traditions that come from the worship of demons. And then the third thing is concerned about in the 10 commandments is the holiness of his name. That his name would not be profaned, that was important to him don't take his name in vain. If it's important to him why is it important to us in our culture today his name why is it? Because we live in a culture that has dethroned the most high and people want to create their own Elohim and we've handed down but handed down to our generation many things that are not biblical and a lot of us don't realize it and I understand because that's what we've been given. The fourth thing he is concerned about was the holiness of his day, again not important to our culture, but does that matter? Is Yahweh going to consult our culture when he judges us on our final day? I think he's going to say well, what does my word say, right? He is not going to say what was your culture like oh okay yeah you can profane a Sabbath day that's okay. This other culture of course they can do that, no he is going to consult we have the bible right here, all you got to do is read it, study it. It's there we just need to read it and study it and not let the opinions of men sway us. He's going to want to know okay 10 commandments how to do 10 commandments? Were you obedient to those even though nobody else thought it was important? Did you read my word to see how important it was to me? Do you catch that? See where I commanded men to even be put to death for violating the Sabbath day? But we don't put emphasis today on the things that Yahweh puts emphasis on when he founded the very first things he wanted to say to the children of Israel. I'm holy first of all, I'm holly don't mix me with pagan stuff I'm not any part of that, don't make an idol out of me, don't make images of me, you can't make an image of me, don't worship me and mix me with other things or worship other gods. I don't want that stuff associated with me and don't profane my name. My name is holy and don't profane my day, my day is holy. These are the things that were on his mind when he gave the 10 commandments and so maybe we need to rethink a little bit here maybe we need to just start thinking and let our thinking be more like his thinking and I hope this makes sense to you. Scripture says that Isaiah 65; I stretched out my hands all day long to rebellious people who walking away is not good according to their own thoughts a people who provoked me to anger continually to my face, sacrificing gardens and burn incense of altars of brick who set among the graves and spend the night in the tombs who eat swine's flesh and the harbor abominable things in their vessels, who say keep to yourself do not come near me for I am holier than you these are a smoke in my nostrils a fire that burns all the day. Now if you understand holiness, graves are unclean places and eating swine's flesh defiles you. And abominable things in your vessels, the unclean things is an act of defilement and yet these people are saying oh don't come near me I'm holier than you that just he says these are smoking my nostrils of fire that burns all the day. Now I don't know I mean I'm not trying to condemn anybody but why is it that gra
veyards are often right next to churches? This you know, and they'll even bring a dead body into a church which biblically speaking is you know a very unclean thing. And yet these, you know he's talking about I don't think he's talking necessarily about the church but I often find that things he had trouble with amongst ancient Israel seem to be very similar to things I see, maybe not quite the exact thing but similar to things I see in modern day Christianity. So anyway we need to understand this we got to understand that holiness matters according to his definitions we don't get to decide what holiness is, Yahweh does. So are we willing to allow what he says matters to be something that we also say it matters? We don't want to be calling evil good and good evil bitter for sweet sweet for bitter and be wise in our own eyes. Holier than thou is actually this, this is holier than thou. That's where you get the term holier than thou right here. You heard some all you just think you're holier than thou. This is the context, the unclean, graves, abominable of things in your pots and vessels and in this case idolatry was associated with these things, nothing wrong with me acknowledging that. But you know let's look at scripture and allow it to teach us about holiness. Isaiah 6 verse 1-3; in the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Master sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of Israel filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is Yahweh of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Three times holy Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh. Revelation 4:8; the four creatures each of them having six wings; were full of eyes around and within: and yet they do not rest day or night, saying, Holy, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Yahweh, Sivaot, asher, hayah, wa-u-wa, yahvot who was and is, and is to come. So his holiness is continually being declared in the heavenly places nonstop. Yahweh is holy; he is set apart, set apart from what? From anything that is wicked, anything that is evil, anything that is impure, anything that is not lovely, praiseworthy, of good reports, he is separate from the filth and scour of the world. Yahweh is holy and there is no comparison to his holiness. Exodus 15:11; who is like you, O YAHWEH, among the mighty ones? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? 1 Samuel 2:2; no one is holy like Yahweh: there is none beside you: nor is there any rock like our Mighty One. Psalm 22:3; but you are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. He is holy but is willing to dwell in our praises, if you want to be in the presence of Yahweh start praising him with sincerity and purity of heart. Isaiah 63 verse 15 says; look down from heaven, and see from your habitation holy and glorious: where are your zeal and your strength, the yearning of your heart and mercies toward me? Are they restrained? It's habitation where he dwells as holy and glorious. Deuteronomy 26:15; look down from your holy habitation, from heaven, and bless your people Israel, and the land which you have given us, just as you swore to our fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey. So Yahweh's dwelling place is holy, 2 Chronicles 30:27; the priests, Levites arose and blessed the people: and their voice was heard, and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling place, to heaven. Revelation 8:4; the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before Elohim from the angel's hand, to his holy dwelling place. Also his name is holy bless Yahweh on my soul all that is within me bless his holy name. The contemporary song of theirs saying worship his holy name, well what is his holy name? They don't say it, Isaiah 57:15; thus says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, (but also he's saying) with him who has a contrite and humble spirit. I love that he is in a high and holy place but he's also with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive
Pingback: Animals as Pets: Transcript From the 2008 London Vegan Festival | Vegan Place Lee Hall on November 1, 2014 at 01:46 said: Reblogged this on Vegan Place and commented: Happy World Vegan Day 2014! Happy 70th Anniversary to The Vegan Society! veganelder on November 7, 2014 at 09:12 said: It’s not at all a bad idea for vegans to re-read this interview with a very remarkable human once every year or so. The spirits of all the animals his efforts have saved will smile. Pingback: Animals as Pets – vegan anarchist primitivist Pingback: A Reason to Be Vegan | Vegan Place Site Review Policy Kickstarter Policy How to Review Comics How to Get Review Copies How to Make Comics Must-Read Comic Classics Manga Starting Points KC’s Westfield Columns Independent Opinions, News, and Reviews of Graphic Novels, Manga, and Comic Books Books About Comics July 31, 2010 Johanna Movie News One comment Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy Due October 26 I know I was annoyed by Blu-ray for a while, but I think we picked just the right time to jump, since lots of our favorites are just now being re-released in that format. And as the studios hoped, since we have a new Blu-ray player, we’re eager for content to feed into it. The latest announcement that has me salivating is that the Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy is due out on Blu-ray October 25th (my birthday week!). The set (also available on DVD) promises new audio and video restorations, and I’ve always enjoyed the movies for their blend of science fiction, comedy, and adventure. A new, six-part “retrospective documentary featuring never-before-seen interviews with the cast, crew and filmmakers, including Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and director Robert Zemeckis” heads up over two hours of new bonus features, available in both formats. It covers each of the films, plus pre-production and casting, songs and score, and reactions to the movies, including the Universal park ride and fan response. There are also a feature on the physics and science of the trilogy the storyboard sequence of the original proposed ending of the film titled “Nuclear Test Site” plus lots (everything?) carried over from the previous 2002 DVD set, including 16 deleted scenes, two commentaries on each film (a Q&A with Zemeckis and producer Bob Gale, or one with producers Gale and Neil Canton), the making-ofs, behind-the-scenes, galleries, trailers, and the Huey Lewis and the News “Power of Love” music video The Blu-ray exclusives are, for the most part, those that take advantage of the new technology. That’s a really smart way to do things, since it doesn’t look as though you’re punishing DVD customers or trying to force them to upgrade. The Blu-ray only elements include such things as a trivia track, a storyboard comparison while watching the movie, BD-LIVE links, the ability to bookmark favorite scenes, and the ability to control your Blu-ray player from your iPhone, Blackberry, or Android phone or Macintosh or Windows computer with Universal’s pocket BLU app. That app also allows you to control the film’s Video Timeline or get exclusive Mobile-to-Go content. There is one Blu-ray video exclusive: the archival featurette “Back to the Future Night”: “Hosted by Leslie Nielson, this original 30-minute special aired on NBC prior to the first television screening of Back to the Future.” I’ll definitely be picking up this set — now if I can only avoid the temptation to upgrade all my Pixar movies to Blu-ray. Pingback: Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy | Comics Worth Reading Support Comics Worth Reading on Patreon! Books About Comics (122) Other Prose (92) Comic News (928) Comic Reviews (1,176) Abrams / Amulet (18) Action Lab (11) AdHouse Books (6) Andrews McMeel (12) Atheneum Books (8) Bloomsbury USA (3) Boom! Studios / Archaia (69) DC / Vertigo (93) Drawn & Quarterly (22) Fantagraphics (27) First Second (78) Graphic Universe (10) Graphix / Scholastic (33) HarperCollins (15) IDW / Top Shelf (61) Koyama Press (
Pingback: Animals as Pets: Transcript From the 2008 London Vegan Festival | Vegan Place Lee Hall on November 1, 2014 at 01:46 said: Reblogged this on Vegan Place and commented: Happy World Vegan Day 2014! Happy 70th Anniversary to The Vegan Society! veganelder on November 7, 2014 at 09:12 said: It’s not at all a bad idea for vegans to re-read this interview with a very remarkable human once every year or so. The spirits of all the animals his efforts have saved will smile. Pingback: Animals as Pets – vegan anarchist primitivist Pingback: A Reason to Be Vegan | Vegan Place Site Review Policy Kickstarter Policy How to Review Comics How to Get Review Copies How to Make Comics Must-Read Comic Classics Manga Starting Points KC’s Westfield Columns Independent Opinions, News, and Reviews of Graphic Novels, Manga, and Comic Books Books About Comics July 31, 2010 Johanna Movie News One comment Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy Due October 26 I know I was annoyed by Blu-ray for a while, but I think we picked just the right time to jump, since lots of our favorites are just now being re-released in that format. And as the studios hoped, since we have a new Blu-ray player, we’re eager for content to feed into it. The latest announcement that has me salivating is that the Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy is due out on Blu-ray October 25th (my birthday week!). The set (also available on DVD) promises new audio and video restorations, and I’ve always enjoyed the movies for their blend of science fiction, comedy, and adventure. A new, six-part “retrospective documentary featuring never-before-seen interviews with the cast, crew and filmmakers, including Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and director Robert Zemeckis” heads up over two hours of new bonus features, available in both formats. It covers each of the films, plus pre-production and casting, songs and score, and reactions to the movies, including the Universal park ride and fan response. There are also a feature on the physics and science of the trilogy the storyboard sequence of the original proposed ending of the film titled “Nuclear Test Site” plus lots (everything?) carried over from the previous 2002 DVD set, including 16 deleted scenes, two commentaries on each film (a Q&A with Zemeckis and producer Bob Gale, or one with producers Gale and Neil Canton), the making-ofs, behind-the-scenes, galleries, trailers, and the Huey Lewis and the News “Power of Love” music video The Blu-ray exclusives are, for the most part, those that take advantage of the new technology. That’s a really smart way to do things, since it doesn’t look as though you’re punishing DVD customers or trying to force them to upgrade. The Blu-ray only elements include such things as a trivia track, a storyboard comparison while watching the movie, BD-LIVE links, the ability to bookmark favorite scenes, and the ability to control your Blu-ray player from your iPhone, Blackberry, or Android phone or Macintosh or Windows computer with Universal’s pocket BLU app. That app also allows you to control the film’s Video Timeline or get exclusive Mobile-to-Go content. There is one Blu-ray video exclusive: the archival featurette “Back to the Future Night”: “Hosted by Leslie Nielson, this original 30-minute special aired on NBC prior to the first television screening of Back to the Future.” I’ll definitely be picking up this set — now if I can only avoid the temptation to upgrade all my Pixar movies to Blu-ray. Pingback: Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy | Comics Worth Reading Support Comics Worth Reading on Patreon! Books About Comics (122) Other Prose (92) Comic News (928) Comic Reviews (1,176) Abrams / Amulet (18) Action Lab (11) AdHouse Books (6) Andrews McMeel (12) Atheneum Books (8) Bloomsbury USA (3) Boom! Studios / Archaia (69) DC / Vertigo (93) Drawn & Quarterly (22) Fantagraphics (27) First Second (78) Graphic Universe (10) Graphix / Scholastic (33) HarperCollins (15) IDW / Top Shelf (61) Koyama Press (
1) NBM / Papercutz (53) Nobrow (9) Oni Press / Lion Forge (87) Other Publishers (281) SLG Publishing (16) Titan Comics (29) Toon Books (25) Manga News (255) Manga Reviews (718) Dark Horse Manga Reviews (12) Del Rey Manga Reviews (24) Digital Manga Reviews (19) Drawn & Quarterly Manga Reviews (4) Kodansha Manga Reviews (73) No Starch Press Manga Reviews (13) Other Manga Publishers (81) Tokyopop Manga Reviews (57) Vertical Manga Reviews (55) Viz Manga Reviews (281) Yen Press Manga Reviews (91) Movies/TV (906) Comic Book Films (156) DCU Original Animation (150) Motion Comics (26) Movie News (119) Television Reviews (108) TV News (221) Warner Archive (49) PR: What Not to Do (30) Bolivar Eats New York: A Discovery Adventure The Unicorn Whisperer Tala Ashe Doing Wizard World Virtual in January Doctor Who Watch – Because I Needed Another Project Is Sherlock a Superhero? A Trip to the Top of the Volcano With Mouse Henchmen Available to Watch Free Starting on Christmas Holly Jolly: Celebrating Christmas Past in Pop Culture Past Posts by Date Select Month January 2021 (2) December 2020 (19) November 2020 (17) October 2020 (16) September 2020 (13) August 2020 (14) July 2020 (11) June 2020 (20) May 2020 (11) April 2020 (7) March 2020 (16) February 2020 (27) January 2020 (7) December 2019 (18) November 2019 (14) October 2019 (4) September 2019 (2) July 2019 (3) June 2019 (10) May 2019 (27) April 2019 (22) March 2019 (27) February 2019 (28) January 2019 (16) December 2018 (38) November 2018 (29) October 2018 (25) September 2018 (52) August 2018 (37) July 2018 (39) June 2018 (35) May 2018 (42) April 2018 (38) March 2018 (33) February 2018 (38) January 2018 (39) December 2017 (38) November 2017 (26) October 2017 (35) September 2017 (36) August 2017 (46) July 2017 (45) June 2017 (38) May 2017 (35) April 2017 (39) March 2017 (40) February 2017 (30) January 2017 (41) December 2016 (31) November 2016 (42) October 2016 (30) September 2016 (13) August 2016 (32) July 2016 (43) June 2016 (32) May 2016 (51) April 2016 (42) March 2016 (31) February 2016 (33) January 2016 (26) December 2015 (37) November 2015 (25) October 2015 (31) September 2015 (37) August 2015 (63) July 2015 (30) June 2015 (27) May 2015 (37) April 2015 (41) March 2015 (32) February 2015 (29) January 2015 (37) December 2014 (49) November 2014 (40) October 2014 (32) September 2014 (42) August 2014 (50) July 2014 (42) June 2014 (28) May 2014 (32) April 2014 (28) March 2014 (28) February 2014 (33) January 2014 (33) December 2013 (15) November 2013 (29) October 2013 (20) September 2013 (16) August 2013 (34) July 2013 (22) June 2013 (19) May 2013 (22) April 2013 (13) March 2013 (14) February 2013 (20) January 2013 (15) December 2012 (28) November 2012 (15) October 2012 (13) September 2012 (21) August 2012 (10) July 2012 (13) June 2012 (13) May 2012 (22) April 2012 (25) March 2012 (8) February 2012 (20) January 2012 (15) December 2011 (24) November 2011 (23) October 2011 (27) September 2011 (27) August 2011 (16) July 2011 (28) June 2011 (20) May 2011 (16) April 2011 (20) March 2011 (27) February 2011 (23) January 2011 (23) December 2010 (18) November 2010 (30) October 2010 (21) September 2010 (20) August 2010 (24) July 2010 (22) June 2010 (15) May 2010 (28) April 2010 (24) March 2010 (24) February 2010 (23) January 2010 (18) December 2009 (20) November 2009 (22) October 2009 (12) September 2009 (25) August 2009 (23) July 2009 (33) June 2009 (26) May 2009 (23) April 2009 (19)
* @param {Array} [config.api] An interface definition for duck typing. * @param {Boolean} [config.isSingleton] If the mapping should be treated as a singleton. * @param {Array} [config.using] Any constructor dependencies. * @param {Boolean} [config.defer] If the injector should defer to the parent injector. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toFactory = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); validateType(config.target, 'Function', INVALID_TARGET); mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector, name: key, resolver: makeFactory }); return _injector; }; /** * Maps a key to a member of another dependency. * * @method toLens * @param {Object} config The config options for the mapping. * @param {String} config.target The dot delimited path to the dependency. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toLens = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); validateType(config.target, 'String', INVALID_TARGET); mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector, name: key, resolver: makeLens }); return _injector; }; /** * Maps a key to a constructor function. *
* @param {Array} [config.api] An interface definition for duck typing. * @param {Boolean} [config.isSingleton] If the mapping should be treated as a singleton. * @param {Array} [config.using] Any constructor dependencies. * @param {Boolean} [config.defer] If the injector should defer to the parent injector. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toFactory = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); validateType(config.target, 'Function', INVALID_TARGET); mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector, name: key, resolver: makeFactory }); return _injector; }; /** * Maps a key to a member of another dependency. * * @method toLens * @param {Object} config The config options for the mapping. * @param {String} config.target The dot delimited path to the dependency. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toLens = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); validateType(config.target, 'String', INVALID_TARGET); mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector, name: key, resolver: makeLens }); return _injector; }; /** * Maps a key to a constructor function. *
* @method toType * @param {Object} config The config options for the mapping. * @param {Function} config.target The factory function. * @param {Array} [config.api] An interface definition for duck typing. * @param {Boolean} [config.isSingleton] If the mapping should be treated as a singleton. * @param {Array} [config.using] Any constructor dependencies. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toType = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); validateType(config.target, 'Function', INVALID_TARGET); mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector, name: key, resolver: makeConstructor, Builder: makeBuilder(config.target) }); return _injector; }; /** * Maps a key to a value. * * @method toValue * @param {Object} config The config options for the mapping. * @param {*} config.target The value. * @param {Array} [config.api] The interface definition for duck typing. * @returns {DiCast} A reference back to the DiCast instance. */ this.toValue = function(config) { validateType(config, 'Object', INCORRECT_METHOD_SIGNATURE); if (!config.hasOwnProperty('target')) { throw new InjectionError(MISSING_TARGET, {key: key}); } mappings[key] = mapping(config, { injector: _injector,
walked to her bedroom and on her way said that I knew where the front door was if I wanted to leave. I stood there for about five minutes and finally decided that I knew exactly how to deal with this situation. I headed straight out the front door... There, leaning against my car was her husband, my father-in-law to be. He was smiling. He explained that they just wanted to be sure I was a good kid and would be true to their little girl. I shook his hand and he congratulated me on passing their little test. Marie, should I tell my fiance what her parents did, and that I thought their "little test" was asinine and insulting to my character? Or should I keep the whole thing to myself including the fact that the reason I was walking out to my car was to get a condom? Dirty Howi Stig Madesen feeling very depressed walked into a bar and ordered a triple scotch. As the bartender poured him the drink he remarked, "That's quite a heavy drink. Is something wrong?" After quickly downing his drink Stig replied, "I got home and found my wife in bed with my best friend." "Wow", exclaimed the bartender as he poured the man a second triple scotch, "No wonder you needed a stiff drink. This one's on the house." As Stig finished the second scotch, the bartender asked him, "So what did you do?" "I walked over to my wife", Stig replied, "looked her straight in the eye and told her that we were through. I told her to pack her bags and get the hell out." "That makes sense", said the bartender, "but what about your best friend?" "I walked over to him, looked him right in the eye and said 'Bad dog!'" Sherko walks into a bar and says "Gimme twenty shots of your best bourbon." The bartender pours the shots, and Sherko immediately pounds them all down like a madman. The bartender says "Man, I've never seen anybody drink like that before." Sherko says "You'd drink like that too if you had what I have." "What do you have?" asks the bartender. Sherko says "Fifty cents." Engineers Rules For When Dealing With The Drawing Office Kindly donated by Andy Canfield (Cornbread) Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing. If it's really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how it's going. That helps. Or even better, hover behind me, advising me at every keystroke. Always leave without telling anyone where you're going. It gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, don't open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training in case I should ever be injured and lose all use of my limbs. If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is priority. I am psychic. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go or anything to do. I have no life beyond work. If a job I do pleases you, keep it a secret. If that gets out, it could mean a promotion. If you don't like my work, tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped. If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information. Never introduce me to the people you're with. I have no right to know anything. In the corporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them. Be nice to me only when the job I'm doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to Engineers' hell. Tell me all your little problems. No one else has any and it's nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so much taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good Engineer. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals SHOULD have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I'm not here for the money anyway. Tell me to hurry up and finish so you can tell me about the changes you decided on at a meeting yesterday. Benchmark Test (Kenny Ramage - November 2002) AutoCAD VV-Lite Recently, I received an unusual request from
walked to her bedroom and on her way said that I knew where the front door was if I wanted to leave. I stood there for about five minutes and finally decided that I knew exactly how to deal with this situation. I headed straight out the front door... There, leaning against my car was her husband, my father-in-law to be. He was smiling. He explained that they just wanted to be sure I was a good kid and would be true to their little girl. I shook his hand and he congratulated me on passing their little test. Marie, should I tell my fiance what her parents did, and that I thought their "little test" was asinine and insulting to my character? Or should I keep the whole thing to myself including the fact that the reason I was walking out to my car was to get a condom? Dirty Howi Stig Madesen feeling very depressed walked into a bar and ordered a triple scotch. As the bartender poured him the drink he remarked, "That's quite a heavy drink. Is something wrong?" After quickly downing his drink Stig replied, "I got home and found my wife in bed with my best friend." "Wow", exclaimed the bartender as he poured the man a second triple scotch, "No wonder you needed a stiff drink. This one's on the house." As Stig finished the second scotch, the bartender asked him, "So what did you do?" "I walked over to my wife", Stig replied, "looked her straight in the eye and told her that we were through. I told her to pack her bags and get the hell out." "That makes sense", said the bartender, "but what about your best friend?" "I walked over to him, looked him right in the eye and said 'Bad dog!'" Sherko walks into a bar and says "Gimme twenty shots of your best bourbon." The bartender pours the shots, and Sherko immediately pounds them all down like a madman. The bartender says "Man, I've never seen anybody drink like that before." Sherko says "You'd drink like that too if you had what I have." "What do you have?" asks the bartender. Sherko says "Fifty cents." Engineers Rules For When Dealing With The Drawing Office Kindly donated by Andy Canfield (Cornbread) Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing. If it's really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how it's going. That helps. Or even better, hover behind me, advising me at every keystroke. Always leave without telling anyone where you're going. It gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, don't open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training in case I should ever be injured and lose all use of my limbs. If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is priority. I am psychic. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go or anything to do. I have no life beyond work. If a job I do pleases you, keep it a secret. If that gets out, it could mean a promotion. If you don't like my work, tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped. If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information. Never introduce me to the people you're with. I have no right to know anything. In the corporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them. Be nice to me only when the job I'm doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to Engineers' hell. Tell me all your little problems. No one else has any and it's nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so much taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good Engineer. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals SHOULD have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I'm not here for the money anyway. Tell me to hurry up and finish so you can tell me about the changes you decided on at a meeting yesterday. Benchmark Test (Kenny Ramage - November 2002) AutoCAD VV-Lite Recently, I received an unusual request from
AutoDesk : "Hi Kenny," it said, "Knowing that you are a man of high intellect, have a good understanding of the AutoDesk range of products, and have never been found guilty of anything as charges were always dropped, we would like you to benchmark and test our latest product namely - "AutoCAD VV-Lite" or, to reveal it's true name, "AutoCAD Very, Very Lite." Being a strong upstanding citizen (whilst standing,) I decide to give it a go. AutoCAD VV-Lite is a brand new product aimed primarily at the person who has difficulty in producing/reading a drawing. The major selling point of this package is that it is a state of the art, seventh generation, ONE DIMENSIONAL Cad package. AutoDesk, after major research, identified the need that a lot of draughtspersons/engineerpersons have in producing and or reading 2D drawings - never mind 3D solid models or wire frames. This was the niche that AutoDesk had been looking for! Following are a couple of major features I picked up on whilst testing this truly unique software package : The first step is to select your mode of drawing. AutoCAD VV-Lite provides 3 modes - Horizontal Mode, Vertical Mode and Angular Mode. Only one Mode at a time can be active. This exciting and revolutionary feature removes all confusion and difficulty from having to remember what type and orientation of entity you are drawing. A simple 3-way toggle switch, as used on the Space Shuttle, allows you to cycle between modes. An added bonus is that only one of the "Mode" types is displayed. This drastically reduces regen time. e.g. If you are in "Horizontal Mode," only Horizontal entities are displayed. Pull Down, Screen and Toolbar Menu's have been totally eliminated. In their place, a "stick on" screen menu has been provided. This new menu type comes in all screen sizes and resolutions to suit your VDU. (TV screens, drive-in screens and ice creams are not yet supported.) All text is entered as normal, but appear on your screen in Lower Case Pittman's Shorthand. In addition, all numeric characters are converted to binary code (1 and 0.) Both these enhancements greatly help in reducing the pressure on system resources. Blocks and Xref's are not inserted. Hieroglyphics are used instead. They are fully customisable. Every entity automatically snaps to all other entities within the drawing to avoid confusion of which snap to use. No scaling is necessary as "Not To Scale" is automatically applied to the drawing in the way of a water mark. When you draw an entity or insert a block, and if the system doesn't like what you are doing, or if you take to long, the entity is deleted and your immediate supervisor is informed via e-mail. AutoLisp is present in the form of a stripped version known as "AutoLisp VV-Lite." The need for brackets has been eliminated. These are just a few of the more powerful features present in this new, vastly improved package of goodies from the AutoDesk stable. Keep your eye out for AutoCAD VV-Lite. It should hit the shelves around about the last quarter of this year. Tested on : Commodore 64 with 12 inch portable TV screen. Program Size (installed) : 53Kb Suggested retail price : $57- 36c US Platforms Supported : Windows, Doors and Ceiling. Rating : 4 peanuts and a keg. AutoCAD Training I don't hate training, I detest it. How I ever ended up with the responsibility of training people on AutoCAD I don't know. Well I do really. It's 'cos of my big mouth and having a tendency to "volunteer" for what I think will be an interesting experience. Silly me! I'll never learn. I don't mind workshops, in fact I quite enjoy that aspect of training. A workshop is different. At most workshops you're dealing with people that want to be there and want to learn. Straight forward training is a totally different matter. There you're dealing with people who have all sorts of reasons and agendas for having to attend the course. Here's a couple of my pet hates : The Absolute Total Executive Beginner. They often arrive in a suit and tie and have normally been newly promoted. Many of them are on a "fast track" career path and have decided (and there boss) that a half day "Introduction to the PC" followed by a one day AutoCAD course is all that will be necessary to run a 20 seat CAD office. Of course, these are the people who hold the purse strings and decide on new software. They normally leave just after lunch to attend an important meeting. The
buffer[2] = (n >> 8) & 0xff; buffer[3] = n & 0xff; } static inline void header_to_message(const struct remote_message_header * header, uint8_t * message) { to_bigendian(message , header->source); to_bigendian(message+4 , header->destination); to_bigendian(message+8 , header->session); } static inline uint32_t from_bigendian(uint32_t n) { union { uint32_t big; uint8_t bytes[4]; } u; u.big = n; return u.bytes[0] << 24 | u.bytes[1] << 16 | u.bytes[2] << 8 | u.bytes[3]; } static inline void message_to_header(const uint32_t *message, struct remote_message_header *header) { header->source = from_bigendian(message[0]); header->destination = from_bigendian(message[1]); header->session = from_bigendian(message[2]); } // socket package static void forward_local_messsage(struct harbor *h, void *msg, int sz) { const char * cookie = msg; cookie += sz - HEADER_COOKIE_LENGTH; struct remote_message_header header; message_to_header((const uint32_t *)cookie, &header); uint32_t destination = header.destination; int type = destination >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT; destination = (destination & HANDLE_MASK) | ((uint32_t)h->id << HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT); if (skynet_send(h->ctx, header.source, destination, type | PTYPE_TAG_DONTCOPY , (int)header.session, (void *)msg, sz-HEADER_COOKIE_LENGTH) < 0) { if (type != PTYPE_ERROR) { // don't need report error when type is error skynet_send(h->ctx, destination, header.source , PTYPE_ERROR, (int)header.session, NULL, 0); } skynet_error(h->ctx, "Unknown destination :%x from :%x type(%d)", destination, header.source, type); } } static void send_remote(struct skynet_context * ctx, int fd, const char * buffer, size_t sz, struct remote_message_header * cookie) { size_t sz_header = sz+sizeof(*cookie); if (sz_header > UINT32_MAX) { skynet_error(ctx, "remote message from :%08x to :%08x is too large.", cookie->source, cookie->destination); return; } uint8_t * sendbuf = skynet_malloc(sz_header+4); to_bigendian(sendbuf, (uint32_t)sz_header); memcpy(sendbuf+4, buffer, sz); header_to_message(cookie, sendbuf+4+sz); // ignore send error, because if the connection is broken, the mainloop will recv a message. skynet_socket_send(ctx, fd, sendbuf, sz_header+4); } static void dispatch_name_queue(struct harbor *h, struct keyvalue * node) { struct harbor_msg_queue * queue = node->queue; uint32_t handle = node->value; int harbor_id = handle >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT; struct skynet_context * context = h->ctx; struct slave *s = &h->s[harbor_id]; int fd = s->fd; if (fd == 0) { if (s->status == STATUS_DOWN) { char tmp [GLOBALNAME_LENGTH+1]; memcpy(
buffer[2] = (n >> 8) & 0xff; buffer[3] = n & 0xff; } static inline void header_to_message(const struct remote_message_header * header, uint8_t * message) { to_bigendian(message , header->source); to_bigendian(message+4 , header->destination); to_bigendian(message+8 , header->session); } static inline uint32_t from_bigendian(uint32_t n) { union { uint32_t big; uint8_t bytes[4]; } u; u.big = n; return u.bytes[0] << 24 | u.bytes[1] << 16 | u.bytes[2] << 8 | u.bytes[3]; } static inline void message_to_header(const uint32_t *message, struct remote_message_header *header) { header->source = from_bigendian(message[0]); header->destination = from_bigendian(message[1]); header->session = from_bigendian(message[2]); } // socket package static void forward_local_messsage(struct harbor *h, void *msg, int sz) { const char * cookie = msg; cookie += sz - HEADER_COOKIE_LENGTH; struct remote_message_header header; message_to_header((const uint32_t *)cookie, &header); uint32_t destination = header.destination; int type = destination >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT; destination = (destination & HANDLE_MASK) | ((uint32_t)h->id << HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT); if (skynet_send(h->ctx, header.source, destination, type | PTYPE_TAG_DONTCOPY , (int)header.session, (void *)msg, sz-HEADER_COOKIE_LENGTH) < 0) { if (type != PTYPE_ERROR) { // don't need report error when type is error skynet_send(h->ctx, destination, header.source , PTYPE_ERROR, (int)header.session, NULL, 0); } skynet_error(h->ctx, "Unknown destination :%x from :%x type(%d)", destination, header.source, type); } } static void send_remote(struct skynet_context * ctx, int fd, const char * buffer, size_t sz, struct remote_message_header * cookie) { size_t sz_header = sz+sizeof(*cookie); if (sz_header > UINT32_MAX) { skynet_error(ctx, "remote message from :%08x to :%08x is too large.", cookie->source, cookie->destination); return; } uint8_t * sendbuf = skynet_malloc(sz_header+4); to_bigendian(sendbuf, (uint32_t)sz_header); memcpy(sendbuf+4, buffer, sz); header_to_message(cookie, sendbuf+4+sz); // ignore send error, because if the connection is broken, the mainloop will recv a message. skynet_socket_send(ctx, fd, sendbuf, sz_header+4); } static void dispatch_name_queue(struct harbor *h, struct keyvalue * node) { struct harbor_msg_queue * queue = node->queue; uint32_t handle = node->value; int harbor_id = handle >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT; struct skynet_context * context = h->ctx; struct slave *s = &h->s[harbor_id]; int fd = s->fd; if (fd == 0) { if (s->status == STATUS_DOWN) { char tmp [GLOBALNAME_LENGTH+1]; memcpy(
tmp, node->key, GLOBALNAME_LENGTH); tmp[GLOBALNAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; skynet_error(context, "Drop message to %s (in harbor %d)",tmp,harbor_id); } else { if (s->queue == NULL) { s->queue = node->queue; node->queue = NULL; } else { struct harbor_msg * m; while ((m = pop_queue(queue))!=NULL) { push_queue_msg(s->queue, m); } } if (harbor_id == (h->slave >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT)) { // the harbor_id is local struct harbor_msg * m; while ((m = pop_queue(s->queue)) != NULL) { int type = m->header.destination >> HANDLE_REMOTE_SHIFT; skynet_send(context, m->header.source, handle , type | PTYPE_TAG_DONTCOPY, m->header.session, m->buffer, m->size); } release_queue(s->queue); s->queue = NULL; } } return; } struct harbor_msg * m; while ((m = pop_queue(queue)) != NULL) { m->header.destination |= (handle & HANDLE_MASK); send_remote(context, fd, m->buffer, m->size, &m->header); skynet_free(m->buffer); } } static void dispatch_queue(struct harbor *h, int id) { struct slave *s = &h->s[id]; int fd = s->fd; assert(fd != 0); struct harbor_msg_queue *queue = s->queue; if (queue == NULL) return; struct harbor_msg * m; while ((m = pop_queue(queue)) != NULL) { send_remote(h->ctx, fd, m->buffer, m->size, &m->header); skynet_free(m->buffer); } release_queue(queue); s->queue = NULL; } static void push_socket_data(struct harbor *h, const struct skynet_socket_message * message) { assert(message->type == SKYNET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATA); int fd = message->id; int i; int id = 0; struct slave * s = NULL; for (i=1;i<REMOTE_MAX;i++) { if (h->s[i].fd == fd) { s = &h->s[i]; id = i; break; } } if (s == NULL) { skynet_free(message->buffer); skynet_error(h->ctx, "Invalid socket fd (%d) data", fd); return; } uint8_t * buffer = (uint8_t *)message->buffer; int size = message->ud; for (;;) { switch(s->status) { case STATUS_HANDSHAKE: { // check id uint8_t remote_id = buffer[0]; if (remote_id != id) { skynet_error(h->ctx, "Invalid shakehand id (%d) from fd = %d , harbor = %d", id, fd, remote_id); close_harbor(h,id); return; } ++buffer; --size; s->status = STATUS_HEADER;
with settings like restricting the number of notifications, and using the ambient light mode to help reduce the hit the battery takes. But it defeats the object of having an always-on mode and adding a bigger battery, if you can’t get more battery life out of it. To get it powered back up to full isn’t super quick, taking about an hour and a half to get from 0 to 100%. Should I buy the Moto 360 2? If you’re set on buying an Android Wear watch and can only afford the cheapest available option with the Moto 360, don’t bother. It doesn’t right the biggest wrongs with the original’s design and doesn’t feel different enough to justify the extra expense. I can’t comment on the more luxurious versions or the Moto 360 Sport, but I can say that the entry-level Moto 360 just isn’t a very attractive watch to wear. It’s a bit drab looking and I’d still want it to be slimmer or at least deal with the chunkiness in a better way. Fortunately, there are other smartwatches running Android Wear that look a lot nicer. If £229 is what you have to spend on a smartwatch, consider going for something like the Huawei Watch or even last year’s LG G Watch R, which remains my favourite. The Huawei Watch is just a little thicker at 11.3mm, but you don’t notice it as much as you do on the 360 2. A far-from-polished Android Wear is the standout feature of the Moto 360 2, and that says a lot about the hardware. Google still has some convincing to do with its smartwatch platform, but I believe a more finely tuned version of Google Now is the key to Android Wear’s success. But manufacturers like Motorola need to step up and make the watches more desirable too. The Moto 360 2 is better than the original, but not by much. If you’re looking for a desirable Android Wear smartwatch, there are better options out there. The EESC issues between 160 and 190 opinions and information reports a year. It also organises several annual initiatives and events with a focus on civil society and citizens’ participation such as the Civil Society Prize, the Civil Society Days, the Your Europe, Your Say youth plenary and the ECI Day. Find the latest EESC opinions and publications at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/our-work/opinions-information-reports/opinions and http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/our-work/publications-other-work/publications respectively. The EESC is active in a wide range of areas, from social affairs to economy, energy and sustainability. Learn more about our policy areas and policy highlights at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/policies The EESC holds nine plenary sessions per year. It also organises many conferences, public hearings and high-level debates related to its work. Find out more about our upcoming events at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/upcoming-events Here you can find news and information about the EESC's work, including its social media accounts, the EESC Info newsletter, photo galleries and videos. Read the latest EESC news http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/news-media/news and press releases http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/news-media/press-releases The EESC brings together representatives from all areas of organised civil society, who give their independent advice on EU policies and legislation. The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. Find out more about our Members and groups at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/members-groups The EESC has six sections, specialising in concrete topics of relevance to the citizens of the European Union, ranging from social to economic affairs, energy, environment, external relations or the internal market. Find out more at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/sections-other-bodies The European Economic and Social Committee's contribution to the Commission's 2018 work programme EESC-2017-72-EN Downloads Related content The EESC adopted its contribution to the European Commission's 2018 Work Programme on 5 July 2017. In this contribution, the EESC calls on the Commission to adopt sustainable development as an overarching approach to its work programme, with reference to the three "pillars" of sustainability: i) strengthening the economic foundations of Europe; ii) fostering its social dimension; and
with settings like restricting the number of notifications, and using the ambient light mode to help reduce the hit the battery takes. But it defeats the object of having an always-on mode and adding a bigger battery, if you can’t get more battery life out of it. To get it powered back up to full isn’t super quick, taking about an hour and a half to get from 0 to 100%. Should I buy the Moto 360 2? If you’re set on buying an Android Wear watch and can only afford the cheapest available option with the Moto 360, don’t bother. It doesn’t right the biggest wrongs with the original’s design and doesn’t feel different enough to justify the extra expense. I can’t comment on the more luxurious versions or the Moto 360 Sport, but I can say that the entry-level Moto 360 just isn’t a very attractive watch to wear. It’s a bit drab looking and I’d still want it to be slimmer or at least deal with the chunkiness in a better way. Fortunately, there are other smartwatches running Android Wear that look a lot nicer. If £229 is what you have to spend on a smartwatch, consider going for something like the Huawei Watch or even last year’s LG G Watch R, which remains my favourite. The Huawei Watch is just a little thicker at 11.3mm, but you don’t notice it as much as you do on the 360 2. A far-from-polished Android Wear is the standout feature of the Moto 360 2, and that says a lot about the hardware. Google still has some convincing to do with its smartwatch platform, but I believe a more finely tuned version of Google Now is the key to Android Wear’s success. But manufacturers like Motorola need to step up and make the watches more desirable too. The Moto 360 2 is better than the original, but not by much. If you’re looking for a desirable Android Wear smartwatch, there are better options out there. The EESC issues between 160 and 190 opinions and information reports a year. It also organises several annual initiatives and events with a focus on civil society and citizens’ participation such as the Civil Society Prize, the Civil Society Days, the Your Europe, Your Say youth plenary and the ECI Day. Find the latest EESC opinions and publications at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/our-work/opinions-information-reports/opinions and http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/our-work/publications-other-work/publications respectively. The EESC is active in a wide range of areas, from social affairs to economy, energy and sustainability. Learn more about our policy areas and policy highlights at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/policies The EESC holds nine plenary sessions per year. It also organises many conferences, public hearings and high-level debates related to its work. Find out more about our upcoming events at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/upcoming-events Here you can find news and information about the EESC's work, including its social media accounts, the EESC Info newsletter, photo galleries and videos. Read the latest EESC news http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/news-media/news and press releases http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/news-media/press-releases The EESC brings together representatives from all areas of organised civil society, who give their independent advice on EU policies and legislation. The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. Find out more about our Members and groups at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/members-groups The EESC has six sections, specialising in concrete topics of relevance to the citizens of the European Union, ranging from social to economic affairs, energy, environment, external relations or the internal market. Find out more at http://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/sections-other-bodies The European Economic and Social Committee's contribution to the Commission's 2018 work programme EESC-2017-72-EN Downloads Related content The EESC adopted its contribution to the European Commission's 2018 Work Programme on 5 July 2017. In this contribution, the EESC calls on the Commission to adopt sustainable development as an overarching approach to its work programme, with reference to the three "pillars" of sustainability: i) strengthening the economic foundations of Europe; ii) fostering its social dimension; and
iii) facilitating the transition towards a low-carbon and circular economy. To that end, the EESC makes detailed recommendations and proposals for action structured around six priority policy areas: further development of the single market; promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation and industrial development; the social dimension of the EU; focusing public finances on sustainable growth, innovation, employment and cohesion; protecting Europeans against security threats; and the development of a structured civil dialogue. Employers' GroupWorkers' GroupDiversity Europe - Group III Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI)Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO)Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment (NAT)External Relations Section (REX)Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC)Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN) Labour Market ObservatorySustainable Development ObservatoryObservatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market Andre Greipel sprints to a second win on stage 5, Tony Martin retains Tour lead AMIENS, France (CT) – Andre Greipel (Lotto Soudal) has taken his second win at the 2015 Tour de France, sprinting to victory in Amiens on a wet and windy stage 5. Greipel, who was wearing the green jersey for a third consecutive stage, crossed the line ahead of Peter Sagan (Tinkoff-Saxo) and Mark Cavendish (Etixx-Quick-Step) to extend his lead in the points classification. “It was quite an interesting sprint as no one of the sprinters had a real lead-out man in the last 400 metres,” Greipel said after the stage. “So everybody had to time the sprint somehow and find the right position.” Greipel timed his run to perfection, dashing down the left-hand side, despite having being boxed in as the sprint began. “At 300 metres to go I thought the sprint was finished for me,” Greipel said. “But somehow I could manage to get out; find space to get out. I knew the right side would be blocked so I was focusing to get out on the left side.” Overnight leader Tony Martin (Etixx-Quick-Step), meanwhile, finished on bunch time after helping teammate Cavendish get into position for the final sprint. In doing so he becomes the first rider in this year’s Tour to wear the maillot jaune for more than one day. He hopes to retain the overall lead until the first rest day, but is not holding out any false hope. “I want to keep the yellow now for as long as possible but I’m also realistic,” Martin said. “When the big mountains are coming … I won’t be able to stay with the best riders, especially because I also didn’t really train for this.” Dreary conditions awaited the riders at the start of stage 5, with wind and rain a constant companion throughout the 189.5km from Arras to Amien. Nicolas Edet (Cofidis) and Pierre-Luc Perichon (Bretagne-Seche) attacked from the gun, getting a small gap, but it was only about 10km into the stage that Edet sat up, leaving Perichon to battle the miserable conditions alone. A crash after 12km left Cofidis duo Nacer Bouhanni and Dani Navarro lying by the side of the road. The former would abandon the race with injuries to his ribs, hips and wrist while Navarro was able to continue on. Perichon, meanwhile, was given enough latitude to get 2:30 ahead of the peloton as Tinkoff-Saxo tried, unsuccessfully, to split the peloton in some crosswinds. Another crash after 25km saw Greg Van Avermaet (BMC) and several Cannondale-Garmin riders hit the ground. Among them was Jack Bauer who had suffered his fifth crash in as many days. The Kiwi would abandon the race a short time later. The crashes continued with Bauke Mollema (Trek) among those to hit the ground after 52km, and sprint hopeful Bryan Coquard (Europcar) one of a couple to come a cropper after 65km of racing. With the peloton content to let Perichon dangle out front, the Frenchmen enjoyed a lead that hovered around 1:30 for some time. That lead came down when the sprinters emerged from the peloton to contest the intermediate sprint after 89.5km. Points leader Andre Greipel was second across the line (behind Perichon), followed by John Degenkolb (Giant-Alpecin) and Mark Cavendish. Perichon’s TV time came
for the year, the bill didn’t make it to the next step in the process. Presently, there are no possession limits outlined in law for prescription CBD medicine or hemp-derived CBD. 2022: However, voters will have the chance to approve the legalization of medical cannabis and possibly recreational marijuana in the 2022 and upcoming election periods. Some of the Current Cannabis Bills in Kentucky KY SB170 - AN ACT relating to cannabis and declaring an emergency. KY HB598 - AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. KY HB604 - AN ACT relating to the creation of the Kentucky Center for Cannabis Research and making an appropriation therefore. KY HB582 - AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. KY HB225 - AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis. Learn more about Cannabis legalization in Kentucky: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/chapter.aspx?id=38267 https://www.mpp.org/states/kentucky/ https://norml.org/act/kentucky-marijuana-legalization-effort/ © 2022 Leafy Mate. All rights reserved. Home » HONKY TONK LAUNDRY – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh HONKY TONK LAUNDRY – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh by Stephen Radosh 02/04/2019 01/31/2022 HONKY TONK LAUNDRY Reviewed by Stephen Radosh For its second show of their 10th season, COYOTE THEATERWORKS presents HONKY TONK LAUNDRY at the Annenberg Theatre from now until Feb. 17, 2019. HONKY TONK LAUNDRY tells the tale of Lana Mae Hopkins (Bets Malone) a gal who had dreams of becoming a Country Music star only to find herself stuck running the Wishy Washy Washateria (perfectly designed by Tom Buderwitz) inherited from her mother and in a less than ideal marriage to her dead-beat husband Earl. Having fled from cheating boyfriend Danny, Katie Lane Murphy (Misty Cotton) now works at the Laundry while doing her best to hold onto what appears to be a very fragile state of sanity. As Lana says later, “Never underestimate the power of a pissed off woman on pharmaceuticals.” When Lana learns that her husband is also cheating on her, the bond between the women grows even stronger. Lana then decides to take the plunge and try to make her dreams of a singing career come true by turning the laundry into a Honky Tonk with optional laundry service available. Playwright/Director Roger Bean (THE MARVELOUS WONDERETTES) has put together another Juke box musical utilizing some classic country songs made famous by such stars as Reba McEntire, Sara Evans, Carrie Underwood, The Dixie Chicks, Dolly Parton, Terri Clark, Chely Wright, Martina McBride, Pam Tillis, Jessica Andrews, Trisha Yearwood, Gretchen Wilson, Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, and Loretta Lynn. This time around though, he is not as completely successful at integrating the songs into the story, most notably in Act One. Act Two, which is more or less the gals in concert at their newly conceived Honky Tonk, flows more briskly than the first, as it does not have the constraint of show-horning country songs into a plot which is, to say the least, fairly thin. But don’t get me wrong. This in no way means the show is not enjoyable. In fact when you give two show-biz vets like Malone and Cotton a chance to let loose with over-sized characters like Lana and Katie, lots of fun is the most likely result and the ladies deliver in spades! Despite both characters being comprised of many southern verbal and behavioral clichés, their skill as actresses keeps the characters real and earnest and never turns them into talking and singing caricatures. They will make you laugh-out-loud and perhaps even shed a tear or two as they strive to keep their dignity and make their dreams come true. For tickets, visit CVRep.org or call the box office at 760-296-2966 THE HUMANS – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh In "Arts & Culture" DIRTY BLONDE – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh FUN HOME Reviewed by Stephen Radosh Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District Russ Baldwin | May 30, 2018 | Comments 0 Jay Brooke The Lamar City Council has asked the proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home project for additional detailed information on their service plan and distinctions regarding how the proposed 1% sales tax increase for the new district would distinguish sales tax from
for the year, the bill didn’t make it to the next step in the process. Presently, there are no possession limits outlined in law for prescription CBD medicine or hemp-derived CBD. 2022: However, voters will have the chance to approve the legalization of medical cannabis and possibly recreational marijuana in the 2022 and upcoming election periods. Some of the Current Cannabis Bills in Kentucky KY SB170 - AN ACT relating to cannabis and declaring an emergency. KY HB598 - AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. KY HB604 - AN ACT relating to the creation of the Kentucky Center for Cannabis Research and making an appropriation therefore. KY HB582 - AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. KY HB225 - AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis. Learn more about Cannabis legalization in Kentucky: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/chapter.aspx?id=38267 https://www.mpp.org/states/kentucky/ https://norml.org/act/kentucky-marijuana-legalization-effort/ © 2022 Leafy Mate. All rights reserved. Home » HONKY TONK LAUNDRY – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh HONKY TONK LAUNDRY – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh by Stephen Radosh 02/04/2019 01/31/2022 HONKY TONK LAUNDRY Reviewed by Stephen Radosh For its second show of their 10th season, COYOTE THEATERWORKS presents HONKY TONK LAUNDRY at the Annenberg Theatre from now until Feb. 17, 2019. HONKY TONK LAUNDRY tells the tale of Lana Mae Hopkins (Bets Malone) a gal who had dreams of becoming a Country Music star only to find herself stuck running the Wishy Washy Washateria (perfectly designed by Tom Buderwitz) inherited from her mother and in a less than ideal marriage to her dead-beat husband Earl. Having fled from cheating boyfriend Danny, Katie Lane Murphy (Misty Cotton) now works at the Laundry while doing her best to hold onto what appears to be a very fragile state of sanity. As Lana says later, “Never underestimate the power of a pissed off woman on pharmaceuticals.” When Lana learns that her husband is also cheating on her, the bond between the women grows even stronger. Lana then decides to take the plunge and try to make her dreams of a singing career come true by turning the laundry into a Honky Tonk with optional laundry service available. Playwright/Director Roger Bean (THE MARVELOUS WONDERETTES) has put together another Juke box musical utilizing some classic country songs made famous by such stars as Reba McEntire, Sara Evans, Carrie Underwood, The Dixie Chicks, Dolly Parton, Terri Clark, Chely Wright, Martina McBride, Pam Tillis, Jessica Andrews, Trisha Yearwood, Gretchen Wilson, Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, and Loretta Lynn. This time around though, he is not as completely successful at integrating the songs into the story, most notably in Act One. Act Two, which is more or less the gals in concert at their newly conceived Honky Tonk, flows more briskly than the first, as it does not have the constraint of show-horning country songs into a plot which is, to say the least, fairly thin. But don’t get me wrong. This in no way means the show is not enjoyable. In fact when you give two show-biz vets like Malone and Cotton a chance to let loose with over-sized characters like Lana and Katie, lots of fun is the most likely result and the ladies deliver in spades! Despite both characters being comprised of many southern verbal and behavioral clichés, their skill as actresses keeps the characters real and earnest and never turns them into talking and singing caricatures. They will make you laugh-out-loud and perhaps even shed a tear or two as they strive to keep their dignity and make their dreams come true. For tickets, visit CVRep.org or call the box office at 760-296-2966 THE HUMANS – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh In "Arts & Culture" DIRTY BLONDE – Reviewed by Stephen Radosh FUN HOME Reviewed by Stephen Radosh Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District Russ Baldwin | May 30, 2018 | Comments 0 Jay Brooke The Lamar City Council has asked the proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home project for additional detailed information on their service plan and distinctions regarding how the proposed 1% sales tax increase for the new district would distinguish sales tax from
user’s tax applications. The proponents of the health services district had appeared before the council in earlier meetings, narrowing the specifics required by state regulations needed to put a measure on the November ballot for a 1% sales tax within the district. The council needed to be satisfied that all requirements had been met by the Sage Brush Meadows board before deciding on the resolution. The Special Health Services District, basically the City of Lamar, would allow a 1% sales tax to fund the repayment of debt incurred to build a 54 bed nursing home south of Lamar, estimated at $16M. Once the bonds had been repaid through the sales tax, estimated at about 30 years, it would be eliminated. The measure to approve or disapprove the sales tax measure will be put before Lamar voters in the November General Election so long as the council decides to approve a resolution to create the new health services district. Without the support letter from the council, the matter won’t go on the ballot. That’s one sticking point for the council. Councilwoman Bev Haggard reiterated an earlier argument against the project, saying the newly created district would use tax dollars to support a non-profit venture which would compete against established nursing homes. Sage Brush proponent, Jillane Hixson, countered that tax dollars are currently generating the Medicaid funds which residents use to pay for nursing home care. Hixson said the revenue generated by the Sage Brush project would stay local, as a non-profit operation while commercial nursing homes send their profits out of state. Jay Brooke, group spokesperson, added that a study of local buying trends indicated that about 40% of credit card purchases made within the City of Lamar are done by non-residents, alleviating some of the financial burden. Councilman Kirk Crespin said he felt the letter of support from the council would act as a complete endorsement of the project, fully supported by the council in all aspects of the service plan. Given the outcome of the Lamar Repowering Project, also supported by the council, he was reluctant to commit to the letter without additional information. City Attorney, Garth Neischburg, expressed concerns about some language conflicts regarding sales tax or use tax as it appeared in the service plan. He said language conformity is needed to withstand a potential corporate challenge from a competing nursing home and advised the group appear before the council with its lawyer. Councilwoman Crampton requested more specifics in the proposal’s budget at the next meeting which will be a work session set for 6:30pm on Monday, June 4th. Jay Brooke explained the nursing home proponents have until July 30th to move the completed paperwork before the District Court for consideration for the November ballot. Filed Under: City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Elections • Featured • Health • Hot Topics • Housing Tags: Bev Haggard • Garth Neischburg • Jay Brooke • Jillane Hixson • Lamar City Council • Roger Stagner • Sage Brush Meadows Kansas Artist Prepares For A Post-Pandemic Future With Sci-Fi Robots And Old Time Music KCUR | By Julie Denesha Published April 30, 2021 at 3:00 AM CDT 1 of 5 — Working in his basement studio, Howard Rains adds a bit of color to a squid-like creature in his basement studio. Working in his basement studio, Howard Rains adds a bit of color to a squid-like creature in his basement studio. 2 of 5 — Large-scale sci-fi robots populate Rains' latest work. Large-scale sci-fi robots populate Rains' latest work. 3 of 5 — Rains is known for vivid watercolor portraits of musicians Banjo players Brandi Pace (from left) and Hank-Sapoznik inhabit starkly difference scenes. Rains is known for vivid watercolor portraits of musicians Banjo players Brandi Pace (from left) and Hank-Sapoznik inhabit starkly difference scenes. 4 of 5 — A musician plays a duet with death in 'Death Don't Have No Mercy.' A musician plays a duet with death in 'Death Don't Have No Mercy.' 5 of 5 — During lockdown, Rains painted a number of commissions like this one of Kansas City musician Clarke Wyatt strumming a guitar. During lockdown, Rains painted a number of commissions like this one of Kansas City musician Clarke Wyatt strumming a guitar. It’s been a long year of canceled gigs and postponed shows for local musicians and artists. Creators are slowly emerging from their time of isolation with new ideas and attitudes with hope and trepidation. In the basement studio of his home in Lawrence, Kansas, Howard Rains is putting the finishing touches on a painting of mythical sea creatures. It’s part of a series of large-scale, fantasy works inspired by months of hunkering down during the pandemic. “You know, sometimes I can sit here and just
govt Editorial Staff - July 11, 2018 0 Opinion Editorial Climate change progress up in air December 12 2011 10:43 AM Like so many of its predecessors, the Durban conference on climate change ended with observers wondering what if anything had been achieved, and a sharp difference between the optimists and the pessimists. https://www.independent.ie/opinion/editorial/climate-change-progress-up-in-air-26801291.html The South African chairwoman, Maite Nkoama-Mashabame, led the optimists. "We have made history," she declared. "We have agreed a plan to save the planet for our children and grandchildren." Everybody would like to think that Durban has placed the planet on the road to salvation, but in the real world of rising seas and freakish weather the evidence was thin enough. The conference agreed that a new climate change treaty should be decided by 2015 and would come into operation by 2020. Earlier, the three top polluters -- the United States, China and India -- had objected to these modest ambitions. The conference also agreed to set up a fund to help poor countries to cope with the effects of global warming. Although the major polluters came on board, effective action remained in doubt. The proposed treaty itself got a lukewarm reception, with the United Nations climate chief, Christina Figueres, calling the wording "ambiguous". However, the central problem is not the future behaviour of the three giants but whether the global warming process has already gone too far to reverse. The scientific evidence, though fiercely questioned by "climate change deniers", is unequivocal. Global warming has taken place and will continue to accelerate in the absence of determined action. We really do have a planet to save. Editorial: 'Voters must choose carefully whole way down ballot paper' Editorial It is hard not to characterise the core of the election as anything other than a straight contest between Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin for the office of Taoiseach. But saying that is not to... Editorial: 'Gruesome murder is new wake-up call' Editorial It is almost four years to the day since the country was shocked by an audacious organised crime attack at the then Regency Hotel in Dublin, in which a leading figure in so-called 'gangland' criminality was murdered. That brazen killing, which also took place at the start of a general election, gave rise to a so-called and ongoing... Editorial: 'Brutal gang violence too grim for political point-scoring' Editorial Sometimes we need reminding that for every crime there is a victim. Editorial: 'Gruesome murder is new wake-up call' Editorial Editorial: 'Voters must choose carefully whole way down ballot paper' Editorial Editorial: 'Brutal gang violence too grim for political point-scoring' Editorial Editorial: 'Sinn Féin fails vital test as parties jostle for votes' Editorial Tag Archives: Something Wicked This Way Comes Film, Television, Top Ten Beard to the Bone – Top Ten Movie Beards September 15, 2012 loxley1975 Leave a comment Dean Newman ditches the razors and shaving gel as he takes up some method writing as he investigates cinema and television’s love of bearded bad guys and why no discerning villain should leave home without one. As seen in Die Hard (1988). Altogether now, “shoot the glass.” Perhaps the sharpest dressed movie villain ever, this was Rickman’s film debut and he was handpicked for the masterful role after being spotted playing the thoroughly nasty Valmont in Dangerous Liaison on Broadway. Chill at the way he offs the Nakatomi plaza boss with aplomb and cheer as he falls to his death in slow mo, the greatest such fall moment in cinematic history folks, from x amount stories high. Mr Dark As seen in Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983). Perhaps most shocking in this film, which deals with many dark aspects and is an effective and sometimes shocking, especially for younger viewers, thriller, is that it is from cuddly wuddly studio, Disney. Based on a Ray Bradbury novel we see the evil Mr Dark and his circus arrive in town and promise to make everyone’s dream come true, but only at the great price of giving up their souls. A deal with the devil. And in that role is a devilishly good Jonathan Pryce, a character he haunts forever once you have seen it, especially as a child. The Sheriff of Nottingham Panto is perhaps the best way in which to describe Rickman’s version of Robin Hood’s foe, stealing not just his scenes but the whole darn movie. Put that in your outlaw pipe and smoke it Hooded man
govt Editorial Staff - July 11, 2018 0 Opinion Editorial Climate change progress up in air December 12 2011 10:43 AM Like so many of its predecessors, the Durban conference on climate change ended with observers wondering what if anything had been achieved, and a sharp difference between the optimists and the pessimists. https://www.independent.ie/opinion/editorial/climate-change-progress-up-in-air-26801291.html The South African chairwoman, Maite Nkoama-Mashabame, led the optimists. "We have made history," she declared. "We have agreed a plan to save the planet for our children and grandchildren." Everybody would like to think that Durban has placed the planet on the road to salvation, but in the real world of rising seas and freakish weather the evidence was thin enough. The conference agreed that a new climate change treaty should be decided by 2015 and would come into operation by 2020. Earlier, the three top polluters -- the United States, China and India -- had objected to these modest ambitions. The conference also agreed to set up a fund to help poor countries to cope with the effects of global warming. Although the major polluters came on board, effective action remained in doubt. The proposed treaty itself got a lukewarm reception, with the United Nations climate chief, Christina Figueres, calling the wording "ambiguous". However, the central problem is not the future behaviour of the three giants but whether the global warming process has already gone too far to reverse. The scientific evidence, though fiercely questioned by "climate change deniers", is unequivocal. Global warming has taken place and will continue to accelerate in the absence of determined action. We really do have a planet to save. Editorial: 'Voters must choose carefully whole way down ballot paper' Editorial It is hard not to characterise the core of the election as anything other than a straight contest between Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin for the office of Taoiseach. But saying that is not to... Editorial: 'Gruesome murder is new wake-up call' Editorial It is almost four years to the day since the country was shocked by an audacious organised crime attack at the then Regency Hotel in Dublin, in which a leading figure in so-called 'gangland' criminality was murdered. That brazen killing, which also took place at the start of a general election, gave rise to a so-called and ongoing... Editorial: 'Brutal gang violence too grim for political point-scoring' Editorial Sometimes we need reminding that for every crime there is a victim. Editorial: 'Gruesome murder is new wake-up call' Editorial Editorial: 'Voters must choose carefully whole way down ballot paper' Editorial Editorial: 'Brutal gang violence too grim for political point-scoring' Editorial Editorial: 'Sinn Féin fails vital test as parties jostle for votes' Editorial Tag Archives: Something Wicked This Way Comes Film, Television, Top Ten Beard to the Bone – Top Ten Movie Beards September 15, 2012 loxley1975 Leave a comment Dean Newman ditches the razors and shaving gel as he takes up some method writing as he investigates cinema and television’s love of bearded bad guys and why no discerning villain should leave home without one. As seen in Die Hard (1988). Altogether now, “shoot the glass.” Perhaps the sharpest dressed movie villain ever, this was Rickman’s film debut and he was handpicked for the masterful role after being spotted playing the thoroughly nasty Valmont in Dangerous Liaison on Broadway. Chill at the way he offs the Nakatomi plaza boss with aplomb and cheer as he falls to his death in slow mo, the greatest such fall moment in cinematic history folks, from x amount stories high. Mr Dark As seen in Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983). Perhaps most shocking in this film, which deals with many dark aspects and is an effective and sometimes shocking, especially for younger viewers, thriller, is that it is from cuddly wuddly studio, Disney. Based on a Ray Bradbury novel we see the evil Mr Dark and his circus arrive in town and promise to make everyone’s dream come true, but only at the great price of giving up their souls. A deal with the devil. And in that role is a devilishly good Jonathan Pryce, a character he haunts forever once you have seen it, especially as a child. The Sheriff of Nottingham Panto is perhaps the best way in which to describe Rickman’s version of Robin Hood’s foe, stealing not just his scenes but the whole darn movie. Put that in your outlaw pipe and smoke it Hooded man
! Had great fun ‘cancelling Christmas’ and demanding to have people’s hearts ‘cut out with a spoon…because it will hurt more.’ Dr Hans Reinhardt As seen in The Black Hole (1979). Essentially he’s the Captain Nemo of the piece (important not to mix the Nemo influence and Captain Birdseye up, as he’s more likely to turn children into fish fingers than feed them to them). Like all good captains he goes down with his ship. In fact he is that evil that he even has Norman Bates himself offed! Hugo Drax As seen in Moonraker (1979). For me this is a real guilty pleasure and Drax, a superb Michael Lonsdale, delivers some of the finest Bond villain lines such as: “Mr Bond, see that some harm comes to him.” Takes a giant leap for mankind in a classic Bond death as he is jettisoned into space. As seen in Doctor Who (1963 – Present). Not the latest incarnation, as (over) played by John Simm or the diabolical TV movie, as (over over) played by Eric Roberts, but as masterfully portrayed by both Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley. At this time The Master was very much the Moriarty to The Doctor’s Sherlock Holmes and this will forever be The Master’s most iconic appearance. In fact he also had a beard as portrayed by Jonathan Pryce in the Comic Relief spoof “The Curse of Fatal Death.” General Zod As seen in Superman 2 (1980). Kneel before Zod! His Geography might not be up to much (planet Houston anyone) but his boo hissness and delivery makes the General, as portrayed by Terrence Stamp, the greatest comic book big screen villain ever, yes even better than Ledger’s Joker. Stamp is clearly having fun playing it oh so straight and camp at the same time and who doesn’t wince at that hand crunching scene. The only shame is that they never found a way of bringing him back. I mean, Richard Pryor and Nuclear Man, c’mon! Stamp’s Zod is also just so iconic. As featured in Flash Gordon (1980). He’s supreme Emperor of planet Mungo and merciless don’t you know. Sporting more than a passing resemblance in beard to Fu Man Chu the 1980 experience was a veritable clash of the beards, Ming’s to the left and the beard of the leader of the Hawkmen, as wrapped around the bombastic chops of one Brian Blessed, to the right. He amuses himself by destroying other planets in the solar system, has numerous concubines, kills anyone who gets in his way and seems to have a thing for S&M with all those outfits about. All good clean family fun then. Go Flash, go! Evil Twin Beards As seen in Star Trek and Knight Rider. The mirror universe of Star Trek more or less gave us the cliché of the Evil Twin with a Beard of Evil, as evil Mr. Spock has a goatee, how illogical! Also enter, driving K.A.T.T., Michael Knight’s Evil Twin, Garthe Knight, sporting a beard of evil. It has to be noted that the car didn’t sport an LED beard of evil. Personally, I think every TV show should have an episode with a goatee wearing Evil Twin, even the female characters! I’m not sure what that says about those episodes of Friends with a goatee wearing Chandler though. Hmmm. I could do with a beard myself, to stroke, as I ponder that very thought. Anthony AinleyDie HardDoctor WhoEric RobertsFlash GordonGarthe KnightHans GruberHugo DraxJohn SimmJonathan PryceMichael LonsdaleMoonrakerMr DarkRay BradburyRobin HoodRoger DelgadoSomething Wicked This Way ComesTerrence StampMingThe Black HoleThe MasterZod Marvel still continuing that magic touch! Movie Review: Ant-Man and The Wasp By Mark Foker mfoker Reviewed: Ant-Man and The Wasp When Marvel first announced that comedy actor Paul Rudd was going to star as the Superhero Ant-Man, I must admit that I was a little bit…”Really?” Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) and The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) Not because I don’t think he is good actor but I am used to seeing him as a witty, wise cracking and somewhat sarcastic funny man in numerous Judd Apatow comedies. However, it turns out that he was the perfect choice for the character Scott Lang AKA Ant-Man (what do I know?). He was funny, charming and most of all very
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View_Exception(sprintf('Alternate tags require 3 arguments; %s provided', count($args))); } $rel = 'alternate'; $href = array_shift($args); $type = array_shift($args); $title = array_shift($args); if(0 < count($args) && is_array($args[0])) { $extras = array_shift($args); $extras = (array) $extras; if(isset($extras['media']) && is_array($extras['media'])) { $extras['media'] = implode(',', $extras['media']); } } $href = (string) $href; $type = (string) $type; $title = (string) $title; $attributes = compact('rel', 'href', 'type', 'title', 'extras'); return $this->createData($attributes); } } var open = Ti.UI.createButton({ title:'Open nav group', top:150, width:200, height:40 }); open.addEventListener('click', function() { modal.open({modal:true}); }); Ti.UI.currentWindow.add(open); var modal = Ti.UI.createWindow({ navBarHidden:true }); var modalWin = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor:"red" }); var nav = Ti.UI.iPhone.createNavigationGroup({ window:modalWin }); var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({ style:Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewStyle.GROUPED, data:[{title:"Well look at this"},{title:"TweetDeck is cool"}] }); modalWin.add(table); var done = Titanium.UI.createButton({ systemButton:Titanium.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.DONE }); modalWin.setRightNavButton(done); done.addEventListener('click',function() { modal.close(); }); table.addEventListener('click',function(e) { var b = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title:'Back (no anim)', style:Titanium.UI.iPhone.SystemButtonStyle.BORDERED }); b.addEventListener('click', function() { nav.close(w,{animated:false}); }); var w = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title:e.rowData.title, rightNavButton:b }); w.addEventListener('focus',function() { Ti.API.info("nav group window -- focus event"); }); w.addEventListener('blur',function() { Ti.API.info("nav group window -- blur event"); }); var b = Ti.UI.createButton({ title:"Close Nav", width:120, height:40 }); b.addEventListener('click',function() { modal.close(); }); w.add(b); nav.open(w); }); modal.add(nav); modal.open({modal:true}); // Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org
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publishing. Now it is the moment of truth for CC Media Holdings - parent company to Clear Channel Communications, the nation’s largest radio conglomerate. The company announced that it lost $5 billion in revenue in the fourth quarter, following a layoff of 1,800 employees in January. Among its many properties, the Texas-based company counts Premiere Radio Networks - home to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, among many other broadcasters - as a subsidiary with 190 million listeners. Clear Channel’s programming is heard on AM, FM, online, HDTV, via iPods, cell phones, and even navigation systems on BMWs and Volvos. The company on Tuesday appointed a “revenue manager” to maximize any moneymaking capabilities - with 40 monetizing experts to be hired in the near future. “Clear Channel is showing us that there are no quick fixes to big corporate financial problems. They’re going to have to operate with fewer resources - and I just hope it doesn’t hurt the end product,” said Michael Harrison, founder of Talkers Magazine, which tracks talk radio. There are interesting dynamics at work, he said. “Rush Limbaugh is now being hailed as the leader of the Republican Party. So maybe it’s talk radio, which is the hope of the medium,” Mr. Harrison said. “Clear Channel hasn’t failed yet. It has traditionally been the pattern that where Clear Channel goes, the industry followed. That was more true when the company was publicly traded, but that’s no loner the case since it went private in 2006,” said Eric Rhoads, publisher of Radio Ink, an industry magazine and blog. The company is facing a “perfect storm,” he said, paying for past spending sprees and unreasonable hopes of big profits. “Some of this debt is very old. But there’s now no capital to tap, no new money coming in, and an advertising depression under way. Still, there’s light at the end of this tunnel,” Mr. Rhoads said. “Advertisers who previously cut their budgets will find that business is getting worse. So they typically seek something less expensive than TV - like radio, which is more cost-efficient,” he added. Brian Maloney, a Massachusetts political and media analyst who writes “the Radio Equalizer” blog, agrees that Clear Channel - along with Citadel Broadcasting and other radio companies - are in trying circumstances. “Boatloads of debt, no assets, drifting audiences - it’s a recipe for disaster,” Mr. Maloney said. “And what’s the impact on programming and listeners? That always gets left out of the conversation.” With their iPods and MP3s, younger listeners are turning away from traditional music formats, he said. “Talk radio is where there is some real true potential, particularly in the current political climate. But there’s a clear strategy, too. Talk radio needs to divorce itself from this whole mess,” Mr. Maloney added. Ask Pajiba (Almost) Anything: People Change. And Sometimes Those People Are Your Friends... By Tori Preston | Pajiba Advice | February 20, 2019 | You know, there was a time when people just came to us for tips on how to make new friends as an adult. Which was cute, because how should we know? We’re just figments of your computer’s imagination. But lately the “friend” questions have gotten… harder. Last week was a particularly painful one about how to handle a friend who isn’t there for you when you need them (which doubled as an exploration of how much we can reasonably ask of our friends). And this week we’ve got another troubled friendship — one that comes with less trauma, but its own kind of baggage. Oh, and politics! Because that always helps people get along, amirite? [Reminder: Look, I get it. You have “friends.” Good for you! I mean, I guess. I wouldn’t know. But that doesn’t mean the Overlords aren’t prepared to tell you what to do about these “friends” — or even other problems! Just drop us a line at [email protected]. We’re waiting with plenty of bear traps at the ready.] Here’s the problem of the week — and yes, it’s a long-winded one. But it paints a pretty relatable picture. Take a look: Dear Overlords, I’ve been mulling this question for about a month now, and since I like and trust your - albeit sometimes appallingly bear trap obsessed - advice, hope you can help
publishing. Now it is the moment of truth for CC Media Holdings - parent company to Clear Channel Communications, the nation’s largest radio conglomerate. The company announced that it lost $5 billion in revenue in the fourth quarter, following a layoff of 1,800 employees in January. Among its many properties, the Texas-based company counts Premiere Radio Networks - home to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, among many other broadcasters - as a subsidiary with 190 million listeners. Clear Channel’s programming is heard on AM, FM, online, HDTV, via iPods, cell phones, and even navigation systems on BMWs and Volvos. The company on Tuesday appointed a “revenue manager” to maximize any moneymaking capabilities - with 40 monetizing experts to be hired in the near future. “Clear Channel is showing us that there are no quick fixes to big corporate financial problems. They’re going to have to operate with fewer resources - and I just hope it doesn’t hurt the end product,” said Michael Harrison, founder of Talkers Magazine, which tracks talk radio. There are interesting dynamics at work, he said. “Rush Limbaugh is now being hailed as the leader of the Republican Party. So maybe it’s talk radio, which is the hope of the medium,” Mr. Harrison said. “Clear Channel hasn’t failed yet. It has traditionally been the pattern that where Clear Channel goes, the industry followed. That was more true when the company was publicly traded, but that’s no loner the case since it went private in 2006,” said Eric Rhoads, publisher of Radio Ink, an industry magazine and blog. The company is facing a “perfect storm,” he said, paying for past spending sprees and unreasonable hopes of big profits. “Some of this debt is very old. But there’s now no capital to tap, no new money coming in, and an advertising depression under way. Still, there’s light at the end of this tunnel,” Mr. Rhoads said. “Advertisers who previously cut their budgets will find that business is getting worse. So they typically seek something less expensive than TV - like radio, which is more cost-efficient,” he added. Brian Maloney, a Massachusetts political and media analyst who writes “the Radio Equalizer” blog, agrees that Clear Channel - along with Citadel Broadcasting and other radio companies - are in trying circumstances. “Boatloads of debt, no assets, drifting audiences - it’s a recipe for disaster,” Mr. Maloney said. “And what’s the impact on programming and listeners? That always gets left out of the conversation.” With their iPods and MP3s, younger listeners are turning away from traditional music formats, he said. “Talk radio is where there is some real true potential, particularly in the current political climate. But there’s a clear strategy, too. Talk radio needs to divorce itself from this whole mess,” Mr. Maloney added. Ask Pajiba (Almost) Anything: People Change. And Sometimes Those People Are Your Friends... By Tori Preston | Pajiba Advice | February 20, 2019 | You know, there was a time when people just came to us for tips on how to make new friends as an adult. Which was cute, because how should we know? We’re just figments of your computer’s imagination. But lately the “friend” questions have gotten… harder. Last week was a particularly painful one about how to handle a friend who isn’t there for you when you need them (which doubled as an exploration of how much we can reasonably ask of our friends). And this week we’ve got another troubled friendship — one that comes with less trauma, but its own kind of baggage. Oh, and politics! Because that always helps people get along, amirite? [Reminder: Look, I get it. You have “friends.” Good for you! I mean, I guess. I wouldn’t know. But that doesn’t mean the Overlords aren’t prepared to tell you what to do about these “friends” — or even other problems! Just drop us a line at [email protected]. We’re waiting with plenty of bear traps at the ready.] Here’s the problem of the week — and yes, it’s a long-winded one. But it paints a pretty relatable picture. Take a look: Dear Overlords, I’ve been mulling this question for about a month now, and since I like and trust your - albeit sometimes appallingly bear trap obsessed - advice, hope you can help
me find an answer. My best and oldest friend, let’s call him Carl, and I haven’t spoken to each other since since before New Year’s. We met in what you would call Junior year of High School and became friends. He was funny, gregarious, visually creative, though his mood could become somewhat erratic. I was overweight, shy, socially awkward, and struggling with problems at home. I like to think that our characters complemented each other somewhat, and his friendship was a big deal for me. We hung out in school and after, bonded over games and movies, talked endlessly and commiserated about each other’s problems. He introduced me to his circle of friends, but none of them stuck. After school we went our different ways but talked or texted each other at least once per week and planned regular get-togethers. Heck, we called each other Bro unironically. We both changed over the years, though not so much that we grew apart. I’m still overweight but learned to work on it with training, while Carl sought and found help with his psychological issues. There has been no lack of things to commiserate about, though. Through a combination of bad luck and bad decisions neither of us is at a point in their lives that we imagined when we were younger, and both of us are trying hard to change that. We still like, or liked, to talk about topical issues, pop culture and a hundred things in between. In the last couple of years, though, the tone of our discussions has noticeably changed. When we were younger Carl and I agreed on a lot of topics, especially when it came to things like politics, but we could vehemently argue with each other, too. Still, even if we disagreed on something both of us were able to see were the other was coming from, and even if neither of us changed their mind we got a better sense for why we held an opinion. As you can guess exactly this changed in the recent years. It’s hard to pinpoint an exact moment but over time I noticed his opinions getting ever more negative and low-level angry. At first it was mostly confined to pop culture: The endless stream of reborquels and changes to stories he loved turned him increasingly off, while the times he excitedly told me about something he saw or read recently got fewer and fewer. But then it spread to other topics like social issues and politics. We both have always been out of the mainstream and were often dissatisfied with how things progressed, but we were still on the same side. A major shock for me was when he revealed he voted for a far-right party in our country. He argued it was specifically because they „were the only party with a consequent refugee policy” but other things he said made me believe he mostly did it out of dissatisfaction with the ‚establishment parties’ in our country. I completely disagreed with his opinion about the refugee crisis, but that last thing I could sympathize with, so I calmed down eventually. The next thing that came up was the 2016 US election. Yup, that one. I should mention that, while neither of us has lived in the US at any point in their lives, the goings-on in your country make the news daily, and provide a lot of discussion fuel. He never expressed support for Trump, but it was weird to talk with him about it. Whenever some news critical of him came up he was quick to reply with Clinton and her emails and how she was coddled by the media. He thought she was not just a bad candidate but a bad person and that Trump would win because of it. When I pressed him about it he mostly resorted to „Both sides!” arguments or ultimately say something along the lines of „They all can fuck off for all I care”. The other remarkable thing was that, when Trump won, he wasn’t giddy or happy about it (except for the 10€ he won from me), mostly for having been proven right. After the election our discussions became progressively more aggressive, and it got to the point where we ended up on different sides of just about every topic. - Minority presentation in media? At best distracting from the story and instead of „turning established characters into minorities they should create new ones that are like that from the start”. - Trans issues? They can’t expect to be treated as women simply because they feel that way, and anyway most don’t even want the surgery. - Feminism? The important issues are solved, I should at least consider the idea that there might be a fundamental difference between the sexes, and today’s feminists are man-hating furies. - Black Lives Matter? You probably already can guess. I tried to treat his arguments as genuine and in the most positive way as possible, but it became exhausting