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carefully follow the instructions below so that your comments are properly recorded. For your convenience, there are three methods you can use to submit your comments to the Commission. In all instances, please reference the Project Docket Numbers CP07-52-000, CP07-53-000, and CP07-53-001 with your submission. The Commission encourages electronic filing of comments and has dedicated eFiling expert staff available to assist you at (202) 502-8258 or [email protected]. You may file your comments via mail to the Commission by sending an original and two copies of your letter to: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First St., NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Location: Robbinston Grade School Cafeteria 904 U.S. Route 1 Robbinston, Maine (207) 454-3694. This public meeting will be posted on the FERC's calendar located at http://www.ferc.gov/EventCalendar/EventsList.aspx. Interested groups and individuals are encouraged to attend and present written or oral comments on the draft EIS. Transcripts of the meetings will be prepared. [Red, bold & yellow emphasis added. Webmaster’s Comments: Read the FERC eFiling information page before filing. If you need assistance filing your comments, the Save Passamaquoddy Bay webmaster will try to help: . The [Draft Environmental Impact Statement] acknowledges Canada's stance that it will not allow LNG tankers to cross Head Harbour Passage - between Deer Island and Campobello Island - to get to Robbinston, across Passamaquoddy Bay from St. Andrews. The draft environmental impact statement includes a condition that Downeast LNG implement measures outlined by the United States Coast Guard on Jan. 6 - including Canadian co-operation necessary for LNG tankers to safely navigate Head Harbour Passage. "What that means is, if the applicant can't obtain Canadian co-operation, they can't do it," Godfrey said in an interview Monday. The commission went beyond its authority when it included effects on the Canadian side of the border in the draft environmental impact statement, the provincial government news release states. "For example, references to the application of the New Brunswick Endangered Species Act, or any other Canadian or provincial law, are misplaced." Webmaster’s Comments: The developers and U.S. Senators Snowe and Collins like to pretend LNG ships transiting to proposed ports in Passamaquoddy Bay would have “innocent passage” under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They conveniently ignore that the U.S. has not ratified that treaty; thus, the US has no rights or responsibilities under it — as UNCLOS clearly indicates. Even if the US does ratify UNCLOS, there is no clear right under UNCLOS for LNG “innocent passage” transits into the bay according to US and Canadian maritime law experts who participated in the 2007 May 11 “(Not So) Innocent Passage: International Law and the Passamaquoddy Bay LNG Terminal Controversy” panel discussion in Fredericton, Newn Brunswick. Even Ted L. McDorman, the expert who provided Downeast LNG with the opinion that Head Harbour Passage is an “international strait” stated at the Panel Discussion that the US does not have UNCLOS innocent passage through Head Harbour Passage and in Passamaquoddy Bay. Please, Mr. Prime Minister, clarify the statement made by Senator Susan Collins. Is it true that Canadian legislators bent a sympathetic ear to American pressure in this instance? May we, the Canadian public, know how and why, if this is indeed the case? SPARROWS POINT, Md. (WJZ) — Opponents of the proposed LNG terminal in Sparrows Point have an ally fresh from the CIA, and he is warning the explosive power of a liquefied natural gas operation may be too good a target for terrorists to pass up. Webmaster’s Comments: History protects no one. Only circumstances can determine safety. Charles S.
carefully follow the instructions below so that your comments are properly recorded. For your convenience, there are three methods you can use to submit your comments to the Commission. In all instances, please reference the Project Docket Numbers CP07-52-000, CP07-53-000, and CP07-53-001 with your submission. The Commission encourages electronic filing of comments and has dedicated eFiling expert staff available to assist you at (202) 502-8258 or [email protected]. You may file your comments via mail to the Commission by sending an original and two copies of your letter to: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First St., NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Location: Robbinston Grade School Cafeteria 904 U.S. Route 1 Robbinston, Maine (207) 454-3694. This public meeting will be posted on the FERC's calendar located at http://www.ferc.gov/EventCalendar/EventsList.aspx. Interested groups and individuals are encouraged to attend and present written or oral comments on the draft EIS. Transcripts of the meetings will be prepared. [Red, bold & yellow emphasis added. Webmaster’s Comments: Read the FERC eFiling information page before filing. If you need assistance filing your comments, the Save Passamaquoddy Bay webmaster will try to help: . The [Draft Environmental Impact Statement] acknowledges Canada's stance that it will not allow LNG tankers to cross Head Harbour Passage - between Deer Island and Campobello Island - to get to Robbinston, across Passamaquoddy Bay from St. Andrews. The draft environmental impact statement includes a condition that Downeast LNG implement measures outlined by the United States Coast Guard on Jan. 6 - including Canadian co-operation necessary for LNG tankers to safely navigate Head Harbour Passage. "What that means is, if the applicant can't obtain Canadian co-operation, they can't do it," Godfrey said in an interview Monday. The commission went beyond its authority when it included effects on the Canadian side of the border in the draft environmental impact statement, the provincial government news release states. "For example, references to the application of the New Brunswick Endangered Species Act, or any other Canadian or provincial law, are misplaced." Webmaster’s Comments: The developers and U.S. Senators Snowe and Collins like to pretend LNG ships transiting to proposed ports in Passamaquoddy Bay would have “innocent passage” under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They conveniently ignore that the U.S. has not ratified that treaty; thus, the US has no rights or responsibilities under it — as UNCLOS clearly indicates. Even if the US does ratify UNCLOS, there is no clear right under UNCLOS for LNG “innocent passage” transits into the bay according to US and Canadian maritime law experts who participated in the 2007 May 11 “(Not So) Innocent Passage: International Law and the Passamaquoddy Bay LNG Terminal Controversy” panel discussion in Fredericton, Newn Brunswick. Even Ted L. McDorman, the expert who provided Downeast LNG with the opinion that Head Harbour Passage is an “international strait” stated at the Panel Discussion that the US does not have UNCLOS innocent passage through Head Harbour Passage and in Passamaquoddy Bay. Please, Mr. Prime Minister, clarify the statement made by Senator Susan Collins. Is it true that Canadian legislators bent a sympathetic ear to American pressure in this instance? May we, the Canadian public, know how and why, if this is indeed the case? SPARROWS POINT, Md. (WJZ) — Opponents of the proposed LNG terminal in Sparrows Point have an ally fresh from the CIA, and he is warning the explosive power of a liquefied natural gas operation may be too good a target for terrorists to pass up. Webmaster’s Comments: History protects no one. Only circumstances can determine safety. Charles S.
Faddis, former department chief for the CIA counter terrorism center, will speak on the potential difficulties with safeguarding the project. FERC has clarified that it does not expect Kenai's existing facilities to conform to contemporary standards; that ConocoPhillips and Marathon must submit the same reports for Kenai that are submitted for other LNG terminals; and that the Kenai will not be subject to an annual charge. The companies noted that Kenai has operated since 1969 without reporting to FERC, and said that Kenai exports gas, in contrast to other LNG terminals which only import gas; and that many of the other terminals were recently constructed or have substantially modified their facilities in the past few years. To suggest that Oregon and Washington can meet short-term energy challenges by relying solely on renewable forms of energy is a simplistic, inaccurate and wrongheaded claim. The idea that we can snap our fingers and create a world completely dependent upon renewable sources of energy flies in the face of reality. Webmaster’s Comments: Despite this columnist’s poo-pooing concentrated development of renewables, what also flies in the face of reality is continuing to advocate constructing more LNG import terminals. The US is in a natural gas glut with low natural gas demand. “There’s too much gas in the market,” says Nikos Tsafos, analyst in PFC Energy’s upstream and gas group. With thousands of small natural gas producers across the US, the country is almost completely independent in natural gas, with about 85 per cent of the natural gas used in the US produced in the country. Webmaster’s Comments: There's no question about the gas glut. What is surprising is the prediction of an LNG "tsunami" coming to the US when others have indicated LNG imports are flagging. Speaking on U.S. ties with some African nations, Carson said Nigeria remains a strategic partner of his country as it supplies almost 50 per cent of oil imports from Africa to the U.S., and also a big time supplier of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports into America. Webmaster’s Comments: Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) plants are different from LNG regasification plants; however, they both involve natural gas. It would be enlightening to have a detailed explanation as to why liquefaction facilities are a high heat and explosion risk, while LNG developers and FERC claim LNG regasification facilities are not a high heat and explosion risk — if, in fact, that is the case. Political veteran Dennis Bailey thinks that Maine's media is missing an important point in the discussion of Snowe and Collins' bipartisanship. "the reason that Snowe and Collins can support the stimulus bill while their Republican colleagues can’t is because most members of Congress face strong, right-wing opposition back in their districts and could face serious opponents for their jobs if they backed the president. Re-election, after all, is the one thing that really gets the attention of a member of Congress. Webmaster’s Comments: Dennis Bailey is the same guy who is fronting for Maine Jobs First — the organization trying to kill energy corridors in Maine. Bailey’s group wants Canada to look the other way regarding LNG best practices violations by Downeast LNG and Calais LNG. One wonders how Dennis Bailey's "right wing-nut GOP faction" "flaccidity" comment sits with his Maine Jobs First supporters. Maine risks losing $5 billion in energy investments if a bill meant to temporarily halt energy transmission projects, including Irving Oil Ltd.'s corridor plan, passes. Executives from three companies looking to built energy projects in Maine this week spoke out against the proposed bill that could delay their efforts in the race to feed energy hungry New England. Webmaster’s Comments: Phil Bartlett needs to be informed about LNG industry best practices and how Downeast LNG and Calais LNG violate them by placing thousands of civilians within 4.4-mile diameter Federal Hazard Zones. The LNG proposals are vigorously opposed by two non-profit organizations, Save Passamaquoddy Bay Canada and Save Passamaquoddy Bay US. And the lie being disseminated in the public relations campaign is that the Canadian group is supported by the Irvings here in New Brunswick. The smear implicit
His attendance, over twenty years, at the inquisition, condemnation and execution of hundreds of wretched souls led him to write the Cautio Criminalis (1631), in which he told of his experiences, refuted the effectiveness of torture, and argued for due process in the interrogation of suspects. Spee's legacy will be examined in the context of a new, post-2016 political amorality, in which democratically elected political leaders have implicitly or explicitly embraced the acceptability of torture, and of populist hostility towards vulnerable groups systematically rendered as 'other'. Does Spee's witness support Girard's thesis, or contradict it? Whether explicit or implicit, Spee's witness to the work of the Paraclete in showing the face of the victim is more powerfully relevant and needed than ever. 2) Matthew Tan: The Trauma of Migrants and the Event of Christ This paper will explore the portrayal of migrants as threats to national integrity. In particular, it will highlight the discourse that seeks to prevent the dislocations and adaptations that the accommodation of migrants presents to the polity. What is more, it will also focus on the discourse of cultural stability as a bulwark against migration flows when it is invoked in the name of the Christian identity of these polities. Drawing on Girard's notion of rivalry between similarities, the paper argues that the discourse against the hypermobility of migrants elides the insistence on hypermobility demanded by neoliberal economies. Furthermore, it also preys upon a fiction that polities, like its citizens, are static entities, ever vigilant against the supposed traumas brought about by the renewal of social fabrics. This paper seeks to respond to this by relying on work by James Alison on eschatology, as well as the metaphysics of Aaron Riches and Creston Davis. It will argue that, contrary to the nexus between Christian identity and stability, following the model of Christ is not just the embrace of a way of life without rivals. As an Event, following Christ involves also the embrace of the trauma of constant renewal. The following of Christ as Event then, it is argued, reorients the polity to the Event of mass migration. 3) Felicity McCallum: Mimetic theory, colonial culpability and the ascent to communion. The charred place of response to ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ for dispossessed peoples. Dispossessed peoples are affronted by a Eucharistic language that images the human engagement with the Divine as being like that of a physical abode receiving a great and holy visitor. Upon being shown the sacrament by the priest in the Communion Rite, immediately before priest and people receive the sacrament, all are required to say, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to receive you under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ How does a person bereft of home or place, or worse, invaded and misconfigured by European structures and imagination for generations, simply utter the Eucharistic responses to the Catholic mass? Is not the place of invitation to intimacy with God hijacked by a residual violation to do with land and race injustice? Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been imagined as groundless wanderers to advance the ‘Terra nullius’ claims of the European invaders. Locked out of involvement or agency in national debates except as that uncivilised ‘Other’, an exception to the ‘norm’ of the society; the derivative experience of fracture darts deep daily into Australian religious, political and social life. This paper will use Mimetic Theory to discuss the deep rivalry between black and white Australia that racializes First Australians outside the safety of mainstream culture. It will explore the plunge of the entire Australian community into sacrificial crisis via the errant structures, institutions and culture by which the Europeans supplant what was already here. The paper will then explore how the Mayem Kadu (Catholic Eucharist) spotlights the urgent issues of colonial culpability in Australia, urging the population forward towards accountability and reconciliation. I F: Politics & Social Construction (Seminarraum VI = SR VI – KRP 3, Room No. 102) Chair: Pablo Bandera 1) Gustavo Vasconcelos: Modern criminal penalty: between sacrifice and forgiveness
His attendance, over twenty years, at the inquisition, condemnation and execution of hundreds of wretched souls led him to write the Cautio Criminalis (1631), in which he told of his experiences, refuted the effectiveness of torture, and argued for due process in the interrogation of suspects. Spee's legacy will be examined in the context of a new, post-2016 political amorality, in which democratically elected political leaders have implicitly or explicitly embraced the acceptability of torture, and of populist hostility towards vulnerable groups systematically rendered as 'other'. Does Spee's witness support Girard's thesis, or contradict it? Whether explicit or implicit, Spee's witness to the work of the Paraclete in showing the face of the victim is more powerfully relevant and needed than ever. 2) Matthew Tan: The Trauma of Migrants and the Event of Christ This paper will explore the portrayal of migrants as threats to national integrity. In particular, it will highlight the discourse that seeks to prevent the dislocations and adaptations that the accommodation of migrants presents to the polity. What is more, it will also focus on the discourse of cultural stability as a bulwark against migration flows when it is invoked in the name of the Christian identity of these polities. Drawing on Girard's notion of rivalry between similarities, the paper argues that the discourse against the hypermobility of migrants elides the insistence on hypermobility demanded by neoliberal economies. Furthermore, it also preys upon a fiction that polities, like its citizens, are static entities, ever vigilant against the supposed traumas brought about by the renewal of social fabrics. This paper seeks to respond to this by relying on work by James Alison on eschatology, as well as the metaphysics of Aaron Riches and Creston Davis. It will argue that, contrary to the nexus between Christian identity and stability, following the model of Christ is not just the embrace of a way of life without rivals. As an Event, following Christ involves also the embrace of the trauma of constant renewal. The following of Christ as Event then, it is argued, reorients the polity to the Event of mass migration. 3) Felicity McCallum: Mimetic theory, colonial culpability and the ascent to communion. The charred place of response to ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ for dispossessed peoples. Dispossessed peoples are affronted by a Eucharistic language that images the human engagement with the Divine as being like that of a physical abode receiving a great and holy visitor. Upon being shown the sacrament by the priest in the Communion Rite, immediately before priest and people receive the sacrament, all are required to say, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to receive you under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ How does a person bereft of home or place, or worse, invaded and misconfigured by European structures and imagination for generations, simply utter the Eucharistic responses to the Catholic mass? Is not the place of invitation to intimacy with God hijacked by a residual violation to do with land and race injustice? Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been imagined as groundless wanderers to advance the ‘Terra nullius’ claims of the European invaders. Locked out of involvement or agency in national debates except as that uncivilised ‘Other’, an exception to the ‘norm’ of the society; the derivative experience of fracture darts deep daily into Australian religious, political and social life. This paper will use Mimetic Theory to discuss the deep rivalry between black and white Australia that racializes First Australians outside the safety of mainstream culture. It will explore the plunge of the entire Australian community into sacrificial crisis via the errant structures, institutions and culture by which the Europeans supplant what was already here. The paper will then explore how the Mayem Kadu (Catholic Eucharist) spotlights the urgent issues of colonial culpability in Australia, urging the population forward towards accountability and reconciliation. I F: Politics & Social Construction (Seminarraum VI = SR VI – KRP 3, Room No. 102) Chair: Pablo Bandera 1) Gustavo Vasconcelos: Modern criminal penalty: between sacrifice and forgiveness
The paper aims to analyze the criminal penalty phenomenon in the western legal systems according to the mimetic theory. The main hypothesis is that the criminal penalty is a lesser evil, a smaller sacrifice that thwarts a bigger one. That is to say that the penalty is not only a sacrifice but also, and paradoxically, its own denial. For this purpose, we label three different kinds of sacrifices, which are used in the solving of criminal conflicts. First of all, there is the sacrifice as such, or what can be called a regular sacrifice, in which the mere canalization of the violence would ease community violence. Secondly, there is the so-called “ancient’s penalty”. This penalty, as with the previous one, also leads to the death of the scapegoat, but it differs from the regular sacrifice in the extent that it is composed of some unique features – for instance, the absence of randomness and the proportionality between the seriousness of the crime and the severity of the sentence. Finally, there is the “modern’s penalty”, which, if it intends to be some sort of sacrifice, at the same time, it also aims to protect, to some extent, the defendant, since it replaces the pure and simple sacrifice for legal forms and attenuated violence. This implies that the modern criminal penalty can be defined as some sort of Katéchon. 2) Susan Wright: Can anything good come of populism? “Populism is not new… What is novel today is the intensity and simultaneity of its manifestation in almost all countries ruled by a constitutional democracy. From Carracas to Budapest to Washington to Rome, any understanding of politics needs to take into account a phenomenon that until recently was studied as a subspecies of fascism… and relegated to the margins of the West, essentially Latin America.” Political scientist, Nadia Urbanti, is explicit: populism is not an external threat, it is a form of democracy. Indeed, the populist leader and the populist crowd should be viewed as the teleological products of the West and of democracy itself. If and when they come to power, populist movements pose a serious threat to “the institutions, rule of law, and division of powers that comprise constitutional democracy.” Recognizable within Girard’s framework as one of the defining, negative symptoms of the crisis of modernity, the spread of populism signals that the “self-destruction of democracy” is well underway. Indeed, recent scholarship demonstrates the critical contribution mimetic theory has to offer political and sociological interpretations of populism and charismatic leadership. The resulting preponderance of evidence leaves little doubt, the prognosis for the current global trend is dark. Nevertheless, up against this limit—the end of history, the end of democracy, the end of the West, however you term it—one must ask the question: Can anything good come of this? Without giving way to naive optimism, this paper will explore responses to populism by LaClau, Zizek, and Derrida. 3) Ivan Blecic / Fabio Bacchini / Emanuel Muroni: On Mimetic Hypothesis and the Production of Space Very little attention has until now been given to the Girardian perspective in the field of urban studies, political geography, and urbanism. Indeed, almost no attempts have been made to explore the possible implications and explanatory power of the hypothesis of mimetic desire and of its “microphysics” on the social production of space. What if we suppose that places, public spaces, landscape, territory, can, among other things, also become objects of mimetic desire, and thus of rivalry, violence and scapegoating? Does the distinction between needs and desires offer important insights to account, from both anthropological and politico-philosophical point of view, for phenomena such as rivalry, conflicts and violence around spatial objects and goods, attachment to territory, ethno-geographies and territorial rights (Kolers 2009), even landscape aesthetics? Can we find in some practices of production of spaces traces of mimetic rivalry, scapegoating (symbolic and real), and therefore the "mark of the sacred" (Dupuy 2013)? I G: Girard in Dialogue with Levinas (Seminarraum VII = SR VII – KRP 3, Room No. 103) Chair: Wolfgang Palaver 1) Tania Checchi: Time, the City and the Other: Girard and Levinas on Babel Contrary to certain interpretations which find in the biblical episode
Adviser John Bolton abruptly ended the meeting in response. Hill said that by July 10, "'Burisma' had become code for 'the Bidens.'" She added that "Giuliani was laying it out there." Hill's account disputes testimony from both Volker and Sondland, who said that they were unaware of a connection between Burisma and the Bidens until September. -- Grace Segers ​Hill says Ukrainian officials "bet on the wrong horse" in 2016 2:07 p.m.: Hill pushed back against Republicans' assertions that Ukrainian officials' preference for Hillary Clinton in 2016 amounted to election interference. Hill acknowledged that the Ukrainian ambassador at the time had written an "ill-advised" op-ed which challenged Mr. Trump, and said many officials "bet on the wrong horse." However, Hill continued, "there was little evidence of a top-down effort by Ukraine" to interfere in the 2016 election, unlike the effort by the Russian government. "Many officials from many countries, including Ukraine, bet on the wrong horse," Hill said, adding that several officials had said "hurtful" things about the president. "I can't blame him for feeling aggrieved about them," Hill said about the comments. However, she said the "unpleasant statements" by officials in other countries hadn't affected Mr. Trump's stance toward those countries, or caused a delay in aid. "I could list a whole host of ambassadors from allied countries who tweeted out, who had public comments about the president as well, and it did not affect security assistance, having meetings with them. If it would, there would have been a lot of people he wouldn't have met with," Hill said. -- Grace Segers ​Hill says she's received threats 2:28 p.m.: Hill testified that unknown people have posted her home address to Twitter and threatened physical harm in an apparent attempt to intimidate her. Her staff, Hill testified, has had to monitor the social media website to ensure her safety. -- Grace Segers ​Hill emphasizes importance of service and non-partisanship Hill speaks out about partisan divisions 02:43 2:39 p.m.: After Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup used his five minutes of questioning to condemn Democrats for attempting a "coup" against the president, Hill asked if she could respond. "Could I actually say something?" she said, after Wenstrup stopped speaking. She said that she agreed about the dangers of partisanship, and expressed her disappointment that Republican Congressmen Mike Turner and John Ratcliffe had left the hearing room. Hill noted that those who testified are "fact witnesses" who aren't there to decide impeachment, and said she agreed with Wenstrup in urging everyone to come together to prevent foreign interference in the 2020 campaign. She said witnesses felt they had a "moral obligation" to testify. -- Grace Segers ​Hill confirms viral story about putting out fire with her hands as a child 2:56 p.m.: Hill confirmed a detail that appeared in a New York Times profile on Thursday. "The daughter of a coal miner and a midwife, she had a hardscrabble childhood in northeast England -- a childhood that bred toughness, her friends say," the story read. "Once, when she was 11, a boy in her class set one of her pigtails on fire while she was taking a test. She put the fire out with her hands, and finished the test." Representative Jackie Speier asked Hill about the anecdote, which had circulated widely on Twitter. "It is a true story. I was a bit surprised to see that pop up today. It's one of the stories I occasionally tell. Very unfortunate consequences afterwards. My mother gave me bowl haircut," Hill said. "I looked like Richard III." -- Grace Segers ​Swalwell brings up Daily Beast story about Nunes connection to indicted Giuliani associate 3:03 p.m.: Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell brought up a Daily Beast report that Lev Parnas, a Giuliani associate who has been indicted on campaign finance charges, helped set up calls and meetings for Nunes in Europe last year. Parnas' lawyer confirmed the connection to CBS News. Swalwell entered
Adviser John Bolton abruptly ended the meeting in response. Hill said that by July 10, "'Burisma' had become code for 'the Bidens.'" She added that "Giuliani was laying it out there." Hill's account disputes testimony from both Volker and Sondland, who said that they were unaware of a connection between Burisma and the Bidens until September. -- Grace Segers ​Hill says Ukrainian officials "bet on the wrong horse" in 2016 2:07 p.m.: Hill pushed back against Republicans' assertions that Ukrainian officials' preference for Hillary Clinton in 2016 amounted to election interference. Hill acknowledged that the Ukrainian ambassador at the time had written an "ill-advised" op-ed which challenged Mr. Trump, and said many officials "bet on the wrong horse." However, Hill continued, "there was little evidence of a top-down effort by Ukraine" to interfere in the 2016 election, unlike the effort by the Russian government. "Many officials from many countries, including Ukraine, bet on the wrong horse," Hill said, adding that several officials had said "hurtful" things about the president. "I can't blame him for feeling aggrieved about them," Hill said about the comments. However, she said the "unpleasant statements" by officials in other countries hadn't affected Mr. Trump's stance toward those countries, or caused a delay in aid. "I could list a whole host of ambassadors from allied countries who tweeted out, who had public comments about the president as well, and it did not affect security assistance, having meetings with them. If it would, there would have been a lot of people he wouldn't have met with," Hill said. -- Grace Segers ​Hill says she's received threats 2:28 p.m.: Hill testified that unknown people have posted her home address to Twitter and threatened physical harm in an apparent attempt to intimidate her. Her staff, Hill testified, has had to monitor the social media website to ensure her safety. -- Grace Segers ​Hill emphasizes importance of service and non-partisanship Hill speaks out about partisan divisions 02:43 2:39 p.m.: After Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup used his five minutes of questioning to condemn Democrats for attempting a "coup" against the president, Hill asked if she could respond. "Could I actually say something?" she said, after Wenstrup stopped speaking. She said that she agreed about the dangers of partisanship, and expressed her disappointment that Republican Congressmen Mike Turner and John Ratcliffe had left the hearing room. Hill noted that those who testified are "fact witnesses" who aren't there to decide impeachment, and said she agreed with Wenstrup in urging everyone to come together to prevent foreign interference in the 2020 campaign. She said witnesses felt they had a "moral obligation" to testify. -- Grace Segers ​Hill confirms viral story about putting out fire with her hands as a child 2:56 p.m.: Hill confirmed a detail that appeared in a New York Times profile on Thursday. "The daughter of a coal miner and a midwife, she had a hardscrabble childhood in northeast England -- a childhood that bred toughness, her friends say," the story read. "Once, when she was 11, a boy in her class set one of her pigtails on fire while she was taking a test. She put the fire out with her hands, and finished the test." Representative Jackie Speier asked Hill about the anecdote, which had circulated widely on Twitter. "It is a true story. I was a bit surprised to see that pop up today. It's one of the stories I occasionally tell. Very unfortunate consequences afterwards. My mother gave me bowl haircut," Hill said. "I looked like Richard III." -- Grace Segers ​Swalwell brings up Daily Beast story about Nunes connection to indicted Giuliani associate 3:03 p.m.: Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell brought up a Daily Beast report that Lev Parnas, a Giuliani associate who has been indicted on campaign finance charges, helped set up calls and meetings for Nunes in Europe last year. Parnas' lawyer confirmed the connection to CBS News. Swalwell entered
the story into the record and said Nunes might be "projecting." "He may be the fact witness if he is working with indicted individuals around our investigation," Swalwell said. -- Kathryn Watson ​Holmes: Sondland "showed indiscretion" by calling Trump Holmes: Sondland "showed indiscretion" 02:51 3:22 p.m.: Republican Congressman Mike Conaway pressed Holmes to explain why he divulged his recollection of the July 26 phone call between Mr. Trump and Sondland to multiple people, accusing Holmes of "regaling" others with his account of the call. Holmes replied that he told only those who needed to know about it, and that he thought it was Sondland "who showed indiscretion" in having the call in a public location on an unsecured device. "Sir, I think it was Gordon Sondland who showed indiscretion by having that conversation over a public phone line," Holmes said. -- Grace Segers ​Hill: "Not credible" that Sondland didn't connect Burisma to Bidens 3:42 p.m.: Hill testified she finds it hard to believe Sondland didn't connect the Ukrainian energy company Burisma with the Bidens, as Sondland suggested. Sondland testified he didn't fully understand the connection until after the July 25 call summary was released in September. "I think from listening to him and his depositions and what I've read of what he deposed, he made it very clear that he was surprised we had some kind of objection," Hill said. When Democratic Representative Sean Maloney interrupted Hill on that point, and asked her if it was believable Sondland was in the dark about the connection all summer, Hill responded: "It is not credible to me that he was oblivious." -- Kathryn Watson ​Schiff's closing argument: "This president believes he is above the law" Day 5, Part 9: Nunes' and Schiff's closing re... 29:00 4:19 p.m.: In an animated final speech, Schiff closed the last scheduled hearing of the impeachment inquiry by praising the witnesses and condemning Republicans on the committee for promoting the idea of a "Russia hoax." He argued that Republicans who took umbrage at the suggestion they didn't take Russian interference seriously were silent when Mr. Trump himself has questioned Russia's involvement. "They'll show indignation today, but they'll cower when they hear the president question the very conclusions our intelligence community has reached," Schiff said. He condemned his Republican colleagues for criticizing Holmes' account of the call between Sondland and Mr. Trump, instead of Sondland's "indiscretion" in having the call over an unsecure line. Schiff also sarcastically referenced the "secret depositions" that Republicans have slammed, noting that over 100 members of Congress have been privy to the closed hearings, and Republicans had equal opportunity to question witnesses in the hearings. Schiff recapped what Democrats have gleaned from the open hearings, including details about the smear campaign against Yovanovitch and Mr. Trump's desire to have Ukraine investigate Burisma and the Bidens. Schiff said Republicans weren't disputing basic facts, but were instead raising conspiracy theories and attacking the character of the witnesses. Schiff slammed Republican arguments, and said it was "clear to everyone" that aid was withheld from Ukraine on the condition of opening investigations into the Bidens. He also bashed the Republican argument that witness testimony was based on hearsay. Schiff mocked the Republican claim that there could be no wrongdoing because Mr. Trump denied the existence of a quid pro quo. "Well, I guess that's case closed, right?" Schiff said. "This is the 'I'm not a crook' defense. You say it, and I guess, that's the end of it." Schiff concluded by saying that he came out in favor of an impeachment inquiry because Mr. Trump's call to Zelensky came the day after testimony by former special counsel Robert Mueller. "That says to me this president believes he is above the law. Beyond accountability. And in my view there is nothing more dangerous than an unethical president," Schiff said. He quoted his late colle
Shouting Thomas 3/3/14 I foresee a huge black market economy in our future. Suri Lantemen 3/3/14 What is a transposition? Where? Libertarians are generally in favor of suicidal Camp of the Saints-style immigration. Generally they refuse to acknowledge HBD as a significant factor in public policy making. For both those reasons, libertarians are essentially fellow travellers of the Progs. Daniel, workman-like piece as usual but won't you consider shifting your focus to "Day After" scenarios? "Now what?"-- is not this the burning issue of the day? Greenfield: I'm a quasi-libertarian and am confused by your stmt that libertarians think the problem can be fixed by taking bfts away from 'wealthy' elderly people. I think ALL govt spending and programs should be reduced by about 2%/year and taxes reduced by 1%/year, until we reach a better balance and better economy. But targeting the so-called 'wealthy' is a dangerous tactic; libertarians don't want class-warfare, screw the 'rich' tactics, do they? libertarians are not all one thing and I am talking about the kind of rhetoric I have heard "The larger question of responsibility" is a thorny one. Do you mean responsibility as in "I am my brother's keeper", or the responsibility of the people involved to care for, and support their children, starting with limiting the size of their families ? I started my career with the 'brothers keeper' ideal, and retired with the smaller families conclusion. individual responsibility by those most likely to become social problems and therefore wards of the state Shorter Knish: Demography is destiny. pretty much roger in florida 3/3/14 Mr. Greenfield, The situation you describe is horrendous. Perhaps the worst aspect of it is the moral collapse that has occurred. There is, amongst a large portion of our population, a complete disregard for personal responsibility, a profound cynicism that persuades people that they have a right to be kept, this may actually now be a majority. In the context of this moral rot no solution to our financial problems is possible. What then will happen? Of our approximately $17 trillion debt the part held by the Federal reserve will never be repaid, the part held by internal US interests will be serviced but probably not retired. The debt held externally, approximately $5 trillion, has to be repaid, if it is not then the US will have defaulted. Exactly how this can be retired is a good question, consider that if no new debt was accumulated (the US Fed. Govt. lived within it's tax revenue) and a small but significant amount, say $500 million/year, was set aside to retire the external debt, we would be debt free in about 10,000 years. Another aspect of the moral decay in our society is that the likely result of severe cuts in welfare payments, there would be serious civil disorder across the country with a real possibility of civil war, but certainly at least martial law. Any serious student of this situation knows that cuts have to be made, either by reducing the payout amounts and thereby protecting the value of the currency or by simply distributing more money and thereby destroying the currency through inflation. A poster on another blog summed it up very well: We expect to consume without producing, spend without saving and enjoy leisure without work. The consumers of the last 40 years or so have gone on a binge, accumulating inter-generational debt on a criminal scale, and there is no leadership in sight to address this. This cannot end well. Breed people, breed! Fill the Earth and subdue it! Hear oh Israel: The LORD our God is One LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest down in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Have children, and train them to Love the LORD and Trust in Him. Don't allow them to be subverted by a system of
Shouting Thomas 3/3/14 I foresee a huge black market economy in our future. Suri Lantemen 3/3/14 What is a transposition? Where? Libertarians are generally in favor of suicidal Camp of the Saints-style immigration. Generally they refuse to acknowledge HBD as a significant factor in public policy making. For both those reasons, libertarians are essentially fellow travellers of the Progs. Daniel, workman-like piece as usual but won't you consider shifting your focus to "Day After" scenarios? "Now what?"-- is not this the burning issue of the day? Greenfield: I'm a quasi-libertarian and am confused by your stmt that libertarians think the problem can be fixed by taking bfts away from 'wealthy' elderly people. I think ALL govt spending and programs should be reduced by about 2%/year and taxes reduced by 1%/year, until we reach a better balance and better economy. But targeting the so-called 'wealthy' is a dangerous tactic; libertarians don't want class-warfare, screw the 'rich' tactics, do they? libertarians are not all one thing and I am talking about the kind of rhetoric I have heard "The larger question of responsibility" is a thorny one. Do you mean responsibility as in "I am my brother's keeper", or the responsibility of the people involved to care for, and support their children, starting with limiting the size of their families ? I started my career with the 'brothers keeper' ideal, and retired with the smaller families conclusion. individual responsibility by those most likely to become social problems and therefore wards of the state Shorter Knish: Demography is destiny. pretty much roger in florida 3/3/14 Mr. Greenfield, The situation you describe is horrendous. Perhaps the worst aspect of it is the moral collapse that has occurred. There is, amongst a large portion of our population, a complete disregard for personal responsibility, a profound cynicism that persuades people that they have a right to be kept, this may actually now be a majority. In the context of this moral rot no solution to our financial problems is possible. What then will happen? Of our approximately $17 trillion debt the part held by the Federal reserve will never be repaid, the part held by internal US interests will be serviced but probably not retired. The debt held externally, approximately $5 trillion, has to be repaid, if it is not then the US will have defaulted. Exactly how this can be retired is a good question, consider that if no new debt was accumulated (the US Fed. Govt. lived within it's tax revenue) and a small but significant amount, say $500 million/year, was set aside to retire the external debt, we would be debt free in about 10,000 years. Another aspect of the moral decay in our society is that the likely result of severe cuts in welfare payments, there would be serious civil disorder across the country with a real possibility of civil war, but certainly at least martial law. Any serious student of this situation knows that cuts have to be made, either by reducing the payout amounts and thereby protecting the value of the currency or by simply distributing more money and thereby destroying the currency through inflation. A poster on another blog summed it up very well: We expect to consume without producing, spend without saving and enjoy leisure without work. The consumers of the last 40 years or so have gone on a binge, accumulating inter-generational debt on a criminal scale, and there is no leadership in sight to address this. This cannot end well. Breed people, breed! Fill the Earth and subdue it! Hear oh Israel: The LORD our God is One LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest down in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Have children, and train them to Love the LORD and Trust in Him. Don't allow them to be subverted by a system of
socialist indoctrination: that isn't doing it for the children. Don't permit the fruit of your body, the greatest blessing of the Mighty One, whose name is Jealous, to have their minds be stolen. That is our great responsibility. If and when the economy tanks, your investments will be like Schindlers' Ring. Develop in your children and grandchildren a trust in the LORD that will remain in spite of the fact. Begin today. abprosper 4/3/14 Great article as always. You forgot one thing though, automation. As automation continues to get better it will continue to erode jobs. Under those circumstances its going to be harder and harder to rebuild to a work based economy. Fact our modern way of life depends on the moderately skilled 90-110 IQ crowd being able to make a good living and many more of them can't on account of machines This is spreading to a lot of other trades as well, accounting, tax preparation hundreds of other things that were ways to make a living are going to be gone in a few decades. I won't post links but you can read the articles yourself just Google it. This situation is no more sustainable than a welfare state and that inability for people to fill demand is the express train to the 3rd world or if somehow a welfare state is managed, population free fall. Its part and parcel of why Europe has such low birth rates. The elite don't want many kids and the sound minded middle and working classes often can't afford them. This leaves only the feral poor really and of course immigrants from places where our welfare system is a state paved with gold, till the riots anyway. Its really not complex, High (22% percent average in Europe save Germany) youth unemployment and who knows how much underemployment plus urban living means low birth rates. Heavy automation, free trade and outsourcing means more of the same. Its sad that a lot of my fellow conservatives are far too attached to tradition and assume that people will just go on having kids because the church tells them too or because the neighbors are. This is clearly not the case, Europe is not Christian and even in Brazil (which now has Europe style birth rates) people realize the best way out of poverty is less babies.This is 100% effective within a few generations The highly religious and the feral people of course do not follow this trend but none of them are attached to modernity or capable of sustaining the good bits So if we want a functional society we need to pay for it, either the State does it wisely (and apparently that not working) or the private sector does and if we can't and we won't, we can assume that a lack of ability to spur demand will wreck the economy. And no, trade won't cut it either. Even if China was kettled, the world cannot support more net exporters. The demand isn't there and no amount of social engineering can create demand if there is no income. The rest of the poor world would love to buy stuff but, well they are poor for a reason. My suspicion is the best bet is to control borders, control the feral people with have no child incentives and just let them population fall slowly. Eventually it will reach equilibrium either as a more theocratic and natalist state or shrink to some kind of smaller population base which is self supporting. mindRider 4/3/14 A few examples of welfare state collapse in the Netherlands: Under new regulations GP's are strongly dissuaded from referring their patients to specialists for in depth examination. (Such could already be considered a death-panel) Patients with mental problems can only be referred to low-level psychological aid for at the most four "help"sessions. The elderly homes are in such dyer financial state that many shall envisage imminent closure.(just dumping the inhabitants). The other side of the coin however is that had no welfare state ever existed the poor and unemployable would have been begging on the streets and without the, mainly thanks to excessive misuse and too leniently given welfare and medical aid the life expectancy and wellbeing would have never reached the level it did in this country. In short, like most actions things take the shape of a sinusoidal wave with inevitable ups and downs. Neil Young wrote a song back in the day, "welfare mothers make better lovers
][name_, _] :> name Q: Swift - UIProgressView is not smooth with NSTimer So I am using an NSTimer to let the user know the app is working. The progress bar is set up to last 3 seconds, but when running, it displays in a 'ticking' motion and it is not smooth like it should be. Is there anyway I can make it more smooth - I'm sure just a calculation error on my part.... If anyone could take a look that would be great. Here is the code: import UIKit class LoadingScreen: UIViewController { var time : Float = 0.0 var timer: NSTimer? @IBOutlet weak var progressView: UIProgressView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do stuff timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.1, target: self, selector:Selector("setProgress"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) }//close viewDidLoad func setProgress() { time += 0.1 progressView.progress = time / 3 if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } } A: For continues loader timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.001, target: self, selector: #selector(setProgress), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) and func setProgress() { time += 0.001 downloadProgressBar.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { self.time = 0.001 downloadProgressBar.progress = 0 let color = self.downloadProgressBar.progressTintColor self.downloadProgressBar.progressTintColor = self.downloadProgressBar.trackTintColor self.downloadProgressBar.trackTintColor = color } A: Edit: A simple 3 second UIView animation (Recommended) If your bar is just moving smoothly to indicate activity, possibly consider using a UIActivityIndicatorView or a custom UIView animation: override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) UIView.animateWithDuration(3, animations: { () -> Void in self.progressView.setProgress(1.0, animated: true) }) } Make sure your progressView's progress is set to zero to begin with. This will result in a smooth 3 second animation of the progress. Simple animated progress (Works but still jumps a bit) https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIProgressView_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIProgressView/setProgress:animated: func setProgress() { time += 0.1 progressView.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } Option with smaller intervals. (Not recommended) Set your timer to a smaller interval: timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.001, target: self, selector:Selector("setProgress"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) Then update your function func setProgress() { time += 0.001 progressView.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } A: It's hard to say exactly what the problem is. I would like to see the output if you put a print line in setProgress to print a timestamp. Is it actually firing every tenth of a second? My guess is that it is not. Why not? Well, the timer schedules a run loop task in the main thread to execute the code in setProgress. This task cannot run until tasks in front of it in the queue do. So if there are long running tasks happening in your main thread, your timer will fire very imprecisely. My first suggestion is that this is perhaps what is happening. Here is an example: * *You start a timer to do something every second. *Immediately after, you start a long running main thread task (for example, you try to write a ton of data to a file
][name_, _] :> name Q: Swift - UIProgressView is not smooth with NSTimer So I am using an NSTimer to let the user know the app is working. The progress bar is set up to last 3 seconds, but when running, it displays in a 'ticking' motion and it is not smooth like it should be. Is there anyway I can make it more smooth - I'm sure just a calculation error on my part.... If anyone could take a look that would be great. Here is the code: import UIKit class LoadingScreen: UIViewController { var time : Float = 0.0 var timer: NSTimer? @IBOutlet weak var progressView: UIProgressView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do stuff timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.1, target: self, selector:Selector("setProgress"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) }//close viewDidLoad func setProgress() { time += 0.1 progressView.progress = time / 3 if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } } A: For continues loader timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.001, target: self, selector: #selector(setProgress), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) and func setProgress() { time += 0.001 downloadProgressBar.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { self.time = 0.001 downloadProgressBar.progress = 0 let color = self.downloadProgressBar.progressTintColor self.downloadProgressBar.progressTintColor = self.downloadProgressBar.trackTintColor self.downloadProgressBar.trackTintColor = color } A: Edit: A simple 3 second UIView animation (Recommended) If your bar is just moving smoothly to indicate activity, possibly consider using a UIActivityIndicatorView or a custom UIView animation: override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) UIView.animateWithDuration(3, animations: { () -> Void in self.progressView.setProgress(1.0, animated: true) }) } Make sure your progressView's progress is set to zero to begin with. This will result in a smooth 3 second animation of the progress. Simple animated progress (Works but still jumps a bit) https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIProgressView_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIProgressView/setProgress:animated: func setProgress() { time += 0.1 progressView.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } Option with smaller intervals. (Not recommended) Set your timer to a smaller interval: timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.001, target: self, selector:Selector("setProgress"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) Then update your function func setProgress() { time += 0.001 progressView.setProgress(time / 3, animated: true) if time >= 3 { timer!.invalidate() } } A: It's hard to say exactly what the problem is. I would like to see the output if you put a print line in setProgress to print a timestamp. Is it actually firing every tenth of a second? My guess is that it is not. Why not? Well, the timer schedules a run loop task in the main thread to execute the code in setProgress. This task cannot run until tasks in front of it in the queue do. So if there are long running tasks happening in your main thread, your timer will fire very imprecisely. My first suggestion is that this is perhaps what is happening. Here is an example: * *You start a timer to do something every second. *Immediately after, you start a long running main thread task (for example, you try to write a ton of data to a file
). This task will take five seconds to complete. *Your timer wants to fire after one second, but your file-writing is hogging the main thread for the next four seconds, so the timer can't fire for another four seconds. If this is the case, then to solve the problem you would either need to move that main thread work to a background thread, or else figure out a way to do it while returning to the run loop periodically. For example, during your long running main thread operation, you can periodically call runUntilDate on your run loop to let other run loop tasks execute. Note that you couldn't just increment the progress bar fill periodically during the long running main thread task, because the progress bar will not actually animate its fill until you return to the run loop. A: What about proper way for animating changes: animateWithDuration:animations: or CABasicAnimation. You can use this for creating smooth animations Q: How to use variable and changing user defined functions in query I have defined some user defined function in sql server . for example : select dbo.SumItems(1 , 2) will return 3 and select dbo.MaxItems(5 , 3) will return 5 and some other functions may be more complicated. also I keep variables and their formula expressions in a table: IdVar Title Formula ----- ----- --------------------- 1 Sum dbo.SumItems(@a , @b) 2 Max dbo.maxItems(@a , @b) I have my parameters in another table : a b -- -- 1 2 5 3 now i want to join this two tables and get the following result : Parameter a Parameter b Variable Title Result ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ 1 2 Sum 3 1 2 Max 2 5 3 Sum 8 5 3 Max 5 also I have asked my problem from another view here. A: Posted something very similar to this yesterday. As you know, you can only perform such function with dynamic sql. Now, I don't have your functions, so you will have to supply those. I've done something very similar in the past to calculate a series of ratios in one pass for numerous income/balance sheets Below is one approach. (However, I'm not digging the 2 parameters ... seems a little limited, but I'm sure you can expand as necessary) Declare @Formula table (ID int,Title varchar(25),Formula varchar(max)) Insert Into @Formula values (1,'Sum' ,'@a+@b') ,(2,'Multiply','@a*@b') Declare @Parameter table (a varchar(50),b varchar(50)) Insert Into @Parameter values (1,2), (5,3) Declare @SQL varchar(max)='' ;with cte as ( Select A.ID ,A.Title ,ParameterA = A ,ParameterB = B ,Expression = Replace(Replace(Formula,'@a',a),'@b',b) From @Formula A Cross Join @Parameter B ) Select @SQL = @SQL+concat(',(',ID,',',ParameterA,',',ParameterB,',''',Title,''',(',Expression,'))') From cte Select @SQL = 'Select * From ('+Stuff(@SQL,1,1,'values')+') N(ID,ParameterA,ParameterB,Title,Value)' Exec(@SQL) -- Optional To Trap Results in a Table Variable --Declare @Results table (ID int,ParameterA varchar(50),ParameterB varchar(50),Title varchar(50),Value float) --Insert Into @Results Exec(@SQL) --Select * from @Results Returns ID ParameterA ParameterB Title Value 1 1 2 Sum 3 2 1 2 Multiply 2 1 5 3 Sum 8 2 5 3 Multiply 15 Q: Formulário Ajax e PHP abrir lista dinâmica com consulta SQL Amigos, boa tarde! Preciso editar um formulário que já estava pronto, incluindo algumas opções novas. Não conheço quase nada de PHP,
to answer an enthusiastic “yes”: we’ve shared the same outlook on the world in our curiosity about the people from other cultures and countries, and while I have not inherited his same cynicism about politics that was borne out of being a journalist, I have inherited his attitude of gratitude towards life, which is perhaps his greatest legacy to me. In the end, I will miss my conversations with him, but I don’t his presence as much because it is, to a certain extent, still with me. As I mentioned in his funeral notice, it was a privilege of a lifetime to be his son. « The Agile Goodbye Stakeholders in my Father’s Life » Lawanna, on October 10, 2015 at 8:47 am said: Granular keyword analysis – Gain in-depth visibility into regional SEO performance by keyword group throughout different cities. R O D R O D G E R S Rod Rodgers was a second-generation choreographer who worked extensively in modern dance and musical theatre. Rodgers, was best known for his development of concert repertoire which explores and celebrates the Black experience. Rodgers stated in a 1992 interview with the New York Times that, "when we talk about celebrating the creative struggle of black Americans, we extend that to include not just struggles for freedom and social change, but also struggles to create innovative works." Though Rod Rodgers was born in Cleveland, he grew up in Detroit where he studied tap and jazz dance. In 1962, at the age of 24, Rodgers moved to New York, where he studied under Eric Hawkins, Mary Anthony, Charles Weidman and Hanya Holm. A year later, in 1963 he would go on to create the Rod Rodgers Dance Company. Two years later, in 1965 he became the director of the dance project at Mobilization for Youth, where he created a popular lecture-demonstration program called ''Dance Poems . . . Black, Brown, Negro.'' Choreography & Artistic Work In 1967, Rod Rodgers began to draw from his background as a percussionist, and developed a unique, signature suite for his company where the dancers contribute to the musical environment with hand held instruments as they move in space, titled “RHYTHMDANCES”. This would become the suite that put Rodgers on the radar of dancers and critics alike. Aside from his acclaimed “RHYTHMDANCES”, several of his other major works made fierce social commentary on the Black experience. Some of which include, "Victims", "Cameos of Women", and "POETS & PEACEMAKERS”, a multi-arts series of tributes to Black heroes. While Rod Rodgers had extensive experience in choreographing concert repertoire as well as performing in the concert realm, he also had numerous choreography credits in off Broadway and television productions. Some of which included the Syracuse Opera Company’s production of AIDA, the play “A Study In Color” by Malcolm Boyd, and “The Prodigal Sister”, an Off Broadway Musical for Woody King Jr. Rodgers also directed and staged “The Black Cowboys” for the Harlem Opera which was presented at the City Center of Music & Drama, the Brooklyn Academy, and eventually on an international tour. Rodgers also staged a reading of Ntozake Shanges' novel, “Sassafras, Cypress & Indigo”, which was produced by Joseph Papp at the Public Theatre in NYC. Mr. Rodgers staged and directed several productions for Voices, Inc., including “Journey into Blackness” and a touring production of a musical tribute to Martin Luther King, which was presented as a CBS-TV Special. He also choreographed and had a lead acting role in a WABC-TV special “Like It Is”, a TV show based on "This is my Beloved". Throughout Rod Rodgers' career his choreography has been featured in the repertoires of numerous dance companies across the U.S. Some of which include,Wylliams-Henry Dance Company, Philadanco, and Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble. His work was also included in the first, Dance Black America Festival which was held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Under the direction of Rodgers himself, the versatile ensemble, toured across the U.S. and abroad, including festivals in Mexico
to answer an enthusiastic “yes”: we’ve shared the same outlook on the world in our curiosity about the people from other cultures and countries, and while I have not inherited his same cynicism about politics that was borne out of being a journalist, I have inherited his attitude of gratitude towards life, which is perhaps his greatest legacy to me. In the end, I will miss my conversations with him, but I don’t his presence as much because it is, to a certain extent, still with me. As I mentioned in his funeral notice, it was a privilege of a lifetime to be his son. « The Agile Goodbye Stakeholders in my Father’s Life » Lawanna, on October 10, 2015 at 8:47 am said: Granular keyword analysis – Gain in-depth visibility into regional SEO performance by keyword group throughout different cities. R O D R O D G E R S Rod Rodgers was a second-generation choreographer who worked extensively in modern dance and musical theatre. Rodgers, was best known for his development of concert repertoire which explores and celebrates the Black experience. Rodgers stated in a 1992 interview with the New York Times that, "when we talk about celebrating the creative struggle of black Americans, we extend that to include not just struggles for freedom and social change, but also struggles to create innovative works." Though Rod Rodgers was born in Cleveland, he grew up in Detroit where he studied tap and jazz dance. In 1962, at the age of 24, Rodgers moved to New York, where he studied under Eric Hawkins, Mary Anthony, Charles Weidman and Hanya Holm. A year later, in 1963 he would go on to create the Rod Rodgers Dance Company. Two years later, in 1965 he became the director of the dance project at Mobilization for Youth, where he created a popular lecture-demonstration program called ''Dance Poems . . . Black, Brown, Negro.'' Choreography & Artistic Work In 1967, Rod Rodgers began to draw from his background as a percussionist, and developed a unique, signature suite for his company where the dancers contribute to the musical environment with hand held instruments as they move in space, titled “RHYTHMDANCES”. This would become the suite that put Rodgers on the radar of dancers and critics alike. Aside from his acclaimed “RHYTHMDANCES”, several of his other major works made fierce social commentary on the Black experience. Some of which include, "Victims", "Cameos of Women", and "POETS & PEACEMAKERS”, a multi-arts series of tributes to Black heroes. While Rod Rodgers had extensive experience in choreographing concert repertoire as well as performing in the concert realm, he also had numerous choreography credits in off Broadway and television productions. Some of which included the Syracuse Opera Company’s production of AIDA, the play “A Study In Color” by Malcolm Boyd, and “The Prodigal Sister”, an Off Broadway Musical for Woody King Jr. Rodgers also directed and staged “The Black Cowboys” for the Harlem Opera which was presented at the City Center of Music & Drama, the Brooklyn Academy, and eventually on an international tour. Rodgers also staged a reading of Ntozake Shanges' novel, “Sassafras, Cypress & Indigo”, which was produced by Joseph Papp at the Public Theatre in NYC. Mr. Rodgers staged and directed several productions for Voices, Inc., including “Journey into Blackness” and a touring production of a musical tribute to Martin Luther King, which was presented as a CBS-TV Special. He also choreographed and had a lead acting role in a WABC-TV special “Like It Is”, a TV show based on "This is my Beloved". Throughout Rod Rodgers' career his choreography has been featured in the repertoires of numerous dance companies across the U.S. Some of which include,Wylliams-Henry Dance Company, Philadanco, and Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble. His work was also included in the first, Dance Black America Festival which was held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Under the direction of Rodgers himself, the versatile ensemble, toured across the U.S. and abroad, including festivals in Mexico
and Italy. The company also went on an extended international tour to Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Zaire, Zambia, Syria and Portugal by way of U.S.I.S. (formerly the US State Department).​ While Rodgers served as an arts consultant and panelist for public and private grants programs, he also received fellowships and commissions from NY State Council on the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, Creative Artists in Public Service, the Beard Fund, the John Hay Whitney Foundation, and others. Rodgers also was the recipient of the Spirit of Detroit Creative Award in Michigan and an AUDELCO Award for Innovative Audience Development Programs in NYC . Mr. Rodgers also had the privilege of publishing several articles about dance. His most in depth article being “Don’t Tell Me Who I am” appeared in the book “The Vision of Modern Dance”, a collection of essays where some of modern dances’ greatest and original choreographers wrote about what their vision of modern dance is. Rodgers’ essay primarily focused on identity as a black artist and the autonomy, or lack thereof, when creating for an audience as opposed to from one’s own artistic needs. As a Master Teacher Mr. Rodgers specialized in helping dancers make the critical transition from studio to stage. He lectured widely across the U.S. and has been in residence at numerous colleges and universities both as a guest artist and regular staff member. Rod A. Rodgers passed away on Sunday, March 24th, 2002 at St. Vincent's Hospital, in New York “We continue his legacy to inspire and reflect the social climate of today. Thanks to his passion for the arts and his many outstanding accomplishments, Rod will always be an inspiration to all.” -Kim Grier-Martinez Search CTV Winnipeg Close CTV Morning Live Features Manitoba Turkey CTV Morning Live Videos Sports Star of the Week SportsStar of the Week Alleged serial killer in Winnipeg accused of killing 3 more women Four Indigenous women in Winnipeg are believed to be dead at the hands of an alleged serial killer. Jeremy Anthony Michael Skibicki, 35, is now facing four charges of first-degree murder following an investigation that started back in May following the death of an Indigenous woman. On May 16, 2022, police provided details about the death of 24-year-old Rebecca Contois after her partial remains were found near an apartment building in the 200 block of Edison Avenue. Additional remains were later found in June at the Brady Landfill. Skibicki was charged with first-degree murder in connection with Contois' death. Police continued to investigate saying they didn't rule out the possibility that there were more victims. On Thursday, police announced that three more victims had been identified. It is believed they were killed before Contois, between March and May. One woman, who has not yet been identified, is believed to have been killed around March 15, 2022. Police said the victim is an Indigenous woman in her mid-20s with an average build. Two other women have been identified, 39-year-old Morgan Beatrice Harris of Winnipeg, who is believed to have been killed on or around May 1, and 26-year-old Marcedes Myran of Winnipeg, who is believed to have been killed on or around May 4. Both Harris and Myran were members of Long Plain First Nation. As a result of the investigation, police said they have charged Skibicki with three more counts of first-degree murder. The charges against Skibicki have not been proven in court. Mayor Scott Gillingham called Thursday a “painful day for Winnipeg.” “We must never become numb to the horrors of the news that we’re hearing today, because every homicide represents a life,” he said. “As a father, as a husband, I feel deep sorrow for these lives that have been lost far too early.” Police Chief Danny Smyth said it's unsettling when there is "any kind of serial killing," adding these homicides are unsettling because "they involve Indigenous women." Police released a photo of a jacket they say is similar to the one
ificar aquesta situació. Per exemple, el Centre Croata d'Informació de música ha publicat alguns obres seues, incloent-hi tres obres orquestrals (concert de piano, simfonia i Phantasie concertante). El 2008, el Centre també va publicar una monografia bilingüe (en anglès i croat), escrita per l'erudit Pejačević Koraljka Kos, acompanyada d'un primer CD de piano i música de cambra. L'any 1993 van fer un pel·lícula de la seva vida, La comtessa Dora, dirigida per Zvonimir Berkovic i protagonitzada per Alma Prica i Rade Serbedzija. [2] Llista de composicions Com a lieder: Ein Lied, op. 11, (text: Paul Wilhelm), (1900) Warum?, op. 13, (text: Dora Pejačević), (1901) Ave Maria, op. 16, for voice, violin and organ, (1903) Sieben Lieder, op. 23, (text: Wilhelmine Wickenburg-Almásy), (1907), (dedicated to Eva van Osten, Melanie Páiffy-Almásy, Julia Culp) Sicheres Merkmal Es hat gleich einem Diebe Taut erst Blauveilchen Es jagen sich Mond und Sonne Du bist der helle Frühlingsmorgen In den Blättern wühlt Es war einmal Zwei Lieder, op. 27, (Text: Wilhelmine Wickenburg-Almásy; Ernst Strauss), (1909) Ich schleiche meine Straßen Verweht Vier Lieder, op. 30, (text: Anna Ritter), (1911), (dedicated to Marianne Konradsheim) Ein Schrei Wie ein Rausch Ich glaub', lieber Schatz Traumglück Verwandlung for voice, violin and organ, op. 37a, (text: Karl Kraus), (1915), (dedicated to Sidonie Nádherny von Borutin) [1] Mädchengestalten, op. 42, (text: Rainer Maria Rilke), (1916) Als du mich einst gefunden hast Viel Fähren sind auf den Flüssen Ich bin eine Waise Ich war ein Kind und träumte viel An eine Falte, op. 46, (text: Karl Kraus), (1918), (dedicated to Sidonie Nádherny von Borutin) Drei Gesänge, op. 53, (text: Friedrich Nietzsche), (1919 - 1920) Venedig Vereinsamt Der Einsamste Zwei Lieder, op. 55, (Text: Karl Henckell; Ricarda Huch), (1920), (dedicated to Rosa Lumbe-Mladota and Juza Lumbe) Zu dir! Um bei dir zu sein Tri dječje pjesme (Three children's songs) op. 56, (text: Zmaj Jovan Jovanović), (1921) Majčica, moj anđeo (Mommy, my angel) Dijete i baka (Child and grandmother) Mali Radojica (Little Radojica) Amb acompanyament orquestral: Verwandlung, op. 37b, (text: Karl Kraus), (1915) Liebeslied, op. 39, (text: Rainer Maria Rilke) (1915) Zwei Schmetterlingslieder, op. 52, (text: Karl Henckell), (1920) Goldne Sterne, blaue Glöckchen Schwebe, du Schmetterling Composicions a piano sol: Berceuse, op. 2, (1897) Gondellied, op. 4, (In Erinnerung an die gemütlichen Tage in Našice von Dora, Našice, 25-VII
ificar aquesta situació. Per exemple, el Centre Croata d'Informació de música ha publicat alguns obres seues, incloent-hi tres obres orquestrals (concert de piano, simfonia i Phantasie concertante). El 2008, el Centre també va publicar una monografia bilingüe (en anglès i croat), escrita per l'erudit Pejačević Koraljka Kos, acompanyada d'un primer CD de piano i música de cambra. L'any 1993 van fer un pel·lícula de la seva vida, La comtessa Dora, dirigida per Zvonimir Berkovic i protagonitzada per Alma Prica i Rade Serbedzija. [2] Llista de composicions Com a lieder: Ein Lied, op. 11, (text: Paul Wilhelm), (1900) Warum?, op. 13, (text: Dora Pejačević), (1901) Ave Maria, op. 16, for voice, violin and organ, (1903) Sieben Lieder, op. 23, (text: Wilhelmine Wickenburg-Almásy), (1907), (dedicated to Eva van Osten, Melanie Páiffy-Almásy, Julia Culp) Sicheres Merkmal Es hat gleich einem Diebe Taut erst Blauveilchen Es jagen sich Mond und Sonne Du bist der helle Frühlingsmorgen In den Blättern wühlt Es war einmal Zwei Lieder, op. 27, (Text: Wilhelmine Wickenburg-Almásy; Ernst Strauss), (1909) Ich schleiche meine Straßen Verweht Vier Lieder, op. 30, (text: Anna Ritter), (1911), (dedicated to Marianne Konradsheim) Ein Schrei Wie ein Rausch Ich glaub', lieber Schatz Traumglück Verwandlung for voice, violin and organ, op. 37a, (text: Karl Kraus), (1915), (dedicated to Sidonie Nádherny von Borutin) [1] Mädchengestalten, op. 42, (text: Rainer Maria Rilke), (1916) Als du mich einst gefunden hast Viel Fähren sind auf den Flüssen Ich bin eine Waise Ich war ein Kind und träumte viel An eine Falte, op. 46, (text: Karl Kraus), (1918), (dedicated to Sidonie Nádherny von Borutin) Drei Gesänge, op. 53, (text: Friedrich Nietzsche), (1919 - 1920) Venedig Vereinsamt Der Einsamste Zwei Lieder, op. 55, (Text: Karl Henckell; Ricarda Huch), (1920), (dedicated to Rosa Lumbe-Mladota and Juza Lumbe) Zu dir! Um bei dir zu sein Tri dječje pjesme (Three children's songs) op. 56, (text: Zmaj Jovan Jovanović), (1921) Majčica, moj anđeo (Mommy, my angel) Dijete i baka (Child and grandmother) Mali Radojica (Little Radojica) Amb acompanyament orquestral: Verwandlung, op. 37b, (text: Karl Kraus), (1915) Liebeslied, op. 39, (text: Rainer Maria Rilke) (1915) Zwei Schmetterlingslieder, op. 52, (text: Karl Henckell), (1920) Goldne Sterne, blaue Glöckchen Schwebe, du Schmetterling Composicions a piano sol: Berceuse, op. 2, (1897) Gondellied, op. 4, (In Erinnerung an die gemütlichen Tage in Našice von Dora, Našice, 25-VII
-1898) Chanson sans paroles, op. 5, (1898) Papillon, op. 6, (1898) Menuette, op. 7, (1898) Impromptu, op. 9a, (1899) Chanson sans paroles, op. 10, (1900), (dedicated to baroness Else Szentkereszty) Albumblatt, op. 12, (1901), (lost) Trauermarsch, op. 14, (1902) Sechs Phantasiestücke, op. 17, (1903) Sehnsucht Leid Frage Klage Bitte Wahn (2 versions: A and B) Blumenleben - acht Klavierstücke nach der Blütenzeit im Jahresablauf komponiert, op. 19, (1904 -1905) Schneeglöckchen Veilchen Maiglöckchen Vergißmeinnicht Rose Rote Nelken Lilien Chrysanthemen Berceuse, op. 20, (1906), (dedicated to her nephew count Nikola Pejačević) Valse de concert, op. 21, (1906) Erinnerung, op. 24, (1908), (dedicated to Marie Therese Schall-Riaucour) Walzer-Capricen, op. 28, (1910), (dedicated to her professor Percy Sherwood) moderato grazioso im Lëndler-tempo wiegend lento tempo giusto allegretto grazioso, allegramente moderato Vier Klavierstücke, op. 32a, (1912), (dedicated to pianist Alice Ripper, who premiered them in Stockholm in 1917) (lost) Libelle Papillon Abendgedanke Impromptu, op. 32b, (1912), (dedicated to pianist Alice Ripper) Sonata in B minor, op. 36, (1914), (dedicated to Anny von Lange) Con fuoco non troppo allegro Andante con molta espressione Allegro risoluto Zwei Intermezzi, op. 38, (1915), (dedicated to Olga Schulz-Granitz) Ruhig und innig Langsam und ausdrucksvoll Zwei Klavierskizzen, op. 44, (1918), (dedicated to Anny von Lange) An dich! Vor deinem Bild Blütenwirbel, op. 45, (1918), (2 versions: A and B), (dedicated to Sidonie Nádherny von Borutin) Capriccio, op. 47, (1919), (dedicated to pianist Alice Ripper) Zwei Nocturnos, op. 50, (1918; 1920) Sehr ruhig, mit innigem Ausdruck, (Janowitz 20. – 21. Juli 1918. Dedicated to pianist Alice Ripper) Leicht bewegt und ferträumt Humoreske und Caprice, op. 54, (1920) Humoreske, allegretto vivo Caprice, vivace grazioso Sonata in A flat major, op. 57 (in one movement), (1921) Composicions de cambra: Rêverie for violin and piano, op. 3, (1897.) Canzonetta in D major, for violin and piano, op. 8, (1899.), (Pejačević's first printed composition. Dedicated to Stefi Geyer) Impromptu op. 9b for piano quartet,(1903), (Bearbeitung von Op.9a) Trio in D major, op. 15 for violin, violoncello and piano, (190
an assault rifle because he believed the fake news that it was the hideout of a child trafficking ring is a pretty extreme example. But the line dividing indignation and action is getting thinner by the day. What this seems to show is that issues that are inherently contentious and emotive are fake news fodder because, naturally, we want to be able to say: “See? I’m right. You’re wrong. Just look at this news story.” Further to that, did you know that “Post-truth” was named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionary in 2016? This was in response to the “highly-charged” political situation that year (including the Brexit referendum), according to a spokesperson. The definition: “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” Welcome to the post-truth world. There has been some discussion around how our views in today’s society are becoming more and more polarised. The United Nations released a statement regarding the “disturbing groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance” globally. Perhaps it is just that social media has made this polarisation more transparent, or that social media itself gives rise to hate speech because we can hide behind our screens. Regardless, it would seem that people with fringe views that would have gone unheard now have their very own soapbox. The Center for Countering Digital Hate claims that there are just 12 people (now called ‘The Disinformation Dozen’) “responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms”. It’s said The Disinformation Dozen have a combined following of 59 million. Covid-19 has given rise to extreme divisions. The pro-vaxxers versus the anti-vaxxers. Parents who support homeschooling versus those who condemn it. What does this have to do with fake news? Human psychology, it turns out. Let’s say you see a negative fake news story about a politician you dislike. You are more likely to be taken in because of what is called “confirmation bias” – the psychological phenomenon of believing something that confirms one’s beliefs. Psychoanalyst David Braucher says this bias makes us more susceptible to fabricated stories, a trend compounded by the fact that we tend to share fake news that supports our worldview with our like-minded Facebook friends, and vice versa. Adding insult to injury, social media’s audience optimisation strategies mean that the more you look up news to support your particular ideology, the more of this type of information will appear in your feed. Braucher likens it to creating an “alternative reality”. If polarisation is indeed as big an issue as the UN says, this reality is very small indeed. About the size of a smartphone? What is the antidote to fake news? According to PRC: “48% of US adults say the government should restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access/publish content.” We can see this already taking place in the measures Facebook has taken to clamp down on Covid posts. “Confirmation bias is the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs.” — Encyclopaedia Britannica The concern here then is whether fake news will one day be used as an excuse to silence rather than inform by those in power with less honorable motives. So then what? I believe that the answer – or at least a sizeable piece of the puzzle – lies not just with governments and social media giants, but with us as individuals. How? By developing our critical thinking. What does learning English have to do with this? At ELC, which is part of the University of Cape Town, our teaching methodologies are rooted in critical thinking. Rather than using a rote learning approach and “spoon-feeding” information, our teachers focus on eliciting language and encouraging students to engage critically with texts. This approach works. Why? Because by coming up with the answers themselves (through critical thinking), students have a greater chance of not just remembering the language points, but how to use them – and why. Read our post on ELC’s English for Academic Purposes course. In conclusion, if Fake News is a system that can be strengthened by individuals, it can also be weakened by them. As a second-language
an assault rifle because he believed the fake news that it was the hideout of a child trafficking ring is a pretty extreme example. But the line dividing indignation and action is getting thinner by the day. What this seems to show is that issues that are inherently contentious and emotive are fake news fodder because, naturally, we want to be able to say: “See? I’m right. You’re wrong. Just look at this news story.” Further to that, did you know that “Post-truth” was named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionary in 2016? This was in response to the “highly-charged” political situation that year (including the Brexit referendum), according to a spokesperson. The definition: “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” Welcome to the post-truth world. There has been some discussion around how our views in today’s society are becoming more and more polarised. The United Nations released a statement regarding the “disturbing groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance” globally. Perhaps it is just that social media has made this polarisation more transparent, or that social media itself gives rise to hate speech because we can hide behind our screens. Regardless, it would seem that people with fringe views that would have gone unheard now have their very own soapbox. The Center for Countering Digital Hate claims that there are just 12 people (now called ‘The Disinformation Dozen’) “responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms”. It’s said The Disinformation Dozen have a combined following of 59 million. Covid-19 has given rise to extreme divisions. The pro-vaxxers versus the anti-vaxxers. Parents who support homeschooling versus those who condemn it. What does this have to do with fake news? Human psychology, it turns out. Let’s say you see a negative fake news story about a politician you dislike. You are more likely to be taken in because of what is called “confirmation bias” – the psychological phenomenon of believing something that confirms one’s beliefs. Psychoanalyst David Braucher says this bias makes us more susceptible to fabricated stories, a trend compounded by the fact that we tend to share fake news that supports our worldview with our like-minded Facebook friends, and vice versa. Adding insult to injury, social media’s audience optimisation strategies mean that the more you look up news to support your particular ideology, the more of this type of information will appear in your feed. Braucher likens it to creating an “alternative reality”. If polarisation is indeed as big an issue as the UN says, this reality is very small indeed. About the size of a smartphone? What is the antidote to fake news? According to PRC: “48% of US adults say the government should restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access/publish content.” We can see this already taking place in the measures Facebook has taken to clamp down on Covid posts. “Confirmation bias is the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs.” — Encyclopaedia Britannica The concern here then is whether fake news will one day be used as an excuse to silence rather than inform by those in power with less honorable motives. So then what? I believe that the answer – or at least a sizeable piece of the puzzle – lies not just with governments and social media giants, but with us as individuals. How? By developing our critical thinking. What does learning English have to do with this? At ELC, which is part of the University of Cape Town, our teaching methodologies are rooted in critical thinking. Rather than using a rote learning approach and “spoon-feeding” information, our teachers focus on eliciting language and encouraging students to engage critically with texts. This approach works. Why? Because by coming up with the answers themselves (through critical thinking), students have a greater chance of not just remembering the language points, but how to use them – and why. Read our post on ELC’s English for Academic Purposes course. In conclusion, if Fake News is a system that can be strengthened by individuals, it can also be weakened by them. As a second-language
learner at a good language school, you already have the advantage of consistently flexing your critical thinking “muscle” in the routine study of English – yet another reason to keep up your studies. By Leigh-Anne Hunter Take a look at our excellent blog about Paraphrasing like a Pro. Cambridge Advanced Exam English Students Exam English Learn English Abroad Past/Current Students Third Reading – Bill C-46 – offences relating to conveyances Bill to Amend—Third Reading—Motion in Amendment—Debate Continued On the Order: Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Boniface, seconded by the Honourable Senator Sinclair, for the third reading of Bill C-46, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (offences relating to conveyances) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, as amended. And on the motion in amendment of the Honourable Senator Gold, seconded by the Honourable Senator Pate: That Bill C-46, as amended, be not now read a third time, but that it be further amended in clause 15, (a)on page 23, by replacing line 35 (as replaced by decision of the Senate on June 4, 2018) with the following: “320.27 (1) If a peace officer has reasonable grounds to”; (b)on page 24, by adding the following after line 17: “(2) If a peace officer has in his or her possession an approved screening device, the peace officer may, in the course of the lawful exercise of powers under an Act of Parliament or an Act of a provincial legislature or arising at common law, by demand, require the person who is operating a motor vehicle to immediately provide the samples of breath that, in the peace officer’s opinion, are necessary to enable a proper analysis to be made by means of that device and to accompany the peace officer for that purpose.”; and (c)on page 34, by replacing line 18 (as replaced by decision of the Senate on June 4, 2018) with the following: “conducted under paragraph 320.27(1)(a); and”. Hon. Mobina S.B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, I rise today to speak on Bill C-46 and on the amendment introduced at the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs that removes a provision allowing police to conduct roadside Breathalyzer tests when they suspect that a driver may be impaired by alcohol. I would like to thank Senator Gold, Senator Pratte and Senator Boniface for their work on this amendment. I begin by saying that we must be pragmatic as we go forward in considering whether we should include mandatory screening in Bill C-46. When I hear the debate on mandatory screening, I can’t help but think about when I was a young lawyer and we had, for the first time, very strict alcohol impaired driving legislation. Those strict laws, then education, led to cultural change. And then we had further stricter laws, education and a cultural change. We went from people not being offended to see people driving while impaired to now we absolutely don’t accept it. I speak on this bill because I believe it’s really important that we look at what mandatory screening will do. I support this amendment as I believe that we have a crisis in Canada. Right now, Canada has a serious impaired driving problem. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Canada ranks the highest out of 19 countries for impaired driving deaths. On average, three to four Canadians die every day due to impaired drivers. As we go forward to legalize recreational cannabis, we need to make sure that this number does not increase. Right now, drugs are already involved twice as often as alcohol in fatal crashes. Once Bill C-45 is passed, this number could easily rise. Honourable senators, Canada’s current system of breath testing is one of selective breath testing. Only drivers reasonably suspected of driving while impaired can be tested. Studies have shown that such programs miss a significant portion of legally impaired drivers. They miss 60 per cent of drivers with blood alcohol concentrations over the criminal limit of 0.08. When impaired drivers
original on 11 January 2009. Retrieved 11 May 2010. MacDonald, Ian (1998). Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. London: Pimlico. ISBN 978-0-7126-6697-8. Matovina, Dan (2000). Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger. Frances Glover Books. ISBN 978-0-9657122-2-4. Miles, Barry (1997). Many Years From Now. Vintage-Random House. ISBN 978-0-436-28022-1. Miles, Barry (2007). The Beatles Diary: An Intimate Day by Day History. World Publications Group. ISBN 978-1-57215-010-2. Miles, Barry (2001). The Beatles Diary: Volume 1: The Beatles Years. Omnibus Press. ISBN 978-0-7119-8308-3. Partridge, Christopher (2004). The Re-enchantment of the West: Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralisation, Popular Culture, and Occulture, Vol. 1 (illustrated ed.). Continuum. ISBN 978-0-567-08408-8. Petty, Tom (8 December 2011). Wenner, Jann (ed.). "Rolling Stone: The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time: George Harrison". Rolling Stone (1145). Roberts, David, ed. (2005). British Hit Singles & Albums (18 ed.). Guinness World Records Limited. ISBN 978-1-904994-00-8. Rodriguez, Robert (2010). Fab Four FAQ 2.0: The Beatles' Solo Years, 1970–1980. Backbeat Books. ISBN 978-1-4165-9093-4. Rosen, Craig (1996). Lukas, Paul (ed.). The Billboard Book of Number One Albums. Billboard. ISBN 978-0-8230-7586-7. Schaffner, Nicholas (1978). The Beatles Forever. Mcgraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-055087-2. Schaffner, Nicholas (1980). The Boys from Liverpool: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-416-30661-3. Schinder, Scott; Schwartz, Andy (2008). Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends who Changed Music Forever. Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-33845-8. Sheff, David (1981). Golson, G. Barry (ed.). All We Are Saying: The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono (2000 ed.). St Martin's Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-25464-3. Smith, Richard (1987). The History of Rickenbacker Guitars. Centerstream Publications. ISBN 978-0-931759-15-4. Spignesi, Stephen; Lewis, Michael (2009). 100 Best Beatles Songs: A Passionate Fan's Guide. Black Dog & Leventhal. ISBN 978-1-57912-842-5. Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles: The Biography. Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 978-0-316-01331-4. Strong, Martin (2004). The Great Rock Discography (7th ed.). Canongate. ISBN 978-1-84195-615-2. Sullivan, Steve (2013). Encyclopedia of Great Popular Song Recordings, Volume 2. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press
original on 11 January 2009. Retrieved 11 May 2010. MacDonald, Ian (1998). Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. London: Pimlico. ISBN 978-0-7126-6697-8. Matovina, Dan (2000). Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger. Frances Glover Books. ISBN 978-0-9657122-2-4. Miles, Barry (1997). Many Years From Now. Vintage-Random House. ISBN 978-0-436-28022-1. Miles, Barry (2007). The Beatles Diary: An Intimate Day by Day History. World Publications Group. ISBN 978-1-57215-010-2. Miles, Barry (2001). The Beatles Diary: Volume 1: The Beatles Years. Omnibus Press. ISBN 978-0-7119-8308-3. Partridge, Christopher (2004). The Re-enchantment of the West: Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralisation, Popular Culture, and Occulture, Vol. 1 (illustrated ed.). Continuum. ISBN 978-0-567-08408-8. Petty, Tom (8 December 2011). Wenner, Jann (ed.). "Rolling Stone: The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time: George Harrison". Rolling Stone (1145). Roberts, David, ed. (2005). British Hit Singles & Albums (18 ed.). Guinness World Records Limited. ISBN 978-1-904994-00-8. Rodriguez, Robert (2010). Fab Four FAQ 2.0: The Beatles' Solo Years, 1970–1980. Backbeat Books. ISBN 978-1-4165-9093-4. Rosen, Craig (1996). Lukas, Paul (ed.). The Billboard Book of Number One Albums. Billboard. ISBN 978-0-8230-7586-7. Schaffner, Nicholas (1978). The Beatles Forever. Mcgraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-055087-2. Schaffner, Nicholas (1980). The Boys from Liverpool: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-416-30661-3. Schinder, Scott; Schwartz, Andy (2008). Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends who Changed Music Forever. Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-33845-8. Sheff, David (1981). Golson, G. Barry (ed.). All We Are Saying: The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono (2000 ed.). St Martin's Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-25464-3. Smith, Richard (1987). The History of Rickenbacker Guitars. Centerstream Publications. ISBN 978-0-931759-15-4. Spignesi, Stephen; Lewis, Michael (2009). 100 Best Beatles Songs: A Passionate Fan's Guide. Black Dog & Leventhal. ISBN 978-1-57912-842-5. Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles: The Biography. Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 978-0-316-01331-4. Strong, Martin (2004). The Great Rock Discography (7th ed.). Canongate. ISBN 978-1-84195-615-2. Sullivan, Steve (2013). Encyclopedia of Great Popular Song Recordings, Volume 2. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press
. ISBN 978-0-8108-8296-6. Tillery, Gary (2011). Working Class Mystic: A Spiritual Biography of George Harrison. Quest. ISBN 978-0-8356-0900-5. Unterberger, Richie (2002). Turn! Turn! Turn!: The '60s Folk-rock Revolution. Backbeat Books. ISBN 978-0-87930-703-5. Williams, Paul (2004). Bob Dylan: Performing Artist 1986–1990 & Beyond: Mind Out of Time. Omnibus Press. ISBN 978-1-84449-281-7. Winn, John (2009). That Magic Feeling: The Beatles' Recorded Legacy, Volume Two, 1966–1970. Three Rivers Press. ISBN 978-0-307-45239-9. Woffinden, Bob (1981). The Beatles Apart. London: Proteus. ISBN 978-0-906071-89-2. Womack, Kenneth (2007). Long and Winding Roads: The Evolving Artistry of the Beatles. Continuum. ISBN 978-0-8264-1746-6. Womack, Kenneth (2006) [2002]. "Ten Great Beatles Moments". In Skinner Sawyers, June (ed.). Read the Beatles: Classic and New Writings on the Beatles, Their Legacy, and Why They Still Matter. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-303732-3. Barrow, Tony (2005). John, Paul, George, Ringo & Me: The Real Beatles Story. Thunder's Mouth. ISBN 978-1-56025-882-7. Clayson, Alan (2003). George Harrison. Sanctuary. ISBN 978-1-86074-959-9. Ingham, Chris (2009). The Rough Guide to the Beatles: The Story, the Songs, the Solo Years (3rd ed.). Rough Guides. ISBN 978-1-84353-140-1. Kirchherr, Astrid; Voormann, Klaus (1999). Hamburg Days. Genesis Publications. ISBN 978-0-904351-73-6. Martin, George (1979). All You Need Is Ears. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 978-0-312-11482-4. Martin, George; Pearson, William (1994). Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. Pepper. Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-333-60398-7. Unterberger, Richie (2006). The Unreleased Beatles: Music & Film. Backbeat Books. ISBN 978-0-87930-892-6. DocumentariesEdit Scorsese, Martin (2012). George Harrison: Living in the Material World (Anamorphic, Color, Dolby, NTSC, Surround Sound, Widescreen) (DVD). UMe. ASIN B007JWKLMO. Wikiquote has quotations related to: George Harrison Wikimedia Commons has media related to George Harrison. George Harrison at the Encyclopædia Britannica George Harrison at AllMusic "George Harrison's Greatest Musical Moments" – Rolling Stone "George Harrison". Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. "George Harrison" – Daily Telegraph obituary George Harrison in the Hollywood Walk of Fame Directory George Harrison on IMDb George Harrison at the TCM Movie Database BBC News: "George Harrison dies" "George Harrison: Life in pictures" "George Harrison: The quiet Beatle" Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Harrison
from, which was half-written by Ford’s dead partner Arnold and can’t be replicated. Even Ford doesn’t really know how the Hosts’ brains work, but by installing Arnold’s original code into new physical molds, then tinkering with personality settings, they’ve managed to keep the park running for decades since. So, the park itself is just a way to develop the R&D that goes into the artificial intelligence that’s more important than billions “playing cowboy”. In truth, the board would rather Ford wasn’t around — but, cleverly, Ford long ago recognised he’d have to make himself irreplaceable, so he holds the board in a stalemate because they believe he’s so entangled in the programming of the Hosts that they fear he could destroy decades of work with a single voice command or hand gesture. I don’t know if this fear is true, but the board would never risk firing Ford to find out. Instead, Theresa’s been smuggling code off-site for the board to pore over, to enable them to negate any threat from Ford if he was ever made redundant. Here, we saw a big part of their long-term plan move into action, with Theresa and Charlotte falsifying a critical fault with the Hosts that might lead to Ford’s overthrow. And it was a clever ruse, with prostitute Clementine (Angela Sarafyan) being savagely beaten by a technician (himself a Host), before having her memory erased and being reset again, only to seemingly “hold a grudge” and brutally attack the technician who injured her. Theresa and Charlotte blamed Ford’s recent ‘reverie’ update, where the confluence of memory and improvisation seem to be leading to this dangerous outcome. It was an impressive demonstration that had me sold, and it was particularly surprising when Bernard was fired for being negligent in his job to allow the lives of paying customers to be endangered. A lot of the big reveals were to be found in this week’s behind-the-scenes storyline, but there was fun to be had in the continuing adventure for William (Jimmi Simpson) and Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood), now passengers aboard a train with Lawrence (Clifton Collins Jr), having left Logan far behind. It was a notable development for William becoming more of the lead action hero; the girl of his dreams on his arm, heading into the great unknown to face enemies head-on. He even started to ruminate on what Westworld is doing to him, believing it isn’t a playground for base desires to be fulfilled (as was evidently true for his future brother-in-law Logan), but is instead a place that’s revealing his true character. William isn’t this kind of person in the real world, but that doesn’t mean Westworld is just a fantasy where he can play-act. Instead, he’s discovering himself and becoming the person that lives within himself. He even slept with Dolores, whom he seems to be falling in love with very genuinely, in stark contrast to how the Hosts are treated off-site — as we saw Charlotte having sex with Hector Escaton (Rodrigo Santoro) in her bedroom, like he’s nothing more than a high-tech appliance she can switch off on a whim. Indeed, William is getting so invested in Westworld and Dolores, in particular, that I’m anxious to see how things will resolve. There is, of course, the other prominent theory that William is actually the Man in Black, as these events are taking place 30 years ago. So, maybe he never leaves the park and has to suffer the heartache of seeing Dolores get reset and have similar adventures and relationships with many other customers after him? Even if this was a normal ‘loop’, you have to worry about the sanity of the guests who form real bonds with Hosts they’re suddenly asked to leave behind and return to their otherwise humdrum existence. It’s easy to see why you’d want to live inside Westworld forever, if that’s what ends up happening to William. The fact Lawrence praised William, saying he’s a “natural killer”, seems to preempt him maturing into the dead-eyed MIB. Also, the situation with Maeve (Thandie Newton) continues to enthrall me, but it’s mostly because of Newton’s insanely good performance. However, you really do need to take a big leap to accept this situation could develop. I just
from, which was half-written by Ford’s dead partner Arnold and can’t be replicated. Even Ford doesn’t really know how the Hosts’ brains work, but by installing Arnold’s original code into new physical molds, then tinkering with personality settings, they’ve managed to keep the park running for decades since. So, the park itself is just a way to develop the R&D that goes into the artificial intelligence that’s more important than billions “playing cowboy”. In truth, the board would rather Ford wasn’t around — but, cleverly, Ford long ago recognised he’d have to make himself irreplaceable, so he holds the board in a stalemate because they believe he’s so entangled in the programming of the Hosts that they fear he could destroy decades of work with a single voice command or hand gesture. I don’t know if this fear is true, but the board would never risk firing Ford to find out. Instead, Theresa’s been smuggling code off-site for the board to pore over, to enable them to negate any threat from Ford if he was ever made redundant. Here, we saw a big part of their long-term plan move into action, with Theresa and Charlotte falsifying a critical fault with the Hosts that might lead to Ford’s overthrow. And it was a clever ruse, with prostitute Clementine (Angela Sarafyan) being savagely beaten by a technician (himself a Host), before having her memory erased and being reset again, only to seemingly “hold a grudge” and brutally attack the technician who injured her. Theresa and Charlotte blamed Ford’s recent ‘reverie’ update, where the confluence of memory and improvisation seem to be leading to this dangerous outcome. It was an impressive demonstration that had me sold, and it was particularly surprising when Bernard was fired for being negligent in his job to allow the lives of paying customers to be endangered. A lot of the big reveals were to be found in this week’s behind-the-scenes storyline, but there was fun to be had in the continuing adventure for William (Jimmi Simpson) and Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood), now passengers aboard a train with Lawrence (Clifton Collins Jr), having left Logan far behind. It was a notable development for William becoming more of the lead action hero; the girl of his dreams on his arm, heading into the great unknown to face enemies head-on. He even started to ruminate on what Westworld is doing to him, believing it isn’t a playground for base desires to be fulfilled (as was evidently true for his future brother-in-law Logan), but is instead a place that’s revealing his true character. William isn’t this kind of person in the real world, but that doesn’t mean Westworld is just a fantasy where he can play-act. Instead, he’s discovering himself and becoming the person that lives within himself. He even slept with Dolores, whom he seems to be falling in love with very genuinely, in stark contrast to how the Hosts are treated off-site — as we saw Charlotte having sex with Hector Escaton (Rodrigo Santoro) in her bedroom, like he’s nothing more than a high-tech appliance she can switch off on a whim. Indeed, William is getting so invested in Westworld and Dolores, in particular, that I’m anxious to see how things will resolve. There is, of course, the other prominent theory that William is actually the Man in Black, as these events are taking place 30 years ago. So, maybe he never leaves the park and has to suffer the heartache of seeing Dolores get reset and have similar adventures and relationships with many other customers after him? Even if this was a normal ‘loop’, you have to worry about the sanity of the guests who form real bonds with Hosts they’re suddenly asked to leave behind and return to their otherwise humdrum existence. It’s easy to see why you’d want to live inside Westworld forever, if that’s what ends up happening to William. The fact Lawrence praised William, saying he’s a “natural killer”, seems to preempt him maturing into the dead-eyed MIB. Also, the situation with Maeve (Thandie Newton) continues to enthrall me, but it’s mostly because of Newton’s insanely good performance. However, you really do need to take a big leap to accept this situation could develop. I just
don’t see why the ‘butchers’ Felix (Leonardo Nam) and Sylvester (Ptolemy Slocum) can’t get on top of this problem, considering they literally have Maeve under their control with a system that could turn her into a simpleton with the flick of a switch. I know she threatens them with death in this episode, but if I’m honest the show hasn’t done a good job making it seem plausible Maeve becoming self-aware is a problem that can’t be overcome. Why don’t they switch her off and go tell someone? Perhaps they can’t now, but back when she first woke up? I think the show just needed to get Maeve into the position of power she’s in, despite it not being as likely as they’ve made it seem. Back to the heart of the matter, with the sequence that’s going to be the major talking point for this week: Bernard taking Theresa to see Ford’s replica of his childhood home in ‘Sector 17’, then discovering an outdated lab in the homestead’s basement (with equipment that can create Hosts in a few days), before Theresa discovered a schematic proving Bernard is just an automaton. And then Ford appeared very spookily, giving Hopkins another chance to be effortlessly creepy and finally remove all doubt that Ford is a villain. It’s unclear why he created Bernard many decades ago if the other ‘unregistered Hosts’ were all clones of his family, but it’s still possible Bernard is a clone of Arnold. However, surely other people working at the park would know what Arnold looked like? And even if nobody else but Ford worked with Arnold years ago, he must have been photographed! You don’t co-create a place like Westworld and somehow remain anonymous. Anyway, it was a terrific moment, despite knowing it was coming for a long time. You felt very sorry for Bernard, who’s been programmed to overlook anything that indicates he’s not human. He couldn’t even comprehend his own design paperwork when Theresa passed it to him as proof he’s not human. Wright did an incredible job here, as the uncanny humanity of his character appeared to try and overthrow his basic programming at times. We saw him struggle to deal with the fact Theresa and Ford were suddenly talking to him as if he was just a machine. And this reveal also made sense of how Ford’s always several steps ahead of people like Charlotte and Theresa. In the latter’s case, Bernard’s been sleeping with her for while at his command, and their pillow talk has clearly been getting back to Ford later. Who knows how many other “spies” he has working for him, pretending to be human and feeding him intel. Reverie: Good news! HBO have renewed Westworld for a second season! Unsurprisingly, but a relief nonetheless. Bad news! Unfortunately, given the scale of this production, HBO haven’t ruled out a later return for 2018. Will that kind of delay just build massive expectations, or kill momentum? I think it’ll be okay, as it gives people time to catch-up, as not everyone has the means to see Westworld before it arrives on DVD. ANTHONY HOPKINS, CLIFTON COLLINS JR, EVAN RACHEL WOOD, HBO, JEFFREY WRIGHT, JIMMI SIMPSON, TESSA THOMPSON, THANDIE NEWTON, WESTWORLD, WESTWORLD S1 Dan Owen More from Dan Owen DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE (2019) Once two overzealous cops get suspended from the force, they must delve... SHERLOCK, 4.2 – ‘The Lying Detective’ GAME OF THRONES, 8.4 – ‘The Last of the Starks’ YOU, ME & THE APOCALYPSE – ‘Episode Six’ Previous articleMAID MARIAN AND HER MERRY MEN (BBC, 1989-1994) Next articleHUMANS – series two, episode three THE AMERICANS, 4.8 – ‘The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears’ UH Mānoa ranks well nationally and internationally UH News » Academic
spirit. On I walked In blessedness, which even yet remains. – From The Prelude (1805 text), iv, 330-45 She opened her curtains, and looked out towards the bit of road that lay in view, with fields beyond outside the entrance-gates. On the road there was a man with a bundle on his back and a woman carrying her baby; in the field she could see figures moving—perhaps the shepherd with his dog. Far off in the bending sky was the pearly light; and she felt the largeness of the world and the manifold wakings of men to labour and endurance. She was a part of that involuntary, palpitating life, and could neither look out on it from her luxurious shelter as a mere spectator, nor hide her eyes in selfish complaining. – from Middlemarch, Chapter 80 The parallels are apparent, quite apart from the similarity of what is described – human figures within a larger landscape. In Wordsworth, the landscape is perceived first, and only then the figures (the “labourers going forth into the field”), with the grandiloquent diction in the earlier part of the passage giving way to more everyday speech. In Eliot, the process is reversed: the people are seen first (“the man with the bundle on his back, and a woman carrying her baby”), and only afterwards the largeness of the landscape they are in, and the register of the diction moves this time from the everyday to the magnificent. But both the poet in the first excerpt, and Dorothea in the second, feel it to be a moment of revelation. Wordsworth tells us that although he did not himself make a vow, vows were nonetheless made on his behalf: what these vows were he does not spell out: he tells us that he must be a “dedicated spirit”, but dedicated precisely to what he does not tell us, because, given the context, he does not need to. Eliot is more explicit: Dorothea realises she is not detached from the life around her, that she could not merely look on with a disinterested eye. This is the “bond” Wordsworth speaks of – the bond with life, with one’s fellow beings, an awareness of being, ineluctably, a part of something larger than oneself. And for Eliot, what was larger than one’s individual self was humanity – other individual selves, collectively forming a greater unit. And this greater unit is not restricted merely to those now living. Wordsworth had written in the eleventh book of The Prelude: One great society alone on earth: The noble Living and the noble Dead. To which Eliot would probably have added “and the noble Unborn”. For the bond that Wordsworth speaks of links us not only to generations past, but also to generations yet to come. The famous last lines of Middlemarch make this clear: … for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs. However seemingly mundane and quotidian our lives may be, however seemingly insignificant, we are part of a living bond both with generations past, who have prepared the ground for us, and for generations yet to come, for whose sake, whether we realise it or not, we are living now. To recognise our part in this noble community of the Living and the Dead and the Unborn is to be part of the “involuntary, palpitating life”; it is to “feel the largeness of this world”. So far, so Wordsworthian. But Eliot’s view is nonetheless, it seems to me, somewhat different from Wordsworth’s. For Wordsworth was concerned also with intimations of immortality, with that sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused, that sense of a presence that is both immanent in humanity, but which also transcends it: but these concerns weren’t Eliot’s. There are no “spots of time” in Eliot’s fictional world; or, rather, if there are, they do not look beyond humanity. The sense that Dorothea gets of an attachment to, and an active involvement with, something larger than her individual self, is not so large as to transcend humanity or to point towards eternity
spirit. On I walked In blessedness, which even yet remains. – From The Prelude (1805 text), iv, 330-45 She opened her curtains, and looked out towards the bit of road that lay in view, with fields beyond outside the entrance-gates. On the road there was a man with a bundle on his back and a woman carrying her baby; in the field she could see figures moving—perhaps the shepherd with his dog. Far off in the bending sky was the pearly light; and she felt the largeness of the world and the manifold wakings of men to labour and endurance. She was a part of that involuntary, palpitating life, and could neither look out on it from her luxurious shelter as a mere spectator, nor hide her eyes in selfish complaining. – from Middlemarch, Chapter 80 The parallels are apparent, quite apart from the similarity of what is described – human figures within a larger landscape. In Wordsworth, the landscape is perceived first, and only then the figures (the “labourers going forth into the field”), with the grandiloquent diction in the earlier part of the passage giving way to more everyday speech. In Eliot, the process is reversed: the people are seen first (“the man with the bundle on his back, and a woman carrying her baby”), and only afterwards the largeness of the landscape they are in, and the register of the diction moves this time from the everyday to the magnificent. But both the poet in the first excerpt, and Dorothea in the second, feel it to be a moment of revelation. Wordsworth tells us that although he did not himself make a vow, vows were nonetheless made on his behalf: what these vows were he does not spell out: he tells us that he must be a “dedicated spirit”, but dedicated precisely to what he does not tell us, because, given the context, he does not need to. Eliot is more explicit: Dorothea realises she is not detached from the life around her, that she could not merely look on with a disinterested eye. This is the “bond” Wordsworth speaks of – the bond with life, with one’s fellow beings, an awareness of being, ineluctably, a part of something larger than oneself. And for Eliot, what was larger than one’s individual self was humanity – other individual selves, collectively forming a greater unit. And this greater unit is not restricted merely to those now living. Wordsworth had written in the eleventh book of The Prelude: One great society alone on earth: The noble Living and the noble Dead. To which Eliot would probably have added “and the noble Unborn”. For the bond that Wordsworth speaks of links us not only to generations past, but also to generations yet to come. The famous last lines of Middlemarch make this clear: … for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs. However seemingly mundane and quotidian our lives may be, however seemingly insignificant, we are part of a living bond both with generations past, who have prepared the ground for us, and for generations yet to come, for whose sake, whether we realise it or not, we are living now. To recognise our part in this noble community of the Living and the Dead and the Unborn is to be part of the “involuntary, palpitating life”; it is to “feel the largeness of this world”. So far, so Wordsworthian. But Eliot’s view is nonetheless, it seems to me, somewhat different from Wordsworth’s. For Wordsworth was concerned also with intimations of immortality, with that sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused, that sense of a presence that is both immanent in humanity, but which also transcends it: but these concerns weren’t Eliot’s. There are no “spots of time” in Eliot’s fictional world; or, rather, if there are, they do not look beyond humanity. The sense that Dorothea gets of an attachment to, and an active involvement with, something larger than her individual self, is not so large as to transcend humanity or to point towards eternity
. This is not to say that Eliot’s vision is smaller than Wordsworth’s – merely that, for all its apparent similarities, it is differently directed. For, to Eliot, there was nothing larger than humanity; and this “involuntary, palpitating life”, this great human chain of generations succeeding each other, not only leaves no time to contemplate eternity, it makes such contemplation redundant. We often speak of nineteenth century fiction as “realistic”, but this is mere lazy generalisation. It is not merely that so many giants of nineteenth century fiction had little or no interest in photographic verisimilitude – Gogol, Dickens, Melville, Dostoyevsky, etc. – it is also that there are many different shades of what we lazily term “realism”. Tolstoy and Eliot, for instance, may both be described as “realist” writers: they both depicted the solidity of this world, the chains of cause following effect; they tried both to come to at least some sort of understanding of the endlessly complex rules that govern our lives, our minds. And yet, in Tolstoy, there are times when these rules, however fascinatingly complex they may be, seem to be suspended: when, for instance, Andrei, wounded on the battlefield of Austerlitz, sees that vast overarching sky above him, and wonders why he hadn’t seen it before; or when Anna is close to death, and she, Karenin, and Vronsky, all seem to enter some strange heightened plane of consciousness. There is absolutely nothing like this in Middlemarch. Andrei’s moment of epiphany in seeing that sky seemed to make all human affairs appear small. Similarly, much later in the novel, when the dying Andrei resigns himself to death, all of human life, even that of his own sister and son, or of Natasha whom he loves, appears insignificant. Such a sense of human insignificnce is very alien to the world of Middlemarch: here, Dorothea’s moment of epiphany connects her to the rest of humanity, which is the highest truth there is, or can be. And as for the heightened state of consciousness that Anna, Karenin and Vronsky find themselves in, there is no room for that in Eliot’s world; here, our everyday state of consciousness, with all its “involuntary, palpitating life”, is rich enough. Once again, none of this is to say that Eliot’s artistic vision is necessarily narrower or smaller than that of Tolstoy, or of Wordsworth: it is merely, once again, differently directed. Tolstoy too had depicted this involuntary, palpitating life in all its dizzying variety, but had searched for some underlying and unifying principle, that Wordsworthian “sense sublime … that rolls through all things”. He had possibly not succeeded in that search, but the sense of questing seems to me unmistakable. In Eliot, even that questing is absent. If Tolstoy had missed that sense sublime, Eliot does not even think to look for it. Flaubert had also missed this sense sublime that rolls through all things. He missed it not because he could not find it, but because he was convinced it did not exist. And this saddened him. All language could do, he famously lamented in Madame Bovary, was to batter away at an old, broken kettle, when all the time he longed to “move the stars with pity”. But Eliot had no thought of moving the stars with pity, or any such nonsense. This involuntary, palpitating life, far from being a battered and broken old kettle, was the thing itself: one need not search for anything beyond, as Tolstoy did, nor even lament, as Flaubert did, the absence of anything beyond. Taken for what it is, it is enough in itself: the everyday little events, taken just for what they are, are enough to fill out a novel of epic proportions. That a thousand-page novel, each page engrossing, could be created out of what Flaubert regarded as a battered and broken old kettle, is in itself a powerful statement of Eliot’s artistic and moral vision. Eliot presented this world, neither searching for any other, nor lamenting its absence. In this sense, Eliot was, perhaps, the most realist of all the
to cushion the current slowdown. The PBOC has cut banks' reserve requirement ratios (RRR) seven times since early 2018 to free up more funds for lending. Analysts at ING estimate various liquidity injections totaled 955 billion yuan ($135.76 billion) in just over the last three months. The cut in the LPR was the third to a major policy rate this month, though the moves have been much more modest than easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and some other central banks. On Monday, the PBOC unexpectedly trimmed the seven-day reverse repurchase rate to 2.50% from 2.55%, which followed a cut in its medium-term lending facility (MLF) just two weeks ago. Analysts and traders believe policymakers are signaling to nervous markets that they remain ready to act to prop up slowing growth, despite a recent spike in consumer inflation which some fear may limit the central bank's room to maneuver. Tommy Xie, head of Greater China research at OCBC Bank in Singapore, said the latest cut would "buy more time for the manufacturing sector to stabilize and the infrastructure sector to catch up." But he added policymakers would remain cautious, mindful of the balancing act between spurring economic growth and creating additional financial risks.[nL4N27S2BU] The PBOC's third-quarter policy statement released on Saturday had stirred speculation authorities may ease restrictions on the sector to boost economic activity. The central bank removed a line saying "housing is for living in, not for speculation", but kept a phrase that "the property sector should not be used as a short-term stimulus for the economy", which appeared in its second-quarter report. OCBC's Xie, however, did not think the cut in the five-year rate on Wednesday meant China was relaxing its grip on the property market, where regulators have spent years trying to curb speculation and soaring prices. Likewise, Yan Se, chief economist at Founder Securities in Beijing, said there may only be some fine-tuning of the country's tight "one size fits all" housing policy. Yan added that the reduction in the LPR was to emphasize the MLF rate, which now serves as the benchmark for the LPR, to effectively lower the financing costs to the real economy. The LPR is a lending reference rate set monthly by 18 banks. The PBOC revamped the mechanism to price LPR in August, loosely pegging it to the MLF rate. (Editing by Jacqueline Wong & Kim Coghill) Updated 7 minutes ago Strategy 2015-2020 Overview Progressing the Strategy Progress in foundations Progress with people Progress with partners Progress in enablers Core academic disciplines Staff community Informing decision makers Sharing the wonder Support, processes and technology Acting courageously Developing this strategy Great discoveries, leading change, collaborating for the better President of Imperial College London, Professor Alice P. Gast It is 2015 and we can be confident that in ten years the world will be quite different from today. International relations, social structures and trade patterns will alter. There will be new approaches to dealing with epidemics, shortages of natural resources and environmental crises. New challenges will arise. Global research-driven universities like Imperial College London have a central role in helping humanity address these changes and challenges by making discoveries, educating leaders and developing innovations that benefit society. Yet these universities will need to change to contribute to this future. In our Strategy 2015–2020 we set out how Imperial will be a source of new solutions, a contributor to a better future, a trusted partner and a new paradigm of the global university. Strong foundations for global challenges We will support an atmosphere and culture that embraces discovery. We will continue to be guided by our mission of achieving enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business for the benefit of society. We will shrink the time and distance between fundamental discovery and societal benefit. We will provide our students with the knowledge and experiences that equip them for their future roles as leaders. We will have the courage to take risks. We will remain true to our mission. While we
to cushion the current slowdown. The PBOC has cut banks' reserve requirement ratios (RRR) seven times since early 2018 to free up more funds for lending. Analysts at ING estimate various liquidity injections totaled 955 billion yuan ($135.76 billion) in just over the last three months. The cut in the LPR was the third to a major policy rate this month, though the moves have been much more modest than easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and some other central banks. On Monday, the PBOC unexpectedly trimmed the seven-day reverse repurchase rate to 2.50% from 2.55%, which followed a cut in its medium-term lending facility (MLF) just two weeks ago. Analysts and traders believe policymakers are signaling to nervous markets that they remain ready to act to prop up slowing growth, despite a recent spike in consumer inflation which some fear may limit the central bank's room to maneuver. Tommy Xie, head of Greater China research at OCBC Bank in Singapore, said the latest cut would "buy more time for the manufacturing sector to stabilize and the infrastructure sector to catch up." But he added policymakers would remain cautious, mindful of the balancing act between spurring economic growth and creating additional financial risks.[nL4N27S2BU] The PBOC's third-quarter policy statement released on Saturday had stirred speculation authorities may ease restrictions on the sector to boost economic activity. The central bank removed a line saying "housing is for living in, not for speculation", but kept a phrase that "the property sector should not be used as a short-term stimulus for the economy", which appeared in its second-quarter report. OCBC's Xie, however, did not think the cut in the five-year rate on Wednesday meant China was relaxing its grip on the property market, where regulators have spent years trying to curb speculation and soaring prices. Likewise, Yan Se, chief economist at Founder Securities in Beijing, said there may only be some fine-tuning of the country's tight "one size fits all" housing policy. Yan added that the reduction in the LPR was to emphasize the MLF rate, which now serves as the benchmark for the LPR, to effectively lower the financing costs to the real economy. The LPR is a lending reference rate set monthly by 18 banks. The PBOC revamped the mechanism to price LPR in August, loosely pegging it to the MLF rate. (Editing by Jacqueline Wong & Kim Coghill) Updated 7 minutes ago Strategy 2015-2020 Overview Progressing the Strategy Progress in foundations Progress with people Progress with partners Progress in enablers Core academic disciplines Staff community Informing decision makers Sharing the wonder Support, processes and technology Acting courageously Developing this strategy Great discoveries, leading change, collaborating for the better President of Imperial College London, Professor Alice P. Gast It is 2015 and we can be confident that in ten years the world will be quite different from today. International relations, social structures and trade patterns will alter. There will be new approaches to dealing with epidemics, shortages of natural resources and environmental crises. New challenges will arise. Global research-driven universities like Imperial College London have a central role in helping humanity address these changes and challenges by making discoveries, educating leaders and developing innovations that benefit society. Yet these universities will need to change to contribute to this future. In our Strategy 2015–2020 we set out how Imperial will be a source of new solutions, a contributor to a better future, a trusted partner and a new paradigm of the global university. Strong foundations for global challenges We will support an atmosphere and culture that embraces discovery. We will continue to be guided by our mission of achieving enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business for the benefit of society. We will shrink the time and distance between fundamental discovery and societal benefit. We will provide our students with the knowledge and experiences that equip them for their future roles as leaders. We will have the courage to take risks. We will remain true to our mission. While we
cannot envision all of the challenges ahead, we believe that Imperial can contribute by focusing our research around four themes: discovery and the natural world; engineering novel solutions; health and well-being; and leading the data revolution. Through these themes, we have allowed ourselves to dream and pose ‘what if?’ questions that drive our sense of curiosity and adventure and motivate our work. These questions are drawn from existing, growing crises such as antimicrobial resistant bacteria, where there is an acute need for both research and public education. They are also drawn from other looming challenges such as the need for secure, sustainable water, energy and minerals; the impact of environmental and climate change; and the corrosion of materials in our vast, ageing civil infrastructure. This is an extraordinary time to be part of Imperial. There is a need for our expertise. There is a growing ability to harness data from a wide variety of sources such as genomics or financial markets to improve knowledge, understanding and decision-making. We are in the right place at an essential time. Great people: staff, students, alumni and friends Great discoveries begin with great people: talented individuals steeped in the knowledge of their core discipline, confident enough to work on risky, unsolved problems, adept at understanding and working with others from different fields and immersed in an atmosphere of excellence. They are underpinned by talented support staff who put their full energy and passion into their work and our mission. We will make supporting and enabling all these people central to what we do. Our bright and energetic students are integral to our mission. We will enhance their experiences by embedding their education in cutting-edge research and providing increasing opportunities for them to use their talents in new entrepreneurial, creative and practical ways. The Dyson School of Design Engineering is an example of the way we will nurture the multifaceted talents of our students and develop them into the leaders of the future. We have a tremendous asset in our highly successful alumni and friends. We will revitalise our relationship with them and encourage them to be a part of the Imperial College London of today and of the future. Their knowledge, expertise and experience will contribute to the intellectual power of the College. Great partners: collaborations across boundaries Across the world, people are recognising that the changes and challenges we face require us to work together more effectively. Universities must drive collaboration, work across disciplines and seize opportunities in ways and at a pace unusual for academia. It is the only way that we can solve the world’s challenges. At Imperial we are good at working across disciplines and collaborating. In 2014 three-quarters of our research papers were collaborations with external co-authors from over 140 countries and 6,000 different universities, businesses and other research organisations. Yet we can be even better and can lead in new areas. We will seek the very best from around the world, sometimes collaborating with our toughest competition in order to create an amazing team. We will ensure that our reward structures provide incentives for sharing, collaborating and building relationships. This means that we will recognise collaboration in our evaluations for promotions and awards and we will advocate to funders and evaluators to support collaborative work. We will make all of our campuses into dynamic centres of collaboration and innovation. We will bring staff, students, entrepreneurs and industry researchers together in modern purpose-built spaces where ideas can be developed and tested rigorously and where networks can flourish. In White City we are creating a new campus where partnerships working on global challenges transcend departmental boundaries. Informing, influencing, inspiring Every day individuals, policy makers and business leaders face questions, the answers to which require an understanding of the natural world, technology, medical advances and business analysis. We can make a tremendous difference by using our expertise and knowledge to provide factual evidence and advice to decision makers in government and business. In addition, the world is full of people who are naturally curious and enjoy learning. It is important that we excite and inspire the public, from potential new students to eager lifelong learners, by sharing what we do in ways that arouse curiosity, awaken a love of discovery, and broaden the understanding of an increasingly complex world. Enablers: the way forward As we embark on this era of change, we hope that each member of the College will seize this opportunity to advocate what we do, be
iden, Foreign Policy, Media, Military, Politics, Terrorism August 27, 2021 Former Marine Lashes Out on ‘Scumbags’ Who Lead America: ‘They Disgust Me As Much As the Taliban Disgusts Me’ “No patriotism at at, no love of country at all — this is all politics,” former Marine and conservative commentator Jesse Kelly said when asked… U.S. Army Vet On The Kabul Attacks: ‘We’re Seeing Over Nearly Two Decades of Lies Come Unraveling’ “Today has been an absolute tragedy, but unfortunately I think we’re seeing over nearly two decades of lies come unraveling,” U.S. Army Veteran and congressional… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, Terrorism, Trump, World Events August 26, 2021 ‘This Is What Weakness Looks Like’: Don Jr. Reacts To Biden’s Emotional Exchange With WH Reporter A suicide bomb attack Thursday outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul’s airport in Afghanistan killed 12 U.S. service members and injured at least a dozen… 1st Amendment, Biden, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, Terrorism, World Events August 26, 2021 45th President Trump Releases A Statement In Wake Of Kabul Attacks Kevin McCarthy Slams Joe Biden: “He Has Turned His Back On His Duties As Commander-In-Chief” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy slammed Joe Biden’s leadership at a press briefing held on Tuesday to address the Afghanistan withdrawal deadline. Earlier this week… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Immigration, Law & Order, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, Supreme Court August 25, 2021 ‘Biden Was Found To Have Broken The Law’: Trump Says As SCOTUS Reinstates ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy In a pair of statements issued via email on Wednesday from his “Save America” PAC, 45th President Donald J. Trump detailed how 78-year-old Joe Biden… Biden, Military, Politics, Terrorism, Trump August 24, 2021 WATCH: New Trump Ad Slams Joe Biden’s Leadership Amid Afghanistan Fallout 45th President Donald Trump’s political action committee, Save America, released a new campaign-style ad targeting Joe Biden’s leadership in wake of the tragic turn of… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, World Events August 24, 2021 Trump: “How Dare Biden Force Our Military To Run Off The Battlefield In Afghanistan & Desert What Now Have Become Many Thousands Of American Hostages” 45th President Donald Trump issued two statements Tuesday afternoon via email from his “Save America” PAC regarding Joe Biden’s chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. In… « 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 8 » Review of “Faith Healer” This is my first published review. It appeared in the October 11, 2017 issue of “Whatzup” in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I want to thank my colleague Kevin Smith for recommending me and helping me have this opportunity! For decades Hollywood movies and romance novels have leaned on consumers’ unwavering desire to be entertained without the nuisance of actually thinking. They apply formulaic plot lines and rarely add little more than a short-term distraction with no real substance. Conversely, live theater audiences flock to their seats because they expect to be entertained and to gain perspective. If you prefer the latter of these two groups, you will not be disappointed if you see Faith Healer, currently running in the lower-level theater of First Presbyterian Church. At some point in life, many people may internally or externally debate whether or not faith ever really
iden, Foreign Policy, Media, Military, Politics, Terrorism August 27, 2021 Former Marine Lashes Out on ‘Scumbags’ Who Lead America: ‘They Disgust Me As Much As the Taliban Disgusts Me’ “No patriotism at at, no love of country at all — this is all politics,” former Marine and conservative commentator Jesse Kelly said when asked… U.S. Army Vet On The Kabul Attacks: ‘We’re Seeing Over Nearly Two Decades of Lies Come Unraveling’ “Today has been an absolute tragedy, but unfortunately I think we’re seeing over nearly two decades of lies come unraveling,” U.S. Army Veteran and congressional… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, Terrorism, Trump, World Events August 26, 2021 ‘This Is What Weakness Looks Like’: Don Jr. Reacts To Biden’s Emotional Exchange With WH Reporter A suicide bomb attack Thursday outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul’s airport in Afghanistan killed 12 U.S. service members and injured at least a dozen… 1st Amendment, Biden, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, Terrorism, World Events August 26, 2021 45th President Trump Releases A Statement In Wake Of Kabul Attacks Kevin McCarthy Slams Joe Biden: “He Has Turned His Back On His Duties As Commander-In-Chief” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy slammed Joe Biden’s leadership at a press briefing held on Tuesday to address the Afghanistan withdrawal deadline. Earlier this week… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Immigration, Law & Order, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, Supreme Court August 25, 2021 ‘Biden Was Found To Have Broken The Law’: Trump Says As SCOTUS Reinstates ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy In a pair of statements issued via email on Wednesday from his “Save America” PAC, 45th President Donald J. Trump detailed how 78-year-old Joe Biden… Biden, Military, Politics, Terrorism, Trump August 24, 2021 WATCH: New Trump Ad Slams Joe Biden’s Leadership Amid Afghanistan Fallout 45th President Donald Trump’s political action committee, Save America, released a new campaign-style ad targeting Joe Biden’s leadership in wake of the tragic turn of… 1st Amendment, Biden, Democrats, Foreign Policy, GOP, Government, Military, National Security, Politics, President Trump, Social Issues, World Events August 24, 2021 Trump: “How Dare Biden Force Our Military To Run Off The Battlefield In Afghanistan & Desert What Now Have Become Many Thousands Of American Hostages” 45th President Donald Trump issued two statements Tuesday afternoon via email from his “Save America” PAC regarding Joe Biden’s chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. In… « 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 8 » Review of “Faith Healer” This is my first published review. It appeared in the October 11, 2017 issue of “Whatzup” in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I want to thank my colleague Kevin Smith for recommending me and helping me have this opportunity! For decades Hollywood movies and romance novels have leaned on consumers’ unwavering desire to be entertained without the nuisance of actually thinking. They apply formulaic plot lines and rarely add little more than a short-term distraction with no real substance. Conversely, live theater audiences flock to their seats because they expect to be entertained and to gain perspective. If you prefer the latter of these two groups, you will not be disappointed if you see Faith Healer, currently running in the lower-level theater of First Presbyterian Church. At some point in life, many people may internally or externally debate whether or not faith ever really
means anything or actually has any real impact. These and other questions of the soul and of our existence–and more directly how our faith in others affects each of us–are presented in this performance, which runs until October 21 in downtown Fort Wayne. In a drama that also deeply explores issues such as Truth and Shame, Thom Hofrichter’s 2017-2018 season directorial debut at the historic First Presbyterian Theater shifts internally and examines many of life’s toughest questions. Hofrichter chose this drama rather selfishly, he admits in his director’s notes, because he has been a long-time admirer of the language and themes of Irish playwright Brien Friel’s introspective, soul-examining play. Theatergoers are in for a monologue-driven wallop starring three seasoned First Prez veterans. The three main characters each recall multiple events they experienced together while travelling through Wales, Scotland, and Ireland from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. FPT mainstay Austin Berger leads off this performance as Francis Hardy, a likeable but heavily flawed man who has spent his adult life examining his own existence and abilities through decades of performing a one-man travelling exhibition as a self-described “Faith Healer.” Because there is nary a scene where multiple characters interact, Francis (”Frank”) begins this tale by revealing what could very well be his truest self more to a non-existent listener than he apparently ever did to the two people who devoted their lives to him. It is only when the other two characters later present their stories that the audience begins to question if anything he’s said so far is true. Co-star Nancy Kartholl, whose FPT resume includes highly esteemed roles such as Vivian Bearing from WIT and Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello, exquisitely performs the rather tainted and unrefined Grace Hardy. Going against the wishes of her father, she chose a life with Frank, who, when they met, seemed to be her life’s missing puzzle piece. Ironically, Grace, clearly jarred by the events recalled during her lengthy monologue, exhibits anything but what her name might indicate. Kartholl arrests the stage as she achingly dispels information that Frank had either conveniently omitted, forgotten, or perhaps did not actually occur whatsoever. Enter: the audience’s aforementioned role in deciphering the Truth. The third member of this tragic-laden threesome is Teddy, Frank’s manager, played by a visibly (intentionally) shaken Daniel Bulau. Previous audiences of FPT might recall his stirring performance as the lovable Herman in On Golden Pond. In this role, Bulau’s Teddy, the lone American character of the trio, appears to offer an air of authority at first, but his natural ability as an entertainment manager to rake in naive customers through fast talk and quirky, sage witticisms becomes more and more obvious, forcing the audience to sort out which character has been the most truthful as they have now all recounted contradictory details of the same general memories. In the final scene Berger as Frank returns as the final witness in this case where the audience is judge and jury. Though omitted here for obvious reasons, trust that some surprises and key insights are in store for the audience who should be thirsty by that point for a satisfying explanation. By the way, a subtitle I considered for this review was “In Vino Veritas” because the use of- and memories shared about alcohol adds an arguably unsavory but tremendous function in the audience’s goal in filtering out the truth from each character’s recollections. As for the additional production team, it is of note that Jeanette Walsh’s costume designs subtly and cleverly depict what each character has come to be at given points in time. Coupled with the these costume choices, the simple set functions quite nicely for such a series of four dense soliloquies. According to the production notes, Rae Surface (technical director) is no stranger to Fort Wayne theater but is fairly new to First Prez, and the light and sound operator-slash-stage manager is Associate Pastor for Children Bill Lane. This play demands your attention and patience. Audiences are bound to have varying opinions of what really happened among these three characters, but that’s among the powerful effects of live
something happening here but they just haven't told us about it! Please do mention this to Pig Inn The City when you next visit them. "The University Libraries perform multiple roles on campus, supporting the information and reading needs of students, faculty, and staff in the area of classroom assignments, independent learning, research, and public service. The University Libraries also serve as a statewide resource for other academic libraries, public libraries and the general public." - From the Libraries' "Mission Statement" The Libraries' primary function is to provide prompt, courteous, and quality service to the University community irrespective of affiliation or geographic location. Vital to the Libraries' success are innovations within the Libraries, operational excellence, and enabling activity that supports the land-grant teaching and research mission. The University of Arkansas has established two major long-term goals: increasing enrollment by several thousand students, and increasing research across the curriculum. In concert with those institutional goals, the Libraries must begin planning now to meet the increasing expectations of users and the information needs of students and faculty in this growth environment. Our continued ability to fulfill our mission will require from our personnel dedication, innovation, cooperation, and change. Designing, implementing, and refining service in all library sectors is critical in making the library easier to use. Team approaches to service and to technical aspects of librarianship will be a major emphasis in the process of change. Library units, departments, and divisions will become less segmented, and personnel will work cooperatively to ensure that the programs designed and implemented are effective and suitable to the goals and needs of the larger institution. Strengthening skills and knowledge of operations among the library faculty and staff will result in greater efficiency and productivity. All library personnel will be required, therefore, to engage in staff development activities that enhance the work they perform and increase the Libraries' ability to develop new programs and services. The initiatives listed below represent the range of activities identified by Dean Allen and the library administrative group that must be addressed in order for the Libraries to bring operational levels to those of ARL member libraries. Engaging in these activities will better position the Libraries to be considered for ARL membership within a span of several years. The process to be used for a library-wide examination of these initiatives and directions, with the goal of refining the list-adding, deleting, rewording, etc.-is detailed in Part 2. The University of Arkansas Libraries provide access to all relevant forms of recorded knowledge that support the information needs of the University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff irrespective of a user's location. Analyze needs of users and develop the services and technical infrastructure to ensure that needs are being met. Evaluate effectiveness of existing library programs. Identify expertise needed; evaluate, define, implement, and effectively shift existing staff resources to support current, enhanced, or new programs. Develop and implement a comprehensive preservation/conservation program. Evaluate space requirements for the next fifteen to twenty years, including Special Collections, branch libraries (Fine Arts, Chemistry, and Physics), and remote storage facility. Develop and implement a supportive collection development program, which includes ongoing collaboration among teaching faculty, researchers, and librarians. Provide access to full-text electronic resources in all fields where appropriate. Investigate and develop an in-house program for digitizing the Libraries' unique resources. Develop an endowment and fund-raising program to help support collections, staffing, and capital resources. Develop and document a comprehensive plan for data collection and analysis. Develop operating budget procedures supportive of the collection development program. Maximize buying power by developing partnerships with other academic, research and/or public libraries to form consortial relationships at the state, national, and regional levels. Document all major operational policies and procedures, and place them on the Web as appropriate. Create library departmental Web pages. Create a staff development and in-house training program for library faculty and staff. Create a flexible and understandable budget process including analyses, projections, distribution, and reports. Support scholarly efforts of library faculty. The library administration is in agreement that the University Libraries at the University of Arkansas must undergo an evaluation and planning process that supports University initiatives.The dean, associate dean, and division heads will establish the major directions.In the first six months of the year 2001 all library staff will participate in a consensus building
something happening here but they just haven't told us about it! Please do mention this to Pig Inn The City when you next visit them. "The University Libraries perform multiple roles on campus, supporting the information and reading needs of students, faculty, and staff in the area of classroom assignments, independent learning, research, and public service. The University Libraries also serve as a statewide resource for other academic libraries, public libraries and the general public." - From the Libraries' "Mission Statement" The Libraries' primary function is to provide prompt, courteous, and quality service to the University community irrespective of affiliation or geographic location. Vital to the Libraries' success are innovations within the Libraries, operational excellence, and enabling activity that supports the land-grant teaching and research mission. The University of Arkansas has established two major long-term goals: increasing enrollment by several thousand students, and increasing research across the curriculum. In concert with those institutional goals, the Libraries must begin planning now to meet the increasing expectations of users and the information needs of students and faculty in this growth environment. Our continued ability to fulfill our mission will require from our personnel dedication, innovation, cooperation, and change. Designing, implementing, and refining service in all library sectors is critical in making the library easier to use. Team approaches to service and to technical aspects of librarianship will be a major emphasis in the process of change. Library units, departments, and divisions will become less segmented, and personnel will work cooperatively to ensure that the programs designed and implemented are effective and suitable to the goals and needs of the larger institution. Strengthening skills and knowledge of operations among the library faculty and staff will result in greater efficiency and productivity. All library personnel will be required, therefore, to engage in staff development activities that enhance the work they perform and increase the Libraries' ability to develop new programs and services. The initiatives listed below represent the range of activities identified by Dean Allen and the library administrative group that must be addressed in order for the Libraries to bring operational levels to those of ARL member libraries. Engaging in these activities will better position the Libraries to be considered for ARL membership within a span of several years. The process to be used for a library-wide examination of these initiatives and directions, with the goal of refining the list-adding, deleting, rewording, etc.-is detailed in Part 2. The University of Arkansas Libraries provide access to all relevant forms of recorded knowledge that support the information needs of the University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff irrespective of a user's location. Analyze needs of users and develop the services and technical infrastructure to ensure that needs are being met. Evaluate effectiveness of existing library programs. Identify expertise needed; evaluate, define, implement, and effectively shift existing staff resources to support current, enhanced, or new programs. Develop and implement a comprehensive preservation/conservation program. Evaluate space requirements for the next fifteen to twenty years, including Special Collections, branch libraries (Fine Arts, Chemistry, and Physics), and remote storage facility. Develop and implement a supportive collection development program, which includes ongoing collaboration among teaching faculty, researchers, and librarians. Provide access to full-text electronic resources in all fields where appropriate. Investigate and develop an in-house program for digitizing the Libraries' unique resources. Develop an endowment and fund-raising program to help support collections, staffing, and capital resources. Develop and document a comprehensive plan for data collection and analysis. Develop operating budget procedures supportive of the collection development program. Maximize buying power by developing partnerships with other academic, research and/or public libraries to form consortial relationships at the state, national, and regional levels. Document all major operational policies and procedures, and place them on the Web as appropriate. Create library departmental Web pages. Create a staff development and in-house training program for library faculty and staff. Create a flexible and understandable budget process including analyses, projections, distribution, and reports. Support scholarly efforts of library faculty. The library administration is in agreement that the University Libraries at the University of Arkansas must undergo an evaluation and planning process that supports University initiatives.The dean, associate dean, and division heads will establish the major directions.In the first six months of the year 2001 all library staff will participate in a consensus building
planning process by which we will examine current practices to ensure we have identified all the directions and initiatives that will focus our attentions and will guide our decision-making. The dean of Libraries will gather information from various campus constituents including deans of colleges and schools, associate deans, faculty representatives from each college and school, and the Faculty Senate Library Committee.Information will be shared with the Libraries' associate dean, division heads, and subject specialists. In early December 2000 a library-wide meeting will be held to discuss the documents, solicit input, and answer questions.The dean also will meet with groups of staff with common concerns, e.g., Home Page Committee, subject specialists, etc., to discuss issues and how each individual group's issues relate to the overall plan. The division heads, department heads, and staff will identify and establish the strategies appropriate to reaching the goals outlined in the "Directions" document. The dean will make final decisions on the initiatives in consultation with the University provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Then, over the next three to five years, the planning process for each of those initiatives will create the venue for setting our priorities and using our resources to achieve our goals of improved services, collections, and access to resources.The associate dean will take the lead in staffing the implementation process, ensuring that all areas of the library are adequately represented.Work on initiatives will be spread over a time frame yet to be established. Service standards will be developed for all areas of the library. The Libraries will collaborate with university offices and departments to ensure that the services provided are sufficient for patron access. Interdepartmental teams shall be established to ensure that selection, acquisition of materials; bibliographic instruction, cataloging and other special skills are in place to effectively meet patron need. Madison Region Economic Partnership has compiled data on 25+ economic indicators for the Madison Region. Select a data point from the menu on the left to produce an interactive graph. From this graph, you have the ability to compare the economic performance of the Madison Region to four peer regions (Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX; Portland, OR; and Raleigh, NC Metropolitan Statistical Areas), the state of Wisconsin, and the United States. You may also view comparative data for each of the eight counties within the Madison Region (Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock, and Sauk) by clicking on the “By County” icon. View the peer region selection methodology here. View the geographic delineations of the Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Blue Goo is the son of Blue Dream and Afgoo strains. Upon consuminng this you will get mild to strong effects. You will tend to become happier and more relaxed, as this hybrid took the best features of its parents. Patients that suffer from depression or nausea should definitely try Blue Goo. Iron-red agates are the oldest collectibles you can find in Minnesota, if you know where and when to look. Gems among gravel, agates are glacial-tumbled layers of chalcedony formed within pockets of hardened lava one billion years ago. Moose Lake, 100 miles north of the Twin Cities, is the Agate Capitol of the World and home to an annual agate festival. You can find both raw agates and polished specimens during Agate Days. Each year on the third weekend in July, Moose Lake hosts a festival as unique as the area’s glacial deposits. Agate Days celebrates the local rock with a gem and mineral show, music in the park and family activities. If you want to see the largest agate ever found, weighing in at a whopping 108 pounds, you can visit First National Bank of Moose Lake (firstmooselake.com) on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. If you are familiar with treasure hunts in straw piles at county fairs, the Agate Stampede has a new twist on that idea. Two dump trucks roll down Elm Street through Moose Lake, spilling mixed loads of agates, gravel and quarters. This activity is scheduled at 2 p.m. on Saturday each year, and it won’t trigger a sneezing fit of hay fever. The temperature in Moose Lake, Minnesota in April tends to be very predictable, so you can generally count on the forecast and travel light. The temperature in Moose
drawer" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > <!-- 文章列表界面 --> <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/articles_container" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> <!-- 侧滑菜单内容 --> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/drawer_view" android:layout_width="300dp" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="left" android:background="#f0f0f0" android:orientation="vertical" > <!-- 用户头像界面 --> <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:background="@drawable/user_bg" android:clickable="true" android:padding="10dp" > <!-- 用户头像界面 --> <org.tech.frontier.widgets.CircleImageView android:id="@+id/user_icon_imageview" android:layout_width="80dp" android:layout_height="80dp" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:contentDescription="@string/app_name" android:scaleType="fitXY" android:src="@drawable/user_default" /> <TextView android:id="@+id/username_tv" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginLeft="20dp" android:layout_toRightOf="@id/user_icon_imageview" android:gravity="center" android:text="@string/not_login" android:textSize="20sp" /> </RelativeLayout> <!-- 菜单界面 --> <android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/menu_recyclerview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > </android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView> </LinearLayout> </android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout> </LinearLayout> <html dir="LTR"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252" /> <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" /> <title>CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.numFiles Field</title> <xml> </xml> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MSDN.css" /> </head> <body id="bodyID" class="dtBODY"> <div id="nsbanner"> <div id="bannerrow1"> <table class="bannerparthead" cellspacing="0"> <tr id="hdr"> <td class="runninghead">Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API</td> <td class="product"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="TitleRow"> <h1 class="dtH1">CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.numFiles Field </h1> </div> </div> <div id="nstext"> <p> </p> <div class="syntax">public <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpref/html/frlrfSystemInt32ClassTopic.htm">int</a> numFiles;</div> <p> </p>
drawer" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > <!-- 文章列表界面 --> <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/articles_container" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> <!-- 侧滑菜单内容 --> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/drawer_view" android:layout_width="300dp" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="left" android:background="#f0f0f0" android:orientation="vertical" > <!-- 用户头像界面 --> <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:background="@drawable/user_bg" android:clickable="true" android:padding="10dp" > <!-- 用户头像界面 --> <org.tech.frontier.widgets.CircleImageView android:id="@+id/user_icon_imageview" android:layout_width="80dp" android:layout_height="80dp" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:contentDescription="@string/app_name" android:scaleType="fitXY" android:src="@drawable/user_default" /> <TextView android:id="@+id/username_tv" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginLeft="20dp" android:layout_toRightOf="@id/user_icon_imageview" android:gravity="center" android:text="@string/not_login" android:textSize="20sp" /> </RelativeLayout> <!-- 菜单界面 --> <android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/menu_recyclerview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > </android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView> </LinearLayout> </android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout> </LinearLayout> <html dir="LTR"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252" /> <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" /> <title>CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.numFiles Field</title> <xml> </xml> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MSDN.css" /> </head> <body id="bodyID" class="dtBODY"> <div id="nsbanner"> <div id="bannerrow1"> <table class="bannerparthead" cellspacing="0"> <tr id="hdr"> <td class="runninghead">Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API</td> <td class="product"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="TitleRow"> <h1 class="dtH1">CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.numFiles Field </h1> </div> </div> <div id="nstext"> <p> </p> <div class="syntax">public <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpref/html/frlrfSystemInt32ClassTopic.htm">int</a> numFiles;</div> <p> </p>
<h4 class="dtH4">See Also</h4> <p> <a href="Lucene.Net.Index.CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.html">CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus Class</a> | <a href="Lucene.Net.Index.html">Lucene.Net.Index Namespace</a></p> <object type="application/x-oleobject" classid="clsid:1e2a7bd0-dab9-11d0-b93a-00c04fc99f9e" viewastext="true" style="display: none;"> <param name="Keyword" value="numFiles field"> </param> <param name="Keyword" value="numFiles field, CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus class"> </param> <param name="Keyword" value="CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus.numFiles field"> </param> </object> <hr /> <div id="footer"> <p> </p> <p>Generated from assembly Lucene.Net []</p> </div> </div> </body> </html> FROM gliderlabs/alpine:latest COPY . /src RUN cd /src && ./build.sh "$(cat VERSION)" WORKDIR /mnt/images VOLUME /mnt/images EXPOSE 5995 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/ims"] export * from './CommonError'; export * from './constants'; export * from './Contract'; export * from './ExitError'; export * from './helpers'; export * from './ModulePath'; export * from './PackageGraph'; export * from './Path'; export * from './PathResolver'; export * from './Project'; export * as json from './serializers/json'; export * as yaml from './serializers/yaml'; export * from './types'; export * from './VirtualPath'; export * from '@boost/decorators'; export type { Blueprint, DeepPartial, Schemas } from 'optimal'; package git4idea.log; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Attachment; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsKey; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.*; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.OpenTHashSet; import com.intellij.vcs.log.*; import com.intellij.vcs.log.data.VcsLogSorter; import com.intellij.vcs.log.graph.GraphColorManager; import com.intellij.vcs.log.graph.GraphCommit; import com.intellij.vcs.log.graph.impl.facade.PermanentGraphImpl; import com.intellij.vcs.log.impl.HashImpl; import com.intellij.vcs.log.impl.LogDataImpl; import com.intellij.vcs.log.util.StopWatch; import git4idea.*; import git4idea.branch.GitBranchUtil; import git4idea.config.GitVersionSpecialty; import git4idea.history.GitHistoryUtils; import git4idea.repo.GitRepository; import git4idea.repo.GitRepositoryChangeListener; import git4idea.repo.GitRepositoryManager; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import gnu.trove.TObjectHashingStrategy; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; public class GitLogProvider implements VcsLogProvider { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(GitLogProvider.class); public static final Function<VcsRef, String> GET_TAG_NAME = new Function<V
Abbas at this moment of mortal danger, Abbas who was so cool, calm, unperturbed and dignified. He fully realised the gravity of the situation and within the twinkling of an eye, he charged Abbas and attacked him with his lance. Abbas did not lose his presence of mind. He stood his ground. He caught hold of the lance and pulled it so hard that Marid bin Sudaif who had boasted of his valour and over-confidence lost not only his grip on the lance but also his balance on the saddle. Abbas succeeded in snatching his lance. Marid fell, to the ground. Without losing a single moment, Abbas wounded the horse of Marid so severely that it was unfit for further action. Shimr had minutely and carefully observed the awkward position in which Marid had been placed. If he did not get immediate assistance, his condition would be perilous. So Shimr acted quickly, and cried out to Sariqa (a faithful and obedient servant of Marid) to take another horse to his master. Sariqa obeyed the orders of Shimr implicitly. No sooner did Marid see his slave with a horse than he asked him to come quickly lest death should overtake pain. Abbas acted very wisely. He rode to the slave very swiftly and threw him down with a stroke of the lance, which he had taken from Marid. He then went to meet Marid once more. When Marid saw this strange sight, he was very much frightened. He cried in despair, 'Alas, Abbas will kill me with my own lance Shimr observed this peculiar situation. He advanced on his own horse. Sinan-bin-Anas-Nakai, Khooli bin Yezidi Asbahi and Jamal bin Maliki-Hajazi accompanied him. Then Yezids full cavalry with drawn swords followed him. But Abbas wounded the hand of Marid with a blow of his lance before these persons could give him any help. Marid appealed to Abbas to spare his life and he promised to become his slave. But Abbas turned down his appeal and struck his lance so forcibly in one of his ears that it came out of the other. Marid died in that wretched condition. It was indeed a very miserable death. Abbas then fell upon the soldiers who had been posted to guard the banks of the Euphrates. He killed many of them. The rest fled for their lives, confounded and perplexed. Abbas reached the bank of the river and began to fill the leather bag. In spite of his thirst, he refused to drink water, and even his horse did likewise. He then lifted the leather bag and hung it on his shoulder. In the meantime, the archers and other soldiers who had fled away in utter confusion came back again and tried to check Abbas from taking water to Hussain's camp. It was a bloody battle, but Abbas was not a man either to lose courage or accept defeat. His one thought was to reach this water to the thirsty children waiting anxiously for his return. Although he was out numbered and surrounded by the enemy, he decided not to submit. He fought bravely, but the odds were very much against him, and ultimately he was martyred. Blood on the sand The shifting sand-dunes of Kerbala were smeared with blood. Near one of those dunes, on the bank of the Euphrates, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so, it seemed as if he was anxiously expecting somebody to come to him, to be near him before he breathed his last. Through his parched throat he was feebly calling somebody Yes, Abbas was anxiously expecting his master to come to him before he parted with his life, as he had come to the side of all his devoted friends who had laid down their dear lives for him in this noble cause. It is said that before a man dies all the past events of his life pass before his mind's eye in a flashback. In his last moments, Abbas saw the events of his life. He saw himself as a child in Medina following Hussain with a devotion which was considered unique even for a brother. He saw the events of that hot and sultry day in Kufa when his illustrious father Ali was addressing a congregation in the mosque and he as a child with his characteristic devotion, was looking at the face of his beloved brother, watching him intently, so
Abbas at this moment of mortal danger, Abbas who was so cool, calm, unperturbed and dignified. He fully realised the gravity of the situation and within the twinkling of an eye, he charged Abbas and attacked him with his lance. Abbas did not lose his presence of mind. He stood his ground. He caught hold of the lance and pulled it so hard that Marid bin Sudaif who had boasted of his valour and over-confidence lost not only his grip on the lance but also his balance on the saddle. Abbas succeeded in snatching his lance. Marid fell, to the ground. Without losing a single moment, Abbas wounded the horse of Marid so severely that it was unfit for further action. Shimr had minutely and carefully observed the awkward position in which Marid had been placed. If he did not get immediate assistance, his condition would be perilous. So Shimr acted quickly, and cried out to Sariqa (a faithful and obedient servant of Marid) to take another horse to his master. Sariqa obeyed the orders of Shimr implicitly. No sooner did Marid see his slave with a horse than he asked him to come quickly lest death should overtake pain. Abbas acted very wisely. He rode to the slave very swiftly and threw him down with a stroke of the lance, which he had taken from Marid. He then went to meet Marid once more. When Marid saw this strange sight, he was very much frightened. He cried in despair, 'Alas, Abbas will kill me with my own lance Shimr observed this peculiar situation. He advanced on his own horse. Sinan-bin-Anas-Nakai, Khooli bin Yezidi Asbahi and Jamal bin Maliki-Hajazi accompanied him. Then Yezids full cavalry with drawn swords followed him. But Abbas wounded the hand of Marid with a blow of his lance before these persons could give him any help. Marid appealed to Abbas to spare his life and he promised to become his slave. But Abbas turned down his appeal and struck his lance so forcibly in one of his ears that it came out of the other. Marid died in that wretched condition. It was indeed a very miserable death. Abbas then fell upon the soldiers who had been posted to guard the banks of the Euphrates. He killed many of them. The rest fled for their lives, confounded and perplexed. Abbas reached the bank of the river and began to fill the leather bag. In spite of his thirst, he refused to drink water, and even his horse did likewise. He then lifted the leather bag and hung it on his shoulder. In the meantime, the archers and other soldiers who had fled away in utter confusion came back again and tried to check Abbas from taking water to Hussain's camp. It was a bloody battle, but Abbas was not a man either to lose courage or accept defeat. His one thought was to reach this water to the thirsty children waiting anxiously for his return. Although he was out numbered and surrounded by the enemy, he decided not to submit. He fought bravely, but the odds were very much against him, and ultimately he was martyred. Blood on the sand The shifting sand-dunes of Kerbala were smeared with blood. Near one of those dunes, on the bank of the Euphrates, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so, it seemed as if he was anxiously expecting somebody to come to him, to be near him before he breathed his last. Through his parched throat he was feebly calling somebody Yes, Abbas was anxiously expecting his master to come to him before he parted with his life, as he had come to the side of all his devoted friends who had laid down their dear lives for him in this noble cause. It is said that before a man dies all the past events of his life pass before his mind's eye in a flashback. In his last moments, Abbas saw the events of his life. He saw himself as a child in Medina following Hussain with a devotion which was considered unique even for a brother. He saw the events of that hot and sultry day in Kufa when his illustrious father Ali was addressing a congregation in the mosque and he as a child with his characteristic devotion, was looking at the face of his beloved brother, watching him intently, so
that he could attend to his wishes as if they were an instant command. Seeing from the parched lips of Hussain that he was feeling extremely thirsty, how he had darted out from the mosque and returned with a tumbler full of cool, refreshing water and in the hurry to carry the water as quickly as possible, how he had spilt it on his own clothes. He recalled now the prophetic words of his father and understood how true they were at this moment of his end. He was vividly seeing the scene on the 21st Ramazan, way back in 40A.H., when his father, mortally wounded, was lying on his death-bed and entrusting his children and dependants to the care of his eldest brother, Hasan all except him. Seeing that his father had commended all but him to the care of Hasan, how he, a child of twelve had burst out into uncontrollable tears. His father on hearing him sobbing had called him to his side and given his hand in Hussain's hand with the words, "Hussain, this child I am entrusting to you. He will represent me on the day of your supreme sacrifice and lay down his life in defending you and your dear ones." How his father had turned to him and affectionately told him; "Abbas, my child, I know your unbounded love for Hussain. Though you are too young to be told about it, when that day dawns, consider no sacrifice too great for Hussain and his children." He saw before his mind's eye the parting with his aged mother Fatima in Medina; how she had affectionately embraced him and reminded him of the dying desire of his father to lay down his life in the defence of Hussain and his dear ones. A faint smile of satisfaction flickered for a brief moment on his parched lips, a smile of satisfaction that he had fulfilled his father's wish; that he had performed his duty for which he was brought up. It just flitted for a moment and vanished as other scenes came before his mind's eye. He was re-living the events of the night before. He was seeing Shimr stealthily coming to him and talking to him about his ties of relationship; about the protection he had been promised for Abbas by the Commander of Yezid's forces only if he would leave Hussain and go over to Yezid's camp; about the promises of riches and rewards that he would get; how he had spurned the suggestion of Shimr with the utmost disdain to the chagrin of that servile minion who had sold his soul for a mess of pottage. How he had scared away that coward by his scathing rage, saying "You worshipper of Mammon, do not think that Abbas will be lured by your tempting offers of power and pelf. If I die in defending my Master, Hussain, I shall consider myself the luckiest person. Oh coward, remember that valiant die but once. Nobody is born to live eternally. By betraying my master, you have betrayed the Prophet, whose religion you profess to follow. On the Day of Judgement you will be doomed to eternal perdition." (I am ashamed to own any relationship with you). Had it not been for the fact that you have come here unarmed, I would have given you the chastisement you deserve for your impudence in asking me to become a turncoat." How that wretch had scampered away seeing him roaring like an enlarged lion! The thought of that unpleasant interlude wrinkled his brows. Or was it the excruciating pain he was suffering on account of the deep gashes he had all over his body? Yet another scene passed before Abbas's eyes. The children were shouting as if in chorus "thirst, consuming thirst, is killing us." Sakina coming to him and putting her dry water-bag at his feet and saying to him "0 uncle. I know you will do something to get water for us. Even if you can bring one bag full, we can wet our parched throats." He could see that thirst aggravated by the scorching heat of the desert, was squeezing their young lives out of them. The sight of these young children had moved him more than any other soul-stirring event of that fateful day. How he had picked up the water-bag with assurances to Sakina
‘Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie’ is nothing short of AbFab! R.I.P. Dame June Whitfield, British radio, TV and film great Pats and Eddy looking ‘AbFab’ on the French Riveria ‘AbFab’ headed to the big screen in 2016 Dame Hyacinth honored at Buckingham Palace R.I.P. — Prince Philip (10 June 1921 – 9 April 2021) Will Fully-Autonomous Vehicles Ever Take Over Our Roads? by Francoise von Trapp At the 2018 European MEMS, Imaging and Sensors Summits, I detected a shift in sentiment around the likelihood (and the feasibility) that fully-autonomous vehicles are poised to take to the roads in the next two years. In reality, fully-autonomous vehicles won’t be rolling off the assembly lines any time soon, if ever. The readiness of sensor systems and the high cost of manufacturing these cars are two of the main reasons, in addition to whether there is really a big market for them. In the wake of last year’s Uber testing fiasco that resulted in a death, semiconductor manufacturers and automotive OEMs alike have had a reality check. While automotive electronics still offer great opportunities for both, the focus will be on electrification of vehicles and enhancing advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) to improve safety without completely taking the driver out of the picture. Figure 1: Lars Reger, talks about a paradigm shift, where rather than selling components, they can talk about making a connectivity unit for autonomous vehicles that is functionally safe and secure. The Supplier’s Perspective Lars Reger, NXP noted that the fatalities during autonomous vehicle testing in the past few years were not due to algorithms, but the sensor systems, that aren’t yet superior to the human brain. “A car is as much a brain on wheels as you are a brain on shoes,” he said. It’s not enough to master the brain of the car, we must also capture the environment around it. Absolute certainty about the functional state of the car is also of paramount importance to ensure its functional safety and security. For example, it’s not enough to rely on just one type of sensors, such as image sensing, radar, or LiDAR. “If you rely on just image sensors at night, then the car sees no better than I can,” he explained. However, if combining all three – image sensors, radar, and LiDAR offers a good night vision solution, because the camera and the LiDAR complement each other. NXP’s goals for supporting automotive electronics are three-fold: connectivity, electrification, and autonomous capabilities. The company’s value proposition, according to Reger, is that it has its own silicon ecosystem, and can provide OEMs with full systems, not just components. FIgure 2: In his keynote, Renault’s Luc Bourgeois provided a sobering reality check about fully electric and fully autonomous vehicles. The OEM Perspective “Safety is a cornerstone of this industry,” said Luc Bourgeois, Renault. “It’s different than consumer electronics. We cannot rush the safety, or we will kill the market for the autonomous car.” Current technology is not safe enough to let us out of the driving loop, he explained. Adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and self-parking capabilities are only assistants. You are still responsible for the car, even as the electronics assist you. Level 5 autonomy will require a combination of 20-30 lidar, radar and camera sensors, which are difficult to install and maintain in a car that has an 8-10-year lifetime, explained Bourgeois. For this scenario to become reality, sensing needs to deliver performance and robustness for all cycles of the car. Current solutions experience a lot of “false negatives” which is a nightmare for the OEM. “There is a deluge of data that must be analyzed. You can’t just rely on artificial intelligence to determine what is the scene and what is the real environment to brake or steer the car,” he said. “You will be right in 95% of cases, but what about the remaining 5%?” Another factor to consider is the importance of safety from
‘Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie’ is nothing short of AbFab! R.I.P. Dame June Whitfield, British radio, TV and film great Pats and Eddy looking ‘AbFab’ on the French Riveria ‘AbFab’ headed to the big screen in 2016 Dame Hyacinth honored at Buckingham Palace R.I.P. — Prince Philip (10 June 1921 – 9 April 2021) Will Fully-Autonomous Vehicles Ever Take Over Our Roads? by Francoise von Trapp At the 2018 European MEMS, Imaging and Sensors Summits, I detected a shift in sentiment around the likelihood (and the feasibility) that fully-autonomous vehicles are poised to take to the roads in the next two years. In reality, fully-autonomous vehicles won’t be rolling off the assembly lines any time soon, if ever. The readiness of sensor systems and the high cost of manufacturing these cars are two of the main reasons, in addition to whether there is really a big market for them. In the wake of last year’s Uber testing fiasco that resulted in a death, semiconductor manufacturers and automotive OEMs alike have had a reality check. While automotive electronics still offer great opportunities for both, the focus will be on electrification of vehicles and enhancing advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) to improve safety without completely taking the driver out of the picture. Figure 1: Lars Reger, talks about a paradigm shift, where rather than selling components, they can talk about making a connectivity unit for autonomous vehicles that is functionally safe and secure. The Supplier’s Perspective Lars Reger, NXP noted that the fatalities during autonomous vehicle testing in the past few years were not due to algorithms, but the sensor systems, that aren’t yet superior to the human brain. “A car is as much a brain on wheels as you are a brain on shoes,” he said. It’s not enough to master the brain of the car, we must also capture the environment around it. Absolute certainty about the functional state of the car is also of paramount importance to ensure its functional safety and security. For example, it’s not enough to rely on just one type of sensors, such as image sensing, radar, or LiDAR. “If you rely on just image sensors at night, then the car sees no better than I can,” he explained. However, if combining all three – image sensors, radar, and LiDAR offers a good night vision solution, because the camera and the LiDAR complement each other. NXP’s goals for supporting automotive electronics are three-fold: connectivity, electrification, and autonomous capabilities. The company’s value proposition, according to Reger, is that it has its own silicon ecosystem, and can provide OEMs with full systems, not just components. FIgure 2: In his keynote, Renault’s Luc Bourgeois provided a sobering reality check about fully electric and fully autonomous vehicles. The OEM Perspective “Safety is a cornerstone of this industry,” said Luc Bourgeois, Renault. “It’s different than consumer electronics. We cannot rush the safety, or we will kill the market for the autonomous car.” Current technology is not safe enough to let us out of the driving loop, he explained. Adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and self-parking capabilities are only assistants. You are still responsible for the car, even as the electronics assist you. Level 5 autonomy will require a combination of 20-30 lidar, radar and camera sensors, which are difficult to install and maintain in a car that has an 8-10-year lifetime, explained Bourgeois. For this scenario to become reality, sensing needs to deliver performance and robustness for all cycles of the car. Current solutions experience a lot of “false negatives” which is a nightmare for the OEM. “There is a deluge of data that must be analyzed. You can’t just rely on artificial intelligence to determine what is the scene and what is the real environment to brake or steer the car,” he said. “You will be right in 95% of cases, but what about the remaining 5%?” Another factor to consider is the importance of safety from
hacking. Connectivity brings new attack opportunities for hackers. Hardware and software will need to be protected against such attacks. It’s also not just about the sensing and power electronics in the vehicle. “We rely on the system-on-chip (SoC). This requires software that can’t be redesigned every time we have newer, smaller node SoC,” he explained. According to Bourgeois, Renault will not endeavor to deliver autonomous driving in all conditions, in all vehicles, all the time. He offered a laundry list of reasons for this: It is unlikely that an average-income citizen will ever own their own autonomous vehicle. If they do, it will be cost prohibitive to upgrade to new vehicles as often as we do now. People still want to have the pleasure of driving. The more likely scenario is that we will continue to own our own driver-assist vehicles for pleasure driving in the suburbs and rural areas. Urban centers will be restricted to autonomous ride-sharing services. But there are only 12-15 big cities around the world where a shift to fully autonomous vehicles will be likely. Robocars will have a shorter vehicle lifespan. Rather than a vehicle logging 150K miles over the course of 6-10 years, its constant use means it will burn through those miles in 1-2 years, needing more robust sensing and electronics. It’s not possible to change components every 1-2 years. OEMs do not fancy the idea of changing electronic designs every year for the latest model. Sensors and their associated electronics, like microprocessors and transceivers, need to have a 2-4-year relevance. Bottom line: from the OEM perspective, said Bourgois, the semiconductor industry has yet to deliver a breakthrough in microelectronics in terms of cost, quality and reliability to deliver fully electronic vehicles for mass production. ~ FvT Caltech Course Catalog / Archive / 2013-14 Catalog / Department / L L 60 ab German Literature in Translation First term: "Tales of Hollywood", German exile literature 1933-45; second term: German literature of the 19th century-Biedermeier, young Germany, realism, and naturalism. Not offered 2013-14. L 102 abc Elementary French The course uses French in Action, a multimedia program, and emphasizes the acquisition of fundamental skills: oral ability, comprehension, writing, and reading. Students are evaluated on the basis of quizzes and compositions (1/3), midterm and final (1/3), and class participation (1/3). The course is mainly designed for students with no previous knowledge of French. Students who have had French in secondary school or college must consult with the instructor before registering. Instructor: Orcel Intermediate French Prerequisites: L 102 abc or equivalent. The first two terms feature an extensive grammar review and group activities that promote self- expression. Op-Ed articles and a series of literary texts provide a basis for classroom discussion and vocabulary expansion. Several short written compositions are required. The third term is designed to further develop an active command of the language. A variety of 19th- and 20th-century short stories are discussed in class to improve comprehension and oral proficiency. Students are expected to do an oral presentation, to write four short compositions, and a final paper. Instructors: Orcel, Merrill L/F 104 A critical survey of major directors, genres, and movements in French cinema. Particular attention is devoted to the development of film theory and criticism in France and their relation to film production. The course may also focus on problems of transposition from literature to cinema. The course includes screenings of films by Melies, Dulac, Clair, Renoir, Carne, Pagnol, Cocteau, Bresson, Tati, Truffaut, Godard, Resnais, Lelouch, Malle, Pialat, Rohmer, and Varda. Students are expected to write three 5-page critical papers. Conducted in French. Not offered 2013-14. L 105 ab Topics in French Culture and Literature 9 units (3-0-6); second term | L 105 a and L 105 b taught in alternate years Part a:
besides that there is the interior of the front and not to mention the vehicle. 2021 Ford Explorer Engine Specs The new Ford Explorer will receive a machine not far from the current Explorer. It shows the 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6 will be launched again in this hybrid, but some changes to bring better for sure. Power is often more like a 400 stallion, and its stage torque remains fluid. It is certain, the same drivetrain is likely to be combined with the same transmission, in fact it is a 6-level container, which changes vitality to all rims. The efficiency of about 20 miles per gallon of consolidation and execution is in an irregular state by running up to 60 miles per hour in just over 6 seconds. 2021 Ford Explorer Release date and Price Like the label, it will most likely be available in the event in mid-2020. Furthermore, for the price, it’s usually not much different from Ford Explorer at this time. which ranged between $ 33,000 for essential packages and $ 55,000 for the great cuts. 2021 Ford Explorer Interior 2021 Ford Explorer Price 2021 Ford Explorer Release date 2021 Ford Explorer Specs Ford Explorer 2019-06-14 Tags 2021 Ford Explorer Interior 2021 Ford Explorer Price 2021 Ford Explorer Release date 2021 Ford Explorer Specs Ford Explorer Tina Miles (April 28, 2000) is an American car writer who has spawned several popular websites starting in 2013 and continues to discuss about the development of this famous U.S.A made car. Previous 2019 Ford GT Rumors and Prices Next 2020 Ford F150 Future Concept Trucks somesurprises Every so often, there comes an album with such foreign, yet familiar, beauty, it holds a plethora of surprises. The self-titled debut album from somesurprises is as close to spiritual bliss as a tangible pinnacle can be. Taking cues from the shoegaze canon, with guided hands of experimental and pop music masters, Natasha El-Sergany and her collective-minded company in somesurprises invoke a holy ghost to bring forth an otherworldly experience. With its 36th release, Drawing Room brings in a new wonder with somesurprises’ self-titled debut LP, a treasure among pop treasures. The album explores a range of styles, from gradually intensifying meditative drones, to songs where the same moment never quite happens twice. As in previous cassette releases with fewer members, El-Sergany uses her ethereal voice as an instrument, no more or less central to the music than a guitar hook or a drumbeat. But the vocals and lyrics are more in focus than ever before. ‘Cherry Sunshine’ layers fingerpicked arpeggios with soaring organ melodies, steady motorik rhythm, and an invitation to reflect on “a wide open world” until words become no longer necessary. From shimmering cascades of reverbed guitar chords, to driving bass and percussion guiding guitar and synth freak-out outros, as a full band, somesurprises finds its fullest expression yet. The songwriting here, laden with effects and orchestral arrangements, reaches for more than navel-gazing, or (even shoegazing) and seeks, perhaps, through knowledge of the self, to guide the way out of one’s own mind. The album bears repeating for repeated plays (at maximum volume for peak pleasantries). Mastered by Amy Dragon for Telegraph Mastering and pressed on 180-gram vinyl, the limited LP comes in a gorgeous full-color sleeve accompanied by a full-color inner-sleeve and 22×22 fold out poster. An unlimited digital version is also available. IMAGES: To download, click above. “High Rise” Single Drawing Room Records Gocashless [email protected] Navigate to... Home About us The Economic Benefits Blog News Donate FAQ's Contact us and Register your Support The Winners The Losers Charities & Homeless People Stakeholders What Would Happen Without Cash? Overseas Travel & Visitors
besides that there is the interior of the front and not to mention the vehicle. 2021 Ford Explorer Engine Specs The new Ford Explorer will receive a machine not far from the current Explorer. It shows the 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6 will be launched again in this hybrid, but some changes to bring better for sure. Power is often more like a 400 stallion, and its stage torque remains fluid. It is certain, the same drivetrain is likely to be combined with the same transmission, in fact it is a 6-level container, which changes vitality to all rims. The efficiency of about 20 miles per gallon of consolidation and execution is in an irregular state by running up to 60 miles per hour in just over 6 seconds. 2021 Ford Explorer Release date and Price Like the label, it will most likely be available in the event in mid-2020. Furthermore, for the price, it’s usually not much different from Ford Explorer at this time. which ranged between $ 33,000 for essential packages and $ 55,000 for the great cuts. 2021 Ford Explorer Interior 2021 Ford Explorer Price 2021 Ford Explorer Release date 2021 Ford Explorer Specs Ford Explorer 2019-06-14 Tags 2021 Ford Explorer Interior 2021 Ford Explorer Price 2021 Ford Explorer Release date 2021 Ford Explorer Specs Ford Explorer Tina Miles (April 28, 2000) is an American car writer who has spawned several popular websites starting in 2013 and continues to discuss about the development of this famous U.S.A made car. Previous 2019 Ford GT Rumors and Prices Next 2020 Ford F150 Future Concept Trucks somesurprises Every so often, there comes an album with such foreign, yet familiar, beauty, it holds a plethora of surprises. The self-titled debut album from somesurprises is as close to spiritual bliss as a tangible pinnacle can be. Taking cues from the shoegaze canon, with guided hands of experimental and pop music masters, Natasha El-Sergany and her collective-minded company in somesurprises invoke a holy ghost to bring forth an otherworldly experience. With its 36th release, Drawing Room brings in a new wonder with somesurprises’ self-titled debut LP, a treasure among pop treasures. The album explores a range of styles, from gradually intensifying meditative drones, to songs where the same moment never quite happens twice. As in previous cassette releases with fewer members, El-Sergany uses her ethereal voice as an instrument, no more or less central to the music than a guitar hook or a drumbeat. But the vocals and lyrics are more in focus than ever before. ‘Cherry Sunshine’ layers fingerpicked arpeggios with soaring organ melodies, steady motorik rhythm, and an invitation to reflect on “a wide open world” until words become no longer necessary. From shimmering cascades of reverbed guitar chords, to driving bass and percussion guiding guitar and synth freak-out outros, as a full band, somesurprises finds its fullest expression yet. The songwriting here, laden with effects and orchestral arrangements, reaches for more than navel-gazing, or (even shoegazing) and seeks, perhaps, through knowledge of the self, to guide the way out of one’s own mind. The album bears repeating for repeated plays (at maximum volume for peak pleasantries). Mastered by Amy Dragon for Telegraph Mastering and pressed on 180-gram vinyl, the limited LP comes in a gorgeous full-color sleeve accompanied by a full-color inner-sleeve and 22×22 fold out poster. An unlimited digital version is also available. IMAGES: To download, click above. “High Rise” Single Drawing Room Records Gocashless [email protected] Navigate to... Home About us The Economic Benefits Blog News Donate FAQ's Contact us and Register your Support The Winners The Losers Charities & Homeless People Stakeholders What Would Happen Without Cash? Overseas Travel & Visitors
to the UK Alternative Payment Methods How do we Go Cashless? Go Cashless Has Begun Cashless Business & Organisations The Economic Benefits Contact us and Register your Support Go Cashless Goes Crowd Funding Wednesday 5th October 2016 Go Cashless, the not for profit campaign to end the use of cash has today launched a crowd funding initiative with Crowdfunder . More information together with a 90 second video can be seen on www.crowdfunder.co.uk in the community section. The Go Cashless Campaign promotes the end of the use of cash to make the UK a better, fairer society with less crime and a reduced black economy for which all honest hard working people pay. Donations will be used to promote the campaign, improve the website and for social media. Jon Levenson, Go Cashless Campaign Director says " If cash was invented today nobody would think it a good idea. There are many new secure payment systems, with more emerging all the… Online Shopping now nation's favourite way to spend Monday 1st August 2016 Daily Telegraph Saturday 30th July Katie Morley, Consumer Affairs Editor reported that the rise of free returns and online discounts mean that more than half of all purchases are now being made online. Stores with no high street presence have particularly benefited from the change, with Asos and Amazon taking nearly 50p of every £1 spent with online retailers in 2015 according to figures from the Office for National Statistics. Excluding groceries, shoppers now make 51% of their purchases on the web up from 48% in 2015 Waitrose to open cashless store Retail Gazette 30th March 2016 Waitrose is to become the UK's first supermarket to operate a cashless system with the introduction of its new store in Sky's flagship head office. The store will cater to over 3,500 staff on completion this summer. Waitrose Director, Conveience, Jackie Wharton says" Our convenience model is now more flexible than ever, especially as payment methods and ranges continue to evolve, so we'll look forward to exploring other opportunities like this in the future. Care Worker's £54,000 life savings stolen The Sunday Telegraph 14th February 2016 A care worker is "heartbroken" after her uninsured £54,000 life savings were stolen in a daytime burglary. Sharon Hall, 53, of Andover, Hampshire, kept the money in a briefcase in her spare room. She had put money aside from her salary and sold items at car boot sales. "I was saving it up for personal reasons, because I got separated and I don't know what the future holds. In hindsight I wish I had put the money into a bank account" she said. Hampshire Police appealed for witnesses and urged people not to keep large amounts of cash at home. Contactless vending machines "a death knell for cash" Saturday 13th February 2016 Payments revolution will soon allow snacks and parking tickets to be sold via tap-and-go cards. By Katie Morley "Scraping around for spare change in the bottom of a handbag and in between car seats is about to become a distant memory for millions of people as vending and car-park machines are allowing card tap-and-go payments en masse. Machines selling snacks drinks and even phone chargers are rapidly adopting card and contactless technology with the number soaring by 20 per cent a year, according to Creditcall , a payments company. Coca-Cola is among the big brands to have the new technology installed in thousands of its vending machines making it quicker and easier for its customers to buy items on the go. Under EU… Charities & Homeless People What Would Happen Without Cash? Overseas Travel & Visitors to the UK How do we Go Cashless? Go Cashless Has Begun Cashless Business & Organisations Courtesy of 196 Orchard. New York Lifestyle, May 3, 2019 196 Orchard Opens in New York Now open in Manhattan’s lively Lower East Side neighborhood is 196
It has finally happened. Kim Kardashian received quite a birthday present when boyfriend Kanye West popped the big question with a pumpkin-sized diamond ring Monday night at the AT&T Park in San Francisco. She obviously said “yes.” Kanye West heartbroken over video leak >> Kardashian — who turned 33 yesterday — was whisked away to the stadium (rented for the occasion by the rapper), where West got down on one knee, with a 15-carat diamond ring, a 50-piece orchestra and a giant field screen reading, “Pleeease Marry Meee!!!” How perfect is that? The orchestra played Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” and then switched it up to Kanye West, Keri Hilson and Ne-Yo’s “Knock You Down.” As soon as Kardashian accepted the proposal, fireworks were launched in celebration. Now is that the best birthday gift ever or what? The couple has been dating since 2012 and welcomed their daughter, North, in June. This is a first marriage for West and a third for Kardashian, who was previously married to Damon Thomas and Kris Humphries. Kanye West raps about marrying Kim Kardashian >> West is currently on his Yeezus tour, expected to hit Canada in November. Well, congratulations to the happy couple! We’re quite excited! You know it’s going to be the biggest wedding of this century. What do you think of the engagement? More celeb news Colin Farrell talks rehab; are there any sober celebs? Benedict Cumberbatch always recognized, needs disguise! Which comic book villain should Tom Hanks play? Photo courtesy of WENN.com celebrity engagements Immortals Fenyx Rising Is Unapologetically Fun—And Here's Why That's Great By Jessica Howard | December 9, 2020 | 4:20pm Games Reviews Immortals Fenyx Rising Somehow I’ve grown to be simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed by many AAA titles. A combination of their marketing, mixed with the hype of a new console generation, has my timeline looking like a Daft Punk song: harder, better, faster, stronger. Maps are now massive, endings are limitless, characters have pores, and horses have balls that shrivel in the cold. And that’s why, as a AAA title, Immortals Fenyx Rising is so goddamn refreshing. Immortals Fenyx Rising doesn’t seek to tell the darkest story imaginable or give you a character creator so expansive and precise you can adjust your character’s earlobe length. Immortals doesn’t strive to be a Great Game, but rather a game that’s great at what it does, which is creating a cartoonish open-world adventure that is streamlined, cheesy as hell, and inoffensively fun to play. Immortals Fenyx Rising begins with the almighty Zeus seeking advice from the bound Prometheus—a feat which was his doing and could be undone if he so chooses, Prometheus reminds him time and time again. We come to find the Greek pantheon has fallen to the wrath of Typhon, and have been “stripped of their essence,” reverting them into weaker and lesser versions of their former selves. Zeus is at a loss for what to do, so Prometheus offers up a solution, and begins to weave him a tale of a hero named Fenyx, a mortal who has the power to restore the Gods and put an end to Typhon’s reign of Tartarus and terror. What ensues is double narrative: you controlling Fenyx as they restore order, and a Princess Bride-style story in which Prometheus recounts your labors to an arrogant god, who, overtime, grows guilty, compassionate and perhaps even a bit fond of both the story and mortals as he learns more about the power of man’s resolve. From early on in its development, as well as in my preview of the game, Immortals Fenyx Rising has drawn comparison to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and for good reason
It has finally happened. Kim Kardashian received quite a birthday present when boyfriend Kanye West popped the big question with a pumpkin-sized diamond ring Monday night at the AT&T Park in San Francisco. She obviously said “yes.” Kanye West heartbroken over video leak >> Kardashian — who turned 33 yesterday — was whisked away to the stadium (rented for the occasion by the rapper), where West got down on one knee, with a 15-carat diamond ring, a 50-piece orchestra and a giant field screen reading, “Pleeease Marry Meee!!!” How perfect is that? The orchestra played Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” and then switched it up to Kanye West, Keri Hilson and Ne-Yo’s “Knock You Down.” As soon as Kardashian accepted the proposal, fireworks were launched in celebration. Now is that the best birthday gift ever or what? The couple has been dating since 2012 and welcomed their daughter, North, in June. This is a first marriage for West and a third for Kardashian, who was previously married to Damon Thomas and Kris Humphries. Kanye West raps about marrying Kim Kardashian >> West is currently on his Yeezus tour, expected to hit Canada in November. Well, congratulations to the happy couple! We’re quite excited! You know it’s going to be the biggest wedding of this century. What do you think of the engagement? More celeb news Colin Farrell talks rehab; are there any sober celebs? Benedict Cumberbatch always recognized, needs disguise! Which comic book villain should Tom Hanks play? Photo courtesy of WENN.com celebrity engagements Immortals Fenyx Rising Is Unapologetically Fun—And Here's Why That's Great By Jessica Howard | December 9, 2020 | 4:20pm Games Reviews Immortals Fenyx Rising Somehow I’ve grown to be simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed by many AAA titles. A combination of their marketing, mixed with the hype of a new console generation, has my timeline looking like a Daft Punk song: harder, better, faster, stronger. Maps are now massive, endings are limitless, characters have pores, and horses have balls that shrivel in the cold. And that’s why, as a AAA title, Immortals Fenyx Rising is so goddamn refreshing. Immortals Fenyx Rising doesn’t seek to tell the darkest story imaginable or give you a character creator so expansive and precise you can adjust your character’s earlobe length. Immortals doesn’t strive to be a Great Game, but rather a game that’s great at what it does, which is creating a cartoonish open-world adventure that is streamlined, cheesy as hell, and inoffensively fun to play. Immortals Fenyx Rising begins with the almighty Zeus seeking advice from the bound Prometheus—a feat which was his doing and could be undone if he so chooses, Prometheus reminds him time and time again. We come to find the Greek pantheon has fallen to the wrath of Typhon, and have been “stripped of their essence,” reverting them into weaker and lesser versions of their former selves. Zeus is at a loss for what to do, so Prometheus offers up a solution, and begins to weave him a tale of a hero named Fenyx, a mortal who has the power to restore the Gods and put an end to Typhon’s reign of Tartarus and terror. What ensues is double narrative: you controlling Fenyx as they restore order, and a Princess Bride-style story in which Prometheus recounts your labors to an arrogant god, who, overtime, grows guilty, compassionate and perhaps even a bit fond of both the story and mortals as he learns more about the power of man’s resolve. From early on in its development, as well as in my preview of the game, Immortals Fenyx Rising has drawn comparison to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and for good reason
. Several mechanics and concepts seem to be directly taken from the critically acclaimed Nintendo title and inserted into Immortals, including circular stamina meter, vaults (comparable to Breath of the Wild’s shines), telekinesis, scaling large towers to reveal a territory, taming mounts, basic crafting (complete with cutesy animation) and the freedom to go about completing the game’s many puzzles—and story—in a multitude of ways. However, whereas Breath of the Wild is defined by the minimalistic grace it carries with it—which is reflected in its music, environments and overall atmosphere—Immortals Fenyx Rising takes a drastic departure. Immortals Fenyx Rising is loud, abundant and abundantly loud. The colors are brighter, the map is fuller and the dialogue is frequent and boisterous, with jokes that land, fall flat, and somehow land by falling flat—which feels in line with how farcical Greek mythology tends to be. Furthermore, everything feels a lot less like a process in Immortals. Resources are plentiful, weapons are unbreakable, everything can be upgraded, and the combat is challenging while still being an absolute, fast-paced blast that leaves you walking away from battle feeling pretty damn good about yourself. It doesn’t invoke the same feeling as the somber and delicate hero’s journey Link undergoes, but instead channels the same energy as a Disney movie, complete with jokes that might go above players under 10 but will certainly raise eyebrows (see Aphrodite telling Hermes he’s been loving on himself so much he needs to clean his toga). Also in line with a Disney movie is its story, which is parabolic and surprisingly heartwarming. In an interesting choice, the essences of the Gods Fenyx retrieves to restore them to their former selves are not “good” things—they are the gods’ flaws, which have been stripped away to create a more perfect world free of the pantheon’s arrogance. However, the major and recurring theme throughout this journey is understanding that it is our flaws as much as our goodness that make us who we are. Fenyx reminds Aphrodite that her self-involvement is also her means of self-preservation, and reassures Hephaestus that it is his sorrow that fuels him to create great works, and bring beauty and ingenuity to the world. Later on, when Fenyx reaches a low point in their journey, it is the gods they’ve saved who remind them that Fenyx was the only one who saw what was admirable within the darkest parts of themselves, and they should offer themselves the same grace. To be honest? It genuinely choked me up a bit. This isn’t to say the narrative is perfect, however. While the game strives to bring the same charm Lionhead does in its Fable series, the writing and humor just isn’t quite where it needs to be. In addition, the ending of the game is detrimental to the game’s overall message, and left me more than somewhat frustrated. Finally, some of the game’s puzzle and platforming elements fall flat. There is one area in particular, at the very end of the game, that took me a good half an hour to successfully navigate. Between that area and my irritation with the game’s ending, which went on far too long and hurt some of the game’s best narrative elements, the last hour or two made an otherwise smooth-as-gliding-with-Daedalus’-wings ride incredibly rough. Much like the characters within the game, Immortals Fenyx Rising has its flaws—but what makes it a bit charming is that it owns them. While it’s absolutely a AAA title, I’m beyond thankful it’s not another one that sets itself up as bait for Keighley’s Game Awards, or feels the need to fiercely defend its validity and depth. Sometimes, a game can just be good, cheesy fun, and Immortals Fenyx Rising is precisely that and better for it. Immortals Fenyx Rising was developed by Ubisoft Quebec and published by Ubisoft. Our review is based on the PlayStation 5 version. It is also available for Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Stadia and Amazon Luna. Jessica Howard is an editorial
our heart. Clearly the filmmaker is in his own little narcissist world. My Ratings : 5.675/10 – Beautiful but slow and a blatant copy. Body minus the soul. P.S. Watch ‘ The Prestige’ to understand the world of magicians, its a masterpiece. This entry was posted in Bollywood, Films and tagged aditya roy kapoor, aishwarya rai, Euthanasia, film, film review guzaarish, guzaarish, guzaarish film review, guzaarish movie review, hrithik roshan, jennifer patel, makrand deshpande, monikangna dutta, nafisa ali, Prestige, Radio Jockey, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, suhel seth by chin512. Bookmark the permalink. 3 thoughts on “Guzaarish – Beauty sans Soul” Gargi on November 29, 2010 at 7:16 pm said: Awesome review! I felt the same way about Black. I like your ratings for this one – 5.675!! I think you missed a decimal point there! I LOVE the Prestige. Best movie ever! Yudi Wardana on December 4, 2010 at 4:32 pm said: very nice.. Pingback: Guzaarish « Ritu’s Weblog Imagining Cultural Accessibility in New York City 6 to 8:30pm Annie Leist, Infrastructure 1, 2007 On July 30, 2015, The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation hosted a panel discussion at The 8th Floor, 17 W 17th Street, New York City, about how accessibility is defined in the context of art and culture in New York City. The panel brought together visual artist Annie Leist, filmmaker Jason DaSilva, theater director Vallejo Gantner, and architect Robert Piccolo in a dialogue about the ways that institutions, artists, policy makers, and activists support greater access to New York City’s vast cultural resources including visual art, architecture, and performing arts. Panelists explored how degrees of disability interface with the experiential aspects of cultural institutions, and how human interdependencies can facilitate cultural access. Moderated by the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation’s Artistic Director Sara Reisman, this conversation was part of a month-long celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), presented in partnership with the New York City Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. Jason DaSilva has been a prolific artist and filmmaker for the past 15 years. He has directed four short films (Olivia’s Puzzle, A Song for Daniel, Twins of Mankala, and First Steps) and two feature-length documentary films (Lest We Forget and When I Walk). Olivia’s Puzzle premiered at the 2003 Sundance Festival and many of his films won awards. Three of his films have had national broadcasts on PBS, HBO, and CBC. He also produced Shocking and Awful, a film installation on the anti-Iraq War movement that was included in the 2006 Whitney Biennial. Each one of these works advanced DaSilva’s objective to give a voice to those on the periphery of society. In 2006, Jason earned his MFA in Applied Media Arts from Emily Carr University. He recently produced and directed an Op-Doc (opinion documentary) for the New York Times called The Long Wait, published in January 2013. DaSilva’s latest film, When I Walk, was an Official Selection of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and won Best Canadian Feature at HotDocs 2013. The film was the season opener for the PBS/POV 2014 season and it receives an encore presentation on August 10th, 2015. He currently lives in Long Island City, Queens, New York where he works full time on the promotion of AXSMap and new film projects. Vallejo Gantner has been Artistic Director of Performance Space 122 since 2005. Previously, he was Director of the Dublin Fringe Festival from 2002 – 2004
our heart. Clearly the filmmaker is in his own little narcissist world. My Ratings : 5.675/10 – Beautiful but slow and a blatant copy. Body minus the soul. P.S. Watch ‘ The Prestige’ to understand the world of magicians, its a masterpiece. This entry was posted in Bollywood, Films and tagged aditya roy kapoor, aishwarya rai, Euthanasia, film, film review guzaarish, guzaarish, guzaarish film review, guzaarish movie review, hrithik roshan, jennifer patel, makrand deshpande, monikangna dutta, nafisa ali, Prestige, Radio Jockey, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, suhel seth by chin512. Bookmark the permalink. 3 thoughts on “Guzaarish – Beauty sans Soul” Gargi on November 29, 2010 at 7:16 pm said: Awesome review! I felt the same way about Black. I like your ratings for this one – 5.675!! I think you missed a decimal point there! I LOVE the Prestige. Best movie ever! Yudi Wardana on December 4, 2010 at 4:32 pm said: very nice.. Pingback: Guzaarish « Ritu’s Weblog Imagining Cultural Accessibility in New York City 6 to 8:30pm Annie Leist, Infrastructure 1, 2007 On July 30, 2015, The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation hosted a panel discussion at The 8th Floor, 17 W 17th Street, New York City, about how accessibility is defined in the context of art and culture in New York City. The panel brought together visual artist Annie Leist, filmmaker Jason DaSilva, theater director Vallejo Gantner, and architect Robert Piccolo in a dialogue about the ways that institutions, artists, policy makers, and activists support greater access to New York City’s vast cultural resources including visual art, architecture, and performing arts. Panelists explored how degrees of disability interface with the experiential aspects of cultural institutions, and how human interdependencies can facilitate cultural access. Moderated by the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation’s Artistic Director Sara Reisman, this conversation was part of a month-long celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), presented in partnership with the New York City Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. Jason DaSilva has been a prolific artist and filmmaker for the past 15 years. He has directed four short films (Olivia’s Puzzle, A Song for Daniel, Twins of Mankala, and First Steps) and two feature-length documentary films (Lest We Forget and When I Walk). Olivia’s Puzzle premiered at the 2003 Sundance Festival and many of his films won awards. Three of his films have had national broadcasts on PBS, HBO, and CBC. He also produced Shocking and Awful, a film installation on the anti-Iraq War movement that was included in the 2006 Whitney Biennial. Each one of these works advanced DaSilva’s objective to give a voice to those on the periphery of society. In 2006, Jason earned his MFA in Applied Media Arts from Emily Carr University. He recently produced and directed an Op-Doc (opinion documentary) for the New York Times called The Long Wait, published in January 2013. DaSilva’s latest film, When I Walk, was an Official Selection of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and won Best Canadian Feature at HotDocs 2013. The film was the season opener for the PBS/POV 2014 season and it receives an encore presentation on August 10th, 2015. He currently lives in Long Island City, Queens, New York where he works full time on the promotion of AXSMap and new film projects. Vallejo Gantner has been Artistic Director of Performance Space 122 since 2005. Previously, he was Director of the Dublin Fringe Festival from 2002 – 2004
, and Artistic Associate of the Melbourne Festival 2000 – 2001. Originally from Melbourne, Vallejo has worked in a range of capacities throughout the arts in the US, Asia and Australia – as a director, writer, performer, agent, producer and programmer. He co-produced Spiegelworld from 2006-2008— a commercial producer/presenter of contemporary circus, cabaret, and music across the US. More recently he has performed in “The Curator’s Piece” by Tea Tupajic and Petra Zanki across Europe and in New York; executive produced the hit indie feature films “Your Sister’s Sister” and “Touchy Feely” by Lynn Shelton, and the upcoming “Men Go To Battle” by Zachary Treitz and Kate Lyn Sheil; and directed a new concert performance at the Irish Arts Center by composer/singer Julie Feeney. He is a partner in a micro-brewery – Mountain Goat Beer in Australia, and in 2006, he was a Deakin Lecturer in Melbourne. Vallejo also sits on the board of directors of the National Performance Network (USA), Jianguo Pty Ltd (Aus), and Four Winds Foundation (Aus). Annie Leist is an artist who was born and raised in North Carolina, and currently is based in New York City. She pursued undergraduate study at Wake Forest University, double-majoring in studio art and mathematics. As a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar she studied semiotics and cultural theory at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. She went on to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree in visual art from Rutgers University. Her paintings, inspired by her limited visual perception of light and life in urban spaces, can be seen in numerous public and private collections. In parallel with her artistic career, Leist works in the accessibility field, specializing in enriching the cultural experiences of people with disabilities, and has significant expertise in working with individuals with vision loss. She has consulted with, and facilitated trainings at several institutions, including the Museum of Fine Arts Boston,the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston; the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, CT; the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, and the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City. She has a particular interest in the role that existing and emerging technology can play in improving accessibility for all groups. Leist currently serves as Special Projects Lead at the New York-based nonprofit Art Beyond Sight, where she leads its consultancy and training arm and spearheads initiatives related to accessibility and inclusion in contemporary visual art. http://www.annieleist.com Robert Piccolo is the first Deputy Commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. Piccolo is an accessibility and inclusive design expert; author of the ICC Inclusive Design Guidelines, New York City; voting member of the New York City Building Code Management Committee; Alt-Chair of the 2014 New York City Building Code Accessibility Technical Committee; Co-Chair of the 2008 New York City Building Code Accessibility Technical Committee; contributor to three Center for Active Design publications; contributor to the Department of Transportation’s Street Design Manual; participant in myriad projects and initiatives spanning over 30 years including: Vision Zero, Housing New York, and LinkNYC. He has extensive experience involving several thousand projects and participation in some of the most significant works in New York City, such as, the World Trade Center Memorial, the Highline, and Governors Island Park. Piccolo holds a Master of Architecture degree from Columbia University, is a registered architect in the State of New York, nationally certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, and is a member of the American Institute of Architects. ← The Supper Club: Global Blackness and Transnational IdentitiesCommunity-Word Project - Summer Institute → With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility You've probably heard the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility." Its origins are uncertain, as it's been co-opted by Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt and even Stan Lee in the first Spider-Man comic. The earliest recorded version is actually from a
Economic Growth Transforming Lives: Sharifullah – Saving for Generations to Come Gretchen Frazee Gretchen Frazee https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-the-full-articles-of-impeachment-against-trump Read the full articles of impeachment against Trump Politics Dec 10, 2019 11:16 AM EST House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment–abuse of power and obstruction of Congress–against President Donald Trump on Monday. The articles were unveiled after a series of hearings by the House Intelligence and the House Judiciary committees that featured witnesses who had knowledge of Trump’s dealings with Ukraine as well as legal scholars who provided viewpoints on the grounds for impeachment. Democrats argue that Trump violated his oath of office by using his presidential authority to press Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the articles of impeachment in the coming days. Read the full articles of impeachment. Left: FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump attends Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 4, 2019. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas/File Photo WATCH: House Democrats unveil 2 articles of impeachment against Trump By Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press In public hearing, Judiciary committee lays out its case against Trump By Daniel Bush 6 video moments to watch from the Judiciary Committee’s second impeachment hearing By Candice Norwood impeachment documents Gretchen Frazee is a producer for the PBS NewsHour. @gretchenfrazee Justin Sourdif is one of two prospects who signed their Western Hockey League standard player agreements. Sourdif was drafted third overall by the Giants earlier this month. Vancouver Giants photo Giants ink pair of prospects Vancouver’s first and second round bantam draft picks sign on with Langley hockey club Gary Ahuja May. 24, 2017 12:48 p.m. The Vancouver Giants have signed their top two draft picks from the Western Hockey League bantam draft. The Giants signed forward Justin Sourdif and defenceman Tanner Brown to Western Hockey League standard player agreements. Sourdif was selected third overall in the bantam draft while Brown went 24th overall. “I’m pretty excited,” said Sourdif of signing with the Giants. “I was happy to finally have that piece of paper in front of me and to share the moment of signing the contract with my mom and dad. I’m looking forward to the future with the Giants.” “I’m extremely excited,” said Brown. “It’s awesome to sign with the Giants. They’re a great organization that I look forward to helping in the future, and I know they can help me in my development too.” Both players are eligible to suit up in five games for the Giants in 2017/18 before their respective midget seasons end. “Justin is an all-around player who is strong physically and has terrific offensive awareness,” said Giants general manager Glen Hanlon. “(And) Tanner can play the game any way you want. He has bite to his game, he plays heavy, and he has good offensive instincts from the back end.” Both players have also made the cut for Team BC’s U16 Provincial Cup, which runs July 11 to 16 in Shawnigan Lake. Joining them at the 60-person camp will be seven Langley teens. That list includes Langley defenceman Aidan De La Gorgendiere, who was drafted fifth overall at the WHL bantam draft. He has also signed on to play with the Saskatoon Blades. Honoured to have signed with the @BladesHockey, I would like to thanks my coaches and parents that have helped me get to this point. — Aidan Dela (@aidandela22) May 18, 2017 Joining him in Shawnigan Lake will be defencemen Dylan Anderson, Braydon Clark and Brody G
Economic Growth Transforming Lives: Sharifullah – Saving for Generations to Come Gretchen Frazee Gretchen Frazee https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-the-full-articles-of-impeachment-against-trump Read the full articles of impeachment against Trump Politics Dec 10, 2019 11:16 AM EST House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment–abuse of power and obstruction of Congress–against President Donald Trump on Monday. The articles were unveiled after a series of hearings by the House Intelligence and the House Judiciary committees that featured witnesses who had knowledge of Trump’s dealings with Ukraine as well as legal scholars who provided viewpoints on the grounds for impeachment. Democrats argue that Trump violated his oath of office by using his presidential authority to press Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the articles of impeachment in the coming days. Read the full articles of impeachment. Left: FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump attends Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 4, 2019. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas/File Photo WATCH: House Democrats unveil 2 articles of impeachment against Trump By Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press In public hearing, Judiciary committee lays out its case against Trump By Daniel Bush 6 video moments to watch from the Judiciary Committee’s second impeachment hearing By Candice Norwood impeachment documents Gretchen Frazee is a producer for the PBS NewsHour. @gretchenfrazee Justin Sourdif is one of two prospects who signed their Western Hockey League standard player agreements. Sourdif was drafted third overall by the Giants earlier this month. Vancouver Giants photo Giants ink pair of prospects Vancouver’s first and second round bantam draft picks sign on with Langley hockey club Gary Ahuja May. 24, 2017 12:48 p.m. The Vancouver Giants have signed their top two draft picks from the Western Hockey League bantam draft. The Giants signed forward Justin Sourdif and defenceman Tanner Brown to Western Hockey League standard player agreements. Sourdif was selected third overall in the bantam draft while Brown went 24th overall. “I’m pretty excited,” said Sourdif of signing with the Giants. “I was happy to finally have that piece of paper in front of me and to share the moment of signing the contract with my mom and dad. I’m looking forward to the future with the Giants.” “I’m extremely excited,” said Brown. “It’s awesome to sign with the Giants. They’re a great organization that I look forward to helping in the future, and I know they can help me in my development too.” Both players are eligible to suit up in five games for the Giants in 2017/18 before their respective midget seasons end. “Justin is an all-around player who is strong physically and has terrific offensive awareness,” said Giants general manager Glen Hanlon. “(And) Tanner can play the game any way you want. He has bite to his game, he plays heavy, and he has good offensive instincts from the back end.” Both players have also made the cut for Team BC’s U16 Provincial Cup, which runs July 11 to 16 in Shawnigan Lake. Joining them at the 60-person camp will be seven Langley teens. That list includes Langley defenceman Aidan De La Gorgendiere, who was drafted fifth overall at the WHL bantam draft. He has also signed on to play with the Saskatoon Blades. Honoured to have signed with the @BladesHockey, I would like to thanks my coaches and parents that have helped me get to this point. — Aidan Dela (@aidandela22) May 18, 2017 Joining him in Shawnigan Lake will be defencemen Dylan Anderson, Braydon Clark and Brody G
agno and forwards Landon Walter, Brandon Santa Juana and Keeton Oakley. Vancouver GiantsWHL Xtreme golden in Maple Ridge Langley teen applauded for work on and off the soccer field Location: Beverley Envisat - Visible Passes Home | Info. | Orbit | Close encounters Search period start: 21 January 2022 00:00 Search period end: 31 January 2022 00:00 Orbit: 764 x 766 km, 98.2° (Epoch: 20 January) Passes to include: visible only all Click on the date to get a star chart and other pass details. Date Brightness Start Highest point End Pass type (mag) Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. 21 Jan 5.8 00:24:01 10° SW 00:27:47 21° W 00:31:34 10° NW visible 21 Jan 5.6 10:48:35 10° NE 10:51:37 16° E 10:54:39 10° SE visible 21 Jan 2.8 12:26:12 10° NNE 12:31:19 83° WNW 12:36:24 10° SSW visible 21 Jan 4.5 14:06:37 10° NNW 14:09:35 16° NW 14:12:32 10° W visible 22 Jan 3.8 11:49:24 10° NNE 11:54:22 50° E 11:59:17 10° S visible 22 Jan 3.8 13:28:52 10° N 13:33:09 28° WNW 13:37:25 10° WSW visible 23 Jan 6.1 00:51:16 10° WSW 00:53:25 13° W 00:55:36 10° WNW visible 23 Jan 5.0 11:13:02 10° NE 11:17:13 25° E 11:21:23 10° SSE visible 23 Jan 3.1 12:51:35 10° N 12:56:32 52° WNW 13:01:26 10° SW visible 24 Jan 5.9 10:37:42 10° ENE 10:39:52 13° E 10:42:00 10° ESE visible 24 Jan 3.0 12:14:35 10° NNE 12:19:43 81° ESE 12:24:48 10° SSW visible 24 Jan 4.3 13:54:41 10° NNW 13:58:09 19° WNW 14:01:36 10° W visible 25 Jan 4.2 11:37:54 10° NNE 11:42:42 40° E 11:47:28 10° SSE visible 26 Jan 2.9 12:39:56 10° N 12:44:58 64° WNW 12:49:59 10° SSW visible 27 Jan 3.3 12:03:01 10° NNE 12:08:06 66° ESE 12:13:09 10° S visible JOAD Pins What is the Yankton Area Archery Club?
2'}, {}, {name:1 ,age: true, year: 'theYear'}) * // => {name: 'jon', age: 5, theYear: 2006} * * @param {Object} source * @param {Object} destination * @param {Object} namedKeys an object with keys denoting the properties to be copied * * @return {Object} destination */ copyKeys: __webpack_require__(16), /** * Copies all properties named in the namedKeys, from source to destination, * but only if the property does not already exist in the destination object * * copyKeysIf({name: 'jon',age:5, year: 2006}, {aname: 'test'}, {name:'aname' ,age: true}) * // => {aname: 'test', age: 5} * * @param {Object} source * @param {Object} destination * @param {Object} namedKeys an object with keys denoting the properties to be copied * * @return {Object} destination */ copyKeysIf: __webpack_require__(17), copyExceptKeys: function(source, destination, exceptKeys){ destination = destination || {} exceptKeys = exceptKeys || {} if (source != null && typeof source === STR_OBJECT ){ for (var i in source) if ( HAS_OWN.call(source, i) && !HAS_OWN.call(exceptKeys, i) ) { destination[i] = source[i] } } return destination }, /** * Copies the named keys from source to destination. * For the keys that are functions, copies the functions bound to the source * * @param {Object} source The source object * @param {Object} destination The target object * @param {Object} namedKeys An object with the names of the keys to copy The values from the keys in this object * need to be either numbers or booleans if you want to copy the property under the same name, * or a string if you want to copy the property under a different name * @return {Object} Returns the destination object */ bindCopyKeys: function(source, destination, namedKeys){ if (arguments.length == 2){ namedKeys = destination destination = null } destination = destination || {} if ( source != null && typeof source === STR_OBJECT && namedKeys != null && typeof namedKeys === STR_OBJECT ) { var typeOfNamedProperty, namedPropertyValue, typeOfSourceProperty, propValue for(var propName in namedKeys) if (HAS_OWN.call(namedKeys, propName)) { namedPropertyValue = namedKeys[propName] typeOfNamedProperty = typeof namedPropertyValue propValue = source[propName] typeOfSourceProperty = typeof propValue if ( typeOfSourceProperty !== STR_UNDEFINED ) { destination[ typeOfNamedProperty == 'string'? namedPropertyValue : propName ] = typeOfSourceProperty == 'function' ? propValue.bind(source): propValue } } } return destination } } }() /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict' var CONFIG = __webpack_require__(11) var toMoment = __webpack_require__(10) function f(mom, format){
2'}, {}, {name:1 ,age: true, year: 'theYear'}) * // => {name: 'jon', age: 5, theYear: 2006} * * @param {Object} source * @param {Object} destination * @param {Object} namedKeys an object with keys denoting the properties to be copied * * @return {Object} destination */ copyKeys: __webpack_require__(16), /** * Copies all properties named in the namedKeys, from source to destination, * but only if the property does not already exist in the destination object * * copyKeysIf({name: 'jon',age:5, year: 2006}, {aname: 'test'}, {name:'aname' ,age: true}) * // => {aname: 'test', age: 5} * * @param {Object} source * @param {Object} destination * @param {Object} namedKeys an object with keys denoting the properties to be copied * * @return {Object} destination */ copyKeysIf: __webpack_require__(17), copyExceptKeys: function(source, destination, exceptKeys){ destination = destination || {} exceptKeys = exceptKeys || {} if (source != null && typeof source === STR_OBJECT ){ for (var i in source) if ( HAS_OWN.call(source, i) && !HAS_OWN.call(exceptKeys, i) ) { destination[i] = source[i] } } return destination }, /** * Copies the named keys from source to destination. * For the keys that are functions, copies the functions bound to the source * * @param {Object} source The source object * @param {Object} destination The target object * @param {Object} namedKeys An object with the names of the keys to copy The values from the keys in this object * need to be either numbers or booleans if you want to copy the property under the same name, * or a string if you want to copy the property under a different name * @return {Object} Returns the destination object */ bindCopyKeys: function(source, destination, namedKeys){ if (arguments.length == 2){ namedKeys = destination destination = null } destination = destination || {} if ( source != null && typeof source === STR_OBJECT && namedKeys != null && typeof namedKeys === STR_OBJECT ) { var typeOfNamedProperty, namedPropertyValue, typeOfSourceProperty, propValue for(var propName in namedKeys) if (HAS_OWN.call(namedKeys, propName)) { namedPropertyValue = namedKeys[propName] typeOfNamedProperty = typeof namedPropertyValue propValue = source[propName] typeOfSourceProperty = typeof propValue if ( typeOfSourceProperty !== STR_UNDEFINED ) { destination[ typeOfNamedProperty == 'string'? namedPropertyValue : propName ] = typeOfSourceProperty == 'function' ? propValue.bind(source): propValue } } } return destination } } }() /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict' var CONFIG = __webpack_require__(11) var toMoment = __webpack_require__(10) function f(mom, format){
return toMoment(mom).format(format) } module.exports = { day: function(mom, format) { return f(mom, format || CONFIG.dayFormat) }, month: function(mom, format) { return f(mom, format || CONFIG.monthFormat) }, year: function(mom, format) { return f(mom, format || CONFIG.yearFormat) } } /***/ }, /* 10 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict' var moment = __webpack_require__(2) var CONFIG = __webpack_require__(11) /** * This function will be used to convert a date to a moment. * * It accepts input as sring, date or moment * * @param {String/Date/Moment} value * @param {String} [dateFormat] if value is string, it will be parsed to a moment using this format * @param {Object} [config] * @param {Boolean} [config.strict] whether to perform strict parsing on strings * @return {Moment} */ module.exports = function(value, dateFormat, config){ var strict = !!(config && config.strict) dateFormat = dateFormat || CONFIG.dateFormat if (typeof value == 'string'){ return moment(value, dateFormat, strict) } return moment(value == null? new Date(): value) } /***/ }, /* 11 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict' var getWeekDayNames = __webpack_require__(7) module.exports = { //the names of week days to be displayed in month view - first should be sunday weekDayNames: getWeekDayNames(), //the day to display as first day of week. defaults to 0, which is sunday weekStartDay: 0, //the format in which days should be displayed in month view dayFormat: 'D', //the format in which months should be displayed in year view monthFormat: 'MMMM', //the format in which years should be displayed in decade view yearFormat: 'YYYY', //text for navigating to prev period navPrev : '‹', //text for navigating to next period navNext : '›', //the view to render initially. Possible values are: 'month', 'year', 'decade' view: 'month', //the date to mark as selected in the date picker. //Can be a Date object, a moment object or a string. //If it's a string, it will be parsed using dateFormat date: null, minDate: null, maxDate: null, //the date where to open the picker. defaults to today if no date and no viewDate specified viewDate: null, //if the date property is given as string, it will be parsed using this format dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD' } /***/ }, /* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict' var HAS_OWN = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty var STR_OBJECT = 'object' /** * Copies all properties from source to destination * * copy({name: 'jon',age:5}, this); * // => this will have the 'name' and 'age' properties set to 'jon' and 5 respectively * * @param {Object} source * @param {Object} destination * * @return {Object} destination */ module.exports = function(source, destination){
required (an optional pragmatic process of recovering unarticulated constituents for incompleteness and an optional pragmatic process of transfer for metonymy). By contrast, we argue from the standpoint of phrasal pragmatics that what is descriptively referred to depends, in both cases, on truth-conditionally mandatory pragmatic processes of recovery of unarticulated constituents. Nina Iskra A World Without Values? Ophelia Deroy The Importance of Being Able: Personal Abilities in Common Sense Psychology and Cognitive Sciences The paper aims at reconsidering the problem of “practical knowledge” at a proper level of generality, and at showing the role that personal abilities play in it. The notion of “practical knowledge” has for long been the focus of debates both in philosophy and related areas in psychology. It has been wholly captured by debates about ‘knowledge’ and has more recently being challenged in its philosophical foundations as targeting a specific attitude of ‘knowing-how’. But what are the basic facts accounted in the “knowing-how” debate? The problem is much more fundamental than knowledge: it addresses the need for an explanation of intelligent or guided behaviour, that could account for some distinctive aspects involved in the performance, but without positing too much beyond the observable actions. This is what I call the problem of “practical mastery” (PM). PM raises three questions: what kind of behaviour require such an explanation? What is distinctive about practical mastery? What does it consist in: a form of knowledge, or something else? I argue here that the notion of ability offers a less restrictive, though no less powerful answer to these three questions. It can offer an independent objective grasp on the subjects of attribution. I conclude that the notion is central both to account for common-sense psychology and to understand what experimental psychology actually measures and tests for. Greg Sherkoske Direction of Fit Accounts of Belief and Desire Revisited Proponents of Humean belief-desire psychology often appeal to the metaphor of direction of fit. Roughly, the distinction between belief and desire boils down to the differing relationship between the attitude, its content, and the way the world is. Belief in P will tend to go out of existence when confronted with the introduced (perception-like) state of not P. The desire that p will, by contrast, persist in face of the introduced state that not P. The world is to be aligned to match it. Two problems threaten the direction of fit strategy. The first is a worrying lack of clarity in the notion of an introduced state. On Smith’s view, this state looks and functions like a belief; this saddles the direction of fit strategy with vicious circularity. Second, David Copp and David Sobel argue that whether the metaphor iscashed out in descriptive or normative terms, the direction of fit metaphor is fatally flawed. This gloomy prognosis is premature: the Humean should adopt a normative interpretation, since doing so would yield salvage the metaphor. The cost of the salvage, however, might be higher than Humeans want, since the normative view can be happily accepted by Kantians. Ilhan Inan Inostensible Reference and Conceptual Curiosity A lot has been said about how the notion of reference relates to the notion of knowledge; not much has been said, however, on how the notion of referencerelates to our ability to become aware of what we do not know that allows us to be curious. In this essay I attempt to spell out a certain type of reference I call ‘inostensible’ that I claim to be a fundamental linguistic tool which allows us to become curious of what we do not know. In the first part, I try to explicate the notion of inostensible reference, both for singular and for general terms, as well as full declarative sentences, and in the second part, I argue that our capacity to enjoy conceptual curiosity is essentially based upon our aptitude for inostensible reference. Gustavo Fernández Díez The Demarcation between Philosophy and Science This paper is based on a criterion recently proposed by Richard Fumerton for demarcating philosophy of mind and cognitive science. I suggest to extend it to a demarcation criterion between philosophy and science in general, and put it in the context of the historical changes of boundaries between the philosophical and the scientifi c fi eld. I point to a number of philosophical claims and approaches that have been made utterly obsolete
required (an optional pragmatic process of recovering unarticulated constituents for incompleteness and an optional pragmatic process of transfer for metonymy). By contrast, we argue from the standpoint of phrasal pragmatics that what is descriptively referred to depends, in both cases, on truth-conditionally mandatory pragmatic processes of recovery of unarticulated constituents. Nina Iskra A World Without Values? Ophelia Deroy The Importance of Being Able: Personal Abilities in Common Sense Psychology and Cognitive Sciences The paper aims at reconsidering the problem of “practical knowledge” at a proper level of generality, and at showing the role that personal abilities play in it. The notion of “practical knowledge” has for long been the focus of debates both in philosophy and related areas in psychology. It has been wholly captured by debates about ‘knowledge’ and has more recently being challenged in its philosophical foundations as targeting a specific attitude of ‘knowing-how’. But what are the basic facts accounted in the “knowing-how” debate? The problem is much more fundamental than knowledge: it addresses the need for an explanation of intelligent or guided behaviour, that could account for some distinctive aspects involved in the performance, but without positing too much beyond the observable actions. This is what I call the problem of “practical mastery” (PM). PM raises three questions: what kind of behaviour require such an explanation? What is distinctive about practical mastery? What does it consist in: a form of knowledge, or something else? I argue here that the notion of ability offers a less restrictive, though no less powerful answer to these three questions. It can offer an independent objective grasp on the subjects of attribution. I conclude that the notion is central both to account for common-sense psychology and to understand what experimental psychology actually measures and tests for. Greg Sherkoske Direction of Fit Accounts of Belief and Desire Revisited Proponents of Humean belief-desire psychology often appeal to the metaphor of direction of fit. Roughly, the distinction between belief and desire boils down to the differing relationship between the attitude, its content, and the way the world is. Belief in P will tend to go out of existence when confronted with the introduced (perception-like) state of not P. The desire that p will, by contrast, persist in face of the introduced state that not P. The world is to be aligned to match it. Two problems threaten the direction of fit strategy. The first is a worrying lack of clarity in the notion of an introduced state. On Smith’s view, this state looks and functions like a belief; this saddles the direction of fit strategy with vicious circularity. Second, David Copp and David Sobel argue that whether the metaphor iscashed out in descriptive or normative terms, the direction of fit metaphor is fatally flawed. This gloomy prognosis is premature: the Humean should adopt a normative interpretation, since doing so would yield salvage the metaphor. The cost of the salvage, however, might be higher than Humeans want, since the normative view can be happily accepted by Kantians. Ilhan Inan Inostensible Reference and Conceptual Curiosity A lot has been said about how the notion of reference relates to the notion of knowledge; not much has been said, however, on how the notion of referencerelates to our ability to become aware of what we do not know that allows us to be curious. In this essay I attempt to spell out a certain type of reference I call ‘inostensible’ that I claim to be a fundamental linguistic tool which allows us to become curious of what we do not know. In the first part, I try to explicate the notion of inostensible reference, both for singular and for general terms, as well as full declarative sentences, and in the second part, I argue that our capacity to enjoy conceptual curiosity is essentially based upon our aptitude for inostensible reference. Gustavo Fernández Díez The Demarcation between Philosophy and Science This paper is based on a criterion recently proposed by Richard Fumerton for demarcating philosophy of mind and cognitive science. I suggest to extend it to a demarcation criterion between philosophy and science in general, and put it in the context of the historical changes of boundaries between the philosophical and the scientifi c fi eld. I point to a number of philosophical claims and approaches that have been made utterly obsolete
by the advancement of science, and conjecture that a similar thing may happen in the future with today’s philosophy of mind: under the supposition that cognitive science manages to progress very successfully in a certain direction, our concepts for mental states could change, and the type of philosophical interest we put in them, thus reshaping thewhole debate on the subject. Noriaki Iwasa The Impossibility of Political Neutrality For some contemporary liberal philosophers, a huge concern is liberal neutrality, which is the idea that the state should be neutral among competingconceptions of the moral good pursued by the people. In <i>The Morality of Freedom</i>, Joseph Raz argues that we can neither achieve nor even approximatesuch neutrality. He shows that neutrality and fairness are different ideas. His notion of neutrality is stricter than John Rawls’s and Ronald Dworkin’s. Raz shows that both helping and not helping can be neutral or non-neutral, thus neutrality is chimerical. Wojciech Sadurski’s appeal to rational expectations does not necessarily tell us which action is neutral. Distinguishing between comprehensive and narrow neutrality, Raz also claims that only the former is a proper response to conflicts. Sadurski criticizes it, claiming that conflicts are comprehensive in a sense which does not deny the adequacy of the narrow neutrality. In reality, however, it is almost impossible to achieve even the narrow neutrality. A theory is presented to explain why political neutrality is almost impossible to achieve. Philosophically, there is no neutral ground for neutral politics. Julian Fink Asymmetry, Scope, and Rational Consistency Suppose rationality requires you to A if you believe you ought to A. Suppose you believe that you ought to A. How can you satisfy this requirement? One way seems obvious. You can satisfy this requirement by A-ing. But can you also satisfy it by stopping to believe that you ought to A? Recently, it has been argued that this second option is not a genuine way of satisfying the above requirement. Conditional requirements of rationality do not have two ‘symmetric’, but only one ‘asymmetric’ satisfaction condition. This paper explores the consequences of this argument for a theory of the requirements of rationality. I seek to show that thisview conflicts with another powerful intuition about the requirements of rationality, i.e. ‘rational consistency’: if rationality requires you to X, then it is not the case that rationality requires you to not-X. I shall conclude that ‘asymmetric’ satisfying is based on a misleading intuition, for which we should not sacrifice ‘rational consistency’. James L. Trafford Modal Rationalism and the Transference of Meaning The lesson is familiar. Kripke’s arguments in favor of a posteriori necessary truths annul the idea that conceivability is a guide to metaphysical possibility because determining that which is a priori is a separate issue from determining that which is necessary. Modal rationalists do not completely agree with this conclusion. Following recent work on two-dimensional semantics, David Chalmers suggests that two distinct semantic values can be assigned to a statement, depending on whether we consider possible worlds as counterfactual or counteractual. The idea is that counterfactual possibilities yield familiar Kripkean intuitions, but that counteractuals fulfill the desired link between a priori conceivability and metaphysical possibility. In this paper, I discuss a problem for modalrationalism that arises through the use of material conditionals, or conditionals in the indicative mood. I then turn to Chalmers’ response, and suggest reasons why it is inadequate. I turn to another response from Chalmers, and suggest that, whilst it solves the fi rst issue, it is incapable of grounding modal rationalism. In conclusion I will suggest a way in which a tempered version of modal rationalism can be salvaged. Jasper Doomen A Systematic Interpretation of Hobbes’s Practical Philosophy Hobbes’s political philosophy departs from a number of premises that are supposed to be self-evident, supplemented by various observations from experience. These statements are examined critically and in their interrelatedness in order to find out to what extent Hobbes provides a convincing system of thought. The importance of the basis of man’s actions, his self-interest, is inquired, since it serves as the basis of his practical philosophy. After this, Hobbes’s views on ‘moral’ notions are expounded. As it turns out, Hobbes maintains a number of
girl desperately call out seventh brother. He only looked like a deity, but he was not one. There were always times where someone or something could arouse emotion from his heart. For example, that night in Feng Tong county when this girl had appeared in the rubble. She was like a small cat, which roused a feeling of pity in his heart. “Seventh brother is fine.” His tone finally calmed down, and his face returned to its usual warm smile, “Silly girl, in such heavy snow, what are you doing out here?” “Looking for you!” She spoke truthfully, “If it were only snow, I would not have come; however, they said that an avalanche occurred to the North of the city. So I could not continue to hide in the city. Seventh brother, at that time, you were able to bring me out of the burned down rubble. Today, I also resolutely decided that I would pull you out of the snow pile, even if I needed to use my own two hands.” Feng Yu Heng had a resolute look on her face, as her small nose was raised up. She sounded extremely serious. Xuan Tian Hua pulled on her hand. Though there was an injury on his foot, he still leaned on this little girl and slowly walked back. While walking, he said: “Seventh brother did not die. Even if I was buried in the snow, I can climb back out. But the person who came with me could not escape through the same path I did. Little girl, seventh brother is quite miserable.” She did not reply. Xuan Tian Hua feeling miserable meant he truly felt miserable, but for such a person, it was hard to know how to comfort him. In his eyes, she was just a young child. Whenever a child comforted an adult, it was a bit amusing. Fortunately, there was still the option of accompanying him. She could continue to quietly stay at his side and be a good listener. When he finished speaking, she could look at him with a childlike smile. When she should listen, she would listen. When she should overlook, she would overlook. But Xuan Tian Hua only said those few words. After that, he no longer spoke. He only tightly held her hand and did not let go for a long time. The group continued to walk back. Wang Zhuo looked at Xuan Tian Hua’s injured foot and took the initiative to bring up carrying him; however, he was refused. For someone as proud and deity-like as Xuan Tian Hua, how could they allow themselves to rely on the back of another person? Feng Yu Heng felt an urge to make use of her space to send him back. The words had reached her mouth a few times, but she could only swallow them back down each time. In the end, she did not have the courage to reveal this secret, even if it were to Xuan Tian Hua. Like this, they continued down the path until the black sky began to turn light. When they finally saw the Northern gate of the capital, Xuan Tian Hua was no longer able to endure. Leaning against a tree, he slid to the ground. The usually refined person was disheveled to such a degree, but he still did not let go of Feng Yu Heng’s hand. She followed him and half knelt on the ground. She used her other hand to feel his ankle and pleaded: “Just let me take a look, ok?” Seeing Xuan Tian Hua did not say anything for a while, Feng Yu Heng simply gave Wang Chuan an order: “You guys go back first and go to Hundred Herb Hall. Either way, we are almost there. I will accompany his Highness the remainder of the way.” Wang Chuan nodded and remained silent. She knew that Ban Zou would remain. The city’s gates were just before their eyes, so nothing could happen. Thus, she brought Huang Quan, Wang Zhuo and his partner back to the capital first. When they were further away, Feng Yu Heng turned her head and called to the person in black clothes behind them and said: “Ban Zou, you go back too.” “I can’t do that.” The person advanced a few steps and arrived before the two, “If you do not go back, it’s not possible for me to return alone.” “Seventh brother is here. It will be fine.” “His Highness is injured.” “Ban Zou
girl desperately call out seventh brother. He only looked like a deity, but he was not one. There were always times where someone or something could arouse emotion from his heart. For example, that night in Feng Tong county when this girl had appeared in the rubble. She was like a small cat, which roused a feeling of pity in his heart. “Seventh brother is fine.” His tone finally calmed down, and his face returned to its usual warm smile, “Silly girl, in such heavy snow, what are you doing out here?” “Looking for you!” She spoke truthfully, “If it were only snow, I would not have come; however, they said that an avalanche occurred to the North of the city. So I could not continue to hide in the city. Seventh brother, at that time, you were able to bring me out of the burned down rubble. Today, I also resolutely decided that I would pull you out of the snow pile, even if I needed to use my own two hands.” Feng Yu Heng had a resolute look on her face, as her small nose was raised up. She sounded extremely serious. Xuan Tian Hua pulled on her hand. Though there was an injury on his foot, he still leaned on this little girl and slowly walked back. While walking, he said: “Seventh brother did not die. Even if I was buried in the snow, I can climb back out. But the person who came with me could not escape through the same path I did. Little girl, seventh brother is quite miserable.” She did not reply. Xuan Tian Hua feeling miserable meant he truly felt miserable, but for such a person, it was hard to know how to comfort him. In his eyes, she was just a young child. Whenever a child comforted an adult, it was a bit amusing. Fortunately, there was still the option of accompanying him. She could continue to quietly stay at his side and be a good listener. When he finished speaking, she could look at him with a childlike smile. When she should listen, she would listen. When she should overlook, she would overlook. But Xuan Tian Hua only said those few words. After that, he no longer spoke. He only tightly held her hand and did not let go for a long time. The group continued to walk back. Wang Zhuo looked at Xuan Tian Hua’s injured foot and took the initiative to bring up carrying him; however, he was refused. For someone as proud and deity-like as Xuan Tian Hua, how could they allow themselves to rely on the back of another person? Feng Yu Heng felt an urge to make use of her space to send him back. The words had reached her mouth a few times, but she could only swallow them back down each time. In the end, she did not have the courage to reveal this secret, even if it were to Xuan Tian Hua. Like this, they continued down the path until the black sky began to turn light. When they finally saw the Northern gate of the capital, Xuan Tian Hua was no longer able to endure. Leaning against a tree, he slid to the ground. The usually refined person was disheveled to such a degree, but he still did not let go of Feng Yu Heng’s hand. She followed him and half knelt on the ground. She used her other hand to feel his ankle and pleaded: “Just let me take a look, ok?” Seeing Xuan Tian Hua did not say anything for a while, Feng Yu Heng simply gave Wang Chuan an order: “You guys go back first and go to Hundred Herb Hall. Either way, we are almost there. I will accompany his Highness the remainder of the way.” Wang Chuan nodded and remained silent. She knew that Ban Zou would remain. The city’s gates were just before their eyes, so nothing could happen. Thus, she brought Huang Quan, Wang Zhuo and his partner back to the capital first. When they were further away, Feng Yu Heng turned her head and called to the person in black clothes behind them and said: “Ban Zou, you go back too.” “I can’t do that.” The person advanced a few steps and arrived before the two, “If you do not go back, it’s not possible for me to return alone.” “Seventh brother is here. It will be fine.” “His Highness is injured.” “Ban Zou
!” Feng Yu Heng became furious, but her eyes stared straight at Xuan Tian Hua’s injured ankle. After a long time, she said: “Go back first. I am begging you.” Xuan Tian Hua shook his head to her, “There is no need. Go ahead and look.” After speaking, he took off his shoe and sock. The swelling on his ankle made this action very difficult and was only managed by using a great deal of energy. Ban Zou backed up a couple steps and turned around. Although he did not leave, he did not look in that direction. He had been at Xuan Tian Ming’s side since he was young. He naturally had a very good understanding of this seventh prince. He had a very deep impression of him. Forget about taking off shoes and socks. The seventh prince had never even taken off his outer rober in front of outsiders. Every time Xuan Tian Hua appeared before others, he had a refined and deity-like appearance. He had never revealed a trace of being disheveled. He had never forgotten his manners in the slightest. Even before Xuan Tian Ming and imperial concubine Yun, this was no exception. Feng Yu Heng wanting him to leave was not to break Xuan Tian Hua’s habits. Instead, it was to comfort him. Protecting Feng Yu Heng was more important than protecting his own life. He had already made a mistake once in Feng Tong county, so he could not afford to make another. Feng Yu Heng glanced at Ban Zou and did not say anything else. She only shifted her body slightly, putting her body between Ban Zou and Xuan Tian Hua. Xuan Tian Hua understood her feelings, but he could only sigh internally. “It is dislocated, but the bone is not broken.” Feng Yu Heng pulled her hand from Xuan Tian Hua’s large hand and carefully examined his injury, “But that does not discount the possibility of a fracture.” She raised her head to look towards Xuan Tian Hua and said: “I will give you some pain-killing medicine. Endure a little longer and return with me to Hundred Herb Hall. I will take a proper look at you then.” Xuan Tian Hua nodded, “Everything will be done as you say.” Feng Yu Heng did not say anything else. She directly reached into her sleeve and pulled out a bottle of spray anesthetic. Her Winter clothes had large sleeves, which were convenient for hiding things. Xuan Tian Hua did not feel this was suspicious. He only looked at the thing in her hand and asked: “That’s the one Ming’er used, right?” She sprayed it on the injury and said: “Correct, Xuan Tian Ming has used it. Fei Yu has also used it.” Xuan Tian Hua felt the area that had been sprayed was very cool. The amount of pain he had been feeling instantly decreased. After a little while longer, it had been completely replaced with a feeling of numbness. He did not feel any pain at all. “It really is amazing.” He sighed, looking at the small bottle. He then added: “But without any feeling in this foot, I… can’t walk.” “Your Highness, please allow this servant to carry you.” Ban Zou turned around and looked at Xuan Tian Hua. His eyes were filled with a pleading look, “It is almost light out. Master has looked for you for an entire night, and she…” “You can may carry me.” Xuan Tian Hua interrupted him and spoke up, which caused Feng Yu Heng to frown. “It’s fine.” He patted his shoulder, “Returning quickly is most important.” “Then I will help you put on your shoes.” Feng Yu Heng lowered her head and quietly picked up Xuan Tian Hua’s shoe and sock, stubbornly refusing to allow him to take them back. She wanted to personally put them on for him. “You let me call you seventh brother, so that means I am your younger sister. A younger sister helping older brother put on shoes is very normal. Moreover, seventh brother, you have saved my life twice.” Whether it was saving her from the river or pulling her out of the rubble of a fire, the person who had saved her from the underworld was Xuan Tian
Yasmin Heisler, Holly Isemonger, catherine vidler, Dave Drayton and Nick Whittock. The reading was organized by SOd Press, an Australian small press focusing on radical poetics: a press begun by a.j. carruthers and now a collaborative project between myself and him. http, Ouyang and Yu Ouyang Yu reading at Sappho's Cafe and Bookshop (Glebe) Ouyang Yu's poem "Philosophy" in the "Leaf or Fallen Bank" chapter/section of his recent collection, Fainting with Freedom, reads, in part: Martin Heidegger had extramarital affairs with two of his girl students. See the source at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Heidegger.[1] Fainting with Freedom is not available as an ebook, nor is it even previewable from google books. So, for the reader of "Philosophy," this hyperlink is dead: it can't be clicked on, it doesn't offer the immediate gratification of near instantaneous direction to the citational "source." To track the citation involves putting the book down, and potentially moving from page to a screen. Water, poetry, and the Transborder Immigrant Tool Roopika Risam Transborder Immigrant Tool on a Nokia Phone Today, creators of the Transborder Immigrant Tool announced the release of their book containing the code and poems that power this inventive and potentially life-sustaining tool. Developed by the Electronic Disturbance Theater while in residence at B.A.N.G. lab at University of California, San Diego, the Transborder Immigrant Tool is a mobile app developed for use on inexpensive phones that offer immigrants crossing the U.S./Mexico border on foot navigation to water stations in the desert using visual and sound cues. Once a traveler activates the app, the phone locates the nearest water cache using GPS and begins guiding the user towards the water using a compass and poems. Your tweets, now with more poetry Poetweet transforms users' tweets into sonnets, rondels, or indrisos Ever wonder what tweets would look like remixed into poetic form? This question, which few people were probably asking, is the premise behind the application Poetweet. Simply type in a Twitter handle, choose between sonnet, rondel, or indriso, and the application generates a poem. "Divya Victor" is one such poem generated through Poetweet, using the Jacket2 Twitter account: The poetry of unexecutable code An unexecutable code poem by Mez Breeze Along with the growth of executable code poetry, code poets are writing poems that draw on the aesthetic, formal, and visual dimensions of computer code without focusing on the executability of the code itself. The work of Mez Breeze, is one such example. Breeze is an Australian net.artist who uses the internet as a primary medium for her work. Her digital multimedia work combines sound, image, text, and code, and her writing includes electronic literature and code poems. The poetry of executable code An executable code poem by GreyLau In recent years, growing interest has emerged in the relationship between poetry and computer code. A higher brow version of ASCII art, code poems draw on programming languages like Java or C++ for their formal inspiration. Since 2013, Stanford University has been running code poetry slams to explore the poetic potential of code. Participants in these competitions have explored the broadest definitions of code poetry. Loving e-poetry Do you ♥ e-poetry? Leonardo Flores certainly does. Flores, an associate professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, is the driving force behind the I ♥ E-Poetry project, an online scholarly compendium of electronic poetry. E-poetry is part of a growing genre of creative writing known as "electronic literature" or "e-lit." According to the Electronic Literature Organization, e-lit includes literary texts that embrace the affordances of computing or networked technologies in their composition. Examples include hypertext fiction, poetry bots, and literature composed collaboratively online. Why archive dead media? A question for Lori Emerson Kristen Gallagher Lori Emerson using an Apple Lisa in the Media Archaeology Lab A fair amount of contemporary writing and art
Yasmin Heisler, Holly Isemonger, catherine vidler, Dave Drayton and Nick Whittock. The reading was organized by SOd Press, an Australian small press focusing on radical poetics: a press begun by a.j. carruthers and now a collaborative project between myself and him. http, Ouyang and Yu Ouyang Yu reading at Sappho's Cafe and Bookshop (Glebe) Ouyang Yu's poem "Philosophy" in the "Leaf or Fallen Bank" chapter/section of his recent collection, Fainting with Freedom, reads, in part: Martin Heidegger had extramarital affairs with two of his girl students. See the source at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Heidegger.[1] Fainting with Freedom is not available as an ebook, nor is it even previewable from google books. So, for the reader of "Philosophy," this hyperlink is dead: it can't be clicked on, it doesn't offer the immediate gratification of near instantaneous direction to the citational "source." To track the citation involves putting the book down, and potentially moving from page to a screen. Water, poetry, and the Transborder Immigrant Tool Roopika Risam Transborder Immigrant Tool on a Nokia Phone Today, creators of the Transborder Immigrant Tool announced the release of their book containing the code and poems that power this inventive and potentially life-sustaining tool. Developed by the Electronic Disturbance Theater while in residence at B.A.N.G. lab at University of California, San Diego, the Transborder Immigrant Tool is a mobile app developed for use on inexpensive phones that offer immigrants crossing the U.S./Mexico border on foot navigation to water stations in the desert using visual and sound cues. Once a traveler activates the app, the phone locates the nearest water cache using GPS and begins guiding the user towards the water using a compass and poems. Your tweets, now with more poetry Poetweet transforms users' tweets into sonnets, rondels, or indrisos Ever wonder what tweets would look like remixed into poetic form? This question, which few people were probably asking, is the premise behind the application Poetweet. Simply type in a Twitter handle, choose between sonnet, rondel, or indriso, and the application generates a poem. "Divya Victor" is one such poem generated through Poetweet, using the Jacket2 Twitter account: The poetry of unexecutable code An unexecutable code poem by Mez Breeze Along with the growth of executable code poetry, code poets are writing poems that draw on the aesthetic, formal, and visual dimensions of computer code without focusing on the executability of the code itself. The work of Mez Breeze, is one such example. Breeze is an Australian net.artist who uses the internet as a primary medium for her work. Her digital multimedia work combines sound, image, text, and code, and her writing includes electronic literature and code poems. The poetry of executable code An executable code poem by GreyLau In recent years, growing interest has emerged in the relationship between poetry and computer code. A higher brow version of ASCII art, code poems draw on programming languages like Java or C++ for their formal inspiration. Since 2013, Stanford University has been running code poetry slams to explore the poetic potential of code. Participants in these competitions have explored the broadest definitions of code poetry. Loving e-poetry Do you ♥ e-poetry? Leonardo Flores certainly does. Flores, an associate professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, is the driving force behind the I ♥ E-Poetry project, an online scholarly compendium of electronic poetry. E-poetry is part of a growing genre of creative writing known as "electronic literature" or "e-lit." According to the Electronic Literature Organization, e-lit includes literary texts that embrace the affordances of computing or networked technologies in their composition. Examples include hypertext fiction, poetry bots, and literature composed collaboratively online. Why archive dead media? A question for Lori Emerson Kristen Gallagher Lori Emerson using an Apple Lisa in the Media Archaeology Lab A fair amount of contemporary writing and art
would benefit from media-historical analysis. What media at what time made this work possible? What media are brought together in this work? When we want to analyze form in the contemporary, are we not sometimes talking about technical supports, the bridgings between various media the work relies on? From sea to screen Yang Lian and John Cayley's iterations Jacob Edmond Yang Lian's Where the Sea Stands Still (London: Wellsweep, 1995), translated by Brian Holton and published by John Cayley The long poem “Dahai tingzhi zhi chu” 大海停止之处 by Yang Lian 杨炼 and its transformation into the collaborative digital and performance piece Where the Sea Stands Still illustrate an iterative response to digital technologies and globalization. The iterative structure of Yang Lian’s long poem produces an expanding sense of space and geography that, like the title, combines perpetual repetition with continuous change. The long poem comprises four poems, each entitled “Dahai tingzhi zhi chu” (“Where the Sea Stands Still”). There is no numbering: each poem’s title is identical to all the others. Each has three sections and ends with “zhi chu” 之处 (where/the place where). These final characters combine stillness, spatial and temporal arrest with the sea’s ceaseless repetitive movements. Rose is a rose in python Jared Nielsen has created a series of videos in which he rewrites modernist poems as Python programming language scripts. His character — intended to engage children in this experimental poetry-programming — is Guido the Python. Click here for a link to the site and access to the video of the Stein piece. You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience Sign Out ع The terms and conditions set out below together with our Privacy Policy (which we refer to together as the “Terms of Use”) are available for you to read on the Help page of the Jawwy TV app and in our Website at www.jawwy.tv/en/terms/ which tell you: (i) how we provide and how you may use the video service and content that are provided via Jawwy TV’s digital application (the “Jawwy TV Service”), and your mobile app or any other device through which you access the Jawwy TV Service (the “Jawwy TV Device”); and (ii) about information collected from you and your device when you use the Jawwy TV Service. These Terms of Use shall also apply to your use and/or access to, and where applicable any reference to Jawwy TV Service shall also refer to, Jawwy TV’s Website. By accessing or using Jawwy TV Service and/or Jawwy TV Device, you are representing that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use, and to the collection and use of your information as set out in our Privacy Policy available at www.jawwy.tv/en/privacypolicy. You may use Jawwy TV Service for private, non-commercial use only. We may make changes to the applicable Jawwy TV Service subscription terms and conditions, Terms of Use and to the Jawwy TV Service, and we will get your consent where necessary. Content is made available (for example by streaming) by content providers and not by Jawwy TV and as a result, third party terms may apply. You need a reliable broadband connection. Jawwy TV aims to provide a continuous, high quality service but cannot guarantee that it will always be available, uninterrupted or error free. ABOUT JAWWY TV SERVICE The Jawwy TV Service and/or your Jawwy TV Device provide you with a method of accessing, through the Jawwy TV user interface, programmes, films and other audiovisual or audio content, applications, information and/or services (called “Content” in these Terms of Use). Jawwy TV Service and any other of our services, products and/or platforms, including without limitation our Website (“Other Services”), are not intended to be accessed or used by persons in the European Union or in any country subject to foreign sanctions. If you reside in the European Union or in any embargoed country, you shall immediately restrain from using Jawwy TV Service and any Other Services. Jawwy TV Service is only available in, and shall be accessed only from, the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Djibouti, Ira
1985 Reissued in paperback 1989 Reprinted 1992 Reprinted 1996 Reprinted 1998 Reprinted 2001 Reprinted 2006 (twice) Reprinted 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. ISBN 978 0 285 62700 0 Printed and bound in Germany by Bercker, Kevelaer ## Contents Acknowledgements _One_ The Man-made Myth _Two_ The Escape Route _Three_ The Ape Remoulded _Four_ Orgasm _Five_ Love _Six_ Speech _Seven_ The U-Turn _Eight_ Man the Hunter _Nine_ Primate Politics _Ten_ What Women Want _Eleven_ Present and Future Postscript, 1985 Bibliography Index ## Acknowledgements The quotations from Sir Alister Hardy and Desmond Morris, appearing on pages 276 and 277, are taken from the script of the documentary film _The Water Babies_ by kind permission of Golden Dolphin Productions Ltd. ### One ## The Man-made Myth According to the Book of Genesis, God first created man. Woman was not only an afterthought, but an amenity. For close on two thousand years this holy scripture was believed to justify her subordination and explain her inferiority; for even as a copy she was not a very good copy. There were differences. She was not one of His best efforts. There is a line in an old folk song that runs: 'I called my donkey a horse gone wonky.' Throughout most of the literature dealing with the differences between the sexes there runs a subtle underlying assumption that woman is a man gone wonky; that woman is a distorted version of the original blueprint; that they are the norm, and we are the deviation. It might have been expected that when Darwin came along and wrote an entirely different account of _The Descent of Man,_ this assumption would have been eradicated, for Darwin didn't believe she was an afterthought: he believed her origin was at least contemporaneous with man's. It should have led to some kind of breakthrough in the relationship between the sexes. But it didn't. Almost at once men set about the congenial and fascinating task of working out an entirely new set of reasons why woman was manifestly inferior and irreversibly subordinate, and they have been happily engaged on this ever since. Instead of theology they use biology, and ethology, and primatology, but they use them to reach the same conclusions. They are now prepared to debate the most complex problems of economic reform not in terms of the will of God, but in terms of the sexual behaviour patterns of the cichlid fish; so that if a woman claims equal pay or the right to promotion there is usually an authoritative male thinker around to deliver a brief homily on hormones, and point out that what she secretly intends by this, and what will inevitably result, is the 'psychological castration' of the men in her life. Now, that may look to us like a stock piece of emotional blackmail—like the woman who whimpers that if Sonny doesn't do as she wants him to do, then Mother's going to have one of her nasty turns. It is not really surprising that most women who are concerned to win themselves a new and better status in society tend to sheer away from the whole subject of biology and origins, and hope that we can ignore all that and concentrate on ensuring that in the future things will be different. I believe this is a mistake. The legend of the jungle heritage and the evolution of man as a hunting carnivore has taken root in man's mind as firmly as Genesis ever did. He may even genuinely believe that equal pay will do something terrible to his gonads. He has built a beautiful theoretical construction,
1985 Reissued in paperback 1989 Reprinted 1992 Reprinted 1996 Reprinted 1998 Reprinted 2001 Reprinted 2006 (twice) Reprinted 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. ISBN 978 0 285 62700 0 Printed and bound in Germany by Bercker, Kevelaer ## Contents Acknowledgements _One_ The Man-made Myth _Two_ The Escape Route _Three_ The Ape Remoulded _Four_ Orgasm _Five_ Love _Six_ Speech _Seven_ The U-Turn _Eight_ Man the Hunter _Nine_ Primate Politics _Ten_ What Women Want _Eleven_ Present and Future Postscript, 1985 Bibliography Index ## Acknowledgements The quotations from Sir Alister Hardy and Desmond Morris, appearing on pages 276 and 277, are taken from the script of the documentary film _The Water Babies_ by kind permission of Golden Dolphin Productions Ltd. ### One ## The Man-made Myth According to the Book of Genesis, God first created man. Woman was not only an afterthought, but an amenity. For close on two thousand years this holy scripture was believed to justify her subordination and explain her inferiority; for even as a copy she was not a very good copy. There were differences. She was not one of His best efforts. There is a line in an old folk song that runs: 'I called my donkey a horse gone wonky.' Throughout most of the literature dealing with the differences between the sexes there runs a subtle underlying assumption that woman is a man gone wonky; that woman is a distorted version of the original blueprint; that they are the norm, and we are the deviation. It might have been expected that when Darwin came along and wrote an entirely different account of _The Descent of Man,_ this assumption would have been eradicated, for Darwin didn't believe she was an afterthought: he believed her origin was at least contemporaneous with man's. It should have led to some kind of breakthrough in the relationship between the sexes. But it didn't. Almost at once men set about the congenial and fascinating task of working out an entirely new set of reasons why woman was manifestly inferior and irreversibly subordinate, and they have been happily engaged on this ever since. Instead of theology they use biology, and ethology, and primatology, but they use them to reach the same conclusions. They are now prepared to debate the most complex problems of economic reform not in terms of the will of God, but in terms of the sexual behaviour patterns of the cichlid fish; so that if a woman claims equal pay or the right to promotion there is usually an authoritative male thinker around to deliver a brief homily on hormones, and point out that what she secretly intends by this, and what will inevitably result, is the 'psychological castration' of the men in her life. Now, that may look to us like a stock piece of emotional blackmail—like the woman who whimpers that if Sonny doesn't do as she wants him to do, then Mother's going to have one of her nasty turns. It is not really surprising that most women who are concerned to win themselves a new and better status in society tend to sheer away from the whole subject of biology and origins, and hope that we can ignore all that and concentrate on ensuring that in the future things will be different. I believe this is a mistake. The legend of the jungle heritage and the evolution of man as a hunting carnivore has taken root in man's mind as firmly as Genesis ever did. He may even genuinely believe that equal pay will do something terrible to his gonads. He has built a beautiful theoretical construction,
with himself on the top of it, buttressed with a formidable array of scientifically authenticated facts. We cannot dispute the facts. We should not attempt to ignore the facts. What I think we can do is to suggest that the currently accepted interpretation of the facts is not the only possible one. I have considerable admiration for scientists in general, and evolutionists and ethologists in particular, and though I think they have sometimes gone astray, it has not been purely through prejudice. Partly it is due to sheer semantic accident—the fact that 'man' is an ambiguous term. It means the species; it also means the male of the species. If you begin to write a book about man or conceive a theory about man you cannot avoid using this word. You cannot avoid using a pronoun as a substitute for the word, and you will use the pronoun 'he' as a simple matter of linguistic convenience. But before you are halfway through the first chapter a mental image of this evolving creature begins to form in your mind. It will be a male image, and he will be the hero of the story: everything and everyone else in the story will relate to him. All this may sound like a mere linguistic quibble or a piece of feminist petulance. If you stay with me, I hope to convince you it's neither. I believe the deeply rooted semantic confusion between 'man' as a male and 'man' as a species has been fed back into and vitiated a great deal of the speculation that goes on about the origins, development, and nature of the human race. A very high proportion of the thinking on these topics is androcentric (male-centred) in the same way as pre-Copernican thinking was geocentric. It's just as hard for man to break the habit of thinking of himself as central to the species as it was to break the habit of thinking of himself as central to the universe. He sees himself quite unconsciously as the main line of evolution, with a female satellite revolving around him as the moon revolves around the earth. This not only causes him to overlook valuable clues to our ancestry, but sometimes leads him into making statements that are arrant and demonstrable nonsense. The longer I went oh reading his own books about himself, the more I longed to find a volume that would begin: 'When the first ancestor of the human race descended from the trees, she had not yet developed the mighty brain that was to distinguish her so sharply from all other species....' Of course, she was no more the first ancestor than he was—but she was no _less_ the first ancestor, either. She was there all along, contributing half the genes to each succeeding generation. Most of the books forget about her for most of the time. They drag her onstage rather suddenly for the obligatory chapter on Sex and Reproduction, and then say: 'All right, love, you can go now,' while they get on with the real meaty stuff about the Mighty Hunter with his lovely new weapons and his lovely new straight legs racing across the Pleistocene plains. Any modifications in her morphology are taken to be imitations of the Hunter's evolution, or else designed solely for his delectation. Evolutionary thinking has been making great strides lately. Archaeologists, ethologists, paleontologists, geologists, chemists, biologists and physicists, are closing in from all points of the compass on the central area of mystery that remains. For despite the frequent triumph dances of researchers coming up with another jawbone or another statistic, some part of the miracle is still unaccounted for. Most of their books include some such phrase as: '... the early stages of man's evolutionary progress remain a total mystery.' 'Man is an accident, the culmination of a series of highly improbable coincidences....' 'Man is a product of circumstances special to the point of disbelief.' They feel there is still something missing, and they don't know what. The trouble with specialists is that they tend to think in grooves. From time to time something happens to shake them out of that groove. Robert Ardrey tells how such enlightenment came to Dr. Kenneth Oakley when the first Australopithecus remains had been unearthed in Africa: 'The answer flashed without warning in his own large-domed head, "Of course we believed that the big brain came first! We assumed that the first man was an Englishman!"' Neither he, nor Ardrey in
Inc. to develop assays based on SMRT Sequencing for the carrier screening market. With that in mind, will PACB stocks be a top biotech stock to buy for the long term? Crispr Therapeutics Ag Five Prime Thera Pacific Biosciences Vertex Pharmaceuticals Zai Lab Ltd A Change in Behavior Sponsored by Volvo August 7, 2019 • by Volvo Cars To support drivers in their everyday car experience, Volvo Cars has committed to the introduction of a of 180 kph (112 mph) speed limit in all of its new cars from 2020. Photo courtesy of Volvo. Volvo Cars’ success in reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured in their new cars is based on the company’s approach to understanding the causes, and effects, of car accidents. The design of safety systems that help to avoid or mitigate the potential consequences of collisions and single vehicle accidents have played a great part in this success, while also helping to reduce associated costs (increased insurance premiums, workshop fees and time lost) for fleet managers. But there remains an area where safety can be further improved – human behaviour. How can Volvo Cars support better driver behaviour? Limiting Speed To support drivers in their everyday car experience, Volvo Cars has committed to the introduction of a of 180 kph (112 mph) speed limit in all of its new cars from 2020. Fleet Managers welcome this move as it will help to reduce high-speed accidents and also help to reduce fuel consumption and irresponsible driving behaviour. The Key to Safer Driving In addition, Volvo Cars is introducing a Care Key, designed to allow Fleet Managers the option of setting their fleet’s top speed lower than 180 km/h (112 mph), thereby further improving safety. “We believe that a carmaker has a responsibility to help improve traffic safety,” said Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of Volvo Cars. “Our recently announced speed limit fits that thinking and the Care Key is another example. Advanced In-Car Technology Volvo Cars has also committed to deploying in-car cameras and sensors that can act as an early warning indicator of distracted driving, drowsiness, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Apart from helping to avoid accidents the technology will also help your drivers understand when they need to take a break. The cameras and sensors will allow the car to intervene if a clearly intoxicated or distracted driver does not respond to warning signals and is risking an accident involving serious injury or death. Anonymised Data Another great leap forward in road safety will come from the recent announcement that Volvo Cars is joining forces with other car makers in a pan-European pilot project run under the European Data Task Force, which will share traffic safety data. Volvo Cars will share data around slippery road conditions and the use of hazard warning lights. The anonymised data, generated by both cars and infrastructure, will deliver warnings to drivers of potential dangers ahead via a cloud-based platform, while at the same time supporting traffic services operated by national road authorities. “We think this type of anonymised data sharing should be done for free, for the greater good and to the wider benefit of society. It saves lives, time and taxpayer money,” Mr. Samuelsson added. “I call on other car makers and governments to work with us on realising this type of data sharing as widely as possible.” Real-time data sharing can provide a strong boost to overall car safety today, and its relevance and impact will grow with the increasing number of connected cars on our roads by improving traffic flow and helping to reroute traffic where necessary. This will also have a positive financial impact on your business by saving the time and fuel wasted in congested traffic conditions. “The more vehicles we have sharing safety data in real time, the safer our roads become,” said Malin Ekholm, head of the Volvo Cars Safety Centre. “That is why the European Data Task Force is such an important initiative. We hope to bring on board even more partners who share our commitment to safety.” These are great example of how Volvo Cars can help to keep your personnel safe and protect your fleet investments. Learn more about Volvo Cars Fleet: http://www.volvocars.com/fleetsales
Inc. to develop assays based on SMRT Sequencing for the carrier screening market. With that in mind, will PACB stocks be a top biotech stock to buy for the long term? Crispr Therapeutics Ag Five Prime Thera Pacific Biosciences Vertex Pharmaceuticals Zai Lab Ltd A Change in Behavior Sponsored by Volvo August 7, 2019 • by Volvo Cars To support drivers in their everyday car experience, Volvo Cars has committed to the introduction of a of 180 kph (112 mph) speed limit in all of its new cars from 2020. Photo courtesy of Volvo. Volvo Cars’ success in reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured in their new cars is based on the company’s approach to understanding the causes, and effects, of car accidents. The design of safety systems that help to avoid or mitigate the potential consequences of collisions and single vehicle accidents have played a great part in this success, while also helping to reduce associated costs (increased insurance premiums, workshop fees and time lost) for fleet managers. But there remains an area where safety can be further improved – human behaviour. How can Volvo Cars support better driver behaviour? Limiting Speed To support drivers in their everyday car experience, Volvo Cars has committed to the introduction of a of 180 kph (112 mph) speed limit in all of its new cars from 2020. Fleet Managers welcome this move as it will help to reduce high-speed accidents and also help to reduce fuel consumption and irresponsible driving behaviour. The Key to Safer Driving In addition, Volvo Cars is introducing a Care Key, designed to allow Fleet Managers the option of setting their fleet’s top speed lower than 180 km/h (112 mph), thereby further improving safety. “We believe that a carmaker has a responsibility to help improve traffic safety,” said Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of Volvo Cars. “Our recently announced speed limit fits that thinking and the Care Key is another example. Advanced In-Car Technology Volvo Cars has also committed to deploying in-car cameras and sensors that can act as an early warning indicator of distracted driving, drowsiness, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Apart from helping to avoid accidents the technology will also help your drivers understand when they need to take a break. The cameras and sensors will allow the car to intervene if a clearly intoxicated or distracted driver does not respond to warning signals and is risking an accident involving serious injury or death. Anonymised Data Another great leap forward in road safety will come from the recent announcement that Volvo Cars is joining forces with other car makers in a pan-European pilot project run under the European Data Task Force, which will share traffic safety data. Volvo Cars will share data around slippery road conditions and the use of hazard warning lights. The anonymised data, generated by both cars and infrastructure, will deliver warnings to drivers of potential dangers ahead via a cloud-based platform, while at the same time supporting traffic services operated by national road authorities. “We think this type of anonymised data sharing should be done for free, for the greater good and to the wider benefit of society. It saves lives, time and taxpayer money,” Mr. Samuelsson added. “I call on other car makers and governments to work with us on realising this type of data sharing as widely as possible.” Real-time data sharing can provide a strong boost to overall car safety today, and its relevance and impact will grow with the increasing number of connected cars on our roads by improving traffic flow and helping to reroute traffic where necessary. This will also have a positive financial impact on your business by saving the time and fuel wasted in congested traffic conditions. “The more vehicles we have sharing safety data in real time, the safer our roads become,” said Malin Ekholm, head of the Volvo Cars Safety Centre. “That is why the European Data Task Force is such an important initiative. We hope to bring on board even more partners who share our commitment to safety.” These are great example of how Volvo Cars can help to keep your personnel safe and protect your fleet investments. Learn more about Volvo Cars Fleet: http://www.volvocars.com/fleetsales
Read more about Global Volvo Safety Driver Behavior Driving Behavior At the City Council vote that overturned a previous decision of the Land Use Control Board to reject Saia's plan for the site, Conrad recused himself after the public comment period had ended. At the meeting, residents spoke against the project, as they had for months — at two land use meetings, in a community conversation with two council members and in letters sent to their public officials. Saia has promised 50 jobs and plans to mitigate the impact of its planned 200-door terminal with accompanying parking spots for 675 trucks, according to a report by the Office of Planning and Development. But a multi-generational group of black working-class homeowners have maintained grave health concerns — which they're not willing to let go of yet. Eleven homeowners have banded together to consider their legal options while Saia moves forward in the construction permitting process. The controversy intersects with topics in contention across Shelby County. Public health and industrial projects The proposed Oakhaven terminal is among at least three projects that have recently drawn opposition from neighboring residents. After multiple delays, Memphis City Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a waste facility that Fox 13 reported Whitehaven residents began opposing in May. Meanwhile, the Town of Collierville filed a complaint in June, in Shelby County Chancery Court, against the E-plex Landfill Center, citing noise and safety issues. Most recently, Saia applied for two building permits to commence the Oakhaven terminal construction, which the company values at just under $15 million. Neighbors from two subdivisions — comprised of Habitat for Humanity homeowners and longtime retiree residents — say they fear negative health impacts of diesel pollution and the impact of chronic noise on their children and property values. Sound mitigation measures are in place, according to the zoning resolution passed by City Council, though the frequency of monitoring is unclear. Saia's local representative, Cindy Reaves, whose civil engineering firm is a partner in the early phases of site construction, said sound levels will be measured "definitely yearly, if not every quarter." She added: "When they first start operating, it will be very closely monitored." The company has also promised to implement other traffic and aesthetic mitigation measures. At Council, an environmental engineer hired by Saia described engine-kill switches as limiting emissions. Asked if any plans are in place to measure site-specific air quality, Reaves did not answer the question. "I will be glad to take you over to Old Dominion and you can smell as much as you want. And you're not going to breathe in anything," she said, citing a truck depot 6 miles from the site that Saia considers comparable. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, classifies diesel exhaust as carcinogenic to humans. The Union of Concerned Scientists links diesel exhaust to irritation, respiratory illnesses and premature death. Below-ground diesel storage also comes with its own contamination risks, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. "Trucking companies have their place in our lives," longtime resident Larry Donald acknowledged. "But you just can't encroach on a neighborhood without thinking about the repercussions to the people that's already there." His neighbor, Proteon Paulk, doesn't think it's a coincidence the community in question is working class and black. "They won’t take this garbage in Chickasaw Gardens; they won’t take it out in East Memphis," she said mentioning affluent areas. "They bring it to our neighborhood." Jobs over everything Most of the council members who voted in favor of the project advocated embracing the terminal on the promise of 50 jobs, before Saia might consider construction elsewhere. Two other Memphis locations were listed as potentially suitable sites in a slide of a study commissioned by Saia and shown at Council. They were not detailed at the council vote. Reaves told The CA one of the locations had been sold. She did not provide information on the other location after multiple requests. For Shelby County Commissioner Eddie Jones — who spoke at Council on behalf of the residents he described as already "entrapped" by warehouse and airport-related noise and traffic in his district — "it wasn't really going to create
absently at the street as the car filled, conscious of the way he'd just lived out Rebecca's diagnosis of him—all through the time in the car with Tracey Lamb he'd wanted to push those rabbit's teeth down her throat. He sighed and replaced the nozzle, locking the petrol cap. He was tired of it all. He was tired of knocking himself out for a kid he didn't know—and suddenly he didn't care if they caught Rory Peach's killer, he didn't even care if there was another family, tied up somewhere, their own child naked and terrified. He went into the kiosk to pay, bought a truffle ice cream for Kryotos and was crossing the forecourt, the tarmac hot underfoot, when someone came trotting over from the direction of Shrivemoor. "Mr. Caffery." Instinctively he left his hand where it was, on his breast pocket, closed over his wallet. A very tall man—with pale, almost alabaster skin and fine blond hair in a neat baby curl—stopped a few feet away on the edge of the forecourt. He was dressed in a pop-button cord shirt and matching fawn cords and was holding an old Argos carrier bag containing a few belongings. "You are DI Caffery." He put his hand up to shield his eyes. "I saw you in Brixton." "Have we met?" "No. I was interviewed by one of your men. He gave me your name." "And you are?" "Name's Gummer. I'm, uh—" He looked over his shoulder. "I've got some things I'd like to say about the Peach case." "Uh." Caffery didn't move for a moment. He supposed he should shake Gummer's hand but there was something about him that said Gummer was more interested in giving him a lecture on the allocation of man-hours than passing on any information. He looked like someone who had a theory. Or maybe he was a journalist giving him an act. "It might be easier if you made an appointment." "Maybe we could have . . ." He waved vaguely down the street in the direction of the shops. "I could buy you coffee. They wouldn't let me into the station—made me wait out in the sun." "They probably would rather you called first." "S'pose so." Gummer began to tuck in his shirt, and now Caffery could see a slight stoop in his posture, as if he was afraid he had shown too much of himself, too much spirit in that brave, rash sprint across the tarmac. Suddenly Caffery felt a little sorry for him. He dropped his hand from his wallet. "Look, what did you want to talk about?" "I just said—the Peach family. You know. The ones in Donegal Crescent?" He crossed his hands over his chest and gave an odd little dip at the waist, as if his hands had been bound across his chest like a pharaoh's. "You know, the ones who got tied up." "Yes, surprisingly, I do know." "I've got a theory." Ah. I was right. I've got you sussed. "Look, Mr. Gummer, maybe an appointment would be better—do it officially." He turned to go but Gummer stepped in front of him. "No." "We can make an appointment now." "No—come and have coffee with me." "If it's so important, why don't you just tell me? Now." "I'd rather you had coffee with me." "I'd rather you made an appointment." "OK. OK." Gummer dropped his eyes and stared at his graying, unlaced trainers, shifting from one foot to the other as if getting up his courage. His face was becoming red. "Has—um—has anyone said anything to you about a bogeyman? A troll?" That got Caffery's interest. "Where've you heard that?" "It was in the paper. A little boy got attacked by him in the park." "I see," he said cautiously. "And when was this?" "Long time ago.
absently at the street as the car filled, conscious of the way he'd just lived out Rebecca's diagnosis of him—all through the time in the car with Tracey Lamb he'd wanted to push those rabbit's teeth down her throat. He sighed and replaced the nozzle, locking the petrol cap. He was tired of it all. He was tired of knocking himself out for a kid he didn't know—and suddenly he didn't care if they caught Rory Peach's killer, he didn't even care if there was another family, tied up somewhere, their own child naked and terrified. He went into the kiosk to pay, bought a truffle ice cream for Kryotos and was crossing the forecourt, the tarmac hot underfoot, when someone came trotting over from the direction of Shrivemoor. "Mr. Caffery." Instinctively he left his hand where it was, on his breast pocket, closed over his wallet. A very tall man—with pale, almost alabaster skin and fine blond hair in a neat baby curl—stopped a few feet away on the edge of the forecourt. He was dressed in a pop-button cord shirt and matching fawn cords and was holding an old Argos carrier bag containing a few belongings. "You are DI Caffery." He put his hand up to shield his eyes. "I saw you in Brixton." "Have we met?" "No. I was interviewed by one of your men. He gave me your name." "And you are?" "Name's Gummer. I'm, uh—" He looked over his shoulder. "I've got some things I'd like to say about the Peach case." "Uh." Caffery didn't move for a moment. He supposed he should shake Gummer's hand but there was something about him that said Gummer was more interested in giving him a lecture on the allocation of man-hours than passing on any information. He looked like someone who had a theory. Or maybe he was a journalist giving him an act. "It might be easier if you made an appointment." "Maybe we could have . . ." He waved vaguely down the street in the direction of the shops. "I could buy you coffee. They wouldn't let me into the station—made me wait out in the sun." "They probably would rather you called first." "S'pose so." Gummer began to tuck in his shirt, and now Caffery could see a slight stoop in his posture, as if he was afraid he had shown too much of himself, too much spirit in that brave, rash sprint across the tarmac. Suddenly Caffery felt a little sorry for him. He dropped his hand from his wallet. "Look, what did you want to talk about?" "I just said—the Peach family. You know. The ones in Donegal Crescent?" He crossed his hands over his chest and gave an odd little dip at the waist, as if his hands had been bound across his chest like a pharaoh's. "You know, the ones who got tied up." "Yes, surprisingly, I do know." "I've got a theory." Ah. I was right. I've got you sussed. "Look, Mr. Gummer, maybe an appointment would be better—do it officially." He turned to go but Gummer stepped in front of him. "No." "We can make an appointment now." "No—come and have coffee with me." "If it's so important, why don't you just tell me? Now." "I'd rather you had coffee with me." "I'd rather you made an appointment." "OK. OK." Gummer dropped his eyes and stared at his graying, unlaced trainers, shifting from one foot to the other as if getting up his courage. His face was becoming red. "Has—um—has anyone said anything to you about a bogeyman? A troll?" That got Caffery's interest. "Where've you heard that?" "It was in the paper. A little boy got attacked by him in the park." "I see," he said cautiously. "And when was this?" "Long time ago.
His name was Champaluang Keoduangdy." "Did you know him?" "No. I read about it." "You remember his name? It's a difficult name to remember." "I learned it. I was living in Brixton then. It was the troll who did that, you know." His neck was red now, bright red. He seemed to be blushing all over. "Is this what your kids have told you?" "No, no. Not my kids . . ." He put his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet a bit more. "I haven't—uh—I haven't got any." "Got any?" "Any kids." "Then who told you about the troll?" "The kids I teach—at the swimming pool. The little ones are always talking about it. And . . ." He looked up and met Caffery's eyes. "And I wondered what the police knew about it." "We're talking about kids' fantasy lives, aren't we? What's it got to do with the Peaches?" "They're not stupid, children. If they talk about a troll in the woods, about a troll watching them in bed, maybe you should listen to them. Whoever it was attacked Champaluang wasn't a figment of someone's imagination." "That's true." He put his hand under the ice cream, afraid it would drip. "Mr. Gummer, these children you teach, have any of them actually seen him? The troll? Have you heard any of them say they've seen him or been approached by him?" "Just because they haven't doesn't mean you can dismiss it. You should be exploring every avenue." That's what we're—" "And something else," Gummer interrupted, agitated now. "I read the Peaches were going on holiday—is that true?" "If you read it then it must be true." "Well, then," he said, "maybe we should ask ourselves if that is relevant information." "I think it would have crossed the mind of any investigating officer. If he was doing his job. Wouldn't it?" "If he was doing his job, yes . . ." Gummer met Caffery's eyes defiantly, leaving the sentence to hang there between them. Caffery sighed. He was tiring of this jousting session out in the midday sun. "Look." He held up the ice cream. "It's melting. I should go." Gummer shifted his weight from foot to foot and back again, the corduroys folding and pleating around his feet. "You police, you won't take any help—" "I'm sorry." "You're all as bad as each other." He rolled the carrier bag and its contents into a little ball. "You've all got your theories but anyone else comes along, you've got to be the kings of the castle, haven't you? Won't listen to anyone else." "Mr. Gummer, that's not true." "No wonder no one never reports anything to you." He began to shuffle away. "No wonder—kings of the castle." Caffery stood in the hot sun and watched Gummer's shambolic progress across the tarmac. He waited until he had disappeared around the corner then sighed and turned back to the Jaguar. Bela Nersessian was in the downstairs lobby waiting for the lift, breathing heavily. She was wearing a sequined low-necked sweater and tight black leggings, and had three bags of shopping gathered around her feet. Caffery had forgotten she was coming today. "Bela," he said. "Afternoon, darling." She held a hand out for the ice cream. "I'll take that and . . ." she nodded at the shopping ". . . if you wouldn't mind." "Go on, then." He handed her the ice cream, picked up the shopping and they got into the lift, Bela clutching his arm for support. "I'm yours for as long as you want me—Annahid's gone to the cinema with her daddy."
known musicians from Munich's psychedelic and underground rock scene, Paul Vincent and Keith Forsey (of Amon Düül II, Doldingers Motherhood etc.) with top English session musicians Rick Kemp and Pete Wood, recorded 1971 in London's Trident Studios. Influenced by Sid Barretts Pink Floyd and a touch of the Beatles 'A Day In The Life'. The tracks show the great talent of songwriter Paul Vincent, an accessible blend of psychedelic and progressive styles. Great and highly recommended album with one bonus track,informative booklet,digitally remastered from the original tapes by Paul Vincent himself. IMPROVED SOUND LIMITED - Final Foreword - CD The 5th CD of Nuremberg's finest (and one of Germany's greatest) contents their early singles, soundtracks to films and TV productions including a lot of previously unreleased tracks to satisfy their numerous fans. Wonderful songs influenced by the beat era and the psychedelic music of the late 60's. Funny and competent lyrics combined with fresh and well played music show the great talent of the band playing on a very high standard. Excellent sound quality, informative booklet. Highly recommended! THRICE MICE - Thrice Mice - CD + bonus tracks Digitally remastered + 8 bonus tracks; Originally released in 1971 on Philips. This solely album of Hamburg's six piece is a crossover of progressive- and jazz rock, notably with influences as wide-ranging as Blodwyn Pig (two covers as bonus tracks) and Curved Air. Long jammings by highly talented musicians, all blending into an unique sound with the distinct spirit of krautrock. Over 25 minutes bonus material, digitally remastered and with informative booklet. Tip! DROSSELBART - Drosselbart - CD Originally released in 1970 on Polydor. This is an example of early German heavy psychedelic rock, akin to early TOMORROW'S GIFT and THE DOORS as a rock critic mentioned in a review in Sounds (Germany 4/71). Clever German lyrics and music which touches your brain but also your skin. 13 Excellent tracks (including 2 bonus tracks), digitally remastered from the original tape and with informative booklet. Great stuff! MAXWELLS - Maxwell Street - CD + bonus tracks Originally released on MPS in 1969. This is a truly jewel for all progressive music enthusiastics. Ahead of its time the album is an eclectic mixture of beat, psychedelia and little hints of jazzrock. Dag Erik Asbjornsen compares it with the similarly styled debut of BURNIN' RED IVANHOE. 14 Minutes title song 'Maxwells Street' sounds like a continuation of the ROLLING STONES' 'Their Satanic Majesty's Requests'. Lars Bisgaard and Bent Hesselmann later played with RAINBOW BAND. Comes with bonus tracks, digitally remastered from the original tapes and with informative booklet. Highly recommended! RUFUS ZUPHALL - Weiß der Teufel - CD + bonus tracks The 1st album 'Weiss der Teufel' (1971) has gradually gained legendary status. All tracks were recorded live in the studio, resulting in a raw and unpolished sound. The side-long title track developed into a very twisted and frenetic flute solo! Some people regard this track as one of the finest moments of German rock. 'Weiss der Teufel' is a great album, typifying the raw-edged, largely instrumental early progressive rock. Here it comes with original album sleeve cover art, informative booklet in known LONG HAIR-tradition and with lots of bonus tracks (over 70 minutes). RUFUS ZUPHALL - Phallobst - CD + bonus tracks 2nd album 'Phallobst' (recorded July to August at Dierks-studios Cologne, 1971) was more polished and had a wider dynamic and instrumental range (mellotron, clavinet, acc. guitars were added). It shows the group members as well educated musicians playing their own compositions with passion and energy. Comes
known musicians from Munich's psychedelic and underground rock scene, Paul Vincent and Keith Forsey (of Amon Düül II, Doldingers Motherhood etc.) with top English session musicians Rick Kemp and Pete Wood, recorded 1971 in London's Trident Studios. Influenced by Sid Barretts Pink Floyd and a touch of the Beatles 'A Day In The Life'. The tracks show the great talent of songwriter Paul Vincent, an accessible blend of psychedelic and progressive styles. Great and highly recommended album with one bonus track,informative booklet,digitally remastered from the original tapes by Paul Vincent himself. IMPROVED SOUND LIMITED - Final Foreword - CD The 5th CD of Nuremberg's finest (and one of Germany's greatest) contents their early singles, soundtracks to films and TV productions including a lot of previously unreleased tracks to satisfy their numerous fans. Wonderful songs influenced by the beat era and the psychedelic music of the late 60's. Funny and competent lyrics combined with fresh and well played music show the great talent of the band playing on a very high standard. Excellent sound quality, informative booklet. Highly recommended! THRICE MICE - Thrice Mice - CD + bonus tracks Digitally remastered + 8 bonus tracks; Originally released in 1971 on Philips. This solely album of Hamburg's six piece is a crossover of progressive- and jazz rock, notably with influences as wide-ranging as Blodwyn Pig (two covers as bonus tracks) and Curved Air. Long jammings by highly talented musicians, all blending into an unique sound with the distinct spirit of krautrock. Over 25 minutes bonus material, digitally remastered and with informative booklet. Tip! DROSSELBART - Drosselbart - CD Originally released in 1970 on Polydor. This is an example of early German heavy psychedelic rock, akin to early TOMORROW'S GIFT and THE DOORS as a rock critic mentioned in a review in Sounds (Germany 4/71). Clever German lyrics and music which touches your brain but also your skin. 13 Excellent tracks (including 2 bonus tracks), digitally remastered from the original tape and with informative booklet. Great stuff! MAXWELLS - Maxwell Street - CD + bonus tracks Originally released on MPS in 1969. This is a truly jewel for all progressive music enthusiastics. Ahead of its time the album is an eclectic mixture of beat, psychedelia and little hints of jazzrock. Dag Erik Asbjornsen compares it with the similarly styled debut of BURNIN' RED IVANHOE. 14 Minutes title song 'Maxwells Street' sounds like a continuation of the ROLLING STONES' 'Their Satanic Majesty's Requests'. Lars Bisgaard and Bent Hesselmann later played with RAINBOW BAND. Comes with bonus tracks, digitally remastered from the original tapes and with informative booklet. Highly recommended! RUFUS ZUPHALL - Weiß der Teufel - CD + bonus tracks The 1st album 'Weiss der Teufel' (1971) has gradually gained legendary status. All tracks were recorded live in the studio, resulting in a raw and unpolished sound. The side-long title track developed into a very twisted and frenetic flute solo! Some people regard this track as one of the finest moments of German rock. 'Weiss der Teufel' is a great album, typifying the raw-edged, largely instrumental early progressive rock. Here it comes with original album sleeve cover art, informative booklet in known LONG HAIR-tradition and with lots of bonus tracks (over 70 minutes). RUFUS ZUPHALL - Phallobst - CD + bonus tracks 2nd album 'Phallobst' (recorded July to August at Dierks-studios Cologne, 1971) was more polished and had a wider dynamic and instrumental range (mellotron, clavinet, acc. guitars were added). It shows the group members as well educated musicians playing their own compositions with passion and energy. Comes
also with lots of bonus tracks (over 70 minutes). IMPROVED SOUND LIMITED - The Ultimate Collection - 6-CD- Box LHC – 32-37 6-CD collection in gatefold sleeve LP-cover size. Contains all previously released Improved Sound Limited 5 CD's (eponymous double album, Catch A Singing Bird On The Road, Rathbone Hotel, Road Trax, The Final Foreword, and one bonus CD 'Bell Cantos, Ezra Pound Revisited') with music the band recorded in 1969 for Bavarian Radio with heavy fuzz guitar, moog synthesizer, music of that time, a little bit experimental but constantly melodic (no white noise). This is the ultimate collection for all lovers of good music. Improved Sound Limited's music is influenced by Beatles, Byrds and (early) Eagles, always trying to create the perfect song with occasionally psychedelic and progressive influences. Improved Sound Limited is also well known for their soundtrack contribution for Wim Wenders film 'Kings Of The Road' (deutscher Titel 'Im Lauf der Zeit') and other soundtracks. This 6 CD-LP-Coverbook comes with 64 pages full of coloured booklet (12 cm x 27 cm) with additional artwork, texts, pictures and so on. Highly recommended, a highlight for each collection and the perfect gift for all occasions. Limited Edition! RUFUS ZUPHALL - Avalon And On - CD 'Avalon And On' is the title of the 3rd album, previously unreleased on CD. It contains material from 1972 planned to be released as the official 3rd album. But before a record deal took place the band split off. The tracks were released as a part of a 4 LP box by Little Wing in 1989. The music is more in the vein of 'Phallobst'. Two long tracks (over 12 minutes) and some more song oriented stuff show once more the great talent of Rufus Zuphall. Also this CD has lots of bonus tracks and informative booklet: All experienced progressive rock collectors will know about this excellent group from Aachen, which can arguably be dubbed the German Jethro Tull (...Dag Erik Asbjornsen in 'Cosmic Dreams at Play') BLACKBIRDS - No Destination - CD + bonus tracks Originally released on UK-Label Saga in 1968 this first album of south-west German band The Blackbirds consists of psychedelic beat/pop music with a touch of the Mothers of Invention type satire (Something Different) and some progressive touches. Strong vocals by singer and guitar player Werner Breinig and some interesting organ (Hammond) work by Hubert Koop are characteristic of the group's music which proves a great talent of specific song writing. Comes with two Bonustracks (Lead in Light/Sherry Baby) and extensive Booklet. Recommended. BLACKBIRDS - Touch Of Music - CD In their book 'The Crack In The Cosmic Egg', Allan and Morgan Freeman make the following comments: 'They had moved on to a classical spiced rock music of great invention, blending heavy and spacy styles with great finesse. Strong songs form the basis of most tracks, all of which are sufficiently long enough to give plenty of room for solos from flute, violin, guitar and keybords. Stylistically The Blackbirds here come pretty close to Italian bands of the era like New Trolls, Panna Fredda, and also had much in common with British bands like Skin Alley or Jody Grind. It's a shame that they never made a third album'. KOLLEKTIV - Live 1973 - CD Kollektiv is well known because of their LP in 1973 on Brain Label, produced by Conny Plank. They produced an incomparable, unmistakeable sound with echoes of Organisation and early Kraftwerk: spacey but melodic, elevated yet rocking, innovative: progressive in the best sense, consequent in the realisation of intent, forging new musical territory without denying its roots. THE SINGING END - Listen To The Music- CD + bonus track Originally released in the beginning of 1971 this extremely rare and terrific album is now available for the first time on
’re apartments, not houses – are almost a kilometer to the west of the station. Besides, where were you during the plans for the SRT extension? Or were you too far away to hear the uproar? Toronto, Ont. Bill Kinkaid | June 28, 2010 at 10:27 am The old Ride Guides on James Bow’s site http://transit.toronto.on.ca/spare/0053.shtml show the 18 Caledonia running into Christie Station in 1976 and I’m pretty sure it was there for a couple of years before that (though it’s not on the 1973 map). It’s still there on the 1978 one but by 1985 it had been moved to Lansdowne and replaced by the 126 Christie which I think came into service in 1984. M. Briganti | June 28, 2010 at 11:11 am Sorry, I was thinking Steeles Stn. on the proposed Yonge extension, not Spadina. The residents on Strathmore seem to be opposed to the idea of a 2nd exit entirely. I explained to one of them how a few passengers had to actually run through the tunnel during the Greenwood Y fire (from Donlands to Pape) to escape because the smoke was too thick to even see the stairs at Donlands, and his response was that the tunnel was an effective 2nd exit. Then, I mentioned the Christie fire that blocked its only stairway, but since nobody died in that incident he didn’t seem too concerned. Then he gets into a rant about how 2nd exits are moot since the subway is a potential death trap anyway (because of overcrowing combined with the possibility of a breakdown and fire in the middle of a tunnel) … that fire between Union and St. Andrew in 1963 comes to mind, but I didn’t mention it because the train was evacuated and there were no deaths. I just don’t think the residents there are being open-minded. They seem to think that because nobody has died in the subway as a result of fire over the last 50 years that the 2nd exits are not needed. Steve: The people I have talked with are trying to make a better second exit, not cancel the project, although I suspect there are alternative views in the community. There will be an exit — but the question is where. Re: Dufferin service. Yes, until 1966, service south of Davenport was pretty much handled by HARBORD cars on Dovercourt to Bloor, so I could see how pre-1966 travel patterns would hardly be affected by through Dufferin service. But, the TTC knew that after 1966, service would be removed from Dovercourt, so who knows what they were thinking. From day 1 of B-D service, the crowds at Dufferin Stn. to board the busses almost spilled onto the street. A little bit of trivia: The off-street loop used by Dufferin buses west of Dufferin on the south side of Wilson can still be seen. Robert Wightman | June 28, 2010 at 4:57 pm I can sympathize with Broadview Station patrons. GO Brampton has just had another postponement for its opening date. I believe that it is now 15 month late. GO has gotten smarter and no longer is putting the proposed month of the opening in the announcement, just the season. “Brampton Station South Platform Will Open in the Summer of 2010.” They will only have to update this notice 4 times a year instead of monthly. I personally would have left out the season. Miroslav Glavic | June 28, 2010 at 9:58 pm Could the source of the water be one of the many buried rivers/creeks in the city? Steve: Quite likely. Maybe BP could drill a well near the water source at Broadview… Steve: No! No! We would flood the subway and have to run Swan Submarines. Ha! And those British-built Swan Submarines would weigh substantially more than originally thought, would need more water to operate, and would take forever to surface. Steve: And of course they would be red
’re apartments, not houses – are almost a kilometer to the west of the station. Besides, where were you during the plans for the SRT extension? Or were you too far away to hear the uproar? Toronto, Ont. Bill Kinkaid | June 28, 2010 at 10:27 am The old Ride Guides on James Bow’s site http://transit.toronto.on.ca/spare/0053.shtml show the 18 Caledonia running into Christie Station in 1976 and I’m pretty sure it was there for a couple of years before that (though it’s not on the 1973 map). It’s still there on the 1978 one but by 1985 it had been moved to Lansdowne and replaced by the 126 Christie which I think came into service in 1984. M. Briganti | June 28, 2010 at 11:11 am Sorry, I was thinking Steeles Stn. on the proposed Yonge extension, not Spadina. The residents on Strathmore seem to be opposed to the idea of a 2nd exit entirely. I explained to one of them how a few passengers had to actually run through the tunnel during the Greenwood Y fire (from Donlands to Pape) to escape because the smoke was too thick to even see the stairs at Donlands, and his response was that the tunnel was an effective 2nd exit. Then, I mentioned the Christie fire that blocked its only stairway, but since nobody died in that incident he didn’t seem too concerned. Then he gets into a rant about how 2nd exits are moot since the subway is a potential death trap anyway (because of overcrowing combined with the possibility of a breakdown and fire in the middle of a tunnel) … that fire between Union and St. Andrew in 1963 comes to mind, but I didn’t mention it because the train was evacuated and there were no deaths. I just don’t think the residents there are being open-minded. They seem to think that because nobody has died in the subway as a result of fire over the last 50 years that the 2nd exits are not needed. Steve: The people I have talked with are trying to make a better second exit, not cancel the project, although I suspect there are alternative views in the community. There will be an exit — but the question is where. Re: Dufferin service. Yes, until 1966, service south of Davenport was pretty much handled by HARBORD cars on Dovercourt to Bloor, so I could see how pre-1966 travel patterns would hardly be affected by through Dufferin service. But, the TTC knew that after 1966, service would be removed from Dovercourt, so who knows what they were thinking. From day 1 of B-D service, the crowds at Dufferin Stn. to board the busses almost spilled onto the street. A little bit of trivia: The off-street loop used by Dufferin buses west of Dufferin on the south side of Wilson can still be seen. Robert Wightman | June 28, 2010 at 4:57 pm I can sympathize with Broadview Station patrons. GO Brampton has just had another postponement for its opening date. I believe that it is now 15 month late. GO has gotten smarter and no longer is putting the proposed month of the opening in the announcement, just the season. “Brampton Station South Platform Will Open in the Summer of 2010.” They will only have to update this notice 4 times a year instead of monthly. I personally would have left out the season. Miroslav Glavic | June 28, 2010 at 9:58 pm Could the source of the water be one of the many buried rivers/creeks in the city? Steve: Quite likely. Maybe BP could drill a well near the water source at Broadview… Steve: No! No! We would flood the subway and have to run Swan Submarines. Ha! And those British-built Swan Submarines would weigh substantially more than originally thought, would need more water to operate, and would take forever to surface. Steve: And of course they would be red
. David Aldinger | June 29, 2010 at 9:17 pm Hey, Steve! watch what you’re knocking! I happen to LOVE swan submarines! in fact I am not only an advocate for running swan subs in the subway but I also happen to be a paid lobbyist for the swan submarine lobby. And you want to know what else? When we’re done with all politicians in Ottawa, Queen’s Park, and City Hall. There will be NO SUCH THING as a swan submarine opponent to be found anywhere in in any level of Canadian politics! All who read this consider yourselves warned. Swan Submarines ARE the wave of the future. So come on over to our side and our cause. It’s not too late. Please try to overlook the fact that I happen to represent the swan sub manufacturers. Richard White | June 29, 2010 at 9:38 pm All I can say is this seems to be a recurring thing along Danforth and Bloor. I mean look at Yonge Station on the Bloor Line, the water damage got so bad that mould was growing on the walls. Other stations like Chester have been seriously infiltrated by water (there is a spot on one of the platforms that has water leaking through the ceiling so bad, the lights in that spot needed to be taken out and the platform in that spot is always pooling). Most stations along the Bloor-Danforth line (especially east of Yonge) fill up like bathtubs even during dry spells. Parts of ceilings have been taken out and drainage troughs have been put in place to stem the flow in some cases and even those are not working. Why is it that the TTC ignores the rather obvious problem? I mean its problems like that that make the stations look run down and decay. I mean look at Yonge the water was so bad the station walls were getting mouldy as I said and the station started to decay to the point where work HAD to be done because it was become an eyesore. Steve: Bloor-Yonge actually has two separate problems. At the west end of the station, there is an underground stream, and it is responsible for water coming in at the new exit beside Starbucks. Further east, the mouldy wall was a side effect of the clearance of buildings on the southeast corner of Yonge and Bloor that previously caught the rainfall. Once they were demolished, the leak roughly at the junction between the Yonge and Bloor station structures started. Ed | June 30, 2010 at 9:46 am This whole thread shows a big flaw in the “build subways everywhere, forget LRT” argument. Tunnels are expensive to dig, and they can be very expensive to maintain in the long run. It’s a lot easier and cheaper to run LRT on the surface than a subway line. A subway will always require major infrastructure; LRT can run in the median or along the roadside with minimal infrastructure beyond the tracks and overhead. I don’t think an LRT bridge would be under repair endlessly, as it seems the east-of-Keele slab is. Pete Coulman | June 30, 2010 at 12:47 pm Slight correction – I really should look these things up myself, and not rely on my (fading) memory ! The CALEDONIA 18 bus was extended down to Christie Station on August 15th, 1973, NOT Mar 31st, 74 as I had mentioned. (source: Toronto Star advert) Red swans! Sounds like the name of a pub. “I’ll meet you at The Red Swan!” Of course, six of those swans will be white and made of aluminum. Karl Junkin | June 30, 2010 at 9:55 pm I think we’ve learned something from this situation at Broadview: We now know the perfect transfer point for the Downtown Relief Swan. David Cavlovic | July 1, 2010 at 8:41 am Red swans aside, we do tend to forget how wet the land is in Toronto. A vast swath of the city was swamp land, a malaria was not uncommon in the early 19th Century. Also, the
to prevent their disposing of any parish property and to regain the property for a continuing congregation within the communion of the Episcopal Church. On April 1st a hearing in this matter was held in the Los Angeles Superior Court. The four parishes unsuccessfully argued that these cases involve ecclesiastical disputes over which the court has no jurisdiction; that facts sufficient to establish a trust in favor of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese had not been pleaded; that the Diocese could not properly bring actions of this nature; and that the California Attorney General and the Episcopal Church should be part of the law suit. Judge Charles H. Vogel overruled all these conditions, but sustained that the defendents' claim that the Bishop should not be a party to the lawsuit. Since the Judge found that the Diocese is a proper party to prosecute these actions, his ruling with respect to the Bishop will have no effect on the future course of litigation. "After the Judge's decision on these matters, the defendants offered to stipulate to an injunction, terms of which were worked out by attorneys for both sides, prohibiting the parishes from selling, transferring, exchanging or encumbering any real property or unique items of personal property; using endowment funds to finance activities of any new church organizations; making gifts of parish property different in kind or amount from gifts made in the normal course of parish operations during 1975 and 1976; and requiring them to use current operating income to pay current operating expenses before using any of the parish funds to pay such expenses. "The cases are expected to come to trial within 9 to 12 months." The Diocese also made the following comment about the recently formed Diocese of the Holy Trinity: "Bishop Rusack and the Diocesan Standing Committee asked Bishop Chambers not to visit or function in the Diocese of Los Angeles. However, Bishop Rusack has pointed out that the House of Bishops must determine what if any action to take against Bishop Chambers in that he did preside at the formation of the new Diocese of the Holy Trinity in Los Angeles." Archive for December 2010 Views on building an ideal Singapore in the next 25 years (c) 1990 Singapore Press Holdings Limited The first programme of SBC’s discussion series Points of View was broadcast last week. The panel comprised Mr K. Shanmugam, MP for Sembawang GRC, Mr Leslie Fong, Editor of The Straits Times, Dr Khong Cho Onn, lecturer in the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore, Mr Ken Lou, an architect, and Dr Hong Hai, MP for Bedok GRC. We publish below excerpts from the transcript of the discussion “Fashioning the Next 25 years”. MR K. SHANMUGAM: It is quite easy to paint the picture of an idealist’s ideal state … economy that’s continuing to grow, greater distribution across the board of national wealth. A more just society. But I would like to focus on one aspect of the political system which forms or provides the framework within which you try to achieve such a society. And in my limited experience, what I think is lacking now and what I hope to see in the future is a society that’s more participative. You can have democracies and democracies. The idea of a larger segment of society being able to operate and use the democratic process which is not, after all, just voting once in every four years. Something more than that. I would like to see a society that’s able to understand issues, that’s willing to participate. MR KEN LOU: What’s important now is that central to the idea of the intellect and culture is what we would like to call myth, and I think in this generation young people are beginning to look for a myth about culture. It’s about expressions and impressions and from this creation of the myth, we would then go on to the next level of desire when we have already fulfilled most of our material ones . . . An intellectual is a real intellectual probably only in the third generation when he’s not snatching up scraps of culture but growing up surrounded by it. DR HONG HAI: I would put it a little differently. A human being has a body, a mind and a soul. I think a nation also has a body, a mind and a soul. In Singapore, the body is in good shape. We have excellent infrastructure. We are quite developed as a city. The nation’
to prevent their disposing of any parish property and to regain the property for a continuing congregation within the communion of the Episcopal Church. On April 1st a hearing in this matter was held in the Los Angeles Superior Court. The four parishes unsuccessfully argued that these cases involve ecclesiastical disputes over which the court has no jurisdiction; that facts sufficient to establish a trust in favor of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese had not been pleaded; that the Diocese could not properly bring actions of this nature; and that the California Attorney General and the Episcopal Church should be part of the law suit. Judge Charles H. Vogel overruled all these conditions, but sustained that the defendents' claim that the Bishop should not be a party to the lawsuit. Since the Judge found that the Diocese is a proper party to prosecute these actions, his ruling with respect to the Bishop will have no effect on the future course of litigation. "After the Judge's decision on these matters, the defendants offered to stipulate to an injunction, terms of which were worked out by attorneys for both sides, prohibiting the parishes from selling, transferring, exchanging or encumbering any real property or unique items of personal property; using endowment funds to finance activities of any new church organizations; making gifts of parish property different in kind or amount from gifts made in the normal course of parish operations during 1975 and 1976; and requiring them to use current operating income to pay current operating expenses before using any of the parish funds to pay such expenses. "The cases are expected to come to trial within 9 to 12 months." The Diocese also made the following comment about the recently formed Diocese of the Holy Trinity: "Bishop Rusack and the Diocesan Standing Committee asked Bishop Chambers not to visit or function in the Diocese of Los Angeles. However, Bishop Rusack has pointed out that the House of Bishops must determine what if any action to take against Bishop Chambers in that he did preside at the formation of the new Diocese of the Holy Trinity in Los Angeles." Archive for December 2010 Views on building an ideal Singapore in the next 25 years (c) 1990 Singapore Press Holdings Limited The first programme of SBC’s discussion series Points of View was broadcast last week. The panel comprised Mr K. Shanmugam, MP for Sembawang GRC, Mr Leslie Fong, Editor of The Straits Times, Dr Khong Cho Onn, lecturer in the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore, Mr Ken Lou, an architect, and Dr Hong Hai, MP for Bedok GRC. We publish below excerpts from the transcript of the discussion “Fashioning the Next 25 years”. MR K. SHANMUGAM: It is quite easy to paint the picture of an idealist’s ideal state … economy that’s continuing to grow, greater distribution across the board of national wealth. A more just society. But I would like to focus on one aspect of the political system which forms or provides the framework within which you try to achieve such a society. And in my limited experience, what I think is lacking now and what I hope to see in the future is a society that’s more participative. You can have democracies and democracies. The idea of a larger segment of society being able to operate and use the democratic process which is not, after all, just voting once in every four years. Something more than that. I would like to see a society that’s able to understand issues, that’s willing to participate. MR KEN LOU: What’s important now is that central to the idea of the intellect and culture is what we would like to call myth, and I think in this generation young people are beginning to look for a myth about culture. It’s about expressions and impressions and from this creation of the myth, we would then go on to the next level of desire when we have already fulfilled most of our material ones . . . An intellectual is a real intellectual probably only in the third generation when he’s not snatching up scraps of culture but growing up surrounded by it. DR HONG HAI: I would put it a little differently. A human being has a body, a mind and a soul. I think a nation also has a body, a mind and a soul. In Singapore, the body is in good shape. We have excellent infrastructure. We are quite developed as a city. The nation’
s mind, I think, is doing quite well. We are a disciplined society. We are numerate. We are literate. Our children are quite well educated. MR LESLIE FONG: Can I jump in to say that I agree with Dr Hong Hai on broad principles, but I’m not as optimistic as he is, because I’m by nature a pessimist, and I think before we can even go to that stage, I can see quite some dangers ahead of us. It is in this context that I give my wish list, which is my hope that in the next 25 years, we stay together as a nation because I think the chances of us staying together as a nation are by no means to be taken for granted. I worry, in particular, about how we, as a people, would react with each other. In particular, I’m talking about relations between races and communities. I’m beginning to see fissures opening up in our society which, if we are not careful, will lead us to grief. In particular, I can see, for example, Malay Singaporeans going through a stage where I think, they have to decide for themselves whether they want to be more Malay or more Singaporean. I think the rest of Singapore, in reacting with them and in trying to respond to their anxiety, must collectively, together with them, help them come to terms with themselves. Basically, we are all Singaporeans, regardless of whatever our ethnic and religious pull. I, for one, wish that Singapore would take pains to come to terms with these realities, and hope we can stay as a nation and build a more tolerant society because I think at the bottom of it all, must be tolerance, the ability to accept each other for what he really is, not what we want him to be. DR KHONG CHO ONN: I would like to say I agree wholeheartedly with Leslie – that there is a need for greater tolerance in this society, a need for a greater sense of unity, a greater sense of one community in this society. I think if we want to talk about being more Singaporean, I think all of us should talk about being more Singaporean and less Chinese, less Malay, less Indian as well. I don’t think it’s a question of the minority races. I think it’s a question we should all address ourselves to. And perhaps this doesn’t quite find reflection in some of the Government’s policies. DR HONG HAI: I think the way to have racial harmony is not to pretend that differences are not there. I think it’s perfectly consistent with racial harmony for the Chinese to feel very Chinese, the Malays to feel very Malay and the Indians to feel very Indian, but at the same time, also feel Singaporean. I think it is totally consistent with a multi-racial society that the Chinese promote the speaking of Mandarin and the Tamils the speaking of Tamil. I don’t think we ought to pretend the differences are not there. It would only lead to more problems. MR SHANMUGAM: That’s one perspective, I agree. But quite a different perspective could be that well, when you emphasise the individual cultural identity, you cannot pretend that they don’t exist. But when you start emphasising it, then what? It would inevitably be at the expense of a common culture or development of a common culture even if we don’t have one now. It’s all a question of emphasis, and I think the point that might have been made is that – is the emphasis overly on the individual races rather than a balanced approach? DR VIVIAN BALAKRISHNAN (National University Hospital doctor): I’m of the younger generation. We’ve grown up for the past 20 years with a fairly good propaganda machine which led us to believe that we were all Singaporeans regardless of race, language and religion. Recently, however, you have government ministers questioning the loyalty of certain segments of our society to this nation. You can’t expect people to be loyal to you when you question their loyalty outright at the beginning. That’s your first premise. That is the surest way of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. MR SHANMUGAM: The way I perceive it is that for the first 25 years, the focus was on developing that common culture, a strong bond within. And of late, the emphasis has been maybe slightly shifted. And it’s moved over to emphasising the individual cultural identities, perhaps
Dayton Peace Accords of 1995,” former Ohio Governor Robert Taft said in a letter supporting the organization nomination for the Lazarus Award. Curricula the Peace Prize created based on winning books is used in Ohio high school and university classes. Tens of thousands of high school and college students have seen presentations through Dayton Literary Peace Prize and University and Library Consortiums. •The Governor’s Award for Arts Administration will be awarded to Phyllis Gorfain, artistic director of Oberlin Drama at Grafton in Oberlin. • Ronette Burkes, warden at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, and RJ Thompson, assistant professor of graphic and interactive design at Youngstown State University, will receive the community development and participation award. • The Individual Artist Award will be given to Leslie Adams of Toledo an Mark Lomaz II of Columbus. • The Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati will receive the Arts Education Award; Sallie and Randolph Wadsworth will receive the Arts Patron award and Owens Corning of Toledo will receive the Business Support of the Arts Award. The cajon as an instrument is evolving rapidly as it finds its way into more and more musical genres. People have been modifying them from the original Afro-Peruvian/Afro-Cuban ‘crate’ type of instrument into a more versatile percussion instrument. Some of the innovations have included the very popular snare cajon, where springs are set behind the top compartment to give a snare drum effect and even a pedal. Some players use a hi-hat cymbal setup or will attach a type of tambourine cymbal to their leg. Dr. Heinke’s special interests include sports medicine, running injuries and women’s health. Nancy Gentry, MSN, R.N., F.N.P.-B.C. Dr. De Angelis specal interests include family medicine and student health. Dr. Mullner’s special interest include Sports Medicine. The employees of Heartland Honda set the company apart from its competition. Each employee is well-trained and has multiple years of experience. They believe in providing exceptional customer service experiences for every customer. Check on It: Beyoncé and Adidas Just Announced a New Partnership! While we were were buzzing about possible new music, Netflix specials and leaks of her beautiful kids, it looks like Beyoncé had another big drop on the brain. Thursday morning, it was announced that the megastar has signed with Adidas as its new creative partner. In a move that Page Six quipped makes Bey “the new Yeezy,” the entertainer and entrepreneur will be developing new products with the athletic juggernaut, including shoes, clothing and lifestyle. The new collaboration also means Bey has found the perfect new home for her athleisure line, Ivy Park, which she took sole ownership of after splitting with original partner Topshop last year, amid numerous accusations of misconduct against company chairman Sir Philip Green. Under her deal with Adidas, Page Six reports the brand will be relaunched and “Beyoncé will retain full ownership of the label, as well as debut a program aimed at empowering the next generation of athletes and creatives ‘driving positive change in the world through sport,’ according to a press release obtained by the site. As for what we can expect, we’re hoping that some of Adidas’ classic, old school flair merges seamlessly with Bey’s Houston-meets-Hollywood-meets-HBCU homecoming glamour. From the looks of Adidas’ Lemonade-evoking Instagram tease, they know our thirst is real. It’s wet, windy, and cold, but the stores are full of false spring. And viruses. Got it covered! Q What is the length of chain that comes with this product? A The Visual Comfort Studio Small Country Chandelier S5211BW comes with 6' of chain. Q does it come in a smaller size? A The Visual Comfort Studio 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW does not come in a smaller size. Q 6' of chain is too long for my 8' ceilings. Am I able to adjust the length of the chain in some way? A The Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier in Belgian White S5211BW comes with 6' of chain and the
Dayton Peace Accords of 1995,” former Ohio Governor Robert Taft said in a letter supporting the organization nomination for the Lazarus Award. Curricula the Peace Prize created based on winning books is used in Ohio high school and university classes. Tens of thousands of high school and college students have seen presentations through Dayton Literary Peace Prize and University and Library Consortiums. •The Governor’s Award for Arts Administration will be awarded to Phyllis Gorfain, artistic director of Oberlin Drama at Grafton in Oberlin. • Ronette Burkes, warden at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, and RJ Thompson, assistant professor of graphic and interactive design at Youngstown State University, will receive the community development and participation award. • The Individual Artist Award will be given to Leslie Adams of Toledo an Mark Lomaz II of Columbus. • The Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati will receive the Arts Education Award; Sallie and Randolph Wadsworth will receive the Arts Patron award and Owens Corning of Toledo will receive the Business Support of the Arts Award. The cajon as an instrument is evolving rapidly as it finds its way into more and more musical genres. People have been modifying them from the original Afro-Peruvian/Afro-Cuban ‘crate’ type of instrument into a more versatile percussion instrument. Some of the innovations have included the very popular snare cajon, where springs are set behind the top compartment to give a snare drum effect and even a pedal. Some players use a hi-hat cymbal setup or will attach a type of tambourine cymbal to their leg. Dr. Heinke’s special interests include sports medicine, running injuries and women’s health. Nancy Gentry, MSN, R.N., F.N.P.-B.C. Dr. De Angelis specal interests include family medicine and student health. Dr. Mullner’s special interest include Sports Medicine. The employees of Heartland Honda set the company apart from its competition. Each employee is well-trained and has multiple years of experience. They believe in providing exceptional customer service experiences for every customer. Check on It: Beyoncé and Adidas Just Announced a New Partnership! While we were were buzzing about possible new music, Netflix specials and leaks of her beautiful kids, it looks like Beyoncé had another big drop on the brain. Thursday morning, it was announced that the megastar has signed with Adidas as its new creative partner. In a move that Page Six quipped makes Bey “the new Yeezy,” the entertainer and entrepreneur will be developing new products with the athletic juggernaut, including shoes, clothing and lifestyle. The new collaboration also means Bey has found the perfect new home for her athleisure line, Ivy Park, which she took sole ownership of after splitting with original partner Topshop last year, amid numerous accusations of misconduct against company chairman Sir Philip Green. Under her deal with Adidas, Page Six reports the brand will be relaunched and “Beyoncé will retain full ownership of the label, as well as debut a program aimed at empowering the next generation of athletes and creatives ‘driving positive change in the world through sport,’ according to a press release obtained by the site. As for what we can expect, we’re hoping that some of Adidas’ classic, old school flair merges seamlessly with Bey’s Houston-meets-Hollywood-meets-HBCU homecoming glamour. From the looks of Adidas’ Lemonade-evoking Instagram tease, they know our thirst is real. It’s wet, windy, and cold, but the stores are full of false spring. And viruses. Got it covered! Q What is the length of chain that comes with this product? A The Visual Comfort Studio Small Country Chandelier S5211BW comes with 6' of chain. Q does it come in a smaller size? A The Visual Comfort Studio 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW does not come in a smaller size. Q 6' of chain is too long for my 8' ceilings. Am I able to adjust the length of the chain in some way? A The Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier in Belgian White S5211BW comes with 6' of chain and the
chain can be adjusted to any height under 6' as long as one chain link is used. Q Could s5211 bow be used with shades? A The Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW can be used with shades. For more details, please contact one of our lighting experts at 866.344.3875 Option 1. Q What material is this? Wood or metal? A The Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW is made of wood with metal arms. Q Does this come in 24 inch and what is the price? A Unfortunately, the Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW is not available in a 24" version. Q I have a kitchen table 41x94 with 9ft ceiling, is this chandelier to big for the table? A For the Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW: I would have to say yes as we usually recommend no more that 29" for a table that wide at 41", we would be concerned that the people sitting on the sides of the table can hit their head when they get up from the table. Another option, is you can hang it higher than the usual which is what a lot of people do. Q Can this chandelier be used in an outdoor protected screened porch? A Unfortunately no. The Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW is dry rated for indoor use only. Q Is there a pendant light that would go with this chandelier? I have an island that requires 2 lights and I would use this light for over the dining table. A For the Visual Comfort Studio Country 6 Light Chandelier S5211BW: Unfortunately, there are no matching pendants in the Studio Country Collection. However, I was able to find a pendant within the same finish as Belgian White. Visual Comfort Suzanne Kasler Quatrefoil 2 Light Hanging Shade in Belgian White SK5210BW-L. Most, if not all, act, behaves, feel, think and talk as if they are responsible for their actions and so everybody else for their action and LU is aim to dispel this illusion and unable all to see that there is no individual who is directing anything, that it's all a one movement and what is, is. On Saturday evening, at Step 5 of the book, it became suddenly clear that there is no separation or separation of any kind to anything at any time is ever possible and with that seeing the idea of a separate self suddenly vanished. I'm not looking for anything as any outcome will be arising to no one but since reading the book I'm connecting to express my gratitude. As the individual self is seen through I do not have any expectation but since you ask I would just like to know that my feeling of passing through the gate is not a trick of the mind and what I have seen is true. About 7 years ago I came across teaching of Adi Shankara and advaita which lead me to reading messages of Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsaker etc. I have met with an advaita teacher twice. I have been looking at videos on Advaita and non-duality, read few books. But I have not been to any retreats or done any meditations. What exactly happend when the idea of a separate self vanished? What has changed in everyday life ? and what stayed the same? but since you ask I would just like to know that my feeling of passing through the gate is not a trick of the mind and what I have seen is true. What exactly is this last doubt? You say "what I have seen" ... can you see it here and now? Thanks for your message and I'm glad that you will be guiding me. Standing next to the kitchen platform and looking around, I finally I found that there is no separation anywhere and any perceived separation is purely a thought, an idea, conjecture and blind belief. With it went the idea of the separate self which is a concocted entity, a phantom and only appears an idea, as thought. With this went questions and the need for answers. Everything is fine as it is, complete. I always had inclination that thinking just happens but at times thoughts would appear to say I was the conductor of my actions but thinking happens, actions happen
are, side by side! 03. HOW HIGH THE MOON Download audio file (How High The Moon.mp3) Seeing the great Les Paul play in 2004 at The First World Guitar Congress® in Baltimore, Maryland, cemented my admiration for not only Les Paul the guitarist, but the recording pioneer, without whose techniques this album could never have been made. 04. THE BLUEBELL POLKA Download audio file (Bluebell Polka.mp3) The 1955 instrumental hit for Scottish accordion master Jimmy Shand, produced by George Martin, was a familiar part of the soundtrack of my childhood. It was inevitable that I would eventually record a version. 05. CANDY MAN Download audio file (Candy Man.mp3) Meeting Roy Orbison in 1976 and then seeing his concert at The Sydney Opera House was a huge thrill. A gentle man and a true legend, this is my tribute to him and to Charlie McCoy who played harmonica on the original recording. 06. CAVATINA (The Deer Hunter) Download audio file (Cavatina.mp3) A huge audience favourite from my stage shows, I have rerecorded Stanley Myers’ classic theme in the style of Hank Marvin and The Shadows. 07. BLUEGRASS MEDLEY Download audio file (Bluegrass Medley.mp3) Not strictly bluegrass, but inspired by the theme tunes of the many western television shows from my youth. 08. GREEN ONIONS Download audio file (Green Onions.mp3) Whether you remember the original 1962 hit by Booker T. & the M.G.s or the many soundtrack versions, including Blues Brothers 2000, this is a classic instrumental. 09. RECKLESS EYEBALLIN’ (Blue Heelers Theme) Download audio file (Reckless Eyeballin.mp3) Australian band The Cruel Sea penned this instrumental for their 1989 debut album Down Below. It later became the theme of Australian TV police drama, Blue Heelers. Nicki Gillis guests here on Tomkins mandolin. 10. THE WHITE RABBIT Download audio file (White Rabbit.mp3) In 1963 guitarist Peter Posa recorded The White Rabbit and it made him New Zealand’s best known instrumentalist and a star in Australia and the Pacific region. 11. PURPLE HEATHER Download audio file (Purple Heather.mp3) Originally titled Wild Mountain Thyme and also known as Will You Go Lassie, Go, this beautiful song was written by Francis McPeake of Belfast, Northern Ireland in the early 1950’s and has since been covered by numerous artists, including Van Morrison, Rod Stewart, Mark Knopfler and Ronan Keating. 12. JAMES BOND THEME / GOLDFINGER Download audio file (James Bond Theme - Goldfinger.mp3) The iconic guitar-driven theme tune by Monty Norman paired with the ultimate Bond song with music composed by John Barry. The original Shirley Bassey version of Goldfinger with lyrics by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, was also produced by George Martin and reputedly included Jimmy Page (later of Led Zeppelin) as the guitarist on the recording session. Download a PDF file of this page to print or keep…CLICK HERE (112KB) Welcome to Broadreach Logistics Broadreach Logistics does one thing and does it very well. We provide prompt, efficient and cost-effective vehicle transport throughout the United States. While we have developed the most sophisticated of interactive websites, we have not forgotten that attentive personal service and high standards are the keystones to building and maintaining the highest degree of customer satisfaction. We realize that you have several choices when it comes to moving your vehicles. At Broadreach we are committed to assuring our clients of the highest level of service through our unique vehicle status tracking system. With our Constant Contact & Monitoring (CC&M) system you will never be left in the dark about when your vehicle will be picked up, where it is or when it will be delivered. Further, with Broadreach, you will have your transport quote in seconds,
are, side by side! 03. HOW HIGH THE MOON Download audio file (How High The Moon.mp3) Seeing the great Les Paul play in 2004 at The First World Guitar Congress® in Baltimore, Maryland, cemented my admiration for not only Les Paul the guitarist, but the recording pioneer, without whose techniques this album could never have been made. 04. THE BLUEBELL POLKA Download audio file (Bluebell Polka.mp3) The 1955 instrumental hit for Scottish accordion master Jimmy Shand, produced by George Martin, was a familiar part of the soundtrack of my childhood. It was inevitable that I would eventually record a version. 05. CANDY MAN Download audio file (Candy Man.mp3) Meeting Roy Orbison in 1976 and then seeing his concert at The Sydney Opera House was a huge thrill. A gentle man and a true legend, this is my tribute to him and to Charlie McCoy who played harmonica on the original recording. 06. CAVATINA (The Deer Hunter) Download audio file (Cavatina.mp3) A huge audience favourite from my stage shows, I have rerecorded Stanley Myers’ classic theme in the style of Hank Marvin and The Shadows. 07. BLUEGRASS MEDLEY Download audio file (Bluegrass Medley.mp3) Not strictly bluegrass, but inspired by the theme tunes of the many western television shows from my youth. 08. GREEN ONIONS Download audio file (Green Onions.mp3) Whether you remember the original 1962 hit by Booker T. & the M.G.s or the many soundtrack versions, including Blues Brothers 2000, this is a classic instrumental. 09. RECKLESS EYEBALLIN’ (Blue Heelers Theme) Download audio file (Reckless Eyeballin.mp3) Australian band The Cruel Sea penned this instrumental for their 1989 debut album Down Below. It later became the theme of Australian TV police drama, Blue Heelers. Nicki Gillis guests here on Tomkins mandolin. 10. THE WHITE RABBIT Download audio file (White Rabbit.mp3) In 1963 guitarist Peter Posa recorded The White Rabbit and it made him New Zealand’s best known instrumentalist and a star in Australia and the Pacific region. 11. PURPLE HEATHER Download audio file (Purple Heather.mp3) Originally titled Wild Mountain Thyme and also known as Will You Go Lassie, Go, this beautiful song was written by Francis McPeake of Belfast, Northern Ireland in the early 1950’s and has since been covered by numerous artists, including Van Morrison, Rod Stewart, Mark Knopfler and Ronan Keating. 12. JAMES BOND THEME / GOLDFINGER Download audio file (James Bond Theme - Goldfinger.mp3) The iconic guitar-driven theme tune by Monty Norman paired with the ultimate Bond song with music composed by John Barry. The original Shirley Bassey version of Goldfinger with lyrics by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, was also produced by George Martin and reputedly included Jimmy Page (later of Led Zeppelin) as the guitarist on the recording session. Download a PDF file of this page to print or keep…CLICK HERE (112KB) Welcome to Broadreach Logistics Broadreach Logistics does one thing and does it very well. We provide prompt, efficient and cost-effective vehicle transport throughout the United States. While we have developed the most sophisticated of interactive websites, we have not forgotten that attentive personal service and high standards are the keystones to building and maintaining the highest degree of customer satisfaction. We realize that you have several choices when it comes to moving your vehicles. At Broadreach we are committed to assuring our clients of the highest level of service through our unique vehicle status tracking system. With our Constant Contact & Monitoring (CC&M) system you will never be left in the dark about when your vehicle will be picked up, where it is or when it will be delivered. Further, with Broadreach, you will have your transport quote in seconds,
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HIV-1 replication in acutely infected PBMCs at a step in the viral replicative cycle after reverse transcription, but before or during viral protein expression through a cGMP-independent mechanism. In the latently infected U1 cell line, NO donor compounds and intracellular NO production stimulate HIV-1 reactivation. These studies suggest that NO both inhibits HIV-1 replication in acutely infected cells and stimulates HIV-1 reactivation in chronically infected cells. Thus, NO may have a physiologic role in HIV-1 replication, and NO donor compounds, which have been used for decades in the treatment of coronary artery disease with limited toxicity, might be useful in the treatment of HIV-1 disease by inhibiting acute infection, reactivating latent virus, or both. We have for sale at our South Lakewood location this Remington 870 Express Pump Action Shotgun. In excellent condition, with a vintage look. 28″ barrel, comes with a black hard case. 60-80 cm.(24-32”) Green upright arching habit. Makes a great filler for bouquets. Pkt(Approx. 30 seeds).. 40 cm(16”) Fine, needle-like green grass with an upright habit. Start early.Pkt(Approx. 50 seeds).. The Seychelles is looking to invest heavily in its blue economy. Michel's appointment was announced on the sidelines of the 'Our Ocean Conference' in Bali, Indonesia, according to a communiqué from the James Michel Foundation. "I have devoted much of my life to marshal a new era of sustainability and prosperity for our oceans by championing causes such as the Blue Economy and marine protected areas. The Blue Economy is not simply about making greater use of the sea, or more commercial fishing, but about making better use of it. In this economy, the sustainability of ocean resources is recognised as critical to global economic growth," he said. The co-president of the Bertarelli Legacy, Dona Bertarelli, said, "The ambassadors are committed to promoting marine conservation, especially large-scale Marine Protected Areas and are global leaders who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting the ocean." The other members of Pew Bertarelli Ocean Ambassadors are former US Secretary of State John Kerry; former UK Prime Minister David Cameron; former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Chile Heraldo Muñoz; and former Senator from Guam Carlotta Leon Guerrero. “SUNDAY,” a short film by Jamaican filmmaker, Kyle Chin, was launched on Studio Anansi Tv, today. The film is one of the series of shorts, a part of the acclaimed Jamaican film, Ring di Alarm, an anthology of 7 short films and featuring 6 directors. Synopsis: Randy is a gunman on the run. With a vigilante crowd and the police on his tail, he seeks refuge in the neighborhood church, where he finds himself alone with the pastor. Will Randy find redemption or is it too late? Sunday is a look at salvation among imperfect circumstances. Kyle Chin is a true son of the Jamaican film industry and has experience in many areas of the film world. Born in Montego Bay, Jamaica, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Philosophy from the University of West Indies before attending Los Angles Film School where he studied the art of filmmaking. Upon returning to Jamaica he was invited to join New Caribbean Cinema; an association of young, up and coming filmmakers with a desire to create communal films with a Caribbean perspective. Since then he has created films exploring man’s ability to overcome adversity, as in ‘IAMKING’ and tackled one’s capacity for redemption in ‘Sunday’. Kyle has also been involved in the production of a number of commercial projects, including campaigns for PUMA, Digicel, Lime and Supligen. At PickUP Sports, we believe that play is necessary for a happy and healthy life. As adults with busy schedules and commitments, it is increasingly difficult to find the time to play, let alone finding other people whose schedule matches with your own. Our mobile platform makes it easy to connect with existing friends - and make new ones - while enjoying the
HIV-1 replication in acutely infected PBMCs at a step in the viral replicative cycle after reverse transcription, but before or during viral protein expression through a cGMP-independent mechanism. In the latently infected U1 cell line, NO donor compounds and intracellular NO production stimulate HIV-1 reactivation. These studies suggest that NO both inhibits HIV-1 replication in acutely infected cells and stimulates HIV-1 reactivation in chronically infected cells. Thus, NO may have a physiologic role in HIV-1 replication, and NO donor compounds, which have been used for decades in the treatment of coronary artery disease with limited toxicity, might be useful in the treatment of HIV-1 disease by inhibiting acute infection, reactivating latent virus, or both. We have for sale at our South Lakewood location this Remington 870 Express Pump Action Shotgun. In excellent condition, with a vintage look. 28″ barrel, comes with a black hard case. 60-80 cm.(24-32”) Green upright arching habit. Makes a great filler for bouquets. Pkt(Approx. 30 seeds).. 40 cm(16”) Fine, needle-like green grass with an upright habit. Start early.Pkt(Approx. 50 seeds).. The Seychelles is looking to invest heavily in its blue economy. Michel's appointment was announced on the sidelines of the 'Our Ocean Conference' in Bali, Indonesia, according to a communiqué from the James Michel Foundation. "I have devoted much of my life to marshal a new era of sustainability and prosperity for our oceans by championing causes such as the Blue Economy and marine protected areas. The Blue Economy is not simply about making greater use of the sea, or more commercial fishing, but about making better use of it. In this economy, the sustainability of ocean resources is recognised as critical to global economic growth," he said. The co-president of the Bertarelli Legacy, Dona Bertarelli, said, "The ambassadors are committed to promoting marine conservation, especially large-scale Marine Protected Areas and are global leaders who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting the ocean." The other members of Pew Bertarelli Ocean Ambassadors are former US Secretary of State John Kerry; former UK Prime Minister David Cameron; former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Chile Heraldo Muñoz; and former Senator from Guam Carlotta Leon Guerrero. “SUNDAY,” a short film by Jamaican filmmaker, Kyle Chin, was launched on Studio Anansi Tv, today. The film is one of the series of shorts, a part of the acclaimed Jamaican film, Ring di Alarm, an anthology of 7 short films and featuring 6 directors. Synopsis: Randy is a gunman on the run. With a vigilante crowd and the police on his tail, he seeks refuge in the neighborhood church, where he finds himself alone with the pastor. Will Randy find redemption or is it too late? Sunday is a look at salvation among imperfect circumstances. Kyle Chin is a true son of the Jamaican film industry and has experience in many areas of the film world. Born in Montego Bay, Jamaica, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Philosophy from the University of West Indies before attending Los Angles Film School where he studied the art of filmmaking. Upon returning to Jamaica he was invited to join New Caribbean Cinema; an association of young, up and coming filmmakers with a desire to create communal films with a Caribbean perspective. Since then he has created films exploring man’s ability to overcome adversity, as in ‘IAMKING’ and tackled one’s capacity for redemption in ‘Sunday’. Kyle has also been involved in the production of a number of commercial projects, including campaigns for PUMA, Digicel, Lime and Supligen. At PickUP Sports, we believe that play is necessary for a happy and healthy life. As adults with busy schedules and commitments, it is increasingly difficult to find the time to play, let alone finding other people whose schedule matches with your own. Our mobile platform makes it easy to connect with existing friends - and make new ones - while enjoying the
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the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” 1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes: “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” Concerning the Great Depression and the country’s acceptance of FDR’s New Deal, he asserts: “It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all.” 1921 – Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration – whether Democrat or Republican – have been occupied by members of this organization.) December 15, 1922 – The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine “Foreign Affairs.” Author Philip Kerr states: “Obviously there is going to be no peace nor prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created. The real problem today is that of world government.” 1928 – “The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution” by H. G. Wells is published. A former Fabian socialist, Wells writes: “The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate, and supersede existing governments. The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York. The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion.” 1933 – “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there would be an increasing lack of public safety in “criminally infected” areas. The plan for the “Modern World State” would succeed on its third attempt, and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states: “Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition anywhere.” Nov. 21, 1933 – In a letter to Col. Edward M. House, President Franklin Roosevelt writes: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” March 1942 – An article in “TIME” magazine chronicles the Federal Council of Churches (which later becomes the National Council of Churches, a part of the World Council of Churches) lending its weight to efforts to establish a global authority. A meeting of the top officials of the council comes out in favor of: 1) a world government of delegated powers; 2) strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty; 3) international control of all armies and navies. Representatives (375 of them) of 30-some denominations assert that “a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either “through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive revolution.” June 28, 1945 – U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech: “It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States.” October 24, 1945 – The
the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” 1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes: “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” Concerning the Great Depression and the country’s acceptance of FDR’s New Deal, he asserts: “It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all.” 1921 – Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration – whether Democrat or Republican – have been occupied by members of this organization.) December 15, 1922 – The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine “Foreign Affairs.” Author Philip Kerr states: “Obviously there is going to be no peace nor prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created. The real problem today is that of world government.” 1928 – “The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution” by H. G. Wells is published. A former Fabian socialist, Wells writes: “The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate, and supersede existing governments. The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York. The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion.” 1933 – “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there would be an increasing lack of public safety in “criminally infected” areas. The plan for the “Modern World State” would succeed on its third attempt, and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states: “Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition anywhere.” Nov. 21, 1933 – In a letter to Col. Edward M. House, President Franklin Roosevelt writes: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” March 1942 – An article in “TIME” magazine chronicles the Federal Council of Churches (which later becomes the National Council of Churches, a part of the World Council of Churches) lending its weight to efforts to establish a global authority. A meeting of the top officials of the council comes out in favor of: 1) a world government of delegated powers; 2) strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty; 3) international control of all armies and navies. Representatives (375 of them) of 30-some denominations assert that “a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either “through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive revolution.” June 28, 1945 – U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech: “It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States.” October 24, 1945 – The
United Nations Charter becomes effective. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor (D-Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183, calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as favoring creation of a world republic, including an international police force. Feb. 7, 1950 – International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.” Feb. 9, 1950 – The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution #66 which begins: “Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution.” 1952 – The World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government draws up a map designed to illustrate how foreign troops would occupy and police the six regions into which the United States and Canada will be divided as part of their world-government plan. 1954 – Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers: international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis. 1961 – The U.S. State Department issues Document 7277, entitled “Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.” It details a three-stage plan to disarm all nations and arm the U.N. with the final stage in which “no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force.” 1966 – Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University, authors a massive volume entitled “Tragedy and Hope” in which he states: “There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims, and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” April 1972 – In his keynote address to the Association for Childhood Education International, Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University, proclaims: “Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It’s up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.” July 1973 – International banker and staunch member of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller, founds a new organization called the Trilateral Commission, of which the official aim is “to harmonize the political, economic, social, and cultural relations between the three major economic regions in the world” (hence the name “Trilateral”). He invites future President Jimmy Carter to become one of the founding members. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the organization’s first director. There are three major economic areas in the world: Europe, North America, and the Far East (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.). If, under the pretext of having to join forces to be able to face economic competition with the two other economic regions, the member countries of each of these three regions decide to merge into one single country, forming three super-States, then the one-world government will be almost achieved. Like Fabian socialists, they achieve their ultimate goal (a world government) step by step. This aim is almost achieved in Europe with the Single European Act (Maastricht Treaty) that was implemented in 1993, requiring all the member countries of the European Community to abolish their trade barriers, and to hand over their monetary and fiscal
Making of Modern Israel. This module will look at the origins, growth and development of conflict & violence in the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), in order to provide a historical perspective on the roots of contemporary religious violence. The focus of the module will be a case-study on the conflict in Israel/Palestine (especially between 1947-67). Primary source analysis will be of the Bible/Quran (and related material), and the documents relating to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Related topics will include: theories of religious violence; religious terrorism; politics and religion; and the roots of religious 'fundamentalism.' Revolution, Reform and Crusade in 11th-c. Europe This module explores one of the most dramatic and debated centuries in European history. Beginning with the apocalyptic resonances of the year 1000, the module then examines the evolving political framework of the period, with special attention to the role of bishops and queens. It next explores the transformation in Europe's economy, before comparing and analysing the two major historiographical approaches to this puzzling period: church reform and feudal revolution. The course then considers the place of Judaism and Islam in eleventh-century Europe, and concludes with Europe's growing involvement with the wider world, putting the First Crusade into full context. Rome and its Empire (14-235 AD) This module provides an introduction to the themes, sources and methods involved in studying the Roman empire at the height of its power, between the consolidation of a monarchical style of government at the death of Augustus and the beginning of this government's `crisis' in the third century. It draws on a wide variety of sources, including narrative history, letters, legal texts, inscriptions, coinage, architecture and artefacts. The module particularly focusses on traditional and current scholarly debates surrounding the `Romanisation' of the vastly different territories under Roman rule (stretching from Hadrian's wall to the Euphrates), the relationship between local and Roman identities, as well as definitions of Roman forms of `imperialism' and strategies of cohesion. Shell-Shock to Prozac: Mental Health in Britain This course charts the history of psychiatry and mental health in Britain. We start at the First World War, with the large-scale management of psychiatric casualties (shell-shock). We will look at the uptake of psychoanalysis in interwar Britain, contrasted with `extreme' asylum treatments such as lobotomy and insulin coma therapy. We shall then gauge the impact of the National Health Service from 1948, the closure of the asylums, and the impact of new drug therapies (including the iconic Prozac). Finally we shall analyse the rise of patient activism, and the emergence of new `epidemic' illnesses such as depression and self-harm. Slavery and Abolition in the United States This module explores slavery and its critics in the United States. Focusing mostly on antebellum America - the three decades before the Civil War - we will move from the daily struggles over life and labour on the plantation to the place of slavery in national politics and international trade. Students will explore the character of the slave community, the relationship between master and slave, and debates over the rights and wrongs of the `Peculiar Institution'. Social Crisis and Political Change in England, 1550-1640 England experienced rapid social and economic change in the two generations before 1640 and these changes had a considerable impact on the development of the state. This course examines political and administrative responses to increasing poverty, migration and urbanisation, as well as responses to death and epidemic disease. It will also consider government attempts to foster growth in both the domestic and international economy. These initiatives were also shaped by changing visions of government and good order, and the course will consider the role of these ideas in defining social problems and appropriate responses to them. Spain, 1917-1982 The primary aim of this course is to introduce students to the study of Spanish history and to prepare them for more advanced study, particularly of modern European history. The restoration of the monarchy in 1875 marked the beginning of an extraordinarily turbulent century of Spanish history, which is dominated by
Making of Modern Israel. This module will look at the origins, growth and development of conflict & violence in the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), in order to provide a historical perspective on the roots of contemporary religious violence. The focus of the module will be a case-study on the conflict in Israel/Palestine (especially between 1947-67). Primary source analysis will be of the Bible/Quran (and related material), and the documents relating to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Related topics will include: theories of religious violence; religious terrorism; politics and religion; and the roots of religious 'fundamentalism.' Revolution, Reform and Crusade in 11th-c. Europe This module explores one of the most dramatic and debated centuries in European history. Beginning with the apocalyptic resonances of the year 1000, the module then examines the evolving political framework of the period, with special attention to the role of bishops and queens. It next explores the transformation in Europe's economy, before comparing and analysing the two major historiographical approaches to this puzzling period: church reform and feudal revolution. The course then considers the place of Judaism and Islam in eleventh-century Europe, and concludes with Europe's growing involvement with the wider world, putting the First Crusade into full context. Rome and its Empire (14-235 AD) This module provides an introduction to the themes, sources and methods involved in studying the Roman empire at the height of its power, between the consolidation of a monarchical style of government at the death of Augustus and the beginning of this government's `crisis' in the third century. It draws on a wide variety of sources, including narrative history, letters, legal texts, inscriptions, coinage, architecture and artefacts. The module particularly focusses on traditional and current scholarly debates surrounding the `Romanisation' of the vastly different territories under Roman rule (stretching from Hadrian's wall to the Euphrates), the relationship between local and Roman identities, as well as definitions of Roman forms of `imperialism' and strategies of cohesion. Shell-Shock to Prozac: Mental Health in Britain This course charts the history of psychiatry and mental health in Britain. We start at the First World War, with the large-scale management of psychiatric casualties (shell-shock). We will look at the uptake of psychoanalysis in interwar Britain, contrasted with `extreme' asylum treatments such as lobotomy and insulin coma therapy. We shall then gauge the impact of the National Health Service from 1948, the closure of the asylums, and the impact of new drug therapies (including the iconic Prozac). Finally we shall analyse the rise of patient activism, and the emergence of new `epidemic' illnesses such as depression and self-harm. Slavery and Abolition in the United States This module explores slavery and its critics in the United States. Focusing mostly on antebellum America - the three decades before the Civil War - we will move from the daily struggles over life and labour on the plantation to the place of slavery in national politics and international trade. Students will explore the character of the slave community, the relationship between master and slave, and debates over the rights and wrongs of the `Peculiar Institution'. Social Crisis and Political Change in England, 1550-1640 England experienced rapid social and economic change in the two generations before 1640 and these changes had a considerable impact on the development of the state. This course examines political and administrative responses to increasing poverty, migration and urbanisation, as well as responses to death and epidemic disease. It will also consider government attempts to foster growth in both the domestic and international economy. These initiatives were also shaped by changing visions of government and good order, and the course will consider the role of these ideas in defining social problems and appropriate responses to them. Spain, 1917-1982 The primary aim of this course is to introduce students to the study of Spanish history and to prepare them for more advanced study, particularly of modern European history. The restoration of the monarchy in 1875 marked the beginning of an extraordinarily turbulent century of Spanish history, which is dominated by
the Civil War of 1936-39. Against a background of far-reaching government corruption, the weapons of political terrorism became increasingly prominent and a cyclical pattern of escalating violence and brutal repression culminated in a bloody Civil War and the subsequent military dictatorship of General Franco. The role of the army will be examined as will the nature of the Franco regime, together with the opposition forces of anarchism, socialism and Basque nationalism. The Battle for China's Future, 1839-1949 This module explores a century in which nationalists and imperialists fought over China. We will begin by looking at how the Qing empire, having expanded China's frontiers, confronted the `semi-colonialism' of foreign powers and bloody domestic rebellions. After covering the Qing's fall in the 1911 Revolution, we will examine different designs for national integration on the part of warlords, reformers, and radicals, and consider the civil wars that followed. China's history in this period is sometimes told as a straightforward story of Eastern response to Western impact. But in introducing you to China before Communist rule, we will consider a more complex story of innovation, exchange, accommodation, and resistance, as the Middle Kingdom's dynastic rulers and their republican successors tried to meet foreign and domestic challenges, balance conservatism and modernization, and redraw their country's social, political, and geographic boundaries. The Export of England: Seventeenth Century Trade and Empire This module considers the commercial and territorial expansion of seventeenth-century England. It examines how England¿s commerce was transformed from the largely bilateral cloth trade with Europe conducted by mercantile corporations, to a multilateral commerce conducted under several conditions (the `navigation system¿, `free trade¿, joint-stock companies). These changes coincided with the foundation of North American and West Indian colonies, building on earlier experiences in Ireland, and the course will consider their developing relations with the metropolis. Throughout, the focus will be on whether these changes were a consequence of deliberate `mercantilist¿ state policies, or of the initiative of thousands of individuals. The Fall of the Roman Empire in the West This course will explore one of the classic problems of world history, conventially seen in terms of 'decline and fall', but recently reinterpreted in a more positive light with a new emphasis on 'transition', 'transformation', and the cultural diversity of a period now generally known as Late Antiquity. These themes will be explored through a wide range of informative and entertaining primary sources and a lively historiographical debate. Students will acquire a good general awareness of the last century of the western Roman empire (no prior knowledge of this period is required), but will also explore a number of important comparative themes in history such as authority, community and identity, why empires exist, and how they end. The Family in Late Antiquity: Romans, Barbarians and Christians This module examines how family concepts and family life were affected by the two phenomena that changed ancient society beyond recognition: Christianisation and the establishment of `Barbarian¿ kingdoms on Roman territory. To study the period of late antiquity from the point of view of the family is a particularly fruitful way of understanding these changes, as for most late antique men and women their family was their most immediate and most important life experience. Throughout the module we will explore crucial aspects of the late antique household: settlement patterns, family finances, intergenerational relationships, marriage, gender roles, childhood and forms of family commemoration. We will pay particular attention to strategies families developed to safeguard their identity and their livelihood at a time of major social and cultural upheaval. The French Third Republic, 1870-1940 This course will introduce students to French history from the fall of Napoleon III until the Second World War. The emphasis will be on the major political debates which emerged during the period, especially ideological struggles over whether France should be a republic or monarchy. Some of the questions to be explored include French attitudes towards democracy and the nation, the rivalry of Church and State, anti-semitism and the Dreyfus affair, the rise of socialism and the labour movement, the domestic ompact of the First World War, the inter-war period, and the Popular Front of the 1930's. The History of American Foreign Relations George Washington famously warned against '
to... View Article Advanced Medtech and Health Care Coverage to Close the Cancer Care Gap for the Second Most Common Cancer in Men This World Cancer Day marks the first year of a three-year campaign centered on the theme ‘Closing the care gap’... View Article Hot Potatoes From Farmer Obama US President Barack Obama’s farm mission has been a very important part of his India visit. But does the new... View Article Over 195 crore 50 lakh COVID vaccine doses administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive Over 195 crore 50 lakh COVID vaccine doses have been administered in the country so far under the Nationwide Vaccination... View Article Twinkle Turns Author Star wife Twinkle Khanna is more often in news these days for her funny crackers in columns. Well, the actress... View Article Never Cheat Others Saint Kabir said- “Kabira aap thagaaiye, aur na thagiye kaye, “Aap thagaaye sukh upaje, par thagiye dukh hoye”. If somebody... View Article Why didn't the Japanese develop air defenses after the bombing of Tokyo? So, I was reading some WWII questions, and a couple of them mentioned the bombing of Tokyo. I had never heard of it before, so I decided to read up on it. What I don't understand about it is Japan's response. Let me explain what I mean (all emphasis mine). There are some parts I do understand, like this: The Japanese government initially attempted to suppress news of the extent of the 10 March raid, but later used it for propaganda purposes. That part makes sense, as does this: In a break from the usual practice of downplaying the damage caused by air attacks, the Japanese Government encouraged the media to emphasize the extensive scale of the destruction in an attempt to motivate anger against the United States. Given that the Pearl Harbor attacks was used as motivation for the US to enter war with Japan, it seems reasonable that Japan would do the same for attacks on them. Here is what I don't understand: why didn't it do more to mitigate future attacks? For instance: Few steps were taken to improve Tokyo's defenses after the raid. Also later: From April, the Japanese reduced their attempts to intercept Allied air raids to preserve aircraft to contest the expected invasion of Japan. The Japanese military never developed adequate defenses against night air raids, with the night fighter force remaining ineffective and many cities not being protected by antiaircraft guns. After an attack like Tokyo, wouldn't you think that they would want to deter future air attacks? It's not like the low-flying, night attacks didn't keep coming: From 11 May until the end of the war the B-29s conducted day precision bombing attacks when weather conditions were favorable, and night firebombing raids against cities at all other times. Why didn't Japan up their air defenses to deter future air strikes? Note: I should mention that Wikipedia does say that reduction of intercepting raids was to preserve their aircraft, it doesn't fully explain their other actions, such as never developing better night defenses. world-war-two ww2-pacific-theater asked Jan 8, 2020 at 21:22 ChipsterChipster ideal interceptors fly well at higher altitudes (bombers come high), are faster than the bombers, have heavy armament to kill larger planes, high climb rates to reach bomber altitudes, and dive well to attack from above and flee if needed. Maneuverability, low altitude performance aren't important. A very different set of priorities than the Zero or the usual Japanese aviation doctrine. They had projects for more effective interceptors, but they could not produce them in time and/or sufficient numbers to really win. Get a more or less realistic game and try to intercept a B-29 on a Zero. Hard. – Luiz By 1945 Japan was simply unable to mount a meaningful air defense. They could have made the air raids slightly more costly for the Americans, but not by enough to make a meaningful difference. All they had left were obsolete aircraft, poorly trained pilots, and not enough fuel to sustain major air operations. – John Coleman Excellent question. Well
to... View Article Advanced Medtech and Health Care Coverage to Close the Cancer Care Gap for the Second Most Common Cancer in Men This World Cancer Day marks the first year of a three-year campaign centered on the theme ‘Closing the care gap’... View Article Hot Potatoes From Farmer Obama US President Barack Obama’s farm mission has been a very important part of his India visit. But does the new... View Article Over 195 crore 50 lakh COVID vaccine doses administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive Over 195 crore 50 lakh COVID vaccine doses have been administered in the country so far under the Nationwide Vaccination... View Article Twinkle Turns Author Star wife Twinkle Khanna is more often in news these days for her funny crackers in columns. Well, the actress... View Article Never Cheat Others Saint Kabir said- “Kabira aap thagaaiye, aur na thagiye kaye, “Aap thagaaye sukh upaje, par thagiye dukh hoye”. If somebody... View Article Why didn't the Japanese develop air defenses after the bombing of Tokyo? So, I was reading some WWII questions, and a couple of them mentioned the bombing of Tokyo. I had never heard of it before, so I decided to read up on it. What I don't understand about it is Japan's response. Let me explain what I mean (all emphasis mine). There are some parts I do understand, like this: The Japanese government initially attempted to suppress news of the extent of the 10 March raid, but later used it for propaganda purposes. That part makes sense, as does this: In a break from the usual practice of downplaying the damage caused by air attacks, the Japanese Government encouraged the media to emphasize the extensive scale of the destruction in an attempt to motivate anger against the United States. Given that the Pearl Harbor attacks was used as motivation for the US to enter war with Japan, it seems reasonable that Japan would do the same for attacks on them. Here is what I don't understand: why didn't it do more to mitigate future attacks? For instance: Few steps were taken to improve Tokyo's defenses after the raid. Also later: From April, the Japanese reduced their attempts to intercept Allied air raids to preserve aircraft to contest the expected invasion of Japan. The Japanese military never developed adequate defenses against night air raids, with the night fighter force remaining ineffective and many cities not being protected by antiaircraft guns. After an attack like Tokyo, wouldn't you think that they would want to deter future air attacks? It's not like the low-flying, night attacks didn't keep coming: From 11 May until the end of the war the B-29s conducted day precision bombing attacks when weather conditions were favorable, and night firebombing raids against cities at all other times. Why didn't Japan up their air defenses to deter future air strikes? Note: I should mention that Wikipedia does say that reduction of intercepting raids was to preserve their aircraft, it doesn't fully explain their other actions, such as never developing better night defenses. world-war-two ww2-pacific-theater asked Jan 8, 2020 at 21:22 ChipsterChipster ideal interceptors fly well at higher altitudes (bombers come high), are faster than the bombers, have heavy armament to kill larger planes, high climb rates to reach bomber altitudes, and dive well to attack from above and flee if needed. Maneuverability, low altitude performance aren't important. A very different set of priorities than the Zero or the usual Japanese aviation doctrine. They had projects for more effective interceptors, but they could not produce them in time and/or sufficient numbers to really win. Get a more or less realistic game and try to intercept a B-29 on a Zero. Hard. – Luiz By 1945 Japan was simply unable to mount a meaningful air defense. They could have made the air raids slightly more costly for the Americans, but not by enough to make a meaningful difference. All they had left were obsolete aircraft, poorly trained pilots, and not enough fuel to sustain major air operations. – John Coleman Excellent question. Well
done, welcome to the site and thank you for asking a good question. Rare for a new participant, and I look forward to more from you. – MCW ♦ While it is a good question as to why the Japanese didn't put a higher priority on air defense, asking why they didn't do much about it after March 1945 seems to ignore just how close to defeat they were by then. It is sort of like asking why the Confederacy didn't do more about marauding Union armies after Sherman's March to the Sea alerted them to how vulnerable their interior was. Even your quotations show that the Japanese had little interest to defend their own civilians when they thought the same resources could be used by the military/navy. – Greg Air defense is not a trivial matter Everything in war (and in life) costs resources like raw materials, industrial capacity, workforce and crews for the weapons, and perhaps most importantly the time. Japan never had abundance of these, especially in the late war period 1944-45. Let's look at some of the requirements for successful air defense. Anti-aircraft guns : Usual tactics for combating night bombers in WW2 was to have large number of medium and high caliber AA guns (if possible guided by radar) to force unacceptable attrition of enemy bomber force . Japanese did have Type 99 88mm, and Type 88 75 mm guns. Unfortunately, neither was good enough as famous German Flak 8.8 cm, and Japanese radar technology was lagging behind other countries during WW2. Germans and Japanese did not develop proximity fuse in that period, which limited effectiveness of anti-aircraft fire (shells detonated either on direct hit, or using time fuse) . Germans often used their 88mm guns as effective anti-tank weapon (especially in open terrain of Russia) . Japanese did use occasionally their AA guns in anti-tank role, but most of the fighting was in the jungles, which limited usefulness of these relatively cumbersome weapons in ground combat. Overall, considering shortcomings of both Type 88 and 99, and limitations of Japanese industry, production number were kept low with few thousand of these weapons produced overall during the war. Night fighters : Typical night fighter from WW2 era would be two-engined machine, with cumbersome radar antennas grafted on the nose (plus radar detectors), and large caliber guns. One example would be German He-219, alongside various versions of Bf-110, Ju-88 etc ... Such aircraft were relatively expensive to produce (two engines, avionics, guns, crew trained to operate at night ...) and were actually not good at anything except their specialistic role. Night fighters would usually not fare well in air combat in daylight, or as ground attack aircraft. What made things worse for Japanese is aforementioned lag in radar technology development. As a consequence, Japanese night fighters didn't have radars (although they planned to mount them sometime in the future) and primarily used fires of their burning cities to spot illuminated American bombers. One example of such fighters was Ki-45 KAI, fighter-bomber already obsolete for day time action, and pressed into service as night fighter. It is needless to say that Japanese did not waste much of their limited resources for production of these barely useful machines. It is worth mentioning that both Germans and Japanese attempted to use single-engined day fighters at night. These carried no radars, so they were either guided by ground control, or as mentioned used fire of burning cities to detect enemy bombers. Japanese were somewhat successful with their Ki-44 in this role, but similar to Ki-45 and other night fighters, without radar they could not organize effective air defense . One method that Germans employed and which sometimes generated huge number of aerial victories, was to guide their night-fighters into bomber stream, and then let them detect individual targets with their own radar sets and destroy them. But with lack of radar Japanese simply could not emulate this. Air raid shelters is one often overlooked aspect of air defense, that nevertheless saved lot of lives during WW2. There were various types of air raid shelters in WW2 , from purposely built bunkers to converted basements, subway stations and even sewers. However, Japanese problem was that their architecture in the period typically
mantling the patriarchy and white supremacy, we create a society that everyone benefits from. Feminism is often seen as a movement that advocates for just women, but this perception is misguided. True intersectional feminism is the foundation of social justice and social equity. If we continue to take a one-dimensional approach to tackle the patriarchy and white supremacy, we will never win. We need a collective movement to fight for the same outcome — equality for all. We must dismantle our individualism and recognise that this is a movement, not a moment for ourselves. There have been many that have gone before for us that only dreamed of the society that we are living in today, but we must never become complacent. The bar must always be lifted and the gate must always be widened. We must always ask ourselves: “what next?” Chisomo Phiri is a Policy and Communications Partner at gender equality organisation Chwarae teg. As previous Women’s Officer at the National Union of Student Wales, Chisomo is passionate about equality, social justice and dismantling racism. Chisomo is experienced in campaign planning and implementation and political influencing. Twitter - @chisomophiri96 Instagram - @chisomoslens Linked In - Chisomo Phiri OSHA Training in Newark NJ Home On-site Training OSHA Training in Newark NJ OSHA Requirements and Training Resources for Newark NJ Who regulates worker safety and OSHA training in Newark NJ? Workplace safety and health for most private sector employers, including OSHA training in Newark New Jersey, is regulated by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). New Jersey operates a public sector only occupational safety and health program (PEOSH) under a plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. In addition, many public agencies requires all workers on many publicly funded construction sites NJ and neighboring states to complete the OSHA 10 hour construction training course. Authorized OSHA Trainers in Newark NJ There is no official certification required to teach most OSHA training classes in Newark NJ. However, you must make certain that on site OSHA 10 or 30-hour training classes are conducted by a trainer who is officially authorized to conduct these OSHA courses. The trainer must first complete a series of OSHA trainer classes provided by one of the OSHA Education centers located around the country. You can confirm their status as a currently authorized OSHA Outreach trainer by asking to look at their credentials proving they completed the following trainer courses. Construction industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 510 course, followed by the OSHA 500 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour construction training in Newark NJ and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour construction training in Newark and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for construction, they must complete the OSHA 502 trainer update course every four years. General industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 511 course, followed by the OSHA 501 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour general industry training in Newark NJ and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour general industry training in Newark NJ and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for general industry, they must complete the OSHA 503 trainer update course every four years. Be assured that our trainers who conduct on-site OSHA training classes in Newark are authorized OSHA Outreach trainers. Scroll down to see links to all of the on site OSHA training classes we conduct listed below. Online OSHA 10 and 30-hour Training Courses Accepted in Newark NJ There are also OSHA-authorized online 10 and 30-hour training courses available for construction and general industry. However, you must pay close attention, as only those course providers that are specifically authorized to provide these courses can issue trainees the official DOL / OSHA 10 or 30-hour wallet cards. There are plenty of imitators out there who use deceptive fine print and “too good
mantling the patriarchy and white supremacy, we create a society that everyone benefits from. Feminism is often seen as a movement that advocates for just women, but this perception is misguided. True intersectional feminism is the foundation of social justice and social equity. If we continue to take a one-dimensional approach to tackle the patriarchy and white supremacy, we will never win. We need a collective movement to fight for the same outcome — equality for all. We must dismantle our individualism and recognise that this is a movement, not a moment for ourselves. There have been many that have gone before for us that only dreamed of the society that we are living in today, but we must never become complacent. The bar must always be lifted and the gate must always be widened. We must always ask ourselves: “what next?” Chisomo Phiri is a Policy and Communications Partner at gender equality organisation Chwarae teg. As previous Women’s Officer at the National Union of Student Wales, Chisomo is passionate about equality, social justice and dismantling racism. Chisomo is experienced in campaign planning and implementation and political influencing. Twitter - @chisomophiri96 Instagram - @chisomoslens Linked In - Chisomo Phiri OSHA Training in Newark NJ Home On-site Training OSHA Training in Newark NJ OSHA Requirements and Training Resources for Newark NJ Who regulates worker safety and OSHA training in Newark NJ? Workplace safety and health for most private sector employers, including OSHA training in Newark New Jersey, is regulated by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). New Jersey operates a public sector only occupational safety and health program (PEOSH) under a plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. In addition, many public agencies requires all workers on many publicly funded construction sites NJ and neighboring states to complete the OSHA 10 hour construction training course. Authorized OSHA Trainers in Newark NJ There is no official certification required to teach most OSHA training classes in Newark NJ. However, you must make certain that on site OSHA 10 or 30-hour training classes are conducted by a trainer who is officially authorized to conduct these OSHA courses. The trainer must first complete a series of OSHA trainer classes provided by one of the OSHA Education centers located around the country. You can confirm their status as a currently authorized OSHA Outreach trainer by asking to look at their credentials proving they completed the following trainer courses. Construction industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 510 course, followed by the OSHA 500 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour construction training in Newark NJ and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour construction training in Newark and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for construction, they must complete the OSHA 502 trainer update course every four years. General industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 511 course, followed by the OSHA 501 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour general industry training in Newark NJ and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour general industry training in Newark NJ and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for general industry, they must complete the OSHA 503 trainer update course every four years. Be assured that our trainers who conduct on-site OSHA training classes in Newark are authorized OSHA Outreach trainers. Scroll down to see links to all of the on site OSHA training classes we conduct listed below. Online OSHA 10 and 30-hour Training Courses Accepted in Newark NJ There are also OSHA-authorized online 10 and 30-hour training courses available for construction and general industry. However, you must pay close attention, as only those course providers that are specifically authorized to provide these courses can issue trainees the official DOL / OSHA 10 or 30-hour wallet cards. There are plenty of imitators out there who use deceptive fine print and “too good
to be true” pricing to sell you a course that is not OSHA authorized. You can rest assured that the 10 and 30-hour online OSHA training courses offered on our website are authorized by OSHA, and are accepted in Newark NJ as well as in all other states and US territories. Federally regulated employers located in New Jersey are governed by the Federal OSHA health and safety standards found in the 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These include, but are not limited to, the OSHA workplace poster requirements in Part 1903, OSHA injury and illness record-keeping requirements in Part 1904, general industry standards in Part 1910, maritime standards in Parts 1915, 1917 and 1918, construction standards in Part 1926, and agricultural standards in Part 1928. Therefore, regulated companies needing OSHA training in Newark NJ need to comply with the OSHA regulations. Links to federal OSHA training requirements for construction and general industry are available below on this page. Who has jurisdiction over OSHA training in Newark NJ? Federal OSHA exercises jurisdiction over most private employers in Connecticut. Federal employers in NJ also operate under the jurisdiction of Federal OSHA. There are three Federal OSHA offices located in Northern New Jersey: Avenel Area Office 1030 St. Georges Avenue Plaza 35, Suite 205 Avenel, New Jersey 07001 Hasbrouck Heights Area Office Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey 07604 Parsippany Area Office 299 Cherry Hill Road, Suite 103 Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 OSHA Training for Public Agency Workers in New Jersey The New Jersey State Plan (PEOSH) applies to all State, County and Local government agencies, public authorities, fire departments, and school districts. Additional information on the New Jersey State Plan’s Public Sector Consultation Services can be found at the State website. OSHA Training Resources – Newark NJ Federal / NJ State OSHA Posters OSHA Training Conducted in English or Spanish at Your Site in Newark NJ (see available courses below) On-Site OSHA Training Classes in Newark NJ OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training Class - Newark NJ OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Training Class - Newark NJ Excavation Competent Person Training - Newark NJ 40 / 24 / 8 Hour HazWoper Safety Training Classes - Newark NJ More OSHA Training Classes Conducted in Newark NJ Request a proposal for On SIte osha training in Newark NJ Newark NJ - OSHA Training This video quickly outlines the OSHA training services we offer to workers needing OSHA training in Newark NJ. Complete your OSHA training ASAP. Take an online OSHA training course. Over 100 on-demand OSHA training courses available for instant access, including the OSHA 10 hour and 30 hour training courses. Print your own training certification. Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond our control. Contact OSHA program staff in NJ directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in Newark NJ. Awesome Drone DIY Star Wars Drone Trench Run The Death Star trench run scene in Star Wars is one of the best action sequences ever – and it was created with practical effects. Star Wars fan Petr N replicated the scene by taking his FPV X-Wing drone for a treacherous flight through a drainage ditch. He’s also got a speeder bike. Drone Tours College Campus New Step Media takes us on a first-person drone flight through the Akademie St.Gallen, a college campus in Switzerland. It must have taken some serious planning and coordination to pull off the continuous three-minute POV shot that zooms in and out of buildings and classrooms. Watch in 4K if you can. The Great Vertical Wall The Great Wall of China is renowned for its astounding 13
perform devocalization, "only if (1) anesthesia is administered to the animal during the procedure." What if it's inadequate? ISAR's "Section 3. Veterinarians", plugs this loophole by expressly requiring that the anesthesia shall be "sufficient to eliminate all pain." Other important provisions, present in ISAR's Model Statute but absent from Maryland's, are: Findings. "Findings" are essential predicates to legislation at every level of government. They provide the explicit rationale(s) for enactment of the laws, and usually enable reviewing courts to understand why they were passed. Penalties. Absent from Maryland law is ISAR's "Section 4. Penalties (b) and (c)," the former allowing for a mental health evaluation and therapy, the latter allowing for a court-ordered prohibition of contact with animals, etc. ISAR's "Section 2. Written certification," requirement is considerably more stringent than the four requirements found in Maryland's (C)(2)(II). ISAR's "Section 5. Sale or gift of devocalized animals," imposes disclosure requirements on anyone who transfers ownership or possession of a devocalized dog or cat. Maryland's statute has no such requirements. Maryland's governor and legislature are to be applauded for their intention to criminalize devocalization, and ISAR is sure that the new law will go a long way to eliminating that barbaric practice. But, as is often unfortunately the case, Maryland's new anti-devocalization statute could have been better drafted. ISAR welcomes the opportunity to help. Because other jurisdictions have enacted similar ordinances, and doubtless some other jurisdictions soon will, we've decided to widen our commentary concerning the former. Best Friends Animal Society has posted a list of jurisdictions, domestic and foreign (Canada), which have laws similar to Chicago and Maryland. Unfortunately, many of them suffer from some of the problems we've mentioned in our Model Statute. For example, the West Hollywood ordinance is a boilerplate law used as a template by other jurisdictions. Among the problems with it, and all the other jurisdictions that have used it, is that: Its Findings note with approval other statutes which regulate, but do not prohibit. It approves in principle the breeding of cats and dogs so long as certain regulatory requirements are met. It's prohibition extends only to "pet stores," but not to any other commercial retail seller of dogs and cats. The ordinance's prohibition addresses sales within West Hollywood, but does not bar sales from elsewhere which end up in that city, such as via the Internet. An exemption guts the entire ordinance, which does not apply to, "1. A person or establishment that sells, delivers, offers for sale, barters, auctions, gives away, or otherwise transfers or disposes of only animals that were bred and reared on the premises of the person or establishment." This paragraph guts the entire ordinance. As to this exemption, in our Model Statute we noted that: It is bad enough that its core prohibition expressly applies only to pet stores, thus making the law inapplicable to every other commercial retail source of dogs and cats. It is far worse that the exemption contained in this paragraph can legitimately be read to expressly allow puppy farms and kitten factories to continue to operate. It is beyond irony that the ordinance affects only pet stores, but not far worse offenders. Although in fairness, it has to be recognized that this boilerplate ordinance/statute is apparently well-intentioned -- though not nearly adequate to narrow, let alone shut down, the pipeline from companion animal mills to local retail commercial sellers -- the law is simply not enough to achieve that goal. ISAR commends our Model Statute Prohibiting Commercial Retail Sales of Dogs and Cats to the attention of those who would like to work with us in shutting down that pipeline. One way is to amend the dozens of laws that are now on the books in this country and Canada. Please contact ISAR to learn how you can help us prohibit retail sales of certain companion animals. Posted by ISAR at 11:01 AM http://www.isaronline.org Understand the animal rights/welf
perform devocalization, "only if (1) anesthesia is administered to the animal during the procedure." What if it's inadequate? ISAR's "Section 3. Veterinarians", plugs this loophole by expressly requiring that the anesthesia shall be "sufficient to eliminate all pain." Other important provisions, present in ISAR's Model Statute but absent from Maryland's, are: Findings. "Findings" are essential predicates to legislation at every level of government. They provide the explicit rationale(s) for enactment of the laws, and usually enable reviewing courts to understand why they were passed. Penalties. Absent from Maryland law is ISAR's "Section 4. Penalties (b) and (c)," the former allowing for a mental health evaluation and therapy, the latter allowing for a court-ordered prohibition of contact with animals, etc. ISAR's "Section 2. Written certification," requirement is considerably more stringent than the four requirements found in Maryland's (C)(2)(II). ISAR's "Section 5. Sale or gift of devocalized animals," imposes disclosure requirements on anyone who transfers ownership or possession of a devocalized dog or cat. Maryland's statute has no such requirements. Maryland's governor and legislature are to be applauded for their intention to criminalize devocalization, and ISAR is sure that the new law will go a long way to eliminating that barbaric practice. But, as is often unfortunately the case, Maryland's new anti-devocalization statute could have been better drafted. ISAR welcomes the opportunity to help. Because other jurisdictions have enacted similar ordinances, and doubtless some other jurisdictions soon will, we've decided to widen our commentary concerning the former. Best Friends Animal Society has posted a list of jurisdictions, domestic and foreign (Canada), which have laws similar to Chicago and Maryland. Unfortunately, many of them suffer from some of the problems we've mentioned in our Model Statute. For example, the West Hollywood ordinance is a boilerplate law used as a template by other jurisdictions. Among the problems with it, and all the other jurisdictions that have used it, is that: Its Findings note with approval other statutes which regulate, but do not prohibit. It approves in principle the breeding of cats and dogs so long as certain regulatory requirements are met. It's prohibition extends only to "pet stores," but not to any other commercial retail seller of dogs and cats. The ordinance's prohibition addresses sales within West Hollywood, but does not bar sales from elsewhere which end up in that city, such as via the Internet. An exemption guts the entire ordinance, which does not apply to, "1. A person or establishment that sells, delivers, offers for sale, barters, auctions, gives away, or otherwise transfers or disposes of only animals that were bred and reared on the premises of the person or establishment." This paragraph guts the entire ordinance. As to this exemption, in our Model Statute we noted that: It is bad enough that its core prohibition expressly applies only to pet stores, thus making the law inapplicable to every other commercial retail source of dogs and cats. It is far worse that the exemption contained in this paragraph can legitimately be read to expressly allow puppy farms and kitten factories to continue to operate. It is beyond irony that the ordinance affects only pet stores, but not far worse offenders. Although in fairness, it has to be recognized that this boilerplate ordinance/statute is apparently well-intentioned -- though not nearly adequate to narrow, let alone shut down, the pipeline from companion animal mills to local retail commercial sellers -- the law is simply not enough to achieve that goal. ISAR commends our Model Statute Prohibiting Commercial Retail Sales of Dogs and Cats to the attention of those who would like to work with us in shutting down that pipeline. One way is to amend the dozens of laws that are now on the books in this country and Canada. Please contact ISAR to learn how you can help us prohibit retail sales of certain companion animals. Posted by ISAR at 11:01 AM http://www.isaronline.org Understand the animal rights/welf
are movement's "half-a-loaf" problem (Part IV) Understand the animal rights/welfare movement's "half-a-loaf" problem (Part III) Understand the animal rights/welfare movement's "half-a-loaf" problem (Part II) Understand the animal rights/welfare movement's "half-a-loaf" problem (Part I) Demand that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) modify its final Rule redefining "retail pet store" to prohibit sales of companion animals (Part V) Demand that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) modify its final Rule redefining "retail pet store" to prohibit sales of companion animals (Part IV) Demand that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) modify its final Rule redefining "retail pet store" to prohibit sales of companion animals (Part III) Demand that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) modify its final Rule redefining "retail pet store" to prohibit sales of companion animals (Part II) Demand that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) modify its final Rule redefining "retail pet store" to prohibit sales of companion animals (Part I) Help ISAR work toward the elimination of puppy mills and most retail sales of companion animals here and abroad ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day Publicizes Pet Overpopulation on a Global Scale Working for enactment of ISAR's Model Euthanasia Statistics Statute Suggest to the Chairman of the federal House of Representatives' subcommittee on Livestock, Rural Development, and Credit that important changes be made to pending H.R. 4525 Reporting to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any information that comes your way in any manner concerning "Crush Videos." ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day® Raises Much Needed Awareness About Pet Overpopulation Epidemic Work for the enactment of ISAR's Mandatory Identification of Dogs and Cats Law Support, listen to, and inform others about ANIMALS TODAY RADIO Understand that Maryland's recently enacted anti-devocalization law, though well intentioned, is inadequate. Understand That Chicago's Ban Against Companion Animal Retail Sales Isn't A Complete Prohibition (Part II) Understand That Chicago's Ban Against Companion Animal Retail Sales Isn't A Complete Prohibition Do Not Fear That Animal Protection Legislation Will Be Ruled Unconstitutional SUPPORT ANTI-DEVOCALIZATION LEGISLATION DO NOT SANCTION THE EXISTENCE OF ZOOS (PART II) Prohibit Retail Sales of Dogs and Cats Do Not Sanction the Existence of Zoos ISAR Volunteers Campaign to End Simulated Abuse of Animals in Entertainment and Product Sales CAMPAIGN FOR A U.N. SPAY/NEUTER POSTAGE STAMP ISAR'S MODEL SPAY/NEUTER TAX DEDUCTION STATUTE (PART II) Good Intentions Go Astray ISAR's MODEL SPAY/NEUTER TAX DEDUCTION STATUTE International Homeless Animals' Day Impact: Florida, Mexico, Panama Another Municipal Adoption of Mandatory Spay/Neuter Impact of ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day® Bonds Communities Worldwide Against Pet Overpopulation Accused Animal Abusers to Pay Care Costs of Seized Animals Where Have All the Volunteers Gone? Not one of our projects, but.................. A Silver Lining For Charitable Organizations in the "Fiscal Cliff" Law ISAR's Stop Devocalization Now Video WANTED - VOLUNTEER LAWYERS FOR ISAR's AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF PROGRAM Another
in a VOA studio. Later,Bennett’s boss, United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO John Lansing told NPR that the agency has nothing but respect for the President of the United States and Amanda Bennett keeps insisting that she is absolutely committed to fair and objective journalism while at the same time letting everybody know on the USAGM website to this day that she supports political causes favored by the Left. Former VOA directors avoided expressing their private political views on domestically controversial issues in order not to influence the journalistic staff and to avoid any appearance of partisanship. In July 2016 Bennett sent this email to staff: Amanda Bennett July 8 at 1:11pm Check out this week’s highlights below. VOA Spanish interviewed two undocumented immigrants who are high school valedictorians in Texas. Larissa Martinez of Dallas, who received a full scholarship to Yale University, said that many illegal immigrants like her live in fear. She called Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s immigration plan one of “hate and prejudice.” It should not matter whether someone working for the Voice of America and the U.S. Agency for Global Media is a Republican or a Democrat, but partisan coverage by VOA at U.S. taxpayers’ expense is not only journalistically unacceptable, it also violates U.S. law. During the Cold War, VOA enjoyed strong bipartisan support in the country and in the U.S. Congress. This was largely due to the overwhelming threat from Soviet Russia and generally non-partisan content of VOA broadcasts on topics dealing with U.S. domestic politics. Only extreme Left-wing Communist activists such as Angela Davis opposed anti-Soviet U.S. policies and broadcasts beamed behind the iron and bamboo courtains. In Congress, only a few most extreme Left-wing members voted during the Cold War against appropriations for VOA, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. VOA central English-language service always had a Left-leaning tilt (the first VOA director John Houseman was a pro-Soviet sympathizer who hired communists and was forced to resign), but while some VOA reporters took subtle barbs at Ronald Reagan during his presidency, they would never dare to call him in public a “Joke” or stream live on social media sex jokes about Nancy Reagan as some VOA Newsroom reporters did about Melania Trump in 2016. Left-wing partisanship at the Voice of America has exploded under current VOA director who was selected in 2016 by Obama-era appointee, U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO John F. Lansing. The agency was then called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Lansing still occupies the top position in the agency (Fiscal Year 2019 U.S. Budget sent to Congress on February 12, 2018 includes $661.1 million for USAGM) overseeing VOA and other tax-funded U.S. media outlets designed to serve foreign audiences but also being increasingly accessed on Internet by Americans in the United States. These Americans are now being fed much of the time a one-sided partisan Left-wing narrative produced by U.S. Federal government employees and contractors. About half of VOA English News web traffic is believed to come from the U.S., tainting American political discourse with domestic propaganda from the U.S. Government although in the VOA’s current case not from the Trump administration as VOA is still under firm control of officials appointed during the Obama administration. A few articles in mainstream Left-leaning media speculated that President Trump may try to turn VOA into a Right-wing outlet. That certainly has not happened. The White House would have a hard time even to try to bring back VOA to a measure of political neutrality which it had during the Cold War. At that time, VOA broadcasters tried hard to hide their political affiliations and most would not allow themselves to show personal political bias in their programs. This has radically changed under the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the old name of the U.S. Agency for U.S. Media, and accelerated in
in a VOA studio. Later,Bennett’s boss, United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO John Lansing told NPR that the agency has nothing but respect for the President of the United States and Amanda Bennett keeps insisting that she is absolutely committed to fair and objective journalism while at the same time letting everybody know on the USAGM website to this day that she supports political causes favored by the Left. Former VOA directors avoided expressing their private political views on domestically controversial issues in order not to influence the journalistic staff and to avoid any appearance of partisanship. In July 2016 Bennett sent this email to staff: Amanda Bennett July 8 at 1:11pm Check out this week’s highlights below. VOA Spanish interviewed two undocumented immigrants who are high school valedictorians in Texas. Larissa Martinez of Dallas, who received a full scholarship to Yale University, said that many illegal immigrants like her live in fear. She called Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s immigration plan one of “hate and prejudice.” It should not matter whether someone working for the Voice of America and the U.S. Agency for Global Media is a Republican or a Democrat, but partisan coverage by VOA at U.S. taxpayers’ expense is not only journalistically unacceptable, it also violates U.S. law. During the Cold War, VOA enjoyed strong bipartisan support in the country and in the U.S. Congress. This was largely due to the overwhelming threat from Soviet Russia and generally non-partisan content of VOA broadcasts on topics dealing with U.S. domestic politics. Only extreme Left-wing Communist activists such as Angela Davis opposed anti-Soviet U.S. policies and broadcasts beamed behind the iron and bamboo courtains. In Congress, only a few most extreme Left-wing members voted during the Cold War against appropriations for VOA, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. VOA central English-language service always had a Left-leaning tilt (the first VOA director John Houseman was a pro-Soviet sympathizer who hired communists and was forced to resign), but while some VOA reporters took subtle barbs at Ronald Reagan during his presidency, they would never dare to call him in public a “Joke” or stream live on social media sex jokes about Nancy Reagan as some VOA Newsroom reporters did about Melania Trump in 2016. Left-wing partisanship at the Voice of America has exploded under current VOA director who was selected in 2016 by Obama-era appointee, U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO John F. Lansing. The agency was then called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Lansing still occupies the top position in the agency (Fiscal Year 2019 U.S. Budget sent to Congress on February 12, 2018 includes $661.1 million for USAGM) overseeing VOA and other tax-funded U.S. media outlets designed to serve foreign audiences but also being increasingly accessed on Internet by Americans in the United States. These Americans are now being fed much of the time a one-sided partisan Left-wing narrative produced by U.S. Federal government employees and contractors. About half of VOA English News web traffic is believed to come from the U.S., tainting American political discourse with domestic propaganda from the U.S. Government although in the VOA’s current case not from the Trump administration as VOA is still under firm control of officials appointed during the Obama administration. A few articles in mainstream Left-leaning media speculated that President Trump may try to turn VOA into a Right-wing outlet. That certainly has not happened. The White House would have a hard time even to try to bring back VOA to a measure of political neutrality which it had during the Cold War. At that time, VOA broadcasters tried hard to hide their political affiliations and most would not allow themselves to show personal political bias in their programs. This has radically changed under the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the old name of the U.S. Agency for U.S. Media, and accelerated in
a dramatic fashion under John Lansing and Amanda Bennett. Partisanship has also affected VOA’s coverage of U.S. foreign policy, international politics and human rights issues. In 2017, the BBG commissioned an independent study of Voice of America and Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) — VOA Persian Service and RFE/RL Radio Farda — coverage to Iran. The study showed violations of the VOA Charter in partisan, one-sided reporting in favor of the Obama administration policies toward Iran, including pro-Iranian regime propaganda, but the agency’s leadership dismissed such coverage as not “systematic.” Y November 6, 2018 at 9:15 am Every day VOA posts the Left take… It’s gross and completely NOT what VOA should be doing! AFPC Amanda Bennett Ann Noonan Asem Tokayeva BBG Blanquita Cullum China CUSIB Daisy Sindelar disinformation Doug Bernard Ed Royce Emomali Rahmon employee morale Facebook Guo Wengui Haroon K. Ullah Haroon Ullah human rights Ilan I. Berman Iran Jeff Shell John F. Lansing John Lansing journalism Kazakhstan Khadija Ismayilova Manoto Michael Pack Mike Pompeo propaganda Radio Farda Radio Liberty RFE RL Russia Ted Cruz Tiananmen TV Marti USAGM Venezuela VOA VOA Charter VOA Mandarin VOA Mandarin Five World Press Freedom Day Santana Row December 2013 Happenings Below is this month's news and events at Santana Row. One big item to note is the Blue Illusions opening. This is a brand with multiple locations in Australia and New Zealand, and they have just opened their first location in the United States at Santana Row. and A Look Ahead to 2014 Events, Promotions, New Openings at Silicon Valley’s Premier Destination San Jose, CA – Happy holidays from Santana Row! The Row is bright and cheery, celebrating the season with traditional festivities. Join us in our community charity drives, including “One Warm Coat” and benefit events for Humane Society Silicon Valley and Second Harvest Food Bank. Blue Illusion Opens in Time for the Holidays The new women’s clothing boutique opened in late November featuring a popular selection of French-inspired fashion. Launched in Australia more than 15 years ago by Donna and Danny Guest, Blue Illusion is committed to maintain its charming formula of a local & personal boutique feel. Its first U.S. location is at 355 Santana Row, next to Urban Outfitters. “One Warm Coat” Drive Continues through Dec. 31 The annual coat drive began on the day after Thanksgiving and continues through the year. Donate a new or gently used coat and it will be given to a needy family this winter. Drop-off locations includeCineArts Theatre, Crate & Barrel, Sur La Table and the Santana Row Concierge. The charity coat drive continues through Dec. 31. For more information: call 408.551.4611 or visitwww.santanarow.com. Santana Row holiday hours: Christmas Eve: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Christmas: Closed New Year’s Eve: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. New Year’s Day: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. “Shop, Enjoy and Give” Holiday Wine & Dine Around: A Benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank Dec. 3, 10 and 17, Tuesdays Help those in need while you complete your holiday shopping during Santana Row’s “Shop, Enjoy & Give” event that benefits Second Harvest Food Bank. Purchase a $10 ticket on SantanaRow.com or at the Concierge center and receive complimentary food and wine tastings in Santana Row shops and restaurants between 6 and 8 p.m.on designated Tuesdays. Also included: a signature Santana Row wine glass and exclusive holiday shopping discounts. Bring a donation of canned food when you purchase your ticket and receive $2 off the
offset_btc: integer (defaults to 0) # feeamount: number with up to 8 decimal places # feecurrency: BTC, XBT, USD, EUR or GBP # Use these if you want to charge people who send you emails. If this is on and # an unknown person sends you an email, they will be requested to pay the fee # specified. As this scheme uses deterministic public keys, you will receive # the money directly. To turn it off again, set &quot;feeamount&quot; to 0. Requires # subscription. </source> <translation>#您可以用它来配置你的电子邮件网关帐户 #取消您要使用的设定 #这里的选项: # # pgp: server #电子邮件网关将创建和维护PGP密钥,为您签名和验证, #代表加密和解密。当你想使用PGP,但懒惰, #用这个。需要订阅。 # # pgp: local #电子邮件网关不会代你进行PGP操作。您可以 #选择或者不使用PGP, 或在本地使用它。 # # attachement: yes #传入附件的电子邮件将会被上传到MEGA.nz,您可以从 # 按照那里链接下载。需要订阅。 # # attachement: no #附件将被忽略。 # # archive: yes #您收到的邮件将在服务器上存档。如果您有需要请使用 #帮助调试问题,或者您需要第三方电子邮件的证明。这 #然而,意味着服务的操作运将能够读取您的 #电子邮件即使电子邮件已经传送给你。 # # archive: no # 已传入的电子邮件将从服务器被删除只要他们已中继。 # # masterpubkey_btc:BIP44 XPUB键或琥珀金V1公共种子 #offset_btc:整数(默认为0) #feeamount:多达8位小数 #feecurrency号:BTC,XBT,美元,欧元或英镑 #用这些,如果你想主管谁送你的电子邮件的人。如果这是在和 #一个不明身份的人向您发送一封电子邮件,他们将被要求支付规定的费用 #。由于这个方案使用确定性的公共密钥,你会直接接收 #钱。要再次将其关闭,设置“feeamount”0 #需要订阅。</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>MainWindow</name> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="190"/> <source>Reply to sender</source> <translation>回复发件人</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="192"/> <source>Reply to channel</source> <translation>回复通道</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="194"/> <source>Add sender to your Address Book</source>
offset_btc: integer (defaults to 0) # feeamount: number with up to 8 decimal places # feecurrency: BTC, XBT, USD, EUR or GBP # Use these if you want to charge people who send you emails. If this is on and # an unknown person sends you an email, they will be requested to pay the fee # specified. As this scheme uses deterministic public keys, you will receive # the money directly. To turn it off again, set &quot;feeamount&quot; to 0. Requires # subscription. </source> <translation>#您可以用它来配置你的电子邮件网关帐户 #取消您要使用的设定 #这里的选项: # # pgp: server #电子邮件网关将创建和维护PGP密钥,为您签名和验证, #代表加密和解密。当你想使用PGP,但懒惰, #用这个。需要订阅。 # # pgp: local #电子邮件网关不会代你进行PGP操作。您可以 #选择或者不使用PGP, 或在本地使用它。 # # attachement: yes #传入附件的电子邮件将会被上传到MEGA.nz,您可以从 # 按照那里链接下载。需要订阅。 # # attachement: no #附件将被忽略。 # # archive: yes #您收到的邮件将在服务器上存档。如果您有需要请使用 #帮助调试问题,或者您需要第三方电子邮件的证明。这 #然而,意味着服务的操作运将能够读取您的 #电子邮件即使电子邮件已经传送给你。 # # archive: no # 已传入的电子邮件将从服务器被删除只要他们已中继。 # # masterpubkey_btc:BIP44 XPUB键或琥珀金V1公共种子 #offset_btc:整数(默认为0) #feeamount:多达8位小数 #feecurrency号:BTC,XBT,美元,欧元或英镑 #用这些,如果你想主管谁送你的电子邮件的人。如果这是在和 #一个不明身份的人向您发送一封电子邮件,他们将被要求支付规定的费用 #。由于这个方案使用确定性的公共密钥,你会直接接收 #钱。要再次将其关闭,设置“feeamount”0 #需要订阅。</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>MainWindow</name> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="190"/> <source>Reply to sender</source> <translation>回复发件人</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="192"/> <source>Reply to channel</source> <translation>回复通道</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="194"/> <source>Add sender to your Address Book</source>
<translation>将发送者添加到您的通讯簿</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="198"/> <source>Add sender to your Blacklist</source> <translation>将发件人添加到您的黑名单</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="380"/> <source>Move to Trash</source> <translation>移入回收站</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="205"/> <source>Undelete</source> <translation>取消删除</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="208"/> <source>View HTML code as formatted text</source> <translation>作为HTML查看</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="212"/> <source>Save message as...</source> <translation>将消息保存为...</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="216"/> <source>Mark Unread</source> <translation>标记为未读</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="352"/> <source>New</source> <translation>新建</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line="122"/> <source>Enable</source> <translation>启用</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line="125"/> <source>Disable</source> <translation>禁用</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line="128"/> <source>Set avatar...</source> <translation>设置头像...</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line="118"/> <source>Copy address to clipboard</source> <translation>将地址复制到剪贴板</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="303"/> <source>Special address behavior...</source> <translation>特别的地址行为...</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="264"/> <source>Email gateway</source> <translation>电子邮件网关</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line="115"/> <source>Delete</source> <translation>删除</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="319"/> <source>Send message to this address</source> <translation>发送消息到这个地址</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line="327"/> <source>Subscribe to this address</source> <translation>订阅到这个地址</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line
them. Conviction includes a specific task such as an email, virtual or physical campus tour. Finally, action is the final step of applying or enrolling. At each stage, the funnel of the audience gets smaller and smaller. However, it is the job of the administrators to keep these groups as large as possible to get the highest quality, full enrollment. If you are ready to take your higher education marketing to the next level, contact StudentBridge today. Having numbers like these are really useful for just ballpark estimates. I think the biggest surprise to me was the huge disparity in a datacenter round trip to disk seek. We all know how slow the disk is, but the fact that you can make 20 round trips within a data center in the time it takes just to make a disk seek (not even reading any data!) was pretty interesting. It reminds me a lot of Jim Grays famous storage latency picture which shows that if the registers were how long it takes you to fetch data from your brain then disk is the equivalent to fetching data from pluto. I also use this in Google Chrome & like it. Have always used one in Firefox, well I guess Waterfox now & have always liked the option to delete cookies individually as needed. Thanks for also making this usable in Opera !!!! Best of the Best , but Only need to add fast ability to erase all cookies with single click . Whenever i import a cookie i dont get the green check option at the bottom of screen to submit my change. We answer fundamental safety questions for ground robot navigation : Under which circumstances does which control decision make a ground robot safely avoid obstacles? Unsurprisingly, the answer depends on the exact formulation of the safety objective as well as the physical capabilities and limitations of the robot and the obstacles. Because uncertainties about the exact future behavior of a robot's environment make this a challenging problem, we formally verify corresponding controllers and provide rigorous safety proofs justifying why they can never collide with the obstacle in the respective physical model. To account for ground robots in which different physical phenomena are important, we analyze a series of increasingly strong properties of controllers for increasingly rich dynamics and identify the impact that the additional model parameters have on the required safety margins. We analyze and formally verify: (i) static safety, which ensures that no collisions can happen with stationary obstacles, (ii) passive safety, which ensures that no collisions can happen with stationary or moving obstacles while the robot moves, (iii) the stronger passive friendly safety in which the robot further maintains sufficient maneuvering distance for obstacles to avoid collision as well, and (iv) passive orientation safety, which allows for imperfect sensor coverage of the robot, i.e., the robot is aware that not everything in its environment will be visible. We formally prove that safety can be guaranteed despite sensor uncertainty and actuator perturbation. We complement these provably correct safety properties with liveness properties: we prove that provably safe motion is flexible enough to let the robot navigate waypoints and pass intersections. In order to account for the mixed influence of discrete control decisions and the continuous physical motion of the ground robot, we develop corresponding hybrid system models and use differential dynamic logic theorem proving techniques to formally verify their correctness. Since these models identify a broad range of conditions under which control decisions are provably safe, our results apply to any control algorithm for ground robots with the same dynamics. . We applied quantified differential-dynamic logic (QdL) to analyze a control algorithm designed to provide directional force feedback for a surgical robot . We identified problems with the algorithm, proved that it was in general unsafe, and described exactly what could go wrong. We then applied QdL to guide the development of a new algorithm that provides safe operation along with directional force feedback. Using KeYmaeraD (a tool that mechanizes QdL), we created a machine-checked proof that guarantees the new algorithm is safe for all possible inputs. I wasn't planning on selling pieces for SCOOP, but I had a few guys PM/message me saying they wanted to take a piece for a sweat, and some others were disappointed that they didn't get a piece of my 50k 8-game package, so that's the main reason I'm doing this. The other main reason I'm doing this is to motivate myself to play these events. I only played one event in last year's SCOOP and I want to play more this year. This package will include all High-Level SCOOP events except for event #35-H which is the $25k high roller HU event. I will not be playing this one. Instead I will include event
them. Conviction includes a specific task such as an email, virtual or physical campus tour. Finally, action is the final step of applying or enrolling. At each stage, the funnel of the audience gets smaller and smaller. However, it is the job of the administrators to keep these groups as large as possible to get the highest quality, full enrollment. If you are ready to take your higher education marketing to the next level, contact StudentBridge today. Having numbers like these are really useful for just ballpark estimates. I think the biggest surprise to me was the huge disparity in a datacenter round trip to disk seek. We all know how slow the disk is, but the fact that you can make 20 round trips within a data center in the time it takes just to make a disk seek (not even reading any data!) was pretty interesting. It reminds me a lot of Jim Grays famous storage latency picture which shows that if the registers were how long it takes you to fetch data from your brain then disk is the equivalent to fetching data from pluto. I also use this in Google Chrome & like it. Have always used one in Firefox, well I guess Waterfox now & have always liked the option to delete cookies individually as needed. Thanks for also making this usable in Opera !!!! Best of the Best , but Only need to add fast ability to erase all cookies with single click . Whenever i import a cookie i dont get the green check option at the bottom of screen to submit my change. We answer fundamental safety questions for ground robot navigation : Under which circumstances does which control decision make a ground robot safely avoid obstacles? Unsurprisingly, the answer depends on the exact formulation of the safety objective as well as the physical capabilities and limitations of the robot and the obstacles. Because uncertainties about the exact future behavior of a robot's environment make this a challenging problem, we formally verify corresponding controllers and provide rigorous safety proofs justifying why they can never collide with the obstacle in the respective physical model. To account for ground robots in which different physical phenomena are important, we analyze a series of increasingly strong properties of controllers for increasingly rich dynamics and identify the impact that the additional model parameters have on the required safety margins. We analyze and formally verify: (i) static safety, which ensures that no collisions can happen with stationary obstacles, (ii) passive safety, which ensures that no collisions can happen with stationary or moving obstacles while the robot moves, (iii) the stronger passive friendly safety in which the robot further maintains sufficient maneuvering distance for obstacles to avoid collision as well, and (iv) passive orientation safety, which allows for imperfect sensor coverage of the robot, i.e., the robot is aware that not everything in its environment will be visible. We formally prove that safety can be guaranteed despite sensor uncertainty and actuator perturbation. We complement these provably correct safety properties with liveness properties: we prove that provably safe motion is flexible enough to let the robot navigate waypoints and pass intersections. In order to account for the mixed influence of discrete control decisions and the continuous physical motion of the ground robot, we develop corresponding hybrid system models and use differential dynamic logic theorem proving techniques to formally verify their correctness. Since these models identify a broad range of conditions under which control decisions are provably safe, our results apply to any control algorithm for ground robots with the same dynamics. . We applied quantified differential-dynamic logic (QdL) to analyze a control algorithm designed to provide directional force feedback for a surgical robot . We identified problems with the algorithm, proved that it was in general unsafe, and described exactly what could go wrong. We then applied QdL to guide the development of a new algorithm that provides safe operation along with directional force feedback. Using KeYmaeraD (a tool that mechanizes QdL), we created a machine-checked proof that guarantees the new algorithm is safe for all possible inputs. I wasn't planning on selling pieces for SCOOP, but I had a few guys PM/message me saying they wanted to take a piece for a sweat, and some others were disappointed that they didn't get a piece of my 50k 8-game package, so that's the main reason I'm doing this. The other main reason I'm doing this is to motivate myself to play these events. I only played one event in last year's SCOOP and I want to play more this year. This package will include all High-Level SCOOP events except for event #35-H which is the $25k high roller HU event. I will not be playing this one. Instead I will include event
35-M in the package, which is the $2600 HU event. The total buyin for these events is $88,330. If I rebuy once and addon once in every event where this is possible, it brings the total to $103,830. I will make the package worth $100k total, just for simplicity's sake. I am selling at a 1.2-1 markup, with a minimum investment of $300. So you can get 0.25% of my action for $300, 0.5% for $600, 1% for $1200, 2% for $2400, etc. - I must play the main event. - I am allowed to skip the next day's event if the time I bust from an event is within 6 hours of the start time of the next day's event. i.e. if it's Tuesday, and Wednesday's first event starts at 11am, I am allowed to skip it if I'm still in an event after 5am. - I am allowed to skip the $5200 Limit Holdem event (#32-H). I most likely will not play this one. - I am allowed to skip up to 3 more events of my choice. - I am allowed to skip events if an unforeseen emergency comes up. What constitutes an emergency is up to my discretion, but believe me it will be a REAL emergency for me to invoke this clause. I will not use this as a way to weasel out of this. If I break any of these rules, your entire package (including events which I've already played) will be converted from 1.2-1 markup, to no markup...i.e. even money. So if you originally bought 1% and I break any of these rules, you would then have 1.2% of my action for all events. If I somehow lose over $100k in these events (if I have to rebuy a few extra times in some events or whatever), I will eat the rest of the losses. You cannot lose more than your initial investment. Obviously if my total buyins ends up being less than $100k, you will be refunded your portion of any unused buyins. All payments must be receive by the time the first event starts. I will go by the timestamp in my cashier if there are any disputes. Any payment received at or before 10am pacific time on Sunday will count, any payment received after that will be returned. The maximum I will sell is 30% although I don't expect to sell nearly that much in this short of a time. There will be no reserves allowed...whoever pays before the first event starts will have action. I may sell slightly more if there is that much interest, but I doubt that will be the case anyway. Also please let me know if any of what i said doesn't make sense, and I will clarify. I put it together pretty quickly so there might be things I'm not thinking of. LOL @ myself for the first question. I'm cheap and low on funds. Any chance you sell less than .25%? What do you think a reasonable profit expectation for your run is? I can scrape together the 300 or 600 but I would like to know your own realistic expectations for these events. Nah, I'm gonna stick with 0.25% ($300) as the minimum. As for realistic profit expectation, who knows. It's such a small sample size, only 38 events. I mean not cashing at all in 38 events definitely isn't impossible, nor is binking a couple events and making $500k. I think it's a good investment for you guys, otherwise I wouldn't be offering it. I definitely feel confident in my abilities and have pretty good, consistent results in past WCOOPs, although I haven't had a really big score (my biggest score is like 30k, I've run pretty bad late in a few events). I like playing a bunch of different games against fields who are likely not as experienced as I am in most of the non-nlhe games. I don't really expect to sell all that much though, given that I'm only doing this on 2 days notice. Like I said in my OP, I'm mostly offering this to give a swe
World News Channel in 2002, providing news bulletins in languages other than English. In 2003 Tasmanian Digital Television launched, providing Tasmanian viewers a third commercial station, and nationally available stations Fly TV and the ABC Kids launched, later to be eventually shut down due to funding issues and replaced in 2005 by ABC2. Mildura Digital Television, similar to TDT, launched at the start of 2006. Sydney also began testing datacasting transmissions with Digital 44 in 2003. While digital television boomed in areas that received a third channel and with the subscription television services, growth in other areas has been slow, with analogue shut-down dates pushed back several times. A number of new community stations were also opened, including C31 Adelaide in April 2004 and Television Sydney in February 2006.[63][64] In October 2005, Network 10 announced that the morning show entitled Good Morning Australia would be cancelled at the end of the year, after a 14-year run. Although Bert Newton was offered ongoing employment at Network 10, he joined the Nine Network to host the short-lived game show Bert's Family Feud, until 23 May 2007 when the program was axed.[65] The Nine Network, the traditional ratings leader, suffered ratings losses by the mid-2000s, losing out to the Seven Network, which became the most popular Australian network by early 2007, thanks to its "Seven in '07" campaign.[66] This was not the only loss by the network: the death of its CEO Kerry Packer in late 2005 led to network personality Eddie McGuire becoming the head of the network,[67] and the network lost AFL broadcast rights to the Seven and Ten networks in the largest Australian television rights deal in history, worth A$780 million.[68] In mid-2007, National Indigenous Television launched as Australia's 'third public broadcaster', after the ABC and SBS, replacing Indigenous Community Television on the Optus Aurora remote satellite service.[69] The move to High Definition Television broadcasting came to the forefront when Network 10 announced its intentions to create the first dedicated HD multichannel Ten HD on 14 September 2007 with a December 2007 Launch date.[70] Although Ten HD was initially expected to be the first new commercial television channel in metropolitan areas of Australia since 1988, it was instead beaten to the punch by 7HD. Following the announcement by the Ten Network, Network Seven also announced its previously hidden plans to launch a dedicated HD channel on 15 September 2007 and pushed the launch date forward to 10 October. 7HD was the first dedicated HD multichannel launched, 2 months earlier than the Channel 10 equivalent. The Nine Network's move to a HD channel was considered sluggish by industry insiders, taking until March 2008. The Network was more excited by its plans to introduce a new SD channel in 2009 called GO!, which is when digital multicasting restrictions were scheduled to be lifted from the commercial stations. GO! was released to the public on 9 August, spelling the end of 9HD which was replaced by the previous HD version of Nine.[71] 2009 also saw the launch of four other channels, 7TWO, a general entertainment channel, SBS Two available in SD, ABC3 a dedicated children's television channel available in SD, and One, a dedicated 24 hour sport channel and a subsidiary of Network 10 available in both HD and SD, replacing Ten HD. ABC3, unlike commercial channels, is not constrained by local content quotas.[72] In the early stages of the 2010s, several governmental analysts observed that commercial networks were having trouble making the transition to digital television and subsequently, a $25
World News Channel in 2002, providing news bulletins in languages other than English. In 2003 Tasmanian Digital Television launched, providing Tasmanian viewers a third commercial station, and nationally available stations Fly TV and the ABC Kids launched, later to be eventually shut down due to funding issues and replaced in 2005 by ABC2. Mildura Digital Television, similar to TDT, launched at the start of 2006. Sydney also began testing datacasting transmissions with Digital 44 in 2003. While digital television boomed in areas that received a third channel and with the subscription television services, growth in other areas has been slow, with analogue shut-down dates pushed back several times. A number of new community stations were also opened, including C31 Adelaide in April 2004 and Television Sydney in February 2006.[63][64] In October 2005, Network 10 announced that the morning show entitled Good Morning Australia would be cancelled at the end of the year, after a 14-year run. Although Bert Newton was offered ongoing employment at Network 10, he joined the Nine Network to host the short-lived game show Bert's Family Feud, until 23 May 2007 when the program was axed.[65] The Nine Network, the traditional ratings leader, suffered ratings losses by the mid-2000s, losing out to the Seven Network, which became the most popular Australian network by early 2007, thanks to its "Seven in '07" campaign.[66] This was not the only loss by the network: the death of its CEO Kerry Packer in late 2005 led to network personality Eddie McGuire becoming the head of the network,[67] and the network lost AFL broadcast rights to the Seven and Ten networks in the largest Australian television rights deal in history, worth A$780 million.[68] In mid-2007, National Indigenous Television launched as Australia's 'third public broadcaster', after the ABC and SBS, replacing Indigenous Community Television on the Optus Aurora remote satellite service.[69] The move to High Definition Television broadcasting came to the forefront when Network 10 announced its intentions to create the first dedicated HD multichannel Ten HD on 14 September 2007 with a December 2007 Launch date.[70] Although Ten HD was initially expected to be the first new commercial television channel in metropolitan areas of Australia since 1988, it was instead beaten to the punch by 7HD. Following the announcement by the Ten Network, Network Seven also announced its previously hidden plans to launch a dedicated HD channel on 15 September 2007 and pushed the launch date forward to 10 October. 7HD was the first dedicated HD multichannel launched, 2 months earlier than the Channel 10 equivalent. The Nine Network's move to a HD channel was considered sluggish by industry insiders, taking until March 2008. The Network was more excited by its plans to introduce a new SD channel in 2009 called GO!, which is when digital multicasting restrictions were scheduled to be lifted from the commercial stations. GO! was released to the public on 9 August, spelling the end of 9HD which was replaced by the previous HD version of Nine.[71] 2009 also saw the launch of four other channels, 7TWO, a general entertainment channel, SBS Two available in SD, ABC3 a dedicated children's television channel available in SD, and One, a dedicated 24 hour sport channel and a subsidiary of Network 10 available in both HD and SD, replacing Ten HD. ABC3, unlike commercial channels, is not constrained by local content quotas.[72] In the early stages of the 2010s, several governmental analysts observed that commercial networks were having trouble making the transition to digital television and subsequently, a $25
0m rebate was implemented on their licensing fees. The government funded stations, ABC and SBS, received increased funding in the closing stages of the 2000s to enable them to make the transition to digital TV. Meanwhile, the community station C31 received no government assistance or funding to make the transition; this still remains a source of controversy.[citation needed] Other issues were noted such as the increased cost of producing local content on commercial networks. For example: it costs roughly $800,000 to produce one hour of local content such as Underbelly and Packed to the Rafters, in comparison to a mere $100,000 to purchase one hour of the US produced Two and a Half Men, the former example screening very often during the off ratings period 2009–10. The cost disparity has led many to question the viability of commercial networks in the future of delivering and investing in locally produced content and has also brought their financial arrangements with business and industry groups into question. Meanwhile, ABC and SBS quickly began producing very successful local content with shows such as Review, Lawrence Leung's Choose Your Own Adventure, Hungry Beast and many more publicly funded local programs, produced in Australia, with Australian cast and crews, adding to the increasing health of Australian film and television industries. During January 2010, the ABC announced its long-awaited 24 hour news channel, ABC News 24 to launch in mid-2010.[73] It will broadcast on the current ABC HD channel and according to the ABC, "Australia's first free-to-air 24-hour television news channel". Following technical issues at ABC's new playout facility MediaHub, ABC News 24 launch date was pushed to 22 July 2010.[74] ABC News 24 began to broadcast a three-minute loop promo on Channel 24 on 6 July 2010. On 19 August 2010, the Seven Network announced their third digital channel, 7mate, which replaced 7HD. 7mate is aimed at males between 16 and 49, and launched with the AFL Grand Final on 25 September.[75] The Nine Network has also launched a third digital channel called GEM, broadcasting only in HD and replacing 9HD. GEM is targeted at middle-aged women. On 26 August, Network 10 announced their plans for a channel to replace One SD. The new channel, Eleven, is aimed at a youth audience and carries flagship TEN programming including Neighbours. Eleven launched on 11 January 2011.[76] In 2011, the Seven Network created history by winning all 40 weeks of a television ratings season for the first time since OzTAM was established in 2001.[77] On 12 December 2012, NITV started its free-to-air broadcasts under new ownership of SBS.[citation needed] On 10 December 2013, the analogue TV shutdown completed all around Australia.[78] On 19 August 2015, then Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull introduced a bill retracting the legal obligation for broadcasters to broadcast their primary channel in standard definition.[79] On 29 August 2015, Racing.com was launched owned by Racing Victoria and Seven West Media. In October 2015, the Nine Network announced their fourth digital channel, 9Life. Launching on 26 November, 9Life is a dedicated lifestyle and reality channel on Channel 94. Around the same time, 9HD was relaunched on Channel 90. On 28 February 2016, the Seven Network launched a fifth digital channel, 7flix, which is a dedicated movie and entertainment channel on Channel 76. On 2 March 2016, Network 10 relaunched Ten HD on Channel 13. On 10 May 2016, the Seven Network relaunched 7HD in Melbourne and Adelaide on Channel 70
rounder, who took up cricket when he was 14, has enjoyed a remarkable eight years in the sport. He has travelled to New Zealand to represent Australia, and played in the Ashes against England. READ MORE: Zac Sheehan’s Baggy Green cap well worth the wait | VIDEO Sheehan has this season taken on extra responsibility with his Melbourne club St Paul’s, after being named captain of its predominantly young side. “It’s a bit different overseeing over rates and who will bowl,” he said. “But I’m well and truly enjoying my cricket as much as I was when I started. “We haven’t got a win this year, so we’ll work on that. We’ve got two games left to go in the season, so the aim is to get a win. “We have a very young squad – there’s only one player over 25 and he’s 49.” Sheehan spent his childhood working with Vision Australia and Guide Dogs Australia to help navigate his way through life, learning about everything from cooking and mobility access in the home, to road safety awareness and transport. Two years ago, he joined the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and now receives additional funding to support him in daily life, including funding for assistive technology, occupational therapy and for a personal trainer who helps him find his way around the gym. “I didn’t know a lot about the NDIS when it first came to Bendigo, so I did a bit of research, got connected with my local office and went through what my needs would be,” he said. “Having no sight in the long run, you actually need a lot more help to teach you how to live your life, and I will have that extra support now.” But for Sheehan, it’s the extra sessions in the gym that are having the most impact. Alongside playing every Saturday in Melbourne, Sheehan has put in extra work in the gym and the training track this pre-season to improve his fitness. “For this carnival I’ve done a lot of work in the pre-season and also in training, the coaches want to move me up the batting order,” he said. The National Cricket Inclusion Championships will showcase Australia’s most talented blind and low vision and deaf and hard of hearing cricketers, and cricketers with an intellectual disability. The championships will run fro January 21-25. BENDIGO’S Zac Sheehan says he is ready and in-form to help Victoria to victory at the National Cricket Inclusion Championships. The 21-year-old will be representing his home state for the sixth-time in the blind and low vision division, when the championships hit-off in Geelong next week. He has also represented Queensland once. Sheehan is intent on making amends for a gut-wrenching three-run loss, which handed New South Wales the title at last year’s championships. “One of our blokes got caught … he tried to smack a six, but one of their fielders ran from about four-deep and took a great catch. That’s cricket,” he said. Sheehan, who was born with no retinas - a condition called retinal dystrophy – is no stranger to championship success. The former Australian representative has been a part of two championship wins for Victoria and would like nothing better than to return the Vics to the peak of the inclusion cricket mountain. The talented all-rounder, who took up cricket when he was 14, has enjoyed a remarkable eight years in the sport. He has travelled to New Zealand to represent Australia, and played in the Ashes against England. Sheehan has this season taken on extra responsibility with his Melbourne club St Paul’s, after being named captain of its predominantly young side. “It’s a bit different overseeing over rates and who will bowl,” he said. “But I’m well and truly enjoying my cricket as much as I was when I started. “We haven’t got a win this year, so we’ll work on that. We’ve got two games left to go in the season, so the aim is to get a win. Sheehan spent his childhood working with Vision Australia and Guide Dogs Australia to help navigate his way through life, learning about everything from cooking and mobility access in the home, to road safety awareness and transport. Two years ago, he joined the National Disability Insurance Scheme (ND
rounder, who took up cricket when he was 14, has enjoyed a remarkable eight years in the sport. He has travelled to New Zealand to represent Australia, and played in the Ashes against England. READ MORE: Zac Sheehan’s Baggy Green cap well worth the wait | VIDEO Sheehan has this season taken on extra responsibility with his Melbourne club St Paul’s, after being named captain of its predominantly young side. “It’s a bit different overseeing over rates and who will bowl,” he said. “But I’m well and truly enjoying my cricket as much as I was when I started. “We haven’t got a win this year, so we’ll work on that. We’ve got two games left to go in the season, so the aim is to get a win. “We have a very young squad – there’s only one player over 25 and he’s 49.” Sheehan spent his childhood working with Vision Australia and Guide Dogs Australia to help navigate his way through life, learning about everything from cooking and mobility access in the home, to road safety awareness and transport. Two years ago, he joined the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and now receives additional funding to support him in daily life, including funding for assistive technology, occupational therapy and for a personal trainer who helps him find his way around the gym. “I didn’t know a lot about the NDIS when it first came to Bendigo, so I did a bit of research, got connected with my local office and went through what my needs would be,” he said. “Having no sight in the long run, you actually need a lot more help to teach you how to live your life, and I will have that extra support now.” But for Sheehan, it’s the extra sessions in the gym that are having the most impact. Alongside playing every Saturday in Melbourne, Sheehan has put in extra work in the gym and the training track this pre-season to improve his fitness. “For this carnival I’ve done a lot of work in the pre-season and also in training, the coaches want to move me up the batting order,” he said. The National Cricket Inclusion Championships will showcase Australia’s most talented blind and low vision and deaf and hard of hearing cricketers, and cricketers with an intellectual disability. The championships will run fro January 21-25. BENDIGO’S Zac Sheehan says he is ready and in-form to help Victoria to victory at the National Cricket Inclusion Championships. The 21-year-old will be representing his home state for the sixth-time in the blind and low vision division, when the championships hit-off in Geelong next week. He has also represented Queensland once. Sheehan is intent on making amends for a gut-wrenching three-run loss, which handed New South Wales the title at last year’s championships. “One of our blokes got caught … he tried to smack a six, but one of their fielders ran from about four-deep and took a great catch. That’s cricket,” he said. Sheehan, who was born with no retinas - a condition called retinal dystrophy – is no stranger to championship success. The former Australian representative has been a part of two championship wins for Victoria and would like nothing better than to return the Vics to the peak of the inclusion cricket mountain. The talented all-rounder, who took up cricket when he was 14, has enjoyed a remarkable eight years in the sport. He has travelled to New Zealand to represent Australia, and played in the Ashes against England. Sheehan has this season taken on extra responsibility with his Melbourne club St Paul’s, after being named captain of its predominantly young side. “It’s a bit different overseeing over rates and who will bowl,” he said. “But I’m well and truly enjoying my cricket as much as I was when I started. “We haven’t got a win this year, so we’ll work on that. We’ve got two games left to go in the season, so the aim is to get a win. Sheehan spent his childhood working with Vision Australia and Guide Dogs Australia to help navigate his way through life, learning about everything from cooking and mobility access in the home, to road safety awareness and transport. Two years ago, he joined the National Disability Insurance Scheme (ND
IS) and now receives additional funding to support him in daily life, including funding for assistive technology, occupational therapy and for a personal trainer who helps him find his way around the gym. “I didn’t know a lot about the NDIS when it first came to Bendigo, so I did a bit of research, got connected with my local office and went through what my needs would be,” he said. But for Sheehan, it’s the extra sessions in the gym that are having the most impact. Alongside playing every Saturday in Melbourne, Sheehan has put in extra work in the gym and the training track this pre-season to improve his fitness. “For this carnival I’ve done a lot of work in the pre-season and also in training, the coaches want to move me up the batting order,” he said. The National Cricket Inclusion Championships will showcase Australia’s most talented blind and low vision and deaf and hard of hearing cricketers, and cricketers with an intellectual disability. The championships will run fro January 21-25. This ticket is reserved for testing trac functionality after upgrades. README​ (347 bytes) - added by Isaac Richards 14 years ago. Test attachment, just to make sure attaching things works. README.2​ (3.3 KB) - added by stuartm 6 years ago. Note: All of these changes were attempts to get ticket email notification working. Testing more, trying to get the URL to show up.. More testing for the url to show up in the notifiation email.. One final(?) test of the notification system. (In ) Patches from Anduin Withers to add a default timestretch value on a scheduled recording basis. (In ) Making sure the trac upgrade worked. Making sure that both summary and keywords are gone from the notification emails. Testing to see if the list is in to To: again.. (In ) Testing tickets again. (testing Trac) blah blah blah blah blah. Making sure trac emails still work. Trying again to get trac emails working.. Another try at getting email notification working.. (In ) Really testing svn->trac, refs #1. (In ) More warnings fixes. (In ) Testing trac update. Test of trac spam filter update. Anon user test of spam filter. The UK government has launched a new tool that plots our climate impacts and helps to forge a path to a low carbon world. This is a free open source tool designed to help us to understand the link between lifestyle, energy and climate. It addresses everything from the food we eat to the distances we travel. The model upon which the Global Calculator is built draws upon the latest IPCC climate science. It takes into account the energy, materials and land required to enable us to reduce carbon emissions so that we can stay within the internally agreed upon upper temperature limits of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). The Global Calculator is an interactive tool is for anyone interested in exploring what a low-carbon world could look like in 2050. Anyone can download the full Excel model to explore all the assumptions used and methodology used. You can even make your own version to test out your ideas. Click here to use the Global Calculator. With the collaboration of the Associazione Rinascimento Culturale di Brescia (Cultural Renaissance Association) organizer of the homonymous festival and the maintenance of the Holden School of Turin, the Teatro Grande presents a Creative Writing course with the writer Marco Missiroli. The theme of the lectures, Lessico Famigliare, is offered by the title: the starting point is the personal family situation, key element for the development of a story. The meetings provide a portion of the front lecture, and another revision of exercises assigned by the teacher. This reasoned subdivision allows to extrapolate from personal experience a story to elaborate, as a result, a narrative structure. Figure of inspiration in this regard may be, for example, Emmanuel Carrère, which made this modern classic genre of fiction. It is reported that the Salone delle Scenografie is not accessible for disabled people in wheelchairs and people with significant disabilities. The Independent National Electoral Commission, on Sunday, declared candidates of the All Progressives Congress winners of Lagos Island House of Assembly Constituencies 1 and 2 in Lagos State. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the results were declared at the IN
. The Harvard scientists scanned the brain’s hippocampus region where everyday events are minted into fresh memories using sophisticated functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)‘ technique. The study involved 28 volunteers in the age group of 18-30 years. The individuals were divided into two groups, with one made to stay awake for nearly 35 hours (two days and one night), and the other permitted to have a normal night’s sleep. The group that kept up was allowed to read books, take short walks, surf or chat on the Internet or play board games. Towards the end of the second day, all participants were shown a slideshow of 150 pictures of landscapes, objects and non-celebrities. As they watched, their brains were mapped using fMRI. The scientists found that the mean recognition levels of the sleep-deprived group were about 20 per cent less than that of the other. The participants were then recalled after a full day’s break and asked to identify the slides they had earlier seen as a set of 75 fresh slides were added to the lot. The volunteers who lacked sleep on the first day performed poorly, despite having had two nights to recover the lost sleep, the scientists said. Your ability to learn is 20-40 per cent worse, that is, the difference between acing the exam and failing it miserably, Walker told Know How. While the work done by Walker and his associates conclusively proved that sleep before learning is vital, scientists had little clue about the brain mechanisms that help sleep to move and consolidate newly learnt things into long-term memory. All they knew was that for long-term storage, memories move from the hippocampus, one of the oldest regions of the brain, to the neocortex, the grey matter covering the hippocampus. This, they knew, occurred during deep, dreamless sleep. All along, nearly for a generation, scientists thought that the hippocampus pushes the memory meant for long-term storage, or consolidation, to the neocortex. But Brown University scientist Mayank Mehta (who completed his doctoral studies from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and worked for a few years in quantum physics before moving to the US and neuroscience) and his colleagues recently proved this wrong. Their work, published in the November 2006 issue of Nature Neuroscience, showed that it is not the hippocampus that uploads information to the neocortex in a burst of brain cell communication but the neocortex that drives the dialogue. To strike up a conversation between the hippocampus and the neocortex, the neurons from both the brain regions should be in sync. In other words, if the neocortical neurons display any activity, there should be corresponding firing among the hippocampal neurons. The previous studies failed to exhibit any such synchronous firing which neuroscientists call phase locking in the two regions. While neocortical neurons showed rhythmic activity during deep sleep, excitatory neurons in the hippocampus showed erratic activity. What set Mehta thinking was that if these two parts of the brain talk during deep sleep, why didn’t they appear to be speaking the same language? There were many reasons why scientists were unable to establish this link. One reason is that they were looking at the excitatory neurons in the hippocampus. Second, they were looking at the activity using extracellular electrodes where they can only measure the spiking activity (the rush of neurons), Mehta told. Mehta and his colleagues demonstrated that neurons from the neocortex work in tandem not with excitatory hippocampal neurons but what they call interneurons inhibitory brain cells in the hippocampus. The study conducted in rats hence showed that the timing of activity or talk was the same in both the brain regions, with a small delay in the hippocampus as if the inhibitory neurons in the hippocampus were echoing the speech in the neocortex. What really helped Mehta to crack the mystery was his association with Nobel prize-winning German scientist Bert Sakmann. Mehta’s team used a ground breaking single-cell recording technique developed at Sakman’s laboratory at the Max Plank Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg for recording electrical activity in rats bra
. The Harvard scientists scanned the brain’s hippocampus region where everyday events are minted into fresh memories using sophisticated functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)‘ technique. The study involved 28 volunteers in the age group of 18-30 years. The individuals were divided into two groups, with one made to stay awake for nearly 35 hours (two days and one night), and the other permitted to have a normal night’s sleep. The group that kept up was allowed to read books, take short walks, surf or chat on the Internet or play board games. Towards the end of the second day, all participants were shown a slideshow of 150 pictures of landscapes, objects and non-celebrities. As they watched, their brains were mapped using fMRI. The scientists found that the mean recognition levels of the sleep-deprived group were about 20 per cent less than that of the other. The participants were then recalled after a full day’s break and asked to identify the slides they had earlier seen as a set of 75 fresh slides were added to the lot. The volunteers who lacked sleep on the first day performed poorly, despite having had two nights to recover the lost sleep, the scientists said. Your ability to learn is 20-40 per cent worse, that is, the difference between acing the exam and failing it miserably, Walker told Know How. While the work done by Walker and his associates conclusively proved that sleep before learning is vital, scientists had little clue about the brain mechanisms that help sleep to move and consolidate newly learnt things into long-term memory. All they knew was that for long-term storage, memories move from the hippocampus, one of the oldest regions of the brain, to the neocortex, the grey matter covering the hippocampus. This, they knew, occurred during deep, dreamless sleep. All along, nearly for a generation, scientists thought that the hippocampus pushes the memory meant for long-term storage, or consolidation, to the neocortex. But Brown University scientist Mayank Mehta (who completed his doctoral studies from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and worked for a few years in quantum physics before moving to the US and neuroscience) and his colleagues recently proved this wrong. Their work, published in the November 2006 issue of Nature Neuroscience, showed that it is not the hippocampus that uploads information to the neocortex in a burst of brain cell communication but the neocortex that drives the dialogue. To strike up a conversation between the hippocampus and the neocortex, the neurons from both the brain regions should be in sync. In other words, if the neocortical neurons display any activity, there should be corresponding firing among the hippocampal neurons. The previous studies failed to exhibit any such synchronous firing which neuroscientists call phase locking in the two regions. While neocortical neurons showed rhythmic activity during deep sleep, excitatory neurons in the hippocampus showed erratic activity. What set Mehta thinking was that if these two parts of the brain talk during deep sleep, why didn’t they appear to be speaking the same language? There were many reasons why scientists were unable to establish this link. One reason is that they were looking at the excitatory neurons in the hippocampus. Second, they were looking at the activity using extracellular electrodes where they can only measure the spiking activity (the rush of neurons), Mehta told. Mehta and his colleagues demonstrated that neurons from the neocortex work in tandem not with excitatory hippocampal neurons but what they call interneurons inhibitory brain cells in the hippocampus. The study conducted in rats hence showed that the timing of activity or talk was the same in both the brain regions, with a small delay in the hippocampus as if the inhibitory neurons in the hippocampus were echoing the speech in the neocortex. What really helped Mehta to crack the mystery was his association with Nobel prize-winning German scientist Bert Sakmann. Mehta’s team used a ground breaking single-cell recording technique developed at Sakman’s laboratory at the Max Plank Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg for recording electrical activity in rats bra
ins. This technique has helped us in simultaneous measurement of electrical potential in single neurons from the hippocampus and the neocortex, Sakmann, who was in Delhi earlier this month for an Indo-EU science conference, told KnowHow. This is by far the best technique available to accurately record electric activity of individual neurons, Sakmann claims. “The technique of looking inside a neuron and identifying the neural type was very important for the study. If you don’t differentiate which neuron you are recording from, it all seems like a mess, says Mehta. Sumantra Chattarji at the Bangalore-based National Centre for Biological Sciences admits that scientists knew the hippocampus records episodic memory whereas the neocortex plays a critical role in long-term memory storage. But they haven’t been able to get the correlation correct. The new technique made all the difference, says Chattarji. This method of experimentally seeing how the two brain regions “talk” to each other may help them study other aspects of brain function such as perception and emotion, hopes Mehta. Source:The Telegraph (Kolkata,India) Surgeon General Vivek Murthy wants to move U.S. health care toward a ‘prevention-based society’ Air Pollution Can Cause Dementia, New Study Reveals Even before Apple Watch snafu, tattoo removal business was up 440% The Lancet Psychiatry: Death rate from alcohol and drug misuse in former prisoners alarmingly high Long-term Exposure to Air pollution Has Bad Implications on Your Brain Synthetic stimulants found in weight loss products Scientists find way to ‘turn off’ overpowering hunger pangs Study: Air Pollution Could Lead To Dementia Brain cell research could help control hunger Can Medical Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis? Tags Air pollution, Brain, Brain size, Brown University, Greater Boston, Harvard Medical School, Magnetic resonance imaging, New England, New York, Particulates ← Newer Posts 1 … 3 4Older Posts → Acupunture (7) Advice against Health Hazards (14) Ailmemts & Remedies (831) All-about-tooth-and-tooth-therapy (9) Animal Hide, Shell & Others (9) Anti Drug Movement (25) Ayurvedic (22) Biotherapy (5) Chemicals & Minerals (7) Diagnonistic Test (71) Dry Fruit (14) Environmental Pollution (18) Fruits & Vegetables (251) Health Alert (81) Health Problems & Solutions (61) Health Quaries (42) Healthy Tips (347) Herbal Beauty & Body Care (10) Herbal Care (11) Herbs & Plants (3,150) Herbs & Plants (Spices) (176) Human Organ Transplantation (7) Insect Bites (8) Micro Surgery (2) News on Health & Science (1,425) Our body extricts (5) Pediatric (105) Phytotherapy (1) POLUTION CONTROL (2) Positive thinking (360) Pregnancy & Child birth (8) Raikey (1) Remedy of Common Incidences (3) Scientific Studies (1) Snake Bites (1) Suppliments our body needs (47) Tasty dishes (1) Therapetic treatment (35) WHY CORNER (43) © 2021 Find Me A Cure 2019 LEEF STAR Banquet At the annual LEEF STAR Banquet, a handful of seniors from each of the high schools were given the opportunity to recognize the Leander ISD staff member that has been most impactful in their academic career. Rouse High School senior Bailey Kerns, recognizing Amy McKee: "Mrs. McKee has been one of the most significant figures and role
Ontario were also significant. In light of these numbers, their tiny gain in the Prairies is little comfort. The NDP had a terrific month, gaining in three regions and remaining steady in one. Their gain in Ontario is very important, and showing life in Quebec and Atlantic Canada is good news as well. Something needs to be done in Alberta and the Prairies, however. The Bloc had a decent month, but are still below their 2008 electoral support level. The Greens made gains or were stable in all six regions, but are still not in a position to win any seats. March's winner has to be the Tories, as they made important gains in important regions, and have opened up a decent little lead nationally. The silver medal would go to the NDP, but the Liberals take home the title of March Loser. Still the seat projection shows the Lib-NDP alliance with more than the Tories so that's always good. Peter I only hope the LPC and NDP let people know their plans during the election campaign. That's only fair isn't it? BTW see my post about under ON results about the small power projects! I think one "problem" with doing these monthly averages is that because Ekos puts out weekly polls and has such large sample sizes - inevitably the Ekos polls end up being about 75% of what is being averaged. There may or may not be a problem with that - but gi ven that it seems pretty clear that Ekos systematically overestimates the Green/Other vote - it tends to have an impact. I wonder what would happen to the monthly average if each polling company were given equal weight and so Ekos was not the "elephant in the room" as a result of its frequency and sample sizes. "I only hope the LPC and NDP let people know their plans during the election campaign." What plans?? All any of the parties have to say is "we are campaigning to win the election and after the election all options are on the table". 1. Mr. Ignatieff, I don't want any more Tory government, I will only vote for you if you tell us in advance that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will you prop up a Tory minority government. What do you say? 2. Mr. Harper, will you make a commitment that you will not accept any support from the BQ and that if you federalist parties outvote you on a throne speech, you will resign? I have a right to know in advance if the Tory party is going to govern with BQ support. Afraid DL is quite correct. There is no reason to present the public with the possibility of an alliance at election time. To all intents and purposes that would be insane ! Re power. Indeed if you look around there are literally dozens of old water powered grist mills abandoned. But the sluice ways and most of the dams are still there. Why not use them for clean hydro power ? DL what is with this CPC/BQ cannard ? The BQ voting for the Tory agenda is completely welcome on the throne speech or any other vote. The Tories forming a coalition or accord with the BQ based around shared policies is not. You can't seem to understand that they are two fundementally different things. Harper: there's going to be a coalition ! Iggy + Media: nope. no proof. what are you talking about ? After election a coalition is formed. Don't see why Iggy won't. I see no difference. Harper has to come clean and announce that he renounces BQ support and that if the federalist opposition parties get more seats than he does - he will admit that he lost the election and resign. Tory voters deserve to know in advance that their party will got accept support from "separatists". EKOS always has four or five polls per month, which in a month of little polling (like this one) means they have a large weight. In other months (there were 12 polls in February) they have a smaller weight. This month, EKOS had 56% of the polls, with Nanos, Angus-Reid, Ipsos-Reid, and Harris-Decima each having 11%. So, some differences, but not really ground-breaking. And while EKOS polled a total of 12,607 people in March, I'd be giving them equal weight
Ontario were also significant. In light of these numbers, their tiny gain in the Prairies is little comfort. The NDP had a terrific month, gaining in three regions and remaining steady in one. Their gain in Ontario is very important, and showing life in Quebec and Atlantic Canada is good news as well. Something needs to be done in Alberta and the Prairies, however. The Bloc had a decent month, but are still below their 2008 electoral support level. The Greens made gains or were stable in all six regions, but are still not in a position to win any seats. March's winner has to be the Tories, as they made important gains in important regions, and have opened up a decent little lead nationally. The silver medal would go to the NDP, but the Liberals take home the title of March Loser. Still the seat projection shows the Lib-NDP alliance with more than the Tories so that's always good. Peter I only hope the LPC and NDP let people know their plans during the election campaign. That's only fair isn't it? BTW see my post about under ON results about the small power projects! I think one "problem" with doing these monthly averages is that because Ekos puts out weekly polls and has such large sample sizes - inevitably the Ekos polls end up being about 75% of what is being averaged. There may or may not be a problem with that - but gi ven that it seems pretty clear that Ekos systematically overestimates the Green/Other vote - it tends to have an impact. I wonder what would happen to the monthly average if each polling company were given equal weight and so Ekos was not the "elephant in the room" as a result of its frequency and sample sizes. "I only hope the LPC and NDP let people know their plans during the election campaign." What plans?? All any of the parties have to say is "we are campaigning to win the election and after the election all options are on the table". 1. Mr. Ignatieff, I don't want any more Tory government, I will only vote for you if you tell us in advance that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will you prop up a Tory minority government. What do you say? 2. Mr. Harper, will you make a commitment that you will not accept any support from the BQ and that if you federalist parties outvote you on a throne speech, you will resign? I have a right to know in advance if the Tory party is going to govern with BQ support. Afraid DL is quite correct. There is no reason to present the public with the possibility of an alliance at election time. To all intents and purposes that would be insane ! Re power. Indeed if you look around there are literally dozens of old water powered grist mills abandoned. But the sluice ways and most of the dams are still there. Why not use them for clean hydro power ? DL what is with this CPC/BQ cannard ? The BQ voting for the Tory agenda is completely welcome on the throne speech or any other vote. The Tories forming a coalition or accord with the BQ based around shared policies is not. You can't seem to understand that they are two fundementally different things. Harper: there's going to be a coalition ! Iggy + Media: nope. no proof. what are you talking about ? After election a coalition is formed. Don't see why Iggy won't. I see no difference. Harper has to come clean and announce that he renounces BQ support and that if the federalist opposition parties get more seats than he does - he will admit that he lost the election and resign. Tory voters deserve to know in advance that their party will got accept support from "separatists". EKOS always has four or five polls per month, which in a month of little polling (like this one) means they have a large weight. In other months (there were 12 polls in February) they have a smaller weight. This month, EKOS had 56% of the polls, with Nanos, Angus-Reid, Ipsos-Reid, and Harris-Decima each having 11%. So, some differences, but not really ground-breaking. And while EKOS polled a total of 12,607 people in March, I'd be giving them equal weight
with Nanos (1,000 people), Angus Reid (1,004), Ipsos-Reid (1,001) and Harris-Decima (2,936). There is something to be said for either method, but in terms of comparing how each party is doing month-to-month, I think it is a secondary concern. OK, I was just curious. It seems like Ekos compared to the other companies always low-balls the NDP and high-balls Green/Other. Shadow, Harper has lied to us countless times. How do we KNOW that he won't form a coalition with the BQ??? He was all set to form one in 2004 as we all know. Would you put anything past him now? What I suspect will happen is Iggy will reiterate that he won't form a coalition with anyone...and after the election, he will form a minority government which the NDP will support in exchange for policy concessions. It won't be a coalition, it will be a return to the Martin/Layton accord of 2005 or the Trudeau/Lewis or Peterson/Rae deals of the past. Hey DL while I commend the responsible action Dexter took on the NS deficit I do note that he broke his promise on tax increases. Now that we have Campbell in BC, a putative Liberal, McGuinty in ON, a real Liberal and Dexter in NS all breaking campaign promises on taxes maybe we can stop trying to attack the Harper Conservatives for the EI hike which is mandated by law. Every party breaks promises out of necessity. Not to do so would reflect a closed mind and not a flexible one. DL and Peter I and most Conservatives will be quite happy if the NDP are honest and say they campaigning to win and after the election all options are on the table. No problem with that wording. Fact is we all know that is the case now. As to the CPC accepting vote by vote support from the BQ I am unconcerned. If the CPC were to enter into any formal agreement with the BQ I would no longer support the CPC as long as Harper was leader. Peter totally agree with your point about small hydro electric plants. Indeed many of them like the one at Lake Eugenia were deliberately allowed to rot away. Bad idea and one that continues to be ignored. There are big possibilities as well in our North just as Quebec has built major power plants in the James Bay region. It's great that we can agree on some things. You're a lot easier to communicate with. Don't know if it is you or me but I like that change. 1) Harper and team put forward an agenda. BQ votes for it. 2) Harper and BQ work out a coalition or accord based around shared policy goals. Harper + BQ puts it forward. BQ votes for it. Everyone I know is comfortable with option 1, for any leader be they CPC or LPC. Option 2 is a completely different thing altogether which a great many people are not comfortable with. NDP is the party of the HST ! Not only did Dexter not repeal it he actually increased it. Any Dipper who is campaigning anywhere that tells you they are against the HST cannot be trusted. (Hey DL, he kind of stepped all over your messaging didn't he ? Of course, if Libs+NDP promise a coalition and either the Libs or the NDP end up with a majority after the election, there's not actually going to be a coalition. Promising a coalition is stupid. Either merge entirely or form a coalition after the election based on the will of the voters like in 2008. To promise one ahead of time is to assume an election outcome before it actually happens. Disclaimer: Unless the Libs come up with an amazing transit or energy plan, I will likely be voting Green. If the BQ props up Harper - it will be obvious that secret talks were held to gain their support. I think that what is more likely is that on election night, the Liberals and NDP announce that they will negotiate an accord and will not support a Tory throne speech. Then the ball will be in Duceppe's court. If Harper wants to stay in power he will have to hold a summit with Duceppe and agree to laundry list of demands. Otherwise, the BQ will also vote no to the Th
day life. For the Ceramic Annual, Hayakawa sought out artists who take creative and surprising approaches to their work. “I have chosen artists with diverse approaches to literal and figurative environmental perspectives who seem to be wending their way forward through their choices,” she writes for the Williamson Gallery website. These artists include Wesley Anderegg, Richard Burkett, Rebecca Hutchinson, Jeff Irwin, Kate MacDowell, Crystal Morey, James Tisdale, Ted Vogel, Patti Warashina, Stan Welsh, and Mary Cale A. Wilson. The Williamson Gallery will kick off the exhibition with a special lecture by Garth Johnson, curator of ceramics at the Everson Museum of Art. The event will be held in the Humanities Auditorium on January 25 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Following the lecture, the gallery will host an opening reception with live music and light refreshments from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. These events are free and open to the public. Duality and Context will run through April 5, and guests can view these exciting works for free by visiting the gallery between 12:00 and 5:00 pm, Wednesday through Sunday. 76th Ceramic Annual Ceramic Annual Joanne Hayakawa Artist News Festival Line-Up Update Gigs & Festivals Festival line-up update – 22 Dec 2011 By CMU Editorial | Published on Thursday 22 December 2011 ROSKILDE, Denmark, 5-8 Jul: Friendly Fires and Tune-Yards have freshly signed up to play at this diverse Danish four-dayer, joining Bon Iver, Wiz Khalifa, Yelawolf, and headliners Björk and Bruce Springsteen. www.roskilde-festival.dk/uk/ ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL, Seaclose Park, Newport, Isle Of Wight, 22-24 Jun: New additions to the Isle Of White billing include Crystal Castles, Tinie Tempah, Labrinth and The Charlatans, whose set will see them play their 1997 LP ‘Tellin Stories’ in its entirety. Also accompanying previously announced joint headliners Pearl Jam, Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers and Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band are The Milk, Zulu Winter, Spector and Band Of Skulls. www.isleofwightfestival.com HIT THE DECK FESTIVAL, Various Venues, Nottingham, 22 Apr: As headed up by Kids In Glass Houses, those acts set to grace multiple stages as part of this one-off event include Deaf Havana, The Wonder Years, Imperial Leisure, Violet, Wolves Like Us and Yashin. www.hitthedeckfestival.com READ MORE ABOUT: Hit The Deck | Isle Of Wight Festival | Roskilde Duterte’s wish to hike teachers’ pay okayed posted September 16, 2019 at 11:20 pm by Maricel Cruz The leadership of the House of Representatives on Monday welcomed President Rodrigo Duterte’s salary increase for state workers, including teachers and nurses in the next three years. House Majority Leader and Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez was reacting to the plan of President Duterte to spend P110 billion for a three-year salary increase of government employees starting 2020 until 2022. “It shows the President’s sincere ‘malasakit’ to the plight of our state workers. We will work very hard to ensure funding for government workers’ salary increase,” said Romualdez, chairman of the House Committee on Rules, referring to the proposed Salary Standardization Law 5. Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado said the Department of Budget and Management would propose an SSL bill to Congress this September. The budget secretary said the government will no longer give another round of increase for uniformed personnel for 2020 since their salary was already adjusted this year. Albay Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda, chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, bared that the pay hike will be
day life. For the Ceramic Annual, Hayakawa sought out artists who take creative and surprising approaches to their work. “I have chosen artists with diverse approaches to literal and figurative environmental perspectives who seem to be wending their way forward through their choices,” she writes for the Williamson Gallery website. These artists include Wesley Anderegg, Richard Burkett, Rebecca Hutchinson, Jeff Irwin, Kate MacDowell, Crystal Morey, James Tisdale, Ted Vogel, Patti Warashina, Stan Welsh, and Mary Cale A. Wilson. The Williamson Gallery will kick off the exhibition with a special lecture by Garth Johnson, curator of ceramics at the Everson Museum of Art. The event will be held in the Humanities Auditorium on January 25 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Following the lecture, the gallery will host an opening reception with live music and light refreshments from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. These events are free and open to the public. Duality and Context will run through April 5, and guests can view these exciting works for free by visiting the gallery between 12:00 and 5:00 pm, Wednesday through Sunday. 76th Ceramic Annual Ceramic Annual Joanne Hayakawa Artist News Festival Line-Up Update Gigs & Festivals Festival line-up update – 22 Dec 2011 By CMU Editorial | Published on Thursday 22 December 2011 ROSKILDE, Denmark, 5-8 Jul: Friendly Fires and Tune-Yards have freshly signed up to play at this diverse Danish four-dayer, joining Bon Iver, Wiz Khalifa, Yelawolf, and headliners Björk and Bruce Springsteen. www.roskilde-festival.dk/uk/ ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL, Seaclose Park, Newport, Isle Of Wight, 22-24 Jun: New additions to the Isle Of White billing include Crystal Castles, Tinie Tempah, Labrinth and The Charlatans, whose set will see them play their 1997 LP ‘Tellin Stories’ in its entirety. Also accompanying previously announced joint headliners Pearl Jam, Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers and Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band are The Milk, Zulu Winter, Spector and Band Of Skulls. www.isleofwightfestival.com HIT THE DECK FESTIVAL, Various Venues, Nottingham, 22 Apr: As headed up by Kids In Glass Houses, those acts set to grace multiple stages as part of this one-off event include Deaf Havana, The Wonder Years, Imperial Leisure, Violet, Wolves Like Us and Yashin. www.hitthedeckfestival.com READ MORE ABOUT: Hit The Deck | Isle Of Wight Festival | Roskilde Duterte’s wish to hike teachers’ pay okayed posted September 16, 2019 at 11:20 pm by Maricel Cruz The leadership of the House of Representatives on Monday welcomed President Rodrigo Duterte’s salary increase for state workers, including teachers and nurses in the next three years. House Majority Leader and Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez was reacting to the plan of President Duterte to spend P110 billion for a three-year salary increase of government employees starting 2020 until 2022. “It shows the President’s sincere ‘malasakit’ to the plight of our state workers. We will work very hard to ensure funding for government workers’ salary increase,” said Romualdez, chairman of the House Committee on Rules, referring to the proposed Salary Standardization Law 5. Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado said the Department of Budget and Management would propose an SSL bill to Congress this September. The budget secretary said the government will no longer give another round of increase for uniformed personnel for 2020 since their salary was already adjusted this year. Albay Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda, chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, bared that the pay hike will be
part of the SSL 5. Salceda said the SSL 5 is well within the capacity of the government and that there is no need for additional tax measure for it. “The SSL 5 will raise civil servant salaries by 15 percent over three years,” said Salceda, citing the study commissioned by the Governance Commission for Government-Owned-and-Controlled Corporation-Department of Budget and Management. He also said that the first tranche of the SSL 5 has a P32-billion allocation for wage increase while a separate P4 billion is intended for miscellaneous benefits under the P4.1-trillion national budget for 2020. Salceda also said that a total of P36.630 billion will be given for the second tranche while P36.753 billion for the third tranche of the SSL 5. “It will favor SG [Salary Grade] 1 to 17 with higher increases while those in SG 18 to 33 including the President and congressmen will receive lower increases,” he said. “The adjustments will preserve and somewhat improve the purchasing power of civil servants considering the consumer price inflation of 3.4 percent over the past three years [2016 with 1.8 percent, 2017 with 3.2 percent and 2018 with 5.2 percent] and forward estimates three-year inflation of 2 percent to 4 percent per year,” Salceda added. Earlier, Davao City Rep. Isidro Ungab, chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, said the first tranche of SSL 5 will only be implemented despite its budget under next year’s national budget if Congress passes a Joint Resolution. “The first tranche funding requirement for the SSL 5 is already included in the 2020 budget. It will be implemented once the Joint Resolution is approved,” said Ungab. Topics: House of Representatives , Rodrigo Duterte , salary increase , Martin Romualdez Piñol bats for fisheries agency No to death penalty How Gascon ruined CHR More Nokia phones now on Android 10 Packing aid BeatleLinks Fab Forum Register Blog Members List Arcade Search Today's Posts Mark Forums Read User Control Panel Private Messages Subscriptions Who's Online Search Forums Forums Home New Products The Remasters Rock Band Monthly Contest Monthly Contest Beatles Forums Abbey Road I Read The News Today Paperback Writer Act Naturally And Your Bird Can Sing I've Just Seen A Face Your Mother Should Know Beatles For Sale Bootleg Network Solo Forums Menlove Avenue Red Rose Speedway Crackerbox Palace Goodnight Vienna Other Forums Come Together Not Only A Northern Song Here, There & Everywhere Mind Games While My Guitar Gently Weeps Tell Me Why Archives A Day In The Life The Word Contact Us - BeatleLinks - Archive - Top » Select Category « Auctions Audio Merchandise Beatle People Beatle Places Books Bootlegs Discographies Foreign Sites General Interest George Harrison Interactive John Lennon Lyrics Memorabilia Movies & Videos Paul McCartney Reference Ringo Starr Shopping Mall Sound Files Specific Interest Tabs & Sheet Music Tribute Bands Video Merchandise Visual Web Resources @ BEATLEMAIL.COM New User Sign-Up! » Select Date « January 1 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31 February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 February 29 March 1 March 2 March 3 March
{figure} \centering \captionsetup{width=\linewidth} \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{results/subsets.pdf} \caption{Number of tokens per skill in the training subsets dataset where each colour represents one of our four company partners} \label{fig:subset_stats} \end{figure} Finally, \autoref{tab:acc_per_class} presents the mean token-wise accuracy and one standard deviation per skill on the test set for \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}{} and \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{} for a subset size of $400$. We can see that for both approaches, the best performance occurs in the class with the lowest example (Results). We hypothesize that it might be due to the \guillemet{simplicity} of those examples that are shorter than the average with an average length of around seven tokens. Thus, these examples are possibly more straightforward than the others, leading to an easier classification. Also, we observe a higher variance on both Thoughts and Personal class for both our models. These two tags have the highest standard deviation, even if they are the classes with the most examples. It means that the training is quite sensitive to the initialization of the models. Because we have a limited number of data samples, minimizing such instability during training is more difficult. Therefore, more data would need to be annotated to reach a more stable training for all classes. Furthermore, we can see that there is still room for improvement for most tags. \begin{table} \centering \captionsetup{width=\linewidth} \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\begin{tabular}{ccccc|ccccc} \toprule \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}} \\ O & Thoughts & Results & Relational & Personal & O & Thoughts & Results & Relational & Personal \\ \midrule $84.50 \pm 4.51$ & $82.72 \pm 7.84$ & $91.21 \pm 0.00$ & $73.41 \pm 4.44$ & $80.77 \pm 4.97$ & $83.30 \pm 3.63$ & $80.97 \pm 6.56$ & $92.31 \pm 4.85$ & $77.73 \pm 3.48$ & $85.21 \pm 9.65$ \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{Mean token-wise accuracy and one standard deviation per skill for \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}{} and \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{} on the test set for a subset size of $400$ (the \guillemet{O} tag means that a token does not belong to a skill)} \label{tab:acc_per_class} \end{table} \subsection{Error Analysis} Using the approaches that yielded the higher accuracy (\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{}), we conducted an error analysis on is 24 errors. We found that most of these were types that are similar to the cases illustrated in \autoref{fig:anot_conf2}, namely two consecutive skill annotations with the same class but separated by a coordination conjunction. The NER identified the two skills as a single skill in all those error cases. Moreover, some cases (3) were a similar error type where a part of the sentence, before a coordination conjunction, is not an entity as illustrated in \autoref{tab:firstexample}. The figure introduces each token's ground truth and prediction (\guillemet{Prob} rows), along with the model probabilities, using the same color scheme as \autoref{fig:pca_tf-idf}, namely \rougeemph{red} is the \guillemet{Thoughts} class, \mauveemph{purple} is \guillemet{Personal}, \blueemph{blue} is \guillemet{Relational}, \orangeemph{orange} is \guillemet{Results}, and \
{figure} \centering \captionsetup{width=\linewidth} \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{results/subsets.pdf} \caption{Number of tokens per skill in the training subsets dataset where each colour represents one of our four company partners} \label{fig:subset_stats} \end{figure} Finally, \autoref{tab:acc_per_class} presents the mean token-wise accuracy and one standard deviation per skill on the test set for \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}{} and \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{} for a subset size of $400$. We can see that for both approaches, the best performance occurs in the class with the lowest example (Results). We hypothesize that it might be due to the \guillemet{simplicity} of those examples that are shorter than the average with an average length of around seven tokens. Thus, these examples are possibly more straightforward than the others, leading to an easier classification. Also, we observe a higher variance on both Thoughts and Personal class for both our models. These two tags have the highest standard deviation, even if they are the classes with the most examples. It means that the training is quite sensitive to the initialization of the models. Because we have a limited number of data samples, minimizing such instability during training is more difficult. Therefore, more data would need to be annotated to reach a more stable training for all classes. Furthermore, we can see that there is still room for improvement for most tags. \begin{table} \centering \captionsetup{width=\linewidth} \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\begin{tabular}{ccccc|ccccc} \toprule \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}} \\ O & Thoughts & Results & Relational & Personal & O & Thoughts & Results & Relational & Personal \\ \midrule $84.50 \pm 4.51$ & $82.72 \pm 7.84$ & $91.21 \pm 0.00$ & $73.41 \pm 4.44$ & $80.77 \pm 4.97$ & $83.30 \pm 3.63$ & $80.97 \pm 6.56$ & $92.31 \pm 4.85$ & $77.73 \pm 3.48$ & $85.21 \pm 9.65$ \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{Mean token-wise accuracy and one standard deviation per skill for \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen warmup}{} and \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{} on the test set for a subset size of $400$ (the \guillemet{O} tag means that a token does not belong to a skill)} \label{tab:acc_per_class} \end{table} \subsection{Error Analysis} Using the approaches that yielded the higher accuracy (\textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{}), we conducted an error analysis on is 24 errors. We found that most of these were types that are similar to the cases illustrated in \autoref{fig:anot_conf2}, namely two consecutive skill annotations with the same class but separated by a coordination conjunction. The NER identified the two skills as a single skill in all those error cases. Moreover, some cases (3) were a similar error type where a part of the sentence, before a coordination conjunction, is not an entity as illustrated in \autoref{tab:firstexample}. The figure introduces each token's ground truth and prediction (\guillemet{Prob} rows), along with the model probabilities, using the same color scheme as \autoref{fig:pca_tf-idf}, namely \rougeemph{red} is the \guillemet{Thoughts} class, \mauveemph{purple} is \guillemet{Personal}, \blueemph{blue} is \guillemet{Relational}, \orangeemph{orange} is \guillemet{Results}, and \
vertemph{green} is a word not in an entity. We can see that not only does the NER wrongly predict the class, Personal rather than Thoughts, but it also wrongly predicted that the first part of the sentence, \guillemet{\textit{les dossiers sont de nature courante}}, is also a skill. We hypothesize that it is due to two things. First of all, the presence of the words \guillemet{\textit{dossiers}}, \guillemet{\textit{nature}}, \guillemet{\textit{courante}} that appear in other Personal examples. For instance, the word \guillemet{\textit{dossiers}} appears 49 times in a Personal entity, which could confuse our model as to whether such a sentence piece is a skill. Second of all, the presence of the coordinating conjunction \guillemet{\textit{et}} plus the determinant \guillemet{\textit{les}} which mostly appear within an entity and rarely appear just outside of it (a token before). We argue that our model annotated the overall sentence as a skill in that specific case due to the overwhelming examples of such cases. However, the entity class prediction is inconsistent with the sentence vocabulary distribution. The second part of the sentence is composed of words that only appear in Thoughts examples, such as \guillemet{\textit{décision}}, \guillemet{\textit{analyse}} and \guillemet{\textit{recherche}}. It leads to lower probability confidence of our NER, where those three words have the lowest probabilities. \begin{figure} \captionsetup{width=\linewidth} \centering \begin{tabular}{l|ccccccccc} \toprule Token & \vertemph{les} & \vertemph{dossiers} & \vertemph{sont} & \vertemph{de} & \vertemph{nature} & \vertemph{courante} & \vertemph{et} & \rougeemph{les} & \rougeemph{décisions} \\ Prob & \mauveemph{0.82} & \mauveemph{0.80} & \mauveemph{0.83} & \mauveemph{0.84} & \mauveemph{0.83} & \mauveemph{0.83} & \mauveemph{0.78} & \mauveemph{0.53} & \mauveemph{0.49} \\\midrule Token & \rougeemph{requièrent} & \rougeemph{un} & \rougeemph{niveau} & \rougeemph{habituel} & \rougeemph{d'} & \rougeemph{analyse} & \rougeemph{et} & \rougeemph{de} & \rougeemph{recherche} \\ Prob & \mauveemph{0.81} & \mauveemph{0.85} & \mauveemph{0.82} & \mauveemph{0.83} & \mauveemph{0.78} & \mauveemph{0.51} & \mauveemph{0.73} & \mauveemph{0.74} & \mauveemph{0.64} \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Example of a wrongly predicted sentence using the best seed \textbf{CamemBERT unfrozen}{} model where color represent the skill class (\rougeemph{red} is the \guillemet{Thoughts} class, \mauveemph{purple} is \guillemet{Personal}, \blueemph{blue} is \guillemet{Relational}, \orangeemph{orange} is \guillemet{Results}, and \vertemph{green} is a word not in an entity)} \label{tab:firstexample} \end{figure} \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:conclusion} This article presents a new public dataset in French, including annotated and non-annotated job offers in the
ierzchu ciemnozielone do prawie czarny, lśniące, od spodu jaśniejsze, matowe. Kwiaty Bardzo drobne, w małych zwartych pęczkach stojących w pachwinach liści. Białawo-zielonkawe. Owoce Małe, kuliste pestkowce, dojrzałe koloru niebieskawego lub czarnego. Biologia i ekologia Na obszarze naturalnego występowania rośnie w zaroślach nadmorskich typu makii i garigu. Kwitnie w czerwcu. Przypisy Bibliografia Oliwkowate Milena Todorić Toplišek, slovenska arhitektka, * 1959, Stinica (Hrvaška). Bila je avtorica ali sodelavka v projektih: Fasada Pivovarne Union, Ljubljana Prodajno-servisni center Opel, Kranj Avtoemona poslovni objekt C, Ljubljana Prenova in adaptacija kompleksa Mladike, Ljubljana Osnovna šola Drska, Novo Mesto Živeči ljudje Hrvaški Slovenci Slovenski arhitekti Trapezia corallina is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Trapeziidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1856 door Gerstaecker. Trapeziidae BB19 may refer to: Big Brother 19 (disambiguation), a television program in various versions , a United States Navy battleship Саммит «Будущее Го» () — совместный проект китайской ассоциации вэйци, Sport Bureau провинции Чжэцзян и Google, который проходил с 23 по 27 мая 2017 года в китайском городе Вужене (провинция Чжэцзян), являющемся постоянным местом проведения . В рамках мероприятия состоялись пять партий в го с участием программы AlphaGo и лучших китайских игроков, а именно: матч из трёх игр с Кэ Цзе, парное го (человек и компьютер против человека и компьютера) и командное го (пять профессионалов против компьютера). Также в рамка саммита проходило панельные обсуждения о будущем ИИ. AlphaGo AlphaGo — компьютерная программа для игры в го, разработанная DeepMind, получившая известность в 2016 году, как первая программа выигравшая матч у профессионального игрока (Ли Седоля). Версия AlphaGo, которая была использована во время саммита, существенно отличалась от той, которая играла с Ли Седолем. Новая версия больше полагалась на обучение во время игры самой с собой, чем на обучение на играх профессиональных игроков. Кроме того эта версия использовала в десять раз меньше вычислений и обучалась в течение недели, а не нескольких месяцев, как версия 2016 года. В матче против Кэ Цзе использовался только один компьютер на с TPU. Для сравнения: в игре с Ли Седолем в марте 2016 года AlphaGo использовала 1920 процессоров и 280 графических процессоров, работающих в распределённой сети. Впервые эта версия была использована для управляла игроком «Master» в конце 2016 — начале 2017 на го-серверах и FoxGo, который выиграл все 60 партий у ведущих игроков в го. Поэтому эту версию создатели называют AlphaGo Master. Игры Игры проводились по стандартным китайским правилам с коми в 7,5 очков
ierzchu ciemnozielone do prawie czarny, lśniące, od spodu jaśniejsze, matowe. Kwiaty Bardzo drobne, w małych zwartych pęczkach stojących w pachwinach liści. Białawo-zielonkawe. Owoce Małe, kuliste pestkowce, dojrzałe koloru niebieskawego lub czarnego. Biologia i ekologia Na obszarze naturalnego występowania rośnie w zaroślach nadmorskich typu makii i garigu. Kwitnie w czerwcu. Przypisy Bibliografia Oliwkowate Milena Todorić Toplišek, slovenska arhitektka, * 1959, Stinica (Hrvaška). Bila je avtorica ali sodelavka v projektih: Fasada Pivovarne Union, Ljubljana Prodajno-servisni center Opel, Kranj Avtoemona poslovni objekt C, Ljubljana Prenova in adaptacija kompleksa Mladike, Ljubljana Osnovna šola Drska, Novo Mesto Živeči ljudje Hrvaški Slovenci Slovenski arhitekti Trapezia corallina is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Trapeziidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1856 door Gerstaecker. Trapeziidae BB19 may refer to: Big Brother 19 (disambiguation), a television program in various versions , a United States Navy battleship Саммит «Будущее Го» () — совместный проект китайской ассоциации вэйци, Sport Bureau провинции Чжэцзян и Google, который проходил с 23 по 27 мая 2017 года в китайском городе Вужене (провинция Чжэцзян), являющемся постоянным местом проведения . В рамках мероприятия состоялись пять партий в го с участием программы AlphaGo и лучших китайских игроков, а именно: матч из трёх игр с Кэ Цзе, парное го (человек и компьютер против человека и компьютера) и командное го (пять профессионалов против компьютера). Также в рамка саммита проходило панельные обсуждения о будущем ИИ. AlphaGo AlphaGo — компьютерная программа для игры в го, разработанная DeepMind, получившая известность в 2016 году, как первая программа выигравшая матч у профессионального игрока (Ли Седоля). Версия AlphaGo, которая была использована во время саммита, существенно отличалась от той, которая играла с Ли Седолем. Новая версия больше полагалась на обучение во время игры самой с собой, чем на обучение на играх профессиональных игроков. Кроме того эта версия использовала в десять раз меньше вычислений и обучалась в течение недели, а не нескольких месяцев, как версия 2016 года. В матче против Кэ Цзе использовался только один компьютер на с TPU. Для сравнения: в игре с Ли Седолем в марте 2016 года AlphaGo использовала 1920 процессоров и 280 графических процессоров, работающих в распределённой сети. Впервые эта версия была использована для управляла игроком «Master» в конце 2016 — начале 2017 на го-серверах и FoxGo, который выиграл все 60 партий у ведущих игроков в го. Поэтому эту версию создатели называют AlphaGo Master. Игры Игры проводились по стандартным китайским правилам с коми в 7,5 очков
. Кэ Цзе против AlphaGo В играх между Кэ Цзе и AlphaGo каждому игроку давалось три часа основного времени и ещё 5 бёёми по 1 минуте. Игра 1 AlphaGo, играя белыми, выиграла с перевесом в пол очка. Игра 2 Во второй игре Кэ Цзе сдался. На пресс-конференции после окончания игры представители DeepMind сообщили, что первые 50-100 ходов AlphaGo считала, что позиция в партии практически равная для белых и чёрных, и только в конце игры AlphaGo получила преимущество. По их словам это первый случай, когда AlphaGo Master не удавалось так долго получить существенного преимущества (согласно собственной оценке AlphaGo). Игра 3 На пресс-конференции после второй партии Кэ Цзе заявил, что он знает, что для игр между машинами вероятность выиграть белыми 55 %, а вероятность выигрывать чёрными 45 %. Он попросил разрешить ему играть третью партию белыми, чтобы показать более интересную игру. Демис Хассабис от имени AlphaGo согласился. Кэ Цзе сдался после 209-го хода. Парное го 26 мая проходила партия в парное го между двумя командами. В каждую команду входили профессиональный игрок и компьютер. По правилам парного каждый игрок по очереди делает ход за свою команду, переговоры между партнёрами запрещены. Первым ходил Гу Ли за чёрных, потом за белых, потом AlphaGo за чёрных, потом другой экземпляр AlphaGo за белых. После этого последовательность ходов повторялась. На третьем часу AlphaGo, играющая за чёрных, предложила своему партнёру сдаться, но Гу Ли отказался и продолжил игру. Но вскоре, после 220-го хода, AlphaGo предложила сдаться ещё раз, и Гу Ли согласился. В итоге белые выиграли. Командное го В тот же день происходила игра в командное го. Против AlphaGo играла команда из пяти профессионалов максимального 9 дана — (№3 в рейтинге сильнейших игроков, рейтинг перед матчем 3571 пункт), Чэнь Яое (№8, 3513), Чжоу Жуйян (№10, 3509), (№11, 3508), (№18, 3474). Члены команды сообща выбирали ход. Каждая сторона имела два с половиной часа основного времени. Согласно жеребьёвке AlphaGo выпало играть белыми. После 254 хода чёрные сдались. AlphaGo против AlphaGo Чтобы отметить конец саммита Future of Go Summit создатели AlphaGo сделали еще один небольшой подарок поклонникам игры го по всему миру, опубликовав серию из 50 игр AlphaGo играющей против самой себя с классическим контролем времени. Анализ этих игр, возможно позволит открыть много новых и интересных идей и стратегий. Цензура Государственное Центральное телевидение Китая отменило планировавшуюся прямую трансляцию игры, прямая потоковая трансляция игры на всех китайских сайтах была запрещена. Кроме того, всем китайским СМИ освещающим событие было запрещено упоминать
William C. Gaines Ann Marie Lipinski Lou Kilzer Joseph T. Hallinan Susan M. Headden Lorraine Adams Dan Malone Jeff Brazil Providence Journal-Bulletin Stephanie Saul The Orange County Register Eric Nalder Deborah Nelson Alex Tizon Gary Cohn Sang-Hun Choe Charles J. Hanley Martha Mendoza David Willman Sari Horwitz Scott Higham Sarah Cohen Clifford J. Levy Michael D. Sallah Joe Mahr Mitch Weiss Nigel Jaquiss Susan Schmidt James V. Grimaldi R. Jeffrey Smith Brett Blackledge Walt Bogdanich Jake Hooker David Barstow Barbara Laker Wendy Ruderman Sheri Fink Paige St. John Matt Apuzzo Adam Goldman Eileen Sullivan Chris Hawley Michael J. Berens Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab Chris Hamby Eric Lipton Leonora LaPeter Anton Anthony Cormier Michael Braga Esther Htusan Eric Eyre Matt Hamilton Harriet Ryan Paul Pringle Brian Rosenthal Gannett publications 1829 establishments in Rhode Island Mass media in Providence, Rhode Island Newspapers published in Rhode Island Pulitzer Prize-winning newspapers Publications established in 1829 August 26, 2016 Carroll Insider - We're Off and Running! Welcome Class of 2020! Students are moved in, classes have begun, and campus is bustling! We are excited to begin the 2016-17 school year and welcome the class of 2020 to campus. For more photos of move-in day, visit here. Guatemala Grant To help continue the important work being done by Carroll College’s Engineers Without Borders in Guatemala, the Foundation for the Diocese of Helena recently awarded CC-EWB a grant in the amount of $2,000. This grant funding will be used for the continuation of the seismic retrofit wall construction at the Instituto La Asuncion school located in Santo Tomas La Union, Guatemala. Read more. Saints in the News A budding relationship between a Ugandan priest, Rev. Julius Bwowe, parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Helena and the Carroll College Chapter of Engineers Without Borders is working to help hundreds of Ugandans access clean water. CC-EWB made its first trip to Kawango, a community of 350, this past May to assess the needs and begin to develop solutions. “There’s been a calling for us to be with Father Julius in Uganda and the students are excited to develop and work on this long-term relationship,” said Dr. John Scharf, professor of engineering and faculty advisor on the Uganda project. Read the story in the Helena IR here: Helena's academics, faith and philanthropy meet in east Africa As a product of Carroll's Entrepreneur in Residence program, senior Ty Irving and 2016 grad Joe Stoutt recently held a launch party of their new company Big Skylines, Montana's first and only designer athletic sock company. At the launch, held at fourOsix in downtown Helena, they unveiled their first product: Helena Hightops. The 406 on your feet! Carroll’s Nursing Department started off the academic year with the tradition of welcome and celebration at the Annual Blessing of the Hands Ceremony, which recognizes the dedication of nurses to bring comfort, kindness, respect, and spiritual support to patients. See more photos of this special ceremony here. Assistant professor of biology Dr. Stephanie Otto-Hitt was recently awarded $5,000 from the Ciliate Genomics Consortium's NSF IUSE grant to help cover the cost of supplies related to an open-investigation style Tetrahymena lab module in her first-year biology course this fall. This is the second grant she has been awarded from the consortium having received a $
William C. Gaines Ann Marie Lipinski Lou Kilzer Joseph T. Hallinan Susan M. Headden Lorraine Adams Dan Malone Jeff Brazil Providence Journal-Bulletin Stephanie Saul The Orange County Register Eric Nalder Deborah Nelson Alex Tizon Gary Cohn Sang-Hun Choe Charles J. Hanley Martha Mendoza David Willman Sari Horwitz Scott Higham Sarah Cohen Clifford J. Levy Michael D. Sallah Joe Mahr Mitch Weiss Nigel Jaquiss Susan Schmidt James V. Grimaldi R. Jeffrey Smith Brett Blackledge Walt Bogdanich Jake Hooker David Barstow Barbara Laker Wendy Ruderman Sheri Fink Paige St. John Matt Apuzzo Adam Goldman Eileen Sullivan Chris Hawley Michael J. Berens Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab Chris Hamby Eric Lipton Leonora LaPeter Anton Anthony Cormier Michael Braga Esther Htusan Eric Eyre Matt Hamilton Harriet Ryan Paul Pringle Brian Rosenthal Gannett publications 1829 establishments in Rhode Island Mass media in Providence, Rhode Island Newspapers published in Rhode Island Pulitzer Prize-winning newspapers Publications established in 1829 August 26, 2016 Carroll Insider - We're Off and Running! Welcome Class of 2020! Students are moved in, classes have begun, and campus is bustling! We are excited to begin the 2016-17 school year and welcome the class of 2020 to campus. For more photos of move-in day, visit here. Guatemala Grant To help continue the important work being done by Carroll College’s Engineers Without Borders in Guatemala, the Foundation for the Diocese of Helena recently awarded CC-EWB a grant in the amount of $2,000. This grant funding will be used for the continuation of the seismic retrofit wall construction at the Instituto La Asuncion school located in Santo Tomas La Union, Guatemala. Read more. Saints in the News A budding relationship between a Ugandan priest, Rev. Julius Bwowe, parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Helena and the Carroll College Chapter of Engineers Without Borders is working to help hundreds of Ugandans access clean water. CC-EWB made its first trip to Kawango, a community of 350, this past May to assess the needs and begin to develop solutions. “There’s been a calling for us to be with Father Julius in Uganda and the students are excited to develop and work on this long-term relationship,” said Dr. John Scharf, professor of engineering and faculty advisor on the Uganda project. Read the story in the Helena IR here: Helena's academics, faith and philanthropy meet in east Africa As a product of Carroll's Entrepreneur in Residence program, senior Ty Irving and 2016 grad Joe Stoutt recently held a launch party of their new company Big Skylines, Montana's first and only designer athletic sock company. At the launch, held at fourOsix in downtown Helena, they unveiled their first product: Helena Hightops. The 406 on your feet! Carroll’s Nursing Department started off the academic year with the tradition of welcome and celebration at the Annual Blessing of the Hands Ceremony, which recognizes the dedication of nurses to bring comfort, kindness, respect, and spiritual support to patients. See more photos of this special ceremony here. Assistant professor of biology Dr. Stephanie Otto-Hitt was recently awarded $5,000 from the Ciliate Genomics Consortium's NSF IUSE grant to help cover the cost of supplies related to an open-investigation style Tetrahymena lab module in her first-year biology course this fall. This is the second grant she has been awarded from the consortium having received a $
1,000 this past winter for her molecular biology lab class. Thank you to the CGC for this most generous award for our students! Rick Reese, former political science professor at Carroll from 1970-74, was one of the rescuers featured in a documentary film which recently aired on PBS regarding the 1967 Grand Teton rescue of an injured climber and his companion. A trailer for The Grand Rescue: A True Story of the 1967 Jenny Lake Rangers can be viewed here. Thomas Hoffman, M.D., '98, Medical Director, Acadia Montana, Butte, MT. Read announcement here. Ezekial “Zeke” Koslosky ‘16, recently received a $12,000 scholarship from the Loge Family Medical Scholarship Fund to continue his education. He will attend medical school through the WWAMI program of the University of Washington. Read announcement here. Rose Mary (Baker) Sheehan, class of 1954 - read more about her life here. Richard A. Tomcheck '53 - read more about his life here. Employment at Carroll Have you ever thought about working at Carroll? You should – we are pretty nice folks at a pretty great place. Check out our current openings. Assistant Professor in Theology Art Adjuncts Nursing Clinical Lab Facilitator Canine Training Assistant In addition, WorldMontana, which is located on Carroll College’s campus in conjunction with the Artaza Center for Excellence in Global Education, is looking for a new Executive Director. WorldMontana is non-profit organization dedicated to connecting Montana to the world through global education and exchanges with international visitors. While operationally separate from Carroll College, the college provides WM with office space and is supportive of their work in bringing international visitors to campus and into the Helena community. What is the Greatest Unsolved Mathematics Problem of Modern Times? A public debate with Dr. Kelly Cline vs. Dr. Eric Sullivan, Sept. 7, 7 p.m.,101/202 Simperman/Wiegand Amphitheatre, Carroll College In the year 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute announced that they would award a one million dollar prize for solutions to any of seven challenging mysteries in mathematics. One of these mysteries has now been solved, and six are still out there. What is the most important of these unsolved problems? Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Cline will argue which of the remaining six they feel is the most important. At the end of this debate, the audience will vote on which of these two problems is the most important unsolved mathematics problem of modern times. This event is free and open to the public. Annual Constitution Day Lecture - The Anti-Federal Appropriation, Sept. 12, 7 p.m., Trinity Lounge, Carroll College Sponsored by the Constitutional Studies Center at Carroll College and made possible by a generous gift from the Apgar Foundation, Carroll's Annual Constitution Day lecture will feature Dr.Jeffrey K. Tulis, an associate professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. In his lecture titled, “The Anti-Federal Appropriation,” Professor Tulis will explain how Anti-Federalists — those who originally opposed the U.S. Constitution — and their heirs "have exploited the iterative character of The Federalist to gain through interpretation what they lost in ratification of the Constitution regarding federalism, separation of powers, and executive power.” All students, faculty, staff, and members of the community are invited to attend. This lecture is the first in a series of events designed to bring heightened attention to the tradition of constitutional government. 7th Annual Carroll College ASCE Student Chapter Fundraiser Golf Tournament, Sept. 16, Bill Roberts Golf Course, Helena You have the opportunity to help raise money for Carroll American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter activities and win great prizes in the process. All levels of golfers are welcome and encouraged to play. Hole contests and prizes! Registration fees before Sept. 3: $90/person (includes cart) and $320/4-person team (includes 2 carts). For registration and sponsorship forms, contact Gary Fischer, ASCE Faculty Advisor, at gfischer
saucer appears and obliterates the baby’s ship with a death ray beam. Flash, Dale, and the baby seek shelter in the woods. Dan Barry gives readers a glimpse of the exotic and beautiful alien female piloting the saucer and immediately diffuses the threat in accordance with the gender politics of the 1950s. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Eight Friday, December 27, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 3 comments “Peril Park” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from August 31 to November 13, 1954. I’ve begun to develop a fondness for Barry’s rather unique take on the character. He is a far cry from Alex Raymond, but his version is not without charm and these early 1950s strips did much to influence the Flash Gordon television series of the fifties. “Peril Park” opens with a tranquil scene of Flash and Dale enjoying a summer day boating on the lake when Flash discovers a message in a bottle. The twist is that the message was written 600 years in the future by a woman called Elda who claims to be held captive on an island in the very lake where Flash and Dale are relaxing. Dale is eager to let the matter lie, but Flash cannot and, with Dr. Zarkov’s help, he whisks forward six centuries via the time-space projector in Zarkov’s lab. The time travel scenes are rendered in a highly inventive fashion that suggests an influence on the trippy astral projection art pioneered by Steve Ditko on Marvel’s Doctor Strange a decade later. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Seven Friday, September 6, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 1 comment “Circea” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from March 22 to May 29, 1954. This lighthearted story begins with Zarkov encouraging Flash to propose to Dale. Just as he starts to ask her to marry him, the gravity of the area around them is thrown off and Flash and Dale find themselves hurtling past the clouds while the oxygen grows rapidly thinner. They recover consciousness to find themselves in a rocketship hurtling through space. They leave our galaxy and pass through a comet unscathed before entering the atmosphere of an unknown planetoid in a far distant galaxy. They are brought to rest through the skylight of a large installation perched high on a cliff. They find themselves facing a beautiful woman named Circea who has observed Flash from afar and become infatuated with him. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Six Friday, August 30, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 2 comments “The Lost Continent” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from October 26, 1953 to March 20, 1954. This is the story where Dan Barry finally realized his potential and would serve as the model for his best work on the strip over the next four decades. His art and plotting are reminiscent of the classic original work by Alex Raymond and rank alongside Al Williamson’s later work as the most faithful interpretations of Raymond’s unique style. The story gets underway with Flash, Dale, and Zarkov enjoying a deep sea fishing trip in the West Indies when they are caught in a hurricane. Their yacht strikes a bathysphere in the storm and is washed ashore with it on the island of Bimini. A panel on the bathysphere opens and Flash, Dale, and Zarkov enter to find a pair of Neanderthals who quickly suffocate in the open air. The dying Neanderthals manage to speak a few words in their strange language and Zarkov makes out “Poseidon” and concludes they hail from the legendary capitol of the lost continent of Atlantis. Dale discovers a cache of gold coins in the flooring while Zarkov discovers a recording machine that translates thoughts. The device translates the Atlan language into several different languages including English through which they learn the Neanderthals were on a mission to flood the markets of the surface world with the cache of gold in order to destroy the world economy to pave the way for an invasion. The trio resolves to pilot the bathysphere down to Atl
saucer appears and obliterates the baby’s ship with a death ray beam. Flash, Dale, and the baby seek shelter in the woods. Dan Barry gives readers a glimpse of the exotic and beautiful alien female piloting the saucer and immediately diffuses the threat in accordance with the gender politics of the 1950s. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Eight Friday, December 27, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 3 comments “Peril Park” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from August 31 to November 13, 1954. I’ve begun to develop a fondness for Barry’s rather unique take on the character. He is a far cry from Alex Raymond, but his version is not without charm and these early 1950s strips did much to influence the Flash Gordon television series of the fifties. “Peril Park” opens with a tranquil scene of Flash and Dale enjoying a summer day boating on the lake when Flash discovers a message in a bottle. The twist is that the message was written 600 years in the future by a woman called Elda who claims to be held captive on an island in the very lake where Flash and Dale are relaxing. Dale is eager to let the matter lie, but Flash cannot and, with Dr. Zarkov’s help, he whisks forward six centuries via the time-space projector in Zarkov’s lab. The time travel scenes are rendered in a highly inventive fashion that suggests an influence on the trippy astral projection art pioneered by Steve Ditko on Marvel’s Doctor Strange a decade later. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Seven Friday, September 6, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 1 comment “Circea” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from March 22 to May 29, 1954. This lighthearted story begins with Zarkov encouraging Flash to propose to Dale. Just as he starts to ask her to marry him, the gravity of the area around them is thrown off and Flash and Dale find themselves hurtling past the clouds while the oxygen grows rapidly thinner. They recover consciousness to find themselves in a rocketship hurtling through space. They leave our galaxy and pass through a comet unscathed before entering the atmosphere of an unknown planetoid in a far distant galaxy. They are brought to rest through the skylight of a large installation perched high on a cliff. They find themselves facing a beautiful woman named Circea who has observed Flash from afar and become infatuated with him. Blogging Dan Barry’s Flash Gordon, Part Six Friday, August 30, 2013 William Patrick Maynard Comments 2 comments “The Lost Continent” by Dan Barry was serialized by King Features Syndicate from October 26, 1953 to March 20, 1954. This is the story where Dan Barry finally realized his potential and would serve as the model for his best work on the strip over the next four decades. His art and plotting are reminiscent of the classic original work by Alex Raymond and rank alongside Al Williamson’s later work as the most faithful interpretations of Raymond’s unique style. The story gets underway with Flash, Dale, and Zarkov enjoying a deep sea fishing trip in the West Indies when they are caught in a hurricane. Their yacht strikes a bathysphere in the storm and is washed ashore with it on the island of Bimini. A panel on the bathysphere opens and Flash, Dale, and Zarkov enter to find a pair of Neanderthals who quickly suffocate in the open air. The dying Neanderthals manage to speak a few words in their strange language and Zarkov makes out “Poseidon” and concludes they hail from the legendary capitol of the lost continent of Atlantis. Dale discovers a cache of gold coins in the flooring while Zarkov discovers a recording machine that translates thoughts. The device translates the Atlan language into several different languages including English through which they learn the Neanderthals were on a mission to flood the markets of the surface world with the cache of gold in order to destroy the world economy to pave the way for an invasion. The trio resolves to pilot the bathysphere down to Atl
antis to sabotage their plan after giving the Neanderthals a proper burial on Bimini. Difference between revisions of "10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls" Missyjack (talk | contribs) [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3011272/ Elysia Rotaru], who played Shaylene, previously played [[Victoria Dodd]] in [[7.19 Of Grave Importance]]. [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3011272/ Elysia Rotaru], who played Shaylene Johnson, previously played [[Victoria Dodd]] in [[7.19 Of Grave Importance]]. Title Girls, Girls, Girls Episode # Season 10, Episode 7 First aired November 25, 2014 Directed by Robert Singer Written by Robert Berens On IMDB Girls, Girls, Girls Outline Sam and Dean are on a hunt for a witch that has been killing demons. Castiel and Hannah encounter someone from Hannah's vessel's past. Monster Demons Location(s) Missouri Fall River, Massachusetts A young lady is chased down an alley by Raul. He catches her and she begs him not to hurt her, promising to come back. He grabs her, and she stabs him in the eye with one of her high heels. Raul then reveals his black eyes and breaks her neck. Sam & Dean are eating in a restaurant and Sam is looking through the paper for a case. Dean says there isn't a case, that they stopped to get a good steak. When Dean's phone starts “blowing up,” Sam grabs it to see what is going on. He discovers that Dean has a dating app, and that they came here so Dean could hook up with a woman. It turns out that the woman, Shaylene, is a prostitute, and she is willing to trade sex for Dean's soul. Castiel & Hannah continue to track down angels and return them to Heaven. When Hannah suddenly takes off her clothes to take a shower, Castiel is confused, and Hannah wants to know if her nakedness bothers Cas. As they are checking out of the hotel, Hannah is confronted by her vessel's (Caroline Johnson) husband, Joe Johnson. He wants to know why she left, so Hannah explains that she is having an affair with Castiel. When Joe doesn't believe her, she kisses Castiel, and then the two of them leave. Dean wants to help Shaylene, so Sam & Dean set a trap for her pimp, who is a demon. After catching him in a devil's trap, they question the demon to find out how many girls are involved. Before he can answer, Shaylene kills the demon in a fit of anger so the boys have to track down clues elsewhere. Meanwhile, Rowena arrives at the brothel where the sex for souls trade is headquartered. She kills Raul using an ancient hex, and then invites the working girls, Elle & Catlin, to come along with her. Rowena wines & dines the two prostitutes in an attempt to get them to join her coven. She explains how the Grand Coven threw her out because her magic was too extreme so she was banned from taking students and forming her own coven. However, she wants to be their mentor. They agree, and as they leave the restaurant a waiter Rowena had hexed suddenly dies violently. Crowley finds out about the sex for souls trade from Gerald, who had escaped Rowena's attack. Crowley is not pleased, proclaims the sex trade is tacky and wants it cleaned up. Sam and Dean find the brothel, and discover the gruesome body of Raul. When Sam finds a hex bag, they conclude that Raul was killed by a witch. The boys research the hex used to kill Raul, and discover that a witch by the name of Rowena created it, and she was the only one that ever used it. Sam and Dean then investigate the dead waiter, who died in a similar manner as Raul. After talking with other hunters, who are aware of other such grisly murders in fancy hotels, Sam and Dean decide to check out all the 5 star hotels in the area. Cole Trenton has captured a demon, and proceeds to torture it for any information
to let the lights be more than time’s progressive memory‚ and it’s necessary to finally renounce violence everywhere in one’s life but in one’s self-accusations isn’t it. I bring anger to the evenness necessary to be reborn without strangling the doc. An unexpected benefit from the genetic process. Attention dissolves: Brooklyn into two- dimensional space. Oakland into pig think frequency. Demolition into elevator love triangle. Symbolism into punk-post appliance. Foraging into withdrawal from public action. Voracious coddling into confidants’ anonymous. Story fate into shrubbery lashings. Backlash into dispassionate textolatry. Rummaging into structure. Bistro into Cheetah Feeling giddy and positively apostatic at the clinic‚ the perfect little heart-shaped heart beneath ’82 in this old used copy of Between the Acts gives affect to my argument for connection within. Child seats man in rear. Dana‚ I’m going to address this end to you—I’ve just read your piece on Geoff and you‚ music and that blurry opulence the love of a particular love’s company induces from future memories. I’m in awe of those elaborate movie watching games you and Sarah play‚ envious of yr couch and its ears. I like to think I hate the movies‚ but I felt kindly manipulated by Apollo 13 late last night after inhaling a little deep ash in order to faze the process of clipping sentences from my latest variation on retuning the old consciousness. I identify with the missing sections in Typing “Wild Speech”. I thought to go public with the whole thing in this period of weird interior folly compelling me to print without sanction the works forcing me to lock fate in the bathroom and rap its sour puss on the head when it tries to flee without asking. I’m nothing if not polite‚ even in absentia. Love‚ Anselm. This poem is part of BR’s special package celebrating National Poetry Month. Tags: Notes from Irrelevance, Anselm Berrigan, Boston Review, poetry, poem, National Poetry Month Posted by william harryman at Thursday, April 14, 2011 0 comments Stas Mavrides on Andrew Cohen at Integral World Over the years, I have not hid my dislike for Andrew Cohen as a guru - based on his writings and videos, I believe he is narcissistic and abusive to students. I have characterized him as an abusive guru. Despite all the really nice and sincere people I have met online who are his students, you could not pay me enough to submit to him as a teacher. So it was with interest that I read Stas Mavrides's new article at Integral World on Cohen and his own guru, H. W. L. Poonja. Just so we are all clear about this article, Stas is also one of the contributing editors (since 2007) of the online blog, WhatEnlightenment.net, a site devoted to exposing Cohen as the unenlightened person he is, with much of the material coming from former students (of which Stas is one). With that background, here is the beginning of his article on Cohen: “I Love Him, I Hate Him, I Love Him Again” Devotion, Deception and Opportunism in Andrew Cohen’s Re-found Love for His Guru, H.W.L. Poonja Stas Mavrides Andrew’s response to his guru’s criticism of him was to turn around and disparage him. Those of you who tuned-in to the latest online offering from Andrew Cohen/EnlightenNext on March 26, 2011—Awakening to Your Highest Self—a lengthy guru love-fest billed as his “Gift to the Cosmos,” may have been surprised to hear Andrew effusively celebrating his formerly reviled teacher H.
to let the lights be more than time’s progressive memory‚ and it’s necessary to finally renounce violence everywhere in one’s life but in one’s self-accusations isn’t it. I bring anger to the evenness necessary to be reborn without strangling the doc. An unexpected benefit from the genetic process. Attention dissolves: Brooklyn into two- dimensional space. Oakland into pig think frequency. Demolition into elevator love triangle. Symbolism into punk-post appliance. Foraging into withdrawal from public action. Voracious coddling into confidants’ anonymous. Story fate into shrubbery lashings. Backlash into dispassionate textolatry. Rummaging into structure. Bistro into Cheetah Feeling giddy and positively apostatic at the clinic‚ the perfect little heart-shaped heart beneath ’82 in this old used copy of Between the Acts gives affect to my argument for connection within. Child seats man in rear. Dana‚ I’m going to address this end to you—I’ve just read your piece on Geoff and you‚ music and that blurry opulence the love of a particular love’s company induces from future memories. I’m in awe of those elaborate movie watching games you and Sarah play‚ envious of yr couch and its ears. I like to think I hate the movies‚ but I felt kindly manipulated by Apollo 13 late last night after inhaling a little deep ash in order to faze the process of clipping sentences from my latest variation on retuning the old consciousness. I identify with the missing sections in Typing “Wild Speech”. I thought to go public with the whole thing in this period of weird interior folly compelling me to print without sanction the works forcing me to lock fate in the bathroom and rap its sour puss on the head when it tries to flee without asking. I’m nothing if not polite‚ even in absentia. Love‚ Anselm. This poem is part of BR’s special package celebrating National Poetry Month. Tags: Notes from Irrelevance, Anselm Berrigan, Boston Review, poetry, poem, National Poetry Month Posted by william harryman at Thursday, April 14, 2011 0 comments Stas Mavrides on Andrew Cohen at Integral World Over the years, I have not hid my dislike for Andrew Cohen as a guru - based on his writings and videos, I believe he is narcissistic and abusive to students. I have characterized him as an abusive guru. Despite all the really nice and sincere people I have met online who are his students, you could not pay me enough to submit to him as a teacher. So it was with interest that I read Stas Mavrides's new article at Integral World on Cohen and his own guru, H. W. L. Poonja. Just so we are all clear about this article, Stas is also one of the contributing editors (since 2007) of the online blog, WhatEnlightenment.net, a site devoted to exposing Cohen as the unenlightened person he is, with much of the material coming from former students (of which Stas is one). With that background, here is the beginning of his article on Cohen: “I Love Him, I Hate Him, I Love Him Again” Devotion, Deception and Opportunism in Andrew Cohen’s Re-found Love for His Guru, H.W.L. Poonja Stas Mavrides Andrew’s response to his guru’s criticism of him was to turn around and disparage him. Those of you who tuned-in to the latest online offering from Andrew Cohen/EnlightenNext on March 26, 2011—Awakening to Your Highest Self—a lengthy guru love-fest billed as his “Gift to the Cosmos,” may have been surprised to hear Andrew effusively celebrating his formerly reviled teacher H.
W. L. Poonja and their relationship. As a close senior student of Andrew’s for 15 years, I know I was. For over a decade while I was in Andrew Cohen’s inner circle, the only comments I heard from Andrew about his former Lucknow, India Advaita teacher “Poonja-ji” (also known as “Papaji”), were disparaging, disrespectful and vituperative. In particular, I and others who were privy to Andrew’s thoughts and feelings at the time of Poonja’s death in 1997 remember being shocked by Andrew’s cold indifference to his teacher’s passing. For example, when I conveyed my condolences to Andrew regarding Poonjaji, he replied to me, “It’s no skin off my nose.” Mimi Katz, Andrew’s personal secretary during this period, told me that on learning of Poonja’s death she offered her sympathies to Andrew only to have him snap back, “That man means nothing to me now!” Another former close senior student, Harry Dijkshoorn, speaks about Andrew’s general attitude toward his guru: “I was closely present at the times of the demise of his relationship with Poonja. There was enormous anger, pain and deep disgust in Andrew towards Poonja for his perceived lies and duplicity. As a close student, I have been witness to Andrew berating Poonja in private countless times, which amounted to Andrew having lost all respect for his Guru. For Andrew to be praising Poonja now without at least mentioning how unbelievably angry he has been with him for so many years, seems to be profoundly hypocritical, to say the least. But in light of Andrew's behavior of the last several years, the blatant denial and lies he has told about events that have clearly taken place, I would be surprised if we suddenly would see a sign of integrity and self-honesty from the man who likes to write declarations of integrity about himself.” Andrew’s expressions of extreme disdain for his former guru were not confined to the time of his guru’s death or private remarks to close students. He repeatedly expressed in community meetings to his students-at-large his negative assessment of what he perceived as his guru’s dishonesty and betrayal of him, and in 1992 published his indictment of Poonja in his book Autobiography of an Awakening (Moksha Foundation), which chronicles in detail his split from his guru. You can read the whole article at Integral World - but I want to include one more quote from the article that demonstrates, I think, the perversion of the dharma that Cohen has taught: So concerned was Poonja that it became a personal mission of his to help heal the damage that Andrew was causing students. He sent another of his disciples, Gangaji, to follow Andrew around the world and give satsangs wherever Andrew was teaching to try to counter Andrew’s twisting of the dharma. Gangaji repeatedly expressed that, in her opinion, Andrew had “landed,” i.e. lost his original realization. But this was more than a philosophical issue. Poonja saw the results of Andrew’s positioning himself as a “living Buddha” as being spiritually harmful to his students by demanding uncritical conformity to his wishes and demands, making them followers, or as he put it, “sheep”. Yep, sounds about right. Tags: gurus, Spirituality, karma, hypocrisy, Andrew Cohen, H.W.L. Poonja, Poonjaji, Stas Mavrides, Integral World, Papaji, Advaita, Devotion, Deception, Opportunism, EnlightenNext, WhatEnlightenment, Gangaji, dharma, twisted Labels: gurus, hypocrisy, karma, Spirituality The Body of Knowledge - Understanding Embodied Cognition A cool article on embodied cognition from the Association for Psychological Science's Observer. The article is from 2010, but it's still relevant - large factions of philosophers and neuroscientists still do not believe in embodied cognition - to them, it's all in the brain (which admittedly, is a part of the body, but . . . well, you get it). Strangely - this is yet another
61 6 y2017m06d05 On Saturday, June 3, Loews Hotel in Hollywood hosted the inaugural Global Gift Gala. Thanks to inClusion ClubHouse founders Pooch Hall ("Ray Donovan") and his wife Linda, along with Global Gift Foundation USA, the entire day was packed with two star-studded events; both benefiting families of children, teens and young adults with special needs. The day began with the annual Special Needs Family Prom and concluded with the first-ever black tie affair. The evening’s event came complete with a red carpet, champagne reception, three-course dinner, live auction, awards ceremony and some incredible performances featuring entertainers from around the world. The guest list included Pooch’s “Ray Donovan” co-stars Dash Mihok and Jon Voight, the fabulous Justina Machado, Holly Robinson Peete, actor/singer/ host Jaime Camil, as well as many others. Pooch and Linda shared with AXS how great it felt to have everything come together the way that it did. Their daughter, Djanai, was born with cerebral palsy and they first started the non-profit Djanai's Angels back in 2013 in order to help raise awareness. “This year was amazing,” Linda said. “The Global Gift Foundation has been such a tremendous help. I’m just in awe of everything that keeps happening and I’m so grateful we all get to join forces for the greater good.” The purpose of the evening was to help raise money for inClusion ClubHouse’s summer camp, which provides seasonal services for special needs children such as arts and crafts, music, dance, adaptive physical education and swimming. Musical artists, SOLERO, say that this is a cause close to their heart. Jean and Jonathan are originally from Puerto Rico and have a brother with special needs. The duo was one of the night’s performers and told AXS that they were honored to be there to give back. That seemed to be the sentiment of the evening as Argentinian siblings Martin and Facundo, otherwise known as the Lombard Twins, were there to perform as well. The dancing twins are world-renowned artists whose free expression type of dance is based on emotional content rather than a specific style. The two love to create, they told AXS; “We want the world to be inspired and to encourage people to believe in themselves.” Miami-born, Brazilian/American actress and singer Victoria Vida is a dynamic presence with a similar vision. She wrote and recorded the song "Shining Star," which was her way of encouraging people to always believe in their inner shining star. The singer told AXS that she first created the anti-bullying message as a way to reach out to people when they felt alone. “Music is such a powerful tool,” Victoria explained. “You can be having the worst day ever and then turn the radio on and feel like Superwoman. Unfortunately, sometimes we block that out because of other people or negative thoughts and we forget to notice the amazing person we are.” The incredible Robin Antin, founder of the Pussycat Dolls, was also there to lend support and to remind people just how important it is to bring your “inner doll” out. The world-class choreographer recently opened a brand-new dance studio right here in the heart of Los Angeles on Melrose. Her Playground LA partner, Kenny Wormald, whom you may have seen starring in 2011’s “Footloose” or dancing alongside Justin Timberlake, is just one of the many dancers/choreographers involved that make this team so great. “I go into the studio and it’s like a show every day,” Robin told AXS. Robin is about to begin teaching the first-ever Pussycat Dolls class, so be sure to check out Playground LA for details. You can see the wonderful Pooch Hall return to your television for season five of “Ray Donovan,” starting on Aug. 6. You can also catch him in “A Dog's Purpose” and starring as the great Muhammad Ali in “Chuck" alongside his Showtime co-star Liev Schreiber. For more with your favorite artists, keep it right here on AXS. By: Sari Cohen AXS Contributor Robin Antin Doctor: Pregnant women are ‘the least, the last and the lost of the
61 6 y2017m06d05 On Saturday, June 3, Loews Hotel in Hollywood hosted the inaugural Global Gift Gala. Thanks to inClusion ClubHouse founders Pooch Hall ("Ray Donovan") and his wife Linda, along with Global Gift Foundation USA, the entire day was packed with two star-studded events; both benefiting families of children, teens and young adults with special needs. The day began with the annual Special Needs Family Prom and concluded with the first-ever black tie affair. The evening’s event came complete with a red carpet, champagne reception, three-course dinner, live auction, awards ceremony and some incredible performances featuring entertainers from around the world. The guest list included Pooch’s “Ray Donovan” co-stars Dash Mihok and Jon Voight, the fabulous Justina Machado, Holly Robinson Peete, actor/singer/ host Jaime Camil, as well as many others. Pooch and Linda shared with AXS how great it felt to have everything come together the way that it did. Their daughter, Djanai, was born with cerebral palsy and they first started the non-profit Djanai's Angels back in 2013 in order to help raise awareness. “This year was amazing,” Linda said. “The Global Gift Foundation has been such a tremendous help. I’m just in awe of everything that keeps happening and I’m so grateful we all get to join forces for the greater good.” The purpose of the evening was to help raise money for inClusion ClubHouse’s summer camp, which provides seasonal services for special needs children such as arts and crafts, music, dance, adaptive physical education and swimming. Musical artists, SOLERO, say that this is a cause close to their heart. Jean and Jonathan are originally from Puerto Rico and have a brother with special needs. The duo was one of the night’s performers and told AXS that they were honored to be there to give back. That seemed to be the sentiment of the evening as Argentinian siblings Martin and Facundo, otherwise known as the Lombard Twins, were there to perform as well. The dancing twins are world-renowned artists whose free expression type of dance is based on emotional content rather than a specific style. The two love to create, they told AXS; “We want the world to be inspired and to encourage people to believe in themselves.” Miami-born, Brazilian/American actress and singer Victoria Vida is a dynamic presence with a similar vision. She wrote and recorded the song "Shining Star," which was her way of encouraging people to always believe in their inner shining star. The singer told AXS that she first created the anti-bullying message as a way to reach out to people when they felt alone. “Music is such a powerful tool,” Victoria explained. “You can be having the worst day ever and then turn the radio on and feel like Superwoman. Unfortunately, sometimes we block that out because of other people or negative thoughts and we forget to notice the amazing person we are.” The incredible Robin Antin, founder of the Pussycat Dolls, was also there to lend support and to remind people just how important it is to bring your “inner doll” out. The world-class choreographer recently opened a brand-new dance studio right here in the heart of Los Angeles on Melrose. Her Playground LA partner, Kenny Wormald, whom you may have seen starring in 2011’s “Footloose” or dancing alongside Justin Timberlake, is just one of the many dancers/choreographers involved that make this team so great. “I go into the studio and it’s like a show every day,” Robin told AXS. Robin is about to begin teaching the first-ever Pussycat Dolls class, so be sure to check out Playground LA for details. You can see the wonderful Pooch Hall return to your television for season five of “Ray Donovan,” starting on Aug. 6. You can also catch him in “A Dog's Purpose” and starring as the great Muhammad Ali in “Chuck" alongside his Showtime co-star Liev Schreiber. For more with your favorite artists, keep it right here on AXS. By: Sari Cohen AXS Contributor Robin Antin Doctor: Pregnant women are ‘the least, the last and the lost of the
opioid epidemic’ Home → Blog → Expectant Parents → Doctor: Pregnant women are ‘the least, the last and the lost of the opioid epidemic’ Click to see related video story on WISH TV INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Rheleane Hobbs has worked as a nurse for kids and babies and babies’ moms for more than 20 years. “I love taking care of the babies, but I love taking care of pregnant moms,” she said. But it was only in the last year, when she found the moms who needed her most. “I’m sorry, I get emotional,” she said as she talked about her new job. Those emotions come from a mom who has had the most unwanted kind of knock at her door. “It was a police officer and they had said that my son was found down at a hotel and that he was on a ventilator and he had been there for 18 hours and they weren’t able to reach me and they found me through Facebook and they sent the officer down the street to tell me. We’re over an hour away, and told me that we may need to make some life-changing decisions and that he was very bad,” she said. It was a drug overdose. “For a mom, the thoughts that went through my mind,” she said. 32 days later, her son was out of the hospital. Three years later, he’s clean. And Rhelean is working with pregnant moms dealing with an addiction of their own. “When my patients come and they’re here for opioids, one of the very first things I tell them is ‘I get it, I’ve been there and I’ve been that mom and I’m proud of you.’” Those patients are part of a program that was started a few years ago to help pregnant women with opioid use disorder. “We started to see these patients out of necessity, they started to show up because they needed care,” said Dr. Tara Benjamin, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, who is also the director for the maternal recovery program at Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health. “When I started taking care of these women, I started to get mad because there’s social injustice surrounding their care. Actually, anybody with a substance use disorder, there’s social injustice surrounding their care and the madder I got, the more I wanted to fight this social injustice because they have a disease that’s just like high blood pressure or hypertension, but they aren’t treated the same way,” she said. “They are stigmatized in society. Society still considers this a moral failure or character flaw, rather than considering it as a chronic disease like it is. If we were to accept it as a chronic disease and treat it like a chronic disease then we’d have much better outcomes as far as treatment goes.” Since 2015, they’ve treated around 330 women. At any given time, she will be treating around 60 women, both pregnant and post par-tum. The women in the program are given Buprenorphine and they undergo counseling. “I generally have two types of patients: there’s a patient that has been in recovery for awhile and her provider can no longer care for her because she’s pregnant and so she pretty much just transfers her care to me for the duration of the pregnancy so she can be provided with this kind of medication. And there are patients that are actively using and have never really been in recovery. These patients usually come to us in the hospital in active withdrawal, we control their withdrawal, we asses them for behavioral complications, psychiatric conditions, any trauma history or any other complications that need to be treated in addition to opioid disorder and then we get them in our opioid program.” Benjamin says its the women’s stories that keep her motivated to do her work. “If I had experienced even half of what some of these women had experienced I would probably be on opioids myself,” she said. Benjamin says pregnant women are “the least, the last, and the lost of the opioid epidemic.” “Because there’s treatment for people with opioid-use disorder, but if you’re pregnant it’s hard to find treatment because one, doctors are scared of litigation
including: The Hero Factor; How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures, Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless, Running the Gauntlet and The Mirror Test. Hayzlett is one of the most compelling figures in business today and is in five business hall of fames including Speaker Hall of Fame, Sales and Marketing Executives, Business Marketing Hall of Fame, Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and the Industry Award of Distinction from the National Association of Quick Printers. As a leading business expert, Hayzlett is frequently cited in Forbes, SUCCESS, Mashable, Marketing Week and Chief Executive, among many others. He shares his executive insight and commentary on television networks like Bloomberg, MSNBC, Fox Business, and C-Suite TV. Hayzlett is a former Bloomberg contributing editor and primetime host, and has appeared as a guest celebrity judge on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump for three seasons. He is a turnaround architect of the highest order, a maverick marketer and c-suite executive who delivers scalable campaigns, embraces traditional modes of customer engagement, and possesses a remarkable cachet of mentorship, corporate governance, and brand building. Tag: Governor Hochul Feliz Día de Reyes! (3 Kings Day) Posted on January 8, 2022 January 7, 2022 by Harlem Shill Camels on 3rd Avenue 2nd Avenue Subway Enters a New Phase New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced that the Second Avenue Subway expansion project that would extend the Second Avenue line to 125th Street in East Harlem has moved to the engineering phase of the project timeline. Governor Kathy Hochul and the MTA announced that the 2nd Avenue Subway expansion project will now enter the engineering phase. This is all due to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed by President Biden in November that has provided $23 billion in new grant opportunities for transit expansion, a historic level of funding that is now being used in Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway (SAS2). Phase 2 will include the construction of three new subway stations at 106th Street, 116th Street, and 125th Street in East Harlem. The governor noted that she’d spoken to “Secretary Buttigieg who shared the exciting news that the U.S. Department of Transportation is making a huge step forward on Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway expansion, which will unlock incredible potential for the people of East Harlem in expanding transit equity and economic opportunity.” She also noted that she has made a clear commitment to the people of East Harlem that she would keep this project moving swiftly. Approximately 70% of East Harlem residents use public transportation to get to work, much higher than the citywide average of 55%. The expansion of the Second Avenue Subway would help advance the Biden administration’s and New York State’s goal for transportation equity and would improve the local community’s access to jobs, health care, and other services, while reducing congestion, both on the streets and on the Lexington Avenue subway line and improving air quality. MTA Acting Chair and CEO Janno Lieber said, “The East Harlem community has been waiting for the Second Avenue Subway for decades. The new line extension will build on the success of Phase 1 and bring the total Second Avenue Subway ridership to 300,000, which is equivalent to the entire Philadelphia rail system. A big thank you to the FTA for moving the project to the next stage. My team is ready to go.” Phase 1 of the project extended the Q line from 63rd Street to 96th Street and was New York City’s biggest expansion of the subway system in 50 years. Service opened on January 1, 2017, with additional stations at 72nd Street and 86th Street. Since its completion, the Second Avenue Subway has carried more than 130 million passengers and carried more than 200,000 passengers on a pre-pandemic day. Fast facts to know This phase of the project will extend train service from 96th Street north to 125th Street, approximately 1
including: The Hero Factor; How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures, Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless, Running the Gauntlet and The Mirror Test. Hayzlett is one of the most compelling figures in business today and is in five business hall of fames including Speaker Hall of Fame, Sales and Marketing Executives, Business Marketing Hall of Fame, Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and the Industry Award of Distinction from the National Association of Quick Printers. As a leading business expert, Hayzlett is frequently cited in Forbes, SUCCESS, Mashable, Marketing Week and Chief Executive, among many others. He shares his executive insight and commentary on television networks like Bloomberg, MSNBC, Fox Business, and C-Suite TV. Hayzlett is a former Bloomberg contributing editor and primetime host, and has appeared as a guest celebrity judge on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump for three seasons. He is a turnaround architect of the highest order, a maverick marketer and c-suite executive who delivers scalable campaigns, embraces traditional modes of customer engagement, and possesses a remarkable cachet of mentorship, corporate governance, and brand building. Tag: Governor Hochul Feliz Día de Reyes! (3 Kings Day) Posted on January 8, 2022 January 7, 2022 by Harlem Shill Camels on 3rd Avenue 2nd Avenue Subway Enters a New Phase New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced that the Second Avenue Subway expansion project that would extend the Second Avenue line to 125th Street in East Harlem has moved to the engineering phase of the project timeline. Governor Kathy Hochul and the MTA announced that the 2nd Avenue Subway expansion project will now enter the engineering phase. This is all due to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed by President Biden in November that has provided $23 billion in new grant opportunities for transit expansion, a historic level of funding that is now being used in Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway (SAS2). Phase 2 will include the construction of three new subway stations at 106th Street, 116th Street, and 125th Street in East Harlem. The governor noted that she’d spoken to “Secretary Buttigieg who shared the exciting news that the U.S. Department of Transportation is making a huge step forward on Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway expansion, which will unlock incredible potential for the people of East Harlem in expanding transit equity and economic opportunity.” She also noted that she has made a clear commitment to the people of East Harlem that she would keep this project moving swiftly. Approximately 70% of East Harlem residents use public transportation to get to work, much higher than the citywide average of 55%. The expansion of the Second Avenue Subway would help advance the Biden administration’s and New York State’s goal for transportation equity and would improve the local community’s access to jobs, health care, and other services, while reducing congestion, both on the streets and on the Lexington Avenue subway line and improving air quality. MTA Acting Chair and CEO Janno Lieber said, “The East Harlem community has been waiting for the Second Avenue Subway for decades. The new line extension will build on the success of Phase 1 and bring the total Second Avenue Subway ridership to 300,000, which is equivalent to the entire Philadelphia rail system. A big thank you to the FTA for moving the project to the next stage. My team is ready to go.” Phase 1 of the project extended the Q line from 63rd Street to 96th Street and was New York City’s biggest expansion of the subway system in 50 years. Service opened on January 1, 2017, with additional stations at 72nd Street and 86th Street. Since its completion, the Second Avenue Subway has carried more than 130 million passengers and carried more than 200,000 passengers on a pre-pandemic day. Fast facts to know This phase of the project will extend train service from 96th Street north to 125th Street, approximately 1
.5 miles; There will be new stations at 106th Street and 116th Street on Second Avenue and 125th Street at Park Avenue; Phase 2 will provide direct passenger connections to the Lexington Avenue (4/5/6) subway line at 125th Street and an entrance at Park Avenue to allow convenient transfers to the Metro-North Railroad 125 Street Station; Each station will have above-ground ancillary buildings that house ventilation mechanical and electrical equipment. These will include space for possible ground-floor retail; Expansion will serve an additional 100,000 daily riders; Will provide three new ADA-accessible stations – raising the bar for customer comfort and convenience; and Increased multimodal transit connectivity at the 125th Street station – with connections to the 4/5/6, Metro-North trains and the M60 Select Bus Service to LaGuardia Airport, allowing convenient transfers to other subway and commuter rail lines, facilitating smoother, faster transportation across the city and region. U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer said, “The Second Avenue Subway Phase II project advancing into project engineering is great news for the people of East Harlem and all of New York City. Long envisioned – but unfortunately too long delayed – the project is now full-speed ahead. I was pleased to secure the historic $23 billion in grant funding for mass transit capital projects in the bipartisan Infrastructure & Jobs law, and will fight to ensure this critical project gets its fair share.” Posted in Events, Maps, NewsTagged 2nd Avenue Subway, 3 Kings, Governor Hochul, MTA, Q TrainLeave a Comment on Feliz Día de Reyes! (3 Kings Day) Just In Time – Nepal’s Fuel Crisis is Coming to a Close February 14, 2016 Jennifer Mathews Travel Nepal With just a few weeks before i leave on my next adventure to Nepal, finally, there is some good news, and it is not just “cheap gas.” The Madhesi have changed their position on a closed border. The blockade has lasted about five months, closing the India-Nepal border, effectively reducing medical supplies, petroleum products, etc. The new Nepalese premier, Prime Minister KP Oli, announced an open border on February 8, eleven days before he travels for meetings in India. Numerous trucks, tractors, containers, various cargo vehicles, and one “dumper” crossed the unobstructed border as soon as the critical Miteri bridge was clear. The United Democratic Madhesi Front had blocked cross-border commerce since September. Local businesses had been pressing for an open border and have now succeeded in their initiative by eliminating barriers used by sit-in demonstrators occupying the Miteri bridge at the Birgunj-Raxaul border crossing. Despite attempts by some to re-establish the blockade, tradesmen from both sides of the border have prevailed to keep the border open. Here’s what just happened. Women, children, and tradesman from India arrived at the crossing at noon. They proceeded to remove bamboo poles, tents, and debris blocking access to Nepal. Jitendra Sonal (Tarai Madhes Democratic Party leader) led protests opposed to removal of barriers and the opening of the border. When United Democratic Madhesi Front leaders and Pradeep Yadav (Chairman of the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal Parsa) showed up later, Indians suggested the Nepalese agitators close other border crossings as well if they were going to re-establish and continue a blockade at Birgunj-Raxaul. That pretty much ended closure. Sushil Sharma (Spokesperson for the Birgunj Customs Office) reported that there was now a free flow of goods when the Miteri Bridge was cleared and reopened. There was a sigh of relief among tradesmen. Even though the number of protesters has declined over the last five months, and even though local business people have “physically” expressed their exasperation with protesters at times, this is the first time in a long time that trade is happening and goods are flowing from India into Nepal. The Birgunj-Raxaul border blockade has been the focus of protests related to the new Naplese constitution and a change in government
as well as tradition of the world. UNMOGIP team visits Pakistani village effected by Indian firing Pakistan has always strived to have friendly relations with India, despite of Indian conspiracies Pakistan had always stepped ahead for building friendly relations. Few days ago the meeting between Modi and Nawaz at Ufa, Russia during summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization was also aimed at increasing the ties between two neighbors. Although the request for meeting was from Indian side but Pakistanis have shown more willingness and warmness for the meeting. The joint declaration after the meeting did not include issues of Kashmir, documentary of BBC for Indian RAW’s involvement in terrorism in Karachi through MQM and other hot disputes. Was such a declaration result of traditional policy of Pakistan or the business interests of Pakistan’s Prime Minister? This declaration not only disappointed Pakistanis but Kashmiri leadership as well and as a result, first time Syed Ali Gillani and Yasin Malik declined to participate in the Eid Milan Party given by Pakistani embassy at New Delhi. The complained the current leadership Pakistan should clarify it that whether they are with Kashmir Cause or Not? Because when Kashmir issue would not be discussed in the joint declaration of Pak-India leaders meetings, India succeeds in portraying that Kashmir dispute is not a big and important issue of the region which is being exploited by Pakistan army, leadership and media for their internal and political needs. Same happened in the Ufa meeting, when Kashmir dispute was not discussed in the joint declaration, Indian media portrayed it as leadership of both countries is agreed that the biggest issue of the region is the terrorism (allegedly from Pakistan into India), moreover, Mumbai attacks were also represented as an evidence against Pakistan that Mr Nawaz had readily agreed to speed up the investigations in this regard. Pakistani villagers sitting on the debris of their homes after Indian shelling Before departure for Ufa, the allegations by BBC in its documentary against RAW, claiming TTP terrorists as an asset for India by Ajeet Kumar Dowal, Security Advisor of Modi, threats to cut Balochistan from Pakistan in case of any terrorism activity in India and confessions for Indian armed interference against Pakistan, Nawaz had the supremacy over Modi in talks / negotiations during the meeting. Taking the credit of fall of Dhaka by Modi in Dhaka has also supported Pakistani stance that Indian is behind the conspiracies against survival of Pakistan and same game is being played in the Balochistan and Karachi by Indian agencies. Only Mir Waiz Umar Farooq came to attend Eid Milan party of Pak Embassy at New Delhi Pakistani public and Kashmiris from Indian Occupied Kashmir challenging Indian army and hoisting Pakistani flags were expecting that Mr Nawaz would take a clear stance over Kashmir Issue in the meeting with the Modi in the light of his past experience for negotiations and friendship with India. Pakistani Prime Minister was also aware that Indian resolution against Pakistan in the UNO was vetoed by China otherwise India is always ready to cross limits in her enmity. Indian threats to stop China-Pakistan Economic Corridor at any cost are also on the file. In such situation the joint declaration of the meeting leaving aside all hot issues has given edge to India diplomatically and the result of this criminal negligence would be borne not only by Pakistanis but Kashmiris as well. Kashmiri Freedom Movement has taken a new turn and Kashmir are using Pakistani flag and slogans in favor of Pakistan as an effective psychological weapon against occupying forces while India has also adopted new ways to crush freedom movement. Shifting of Hindu Pundits from all parts of India to Kashmir in order to convert majority of Muslim population into minority and allotting lands to Indian soldiers who spend a period of three year in Indian Occupied Kashmir while on the other hand keeping Pakistani leadership silent for their personal business interests so that younger Kashmiri generation lose hope from Pakistan and stop looking towards Islamabad and give up their dream of a free land accepting Hindu slavery. But Pakistani and Indian both leaders should keep this in mind that KASHMIRIS ARE NOT READY TO ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN FREEDOM!!! UrduCopy Written by Khalid Baig, Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt, Date:
as well as tradition of the world. UNMOGIP team visits Pakistani village effected by Indian firing Pakistan has always strived to have friendly relations with India, despite of Indian conspiracies Pakistan had always stepped ahead for building friendly relations. Few days ago the meeting between Modi and Nawaz at Ufa, Russia during summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization was also aimed at increasing the ties between two neighbors. Although the request for meeting was from Indian side but Pakistanis have shown more willingness and warmness for the meeting. The joint declaration after the meeting did not include issues of Kashmir, documentary of BBC for Indian RAW’s involvement in terrorism in Karachi through MQM and other hot disputes. Was such a declaration result of traditional policy of Pakistan or the business interests of Pakistan’s Prime Minister? This declaration not only disappointed Pakistanis but Kashmiri leadership as well and as a result, first time Syed Ali Gillani and Yasin Malik declined to participate in the Eid Milan Party given by Pakistani embassy at New Delhi. The complained the current leadership Pakistan should clarify it that whether they are with Kashmir Cause or Not? Because when Kashmir issue would not be discussed in the joint declaration of Pak-India leaders meetings, India succeeds in portraying that Kashmir dispute is not a big and important issue of the region which is being exploited by Pakistan army, leadership and media for their internal and political needs. Same happened in the Ufa meeting, when Kashmir dispute was not discussed in the joint declaration, Indian media portrayed it as leadership of both countries is agreed that the biggest issue of the region is the terrorism (allegedly from Pakistan into India), moreover, Mumbai attacks were also represented as an evidence against Pakistan that Mr Nawaz had readily agreed to speed up the investigations in this regard. Pakistani villagers sitting on the debris of their homes after Indian shelling Before departure for Ufa, the allegations by BBC in its documentary against RAW, claiming TTP terrorists as an asset for India by Ajeet Kumar Dowal, Security Advisor of Modi, threats to cut Balochistan from Pakistan in case of any terrorism activity in India and confessions for Indian armed interference against Pakistan, Nawaz had the supremacy over Modi in talks / negotiations during the meeting. Taking the credit of fall of Dhaka by Modi in Dhaka has also supported Pakistani stance that Indian is behind the conspiracies against survival of Pakistan and same game is being played in the Balochistan and Karachi by Indian agencies. Only Mir Waiz Umar Farooq came to attend Eid Milan party of Pak Embassy at New Delhi Pakistani public and Kashmiris from Indian Occupied Kashmir challenging Indian army and hoisting Pakistani flags were expecting that Mr Nawaz would take a clear stance over Kashmir Issue in the meeting with the Modi in the light of his past experience for negotiations and friendship with India. Pakistani Prime Minister was also aware that Indian resolution against Pakistan in the UNO was vetoed by China otherwise India is always ready to cross limits in her enmity. Indian threats to stop China-Pakistan Economic Corridor at any cost are also on the file. In such situation the joint declaration of the meeting leaving aside all hot issues has given edge to India diplomatically and the result of this criminal negligence would be borne not only by Pakistanis but Kashmiris as well. Kashmiri Freedom Movement has taken a new turn and Kashmir are using Pakistani flag and slogans in favor of Pakistan as an effective psychological weapon against occupying forces while India has also adopted new ways to crush freedom movement. Shifting of Hindu Pundits from all parts of India to Kashmir in order to convert majority of Muslim population into minority and allotting lands to Indian soldiers who spend a period of three year in Indian Occupied Kashmir while on the other hand keeping Pakistani leadership silent for their personal business interests so that younger Kashmiri generation lose hope from Pakistan and stop looking towards Islamabad and give up their dream of a free land accepting Hindu slavery. But Pakistani and Indian both leaders should keep this in mind that KASHMIRIS ARE NOT READY TO ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN FREEDOM!!! UrduCopy Written by Khalid Baig, Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt, Date:
02 August, 2015. Labels: business interests of political leadership, Kashmir and Pakistan, Nawaz-Modi Meeting UFA Please give us your feedback/suggestions. Criticism is also welcome But please don't use Abusive language. Use your Gmail, Blogger, Wordpress, OPenID, or Aim Ids to comment. Thanks for your visit... Pakistan Standard Time Indian Aid; Contaminated With the Blood of Minorities In an Military Camp of Assam a scene of taking girl's dead body to be thrown into Jungle who died due to Gang Rape by soldiers. These... The role of secret agency RAW in the plan of expanding Indian imperialism… RAW On 27 th October 2002 a fire which burnt Hindu pilgrims in the Sabarmati Express engulfed the whole Gujrat. On the Godhra railway s... 850 Tons of Dynamite Stolen from Indian State Rajasthan…! Uncountable dead bodies of Indian Soldiers killed by Maoists, How long can International media and Indian Media ignore it? Definitely no... Formulation of “Female Battalion” Consisting Of Prostitutes in Indian Army… From Truth By Kbaig Uniformed Prostitutes of BSF After reading the last article in which we discussed about the strange stories of ... Negative Impact of Modern TV Dramas over Pakistani Society… One can face enemy no matter how much strong it is or how much army i... In Spite of the Aggressive Interference of India from Afghan Side Our Dream Friendship... Part-II Are you on a Mobile? Click Here FC Soldiers being martyred in tribal area by foreign funded terrorists In order to express their w... WikiLeaks & Ugly Face of America This picture shows that American NeoCons are responsible for attack on Afghanistan, they are using American army for their business intere... Memo Scandal Jolting Pakistani Politics cannot be Just a Piece of Paper..! Are you on a Mobile? Click Here Asma Jahangir Rejecting the decision of Supreme Court, lawyer of Hussein Haqqani, Asma Jahangir t... "Operation Blue Star" and Sikh Holocaust 1984 Burning Corpses of innocent Sikhs in set on fire by Hindu Extremists May be we do not have any link with Indian Sikhs as we have no dir... Reason for Indian Enmity towards Pakistan! India and her Neighbors Younger Pakistani generation raises the question on the reason behind Indian enmity towards ... Blog Archive January 2021 (2) December 2020 (4) November 2020 (3) October 2020 (4) September 2020 (4) August 2020 (4) July 2020 (3) June 2020 (6) May 2020 (3) April 2020 (4) March 2020 (4) February 2020 (3) January 2020 (3) December 2019 (1) November 2019 (3) October 2019 (5) September 2019 (2) August 2019 (3) July 2019 (4) June 2019 (4) May 2019 (4) April 2019 (4) March 2019 (4) February 2019 (3) January 2019 (4) December 2018 (4) November 2018 (4) October 2018 (4) September 2018 (3) August 2018 (3) July 2018 (4) June 2018 (4) May 2018 (4) April 2018 (4) March 2018 (5) February 2018 (3) January 2018 (5) December 2017 (3) November 2017 (3) October 2017 (5) September 2017 (4) August 2017 (5) July 2017 (5) June 2017 (4) May 2017 (6) April 201
the village under Nazi occupation were introduced as a progressive novelty in 1968. Electricity was restored fully and reliably by about 2004. Three years of Nazi occupation did less damage during war than decades of peace time Bolshevism. For all the sins of the Germans, they were not Bolsheviks. FFAS > News > 2011 FFAS MEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE > Playoff race tight with two rounds to go Playoff race tight with two rounds to go Nov 8, 2011, 12:00 AM in2011 FFAS MEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE Only the top two teams from Pools A and B go through to the playoffs and at the moment two teams — Vaitogi United and Fagasa Youth — are tied in the points department with 15 each in the first group. Pago Youth A leads by three with 18 points following a 13-0 win over Vaiala Tongan. Fagasa held off Ilaoa & To’omata 3-2 while Vaitogi United’s 5-2 win over Fagatogo Blue helped put them in the second and final playoff berth by way of goals differential over Fagasa (18-16) as both teams have 15 points each. The fourth match of the group saw Lion Heart B beat Atu’u Broncos B 4-0. Idle Kiwi Soccers is fourth with 12 points and still in the playoff hunt while Vaiala Tongan has 7 points; followed by Fagatogo Blue in sixth place with 6 points; No. 7 Lion Heart B with 5 points; No. 8 Ilaoa & To’omata with 4 points and Atu’u Broncos in ninth place with 0 points. For Kiwi to stay in the playoff hunt they need to beat Fagasa Youth this coming Saturday. Vailoatai Youth sits comfortably on top of Pool B with a six-point lead over Pago Youth B (18-12) but the latter’s hold on the No. 2 spot is very slim as they are only a point ahead of Utulei Youth and Lion Heart A (11 points each). Vailoatai increased their lead with a 10-1 win over Atu’u Broncos A while Pago B could not hold on to a 1-0 lead against Black Roses with less than 10 minutes remaining in their match. They settled for a 1-1 tie. Utulei Youth beat Green Bay 3-1 in other Pool B games and the Tafuna Jets won against PanSa 7-3. Utulei Youth holds the No. 3 spot over Lion Heart by way of goals differential (8-6) as both teams have 11 points each while Black Roses is at No. 5 with 8 points; the Jets coming in at No. 6 with 5 points while PanSa is seventh with 4 points; Atu’u Broncos at No. 8 with 4 points and Green Bay rounding it out at No. 9 with one point. Tough games in the next round that will make a difference in the playoff picture are No. 1 Vailoatai versus No. 3 Utulei and No. 4 Lion Heart playing against No. 5 Black Roses. Previous Post Leone leads boys’ futsal league Next PostFutsal coaching course held in American Samoa Pago Youth A: Back-To-Back champions Pago A & Vailoatai win men’s semi-finals Men’s National League complete, playoffs next Leone leads boys’ futsal league Futsal coaching course held in American Samoa HomeRebel NewsMonotheist Premieres Mark Of The Beast Pt. 2: Scion Of Darkness Monotheist Premieres Mark Of The Beast Pt. 2: Scion Of Darkness Orlando’s extreme progressive death metallers Monotheist have partnered with No Clean Singing to present their brand new single and second part of their mini suite, “Mark Of The Beast.” “Mark Of The Beast: Part 2 “Scion Of Darkness” is the fourth track on their forthcoming album, Scourge which streets March 16th via Prosthetic Records. Brimming with philosophical provocation,
the village under Nazi occupation were introduced as a progressive novelty in 1968. Electricity was restored fully and reliably by about 2004. Three years of Nazi occupation did less damage during war than decades of peace time Bolshevism. For all the sins of the Germans, they were not Bolsheviks. FFAS > News > 2011 FFAS MEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE > Playoff race tight with two rounds to go Playoff race tight with two rounds to go Nov 8, 2011, 12:00 AM in2011 FFAS MEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE Only the top two teams from Pools A and B go through to the playoffs and at the moment two teams — Vaitogi United and Fagasa Youth — are tied in the points department with 15 each in the first group. Pago Youth A leads by three with 18 points following a 13-0 win over Vaiala Tongan. Fagasa held off Ilaoa & To’omata 3-2 while Vaitogi United’s 5-2 win over Fagatogo Blue helped put them in the second and final playoff berth by way of goals differential over Fagasa (18-16) as both teams have 15 points each. The fourth match of the group saw Lion Heart B beat Atu’u Broncos B 4-0. Idle Kiwi Soccers is fourth with 12 points and still in the playoff hunt while Vaiala Tongan has 7 points; followed by Fagatogo Blue in sixth place with 6 points; No. 7 Lion Heart B with 5 points; No. 8 Ilaoa & To’omata with 4 points and Atu’u Broncos in ninth place with 0 points. For Kiwi to stay in the playoff hunt they need to beat Fagasa Youth this coming Saturday. Vailoatai Youth sits comfortably on top of Pool B with a six-point lead over Pago Youth B (18-12) but the latter’s hold on the No. 2 spot is very slim as they are only a point ahead of Utulei Youth and Lion Heart A (11 points each). Vailoatai increased their lead with a 10-1 win over Atu’u Broncos A while Pago B could not hold on to a 1-0 lead against Black Roses with less than 10 minutes remaining in their match. They settled for a 1-1 tie. Utulei Youth beat Green Bay 3-1 in other Pool B games and the Tafuna Jets won against PanSa 7-3. Utulei Youth holds the No. 3 spot over Lion Heart by way of goals differential (8-6) as both teams have 11 points each while Black Roses is at No. 5 with 8 points; the Jets coming in at No. 6 with 5 points while PanSa is seventh with 4 points; Atu’u Broncos at No. 8 with 4 points and Green Bay rounding it out at No. 9 with one point. Tough games in the next round that will make a difference in the playoff picture are No. 1 Vailoatai versus No. 3 Utulei and No. 4 Lion Heart playing against No. 5 Black Roses. Previous Post Leone leads boys’ futsal league Next PostFutsal coaching course held in American Samoa Pago Youth A: Back-To-Back champions Pago A & Vailoatai win men’s semi-finals Men’s National League complete, playoffs next Leone leads boys’ futsal league Futsal coaching course held in American Samoa HomeRebel NewsMonotheist Premieres Mark Of The Beast Pt. 2: Scion Of Darkness Monotheist Premieres Mark Of The Beast Pt. 2: Scion Of Darkness Orlando’s extreme progressive death metallers Monotheist have partnered with No Clean Singing to present their brand new single and second part of their mini suite, “Mark Of The Beast.” “Mark Of The Beast: Part 2 “Scion Of Darkness” is the fourth track on their forthcoming album, Scourge which streets March 16th via Prosthetic Records. Brimming with philosophical provocation,
the new single explores the dire consequences and hopelessness at an attempt to reach spiritual ascension through technology. Prophet of Monotheist further explains: “Scion of Darkness is about man’s hope of transcendence through technology. It’s about the fallacy of trusting our own frail and corrupted nature in an effort to ascend to salvation and the belief that this path ultimately leads to disappointment and enslavement. Musically, this track is the second part of a two-part mini suite entitled “Mark of the Beast” and features a recurring, Baroque-inspired motif that is present part 1 (the previous track in the album track listing). It’s also one of the most enjoyable songs to play off of the album. We hope you all enjoy this track and check out the album when it drops March 16th!” Mixing the brutality of Suffocation, the melodic sensibilities of Extol and the earnest riffing of Death with explorations into classical and jazz realms; Monotheist present their forthcoming album and label debut, Scourge. Featuring JJ “Shiv” Polachek (7 Horns 7 Eyes, Nekroi Theoi) on vocals and Prophet on guitars, Scourge was mixed and mastered by Aaron Smith (7 Horns 7 Eyes) and will be released on all digital outlets, CD and limited edition blue w/ black and orange splatter LP. Scourge features 8 tracks, clocking in at almost an hour of progressive and technical death metal and features guest contributions from metal luminaries Bobby Koelble (ex-Death, Death to All) and Christian Alvestam (Scar Symmetry). Monotheist’s Scourge track-listing The Grey King The Great Chain at the Neck of the Earth Mark of the Beast Pt. 1: The Image Mark of the Beast Pt. 2: Scion of Darkness Infinite Wisdom Desolate It Mourns Before Me Abominable Acts Monotheist is: Shiv – Vocals Prophet – Guitar Cooper Bates – Drums/Vocals Tyler McDaniel – Guitar/Vocals Jose Figueroa – Bass Follow Monotheist online: Monotheist new metal news new rebel metal news new rebel news rebel metal news Black Star Riders to Tour in Support of “Heavy Fire” Terror Universal Releases Video “Through the Mirrors” Sebastian Bach To Play 1st Skid Row Album In Entirety Revered vocal powerhouse Sebastian Bach will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Skid Row’s acclaimed, self-titled breakout debut album with a U.S. Tour where he’ll be performing the [Read More…] Broken Hope’s Jeremy Wagner to Release New Horror Novel, “Rabid Heart” Founding father and current member of renowned death metal band Broken Hope and author of Barnes & Noble Top 10 Paperback Bestseller The Armageddon Chord, Jeremy Wagner, will [Read More…] The Obsessed Release Acoustic Video of Freedom Doom rock icons The Obsessed are pleased to undrape their acoustic performance video of “Freedom” recorded live at the Gibson Guitar Recording Studio in New York City. [Read More…] Deep inside ARM's new Intel killer big.LITTLE bad news for Chipzilla By Rik Myslewski 20 Oct 2011 at 23:12 ARM has swung a one-two punch at Intel's plans to muscle in on the smartphone and tablet space that's currently dominated by the plucky chip designers from Cambridge. At press soirées in London and San Francisco on Wednesday, ARM announced both a design for a tiny new chip, the Cortex-A7 MPCore, and a system-on-chip scheme that will marry the new A7 with the much more robust Cortex-A15 MPCore, which was announced last September and which should see the light of day next year. We will grit our teeth and use ARM's designation for this multi-core mashup – big.LITTLE processing – which is ARM's new marketing term for its implementation of what it, AMD,
pits the Christian West against a potentially expanding Islamic East—all of which is purportedly taking place within the borders of the United States. In the wake of September 11 attacks, the specter of the criminal masses reproducing their abjection in U.S. prisons is not just a domestic crisis; it has become a matter of national security. However hyperbolic this representation of a mass uprising of prisoners-cum-Islamic terrorists may be, it nonetheless foregrounds how domestic law enforcement practices and U.S. foreign policy have begun to converge at the site of the penitentiary. In fact, under provisions of the PATRIOT ACT, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the government agency responsible for compiling national crime data, is now under the purview of the same office responsible for fighting the new war on terror: the Office of Homeland Security. The coup de grace in this linkage of the war on crime, the war on terror, and the American penitentiary appears in a June 24, 2002, Time magazine feature by Amanda Ripley titled "The Case of the Dirty Bomber: How a Chicago Street Gangster Allegedly Became a Soldier for Osama Bin Laden." The article is introduced by a full-page close-up of Padilla's darkened face framed by a checkered red and white kaffiyeh, enlarged from a photograph of him outside a Florida mosque. The semiotics of this layout become even more significant given that editors of The New Republic , the purportedly liberal alternative to Time , admitted darkening Saddam Hussein's complexion and cropping his mustache (reminiscent of Hitler's) during the first Gulf War to make him appear more ominous. Time 's photo of Padilla as a dark Muslim male "international terrorist" is framed by a smaller black-and-white mug shot of Padilla from a previous stint in jail after being convicted for firing a gun in a "road rage" incident. The substance of the story revolves around Padilla's evolution from petty thief to prisoner to alleged international terrorist: It must have been one of Jose Padilla's proudest moments. He had spent his life chasing respect but rarely earning it—marking a dreary passage from a Chicago gang to juvenile detention to grownup prison to a Florida fast-food job and, finally, to a new life as a Muslim in the Middle East. (Ripley 2002: 28) Described as "unsophisticated" and even "ordinary," Padilla becomes a metonym for a new type of domestic-cum-international enemy: he could be as recognizable as a neighbor, yet his willingness "to kill his fellow citizens" with a nuclear weapon situates him beyond the pale of human decency. The term "dirty" thus not only serves as an adjective that describes the type of bomb Padilla is accused of preparing, but also modifies the noun "bomber." It identifies Padilla as a distinctly different type of dark and dirty American who is a danger to us all. He, in effect, is a postmodern permutation of the Latino bandido: the terrorist next door. Bandidos and Terrorists, or Insurgents and Revolutionaries? The post-September 11 linkage of Latina/o criminality to international terrorism is not new. There are historical antecedents dating to the early nineteenth century in which Latin American and U.S. Latina/o anti-imperialist insurgents were classified as common criminals, international terrorists, and sometimes both simultaneously. In Prisoners of Colonialism: The Struggle for Justice in Puerto Rico (1994), Ronald Fernandez provides extensive case studies of imprisoned Puerto Rican independence activists and insurgents, or independentistas, from the early twentieth century to the present. He demonstrates how each falls under the rubric of the United Nations definition of legitimate anticolonial "freedom fighters," despite the U.S. government's classification and prosecution of them as "terrorists." "It must be recognized," Fernandez writes, "that the label terrorist is as much a political term as it is a characterization of groups who violate internationally accepted moral and legal norms" (201). The prosecution and detention of independentistas as terrorists has enabled the U.S. government to obfuscate its ne
pits the Christian West against a potentially expanding Islamic East—all of which is purportedly taking place within the borders of the United States. In the wake of September 11 attacks, the specter of the criminal masses reproducing their abjection in U.S. prisons is not just a domestic crisis; it has become a matter of national security. However hyperbolic this representation of a mass uprising of prisoners-cum-Islamic terrorists may be, it nonetheless foregrounds how domestic law enforcement practices and U.S. foreign policy have begun to converge at the site of the penitentiary. In fact, under provisions of the PATRIOT ACT, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the government agency responsible for compiling national crime data, is now under the purview of the same office responsible for fighting the new war on terror: the Office of Homeland Security. The coup de grace in this linkage of the war on crime, the war on terror, and the American penitentiary appears in a June 24, 2002, Time magazine feature by Amanda Ripley titled "The Case of the Dirty Bomber: How a Chicago Street Gangster Allegedly Became a Soldier for Osama Bin Laden." The article is introduced by a full-page close-up of Padilla's darkened face framed by a checkered red and white kaffiyeh, enlarged from a photograph of him outside a Florida mosque. The semiotics of this layout become even more significant given that editors of The New Republic , the purportedly liberal alternative to Time , admitted darkening Saddam Hussein's complexion and cropping his mustache (reminiscent of Hitler's) during the first Gulf War to make him appear more ominous. Time 's photo of Padilla as a dark Muslim male "international terrorist" is framed by a smaller black-and-white mug shot of Padilla from a previous stint in jail after being convicted for firing a gun in a "road rage" incident. The substance of the story revolves around Padilla's evolution from petty thief to prisoner to alleged international terrorist: It must have been one of Jose Padilla's proudest moments. He had spent his life chasing respect but rarely earning it—marking a dreary passage from a Chicago gang to juvenile detention to grownup prison to a Florida fast-food job and, finally, to a new life as a Muslim in the Middle East. (Ripley 2002: 28) Described as "unsophisticated" and even "ordinary," Padilla becomes a metonym for a new type of domestic-cum-international enemy: he could be as recognizable as a neighbor, yet his willingness "to kill his fellow citizens" with a nuclear weapon situates him beyond the pale of human decency. The term "dirty" thus not only serves as an adjective that describes the type of bomb Padilla is accused of preparing, but also modifies the noun "bomber." It identifies Padilla as a distinctly different type of dark and dirty American who is a danger to us all. He, in effect, is a postmodern permutation of the Latino bandido: the terrorist next door. Bandidos and Terrorists, or Insurgents and Revolutionaries? The post-September 11 linkage of Latina/o criminality to international terrorism is not new. There are historical antecedents dating to the early nineteenth century in which Latin American and U.S. Latina/o anti-imperialist insurgents were classified as common criminals, international terrorists, and sometimes both simultaneously. In Prisoners of Colonialism: The Struggle for Justice in Puerto Rico (1994), Ronald Fernandez provides extensive case studies of imprisoned Puerto Rican independence activists and insurgents, or independentistas, from the early twentieth century to the present. He demonstrates how each falls under the rubric of the United Nations definition of legitimate anticolonial "freedom fighters," despite the U.S. government's classification and prosecution of them as "terrorists." "It must be recognized," Fernandez writes, "that the label terrorist is as much a political term as it is a characterization of groups who violate internationally accepted moral and legal norms" (201). The prosecution and detention of independentistas as terrorists has enabled the U.S. government to obfuscate its ne
ocolonial relationship with the island nation of Puerto Rico, a reality underscored by the fact that Puerto Ricans, who are U.S. citizens, cannot vote in federal elections unless they permanently reside in the continental United States. The ambiguous status of Puerto Rican prisoners was further complicated by the Special International Tribunal on the Human Rights Violations of Political Prisoners/POWs in the USA, held in New York in 1990, which recognized the political and military status of more than a dozen Puerto Rican prisoners who had been incarcerated since the 1980s; former president Bill Clinton pardoned and released most of them in 1999. A political prisoner, this tribunal noted, includes: (1) someone who has been imprisoned for overt political acts, or (2) someone already in prison for "common crimes" who subsequently is subjected to retribution for their political activities in prison. While this does not necessarily render all Puerto Rican and Latina/o detainees as political prisoners or prisoners of war, it raises the possibility of their development as such. This reassessment of the nomenclature of criminology and penology has a salient resonance for Chicana/os, whose histories of crime and punishment share significant colonial legacies with Puerto Ricans despite distinct contemporary trajectories. Indeed, members of both groups became U.S. citizens (or residents) as a result of U.S. imperialist wars of conquest. In Gringo Justice (1987), Alfredo Mirandé provides a diachronic examination of primarily male nineteenth- and twentieth-century Mexican American and Chicana/o criminality to argue that their outlaw conduct must be historicized in relation to the disruption of the "pastoral economy" and attendant communitarian "world view" that followed the U.S. occupation and annexation of the Mexican northeast at the end of the U.S.-Mexico War in 1848. He argues that "Chicanos have been labeled bandits and criminals because they have not passively accepted their economic and political exploitation" (236). For Mirandé, Chicana/o criminality is always anticolonial agency, and all past and present Chicana/o prisoners are a priori political prisoners because of their status as colonial subjects. Mirandé's linkage of nineteenth-century vigilantes Tiburcio Vásquez and Joaquin Murrieta with nationalist insurgents Juan Cortina and Catarino Garza—as well as members of modern prison-based drug cartels, the Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia (Our Family), and even ordinary street gangs—could be seen as nostalgic cultural-nationalist dogma. However, Mirandé's analysis remains useful for understanding the volatile political context of U.S. prisons in the 1970s, an era renowned for its prison uprisings. The competing characterizations of these prison rebellions as lawless or revolutionary is the subject of much debate. Yet no one disputes that many of the racial minority participants in these events were informed by the various domestic "power" movements and by third world liberation struggles outside the walls that, to a large degree, deemed the disproportionately high racial minority incarceration rates as symptoms of colonial oppression. Mirandé's examination of the political status of Chicana/o prisoners even intersects with some government assessments of minority criminality, and together they raise important questions about crime and punishment in the United States that provide new opportunities for theorizing racial minority criminality. In a special California state legislative session on "Gang Violence in Penal Institutions" held in Los Angeles on March 15, 1974, for instance, witnesses reported that gangs in prisons run by the California Department of Corrections were "connected with revolutionary groups and are concentrating on the recruitment of inmates for radical purposes" (4). More alarming to these California state senators was the existence of Venceremos (which roughly translates as "we will win"), a Chicano-led prison group described as "a Third World revolutionary organization whose goal is to unite all prison gangs" (6). Its "Principles of Unity," which was read into the official record, proclaims: We are a small organization in the embryonic stages of a protracted war, waged by the peoples of the world, against a monstrous
. Friedman cites quite a bit of history in his writings and is well aware of Adam Smith's observation. David Friedman to my knowledge has not endorsed Republicans over Democrats. I don't think he votes at all. One of his core arguments for anarchy is that it is easier for the elites to buy out a government than competing services. You can spend a congressman or a captured regulatory agency many times.(A rough paraphrase) His primary example of working anarchy was medieval Iceland, which I believe was relatively egalitarian. Stephan Kinsella said: If anything, states do a terrible job at the one thing they are supposed to do: protect us from crime; and they become bigger criminals themselves. The fact that private crime is possible simply does not normatively justify the commission of crime by people calling themselves our governors. This much I know is false. It might almost work if you restrict crime to theft, and then call taxes theft. Look, however, at murder rates. They're much higher in places with little organized government control. The government exececutes relatively few people. There is prison, and I will agree that the US prison population needs to be smaller, but I would say that our current situation is much better than places that lack strong government. Carl M: "His primary example of working anarchy was medieval Iceland, which I believe was relatively egalitarian". "relative" being the operative word here. As long as you ignore the chattel slavery, the blood feuds, the clan socialism, the aristocratic rent-seeking, vigilantism, ritualized rape, etc., in other words, all the things libertarians don't seem to like, but which nevertheless exist. And I notice no one wants to touch the Indian Land Reparations Question. Why is that? To apply the original post to today's problem: What is the Libertarian response to the PIPA/SOPA debate? Much of the concern of the netgods is that PIPA/SOPA protects property rights (and therefore one form of freedom, I suppose) but discourages freedom in almost every other sense (e.g. "free to choose"). I can't fairly characterize the Libertarian response, not being one myself nor a "scholar", but an analysis by both Orthodox and Reformed Libertarians may yield light. @John Kurman wrote: "No one wants to touch the Indian Land Reparations Question. Why is that?" I think there was copypasta from Rothsburg about the impracticality of untangling land claims, and the virtue therefore of severing such claims by "homesteading". This may have some coherence in the case of England, where figuring out what the Angle-Saxons are owed by the invading Normans would be hard indeed. But it is factually wrong with respect to our American example; we have extensive documentation of takings by force or by forcably imposed treaties and at least one descendent can easily be located in practically all cases. Would any Libertarian care to run for political office in Indian Country and put the theory to the test? Also, on the subject of competition, it occurs to me that there is an extensive practical literature as to effective competition, that is, competition that results in better competitors, in the electronic gaming industry. Ironically (...or not...) massive competition in gaming has lead gaming organizations to work very hard to figure out what people like about competition. Their theories are put to the test every day, with the strongest incentives for staging satisfying competitions: corporate survival! While this is not directly analogous to economic or other societal competition, there may be lessons to learn. One place to start is A Theory Of Fun In Game Design. This is awesome. Republicans had told Warren Buffet that if he thought his taxes were too low, he was welcome to make a voluntary donation. In a challenge, issued in a Time Magazine interview last week, Buffett promises to match voluntary contributions aimed at reducing the deficit by "all Republican members of Congress, and I'll even go three for one with (Senate Minority Leader Mitch) McConnell." But the story gets better: 'Impressed' and 'Delighted' Warren Buffett Matches GOP Rep's Deficit Donations Warren Buffett will be writing a check made out to the United States Treasury for just over $49,000 to help
. Friedman cites quite a bit of history in his writings and is well aware of Adam Smith's observation. David Friedman to my knowledge has not endorsed Republicans over Democrats. I don't think he votes at all. One of his core arguments for anarchy is that it is easier for the elites to buy out a government than competing services. You can spend a congressman or a captured regulatory agency many times.(A rough paraphrase) His primary example of working anarchy was medieval Iceland, which I believe was relatively egalitarian. Stephan Kinsella said: If anything, states do a terrible job at the one thing they are supposed to do: protect us from crime; and they become bigger criminals themselves. The fact that private crime is possible simply does not normatively justify the commission of crime by people calling themselves our governors. This much I know is false. It might almost work if you restrict crime to theft, and then call taxes theft. Look, however, at murder rates. They're much higher in places with little organized government control. The government exececutes relatively few people. There is prison, and I will agree that the US prison population needs to be smaller, but I would say that our current situation is much better than places that lack strong government. Carl M: "His primary example of working anarchy was medieval Iceland, which I believe was relatively egalitarian". "relative" being the operative word here. As long as you ignore the chattel slavery, the blood feuds, the clan socialism, the aristocratic rent-seeking, vigilantism, ritualized rape, etc., in other words, all the things libertarians don't seem to like, but which nevertheless exist. And I notice no one wants to touch the Indian Land Reparations Question. Why is that? To apply the original post to today's problem: What is the Libertarian response to the PIPA/SOPA debate? Much of the concern of the netgods is that PIPA/SOPA protects property rights (and therefore one form of freedom, I suppose) but discourages freedom in almost every other sense (e.g. "free to choose"). I can't fairly characterize the Libertarian response, not being one myself nor a "scholar", but an analysis by both Orthodox and Reformed Libertarians may yield light. @John Kurman wrote: "No one wants to touch the Indian Land Reparations Question. Why is that?" I think there was copypasta from Rothsburg about the impracticality of untangling land claims, and the virtue therefore of severing such claims by "homesteading". This may have some coherence in the case of England, where figuring out what the Angle-Saxons are owed by the invading Normans would be hard indeed. But it is factually wrong with respect to our American example; we have extensive documentation of takings by force or by forcably imposed treaties and at least one descendent can easily be located in practically all cases. Would any Libertarian care to run for political office in Indian Country and put the theory to the test? Also, on the subject of competition, it occurs to me that there is an extensive practical literature as to effective competition, that is, competition that results in better competitors, in the electronic gaming industry. Ironically (...or not...) massive competition in gaming has lead gaming organizations to work very hard to figure out what people like about competition. Their theories are put to the test every day, with the strongest incentives for staging satisfying competitions: corporate survival! While this is not directly analogous to economic or other societal competition, there may be lessons to learn. One place to start is A Theory Of Fun In Game Design. This is awesome. Republicans had told Warren Buffet that if he thought his taxes were too low, he was welcome to make a voluntary donation. In a challenge, issued in a Time Magazine interview last week, Buffett promises to match voluntary contributions aimed at reducing the deficit by "all Republican members of Congress, and I'll even go three for one with (Senate Minority Leader Mitch) McConnell." But the story gets better: 'Impressed' and 'Delighted' Warren Buffett Matches GOP Rep's Deficit Donations Warren Buffett will be writing a check made out to the United States Treasury for just over $49,000 to help
pay down the national debt. He's matching voluntary contributions made this year and last year by Rep. Scott Rigell, a Republican representing Virginia. In a letter to Rep. Rigell released today by Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett writes he's "particularly impressed that you took this action before my challenge." David, you ignore the fact that property is accessible to everyone under a free market. Again, you're comparing apples and oranges. A bully comes and declares "Everything now belongs to me" and kills anyone who disagrees. That's not valid property ownership. Not according to any libertarian viewpoint. And that's what those monarchies are. The experiment of freedom is just that. It's something that hadn't been done before. Still hasn't, entirely. So no, the burden of proof isn't on me to show that unlimited ownership of private property is different than theft and coercion. The burden is actually on you to demonstrate why you think that the theft and coercion of socialist or semi-socialist governments, like that in the US, is any different from the theft and coercion of monarchy after monarchy in history. rewinn: re PIPA/SOPA: I put up blackouts today on stephankinsella.com and c4sif.org. I have been opposing SOPA nad related laws for years. The libertarian view is that copyright and patent are illegitimate state monopolies. That is the root cause of the SOPA problem. Down wiht copyright. See www.c4sif.org/resources, including my many articles, speeches, courses, and my book Against Intellectual Property. swizzzler said... The core of Libertarianism is that each man and woman owns his or her body and mind, and that it is wrong to aggress against another person's. Everything else extends from this premise. The battle for the last 10000-6000 years has been between forced collectivism/slavery and individual sovereignty. The reason for no examples is that there have been very few instances in history where individual sovereignty has peeked through. Greek golden era, Renaissanc, Enlightenment, Golden age of the Islamic empire, The Magna Carta, the American revolution, etc. The west made strides during the 19th century but it faded away in the 20th. Humans, as far as we know are the only creatures with sentience, so that being said we as humans use this sentience to meet our own ends, with the scarce resources of this planet. Like other creatures on this planet we compete for these scarce resources but unlike the other creatures we have our reason to best allocate these resources to our own ends, coercive monopolies private or public intervene and disrupt this allocation with disastrous consequences that prompt more and more interventions. Which results in loss off individual sovereignty until the result is slavery. With the basic notion of libertarianism being self-ownership(private property) and the non-aggression principle this allows for an order that is voluntary and contractual to take place during competition. spontaneous order without coercion. Seems idealic? This social/economic order is what brought civilization to mankind. It's private property based, anything else results in decivilization and barbarism. @Lisa - I'm trying to understand your position. Are you saying that you have no evidence to support your claim that libertarianism is better than our current system, and feel no need to produce any? If so, fine with me, but would you not agree that this is not going to persuade anyone of anything? Thank you for your response re PIPA/SOPA. Pace Amazon, I put up a greyout and I hope many people at least discuss the issue's relevance to their interests. A few questions: * By "illegitimate" you don't mean "unConstituional", correct? Since the patent system is specifically provided for in our federal Constitution, the Libertarian argument would be that it must be amended? * Is it the Libertarian position that intellectual property is per se illegitamate, or is it that IP is legit but enforcement of those rights must be by agreement between privates parties? If the latter, does my use of your IP carry with it an implied contract to agree to your terms for that use;
Publisher 2010, one had the option to print using a CMYK colour scheme, which is required by the commercial printer that does the printing of my newsletter. The functionality has worked well for many years. When I upgraded to Office 2013 (on an Office 365 subscription), I see that the feature was removed (i.e. one can only print in RGB format). Why was this feature removed, and can it be reinstated? Please restore the functionality to print from Publisher to a PDF using CMYK settings, I need this to submit viable files to the printing contractor. Microsoft what were you thinking about? Converting a Publisher 2016 file to CMYK is paramount for professionals. My commercial printer has rejected files because they are RGB. Please put it right guys, ASAP. I wish I had known this before upgrading to Office 365! It is causing me great concern of how to move forward. I MUST be able to send CMYK files to our commercial printers - they will simply refuse anything else and I don't have the time for some of the workarounds I've found online nor to learn a new program. This is quite irritating! Restore the CMYK conversion functionality!! Please support your MS Publisher product manager and dev team. And whomever made the decision to remove the CMYK colour conversion: You sir/madam should be slapped (fired). Microsoft, you have a forum for feedback, but what is the point if customers have been giving the necessary feedback for more than a year, but no one seems to be interested in working on the solution. And please tell your community of supporters (paying customers) when you start working on a solution, to prevent us from cancelling our 365 subscriptions in future in favor of some other platform. It is absolutely essential to have CMYK color mode available. Without this feature I will have to phase out using this product. It is hard to understand why Microsoft is going against industry standards. Quite irresponsible. This is essential, and I can't believe it's been taken away..! CMYK is essential for commercial printers. Please restore the CMYK function in Publisher 2016 and beyond. I am still using Publisher 2010 because the later Versions lacking CMYK functions are useless. CMYK is essential for commercial printers. Although Adobe InDesign is a much more capable program it is expensive and has a steeper learning curve which is why occasional users stayed with Publisher. Please restore the CMYK function in Publisher 2016 and beyond - we are a small business producing our own artwork for our flyers/exhibition stands and are now unable to provide commercial printers with a version they can print. We would have to start using Adobe Photoshop to do this. Please restore this functionality in Publisher, it is absolutely essential. Please reinstate the color model. It is imperative for offset printing. PDFs created with the rgb model of 2016 produce severely distorted color results in images. Peoples faces are all blasted out red. I dont understand why you fixed something that wasnt broke and made it worse? Please reinstate the ability to save in CMYK for printing. What I find ironic, is that Publisher is primarily for PRINTED items (although many of us use it to create files for web use). My desktop printer utilizes CMYK and commercial printers require files to be submitted in CMYK (excluding when we use Pantone). I just cannot understand why Publisher would take away that option from those of us who require it. We absolutely need the ability to create and send files created in Microsoft Publisher 2016 in cmyk pdf files. Microsoft Publisher 2016 advertising clearly states that it can create commercially printable files. Unless the files can be exported as cmyk process color that is a fiction, and the program should be relegated to hobbyists, not professionals, and clearly labeled as such. Without the CMYK ability to easily prepare files for a commercial printer, then I don't need MS Publisher...or even MS Office. I'll just use Google's free Docs, Sheets, etc. - Disappointed. Please restore the CMYK output capabilities of MS Publisher. The available Pantone matching is not adequate. The inability to convert output to CMYK colour space is costing me money as commercial printer
Publisher 2010, one had the option to print using a CMYK colour scheme, which is required by the commercial printer that does the printing of my newsletter. The functionality has worked well for many years. When I upgraded to Office 2013 (on an Office 365 subscription), I see that the feature was removed (i.e. one can only print in RGB format). Why was this feature removed, and can it be reinstated? Please restore the functionality to print from Publisher to a PDF using CMYK settings, I need this to submit viable files to the printing contractor. Microsoft what were you thinking about? Converting a Publisher 2016 file to CMYK is paramount for professionals. My commercial printer has rejected files because they are RGB. Please put it right guys, ASAP. I wish I had known this before upgrading to Office 365! It is causing me great concern of how to move forward. I MUST be able to send CMYK files to our commercial printers - they will simply refuse anything else and I don't have the time for some of the workarounds I've found online nor to learn a new program. This is quite irritating! Restore the CMYK conversion functionality!! Please support your MS Publisher product manager and dev team. And whomever made the decision to remove the CMYK colour conversion: You sir/madam should be slapped (fired). Microsoft, you have a forum for feedback, but what is the point if customers have been giving the necessary feedback for more than a year, but no one seems to be interested in working on the solution. And please tell your community of supporters (paying customers) when you start working on a solution, to prevent us from cancelling our 365 subscriptions in future in favor of some other platform. It is absolutely essential to have CMYK color mode available. Without this feature I will have to phase out using this product. It is hard to understand why Microsoft is going against industry standards. Quite irresponsible. This is essential, and I can't believe it's been taken away..! CMYK is essential for commercial printers. Please restore the CMYK function in Publisher 2016 and beyond. I am still using Publisher 2010 because the later Versions lacking CMYK functions are useless. CMYK is essential for commercial printers. Although Adobe InDesign is a much more capable program it is expensive and has a steeper learning curve which is why occasional users stayed with Publisher. Please restore the CMYK function in Publisher 2016 and beyond - we are a small business producing our own artwork for our flyers/exhibition stands and are now unable to provide commercial printers with a version they can print. We would have to start using Adobe Photoshop to do this. Please restore this functionality in Publisher, it is absolutely essential. Please reinstate the color model. It is imperative for offset printing. PDFs created with the rgb model of 2016 produce severely distorted color results in images. Peoples faces are all blasted out red. I dont understand why you fixed something that wasnt broke and made it worse? Please reinstate the ability to save in CMYK for printing. What I find ironic, is that Publisher is primarily for PRINTED items (although many of us use it to create files for web use). My desktop printer utilizes CMYK and commercial printers require files to be submitted in CMYK (excluding when we use Pantone). I just cannot understand why Publisher would take away that option from those of us who require it. We absolutely need the ability to create and send files created in Microsoft Publisher 2016 in cmyk pdf files. Microsoft Publisher 2016 advertising clearly states that it can create commercially printable files. Unless the files can be exported as cmyk process color that is a fiction, and the program should be relegated to hobbyists, not professionals, and clearly labeled as such. Without the CMYK ability to easily prepare files for a commercial printer, then I don't need MS Publisher...or even MS Office. I'll just use Google's free Docs, Sheets, etc. - Disappointed. Please restore the CMYK output capabilities of MS Publisher. The available Pantone matching is not adequate. The inability to convert output to CMYK colour space is costing me money as commercial printer
s are making additional charges to do the coversion. Our own printer doesn't like RGB input from Publisher either - not a problem for small print runs but can add hours to larger print runs of multiple page booklets. It seems that M$ is not listening to us, no matter what you do here! We made them a big Market power that rules like an ancient Emperor. Apply in Minutes - Approved in Seconds! Fast Cash in as little as 24 Hours! Online loans from Check into Cash are designed to bridge a cash gap between paydays. 15 855 Post Your Photos! A quick timelapse that I shoot with my trusty K-S2! Hello! Hopeful Future Pentaxian looking for Advice! Tamron 70-200 with HD Pentax-DA AF Rear Converter 1.4x AW or Pentax 60-250 ??? 4 569 Post Your Photos! 99 7,156 Non-Pentax Cameras: Canon, Nikon, etc. Is Pentax secretly developing a D FA* 24-70mm f/2.8 ED DC IF PLM AW Lens? Hi there. Screw drive vs PLM pulse. Pentax HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mm f/4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE Lens $402! 1 469 Post Your Photos! 6 1,475 Ask B&H Photo! 2 536 Post Your Photos! is new DA 55-300 WR PLM full frame compatible ? Royal Albert Serena Cup and Saucer, Rich Floral Bone China Teacup, Made in England. Beautiful Royal Albert footed, wide mouthed, high handled and footed cup with generous pink roses. This is one of our favorites in the many Royal Albert patterns. Requirements for manufacturing Law Labels require that the label you use on your product conforms to the various State requirements. Whether your law label is for a new product or a second hand product, we can help. With more than 40+ years servicing the Home Furnishing, Pillow, Comforter and related industries, Southern Label Company has the knowledge and experience to produce law labels to the highest standards of the industry. Using DuPont’s™ Tyvek¨ material you receive a finished product unsurpassed in appearance and quality. Every Law Label Southern Label Company produces are packed in boxes with a sample label on the outside for easy storage and inventory control. Whether you sell in the United States or Canada you can be sure that we know the laws and that the Law Labels are correct. Legal Label helps manufacturers and importers navigate the confusing world of state and federal labeling requirements. They specialize in assisting companies to comply with the various regulatory requirements of selling bedding products, furniture pieces, and stuffed toys in the United States. Law Label Services was formed to guide your manufacturing or importing company through the process of registering with the state agencies to sell stuffed goods in those states. The list of stuffed goods requiring registration includes pillows, stuffed toys, mattresses, upholstered furniture, quilts and more. The process of registration can be complex with each state having its own set of law label rules and regulations to follow. Law Label Services takes the worry and hassle away from you and simplifies the processes. Our goal is to “Keep It Simple”! ABFLO was founded in 1936 and the name was changed to IABFLO in 2003. The association is made up of state officials who are responsible for the enforcement of consumer oriented bedding and furniture laws in their respective states. Learn the Universal Blueprint® Effective Response Formula and get personalized support for applying it to the challenges you face. Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE is the author of the award-winning book, The Parent’s Toolshop and president of Parent’s Toolshop Consulting, where she oversees an international network of Toolshop® trainers. She has 30 years experience as a top-rated speaker and parenting expert to the media worldwide, including serving as the Co-Producer and Parenting Expert for the Emmy-nominated Ident-a-Kid television series. She has interviewed many parenting experts on her Parents
illegal installations of landlines with ISDN facilities and also additional SIM cards with fancy numbers were blocked for the use of Sun TV and other individuals related to Dayanidhi Maran. In a midnight operation, Income Tax (IT) department officials along with the Election Commission officials carried out a raid on the premises of senior leader Duraimurugan of the DMK, the Congress party ally in Tamil Nadu. Kitchen Remodeling | Arbel Construction Inc. Quality kitchen remodeling contractors to suite every style and every budget. Remodeling your kitchen not only adds style to your home, it often also adds value and makes your use of space more efficient. As a leading Los Angeles kitchen remodeling contractor in the Los Angeles and surrounding cities trusted by hundreds of homeowners, our mission is to deliver top workmanship, the highest quality materials and superior customer service during each and every project that we complete. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you can rest assured that we will do whatever possible to make things right. Call us to find out how we can help you with your upcoming project. Does your kitchen look and feel old and outdated? Arbel Construction can update your kitchen and bring it into the 21st century. Our Los Angeles home kitchen remodeling experts are available to consult with you and provide valuable information on how renovating your kitchen will make it more beautiful and functional. Our team always strives to create designs that reflect your household's style and your personality! Learn more about the our kitchen services remodeling services that we offer in Los Angeles, Ventura County, Orange County and the surrounding areas. Our professional kitchen remodeling craftsmen deliver high-quality service to every job that we take on. Of course, our customers can always expect only the most dedicated team of kitchen remodelers to work on their project. To learn more about our kitchen remodeling services, contact Arbel Construction today. Feel free to call us to get started with your free, in-home consultation. Alternatively, you may use our online form to request a no-obligation remodeling estimate. We are a licensed, bonded and insured contractor. Nahitan is a Hebrew boy name. Download the image I love Nahitan and share it in your social profiles, web o blog! Do you want an image of the name Nahitan in arabic, chinese, gotic, etc. letters? Go to Picnames.com and create your own signature! My recipes are grain free, refined sugar free and most are dairy free. This is my journey into creating a more healthier and fit me. Some of my recipes are decadent and full of calories and carbs. Some are low in calories and carbs. I need to have foods that are decadent and tasty from time to time so that I am not feeling deprived of anything. Join me on my journey to tasty grain free, refined sugar and limited dairy recipes. What do you do with brown bananas? Sometimes when I get bananas I peel them and freeze them for smoothies. But this time they were brown. I already have a banana bread mini muffin recipe. So I started to search through the internet and I came upon a Bobby Flay recipe that I thought sounded delicious. I decided to create my own version of this and make it grain free. I thought that a caramel sauce would also go nicely with it. I created chocolate chips, espresso caramel sauce to use in this recipe. Yep, the chocolate chips in this recipe are homemade. These two recipes will go on to create other deliciousness. They have already begun to percolate and inspire new ideas and recipes. The combination of bananas, homemade chocolate chips, and espresso caramel sauce is so decadent, yet grain free and refined sugar free. My family fell in love with this recipe and has already asked for it again. So I created a new to me banana nut bread all thanks to Bobby Flay. Thanks, for inspiring me, Bobby Flay. Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a bread pan with coconut oil. In a medium-sized bowl place coconut oil and melt inside the microwave 30 seconds to 1 minute. Remove coconut oil from microwave and allow to cool. On a plate mash bananas. Combine mashed bananas with the coconut oil
illegal installations of landlines with ISDN facilities and also additional SIM cards with fancy numbers were blocked for the use of Sun TV and other individuals related to Dayanidhi Maran. In a midnight operation, Income Tax (IT) department officials along with the Election Commission officials carried out a raid on the premises of senior leader Duraimurugan of the DMK, the Congress party ally in Tamil Nadu. Kitchen Remodeling | Arbel Construction Inc. Quality kitchen remodeling contractors to suite every style and every budget. Remodeling your kitchen not only adds style to your home, it often also adds value and makes your use of space more efficient. As a leading Los Angeles kitchen remodeling contractor in the Los Angeles and surrounding cities trusted by hundreds of homeowners, our mission is to deliver top workmanship, the highest quality materials and superior customer service during each and every project that we complete. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you can rest assured that we will do whatever possible to make things right. Call us to find out how we can help you with your upcoming project. Does your kitchen look and feel old and outdated? Arbel Construction can update your kitchen and bring it into the 21st century. Our Los Angeles home kitchen remodeling experts are available to consult with you and provide valuable information on how renovating your kitchen will make it more beautiful and functional. Our team always strives to create designs that reflect your household's style and your personality! Learn more about the our kitchen services remodeling services that we offer in Los Angeles, Ventura County, Orange County and the surrounding areas. Our professional kitchen remodeling craftsmen deliver high-quality service to every job that we take on. Of course, our customers can always expect only the most dedicated team of kitchen remodelers to work on their project. To learn more about our kitchen remodeling services, contact Arbel Construction today. Feel free to call us to get started with your free, in-home consultation. Alternatively, you may use our online form to request a no-obligation remodeling estimate. We are a licensed, bonded and insured contractor. Nahitan is a Hebrew boy name. Download the image I love Nahitan and share it in your social profiles, web o blog! Do you want an image of the name Nahitan in arabic, chinese, gotic, etc. letters? Go to Picnames.com and create your own signature! My recipes are grain free, refined sugar free and most are dairy free. This is my journey into creating a more healthier and fit me. Some of my recipes are decadent and full of calories and carbs. Some are low in calories and carbs. I need to have foods that are decadent and tasty from time to time so that I am not feeling deprived of anything. Join me on my journey to tasty grain free, refined sugar and limited dairy recipes. What do you do with brown bananas? Sometimes when I get bananas I peel them and freeze them for smoothies. But this time they were brown. I already have a banana bread mini muffin recipe. So I started to search through the internet and I came upon a Bobby Flay recipe that I thought sounded delicious. I decided to create my own version of this and make it grain free. I thought that a caramel sauce would also go nicely with it. I created chocolate chips, espresso caramel sauce to use in this recipe. Yep, the chocolate chips in this recipe are homemade. These two recipes will go on to create other deliciousness. They have already begun to percolate and inspire new ideas and recipes. The combination of bananas, homemade chocolate chips, and espresso caramel sauce is so decadent, yet grain free and refined sugar free. My family fell in love with this recipe and has already asked for it again. So I created a new to me banana nut bread all thanks to Bobby Flay. Thanks, for inspiring me, Bobby Flay. Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a bread pan with coconut oil. In a medium-sized bowl place coconut oil and melt inside the microwave 30 seconds to 1 minute. Remove coconut oil from microwave and allow to cool. On a plate mash bananas. Combine mashed bananas with the coconut oil
. Next add beaten eggs, monk fruit sugar, coconut brown sugar, espresso caramel sauce, and coconut milk until thoroughly combined. In a separate bowl combine cassava flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. With a fork mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt until combined. Pour half the flour mixture into the banana mixture until well combined. Pour the remaining flour into the banana mixture until thoroughly combined. Gently fold in chocolate chips. Pour banana bread mixture into well-greased bread pan. Bake approximately 30 – 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove from oven. Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes before inverting onto a cooling rack to cool. After banana bread has cooled completely store inside a plastic bag or paper sack. If you want softer bread store inside plastic if you want a little harder crust store inside a paper bag. wow I think this will be delicious. It is very yummy. Let me know if you try it. Have a fabulous day/night! Last night Mack and I were invited to a friends house for a homestuck party. We had such a great time, Brianna, the host, did such a wonderful job decorating and it's always great to meet new people! One of the many amazing homestuck costumes. The ticket booth was such a great touch! Everyone being informed of the rules for Hide and Seek. When you are struggling to make the grade it is easy to feel like just giving up and throwing in the towel. However, with the help of an experienced tutor you could be well on your way to achieving not just a passing grade, but a truly impressive one! There are Burr Oak tutors available now to guide you through your course work and offer support on homework and assignments. So whether you are looking for someone to help you pass a particularly challenging class, or for someone to help prep you for an upcoming exam, check out local tutor listings now and put yourself on the road to success'i. Researchers in United States are developing clothes that can adapt to the environment and provide the right comfort required by you by communicating with your Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment that often keep you too hot or too cold. Such personal thermal regulation systems will be able to reduce energy use at homes and offices as well as optimize the use of a building’s HVAC system by not overheating or overcooling areas inside the building where the occupants do not reside. Almost half of the energy consumption at typical US homes goes for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Ineffective way of heating or cooling of the building is wastage of money and has an adverse effect on the environment and climate. This also results in low productivity of workers. The clothes the researchers from the non-profit SRI International (SRI) are developing can adapt to the environment and wearer’s body. SRI’s work has been funded by ARPA-E – the research arm of the US Department of Energy. The personal thermal regulation system being developed uses low-cost electro-active polymer materials and structures which efficiently manage active heat transfer and boost passive cooling while being quiet and comfortable, SRI said in a blog post. People can make their recreational of fitness activities more enjoyable, fun-filled and productive by wearing the personal thermal regulation systems. A person can use the system without giving up his present clothing. The scientists also want to integrate the system through smart watches, fitness bands and other wearable technology for data logging and communications with other systems. Are American-Based Multinationals Really American? The eminent economist Robert J. Samuelson recently made an interesting point in the debate over large, profitable American corporations paying taxes at rates lower than those for many middle-class workers. Apple, in particular, has drawn attention for paying only a few percent in tax on $74 billion in profits earned between 2009 and 2012. Samuelson notes that such (legal) tax avoidance is a difficult sell to Americans, especially when they pay higher tax rates than huge corporations. At the same time, however, be believes that many Americans take pride in the success of American companies like Apple that dominate a sector of the global economy. This success would obviously be lessened if Apple had to pay out billions more to
out an array of audiobooks, making this your all-in-one audio stop. If you listen to podcasts, then chances are you've tried out Stitcher at one time or another. The app features many exclusive podcasts that are only available to listeners via the Stitcher app, making this a no-brainer for those wanting something unique. Even with the exclusives, Stitcher is still a fine app for being the home of the rest of your podcasts. It supports Android Auto, and there's even an Amazon Alexa skill to take advantage of. Stitcher is completely free to use, but the real power is unlocked if you sign up for Stitcher Premium. This provides access to ad-free shows, along with exclusive podcast episodes and more. You can sign up within the Stitcher app for either $4.99 per month or save about 40% and get Sticher Premium Yearly for just $34.99. Regardless of whether you stick with the free version or not, Stitcher is and has been a great podcast app for everyone. Exclusive podcasts and shows Stitcher has been around for years, and the app is one of the most popular options on the Play Store. While the app is free, you can sign up for Stitcher Premium and get access to exclusive premium podcasts and ad-free shows. To be honest, if it weren't for Jeramy Johnson's awesome take on Amazon Music's "feature stuffing", I wouldn't have known that the app allowed for podcast listening. Amazon has taken an approach similar to that of Spotify in an attempt to turn its Music service into an all-in-one content-consuming app for all of your needs. When perusing the various lists of categories for podcasts, you'll find Amazon Originals, which are podcasts unique to Amazon's services. You can also search for and subscribe to the podcasts you have already known and love over the years. There are some things that could be improved, like the discovery options, but the same could be said for just about every app on this list. Another all-in-one All-in-one Amazon streaming Amazon Music isn't just for music anymore, making this the perfect app for those wanting to consolidate their music and podcasts into a single app. Free at Google Play Store Many of the best podcast apps for Android come from companies with either years of experience or those owned by larger parent companies. AntennaPod bucks the trend by being an open-source solution for your podcast player needs. The app has a familiar interface, making it easy to find, sort, and listen to your podcasts. You can even favorite specific episodes, making it easy to go back and listen to an episode that resonated with you. Smart Speed adapts the audio playback speeds based on the podcast you're listening to or just speeds things up so you can get through long podcasts quicker than you normally would. There are even more automation controls built-in that aim to enhance the experience, along with helping to save battery power and data consumption. Open source freedom Open source podcasts for the win AntennaPod is a simplistic yet powerful podcast app with many features that you would expect to find. These include automation controls for helping conserve battery life, along with speeding up your podcasts to finish them quicker. There are many podcast player apps out there that try and lure you in with some cool features but then keep you trapped by paying for more features. Sonnet breaks that mold as this relative-newcomer to the Play Store provides premium features all for free. The app allows you to easily search and subscribe, download episodes for offline playback, and easily switch between light and dark mode. But you'll also have the ability to quickly start a podcast over from the beginning with the useful delta button. You won't even have to worry about not being able to sideload or subscribe to those "members-only" podcasts, as Sonnet makes it easy to do both of those right from the app. And the best part is that you get all of these features for free without having to deal with any in-app ads. Sonnet - Free, Simple Podcast Player Premium features for free If you're looking for a feature-packed podcast app that won't nickel and dime you, then Sonnet is the way to go. The app includes more features than you can count, is completely ad-free, and you
out an array of audiobooks, making this your all-in-one audio stop. If you listen to podcasts, then chances are you've tried out Stitcher at one time or another. The app features many exclusive podcasts that are only available to listeners via the Stitcher app, making this a no-brainer for those wanting something unique. Even with the exclusives, Stitcher is still a fine app for being the home of the rest of your podcasts. It supports Android Auto, and there's even an Amazon Alexa skill to take advantage of. Stitcher is completely free to use, but the real power is unlocked if you sign up for Stitcher Premium. This provides access to ad-free shows, along with exclusive podcast episodes and more. You can sign up within the Stitcher app for either $4.99 per month or save about 40% and get Sticher Premium Yearly for just $34.99. Regardless of whether you stick with the free version or not, Stitcher is and has been a great podcast app for everyone. Exclusive podcasts and shows Stitcher has been around for years, and the app is one of the most popular options on the Play Store. While the app is free, you can sign up for Stitcher Premium and get access to exclusive premium podcasts and ad-free shows. To be honest, if it weren't for Jeramy Johnson's awesome take on Amazon Music's "feature stuffing", I wouldn't have known that the app allowed for podcast listening. Amazon has taken an approach similar to that of Spotify in an attempt to turn its Music service into an all-in-one content-consuming app for all of your needs. When perusing the various lists of categories for podcasts, you'll find Amazon Originals, which are podcasts unique to Amazon's services. You can also search for and subscribe to the podcasts you have already known and love over the years. There are some things that could be improved, like the discovery options, but the same could be said for just about every app on this list. Another all-in-one All-in-one Amazon streaming Amazon Music isn't just for music anymore, making this the perfect app for those wanting to consolidate their music and podcasts into a single app. Free at Google Play Store Many of the best podcast apps for Android come from companies with either years of experience or those owned by larger parent companies. AntennaPod bucks the trend by being an open-source solution for your podcast player needs. The app has a familiar interface, making it easy to find, sort, and listen to your podcasts. You can even favorite specific episodes, making it easy to go back and listen to an episode that resonated with you. Smart Speed adapts the audio playback speeds based on the podcast you're listening to or just speeds things up so you can get through long podcasts quicker than you normally would. There are even more automation controls built-in that aim to enhance the experience, along with helping to save battery power and data consumption. Open source freedom Open source podcasts for the win AntennaPod is a simplistic yet powerful podcast app with many features that you would expect to find. These include automation controls for helping conserve battery life, along with speeding up your podcasts to finish them quicker. There are many podcast player apps out there that try and lure you in with some cool features but then keep you trapped by paying for more features. Sonnet breaks that mold as this relative-newcomer to the Play Store provides premium features all for free. The app allows you to easily search and subscribe, download episodes for offline playback, and easily switch between light and dark mode. But you'll also have the ability to quickly start a podcast over from the beginning with the useful delta button. You won't even have to worry about not being able to sideload or subscribe to those "members-only" podcasts, as Sonnet makes it easy to do both of those right from the app. And the best part is that you get all of these features for free without having to deal with any in-app ads. Sonnet - Free, Simple Podcast Player Premium features for free If you're looking for a feature-packed podcast app that won't nickel and dime you, then Sonnet is the way to go. The app includes more features than you can count, is completely ad-free, and you
won't have to pay a dime. Soccer games for android free download Pathfinder curse of the crimson throne pdf download Manually download ps4 game updates destiny V.i stereo to 5.1 converter download Iptv pro apk download Ragamuffin gospel pdf download For the university in Indiana, see University of Saint Francis (Indiana). For other uses, see University of Saint Francis. Algebra 2 common core book pdf download The Ragamuffin Gospel is a book about the essence of Christianity by former Franciscan priest Brennan Manning. Manning argues that Jesus’ gospel was one . The late Brennan Manning wrote his classic The Ragamuffin Gospel for the “ bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out,” for “anyone who has grown weary and. Kingdom of Heaven (All) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is the King. This is a deep book, from a servant of God, who really live with Jesus, and walk with HIM… Free PDF Download Books by Brennan Manning. Brennan Manning shares his joyful message in a powerful new way with his first-ever collection of daily devotions. For every day of the year the beloved author of "Ragamuffin Gospel" and "The Boy Who Cried Abba" offers a verse of scripture, and each day's mediation is completed with a In 2007, Greenberg won a Grammy Award for Best Rock or Rap Gospel Album for his production on Ashley Cleveland's album Before the Daylight's Shot. The Jet Engine Rolls Royce Pdf - the modern gas turbine engine, and from it was developed the Rolls-Royce Welland, Derwent, Nene and Dart engines. The Derwent and Nene turbo-jet engines. The cause of the commotion was the anticipated return of the Rev. Abram Dixon's only son, Robert, who, having taken up his father's life-work and graduated at one of the schools, had been called to a city church. Instead, it is the everyday ordinary things done with greater gospel-intentionalityslowly over timethat make all the difference. Free download or read online The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in 1990, and was written by Brennan Manning. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 240 pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this christian, non fiction story are , . View Karol Wojtyla Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. The Ragamuffin Gospel is a book about the essence of Christianity by former Franciscan priest Brennan Manning. Manning argues that Jesus’ gospel was one . The late Brennan Manning wrote his classic The Ragamuffin Gospel for the “ bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out,” for “anyone who has grown weary and. For more than 15 years, Manning's bestseller The Ragamuffin Gospel has reminded us that Jesus did not come for the pretty, pious and powerful. Instead, he came for the 'bedraggled, beat-up and burnt-out' ragamuffins who desperately need his grace. Dispelling the myth that you must work to receive God's gift of grace and joy, Manning, a fellow ragamuffin, reveals the true nature of a freely All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir by Brennan Manning - PDF free download eBook. Book author: Brennan Manning. Published: Dec 17, 2015; But before the fame of his ragamuffin gospel, Brennan Manning was a son, brother, soldier, journalist, priest, husband, father, and friend. This is that part of the story, a necessary piece of the larger For more than 15 years, Manning's bestseller The Ragamuffin Gospel has reminded us that Jesus did not come for the pretty, pious and powerful. Instead, he came for the 'bedraggled, beat-up and burnt-out' ragamuffins who desperately need his grace. Dispelling the myth that you
again this is based at the Crown. We now regularly take over 140 members to the home games at the Etihad Stadium to see the blues. Details & Price We leave the Crown 1 1/2 hours before kick off. The price for members is £5.00 return for adults, £3.00 for OAP’s and £2.00 for children. We always welcome anybody wishing to travel to the game with us and if you are interested please use the enquiries e-mail link or the telephone number on the contact and find us page. During the terrifying stretch of Hurricane Harvey, many corporations were moved to compassion by the stories and pictures of the widespread damages. Many of them pledged to give various amounts of relief monies to different charities. However, when Harvey passed and relief efforts began, many corporations’ donations were put on the backburner. Despite the delay, a recent Houston Chronicle article states that many businesses who vowed to donate monies have just recently made good on their commitments. This means that a number of charity services are able to provide Houston residents with more aid relief. Direct Relief was reportedly given $115,000 from eBay based on checks that came in on November 10. There active aid campaigns for survivors of Hurricane Harvey can be found here. Direct Relief will reportedly donate medications to 50 Texas medical clinics. Red Cross is another charity that was awaiting funds from promised corporate donations. While the Red Cross would not give an update to their relief funds, they are actively assisting Houston residents who need help. One Red Cross Shelter was opened on December 26 in South Houston, although it is unclear if it is still in service. If you would like to help families who are in need, you can sign up to volunteer for the Red Cross here. The donations that were given to these charities by various companies were generous. However, when the recovery effort is suspected to take more than 60 billion dollars, these donations cannot go very far in helping individual families. For many Houstonians, the relief they need now is an insurance payout that is fair and timely. Unfortunately, insurance carriers are not committed to helping Harvey citizens. This is where Arnold & Itkin can help. Our law firm is committed to holding insurance carriers accountable to the promises they made to communities and families when they offered insurance contracts. Our goal as a firm is to help as many families as possible get the relief that they need to permanently recover from Hurricane Harvey. Shelters and medications only go so far. Arnold & Itkin can offer a permanent solution for Houston citizens in need. If your insurance claim is being ignored, call (888) 400-2101 to be heard today. Our firm offers free consultations for any and all cases. original thinking and integrating ideas into culture. This is who we are and how we choose to work. W R I T E . S H O O T . E D I T . C R E A T E . Call (801) 913-5905 to reserve. Thank you for your inquiry. We look forward to reaching out to you soon! Ultimately, as a property owner, having your refrigerator appropriately repaired as well as kept is absolutely important. At any type of given time, your refrigerator, which includes hundreds of dollars in food things and also grocery stores, can grind to a stop at the most inconvenient time, making you forced to clean up a disgusting mess, wasting hours of your beneficial time and also thousands of dollars of your minimal resources. The reality is, properly maintaining your refrigerator is just simply be less complicated and more affordable option generally. Your fridge has to be leveledThe feet beneath your fridge turn, enabling you to level your home appliance for optimum efficiency. A level device enables all of its inner elements to operate appropriately. In the event the appliance is tipped away at a severe angle, you could speak to Thermador Repair Hubbardsville, NY 13355 work to fix any kind of home appliance mistakes you have, allowing your refrigerator to go for peak performance.»Your Coils Are Filthy as well as Should be CleanedPut in the time to draw the refrigerator from against the wall as well as wipe the black coils full of excessive gunk as well as dirt
again this is based at the Crown. We now regularly take over 140 members to the home games at the Etihad Stadium to see the blues. Details & Price We leave the Crown 1 1/2 hours before kick off. The price for members is £5.00 return for adults, £3.00 for OAP’s and £2.00 for children. We always welcome anybody wishing to travel to the game with us and if you are interested please use the enquiries e-mail link or the telephone number on the contact and find us page. During the terrifying stretch of Hurricane Harvey, many corporations were moved to compassion by the stories and pictures of the widespread damages. Many of them pledged to give various amounts of relief monies to different charities. However, when Harvey passed and relief efforts began, many corporations’ donations were put on the backburner. Despite the delay, a recent Houston Chronicle article states that many businesses who vowed to donate monies have just recently made good on their commitments. This means that a number of charity services are able to provide Houston residents with more aid relief. Direct Relief was reportedly given $115,000 from eBay based on checks that came in on November 10. There active aid campaigns for survivors of Hurricane Harvey can be found here. Direct Relief will reportedly donate medications to 50 Texas medical clinics. Red Cross is another charity that was awaiting funds from promised corporate donations. While the Red Cross would not give an update to their relief funds, they are actively assisting Houston residents who need help. One Red Cross Shelter was opened on December 26 in South Houston, although it is unclear if it is still in service. If you would like to help families who are in need, you can sign up to volunteer for the Red Cross here. The donations that were given to these charities by various companies were generous. However, when the recovery effort is suspected to take more than 60 billion dollars, these donations cannot go very far in helping individual families. For many Houstonians, the relief they need now is an insurance payout that is fair and timely. Unfortunately, insurance carriers are not committed to helping Harvey citizens. This is where Arnold & Itkin can help. Our law firm is committed to holding insurance carriers accountable to the promises they made to communities and families when they offered insurance contracts. Our goal as a firm is to help as many families as possible get the relief that they need to permanently recover from Hurricane Harvey. Shelters and medications only go so far. Arnold & Itkin can offer a permanent solution for Houston citizens in need. If your insurance claim is being ignored, call (888) 400-2101 to be heard today. Our firm offers free consultations for any and all cases. original thinking and integrating ideas into culture. This is who we are and how we choose to work. W R I T E . S H O O T . E D I T . C R E A T E . Call (801) 913-5905 to reserve. Thank you for your inquiry. We look forward to reaching out to you soon! Ultimately, as a property owner, having your refrigerator appropriately repaired as well as kept is absolutely important. At any type of given time, your refrigerator, which includes hundreds of dollars in food things and also grocery stores, can grind to a stop at the most inconvenient time, making you forced to clean up a disgusting mess, wasting hours of your beneficial time and also thousands of dollars of your minimal resources. The reality is, properly maintaining your refrigerator is just simply be less complicated and more affordable option generally. Your fridge has to be leveledThe feet beneath your fridge turn, enabling you to level your home appliance for optimum efficiency. A level device enables all of its inner elements to operate appropriately. In the event the appliance is tipped away at a severe angle, you could speak to Thermador Repair Hubbardsville, NY 13355 work to fix any kind of home appliance mistakes you have, allowing your refrigerator to go for peak performance.»Your Coils Are Filthy as well as Should be CleanedPut in the time to draw the refrigerator from against the wall as well as wipe the black coils full of excessive gunk as well as dirt
that is avoiding your refrigerator from adequately cooling.Is your refrigerator making leaking sounds? There are some all-natural occasions that occur with fridges, like the noises from your refrigerator or freezer settling or crackling, all as a result of temperature level variants, yet, if your fridge trickles, there are major problems that should be taken care of. Pull the drip work out and also discover if there are blockages or any particles originating from your home appliance. Condensation merely evaporates. Excessive dripping could suggest that A break or obstruction is sending your device on a quick, downhill spiral, eventually causing high electricity bills as well as a refrigerator that hardly works.To Stick or otherwise to Stick! Your door gaskets are brutalized and mauled by children and also family over a hundred thousand of times a year. Youngsters with untidy hands could spoil your fridge home appliance, which once had the immaculate, flawless seal. The tiniest opening could allow cold air to escape, driving your home heating and electric costs sky high, while being stuck with a poor refrigerator repair Hubbardsville, NY 13355. Here is the project I’ve been working on/thinking about for most of 2007. I did a sketch of the idea first and then began translating it into fabric. The initial idea was for the piece to go over a switch plate on a 2 1/2 wall in our hallway. Now that I have some of it done I can’t bring myself to cut a hole in it. I still have lots of work to do on the faces, plus the quilting and it will definitely need some beads. „Fridays with Jakarta“ is back with a live Special for 2018. The Live show will feature all 3 MCs from Los Angeles with their only German date on this tour. After the live shows we’ll have a FRIDAYS Party with Suff Daddy & Brennero. Come thru and have a good time with us. A tupilaq (TŪ-pi-lak) is an animated carving created by mages in the northernmost regions of North America and Greenland. It is traditionally carved from the bones of animals, though in certain disturbing cases, tupilaq have even been made from the remains of children. The creation of a tupilaq is a private affair and the mages who can make them are quite secretive about the process. The ritual is always performed at night during a new moon. It is believed that the mage must have their face covered so the tupilaq cannot identify them, because a mage possessing greater powers than the tupilaq’s creator can turn the tupilaq back against them. It is also believed that the mage performs a ritual endowing the tupilaq with some life energy, although the specifics are unknown. The final step of the ritual is to place the tupilaq in the ocean to allow it to travel to its destination to fulfill its purpose. A tupilaq is created specifically for purposes of revenge. The creating mage must have been wronged in some way or must be acting on behalf of someone who wishes vengeance. The tupilaq starts its journey in the ocean and makes its way unerringly and without rest to its target, regardless of how far away the target might be. Having found its target, the tupilaq transfers a powerful curse to its victim via a bite, after which it crumbles into dust. The victims of a tupilaq bite invariably die within a day. The tupilaq’s bite does not have to break the skin for the curse to be felt by the victim. Tupilaqs are often carved with several legs and arms and gaping mouths filled with sharp teeth. Their physical form allows them to be trapped, although they are notorious for destroying their cages in pursuit of their goal. Tupilaqs neither breathe nor eat; their energy comes from the ritual that created them. They do not age or die of natural causes. If they are damaged, the undamaged parts will attempt to continue on their task. If the mage who created the tupilaq dies, the tupilaq will revert into its component parts immediately. Tupilaqs do not reproduce. There is no such thing as a juvenile tupilaq. The collective noun for a group of t
will have to wait months for any true hints. Meanwhile, although the secret of the missing soul stone’s location is finally disclosed in the film’s bold two-and-a-half-hour run-time, it will likely leave few fans appeased. The big reveal feels lacklustre and rushed, relying heavily on emotion that hasn’t had the time to build. ​But the greatest dilemma is in splitting such a movie in two, with the overhanging arc here feeling a lot like a guillotine over our heads. You’ve never seen a cliff-hanger like this, and probably never left a theatre in quite so dismal a mood. But while it’s a staggering blow to the gut (especially with a full year to wait until the next instalment), there’s an incredible power in how Marvel can take an unfinished story and still make it poignant and profound. In how they have crafted a cherished and adored universe over the course of more than a decade, to simply blow the hell out of it. The tag-line that no-one is safe is painfully accurate, and the studio has gone to great lengths to make sure we know it. So, what does this mean for the future of our intrepid caped crusaders? Well, maybe if you’ve been looking for hints like I have, it may lie in Doctor Strange’s words and the notion that time will tell. Rating: 5 Infinity Stones out of 6 Black Panther Review - The claws are out in this epic hip-hop fuelled introduction Credit: Black Panther by Marvel Entertainment / Walt Disney Studios (2018) It is a rare thing for a Marvel origin movie to be a resounding success. I mean, out of our introductions to current titular superheroes Iron Man (2008), Thor (2011), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Ant-Man (2015), Doctor Strange (2016) and even the recent Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) very few have left audiences both impassioned and awe-inspired. You see, it’s a hard combination to create, at least the first time around, with the studio usually more interested in carefully crafting the characters for their star-studded team-up flicks. Perhaps this is why Black Panther (2018) works so well, with director Ryan Coogler spending less time introducing us to his restrained and dignified main man following his launch in Captain America: Civil War (2016) and instead focusing his energy and expertise into bringing one of Marvel’s most beautiful realms to life. Here, he breathes life into a myth, building a groovy world worthy of the big screen and the landmark acclaim it is gaining. We start in the aftermath of King T’Chaka’s death, as royal heir T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returns to his technologically advanced homeland to take up the mantle of its monarch. Following a primordial challenge from the land’s four other tribes, the Prince emerges as Wakanda’s rightful leader and warrior. But just days into his reign he is forced to bring the nation’s greatest villain Ulysses Klaue to justice – a feat his father was unable to achieve for more than 30 years. It’s no wonder then that blood and betrayal run deep in the movie as it shifts to South Korea for its stylish and slick second half. Here our protagonist, his protector Okoye (Danai Gurira) and his feisty ex-girlfriend Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) take on their foes in a polished casino-heist style scene. No Marvel movie would be complete though without an all-out car race, this time sweeping through neon-streaked streets and providing the perfect opportunity for the Prince’s tech-savvy sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) to shine. But it’s mercenary Eric Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) who takes centre stage come part three, putting a dampener on the ruler’s plans by challenging his right to sit upon the throne and causing the series second civil war to break out. Visually the film is stunning. Gorgeous cosmic colours swirl through ancestral worlds and bleed into the gorgeous country of Wakanda. There’s a similar vibe in
will have to wait months for any true hints. Meanwhile, although the secret of the missing soul stone’s location is finally disclosed in the film’s bold two-and-a-half-hour run-time, it will likely leave few fans appeased. The big reveal feels lacklustre and rushed, relying heavily on emotion that hasn’t had the time to build. ​But the greatest dilemma is in splitting such a movie in two, with the overhanging arc here feeling a lot like a guillotine over our heads. You’ve never seen a cliff-hanger like this, and probably never left a theatre in quite so dismal a mood. But while it’s a staggering blow to the gut (especially with a full year to wait until the next instalment), there’s an incredible power in how Marvel can take an unfinished story and still make it poignant and profound. In how they have crafted a cherished and adored universe over the course of more than a decade, to simply blow the hell out of it. The tag-line that no-one is safe is painfully accurate, and the studio has gone to great lengths to make sure we know it. So, what does this mean for the future of our intrepid caped crusaders? Well, maybe if you’ve been looking for hints like I have, it may lie in Doctor Strange’s words and the notion that time will tell. Rating: 5 Infinity Stones out of 6 Black Panther Review - The claws are out in this epic hip-hop fuelled introduction Credit: Black Panther by Marvel Entertainment / Walt Disney Studios (2018) It is a rare thing for a Marvel origin movie to be a resounding success. I mean, out of our introductions to current titular superheroes Iron Man (2008), Thor (2011), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Ant-Man (2015), Doctor Strange (2016) and even the recent Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) very few have left audiences both impassioned and awe-inspired. You see, it’s a hard combination to create, at least the first time around, with the studio usually more interested in carefully crafting the characters for their star-studded team-up flicks. Perhaps this is why Black Panther (2018) works so well, with director Ryan Coogler spending less time introducing us to his restrained and dignified main man following his launch in Captain America: Civil War (2016) and instead focusing his energy and expertise into bringing one of Marvel’s most beautiful realms to life. Here, he breathes life into a myth, building a groovy world worthy of the big screen and the landmark acclaim it is gaining. We start in the aftermath of King T’Chaka’s death, as royal heir T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returns to his technologically advanced homeland to take up the mantle of its monarch. Following a primordial challenge from the land’s four other tribes, the Prince emerges as Wakanda’s rightful leader and warrior. But just days into his reign he is forced to bring the nation’s greatest villain Ulysses Klaue to justice – a feat his father was unable to achieve for more than 30 years. It’s no wonder then that blood and betrayal run deep in the movie as it shifts to South Korea for its stylish and slick second half. Here our protagonist, his protector Okoye (Danai Gurira) and his feisty ex-girlfriend Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) take on their foes in a polished casino-heist style scene. No Marvel movie would be complete though without an all-out car race, this time sweeping through neon-streaked streets and providing the perfect opportunity for the Prince’s tech-savvy sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) to shine. But it’s mercenary Eric Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) who takes centre stage come part three, putting a dampener on the ruler’s plans by challenging his right to sit upon the throne and causing the series second civil war to break out. Visually the film is stunning. Gorgeous cosmic colours swirl through ancestral worlds and bleed into the gorgeous country of Wakanda. There’s a similar vibe in
the music too, with an original soundtrack from Kendrick Lamar combining wild drumbeats with flourishes of frenetic hip-hop. It makes you want to get up and move, pulling viewers into the film and transforming them into more than just oblivious observers. Part of what makes the film great though is how seamlessly it blends the traditions of old with the technology of new. This is a country that exists with the greatest advancements in life - from hover trains to metal-balls that can save people’s spines - yet continues to conduct ritual bloodfights for its governance. Culture is important and no matter how far its people may progress, the sanctity of their customs and their desire to prove you can have it all sets them apart. The star-studded cast are a step-above, but one wouldn’t expect any less from those who have mastered funk legends, slayed zombies and won Oscars. Boseman brings a serene presence to his King, funnier than we have seen him before, but still duty and honour bound. He is the wise leader, forced to understand how failure is crucial to making a great leader. In opposition, Jordan brings a reckless, snarky-ness to his scarred villain Killmonger. Yet despite his flaws, he is one of the most well-rounded and empathetic antagonists the Marvel universe has produced - his unwillingness to give-up on his beliefs demanding credit. Daniel Kaluuya, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis, Forest Whitaker and Winston Duke all provide solid support in roles that could easily have been extended, but it is hard not to see how it is their actress counterparts that really make a mark in the film’s two-hour run. Women are incredibly powerful in Coogler’s world, with their representation here among the best in Marvel’s history. While T’Challa may serve as King and hero, females form the brunt of those closest to him. His mother Queen Ramonda is a guiding force in who he becomes. His sister Princess Shuri provides the smarts behind his advantage over foes. And former flame and spirited badass Nakia is not afraid to challenge and push to be a better person. Then there is the King’s guard – the Dora Milaje - an all-female group of shaven-haired warrior women led by General Okoye. Little girls have long waited for Marvel to get their act together and give them someone more than just Black Widow and Scarlet Witch to aspire to, and here Coogler cocks his head and says screw waiting until Captain Marvel (2019). You want to be a cool scientist? Then study hard and do it. You want to be an activist and stand up for what you believe in? Make people hear your voice. You want to be someone other than the damsel-in-distress? No-one is stopping you. Not anymore. Above all, race is the most crucial element here, there’s no denying it. Never before has there been a superhero movie with such a triumphant African-American cast, directed by an African-American visionary and with a budget this big to throw around. And Coogler makes it clear from the get-go that identity is at the heart of his blockbuster, whether that be a hesitant son trying to live up to his father’s name or a beefed-up outcast hitting back at the home he was never invited into. Our movie-maestro has been commenting on these themes for a while now, from his incredible introduction Fruitvale Station (2013) to his powerful follow-up Creed (2015). But everything about Black Panther (2018) makes it feel like he has simply been gearing up for an ultimate chance to comment on the politics that so deeply divide us. So, it’s no surprise he is keen to finish on a note of unity rather than division. It’s a representation that will make generations sit up and pay attention. And maybe one day, we’ll realise that difference isn’t something to be afraid of, but something to embrace. Rating: 4 Wakandan Warriors out of 5 Thor: Ragnarok Review - Brash, bold and downright hilarious, this time the God of Thunder is finally a champion Credit: Thor: Ragnarok by Marvel Entertainment / Walt Disney Studios (2017) It’s funny, but when Marvel first started on the
Cantorum, Paris, France, Apr. 11, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Chicago, IL, July 18, 1952 Charlie Parker 6 Carnegie Hall, NYC, Nov. 15, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie's Cool Jazz All-Stars / Buddy DeFranco & The Cool Jazz All-Stars / Don Elliott & The Cool Jazz All-Stars Hot versus Cool, Birdland, NYC, Nov. 24, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 6 live in NYC, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Salle Pleyel, Paris, France, Feb. 9, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 6 Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Operatic Strings Studio Pathe Magellan, Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Cinema Rex, Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Grand Orch. same location, date The 5 Massey Hall, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 15, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie - Charlie Parker 6 w/ Miles Davis Birdland, NYC, May 23, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 4 Birdland, NYC???, c. late May, 1953 Norman Granz' Jam Session NYC, Sep. 2, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie - Stan Getz 6 Radio Recorders, LA, Dec. 9, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, May 24, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, May 25, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie Latin American Rhythm NYC, June 3, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie 6 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, June 8, 1954 Benny Carter 7 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, Sep. 14, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Sep. 15, 1954 JATP Bushnell Memorial Auditorium, Hartford, CT, Sep. 17, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie - Roy Eldridge 6 NYC, Oct. 29, 1954 Norman Granz' Jam Session NYC, Oct. 30, 1954 JATP live in Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. 2, 1955 JATP Opera House, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2, 1955 Gene Krupa - Buddy Rich 9 NYC, Nov. 1, 1955 Tour De Force NYC, Nov. 2, 1955 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Radio Recorders, LA, Nov. 8, 1955 JATP Berlin, W. Germany, 1955 The Modern Jazz 6 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, Jan. 12, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, May 18 & 19, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, June 6, 1956 Tour De Force LA, Oct. 16, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie 7 Radio Recorders, LA, Oct. 16, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Birdland, NYC, Nov. 4-Dec. 2, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Birdland, NYC, Dec. 1, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Apr. 7, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie - Stuff Smith 5 NYC, Apr. 17, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Chester, PA, June 14, 1957 Ella Fitzgerald w/ Duke Ellington
Cantorum, Paris, France, Apr. 11, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Chicago, IL, July 18, 1952 Charlie Parker 6 Carnegie Hall, NYC, Nov. 15, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie's Cool Jazz All-Stars / Buddy DeFranco & The Cool Jazz All-Stars / Don Elliott & The Cool Jazz All-Stars Hot versus Cool, Birdland, NYC, Nov. 24, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 6 live in NYC, 1952 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Salle Pleyel, Paris, France, Feb. 9, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 6 Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Operatic Strings Studio Pathe Magellan, Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Cinema Rex, Paris, France, Feb. 22, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Grand Orch. same location, date The 5 Massey Hall, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 15, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie - Charlie Parker 6 w/ Miles Davis Birdland, NYC, May 23, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie 4 Birdland, NYC???, c. late May, 1953 Norman Granz' Jam Session NYC, Sep. 2, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie - Stan Getz 6 Radio Recorders, LA, Dec. 9, 1953 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, May 24, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, May 25, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie Latin American Rhythm NYC, June 3, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie 6 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, June 8, 1954 Benny Carter 7 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, Sep. 14, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Sep. 15, 1954 JATP Bushnell Memorial Auditorium, Hartford, CT, Sep. 17, 1954 Dizzy Gillespie - Roy Eldridge 6 NYC, Oct. 29, 1954 Norman Granz' Jam Session NYC, Oct. 30, 1954 JATP live in Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. 2, 1955 JATP Opera House, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2, 1955 Gene Krupa - Buddy Rich 9 NYC, Nov. 1, 1955 Tour De Force NYC, Nov. 2, 1955 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Radio Recorders, LA, Nov. 8, 1955 JATP Berlin, W. Germany, 1955 The Modern Jazz 6 Fine Sound Studios, NYC, Jan. 12, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, May 18 & 19, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, June 6, 1956 Tour De Force LA, Oct. 16, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie 7 Radio Recorders, LA, Oct. 16, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Birdland, NYC, Nov. 4-Dec. 2, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Birdland, NYC, Dec. 1, 1956 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Apr. 7, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie - Stuff Smith 5 NYC, Apr. 17, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Chester, PA, June 14, 1957 Ella Fitzgerald w/ Duke Ellington
Orch. LA, June 24, 1957 Sittin' In WOR Studios, NYC, June 26, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Newport Jazz Fest., Newport, RI, evening, July 6, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. Chester, PA, July 14, 1957 JATP Opera House, Chicago, IL, Oct. 20, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie w/ Sonny Stitt & Sonny Rollins NYC, Dec. 11, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie 8 NYC, Dec. 17, 1957 Dizzy Gillespie - Bud Powell 5 Paris, France, 1957 Les Tricheurs (Soundtrack) Paris, France, May 1, 1958 Sonny Stitt 5 England, May, 1958 Dizzy Gillespie 5 live in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 17, 1959 Katie Bell Nubin NYC, Jan., 1960 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Chicago, IL, Mar. 28 & 29, 1960 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Apr. 27 & 28, 1960 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. NYC, Nov. 14 & 15, 1960 JATP Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 21, 1960 Dizzy Gillespie 6 The Museum Of Modern Art, NYC, Feb. 9, 1961 Dizzy Gillespie Big Band Carnegie Hall, NYC, Mar. 4, 1961 Dizzy Gillespie w/ Gunther Schuller Orch. NYC, May 18, 1961 Dizzy Gillespie Orch. United Recording, LA, Sep., 1962 Dizzy Gillespie 4 & The Double Six Of Paris Europasonor Studios, Paris, France, July 8, 1963 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Universal Recording, Chicago, IL, Sep. 11, 1963 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Nola Penthouse Sound Studios, NYC, Apr. 21, 1964 Dizzy Gillespie 6 Chicago, IL, Nov. 4, 1964 Quincy Jones Orch. NYC, Dec. 20, 1964 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Charlie Parker 10th Memorial Concert, Carnegie Hall, NYC, Mar. 27, 1965 Dizzy Gillespie 5/4 same location, date Billy Taylor & The Be-Bop All Stars same location, date Gil Fuller & The Monterey Jazz Festival Orch. feat. Dizzy Gillespie Pacific Jazz Studios, Hollywood, CA, June 8 & 9, 1965 Dizzy Gillespie 5 Memory Lane, LA, May 25, 1967 Jazz For A Sunday Afternoon Village Vanguard, NYC, Oct. 1, 1967 Stars Of Bop live in Paris, France, 1969 Dizzy Gillespie & The Mitchell Ruff 2 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Apr. 21, 1971 Dizzy Gillespie - Johnny Griffin 5 ORTF, live in Chateauvallon, France, Aug. 29, 1971 The Giants Of Jazz Sala Grande Del Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi, Milan, Italy, Oct. 20, 1971 Giants Of Jazz / Bop Fathers Theatre National Populaire, Paris, France, Oct. 22, 1971 The Giants Of Jazz Congress Hall, Warsaw, Poland, Oct. 29, 1971 The Giants Of Jazz Palac Lucerna Velky Sal, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Oct. 30, 1971 The Giants Of Jazz live in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Nov
63 multiplied by eight," he says. "I'll probably multiply: 8,000 by eight which is 64,000, 700 by eight which is 5,600, 60 by eight which is 480, three by eight is 24. And I add all of these. But this requires the human brain to remember all this. "The methods which I use are very similar to general methods but certain things -- basically (it's) brain optimization. I optimize my methods and make them better than before. "At the end of the day whatever I call my methods, sometimes it just happens. There's a certain process, obviously, but since you have trained your brain, it just happens." On August 15, Bhanu, from Hyderabad in India's southern Telangana state, became the first Asian to win gold at the Mental Calculation World Championship at the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) in London. He's also the first non-European winner in the event's 23-year history. In his competition debut, Bhanu beat 29 opponents from 13 countries to take the gold -- his speed so extraordinary that judges made him jump through extra hoops and solve more calculations to confirm his accuracy. Just don't call him a prodigy. "Definitely not, because I find the word 'prodigy' a little troubling as it just doesn't capture the efforts and experience, it's just a state that's obtained out of nowhere," Bhanu says, stressing that his extraordinary mathematical ability didn't come easily. In fact, it could have all been very different. Life-threatening injury In 2005, aged 5, Bhanu fell from his cousin's scooter when it was hit by a truck, banging his head on the road. Bhanu fractured his skull. He needed 85 stitches and multiple operations, before doctors put him into a medically induced coma. When he woke up almost seven days later, the doctors told his parents that Bhanu could be cognitively impaired for the rest of his life due to his head injuries. He spent the next year bedridden. "That accident changed the way I used to define fun and it is the reason why am here today," he says. During his recovery, Bhanu learned how to play chess and solved puzzles to keep his brain engaged -- eventually progressing to math problems. "I remember the pain vividly ... this is the most traumatic experience I have had in my life," he recalls. "I couldn't even go to school for a year. All I had to rely on to get better were numbers and puzzles." The head injury left him with an "ugly looking scar." To protect his feelings, Bhanu's parents removed all mirrors from around the house for a year. But he was determined to not let the scar define him. "It drove me forward and I knew there's something that I am good at and I will prove myself there," he says. In 2007, aged 7, Bhanu finished third in the sub-junior category at a state level speed arithmetic competition in Andhra Pradesh state. His performance brought his father to tears, Bhanu says. "It wasn't the medal, it was what led me there that moved my father," he says. Bhanu has since secured many wins, including the open category in India's 2011 National Speed Arithmetic Competition. And from the age of 13, he's represented India in international competition and broken four world records for fastest human calculation, power multiplication, super subtraction, and mental math: powers of 2 and 3. He's also broken 50 Limca records, earning comparisons with legendary Indian mathematician Shakuntala Devi. "When I am attempting a world record it's almost like the world around me slows down," Bhanu explains, drawing a comparison with a DC Comics superhero. "It's kind of like 'The Flash' -- where when he runs everything else around is blurred. It definitely feels nice but also feels extremely liberating to actually do these complex calculations at this pace. "So the neurons firing in the brain lead us to make believe that we are capable of doing things which we don't imagine. So I would say you almost feel like a superhero. Almost." Making math cool
63 multiplied by eight," he says. "I'll probably multiply: 8,000 by eight which is 64,000, 700 by eight which is 5,600, 60 by eight which is 480, three by eight is 24. And I add all of these. But this requires the human brain to remember all this. "The methods which I use are very similar to general methods but certain things -- basically (it's) brain optimization. I optimize my methods and make them better than before. "At the end of the day whatever I call my methods, sometimes it just happens. There's a certain process, obviously, but since you have trained your brain, it just happens." On August 15, Bhanu, from Hyderabad in India's southern Telangana state, became the first Asian to win gold at the Mental Calculation World Championship at the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) in London. He's also the first non-European winner in the event's 23-year history. In his competition debut, Bhanu beat 29 opponents from 13 countries to take the gold -- his speed so extraordinary that judges made him jump through extra hoops and solve more calculations to confirm his accuracy. Just don't call him a prodigy. "Definitely not, because I find the word 'prodigy' a little troubling as it just doesn't capture the efforts and experience, it's just a state that's obtained out of nowhere," Bhanu says, stressing that his extraordinary mathematical ability didn't come easily. In fact, it could have all been very different. Life-threatening injury In 2005, aged 5, Bhanu fell from his cousin's scooter when it was hit by a truck, banging his head on the road. Bhanu fractured his skull. He needed 85 stitches and multiple operations, before doctors put him into a medically induced coma. When he woke up almost seven days later, the doctors told his parents that Bhanu could be cognitively impaired for the rest of his life due to his head injuries. He spent the next year bedridden. "That accident changed the way I used to define fun and it is the reason why am here today," he says. During his recovery, Bhanu learned how to play chess and solved puzzles to keep his brain engaged -- eventually progressing to math problems. "I remember the pain vividly ... this is the most traumatic experience I have had in my life," he recalls. "I couldn't even go to school for a year. All I had to rely on to get better were numbers and puzzles." The head injury left him with an "ugly looking scar." To protect his feelings, Bhanu's parents removed all mirrors from around the house for a year. But he was determined to not let the scar define him. "It drove me forward and I knew there's something that I am good at and I will prove myself there," he says. In 2007, aged 7, Bhanu finished third in the sub-junior category at a state level speed arithmetic competition in Andhra Pradesh state. His performance brought his father to tears, Bhanu says. "It wasn't the medal, it was what led me there that moved my father," he says. Bhanu has since secured many wins, including the open category in India's 2011 National Speed Arithmetic Competition. And from the age of 13, he's represented India in international competition and broken four world records for fastest human calculation, power multiplication, super subtraction, and mental math: powers of 2 and 3. He's also broken 50 Limca records, earning comparisons with legendary Indian mathematician Shakuntala Devi. "When I am attempting a world record it's almost like the world around me slows down," Bhanu explains, drawing a comparison with a DC Comics superhero. "It's kind of like 'The Flash' -- where when he runs everything else around is blurred. It definitely feels nice but also feels extremely liberating to actually do these complex calculations at this pace. "So the neurons firing in the brain lead us to make believe that we are capable of doing things which we don't imagine. So I would say you almost feel like a superhero. Almost." Making math cool
Bhanu says he is passionate about his goal to "eradicate math phobia," the fearful feelings many of us have toward mathematics that can lead us to avoid situations in which we have to perform calculations and negatively impact our life choices. According to a 2002 study published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science: "Highly math-anxious individuals are characterized by a strong tendency to avoid math, which ultimately undercuts their math competence and forecloses important career paths." In 2018, Bhanu founded Exploring Infinities, an educational organization that aims to make math cool, challenging, interesting and immersive, by tracking cognitive ability development through arithmetic games. "My experience began the day I went to a rural government school (in India) and realized kids there did not know that multiplication is repetitive addition," Bhanu explains. "That's what struck a chord and that's when I began my firm." The organization, which has half a million subscribers, works at the grassroots level in India and, pre-coronavirus, organized math bootcamps in Bangladesh and Indonesia. Its digital learning program also has students from the United Kingdom and United States. "Bhanu dominated the Mental Calculations World Championship and finished 65 points ahead of everyone else," says Mind Sports Olympiad CEO Etan Ilfeld. "He continues to inspire through his outreach work including TEDx talks and his startup Exploring Infinities, which emphasize that anyone can improve their math skills and make the world a better place". Bhanu's recent success caught the attention of India's President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu, who congratulated him on his MSO win. After years of struggling for state funding to take part in international competitions, he hopes his victory will usher in a new era of support for India's aspiring mathematicians to compete at the world level. "For any country to develop and thrive globally, numeracy is as important a skill as literacy," he says. "Three out of every four students who study in the government schools of India have trouble understanding basic mathematics." Bhanu says his debut MSO victory may also be his last in the tournament, as he focuses instead on his philanthropic work. "I am not sure if I am going to be participating in competitions anymore," he says. "I don't think I should. I have established my point that I am quicker. I am in a position that people hear me, I better use it. "I don't want to be the face of mathematics -- there are enough of those, and they are exceptional. I want to be the face against math phobia. Very simple." ~ Via CNN Home pageHistory of Islam Arabia before Islam In writing the history of Islam, it is customary to begin with a survey of the political, economic, social and religious conditions of Arabia on the eve of the Proclamation by Muhammad (may God bless him and his Ahlul-Bait) of his mission as Messenger of God. It is the second convention of the historians (the first being to give a geographical description of the region). I shall also abide by this convention, and will review briefly, the general conditions in Arabia in the late sixth and early seventh century A.D. Political Conditions in Arabia The most remarkable feature of the political life of Arabia before Islam was the total absence of political organization in any form. With the exception of Yemen in the south-west, no part of the Arabian peninsula had any government at any time, and the Arabs never acknowledged any authority other than the authority of the chiefs of their tribes. The authority of the tribal chiefs, however, rested, in most cases, on their character and personality, and was moral rather than political. The modern student of history finds it incredible that the Arabs lived, generation after generation, century after century, without a government of any kind. Since there was no government, there was no law and no order. The only law of the land was lawlessness. In the event a crime was committed, the injured party took law in its own hands, and tried to administer "justice" to the offender. This system led very frequently to acts of horrendous cruelty. If the Arab ever exercised any modicum of restraint, it was not because of any susceptibility he had to questions of right or wrong but because of the fear of
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expense of the marketeers. Thus, for example, Rowling had more than somewhat to do with the casting of the Harry Potter movies, and Peter Jackson’s films display a nearly obsessive concern with getting the look of Middle-Earth right that could hardly be shared by a typical studio exec. Whatever the reason, I’m glad of the trend. I spend a lot more time in movie theaters than I use to — and that’s the message Hollywood wants to hear. This entry was posted in Culture by esr. Bookmark the permalink. 33 thoughts on “The Last Samurai” I’m curious about one samurai detail, regarding their use of guns. In Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond writes that there was initial enthusiasm for guns in Japan (1543 to c. 1600), but eventually the samurai-controlled government gradually regulated guns almost out of existence (pp. 257-258). The problem, it seems, was that guns threatened the ritual speech-making and sword-fighting of the samurai, since any peasant with a gun could intervene with lethal effect. Is Diamond’s account right? If it is, then perhaps the anti-gun spin in The Last Samurai isn’t (only) the result of the Hollywood left’s anti-gun bias, but rather reflects a real historical backlash against guns after an initial burst of enthusiasm. Steve on 2003-12-15 at 14:54:17 said: I knew that judo originated in Okinawa but thought it spread from there to China for some unknown reason. Interesting. “Judo” per se of course isn’t a “self defense” discipline but is intended purely for recreational purposes, i.e., it’s a “sport.” Didn’t like Lord of the Rings I. Fell asleep. Costumes and story line seemed phony to me. Yes, know am in minority. Need to check out “The Last Samarai.” PS: I like to think that when Hollywood makes good movies they do so because they will make more money that way. Sadly there are too many bad money makers for my thought to fly. David Hungerford on 2003-12-15 at 15:00:27 said: I’m gonna try and say this without descending into Geek Power mindlessness, but is it possible that the rise of the ‘net has at least something to do with this? Pre-net, people who would notice the blatant ahistorical elements or the places where the screenplay had nothing to do with the source material were a) few, b) not in contact with each other, and c) not in contact with the general public. Now, they may still be relatively few, but they’re in regular contact with each other and they have forums they can use to get the word out to the interested-but-ignorant. Thus, by getting things right, Hollywood cuts way down on grassroots badmouthing of their products. It further occurs to me that Hollywood may be recognizing geeks (and by this I mean any sort of geek, not just the computer sort) as a good market. If you correctly depict someone’s obsession, odds are they’re going to want to see that depiction over and over (and then buy the Special Edition DVD). Derek on 2003-12-15 at 18:39:13 said: I think one thing that is taking effect on Hollywood is the speed at which bombs are found out. There was an article (/Dot I think) about how Hollywood used to not worry too much about bad films because they had about 3 or 4 days of box office before word would get around about how bad it was. Now with sms and the net the word is getting around in 3 or 4 hours and Hollywood is worried that it is loosing money because of it. I’m wondering if this (hopefully perminant) upgrade in film quality is part of a response to this and feedback from the public saying we are smarter than you think and want at least semi-intelligent movies. I do wonder though at the costs of making a movie. Sometimes it hard to see how they can spend $300 million in six months. tofubar on 2003-12-15 at 19:
expense of the marketeers. Thus, for example, Rowling had more than somewhat to do with the casting of the Harry Potter movies, and Peter Jackson’s films display a nearly obsessive concern with getting the look of Middle-Earth right that could hardly be shared by a typical studio exec. Whatever the reason, I’m glad of the trend. I spend a lot more time in movie theaters than I use to — and that’s the message Hollywood wants to hear. This entry was posted in Culture by esr. Bookmark the permalink. 33 thoughts on “The Last Samurai” I’m curious about one samurai detail, regarding their use of guns. In Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond writes that there was initial enthusiasm for guns in Japan (1543 to c. 1600), but eventually the samurai-controlled government gradually regulated guns almost out of existence (pp. 257-258). The problem, it seems, was that guns threatened the ritual speech-making and sword-fighting of the samurai, since any peasant with a gun could intervene with lethal effect. Is Diamond’s account right? If it is, then perhaps the anti-gun spin in The Last Samurai isn’t (only) the result of the Hollywood left’s anti-gun bias, but rather reflects a real historical backlash against guns after an initial burst of enthusiasm. Steve on 2003-12-15 at 14:54:17 said: I knew that judo originated in Okinawa but thought it spread from there to China for some unknown reason. Interesting. “Judo” per se of course isn’t a “self defense” discipline but is intended purely for recreational purposes, i.e., it’s a “sport.” Didn’t like Lord of the Rings I. Fell asleep. Costumes and story line seemed phony to me. Yes, know am in minority. Need to check out “The Last Samarai.” PS: I like to think that when Hollywood makes good movies they do so because they will make more money that way. Sadly there are too many bad money makers for my thought to fly. David Hungerford on 2003-12-15 at 15:00:27 said: I’m gonna try and say this without descending into Geek Power mindlessness, but is it possible that the rise of the ‘net has at least something to do with this? Pre-net, people who would notice the blatant ahistorical elements or the places where the screenplay had nothing to do with the source material were a) few, b) not in contact with each other, and c) not in contact with the general public. Now, they may still be relatively few, but they’re in regular contact with each other and they have forums they can use to get the word out to the interested-but-ignorant. Thus, by getting things right, Hollywood cuts way down on grassroots badmouthing of their products. It further occurs to me that Hollywood may be recognizing geeks (and by this I mean any sort of geek, not just the computer sort) as a good market. If you correctly depict someone’s obsession, odds are they’re going to want to see that depiction over and over (and then buy the Special Edition DVD). Derek on 2003-12-15 at 18:39:13 said: I think one thing that is taking effect on Hollywood is the speed at which bombs are found out. There was an article (/Dot I think) about how Hollywood used to not worry too much about bad films because they had about 3 or 4 days of box office before word would get around about how bad it was. Now with sms and the net the word is getting around in 3 or 4 hours and Hollywood is worried that it is loosing money because of it. I’m wondering if this (hopefully perminant) upgrade in film quality is part of a response to this and feedback from the public saying we are smarter than you think and want at least semi-intelligent movies. I do wonder though at the costs of making a movie. Sometimes it hard to see how they can spend $300 million in six months. tofubar on 2003-12-15 at 19:
02:01 said: Christ you’re a fucking gun nut ESR. DemEnTEd on 2003-12-15 at 19:22:13 said: While it may be true that the samurai did not exactly disdain firearms, it is also untrue to claim that they embraced them with gusto. Even up through the Meiji Restoration and beyond battles were invariably expected to proceed along traditional lines, with archery duels followed by personal combat. The firearm was used by the lowest-ranking bushi and not those of higher rank, who relied almost exclusively upon their considerable swordsmanship. Since these men were the driving force of strategy, the gun – despite its efficacy – was underused. Additionally, unarmed combat was indeed not commonly used by the samurai, but it was quite well developed at that time by the downtrodden peasants, who, when forbidden to carry weapons, sought other methods of defense. magoo on 2003-12-15 at 19:30:48 said: haven’t worked out if tofubar is complimenting you or not. One of things with the Hollywood star factory – One of the reasons we see a ‘hey-I’m-Tom-Cruise’ moment is that the star transcends the character rather than vice-versa. This will always happen more when the star is a celebrity (ala Tom or Rusell Crowe), rather than a Hugo Weaving (Matrix) or a Paul Bettany (Master & Commander). Shaun on 2003-12-15 at 20:36:57 said: It’s my understanding that judo was formulated by Jigoro Kana as a synthesis of three styles of jujitsu, which is what the samurai practiced. Granted, the weapons were the primary focus of their training, but they hardly neglected unarmed training. The kito school, for example, flourished prior to the Meiji Restoration. Sean C on 2003-12-16 at 08:54:04 said: Two comments: 1. Spider-Man is another example; Ten years ago, no self-respecting Hollywood marketroid would have let Peter Parker not get the girl at the end of the movie. 2. Spider-Man and Harry Potter do, however share the same flaw; the CGI characters are still noticeably CGI. Watching those movies I’m always thinking “Wow, that’s pretty good CGI…” Watching Gollumn, I’m just thinking “Wow!” name on 2003-12-16 at 08:54:09 said: why do nerds tend to be asiophiles? Oh yeah, another thing. My understanding is that when O-Sensei was learning Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jutsu, it had been around in the Daito family for quite awhile. On the other hand, quelle suprise, many movements from Daito-Ryu and Aikido come from kenjutsu… The Meatriarchy on 2003-12-16 at 09:00:06 said: Shaun is correct. Although several Japanese martial arts styles are Okinawan (peasant arts as you referred to them) Samurai did have unarmed combat training which is where modern jiu-jitsu comes from. Bot Aikido and Judo are devrived from Jiu-Jitsu and are not “Okinawan” . “Okinawan” styles are primarily forms of Karate (Goju Ryu for example). Paul on 2003-12-16 at 09:09:09 said: Shaun: Yes Jigoro Kano was the orginator of Judo, and yes it was based on a combination of existing jujutsu styles of the time. Until Kano, the fighting arts tended to be taught with in families and not shared with the public (by family I mean household, as retainers, etc. would have been taught the ‘family style’.) Also I beg to differ with the author about open hand fighting. Historically the various households/families taught a comprehensive system of weapons and open hand, and even in some areas, how to swim in your armor. Schools
, this is nothing more than a golfer that cannot hit his ball in a consistent line. More or less his balls go in different directions instead of straight. If you are the one up to hit the ball, you never want to hear the words air shot as this is a golfer that swings and misses the ball completely. It still counts as a stroke and is also known as a whiff. A double eagle also known as an albatross is when a golfer plays a hole three stroked under par. As you learn more about playing golf you will learn that the angle of approach is very important as it is the angle you use to hit the ball. The way you approach the ball will cause the ball to spin and travel a certain distance. On an 18-hole golf course, the back nine are the last holes often known as heading in. All golfers carry some type of token to be used as a ball marker that will be used to show where their ball landed on the green, so it can be moved for the next golfer to hit the green without taking the chance of moving your ball. If you play a home and you are one stroke par it is known as a birdie. There are many other words used in golf, but you will learn as you play. These are just a few of the most common. Organic farming is a farming scheme that largely avoids the use of synthetic chemicals in the enhancement /enrichment of farms inorder to improve yields. This is the natural process of turning (digesting) organic materials into valuable plant food substrate called humus. Densification of loose granular materials into compact bricks used as alternative environment friendly charcoal. Using locally available raw materials such as corridor, tithonia e.t.c we produce environment friendly Bio-pesticides. JONATHAN SPECHT is a voice actor/actor enjoying his second performance at CTI, his first was “Playing with Fired” in the 2018 Playwrights Festival. Mr. Specht recently performed in Moon Over Buffalo, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and Boeing, Boeing with the Summit Theatre Group. He has also appeared in Bill W. and Dr. Bob with the Bell Road Barn Players and Harvey at The Slightly Off Broadway Theater. Jonathan is honored to work alongside this cast and crew and would like to thank you for supporting local theater. Join us for our 7th Annual Holiday Bazaar! We have an amazing list of vendors for your holiday shopping pleasure. Also, several delicious food vendors. Wood turning, crochet, jewelry, ceramics...these are just a few of the things you will find at our Holiday Bazaar. As supply chains come under greater scrutiny from consumers, marketers will be on the frontline of any backlash if they fail to truly understand how their product is made. People Tree supplier Creative Handicrafts celebrating Fashion Revolution Week 2018. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the cost of fast fashion, their plastic consumption and the looming threat of climate change, they are looking for brands to take a stand and show some leadership. Whether it is enhancing the transparency of their supply chains, committing to sustainable production or dramatically reducing their reliance on single-use plastic, businesses which fail to deliver for today’s conscious consumer are risking the long-term health of their brand. In the short term, if problems occur in the supply chain it is marketers who will be on the frontline of the backlash and tasked with attempting to rebuild brand trust, so there is growing need for a closer relationship between the two. Some brands have attempted to position themselves as leaders on supply chain traceability. Iceland put transparency on the festive agenda in 2018 when its Christmas ad, a 90-second film exploring the impact the palm oil trade has on the life of an animated orangutan, was banned by Clearcast for breaching political advertising rules. Marketers need to have a broader understanding of their brand, including supply chain. Carried on a wave of popular opinion, Iceland affirmed its commitment to become the first UK supermarket to remove palm oil as an ingredient in 100% of its own-label food by the end of 2018. However, in January it was revealed that to meet this pledge Iceland had removed its branding from 17 items, rather than
, this is nothing more than a golfer that cannot hit his ball in a consistent line. More or less his balls go in different directions instead of straight. If you are the one up to hit the ball, you never want to hear the words air shot as this is a golfer that swings and misses the ball completely. It still counts as a stroke and is also known as a whiff. A double eagle also known as an albatross is when a golfer plays a hole three stroked under par. As you learn more about playing golf you will learn that the angle of approach is very important as it is the angle you use to hit the ball. The way you approach the ball will cause the ball to spin and travel a certain distance. On an 18-hole golf course, the back nine are the last holes often known as heading in. All golfers carry some type of token to be used as a ball marker that will be used to show where their ball landed on the green, so it can be moved for the next golfer to hit the green without taking the chance of moving your ball. If you play a home and you are one stroke par it is known as a birdie. There are many other words used in golf, but you will learn as you play. These are just a few of the most common. Organic farming is a farming scheme that largely avoids the use of synthetic chemicals in the enhancement /enrichment of farms inorder to improve yields. This is the natural process of turning (digesting) organic materials into valuable plant food substrate called humus. Densification of loose granular materials into compact bricks used as alternative environment friendly charcoal. Using locally available raw materials such as corridor, tithonia e.t.c we produce environment friendly Bio-pesticides. JONATHAN SPECHT is a voice actor/actor enjoying his second performance at CTI, his first was “Playing with Fired” in the 2018 Playwrights Festival. Mr. Specht recently performed in Moon Over Buffalo, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and Boeing, Boeing with the Summit Theatre Group. He has also appeared in Bill W. and Dr. Bob with the Bell Road Barn Players and Harvey at The Slightly Off Broadway Theater. Jonathan is honored to work alongside this cast and crew and would like to thank you for supporting local theater. Join us for our 7th Annual Holiday Bazaar! We have an amazing list of vendors for your holiday shopping pleasure. Also, several delicious food vendors. Wood turning, crochet, jewelry, ceramics...these are just a few of the things you will find at our Holiday Bazaar. As supply chains come under greater scrutiny from consumers, marketers will be on the frontline of any backlash if they fail to truly understand how their product is made. People Tree supplier Creative Handicrafts celebrating Fashion Revolution Week 2018. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the cost of fast fashion, their plastic consumption and the looming threat of climate change, they are looking for brands to take a stand and show some leadership. Whether it is enhancing the transparency of their supply chains, committing to sustainable production or dramatically reducing their reliance on single-use plastic, businesses which fail to deliver for today’s conscious consumer are risking the long-term health of their brand. In the short term, if problems occur in the supply chain it is marketers who will be on the frontline of the backlash and tasked with attempting to rebuild brand trust, so there is growing need for a closer relationship between the two. Some brands have attempted to position themselves as leaders on supply chain traceability. Iceland put transparency on the festive agenda in 2018 when its Christmas ad, a 90-second film exploring the impact the palm oil trade has on the life of an animated orangutan, was banned by Clearcast for breaching political advertising rules. Marketers need to have a broader understanding of their brand, including supply chain. Carried on a wave of popular opinion, Iceland affirmed its commitment to become the first UK supermarket to remove palm oil as an ingredient in 100% of its own-label food by the end of 2018. However, in January it was revealed that to meet this pledge Iceland had removed its branding from 17 items, rather than
the palm oil. The supermarket said it was not possible to eliminate the palm oil at a “manufacturing level” by the 31 December deadline, although it had “not given up” on the nine frozen and eight chilled lines yet to be reformulated, which are expected to have their branding reinstated by April. The same month, fast fashion retailer Boohoo found itself in hot water with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) after it was criticised for advertising a jumper as ‘faux fur’ when the product contained real rabbit hair. The online retailer removed the advert and ceased placing orders with the supplier in question, which it said had signed a supplier acknowledgement form committing not to supply products containing real fur. The faux fur storm at Boohoo came two months after a BBC investigation revealed both Amazon and TK Maxx were selling faux fur products made from rabbit, fox and raccoon fur, despite the fact the latter brand had implemented a no-fur policy 15 years ago. Knowing about how products are manufactured is no longer a nice to have for marketers, it’s must have, according to Premier Foods marketing director Yilmaz Erceyes. Furthermore, the risk to brand reputation and consumer trust if marketers fail to engage with their supply chain is significant. “In the modern world where consumers are a lot more connected and every consumer has a platform to share their thoughts and opinions with millions of others instantly, marketers need to have a broader understanding of their brand, including supply chain,” Erceyes explains. Erceyes feels that starting his career on the operations side at Procter & Gamble (P&G) has helped set him apart from other marketers. He joined P&G in 2002 as a process engineer, working in the role for two years before progressing to become assistant brand manager for home care in Western Europe. Now as marketing director at Premier Foods, Erceyes can see why it is so important to maintain a close relationship between marketing and operations as it helps generate innovative ideas, increases the speed to market and remove waste from the supply chain, meaning funds can be reinvested into marketing. Collaboration between marketing and operations brought the ready-to-eat Angel Delight to shelves. The marketing and supply chain teams, for example, worked together to develop a ready-to-eat version of Premier Foods’ sachet mousse dessert, Angel Delight. “If our marketers just briefed that out, there wasn’t any technology available to make a stable mousse product that doesn’t have any artificial preservatives. However, the fact those teams have been working closely meant they identified the technology, and the supply chain and ops team both bought into why this was a good idea,” Erceyes explains. The fashion industry in particular has long been criticised for failing to deliver supply chain sustainability. In January, as investigation by the Guardian revealed Tesco, Marks & Spencer (M&S) and Mothercare produced clothing in a factory in Bangladesh that paid machinists the equivalent of 35p an hour. Tesco said it was investigating the allegations. M&S confirmed it had been working with the supplier for 13 years and was also investigating the incident, adding it has a regular brand presence at the factory. Mothercare, meanwhile, stated it works in “close dialogue” with all its suppliers and annually commissions an independent audit of each factory and is reviewing the findings. The luxury end of the market is not immune from criticism either. Dior, Longchamp, Max Mara and Sandro were found to be the least transparent fashion businesses in 2018 according to the Fashion Revolution Fashion Transparency Index. The four brands scored 0% out of a possible 100%, meaning they either disclosed nothing or a very limited number of policies, which only refer to community engagement and hiring. According to the analysis, which rated 150 brands and retailers across 250 points, no brand exceeded the 60% mark. Adidas and Reebox did, however, emerge as the most transparent brands with scores of 58%. The higher scores reflect the fact these businesses disclose all the information currently available to them and will be publishing detailed supplier lists. Other strong performers include Puma (56%), H&M (55%) and Gap (54%). Some fashion brands have made it their mission
in some ways the modern-day American heavyweight prospect prototype. He was a promising middle linebacker at Michigan State whose NFL dreams were derailed by knee injuries. In 2006, he discovered boxing. He went 9-1 with nine knockouts as an amateur and turned pro in ’08 at age 25. He came to the sport late, but he has athleticism, natural ability, and as we learned against Chazz Witherspoon, guts. He also has the right attitude. In an interview this week with ESPN.com’s Brian Campbell, Mitchell spoke like a man who fully grasps why he’s being positioned as a solution to the Klitschkos: “I understand that this is a business and it’s entertainment. I’m in the position that I’m in because of what I have been doing. I’m an exciting heavyweight fighter. I put my punches together well. I have speed and I have power. I think that excites the people, and that’s why my style resonates and that’s why I am back on this stage. I don’t want to leave this stage, so I definitely want to continue to impress.” He has every opportunity to do that this Saturday against former cruiserweight contender Johnathon Banks, who is most definitely not a Klitschko, but who does train a Klitschko. Banks has taken over for the late Emanuel Steward in Wladimir’s corner. Mitchell vs. Banks is not a particularly competitive piece of matchmaking, unless the first round of the Witherspoon fight was truly indicative of Mitchell’s shortcomings and he’s all hype. More likely, Mitchell will win easily and create an intriguing “I beat your trainer, now I’m coming for you” plotline for an eventual fight with Wladimir. According to Mitchell’s stated timetable, we’re looking at late 2013 for that ultimate test. For those eagerly awaiting the post-Klitschko era, the unfortunate truth is that, even with another year of development, it’s nearly impossible to envision Mitchell beating either Klitschko. But for Price, the Great British Hope, it doesn’t seem as far-fetched. Price’s boxing background is more traditional, with a lengthy amateur career and an Olympic bronze medal. Also, the 6-foot-8 Price seems to match up better with Wladimir or Vitali than the 6-foot-2 Mitchell. And he does match up better with them, but it’s not because of size. It’s because of skill. Price, as best we can tell 14 fights into his pro career, can really fight. Twelve of his 14 contests have ended early, including six in the opening round, thanks mostly to the best right hand we’ve seen since Lewis retired. Price isn’t young. He’s 29, just one year younger than latecomer Mitchell. But he’s seven years younger than Wlad Klitschko and a dozen years younger than Vitali. Heavyweights tend to peak later and last longer than smaller boxers. In other words, Price is in perfect position to take his time and develop as a fighter, and if there’s anyone who seems capable of beating a Klitschko in 2014, it’s the behemoth from Liverpool. I insisted several paragraphs ago that heavyweight excitement is already making a comeback, which means this is not all about the future. In the present, the heavyweight division is loaded with action fighters — most of them a good bit smaller than the Klitschkos, and therefore more mobile and fluid. It has been my opinion in recent years that if we removed the Klitschkos from the equation, we’d be sacrificing a couple of all-time greats in favor of thrilling parity atop the division. With the Klitschkos still in the equation, that parity exists one level below the top of the division. David Haye, Alexander Povetkin, Tomasz Adamek, and Chris Arreola are all action-oriented veterans. All but Povetkin have tried and failed miserably to dethrone a Klitschko. But when they fight fellow B-level guys, they consistently deliver the sort of violence we crave. There are others worth keeping an eye on. At 6-foot-9 and just 24 years of age, Tyson Fury is an intriguing work in progress, though he might want to work on sli
in some ways the modern-day American heavyweight prospect prototype. He was a promising middle linebacker at Michigan State whose NFL dreams were derailed by knee injuries. In 2006, he discovered boxing. He went 9-1 with nine knockouts as an amateur and turned pro in ’08 at age 25. He came to the sport late, but he has athleticism, natural ability, and as we learned against Chazz Witherspoon, guts. He also has the right attitude. In an interview this week with ESPN.com’s Brian Campbell, Mitchell spoke like a man who fully grasps why he’s being positioned as a solution to the Klitschkos: “I understand that this is a business and it’s entertainment. I’m in the position that I’m in because of what I have been doing. I’m an exciting heavyweight fighter. I put my punches together well. I have speed and I have power. I think that excites the people, and that’s why my style resonates and that’s why I am back on this stage. I don’t want to leave this stage, so I definitely want to continue to impress.” He has every opportunity to do that this Saturday against former cruiserweight contender Johnathon Banks, who is most definitely not a Klitschko, but who does train a Klitschko. Banks has taken over for the late Emanuel Steward in Wladimir’s corner. Mitchell vs. Banks is not a particularly competitive piece of matchmaking, unless the first round of the Witherspoon fight was truly indicative of Mitchell’s shortcomings and he’s all hype. More likely, Mitchell will win easily and create an intriguing “I beat your trainer, now I’m coming for you” plotline for an eventual fight with Wladimir. According to Mitchell’s stated timetable, we’re looking at late 2013 for that ultimate test. For those eagerly awaiting the post-Klitschko era, the unfortunate truth is that, even with another year of development, it’s nearly impossible to envision Mitchell beating either Klitschko. But for Price, the Great British Hope, it doesn’t seem as far-fetched. Price’s boxing background is more traditional, with a lengthy amateur career and an Olympic bronze medal. Also, the 6-foot-8 Price seems to match up better with Wladimir or Vitali than the 6-foot-2 Mitchell. And he does match up better with them, but it’s not because of size. It’s because of skill. Price, as best we can tell 14 fights into his pro career, can really fight. Twelve of his 14 contests have ended early, including six in the opening round, thanks mostly to the best right hand we’ve seen since Lewis retired. Price isn’t young. He’s 29, just one year younger than latecomer Mitchell. But he’s seven years younger than Wlad Klitschko and a dozen years younger than Vitali. Heavyweights tend to peak later and last longer than smaller boxers. In other words, Price is in perfect position to take his time and develop as a fighter, and if there’s anyone who seems capable of beating a Klitschko in 2014, it’s the behemoth from Liverpool. I insisted several paragraphs ago that heavyweight excitement is already making a comeback, which means this is not all about the future. In the present, the heavyweight division is loaded with action fighters — most of them a good bit smaller than the Klitschkos, and therefore more mobile and fluid. It has been my opinion in recent years that if we removed the Klitschkos from the equation, we’d be sacrificing a couple of all-time greats in favor of thrilling parity atop the division. With the Klitschkos still in the equation, that parity exists one level below the top of the division. David Haye, Alexander Povetkin, Tomasz Adamek, and Chris Arreola are all action-oriented veterans. All but Povetkin have tried and failed miserably to dethrone a Klitschko. But when they fight fellow B-level guys, they consistently deliver the sort of violence we crave. There are others worth keeping an eye on. At 6-foot-9 and just 24 years of age, Tyson Fury is an intriguing work in progress, though he might want to work on sli
pping his own uppercut. Kubrat Pulev is the Great Bulgarian Hope; earlier this year, he knocked out Alexander Dimitrenko with a jab. Denis Boytsov, an aggressive, smaller heavyweight, might turn out to be what insiders once hoped Povetkin would be. Offense-minded Magomed Abdusalamov is as intriguing as any fighter who’s been knocked down by a 42-year-old Jameel McCline could be. Bryant Jennings and 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Deontay Wilder are a couple of undefeated Americans who’ve shown flashes of potential. Am I getting carried away, projecting my hopes on a mediocre lot of big men? Perhaps, to an extent. But these are legitimately exciting fighters. Even if none of them pan out in terms of carrying the championship torch, there currently exists an extremely deep collection of heavyweights capable of producing a stirring series of fights in a Klitschko-free subset of the division. And who knows, based on last weekend’s Klitschko-Wach fight, we even might be entering a new phase in which the Klitschkos aren’t mind-numbingly boring every time out. Most boxers do get more exciting as they get older and their reflexes begin to dull, after all. But realistically, we shouldn’t count on the Klitschkos to be anything other than efficient tactical assassins who torture opponents and viewers in equal measure. The hope does not lie in them reinventing themselves. The hope lies in everyone else. The hope lies in fighters like Mitchell and Price. And the great hope is not that they will be better than the Klitschkos. The great hope is merely that they will be different from the Klitschkos. Filed Under: Boxing More Boxing Mayweather-Pacquiao: The Butterfly Effect April 30, 2015 41 Things You Forgot About ‘The Contender’: Looking Back at NBC’s Boxing Reality Show 10 Years After Its Debut March 5, 2015 The Myths and Realities of Boxing’s Tilted Canvas December 5, 2014 Boxing Relevance Report: Marketable Young Americans November 21, 2014 Hopkins-Kovalev Preview: The 50-50 Blowout November 7, 2014 ‘Are You Serious?’ The Unlikely Ascent of GGG to PPV October 16, 2015 ‘The Ropes’ Podcast: Discussing the Rise of Gennady Golovkin October 15, 2015 ‘The Ropes’ Podcast: Oscar De La Hoya on His Hall of Fame Career October 1, 2015 Beat the Hungarian, Take the Cannoli: Paulie Malignaggi’s Not-Quite-Farewell Fight in Milan September 29, 2015 ‘The Ropes’ Podcast: Mayweather-Berto, PED Controversies, and an Interview With Virgil Hunter September 18, 2015 See all Boxing Alabama's Chances of Playing for the BCS Championship Are Better (But Less Deserved) Than You Might Think CourtVision: The Slowtime Lakers 260 F. 3d 78 - Donald Green v. United States of America 260 F3d 78 Donald Green v. United States of America 260 F.3d 78 (2nd Cir. 2001) DONALD GREEN, also known as Sly, also known as Stone, Petitioner-Appellant, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Respondent-Appellee. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT Argued: May 4, 2001 Decided: July 27, 2001 MONICA R. JACOBSON, New York City (Alvy & Jacobson, New York City, of counsel), for Appellant. WILLIAM J. HOCHUL, JR., Assistant United States Attorney, Western District of New York, Buffalo
a player from Niagara of all places added to that list. Last week, Les Reaney, the CHA Freshman of the Year two seasons ago, up and left to sign a pro deal with the Edmonton Oilers. In Okposo's case, he was courted, controversially, by the team that once drafted him highly in the first round, the New York Islanders. In Trotter's case, he was actually dismissed from the university, forcing his hand. But Les Reaney? After being a healthy scratch in two games leading up to his departure, he just decided to shop himself around and leave. According to Niagara coach Dave Burkholder, there was no discipline issues involved leading up to it. He just felt that Reaney wasn't performing up to his standards. "I was trying to motivate him," Burkholder said. Burkholder believes Reaney simply wasn't happy about sitting out. When he was playing, he was often on the fourth line, and on the second power-play unit. He was leading the team with 52 penalty minutes. When Reaney came to speak to Burkholder, Burkholder was afraid something was seriously wrong. He was shocked when he found out the actual news. "I shook his hand, I brought him in the room, made an announcement to the team, he spoke, had some great things to say," Burkholder said. "He said, 'It feels like a championship team in here, but it's something I felt I needed to jump on today.' "He was excited. I don't know what the contract was, but it's two years and it's guaranteed." Adding insult to injury — probably moreso to Reaney himself than to his former team — Reaney will not even be in the American Hockey League; he was assigned yesterday to Stockton of the East Coast Hockey League. It's an interesting situation, and one wonders if there isn't some kind of attitude problem with Reaney- the high PIMs and his apparent falling out with the coach would seem to indicate it. Of these five players, though, he's the one we're most likely to see- he already has a contract, an AHL/ECHL deal. My guess is that the Oilers sign at least one more of these guys with the idea of seeing them play for one of Stockton/Springfield; both teams had difficulties keeping bodies in the lineup. It's an encouraging sign though - Edmonton has had some success with undrafted collegians, and it's an area where it would be nice to see some signings. We can safely assume that if these guys show something during the development camp that they'll get a shot when the main training camp starts this September. Rising US bond yields may spark Credit Crisis II June 1, 2009 by Infinite NEW YORK (Reuters) – The global financial crisis may morph into a second, equally virulent phase where borrowing costs rise again, hobbling an embryonic economic recovery, debilitating cash-strapped banks, and punishing investors all over again. Early warnings signs of this scenario include surging government bond yields, a slumping U.S. dollar, and the fading of the bear market rally in U.S. stocks. Related article: Black Swan Hedge Fund Makes a Big Bet on Inflation (Wall Street Journal) Optimists hope that a fragile two-month rally in world stock markets, a rise in U.S. Treasury yields from record lows during the depths of the crisis in late 2008, and some less scary economic data all signal that a recovery is around the corner. But gloomy analysts insist that thinking is delusional. Once Credit Crisis Version 2.0 ramps up, foreign investors may punish the U.S. government for borrowing trillions of dollars too much by refusing to buy its debt until bond prices plunge to much cheaper levels. The telling harbinger is benchmark Treasury note yields’ surge to six-month highs around 3.75 percent this week, as investors began to balk at the record U.S. government borrowing requirement this year. The U.S. Treasury plans to sell about $2 trillion (1.2 billion pounds) in new debt this year to fund a $1.8 trillion fiscal deficit. Heavy
a player from Niagara of all places added to that list. Last week, Les Reaney, the CHA Freshman of the Year two seasons ago, up and left to sign a pro deal with the Edmonton Oilers. In Okposo's case, he was courted, controversially, by the team that once drafted him highly in the first round, the New York Islanders. In Trotter's case, he was actually dismissed from the university, forcing his hand. But Les Reaney? After being a healthy scratch in two games leading up to his departure, he just decided to shop himself around and leave. According to Niagara coach Dave Burkholder, there was no discipline issues involved leading up to it. He just felt that Reaney wasn't performing up to his standards. "I was trying to motivate him," Burkholder said. Burkholder believes Reaney simply wasn't happy about sitting out. When he was playing, he was often on the fourth line, and on the second power-play unit. He was leading the team with 52 penalty minutes. When Reaney came to speak to Burkholder, Burkholder was afraid something was seriously wrong. He was shocked when he found out the actual news. "I shook his hand, I brought him in the room, made an announcement to the team, he spoke, had some great things to say," Burkholder said. "He said, 'It feels like a championship team in here, but it's something I felt I needed to jump on today.' "He was excited. I don't know what the contract was, but it's two years and it's guaranteed." Adding insult to injury — probably moreso to Reaney himself than to his former team — Reaney will not even be in the American Hockey League; he was assigned yesterday to Stockton of the East Coast Hockey League. It's an interesting situation, and one wonders if there isn't some kind of attitude problem with Reaney- the high PIMs and his apparent falling out with the coach would seem to indicate it. Of these five players, though, he's the one we're most likely to see- he already has a contract, an AHL/ECHL deal. My guess is that the Oilers sign at least one more of these guys with the idea of seeing them play for one of Stockton/Springfield; both teams had difficulties keeping bodies in the lineup. It's an encouraging sign though - Edmonton has had some success with undrafted collegians, and it's an area where it would be nice to see some signings. We can safely assume that if these guys show something during the development camp that they'll get a shot when the main training camp starts this September. Rising US bond yields may spark Credit Crisis II June 1, 2009 by Infinite NEW YORK (Reuters) – The global financial crisis may morph into a second, equally virulent phase where borrowing costs rise again, hobbling an embryonic economic recovery, debilitating cash-strapped banks, and punishing investors all over again. Early warnings signs of this scenario include surging government bond yields, a slumping U.S. dollar, and the fading of the bear market rally in U.S. stocks. Related article: Black Swan Hedge Fund Makes a Big Bet on Inflation (Wall Street Journal) Optimists hope that a fragile two-month rally in world stock markets, a rise in U.S. Treasury yields from record lows during the depths of the crisis in late 2008, and some less scary economic data all signal that a recovery is around the corner. But gloomy analysts insist that thinking is delusional. Once Credit Crisis Version 2.0 ramps up, foreign investors may punish the U.S. government for borrowing trillions of dollars too much by refusing to buy its debt until bond prices plunge to much cheaper levels. The telling harbinger is benchmark Treasury note yields’ surge to six-month highs around 3.75 percent this week, as investors began to balk at the record U.S. government borrowing requirement this year. The U.S. Treasury plans to sell about $2 trillion (1.2 billion pounds) in new debt this year to fund a $1.8 trillion fiscal deficit. Heavy
selling of U.S. dollar-denominated assets could trigger a full-blown currency crisis and usher in surging inflation, forcing mortgage rates and corporate bond yields up, undermining any rebound in economic activity. “The financial crisis is a downward spiral with two twists,” said George Feiger, chief executive of Contango Capital Advisors in Berkeley, California. First came the banking crisis and a huge contraction of credit, starting in mid-2007 which resulted in the stock market panic of 2008 which triggered the deepest U.S. recession in at least two decades. “Once you have got a recession you have good old-fashioned credit losses,” Feiger said. “The second leg is now the consequences of the massive recession and it is just now working its way out,” he said. Investors, many of them foreigners who own a large chunk of the U.S. Treasury market, are steadily demanding higher yields. The price of the historic rescues of banks, insurers, manufacturers, and securities markets, to prevent a complete collapse during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, has meant a record U.S. government borrowing requirement. But by issuing so much debt, the United States risks repulsing a critical buyer: foreign central banks, who own more than a quarter of marketable U.S. Treasuries. China recently overtook Japan as the biggest such buyer. “We are getting into that stage which I call ‘the markets revenge'”, said Martin Weiss, president of Weiss Research Inc. in Jupiter, Florida. Weiss, known for his especially pessimistic views on the banking system and economy, recently published a book entitled: “The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide”. “The market attacked anyone who had the toxic assets,” he said. Now, foreign investors’ primary target is the U.S. government because it has bought many of the tarnished securities from banks and some of the failing institutions itself, but the selloff will soon spread to all U.S. dollar-denominated assets, Weiss expects. Selling could push up the 10-year Treasury note’s yield to about 6.0 percent Weiss warns. For now, he urges investors to stash much of their savings in short term Treasury bills, which carry minimal interest rate risk. Foreign investors are running out of patience with the U.S. government’s debt issuance, he argued. “What happened at the end of this month is the beginning of the end of that goodwill period,” Weiss said. “There could be a major near-term selloff in the dollar.” This month, the euro has gained nearly 7.0 percent against the U.S. dollar. Meanwhile, the benchmark ten-year U.S. Treasury note’s yield has surged to six-month highs around 3.75 percent, nearly doubling from its lowest level in 50 years of 2.04 percent seen last December. Ultimately, corporate bond yields, although still at very wide yield spreads of more than four percentage points above Treasuries according to Merrill Lynch data, will also spike again, Weiss warned. The S&P 500 stock index .SPX may fall to 500 points in this next phase of the crisis he added, down from 911 points early on Friday, he said. On the other hand, many economists reckon the U.S. government and Federal Reserve have averted a rerun of the Great Depression by swiftly orchestrating financial rescues and monetary and fiscal stimulus to offset sagging consumer spending. Yet even as the U.S. economy and banking system struggle to recover from two years of turmoil, Europe’s banks are even more debilitated, raising the threat of a second global systemic crisis spreading back across the Atlantic to the United States, some analysts fear. “I think the most likely origins for a major crisis would be beyond our borders,” said David Levy, chairman of the Jerome Levy Forecasting Centre in Mount Kisco, New York. (Reporting by John Parry) Mon Jun 1, 2009 10:50am BST Categories Economy, Politics Tags Bonds, Credit Crisis, Deb
what materials go into a building as part of its construction plans, down to the manufacturer, material type, shape, size and color. This could be an additional tool used and required for building permit submission as we plan for the future of building de- and re-construction. This is the concept of buildings as material banks. Indeed, buildings are rich stores of materials, whose embodied energy, carbon and economic value should not be lost due to a lack of planning, communication and collaboration. Certainly, recycling is better than landfilling, but better yet is upcycling to create something of higher value. One of the biggest barriers to building material reuse is the unknown (i.e., not knowing exactly what materials may be available, what its structural properties are, and its current condition). Ascertaining this information requires time and money, ultimately disincentivizing material reuse and conservation. Today’s technology helps remove this barrier. If we document today the components of a given building project, we can better understand how to salvage and reuse these components in the future. If we could reach a tipping point of having enough projects planned in this manner, we would have a critical mass for the creation of a materials exchange, where materials from buildings are aggregated for sale to the reuse market. Implementation of such an idea may be years away, but it is possible now. C&D materials recovery gives back so much. These processes create more jobs than landfilling the same materials, lengthen the life of our landfills, save our limited natural resources and preserve the embodied energy and carbon that was required to mine or harvest virgin resources and produce the building materials in the first place. Thanks to advances in BIM technology, we can know all the construction materials that go into a building, and in turn, anticipate its materials for recovery at the end of its useful life. And through proper C&D materials recovery coordination, we can work together to make connections and foster collaboration across the value chain, communicate to bridge the disconnects where they exist between actors, and create a system that works hard to preserve the value of materials by keeping these products circulating within, instead of leaking out of, our economy. Corinne Rico is a project manager at Gershman, Brickner & Bratton Inc. (GBB). She can be reached at [email protected]. CDRA Setting the standard Features - Operations Focus | Air Quality Monitoring With new in-cab air quality standards in the works, managers can stay ahead of the curve by implementing air cleaning systems into their existing equipment. kresimir | Adobe Stock Based on estimates from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network, more than half of construction production occupations are exposed to contaminants like pollutants, gases, dust or odors at least once a week. Thanks to advancing technologies and relatively new standards from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), industry consciousness over silica exposure has grown in recent years. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg as it relates to air quality for construction, demolition and recycling operators, says Jeff Moredock, the executive vice president for Sy-Klone International, an air cleaning equipment manufacturer based in Jacksonville, Florida. With Moredock serving as the international project lead for the International Standards Organization (ISO), a new standard of in-cab air quality is on the horizon that could help improve both machine and operator well-being and performance. But even before that standard comes into play, managers can take steps to ensure their operators have optimal air quality while they work. Problems with air quality According to Moredock, in-cab air quality is primarily dependent on four different factors: temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration levels and dust particle levels. Temperature and humidity are easily controlled by most HVAC systems. CO2 and dust, however, are not as simple to address. Some HVAC systems only recirculate the air inside the cab and some, known as fresh air systems, draw air from outside the cab. Either configuration can present significant air quality problems when operating in high dust concentrations, as one recirculates stale air while the other draws dust into the cab. “There are issues when you talk about recycling facilities or construction environments, particularly when they're not exposed to the atmosphere—in other words, they're inside of a building. When you're running equipment inside of a building and you don't know how much ventilation you're getting, you
what materials go into a building as part of its construction plans, down to the manufacturer, material type, shape, size and color. This could be an additional tool used and required for building permit submission as we plan for the future of building de- and re-construction. This is the concept of buildings as material banks. Indeed, buildings are rich stores of materials, whose embodied energy, carbon and economic value should not be lost due to a lack of planning, communication and collaboration. Certainly, recycling is better than landfilling, but better yet is upcycling to create something of higher value. One of the biggest barriers to building material reuse is the unknown (i.e., not knowing exactly what materials may be available, what its structural properties are, and its current condition). Ascertaining this information requires time and money, ultimately disincentivizing material reuse and conservation. Today’s technology helps remove this barrier. If we document today the components of a given building project, we can better understand how to salvage and reuse these components in the future. If we could reach a tipping point of having enough projects planned in this manner, we would have a critical mass for the creation of a materials exchange, where materials from buildings are aggregated for sale to the reuse market. Implementation of such an idea may be years away, but it is possible now. C&D materials recovery gives back so much. These processes create more jobs than landfilling the same materials, lengthen the life of our landfills, save our limited natural resources and preserve the embodied energy and carbon that was required to mine or harvest virgin resources and produce the building materials in the first place. Thanks to advances in BIM technology, we can know all the construction materials that go into a building, and in turn, anticipate its materials for recovery at the end of its useful life. And through proper C&D materials recovery coordination, we can work together to make connections and foster collaboration across the value chain, communicate to bridge the disconnects where they exist between actors, and create a system that works hard to preserve the value of materials by keeping these products circulating within, instead of leaking out of, our economy. Corinne Rico is a project manager at Gershman, Brickner & Bratton Inc. (GBB). She can be reached at [email protected]. CDRA Setting the standard Features - Operations Focus | Air Quality Monitoring With new in-cab air quality standards in the works, managers can stay ahead of the curve by implementing air cleaning systems into their existing equipment. kresimir | Adobe Stock Based on estimates from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network, more than half of construction production occupations are exposed to contaminants like pollutants, gases, dust or odors at least once a week. Thanks to advancing technologies and relatively new standards from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), industry consciousness over silica exposure has grown in recent years. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg as it relates to air quality for construction, demolition and recycling operators, says Jeff Moredock, the executive vice president for Sy-Klone International, an air cleaning equipment manufacturer based in Jacksonville, Florida. With Moredock serving as the international project lead for the International Standards Organization (ISO), a new standard of in-cab air quality is on the horizon that could help improve both machine and operator well-being and performance. But even before that standard comes into play, managers can take steps to ensure their operators have optimal air quality while they work. Problems with air quality According to Moredock, in-cab air quality is primarily dependent on four different factors: temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration levels and dust particle levels. Temperature and humidity are easily controlled by most HVAC systems. CO2 and dust, however, are not as simple to address. Some HVAC systems only recirculate the air inside the cab and some, known as fresh air systems, draw air from outside the cab. Either configuration can present significant air quality problems when operating in high dust concentrations, as one recirculates stale air while the other draws dust into the cab. “There are issues when you talk about recycling facilities or construction environments, particularly when they're not exposed to the atmosphere—in other words, they're inside of a building. When you're running equipment inside of a building and you don't know how much ventilation you're getting, you
can have higher concentrations of all of the different types of particles because you're in there moving things around, crushing, abrading, grinding, whatever you're doing, and you're creating all this dust,” Moredock says. “If the ventilation system, the air intakes, then filtration system cannot remove those particles from the air, they will suck them into the cab. The result of that is you increase the concentration levels of these particulates inside the cab, and the air quality goes from good to not good.” Dust in the cab can be problematic for both the machine and the operator. When outside particulates get sucked into the cab, they clog the HVAC system and degrade its function. But even more problematic is the particulates’ effects on operator health. Dust can contain a variety of contaminants, including silica and asbestos, which can be harmful to operators, especially with long-term exposure. If the HVAC system is not recirculating air, CO2 also starts to build up in the cab. Moredock says CO2 exposure can also create health problems that may be more immediate, especially with the use of diesel-powered machines. More CO2 equals less oxygen in the cab, which can impair cognitive function and decision-making. It also causes the air to feel stifling, which may result in operators opening a window and exposing themselves to even more contaminants. Regulations currently exist to quantify safe levels of contamination. OSHA’s recent silica regulations lowered the permissible exposure limit (PEL) to 50 micrograms per meter cubed averaged over an 8-hour day. Similarly, ISO 16000 has established that the CO2 concentration for medium indoor air quality is 800 parts per million (ppm). Moredock, however, says there is a difference between indoor air quality in a typical building and in-cab air quality in a working environment. “What we found is the 800 ppm was a good mark for buildings, but … you also have ambient CO2, which is what your CO2 level is just walking around outside, and then you have the CO2 level inside the cab with a guy breathing it,” he says. “What we're really concerned about is the difference between those two and making sure that that difference is not substantial.” The discrepancy in current standards is part of the reason why Moredock is working to create a new framework for assessing air quality. Moredock is the international project lead for developing ISO 23875, an air quality control systems and air quality performance testing standard for operator enclosures. “As it relates to standards that directly address air quality, there are very few. In fact, the one that we're writing is the first one that's been written on an international basis that addresses air quality in an operator cab and provides awareness of this as a problem,” Moredock says. The standard will establish a testing methodology for evaluating the cab’s performance upon manufacturing, as well as methodology for the cab’s ongoing maintenance. Moredock says the standard will be applicable across the entire supply chain, from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to industrial hygienists. “ISO 23875 is unique because of its emphasis on new and retrofit cab air quality system performance. It applies equally to those who design new equipment and those who retrofit used equipment in the field,” Moredock says. “Improving air quality cannot be the sole responsibility of any one group. As the machine passes through its life cycle, it must be continuously maintained and performance tested to validate its proper function.” Moredock says he hopes the standard is in place by 2021 at the latest. But until then, there are solutions managers can put in place to maintain good in-cab air quality for their operators. Keeping the cab well-sealed is an important component. But according to Moredock, keeping fresh air recirculating in the cab is key. “Fresh air [is important] for two reasons. It dilutes the amount of CO2 that's in the cab by mixing it with ambient air, which has lower levels of CO2, so we're diluting the CO2 in the cab. Then, it performs another function. It puts the cab into a positive pressurization state, which means that we have air coming in through a control source, and then this air must look for a place to get out of the cab,” Moredock explains. Fresh air, however
that pain becomes chronic, it should also be able to modify itself to gain relief from pain. Noninvasive neuromodulation works by using neurofeedback and transcranial magnetic stimulation to measure brain activity. To measure brain activity in a patient with neuropathy, Dr Prinsloo uses EEG to take 10 minutes of images with the patient’s eyes open, and 10 minutes with their eyes closed. “I then dump that into a database of thousands of other brains that don’t have neuropathic symptoms, and it gives me some hotspots,” she explained. What she typically observes in patients with chronic pain is a decrease in alpha waves, the wave the brain goes into to relax itself. “This is sort of like a deep breath for the brain,” she said. Every millisecond, a healthy brain returns to alpha, but the brains of neuropathic pain patients are essentially “turned on” constantly along the sensory motor strip and the parietal lobes. “So, we see the brain turned on full force in areas that are important for sensory perception, with no relief,” said Dr Prinsloo. The second stage of neurofeedback treatment involves designing a per­sonalized brain–computer interface through patient engagement in a nonconscious learning exercise. The patient watches boats on a computer screen, and when alpha waves are amplified, the boat is sent forward, accompanied by an auditory beep. Meanwhile, a therapist watches the EEG screen to keep the “game” going and to keep the patient within an optimal learning threshold. “They can think about their grocery list if they want to,” she said. “All they have to do is watch the visual feedback so when they make an amplitude of that alpha wave, we reward them by sending the boat forward.” Significant Reduction in Symptoms with Neurofeedback Dr Prinsloo and her colleagues conducted a study to test the ability of patients with cancer to control the brainwaves responsible for neuropathy pain, measured by the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) scale. A total of 71 patients, the majority with breast cancer, were randomly assigned to EEG neurofeedback or a waitlist over the course of 3 years. Nonwaitlisted patients were required to complete a minimum of 2 sessions and a maximum of five 45-minute sessions per week, for a total of 20 sessions (Dr Prinsloo noted that neurofeedback is relatively inexpensive compared with other interventions, at approximately $120 per session). Brain changes were examined before and after neurofeedback. “We had 100% compliance; I think because we had some fairly outstanding results,” she said. “People would come in and say they hadn’t felt their feet in years, and 2 or 3 sessions later, they could feel the bottom of their feet. So, they got really motivated, really early on.” Patients in the intervention group experienced decreases in worst pain (the primary outcome), intensity, unpleasantness, and numbness. The same trend was seen in long-term impacts such as activity, mood, sleep, and cognitive function, she reported. The waitlist group was then treated, and they also drastically reduced their symptoms. According to Dr Prinsloo, neurofeedback demonstrated a greater reduction in average pain intensity compared with duloxetine. “It’s all well and good, but unless you can show that you’re actually changing what you want to change, it’s sort of voodoo,” she added. “So, we compared the treatment and control groups, and showed that we changed that ratio between fast-wave and slow-wave activity in the location of the brain we trained, and also reduced the fast-wave activity.” When patient-reported outcomes were evaluated in conjunction with brain function, they observed that a decrease in fast-wave activity was associated with decreased symptoms. The researchers then conducted a placebo-controlled clinical trial on patients with breast cancer, and measured unpleasantness as the primary outcome. “I didn’t use BPI as the primary outcome in this study because I learned that some patients don’t have pain,” Dr Prinsloo noted. The results are not yet published, but according to Dr Prinsloo, neurofeedback demonstrated promising results, with greater effect sizes than placebo in 16 of 19 scales. TOP - May 2020, Vol 13, No
that pain becomes chronic, it should also be able to modify itself to gain relief from pain. Noninvasive neuromodulation works by using neurofeedback and transcranial magnetic stimulation to measure brain activity. To measure brain activity in a patient with neuropathy, Dr Prinsloo uses EEG to take 10 minutes of images with the patient’s eyes open, and 10 minutes with their eyes closed. “I then dump that into a database of thousands of other brains that don’t have neuropathic symptoms, and it gives me some hotspots,” she explained. What she typically observes in patients with chronic pain is a decrease in alpha waves, the wave the brain goes into to relax itself. “This is sort of like a deep breath for the brain,” she said. Every millisecond, a healthy brain returns to alpha, but the brains of neuropathic pain patients are essentially “turned on” constantly along the sensory motor strip and the parietal lobes. “So, we see the brain turned on full force in areas that are important for sensory perception, with no relief,” said Dr Prinsloo. The second stage of neurofeedback treatment involves designing a per­sonalized brain–computer interface through patient engagement in a nonconscious learning exercise. The patient watches boats on a computer screen, and when alpha waves are amplified, the boat is sent forward, accompanied by an auditory beep. Meanwhile, a therapist watches the EEG screen to keep the “game” going and to keep the patient within an optimal learning threshold. “They can think about their grocery list if they want to,” she said. “All they have to do is watch the visual feedback so when they make an amplitude of that alpha wave, we reward them by sending the boat forward.” Significant Reduction in Symptoms with Neurofeedback Dr Prinsloo and her colleagues conducted a study to test the ability of patients with cancer to control the brainwaves responsible for neuropathy pain, measured by the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) scale. A total of 71 patients, the majority with breast cancer, were randomly assigned to EEG neurofeedback or a waitlist over the course of 3 years. Nonwaitlisted patients were required to complete a minimum of 2 sessions and a maximum of five 45-minute sessions per week, for a total of 20 sessions (Dr Prinsloo noted that neurofeedback is relatively inexpensive compared with other interventions, at approximately $120 per session). Brain changes were examined before and after neurofeedback. “We had 100% compliance; I think because we had some fairly outstanding results,” she said. “People would come in and say they hadn’t felt their feet in years, and 2 or 3 sessions later, they could feel the bottom of their feet. So, they got really motivated, really early on.” Patients in the intervention group experienced decreases in worst pain (the primary outcome), intensity, unpleasantness, and numbness. The same trend was seen in long-term impacts such as activity, mood, sleep, and cognitive function, she reported. The waitlist group was then treated, and they also drastically reduced their symptoms. According to Dr Prinsloo, neurofeedback demonstrated a greater reduction in average pain intensity compared with duloxetine. “It’s all well and good, but unless you can show that you’re actually changing what you want to change, it’s sort of voodoo,” she added. “So, we compared the treatment and control groups, and showed that we changed that ratio between fast-wave and slow-wave activity in the location of the brain we trained, and also reduced the fast-wave activity.” When patient-reported outcomes were evaluated in conjunction with brain function, they observed that a decrease in fast-wave activity was associated with decreased symptoms. The researchers then conducted a placebo-controlled clinical trial on patients with breast cancer, and measured unpleasantness as the primary outcome. “I didn’t use BPI as the primary outcome in this study because I learned that some patients don’t have pain,” Dr Prinsloo noted. The results are not yet published, but according to Dr Prinsloo, neurofeedback demonstrated promising results, with greater effect sizes than placebo in 16 of 19 scales. TOP - May 2020, Vol 13, No
3 published on May 21, 2020 in Medical Marijuana Sexual Health in Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients Head and Neck Cancer and Sexuality in the Era of HPV: Common Questions and Answers The State agency regularly issues a partially favorable decision (“PFD”) when making initial determinations on Social Security Disability (“SSD”) applications. A PFD should almost always be appealed as this could result in the receipt of substantial additional benefits. The first step in appealing is to check all the documents in the eFolder to see if there is a document explaining why a later onset date was chosen. Many times it seems that there is absolutely no reason for the delayed onset date, and that the SSA is simply trying to avoid having to pay additional benefits. Sometimes there is no document in the eFolder that provides a reason why the State agency issued the PFD. I received a fully favorable decision today from administrative law judge (“ALJ”) Seymour Rayner that illustrates this point. The claimant’s alleged that she became disabled on February 1, 2011 (the “AOD”). The State agency’s said the claimant became on July 1, 2012 (the “EOD”). The ALJ asked what evidence the State agency relied upon as the basis for the EOD. I stated that there was no medical record in the file that was created on July 1, 2012, or referred to that date, and that it appeared as if the State agency analyst arbitrarily plucked the EOD out of thin air because it failed to correspond to any evidence. The ALJ then asked what evidence the claimant was relying upon to support the AOD. I stated that there were two medical reports from the claimant’s psychiatrist that supported the AOD, by describing why the claimant met the listed criteria for an anxiety disorder no later than the AOD. The claimant also testified that her anxiety did not change on or about the EOD, and had been the same level of severity since the AOD. The ALJ agreed that because the claimant’s condition was the same at the AOD as it was at the EOD, the claimant’s onset appeal should be granted. As a result, the claimant received over half a year of additional benefits. As a related matter, I submitted a fee agreement stating that, “If the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) decides the claim favorably at the initial, reconsideration or initial Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) hearing stage, then Claimant will pay Attorney a fee that is equal to the lesser of twenty-five (25%) of the past due benefits.” (emphasis added). The agreement has been approved countless times where an ALJ issued a favorable decision following a State agency partially favorable decision. ALJ Rayner incorrectly denied the fee agreement on the grounds that it “is only valid if the claim is favorably decided at the initial level.” I’d say that ALJ needs to learn how to use a dictionary, but who doesn’t know the meaning of the word “or”? Decolonizing Commemoration: New War Art Maya Jaggi Could it be that, in an age of high imperialism, there was genuine equality in war remembrance? Or was the idea that Britain and Empire fought shoulder to shoulder, as brothers-in-arms, to face a democracy in death, a projection back from our own time—itself a kind of airbrushing of history? South African Native Labour Corps troops around a brazier at their camp in Dannes, France, March 1917 What sounds like a mechanical air-raid siren morphs into a human cry of loss at the start of The Head & the Load, a powerful ninety-minute stage production about the role and remembrance of Africans in the first truly global war. Conceived and directed by the South African artist William Kentridge, the work was created for the World War I centenary that culminated with Armistice Day on November 11, and will be staged in New York in December. It is part of a wave of work by artists and historians that has challenged World War I’s monochrome image. Kentridge’s piece and other ambitious centennial art works and exhibitions raise profound questions about the selectiveness of remembrance and how those who have been willfully erased can best be restored to memory. The Head & the Load was co-comm
ategy al-Hashd al-Shaabi, Ali Musa Yadekar, American troops in Iraq, Daesh, Iraq, Iraqi army, ISIL, ISIS, Kirkuk, Sari Tepe, Terrorism By Proxy, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, Terrorists Supporters, Turkey, Turkey terrorist state, US regime, US-backed coalition, USA, USA Crimes, USA Military, USA plots, USA-led Coalition, War by Proxy, War Crime Alert, War crimes, War Strategy Head of the security committee of Kirkuk Provincial Council Ali Musa Yadekar disclosed that the US helped the ISIL terrorists in launching attacks against Kirkuk on Friday. The US planes transferred the ISIL terrorists from Hawijah to Leilan and Daqouq which are mountainous regions empty of security forces in Southern Kirkuk, Yadekar was quoted as saying by the Arabic website of Sputnik news agency on Monday. Meantime, Ambassador of the International High Commission for Human Rights in the Middle-East Haitham Abu Saeed also said today that the Takfiri terrorists have fled from Mosul to Raqqa and Idlib in Syria with US support…>>>…>>> One of ISIL prisoners nabbed by Iraqi forces in Kirkuk confessed that Turkish airplanes brought them from Turkey and dropped them South of Kirkuk, near the village of Sari Tepe, security sources said. The Iraqi security forces have managed to arrest a number of terrorists who attacked Kirkuk province, after the militants blew up and struck governmental headquarters by suicide attacks and clashed with the security forces and the local people,” the security source said, Badr News reported…>>>…>>> An airstrike, which targeted a mourning procession in the town of Daquq, Iraqi Northern province of Kirkuk, left at least 20 people killed and 45 more injured, local media reported. According to the Shafaq News media outlet, the airstrike was mistakenly carried out by the US-led coalition while other media reports say the US air forces were responsible for the attack…>>>…>>> Categories Select Category +All Articles (3,077) 104th Airborne Brigade (1) 1984 (2) 2011 (1) 2013 (1) 2014 (2) 2015 (3) 2016 (1) 2017 (2) 2018 (3) 2022 FIFA World Cup (1) 9/11 (11) A-321 (12) AAB (1) Abbey Martin (1) Abducted (1) Abducted Christians (1) Abdul Basit Sieda (1) Abdul Hadi Awang (1) Abdul Salam Harba (1) Abdullah al-Dardari (1) Abdullah Azzam Brigades (3) Abdullah Gul (3) Abu Bakr Al-Baghdaadi (22) Simon Elliot (11) Abu Dhabi (2) Abu Mohammed al-Joulani (2) Abu Sakkar (1) Acqua Potabile in Siria (1) Adana (2) ADL (1) Adnan Aroor (2) Adnan Mansour (1) Adra (12) Afghanistan (10) AFP (3) Africa (3) Afrin (4) AfriSynergy (1) Afshin Rattansi (1) Afterlife (1) Agenzia Stampa Italia (1) Ahmad al-Jarba (8) Ahmad Jannati (1) Ahmadinejad (6) Ahmed Jibril (1) Ahmet Davutoglu (5) Ahrar al-Sham (11) AIPAC (14) AKP (2) Al Jadid TV (1) Al Jazeera (13) Al Quds (5) Al Saud (14) Al Shabaab (2) Al-Akhbariya TV (1) al-Alam (3) Al-Aqsa Mosque (8) Al-Arabia (9) al-Azhar (1) al-Baath Party (5) Al-Ba’ath Brigades (1) Al-Baath University (
ategy al-Hashd al-Shaabi, Ali Musa Yadekar, American troops in Iraq, Daesh, Iraq, Iraqi army, ISIL, ISIS, Kirkuk, Sari Tepe, Terrorism By Proxy, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, Terrorists Supporters, Turkey, Turkey terrorist state, US regime, US-backed coalition, USA, USA Crimes, USA Military, USA plots, USA-led Coalition, War by Proxy, War Crime Alert, War crimes, War Strategy Head of the security committee of Kirkuk Provincial Council Ali Musa Yadekar disclosed that the US helped the ISIL terrorists in launching attacks against Kirkuk on Friday. The US planes transferred the ISIL terrorists from Hawijah to Leilan and Daqouq which are mountainous regions empty of security forces in Southern Kirkuk, Yadekar was quoted as saying by the Arabic website of Sputnik news agency on Monday. Meantime, Ambassador of the International High Commission for Human Rights in the Middle-East Haitham Abu Saeed also said today that the Takfiri terrorists have fled from Mosul to Raqqa and Idlib in Syria with US support…>>>…>>> One of ISIL prisoners nabbed by Iraqi forces in Kirkuk confessed that Turkish airplanes brought them from Turkey and dropped them South of Kirkuk, near the village of Sari Tepe, security sources said. The Iraqi security forces have managed to arrest a number of terrorists who attacked Kirkuk province, after the militants blew up and struck governmental headquarters by suicide attacks and clashed with the security forces and the local people,” the security source said, Badr News reported…>>>…>>> An airstrike, which targeted a mourning procession in the town of Daquq, Iraqi Northern province of Kirkuk, left at least 20 people killed and 45 more injured, local media reported. According to the Shafaq News media outlet, the airstrike was mistakenly carried out by the US-led coalition while other media reports say the US air forces were responsible for the attack…>>>…>>> Categories Select Category +All Articles (3,077) 104th Airborne Brigade (1) 1984 (2) 2011 (1) 2013 (1) 2014 (2) 2015 (3) 2016 (1) 2017 (2) 2018 (3) 2022 FIFA World Cup (1) 9/11 (11) A-321 (12) AAB (1) Abbey Martin (1) Abducted (1) Abducted Christians (1) Abdul Basit Sieda (1) Abdul Hadi Awang (1) Abdul Salam Harba (1) Abdullah al-Dardari (1) Abdullah Azzam Brigades (3) Abdullah Gul (3) Abu Bakr Al-Baghdaadi (22) Simon Elliot (11) Abu Dhabi (2) Abu Mohammed al-Joulani (2) Abu Sakkar (1) Acqua Potabile in Siria (1) Adana (2) ADL (1) Adnan Aroor (2) Adnan Mansour (1) Adra (12) Afghanistan (10) AFP (3) Africa (3) Afrin (4) AfriSynergy (1) Afshin Rattansi (1) Afterlife (1) Agenzia Stampa Italia (1) Ahmad al-Jarba (8) Ahmad Jannati (1) Ahmadinejad (6) Ahmed Jibril (1) Ahmet Davutoglu (5) Ahrar al-Sham (11) AIPAC (14) AKP (2) Al Jadid TV (1) Al Jazeera (13) Al Quds (5) Al Saud (14) Al Shabaab (2) Al-Akhbariya TV (1) al-Alam (3) Al-Aqsa Mosque (8) Al-Arabia (9) al-Azhar (1) al-Baath Party (5) Al-Ba’ath Brigades (1) Al-Baath University (
1) Al-Bouti (7) al-Dweireneh (1) Al-Farok Brigade (3) Al-Farouk Brigade (2) al-Halqi (3) al-Hossen citadel (1) al-Houla (42) al-Khateeb (3) Al-Kindi Hospital (1) Al-Mahdi al-Harati (1) Al-Maliki (1) al-Manar (4) Al-Manar TV (1) Al-Mayadeen (9) Al-Moallem (43) al-Muadamiye (1) al-MughiRat (1) al-Nairab camp (1) Al-Nusra (203) Al-Qaaboon (3) Al-Qaeda (142) Al-Quds (14) Al-Quds day (4) al-Qusair (50) Al-Rastan (2) al-Sahil (1) al-Sfera city (2) al-Tanf border (1) Al-Tawhid Brigade (1) al-Treimseh (2) al-Trimsa (1) al-Umma (1) al-Waha (1) al-Watan newspaper (2) la Patrie (1) Souriya al-Watan (1) Syrie (1) Al-Wesi (1) al-Yarmouk Camp (29) al-Zabadani (16) al-Zara (4) al-Zawahiri (2) Al-Zoubi (16) Ala’a Ebrahim (5) Alaeddin Boroujerdi (2) ALAIKUM SALAM (1) Aleksandr Lukashevich (2) Aleksandr Muzychko (1) Aleppo (632) al-Bab (7) Athria Khanasser (3) Dr. Zaher Hajjo (1) Kastello road (2) Khanaser (12) Manbij (1) Mons. Antoine Audo (1) Tishrin Dam (1) Vescovo di Aleppo (2) Aleppo battle (233) Aleppo Castle (6) Aleppo International Airport (2) Alex Jones (2) Alexander Grushko (1) Alexander Lavrentyev (1) Algeria (3) Ali Akbar Salehi (1) Ali Akbar Veleyati (5) Ali Haidar (5) Ali Larijani (5) Ali Shaaban (1) Ali Zeidan (2) Aliaa Mahfouz Ali (1) Allah (2) Allahu Akbar (1) America Mafia (14) American elections (22) American friends (6) American Headquarters (10) American Jews (5) American journalist (4) American patriots (2) American Presidents (24) Americanization (4) Americans (31) Amicizia (1) Amnesty in Wartime (2) Amnesty International (16) Amnesty Law (4) General Amnesty (3) analysis (4) ANG (1) Angela Merkel (3) Angelina Jolie (1) Anjem Choudary (1) Ankara (3) ANM (1) Annan’s Plan (1) Anonymous (2) Anonymous Message (2) Antakya (1) anti-missiles system (3) Anti-Terrorism Law (2) Anti-War (1) Anti-Zionism (4) Anti-Zionist Jews (3) AntiChrist (1) Antiochian Orthodox (4) ANYC (1) Aoun (1) APEC (1) AR Tarım (1) Arab American (3) Arab artist (1) Arab Emirates (3) Arab Forum (1) Arab League (35) Arab musician (1) Arab nationalism (10) Arab Nationalist Guard (1) Arab singer (1) Arab Spring (17) Arabian tribes (1) Arabic (3) Arabism (12) Aramaic Language (6) Archbishop (2) Archbishop Attallah Hanna (5) Archbishop Hilarion Capucci (1) Archbishop Kidnapped (3) archeological (18) Argentina (1) Armed Gangs (515) Armenia (3) Armenian Genocide (5) Armenians (15) Armi chimiche (132
not destroy the wicked and idol worshippers of today like He did in the Old Testament times? The answer is because God has given authority over principalities and powers and wickedness in high places to Christ followers and His church (Ephesians 6:11-13; Colossians 2:15). Jesus also told His followers that they had the power to “bind” and “loose” God’s will on earth (Matthew 16:19, 18:18). When it became clear to the Founding Fathers and their compatriots that freedom from the oppressive, tyrannical government of England was imperative, they agreed to assemble in Philadelphia in September, 1775 at the First Continental Congress to consider their course of action. To start the Congress, they called upon Reverend Jacob Duché, Rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia. Rev. Duché, on behalf of those gathered, beseeched God through Jesus Christ, for His mercy and deliverance from an ungodly and unjust government. It would be the first earnest prayer uttered in a Continental Congress, the forerunner of the U.S. Congress. O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee. To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause and if they persist in their sanguinary [bloody] purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle! Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior. Amen. In spite of today’s revisionist history and political correctness, the Founding Fathers depended heavily upon God, His mercy, guidance and deliverance from their enemies. They recognized their fallibility and God’s infallibility and He miraculously delivered them from their oppression (see We the People: Birth of a Nation” by the author). God gave His people power and that power is in prayer and faithfulness to Him and Him only. From childhood we have watched as everything our ancestors worked for . . . was squandered on a delusion. Let us now lie down in shame and cover ourselves with dishonor, for we and our ancestors have sinned against the Lord our God. From our childhood to this day we have never obeyed him. Jeremiah 3:24-25 (NLT) Even Benjamin Franklin, who many claim was a deist (a person who believes in God, not through supernatural revelation, but through that revealed in creation), recognized the need for God’s direct input when the newly developing nation needed it most. On June 18, 1787, in the midst of a contentious Constitutional Convention, when the Founding Fathers were finding it difficult to come to a consensus on various constitutional issues, the venerable and aged Ben Franklin rose and addressed the president of the Convention, George Washington and those gathered. I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I
not destroy the wicked and idol worshippers of today like He did in the Old Testament times? The answer is because God has given authority over principalities and powers and wickedness in high places to Christ followers and His church (Ephesians 6:11-13; Colossians 2:15). Jesus also told His followers that they had the power to “bind” and “loose” God’s will on earth (Matthew 16:19, 18:18). When it became clear to the Founding Fathers and their compatriots that freedom from the oppressive, tyrannical government of England was imperative, they agreed to assemble in Philadelphia in September, 1775 at the First Continental Congress to consider their course of action. To start the Congress, they called upon Reverend Jacob Duché, Rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia. Rev. Duché, on behalf of those gathered, beseeched God through Jesus Christ, for His mercy and deliverance from an ungodly and unjust government. It would be the first earnest prayer uttered in a Continental Congress, the forerunner of the U.S. Congress. O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee. To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause and if they persist in their sanguinary [bloody] purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle! Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior. Amen. In spite of today’s revisionist history and political correctness, the Founding Fathers depended heavily upon God, His mercy, guidance and deliverance from their enemies. They recognized their fallibility and God’s infallibility and He miraculously delivered them from their oppression (see We the People: Birth of a Nation” by the author). God gave His people power and that power is in prayer and faithfulness to Him and Him only. From childhood we have watched as everything our ancestors worked for . . . was squandered on a delusion. Let us now lie down in shame and cover ourselves with dishonor, for we and our ancestors have sinned against the Lord our God. From our childhood to this day we have never obeyed him. Jeremiah 3:24-25 (NLT) Even Benjamin Franklin, who many claim was a deist (a person who believes in God, not through supernatural revelation, but through that revealed in creation), recognized the need for God’s direct input when the newly developing nation needed it most. On June 18, 1787, in the midst of a contentious Constitutional Convention, when the Founding Fathers were finding it difficult to come to a consensus on various constitutional issues, the venerable and aged Ben Franklin rose and addressed the president of the Convention, George Washington and those gathered. I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I
see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better, than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest. I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service. Franklin knew that it was only through God that the differences between those gathered could be resolved. Three months later the United States Constitution, the most supreme governing document the world has ever known, was signed into law on September 17, 1787. Benjamin Franklin, perhaps in some eyes, the least likely to do so, chose to stand in the gap for the fledgling nation and implore God’s help. God is always looking for a willing partner to bring forth His will for a people. He is not necessarily looking for the strongest in faith, but the most willing and obedient. In 2 Chronicles 16:9, it says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” God is always looking for a co-laborer to bring forth His plan and righteousness for a people who recognize their sinfulness and are willing to repent and follow Him. America stands at the proverbial fork in the road, and once again she must choose whether to follow the heathen, Baal, or God. But “a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom,” warned John Adams in a letter to his wife, Abigail, on July 17, 1775, “can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” The Prayer of One. In 1857, a wave of financial panic swept over the United States—the first worldwide financial crisis brought on by a declining international economy. As banks in America failed and railroads went bankrupt, they took thousands of business owners with them. Unemployment shot up and thousands went hungry. Desperate people turned to crime and society was collapsing. One man in New York, Jeremiah Lanphier, heeded God’s call. Lanphier was not a “hellfire and brimstone” preacher like the ones who led previous revivals in America. He was an unassuming, quiet man who was called as a missionary to New York City by the Dutch Reformed Church. The desire of the church was to increase its flagging membership. Lanphier’s plan was simple: Post an invitation for others in the city to join him in prayer every Wednesday during the typical 12-1 lunch hour. His hope was that those that were struggling—businessmen and workers—would come and spend a moment with God. If they could not spend the whole hour, then perhaps they could spare 5 or 10 minutes. Lanphier hatched his plan on September 23, 1857. The first prayer meeting almost did not happen. It was not until 12:30 that first day that the first person appeared to join him; then came five more. Two weeks later, there were 40 men praying. Lanphier decided to make the noontime prayer a daily occurrence. Six months later an estimated 10,000 businessmen in New York were gathering for prayer over their lunch hour. Within a two year period an estimated one million new converts to Christianity were added to the rolls of the churches across the country. By 1858 the prayer movement became known as the Layman’s Prayer Revival and spread throughout the country. Prayer meetings were being held day and night, in big cities and
inedown launched their 'SD' clothing apparel line which is a "futuristic take on concert merchandising." The following month, Smith called out Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for lying when he reassured children Santa Claus was safe by informing them he had vaccinated the Christmastime gift-giver for COVID-19 himself. The singer took a hard stance against disseminating lies during a pandemic. The Fairwell, Schizophrenic Love Songs Part 1 — Full Album Stream The Fairwell, Schizophrenic Love Songs Part 1 Album Art + Track Listing The Fairwell 01. "Beauty Of Falling Down" 02. "Hold On Tight" 03. "Untitled" 04. "Save My Life" 05. "This Goodbye" 06. "Diary" 07. "Your Last Song" 08. "The Worst Of You" 09. "Start All Over" 10. "Keep On Moving" 15 Things Musicians Did to Help Us Survive 2020 Without Concerts Source: Shinedown’s Zach Myers Surprise Releases Album He Wrote 15 Years Ago at 23 Filed Under: Shinedown, Zach Myers Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Project Development, Wind Power Canadian Hydro Celebrates Opening of Wind Power Plants Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc. has announced the grand opening of its Cowley North and Sinnott wind plants located near Pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada. The 20, 1.3 MW Nordex turbines produce enough power to supply about 8,000 homes and reduce CO2 emissions by 80,000 tons per year. CALGARY, Alberta – June 21, 2002 [SolarAccess.com] “Wind power is a zero-emission source of energy and we are excited to see these green power plants become part of the generation mix for this province,” said John Keating, CEO of Canadian Hydro. “We are proud of what is the largest installation of wind generation in western Canada, demonstrating our commitment to both the environment and economic wind power.” The two new wind plants have a capacity of 26 MW, bringing Canadian Hydro’s total wind energy capacity to 47.4 MW. Each new turbine has a tube tower that stands 46 meters (152 feet or almost the height of a 10 story office tower) tall and operates a three blade rotor with a diameter of 60 meters (197 feet or the wingspan of a 747 jumbo jet). The equipment on top of each of the 20 towers weights 75 tons and is the size of a small bus. Construction of the wind plant took 9 months to complete, with start up of several machines in time for the windy winter season in late 2001. The Cowley North and the Sinnott wind plants are both EcoLogo certified by the Environmental Choice program, a certification that not only meets the criteria of being environmentally friendly, but exceeds all applicable governmental and industrial safety and performance standards related to air emissions, global warming gases, toxic discharges, and other environmental concerns. For every megawatt-hour generated by a wind turbine instead of a power plant fueled by coal, one ton of CO2 emissions is avoided. Is Orlando City the Rival Miami Sports Has Been Lacking? | Sports | Luis Gomez | July 6, 2020 | 8:00am Fans said farewell to Inter Miami CF players after their last training sessions at home on July 1, 2020. Photo courtesy of Inter Miami CF It's no coincidence that the MLS Is Back Tournament at Walt Disney World will kick off with a match between Inter Miami CF and Orlando City SC. Major League Soccer decision-makers purposely pit the two sides against each other for the July 8 match, whereas a random draw determined the rest of the tournament's group stage games. The league claimed in a prepared statement that it came down to wanting to feature the two home-state clubs in the opening match. Still, anyone familiar with the league's history of manufacturing rivalries knows what's
inedown launched their 'SD' clothing apparel line which is a "futuristic take on concert merchandising." The following month, Smith called out Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for lying when he reassured children Santa Claus was safe by informing them he had vaccinated the Christmastime gift-giver for COVID-19 himself. The singer took a hard stance against disseminating lies during a pandemic. The Fairwell, Schizophrenic Love Songs Part 1 — Full Album Stream The Fairwell, Schizophrenic Love Songs Part 1 Album Art + Track Listing The Fairwell 01. "Beauty Of Falling Down" 02. "Hold On Tight" 03. "Untitled" 04. "Save My Life" 05. "This Goodbye" 06. "Diary" 07. "Your Last Song" 08. "The Worst Of You" 09. "Start All Over" 10. "Keep On Moving" 15 Things Musicians Did to Help Us Survive 2020 Without Concerts Source: Shinedown’s Zach Myers Surprise Releases Album He Wrote 15 Years Ago at 23 Filed Under: Shinedown, Zach Myers Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Project Development, Wind Power Canadian Hydro Celebrates Opening of Wind Power Plants Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc. has announced the grand opening of its Cowley North and Sinnott wind plants located near Pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada. The 20, 1.3 MW Nordex turbines produce enough power to supply about 8,000 homes and reduce CO2 emissions by 80,000 tons per year. CALGARY, Alberta – June 21, 2002 [SolarAccess.com] “Wind power is a zero-emission source of energy and we are excited to see these green power plants become part of the generation mix for this province,” said John Keating, CEO of Canadian Hydro. “We are proud of what is the largest installation of wind generation in western Canada, demonstrating our commitment to both the environment and economic wind power.” The two new wind plants have a capacity of 26 MW, bringing Canadian Hydro’s total wind energy capacity to 47.4 MW. Each new turbine has a tube tower that stands 46 meters (152 feet or almost the height of a 10 story office tower) tall and operates a three blade rotor with a diameter of 60 meters (197 feet or the wingspan of a 747 jumbo jet). The equipment on top of each of the 20 towers weights 75 tons and is the size of a small bus. Construction of the wind plant took 9 months to complete, with start up of several machines in time for the windy winter season in late 2001. The Cowley North and the Sinnott wind plants are both EcoLogo certified by the Environmental Choice program, a certification that not only meets the criteria of being environmentally friendly, but exceeds all applicable governmental and industrial safety and performance standards related to air emissions, global warming gases, toxic discharges, and other environmental concerns. For every megawatt-hour generated by a wind turbine instead of a power plant fueled by coal, one ton of CO2 emissions is avoided. Is Orlando City the Rival Miami Sports Has Been Lacking? | Sports | Luis Gomez | July 6, 2020 | 8:00am Fans said farewell to Inter Miami CF players after their last training sessions at home on July 1, 2020. Photo courtesy of Inter Miami CF It's no coincidence that the MLS Is Back Tournament at Walt Disney World will kick off with a match between Inter Miami CF and Orlando City SC. Major League Soccer decision-makers purposely pit the two sides against each other for the July 8 match, whereas a random draw determined the rest of the tournament's group stage games. The league claimed in a prepared statement that it came down to wanting to feature the two home-state clubs in the opening match. Still, anyone familiar with the league's history of manufacturing rivalries knows what's
going on: MLS is trying to stir shit up. You can't blame the league: Sports rivalries are good for business. They raise the stakes and add drama and traditions to what would otherwise be an ordinary matchup. And don't forget about the petty antics and endless shit-talking. The Five Types of Inter Miami Fan Inter Miami Fans "Heartbroken" Over Postponed Home Opener Despite Two Losses, Inter Miami Is Already Better Than Advertised MLS commissioner Don Garber admitted during a State of the League address that the league factors in potential rivalries when awarding franchises to cities, saying, "Rivalries are a big part of our strategy." There's even a Heineken-sponsored week on the MLS schedule dedicated to rivalries — some better than others. The best rivalries take time to develop. You never want them to feel forced like those tired shoving matches at boxing weigh-ins meant to drum up interest in a fight. Inter Miami and Orlando City have never played each other. And when they do square off, there's no steadfast rule that says players and fans must feud just because they're both located in Florida. (See the Miami Marlins and Tampa Bay Rays or the Florida Panthers and Tampa Bay Lightning.) "I think rivalries start with the atmosphere in the stands." Miami also hasn't exactly been known for its heated sports rivalries in recent years. Locals can still get it up for the annual Miami Hurricanes and Florida State Seminoles football showdown. Yet other feuds such as the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets and the Miami Heat and New York Knicks have fizzled out, whether it's because one team became irrelevant or both have. Why will Inter Miami and Orlando City matchup buck the trend? It might not. Still, soccer is a different animal. Rivalries are a significant part of the sport's culture. They don't only take place on the field — where winners sometimes walk away with rivalry trophies, or in the cases of FC Dallas and the Houston Dynamo, a cannon — but also in the stands in the form of chants and banners. "I think rivalries start with the atmosphere in the stands," says Seba Moraga, cofounder of Inter Miami supporters club Vice City 1896. "Once the players walk on the field and realize the [intense] atmosphere is coming from both ends, they'll be inclined to play a little harder and go into tackles harder. And they'll look forward to the games." Inter Miami CF's last training session at its home stadium on July 1, 2020. Nobody knows what the crowds will look like at Inter Miami games, but a contingent of about 100 local fans made the drive to the MLS All-Star game in Orlando last year even though they didn't have a player to root for. In March, an estimated 300 Inter Miami fans flew cross-country to Los Angeles for the club's opening match. As for the crowds at Orlando City matches, the club finished seventh out of 24 teams in attendance during the 2019 season. There's hope that both fanbases will be well-represented whenever the two clubs square off in the future. (It's worth noting that fans aren't allowed to attend games during the MLS Is Back Tournament.) Orlando City's Exploria Stadium and the temporary Inter Miami CF Stadium in Fort Lauderdale are separated by only a three-hour drive. Sensing the potential for a rivalry, fans have already started workshopping nicknames. The Turnpike Derby has been thrown out there as well as the Sunshine Clasico and El Tropico. Ed Serrano (AKA Uncle Ed), vice president of Inter Miami supporters club Southern Legion, says they also already have a song ready for Orlando City: "You're a Small Club After All," a parody of the Disney ride earworm. And yet, some Inter Miami and Orlando City supporters who insist they haven't given much thought to the potential rivalry. Moraga says Orlando City is "not the main focus for us like we are for them." And when asked about Inter Miami, Erin Russell, chairperson of Orlando City supporters club the Ruckus, says, "We don't think of Inter Miami or the fans at all
he suggested providing freedom of thought, belief and worship to a full extent.” “In this context, an important assurance for the public will be for states to achieve a secular structure,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. “Society’s will for change has not been acknowledged as a legitimate demand and domestic dynamics have been blocked. This understanding has paved the way for external intervention and authoritarian rules,” he said. “But in the 21st-century, societies crave democracy and freedom,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. He also highlighted the economic structure of the region, stating that economies in the region predominantly depend on petroleum or natural gas, adding that these states “should diversify their sources of income.” “The success of this diversification will weaken the power of sovereign powers in the region. For this, economic models based on production in different fields should be established. These models should be developed within a regional framework,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. “Economic integration will safeguard peace in the region,” he said. The social structure should be transformed into a “competitive and productive social structure,” said Kılıçdaroğlu, adding that “lack of this structure brings unrest to society.” Türkiye to increase gold production to reduce imports: Erdoğan Türkiye summons Danish ambassador over Quran-burning Türkiye condemns Israeli raids in West Bank Opposition alliance begins discussions for choosing candidate Top court rejects HDP’s demand to postpone closure case Six-party alliance meets to discuss presidential candidate Türkiye 'will not allow fait accompli targeting its national security' İYİ Party to mobilize youth to vote in May 14 polls Erdoğan: We reject community pressure that standardizes cultural climate A man armed with a Kalashnikov shot dead an official in charge of security at Azerbaijan's embassy in Tehran on Jan. 27 and wounded two embassy guards, the foreign ministry said. Toyota to replace Toyoda as CEO Toyota named Koji Sato president and CEO on Jan. 26, in a surprise reshuffle that sees third-generation chief executive Akio Toyoda step aside to become board chairman of the world’s top-selling automaker. FAST FACT: Biden plan calls for increasing immigration and dismantling enforcement July 11, 2020 By D.A. King Joe Biden takes a knee to the Marxist Black Lives Matter, July, 2020. Photo: The GuardianBiden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises.Biden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises.Biden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises. Biden has been known as a moderate voice in the modern Democratic Party, willing to strike deals by reaching across the aisle. On immigration, his career NumbersUSA immigration-reduction grade of a D, while not good, places him in the middle of all Congressional Democrats since 1990. But compared with current Congressional Democrats, Biden would rank among the best 10%. Unfortunately, instead of attempting to convince the more progressive wing of the Party that moderation on immigration is a more popular position, the “unity plan” capitulates to the radical wing of the Party that supports policies that would effectively create open borders. The days of Barbara Jordan’s Democratic Party that put the interests of American workers ahead of foreign workers and the businesses that profit from cheap labor are long gone. While Biden refers
he suggested providing freedom of thought, belief and worship to a full extent.” “In this context, an important assurance for the public will be for states to achieve a secular structure,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. “Society’s will for change has not been acknowledged as a legitimate demand and domestic dynamics have been blocked. This understanding has paved the way for external intervention and authoritarian rules,” he said. “But in the 21st-century, societies crave democracy and freedom,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. He also highlighted the economic structure of the region, stating that economies in the region predominantly depend on petroleum or natural gas, adding that these states “should diversify their sources of income.” “The success of this diversification will weaken the power of sovereign powers in the region. For this, economic models based on production in different fields should be established. These models should be developed within a regional framework,” Kılıçdaroğlu said. “Economic integration will safeguard peace in the region,” he said. The social structure should be transformed into a “competitive and productive social structure,” said Kılıçdaroğlu, adding that “lack of this structure brings unrest to society.” Türkiye to increase gold production to reduce imports: Erdoğan Türkiye summons Danish ambassador over Quran-burning Türkiye condemns Israeli raids in West Bank Opposition alliance begins discussions for choosing candidate Top court rejects HDP’s demand to postpone closure case Six-party alliance meets to discuss presidential candidate Türkiye 'will not allow fait accompli targeting its national security' İYİ Party to mobilize youth to vote in May 14 polls Erdoğan: We reject community pressure that standardizes cultural climate A man armed with a Kalashnikov shot dead an official in charge of security at Azerbaijan's embassy in Tehran on Jan. 27 and wounded two embassy guards, the foreign ministry said. Toyota to replace Toyoda as CEO Toyota named Koji Sato president and CEO on Jan. 26, in a surprise reshuffle that sees third-generation chief executive Akio Toyoda step aside to become board chairman of the world’s top-selling automaker. FAST FACT: Biden plan calls for increasing immigration and dismantling enforcement July 11, 2020 By D.A. King Joe Biden takes a knee to the Marxist Black Lives Matter, July, 2020. Photo: The GuardianBiden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises.Biden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises.Biden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises. Biden has been known as a moderate voice in the modern Democratic Party, willing to strike deals by reaching across the aisle. On immigration, his career NumbersUSA immigration-reduction grade of a D, while not good, places him in the middle of all Congressional Democrats since 1990. But compared with current Congressional Democrats, Biden would rank among the best 10%. Unfortunately, instead of attempting to convince the more progressive wing of the Party that moderation on immigration is a more popular position, the “unity plan” capitulates to the radical wing of the Party that supports policies that would effectively create open borders. The days of Barbara Jordan’s Democratic Party that put the interests of American workers ahead of foreign workers and the businesses that profit from cheap labor are long gone. While Biden refers
to the Gang of 8 plan multiple times throughout his immigration platform, he forgets that one of the few bright spots in the Gang of 8 plan was its elimination of the Visa Lottery. Both his official plan and the “unity plan” call for the continuation of the Lottery. We believe we should … preserve the critical role of diversity preferences in our immigration system. Biden also calls for an increase in the number of employment-based green cards, including an exemption from the numerical limits for foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges and universities with an advanced degree. He calls for changes to the family chain migration categories, including exempting spouses and children of green card holders from numerical limits without offsets and issuing visas and work permits to any extended family members on the family-preference backlog due to annual caps. Biden further calls for an increase of the H-1B higher-wage guest worker program and the streamlining of the H-2 guest worker programs. Lastly, Biden adopts the Libertarian plan that was pushed by Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg to create a new visa program for states and local communities to utilize for “economic development”. One key goal of this is to add immigrants into depopulated cities that Americans have been fleeing. Biden’s call for more immigration and guest workers, especially when nearly 50 million Americans have filed for unemployment since February and the nation faces months, if not years, of economic uncertainty, is a slap in the face to American workers of all skills. During the debates last fall, Biden was one of the few Democratic hopefuls who still believed in the rule of law. While most of the candidates for the Party’s nomination sought to abolish ICE and decriminalize illegal border crossings, Biden at least recognized that immigration enforcement is necessary. He apparently no longer does. Biden has adopted the Sanders’ plan to halt all deportations during the first 100 days of his presidency. In other words, he’s offering a 3-month open invitation for anyone in the world to come to the United States, so they can take advantage of the massive amnesty that he also promises. Supporting an amnesty for nearly every illegal alien in the United States is not a new position for Biden; he called for a mass amnesty during the debates, and in 2013, he supported the Gang of 8’s mass amnesty bill. Highlights of his plan include speedier amnesties for “Dreamers” and agricultural workers, while adopting a bipartisan House plan that would force existing illegal Ag workers into indentured servitude before receiving their amnesty…. Read the rest here from NumbersUSA.com. Filed Under: Fast Facts Archives Home / Sierra Club Council committee advances motion for ‘Green Hydrogen Hub’ in LA A key Los Angeles City Council committee advanced a motion Thursday to have the city submit a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy to have the Los Angeles area be considered for a regional “Green Hydrogen Hub” to power hard-to-electrify industries with renewable energy. The motion, introduced by the committee’s chair Councilman Mitch O’Farrell and Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, comes after last year’s federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included $8 billion for several regional Hydrogen Hubs across the U.S. that will be overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy. “The DOE is looking for diverse regional Hydrogen Hubs that focus on different types of hydrogen production, end uses, job creations and innovations,” the motion stated. “Based on the existing infrastructure, our vast renewable energy portfolio, our skilled labor force, our renowned university system, essential transportation corridors, the largest municipally owned utility in the nation and the busiest container port in North America, the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area is well-suited to be a leader in this effort.” While the federal government is seeking Hydrogen Hubs, Los Angeles is working to transition to a 100% renewable energy grid by 2035. The motion notes that hydrogen energy could also further the Port of Los Angeles’ goals of using 100% zero-emission technology in its operations. “Green hydrogen distribution in and around the port complex could accelerate industry adoption of clean equipment and limit air pollution emissions,” the motion said. The City Council’s
of the talk is available on YouTube. I will be speaking at Australia Build conference on the Thirty-Minute City. December 10, 14:40. I will be speaking at the NeurIPS conference on End of Traffic and Future of Access. December 11, 19:15 AEDT. WSTLUR 2020 -> 2021 Now Accepting Manuscripts Consequences of COVID Second-hand cars with that new car price New York and the crisis in mass transit systems Sleepwalking into a spiral of urban decay: why we need to get back to the office [We must go back to work for the shops and restaurants serving people who go back to work. [Cart before horse much?]] The Stay-at-Home Economy is Here to Stay NSW Budget 2020: Parramatta Light Rail stage two not funded Scar through Sydney’s Heart (Parramatta Road LRT proposed again maybe) Pay Per Mile Insurance Vendor Metromile Going Public Sydney gets ramp meters (centrally controlled) Shared scooter use plummeted in Minneapolis/St. Paul in 2020 Europeans Bought More Electrified Vehicles Than Diesels In September — For The First Time In History Norway EV sales push 80 per cent as Volkswagen ID.3 takes off NSW takes the lead on ending stamp duty. A land value tax is coming, to be phased in, optionally, somehow. Montgomery [County, Maryland] eliminates its housing moratorium, and lowers development fees [I worked on Montgomery County’s Annual Growth Policy in my misspent youth as a planner] [I predict the moratorium will return at some point] NSW transport agency thrown into chaos amid chief’s exit, ICAC referral[ICAC is the New South Wales corruption investigator. They were investigating over-paying for land by TfNSW for large transport projects. Was that over-payment incompetence or corruption?] Techno-Optimism Metatrends Shaping the Next Decade The Exploding Whale remastered: 50th anniversary of legendary Oregon event [The transport link? It was blown up by the Oregon DOT, which controlled the beaches, because the beaches are an important transport link.] The Dream Tree: Jacaranda, Sydney Icon The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access. (2019) By David M. Levinson (Book 5 in the Access Quintet) A Political Economy of Access. (2019) By David M. Levinson and David A. King (Book 4 in the Access Quintet) Elements of Access: Transport Planning for Engineers, Transport Engineering for Planners. (2018) By David M. Levinson, Wes Marshall, Kay Axhausen. (Book 3 in the Access Quintet) Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport (2016) by David Levinson. (Book 2 in the Access Quintet) The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape (3rd edition). (2017) By David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek. (Book 1 in the Access Quintet) Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus (2018) by David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek. The Transportation Experience: Second Edition Garrison, William and Levinson, David (2014) Transport Access Manual (Download PDF) (Paper) Multi-Activity Access: How Activity Choice Affects Opportunity Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2020) Multi-Activity Access: How Activity Choice Affects Opportunity. Transportation Research part D. 85 – 102364 [doi] It is commonly seen that accessibility is measured considering only one opportunity or activity type or purpose of interest, e.g., jobs. The value of a location, and thus the overall access, however, depends on the ability to reach many different types of opportunities. This paper clarifies the concept of multi-activity accessibility, which combines multiple types of opportunities into a single aggregated
of the talk is available on YouTube. I will be speaking at Australia Build conference on the Thirty-Minute City. December 10, 14:40. I will be speaking at the NeurIPS conference on End of Traffic and Future of Access. December 11, 19:15 AEDT. WSTLUR 2020 -> 2021 Now Accepting Manuscripts Consequences of COVID Second-hand cars with that new car price New York and the crisis in mass transit systems Sleepwalking into a spiral of urban decay: why we need to get back to the office [We must go back to work for the shops and restaurants serving people who go back to work. [Cart before horse much?]] The Stay-at-Home Economy is Here to Stay NSW Budget 2020: Parramatta Light Rail stage two not funded Scar through Sydney’s Heart (Parramatta Road LRT proposed again maybe) Pay Per Mile Insurance Vendor Metromile Going Public Sydney gets ramp meters (centrally controlled) Shared scooter use plummeted in Minneapolis/St. Paul in 2020 Europeans Bought More Electrified Vehicles Than Diesels In September — For The First Time In History Norway EV sales push 80 per cent as Volkswagen ID.3 takes off NSW takes the lead on ending stamp duty. A land value tax is coming, to be phased in, optionally, somehow. Montgomery [County, Maryland] eliminates its housing moratorium, and lowers development fees [I worked on Montgomery County’s Annual Growth Policy in my misspent youth as a planner] [I predict the moratorium will return at some point] NSW transport agency thrown into chaos amid chief’s exit, ICAC referral[ICAC is the New South Wales corruption investigator. They were investigating over-paying for land by TfNSW for large transport projects. Was that over-payment incompetence or corruption?] Techno-Optimism Metatrends Shaping the Next Decade The Exploding Whale remastered: 50th anniversary of legendary Oregon event [The transport link? It was blown up by the Oregon DOT, which controlled the beaches, because the beaches are an important transport link.] The Dream Tree: Jacaranda, Sydney Icon The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access. (2019) By David M. Levinson (Book 5 in the Access Quintet) A Political Economy of Access. (2019) By David M. Levinson and David A. King (Book 4 in the Access Quintet) Elements of Access: Transport Planning for Engineers, Transport Engineering for Planners. (2018) By David M. Levinson, Wes Marshall, Kay Axhausen. (Book 3 in the Access Quintet) Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport (2016) by David Levinson. (Book 2 in the Access Quintet) The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape (3rd edition). (2017) By David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek. (Book 1 in the Access Quintet) Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus (2018) by David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek. The Transportation Experience: Second Edition Garrison, William and Levinson, David (2014) Transport Access Manual (Download PDF) (Paper) Multi-Activity Access: How Activity Choice Affects Opportunity Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2020) Multi-Activity Access: How Activity Choice Affects Opportunity. Transportation Research part D. 85 – 102364 [doi] It is commonly seen that accessibility is measured considering only one opportunity or activity type or purpose of interest, e.g., jobs. The value of a location, and thus the overall access, however, depends on the ability to reach many different types of opportunities. This paper clarifies the concept of multi-activity accessibility, which combines multiple types of opportunities into a single aggregated
access measure, and aims to find more comprehensive answers for the questions: what is being accessed, by what extent, and how it varies by employment status and by gender. The Minneapolis – St. Paul metropolitan region is selected for the measurement of multi-activity accessibility, using both primal and dual measures of cumulative access, for auto and transit. It is hypothesized that workers and non-workers, and males and females have different accessibility profiles. This research demonstrates its practicality at the scale of a metropolitan area, and highlights the differences in access for workers and non-workers, and men and women, because of differences in their activity participation. Multi-Activity Accessibility Framework Moving Forward Framework (take 2) The previous version of this post was eaten by WordPress. Moving Forward Framework: For the People A reader writes: “The U.S. House [Transportation and Infrastructure Committee] came out with its pre-election transportation policy: The Moving Forward Framework, and access measures made it into what is otherwise a high-level policy document (with no hint about how they plan to pay for their wishlists.)” On Access to Jobs: It’s infrastructure investment that is smarter, safer, and made to last – with a framework that: Ensures a transportation system that is green, affordable, reliable, efficient and provides access to jobs Modernizes Project Planning – Requires States and MPOs to prioritize transportation access and to consider during the planning process all system users, job access, connections to housing, and creation of transportation options in underserved communities. On Fix-It-First Revamps Existing Formula Programs Amends core highway formula programs to prioritize investments and improve program implementation: Fix it First – Prioritizes maintaining and improving existing infrastructure and bringing it up to a state of good repair, including roads, bridges, tunnels, and ferry systems. On Road Pricing Tackles Congestion Equitably – Institutes tighter standards around tolling and congestion pricing. Tests the Viability of New Transportation User Fees Transforms revenue collection and distribution by authorizing a multi-year national pilot program to test revenue collection to ensure the future viability and equity of surface transportation user fees, including a vehicle-miles travelled fee. It’s almost as if it were written by a reader of this blog. Access to Destinations Data Many years ago, we completed a project called Access to Destinations. The data from the project has been sitting on my hard drive for many years. I am happy that some of it is now preserved for posterity and open science by the University of Minnesota Data Conservancy. See: Accessibility measures to population, employment and labor by auto and transit for the period of 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 for the Twin Cities region. Auto accessibility measures to non-work destination, e.g., retail, entertainment, food/restaurant and recreation, for the period of 1995, 2000, and 2005 for the Twin Cities region. Unfortunately, due to small methodological changes, these data are not directly comparable with more recent outputs, and the 1995 – 2005 data are really not directly comparable with the 2010 data either. It nevertheless might be interesting for selected applications. Map Monday: Isochrones and the Thirty-Minute City | WalkSydney I wrote a thing for WalkSydney: Map Monday: Isochrones and the Thirty-Minute City Travel Time Platform is a website that lets users draw Isochrones, areas which can be reached in a given amount of time (Iso from the Greek for same, chronos for time). I have used it to draw a time radius. Here we show a 30 minute walking time from the Seymour Centre (near the WalkSydney world headquarters, but you can choose anywhere.) The 30 minute city is a concept about accessibility, can the important places travelers want to go be reached in a given time. The idea that 70% of the people can reach daily activities within 30 minutes of walk, bike, or transit is embedded in the most recent Metropolis of Three Cities plan of the Greater Sydney Commission. Isochrone by car. A car will get you farther than walking, biking,
Ellis III should drop any portion of Franklin's sentence connected to the mishandling charges. It's difficult to justify jail time on that charge while Berger and Deutch walk around free. The Justice Department needs to be consistent in prosecuting--and punishing--anyone who mishandles or leaks classified information. So Harriet the Spy admits he knows nothing about whether any of Franklin's sentence was for mishandling documents, but nevertheless demands -- in the interest of "fairness" -- that Franklin's charges be reduced. Here's a distinction for you, Harriet: Franklin took home documents containing information concerning classified military information so he could give them to officials of foreign countries -- persons who could use them against the United States, sell them to people who could use them against the United States or give them to such people. Berger and Deutsch did not. And it's not up to you, or Brother Leeden, or Moses Whine to decide which countries deserve to have access to classified material. By minimizing Franklin's crimes, Depends Media does worse than not publishing anything about Franklin; it continues to smear the officials who brought Franklin to justice and the judge who sentenced the traitor to jail. Koufax Awards 2.005K The final round of voting for the 2005 Koufax Award for Best New Blog has begun. It's not too late to make a contribution to defray the costs of hosting the awards. They're within the price of one of Trent Lott's lunches of reaching their target. And here's an early contender for 2006's Best Post. To illustrate my point from last evening, I would never stoop to such low comedy as the following: Limbaugh Because that would be wrong. Time magazine is reporting on photos of Jackoff and Jackoff: In one shot that TIME saw, Bush appears with Abramoff, several unidentified people and Raul Garza Sr., a Texan Abramoff represented who was then chairman of the Kickapoo Indians, which owned a casino in southern Texas. Garza, who is wearing jeans and a bolo tie in the picture, told TIME that Bush greeted him as "Jefe," or "chief" in Spanish. Another photo shows Bush shaking hands with Abramoff in front of a window and a blue drape. The shot bears Bush's signature, perhaps made by a machine. Three other photos are of Bush, Abramoff and, in each view, one of the lobbyist's sons (three of his five children are boys). A sixth picture shows several Abramoff children with Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who is now pushing to tighten lobbying laws after declining to do so last year when the scandal was in its early stages. Sounds like Jackoff had greater access to the White House than anyone except James Guckert on payday. And speaking of pay for play: Garza, the bolo-wearing former chairman of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, has fond memories of his session with Bush, which he said was held in 2001 in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next to the White House. According to e-mails in the hands of investigators, the meeting was arranged with the help of Abramoff and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. In an April 18, 2001, e-mail to Abramoff, Norquist wrote that he would be "honored" if Abramoff "could come to the White House meeting." Garza—known in his native Kickapoo language as Makateonenodua, or black buffalo—is under federal indictment for allegedly embezzling more than $300,000 from his tribe. Through his spokesman, Garza said that during the session, Bush talked about policy matters and thanked those present for supporting his agenda, then took questions from the audience of about two dozen people. Yes, that's the same Grover Norquist who once hoped to see the federal budget knifed to death in a prison shower (I paraphrase), now arranging meetings between cashmoney influence peddlers and their bought-and-paid for Commander in Jefe. Posted by Roger at 8:26 AM 2 comments: "The 'Sacking' of O'Beirne" Now that's a true double-bagger
Ellis III should drop any portion of Franklin's sentence connected to the mishandling charges. It's difficult to justify jail time on that charge while Berger and Deutch walk around free. The Justice Department needs to be consistent in prosecuting--and punishing--anyone who mishandles or leaks classified information. So Harriet the Spy admits he knows nothing about whether any of Franklin's sentence was for mishandling documents, but nevertheless demands -- in the interest of "fairness" -- that Franklin's charges be reduced. Here's a distinction for you, Harriet: Franklin took home documents containing information concerning classified military information so he could give them to officials of foreign countries -- persons who could use them against the United States, sell them to people who could use them against the United States or give them to such people. Berger and Deutsch did not. And it's not up to you, or Brother Leeden, or Moses Whine to decide which countries deserve to have access to classified material. By minimizing Franklin's crimes, Depends Media does worse than not publishing anything about Franklin; it continues to smear the officials who brought Franklin to justice and the judge who sentenced the traitor to jail. Koufax Awards 2.005K The final round of voting for the 2005 Koufax Award for Best New Blog has begun. It's not too late to make a contribution to defray the costs of hosting the awards. They're within the price of one of Trent Lott's lunches of reaching their target. And here's an early contender for 2006's Best Post. To illustrate my point from last evening, I would never stoop to such low comedy as the following: Limbaugh Because that would be wrong. Time magazine is reporting on photos of Jackoff and Jackoff: In one shot that TIME saw, Bush appears with Abramoff, several unidentified people and Raul Garza Sr., a Texan Abramoff represented who was then chairman of the Kickapoo Indians, which owned a casino in southern Texas. Garza, who is wearing jeans and a bolo tie in the picture, told TIME that Bush greeted him as "Jefe," or "chief" in Spanish. Another photo shows Bush shaking hands with Abramoff in front of a window and a blue drape. The shot bears Bush's signature, perhaps made by a machine. Three other photos are of Bush, Abramoff and, in each view, one of the lobbyist's sons (three of his five children are boys). A sixth picture shows several Abramoff children with Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who is now pushing to tighten lobbying laws after declining to do so last year when the scandal was in its early stages. Sounds like Jackoff had greater access to the White House than anyone except James Guckert on payday. And speaking of pay for play: Garza, the bolo-wearing former chairman of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, has fond memories of his session with Bush, which he said was held in 2001 in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next to the White House. According to e-mails in the hands of investigators, the meeting was arranged with the help of Abramoff and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. In an April 18, 2001, e-mail to Abramoff, Norquist wrote that he would be "honored" if Abramoff "could come to the White House meeting." Garza—known in his native Kickapoo language as Makateonenodua, or black buffalo—is under federal indictment for allegedly embezzling more than $300,000 from his tribe. Through his spokesman, Garza said that during the session, Bush talked about policy matters and thanked those present for supporting his agenda, then took questions from the audience of about two dozen people. Yes, that's the same Grover Norquist who once hoped to see the federal budget knifed to death in a prison shower (I paraphrase), now arranging meetings between cashmoney influence peddlers and their bought-and-paid for Commander in Jefe. Posted by Roger at 8:26 AM 2 comments: "The 'Sacking' of O'Beirne" Now that's a true double-bagger
. The link above leads to the efforts of one Kathryn Benedict XVI-Lopez, who is outraged that folks would mock Kitty O'Beirne's book, illustrated on its cover with unflattering caricatures, by creating a fake book cover with an unflattering caricature of O'Beirne. It's beyond the pale of Rich Lowry's inner thighs, huffs Lopez. Next thing you know, someone with better computer and artistic skills than me will review Jonah Goldberg's forthcoming tome on "liberal fascists" by photoshopping a Hitler 'tache on the Doughy Pantload. Though my record is far from perfect, I try to avoid commenting on the appearances of others, and not only because I'm no beauty contest winner myself. Those who engage in such tactics themselves, however (I'm looking at you, Kaus, and Big Pharma), are fair game. In O'Beirne's case, her inner ugliness far exceeds her sourpuss appearance. And Lopez could never look as stupid as the things she writes. (Link via World O'Crap.) Frank Off And Die I'm deeply disappointed to learn that Frank Abramoff doesn't read my blog. Trouble's Bruin There's some sort of set-to at a community college down south. I'm not exactly sure, but I think has something to do with lax graduation standards. Okrent and Ad Nags: BFF It's a mutual masturbation admiration society in Harvard Square: [Dan] Okrent said yesterday that he would spend his semester at the Shorenstein Center working on two books -- one a collection of his Times columns, and the other a longer-term project on the history of the U.S. during prohibition. Okrent started his job at the Times in the midst of "widespread skepticism" in the newsroom about the necessity of a public editor, said Adam Nagourney, a political correspondent for the paper who was a fellow at the Kennedy School's Institute of Politics this fall. Nagourney -- himself a target of a 2004 Okrent column criticizing the Times' coverage of the Howard Dean campaign -- said much of that skepticism evaporated by the end of Okrent's tenure. "He just won people over by his honesty," Nagourney said. And I foolishly thought it was his willingness to harass readers who dared to criticize His Majesty, Lord Nags. As regards Jokrent's plans to "work on" a book of his NYT columns, I look forward to wiping my ass with the finished product. Traitors In Pajamas Here's a tale of treason, illegal leaks and lobbyists that you won't read at Depends Media. Why? Because the spittle-flecked powers that be Depends Media don't honestly give a shit about national security, terrorism or the rule of law. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 - A federal judge sentenced a former Defense Department analyst, Lawrence A. Franklin, to more than 12 years in prison today after Mr. Franklin admitted passing classified military information to two pro-Israel lobbyists and an Israeli diplomat.... Before his sentencing, Mr. Franklin pleaded guilty to three felony counts for improperly retaining and disclosing classified information in exchange for his cooperation and the government's willingness to drop three other charges against him. He will not have to begin serving his sentence until after the completion of legal proceedings against Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman, who are scheduled to go on trial in April. That could lead prosecutors to agree to seek a reduction in Mr. Franklin's sentence, government official said. Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman were charged in an indictment in August 2005 with conspiring to gather and disclose classified national security information to journalists and an unnamed foreign power that government officials identified as Israel. Aipac dismissed the two men in April 2005. The indictment said the two men had disclosed classified information about a number of subjects, including American policy in Iran, terrorism in central Asia, Al Qaeda and the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers apartment in Saudi Arabia, which killed 23 Americans, mainly members of the military.
and “Sweetwater,” two barroom anthems. The honky-tonk production and twang-y guitars are excellent additions to the songs. The remaining tracks, “Nothing Compares to Loving You” and “You’re The Only Reason For Me” are the only clunkers suffering from being too loud and far too adult contemporary, respectively, for my tastes. Overall, What This Country Needs is just an okay album – nothing terrible yet nothing outstanding (none of the songs are particularly memorable in any significant way). My main issue with the project is Tippin himself – he sounds neither comfortable nor confident and gives spotty vocals throughout. He’s proven he can be strong enough on somewhat traditional material, but he hardly brings any of those goods here. Album Reviews, Retro Reviews, Spotlight Artist Aaron Tippin, Donny Kees, Mark Nesler, Pat McMakin, Tony Martin Album Review: Collin Raye -‘Never Going Back’ Leave a comment Posted by Occasional Hope on March 25, 2013 In 2006 Collin released a Europe-only release to coincide with a tour; the US didn’t miss anything because Fearless is frankly pretty awful. Three years later, he teamed up with Saguaro Road, a Time Life imprint, and produced his most recent secular effort to date. Never Going Back is better than Fearless, but overall proved to be another disappointment with a few bright spots. The screamed out rock of the title track, written by Collin with the album’s producer Michael A Curtis, is an over-produced, too-loud error of judgment, entirely unsuited to Collin’s strength as an artist. At five minutes, it is also far too long. There are a couple of outright pop covers, neither successful. Pop classic ‘Without You’, performed as a duet with Christian music artist Susan Ashton has nicely understated verses but gets completely overblown on the chorus, both vocally and instrumentally. Collin’s version of ‘Stuck In The Middle With You’ is just boring karaoke which seems pointless. Collin’s voice is a bit strained at times on the over-produced mid-tempo ‘Mid Life Chrysler’, a barbed portrait of a middle aged man trying to hold on to his youth with the aid of hair dye and a hot car while jettisoning a longstanding marriage. It is the most interesting of four songs written by Neil Thrasher, this one with Wendell Mobley and Tony Martin. Thrasher and Mobley’s ‘You Get Me’ and ‘Take Care of You’ (written by Thrasher and Mobley with Aimee Mayo) are bland pop-leaning love songs. The sugary piano ballad ‘I Love You This Much’, written by Thrasher with Austin Cunningham, is not the Jimmy Wayne hit but uses the same “open arms” imagery and shift to Jesus in the last verse, to significantly less effect. Things improve with Curtis’s beautiful ‘The Cross’, a touching story song about a widow celebrating her love at a roadside cross she visits to remember him, I presume at the site of his death: I don’t come to mourn his dying But to celebrate his life Death can never stop love Between a husband and a wife There’s something about coming here When I’m feeling lost When I need to find my peace of mind I just come to the cross ‘The Only Jesus’, written by Raye with Curtis, is also pretty good, with its inspiring story of behaving in a Christlike manner towards a drunk, because I might be the only Jesus he will ever see Oh, and who am I to judge him? Don’t know what he’s been through If I read the Bible right there’s only something God can do If I can help him out of darkness Let him see the light in me The heartfelt ‘She’s With Me’ was written by Collin about other people’s reactions to his disabled granddaughter. ‘Where It Leads’ is quite catchy Southern rock with bouncy piano, which works much better than most of Raye’s forays into rockier material, because there is both an actual melody and a lyric that tells a story. The soothingly melodic ‘Don’t Tell Me
and “Sweetwater,” two barroom anthems. The honky-tonk production and twang-y guitars are excellent additions to the songs. The remaining tracks, “Nothing Compares to Loving You” and “You’re The Only Reason For Me” are the only clunkers suffering from being too loud and far too adult contemporary, respectively, for my tastes. Overall, What This Country Needs is just an okay album – nothing terrible yet nothing outstanding (none of the songs are particularly memorable in any significant way). My main issue with the project is Tippin himself – he sounds neither comfortable nor confident and gives spotty vocals throughout. He’s proven he can be strong enough on somewhat traditional material, but he hardly brings any of those goods here. Album Reviews, Retro Reviews, Spotlight Artist Aaron Tippin, Donny Kees, Mark Nesler, Pat McMakin, Tony Martin Album Review: Collin Raye -‘Never Going Back’ Leave a comment Posted by Occasional Hope on March 25, 2013 In 2006 Collin released a Europe-only release to coincide with a tour; the US didn’t miss anything because Fearless is frankly pretty awful. Three years later, he teamed up with Saguaro Road, a Time Life imprint, and produced his most recent secular effort to date. Never Going Back is better than Fearless, but overall proved to be another disappointment with a few bright spots. The screamed out rock of the title track, written by Collin with the album’s producer Michael A Curtis, is an over-produced, too-loud error of judgment, entirely unsuited to Collin’s strength as an artist. At five minutes, it is also far too long. There are a couple of outright pop covers, neither successful. Pop classic ‘Without You’, performed as a duet with Christian music artist Susan Ashton has nicely understated verses but gets completely overblown on the chorus, both vocally and instrumentally. Collin’s version of ‘Stuck In The Middle With You’ is just boring karaoke which seems pointless. Collin’s voice is a bit strained at times on the over-produced mid-tempo ‘Mid Life Chrysler’, a barbed portrait of a middle aged man trying to hold on to his youth with the aid of hair dye and a hot car while jettisoning a longstanding marriage. It is the most interesting of four songs written by Neil Thrasher, this one with Wendell Mobley and Tony Martin. Thrasher and Mobley’s ‘You Get Me’ and ‘Take Care of You’ (written by Thrasher and Mobley with Aimee Mayo) are bland pop-leaning love songs. The sugary piano ballad ‘I Love You This Much’, written by Thrasher with Austin Cunningham, is not the Jimmy Wayne hit but uses the same “open arms” imagery and shift to Jesus in the last verse, to significantly less effect. Things improve with Curtis’s beautiful ‘The Cross’, a touching story song about a widow celebrating her love at a roadside cross she visits to remember him, I presume at the site of his death: I don’t come to mourn his dying But to celebrate his life Death can never stop love Between a husband and a wife There’s something about coming here When I’m feeling lost When I need to find my peace of mind I just come to the cross ‘The Only Jesus’, written by Raye with Curtis, is also pretty good, with its inspiring story of behaving in a Christlike manner towards a drunk, because I might be the only Jesus he will ever see Oh, and who am I to judge him? Don’t know what he’s been through If I read the Bible right there’s only something God can do If I can help him out of darkness Let him see the light in me The heartfelt ‘She’s With Me’ was written by Collin about other people’s reactions to his disabled granddaughter. ‘Where It Leads’ is quite catchy Southern rock with bouncy piano, which works much better than most of Raye’s forays into rockier material, because there is both an actual melody and a lyric that tells a story. The soothingly melodic ‘Don’t Tell Me
You’re Not In Love’ (also recorded by George Strait on The Road Less Travelled) is prettily done and one of the few tracks I thoroughly enjoyed, although I prefer Strait’s cut. While not Collin’s best work, the good tracks are worth hearing. This is definitely a case of selective downloading. Album Reviews, Spotlight Artist Aimee Mayo, Austin Cunningham, Collin Raye, George Strait, Jimmy Wayne, Michael A. Curtis, Neil Thrasher, Susan Ashton, Tony Martin, Wendell Mobley Album Review: Gary Allan – ‘Set You Free’ 1 Comment Posted by Occasional Hope on January 29, 2013 Gary Allan’s career seemed to be on a bit of slowdown, with his last top 10 single coming in 2007. Gary has responded by turning to a variety of producers, often a ploy of the artist in decline and desperate to get another hit, but on the whole it seems to have worked. The result is probably the artist’s most sonically adventurous album to date, which is a mixed blessing, but after an initial sense of disappointment on my first hearing, I’ve warmed to the record more than I was expecting. His biggest hit single in years, the resigned ‘Every Storm Runs Out Of Rain’, is a good song in a contemporary vein. The production (overseen by Gary with Greg Droman) is adventurous and a long way from Gary’s earliest traditional leanings, but not unattractive (apart from an echo which I could do without but is only used a couple of times). It places Gary’s best plaintive vocal at the heart of the track, supported by an effective harmony from co-writer Hillary Lindsey. This is the song which give the album its title. Gary and Droman also produced ‘You Without Me’, a weary reflection on dealing with having split from someone the protagonist still loves, which Gary wrote with John Lancaster and Rachel Proctor, with another fine vocal. ‘Sand In My Soul’, their third collaboration, on the other hand, is a boring Warren Brothers song about depression on the beach, with a weird echoey sound. The bluesy rocker ‘Bones’, written by Keith Gattis, has an interesting lyric but it sounds like a loud tuneless mess. Disappointingly it is one of the songs flagged on the CD packaging as a likely single. Gary turned to Mark Wright to help with a further three tracks. The best of these is ‘Hungover Heart’ which is a solid number despite a sometimes heavy hand with the electric guitars. Gary’s vulnerable vocal is perfect for the song, written by Matt Warren and James Leblanc. Gary’s own ‘No Worries’ is bland and boring reggae-lite which sounds like a Kenny Chesney reject, with irritatingly whispery, echoey production. ‘Good As New’ closes the album with an air of philosophical resignation, and is okay but a little over-produced. The producer with the biggest role is Jay Joyce, best known for his work with Eric Church, and although I was concerned that I wouldn’t care for his work with Gary, it turns out to be better then expected. The best track on the album is one of his production efforts, is the downbeat ‘It Ain’t The Whiskey’, which showcases Gary’s grainy voice and is reminiscent of his best work, and where the production choices are inventive in a mostly good way (although the last instrumental break is pointlessly loud). An unusual opening with the faint sound of an organ leads into the body of the song, in which Gary declares to an AA meeting “in the church of the broken people” that depression is the root of his addiction, and It ain’t the whiskey that’s killing me The song was written by Greg Barnhill, Jim Daddario and Cole Degges. Joyce also does a good job with the chugging ‘Tough Goodbye’, about a commitment-phobe with some qualms about breaking up with his latest victim. Penned by Josh Thompson and Tony Martin, the song is pretty good and gets a committed delivery from Gary, with an interesting ending where he suddenly sounds more vulnerable and even regretful. It might make a good single. ‘Drop’, another likely single does have a compelling, sexy vocal, but the song is just okay and the instrument
Country Club. The honorees are Sandy Nielsen Baumann, Alicia Sillars, Dr. Josephine Velazquez Rucquoi, Jane Yezzi and Susan Delaney. Merlyn Tejada will be honored as a Young Woman of Distinction, recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of a woman under 21 years of age. The Women of Distinction Awards are given each year in recognition of the outstanding achievements of a select group of women. Local residents and business owners nominate women whose contributions have made a difference in the Darien and Norwalk communities. The YWCA Darien/Norwalk Women of Distinction Nominations Committee reviews the nominations and selects the honorees. Tickets for the luncheon will go on sale the first week of May and can be purchased in person at the YWCA Darien/Norwalk office at 49 Old Kings Highway North in Darien, or by calling 203-655-2535, or by visiting ywcadariennorwalk.org. Last week I opened the Honda XR Malta facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/hondaxrmalta/). The feedback was quite successful, maybe in the near future it will take the shape of a club where members can meet and discuss all the things they want about their XR. If you are a Honda XR owner or just an admirer of these motorcycles here in Malta, you are encouraged to join this group and participate. hands on teaching topic 4 discrimination of wall words worksheets dge phonics. ch phonics lesson plan awesome best word ending images on new spelling rules and of dge words worksheets. year 7 m spelling words for term 1 list personal journal 3 dge phonics worksheets. This is significant because it also confirms the age given to the United States Government on their marriage certificate, placing William Branham's birth year at 1908. As former members of the "Message" religion are aware, the "1909" birth year Wiliam Branham began using for his birth year shortly before the marriage of his second wife, Meda, was taught to be of "spiritual" significance, and apparently introduced into the mythology years after starting his church. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeArk and children, Elma, Mary, Jean, and George Edward. Mr. and Mrs. George DeArk of New Albany, Mr. and Mrs James Wiseheart and daughter, Catherine of Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt West, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Snelling and son, Bobby Joe of Jeffersonville, M. A. McDonald, Katherine Wagner, Charles Branham, Ida Hooper, Steve Popovich, Minnie Eve, Wilbur Snelling, Meda Broy (Branham's second wife), Gloria Popovich, Charlotte Brumback, Rosalie Mayer, Marjorie Boyce, Delores Branham, Anna Mac and Gertrude Snelling, Georgia Eve, Jesse Branham, Doc Branham, Melvin Branham, Donnie and Howard Branham, Billy Paul Branham, Mervin Risinger, Joe Brumback, Rudy Broy, Archie Isgrigg, Vaughn Seward, James Colvin, George DeArk, Charles Greene, Eugene Seward, and Rusaw Dose. I saw two moose while I was driving. I pulled over and found a safe place to park my car and locked the doors after getting my gear. Walked a short distance where I could get my picture without disturbing the animals. Got the right lens on my camera and corrected the setting to bring out some of the details from their dark chocolate hide. Then compose and take the picture, or you can just pull out your smartphone and take the picture. In Wrentham, MA, patients who are seeking a specialist for their dental care are welcome to speak to the team at Advanced Dental Practices. Dr. Ross Palioca and his staff are committed to helping individuals achieve the smile of their dreams with quality services. One treatment that is often suggested when patients are faced with infection of a tooth is root canal therapy. When patients hear of root canals, their first thought is pain. However, pain is what brings patients in for root canal therapy – and that pain is eliminated. The procedure is performed to save a tooth instead of having to extract it. It removes the dental pulp and fills the tooth so that patients do not
Country Club. The honorees are Sandy Nielsen Baumann, Alicia Sillars, Dr. Josephine Velazquez Rucquoi, Jane Yezzi and Susan Delaney. Merlyn Tejada will be honored as a Young Woman of Distinction, recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of a woman under 21 years of age. The Women of Distinction Awards are given each year in recognition of the outstanding achievements of a select group of women. Local residents and business owners nominate women whose contributions have made a difference in the Darien and Norwalk communities. The YWCA Darien/Norwalk Women of Distinction Nominations Committee reviews the nominations and selects the honorees. Tickets for the luncheon will go on sale the first week of May and can be purchased in person at the YWCA Darien/Norwalk office at 49 Old Kings Highway North in Darien, or by calling 203-655-2535, or by visiting ywcadariennorwalk.org. Last week I opened the Honda XR Malta facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/hondaxrmalta/). The feedback was quite successful, maybe in the near future it will take the shape of a club where members can meet and discuss all the things they want about their XR. If you are a Honda XR owner or just an admirer of these motorcycles here in Malta, you are encouraged to join this group and participate. hands on teaching topic 4 discrimination of wall words worksheets dge phonics. ch phonics lesson plan awesome best word ending images on new spelling rules and of dge words worksheets. year 7 m spelling words for term 1 list personal journal 3 dge phonics worksheets. This is significant because it also confirms the age given to the United States Government on their marriage certificate, placing William Branham's birth year at 1908. As former members of the "Message" religion are aware, the "1909" birth year Wiliam Branham began using for his birth year shortly before the marriage of his second wife, Meda, was taught to be of "spiritual" significance, and apparently introduced into the mythology years after starting his church. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeArk and children, Elma, Mary, Jean, and George Edward. Mr. and Mrs. George DeArk of New Albany, Mr. and Mrs James Wiseheart and daughter, Catherine of Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt West, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Snelling and son, Bobby Joe of Jeffersonville, M. A. McDonald, Katherine Wagner, Charles Branham, Ida Hooper, Steve Popovich, Minnie Eve, Wilbur Snelling, Meda Broy (Branham's second wife), Gloria Popovich, Charlotte Brumback, Rosalie Mayer, Marjorie Boyce, Delores Branham, Anna Mac and Gertrude Snelling, Georgia Eve, Jesse Branham, Doc Branham, Melvin Branham, Donnie and Howard Branham, Billy Paul Branham, Mervin Risinger, Joe Brumback, Rudy Broy, Archie Isgrigg, Vaughn Seward, James Colvin, George DeArk, Charles Greene, Eugene Seward, and Rusaw Dose. I saw two moose while I was driving. I pulled over and found a safe place to park my car and locked the doors after getting my gear. Walked a short distance where I could get my picture without disturbing the animals. Got the right lens on my camera and corrected the setting to bring out some of the details from their dark chocolate hide. Then compose and take the picture, or you can just pull out your smartphone and take the picture. In Wrentham, MA, patients who are seeking a specialist for their dental care are welcome to speak to the team at Advanced Dental Practices. Dr. Ross Palioca and his staff are committed to helping individuals achieve the smile of their dreams with quality services. One treatment that is often suggested when patients are faced with infection of a tooth is root canal therapy. When patients hear of root canals, their first thought is pain. However, pain is what brings patients in for root canal therapy – and that pain is eliminated. The procedure is performed to save a tooth instead of having to extract it. It removes the dental pulp and fills the tooth so that patients do not
have to remove their tooth due to infection. It is preferred, as removal and replacement can be costly. There is a process when it comes to root canal therapy. Evaluation – first, patients must get an evaluation to determine if they need root canal therapy. This evaluation may include a physical examination as well as x-rays to look inside the tooth to determine if infection or inflammation is there. Once patients are determined appropriate candidates for root canal therapy, they can move forward with treatment. Preparation – The tooth is prepared for removal of the dental pulp and patients are given proper sedation and anesthetics to ensure they are comfortable for the entire process. Patients can discuss their sedation options before they start the treatment. Procedure – the procedure begins with the dentist accessing the inner portion of the tooth. This is done with a special instrument that makes a small hole. Through this hole, the dentist removes the dental pulp (a mass of tissues inside the tooth) and then disinfects the entire area. Completion – once this has been done, the tooth is filled with a material called gutta percha. In many cases, Dr. Ross Palioca places a dental crown onto the tooth to provide an extra layer of protection and strength. Are root canals bad for you? When performed correctly, root canal therapy is safe and effective. A problem that can occur with root canals is when the dentist does not properly disinfect and seal off the tooth. This leaves an opening where bacteria can reenter the tooth and cause another infection – then requiring the tooth to be extracted. When performed by Dr. Ross Palioca, he takes great care in ensuring the results of his work are permanent! Are you ready to address infection and maintain your beautiful smile? Contact the team of Advanced Dental Practices to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ross Palioca. His practice, conveniently located at 21 East Street, provides Wrentham, MA area patients a way to improve the health and wellness of their smiles. Call the friendly front office team at (508) 456-7111 today! Concrete Decking Ads | Gumtree Classifieds South Africa,Results 1 - 20 of 254 ... Find concrete decking Postings in South Africa! Search Gumtree ... I do all your buildings for cheap prices. in Mdantsane, preview image. How much does decking cost? | Types of Decking | Cost guide 2018 ...,2 days ago ... Adding decking is one of the most cost-effective ways to add floor space and value to your home. ... Decking costs anywhere from $200 - $1000 per square metre, depending on the type of timber ... P & S Property Maintenance. 2018 Deck Construction Costs | Average Price to Build a Deck,The cost to build a deck in wood, composite or plastic is about $35 per square ... Tigerwood - Brazilian/African hardwood, average price per square foot is $20. Fully nourishing creme quenches thirst of dry and aging skin. The composition on the basis of Rose water brings a sense of well-being and pampers the skin, eliminates the caused tension and comforts redness. The extract from Jasmine restores tone, while coenzyme Q10, hyaluric acid, olive squalane and extracts from acmelly prevent from pre-mature aging, soften wrinkles and restore cellular structure. Essential oils from Immortelle supports skin microcirculation and adjusts its elasticity. The cream brings joy and enjoyment during every use. Skin cream made from ingredients of highest quality provides the skin with what it desires for. The composition is specifically tailored, i.e. according to skin type for best possible skin results. Light, non-greasy consistency is quickly absorbed after application, effectively eliminates unhealthy skin manifestations, fights against aging, protects against polluted anvironment and harmful UV radiation. Silicone, synthetic dye, oil derivate, parabene, animal ingredient and synthetic colour free. With circular movements, aplly a reasonable amount with your fingers onto cleansed forehead, cheeks and chin. You can also treat your neck and décolleté. With gentle circular movements start with the massage at the edges of the nose and follow through the cheeks towards the
'55 Chevy. The busted windshield allowed the water oak to grow up, up and away. Robert Capps spent the better part of a day rescuing this '55 Chevy. Labels: Chevrolet Cars in Yards: Crushed dream cars, Corvette, Impal... Catch-22 project car, free 1955 Chevrolet is a cla... Tag: dassault “India gets Rafale fighter jets from France, boosting its air force” – CNN Five French-made jet fighters arrived in India on Wednesday, the first of 36 New Dehli ordered as it moves to upgrade its air force amid a spike in tensions with China. “France, Germany sign contract to develop fighter jet prototype” – Reuters France and Germany signed a 150 million euro ($161.84 million) deal on Thursday to develop a prototype of the next generation fighter jet, a project seen as vital for Europe to defend itself without relying on allies in an increasingly uncertain world. “Concerns over U.S. Latecoere purchase overblown: Dassault CEO” – Reuters Concerns among French lawmakers about aerospace firm Latecoere's sale to a U.S. fund are "overblown", the head of its major client Dassault Aviation said on Thursday. “Arms firms fret over delays in Franco-German fighter project” – Reuters France's Dassault Aviation and Europe's Airbus have stepped up pressure on France and Germany to agree the next stage of a planned fighter project, warning Europe's arms industry and long-term security could suffer from delays. “France recruits Dassault Systemes, OVH for alternative to U.S. cloud firms” – Reuters France has enlisted tech companies Dassault Systemes and OVH to come up with plans to break the dominance of U.S. companies in cloud computing, its finance minister said on Thursday. “Dassault Systemes targets life sciences with $5.8 billion Medidata deal” – Reuters France's Dassault Systemes moved to build up its life sciences presence with a $5.8 billion cash deal to buy Medidata Solutions, a U.S. firm focused on clinical trials. “Dassault Systemes to buy Medidata Solutions in $5.8 billion deal” – Reuters French technology company Dassault Systemes has agreed to buy Medidata Solutions, a U.S. software company dealing in the sphere of clinical trials, in a record deal for Dassault worth $5.8 billion on an enterprise value basis. Monument record MDR3617 - 'Cranes Fort' Hillfort, 150m North East of Meadow Place Grange, Youlgreave HILLFORT ? (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) LYNCHET (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD) RAMPART (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) Linear earthwork, two banks on the line of walls. Presumably associated with the medieval grange. (1). Reinterpreted as a hillfort. The sub-rectangular plan to the ramparts encloses an area of 9.71 acres (3.929 ha). It uses the location for defense, with a precipitous dale to north and steep slopes to south. The ramparts are univallate, their northern and southern lines running parallel to the crest of the ridge. They consist of low walls (0.8 metres high, six metres wide) reinforcing the naturally steep slopes. The eastern and western alignments, cutting across the ridge, are much more substantial. The ramparts are built of limestone blocks with a rubble infill. Traces of external ditches are slight, probably due to farming erosion. The western rampart has been damaged in places by stone - robbing for the lime kilns and for the enclosure walls. It is still one and half metres high and c. nine metres wide at its base. The farm gateway in the northern quarter may be original, although the south-west corner, pitted by stone quarries, may have provided a better entrance location. The eastern
'55 Chevy. The busted windshield allowed the water oak to grow up, up and away. Robert Capps spent the better part of a day rescuing this '55 Chevy. Labels: Chevrolet Cars in Yards: Crushed dream cars, Corvette, Impal... Catch-22 project car, free 1955 Chevrolet is a cla... Tag: dassault “India gets Rafale fighter jets from France, boosting its air force” – CNN Five French-made jet fighters arrived in India on Wednesday, the first of 36 New Dehli ordered as it moves to upgrade its air force amid a spike in tensions with China. “France, Germany sign contract to develop fighter jet prototype” – Reuters France and Germany signed a 150 million euro ($161.84 million) deal on Thursday to develop a prototype of the next generation fighter jet, a project seen as vital for Europe to defend itself without relying on allies in an increasingly uncertain world. “Concerns over U.S. Latecoere purchase overblown: Dassault CEO” – Reuters Concerns among French lawmakers about aerospace firm Latecoere's sale to a U.S. fund are "overblown", the head of its major client Dassault Aviation said on Thursday. “Arms firms fret over delays in Franco-German fighter project” – Reuters France's Dassault Aviation and Europe's Airbus have stepped up pressure on France and Germany to agree the next stage of a planned fighter project, warning Europe's arms industry and long-term security could suffer from delays. “France recruits Dassault Systemes, OVH for alternative to U.S. cloud firms” – Reuters France has enlisted tech companies Dassault Systemes and OVH to come up with plans to break the dominance of U.S. companies in cloud computing, its finance minister said on Thursday. “Dassault Systemes targets life sciences with $5.8 billion Medidata deal” – Reuters France's Dassault Systemes moved to build up its life sciences presence with a $5.8 billion cash deal to buy Medidata Solutions, a U.S. firm focused on clinical trials. “Dassault Systemes to buy Medidata Solutions in $5.8 billion deal” – Reuters French technology company Dassault Systemes has agreed to buy Medidata Solutions, a U.S. software company dealing in the sphere of clinical trials, in a record deal for Dassault worth $5.8 billion on an enterprise value basis. Monument record MDR3617 - 'Cranes Fort' Hillfort, 150m North East of Meadow Place Grange, Youlgreave HILLFORT ? (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) LYNCHET (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD) RAMPART (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) Linear earthwork, two banks on the line of walls. Presumably associated with the medieval grange. (1). Reinterpreted as a hillfort. The sub-rectangular plan to the ramparts encloses an area of 9.71 acres (3.929 ha). It uses the location for defense, with a precipitous dale to north and steep slopes to south. The ramparts are univallate, their northern and southern lines running parallel to the crest of the ridge. They consist of low walls (0.8 metres high, six metres wide) reinforcing the naturally steep slopes. The eastern and western alignments, cutting across the ridge, are much more substantial. The ramparts are built of limestone blocks with a rubble infill. Traces of external ditches are slight, probably due to farming erosion. The western rampart has been damaged in places by stone - robbing for the lime kilns and for the enclosure walls. It is still one and half metres high and c. nine metres wide at its base. The farm gateway in the northern quarter may be original, although the south-west corner, pitted by stone quarries, may have provided a better entrance location. The eastern
rampart, across the narrower part of the ridge, is formed by a quarry ditch with traces of a counter scarp bank. Near the centre is a cut for the slightly turned-in narrow entrance. The eastern rampart is one and half metres high and ten metres wide at the base. The flattish ditch is five metres wide and the counter scarp bank averages five metres in breadth. (2). Relationships to other, dated, features provides an indication of age. Field walls on top of the earthworks were partly built by 1617, and there may be map evidence for these dating back to at least 1528. Overlying the eastern earthwork (rampart) is at least one lynchet. This forms part of a larger strip lynchet and ridge and furrow system almost certainly of medieval date. Built on top of the western earthwork (rampart) is a bank of partly industrial debris, probably a post-medieval field boundary which was superseded by the present wall. The monument predates the enclosure of medieval and post-medieval date. Probably this is a hillfort although other possibilities exist. (3). The monument sits on a natural saddle, defined to the north by a steep scarp. A similar, though more shallow, slope creates a natural boundary to the south. Both scarp edges are enhanced by low manmade walls. Two lines of earthworks define the eastern and western limits of an enclosure c. 0.9ha in area. Access could not be gained in 2011. <4> <1> SDR14774 Index: NDAT. 3351. 3351. <2> SDR7067 Article in serial: Hart, C & Makepeace, G. 1993. 'Crane's Fort, Conksbury, Youlgreave, Derbyshire: A Newly Discovered Hillfort', Derbyshire Archaeology Journal. Volume 113. 16-20. <3> SDR616 Unpublished document: Bevan, B (PDNPA). 1995. Meadow Place Grange, Youlgreave, with land near Weaddow Lane, Middleton & Smerrill, Derbyshire, archaeological survey, 1995. 207. Feature no. 1. <4> SDR24169 Unpublished document: Waddington, C and J Brightman (ARS Ltd). 2012. Peak District Hillforts: Conservation and Management Audit. Find a placename, postcode or grid reference Base layer opacity Record list The map is limited to 3000 records per layer so not all records are being displayed for this area. Zoom in to see more. Print map Show corner coordinates Centred SK 2037 6591 (307m by 173m) (Centre) YOULGREAVE, DERBYSHIRE DALES, DERBYSHIRE Feb 28 2020 1:21PM Tyron Dall The King of Babanango Most people don’t know that there is a large new private Big 5 Game Reserve being established in the Babanango area in KZN. At around 22000 hectares it is similar in size to KZN’s other well-known private Big 5 game reserves in Nambiti, Manyoni and Phinda. There are 3 lodges at present on the reserve, the luxurious Babanango Valley Lodge, Zulu Rock Lodge, and the self-catering Matatane Camp. Last year I was part of the Birdlife Port Natal contingent that visited Matatane, and I have just come back now from a three night stay at Babanango Valley Lodge, the latter of which will be the main focus of this article. Babanango Valley Lodge is a luxurious lodge with an infinity pool and stunning vistas of the Bababnango Valley. This is truly the definition of postcard perfect. I’m only getting warmed up now, as I can also tell you about the elegant rooms, the out of this world service, and above all the multitudes of mouth-watering and stunningly presented meals. Getting to the birding now. What is the birding like at Babanango Game Reserve? The answer to that, is largely undiscover
Russia, St. Petersburg (Herzen University), primarily led by the Institute of the Peoples of the North. Here, linguists are trained in twenty-three languages of Northern indigenous minorities. Notably, several languages of these minority groups—such as Nganasan, Dolgan, Itelmen, Enets, Ul’ta—are taught only here. The university also provides training in the field of traditional cultures of indigenous peoples (methods of traditional applied arts and crafts of the peoples of the North; dance and musical folklore; museology, etc.). However, not all experts in Northern studies are aware of the educational programs and scientific schools within the Department of Theory and History of Culture at Herzen University, under which the committee for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations has been working jointly with the Institute of the Peoples of the North for thirty years. The chairman of the council, doctor of arts, Professor L. M. Mosolova is the founder of the department and the head of the scientific school for the study of the culture of the regions of Russia, the countries of Northern Europe, and Eurasia. A significant amount of research completed by students—from undergraduate to postgraduate levels—is dedicated to the history and current issues of the various regions of Russia, including Siberia, the Far East, and Northern Europe. 100–112 (12 total) Neglected Transportation Infrastructure Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town Gertrude Saxinger, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, and Gertraud Illmeier Verkhnemarkovo, a small Siberian town located on an oil field in Russia’s Irkutsk region, is plagued by bad roads and limited mobility. This article explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the wellbeing of individuals and communities, with a focus on transport and mobility infrastructure. Some oil companies, such as Irkutsk Oil Company, are tied to the sustainability standards of international financial institutions. The article addresses the question of why people are in limbo between the state and local operating oil companies. Contemporary life in Verkhnemarkovo is characterized by so-called infrastructural violence, which results from the lack of state support—or false promises made by the state— and relates to good transport infrastructure. In their complaints, local people recall the Soviet past and expect support from the state or industry. 1–45 (44 total) Social Protest in Russian America Andrei V. Grinёv and Richard Bland This article analyzes social protest in the Russian colonies in Alaska and Northern California. The main reasons for protests were the actions of the colonial administration or abuse by its representatives, along with dissatisfaction with the financial situation, rules, conditions, and remuneration for labor, as well as shortages of commodities and food for a considerable part of the population of the Russian colonies. Protest activity in Russian America was relatively insignificant, and its primary forms were complaints, minor economic sabotage, and desertion. Most protest acts took place during the 1790s–1800s, when the colonial system was formed, and exploitation of dependent natives and Russian promyshlenniki (hired hunters of fur-bearing animals) reached its peak. The representatives of the Russian-American Company who managed Alaska from 1799 on tried to block protest activity and not allow open displays of dissatisfaction, since the result could hinder trade, business, and finally, profits and its image in the eyes of the tsar’s authorities. 75–99 (24 total) Solving or Not Solving Problems Jenanne Ferguson The three articles featured in this issue may not appear to be related, but within their varying contexts, I found myself teasing out several chords that resonate throughout them, and one, in particular, struck me as notable. Directly or indirectly, these articles (as well as the report) all address the notion of problem-solving in some shape or form. Whether a historical account of protest as an attempt to solve issues of discontent among fur trade workers in Russian America, approaches to discussing climate change in northeastern Siberia, coping with failing infrastructure and the negotiation of corporate versus state responsibility—or dealing with COVID lockdowns and scholarly knowledge exchange at present—the articles in this issue all explore the confrontation of problems and how they might be solved. v–vi
Russia, St. Petersburg (Herzen University), primarily led by the Institute of the Peoples of the North. Here, linguists are trained in twenty-three languages of Northern indigenous minorities. Notably, several languages of these minority groups—such as Nganasan, Dolgan, Itelmen, Enets, Ul’ta—are taught only here. The university also provides training in the field of traditional cultures of indigenous peoples (methods of traditional applied arts and crafts of the peoples of the North; dance and musical folklore; museology, etc.). However, not all experts in Northern studies are aware of the educational programs and scientific schools within the Department of Theory and History of Culture at Herzen University, under which the committee for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations has been working jointly with the Institute of the Peoples of the North for thirty years. The chairman of the council, doctor of arts, Professor L. M. Mosolova is the founder of the department and the head of the scientific school for the study of the culture of the regions of Russia, the countries of Northern Europe, and Eurasia. A significant amount of research completed by students—from undergraduate to postgraduate levels—is dedicated to the history and current issues of the various regions of Russia, including Siberia, the Far East, and Northern Europe. 100–112 (12 total) Neglected Transportation Infrastructure Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town Gertrude Saxinger, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, and Gertraud Illmeier Verkhnemarkovo, a small Siberian town located on an oil field in Russia’s Irkutsk region, is plagued by bad roads and limited mobility. This article explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the wellbeing of individuals and communities, with a focus on transport and mobility infrastructure. Some oil companies, such as Irkutsk Oil Company, are tied to the sustainability standards of international financial institutions. The article addresses the question of why people are in limbo between the state and local operating oil companies. Contemporary life in Verkhnemarkovo is characterized by so-called infrastructural violence, which results from the lack of state support—or false promises made by the state— and relates to good transport infrastructure. In their complaints, local people recall the Soviet past and expect support from the state or industry. 1–45 (44 total) Social Protest in Russian America Andrei V. Grinёv and Richard Bland This article analyzes social protest in the Russian colonies in Alaska and Northern California. The main reasons for protests were the actions of the colonial administration or abuse by its representatives, along with dissatisfaction with the financial situation, rules, conditions, and remuneration for labor, as well as shortages of commodities and food for a considerable part of the population of the Russian colonies. Protest activity in Russian America was relatively insignificant, and its primary forms were complaints, minor economic sabotage, and desertion. Most protest acts took place during the 1790s–1800s, when the colonial system was formed, and exploitation of dependent natives and Russian promyshlenniki (hired hunters of fur-bearing animals) reached its peak. The representatives of the Russian-American Company who managed Alaska from 1799 on tried to block protest activity and not allow open displays of dissatisfaction, since the result could hinder trade, business, and finally, profits and its image in the eyes of the tsar’s authorities. 75–99 (24 total) Solving or Not Solving Problems Jenanne Ferguson The three articles featured in this issue may not appear to be related, but within their varying contexts, I found myself teasing out several chords that resonate throughout them, and one, in particular, struck me as notable. Directly or indirectly, these articles (as well as the report) all address the notion of problem-solving in some shape or form. Whether a historical account of protest as an attempt to solve issues of discontent among fur trade workers in Russian America, approaches to discussing climate change in northeastern Siberia, coping with failing infrastructure and the negotiation of corporate versus state responsibility—or dealing with COVID lockdowns and scholarly knowledge exchange at present—the articles in this issue all explore the confrontation of problems and how they might be solved. v–vi
(1 total) Using Cultural Framings to Disentangle Viliui Sakha Perceptions, Beliefs, and Historical Trauma in the Face of Climate Change Susan Crate This article explores how a community’s perceptions of a changing climate may shift over time, and the ways in which certain cultural predilections emerge in the process. Through replicating the same focus group method with Viliui Sakha in 2008 and again in 2018, the analysis reveals both continuity in cited changes as well as new emergent ones. Following this comparative exercise, the article further probes two culturally specific phenomena: how some inhabitants continue to attribute change to a long-disproven driver, de facto perpetuating a cultural myth, and how others expressed starkly contrasting perceptions of change. For both, the analysis reveals the importance of using a cultural framing founded in a people’s vernacular knowledge system with a focus on historical precedence for the former case, and on sacred beliefs for the latter. Being There While Not Being There Reflections on Multi-sited Ethnography and Field Access in the Context of Forced Migration Laura K. McAdam-Otto and Sarah Nimführ Multi-sited research has become a quality criterion for ethnographic research. This applies especially to studies on forced migration. Here, a site is often equated with a state, where researchers are usually required to be physically present. In this article, however, we ask: Must multi-sited research necessarily be multi-national? Do researchers have to be physically present at all sites? By discussing ethnographic material collected with forced migrants in Malta, we demonstrate that multi-sitedness is viewed in too narrow terms when site is equated with the nation-state. Adopting this approach also obscures refugees’ lived realities, their patterns of movement and their often truncated mobility. Instead, we carve out an understanding of multi-sited ethnography within one locality, introducing the concept of un-participated sites to include sites researchers are not able to physically visit. While the inaccessibility of sites is often inherent to ethnographic studies, it is all the more relevant for migration research. In Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Britain, Brexit and Euroscepticism Anthropological Perspectives on Angry Politics, Technopopulism and the UK Referendum Cris Shore When history books about Brexit are written a key question asked will be ‘how did it happen?’ How did a country renowned for stable governments, pragmatism and diplomacy produce a chaotic outcome so harmful to its economic interests and international standing? This article examines the factors that produced Brexit by analysing its political and historical context, the main campaign groups and their communication strategies. Drawing on the work of Verdery (1999), Maskovsky and Bjork-James (2020) and other anthropologists, I suggest we need to look beyond conventional political science concepts and consider Brexit in terms of ‘enchantment’, ‘angry politics’ and ‘technopopulism’. I conclude that while Brexit provides a window for analysing fault lines in contemporary Britain, it also highlights problems in the EU, its austerity politics and democratic deficit. ‘Curing’ and ‘Charming’ as Cultural Intimacy in Everyday Bureaucratic Encounters in the Northern Ireland Farming Community Irene Ketonen-Keating How does sharing hidden but valuable magical information help Northern Ireland (NI) Catholic and Protestant farmers build rapport? I suggest that it serves as a form of cultural intimacy by emphasising common beliefs, while downplaying possibly conflicting ethnoreligious identities. Magical practices such as ‘curing/charming’ remain common among NI farmers. It refers to asking a person with ‘the cure’ for a specific condition (such as bleeding or heart disease) to heal a sufferer. During nine months of fieldwork, conducted between 2012 and 2014, I learned that farmers, inspectors, and NGO staff often discuss ‘curing’ during their bureaucratic encounters. One person mentions a relative who is sick. The other then provides contact information for a healer with ‘the cure’ for such an ailment. Both Catholics and Protestants practice ‘curing’ in very similar forms
turn down the Queen. Alf was only the second professional England footballer in history to be knighted, after Stanley Matthews in 1965. 'I shall clobber the first player who calls me Sir Alfred on a football pitch. I accepted this honour because the fact that somebody else in the game is now a "Sir" should lift the whole of football a little bit,' he said. For his visit to the Palace, Alf was determined that he should adopt absolutely the correct morning attire, so he went to his tailor Peter Little for advice. Little then approached Moss Bros and the official trade organization Tailor and Cutter, and they both came back with the same written instructions as to what Alf should wear. As Little recalls: > They wrote to say that although Sir Alf might feel he was not dressed properly, this in fact was true sartorial correctness. What Alf wore were the usual striped trousers and black tail jacket, but two things were different: first, a black waistcoat, not a silver one, and second, a black silk hat not a grey one. We had to practise a few times with the top hat – it had to be worn exactly the right way, not at a jaunty angle. At the final fitting, just before he left for the Palace, he said to me, 'You know that letter from Moss Bros. Can I have it for my top pocket, so I can touch it when I get there and see all the others dressed differently? I can tap it and think I am dressed properly.' That is the way Alf was. He wanted everything done correctly. And the day went off perfectly. All the headlines said he was 'immaculate'. Peter Little, a gold-medal winning tailor, has several other interesting memories of Alf, including details of his dimensions: > I made suits for him for about ten years. Alf had a difficult figure. He was powerful on top, a big-square-shouldered man with a great chest and big chunky legs. I still have his measurements from the mid-sixties: 42-inch chest, 37-waist and 44-inch hips. The thing about Alf was that he liked turn-ups on his trousers, though I tried to persuade him not to have them. When he asked why, I explained to him, 'Because you have not got very long legs, and our height is really determined by the length of our legs. So if you have turn-ups it tends to give an illusion of a shorter leg.' He also liked a centre-vent in the back of his suit. I told him that this was quite old-fashioned, more in keeping with a sports jacket or an old hacking jacket. But that's what he wanted. I would have said he was a shy man, but he was such a gentleman he commanded automatic respect. I never had to tell Alf anything. There are some people who don't know how to wear clothes. Alf was not one of them. He was wonderful to work with. He relied on me in the sense that if I said, 'Shall we take a quarter of an inch off the sleeves,' he would just say, 'If you're happy, then I'm happy.' I did not have many clients like that. Others were far more demanding. Some of our fittings would take about half an hour and we would have a chat – usually about football. He was very good with my two boys if they came into the workshop, signing autographs and such. He gave them one of his World Cup badges. This man, Alf Ramsey, he was my hero, I just loved him so much. For a knight of the realm and a World Cup winner, the depth of Alf's modesty was astonishing. He never put on any airs, never revelled in his position. On Wednesday afternoons he regularly visited his elderly mother Florence, who continued to live in Parrish Cottages in Halbutt Street after the death of Alf's father in January 1966. Like her son, Mrs Ramsey guarded her privacy even after his success. Maintaining her frugal lifestyle, she shunned the limelight, and never gave interviews or attended football functions. One neighbour of Alf's from Dagenham, Joyce Rushbrook, remembers: 'I worked in a clothes shop near Halbutt Street and would see Alf most Wednesday afternoons as he waited for the bus to go back to the railway station. He would stand there, in his fawn raincoat, and he always
turn down the Queen. Alf was only the second professional England footballer in history to be knighted, after Stanley Matthews in 1965. 'I shall clobber the first player who calls me Sir Alfred on a football pitch. I accepted this honour because the fact that somebody else in the game is now a "Sir" should lift the whole of football a little bit,' he said. For his visit to the Palace, Alf was determined that he should adopt absolutely the correct morning attire, so he went to his tailor Peter Little for advice. Little then approached Moss Bros and the official trade organization Tailor and Cutter, and they both came back with the same written instructions as to what Alf should wear. As Little recalls: > They wrote to say that although Sir Alf might feel he was not dressed properly, this in fact was true sartorial correctness. What Alf wore were the usual striped trousers and black tail jacket, but two things were different: first, a black waistcoat, not a silver one, and second, a black silk hat not a grey one. We had to practise a few times with the top hat – it had to be worn exactly the right way, not at a jaunty angle. At the final fitting, just before he left for the Palace, he said to me, 'You know that letter from Moss Bros. Can I have it for my top pocket, so I can touch it when I get there and see all the others dressed differently? I can tap it and think I am dressed properly.' That is the way Alf was. He wanted everything done correctly. And the day went off perfectly. All the headlines said he was 'immaculate'. Peter Little, a gold-medal winning tailor, has several other interesting memories of Alf, including details of his dimensions: > I made suits for him for about ten years. Alf had a difficult figure. He was powerful on top, a big-square-shouldered man with a great chest and big chunky legs. I still have his measurements from the mid-sixties: 42-inch chest, 37-waist and 44-inch hips. The thing about Alf was that he liked turn-ups on his trousers, though I tried to persuade him not to have them. When he asked why, I explained to him, 'Because you have not got very long legs, and our height is really determined by the length of our legs. So if you have turn-ups it tends to give an illusion of a shorter leg.' He also liked a centre-vent in the back of his suit. I told him that this was quite old-fashioned, more in keeping with a sports jacket or an old hacking jacket. But that's what he wanted. I would have said he was a shy man, but he was such a gentleman he commanded automatic respect. I never had to tell Alf anything. There are some people who don't know how to wear clothes. Alf was not one of them. He was wonderful to work with. He relied on me in the sense that if I said, 'Shall we take a quarter of an inch off the sleeves,' he would just say, 'If you're happy, then I'm happy.' I did not have many clients like that. Others were far more demanding. Some of our fittings would take about half an hour and we would have a chat – usually about football. He was very good with my two boys if they came into the workshop, signing autographs and such. He gave them one of his World Cup badges. This man, Alf Ramsey, he was my hero, I just loved him so much. For a knight of the realm and a World Cup winner, the depth of Alf's modesty was astonishing. He never put on any airs, never revelled in his position. On Wednesday afternoons he regularly visited his elderly mother Florence, who continued to live in Parrish Cottages in Halbutt Street after the death of Alf's father in January 1966. Like her son, Mrs Ramsey guarded her privacy even after his success. Maintaining her frugal lifestyle, she shunned the limelight, and never gave interviews or attended football functions. One neighbour of Alf's from Dagenham, Joyce Rushbrook, remembers: 'I worked in a clothes shop near Halbutt Street and would see Alf most Wednesday afternoons as he waited for the bus to go back to the railway station. He would stand there, in his fawn raincoat, and he always
looked quiet, respectful. You would not have known how famous he was.' Ken Jones recalls that Alf was not too proud to get his hands dirty: > I was giving him a lift back from Manchester Airport when I got a flat tyre. That did not faze Alf at all. We got out, he jacked up the car and changed the wheel at the side of the road. That is not something you could imagine Alf doing but he thought nothing of it. That's the way he was, very modest. Alf's own office at Lancaster Gate reflected his asceticism. It was a small, bare-walled room, without a single cup, souvenir or photograph. Apart from a desk and a chair, all it contained were some newspapers and back copies of FIFA reports. Alf may have frequently clashed with journalists and officials, with whom he felt under constant scrutiny, but his own staff within the FA testify to his essential decency. Margaret Fuljames, née Bruce, was his secretary for many years at Lancaster Gate, earning just £11 a week when she started in 1967: > I worked directly with Alf, doing all his correspondence and paperwork. He was brilliant to work for, absolutely brilliant. He was lovely. I cannot tell you how nice he was. He was reserved, quite old-fashioned, but ever so thoughtful. He would come in, sit down and have a little chat with me. When the team was abroad, he would send me a postcard. When I was getting married, he gave me a cheque as a wedding present, which I thought was brilliant. He answered every single piece of correspondence, unlike dear old Joe Mercer, who came in afterwards and would just glance at some of them and say, 'Oh, bin those.' Alf sometimes dictated letters, but would more usually handwrite them out. I have to say that his handwriting was not very easy to read. He was well-organized. I never knew him to miss an appointment. You always knew where you were with Alf because he was so calm, whatever he was doing. People were in awe of him but he was really very modest. My brother once saw him at a restaurant in Liverpool Street. So, after a little hesitation, he went in and spoke to Alf, explaining that I was his sister. And he later told me that Alf was really nice and polite. But Alf was a very strong man. If he did not like someone, he would leave no doubt in your mind about it. David Barber, now the FA's chief historian, with over 100 book titles to his credit, started work as an £8.60-a-week clerk in the FA's international section in 1970. At the time the FA was still a slim-line operation, with only around 30 staff, compared with 250 today. Barber recalls: > Alf used to come in Monday to Thursday by train from Ipswich, getting the tube from Liverpool Street to Lancaster Gate. He would arrive about ten and I would make his tea, which he always had in a pale green cup. He would then read all the papers. We would get the regional ones as well so Alf could check on the scores and see who was doing well. Right from the start, I was not in the slightest bit overawed by him. He was very down to earth. He was the most famous man in football at the time, but he treated me like a colleague, not an office boy. He was uncomfortable with the press and FA Council members, but with people like me, who worked with him on a daily basis, he could not have been more friendly. He was well-organized but he was not a paperwork sort of person. The only piece of paper I ever actually saw written by Alf would be the squad, which he would handwrite out in pencil and then give to us so we could officially inform the press by letter. One thing I remember about him was that he walked very slowly. I always thought he looked a bit like Jack Benny who walked serenely across the stage. There was an air of grandeur about it. David Barber's immediate boss, the man in charge of the International Section, was Alan Odell: > I always equated my role to that of a secretary at a football club, with my club the England team. Alf was obviously responsible for picking the team and training, while I was responsible for the administration: the hotel bookings, flights, liaison with the other associations and so on. It was more difficult in those days before modern communications, especially
efforts because many of the new nesting sites were created on the side of buildings in urban areas. The raptors are astute hunters who soon realise that the occupants of pigeon lofts represent an easy meal. Measures to scare the falcons including hanging out CDs and using decoy owls tend only to work in the short term. After a while, the raptors simply get used to them and the game is up. Some pigeon fanciers are reporting that they are losing up to a third of their birds each year. Many are considering giving up their hobby altogether because they can’t afford to keep up with the loses they are sustaining. Protection for Raptors Peregrine falcons and other raptors have been reintroduced up and down the country. They are all protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. But the birds owned by the country’s 60,000 pigeon fanciers have no such legal protection. The Law Commission had considered changes to the law which would allow individual fanciers to make applications for raptors to be relocated, but ultimately nothing was done. Pigeon Racing is Big Business A million racing pigeons are bred each year in the UK and so it is big business. A decent bird can cost as little as £50 but champion specimens have sold for as much as $300,000 globally. The Raptor Alliance is a group which lobbies on behalf of pigeon fanciers in the UK. Its representatives say that ways of humanely controlling raptors must be found and that the birds should not be introduced to unsuitable locations. The group is currently liaising with pigeon fanciers and local authorities to see if solutions to the problem can be found. It is estimated that pigeon racing contributes £107m to the UK economy each year. The birds also provide company and a hobby for many people who would be lost without their much-loved pastime. For their part, the RSPB claims that raptors are responsible for just one in five pigeon losses and that they represent one of the natural challenges that pigeons must overcome to return home. Many species of raptor were close to extinction in the UK before efforts were made to help their populations recover. Losing the Dawn Chorus Pigeon fanciers feel that it isn’t only their birds which have been killed by the raptors. They believe that many garden birds such as thrushes have also become prey and that the raptors are a contributing factor in the loss of the dawn chorus. This is an argument which is set to continue for some time. Whilst pigeon fanciers are keen to protect their birds, conservationists are promoting the recovery of raptor populations. Does the need to restore raptor populations trump the rights of pigeon fanciers to race their birds? SSLC Code of Conduct – 2018-19 Code of Conduct Sharing Process Each year, the Code of Conduct is to be distributed to our staff, students and parents at the start of the year. It is to be provided and/or reviewed as a part of every new registration and/or intake process for new students and their parents and/or guardians. It is to be provided to our new staff members, temporary staff members, visitors and those acting as ambassadors for our schools, including volunteers, coaches, parents and other community members. The Code of Conduct is also to be displayed in the schools in front entrances, and on school websites. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed face-to-face two times per year with our students by our Principal or designate, during the first week of school and on or before the second week of March. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed with parents by the Principal or designate at our first PAC meeting and with staff at our first staff meeting of each school year. The Code of Conduct “Acceptable Conduct” expectations, including technology use, are to be consistently taught and actively promoted by all members of our school community. Code of Conduct Review Process Each year, in February, the Code of Conduct consultation review process will occur. Staff, students and parents will be consulted and any changes will be approved by the Principal before the end of the month. Once approved, the Code of Conduct will be set for the following school year. This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it reflects
efforts because many of the new nesting sites were created on the side of buildings in urban areas. The raptors are astute hunters who soon realise that the occupants of pigeon lofts represent an easy meal. Measures to scare the falcons including hanging out CDs and using decoy owls tend only to work in the short term. After a while, the raptors simply get used to them and the game is up. Some pigeon fanciers are reporting that they are losing up to a third of their birds each year. Many are considering giving up their hobby altogether because they can’t afford to keep up with the loses they are sustaining. Protection for Raptors Peregrine falcons and other raptors have been reintroduced up and down the country. They are all protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. But the birds owned by the country’s 60,000 pigeon fanciers have no such legal protection. The Law Commission had considered changes to the law which would allow individual fanciers to make applications for raptors to be relocated, but ultimately nothing was done. Pigeon Racing is Big Business A million racing pigeons are bred each year in the UK and so it is big business. A decent bird can cost as little as £50 but champion specimens have sold for as much as $300,000 globally. The Raptor Alliance is a group which lobbies on behalf of pigeon fanciers in the UK. Its representatives say that ways of humanely controlling raptors must be found and that the birds should not be introduced to unsuitable locations. The group is currently liaising with pigeon fanciers and local authorities to see if solutions to the problem can be found. It is estimated that pigeon racing contributes £107m to the UK economy each year. The birds also provide company and a hobby for many people who would be lost without their much-loved pastime. For their part, the RSPB claims that raptors are responsible for just one in five pigeon losses and that they represent one of the natural challenges that pigeons must overcome to return home. Many species of raptor were close to extinction in the UK before efforts were made to help their populations recover. Losing the Dawn Chorus Pigeon fanciers feel that it isn’t only their birds which have been killed by the raptors. They believe that many garden birds such as thrushes have also become prey and that the raptors are a contributing factor in the loss of the dawn chorus. This is an argument which is set to continue for some time. Whilst pigeon fanciers are keen to protect their birds, conservationists are promoting the recovery of raptor populations. Does the need to restore raptor populations trump the rights of pigeon fanciers to race their birds? SSLC Code of Conduct – 2018-19 Code of Conduct Sharing Process Each year, the Code of Conduct is to be distributed to our staff, students and parents at the start of the year. It is to be provided and/or reviewed as a part of every new registration and/or intake process for new students and their parents and/or guardians. It is to be provided to our new staff members, temporary staff members, visitors and those acting as ambassadors for our schools, including volunteers, coaches, parents and other community members. The Code of Conduct is also to be displayed in the schools in front entrances, and on school websites. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed face-to-face two times per year with our students by our Principal or designate, during the first week of school and on or before the second week of March. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed with parents by the Principal or designate at our first PAC meeting and with staff at our first staff meeting of each school year. The Code of Conduct “Acceptable Conduct” expectations, including technology use, are to be consistently taught and actively promoted by all members of our school community. Code of Conduct Review Process Each year, in February, the Code of Conduct consultation review process will occur. Staff, students and parents will be consulted and any changes will be approved by the Principal before the end of the month. Once approved, the Code of Conduct will be set for the following school year. This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it reflects
current and emerging situations and are contributing to school safety. This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed and improved in light of evidence gathered and/or relevant research. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it is compatible with BC Ministry of Education Standards, SD48 Sea to Sky Policy, other schools in the community and across elementary, middle and secondary levels. 2019-20 Softball Statistics - Trinidad State Junior College Games - Runs - Batting Average - On Base Percentage - Slugging Percentage - Home Runs - Streak - Extra Base Hits 0 0 Totals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Opponent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No players meet the minimum Totals - - - - 0 0 - - - - 0 Opponent - - - - 0 0 - - - - 0 Totals - - - - - - 0.0 - - - - - .00 - 0.00 Opponent - - - - - - 0.0 - - - - - .00 - 0.00 Totals - 0 - - - - - - - - - - Opponent - 0 - - - - - - - - - - Aug 24 # Alumni - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 14 # at Adams State College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 14 # vs. Dodge City Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 14 # vs. Colby Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 15 # vs. Ft Lewis College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 15 # vs. Adams State - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 18 # at CSU Pueblo - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 21 # vs. North Platte Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 22 # vs. Colorado Northwestern Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 22 # vs. Northwest Kansas Technical College - - - - - - - - - - - Sep 28 # at UCCS - - - - - - - - - - - Oct 6 # at NMHU - - - - - - - - - - - Oct 11 # at Metro State University - - - - - - - - - - - Oct 12 # at UNC - - - - - - - - - - - Jan 31 vs. Yavapai College - - - - - - - - - - - Jan 31 vs. Salt Lake Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Jan 31 vs. Arizona Western College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 1 vs. Phoenix College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 6 vs. Midland College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 7 vs. Snow College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 7 vs. Luna Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 8 vs. Seward County Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 8 at Odessa College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 15 at Clarendon College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 19 at Garden City Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 22 Luna Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 28 at Luna Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Mar 1 Colby Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Mar 6 McCook Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Mar 8 Garden City Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Mar 10 Lamar Community College - - - - - - - - - - - Mar 13 Western Nebraska Community College - - - - - - - - - -
to latch onto the only calm in the boiling sea around her. With a deep frown, his eyes tight with concern as he watched her, Kara could feel Aden’s presence swirling around her. He was trying to block some of the emotions, but like her, his powers were bound tight. It did not help that her anxiety was bleeding all over him. Out of the four men bound to her, Aden was the most susceptible to being overwhelmed by her feelings, as she was to his. Since that avenue was out, Aden had tried to help by pointing out to the others how much their emotions were hurting Kara to only be told to mind his own business. That he was not wanted here, so why did he not leave. Since there was no way that was going to happen, he had stood silently in the back of the room, holding up the wall, doing his best to shield Kara from the worst of the pain, which Kara was grateful for. “Jamie is old enough to take care of them herself,” Chris argued. “I would be better off here helping you.” “And if Colin decides to use them to force Kara into surrendering to him?” Tanis asked. While what happened upstairs with Chris had shaken him, his exhaustion was making him reckless. The gods only knew what would happen if Chris was truly angered. If angered enough, what entity would emerge instead of the twenty-one year old mortal sitting in front of him. Unfortunately, at the moment Tanis did not care. He only cared about protecting Kara, and that there were too many males in the room staking claim to what was his. While a small part of him argued that Kara had never been truly his, another voice that was much louder kept telling him that it was time for that to change. That if there were less people there would be less pain and far more peace in their lives. That their child would be safe. “Don’t underestimate my sister,” Chris said turning his angry eyes to Tanis. When he saw the immortal’s frown and his focus seemed to be on something internal and not on him, Chris’s anger slipped into confusion. Why keep arguing he should leave if he did not seem to care one way or the other. “She may surprise you,” Chris finished absently. What was going on? “Maybe so, but she can’t fight everyone by herself,” Brynn pointed out, bringing Chris’s eyes and focus back to him and the argument. “Colin will not be alone. He’s always come heavily armed, and with Anthony they are a force to be reckoned with. She will not be able to keep her focus on the young ones if she is fighting multiple fronts.” When Chris opened his mouth to argue more, Aden finally spoke up. “Chris,” he called quietly, bringing the young man’s angry eyes to him. “Your father is right. Jamie will need your help, but that is not the only reason he asks you to leave. They need to know everything that has happened in the last six years in order to understand what must be done. Don’t ask your mother to voice her nightmares in front of her son. I’m sick enough as it is that you saw what I showed your father. Think of what it will do to her.” Clamping his mouth shut, his eyes going from the dark sorcerer, to his father than finally his mother, who looked beyond exhausted and pale, he realized Aden was right. Lowering his head and taking a calming breath, he stood and walked around the coffee table to kneel in front of her. Taking her hands in his, he said only loud enough so she could hear, his eyes locked with hers, “Don’t let them push Aden out. He is a vital part of this. A vital part of you.” “I know,” Kara smiled wearily. Resting her hand on his cheek, her smile brightened. “I want you to know how proud I am of the man you have become, and that I love you with all my heart.” “I love you too,” he breathed, his smile at her declaration threatening to split his face open. Leaning forward, Kara placed a gentle kiss on her son’s forehead. “Now go,” she urged. “I will talk to you and your sister later. I promise.” Nodding, he stood, his mother’s hand still in his, and turned to his father. “I’ll call Uncle Gavin and Aunt Delia and tell them what is going on. We’ll protect the little ones.”
to latch onto the only calm in the boiling sea around her. With a deep frown, his eyes tight with concern as he watched her, Kara could feel Aden’s presence swirling around her. He was trying to block some of the emotions, but like her, his powers were bound tight. It did not help that her anxiety was bleeding all over him. Out of the four men bound to her, Aden was the most susceptible to being overwhelmed by her feelings, as she was to his. Since that avenue was out, Aden had tried to help by pointing out to the others how much their emotions were hurting Kara to only be told to mind his own business. That he was not wanted here, so why did he not leave. Since there was no way that was going to happen, he had stood silently in the back of the room, holding up the wall, doing his best to shield Kara from the worst of the pain, which Kara was grateful for. “Jamie is old enough to take care of them herself,” Chris argued. “I would be better off here helping you.” “And if Colin decides to use them to force Kara into surrendering to him?” Tanis asked. While what happened upstairs with Chris had shaken him, his exhaustion was making him reckless. The gods only knew what would happen if Chris was truly angered. If angered enough, what entity would emerge instead of the twenty-one year old mortal sitting in front of him. Unfortunately, at the moment Tanis did not care. He only cared about protecting Kara, and that there were too many males in the room staking claim to what was his. While a small part of him argued that Kara had never been truly his, another voice that was much louder kept telling him that it was time for that to change. That if there were less people there would be less pain and far more peace in their lives. That their child would be safe. “Don’t underestimate my sister,” Chris said turning his angry eyes to Tanis. When he saw the immortal’s frown and his focus seemed to be on something internal and not on him, Chris’s anger slipped into confusion. Why keep arguing he should leave if he did not seem to care one way or the other. “She may surprise you,” Chris finished absently. What was going on? “Maybe so, but she can’t fight everyone by herself,” Brynn pointed out, bringing Chris’s eyes and focus back to him and the argument. “Colin will not be alone. He’s always come heavily armed, and with Anthony they are a force to be reckoned with. She will not be able to keep her focus on the young ones if she is fighting multiple fronts.” When Chris opened his mouth to argue more, Aden finally spoke up. “Chris,” he called quietly, bringing the young man’s angry eyes to him. “Your father is right. Jamie will need your help, but that is not the only reason he asks you to leave. They need to know everything that has happened in the last six years in order to understand what must be done. Don’t ask your mother to voice her nightmares in front of her son. I’m sick enough as it is that you saw what I showed your father. Think of what it will do to her.” Clamping his mouth shut, his eyes going from the dark sorcerer, to his father than finally his mother, who looked beyond exhausted and pale, he realized Aden was right. Lowering his head and taking a calming breath, he stood and walked around the coffee table to kneel in front of her. Taking her hands in his, he said only loud enough so she could hear, his eyes locked with hers, “Don’t let them push Aden out. He is a vital part of this. A vital part of you.” “I know,” Kara smiled wearily. Resting her hand on his cheek, her smile brightened. “I want you to know how proud I am of the man you have become, and that I love you with all my heart.” “I love you too,” he breathed, his smile at her declaration threatening to split his face open. Leaning forward, Kara placed a gentle kiss on her son’s forehead. “Now go,” she urged. “I will talk to you and your sister later. I promise.” Nodding, he stood, his mother’s hand still in his, and turned to his father. “I’ll call Uncle Gavin and Aunt Delia and tell them what is going on. We’ll protect the little ones.”
“Thank you,” Brynn smiled, patting his son’s shoulder. Turning his head, Chris locked eyes with Tanis. “Your job is to protect her, Angel. It’s always been to protect her. Don’t forget that.” Without waiting for Tanis to respond he turned to Aden. “There is a reason you are so connected to her. A reason you feel what each other feels, sees what each other sees far more intensely than Caius or Tanis. Why being apart harms you more than them. Remember and you will finally understand why.” They stood staring at each other, some knowledge passing between them that Tanis and Brynn did not understand. Frowning, Aden’s eyes glanced at Tanis before he nodded at Chris, some sort of understanding forming between them. Smiling one more time down at his mother, giving her hand a light squeeze, Chris turned and walked out the door. “He is not,” Tanis began, unsure how to voice his concern about who and what Chris was. “He is what he needs to be in this moment,” Aden answered, his eyes on the front door, the frown still in place. “What is that suppose to mean?” Brynn asked, the father in him rising up to defend his son. Sighing with a weariness that went bone deep, he was so tired of all this jealousy, of everyone distrusting him, Aden rubbed his forehead with his thumb and forefinger. “Everything that has been happening,” he looked at Kara, his hand pointing towards her, “all she has endured is for a reason. The universe is unbalanced. If we don’t fix that balance, and soon, it will implode. Chris has been trying to tell you this all afternoon. You two,” he moved his glare from Brynn to Tanis, “refuse to listen because you are spending more energy on being angry I am here and not enough on what is going on around you.” “And you think you are the key to balancing the universe. You with Kara?” Tanis said his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Very convenient don’t you think?” Sighing in a way that said it was a wonder he had not ground his teeth to dust, Aden was so weary of this fight, he glared at Tanis, snapping, “We don’t have time for this.” When he saw Kara flinch, he softened his voice, his eyes apologetic as she looked at her. “I’m sorry, my love.” Ignoring the growls from the other males, Aden gathered as much calm around him as he could. Moving his gaze to the front door, he continued, “I am already well aware of what Kara is going to tell you.” His eyes drifted to a memory that seemed to be extremely painful. Closing his eyes, shaking himself back into the present, Aden looked at Kara again, “I know how hard this is going to be. If you need help explaining, just ask.” “She needs nothing from you,” Tanis snarled. “Tanis! Enough,” Kara scolded glaring up at him. “What is wrong with you? You have never been this territorial. This will be hard enough without you snapping and snarling at each other.” Clamping his mouth shut, Tanis gave Aden a look that said they were not finished before moving to the other empty armchair next to Kara’s and plopped down. Realizing this was the closest she was going to receive in the way of a truce, she took a deep breath to steady herself. “The best way to tell you is to show you.” She looked up at Brynn. “Why Aden has shown you some of it, if you do this with me, you will not only see what is happening, but feel what I felt. It is a very…intimate experience and I fear may change your opinion of me. I will understand if you wish not to be a part of the sharing.” Brynn knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his, kissing the back of them gently. Then he turned his eyes to her, looking into them intently so she knew what he would say was truth. “I will not abandon you when you need me most. Just tell me where you want me and I will be there,” he vowed. “You are where Chris gets his strength and bravery,” Kara smiled. Returning her smile with one of his own, Brynn leaned in and tenderly kissed her on the lips. The tension in the room rose every so
, look for a service or a simple software application to automate the process. 4) Create a cash flow contingency plan. Most business owners should include two critical steps in cash flow contingency planning for their business. First, they should create a six month forecast for revenue and expenses (what do the next six months look like on a rolling basis). Second, they should build cash reserves to meet the requirements of the next six months. The reserves won’t materialize overnight so it’s best to start building now. 5) Select trusted resources. The best resources for improving cash flow management are usually mentors and advisors who have the experience and expertise to help a business owner. Collaboration is key. PEX Card is also a great resource for businesses with mobile workforces looking to properly manage their cash flow. 6) Run and review cash flow reports. There are three critical documents: Revenue Forecast, Aging Receivables (& collections if necessary), and Six Month Revenue/Expense Forecast. I strongly recommend that a business owner review these documents monthly. I chug milkshake and show you what I look like in my pink tight dress stood up from all angles. I talk about my weight gain, I show you some stretch marks, I notice newer ones appearing and start to apply cream. I talk a lil about my arms becoming so out of shape and show you how they ain’t toned like they use to be. I talk and show you how heavy my belly is recently becoming. I love that you start this set by saying that you have a jelly belly shar and that you tell us you have just had pizza too 🐷. While you are chugging milkshake, that pink dress really shows off your belly and how round it is getting and that you have lost count of how many new stretch marks you have because you have so many now 🥵. The gain really shows in your face, legs and of course your belly. Which are looking bigger than ever in this clip and you can tell you really like all the extra weight you have added. Thanks for this nice little update shar. New Lunch Cooler Messenger Bags! A commuter’s must-have! This versatile cooler can hold lunch, work essentials, a tablet or books. It can be worn over the shoulder or across the body by an adjustable strap. The interior is insulated and padded to keep you food and drinks at the right temperature. Available in Camo and Black, Charcoal and Pink, Navy and Twilight Blue, and Black and Dark Charcoal. In addition to the items listed in previous sections, you may find the following items on Centering Prayer and the spiritual journey helpful as continuing support for an established Centering Prayer practice. Each session is about 60 minutes with an intermission at about 30 minutes. Transcripts of the Spiritual Journey sessions are available. The transcripts include the timings, session previews and reviews, discussion questions and related scripture. These talks can be viewed at a prayer group. Each talk is about an hour long so you may need to extend the meeting time to accommodate a complete talk in one meeting. If you decide to view half of the talk (30 min) at a time then you may need to provide a review of the first part at the next meeting before continuing with the remaining 30 minutes of the talk.. * = talks are shown at our Hawaii 8-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreats. Retreats are a good way to see the Spiritual Journey Videos because you hear the entire talk in context with the other talks and the information can be digested in the silence and solitude of the retreat.. * = talks are shown at our Hawaii 8-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreats. Retreats are a good way to see the Spiritual Journey Videos because you hear the entire talk in context with the other talks and the information can be digested in the silence and solitude of the retreat. "This is an attempt to provide a road map, as it were, for the journey that begins when Centering Prayer is seriously undertaken, and to point to some of the recognizable landmarks on the journey as well as to its ultimate destination...The regular practice of contemplative prayer initiates a healing process that might be called "the divine therapy"... The gift of contemplative prayer is a practical and essential tool for confronting the heart of Christian discipline... while at the
, look for a service or a simple software application to automate the process. 4) Create a cash flow contingency plan. Most business owners should include two critical steps in cash flow contingency planning for their business. First, they should create a six month forecast for revenue and expenses (what do the next six months look like on a rolling basis). Second, they should build cash reserves to meet the requirements of the next six months. The reserves won’t materialize overnight so it’s best to start building now. 5) Select trusted resources. The best resources for improving cash flow management are usually mentors and advisors who have the experience and expertise to help a business owner. Collaboration is key. PEX Card is also a great resource for businesses with mobile workforces looking to properly manage their cash flow. 6) Run and review cash flow reports. There are three critical documents: Revenue Forecast, Aging Receivables (& collections if necessary), and Six Month Revenue/Expense Forecast. I strongly recommend that a business owner review these documents monthly. I chug milkshake and show you what I look like in my pink tight dress stood up from all angles. I talk about my weight gain, I show you some stretch marks, I notice newer ones appearing and start to apply cream. I talk a lil about my arms becoming so out of shape and show you how they ain’t toned like they use to be. I talk and show you how heavy my belly is recently becoming. I love that you start this set by saying that you have a jelly belly shar and that you tell us you have just had pizza too 🐷. While you are chugging milkshake, that pink dress really shows off your belly and how round it is getting and that you have lost count of how many new stretch marks you have because you have so many now 🥵. The gain really shows in your face, legs and of course your belly. Which are looking bigger than ever in this clip and you can tell you really like all the extra weight you have added. Thanks for this nice little update shar. New Lunch Cooler Messenger Bags! A commuter’s must-have! This versatile cooler can hold lunch, work essentials, a tablet or books. It can be worn over the shoulder or across the body by an adjustable strap. The interior is insulated and padded to keep you food and drinks at the right temperature. Available in Camo and Black, Charcoal and Pink, Navy and Twilight Blue, and Black and Dark Charcoal. In addition to the items listed in previous sections, you may find the following items on Centering Prayer and the spiritual journey helpful as continuing support for an established Centering Prayer practice. Each session is about 60 minutes with an intermission at about 30 minutes. Transcripts of the Spiritual Journey sessions are available. The transcripts include the timings, session previews and reviews, discussion questions and related scripture. These talks can be viewed at a prayer group. Each talk is about an hour long so you may need to extend the meeting time to accommodate a complete talk in one meeting. If you decide to view half of the talk (30 min) at a time then you may need to provide a review of the first part at the next meeting before continuing with the remaining 30 minutes of the talk.. * = talks are shown at our Hawaii 8-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreats. Retreats are a good way to see the Spiritual Journey Videos because you hear the entire talk in context with the other talks and the information can be digested in the silence and solitude of the retreat.. * = talks are shown at our Hawaii 8-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreats. Retreats are a good way to see the Spiritual Journey Videos because you hear the entire talk in context with the other talks and the information can be digested in the silence and solitude of the retreat. "This is an attempt to provide a road map, as it were, for the journey that begins when Centering Prayer is seriously undertaken, and to point to some of the recognizable landmarks on the journey as well as to its ultimate destination...The regular practice of contemplative prayer initiates a healing process that might be called "the divine therapy"... The gift of contemplative prayer is a practical and essential tool for confronting the heart of Christian discipline... while at the
same time establishing the climate and necessary disposition for a deepening relationship to God and leading, if we persevere, to divine union. This book covers information presented in the Spiritual Journey video tapes. This is a perfect companion for the 40 days of Lent. Each day's reading includes a portion of Scripture from the liturgical cycle. Journey to the Center is the perfect companion for the 40 days of Lent. This can be done together as a group. Fr. Thomas’ homilies on 30 events in Jesus’ ministry, his teachings and liturgical celebrations, taken from a contemplative perspective. Includes a discussion of the classical monastic practice of Lectio Divina. Commentaries on the spiritual life as seen through six parables of Jesus and insights from the life of St. Thérèse. St. Thérèse has had a profound impact on the spiritual life of Fr. Thomas … In his own words: "[This book] was written in honor of Thérèse’s becoming the third woman Doctor of the Church and as a token of my immense gratitude for her inspiration in starting and sustaining me on the path of Christian contemplation … St. Thérèse in my view is the key figure in the recovery of the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in our time – a process that is desperately needed … and is only just beginning to take root." A Daily Reader for Contemplative Living Excerpts from the Works of Father Thomas Keating, Sacred Scripture, and other Spiritual Writings. Compiled by S. Stephanie Iachetta. The book's structure is both simple and elegant. Each day's text begins with a line of prayer, a 'prayer sentence' that acts as both a theme and an invitation. Each closes with an appropriate, longer citation from Scripture that is a biblically based recapitulation of the theme. In between lies a brief reflection to inspire meditation, each an excerpt from the writings of the Cistercian monk, Father Thomas Keating . . . A daily selection can be read as a lead in to a Centering Prayer sit or quietly and slowly at the end of a sit. We proudly root for Raleigh in both sports and life. Fitz: Holder of sports facts. RCS Originator. Overly confident at bar games. Mike: Hates writing. Known as Mr. Raleigh Ballgame or Mordecai Mike. Always down to talk sports. JP: Loves writing. Way more cultured than all of us. Trivia God. JFK: Jack of many trades. First in flight. Moneybags Smythe: Resident degenerate. Taxed in DC but represented in NC. Claims to win 65% of bets. T-Git: Likes the Panthers. Wears Cool Hats. Creative Producer Joey: Way more creative than all of us. Ryan: Connoisseur of Chihuahuas, Leather Shoes, and all things Oak City. I have to admit that I almost didn’t post this recipe, because - well, it’s not the best looking dish ever, right? ^_^; But still it does taste absolutely great, and since I know many vegans and vegetarians are always on the lookout for tasty protein options, here it is! It’s basically extra-firm tofu that’s sautéed in a mixture of aromatic vegetables and miso and spicy kochujang (gochujang), with some broccoli thrown in there too. It’s a great topping for rice, or can be eaten all on its own if you are doing low-carb. It keeps in the refrigerator for just a couple of days really, which is why I haven’t listed it in the johbisai (staples) section. But still I’d recommend making at least one large tofu block’s worth at a time, since it’s really good. Vary the spice to your liking. To read more about miso as well as kochujang (it’s pronounced so in Japan, but gochujang is more widely used), one of Korean cuisine’s greatest contributions to the world, see the Miso Primer. Drain and cut the tofu into small dice, about 1/3 inch / 1 cm or so square. Bring a pot of water to a boil and put the tofu cubes in, and
• allow you to participate in interactive features of our Service when you choose to do so • provide customer care and support • provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service • monitor the usage of the Service • detect, prevent and address technical issues. SECURITY, TRANSFER AND STORAGE OF YOUR INFORMATION The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Your communications to our Site are transmitted over secure (i.e. https) connections. Your credit card information is encrypted before transmission and is not viewed by us or stored on our servers. Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the United States are responsible for the physical security of our servers. When the Personal Data that we collect is no longer required, we destroy or delete it in a secure manner. In the event there is a breach of our security and your Personal Data is compromised, we will promptly notify you in compliance with the applicable law. Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to, and maintained on, computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction. If you are located outside Australia and choose to provide information to us, please note that we may transfer the data, including Personal Data, to Australia or other countries that have adequate privacy protections. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information. Storage of Data All information we receive from you is stored on our secure servers and protected from unauthorized use or access. Your credit card details are securely stored by processing providers who may be located outside of Australia but who comply with international PCI (payment card industry) standards for data security. We retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide our Service to you and as otherwise necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. You are responsible and indemnify us for all user-supplied linguistic content such as glossaries and wordlists ("User Content") that you upload to your private account ("User Account"). It is your responsibility to keep backups of all User Content that you upload to your User Account. All intellectual property rights in and to the User Content are and shall remain your property, and Cool Jargon – Language Control Pty Ltd shall acquire no right of ownership with respect to your User Content. You give us permission to host your User Content and to technically administer services such as data backup, glossary management and word inflection data management. This permission also extends to third parties we trust and work with to provide the services. USER MATERIALS As part of maintaining our Service, we track and record the web addresses (URLs) of the glossaries and linked terms that you select when implementing the Service to process your User Materials. However, we do not access any personal or other materials at any time and we cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss or claims related to User Materials. SHARING YOUR INFORMATION WITH THIRD PARTIES We do not and will not sell or deal in Personal Data or any customer information. We may engage third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service ("Service Providers"), to provide the Service on our behalf and to perform Service-related services. Such third parties may access your Personal Data only to perform these tasks and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyse the use of our Service. We may from time to time disclose certain information, which may include your Personal Data, in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: • comply with a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, warrant or other legal requirement in the course of a legal proceeding or in response to a law enforcement agency request • protect and defend the rights or property of Cool Jargon - Language Control Pty Ltd, our customers or third parties • prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service • protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public • protect against legal liability • enable a change
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as well as 15 other players from last season’s team, including running back Justin Davis, wide receiver De’Quan Hampton, defensive back Deion Hart, defensive back Adoree’ Jackson, offensive guard Damien Mama, tight end Taylor McNamara, defensive back Leon McQuay III, linebacker Quinton Powell, wide receiver Darreus Rogers, offensive tackle Jordan Simmons, long snapper Zach Smith, wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster, defensive tackle Steve Tu’ikolovatu, offensive tackle Chad Wheeler and wide receiver Isaac Whitney. There was less buzz, as USC’s elite prospects, Jackson and Smith-Schuster, skipped a bulk of the testing, most notably the 40-yard dash. Jackson was clocked at 4.42 seconds in the 40-yard dash at the scouting combine, while Smith-Schuster ran at 4.54 seconds. They saw little need to risk running a slower time. Davis, who did not run at the combine because of an ankle injury, finished at 4.49 seconds electronically timed, according to the school. Whitney finished the fastest at 4.41 seconds. Mama, who recorded one of the slowest 40-yard dash times at 5.84 seconds at the combine, ran at 5.70 seconds. Among the representatives from all 32 NFL teams in attendance Wednesday included several with USC ties, including former coach Pete Carroll, the headman for the Seattle Seahawks, former defensive back Kris Richard, the Seahawks’ defensive coordinator, and former linebackers coach Ken Norton Jr., the Oakland Raiders’ defensive coordinator. Near the end of the pro day session, Jackson did a series of defensive back drills and at one point impressed onlookers when he was catching punts, juggling four footballs simultaneously. Jackson, the reigning Jim Thorpe Award as the nation’s top defensive back, is also regarded for his ability as a kickoff and punt returner, in addition to cornerback. “A lot of us can cover well, we can tackle. For me, it just puts the icing on the cake,” Jackson said of returning. “You have me out there on three downs. On fourth down, just move me back there. I feel like you’re getting a bargain with me, getting two birds with one stone.” Smith-Schuster caught passes from Bryan Scott, a former quarterback from Occidental College. Smith-Schuster was sporting a black backwards cap reading, “In God We Trust.’” Both of them bypassed their final season of eligibility to enter the draft, a decision they said they did not take lightly. “Half of me thought I should have stayed, half of me, thought I should have went,” Smith-Schuster said. “But I’m happy that I came out. Me and Adoree’ talked about it so many times. If we stayed back, it would have been a huge story. But at the same time, we did the most we could’ve for this team. We were in sanctions, we brought them out of sanctions. We dominated and got them to the Rose Bowl.” Metro seeks public input on North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Corridor project – Daily News Cage the Elephant is intense while Beck is erratic in Irvine show – Daily News Clay Helton USC football Joey Kaufman Joey Kaufman is the USC beat writer for the Southern California News Group. Since joining the Orange County Register in 2015, he has also covered Major League Baseball and UCLA athletics. His work has been recognized by the Associated Press Sports Editors and Football Writers Association of America. Kaufman grew up in beautiful downtown Burbank. Follow Joey Kaufman @joeyrkaufman More in USC USC’s Michael Pittman Jr., Amon-Ra St. Brown named to Biletnikoff Award watch list USC’s J.T. Daniels named to Davey O’Brien Award watch list Bill allowing collegiate athletes to profit off name, likeness clears another step in California legislature Former USC football assistant claims program retaliated against him for reporting alleged violations cyber-attack emergency patients NHS hospit
as well as 15 other players from last season’s team, including running back Justin Davis, wide receiver De’Quan Hampton, defensive back Deion Hart, defensive back Adoree’ Jackson, offensive guard Damien Mama, tight end Taylor McNamara, defensive back Leon McQuay III, linebacker Quinton Powell, wide receiver Darreus Rogers, offensive tackle Jordan Simmons, long snapper Zach Smith, wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster, defensive tackle Steve Tu’ikolovatu, offensive tackle Chad Wheeler and wide receiver Isaac Whitney. There was less buzz, as USC’s elite prospects, Jackson and Smith-Schuster, skipped a bulk of the testing, most notably the 40-yard dash. Jackson was clocked at 4.42 seconds in the 40-yard dash at the scouting combine, while Smith-Schuster ran at 4.54 seconds. They saw little need to risk running a slower time. Davis, who did not run at the combine because of an ankle injury, finished at 4.49 seconds electronically timed, according to the school. Whitney finished the fastest at 4.41 seconds. Mama, who recorded one of the slowest 40-yard dash times at 5.84 seconds at the combine, ran at 5.70 seconds. Among the representatives from all 32 NFL teams in attendance Wednesday included several with USC ties, including former coach Pete Carroll, the headman for the Seattle Seahawks, former defensive back Kris Richard, the Seahawks’ defensive coordinator, and former linebackers coach Ken Norton Jr., the Oakland Raiders’ defensive coordinator. Near the end of the pro day session, Jackson did a series of defensive back drills and at one point impressed onlookers when he was catching punts, juggling four footballs simultaneously. Jackson, the reigning Jim Thorpe Award as the nation’s top defensive back, is also regarded for his ability as a kickoff and punt returner, in addition to cornerback. “A lot of us can cover well, we can tackle. For me, it just puts the icing on the cake,” Jackson said of returning. “You have me out there on three downs. On fourth down, just move me back there. I feel like you’re getting a bargain with me, getting two birds with one stone.” Smith-Schuster caught passes from Bryan Scott, a former quarterback from Occidental College. Smith-Schuster was sporting a black backwards cap reading, “In God We Trust.’” Both of them bypassed their final season of eligibility to enter the draft, a decision they said they did not take lightly. “Half of me thought I should have stayed, half of me, thought I should have went,” Smith-Schuster said. “But I’m happy that I came out. Me and Adoree’ talked about it so many times. If we stayed back, it would have been a huge story. But at the same time, we did the most we could’ve for this team. We were in sanctions, we brought them out of sanctions. We dominated and got them to the Rose Bowl.” Metro seeks public input on North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Corridor project – Daily News Cage the Elephant is intense while Beck is erratic in Irvine show – Daily News Clay Helton USC football Joey Kaufman Joey Kaufman is the USC beat writer for the Southern California News Group. Since joining the Orange County Register in 2015, he has also covered Major League Baseball and UCLA athletics. His work has been recognized by the Associated Press Sports Editors and Football Writers Association of America. Kaufman grew up in beautiful downtown Burbank. Follow Joey Kaufman @joeyrkaufman More in USC USC’s Michael Pittman Jr., Amon-Ra St. Brown named to Biletnikoff Award watch list USC’s J.T. Daniels named to Davey O’Brien Award watch list Bill allowing collegiate athletes to profit off name, likeness clears another step in California legislature Former USC football assistant claims program retaliated against him for reporting alleged violations cyber-attack emergency patients NHS hospit
als across England hit by cyber-attack Hospitals across England have been hit by a large-scale cyber-attack, the National Health Service (NHS) said, which has locked staff out of their computers and forced many trusts to divert emergency patients.IANS | May 13, 2017, 06:34 IST A bitcoin virus pop-up message had been introduced on to the network asking users to pay $300 to be able to access their PCs. You cannot get past this screen London, Hospitals across England have been hit by a large-scale cyber-attack, the National Health Service (NHS) said, which has locked staff out of their computers and forced many trusts to divert emergency patients. The IT systems of NHS sites across the country on Friday appear to have been simultaneously hit, with a pop-up message demanding a ransom in exchange for access to the PCs, the Guardian reported. NHS England said it was aware of the problem and would release more details soon. Affected hospitals include those run by East and North Hertfordshire NHS trust, Barts Health in London, Essex Partnership university NHS trusts, the university hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS foundation trust, Southport and Ormskirk hospital NHS trust and Blackpool teaching hospital NHS foundation trust. One NHS IT worker told the Guardian: "At approximately 12.30 p.m. we experienced a problem with our email servers crashing. Following this a lot of our clinical systems and patient systems were reported to have gone down." "A bitcoin virus pop-up message had been introduced on to the network asking users to pay $300 to be able to access their PCs. You cannot get past this screen. "This followed with an internal major incident being declared and advised all trust staff to shut down all PCs in the trust and await further instructions," the worker said. The worker said that the hack was affecting the east of England and number of other trusts. "This is the largest outage of this nature I've seen in the six years I've been employed with the NHS," the worker said. GP surgeries across Liverpool and parts of Greater Manchester also appeared to have been affected by the cyber-attack. Doctors have been posting on Twitter about what has been happening to their systems. A screengrab of a instant message conversation circulated by one doctor says: "So our hospital is down We got a message saying your computers are now under their control and pay a certain amount of money. And now everything is gone." IT specialists were working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, a statement from the NHS Trust said. --IANS soni/vm Robots could replace 250,000 British public jobs soon: Report New scheme for Indian doctors in UK to plug shortages 'Diabetes - The Hidden Killer' to show threat on NHS for increasing diabetes patients Sun Pharma starts rollout of Gemcitabine InfuSMART in six European nations UK can help India bring best healthcare to smart cities: NHS chief Indian-origin brothers get caught in UK pharma imbroglio Tags : Industry, National Health Service, cyber-attack, emergency patients USFDA found birds flying in warehouse, lack of toilet paper at United Breweries plant A Mobile application revolutionises the health service delivery in Bengaluru slums Buyout giants in talks with Wockhardt for domestic formulations business Millets and other ancient grains have been brought into the PDS system as well: Prashant Parameswaran Healthcare industry disappointed with lack of incentives in the Budget By Jill Dupleix | 8 March 2019 Anna Pavoni, Ormeggio at The Spit Female chefs are starting to step into the spotlight, but the vast number of women in the hospitality sector doesn’t get the recognition and appreciation they deserve. It’s why, notes Jill Dupleix, female restaurateurs are getting militant and doing it for themselves. They are administrators, accountants, front of house, human resources managers, marketing directors, events organisers and social media co-ordinators. They are, of necessity, self-taught experts on immigration laws, staff contracts, compliance, health and safety, and property management. They’ll wait tables
struggles: “they saysay she tutor demons, lah. saysay mice dance to her finger snap and a pelesit :.Animistic spirit frequently aligned with Polong.: does her bidding. saysay sa-rukup rang bumi :. World Coverer .: fly to her window and call her mother. they saysay a lot.” In rereading a portion of that chapter just now, I’m delighted to discover that I found it infinitely easier to parse out. But I’m not here to theorize on the potential benefits of rereading. I’m here to talk simply about what I’ve read. And I just couldn’t wrap my head around this book enough to see the meaningful connections I know Danielewski wanted me to find. A second pass appears to be mandatory for me if I’m to truly get everything I can out of this and I’m unsure how I feel about that. I don’t mind putting the work into reading a book that I feel deserves it, but I’ve never encountered one that seemed to ask quite so much of me. At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair to consider that a fault or a flaw. Still, I am far from all sour grapes and disappointment. On the contrary, I couldn’t be looking forward to reading Volume 2 more. I know I’ve only just entered a labyrinth and that it’s here that it feels the most daunting. But I’m willing to let Danielewski lead me deeper because right now? I still trust that what I’ll find at the end will be well worth it. SELF-GROWTH KIND BADASS LET'S HELP JILLIAN BLACK KRISTIN FEHRMAN Here's the Scoop on Friday's Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Will Help You Release the Past and Make Awesome Changes In astrology, the Moon rules our emotional body and intuition. Allows us to feel and reminds us that we are so much more than just what we see. All full moons are powerful, but eclipses are some of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas of our lives that need focus or change. They’re the “wild cards” in our horoscopes. Designed to uproot, surprise, and ultimately shake things up to get us moving. Of all the lunar activity we experience, the Blood Moon Total Eclipse happening on Friday, July 27th is going to be one of the most potent. The longest total lunar eclipse in a century is about to happen — here's how Earth will color the moon blood-red Wait, what's a blood moon? A “blood moon” is a name given to the moon during a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting the moon into shadow. Unlike with a solar eclipse, when the moon passes between the Earth and sun, blocking the sun’s light, the moon is not “turned dark” during an eclipse, but instead appears to turn red. Super cool! “If the Earth was a big smooth ball with no atmosphere that would be the end of the subject, it would just go dark, like with a new moon,” said Chris Tinney, professor in the physics department at the University of New South Wales. “But because there is light scattered through the atmosphere of the Earth, some of the sun’s light gets bounced around the edge of the Earth to hit the moon.” Because blue and violet wavelengths are scattered more than red and orange ones, more of the red wavelengths reach the moon, making the moon appear red. Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Why is it extra potent? -During this eclipse, the sun is in exact opposition to Mars. Therefor Mars is conjunct the full moon. -All three square Uranus while Mercury has just stationed retrograde. -It is the longest Lunar Eclipse we will have this century. -Lasting 103 minutes. -Last one that was this long happened 120 years ago. What's gonna happen to me? All full moons result in some stirring, but eclipses are like full moons on steroids. Falling in the air sign of Aquarius on July 27th, this Blood Moon Total Eclipse is going to bring up all sorts of feelings in order shift and upgrade us to a
struggles: “they saysay she tutor demons, lah. saysay mice dance to her finger snap and a pelesit :.Animistic spirit frequently aligned with Polong.: does her bidding. saysay sa-rukup rang bumi :. World Coverer .: fly to her window and call her mother. they saysay a lot.” In rereading a portion of that chapter just now, I’m delighted to discover that I found it infinitely easier to parse out. But I’m not here to theorize on the potential benefits of rereading. I’m here to talk simply about what I’ve read. And I just couldn’t wrap my head around this book enough to see the meaningful connections I know Danielewski wanted me to find. A second pass appears to be mandatory for me if I’m to truly get everything I can out of this and I’m unsure how I feel about that. I don’t mind putting the work into reading a book that I feel deserves it, but I’ve never encountered one that seemed to ask quite so much of me. At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair to consider that a fault or a flaw. Still, I am far from all sour grapes and disappointment. On the contrary, I couldn’t be looking forward to reading Volume 2 more. I know I’ve only just entered a labyrinth and that it’s here that it feels the most daunting. But I’m willing to let Danielewski lead me deeper because right now? I still trust that what I’ll find at the end will be well worth it. SELF-GROWTH KIND BADASS LET'S HELP JILLIAN BLACK KRISTIN FEHRMAN Here's the Scoop on Friday's Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Will Help You Release the Past and Make Awesome Changes In astrology, the Moon rules our emotional body and intuition. Allows us to feel and reminds us that we are so much more than just what we see. All full moons are powerful, but eclipses are some of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas of our lives that need focus or change. They’re the “wild cards” in our horoscopes. Designed to uproot, surprise, and ultimately shake things up to get us moving. Of all the lunar activity we experience, the Blood Moon Total Eclipse happening on Friday, July 27th is going to be one of the most potent. The longest total lunar eclipse in a century is about to happen — here's how Earth will color the moon blood-red Wait, what's a blood moon? A “blood moon” is a name given to the moon during a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting the moon into shadow. Unlike with a solar eclipse, when the moon passes between the Earth and sun, blocking the sun’s light, the moon is not “turned dark” during an eclipse, but instead appears to turn red. Super cool! “If the Earth was a big smooth ball with no atmosphere that would be the end of the subject, it would just go dark, like with a new moon,” said Chris Tinney, professor in the physics department at the University of New South Wales. “But because there is light scattered through the atmosphere of the Earth, some of the sun’s light gets bounced around the edge of the Earth to hit the moon.” Because blue and violet wavelengths are scattered more than red and orange ones, more of the red wavelengths reach the moon, making the moon appear red. Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Why is it extra potent? -During this eclipse, the sun is in exact opposition to Mars. Therefor Mars is conjunct the full moon. -All three square Uranus while Mercury has just stationed retrograde. -It is the longest Lunar Eclipse we will have this century. -Lasting 103 minutes. -Last one that was this long happened 120 years ago. What's gonna happen to me? All full moons result in some stirring, but eclipses are like full moons on steroids. Falling in the air sign of Aquarius on July 27th, this Blood Moon Total Eclipse is going to bring up all sorts of feelings in order shift and upgrade us to a
new level. Aquarius energy is all about the bigger picture - less "I" and more "we". You may have already been feeling the activation of old pains... that's because you're getting ready to transform and shed the old shit that super sucks for you. As the blood moon comes to a close, you should feel an impending sense of change. Of course change never comes without the loss of something else... out with the old to make room for the new. Whether it's a relationship, project, career, belief, etc. It was right around the time of last year's solar eclipse that I started contemplating a move to LA... which I did a few months later. After also getting a dog. This eclipse is going to be the strongest for those with Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo in their signs (sun, moon, rising) - but also any planets in your natal chart under Aquarius will feel effects. I'm a Capricorn, who's not far from being an Aquarius cusp, but my moon sign is Aquarius, to which I'm deeply connected. I'm a total moon goddess. Also my Jupiter is Aquarius. I've been feeling the effects of this change for weeks, if not months. I'm ready to rumble. Let's f*ckin' do this. Blood Moon 2018: Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century this Week! Are any of my signs or planets in Aquarius? I don't know. But you can easily find out by inputting your birth info here. Warning you're going to discover all sorts of stuff about yourself and become hooked on astrology. You're welcome. As the longest Lunar Eclipse we'll ever experience, this is an opportunity for us to dig deep, and reach further to clear and let go of all that we no longer want to carry. This is a time for us to purge, cleanse, and detoxify. This full moon in particular is about releasing things from the past that no longer serve us. Here's an easy ritual to take advantage of all this moon power. Where and when can I see it? The best view of the eclipse will be from east Africa, the Middle East, across to India and the westernmost tip of China. But there still be reasonable views for people in the rest of Africa, Europe, other parts of Asia, Australia and the eastern tip of South America. Unfortunately North America and Greenland are the only places that will miss out on the view... but we'll still feel the effects. Like whoa! #kindakind #kindnessisbadass #articles Home / World View / How Fast Is a Suzuki Katana 600? How Fast Is a Suzuki Katana 600? The Suzuki Katana 600 has a maximum speed of 140 miles per hour. This speed is generated from a 600cc incline-four engine that generates up to 80 horsepower and can get up to 50 miles to the gallon. The Suzuki Katana 600 is officially known as the GSX600F Katana motorcycle. The Katana 600 was first manufactured by Suzuki in 1988. In Australia, the model was produced only between 1988 and 1991. The Suzuki Katana 600 has a seat height of approximately 785 millimeters. The front forks of this motorcycle are fitted with inner tubes 41 millimeters long, giving the vehicle extra rigidity and precision in steering. New brain-hand connection research aims to improve therapies, prosthetics Posted by Heather Beshears / Professor Marco Santello (left) and students in his lab conduct experiments in sensory and cognitive abilities. In the test pictured here, a student reaches to grasp a grip device equipped with force and torque sensors. Vision is blocked at the onset of the object lift by wearing liquid-crystal goggles to remove feedback of the grasp performance. The effect of removing visual feedback of performance errors is quantified by analyzing digit force and position coordination on the subsequent trial. With Santello are (left to right) doctoral student Michael Cooperhouse, neuroengineering graduate student Matthew Medow (wearing goggles) and graduate student Megha Chaudhary, all biomedical engineering students. Photo: Jessica Slater/ASU Research at Arizona State University
taken him around the world, including Paris, Vienna and even on a 5-star cruise ship across the Pacific. His interest in traditional regional American foods, as well as in seasonal products gathered from local farms, not to mention beer, make him a terrific match for the Portsmouth Brewery. Hero Profile » About Todd Sweet <p style="text-align: left;">Prior to his arrival at the <a href="http://www.portsmouthbrewery.com/">Portsmouth Brewery</a> in the fall of 2009, Chef Sweet served as chef at the Shaker Table at the Canterbury Shaker Village where he researched and developed dishes following the Shaker style and spirit of cooking. He was also the primary instructor at the Shaker Table School of Cookery. Previously, he was a full-time faculty member at the McIntosh Atlantic Culinary Academy where he was the lead instructor in American Regional Cuisine. Chef Sweet is an ACF-Certified Executive Chef. Having worked in professional kitchens since age 12, he received his formal education at the Culinary Institute of America. His work has taken him around the world, including Paris, Vienna and even on a 5-star cruise ship across the Pacific.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">His interest in traditional regional American foods, as well as in seasonal products gathered from local farms, not to mention beer, make him a terrific match for the Portsmouth Brewery.</p> Coffee-Rubbed Beef Tenderloin Skewers w/ Red Onion Mustard & Garlic Cream Garlic Cream Sauce Red Onion Mustard Portsmouth Brewery http://www.portsmouthbrewery.com/ Todd Sweet Tom Cruise Gets Tough in 'Jack Reacher' Here's a trailer for Tom Cruise's next action flick Jack Reacher, a hardboiled drifter movie based on the popular series of books by Lee Child. Here's a trailer for Tom Cruise's next action flick Jack Reacher, a hardboiled drifter movie based on the popular series of books by Lee Child. Reacher is supposed to be well over six feet and thickly, strongly built. So, naturally director Christopher McQuarrie cast Tom Cruise. That's been Reacher fans' main complaint about this movie, that Cruise is so miscast that he basically changes the entire story. But hey, it's Tommy's birthday so we're not going to say anything mean about how he's a tiny person or anything. We'll just say that you don't see much in this trailer, though there is at least a little fighting and some moody city streets that look to be, if we're not mistaken, Pittsburgh. Jack Reacher is apparently looking into the murder of five people, but that's really the only plot description out there. (It's based specifically on the novel One Shot, so, eh, look it up.) Now that Tom is single and ready to mingle, will this tough guy role win him some lady fans? Will it win him any fans? Cruise can be good at the dark serious stuff — see Collateral — but he's really most at home when things are a little airier, like in his recent smash hit Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, for example. This, though, looks to be on the less funny end of the spectrum, so we'll have to wait and see if he can sell it. And see it we should. He's having a rough couple of weeks, you guys. A divorce, turning 50.... That's a lot to deal with. Tom needs this one. ePayments will Stop the Operations with Cryptocurrencies and Update the Terms of Service Blockchain Association > Blockchain Today > ePayments will Stop the Operations with Cryptocurrencies and Update the Terms of Service The ePayments payment system announced the continuation of operations and announced a change in the terms of service. We are getting ready to start working together again. Please visit our blog to read the latest news: https://t.co/5Agdtij7OI — ePayments (@myepayments) September 14, 2020 Under the new rules, individuals will be able to receive payments only from companies and will only be able to send money to their own accounts
taken him around the world, including Paris, Vienna and even on a 5-star cruise ship across the Pacific. His interest in traditional regional American foods, as well as in seasonal products gathered from local farms, not to mention beer, make him a terrific match for the Portsmouth Brewery. Hero Profile » About Todd Sweet <p style="text-align: left;">Prior to his arrival at the <a href="http://www.portsmouthbrewery.com/">Portsmouth Brewery</a> in the fall of 2009, Chef Sweet served as chef at the Shaker Table at the Canterbury Shaker Village where he researched and developed dishes following the Shaker style and spirit of cooking. He was also the primary instructor at the Shaker Table School of Cookery. Previously, he was a full-time faculty member at the McIntosh Atlantic Culinary Academy where he was the lead instructor in American Regional Cuisine. Chef Sweet is an ACF-Certified Executive Chef. Having worked in professional kitchens since age 12, he received his formal education at the Culinary Institute of America. His work has taken him around the world, including Paris, Vienna and even on a 5-star cruise ship across the Pacific.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">His interest in traditional regional American foods, as well as in seasonal products gathered from local farms, not to mention beer, make him a terrific match for the Portsmouth Brewery.</p> Coffee-Rubbed Beef Tenderloin Skewers w/ Red Onion Mustard & Garlic Cream Garlic Cream Sauce Red Onion Mustard Portsmouth Brewery http://www.portsmouthbrewery.com/ Todd Sweet Tom Cruise Gets Tough in 'Jack Reacher' Here's a trailer for Tom Cruise's next action flick Jack Reacher, a hardboiled drifter movie based on the popular series of books by Lee Child. Here's a trailer for Tom Cruise's next action flick Jack Reacher, a hardboiled drifter movie based on the popular series of books by Lee Child. Reacher is supposed to be well over six feet and thickly, strongly built. So, naturally director Christopher McQuarrie cast Tom Cruise. That's been Reacher fans' main complaint about this movie, that Cruise is so miscast that he basically changes the entire story. But hey, it's Tommy's birthday so we're not going to say anything mean about how he's a tiny person or anything. We'll just say that you don't see much in this trailer, though there is at least a little fighting and some moody city streets that look to be, if we're not mistaken, Pittsburgh. Jack Reacher is apparently looking into the murder of five people, but that's really the only plot description out there. (It's based specifically on the novel One Shot, so, eh, look it up.) Now that Tom is single and ready to mingle, will this tough guy role win him some lady fans? Will it win him any fans? Cruise can be good at the dark serious stuff — see Collateral — but he's really most at home when things are a little airier, like in his recent smash hit Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, for example. This, though, looks to be on the less funny end of the spectrum, so we'll have to wait and see if he can sell it. And see it we should. He's having a rough couple of weeks, you guys. A divorce, turning 50.... That's a lot to deal with. Tom needs this one. ePayments will Stop the Operations with Cryptocurrencies and Update the Terms of Service Blockchain Association > Blockchain Today > ePayments will Stop the Operations with Cryptocurrencies and Update the Terms of Service The ePayments payment system announced the continuation of operations and announced a change in the terms of service. We are getting ready to start working together again. Please visit our blog to read the latest news: https://t.co/5Agdtij7OI — ePayments (@myepayments) September 14, 2020 Under the new rules, individuals will be able to receive payments only from companies and will only be able to send money to their own accounts
. Payment will be accepted via bank transfer, bank cards and alternative payment methods such as prepaid service cards. At the same time, ePayments will refuse to work with digital assets: “We will no longer offer access to cryptocurrency,” the statement said. The changes also affected the internal control system of ePayments. The company will introduce digital authentication, including biometric technologies, and improve monitoring of client accounts. In the near future, ePayments will ask customers for up-to-date information to comply with the KYC requirements, as this is an important step in bringing the service into compliance with the requirements of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). “This process is an important step toward allowing us to start enabling you to access the funds inside your ePayments account in the future,” the company noted. Further operations will be possible only after the competition of the data update. Artem2020-09-15T16:18:57+00:00September 15th, 2020| Education / News UCLA Professor Earns NSF Award for Rapid Electronics 3D Printing Xiaoyu Zheng, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California Los Angeles’ (UCLA) Samueli School of Engineering, has obtained a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award which will aid him in developing new rapid 3D printing processes for electronic components. The award, which is the NSF’s highest honor for faculty members in the early stages of their careers, includes a five-year $525,000 grant to support Zheng’s research group. He joins more than 20 UCLA Samueli faculty members who have received an NSF CAREER award since 2016. Xiaoyu Zheng, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and mechanical and mechanical and aerospace engineering, at UCLA Samueli. Photo via UCLA Samueli. 3D printing at UCLA Samueli Zheng leads the Additive Manufacturing and Metamaterials Laboratory at UCLA Samueli and has won several other awards in the past from the likes of the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the US Air Force, and the US Office of Naval Research. UCLA Samueli has conducted years of pioneering research into 3D printing materials and technologies, having previously applied its findings to help protect NFL players from head trauma injuries with 3D printed lattices, and create an artificial “brain” that could teach artificially intelligent (AI) products such as autonomous vehicles to perceive the world around them. In 2019, UCLA Samueli was awarded a $1.5 million grant from the NSF to develop environmentally-friendly concrete suitable for 3D printing, and has since investigated ways to enhance the strength of hydrogels that could be used to create artificial tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Last year, a group of Samueli researchers, including Zheng, devised a means of producing 3D printed electronics that was five times quicker than conventional means. The team’s two-step method involved lining 3D printed shapes with electrostatic charges, and dipping them repeatably in resin mixed with electronically conductive materials until a 3D structure was formed. UCLA’s 3D printed artificial neural network. Photo via UCLA Samueli / Ozcan Research Group New 3D printing processes for electronics Zheng’s research involves developing new rapid 3D printing processes that leverage multiple materials including metals, plastics and ceramics for the production of complex microstructures with a wide array of functions. Armed with the CAREER award grant, Zheng and his research group will explore new additive manufacturing processes capable of producing multi-material components for robots that contain electronic and structural materials. Additionally, the technology developed through the research could potentially be applied to various applications within the energy, healthcare, aerospace, and automotive sectors. To develop a new generation of 3D printing processes, Zheng’s research group draws knowledge from mechanics, optics, and material science to create multi-functional materials and all-in-one devices with controlled topologies, compositions, and multi-scale features. Zheng’s primary focus is to ensure the newly developed micro and nano 3D printing processes are both high-volume and scal
. The long-term effects of observing this policy would be very good. Envisage how much we could help our environment if nothing was wasted. By adopting a zero waste and full recycle policy, we could do so much to protect our environment. Our planet has suffered a lot, and it is time to take larger steps to becoming green. To assist with this policy, collection bins could be put beside the roadways. Each individual collection bin would hold a certain type of recyclable item. Items that need to be collected individually are plastic bottles, tins, cardboards, and other dry material. Paper is manufactured from cut trees and so it must be recycled often. It is not hard to recycle paper when it is sorted from other materials. Plastic must be collected in a different bin because it is difficult to recycle. With continuing efforts from more and more people, we can help to prevent further harm to our planet even though we cannot wipe off the damage that has already been done. The ultimate answer to the issue is to practice a greener lifestyle. It is growing into more than something that is a passing trend, and it is becoming a must policy. If more people are prepared to do what it takes, we can look forward to a better world with minimal pollution. Food scraps can be placed in biodegradable bags and then put in in slop buckets. Glass, which is viewed to be more valuable, must be placed in a separate container too. Due to its non-contamination properties, glass has to be kept separate even though it would seem possible that it could be stored with other dry waste stuff. Perishable garden waste can be placed in the same collection bin as food waste. Anything else, in addition to what has been mentioned, should be gotten rid of according to its nature. The rate of a material’s decomposition determines the manner of disposal. By following these procedures, full recycling and zero waste can be achieved. Different horny twinks. Warning ! Gay! SimaPro has been the world’s leading LCA software package for 25 years. It is trusted by industry and academics in more than 80 countries. SimaPro was developed to help you effectively apply your LCA expertise to drive change – to provide the facts needed to create sustainable value. Metsims is SimaPro's solution partner in Turkey and it is the only authorized representative for sales, support and training. Flirty textured lace made for contemporary edge. This amorous skirt features a feminine silhouette and trumpet hem. Style with the Baroque Beauty Tank for a look that charms with dark modern romance. Sheffield Castle was a castle in Sheffield, England, constructed at the confluence of the River Sheaf and the River Don, possibly on the site of a former Anglo-Saxon long house, and dominating the early town. A motte and bailey castle had been constructed on the site at some time in the century following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. This was destroyed in the Second Barons' War. Construction of a second castle, this time in stone, began four years later in 1270. Text from this original Sheffield Castle article on Wikipedia. Image Copyright Gregory Deryckère (http://www.smokefiledroom.co.uk) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons. The publication of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900) was a landmark 20th-century event. On the one hand, the book recognized the dream as a “royal road to the unconscious,” while on the other, it turned the dream from a work of the imagination into something that could be folded, spindled and mutilated through clinical visits. For multidisciplinary artist John Graham, “Dreams know the truth of the world,” and as such are more generously expressed through the arts than through reductive scientifi c methodologies. Graham’s emphasis on “spontaneous juxtapositions that create open, metaphorical relationships” can be found in etchings such as Now Watched (2016). Here, over a yellow fi eld patched with black paw
. The long-term effects of observing this policy would be very good. Envisage how much we could help our environment if nothing was wasted. By adopting a zero waste and full recycle policy, we could do so much to protect our environment. Our planet has suffered a lot, and it is time to take larger steps to becoming green. To assist with this policy, collection bins could be put beside the roadways. Each individual collection bin would hold a certain type of recyclable item. Items that need to be collected individually are plastic bottles, tins, cardboards, and other dry material. Paper is manufactured from cut trees and so it must be recycled often. It is not hard to recycle paper when it is sorted from other materials. Plastic must be collected in a different bin because it is difficult to recycle. With continuing efforts from more and more people, we can help to prevent further harm to our planet even though we cannot wipe off the damage that has already been done. The ultimate answer to the issue is to practice a greener lifestyle. It is growing into more than something that is a passing trend, and it is becoming a must policy. If more people are prepared to do what it takes, we can look forward to a better world with minimal pollution. Food scraps can be placed in biodegradable bags and then put in in slop buckets. Glass, which is viewed to be more valuable, must be placed in a separate container too. Due to its non-contamination properties, glass has to be kept separate even though it would seem possible that it could be stored with other dry waste stuff. Perishable garden waste can be placed in the same collection bin as food waste. Anything else, in addition to what has been mentioned, should be gotten rid of according to its nature. The rate of a material’s decomposition determines the manner of disposal. By following these procedures, full recycling and zero waste can be achieved. Different horny twinks. Warning ! Gay! SimaPro has been the world’s leading LCA software package for 25 years. It is trusted by industry and academics in more than 80 countries. SimaPro was developed to help you effectively apply your LCA expertise to drive change – to provide the facts needed to create sustainable value. Metsims is SimaPro's solution partner in Turkey and it is the only authorized representative for sales, support and training. Flirty textured lace made for contemporary edge. This amorous skirt features a feminine silhouette and trumpet hem. Style with the Baroque Beauty Tank for a look that charms with dark modern romance. Sheffield Castle was a castle in Sheffield, England, constructed at the confluence of the River Sheaf and the River Don, possibly on the site of a former Anglo-Saxon long house, and dominating the early town. A motte and bailey castle had been constructed on the site at some time in the century following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. This was destroyed in the Second Barons' War. Construction of a second castle, this time in stone, began four years later in 1270. Text from this original Sheffield Castle article on Wikipedia. Image Copyright Gregory Deryckère (http://www.smokefiledroom.co.uk) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons. The publication of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900) was a landmark 20th-century event. On the one hand, the book recognized the dream as a “royal road to the unconscious,” while on the other, it turned the dream from a work of the imagination into something that could be folded, spindled and mutilated through clinical visits. For multidisciplinary artist John Graham, “Dreams know the truth of the world,” and as such are more generously expressed through the arts than through reductive scientifi c methodologies. Graham’s emphasis on “spontaneous juxtapositions that create open, metaphorical relationships” can be found in etchings such as Now Watched (2016). Here, over a yellow fi eld patched with black paw
prints and a quarter-sectioned square portal, a cat with a human head frolics before a cat-headed human fi gure. At fi rst glance, the human fi gure appears to be looking on thoughtfully, its hands under its chin. But on closer inspection, the hands are not so much supporting their head as trying to remove it, as if it were a mask. Everybody who was alive in America on 9-11-01 and the next day remembers what they were doing during that tragedy. My situation was unique as a brand-new White instructor at an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities): Texas College of Tyler. I taught Developmental English. I used my own textbook (and kept adding to it) for the course, worked on a website, and tutored Spanish. The vast majority of profs at the small bachelor’s level liberal arts college had many courses to teach; some upper-division classes were taught only once every four semesters. An older-than average lady student (future “A”) came to my door from the Developmental Reading instructor’s lobby and asserted, “Mr. Meyer, something really bad is happening. I think you should come look at the TV.” I told my class that I’d be right back, and they were working in the Writing lab anyway. Then I saw the shocking sight of the twin skyscrapers burning from the crashed jet. My initial reaction was shock through assuming pilot error–a dumb but very unintentional act. I quickly learned how wrong was my guess–something vastly worse: suicide terrorists. The next day (Or was it two days later?), all of the staff tried to console our students. Yes, it was two days later; the college was closed the following day. I recalled which student I’d been talking with right before the crash. Several weeks later, I drove him to a local doctor for help with his sickle-cell anemia. Then I apologized for my short-lived guess of pilot error. But my conclusion was that tragedy doesn’t always follow bad times. Tragedy can occur after what had been an average, good, or great day. News & Offers Clearance Items. Save up to 50% off on some of our previous design demos and promotional items with FULL WARRANTY and IMMEDIATE shipment. Contact Us regarding additional information and purchasing of these items. Listen Charlie Parker songs and lyrics from youtube Charles Christopher "Bird" Parker, Jr (29th August 1920 – 12th March 1955) was an American bebop saxophonist and composer. Early in his career Parker was dubbed Yardbird; this was later shortened to 'Bird' (or sometimes 'Yard') and remained Parker's nickname for the rest of his life and inspiration for the titles of his works such as "Ornithology and Yardbird Suite". Parker is commonly considered the greatest bebop jazz musician. In terms of influence and impact, his contribution to jazz was so great that Charles Mingus commented that if Bird were alive today, he would think he was living in a hall of mirrors. Bird's talent is compared almost without argument to such legendary musicians as Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington, and his reputation and legend as one of the best saxophonists is such that some critics say he was unsurpassed. A founding figure of bebop, Parker's innovative approach to melody, rhythm and harmony have exerted an incalculable influence on jazz.. Several of Parker's songs have become standards of the repertoire, and innumerable musicians have studied Parker's music and absorbed elements of his style. Parker became an icon for the Beat generation, and was a pivotal figure in the evolving conception of the jazz musician as an uncompromising artist and intellectual, rather than just a popular entertainer. At various times, Parker fused jazz with other musical styles, from classical (seeking to study with Edgard Varese and Stefan Wolpe) to Latin music (recordings with Machito), blazing paths followed later by others. Parker was known for often showing up to performances without an instrument and borrowing someone else's at the last moment. At more than one venue he played on a plastic Grafton saxophone; later, saxophonist Ornette Coleman used this brand of plastic sax in his early career. On one particular occasion before a concert in Toronto, Canada, he had sold
icole Gurran shine a light on the strategies, political alignment and policy platforms of eight lobby groups that can influence this election. We see their spokespeople quoted in the papers and their ads on TV, but beyond that we know very little about how Australia’s lobby groups get what they want. Housing affordability and tax reform have shaped up to be two of the defining issues this election. The Property Council of Australia – which describes itself as “the Voice of Leadership” – has helped frame the debate on behalf of its 2200 company members. The council began as the Building Owners and Managers’ Association of Australia (BOMA) in 1969, and was renamed the Property Council of Australia in 1996, with advocacy a core focus. The Residential Development Council and International and Capital Markets division were formed in 2001 and the Retirement Living Council in 2015. With a board of directors drawn from Australia’s largest residential and commercial developers, the Property Council’s considerable annual revenue (A$27.3 million in 2015) is drawn primarily from membership fees and services. The financial stakes are high when it comes to lobbying for regulatory settings which favour property development and investment. The Property Council’s healthy budget for advocacy and communication ($6.4 million and $1 million in 2015 alone) has generated a voluminous amount of reports, advertising campaigns and government submissions on taxation and planning reform. Another $7.2 million for “networking” ensures that this information is disseminated where it counts. These deep coffers have funded the Council’s high profile television campaign to preserve negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts in response to mooted changes early this year. Likening the housing market to a fragile house of cards on the brink of collapse, the ad (released on 22 February) carried a menacing warning, “don’t play with property.” The government has got the message. The Treasurer, Scott Morrison, who served as National Policy and Research Manager for the Council between 1989-1995 ruled out changes to negative gearing in the lead up to the 2016 Budget. Despite speaking out against negative gearing prior to becoming Prime Minister, Malcom Turnbull also changed his tune recently, rejecting “reckless” changes to existing arrangements and suggesting that aspiring home buyers hit up their parents for help. While the campaign to retain negative gearing is the Property Council’s most visible, behind the scenes the council has been busy meeting with government and writing submissions. In 2015 alone, the NSW division wrote 55 submissions and attended an extraordinary 230 government meetings. Its 2016 election brochure presents a number of “solutions” to “grow the economy through property”. Here are some highlights. Negative gearing and the CGT The council wants to retain negative gearing (which allow interest rates and other expenses associated with housing investment to be offset against total income) and capital gains tax discounts on investment properties. This is despite substantial evidence that these bonuses stimulate demand for housing, pushing up prices and leaving first home buyers unable to compete. But by framing housing affordability problems as a symptom of supply side pressures rather than demand side incentives, the council shifts the affordability debate to planning reform. Housing and planning reform Current incentives for property investment (such as negative gearing) don’t target new housing supply - only a small proportion of investor loans finance new dwellings. So the Council argues that Commonwealth payments to the states for “micro economic reform” should incentivise planning system changes needed to “turbocharge housing supply pipelines and deliver innovative affordable housing solutions.” This is a tired argument which ignores the years of planning reform already undertaken by the states and territories, while levels of new housing production are currently at their highest in decades. This supply has done little to dampen price inflation in a market awash with domestic and foreign investors. While the Property Council always bangs on about bottlenecks in housing supply (which it argues are caused by planning system constraints), such arguments miss the obvious issue that prices are a result of an interaction of supply and demand. What the combination of negative gearing and capital gains tax do is to drive demand so hard in boom times that
icole Gurran shine a light on the strategies, political alignment and policy platforms of eight lobby groups that can influence this election. We see their spokespeople quoted in the papers and their ads on TV, but beyond that we know very little about how Australia’s lobby groups get what they want. Housing affordability and tax reform have shaped up to be two of the defining issues this election. The Property Council of Australia – which describes itself as “the Voice of Leadership” – has helped frame the debate on behalf of its 2200 company members. The council began as the Building Owners and Managers’ Association of Australia (BOMA) in 1969, and was renamed the Property Council of Australia in 1996, with advocacy a core focus. The Residential Development Council and International and Capital Markets division were formed in 2001 and the Retirement Living Council in 2015. With a board of directors drawn from Australia’s largest residential and commercial developers, the Property Council’s considerable annual revenue (A$27.3 million in 2015) is drawn primarily from membership fees and services. The financial stakes are high when it comes to lobbying for regulatory settings which favour property development and investment. The Property Council’s healthy budget for advocacy and communication ($6.4 million and $1 million in 2015 alone) has generated a voluminous amount of reports, advertising campaigns and government submissions on taxation and planning reform. Another $7.2 million for “networking” ensures that this information is disseminated where it counts. These deep coffers have funded the Council’s high profile television campaign to preserve negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts in response to mooted changes early this year. Likening the housing market to a fragile house of cards on the brink of collapse, the ad (released on 22 February) carried a menacing warning, “don’t play with property.” The government has got the message. The Treasurer, Scott Morrison, who served as National Policy and Research Manager for the Council between 1989-1995 ruled out changes to negative gearing in the lead up to the 2016 Budget. Despite speaking out against negative gearing prior to becoming Prime Minister, Malcom Turnbull also changed his tune recently, rejecting “reckless” changes to existing arrangements and suggesting that aspiring home buyers hit up their parents for help. While the campaign to retain negative gearing is the Property Council’s most visible, behind the scenes the council has been busy meeting with government and writing submissions. In 2015 alone, the NSW division wrote 55 submissions and attended an extraordinary 230 government meetings. Its 2016 election brochure presents a number of “solutions” to “grow the economy through property”. Here are some highlights. Negative gearing and the CGT The council wants to retain negative gearing (which allow interest rates and other expenses associated with housing investment to be offset against total income) and capital gains tax discounts on investment properties. This is despite substantial evidence that these bonuses stimulate demand for housing, pushing up prices and leaving first home buyers unable to compete. But by framing housing affordability problems as a symptom of supply side pressures rather than demand side incentives, the council shifts the affordability debate to planning reform. Housing and planning reform Current incentives for property investment (such as negative gearing) don’t target new housing supply - only a small proportion of investor loans finance new dwellings. So the Council argues that Commonwealth payments to the states for “micro economic reform” should incentivise planning system changes needed to “turbocharge housing supply pipelines and deliver innovative affordable housing solutions.” This is a tired argument which ignores the years of planning reform already undertaken by the states and territories, while levels of new housing production are currently at their highest in decades. This supply has done little to dampen price inflation in a market awash with domestic and foreign investors. While the Property Council always bangs on about bottlenecks in housing supply (which it argues are caused by planning system constraints), such arguments miss the obvious issue that prices are a result of an interaction of supply and demand. What the combination of negative gearing and capital gains tax do is to drive demand so hard in boom times that
even with sharp increases in supply, prices keep on rising, especially in today’s low interest environment. The chart below shows this problem with respect to Sydney. It shows dwelling completions falling slowly when prices flatlined after the 1996-2004 boom, but rising in line with price inflation from mid 2011 on. Prices: Department of Family and Community Services, Rent and Sales Report. Source: Completions. NSW Department of Planning, CC BY-SA The Council’s election platform does call for institutional investment in affordable and social housing, and this is one idea worth taking up. Cities and Infrastructure The Property Council support long term infrastructure planning and delivery, coordinated by Infrastructure Australia. Who doesn’t? But the problem is how to assign the costs and benefits. Land value rises due to investments in public infrastructure – such as a new rail line or road – are typically pocketed by landowners and developers. Commonwealth and state governments are now canvassing value capture arrangements which would use some of this uplift to offset costs of provision. The council oppose this model, instead suggesting Tax Increment Financing (TIF), which leverages increases to commercial rates in defined districts. While popular in some parts of the US, it has not been proven effective for larger schemes. It would be difficult to implement in Australia because our recurrent property charges are much lower than the US. The Property Council also wants existing development contributions towards basic facilities like open space, local roads, and footpaths to be wound back, along with stamp duties on property transactions. The idea of removing stamp duty has some merit (at least for domestic purchasers), since taxes on property transactions can discourage mobility, deterring retirees from moving to a smaller home, for example. But experts think stamp duty should be replaced by land taxes, to encourage more efficient use of land. This would also provide a mechanism for capturing back values arising from public infrastructure investment. Not surprisingly, the Property Council thinks otherwise, calling instead for a higher GST. While the Property Council complains about unfair tax burdens on its members, they seem content to spend a lot of money on their advocacy and networking activities. Described by economists as “premium seeking expenditure”, lobbying for more generous regulatory and financial settings clearly promises a high return for the property sector. But it’s important to remember that despite their size, the Property Council only represents a portion of the development, construction, and real estate industry - they don’t really cover many smaller suburban developers or house builders. The question is whether the “Voice of Leadership” will dominate the agenda or whether wider perspectives on housing and cities will be heard. Authored by Professor Nicole Gurran and Professor Peter Phibbs, Urban and Regional Planning and Policy, in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. First published at The Conversation. More on our researc h in housing and policy in Australia. Mandy Campbell Media & PR Adviser [email protected] Mini Roos Under 6 to Under 11 Our Mini Roos small sided football is for players aged between 5 and 10 at the start of the season. We aim to have fun and teach the basic skills of football. All players that sign on in Mini Roos also take part in the Brisbane Roar Development Program for 5 weeks. Registration Cost: $350 inc GST for the season which includes the Brisbane Roar 5 week Development Program. Brisbane Roar 5wk Program Starts: Thursday 5th of March 2020 & continues for the next 5 weeks. Sessions will be held at The North Lakes State College fields, Innovation Pl., North Lakes. Roar Program Times: U6 & U7 - 4:30pm to 5:20pm U10 & U11 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm *Please arrive 10minutes before the session starts and bring water and insect repellent. All players MUST wear shin pads* All players are required to play in club shorts, socks and are required to arrive at games wearing a club training shirt. Each player must also wear shin pads during both training and games. Football boots are not mandatory but recommended. Visit our ONLINE SHOP to
roll calls of the states before James A. Garfield, a supporter of Blaine, was nominated. There had been substantial opposition to the concept of a third term, and Grant personally had expressed growing doubts as tensions grew in the convention hall and balloting continued, until a dark horse, Garfield, finally won the nomination. The fact that Grant was very consistent in delegate votes throughout the long balloting was impressive, but he never was able to gain more than a few additional delegates, and fell short by 62 delegates on the 35th ballot, before Garfield surged to victory. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) (1893-1897) is the only president to win, then lose, and then regain the presidency. In an era of Republican dominance, the conservative Cleveland was the only Democratic president between James Buchanan before the Civil War and Woodrow Wilson in 1913. He is best remembered for supporting the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), supporting a lower protective tariff that only came about in his second term, demonstrating white supremacist views toward African Americans, native Americans, and Asian Americans, intervening in the suppression of the Pullman Strike of 1894 in his second term, and opposing the western free silver crusade headed by William Jennings Bryan in 1896. Cleveland also appointed four Supreme Court Justices in his two terms, and utilized the veto power more times than any president, except for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Cleveland was also an anti imperialist, refusing to annex Hawaii when Benjamin Harrison tried to arrange a treaty as he left office in 1893, refusing to intervene directly in the Cuban war against their Spanish masters in 1895, and opposing the Spanish American War and American intervention in the Filipino Insurrection under his successor, William McKinley. Cleveland had barely won in 1884 against James G. Blaine, and in 1888, he won the national popular vote by about 90,000, but lost in the Electoral College to Benjamin Harrison. As he left office, First Lady Frances Cleveland proclaimed that her husband would be returning to the White House in four years. Indeed, in 1892 Cleveland easily defeated Harrison and came back for another four year term. He is the only president, other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won four elections, to win the popular vote three times. His greatest victory in popular and electoral votes was gained in his third campaign for the presidency. Eight years after leaving office, Cleveland toyed with the idea of trying once again, but realizing the great popularity of Theodore Roosevelt, he declined to announce in what seemed clearly a losing year for Democrats. Instead, Alton B. Parker suffered the worst defeat to date of any presidential candidate in the 1904 election. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) served seven-and-a-half years as president, finishing the term of the assassinated William McKinley and then winning a massive victory in 1904. His mistake was indicating on that election night that he would not run again in 1908. Unwilling to go back on his pledge, he backed Secretary of War William Howard Taft to be his successor. Within a bit more than a year, he became very disenchanted with Taft, who was alienating the progressive wing of the Republican Party in Congress. Finally, he decided to challenge Taft for the Republican presidential nomination in 1912, and was able to win most of the delegates in the dozen states that had presidential primaries that year, but was unable to prevent the incumbent Taft from winning the nomination for reelection. Roosevelt had established himself as a progressive and made the term fashionable, promoting use of the Sherman Antitrust Act against corporations, supporting labor rights, becoming the most active and committed environmental president in American history, advocating pure food and drug regulation, winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his activities in negotiating the peace treaty in the Russo-Japanese War, promoting the building of the Panama Canal, and becoming aggressive in his policies toward Latin America with the “Big Stick” policy and Roosevelt Corollary. Now, Roosevelt decided to form a third party, the Progressive Party, also known by its “Bull Moose” symbol, and run a
roll calls of the states before James A. Garfield, a supporter of Blaine, was nominated. There had been substantial opposition to the concept of a third term, and Grant personally had expressed growing doubts as tensions grew in the convention hall and balloting continued, until a dark horse, Garfield, finally won the nomination. The fact that Grant was very consistent in delegate votes throughout the long balloting was impressive, but he never was able to gain more than a few additional delegates, and fell short by 62 delegates on the 35th ballot, before Garfield surged to victory. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) (1893-1897) is the only president to win, then lose, and then regain the presidency. In an era of Republican dominance, the conservative Cleveland was the only Democratic president between James Buchanan before the Civil War and Woodrow Wilson in 1913. He is best remembered for supporting the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), supporting a lower protective tariff that only came about in his second term, demonstrating white supremacist views toward African Americans, native Americans, and Asian Americans, intervening in the suppression of the Pullman Strike of 1894 in his second term, and opposing the western free silver crusade headed by William Jennings Bryan in 1896. Cleveland also appointed four Supreme Court Justices in his two terms, and utilized the veto power more times than any president, except for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Cleveland was also an anti imperialist, refusing to annex Hawaii when Benjamin Harrison tried to arrange a treaty as he left office in 1893, refusing to intervene directly in the Cuban war against their Spanish masters in 1895, and opposing the Spanish American War and American intervention in the Filipino Insurrection under his successor, William McKinley. Cleveland had barely won in 1884 against James G. Blaine, and in 1888, he won the national popular vote by about 90,000, but lost in the Electoral College to Benjamin Harrison. As he left office, First Lady Frances Cleveland proclaimed that her husband would be returning to the White House in four years. Indeed, in 1892 Cleveland easily defeated Harrison and came back for another four year term. He is the only president, other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won four elections, to win the popular vote three times. His greatest victory in popular and electoral votes was gained in his third campaign for the presidency. Eight years after leaving office, Cleveland toyed with the idea of trying once again, but realizing the great popularity of Theodore Roosevelt, he declined to announce in what seemed clearly a losing year for Democrats. Instead, Alton B. Parker suffered the worst defeat to date of any presidential candidate in the 1904 election. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) served seven-and-a-half years as president, finishing the term of the assassinated William McKinley and then winning a massive victory in 1904. His mistake was indicating on that election night that he would not run again in 1908. Unwilling to go back on his pledge, he backed Secretary of War William Howard Taft to be his successor. Within a bit more than a year, he became very disenchanted with Taft, who was alienating the progressive wing of the Republican Party in Congress. Finally, he decided to challenge Taft for the Republican presidential nomination in 1912, and was able to win most of the delegates in the dozen states that had presidential primaries that year, but was unable to prevent the incumbent Taft from winning the nomination for reelection. Roosevelt had established himself as a progressive and made the term fashionable, promoting use of the Sherman Antitrust Act against corporations, supporting labor rights, becoming the most active and committed environmental president in American history, advocating pure food and drug regulation, winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his activities in negotiating the peace treaty in the Russo-Japanese War, promoting the building of the Panama Canal, and becoming aggressive in his policies toward Latin America with the “Big Stick” policy and Roosevelt Corollary. Now, Roosevelt decided to form a third party, the Progressive Party, also known by its “Bull Moose” symbol, and run a
vigorous third party campaign against Taft in 1912, as an alternative to Democrat presidential nominee Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt launched a national campaign, promoting the “New Nationalism,” a more advanced platform of ideas than anyone before Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal.” He was seen as a serious third party candidate, with some potential to stage an upset victory. The attempted assassination of Roosevelt in Milwaukee (covered in Chapter 5 of my presidential assassinations book) forced the suspension of his campaign, but boosted his heroic image. He had been an extremely popular president, and he would become the only third party nominee to end up second, ahead of the Republican Taft. He also won the all time highs for a third party candidate of 6 states, 88 electoral votes, and 27.5 percent of the national popular vote, receiving a total of 4.1 million votes. Roosevelt was interested in running in 1916, but Republican leaders were still furious over his break with the party in 1912, and while the Progressive Party remained viable, he turned down their nomination and supported Charles Evan Hughes. Even as World War I ended, there were rumors spreading that Roosevelt would contest the presidency in 1920, but he died at the young age of 60 on January 6, 1919. Many have felt that he would have had a good chance to win the 1920 election, which was ultimately taken by Warren G. Harding. Roosevelt was always in the competition right up until his demise. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) served as president during the Great Depression, difficult times exceeded only by Lincoln’s presiding over the Civil War. He seemed unable to figure out what should be done to overcome the worst economic downturn in American history. Hoover had had a very impressive career as an advisor to President Woodrow Wilson and as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Calvin Coolidge. But his inability to turn the nation around doomed him in his reelection campaign against Democratic nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, resulting in a massive defeat; Hoover won only six states in the Electoral College. Hoover wished to restore his reputation, and made sure the Republican Party knew he wished to run against FDR again in both 1936 and 1940, but he did not announce his candidacy or run an active campaign either time, hoping instead to be drafted by the party, but instead Kansas Governor Alfred Landon in 1936 and businessman Wendell Willkie in 1940 were the Republican nominees. But Hoover was incessant in his denunciations of FDR, who had once been a close friend and had even suggested in 1920 that the Democrats nominate Hoover for president. So there was bad blood between Hoover and his successor. Hoover refused to chat with FDR on the way to the 1933 inauguration, and FDR refused to have any contact with Hoover during the more than 12 years of his presidency. Only when Harry Truman became president was Hoover invited back to the White House to head the Hoover Commission to reorganize the federal government bureaucracy. Finally, Gerald Ford (1974-1977), who finished the term of Richard Nixon when he resigned in August 1974 and undermined his chances for election to his own term by pardoning Nixon a month later, considered running for president in 1980. He considered his opponent in the 1976 presidential primaries, Ronald Reagan, to be far too conservative for the electoral prospects of the party. But he ended up deciding not to run, although Reagan did consider Ford to be his vice presidential nominee; had Ford accepted, it would have been the first time that a president would agree to serve as vice president after being the president. But negotiations on the role that Ford would have as vice president broke down, as Ford wanted a co-presidency, which Reagan rejected. Ford ended up supporting Reagan as the party nominee against President Jimmy Carter, but Ford, being a moderate, was not truly comfortable with Reagan. Ironically, although Ford had lost to Carter in 1976, once Carter left the presidency, a genuine friendship developed between them, unlike any
s up a massive shovelful of earth, heaving it aside. Everybody's clapping, and he's standing in the sunshine with his wicked, billion-dollar Henry Locke smile. He jams the shovel into the dirt and grabs his suit coat, slings it over his shoulder. When the applause dies down, he shoots a sly glance my way. He pretends to wind his watch. He's mouthing a word. _Infinity._ My face flares hot. But I just shake my head. Like I'm immune. Brett has his own shtick. He holds Smuckers in his arms as if they're wielding the shovel together. Afterward, people close in and pet Smuckers. I realize that Henry never pets Smuckers just for the pleasure of it. "You guys got him a little Locke shovel," I say once we're back in the limo. "Nice optics." "I meant what I said," he says. "I'm waiting." "For me to come and kiss you," I say. "And then all bets are off, Vicky." My mouth goes dry. "I heard you the first time." I try to think how to change the mood. I want to kiss him. Right now. In this place. "Do you not like dogs?" He frowns. "I like dogs." "I don't think you do. The only time you ever pet Smuckers is...for a purpose. You want to make him paddle his legs or calm down or something. You never just pet him out of fun." "He's just a dog, Vicky." He doesn't deny it, and I feel a little sorry for him right then. "You hardly ever even say his name." "Smuckers is just a dog." He glances over at me. "Is that better?" "A dog your mother left her company to." "You think I'm jealous of a dog? Please, Vicky. If I wanted to wear my hair in a marshmallow Afro and live in a woman's purse, I think I could find a way to arrange it. This is New York, after all. There is probably a dominatrix out there who'd make it happen." I cross my arms. "You know what I find weird? People aren't freaking out about Smuckers's control of the company very much. They all seem to think it's a PR stunt." "A lot of people see it as a PR stunt. Connected to his dog shelter gift." "And you're letting them think that." "We are." "Why not tell people the truth?" I ask. "Unless...I don't know..." He says, "Unless we have more evil plans to get rid of you?" I say nothing. Because, yeah, does he have yet another trick up his sleeve? I wish I could just tell him—don't worry, y _ou'll get it back._ But how can I expect Carly to keep her word if I don't keep mine? "You know how many people we employ?" Luckily he answers the question for himself. "Directly, we employ three hundred forty thousand people across ten offices worldwide. When you count vendors and subcontractors, it's double that. Those are real people with real lives and families and homes, people who depend on the health of this firm to make house payments and put food on the table. Do I want to announce that a Maltese is in charge of all that?" I wait. I know a rhetorical question when I hear one. "No. I'm not going to rock the company with that kind of announcement. I'm showing them that things remain consistent after Bernadette's death. I want them feeling strong, steady, capable leadership." "Okay." I make myself not look at his hands. I try not to think too hard about him caring about people. Or turning out so different from Denny. We have a late lunch at a sidewalk café in Soho. It feels like a date. He asks me a lot of questions about my life and my jewelry biz. He seems really interested in the makers studio, and I swell with pride talking about it, because it'
s up a massive shovelful of earth, heaving it aside. Everybody's clapping, and he's standing in the sunshine with his wicked, billion-dollar Henry Locke smile. He jams the shovel into the dirt and grabs his suit coat, slings it over his shoulder. When the applause dies down, he shoots a sly glance my way. He pretends to wind his watch. He's mouthing a word. _Infinity._ My face flares hot. But I just shake my head. Like I'm immune. Brett has his own shtick. He holds Smuckers in his arms as if they're wielding the shovel together. Afterward, people close in and pet Smuckers. I realize that Henry never pets Smuckers just for the pleasure of it. "You guys got him a little Locke shovel," I say once we're back in the limo. "Nice optics." "I meant what I said," he says. "I'm waiting." "For me to come and kiss you," I say. "And then all bets are off, Vicky." My mouth goes dry. "I heard you the first time." I try to think how to change the mood. I want to kiss him. Right now. In this place. "Do you not like dogs?" He frowns. "I like dogs." "I don't think you do. The only time you ever pet Smuckers is...for a purpose. You want to make him paddle his legs or calm down or something. You never just pet him out of fun." "He's just a dog, Vicky." He doesn't deny it, and I feel a little sorry for him right then. "You hardly ever even say his name." "Smuckers is just a dog." He glances over at me. "Is that better?" "A dog your mother left her company to." "You think I'm jealous of a dog? Please, Vicky. If I wanted to wear my hair in a marshmallow Afro and live in a woman's purse, I think I could find a way to arrange it. This is New York, after all. There is probably a dominatrix out there who'd make it happen." I cross my arms. "You know what I find weird? People aren't freaking out about Smuckers's control of the company very much. They all seem to think it's a PR stunt." "A lot of people see it as a PR stunt. Connected to his dog shelter gift." "And you're letting them think that." "We are." "Why not tell people the truth?" I ask. "Unless...I don't know..." He says, "Unless we have more evil plans to get rid of you?" I say nothing. Because, yeah, does he have yet another trick up his sleeve? I wish I could just tell him—don't worry, y _ou'll get it back._ But how can I expect Carly to keep her word if I don't keep mine? "You know how many people we employ?" Luckily he answers the question for himself. "Directly, we employ three hundred forty thousand people across ten offices worldwide. When you count vendors and subcontractors, it's double that. Those are real people with real lives and families and homes, people who depend on the health of this firm to make house payments and put food on the table. Do I want to announce that a Maltese is in charge of all that?" I wait. I know a rhetorical question when I hear one. "No. I'm not going to rock the company with that kind of announcement. I'm showing them that things remain consistent after Bernadette's death. I want them feeling strong, steady, capable leadership." "Okay." I make myself not look at his hands. I try not to think too hard about him caring about people. Or turning out so different from Denny. We have a late lunch at a sidewalk café in Soho. It feels like a date. He asks me a lot of questions about my life and my jewelry biz. He seems really interested in the makers studio, and I swell with pride talking about it, because it'
s such an awesome space and an amazing group of people. Then I remember he's not my boyfriend. He's not even my friend. He's an entitled wealthy man who thinks I'm going to come to him and beg him to fuck me. I keep my distance. I tamp out every spark that lights between us. Sometimes I feel like Smoky the Bear, stomping sparks left and right. Too many to stomp out. Day after day. Biding my time. The worst are those moments when he lets down his guard, when he stops being beloved playboy Henry Locke. When it feels real. It's a mindfuck when it feels real. _Here is the last guy you should ever trust or want. He's fooling you. Fake seducing you. And you want him anyway!_ The mindfuck of hanging out with Henry twists and contorts into confusing new shapes every hour over the following days. The man is on this kick of showing me every aspect of the company. "You need to understand things to vote out of a place of knowledge," he says. This involves Smuckers and me getting picked up in a limo and taken to a different part of New York or New Jersey and meeting people and learning new things that a giant company does. Building turns out to be a small part of the Locke activities. Every one of those companies that got listed off in the will reading has its own little empire of activity. Henry does work in the car and discusses corporate things on the phone with the people we meet. He's good at what he does. He really cares. Is this his new method of seduction? On one outing we tour a nearly finished building that has a zero carbon footprint—it's heated and cooled through underground circulating water. Super green. Henry's excited. It's infectious. On another outing, we tour a mammoth prefab facility in New Jersey where they make parts of buildings so they don't have to build everything on site. He's just as excited about that. Also infectious. "How do you know everyone's names?" I ask on one of our many limo rides. "I make a point of it." "But how? You know so many names." "If something's important, you find a way to do it," he says. _Bird_ , I mumble. He gets that amused smile that always annoys me. "What was that?" I want to grab his lapels and yank him to me and say _fuck you_ , lip to lips, and then kiss him. But I know where that leads. Instead, I lock my hands together in my lap and turn away. The worst thing is the family feeling throughout Locke Worldwide. Like they really are one big happy family with Henry Locke as the strong, fierce leader, a man who'd go to the ends of the earth for his people. It makes him twice as hot, how he fights for his people. How protective he is. At times, tooling around the five boroughs with Henry, touring sites, meeting employees, learning new things at Locke HQ, I get this feeling like I'm part of that team, part of the family that Henry fights for and protects. It's intoxicating. And so predictable. So pathetic. It doesn't take a team of psychoanalysts to understand why that would be wildly attractive to me, considering it's been me alone for so long, looking after Carly on my own. Even back home, nobody was protecting us. Nobody was fighting for us. Sometimes when we're talking about the company I use the word _we_. As if I'm part of the Locke family. _So cool that we're opening an office in Raleigh. How are we doing on our stadium proposal? Wow, our development team is kicking the shit out of those assholes at Dartford & Sons!_ I constantly have to remind myself I'm not in the family. We ride around in elevators and limos and other enclosed spaces and it's exciting. Sometimes our gazes lock and the earth seems to still. My vibrator gets a workout at night. I'm a
of George Washington's Prayers! >> that the perfect spelling gave them away! Online Marketing or Digital Marketing, as you prefer to call it. This way of making money from home is fun and also very profitable depending on how serious you take it. Well, Online Marketing is the activity of selling products on the web, either through a website, blog or social media. Easy, right? 1. You need a place where you’ll promote the products. As I said before you can promote the products on your blog, website or Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. Any social media where you have plenty of followers. If you do not have a blog and you want to start one visit my post How to create your own blog where you may build your blog for FREE! 2. Sign Up for some affiliate programs where you will find thousands of products to start earning money. My recommendation is to register for two or three programs to see if you like them, if you don’t, you can always change to a different program. If you want to know how the affiliate programs work and how you can make money with them, go to my post Becoming wealthy with affiliate programs. On this post, you will find the most popular affiliate programs on the internet. 3. After signing up for an affiliate program, look the products you want to promote always according to the audience you want to reach. For example, if you want to reach moms with babies and toddlers, you might want to promote products related to this audience such as baby clothes, toys, accessories and even clothes for moms after having their baby. You got it, right? Once you know the product you want to promote, join their affiliate program. But remember reading the program rules and their policies where you’ll also find the percentage of the commission. After signing up for the affiliate program, you will receive an email if you’re accepted. Then, you get personalized links from the products, which you copy to your blog, website or social media. And that’s it, every time a person clicks on any of your links and makes a purchase you earn a commission! I know what you’re thinking, “this sounds too easy to be true” but believe me, it is real! Online Marketing is a perfect way to make money from home; you just need to learn the strategies for success! You can find many programs online where we all can learn about Online Marketing or Digital Marketing. Although you don’t believe, there some good programs on the internet that you can take for free or just for a few dollars. How do I know that? Well, when I started in this business, I did not have money to pay for an expensive program, so I looked for a while, and I found some good ones and for free. I tried two different programs that are worth mentioning, and I will share with you. Wealthy Affiliate is a community, where you find real people looking the same as you, “how to build your own business and make it successful.” People who work hard to achieve it, and always willing to help. Something I do like from Wealthy Affiliate is that you are part of the community. The program is easy, and anyone can build his own business since the program takes you to step by step. There are two ways to be part of the community. The first thing you might want to know is that this account is Free, Yeii! You do not have to pay anything for signing up. And you do not need either a credit card. Starter Account Benefits: You may watch a short course of five modules which introduce you to the online marketing. As well, you get two subdomains free for building two websites; then you may start right away from your business. Signing up as a Premium Member, you have to pay the membership which is $47.00 per month. Premium Account Benefits: Well, you can join different classes and webinars to improve your business. Besides, you may contact other members from WA, as well as the WA founders for any help you need. But, if you’re not sure to become a premium member, you could try the Premium Account for free for seven days! After trying the free trial, and you’re convinced that WA is a great place to take your business to success, sign up for the premium member, and you’ll receive 70% off on your first month. By the time you read this post, Project Breakthrough is not available anymore. But in case you find it on the internet
of George Washington's Prayers! >> that the perfect spelling gave them away! Online Marketing or Digital Marketing, as you prefer to call it. This way of making money from home is fun and also very profitable depending on how serious you take it. Well, Online Marketing is the activity of selling products on the web, either through a website, blog or social media. Easy, right? 1. You need a place where you’ll promote the products. As I said before you can promote the products on your blog, website or Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. Any social media where you have plenty of followers. If you do not have a blog and you want to start one visit my post How to create your own blog where you may build your blog for FREE! 2. Sign Up for some affiliate programs where you will find thousands of products to start earning money. My recommendation is to register for two or three programs to see if you like them, if you don’t, you can always change to a different program. If you want to know how the affiliate programs work and how you can make money with them, go to my post Becoming wealthy with affiliate programs. On this post, you will find the most popular affiliate programs on the internet. 3. After signing up for an affiliate program, look the products you want to promote always according to the audience you want to reach. For example, if you want to reach moms with babies and toddlers, you might want to promote products related to this audience such as baby clothes, toys, accessories and even clothes for moms after having their baby. You got it, right? Once you know the product you want to promote, join their affiliate program. But remember reading the program rules and their policies where you’ll also find the percentage of the commission. After signing up for the affiliate program, you will receive an email if you’re accepted. Then, you get personalized links from the products, which you copy to your blog, website or social media. And that’s it, every time a person clicks on any of your links and makes a purchase you earn a commission! I know what you’re thinking, “this sounds too easy to be true” but believe me, it is real! Online Marketing is a perfect way to make money from home; you just need to learn the strategies for success! You can find many programs online where we all can learn about Online Marketing or Digital Marketing. Although you don’t believe, there some good programs on the internet that you can take for free or just for a few dollars. How do I know that? Well, when I started in this business, I did not have money to pay for an expensive program, so I looked for a while, and I found some good ones and for free. I tried two different programs that are worth mentioning, and I will share with you. Wealthy Affiliate is a community, where you find real people looking the same as you, “how to build your own business and make it successful.” People who work hard to achieve it, and always willing to help. Something I do like from Wealthy Affiliate is that you are part of the community. The program is easy, and anyone can build his own business since the program takes you to step by step. There are two ways to be part of the community. The first thing you might want to know is that this account is Free, Yeii! You do not have to pay anything for signing up. And you do not need either a credit card. Starter Account Benefits: You may watch a short course of five modules which introduce you to the online marketing. As well, you get two subdomains free for building two websites; then you may start right away from your business. Signing up as a Premium Member, you have to pay the membership which is $47.00 per month. Premium Account Benefits: Well, you can join different classes and webinars to improve your business. Besides, you may contact other members from WA, as well as the WA founders for any help you need. But, if you’re not sure to become a premium member, you could try the Premium Account for free for seven days! After trying the free trial, and you’re convinced that WA is a great place to take your business to success, sign up for the premium member, and you’ll receive 70% off on your first month. By the time you read this post, Project Breakthrough is not available anymore. But in case you find it on the internet
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, because that is not possible in an organisation of this kind. The hon. Member for Weston-super-Mare said that the difference was that I.C.I. has a profit and loss account. So have the railways. Did not the hon. Gentleman know that? British Railways also publishes a profit and loss account. A full set of accounts is published every year. The accounts of the railways are made even more public than those of I.C.I. I was talking about the workshops. § Mr. Hynd I know that, but the hon. Gentleman was not talking about sections of I.C.I.'s activities. Does the hon. Gentleman assert that every section of I.C.I.'s activities is costed? Of course it is not. I.C.I. has an overall responsibility to its shareholders, and Dr. Beeching has an overall responsibility to the Minister and, therefore, to the public, to ensure that the overall undertaking is run with the best commercial results. It is the responsibility of Dr. Beeching and of the head of I.C.I. to ensure that the total operations of their respective concerns are carried out in that way. The head of I.C.I. and Dr. Beeching must, therefore, be satisfied that every individual aspect of the organisation's operations is carried out in the most advantageous way. The hon. Gentleman spoke of the public money which had been lost on the railways. We are trying to save public money, and, therefore, we oppose the Minister's decision. The Minister is causing the loss of more public money 716 by preventing the railways carrying out this work. The hon. Gentleman spoke of the public money spent on the railways, and mentioned the "fantastic" figure of £169 million. What about the cost of the roads? It has been estimated that £40 million is the cost of accidents alone on the roads each year. Is that sum taken into account in assessing the value of the railways? Is the total cost of the roads taken into account in assessing whether they are commercially viable? Is there any proposal to close every mile of road which is not making a profit? On the contrary, is it not said, "This is public money, but it is public money well spent "? The railways, too, are a method of transport and conveyance, just as the roads are. Why should there be such hypocrisy about the money lost by the railways, whereas the money spent on the roads is supposed to be well spent in the public interest? Why should the railways be subjected to discriminatory treatment? They are confined to certain activities. They are prevented from carrying out other activities directly affecting their own operations and directly affecting their own interests, according to Dr. Beeching's conception. They are forced to put these things out to private enterprise. Can any hon. Gentleman tell us of any single private concern in this country which is instructed by legislation that it must not produce anything outside a defined limited scope of activities and which is not allowed to extend its business and use its by-products and operations to its own best advantage? Of course not. This is always the case with nationalised industries so long as there is a Tory Government. The railways are hemmed in on every quarter. Their operations are chopped off. Last year they were prevented from building passenger vehicles. They were prevented from carrying out modernisation schemes. They were prevented from getting the capital to go on with modernisation schemes. Now they are prevented altogether, not even on the basis of commercial competition on price with private concerns, from producing these types of vehicle which are essential to their operations and which are 717 directly concerned with their operations. There can be no justification for this. The simple fact is that we are approaching a General Election. The Tories have maintained a constant propaganda, aided by their newspapers and big advertisers, against nationalised enterprises. They have failed to show a case for denationalising one single nationalised enterprise. They are now becoming concerned about the continued and growing success of these enterprises. They will try at all costs to reduce the image of success of nationalised enterprises. This is one of the ways in which they are trying to do it. § The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. T. G. D. Galbraith) We have had some fairly fiery speeches from hon. Members today, and I am delighted to have this opportunity to try to answer them. It is out of no disrespect to the House that my right hon. Friend
, because that is not possible in an organisation of this kind. The hon. Member for Weston-super-Mare said that the difference was that I.C.I. has a profit and loss account. So have the railways. Did not the hon. Gentleman know that? British Railways also publishes a profit and loss account. A full set of accounts is published every year. The accounts of the railways are made even more public than those of I.C.I. I was talking about the workshops. § Mr. Hynd I know that, but the hon. Gentleman was not talking about sections of I.C.I.'s activities. Does the hon. Gentleman assert that every section of I.C.I.'s activities is costed? Of course it is not. I.C.I. has an overall responsibility to its shareholders, and Dr. Beeching has an overall responsibility to the Minister and, therefore, to the public, to ensure that the overall undertaking is run with the best commercial results. It is the responsibility of Dr. Beeching and of the head of I.C.I. to ensure that the total operations of their respective concerns are carried out in that way. The head of I.C.I. and Dr. Beeching must, therefore, be satisfied that every individual aspect of the organisation's operations is carried out in the most advantageous way. The hon. Gentleman spoke of the public money which had been lost on the railways. We are trying to save public money, and, therefore, we oppose the Minister's decision. The Minister is causing the loss of more public money 716 by preventing the railways carrying out this work. The hon. Gentleman spoke of the public money spent on the railways, and mentioned the "fantastic" figure of £169 million. What about the cost of the roads? It has been estimated that £40 million is the cost of accidents alone on the roads each year. Is that sum taken into account in assessing the value of the railways? Is the total cost of the roads taken into account in assessing whether they are commercially viable? Is there any proposal to close every mile of road which is not making a profit? On the contrary, is it not said, "This is public money, but it is public money well spent "? The railways, too, are a method of transport and conveyance, just as the roads are. Why should there be such hypocrisy about the money lost by the railways, whereas the money spent on the roads is supposed to be well spent in the public interest? Why should the railways be subjected to discriminatory treatment? They are confined to certain activities. They are prevented from carrying out other activities directly affecting their own operations and directly affecting their own interests, according to Dr. Beeching's conception. They are forced to put these things out to private enterprise. Can any hon. Gentleman tell us of any single private concern in this country which is instructed by legislation that it must not produce anything outside a defined limited scope of activities and which is not allowed to extend its business and use its by-products and operations to its own best advantage? Of course not. This is always the case with nationalised industries so long as there is a Tory Government. The railways are hemmed in on every quarter. Their operations are chopped off. Last year they were prevented from building passenger vehicles. They were prevented from carrying out modernisation schemes. They were prevented from getting the capital to go on with modernisation schemes. Now they are prevented altogether, not even on the basis of commercial competition on price with private concerns, from producing these types of vehicle which are essential to their operations and which are 717 directly concerned with their operations. There can be no justification for this. The simple fact is that we are approaching a General Election. The Tories have maintained a constant propaganda, aided by their newspapers and big advertisers, against nationalised enterprises. They have failed to show a case for denationalising one single nationalised enterprise. They are now becoming concerned about the continued and growing success of these enterprises. They will try at all costs to reduce the image of success of nationalised enterprises. This is one of the ways in which they are trying to do it. § The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. T. G. D. Galbraith) We have had some fairly fiery speeches from hon. Members today, and I am delighted to have this opportunity to try to answer them. It is out of no disrespect to the House that my right hon. Friend
the Minister is not here personally. Normally these sort of Adjournment debates are taken by the Parliamentary Secretary, and my right hon. Friend thought that the case today was so clear and simple that it would be a suitable occasion for his Parliamentary Secretary to speak. One advantage I may have is that I was not personally involved in the legislation and, therefore, I have a comparatively clear and unbiased mind on the issues involved. My right hon. Friend is certainly not afraid of his record or anything else. He is certainly not afraid of defending his record, which is a good one. He has only recently approved the Board's proposals involving the expenditure of £1½ million on modernising the St. Rollox Works, which is close to my constituency in Glasgow. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."] I said "close", but it is not in my constituency. Some of the containers will be made there for the liner trains to which reference has been made. The subject of this debate, like so many subjects, has two sides to it, and the Government, in reaching their decision, have carefully weighed up where the balance of justice and commonsense seems to lie. The House has today heard from hon. Members opposite their side of the case and, in the short time left to me, I would like 718 to put the other side and, in so doing, remove some of what I believe are inaccurate impressions that have been created. One of these is that my right hon. Friend has initiated something new by his decision. That is not the case and it is not new by any means. I have made exhaustive inquiries and, so far as I can find out, never once in the history of the railways have they manufactured for private concerns, either before or after nationalisation. They have manufactured for themselves. They can still do that and they can also manufacture for other nationalised transport industries, but they have not in the past ever manufactured for outsiders. Several Hon. Members § Mr. Galbraith Hon. Members opposite must accept what I am saying and hear me out. They may be interested, for example, to know that the right hon. Gentleman the Minister of Transport said: This Bill is drafted for the purpose of dealing with transport. Later he said: …the Government have no intention…to bring in by a side door industries that are engaged in he manufacture of equipment…"—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 13th February, 1947; Vol. 433, c 230.] That was what the Minister of Transport said when the Bill was going through Parliament—but I do not mean my right hon. Friend the present Minister. I mean Mr. Barnes, and the right hon. Member for Vauxhall (Mr. Strauss) should know all about that because he was the Parliamentary Secretary at the time. § Mr. Strauss That is not relevant. It certainly is and presumably the right hon. Gentleman approved of his own Government's policy to limit and restrict, exactly the way the present Government have followed this policy of limitation in this respect. Having given the House that quotation, if there is still any doubt about the position created by the party opposite, let us consider the evidence of the Chairman of the B.T.C., Sir Brian Robertson, as he then was, testifying 719 before the Select Committee in 1960. He said: We cannot manufacture save for our own requirements… That was absolutely specific and definite. Thus, under the Socialist 1947 Act the very restriction which hon. Members opposite are now complaining about was plainly in operation then, and the railways could not manufacture except for their own requirements. The Parliamentary Secretary is making an argument that is wholly false. Is he not aware that the wagons about which we have been speaking will be required for the railways and will be an essential part of the railways? Is he not aware that the "liner" trains will use these wagons? What does he think the railways are for? I am pointing out that this situation existed under the Socialists—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."]—and hon. Members opposite are aware that the railways have always had on them wagons belonging to private firms. They have never manufactured the equipment themselves, and that is all I am saying. Not much time remains for me in which to reply. § Mr. F. Noel-Baker The hon. Gentleman should give way. I will not. As I have said, under
otograph: Supplied Lazarus Island Far away from the city lies a swathe of white sand ringing clear, turquoise waters. No, we’re not talking about Boracay but Lazarus Island. One of Singapore’s best-kept secrets, it's a serene, undeveloped beach that you can (almost) call your own – just take the first ferry out at 9am on weekends and 10am on weekdays to claim the sands for yourself. Other beach bums descend around lunchtime in their yachts and speedboats. And don’t forget to pack everything you need – floats, mats, towels – as there are no shops on Lazarus. Photo: Lawrence Craft/Flickr Punggol Beach Punggol Beach is actually pretty accessible by public transport – there is a direct bus from Punggol which doesn't require much walking and plenty of carpark space at the nearby Punggol Promenade. Take a walk on the white sandy beach or spend a day fishing at Punggol Jetty. Though it might seem tranquil, this beach has quite a past. In WWII, the Japanese army executed many civilians on the shores of Punggol so maybe you don't want to be hanging around too late at night for fear of what lurks in the dark. Photo: Time Out Singapore Tanjong Rimau Near the western edge of Sentosa, Tanjong Rimau beach can be accessed via the edge of the compound occupied by Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa and by descending the rocky slope to the beach. During the low tide, you can spot many marine creatures such as starfish and crabs along the coastline. Walk along the tidal pools, mangrove trees and caves nearer the coastline and look out for the pitcher plants on the cliffs. If you head towards the Tanjong Rimau beacon, you’ll be able to see Labrador Nature Reserve across the waterway. When walking along the beach, be careful of stonefish – their spines on their dorsal fin are venomous. To protect the natural environment and ensure the safety of everyone, visits to Tanjong Rimau are only available through guided tours by Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC), or SDC-approved tours. Guests are also urged to treat these fragile ecosystems with care so that these areas continue to thrive. Seletar Fishing Village On the outside, this hidden spot in Seletar might look like just shabby and abandoned village. Located near the popular cyclist spot Rower's Bay Park, Yishun Dam and Seletar Airport, you can find kampong huts and a wooden jetty (called Jenal Jetty) which is still being used by fishermen making a living. The 'village' part and Jenal Jetty is out of bounds to the public but curious types can sign up on private tours to get a closer look at the fishing village and its daily activities. Seletar Fishing Village may be known as the last fishing village in Singapore but fishing is not what it is popular for. Cyclists and explorers know that the small beach area and breakwater next to it is a secret – and probably the best – spot to watch the sunset in Singapore. When the tide is low, you can even walk down to the beach and swamp area. If you're thinking to explore the area in low tide, remember to wear proper walking shoes. And if you have time, don't forget to check out the views at the nearby Punggol Barat Island and also Rower's Bay Park. Photograph: Zhao/Flickr Sembawang Park Sembawang Park's beachside locale is perfect for a lazy weekend picnic. While fishing is a popular pastime here, many can be seen crowding around barbecue pits and picnic tables sprinkled along the coast. Alternatively, flap out your picnic mat here and have yourself a feast here at one of the country's last remaining natural beaches. Photograph: Budak on Flickr St John's Island Another offshore island far away from Singapore's buzz, St John's Island has everything a beach lover could want. Take a dip in the ocean, grill up a barbecue in the picnic area, visit the Sisters' Islands
otograph: Supplied Lazarus Island Far away from the city lies a swathe of white sand ringing clear, turquoise waters. No, we’re not talking about Boracay but Lazarus Island. One of Singapore’s best-kept secrets, it's a serene, undeveloped beach that you can (almost) call your own – just take the first ferry out at 9am on weekends and 10am on weekdays to claim the sands for yourself. Other beach bums descend around lunchtime in their yachts and speedboats. And don’t forget to pack everything you need – floats, mats, towels – as there are no shops on Lazarus. Photo: Lawrence Craft/Flickr Punggol Beach Punggol Beach is actually pretty accessible by public transport – there is a direct bus from Punggol which doesn't require much walking and plenty of carpark space at the nearby Punggol Promenade. Take a walk on the white sandy beach or spend a day fishing at Punggol Jetty. Though it might seem tranquil, this beach has quite a past. In WWII, the Japanese army executed many civilians on the shores of Punggol so maybe you don't want to be hanging around too late at night for fear of what lurks in the dark. Photo: Time Out Singapore Tanjong Rimau Near the western edge of Sentosa, Tanjong Rimau beach can be accessed via the edge of the compound occupied by Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa and by descending the rocky slope to the beach. During the low tide, you can spot many marine creatures such as starfish and crabs along the coastline. Walk along the tidal pools, mangrove trees and caves nearer the coastline and look out for the pitcher plants on the cliffs. If you head towards the Tanjong Rimau beacon, you’ll be able to see Labrador Nature Reserve across the waterway. When walking along the beach, be careful of stonefish – their spines on their dorsal fin are venomous. To protect the natural environment and ensure the safety of everyone, visits to Tanjong Rimau are only available through guided tours by Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC), or SDC-approved tours. Guests are also urged to treat these fragile ecosystems with care so that these areas continue to thrive. Seletar Fishing Village On the outside, this hidden spot in Seletar might look like just shabby and abandoned village. Located near the popular cyclist spot Rower's Bay Park, Yishun Dam and Seletar Airport, you can find kampong huts and a wooden jetty (called Jenal Jetty) which is still being used by fishermen making a living. The 'village' part and Jenal Jetty is out of bounds to the public but curious types can sign up on private tours to get a closer look at the fishing village and its daily activities. Seletar Fishing Village may be known as the last fishing village in Singapore but fishing is not what it is popular for. Cyclists and explorers know that the small beach area and breakwater next to it is a secret – and probably the best – spot to watch the sunset in Singapore. When the tide is low, you can even walk down to the beach and swamp area. If you're thinking to explore the area in low tide, remember to wear proper walking shoes. And if you have time, don't forget to check out the views at the nearby Punggol Barat Island and also Rower's Bay Park. Photograph: Zhao/Flickr Sembawang Park Sembawang Park's beachside locale is perfect for a lazy weekend picnic. While fishing is a popular pastime here, many can be seen crowding around barbecue pits and picnic tables sprinkled along the coast. Alternatively, flap out your picnic mat here and have yourself a feast here at one of the country's last remaining natural beaches. Photograph: Budak on Flickr St John's Island Another offshore island far away from Singapore's buzz, St John's Island has everything a beach lover could want. Take a dip in the ocean, grill up a barbecue in the picnic area, visit the Sisters' Islands
Marine Park Public Gallery or hang out with the friendly felines. To get to the island, just board a boat at Marina South Pier. The boats depart at various timings but ticket booths closes at 3pm daily. Explore more of Singapore Photo: Shawn Ang/Unsplash Where to see interesting architecture and landmarks in Singapore Historic buildings and sites The best hiking trails and spots in Singapore The best mangrove trails in Singapore to explore Walks and tours An email you'll actually love Home Movie Reviews Write to Reals: Reals Reads Stuber, Punches Hank in Mouth Write to Reals: Reals Reads Stuber, Punches Hank in Mouth Hank reviewed the script above, so I am going to talk about the film that came from it. I specifically went to the theater this past weekend interested to see what they had done with this idea because A. I like Dave Bautista a lot and B. A couple of years ago I had a similar script that I was sending out. This actually became of my most requested scripts ever and had very similar tone and concept to Stuber, in that it was a buddy-action-comedy about a kidnapped driver. However, after pitching my script around for some time, I was eventually told by a studio that they loved the concept, but that action-comedies were hard sells – especially from a first-time writer. Now, I’m not at all telling you to put your buddy-action-cop script away and I can only speak to what I have been told, but I know in my experience that these are tough sells, as comedy is subjective and with explosions, bigger casts and shootouts or other action-heavy set pieces, they can be a bit pricey. Without names attached to your script already or someone taking the script around Hollywood for you, it’s not always a bet that many studios like to take. As I said, when I saw the first trailer for this film, I thought that it looked kind of familiar – not that I am saying they stole my idea or anything like that, but it was similar enough that I was surprised to see it on the big screen. Not that I’m bitter about this… not that I’m too bitter about this. Oh, and you can find the script in the link that Hank posted above if you want to check it out – I’m talking about the finished film, but I skimmed the script and read Hank’s review and they are pretty similar, so most of my comments apply to both. So, let’s get into it: I love and respect Hank’s opinions, but I have to disagree with him on several points that he made in his script review – first and foremost: Stuber is a stupid title – really awful – it tells me nothing about the story or even, really, the characters, the conflicts, etc. And yes, I get the joke: His name is Stu and he drives an Uber – if you put those two words together, you get Stuber!!!! A dumb pun like that doesn’t mean it’s a good title for your $16 million action/comedy. Also, the filmmaker literally had the characters make this joke “Stuber. Ha!” and then laugh out loud at it in the film which is the worst kind of metaphorical masturbation. Also, the film has an R rating – not sure why they didn’t push for a PG-13 with this film. I typically like an R-rating more, but some of my favorite buddy/action films are PG-13 (Rush Hour 1 + 2, Shanghai Noon + Knights, yes I am a big Jackie Chan fan, sue me) so it can work and would likely make more money in this format as teens could get in without mom or dad. The film just had some language, really. A little bit of blood, but nothing that added to the plot or couldn’t have easily been cut or changed in post. Oh, and there is a naked man at the strip club. … Which is weird, as it’s just like one naked man in the changing room and, though it is kind of a funny joke as Stu talks to his “friend” via Facetime trying to pretend that he is at home or in the car and the naked guy walks by in the background, this could easily have been implied or otherwise framed or written so that a PG-13 rating would get approved. You can show butts
multiorgan involvement. In fact, some cases of subclinical infection may surface when immunity wanes. Related topics: Post kala azar leishmaniasis, Mucosal leishmaniasis, New World cutaneous leishmaniasis, Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis B55.0 – Visceral leishmaniasis 186803007 – Visceral leishmaniasis Specific diagnosis needs to be made in suspected VL, since clinical presentation is often nonspecific and the differential diagnosis is broad. Common diseases that mimic VL include: Tuberculosis – Fevers, weight loss, and malnutrition are common to both, but splenomegaly is more reflective of VL. Tropical splenomegaly seen in chronic malaria may be mistaken for VL. Positive malarial smear will help distinguish these entities. Histoplasmosis, especially the disseminated form, may be mistaken for VL. On microscopy, the yeast form of the fungus may appear like the amastigote form of Leishmania, but the presence of kinetoplast helps to differentiate the two. Endocarditis or prolonged Salmonella bacteremia – Blood cultures would be positive in these. One should bear in mind, however, that superimposed bacterial infections may occur. AIDS – HIV and leishmaniasis may coexist, and positive test for HIV infection should prompt one to test for VL in the right clinical setting. Hematological conditions that cause massive splenomegaly (eg, chronic myelogenous leukemia [CML], myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis) should be differentiated by bone marrow examination. The less common acute presentation of VL may mimic infections such as malaria, enteric fever, acute Chagas disease, and Katayama fever. Star Wars Actor John Boyega Addresses J.J. Abrams Storylines for Finn in the Franchise Published on August 31st, 2022 | Updated on August 31st, 2022 | By FanFest Lucasfilm has had a difficult time recently with some of their movies, including Solo: A Star Wars Story and even Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was plagued with problems, with some die-hard fans disavowing the film as the conclusion of the sequel trilogy. Oscar Isaac and John Boyega have repeatedly spoken out about their issues with the studio during their time filming, with the latter even going as far as saying he wouldn’t return to the franchise. On the subject of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Boyega is now speaking up regarding J.J. Abrams forcing storylines into the film Boyega discussed the director’s choices in a new interview with MTV‘s Josh Horowitz. “It was a discussion from VII that was kind of brewing, because you didn’t know which way it was gonna go, right? And then VIII went in another direction,” Boyega revealed “So I think with VIII going in another direction, when you’re bringing someone to the third, they have to kind of like appreciate what’s happened in VIII and then still try and make a narrative of it. And JJ [Abrams], I mean JJ really wanted– Force Awakens is the movie that JJ directed, he was kind of pinpoint plotting a trajectory. But obviously with the different creative differences in the middle and then getting to the third, it’s kind of like he still wanted to you know just force it in there, just squeeze it in there.” “JJ [Abrams], by the way, and I’m not saying this to be gracious, but JJ wanted—I mean, JJ directed the film; he was kind of focused on a course. However, with the varying levels of creativity in the middle, it seems like he was just trying to fit it in there without putting much thought into it.” “So that’s where you get the moment between Finn and Jannah, and Jannah asks him, ‘How do you know?’ And he just says, ‘It’s a feeling.’ He just had to get something in there that told you why there was a Stormtrooper who held his own
multiorgan involvement. In fact, some cases of subclinical infection may surface when immunity wanes. Related topics: Post kala azar leishmaniasis, Mucosal leishmaniasis, New World cutaneous leishmaniasis, Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis B55.0 – Visceral leishmaniasis 186803007 – Visceral leishmaniasis Specific diagnosis needs to be made in suspected VL, since clinical presentation is often nonspecific and the differential diagnosis is broad. Common diseases that mimic VL include: Tuberculosis – Fevers, weight loss, and malnutrition are common to both, but splenomegaly is more reflective of VL. Tropical splenomegaly seen in chronic malaria may be mistaken for VL. Positive malarial smear will help distinguish these entities. Histoplasmosis, especially the disseminated form, may be mistaken for VL. On microscopy, the yeast form of the fungus may appear like the amastigote form of Leishmania, but the presence of kinetoplast helps to differentiate the two. Endocarditis or prolonged Salmonella bacteremia – Blood cultures would be positive in these. One should bear in mind, however, that superimposed bacterial infections may occur. AIDS – HIV and leishmaniasis may coexist, and positive test for HIV infection should prompt one to test for VL in the right clinical setting. Hematological conditions that cause massive splenomegaly (eg, chronic myelogenous leukemia [CML], myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis) should be differentiated by bone marrow examination. The less common acute presentation of VL may mimic infections such as malaria, enteric fever, acute Chagas disease, and Katayama fever. Star Wars Actor John Boyega Addresses J.J. Abrams Storylines for Finn in the Franchise Published on August 31st, 2022 | Updated on August 31st, 2022 | By FanFest Lucasfilm has had a difficult time recently with some of their movies, including Solo: A Star Wars Story and even Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was plagued with problems, with some die-hard fans disavowing the film as the conclusion of the sequel trilogy. Oscar Isaac and John Boyega have repeatedly spoken out about their issues with the studio during their time filming, with the latter even going as far as saying he wouldn’t return to the franchise. On the subject of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Boyega is now speaking up regarding J.J. Abrams forcing storylines into the film Boyega discussed the director’s choices in a new interview with MTV‘s Josh Horowitz. “It was a discussion from VII that was kind of brewing, because you didn’t know which way it was gonna go, right? And then VIII went in another direction,” Boyega revealed “So I think with VIII going in another direction, when you’re bringing someone to the third, they have to kind of like appreciate what’s happened in VIII and then still try and make a narrative of it. And JJ [Abrams], I mean JJ really wanted– Force Awakens is the movie that JJ directed, he was kind of pinpoint plotting a trajectory. But obviously with the different creative differences in the middle and then getting to the third, it’s kind of like he still wanted to you know just force it in there, just squeeze it in there.” “JJ [Abrams], by the way, and I’m not saying this to be gracious, but JJ wanted—I mean, JJ directed the film; he was kind of focused on a course. However, with the varying levels of creativity in the middle, it seems like he was just trying to fit it in there without putting much thought into it.” “So that’s where you get the moment between Finn and Jannah, and Jannah asks him, ‘How do you know?’ And he just says, ‘It’s a feeling.’ He just had to get something in there that told you why there was a Stormtrooper who held his own
long enough against a Sith… or Sith wannabe to a certain extent, you know, [with] Kylo. So it was interesting you know that when those talks were coming in the first stage. And I thought, obviously, you know, you get the lightsaber, you start swinging, and defending, and I’m like, ‘Nah… Yeah, yeah… last time I checked, you can’t even just swing that you know a certain type of way. When Han was holding it briefly, what did he do? He held it to like get the locks off or something. It was like manual labor. But you know, you’re just using it to defend and you know, you defend your friend, you must have something in you. But you know, who knows if maybe down the line, they have like a younger actor or whatever, and they try to expand on Finn. Who knows if we get that. You know, we get to see like what what is it about this dude that made him so special.” Boyega added. What do you think about John Boyega’s comments? Timothy is a senior writer based in Atlanta, specializing in celebrity-related news. She is always ready to cover trending TV stories with an unbiased perspective and a pinch of gossip. Ranking 20 Years of Best Picture Winners… Lucasfilm Doesn't Have A Creative… Interview: Getting Geeky With 'Star… Home » Movies » Star Wars Actor John Boyega Addresses J.J. Abrams Storylines for Finn in the Franchise How to Watch ‘The Last of Us’ Episode 3? Release Date, Time, and Preview Trailer Students Personalize History Through Veterans Legacy Program Back to Article Listing Lorne Fultonberg Writer" [email protected] Learning More About Local Veterans and Their Families In the Community, Research & Scholarship • The story of Colorado’s military sacrifice is largely written on two-foot slabs of ghostly, milky marble, standing at attention in southwest Denver. Fort Logan National Cemetery is as good as a history book: a 214-acre volume stretching back to 1889, with chapters on World War I, Korea, Vietnam and everything in between. More than 130,000 American veterans and their families are buried here. Monica Kleyman walks between the grave markers on an August afternoon. She knows plenty about war. As a rising junior and history major at the University of Denver, she has studied it. But until this summer, she had never quite understood it as she does now. “It’s a lot different learning about wars than it is learning about personal history of someone who has actually been in a war,” says Kleyman, whose father was a Soviet soldier and whose uncle served in Kuwait. “These people seemed ordinary,” she adds, “but they have extraordinary stories.” For the last two years, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has been approaching universities and asking their students to help tell these stories through extracurricular research. On Memorial Day 2016, the National Cemetery Administration established the Veterans Legacy Program,encouraging academics to learn more about their local veterans and their families. This year, the department approached DU history professors Elizabeth Escobedo and Carol Helstosky. With backing from the University of Denver’s Undergraduate Research Center, the faculty members recruited 15 cross-disciplinary students with varied backgrounds and beliefs. Together, they began to collaborate. That alone is impressive, Helstosky says, considering the political nature of armed combat and the increasingly divisive rhetoric in American society. “They’re all over the map,” she says of her students, “but they’re all deeply engaged in the research process. And I think they want to make a point: All these people who volunteer for service … deserve someone’s attention to hear their life story and see what it represents.” Split into small teams, each group focused on a specific population (for example: foreign-born citizens, DU alumni, women, relatives who served together) and began to pore over an 11,000-name spreadsheet in search of a compelling story. “History has always been really important to me,” says Matthew Greenlee, a rising junior who studied the role of Japanese- and German-Americans serving in World War II. Many of the names Green
, to the right to receive notification of a document or to the homologation or the annulment of an arbitration award.” In addition to those relied on by Defendant, Bourgeois J. drew the parties’ attention to articles 536 C.C.P. et seq. which provide special rules for small claims. In particular, Bourgeois J. pointed to article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. which sets out the options available to a defendant when deciding how to respond to a claim made within the jurisdiction of the Court of Québec’s Small Claims Division. Among the options available, including acquiescence, article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. stipulates that a defendant who chooses to defend the application may “ask that the application be dismissed, that the case be referred to another judicial district or to another court or to the competent administrative tribunal”. By drawing the parties’ attention to article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P., Bourgeois J. treaded on familiar ground, having been down the same path before. In an earlier decision, Bourgeois J. in Guillette v. Jan-Pro Canada Est, 2016 QCCQ 7186 had refused to refer the parties to arbitration because article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. did not provide referral as an option. Rather, on the facts before him in that case, Bourgeois J. declared the nullity of the arbitration clause. He did so on the basis that the contract, being an adhesion contract, failed to meet the principle of proportionality in violation of article 622 al. 3 C.C.P. On application for judicial review of Bourgeois J.’s earlier decision to the Superior Court, Mr. Justice Bernard Tremblay of the Québec Superior Court in Jan-Pro Canada Est inc. v. Bourgeois, 2017 QCCS 2151 granted the application but only in part. Tremblay agreed with Bourgeois J.’s analysis of article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. but disagreed with Bourgeois J.’s decision to declare the nullity of the arbitration clause. At paras 26-37 of his reasons, Tremblay J. considered the express wording of article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. and, in light of the earlier Court of Appeal decision in Fédération des producteurs acéricoles du Québec v. St-Pierre, 2005 QCCA 839, determined that an ‘arbitration tribunal’ did not fall within the ‘courts’ (or ‘tribunals’) mentioned in article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. As a result, the Court of Québec, Small Claims Division had no grant of jurisdiction to refer the parties to arbitration. The terms used at article 8 C.C.P. and article 1 of the Courts of Justice Act, CQLR c T-16 provide only for those ‘courts’ expressly identified therein and make no mention of or provision for arbitration tribunals. The Act respecting administrative justice, CQLR c J-3 limits its application to “a decision to be made by the Administrative Tribunal of Québec or by another body of the administrative branch charged with settling disputes between a citizen and an administrative authority or a decentralized authority”, thereby excluding arbitration tribunals. Tremblay J. held that arbitration tribunals do not settle disputes between a citizen and an administrative authority. As a result, Tremblay J. held that Bourgeois J.’s decision to interpret article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. as excluding arbitration tribunals was reasonable and justified. Turning to the current case before him, Bourgeois J. then noted that Plaintiff had not asked for the nullity of the arbitration clause. He went on the observe that, had that been Plaintiff’s intention, the determination of the clause’s nullity had to be made first by the arbitrator. His observation relied on cases cited by Tremblay J. in Jan-Pro Canada Est inc. v. Bourgeois, 2017 QCCS 2151, namely Dell
, to the right to receive notification of a document or to the homologation or the annulment of an arbitration award.” In addition to those relied on by Defendant, Bourgeois J. drew the parties’ attention to articles 536 C.C.P. et seq. which provide special rules for small claims. In particular, Bourgeois J. pointed to article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. which sets out the options available to a defendant when deciding how to respond to a claim made within the jurisdiction of the Court of Québec’s Small Claims Division. Among the options available, including acquiescence, article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. stipulates that a defendant who chooses to defend the application may “ask that the application be dismissed, that the case be referred to another judicial district or to another court or to the competent administrative tribunal”. By drawing the parties’ attention to article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P., Bourgeois J. treaded on familiar ground, having been down the same path before. In an earlier decision, Bourgeois J. in Guillette v. Jan-Pro Canada Est, 2016 QCCQ 7186 had refused to refer the parties to arbitration because article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. did not provide referral as an option. Rather, on the facts before him in that case, Bourgeois J. declared the nullity of the arbitration clause. He did so on the basis that the contract, being an adhesion contract, failed to meet the principle of proportionality in violation of article 622 al. 3 C.C.P. On application for judicial review of Bourgeois J.’s earlier decision to the Superior Court, Mr. Justice Bernard Tremblay of the Québec Superior Court in Jan-Pro Canada Est inc. v. Bourgeois, 2017 QCCS 2151 granted the application but only in part. Tremblay agreed with Bourgeois J.’s analysis of article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. but disagreed with Bourgeois J.’s decision to declare the nullity of the arbitration clause. At paras 26-37 of his reasons, Tremblay J. considered the express wording of article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. and, in light of the earlier Court of Appeal decision in Fédération des producteurs acéricoles du Québec v. St-Pierre, 2005 QCCA 839, determined that an ‘arbitration tribunal’ did not fall within the ‘courts’ (or ‘tribunals’) mentioned in article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. As a result, the Court of Québec, Small Claims Division had no grant of jurisdiction to refer the parties to arbitration. The terms used at article 8 C.C.P. and article 1 of the Courts of Justice Act, CQLR c T-16 provide only for those ‘courts’ expressly identified therein and make no mention of or provision for arbitration tribunals. The Act respecting administrative justice, CQLR c J-3 limits its application to “a decision to be made by the Administrative Tribunal of Québec or by another body of the administrative branch charged with settling disputes between a citizen and an administrative authority or a decentralized authority”, thereby excluding arbitration tribunals. Tremblay J. held that arbitration tribunals do not settle disputes between a citizen and an administrative authority. As a result, Tremblay J. held that Bourgeois J.’s decision to interpret article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P. as excluding arbitration tribunals was reasonable and justified. Turning to the current case before him, Bourgeois J. then noted that Plaintiff had not asked for the nullity of the arbitration clause. He went on the observe that, had that been Plaintiff’s intention, the determination of the clause’s nullity had to be made first by the arbitrator. His observation relied on cases cited by Tremblay J. in Jan-Pro Canada Est inc. v. Bourgeois, 2017 QCCS 2151, namely Dell
Computer Corp. v. Union des consommateurs, [2007] 2 SCR 801, 2007 SCC 34, Rogers Wireless Inc. v. Muroff, [2007] 2 SCR 921, 2007 SCC 35 and Groupon Canada inc. v. 9178-2243 Québec inc., 2015 QCCA 645 as well as 7847866 Canada inc. v. Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, 2017 QCCS 1723 and Fondacaro v. Syndicat des copropriétaires Prince Consort, 2018 QCCQ 4050. Bourgeois J. held that Defendant sought only the referral of the parties to arbitration and not the dismissal of the action. Given his review of the legislation and the case law regarding his jurisdiction under article 547 al. 2(2) C.C.P., he could not and would not refer the parties to arbitration. Instead, as a matter of case management, he ordered the suspension (stay) of the court proceedings until the parties were able to have the arbitration clause before the ‘appropriate forum’. Though he did not expressly mention ‘arbitration tribunal’ in his closing comment or in the dispositive, the content of his analysis immediately prior to that conclusion mentioned only the arbitration tribunal as a forum. TagsQuébec Previous PostPrevious N.L. – ‘legislative language to the contrary’ provides option of court proceedings or arbitration – #176 Next PostNext Ontario – arbitrator appointment procedure in franchise agreement risks “absurd and likely unfair result” – #178 Why the Swimsuit Issue Matters Even More This Year Time Inc. hopes its (sometimes) bikini-clad franchise can tie together its digital future Dylan Stableford | February 15, 2011 @ 7:08 AM Sports Illustrated’s 2011 swimsuit issue — the sun-soaked, perennially-hyped, exhaustively-marketed magazine — was released on Tuesday. And for Time Inc., SI’s publisher, it’s perhaps the most important one yet. The swimsuit issue has become a big business, having generated more than a billion dollars for the company since the franchise began in 1964. And the 2011 swimsuit issue is already delivering. It boasts more than 90 ad pages, a 30 percent increase over last year. And the issue is up 41 percent in advertising revenue, SI says. That’s a big deal, considering the swimsuit issue itself accounts for about 7 percent of Sports Illustrated’s annual ad revenue (or roughly $40 million of its $572 million in 2010). At the newsstand, the magazine usually sells well over a million single copies, or about 10-15 times how many regular issues of SI are sold. And as you might imagine, bikinis are a big traffic driver online. SI.com/swimsuit had 11 million unique visitors during its launch week in 2010, generating more than 280 million page views and 100 million-plus video plays. But the 2011 swimsuit issue is, perhaps, more important than the 36 that have come before it. That’s because Time Inc. is looking past Brooklyn Decker’s swimsuit (as hard as that is to do) and into its digital future. “This is a strategic directive across the company,” Sports Illustrated Group publisher Frank Wall told TheWrap on the eve of the swimsuit launch. “Ever year swimsuit gets bigger and bigger, but we wanted to make this franchise representative of the media company as a whole.” On Friday, SI announced and launched an “all-access” initiative, in which readers are able to access content in print, online, on mobile phones and on tablets for one price — shifting the focus away from print-only subscriptions towards its digital offerings. (Read: no more print-only subscriptions.) Time Inc. is hoping the SI “all-access” model will soon be the one used by its other magazines, including Time and People. “Everybody wants to migr