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We need to look deeper into the elements of that part of ourselves that would have us take us all down. We need inquire into that tendency of ours to choose tyranny over freedom, Republicans and fascists over Democrats and liberators, enslavement over autonomy, oppression over liberty, war over peace, violence over pacifism, misery over happiness. We must derail the cycles of war and violence. We must know how to “like” happiness. To do so, we must separate the skeins of this inner entanglement and shed light into this darkness within. We need to know specifically, precisely where to place the lever of effort we will apply to truly move the world, to derail it from its current acceleration into oblivion. So we look now into the elements of that perinatal unconscious manifesting currently as a will to die on the grandest scale imaginable. [continued after audio links] Derailing the Cycles of War and Violence Audiocasts “Part 1; What Say We Leave a Planet for Our Offspring?” – the audio by SillyMickel Adzema For the author’s reading, with elaboration, of this part, click on the link to the audio site above or click the audio player here: Image of Apocalypse or New Dawn, Ch. 8: Derailing the Cycles of War.and Violence, Pt.1: What Say We Leave a Planet For Our Offspring? by SillyMickel Adzema “Part 2; Can You Handle Happiness (And the Pain That Comes With It)?” – the audio by SillyMickel Adzema Image of Apocalypse, or New Dawn?: Chapter Eight: “Derailing the Cycles of War and Violence, Part 2: Can You Handle Happiness? (And the Pain That Comes With It?)” by SillyMickel Adzema Cycles of War, Cycles of Birth We find there are two researchers who are particularly relevant to our understanding of the elements of the perinatal unconscious in a way as to avert collective, worldwide disaster. These are Stanislav Grof and Lloyd DeMause. [Footnote 2] Men Would Rather Be “Manly” Than…Alive… DeMause writes, [T]he group-fantasy shared prior to wars expresses the nation’s deep feeling that the increase in pleasure brought about by the prosperity and progress that usually precede wars “pollutes” the national blood-stream with sinful excess, making men “soft” and feminine”–-a frightful condition that can only be cleansed by a blood-shedding purification. [Footnote 2] Men are more terrified of appearing “feminine” than of losing their lives. Why we invite war. DeMause is saying we go forever into war because after a while peace makes men feel guilty, “sinful.” Men have uncomfortable, even shameful…homophobic…feelings of being “soft” or “feminine” when their lives are good. So men choose the “purifying,” masculinizing ritual of war to fight off these feelings. Nothing distracts one from looking inward better than a “good, old-fashioned” life-or-death struggle, and war is the most all-encompassing of them. Men are more terrified of appearing “soft” than having the boot of totalitarianism on their neck. Why we allow fascism. What DeMause says about bringing war upon us can be said also about allowing fascism, inviting totalitarianism. For whether we are fighting enemies of another nation or struggling to survive against oppression at home, we are involved in a daily struggle. Secret to us, we feel better being engaged in a dramatic battle, though it brings us suffering and misery. We simply can’t hack peace for very long. We feel guilty, for some reason, lolling on the beach. You ever notice how at the end of your vacation time, you are anxious for it to be over and to get back to work? That feeling-–that one where we feel…guilty?…uncomfortable…tense?…unfulfilled?…(you tell me)–-that’s it. That’s the one I’m talking about. It happens the same way collectively after we have experienced a “vacation” of national peace-–for example, in the Nineties when we
We need to look deeper into the elements of that part of ourselves that would have us take us all down. We need inquire into that tendency of ours to choose tyranny over freedom, Republicans and fascists over Democrats and liberators, enslavement over autonomy, oppression over liberty, war over peace, violence over pacifism, misery over happiness. We must derail the cycles of war and violence. We must know how to “like” happiness. To do so, we must separate the skeins of this inner entanglement and shed light into this darkness within. We need to know specifically, precisely where to place the lever of effort we will apply to truly move the world, to derail it from its current acceleration into oblivion. So we look now into the elements of that perinatal unconscious manifesting currently as a will to die on the grandest scale imaginable. [continued after audio links] Derailing the Cycles of War and Violence Audiocasts “Part 1; What Say We Leave a Planet for Our Offspring?” – the audio by SillyMickel Adzema For the author’s reading, with elaboration, of this part, click on the link to the audio site above or click the audio player here: Image of Apocalypse or New Dawn, Ch. 8: Derailing the Cycles of War.and Violence, Pt.1: What Say We Leave a Planet For Our Offspring? by SillyMickel Adzema “Part 2; Can You Handle Happiness (And the Pain That Comes With It)?” – the audio by SillyMickel Adzema Image of Apocalypse, or New Dawn?: Chapter Eight: “Derailing the Cycles of War and Violence, Part 2: Can You Handle Happiness? (And the Pain That Comes With It?)” by SillyMickel Adzema Cycles of War, Cycles of Birth We find there are two researchers who are particularly relevant to our understanding of the elements of the perinatal unconscious in a way as to avert collective, worldwide disaster. These are Stanislav Grof and Lloyd DeMause. [Footnote 2] Men Would Rather Be “Manly” Than…Alive… DeMause writes, [T]he group-fantasy shared prior to wars expresses the nation’s deep feeling that the increase in pleasure brought about by the prosperity and progress that usually precede wars “pollutes” the national blood-stream with sinful excess, making men “soft” and feminine”–-a frightful condition that can only be cleansed by a blood-shedding purification. [Footnote 2] Men are more terrified of appearing “feminine” than of losing their lives. Why we invite war. DeMause is saying we go forever into war because after a while peace makes men feel guilty, “sinful.” Men have uncomfortable, even shameful…homophobic…feelings of being “soft” or “feminine” when their lives are good. So men choose the “purifying,” masculinizing ritual of war to fight off these feelings. Nothing distracts one from looking inward better than a “good, old-fashioned” life-or-death struggle, and war is the most all-encompassing of them. Men are more terrified of appearing “soft” than having the boot of totalitarianism on their neck. Why we allow fascism. What DeMause says about bringing war upon us can be said also about allowing fascism, inviting totalitarianism. For whether we are fighting enemies of another nation or struggling to survive against oppression at home, we are involved in a daily struggle. Secret to us, we feel better being engaged in a dramatic battle, though it brings us suffering and misery. We simply can’t hack peace for very long. We feel guilty, for some reason, lolling on the beach. You ever notice how at the end of your vacation time, you are anxious for it to be over and to get back to work? That feeling-–that one where we feel…guilty?…uncomfortable…tense?…unfulfilled?…(you tell me)–-that’s it. That’s the one I’m talking about. It happens the same way collectively after we have experienced a “vacation” of national peace-–for example, in the Nineties when we
were prosperous and mostly peaceful under Clinton. At the end of it, with Bush, we ended up getting the misery and struggle many in America were driven to want, though no one would ever admit that. A quick aside. The fact that the majority of Americans actually didn’t vote for Bush and so tried to choose happiness over struggle is a source of hope for us in all this. That’s a hint of what’s coming. But for now, let us get back to this opening provided us. We can make better use of DeMause’s insight using Stanislav Grof’s delineation of this birth unconscious of ours. Grof explains we are moved by four specific kinds of drives emanating from our earliest experiences. These specific tendencies in us relate to four different times in the birth process which involve four radically different kinds of experiences. Grof uses the term, basic perinatal matrices (BPMs), to refer to these four aspects of our inner urges. I will describe them here and refer to them along with DeMause’s cycles of social-historical violence and war to pull apart the roots of our dilemma. [Footnote 3] Our Tendency to Always Screw Up a Good Thing, BPM I The first of Grof’s aspects of our unconscious he terms Basic Perinatal Matrix I, BPM I for short. Prosperity and progress equal feeling “soft” and “feminine” Grof’s BPM I is sometimes described as “oceanic bliss” and involves the experiences and feelings related to the relatively undisturbed prenatal period. On the social, macrocosmic level, it is the period described in the quote by deMause above in which there is a period of “prosperity and progress” and feelings of being “soft” and “feminine.” [Footnote 2] The strong connection between individual experience (personal psychology) and collective realities (social-historical events and elements) is patent here since in BPM I experience the individual is still in the mother’s womb and to some extent shares her identity, which is of course feminine. Being unborn and not having gone through the “toughening” experiences of birth and later trauma, which predominantly create one’s defenses, the individual is also “soft,” i.e., undefended. “No Pain, No Gain,” Hell, Satan, and Poisonous Placenta; BPM II “No-exit” claustrophobia To further review Grof’s schema and its relation to deMause’s cycles of war, I want to remind you that BPM II is related on the individual level to the time near the end of pregnancy when the fetus is no longer rocking blissfully on the waves of oceanic bliss but is trapped in an ever more confining womb. As the fetus grows in size, the suffering becomes greater; no doubt this is the source of the common-sense belief that growing has to involve suffering, for example, “No pain, no gain.” At any rate, the feelings are those of claustrophobia and “no exit.” There is heavy non-agitated depression here, since there appears to be no hope, no change in the situation that would indicate a way out of the suffering. Indeed, this period continues practically right up to the time of birth, ending only when the cervix becomes dilated and, experientially speaking, there appears suddenly to be a “light at the end of the tunnel” and therefore hope. Where the hell we get the idea of hell. However, up until that time there are feelings of being totally unempowered, completely in the hands of an entity (the womb) that imposes a horrifying reality that appears to be unending and eternal. Herein we have the psychological roots of notions of hell and Satan. Feelings associated with this state include despair, victimization, blame, and guilt. “You’ll wallow in your shit, and you’ll think you’re happy.” – Kurt Cobain, from the song, “Sad” As birth comes nearer, “fetal malnutrition” increases, since the neonate’s increasing size and weight press down on and constrict the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the placenta, when the mother is standing. The decreased blood supply means a reduction of life-giving oxygen as well as the buildup of toxins that would otherwise be taken away by a normal blood flow.
at the wall. The family photo still hung at its familiar, slightly crooked angle, and the television was where it had always been. “Daddy, there’s a Christmas card in with the presents!” said Maria, handing him a white envelope. James turned it over. There was nothing written on the outside, but he could just make out a jolly, red Santa printed on the cardboard through the white paper. He tore it open. Inside was printed the usual “Merry Christmas” greeting and, underneath in irregular, smudgy letters, another message. Thanks fer the milk. I dun yer socks. James looked down. Lying neatly over the arm of his chair were his socks, perfectly darned. He picked them up and smiled. Somewhere, in the distance, there was a faint tinkling of bells. Merry Christmas! xxx By katldayin Fantasy 22 Dec, 2017 22 Dec, 2017 1,468 Words5 Comments When he looked, it wasn’t there. The plastic hangers in Olly’s wardrobe squeaked along the metal rail as he pushed them back and forth. He screwed up his nose. In amongst the usual smells of pinewood and clean laundry was something else. It reminded him of the greenhouse on a hot day, and honey, and dust. ‘Mum! MUM!’ She appeared in the doorway. ‘What’s the matter, Olly?’ ‘I can’t find my red t-shirt!’ ‘Oh,’ she touched her face, eyes darting upwards. ‘Isn’t it in the wardrobe?’ ‘No!’ She chewed her lip. ‘I’ll look in the airing cupboard.’ He watched her head up the stairs to the top floor. He picked up his T-Rex and stomped it around his room for a few minutes, then followed. ‘No, I haven’t.’ Mum was talking on her phone. He sat down on the stairs just out of sight. His fingers caressed the bumpy surface of the small, plastic dinosaur. ‘He might’ve said something to Peter–’ Below, the front door clattered. Olly dropped the toy and hurtled down the one and a half flights of stairs to the hallway. ‘Dad! You’re home early!’ His father slipped his mobile into his pocket, then swept Olly into his arms. His breath was thick and sweet. ‘Where’s Mummy, sport?’ ‘She’s upstairs, looking for my t-shirt.’ ‘Okay, kiddo. Go and find that book we were reading yesterday. I’ll be down in a bit.’ He put his son back on his feet and started up the stairs. Olly walked into the front room. He heard his mother say ‘Peter!’ and someone must’ve dropped something, because there was a thump. It probably wasn’t anything important though, because he didn’t hear anything else. Olly thought about the book. He was sure they’d left it on the coffee table. But when he looked, it wasn’t there. This was written in response to a challenge to write a 300-word story that both started, and ended, with the words “when he looked, it wasn’t there”. I came up with the idea of a parent ‘putting something away’ while their child wasn’t there (as I was tidying some old bits of artwork ‘away’ in the bin) and then asked myself for a more dramatic reason for a child’s things to be packed away. By katldayin General fiction, Touch of darkness 22 Sep, 2016 30 Nov, 2016 391 Words1 Comment Her dress was the colour of the summer sky at midnight Her dress is the colour of the summer sky at midnight; her shoes the hue and lustre of amethysts. Eyes once fresh blueberries have drifted nettle-green. Tiny fingers clutch the fur of a tangerine teddy bear, while mine stroke soft strands of hair the colour of fresh popcorn. I caress the dot of strawberry birthmark. She smiles, brilliant as the sun after a storm. Today, I remember her never-born brother. She is my
at the wall. The family photo still hung at its familiar, slightly crooked angle, and the television was where it had always been. “Daddy, there’s a Christmas card in with the presents!” said Maria, handing him a white envelope. James turned it over. There was nothing written on the outside, but he could just make out a jolly, red Santa printed on the cardboard through the white paper. He tore it open. Inside was printed the usual “Merry Christmas” greeting and, underneath in irregular, smudgy letters, another message. Thanks fer the milk. I dun yer socks. James looked down. Lying neatly over the arm of his chair were his socks, perfectly darned. He picked them up and smiled. Somewhere, in the distance, there was a faint tinkling of bells. Merry Christmas! xxx By katldayin Fantasy 22 Dec, 2017 22 Dec, 2017 1,468 Words5 Comments When he looked, it wasn’t there. The plastic hangers in Olly’s wardrobe squeaked along the metal rail as he pushed them back and forth. He screwed up his nose. In amongst the usual smells of pinewood and clean laundry was something else. It reminded him of the greenhouse on a hot day, and honey, and dust. ‘Mum! MUM!’ She appeared in the doorway. ‘What’s the matter, Olly?’ ‘I can’t find my red t-shirt!’ ‘Oh,’ she touched her face, eyes darting upwards. ‘Isn’t it in the wardrobe?’ ‘No!’ She chewed her lip. ‘I’ll look in the airing cupboard.’ He watched her head up the stairs to the top floor. He picked up his T-Rex and stomped it around his room for a few minutes, then followed. ‘No, I haven’t.’ Mum was talking on her phone. He sat down on the stairs just out of sight. His fingers caressed the bumpy surface of the small, plastic dinosaur. ‘He might’ve said something to Peter–’ Below, the front door clattered. Olly dropped the toy and hurtled down the one and a half flights of stairs to the hallway. ‘Dad! You’re home early!’ His father slipped his mobile into his pocket, then swept Olly into his arms. His breath was thick and sweet. ‘Where’s Mummy, sport?’ ‘She’s upstairs, looking for my t-shirt.’ ‘Okay, kiddo. Go and find that book we were reading yesterday. I’ll be down in a bit.’ He put his son back on his feet and started up the stairs. Olly walked into the front room. He heard his mother say ‘Peter!’ and someone must’ve dropped something, because there was a thump. It probably wasn’t anything important though, because he didn’t hear anything else. Olly thought about the book. He was sure they’d left it on the coffee table. But when he looked, it wasn’t there. This was written in response to a challenge to write a 300-word story that both started, and ended, with the words “when he looked, it wasn’t there”. I came up with the idea of a parent ‘putting something away’ while their child wasn’t there (as I was tidying some old bits of artwork ‘away’ in the bin) and then asked myself for a more dramatic reason for a child’s things to be packed away. By katldayin General fiction, Touch of darkness 22 Sep, 2016 30 Nov, 2016 391 Words1 Comment Her dress was the colour of the summer sky at midnight Her dress is the colour of the summer sky at midnight; her shoes the hue and lustre of amethysts. Eyes once fresh blueberries have drifted nettle-green. Tiny fingers clutch the fur of a tangerine teddy bear, while mine stroke soft strands of hair the colour of fresh popcorn. I caress the dot of strawberry birthmark. She smiles, brilliant as the sun after a storm. Today, I remember her never-born brother. She is my
rainbow baby. This was written for Paragraph Planet, and was featured on that site on the 8th of September 2016. The only requirement for Paragraph Planet is that submissions must be exactly 75 words long. There are many, lovely pieces there – do pop along and have a read. By katldayin Microfiction 8 Sep, 2016 30 Nov, 2016 124 Words6 Comments Justice League review – not Wonder Woman, but still an improvement The long-anticipated Justice League is finally here, and it’s totally fine. Amidst all the negative criticism and predictable Rotten Tomatoes backlash, it’s still a fun and entertaining ride. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Batman (Ben Affleck), The Flash (Ezra Miller), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Aquaman (Jason Momoa) unite to take down ancient supervillain Steppenwolf and his horde of flying demons. The film has a promising start and more or less picks up exactly where both Wonder Woman and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice left off. It’s a decent first half filled with informative backstory and character introductions. There’s a fantastic action scene of Steppenwolf making his grand entrance into Themyscira. Those Amazons really are kick-ass. Both Batman and Wonder Woman, aka Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince head up the team and recruit the others. Not surprising as Batman has the technological means and power, and the success of the lovable Wonder Woman movie earlier this year means that Gadot’s part has really been beefed up. She’s a great leader and continues to show off her Wonder Woman wisdom and charisma here too. Newcomers Cyborg, and The Flash are both interesting characters with a decent amount of screen time. Cyborg is the brains, and Flash is definitely the humour. Aquaman however, despite his ‘dudeness’ and all round Jason Momoa charisma that has rubbed off on the hero, is reduced to little more than a few grunts and ‘woohoos’ by the explosive finale. A little more dialogue could have gone a long way there. Affleck’s Batman is still brooding and damaged but nowhere near as much as the emotionally taxing Batman v Superman. The character has been given a slightly more playful comic book sense of humour which does wonders. Perhaps this was a result of the disastrous reviews of BvS, or a result of director Joss Whedon (The Avengers), who stepped in after director Zack Snyder encountered family tragedy. However, it’s at the halfway mark where Justice League loses it a little. With the predictable resurrection of an old hero, which may or may not be Superman, things go a little awry once again. Is it Henry Cavill that just seems so awkward in the role of the wholesome Metropolis hero? I don’t know, but with Superman’s return comes all of the tedious Martha / Lois Lane drama that you probably hated in BvS, with which Justice League’s overall more comical approach, just doesn’t mesh well at all. This film does feel like more of a comic book than previous DCEU outings, and that’s a good thing. It’s more exhuberant and a hell of a lot more entertaining. There’s even a reference to Burton’s original Batman, and composer Danny Elfman even reprises parts of the original score. Is Marvel better than DC? Well yeah, it probably is. These films do have more memorable soundtracks though. It feels like the DCEU is heading towards a more fun-loving universe if this is anything to go by. Let’s hope they continue to get it right. People are tearing this one apart, but maybe that’s just become the fashionable thing to do these days. Rotten Tomatoes seem to have a jaded love or hate approach towards everything. Photo: Justice League Official November 19, 2017 2017, batman, benaffleck, blogging, cinema, comics, DC, DCEU, film, galgadot, justiceleague, movie, moviebarf, movienews, moviereviews, rottentomatoes, ryankeatinglambert, superman, wonderwoman Previous Previous post:
Whitney and his advisors decided to exercise their option. The Reids, claiming to have put $20 million into the newspaper since the 1924 merger [132] initially attempted to keep editorial control of the paper, but Whitney made it clear he would not invest additional money in the Tribune if the Reids remained at the helm. [133] The family yielded, and Helen, Whitie and Brown Reid announced Whitney's takeover of the newspaper on August 28, 1958.[134] The Reids retained a substantial stake in the Tribune until its demise, but Whitney and his advisors controlled the paper. The Whitney Era: 1958–1966 "Who says a good newspaper has to be dull?" Whitney initially left management of the newspaper to Walter Thayer, a longtime advisor. Thayer did not believe the Tribune was a financial investment—"it was a matter of 'let's set it up so that (Whitney) can do it if this is what he wants"[128]—but moved to build a "hen house" of media properties to protect Whitney's investment and provide money for the Tribune. Over the next two years, Whitney's firm acquired Parade, five television stations and four radio stations.[135] The properties, merged into a new company called Whitney Communications Corporation, proved profitable, but executives chafed at subsidizing the Tribune.[136] Thayer also looked for new leadership for the newspaper. In 1961—the same year Whitney returned to New York—the Tribune hired John Denson, a Newsweek editor and native of Louisiana who was "a critical mass of intensity and irascibility relieved by interludes of amiability."[137] Denson had helped raise Newsweek's circulation by 50 percent during his tenure, in part through innovative layouts and graphics,[138] and he brought the same approach to the Tribune. Denson "swept away the old front-page architecture, essentially vertical in structure"[139] and laid out stories horizontally, with unorthodox and sometimes cryptic headlines; large photos and information boxes.[140] The "Densonized" front page sparked a mixed reaction from media professionals and within the newspaper—Tribune copy editor John Price called it "silly but expert silliness" and Time called the new front page "all overblown pictures (and) klaxon headlines"[141]—but the newspaper's circulation jumped in 1961[142] and those within the Tribune said "the alternative seemed to be the death of the newspaper."[143] The Tribune also launched an ad campaign targeting the Times with the slogan "Who says a good newspaper has to be dull?"[144] The Tribune's revival came as the Times was bringing on new leadership and facing financial trouble of its own. While the Times picked up 220,000 readers during the 1950s,[145] its profits declined to $348,000 by 1960[146] due to the costs of an international edition and investments into the newspaper.[146] A western edition of the newspaper, launched in 1961 by new publisher Orvil Dryfoos in an attempt to build the paper's national audience, also proved to be a drain and the Times profits fell to $59,802 by the end of 1961.[147] While the Times outdistanced its rival in circulation and ad lineage, the Tribune continued to draw a sizeable amount of advertising, due to its wealthy readership.[148] The Times management watched the Tribune's changes with "uneasy contempt for their debasement of classic Tribune craftmanship but also with grudging admiration for their catchiness and shrewdness." Times managing editor Turner Catledge began visiting the city room of his newspaper to read the early edition of the Tribune and sometimes responded with changes, though he ultimately decided Denson's approach would be unsuccessful. [149] But the financial challenges both papers faced led Dryfoos, Thayer, and previous Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger to discuss a possible merger of the Times and the Tribune, a project codenamed "Canada" at the
Whitney and his advisors decided to exercise their option. The Reids, claiming to have put $20 million into the newspaper since the 1924 merger [132] initially attempted to keep editorial control of the paper, but Whitney made it clear he would not invest additional money in the Tribune if the Reids remained at the helm. [133] The family yielded, and Helen, Whitie and Brown Reid announced Whitney's takeover of the newspaper on August 28, 1958.[134] The Reids retained a substantial stake in the Tribune until its demise, but Whitney and his advisors controlled the paper. The Whitney Era: 1958–1966 "Who says a good newspaper has to be dull?" Whitney initially left management of the newspaper to Walter Thayer, a longtime advisor. Thayer did not believe the Tribune was a financial investment—"it was a matter of 'let's set it up so that (Whitney) can do it if this is what he wants"[128]—but moved to build a "hen house" of media properties to protect Whitney's investment and provide money for the Tribune. Over the next two years, Whitney's firm acquired Parade, five television stations and four radio stations.[135] The properties, merged into a new company called Whitney Communications Corporation, proved profitable, but executives chafed at subsidizing the Tribune.[136] Thayer also looked for new leadership for the newspaper. In 1961—the same year Whitney returned to New York—the Tribune hired John Denson, a Newsweek editor and native of Louisiana who was "a critical mass of intensity and irascibility relieved by interludes of amiability."[137] Denson had helped raise Newsweek's circulation by 50 percent during his tenure, in part through innovative layouts and graphics,[138] and he brought the same approach to the Tribune. Denson "swept away the old front-page architecture, essentially vertical in structure"[139] and laid out stories horizontally, with unorthodox and sometimes cryptic headlines; large photos and information boxes.[140] The "Densonized" front page sparked a mixed reaction from media professionals and within the newspaper—Tribune copy editor John Price called it "silly but expert silliness" and Time called the new front page "all overblown pictures (and) klaxon headlines"[141]—but the newspaper's circulation jumped in 1961[142] and those within the Tribune said "the alternative seemed to be the death of the newspaper."[143] The Tribune also launched an ad campaign targeting the Times with the slogan "Who says a good newspaper has to be dull?"[144] The Tribune's revival came as the Times was bringing on new leadership and facing financial trouble of its own. While the Times picked up 220,000 readers during the 1950s,[145] its profits declined to $348,000 by 1960[146] due to the costs of an international edition and investments into the newspaper.[146] A western edition of the newspaper, launched in 1961 by new publisher Orvil Dryfoos in an attempt to build the paper's national audience, also proved to be a drain and the Times profits fell to $59,802 by the end of 1961.[147] While the Times outdistanced its rival in circulation and ad lineage, the Tribune continued to draw a sizeable amount of advertising, due to its wealthy readership.[148] The Times management watched the Tribune's changes with "uneasy contempt for their debasement of classic Tribune craftmanship but also with grudging admiration for their catchiness and shrewdness." Times managing editor Turner Catledge began visiting the city room of his newspaper to read the early edition of the Tribune and sometimes responded with changes, though he ultimately decided Denson's approach would be unsuccessful. [149] But the financial challenges both papers faced led Dryfoos, Thayer, and previous Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger to discuss a possible merger of the Times and the Tribune, a project codenamed "Canada" at the
Times.[150][151] Denson's approaches to the front page often required expensive work stoppages to redo the front page, which increased expenses and drew concern from Whitney and Thayer. Denson also had a heavy-handed approach to the newsroom that led some to question his stability, and led him to clash with Thayer.[152] Denson left the Tribune in October 1962 after Thayer attempted to move the nightly lock up of the news paper to managing editor James Bellows.[153] But Denson's approach would continue at the paper. Daily circulation at the Tribune reached an all-time high of 412,000 in November, 1962.[1] Labor unrest, New Journalism The New York newspaper industry came to an abrupt halt on December 8, 1962 when the local of the International Typographical Union, led by Bert Powers, walked off the job, leading to the 114-day 1962–63 New York City newspaper strike. The ITU, known as "Big Six," represented 3,800 printers, as well as workers at 600 printshops and 28 publications in the city[1] but, like other newspaper unions, had taken a backseat to the Newspaper Guild (which had the largest membership among the unions) in contract negotiations. This arrangement began to fray in the 1950s, as the craft unions felt the Guild was too inclined to accept publishers' offers without concern for those who did the manual work of printing. [154] Powers wanted to call a strike to challenge the Guild's leadership and thrust ITU to the fore. New technology was also a concern for management and labor. Teletypesetting (TTS), introduced in the 1950s, was used by The Wall Street Journal and promised to be far more efficient than the linotype machines still used by theTribune and most other New York newspapers.[155] TTS required less skill than the complex linotype machines, and publishers wanted to automate to save money. ITU was not necessarily opposed to TTS—it trained its members on the new equipment[155]—but wanted to control the rate at which automation occurred; assurances that TTS operators would be paid at the same rates as linotype workers; that at least a portion of the savings from publishers would go toward union pension plans (to allow funding to continue as the workforce and union membership declined) and guarantees that no printer would lose their job as a result of the new technology.[155] Publishers were willing to protect jobs and reduce the workforce through attrition, but balked at what they viewed as "tribute payments" to the unions. After nearly a five-month strike, the unions and the publishers reached an agreement in March, 1963—in which the unions won a weekly worker wage and benefit increase of $12.63 and largely forestalled automation—the city's newspapers resumed publication on April 1, 1963.[156] The strike added new costs to all newspapers, and increased the Tribune's losses to $4.2 million while slashing its circulation to 282,000.[157] Dryfoos died of a heart ailment shortly after the strike and was replaced as Times publisher by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who ended merger talks with the Tribune because "it just didn't make any long-term sense to me."[158] The paper also lost long-established talent, including Marguerite Higgins, Earl Mazo and Washington bureau chief Robert Donovan. Whitney, however, remained committed to the Tribune, and promoted James Bellows to editor of the newspaper. Bellows kept Denson's format but "eliminated features that lacked substance or sparkle"[159] while promoting new talent, including movie critic Judith Crist and Washington columnists Robert Novak and Rowland Evans. The Tribune also began experimenting with an approach to news that later was referred to as the New Journalism. National editor Dick Wald wrote in one memo "there is no mold for a newspaper story," and Bellows encouraged his reporters to work "in whatever style made them comfortable."[160] Tom Wolfe, who joined the paper after working at The Washington Post, wrote lengthy features about city life;
officers who have deceived the Parliament, the Courts, the MoD, the defence services, defence veterans and the public at large. That would be the greatest service to the nation and actual ‘welfare’ to ex-servicemen which in theory has been envisaged by the so-called well-intentioned but poorly executed Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare. (Navdeep Singh) Copy for independent action to : 1. Chief of Air Staff 2. Chief of Naval Staff 3. Rajya Raksha Mantri 4. Adjutant General 5. Director, PS-4 (Legal) 6. Secretary (Personnel) 7. Secretary-in-Charge, DoPPW Enclosures : Appendices A to K, as above Labels: Misc, Policy and Benefits, Publication, Red-Tapism sharu said... brilliant letter sir.. but will anyone in this great country read it and take suitable corrective action ???? only time will tell..THE GREAT DAMOCLES' SWORD OF 7TH PAY COMMISSION AWAITS IN THE WINGS!!!!!regards..sharu so disheartening to know all this. hopefully some day people responsible for this sad state of affairs will realise and repent.. to say the least. let us pray for the happiness of those who take pride in denying the legitimate dues to their own defence services its totally unbelievably that lower staff can enter in to such mis-adventure at his/her own. cant believe jinjon said... can we have access to the appendices in your blog. Dear Maj Navdeep Once again u have proved that u r the ONLY saviour of Ex Defence personnel. What a pity state of affairs .It is amazing how some MOD human beings ? behave. U have made it amply clear to all concerned. There is hardly anything I can add, except wait that some day our so called bretheren in MOD will wake up to realties and hopefully do the needful in correct and appropriate manner. AMEN Gurdeep Singh Group Captain (Retd ) SATTY'S CORNER said... I strongly feel that these lower rung officials shud be taken to task by filing "Perjury" cases against them wherein they have told blatant lies in their affidavits before the apex court.SC shud take cognisance of such misgivings and haul up the higher ups with exemplary punishment.Then only detrance will set in. These Mr XXX shud be shunted out from MoD and case filed against him for misleading courts and higher officials.Mr XX contract as OSD shud be terminated forthwith. You deserve kudos for the great service you are doing to the armed forces personnel and the country. Your communication should awaken our senior leadership to take to task certain mischievous elements who have pursuing a sinister agenda against the armed forces veterans in general and the disabled veterans in particular. All the best to you Thank you sir for this is a Genuine fight A fight worth fighting for. I really hope that serious cognizance is accorded to this letter of yours and that we can help circulate this information to more and more citizens. Curiously you have blanked out the name of the DESW officials, rather it is strongly recommended that we name them specifically, with proof its not Slander any more.... and it is recommended to even lodge FIR against the individuals for wrongful actions in public office. we could circulate this to all friends we know, A Request: the letters in Appces mentioned above may also be put online with the links to lend additional credibility. May God Bless You Sir. Wish our Generals were like you. Some are. We constantly wait with bated breath to see if they might take the fight to the tiger...soon??? Regards to all readers. Pl join in making this into a crusade cos its a fight worth fighting for. Its our men we fight for...no? guess something like this is written in some motto that often goes around in ...the Academies.... Chetwode Motto...how many of our seniors remember....most of us wonder....(they remind others alright) You sir.....are the breed that we Salute with all our hearts! Jai Hind. Wg Cdr(Retd) IP Singh said... Major Navdeep, Once again big thanks for the concerns you show for helpless ESM. It is
officers who have deceived the Parliament, the Courts, the MoD, the defence services, defence veterans and the public at large. That would be the greatest service to the nation and actual ‘welfare’ to ex-servicemen which in theory has been envisaged by the so-called well-intentioned but poorly executed Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare. (Navdeep Singh) Copy for independent action to : 1. Chief of Air Staff 2. Chief of Naval Staff 3. Rajya Raksha Mantri 4. Adjutant General 5. Director, PS-4 (Legal) 6. Secretary (Personnel) 7. Secretary-in-Charge, DoPPW Enclosures : Appendices A to K, as above Labels: Misc, Policy and Benefits, Publication, Red-Tapism sharu said... brilliant letter sir.. but will anyone in this great country read it and take suitable corrective action ???? only time will tell..THE GREAT DAMOCLES' SWORD OF 7TH PAY COMMISSION AWAITS IN THE WINGS!!!!!regards..sharu so disheartening to know all this. hopefully some day people responsible for this sad state of affairs will realise and repent.. to say the least. let us pray for the happiness of those who take pride in denying the legitimate dues to their own defence services its totally unbelievably that lower staff can enter in to such mis-adventure at his/her own. cant believe jinjon said... can we have access to the appendices in your blog. Dear Maj Navdeep Once again u have proved that u r the ONLY saviour of Ex Defence personnel. What a pity state of affairs .It is amazing how some MOD human beings ? behave. U have made it amply clear to all concerned. There is hardly anything I can add, except wait that some day our so called bretheren in MOD will wake up to realties and hopefully do the needful in correct and appropriate manner. AMEN Gurdeep Singh Group Captain (Retd ) SATTY'S CORNER said... I strongly feel that these lower rung officials shud be taken to task by filing "Perjury" cases against them wherein they have told blatant lies in their affidavits before the apex court.SC shud take cognisance of such misgivings and haul up the higher ups with exemplary punishment.Then only detrance will set in. These Mr XXX shud be shunted out from MoD and case filed against him for misleading courts and higher officials.Mr XX contract as OSD shud be terminated forthwith. You deserve kudos for the great service you are doing to the armed forces personnel and the country. Your communication should awaken our senior leadership to take to task certain mischievous elements who have pursuing a sinister agenda against the armed forces veterans in general and the disabled veterans in particular. All the best to you Thank you sir for this is a Genuine fight A fight worth fighting for. I really hope that serious cognizance is accorded to this letter of yours and that we can help circulate this information to more and more citizens. Curiously you have blanked out the name of the DESW officials, rather it is strongly recommended that we name them specifically, with proof its not Slander any more.... and it is recommended to even lodge FIR against the individuals for wrongful actions in public office. we could circulate this to all friends we know, A Request: the letters in Appces mentioned above may also be put online with the links to lend additional credibility. May God Bless You Sir. Wish our Generals were like you. Some are. We constantly wait with bated breath to see if they might take the fight to the tiger...soon??? Regards to all readers. Pl join in making this into a crusade cos its a fight worth fighting for. Its our men we fight for...no? guess something like this is written in some motto that often goes around in ...the Academies.... Chetwode Motto...how many of our seniors remember....most of us wonder....(they remind others alright) You sir.....are the breed that we Salute with all our hearts! Jai Hind. Wg Cdr(Retd) IP Singh said... Major Navdeep, Once again big thanks for the concerns you show for helpless ESM. It is
a shame that soldiers are to fight for their pay, pension and allowances in the courts which are otherwise available to other central Govt emlpoyees. I, while in service, have been projecting similar ambiguities through service papers. I shall once again emphasise, as commented on your blog 'tales of two departments' that all DOPPW orders on pay, pension and allowances for central Govt employees be automatically be made applicable to defence personnel to avoid delay and such ambiguities. Defence personnel are paid out of central budget, therefore why there should be another letter from MOD for such pay, pension and allowances. Lets' continue with our efforts of brining out such issues to the knowledge of policy makers. Wg Cdr(Retd) IP Singh indianmilitaryveterans.blogspot.in said... Thank you very much for your great service for the Ex Defence veterans welfare. We requested to your kind heart please publish the appendices in your blog, so that we can access the same. NAVDEEP.........KINDLY SEND THIS LETTER TO PMO & PRESIDENT IMMEDIATELY AND MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO MEDIA AS WELL. THIS IS HPRRIBLE AND UNBECOMING" @Maj Navdeep I'm just SPEECHLESS! :-O Synapse said... Is it not the responsibility of IHQ to take up this issue with Def Minister? It would be nice if there is periodic newsletter by AG's Branch which updates the Indian Army of all live issues and its progress. Morale is affected only when there is a perception that nobody is doing anything about the such issues. Muthukrishnan said... Dear Navdeep Singh Sir, Thank you very much for your great service to the ESM community. Navdeep has done more than his bit. Now each one the Exsm should petition his MP to raise the issue in Parliament. Dear Maj NS ji, What a powerful and authentic exposition on the truthful facts and the emanating injustices mainly due “ to how lower level functionaries in the Defence Ministry are making a mockery of the system and ensuring that benefits and welfare related schemes for defence personnel, disabled veterans and military widows are surgically scuttled before they reach the tables of decision makers”. It is also unfortunate that because of the above fact “ the minds of the competent authorities are confused and breached by these ................... in a way difficult to describe”. From my analysis, I do not rule out the possibility that in some cases, the unfair and unjust decisions/ outcome in the system may be due to deliberate or even naïve instructions imparted orally by the higher ups without going deep in to the subject or due to having a blind faith on the lower functionaries beyond a comprehensible limit. Anyhow, ultimate sufferers are the Pensioners/ Family pensioners and they have to fight for truth and justice up to the HIGHEST LEVELS of JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN THE COUNTRY often spanning over several decades. Please continue your dedicated services to the men who deserve and deserved. VNATARAJAN, (President, Pensioners’ Forum (affltd to AIFPA (Regd)) Chennai. Sr Vice President, CGS29(SAG) Pensioners’ Association (Regd) , Delhi. Associate Member, RREWA (Regd), (affltd to BPS (Regd)) ,Gurgaon. Suresh Kumar said... Dear Maj. Navjot Singh, Facts have been revealed , the Parliamentry Committee & the IESM's should be informed to avoid further blame game. Capt.S.K.Kapil Thank you very much for your contineous efforts for the welfare of ex-defence personnel.It is felt that the complete OROP could be made possible for both pre and post 2006 retirees only if the pension is fixed as 50% of notional pay based on maximum of pay band+Grade pay +MSP for 33 yrs of service.2 yrs weightage in service could be given to Sepoys/Naiks/Havaldars.Others need not be given any weightage in service. Pokar Ram said... Dear Major Naveep Singh ji 1. What a fantastic way you have revealed the
proud to have been part of a consultancy project that put cross-cultural exchanges at the heart of its work and many of the contacts I’ve made in Ghana will stay firm friends for a lifetime. There’s a lot we in the UK can learn from this fabulous country and a lot we should be proud to support. 16 Nov 2016 Blog, enterprise, News, Uncategorized BeeSweet, business, challeges marketplace, challenges, Challenges Worldwide, climate change, CMI, communities, decent, earn, education, employment, enterprise, environment, GEW2016, Ghana, Global Entrepreneur Week 2016, Healthcare, ICS, liberty powers footwear, livelihood, living, medical, poverty, safe boda, services, SME, uganda, Yako Honey, Zambia 0 How Does International Development Through Enterprise Work? Challenges Worldwide work with other expert development agencies to deliver the International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. ICS is a development programme that brings together young people from the UK and developing countries to volunteer in some of the poorest communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is led by VSO and funded by the UK Government. Challenges Worldwide want to see an end to communities around the world living in poverty! We work with small and medium-sized businesses to help them seek out new opportunities to grow. We support the businesses to grow sustainably and embed fair practice. Ensuring an enterprise has a positive impact on their community and the wider economy. We have seen that a decent living can empower communities to tackle many of the challenges they are facing. Challenges such as getting access to clean water and energy. Ensuring that there is a decent education and healthcare system. Most importantly protection working communities from climate change. At the core of all of these issues run the theme of inequality: women and marginalised people left out of the job market, workers being exploited by their employers and governments not implementing policies that protect their people from these issues. To mark Global Entrepreneur Week 2016, we will explore how Challenges Worldwide’s work through the ICS programme is empowering enterprises to support their communities to face these issues head on and create positive change. How does ICS ensure people can earn a decent living “ICS works with businesses and enterprises to help them grow so they can provide a fair income and one day employ others and improve the local economy. We also run projects that help build people’s skills so they can get jobs. We believe that everyone should be able to earn a decent living and become self-sufficient because no one wants to rely on charity or aid. A secure income is the first step to ending the cycle of poverty and building the local economy” How do Challenges Worldwide ensure people can earn a decent living? Building a strong economy is the most effective and sustainable way to address poverty. As a Challenges Worldwide volunteer, you will help grow small to medium-sized businesses, producing everything from organic honey to eco-friendly stoves. But your work doesn’t stop there. By helping these businesses succeed, you also help those around them – the farmers who can be trained up to produce honey themselves, the local women’s groups who can sell the stoves and fuel to their local community. Challenges help create employment and income for local individuals – the first step to making communities less reliant on aid. Zambia, ASC African Sun Currently, ASC has many social impacts. The most significant are the beehive project that ASC have implemented across Zambia in collaboration with Bee Sweet honey. They designed an improved beehive which is easier to assemble and cheaper to produce. They supply the beehive to small hold farmers across Zambia, they then buy the honey from the farmers at a competitive price. This supplies over 12,000 farmers with jobs and promotes environmental stewardship as honey production prevents deforestation, a huge problem in Zambia. How does ICS help people Get a good education “More and more young people are getting the chance to go to school, but some people are still excluded – by poverty, gender or because of their religion or background. Our projects encourage more young people to attend school, but also make sure they are included once they are in school. ICS helps children develop life skills as part of their education –
proud to have been part of a consultancy project that put cross-cultural exchanges at the heart of its work and many of the contacts I’ve made in Ghana will stay firm friends for a lifetime. There’s a lot we in the UK can learn from this fabulous country and a lot we should be proud to support. 16 Nov 2016 Blog, enterprise, News, Uncategorized BeeSweet, business, challeges marketplace, challenges, Challenges Worldwide, climate change, CMI, communities, decent, earn, education, employment, enterprise, environment, GEW2016, Ghana, Global Entrepreneur Week 2016, Healthcare, ICS, liberty powers footwear, livelihood, living, medical, poverty, safe boda, services, SME, uganda, Yako Honey, Zambia 0 How Does International Development Through Enterprise Work? Challenges Worldwide work with other expert development agencies to deliver the International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. ICS is a development programme that brings together young people from the UK and developing countries to volunteer in some of the poorest communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is led by VSO and funded by the UK Government. Challenges Worldwide want to see an end to communities around the world living in poverty! We work with small and medium-sized businesses to help them seek out new opportunities to grow. We support the businesses to grow sustainably and embed fair practice. Ensuring an enterprise has a positive impact on their community and the wider economy. We have seen that a decent living can empower communities to tackle many of the challenges they are facing. Challenges such as getting access to clean water and energy. Ensuring that there is a decent education and healthcare system. Most importantly protection working communities from climate change. At the core of all of these issues run the theme of inequality: women and marginalised people left out of the job market, workers being exploited by their employers and governments not implementing policies that protect their people from these issues. To mark Global Entrepreneur Week 2016, we will explore how Challenges Worldwide’s work through the ICS programme is empowering enterprises to support their communities to face these issues head on and create positive change. How does ICS ensure people can earn a decent living “ICS works with businesses and enterprises to help them grow so they can provide a fair income and one day employ others and improve the local economy. We also run projects that help build people’s skills so they can get jobs. We believe that everyone should be able to earn a decent living and become self-sufficient because no one wants to rely on charity or aid. A secure income is the first step to ending the cycle of poverty and building the local economy” How do Challenges Worldwide ensure people can earn a decent living? Building a strong economy is the most effective and sustainable way to address poverty. As a Challenges Worldwide volunteer, you will help grow small to medium-sized businesses, producing everything from organic honey to eco-friendly stoves. But your work doesn’t stop there. By helping these businesses succeed, you also help those around them – the farmers who can be trained up to produce honey themselves, the local women’s groups who can sell the stoves and fuel to their local community. Challenges help create employment and income for local individuals – the first step to making communities less reliant on aid. Zambia, ASC African Sun Currently, ASC has many social impacts. The most significant are the beehive project that ASC have implemented across Zambia in collaboration with Bee Sweet honey. They designed an improved beehive which is easier to assemble and cheaper to produce. They supply the beehive to small hold farmers across Zambia, they then buy the honey from the farmers at a competitive price. This supplies over 12,000 farmers with jobs and promotes environmental stewardship as honey production prevents deforestation, a huge problem in Zambia. How does ICS help people Get a good education “More and more young people are getting the chance to go to school, but some people are still excluded – by poverty, gender or because of their religion or background. Our projects encourage more young people to attend school, but also make sure they are included once they are in school. ICS helps children develop life skills as part of their education –
like teamwork, leadership and confidence” – ICS blurb How does Challenges Worldwide provide a good education? Challenges believe that no-one should be excluded from school as a result of poverty or gender. We also believe that the creation of long-term employment opportunities is the best option since it helps parents avoid the difficult decisions about which child, if any, they can afford to send to school. Supporting women-led businesses also provides vital role models for young girls and helps to break down the social barriers to female education and employment. Uganda – Power Trust Limited (clean energy provider dealing in sourcing, supplying and installation of solar systems, solar water heaters, power backup systems and generators) produces has impacted on the community through jobs creation. The company currently employs permanent workers and part-time workers. The company also offers training and internship programs to the youth. There are currently interns at the company, however, they hope to get more in the future. ” We are very grateful to these two Volunteers Denis and Oliver, the building of the new website is underway, and all the good things you see happening in the company currently is all because of these two gentlemen,” said Director “You have been very helpful working with you, you have really helped us a lot during your stay with us and we really appreciate your efforts and sacrifices you have made toward the prosperity of this company,” said the board of directors Ghana – Liberty Power Footwear Has a strong positive impact in the local community. The company is small but provides apprenticeship schemes to local youth who are looking to expand their personal skillsets. He accommodates their education and only asks for them to come in to the company when it is outside off school hours. The owner is conscious about developing the education of local youth and would like to have a positive impact on their development. He has successfully trained two female apprentices who have since moved away from the company to make shoes on their own. The owner enjoys helping others to succeed and wants to promote ideals such as equal opportunities, gender equality, education, and a positive working ethic. We offer Chartered Management Institute accredited training to our volunteers whilst on placement for free By providing internationally accredited training as the backbone of our programme, we are proactively increasing the skill set of local young people who may not have been able to afford university. Of the volunteers that go on to complete their CMI qualification, approx. 50% of completers are from Ghana, Uganda or Zambia. We also offer the opportunity for a select few volunteers to earn their CMI qualification by demonstrating their commitment to the programme and ‘going the extra mile’. Recent studies have found that in Uganda only 15% of people receiving professional, work-based training are women, to date, 49% of Challenges Worldwide’s African volunteers were female, therefore we are having a tremendous impact on allowing young women to develop the skills that they need to excel in their careers. How does ICS ensure communities get the information and services they need to stay healthy? “ICS volunteers are ideally placed to reach out to other young people, particularly on issues like sexual health. Our projects also focus on making sure people have decent toilet and washing facilities, which can hugely reduce sickness and diarrhoea” How does Challenges Worldwide ensure communities get the information and services they need to stay healthy? Poor health is fundamentally related to poverty. Low-income families are usually the ones with poor sanitation, poor understanding of the links between their environment and disease and insufficient means to afford clinic fees when their children get sick. Providing toilets or putting in standpipes are helpful – but creating jobs will help to lift these families out of poverty – creating the environment where families can afford their own facilities, afford the school fees which will improve their understanding of health issues and give them the means to afford treatment when they are sick. Challenges also supports many health-related businesses such as ones that are trying to improve nutrition and make good food affordable for all. Uganda – Safe Boda SafeBoda interviews potential drivers. Those who are successful are provided with customer service and health & safety training together with safety equipment. Customers are then able to access this pool of specially trained drivers through multiple distribution channels (Via Street/Stage, Mobile App, Tollfree line). The Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013, indicates that Uganda had 2,95
s enhances and reflects the academic mission of our nonprofit university home in San Francisco—California Institute of Integral Studies CIIS students, staff, and faculty receive discounts on all events. CIIS Public Programs Members receive a 20% discount on all events. Contact us for more information (contact info below). Please note that we may check your ID for proof of eligibility on arrival at event. Tickets and donations for talks and conversations are nonrefundable. Tickets are fully refundable up to 7 days prior to the event start. Within 7 days of the event, credit may be available. No refunds or credits are available within 24 hours of the event start. Read our full refund policy at ciis.edu/public-programs/frequently-asked-questions. Email: [email protected] For FAQs, click here. Neurodiversity and Creativity: BIG IDEAS at CIIS with Nick Walker at California Institute of Integral Studies 1453 Mission Street The Gallery, San Francisco, CA 94103 CIIS Public Programs SF Chinese New Year Parade - 2022 Alaska Airlines Chinese New Year Parade, San Francisco #Community #Festival Fri, Nov 4 10:00 AM San Francisco Salsa Bachata Kizomba Congress - Nov 4th, 5th & 6th, 2022 Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, Burlingame #Community #Convention A Special Second Mondays by Gold Beams Presented with the Black Joy Parade The New Parish, Oakland #Community #Party Celebrate African American Heritage Night at Chase Center! Chase Center, San Francisco #Community #Game Polyglamorous 7 Year Anniversary with Jason Kendig Public Works, San Francisco Gemini w/special guest Chrissy The Holy Cow, San Francisco Lunar New Year Celebration Thrive City, San Francisco The 5th annual Black Joy Parade Oakland, Oakland Timbeko in the Bay: Cuban Music Concert at La Peña! La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley #Community #Performance Lunar New Year Celebration & Festival 2022 Terra Marin School, Mill Valley Browse San Francisco Events Coup attempt fails to put off investors' appetite, analysts say A senior analyst at Northern Trust, a Chicago-based global financial services firm, Claire Meier said the recent developments in Turkey caused by the recent coup attempt will not negatively affect investors' appetite and debt service coverage in the middle and long term. Managing funds worth over $900 billion worldwide, Northern Trust's senior analyst Meier spoke to Anadolu Agency and said that a country's financial status and debt service coverage could be negatively affected by the political uncertainties in general. Stressing that a decrease in investor appetite might be in question during the first phase following the coup attempt in Turkey, Meier said the recent developments caused by the coup attempt in Turkey will not negatively affect investor appetite and debts service coverage in the middle and long term. According to Meier, just after the attempt, the Turkish lira saw a small decrease while the interest in government bonds in dollars and local currency increased slightly. "Interest in government bonds and currency has recently shown a decrease once more, however, they are just above their former levels. The main point that will decrease the appetite of foreign investors is that it is not fully understood how it's domestic and foreign policy will change following the coup attempt," Meier said, "In this context, Turkey is now going through a self-explaining period. In order to create the appropriate environment for foreign investors, it is crucial for Turkey to tell the world very well about the domestic and foreign policies it will follow." Pointing out that Turkey has managed to attract foreign investors so far thanks to its powerful institutions and proving its belief in the rule of law, Meier said: "The most important issue that international credit rating agencies take under consideration while assessing the credit rating is the country's ability to attract foreign capital." '4 pct growth trend will be preserved' Ziraat Bank Strategy Manager Bora Tamer Yılmaz said they made sure the markets operated smoothly along with the fast
s enhances and reflects the academic mission of our nonprofit university home in San Francisco—California Institute of Integral Studies CIIS students, staff, and faculty receive discounts on all events. CIIS Public Programs Members receive a 20% discount on all events. Contact us for more information (contact info below). Please note that we may check your ID for proof of eligibility on arrival at event. Tickets and donations for talks and conversations are nonrefundable. Tickets are fully refundable up to 7 days prior to the event start. Within 7 days of the event, credit may be available. No refunds or credits are available within 24 hours of the event start. Read our full refund policy at ciis.edu/public-programs/frequently-asked-questions. Email: [email protected] For FAQs, click here. Neurodiversity and Creativity: BIG IDEAS at CIIS with Nick Walker at California Institute of Integral Studies 1453 Mission Street The Gallery, San Francisco, CA 94103 CIIS Public Programs SF Chinese New Year Parade - 2022 Alaska Airlines Chinese New Year Parade, San Francisco #Community #Festival Fri, Nov 4 10:00 AM San Francisco Salsa Bachata Kizomba Congress - Nov 4th, 5th & 6th, 2022 Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, Burlingame #Community #Convention A Special Second Mondays by Gold Beams Presented with the Black Joy Parade The New Parish, Oakland #Community #Party Celebrate African American Heritage Night at Chase Center! Chase Center, San Francisco #Community #Game Polyglamorous 7 Year Anniversary with Jason Kendig Public Works, San Francisco Gemini w/special guest Chrissy The Holy Cow, San Francisco Lunar New Year Celebration Thrive City, San Francisco The 5th annual Black Joy Parade Oakland, Oakland Timbeko in the Bay: Cuban Music Concert at La Peña! La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley #Community #Performance Lunar New Year Celebration & Festival 2022 Terra Marin School, Mill Valley Browse San Francisco Events Coup attempt fails to put off investors' appetite, analysts say A senior analyst at Northern Trust, a Chicago-based global financial services firm, Claire Meier said the recent developments in Turkey caused by the recent coup attempt will not negatively affect investors' appetite and debt service coverage in the middle and long term. Managing funds worth over $900 billion worldwide, Northern Trust's senior analyst Meier spoke to Anadolu Agency and said that a country's financial status and debt service coverage could be negatively affected by the political uncertainties in general. Stressing that a decrease in investor appetite might be in question during the first phase following the coup attempt in Turkey, Meier said the recent developments caused by the coup attempt in Turkey will not negatively affect investor appetite and debts service coverage in the middle and long term. According to Meier, just after the attempt, the Turkish lira saw a small decrease while the interest in government bonds in dollars and local currency increased slightly. "Interest in government bonds and currency has recently shown a decrease once more, however, they are just above their former levels. The main point that will decrease the appetite of foreign investors is that it is not fully understood how it's domestic and foreign policy will change following the coup attempt," Meier said, "In this context, Turkey is now going through a self-explaining period. In order to create the appropriate environment for foreign investors, it is crucial for Turkey to tell the world very well about the domestic and foreign policies it will follow." Pointing out that Turkey has managed to attract foreign investors so far thanks to its powerful institutions and proving its belief in the rule of law, Meier said: "The most important issue that international credit rating agencies take under consideration while assessing the credit rating is the country's ability to attract foreign capital." '4 pct growth trend will be preserved' Ziraat Bank Strategy Manager Bora Tamer Yılmaz said they made sure the markets operated smoothly along with the fast
reaction given by the authorities in the week following the coup attempt. Noting that despite the measures taken in the first week, the pricing did not reflect Turkey's 4 percent growth trend, Yılmaz said the recent events were received with concern by investors, but after the following weekend, pricings recovered when the events were clearly evaluated. "While CDS 270 dropped basis points, Borsa Istanbul started the week with strong purchases. The currency was strengthened towards 3.02. Investors' appetite this week was parallel with the 4 percent growth trend. We believe Turkey will preserve its 4 percent growth trend," Yılmaz said, and that Turkey's expenses increased slightly due to the risk premium increasing during the first phase. Yılmaz said Turkish banks continue to look for finance from abroad and domestic demand has not experienced recession yet. 'Ratings will stay at an investable level' Indicating that international credit rating agencies were too quick to react, Yılmaz said: "What really matters in credit ratings is debt loyalty. Turkey has a history of debt loyalty. Public finance is Turkey's strongest suit. Their tax incomes in the growth environment support the budget balance. Decreasing the need for borrowing will keep public borrowing at a discipline-reflecting level." Stressing that they did not find the developments regarding Turkey's credit rating just, since the situation of not repaying the debt seemed unrealistic, Yılmaz said their expectation was for Moody's to leave Turkey's credit rating at an investable level. In photos: Death, destruction as Eta batters Central America Johnson Named Executive Director of Harbor Entrepreneur Center (L to R) Patrick Bryant and Grady Johnson Grady Johnson has been named executive director of the Harbor Entrepreneur Center. Prior to joining the staff of the Harbor Entrepreneur Center, Johnson served as group publisher of SC Biz News. Johnson is one of the founding partners of the Charleston Regional Business Journal and oversaw the creation of the SC Biz News brand and statewide expansion to include multiple titles and brands serving the business news niche in the Carolinas. Johnson is a lifelong resident of the Charleston region, and prior to starting the Business Journal, he owned and operated numerous small businesses including Island Images Surf Shop in Mount Pleasant. “This is a home run for the Harbor Entrepreneur Center. As a former volunteer, mentor, and most importantly, proven entrepreneur, Grady is perfectly qualified to take the organization to the next level” said Board Chairman Patrick Bryant. Johnson is a graduate of Clemson University and is past president of the Alliance of Area Business Publications, the international trade organization serving business publications, as well as a past board member of the Charleston Regional Development Alliance, SustainSC and the Palmetto Conservation Foundation, the builders of the Palmetto Trail. The Harbor Entrepreneur Center consistently provides programming and opportunities for entrepreneurs to collide with other motivated, intelligent and capable individuals. Grady Johnson The Harbor Entrepreneur Center [email protected] Charleston Home Builders Association Announces 2022 Board of Directors منتدى حجي دوت كوم • مشاهدة الموضوع - The Taoist monk < شخصيات من التاريخ الكويتي ~ The Taoist monk ylq مرسل: الجمعة يناير 03, 2020 6:08 am مشاركات: 95اشترك في: الجمعة يوليو 27, 2018 4:11 am ts. The Taoist monk gets up early every day and likes to walk around the cave, like an old farmer, looking at his house. He was a little dissatisfied with the murals in the cave, dark, and looked a little dazzled. How good is Liangtang? He found two helpers and brought a bucket of lime. Put a long handle on the brush in the grass, dip it in the lime bucket, and start his painting. The first time the lime was brushed too thin, and
: Erika Coppola, Stefan Sobolowski Western shifting of Extreme Rainfall Events over the different Indian River Basins in the last 119 years Pawan Kumar Chaubey and Rajesh Kumar Mall India experienced more flood situations due to the increasing extreme rainfall events over the different Indian River Basins (IRBs) during the last few decades. An Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is used to examine trends of rainfall extremes over the IRBs using long-term observed high-resolution grid-based rainfall (1901-2019) of the India Meteorological Department. The analysis depicts that when generalized extreme value theory (GEV) is applied to annual maximum rainfall over IRBs, statistically significant uniform trends were not seen. The spatial variations in the annual maximum rainfall for the 10-, 30- and 100-year return levels show statistically significant increasing trends over the IRBs. The shifting trend of rainfall extremes from northeast towards the western river basins of IRBs in the last two decades and resulted in damage to life and property on the west coast. The decadal changes in average intensity of dry and wet condition at 12- months running time window reveals that the shifting and increasing pattern of the rainfall extremes events during the last decades of the 20th century (1981-2000) and current decades of the 21st century (2001-2019) over the western ghats and west-flowing river basin leads to several floods situations. This research highlights the significant increasing trend in extreme rainfall events over the IRBs, which may pose a grave risk to agriculture, human life, and predominantly on the vulnerable sections of the society. How to cite: Chaubey, P. K. and Mall, R. K.: Western shifting of Extreme Rainfall Events over the different Indian River Basins in the last 119 years, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-188, 2022. Temporal and spatial variability of precipitation extremes across India Shivanand Mandraha and Sujata Ray The occurrence of extreme precipitation events is a matter of concern for any nation because a slight change to it can have a devastating effect on the socio-economic condition for the state. To assess the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation extremes, extreme rainfall data over India (except Island part) have analyzed using quantile perturbation method. The data used in the study is taken from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia (UK). It is a gridded data of 0.5o × 0.5o resolution. The analysis showed that different part of the studied area had varying perturbations in the precipitation extremes. The study found a significant anomaly in precipitation extreme for all the periods but the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1990s, and 2000s decades had covered wide area as compared to the remaining periods with reference to the long period of 1901-2017. In the 1910s, the positive anomaly was found near most of North East India, while negative anomaly was found in central and north India. In 1930-1940s, the central part had a positive anomaly, and the north part had a negative anomaly. Negative perturbation is present in the most of east region (the Gangetic plain) in 1990-2000s. A positive anomaly found on the west side. But in the recent decade very few anomaly present in the whole region. To partially address the reason behind the perturbation correlation analysis has been done between extreme precipitation anomaly and Indian Ocean Dipole. The result shows most of the part of East, North East side of India are having moderately negative correlation while some of the South and North India are having moderately positive correlation. The sea surface temperature over the Indian Ocean might be the main driver for the decadal perturbations in precipitation extremes. How to cite: Mandraha, S. and Ray, S
: Erika Coppola, Stefan Sobolowski Western shifting of Extreme Rainfall Events over the different Indian River Basins in the last 119 years Pawan Kumar Chaubey and Rajesh Kumar Mall India experienced more flood situations due to the increasing extreme rainfall events over the different Indian River Basins (IRBs) during the last few decades. An Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is used to examine trends of rainfall extremes over the IRBs using long-term observed high-resolution grid-based rainfall (1901-2019) of the India Meteorological Department. The analysis depicts that when generalized extreme value theory (GEV) is applied to annual maximum rainfall over IRBs, statistically significant uniform trends were not seen. The spatial variations in the annual maximum rainfall for the 10-, 30- and 100-year return levels show statistically significant increasing trends over the IRBs. The shifting trend of rainfall extremes from northeast towards the western river basins of IRBs in the last two decades and resulted in damage to life and property on the west coast. The decadal changes in average intensity of dry and wet condition at 12- months running time window reveals that the shifting and increasing pattern of the rainfall extremes events during the last decades of the 20th century (1981-2000) and current decades of the 21st century (2001-2019) over the western ghats and west-flowing river basin leads to several floods situations. This research highlights the significant increasing trend in extreme rainfall events over the IRBs, which may pose a grave risk to agriculture, human life, and predominantly on the vulnerable sections of the society. How to cite: Chaubey, P. K. and Mall, R. K.: Western shifting of Extreme Rainfall Events over the different Indian River Basins in the last 119 years, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-188, 2022. Temporal and spatial variability of precipitation extremes across India Shivanand Mandraha and Sujata Ray The occurrence of extreme precipitation events is a matter of concern for any nation because a slight change to it can have a devastating effect on the socio-economic condition for the state. To assess the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation extremes, extreme rainfall data over India (except Island part) have analyzed using quantile perturbation method. The data used in the study is taken from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia (UK). It is a gridded data of 0.5o × 0.5o resolution. The analysis showed that different part of the studied area had varying perturbations in the precipitation extremes. The study found a significant anomaly in precipitation extreme for all the periods but the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1990s, and 2000s decades had covered wide area as compared to the remaining periods with reference to the long period of 1901-2017. In the 1910s, the positive anomaly was found near most of North East India, while negative anomaly was found in central and north India. In 1930-1940s, the central part had a positive anomaly, and the north part had a negative anomaly. Negative perturbation is present in the most of east region (the Gangetic plain) in 1990-2000s. A positive anomaly found on the west side. But in the recent decade very few anomaly present in the whole region. To partially address the reason behind the perturbation correlation analysis has been done between extreme precipitation anomaly and Indian Ocean Dipole. The result shows most of the part of East, North East side of India are having moderately negative correlation while some of the South and North India are having moderately positive correlation. The sea surface temperature over the Indian Ocean might be the main driver for the decadal perturbations in precipitation extremes. How to cite: Mandraha, S. and Ray, S
.: Temporal and spatial variability of precipitation extremes across India, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-309, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-309, 2022. Presentation form not yet defined On the need for sub-daily data to study changes in extreme rainfall. Daniel Argüeso and Alejandro Di Luca Heavy rainfall is among the most impactful natural events. Our understanding of such events has improved significantly in the last decades, but large uncertainties remain around their recent and future response to a changing climate. At global scales, the frequency and intensity of daily extreme precipitation has increased, the hydrological cycle is becoming faster. However, the response at regional scales and shorter timescales is much more complex. The study of sub-daily or even sub-hourly data has been explored to some extent only, mostly due to the limited availability of data. When using high-resolution models to explore rainfall changes, it is possible to examine much higher frequencies, yet most studies focus on daily rainfall changes. Here, we demonstrate inherent limitations of daily data to study present and future precipitation extremes. Limitations that are not purely a matter of refining our sampling, but do have a physical background because outstanding rainfall rates rarely occur over the course of a day. Our results show that fundamental aspects of rainfall changes are not described with daily data, and the assessment of future changes in daily precipitation likely leads to misrepresentation of causes and impacts. We show that the short-lived and intermittent nature of most rainfall extremes need at least hourly data to be properly characterized, otherwise heavy rainfall is poorly detected. Analyzing higher frequencies also reveals aspects of extremes that cannot be addressed with daily data, such as changes in their intensity and duration. This is particularly relevant for risk and impact assessment studies because a significant part of changes in extremes occur at sub-daily scales. Such changes go unnoticed or, even worse, are misrepresented by daily rainfall amounts. How to cite: Argüeso, D. and Di Luca, A.: On the need for sub-daily data to study changes in extreme rainfall., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10496, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10496, 2022. Climate indicators for high-impact weather events as droughts and temperature extremes over the Iberian Peninsula with convection permitting scale simulations Marianna Adinolfi, Mario Raffa, and Paola Mercogliano The dynamical downscaling of global circulation models (GCMs) with regional climate models (RCMs) is a computationally expensive process, even more so running at the convection permitting scale (CP). The high-resolution product of these simulations is an important factor for consideration and is relevant to provide a proper characterization of climate extremes, to address hazard assessment and manage associated risk. Moreover, an increasing number of studies shows improvements in regional climate model performances at CP scale if compared to their driving RCMs. The assessment of extreme events indicators, as defined by the joint CCl/WCRP/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI), is here proposed over the Iberian peninsula using CP simulations at around 3km of resolution for evaluation experiment as well as for future spans. The same indicators are also assessed for the available observations and for the driving RCM simulation at around 12km of resolution. Such approach allows, from one side to evaluate the results of CP simulation by comparison against observations and, on the other one, to quantify if there are any improvement by comparison against RCM simulation at a coarser resolution. Then, indicators are calculated in a near future 10 years-long period from both CP and RCM simulations, in order to highlight the differences in the climate projections. The selected indicators as consecutive dry days and maximum value of daily maximum temperature are strictly connected to high-impact events as droughts and temperature extremes. Their exploiting provide useful information about the expected changes in next decades due to the climate warming
in the equations, we can see great visual changes. The sunset is one example. * Redo the fog: It will be easy and fast because the calculations are almost the same as the sky. * Redo the Inspector: It's a little time consuming, because I am rewriting everything in C#, have to respect some development requirements and do a lot of testing to make sure everything is working. * Animation in the clouds: It will be a variation of the sky shader, will have a sequence of images creating a loop animation, will be a test prototype to version 2.0. For version 2.0, left to do the same things, but with much more realistic clouds, which is much more difficult to achieve and time consuming to render. Not to mention that you need to render the cloud once for each color channel. So I decided to release 1.5 before because the clouds are much simpler to do. Testing the fog of version 1.5 which will be released soon. The scenario used in the screenshot is the Island Demo. Here is the scene in the default settings. The ambient color is dark because the sun is rising. Now the same settings with the fog applied. * Moon drawn directly into the skybox. This asset looks great! Any ETA on the 2.0 update with the enhanced clouds? In post number 22, I explain what I want to improve in the clouds to version 2.0. The clouds will be more realistic and adorned, but the problem is the rendering time. The 1.5.0 version took 25 hours to render, even that clouds this release are very simple. Now imagine how long it will take to render these new clouds, and will be necessary to render the same frame three times, one for each sun position to catch the luminance. How the new clouds will be more realistic, I'm afraid that with only 60 frames the animation does not get smooth, I think it will need 120 frames, that will double the rendering time and the number of images for editing. This will give me a lot of work to do. But I think if everything works as I imagine, will have a cool result. The new shader will process the clouds in an additional pass, where I can make use of the texture opacity, improving the visual appearance of the sky, the moon will cross behind the clouds and the clouds will interact with the Sun Shaft image effect. If is needed to use 120 frames for the animation, will only increase the space of the package in the hd, the performance will remain the same. The good side of using this method to clouds is that the clouds are more realistic, the movement of the clouds are almost real and has a low cost performance than if it were generated in real time. The downside, is that it increases the size of the package. About lightning, at the moment I still can not think of any way to create this effect. Sorry. If my explanation seemed confused, sorry, my English is bad. For some reason the exposure slider has no effect in my scene, any ideas? Make sure HDR is not selected in the Options tab. This option does not allow the shader computes the tone mapping internally, giving the developer the option of using different tone mapping, such as the image effect "tonemapping" of Unity, located in Component>Image Effects>Color Adjustements>Tonemapping. The exposure slider is used only in the internal tone mapping of the shader. It will only take effect in the scene, if the HDR option is disabled. If you work with the HDR option enabled, the correct is to change the exposure directly by the image effect component, which also has this feature. Remembering that when using the tonemapping image effect, for it to work correctly, your camera should also have enabled the HDR option. That's the only reason I know that prevents the exposure slider working. Thank you, I eventually worked out the issue last night. I'm glad I asked as I did not know about the Tonemapping image effect and HDR is worth experimenting with visually. Ok so bare with me here I might be doing something wrong again but I cannot seem to get any stars to appear at night time and no sun spot too. Also at night my terrain still remains very lit, I assume it's ambient lighting or something - admittedly I need to have another play today and will suss that one I thinks. Really liking what I see so far, the fog is awesome. Thanks. I've managed to get my get my lighting fixed but noticed something very strange, if I add tonemapping and
in the equations, we can see great visual changes. The sunset is one example. * Redo the fog: It will be easy and fast because the calculations are almost the same as the sky. * Redo the Inspector: It's a little time consuming, because I am rewriting everything in C#, have to respect some development requirements and do a lot of testing to make sure everything is working. * Animation in the clouds: It will be a variation of the sky shader, will have a sequence of images creating a loop animation, will be a test prototype to version 2.0. For version 2.0, left to do the same things, but with much more realistic clouds, which is much more difficult to achieve and time consuming to render. Not to mention that you need to render the cloud once for each color channel. So I decided to release 1.5 before because the clouds are much simpler to do. Testing the fog of version 1.5 which will be released soon. The scenario used in the screenshot is the Island Demo. Here is the scene in the default settings. The ambient color is dark because the sun is rising. Now the same settings with the fog applied. * Moon drawn directly into the skybox. This asset looks great! Any ETA on the 2.0 update with the enhanced clouds? In post number 22, I explain what I want to improve in the clouds to version 2.0. The clouds will be more realistic and adorned, but the problem is the rendering time. The 1.5.0 version took 25 hours to render, even that clouds this release are very simple. Now imagine how long it will take to render these new clouds, and will be necessary to render the same frame three times, one for each sun position to catch the luminance. How the new clouds will be more realistic, I'm afraid that with only 60 frames the animation does not get smooth, I think it will need 120 frames, that will double the rendering time and the number of images for editing. This will give me a lot of work to do. But I think if everything works as I imagine, will have a cool result. The new shader will process the clouds in an additional pass, where I can make use of the texture opacity, improving the visual appearance of the sky, the moon will cross behind the clouds and the clouds will interact with the Sun Shaft image effect. If is needed to use 120 frames for the animation, will only increase the space of the package in the hd, the performance will remain the same. The good side of using this method to clouds is that the clouds are more realistic, the movement of the clouds are almost real and has a low cost performance than if it were generated in real time. The downside, is that it increases the size of the package. About lightning, at the moment I still can not think of any way to create this effect. Sorry. If my explanation seemed confused, sorry, my English is bad. For some reason the exposure slider has no effect in my scene, any ideas? Make sure HDR is not selected in the Options tab. This option does not allow the shader computes the tone mapping internally, giving the developer the option of using different tone mapping, such as the image effect "tonemapping" of Unity, located in Component>Image Effects>Color Adjustements>Tonemapping. The exposure slider is used only in the internal tone mapping of the shader. It will only take effect in the scene, if the HDR option is disabled. If you work with the HDR option enabled, the correct is to change the exposure directly by the image effect component, which also has this feature. Remembering that when using the tonemapping image effect, for it to work correctly, your camera should also have enabled the HDR option. That's the only reason I know that prevents the exposure slider working. Thank you, I eventually worked out the issue last night. I'm glad I asked as I did not know about the Tonemapping image effect and HDR is worth experimenting with visually. Ok so bare with me here I might be doing something wrong again but I cannot seem to get any stars to appear at night time and no sun spot too. Also at night my terrain still remains very lit, I assume it's ambient lighting or something - admittedly I need to have another play today and will suss that one I thinks. Really liking what I see so far, the fog is awesome. Thanks. I've managed to get my get my lighting fixed but noticed something very strange, if I add tonemapping and
HDR my reflections and lighting on world objects gets fixed to that point in time the day and night cycle. It took me a long time to figure out this was happening. Is this the correct behaviour, when it gets dark my world objects stay fairly lit and the reflections stay as they started on play? No stars working either, thanks again. It's almost perfect. This was supposed to be implemented, I'll write these things on paper because I forget. The color of the fog automatically adjusts according to the sky settings. Strange, this happens in the demo scene included in the package? * Make sure the Textures Tab, the fields "Star Field (Cube Map)" and "Star Noise (Cube Map)" is not empty. * In the texture import setting of this textures, the "Mapping" option must be: 6 Frames Layout. Try to create a new scene, delete the default light and drag one of prefab included in the package into the scene, press in the "Options tab" the button "Send material to Sky Skybox", to apply the material in the sky skybox. If the problem persists, please send your project or scene by MP for me to figure out what's going wrong. Yes the no stars does happen in the demo's including your examples online when testing on Safari. Is it a Open GL compatibility issue maybe? I'm on OSX. I've never seen any stars, even in your product screenshots. No way I can easily send the project, it's about 20GB but I'm happy to skype and setup a test example. * Added to the package a shader with only the sky without clouds. This gives the possibility to use their own cloud customized shaders. * Added in the "Scattering" tab some sliders to adjust the wavelength. The cloud shader to version 2.0 is almost ready, just need to render the animation of clouds, it takes a long time. Until now a 20 percent already rendered. Some images of a same frame of the new cloud system. Sweet, nice man. I shall look forward to trying this out. I've still no luck with the stars strangely. I occassionally see the odd twinkle on my UI cam so am wondering if it's not working due to a multiple camera setup. Is it dependant on deferred pipeline? Anyway I kind of want to use my own cubemap for the stars as shown below. Can you think of a way to allow this when combined with Azure which I love. Thanks for the updates, can we download yet? I need that program you use for clouds, expensive it is. Well, the problem of the stars was successfully resolved thanks to the help of @Beloudest, have a lot to thank him. It was just a syntax error when used the "dot" function. As I have not the opportunity to test the package on operating systems other than Windows, I could not realize my mistake. I wore a command like this to make the stars appear and disappear. Strangely DirectX did not cause error, but in OpenGL is need to write this way. I will be correcting the problem and update the package and demos as well as possible. It's just Apple for you, they like to be awkward at any opportunity! No problem. * New cloud shader with several customization options. * New options to customize the fog. * Added Milky Way to sky night. * Added a "Empty Sky" shader. * Some other customization options. * I intend to add a customization system with curves. This will give the option to customize the sky in different ways for each hour of the day. * I want to create a procedural cloud system so you can control the weather and the amount of clouds in the sky. I believe it will not be possible to do with the same realism of the current version that was pre rendered in external programs. * I am also looking into the possibility of adding to the package a unfinished water shader that I started doing a long time ago and not yet finished. My intention is to make this water shader work together with the sky. See an animated gif of the water shader under development. How many pre rendered skies is included in package? All the demo scenes in the firts post are included in the package. Only the clouds are pre-rendered, the rest of the sky works dynamically. If you have used the CryEngine, azure[Sky] is very similar. The clouds are just a texture with transparency to show the sky in the background through them. The difference is that the brightness of the azure[S
of the Cooperation, Meals and Shopper Safety Division, Authorities of Tamil Nadu. Many social employees and personalities are taking their social media handles to pay tributes to him. The AIIMS Govt Director and CEO, Hanumantha Rao expressed his deep condolences and mentioned,” Dr. Nagarajan was a gentleman who was very cordial and keenly concerned in all the event actions of AIIMS. We don’t have a lot details about his private life and profession however Dr. Nagarajan was an amazing man and an exquisite mentor who was out there for the needy. His complete household goes by means of a troublesome time as they misplaced their beloved member of the family. He was not simply a physician but in addition a loving husband and a father of a daughter who will at all times love him. He can be at all times missed by his family members. Shibani Bedi Height, Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More Gerrie Coetzee Death Reason? South African Boxing Champ Gerrie Coetzee Passed Away, Obituary Tyler Suiters Death Reason? Former KOCO 5 News Anchor... What Happened In Clareview Recreation Centre? 50 Years... Veteran Telugu Actor Parliamentarian J Jamuna Passed... How Did Srinivasa Murthy Die? Dubbing Artist Srinivasa... How Did Ivory Smith Die? Ivory Smith Transgender... Who Is William Mpadi Maphoto and Eric Matlou? SA... [SANITIZED]WEEKLY SITUATION REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM NOVEMBER 1976 - 1976/11/02 SPECIALCOLLECTION Argentina Declassification Project - The "Dirty War" (1976-83) SANITIZEDWEEKLY SITUATION[15516209].pdf 2.65 MB Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Weekly Situation Report on International Terrorism 3.5(c) EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs EO 13526 3.5(c) NR 2 November 1976 -Secret- 10 0 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 3.5(c) NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for
of the Cooperation, Meals and Shopper Safety Division, Authorities of Tamil Nadu. Many social employees and personalities are taking their social media handles to pay tributes to him. The AIIMS Govt Director and CEO, Hanumantha Rao expressed his deep condolences and mentioned,” Dr. Nagarajan was a gentleman who was very cordial and keenly concerned in all the event actions of AIIMS. We don’t have a lot details about his private life and profession however Dr. Nagarajan was an amazing man and an exquisite mentor who was out there for the needy. His complete household goes by means of a troublesome time as they misplaced their beloved member of the family. He was not simply a physician but in addition a loving husband and a father of a daughter who will at all times love him. He can be at all times missed by his family members. Shibani Bedi Height, Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More Gerrie Coetzee Death Reason? South African Boxing Champ Gerrie Coetzee Passed Away, Obituary Tyler Suiters Death Reason? Former KOCO 5 News Anchor... What Happened In Clareview Recreation Centre? 50 Years... Veteran Telugu Actor Parliamentarian J Jamuna Passed... How Did Srinivasa Murthy Die? Dubbing Artist Srinivasa... How Did Ivory Smith Die? Ivory Smith Transgender... Who Is William Mpadi Maphoto and Eric Matlou? SA... [SANITIZED]WEEKLY SITUATION REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM NOVEMBER 1976 - 1976/11/02 SPECIALCOLLECTION Argentina Declassification Project - The "Dirty War" (1976-83) SANITIZEDWEEKLY SITUATION[15516209].pdf 2.65 MB Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Weekly Situation Report on International Terrorism 3.5(c) EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs EO 13526 3.5(c) NR 2 November 1976 -Secret- 10 0 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 3.5(c) NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 CO2608565 Approved for
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if this guy had killed everyone in the pizza place? No one else could be held responsible? Grrrrr! I don’t think Angie ever says “I love you” with complete honesty unless she is facing a mirror. Very true. Nice positive reframe there. 🙂 The notion of an elaborate ploy implies that there is some sort of coherent forethought and planning. No, it’s not as clear as that – on the part of the authorities, it’s simply a failure or refusal to act and in some cases that appears to be quite deliberate. Nobody’s sitting in an office in Whitehall dreaming these things up. The hoaxers themselves act quite organically IMHO… i.e. the idea for putting the kids on youtube via a mobile phone video was inspired by the failed Aberdeen hoax; didn’t they take that guy’s kid off him? . In turn pizzagate, or an element of it at least, seems to draw from Hoaxtead. The UK mob seem to be a relatively small inter-connected clique as far as I can see. And it’s not surprising that some across the pond would pick up on the ‘failed scripts’ from over here. Ah..the alleged secret tunnels/secret rooms. A big favourite of the hoaxer conspiranoids. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you were saying there’s a deliberate ploy to shut down internet freedom—more that this is a thing I’ve heard argued, and I don’t believe it. I do think that the hoaxes tend to feed off one another, and that those who perpetrate them tend to try things their friends might recommend (like getting kids to do video clips about alleged abuse, “just like that other fellow did”). Yes, if one’s mind were of a Freudian bent, one might really have a field day. 😉 I had a good laugh at one guy’s video who filmed inside Comet Ping Pong who was conspiratorially saying “There’s children going in and out of that back secret room.” I had just watched another video of the owner of Comet Ping Pong showing another conspiranoid around the premises and happily showing him the back room which is the room the children and their families celebrate their Birthday parties. Establishments like this have always had private rooms for family events such as Birthdays.,,,but oh no the conspiraloons don’t believe a family establishment celebrate children’s parties.. they “conduct paedophile activities and child trafficking!”…Sigh.. No, nothing is ever as it seems in the mind of the conspiranoid. Angie likes to blag on that she is soooo well connected and has sources of “intel” from very high places including even a personal hotline to Mr God at Universe command HQ. IMAGINE FOR 30 SECONDS Mr God cant be arsed with her whinging either and has given her the number to a premium intergalactic piss take line.Her phone bill will have been astronomical. Sigh … You are probably right of course about social media companies. I think I have come, reluctantly, to realise this. I hope – rather than believe – that a tipping point will be reached where it will become socially unacceptable to be facilitating hate crime and disgusting hoaxes; where it will start to hit where it hurts for no-conscience corporations and where it is required that police are helped not hindered. I also agree that the real issue is the reluctance to apply existing laws and we’ve seen this very clearly on the Hampstead case where numerous laws have been broken but not enforced. I think that as we see more attendant issues, law enforcement will be forced to address the post truth internet age. They will need to skill up significantly to do this! Things getting desperate at CCN.Here Bigears brings up his ring after taking on board psychoactive frog juice.All of course in the name of making the world a better place. Delivered courtesy of MK`s Devils. WARNING:Bigears in his underpants. Philby says: OMG! HAHAHA! Notwithstanding the Insanity of Bigi’s Shamanic Bathroom Habits and Fecal Channeling of Mel Ve’s Soul, this “hoax” harassment
if this guy had killed everyone in the pizza place? No one else could be held responsible? Grrrrr! I don’t think Angie ever says “I love you” with complete honesty unless she is facing a mirror. Very true. Nice positive reframe there. 🙂 The notion of an elaborate ploy implies that there is some sort of coherent forethought and planning. No, it’s not as clear as that – on the part of the authorities, it’s simply a failure or refusal to act and in some cases that appears to be quite deliberate. Nobody’s sitting in an office in Whitehall dreaming these things up. The hoaxers themselves act quite organically IMHO… i.e. the idea for putting the kids on youtube via a mobile phone video was inspired by the failed Aberdeen hoax; didn’t they take that guy’s kid off him? . In turn pizzagate, or an element of it at least, seems to draw from Hoaxtead. The UK mob seem to be a relatively small inter-connected clique as far as I can see. And it’s not surprising that some across the pond would pick up on the ‘failed scripts’ from over here. Ah..the alleged secret tunnels/secret rooms. A big favourite of the hoaxer conspiranoids. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you were saying there’s a deliberate ploy to shut down internet freedom—more that this is a thing I’ve heard argued, and I don’t believe it. I do think that the hoaxes tend to feed off one another, and that those who perpetrate them tend to try things their friends might recommend (like getting kids to do video clips about alleged abuse, “just like that other fellow did”). Yes, if one’s mind were of a Freudian bent, one might really have a field day. 😉 I had a good laugh at one guy’s video who filmed inside Comet Ping Pong who was conspiratorially saying “There’s children going in and out of that back secret room.” I had just watched another video of the owner of Comet Ping Pong showing another conspiranoid around the premises and happily showing him the back room which is the room the children and their families celebrate their Birthday parties. Establishments like this have always had private rooms for family events such as Birthdays.,,,but oh no the conspiraloons don’t believe a family establishment celebrate children’s parties.. they “conduct paedophile activities and child trafficking!”…Sigh.. No, nothing is ever as it seems in the mind of the conspiranoid. Angie likes to blag on that she is soooo well connected and has sources of “intel” from very high places including even a personal hotline to Mr God at Universe command HQ. IMAGINE FOR 30 SECONDS Mr God cant be arsed with her whinging either and has given her the number to a premium intergalactic piss take line.Her phone bill will have been astronomical. Sigh … You are probably right of course about social media companies. I think I have come, reluctantly, to realise this. I hope – rather than believe – that a tipping point will be reached where it will become socially unacceptable to be facilitating hate crime and disgusting hoaxes; where it will start to hit where it hurts for no-conscience corporations and where it is required that police are helped not hindered. I also agree that the real issue is the reluctance to apply existing laws and we’ve seen this very clearly on the Hampstead case where numerous laws have been broken but not enforced. I think that as we see more attendant issues, law enforcement will be forced to address the post truth internet age. They will need to skill up significantly to do this! Things getting desperate at CCN.Here Bigears brings up his ring after taking on board psychoactive frog juice.All of course in the name of making the world a better place. Delivered courtesy of MK`s Devils. WARNING:Bigears in his underpants. Philby says: OMG! HAHAHA! Notwithstanding the Insanity of Bigi’s Shamanic Bathroom Habits and Fecal Channeling of Mel Ve’s Soul, this “hoax” harassment
of innocent victims online has gotten very dangerous. That Jerad Miller guy in Nevada who killed two cops in CiCi’s pizza is another prime example. The people at Comet must have been terrified. The unmitigated Gall of these Bums is astounding! What can people do to curtail this criminal activity. The Sandy Hook Hoaxsters have encouraged crimes and perpetuated threats also. Imagine how the deceased children’s parents feel? Why no injunction for their sake? Baffling. It doesn’t work like what? Did you read what I put? Sweden had already questioned him, closed the case and let him leave a free man. Suddenly after the leaks they wanted to ask more questions and for 6 years he has been inviting them to pop over to the embassy and question him over tea and scones, no problem at all. The prosecutor didn’t want to but strangely now has after refusing to do it for 6 years. All this doesn’t strike you as being a little odd? Why on Earth would you simply not jump on a plane to go and see the a guy and question him? British police go abroad to question people all the time so what’s the issue that you are on about? It is nothing unusual at all. Do you really think it is a coincidence that after the leaks and the yanks wanting him, Sweden suddenly changes it’s mind and wants him back for a cosy chat in one of their cells? Britain can’t extradite somebody under the protection of an embassy, so I fail to see the the point of extradition timescales as he would be in a Swedish cell and they can take as long as they wish. You do believe in innocent until proven guilty, yes? If Sweden has a case then let them present it, it doesn’t appear to have been able to the first time around though, they closed it and let him go! There are injunctions in place; the issue is getting them enforced. I think the problem is a deeper one, and has to do with the unfettered ability for nutcases to share their deranged theories with others, especially when those theories involve targetting innocent people. We need to start looking into the way social media platforms and search engines aid and abet this victimisation, and they need to become subject to laws regarding defamation and harassment, just as any other corporations or individuals are, under the law. I really don’t see any other way to get this thing under control, and I fear what could happen if it isn’t reined in as quickly as possible. I wasn’t aware of any Sandy Hook Injunctions only Hampstead? Agree with your conclusion! Oh, sorry, when you were mentioning injunctions I thought you were referring to Hoaxtead. You’re right, I’m not aware of any Sandy Hook injunctions. Alex Jones has retracted research into Pizzagate now. He probably understands it’s a conduit for the fake news purge, which means infowars could fall victim to it. Pizzagate won’t go anywhere – it’s not like they had testimonies from victims and medical reports showing evidence of sodomy, is it? For some reason I find it hilarious that Jones would drop pizzagate like a hot coal once he realises that the dreaded MSM has figured out, and is telling a very interested general public, that it’s fake news. As you say, I think the fake news purge is currently building up to tsunami strength, and sites like Jones’ will be swept away. The thought makes me smile. Let’s hope so EC! After looking at that Aussie Cult he was raised in, he looks like “Lebensborn” too! lol I never trusted him or anything that has “wiki” in it’s name, especially “wikipoet”!! hahaha I’ll bet that idiot “Sands” is conducting a “tunnel search” like the “sandy hoaxers” in the defunct Fairfield Hills Mental Asylum! Interesting discussion. I have read that a man was recently arrested for threatening a Labour MP on social media. If the threat was credible and real, and not just stupid banter, then yes, he should be held to account for his actions. But making a threat is not the same as actually carrying it out. Among other events, in the last twelve months, we have seen a political assassination – a brut
CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS installed fronting IH-35E Service Rd were approved by TXDOT. Brand new stone facade single-story office building with private front door entrances and 9 ft. ceilings. Unit has reception area, 4 offices, restroom, and break room. Unit includes tenant controlled HVAC metered separately. Hardwood floors in reception area and hallway. Commercial carpet in offices. Wood cabinet and granite counter top with sink in break room. 7 acres of rectangular land in ETJ. No restrictions on usage.Can be used for residential development of SFR or MFR or town homes or commercial use of any type of business. Land has agricultural tax exemption (~1000$ Tax per year). Open to owner finance. Land has 250' frontage on future 4 lane roadway Wilmeth road spanning from US75 to DNT. 1 mile north of US380. 1200 and 1600 SF office or retail spaces available for lease. Whitewright is ON THE GROW and now offers 2 units (1200sf and 1600sf) for lease in this newly constructed commercial complex that is already at 50per cent capacity. High traffic road frontage with over 6000 cars per day. PUT YOURSELF IN THE CENTER OF IT ALL.. 4.441 ACRES IDEAL PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT. SUITABLE FOR RETAIL & BUSINESS SERVICES, SELF STORAGE OR CONVENIENCE-SERVICE STATION. IN THE PATH OF THE NEW GROWTH CORRIDOR. AREA CONSISTS OF MANY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES INCLUDING SINGLE AND MULTI-FAMILY UNITS, TWO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, A PRIVATE SCHOOL & RETAIL FACILITIES. SIGN ON TRACT. Corner lot located off Hwy 120 and Preston Road. This lot could be used for residential or commercial activities. There is a water well and electric on site. There is a water main along FM 120 on the same side of property. Must see property for the growing Texoma area! This property has been used for commercial purposes in the past. SPACE PLUS! Almost 17000 sf of open space with temporary walls that easily removed, multiple bathrooms, apartment set up including kitchen and shower; additional kitchen in main space. 40000 sf of parking lots (includes the smaller lot next door), loading dock and outdoor picnic area or additional parking. Rare Opp. to lease over 3 ac,2 buildings in East Plano-Murphy area! Land is Commercial RT Zoning w overlay, can be used for various commercial uses! Live-work is also allowed on this property within current zoning. Great property close to downtown Plano and new State Farm development!! Property has on site well water and storage. Plano city water,sewer is also available on site if desired. Great visibility and heavy traffic along 380! Physician group looking to sublease to another medical professional. 1,750 sq feet of leasable space which includes a shared reception-waiting area, private bathrooms, lab, break-room, and nurse's station. There are 4 rooms available for private use. No NNN. MOVE-IN READY ON PRESTON RD!! Built in 2018, this contemporary upscale office suite for lease. This suite includes an modern finish out with a hardwood floor, a conference room, break area, restroom and 4 offices. This space is perfect for any professional office and medical use. Argyle Executive Suites is located in the heart of Argyle. High Visibility Building with frontage to Main Hwy 377. Easy access to major highways and a short twenty-five-minute drive to DFW Airport and Fort Worth. Furnished office space is 154 sqft with shared conference room and kitchen. Rental rate includes all Triple Nets and utilities except phone. Argyle Executive Suites is located in the heart of Argyle. High Visibility Building with frontage to Main Hwy 377. Easy access to major highways and a short twenty-five-minute drive
CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS installed fronting IH-35E Service Rd were approved by TXDOT. Brand new stone facade single-story office building with private front door entrances and 9 ft. ceilings. Unit has reception area, 4 offices, restroom, and break room. Unit includes tenant controlled HVAC metered separately. Hardwood floors in reception area and hallway. Commercial carpet in offices. Wood cabinet and granite counter top with sink in break room. 7 acres of rectangular land in ETJ. No restrictions on usage.Can be used for residential development of SFR or MFR or town homes or commercial use of any type of business. Land has agricultural tax exemption (~1000$ Tax per year). Open to owner finance. Land has 250' frontage on future 4 lane roadway Wilmeth road spanning from US75 to DNT. 1 mile north of US380. 1200 and 1600 SF office or retail spaces available for lease. Whitewright is ON THE GROW and now offers 2 units (1200sf and 1600sf) for lease in this newly constructed commercial complex that is already at 50per cent capacity. High traffic road frontage with over 6000 cars per day. PUT YOURSELF IN THE CENTER OF IT ALL.. 4.441 ACRES IDEAL PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT. SUITABLE FOR RETAIL & BUSINESS SERVICES, SELF STORAGE OR CONVENIENCE-SERVICE STATION. IN THE PATH OF THE NEW GROWTH CORRIDOR. AREA CONSISTS OF MANY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES INCLUDING SINGLE AND MULTI-FAMILY UNITS, TWO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, A PRIVATE SCHOOL & RETAIL FACILITIES. SIGN ON TRACT. Corner lot located off Hwy 120 and Preston Road. This lot could be used for residential or commercial activities. There is a water well and electric on site. There is a water main along FM 120 on the same side of property. Must see property for the growing Texoma area! This property has been used for commercial purposes in the past. SPACE PLUS! Almost 17000 sf of open space with temporary walls that easily removed, multiple bathrooms, apartment set up including kitchen and shower; additional kitchen in main space. 40000 sf of parking lots (includes the smaller lot next door), loading dock and outdoor picnic area or additional parking. Rare Opp. to lease over 3 ac,2 buildings in East Plano-Murphy area! Land is Commercial RT Zoning w overlay, can be used for various commercial uses! Live-work is also allowed on this property within current zoning. Great property close to downtown Plano and new State Farm development!! Property has on site well water and storage. Plano city water,sewer is also available on site if desired. Great visibility and heavy traffic along 380! Physician group looking to sublease to another medical professional. 1,750 sq feet of leasable space which includes a shared reception-waiting area, private bathrooms, lab, break-room, and nurse's station. There are 4 rooms available for private use. No NNN. MOVE-IN READY ON PRESTON RD!! Built in 2018, this contemporary upscale office suite for lease. This suite includes an modern finish out with a hardwood floor, a conference room, break area, restroom and 4 offices. This space is perfect for any professional office and medical use. Argyle Executive Suites is located in the heart of Argyle. High Visibility Building with frontage to Main Hwy 377. Easy access to major highways and a short twenty-five-minute drive to DFW Airport and Fort Worth. Furnished office space is 154 sqft with shared conference room and kitchen. Rental rate includes all Triple Nets and utilities except phone. Argyle Executive Suites is located in the heart of Argyle. High Visibility Building with frontage to Main Hwy 377. Easy access to major highways and a short twenty-five-minute drive
to DFW Airport and Fort Worth. Furnished office space is 140 sqft with shared conference room and kitchen. Rental rate includes all Triple Nets and utilities except phone. 1.47 ac retail pad site with a potential to build appox. 15,000 sq. ft building. Zoned retail. Facing Main st. Seller is willing to do build to suit if needed. Located in fastest growing city of Frisco and surrounded by half million dollar homes. Office Center space located on North end of Shopping Center. PRIME DEVELOPMENT SITE, 339 ft frontage on US Hwy 69, located at the crossroads of two U.S. Highways; 82 and 69. Ideal for gas station, strip shopping center, fast food restaurants, office complex. Approx 15K cars per day, presently. Hwy 82 presently being widened. Growth area. Next to Sonics Drive Inn. Has city water and city sewerage is coming. Owner agent will entertain build to suit or sell. Here’s your opportunity to own an historic building on a prominent, high-traffic corner in downtown Van Alstyne! This two-story building has been completely renovated and move-in ready,fully sprinklered. The 114 S. Main St. space contains approx 1,080 SF plus a 17’ x 30’ covered porch, and is ideal for a variety of retail or office uses. The 120 S. Main St. Independent free standing building on the South East Corner of - US75, US121 & Highway 380. 6000 SQFT on I Floor 6000 SQFT on II Floor. Whole building plus 2.47 acres of land with all the parking. Single Tenant Occupancy of the whole building desired - Offices, Medical Office, Labs, Bank, Law, Insurance, Software, Engineering, Back offices etc. Corner Property with proposed commercial use. 10.97 acres with road frontage on FM 428 in close proximity of future Collin County Outer Loop in Celina. Two insulated Metal Buildings offer a total of 3560 sq feet, with 4 bathrooms and 2 kitchens. Building is being leased to a church for 5 years. Both buildings have new roofs and new HVAC units. Immaculate commercial opportunity on the outer edge of Van Alstyne, 14,000SF commercial building with 3 offices, 1 conference room, break room and 2 Bath in front, rear has 2 Bath, offices, engineering station and 3 sections of warehouse with drive thru 14' tall dock doors, separate storage building. Also 3200 SF equine facilities w kitchen, living, wash stall, 6 stalls, pens for livestock. Pettit's Grocery now transformed into Multi-Plex commercial bldg that offers office space at an affordable price. East office (previous pharmacy)apprx 600sf is a separate space perfect for retail,tax serv,antiques,health store,tanning-hair salon or boutique,has restroom and pantry inside, rent is $650.00 per month. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Just a block from all the dining, shopping, and entertaining of booming Historical Downtown Roanoke, this mixed-use commercial-residential property is an incredible opportunity! The gorgeous home boasts meticulous maintenance, tons of natural light, and charming architectural details throughout. Here is a prime commercial lot in the heart of Tioga with a high traffic count and 569 feet of frontage on Hwy 377! Located just across the street from Clarks Outpost BBQ, this is a great location for a gas station, car wash, strip center, liquor store, or to display trailers, sheds, etc. Zoned C-2 Commercial. Approximately 1.2 acres zoned C-1 in City of Celina, adjacent to Tractor Supply. Driveways will be linked between Tractor Supp and the subject property development. Easy access to Preston Road. Good linkage to Preston Road. Adequate ingress & egress road frontage with 270 feet of depth. The
ego but not enough to disrupt your life. Whereas some people, my daughter being one of them, can’t go anywhere.” Robert Clary, November 16: Robert Clary, a French-born survivor of Nazi concentration camps during World War II who played a feisty prisoner of war in the improbable 1960s sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes,” died. He was 96. He remained publicly silent about his wartime experience until 1980 when, Clary said, he was provoked to speak out by those who denied or diminished the orchestrated effort by Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews. A documentary about Clary’s childhood and years of horror at Nazi hands, “Robert Clary, A5714: A Memoir of Liberation,” was released in 1985. The forearms of concentration camp prisoners were tattooed with identification numbers, with A5714 to be Clary’s lifelong mark. Nicki Aycox, November 17: Actress Nicki Aycox, known for her roles in “Supernatural” and “Jeepers Creepers 2,” died at the age of 47 after a battle with leukemia. Aycox played the original Meg Masters in the show “Supernatural,” a character who was possessed by a demon. Jason David Frank, November 20: Jason David Frank, who played the Green Power Ranger Tommy Oliver on the 1990s children’s series “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,” died at the age of 49. Neither the cause of death nor when exactly he died was released. Early in the first season, Frank’s Tommy Oliver was first seen as a villain, brainwashed by the evil Rita Repulsa. But soon after, he was inducted in the group as the Green Ranger and became one of the most popular characters on the show. Wilko Johnson, November 21: Wilko Johnson, the guitarist with British blues-rock band Dr. Feelgood who had an unexpected career renaissance after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, died at 75. Johnson helped give Dr. Feelgood a dangerous edge with his choppy, relentless guitar style and thousand-yard glare — a look terrifying enough to earn him a role later in life as silent executioner Ser Ilyn Payne on “Game of Thrones.” Irene Cara, November 26: Oscar, Golden Globe and two-time Grammy winning singer-actress Irene Cara, who starred and sang the title cut from the 1980 hit movie “Fame” and then belted out the era-defining hit “Flashdance … What a Feeling” from 1983’s “Flashdance,” died at the age of 63. The exact date of her death was not immediately revealed. Cara sang on the soaring title song with the chorus — “Remember my name/I’m gonna live forever/I’m gonna learn how to fly/I feel it coming together/People will see me and cry” — which would go on to be nominated for an Academy Award for best original song. Freddie Roman, November 26: Comedian Freddie Roman, the former dean of The Friars Club and a staple of the Catskills comedy scene, died of a heart attack. He was 85. He performed at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and Bally’s Grand in Atlantic City, and he roasted the likes of Rob Reiner, Chevy Chase, Jerry Stiller and Hugh Hefner. He also conceived of “Catskills on Broadway.” Donald McEachin, November 28: Rep. Donald McEachin, a Democrat representing Virginia’s fourth Congressional District since 2017, died after a battle with colorectal cancer. He was 61. Eachin’s chief of staff, Tara Rountree, said in a statement, “We are all devastated at the passing of our boss and friend, Congressman Donald McEachin.” Brad William Henke, November 29: Former NFL player and actor Brad William Henke died at 56. Henke was best known for his role in “Orange Is the New Black.” Henke’s career took him to the NFL before he found success acting, graduating from the University of Arizona, where he played defensive line, and joining the New York Giants in
ego but not enough to disrupt your life. Whereas some people, my daughter being one of them, can’t go anywhere.” Robert Clary, November 16: Robert Clary, a French-born survivor of Nazi concentration camps during World War II who played a feisty prisoner of war in the improbable 1960s sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes,” died. He was 96. He remained publicly silent about his wartime experience until 1980 when, Clary said, he was provoked to speak out by those who denied or diminished the orchestrated effort by Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews. A documentary about Clary’s childhood and years of horror at Nazi hands, “Robert Clary, A5714: A Memoir of Liberation,” was released in 1985. The forearms of concentration camp prisoners were tattooed with identification numbers, with A5714 to be Clary’s lifelong mark. Nicki Aycox, November 17: Actress Nicki Aycox, known for her roles in “Supernatural” and “Jeepers Creepers 2,” died at the age of 47 after a battle with leukemia. Aycox played the original Meg Masters in the show “Supernatural,” a character who was possessed by a demon. Jason David Frank, November 20: Jason David Frank, who played the Green Power Ranger Tommy Oliver on the 1990s children’s series “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,” died at the age of 49. Neither the cause of death nor when exactly he died was released. Early in the first season, Frank’s Tommy Oliver was first seen as a villain, brainwashed by the evil Rita Repulsa. But soon after, he was inducted in the group as the Green Ranger and became one of the most popular characters on the show. Wilko Johnson, November 21: Wilko Johnson, the guitarist with British blues-rock band Dr. Feelgood who had an unexpected career renaissance after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, died at 75. Johnson helped give Dr. Feelgood a dangerous edge with his choppy, relentless guitar style and thousand-yard glare — a look terrifying enough to earn him a role later in life as silent executioner Ser Ilyn Payne on “Game of Thrones.” Irene Cara, November 26: Oscar, Golden Globe and two-time Grammy winning singer-actress Irene Cara, who starred and sang the title cut from the 1980 hit movie “Fame” and then belted out the era-defining hit “Flashdance … What a Feeling” from 1983’s “Flashdance,” died at the age of 63. The exact date of her death was not immediately revealed. Cara sang on the soaring title song with the chorus — “Remember my name/I’m gonna live forever/I’m gonna learn how to fly/I feel it coming together/People will see me and cry” — which would go on to be nominated for an Academy Award for best original song. Freddie Roman, November 26: Comedian Freddie Roman, the former dean of The Friars Club and a staple of the Catskills comedy scene, died of a heart attack. He was 85. He performed at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and Bally’s Grand in Atlantic City, and he roasted the likes of Rob Reiner, Chevy Chase, Jerry Stiller and Hugh Hefner. He also conceived of “Catskills on Broadway.” Donald McEachin, November 28: Rep. Donald McEachin, a Democrat representing Virginia’s fourth Congressional District since 2017, died after a battle with colorectal cancer. He was 61. Eachin’s chief of staff, Tara Rountree, said in a statement, “We are all devastated at the passing of our boss and friend, Congressman Donald McEachin.” Brad William Henke, November 29: Former NFL player and actor Brad William Henke died at 56. Henke was best known for his role in “Orange Is the New Black.” Henke’s career took him to the NFL before he found success acting, graduating from the University of Arizona, where he played defensive line, and joining the New York Giants in
1989, according to his IMDB page. He would go on to play in Super Bowl XXIV with the Denver Broncos before he retired in 1994 after suffering a number of injuries. Christine McVie, November 30: Christine McVie, the British-born Fleetwood Mac vocalist, songwriter and keyboard player whose cool, soulful contralto helped define such classics as “You Make Loving Fun,” “Everywhere” and “Don’t Stop,” died at 79 after a short illness. McVie was a steady presence and personality in a band known for its frequent lineup changes and volatile personalities — notably fellow singer-songwriters Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham. Gaylord Perry, December 1: Baseball Hall of Famer and two-time Cy Young Award winner Gaylord Perry, a master of the spitball who wrote a book about using the pitch, died at the age of 84. Perry’s 1974 autobiography was titled “Me and the Spitter,” and he wrote it in that when he started in 1962 he was the “11th man on an 11-man pitching staff” for the Giants. He needed an edge and learned the spitball from San Francisco teammate Bob Shaw. Bob McGrath, December 4: Bob McGrath, one of the original cast members of Sesame Street, died peacefully at his home at the age of 90. McGrath joined Sesame Street as a founding cast member in 1969, playing the character of Bob Johnson. He would remain part of the cast for several decades before his retirement in 2016. Kirstie Alley, December 5: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy winner whose roles on the TV megahit “Cheers” and in the “Look Who’s Talking” films made her one of the biggest stars in American comedy in the late 1980s and early 1990s, died after a brief battle with cancer. She was 71. In recent years she appeared on several other reality shows, including a second-place finish on “Dancing With the Stars” in 2011. She appeared on the competition series “The Masked Singer” wearing a baby mammoth costume earlier this year. Mills Lane, December 6: Mills Lane, the Hall of Fame boxing referee who was the third man in the ring when Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear, died at his home in Reno. He was 85. Lane suffered a stroke in 2002. Lane officiated more than 100 title fights, sharing the ring with greats such as Muhammad Ali, Larry Holmes and Lennox Lewis, and was respected for his fairness and toughness. Mills Lane was also a judge and district attorney, respected for his fairness and toughness — just as he was in the ring. Grant Wahl, December 9: American sports journalist Grant Wahl died while covering the World Cup in Lusail, Qatar. He was 48. American media said Wahl, known for his longtime writing for Sports Illustrated, was unable to be revived after falling ill while covering a match between Argentina and Netherlands. While Wahl said he tested negative for COVID-19, he was told he likely had bronchitis and was prescribed antibiotics and cough syrup. Wahl ended the statement explaining he felt “a bit better… but still: No bueno.” Gary Friedkin, December 9: Actor Gary Friedkin, known for his roles in such shows as “Happy Days” and “Young Doctors in Love,” died from COVID-19 complications in an Ohio hospice. He was 70. Friedkin was born in Ohio but eventually moved to Los Angeles and started his acting career, which also featured a role as an Ewok in the “Star Wars” trilogy. Paul Silas, December 11: Paul Silas — who touched the game of basketball as a player, coach and president of the National Basketball Players Association — died. He was 79. Silas began his career as a head coach with a three-year stint leading the then-San Diego Clippers starting in 1980. After spending more than a decade as an assistant, he returned to being a head coach and spent time with the Charlotte Hornets, the New Orleans Hornets, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Charlotte Bobcats.
inspiring others. LL: As a life coach, I am working with a lot of people one-on-one. I’m nearly finished with my life-coaching certification program, but ever since I started helping people on an individual basis, I feel amazing. With me, people see someone who has struggled with the same things as they do. Plus, when you do this kind of performing, it’s so fulfilling. I come offstage and think, “Now, THIS is what work is SUPPOSED to feel like!” AV: Was it a hard decision to retire from doing stand-up? LL: Not at all! I always go with my gut so I don’t quit anything — a career, a marriage, a friendship — without that deep knowing. A few years ago, I started noticing things more. In the last 10 years I noticed when things were not feeling right, so now, when I make a decision, I say “What is the worst thing that can happen?” and I go ahead and do it anyway. None of my decisions are ever hard because I do it when I know it’s right, and I never second-guess what’s inside. Like, with doing stand-up: it wasn’t miserable. It just didn’t have the spark and the joy anymore. I wanted more of a spark, a fizziness. And now I have that. AV: What can we expect at your show? LL: If you want to laugh, then definitely come. If you want to hear stories with a point, then definitely come. If you want to be insulted, call me for private coaching. Ban on men sitting next to children Filed under: General — triassic @ 2:02 pm Tue 29th November 2005 Shame on Air NZ Air NZ have shamed themselves with to days revelation in the NZ Herald that they have a policy of insisting that only a female may sit next to a unaccompanied child in flight. This is outrageous, not only because it reinforces one gender as “bad” or “not to be trusted” but it goes against the facts themselves as reported by CYFS. Women abuse children at twice the rate of men (CYFS statistics). Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro has stated “children’s safety is paramount and she commends the airline for putting thought into how it can keep children safe.” Cindy’s ideology would have all Polynesians under a curfew after dark. All Muslims would not be able to travel in public unless they were in swim suits, every teenager could only drive a moped, and every politician would be required to be permanently wired to a polygraph. A company concerned with the welfare of all its clients would have delivered a policy whereby people sitting next to the child were told that if there is a need for the child to go to the toilet then only the air hostess can take them. When this is to be directed at both genders it is not discriminatory. But why think about upsetting males when they are such easy targets. Do you think this would have been permitted had the gender concerned been female? My suggestion is to ring the EPMU on 04 576-1181 Speak to national secretary Andrew Little and insist that action is taken by the union to force a change in this policy and to ensure that no other policies are in place that slur a gender without just cause. 18 Responses to “Ban on men sitting next to children” MarkL says: Tue 29th November 2005 at 3:39 pm check out kiwiblog.co.nz for some interesting comments on this. Mark Bogan says: For the first four month of a penguins’ life, the father does not eat, and stands by it’s chick to provide shelter and protection. rejected says: The solution to all the airlines problems! Hire lesbian, feminist, psychologist air hostesses to perform risk analysis of all male single passengers. These air hostesses could interview unaccompanied children what a coup that would be. Innocent children boarding the plane, but by the end of the flight they would have dicovered repressed memories of child abuse somewhere in their past Thu 1st December 2005 at 10:27 am Qantas & Air New Zealand — Guilty By Association ‘We can never fix one evil with
inspiring others. LL: As a life coach, I am working with a lot of people one-on-one. I’m nearly finished with my life-coaching certification program, but ever since I started helping people on an individual basis, I feel amazing. With me, people see someone who has struggled with the same things as they do. Plus, when you do this kind of performing, it’s so fulfilling. I come offstage and think, “Now, THIS is what work is SUPPOSED to feel like!” AV: Was it a hard decision to retire from doing stand-up? LL: Not at all! I always go with my gut so I don’t quit anything — a career, a marriage, a friendship — without that deep knowing. A few years ago, I started noticing things more. In the last 10 years I noticed when things were not feeling right, so now, when I make a decision, I say “What is the worst thing that can happen?” and I go ahead and do it anyway. None of my decisions are ever hard because I do it when I know it’s right, and I never second-guess what’s inside. Like, with doing stand-up: it wasn’t miserable. It just didn’t have the spark and the joy anymore. I wanted more of a spark, a fizziness. And now I have that. AV: What can we expect at your show? LL: If you want to laugh, then definitely come. If you want to hear stories with a point, then definitely come. If you want to be insulted, call me for private coaching. Ban on men sitting next to children Filed under: General — triassic @ 2:02 pm Tue 29th November 2005 Shame on Air NZ Air NZ have shamed themselves with to days revelation in the NZ Herald that they have a policy of insisting that only a female may sit next to a unaccompanied child in flight. This is outrageous, not only because it reinforces one gender as “bad” or “not to be trusted” but it goes against the facts themselves as reported by CYFS. Women abuse children at twice the rate of men (CYFS statistics). Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro has stated “children’s safety is paramount and she commends the airline for putting thought into how it can keep children safe.” Cindy’s ideology would have all Polynesians under a curfew after dark. All Muslims would not be able to travel in public unless they were in swim suits, every teenager could only drive a moped, and every politician would be required to be permanently wired to a polygraph. A company concerned with the welfare of all its clients would have delivered a policy whereby people sitting next to the child were told that if there is a need for the child to go to the toilet then only the air hostess can take them. When this is to be directed at both genders it is not discriminatory. But why think about upsetting males when they are such easy targets. Do you think this would have been permitted had the gender concerned been female? My suggestion is to ring the EPMU on 04 576-1181 Speak to national secretary Andrew Little and insist that action is taken by the union to force a change in this policy and to ensure that no other policies are in place that slur a gender without just cause. 18 Responses to “Ban on men sitting next to children” MarkL says: Tue 29th November 2005 at 3:39 pm check out kiwiblog.co.nz for some interesting comments on this. Mark Bogan says: For the first four month of a penguins’ life, the father does not eat, and stands by it’s chick to provide shelter and protection. rejected says: The solution to all the airlines problems! Hire lesbian, feminist, psychologist air hostesses to perform risk analysis of all male single passengers. These air hostesses could interview unaccompanied children what a coup that would be. Innocent children boarding the plane, but by the end of the flight they would have dicovered repressed memories of child abuse somewhere in their past Thu 1st December 2005 at 10:27 am Qantas & Air New Zealand — Guilty By Association ‘We can never fix one evil with
another evil. We cannot defend one freedom by trampling on the very freedoms we cherish. By all means (in fact it is your duty to) protect the rights of our precious children but don’t label me a paedophile simply because I’m a male.’ fantastic stuff from the author!! somehow we must use these examples as a springboard to further our cause. surely This issue has hit the news big-time! There was a Press Release from the Men’s Coalition: Fathers call on Kiro to resign “Fathers’ groups are demanding the resignation of Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro”, Kerry Bevin spokesperson, for the Men’s Coalition said today, following Kiro’s praise of Air New Zealand’s and Qantas’s policies of not allowing men to sit next to unaccompanied children. He also called for a public apology from the airlines in question. “Kiro is telling our children that men are dangerous to children, when in actual fact both women and men abuse children.” “She is teaching our children that irrational fear and hysterical hatred of one half of the population is acceptable.” “Kiro is not fit to be the Children’s Commissioner and must resign immediately”, concluded Kerry. Airlines ban men from sitting next to children Comments from National Party political correctness eradicator Wayne Mapp: “I think this is a gross over-reaction by the airlines. What do they think men are going to do that women won’t? It is the same as saying men shouldn’t sit beside children on a bus” . and Green MP Keith Locke: “I will be writing to the Human Rights Commission asking them to intervene to bring the two airlines to their senses,” he said. The airline needed to recognise that “men are people too”. “It is prejudicial to presume that men can’t be trusted to have contact with children unless they are related to them or are specially trained,” Mr Locke said. The ban went against progress that had been made in society where men now played a greater role in rearing their children — househusbands were more common — and engaging in play centre and school activities. The story spread to Australia: Airlines’ children policy ‘insane’ Dunedin-based clinical psychologist Nigel Latta, who has 15 years experience with sex offenders and victims, told NZPA he disagreed entirely with the policy. “I think it’s completely insane. It’s a crowded plane. For a start you’ve got to have someone who’s sexually interested in children who just happens by chance to get sat next to an unaccompanied child who then in a small, crowded airplane is going to molest a kid on a flight. “It’s insane. It’s political correctness and cautiousness gone made.” Latta said the policy was sending an “awful” message to society that “all men are pariahs”. Airlines’ no men near children policy slammed Celia Lashlie, author of He’ll Be okay: Growing Gorgeous Boys Into Good Men, and the Good Man Project, said she had “never heard so much nonsense in my life” as the Qantas and Air New Zealand policy. “There is enough of this mythology in New Zealand anyway. We’re operating on this idea that every man is a potential paedophile.” Ms Lashlie, who previously had 15 years working in New Zealand’s prison service, said it was entirely appropriate for men, and women, to speak to children on planes. “The thing I’m sad about is I watch in this current climate where so many boys are living away from their fathers, boys are thirsty for maleness.” A chat with “some bloke — a good man ” could be a valuable experience for either boys or girls, she said. “They’re painting the picture that planes are full of potential paedophiles. “My picture is that aeroplanes are full of good men moving up and down the country and there is a wonderful opportunity there,” she said. “New Zealand as a culture is starting to hide behind political correctness in order not to have to demonstrate moral courage and integrity.” Critics of airlines’ seating policy grow Stratford Primary School principal Kelvin Squire said the chronic shortage of male teachers could be blamed on a society that
urry of trades at this year’s deadline click here. According to ESPN, the Milwaukee Bucks are just the 4th No. 1-seed to lose Game 1 in each of their first 2 series. They’re also just the 34th team to do it regardless of seed under the current playoff format (since 1983-84). Only 1 of the previous 33 teams went on to win the title (the 1994-95 Rockets). Grinding Out The Profits From the complimentary PLAYBOOK ADVANTAGE publication for September: Since the 2019 MLB All Star break, Cubs starter Yu Darvish has 170 strikeouts and 15 walks in 124.3 innings pitched. Yu got that right. MLB PLAYOFFS, SEATTLE MARINERS, MITCH MORELAND, AUSTIN NOLA, ALL-STAR BREAK, YU DARVISH, Marc Lawrence, CUBS STARTER, Boston Red Sox, World Series, ESPN, PLAYBOOK.COM, LA ANGELS, SAN DIEGO PADRES, PLAYBOOK ADVANTAGE, MILWAUKEE BUCKS, MIKE CLEVINGER ZONA BLUE BOTH NFC RIVALS INDEED HOPE THAT IT’S DEFENSE THAT WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS THE FINAL FOUR ARE SET NEW YORKERS WANNA’ BET BRADY NEEDS TO RETIRE NOW Wearable Fitness Tracker Cost says: Can I get you to right for my site? Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other Salaries Bangor, Maine, US How much does a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role make in Bangor, Maine, US? Career Ladder Pay for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other Roles A person in an entry-level Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role with under one year of job experience can expect to make an average annual salary of $20,810. A Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other candidate with 1-4 years of experience makes an average total salary of $22,750. A person in a mid-career Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role with 5-9 years of experience makes an average salary of $38,520 a year. Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other with 10 or more years of experience make an average of $47,540. In their late career (over 20 years of experience), a person in a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role’s annual salary averages $53,110 per year. What is the average Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other salary in Bangor, Maine, US? Where can a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role earn more money? Court, Municipal, and License Clerks$26,460 - $56,060 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General$23,030 - $59,460 Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic$26,020 - $49,050 Will extra certification for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other roles boost salary? While certifications are not required for every Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other position, they can certainly increase your salary and lead to an easier recruitment process when applying to enterprises that favor candidates with additional certifications. Is the Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other position in high demand? The current Bureau of Labor Statistics states the salary is $38,520 higher than the national average for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other positions. Is there advancement potential for a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role? Yes, there is strong potential for promotion — either with an additional educational degree or with continued years of experience. There are a multitude of other positions Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other roles that can advance both internally and with another company. Cities With Highest Salaries for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other in Maine:
urry of trades at this year’s deadline click here. According to ESPN, the Milwaukee Bucks are just the 4th No. 1-seed to lose Game 1 in each of their first 2 series. They’re also just the 34th team to do it regardless of seed under the current playoff format (since 1983-84). Only 1 of the previous 33 teams went on to win the title (the 1994-95 Rockets). Grinding Out The Profits From the complimentary PLAYBOOK ADVANTAGE publication for September: Since the 2019 MLB All Star break, Cubs starter Yu Darvish has 170 strikeouts and 15 walks in 124.3 innings pitched. Yu got that right. MLB PLAYOFFS, SEATTLE MARINERS, MITCH MORELAND, AUSTIN NOLA, ALL-STAR BREAK, YU DARVISH, Marc Lawrence, CUBS STARTER, Boston Red Sox, World Series, ESPN, PLAYBOOK.COM, LA ANGELS, SAN DIEGO PADRES, PLAYBOOK ADVANTAGE, MILWAUKEE BUCKS, MIKE CLEVINGER ZONA BLUE BOTH NFC RIVALS INDEED HOPE THAT IT’S DEFENSE THAT WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS THE FINAL FOUR ARE SET NEW YORKERS WANNA’ BET BRADY NEEDS TO RETIRE NOW Wearable Fitness Tracker Cost says: Can I get you to right for my site? Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other Salaries Bangor, Maine, US How much does a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role make in Bangor, Maine, US? Career Ladder Pay for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other Roles A person in an entry-level Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role with under one year of job experience can expect to make an average annual salary of $20,810. A Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other candidate with 1-4 years of experience makes an average total salary of $22,750. A person in a mid-career Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role with 5-9 years of experience makes an average salary of $38,520 a year. Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other with 10 or more years of experience make an average of $47,540. In their late career (over 20 years of experience), a person in a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role’s annual salary averages $53,110 per year. What is the average Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other salary in Bangor, Maine, US? Where can a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role earn more money? Court, Municipal, and License Clerks$26,460 - $56,060 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General$23,030 - $59,460 Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic$26,020 - $49,050 Will extra certification for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other roles boost salary? While certifications are not required for every Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other position, they can certainly increase your salary and lead to an easier recruitment process when applying to enterprises that favor candidates with additional certifications. Is the Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other position in high demand? The current Bureau of Labor Statistics states the salary is $38,520 higher than the national average for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other positions. Is there advancement potential for a Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other role? Yes, there is strong potential for promotion — either with an additional educational degree or with continued years of experience. There are a multitude of other positions Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other roles that can advance both internally and with another company. Cities With Highest Salaries for Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other in Maine:
1Rome 2Lincoln 4Boston-Cambridge-Nashua 5Lansing-East Lansing 6Lewiston-Auburn 7Olympia-Tumwater 8Cape Girardeau 9Vineland-Bridgeton 10Flagstaff Related Job Salaries in Maine: Construction Managers$62,460 - $98,470 Software Developers, Applications$49,320 - $107,720 Forensic Science Technicians$44,290 - $89,310 Massage Therapists$43,200 - $80,350 Firefighters$41,260 - $90,310 Sales Representatives, Services, All Other$30,200 - $88,790 Office and Administrative Support Occupations$21,070 - $59,580 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations$20,710 - $64,850 Printing Press Operators$22,950 - $39,830 If Marijuana Gives You an Upset Stomach, You're Not Alone A 50-year-old man's nausea and vomiting just wouldn't stop. But the culprit behind his distress came as a surprise: cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. By Tony DajerNov 12, 2020 3:20 PM (Credit: Kellie Jaeger/Discover) This Vital Signs column originally appeared in the December issue of Discover magazine as "Anything but Predictable." Support our science journalism by becoming a subscriber. Curled up in misery, the 50-year-old man croaked out a few words. “Still bad, doc.” The man’s chief complaint had been nausea and vomiting. His condition prompted my favorite doctor trick: Take someone sick as the proverbial dog — retching, defecating, cramping — pump in IV anti-nausea meds and a few bags of saline, steep a few hours, and voila! New person. Given the ubiquity of stomach viruses and food poisoning, we see these unfortunate cases every day. Admittedly, bad things like sepsis and bowel obstruction can trigger vomiting. But for such a dramatic symptom, it’s considered benign until proven otherwise. So when Brian didn’t get better, I took it personally. His blood pressure also had spiked and wasn’t coming down as expected. “I couldn’t take my blood pressure meds,” he explained, still clutching a large, condom-shaped vomit bag with a hard plastic rim. “Wouldn’t stay down.” He was on his third round of IV antiemetics, a class of drugs used to combat nausea and vomiting, as well as 2 liters of saline. “I can give you the blood pressure meds through the IV,” I suggested. His wife Diane, full of concern, piped up. “Oh, they’re not staying down, doc. I’ve never seen him this bad.” He had been hospitalized 10 days earlier for a similar episode — agonizing, unremitting vomiting that arrived out of the blue. High-dose antiemetics hadn’t touched that bout either. The puzzling intractability had triggered a soup-to-nuts workup: abdominal CAT scan, diagnostic testing for stool pathogens and a lab workup that measured everything but copper levels. After two days, he had cooled off. But now he was back. Laid Low “Aawrgh,” Brian moaned again. His faced swelled and his jaw worked in slow motion like a python unhinging its mandible. Finally, he dry-heaved into the bag, but that brought no relief. An hour later, the rest of his lab results were back. All were normal. “Any change?” I asked, walking back into his room. “He’s laid low,” his wife answered. “Let me reexamine you,” I said. Eyes shut, Brian unclenched his arms, unfolded his legs and rolled
ants in that they have a long hydrophobic chain that extends into the oil layer and a polar head-group that interacts with the aqueous layer. Examples of common emulsifiers include mustard, egg yolk, soaps, and other surfactants. Characterizing emulsions Emulsions are often perceived as something simple, macroscale that can be seen, felt, and even tasted but in reality it is the nanoscale properties of the droplets dispersed in an emulsion that are the main contributors to the emulsion’s bulk properties. Specifically, the size and charge of the emulsified droplets directly affect stability, taste, safety, look and feel, and function. Thus, it is critically important to be able to accurately and quickly measure these properties of emulsions. There are a number of scientific techniques useful for characterizing emulsions. Two of the most commonly used are dynamic light scattering (DLS), which measures the particle size and size distribution of the emulsified droplets, and electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) which measures the droplet charge/zeta potential. The droplet size of an emulsion is important to ensure the ideal look and feel of an emulsion as well as the required functionality such as the rate of drug delivery of an intravenous (IV) emulsion (Figure 1) or the dose uniformity of an inhaled drug. The zeta potential of an emulsion indicates the likelihood of the droplets to aggregate and is thus related to the overall stability of the emulsion. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) DLS enables the measurement of emulsion droplet size by irradiating the sample with a laser and analyzing the light that is scattered back out by the particles. This scattered light creates a speckle pattern on the detector which changes over time because the particles are moving via Brownian motion. The rate of change of the speckle pattern on the detector is related to how fast the particles are moving, which is related to the size of the particles. Intravenous drug delivery system The particle size within emulsions is critically important in many applications; one in particular is intravenous (IV) infusions. Drug delivery via IV is often necessary because many drugs are not stable enough to be taken orally or because they do not pass through the intestinal lining. To ensure the quality and safety of IV formulations, there are strict regulations related to the maximum particle size that can be present in IV drug formulations. Specifically, particles larger than 5 microns are considered a health risk. The DLS technique is able to measure particle sizes between 0.3 nm and 10 microns and thus is a useful technique for ensuring that IV formulations do not contain drug aggregates or contaminations from containers or storage materials. Figure 2 illustrates DLS data ensuring that there is a single population of droplet sizes and that they are less than 5 microns in diameter. Table 1 illustrates the flexibility of DLS to measure various emulsion concentrations in a highly reproducible way. Figure 2: DLS data confirming that an emulsion has a single particle size that is less than 5 microns Table 1: Hydrodynamic diameter and relative standard deviation for 3 emulsions and relative standard deviation for 3 emulsions To confirm the absence of unwanted larger particles, the emulsion was analyzed further at a scattering angle of 15°. The forward scattering at 15° is the optimal angle for a sample of small particles that may also contains a few larger particles such as aggregates or contaminants. Figure 3 shows DLS data measured in forward angle, confirming that no aggregates are present. Figure 3: DLS data confirming that unwanted particles are not present in an emulsion Electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) ELS, on the other hand, enables the measurement of an emulsion’s zeta potential or the effective charge of a droplet when dispersed. ELS functions by applying an electric field to the emulsion which causes the droplets, if charged, to migrate towards the oppositely charged electrode. The sample is irradiated with a laser and the light which is scattered by the particles is then detected. However, because the particles are moving by electrophoretic motion, the movement of the particle causes a Doppler shift (or frequency shift) in the scattered light that corresponds to the speed of the particles, known as electrophoretic mobility. The electrophoretic mobility is then correlated to the magnitude of the
ants in that they have a long hydrophobic chain that extends into the oil layer and a polar head-group that interacts with the aqueous layer. Examples of common emulsifiers include mustard, egg yolk, soaps, and other surfactants. Characterizing emulsions Emulsions are often perceived as something simple, macroscale that can be seen, felt, and even tasted but in reality it is the nanoscale properties of the droplets dispersed in an emulsion that are the main contributors to the emulsion’s bulk properties. Specifically, the size and charge of the emulsified droplets directly affect stability, taste, safety, look and feel, and function. Thus, it is critically important to be able to accurately and quickly measure these properties of emulsions. There are a number of scientific techniques useful for characterizing emulsions. Two of the most commonly used are dynamic light scattering (DLS), which measures the particle size and size distribution of the emulsified droplets, and electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) which measures the droplet charge/zeta potential. The droplet size of an emulsion is important to ensure the ideal look and feel of an emulsion as well as the required functionality such as the rate of drug delivery of an intravenous (IV) emulsion (Figure 1) or the dose uniformity of an inhaled drug. The zeta potential of an emulsion indicates the likelihood of the droplets to aggregate and is thus related to the overall stability of the emulsion. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) DLS enables the measurement of emulsion droplet size by irradiating the sample with a laser and analyzing the light that is scattered back out by the particles. This scattered light creates a speckle pattern on the detector which changes over time because the particles are moving via Brownian motion. The rate of change of the speckle pattern on the detector is related to how fast the particles are moving, which is related to the size of the particles. Intravenous drug delivery system The particle size within emulsions is critically important in many applications; one in particular is intravenous (IV) infusions. Drug delivery via IV is often necessary because many drugs are not stable enough to be taken orally or because they do not pass through the intestinal lining. To ensure the quality and safety of IV formulations, there are strict regulations related to the maximum particle size that can be present in IV drug formulations. Specifically, particles larger than 5 microns are considered a health risk. The DLS technique is able to measure particle sizes between 0.3 nm and 10 microns and thus is a useful technique for ensuring that IV formulations do not contain drug aggregates or contaminations from containers or storage materials. Figure 2 illustrates DLS data ensuring that there is a single population of droplet sizes and that they are less than 5 microns in diameter. Table 1 illustrates the flexibility of DLS to measure various emulsion concentrations in a highly reproducible way. Figure 2: DLS data confirming that an emulsion has a single particle size that is less than 5 microns Table 1: Hydrodynamic diameter and relative standard deviation for 3 emulsions and relative standard deviation for 3 emulsions To confirm the absence of unwanted larger particles, the emulsion was analyzed further at a scattering angle of 15°. The forward scattering at 15° is the optimal angle for a sample of small particles that may also contains a few larger particles such as aggregates or contaminants. Figure 3 shows DLS data measured in forward angle, confirming that no aggregates are present. Figure 3: DLS data confirming that unwanted particles are not present in an emulsion Electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) ELS, on the other hand, enables the measurement of an emulsion’s zeta potential or the effective charge of a droplet when dispersed. ELS functions by applying an electric field to the emulsion which causes the droplets, if charged, to migrate towards the oppositely charged electrode. The sample is irradiated with a laser and the light which is scattered by the particles is then detected. However, because the particles are moving by electrophoretic motion, the movement of the particle causes a Doppler shift (or frequency shift) in the scattered light that corresponds to the speed of the particles, known as electrophoretic mobility. The electrophoretic mobility is then correlated to the magnitude of the
droplet’s charge in the emulsion. Emulsions in the pharmaceutical Industry The zeta potential of the droplets in an emulsion is related to the overall stability because particles that are highly charged (either positively or negatively) will repel each other in solution and thus be less likely to aggregate and eventually separate out of dispersion. On the other hand, droplets that are relatively uncharged or neutral are more likely to interact with each other rather than the solvent leading to larger particles or complete separation back into two phases. Thus, ensuring optimal droplet zeta potential is critical to ensure that the emulsion will be stable over time and that the droplet size doesn’t change or increase over the 5 micron limit. Emulsions are complex systems with a wide range of applications and commercial uses. Accurate characterization of emulsions, including the size and zeta potential of the dispersed droplets, is critical to ensure emulsion stability and performance. The Litesizer™ 500 instrument from Anton Paar is a useful tool for analyzing emulsions, offering a quick and accurate measure of both particle size and zeta potential. 1. Introduction to emulsions 2. Emulsion stability 3. Characterizing emulsions 4. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) 5. Electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) 6. Emulsions in the pharmaceutical Industry Halo World Championship’s $2.5M prize pool is the largest in esports shooter history Mike Minotti@tolkoto Halo 5: Guardian's Warthog. Image Credit: Microsoft Halo’s greatest players are fighting for more than just bragging rights. Microsoft announced today that 16 teams from across the globe have earned a spot in the Halo World Championship, which features players competing in Halo 5: Guardians. The event has a prize pool of $2.5 million. The tournament will take place from March 18 to March 20 in Hollywood (although Microsoft has yet to announce an exact venue). According to Esports Earnings tracking site, this will be the seventh largest prize pool in esports history and the highest ever for a first-person shooter. While most of the popular esports games have a home on PC, Halo is perhaps the best example of a console hit having success in the esports maket, which will hit $463 million this year and $1.1 billion by 2019, according to Newzoo. That’s not surprising when you consider the franchise’s steady popularity throughout the 21st century. Halo 5 earned $400 million in its first week of sales alone. Here are the final 16 teams: Team Allegiance (North America) Counter Logic Gaming (North America) Evil Geniuses (North America) Team Liquid (North America) Noble eSports (North America) Renegades (North America) Triggers Pound (North America) Denial eSports (North America) Epsilon eSports (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) FabE (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) exceL (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) Team Infused (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) Team Immunity (Australia) Team Exile5 (Australia) Skyfire (Asia) Chosen Squad (Latin America) Microsoft initially set the prize pool at $1 million, but it was raised via crowdfunding by fans through Halo 5: Guardians’ REQ system of in-game micro-transactions. Other tournaments, like Dota 2, have used similar crowdfunding methods to boost the prize pools for their world championships. Joseph Stiglitz On Why The EUro & The EU Are Doomed Date: September 2, 2016Author: Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) 0 Comments ‘Eurozone nations are selling family jewellery, but eventually you run out of jewellery’: Nobel economist on why the EU and the euro are doomed projects By ALEX BRUMMER PUBLISHED: 21:56, 1 September 2016 | UPDATED: 09:46, 2 September 2016 Going against the grain: Economist Joseph St
for sending a body retrieval request. type bodyRequesterFn func([]common.Hash) error // headerVerifierFn is a callback type to verify a block's header for fast propagation. type headerVerifierFn func(header *types.Header) error // blockBroadcasterFn is a callback type for broadcasting a block to connected peers. type blockBroadcasterFn func(block *types.Block, propagate bool) // chainHeightFn is a callback type to retrieve the current chain height. type chainHeightFn func() uint64 // chainInsertFn is a callback type to insert a batch of blocks into the local chain. type chainInsertFn func(types.Blocks) (int, error) // peerDropFn is a callback type for dropping a peer detected as malicious. type peerDropFn func(id string) // announce is the hash notification of the availability of a new block in the // network. type announce struct { hash common.Hash // Hash of the block being announced number uint64 // Number of the block being announced (0 = unknown | old protocol) header *types.Header // Header of the block partially reassembled (new protocol) time time.Time // Timestamp of the announcement origin string // Identifier of the peer originating the notification fetchHeader headerRequesterFn // Fetcher function to retrieve the header of an announced block fetchBodies bodyRequesterFn // Fetcher function to retrieve the body of an announced block } // headerFilterTask represents a batch of headers needing fetcher filtering. type headerFilterTask struct { headers []*types.Header // Collection of headers to filter time time.Time // Arrival time of the headers } // headerFilterTask represents a batch of block bodies (transactions and uncles) // needing fetcher filtering. type bodyFilterTask struct { transactions [][]*types.Transaction // Collection of transactions per block bodies uncles [][]*types.Header // Collection of uncles per block bodies time time.Time // Arrival time of the blocks' contents } // inject represents a schedules import operation. type inject struct { origin string block *types.Block } // Fetcher is responsible for accumulating block announcements from various peers // and scheduling them for retrieval. type Fetcher struct { // Various event channels notify chan *announce inject chan *inject blockFilter chan chan []*types.Block headerFilter chan chan *headerFilterTask bodyFilter chan chan *bodyFilterTask done chan common.Hash quit chan struct{} // Announce states announces map[string]int // Per peer announce counts to prevent memory exhaustion announced map[common.Hash][]*announce // Announced blocks, scheduled for fetching fetching map[common.Hash]*announce // Announced blocks, currently fetching fetched map[common.Hash][]*announce // Blocks with headers fetched, scheduled for body retrieval completing map[common.Hash]*announce // Blocks with headers, currently body-completing // Block cache queue *prque.Prque // Queue containing the import operations (block number sorted) queues map[string]int // Per peer block counts to prevent memory exhaustion queued map[common.Hash]*inject // Set of already queued blocks (to dedup imports) // Callbacks getBlock blockRetrievalFn // Retrieves a block from the local chain verifyHeader headerVerifierFn // Checks if a block's headers have a valid proof of work broadcastBlock blockBroadcasterFn // Broadcasts a block to connected peers chainHeight chainHeightFn // Retrieves the current chain's height insertChain chainInsertFn // Injects a batch of blocks into the chain dropPeer peerDropFn // Drops a peer for misbehaving // Testing hooks announceChangeHook func(common.Hash, bool) // Method to call upon adding or deleting a hash from the announce list queue
for sending a body retrieval request. type bodyRequesterFn func([]common.Hash) error // headerVerifierFn is a callback type to verify a block's header for fast propagation. type headerVerifierFn func(header *types.Header) error // blockBroadcasterFn is a callback type for broadcasting a block to connected peers. type blockBroadcasterFn func(block *types.Block, propagate bool) // chainHeightFn is a callback type to retrieve the current chain height. type chainHeightFn func() uint64 // chainInsertFn is a callback type to insert a batch of blocks into the local chain. type chainInsertFn func(types.Blocks) (int, error) // peerDropFn is a callback type for dropping a peer detected as malicious. type peerDropFn func(id string) // announce is the hash notification of the availability of a new block in the // network. type announce struct { hash common.Hash // Hash of the block being announced number uint64 // Number of the block being announced (0 = unknown | old protocol) header *types.Header // Header of the block partially reassembled (new protocol) time time.Time // Timestamp of the announcement origin string // Identifier of the peer originating the notification fetchHeader headerRequesterFn // Fetcher function to retrieve the header of an announced block fetchBodies bodyRequesterFn // Fetcher function to retrieve the body of an announced block } // headerFilterTask represents a batch of headers needing fetcher filtering. type headerFilterTask struct { headers []*types.Header // Collection of headers to filter time time.Time // Arrival time of the headers } // headerFilterTask represents a batch of block bodies (transactions and uncles) // needing fetcher filtering. type bodyFilterTask struct { transactions [][]*types.Transaction // Collection of transactions per block bodies uncles [][]*types.Header // Collection of uncles per block bodies time time.Time // Arrival time of the blocks' contents } // inject represents a schedules import operation. type inject struct { origin string block *types.Block } // Fetcher is responsible for accumulating block announcements from various peers // and scheduling them for retrieval. type Fetcher struct { // Various event channels notify chan *announce inject chan *inject blockFilter chan chan []*types.Block headerFilter chan chan *headerFilterTask bodyFilter chan chan *bodyFilterTask done chan common.Hash quit chan struct{} // Announce states announces map[string]int // Per peer announce counts to prevent memory exhaustion announced map[common.Hash][]*announce // Announced blocks, scheduled for fetching fetching map[common.Hash]*announce // Announced blocks, currently fetching fetched map[common.Hash][]*announce // Blocks with headers fetched, scheduled for body retrieval completing map[common.Hash]*announce // Blocks with headers, currently body-completing // Block cache queue *prque.Prque // Queue containing the import operations (block number sorted) queues map[string]int // Per peer block counts to prevent memory exhaustion queued map[common.Hash]*inject // Set of already queued blocks (to dedup imports) // Callbacks getBlock blockRetrievalFn // Retrieves a block from the local chain verifyHeader headerVerifierFn // Checks if a block's headers have a valid proof of work broadcastBlock blockBroadcasterFn // Broadcasts a block to connected peers chainHeight chainHeightFn // Retrieves the current chain's height insertChain chainInsertFn // Injects a batch of blocks into the chain dropPeer peerDropFn // Drops a peer for misbehaving // Testing hooks announceChangeHook func(common.Hash, bool) // Method to call upon adding or deleting a hash from the announce list queue
ChangeHook func(common.Hash, bool) // Method to call upon adding or deleting a block from the import queue fetchingHook func([]common.Hash) // Method to call upon starting a block (eth/61) or header (eth/62) fetch completingHook func([]common.Hash) // Method to call upon starting a block body fetch (eth/62) importedHook func(*types.Block) // Method to call upon successful block import (both eth/61 and eth/62) } // New creates a block fetcher to retrieve blocks based on hash announcements. func New(getBlock blockRetrievalFn, verifyHeader headerVerifierFn, broadcastBlock blockBroadcasterFn, chainHeight chainHeightFn, insertChain chainInsertFn, dropPeer peerDropFn) *Fetcher { return &Fetcher{ notify: make(chan *announce), inject: make(chan *inject), blockFilter: make(chan chan []*types.Block), headerFilter: make(chan chan *headerFilterTask), bodyFilter: make(chan chan *bodyFilterTask), done: make(chan common.Hash), quit: make(chan struct{}), announces: make(map[string]int), announced: make(map[common.Hash][]*announce), fetching: make(map[common.Hash]*announce), fetched: make(map[common.Hash][]*announce), completing: make(map[common.Hash]*announce), queue: prque.New(), queues: make(map[string]int), queued: make(map[common.Hash]*inject), getBlock: getBlock, verifyHeader: verifyHeader, broadcastBlock: broadcastBlock, chainHeight: chainHeight, insertChain: insertChain, dropPeer: dropPeer, } } // Start boots up the announcement based synchroniser, accepting and processing // hash notifications and block fetches until termination requested. func (f *Fetcher) Start() { go f.loop() } // Stop terminates the announcement based synchroniser, canceling all pending // operations. func (f *Fetcher) Stop() { close(f.quit) } // Notify announces the fetcher of the potential availability of a new block in // the network. func (f *Fetcher) Notify(peer string, hash common.Hash, number uint64, time time.Time, headerFetcher headerRequesterFn, bodyFetcher bodyRequesterFn) error { block := &announce{ hash: hash, number: number, time: time, origin: peer, fetchHeader: headerFetcher, fetchBodies: bodyFetcher, } select { case f.notify <- block: return nil case <-f.quit: return errTerminated } } // Enqueue tries to fill gaps the the fetcher's future import queue. func (f *Fetcher) Enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) error { op := &inject{ origin: peer, block: block, } select { case f.inject <- op: return nil case <-f.quit: return errTerminated } } // FilterHeaders extracts all the headers that were explicitly requested by the fetcher, // returning those that should be handled differently. func (f *Fetcher) FilterHeaders(headers []*types.Header, time time.Time) []*types.Header { log.Trace("Filtering headers", "headers", len(headers)) // Send the filter channel to the fetcher filter := make(chan *headerFilterTask) select { case f.headerFilter <- filter: case <-f.quit: return nil } //
.ind() **/ template <class IT, class NT> SpParVec<IT,NT> SpParVec<IT,NT>::operator() (const SpParVec<IT,IT> & ri) const { MPI_Comm DiagWorld = commGrid->GetDiagWorld(); SpParVec<IT,NT> Indexed(commGrid); if(DiagWorld != MPI_COMM_NULL) // Diagonal processors only { int dgrank, nprocs; MPI_Comm_rank(DiagWorld, &dgrank); MPI_Comm_size(DiagWorld, &nprocs); IT n_perproc = getTypicalLocLength(); vector< vector<IT> > data_req(nprocs); for(IT i=0; i < ri.num.size(); ++i) { int owner = (ri.num[i]) / n_perproc; // numerical values in ri are 0-based int rec = std::min(owner, nprocs-1); // find its owner data_req[rec].push_back(ri.num[i] - (rec * n_perproc)); } IT * sendbuf = new IT[ri.num.size()]; int * sendcnt = new int[nprocs]; int * sdispls = new int[nprocs]; for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) sendcnt[i] = data_req[i].size(); int * rdispls = new int[nprocs]; int * recvcnt = new int[nprocs]; MPI_Alltoall(sendcnt, 1, MPI_INT, recvcnt, 1, MPI_INT, DiagWorld); // share the request counts sdispls[0] = 0; rdispls[0] = 0; for(int i=0; i<nprocs-1; ++i) { sdispls[i+1] = sdispls[i] + sendcnt[i]; rdispls[i+1] = rdispls[i] + recvcnt[i]; } IT totrecv = accumulate(recvcnt,recvcnt+nprocs,0); IT * recvbuf = new IT[totrecv]; for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) copy(data_req[i].begin(), data_req[i].end(), sendbuf+sdispls[i]); MPI_Alltoallv(sendbuf, sendcnt, sdispls, MPIType<IT>(), recvbuf, recvcnt, rdispls, MPIType<IT>(), DiagWorld); // request data // We will return the requested data, // our return can be at most as big as the request // and smaller if we are missing some elements IT * indsback = new IT[totrecv]; NT * databack = new NT[totrecv]; int * ddispls = new int[nprocs]; copy(rdispls, rdispls+nprocs, ddispls); for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) { // this is not the most efficient method because it scans ind vector nprocs = sqrt(p) times IT * it = set_intersection(recvbuf+rdispls[i], recvbuf+rdispls[i]+recvcnt[i], ind.begin(), ind.end(), indsback+rdispls[i]); recvcnt[i] = (it - (indsback+rdispls[i])); // update with size of the intersection IT vi = 0; for(int j =
.ind() **/ template <class IT, class NT> SpParVec<IT,NT> SpParVec<IT,NT>::operator() (const SpParVec<IT,IT> & ri) const { MPI_Comm DiagWorld = commGrid->GetDiagWorld(); SpParVec<IT,NT> Indexed(commGrid); if(DiagWorld != MPI_COMM_NULL) // Diagonal processors only { int dgrank, nprocs; MPI_Comm_rank(DiagWorld, &dgrank); MPI_Comm_size(DiagWorld, &nprocs); IT n_perproc = getTypicalLocLength(); vector< vector<IT> > data_req(nprocs); for(IT i=0; i < ri.num.size(); ++i) { int owner = (ri.num[i]) / n_perproc; // numerical values in ri are 0-based int rec = std::min(owner, nprocs-1); // find its owner data_req[rec].push_back(ri.num[i] - (rec * n_perproc)); } IT * sendbuf = new IT[ri.num.size()]; int * sendcnt = new int[nprocs]; int * sdispls = new int[nprocs]; for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) sendcnt[i] = data_req[i].size(); int * rdispls = new int[nprocs]; int * recvcnt = new int[nprocs]; MPI_Alltoall(sendcnt, 1, MPI_INT, recvcnt, 1, MPI_INT, DiagWorld); // share the request counts sdispls[0] = 0; rdispls[0] = 0; for(int i=0; i<nprocs-1; ++i) { sdispls[i+1] = sdispls[i] + sendcnt[i]; rdispls[i+1] = rdispls[i] + recvcnt[i]; } IT totrecv = accumulate(recvcnt,recvcnt+nprocs,0); IT * recvbuf = new IT[totrecv]; for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) copy(data_req[i].begin(), data_req[i].end(), sendbuf+sdispls[i]); MPI_Alltoallv(sendbuf, sendcnt, sdispls, MPIType<IT>(), recvbuf, recvcnt, rdispls, MPIType<IT>(), DiagWorld); // request data // We will return the requested data, // our return can be at most as big as the request // and smaller if we are missing some elements IT * indsback = new IT[totrecv]; NT * databack = new NT[totrecv]; int * ddispls = new int[nprocs]; copy(rdispls, rdispls+nprocs, ddispls); for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) { // this is not the most efficient method because it scans ind vector nprocs = sqrt(p) times IT * it = set_intersection(recvbuf+rdispls[i], recvbuf+rdispls[i]+recvcnt[i], ind.begin(), ind.end(), indsback+rdispls[i]); recvcnt[i] = (it - (indsback+rdispls[i])); // update with size of the intersection IT vi = 0; for(int j =
rdispls[i]; j < rdispls[i] + recvcnt[i]; ++j) // fetch the numerical values { // indsback is a subset of ind while(indsback[j] > ind[vi]) ++vi; databack[j] = num[vi++]; } } DeleteAll(recvbuf, ddispls); NT * databuf = new NT[ri.num.size()]; MPI_Alltoall(recvcnt, 1, MPI_INT, sendcnt, 1, MPI_INT, DiagWorld); // share the response counts, overriding request counts MPI_Alltoallv(indsback, recvcnt, rdispls, MPIType<IT>(), sendbuf, sendcnt, sdispls, MPIType<IT>(), DiagWorld); // send data MPI_Alltoallv(databack, recvcnt, rdispls, MPIType<NT>(), databuf, sendcnt, sdispls, MPIType<NT>(), DiagWorld); // send data DeleteAll(rdispls, recvcnt, indsback, databack); // Now create the output from databuf for(int i=0; i<nprocs; ++i) { // data will come globally sorted from processors // i.e. ind owned by proc_i is always smaller than // ind owned by proc_j for j < i for(int j=sdispls[i]; j< sdispls[i]+sendcnt[i]; ++j) { Indexed.ind.push_back(sendbuf[j]); Indexed.num.push_back(databuf[j]); } } Indexed.length = ri.length; DeleteAll(sdispls, sendcnt, sendbuf, databuf); } return Indexed; } template <class IT, class NT> void SpParVec<IT,NT>::iota(IT size, NT first) { MPI_Comm DiagWorld = commGrid->GetDiagWorld(); if(DiagWorld != MPI_COMM_NULL) // Diagonal processors only { int dgrank, nprocs; MPI_Comm_rank(DiagWorld, &dgrank); MPI_Comm_size(DiagWorld, &nprocs); IT n_perproc = size / nprocs; length = (dgrank != nprocs-1) ? n_perproc: (size - (n_perproc * (nprocs-1))); ind.resize(length); num.resize(length); SpHelper::iota(ind.begin(), ind.end(), 0); // offset'd within processors SpHelper::iota(num.begin(), num.end(), (dgrank * n_perproc) + first); // global across processors } } template <class IT, class NT> SpParVec<IT, IT> SpParVec<IT, NT>::sort() { MPI_Comm DiagWorld = commGrid->GetDiagWorld(); SpParVec<IT,IT> temp(commGrid); if(DiagWorld != MPI_COMM_NULL) // Diagonal processors only { IT nnz = ind.size(); pair<IT,IT> * vecpair = new pair<IT,IT>[nnz]; int dgrank, nprocs; MPI_Comm_rank(DiagWorld, &dgrank); MPI_Comm_size(DiagWorld, &nprocs); IT * dist = new IT[nprocs]; dist[dgrank] = nnz; MPI_
ston Texans outside linebacker coach John Pagano has been dismissed from the coaching staff according to the Houston Chronicle's Aaron Wilson. Texans Sign Rick Leonard to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed offensive tackle Rick Leonard to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Karan Higdon, Jr. to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed running back Karan Higdon, Jr. to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Nate Hall to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans sign linebacker Nate Hall to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Anthony Chesley to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans Sign cornerback Anthony Chesley to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020. Texans Sign Chad Hansen to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed wide receiver Chad Hansen to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Davin Bellamy to Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed outside linebacker Davin Bellamy to a Reserve/Futures Contract. The Rundown: Texans Top Team Needs Heading Into 2020 A closer look at the Houston Texans' most important team needs heading into the 2020 offseason. AlTruckee Texans DeAndre Hopkins Pulls Out of the Pro Bowl Houston Texans DeAndre Hopkins opts not to participate in the Pro Bowl to get healthy while Denver Broncos Courtland Sutton takes his place. The T4 Project Photo: Selena Salfen The T4 Project Story–Based Concept Album captures the spirit of a punk rock revolution in its powerful collection of songs, compelling background story concept, and the impressive array of musicians called together to collaborate on the idea. But what exactly is The T4 Project– This is not just some group of all–stars that decided to put together a side– project album. This is a labor of love conceived by Shannon Saint Ryan, a young musician from Ventura, CA, who had the desire to bring together the people, ideals, and musical styles that span the diversity of the punk scene. The result is a community – not a compilation – of like–minded artists, contributing their time and efforts for free, working together in the belief that music can still inspire and teach its listeners. "We all sing about things that are burning in our hearts. Everyone is going against the grain in the same way," says Saint Ryan. "The punk scene is the foundation of the way I live and breathe." The message behind The T4 Project is as personal as it is political. The songs and artwork address vital social and political issues, but the story belongs to both the individual and the community. "I'd like this record to be a way for people to not feel lost," says Saint Ryan. "You just gotta' have some heart." Just three years ago, The T4 Project was nothing more than an idea in its infancy, brewing in the mind of project founder and creative genius Shannon Saint Ryan. At the time, few people outside of Saint Ryan's local punk scene had heard of him. Through a combination of DIY, dreams, and determination, Saint Ryan united pieces of a divided punk community, assembling a crack team of artists to begin working on the concept album to end all concept albums. The roots of T4 formed when Saint Ryan's schoolmates, Mike Carter and Chris Campbell, enlisted him to play drums with their band for the school talent show. They introduced him to punk by giving him two CDs to practice to – Circle Jerks and Pennywise. Saint Ryan fell in love with the underlying principles of punk before its sound. "At first I thought it was reckless abuse, crazy people," he admits. Then he picked up the liner notes and his world changed forever. "Punk is political and social movement through music. It... all made sense ... music as a weapon." The trio continued to rock together as a band until a tragic motorcycle death claimed Campbell's life. Crushed,
ston Texans outside linebacker coach John Pagano has been dismissed from the coaching staff according to the Houston Chronicle's Aaron Wilson. Texans Sign Rick Leonard to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed offensive tackle Rick Leonard to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Karan Higdon, Jr. to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed running back Karan Higdon, Jr. to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Nate Hall to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans sign linebacker Nate Hall to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Anthony Chesley to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans Sign cornerback Anthony Chesley to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020. Texans Sign Chad Hansen to a Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed wide receiver Chad Hansen to a reserve/futures contract for the 2020 season. Texans Sign Davin Bellamy to Reserve/Futures Contract for 2020 The Houston Texans have signed outside linebacker Davin Bellamy to a Reserve/Futures Contract. The Rundown: Texans Top Team Needs Heading Into 2020 A closer look at the Houston Texans' most important team needs heading into the 2020 offseason. AlTruckee Texans DeAndre Hopkins Pulls Out of the Pro Bowl Houston Texans DeAndre Hopkins opts not to participate in the Pro Bowl to get healthy while Denver Broncos Courtland Sutton takes his place. The T4 Project Photo: Selena Salfen The T4 Project Story–Based Concept Album captures the spirit of a punk rock revolution in its powerful collection of songs, compelling background story concept, and the impressive array of musicians called together to collaborate on the idea. But what exactly is The T4 Project– This is not just some group of all–stars that decided to put together a side– project album. This is a labor of love conceived by Shannon Saint Ryan, a young musician from Ventura, CA, who had the desire to bring together the people, ideals, and musical styles that span the diversity of the punk scene. The result is a community – not a compilation – of like–minded artists, contributing their time and efforts for free, working together in the belief that music can still inspire and teach its listeners. "We all sing about things that are burning in our hearts. Everyone is going against the grain in the same way," says Saint Ryan. "The punk scene is the foundation of the way I live and breathe." The message behind The T4 Project is as personal as it is political. The songs and artwork address vital social and political issues, but the story belongs to both the individual and the community. "I'd like this record to be a way for people to not feel lost," says Saint Ryan. "You just gotta' have some heart." Just three years ago, The T4 Project was nothing more than an idea in its infancy, brewing in the mind of project founder and creative genius Shannon Saint Ryan. At the time, few people outside of Saint Ryan's local punk scene had heard of him. Through a combination of DIY, dreams, and determination, Saint Ryan united pieces of a divided punk community, assembling a crack team of artists to begin working on the concept album to end all concept albums. The roots of T4 formed when Saint Ryan's schoolmates, Mike Carter and Chris Campbell, enlisted him to play drums with their band for the school talent show. They introduced him to punk by giving him two CDs to practice to – Circle Jerks and Pennywise. Saint Ryan fell in love with the underlying principles of punk before its sound. "At first I thought it was reckless abuse, crazy people," he admits. Then he picked up the liner notes and his world changed forever. "Punk is political and social movement through music. It... all made sense ... music as a weapon." The trio continued to rock together as a band until a tragic motorcycle death claimed Campbell's life. Crushed,
Carter and Saint Ryan disbanded. After finishing school, Saint Ryan drifted, unsure about his future. "I realized I had to focus on one thing," says Saint Ryan. "Then, everything started to move forward .... I was able to put all that energy into music." He started collaborating with old friend Kirsten Patches of Naked Aggression, revisiting the rough song ideas he had recorded over the years. The process clued Saint Ryan in to the incredible creative potential sparked by introducing a new musician's perspective. After briefly touring with Patches' band, Saint Ryan left, hungry for something different. He started envisioning his concept album, then began a painstaking recruitment process, powered by his charisma and a polite yet fearless "don't give a fuck" philosophy inspired by Keith Moon, legendary drummer for The Who. Pg.1 T4_Bio_1.08 Saint Ryan would later call on Patches and Carter to join T4 as vocalist and guest bassist. Saint Ryan racked his brains to pick the other musicians, scouring over biographies, mentally compiling a roster of bands, and hitting up friends for recommendations. First, Saint Ryan set about assembling the rhythm section. Drummer Trotsky of the Subhumans U.K. entered the picture when Saint Ryan and Patches, playing as Meet the Virus, opened for Subhumans (U.K.) in 2003. They lost contact, but Saint Ryan tracked down their tour manager and sent over a demo. A thrilled Saint Ryan heard back from the laconic drummer–"I got your tape, it's got some cracking tunes, and I'll put my sticks on it," he said. Trotsky then recommended Spike T. Smith, drummer for Morrissey, Conflict, and The Damned. The two drummers together formed the perfect contrast in Saint Ryan's eyes. "Spike is just one of those technical wizards on drums," says Saint Ryan, while "Trotsky is ... that real hard, driving force." Saint Ryan tracked down Bad Religion bassist Jay Bentley at a bar, via his band's tour manager. "I thought he was completely insane," laughs Bentley. Despite his initial skepticism, he never wrote off The T4 Project completely, putting in his two cents and four strings when called on, his incredulity eventually giving way to admiration. "I was really impressed. I'm proud to be part of it," says Bentley. Exactly how Saint Ryan and Tony Barber, Buzzcocks bassist, met is a question of fuzzy memories on both sides. Saint Ryan remembers contacting Barber by charming Southern Studios into passing on his info. Barber just remembers receiving the e–mail, then the hour–long conversations that ensued regularly. "I was one of the people he used as a bit of a sounding board," says Barber. Along the way, Saint Ryan scored a gig as a guitar tech for Strung Out, the California band fronted by Jason Cruz. Cruz eagerly joined the project as vocalist and lyricist, particularly because Saint Ryan represented a final connection to Jim Cherry, former bass player for Strung Out, who used to be Saint Ryan's neighbor and tragically passed away in 2002. "Shannon was the little punk rock kid that lived next door. He always had a lot of spirit," reflects Cruz. "He was just a talented kid." Cruz hit upon the idea to add on a keyboard part during a recording session with Saint Ryan. Smith suggested Paul Roessler, a keyboardist with a solid history who currently tours with Nina Hagen's band. Saint Ryan looked Roessler up online, shot out an e–mail, and soon signed him on. "It brought something really musical out of me," says Roessler about being part of the project. The T4 guitarists fell into place through a variety of different ways. The history with guitarist Fletcher Dragge also stretches years back, to when a young Saint Ryan, as a Pennywise fan, did some complimentary flooring work for Dragge. "I kept in contact with him over the years. He told me about The T4 Project and obviously, you know, he laid my carpet in my house for free, so I have to play on his record," deadpans Dragge. Beyond their shared past, Dragge loved the concept behind T4. "Shannon'
i"); A: .len(5) not support in express validation, you can use .isLength(5) to check for a max and min length of 5. req.checkBody('partnerid', 'Partnerid field must be 5 character long strong text').isLength(5); Q: Added new website to IIS8 and still goes to Default Website Setting up a new server - 2012 with IIS8. I added a new web site to IIS8. I set the IP address and the hostname. Yet when I browse to the site, it goes to the Default Website instead. I stopped the Default web site and I get a 404. I tried restarting IIS as well. I read a few pages on how to set up a new website and I seem to be in compliance. The Default Website is just a fallback as I understand it. With the hostname and/or the IP address set, IIS should direct traffic to the new web site, right? I made sure the folder had permissions for the app pool (though the Test Settings is still failing the Authorization Test.) and the IUSR. I temporarily used the Administrator account instead of pass-thtough so I could pass the Authorization Test. I enabled ASP.Net impersonation. I verified default document file name. I tried a simple .html to get around any ASP.net issues. I deleted it and started from scratch, using the DefaultAppPool this time. What am I missing here? Thanks, Brad Q: Higher validation accuracy, than training accurracy using Tensorflow and Keras I'm trying to use deep learning to predict income from 15 self reported attributes from a dating site. We're getting rather odd results, where our validation data is getting better accuracy and lower loss, than our training data. And this is consistent across different sizes of hidden layers. This is our model: for hl1 in [250, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25, 15, 10, 7]: def baseline_model(): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(hl1, input_dim=299, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l1_l2(0.001))) model.add(Dropout(0.5, seed=seed)) model.add(Dense(3, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adamax', metrics=['accuracy']) return model history_logs = LossHistory() model = baseline_model() history = model.fit(X, Y, validation_split=0.3, shuffle=False, epochs=50, batch_size=10, verbose=2, callbacks=[history_logs]) And this is an example of the accuracy and losses: and . We've tried to remove regularization and dropout, which, as expected, ended in overfitting (training acc: ~85%). We've even tried to decrease the learning rate drastically, with similiar results. Has anyone seen similar results? A: You can check the Keras FAQ and especially the section "Why is the training loss much higher than the testing loss?". I would also suggest you to take some time and read this very good article regarding some "sanity checks" you should always take into consideration when building a NN. In addition, whenever possible, check if your results make sense. For example, in case of a n-class classification with categorical cross entropy the loss on the first epoch should be -ln(1/n). Apart your specific case, I believe that apart from the Dropout the dataset split may sometimes result in this situation. Especially if the dataset split is not random (in case where temporal or spatial patterns exist) the validation set may be fundamentally different, i.e less noise or less variance, from the train and thus easier to to predict leading to higher accuracy on the validation set than on training. Moreover, if the validation set is very small compared to the training then by random the model fits better the validation set than the training.] A: There are a number of reasons this can happen.You do not shown any information on the size of the data for training, validation and test. If the
i"); A: .len(5) not support in express validation, you can use .isLength(5) to check for a max and min length of 5. req.checkBody('partnerid', 'Partnerid field must be 5 character long strong text').isLength(5); Q: Added new website to IIS8 and still goes to Default Website Setting up a new server - 2012 with IIS8. I added a new web site to IIS8. I set the IP address and the hostname. Yet when I browse to the site, it goes to the Default Website instead. I stopped the Default web site and I get a 404. I tried restarting IIS as well. I read a few pages on how to set up a new website and I seem to be in compliance. The Default Website is just a fallback as I understand it. With the hostname and/or the IP address set, IIS should direct traffic to the new web site, right? I made sure the folder had permissions for the app pool (though the Test Settings is still failing the Authorization Test.) and the IUSR. I temporarily used the Administrator account instead of pass-thtough so I could pass the Authorization Test. I enabled ASP.Net impersonation. I verified default document file name. I tried a simple .html to get around any ASP.net issues. I deleted it and started from scratch, using the DefaultAppPool this time. What am I missing here? Thanks, Brad Q: Higher validation accuracy, than training accurracy using Tensorflow and Keras I'm trying to use deep learning to predict income from 15 self reported attributes from a dating site. We're getting rather odd results, where our validation data is getting better accuracy and lower loss, than our training data. And this is consistent across different sizes of hidden layers. This is our model: for hl1 in [250, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25, 15, 10, 7]: def baseline_model(): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(hl1, input_dim=299, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l1_l2(0.001))) model.add(Dropout(0.5, seed=seed)) model.add(Dense(3, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adamax', metrics=['accuracy']) return model history_logs = LossHistory() model = baseline_model() history = model.fit(X, Y, validation_split=0.3, shuffle=False, epochs=50, batch_size=10, verbose=2, callbacks=[history_logs]) And this is an example of the accuracy and losses: and . We've tried to remove regularization and dropout, which, as expected, ended in overfitting (training acc: ~85%). We've even tried to decrease the learning rate drastically, with similiar results. Has anyone seen similar results? A: You can check the Keras FAQ and especially the section "Why is the training loss much higher than the testing loss?". I would also suggest you to take some time and read this very good article regarding some "sanity checks" you should always take into consideration when building a NN. In addition, whenever possible, check if your results make sense. For example, in case of a n-class classification with categorical cross entropy the loss on the first epoch should be -ln(1/n). Apart your specific case, I believe that apart from the Dropout the dataset split may sometimes result in this situation. Especially if the dataset split is not random (in case where temporal or spatial patterns exist) the validation set may be fundamentally different, i.e less noise or less variance, from the train and thus easier to to predict leading to higher accuracy on the validation set than on training. Moreover, if the validation set is very small compared to the training then by random the model fits better the validation set than the training.] A: There are a number of reasons this can happen.You do not shown any information on the size of the data for training, validation and test. If the
validation set is to small it does not adequately represent the probability distribution of the data. If your training set is small there is not enough data to adequately train the model. Also your model is very basic and may not be adequate to cover the complexity of the data. A drop out of 50% is high for such a limited model. Try using an established model like MobileNet version 1. It will be more than adequate for even very complex data relationships. Once that works then you can be confident in the data and build your own model if you wish. Fact is validation loss and accuracy do not have real meaning until your training accuracy gets reasonably high say 85%. A: I solved this by simply increasing the number of epochs A: This indicates the presence of high bias in your dataset. It is underfitting. The solutions to issue are:- * *Probably the network is struggling to fit the training data. Hence, try a little bit bigger network. *Try a different Deep Neural Network. I mean to say change the architecture a bit. *Train for longer time. *Try using advanced optimization algorithms. A: This actually a pretty often situation. When there is not so much variance in your dataset you could have the behaviour like this. Here you could find an explaination why this might happen. A: This happens when you use Dropout, since the behaviour when training and testing are different. When training, a percentage of the features are set to zero (50% in your case since you are using Dropout(0.5)). When testing, all features are used (and are scaled appropriately). So the model at test time is more robust - and can lead to higher testing accuracies. A: Adding dropout to your model gives it more generalization, but it doesn't have to be the cause. It could be because your data is unbalanced (has bias) and that's what I think.. A: I don't think that it is a drop out layer problem. I think that it is more related to the number of images in your dataset. The point here is that you are working on a large training Set and a too small validation/test set so that this latter is way too easy to computed. Try data augmentation and other technique to get your dataset bigger! A: I agree with @Anas answer, the situation might be solved after you increase the epoch times. Everything is ok, but sometimes, it is just a coincidence that the initialized model exhibits a better performance in the validation/test dataset compared to the training dataset. Q: Data returns array instead of an object Its probably some stupid mistake but tell me what am i doing wrong? I made it in 2 ways. * *In the first solution i send the data from my VsCode to the database and then retrieve it. *In the second solution i just send parsed json file as a resposne directly from VsCode folder. I want the data from the first solution return me an object (like in the 2nd solution) not an array. 1 solution: //IMPORTING TO DATABASE const questions = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/questions.json`, "utf-8") ); const importData = async () => { try { await Questions.create(questions); console.log("Data successfully loaded!"); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } process.exit(); }; //MODEL const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const questionsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ beginner: [ { questionText: String, answerOptions: Array, }, ], intermediate: [ { questionText: String, answerOptions: Array, }, ], advanced: [ { questionText: String, answerOptions: Array, }, ], }); // RESPONSE const getAllQuestions = async (req, res, next) => { try { const data = await Questions.find(); res.status(200).json({ status: "success", data, }); } catch (err) { res.status(500).json({ status: "fail", message: err, });
ieves he has been “part of two teams that have won the two hardest championships in NBA history,” lumping this year’s victory with the Los Angeles Lakers inside the Orlando bubble into the same category as his Cleveland Cavaliers’ 3-1 comeback against a 73-win Golden State Warriors team. Granted, the bubble took its toll on everyone, both mentally and physically, but basketball-wise, this fourth ring was James’ breeziest yet. The 35-year-old got a four-month break from the season to recharge before riding the eight-game seeding schedule on auto pilot to the No. 1 overall seed. The Lakers were never tested in any of their four playoff rounds, trouncing the exhausted and injury-depleted Portland Trail Blazers, rolling the imploding Houston Rockets, avoiding the rival L.A. Clippers in the Western Conference finals and beating a fifth-seeded Miami Heat team that lost two of its three best players in Game 1 of the NBA Finals. The Lakers boasted the two best players in the bubble and avoided anyone who might have challenged them for that moniker. Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry played a total of five games last season. Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Milwaukee Bucks lost their rhythm. Damian Lillard rode his body into the ground. Russell Westbrook undercut James Harden’s Rockets. And Kawhi Leonard’s Clippers crumbled. Credit LeBron and his veteran Lakers for avoiding the momentum, chemistry and injury issues exacerbated by the bubble. The Lakers may have beaten all comers anyhow. Their mental toughness was unrivaled in a season rocked by the coronavirus pandemic, but they enter this campaign with a claim James has not been able to make since he played for the Heat: His roster is clearly the league’s most talented, bolstered by an offseason that better equipped it to beat any challenger at its best. So, yes, the Lakers will repeat as NBA champions. LeBron James smiles while holding the MVP and NBA Finals trophies after winning the 2019-20 NBA championship over the Miami Heat on Oct. 11, 2020. (Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images) All the Lakers needed last season were two competent role players alongside James and Davis to coast to the title without ever sniffing a Game 7. Rajon Rondo’s career resurgence and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope’s career postseason were enough to mask the inconsistencies of Danny Green, Kyle Kuzma, Markieff Morris, Alex Caruso and Dwight Howard — easily the worst supporting cast for which Green has been a headliner. According to Cleaning the Glass, the Lakers outscored opponents by 15.9 points per 100 possessions in non-garbage playoff minutes when James and Davis were on the floor, regardless of who played with them. That is absurd, all the more so when you consider JaVale McGee was in their most commonly used lineup. Before the shine wore off the franchise’s latest Larry O’Brien Trophy, Lakers vice president of basketball operations Rob Pelinka revamped the roster around his two superstars. He dealt for Dennis Schroder before signing Montrezl Harrell, Marc Gasol and Wesley Matthews. Schroder and Harrell alone would have been a coup. After all, they are respectively the winner and runner-up for the Sixth Man of the Year award. With Gasol and Matthews, they represent a significant collective upgrade over Rondo, Green and the big man tandem of Howard and McGee. Half a championship roster was swapped out for a better model. Both Caldwell-Pope and Morris re-signed. Kuzma is entering the final year of his rookie contract, but just agreed to a three-year extension. Many of those who played significant minutes on the Lakers’ title run, including Caruso, will be pushed further down the depth chart, where they belong. Let us be honest: Nobody but James and Davis could have led last season’s role players to a title, and they made it look easy. What might they do with a proper rotation? They will win another championship, even if the road is harder. And it may not be
ieves he has been “part of two teams that have won the two hardest championships in NBA history,” lumping this year’s victory with the Los Angeles Lakers inside the Orlando bubble into the same category as his Cleveland Cavaliers’ 3-1 comeback against a 73-win Golden State Warriors team. Granted, the bubble took its toll on everyone, both mentally and physically, but basketball-wise, this fourth ring was James’ breeziest yet. The 35-year-old got a four-month break from the season to recharge before riding the eight-game seeding schedule on auto pilot to the No. 1 overall seed. The Lakers were never tested in any of their four playoff rounds, trouncing the exhausted and injury-depleted Portland Trail Blazers, rolling the imploding Houston Rockets, avoiding the rival L.A. Clippers in the Western Conference finals and beating a fifth-seeded Miami Heat team that lost two of its three best players in Game 1 of the NBA Finals. The Lakers boasted the two best players in the bubble and avoided anyone who might have challenged them for that moniker. Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry played a total of five games last season. Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Milwaukee Bucks lost their rhythm. Damian Lillard rode his body into the ground. Russell Westbrook undercut James Harden’s Rockets. And Kawhi Leonard’s Clippers crumbled. Credit LeBron and his veteran Lakers for avoiding the momentum, chemistry and injury issues exacerbated by the bubble. The Lakers may have beaten all comers anyhow. Their mental toughness was unrivaled in a season rocked by the coronavirus pandemic, but they enter this campaign with a claim James has not been able to make since he played for the Heat: His roster is clearly the league’s most talented, bolstered by an offseason that better equipped it to beat any challenger at its best. So, yes, the Lakers will repeat as NBA champions. LeBron James smiles while holding the MVP and NBA Finals trophies after winning the 2019-20 NBA championship over the Miami Heat on Oct. 11, 2020. (Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images) All the Lakers needed last season were two competent role players alongside James and Davis to coast to the title without ever sniffing a Game 7. Rajon Rondo’s career resurgence and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope’s career postseason were enough to mask the inconsistencies of Danny Green, Kyle Kuzma, Markieff Morris, Alex Caruso and Dwight Howard — easily the worst supporting cast for which Green has been a headliner. According to Cleaning the Glass, the Lakers outscored opponents by 15.9 points per 100 possessions in non-garbage playoff minutes when James and Davis were on the floor, regardless of who played with them. That is absurd, all the more so when you consider JaVale McGee was in their most commonly used lineup. Before the shine wore off the franchise’s latest Larry O’Brien Trophy, Lakers vice president of basketball operations Rob Pelinka revamped the roster around his two superstars. He dealt for Dennis Schroder before signing Montrezl Harrell, Marc Gasol and Wesley Matthews. Schroder and Harrell alone would have been a coup. After all, they are respectively the winner and runner-up for the Sixth Man of the Year award. With Gasol and Matthews, they represent a significant collective upgrade over Rondo, Green and the big man tandem of Howard and McGee. Half a championship roster was swapped out for a better model. Both Caldwell-Pope and Morris re-signed. Kuzma is entering the final year of his rookie contract, but just agreed to a three-year extension. Many of those who played significant minutes on the Lakers’ title run, including Caruso, will be pushed further down the depth chart, where they belong. Let us be honest: Nobody but James and Davis could have led last season’s role players to a title, and they made it look easy. What might they do with a proper rotation? They will win another championship, even if the road is harder. And it may not be
. It remains to be seen whether the Clippers can reach their potential, even if Serge Ibaka may have been an upgrade over the outgoing Harrell. The Rockets are a mess. Warriors star Klay Thompson suffered another season-ending injury. The Denver Nuggets lost Jerami Grant from their starting lineup. The Lakers are in a tier of their own out West, and their potential challengers in the other conference are full of question marks. Pelinka’s offseason was so successful that it swayed James and Davis to sign long-term contract extensions in L.A. The only question left for them will be whether James can get to six rings, because Father Time is the only opponent standing between him and Michael Jordan now. But that is a hot take for another year. Ben Rohrbach is a staff writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @brohrbach More Hot Takes We Might Actually Believe: Milwaukee Bucks will be worse Brooklyn Nets will be a chemistry disaster James Harden will be a Philadelphia 76er this season Jayson Tatum will be in the MVP conversation Golden State Warriors will miss the playoffs Miami Heat were a bubble anomaly Caris LeVert was part of the four-team trade that included Pacers star Victor Oladipo going to the Houston Rockets The Biden administration says it will hit the ground running with a slew of executive orders on Day One. President-elect Joe Biden's incoming chief of staff said in a memo to reporters that Biden will cap a busy day of inauguration pageantry by using the powers of his new office to push policy changes on housing, student loans, climate change and immigration. The executive actions to be taken on Wednesday include rejoining the Paris climate accords, reversing a travel ban on several majority Muslim countries, extending a pause on federal student loan payments, halting evictions and foreclosures, as well as mandating masks in inter-state travel and on federal property. Most of the measures are a reversal of policies Trump pursued and do not require congressional action. But Biden will also unveil a long-expected immigration proposal that would provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants that does require congressional action. That measure, as well as Biden’s recent proposal for $1.9 trillion in spending on COVID vaccinations and economic stimulus, face uphill battles in a Congress narrowly controlled by Biden’s fellow Democrats. Incoming chief of staff Ron Klain said a broader set of executive orders will come in the days after inauguration. Those measures include expanding COVID-19 testing and directing the government to favor American-made goods. Moscow metro hires first women train drivers 3 January 2021, 1:46 pm ·1-min read The Moscow metro said Sunday it had hired female drivers for the first time in its recent history. The Moscow metro said Sunday it had hired female drivers for the first time in its recent history, following recent changes in controversial Russian legislation prohibiting women from many professions. The Russian capital's transport system, which oversees the sprawling metro system, said in a statement that "the first female electric train drivers in modern history started working for the Moscow metro." Built in the Soviet era as a Communist showpiece, the metro's trains were historically operated by men because the work was listed on the government's register of jobs deemed harmful for women's health. The ban on access for women to many professions was widely criticised and a labour ministry decree in September last year cut the number of exclusively male professions from 456 to around 100. The justification that driving metro trains was dangerous because it meant being underground for long periods came under fire because the metro also employs women as cleaners, cashiers and escalator monitors. The Moscow transport department said due to the automation of mechanical processes, operating trains is no longer "associated with heavy physical exertion". The previous register was approved in 2000 and banned women from mining and metalworking jobs, but also from positions like bus driver, sailor, parachutist, auto mechanic, and even maker of wind instruments. The new list that was due to take effect in 2021 opens many of these to females. Russ
the private commercial sector we are very competitive as was the case where we were the successful bidder and awarded the opportunity to team up with the Benson Group Inc. for their new Autoparts Store in Embrun. This building was a new 10,500 sqft store featuring clean modern lines boasting all of the elements of successful business model for Autoparts stores. This project was delivered in phase to allow their operation to remain while the entire existing building was removed and a new building built. Beverly Tire & Auto Repair Garage Benson Tire Re-tread Facility Benson Truck and Trailer SD&G – United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Gerdau Accessory Dome Building We make a difference with every project we take on, whether it’s our hands-on approach or our in-the-field knowledge and experience. We are reachable, responsive and ready to go. © Copyright 2021 De Saulniers Construction Ltd. design by baytek WA NewsPerthEconomy Perth prices take a tumble as boom-era costs crash Shane Wright, Economics EditorThe West Australian Mon, 9 July 2018 2:00AM Perth price plunge VideoPerth has dropped to the 77th most expensive city in the world. Everything from a trip to the gym to a litre of milk has become cheaper in Perth as the end of the resources boom has taken price pressures out of the local economy. Figures from price aggregating website Numbeo reveal that Perth, once the costliest city in the country with prices even higher than New York or Tokyo, has slipped to something approaching normal. In 2014 Perth was ranked as the most expensive part of Australia with a cost of living about 7 per cent higher than Sydney. At an international level it was the 15th most expensive, alongside cities such as Paris and and Copenhagen. But the end of the mining construction boom has meant lower prices and a fall in Perth’s ranking. In its most recent report, Numbeo ranked Perth as the 77th most expensive city of the major cities it tracks, sandwiched between Gent and Antwerp, both in Belgium. Perth prices are overall at least 6 per cent lower than Sydney. Camera IconPrice is important for coffee drinking student Karyna Platonova. Credit: Michael Wilson Prices as measured by the website have fallen for a range of goods. A cost of a meal for two in a moderately priced restaurant has slipped from an average of $107.50 in 2014 to about $90 today. Getting a cappuccino has got cheaper. But while average coffee prices have fallen 2 per cent, the price of milk has fallen 5.4 per cent. Bread, apples and chicken breasts have all got cheaper over the same period. One of the biggest price falls has been in the burgeoning fitness club sector where growing competition and the soft Perth economy have pushed monthly fees down almost one-quarter over the past four years. Coffee drinker, bar tender and student Karyna Platonova said she hadn’t noticed the price of coffee changing much admitted a change in the quality of her favourite beverage would see her moving to a different cafe. “The price is important but so is the quality. You can tell if a place changes its supplier and if the quality changes then I’ll go somewhere else for sure,” she said Another area where costs have tumbled is housing. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom unit in central Perth has fallen almost 23 per cent since its peak in 2014, while median house prices have also fallen. Most prices are down but some have edged up. The biggest increase has been for cigarettes, with Federal Government excise changes driving prices up by more than one-quarter, while smaller lifts have been recorded in areas such as rice and eggs. And while imported beer prices have lifted, the cost of domestic beers has fallen. The Perth property market is continuing to tank amid signs the value of homes across the nation are struggling even before banks consider lifting mortgage rates. VideoThe Perth property market is continuing to tank amid signs the value of homes across the nation are struggling even before banks consider lifting mortgage rates. Scrap car parts firm fined after teen worker engulfed in pet
the private commercial sector we are very competitive as was the case where we were the successful bidder and awarded the opportunity to team up with the Benson Group Inc. for their new Autoparts Store in Embrun. This building was a new 10,500 sqft store featuring clean modern lines boasting all of the elements of successful business model for Autoparts stores. This project was delivered in phase to allow their operation to remain while the entire existing building was removed and a new building built. Beverly Tire & Auto Repair Garage Benson Tire Re-tread Facility Benson Truck and Trailer SD&G – United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Gerdau Accessory Dome Building We make a difference with every project we take on, whether it’s our hands-on approach or our in-the-field knowledge and experience. We are reachable, responsive and ready to go. © Copyright 2021 De Saulniers Construction Ltd. design by baytek WA NewsPerthEconomy Perth prices take a tumble as boom-era costs crash Shane Wright, Economics EditorThe West Australian Mon, 9 July 2018 2:00AM Perth price plunge VideoPerth has dropped to the 77th most expensive city in the world. Everything from a trip to the gym to a litre of milk has become cheaper in Perth as the end of the resources boom has taken price pressures out of the local economy. Figures from price aggregating website Numbeo reveal that Perth, once the costliest city in the country with prices even higher than New York or Tokyo, has slipped to something approaching normal. In 2014 Perth was ranked as the most expensive part of Australia with a cost of living about 7 per cent higher than Sydney. At an international level it was the 15th most expensive, alongside cities such as Paris and and Copenhagen. But the end of the mining construction boom has meant lower prices and a fall in Perth’s ranking. In its most recent report, Numbeo ranked Perth as the 77th most expensive city of the major cities it tracks, sandwiched between Gent and Antwerp, both in Belgium. Perth prices are overall at least 6 per cent lower than Sydney. Camera IconPrice is important for coffee drinking student Karyna Platonova. Credit: Michael Wilson Prices as measured by the website have fallen for a range of goods. A cost of a meal for two in a moderately priced restaurant has slipped from an average of $107.50 in 2014 to about $90 today. Getting a cappuccino has got cheaper. But while average coffee prices have fallen 2 per cent, the price of milk has fallen 5.4 per cent. Bread, apples and chicken breasts have all got cheaper over the same period. One of the biggest price falls has been in the burgeoning fitness club sector where growing competition and the soft Perth economy have pushed monthly fees down almost one-quarter over the past four years. Coffee drinker, bar tender and student Karyna Platonova said she hadn’t noticed the price of coffee changing much admitted a change in the quality of her favourite beverage would see her moving to a different cafe. “The price is important but so is the quality. You can tell if a place changes its supplier and if the quality changes then I’ll go somewhere else for sure,” she said Another area where costs have tumbled is housing. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom unit in central Perth has fallen almost 23 per cent since its peak in 2014, while median house prices have also fallen. Most prices are down but some have edged up. The biggest increase has been for cigarettes, with Federal Government excise changes driving prices up by more than one-quarter, while smaller lifts have been recorded in areas such as rice and eggs. And while imported beer prices have lifted, the cost of domestic beers has fallen. The Perth property market is continuing to tank amid signs the value of homes across the nation are struggling even before banks consider lifting mortgage rates. VideoThe Perth property market is continuing to tank amid signs the value of homes across the nation are struggling even before banks consider lifting mortgage rates. Scrap car parts firm fined after teen worker engulfed in pet
rol fireball A number of teenagers had been instructed to burn unwanted car parts in a skip using petrol removed from old vehicles Updated 10:59, 29 JUL 2013 Redhill Magistrates' Court A breakers company has been fined after a 15-year-old employee was engulfed by a fireball, burning a quarter of his body, at a site near Salfords. Grublogger Ltd, based in Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, pleaded guilty to single breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 at Redhill Magistrates' Court last Monday (July 22). The court heard how the teenager was burning scrap car parts at a site in Brookside Farm and used petrol as an accelerant in March 2012. He was engulfed by the fireball and left with serious burns to his face, neck, chest and arms when a skip used as a makeshift incinerator exploded. Another teenager suffered minor flash burns. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive identified "serious concerns with systems and methods of work". Inspector Andrew McGill said: "This was a wholly preventable incident arising from a clearly dangerous practice that should never have been allowed. "Young people need careful management and proper supervision in the workplace, with the onus on dutyholders to provide additional protection because they inherently lack experience and maturity. "The training, instruction and supervision in this case were clearly inadequate in this regard." The court heard how the Jaguar spare part specialist traders rented a unit at Brookside Farm and was allowed by the landlord to use the skip as an incinerator. On the day of the fire, workers including a number of teenagers had been instructed to burn unwanted car parts in the skip using petrol removed from old vehicles. The 15-year-old had taken his shirt off before being caught up in the fireball. He was taken to a specialist hospital burns unit in Essex. The Health and Safety Executive told the court it was unnecessary to burn parts in this way and workers had no training and were "left to their own devices". "There was no need to use the skip as an incinerator, and if burning waste was the preferred method of disposal then it should have been done properly, using the proper equipment and with proper management and control measures," added Mr McGill. Grublogger Ltd was fined £23,000 and ordered to pay £5,113 in costs. Home > Entertainment > Choreographer And Director Farah Remembers Sushant Singh Rajput’s Last Song, Says He Asked For Home-Cooked Food Choreographer And Director Farah Remembers Sushant Singh Rajput’s Last Song, Says He Asked For Home-Cooked Food Sushant Singh asked for home-cooked food from Farah Khan in exchange for shooting a song in one shot EntertainmentNews By Nikita Singh Last updated Jul 9, 2020 Actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘s last film ‘Dil Bechara’ will surely make fans grieve more, including unfolding a treasure trove of memories for those who have worked closely with him. Besides, director Mukesh Chhabra and Sushant’s co-star Sanjana Sanghi, who keep on reminiscing the late actor through various social media posts, choreographer and director Farah Khan was also connected with the film. In her recent conversation with Times of India, she took a trip down the memory lane remembering all those times spent with Sushant on the sets of the film and how he nailed the entire song in just one shot. Farah disclosed that she had composed the dance sequences of Sushant in one of the songs from Dil Bechara and it was the final song the late actor filmed. She also added how Sushant had coaxed her into bringing home-cooked food in exchange for perfecting the entire dance sequence in just one take. Farah stated further that the song was indeed memorable because it was the first and the last time she got to choreograph Sushant. “I wanted the song to be done as a one-shot song because I knew Sushant would be able to do it perfectly because I remembered Sushant had once come to a reality dance show that I was judging as a celebr
West Bank under full Israeli civil and military control. Demolitions of Palestinian infrastructure and residences occur frequently in Area C, with the Jordan Valley’s Bedouin and herding communities being particularly vulnerable to such policies. Jericho’s mayor Majid al-Fityani called on legal institutions and NGOs, both locally and internationally, to intervene to force Israeli authorities to stop their daily violations against Palestinians, which he said "aim to create new reality" in the occupied Palestinian territory. Al-Fityani added that Israeli authorities were "delusional" in thinking that such measures will stop the residents and Bedouins in Jericho from "resisting and standing strong." In response to a request for comment, a spokesperson for the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli agency responsible for enforcing Israeli policies in the occupied Palestinian territory, told Ma'an that a total of 15 structures were demolished in the area, due to their proximity to "the archaeological site of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho." Israeli authorities regularly use archaeology to justify the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned earlier this year that 46 Palestinian Bedouin/herding communities are "at risk of forcible transfer due to a coercive environment generated by Israeli policies and practices, which create pressure on many residents to leave their communities." Israeli authorities reportedly confiscated cattle and water tanks belonging to Palestinians in a remote Jordan Valley village on Tuesday, and agricultural machinery in the northern Jordan Valley region the day before that. Meanwhile, Israeli forces also demolished a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood on Wednseday mornng, displacing eight Palestinians, including four children. Israeli settlement activity under full swing in Salfit Israeli bulldozers continue to raze Palestinian lands behind the apartheid wall north of Salfit in favor of illegal settlement expansion. Researcher Khaled Maali said the Israeli authorities and settlers have increasingly bulldozed Palestinian lands in the area since the start of 2017. He added that since the swearing-in of the new US administration, Israel’s illegal settlement activity has seen a striking upsurge, in violation of international laws and treaties. Israeli bulldozers raze residential building in Silwan Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning razed a residential building owned by Abu Farha family in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem at the pretext of lacking construction permit. Quds Press revealed that Israeli Special Forces escorted by policemen raided the town and besieged the building in Ras al-Amoud neighborhood. The forces were deployed in the vicinity of the two-floor house and on rooftops of adjacent houses. Mutasem Abu Farha, the owner, said in a previous statement, that he was handed a house-demolition order stipulating the evacuation of his home, where he and his brother are living along with their families, by last Tuesday. Israeli forces knocked down 11 different Palestinian facilities last month. They were all located in Mount Scopus, Beit Haneina, al-Issawiya, Silwan and Jabal al-Baba in addition to a wall of a cemetery in Occupied Jerusalem. Settlers cut down olive trees south of Nablus Extremist Jewish settlers Tuesday night cut down dozens of olive trees in Bourin town, south of Nablus city. The official in charge with the settlement file in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, said that some fanatic settlers used chainsaws to cut down over 27 trees owned by a Palestinian woman, Ratiba Qadous, near the entrance to Yitzhar settlement. Palestinians are banned from accessing the area where the settlers’ attack took place for being close to the illegal settlement that was established over their lands. It caught a great fire last June that ate 800 of Palestinian olive trees. In violation of int’l law, 9 Palestinian homes demolished by IOF The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wed
West Bank under full Israeli civil and military control. Demolitions of Palestinian infrastructure and residences occur frequently in Area C, with the Jordan Valley’s Bedouin and herding communities being particularly vulnerable to such policies. Jericho’s mayor Majid al-Fityani called on legal institutions and NGOs, both locally and internationally, to intervene to force Israeli authorities to stop their daily violations against Palestinians, which he said "aim to create new reality" in the occupied Palestinian territory. Al-Fityani added that Israeli authorities were "delusional" in thinking that such measures will stop the residents and Bedouins in Jericho from "resisting and standing strong." In response to a request for comment, a spokesperson for the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli agency responsible for enforcing Israeli policies in the occupied Palestinian territory, told Ma'an that a total of 15 structures were demolished in the area, due to their proximity to "the archaeological site of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho." Israeli authorities regularly use archaeology to justify the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned earlier this year that 46 Palestinian Bedouin/herding communities are "at risk of forcible transfer due to a coercive environment generated by Israeli policies and practices, which create pressure on many residents to leave their communities." Israeli authorities reportedly confiscated cattle and water tanks belonging to Palestinians in a remote Jordan Valley village on Tuesday, and agricultural machinery in the northern Jordan Valley region the day before that. Meanwhile, Israeli forces also demolished a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood on Wednseday mornng, displacing eight Palestinians, including four children. Israeli settlement activity under full swing in Salfit Israeli bulldozers continue to raze Palestinian lands behind the apartheid wall north of Salfit in favor of illegal settlement expansion. Researcher Khaled Maali said the Israeli authorities and settlers have increasingly bulldozed Palestinian lands in the area since the start of 2017. He added that since the swearing-in of the new US administration, Israel’s illegal settlement activity has seen a striking upsurge, in violation of international laws and treaties. Israeli bulldozers raze residential building in Silwan Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning razed a residential building owned by Abu Farha family in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem at the pretext of lacking construction permit. Quds Press revealed that Israeli Special Forces escorted by policemen raided the town and besieged the building in Ras al-Amoud neighborhood. The forces were deployed in the vicinity of the two-floor house and on rooftops of adjacent houses. Mutasem Abu Farha, the owner, said in a previous statement, that he was handed a house-demolition order stipulating the evacuation of his home, where he and his brother are living along with their families, by last Tuesday. Israeli forces knocked down 11 different Palestinian facilities last month. They were all located in Mount Scopus, Beit Haneina, al-Issawiya, Silwan and Jabal al-Baba in addition to a wall of a cemetery in Occupied Jerusalem. Settlers cut down olive trees south of Nablus Extremist Jewish settlers Tuesday night cut down dozens of olive trees in Bourin town, south of Nablus city. The official in charge with the settlement file in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, said that some fanatic settlers used chainsaws to cut down over 27 trees owned by a Palestinian woman, Ratiba Qadous, near the entrance to Yitzhar settlement. Palestinians are banned from accessing the area where the settlers’ attack took place for being close to the illegal settlement that was established over their lands. It caught a great fire last June that ate 800 of Palestinian olive trees. In violation of int’l law, 9 Palestinian homes demolished by IOF The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wed
nesday knocked down nine Palestinian homes in the West Bank region of Jericho. The demolition was carried out under the pretext of unlicensed construction. At the same time, the Israeli authorities seized a Palestinian agricultural vehicle in the northern Jordan Valley on claims that it was spotted inside a natural reserve. Israel’s demolition and confiscation policies, deemed illegal under international law, are punitive measures pursued by the occupation authorities as part of a larger scheme of ethnic cleansing against the native Palestinian inhabitants of the land. Israeli authorities seize cattle, water tanks in Jordan Valley Israeli occupation authorities on Tuesday afternoon confiscated cattle and water tanks belonging to Palestinian citizens in the northern Jordan Valley. Human rights activist Aref Daraghmeh told PIC reporter that officials from the so-called Nature Authority, accompanied by Civil Administration crews and an Israeli military force, broke into Um al-'Ubor area and confiscated a number of cows as well as dozens of water tanks. Daraghmeh pointed out that while Israeli authorities all ow settlers to freely herd their cattle in many of the Jordan Valley lands, Palestinian shepherds are prevented from entering them on the grounds that they are nature reserves. He called on human rights organizations to stand with the Palestinians living there and protect their property and livelihoods. IOA continues to bulldoze land west of Salfit The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday morning bulldozed another tract of Palestinian-owned land in az-Zawiya town, west of Salfit in the West Bank. The bulldozing activities are taking place behind the Israeli separation wall without the knowledge of the landowners, who can only have access to their plots of land a few times each year and with Israeli permits, according to local activist Khaled al-Maali. Maali affirmed the presence of similar active annexation and bulldozing activities in others areas of Salfit province and the West Bank, away from the media glare. He stressed that Israel’s settlement expansion activities violate the international humanitarian law and kill the Palestinian aspiration for establishing an independent, viable Palestinian state. Settlers seize 200 dunums of land in Masafer Yatta Jewish settlers on Monday evening set up a barbed wire fence on a vast tract of Palestinian-owned land in Masafer Yatta area, south of al-Khalil city in the occupied West Bank. Anti-settlement activist Rateb al-Jabur affirmed that soldiers helped settlers to deploy barbed wire along a large plot of land they annexed in Umm al-Khair area of Masafer Yatta. Jabur said that the seized area amounts to more than 200 dunums of land, belonging to the families of Hadhalin, Abu Humaid and Awad. He noted that there is an Israeli court verdict prohibiting the Palestinian and Israeli sides from carrying out any activity on that land. He described this new annexation of Palestinian land in Masafer Yatta as part of ongoing Israeli efforts to expand its settlements in the West Bank. Israel notifies 7 Palestinian facilities in OJ with demolition The Israeli municipal authorities in occupied Jerusalem issued Tuesday morning stop-work and demolition orders against seven Palestinian facilities in Issawiya town. Local follow-up committee member Muhammad Abu al-Hummus said that four Israeli patrols escorted the municipal crews during the raid. 15 Local sites were filmed while seven others were notified in the town, he pointed out. This came as part of the Israeli displacement policy against Jerusalemites aimed at ensuring Jewish majority in the holy city, the local activist added. Israel has repeatedly installed more settlement outposts in occupied Jerusalem to ensure the city can never be divided. Israeli bulldozers raze part of martyrs cemetery in Jerusalem Israeli Forces on Monday demolished part of a Muslim cemetery for burial of martyrs, near the historic wall of occupied Jerusalem in the vicinity of al-Asbat gate. The head of the committee for the preservation of Islamic cemeteries in Jerusalem, Mustafa Abu Zahra said, in a press statement, that Israeli bulldozers broke
ient Truth" was released all over Europe in the early to mid-2009, and the group looked to the other big release, including USA, Japan and Australia in 2009. Their song "Glow", was the background of the "Euro Vision 2010 Flashmob dance" music video that aired on Euro Vision Song Contest 2010 Interval act. President Andrews, of the United States of the Americas, was scheduled to speak at the United Nations. He was uneasy about the expectations of the EurAfricans and the Asians. His legislation on the Rights of Humans and Transhumans had caused a furor among the leadership of the regions most highly dependent on intelligent machines to sustain their economies.There were many misunderstandings about transhumans, stemming from the pre-singularity science fiction writers. Fears about AIs taking over the world were still simmering in the back of everyone's mind, but the most capable intelligences, human and trans, were beginning to win them over. The previous three decades had been filled with neo-Luddites smashing up robots, androids, and even some of the earliest transhumans. The authorities had taken a very public stance against their activity, but in private, they were also afraid. There had been conferences, symposia, inter-faith committees convened all over the world trying to understand the problem and its implications. As the technology became more ubiquitous, fundamentalists of all persuasions began to enter the fray. Things were getting out of hand and chaos would have begun its reign had not something extraordinary occured. Franklin Laboratories was a reasearch institute funded by the Portico to Transcendental Learning, an organization dedicated to the study and the mastery of the collective unconscious. Franklin was studying one of the current versions of AI and trying to determine if it had a connection to the collective unconscious. Some of there methodologies were parasychological experiments. The results of the AIs were compared to those of humans, and showed little correlation. During one of these experiments, however, a research assistant who had been practicing Zen for years came into the room with a message for the experimenter. The AI lit up like a Christmas tree and the assistant fell over. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The research assistant and the AI had done a mind-meld and they were now one. It was the first man-machine transcendence symbiosis, mind-meld Do you need to identify who holds the licence for a GS1 barcode number? Are you looking for contact information for a GS1 member company? Use GS1’s Global Electronic Party Information Register (GEPIR). GEPIR is a tool to help you find basic contact information for GS1 member companies anywhere in the world, by using searchable barcode numbers. There are over 1 million companies, in over 100 countries, on the registry. GEPIR can also be used to check the accuracy of GS1 Company Prefixes. It is fundamental to data quality. You can search by: Product barcode number: Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) Logistic unit or pallet number: Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) Location number: Global Location Number (GLN) >Talking About Talking: The Fake SFTC Podcast >We’ve been wanting to get a STFC podcast going for a while, now, and we’ve been so busy with other things that we haven’t been able to figure out the logistics of making it happen. (Speaking of which, if anybody reading this can recommend a reliable method of recording Skype calls, please leave a comment below.) In the absence of having a podcast, then, what follows is a fake transcript of what a STFC podcast might sound like, as we’ve been having a rather interesting email conversation about Uncharted and Brutal Legend over the last few days and we don’t feel like keeping it to ourselves: Gred: Goddamn, the Uncharted 2 reviews have me salivating!!! They even motivated me to start clearing my plate for its release. I went back and played a bunch of Batman. I think I’m nearing the final act (just left Croc’s lair, now on my way to have it out with Poison Ivy in the Botanical Garden). Once that’s wrapped up, I’ll go back and push through Uncharted 1. And if there
ient Truth" was released all over Europe in the early to mid-2009, and the group looked to the other big release, including USA, Japan and Australia in 2009. Their song "Glow", was the background of the "Euro Vision 2010 Flashmob dance" music video that aired on Euro Vision Song Contest 2010 Interval act. President Andrews, of the United States of the Americas, was scheduled to speak at the United Nations. He was uneasy about the expectations of the EurAfricans and the Asians. His legislation on the Rights of Humans and Transhumans had caused a furor among the leadership of the regions most highly dependent on intelligent machines to sustain their economies.There were many misunderstandings about transhumans, stemming from the pre-singularity science fiction writers. Fears about AIs taking over the world were still simmering in the back of everyone's mind, but the most capable intelligences, human and trans, were beginning to win them over. The previous three decades had been filled with neo-Luddites smashing up robots, androids, and even some of the earliest transhumans. The authorities had taken a very public stance against their activity, but in private, they were also afraid. There had been conferences, symposia, inter-faith committees convened all over the world trying to understand the problem and its implications. As the technology became more ubiquitous, fundamentalists of all persuasions began to enter the fray. Things were getting out of hand and chaos would have begun its reign had not something extraordinary occured. Franklin Laboratories was a reasearch institute funded by the Portico to Transcendental Learning, an organization dedicated to the study and the mastery of the collective unconscious. Franklin was studying one of the current versions of AI and trying to determine if it had a connection to the collective unconscious. Some of there methodologies were parasychological experiments. The results of the AIs were compared to those of humans, and showed little correlation. During one of these experiments, however, a research assistant who had been practicing Zen for years came into the room with a message for the experimenter. The AI lit up like a Christmas tree and the assistant fell over. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The research assistant and the AI had done a mind-meld and they were now one. It was the first man-machine transcendence symbiosis, mind-meld Do you need to identify who holds the licence for a GS1 barcode number? Are you looking for contact information for a GS1 member company? Use GS1’s Global Electronic Party Information Register (GEPIR). GEPIR is a tool to help you find basic contact information for GS1 member companies anywhere in the world, by using searchable barcode numbers. There are over 1 million companies, in over 100 countries, on the registry. GEPIR can also be used to check the accuracy of GS1 Company Prefixes. It is fundamental to data quality. You can search by: Product barcode number: Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) Logistic unit or pallet number: Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) Location number: Global Location Number (GLN) >Talking About Talking: The Fake SFTC Podcast >We’ve been wanting to get a STFC podcast going for a while, now, and we’ve been so busy with other things that we haven’t been able to figure out the logistics of making it happen. (Speaking of which, if anybody reading this can recommend a reliable method of recording Skype calls, please leave a comment below.) In the absence of having a podcast, then, what follows is a fake transcript of what a STFC podcast might sound like, as we’ve been having a rather interesting email conversation about Uncharted and Brutal Legend over the last few days and we don’t feel like keeping it to ourselves: Gred: Goddamn, the Uncharted 2 reviews have me salivating!!! They even motivated me to start clearing my plate for its release. I went back and played a bunch of Batman. I think I’m nearing the final act (just left Croc’s lair, now on my way to have it out with Poison Ivy in the Botanical Garden). Once that’s wrapped up, I’ll go back and push through Uncharted 1. And if there
’s still time left over before U2 comes out, I’ll finish HL2 Episode 2. I hope you won’t be too quick to swear off Uncharted 2 multiplayer! I know you’re not an online shooter guy, but if it’s as fun as the initial buzz suggests, then there should be plenty of fun to be had even by the sucky… Fuck. I just remembered that Uncharted 2 and Brutal Legend come out on the same day. I’ll buy both, but how am I supposed to choose one to play first??? Jervo: 1. You are indeed near the end of Batman. But I would make preparing for U2 your highest priority. 2. I tried the U2 multiplayer demo last night for a few minutes; it’s definitely U2 multiplayer. As combat is my least favorite part of Uncharted in general, I’m not entirely sure how much time I’m ultimately going to spend with it (especially since my bluetooth headset doesn’t always work), but it’s solid and clearly no joke. If you’re so inclined, I’d say you should download it when you get home, and maybe we can try it out together before getting DiRTy. 3. I’ve preordered both U2 and BL, and having played the BL demo already, I think my choice is clear; I’m playing U2 first. I liked the BL demo, although I’d already seen most (if not all) of it already – it’s more or less what they showed at E3. And I must admit that I’m not as excited about BL as I feel I ought to be. The more I hear about it and how it changes from a GoW action game to more of an Overlord-type RTS, I get a little… I don’t know… nervous. U2, on the other hand, is right in my sweet spot; that’s the sort of game I want to be playing right this second. Gred: I’m super excited about BL. I totally trust Double Fine. Psychonauts certainly wasn’t perfect, and parts of it were tedious, but it was all wrapped in such a terrifically imagined world with such outstanding writing that I was able to forgive a lot. I don’t expect BL to be the be-all end-all in terms of its gameplay, plus I’m beginning to wish Jack Black had never become involved, though that has admittedly provided a good visibility boost which should help sales. But until Double Fine fails me I will buy their games on day one, RTS elements and all. So that’s why the strategy stuff doesn’t make me nervous as far as my own enjoyment of the game. But it does worry me from a potential sales standpoint… A game based on an original IP that doesn’t lend itself to easy categorization could find itself in limbo at retail. Not that Double Fine should kowtow to the mainstream 100%, but Lord knows they could use a hit. That said, I probably will play U2 first. Seems like U2 lends itself more to burning through the single player campaign in a fevered rush, whereas I could see myself taking my sweet time with BL. Jervo: I’m an old-school Jack Black fan; I am generally embarrassed whenever he appears in anything these days (except for Tropic Thunder) but I loved Tenacious D before it was cool to do so, and everything I’ve seen of BL confirms that it was a perfect casting choice. (I was going to say something snarky here about how voice acting’s impact on gameplay is less than negligible, but that’s not necessarily true; it’s only true when it’s obvious that 90% of the development budget went towards the voice acting. Frankly, one of the things that made the first Uncharted so endearing was the quality of the voice acting, and all the reviews indicate that U2 is even better in that regard.) I’m sure BL will be enjoyable, and I’ve already ordered it, so I feel like I’ve done my part in terms of supporting DoubleFine. It’s just that, well, U2 is going to be jaw-dropping. Gred: Dunno if you saw that Action Button reviewed the first Uncharted: http://www.actionbutton.net/?p=607. I haven’t read it yet, but I assume it’s a great read! Jervo: I told you
- LL.M. 1 & 2 Yr. REGISTRATION FOR INTERNSHIP LETTER May-June 2019. Dean & Principal New Law College Pune was awarded Degree of D. Litt. by Governor of Madhya Pradesh on 20th November, 2015 at A.P.S. State University, Rewa (M.P). Prof.Dr. Mukund Sarda Dean & Principal BVDU New Law College Pune. ▪ ‘National Law Day Award’ conferred on Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam, Vice Chancellor BVDU by Hon’ ble Smt. Pratibha Patil, the then President of India. ▪ International Collaboration & Linkages: 10 MOU'S with renowned Foreign Universities in UK, USA & Europe. Academic Linkages with Oxford ,Harvard & other reputed universities across the globe. ▪ Innovative and Inter-disciplinary Programmes in emerging areas - BB. A Law & Para-Legal Courses. ▪ Teaching Faculty - retired Judges, Sr. Advocates, academicians, Corporate Personnel - International Knowledge Partners. ▪ ICT Methods of teaching- Clinical Legal Education/ Justice Education. ▪ Recognized under 2f & 12 B of UGC Act. ▪ More than 97 Research articles & 18 books published during last three years. ▪ World Class Infrastructure- Seven storied building with Moot Court room, Cyber Cell, Legal Aid Cell, Placement Cell, Auditorium etc. ▪ Human Rights & Women Empowerment Cell. ▪ Rich Library more than Rs. 1.7 crore with Computer Cell. ▪ Excellent Performance at International Moot Court competitions. ▪ Free Legal Aid & Legal Literacy Programmes through Legal Aid Clinic. Free Family Legal Aid Centre established in 2012-13. ▪ Online Legal database- MANUPATRA, WESTLAW,SCC Online,LEXISNEXIS etc. ▪ Excellent Placement at national & international firms- internship at Supreme Court, High court, Law Commissions & NGOs. ▪ Foreign Students Cell- Foreign students from UK, USA, Europe and Middle East Countries. ▪ Paper presentation at international conference at Oxford, Harvard, Poland & China. ▪ Prof. Dr. Mukund Sarda was invited as resource person by the University of Oxford, UK. ▪ 38 students pursuing PhD. ▪ Alumni association registered- emphasis on role of stakeholders. ▪ Outstanding performance at curricular & extra-curricular activities. ▪ Organization of national seminars & workshops more than 110 Judges from High Courts & Supreme Court have delivered legal discourse. ▪ Guidance & counseling to the students from Sr. Advocate Ram Jethmalani, Soli Sorabjee, P.P. Rao, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, M.C. Mehta, Geeta Luthra and Pinky Anand etc. ▪ Student Dialogue with Member of Parliament - Rahul Gandhi, Supriya Sule, Shatrughan Sinha, Madhu Gaud Yakshi, Ranjit Sinh Mohite Patil etc. ▪ Holding of Mock Parliament, Arbitration, Client counseling, drafting of legal documents. ▪ Training for judicial Examination and bar examination. ▪ Outstanding Alumni - Judges of Supreme Court, High Court, District Court, JMFC,Sr. Advocate, Corporate officer, legal advisor, Income tax officers, LPOs, Academicians & Solicitors at UK. ▪ Students of New Law College Ms.Mrunmai Joshi cleared UPSC Examination & More than 90% students qualified AIBE 2015-16. ▪ Distance Education programmes & regular LL.M 1Year /2Years Programme. ▪ Excellent student support facilities, Social Justice to the poorest of poor. ▪ Inclusion
- LL.M. 1 & 2 Yr. REGISTRATION FOR INTERNSHIP LETTER May-June 2019. Dean & Principal New Law College Pune was awarded Degree of D. Litt. by Governor of Madhya Pradesh on 20th November, 2015 at A.P.S. State University, Rewa (M.P). Prof.Dr. Mukund Sarda Dean & Principal BVDU New Law College Pune. ▪ ‘National Law Day Award’ conferred on Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam, Vice Chancellor BVDU by Hon’ ble Smt. Pratibha Patil, the then President of India. ▪ International Collaboration & Linkages: 10 MOU'S with renowned Foreign Universities in UK, USA & Europe. Academic Linkages with Oxford ,Harvard & other reputed universities across the globe. ▪ Innovative and Inter-disciplinary Programmes in emerging areas - BB. A Law & Para-Legal Courses. ▪ Teaching Faculty - retired Judges, Sr. Advocates, academicians, Corporate Personnel - International Knowledge Partners. ▪ ICT Methods of teaching- Clinical Legal Education/ Justice Education. ▪ Recognized under 2f & 12 B of UGC Act. ▪ More than 97 Research articles & 18 books published during last three years. ▪ World Class Infrastructure- Seven storied building with Moot Court room, Cyber Cell, Legal Aid Cell, Placement Cell, Auditorium etc. ▪ Human Rights & Women Empowerment Cell. ▪ Rich Library more than Rs. 1.7 crore with Computer Cell. ▪ Excellent Performance at International Moot Court competitions. ▪ Free Legal Aid & Legal Literacy Programmes through Legal Aid Clinic. Free Family Legal Aid Centre established in 2012-13. ▪ Online Legal database- MANUPATRA, WESTLAW,SCC Online,LEXISNEXIS etc. ▪ Excellent Placement at national & international firms- internship at Supreme Court, High court, Law Commissions & NGOs. ▪ Foreign Students Cell- Foreign students from UK, USA, Europe and Middle East Countries. ▪ Paper presentation at international conference at Oxford, Harvard, Poland & China. ▪ Prof. Dr. Mukund Sarda was invited as resource person by the University of Oxford, UK. ▪ 38 students pursuing PhD. ▪ Alumni association registered- emphasis on role of stakeholders. ▪ Outstanding performance at curricular & extra-curricular activities. ▪ Organization of national seminars & workshops more than 110 Judges from High Courts & Supreme Court have delivered legal discourse. ▪ Guidance & counseling to the students from Sr. Advocate Ram Jethmalani, Soli Sorabjee, P.P. Rao, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, M.C. Mehta, Geeta Luthra and Pinky Anand etc. ▪ Student Dialogue with Member of Parliament - Rahul Gandhi, Supriya Sule, Shatrughan Sinha, Madhu Gaud Yakshi, Ranjit Sinh Mohite Patil etc. ▪ Holding of Mock Parliament, Arbitration, Client counseling, drafting of legal documents. ▪ Training for judicial Examination and bar examination. ▪ Outstanding Alumni - Judges of Supreme Court, High Court, District Court, JMFC,Sr. Advocate, Corporate officer, legal advisor, Income tax officers, LPOs, Academicians & Solicitors at UK. ▪ Students of New Law College Ms.Mrunmai Joshi cleared UPSC Examination & More than 90% students qualified AIBE 2015-16. ▪ Distance Education programmes & regular LL.M 1Year /2Years Programme. ▪ Excellent student support facilities, Social Justice to the poorest of poor. ▪ Inclusion
of Best practices followed by World Class Universities. ▪ Centre for Continuing Legal Education in association with International Bar Association and MILAT to be established. ▪ Student centric & social justice for poorest of poor are the benchmarks of the institution. Embarcadero Technologies today unveiled a new development platform designed to allow C++ developers to target multiple devices, including desktops, laptops and tablets. C++Builder XE3 implements a new native compiler architecture that supports development on both Windows 8 and Mac OS X PCs, and the company plans to add support for Android ARM mobile devices in 2013. The new platform makes it possible for developers to deliver applications natively to diverse devices via a common code base. With this release, the company is responding to the expanding diversification of client devices, which Embarcadero SVP of marketing Michael Swindell describes as "a seismic event with tremendous implications for software developers." "The question for developers today is how to deliver applications across multiple devices including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android without compromising performance and user experience or radically increasing development time and cost," Swindell said in a statement. "This is the problem and opportunity driving our reinvention of the C++ platform. With C++Builder XE3, developers can build once and deploy natively across multiple platforms. As we add additional platforms to the solution, the benefit to the developer will continue to increase." C++ doesn't grab the headlines generated by Java or the latest dynamic scripter, but it's one of the leading development languages for commercial client and server software. The list of applications and system written in C++ includes Mac OS X, iOS, Oracle database, Microsoft's Word and SQL Server, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop, and the Chrome and Firefox browsers. C++Builder is a rapid application development (RAD) environment that was originally developed by Borland. It was initially a Windows dev platform. C++ Builder XE3 comes with a new 64-bit compiler architecture designed to provide "some of the best C++11 language standards and library compliance in the industry," the company says. The compiler architecture "generates applications that can utilize more memory and data, and directly access 64-bit APIs, device drivers and system services, enabling developers to create higher performance, more capable and more powerful applications," the company says. This release also includes an updated visual component library (VCL) for existing C++Builder customers that enables rapid 64-bit updates for millions of existing Windows applications. The company is underscoring the new platform's support for Windows-8-style user interface development for desktop applications, and its ability to support development of Mac apps that exploit the Retina Display. The new dev platform is available now. More information is available here. Description: This pool table on the cruise ship Radiance of the Seas uses gyroscopic leveling to keep the pool table level during rough seas. This design solution could be used to start a unit on waves. After learning more about the amplitude, wavelength and energy of waves students could attempt to build a similar solution of their own. Description: The Rubens' tube was invented by German physicist Heinrich Rubens in 1905. It is a tube that is sealed at both ends in includes a flammable gas like propane. A speaker is attached to one end of the tube so sound waves can be transmitted thought the air/gas mixture. Small holes are drilled in the top of the tube and when the air/gas mixture emerges it creates a flame. As sound is played standing waves are created in the flames that change as the frequency of the waves is changed. Description: In this amazing demonstration researchers are able to extract audio from the video of an object (a plant, an empty bag, etc.) in the same room as the sound. The sound waves vibrate the object which is made visible through tiny movements processed with a graphic algorithm. This could be used as a phenomenon in a unit on sounds, waves, and information. Description: Daniel Kish lost his eyes to cancer before he was 13 months old. He uses echolocation by listening to the reflection of sound waves to navigate in 3D space. He can even ride a bicycle. In addition to being an incredible story of perseverance this is a perfect phenomenon for a unit on waves. Sound waves are reflected, absorbed, and transmitted through objects in the environment and Daniel can sense the changes in energy of the returning waves. Overview: The Caucasian Shepherd dog was used for hundreds of
setting which is ideally suited to this conference and its scientific and social nature. This GRC will be held in conjunction with the "Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds (GRS)" Gordon Research Seminar (GRS). Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRS in addition to an application for the GRC. Refer to the associated GRS program page for more information. Arrival and Check-in Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff / Welcome from the GRC Chair Novel Catalytic Strategies Discussion Leader: Elaine Lee (Vertex Pharmaceuticals, USA) Nick Desrosiers (Boehringer-Ingelheim, USA) "Development of Novel Non-Precious Metal Catalyzed Methodologies for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Heterocyclic Compounds" Kami Hull (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) "Transition Metal-Catalyzed Amination and Amidation Reactions" Eric Jacobsen (Harvard University, USA) "Stereoselective Catalysis of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions" Discovery of Novel Natural Products Discussion Leader: Mariya Kozytska (Mersana Therapeutics, USA) Mohammad Seyedsayamdost (Princeton University, USA) "New Approaches for the Discovery of Microbial Natural Products" Wenjun Zhang (University of California, Berkeley, USA) "Discovery of Novel Bioactive Polyketides/Non-Ribosomal Peptides from Microbes" Daniel Gray (Warp Drive Bio, Inc., USA) "Harnessing Genomic Information to Engineer the Biosynthesis of Natural Products" Sean Brady (Rockefeller University, USA) "Culture Independent Approaches for the Discovery of New Bacterial Metabolites" Poster Previews The GRC Power Hour is an optional informal gathering open to all meeting participants. It is designed to help address the challenges women face in science and support the professional growth of women in our communities by providing an open forum for discussion and mentoring. Organizers: Elizabeth Swift (AbbVie, USA) and Sarah Reisman (California Institute of Technology, USA) Innovations in Drug Discovery Discussion Leader: Matthew Lamarche (Novartis, USA) Siegfried Reich (eFFECTOR Therapeutics, USA) "Correcting Disregulated Translation: Disciplined Structure-Based Inhibitor Design of eFT508 for the Treatment of Cancer" Cheryl Hayward (Pfizer, USA) "Scaling Highly Potent Bifunctional Duocarmycin Derivatives for Treatment of Cancer" Samarjit Patnaik (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH, USA) "Bioactivity and Mechanism of Action of N-Docosahexaenoylethanolamine Derivatives in Neuronal Development" Natural Products Biosynthesis Discussion Leader: Ryan Phelan (AbbVie, USA) Elizabeth Sattley (Stanford University, USA) "Discovery and Engineering of Plant Chemistry" Amy Lane (University of North Florida, USA) "Harnessing the Biosynthetic Capabilities of Marine Actinomycetes" Anne Osbourn (John Innes Centre, United Kingdom) "Harnessing Plant Metabolic Diversity" Jay Keasling (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) "Engineered Polyketide Synthases for Production of Commodity and Specialty Chemicals" The Chemistry, Structure and Function of Complex Glycosides Discussion Leader: Katie Garber (St. Norbert College, USA) Jennifer Kohler (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA) "New Chemical Biology Methods to Uncover the Functional Roles of Glycosylation" Lai-Xi Wang (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) "Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Glycoproteins for Probing Functions" Laura Kiessling (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) "Chemistry to Explore and Exp
setting which is ideally suited to this conference and its scientific and social nature. This GRC will be held in conjunction with the "Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds (GRS)" Gordon Research Seminar (GRS). Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRS in addition to an application for the GRC. Refer to the associated GRS program page for more information. Arrival and Check-in Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff / Welcome from the GRC Chair Novel Catalytic Strategies Discussion Leader: Elaine Lee (Vertex Pharmaceuticals, USA) Nick Desrosiers (Boehringer-Ingelheim, USA) "Development of Novel Non-Precious Metal Catalyzed Methodologies for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Heterocyclic Compounds" Kami Hull (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) "Transition Metal-Catalyzed Amination and Amidation Reactions" Eric Jacobsen (Harvard University, USA) "Stereoselective Catalysis of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions" Discovery of Novel Natural Products Discussion Leader: Mariya Kozytska (Mersana Therapeutics, USA) Mohammad Seyedsayamdost (Princeton University, USA) "New Approaches for the Discovery of Microbial Natural Products" Wenjun Zhang (University of California, Berkeley, USA) "Discovery of Novel Bioactive Polyketides/Non-Ribosomal Peptides from Microbes" Daniel Gray (Warp Drive Bio, Inc., USA) "Harnessing Genomic Information to Engineer the Biosynthesis of Natural Products" Sean Brady (Rockefeller University, USA) "Culture Independent Approaches for the Discovery of New Bacterial Metabolites" Poster Previews The GRC Power Hour is an optional informal gathering open to all meeting participants. It is designed to help address the challenges women face in science and support the professional growth of women in our communities by providing an open forum for discussion and mentoring. Organizers: Elizabeth Swift (AbbVie, USA) and Sarah Reisman (California Institute of Technology, USA) Innovations in Drug Discovery Discussion Leader: Matthew Lamarche (Novartis, USA) Siegfried Reich (eFFECTOR Therapeutics, USA) "Correcting Disregulated Translation: Disciplined Structure-Based Inhibitor Design of eFT508 for the Treatment of Cancer" Cheryl Hayward (Pfizer, USA) "Scaling Highly Potent Bifunctional Duocarmycin Derivatives for Treatment of Cancer" Samarjit Patnaik (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH, USA) "Bioactivity and Mechanism of Action of N-Docosahexaenoylethanolamine Derivatives in Neuronal Development" Natural Products Biosynthesis Discussion Leader: Ryan Phelan (AbbVie, USA) Elizabeth Sattley (Stanford University, USA) "Discovery and Engineering of Plant Chemistry" Amy Lane (University of North Florida, USA) "Harnessing the Biosynthetic Capabilities of Marine Actinomycetes" Anne Osbourn (John Innes Centre, United Kingdom) "Harnessing Plant Metabolic Diversity" Jay Keasling (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) "Engineered Polyketide Synthases for Production of Commodity and Specialty Chemicals" The Chemistry, Structure and Function of Complex Glycosides Discussion Leader: Katie Garber (St. Norbert College, USA) Jennifer Kohler (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA) "New Chemical Biology Methods to Uncover the Functional Roles of Glycosylation" Lai-Xi Wang (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) "Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Glycoproteins for Probing Functions" Laura Kiessling (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) "Chemistry to Explore and Exp
loit Microbial Carbohydrates for Health and Disease" Structurally Complex Natural Products Synthesis Discussion Leader: Cedric Hugelshofer (University of California, Berkeley, USA) Thomas Maimone (University of California, Berkeley, USA) "Synthesis of Complex Terpenes from Simple Precursors" Ryan Shenvi (Scripps Research Institute, USA) "Chemical Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites" Ang Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) "Total Synthesis of Polycyclic Natural Products" Sarah Reisman (California Institute of Technology, USA) "Building Bridges: Strategies for the Synthesis of Complex Polycyclic Natural Products" Nominations for the Next Vice Chair; Fill in Conference Evaluation Forms; Discuss Future Site and Scheduling Preferences; Election of the Next Vice Chair Rare and Neglected Disease Research Discussion Leader: Thomas Von Geldern (Embedded Consulting, USA) Benjamin Perry (Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, Switzerland) "Collaborative Virtual Screening to Boost Neglected Tropical Disease Drug Discovery" Jidong Zhang (Sanofi, France) "Discovery of Sequanamycin Derivatives as Potent Oral Anti-Tuberculosis Agents" Clifton Barry (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, USA) "Bogged Down: An Ecology-Inspired Search for Novel Antituberculars" New Approaches to the Study of Bioactive Natural Products Discussion Leader: Michael Luzzio (Organic Chemist, USA) Erin Carlson (University of Minnesota, USA) "Exploring the Master Regulators of Microbial Behavior" Joshua Pierce (North Carolina State University, USA) "Marine Natural Products Synthesis: A Driving Force for Chemical and Biological Discovery" Timothy Newhouse (Yale University, USA) "Total Synthesis of Neurologically Active Terpenoid Natural Products" Guangxin Liang (Nankai University, China) "Syntheses Through 'Seeding and Growing' Strategy Inspired by Molecular Pattern Recognition" Karl Scheidt (Northwestern University, USA) "Leveraging Carbene Catalysis for Complex Synthesis" Strategies and Tactics for Chemical Synthesis Discussion Leader: Elizabeth Swift (AbbVie, USA) Todd Hyster (Princeton University, USA) "Unlocking Catalytic Promiscuity with Light: Non-Natural Free Radical Chemistry Within a Protein Active Site" Kevin Moeller (Washington University, USA) "From Radical Cations to Microelectrode Arrays to the Valorization of Lignin: Using Principles in Physical Organic Chemistry to Guide Electrochemical Solutions to Modern Synthetic Challenges" Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecture: David MacMillan (Princeton University, USA) "New Photoredox Reactions" Conference History Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds (GRS) Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds (GRS) Marine Natural Products Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins Venom Evolution, Function and Biomedical Applications Freedom Centers Automotive Freedom Constitutional and Political Freedom Defending Freedom Entrepreneurial & Regulatory Freedom Fishing Freedom Fuel/Energy Freedom International Criminal Court – ICC Media Corruption & Bias Reagan Legacy Science and Public Policy ↓ Freedom Centers Freedom Centers Constitutional and Political Freedom Executive Dysfunction ... President Obama has done next to nothing to build confidence in government. by James Bennet • The Atlantic It’s happened by this point in every modern two-term presidency: If we weren’t sick of the guy to start with, we certainly are by now. What once seemed like roguish charm, or bracing surety, or nuanced intelligence, has curdled into self-indulgence, or arrogance, or pass
IrSens will be taking part. Following in the success of the first three editions, The Micronarc Alpine Meeting 2013 will continue its focus on equipment for manufacturing microproducts. This 2 day conference intends to stimulate networking and discussions in the casual atmosphere of Villars, a charming village and ski resort located at 1250 meters of altitude. A selection of invited speakers and presentations will comprise the program. A small, table-top exhibition will be conducted in parallel for those wishing to promote their company and products. Danick Briand of TWIGS and Philippe Fischer of iCAN2012 are on the organizing committee. This winter school series about the design of heterogeneous embedded systems, called Nano-Tera FETCH, was created to specifically educate engineers and PhD students on how to deal with the emerging issues on latest generations of embedded systems, especially targeting those engineers from French speaking region, so as to help them to develop themselves to cope with the fast moving environments and English technical terms. NanoBioTech-Montreux 2012 is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technology developments, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The conference is hosted in picturesque Montreux, with inspiring views of the Alps towering above Lake Geneva. The conference involves a single session to allow the participants to enjoy all presentations and for the speakers to capture the entire audience. Speakers of international renown are invited for plenary talks, giving lectures on topics of major importance, together with a variety of short oral presentations describing new and high quality research. Philippe Renaud of LiveSense is chairing the conference. The Artist Summer School on Embedded System Design brings together some of the best researchers and lecturers from Europe, USA and Asia in a one week program and has been proven to be an exceptional opportunity for interaction. It is based on a successful series of events organized in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 by the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design. The summer school seeks a balance between foundational aspects and applications. Speakers included recognized leading researchers and engineers. Prof. Giovanni De Micheli will be presenting a paper. Le but de cet atelier “Arc et Senans” est de former les futurs acteurs de la communauté microtechnique franco-suisse. Une ouverture plus large est faite cette anneé aux étudiants de master, et aux doctorants et post doctorants. Priorité sera donné aux étudiants présentant leurs travaux de recherche avec un poster. Pierre-André Farine de SImOS, vice-président du Lea-microtechnique, fera le discours de bienvenue. This meeting aims to bring together mostly young scientists that work on single molecule microscopy in biology, in particular using the point localization-based superresolution microscopy methods. Sebastian Maerkl of PMDProgram will be presenting. As with the event of two years ago, this is a unique and timely opportunity to disseminate the research results and share the experience gained within the CMOSAIC project. We target a wide and diverse audience within the ETH-domain as well as from commercial enterprises which are interested in this fascinating and highly promising field. The Swiss NanoConvention is the prime showcase for nanotechnology in Switzerland, jointly organized by the «who-is-who» in the Swiss nano scene. It is the venue for meeting the great minds in nanoscience and -technology. The detailed program is ready, the speakers list is available and registration is open. Harry Heinzelmann of PATLiSci, Adrian Ionescu of CabTuRes, Tobias Kippenberg of microComb, Olivier Martin of Plasmonics and Demtri Psaltis of 3DOptoChemiImage are invited speakers. The 3rd APM of Nano-Tera, with presentations of RTD projects by all the principle investigators. This workshop intends to bring together leading academic researchers with IC and CAD industry leaders in order to pinpoint the shortcomings of the current design methodologies and CAD tools, identify new problems that may lie ahead, provide a vision of the new CAD tool capabilities that are going to be required
IrSens will be taking part. Following in the success of the first three editions, The Micronarc Alpine Meeting 2013 will continue its focus on equipment for manufacturing microproducts. This 2 day conference intends to stimulate networking and discussions in the casual atmosphere of Villars, a charming village and ski resort located at 1250 meters of altitude. A selection of invited speakers and presentations will comprise the program. A small, table-top exhibition will be conducted in parallel for those wishing to promote their company and products. Danick Briand of TWIGS and Philippe Fischer of iCAN2012 are on the organizing committee. This winter school series about the design of heterogeneous embedded systems, called Nano-Tera FETCH, was created to specifically educate engineers and PhD students on how to deal with the emerging issues on latest generations of embedded systems, especially targeting those engineers from French speaking region, so as to help them to develop themselves to cope with the fast moving environments and English technical terms. NanoBioTech-Montreux 2012 is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technology developments, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The conference is hosted in picturesque Montreux, with inspiring views of the Alps towering above Lake Geneva. The conference involves a single session to allow the participants to enjoy all presentations and for the speakers to capture the entire audience. Speakers of international renown are invited for plenary talks, giving lectures on topics of major importance, together with a variety of short oral presentations describing new and high quality research. Philippe Renaud of LiveSense is chairing the conference. The Artist Summer School on Embedded System Design brings together some of the best researchers and lecturers from Europe, USA and Asia in a one week program and has been proven to be an exceptional opportunity for interaction. It is based on a successful series of events organized in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 by the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design. The summer school seeks a balance between foundational aspects and applications. Speakers included recognized leading researchers and engineers. Prof. Giovanni De Micheli will be presenting a paper. Le but de cet atelier “Arc et Senans” est de former les futurs acteurs de la communauté microtechnique franco-suisse. Une ouverture plus large est faite cette anneé aux étudiants de master, et aux doctorants et post doctorants. Priorité sera donné aux étudiants présentant leurs travaux de recherche avec un poster. Pierre-André Farine de SImOS, vice-président du Lea-microtechnique, fera le discours de bienvenue. This meeting aims to bring together mostly young scientists that work on single molecule microscopy in biology, in particular using the point localization-based superresolution microscopy methods. Sebastian Maerkl of PMDProgram will be presenting. As with the event of two years ago, this is a unique and timely opportunity to disseminate the research results and share the experience gained within the CMOSAIC project. We target a wide and diverse audience within the ETH-domain as well as from commercial enterprises which are interested in this fascinating and highly promising field. The Swiss NanoConvention is the prime showcase for nanotechnology in Switzerland, jointly organized by the «who-is-who» in the Swiss nano scene. It is the venue for meeting the great minds in nanoscience and -technology. The detailed program is ready, the speakers list is available and registration is open. Harry Heinzelmann of PATLiSci, Adrian Ionescu of CabTuRes, Tobias Kippenberg of microComb, Olivier Martin of Plasmonics and Demtri Psaltis of 3DOptoChemiImage are invited speakers. The 3rd APM of Nano-Tera, with presentations of RTD projects by all the principle investigators. This workshop intends to bring together leading academic researchers with IC and CAD industry leaders in order to pinpoint the shortcomings of the current design methodologies and CAD tools, identify new problems that may lie ahead, provide a vision of the new CAD tool capabilities that are going to be required
, and crystallize everything into a new paradigm for design methodologies that fully exploits the potential of new process technologies. This workshop also aspires to become the springboard for a renewed innovation surge in EDA, which is necessary for maintaining the competitive edge and the continued growth of the entire semiconductor sector. The unique opportunity of having industrial and academic partners address this essential issue concurrently will result in new directions not only for academic research but also for design teams that are eager to maximize the benefits of their next tapeout. The BSIM EKV public workshop will convene all the BSIM and EKV researchers as well as the experts from the industry to contribute to the workshop to give an update on the latest status of BSIM6 and EKV (and eventually other models as well) to the modeling and designer community. The event will be followed by an internal workshop reserved to the BSIM and EKV teams for discussion and preparation of a workplan for the next year. See more details on project page. With a history stretching back nearly 60 years, the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) is the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the areas of semiconductor and electronic device technology, design, manufacturing, physics, and modeling. IEDM is the flagship conference for nanometer-scale CMOS transistor technology, advanced memory, displays, sensors, MEMS devices, novel quantum and nano-scale devices and phenomenology, optoelectronics, devices for power and energy harvesting, high-speed devices, as well as process technology and device modeling and simulation. The conference scope not only encompasses devices in silicon, compound and organic semiconductors, but also in emerging material systems. IEDM is truly an international conference, with strong representation from speakers from around the globe. Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys is on the committee for Detectors, Sensors and MEMS. Switzerland has already many activities in the E-print field, but they are not coordinated to allow further advances and improvements, both for academia and for research centers and industries. Organizing the Swiss E-Print workshop will allow active professionals to identify potential complementary partnership in this upcoming manufacturing discipline that spans across several disciplines from tools, ink materials, surfaces, chemistry & physics, electronics and optics, among others. More details are available on the E-Print page and on the conference website. Nico de Rooij of CabTuRes, LiveSense and PATLiSci will be taking part. This is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technologies, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. Stéphanie Pasche of TecInTex and Janos Vörös of NanoWireSensor are keynote speakers. The VII. International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Electronics, Circuits and Systems, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The WIMEMS workshop in Neuchâtel is a part of the International NAMIS Autumn School 2011 that will be carried out from 12th September to 16 September at three locations: IMT - Neuchâtel in Switzerland 12 - 13 September, Arc-et-Senans in France 14 September and FEMTO-ST - Besançon in France 15 - 16 September. Futher details about the Swiss dates of this Nano-Tera event are available on the WIMEMS-School page and on the EPFL Namis page. This conference series will bring together researchers working on all aspects of the subject (both theoretical and experimental) and support the building of a research community in Quantum Cryptography. The conference will also feature tutorials on the subject and thus provide a teaching function and help recruit junior members to the field. Please find more information about this project on the QCrypt ED project page and on the conference website. ESSDERC and its sister conference ESSCIRC are governed by a single Steering Committee. The increasing level of integration for system-on-chip design made available by advances in silicon technology is stimulating more than ever before the need for deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, and
SC that morning to fly to Denver. On the way I changed planes in Chicago, and I ran into a guy who looked about as anxious as I felt. I went over to ask if he was going to the Academy and he said he was, so we made the rest of the trip together. The funniest part of this was that this guy was John Charlton, who was in my BCT squadron (Guts) and who ended up being my roommate (along with Mickey Clemons) in CS-26 first semester. We got to Denver and for some reason decided to take a taxi from there to the Academy. It cost a fortune and we were still late and it took me a while to pay John back for my half, since the money I had on me probably ran out about 1/4 of the way there. We got to the "Bring me Men" ramp and lost our civilian clothes, our hair, got some great new USAFA t-shirts, and started the journey. That night I was eating in Mitchell Hall with a bunch of other Guts guys and some "real" Cadets (I found out later they were the class of '74) stopped by the table to tell us to eat up, since it was probably our last meal. The next day was a blur to me, along with the week or so after that, but I had a good guy for a BCT roommate – Charlie Parsons – and somehow I managed not to get killed or sent to K squadron. 2nd BCT for me was a lot better than 1st. I enjoyed the Valley except for the tear gas. I enjoyed shooting at the rifle range, the obstacle courses, even the pugil sticks. I liked land navigation even though the night problem we did was during such a hard rain that it wasn't quite as much fun as it would have been on a nice dry night. Probably my best BCT memory was lying in the grass at night watching a movie (I have no idea what the movie was). At least at that point it was just a really great camping trip. I think often about being there and sometimes have wondered if it was real. It was so long ago, and for me ended after one year, and so much has happened since then. I really enjoy reading the email updates from classmates – whether I knew them or not. Thanks for keeping everybody together this way, and thanks for letting us non-grads be part of the group. I thought about 5 July 1971 earlier today when I heard a golden oldies radio program mention the top 5 songs on 5 July 1971 – I thought back to where I was that day and remembered how starry-eyed I was as I saw the Academy reservation and the Cadet Area for the first time. I remember thinking I would never want to leave such a magnificent place – then two days later I was ready to get the heck out of there! 37 years ago today, we took a momentous step that forever altered the direction or our lives. Only 1404 young American men were given the unique challenge and opportunity of entering the Air Force Academy with the Class of 1975. For all 1404 of us, those first few days are certainly ineluctably seared into our memories. I had absolutely no clue what was ahead of me this day 37 years ago. I was both scared and excited. I was proud to be the first in my family to make it to college – but the prospect of attending a military institution and undergoing a curriculum shared by only the service academies (and seen by me in bits and pieces in movies) had me bewildered and more than a little shaken – especially with the thought that being screamed at by total strangers was a strong possibility. But I figured that after the first day, the yelling would stop, life on campus would settle into a routine, and I'd wear the parade uniform that I saw in the high school propaganda film (minus the falcon resting on the arm) to classes, and to town in the evenings. As I said, I had no clue. When that M-80 went off behind us, and the newly arrived BCT cadre (in shiny and impressive Service Alpha) ran through us in ranks, I could only hear the loud pulsing and thrumming of my bloodstream in my ears, and the muffled chaos of every upperclassman around us suddenly gone mad and fully intent on killing each and every one of us violently, in public, and in thoroughly horrible fashion. I knew at that point that I was in the
SC that morning to fly to Denver. On the way I changed planes in Chicago, and I ran into a guy who looked about as anxious as I felt. I went over to ask if he was going to the Academy and he said he was, so we made the rest of the trip together. The funniest part of this was that this guy was John Charlton, who was in my BCT squadron (Guts) and who ended up being my roommate (along with Mickey Clemons) in CS-26 first semester. We got to Denver and for some reason decided to take a taxi from there to the Academy. It cost a fortune and we were still late and it took me a while to pay John back for my half, since the money I had on me probably ran out about 1/4 of the way there. We got to the "Bring me Men" ramp and lost our civilian clothes, our hair, got some great new USAFA t-shirts, and started the journey. That night I was eating in Mitchell Hall with a bunch of other Guts guys and some "real" Cadets (I found out later they were the class of '74) stopped by the table to tell us to eat up, since it was probably our last meal. The next day was a blur to me, along with the week or so after that, but I had a good guy for a BCT roommate – Charlie Parsons – and somehow I managed not to get killed or sent to K squadron. 2nd BCT for me was a lot better than 1st. I enjoyed the Valley except for the tear gas. I enjoyed shooting at the rifle range, the obstacle courses, even the pugil sticks. I liked land navigation even though the night problem we did was during such a hard rain that it wasn't quite as much fun as it would have been on a nice dry night. Probably my best BCT memory was lying in the grass at night watching a movie (I have no idea what the movie was). At least at that point it was just a really great camping trip. I think often about being there and sometimes have wondered if it was real. It was so long ago, and for me ended after one year, and so much has happened since then. I really enjoy reading the email updates from classmates – whether I knew them or not. Thanks for keeping everybody together this way, and thanks for letting us non-grads be part of the group. I thought about 5 July 1971 earlier today when I heard a golden oldies radio program mention the top 5 songs on 5 July 1971 – I thought back to where I was that day and remembered how starry-eyed I was as I saw the Academy reservation and the Cadet Area for the first time. I remember thinking I would never want to leave such a magnificent place – then two days later I was ready to get the heck out of there! 37 years ago today, we took a momentous step that forever altered the direction or our lives. Only 1404 young American men were given the unique challenge and opportunity of entering the Air Force Academy with the Class of 1975. For all 1404 of us, those first few days are certainly ineluctably seared into our memories. I had absolutely no clue what was ahead of me this day 37 years ago. I was both scared and excited. I was proud to be the first in my family to make it to college – but the prospect of attending a military institution and undergoing a curriculum shared by only the service academies (and seen by me in bits and pieces in movies) had me bewildered and more than a little shaken – especially with the thought that being screamed at by total strangers was a strong possibility. But I figured that after the first day, the yelling would stop, life on campus would settle into a routine, and I'd wear the parade uniform that I saw in the high school propaganda film (minus the falcon resting on the arm) to classes, and to town in the evenings. As I said, I had no clue. When that M-80 went off behind us, and the newly arrived BCT cadre (in shiny and impressive Service Alpha) ran through us in ranks, I could only hear the loud pulsing and thrumming of my bloodstream in my ears, and the muffled chaos of every upperclassman around us suddenly gone mad and fully intent on killing each and every one of us violently, in public, and in thoroughly horrible fashion. I knew at that point that I was in the
wrong place – that I wanted to be somewhere else – and if it was possible to shrink and become invisible, I'd do it. I remember imagining nothing could be more frightening than waiting for an upperclassman to eventually get to me as they worked themselves down the line. For a minute, it seemed time had slowed down and everyone was in slow-motion. Until one of those upperclassmen reached me. I don't remember what it was he yelled at me – I remember I squeaked in response. That only seemed to make him angrier. I squeaked again – I was so scared, my voice was 2 octaves higher than normal. After an eternity of saying "Yes sir!" until I got my 19-year old voice back, I ended up running in place, getting my arms parallel to the ground, and being yelled at to get my knees up higher and higher. I thought my heart would burst out of terror. After a few minutes (which my time sense registered as forever), it was all over. We were called to attention, and we all fell back into ranks. I looked straight ahead and locked every bone in my body – there was no way I was going to catch another upperclassman's attention. Our BCT squadrons were finally dismissed and our new Element Leader and Element Sergeant either marched us to the meal or back to our rooms. That was the first day of a journey that for me at the time was both unrelentingly awful and incomprehensible. But that journey had its milestones – milestones that gave me a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration. 1. The transition from 1st BCT to 2nd BCT (where my squadron, GUTS, was top squadron, just edging out F Troop). 2. The end of 2nd BCT with the civilized march back from Jack's Valley. 3. The Acceptance Parade when we became members of the Cadet Wing and got our shoulder boards. 4. Spirit Missions during football season. 5. Recognition, when we got our prop & wings (April 15, 1972, tax day, the earliest to date back then that doolies got recognized). 6. Watching '72 graduate, knowing I'd get 3-degree shoulder boards. 7. (2-degree year was a blur to me though . . . except for buying the car). 8. Getting my firstie shoulder boards after '74 graduated. 9. Sitting in Falcon Stadium and waiting for the order, "Gentlemen, you are dismissed!" I entered the Academy on this day in 1971 on my 19th birthday. What a birthday present! Thanks for the memories! Since you asked ....... We've all heard of 4H Clubs but few have experienced (or perhaps even heard of) the 6H Club. The 6H Club would hold meetings on a dry, dusty patch of soil and rock in Jacks Valley usually about 5 minutes after the evening meal. I met there frequently during the summer of '71 with other charter members. The 6H Club you may ask ...... Happy Harry's Hellacious Horizontal Half Hour. The members of this elite club thought of adding a 7th "H" for "Hurling" but decided not to because, on occasion, not all of us had the pleasure of tasting our meal twice during the meeting! Breaaaaaaaddddddyyyy! Hi, Al. I have great memories of you and the time I spent at USAFA. I still remember at BCT when your squadron trotted onto the "intramurder" field to play mine ("I" Squadron - Invaders), and hearing y'all chant in cadence, "Invalids squat to pee, Invalids squat to pee!" Jim Carlson was not the last one accepted to USAFA for our class. I also received my appointment just two weeks prior to showing up July 4th in Colorado Springs. I cannot in good faith claim last appointed to our class though. I know there was at least one classmate (Fred Basin) who was enrolled, head shaved, etc., at West Point when his appointment to USAFA came through. He wasted no time getting to Colorado. Ted's version of my journey is mostly correct – I didn't get my head shaved at the Point – but the rest is true enough. The Point was starting before the 4th of July weekend and we started
iffs that wouldn’t learn about of place originating from the lighthearted element characters in The Lego Batman Movie, Frozen or The Secret Life of Pets is more relatable to the guardians of children who’re playing the recreations now and those youthful grown-ups who’ve left the amusements of their adolescence. What’s more, truly, with Reynolds giving the voice, Deadpool quickly rings a bell. (He likewise recently voiced a CG snail in Turbo). Deadpool’s straightforward snark — considering next to no important and making little asides to the group of onlookers — is a simple access and well-meaning approach to educating watchers that the motion picture won’t consider itself excessively important. Reynolds’ conveyance, which is what might be compared to a Dreamworks character’s omnipresent cocked eyebrow, helps the ambiguity of the preface (one talking beast in a universe of nontalking beasts is a detective and needs to enable me?) to go down easily. Actually, the introduction, on the off chance that it didn’t have the tinkle of Junichi Masuda’s title screen subject or memorial fight publications observing Hypno and the unbelievable Articuno, could be absolutely conventional YA. Likewise, pause, somebody has caught one of the amazing winged animals and is utilizing it for a battle in the Johto Sports Club? Those things are fundamentally divine beings — however, that is a Pokemon nitpick that the trailer (and potentially the film) isn’t hoping to address. It’s here for the Pokemon Go changes over the nearby Pokemon fan. There’re still a lot of Pokemon-particular components, in any case. There’re the plain senseless town names: Leaventown and Ryme City. Pikachu hopping into the genuine undetectable divider made by Mr. Emulate amid the last’s cross-examination or the cantankerous lark Jigglypuff moping alongside a torpid group of onlookers part — those are exemplary Pokemon chokes returning to the anime. The main things all the more basically Pokemon that the trailer could include would be Psyduck holding his befuddled head, Pikachu thunderbolting, or Team Rocket taking off once more. Be that as it may, by scarcely making reference to the film’s plot — Justice Smith’s dad is missing — or the workings of the world and concentrating rather on presenting the focal couple, novel animal plan and expansive silliness, Detective Pikachu adapts establishment outcasts a bit at any given moment. Detective Pikachu hits theatres May 10. Portus can be configured to use an LDAP server for the authentication. This means that in this case Portus will just act as a proxy between users and the LDAP server for authentication. LDAP support is disabled by default, but it can be enabled and configured by modifying the proper section in the config/config.yml file. Even if users are authenticated through the LDAP server, Portus needs to store them in its database in order to perform all the interaction with the registry. Moreover, each user will have a personal namespace, which will be named after the given username. Bear in mind that Docker’s naming rules. Users can use their LDAP credentials to login as usual. The name of the personal namespace will not be the same as the username if the name contains characters that are not accepted for namespaces. For example, if a user with an LDAP username mssola tries to login, this same user will have mssola as a personal namespace. However, if a user is named username$, then this user can login with that username, but the personal namespace will be username. Otherwise, you can tell Portus to be more clever and guess the email account of each user. This can be done through the guess_email configurable value. You can read more about this here. If you take a look at that file, you’ll see that the password is stored in plain text (base64). This is an long-standing issue in Docker (see docker/docker#10318). We can assist you in installing network equipment for internet access, network routers, phone service (VOIP) for your small business. Online folder for document & file storage. Access via FTP or configure as a network folder on your PC or Laptop. Mobile access with an Android smart phone or tablet via FTPServer app
iffs that wouldn’t learn about of place originating from the lighthearted element characters in The Lego Batman Movie, Frozen or The Secret Life of Pets is more relatable to the guardians of children who’re playing the recreations now and those youthful grown-ups who’ve left the amusements of their adolescence. What’s more, truly, with Reynolds giving the voice, Deadpool quickly rings a bell. (He likewise recently voiced a CG snail in Turbo). Deadpool’s straightforward snark — considering next to no important and making little asides to the group of onlookers — is a simple access and well-meaning approach to educating watchers that the motion picture won’t consider itself excessively important. Reynolds’ conveyance, which is what might be compared to a Dreamworks character’s omnipresent cocked eyebrow, helps the ambiguity of the preface (one talking beast in a universe of nontalking beasts is a detective and needs to enable me?) to go down easily. Actually, the introduction, on the off chance that it didn’t have the tinkle of Junichi Masuda’s title screen subject or memorial fight publications observing Hypno and the unbelievable Articuno, could be absolutely conventional YA. Likewise, pause, somebody has caught one of the amazing winged animals and is utilizing it for a battle in the Johto Sports Club? Those things are fundamentally divine beings — however, that is a Pokemon nitpick that the trailer (and potentially the film) isn’t hoping to address. It’s here for the Pokemon Go changes over the nearby Pokemon fan. There’re still a lot of Pokemon-particular components, in any case. There’re the plain senseless town names: Leaventown and Ryme City. Pikachu hopping into the genuine undetectable divider made by Mr. Emulate amid the last’s cross-examination or the cantankerous lark Jigglypuff moping alongside a torpid group of onlookers part — those are exemplary Pokemon chokes returning to the anime. The main things all the more basically Pokemon that the trailer could include would be Psyduck holding his befuddled head, Pikachu thunderbolting, or Team Rocket taking off once more. Be that as it may, by scarcely making reference to the film’s plot — Justice Smith’s dad is missing — or the workings of the world and concentrating rather on presenting the focal couple, novel animal plan and expansive silliness, Detective Pikachu adapts establishment outcasts a bit at any given moment. Detective Pikachu hits theatres May 10. Portus can be configured to use an LDAP server for the authentication. This means that in this case Portus will just act as a proxy between users and the LDAP server for authentication. LDAP support is disabled by default, but it can be enabled and configured by modifying the proper section in the config/config.yml file. Even if users are authenticated through the LDAP server, Portus needs to store them in its database in order to perform all the interaction with the registry. Moreover, each user will have a personal namespace, which will be named after the given username. Bear in mind that Docker’s naming rules. Users can use their LDAP credentials to login as usual. The name of the personal namespace will not be the same as the username if the name contains characters that are not accepted for namespaces. For example, if a user with an LDAP username mssola tries to login, this same user will have mssola as a personal namespace. However, if a user is named username$, then this user can login with that username, but the personal namespace will be username. Otherwise, you can tell Portus to be more clever and guess the email account of each user. This can be done through the guess_email configurable value. You can read more about this here. If you take a look at that file, you’ll see that the password is stored in plain text (base64). This is an long-standing issue in Docker (see docker/docker#10318). We can assist you in installing network equipment for internet access, network routers, phone service (VOIP) for your small business. Online folder for document & file storage. Access via FTP or configure as a network folder on your PC or Laptop. Mobile access with an Android smart phone or tablet via FTPServer app
from Google Play. iPhone/iPad devices can access via FTP Server or FTP On The Go from the App Store. Database instances available for direct access with any internet connection. Additional “read-only” access option available at no cost. $2.99 Monthly/$29.90 Yearly per instance. When Bryan Dubé and his wife, Carolynn, had trouble conceiving in their mid-30s, it was a “shock to the system,” especially when they found out that a low sperm count was the problem. “We had just gotten married and a thousand things were going through my mind: Will we stay married? Will she leave me? What’s going to happen to our relationship?” he recalls. From that point on, their experience mirrors what many of the one in six Canadian couples who face infertility go through when they struggle to conceive. They paid more than $10,000 for a round of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 2012 that was unsuccessful, plus hundreds more to freeze more eggs. The following year brought better luck and they welcomed a son in 2013, but the journey took a toll on their relationship, their finances and their sense of self. “It’s hard for a man to express what he’s going through and say ‘I’m the problem,’” says Dubé. While there’s definitely more awareness about the hardships that accompany infertility, what’s less commonly discussed is that male infertility, specifically, is on the rise. A robust meta-analysis of studies published in Human Reproduction Update last year shows that sperm counts have been in a free fall in Western countries, dropping 52.4 percent from 1973 to 2011. The authors found this decline consistent with other research in male reproductive health, and when they limited the studies to those published since 1995, they saw an even steeper decline. How Easy Is It (Really) To Get Pregnant After 40? There are many reasons for this rise, says Leader, who has helped couples conceive since 1981, first as co-founder of the IVF clinic at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary and then as a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and medicine at the University of Ottawa and co-founder of the Ottawa Fertility Centre. First of all, men are waiting longer to have kids. And while headlines consistently focus on women’s biological clocks and the risks involved with getting pregnant over the age of 35, there is a persistent myth that virility stays high in men until they are much older. In truth, as men age, their sperm quality (including the shape and movement of the sperm) declines. Their “best-before date,” as Leader puts it, is 40. Even if their partners are younger, it can be more difficult for couples to conceive and studies have also shown a link between advanced paternal age and a greater risk of children developing autism. He compares the scale of the problem to that of climate change — an issue right in front of us that people would rather fix with technology, rather than explore the root cause. So why is no one talking about it? While men are overstudied in nearly every medical specialty, infertility is an area where experts say the opposite is true. This, in part, has led to the perception that men are less likely to be the “problem partner.” Experts say there’s also the assumption that impotence is the main symptom of infertility, which simply isn’t true. Sperm count, shape and movement, along with blockages in various places like the testicles and vas deferens, can interfere with fertility but not necessarily the ability to have an erection. She suspects more pervasive ideas tied to masculinity are behind the lack of research, education and awareness of infertility among men. She spent seven years shadowing infertility doctors across the United States, their patients and their partners for her book, and one of her stark observations was that most women have an ob-gyn who focuses on their reproductive health, but most men don’t. All of this adds up to a kind of obvious reality: Men simply don’t expect that they’ll be the problem when trying to conceive, says Barnes. That also means they may not get the emotional support they need when they find themselves in that situation. Devin Leslie and
energetic "cosmic allegory" - a sometimes cartoonish, sometimes dark, and genuinely "quirky" comedy. It is a testimony to human endurance and tenaciousness. In three acts it follows the Antrobus family through an ice age, a flood, a devastating war, hanging in there by "the skin of its teeth." It is Thornton Wilder's 1942 Pulitzer Prize-winning classic that admits, through the central character, Sabina, at the play's end, that "This play isn't finished yet..we have to go on for ages and ages yet." And she sends the audience home. It's a play-within-a-play. The play struggles to survive as well, as it parallels the human adventure it relates. It's fun, evocative, and endearing, yet prophetic, and as relevant today as it was when Wilder wrote it! Tickets are $10 and will be available at Chelsi's Corner and The Leather & Gift Shop beginning in October 9, 2019. November 1, 2 & 8, 2019: 7:00 PM November 3 & 10, 2019: 2:00 PM © 2023 by THEATRE NORTH. HIPAA turns 20, and there’s no reason to celebrate By Tom Furr In 1996, The Spice Girls were at the top of the pop music charts. DVDs had just been launched. The number of Internet host computers increased from 1 million to 10 million. And the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed into law. Now, 20 years later, two of the Spice Girls launched a website that celebrates the group’s two decade’s worth of “girl power.” A DVD is more likely used as a coaster for a cold drink than as an entertainment medium, and the number of host computers on the world wide web is well over 1 billion. And, most unfortunately, we’re still struggling with HIPAA. When the law was enacted, its aim was to limit exposure or disclosure of personal information and enhance communications between doctor and patient. However, it was created well in advance of the ubiquitousness of the Internet, smartphones and social media platforms. In 1996, most if not all medical records were in paper form, the concept of data mining was a sparkle in the mind of a computer scientist, and the business of sifting through data to better analyze and predict was not yet conceived. The collective view people hold about privacy also has changed. In large measure, this shift has come about because so much of our lives are now “done” online, from taking classes to banking to buying cars to reviewing the results of a medical examination. Still, there appears to be a slew of problems surrounding HIPAA. Among them includes what is or isn’t “HIPAA-compliant,” and to say this is a “gray area” would be an understatement. Curiously, as much as compliance interpretation is vague at best, nothing has been done to adjust the law to reflect the world in which we live. This is in contrast to PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance, which is black and white with a pass or fail grade. 6 steps to surviving a HIPAA audit The HHS Office for Civil Rights this year will conduct audits of HIPAA covered entities and business associates to assess organizations’ compliance with the privacy, security and breach notification rules. This includes about 200 desk audits and 24 more comprehensive on-site visits, according to Hayes Management Consulting. But there are ways providers can properly prepare, according to Hayes Management. For example, it apparently is quite easy for third parties to access hordes of data about patients of a certain type being treated for a particular health issue as long as those profiles are “anonymous.” In stark contrast, despite HIPAA's protections, there is no standard set of steps consumers can follow to get their information from hospitals which is a very real transparency imbalance. Organization for European Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries are seeing healthcare expenditures rise at the rate of one to two percentage points faster than GDP. If this trend continues, healthcare would represent more than 2
energetic "cosmic allegory" - a sometimes cartoonish, sometimes dark, and genuinely "quirky" comedy. It is a testimony to human endurance and tenaciousness. In three acts it follows the Antrobus family through an ice age, a flood, a devastating war, hanging in there by "the skin of its teeth." It is Thornton Wilder's 1942 Pulitzer Prize-winning classic that admits, through the central character, Sabina, at the play's end, that "This play isn't finished yet..we have to go on for ages and ages yet." And she sends the audience home. It's a play-within-a-play. The play struggles to survive as well, as it parallels the human adventure it relates. It's fun, evocative, and endearing, yet prophetic, and as relevant today as it was when Wilder wrote it! Tickets are $10 and will be available at Chelsi's Corner and The Leather & Gift Shop beginning in October 9, 2019. November 1, 2 & 8, 2019: 7:00 PM November 3 & 10, 2019: 2:00 PM © 2023 by THEATRE NORTH. HIPAA turns 20, and there’s no reason to celebrate By Tom Furr In 1996, The Spice Girls were at the top of the pop music charts. DVDs had just been launched. The number of Internet host computers increased from 1 million to 10 million. And the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed into law. Now, 20 years later, two of the Spice Girls launched a website that celebrates the group’s two decade’s worth of “girl power.” A DVD is more likely used as a coaster for a cold drink than as an entertainment medium, and the number of host computers on the world wide web is well over 1 billion. And, most unfortunately, we’re still struggling with HIPAA. When the law was enacted, its aim was to limit exposure or disclosure of personal information and enhance communications between doctor and patient. However, it was created well in advance of the ubiquitousness of the Internet, smartphones and social media platforms. In 1996, most if not all medical records were in paper form, the concept of data mining was a sparkle in the mind of a computer scientist, and the business of sifting through data to better analyze and predict was not yet conceived. The collective view people hold about privacy also has changed. In large measure, this shift has come about because so much of our lives are now “done” online, from taking classes to banking to buying cars to reviewing the results of a medical examination. Still, there appears to be a slew of problems surrounding HIPAA. Among them includes what is or isn’t “HIPAA-compliant,” and to say this is a “gray area” would be an understatement. Curiously, as much as compliance interpretation is vague at best, nothing has been done to adjust the law to reflect the world in which we live. This is in contrast to PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance, which is black and white with a pass or fail grade. 6 steps to surviving a HIPAA audit The HHS Office for Civil Rights this year will conduct audits of HIPAA covered entities and business associates to assess organizations’ compliance with the privacy, security and breach notification rules. This includes about 200 desk audits and 24 more comprehensive on-site visits, according to Hayes Management Consulting. But there are ways providers can properly prepare, according to Hayes Management. For example, it apparently is quite easy for third parties to access hordes of data about patients of a certain type being treated for a particular health issue as long as those profiles are “anonymous.” In stark contrast, despite HIPAA's protections, there is no standard set of steps consumers can follow to get their information from hospitals which is a very real transparency imbalance. Organization for European Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries are seeing healthcare expenditures rise at the rate of one to two percentage points faster than GDP. If this trend continues, healthcare would represent more than 2
5 percent of France’s GDP by 2050. Understandably, you’d say, “but America isn’t France.” Well, according to McKinsey & Company, healthcare as a percent of US GDP could be 35 percent by 2050. The need to get costs under control globally is intense. McKinsey also notes that developed countries like ours face a twofold challenge in healthcare; improving quality and financial sustainability. Management consultants suggest that digitization can help health systems achieve both objectives and unlock substantial value through lower spending and superior healthcare delivery. They point out that one large OECD country estimated that implementing existing digital technologies could reduce its healthcare expenditure between 7 percent and 11.5 percent. Those cost-savings would be achieved using three methods: Seamless data and information exchange Advanced analytics and transparency The enthusiasm shown on the operational side of healthcare to embrace digitalization is akin to that of a person allergic to bee stings standing amidst beehive huts. Anything that has occurred in the last 20 years that involves technology has been met with significant kicking and screaming. In fact, the move from paper to electronic health records wouldn’t have occurred, in all likelihood, were it not for the passing and signing of legislation and the resultant large payments from government. By contrast, other large industries such as banking realized the need for automation to drive down cost and enable scalability back in the 1980s, without the need for government to pay or set laws to drive adoption. Also see: HIT Think HIPAA turns 20: Why it’s an effective law for healthcare The case for efficiency attained with automation in healthcare business operations is compelling, yet maddeningly difficult to achieve. Let’s circle back to the rise of healthcare as a factor of GDP. Brought to a level all of us can appreciate, 25 percent of GDP translates to one-quarter of a household’s budget going against that cost. Layer on top of that the emergence of high-deductible health plans, which shift as much as half of the financial responsibility to the consumer, and the argument to employ digital, online, user-friendly services becomes overwhelming. Despite this preponderance of evidence, healthcare continues to operate, business-wise, like it’s 1966, not even 1996, let alone 2016. For example, 87 percent of all bills issued by healthcare providers today are in paper form. Just about every other industry asks its customers to go “paper-free” for the obvious benefits to them and convenience of their patrons. Not healthcare. HIPAA is a law that was conceived at a time when paper flow was the predominant workflow. That it hasn’t been adapted to the times is unfortunate. However, to realize meaningful process improvements, real automation efficiencies, in areas like human resources, scheduling, logistics and billing, among others, much of what’s needed is already in place or can be easily bolted on without incurring any capital expenditure by way of a cloud-based service. Tom Furr Founder, PatientPay HIPAAHIPAA regulationsEnd user security practicesData securityEHR privacy AARP Research Issues & Topics Work & Finances Livable Communities Vaccination Adoption Varies for Older Adults Midlife and Older Adults' Views on Vaccinations for Flu, Pneumonia, TDAP, and Shingles by Teresa A. Keenan, AARP Research, September 2019 | Comments: 0 Learn More About This Survey Midlife and Older Adults' Views on Vaccinations (PDF) Annotated Questionnaire (PDF) More Reports from AARP Research Despite years of doctors enthusiastically endorsing adult vaccines such as for flu and pneumonia, adults are adopting recommended practices at varying rates and continue to show gaps in understanding in certain areas, according to a recent AARP survey of adults 45 and older. Significant portions of the adult population remain unprotected against the dangers of the flu, shingles, pneumonia, and whooping cough. Often adults remain unv
Sciences (IAMMS) is one of the Indian NGOs, which is registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, former vice-chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, formally inaugurated it on April 21, 2001. Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India gave accreditation to the academy in 2004 and promoted it as 'centre of excellence' in 2008. Membership of the academy is open to anyone who has an interest in the academy's activities particularly on history of medicine and history of science. The founder president is Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman. * To promote studies in the works of physicians and scientists — particularly Ibn Sina and his contemporaries — * To propagate and disseminate in public interest the useful knowledge concerning medicine, philosophy, science and technology, social and preventive medical science, hygiene and environment. * To inculcate in the masses an active interest in useful information regarding science, hygiene and medicine with its advances as well as the frontier areas of research, inventions and discoveries therein and also to make proper utilization of mass media for propagation, dissemination and transmission of the same. * To establish dialogue between different theories concerning useful knowledge including the diverse prevalent systems of medical science, methodologies and philosophies; * To preserve artefacts on Indian culture, heritage and sciences including history of medicine; * To strive for bringing about adjustment, integration and synthesis and to organize / sponsor educational programmes, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences as well as to promote academic work of all kinds in order to advance and develop the medical science. Ibn Sina Academy is a part of signatories related to various health issues in the world. Arson suspected in fire at Israeli-run refugee school in Greece By Ben Harris March 10, 2020 11:41 am A scene inside a class at the International School of Peace for Refugee Children on the Greek island of Lesbos. (Screenshot from YouTube) (JTA) — A school for refugees started by Jewish and Arab Israelis was burned down over the weekend in what administrators say is a suspected case of arson. The International School of Peace for Refugee Children on the Greek island of Lesbos was destroyed in the fire on Saturday night. In a statement, the school said the blaze was a suspected case of arson, The Times of Israel reported. “Even though we are heartbroken and shocked, we’re already looking ahead,” the school wrote Tuesday on Facebook. “We are moving forward, not going anywhere.” Founded in 2017, the school is a collaboration between alumni of the Hashomer Hatazir and Ajyal youth movements. More than 3,000 refugees have come through its doors since it opened, according to the school’s website. The blaze comes at a moment of rising tension on Lesbos, the first European point of entry for many refugees fleeing unrest. Clashes on Saturday between migrants and local police left two migrants dead, The Times of Israel reported. “The school was burnt down last night but its strong foundation comes from the tens of thousands of people who passed through its gates, shaped its image, built it together for a better future,” the school wrote on Facebook. “The school belongs to all who decide to lift their heads up high, to cling to hope and act, the school belongs to us: students and teachers, people from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Kurdistan, Congo, Somali, Ghana, and Angola who decide day by day to shatter the walls of fear between us, hold hands and work together for peace.” Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas is honored in a Lithuania still grappling with the Nazi era By Cnaan Liphshiz January 19, 2022 4:37 pm 27% of religious hate crimes in Sweden target its tiny Jewish community Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla awarded Genesis Prize for work developing coronavirus vaccine A Jew betrayed Anne Frank’s family, cold-case investigators conclude Prince Charles commissions Holocaust survivor portraits for Buckingham Palace The Unspeakable Castillo Murders
Sciences (IAMMS) is one of the Indian NGOs, which is registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, former vice-chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, formally inaugurated it on April 21, 2001. Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India gave accreditation to the academy in 2004 and promoted it as 'centre of excellence' in 2008. Membership of the academy is open to anyone who has an interest in the academy's activities particularly on history of medicine and history of science. The founder president is Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman. * To promote studies in the works of physicians and scientists — particularly Ibn Sina and his contemporaries — * To propagate and disseminate in public interest the useful knowledge concerning medicine, philosophy, science and technology, social and preventive medical science, hygiene and environment. * To inculcate in the masses an active interest in useful information regarding science, hygiene and medicine with its advances as well as the frontier areas of research, inventions and discoveries therein and also to make proper utilization of mass media for propagation, dissemination and transmission of the same. * To establish dialogue between different theories concerning useful knowledge including the diverse prevalent systems of medical science, methodologies and philosophies; * To preserve artefacts on Indian culture, heritage and sciences including history of medicine; * To strive for bringing about adjustment, integration and synthesis and to organize / sponsor educational programmes, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences as well as to promote academic work of all kinds in order to advance and develop the medical science. Ibn Sina Academy is a part of signatories related to various health issues in the world. Arson suspected in fire at Israeli-run refugee school in Greece By Ben Harris March 10, 2020 11:41 am A scene inside a class at the International School of Peace for Refugee Children on the Greek island of Lesbos. (Screenshot from YouTube) (JTA) — A school for refugees started by Jewish and Arab Israelis was burned down over the weekend in what administrators say is a suspected case of arson. The International School of Peace for Refugee Children on the Greek island of Lesbos was destroyed in the fire on Saturday night. In a statement, the school said the blaze was a suspected case of arson, The Times of Israel reported. “Even though we are heartbroken and shocked, we’re already looking ahead,” the school wrote Tuesday on Facebook. “We are moving forward, not going anywhere.” Founded in 2017, the school is a collaboration between alumni of the Hashomer Hatazir and Ajyal youth movements. More than 3,000 refugees have come through its doors since it opened, according to the school’s website. The blaze comes at a moment of rising tension on Lesbos, the first European point of entry for many refugees fleeing unrest. Clashes on Saturday between migrants and local police left two migrants dead, The Times of Israel reported. “The school was burnt down last night but its strong foundation comes from the tens of thousands of people who passed through its gates, shaped its image, built it together for a better future,” the school wrote on Facebook. “The school belongs to all who decide to lift their heads up high, to cling to hope and act, the school belongs to us: students and teachers, people from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Kurdistan, Congo, Somali, Ghana, and Angola who decide day by day to shatter the walls of fear between us, hold hands and work together for peace.” Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas is honored in a Lithuania still grappling with the Nazi era By Cnaan Liphshiz January 19, 2022 4:37 pm 27% of religious hate crimes in Sweden target its tiny Jewish community Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla awarded Genesis Prize for work developing coronavirus vaccine A Jew betrayed Anne Frank’s family, cold-case investigators conclude Prince Charles commissions Holocaust survivor portraits for Buckingham Palace The Unspeakable Castillo Murders
: All’s Not Well That Ends Not as Badly as It Could Have Richard E. Vatz Amy Castillo makes a fair argument when she says that she must forgive her ex-spouse for his horrible murdering in a Baltimore hotel bathtub of their 3 children, Athena, 2, Austin, 4 and Anthony, 6. She says that otherwise the “bitterness” and “resentment” would consume her life. That is the only argument for forgiveness and one that could convincingly be made only by a mother of the victims in this drama. But Mrs. Castillo’s personal forgiving need not affect the other citizens of Maryland. Mark Castillo, Amy’s ex-husband, demonstrated indisputably the premeditation of his crimes when he described his meticulous murderous behavior beginning with his booking a hotel room in Baltimore via the Internet to facilitate the killings. There he held his struggling, terrified children under water for 10 minutes to guarantee their dying. Furthermore, respecting his uncomplicated, evil, knowing intent, Castillo in a tape-recorded confession detailed his careful planning of the crimes and, according to The Washington Post, “said he thought about the killings for months and that before he killed the children, he spent at least 24 hours planning how to do it…” Castillo’s motive was not unusual: the Post references his apprising authorities of his desire to make his wife suffer and telling her before the murders that losing her children was the most effective way to create misery for the woman with whom he had had a 21-month custody battle. It is not clear why the death penalty was not sought, as this case is preeminently qualified for such a punishment. In January of this year, Castillo filed an insanity plea which followed an initial such filing and a public request by the murderer to plead guilty and be executed. Judges, notoriously credulous concerning psychiatric explanation and exculpation of horrible murderers, especially if committed by unconventionally acting killers – Castillo read passages from the Bible in court and tried to commit suicide, behaviors that seem “crazy” to some judges — almost invariably have a soft spot for such vile cretins. In this case Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Wanda K. Heard, who wisely said she was convinced Castillo knew what he was doing when he committed the killings, not so wisely recommended that Castillo serve his 3 consecutive life terms at Patuxent Institution, a mental health correction institution in Jessup, Maryland. Insanity verdicts are too plentiful, even if relatively uncommon. There are limits to the educating of judges who cannot believe that there are simply evil people in the world. Professor Vatz has written on psychiatric rhetoric for over 30 years Professor Vatz teaches at Towson University and is author of “The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion: the Agenda-Spin Model” An Inconvenient Truth for The Baltimore Sun December 7, 2021 Podcast Reproductive health is relevant to all couples in their childbearing years. Family planning, fertility interventions, and the use of contraception are guided by values and Halachic considerations, and involve several other factors including financial concerns, personal and professional goals, desired family size, and relationship stability. Join Rabbi Scott Kahn and Talli Rosenbaum in the first of a two-part series on reproductive health and Halacha. Become an Intimate Judaism Patreon subscriber to get additional episodes, merch, and more, including a Q and A dropping this week. Just go to https://www.patreon.com/intimatejudaism. November 9, 2021 Podcast In past decades, being Orthodox and gay meant suffering in the closet, or choosing to live authentically at the expense of religion. Today, more LGBTQ individuals and couples wish to retain their religious identities while embracing their sexual orientation. Join Rabbi Scott Kahn and Talli Rosenbaum in a moving interview with Rachel Weinstein, Shimmy Feintuch and Joshua Brook. Cultural Competence: LGBTQ and Conflicting Religious Values (Webinar with Shimmy Feintuch) https://webinars.tallirosenbaum.com/workshops/CulturalComp
dissenters away. And opposition elsewhere on the internet is sought out and attacked via board invasions, wiki-wars, 'sock puppets', and even occasional legal threats. Interested parties even moderate other boards on similar topics, with members of both holding the party line elsewhere. And let's not forget, of course, that even SW authors are attacked and maligned across the internet if they fail to subscribe to SDN views. And this, so we're told, is consensus of opinion. I think not. Even if one thinks consensus is important, one does not build it by such action. Ancient kings might've built a consensus that divine right existed, but they did so by slaughtering those who disagreed. That's not consensus at all, except in an ironic sense. But even if we grant the claim of consensus, let's not kid ourselves that consensus is a determinant in matters of fact. Truth is not determined by the number of adherents. That includes the collective opinion of a consensus. If everyone on Earth believed that 1+1=3, there would be consensus. However, the consensus opinion would be wrong. Consensus is what is sought when there is ignorance. In jurisprudence, we could not know the facts with certainty, so consensus of peers was employed. Creating the appearance of consensus is also useful for swinging uninformed public opinion, which is why spin doctors try to claim that everyone believes such-and-such. This, of course, is nothing new. Hence the fallacy of argumentum ad populam, or the appeal to the belief of the masses. (Of course, one might argue that for this to be labelled a fallacy, it has been recognized as such by a group of logicians and thinkers through time, and as such could be wrong since that determination has been made by consensus. However, in doing so, one acknowledges that it's a fallacy anyway.) Most of the above is not new to my readers, but the following is. A very nice and much more interesting take on the matter, the following link refers to a Parliament of Clocks. Much as a stopped clock is falsely said to be right twice a day when in reality it's just lucky, so too is a Parliament of Clocks misunderstood by laypeople: http://chicagoboyz.net/archives/004879.html (Incidentally, it's worth noting something tangentially relevant here. One SDN member quotes a statement of mine wherein I note that one does not determine fact by use of persuasive essays, but instead by reason. This quotation of me is apparently used to suggest that I'm a silly person, which is of course true. However, it's not true because I made that statement. Persuasion occurs via many channels, and many forms of appeal. Appeals to authority, mass belief, emotion, and all manner of other things are valid when one seeks only to persuade. However, matters of fact are not determined with those. Reason is the only arbiter of fact. Write as many persuasive essays as you like, turn as many ears to your message as you can, but don't think for an instant that having people agree on that basis means that your position is factually accurate.) No, you're silly because you think we all can't see you're really a rabid left winger. :-P Sun May 13, 06:15:00 PM 2007 Che is my hero. Chavez, too. I'm seriously considering relocating the ST-v-SW.Net home base to Venezuela. More oil . . . less scruples . . . it'll be great. Interesting article, and very true of what I've seen of Wong & Co. It can also be directly applied (in almost exactly the same way) to another group I've had to deal with personally (it's a Trek community, actually, which is rather sad, since they tramp on the very ideals of the show they're purportedly fans of). But, anyway, a very interesting article, definitely enlightening, and certainly presently applicable. The truth is sometimes...consensus is important. It gauages belief but that's also the same reason why it's often untrustworthy. When gauging popular opinion one may omit relevant yet little known or understood information from consideration. Even in a judicial en
dissenters away. And opposition elsewhere on the internet is sought out and attacked via board invasions, wiki-wars, 'sock puppets', and even occasional legal threats. Interested parties even moderate other boards on similar topics, with members of both holding the party line elsewhere. And let's not forget, of course, that even SW authors are attacked and maligned across the internet if they fail to subscribe to SDN views. And this, so we're told, is consensus of opinion. I think not. Even if one thinks consensus is important, one does not build it by such action. Ancient kings might've built a consensus that divine right existed, but they did so by slaughtering those who disagreed. That's not consensus at all, except in an ironic sense. But even if we grant the claim of consensus, let's not kid ourselves that consensus is a determinant in matters of fact. Truth is not determined by the number of adherents. That includes the collective opinion of a consensus. If everyone on Earth believed that 1+1=3, there would be consensus. However, the consensus opinion would be wrong. Consensus is what is sought when there is ignorance. In jurisprudence, we could not know the facts with certainty, so consensus of peers was employed. Creating the appearance of consensus is also useful for swinging uninformed public opinion, which is why spin doctors try to claim that everyone believes such-and-such. This, of course, is nothing new. Hence the fallacy of argumentum ad populam, or the appeal to the belief of the masses. (Of course, one might argue that for this to be labelled a fallacy, it has been recognized as such by a group of logicians and thinkers through time, and as such could be wrong since that determination has been made by consensus. However, in doing so, one acknowledges that it's a fallacy anyway.) Most of the above is not new to my readers, but the following is. A very nice and much more interesting take on the matter, the following link refers to a Parliament of Clocks. Much as a stopped clock is falsely said to be right twice a day when in reality it's just lucky, so too is a Parliament of Clocks misunderstood by laypeople: http://chicagoboyz.net/archives/004879.html (Incidentally, it's worth noting something tangentially relevant here. One SDN member quotes a statement of mine wherein I note that one does not determine fact by use of persuasive essays, but instead by reason. This quotation of me is apparently used to suggest that I'm a silly person, which is of course true. However, it's not true because I made that statement. Persuasion occurs via many channels, and many forms of appeal. Appeals to authority, mass belief, emotion, and all manner of other things are valid when one seeks only to persuade. However, matters of fact are not determined with those. Reason is the only arbiter of fact. Write as many persuasive essays as you like, turn as many ears to your message as you can, but don't think for an instant that having people agree on that basis means that your position is factually accurate.) No, you're silly because you think we all can't see you're really a rabid left winger. :-P Sun May 13, 06:15:00 PM 2007 Che is my hero. Chavez, too. I'm seriously considering relocating the ST-v-SW.Net home base to Venezuela. More oil . . . less scruples . . . it'll be great. Interesting article, and very true of what I've seen of Wong & Co. It can also be directly applied (in almost exactly the same way) to another group I've had to deal with personally (it's a Trek community, actually, which is rather sad, since they tramp on the very ideals of the show they're purportedly fans of). But, anyway, a very interesting article, definitely enlightening, and certainly presently applicable. The truth is sometimes...consensus is important. It gauages belief but that's also the same reason why it's often untrustworthy. When gauging popular opinion one may omit relevant yet little known or understood information from consideration. Even in a judicial en
viroment it is dificult to merely trust the facts. and consensus is far less reliable. No mater what decision we find ourselves in the crux of objectivity is difficult. There are time when we must consider factors that we have no way of calculating. Ultimately we have to make decisions based on something....for some it will be consensus...others...gutt...and other will only be swayed by persausive arguments. My self. I look to God for direction. Still I'm bound by the black and white definitions drawn by facts and chronology. Seperating feeling from facts, interpretation from observation...well that's up to us individually. Mon May 14, 12:03:00 PM 2007 Ilithi: Wait, don't tell me... one of the guys you have to deal with is called 'Ymgir the Frost Giant', right? Tue May 15, 12:22:00 AM 2007 Triarii: No, actually, I'm not familiar with that name... Though that doesn't necessarily mean that I've not encountered him/her under a different name. The ones I've had to deal with go by the names of Victor1st, Acidrain, Mindwipe, and others. sagron said... Well, there is trouble: consensus IS used as an instrument. The most important thing in science work is "peer review", which is notoriously a clock parliament. Also in many other things, like measure interpretation, a "parliament" idea is useed. Personally, I submit to consensus where literaly and film works are involved. It's kind of hard to judge them otherwise :) And, yeah, I am perfectly capable of judging them myself, to state whether I liked them or not, but, obviously, other people are going to have different opinions. Thus, consensus allows me to say, for example, "Voyager is rather average Trek, but I like it anyway." It works for me :) You should be VERY VARY of anything coming from this author. Judging by her other comments, she is a fanatical rightwingist. Specifically, in the science it IS so that a consense exists and everything deviating is fend off.., until a better theory comes which overrides it and becomes a new consense. Ilithi: Ah yes, Victor1st... isn't he that Scottish guy who runs Star Trek Gamers? What's so bad about him? As for Ymgir, he was a 'guru' of sorts on one of Vex Xiang's (the creator of the Flash Trek series) forums. He made something like 30 to 50 posts a day (talk about having no life) and considered himself to be, in not so many words, the 'big cheese' and the 'high and mighty' sort of figure. There were two main negative traits about him, the first was that he, like with the biggots you mentioned, tramps on the ideals of Star Trek and actually down plays them, stating that it's never about philosophy or the human condition and is always about socail commentary and also stating that Next Gen was crap because Picard, as a friend of mine translated his words into simple English for me, was 'always sitting in his utopia'. His other big problem was that he wsn't all that smart. Instead he was one of those over-bearing, charismatic, used car salesman types who can pass himself off as knowedgeable untill he meets a true expert (such as my aforementioned friend, who debated with him over the ideas and ideals behind Star Trek). Tue May 15, 02:14:00 PM 2007 Triari: Yeah, Victor1st is the guy who runs StarTrek-Gamers.com. I don't know if you've ever been over to the STG forums, but they're almost as bad as the SD.net forums. I ran into trouble with Victor1st and the cronies of STG when they decided that they could follow the rules of their forum (which are almost nil), on Bethesda's official Trek game forum, which I help moderate. When they didn't get their way and (*gasp*) actually got punished for breaking the forum rules, just like everyone else, flaming, trolling, threats, and harassment of Bethesda and the moderating team ensued
return {this} Returns `this` for chaining. * * @example * // DataTables initialisation with ColReorder * var table = $('#example').dataTable( { * "sDom": 'Rlfrtip' * } ); * * // Add click event to a button to reset the ordering * $('#resetOrdering').click( function (e) { * e.preventDefault(); * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( table ).fnReset(); * } ); */ "fnReset": function () { var a = []; for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) { a.push( this.s.dt.aoColumns[i]._ColReorder_iOrigCol ); } this._fnOrderColumns( a ); return this; }, /** * `Deprecated` - Get the current order of the columns, as an array. * @return {array} Array of column identifiers * @deprecated `fnOrder` should be used in preference to this method. * `fnOrder` acts as a getter/setter. */ "fnGetCurrentOrder": function () { return this.fnOrder(); }, /** * Get the current order of the columns, as an array. Note that the values * given in the array are unique identifiers for each column. Currently * these are the original ordering of the columns that was detected on * start up, but this could potentially change in future. * @return {array} Array of column identifiers * * @example * // Get column ordering for the table * var order = $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( dataTable ).fnOrder(); *//** * Set the order of the columns, from the positions identified in the * ordering array given. Note that ColReorder takes a brute force approach * to reordering, so it is possible multiple reordering events will occur * before the final order is settled upon. * @param {array} [set] Array of column identifiers in the new order. Note * that every column must be included, uniquely, in this array. * @return {this} Returns `this` for chaining. * * @example * // Swap the first and second columns * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( dataTable ).fnOrder( [1, 0, 2, 3, 4] ); * * @example * // Move the first column to the end for the table `#example` * var curr = $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder(); * var first = curr.shift(); * curr.push( first ); * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder( curr ); * * @example * // Reverse the table's order * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder( * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder().reverse() * ); */ "fnOrder": function ( set ) { if ( set === undefined ) { var a = []; for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) { a.push( this.s.dt.aoColumns[i]._ColReorder_iOrigCol ); } return a; } this._fnOrderColumns( fnInvertKeyValues( set ) ); return this; }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
return {this} Returns `this` for chaining. * * @example * // DataTables initialisation with ColReorder * var table = $('#example').dataTable( { * "sDom": 'Rlfrtip' * } ); * * // Add click event to a button to reset the ordering * $('#resetOrdering').click( function (e) { * e.preventDefault(); * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( table ).fnReset(); * } ); */ "fnReset": function () { var a = []; for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) { a.push( this.s.dt.aoColumns[i]._ColReorder_iOrigCol ); } this._fnOrderColumns( a ); return this; }, /** * `Deprecated` - Get the current order of the columns, as an array. * @return {array} Array of column identifiers * @deprecated `fnOrder` should be used in preference to this method. * `fnOrder` acts as a getter/setter. */ "fnGetCurrentOrder": function () { return this.fnOrder(); }, /** * Get the current order of the columns, as an array. Note that the values * given in the array are unique identifiers for each column. Currently * these are the original ordering of the columns that was detected on * start up, but this could potentially change in future. * @return {array} Array of column identifiers * * @example * // Get column ordering for the table * var order = $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( dataTable ).fnOrder(); *//** * Set the order of the columns, from the positions identified in the * ordering array given. Note that ColReorder takes a brute force approach * to reordering, so it is possible multiple reordering events will occur * before the final order is settled upon. * @param {array} [set] Array of column identifiers in the new order. Note * that every column must be included, uniquely, in this array. * @return {this} Returns `this` for chaining. * * @example * // Swap the first and second columns * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( dataTable ).fnOrder( [1, 0, 2, 3, 4] ); * * @example * // Move the first column to the end for the table `#example` * var curr = $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder(); * var first = curr.shift(); * curr.push( first ); * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder( curr ); * * @example * // Reverse the table's order * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder( * $.fn.dataTable.ColReorder( '#example' ).fnOrder().reverse() * ); */ "fnOrder": function ( set ) { if ( set === undefined ) { var a = []; for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) { a.push( this.s.dt.aoColumns[i]._ColReorder_iOrigCol ); } return a; } this._fnOrderColumns( fnInvertKeyValues( set ) ); return this; }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * Private methods (they are of course public in JS, but recommended as private) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Constructor logic * @method _fnConstruct * @returns void * @private */ "_fnConstruct": function () { var that = this; var iLen = this.s.dt.aoColumns.length; var i; /* Columns discounted from reordering - counting left to right */ if ( this.s.init.iFixedColumns ) { this.s.fixed = this.s.init.iFixedColumns; } /* Columns discounted from reordering - counting right to left */ this.s.fixedRight = this.s.init.iFixedColumnsRight ? this.s.init.iFixedColumnsRight : 0; /* Drop callback initialisation option */ if ( this.s.init.fnReorderCallback ) { this.s.dropCallback = this.s.init.fnReorderCallback; } /* Add event handlers for the drag and drop, and also mark the original column order */ for ( i = 0; i < iLen; i++ ) { if ( i > this.s.fixed-1 && i < iLen - this.s.fixedRight ) { this._fnMouseListener( i, this.s.dt.aoColumns[i].nTh ); } /* Mark the original column order for later reference */ this.s.dt.aoColumns[i]._ColReorder_iOrigCol = i; } /* State saving */ this.s.dt.oApi._fnCallbackReg( this.s.dt, 'aoStateSaveParams', function (oS, oData) { that._fnStateSave.call( that, oData ); }, "ColReorder_State" ); /* An initial column order has been specified */ var aiOrder = null; if ( this.s.init.aiOrder ) { aiOrder = this.s.init.aiOrder.slice(); } /* State loading, overrides the column order given */ if ( this.s.dt.oLoadedState && typeof this.s.dt.oLoadedState.ColReorder != 'undefined' && this.s.dt.oLoadedState.ColReorder.length == this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ) { aiOrder = this.s.dt.oLoadedState.ColReorder; } /* If we have an order to apply - do so */ if ( aiOrder ) { /* We might be called during or after the DataTables initialisation. If before, then we need * to wait until the draw is done, if after, then do what we need to do right away */ if ( !that.s.dt._bInitComplete ) { var bDone = false; this.s.dt.aoDrawCallback.push( { "fn": function () { if ( !that.s.dt._bInitComplete && !bDone ) { bDone = true; var resort = fnInvertKeyValues( aiOrder ); that._fnOrderColumns.call( that, resort ); } }, "sName": "ColReorder_Pre" } ); } else {
for birdwatching. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve — the largest tropical rainforest in Central America. When refering to Copan Ruinas many people call it just "Copan" But that is incorrect. "Copan" is actually the name of the departamento (like a state). If you want to refer to Copan Ruinas then you need to use the full name, "Copan Ruinas" which translates to "The ruins of Copan". Citzens of the EU, Japan, Norway, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland,India and most western countries do not need a visa. If you do need a visa, contact a Honduran consulate. Do note that there is a USD3 fee for all citizens of non Central American countries upon entry via land. Honduras has three major international airports with daily flights to Atlanta, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York and Houston are in San Pedro Sula airport code SAP, Tegucigalpa (Toncontin) airport code TGU and Roatan airport code RTB. The main international airlines serving the region are Avianca, Copa Air, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Spirit, and American Airlines. Iberia, Spain operates daily flights from Madrid to San Pedro Sula via Guatemala City (connecting with TACA). Maya Island Air also has a direct flight from Belize to San Pedro Sula (phone number 011-501-223-1140 or [email protected]). For domestic flights check Isleña, Atlantic and Aerolinas Sosa. Note that the interior domestic airlines frequently have flight cancellations, do not guarantee service, and are under no obligation to issue refunds if a flight does not occur. However, American carriers and their international code share partners listed above guarantee travel per U.S. industry standards. Hence, it is advisable not to rely on a domestic carrier to connect to an outbound international flight without having an alternative means to get to the departure point of the foreign bound aircraft in a timely fashion. For instance, if a flight cancellation occurs in La Ceiba headed to San Pedro Sula due to insufficient ticket sales (a common occurrence), a taxi can be hired for a $50-$100 spot price to run the distance in under two and a half hours. Note that if flying out of San Pedro Sula you will be charged a hefty 37.50$ (34$ if you are from Honduras) airport tax. From mid February 2015 onwards this exit tax will be included in the price of the air ticket. Possible from Guatemala, El Salvador, or Nicaragua. Cars are a good selection, but you must always be careful since the roads are not as well developed but good enough to have a pleasant ride. Traffic enforcement outside of stops to curtail the drug trade is minimal to non-existent, and drivers should be cautious of speeding vehicles as well as aggressive driving tactics (e.g. passing on uphill, curved terrain). Due to the confusing layout of border controls, it's easy to enter or leave Honduras without obtaining the appropriate stamp in your passport. Be aware that you may then be arrested and/or be given a heavy fine for having crossed the border illegally. Hedman Alas, have their own secure terminal at the rear of the main bus station with waiting room, smoking lounge and cafeteria. First Class buses to and from Guatemala City, Copan, Tegucigalpa, Tela, La Ceiba and the San Pedro Sula airport. El Rey Express, Telephone: 550 8355. Direct Buses to and from Tegucigalpa, hourly. Catisa-Tupsa, Telephone: 552 1042. Direct Buses to and from Tela and La Ceiba, hourly. Toritos and Copanecos, Telephone: 553 4930. Direct Buses to and from Nueva Ocotepeque via Santa Rosa de Copan, 7 to 8 buses daily. Citul, Telephone: 553 0070. Buses to and from Puerto Cortes, hourly. Tica Bus, Telephone: 556-5149. Direct buses to and from Managua and El Salvador. Update June 2014: The location of Tica Bus Station in
for birdwatching. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve — the largest tropical rainforest in Central America. When refering to Copan Ruinas many people call it just "Copan" But that is incorrect. "Copan" is actually the name of the departamento (like a state). If you want to refer to Copan Ruinas then you need to use the full name, "Copan Ruinas" which translates to "The ruins of Copan". Citzens of the EU, Japan, Norway, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland,India and most western countries do not need a visa. If you do need a visa, contact a Honduran consulate. Do note that there is a USD3 fee for all citizens of non Central American countries upon entry via land. Honduras has three major international airports with daily flights to Atlanta, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York and Houston are in San Pedro Sula airport code SAP, Tegucigalpa (Toncontin) airport code TGU and Roatan airport code RTB. The main international airlines serving the region are Avianca, Copa Air, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Spirit, and American Airlines. Iberia, Spain operates daily flights from Madrid to San Pedro Sula via Guatemala City (connecting with TACA). Maya Island Air also has a direct flight from Belize to San Pedro Sula (phone number 011-501-223-1140 or [email protected]). For domestic flights check Isleña, Atlantic and Aerolinas Sosa. Note that the interior domestic airlines frequently have flight cancellations, do not guarantee service, and are under no obligation to issue refunds if a flight does not occur. However, American carriers and their international code share partners listed above guarantee travel per U.S. industry standards. Hence, it is advisable not to rely on a domestic carrier to connect to an outbound international flight without having an alternative means to get to the departure point of the foreign bound aircraft in a timely fashion. For instance, if a flight cancellation occurs in La Ceiba headed to San Pedro Sula due to insufficient ticket sales (a common occurrence), a taxi can be hired for a $50-$100 spot price to run the distance in under two and a half hours. Note that if flying out of San Pedro Sula you will be charged a hefty 37.50$ (34$ if you are from Honduras) airport tax. From mid February 2015 onwards this exit tax will be included in the price of the air ticket. Possible from Guatemala, El Salvador, or Nicaragua. Cars are a good selection, but you must always be careful since the roads are not as well developed but good enough to have a pleasant ride. Traffic enforcement outside of stops to curtail the drug trade is minimal to non-existent, and drivers should be cautious of speeding vehicles as well as aggressive driving tactics (e.g. passing on uphill, curved terrain). Due to the confusing layout of border controls, it's easy to enter or leave Honduras without obtaining the appropriate stamp in your passport. Be aware that you may then be arrested and/or be given a heavy fine for having crossed the border illegally. Hedman Alas, have their own secure terminal at the rear of the main bus station with waiting room, smoking lounge and cafeteria. First Class buses to and from Guatemala City, Copan, Tegucigalpa, Tela, La Ceiba and the San Pedro Sula airport. El Rey Express, Telephone: 550 8355. Direct Buses to and from Tegucigalpa, hourly. Catisa-Tupsa, Telephone: 552 1042. Direct Buses to and from Tela and La Ceiba, hourly. Toritos and Copanecos, Telephone: 553 4930. Direct Buses to and from Nueva Ocotepeque via Santa Rosa de Copan, 7 to 8 buses daily. Citul, Telephone: 553 0070. Buses to and from Puerto Cortes, hourly. Tica Bus, Telephone: 556-5149. Direct buses to and from Managua and El Salvador. Update June 2014: The location of Tica Bus Station in
Tegus has MOVED. It's no longer in Comayagüela, but moved to the southern suburbs of Tegucigalpa, beyond the airport. A taxi cost around 120L. Taking the local bus is a great mode of transportation from and to cities within Honduras. Buses are affordable and efficient for you to travel along with the locals. Understand that the earlier you get on a bus, the more time you can spend in the city of your choice. Depending on how many stops the driver makes determines the length of travel time. If you need help knowing the exact fare or which stop is best to get off, ask the locals. Remember the bus is an everyday activity for them. Boats from Belize come in to the Caribbean ports like Puerto Cortes, but schedules are not regular and cannot be checked through the internet. Cruise ships commonly stop at the Bay Islands, however. Railways in Honduras have been built in the northern lowlands (Valle de Sula) since 1880s by two competing banana growers. They never extended to the capital Tegucigalpa or to the Pacific coast and never linked to other countries. San Pedro Sula - Puerto Cortes (50km, freight trains carrying mainly lumber) and occasional passenger trains around San Pedro Sula, for example during carneval and other holidays. Line between La Unión and Parque Nacional Cuero y Salado (9km, transport of coconuts to a processing plant and of tourists to national park). There are many rental car companies. Most have locations at San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa airports. Hertz, Budget, Avis, National, have local franchisees. Also independent car rental companies are available with competitive rates. There is regular ferry boat service from La Ceiba to the Bay Islands of Roatan and Utila. Service to Roatan is on the Galaxy Wave II. The ferry trip costs less than flying, and leaves (mostly) on time. A round-trip prima class ticket costs $53; round-trip general class, $43. Both First Class and general seating areas are comfortable and offer air conditioning and flat-screen TVs for your entertainment. The crossing takes about 80 minutes each way. Service to Utila is on the Utila Dream. Tickets cost about $25 each way and the crossing takes about 60 minutes. Both ferries leave from the same dock. You should arrive at the dock in La Ceiba about an hour early to buy tickets and check luggage. **If travelling to the bay islands during Semana Santa (Easter week) it is highly recommended to fly, as the wait for a ferry can be up to 8 hours. If you are a Senior citizen you will find the rate very attractive. If you are prone to sea sickness, the trip North to Roatan can be very uncomfortable, as the Galaxy is fighting the currents. Windy days, re-consider. Otherwise it is a delightful trip, Utila to the West and the Cayos to the East. Last trip of the day to Roatan is awesome with a fanastic sunset. Galaxy II schedule: Roatan - La Ceiba 7AM.; La Ceiba - Roatan 10AM. Roatan - La Ceiba 1 PM, La Ceiba - Roatan 4PM. Utila Dream Ferry: Utila - La Ceiba 7:00AM, La Ceiba - Utila 9:00AM, Utila - La Ceiba 3:20PM, La Ceiba - Utila 4:40PM. Hitchhiking is common in rural areas, even for single women, when there is no proper bus connection. By asking around you will be pointed to the various departure points. Expect to pay the equivalent bus fare at the conclusion of your journey. Spanish is the primary language spoken. English is hardly spoken outside of the biggest towns or the Bay Islands where it is a native tongue. In some areas such as Utila, Spanish and English have hybridized to produce a pidgin tongue that can at times be indecipherable even to native speakers of both languages. Native languages (Lenca, Miskitu, Garifuna, among others) are spoken in various parts of the country, but a Spanish speaker should never be hard to find. Keep a tourist's eye out for "missionary speakers," that is, English or Spanish speaking Hondurans who retain
wonderful opportunity at the fringe. SUZANNE JEANS Suzanne was born and brought up on the Wirral. After graduating from Uni.Kent with a BA Hon. in Theatre Studies, she qualified as a teacher of Drama /Theatre Studies & worked for over 30 years, before setting up a library in an 11-16 school. She took early retirement in 2017 to care for her mother and is married with two daughters, a husband and 3 - legged cat. Apart from writing, Suzanne also enjoys swimming, walking, reading and pottering in the garden. In 2018 whilst on Jury Service, she began ‘dabbling’, joined the Manchester Irish Writer's group and was delighted when her ideas and words were well received by the group. With the encouragement, support and advice of her family, this is her first script, which is semi-biographical. PETE BARRETT Pete has been writing plays for over 40 years with numerous amateur productions. He has written 11 children’s books, short stories for the Interact Charity, dozens of sketches & three musicals. In his spare time he sleeps www.petebarrett.co.uk We are pleased to announce the three winning scripts received from 266 submissions, from 23 countries and evaluated anonymously by our 40 readers and the short-list of nine by our two judges: Joan Lane & Andrew C Wadsworth (In no particular order) Script No. Title Author 184 The Ice Queen. Pete Barrett (Colchester) 58 An Absence Of Suzanne Jeans (Knutsford) 213 One, Two, TREE Adam Colclough (Stockport) The other short-listed ; Golden Mile by Sarah A Lacon (Shropshire), Thespian by Brian Young (Tasmania), Whistle Blower by Peter Harrison (Cheshire), The Man Who Almost by Adam Thorn (Wilts), Audience Antics by Andrew Turner (Lancs), Mahatmas by Michael John Simms (S W London). All three plays will be performed nightly during the Fringe Festival on October the 3rd, 4th & 5th at The Old Court, Windsor, when the overall winner of the £500 prize, will be announced at the Awards Ceremony after the last performance. www.windsorfringe.co.uk [email protected] THE WINDSOR FRINGE KENNETH BRANAGH DRAMA AWARD LONG LIST 2019 Script no Title Writer 238 DUVET DAY Carolyn Chinn (W. Sussex) 266 THE WAR AT HOME Catherine Higgins-Moore (N .Ireland) 149 RED, WHITE & BLUE GINGER L. Blackwell (N. London) 103 EXCLUDED Clara Shaw (Essex) 22 FREEHOLD Roger Goldsmith (Hants) 246 CONTACTLESS Pete Talman (E.Sussex) 47 MRS ORWELL Mike Pearcy (Burnham) 194 THE SAVIOUR Joe Laredo (Stony Stratford) 104 OUR TIME IS NOW Joel Kaye (Oxford) 257 AUDIENCE ANTICS Andrew Turner (Bolton) 41 THE CENSOR Sarah Isaacs (E. London) 13 LADY IN BLACK Elizabeth Sinclair (Bali, Indonesia) 43 A PROPER KILLING Helen Rana (Bristol) 19 BARK Stephanie Dickson (E. London) 5 AN UNLAWFUL COMPELLING Edwin Preece (W. Sussex) 118 THE NEXT MOVE William Ivor Fowkes (U.S.A) 58 AN ABDENCE OF Suzanne Jeans (Cheshire) 93 NO LEFT TURN Christine Lalla (N. London) 203 A CRITICAL SITUATION Tommy Nicholson (Ireland) 225 MR EVERYONE Rob Keeley (Wirral) 172 MAHATMAS Michael John Simms (SW London) 90
wonderful opportunity at the fringe. SUZANNE JEANS Suzanne was born and brought up on the Wirral. After graduating from Uni.Kent with a BA Hon. in Theatre Studies, she qualified as a teacher of Drama /Theatre Studies & worked for over 30 years, before setting up a library in an 11-16 school. She took early retirement in 2017 to care for her mother and is married with two daughters, a husband and 3 - legged cat. Apart from writing, Suzanne also enjoys swimming, walking, reading and pottering in the garden. In 2018 whilst on Jury Service, she began ‘dabbling’, joined the Manchester Irish Writer's group and was delighted when her ideas and words were well received by the group. With the encouragement, support and advice of her family, this is her first script, which is semi-biographical. PETE BARRETT Pete has been writing plays for over 40 years with numerous amateur productions. He has written 11 children’s books, short stories for the Interact Charity, dozens of sketches & three musicals. In his spare time he sleeps www.petebarrett.co.uk We are pleased to announce the three winning scripts received from 266 submissions, from 23 countries and evaluated anonymously by our 40 readers and the short-list of nine by our two judges: Joan Lane & Andrew C Wadsworth (In no particular order) Script No. Title Author 184 The Ice Queen. Pete Barrett (Colchester) 58 An Absence Of Suzanne Jeans (Knutsford) 213 One, Two, TREE Adam Colclough (Stockport) The other short-listed ; Golden Mile by Sarah A Lacon (Shropshire), Thespian by Brian Young (Tasmania), Whistle Blower by Peter Harrison (Cheshire), The Man Who Almost by Adam Thorn (Wilts), Audience Antics by Andrew Turner (Lancs), Mahatmas by Michael John Simms (S W London). All three plays will be performed nightly during the Fringe Festival on October the 3rd, 4th & 5th at The Old Court, Windsor, when the overall winner of the £500 prize, will be announced at the Awards Ceremony after the last performance. www.windsorfringe.co.uk [email protected] THE WINDSOR FRINGE KENNETH BRANAGH DRAMA AWARD LONG LIST 2019 Script no Title Writer 238 DUVET DAY Carolyn Chinn (W. Sussex) 266 THE WAR AT HOME Catherine Higgins-Moore (N .Ireland) 149 RED, WHITE & BLUE GINGER L. Blackwell (N. London) 103 EXCLUDED Clara Shaw (Essex) 22 FREEHOLD Roger Goldsmith (Hants) 246 CONTACTLESS Pete Talman (E.Sussex) 47 MRS ORWELL Mike Pearcy (Burnham) 194 THE SAVIOUR Joe Laredo (Stony Stratford) 104 OUR TIME IS NOW Joel Kaye (Oxford) 257 AUDIENCE ANTICS Andrew Turner (Bolton) 41 THE CENSOR Sarah Isaacs (E. London) 13 LADY IN BLACK Elizabeth Sinclair (Bali, Indonesia) 43 A PROPER KILLING Helen Rana (Bristol) 19 BARK Stephanie Dickson (E. London) 5 AN UNLAWFUL COMPELLING Edwin Preece (W. Sussex) 118 THE NEXT MOVE William Ivor Fowkes (U.S.A) 58 AN ABDENCE OF Suzanne Jeans (Cheshire) 93 NO LEFT TURN Christine Lalla (N. London) 203 A CRITICAL SITUATION Tommy Nicholson (Ireland) 225 MR EVERYONE Rob Keeley (Wirral) 172 MAHATMAS Michael John Simms (SW London) 90
STRINGS Neil Edwards (N. London) 265 THESPIAN Brian Young (Tasmania) 63 WHISTLE BLOWER Peter Harrison (Cheshire) 160 A BAD DATE Colin Bucchan (Exeter) 113 THINK AND FEEL Jake Abbott (W. London) 184 THE ICE QUEEN Pete Barrett (Essex) 227 IMAGINATION GAMES Simon James (Surrey) 185 GOLDEN MILE Sarah A Lacon (Shropshire) 134 THE MAN WHO ALMOST Adam Thorn (Wilts) 31 THE LAST PARTY IN BRUNSWICK Chris Harder (USA) WE WELCOME OUR JUDGES Joan Lane & Andrew C Wadsworth Joan Lane Joan so enjoyed being one of our judges for 2018, that she was delighted to be asked again. She has worked in arts management and production for 30 years. We welcome her “on board” again and we’re very fortunate to have her. Joan is known for having developed the film ‘The Kings Speech’, directed by Tom Hooper, starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter, having discovered the then unknown author David Steidler, and adapting it from his stage play. She trained as a Speech and Language Therapist, with a background as a music scholar and has also worked as a vocal consultant. Her varied work in music, film and television expose Joan to scripts and screenplays. With a background of language, Joan began to work with and edit writer’s work/ scripts. She now spends most of her working hours doing just that. Currently four TV series on which she has worked with first time writers are under consideration and three films are expected to go into production in 2018. Her company, Wild Thyme Productions, has toured six innovative productions of Shakespeare’s plays in the UK and Germany and mounted world premiere showcases and readings of new plays and musicals in London. She is a member of Musical Theatre Network UK, concerned with the writing of new musicals, and a member of the British Shakespeare Association. Primarily engaged as a Consultant by the BBC, Joan’s skills were used for the recording, filming and Royal Opera House performance of ‘The Little Prince’. She was a director for BBC Radio Two and BBC Television’s New Talent UK-wide search for the ‘Voice of Musical Theatre’, involved with background music for the film ‘The Actors’, coordinated the participation of singing Angels for Stephen Fry’s directorial film debut ‘Bright Young Things’ and worked on the BBC’s Promenade Concert/Opera ‘The Water Diviner’s Tale’. As well as touring with her own company, Joan has worked on several plays at the National Theatre and toured plays with ATG and Pleasance Theatre. She recommends scripts to Russian translator colleagues and two plays were produced in Russia recently. Joan is working with new writers on two films and three new TV series. She has also developed a screenplay from a radio play and has been commissioned to write a screenplay based on a true story. The company’s latest venture - ‘HAPPY WARRIOR, a new play from a 91 year-old first time playwright, ran at ‘Upstairs at The Gatehouse’ until April 22 2018 (Wild Thyme Productions Ltd ………………………. [email protected]) Andrew C Wadsworth Andrew was a brilliant director in our 2015 award and we are fortunate to have him as a judge. He has had many years of experience in drama for the Theatre and TV and says that “recognizing a good script is essential for any actor and director." West End inc: 'Kiss Me Kate' Olivier Award Nomination Best Actor in a Musical, Javert in 'Les Miserables', Judas in 'Godspell', Anthony in 'Sweeney Todd', the original Eddie in 'Blood Brothers', Sky Masterson in 'Guys and Dolls', Lt Joe Cable in 'South Pacific', Alderman Fitzwarren in 'Dick Whittington' and Georges in 'Marguerite and The Go Between'. National Theatre inc: Tony Lumpkin in '
as pure substances or mixtures. Pure substances: drinking water, gold, sugar, salt etc. Mixtures: Air, Cold drinks, soil, brass etc. Exercise Chapter 2 Class 9 Science IS Matter Around Us Pure Ncert Solutions Question 1. Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following? (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water. (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride. (c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car. (d) Different pigments from an extract of flower petals. (e) Butter from curd. (f) Oil from water. (g) Tea leaves from tea. (h) Iron pins from sand. (i) Wheat grains from husk. (j) Fine mud particles suspended in water. (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water Evaporation. (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride Sublimation. (c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car Filtration (d) Different pigments from an extract of flower Chromatography. (e) Butter from curd Centrifugation. (f) Oil from water Using separating funnel (g) Tea leaves from tea Filtration (h) Iron pins from sand Magnetic Separation (i) Wheat grains from husk Winnowing (j) Fine mud particles suspended in water Centrifugation. Question 2. Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve, soluble, insoluble, filtrate and residue. (i) Tea can be prepared by following steps:Take 100ml of water as solvent and boil it few minutes. (ii) Now add one tea spoon sugar, one tea spoon tea leaves and 50ml of milk. Here sugar, tea leaves and milk are solute. (iii) Now boil it again for few minutes so that sugar will dissolves in solution as sugar is soluble in water (iv) Now filter the solution. Collect the filtrate in cup. The insoluble tea leaves will be left behind as residue. Question 3. Pragya tested the solubility of three different substances at different temperatures and collected the data as given below (results are given in the following table, as grams of substance dissolved in 100 grams of water to form a saturated solution). (a) What mass of potassium nitrate would be needed to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50 grams of water at 313 K? (b) Pragya makes a saturated solution of potassium chloride in water at 353 K and leaves the solution to cool at room temperature. What would she observe as the solution cools? Explain. (c) Find the solubility of each salt at 293 K. Which salt has the highest solubility at this temperature? (d) What is the effect of change of temperature on the solubility of a salt? (a) At 313K 62g of potassium nitrate dissolved in 100g of water. So to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50g of water we need of potassium nitrate. (b)Some soluble potassium chloride will separate out in the form of crystal at room temperature because the solubility of potassium chloride will decrease. (c)(i) Solubility of Potassium nitrate at 293K is 32g. (ii) Solubility of sodium chloride at 293K is 36g. (iii) Solubility of Potassium chloride at 293K is 35g. (iv) Solubility of Ammonium chloride at 293K is 37g. The solubility of Ammonium chloride is highest at this temperature. (d)The solubility of salt increases with the increase in temperature. Question 4. Explain the
as pure substances or mixtures. Pure substances: drinking water, gold, sugar, salt etc. Mixtures: Air, Cold drinks, soil, brass etc. Exercise Chapter 2 Class 9 Science IS Matter Around Us Pure Ncert Solutions Question 1. Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following? (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water. (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride. (c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car. (d) Different pigments from an extract of flower petals. (e) Butter from curd. (f) Oil from water. (g) Tea leaves from tea. (h) Iron pins from sand. (i) Wheat grains from husk. (j) Fine mud particles suspended in water. (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water Evaporation. (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride Sublimation. (c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car Filtration (d) Different pigments from an extract of flower Chromatography. (e) Butter from curd Centrifugation. (f) Oil from water Using separating funnel (g) Tea leaves from tea Filtration (h) Iron pins from sand Magnetic Separation (i) Wheat grains from husk Winnowing (j) Fine mud particles suspended in water Centrifugation. Question 2. Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve, soluble, insoluble, filtrate and residue. (i) Tea can be prepared by following steps:Take 100ml of water as solvent and boil it few minutes. (ii) Now add one tea spoon sugar, one tea spoon tea leaves and 50ml of milk. Here sugar, tea leaves and milk are solute. (iii) Now boil it again for few minutes so that sugar will dissolves in solution as sugar is soluble in water (iv) Now filter the solution. Collect the filtrate in cup. The insoluble tea leaves will be left behind as residue. Question 3. Pragya tested the solubility of three different substances at different temperatures and collected the data as given below (results are given in the following table, as grams of substance dissolved in 100 grams of water to form a saturated solution). (a) What mass of potassium nitrate would be needed to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50 grams of water at 313 K? (b) Pragya makes a saturated solution of potassium chloride in water at 353 K and leaves the solution to cool at room temperature. What would she observe as the solution cools? Explain. (c) Find the solubility of each salt at 293 K. Which salt has the highest solubility at this temperature? (d) What is the effect of change of temperature on the solubility of a salt? (a) At 313K 62g of potassium nitrate dissolved in 100g of water. So to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50g of water we need of potassium nitrate. (b)Some soluble potassium chloride will separate out in the form of crystal at room temperature because the solubility of potassium chloride will decrease. (c)(i) Solubility of Potassium nitrate at 293K is 32g. (ii) Solubility of sodium chloride at 293K is 36g. (iii) Solubility of Potassium chloride at 293K is 35g. (iv) Solubility of Ammonium chloride at 293K is 37g. The solubility of Ammonium chloride is highest at this temperature. (d)The solubility of salt increases with the increase in temperature. Question 4. Explain the
following giving examples. (a) saturated solution (b) pure substance (c) colloid (d) suspension (a) Saturated solution: Solution in which no more solute can be dissolved at a particular temperature is known as saturated solution. For example in aqueous solution of sugar no more sugar can be dissolved at room temperature. (b) Pure Substance: Any substance is said to be pure if and only if it is made up of single type of particles means all the particles of that substance should be of same chemical nature. For example water, sugar, salt etc. (c) Colloid: A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture whose particles are not as small as solution but they are so small that cannot be seen by naked eye. When a beam of light is passed through a colloid then the path of the light becomes visible. For example milk, smoke etc. (d) Suspension: A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solids are dispersed in liquids. The solute particles in suspension do not dissolve but remain suspended throughout the medium. For example Paints, Muddy water chalk water mixtures etc. Question 5. Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture. Soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea. Homogeneous mixtures: Soda water, air, vinegar and filtered tea. Heterogeneous mixtures: wood and soil. Question 6. How would you confirm that a colourless liquid given to you is pure water? Answer: Take a sample of colourless liquid and put on stove if it starts boiling exactly at 100 ºC then it is pure water. Any other colourless liquid such as vinegar always have different boiling point. Also observe carefully that after some time whole liquid will convert into vapour without leaving any residue. Question 7. Which of the following materials fall in the category of a “pure substance”? (a) Ice (b) Milk (c) Iron (d) Hydrochloric acid (e) Calcium oxide (f) Mercury (g) Brick (h) Wood (i) Air. Answer: Out of the above substances only Ice, Iron, Hydrochloric acid, Calcium oxide and Mercury are pure substance. Question 8. Identify the solutions among the following mixtures. (a) Soil (b) Sea water (c) Air (d) Coal (e) Soda water. Answer: Out of the above mixtures Sea water, Air and Soda water are solution. Question 9. Which of the following will show “Tyndall effect”? (a) Salt solution (c) Copper sulphate solution (d) Starch solution. Answer: Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal solution. Here milk and starch solution are colloids therefore milk and starch solution will show Tyndall effect. Question 10. Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures. (a) Sodium (b) Soil (c) Sugar solution (d) Silver (e) Calcium carbonate (f) Tin (g) Silicon (h) Coal (i) Air (j) Soap (k) Methane (l) Carbon dioxide (m) Blood Classification of the given substances in elements compounds and mixtures Elements: Sodium, Silver, Tin and Silicon. Compounds: Calcium carbonate, Methane and carbon dioxide. Mixtures: Soil, Sugar, Coal, Air, Soap and Blood. Question 11. Which of the following are chemical changes? (a) Growth of a plant (b) Rusting of iron (c) Mixing of iron filings and sand (d) Cooking of food (e) Digestion of food (f) Freezing of water (g) Burning of a candle. Answer: Examples of chemical changes are Growth of plant, Rusting of Iron, Cooking of food, Digestion of food, and burning of candle. Home / Image Comics 24 Panels In June 2017, the Grenfell fire killed 72 people in a 24
of margin expansion we can deliver, based on things we have 100 percent control of," McDonald said. Earnings before interest and taxes for the first nine months of Adient's 2016 fiscal year were $1.2 billion, or 9.4 percent of revenues. For its 2017 fiscal year, Adient last month projected revenues between $16.8 billion and $17 billion, and adjusted net income of $850 million to $900 million. Foster said the company believes the North American and Chinese vehicle markets will continue to be strong. "We don't see a softening going forward," he said. The company has said it expects to book about $6 billion in new business this year in its consolidated and joint venture operations, up from $3.55 billion booked in 2015. Adient shares were trading at $45.37 a share in mid-afternoon trading, down about 1.3 percent, despite positive analyst comments about the company. They closed down 47 cents, or 1 percent, at $45.51. Shares of former parent JCI, now focused on energy management systems for buildings, were up 2.7 percent at $40.23, and closed at $40.32, for a gain of $1.16 or nearly 3 percent. McDonald and Foster said Adient does not anticipate major acquisitions, although it could consider deals to acquire emerging technology or expand in Southeast Asia. "Our industry is an oligopoly to some extent," McDonald said. "Buying one of our largest competitors doesn't make a lot of sense." Frank Hasenfratz turned a one-man tool shop into Linamar, a global auto powerhouse Adient begins life as world's No. 1 seat maker OSHA fines Ohio plastics supplier Sanoh America for 'work-related' COVID-19 death Honda and LG Energy Solution plan U.S. battery joint venture, report says Sponsored Content: Is your business taking advantage during site selection? Sponsored Content: Kunes Country Auto Group grows nine times its size with Auto/Mate® Wine Words: Natural Wines and No Pretense in a North Shore Paradise Howie Correa discusses his wine philosophy at Short & Main and The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove by Lauren Friel Aug 25, 2016, 4:53pm EDT Share All sharing options for: Wine Words: Natural Wines and No Pretense in a North Shore Paradise The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove in Gloucester Part of Food-Filled New England Day Trips Outside of Boston Welcome to the inaugural edition of Wine Words, a series in which Eater Boston contributor Lauren Friel interviews some of the most interesting wine professionals in the Boston-area restaurant scene. Howie Correa is pretty sure he was the last person on earth to find a job by answering an ad in a newspaper. "I think everything went to Craigslist immediately after me. It just gives you an idea of when this all started," he jokes. It’s early morning in Gloucester, and we’re sitting in an empty Short & Main, the year-round pizza foil to seasonal seafood spot The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove. Usually, this is the time of day when a restaurant’s blemishes show — when the curtain gets pulled back just a little without the benefit of warm lighting and convivial chatter. But even with full morning light pouring through the windows, Short & Main maintains that cool West Coast neighborhood vibe. Even empty, it feels like your best friend’s dining room. At least some of this has to do with the presence of Correa, sommelier and working partner, who greets me at the door with damp hair and a hug, not a handshake. He ushers me inside, sits down, and apologizes for nothing in particular. "We had friends in this weekend," he explains. "Lots of late nights; lots of wine." A realized restaurant utopia We might be sitting on a corner in the postage-stamp downtown of a working class New England fishing mecca, but it’s undeniable that Correa is at the helm of what seems to be realized restaurant
of margin expansion we can deliver, based on things we have 100 percent control of," McDonald said. Earnings before interest and taxes for the first nine months of Adient's 2016 fiscal year were $1.2 billion, or 9.4 percent of revenues. For its 2017 fiscal year, Adient last month projected revenues between $16.8 billion and $17 billion, and adjusted net income of $850 million to $900 million. Foster said the company believes the North American and Chinese vehicle markets will continue to be strong. "We don't see a softening going forward," he said. The company has said it expects to book about $6 billion in new business this year in its consolidated and joint venture operations, up from $3.55 billion booked in 2015. Adient shares were trading at $45.37 a share in mid-afternoon trading, down about 1.3 percent, despite positive analyst comments about the company. They closed down 47 cents, or 1 percent, at $45.51. Shares of former parent JCI, now focused on energy management systems for buildings, were up 2.7 percent at $40.23, and closed at $40.32, for a gain of $1.16 or nearly 3 percent. McDonald and Foster said Adient does not anticipate major acquisitions, although it could consider deals to acquire emerging technology or expand in Southeast Asia. "Our industry is an oligopoly to some extent," McDonald said. "Buying one of our largest competitors doesn't make a lot of sense." Frank Hasenfratz turned a one-man tool shop into Linamar, a global auto powerhouse Adient begins life as world's No. 1 seat maker OSHA fines Ohio plastics supplier Sanoh America for 'work-related' COVID-19 death Honda and LG Energy Solution plan U.S. battery joint venture, report says Sponsored Content: Is your business taking advantage during site selection? Sponsored Content: Kunes Country Auto Group grows nine times its size with Auto/Mate® Wine Words: Natural Wines and No Pretense in a North Shore Paradise Howie Correa discusses his wine philosophy at Short & Main and The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove by Lauren Friel Aug 25, 2016, 4:53pm EDT Share All sharing options for: Wine Words: Natural Wines and No Pretense in a North Shore Paradise The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove in Gloucester Part of Food-Filled New England Day Trips Outside of Boston Welcome to the inaugural edition of Wine Words, a series in which Eater Boston contributor Lauren Friel interviews some of the most interesting wine professionals in the Boston-area restaurant scene. Howie Correa is pretty sure he was the last person on earth to find a job by answering an ad in a newspaper. "I think everything went to Craigslist immediately after me. It just gives you an idea of when this all started," he jokes. It’s early morning in Gloucester, and we’re sitting in an empty Short & Main, the year-round pizza foil to seasonal seafood spot The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove. Usually, this is the time of day when a restaurant’s blemishes show — when the curtain gets pulled back just a little without the benefit of warm lighting and convivial chatter. But even with full morning light pouring through the windows, Short & Main maintains that cool West Coast neighborhood vibe. Even empty, it feels like your best friend’s dining room. At least some of this has to do with the presence of Correa, sommelier and working partner, who greets me at the door with damp hair and a hug, not a handshake. He ushers me inside, sits down, and apologizes for nothing in particular. "We had friends in this weekend," he explains. "Lots of late nights; lots of wine." A realized restaurant utopia We might be sitting on a corner in the postage-stamp downtown of a working class New England fishing mecca, but it’s undeniable that Correa is at the helm of what seems to be realized restaurant
utopia. Currently, he’s in charge of the beverage programs for two of the most beloved spots on the East Coast, both boasting charming locales, effortless spaces, and — let’s be honest — a staff whose physical beauty tends to be just as alluring as the food. Perhaps most impressive is that after six years in business with local and national accolades, Short & Main and The Market Restaurant still feel like well-kept secrets, maybe due in part to their disinterest with keeping up with trends. "We’re lucky that we’re sort of in a vacuum out here in Gloucester," Correa says. "We can be confident and serve what we want, not because we have to or because it’s what people ask for, but because it’s what we believe in." Seaside Shangri-La aside, we all start somewhere. A Sacramento native, Correa started with that newspaper ad — a listing for a job at Town Hall, a San Francisco restaurant with a wine list that went deeper than the local Cabernet fare. From there, his resume reads a bit like a Bay Area greatest hits list: stints at Chez Panisse, Delfina, and Bar Tartine, the aggregate impression left on him being that drinking culture could be a way to connect that we don’t often consider. A drinking culture that's not about taking shots at the bar "There’s joy and conviviality, that little bit of hedonism, making the best, and enjoying what you have with friends," he says. "It’s not about taking shots at the bar." Looking to learn more than he could find in a dining room, he headed to Sonoma and joined up with Scribe, a boutique winery determined to break away from the usual suspects. "What I loved about them was that they weren’t trying to tell you what they were. They were saying, ‘Let’s make a dry Riesling; let’s see what that’s like.’ It was new." It’s true that Correa only landed permanently on the East Coast three years ago, but the wine lists at both Short & Main and The Market lean markedly away from his West Coast roots. It seems, in fact, that his love for wine developed largely in spite of his proximate residence. "In California, you’re very much aware of the wine industry in one way or another," he says. "You can’t ignore it. Monoculture is everywhere. There’s an environmental degradation associated with some of those practices that I have no interest in contributing to." He credits his years at Chez Panisse with helping him understand what responsible agriculture looks like and the ways in which it can contribute to a community. Appropriately, then, the majority of the wines served at both restaurants are small-production and naturally made, though he’s up front about the challenges of selling natural wine on the North Shore. "I try to take the pretense out of it," he says. For him, staff involvement is a large part of the pretense antidote. "Our servers taste every bottle, so they can talk to guests about what they love and what they’re excited about. Hopefully, that brings some humanity back to what we’re doing." "If you want to sell natural wine, just smile more" "If you want to sell natural wine, just smile more," he jokes, but there’s some method to the niceness, too. Short & Main offers a rotating glass-pour-only selection, and at The Market the list is limited to one page. Larger lists just don’t suit the restaurants’ concepts, and it’s not necessarily great from a sales perspective, either. "If someone’s handed a huge wine list — unless they’re really into wine — they’re going to go for what they know. Then you’re just selling Sancerre all the time." Correa also leans on the easy joy he finds in bottle-fermented Italian bubbles, in particular the Fondo Bozzole ‘Incantabiss’ Lambrusco. Owing to the nature of the food, there’s a strong Italian showing on the list, but he loves the wine for more than just its provenance. "You can give that wine to someone on a hot summer day, and they’ll say, ‘This isn’t the big red wine I was looking for, but it has everything I want, and it’s so refreshing.’" That spirit of generosity,
Arizona open in 2024, an update to its earlier public statements, after US customers including Apple Inc. pressured the company to do so, according to people familiar with the matter. TSMC is expected to announce the new plan when the president Joe Biden and the Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raymondor, visit Phoenix for a ceremony next Tuesday, said the sources, who asked not to be identified because the matter is private. The TSMC factory had been slated to manufacture 5-nanometer semiconductorsa standard that will be far from the cutting edge by 2024. The Taiwanese company is also will commit to adding a second plant nearby, which will make even more advanced 3-nanometer chipsthey explained. TSMC previously said it would make 20,000 wafers a month at the Arizona facility, though production may increase from those original plans, they said. Apple will use about a third of production as production begins. TSMC’s factory had been slated to make 5-nanometer semiconductors, a standard that will be far from the cutting edge by 2024. The Taiwanese company will also commit to adding a second plant nearby, which will make even more advanced 3-nanometer chips, they explained. Photographer: Maurice Tsai/Bloomberg Apple and other big tech companies rely on TSMC for their chip-making needs, and the switch means they’ll be able to get more of their processors from the United States. Apple CEO Tim Cook previously told employees that his company plans to source chips from the Arizona plant. He is scheduled to attend the event next week, sources confirmed. A representative for TSMC declined to comment. Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Supply chain disruptions and trade tensions with China have spurred efforts to bring more manufacturing to the United States and Europe. US lawmakers also approved the Chip and Science Act this year, offering $50 billion in incentives for companies looking to build semiconductors in the country. TSMC is likely to receive billions in subsidies. The possibility of China taking over Taiwan has also generated worries about reliance on that region for much of the semiconductor industry’s current supply. Island-based TSMC is the global provider of chips that power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. Most of its production is still centralized in Taiwan. About a third of the production will be used by Apple as production begins. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo In addition to Apple, TSMC customers like Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Nvidia Corp. have asked the Taiwanese company to make more sophisticated chips at the Arizona plant, according to people familiar with the discussions. AMD CEO Lisa Su and Nvidia boss Jensen Huang are expected to attend the event. Representatives for AMD and Nvidia declined to comment. TSMC customers have asked the company to deploy its latest technologies simultaneously in the United States and Taiwan, they explained, which would help meet the Biden administration’s goal of having the world’s most advanced chips produced on US soil. But TSMC hasn’t committed to that approach, and Taiwanese and company officials have said they intend to keep the latest technology in-house. (with data from Bloomberg) behest Previous articleNetflix: Documentary about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gets trailer Next articleHere’s Oppo’s Android 13 update plan To Leslie: understand how the film’s actress could lose an Oscar... 1st Annual SecureWorld Financial Services Virtual Conference 2023 May 17, 2023 | 10:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time | #SecureWorldVirtual Top 10 Reasons to Attend SecureWorld Location / Room: Exhibitor Floor OPENING KEYNOTE Reducing Complexity While Increasing Data Protection in Financial Services Financial service firms have a responsibility to provide fool-proof security to instill faith in customers, and send a strong message that combating threats is a prime objective. They cannot afford to be complacent, especially when the majority of information produced or utilized in financial services is private and sensitive, not to mention highly regulated. All this adds up to make cybersecurity vital to business. Building sustainable ongoing security starts with all-inclusive optics into the sensitivity of data and automated organization-wide control of it
Arizona open in 2024, an update to its earlier public statements, after US customers including Apple Inc. pressured the company to do so, according to people familiar with the matter. TSMC is expected to announce the new plan when the president Joe Biden and the Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raymondor, visit Phoenix for a ceremony next Tuesday, said the sources, who asked not to be identified because the matter is private. The TSMC factory had been slated to manufacture 5-nanometer semiconductorsa standard that will be far from the cutting edge by 2024. The Taiwanese company is also will commit to adding a second plant nearby, which will make even more advanced 3-nanometer chipsthey explained. TSMC previously said it would make 20,000 wafers a month at the Arizona facility, though production may increase from those original plans, they said. Apple will use about a third of production as production begins. TSMC’s factory had been slated to make 5-nanometer semiconductors, a standard that will be far from the cutting edge by 2024. The Taiwanese company will also commit to adding a second plant nearby, which will make even more advanced 3-nanometer chips, they explained. Photographer: Maurice Tsai/Bloomberg Apple and other big tech companies rely on TSMC for their chip-making needs, and the switch means they’ll be able to get more of their processors from the United States. Apple CEO Tim Cook previously told employees that his company plans to source chips from the Arizona plant. He is scheduled to attend the event next week, sources confirmed. A representative for TSMC declined to comment. Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Supply chain disruptions and trade tensions with China have spurred efforts to bring more manufacturing to the United States and Europe. US lawmakers also approved the Chip and Science Act this year, offering $50 billion in incentives for companies looking to build semiconductors in the country. TSMC is likely to receive billions in subsidies. The possibility of China taking over Taiwan has also generated worries about reliance on that region for much of the semiconductor industry’s current supply. Island-based TSMC is the global provider of chips that power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. Most of its production is still centralized in Taiwan. About a third of the production will be used by Apple as production begins. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo In addition to Apple, TSMC customers like Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Nvidia Corp. have asked the Taiwanese company to make more sophisticated chips at the Arizona plant, according to people familiar with the discussions. AMD CEO Lisa Su and Nvidia boss Jensen Huang are expected to attend the event. Representatives for AMD and Nvidia declined to comment. TSMC customers have asked the company to deploy its latest technologies simultaneously in the United States and Taiwan, they explained, which would help meet the Biden administration’s goal of having the world’s most advanced chips produced on US soil. But TSMC hasn’t committed to that approach, and Taiwanese and company officials have said they intend to keep the latest technology in-house. (with data from Bloomberg) behest Previous articleNetflix: Documentary about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gets trailer Next articleHere’s Oppo’s Android 13 update plan To Leslie: understand how the film’s actress could lose an Oscar... 1st Annual SecureWorld Financial Services Virtual Conference 2023 May 17, 2023 | 10:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time | #SecureWorldVirtual Top 10 Reasons to Attend SecureWorld Location / Room: Exhibitor Floor OPENING KEYNOTE Reducing Complexity While Increasing Data Protection in Financial Services Financial service firms have a responsibility to provide fool-proof security to instill faith in customers, and send a strong message that combating threats is a prime objective. They cannot afford to be complacent, especially when the majority of information produced or utilized in financial services is private and sensitive, not to mention highly regulated. All this adds up to make cybersecurity vital to business. Building sustainable ongoing security starts with all-inclusive optics into the sensitivity of data and automated organization-wide control of it
. Organizations can assemble all this with multiple solutions, but doing so is time-consuming, expensive, and can be fraught with integration woes. There’s a better way. This session takes a deep dive into reducing complexity in sensitive and private data protection, including: How to dig deep across the enterprise into every place sensitive data may be stored, from data lakes to endpoint devices The benefit of automatic policy-specific remediation, including masking, redaction, deletion, and encryption How to scale data protection and compliance as data volumes increase Democratizing Threat Modeling Across the Enterprise Karen Harris VP, Threat Modeling Center of Excellence, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Key Take-Away: Understand how to better plan, deliver, and execute Threat Modeling across the enterprise. This presentation will help answer the following questions and more: How do you apply governance principles to Threat Modeling? How to apply Threat Modeling across multiple engagement types? How do you develop and execute the best training plan for your organization? How do you ensure enterprise stakeholders including cybersecurity teams and different lines of business benefit from Threat Modeling as a service on an ongoing basis? Top 10 Activities to Avoid Identity Theft / Financial Fraud In the increasingly online world we live in, many people are concerned about having their identity stolen. A few simple precautions can go a long way to avoiding the hassle of identity theft. Join us as we explore ten action steps that we as consumers can take to lower the likelihood and impact of identity theft. Presentation Level: GENERAL (InfoSec best practices, trends, solutions, etc.) [Panel] CISOs in Financial Services Brenden Smith CISO, FirstBank Session description and speaker lineup to come. The State of the Cybersecurity Workforce 2023 Job Data: It Will Surprise You! Deidre Diamond Founder and CEO, CyberSN and Secure Diversity Session description to come. Developing a Crisis Management Playbook When a data breach or other cyber incident happens, having a plan in place can mean the difference between a quick recovery and unwanted headlines and irreparable harm to stakeholder trust. A Look into Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) for FinTechs and Startups How to navigate the establishment of a TPRM program for FinTechs and Startups with simplicity. You have a great idea, you pitch it and the investors love it, you received your first (or second) round of funding, but now you are left stumped. A sponsor is asking you how are you managing the risk of your third parties. You think, I don’t have any “third parties” then you remember your cloud service provider, you connected APIs, the applications your employees (hopefully) installed via legitimate channels, the open-source software used in the development, and all the unknowns. You are left thinking you may have just opened Pandora’s box. How do you navigate this process, now, tomorrow, and into the future? SecureWorld Financial Services 2023 Karen Harris is a seasoned banking and threat modeling pro, with over 20 years global technical delivery and development expertise, as well as five plus years working in the risk and threat modeling space. Karen was previously with Capital One and Bank of America, where as senior architect and threat modeling manager she helped implement new threat modeling tools, policies, and guidelines, as well as developing and executing introductory and advanced bootcamp threat modeling training courses. Karen is a native New Yorker and enjoys tennis and photography equally. https://www.efirstbank.com/ Brenden Smith is the Chief Information Security Officer at FirstBank. Having spent the last 10 years at FirstBank he is passionate about their community involvement and “Banking for Good” philosophy. In his current role Brenden is focused on aligning security with the needs of the business to help drive better business outcomes through better partnership. His passions include dark web research and the ever evolving space of data privacy. https://www.cybersn.com/ Deidre Diamond is the founder and CEO of CyberSN, the largest cybersecurity talent acquisition technology and services firm in the U.S., transforming job searching and hiring for the cybersecurity industry
Sign On) on my Asp.Net MVC applications. Please consider the points below below for your kind suggestions: * *I have 3 Asp.Net MVC applications where I want to enable SSO for them. *I know I can achieve SSO by ADFS (Active directory Federation Services), but I don't want to use it as I want my external users (end-users) to login in all my 3 applications via SSO. *(Correct me If I wrong here because as far as I know, ADFS can be used for Active Directory users (meaning company-wide internal users) and not for external end-users. If we can use ADFS for external users, please do let me know how we should achieve it. *I also don't want to use OpenID. *I want to build SSO own for these 3 applications and want to enable SSO between them. *I want to build SSO that can be used in production environment for these 3 applications. Could you please give me your suggestions on it about how would I achieve SSO by considering all above points? Thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome! A: The suggestion would be to use the IdentityServer (http://thinktecture.github.com/Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2/), a replacement for ADFS, which uses the same authentication protocol (WS-Federation) but allows you to plugin your custom membership provider. In addition, the IdentityServer supports some features ADFS lacks and is quite extensible. A: Are your applications in the same domain? If so, can you use Forms Authentication Across Applications? Q: Can you pipe into the bash strings command? The strings command is a handy tool to extract printable strings from binary input files. I've used it with files plenty. But what if I wish to stream to it? A use case is grepping a stream of data that may be binary for specific strings. I tried data-source | strings -- - | grep needle to see if the - had it treat stdin as a file type, but this doesn't work, strings just waits. A: If you look at the help for strings: Usage: strings [option(s)] [file(s)] Display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default) You see that stdin is the default behavior if there are no arguments. By adding - the behavior seems to change, which is strange, but I was able to reproduce that result too. So it seems the correct way to do what you want is: data-source | strings | grep needle In a comment, you asked why not strings datasource |grep -o needle ? If you could arrange that command so datasource is a stream, it might work, but it's usually easier to arrange that using |. For example, the below are roughly equivalent in zsh. You'd have to figure out a way to do it in your shell of choice if that's not zsh. strings <(tail -f syslog) | grep msec tail -f syslog | strings | grep msec Q: Send email in asp.net,html This is my index.aspx form. <form role="form" method="post" action="SendMail.aspx"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Name" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="mobile" name="mobile" placeholder="Mobile Number" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required> </div> <button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right"> Submit Form</button> </form> And this is my SendMail.aspx form. <% Response.Write("Need : " & Request.Form("whatneed") & "<br>") Response.Write("Budget : " & Request.Form("budget") & "<br>") Response.Write("When : " & Request.Form("whenneed") & "<br>") Response.Write("Location : " & Request.Form("location") & "<br>") Response
Sign On) on my Asp.Net MVC applications. Please consider the points below below for your kind suggestions: * *I have 3 Asp.Net MVC applications where I want to enable SSO for them. *I know I can achieve SSO by ADFS (Active directory Federation Services), but I don't want to use it as I want my external users (end-users) to login in all my 3 applications via SSO. *(Correct me If I wrong here because as far as I know, ADFS can be used for Active Directory users (meaning company-wide internal users) and not for external end-users. If we can use ADFS for external users, please do let me know how we should achieve it. *I also don't want to use OpenID. *I want to build SSO own for these 3 applications and want to enable SSO between them. *I want to build SSO that can be used in production environment for these 3 applications. Could you please give me your suggestions on it about how would I achieve SSO by considering all above points? Thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome! A: The suggestion would be to use the IdentityServer (http://thinktecture.github.com/Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2/), a replacement for ADFS, which uses the same authentication protocol (WS-Federation) but allows you to plugin your custom membership provider. In addition, the IdentityServer supports some features ADFS lacks and is quite extensible. A: Are your applications in the same domain? If so, can you use Forms Authentication Across Applications? Q: Can you pipe into the bash strings command? The strings command is a handy tool to extract printable strings from binary input files. I've used it with files plenty. But what if I wish to stream to it? A use case is grepping a stream of data that may be binary for specific strings. I tried data-source | strings -- - | grep needle to see if the - had it treat stdin as a file type, but this doesn't work, strings just waits. A: If you look at the help for strings: Usage: strings [option(s)] [file(s)] Display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default) You see that stdin is the default behavior if there are no arguments. By adding - the behavior seems to change, which is strange, but I was able to reproduce that result too. So it seems the correct way to do what you want is: data-source | strings | grep needle In a comment, you asked why not strings datasource |grep -o needle ? If you could arrange that command so datasource is a stream, it might work, but it's usually easier to arrange that using |. For example, the below are roughly equivalent in zsh. You'd have to figure out a way to do it in your shell of choice if that's not zsh. strings <(tail -f syslog) | grep msec tail -f syslog | strings | grep msec Q: Send email in asp.net,html This is my index.aspx form. <form role="form" method="post" action="SendMail.aspx"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Name" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="mobile" name="mobile" placeholder="Mobile Number" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required> </div> <button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right"> Submit Form</button> </form> And this is my SendMail.aspx form. <% Response.Write("Need : " & Request.Form("whatneed") & "<br>") Response.Write("Budget : " & Request.Form("budget") & "<br>") Response.Write("When : " & Request.Form("whenneed") & "<br>") Response.Write("Location : " & Request.Form("location") & "<br>") Response
.Write("Name : " & Request.Form("name") & "<br>") Response.Write("Description : " & Request.Form("address") & "<br>") Response.Write("Mobile No : " & Request.Form("mobile") & "<br>") Response.Write("Landline No : " & Request.Form("landline") & "<br>") Response.Write("Email Id : " & Request.Form("email") & "<br>") MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); mailMessage.To.Add("[email protected]"); mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); mailMessage.Subject = "ASP.NET e-mail test"; mailMessage.Body = "Hello world,\n\nThis is an ASP.NET test e-mail!"; SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("mail.feo.co.in"); smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); Response.Write("E-mail sent!"); %> I don't know why mail is not sending here.Please help me to fix this. A: As per your JsFiddle, I found that there are so many silly mistakes in your HTML code. Here is your ASP.NET code:- <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div class="form-group"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtname" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox> </div> <div class="form-group"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtmobileno" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox> </div> <div class="form-group"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox> </div> <div class="form-group"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSubject" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox> </div> <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" CssClass="btn btn-primary pull-right" OnClick="btnSubmit_OnClick" Width="100" Text="Submit" /> </form> Code behind cs code Created a SendMail() function which will fire on buttonclick Note:- I haven't added validations on the controls, so if you want it you can add as per your requirement. protected void SendMail() { // Gmail Address from where you send the mail var fromAddress = "[email protected]"; // any address where the email will be sending var toAddress = txtEmail.Text.ToString(); //Password of your gmail address const string fromPassword = "Your gmail password"; // Passing the values and make a email formate to display string subject = txtSubject.Text.ToString(); // Passing the values and make a email formate to display string body = "From: " + txtname.Text + "\n"; body += "Email: " + txtEmail.Text + "\n"; // smtp settings var smtp = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(); { smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress, fromPassword); smtp.Timeout = 20000; } // Passing values to smtp object smtp.Send(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, body); } Now the above function will be called on Button click so that every time you enter the details you can call that function. protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SendMail(); // Send mail function to send your mail txtname.Text = ""; txtEmail.Text = ""; txtmobileno.Text = ""; txtSubject.Text = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.ToString(); } } For a detail explanation have a look at below link:- http://www.codeproject.com
Last evening the ASUCD Senate passed a resolution urging the UC Board of Regents to divest from four corporations that, according to the resolution, “aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.” This, however, does not reflect the position of UC Davis or the University of California system. The investment policy for the University of California system, including UC Davis, is set by the UC Board of Regents. The Board and Office of the President issued a statement regarding student resolutions that urge the Board to divest from companies doing business with Israel. The statement reiterates the Board’s position that this type of call to action will not be entertained. We recognize that this is a sensitive topic for many on our campus, one that is very personal and emotional. It is for this reason that we must exercise sensitivity, restraint and respect in relation to the issue. Prior to the debate last night, those in attendance were reminded of our Principles of Community. We affirmed the right to freedom of expression, but also affirmed our commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency toward all. A renowned international university, UC Davis manages academic and research programs across the globe and is home to a community of faculty, researchers and students from everywhere in the world. We believe that our shared goals of teaching, learning and serving the needs of society, in a climate of justice marked by respect for each other, will help us build a strong community of learning and fulfill our mission of educating the leaders of tomorrow and producing and disseminating knowledge. Linda P.B. Katehi Dear Mr. Chancellor.... Permalink Peter Loeb replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 21:29 Unfortunately your comments are true. "The investment policy of...is set by the Board of Regents" etc. As one with understanding, knowledge, influence we recommend that you add justice to your investment and other policies. It is a tragedy for you to be involved in the kinds of activities for which you advocate simply because it IS. People are dying. Their homes are being destroyed. They are being starved... And yet the Board of Regents SEES NO EVIL AND HEARS NO EVIL. One can only pity those such as yourself should you persist in hiding behind the status quo. Was the lynching of blacks in the US acceptable because at the time it was not considered "illegal"? It was a STATE concern was the answer agt that ----Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA Stanford faculty call for divestment- Permalink weareone replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 22:11 Perhaps the UC Board of Regents should be schooled by the Stanford faculty who issued a letter calling for divestment stating: “We believe it behooves us as educators to not only train our students to be world citizens and world leaders, but also to model ourselves actions that embody the best aspects of world citizenship, beginning with upholding international law and opposing those who do not.” The letter also states: "We reject the notion that divestment unfairly singles out one country for condemnation. The enormous amount of US aid to Israel (at least $3 billion annually, more than any other country in the world receives) already makes us in the United States complicit with Israel’s actions. We equally reject the claim that divestment is a form of anti-Semitism or in any way directed against Jewish students on campus. Divestment is directed against the policies of the state of Israel..." http://www.soopalestine.org/up... Stanford faculty call for divestment Permalink Froy replied on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 01:58 Sadly, Standford's call for divestment was finally defeated, despite having a majority of votes (9-5): http://www.soopalestine.org/up... Thanks, Froy. That is Permalink weareone replied on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 12:44 Thanks, Froy. That is unfortunate, but many battles are lost on the way to winning the war. It seems the tide has turned and cannot be reversed. Update: Vote reversed--divestment passed. Permalink weareone replied on Wed, 0
Last evening the ASUCD Senate passed a resolution urging the UC Board of Regents to divest from four corporations that, according to the resolution, “aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.” This, however, does not reflect the position of UC Davis or the University of California system. The investment policy for the University of California system, including UC Davis, is set by the UC Board of Regents. The Board and Office of the President issued a statement regarding student resolutions that urge the Board to divest from companies doing business with Israel. The statement reiterates the Board’s position that this type of call to action will not be entertained. We recognize that this is a sensitive topic for many on our campus, one that is very personal and emotional. It is for this reason that we must exercise sensitivity, restraint and respect in relation to the issue. Prior to the debate last night, those in attendance were reminded of our Principles of Community. We affirmed the right to freedom of expression, but also affirmed our commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency toward all. A renowned international university, UC Davis manages academic and research programs across the globe and is home to a community of faculty, researchers and students from everywhere in the world. We believe that our shared goals of teaching, learning and serving the needs of society, in a climate of justice marked by respect for each other, will help us build a strong community of learning and fulfill our mission of educating the leaders of tomorrow and producing and disseminating knowledge. Linda P.B. Katehi Dear Mr. Chancellor.... Permalink Peter Loeb replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 21:29 Unfortunately your comments are true. "The investment policy of...is set by the Board of Regents" etc. As one with understanding, knowledge, influence we recommend that you add justice to your investment and other policies. It is a tragedy for you to be involved in the kinds of activities for which you advocate simply because it IS. People are dying. Their homes are being destroyed. They are being starved... And yet the Board of Regents SEES NO EVIL AND HEARS NO EVIL. One can only pity those such as yourself should you persist in hiding behind the status quo. Was the lynching of blacks in the US acceptable because at the time it was not considered "illegal"? It was a STATE concern was the answer agt that ----Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA Stanford faculty call for divestment- Permalink weareone replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 22:11 Perhaps the UC Board of Regents should be schooled by the Stanford faculty who issued a letter calling for divestment stating: “We believe it behooves us as educators to not only train our students to be world citizens and world leaders, but also to model ourselves actions that embody the best aspects of world citizenship, beginning with upholding international law and opposing those who do not.” The letter also states: "We reject the notion that divestment unfairly singles out one country for condemnation. The enormous amount of US aid to Israel (at least $3 billion annually, more than any other country in the world receives) already makes us in the United States complicit with Israel’s actions. We equally reject the claim that divestment is a form of anti-Semitism or in any way directed against Jewish students on campus. Divestment is directed against the policies of the state of Israel..." http://www.soopalestine.org/up... Stanford faculty call for divestment Permalink Froy replied on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 01:58 Sadly, Standford's call for divestment was finally defeated, despite having a majority of votes (9-5): http://www.soopalestine.org/up... Thanks, Froy. That is Permalink weareone replied on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 12:44 Thanks, Froy. That is unfortunate, but many battles are lost on the way to winning the war. It seems the tide has turned and cannot be reversed. Update: Vote reversed--divestment passed. Permalink weareone replied on Wed, 0
2/18/2015 - 15:33 "Senate reverses divestment vote, passes resolution." Great news--congratulations Stanford student Senate for your courage and moral leadership. constructive engagement Permalink tom hall replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 13:39 There is an irony apparent in the number of comments appearing at this site of late, on behalf of Israel. For years the Electronic Intifada was regarded by Zionist apologists as unworthy of their attention. A policy approximating that of a boycott prevailed in those circles. But something seems to have changed. The success of Ali Abunimah and his colleagues in raising the level of critical discourse on behalf of Palestine has galvanised pro-Israel groups and individuals, resulting in a sudden host of uncharacteristically well-mannered statements appearing here in defense of the indefensible. Demolishing their arguments in a direct exchange of views has become a welcome new feature of this site. My heartfelt congratulations to everyone for a significant accomplishment. torn hall, thanks for the perspective--well stated. You are observant, Permalink maggie replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 18:16 You are observant, constructive. I, too, have noticed that. It's because the zionists know the table has turned on them and their indecency has caught up with them. The civilized world is getting more and more united. Israel is the root cause of what is called the rise of anti-semitism in the world. It's not about Jews. It is about Israel. That is what is reflected in these DBS votes on campuses all across the USA. I like these young people. They have courage and they have moral authority. My reply to JeffB, was not approved and I am ok with decision, but there is a serious trolling issue now, that this publication has gained strength and attention. I just ignore them, because it takes away from the real issue - Palestinian Rights. I am so happy for this victory, and nothing will take that away. Thanks again Ali for this publication. As a relative new comer to EI Permalink Chris Reed replied on Sun, 02/15/2015 - 16:38 As a relative new comer to EI and blogging in general, it is interesting to consider your upshot to the opponents of Palestinian rights posting here. I don't spend my time trolling on National Review sites or take the time to chime in on dyed in the wool sites that support the Democrat Party. So I sometimes wonder about people's psychological make up who take the time to barge into someone else's community space. a significant victory Permalink Anne Norton replied on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 15:05 This is an impressive victory won through the hard work of organization and persuasion. We are seeing opinion being We are seeing opinion being led once again by the educated youth in America. I was part of the civil rights era in America and it was then as now the youth who knew the right thing to do and who saw to it that the right thing was done. Israel's behavior is what is responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism. Israel has created these problems with its savage genocide against Palestinians. I have nothing but praise for the youth in America for standing up for the civil rights of Palestine with BDS. BDS will bring Israel either to its senses or to its demise as a nation. It is up to Israel to react positively to the changing times which are so against zionism and its barbarity or to accept their defeat at the hands of the nonviolence of BDS and civil shunning across the world. It's interesting that Dr. Katehi is apparently blind to the contradictions in her statement: "...regarding student resolutions that urge the Board to divest from companies doing business with Israel...the Board’s position that this type of call to action will not be entertained.... We believe that our shared goals of teaching, learning and serving the needs of society, in a climate of justice marked by respect for each other..." In fact, doing business with the apartheid entity of Israel demonstrates contempt for justice and contempt for the other. The institution's "goals" and perceptions of the "needs of society" are clearly not "shared" as
his team were upset by their rivals, the Montreal Canadiens in the 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs, the team had lost key players, and the direction of the team was unknown.So maybe the Kings should explore trading Buddy Hield.The Maple Leafs need Andersen to get back to his regular self but is that past him now? The trade is good for the Toronto Maple Leafs as it frees up a spot on the team’s 50 pro contracts list, and gives the Leafs an opportunity to add a talented player to their roster.Edelman’s body might be totally shot, but a fourth Lombardi Trophy will do wonders towards him possibly maybe even thinking about earning a Gold Jacket one day.MLB will determine Cora’s punishment once they complete their investigation into the Red Sox. stepped in as a late replacement to fight Anthony Joshua in Madison Square Garden.The request was put in before they met with Meyer last Friday, but the Jaguars interviewed Tennessee Titans offensive coordinator Arthur Smith on Sunday night.The problem is that while a bunch of NFL teams have cool phrases that people associate with them immediately, like Just Win, Baby for the Raiders or Keep Pounding for the Panthers, many do not have one, let alone two.Already, the films that Stitched Adjustable Snapback Caps slated to open in 2020 are being pushed further and further back. Signing Kevin Durant necessitated sending Bogut packing.Give me the chance to have 10 fights in a row.Per a Max Carlin piece at Celtics Blog, Brown found himself ranking in the 28th percentile in assist percentage and in the fifth percentile of assist rate to usage rate ratio among wings last season.But the overall bad start will have plenty of fans wondering if that means a Bryant trade is coming soon. It’s better to deliver a pitch in the low 90s if you can make sure it hits the mark.For now, this feels like a lot of talk that will Custom Jerseys to nothing.You’ll find an update on stats from prospects in action yesterday, a round-up of who’s playing today, and I’ll tell you how some of those prospects in action yesterday are doing in my prospects rankings.Don’t worry about that against Houston.Through his 141 collegiate games, Bane was 249-of-575 Custom Baseball Snapback Caps 3-point shot attempts.While it would do big pay-per-view numbers to be sure, there’s little motivation for Mayweather to put his reputation on the line for a paycheck. A projected first round pick, Jenkins slipped to the second round where the Bears traded up with the Carolina Panthers to get their left tackle.And he should be a defensive plus off-ball eventually once his technique is ironed out.Did we mention that the ball was hit at 97-mph?Today, it’s the Nuggets sitting in fourth who are looking at that possibility of starting their postseason off with a brutal LA matchup.That would drastically improve the Packers’ chances of capturing another Lombardi Trophy this season.There’s no nice way to say it, but Harris is destined to be overpaid for the duration of his deal. When police arrived, they found the car abandoned, airbags deployed and keys missing. price well risk he joined They don’t reunite again until 15 years later.Later, when Odubela relocated to Southern California, closer to where Hess lives, she joined the club in an official capacity as chairperson of their board of directors.It honestly makes more sense for Batman to run his family of Gotham knights and allow Wonder Woman to take over the Justice League, allowing for the studio to have two Avenger-caliber titles that could come together for an -style mashup.After all, Game 7s are the best thing ever, and getting rid of one is inherently a bad thing.The aforementioned Curry, Klay Thompson, Kobe Bryant, Luke Walton, and a slew of other modern players have had fathers play in the league, but none of them have been all that outspoken about their sons’ talents. The main question surrounding his shooting is the volume.If Dolan’s getting involved with the Rangers, fans better be on their toes.Even though he is not participating in it, he was more than willing to make the drive from Dallas after
his team were upset by their rivals, the Montreal Canadiens in the 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs, the team had lost key players, and the direction of the team was unknown.So maybe the Kings should explore trading Buddy Hield.The Maple Leafs need Andersen to get back to his regular self but is that past him now? The trade is good for the Toronto Maple Leafs as it frees up a spot on the team’s 50 pro contracts list, and gives the Leafs an opportunity to add a talented player to their roster.Edelman’s body might be totally shot, but a fourth Lombardi Trophy will do wonders towards him possibly maybe even thinking about earning a Gold Jacket one day.MLB will determine Cora’s punishment once they complete their investigation into the Red Sox. stepped in as a late replacement to fight Anthony Joshua in Madison Square Garden.The request was put in before they met with Meyer last Friday, but the Jaguars interviewed Tennessee Titans offensive coordinator Arthur Smith on Sunday night.The problem is that while a bunch of NFL teams have cool phrases that people associate with them immediately, like Just Win, Baby for the Raiders or Keep Pounding for the Panthers, many do not have one, let alone two.Already, the films that Stitched Adjustable Snapback Caps slated to open in 2020 are being pushed further and further back. Signing Kevin Durant necessitated sending Bogut packing.Give me the chance to have 10 fights in a row.Per a Max Carlin piece at Celtics Blog, Brown found himself ranking in the 28th percentile in assist percentage and in the fifth percentile of assist rate to usage rate ratio among wings last season.But the overall bad start will have plenty of fans wondering if that means a Bryant trade is coming soon. It’s better to deliver a pitch in the low 90s if you can make sure it hits the mark.For now, this feels like a lot of talk that will Custom Jerseys to nothing.You’ll find an update on stats from prospects in action yesterday, a round-up of who’s playing today, and I’ll tell you how some of those prospects in action yesterday are doing in my prospects rankings.Don’t worry about that against Houston.Through his 141 collegiate games, Bane was 249-of-575 Custom Baseball Snapback Caps 3-point shot attempts.While it would do big pay-per-view numbers to be sure, there’s little motivation for Mayweather to put his reputation on the line for a paycheck. A projected first round pick, Jenkins slipped to the second round where the Bears traded up with the Carolina Panthers to get their left tackle.And he should be a defensive plus off-ball eventually once his technique is ironed out.Did we mention that the ball was hit at 97-mph?Today, it’s the Nuggets sitting in fourth who are looking at that possibility of starting their postseason off with a brutal LA matchup.That would drastically improve the Packers’ chances of capturing another Lombardi Trophy this season.There’s no nice way to say it, but Harris is destined to be overpaid for the duration of his deal. When police arrived, they found the car abandoned, airbags deployed and keys missing. price well risk he joined They don’t reunite again until 15 years later.Later, when Odubela relocated to Southern California, closer to where Hess lives, she joined the club in an official capacity as chairperson of their board of directors.It honestly makes more sense for Batman to run his family of Gotham knights and allow Wonder Woman to take over the Justice League, allowing for the studio to have two Avenger-caliber titles that could come together for an -style mashup.After all, Game 7s are the best thing ever, and getting rid of one is inherently a bad thing.The aforementioned Curry, Klay Thompson, Kobe Bryant, Luke Walton, and a slew of other modern players have had fathers play in the league, but none of them have been all that outspoken about their sons’ talents. The main question surrounding his shooting is the volume.If Dolan’s getting involved with the Rangers, fans better be on their toes.Even though he is not participating in it, he was more than willing to make the drive from Dallas after
his flight to Birmingham was canceled on Monday night due to lightning.One of the most dominant single-season defensive efforts came from Suh in 2009. Advising Smart not to try so many treys can be a tricky thing.That only ends in an early exit for one team and it’s certainly not the one Brady’s on.Another red flag as a cause for concern was the opinion of Pete Youngman.For the Euros, however, government officials said this week that 25% of tickets would be sold at the Stadio Olimpico so fans could see matches in person.Unfortunately however, things have not gone as hoped. Luckily for their Bruins, they’ve been playing some pretty impressive hockey as of late.He will stay in Russia until he is ready to challenge for a roster spot on the Leafs, personalized jerseys in 2022.Smith was the starting point guard and regular contributor on a Rockets team that won two championship trophies in the mid-90s. That comes as a bit of a surprise as there are still some other really good players down there that could really help any good team win.Robbie Ray leads all MLB pitchers in Wins Above Replacement in September . Driving factor kittle too tank first He has played to a consistently high level despite, at times, being left to hang out to dry by his teammates and he has also started to establish himself as a true No.His bloated 12 ERA in limited time in 2020 coupled with the emergence of Drew Pomeranz helped San Diego move off of him.With James coming back in the final games of the season, the Lakers can gear up for the playoffs.Monte Morris broke out last season as the league’s best backup point guard, and he fills the same role on our squad.They now have great salary-matching contracts in Gallinari, Bogdanovic and Capela, and they could dangle any combination of Collins, Huerter, Reddish, Hunter or Okongwu along with future draft picks as the main pieces going back in return.was named one of April’s top players, along with Twins outfielder Bryan Buxton ‘it’s actually the first Player of the Month award for the 23-year-old, and he’s the second straight Braves player to win it. The first milestone for him is for games played.Matthews goal put the Leafs up 2 against the Canadiens, who are struggling to hang onto the fourth spot in the Scotia North Division.These Tracking Technologies can be used for security and integrity reasons ‘for example to detect violation of our policies and for support or security features.Not a team altering move, but not a terrible move, either.That record made it surprising the Herd decided not to renew Holiday’s contract. The emergence of Nikola Jokic was a big factor in his stagnation.After scoring 36 and 44 goals his first two seasons, Laine had his worst season in 2018 .That, however, isn’t a luxury Miami has. In this series full of horror, mystery, and lots of racism , heroes have to emerge in the fight against scary creatures and even scarier racists.In other words, I’m not going to use the old Winnipeg Jets and the Arizona Coyotes.That makes it a little bit easier to pick.They have to be about the same things as we are to be able to make it through there. McKenna was one of the best hitters in the minor leagues while with High-A Frederick, earning a promotion to Bowie with a .377 .556 slash line and eight home runs, 18 doubles, 97 hits, 60 runs and 37 runs batted in in only 67 games.Closely related to progressive rock and pioneered by bands like King Crimson, math rock will also commonly feature long stretches of instrumental interludes – in emo specifically, they tend to take the form of high-note arpeggios.They absolutely should see what Hall wants this custom baseball jersey cheap So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some storylines to keep an eye on across tonight’s two games’The 2020 NHL season was always going to be weird and so it has proved with COVID-19 outbreaks impacting the flow of the year so far
enough. And NECA seems to be a lot more conscientious about keeping its figures to scale as opposed to, say, HT. Here's an old, crappy pic but you can see the scale with a McFarlane figure and I want to say that's a NECA Endo: http://i60.tinypic.com/6rimc9.jpg No that's the McFarlane Endo. The inaccuracy of that torso and the tiny plasma ''rifle'' astounded me even at the time. So im sure most of you have discussed this at length, but im just jumping in here. With Necas new direction with these "ultimate figs" what more do you guys want? (obviously all) so lets do top 3? 1. Kyle Reese- Biehn (redo of 84 is the obvious one, but I would love a Future Reese most of all) 2. Salvation John Connor (opening design) 3. Salvation Marcus (Blue trench coat would be ideal) I like the Ultimate approach so far, I don't mind paying a little more to get a better arsenal with a character. I don't see the Arnold rereleases tempting me as I don't care about the leg articulation, so it's new characters/versions that I'm after (but it's a very smart way to get the figures back out there, and he's always good to anchor a line). My top 3: 1.] 'Terminator 3' T-850 (I need an updated T3 Arnold in my life. Perfect fit for the ultimate line. The higher price point could allow for his coffin and weapons.) 2.] 'Terminator 3' T-X (The added articulation would work well for this character, and she has a good amount of interchangeable parts.) 3.] 'Terminator' Kyle Reese (I'm glad just to own him, but I think he would benefit most for an updated sculpt as he wasn't quite nailed the first time.) I like a Future Kyle too but with so much tooling and not a lot of accessory options, maybe he'd be better served in a 2-pack with an endo or a future John. Well, just no point whatsoever in even mentioning T2 John or T1 Sarah is there. So I'll go with: Tech Noir T-800 (clean and BD combo) Police Shootout T-800 (clean and BD combo) T3 T-850 (usual 3 head* set-up on clean body - alas that full BD version from the end would need to be a separate figure) *clean sunglasses head/BD sunglasses head/some other BD head without sunglasses (can't really remember the stages of BD he went through) I don't see much ''ultimate'' potential for Kyle Reese - not like you can switch out clothes like a Hot Toys figure (unless they go with softgoods *shudder*) - not like he needs multiple heads. I mean by all means make a Kyle Reese from the end of T1 with that other coat and make a 2029 version, I'll buy them, but it doesn't seem like they would be in this ''Ultimate'' sub-category of the line. Those work for me. A Tech Noir T-800 and a T2 John :wink1: Just got my T800s Love them. Seems NECA got a lot better with joints out of package, mine were smooth and firm. How many T-800s did you get? Just 2. One to keep MIB. Thank god both came with perfect paint apps. He could come with bare arms to switch out the coat, and an extra head for his wounded later appearance I guess. He had a couple of different guns and his home made explosives too. You're right that he doesn't quite fit the 'ultimate' mold like the other figures so far have though. He takes a fair amount of head damage through the film with very little changes to his body. 3 head options would be easy. He has half his face burnt off by the TX toward the end, that'd make for a great sculpt. Cool idea with the arms. Conceivably if they did that you could have both coats and an option to have
enough. And NECA seems to be a lot more conscientious about keeping its figures to scale as opposed to, say, HT. Here's an old, crappy pic but you can see the scale with a McFarlane figure and I want to say that's a NECA Endo: http://i60.tinypic.com/6rimc9.jpg No that's the McFarlane Endo. The inaccuracy of that torso and the tiny plasma ''rifle'' astounded me even at the time. So im sure most of you have discussed this at length, but im just jumping in here. With Necas new direction with these "ultimate figs" what more do you guys want? (obviously all) so lets do top 3? 1. Kyle Reese- Biehn (redo of 84 is the obvious one, but I would love a Future Reese most of all) 2. Salvation John Connor (opening design) 3. Salvation Marcus (Blue trench coat would be ideal) I like the Ultimate approach so far, I don't mind paying a little more to get a better arsenal with a character. I don't see the Arnold rereleases tempting me as I don't care about the leg articulation, so it's new characters/versions that I'm after (but it's a very smart way to get the figures back out there, and he's always good to anchor a line). My top 3: 1.] 'Terminator 3' T-850 (I need an updated T3 Arnold in my life. Perfect fit for the ultimate line. The higher price point could allow for his coffin and weapons.) 2.] 'Terminator 3' T-X (The added articulation would work well for this character, and she has a good amount of interchangeable parts.) 3.] 'Terminator' Kyle Reese (I'm glad just to own him, but I think he would benefit most for an updated sculpt as he wasn't quite nailed the first time.) I like a Future Kyle too but with so much tooling and not a lot of accessory options, maybe he'd be better served in a 2-pack with an endo or a future John. Well, just no point whatsoever in even mentioning T2 John or T1 Sarah is there. So I'll go with: Tech Noir T-800 (clean and BD combo) Police Shootout T-800 (clean and BD combo) T3 T-850 (usual 3 head* set-up on clean body - alas that full BD version from the end would need to be a separate figure) *clean sunglasses head/BD sunglasses head/some other BD head without sunglasses (can't really remember the stages of BD he went through) I don't see much ''ultimate'' potential for Kyle Reese - not like you can switch out clothes like a Hot Toys figure (unless they go with softgoods *shudder*) - not like he needs multiple heads. I mean by all means make a Kyle Reese from the end of T1 with that other coat and make a 2029 version, I'll buy them, but it doesn't seem like they would be in this ''Ultimate'' sub-category of the line. Those work for me. A Tech Noir T-800 and a T2 John :wink1: Just got my T800s Love them. Seems NECA got a lot better with joints out of package, mine were smooth and firm. How many T-800s did you get? Just 2. One to keep MIB. Thank god both came with perfect paint apps. He could come with bare arms to switch out the coat, and an extra head for his wounded later appearance I guess. He had a couple of different guns and his home made explosives too. You're right that he doesn't quite fit the 'ultimate' mold like the other figures so far have though. He takes a fair amount of head damage through the film with very little changes to his body. 3 head options would be easy. He has half his face burnt off by the TX toward the end, that'd make for a great sculpt. Cool idea with the arms. Conceivably if they did that you could have both coats and an option to have
him in just the vest as per the police interrogation and bomb-making scenes. Very good idea actually. Although, I doubt they'd do it for Reese. Unfortunately he's considered a ''side character'' pretty much. I've realised my memory of T3 is clearer than it has any right to be - he initially finds sunglasses in the first vehicle he steals - there's one headsculpt. Then he gets his face cut up and loses the sunglasses in the crane truck chase scene - another possible headsculpt. Later he steals what seems like an identical new pair of sunglasses at a gas station and he has those all the way up to the TX fight at the CRS facility - a third headsculpt. In the fight with the TX one side of his face is fried, some more endoskeleton exposed and his eye is bloodshot on that side - a fourth headsculpt. Then there's his final look where you can stupidly see through his head due to badly-referenced CGI work - a fifth headsculpt. The Clown Prince of Crime Sculpt #6 - SDCC exclusive http://i.imgur.com/XVfgWft.jpg :monkey3 **** it why not. Incidentally the T-850 must have fashion-awareness subroutines in addition to his psychology ones. Otherwise why would he cast those sunglasses aside? He knew they were joke glasses? That's true, Terminators are fashion as ****. http://images6.alphacoders.com/400/400118.jpg Incidentally the T-850 must have fashion-awareness subroutines in addition to his psychology ones. Otherwise why would he cast those sunglasses aside? Yeah, and why would he get new glasses at the gas station? What was the thought process behind that decision? He doesn't need them. Does he want to look good before the world ends? ^ In fairness to that in T3, the Terminator never needed sunglasses beyond the first film. It just looked cool and became a thing. I agree, though he is surely the 2nd biggest character to pull from the first film if Neca want to milk the ultimate line. With 3 figures confirmed from T2, a new Reese isn't a total impossibility. It works in T2 though, it's a laugh right after a scare thinking he's going to harm the bar owner. It gets ridiculous in T3 because first he puts on silly glasses, and as mentioned, how would he know good ones from bad ones. Then later, after he loses them, he jumps at a chance to replace them. In T3 they're only comedy and that's what rubs people the wrong way. Any T-850, in any scale from any company, better come with a hand you can talk to. Well, apparently there's a reason for the glasses in T2. According to Cameron, We wanted T-800 to change, and we wanted Sarah to change; she starts out one way, becomes fixated on that, ends up becoming more of a machine that he does. We wanted the two of them to change characters as the film went on: she becomes the Terminator while he becomes a human being. And it's partly through the Terminator's transformation that she understands what humanity really is. As Cameron himself explains, there are two transitions occurring: over the course of the film, Sarah becomes the Terminator and the T-800 becomes a human being — both of which are symbolized by the sunglasses (or lack thereof) The sunglasses are an important story device in The Terminator and T2. In the first movie they meant to dehumanize T-800 more and more as the movie progresses and as he takes on more damage, becoming less and less human-like in appearance. In T2...the sunglasses have an even deeper meaning and message. The sunglasses symbolize his gradual transformation — he wears the sunglasses in the beginning when he is nothing more than a killer with a blank mind and loses them when he's starting his journey to become more human... I'm not sure I buy all that, but it kind of makes sense, but then again, anything can have a "meaning" or be a metaphor if you look hard enough. :lol I guess in T3,
:REFERENCIA> <ns2:FECHA_EMISION>2016-03-24</ns2:FECHA_EMISION> <ns2:FECHA_VALOR>2016-03-25</ns2:FECHA_VALOR> <ns2:NOTARIO> <ns2:CODIGO_ULTIMAS_VOLUNTADES>9900005</ns2:CODIGO_ULTIMAS_VOLUNTADES> <ns2:TIP_DOC_IDENTIFICACION>1</ns2:TIP_DOC_IDENTIFICACION> <ns2:NUM_DOC_IDENTIFICACION>11711111H</ns2:NUM_DOC_IDENTIFICACION> </ns2:NOTARIO><ns2:IMPORTE>1.00</ns2:IMPORTE> <ns2:MONEDA>EUR</ns2:MONEDA> <ns2:ORDENANTE>JUAN PEREZ SANCHEZ</ns2:ORDENANTE> <ns2:CONCEPTO>Pago deuda inmueble Santurze</ns2:CONCEPTO> </ns2:TRANSFERENCIA> <ns2:TRANSFERENCIA> <ns2:CODIGO_SERVICIO>DEUDAS</ns2:CODIGO_SERVICIO> <ns2:REFERENCIA>999988887777666655</ns2:REFERENCIA> <ns2:FECHA_EMISION>2016-03-24</ns2:FECHA_EMISION> <ns2:FECHA_VALOR>2016-03-25</ns2:FECHA_VALOR> <ns2:NOTARIO> <ns2:CODIGO_ULTIMAS_VOLUNTADES>9900005</ns2:CODIGO_ULTIMAS_VOLUNTADES> <ns2:TIP_DOC_IDENTIFICACION>1</ns2:TIP_DOC_IDENTIFICACION> <ns2:NUM_DOC_IDENTIFICACION>11711111H</ns2:NUM_DOC_IDENTIFICACION> </ns2:NOTARIO> <ns2:IMPORTE>2.00</ns2:IMPORTE> <ns2:MONEDA>EUR</ns2:MONEDA> <ns2:ORDENANTE>JUAN PEREZ SANCHEZ</ns2:ORDENANTE> <ns2:CONCEPTO>Pago deuda inmueble Santurze</ns2:CONCEPTO> </ns2:TRANSFERENCIA> </ns2:MENSAJE> </ns2:REQUEST> </ns2:SERVICIO_CONSIGNACION_NOTARIAL> Then I do the Hash value to create the digest value using the previous XML with body start and end tag: // Change value if there is any problem on websphere // wsuId = "\"#MsgBody\""; wsuId = "\"#id-" + UUIDGenerator.getUUID() + "\""; // Create XML data for body SOAP String dataXMLSoap = generateBodySoap(doc); String startBodyHash = "<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" wsu:Id=" + wsuId+ ">"; String endBodyHash = "</soapenv:Body>"; MessageDigest messageDigestFromBody= MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); String xmlHash = startBodyHash + dataXMLSoap + endBodyHash; byte[] hashSoapBody = messageDigestFromBody.digest(xmlHash.getBytes
0,1,2,3,6,7} 〃 〃 〃 [1,2,5,10,11,12] {0,1,4,9,10,11} 135111 {0,1,4,9,10,11} {0,1,2,3,4,7} 433221 6-Z36B [1,2,3,4,7,12] {0,1,2,3,6,11} 111351 {0,1,2,3,6,11} 〃 〃 〃 [1,2,3,6,11,12] {0,1,2,5,10,11} 113511 {0,1,2,5,10,11} 〃 〃 〃 [1,4,9,10,11,12] {0,3,8,9,10,11} 351111 {0,3,8,9,10,11} 〃 〃 〃 [3,8,9,10,11,12] {2,7,8,9,10,11} 511113 {0,5,6,7,8,9} 〃 〃 〃 The above table is sorted by Forte's 'interval vector' classification for no particular reason other than to show that the 22 PC Sets may be aggregated into 10 distinct interval spread classes in 12 distinct Forte Prime PC Sets. We can't imagine that this is anything other than happenstance. As usual on this blog, the blue background indicates a symmetric (inverse = self) PC set and pink indicates asymmetric (with Forte A and B Forms). There's a page devoted to 12 TET hexads if more background is needed. Non-Blocky Tetradic Links In order to justify an order we might apply to the 22 blocks, we sought links between the blocks beyond any demanded by the block design itself. And indeed we found such a link, in the appearance of common tetrads between the hexads. Even better, we found several cycles (i.e. Hamiltonian circuits) of all 22 blocks, stepwise connected via such tetrad-sharing, in such a way that the last block connected to the first. Each block links to three other blocks via tetrads, which means that the blocks' connectivity can be represented as a cubic graph, specifically one with 22 vertices (the blocks) and 33 edges (the linking tetrads shared between each vertex pair). And 22 of those edges form a circuit allowing the graph's presentation as a 22-gon with 11 internal edge connections. The cubic graph exhibits an emergent symmetry having nothing to do with the block design's requirements. Nobody asked for symmetry or for common 4-sets connecting the 6-set blocks, or even anything regarding 4-sets at all. 22 hexad blocks linked by tetrads The symmetry is doubtless due to the algorithm used to produce the design, most likely from the underlying group used to generate the design which in this case was C11 - Cyclic Group order 11 generated by the permutation (1,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2) as shown in the design's output report. The following is a possible expression of the above block order. The hex annotations under each bar label the six PCs present in the bar. If the staff could be wrapped around a circle, the four PCs 0,9,a and b in the final bar could - in principal - be tied to the same PCs in the first. Hexachord sequence tied across bars by common tetrads. We say 'in principal' because the PCs a and b (as, respectively, a high A# and a centred B) are in the 'wrong' octave for bar #1, as are PCs 0 and 9 (as bass notes A and C - two octaves apart from their high treble appearances in bar #1). A 'true' circular join is of course possible. But as it is, it sounds like this
0,1,2,3,6,7} 〃 〃 〃 [1,2,5,10,11,12] {0,1,4,9,10,11} 135111 {0,1,4,9,10,11} {0,1,2,3,4,7} 433221 6-Z36B [1,2,3,4,7,12] {0,1,2,3,6,11} 111351 {0,1,2,3,6,11} 〃 〃 〃 [1,2,3,6,11,12] {0,1,2,5,10,11} 113511 {0,1,2,5,10,11} 〃 〃 〃 [1,4,9,10,11,12] {0,3,8,9,10,11} 351111 {0,3,8,9,10,11} 〃 〃 〃 [3,8,9,10,11,12] {2,7,8,9,10,11} 511113 {0,5,6,7,8,9} 〃 〃 〃 The above table is sorted by Forte's 'interval vector' classification for no particular reason other than to show that the 22 PC Sets may be aggregated into 10 distinct interval spread classes in 12 distinct Forte Prime PC Sets. We can't imagine that this is anything other than happenstance. As usual on this blog, the blue background indicates a symmetric (inverse = self) PC set and pink indicates asymmetric (with Forte A and B Forms). There's a page devoted to 12 TET hexads if more background is needed. Non-Blocky Tetradic Links In order to justify an order we might apply to the 22 blocks, we sought links between the blocks beyond any demanded by the block design itself. And indeed we found such a link, in the appearance of common tetrads between the hexads. Even better, we found several cycles (i.e. Hamiltonian circuits) of all 22 blocks, stepwise connected via such tetrad-sharing, in such a way that the last block connected to the first. Each block links to three other blocks via tetrads, which means that the blocks' connectivity can be represented as a cubic graph, specifically one with 22 vertices (the blocks) and 33 edges (the linking tetrads shared between each vertex pair). And 22 of those edges form a circuit allowing the graph's presentation as a 22-gon with 11 internal edge connections. The cubic graph exhibits an emergent symmetry having nothing to do with the block design's requirements. Nobody asked for symmetry or for common 4-sets connecting the 6-set blocks, or even anything regarding 4-sets at all. 22 hexad blocks linked by tetrads The symmetry is doubtless due to the algorithm used to produce the design, most likely from the underlying group used to generate the design which in this case was C11 - Cyclic Group order 11 generated by the permutation (1,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2) as shown in the design's output report. The following is a possible expression of the above block order. The hex annotations under each bar label the six PCs present in the bar. If the staff could be wrapped around a circle, the four PCs 0,9,a and b in the final bar could - in principal - be tied to the same PCs in the first. Hexachord sequence tied across bars by common tetrads. We say 'in principal' because the PCs a and b (as, respectively, a high A# and a centred B) are in the 'wrong' octave for bar #1, as are PCs 0 and 9 (as bass notes A and C - two octaves apart from their high treble appearances in bar #1). A 'true' circular join is of course possible. But as it is, it sounds like this
: unsupported audio element Below is the graph with PC Set {0,3,8,9,10,11} at the top, labelled as vertex 0 (the arbitrarily chosen 'first' block in the circuit shown as the first column labelled (hexadecimally as) 0389AB in the image above). Graph of 22 Hexadic Blocks with 33 Tetradic Commonalities 0 B A 9 8 3 0 1 B A 9 8 7 2 2 A 9 7 5 3 2 3 9 7 6 3 2 0 4 B 6 3 2 1 0 5 B A 5 2 1 0 6 A 8 6 5 2 1 7 A 9 6 5 3 1 8 B 9 6 5 4 3 9 B A 7 6 5 4 A A 7 6 4 2 0 B A 8 6 4 3 0 C A 8 7 4 3 1 D B 7 4 3 2 1 E B 8 5 4 3 2 F 9 8 5 4 2 0 G 9 8 6 4 2 1 H B 9 8 7 6 1 I B 8 7 6 5 0 J 8 7 5 3 1 0 K 9 7 5 4 1 0 L B A 9 4 1 0 Each block, labelled as vertices 0 to L clockwise from the top, is shown with its 6 constituent hexadic pitch classes (labelled in hexadecimal) in a hexagonal 'satellite' arrangement around it. Every block is connected to three others, two being nearest neighbours around the circumference and the third being somewhere across the circle. Each of the three connections carries a common tetrad. For example vertex C - PC set {1,3,4,7,8,10} - connects on either side with vertex B = {0,3,4,6,8,10} and D = {1,2,3,4,7,11} as well as to the relatively distant vertex J = {0,1,3,5,7,8}, the common tetrads between them being respectively {3,4,8,10}, {1,3,4,7}, {1,3,7,8} From Graph to Group Howsoever a cyclic symmetry of C11 in the generation of a block design managed to percolate through to emergent common tetradicities, the 22-vertex 33-edge graph (teased out of that collection by seeking Hamiltonian circuits via those tetradic connections) has dihedral symmetry with an automorphism group isomorphic to D22 (or D11 depending upon which Dihedral Group naming convention you follow). For the moment, we'll dispense with the hexadic attachments - the group is concerned only with the graph's symmetries but doesn't care how it got them. As with all dihedral groups, two generators - a mirror flip and a rotation cycle - will suffice and in this case they are the permutations (1L)(2K)(3J)(4I)(5H)(6G)(7F)(8E)(9D)(AC) and (01HI98ED45L)(2GJA7FC36KB). We're using cyclic permutation notation where each parenthesised string (in this case of graph vertex labels) cycles (i.e. moves its tail character to its head) each time the permutation is applied. The flipper is relatively easy to see as a simultaneous swap of 10 vertex pairs over the vertical axis through 0 and B. Vertex 1 moves to L and L moves to 1, 2 moves to K and K to 2, and so on, each effectively swapping places. The flip permutation (leaving tetradic connections unaltered) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L Vertices 0 and B are absent from the permutation and unaffected. In other words its action permutes the sequence 0123456789ABCDEFG
data/information; mapping; space and spatiality; mobility, spatial practi... Urban indicators and dashboards: epistemology, contradictions and power/knowledge (2015) The three commentaries to our paper provide some interesting complementarities to our arguments and we would like to thank the authors for taking the time to read and comment on our work. Although coming from quite different perspectives, Mike Batty as an urban modeller and planner and Matt Wilson as a critical geographical information system (GIS) theorist, largely support our concerns around urban indicator and dashboard projects: that they have certain technical and epistemological shortcomings and are often used to support particular interests. Whilst Batty cautions as to how indicators and dashboard might be used, reframed technically and supplemented by more sophisticated modelling, Wilson is more concerned with how such projects are framed socially and economically as tools of capital accumulation. Neither provide analysis with which we particularly disagree. In contrast, Meg Holden and Sara Moreno Pires, while they recognize many of the issues we discuss, provide a critique ... Working Paper Big Data Series: Critical Analysis of the Irish Big Data Skills Report. The Programmable City Working Paper 7 (2015) My area of research on the Programmable City Project examines how digital data materially and discursively support and process cities and their citizens. This work falls within an emerging field called critical data studies. A recent working paper entitled Small Data, Data Infrastructures and Big Data, is an example of critically thinking about data, as is the forthcoming book The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences and my earlier work on data preservation, access, and data infrastructures. The new Big Data and Society journal also provides some theoretical orientation. Dublin and Boston, are the Programmable City’s formal study sites and I will add a little bit of Canada in that mix from time to time. The first part of my research consists of constructing ‘data landscapes’ for Dublin and Boston, by which I mean mapping out the different organisations involved in producing, analyzing, and selling data and analytic services, of which big... Conference item (1) Peer Review Status Peer-reviewed (5) Non-peer-reviewed (10) You are about to leave a GSK website. By clicking this link, you will be taken to a website that is independent from GSK. The site you are linking to is not controlled or endorsed by GSK and GSK is not responsible for the content provided on that site. Updated: 2 March 2018 This website and GSK webinars hosted or promoted on this website (collectively the “Site”) are the property of GlaxoSmithKline Limited (“GSK”). By using this Site, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree, do not use this Site. GSK reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use periodically for changes. You may access the Terms of Use through the hyperlink at the bottom of the webpage. Your continued use of the Site after the Terms of Use are updated, will mean you agree to be bound by any such revisions. The information provided on this Site is for general information and educational purposes only. The Site may contain information about medical conditions and their treatment. If you are a healthcare professional, the information contained on this website is not intended to serve as a substitute for your own medical judgment. If you have a medical condition, you should seek medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner. The information on this Site is not intended to be used by itself to provide you with specific medical advice or recommendation. Permitted Users This website is intended for healthcare professionals only. By using this platform you certify that you have a license to operate as a healthcare professional in the country this Site is intended for. This website has a specific section for members of the public, a specific section for patients and a specific section for healthcare professionals. “Healthcare professional” refers to an individual who in the course of their professional activities may prescribe, supply or administer a medicine or medical devices. The section for the public has been designed as a library resource to provide reference information relating to GSK medicines, including but not limited to, prescription only medicines, to the public within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Within the public section there are specific patient
data/information; mapping; space and spatiality; mobility, spatial practi... Urban indicators and dashboards: epistemology, contradictions and power/knowledge (2015) The three commentaries to our paper provide some interesting complementarities to our arguments and we would like to thank the authors for taking the time to read and comment on our work. Although coming from quite different perspectives, Mike Batty as an urban modeller and planner and Matt Wilson as a critical geographical information system (GIS) theorist, largely support our concerns around urban indicator and dashboard projects: that they have certain technical and epistemological shortcomings and are often used to support particular interests. Whilst Batty cautions as to how indicators and dashboard might be used, reframed technically and supplemented by more sophisticated modelling, Wilson is more concerned with how such projects are framed socially and economically as tools of capital accumulation. Neither provide analysis with which we particularly disagree. In contrast, Meg Holden and Sara Moreno Pires, while they recognize many of the issues we discuss, provide a critique ... Working Paper Big Data Series: Critical Analysis of the Irish Big Data Skills Report. The Programmable City Working Paper 7 (2015) My area of research on the Programmable City Project examines how digital data materially and discursively support and process cities and their citizens. This work falls within an emerging field called critical data studies. A recent working paper entitled Small Data, Data Infrastructures and Big Data, is an example of critically thinking about data, as is the forthcoming book The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences and my earlier work on data preservation, access, and data infrastructures. The new Big Data and Society journal also provides some theoretical orientation. Dublin and Boston, are the Programmable City’s formal study sites and I will add a little bit of Canada in that mix from time to time. The first part of my research consists of constructing ‘data landscapes’ for Dublin and Boston, by which I mean mapping out the different organisations involved in producing, analyzing, and selling data and analytic services, of which big... Conference item (1) Peer Review Status Peer-reviewed (5) Non-peer-reviewed (10) You are about to leave a GSK website. By clicking this link, you will be taken to a website that is independent from GSK. The site you are linking to is not controlled or endorsed by GSK and GSK is not responsible for the content provided on that site. Updated: 2 March 2018 This website and GSK webinars hosted or promoted on this website (collectively the “Site”) are the property of GlaxoSmithKline Limited (“GSK”). By using this Site, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree, do not use this Site. GSK reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use periodically for changes. You may access the Terms of Use through the hyperlink at the bottom of the webpage. Your continued use of the Site after the Terms of Use are updated, will mean you agree to be bound by any such revisions. The information provided on this Site is for general information and educational purposes only. The Site may contain information about medical conditions and their treatment. If you are a healthcare professional, the information contained on this website is not intended to serve as a substitute for your own medical judgment. If you have a medical condition, you should seek medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner. The information on this Site is not intended to be used by itself to provide you with specific medical advice or recommendation. Permitted Users This website is intended for healthcare professionals only. By using this platform you certify that you have a license to operate as a healthcare professional in the country this Site is intended for. This website has a specific section for members of the public, a specific section for patients and a specific section for healthcare professionals. “Healthcare professional” refers to an individual who in the course of their professional activities may prescribe, supply or administer a medicine or medical devices. The section for the public has been designed as a library resource to provide reference information relating to GSK medicines, including but not limited to, prescription only medicines, to the public within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Within the public section there are specific patient
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the customer. Making items as bundles enhance your effectiveness, conveys a steady item, and keeps you from going up against ventures that are not in your extent of interests. Items can be made around an assortment of requirements. You could offer your web design benefits by industry or even by sort of website. Interestingly, you abstain from promoting yourself as the across the board website design arrangement. Pick a claim to fame that you can exceed expectations at and center around that. Systems administration doesn’t need to mean building up an exceptional lift pitch. Truth be told, in the event that you genuinely need to move web design benefits, its most likely best on the off chance that you relax on that a bit. Since organizations are searching for web designers that comprehend their requirements, you should concentrate on becoming more acquainted with them first. When searching for new customers, center around your neighborhood network. Send messages to nearby organizations, presenting yourself and your administrations. Join nearby business associations and volunteer a portion of your administrations, in the event that you can bear to. These little advances will help construct associations with the general population who require your administrations, and on the off chance that they don’t purchase from you, they likely know somebody that will. With regards to discovering approaches to move web design benefits that really work you’ll need to control far from the customary strategies. Disregard mass messages, cold pitching or notices. To manufacture connections that lead to long-haul customers, you will need to get individual. Regardless of whether you are just keen on making websites, you might need to consider offering extra alternatives that assistance you move to web design administrations. You don’t need to do these extra administrations by and by. Basically, select a couple of organizations and specialists that you trust and join it with your web design administrations. Any of these esteem included administrations will indicate potential customers that you care about the accomplishment of their organizations – regardless of whether you’re just making the website. The six hints above will enable you to emerge in the present blocked web design world, yet it’s useless in the event that you don’t have anything to flaunt your abilities. Ensure you have a strong arrangement of work before you connect with potential customers – including your very own website. On the off chance that you can make contextual investigations, do as such. When you have set up yourself to a business as a designer they can trust, you’ll need to have some quality precedents that legitimize their choice to work with you. Welcome to Coble Eyecare and Optical Gallery where quality vision care and you, the patient, are our primary concern. We look forward to meeting you and giving you the personal eyecare you desire. Coble Eyecare, located in Kansas City, KS, has been serving the community since 1955 through three generations of Coble Optometrists and associates by offering the highest standards of care and personal attention from the eye health exam to choosing your eyewear in our optical gallery. We do our best to meet your eyecare needs from routine vision exams (including screenings for glaucoma and cataracts), contact lens fitting, treatment of glaucoma, diabetic eye health exams, red eyes, eye infections and eye allergies among other services. We also have a large selection of frames to suit the eyewear needs of you and your family. Please contact us to make an appointment today. "Remember, your vision is much too important to neglect." HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Harrisburg University has released renderings of its new building in Pennsylvania’s capital city. The project now will include 17 floors and cost the university about $100 million and approximately $30 million will be spent by a hospitality partner that will add a 197-room hotel and conference center with a restaurant inside the tower. Pennlive.com reports the hotel partner has not yet been named and no tax-exempt bonds will be used to pay for the hotel or restaurant. The university said Monday that the school and the hotelier would share space on 10 floors and the remaining seven floors would be entirely for the university’s use. Officials say they plan to start construction by late July of this year for a planned opening in summer 2021. Baiada Poultry signs co-development deal. Baiada Poultry is working to apply a risk modelling tool with origins in terrorism risk assessments to improve processes at its operations. The company, best known for its ret
the customer. Making items as bundles enhance your effectiveness, conveys a steady item, and keeps you from going up against ventures that are not in your extent of interests. Items can be made around an assortment of requirements. You could offer your web design benefits by industry or even by sort of website. Interestingly, you abstain from promoting yourself as the across the board website design arrangement. Pick a claim to fame that you can exceed expectations at and center around that. Systems administration doesn’t need to mean building up an exceptional lift pitch. Truth be told, in the event that you genuinely need to move web design benefits, its most likely best on the off chance that you relax on that a bit. Since organizations are searching for web designers that comprehend their requirements, you should concentrate on becoming more acquainted with them first. When searching for new customers, center around your neighborhood network. Send messages to nearby organizations, presenting yourself and your administrations. Join nearby business associations and volunteer a portion of your administrations, in the event that you can bear to. These little advances will help construct associations with the general population who require your administrations, and on the off chance that they don’t purchase from you, they likely know somebody that will. With regards to discovering approaches to move web design benefits that really work you’ll need to control far from the customary strategies. Disregard mass messages, cold pitching or notices. To manufacture connections that lead to long-haul customers, you will need to get individual. Regardless of whether you are just keen on making websites, you might need to consider offering extra alternatives that assistance you move to web design administrations. You don’t need to do these extra administrations by and by. Basically, select a couple of organizations and specialists that you trust and join it with your web design administrations. Any of these esteem included administrations will indicate potential customers that you care about the accomplishment of their organizations – regardless of whether you’re just making the website. The six hints above will enable you to emerge in the present blocked web design world, yet it’s useless in the event that you don’t have anything to flaunt your abilities. Ensure you have a strong arrangement of work before you connect with potential customers – including your very own website. On the off chance that you can make contextual investigations, do as such. When you have set up yourself to a business as a designer they can trust, you’ll need to have some quality precedents that legitimize their choice to work with you. Welcome to Coble Eyecare and Optical Gallery where quality vision care and you, the patient, are our primary concern. We look forward to meeting you and giving you the personal eyecare you desire. Coble Eyecare, located in Kansas City, KS, has been serving the community since 1955 through three generations of Coble Optometrists and associates by offering the highest standards of care and personal attention from the eye health exam to choosing your eyewear in our optical gallery. We do our best to meet your eyecare needs from routine vision exams (including screenings for glaucoma and cataracts), contact lens fitting, treatment of glaucoma, diabetic eye health exams, red eyes, eye infections and eye allergies among other services. We also have a large selection of frames to suit the eyewear needs of you and your family. Please contact us to make an appointment today. "Remember, your vision is much too important to neglect." HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Harrisburg University has released renderings of its new building in Pennsylvania’s capital city. The project now will include 17 floors and cost the university about $100 million and approximately $30 million will be spent by a hospitality partner that will add a 197-room hotel and conference center with a restaurant inside the tower. Pennlive.com reports the hotel partner has not yet been named and no tax-exempt bonds will be used to pay for the hotel or restaurant. The university said Monday that the school and the hotelier would share space on 10 floors and the remaining seven floors would be entirely for the university’s use. Officials say they plan to start construction by late July of this year for a planned opening in summer 2021. Baiada Poultry signs co-development deal. Baiada Poultry is working to apply a risk modelling tool with origins in terrorism risk assessments to improve processes at its operations. The company, best known for its ret
ail brands Steggles and Lilydale, has signed an agreement with R&D not-for-profit Battelle to cooperate on adapting the latter's hosted probabilistic risk informed analysis (PRIA) software. "We're in a developmental stage," Baiada's chief scientific officer and regulatory affairs manager, Tony Pavic, told iTnews. "We are in negotiations to license [the tool]." Pavic said PRIA had been written with the US market in mind. He said Baiada is working towards becoming the first to put the software — launched by Battelle late last year — into a production poultry environment. Pavic said the tool would allow Baiada to model and understand what impact a change — for example, to processing speeds — would have on food production, while the change is still in a "lab state". This would reduce the risk of progressing the change into the production environment. "We can have a low-risk live trial," he said. Battelle said in a statement it expects the tool to also be put to use to improving food safety by helping "manage the risk of salmonella and campylobacter outbreaks". Pavic said existing Baiada data is presently being migrated into the PRIA tool. At PRIA's launch last year, Battelle said the tool "applied the same principles" as those used by the US Department of Homeland Security for terrorism risk assessments. DHS is frequently touted as a Battelle user. An episode (from Greek ἐπεισόδιον epeisodion, "parenthetic addition") is a part of a dramatic work such as a serial television or radio program. An episode is a part of a sequence of a body of work, akin to a chapter of a book. The term sometimes applies to works based on other forms of mass media as well, as in Star Wars. Episodes of news programs are also known as editions. Episodes which end in the middle of a climactic moment are often called cliffhangers, after the name used for early movie serials. Such episodes can be nearly daily occurrences in soap operas and are frequently used in season finales of many prime time shows. Episodes can be part of a larger story arc stretched out over a time period covering one or more seasons, or even an entire series run. This is especially prevalent in dramatic television series, including soap operas or science fiction series. Other genres to feature story arcs include comedies and animated programming. J.K. Rowling has delved deeper into the complicated relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald on the special features for the upcoming Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Blu-ray, Radio Times reports. Rowling reveals that there was a “sexual dimension” to their bond, confirming that there was some reciprocity on Grindelwald’s part to Dumbledore’s affection. “So I’m less interested in the sexual side – though I believe there is a sexual dimension to this relationship – than I am in the sense of the emotions they felt for each other, which ultimately is the most fascinating thing about all human relationship,” Rowling adds. In 2007, Rowling casually confessed that Dumbledore was gay during a Q&A session with Harry Potter fans. Her admission was followed by the revelation that Dumbledore’s love for childhood friend turned dark wizard Grindelwald became his "great tragedy." Even though Dumbledore’s sexual orientation and his feelings toward Grindelwald were a well-known fact, the 2018 film The Crimes of Grindelwald failed to provide any further clarification regarding their relationship, aside from the closeness that these two characters shared. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is currently available via digital download, and will be released March 18 on 3D, 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD. The Destined for Love: Mansions series is $.99 this week. Find Saving Sycamore Bay on Amazon. Click here to read more about each book or purchase. Full citation: Ostrom, E. (2011). Background on the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework. Policy Studies Journal, 39(1), 7-27. PEORIA, Ariz. -- Leonys Martin's three-run homer was part of the Mariners' six-run third against new Giants right
nedich on 1 April 1810 that he had composed his first poem at the age of fifteen. Batyushkov began to write poetry seriously in 1804 (at least, the dating of his first works from 1802—03 is not documented). Two poems are conventionally regarded as having been written before the first published one. Florian Baucke aka: Paucke, Pauke 1719, Sep 24 1779, Jul 14 a Silesian and Bohemian Jesuit missionary, who recorded the native traditions of South America. Baucke was born in Winzig, Austrian Silesia. On 1736, He became a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuite). He worked mainly in the Río de la Plata, Imperial Spain, and drew and painted the customs of the region. He returned to Austria and Bohemia on 1768. He die... a Silesian and Bohemian Jesuit missionary, who recorded the native traditions of South America. Baucke was born in Winzig, Austrian Silesia. On 1736, He became a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuite). He worked mainly in the Río de la Plata, Imperial Spain, and drew and painted the customs of the region. He returned to Austria and Bohemia on 1768. He died, aged 59, in Neuhaus, Bohemia. His original manuscript are in the Library of the Zwettl Abbey, Zwettl, Lower Austria. Antoine Baudeau de Somaize aka: sieur de Somaize 1630 ca 1660s unknown a secretary to Marie Mancini, niece of Cardinal Mazarin. There is not much information known about the details of his life. He published a Grand Dictionnaire des Prétieuses, ou La Clef de la Langue des Ruelles in 1660; a much enlarged edition was published in 1661. The same year he published a comedy, Le Procez des prétieuses, en vers burlesques. 1821, Apr 9 1867, Aug 31 a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His first published work was his art review "Salon of 1845", which attracted immediate attention for its boldness. Many of his critical opini... a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His first published work was his art review "Salon of 1845", which attracted immediate attention for its boldness. Many of his critical opinions were novel in their time, including his championing of Delacroix, and some of his views seem remarkably in tune with the future theories of the Impressionist painters. In 1846, Baudelaire wrote his second Salon review, gaining additional credibility as an advocate and critic of Romanticism. His support of Delacroix as the foremost Romantic artist gained widespread notice. The following year Baudelaire's novella La Fanfarlo was published. Cross-listed in Legal Francois Baudouin aka: François Balduinus a French jurist, Christian controversialist and historian. Among the most colourful of the noted French humanists, he was respected by his contemporaries as a statesman and jurist, even as they frowned upon his perceived inconstancy in matters of faith: he was noted as a Calvinist who converted to Catholicism. Baudouin was a prolific writer on juridical and ... a French jurist, Christian controversialist and historian. Among the most colourful of the noted French humanists, he was respected by his contemporaries as a statesman and jurist, even as they frowned upon his perceived inconstancy in matters of faith: he was noted as a Calvinist who converted to Catholicism. Baudouin was a prolific writer on juridical and ecclesiastical topics. As a jurist, he established the palingenetic method of presentation of legal sources. His works include many substantial commentaries on Roman law. Eduard von Bauernfeld 1802, Jan 13 1890, Aug 9 an Austrian dramatist, was born at Vienna. As a
nedich on 1 April 1810 that he had composed his first poem at the age of fifteen. Batyushkov began to write poetry seriously in 1804 (at least, the dating of his first works from 1802—03 is not documented). Two poems are conventionally regarded as having been written before the first published one. Florian Baucke aka: Paucke, Pauke 1719, Sep 24 1779, Jul 14 a Silesian and Bohemian Jesuit missionary, who recorded the native traditions of South America. Baucke was born in Winzig, Austrian Silesia. On 1736, He became a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuite). He worked mainly in the Río de la Plata, Imperial Spain, and drew and painted the customs of the region. He returned to Austria and Bohemia on 1768. He die... a Silesian and Bohemian Jesuit missionary, who recorded the native traditions of South America. Baucke was born in Winzig, Austrian Silesia. On 1736, He became a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuite). He worked mainly in the Río de la Plata, Imperial Spain, and drew and painted the customs of the region. He returned to Austria and Bohemia on 1768. He died, aged 59, in Neuhaus, Bohemia. His original manuscript are in the Library of the Zwettl Abbey, Zwettl, Lower Austria. Antoine Baudeau de Somaize aka: sieur de Somaize 1630 ca 1660s unknown a secretary to Marie Mancini, niece of Cardinal Mazarin. There is not much information known about the details of his life. He published a Grand Dictionnaire des Prétieuses, ou La Clef de la Langue des Ruelles in 1660; a much enlarged edition was published in 1661. The same year he published a comedy, Le Procez des prétieuses, en vers burlesques. 1821, Apr 9 1867, Aug 31 a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His first published work was his art review "Salon of 1845", which attracted immediate attention for its boldness. Many of his critical opini... a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His first published work was his art review "Salon of 1845", which attracted immediate attention for its boldness. Many of his critical opinions were novel in their time, including his championing of Delacroix, and some of his views seem remarkably in tune with the future theories of the Impressionist painters. In 1846, Baudelaire wrote his second Salon review, gaining additional credibility as an advocate and critic of Romanticism. His support of Delacroix as the foremost Romantic artist gained widespread notice. The following year Baudelaire's novella La Fanfarlo was published. Cross-listed in Legal Francois Baudouin aka: François Balduinus a French jurist, Christian controversialist and historian. Among the most colourful of the noted French humanists, he was respected by his contemporaries as a statesman and jurist, even as they frowned upon his perceived inconstancy in matters of faith: he was noted as a Calvinist who converted to Catholicism. Baudouin was a prolific writer on juridical and ... a French jurist, Christian controversialist and historian. Among the most colourful of the noted French humanists, he was respected by his contemporaries as a statesman and jurist, even as they frowned upon his perceived inconstancy in matters of faith: he was noted as a Calvinist who converted to Catholicism. Baudouin was a prolific writer on juridical and ecclesiastical topics. As a jurist, he established the palingenetic method of presentation of legal sources. His works include many substantial commentaries on Roman law. Eduard von Bauernfeld 1802, Jan 13 1890, Aug 9 an Austrian dramatist, was born at Vienna. As a
writer of comedies and farces, Bauernfeld takes high rank among the German playwrights of the century; his plots are clever, the situations witty and natural and the diction elegant. His earliest essays, the comedies Leichtsinn aus Liebe (1831); Des Liebes-Protokoll (1831) and Die ewige Liebe (1834); Burgerlich... an Austrian dramatist, was born at Vienna. As a writer of comedies and farces, Bauernfeld takes high rank among the German playwrights of the century; his plots are clever, the situations witty and natural and the diction elegant. His earliest essays, the comedies Leichtsinn aus Liebe (1831); Des Liebes-Protokoll (1831) and Die ewige Liebe (1834); Burgerlich und Romantisch, (1835) enjoyed great popularity. Jacob Bauthumley a significant English radical religious writer, usually identified as a central figure among the Ranters. He is known principally for The light and dark sides of God (1650). This work was regarded as blasphemous. After the Blasphemy Act of August 1650, he was arrested, convicted, and bored or burned through the tongue. Bauthumley denied that the Bible was th... a significant English radical religious writer, usually identified as a central figure among the Ranters. He is known principally for The light and dark sides of God (1650). This work was regarded as blasphemous. After the Blasphemy Act of August 1650, he was arrested, convicted, and bored or burned through the tongue. Bauthumley denied that the Bible was the Word of God, and that Christ was more divine than other men. He considered that the real Devil lay in human nature, while God dwells in the flesh of man. Guillaume Bautru aka: comte de Serrant 1588 1665, Mar 7 a French satirical poet, court favourite and a protégé and diplomatic agent of cardinal Richelieu. He was lord of Louvaines, conseiller d'État under Louis XIII and ... a French satirical poet, court favourite and a protégé and diplomatic agent of cardinal Richelieu. He was lord of Louvaines, conseiller d'État under Louis XIII and Louis XIV, herald of ambassadors in the king's court, minister plenipotentiary and ambassador to the archduchess of Flanders, and king's envoy to Spain, England and the Duchy of Savoy. He was also one of the founder members of the Académie française, to which he was elected in 1634. William Bavand an English writer. Bavand, having been educated at Oxford, became a student in the Middle Temple, and published in 1559 ‘A work touching the good ordering of a Common Weale in 9 Books,’ a translation from Ferrarius Montanus. The book is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. Scattered up and down the work are several verse-translations of passages from classical ... an English writer. Bavand, having been educated at Oxford, became a student in the Middle Temple, and published in 1559 ‘A work touching the good ordering of a Common Weale in 9 Books,’ a translation from Ferrarius Montanus. The book is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. Scattered up and down the work are several verse-translations of passages from classical poets. Baroness Sophie Bawr aka: Comtesse de Saint-Simon, Baronne de Bawr, M. François 1773, Oct 8 1860, Dec 31 a French writer, playwright and composer. Her Suite d'un bal masque was highly successful and received 246 performances between 1813 and 1869. Alexandrine-Sophie de Bawr wrote plays, musical theater, songs, several novels, educational texts and her own memoirs. Her nonfiction texts provide important historical information. George A. Baxter 1771, Jul 22 1841 an American university administrator. He served as the President of Washington and Lee University and Hampden–Sydney College. His publications include An Essay on the Abolition of Slavery, published in Richmond in 183
ep On Dreaming winning like a nice horse – Photo Bruce Stewart Win number two for Matty Williamson – Photo Bruce Stewart The win was one of two for Matty Williamson who is in a hot vein of form at the moment too, winning four races at Forbury Park on Thursday. Keep On Dreaming is also owned by Lindsay and Ian Thomson and looks to be a leading candidate for the end of season Southern Supremacy Stakes. Meanwhile Boarding Pass won for Kennington trainer Greg Hunter . She won the first race on Cup day in the hands of Craig Ferguson. Stretching out – Boarding Pass – Photo Bruce Stewart Michelle Caig has been in the Standardbred industry for twenty five years and has experience of highs and lows that come with selling yearlings at the sales. She’s fought a few battles in that time, but her upbringing has certainly made her resilient. “I’ve come from pretty much doing. I went to eleven different schools and lived in twenty eight houses; living in State Houses and off Birthright. I never dreamt I’d own the land that I’ve got or have the horses I’ve got,” she said. Over the years she developed a critical eye for horse flesh and started to hone those skills as a judge at the show pony section of local shows. “I initially plaited horses up for the late Paul Browman and attended the national yearling sales in Christchurch for twenty three years. I’ve only missed two sales in that time.” The first mare Michelle bought was Mitequila, an Andrel mare out of the four win Transport Chip mare Trist Mist which was raced in Southland by Terry Stumbles, Peter Donaldson, Ian Donaldson and Noel Eade. She won four races from eighteen starts for Wyndham trainer Gary McEwan. Michelle bred her first foal by Courage Under Fire out of the mare. Named Mistefire, he was her first sales yearling in 2005 and was bought by Tim Butt for $30,000. Most of her success at the sales in twenty three years has been with yearling out of Sundon trotting mare Sun Mist a daughter of champion trotting mare Merenai. She leased Sun Mist in 2010 after she’d answered an advertisement in the Harness Racing Weekly. “She had a terrible reputation as been cantankerous. They paid $38,000 for her at the yearling sales. She was trained by Geoff Small and used to stop the jogger. She just didn’t want to be a race horse so they sent her to Michelle Hackett’s on the beach. Most horses love the straight line training. She used to get up to the point where they turned around and she’d lie down.” Sun Mist was promptly sent to stud and when she was leased by Caig she’d already left Sonofanearl. Over the years Caig has bred Rosemma (10 wins), Stuey D (12 wins), October Rain (5 wins), He’s Like The Wind (6 wins), Shes Like The Wind (1 win), Dreamsinthemist, Leaf Stride (2 wins) and her weanling colt by Pegasus Spur was sold late last year for $25,000 to Neville Cleaver and is with Southland trainer Nathan Williamson. In total, Sun Mist from nine foals that have raced, has left the winners of seventy four races. Australians Sue and Mike McGuire have been great supporters of Sun Mist’s progeny, buying Pretty Sunday and Rosemma. They’ve raced both successfully in Australia and are now breeding from the pair. They’ve been given good chances to succeed with Pretty Sunday producing foals by Angus Hall, Majestic Son and Father Patrick while Rosemma has two foals by Majestic Son. Caig is also breeding from one of Sun Mist’s daughters Shes Like The Wind, who’s in foal to Pegasus Spur. “She (Shes Like The Wind) won in track record time at Omakau at her first start and hit the mobile arm at her third start in the Southland Trotting Oaks. She never wanted to be a race horse after that. She just got herself so upset when she got onto the track.” Shes Like The Wind Unfortunately two fillies by Sun
ep On Dreaming winning like a nice horse – Photo Bruce Stewart Win number two for Matty Williamson – Photo Bruce Stewart The win was one of two for Matty Williamson who is in a hot vein of form at the moment too, winning four races at Forbury Park on Thursday. Keep On Dreaming is also owned by Lindsay and Ian Thomson and looks to be a leading candidate for the end of season Southern Supremacy Stakes. Meanwhile Boarding Pass won for Kennington trainer Greg Hunter . She won the first race on Cup day in the hands of Craig Ferguson. Stretching out – Boarding Pass – Photo Bruce Stewart Michelle Caig has been in the Standardbred industry for twenty five years and has experience of highs and lows that come with selling yearlings at the sales. She’s fought a few battles in that time, but her upbringing has certainly made her resilient. “I’ve come from pretty much doing. I went to eleven different schools and lived in twenty eight houses; living in State Houses and off Birthright. I never dreamt I’d own the land that I’ve got or have the horses I’ve got,” she said. Over the years she developed a critical eye for horse flesh and started to hone those skills as a judge at the show pony section of local shows. “I initially plaited horses up for the late Paul Browman and attended the national yearling sales in Christchurch for twenty three years. I’ve only missed two sales in that time.” The first mare Michelle bought was Mitequila, an Andrel mare out of the four win Transport Chip mare Trist Mist which was raced in Southland by Terry Stumbles, Peter Donaldson, Ian Donaldson and Noel Eade. She won four races from eighteen starts for Wyndham trainer Gary McEwan. Michelle bred her first foal by Courage Under Fire out of the mare. Named Mistefire, he was her first sales yearling in 2005 and was bought by Tim Butt for $30,000. Most of her success at the sales in twenty three years has been with yearling out of Sundon trotting mare Sun Mist a daughter of champion trotting mare Merenai. She leased Sun Mist in 2010 after she’d answered an advertisement in the Harness Racing Weekly. “She had a terrible reputation as been cantankerous. They paid $38,000 for her at the yearling sales. She was trained by Geoff Small and used to stop the jogger. She just didn’t want to be a race horse so they sent her to Michelle Hackett’s on the beach. Most horses love the straight line training. She used to get up to the point where they turned around and she’d lie down.” Sun Mist was promptly sent to stud and when she was leased by Caig she’d already left Sonofanearl. Over the years Caig has bred Rosemma (10 wins), Stuey D (12 wins), October Rain (5 wins), He’s Like The Wind (6 wins), Shes Like The Wind (1 win), Dreamsinthemist, Leaf Stride (2 wins) and her weanling colt by Pegasus Spur was sold late last year for $25,000 to Neville Cleaver and is with Southland trainer Nathan Williamson. In total, Sun Mist from nine foals that have raced, has left the winners of seventy four races. Australians Sue and Mike McGuire have been great supporters of Sun Mist’s progeny, buying Pretty Sunday and Rosemma. They’ve raced both successfully in Australia and are now breeding from the pair. They’ve been given good chances to succeed with Pretty Sunday producing foals by Angus Hall, Majestic Son and Father Patrick while Rosemma has two foals by Majestic Son. Caig is also breeding from one of Sun Mist’s daughters Shes Like The Wind, who’s in foal to Pegasus Spur. “She (Shes Like The Wind) won in track record time at Omakau at her first start and hit the mobile arm at her third start in the Southland Trotting Oaks. She never wanted to be a race horse after that. She just got herself so upset when she got onto the track.” Shes Like The Wind Unfortunately two fillies by Sun
Mist had to be put down. This season she hoped, like a host of trotting breeders, to be able to send Sun Mist to Bold Eagle. “I waited for the semen but it hasn’t come. It’s coming next year so she’s booked in. I had her served by What The Hill but I don’t know whether she’s in foal. She’s getting older and didn’t get in foal last season so it’s a bit of a challenge.” At the end of her breeding career Michelle was also given Merinai. “I met John Bedwell at Alexandra Park one night through my wonderful friend Neil Pilcher. We got talking about yearlings and mares and he realised that I had Sun Mist, a daughter of Merinai. She (Merinai) was at Woodlands Stud on a three year lease. John offered the mare to me and I said yes.” Merinai and John Bedwell Caig only managed to get one foal out of Merinai – Master Merlin, which won one race for Arna Donnelly. Merinai was served by Angus Hall, Majestic Son, Pegasus Spur and The Pres between 2014 and 2017 but never got in foal. She died in 2019. Although Merinai had moderate success at stud her daughters lead by Sun Mist are doing an excellent job at stud. Madam Spur won five races and has left two foals by What The Hill. Owned by Woodland Stud they’re offering an unnamed yearling filly at the Auckland sale next month. Madam Spur Miss Pegasus won nine races. She’s the dam of the highly promising Miss Crazed which has won three races from eleven starts. A yearling colt by What The Hill out of Miss Pegasus is also in the Auckland sale. Miss Crazed Classic Armbro was the winner of two races. As a broodmare she’s left Sertorius, the winner of ten, Tailored Elegance which won four including the Southland Trotting Oaks, and the promising I See Fire which has won two of his six starts for Tony Herlihy. Michelle has been at her Price Road property for sixteen years, where she runs her mares and prepares her yearlings. She built a new house on the property and then subdivided the house and two acres, retaining the stable block and the balance of the land. “It’s really good land. I’ve got a bit of iron in my bore. You can’t drink the bore water out of the ground but the horses do really really well on it. If I have a really good sale this year I’ll build another house.” Michelle is taking four yearlings to the Christchurch Sale next month including a Pegasus Spur colt out of the Lindy Lane mare City Lane. Lindy Lane won seven races, competing in Victoria and New South Wales and has left Australasian Breeders Crown winner Our Renezmae and Saratoga, the winner of seven races. Lot 165 – Pegasus Spur – City Lane “He’s the nicest type that City Lane has had. Renezmae was pretty and feminine whereas this yearling is a real boy. He’s got a nice bright eye and he just trots around the paddock. He’s a lot like his mother and runs along with his head out like Speeding Spur. He’s easy to get along with and he’ll be a two year old.” Lot 165 Pegasus Spur- City Lane The first pacing yearling she’ll be leading into the sales ring is a filly by Rock N Roll Heaven out of Christian Cullen mare Sonjador. This is the family that’s left quality pacing stock including millionaire pacer Holmes DG which won twenty two, and Giovanetto the winner of eighteen races including the Welcome Stakes at two, Southern Supremacy Stakes at three and Superstars Four Year Old Championship. Lot 228 Rock N Roll Heaven – Sonjador “John Curtin really likes her. She can get a bit toey but every time you get her in she’s just getting better and better. She’s a lovely long rangy filly and I bet she can run. It’s an old family so why not a Rock N Roll Heaven filly out of a Christian Cullen mare?” She’ll also be presenting
ships, football predictions for each match, reviews of bookmakers and football matches, lists of coefficients and bonuses for African players. New Jersey LOCATIONS Asbury Park , Discount Liquor Warehouse, 1611 Asbury Ave Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Atlantic City , Kings Food and Lot, 2834 Atlantic Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Avenel , Avenel Convenience Store, 1008 Rahway Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 8:00pm Get Directions Bayonne , Tiger Deli, 1224 Kennedy Blvd. 24/7 Get Directions Branchburg , Express Mart, 990 US-202 Mon-Fri: 6:00am - 9:00pm Sat: 6:30am - 9:00pm Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Colonia , Cheers World, 1399 St Georges Ave Mon-Thur: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Colonia , Colonia Convenience Store, 498 Inman Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Delran , Cinnaminson Riggins, 1015 US-130 Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Vino Sandro Wine & Spirits, 1129 Inman Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Harvest Wine & Spirits, 2370 Woodbridge Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Edison Discount Wine & Spirit, 144 Talmadge Rd Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Elizabeth , Quick Fair Food Mart, 400 Madison Ave #D Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:45pm Get Directions Fairview , Maya Grocery & Deli, 131 Anderson Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Freehold , Krauszer's Food Store, 546 Park Ave Mon-Sun: 5:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Gloucester City , Phillips 66, 174 S Broadway 24/7 Get Directions Hackensack , 7-Eleven, 290 Polifly Rd 24/7 Get Directions Hamilton Township , Grays Wine & Liquor, 2559 Nottingham Way Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Highland Park , Krauszers Food Store, 93 Woodbridge Ave Mon-Fri: 5:30am - 10:00pm Sat: 6:30am - 10:00pm Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Hoboken , Super Foods, 301 Jackson St Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Jersey City , Newport Centre Mall, 30 Mall Drive West Mon-Sat: 11:00am - 7:00pm Sun: 12:00pm - 6:00pm Get Directions Jersey City , Bottles, 564 West Side Ave Mon-Sun: 10am - 10pm Get Directions Linden , E & J Corner, 424 Roselle St Mon-Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Lodi , KC's Deli, 325 Passaic Ave A Lodi NJ 07644 Mon-Sun: 8:00am - 8:
ships, football predictions for each match, reviews of bookmakers and football matches, lists of coefficients and bonuses for African players. New Jersey LOCATIONS Asbury Park , Discount Liquor Warehouse, 1611 Asbury Ave Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Atlantic City , Kings Food and Lot, 2834 Atlantic Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Avenel , Avenel Convenience Store, 1008 Rahway Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 8:00pm Get Directions Bayonne , Tiger Deli, 1224 Kennedy Blvd. 24/7 Get Directions Branchburg , Express Mart, 990 US-202 Mon-Fri: 6:00am - 9:00pm Sat: 6:30am - 9:00pm Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Colonia , Cheers World, 1399 St Georges Ave Mon-Thur: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Colonia , Colonia Convenience Store, 498 Inman Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Delran , Cinnaminson Riggins, 1015 US-130 Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Vino Sandro Wine & Spirits, 1129 Inman Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Harvest Wine & Spirits, 2370 Woodbridge Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Edison , Edison Discount Wine & Spirit, 144 Talmadge Rd Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Elizabeth , Quick Fair Food Mart, 400 Madison Ave #D Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:45pm Get Directions Fairview , Maya Grocery & Deli, 131 Anderson Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Freehold , Krauszer's Food Store, 546 Park Ave Mon-Sun: 5:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Gloucester City , Phillips 66, 174 S Broadway 24/7 Get Directions Hackensack , 7-Eleven, 290 Polifly Rd 24/7 Get Directions Hamilton Township , Grays Wine & Liquor, 2559 Nottingham Way Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Highland Park , Krauszers Food Store, 93 Woodbridge Ave Mon-Fri: 5:30am - 10:00pm Sat: 6:30am - 10:00pm Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Hoboken , Super Foods, 301 Jackson St Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Jersey City , Newport Centre Mall, 30 Mall Drive West Mon-Sat: 11:00am - 7:00pm Sun: 12:00pm - 6:00pm Get Directions Jersey City , Bottles, 564 West Side Ave Mon-Sun: 10am - 10pm Get Directions Linden , E & J Corner, 424 Roselle St Mon-Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Lodi , KC's Deli, 325 Passaic Ave A Lodi NJ 07644 Mon-Sun: 8:00am - 8:
00pm Get Directions Maple Shade , Lukoil, 100 E Kings Hwy Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Metuchen , Krauszer's Food Store, 166 Durham Ave Mon-Sun: 5:30am - 10:00pm Get Directions Middlesex , Panda Food Mart, 230 Mountain Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pm Get Directions Montclair , Krauszer's Food Store, 599 Pompton Ave Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM Get Directions Morristown , Four Seasons Wine & Liquor, 131 Morris St Mon-Sun: 9:30am - 10:00pm Get Directions New Brunswick , Circle Exxon, 34 US-1 24/7 Get Directions Newark , Kingdom Liquors, 508 N 11th St, Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 8:00pm Get Directions North Arlington , Sunoco, 429 River Rd Mon-Sun: 5:00am - 12:00pm Get Directions North Middletown , Bevacquas Deli, 305 Port Monmouth Rd Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Park Ridge , Quick Stop, 161 S Kinderkarmack Rd 24/7 Get Directions Passaic , Super 56 Grocery, 8 Myrtle Ave Mon-Sun: 5:00am - 12:00am Get Directions Paterson , Paruta's Liquor, 89 Market St Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 11:00pm Get Directions Paterson , 7-Eleven, 57 E 30th St 24/7 Get Directions Pennsauken Township , Conoco, 8005 S Crescent Blvd Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Perth Amboy , Amboy Discount Liquors, 364 New Brunswick Ave Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 11:00pm Get Directions Plainfield , Watchung Liquors, 131 Park Ave Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Pleasantville , Kings Food Store, 141 N Main St Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 11:00pm Get Directions Port Reading , Petro Express, 753 Port Reading Ave Mon-Sun: 6:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Rahway , Wild Tiger Exxon, 1950 US-1 24/7 Get Directions Randolph , Quick Grab N Go, 256 NJ-10 Mon-Sun: 5am-12am Get Directions Red Bank , Trezza's Liquors, 281 NJ-35 Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions Runnemede , Runnemede Discount Liquors, 508 N Black Horse Pike Mon-Sun: 9:30am - 10:00pm Get Directions Sayreville , Raritan Discount Liquors, 510 Raritan St Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions Somerset , Franklin Liquors, 1221 NJ-27 #1 Mon-Sun: 10:00am - 9:00pm Get Directions South Plainfield , Krauszer's Food Store, 488 Oak Tree Ave Mon-Sun: 5:00am - 10:00pm Get Directions South River , La La Land Smoke Shop, 26 Main St Mon-Sun:
atic rifles, the Winchester Models 1903 and 1905 and the Remington Model 8, entered the market between 1903 and 1906. See JOHN HENWOOD, THE 8 AND THE 81: A HISTORY OF REMINGTON'S PIONEER AUTOLOADING RIFLES 5 (1993); JOHN HENWOOD, THE FORGOTTEN WINCHESTERS: A HISTORY OF THE MODELS 1905, 1907, AND 1910 SELF-LOADING RIFLES 2-6 (1995). (The first semi-automatic shotgun, designed by John Browning and manufactured by Remington, hit the market in 1905 and was a runaway commercial success. See HENWOOD, 8 AND THE 81, at 4.) Other arms manufacturers, including Standard Arms and Browning Arms, quickly brought their own semi-automatic rifles to market. See id. at 64-69. Five-shot magazines were standard, but as early as 1907, Winchester was offering the general public ten-shot magazines for use with its .351 caliber semi-automatic rifles. See HENWOOD, THE FORGOTTEN WINCHESTERS 22-23. Many of the early semiautomatic rifles were available with pistol grips. See id. at 117-24. These semi-automatic rifles were designed and marketed primarily for use as hunting rifles, with a small ancillary market among law enforcement officers. See HENWOOD, 8 AND THE 81, at 115-21. By contrast, full automatics were developed for the battlefield and were never in widespread civilian use in the United States. Riflecaliber machine guns (excluding the Gatling gun, which required hand cranking) first saw widespread use in the European colonial powers' African conquests of the 1890s. See JOHN ELLIS, THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE MACHINE GUN 79-107 (1986). Automatic, pistol-caliber machine guns were fielded by European militaries toward the end of World War I. The Thompson machine gun (commonly known as the "Tommy gun") entered commercial sale in the United States in the mid-1920s but saw very limited civilian use outside of organized crime and law enforcement. See LEE KENNETT & JAMES LAVERNE ANDERSON, THE GUN IN AMERICA 203-04 (1975). Within less than a decade, the Tommy gun and other automatic weapons had been subjected to comprehensive federal regulation. National Firearms Act, ch. 757, 48 Stat. 1236 (1934); see also 18 U.S.C. 922(o). Semi-automatic rifles remain in common use today, as even the majority opinion here acknowledges. See Maj. Op. at 1261 ("We think it clear enough in the record that semi-automatic rifles . . . are indeed in `common use,' as the plaintiffs contend."). According to one source, about 40 percent of rifles sold in 2010 were semi-automatic. See NICHOLAS J. JOHNSON ET AL., FIREARMS LAW AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT: REGULATION, RIGHTS, AND POLICY ch. 1 (forthcoming 2012). The AR-15 is the most popular semi-automatic rifle; since 1986, about two million semi-automatic AR-15 rifles have been manufactured. J.A. 84 (Declaration of Firearms Researcher Mark Overstreet). In 2007, the AR-15 alone accounted for 5.5 percent of firearms and 14.4 percent of rifles produced in the United States for the domestic market. Id. A brief perusal of the website of a popular American gun seller underscores the point that semi-automatic rifles are quite common in the United States. See, e.g., C
atic rifles, the Winchester Models 1903 and 1905 and the Remington Model 8, entered the market between 1903 and 1906. See JOHN HENWOOD, THE 8 AND THE 81: A HISTORY OF REMINGTON'S PIONEER AUTOLOADING RIFLES 5 (1993); JOHN HENWOOD, THE FORGOTTEN WINCHESTERS: A HISTORY OF THE MODELS 1905, 1907, AND 1910 SELF-LOADING RIFLES 2-6 (1995). (The first semi-automatic shotgun, designed by John Browning and manufactured by Remington, hit the market in 1905 and was a runaway commercial success. See HENWOOD, 8 AND THE 81, at 4.) Other arms manufacturers, including Standard Arms and Browning Arms, quickly brought their own semi-automatic rifles to market. See id. at 64-69. Five-shot magazines were standard, but as early as 1907, Winchester was offering the general public ten-shot magazines for use with its .351 caliber semi-automatic rifles. See HENWOOD, THE FORGOTTEN WINCHESTERS 22-23. Many of the early semiautomatic rifles were available with pistol grips. See id. at 117-24. These semi-automatic rifles were designed and marketed primarily for use as hunting rifles, with a small ancillary market among law enforcement officers. See HENWOOD, 8 AND THE 81, at 115-21. By contrast, full automatics were developed for the battlefield and were never in widespread civilian use in the United States. Riflecaliber machine guns (excluding the Gatling gun, which required hand cranking) first saw widespread use in the European colonial powers' African conquests of the 1890s. See JOHN ELLIS, THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE MACHINE GUN 79-107 (1986). Automatic, pistol-caliber machine guns were fielded by European militaries toward the end of World War I. The Thompson machine gun (commonly known as the "Tommy gun") entered commercial sale in the United States in the mid-1920s but saw very limited civilian use outside of organized crime and law enforcement. See LEE KENNETT & JAMES LAVERNE ANDERSON, THE GUN IN AMERICA 203-04 (1975). Within less than a decade, the Tommy gun and other automatic weapons had been subjected to comprehensive federal regulation. National Firearms Act, ch. 757, 48 Stat. 1236 (1934); see also 18 U.S.C. 922(o). Semi-automatic rifles remain in common use today, as even the majority opinion here acknowledges. See Maj. Op. at 1261 ("We think it clear enough in the record that semi-automatic rifles . . . are indeed in `common use,' as the plaintiffs contend."). According to one source, about 40 percent of rifles sold in 2010 were semi-automatic. See NICHOLAS J. JOHNSON ET AL., FIREARMS LAW AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT: REGULATION, RIGHTS, AND POLICY ch. 1 (forthcoming 2012). The AR-15 is the most popular semi-automatic rifle; since 1986, about two million semi-automatic AR-15 rifles have been manufactured. J.A. 84 (Declaration of Firearms Researcher Mark Overstreet). In 2007, the AR-15 alone accounted for 5.5 percent of firearms and 14.4 percent of rifles produced in the United States for the domestic market. Id. A brief perusal of the website of a popular American gun seller underscores the point that semi-automatic rifles are quite common in the United States. See, e.g., C
ABELA'S, http://www.cabelas.com. Semi-automatic rifles are commonly used for self-defense in the home, hunting, target shooting, 1288 *1288 and competitions. J.A. 137 (Declaration of Firearms Expert Harold E. Johnson). And many hunting guns are semi-automatic. Id. Although a few states and municipalities ban some categories of semi-automatic rifles, most of the country does not, and even the bans that exist are significantly narrower than D.C.'s. What the Supreme Court said in Heller as to D.C.'s handgun ban thus applies just as well to D.C.'s new semi-automatic rifle ban: "Few laws in the history of our Nation have come close to the severe restriction of the District's" law. 554 U.S. at 629, 128 S.Ct. 2783. What is more, in its 1994 decision in Staples, the Supreme Court already stated that semi-automatic weapons "traditionally have been widely accepted as lawful possessions." 511 U.S. at 612, 114 S.Ct. 1793. Indeed, the precise weapon at issue in Staples was the AR-15. The AR-15 is the quintessential semi-automatic rifle that D.C. seeks to ban here. Yet as the Supreme Court noted in Staples, the AR-15 is in common use by law-abiding citizens and has traditionally been lawful to possess. By contrast, as the Court stated in Staples and again in Heller, short-barreled shotguns and automatic "M-16 rifles and the like" are not in common use and have been permissibly banned by Congress. Heller, 554 U.S. at 625, 627, 128 S.Ct. 2783; see also Staples, 511 U.S. at 611-12, 114 S.Ct. 1793 ("certain categories of gunsno doubt including the machineguns, sawed-off shotguns, and artillery pieces that Congress has subjected to regulation. . . have the same quasi-suspect character we attributed to owning hand grenades," but "guns falling outside those categories traditionally have been widely accepted as lawful possessions"); 18 U.S.C. 922(o)(1) ("it shall be unlawful for any person to transfer or possess a machinegun").[15] The Supreme Court's statement in Staples that semi-automatic rifles are traditionally and widely accepted as lawful possessions further demonstrates that such guns are protected under the Heller historyand tradition-based test. The government may still ban automatic firearms (that is, machine guns), which traditionally have been banned. But the government may not generally ban semi-automatic guns, whether semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Even if it were appropriate to apply some kind of balancing test or level of scrutiny to D.C.'s ban on semi-automatic rifles, the proper test would be strict scrutiny, as explained above. See supra Part I.F. That is particularly true where, as here, a court is analyzing a ban on a class of arms within the scope of Second Amendment protection. If we are to apply strict scrutiny, we must do so in a manner consistent with Heller's holding that D.C.'s handgun ban was unconstitutional. But D.C. cannot show a compelling interest in banning semi- automatic rifles because the necessary implication of the decision in Heller is that D.C. could not show a sufficiently compelling interest to justify its banning semi-automatic handguns. For its part, the majority opinion analyzes D.C.'s ban on semiautomatic rifles under an intermediate scrutiny balancing test. Even if the majority opinion were 1289 *1289 right that intermediate scrutiny is the proper test, the majority opinion's application of intermediate scrutiny here is unconvincing: The fundamental flaw in the majority opinion is that it cannot persuasively explain why semi-automatic handguns are constitutionally protected (as Heller
: “TUNGSTEN BRINGING NEW ACTIVITY TO ATOLIA — Discovery of Scheelite and Advance in Price Quadruples Population. – Atolia Oct. 26 – There is unusual activity in this section of the desert which bids fair to rival that other early excitement that developed Randsburg and her now famous Yellow Aster group of gold producing mines Eight years ago, an old desert miner discovered in the concentrates of his “dry washing” operations near hear many particles of heavy quartz, which were mistakenly called barium by nearly all the prospectors of this section. Closer investigation and acid tests revealed these concentrates to be scheelite, a valuable ore of tungsten. Probably less than $300 per ton was its value at that time. Regular shipments and more recent exploitation in manufacture of steel, soon made known its peculiar hardening and toughening quality in producing high-grade tool steel, big guns, steel rails and machinery, where extra hard ware and service is expected of metal. Five years ago market quotations for tungsten producing ore (scheelite) was $310 per ton for better than 60 per cent grades A year ago almost the total United States product, which was derived from the Atolia mines, could have been bought for $600 per ton of highest grade—about 74 per cent Today it is worth $30 to $35 per unit, or $1500 per ton, of same quality. Scheelite has some resemblance to calcite, or white lime rock, but is much harder and twice as heavy, and will fuse only at extremely high temperature. The tungstic acid extracted by heat process imparts to steel that almost indestructible quality desired by machinists. Some Varieties of scheelite are cream colored, yellow, brown, and light red. The Atolia product is usually a lustrous cream color, having the appearance of heavy spar, its distinguishing characteristic, however it its great lead-like gravity.” – The Bakersfield Californian. April 15, 1916: “MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF TUNGSTEN FROM ATOLIA IN WEEK –Atolia, Cal… April 15. – One hundred tons of high grade tungsten ore valued around one million dollars was shipped from Atolia this week. The Atolia Company shipped two cars containing about seventy tons and the ore buyers shipped one car of about 30 tons. Company ore is figured around $5 per pound, while ore buyers, buying as cheap as possible pay around $3. Besides this amount there has been a large amount of concentrates and high grade that is stored here and in Randsburg and Johannesburg. The output for one month from this district will exceed the output in value for the entire United States in 1913, which was about 1500 short tons, valued at $672,000. Besides the tungsten the production of gold will show a large increase over the production of the past few years, as each tungsten producer is taking out a certain amount of gold, in many instances paying expenses with the gold. ” – The Bakersfield Californian May 23, 1916: TUNGSTEN MARKET VERY UNCERTAIN; MINES MAY CLOSE—Taft, May 23.-JUDGE C. C. Noble has returned from Atolia, the great tungsten camp in San Bernardino county, where he had a lease and succeeded in disposing of it. There is not so much activity visible as there has been, caused, primarily by the withdrawal of buyers, some of whom had contracted for its purchase and then notified the owners that they did not want it at the $45 per unit as agreed upon, and would not take it at any price. This condition has worked a hardship on hundreds of people who have been digging for some time and struck ore in quantity and salable quality. Many have thrown up the sponge on this account and gone away, while the majority are hanging on in the hope that the market will pick up and they will be enabled to dispose of their ore.” Bakersfied Clifornian June 9, 1916: “ARMOR PLANT PLAN PLEASES MINERS –See Good Times In Sight as Result of New Federal Move.—Atolia, June 8. –The new $1,000,000 arm
: “TUNGSTEN BRINGING NEW ACTIVITY TO ATOLIA — Discovery of Scheelite and Advance in Price Quadruples Population. – Atolia Oct. 26 – There is unusual activity in this section of the desert which bids fair to rival that other early excitement that developed Randsburg and her now famous Yellow Aster group of gold producing mines Eight years ago, an old desert miner discovered in the concentrates of his “dry washing” operations near hear many particles of heavy quartz, which were mistakenly called barium by nearly all the prospectors of this section. Closer investigation and acid tests revealed these concentrates to be scheelite, a valuable ore of tungsten. Probably less than $300 per ton was its value at that time. Regular shipments and more recent exploitation in manufacture of steel, soon made known its peculiar hardening and toughening quality in producing high-grade tool steel, big guns, steel rails and machinery, where extra hard ware and service is expected of metal. Five years ago market quotations for tungsten producing ore (scheelite) was $310 per ton for better than 60 per cent grades A year ago almost the total United States product, which was derived from the Atolia mines, could have been bought for $600 per ton of highest grade—about 74 per cent Today it is worth $30 to $35 per unit, or $1500 per ton, of same quality. Scheelite has some resemblance to calcite, or white lime rock, but is much harder and twice as heavy, and will fuse only at extremely high temperature. The tungstic acid extracted by heat process imparts to steel that almost indestructible quality desired by machinists. Some Varieties of scheelite are cream colored, yellow, brown, and light red. The Atolia product is usually a lustrous cream color, having the appearance of heavy spar, its distinguishing characteristic, however it its great lead-like gravity.” – The Bakersfield Californian. April 15, 1916: “MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF TUNGSTEN FROM ATOLIA IN WEEK –Atolia, Cal… April 15. – One hundred tons of high grade tungsten ore valued around one million dollars was shipped from Atolia this week. The Atolia Company shipped two cars containing about seventy tons and the ore buyers shipped one car of about 30 tons. Company ore is figured around $5 per pound, while ore buyers, buying as cheap as possible pay around $3. Besides this amount there has been a large amount of concentrates and high grade that is stored here and in Randsburg and Johannesburg. The output for one month from this district will exceed the output in value for the entire United States in 1913, which was about 1500 short tons, valued at $672,000. Besides the tungsten the production of gold will show a large increase over the production of the past few years, as each tungsten producer is taking out a certain amount of gold, in many instances paying expenses with the gold. ” – The Bakersfield Californian May 23, 1916: TUNGSTEN MARKET VERY UNCERTAIN; MINES MAY CLOSE—Taft, May 23.-JUDGE C. C. Noble has returned from Atolia, the great tungsten camp in San Bernardino county, where he had a lease and succeeded in disposing of it. There is not so much activity visible as there has been, caused, primarily by the withdrawal of buyers, some of whom had contracted for its purchase and then notified the owners that they did not want it at the $45 per unit as agreed upon, and would not take it at any price. This condition has worked a hardship on hundreds of people who have been digging for some time and struck ore in quantity and salable quality. Many have thrown up the sponge on this account and gone away, while the majority are hanging on in the hope that the market will pick up and they will be enabled to dispose of their ore.” Bakersfied Clifornian June 9, 1916: “ARMOR PLANT PLAN PLEASES MINERS –See Good Times In Sight as Result of New Federal Move.—Atolia, June 8. –The new $1,000,000 arm
or plant for which congress appropriated that amount on May 31, has had a good effect on the tungsten producers of this district and there is renewed energy shown in development of that mineral. Every leaser and miner of Atolia is jubilant over the outlook, coming as suddenly upon the depression of two weeks ago. It effect has been electrical, for the miners know than Uncle Sam will either have to go into the open market for his tungsten supplies wherewith to make armor plate or he will have to withdraw a few thousand acres of the Atolia tungsten belt and develop his supply by leasers under the bonus system. This has been the policy of the government when it found that the big manufacturers of powder, steel, etc., combined to boost the prices. But the real pay of the “spud diggers” is over the fact that Uncle Sam has already in the field several investigators who are looking over the granite formation of this section which show tungsten possibilities, because, in case of the taking up ,or withdrawal of such lands he must develop them ,same as the Atolia Mining Company has acquired its large holdings, by leasing the ground to miners under a contract system, contingent upon a good round price for the product. Such a system again inaugurated in Atolia means a $4 day wage to the miners and a market for every pound of tungsten ore produced. With the government as a competitor of the Bethlehem Steel company, owned by Schwab interests, who are said to have lately acquired the Atolia Mining Company hundred or more claims here, the outlook for competition in market prices of tungsten is one of the happiest of combinations in San Bernardino county and for the permanency of Atolia district. The spurt of enthusiasm has affected even the Atolia and Randsburg storekeepers and such signs as “cash for highgrade,” meal tickets for highgrade” or “groceries for highgrade” are exhibited along the townsite are exhibited along the townsite. Buyers of the outside production of ore are again on the ground and it is not uncommon to see two or three shipments by autos to Los Angeles, where it is sampled and old on a basis of $1 to $1.35 per pound. Several tons have been picked up this week at prices varying from $45 to $50 per unit. Shippers of the product contend that not a pound of this output is going to the Schwab interests.” San Bernardino County Sun June 12, 1916: “Atolia will continue to boom as people with money come in and people broke go out. It is assured that big quantities or ore at a smaller price, rather than smaller quantities as a high price will make Atolia the queen city of the Mojave Desert.”—Bakersfield Californian June 20, 1916: “Atolia, Cal., June 26 –TUNGSTEN BUYERS – Tungsten buyers invaded camp Friday and yesterday and today were busy looking for ore. Low grade and high grade both are in demand at prices ranging up to $1 per pound for the higher grades. Car loads lots, ten pound lots and all other amounts changed hands yesterday. It is reported that several tons of ore was sold and that orders have been received for ore that will take several days to secure. Weigmore and Sons of Los Angeles are buying, as well as C. P. Harrison and others. With the advent of ore buyers tungsten producers are more given to smiling and will still hold ore for higher prices but with more hopes. ” – The Bakersfield Californian June 12, 1916: “TUNGSTEN PRODUCERS FORM SALE AGENCY – Tungsten producers of the now famous Atolia and Randsburg mining camps, near here, have just completed an organization to handle the total output of tungsten from all the producers in these districts. P. J. Osdick has been made chairman and Allen Fawcette secretary. Practically every leaser and operator in the field has joined the associated. Tungsten is now selling at about $1.50 per pound for 70 per cent ore in the field.”—Bakersfield Californian June 23, 1916: “ATOLIA MINER IS VISITING AT TAFT—John Clark, a pioneer mining man, returned last night from Atolia, where he has interest and
, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Agenda: Common data elements in rehabilitation research; Promoting rehabilitation research grant applications. Place: Bethesda Marriott Suites, 6711 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20817. Contact Person: Ralph M. Nitkin, Ph.D., Deputy Director, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 2A03, Bethesda, MD 20892–7510, (301) 402– 4206, [email protected]. Information is also available on the Institute’s/Center’s home page: http:// www.nichd.nih.gov/about/advisory/nabmrr/ Pages/index.aspx where the current roster and minutes from past meetings are posted. (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.864, Population Research; 93.865, Research for Mothers and Children; 93.929, Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research; 93.209, Contraception and Infertility Loan Repayment Program, National Institutes of Health, HHS) E:\FR\FM\12APN1.SGM 12APN1 [Federal Register Volume 81, Number 70 (Tuesday, April 12, 2016)] Temporary Reassignment of State, Tribal, and Local Personnel During a Public Health Emergency; Correction AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the ACTION: Notice, correction. SUMMARY: This document corrects one technical error that appeared in the final guidance published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2016 (81 OFR 18865), entitled ``Temporary Reassignment of State, Tribal, and Local Personnel During a Public Health Emergency.'' DATES: This correction is effective on April 12, 2016. ADDRESSES: Copy of the final guidance may be obtained at www.PHE.gov/TemporaryReassignment. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information, please contact: Sally Phillips, RN, Ph.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, 200 Independence SW., Washington, DC 20004. Correction: In FR Doc. 16-07404, published on April 1, 2016, (81 FR 18865) make the following correction. On page 18865, in the second column, correct the Web site address to read: www.PHE.gov/TemporaryReassignment. Dated: April 6, 2016. Wilma Robinson, Deputy Executive Secretary to the Department, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Agile and big data in the NHS A key need in the NHS is for accurate performance data. A presentation by Rachael Watkin of NHS England, and James Mucklow and Paul Craig of PA Consulting to PROMSG described an award-winning agile project that created an ‘Integrated Intelligence Tool’ that supplied just this sort of information. Information systems have always extracted data from the everyday world, converting them to an electronic format that can be stored. This creates a valuable asset to be processed and analysed to produce useful outputs. There is a cost to building such systems, but sometimes an even larger cost is actually getting the data into the new system - usually by people actually typing at a keyboard. There are also lots of electronic files (often spreadsheets) scattered across desktops and servers in large organisations such as the NHS, the value of which would be enormously enhanced if they combined to provide a coherent and consistent picture of the state of the organisation at a point in time. With the NHS, this means ‘big data’ processing - the NHS deals with a million patients in some way or another in every
, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Agenda: Common data elements in rehabilitation research; Promoting rehabilitation research grant applications. Place: Bethesda Marriott Suites, 6711 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20817. Contact Person: Ralph M. Nitkin, Ph.D., Deputy Director, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 2A03, Bethesda, MD 20892–7510, (301) 402– 4206, [email protected]. Information is also available on the Institute’s/Center’s home page: http:// www.nichd.nih.gov/about/advisory/nabmrr/ Pages/index.aspx where the current roster and minutes from past meetings are posted. (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.864, Population Research; 93.865, Research for Mothers and Children; 93.929, Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research; 93.209, Contraception and Infertility Loan Repayment Program, National Institutes of Health, HHS) E:\FR\FM\12APN1.SGM 12APN1 [Federal Register Volume 81, Number 70 (Tuesday, April 12, 2016)] Temporary Reassignment of State, Tribal, and Local Personnel During a Public Health Emergency; Correction AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the ACTION: Notice, correction. SUMMARY: This document corrects one technical error that appeared in the final guidance published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2016 (81 OFR 18865), entitled ``Temporary Reassignment of State, Tribal, and Local Personnel During a Public Health Emergency.'' DATES: This correction is effective on April 12, 2016. ADDRESSES: Copy of the final guidance may be obtained at www.PHE.gov/TemporaryReassignment. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information, please contact: Sally Phillips, RN, Ph.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, 200 Independence SW., Washington, DC 20004. Correction: In FR Doc. 16-07404, published on April 1, 2016, (81 FR 18865) make the following correction. On page 18865, in the second column, correct the Web site address to read: www.PHE.gov/TemporaryReassignment. Dated: April 6, 2016. Wilma Robinson, Deputy Executive Secretary to the Department, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Agile and big data in the NHS A key need in the NHS is for accurate performance data. A presentation by Rachael Watkin of NHS England, and James Mucklow and Paul Craig of PA Consulting to PROMSG described an award-winning agile project that created an ‘Integrated Intelligence Tool’ that supplied just this sort of information. Information systems have always extracted data from the everyday world, converting them to an electronic format that can be stored. This creates a valuable asset to be processed and analysed to produce useful outputs. There is a cost to building such systems, but sometimes an even larger cost is actually getting the data into the new system - usually by people actually typing at a keyboard. There are also lots of electronic files (often spreadsheets) scattered across desktops and servers in large organisations such as the NHS, the value of which would be enormously enhanced if they combined to provide a coherent and consistent picture of the state of the organisation at a point in time. With the NHS, this means ‘big data’ processing - the NHS deals with a million patients in some way or another in every
36 hours. The NHS - like many other large corporations - employs among its 1.35 million staff some whose job is to take this raw data and convert it into a uniform and coherent format. This is the starting point for the detailed analysis used to improve managerial and clinical decision-making. While this work requires skill and expertise, it is no surprise that much of it is very repetitive and as such is ripe for automation. NHS England, with its technical partner PA Consulting, took up this challenge and this was the subject of the presentation to PROMSG in June. A striking aspect of the project was the use of Scrum. The project was completed in five months by means of a series of two- to three-week Scrum sprints. The first sprint was able to deliver useful functionality in just four weeks. The project required a team with a range of skills including data analysts familiar with the underlying data structures, and developers with expertise in a variety of technologies needed for various levels of data processing. The need for intense communication between the two roles made this a text book situation to use agile. Individual ETL scripts (using the Talend from Amazon web services) had to be written to convert to a common format source data derived via channels and media as different as web services, FTP and even email attachments. The standardised data was then stored in the cloud using GoogleBigEnquiry. Front end access to the data was provided using QlikView - also from Amazon. Sense could be made of a potentially chaotic situation by a focus on the standard NHS performance indicators. These are well-defined, and are essentially imposed from the centre. For each indicator current clerical processes could be identified as the sources of the information needed for the indicator values. This is then the basis for the automation efforts. These indicators became the basic units of work for the project. Planning was to a large extent focused in prioritising the indicators to be automated. The project was undeniably a success. An interesting question is whether the approach could have been profitably used on the Universal Credits system which also involves the merging of data from different sources. One difference between the two examples is that while the NHS systems were complex, the underlying clerical processes and data were well-established. A project where this is not the case might be dealing with another layer of difficulty. Supriya Home Supriya Ghosh (Editor) A teacher by profession and engineer by trade Backlash (2009) Updated on Sep 01, 2020 Brand(s) RawSmackDownECW Venue Dunkin' Donuts Center Themesong(s) "Seasons" by The Veer Union Promotion World Wrestling Entertainment Backlash (2009) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). It took place on April 26, 2009, at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. The eleventh event under the Backlash banner, it involved talent from all three WWE brands: Raw, SmackDown, and ECW. It was the final Backlash event until 2016. Preliminary matches Main event matches The card comprised seven matches. The main matches saw Edge defeating World Heavyweight Champion John Cena in a Last Man Standing match to win the title and Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship in a Six-Man Tag Team match pitting champion Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon against The Legacy (Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase). The card also included Jeff Hardy defeating Matt Hardy in an "I Quit" match and Christian defending his ECW Championship by defeating Jack Swagger. The event received 182,000 buys, down on the previous event figure of 200,000 buys. Backlash comprised professional wrestling matches involving different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds and storylines that played out on Raw, SmackDown and ECW — World Wrestling Entertainment's (WWE) primary television programs. Wrestlers portrayed either a villain or a hero as they followed a series of events that built tension, and culminated in a wrestling match or series of matches. The main rivalry heading into Backlash 2009 pitted Triple H against Randy Orton over the WWE Championship. The feud had started on the February 16 episode of
, died at age 56. Patitz’s death in the Santa Barbara, Calif., area was confirmed by his New York agent, Corinne Nicolas, of Model CoOp. Nicolas said the cause was illness, but did not elaborate. Patitz, who was born in Germany, raised in Sweden and later made her life in California, was known as one of an elite handful of “original” models, appearing in Michael’s video with Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell and Cindy. Crawford. She was a favorite of fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh, who showcased her natural beauty in his famous 1988 photo, “White Shirts: Six Supermodels, Malibu”, and for the cover of British Vogue in 1990, this which led to Michael kicking off the band in his lip-sync video. , according to Vogue. The magazine quoted its global editorial director, Anna Wintour, as saying that Patitz was “still the European symbol of chic, like Romy Schneider-meet-Monica Vitti. She was much less visible than her peers – more mysterious, more adult, more inaccessible – and that had its own appeal.” In a 2006 interview, Patitz felt that the golden age of fashion models was over. “There was a real era, and the reason it happened was because glamor was introduced there,” she told Prestige Hong Kong magazine. “Now the celebrities and actresses have taken over, and the models are completely in the back.” She also noted that models of her day had healthier physiques. “The women were healthy, not these skinny little models whose names nobody knows anymore,” Patitz said. Previous Article Jim Cramer explains why December’s CPI number is a ‘big deal’ Next Article The crested anole lizard adapts to life in the city The Shift - My Next Book Yesterday, I started writing the outline for my next book. The working title is "The Shift: From print, to digital and beyond." It is partly inspired by Pixar's Buzz Lightyears motto "To infinity and beyond" because that is really where publishing is heading. The new world seems limitless compared to the traditional world. The concept of the book is to invite you on the journey to the new world of publishing - or specifically the future world of publishing. A world in which publishers can't use the internet to give away their products for free. A world in which value outranks everything else. And a world in which content flows like water. It is going to be about trends, platforms, devices, mobile, global, sharing, communicating, articles that aren't articles, and most importantly the shift "beyond" part. So, I started writing the outline yesterday. I haven't even begun actually writing the content yet. But once completed (maybe in August), it will join the ranks of Baekdal Plus (just like my first book). And like my first book, it will be free for all Baekdal Plus Subscribers. So what do you think? Where do you think we are heading? Interesting, Go, no go? Malta Genealogy Stories & Facts Adami collection Genealogical Content Leigh Rayment French Empire General Content Genealogical Abbreviations Dingli Family (1) All Corrections/Additions are Welcome Last update: 07-01-2023. Our data online is to share. We do appreciate if you find a connection to share your data, so it can help many others all across this planet. Note: Not all descendants are listed. Antoine de Dinkville, French Knight from Anjou, France, served under the Anjou Kings and Queens of Naples, then retired to Malta due to his brother-in-law purchase of fief., married to Joanna di Tarento, with issue. 1. Milite Ferrante di Dinkille, married to his first cousin, Chiusa di Tarento, with issue. 1.1. Fra Agostino Dinkille. dunm.(c 1419). 1.2. Milite Lorenzo Dinkille, (c 1419), married to Manfreda Mahanuc, with issue. 1.2.1. Milite Ferrante Dinkile, married to Yolanda Mahanuc, with issue. Milite Paolo Dinkile, (
, died at age 56. Patitz’s death in the Santa Barbara, Calif., area was confirmed by his New York agent, Corinne Nicolas, of Model CoOp. Nicolas said the cause was illness, but did not elaborate. Patitz, who was born in Germany, raised in Sweden and later made her life in California, was known as one of an elite handful of “original” models, appearing in Michael’s video with Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell and Cindy. Crawford. She was a favorite of fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh, who showcased her natural beauty in his famous 1988 photo, “White Shirts: Six Supermodels, Malibu”, and for the cover of British Vogue in 1990, this which led to Michael kicking off the band in his lip-sync video. , according to Vogue. The magazine quoted its global editorial director, Anna Wintour, as saying that Patitz was “still the European symbol of chic, like Romy Schneider-meet-Monica Vitti. She was much less visible than her peers – more mysterious, more adult, more inaccessible – and that had its own appeal.” In a 2006 interview, Patitz felt that the golden age of fashion models was over. “There was a real era, and the reason it happened was because glamor was introduced there,” she told Prestige Hong Kong magazine. “Now the celebrities and actresses have taken over, and the models are completely in the back.” She also noted that models of her day had healthier physiques. “The women were healthy, not these skinny little models whose names nobody knows anymore,” Patitz said. Previous Article Jim Cramer explains why December’s CPI number is a ‘big deal’ Next Article The crested anole lizard adapts to life in the city The Shift - My Next Book Yesterday, I started writing the outline for my next book. The working title is "The Shift: From print, to digital and beyond." It is partly inspired by Pixar's Buzz Lightyears motto "To infinity and beyond" because that is really where publishing is heading. The new world seems limitless compared to the traditional world. The concept of the book is to invite you on the journey to the new world of publishing - or specifically the future world of publishing. A world in which publishers can't use the internet to give away their products for free. A world in which value outranks everything else. And a world in which content flows like water. It is going to be about trends, platforms, devices, mobile, global, sharing, communicating, articles that aren't articles, and most importantly the shift "beyond" part. So, I started writing the outline yesterday. I haven't even begun actually writing the content yet. But once completed (maybe in August), it will join the ranks of Baekdal Plus (just like my first book). And like my first book, it will be free for all Baekdal Plus Subscribers. So what do you think? Where do you think we are heading? Interesting, Go, no go? Malta Genealogy Stories & Facts Adami collection Genealogical Content Leigh Rayment French Empire General Content Genealogical Abbreviations Dingli Family (1) All Corrections/Additions are Welcome Last update: 07-01-2023. Our data online is to share. We do appreciate if you find a connection to share your data, so it can help many others all across this planet. Note: Not all descendants are listed. Antoine de Dinkville, French Knight from Anjou, France, served under the Anjou Kings and Queens of Naples, then retired to Malta due to his brother-in-law purchase of fief., married to Joanna di Tarento, with issue. 1. Milite Ferrante di Dinkille, married to his first cousin, Chiusa di Tarento, with issue. 1.1. Fra Agostino Dinkille. dunm.(c 1419). 1.2. Milite Lorenzo Dinkille, (c 1419), married to Manfreda Mahanuc, with issue. 1.2.1. Milite Ferrante Dinkile, married to Yolanda Mahanuc, with issue. Milite Paolo Dinkile, (
c 1480), married to Nobile Lucrezia de Candida di Montaperta, with issue. Fra. Lius Dingli, (c 1530), dunm. Milite Baldassare Dingli, married to Nobile Chiusa Gravina di Consorti, with issue. Fra Paolo Dingli. Fra Filippo Dingli. Antonella Dingli, married to Matteo Mangiuni. Fra Geronimo Dingli. Admiral Ferrante Dingli, (appointed Admiral in the Maltese island c. 1500), married to Nobile Agata Gravina di Consorti, with issue. Admiral Niccolo Dingli, (c 1560), married (c. 1530) to Caterina de Dingli, (see below), with issue. Mro Pietro Dingli, married (1) 1560 to Antonina Fenech, married (2) 1584 Qormi to Agata Ciantar, married (3) 1593 Qormi to Agata Bondino, married (4) 1594 to Imperia Musu sives Muxi, with issue. (First marriage) Andrea Dingli, married Domenica .., with issue. Speranza Dingli, married 1623 to Salvo Mamo. Carlo Dingli, married 1632 to Grazia Dingli, (See above). Caterina Dingli, married 1585 Attard to Francesco Tanti, with issue. Gio Maria Tanti, married 1617 Attard to Domenica Galea, with issue. Caterina Tanti, married 1638 Attard to Domenico Galea. Giovanna Dingli, married 1581 Attard to Nicola Galea. (Second marriage) Angelo Dingli, married 1614 Qormi to Antonina Ellul. (Fourth marriage) Domenico Dingli, married 1613 to Agata Fenech, with issue. Pietro Dingli, married 1678 to Maria Agius, with issue. Evangelista Dingli, married 1706 to Giuseppe Galea. Teresa Dingli, married 1704 to Paolo Debono. Caterina Dingli, married 1716 Mosta to Berto Muscat. Gio Maria Dingli, married 1675 to Caterina Micallef, with issue. Evangelista Dingli, married 1705 to Domenico Sammut. Maria Dingli
ced Nursery government Shotvarfet Are we actually interested? A torrid time Justice there is not A 40-year war? No wonder we are in trouble A common enemy Three dead in a Jackal Procurement on the map Can't think of a better person He can try ... Private poverty, public profligacy A reckoning Making the point Ducking and diving Keeping up with the Icelanders Shambolic The lies they tell ... Robbing us blind It hasn't gone away We could do that From the authors of the inquisition ... Now for change Now that's serious A certain sameness Hillary for President - The Affirmative Case HIllary is a person who has been working for good causes since she was a very young woman. When she was twenty, she went undercover for a college project to uncover racial discrimination in education in the south. During her career as a lawyer in Arkansas, she was tremendously well respected. She took clients of all sorts but was especially involved in children and family issues. Though the right-wing defeated her, she organized a huge effort involving experts and stake holders from every aspect of the health care world. It was a huge task that she undertook for no compensation because she felt that it was important to get better health care for millions of people. That is, for no personal benefit, she undertook an effort for which a consulting company would charge millions and faced tremendous and unfair opprobrium from the right-wing and health care industry. Her response? She dusted herself off and rammed through the States Children Health Insurance Program. It provides access to health care for many millions of children to this day. Faced with brutal opposition and painful defeat, she kept at it until she found a way to a good result. As a Senator, she was praised universally for being collegial and imaginative in finding ways to work with people with whom she disagrees. As with her time in Arkansas and as a First Lady, she was praised for being incredibly hard-working, selfless and well-prepared. When she ran for President, she added a new skill to her portfolio. She organized a national campaign that just about kicked Barack Obama's ass. She did it with such competence that Obama asked her to be Secretary of State. This ability to compete intensely while keeping doors open and relationships alive is a rare skill. While she had many important accomplishments as Secretary of State the part that we learn that's new is that she is a tremendously kind and engaged boss. While carrying an insane workload (she traveled more than any previous Secretary of State), she also did things like bring the cake when a co-worker had a birthday. She took time to talk to even low level employees. She knew their kids and the issues in their lives. We also are reminded of something that was said about her as a Senator, that she is unbelievably knowledgable and well-prepared. She was famous in the State Department for knowing more about specifics that the subject team leaders who briefed her. It turns out that she reads and reads and studies more than anyone. When everyone else is being an executive who delegates the details, Hillary takes the time to actually know what she is talking about. But, there are the right-wing claims about her. She's been under investigation forever. She wrecked out national security. She is a liar and a cheat. She must be hiding something. She helped Iran get nuclear bombs. And it's all crap. She has been under investigation forever because, first, her husband's and, now, her Republican enemies want her destroyed. Starting with the completely disproved accusations over Whitewater and the Rose Law firm, and continuing to this day, every single investigation was initiated by people who hate her and her husband. In the nineties, a right-wing creep named Richard Mellon Scaife was pissed because the Democrats took Congress after Newt Gingrich shut down the government over a dispute with Bill Clinton. Scaife started a company named Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch devised the strategy of suing the government over Freedom of Information requests with a specific goal of ruining the Clintons. It was them suing for ever more details about the Whitewater investigation that found the Lewinski problem and one statement over the course of a zillion interrogations that they used as an excuse
ced Nursery government Shotvarfet Are we actually interested? A torrid time Justice there is not A 40-year war? No wonder we are in trouble A common enemy Three dead in a Jackal Procurement on the map Can't think of a better person He can try ... Private poverty, public profligacy A reckoning Making the point Ducking and diving Keeping up with the Icelanders Shambolic The lies they tell ... Robbing us blind It hasn't gone away We could do that From the authors of the inquisition ... Now for change Now that's serious A certain sameness Hillary for President - The Affirmative Case HIllary is a person who has been working for good causes since she was a very young woman. When she was twenty, she went undercover for a college project to uncover racial discrimination in education in the south. During her career as a lawyer in Arkansas, she was tremendously well respected. She took clients of all sorts but was especially involved in children and family issues. Though the right-wing defeated her, she organized a huge effort involving experts and stake holders from every aspect of the health care world. It was a huge task that she undertook for no compensation because she felt that it was important to get better health care for millions of people. That is, for no personal benefit, she undertook an effort for which a consulting company would charge millions and faced tremendous and unfair opprobrium from the right-wing and health care industry. Her response? She dusted herself off and rammed through the States Children Health Insurance Program. It provides access to health care for many millions of children to this day. Faced with brutal opposition and painful defeat, she kept at it until she found a way to a good result. As a Senator, she was praised universally for being collegial and imaginative in finding ways to work with people with whom she disagrees. As with her time in Arkansas and as a First Lady, she was praised for being incredibly hard-working, selfless and well-prepared. When she ran for President, she added a new skill to her portfolio. She organized a national campaign that just about kicked Barack Obama's ass. She did it with such competence that Obama asked her to be Secretary of State. This ability to compete intensely while keeping doors open and relationships alive is a rare skill. While she had many important accomplishments as Secretary of State the part that we learn that's new is that she is a tremendously kind and engaged boss. While carrying an insane workload (she traveled more than any previous Secretary of State), she also did things like bring the cake when a co-worker had a birthday. She took time to talk to even low level employees. She knew their kids and the issues in their lives. We also are reminded of something that was said about her as a Senator, that she is unbelievably knowledgable and well-prepared. She was famous in the State Department for knowing more about specifics that the subject team leaders who briefed her. It turns out that she reads and reads and studies more than anyone. When everyone else is being an executive who delegates the details, Hillary takes the time to actually know what she is talking about. But, there are the right-wing claims about her. She's been under investigation forever. She wrecked out national security. She is a liar and a cheat. She must be hiding something. She helped Iran get nuclear bombs. And it's all crap. She has been under investigation forever because, first, her husband's and, now, her Republican enemies want her destroyed. Starting with the completely disproved accusations over Whitewater and the Rose Law firm, and continuing to this day, every single investigation was initiated by people who hate her and her husband. In the nineties, a right-wing creep named Richard Mellon Scaife was pissed because the Democrats took Congress after Newt Gingrich shut down the government over a dispute with Bill Clinton. Scaife started a company named Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch devised the strategy of suing the government over Freedom of Information requests with a specific goal of ruining the Clintons. It was them suing for ever more details about the Whitewater investigation that found the Lewinski problem and one statement over the course of a zillion interrogations that they used as an excuse
for his impeachment. While the insane harassment over Benghazi (do you know that under her tenure as Secretary there were fewer people killed in embassies than under George Bush) was started by the Republicans, it was was Judicial Watch, still attacking her fifteen years later, that dragged out the email server issue. The email server is the most insanely false issue of them all. Trump and the rest pretend it is a huge deal but it's not. Hillary used an email server. It was done because government technology was cumbersome. She made a point of not sending classified information though, apparently, a tiny bit leaked through. More importantly, nothing bad happened as a consequence. No secrets got out. National security was not, in fact, compromised. Donald Trump, because he is a deeply dishonest person (projection being the main characteristics of his kind) calls her a liar. He insists that she was playing fast and loose with national security. He calls her dishonest and a criminal. But, she's not. That's why the FBI exonerated her. Remember, Comey, who despises her, said the decision "wasn't even close". She did not commit any crimes. She spent eleven hours testifying in Congress. Her enemies screamed and yelled that she must be lying, demanded the FBI compare her testimony to everything she said to them. But here's the real truth: They could not point to one single thing that she lied about. They were left hoping that something she said in a deposition that they had not seen would reveal a mistake. And that's what she's faced her whole career. Republicans trying to destroy her. Hillary keeps her head down and keeps working. The people who know her love her. She's funny, smart and kind. The people she's worked with admire her. She has experience with the law. She has experience with failure and success. She's run a huge, international governmental organization (the State Department) very successfully. And, she won the nomination by appealing to fifteen million people with a message of hope and excellent policy substance. I know, the Democratic National Committee preferred her. But why? The reason is that, while Bernie was doing his own, self-involved thing, she was out making friends. She helped people out. She was supportive and engaged. She built a huge, nationwide team of supporters. She worked to build organizations in every state. Remember how Bernie complained that he was stymied by state committees all over the country? He was right. While he was relying on his own vision of an abstract process, Hillary had been recruiting people to her cause for years. She built state organizations and developed friendships and loyalty. When the time came, people wanted to help her. That's the main reason I want her for President. Though I absolutely believe that the things above add up to her being the best qualified, most highly prepared person who has ever run for the office, to me, her ability to work with people is what I want the most. Let me be clear, I think that Hillary is a warrior. I think she, better than any of the men who have held the office in my life, knows how to kick ass with cold brutality. But she does it in a context of collaboration, engagement and mutual interests. She does it without keeping score. She works with people instead of trying to dominate them. She recruits people, not controls them. She prefers results to victory. She cares about people. I won't go into the policy differences between her and Trump. (She has them. His are a joke.) Or his temperament. (The example of thin-skinned Twitter wars stand in for dozens of stories of revenge over small matters.) Or, his business record (bankruptcy after bankruptcy to leave his partners screwed.) Or the conflicts of interest. Or his admiration for dictators. I note only that, in the testimony of dozens, refuses to pay vendors who can't afford to sue him. Who, in the testimony of dozens, has touched women without their permission. Who spent years dishonestly promoting the obviously false idea that Obama is not an American. Who has publicly ridiculed disabled people, bullied women (not just Miss Universe, for example, but Katy Tur of NBC), disparaged Mexicans and Moslems. I repeat these unarguable facts: He bragged about touching women. Dozens
Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9] (Introduced 06/18/2019) Cosponsors: (33) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 41. H.Res.410 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Encouraging reunions of divided Korean-American families. Sponsor: Rep. Bass, Karen [D-CA-37] (Introduced 05/30/2019) Cosponsors: (36) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 42. H.Res.349 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Reaffirming the vital role of the United States-Japan alliance in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Sponsor: Rep. Castro, Joaquin [D-TX-20] (Introduced 05/02/2019) Cosponsors: (33) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 43. H.Res.230 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States condemns all forms of violence against children globally and recognizes the harmful impacts of violence against children. Sponsor: Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] (Introduced 03/14/2019) Cosponsors: (61) Committees: House - Education and Labor; Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 44. H.Res.189 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Recognizing the importance of sustained United States leadership to accelerating global progress against maternal and child malnutrition and supporting United States Agency for International Development's commitment to global nutrition through its multi-sectoral nutrition strategy. Sponsor: Rep. Marshall, Roger W. [R-KS-1] (Introduced 03/07/2019) Cosponsors: (151) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs; Agriculture Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 45. H.Con.Res.37 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Expressing support for designation of October 28 as "Honoring the Nation's First Responders Day". Sponsor: Rep. Meadows, Mark [R-NC-11] (Introduced 05/01/2019) Cosponsors: (27) Committees: House - Transportation and Infrastructure Latest Action: House - 10/29/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. (All Actions) Tracker: 46. H.Res.656 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 823) to provide for the designation of certain wilderness areas, recreation management areas, and conservation areas in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1373) to protect, for current and future generations, the watershed, ecosystem, and cultural heritage of the Grand Canyon region in the State of Arizona, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2181) to provide for the withdrawal
Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9] (Introduced 06/18/2019) Cosponsors: (33) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 41. H.Res.410 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Encouraging reunions of divided Korean-American families. Sponsor: Rep. Bass, Karen [D-CA-37] (Introduced 05/30/2019) Cosponsors: (36) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 42. H.Res.349 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Reaffirming the vital role of the United States-Japan alliance in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Sponsor: Rep. Castro, Joaquin [D-TX-20] (Introduced 05/02/2019) Cosponsors: (33) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 43. H.Res.230 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States condemns all forms of violence against children globally and recognizes the harmful impacts of violence against children. Sponsor: Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] (Introduced 03/14/2019) Cosponsors: (61) Committees: House - Education and Labor; Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 44. H.Res.189 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Recognizing the importance of sustained United States leadership to accelerating global progress against maternal and child malnutrition and supporting United States Agency for International Development's commitment to global nutrition through its multi-sectoral nutrition strategy. Sponsor: Rep. Marshall, Roger W. [R-KS-1] (Introduced 03/07/2019) Cosponsors: (151) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs; Agriculture Latest Action: House - 10/30/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: 45. H.Con.Res.37 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Expressing support for designation of October 28 as "Honoring the Nation's First Responders Day". Sponsor: Rep. Meadows, Mark [R-NC-11] (Introduced 05/01/2019) Cosponsors: (27) Committees: House - Transportation and Infrastructure Latest Action: House - 10/29/2019 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. (All Actions) Tracker: 46. H.Res.656 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 823) to provide for the designation of certain wilderness areas, recreation management areas, and conservation areas in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1373) to protect, for current and future generations, the watershed, ecosystem, and cultural heritage of the Grand Canyon region in the State of Arizona, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2181) to provide for the withdrawal
and protection of certain Federal land in the State of New Mexico; and providing for proceedings during the period from November 1, 2019, through November 11, 2019. Sponsor: Rep. Shalala, Donna E. [D-FL-27] (Introduced 10/28/2019) Cosponsors: (0) Committees: House - Rules Committee Reports: H. Rept. 116-264 Latest Action: House - 10/29/2019 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. (All Actions) Tracker: 47. H.Res.655 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 296) affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide. Sponsor: Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] (Introduced 10/28/2019) Cosponsors: (0) Committees: House - Rules Committee Reports: H. Rept. 116-263 Latest Action: House - 10/29/2019 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. (All Actions) Tracker: 48. S.Res.277 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) A resolution remembering the 25th Anniversary of the bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and recommitting to efforts to uphold justice for the 85 victims of the attack. Sponsor: Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] (Introduced 07/17/2019) Cosponsors: (9) Committees: Senate - Foreign Relations Latest Action: Senate - 10/29/2019 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (All Actions) Tracker: Array ( [actionDate] => 2019-10-29 [displayText] => Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6256; text: 7/17/2019 CR S4912-4913) [externalActionCode] => 17000 [description] => Agreed to in Senate ) 49. S.Res.236 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) A resolution reaffirming the strong partnership between Tunisia and the United States and supporting the people of Tunisia in their continued pursuit of democratic reforms. Sponsor: Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] (Introduced 06/05/2019) Cosponsors: (2) Committees: Senate - Foreign Relations Latest Action: Senate - 10/29/2019 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (All Actions) Tracker: Array ( [actionDate] => 2019-10-29 [displayText] => Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote.(consideration: CR S6256; text: 6/5/2019 CR S3264) [externalActionCode] => 17000 [description] => Agreed to in Senate ) 50. S.Res.183 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) A resolution reaffirming the vital role of the United States-Japan alliance in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] (Introduced 05/02/2019) Cosponsors: (5) Committees: Senate -
and entities associated with Al-Qaida also constitute a threat to international peace and security, “Determined to combat by all means this unprecedented threat to international peace and security, “Noting the letters dated 25 June 2014 and 20 September 2014 from the Iraqi authorities which state that Da’esh has established a safe haven outside Iraq’s borders that is a direct threat to the security of the Iraqi people and territory, “Reaffirming that Member States must ensure that any measures taken to combat terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law; “Reiterating that the situation will continue to deteriorate further in the absence of a political solution to the Syria conflict and emphasizing the need to implement the Geneva communiqué of 30 June 2012 endorsed as Annex II of its resolution 2118 (2013), the joint statement on the outcome of the multilateral talks on Syria in Vienna of 30 October 2015 and the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November 2015, “1. Unequivocally condemns in the strongest terms the horrifying terrorist attacks perpetrated by ISIL also known as Da’esh which took place on 26 June 2015 in Sousse, on 10 October 2015 in Ankara, on 31 October 2015 over Sinaï, on 12 November 2015 in Beirut and on 13 November 2015 in Paris, and all other attacks perpetrated by ISIL also known as Da’esh, including hostage-taking and killing, and notes it has the capability and intention to carry out further attacks and regards all such acts of terrorism as a threat to peace and security; “2. Expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families and to the people and Governments of Tunisia, Turkey, Russian Federation, Lebanon and France, and to all Governments whose citizens were targeted in the above mentioned attacks and all other victims of terrorism; “3. Condemns also in the strongest terms the continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of humanitarian law, as well as barbaric acts of destruction and looting of cultural heritage carried out by ISIL also known as Da’esh; “4. Reaffirms that those responsible for committing or otherwise responsible for terrorist acts, violations of international humanitarian law or violations or abuses of human rights must be held accountable; “5. Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria; “6. Urges Member States to intensify their efforts to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters to Iraq and Syria and to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism, and urges all Members States to continue to fully implement the above-mentioned resolutions; “7. Expresses its intention to swiftly update the 1267 committee sanctions list in order to better reflect the threat posed by ISIL also known as Da’esh; “8. Decides to remain seized of the matter. Posted in WarWeaponsViolence | Tagged Bilal Erdogan, IHH, Islamic State, Konstantin Murakhtin, Russia, Syria, UN Security Council | 7 Comments » (Fox Searchlight) Dev Patel, Freida Pinto,
and entities associated with Al-Qaida also constitute a threat to international peace and security, “Determined to combat by all means this unprecedented threat to international peace and security, “Noting the letters dated 25 June 2014 and 20 September 2014 from the Iraqi authorities which state that Da’esh has established a safe haven outside Iraq’s borders that is a direct threat to the security of the Iraqi people and territory, “Reaffirming that Member States must ensure that any measures taken to combat terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law; “Reiterating that the situation will continue to deteriorate further in the absence of a political solution to the Syria conflict and emphasizing the need to implement the Geneva communiqué of 30 June 2012 endorsed as Annex II of its resolution 2118 (2013), the joint statement on the outcome of the multilateral talks on Syria in Vienna of 30 October 2015 and the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November 2015, “1. Unequivocally condemns in the strongest terms the horrifying terrorist attacks perpetrated by ISIL also known as Da’esh which took place on 26 June 2015 in Sousse, on 10 October 2015 in Ankara, on 31 October 2015 over Sinaï, on 12 November 2015 in Beirut and on 13 November 2015 in Paris, and all other attacks perpetrated by ISIL also known as Da’esh, including hostage-taking and killing, and notes it has the capability and intention to carry out further attacks and regards all such acts of terrorism as a threat to peace and security; “2. Expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families and to the people and Governments of Tunisia, Turkey, Russian Federation, Lebanon and France, and to all Governments whose citizens were targeted in the above mentioned attacks and all other victims of terrorism; “3. Condemns also in the strongest terms the continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of humanitarian law, as well as barbaric acts of destruction and looting of cultural heritage carried out by ISIL also known as Da’esh; “4. Reaffirms that those responsible for committing or otherwise responsible for terrorist acts, violations of international humanitarian law or violations or abuses of human rights must be held accountable; “5. Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria; “6. Urges Member States to intensify their efforts to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters to Iraq and Syria and to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism, and urges all Members States to continue to fully implement the above-mentioned resolutions; “7. Expresses its intention to swiftly update the 1267 committee sanctions list in order to better reflect the threat posed by ISIL also known as Da’esh; “8. Decides to remain seized of the matter. Posted in WarWeaponsViolence | Tagged Bilal Erdogan, IHH, Islamic State, Konstantin Murakhtin, Russia, Syria, UN Security Council | 7 Comments » (Fox Searchlight) Dev Patel, Freida Pinto,
Madhur Mittal, Anil Kapoor, Irrfan Khan, Saurabh Shukla, Mahesh Manjrekar, Ankur Vikal. Directed by Danny Boyle When you live in abject poverty, survival is a day to day issue and nothing is guaranteed, least of all the possibility of a better tomorrow. However as difficult as it is to escape the slums, if that is what love requires of you then it must be done. Young Jamal Malik (Patel) is a contestant on the Indian version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” He is one question away from the grand prize of 20 million rupees when he is arrested by police and questioned. They are suspicious that a boy like this from the slums, uneducated and unaware even of who is on the 1,000 rupee note (It’s Gandhi for those who are wondering, and for those who aren’t, this particular banknote is about as common as the $1 bill is here) can answer questions that even the highly educated cannot. After a night of torture, a patient police detective (Khan) sits Jamal down and runs through the tape of the previous day’s show one question at a time. It turns out that Jamal’s knowledge is hard-fought, obtained from a life on the streets of Mumbai. Orphaned at an early age along with older brother Salim (Mittal), the brothers befriend a fellow orphan, the beautiful Latika (Pinto). The three are taken under the wing of Maman (Vikal) who turns out to be a heartless gangster who has accumulated dozens of children in his “orphanage” to act as beggars. He even, in a particularly gruesome scene, has the eyes burned out of some of their heads with acid to then be scooped out with a spoon like so much yoghurt. Salim leads them on a breakout but when he and Jamal make it onto a train, Salim purposely slips his hand away from Latika’s so that she gets captured. The brothers wind up working – okay, scamming would be a better word – as tour guides at the Taj Mahal, brazenly telling tourists false facts about the Taj and throwing up bigger lies when their own stories are questioned. They are making good money but Jamal misses Latika, to his brothers’ disgust and urges them to go back to Mumbai and find her. When they do, they discover that Maman has been preparing her as a highly sought after virgin prostitute and is getting ready to make good on his investment by selling her virginity to the highest bidder. Salim winds up shooting and killing Maman. He then uses that to get a job with rival gangster Javed (Manjrekar) and proceeds to throw Jamal out of the apartment they share with Latika. Jamal’s heart is broken because Latika is apparently siding with Salim. Years later, Jamal winds up working at a call center as a chaiwalla (tea server) and uses the database to find both Latika and Salim but succeeds only in finding Salim. Salim is penitent but Jamal is still focused on Latika. Salim is bewildered by his devotion and responds that she is “long gone.” When Jamal follows Salim to his house, he discovers that Latika is there but is apparently living with Javed. Jamal brazenly bluffs his way into the gangster’s house and confesses his love for her. She is reluctant to go with him, knowing that Javed would be furious but he promises to wait for her in Mumbai’s largest train station every day at 5:00pm “until she comes.” One day she does come but before the two can re-unite, she is kidnapped by Javed’s men (including Salim) in front of Jamal’s horrified eyes. One of the men cruelly slashes her cheek with a knife, driving away from an enraged Jamal. When Jamal goes back to Javed’s house, he finds that the gangster has moved away. With no way to find his beloved, he decides to take a chance – to go on a game show that she is sure to be watching, and stay on as long as he can. And so far, he has stayed on as long as he can go – because every question has had an answer from some incident in Jamal’s
transparency international Uganda is running under the theme “Promoting social accountability through active citizenry”. Posted in NewsTagged Capital FM Uganda, Corruption New Zealand national granted bail Teen ‘lucky’ to survive near drowning Aussie vaccine rollout to be jumped forward by two weeks by Jacob Miley 6th Jan 2021 8:32 AM | Updated: 2:33 PM Update: A TEENAGER found unconscious and face down in the Gold Coast seaway is "super lucky" to be alive after he was spotted by boaties and dragged to safety. Queensland Ambulance Service senior operations supervisor Will Houghton said the 17-year-old, who he described as a "fit young man", was swimming with about three friends to Wave Break Island but became distant from the group. Passer-bys on a boat found the teen unconscious and face down in the water and took him to shore. "Early reports are that he was swimming across to Wave Break Island with friends," Mr Houghton said. "He went unresponsive in the water. "It was critical that they found him. "He was found lying face down in the water. No one knows the amount of time he'd been there. "I think he had drifted from them (his friends). I think once they'd realised what had happened they were on the other side on Wave Break Island. "He has congested a lot of water. He was taken to Gold Coast University hospital for further assessment, but he's talking and the moment and regained consciousness." Emergency services were called to Seaway Dr about 6.15am Wednesday after being notified by Volunteer Marine Rescue. Earlier: A TEENAGE boy has been rushed to hospital after he was dragged unconscious from the Gold Coast seaway. The teenager was pulled unconscious from the water and taken to a ramp. He regained consciousness just after 6.30am. A Queensland Ambulance Service spokeswoman said the teenager was taken to Gold Coast University Hospital in a serious but stable condition. Originally published as Teen pulled unconscious from Gold Coast Seaway Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo The Angels logo has changed quite a bit, sometimes dramatically, since the 1960s. The Angels have gone thru 10 different logos over the 50 some years. This logo is strong and stands tall with a simple halo at the top. Angels Alternate Logo Angels Wordmark Logo Angels Concept Logo Angels Team History Choose your favorite Los Angeles Angels primary logo? Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo 2005 - Present Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo 1961 - 1964 In 2005, the Angels simplified the logo by removing the background diamond and the wordmarks. The “Big A” font changed to a font that is similar to Bruce Double Pica with a two toned red and a thick blue trim. The halo at the top is silver with a blue background. Disney changed the Angels’s logo back to a “Big A” in red with white trim and a silver halo, over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver and red trim. On top arching over the diamond is the wordmark “ANAHEIM ANGELS.” The first logo under Disney removed the halo and had a rather cartoon like “ANGELS” script with a wing on the “A” over a periwinkle plate and crossed bats. Also, a wordmark “ANAHEIM” in white on top. This logo comes right from the Disney movie “Angels in the Outfield.” The blue circle with silver trim was removed and the interlocking “CA” was enlarged. The “CA” is red with a white and blue outline. After the “Big A” was removed from the parking lot in 1992, the Angels returned to their roots and re-adopted the interlocking “CA” logo with some differences. The Angels used the “CA” on against the traditional blue background circle with silver outline. The “A” has a silver halo on top. Designed with Major League Baseball Properties, the logo is similar to one the Angels had from 1965 – 1970. In 1986
transparency international Uganda is running under the theme “Promoting social accountability through active citizenry”. Posted in NewsTagged Capital FM Uganda, Corruption New Zealand national granted bail Teen ‘lucky’ to survive near drowning Aussie vaccine rollout to be jumped forward by two weeks by Jacob Miley 6th Jan 2021 8:32 AM | Updated: 2:33 PM Update: A TEENAGER found unconscious and face down in the Gold Coast seaway is "super lucky" to be alive after he was spotted by boaties and dragged to safety. Queensland Ambulance Service senior operations supervisor Will Houghton said the 17-year-old, who he described as a "fit young man", was swimming with about three friends to Wave Break Island but became distant from the group. Passer-bys on a boat found the teen unconscious and face down in the water and took him to shore. "Early reports are that he was swimming across to Wave Break Island with friends," Mr Houghton said. "He went unresponsive in the water. "It was critical that they found him. "He was found lying face down in the water. No one knows the amount of time he'd been there. "I think he had drifted from them (his friends). I think once they'd realised what had happened they were on the other side on Wave Break Island. "He has congested a lot of water. He was taken to Gold Coast University hospital for further assessment, but he's talking and the moment and regained consciousness." Emergency services were called to Seaway Dr about 6.15am Wednesday after being notified by Volunteer Marine Rescue. Earlier: A TEENAGE boy has been rushed to hospital after he was dragged unconscious from the Gold Coast seaway. The teenager was pulled unconscious from the water and taken to a ramp. He regained consciousness just after 6.30am. A Queensland Ambulance Service spokeswoman said the teenager was taken to Gold Coast University Hospital in a serious but stable condition. Originally published as Teen pulled unconscious from Gold Coast Seaway Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo The Angels logo has changed quite a bit, sometimes dramatically, since the 1960s. The Angels have gone thru 10 different logos over the 50 some years. This logo is strong and stands tall with a simple halo at the top. Angels Alternate Logo Angels Wordmark Logo Angels Concept Logo Angels Team History Choose your favorite Los Angeles Angels primary logo? Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo 2005 - Present Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo 1961 - 1964 In 2005, the Angels simplified the logo by removing the background diamond and the wordmarks. The “Big A” font changed to a font that is similar to Bruce Double Pica with a two toned red and a thick blue trim. The halo at the top is silver with a blue background. Disney changed the Angels’s logo back to a “Big A” in red with white trim and a silver halo, over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver and red trim. On top arching over the diamond is the wordmark “ANAHEIM ANGELS.” The first logo under Disney removed the halo and had a rather cartoon like “ANGELS” script with a wing on the “A” over a periwinkle plate and crossed bats. Also, a wordmark “ANAHEIM” in white on top. This logo comes right from the Disney movie “Angels in the Outfield.” The blue circle with silver trim was removed and the interlocking “CA” was enlarged. The “CA” is red with a white and blue outline. After the “Big A” was removed from the parking lot in 1992, the Angels returned to their roots and re-adopted the interlocking “CA” logo with some differences. The Angels used the “CA” on against the traditional blue background circle with silver outline. The “A” has a silver halo on top. Designed with Major League Baseball Properties, the logo is similar to one the Angels had from 1965 – 1970. In 1986
, the Angels adopted the “Big A” a red letter with blue trim and a yellow halo around the “A.” The “A” is on top of a white baseball with red seams and a blue shadow of California in the background. A yellow star indicating the location of Anaheim. In 1973 the Angels did some slight changes to the logo from 1971. The “A” in the scripted wordmark “angels” was lower-case and was changed to an upper case “Angels.” The star that indicated the location of Anaheim is now red and not yellow. In 1971, the Angels adopted a logo that had the wordmark “angels” written diagonally on an outline of the State of California. A yellow halo hung around the top right corner of the state and a yellow star indicated the city of Anaheim. The first California Angels logo was very similar to the previous “LA” logo. The only difference was instead of an interlocking “LA” letters, there was an interlocking “CA” letters. The Angels first logo depict a white with red seams baseball with wings and a halo over a light green baseball diamond with letter link “L” and “A” over it. MLB Primary Teams Boston Bees Boston Rustlers Boston Doves Boston Beaneaters Boston Americans Chicago Orphans Chicago White Stockings Cincinnati Redlegs Cincinnati Red Stockings Cleveland Naps Cleveland Bluebirds Houston Colt 45’s Brooklyn Robins Brooklyn Superbas Tampa Bay Devil Rays Sheriff says teen killed in mistaken retaliation Kymmara Randolph By - Associated Press - Friday, February 21, 2014 ST. MATTHEWS, S.C. (AP) - Calhoun County sheriff’s deputies say a 17-year-old girl has been killed by two brothers who thought she set them up to be robbed. Sheriff Thomas Summers told The Times and Democrat of Orangeburg (https://bit.ly/1fmE6zk ) that 17-year-old Kymmara Randolph had nothing to do with the robbery. Summers says Randolph was killed shortly after she was last seen leaving an Orangeburg home with a man Feb. 13. Authorities found her body Friday in a swamp after several days of searching. Deputies say the men lured Randolph from her home by saying they were taking her to a party. Forty-five-year-old Jerry McKnight and 32-year-old Bryant McKnight have been charged with murder. It was not known if they had lawyers. Information from: The Times & Democrat, https://www.timesanddemocrat.com Celebrate the Final Season of Game of Thrones With These Westeros-Inspired Snacks Laine Doss | April 11, 2019 | 3:31pm Who needs an Iron Throne when you have cake? dBakers Sweet Studio This Sunday, April 14, the final season of Game of Thrones will premiere. The hit HBO series, which debuted in April 2011, will (let's hope) answer who will finally take their seat on the Iron Throne. The show has garnered legions of viewers who pledge their allegiance to the house of Stark, Targaryen, or even Lannister. If you're a superfan, you now have the opportunity to literally drink in the experience with these Game of Thrones-inspired beverage and food offerings. Dracarys Burger and Dragonglass Shake Shake Shack's Dracarys Burger and Dragonglass Shake. Starting Friday, April 12, the burger restaurant is offering a special GOT menu. The Dracarys Burger ($10.99) is a double Monterey Jack cheeseburger "sourced from the finest head of cattle the Seven Kingdoms has to offer." In keeping with its dragon namesake, the burger is "griddled by the fires of Drogon and Rhaegal," then topped with a fiery ShackSauce and bacon. The burger, available only at the Miami Beach location through April 21, comes with a warning that it might be too hot for non
younger talent Another key priority should be "responding to the growing anti-satellite threat to U.S. and allies’ space systems". This should be tackled by, among other things: "tak[ing] steps to revitalize America’s space security diplomacy" "consider[ing] ways to expand space security consultations with allies and partners, and promote norms of behavior that can advance the security and sustainability of the outer space environment" (Note: It's not totally clear to me whether this part of the article is solely about anti-satellite threats or about a broader range of space-related issues.) This updated me a little bit further towards thinking it might be useful: for more EAs to go into diplomacy and/or arms control for EAs to do more to support other efforts to improve diplomacy and/or arms control (e.g., via directing funding to good existing work on these fronts) Here's the part of the article which is most relevant to point 1: The State Department’s arms control workforce has been under stress for some time due to problems associated with an aging staff and the inability to effectively recruit and retain younger talent. For example, a 2014 State Department Inspector General report on the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance states: “Forty-eight percent of the bureau’s Civil Service employees will be eligible to retire in the next 5 years, the second-highest percentage in the Department of State … Absent a plan to improve professional development and succession planning for the next generation of arms control experts, the bureau is at risk of losing national security expertise vital to its mission.” Though many of the challenges associated with the arms control workforce pre-date the Trump administration, according to press reports, these trends have accelerated under its watch. As a result, the Biden administration will inherit an arms control workforce that has been hollowed out. A key priority for the incoming team must be to rebuild this workforce. Luckily, the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security has the authority under the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to hire technical arms control experts through an expedited process. In the near-term, the State Department should take advantage of this and other existing hiring authorities to help rebuild the arms control workforce. Over the longer term, it should work with Congress to determine whether new hiring authorities would help grow and maintain the arms control workforce. Another relevant one in the US Dept of State. [EA(p) · GW(p)] Hacking Academia. Certain opportunities are much more attractive to the impact-minded than to regular academics, and so may be attractive, relative to how competitive they are. The secure nature of EA funding means that tenure is less important (although of course it's still good). Some centers do research on EA-related topics, and are therefore more attractive, such as Oxford, GMU. Universities in or near capital cities, such as Georgetown, UMD College Park, ANU, Ghent, Tsinghua or near other political centers such as NYC, Geneva may offer a perch from which to provide policy input. Those doing interdisciplinary work may want to apply for a department that's strong in a field other than their own. For example, people working in AI ethics may benefit from centers that are great at AI, even if they're weak in philosophy. Certain universities may be more attractive due to being in an EA hub, such as Berkeley, Oxford, UCL, UMD College Park, etc. Thinking about an academic career in this way makes me think more people should pursue tenure at UMD, Georgetown, and Johns Hopkins (good for both biosecurity and causal models of AI), than I thought beforehand. Which longtermist hubs do we most need? (see also: Hacking Academia [EA(p) · GW(p)]) Suppose longtermism already has some presence in SF, Oxford, DC, London, Toronto, Melbourne, Boston, New York, and is already trying to boost its presence in the EU (especially Brussels, Paris, Berlin), UN (NYC, Geneva), and China (Beijing, ...). Which other cities are important? I think there's a case for New Delhi, as the capital of India. It's the third-larg
younger talent Another key priority should be "responding to the growing anti-satellite threat to U.S. and allies’ space systems". This should be tackled by, among other things: "tak[ing] steps to revitalize America’s space security diplomacy" "consider[ing] ways to expand space security consultations with allies and partners, and promote norms of behavior that can advance the security and sustainability of the outer space environment" (Note: It's not totally clear to me whether this part of the article is solely about anti-satellite threats or about a broader range of space-related issues.) This updated me a little bit further towards thinking it might be useful: for more EAs to go into diplomacy and/or arms control for EAs to do more to support other efforts to improve diplomacy and/or arms control (e.g., via directing funding to good existing work on these fronts) Here's the part of the article which is most relevant to point 1: The State Department’s arms control workforce has been under stress for some time due to problems associated with an aging staff and the inability to effectively recruit and retain younger talent. For example, a 2014 State Department Inspector General report on the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance states: “Forty-eight percent of the bureau’s Civil Service employees will be eligible to retire in the next 5 years, the second-highest percentage in the Department of State … Absent a plan to improve professional development and succession planning for the next generation of arms control experts, the bureau is at risk of losing national security expertise vital to its mission.” Though many of the challenges associated with the arms control workforce pre-date the Trump administration, according to press reports, these trends have accelerated under its watch. As a result, the Biden administration will inherit an arms control workforce that has been hollowed out. A key priority for the incoming team must be to rebuild this workforce. Luckily, the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security has the authority under the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to hire technical arms control experts through an expedited process. In the near-term, the State Department should take advantage of this and other existing hiring authorities to help rebuild the arms control workforce. Over the longer term, it should work with Congress to determine whether new hiring authorities would help grow and maintain the arms control workforce. Another relevant one in the US Dept of State. [EA(p) · GW(p)] Hacking Academia. Certain opportunities are much more attractive to the impact-minded than to regular academics, and so may be attractive, relative to how competitive they are. The secure nature of EA funding means that tenure is less important (although of course it's still good). Some centers do research on EA-related topics, and are therefore more attractive, such as Oxford, GMU. Universities in or near capital cities, such as Georgetown, UMD College Park, ANU, Ghent, Tsinghua or near other political centers such as NYC, Geneva may offer a perch from which to provide policy input. Those doing interdisciplinary work may want to apply for a department that's strong in a field other than their own. For example, people working in AI ethics may benefit from centers that are great at AI, even if they're weak in philosophy. Certain universities may be more attractive due to being in an EA hub, such as Berkeley, Oxford, UCL, UMD College Park, etc. Thinking about an academic career in this way makes me think more people should pursue tenure at UMD, Georgetown, and Johns Hopkins (good for both biosecurity and causal models of AI), than I thought beforehand. Which longtermist hubs do we most need? (see also: Hacking Academia [EA(p) · GW(p)]) Suppose longtermism already has some presence in SF, Oxford, DC, London, Toronto, Melbourne, Boston, New York, and is already trying to boost its presence in the EU (especially Brussels, Paris, Berlin), UN (NYC, Geneva), and China (Beijing, ...). Which other cities are important? I think there's a case for New Delhi, as the capital of India. It's the third-larg
est country by GDP (PPP), soon-to-be the most populous country, high-growth, and a neighbour of China. Perhaps we're neglecting it due to founder effects, because it has lower average wealth, because it's universities aren't thriving, and/or because it currently has a nationalist government. I also see a case for Singapore - that it's government and universities could be a place from which to work on de-escalating US-China tensions. It's physically and culturally not far from China. As a city-state, it benefits a lot from peace and global trade. It's by far the most-developed member of ASEAN, which is also large, mostly neutral, and benefits from peace. It's generally very technocratic with high historical growth, and is also the HQ of APEC. comment by HaukeHillebrandt · 2020-09-11T15:03:14.004Z · EA(p) · GW(p) I feel Indonesia / Jakarta is perhaps overlooked / neglected sometimes, despite it being expected to be the world's 4th largest economy by 2050: Jakarta - yep, it's also ASEAN's HQ. Worth noting, though, that Indonesia is moving its capital out of Jakarta. comment by Max_Daniel · 2020-09-11T16:27:56.038Z · EA(p) · GW(p) Yes, good point! My idle speculations have also made me wonder about Indonesia [EA(p) · GW(p)] at least once. comment by Prabhat Soni · 2020-09-11T17:04:07.740Z · EA(p) · GW(p) I'd be curious to discuss if there's a case for Moscow. 80,000 Hours's lists being a Russia or India specialist under "Other paths we're excited about". The case would probably revolve around Russia's huge nuclear arsenal and efforts to build AI. If climate change were to become really bad (say 4 degrees+ warming), Russia (along with Canada and New Zealand) would become the new hub for immigration given it's geography -- and this alone could make it one of the most influential countries in the world. EAs have reason to favour Top-5 postdocs over Top-100 tenure? Related to Hacking Academia [EA(p) · GW(p)]. A bunch of people face a choice between being a postdoc at one of the top 5 universities, and being a professor at one of the top 100 universities. For the purpose of this post, let's set aside the possibilities of working in industry, grantmaking and nonprofits. Some of the relative strengths (+) of the top-5 postdoc route are accentuated for EAs, while some of the weaknesses (-) are attenuated: +greater access to elite talent (extra-important for EAs) +larger university-based EA communities, many of which are at top-5 universities -less secure research funding (less of an issue in longtermist research) -less career security (less important for high levels of altruism) -can't be a sole-supervisor of a PhD student (less important if one works with a full-professor who can supervise, e.g. at Berkeley or Oxford). -harder to set up a centre (this one does seem bad for EAs, and hard to escape) There are also considerations relating to EAs' ability to secure tenure. Sometimes, this is decreased a bit due to the research running against prevailing trends. Overall, I think that some EAs should still pursue professorships, especially to set up research centres, or to establish a presence in an influential location [EA(p) · GW(p)] but that we will want more postdocs than is usual. comment by Stefan_Schubert · 2020-09-30T14:05:42.001Z · EA(p) · GW(p) A quite obvious point that may still be worth making is that the balance of the consider
USB cable. The GS Air M comes with a 3.5-ml Pyrex tank for a great vaping experience. It is easy to use and can deliver a strong vapour at 20W. It also has a good utilisation time considering its size. The coils are guaranteed not to leak and won’t render burnt taste. The coils are adjustable, making them a good choice for anyone who wants to vape on the go. Wotofo XFiber Cotton Review Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is a brand of premium-grade organic cotton that comes in 3mm thickness. This brand was made for fast cotton preparation and is characterized by high absorption and retention abilities. It comes in packs of 30 pieces and is a perfect choice for preparing cloths for vaping. Wotofo XFiber Organic Cotton is a unique product that provides fast cotton preparation. Made from multi-fiber blends and long fibers, this cotton is incredibly absorbent and wicks moisture away from the skin. Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is packaged fresh to provide the purest flavor and best absorption. It is also made from organic cotton, which means that it is free of pesticides, toxins, or other harmful substances. Wotofo XFiber Organic Cotton is 6mm thick and is packaged in a handy re-sealable plastic bag. This organic cotton has an odorless finish, which means it absorbs e-liquid more quickly. The material is also electro-cleaned, so it does not retain its unpleasant odor. It comes from Xinjiang, a region known for its long-staple Cotton. Wotofo Xfiber cotton is an enhanced version of Wotofo’s 6mm agleted cotton strips. It has an odorless and electro-cleaned finish and is made in Xinjiang, a region of China known for its long-staple and organic cotton. The region enjoys a favorable climate with long-lasting sunshine. The strips of this organic cotton are ready-to-use, and they are packaged in a small travel box to prevent tangling. Wotofo XFiber cotton is 100% natural, and is made from chemical-free, organic cotton. It offers a good absorption rate, and great flavor retention. Users are recommended to use between three and six milligrams of eLiquid per strip. This may vary depending on the individual user’s preference. Ideal for 6mm ID coils Wotofo xfiber cotton is a great choice for 6mm ID coils. The material is easy to install and designed to fit snugly within a wire coil structure. It is also pesticide-free and guaranteed organic. It is resistant to dry burning and absorbs easily. Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is the upgraded version of Wotofo Agleted Cotton. It is made from long, odorless, and electro-cleaned cotton. It is grown in Xinjiang in areas that receive up to 3500 hours of direct sunlight per year. The material is odorless and has a supple feel that is ideal for 6mm ID coils. Wotofo XFiber Cotton is made from organic cotton and comes in packs of thirty strips. Each strip is 60mm long and agleted on one end. These strips are ready to use and fit within a 3mm or 6mm wire coil structure. This cotton has been electro-cleaned and has an odorless wicking property. Wotofo XFiber Cotton’s packaging helps to ensure its purity and makes it an excellent choice for those who are concerned with the environment. Wotofo XFiber Cotton 6mm is made for use in the Profile RDA and Unity RTA. It is Electro-cleaned, which means that it absorbs e-liquid quicker than other types of cotton. Its longer fibers also make it odor and taste free. It is made in the USA, and is sourced from Xinjiang, a region that receives 3,500 hours of direct sunlight a year. Wotofo XFiber Cotton, also known as Agleted Organic Cotton, is the ultimate in fast-prepar
USB cable. The GS Air M comes with a 3.5-ml Pyrex tank for a great vaping experience. It is easy to use and can deliver a strong vapour at 20W. It also has a good utilisation time considering its size. The coils are guaranteed not to leak and won’t render burnt taste. The coils are adjustable, making them a good choice for anyone who wants to vape on the go. Wotofo XFiber Cotton Review Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is a brand of premium-grade organic cotton that comes in 3mm thickness. This brand was made for fast cotton preparation and is characterized by high absorption and retention abilities. It comes in packs of 30 pieces and is a perfect choice for preparing cloths for vaping. Wotofo XFiber Organic Cotton is a unique product that provides fast cotton preparation. Made from multi-fiber blends and long fibers, this cotton is incredibly absorbent and wicks moisture away from the skin. Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is packaged fresh to provide the purest flavor and best absorption. It is also made from organic cotton, which means that it is free of pesticides, toxins, or other harmful substances. Wotofo XFiber Organic Cotton is 6mm thick and is packaged in a handy re-sealable plastic bag. This organic cotton has an odorless finish, which means it absorbs e-liquid more quickly. The material is also electro-cleaned, so it does not retain its unpleasant odor. It comes from Xinjiang, a region known for its long-staple Cotton. Wotofo Xfiber cotton is an enhanced version of Wotofo’s 6mm agleted cotton strips. It has an odorless and electro-cleaned finish and is made in Xinjiang, a region of China known for its long-staple and organic cotton. The region enjoys a favorable climate with long-lasting sunshine. The strips of this organic cotton are ready-to-use, and they are packaged in a small travel box to prevent tangling. Wotofo XFiber cotton is 100% natural, and is made from chemical-free, organic cotton. It offers a good absorption rate, and great flavor retention. Users are recommended to use between three and six milligrams of eLiquid per strip. This may vary depending on the individual user’s preference. Ideal for 6mm ID coils Wotofo xfiber cotton is a great choice for 6mm ID coils. The material is easy to install and designed to fit snugly within a wire coil structure. It is also pesticide-free and guaranteed organic. It is resistant to dry burning and absorbs easily. Wotofo Xfiber Cotton is the upgraded version of Wotofo Agleted Cotton. It is made from long, odorless, and electro-cleaned cotton. It is grown in Xinjiang in areas that receive up to 3500 hours of direct sunlight per year. The material is odorless and has a supple feel that is ideal for 6mm ID coils. Wotofo XFiber Cotton is made from organic cotton and comes in packs of thirty strips. Each strip is 60mm long and agleted on one end. These strips are ready to use and fit within a 3mm or 6mm wire coil structure. This cotton has been electro-cleaned and has an odorless wicking property. Wotofo XFiber Cotton’s packaging helps to ensure its purity and makes it an excellent choice for those who are concerned with the environment. Wotofo XFiber Cotton 6mm is made for use in the Profile RDA and Unity RTA. It is Electro-cleaned, which means that it absorbs e-liquid quicker than other types of cotton. Its longer fibers also make it odor and taste free. It is made in the USA, and is sourced from Xinjiang, a region that receives 3,500 hours of direct sunlight a year. Wotofo XFiber Cotton, also known as Agleted Organic Cotton, is the ultimate in fast-prepar
ation cotton. Made from long fibres with a sheath at one end, Xfiber Cotton wicks incredibly well and offers outstanding absorption ability. Wotofo also makes sure the cotton is packed in a way to provide maximum flavor. The XFiber cotton is available in packs of thirty strips, each measuring 60mm long and agleted on one end. This pre-cut organic cotton is easy to install and fits within a 3mm or 6mm wire coil structure. It is made in Germany using old-world methods, so you can be sure it’s made with high-quality materials. RELX Pods USA Review RELX Pods USA offers various flavors that you can use to boost your vaping experience. These e-liquids are available in packs of 30 and 50 milligrams of Nicotine and are a great way to cool down during the summer months. If you’re looking to switch up your vaping routine, you can try RELX Fresh Cucumber Pods. They’ll keep you cool while you enjoy the delicious and soothing taste of fresh cucumber. RELX Green Tea Pods are another option for those who want the smooth taste of green tea. RELX Infinity Replacement Pods are compatible with RELX Infinity prefilled pod systems. They feature leak-proof coils and SmartPace Vibration for a smooth, vaporizing experience. Whether you’re vaping with RELX e-liquid or a different brand, RELX Pods USA offers flavours that will please any vaping enthusiast. Among the most popular RELX flavours are Garden’s Heart, Tangy Purple, Fresh Red, and Zesty Sparkle. The RELX Infinity Vape Kit features a dual charging system and built-in battery that can last up to three days. The RELX Infinity also has a unique haptic vibration feedback when you insert a pod. It has a 380 mAH battery and a 1.9 mL capacity. The RELX Infinity has been tested for a leak-resistant design and an ergonomic mouthpiece. RELX Pods contain 2ml of nicotine salt e-liquid and come in seven flavors. These prefilled pods attach to the RELX Pod System via a magnetic connection. They also have a pressure-sensitive system and a 0.001atm ceramic heating element. The RELX Pod System Battery is another option for vaping. It is a lightweight pen-style device that features honeycomb ceramic coil technology and the signature flavors of RELX. It is compatible with RELX Pro Infinity and Essential devices. It has two 510-compatible attachments and a micro-USB charging cable. However, this system is not compatible with RELX Alpha flavor pods. The RELX Alpha Starter Kit contains the next-generation RELX vape pen. It combines state-of-the-art engineering with modern designs. The enlarged airways improve flavor rendering and simulate the feel of a real cigarette. Moreover, the RELX Alpha has sleek, minimalist designs. Its gold coating and black finish give it an elegant look. Artery Nugget GT – Best Temp to Vape Weed Sep 9, 2022 human 0 Comment The Artery Nugget GT is a dual 18650 Pod Mod Kit that is small and compact. Its chassis is made of zinc alloy and provides a decent amount of power. It also has a 24mm tank that will fit without overhang. The Artery Nugget GT is available in black and is compatible with both single and dual 18650 batteries. This device features dual 18650 batteries, a 200 watt max output, and two amp fast charging. It can store up to 8mL of vape juice. The pod itself is refillable and features a bottom airflow system. It also has a 0.96-inch color display. It comes in a wide variety of colors, including black, red, blue, and gunmetal. This device also features a 510 adapter that allows it to accommodate any 510-pin tank. It works much like a traditional dual battery vape mod. However, the Nugget GT only supports power mode vaping and does
. At such a challenging moment for democracy and human rights, there is no doubt that transparent buildings can harbor authoritarian, opaque, and fascist governments. The quotes in the text were taken from the text description provided by the architects. Romullo Baratto NewsArticlesRenzo Piano Building WorkshopNorman FosterGlassRogers Stirk Harbour + PartnersFoster + PartnersdemocracyMaterialsArchitecture Cite: Baratto, Romullo. "Transparent Buildings and the Illusion of Democracy" [Edifícios transparentes e a ilusão da democracia ] 20 Jan 2021. ArchDaily. (Trans. Duduch, Tarsila) Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/955204/transparent-buildings-and-the-illusion-of-democracy> ISSN 0719-8884 3 helicopters coming to aid your work – Akufo-Addo to Police Six police officers are currently receiving training in South Africa to fly the choppers President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says his government has secured three helicopters for the Ghana Police Service as the construction of hangers at the National Police Training School in Accra almost near completion. Nana Akufo-Addo also expressed joy that six Police officers are currently undergoing training in South Africa to become pilots for the helicopters and serve as the air wing of the Police Service. The President said these when he addressed graduates and attendees of the 49th cadet officers graduation parade at the Police Academy, Police Depot, Tesano, Accra, on Friday, 13 September 2019. To further resource the Police, Nana Akufo-Addo noted that 20 horses have also been procured to assist the police in riot and crowd control, with a canine (K9) unit, made up of 30 dogs, also in the offing. “Despite budgetary constraints government has in two and a half years in office provided 568 vehicles including 15 operational buses to the service,” he said adding that “320 housing units are being constructed at the National Police Training School to reduce accommodation deficits of the service.” The President further said modern communication equipment and 4,500 fragmentation jackets have been procured and delivered to the Service to protect officers and ensure effective policing. He stressed that his government is determined to help create a security service, including the Police Service, that is professional and efficient in the discharge of its duties adding that “Promotions within the service have to be based on merit and not on political affiliation.” In all, the 49th cadet officers’ graduation parade saw 143 cadet officers graduating. For the first time, a female cadet officer, Theodora Ntirwaa, graduated as the overall best cadet officer Sea Hero Quest How can a mobile game help detect Alzheimer’s risk? But what is Sea Hero Quest? And how can this game spot those at risk of Alzheimer’s? How can a virtual reality game improve the diagnosis of dementia? In May last year, when we joined forces with Deutsche Telekom and researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) to launch the citizen science project Sea Hero Quest, we could not have anticipated the sensational response the game would have. People power unlocks the secrets of human spatial navigation In May, we worked with Deutsche Telekom and researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) to launch Sea Hero Quest. This fun game got you sailing through sunkissed tropical seas and memorising maps of stormy shores – all in the name of research. Epic Quest Sea Hero Quest, the smartphone game Alzheimer’s Research UK helped to create in partnership with Deutsche Telekom, UCL and the University of East Anglia, has now sailed past a colossal 1.5 million downloads. Help defeat dementia using only your thumb When we were approached by telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom with an idea around developing a game to encourage phone users around the world to get involved in research, it felt like an innovative bit of thinking that attracted us. Anne Mervenne – Anne Mervenne
. At such a challenging moment for democracy and human rights, there is no doubt that transparent buildings can harbor authoritarian, opaque, and fascist governments. The quotes in the text were taken from the text description provided by the architects. Romullo Baratto NewsArticlesRenzo Piano Building WorkshopNorman FosterGlassRogers Stirk Harbour + PartnersFoster + PartnersdemocracyMaterialsArchitecture Cite: Baratto, Romullo. "Transparent Buildings and the Illusion of Democracy" [Edifícios transparentes e a ilusão da democracia ] 20 Jan 2021. ArchDaily. (Trans. Duduch, Tarsila) Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/955204/transparent-buildings-and-the-illusion-of-democracy> ISSN 0719-8884 3 helicopters coming to aid your work – Akufo-Addo to Police Six police officers are currently receiving training in South Africa to fly the choppers President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says his government has secured three helicopters for the Ghana Police Service as the construction of hangers at the National Police Training School in Accra almost near completion. Nana Akufo-Addo also expressed joy that six Police officers are currently undergoing training in South Africa to become pilots for the helicopters and serve as the air wing of the Police Service. The President said these when he addressed graduates and attendees of the 49th cadet officers graduation parade at the Police Academy, Police Depot, Tesano, Accra, on Friday, 13 September 2019. To further resource the Police, Nana Akufo-Addo noted that 20 horses have also been procured to assist the police in riot and crowd control, with a canine (K9) unit, made up of 30 dogs, also in the offing. “Despite budgetary constraints government has in two and a half years in office provided 568 vehicles including 15 operational buses to the service,” he said adding that “320 housing units are being constructed at the National Police Training School to reduce accommodation deficits of the service.” The President further said modern communication equipment and 4,500 fragmentation jackets have been procured and delivered to the Service to protect officers and ensure effective policing. He stressed that his government is determined to help create a security service, including the Police Service, that is professional and efficient in the discharge of its duties adding that “Promotions within the service have to be based on merit and not on political affiliation.” In all, the 49th cadet officers’ graduation parade saw 143 cadet officers graduating. For the first time, a female cadet officer, Theodora Ntirwaa, graduated as the overall best cadet officer Sea Hero Quest How can a mobile game help detect Alzheimer’s risk? But what is Sea Hero Quest? And how can this game spot those at risk of Alzheimer’s? How can a virtual reality game improve the diagnosis of dementia? In May last year, when we joined forces with Deutsche Telekom and researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) to launch the citizen science project Sea Hero Quest, we could not have anticipated the sensational response the game would have. People power unlocks the secrets of human spatial navigation In May, we worked with Deutsche Telekom and researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) to launch Sea Hero Quest. This fun game got you sailing through sunkissed tropical seas and memorising maps of stormy shores – all in the name of research. Epic Quest Sea Hero Quest, the smartphone game Alzheimer’s Research UK helped to create in partnership with Deutsche Telekom, UCL and the University of East Anglia, has now sailed past a colossal 1.5 million downloads. Help defeat dementia using only your thumb When we were approached by telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom with an idea around developing a game to encourage phone users around the world to get involved in research, it felt like an innovative bit of thinking that attracted us. Anne Mervenne – Anne Mervenne
– Brief Bio ​Principal at MERVENNE & Company Anne has been very active on the boards of many organizations and her work has received recognition over the years. Presently she serves on the board for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan serving as the chair of the Enterprise Risk Management committee. She also serves as the secretary and treasurer of the Detroit Public Safety Foundation, is on the board of trustees for Citizens Research Council of Michigan, sits on the steering committee for the Center for Michigan and is a member of the political action committee for the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce. In July, 2018, Governor Rick Snyder appointed Anne to serve on the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC). The 25-member commission fosters a culture of service by providing vision and resources to strengthen communities through volunteerism. In the past, she served on boards for Hope for Huruma, the Michigan Health and Hospital Association, the Habitat for Humanity of Michigan, The Children’s Center, Angels' Place, Early Childhood Investment Corporation (as an appointee of Governor Jennifer Granholm), Greater Detroit Area Health Council, Michigan Council for the Humanities and WTVS Public Television. This year Anne received the 2017 Top 10 Michigan Business Women award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. Other honors she has received include Wonder Woman Award, Humanitarian of the Year Awards from the Arab-American and Chaldean Council, and the Council of Islamic Relations, Outstanding Service Award from the Michigan Neighborhood Partnership and she was a Crain’s Detroit Business “40 Under 40” achiever. God (cont.) Personally, my own experience with the Bible was, for a long time, essentially a process of never quite managing to confront those questions. Unlike Jefferson, I never took the time to go through the Bible point-by-point and figure out exactly which parts I agreed with and which parts I didn’t. It wasn’t necessarily that I consciously avoided it – I was happy to spend hours obsessing over the parts of the Bible that I genuinely found valuable and inspiring – but when it came to the less-than-wonderful parts, I just sort of kept my beliefs vague and never really focused on them too much. Sure, I may have had some kind of distant peripheral awareness in the back of my mind that certain parts of the Bible were historically or scientifically inaccurate, or that some of the stories had a lot of bloodshed – but these concerns were never really anywhere near the front and center of my attention, where they might have been fully subjected to the spotlight of scrutiny; they just kind of lingered on some hazy subconscious level, never quite fully formed. When I thought about the story of Noah’s flood, for instance, I didn’t think about it in terms of millions of terrified families desperately trying to keep their heads above water until they inevitably ran out of strength and drowned horribly; I thought about it as that fun story from the colorful picture books I had as a kid, with all the cute animals in it. When I thought about God killing all the firstborn Egyptians, I didn’t think about it in terms of all the grieving mothers whose beloved children were mercilessly taken from them; I thought about it in the same way I thought about Luke Skywalker blowing up the Death Star in Star Wars – i.e. the fact that countless people were being violently murdered didn’t register with me on a visceral level; it was just, “Hooray, the good guys beat the bad guys!” In retrospect, of course, I’m horrified by the fact that I wasn’t able to see these things for what they were. But I think my experience is pretty common among people who were raised religious. If you’ve known these stories your whole life, you never really stop to think about them critically in the same way that you would if you were hearing them for the first time as an adult; you just take them for granted as part of your baseline of knowledge. To draw a non-religious analogy: Do you remember that nursery rhyme, “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”? (I realize this is a pretty random example, but it’s one I just came across recently, so it’s still fresh in my mind). This is a story that most of us have heard a million times and could probably recite large portions of by heart. If asked, you could
working intimately with partner Dr. Howard Silverman of Phoenix's Temple Chai Shalom Center, to create and foster a program of Jewish learning for Jewish doctors and other healthcare professionals. Organization: Kalsman Institute Organizations: Temple Chai Shalom Center, Phoenix National Center for Jewish Healing, New York The Jewish Chaplaincy at Stanford University Medical Center Title: Physicians Initiative Date: Ongoing Location: On-Line The Kalsman Institute has been working intimately with partner Dr. Howard Silverman of Phoenix's Temple Chai Shalom Center, to create and foster a program of Jewish learning for Jewish doctors and other healthcare professionals. While still in the early stages of development, Dr. Silverman has for the past number of years been working with other doctors on studying and discussing seminal Jewish texts dealing with the work of doctors and others who provide healing. The program's objective is to assist Jewish clinicians of all denominations to integrate their clinical work and their Jewish and spiritual practice. The proposed format is an innovative integrated retreat and online distance education program which will provide Continuing Medical Education (CME) units. The core working team includes Dr. Elizabeth Feldman, Rabbi Simkha Weintraub and Dr Bruce Feldtein. Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism Are you a physician or nurse midwife interested in integrating your passion for Judaism and your professional skills by becoming a certified mohel? Click here to download an application to the Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism. Previous Initiatives & Events Vigil for Healthcare - Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice Rabbi Julie Pelc, Assistant Director of the Kalsman Institute on Judaism and Health, spoke at a vigil for Healthcare sponsored by Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice. Click here to read her sermon The Politics of Health: When Jewish Ideals Meet American Economic Realities 150 Los Angeles residents heard from four leaders and experts in their fields talk about the challenges of providing healthcare to our community. Organization: Kalsman Institute and USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life Title: The Politics of Health: When Jewish Ideals Meet American Economic Realities This forum addressing America's broken healthcare system was presented with the co-sponsorship of USC's Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life. 150 Los Angeles residents heard from four leaders and experts in their fields talk about the challenges of providing healthcare to our community. The panel consisted of Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief Medical Director of the USC/Norris Cancer Center. Comments from HUC's own Dr. Stephen Windmueller and Andi Milens of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs addressed the Jewish communal history, obligation and response, or lack of response, to the healthcare crisis. Special thanks to Leo Baeck Temple of Los Angeles for hosting this event. Zev Yaroslavsky Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility - Focus on Healthcare In February 2003, Sh'ma partnered with the Kalsman Institute to publish an issue focusing on increasing the humanity in healthcare. Organization: Kalsman Institute/Sh'ma Partners Title: Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility - Focus on Healthcare Each month Sh'ma asked contributors to wrestle with and explore intellectual, cultural, and spiritual issues, synthesizing them into an inspiring vision for contemporary Judaism. In February 2003, Sh'ma partnered with the Kalsman Institute to publish an issue focusing on increasing the humanity in health care. Contributors included respected professionals such as Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, Rabbi William Cutter, Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Dr. Arnold Gold, Dr. Susan Sered, Rabbi Susan Harris, Jaclyn Herzlinger, R.N., and Gila Silverman, MPH. This special issue of Sh'ma was be distributed widely through synagogues, JCCs and the network of Jewish Healing Centers to provide Jewish communal leadership and laity with a valuable resource for developing programs and materials in Jewish healthcare concerns. Caring for our Nation: Jews and America's Healthcare Crisis Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform J
working intimately with partner Dr. Howard Silverman of Phoenix's Temple Chai Shalom Center, to create and foster a program of Jewish learning for Jewish doctors and other healthcare professionals. Organization: Kalsman Institute Organizations: Temple Chai Shalom Center, Phoenix National Center for Jewish Healing, New York The Jewish Chaplaincy at Stanford University Medical Center Title: Physicians Initiative Date: Ongoing Location: On-Line The Kalsman Institute has been working intimately with partner Dr. Howard Silverman of Phoenix's Temple Chai Shalom Center, to create and foster a program of Jewish learning for Jewish doctors and other healthcare professionals. While still in the early stages of development, Dr. Silverman has for the past number of years been working with other doctors on studying and discussing seminal Jewish texts dealing with the work of doctors and others who provide healing. The program's objective is to assist Jewish clinicians of all denominations to integrate their clinical work and their Jewish and spiritual practice. The proposed format is an innovative integrated retreat and online distance education program which will provide Continuing Medical Education (CME) units. The core working team includes Dr. Elizabeth Feldman, Rabbi Simkha Weintraub and Dr Bruce Feldtein. Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism Are you a physician or nurse midwife interested in integrating your passion for Judaism and your professional skills by becoming a certified mohel? Click here to download an application to the Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism. Previous Initiatives & Events Vigil for Healthcare - Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice Rabbi Julie Pelc, Assistant Director of the Kalsman Institute on Judaism and Health, spoke at a vigil for Healthcare sponsored by Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice. Click here to read her sermon The Politics of Health: When Jewish Ideals Meet American Economic Realities 150 Los Angeles residents heard from four leaders and experts in their fields talk about the challenges of providing healthcare to our community. Organization: Kalsman Institute and USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life Title: The Politics of Health: When Jewish Ideals Meet American Economic Realities This forum addressing America's broken healthcare system was presented with the co-sponsorship of USC's Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life. 150 Los Angeles residents heard from four leaders and experts in their fields talk about the challenges of providing healthcare to our community. The panel consisted of Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief Medical Director of the USC/Norris Cancer Center. Comments from HUC's own Dr. Stephen Windmueller and Andi Milens of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs addressed the Jewish communal history, obligation and response, or lack of response, to the healthcare crisis. Special thanks to Leo Baeck Temple of Los Angeles for hosting this event. Zev Yaroslavsky Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility - Focus on Healthcare In February 2003, Sh'ma partnered with the Kalsman Institute to publish an issue focusing on increasing the humanity in healthcare. Organization: Kalsman Institute/Sh'ma Partners Title: Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility - Focus on Healthcare Each month Sh'ma asked contributors to wrestle with and explore intellectual, cultural, and spiritual issues, synthesizing them into an inspiring vision for contemporary Judaism. In February 2003, Sh'ma partnered with the Kalsman Institute to publish an issue focusing on increasing the humanity in health care. Contributors included respected professionals such as Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, Rabbi William Cutter, Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Dr. Arnold Gold, Dr. Susan Sered, Rabbi Susan Harris, Jaclyn Herzlinger, R.N., and Gila Silverman, MPH. This special issue of Sh'ma was be distributed widely through synagogues, JCCs and the network of Jewish Healing Centers to provide Jewish communal leadership and laity with a valuable resource for developing programs and materials in Jewish healthcare concerns. Caring for our Nation: Jews and America's Healthcare Crisis Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform J
udaism, joined the Kalsman Institute and the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life to bring the attention of the Jewish community to the health crisis that faces the broad American public and to ponder the responsibility of Jews and the organized Jewish community. Title: Caring for our Nation: Jews and America's Healthcare Crisis Location: Stephen S. Wise Temple, Los Angeles Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, joined the Kalsman Institute and the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life to bring the attention of the Jewish community to the health crisis that faces the broad American public and to ponder the responsibility of Jews and the organized Jewish community. With special guest Dr. Alexandra M. Levine, Medical Director of the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life" target="_blank">USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital and a respected leader in HIV/AIDS research and treatment. For reservations call (213) 740-3405. Visit Conference Website. Read about this event in the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles Alexandra M. Levine, M.D Rabbi David Saperstein Complementary Medicine Roundtable Experts from the fields of complementary and alternative healthcare met to address the pressing issues of their community. Title: Complementary Medicine Roundtable Experts from the fields of complementary and alternative healthcare met to address the pressing issues of their community. This discussion, moderated by Anne Brener, will explore the possibility of a future conference on alternative and integrative therapies. Dvorkovich and Levitov Leave RCF Russian chess will be headed by Andrey Filatov Russian newspaper Kommersant published the information which "shouldn't have been spread" before the RCF Board Meeting on February 1. Arkady Dvorkovich and Ilya Levitov leave their posititons at the RCF. The official statements will be made at the Congress. The newspaper quotes Mr. Dvorkovich: "My term as the Chairman of the RCF Supervisory Board finishes this year. At the moment the amount of work on the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation doesn't allow me to sufficiently deal with all the cases topical for Russian Chess Federation, so I have made a decision not to ask the Congress to extend my term." According to the Regulations the delegates of the Congress will have to elect a new Chairman of the RCT Supervisory Board from the candidatures nominated by the regional federations. However, as Chess-News found out that's only a matter of formality because the top level officials have already decided that Dvorkovich will be replaced by the businessman Andrey Filatov. In chess world he is known as the sponsor of the Anand - Gelfand world title match 2012 held in Moscow. The Supervisory Board appoints the Chairman of the Management Board, Filatov chose Mark Glukhovsky (the editor-in-chief of the 64 - Chess Review Magazine) for this position. Let us remind you that Mr. Glukhovsky works as the Press Attache at the abovementioned match. Here's another extract from Dvorkovich's commentary to Kommersant: "We have built the system of chess development in Russia: there is the grant system working as well as there are grandmaster schools for children; the number of regional tournaments held by the RCF has increased immensly; the work with the sponsors in arranged. [...] Playing for the Russian national team has again become prestigious - the system of preparation for the top team events is working properly, there are coaching staff as for men's, so for women's teams. The victory of the Russian men's team at the world championship 2013 in Turkey has proved that we were doing everything correctly. As many have claimed Russia got back its status of the most chess playing state in the world." The rumours on the possible resignation of Dvorkovich and Levitov actively circulated after RCF announced that it'll support Ilyumzhinov at the FIDE presidential elections. To some extent the decision was unexpected as Dvorkovich and Levitov stated earlier they are not happy with Ilyumzhinov's candidature. Arkady Dvorkov
of the Middle East Studies Center at OSU. • Feb. 26, “Cuba and the United States,” featuring Miguel Martinez-Saenz, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Otterbein University. • March 4, “Mexican Migration to the United States,” featuring Robert Gitter, Joseph A. Meek Professor of Economics at Ohio Wesleyan. • March 11, “The Road to a Stable Climate: What’s Next After Paris?,” featuring Marianne Gabel, leader of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby in Delaware, with a CCL panel. • March 18, “The Rise of ISIS,” featuring Michael Houlahan, Foreign Service Officer (retired), U.S. State Department. Following each discussion, audience participants will have the option of completing a quick survey — prepared by the nonprofit Foreign Policy Association — to add their opinions to others across the nation. The survey results will be made available to federal decision-makers. Local sponsors of the lecture series include the American Association of University Women, Kiwanis, League of Women Voters, International Studies Program at Ohio Wesleyan University, William Street United Methodist Church, Willow Brook Christian Communities, Cruise One and private donors. The Great Decisions Discussion Program, a free community discussion series, is designed to encourage debate and discussion of the role of the United States in world affairs, organizers say. http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2016/02/web1_Stephen_Tull.jpgTull Information for this story was provided by Corinne Lyman, professor emerita of politics and government at Ohio Wesleyan University. Hi! A visitor to our site felt the following article might be of interest to you: United Nations is topic for discussion series Friday. Here is a link to that story: http://www.delgazette.com/news/7230/united-nations-is-topic-for-discussion-series-friday Rossmary Marquez With a strong support network and a tenacious spirit built from escaping political turmoil in her native Venezuela and moving to the United States a decade ago, Rossmary Marquez is persistent in her efforts to improve people’s health. Marquez completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Oregon and graduated from Texas A&M with a master’s degree in public health. Her research interests include immigration, health disparities, and minority health. Before starting her master’s degree studies, Marquez worked for the CDC as an emergency risk communicator and was involved in the Ebola and Zika response. With the Venezuelan charm as a continual reminder of her roots and her path, Marquez goes the extra mile to talk with people about their experiences and how that can inform ways to shape their physical and mental health. To further her experience and education, Marquez applied for the Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program. “I think the [Éxito!] summer institute allowed me to connect with peers and professionals in the field who can become part of my support system as I apply to a PhD program and continue on with my career,” said Marquez. Are Manatee Populations Rebounding!? By L.D. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently proposed that the West Indian Manatee have their status changed from “endangered” to “threatened”. The gentle giants, also known as sea cows, have been categorized as endangered since 1973, when the Endangered Species Act was passed. Before receiving the protection afforded by the act, manatees were heavily hunted for their meat, oil, and hides. While the hunting of manatees is now illegal, they still face many human threats, which continue to have drastic effects on their population size, and conservationists argue that the down-listing would be a hasty move motivated by evidence that doesn’t reflect the whole picture. What threatens their path to recovery? West Indian manatees are heat seekers and follow the warm water. Their incredibly low metabolic rate and lack of an insulating layer of body fat makes them especially susceptible to cold stress. The whiskered mammals reside in the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the West Indies for part of the year, and migrate north to Florida for warmer waters in the winters, often seeking new residence in
of the Middle East Studies Center at OSU. • Feb. 26, “Cuba and the United States,” featuring Miguel Martinez-Saenz, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Otterbein University. • March 4, “Mexican Migration to the United States,” featuring Robert Gitter, Joseph A. Meek Professor of Economics at Ohio Wesleyan. • March 11, “The Road to a Stable Climate: What’s Next After Paris?,” featuring Marianne Gabel, leader of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby in Delaware, with a CCL panel. • March 18, “The Rise of ISIS,” featuring Michael Houlahan, Foreign Service Officer (retired), U.S. State Department. Following each discussion, audience participants will have the option of completing a quick survey — prepared by the nonprofit Foreign Policy Association — to add their opinions to others across the nation. The survey results will be made available to federal decision-makers. Local sponsors of the lecture series include the American Association of University Women, Kiwanis, League of Women Voters, International Studies Program at Ohio Wesleyan University, William Street United Methodist Church, Willow Brook Christian Communities, Cruise One and private donors. The Great Decisions Discussion Program, a free community discussion series, is designed to encourage debate and discussion of the role of the United States in world affairs, organizers say. http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2016/02/web1_Stephen_Tull.jpgTull Information for this story was provided by Corinne Lyman, professor emerita of politics and government at Ohio Wesleyan University. Hi! A visitor to our site felt the following article might be of interest to you: United Nations is topic for discussion series Friday. Here is a link to that story: http://www.delgazette.com/news/7230/united-nations-is-topic-for-discussion-series-friday Rossmary Marquez With a strong support network and a tenacious spirit built from escaping political turmoil in her native Venezuela and moving to the United States a decade ago, Rossmary Marquez is persistent in her efforts to improve people’s health. Marquez completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Oregon and graduated from Texas A&M with a master’s degree in public health. Her research interests include immigration, health disparities, and minority health. Before starting her master’s degree studies, Marquez worked for the CDC as an emergency risk communicator and was involved in the Ebola and Zika response. With the Venezuelan charm as a continual reminder of her roots and her path, Marquez goes the extra mile to talk with people about their experiences and how that can inform ways to shape their physical and mental health. To further her experience and education, Marquez applied for the Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program. “I think the [Éxito!] summer institute allowed me to connect with peers and professionals in the field who can become part of my support system as I apply to a PhD program and continue on with my career,” said Marquez. Are Manatee Populations Rebounding!? By L.D. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently proposed that the West Indian Manatee have their status changed from “endangered” to “threatened”. The gentle giants, also known as sea cows, have been categorized as endangered since 1973, when the Endangered Species Act was passed. Before receiving the protection afforded by the act, manatees were heavily hunted for their meat, oil, and hides. While the hunting of manatees is now illegal, they still face many human threats, which continue to have drastic effects on their population size, and conservationists argue that the down-listing would be a hasty move motivated by evidence that doesn’t reflect the whole picture. What threatens their path to recovery? West Indian manatees are heat seekers and follow the warm water. Their incredibly low metabolic rate and lack of an insulating layer of body fat makes them especially susceptible to cold stress. The whiskered mammals reside in the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the West Indies for part of the year, and migrate north to Florida for warmer waters in the winters, often seeking new residence in
industrial areas, such as electrical plants. Their journey, unfortunately, puts them in harm’s way. Water activities are amongst the greatest threats to the ever-charismatic manatee. Collisions with boats and jet skis are common, and they’ve also been found trapped within locks and flood control structures. They’re also in danger of ingesting or becoming entangled within fishing equipment. While water activities account for the majority of unnatural manatee deaths each year, habitat destruction poses the greatest long-term threat. Manatees thrive in temperatures higher than 68 degrees and are vulnerable to cold stress in temperatures below that threshold. In the winter of 2010, for instance, nearly 300 manatees died from an extended cold period. Naturally occurring cold weather events are exacerbated by the development of residential neighborhoods, which interrupt water flow to the warm water springs upon which manatees rely. Manatees also face dangerous red tide blooms, an event that occurs when the population of dinoflagellates, a type of algae, experience a sudden and drastic increase. The blooms are primarily attributed to warmer water temperatures, low salinity, and an increase in aquatic nutrient content. The algae contain seizure-inducing neurotoxins, which manatees inhale when they surface for air, and ingest when it consumes the algae-covered sea grass on which they feed. The seizures can be severe enough that manatees are incapacitated and cannot surface for air, causing them to drown. Many reports support the idea that red tides are increasing (they now occur near-annually in Florida), and one common theory attributes the increase to global warming. Changing the Status manatee close up portrait underwater In 2007, the FWS released a 5 year review of the 2001 Florida Manatee Recovery Plan, which cited that up to 75% of the tasks outlined in the plan had been implemented and/or achieved and suggested their status be updated from “endangered” to “threatened”. The organization also pointed to 1991 estimates that showed the manatee population size as being 1,267. Since then, in Florida alone, the population has increased to 6,300, and the total species population to 13,000. The Endangered Species Act defines endangered as an animal “in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range,” which the FSW does not believe describes the manatee, at this time. While many of the same protections will apply to manatees in the instance of down-listing, the FSW will be able to modify recovery plans to reflect their new status. There are groups that are eager for the status change. The boating industry and land developers have been applying pressure (sometimes legal) to the government for years, urging officials to heed the advice of their experts, and down-list the manatee’s protection status. As part of the recovery and protection efforts, speed limits have been implemented in boating zones and many warm-water springs have been designated protected, thereby prohibiting development. The apparent rebound of the sea cows is enough to give parties with investments in tourism and development cause to feel unnecessary restrictions are obstructing their business interests. Conservationists, however, view the change as premature. Many note the nearly 50% loss of population that manatees sustained between 2010 and 2013, resulting from red tide blooms and cold snaps. The fear is that protection will be reduced, development will increase, and research and enforcement will taper. Opponents of the down-listing acknowledge the success that can be seen in the increased population size, but place heavy emphasis on the importance of assessing how well we are actually protecting the animals from harm, pointing to the 2010-2013 losses as a failure reflective of our abilities. The FWS will not decide whether or not manatees will be down-listed from “endangered” to “threatened” until later this year, after the 90-day public comment period has passed (the period ends April 7th, 2016). During that time anyone can weigh-in on the status change and contribute to the discussion. While the status change has created a heated debate, it cannot be argued that progress has been
in the topological direction and have non-singular operator product expansion (OPE) with each other. As was explained in Section \ref{aphiggs}, the quantum Hilbert space ${\mathcal H}={\mathrm{Hom}}(\overline{\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}},{\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}})$ is the space of ${\mathrm L}^2$ half-densities on ${\mathcal M}(G,C)$, or equivalently the space of ${\mathrm L}^2$ sections of $K^{1/2}\otimes \overline K{}^{1/2}$. We recall that this happens because brane quantization of ${\mathcal M}_H(G,C)$ is equivalent to quantizing it as a cotangent bundle $T^*{\mathcal M}(G,C)$. In quantizing a cotangent bundle $T^*W$, a function whose restriction to a fiber of the cotangent bundle is a polynomial of degree $s$ becomes a differential operator of degree $s$ acting on half-densities on $W$. If, as in the case of interest here, $W$ is a complex manifold, then more specifically holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ become holomorphic differential operators on $W$. From a holomorphic point of view, one usually says that holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ (with polynomial dependence on the fibers) become holomorphic differential operators acting on sections of $K^{1/2}$. (The role of $K^{1/2}$ is explained from a $\sigma$-model point of view in \cite{GW}, Section 3.2 and Appendix C.) In the case of the Hitchin Hamiltonians, the fact that they can be quantum deformed to differential operators acting on sections of $K^{1/2}$, and not on sections of any other holomorphic line bundle, is part of the standard story \cite{H2,BD}. However, the antiholomorphic line bundle $\overline K{}^{1/2}$ is invisible to a holomorphic differential operator, since its transition functions are antiholomorphic and commute with holomorphic differential operators. So the holomorphic differential operators that are obtained by deformation quantization of holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ can naturally act on $K^{1/2}\otimes \overline K{}^{1/2}$, or equivalently on the bundle ${\sf K}^{1/2}$ of half-densities. Similarly, under deformation quantization, antiholomorphic functions on $T^*W$ become antiholomorphic differential operators that can act on ${\sf K}^{1/2}$. So ${\mathscr A}$ and $\bar{\mathscr A}$ become, respectively, algebras of holomorphic and antiholomorphic differential operators acting on half-densities on ${\mathcal M}(G,C)$. From this point of view, the statement that ${\mathscr A}$ and $\bar{\mathscr A}$ commute just reflects the fact that holomorphic differential operators commute with antiholomorphic ones. \subsection{The Duals Of The Coisotropic Branes}\label{dualco} In order to be able to apply duality to this problem, we need one more ingredient. We need to understand the duals of the $A$-branes ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ in the $B$-model of ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$. To be specific, here we mean the $B$-model in the complex structure that is called $J$ in \cite{H}, in which ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$ parametrizes flat bundles over $C$ with structure group $G^\vee_{\Bbb C}$. We denote the connection on the flat bundle as ${\mathcal A}=A+{\mathrm i}\phi$, where $(A,\phi)$ are the unitary connection and Higgs field that appear in Hitchin's equations. A general $B$-brane is a coherent sheaf, or a complex of coherent sheaves, on ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$. However, the $A$-branes ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ have additional properties that imply that the dual $B$-branes must be rather special. To explain this, we recall that the Higgs bundle moduli spaces are hyper-Kahler manifolds, with complex structures $I,J,K$ that obey the usual quaternion relations, and a triple
in the topological direction and have non-singular operator product expansion (OPE) with each other. As was explained in Section \ref{aphiggs}, the quantum Hilbert space ${\mathcal H}={\mathrm{Hom}}(\overline{\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}},{\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}})$ is the space of ${\mathrm L}^2$ half-densities on ${\mathcal M}(G,C)$, or equivalently the space of ${\mathrm L}^2$ sections of $K^{1/2}\otimes \overline K{}^{1/2}$. We recall that this happens because brane quantization of ${\mathcal M}_H(G,C)$ is equivalent to quantizing it as a cotangent bundle $T^*{\mathcal M}(G,C)$. In quantizing a cotangent bundle $T^*W$, a function whose restriction to a fiber of the cotangent bundle is a polynomial of degree $s$ becomes a differential operator of degree $s$ acting on half-densities on $W$. If, as in the case of interest here, $W$ is a complex manifold, then more specifically holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ become holomorphic differential operators on $W$. From a holomorphic point of view, one usually says that holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ (with polynomial dependence on the fibers) become holomorphic differential operators acting on sections of $K^{1/2}$. (The role of $K^{1/2}$ is explained from a $\sigma$-model point of view in \cite{GW}, Section 3.2 and Appendix C.) In the case of the Hitchin Hamiltonians, the fact that they can be quantum deformed to differential operators acting on sections of $K^{1/2}$, and not on sections of any other holomorphic line bundle, is part of the standard story \cite{H2,BD}. However, the antiholomorphic line bundle $\overline K{}^{1/2}$ is invisible to a holomorphic differential operator, since its transition functions are antiholomorphic and commute with holomorphic differential operators. So the holomorphic differential operators that are obtained by deformation quantization of holomorphic functions on $T^*W$ can naturally act on $K^{1/2}\otimes \overline K{}^{1/2}$, or equivalently on the bundle ${\sf K}^{1/2}$ of half-densities. Similarly, under deformation quantization, antiholomorphic functions on $T^*W$ become antiholomorphic differential operators that can act on ${\sf K}^{1/2}$. So ${\mathscr A}$ and $\bar{\mathscr A}$ become, respectively, algebras of holomorphic and antiholomorphic differential operators acting on half-densities on ${\mathcal M}(G,C)$. From this point of view, the statement that ${\mathscr A}$ and $\bar{\mathscr A}$ commute just reflects the fact that holomorphic differential operators commute with antiholomorphic ones. \subsection{The Duals Of The Coisotropic Branes}\label{dualco} In order to be able to apply duality to this problem, we need one more ingredient. We need to understand the duals of the $A$-branes ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ in the $B$-model of ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$. To be specific, here we mean the $B$-model in the complex structure that is called $J$ in \cite{H}, in which ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$ parametrizes flat bundles over $C$ with structure group $G^\vee_{\Bbb C}$. We denote the connection on the flat bundle as ${\mathcal A}=A+{\mathrm i}\phi$, where $(A,\phi)$ are the unitary connection and Higgs field that appear in Hitchin's equations. A general $B$-brane is a coherent sheaf, or a complex of coherent sheaves, on ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$. However, the $A$-branes ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ have additional properties that imply that the dual $B$-branes must be rather special. To explain this, we recall that the Higgs bundle moduli spaces are hyper-Kahler manifolds, with complex structures $I,J,K$ that obey the usual quaternion relations, and a triple
of corresponding Kahler forms $\omega_I,\omega_J,\omega_K$ and complex symplectic forms $\Omega_I=\omega_J+{\mathrm i} \omega_K$, etc. Geometric Langlands duality in general maps the $A$-model of ${\mathcal M}_H(G,C)$ with symplectic structure $\omega_K$ to the $B$-model of ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$ in complex structure $J$. When we speak of the $A$-model or the $B$-model without further detail, these are the models we mean. A generic brane in either of these models is merely an $A$-brane or $B$-brane of the appropriate type. However, many of the branes that are most important in geometric Langlands have additional properties. For example, a brane supported on a point in ${\mathcal M}_H(G^\vee,C)$ is a brane of type $(B,B,B)$, that is, it is a $B$-brane in each of complex structures $I,J$, and $K$ (or any linear combination). The dual of a brane of type $(B,B,B)$ is a brane of type $(B,A,A)$; in the case of the Higgs bundle moduli space, the dual of a rank 1 brane supported at a point is a brane supported on a fiber of the Hitchin fibration, with a rank 1 flat ${\mathrm{CP}}$ bundle. These branes are the Hecke eigensheaves which are central objects of study in the geometric Langlands program; they will be discussed in Section \ref{wkb}. In the case at hand, ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ are branes of type $(A,B,A)$; they are $A$-branes of types $I$ and $K$, by virtue of the Kapustin-Orlov conditions for coisotropic branes, and they are $B$-branes of type $J$, because the curvature $\pm\frac{1}{2}\omega_J$ of their ${\mathrm{CP}}$ bundles is of type $(1,1)$ in complex structure $J$, so that those bundles are holomorphic in complex structure $J$. In general, the dual of a brane of type $(A,B,A)$ is a brane of type $(A,B,A)$, so the duals of ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ will be branes of that type. The simplest kind of brane of type $(A,B,A)$ is given by the structure sheaf of a complex Lagrangian submanifold in complex structure $J$. In more physical language, these are branes supported on a complex Lagrangian submanifold with a trivial ${\mathrm{CP}}$ bundle. And indeed, the duals of ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ and ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ are of this type. These duals were first identified (in a different formulation) by Beilinson and Drinfeld \cite{BD}, with the help of conformal field theory at critical level $k=-h^\vee$. A gauge-theory explanation involves duality between the D3-NS5 and D3-D5 systems of string theory \cite{GWknots}. The complex Lagrangian submanifold supporting the dual of ${\mathscr B}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ parametrizes flat $G^\vee_C$ bundles which satisfy a ``holomorphic oper'' condition. We will denote it as $L_{\mathrm{op}}$. Similarly, the dual of ${\bar {\mathscr B}}_{\mathrm{cc}}$ is supported on a complex Lagrangian submanifold $L_{\overline{\mathrm{op}}}$ that parametrizes flat $G^\vee_C$ bundles which satisfy an ``antiholomorphic oper'' condition. The holomorphic oper condition can be stated rather economically as a global constraint on the holomorphic type of the bundle, i.e. on the $(0,1)$ part of ${\mathcal A}$, as we will do here, or in a more local way, as we will do in Section \ref{localoper}. Both formulations are standard mathematically. In a four-dimensional gauge theory, $S$-duality maps a deformed Neumann boundary condition to a deformed
Name.Other */ .highlight .py { color: #20201d } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #1fad83 } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #1fad83 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #20201d } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mf { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sb { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #20201d } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .sd { color: #999580 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #CD0101 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .vc { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .il { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ export default { newConference: '新しい会議', dialInNumber: 'ダイヤルイン番号', host: 'ホスト', participants: '参加者', internationalParticipants: '海外の参加者', internationalNumbersHeader: '国際ダイヤルイン番号の選択', search: '検索...', inviteWithText: 'テキストで招待', inviteText: '{brandName}会議に参加してください\u3002\r\n\r\nダイヤルイン番号\uFF1A{formattedDialInNumber} \r\n{additionalNumbersSection} \r\n参加者のアクセス\uFF1A{participantCode} \r\n\r\n国際ダイヤルイン番号が必要な場合は\u3001次をご覧ください\uFF1A{dialInNumbersLinks} \r\n\r\nこの電話会議は\u3001{brandName} Conferencingを使用して開催されています\u3002', hostAccess: 'ホストのアクセス', participantsAccess: '参加者のアクセス', addinalDialInNumbers: '追加のダイヤルイン番号', selectNumbers: '番号の選択', enableJoinBeforeHost: 'ホストより前の参加を可能にする', conferenceCommands: '会��
Name.Other */ .highlight .py { color: #20201d } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #1fad83 } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #1fad83 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #20201d } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mf { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sb { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #20201d } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .sd { color: #999580 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #60ac39 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #CD0101 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .vc { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #d73737 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .il { color: #b65611 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ export default { newConference: '新しい会議', dialInNumber: 'ダイヤルイン番号', host: 'ホスト', participants: '参加者', internationalParticipants: '海外の参加者', internationalNumbersHeader: '国際ダイヤルイン番号の選択', search: '検索...', inviteWithText: 'テキストで招待', inviteText: '{brandName}会議に参加してください\u3002\r\n\r\nダイヤルイン番号\uFF1A{formattedDialInNumber} \r\n{additionalNumbersSection} \r\n参加者のアクセス\uFF1A{participantCode} \r\n\r\n国際ダイヤルイン番号が必要な場合は\u3001次をご覧ください\uFF1A{dialInNumbersLinks} \r\n\r\nこの電話会議は\u3001{brandName} Conferencingを使用して開催されています\u3002', hostAccess: 'ホストのアクセス', participantsAccess: '参加者のアクセス', addinalDialInNumbers: '追加のダイヤルイン番号', selectNumbers: '番号の選択', enableJoinBeforeHost: 'ホストより前の参加を可能にする', conferenceCommands: '会��
�コマンド', inviteWithGCalendar: 'Googleカレンダーを使用して招待', joinAsHost: '会議を起動', internationalNumber: '国際ダイヤルイン番号\uFF1A', }; // @key: @#@"newConference"@#@ @source: @#@"New Conference"@#@ // @key: @#@"dialInNumber"@#@ @source: @#@"Dial-in Number"@#@ // @key: @#@"hostAccess"@#@ @source: @#@"Host Access"@#@ // @key: @#@"participantsAccess"@#@ @source: @#@"Participants Access"@#@ // @key: @#@"addinalDialInNumbers"@#@ @source: @#@"Additional Dial-in Numbers"@#@ // @key: @#@"selectNumbers"@#@ @source: @#@"Select Numbers"@#@ // @key: @#@"enableJoinBeforeHost"@#@ @source: @#@"Enable join before Host"@#@ // @key: @#@"conferenceCommands"@#@ @source: @#@"Conference Commands"@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteWithGCalendar"@#@ @source: @#@"Invite with Google Calendar"@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteWithText"@#@ @source: @#@"Invite with Text"@#@ // @key: @#@"joinAsHost"@#@ @source: @#@"Launch Conference"@#@ // @key: @#@"internationalNumber"@#@ @source: @#@"International Dial-in Numbers:"@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteText_att"@#@ @source: @#@"Please join the {brandName} conference.\n\nDial-In Number: {formattedDialInNumber} \n{additionalNumbersSection} \nParticipant Access: {participantCode} \n\nNeed an international dial-in phone number? Please visit {dialInNumbersLinks} \n\nThis conference call is brought to you by {brandName} Conferencing."@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteText_bt"@#@ @source: @#@"Please join the {brandName} conference.\n\nDial-In Number: {formattedDialInNumber} \n{additionalNumbersSection} \nParticipant Access: {participantCode} \n\nAdditional dial-in numbers {dialInNumbersLinks}"@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteText_rc"@#@ @source: @#@"Please join the {brandName} conference.\n\nDial-In Number: {formattedDialInNumber} \n{additionalNumbersSection} \nParticipant Access: {participantCode} \n\nNeed an international dial-in phone number? Please visit {dialInNumbersLinks} \n\nThis conference call is brought to you by {brandName} Conferencing."@#@ // @key: @#@"inviteText_telus"@#@ @source: @#@"Please join the {brandName} conference.\n\nDial-In Number: {formattedDialInNumber} \n{additionalNumbersSection} \nParticipant Access: {participantCode} \n\nAdditional dial-in numbers {dialInNumbersLinks}"@#@ package org.gearvrf; import org.gearvrf.utility.Log; import org.gearvrf.utility.DockEventReceiver; import org.gearvrf.utility.VrAppSettings; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.oculus.vrappframework.VrActivity; /** * The typical GVRF
don’t believe anyone can beat me. ‘This is one of the most violent sports out there. I’ve beaten hundreds of people and done damage to all sorts of people – broken knee caps, toes. Alan ‘Nasty’ Nash, 59, has won a record-breaking 15 times at the toe wrestling world championships (Picture: Iain Watts/Mercury Press & Media) ‘I just don’t like losing, and because people know I won’t back down, it gives me a psychological edge. ‘I would say I have the world’s strongest toe. ‘Matches are played out of a best of three and normally last between three to four minutes, but people only last a couple of seconds against me. ‘I’ve tried to insure my toe for £1 million but they wouldn’t agree to it. They wouldn’t take me seriously – I think they thought I was having a laugh.” The adrenaline junkie is now an ambassador of the sport he’s loved for 25 years. Alan stepped into the ‘toe-dium’ – as it is officially known – for the first time in 1994 after suffering persistent bouts of boredom. The eccentric man – voted 2nd most eccentric man in Britain in 2002 – had sought out different outlets to fulfil his desire for oddity, including activities such as chicken whispering, dwarf throwing and egg breaking – for which he holds the Guinness world record of 60 eggs cracked between his toes in a minute. But he found his calling while working for a band who were performing during the 1994 toe wrestling world championship. Alan Nasty Nash reacts after winning another world toe wrestling title (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) Alan, who stands at 5’11” and 16 stone 4 lbs, had 12 hours to kill and decided to sign up to compete in what would be the first of his 15 world titles. The 59-year-old takes his sport very seriously, spending four nights a week training his legs and backs – ‘I do hundreds of squats’ – and even applied for the sport to appear in the 2000 Olympics. Alan said: ‘Coming up to the championship I’m training as many nights as I can, and I start training around Christmas so it’s a six-month process. ‘It’s about three to four times a week for six months, then in the month leading to the championships I go every night. ‘I don’t just work on my legs, but I work on my shoulders. I do a couple hundred squats a day to get myself in shape. ‘Rounds normally last just a few seconds with me, but with this Italian guy we couldn’t move our toes and it lasted about an hour, so I’ve started training my shoulders to be able to withstand it. The 59-year-old takes his sport very seriously, spending four nights a week training his legs and backs (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) ‘I used to go to Britannia Stadium [home ground of Stoke City Football Club] after hours and two nights a week I’d run up one row of the seats, back down, and do it around the entire stadium – it would take about an hour. ‘My legs would be so pumped, I couldn’t even walk back to the car in the car park.’ Toe wrestling has been a positive experience for Alan, who despite the broken toes, has travelled the world and made friendships with other eccentrics such as himself. People such as Alan’s long-time rival ‘The Toe-minator’, ‘The Count’ – a comically tall and well-spoken man who’d show up in a tuxedo and top hat – Billy ‘Big Toe’ – whose left foot was a size 14 and his right a size 12 – and the ‘Baby Bikers’ – who would turn up in their Harley Davidson’s wearing nappies and dummies. With a trophy room boasting 23 awards and retirement just around the corner, Alan has already set his eyes on the future, training his step-daughter Ruby Mae Parkes, nine, who is the current junior world champion. Alan’s extensive trophy collection (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) Alan said: ‘I’
don’t believe anyone can beat me. ‘This is one of the most violent sports out there. I’ve beaten hundreds of people and done damage to all sorts of people – broken knee caps, toes. Alan ‘Nasty’ Nash, 59, has won a record-breaking 15 times at the toe wrestling world championships (Picture: Iain Watts/Mercury Press & Media) ‘I just don’t like losing, and because people know I won’t back down, it gives me a psychological edge. ‘I would say I have the world’s strongest toe. ‘Matches are played out of a best of three and normally last between three to four minutes, but people only last a couple of seconds against me. ‘I’ve tried to insure my toe for £1 million but they wouldn’t agree to it. They wouldn’t take me seriously – I think they thought I was having a laugh.” The adrenaline junkie is now an ambassador of the sport he’s loved for 25 years. Alan stepped into the ‘toe-dium’ – as it is officially known – for the first time in 1994 after suffering persistent bouts of boredom. The eccentric man – voted 2nd most eccentric man in Britain in 2002 – had sought out different outlets to fulfil his desire for oddity, including activities such as chicken whispering, dwarf throwing and egg breaking – for which he holds the Guinness world record of 60 eggs cracked between his toes in a minute. But he found his calling while working for a band who were performing during the 1994 toe wrestling world championship. Alan Nasty Nash reacts after winning another world toe wrestling title (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) Alan, who stands at 5’11” and 16 stone 4 lbs, had 12 hours to kill and decided to sign up to compete in what would be the first of his 15 world titles. The 59-year-old takes his sport very seriously, spending four nights a week training his legs and backs – ‘I do hundreds of squats’ – and even applied for the sport to appear in the 2000 Olympics. Alan said: ‘Coming up to the championship I’m training as many nights as I can, and I start training around Christmas so it’s a six-month process. ‘It’s about three to four times a week for six months, then in the month leading to the championships I go every night. ‘I don’t just work on my legs, but I work on my shoulders. I do a couple hundred squats a day to get myself in shape. ‘Rounds normally last just a few seconds with me, but with this Italian guy we couldn’t move our toes and it lasted about an hour, so I’ve started training my shoulders to be able to withstand it. The 59-year-old takes his sport very seriously, spending four nights a week training his legs and backs (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) ‘I used to go to Britannia Stadium [home ground of Stoke City Football Club] after hours and two nights a week I’d run up one row of the seats, back down, and do it around the entire stadium – it would take about an hour. ‘My legs would be so pumped, I couldn’t even walk back to the car in the car park.’ Toe wrestling has been a positive experience for Alan, who despite the broken toes, has travelled the world and made friendships with other eccentrics such as himself. People such as Alan’s long-time rival ‘The Toe-minator’, ‘The Count’ – a comically tall and well-spoken man who’d show up in a tuxedo and top hat – Billy ‘Big Toe’ – whose left foot was a size 14 and his right a size 12 – and the ‘Baby Bikers’ – who would turn up in their Harley Davidson’s wearing nappies and dummies. With a trophy room boasting 23 awards and retirement just around the corner, Alan has already set his eyes on the future, training his step-daughter Ruby Mae Parkes, nine, who is the current junior world champion. Alan’s extensive trophy collection (Picture: Mercury Press & Media) Alan said: ‘I’
ve enjoyed every minute of this, I look forward to the championships every year – I’ve got to go on shows and do all kinds of things I would have never had to chance to do. ‘I like to think of myself as an ambassador of the sport, and I want to push the sport to its limits. ‘What I love the most is the trash talk – just knowing that they can’t do a thing about it, I will win. ‘I love winding people up, I’ll stare people down and laugh at them while they’re struggling. ‘I’m 60 next year and have won many trophies, and my step-daughter Ruby is also a champion so toe wrestling will always be part of our family.’ F1 TV Motorsport Broadcasting The inside line on motor sport and broadcasting. Channel 4 F1 / Ratings / Sky Sports F1 Hamilton’s British Grand Prix victory peaks with 5 million viewers July 11, 2016 July 11, 2016 David Nelson2 Comments The British Grand Prix performed solidly on Sunday afternoon for Channel 4 and Sky Sports against a difficult backdrop of both the Wimbledon finals and the final of Euro 2016, overnight viewing figures show. Live coverage of the race, broadcast on Channel 4 from 12:00 to 15:55, averaged 2.36m (17.9%). Across their usual three-and-a-half-hour slot from 12:00 to 15:30, the coverage averaged 2.54m, so not a major gulf between the two numbers. Channel 4’s coverage hit a 5-minute peak audience of 3.89m (24.5%) at 14:30 as Lewis Hamilton claimed victory. What is noticeable is that Channel 4’s coverage lost 1.2 million viewers as soon as they went to their first post-race commercial break. Their audience dropped from 3.3 million viewers to 2.1 million. Some of that is natural decline, some of it is self-inflicted, with the break ‘inviting’ the audience to turn over to other channels. Both Channel 4’s average and peak audiences are season high numbers for them, by a wide margin too. It is good news for the broadcaster, and their strategy of airing more live races in the middle to latter stages of the season may well be paying off, based on the trajectory the season is currently heading in. Sky’s live coverage from 12:00 to 15:30 averaged 736k (5.8%), this being split 552k vs 184k in the dedicated channel’s favour. Interestingly, their coverage peaked with 1.12m (9.3%) at 13:15, which I believe is their highest peak number for shared coverage in a while. Year-on-year, Sky’s average is up 14 percent, with the peak metric up 21 percent. Overall, the combined audience of 3.10 million is the second highest of 2016 (slightly behind Austria, thanks to Channel 4’s extended broadcast) but down 27 percent on 2015’s average audience of 4.28 million. This is the lowest audience for the British Grand Prix since 2006, but that should not be any surprise to anyone reading this considering the Wimbledon clash. Compared with 2014, which also clashed with an Andy Murray Wimbledon final, the average audience is down only 6.9 percent. The Wimbledon build-up on BBC One from 13:00 to 13:55 averaged 2.28m (18.6%), enough to put a dent into the British Grand Prix numbers. The combined peak audience of 4.99m (31.5%) is down 14.6 percent on last year’s peak audience of 5.85m (50.4%), but up 2.4 percent on 2014’s peak audience of 4.88m (32.7%). Live coverage of qualifying on Channel 4 from 12:00 to 14:30 averaged 1.43m (16.2%), peaking with 2
6 Diamond Lake Rd., Mundelein. Open May 1-October 15; Weekday hours 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. (until August 23), weekend hours 7 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Daily passes: $4 per person (Under 3 free), $8 on weekdays and $10 per person on holiday weekends. Row boats, paddleboats and paddleboards are available for rent; $5-$10 per hour or double kayak/rowboat rental at $15 per day. Mini golf: $3 per round. Campground offers playgrounds, free parking, picnic tables, grills, basketball hoops (near the beach) and a volleyball net. Catch & keep fishing. Limits include three bass per day (under 14 in, release bass over 14 in), three catfish per day, five bluegills per day, five crappies per day, five yellow perch per day and unlimited carp. Fishing admission between $6-$10. Campers receive discounted Six Flags Great America & Hurricane Harbor tickets. Click here to learn more. 32223 N. US Highway 12, Volo. The beach is open year-round; 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Free Entry ($20 Beach Permit for Non-Residents on weekends & holidays). The beach features one mile of sand that is groomed daily along with some of the only natural dunes in the area. Recreational activities include swimming, sunbathing, picnicking and sand volleyball. No lifeguards on duty at this facility. The marina offers 1,000 slips for the recreational fisher, competitive boat racer, beginning kiteboarder and everyone in between. Waukegan band performs in their summer concert series every Tuesday over the summer at the Stiner Pavilion. 201 Sea Horse Dr., Waukegan. Open May 26-September 3; 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Free for residents and guests; $10 for non-residents. The beach features a natural cove, concessions, restrooms and more. Recreational activities include swimming and stand up paddleboarding. After school, early childhood and public programs available at various times. Free parking for residents; $15 hourly/$40 4-hour parking for non-residents. To learn more about Lake County beaches, continue here. How many of these beaches are groomed regularly? Waukegan has a great process and large equipment to do it right and regularly. Since we clean beaches, it would good to reach out and offer our services to these and many other public beaches. We’ve developed smart solutions to keep NukeViet URLs the same on WordPress. However if you’ve not used a SEO friendly URLs and it becomes impossible to be kept, we handle 301 (Permanent) Redirections to new URLs. This avoids all SEO issues. We’re not Robots! We backup NukeViet database and work on our servers. There will not be any downtime. Once migration is done, we’ll move WordPress to your server. No Risk! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! You don’t pay in advance. We just need a FTP access to your NukeViet site, that’s it. If you don’t know what is that, we’ll help you to get it and send to us. Custom Requirements? NukeViet FTP Access (or you can send NukeViet database buckup file). The Source NukeViet site will not be thouched until WordPress is approved and moved to your server “live” directory. We are a group of NukeViet and WordPress Experts. We know what your website or forum running on WordPress requires to nourish. We understand the way you like your WordPress to be as per SEO or Look. We can assure you that you have found the ultimate WordPress and PHP Developers who are the best doing it. Want to directly email someone at J Gcl Augsburg but don't know their address? We're still trying to figure out the format for email addresses at j-g
6 Diamond Lake Rd., Mundelein. Open May 1-October 15; Weekday hours 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. (until August 23), weekend hours 7 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Daily passes: $4 per person (Under 3 free), $8 on weekdays and $10 per person on holiday weekends. Row boats, paddleboats and paddleboards are available for rent; $5-$10 per hour or double kayak/rowboat rental at $15 per day. Mini golf: $3 per round. Campground offers playgrounds, free parking, picnic tables, grills, basketball hoops (near the beach) and a volleyball net. Catch & keep fishing. Limits include three bass per day (under 14 in, release bass over 14 in), three catfish per day, five bluegills per day, five crappies per day, five yellow perch per day and unlimited carp. Fishing admission between $6-$10. Campers receive discounted Six Flags Great America & Hurricane Harbor tickets. Click here to learn more. 32223 N. US Highway 12, Volo. The beach is open year-round; 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Free Entry ($20 Beach Permit for Non-Residents on weekends & holidays). The beach features one mile of sand that is groomed daily along with some of the only natural dunes in the area. Recreational activities include swimming, sunbathing, picnicking and sand volleyball. No lifeguards on duty at this facility. The marina offers 1,000 slips for the recreational fisher, competitive boat racer, beginning kiteboarder and everyone in between. Waukegan band performs in their summer concert series every Tuesday over the summer at the Stiner Pavilion. 201 Sea Horse Dr., Waukegan. Open May 26-September 3; 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Free for residents and guests; $10 for non-residents. The beach features a natural cove, concessions, restrooms and more. Recreational activities include swimming and stand up paddleboarding. After school, early childhood and public programs available at various times. Free parking for residents; $15 hourly/$40 4-hour parking for non-residents. To learn more about Lake County beaches, continue here. How many of these beaches are groomed regularly? Waukegan has a great process and large equipment to do it right and regularly. Since we clean beaches, it would good to reach out and offer our services to these and many other public beaches. We’ve developed smart solutions to keep NukeViet URLs the same on WordPress. However if you’ve not used a SEO friendly URLs and it becomes impossible to be kept, we handle 301 (Permanent) Redirections to new URLs. This avoids all SEO issues. We’re not Robots! We backup NukeViet database and work on our servers. There will not be any downtime. Once migration is done, we’ll move WordPress to your server. No Risk! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! You don’t pay in advance. We just need a FTP access to your NukeViet site, that’s it. If you don’t know what is that, we’ll help you to get it and send to us. Custom Requirements? NukeViet FTP Access (or you can send NukeViet database buckup file). The Source NukeViet site will not be thouched until WordPress is approved and moved to your server “live” directory. We are a group of NukeViet and WordPress Experts. We know what your website or forum running on WordPress requires to nourish. We understand the way you like your WordPress to be as per SEO or Look. We can assure you that you have found the ultimate WordPress and PHP Developers who are the best doing it. Want to directly email someone at J Gcl Augsburg but don't know their address? We're still trying to figure out the format for email addresses at j-g
cl-augsburg.de for sure. We've got the following addresses though for employees currently at the firm. Does this get you any further on your quest? Ask a question about 10388 Atenia St, or schedule a tour. Welcome to the Cape Haze Peninsula and the tropical waterfront community of South Gulf Cove. Located in the South-central section of the community, with a desirable rear-facing eastern exposure, is where you’ll find this mostly cleared... more. 10,750 square foot buildable lot. Serviced by public water, sewer and electrical, this waterfront parcel has reasonably quick sailboat access to the community’s rim canal and Charlotte Harbor beyond. The similar/adjacent lot to the south is also for sale under MLS # C7412289, together they would provide for a half-acre of land and upwards of 172 feet of waterfront. If you’re in search of the perfect homesite or investment, you may have just found it right here on Atenia Street! We offer a range of events and programs at the State Library, Archives & Public Records. Most of our programs are developed for state employees and adults interesting in learning about our resources. General education and kids programs are offered at most of the state's public libraries. Contact your local library for more information. Please contact us if you have questions about our events and programs. Posted by Team Donovan on Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 at 11:27am. Orlando is a popular tourist destination, which is why buying a second home to use as a vacation rental can be a lucrative investment. Many people advertise their homes in websites like FlipKey, HomeAway and VRBO. That makes it important for you to create a compelling description so your short-term rental property stands out from the competition. Here are a few top tips to follow so you have the best chance of renting your home consistently. When you sit down to write the description, put yourself in your guest’s shoes. What would they want to know most about your property? Your goal is to provide key information about your home and give the reader a sense of what it’s like to live there. Focus on the features that would appeal most to a holiday traveler. And include the things that you love about your home too. Once you’ve thought about your home’s features, make a rough outline that lists the points you might include in the description. Don’t worry about writing complete sentences at this point, or even deal with grammar, punctuation and spelling. The goal is to let your ideas flow, and list your home’s most notable features as quickly as you can. Now that you have your ideas on paper, it’s time to write that first draft. Imagine someone asking you, “What’s your home like?” Your first draft should be written as an answer to that question. The description should explain what you like about living in the home and why it’s the perfect place for them to stay while on holiday. Readers tend to scan web content quickly, so it’s to your advantage to use short sentences and short paragraphs. Use adjectives with care. Not everyone uses words like “spacious,” “cozy” and “comfortable” the same way. It’s also important to be truthful in your description. You don’t have to emphasize your home’s less desirable features. But omitting important details can anger your guests and prompt them to leave an unfavorable review. Being honest from the outset is your best course of action. Once you’ve revised your description a few times, give it to a friend to proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. It’s common for you to miss something that stands out clearly to someone who hasn’t seen the material before. Once you’re satisfied, you can post the description on your vacation rental listing. Are you looking for an Orlando vacation home to purchase? Contact Team Donovan at 407-705-2616 for help. We specialize in the purchase of second homes for use as a rental property. We can help you find the perfect property near Disney. Every rebreather diver needs at least one regulator to bail out onto, and there are a few reasons for this. When it is all going pear-shaped underwater, you really want the thing you are going to stick into your mouth able to deliver the much needed gas you require without hassle.
and once again (Refs.~\onlinecite{epr,feyn54,Bire82,Berman1983}). Note that, when numerical citations are used, the references were sorted into the same order they appear in the bibliography. A reference within the bibliography is specified with a \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ command, where the argument is the citation key mentioned above. \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ commands may be crafted by hand or, preferably, generated by using Bib\TeX. The AAPM styles for REV\TeX~4 include Bib\TeX\ style file \verb+aapmrev4-2.bst+, appropriate for numbered bibliography. REV\TeX~4 will automatically choose the style appropriate for the document's selected class options: the default is numerical. This sample file demonstrates a simple use of Bib\TeX\ via a \verb+\bibliography+ command referencing the \verb+aapmsamp.bib+ file. Running Bib\TeX\ (in this case \texttt{bibtex aapmsamp}) after the first pass of \LaTeX\ produces the file \verb+aapmsamp.bbl+ which contains the automatically formatted \verb+\bibitem+ commands (including extra markup information via \verb+\bibinfo+ commands). If not using Bib\TeX, the \verb+thebibiliography+ environment should be used instead. \paragraph{Fourth-level heading is run in.}% Footnotes are produced using the \verb+\footnote{#1}+ command. Numerical style citations put footnotes into the bibliography\footnote{Automatically placing footnotes into the bibliography requires using BibTeX to compile the bibliography.}. Note: due to the method used to place footnotes in the bibliography, \emph{you must re-run BibTeX every time you change any of your document's footnotes}. \section{Math and Equations} Inline math may be typeset using the \verb+$+ delimiters. Bold math symbols may be achieved using the \verb+bm+ package and the \verb+\bm{#1}+ command it supplies. For instance, a bold $\alpha$ can be typeset as \verb+$\bm{\alpha}$+ giving $\bm{\alpha}$. Fraktur and Blackboard (or open face or double struck) characters should be typeset using the \verb+\mathfrak{#1}+ and \verb+\mathbb{#1}+ commands respectively. Both are supplied by the \texttt{amssymb} package. For example, \verb+$\mathbb{R}$+ gives $\mathbb{R}$ and \verb+$\mathfrak{G}$+ gives $\mathfrak{G}$ In \LaTeX\ there are many different ways to display equations, and a few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will flush left by default. Below we have numbered single-line equations, the most common kind: \begin{eqnarray} \chi_+(p)\alt{\bf [}2|{\bf p}|(|{\bf p}|+p_z){\bf ]}^{-1/2} \left( \begin{array}{c} |{\bf p}|+p_z\\ px+ip_y \end{array}\right)\;, \\ \left\{% \openone234567890abc123\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}% \label{eq:one}. \end{eqnarray} Note the open one in Eq.~(\ref{eq:one}). Not all numbered equations will fit within a narrow column this way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot fit on the same line with a one-line equation: \begin{equation} \left\{ ab12345678abc123456abcdef\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}. \end{equation} When the \verb+\label{#1}+ command is used [cf. input for Eq.~(\ref{eq:one})], the equation can be referred to in text without knowing the equation number that \TeX\ will assign
and once again (Refs.~\onlinecite{epr,feyn54,Bire82,Berman1983}). Note that, when numerical citations are used, the references were sorted into the same order they appear in the bibliography. A reference within the bibliography is specified with a \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ command, where the argument is the citation key mentioned above. \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ commands may be crafted by hand or, preferably, generated by using Bib\TeX. The AAPM styles for REV\TeX~4 include Bib\TeX\ style file \verb+aapmrev4-2.bst+, appropriate for numbered bibliography. REV\TeX~4 will automatically choose the style appropriate for the document's selected class options: the default is numerical. This sample file demonstrates a simple use of Bib\TeX\ via a \verb+\bibliography+ command referencing the \verb+aapmsamp.bib+ file. Running Bib\TeX\ (in this case \texttt{bibtex aapmsamp}) after the first pass of \LaTeX\ produces the file \verb+aapmsamp.bbl+ which contains the automatically formatted \verb+\bibitem+ commands (including extra markup information via \verb+\bibinfo+ commands). If not using Bib\TeX, the \verb+thebibiliography+ environment should be used instead. \paragraph{Fourth-level heading is run in.}% Footnotes are produced using the \verb+\footnote{#1}+ command. Numerical style citations put footnotes into the bibliography\footnote{Automatically placing footnotes into the bibliography requires using BibTeX to compile the bibliography.}. Note: due to the method used to place footnotes in the bibliography, \emph{you must re-run BibTeX every time you change any of your document's footnotes}. \section{Math and Equations} Inline math may be typeset using the \verb+$+ delimiters. Bold math symbols may be achieved using the \verb+bm+ package and the \verb+\bm{#1}+ command it supplies. For instance, a bold $\alpha$ can be typeset as \verb+$\bm{\alpha}$+ giving $\bm{\alpha}$. Fraktur and Blackboard (or open face or double struck) characters should be typeset using the \verb+\mathfrak{#1}+ and \verb+\mathbb{#1}+ commands respectively. Both are supplied by the \texttt{amssymb} package. For example, \verb+$\mathbb{R}$+ gives $\mathbb{R}$ and \verb+$\mathfrak{G}$+ gives $\mathfrak{G}$ In \LaTeX\ there are many different ways to display equations, and a few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will flush left by default. Below we have numbered single-line equations, the most common kind: \begin{eqnarray} \chi_+(p)\alt{\bf [}2|{\bf p}|(|{\bf p}|+p_z){\bf ]}^{-1/2} \left( \begin{array}{c} |{\bf p}|+p_z\\ px+ip_y \end{array}\right)\;, \\ \left\{% \openone234567890abc123\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}% \label{eq:one}. \end{eqnarray} Note the open one in Eq.~(\ref{eq:one}). Not all numbered equations will fit within a narrow column this way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot fit on the same line with a one-line equation: \begin{equation} \left\{ ab12345678abc123456abcdef\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}. \end{equation} When the \verb+\label{#1}+ command is used [cf. input for Eq.~(\ref{eq:one})], the equation can be referred to in text without knowing the equation number that \TeX\ will assign
to it. Just use \verb+\ref{#1}+, where \verb+#1+ is the same name that used in the \verb+\label{#1}+ command. Unnumbered single-line equations can be typeset using the \verb+\[+, \verb+\]+ format: \[g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \] \subsection{Multiline equations} Multiline equations are obtained by using the \verb+eqnarray+ environment. Use the \verb+\nonumber+ command at the end of each line to avoid assigning a number: \begin{eqnarray} {\cal M}=&&ig_Z^2(4E_1E_2)^{1/2}(l_i^2)^{-1} \delta_{\sigma_1,-\sigma_2} (g_{\sigma_2}^e)^2\chi_{-\sigma_2}(p_2)\nonumber\\ &&\times [\epsilon_jl_i\epsilon_i]_{\sigma_1}\chi_{\sigma_1}(p_1), \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray} \sum \vert M^{\text{viol}}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2} (N^2-1)\nonumber \\ & &\times \left( \sum_{i<j}\right) \sum_{\text{perm}} \frac{1}{S_{12}} \frac{1}{S_{12}} \sum_\tau c^f_\tau~. \end{eqnarray} \textbf{Note:} Do not use \verb+\label{#1}+ on a line of a multiline equation if \verb+\nonumber+ is also used on that line. Incorrect cross-referencing will result. Notice the use \verb+\text{#1}+ for using a Roman font within a math environment. To set a multiline equation without \emph{any} equation numbers, use the \verb+\begin{eqnarray*}+, \verb+\end{eqnarray*}+ format: \begin{eqnarray*} \sum \vert M^{\text{viol}}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2} (N^2-1)\\ & &\times \left( \sum_{i<j}\right) \left( \sum_{\text{perm}}\frac{1}{S_{12}S_{23}S_{n1}} \right) \frac{1}{S_{12}}~. \end{eqnarray*} To obtain numbers not normally produced by the automatic numbering, use the \verb+\tag{#1}+ command, where \verb+#1+ is the desired equation number. For example, to get an equation number of (\ref{eq:mynum}), \begin{equation} g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \tag{2.6$'$}\label{eq:mynum} \end{equation} A few notes on \verb=\tag{#1}=. \verb+\tag{#1}+ requires \texttt{amsmath}. The \verb+\tag{#1}+ must come before the \verb+\label{#1}+, if any. The numbering set with \verb+\tag{#1}+ is \textit{transparent} to the automatic numbering in REV\TeX{}; therefore, the number must be known ahead of time, and it must be manually adjusted if other equations are added. \verb+\tag{#1}+ works with both single-line and multiline equations. \verb+\tag{#1}+ should only be used in exceptional case - do not use it to number all equations in a paper. Note the equation number gets reset again: \begin{equation} g^+g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \end{equation} Enclosing single-line and multiline equations in \verb+\begin{subequations}+ and \verb+\end{subequations}+ will produce a set of equations that are ``
Bhullar is "very practical, very timely and explains things in plain English"." Shelley White (Band 3), Cayman Islands: "is a "strong litigator and a good lawyer," note sources. "She knows her way round disputes," says one lawyer, with another adding: "She is strong on private client litigation, she is an excellent advocate. She is one of the best advocates. She does a really great job in court, she is tenacious and prodigiously hard-working." A market insider says: "Her performance is excellent. She is very responsive, she really follows through with the advice she gives and makes sure the client is satisfied"." Rajah Abusrewil (Band 3), Guernsey: "is described as being "very good on broad trust issues." She regularly advises fiduciary companies and banking and investment organisations on the full spectrum of non-contentious trust matters. Market sources describe her as "solid and reliable" and note that "her drafting is very good"." Rupert Morris (Up & Coming), Guernsey: "is praised for his experience in contentious matters. A local source reports that "he is a strong litigator with trust experience," adding that "he is good at managing the details in a case and is always on top of things." Another Guernsey interviewee comments: "He is making a name for himself in this world; he understands the law very well"." Lucy Diggle (Up & Coming), Cayman Islands: "is a "determined and effective trust litigator," says a peer, with another adding: "She is really impressive and will have a great future." Market insiders describe her as "very reliable and easy to work alongside," adding: "She is good on both wealth structuring and litigation. She can look at trust matters critically and see problems before they arise"." "Walkers is highly regarded in the Cayman market for advising high net worth individuals, private banks and trust companies on local and international trust matters." The Cayman practice retained its Band 1 status. "The trusts and wealth structuring group in Jersey has recently expanded, and a market insider comments that "the momentum is with them as these Caribbean firms are now investing a lot in the Channel Islands - they made some key hires and are investing heavily." The Jersey practice retained its Band 2 status. "The team in Guernsey is seen as "growing" and can offer extensive cross-border advice on international private client matters. The firm can also handle trust litigation and provides high-level dispute resolution advice in relation to contentious matters." The Guernsey practice entered the rankings for the first time and is ranked in Band 3. The Chambers HNW guide ranks the top lawyers and law firms for international private wealth. The guide also recommends leading accountancy firms, private banks, wealth managers, trust companies and other professional advisers to HNW and UHNW clients around the world. David Pytches Partner T +1 345 814 6831 [email protected] Monique Bhullar Partner T +1 345 814 6838 [email protected] Shelley White Partner T +1 345 914 4205 [email protected] Lucy Diggle Senior Counsel T +1 345 914 4250 [email protected] Rupert Morris Partner T +44 (0) 1481 748 936 [email protected] Rajah Abusrewil Group Partner* T +44 (0) 1481 748 945 [email protected] Robert Dobbyn Partner T +44 (0) 1534 700 773 [email protected] The Legal 500 > Asia Pacific > India Coverage By Practice AreaIndia Back to Asia Pacific Aviation (including aerospace and defence) Dispute resolution: arbitration Foreign firms Projects and energy WTO/international trade Browse all firms with extended profiles for India Doing Business
Bhullar is "very practical, very timely and explains things in plain English"." Shelley White (Band 3), Cayman Islands: "is a "strong litigator and a good lawyer," note sources. "She knows her way round disputes," says one lawyer, with another adding: "She is strong on private client litigation, she is an excellent advocate. She is one of the best advocates. She does a really great job in court, she is tenacious and prodigiously hard-working." A market insider says: "Her performance is excellent. She is very responsive, she really follows through with the advice she gives and makes sure the client is satisfied"." Rajah Abusrewil (Band 3), Guernsey: "is described as being "very good on broad trust issues." She regularly advises fiduciary companies and banking and investment organisations on the full spectrum of non-contentious trust matters. Market sources describe her as "solid and reliable" and note that "her drafting is very good"." Rupert Morris (Up & Coming), Guernsey: "is praised for his experience in contentious matters. A local source reports that "he is a strong litigator with trust experience," adding that "he is good at managing the details in a case and is always on top of things." Another Guernsey interviewee comments: "He is making a name for himself in this world; he understands the law very well"." Lucy Diggle (Up & Coming), Cayman Islands: "is a "determined and effective trust litigator," says a peer, with another adding: "She is really impressive and will have a great future." Market insiders describe her as "very reliable and easy to work alongside," adding: "She is good on both wealth structuring and litigation. She can look at trust matters critically and see problems before they arise"." "Walkers is highly regarded in the Cayman market for advising high net worth individuals, private banks and trust companies on local and international trust matters." The Cayman practice retained its Band 1 status. "The trusts and wealth structuring group in Jersey has recently expanded, and a market insider comments that "the momentum is with them as these Caribbean firms are now investing a lot in the Channel Islands - they made some key hires and are investing heavily." The Jersey practice retained its Band 2 status. "The team in Guernsey is seen as "growing" and can offer extensive cross-border advice on international private client matters. The firm can also handle trust litigation and provides high-level dispute resolution advice in relation to contentious matters." The Guernsey practice entered the rankings for the first time and is ranked in Band 3. The Chambers HNW guide ranks the top lawyers and law firms for international private wealth. The guide also recommends leading accountancy firms, private banks, wealth managers, trust companies and other professional advisers to HNW and UHNW clients around the world. David Pytches Partner T +1 345 814 6831 [email protected] Monique Bhullar Partner T +1 345 814 6838 [email protected] Shelley White Partner T +1 345 914 4205 [email protected] Lucy Diggle Senior Counsel T +1 345 914 4250 [email protected] Rupert Morris Partner T +44 (0) 1481 748 936 [email protected] Rajah Abusrewil Group Partner* T +44 (0) 1481 748 945 [email protected] Robert Dobbyn Partner T +44 (0) 1534 700 773 [email protected] The Legal 500 > Asia Pacific > India Coverage By Practice AreaIndia Back to Asia Pacific Aviation (including aerospace and defence) Dispute resolution: arbitration Foreign firms Projects and energy WTO/international trade Browse all firms with extended profiles for India Doing Business
in...India ECONOMIC GROWTH India is the world’s sixth largest economy by nominal gross domestic product (GDP). According to the data, India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has amounted to USD 2.59 trillion and the country’s economy has grown at a seven-quarter high of 7.7 per cent in the last three months ended March 2018. Contributed by Economic Laws Practice India’s national debt, and the introduction of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 as a means to address it, has had a ripple-effect across the country’s corporate sector. There has been a major increase in mergers and acquisitions by distressed companies seeking to avoid being dragged through recovery proceedings in the National Company Law Tribunal; a rise in rates of recovery as a result of the IBC process, helping to restore a degree of market confidence among prospective lenders; a significant downturn in project financing work as public sector banks have reduced lending to commercial entities; and a slow-down in the growth of corporate bond issuances. However, the sea change isn’t restricted to corporate law: advocates and solicitors have been kept busy with a high volume of cases, including precedent setting judgments handed down by the Supreme Court, regarding the interpretation and enforcement of the IBC. Most prominently, the Supreme Court declared the Reserve Bank of India’s circular (issued February 2018) directing banks to automatically identify all borrowers with fund-based or non-fund-based exposure of five crore or above to ensure they are subject to time-bound resolution plans ultra vires, giving banks the power to explore extra-judicial means for rescuing insolvent companies. Although corporate bond issuances are suffering a slow-down, the government’s recent liberalisation of foreign direct investment laws has supported a natural rise in investment in the country’s highly attractive sectors of renewable energy, real estate, and infrastructure. The country’s first publicly listed Real Estate Investment Trust and Infrastructure Investment Trust proved to be alluring for foreign and domestic investment, aided by the attractive guarantee of a 90% distribution rate that investors receive. While IPOs more broadly have also slowed down since a major surge in 2017 and 2018 – in part due to the policy uncertainty generated by the recent general election – they still represent the dominant source of activity for capital markets lawyers and participants in India, driven by the voracious appetite of private equity firms to secure a return on their investment through public offerings. Turning to India’s judicial system, arbitration is becoming an increasingly popular means of dispute resolution, bolstered by a 2015 amendment to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, instituting a 12-month timeframe for the resolution of arbitrations once the arbitral tribunal is constituted. Given that India’s courts are overrun, with tens of thousands of cases pending in the Supreme Court alone, the growth in arbitration as a method of dispute resolution represents a critical shift in the legal landscape. International arbitration is also evolving to meet the needs of clients, with the establishment of the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration in 2016 and the enactment of a bill in July 2019 announcing the launch of the New Delhi International Arbitration Centre, and striking down the 12-month time-bar for the resolution of international arbitrations, echoing concerns raised in legal quarters that arbitrators cannot be expected to resolve complex disputes in such a short period of time. In terms of litigation, a recent amendment to the Commercial Courts Act 2015 has been met with serious concern. The amendment reduces the threshold for bringing claims from 1 crore to 3 lakhs, with the intention to give less affluent citizens access to the courts. However, opening up access to a wider section of the public in such a densely populated country creates the risk that the commercial courts, established to be a more effective method of resolving disputes between commercial clients, will become overrun. Across the vast state of Karnataka there are only three courts with judges designated to resolve commercial disputes, meaning the list of pending cases is bound to grow and many applicants will be required to travel long distances to pursue their claims. Although there is
purchase imported products with higher added value. In this context, exports to China continue to increase, and proof is that in recent years there has been a growing interest in this country for Ham, reflected in the number of companies authorised to export to the country. According to the data provided by the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), the growing interest of Chinese consumers in Cured Ham has been witnessed. In 2021, sales of Spanish Cured Hams and Shoulders including Iberian and Serrano, grew more than 32.96% in value to exceed 17.35 million euros, and 80.8% in volume reaching 1,059.72 tons (data until October 2021). For Hong Kong, a total volume of 164.04 tons have been reached in 2021, with a sales of 3.89 million euros. These data reflect the excellent trade relations between both countries. This campaign is expected to increase sales figures by 60% over the next three years. For more information about the campaign, please visit: https://jamonesibericoseu.eu/en/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy_lp-b81Ht-Sx4BlefZPng . About ASICI The Interprofessional Association of the Iberian Pig (ASICI) is a non-profit Interprofessional Agrifood Organization (OIA) in which more than 95% of the organizations in the production branch (farmers) and more than 95% of the branch of the transformation (industrial) of Iberian pork are represented. Created in 1992, it was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1999 as an Interprofessional Agrifood Organization for the Iberian Pig Sector. #ASICI Previous articleLaos Confirms 560 New Cases of Covid-19, Two Deaths Next articleSEZs to Develop Labor Skills and Employ Thousands of Workers in Laos Top UK university welcomes talented international students as demand for health and life sciences booms Johnson Electric reports results for the half year ended 30 September 2022 Yingli Pharma Announces NMPA Approval of New Anti-cancer Drug Linperlisib Top UK university welcomes talented international students as demand for health... Johnson Electric reports results for the half year ended 30 September... Laos is One of National Geographic’s Top Five Spots for Slow Travel The Société Royale d’Encouragement du Cheval (SOREC) organizes the 8th edition of the Morocco International Meeting of horse racing (MIM), November 19th and 20th, at Casablanca-Anfa Racecourse That Luang Festival Returns to its Pre-Pandemic Glory This Year US Suspends Visas for Citizens of Laos Laos Golden Triangle Casino Hit with US Sanctions Laos To Enter Lockdown Starting March 30 Write for Laotian Times Got a story? We'd love to hear it! Receive LT news in Telegram All News4828 Health & Environment1160 Law and Crime440 The leading English language news website in Laos. Contact us: [email protected] © 2022 -Laotian Times Article Updated: April 13, 2017 Reendex strategy, policies and guidelines, and reports outlining. Who We Are 24h News Channel Primetime News Reendex Store Reendex TV & Radio Web Shows At least 26 dead as historic floods sweep West Virginia Torrential rains and high water that has destroyed more than 100 homes, washed out scores of roads and bridges and knocked out power to tens of thousands of people. Reendex Ones to Watch Reendex Ones to Watch shines a spotlight on the up-and-coming creative talents set to be the next big names in culture and the arts. What this generation's watching? The world is just too fast-moving for a programme like Top of the Pops, the music hits programme… 10. Top 10 Wedding Destinations in the World Wedding is a ceremony where not only two people but also their
purchase imported products with higher added value. In this context, exports to China continue to increase, and proof is that in recent years there has been a growing interest in this country for Ham, reflected in the number of companies authorised to export to the country. According to the data provided by the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), the growing interest of Chinese consumers in Cured Ham has been witnessed. In 2021, sales of Spanish Cured Hams and Shoulders including Iberian and Serrano, grew more than 32.96% in value to exceed 17.35 million euros, and 80.8% in volume reaching 1,059.72 tons (data until October 2021). For Hong Kong, a total volume of 164.04 tons have been reached in 2021, with a sales of 3.89 million euros. These data reflect the excellent trade relations between both countries. This campaign is expected to increase sales figures by 60% over the next three years. For more information about the campaign, please visit: https://jamonesibericoseu.eu/en/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy_lp-b81Ht-Sx4BlefZPng . About ASICI The Interprofessional Association of the Iberian Pig (ASICI) is a non-profit Interprofessional Agrifood Organization (OIA) in which more than 95% of the organizations in the production branch (farmers) and more than 95% of the branch of the transformation (industrial) of Iberian pork are represented. Created in 1992, it was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1999 as an Interprofessional Agrifood Organization for the Iberian Pig Sector. #ASICI Previous articleLaos Confirms 560 New Cases of Covid-19, Two Deaths Next articleSEZs to Develop Labor Skills and Employ Thousands of Workers in Laos Top UK university welcomes talented international students as demand for health and life sciences booms Johnson Electric reports results for the half year ended 30 September 2022 Yingli Pharma Announces NMPA Approval of New Anti-cancer Drug Linperlisib Top UK university welcomes talented international students as demand for health... Johnson Electric reports results for the half year ended 30 September... Laos is One of National Geographic’s Top Five Spots for Slow Travel The Société Royale d’Encouragement du Cheval (SOREC) organizes the 8th edition of the Morocco International Meeting of horse racing (MIM), November 19th and 20th, at Casablanca-Anfa Racecourse That Luang Festival Returns to its Pre-Pandemic Glory This Year US Suspends Visas for Citizens of Laos Laos Golden Triangle Casino Hit with US Sanctions Laos To Enter Lockdown Starting March 30 Write for Laotian Times Got a story? We'd love to hear it! Receive LT news in Telegram All News4828 Health & Environment1160 Law and Crime440 The leading English language news website in Laos. Contact us: [email protected] © 2022 -Laotian Times Article Updated: April 13, 2017 Reendex strategy, policies and guidelines, and reports outlining. Who We Are 24h News Channel Primetime News Reendex Store Reendex TV & Radio Web Shows At least 26 dead as historic floods sweep West Virginia Torrential rains and high water that has destroyed more than 100 homes, washed out scores of roads and bridges and knocked out power to tens of thousands of people. Reendex Ones to Watch Reendex Ones to Watch shines a spotlight on the up-and-coming creative talents set to be the next big names in culture and the arts. What this generation's watching? The world is just too fast-moving for a programme like Top of the Pops, the music hits programme… 10. Top 10 Wedding Destinations in the World Wedding is a ceremony where not only two people but also their
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They found that people who had consumed probiotics reported significantly reduced symptoms of hay fever compared to people who had consumed a placebo. "The current study suggests that probiotics have the potential to alter disease severity, symptoms and quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis (hay fever)," the study authors said, according to The Telegraph. “Positive outcomes were reported in a majority of studies with no significant adverse effects. "Much about the role of probiotics in the human response remains poorly understood and additional translational studies will likely be needed to clarify this in the future.” Does Your Hay Fever Medication Make You Unfit To Drive? How To Ease Your Hay Fever Symptoms The research is published in the journal International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. The study supports a growing school of thought that allergies may be caused by a lack of bacteria in the gut. As well as hay fever, probiotics have been shown to protect individuals from other allergies, including peanut allergies. Studies have suggested the rise in people suffering from allergies could be because we are "too clean". "We have co-evolved with our microbiota for millennia," Cathryn Nagler, an immunologist at the University of Chicago previously commented. "It seems that a consequence of some of our 21st-century lifestyle habits has been the disruption of our relationship with the communities of commensal (friendly) bacteria that reside on our skin and mucosal surfaces, and particularly in the gut." How To Prevent Symptoms Of Hay Fever uk lifestyleuk lifestyle newsHealthHealth Newshay fever Grow Your Own Organs Organ printers build living transplantable organs one layer at a time. By Alex StoneJun 25, 2006 12:00 AM Organ donors may soon give way to organ printers, machines that build living transplantable organs one layer at a time, much as a dot matrix printer renders hard copy. A prototype device built by nScrypt, a company in Orlando, Florida, deposits one-hundredth-of-an-inch-thick dollops of lab-cultured cells onto a layer of gel-based paper invented at the University of Utah. The paper resembles the natural scaffolding that surrounds cells in the body. Once the cells are in place, "the gel provides a natural-like environment in which the cells sort themselves out," says University of Utah medicinal chemist Glenn Prestwich, who invented the formula. As a first application, a group headed by biophysicist Gabor Forgacs at the University of Missouri at Columbia intends to build a working blood vessel for use in patients with blood clots or heart conditions. "Currently, people are using polyester, but this would be a living graft." The cells used to build the organs could be cultured from stem cells taken from fat or bone-marrow tissue, he says: "We could engineer a blood vessel from your own cells." How Cryptocurrencies Work (And Why They're So Popular) How Cybercriminals Are Targeting Internet-Connected Cameras Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid To Overturn Biden Victory December 15, 2020 by kZ Radio The Wisconsin Supreme Court has rejected the Trump campaign’s state lawsuit seeking to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin, ruling that if the president had problems with Wisconsin’s rules for voting, he should have challenged them before the election, not after. The result was significant on a court where conservatives hold a 4-3 majority, which has now handed Trump and his allies four losses in the past two weeks. The ruling came just hours before Wisconsin’s presidential electors met to officially cast their votes for Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Writing the majority 4-3 opinion, conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn said Trump lost his right to challenge a variety of absentee voting guidelines handed down by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, some of which had been on the book for a decade. “Our laws allow the challenge flag to be thrown regarding various aspects of election administration,” Hagedorn wrote. “The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case, however, come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign
They found that people who had consumed probiotics reported significantly reduced symptoms of hay fever compared to people who had consumed a placebo. "The current study suggests that probiotics have the potential to alter disease severity, symptoms and quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis (hay fever)," the study authors said, according to The Telegraph. “Positive outcomes were reported in a majority of studies with no significant adverse effects. "Much about the role of probiotics in the human response remains poorly understood and additional translational studies will likely be needed to clarify this in the future.” Does Your Hay Fever Medication Make You Unfit To Drive? How To Ease Your Hay Fever Symptoms The research is published in the journal International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. The study supports a growing school of thought that allergies may be caused by a lack of bacteria in the gut. As well as hay fever, probiotics have been shown to protect individuals from other allergies, including peanut allergies. Studies have suggested the rise in people suffering from allergies could be because we are "too clean". "We have co-evolved with our microbiota for millennia," Cathryn Nagler, an immunologist at the University of Chicago previously commented. "It seems that a consequence of some of our 21st-century lifestyle habits has been the disruption of our relationship with the communities of commensal (friendly) bacteria that reside on our skin and mucosal surfaces, and particularly in the gut." How To Prevent Symptoms Of Hay Fever uk lifestyleuk lifestyle newsHealthHealth Newshay fever Grow Your Own Organs Organ printers build living transplantable organs one layer at a time. By Alex StoneJun 25, 2006 12:00 AM Organ donors may soon give way to organ printers, machines that build living transplantable organs one layer at a time, much as a dot matrix printer renders hard copy. A prototype device built by nScrypt, a company in Orlando, Florida, deposits one-hundredth-of-an-inch-thick dollops of lab-cultured cells onto a layer of gel-based paper invented at the University of Utah. The paper resembles the natural scaffolding that surrounds cells in the body. Once the cells are in place, "the gel provides a natural-like environment in which the cells sort themselves out," says University of Utah medicinal chemist Glenn Prestwich, who invented the formula. As a first application, a group headed by biophysicist Gabor Forgacs at the University of Missouri at Columbia intends to build a working blood vessel for use in patients with blood clots or heart conditions. "Currently, people are using polyester, but this would be a living graft." The cells used to build the organs could be cultured from stem cells taken from fat or bone-marrow tissue, he says: "We could engineer a blood vessel from your own cells." How Cryptocurrencies Work (And Why They're So Popular) How Cybercriminals Are Targeting Internet-Connected Cameras Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid To Overturn Biden Victory December 15, 2020 by kZ Radio The Wisconsin Supreme Court has rejected the Trump campaign’s state lawsuit seeking to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin, ruling that if the president had problems with Wisconsin’s rules for voting, he should have challenged them before the election, not after. The result was significant on a court where conservatives hold a 4-3 majority, which has now handed Trump and his allies four losses in the past two weeks. The ruling came just hours before Wisconsin’s presidential electors met to officially cast their votes for Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Writing the majority 4-3 opinion, conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn said Trump lost his right to challenge a variety of absentee voting guidelines handed down by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, some of which had been on the book for a decade. “Our laws allow the challenge flag to be thrown regarding various aspects of election administration,” Hagedorn wrote. “The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case, however, come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign
is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began.” In a separate concurring opinion, Hagedorn also dismissed the idea that bad guidance from the state had altered the outcome of the election. “At the end of the day, nothing in this case casts any legitimate doubt that the people of Wisconsin lawfully chose Vice President Biden and Senator Harris to be the next leaders of our great country,” Hagedorn wrote. Hagedorn’s majority opinion was joined by liberal Justices Ann Walsh Bradley, Rebecca Dallet and Jill Karofsky. Conservative Justices Patience Roggensack, Annette Ziegler and Rebecca Bradley each dissented, arguing the court should have ruled on the merits of the case rather than dismissing it because of timing. All three were sharply critical of Hagedorn’s ruling, writing that the court had shirked its duty. While none of them definitively declared that they would have overturned the state’s election results, Roggensack’s dissent suggested — at the very least — that she was open to the Trump campaign’s arguments challenging tens of thousands of votes. “In the case now before us, a significant portion of the public does not believe that the November 3, 2020, presidential election was fairly conducted,” Roggensack wrote. “Once again, four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing what the statutes require to assure that absentee ballots are lawfully cast.” Trump’s lawsuit was an offshoot of the recount his campaign asked for in Dane and Milwaukee counties. Had it succeeded, it would have tossed more than 220,000 absentee ballots cast in those counties, while leaving votes cast in 70 other counties untouched. Those ballots challenged by the Trump campaign include roughly 170,000 ballots cast by people who voted in person before Election Day. Trump argued those ballots should be rejected because the people who cast them did not fill out separate written applications the way absentee voters do when they vote by mail. Hagedorn dismissed that, noting that voters there used a form endorsed by the state that had been in place for more than a decade. “Waiting until after an election to challenge the sufficiency of a form application in use statewide for at least a decade is plainly unreasonable,” he wrote. The Trump campaign also challenged another 28,000 ballots from voters who said they were “indefinitely confined,” which lets them submit an absentee ballot application without providing a copy of a photo ID. In a separate ruling issued earlier Monday, the entire court ruled it was up to individual voters to decide whether they were indefinitely confined. Hagedorn repeatedly rejected the idea that these votes should be rejected. “The challenge to the indefinitely confined voter ballots is meritless on its face,” Hagedorn wrote. While Roggensack’s ruling suggested she might agree with Hagedorn on those voters, she embraced the Trump campaign’s challenge to two other groups of voters. Trump wanted to strike “no less than 5,517” ballots where clerks completed a witness’ address, which is required under Wisconsin Election Commission guidance. “My conclusion that errors in the certification of absentee ballots require discarding those ballots is consistent with our precedent,” Roggensack wrote. In addition, Trump would have rejected 17,217 ballots collected at “Democracy in the Park” events sponsored by the city of Madison earlier this year. Republicans raised concerns about those events before they were held but never challenged them in court. Roggensack suggested those events were unlawful because Wisconsin law does not permit absentee ballot drop boxes, and the people collecting ballots were not employees of the Madison City Clerk. “The poll workers who staffed Democracy in the Park were volunteers,” Roggensack wrote. “They were not employees of the City of Madison Clerk’s office.” The ballots flagged by Roggensack totaled 22,788, a significant amount in a state Biden won by 20,682. This was the fourth time this month the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit brought by Trump or his allies. In each case, Hagedorn’s vote proved pivotal. On Dec. 3, H
watch it live on c-span. at c-span.org or listen for free on our c-span radio app. live today on c-span, washington journal is next. at 12:30 p.m., a look at civil rights and criminal justice reform under president obama. at 5:00, a look at economic growth and equality in the u.s. and europe. in 45 minutes, it usa investigative reporter talks about the investigation into the drinking water systems of small communities across the u.s. at 8:30 a.m., washington journal author week continues with market levers and. -- mark leverson. ♪ it is december 20, 2016. you are looking at a live shot of the white house. this will be the scene of plenty of activity one month from today on inauguration day. preparations continue for the ceremony and festivities of january 20, donald trump took another step towards the white house by officially securing the electoral vote yesterday. we will get to that this morning. we begin our program in the wake of the deadly attacks overseas in turkey. a lone gunman shot until the russian <div class="tv-ttl"><a href="http://www.c-span.org/">Public Affairs Events</a><div>CSPAN December 20, 2016 4:28am-7:01am EST</div></div> China 55, Donald Trump 20, Michigan 18, Washington 16, Taiwan 14, Cabral 13, New York 10, Dr. Schneider 10, Clinton 9, Snyder 8, Stephen Shepard 7, Donald J. Trump 6, Texas 6, Mike 5, Pentagon 5, Pennsylvania 5, South China Sea 5, Navy 4, Beijing 4, Wisconsin 4 Virtual Ch. 24 Uploaded by TV Archive on December 20, 2016 I live there now, no. 1 I live there now Written 2015, revised 2017. To make the trio of works called I live there now, I started with a photo I took in 2004. It shows the corner of a room, part of the house my parents lived in for well over four decades. I spent most of the first seventeen years of my life in that house. I took the photograph shortly after my father died and I moved my mother into a nursing home. Though I mistrust my memories of those days and weeks, I recall that being the last time I was in their house. I've told the background story elsewhere, but in case this is the first thing you're reading, here's a synopsis. My parents were booksellers. They were also children of difficult times, including the Great Depression. Perhaps because of that, they seemed to keep everything—usually in stacks and piles, everywhere. They thought that the one thing you did throw out might turn out to be more than just something you wish you'd kept; it might, those worried voices in their heads whispered, be the difference between destruction and salvation. In the image, you see stacks of books and papers, some pictures hung on the wall, and, well, more stacks of things on the desk. Though they did have some amazing things among their belongings, it would be pretentious to call my parents collectors; they were merchants but also accumulators and keepers. The current term might even be hoarders. They would buy something, often with the idea of selling it later, but even more often it would stay. Forever, it seemed. Thus did that house grow—from the inside, it felt to me. Regarding these images, a writer once asked me if I knew the identities of the people in the pictures mounted on the wall. I have no idea who those people are. And that, for me, is part of the story. This house was filled with things, the origins and details of which I had no clue. Of course, an important subtext to that is that I never asked—another part of the story. So, that house—a forest of detail and clutter, and mysteries too—full of books and pictures (thousands and thousands), pieces of mismatched furniture, seemingly a million odds and ends—was what I’d crudely call a chaos rasa. I wound up
watch it live on c-span. at c-span.org or listen for free on our c-span radio app. live today on c-span, washington journal is next. at 12:30 p.m., a look at civil rights and criminal justice reform under president obama. at 5:00, a look at economic growth and equality in the u.s. and europe. in 45 minutes, it usa investigative reporter talks about the investigation into the drinking water systems of small communities across the u.s. at 8:30 a.m., washington journal author week continues with market levers and. -- mark leverson. ♪ it is december 20, 2016. you are looking at a live shot of the white house. this will be the scene of plenty of activity one month from today on inauguration day. preparations continue for the ceremony and festivities of january 20, donald trump took another step towards the white house by officially securing the electoral vote yesterday. we will get to that this morning. we begin our program in the wake of the deadly attacks overseas in turkey. a lone gunman shot until the russian <div class="tv-ttl"><a href="http://www.c-span.org/">Public Affairs Events</a><div>CSPAN December 20, 2016 4:28am-7:01am EST</div></div> China 55, Donald Trump 20, Michigan 18, Washington 16, Taiwan 14, Cabral 13, New York 10, Dr. Schneider 10, Clinton 9, Snyder 8, Stephen Shepard 7, Donald J. Trump 6, Texas 6, Mike 5, Pentagon 5, Pennsylvania 5, South China Sea 5, Navy 4, Beijing 4, Wisconsin 4 Virtual Ch. 24 Uploaded by TV Archive on December 20, 2016 I live there now, no. 1 I live there now Written 2015, revised 2017. To make the trio of works called I live there now, I started with a photo I took in 2004. It shows the corner of a room, part of the house my parents lived in for well over four decades. I spent most of the first seventeen years of my life in that house. I took the photograph shortly after my father died and I moved my mother into a nursing home. Though I mistrust my memories of those days and weeks, I recall that being the last time I was in their house. I've told the background story elsewhere, but in case this is the first thing you're reading, here's a synopsis. My parents were booksellers. They were also children of difficult times, including the Great Depression. Perhaps because of that, they seemed to keep everything—usually in stacks and piles, everywhere. They thought that the one thing you did throw out might turn out to be more than just something you wish you'd kept; it might, those worried voices in their heads whispered, be the difference between destruction and salvation. In the image, you see stacks of books and papers, some pictures hung on the wall, and, well, more stacks of things on the desk. Though they did have some amazing things among their belongings, it would be pretentious to call my parents collectors; they were merchants but also accumulators and keepers. The current term might even be hoarders. They would buy something, often with the idea of selling it later, but even more often it would stay. Forever, it seemed. Thus did that house grow—from the inside, it felt to me. Regarding these images, a writer once asked me if I knew the identities of the people in the pictures mounted on the wall. I have no idea who those people are. And that, for me, is part of the story. This house was filled with things, the origins and details of which I had no clue. Of course, an important subtext to that is that I never asked—another part of the story. So, that house—a forest of detail and clutter, and mysteries too—full of books and pictures (thousands and thousands), pieces of mismatched furniture, seemingly a million odds and ends—was what I’d crudely call a chaos rasa. I wound up
, as a kid, spending much of my time alone, filling in the blanks as it were. Maybe that’s a big part of why I wound up making pictures of my own in the first place. When you don’t believe in anything beyond this world and the one you’ve been given is pretty much a shambolic mystery, well, there are lots of blanks to work with, lots of holes to fill. In this picture, there’s clutter and mess, but there’s also this lamp with a bare light bulb. It's strangely placed. I didn't put it there. My parents likely left it that way. It might have been left that way for years. When I saw it—the lightbulb in the picture that is—I thought, well that's just a bit more weirdness in a weird place. The light looked incongruous to me, this lucency in the middle of the room, with its own little space cleared around it on a desk that had otherwise become just another storage vessel. There were moments when, because of the light, the picture had something to it that passed for a sense of looking out. A vein of optimism even. It's a bit romantic. Of course, the light’s not like a sunrise or anything like that. It comes from something people made; it’s naked and solitary, and it leaves a lot of shadow. If it’s a symbol, it has a vernacular quality to it. And it gives off light but doesn't illuminate all that much. You—and I—still don't know what all that stuff really is, though we can make out more of its form. When you look at the three pictures in order, the light remains more or less constant. But something else happens—the room changes and, by the last image, things seem to be coming apart somehow. The title comes from Molloy by Samuel Beckett: I am in my mother’s room. It’s I who live there now.... When I reread those lines, I knew I'd work them into a title for these images. Not in the facile sense that I’ve become like my mother, or my parents, or anything like that. It's about getting to a point in life that has as much to do with experience as age. Endings appear in sharper relief than beginnings. The edges are worn. The shadowy withering of things is something I can feel now, instead of just imagining or appreciating the idea of it. I can’t know for sure if my mother saw these things too. I was going to say I should have asked but I know I never would have. But before her mind went—and maybe after, who knows—I bet she did. Like the Revisitations works, which also have an intimate relationship to that house, I installed each of these images in its own wooden case, crafted by superb woodworkers. They’re objects as well as pictures. They have a tidy privacy I like. When they’re closed, the picture dies to the world, waiting for someone to open the lid and bring it back to life. Home » Lee Enterprises » Lee Enterprises loses revenue, cut staff, rewards top executives Lee Enterprises loses revenue, cut staff, rewards top executives Feb 22, 2018 by Jeff As you would expect, Lee Enterprises executive chairman Mary Junck offered optimistic spin on the state of the company Wednesday at its annual shareholders meeting. “We have proven ourselves to be flexible and nimble at rethinking, repositioning and redeveloping all aspects of our business,” Junck told shareholders. “We see a bright future for Lee.” Chief executive officer Kevin Mowbray was similarly upbeat. “With our proven track record of transformation, we are well-positioned and experienced to seize new opportunities and thrive in the future,” he said. That sounds great, but revenues keep plunging. The company keeps unloading employees while still managing to pay its top executives more — including a $900,000 boost for Mowbray. LA attorney headhunters drive exceptional hiring results for those who were laid off. Here is the state of the company in a nutshell: Revenues keep plunging due to the precipitous decline in print advertising across the industry. Digital revenues were up 8 percent in the year ending Sept. 24, 2017, but not nearly enough to offset the loss of classified (
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and sometimes having a bit too much fun, for example Judi Dench’s character, whilst originally written as an intimidating figure, has far more deadpan humour than sincerity. Aside from one tickling line about Poirot’s comparison to the god Hercules (“I do not slay lions”) there’s one too many scenes with the detective laughing into ‘his Dickens’. The original tale of the suspenseful rail journey has an interesting ending (don’t worry, no spoilers). However, it is utterly botched in this update, feeling a bit like a whodunnit without a proper “dunnit”. If the film had focused much, much more on further building the deceit and tension between the wholesome characters but at the same time, taking more time to not rush a sadly, ineffective climax, it could have been terrific. It’s inoffensive – better yet, it has absolutely no impact on me whatsoever. Throughly underwhelming. As deliciously stylish and well performed as it may be, Branagh’s attempt at a first-class trip of mystery is hindered by narrative and pacing issues, failing to provoke anything close to a smacked gob. Posted in films, ReviewTagged agatha christie, daisy ridley, featured, film review, johnny depp, josh gad, kenneth branagh, movie review, murder on the orient express Author: Cameron Frew Freelance film writer. Words on Flickering Myth, Bloody Disgusting, Movie Corner UK and Jumpcut Online. My five favourite films are: 1. The Goonies 2. Forrest Gump 3. The Shawshank Redemption 4. Warrior 5. Whiplash View all posts by Cameron Frew Prev Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Review Next Ep. 3: Shazam casting, X-23 Spin-off & Thor: Ragnarok Review IT Chapter Two (2019) – Review Drinking Game - The Wolf of Wall Street Blade Runner 2049: Review Enter your email address to follow our site and be notified of any new posts. Chatterboxes Cameron Frew on Mission Impossible: Fallout (2… jennysdatingadvice on Spider-Man: Far From Home (201… LittleBlogByRach on Mission Impossible: Fallout (2… fivethreeninety on Rank You For The Movies: The I… Cameron Frew on Pet Sematary (2019) – Review FacebookTwitterLinkedinYelpCustom José M. Bautista Andrew LeRoy Chris Chung Crystal Wallace Awards & Presentations Brain and Head Injury Railroad Crossing Accidents Table Saw Injuries Our Book: How to Hire Lawyers Ten Common Questions in Personal Injury Cases Borrowing Statutes of Limitation Locomotive Videocameras Medicare Set-Asides Are you searching for Kansas City personal injury lawyers? The attorneys at Bautista LeRoy LLC have been serving the public and helping individuals and their families since the 1990’s. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are committed to holding individuals, corporations and government agencies accountable for their negligent and wrongful actions. Personal Injury Lawyers in Kansas City Recovering millions in injury compensation for individuals and families nationwide Voted "Best of the Bar" by Kansas City lawyers 2018 Law Firm of the Year Home Jose Bautista 2019-09-19T17:06:37+00:00 TOP 50: 2018 KANSAS CITY SUPER LAWYERS – Missouri Lawyer’s Weekly Recognized as Kansas City’s best lawyers. Boutique law firm with national practice. Personal Attention Restricted caseload & select clients. Managed by attorneys, not assistants. Contingency Fee If no recovery, you pay no fee. We advance all litigation expenses. A Unique KC Law F
and sometimes having a bit too much fun, for example Judi Dench’s character, whilst originally written as an intimidating figure, has far more deadpan humour than sincerity. Aside from one tickling line about Poirot’s comparison to the god Hercules (“I do not slay lions”) there’s one too many scenes with the detective laughing into ‘his Dickens’. The original tale of the suspenseful rail journey has an interesting ending (don’t worry, no spoilers). However, it is utterly botched in this update, feeling a bit like a whodunnit without a proper “dunnit”. If the film had focused much, much more on further building the deceit and tension between the wholesome characters but at the same time, taking more time to not rush a sadly, ineffective climax, it could have been terrific. It’s inoffensive – better yet, it has absolutely no impact on me whatsoever. Throughly underwhelming. As deliciously stylish and well performed as it may be, Branagh’s attempt at a first-class trip of mystery is hindered by narrative and pacing issues, failing to provoke anything close to a smacked gob. Posted in films, ReviewTagged agatha christie, daisy ridley, featured, film review, johnny depp, josh gad, kenneth branagh, movie review, murder on the orient express Author: Cameron Frew Freelance film writer. Words on Flickering Myth, Bloody Disgusting, Movie Corner UK and Jumpcut Online. My five favourite films are: 1. The Goonies 2. Forrest Gump 3. The Shawshank Redemption 4. Warrior 5. Whiplash View all posts by Cameron Frew Prev Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Review Next Ep. 3: Shazam casting, X-23 Spin-off & Thor: Ragnarok Review IT Chapter Two (2019) – Review Drinking Game - The Wolf of Wall Street Blade Runner 2049: Review Enter your email address to follow our site and be notified of any new posts. Chatterboxes Cameron Frew on Mission Impossible: Fallout (2… jennysdatingadvice on Spider-Man: Far From Home (201… LittleBlogByRach on Mission Impossible: Fallout (2… fivethreeninety on Rank You For The Movies: The I… Cameron Frew on Pet Sematary (2019) – Review FacebookTwitterLinkedinYelpCustom José M. Bautista Andrew LeRoy Chris Chung Crystal Wallace Awards & Presentations Brain and Head Injury Railroad Crossing Accidents Table Saw Injuries Our Book: How to Hire Lawyers Ten Common Questions in Personal Injury Cases Borrowing Statutes of Limitation Locomotive Videocameras Medicare Set-Asides Are you searching for Kansas City personal injury lawyers? The attorneys at Bautista LeRoy LLC have been serving the public and helping individuals and their families since the 1990’s. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are committed to holding individuals, corporations and government agencies accountable for their negligent and wrongful actions. Personal Injury Lawyers in Kansas City Recovering millions in injury compensation for individuals and families nationwide Voted "Best of the Bar" by Kansas City lawyers 2018 Law Firm of the Year Home Jose Bautista 2019-09-19T17:06:37+00:00 TOP 50: 2018 KANSAS CITY SUPER LAWYERS – Missouri Lawyer’s Weekly Recognized as Kansas City’s best lawyers. Boutique law firm with national practice. Personal Attention Restricted caseload & select clients. Managed by attorneys, not assistants. Contingency Fee If no recovery, you pay no fee. We advance all litigation expenses. A Unique KC Law F
irm Police Excessive Force Are you searching for Kansas City personal injury lawyers? The attorneys at Bautista LeRoy have been serving the public and helping individuals and their families since the 1990’s. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are committed to holding individuals, corporations and government agencies accountable for their negligent and wrongful actions. With litigation in various jurisdictions, we are recognized for our efforts and results against entities such as Norfolk Southern Railway, Wal-Mart and Toyota Motor Co. Ours is a boutique Kansas City law firm with a national practice founded on the principle that the best legal representation comes from lawyers who specialize in injury cases – from truck, motorcycle and car accidents, to train accidents, employment discrimination, civil rights and excessive force cases. The approach has allowed us to become knowledgeable and reputable in the field. Our attorneys are consistently recognized by their peers and industry publications as the Kansas City Business Journal and Lawyer’s Weekly as some of Kansas City’s best lawyers. Most of the railroad grade crossings in the United States are “unprotected,” which means the crossing lacks flashing lights or automatic gates and the only warning may be a crossbuck sign. Many of these crossings, however, need active devices to alert the motorist that a train is actually approaching. Conditions such as limited sight distances, increased train and vehicular traffic volumes, high speed limits for trains or cars, use of the crossing by school buses or Haz-Mat trucks, and multiple mainline tracks make the crossings dangerous and the passive warnings inadequate. Contrary to popular belief, the private railroads owning the crossings can make them safer by installing functioning flashing lights and/or gates and are held legally responsible for deaths and serious injuries resulting from train collisions with the motoring public at crossings lacking the appropriate warning devices. The railroads may also be accountable for allowing any one of the described conditions to exist, if the particular condition makes the crossing dangerous and contributes to cause a collision. Almost every state, for example, requires that a railroad remove sight-obstructive vegetation from its right-of-ways at a crossing, and a railroad may be liable should such vegetation prevent a motorist from seeing a train in time to avoid a collision. This does not account for a railroad’s failure to sound its train horn and apply the emergency brakes, which involve its duties to operate trains in a safe manner and could also lead to collisions and injury. Read more about our Kansas City train accident lawyers. Semi-trucks, buses, limousines, passenger vans and other large vehicles in the trucking industry present a special danger on our roads if improperly handled. Given their mass, these commercial motor vehicles can easily overtake and damage cars, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) make it clear that trucking companies have an extraordinary duty to control the conduct of their drivers. Making sure the drivers act in a safe and lawful way involves employees as dispatchers, and load planners, but ultimately rests on company management. The trucking companies’ responsibilities over the drivers are often discussed in the areas of driver qualification, driver training, and driver disqualification. The reason may be that trucking industry has experienced tremendous growth. According to the American Trucking Association, over 80,000 entry-level drivers join the field every year. The less obvious, but no less important motor carrier duties involve record retention, monitoring and supervision, and maintaining the commercial motor or CMV. The FMCSR, state trucking laws, and industry standards as the Professional Truck Driving Institute’s Driver Finishing Standards make up a comprehensive regulatory scheme that motor carriers must follow. Read more about our Kansas City truck accident lawyers. Motor vehicle accidents are frequent and they can cause serious personal injury and death. In 2012, there were 33,561 people killed and 2,362,000 people injured in car accidents nation-wide, a 6.5% increase from the previous year. Fatalities among pedestrians and motorcyclists have been increasing year after year. In Missouri, 826 people were killed in car accidents in 2012, an increase by more than 5% over 2011. In Kansas, 405 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2
enn State. They’ve now beaten Michigan and Wisconsin at home, where they’ve also lost to Northwestern and now the Nittany Lions. With a non-conference resume that’s highlighted by a win over Washington (yuck), the Hoosiers are in some trouble. George Washington (RPI: 27, KenPom: 37) lost VCU (RPI: 28, KenPom: 24), which inches the Colonials a bit closer to the bubble But a road loss at a league favorite isn’t exactly a bad thing. GW is still in a good position. LSU (RPI: 59, KenPom: 68) lost to their fourth team outside the top 100 on Wednesday. Wins over Kentucky, Missouri and St. Joseph’s don’t make up for that. The Tigers might need to sneak an upset at Kentucky or at Florida. Stanford (RPI: 42, KenPom: 34) actually has a better profile than I originally thought. The Cardinal have four top 50 wins, three of which came on the road. They’ve only lost two games to teams outside the top 50 — one of them on Wednesday against Washington — but both of those were on the road to teams with an RPI in the 80s. They can’t afford to drop a game to the likes of USC or Wazzu, but this team is in decent shape. Richmond (RPI: 44, KenPom: 63) beat Duquesne, which means they’re still hanging tough despite the fact that they are missing two key players in Derrick Williams and Cedrick Lindsay. Dayton (RPI: 57, KenPom: 56) has beaten Gonzaga, Cal and George Washington. They’ve lost to USC, Rhode Island and Illinois State. That’s the kind of schizophrenic nonsense these bubble resumes are made up of. At least they got their revenge on URI on Wednesday. Cal (RPI: 50, KenPom: 45) didn’t lose to Washington State. That’s the good news. The bad? They got taken to overtime by the worst team in the conference, which means that the issues they’ve dealt with the last couple of weeks aren’t quite figured out. If it wasn’t for that Justin Cobbs jumper to beat Arizona, they’d be in some serious trouble. From the Gossip Pages to the History Books, with Liz Smith “Everyone remembers exactly where he or she was when President Kennedy was shot. But I, typical gossip columnist that I am, remember exactly where I was when I first heard the word Trump.” Liz Smith, Natural Blonde, A Memoir Liz Smith at Mortimer's "Natural Blonde, A Memoir" Liz Smith lived to see the Trump presidency, but that is not what inspired the above quip. The quote is taken from her memoir, published eighteen-years ago. In the book, she covers the erstwhile real estate developer's divorce from his first wife, Ivana, which was one of the biggest scoops of Smith's career. Broadway starlet Marla Maples also landed the best part of her career, as the other woman in the Trump divorce. With the glitzy Ivana battling it out with the beautiful Marla and with a fortune at stake, the saga dominated the tabloids. Smith called it, "the biggest story I've ever seen that isn't important," topped only by the romance of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. ​Smith's inside position as confidante of Ivana Trump gave her scoop after scoop. Her daily readership soared to new heights and led to a pay raise. But what of the other players involved, specifically the future president? This was the early nineties when scandalous behavior was considered bad public relations for a businessman. As such, he reacted badly, writing negatively about Liz Smith in his second book. He eventually forgave her, and Smith was not only invited but given a prime spot at Trump's marriage to the other woman, Marla Maples. Was he being magnanimous, or had he begun to understand that he possessed a skill that rivaled that of the legendary King Midas? He had the ability to spin negative publicity into public relations gold. See Also: "
enn State. They’ve now beaten Michigan and Wisconsin at home, where they’ve also lost to Northwestern and now the Nittany Lions. With a non-conference resume that’s highlighted by a win over Washington (yuck), the Hoosiers are in some trouble. George Washington (RPI: 27, KenPom: 37) lost VCU (RPI: 28, KenPom: 24), which inches the Colonials a bit closer to the bubble But a road loss at a league favorite isn’t exactly a bad thing. GW is still in a good position. LSU (RPI: 59, KenPom: 68) lost to their fourth team outside the top 100 on Wednesday. Wins over Kentucky, Missouri and St. Joseph’s don’t make up for that. The Tigers might need to sneak an upset at Kentucky or at Florida. Stanford (RPI: 42, KenPom: 34) actually has a better profile than I originally thought. The Cardinal have four top 50 wins, three of which came on the road. They’ve only lost two games to teams outside the top 50 — one of them on Wednesday against Washington — but both of those were on the road to teams with an RPI in the 80s. They can’t afford to drop a game to the likes of USC or Wazzu, but this team is in decent shape. Richmond (RPI: 44, KenPom: 63) beat Duquesne, which means they’re still hanging tough despite the fact that they are missing two key players in Derrick Williams and Cedrick Lindsay. Dayton (RPI: 57, KenPom: 56) has beaten Gonzaga, Cal and George Washington. They’ve lost to USC, Rhode Island and Illinois State. That’s the kind of schizophrenic nonsense these bubble resumes are made up of. At least they got their revenge on URI on Wednesday. Cal (RPI: 50, KenPom: 45) didn’t lose to Washington State. That’s the good news. The bad? They got taken to overtime by the worst team in the conference, which means that the issues they’ve dealt with the last couple of weeks aren’t quite figured out. If it wasn’t for that Justin Cobbs jumper to beat Arizona, they’d be in some serious trouble. From the Gossip Pages to the History Books, with Liz Smith “Everyone remembers exactly where he or she was when President Kennedy was shot. But I, typical gossip columnist that I am, remember exactly where I was when I first heard the word Trump.” Liz Smith, Natural Blonde, A Memoir Liz Smith at Mortimer's "Natural Blonde, A Memoir" Liz Smith lived to see the Trump presidency, but that is not what inspired the above quip. The quote is taken from her memoir, published eighteen-years ago. In the book, she covers the erstwhile real estate developer's divorce from his first wife, Ivana, which was one of the biggest scoops of Smith's career. Broadway starlet Marla Maples also landed the best part of her career, as the other woman in the Trump divorce. With the glitzy Ivana battling it out with the beautiful Marla and with a fortune at stake, the saga dominated the tabloids. Smith called it, "the biggest story I've ever seen that isn't important," topped only by the romance of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. ​Smith's inside position as confidante of Ivana Trump gave her scoop after scoop. Her daily readership soared to new heights and led to a pay raise. But what of the other players involved, specifically the future president? This was the early nineties when scandalous behavior was considered bad public relations for a businessman. As such, he reacted badly, writing negatively about Liz Smith in his second book. He eventually forgave her, and Smith was not only invited but given a prime spot at Trump's marriage to the other woman, Marla Maples. Was he being magnanimous, or had he begun to understand that he possessed a skill that rivaled that of the legendary King Midas? He had the ability to spin negative publicity into public relations gold. See Also: "
How Liz Smith Invented Donald Trump," The Washington Post, November 13, 2017 Image Credit: Our Years at Mortimer's A Gossip Columnist's Lament “Suddenly you have to remember a dozen Kardashians, and really, who has the time?” --Liz Smith, "At 92, Liz Smith Reveals How Rupert Murdoch Fired Her, What It Felt Like to Be Outed,” Hollywood Reporter, April 8, 2015 Liz Smith-Themed Window at Barneys New York by Simon Doonan Image Credit: Confessions of a Window Dresser POPE BENEDICT XVI WILL RESIGN Citing advanced years and infirmity, Pope Benedict XVI stunned the Roman Catholic world on Monday by saying that he would resign on Feb. 28 after less than eight years in office, the first pope to do so in six centuries. After examining his conscience “before God,” he said in a statement that reverberated around the world on the Internet and on social media, “I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise” of his position as head of the world’s one billion Roman Catholics. A profoundly conservative figure whose papacy was overshadowed by clerical abuse scandals, Benedict, 85, was elected by fellow cardinals in 2005 after the death of John Paul II. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said that the pope would continue to carry out his duties until Feb. 28 and that a successor could be elected by Easter, which falls on March 31. But, he added, the timing for an election of a new pope is “not an announcement, it’s a hypothesis.” While there had been questions about Benedict’s health, the timing of his announcement sent shock waves around the world, even though he had in the past endorsed the notion that an incapacitated pope could resign. “The pope took us by surprise,” said Father Lombardi, who explained that many cardinals were in Rome on Monday for a ceremony at the Vatican and heard the pope’s address. Italy’s prime minister, Mario Monti, said he was “very shaken by the unexpected news.” The announcement plunged the Roman Catholic world into intense speculation about who will succeed him and seemed likely to inspire many contrasting evaluations of a papacy that was seen as both conservative and contentious. The pope made his announcement in Latin, but his statement was translated into seven languages: Italian, French, English, German, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. “In today’s world,” the pope said, “subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of St. Peter and proclaim the gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.” “For this reason,” he continued, “and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom, I declare that I renounce the ministry of bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter.” Benedict, the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was elected on April 19, 2005. At a news conference, the Vatican spokesman said the pope did not express strong emotion as he made his announcement but spoke with “great dignity, great concentration and great understanding of the significance of the moment.” Father Lombardi said that the pope would retire first to his summer residence in Castelgandolfo, in the hills outside Rome, and later at a monastery in Vatican City. At the time of his election, Benedict was a popular choice within the college of 115 cardinals who chose him as a man who shared — and at times went beyond — the conservative theology of his predecessor and mentor, John Paul II, and seemed ready to take over the job after serving beside him for more than two decades. In the final years of John Paul II’s papacy, which were dogged by illness, Benedict, then Cardinal Ratzinger, said that if the pope “sees that he absolutely cannot do
Hamilton, 1990). If a young persons journey through school and various kinds of early work experiences could be more connected and purposive, the chances of eventually finding enjoyable and rewarding work might be better. The idea of career majors in the 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act was intended as a structure for students to create a coherent sequence of learning and work experiences. In this context, WBL allows students to taste and sample different kinds of work, to understand what is going on and how they might fit in, but without necessarily making any long-term commitment. Many local programs are now sequencing WBL for high school students to start with brief job shadowing visits, and lead to longer experiences later. Based on observations in 1992-93, Pauly, Kopp and Haimson (1995) noted: The widespread use of career exposure activities is particularly striking. Career academies, occupationacademic cluster programs, and restructured vocational programs have worked with employers to create career-exposure opportunities that appear to go far beyond those available to most high school students. There are numerous examples of these activities among the case studies. The co-op placements in Fort Collins include opportunities to participate in several community service activities for short periods so that students can try several different jobs. Job shadowing is used in the Los Angeles, Central Point, and Portland programs to enable students to observe the range of activities of an adult worker during a typical workday. The students participate in job shadowing several times in order to compare the tasks and responsibilities of different jobs. Some employers have developed summer internship programs that expose students to high-skill tasks that are normally reserved for senior employees; working with skilled staff members, Baltimore finance academy students help prepare reports on loan applications and Oakland health academy students have assisted in delivering babies. Borrowing the concept from medical training, some employers rotate students among all of their major production centers; for example, Socorro health academy students spend time in each of the main departments of the largest hospital in El Paso. Students use journals to record and reflect on their workplace experiences in some school-to-work programs, including the Socorro health academy and the Cambridge vocational restructuring program, which also includes a seminar for students to discuss their workplace experiences and journal entries. Since many young people have virtually no knowledge about the world of work, these career-exposure activities can widen their horizons dramatically a particular benefit for students who have no vision of a productive future life (op. cit., pp. 139-140) Revisiting these same programs in mid-1996, the researchers found that WBL sequences and options were being further elaborated. Job shadowing was being used more frequently, sometimes sandwiched between internships. One program required students in grade 10 to complete a job shadowing experience in each of four career paths before choosing one path the next year. Since job shadowing requires less effort than internships on the part of employers, larger numbers of employers are willing to participate in this way. In addition to acquainting students with a variety of work settings, job shadowing provides a way for employers and school staff members to start building a relationship that can lead to more intensive kinds of WBL (Pedraza, Pauly and Kopp, 1997). Students interviewed by NCRVE on the topic of their WBL experiences readily talk about career exploration and decision-making. Excerpts are given in Box 6. Box 6. Career exploration and planning A health academy student in Oakland, California reflected: I think its beneficial because I think with a lot of careers theres misconceptions about what really goes on, how things really work and function. So when youre there you get to see it, you get a complete understanding of it as opposed to reading about it in books. I think it helps you make a better decision. Occasionally, students feel they have found their true calling as a result of their WBL. One student at Roosevelt High School in Portland explained: I knew I wanted to work with people but I really wasnt sure what I wanted to do. And then I was able to go on an internship at an elementary school nearby and work with third graders, and through that experience I made my full decision that I wanted to be a teacher and it really helped me. It just clicked right there. Id been on several job shadows, which is one-day thing, and nothing really I kind of went all over the place
Hamilton, 1990). If a young persons journey through school and various kinds of early work experiences could be more connected and purposive, the chances of eventually finding enjoyable and rewarding work might be better. The idea of career majors in the 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act was intended as a structure for students to create a coherent sequence of learning and work experiences. In this context, WBL allows students to taste and sample different kinds of work, to understand what is going on and how they might fit in, but without necessarily making any long-term commitment. Many local programs are now sequencing WBL for high school students to start with brief job shadowing visits, and lead to longer experiences later. Based on observations in 1992-93, Pauly, Kopp and Haimson (1995) noted: The widespread use of career exposure activities is particularly striking. Career academies, occupationacademic cluster programs, and restructured vocational programs have worked with employers to create career-exposure opportunities that appear to go far beyond those available to most high school students. There are numerous examples of these activities among the case studies. The co-op placements in Fort Collins include opportunities to participate in several community service activities for short periods so that students can try several different jobs. Job shadowing is used in the Los Angeles, Central Point, and Portland programs to enable students to observe the range of activities of an adult worker during a typical workday. The students participate in job shadowing several times in order to compare the tasks and responsibilities of different jobs. Some employers have developed summer internship programs that expose students to high-skill tasks that are normally reserved for senior employees; working with skilled staff members, Baltimore finance academy students help prepare reports on loan applications and Oakland health academy students have assisted in delivering babies. Borrowing the concept from medical training, some employers rotate students among all of their major production centers; for example, Socorro health academy students spend time in each of the main departments of the largest hospital in El Paso. Students use journals to record and reflect on their workplace experiences in some school-to-work programs, including the Socorro health academy and the Cambridge vocational restructuring program, which also includes a seminar for students to discuss their workplace experiences and journal entries. Since many young people have virtually no knowledge about the world of work, these career-exposure activities can widen their horizons dramatically a particular benefit for students who have no vision of a productive future life (op. cit., pp. 139-140) Revisiting these same programs in mid-1996, the researchers found that WBL sequences and options were being further elaborated. Job shadowing was being used more frequently, sometimes sandwiched between internships. One program required students in grade 10 to complete a job shadowing experience in each of four career paths before choosing one path the next year. Since job shadowing requires less effort than internships on the part of employers, larger numbers of employers are willing to participate in this way. In addition to acquainting students with a variety of work settings, job shadowing provides a way for employers and school staff members to start building a relationship that can lead to more intensive kinds of WBL (Pedraza, Pauly and Kopp, 1997). Students interviewed by NCRVE on the topic of their WBL experiences readily talk about career exploration and decision-making. Excerpts are given in Box 6. Box 6. Career exploration and planning A health academy student in Oakland, California reflected: I think its beneficial because I think with a lot of careers theres misconceptions about what really goes on, how things really work and function. So when youre there you get to see it, you get a complete understanding of it as opposed to reading about it in books. I think it helps you make a better decision. Occasionally, students feel they have found their true calling as a result of their WBL. One student at Roosevelt High School in Portland explained: I knew I wanted to work with people but I really wasnt sure what I wanted to do. And then I was able to go on an internship at an elementary school nearby and work with third graders, and through that experience I made my full decision that I wanted to be a teacher and it really helped me. It just clicked right there. Id been on several job shadows, which is one-day thing, and nothing really I kind of went all over the place
with my job shadows and finally with that internship I was able to really see what I wanted. Other students describe how their experiences changed their ideas of what they wanted to do. In a small town in South Carolina, a Medical Science student shadowed an emergency room nurse, realising that she was not cut out for the high pressured and gory work when she passed out. She then began a shadowing experience with a Physical Therapist, first thinking she would just want to be an assistant. He had a lot of paperwork, she explains. I didnt want a lot of paperwork. [...] Then watching this Physical Therapist that Im watching now, she has just set my mind that thats what I want to do. [...] You see different people every day. You do different routines with every person you do. So its not a job Im going to get bored with. An Academy of Finance student at the same school reported similar clarity as a result of a work experience. At first I wanted to be a Real Estate agent and I expressed that interest. The Academy of Finance director offered me the job as a receptionist at a Real Estate office. [...] I found that Real Estate is not my thing Im not that competitive. That really helped a lot because that eliminated it. A field trip to the Federal Reserve with a Banking and Credit class helped her find a new direction. I loved it down there and I thought, well gosh, I know I want to work in a bank! She has requested an internship placement at a bank. Some students say they have not yet settled on any particular kind of work, but their WBL placement has helped them clarify what they do not want. For instance, a student in Oakland declared, At first when I joined the Media Academy I thought I wanted to go into broadcasting, but once I had my internships, I realised thats not what I want to do. At the postsecondary level, an elaborate structure for work-based career exploration and planning has developed at LaGuardia Community College in New York City (Grubb and Badway, 1995). Every full-time day student including those majoring in Liberal Arts is required to enrol in three 12week internships or co-op placements, varying from 15 to 40 hours per week... (p. 4). Students become eligible for co-op after completing all the prerequisites for a major, at least one course in their major, and the co-op preparation course. Each student meets with a co-op faculty adviser to find an appropriate placement. In conjunction with each of their three internships, students also enrol in a six-week seminar. Generally, the seminars provide a framework for analysing and evaluating students internship experiences, linking work experience with critical analysis and reflection. (p. 11) The second in this series of three seminars, titled Fundamentals of Career Advancement, focuses specifically on career planning. Using short practical exercises, research activities and case studies, students gather and analyse information about career options and about four-year colleges. An important element in this second seminar is a map for extracting the greatest potential learning from any work experience, by replicating strategies used by successful executives: seeking challenging assignments; coping with hardships; observing key people; and getting feedback on strengths and areas for improvement (Grubb and Badway, 1995, p. 13). This description illustrates how advanced forms of school-supervised work experience for older students can merge with and enhance the process of lifelong learning at work. Learning all aspects of an industry Learning all aspects of an industry is an explicit objective in the 1990 Perkins Amendments, the 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act, and the 1998 Perkins Amendments. This stipulation was intended to ensure that vocational education or school-to-work programs teach more than the skills needed for specific entry-level jobs. According to the Center for Law and Education, a chief proponent of the concept, providing students with understanding and experience in all aspects of an industry or industry sector is essential to integrating academic and vocational education, empowering students to make career choices, preparing them to adapt to technological change, and equipping them to play an active part in economic development of their local communities (Jacobs, 1995, p. 9). Hamilton and Hamilton (1997) add that broader knowledge and skill enables students to participate in flexible work teams, which are becoming more preval
to stop working. Azuki goes to the hospital the next day and begins talking to Mashiro from outside his room. Cover for Detective Trap's first volume Azuki asks which is more important; manga or her. Mashiro says manga. He is determined to continue drawing manga in the hospital, even though he is not allowed to until his health improves. Eiji, Takagi and Mashiro's mom go to the hospital. Once they leave, their editor comes in and requests him to stop. He says the head has put them both on hiatus. However, when he comes in, he says he will be putting them on hiatus till they graduate from high school (even after they come out of hospital) because of his uncle who died from working too hard on manga. Upon finding this out, Team Fukuda boycotted Jump by not doing their mangas for the week until the Editor in Cheif agreed to allow Trap to resume once Mashiro was out of the hospital. Out of concern for his fellow mangakas, Mashiro asked them to stop the boycott. Despite this, however, Mashiro disregarded the Editor in Chief's wishes and did a chapter each week to finish out the year's Jump. Despite some intial annoyance from the staff, Trap was allowed to continue. However, the long hiatus that the manga had been on caused its popularity to decline within the first few weeks. Left with the alternative of creating four new chapters and experimenting with them to see what their readers like and using the leftover ones as a bonus Volume, or use four the remaining chapters, Plan A was used. Despite this setback, Mashiro saw it was a fitting end to the series. Two of Me, Hitman10 and Future Watch Two of Me, Hitman10, and Future Watch are all stories that Takagi and Mashiro make up after the cancellation of Detective Trap. Hitman10 and Two of Me are two series they write for their editor; one of them a comedy and the other one serious. Miura, their editor, favored gag manga, and wants them to write a comedy; Takagi is reluctant because comedy isn't his strong point. Fearing that Miura would automatically pick the comedy, Takagi, and Mashiro also decide to make a one-shot, Future Watch, and submit it for Manga Treasure without letting Miura know. Rough Draft of Future Watch When they turn in the two manga, Two of Me and Hitman10, their editor Miura, as they feared, chose the comedy manga. Miura also found Future Watch as an entry for Treasure which led to him arguing with the pair. Eventually Miura would let Future Watch be sent to Treasure as he was confident that Hitman10 would still do better. Miura later calls them for their weekly meeting but avoids mentioning Future Watch and Treasure. Mashiro and Takagi both surmise that Future Watch had actually done well. Miura later tells them that due to the quality of the works the editors decided to run both Future Watch and Hitman10 as one-shots, and whichever did better would be serialized. Both Takagi and Mashiro thought Furure Watch would do really well. However, the result was not exactly what they had wanted; although Future Watch ranked ahead of Hitman10 it was still only to achieve 9th place in the reader surveys. The two then met with Miura, who collected tons of data that proved comedy was a more stable manga choice because it held more stable rankings even when not highly placed. Takagi agreed with the presented data but Mashiro still argued against doing a comedy as he thought Takagi was more suited to darker mangas. This led to another argument in which Miura stated that they should split up, enraging Takagi. However once they realize how serious Miura was they forgave him and decide to make a comedy manga, however they did not want to do Hitman10. This lead to the creation of Run, Daihatsu Tanto! Run, Daihatsu Tanto Early Version of Run, Daihatsu Tanto A gag manga run by Ashirogi Muto after Trap has ended. At first, Tanto received positive critics from the editors and readers. However, over time, it was slowly outrun by Niizuma Eiji's Crow. Moreover, +Natural also outrun it. They tried to do a lot more change in Tanto, but it's no use
to stop working. Azuki goes to the hospital the next day and begins talking to Mashiro from outside his room. Cover for Detective Trap's first volume Azuki asks which is more important; manga or her. Mashiro says manga. He is determined to continue drawing manga in the hospital, even though he is not allowed to until his health improves. Eiji, Takagi and Mashiro's mom go to the hospital. Once they leave, their editor comes in and requests him to stop. He says the head has put them both on hiatus. However, when he comes in, he says he will be putting them on hiatus till they graduate from high school (even after they come out of hospital) because of his uncle who died from working too hard on manga. Upon finding this out, Team Fukuda boycotted Jump by not doing their mangas for the week until the Editor in Cheif agreed to allow Trap to resume once Mashiro was out of the hospital. Out of concern for his fellow mangakas, Mashiro asked them to stop the boycott. Despite this, however, Mashiro disregarded the Editor in Chief's wishes and did a chapter each week to finish out the year's Jump. Despite some intial annoyance from the staff, Trap was allowed to continue. However, the long hiatus that the manga had been on caused its popularity to decline within the first few weeks. Left with the alternative of creating four new chapters and experimenting with them to see what their readers like and using the leftover ones as a bonus Volume, or use four the remaining chapters, Plan A was used. Despite this setback, Mashiro saw it was a fitting end to the series. Two of Me, Hitman10 and Future Watch Two of Me, Hitman10, and Future Watch are all stories that Takagi and Mashiro make up after the cancellation of Detective Trap. Hitman10 and Two of Me are two series they write for their editor; one of them a comedy and the other one serious. Miura, their editor, favored gag manga, and wants them to write a comedy; Takagi is reluctant because comedy isn't his strong point. Fearing that Miura would automatically pick the comedy, Takagi, and Mashiro also decide to make a one-shot, Future Watch, and submit it for Manga Treasure without letting Miura know. Rough Draft of Future Watch When they turn in the two manga, Two of Me and Hitman10, their editor Miura, as they feared, chose the comedy manga. Miura also found Future Watch as an entry for Treasure which led to him arguing with the pair. Eventually Miura would let Future Watch be sent to Treasure as he was confident that Hitman10 would still do better. Miura later calls them for their weekly meeting but avoids mentioning Future Watch and Treasure. Mashiro and Takagi both surmise that Future Watch had actually done well. Miura later tells them that due to the quality of the works the editors decided to run both Future Watch and Hitman10 as one-shots, and whichever did better would be serialized. Both Takagi and Mashiro thought Furure Watch would do really well. However, the result was not exactly what they had wanted; although Future Watch ranked ahead of Hitman10 it was still only to achieve 9th place in the reader surveys. The two then met with Miura, who collected tons of data that proved comedy was a more stable manga choice because it held more stable rankings even when not highly placed. Takagi agreed with the presented data but Mashiro still argued against doing a comedy as he thought Takagi was more suited to darker mangas. This led to another argument in which Miura stated that they should split up, enraging Takagi. However once they realize how serious Miura was they forgave him and decide to make a comedy manga, however they did not want to do Hitman10. This lead to the creation of Run, Daihatsu Tanto! Run, Daihatsu Tanto Early Version of Run, Daihatsu Tanto A gag manga run by Ashirogi Muto after Trap has ended. At first, Tanto received positive critics from the editors and readers. However, over time, it was slowly outrun by Niizuma Eiji's Crow. Moreover, +Natural also outrun it. They tried to do a lot more change in Tanto, but it's no use
. Its downfall makes Eiji didn't want to read it again. After a depression and pressure, Mashiro called Azuki, yelling that he wants to quit Tanto because there's no hope in surpassing Eiji if they keep on serializing Tanto. With Takagi's consent, the paid Jump a visit and made a deal with the Editor in Chief that they would end their series and spend the next six months coming up with new one-shots for the remaining three serialization meetings they are contracted for. Following advice from both Hattori and Miura, Mashiro and Takagi become wondering on what to do for their next manga. The first two one-shots were a flop, leading to them wondering on what qualified as "serious comedy". This lead to them tailing Hattori on his day off to find him meeting with Iwase, whom tried expressing her feelings to him. Both Mashiro and Takagi knew this was a serious matter but couldn't help but find it amusing. This lead them to figuring out what was a serious comedy. Perfect Crime Party Love Fiesta Love Fiesta is a romance one shot created by Moritaka Mashiro ( he's using his pen name though). He wanted to do a one shot because he wanted to get another series because PCP could not get an anime. Mashiro told Takagi that he wanted to do it alone. 5 days later he had no ideas at all. He was thinking about how Fukuda loved motorcycles so he made Road Racer Giri and how Shun loved his dog and he made Rabuta & Peace. He was spaced out all day until he realized what he loved most, Azuki. Stuck on ideas for his love manga Mashiro calls Azuki. Though shy at first, he explains that his rivaling Eiji and Iwase. Azuki reveals that she fell in love with him at first sight and tells him that she'll assist him in any way to make his love story. Reversi vs. Zombie Gun Reversi is a story with two protagonists who have conflicting ideologies. Powered by the black demon Schwarz and the white demon Weiss these middle school lead characters face each other. It is unclear about who is good and who is bad which makes it interesting. On the other hand, Zombie Gun is a supernatural story about a zombie with human feelings desiring to become human once again. When it came time for the Editor in Chief to choose a new manga to become an anime to replace Crow following its end, Reversi was choosen over Zombie Gun; the dream became half-way completed. Eventually, rumors are started by accident about his relationship with Azuki due to a blunder by Ririka on a blog post. Although the post was quickly removed, his former classmate, Ishizawa, aids fuel to the fire, which escalates the rumors to newspaper-worthy news. Moritaka is less than affected by this, but Akito is very worried as it might prevent Moritaka's dream from coming true. Unexpectedly, Fukuda goes on radio after hearing about their relationship and spreads the truth (while shaming the listeners that thought poorly of Miho), much to both Moritaka's and Azuki's delight; Moritaka later told Fukuda (who was worried that both Azuki and Moritaka were mad at him) that they were both grateful for what he did. When Miho was to go on the radio to deny their love, Moritaka was surprised that she boldly told the listeners everything about their relationship. However, Miho was slowly losing confidence with each call she responded to. On Miho's last call response, Moritaka called the station himself and told the listeners that he believed Miho would get the role of Naho with her own skill.. Moritaka later gave his consent to have a public audition for the role of Naho in order for everyone to see Azuki's talent and believed that even if the role was chosen based on popularity, Azuki would surpass everyone Through her determination. The Dream Fullfilled Eiji Niizuma (To Akito Takagi) "You won't become a mangaka. The only ones who make it are a tiny percentage of those with talent, True Geniuses; the other percent are just... Gamblers." [1] (To Miho Azuki) "So, if that dream ever comes true, WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" [2][3] (To Aki
ion" because of religious freedom?: ""A member of the Satanic Temple in Missouri is challenging a state law... [on] abortion... saying it violates the member's religious freedom." (Associated Press, "Satanic Temple challenges Missouri abortion law," April 10, 2019) Posted by Fred Martinez at 8:52 PM No comments: Communion for Adulterers Mirus shrieks that Taylor... How many Dr. Kwasniewskis does it take to Change a... CNSNews: Trump White House "'Spiritual Cleansing'.... Pope Francis, Ocasio-Cortez, Abortionist One-World... Francis Declares himself Complicit to Abortion "As... Why do Cowardly Anti-Open Letter Catholics & Sedev... Renew America: Alabama Law "Allow[s] all Abortions... Why are Shea & all his Leftist Catholic Journalist... Why Is the Remnant's Matt Sounding like Jimmy Akin... Is Anti-Open Letter Taylor Marshall calling Doctor... Does Anti-Open Letter Fr. Harrison Believe that Va... Are Most Anti-Open Letter Catholic Conservatives A... Did the Great Cardinal Newman Believe Francis's Li... Are all Liberals Modernist & are Most Conservative... The Evidence that Pope Francis is a Modernist "Groundbreaking" Francis New Law Joke: Bishops Rep... Francis says only "Seems to Contradict Traditional... How to Pray the Rosary & Pray at All Times in the ... Could the Brilliant Philosopher Feser be Wrong abo... Fr. Rutler Challenges Akins to Debate the World Re... The Catholic Resistance in this Time of Cowardice ... Does Fr. Harrison Think Francis's "Authentic Magis... Getting a few Laughs as Lawler, Condon & Akin in A... Taylor Marshall calls 19 Scholars "Practically Sed... 18 Heroes & Renowned Theologian Nichols's: "Hereti... Exclusive: Whistles pulls the plug on menswear 4 February 2019By Isabella Fish Whistles is axing its menswear range, Drapers can reveal. The premium retailer confirmed that the autumn 18 menswear collection, which is still available on its website, is its last. The collection is being heavily discounted. A spokeswoman for Whistles told Drapers it is stopping menswear “in order to focus fully on continuing the growth of its successful womenswear business”. It comes after Whistles revealed earlier this month that it returned to profit in the year to 31 March 2018, driven by strong sales growth and a cost-cutting programme that included the closure of loss-making stores. Whistles launched menswear in 2014, and opened its first dedicated store for the range in March 2016. The menswear-only stores have now closed. One source close to the brand told Drapers that all of its menswear staff had moved over to womenswear, adding: ”The [men’s] line just didn’t work.” Another said there “just wasn’t enough interest” and “it [Whistles’ menswear] was losing money”. Whistles is part of TFG London, which also owns Hobbs and Phase Eight. whistes Whistles turnover up as profits drop Womenswear brand Whistles has reported a 7% year-on year rise in turnover to £73.4m for the year to 31 March, driven by new store and concession openings. More retailers succumb to divisive Black Friday 3 December 2019Hywel Roberts, Isabella Fish More UK retailers than ever before participated in Black Friday this year in the face of tough trading, despite growing concern about the discounting day’s impact. Peacocks suppliers owed millions in late payments 1 November 2019Isabella Fish Some Peacocks suppliers are owed millions of pounds in late payments from finance company Tradewind, Drapers can reveal, although the value retailer has offered to pay those affected directly. Stitch Fix UK launch
ion" because of religious freedom?: ""A member of the Satanic Temple in Missouri is challenging a state law... [on] abortion... saying it violates the member's religious freedom." (Associated Press, "Satanic Temple challenges Missouri abortion law," April 10, 2019) Posted by Fred Martinez at 8:52 PM No comments: Communion for Adulterers Mirus shrieks that Taylor... How many Dr. Kwasniewskis does it take to Change a... CNSNews: Trump White House "'Spiritual Cleansing'.... Pope Francis, Ocasio-Cortez, Abortionist One-World... Francis Declares himself Complicit to Abortion "As... Why do Cowardly Anti-Open Letter Catholics & Sedev... Renew America: Alabama Law "Allow[s] all Abortions... Why are Shea & all his Leftist Catholic Journalist... Why Is the Remnant's Matt Sounding like Jimmy Akin... Is Anti-Open Letter Taylor Marshall calling Doctor... Does Anti-Open Letter Fr. Harrison Believe that Va... Are Most Anti-Open Letter Catholic Conservatives A... Did the Great Cardinal Newman Believe Francis's Li... Are all Liberals Modernist & are Most Conservative... The Evidence that Pope Francis is a Modernist "Groundbreaking" Francis New Law Joke: Bishops Rep... Francis says only "Seems to Contradict Traditional... How to Pray the Rosary & Pray at All Times in the ... Could the Brilliant Philosopher Feser be Wrong abo... Fr. Rutler Challenges Akins to Debate the World Re... The Catholic Resistance in this Time of Cowardice ... Does Fr. Harrison Think Francis's "Authentic Magis... Getting a few Laughs as Lawler, Condon & Akin in A... Taylor Marshall calls 19 Scholars "Practically Sed... 18 Heroes & Renowned Theologian Nichols's: "Hereti... Exclusive: Whistles pulls the plug on menswear 4 February 2019By Isabella Fish Whistles is axing its menswear range, Drapers can reveal. The premium retailer confirmed that the autumn 18 menswear collection, which is still available on its website, is its last. The collection is being heavily discounted. A spokeswoman for Whistles told Drapers it is stopping menswear “in order to focus fully on continuing the growth of its successful womenswear business”. It comes after Whistles revealed earlier this month that it returned to profit in the year to 31 March 2018, driven by strong sales growth and a cost-cutting programme that included the closure of loss-making stores. Whistles launched menswear in 2014, and opened its first dedicated store for the range in March 2016. The menswear-only stores have now closed. One source close to the brand told Drapers that all of its menswear staff had moved over to womenswear, adding: ”The [men’s] line just didn’t work.” Another said there “just wasn’t enough interest” and “it [Whistles’ menswear] was losing money”. Whistles is part of TFG London, which also owns Hobbs and Phase Eight. whistes Whistles turnover up as profits drop Womenswear brand Whistles has reported a 7% year-on year rise in turnover to £73.4m for the year to 31 March, driven by new store and concession openings. More retailers succumb to divisive Black Friday 3 December 2019Hywel Roberts, Isabella Fish More UK retailers than ever before participated in Black Friday this year in the face of tough trading, despite growing concern about the discounting day’s impact. Peacocks suppliers owed millions in late payments 1 November 2019Isabella Fish Some Peacocks suppliers are owed millions of pounds in late payments from finance company Tradewind, Drapers can reveal, although the value retailer has offered to pay those affected directly. Stitch Fix UK launch
es in-house brands 3 October 2019Isabella Fish Online personal styling service Stitch Fix UK has today launched five in-house women’s and menswear labels for the first time. A Netflix cofounder describes the company's 'unbelievably ridiculous' early pitches and why they worked The Netflix cofounder Marc Randolph at an event in Phoenix. Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons/ The Netflix cofounder Marc Randolph — the author of "That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea" — described to Business Insider the streaming giant's early pitches. The early pitches from the late 1990s positioned Netflix as an online video store where people could buy and rent DVDs by mail. They touted Netflix's convenience and said it had "everything" on DVD. But Randolph said the pitches weren't really about the ideas. "Your idea is wrong," Randolph said. "The real skill is how clever you can be about figuring out a quick and easy and cheap way to demonstrate your idea is viable." Click here for more BI Prime stories. Netflix is nearly unrecognizable today compared with the video store presented in its early pitches, as its cofounder Marc Randolph described to Business Insider in an interview. The entrepreneur, who was also Netflix's first CEO, dug through the company's early archives as research for his book, "That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea," due out on Tuesday. Netflix pitched itself as a video store when it launched in 1998. It touted its convenience and comprehensive DVD collection. Today, DVDs are a minuscule part of the business of Netflix, which streams TV and movies globally and is expected to spend as much as $15 billion on content this year. But the idea wasn't what landed Netflix investors, Randolph said. "Your idea is garbage," Randolph said. "Your idea is wrong. The real skill is how clever you can be about figuring out a quick and easy and cheap way to demonstrate your idea is viable." The early pitches to investors, employees, and other stakeholders positioned Netflix as video store Netflix's early pitches to investors, employees, and other stakeholders in the late 1990s set the company up as a video store. It had due dates and late fees like any other. But Netflix would save you the drive to the store each week by allowing you to place your orders online and receive the titles by mail. The company also touted its comprehensive collection of DVDs. Randolph said Netflix made a point to get every title that was available on DVD at the time — about 970 in all — so it could say it carried every movie put on DVD. "We were able to say we have everything," Randolph said. "We hoped that that convenience and that selection would be enough to offset the fact that you had to wait 48 hours for your disc to arrive." Randolph told employees in May 1998 that Netflix aspired to be one of the 10 largest video chains within three years. "Which of course was pathetically small," Randolph said. "It's still funny to think how unbelievably ridiculous it would have been the point to Netflix then, and say, well look at what it is now." 'It's all about the person — it's not about the idea' It wasn't the ideas in the pitches that made them successful, Randolph said. It was about showing that he could make the ideas work. "It's all about the person — it's not about the idea," Randolph said. "What you really have to demonstrate is that you recognize you're going to try a lot of things. You have to demonstrate you have the persistence to keep trying but you have the creativity to keep coming up with new ideas." When pitching Netflix, Randolph and his cofounder Reed Hastings, who hit on the idea of mailing DVDs during their daily brainstorming sessions while carpooling in Santa Cruz, California, would tell the story of how they tested the idea by buying a Patsy Cline CD at the used record store, dropping it
court found that a laboratory that manufactures, grows, tests, or handles ultra-hazardous materials owed a duty of reasonable care to members of the general public to avoid an unauthorized interception and dissemination of the materials when an unknown individual mailed anthrax that caused the death of a member of the public. United States v. Stevens, 994 So. 2d 1062 (Fla. 2008). The Court did not address causation, but clearly stated that an allegation against the laboratory was “sufficient to open the courthouse doors.” [2] Bodenheimer v. S. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., 209 Ga. App. 248, 433 S.E.2d 75 (1993). [3] “The question of negligence must be determined according to what should reasonably have been anticipated, in the exercise of ordinary care, as likely to happen.” Swanson v. Choate, 108 Ga. App. 152, 153, 132 S.E.2d 246, 248 (1963); See also, Rowland v. Christian (1968) 69 Cal.2d 108, 119 (superseded by statute on a different issue). [4] Johnson v. Green Growth 1, LLC, 305 Ga. App. 134, 699 S.E.2d 109 (2010); Preston v. Goldman (1986) 42 Cal.3d 108, 123; Wagner v. State of California (1978) 86 Cal.App.3d 922, 927. [5] Delon Hampton & Associates, Chartered v. Superior Court, 227 Cal. App. 4th 250, 255, 173 Cal. Rptr. 3d 407, 411, 2014 Cal. App. LEXIS 545, *5, 2014 WL 2810192. [6] In Texas, courts have found that an employer who knew of an employee's infectious disease and agreed to quarantine the employee has a duty of ordinary care to prevent the employee from communicating the disease to other persons. Mo., K. & T. R. Co. v. Wood, 95 Tex. 223, 66 S.W. 449 (1902). [7] In Alabama, courts have found that a lessor acted reasonably when the lessor disinfected the premises upon learning that a prior lessee with Scarlet Fever occupied the premise. Finney v. Steele, 148 Ala. 197, 41 So. 976 (1906). [8] In Florida, courts have found that cruise ships do not have a duty to prevent the outbreak of Norovirus when there is evidence of food safety and sanitary practices that adhere to FDA guidelines, and hand washing guidelines promulgated by CDC such as rubbing hands together with soap and water prior to preparing food. Davis v. Cruise Operator, Inc., No. 16-cv-62391, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111860 (S.D. Fla. July 18, 2017). [9] In Virginia, courts have found that it was an issue of fact as to whether a sheriff acted reasonably when she argued that she acted appropriately by bringing an overcrowding problem to the attention of city officials when a jail inmate contracted meningitis in a jail. The sheriff had run an overcrowded, poorly ventilated, and unsanitary jail despite knowing that an overcrowded jail would spread contagious diseases. Brown v. Mitchell, 327 F. Supp. 2d 615 (E.D. Va. 2004). Although the court was examining the sheriff’s actions under gross negligence, the case still provides guidance on what is reasonable in certain circumstances. [10] However, exercise caution when
court found that a laboratory that manufactures, grows, tests, or handles ultra-hazardous materials owed a duty of reasonable care to members of the general public to avoid an unauthorized interception and dissemination of the materials when an unknown individual mailed anthrax that caused the death of a member of the public. United States v. Stevens, 994 So. 2d 1062 (Fla. 2008). The Court did not address causation, but clearly stated that an allegation against the laboratory was “sufficient to open the courthouse doors.” [2] Bodenheimer v. S. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., 209 Ga. App. 248, 433 S.E.2d 75 (1993). [3] “The question of negligence must be determined according to what should reasonably have been anticipated, in the exercise of ordinary care, as likely to happen.” Swanson v. Choate, 108 Ga. App. 152, 153, 132 S.E.2d 246, 248 (1963); See also, Rowland v. Christian (1968) 69 Cal.2d 108, 119 (superseded by statute on a different issue). [4] Johnson v. Green Growth 1, LLC, 305 Ga. App. 134, 699 S.E.2d 109 (2010); Preston v. Goldman (1986) 42 Cal.3d 108, 123; Wagner v. State of California (1978) 86 Cal.App.3d 922, 927. [5] Delon Hampton & Associates, Chartered v. Superior Court, 227 Cal. App. 4th 250, 255, 173 Cal. Rptr. 3d 407, 411, 2014 Cal. App. LEXIS 545, *5, 2014 WL 2810192. [6] In Texas, courts have found that an employer who knew of an employee's infectious disease and agreed to quarantine the employee has a duty of ordinary care to prevent the employee from communicating the disease to other persons. Mo., K. & T. R. Co. v. Wood, 95 Tex. 223, 66 S.W. 449 (1902). [7] In Alabama, courts have found that a lessor acted reasonably when the lessor disinfected the premises upon learning that a prior lessee with Scarlet Fever occupied the premise. Finney v. Steele, 148 Ala. 197, 41 So. 976 (1906). [8] In Florida, courts have found that cruise ships do not have a duty to prevent the outbreak of Norovirus when there is evidence of food safety and sanitary practices that adhere to FDA guidelines, and hand washing guidelines promulgated by CDC such as rubbing hands together with soap and water prior to preparing food. Davis v. Cruise Operator, Inc., No. 16-cv-62391, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111860 (S.D. Fla. July 18, 2017). [9] In Virginia, courts have found that it was an issue of fact as to whether a sheriff acted reasonably when she argued that she acted appropriately by bringing an overcrowding problem to the attention of city officials when a jail inmate contracted meningitis in a jail. The sheriff had run an overcrowded, poorly ventilated, and unsanitary jail despite knowing that an overcrowded jail would spread contagious diseases. Brown v. Mitchell, 327 F. Supp. 2d 615 (E.D. Va. 2004). Although the court was examining the sheriff’s actions under gross negligence, the case still provides guidance on what is reasonable in certain circumstances. [10] However, exercise caution when
doing so because in some jurisdictions, such as Arizona, courts have found that when a premise owner implements procedures to prevent the spread of bacteria, and then does not follow its own procedures, it is a failure to exercise due care. See Sudbeck v. Sunstone Hotel Props., No. 2:04-cv-1535 JWS, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 110734 (D. Ariz. Aug. 23, 2006). Mirna J. Scheffy Our national litigation team is helping businesses across the U.S. navigate unprecedented legal challenges. © 2022 Hawkins Parnell & Young LLP, All Rights Reserved. Website by Great Jakes Follow Us: Home | About Us | History St. Mary-Basha Catholic School History St. Mary-Basha Catholic School has a rich history of providing excellent Catholic formation to students in the Chandler and surrounding communities. The school opened in 1944 on Williams Field Road in south Chandler. Father Joseph Patterson became pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Chandler in 1938. He and Joe Martinez, a parishioner, built the first four classrooms next to the church on the Williams Field Road site. In 1944 the school opened with Sister Mary Felix Clarey as the first principal. Four additional Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill staffed the school in the beginning and served 123 students. In the late 1940’s, classrooms were added that brought St. Mary’s up to eighth grade. In 1963, Mr. Ed Basha recognized the need for extensive repairs on the school building. He built a new school on property he obtained on West Galveston Street. The new school opened in 1964, with the name Basha added to the title. The school was dedicated in a special ceremony by the Bishop in front of the new classrooms. Then, Mr. Adolph Weinberg financed the construction of a convent on the grounds adjacent to the school. The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill maintained a strong presence in the school throughout the years. In 1984, Sister Mary Norbert Long left her position as Superintendent of Tucson Catholic Schools to become principal at St. Mary-Basha. During her tenure, the school enrollment doubled in size. She also facilitated the expansion of the campus, including construction of several classrooms, a computer lab, library, science lab, a music classroom, and an art room. Sister Mary Norbert worked tirelessly and without pay, to ensure that St. Mary-Basha Catholic School was a loving community of prayer and learning. She instilled high expectations in her teachers and students which elevated our reputation as a school with rigorous academics and strong Catholic identity. Catholic high schools came to expect that St. Mary-Basha graduates would be successful students and leaders among their peers. In recent years, more improvements have taken place on campus. First, the Ramada was enclosed and is now a cafeteria. In 2018, Shea Homes completed a multi-million dollar renovation. St. Mary-Basha Catholic School continues to flourish as a center of spiritual and academic learning in our community. We are still a beacon to young families who want the best well-rounded education for their children. Critical thinking skills are emphasized through our rigorous academic curriculum. Students are exposed to state of the art technology and can participate in various co-curricular activities. We proudly serve over 400 students in grades preschool through eighth. We are accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association with highest commendation. About Oleg Anisimov Oleg Anisimov was born on January 23, 1974 in the USSR. He studied at the Leningrad schools №213 and №525. In 1996 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPbUEF now SPbGEU) in «National economy». 1995-2001 — he worked in the newspaper «Delovoy Peterburg» (owned by Swedish Bonnier Group) as a reporter in finance department, news editor, editor of the daily supplement «Finance». 2001-2002 — business and finance editor of newspaper «Kommersant-Saint-Petersburg
–253. The Journal of Cell Biology 217:21–37. Molecular Biology of the Cell 21:1059–1071. The Journal of Cell Biology 218:433–444. The Journal of Cell Biology 192:295–306. The Journal of Cell Biology 123:275–284. The Journal of Cell Biology 193:333–346. Molecular Biology of the Cell 8:2119–2132. Molecular Biology of the Cell 20:3514–3524. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:43899–43908. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 22:492–498. Molecular Biology of the Cell 22:1375–1388. The Journal of Cell Biology 217:877–894. Thank you for submitting your work article "An ESCRT-LEM protein surveillance system is poised to directly monitor the nuclear envelope and nuclear transport system" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by three peer reviewers, one of whom is a member of our Board of Reviewing Editors, and the evaluation has been overseen by Vivek Malhotra as the Senior Editor. Thaller et al. address the question of how the nuclear envelope (NE) recognizes and repairs damage that has occurred as a result of mechanical tears of the NE or as a result of mis-assembly of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The authors present evidence that nuclear transport maintains the protein Heh1 on the nuclear side of the NE, and Chm7 – a component of the ESCRT-III membrane remodeling and scission complex – in the cytoplasm. The authors' previous work (Webster et al., 2014 and 2016) established the link between Chm7 and Heh1. In the present manuscript, Heh1 is shown to be required for Chm7 accumulation at nuclear membrane foci, which is taken as an indication of Chm7 activation at the NE – the term 'activation' implies Chm7 polymerization within the larger framework of ESCRT-III, but the nature of this activation beyond accumulation of Chm7 at foci is not developed. A novel light microscopy assay developed by the authors shows that disruption of the NE or of NPC function allows Heh1 and Chm7 to meet locally at the site of disruption and initiate local membrane remodeling. Collectively, the data suggest that recruitment of Chm7 to the sites of Heh1 exposure and subsequent ESCRT-III-dependent membrane sealing represents a surveillance mechanism to repair NE damage and restore nucleocytoplasmic integrity. 1) The title focuses on LEM, but the action is via WH domains. Consider dropping "LEM domain" from the title and/or working "WH domain" into the title in some manner. 2) By fusing NES2 and the whole NES1-NES2 region to GFP, the authors conclude that the NES2 alone is not sufficient for efficient export, whereas the full NES1-NES2 region is export-proficient. As described in the Discussion, a potential MIM domain overlaps the NES2 in Chm7. Because MIMs are sites in ESCRT-III proteins that bind associated factors (most notably, the Vps4 ATPase that disassembles ESCRT-III polymers), the MIM-NES2 overlap raises the possibility that binding of other proteins to the Chm7 MIM could influence the binding of Xpo1? An experiment to assess if the NES1 is sufficient to exclude Chm7 from the nucleus would be important to shed light on this question. 3) The MIM motif in Chm7 was described in Bauer et al., 2015. The authors should cite this paper specifically when they describe this motif (paragraph 2 of the Results section). 4) In Figure 1—figure supplement 1A, please cite a reference for the consensus sequence of the MIM motif. 5) In Figure 3, interaction partners of the mutant Chm7(open) protein are described from pul
–253. The Journal of Cell Biology 217:21–37. Molecular Biology of the Cell 21:1059–1071. The Journal of Cell Biology 218:433–444. The Journal of Cell Biology 192:295–306. The Journal of Cell Biology 123:275–284. The Journal of Cell Biology 193:333–346. Molecular Biology of the Cell 8:2119–2132. Molecular Biology of the Cell 20:3514–3524. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:43899–43908. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 22:492–498. Molecular Biology of the Cell 22:1375–1388. The Journal of Cell Biology 217:877–894. Thank you for submitting your work article "An ESCRT-LEM protein surveillance system is poised to directly monitor the nuclear envelope and nuclear transport system" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by three peer reviewers, one of whom is a member of our Board of Reviewing Editors, and the evaluation has been overseen by Vivek Malhotra as the Senior Editor. Thaller et al. address the question of how the nuclear envelope (NE) recognizes and repairs damage that has occurred as a result of mechanical tears of the NE or as a result of mis-assembly of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The authors present evidence that nuclear transport maintains the protein Heh1 on the nuclear side of the NE, and Chm7 – a component of the ESCRT-III membrane remodeling and scission complex – in the cytoplasm. The authors' previous work (Webster et al., 2014 and 2016) established the link between Chm7 and Heh1. In the present manuscript, Heh1 is shown to be required for Chm7 accumulation at nuclear membrane foci, which is taken as an indication of Chm7 activation at the NE – the term 'activation' implies Chm7 polymerization within the larger framework of ESCRT-III, but the nature of this activation beyond accumulation of Chm7 at foci is not developed. A novel light microscopy assay developed by the authors shows that disruption of the NE or of NPC function allows Heh1 and Chm7 to meet locally at the site of disruption and initiate local membrane remodeling. Collectively, the data suggest that recruitment of Chm7 to the sites of Heh1 exposure and subsequent ESCRT-III-dependent membrane sealing represents a surveillance mechanism to repair NE damage and restore nucleocytoplasmic integrity. 1) The title focuses on LEM, but the action is via WH domains. Consider dropping "LEM domain" from the title and/or working "WH domain" into the title in some manner. 2) By fusing NES2 and the whole NES1-NES2 region to GFP, the authors conclude that the NES2 alone is not sufficient for efficient export, whereas the full NES1-NES2 region is export-proficient. As described in the Discussion, a potential MIM domain overlaps the NES2 in Chm7. Because MIMs are sites in ESCRT-III proteins that bind associated factors (most notably, the Vps4 ATPase that disassembles ESCRT-III polymers), the MIM-NES2 overlap raises the possibility that binding of other proteins to the Chm7 MIM could influence the binding of Xpo1? An experiment to assess if the NES1 is sufficient to exclude Chm7 from the nucleus would be important to shed light on this question. 3) The MIM motif in Chm7 was described in Bauer et al., 2015. The authors should cite this paper specifically when they describe this motif (paragraph 2 of the Results section). 4) In Figure 1—figure supplement 1A, please cite a reference for the consensus sequence of the MIM motif. 5) In Figure 3, interaction partners of the mutant Chm7(open) protein are described from pul
ldowns. Heh1 is the top hit (along with ESCRT-III components), but Heh2 is not found as an interaction partner. However, the authors' previous work in Webster et al., 2016, established that the N-terminal domain of Heh2 (a homolog of Heh1) can directly interact with the Chm7 C-terminal domain in vitro. Why is Heh2 not detected as a binding partner in vivo? Are Heh2 levels too low to detect; is there no in-vivo binding possible; or does Heh2 never meet Chm7? Additionally, in Figure 5 the authors show that the WH domain of Heh1 is required for the activation of Chm7. Because Heh2 also contains a WH domain, can we assume that (theoretically) Heh2 is also able to activate Chm7? The authors can do a better job discussing this. 6) The authors should take the opportunity here to expand upon the likely relationship between the NE herniations they observe and those implicated by the Budnik lab in no-NPC mediated RNA export? There is some significant confusion in the field on this point. 7) Figure 3D, bottom row: please indicate more clearly the channel are we looking at, red or green. 8) Figure 3E: Vps60 and Ist1 mutants were also tested according to the figure but are not mentioned anywhere in the text. Why were they chosen and what do the authors conclude from the microscopy? 9) Figure 5: the caption does not cover the contents of panel A and B of this figure at all. Please, rephrase the caption. 10) Subsection “Chm7 binds to an INM platform”, last paragraph – about Vps20: for clarity, add a sentence about why, in vps20-deleted cells, Vps4-GFP is no longer in cytosolic puncta and has increased levels at the Chm7(open) locus. Is it because Vps20 is the endosomal binding partner of Vps4, and by deleting it, more Vps4 is available for binding at the NE? 11) Subsection “Fluorescence ESCRT Targeting and Activation (FETA) Assay”, last paragraph – Figure 5C and D: When Heh1(703-834) is expressed, Chm7-GFP is cytosolic. Is it located at the ER? 12)"there are obvious parallels between morphologies at INM, plasma membrane and endosomes." To make the Discussion an easier read, please explain these obvious parallels in a bit more detail. What was observed in these cited papers? 13) Discussion, fourth paragraph – please correct: accumulation of Chm7 in vps4d pom152d cells, not vps4d only. 14) Discussion, fifth paragraph: in the first line it is stated that the size of the necks at evaginations and herniations is suggestive of the presence of a spiraling polymer as observed in vitro and in vivo. To clarify this statement, it would be good to make explicit what McCullough et al. observed and with what proteins. 15) Typo, "where the mechanism (of) Chm7 recruitment and activation can be decoupled." 16) How is ER distinguished from outer nuclear membrane herniations in tomograms? The authors imply ER membrane as a source involved in repair. 17) If Chm7 is not required for the NE membrane remodeling (as seen in apq12- chm7-double deleted cells) how could the open-mutant active form of Chm7 on its own induce the membrane dynamics seen by tomography? In essence, Chm7 is not needed for this event to occur, but Chm7 induces it. Somehow, that logic needs to be fleshed out. 18) The accumulation of Chm7 at foci in Figure 1C would be more obvious with arrowheads noting a couple of these instances. 19) Why is the bottom row of images in Figure 1C displayed differently than the 2 upper rows? 20) The conclusion regarding the NLS of Lem2 in Kralt et al. is not as described in the manuscript. Kralt et al. found that the NLS of Lem2 is NOT like those of Heh1 or Heh2. Only that of
year-old Cayla Campos, who was fatally shot while playing the game, by making her favorite Pokemon their best friend. Smangaliso Simelane (21 published articles) Smangaliso Simelane spends most of her time writing. When he’s not working with his fantasy world, he’s writing about video games. More from Smangaliso Simelane https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-events-raids-spotlight-december-2021/ All in-game events will take place in December 2021 sportsasff Serie A live streams, fixtures, odds: How to watch Roma, Inter, Atlanta, Napoli and more this week Ultra Deluxe will actually launch in early 2022 One big prediction for every major eSports in 2022 PS Plus Free Games for November 2021 Losing GTA Online May Have Set off A Chain Reaction MTG Out of Time Superdrop Secret Lair: Cards, prices, bundles, and release dates RDR2 Sheriff is One of the Most Dangerous Characters in the Game INR 10,00,000 Cosmic Byte God Mode BGMI Event Announced Massachusetts Daily Collegian Env. & Tech. Commemorating Black History Collegian Editorials The Collegian News Hour The Collegian Sports Podcast Kevin Schuster’s MMA Show Ugly Campus UMass Cursed Scrolling Headlines Student organizations prepare for Advocacy Day By Joseph Carstairs (Collegian File Photo) The Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts, along with other students and organizations, will go to the Massachusetts State House Great Hall of Flags on March 7 to advocate for additional funding towards higher education. The fifth annual gathering will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. According to Natalie Higgins, executive director of PHENOM, those who register online “will be getting updates and resources to help them on Advocacy Day, as well as information about the campus week of action from Feb. 29 to March 4.” The campus “week of action” will consist of different themes revolving around getting students ready for Advocacy Day, such as how to lobby and information on the issues involved. Aiding in Advocacy Day are two University of Massachusetts registered student organizations: the Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group and the Center for Education Policy and Advocacy. Charlotte Kelly, communications and outreach director for CEPA, says their group’s interest in Advocacy Day stems from a belief that “student power” is a “mechanism for change.” MASSPIRG Chapter Chair Lucas Gutterman said their biggest goal leading up to the event is “recruitment, recruitment, recruitment. We just need a lot of people to show up, because it shows administrators that we are listening.” “The purpose of Advocacy Day is for us to show up at the budgeting process,” Kelly explained. “Every year UMass is allocated a budget from the State House. Basically, it’s proposed by the governor and then the house and the senate can propose their budgets as well. So our role is to ask for the highest amount of money that has been proposed for us.” “We need state funding now more than ever… and it’s really tapered off,” Gutterman said. “What that does is it puts a huge burden on students to fund the University through tuition fees.” This is the first year that Advocacy Day will involve a plea for free education, an idea not thought possible in years past. Gutterman gives thanks to a surge in pro-affordable education politics like Obama’s free community college plan for making this idea even possible. Gutterman said that after Advocacy Day, there will be a reception at the UMass Club in Boston at 4 p.m. “All the legislators are invited,” he said. “There’s going to be undergraduate students presenting research and we’re going to get to talk one-on-one with legislators and show them what we’re actually doing.” Gutterman believes that lobbying senators for increased funding for the UMass system is “the most effective way that we have at our disposal right now to tackle the student debt crisis.” Joseph Carstairs can be reached at [email protected
year-old Cayla Campos, who was fatally shot while playing the game, by making her favorite Pokemon their best friend. Smangaliso Simelane (21 published articles) Smangaliso Simelane spends most of her time writing. When he’s not working with his fantasy world, he’s writing about video games. More from Smangaliso Simelane https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-events-raids-spotlight-december-2021/ All in-game events will take place in December 2021 sportsasff Serie A live streams, fixtures, odds: How to watch Roma, Inter, Atlanta, Napoli and more this week Ultra Deluxe will actually launch in early 2022 One big prediction for every major eSports in 2022 PS Plus Free Games for November 2021 Losing GTA Online May Have Set off A Chain Reaction MTG Out of Time Superdrop Secret Lair: Cards, prices, bundles, and release dates RDR2 Sheriff is One of the Most Dangerous Characters in the Game INR 10,00,000 Cosmic Byte God Mode BGMI Event Announced Massachusetts Daily Collegian Env. & Tech. Commemorating Black History Collegian Editorials The Collegian News Hour The Collegian Sports Podcast Kevin Schuster’s MMA Show Ugly Campus UMass Cursed Scrolling Headlines Student organizations prepare for Advocacy Day By Joseph Carstairs (Collegian File Photo) The Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts, along with other students and organizations, will go to the Massachusetts State House Great Hall of Flags on March 7 to advocate for additional funding towards higher education. The fifth annual gathering will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. According to Natalie Higgins, executive director of PHENOM, those who register online “will be getting updates and resources to help them on Advocacy Day, as well as information about the campus week of action from Feb. 29 to March 4.” The campus “week of action” will consist of different themes revolving around getting students ready for Advocacy Day, such as how to lobby and information on the issues involved. Aiding in Advocacy Day are two University of Massachusetts registered student organizations: the Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group and the Center for Education Policy and Advocacy. Charlotte Kelly, communications and outreach director for CEPA, says their group’s interest in Advocacy Day stems from a belief that “student power” is a “mechanism for change.” MASSPIRG Chapter Chair Lucas Gutterman said their biggest goal leading up to the event is “recruitment, recruitment, recruitment. We just need a lot of people to show up, because it shows administrators that we are listening.” “The purpose of Advocacy Day is for us to show up at the budgeting process,” Kelly explained. “Every year UMass is allocated a budget from the State House. Basically, it’s proposed by the governor and then the house and the senate can propose their budgets as well. So our role is to ask for the highest amount of money that has been proposed for us.” “We need state funding now more than ever… and it’s really tapered off,” Gutterman said. “What that does is it puts a huge burden on students to fund the University through tuition fees.” This is the first year that Advocacy Day will involve a plea for free education, an idea not thought possible in years past. Gutterman gives thanks to a surge in pro-affordable education politics like Obama’s free community college plan for making this idea even possible. Gutterman said that after Advocacy Day, there will be a reception at the UMass Club in Boston at 4 p.m. “All the legislators are invited,” he said. “There’s going to be undergraduate students presenting research and we’re going to get to talk one-on-one with legislators and show them what we’re actually doing.” Gutterman believes that lobbying senators for increased funding for the UMass system is “the most effective way that we have at our disposal right now to tackle the student debt crisis.” Joseph Carstairs can be reached at [email protected
] Charlotte Kelly lucas gutterman Massachusetts State House Great Hall of Flags MassPIRG Natalie Higgins Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts UMass Club UMass loses the battle down low falling to Rhode Island UMass fights back but falls to URI 66-58 on the road Mitski starts the new year with ‘Love Me More’ release Animated film, ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ looks at the effects of technology and social media Swim and Dive: UMass defeats Bryant on senior day UMass women’s basketball escapes Richmond with a thrilling overtime victory Kesin: Stop acting like the Minutewomen’s success is new UMass men’s basketball headed into matchup with Rhode Island winless in conference play UMass women’s hockey’s three-day weekend out west results in a 2-1 record UMass updates face covering requirements ahead of spring semester The Student News Site of University of Massachusetts – Daily Collegian All Massachusetts Daily Collegian Picks Reader Picks Sort: Newest 5 takeaways from Suns showdown victory over Warriors to tie franchise record for consecutive wins A hamstring injury kept Devin Booker sidelined in the second half, but he cheered from the bench. Jordan Poole hit six 3s, but Phoenix limited Stephen Curry to 12 points on 4-of 21 shooting (3-of-14 from 3). Landry Shamet was cooler than ice cold, but hit a huge 3 that drew the loudest roar from the sellout crowd of 17,071 at Footprint Center. And Chris Paul closed out another Suns victory Tuesday night that tied a franchise record for consecutive wins in the most anticipated regular-season game in recent history. Without their leading scorer, Phoenix pulled away from the Warriors, 104-96, in a battle of the league's top two teams. The Suns (18-3) have now won 17 games in a row to tie a franchise record set in the 2006-07 season and ended a seven-game win streak for the Warriors (18-3). Phoenix forced 23 turnovers that led to 19 points and scored 23 off 15 offensive rebounds. The two teams will meet again Friday in San Francisco. Here are five takeaways from Tuesday's game: 1. With two of the top three defensive teams in the league on display, shots weren't going to be easy to come by. That was definitely the case Tuesday night. Contested looks. Contact on drives. Both teams showed toughness in battling through it, which is why they'll be in the championship conversation this season. But Phoenix made the defensive stops at the end of the game. From forcing a 24-second violation to Mikal Bridges reaching over Draymond Green to steal the entry pass from Curry to Jae Crowder and Deandre Ayton getting steals late, Phoenix won with defense. 2. With Booker out, Suns needed someone to pick up the scoring slack. Ayton scored 11 points in the second half with eight coming in the fourth quarter to finish with a team-high 24 points to go along with 11 rebounds. Paul scored six in the fourth as he finished with 15 points and 11 assists. The biggest number for him was 40, as in playing 40 minutes. Sure he's 36 years old in his 17th NBA season? So those two were the stabilizers that set the stage for Crowder and Shamet to hit perhaps two of the biggest 3 of the night in the fourth quarter. 3:47 left: Crowder 3 gives Suns 97-91 lead. The bucket got Monty Williams so excited, he walked onto the court thinking Steve Kerr called a timeout. Kerr didn't and Williams got a technical foul. Is it Shaqtin A Fool time for him? :56.1 left: Shamet 3 put Suns up, 102-92. Shamet was 1-of-6 from deep before connecting on that one. He's been told to stay aggressive. He doesn't always follow those
to Coffina, McClure and D'Amico first met Bobbitt at an off-ramp near a casino they frequented, at least a month before the GoFundMe campaign went live. They went back to the spot a month later, Coffina said. D'Amico took a picture of McClure and Bobbitt that became the face of the GoFundMe campaign that they started hours later, Coffina said. Investigators reviewed more than 67,000 text messages in the case, including one McClure sent to a friend that read, "Okay so wait the gas part is completely made up, but the guy isn't. I had to make something up to make people feel bad." In other texts, the couple discussed their inability to pay bills and their mounting debts. Fighting fraud GoFundMe's spokesman stressed the crowdfunding site is committed to fighting fraud. "It's important to understand that misuse is very rare on our platform," Whithorne said. "Campaigns with misuse make up less than one tenth of one percent of all campaigns. We have a zero tolerance policy for fraudulent behavior. If fraud occurs, donors get refunded and we work with law enforcement officials to recover the money." According to its website, the company has a Trust and Safety team that reviews GoFundMe campaigns around the clock and works to prevent fraud. It also guarantees a refund for donors in case "something isn't right" with a campaign, the site says. 5 Best buddy movie duos Writer: Casey Chong Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in "Central Intelligence". The buddy movie genre is not a Hollywood newbie. After all, it is one of the age-old American genres that have long existed since the 1930s with the classic comedy duo of Laurel and Hardy being the earliest example. Back then, buddy movies were more rigid and conservative whereby two different characters are primarily men of same (white) races. But during the height of the genre in the '80s, the buddy movie format evolved with two characters hailing from different races. The earliest example of such a 'hybrid' in the buddy movie genre during the '80s is Walter Hill's "48 HRS", which paired Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. Fast-forward to the present day, the genre continues to populate cinemas and the latest movie hailing from it is "Central Intelligence", which stars Dwayne Johnson as CIA agent Bob Stone and Kevin Hart as accountant, Calvin Joyner. Let's take a trip down memory lane and look at the five best buddy movie duos ever seen on screen! 1. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, "Lethal Weapon" (1987) Danny Glover and Mel Gibson in "Lethal Weapon". "48 HRS" may have been hailed as the "granddaddy of the buddy movie genre" back in 1982, but "Lethal Weapon" made the genre even more popular five years later. Thanks to the creative input from screenwriter Shane Black and director Richard Donner, "Lethal Weapon" was among the classic examples of how buddy movies that feature two mismatched cops should be made. Of course, this movie wouldn't have worked if not for the timeless pairing of Mel Gibson as the suicidal cop Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as the by-the-book cop, Roger Murtaugh. In fact, both of them became so popular among the critics and viewers that "Lethal Weapon" became a lucrative franchise that spawned three more financially successful sequels. 2. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, "Die Hard With A Vengeance" (1995) Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis in "Die Hard With A Vengeance". The first two "Die Hard" movies during the late '80s and the early '90s featured Bruce Willis as the street-smart cop John McClane, who was often on his own outsmarting a group of terrorists and saving the day. But in "Die Hard With A Vengeance" a.k.a. "Die Hard 3", John McClane wasn't the lone hero this time around as his character was
to Coffina, McClure and D'Amico first met Bobbitt at an off-ramp near a casino they frequented, at least a month before the GoFundMe campaign went live. They went back to the spot a month later, Coffina said. D'Amico took a picture of McClure and Bobbitt that became the face of the GoFundMe campaign that they started hours later, Coffina said. Investigators reviewed more than 67,000 text messages in the case, including one McClure sent to a friend that read, "Okay so wait the gas part is completely made up, but the guy isn't. I had to make something up to make people feel bad." In other texts, the couple discussed their inability to pay bills and their mounting debts. Fighting fraud GoFundMe's spokesman stressed the crowdfunding site is committed to fighting fraud. "It's important to understand that misuse is very rare on our platform," Whithorne said. "Campaigns with misuse make up less than one tenth of one percent of all campaigns. We have a zero tolerance policy for fraudulent behavior. If fraud occurs, donors get refunded and we work with law enforcement officials to recover the money." According to its website, the company has a Trust and Safety team that reviews GoFundMe campaigns around the clock and works to prevent fraud. It also guarantees a refund for donors in case "something isn't right" with a campaign, the site says. 5 Best buddy movie duos Writer: Casey Chong Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in "Central Intelligence". The buddy movie genre is not a Hollywood newbie. After all, it is one of the age-old American genres that have long existed since the 1930s with the classic comedy duo of Laurel and Hardy being the earliest example. Back then, buddy movies were more rigid and conservative whereby two different characters are primarily men of same (white) races. But during the height of the genre in the '80s, the buddy movie format evolved with two characters hailing from different races. The earliest example of such a 'hybrid' in the buddy movie genre during the '80s is Walter Hill's "48 HRS", which paired Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. Fast-forward to the present day, the genre continues to populate cinemas and the latest movie hailing from it is "Central Intelligence", which stars Dwayne Johnson as CIA agent Bob Stone and Kevin Hart as accountant, Calvin Joyner. Let's take a trip down memory lane and look at the five best buddy movie duos ever seen on screen! 1. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, "Lethal Weapon" (1987) Danny Glover and Mel Gibson in "Lethal Weapon". "48 HRS" may have been hailed as the "granddaddy of the buddy movie genre" back in 1982, but "Lethal Weapon" made the genre even more popular five years later. Thanks to the creative input from screenwriter Shane Black and director Richard Donner, "Lethal Weapon" was among the classic examples of how buddy movies that feature two mismatched cops should be made. Of course, this movie wouldn't have worked if not for the timeless pairing of Mel Gibson as the suicidal cop Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as the by-the-book cop, Roger Murtaugh. In fact, both of them became so popular among the critics and viewers that "Lethal Weapon" became a lucrative franchise that spawned three more financially successful sequels. 2. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, "Die Hard With A Vengeance" (1995) Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis in "Die Hard With A Vengeance". The first two "Die Hard" movies during the late '80s and the early '90s featured Bruce Willis as the street-smart cop John McClane, who was often on his own outsmarting a group of terrorists and saving the day. But in "Die Hard With A Vengeance" a.k.a. "Die Hard 3", John McClane wasn't the lone hero this time around as his character was
featured alongside Samuel L. Jackson's Zeus, who played an electrician. No doubt the third movie looked more like a buddy movie, even though it did retain most of its classic "Die Hard" elements. While the story was preposterous, "Die Hard With A Vengeance" remained best known for its memorable pairing between Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. Sure, they cracked a lot of racial slurs that might have felt distasteful to some viewers, however, there was no denying that their chemistry worked like a charm and it made the third movie so much more fun to watch. 3. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, "Men In Black" (1997) Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in "Men In Black". Will Smith was already on the top of the world when he played the cocky hotshot Agent J in the first "Men In Black" movie. After all, the former "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air" star had enjoyed early successes via "Bad Boys" (1995) and "Independence Day" (1996). In "Men In Black", he gave one of his funniest performances to date when he paired alongside Tommy Lee Jones as the stoic veteran Agent K. With Jones making good use of his signature deadpan look to an effective comic effect, the two leads delivered such a terrific chemistry that most of the movie's box-office success was owed to their charming performances. 4. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, "Rush Hour" (1998) Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan in "Rush Hour". Although "Rush Hour" was a formulaic buddy-cop movie that felt like it was done strictly by-the-numbers, it was largely saved by the hilarious pairing of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Jackie Chan was spot-on as the fish-out-of-water HK cop, Detective Inspector Lee and Chris Tucker played the bully LAPD cop, Detective James Carter, who provided most of the movie's memorable comedic moments. The success of "Rush Hour", of course, prompted two more sequels with Chan and Tucker continuing to be the main highlights of these otherwise cliché-ridden movies. 5. Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson, "The Other Guys" (2010) Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson in "The Other Guys". The central pairing of this hilarious buddy movie parody may belong to Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, but "The Other Guys" was particularly memorable for the gleefully over-the-top duo featuring Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson as two hotshot New York cops, Danson and Highsmith. Thanks to their on point performances, they certainly knew how to mock the traditional "tough-cop-with-bada** attitude" stereotypes to a hilariously absurd level of epic proportions. "Central Intelligence" is now showing in cinemas. Cinema Online, 26 June 2016 Central Intelligence (16 Jun 2016) Dwayne Johnson to sing in "Moana" The "Hercules" actor is set to lend his voice in the upcoming Disney animated film "Moana" as the legendary demi-God Maui Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are 2016 MTV Movie Awards hosts The "Central Intelligence" stars will be hosting the fan-fronted award show Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart eye Robin Williams movie remake The "Central Intelligence" co-stars are in talks to join the remake of the classic movie The Rock is playing "the world's first superhero" Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has confirmed that he will be playing the Man of Bronze himself Will Smith's "Bad Boys 3" delayed! New release date and new title given to the third instalment of the "Bad Boys" franchise Kevin Hart is set to star in a comedy movie reboot Funny man Hart has signed on to lead the reboot of a 1988 comedy movie 5 reasons to get excited for "The Hitman's Bodyguard" Besides Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson you mean? Read on! Get triggered by the new "Hitman's Bodyguard" photos New "The Hitman's Bodyguard" still
to grow and take the next step in her career. That’s a wonderful compliment to us all.” Kerr is the ninth player from Australia to play in England, following the likes of Emily Gielnik (Liverpool), Tanya Oxtoby (Doncaster Belles) and Caitlin Friend (Notts County). On Monday, Australia’s Optus Sport signed a three-year deal with exclusive live rights for the WSL, and will broadcast about 50 matches a season in Kerr’s home country. Why was Kerr in demand? There are not many players who can outscore Kerr. She dominated the Australian W-League, which she featured in from October-April with Perth Glory, and the National Women’s Soccer League in the US, where she played for Chicago Red Stars from April-September. Her 70 goals in the W-League are an all-time record and she has finished as top scorer for two successive seasons. Kerr also tops the all-time charts in the NWSL with 69 goals and picked up the Golden Boot for three years in a row – her latest tally of 18 being the highest in a single campaign. Sam Kerr’s stats for Chicago Red Stars She scored 44% of Chicago Red Stars’ total number of goals this season and finished fifth in the league with five assists – after getting 17 goals in 13 appearances for Perth Glory last season. On the international stage she is just as good. With 38 goals in 83 appearances, Kerr sits fourth in the all-time standings. The only player still active with more goals is Australia co-captain Lisa de Vanna (47) who plays for Italian side Fiorentina. Why has she chosen Chelsea? ‘Sam Kerr has scored them all’ – Aussie superstar hits four While Kerr has proven herself in the NWSL and the W-League, she is yet to test herself among Europe’s elite and that might have been a factor in her exclusion from recent player awards. Many of the best players in the world, including Ballon d’Or winner Ada Hegerberg and Uefa Player of the Year Lucy Bronze, are competing in the Champions League with their clubs. Chelsea reached the semi-finals of the competition last year, but finished third in the WSL, meaning they missed out on qualification this year. They are top of the league, a point above champions Arsenal after five games. BBC Sport has launched #ChangeTheGame to showcase female athletes in a way they never have been before. Through more live women’s sport available to watch across the BBC in 2019, complemented by our journalism, we are aiming to turn up the volume on women’s sport and alter perceptions. Find out more here. sash window repairs earls court November 13, 2019 Glaziers Earls Court Tags: Australia, Chelsea, international, joins, Kerr, leaders, Sam, WSL Categories: How one borough helps London’s rough sleepers Bathroom Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Bespoke Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Boarding Up Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Boarding Up Coloured Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Crushed And Cracked Ice Glass Repair In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazed Units Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Installers In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Repairs Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Double Glazing Repairs Double Glazing Window Handles Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Window Locks Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Emergency Glazing Earl’s Court, SW5 Enclosures Glass Table Tops Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Floating Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Cutting Service In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Fitters In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Processing In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Shower Screens Installation Earl’s Court, SW5
to grow and take the next step in her career. That’s a wonderful compliment to us all.” Kerr is the ninth player from Australia to play in England, following the likes of Emily Gielnik (Liverpool), Tanya Oxtoby (Doncaster Belles) and Caitlin Friend (Notts County). On Monday, Australia’s Optus Sport signed a three-year deal with exclusive live rights for the WSL, and will broadcast about 50 matches a season in Kerr’s home country. Why was Kerr in demand? There are not many players who can outscore Kerr. She dominated the Australian W-League, which she featured in from October-April with Perth Glory, and the National Women’s Soccer League in the US, where she played for Chicago Red Stars from April-September. Her 70 goals in the W-League are an all-time record and she has finished as top scorer for two successive seasons. Kerr also tops the all-time charts in the NWSL with 69 goals and picked up the Golden Boot for three years in a row – her latest tally of 18 being the highest in a single campaign. Sam Kerr’s stats for Chicago Red Stars She scored 44% of Chicago Red Stars’ total number of goals this season and finished fifth in the league with five assists – after getting 17 goals in 13 appearances for Perth Glory last season. On the international stage she is just as good. With 38 goals in 83 appearances, Kerr sits fourth in the all-time standings. The only player still active with more goals is Australia co-captain Lisa de Vanna (47) who plays for Italian side Fiorentina. Why has she chosen Chelsea? ‘Sam Kerr has scored them all’ – Aussie superstar hits four While Kerr has proven herself in the NWSL and the W-League, she is yet to test herself among Europe’s elite and that might have been a factor in her exclusion from recent player awards. Many of the best players in the world, including Ballon d’Or winner Ada Hegerberg and Uefa Player of the Year Lucy Bronze, are competing in the Champions League with their clubs. Chelsea reached the semi-finals of the competition last year, but finished third in the WSL, meaning they missed out on qualification this year. They are top of the league, a point above champions Arsenal after five games. BBC Sport has launched #ChangeTheGame to showcase female athletes in a way they never have been before. Through more live women’s sport available to watch across the BBC in 2019, complemented by our journalism, we are aiming to turn up the volume on women’s sport and alter perceptions. Find out more here. sash window repairs earls court November 13, 2019 Glaziers Earls Court Tags: Australia, Chelsea, international, joins, Kerr, leaders, Sam, WSL Categories: How one borough helps London’s rough sleepers Bathroom Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Bespoke Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Boarding Up Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Boarding Up Coloured Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Crushed And Cracked Ice Glass Repair In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazed Units Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Installers In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Repairs Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Double Glazing Repairs Double Glazing Window Handles Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Double Glazing Window Locks Replacement In Earl’s Court, SW5 Emergency Glazing Earl’s Court, SW5 Enclosures Glass Table Tops Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Floating Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Cutting Service In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Fitters In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Processing In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Shower Screens Installation Earl’s Court, SW5
Glass Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Wall Shelves Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glass Worktops Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Glaziers Earl’s Court, SW5, Glazing Glazing Repairs In Earl’s Court, SW5 Kitchen Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Laminated Safety Glass Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Obscured And Privacy Glass Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Painted Glass Splash Backs Installation Earl’s Court, SW5 Polished And Beveled Edge Glass And Mirror Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Replacement Glass Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Replacement Glass Safety Glass Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Sandblasted Glass Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Sash Window Repairs Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Sash Window Repairs Secondary Double-Glazing Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Secondary Glazing Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Splashbacks Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 Structural Glazing In Earl’s Court, SW5 Toughened Safety Glass Installation In Earl’s Court, SW5 UPVC Double Glazing Replacement Earl’s Court, SW5 Window Repairs Earl’s Court, SW5, 24 Hour Emergency Window Repairs Powered by Glaziers Earl's Court, SW5 Last edited 15 Oct 2018 Fitness for purpose in construction Click here to access the Designing Buildings Wiki report Fit for purpose - Big data reveals the construction knowledge gap. 2 Supply of Goods and Services Act 3 Design and build contractors [edit] General The article on reasonable skill and care deals in general terms with the legal obligation of professionals, but what is the position of the contractor or sub-contractor, in particular the design and build contractor? Clearly, if the contract expressly deals with the standard of the contractor's performance then, in the absence of ambiguity, the express terms will determine the extent of the contractor's or sub-contractor's legal obligation. However, if the contract is silent on these matters it has long been held that a contractor, or sub-contractor, who agrees to carry out construction works impliedly warrants (that is to say there is a term implied by law) that they will carry out their works with reasonable skill and care (often referred to as the obligation to carry out the works in a good and workmanlike manner). The standard of performance is the same as reasonable skill and care in negligence. The contractor or sub-contractor also warrants that the materials they supply for the purposes of works will be of a merchantable quality, that is to say good of their kind. This warranty is an absolute warranty and extends to latent defects and it will not help the contractor to show that they have exercised reasonable skill and care in the selection of those materials. In the case of 'Young & Marten Limited v McManus Childs Limited', M were developers of a residential housing estate and Y were a firm of roofing sub-contractors. Y provided an estimate for the supply and laying of certain roof tiles subsequent to which M specified that Y should use a particular roof tile called 'Somerset 13'. These tiles were supplied by only one manufacturer, J. Beale & Co. The tiles supplied by Beale appeared to be sound; however, 12 months after completion of the roofs a large number of tiles began to disintegrate, a consequence of a latent defect. M was sued by the purchasers of the houses and M sought indemnity against Y. At first instance, the court rejected M's submission that there was an implied term that the Somerset 13 tiles should be reasonably fit for their purpose and should be of merchantable quality. On appeal the Court of Appeal held: Unless the circumstances of a particular case suffice to exclude then there will be implied into a contract for the supply of work and materials a term that the materials used will be of merchantable quality and a further term that the materials used will be reasonably fit for the
Chinese solar cell manufacturer, Aiko Solar, announced last Friday that it would invest CNY20 billion ($2.8 billion) in 36 GW of new cell production capacity. New capacity will be added to those of existing factories in Yiwu, Zhejiang. According to Aiko, the capacity expansion plan will be implemented in four phases. Aiko said all the lines would be automatized smart lines and compatible with larger wafer sizes up to 210mm. Chinese Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) capsulation supplier, Hangzhou First Applied Material, signed an agreement with Japanese electronics manufacturer Kyocera Corporation during the 2020 SNEC show in Shanghai. Through the deal, First Applied has secured exclusive patent authorization from Kyocera for anti-acid technology that makes it possible to reduce the degradation of solar cells by suppressing the generation of acid in EVA under ultraviolet sun rays. The two companies said they would work together in researching and development of new capsulation material. Sources close to China's central government told pv magazine that the proposal of issuing bonds to pay renewable energy subsidies had been approved by key governmental departments, including the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) — the country's central bank, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Corporate bonds with a total of no more than CNY140 billion will be issued by the State Grid and China Southern Power Grid as the first source of funding by the end of 2020. The two national state grids are said to be preparing the issuance plans and reporting to their competent authority, China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, for approval. There is still uncertainty about the level of bond interest. Inverter manufacturer Ginlong Solis on Monday released its financial results for the first half of 2020, which show significant increases in both revenue and profits. The company posted an operating income of CNY727 million — 77% more than in the same period a year earlier. Net profit rose to CNY118 million, a 282% increase over the first half of 2019. Vincent Shaw More articles from Vincent Shaw Pingback: China should inspire European officials how to finance a future essential industry | Letter to Chair of the Commission of Social Inclusion and People with Disability of Peru RE: Draft Law for People with Disabilities Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organization dedicated to defending and protecting human rights in more than 90 countries. We have researched the rights of persons with disabilities around the world, including in a number of… Joint Letter to Prime Minister Plenković on Confinement of People with Disabilities October 10, 2018 His Excellency Mr. Andrej Plenković Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Dear Prime Minister Plenković, We, the undersigned organizations of persons… March 1, 2017 News Human Rights Watch Submission on Armenia to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities This memorandum, submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“the Committee”), ahead of its review on Armenia, highlights areas of concern that Human Rights Watch hopes will inform the Committee’s consideration of… Letter to Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović Improving Human Rights Protection Should Continue After Accession Mr. Zoran Milanović Prime Minister Trg Sv. Marka 2, 10 000 Zagreb Croatia June 28, 2013 Re: Improving Human Rights Protection Should Continue After Accession Dear Prime Minister Milanović, I am writing to ask you to ensure that the Croatian government… Letter to Peruvian Congress on Involuntary Detention of Persons With Disabilities Rosa Mávila León President Commission on Social Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Segundo Leocadio Tapia Bernal President Commission on Health and Population We understand the Commission on Health and Population and the Commission on Social… Letter to Croatian Prime Minister Ms. Kosor Regarding a Master Plan for Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Disabilities Dear Prime Minister Kosor, Human Rights Watch and the Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) are writing to express concerns
Chinese solar cell manufacturer, Aiko Solar, announced last Friday that it would invest CNY20 billion ($2.8 billion) in 36 GW of new cell production capacity. New capacity will be added to those of existing factories in Yiwu, Zhejiang. According to Aiko, the capacity expansion plan will be implemented in four phases. Aiko said all the lines would be automatized smart lines and compatible with larger wafer sizes up to 210mm. Chinese Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) capsulation supplier, Hangzhou First Applied Material, signed an agreement with Japanese electronics manufacturer Kyocera Corporation during the 2020 SNEC show in Shanghai. Through the deal, First Applied has secured exclusive patent authorization from Kyocera for anti-acid technology that makes it possible to reduce the degradation of solar cells by suppressing the generation of acid in EVA under ultraviolet sun rays. The two companies said they would work together in researching and development of new capsulation material. Sources close to China's central government told pv magazine that the proposal of issuing bonds to pay renewable energy subsidies had been approved by key governmental departments, including the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) — the country's central bank, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Corporate bonds with a total of no more than CNY140 billion will be issued by the State Grid and China Southern Power Grid as the first source of funding by the end of 2020. The two national state grids are said to be preparing the issuance plans and reporting to their competent authority, China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, for approval. There is still uncertainty about the level of bond interest. Inverter manufacturer Ginlong Solis on Monday released its financial results for the first half of 2020, which show significant increases in both revenue and profits. The company posted an operating income of CNY727 million — 77% more than in the same period a year earlier. Net profit rose to CNY118 million, a 282% increase over the first half of 2019. Vincent Shaw More articles from Vincent Shaw Pingback: China should inspire European officials how to finance a future essential industry | Letter to Chair of the Commission of Social Inclusion and People with Disability of Peru RE: Draft Law for People with Disabilities Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organization dedicated to defending and protecting human rights in more than 90 countries. We have researched the rights of persons with disabilities around the world, including in a number of… Joint Letter to Prime Minister Plenković on Confinement of People with Disabilities October 10, 2018 His Excellency Mr. Andrej Plenković Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Dear Prime Minister Plenković, We, the undersigned organizations of persons… March 1, 2017 News Human Rights Watch Submission on Armenia to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities This memorandum, submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“the Committee”), ahead of its review on Armenia, highlights areas of concern that Human Rights Watch hopes will inform the Committee’s consideration of… Letter to Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović Improving Human Rights Protection Should Continue After Accession Mr. Zoran Milanović Prime Minister Trg Sv. Marka 2, 10 000 Zagreb Croatia June 28, 2013 Re: Improving Human Rights Protection Should Continue After Accession Dear Prime Minister Milanović, I am writing to ask you to ensure that the Croatian government… Letter to Peruvian Congress on Involuntary Detention of Persons With Disabilities Rosa Mávila León President Commission on Social Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Segundo Leocadio Tapia Bernal President Commission on Health and Population We understand the Commission on Health and Population and the Commission on Social… Letter to Croatian Prime Minister Ms. Kosor Regarding a Master Plan for Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Disabilities Dear Prime Minister Kosor, Human Rights Watch and the Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) are writing to express concerns
about Croatia's rate of progress in implementing its commitments concerning the human rights of persons with disabilities. In… Detention Centers Resources Sir Thayne Forbes joins Atkin Chambers Sir Thayne Forbes joins Atkin Chambers News, ADR Sir Thayne Forbes has joined Atkin Chambers as a door tenant following his retirement from the High Court and will be accepting arbitration and other ADR appointments. Following a successful career at the Bar from 1966 to 1990, becoming Queen’s Counsel in 1984, he was made Official Referee from 1990 to 1993. He was then appointed as a High Court Judge and assigned to the Queen’s Bench Division and 2 years later as Presiding Judge of the Northern Circuit until 1999. It was during this time that he conducted the high profile trial of Dr Harold Shipman on fifteen separate counts of murder. None of the convictions of the many criminal trials conducted by Sir Thayne during his long judicial career have ever been successfully appealed. From 2001 to 2004 he was the Judge in charge of the Technology and Construction Court. He was then Chair to the Working Group set up by the Judges’ Council to report on Judicial Welfare and Support in 2005/6 and following the Working Group’s report was asked to Chair the Judges’ Council’s Standing Committee on Judicial Welfare and Support. This committee has produced two further reports. At the request of the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Thayne continues to act as the chair of the Standing Committee and as the person with portfolio responsibility for judicial welfare for England and Wales. He finally retired from the High Court Bench in January 2009. Latin America’s 1st ever black female VP — A Jamaican? Epsy Campbell Barr, vice president of Costa Rica 2018-2022 www.en.wikipedia.org On April 1, when jokesters, pranksters and April foolers of the day tricked family and friends with carefully constructed misdeeds, in the Central American nation of Costa Rica, Epsy Alejandra Campbell Barr was elected the very, first of her race to win the second-most sought after seat in government. Back in the day, on a show dubbed “The A-Team” Mr. T would offer a cautionary response to adversaries saying “Pity the fool,” to anyone doubting his mettle and might. However, the date also marked Easter, the Christian celebration of a resurrection recorded in the Bible as a catalyst to transformation, spiritual reconciliation and atonement. On the Sunday when all the votes were tallied and the final count were announced in the capital city of San Jose, the conservative, evangelical slate headed by Fabricio Alvarado had to concede the fact that he had been defeated and the results were neither an April fool’s joke nor a religious confirmation of his anti-gay stance. An even bigger concession was that a Black, woman — liberal candidate Campbell-Barr won by a landslide to serve with Carlos Alvarado (no relation), president-elect and strong supporter of same-sex marriage and LGBT rights whipped him despite his right-wing preaching and championing the cause of conservatism. The loser promised to maintain a status quo with regard to any reforms that would empower the homosexual community there. He allegedly also feuded with the electoral tribunal, which scolded him for failing to submit financial declarations properly. It was a divisive and bitter contest and Campbell-Barr and Alvarado ran on a platform promising unity, rebuilding of infrastructure, and parity of the sexes. Together they swept their opponent’s totals capturing 61 percent of the votes. Campbell-Barr’s approach to the campaign was different, she reportedly reached out to Black Costa Ricans, saying she was “proudly” one of them and urged them to vote “for an inclusive Costa Rica, a Costa Rica where we have a place.” This feminist candidate also reached out to women, informing them they are the “driving force of 21st-century Costa Rica.” She vowed to narrow the gender pay gap. On the fabled day — this year which marked levity and holiness — news of the election of the vice-
public void testFailedIllegalColumns() throws IOException { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Make the output dir exist so we know the job will fail via IOException. Path outputPath = new Path(new Path(getWarehouseDir()), getTableName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); fs.mkdirs(outputPath); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); // DATA_COL0 ok, by zyzzyva not good String [] argv = getArgv(true, new String [] { "DATA_COL0", "zyzzyva" }, conf); Sqoop importer = new Sqoop(new ImportTool()); try { int ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to fail due bad colname.", 1==ret); } catch (Exception e) { // In debug mode, IOException is wrapped in RuntimeException. LOG.info("Got exceptional return (expected: ok). msg is: " + e); } } public void testDuplicateColumns() throws IOException { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Make the output dir exist so we know the job will fail via IOException. Path outputPath = new Path(new Path(getWarehouseDir()), getTableName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); fs.mkdirs(outputPath); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); String[] argv = getArgv(true, new String[] { "DATA_COL0,DATA_COL0" }, conf); Sqoop importer = new Sqoop(new ImportTool()); try { int ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to fail!", 1 == ret); } catch (Exception e) { // In debug mode, ImportException is wrapped in RuntimeException. LOG.info("Got exceptional return (expected: ok). msg is: " + e); } } // helper method to get contents of a given dir containing sequence files private String[] getContent(Configuration conf, Path path) throws Exception { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); FileStatus[] stats = fs.listStatus(path); String [] fileNames = new String[stats.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { fileNames[i] = stats[i].getPath().toString(); } // Read all the files adding the value lines to the list. List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (fileName.startsWith("_") || fileName.startsWith(".")) { continue; } SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, path, conf); WritableComparable key = (WritableComparable) reader.getKeyClass().newInstance(); Writable value = (Writable) reader.getValueClass().newInstance(); while (reader.next(key, value)) { strings.add(value.toString()); } } return strings.toArray(new String[0]); } public void testDeleteTargetDir() throws Exception { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration();
public void testFailedIllegalColumns() throws IOException { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Make the output dir exist so we know the job will fail via IOException. Path outputPath = new Path(new Path(getWarehouseDir()), getTableName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); fs.mkdirs(outputPath); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); // DATA_COL0 ok, by zyzzyva not good String [] argv = getArgv(true, new String [] { "DATA_COL0", "zyzzyva" }, conf); Sqoop importer = new Sqoop(new ImportTool()); try { int ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to fail due bad colname.", 1==ret); } catch (Exception e) { // In debug mode, IOException is wrapped in RuntimeException. LOG.info("Got exceptional return (expected: ok). msg is: " + e); } } public void testDuplicateColumns() throws IOException { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Make the output dir exist so we know the job will fail via IOException. Path outputPath = new Path(new Path(getWarehouseDir()), getTableName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); fs.mkdirs(outputPath); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); String[] argv = getArgv(true, new String[] { "DATA_COL0,DATA_COL0" }, conf); Sqoop importer = new Sqoop(new ImportTool()); try { int ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to fail!", 1 == ret); } catch (Exception e) { // In debug mode, ImportException is wrapped in RuntimeException. LOG.info("Got exceptional return (expected: ok). msg is: " + e); } } // helper method to get contents of a given dir containing sequence files private String[] getContent(Configuration conf, Path path) throws Exception { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); FileStatus[] stats = fs.listStatus(path); String [] fileNames = new String[stats.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { fileNames[i] = stats[i].getPath().toString(); } // Read all the files adding the value lines to the list. List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (fileName.startsWith("_") || fileName.startsWith(".")) { continue; } SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, path, conf); WritableComparable key = (WritableComparable) reader.getKeyClass().newInstance(); Writable value = (Writable) reader.getValueClass().newInstance(); while (reader.next(key, value)) { strings.add(value.toString()); } } return strings.toArray(new String[0]); } public void testDeleteTargetDir() throws Exception { // Make sure that if a MapReduce job to do the import fails due // to an IOException, we tell the user about it. // Create a table to attempt to import. createTableForColType("VARCHAR(32)", "'meep'"); Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// Make the output dir does not exist Path outputPath = new Path(new Path(getWarehouseDir()), getTableName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); fs.delete(outputPath, true); assertTrue(!fs.exists(outputPath)); String[] argv = getArgv(true, new String[] { "DATA_COL0" }, conf); argv = Arrays.copyOf(argv, argv.length + 1); argv[argv.length - 1] = "--delete-target-dir"; Sqoop importer = new Sqoop(new ImportTool()); try { int ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to go through if target directory" + " does not exist.", 0 == ret); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); // expecting one _SUCCESS file and one file containing data assertTrue("Expecting two files in the directory.", fs.listStatus(outputPath).length == 2); String[] output = getContent(conf, outputPath); assertEquals("Expected output and actual output should be same.", "meep", output[0]); ret = Sqoop.runSqoop(importer, argv); assertTrue("Expected job to go through if target directory exists.", 0 == ret); assertTrue(fs.exists(outputPath)); // expecting one _SUCCESS file and one file containing data assertTrue("Expecting two files in the directory.", fs.listStatus(outputPath).length == 2); output = getContent(conf, outputPath); assertEquals("Expected output and actual output should be same.", "meep", output[0]); } catch (Exception e) { // In debug mode, ImportException is wrapped in RuntimeException. LOG.info("Got exceptional return (expected: ok). msg is: " + e); } } } FROM php:8.0-apache LABEL maintainer="Alterway <[email protected]>" RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ libfreetype6-dev \ libjpeg62-turbo-dev \ libpng-dev \ libgmp-dev \ libxml2-dev \ zlib1g-dev \ libncurses5-dev \ libldb-dev \ libldap2-dev \ libicu-dev \ libmemcached-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libssl-dev \ libsqlite3-dev \ libzip-dev \ libonig-dev \ curl \ msmtp \ mariadb-client \ git \ subversion \ wget && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ wget https://getcomposer.org/download/1.10.17/composer.phar -O /usr/local/bin/composer && \ wget https://getcomposer.org/download/2.0.7/composer.phar -O /usr/local/bin/composer2 && \ chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer2 RUN ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gmp.h /usr/include/gmp.h && \ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libldap.so /usr/lib/libldap.so && \ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblber.so /usr/lib/liblber.so && \ docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-libdir=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && \ docker-php-ext-install ldap && \ docker-php-ext-configure pdo_mysql --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd && \ docker-php-
ckets of the healthcare insurance business. This is because current well being issues can tie you to at least one insurer and the quilt will get costlier as you become old. Private medical health insurance in Australia is group rated , not threat rated like other insurance products akin to life insurance coverage. Ill well being would not follow normal opening hours, so we’ve a 24 hour GP helpline in place for you. The Lifetime Health Cover loading is an additional fee charged on high of your hospital cowl premium. No marvel conservatives did not care when GWB raided Social Security surplus to fund his personal battle to hold out his vendetta in opposition to IRAQ. Some insurance policies will include medicine unavailable on the NHS, however that have been authorised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Palliative care, look after patients who are suffering from serious lengthy-time period sicknesses, is usually excluded. However, if you have no health insurance and may’t afford to purchase it in Uruguay, then these clinics might be a welcome option. The general health of the nation as a whole is improved by the prevention of epidemics. The price of your non-public healthcare will probably be driven down considerably, as demand moves away to the ‘free’ different. You are most likely not going to seek out coverage from a non-public company after you’re already sick or damage. In common, for outpatient costs you pay the health professional and then claim from the medical insurance firm. Quality well being care shouldn’t be a privilege of the wealthy, and if that’s the system our nation takes, then our nation will not be led by a authorities for the people. I’m a supporter of the NHS, though between us, my family pays extra in tax than we’d pay to get non-public well being care. The government would not resolve if somebody lives or dies, no matter what Sarah Palin tries to cook up. Obama isn’t making an attempt to create socialized healthcare or perhaps a state-run insurance option, he is just making an attempt to make it simpler to get healthcare. No insurance firm may run Social Security as effectively or successfully as our authorities run program. Roll Up Roll Up!! Prizes on offer for riding your bike to the event!! Ever sat in a cinema and wondered how much power it took to light up that big screen? A dedicated group of students at Footscray City College certainly have! And as part of an innovative tribute to Earth Hour they will soon host a pedal power cinema to spin the important sustainability message. In an exciting collaboration with Maribyrnong City Council, Footscray City College will invite students, teachers and special guests to get pedalling to help create enough power to screenHunt for the Wilderpeople. Volunteers will pedal their way through the day and night on specialised bikes to generate enough energy up to power up a full feature movie screening to celebrate Earth Hour’s 10th birthday. This is a waste wise and zero carbon Earth Hour event. Park your bike with Roll Up Bicycle Valet Parking and receive a prize! When: Friday 24 March, 7:00–10:30pm. Catering: Sustainable food and drink options available. Bring your own picnic rug. Tickets: Free Event. Numbers are limited. Bookings are required. Baby Jasper, 4 months old! Once again here at LOCPS we are knee deep in baby photography. Almost makes me want another one...almost (I can see Jeff sigh with relief!). I am very ok with vicariously living through others and we've had so many baby sessions lately (yay!) that I have been able to nearly have my fill! Jasper is such a cutie with big eyes and an adorable smile that one cannot help but fall in love. I was able to use natural light for part of the session which I haven't used much of in our studio. After this session I will be doing it much more frequently! It gives the images such a different look and adds to the variety of photographs we offer. We had the privilege of photographing Robin and Richard's wedding (which can be found in older blog entries... something about a pig roast if that rings any bells) and I was so happy when they decided to bring Jasper in to see us. I really appreciate being able to grow with our couples and having the chance to document some of the most important moments of
ckets of the healthcare insurance business. This is because current well being issues can tie you to at least one insurer and the quilt will get costlier as you become old. Private medical health insurance in Australia is group rated , not threat rated like other insurance products akin to life insurance coverage. Ill well being would not follow normal opening hours, so we’ve a 24 hour GP helpline in place for you. The Lifetime Health Cover loading is an additional fee charged on high of your hospital cowl premium. No marvel conservatives did not care when GWB raided Social Security surplus to fund his personal battle to hold out his vendetta in opposition to IRAQ. Some insurance policies will include medicine unavailable on the NHS, however that have been authorised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Palliative care, look after patients who are suffering from serious lengthy-time period sicknesses, is usually excluded. However, if you have no health insurance and may’t afford to purchase it in Uruguay, then these clinics might be a welcome option. The general health of the nation as a whole is improved by the prevention of epidemics. The price of your non-public healthcare will probably be driven down considerably, as demand moves away to the ‘free’ different. You are most likely not going to seek out coverage from a non-public company after you’re already sick or damage. In common, for outpatient costs you pay the health professional and then claim from the medical insurance firm. Quality well being care shouldn’t be a privilege of the wealthy, and if that’s the system our nation takes, then our nation will not be led by a authorities for the people. I’m a supporter of the NHS, though between us, my family pays extra in tax than we’d pay to get non-public well being care. The government would not resolve if somebody lives or dies, no matter what Sarah Palin tries to cook up. Obama isn’t making an attempt to create socialized healthcare or perhaps a state-run insurance option, he is just making an attempt to make it simpler to get healthcare. No insurance firm may run Social Security as effectively or successfully as our authorities run program. Roll Up Roll Up!! Prizes on offer for riding your bike to the event!! Ever sat in a cinema and wondered how much power it took to light up that big screen? A dedicated group of students at Footscray City College certainly have! And as part of an innovative tribute to Earth Hour they will soon host a pedal power cinema to spin the important sustainability message. In an exciting collaboration with Maribyrnong City Council, Footscray City College will invite students, teachers and special guests to get pedalling to help create enough power to screenHunt for the Wilderpeople. Volunteers will pedal their way through the day and night on specialised bikes to generate enough energy up to power up a full feature movie screening to celebrate Earth Hour’s 10th birthday. This is a waste wise and zero carbon Earth Hour event. Park your bike with Roll Up Bicycle Valet Parking and receive a prize! When: Friday 24 March, 7:00–10:30pm. Catering: Sustainable food and drink options available. Bring your own picnic rug. Tickets: Free Event. Numbers are limited. Bookings are required. Baby Jasper, 4 months old! Once again here at LOCPS we are knee deep in baby photography. Almost makes me want another one...almost (I can see Jeff sigh with relief!). I am very ok with vicariously living through others and we've had so many baby sessions lately (yay!) that I have been able to nearly have my fill! Jasper is such a cutie with big eyes and an adorable smile that one cannot help but fall in love. I was able to use natural light for part of the session which I haven't used much of in our studio. After this session I will be doing it much more frequently! It gives the images such a different look and adds to the variety of photographs we offer. We had the privilege of photographing Robin and Richard's wedding (which can be found in older blog entries... something about a pig roast if that rings any bells) and I was so happy when they decided to bring Jasper in to see us. I really appreciate being able to grow with our couples and having the chance to document some of the most important moments of
their lives. This is the reason I love doing what I do! Here are some photos from our great session with the oh so charming Jasper! He is bound to put a grin on your face! I can't wait for the next session when I get to sneak in another cuddle! A district in Norway is courting Americans in the throes of “anywhere but here” Trump angst, ready and waiting to help them find their inner Norwegian. The region of Ringerike just northwest of Oslo has created an actual economic development recruitment effort called “Emigrate Me,” complete with an elaborate website to reach out to disaffected Americans, especially those of Norwegian descent. By their own admission, the outreach project is an ad hoc work in progress coming together just at the election, with the promise of more detailed information to follow. In light of the results of the U.S presidential election, the Ringerike Recovery Program has been developed by the regional development company of Ringerike, Norway. We are offering acute aid to descendants of emigrated Norwegians, and other Americans, considering a new start abroad. The Ringerike Recovery Program was developed by our region’s three mayors; Kjell, Lars and Per. The initiative was built on a sincere wish to help our family and friends in America by offering a tailored recovery program to make the emigration easier. We are proud of what we can offer our new neighbors and colleagues …. There is already quite a bit of information on the website including links to employment sites, real estate and even a data base where you can find out if your ancestors are Norwegian. And what’s not to like? Norway is rich in oil and natural resources, with one of the world’s highest standards of living. Oslo is a glittering Scandinavian city. The United Nation’s Human Development Index has ranked Norway as the world’s best country to live in … for 12 years in a row! The EmigrateMe website notes Ringerike region in particular has a lot to offer including free healthcare and schools, reasonably priced housing, culture and a “high tolerance for religious beliefs and sexual orientation, stunning nature, clean air and fresh water. To this expat, it all sounds too good to be true. There’s a always a catch, right? In this case, there doesn’t really seem to be. We emailed and called the contacts listed on the EmigrateMe website just to make certain this isn’t a hoax. The response links to a page with details, which you can see here. Our first question was, “Why are they doing this?” And the obvious answer is, Norway needs talent. Norway’s land mass is pretty large. If you overlay it on a map of the eastern United States, it stretches from New York State to the Gulf of Mexico. But the total population is only 5.3 million people, slightly less than the population of Atlanta. Ringerike is just north of Oslo, so it’s close to urban attractions and conveniences. The largest city is Hønefos, about 60 miles northwest of Oslo, which looks awesome on the website. Absolutely! We have extended invitations to Miley Cyrus, Bryan Cranston, Cher, Samuel L. Jackson and Jon Stewart to name a few. Who knows — maybe you’ll be neighbors in Ringerike? The site includes this link to the visa application process at The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). This is certainly not the first time Dispatches Europe has posted about Norway as a potential expat destination. You can read Willeke van Doorn’s detailed post “The truth behind Norway’s reputation as ‘the happiest place on earth’ “ with the good and the bad about Norway from her research there. Also see our Expat Essentials post, “So, you want to move to Norway …” which has immigration details. And don’t forget to save us some smalahove. A haunted forest. A sinister coven. A hungry god. Here- the natural and supernatural clash as new life begins to overtake the old. From creator/writer Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS- DC Comics Bombshells- Batwoman) with artwork by Rafael De Latorre (SUPERZERO). Buckinghamshire Remembers includes two projects which document the Buckinghamshire men and women who served in the Great War. You can view the poor relief indexes for the following parishes within Stirling
93 S.Ct. 2332, 2339, 37 L.Ed.2d 314 (1973), no federal court has ever taken the position that run-off primaries standing alone violate section 2. Moreover, the only court ever faced with this issue reached the opposite conclusion. Butts v. City of New York, 779 F.2d 141 (2d Cir.1985), cert. denied, 478 U.S. 1021, 106 S.Ct. 3335, 92 L.Ed.2d 740 (1986). Because of the importance of the principle underlying run-off primaries, their long history and the absence of authority for the position the court today adopts, I would require explicit direction from Congress before invalidating the use of run-off primaries standing alone. Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is less than explicit. It states that an electoral procedure violates the Act if based on the totality of circumstances, it is shown that the political processes leading to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not equally open to participation by [minority voters] in that [minority voters] have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice. 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1973(b) (1982). Section 2 forbids two types of electoral procedures: restrictive procedures that prevent members of a minority group from voting and procedures that have the effect of diluting minority voting strength. Butts, 779 F.2d at 148. In this case we confront the issue whether the use of run-off primaries standing alone dilutes minority voting strength. This issue does not lend itself to easy analysis because the phrase "vote dilution" "suggests a norm with respect to which the fact of dilution may be ascertained." Mississippi Republican Executive Comm. v. Brooks, 469 U.S. 1002, 1012, 105 S.Ct. 416, 422-23, 83 L.Ed.2d 343 (1984) (Rehnquist, J., dissenting from summary affirmance). No such norm exists. The Senate Report accompanying the 1982 amendments to the Act set forth a list of "typical" factors relevant to the existence of a section 2 violation. S.Rep. No. 417, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 28-29, reprinted in 1982 U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News 177, 206-07. While the Supreme Court discussed these factors with approval in Thornburg v. Gingles, the Court nevertheless observed that this list of typical factors is neither comprehensive nor exclusive. While the enumerated factors will often be pertinent to certain types of Sec. 2 violations, particularly to vote dilution claims, other factors may also be relevant and may be considered. Furthermore, the Senate Committee observed that "there is no requirement that any particular number of factors be proved, or that a majority of them point one way or the other. Rather, the Committee determined that "the question whether the political processes are 'equally open' depends upon a searching practical evaluation of the 'past and present reality,' " and on a "functional" view of the political process. 478 U.S. at 45, 106 S.Ct. at 2763-64 (citing S.Rep. No. 417, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 29, reprinted in U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News at 206-07) (footnote and citations omitted). In this case, the majority does not conduct a searching evaluation but simply adds up a number of factors and concludes that a violation has occurred. Moreover, the majority fails to recognize that the district court conducted an appropriate evaluation. In analyzing the effect of the run-off primary on the nomination of black candidates, District Judge Eisele quoted from the work of Professor Harold Stanley: The likelihood of black nominees gaining a plurality of the primary vote in a crowded field seems enticing enough to
93 S.Ct. 2332, 2339, 37 L.Ed.2d 314 (1973), no federal court has ever taken the position that run-off primaries standing alone violate section 2. Moreover, the only court ever faced with this issue reached the opposite conclusion. Butts v. City of New York, 779 F.2d 141 (2d Cir.1985), cert. denied, 478 U.S. 1021, 106 S.Ct. 3335, 92 L.Ed.2d 740 (1986). Because of the importance of the principle underlying run-off primaries, their long history and the absence of authority for the position the court today adopts, I would require explicit direction from Congress before invalidating the use of run-off primaries standing alone. Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is less than explicit. It states that an electoral procedure violates the Act if based on the totality of circumstances, it is shown that the political processes leading to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not equally open to participation by [minority voters] in that [minority voters] have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice. 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1973(b) (1982). Section 2 forbids two types of electoral procedures: restrictive procedures that prevent members of a minority group from voting and procedures that have the effect of diluting minority voting strength. Butts, 779 F.2d at 148. In this case we confront the issue whether the use of run-off primaries standing alone dilutes minority voting strength. This issue does not lend itself to easy analysis because the phrase "vote dilution" "suggests a norm with respect to which the fact of dilution may be ascertained." Mississippi Republican Executive Comm. v. Brooks, 469 U.S. 1002, 1012, 105 S.Ct. 416, 422-23, 83 L.Ed.2d 343 (1984) (Rehnquist, J., dissenting from summary affirmance). No such norm exists. The Senate Report accompanying the 1982 amendments to the Act set forth a list of "typical" factors relevant to the existence of a section 2 violation. S.Rep. No. 417, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 28-29, reprinted in 1982 U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News 177, 206-07. While the Supreme Court discussed these factors with approval in Thornburg v. Gingles, the Court nevertheless observed that this list of typical factors is neither comprehensive nor exclusive. While the enumerated factors will often be pertinent to certain types of Sec. 2 violations, particularly to vote dilution claims, other factors may also be relevant and may be considered. Furthermore, the Senate Committee observed that "there is no requirement that any particular number of factors be proved, or that a majority of them point one way or the other. Rather, the Committee determined that "the question whether the political processes are 'equally open' depends upon a searching practical evaluation of the 'past and present reality,' " and on a "functional" view of the political process. 478 U.S. at 45, 106 S.Ct. at 2763-64 (citing S.Rep. No. 417, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 29, reprinted in U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News at 206-07) (footnote and citations omitted). In this case, the majority does not conduct a searching evaluation but simply adds up a number of factors and concludes that a violation has occurred. Moreover, the majority fails to recognize that the district court conducted an appropriate evaluation. In analyzing the effect of the run-off primary on the nomination of black candidates, District Judge Eisele quoted from the work of Professor Harold Stanley: The likelihood of black nominees gaining a plurality of the primary vote in a crowded field seems enticing enough to
encourage some to argue for ending the runoff. However, in majority black districts--as supporters of the runoff point out--the lack of a runoff might cause several black candidates to split the black vote and allow a white candidate to gain a plurality nomination. Thus, the runoff can protect and promote black political prospects in majority black districts. Whitfield v. Democratic Party, 686 F.Supp. 1365, 1378 (E.D.Ark.1988) (quoting Stanley, Runoff Primaries and Black Political Influence, in Blacks in Southern Politics 259, 262-63 (1987)). Other commentators agree that invalidating the use of run-off primaries may hamper the ability of black voters to nominate their preferred representatives. McDonald, The Majority Vote Requirement: Its Use and Abuse in the South, 17 Urb.Law. 429, 437-38 (1985); Butler, The Majority Vote Requirement: The Case Against Its Wholesale Elimination, 17 Urb.Law. 441, 454 (1985). The able district judge cited evidence in the record to support his conclusion that the use of run-off primaries does not produce discriminatory effects: "The blacks have a voting age population majority in some of the Justice of the Peace districts in Phillips County. If two or more blacks chose to run in the primary and only one white, then the same possibility, i.e., of a minority white plurality nominee, would occur." Whitfield, 686 F.Supp. at 1378. District Judge Eisele, residing in the state of Arkansas and familiar with its political processes, is in a far better position than we appellate judges to evaluate whether the run-off primary denies black voters an equal opportunity to nominate candidates of their choice. Judge Eisele also reasoned that the existence of the run-off primary has the effect over time of easing racial polarization in voting. "[P]lurality-win statutes or rules promote racial polarization and separation. Run-off provisions promote communication and collaboration among the various constituencies by which coalitions are built." Whitfield, 686 F.Supp. at 1386. In support of this statement, Judge Eisele observed: For Democratic candidates, nomination rules that encourage the seeking of biracial support promote prospects for election. Retaining the runoff can lead to more black-white coalitions that back Democratic candidates who make successful biracial appeals. Courting and composing such biracial coalitions require a politics that is capable of reducing racial polarization, rather than reinforcing it. Such political cooperation between the races provides a more promising basis for collaboration on the eventual nomination and election of southern black candidates. On the other hand, eliminating the runoff where strong racial polarization exists--even if this would produce more black nominees (which seems unlikely)--should mean continued racial polarization.... Id. at 1386 (quoting Stanley, Runoff Primaries and Black Political Influence, in Blacks in Southern Politics 259, 264 (1987)). Racial polarization needs discouragement not enhancement. We should avoid any conclusion, such as the one the majority reaches today, that has the effect of continuing racial polarization in voting. In addition to failing to recognize that the determination of a section 2 violation depends on a searching evaluation of the political process, the majority opinion contains a second flaw: none of the authority cited by the majority supports a conclusion that section 2 applies to run-off primaries standing alone. The majority refers to the Supreme Court's recognition that majority voting requirements are "potentially dilutive electoral devices...." Thornburg v. Gingles, 478 U.S. at 56, 106 S.Ct. at 2769. But the Court in Gingles was referring to the use of majority vote requirements in connection with multi-member districts. The majority also refers to language in Westwego Citizens for Better Gov't v. City of Westwego, 872 F.2d 1201, 1212 (5th Cir.1989), that majority voting requirements "could serve to further dilute the voting strength of
getting less and less meaningful. Indeed, if we repeat a simulation as follows the result looks quite promising: size <- 10^5 X <- rbinom(n=10^6, size=size, prob = 0.5) Y <- pbinom(X, size=size, prob = 0.5) Ultimately, all continuous distributions need to be discretized due to the limitations of a computer. So, if we change the size from to , we get the following histograms shown in Fig. 5 – Fig. 7. Apparently, the approximation of , that is distributed according to the binomial distribution, to the normal distribution ultimately implies the approximation of toward the standard uniform distribution: Fig. 5: Histogram of with size set to That is, if a discrete distribution either converges close enough to a continuous distribution or if the distribution has even jumps (i.e. discrete uniform) then the corresponding histogram of will show a similar pattern as described in Theorem I. Quantile Function Theorem This time we do not generate an uniform sample but we start with one. Hence, let us now draw a large uniformly distributed sample . We use R to perform the simulation. U <- runif(n=10^6, min=0, max=1) hist(U) Starting off with a uniformly distributed sample , we need to “invert” the steps performed to illustrate the Probability Integral Transform Theorem. That is, we now have to apply the generalized inverse distribution function of the intended distribution and apply to it. If we would like to receive the standard normal distribution, for instance, needs to be fed into the following (generalized) inverse –shown in Fig. 8– of the Standard Normal distribution: Fig. 8: Inverse of distribution function of Standard Normal distribution Take a while and think about what the function actually does – it takes a value in (i.e. a probability) and assigns it to a real value. For instance, the probability 0.5 is assigned to the real value 0. Values in the left tail of the distribution get a rather small absolute number while values in the right tail get a number very close to zero. That is, the increase in probability is quite small in the tails, which makes a lot of sense given the nature of a normal distribution. In R we need to take the following steps: X <- qnorm(U, mean=0, sd=1) The histogram of , as shown in Fig. 9, is governed by the standard normal distribution. Just as desired. Fig. 9: Histogram of a sample Please note, however, that the inverse distribution function does not necessarily mean the inverse function. Distribution functions are in general not strictly increasing but non-decreasing. For further details we highly recommend P. Embrecht’s & M. Hofert’s paper ‘A note on generalized inverses’. The difference between inverse and generalized inverse functions will also play a key role in the proof of the Probability Integral Transformation Theorem. In addition, Theorem II (Quantile Function) does NOT require the distribution function to be continuous. At first sight, this might seem strange since the Quantile Function Theorem is just a kind of inversion of the other. Let us continue the Binomial example (see above) with respect to the Quantile Function Theorem: We draw an uniformly distributed large sample and put it into the generalized inverse distribution function of with and . The graph of the corresponding quantile function is illustrated in Fig. 10. Fig. 10: Plot of quantile function of with Again, let us take the time to think about the meaning of this generalized inverse (i.e. quantile function) of the Binomial (cumulative) distribution function. It assigns a probability to each relevant integer. In our example, it assigns probability to the integer , probability to the integer and to the integer . Let us do this in R: X <- qbinom(U, size=2, prob = 0.5) The result depicted in Fig. 11 is as expected. Fig. 11: Histogram of that is distributed according to Apparently, we have received the desired Binomial distribution by first generating a standard uniform sample and then applying the quantile function to it. This section is based on the paper [1.] by John E. Angus. The problem with the usual attempts to prove the Probability Integral Transformation Theorem is, that it is often not made clear how an inverse of a distribution function can be achieved. Please also refer to this post on StackExchange. For instance, the proof provided on Wikipedia is as follows: << Given any
getting less and less meaningful. Indeed, if we repeat a simulation as follows the result looks quite promising: size <- 10^5 X <- rbinom(n=10^6, size=size, prob = 0.5) Y <- pbinom(X, size=size, prob = 0.5) Ultimately, all continuous distributions need to be discretized due to the limitations of a computer. So, if we change the size from to , we get the following histograms shown in Fig. 5 – Fig. 7. Apparently, the approximation of , that is distributed according to the binomial distribution, to the normal distribution ultimately implies the approximation of toward the standard uniform distribution: Fig. 5: Histogram of with size set to That is, if a discrete distribution either converges close enough to a continuous distribution or if the distribution has even jumps (i.e. discrete uniform) then the corresponding histogram of will show a similar pattern as described in Theorem I. Quantile Function Theorem This time we do not generate an uniform sample but we start with one. Hence, let us now draw a large uniformly distributed sample . We use R to perform the simulation. U <- runif(n=10^6, min=0, max=1) hist(U) Starting off with a uniformly distributed sample , we need to “invert” the steps performed to illustrate the Probability Integral Transform Theorem. That is, we now have to apply the generalized inverse distribution function of the intended distribution and apply to it. If we would like to receive the standard normal distribution, for instance, needs to be fed into the following (generalized) inverse –shown in Fig. 8– of the Standard Normal distribution: Fig. 8: Inverse of distribution function of Standard Normal distribution Take a while and think about what the function actually does – it takes a value in (i.e. a probability) and assigns it to a real value. For instance, the probability 0.5 is assigned to the real value 0. Values in the left tail of the distribution get a rather small absolute number while values in the right tail get a number very close to zero. That is, the increase in probability is quite small in the tails, which makes a lot of sense given the nature of a normal distribution. In R we need to take the following steps: X <- qnorm(U, mean=0, sd=1) The histogram of , as shown in Fig. 9, is governed by the standard normal distribution. Just as desired. Fig. 9: Histogram of a sample Please note, however, that the inverse distribution function does not necessarily mean the inverse function. Distribution functions are in general not strictly increasing but non-decreasing. For further details we highly recommend P. Embrecht’s & M. Hofert’s paper ‘A note on generalized inverses’. The difference between inverse and generalized inverse functions will also play a key role in the proof of the Probability Integral Transformation Theorem. In addition, Theorem II (Quantile Function) does NOT require the distribution function to be continuous. At first sight, this might seem strange since the Quantile Function Theorem is just a kind of inversion of the other. Let us continue the Binomial example (see above) with respect to the Quantile Function Theorem: We draw an uniformly distributed large sample and put it into the generalized inverse distribution function of with and . The graph of the corresponding quantile function is illustrated in Fig. 10. Fig. 10: Plot of quantile function of with Again, let us take the time to think about the meaning of this generalized inverse (i.e. quantile function) of the Binomial (cumulative) distribution function. It assigns a probability to each relevant integer. In our example, it assigns probability to the integer , probability to the integer and to the integer . Let us do this in R: X <- qbinom(U, size=2, prob = 0.5) The result depicted in Fig. 11 is as expected. Fig. 11: Histogram of that is distributed according to Apparently, we have received the desired Binomial distribution by first generating a standard uniform sample and then applying the quantile function to it. This section is based on the paper [1.] by John E. Angus. The problem with the usual attempts to prove the Probability Integral Transformation Theorem is, that it is often not made clear how an inverse of a distribution function can be achieved. Please also refer to this post on StackExchange. For instance, the proof provided on Wikipedia is as follows: << Given any
random continuous variable , define . Then: is just the CDF of a Uniform(0,1) random variable. Thus, has a uniform distribution on the interval . >> Wikipedia retrieved in Nov. 2020. The cited “proof” above seems to be quite straight-forward. However, it is not clarified what is meant by applying the “inverse” . In the next subsection we are going to learn more about that step in Lemma 1. The following lemma is the key to the proof of Theorem I. The principle idea is that the basic set can be decomposed into , where stands for the disjoint union. In addition, recall that a distribution function is monotone: if , we have . Lemma 1: Let have a distribution function . Then for all real the following holds: Proof of Lemma 1: Decompose the event as follows: Note that since is monotone. In addition, . Again, due to the monotonicity of we see that . Hence, the intersection is empty. Considering these facts, we can derive Taking probabilities in , the assertion follows since the event has probability zero. Let us re-consider the discrete variable as treated in Example 1 to 3 . Recall that we denote the distribution function of the discrete random variable by . Let us further denote the basic set, that represents the outcome of the Bernoulli trials, by . is defined by number of successes. We therefore have with . In order to further illustrate that, let us consider the set for . The resulting set (failure, failure) has empty intersection with (failure,success) (success,failure) (success,success) . Let us ultimately prove the Probability Integral Transformation Theorem. Proof Theorem I (Probability Integral Transformation): Let . Since is continuous, there exist a real such that . Then by Lemma 1, . This implies that is distributed as . Quantile Function Transformation Proof Theorem II (Quantile Function Theorem): First, suppose that . Note that for any such that and any , if, and only if, . Suppose that , then is an interval that contains its left-hand endpoint since is non-decreasing and right-continuous. Conversely, suppose that , then . It follows now that , completing the proof. Generating Normally Distributed Samples in Excel Given the explanations above it is quite obvious how to generate normally distributed samples in Microsoft Excel. What we need are the following ingredients in Excel: Uniformly distributed samples provided in Excel by RAND(); Generalized inverse of normal distribution provided in Excel by NORM.S.INV(probability); According to the Quantile Function Theorem, the outcome will be a standard normally distributed sample. In the first step, we need to generate an uniformly distributed sample by including the formula RAND() in as many cells as we would like to have samples. Then, by filling the formula NORM.S.INV(probability) in corresponding cells the uniformly distributed value is transformed to a standard normally distributed value as illustrated in Fig. 13. Note that the formula NORM.S.INV(probability) is the generalized inverse function of the standard normal distribution. Fig. 13: Excel Example showing how to generate a standard normally distributed sample using NORM.S.INV(probability) We could also use the formula NORM.INV(probability, mean, standard deviation) in order to generate any other normal distribution. Refer to Fig. 14 for an additional illustration. Fig. 14: Excel Example showing how to generate a (standard) normally distributed sample using NORM.INV(probability, mean, standard deviation) According to Microsoft the following list of statistical functions is available. All inverse distribution functions can be used to generate a corresponding sample. Given that continuity is not needed to apply the Quantile Function Theorem, we can also generate discretely distributed samples by applying the same simple algorithm as outlined in the continuous case. Multivariate Case & Copulas This section serves as an outlook on the application of both treated theorems to copulas. It is therefore a perfunctory treatment of the topic. Nonetheless, it will become clear how the Probability Integral Transform is used to define copulas. First, we need some basic notation for the multivariate case: Let denote the dimension of the considered Euclidean vector space . We define a multivariate random variable or random vector as multivariate measurable function. A -interval is the Cartesian product of real intervals and a -box is a closed -interval. The unit -cube is the
esthesia safety change-makers; and our partnerships are true collaborations for quality improvement. And then there are the Lifebox Fellows! They’re young clinicians who understand our philosophy, the urgency of the global surgical safety crisis, and the long-term impact of known names and familiar faces, working together for their communities. And they’re working with Lifebox to make a difference. Launched in 2015, Lifebox Fellowships are a little bit different. Part clinical and part quality improvement, they’re supervised opportunities for clinicians to develop skills, experience and build on collaborative partnerships. Take a look at our current fellowship opportunities in India and Tanzania. These exciting roles are open to UK anaesthesia clinicians (ST5+). A third is funded through our GE Foundation grant to develop Clean Cut, our new surgical site infection reduction programme; the fourth by Johnson & Johnson, as part of the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)’s Africa Grants Programme. Together they show the growing commitment of institutional and commercial voices to safer perioperative care worldwide – an exciting shift. Right, time to meet our Fellows – and try to keep up with them! – here. In today's crowded music industry, it's becoming increasingly difficult for artists to stand out from the pack, but sometimes a facial package of ample weight and gargantuan growth will do the trick. Look out, these hip-hoppers are one hair strand away from disappearing into the abyss of their own beard. Here are some rappers that are most likely to be eaten by their beards. Kaine, Ying Yang Twins: Kaine's beard (above) is extremely glamorous. Aside from the potential of being devoured by his own beard, Kane should also avoid beard-grabbing babies. Beard vs. baby? Baby wins every time. ?uestlove, The Roots: ?uestlove's beard appears to be wearing his face. It should be the other way around. Legend has it that whenever The Roots crew is in dire need of a hit, ?uesto scratches his beard for 15 seconds and - presto! - a whole new masterpiece is born. Rick Ross: You can see that Rick Ross' facial package has already engulfed his entire neck and chin and is now approaching his eyes. Soon that beard is going to disintegrate his entire face into one jolly mix, and all he can do is look on and say, "Bawse!" K-os: Canadian hip-hopper K-os rocks his Island patch with confidence. But if those untamed strands ever connect, his face will disappear in less than five years. W.C.: W.C.'s beard is borderline nightmarish. It looks sturdy enough to support two AKs while C-walking at the same time. Tech N9ne: Tech N9ne is a stunningly imaginative MC with a good ear for music, but what the hell is up with that beard? That thing looks like it has retractable appendages and probably sneaks out in the middle of the night to snack on Doritos. Freeway: Freeway's beard threatened mutiny several times throughout his career. Both parties seem to have reached a compromise on the condition that Free publicly pay homage to his beard. Ladies and Gents, we give you "Freeway's Beard." Joaquin Phoenix: We had to throw this one in for shits and giggles. Joaquin Phoenix moonlighted as a rapper for several months while recording his mockumentary with Casey Affleck. Turns out he was also auditioning for the part of the first human Grizzly Bear. Rick Rubin: Rick Rubin is obviously not a rapper, but we had to bend the rules for the man who brought us Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and Def Jam Records. Rick's beard is so large that you could probably store an extensive library of beat CDs in it. He also looks like a homeless guy who hasn't eaten in decades. STEVEN GERRARD has revealed how youngster Jon Flanagan was given a rousing dressing room reception after a top-class performance in the Merseyside derby. Academy graduate Flanagan, playing at left-back
esthesia safety change-makers; and our partnerships are true collaborations for quality improvement. And then there are the Lifebox Fellows! They’re young clinicians who understand our philosophy, the urgency of the global surgical safety crisis, and the long-term impact of known names and familiar faces, working together for their communities. And they’re working with Lifebox to make a difference. Launched in 2015, Lifebox Fellowships are a little bit different. Part clinical and part quality improvement, they’re supervised opportunities for clinicians to develop skills, experience and build on collaborative partnerships. Take a look at our current fellowship opportunities in India and Tanzania. These exciting roles are open to UK anaesthesia clinicians (ST5+). A third is funded through our GE Foundation grant to develop Clean Cut, our new surgical site infection reduction programme; the fourth by Johnson & Johnson, as part of the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)’s Africa Grants Programme. Together they show the growing commitment of institutional and commercial voices to safer perioperative care worldwide – an exciting shift. Right, time to meet our Fellows – and try to keep up with them! – here. In today's crowded music industry, it's becoming increasingly difficult for artists to stand out from the pack, but sometimes a facial package of ample weight and gargantuan growth will do the trick. Look out, these hip-hoppers are one hair strand away from disappearing into the abyss of their own beard. Here are some rappers that are most likely to be eaten by their beards. Kaine, Ying Yang Twins: Kaine's beard (above) is extremely glamorous. Aside from the potential of being devoured by his own beard, Kane should also avoid beard-grabbing babies. Beard vs. baby? Baby wins every time. ?uestlove, The Roots: ?uestlove's beard appears to be wearing his face. It should be the other way around. Legend has it that whenever The Roots crew is in dire need of a hit, ?uesto scratches his beard for 15 seconds and - presto! - a whole new masterpiece is born. Rick Ross: You can see that Rick Ross' facial package has already engulfed his entire neck and chin and is now approaching his eyes. Soon that beard is going to disintegrate his entire face into one jolly mix, and all he can do is look on and say, "Bawse!" K-os: Canadian hip-hopper K-os rocks his Island patch with confidence. But if those untamed strands ever connect, his face will disappear in less than five years. W.C.: W.C.'s beard is borderline nightmarish. It looks sturdy enough to support two AKs while C-walking at the same time. Tech N9ne: Tech N9ne is a stunningly imaginative MC with a good ear for music, but what the hell is up with that beard? That thing looks like it has retractable appendages and probably sneaks out in the middle of the night to snack on Doritos. Freeway: Freeway's beard threatened mutiny several times throughout his career. Both parties seem to have reached a compromise on the condition that Free publicly pay homage to his beard. Ladies and Gents, we give you "Freeway's Beard." Joaquin Phoenix: We had to throw this one in for shits and giggles. Joaquin Phoenix moonlighted as a rapper for several months while recording his mockumentary with Casey Affleck. Turns out he was also auditioning for the part of the first human Grizzly Bear. Rick Rubin: Rick Rubin is obviously not a rapper, but we had to bend the rules for the man who brought us Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and Def Jam Records. Rick's beard is so large that you could probably store an extensive library of beat CDs in it. He also looks like a homeless guy who hasn't eaten in decades. STEVEN GERRARD has revealed how youngster Jon Flanagan was given a rousing dressing room reception after a top-class performance in the Merseyside derby. Academy graduate Flanagan, playing at left-back
, put in a performance beyond his 20 years to keep Kevin Mirallas quiet. And after a thrilling 3-3 draw, the boyhood Red was met with a round of applause from his impressed Liverpool team-mates. Gerrard said: "You look at our team and our star man for me was Jon Flanagan by a country mile. "He's been fighting hard in training just to get in the 18, never mind the starting 11, but the manager threw him in at the deep end against a top class player like Mirallas and I thought he was sensational. Mt Elbrus 5642m is Europe’s highest mountain and the perfect first big alpine peak. Technically straight forward Elbrus presents a fantastic objective as one of the world famous 7 summits! Situated in the quiet western Caucasus mountain range (Russia) we gradually gain height and acclimatise well before making an attempt to the highest point in Europe. Once acclimatised, our route follows the northen snow slopes to the col between Elbrus’ twin summits, before ascend to the West Peak – the true summit of Europe’s highest mountain! Whilst trekking/mountaineering experience would be beneficial, having previous use of ice axe/crampons is not essential. Elbrus would be ideal for people who have done Mt Toubkal or Kilimanjaro and are looking for their next expedition. However, it would equally suit those with an adventurous spirit and an aptitude for pushing their limits! Why not join one of our Scottish Winter Courses and learn the winter skills before the expedition. The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office currently advise against “all but essential” travel to the Elbrus Region. Whilst it is possible to obtain travel insurance for this climb, you should read the FCO advice and must yourself accept the risks associated with travelling to this region. Our itinerary is based on Mountain Expeditions own experience of the south side of the mountain and the team will be led by Jonathan Gupta himself. Local mountain guide(s) will assist the team, team members need to carry their own personal gear above base camp. To book your place on the expedition please read the Bookings & Payments page or simply Contact us. 19/06/2019 Arrive into Min Vody Airport (via Moscow). Over night in Kislovodsk. 28/06/2019 3-hours drive to Kislovodsk, celebration dinner! Is it safe in the Elbrus region? Firstly we always take the advise from the FCO website, but during all our previous expeditions we have never come across any problems, just helpful friendly people. We will monitor any change prior to the expedition and keep members up to date. What back up does Mountain Expeditions have in the Elbrus region? Mountain Expeditions works closely with our local agent – highly regarded as one of the best on the mountain. We have 24/7 contact them during the expedition and our summit guide will more than likely have 100+ summits of Elbrus! Yes – The visa application is comprehensive but straightforward, however you require an ‘invitation letter’. We will send you a personalised invitation letter once you have signed up to the expedition. The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) is a good source of information. You require insurance in order to join our expeditions. There are many providers that will cover Elbrus. In a word – amazing! In the valley we are half board at our hotel, and lunches are BBQ in the valley. On the mountain, Mountain Expeditions supplies your breakfast, lunches and mountain snacks, however team members are required to bring 5 boil in the bag meals for evening dinners. This way you get to eat what you want to and its quick and easy – this has worked very well on all past expeditions. If Jon and other members ski off the summit do we come down on our own? Absolutely not – on our summit attempt we are joined by our local guide. If Jon (and others) get to ski down then the local guide will ensure your safety during the descent. The team, the local guide and Jon will always be in radio contact. Do I need to have crampon experience? Whilst some crampon experience would be beneficial it is not essential. Your Mountain Expeditions leader will check and run through crampon session with the team and there is plenty of time to master the basics before you make your
accination campaign,” warns Fernando Moraga-Llop, the vice-president of the Spanish Vaccinology Association. But the most flagrant case to date is that of Manuel Villegas, the regional health chief of Murcia, which is governed by the PP. He and another 400 workers from the regional health department and the Murcia Health Service – including his wife – jumped the line to get vaccinated. Villegas justified the decision by arguing that once frontline health workers were vaccinated, the vaccine was offered to other health workers who requested it. But it wasn’t their turn. Under the Health Ministry’s protocol, only health workers who work in “health centers and care homes” should be vaccinated – which is not the case for the regional health department. And while Villegas is a doctor, he is not working at a medical center. In the wake of the controversy, Villegas resigned from his position on Wednesday. And in Spain’s exclave city of Ceuta, on the northern coast of Africa, the local health chief Javier Guerrero said on Thursday that he will not resign after it emerged that he and 10 other people in his department recently got inoculated. Guerrero, who is a doctor, said that his case has nothing in common with the scandal surrounding Murcia’s health chief, who also has a medical degree. “Responsibility and ethics” In response to the growing irregularities, Illa called on Wednesday for “responsibility and ethics” in the vaccination process, adding that it was up to regional authorities to respond to instances of malpractice. The health minister explained that the priority groups were defined by health experts, with the over-80s next in line for the vaccine. “We must all lead by example, especially those of us who hold public office. I think that says it all,” he said. Spain has administered more than one million doses of the vaccine and 15,642 people have received the two doses, meaning they are on their way to the full protection offered by the immunization. But experts say that while some irregularities are obvious, other instances are less clear cut, such as the group of retired health workers who were vaccinated last week at the Clínico San Carlos hospital in Madrid, or the directors of two hospitals in the Basque Country who also received the vaccine, despite not being “frontline” workers, as stipulated in the Health Ministry’s protocol. Another murky case is that of Iñaki Urdangarin, the brother-in-law of Spanish King Felipe VI, who is serving a five-year, 10-month prison sentence for his involvement in a corruption scandal known as the Nóos case. Urdangarin was vaccinated because he works three days a week as a volunteer at the Hogar Don Orione center for people with disabilities. And the vaccination of soldiers set to leave Spain on international missions also falls in a grey area. In this case, the Health Ministry provided the Defense Ministry with enough doses to vaccinate 200 soldiers from the assault ship Castilla and another 600 from the minehunter Tajo. As the vaccination drive continues, epidemiologists hope that the protocol can be improved so that there are no more problems with line jumping. “I think that the cases that have happened are the exception, not the rule,” says Toni Trilla, the head of preventive medicine at Clínic hospital in Barcelona. “Clear directives and prioritization are lacking. As well as supervision to ensure that nobody skips the rules of the game.” English version by Melissa Kitson. Spain reports 41,576 new coronavirus cases, the highest single-day figure so far Emilio de Benito | Madrid Spain headed toward de facto lockdown amid surge in coronavirus cases Ferran Bono / Cristina Vázquez / Jessica Mouzo | Valencia / Barcelona Up to 40% of patients included in Spain’s coronavirus figures are actually admitted to hospital for other illnesses Spain proposes new Social Security contributions for self-employed: From €184 to €1,267 depending on income Spain seeking to ‘lead’ world with new Covid-19 monitoring system Vacation rental nightmares: Living with ‘a former KGB spy’ in the room
accination campaign,” warns Fernando Moraga-Llop, the vice-president of the Spanish Vaccinology Association. But the most flagrant case to date is that of Manuel Villegas, the regional health chief of Murcia, which is governed by the PP. He and another 400 workers from the regional health department and the Murcia Health Service – including his wife – jumped the line to get vaccinated. Villegas justified the decision by arguing that once frontline health workers were vaccinated, the vaccine was offered to other health workers who requested it. But it wasn’t their turn. Under the Health Ministry’s protocol, only health workers who work in “health centers and care homes” should be vaccinated – which is not the case for the regional health department. And while Villegas is a doctor, he is not working at a medical center. In the wake of the controversy, Villegas resigned from his position on Wednesday. And in Spain’s exclave city of Ceuta, on the northern coast of Africa, the local health chief Javier Guerrero said on Thursday that he will not resign after it emerged that he and 10 other people in his department recently got inoculated. Guerrero, who is a doctor, said that his case has nothing in common with the scandal surrounding Murcia’s health chief, who also has a medical degree. “Responsibility and ethics” In response to the growing irregularities, Illa called on Wednesday for “responsibility and ethics” in the vaccination process, adding that it was up to regional authorities to respond to instances of malpractice. The health minister explained that the priority groups were defined by health experts, with the over-80s next in line for the vaccine. “We must all lead by example, especially those of us who hold public office. I think that says it all,” he said. Spain has administered more than one million doses of the vaccine and 15,642 people have received the two doses, meaning they are on their way to the full protection offered by the immunization. But experts say that while some irregularities are obvious, other instances are less clear cut, such as the group of retired health workers who were vaccinated last week at the Clínico San Carlos hospital in Madrid, or the directors of two hospitals in the Basque Country who also received the vaccine, despite not being “frontline” workers, as stipulated in the Health Ministry’s protocol. Another murky case is that of Iñaki Urdangarin, the brother-in-law of Spanish King Felipe VI, who is serving a five-year, 10-month prison sentence for his involvement in a corruption scandal known as the Nóos case. Urdangarin was vaccinated because he works three days a week as a volunteer at the Hogar Don Orione center for people with disabilities. And the vaccination of soldiers set to leave Spain on international missions also falls in a grey area. In this case, the Health Ministry provided the Defense Ministry with enough doses to vaccinate 200 soldiers from the assault ship Castilla and another 600 from the minehunter Tajo. As the vaccination drive continues, epidemiologists hope that the protocol can be improved so that there are no more problems with line jumping. “I think that the cases that have happened are the exception, not the rule,” says Toni Trilla, the head of preventive medicine at Clínic hospital in Barcelona. “Clear directives and prioritization are lacking. As well as supervision to ensure that nobody skips the rules of the game.” English version by Melissa Kitson. Spain reports 41,576 new coronavirus cases, the highest single-day figure so far Emilio de Benito | Madrid Spain headed toward de facto lockdown amid surge in coronavirus cases Ferran Bono / Cristina Vázquez / Jessica Mouzo | Valencia / Barcelona Up to 40% of patients included in Spain’s coronavirus figures are actually admitted to hospital for other illnesses Spain proposes new Social Security contributions for self-employed: From €184 to €1,267 depending on income Spain seeking to ‘lead’ world with new Covid-19 monitoring system Vacation rental nightmares: Living with ‘a former KGB spy’ in the room
next door The best mountain climber of the century was an unknown young Canadian Bibliographic details for "Straight Road" Page name: Straight Road Author: Tolkien Gateway contributors Publisher: Tolkien Gateway Permanent link: http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440 Page Version ID: 333440 Citation styles for "Straight Road" Straight Road. (2021, July 11). In Tolkien Gateway. Retrieved 00:25, January 17, 2022, from http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440 Tolkien Gateway contributors. "Straight Road." Tolkien Gateway. Tolkien Gateway, 11 Jul. 2021. Web. 17 Jan. 2022. Tolkien Gateway contributors, 'Straight Road', Tolkien Gateway, 11 July 2021, 05:17 UTC, <http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440> [accessed 17 January 2022] Tolkien Gateway contributors, "Straight Road," Tolkien Gateway, http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440 (accessed January 17, 2022). Tolkien Gateway contributors. Straight Road [Internet]. Tolkien Gateway; 2021 Jul 11, 05:17 UTC [cited 2022 Jan 17]. Available from: http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440. Straight Road, http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440 (last visited Jan. 17, 2022). Bluebook: Harvard JOLT style Tolkien Gateway, Straight Road, http://www.tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Straight_Road (optional description here) (as of Jan. 17, 2022, 00:25 GMT). Tolkien Gateway contributors. Straight Road. Tolkien Gateway. July 11, 2021, 05:17 UTC. Available at: http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440. Accessed January 17, 2022. author = "Tolkien Gateway", title = "Straight Road --- Tolkien Gateway", url = "http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440", url = "\url{http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440}", Talk pages [[Straight Road]] ([http://www.tolkiengateway.net/w/index.php?title=Straight_Road&oldid=333440 this version]) Straight Road (this version) Retrieved from "http://www.tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Special:Cite" Tag Archives: drought Environs, Idea Soup H2O and IQ December 4, 2015 Mike There is great irony in NASA’s recent discovery of water flowing on Mars. First, that the gift of our intelligence allows us to make such amazing findings on other worlds while we use the same brain cells to enable the rape and pillage of our own. Second, the meager seasonal trickles of liquid on the martian surface
second one. Mike Adams had a pretty rough outing, giving up one run, but Heath Bell got a four-out save to win the game. In the second game, Kevin Correia started and didn’t have that great of a game. He went 5.1 innings, allowing two runs on three hits with five walks. Not the best, but it’s a good thing that the offense made up for it. Will Venable hit a two-run homer in the fifth. Adrian hit a solo homer in the sixth. In the top of the seventh, Jerry Hairston hit a bro-bi to break the 3-3 tie. Then, in the top of the ninth, Chase Headley hit a solo homer to make the game 5-3. Heath Bell allowed one run while he was trying to get the save, but thankfully he was able to close it out for the series win. There were two outstanding defensive plays by Adrian Gonzalez and Aaron Cunningham which definitely helped us win the game. I love our defense! The third game was kind of belch because we lost. Wade LeBlanc didn’t have a good outing. Oscar Salazar hit a two-run homer, but our pitchers gave up three homers. Adrian broke his 11-game hitting streak. But the good news is that we did extremely well in interleague. We dominated. We are a much better team than years past. I don’t know about you, but I believe that this is a special team. Something great is going on here. I just love the fact that we are in first place and that we’ve been holding it for a very long time. I am so happy that we seem to be heading for a possible championship…but I’m getting ahead of myself. For now, we have to focus on dominating all teams that dare to confront us. We’ve got to keep this winning thing up, and I have complete confidence in my boys that they’ll be able to do that. Do you guys think we need another bat? I’ve been thinking about this question. On one hand, the guys we have right now have been winning consistently for a long period of time. They’ve been getting by, and at some times, dominating. I love the chemistry and balance of this team right now, and I’m worried that any major change would severely disrupt that. (For example, trading away Adrian Gonzalez.) I feel like we’re doing fine right now in terms of bats, but would we be even better by adding a bat? I’m just not sure. I guess I’m so happy with this team and the way they’re playing right now that I don’t want anything to happen that would change it for the worse. I guess I shouldn’t be worried. Things will work out. And hey, we’ve got some celebrating to do now. WE SURVIVED INTERLEAGUE!!!! Written by Kaity Bergquist Leave a comment Posted in Dailies Tagged with adrian gonzalez, chase headley, domination, first place padres, heath bell, interleague, kevin correia, major leagues, mat latos, minor leagues, oscar salazar, padres, pitchers, we made it, we survived, will venable, young guys Years 3 Months 12 Days 31 Collection: Oklahoma Digital Newspaper Program Title: The Perry Daily Times Clear All Filters The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 182, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 21, 1894 Description: Daily newspaper from Perry, Oklahoma that includes local, territorial, and national news along with advertising. Creator: Greer, Bert R. The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 194, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 5, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 206, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 19, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 217, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 2, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 230, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 16, 189
second one. Mike Adams had a pretty rough outing, giving up one run, but Heath Bell got a four-out save to win the game. In the second game, Kevin Correia started and didn’t have that great of a game. He went 5.1 innings, allowing two runs on three hits with five walks. Not the best, but it’s a good thing that the offense made up for it. Will Venable hit a two-run homer in the fifth. Adrian hit a solo homer in the sixth. In the top of the seventh, Jerry Hairston hit a bro-bi to break the 3-3 tie. Then, in the top of the ninth, Chase Headley hit a solo homer to make the game 5-3. Heath Bell allowed one run while he was trying to get the save, but thankfully he was able to close it out for the series win. There were two outstanding defensive plays by Adrian Gonzalez and Aaron Cunningham which definitely helped us win the game. I love our defense! The third game was kind of belch because we lost. Wade LeBlanc didn’t have a good outing. Oscar Salazar hit a two-run homer, but our pitchers gave up three homers. Adrian broke his 11-game hitting streak. But the good news is that we did extremely well in interleague. We dominated. We are a much better team than years past. I don’t know about you, but I believe that this is a special team. Something great is going on here. I just love the fact that we are in first place and that we’ve been holding it for a very long time. I am so happy that we seem to be heading for a possible championship…but I’m getting ahead of myself. For now, we have to focus on dominating all teams that dare to confront us. We’ve got to keep this winning thing up, and I have complete confidence in my boys that they’ll be able to do that. Do you guys think we need another bat? I’ve been thinking about this question. On one hand, the guys we have right now have been winning consistently for a long period of time. They’ve been getting by, and at some times, dominating. I love the chemistry and balance of this team right now, and I’m worried that any major change would severely disrupt that. (For example, trading away Adrian Gonzalez.) I feel like we’re doing fine right now in terms of bats, but would we be even better by adding a bat? I’m just not sure. I guess I’m so happy with this team and the way they’re playing right now that I don’t want anything to happen that would change it for the worse. I guess I shouldn’t be worried. Things will work out. And hey, we’ve got some celebrating to do now. WE SURVIVED INTERLEAGUE!!!! Written by Kaity Bergquist Leave a comment Posted in Dailies Tagged with adrian gonzalez, chase headley, domination, first place padres, heath bell, interleague, kevin correia, major leagues, mat latos, minor leagues, oscar salazar, padres, pitchers, we made it, we survived, will venable, young guys Years 3 Months 12 Days 31 Collection: Oklahoma Digital Newspaper Program Title: The Perry Daily Times Clear All Filters The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 182, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 21, 1894 Description: Daily newspaper from Perry, Oklahoma that includes local, territorial, and national news along with advertising. Creator: Greer, Bert R. The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 194, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 5, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 206, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 19, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 217, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 2, 1894 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 230, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 16, 189
4 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 54, Ed. 1 Monday, November 20, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 55, Ed. 1 Tuesday, November 21, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 56, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 22, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 57, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 23, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 58, Ed. 1 Friday, November 24, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 64, Ed. 1 Friday, December 1, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 66, Ed. 1 Monday, December 4, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 67, Ed. 1 Tuesday, December 5, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 68, Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 6, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 69, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 7, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 72, Ed. 1 Monday, December 11, 1893 The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 73, Ed. 1 Tuesday, December 12, 1893 Creator: Greer, Bert R. & Humphries, Jac 1893 43 43 1894 281 281 1895 83 83 January 49 49 February 43 43 March 50 50 April 39 39 May 26 26 June 26 26 July 25 25 August 26 26 September 8 8 October 27 27 November 41 41 December 47 47 1st 12 12 2nd 15 15 3rd 13 13 4th 13 13 5th 14 14 6th 14 14 7th 12 12 8th 10 10 9th 16 16 10th 9 9 11th 14 14 12th 14 14 13th 15 15 14th 15 15 15th 15 15 16th 16 16 17th 12 12 18th 13 13 19th 14 14 20th 14 14 21st 13 13 22nd 13 13 23rd 14 14 24th 13 13 25th 11 11 26th 14 14 27th 14 14 28th 14 14 29th 12 12 30th 12 12 31st 7 7 Editorial: Scott Brown, Rachel Maddow help each other out Mar 29, 2010 at 12:01 AM Mar 29, 2010 at 10:55 PM No one knows what Scott Brown will face in 2012, and the names of likely challengers may not be known outside of Massachusetts circles. So in a recent fundraising letter, Brown conjured up the more recognizable
increased climate target Tomorrow, the EU is expected to announce its climate contributions towards the Paris climate agreement. The expected decision will build on the European Commission’s Road to Paris vision published last week. Hopes are that Ministers take their chances to address a number of critical issues that risk severely undermining the 40% domestic reduction target. They include a clear commitment to increase the 40% target in case of linking the EU’s emissions trading system (EU ETS) with other carbon markets, the way land use emissions are accounted for and the threat the existing surplus of emission allowances pose on the 2030 climate target. European Commission publishes vision on the Paris Protocol to tackle climate change Today, the European Commission (EC) has published a first glimpse of the mitigation contributions the EU intends to contribute to the Paris Protocol. The Communication launched today entitled “The Paris Protocol – A blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020” includes a proposal for the EU’s proposed Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDCs) prepared in… Keeping the books on emission units Accounting of emissions will be a cornerstone of a future climate treaty and is hugely important for the integrity of carbon markets as well as keeping us on track to limit global warming below 2°C. Lima will need to lay grounds for a rigorous accounting framework and robust unit quality requirements. It will also need to establish consistency to the ICAO process that is developing a global market based mechanism for aviation emissions. NOT SMART: climate smart agriculture in carbon markets Proposals to include forests and land use activities in existing and new carbon markets will be discussed in Lima. But sequestration of carbon in land cannot compensate for continued fossil fuel emissions – fossil fuel emissions are permanent, whereas storing carbon in forests and soils is temporary and can be easily reversed by cutting down trees and ploughing fields. The pitfalls of climate smart mitigation (WT) Climate Smart Agriculture, a concept promoted as part of a solution to climate change, has been at the heart of international and national debates on agricultural development in recent years. While many stakeholders push to link it to carbon markets, the arguments of inappropriateness of such system are gaining ground. Watch This! NGO Voices on Carbon Markets #9 June 2014 We are happy to present this edition of the Watch This! NGO Newsletter… Recode – Short documentary on Forest Carbon Synopsis Recode takes a fresh look at forest carbon; exploring the initiatives currently being developed to reduce emissions with forest resources. While outlining the current market approaches to emission sequestration, Recode addresses some of the drivers of deforestation and various efforts aimed at its containment in developing countries. Recognising the socioeconomic challenges surrounding forests… The right choice by the native peoples of Panama (Watch This! #5) Native forests threatened by Barro Blanco hydrodam. Photo courtesy of Oscar Sogandares By Oscar G. Sogandares, Spokesperson Asociación Ambientalista de Chiriquí Last month, the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) representing the seven indigenous peoples of Panama withdrew from the UN REDD Programme in Panama. In a letter to the UN, COONAPIP explains that… You + Thousands of Bugs The Natural History Museum's Bug Fair buzzes back. Buzz buzz. By Alysia Gray Painter • Published at 9:36 am on May 15, 2012 Sometimes we worry for a bug's sense of self and general overall confidence. Why? Because we humans see something with wings or multiple legs and we say "ew, a bug," not realizing what we're looking at is a rather elegant Polyphemus moth or a Blue ring centipede. But there are people out there who love their Polyphemus moths and Blue ring centipedes and only pull out the word "bug" when talking about a lot of insects at once, rather than individual creatures. And if you want a lot of insects at once you'll be at the Natural History Museum for its annual Bug Fair on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20. This thing is as big as a ladybug
increased climate target Tomorrow, the EU is expected to announce its climate contributions towards the Paris climate agreement. The expected decision will build on the European Commission’s Road to Paris vision published last week. Hopes are that Ministers take their chances to address a number of critical issues that risk severely undermining the 40% domestic reduction target. They include a clear commitment to increase the 40% target in case of linking the EU’s emissions trading system (EU ETS) with other carbon markets, the way land use emissions are accounted for and the threat the existing surplus of emission allowances pose on the 2030 climate target. European Commission publishes vision on the Paris Protocol to tackle climate change Today, the European Commission (EC) has published a first glimpse of the mitigation contributions the EU intends to contribute to the Paris Protocol. The Communication launched today entitled “The Paris Protocol – A blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020” includes a proposal for the EU’s proposed Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDCs) prepared in… Keeping the books on emission units Accounting of emissions will be a cornerstone of a future climate treaty and is hugely important for the integrity of carbon markets as well as keeping us on track to limit global warming below 2°C. Lima will need to lay grounds for a rigorous accounting framework and robust unit quality requirements. It will also need to establish consistency to the ICAO process that is developing a global market based mechanism for aviation emissions. NOT SMART: climate smart agriculture in carbon markets Proposals to include forests and land use activities in existing and new carbon markets will be discussed in Lima. But sequestration of carbon in land cannot compensate for continued fossil fuel emissions – fossil fuel emissions are permanent, whereas storing carbon in forests and soils is temporary and can be easily reversed by cutting down trees and ploughing fields. The pitfalls of climate smart mitigation (WT) Climate Smart Agriculture, a concept promoted as part of a solution to climate change, has been at the heart of international and national debates on agricultural development in recent years. While many stakeholders push to link it to carbon markets, the arguments of inappropriateness of such system are gaining ground. Watch This! NGO Voices on Carbon Markets #9 June 2014 We are happy to present this edition of the Watch This! NGO Newsletter… Recode – Short documentary on Forest Carbon Synopsis Recode takes a fresh look at forest carbon; exploring the initiatives currently being developed to reduce emissions with forest resources. While outlining the current market approaches to emission sequestration, Recode addresses some of the drivers of deforestation and various efforts aimed at its containment in developing countries. Recognising the socioeconomic challenges surrounding forests… The right choice by the native peoples of Panama (Watch This! #5) Native forests threatened by Barro Blanco hydrodam. Photo courtesy of Oscar Sogandares By Oscar G. Sogandares, Spokesperson Asociación Ambientalista de Chiriquí Last month, the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) representing the seven indigenous peoples of Panama withdrew from the UN REDD Programme in Panama. In a letter to the UN, COONAPIP explains that… You + Thousands of Bugs The Natural History Museum's Bug Fair buzzes back. Buzz buzz. By Alysia Gray Painter • Published at 9:36 am on May 15, 2012 Sometimes we worry for a bug's sense of self and general overall confidence. Why? Because we humans see something with wings or multiple legs and we say "ew, a bug," not realizing what we're looking at is a rather elegant Polyphemus moth or a Blue ring centipede. But there are people out there who love their Polyphemus moths and Blue ring centipedes and only pull out the word "bug" when talking about a lot of insects at once, rather than individual creatures. And if you want a lot of insects at once you'll be at the Natural History Museum for its annual Bug Fair on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20. This thing is as big as a ladybug
is small; it is, in fact, "the biggest bug festival in North America." Over 70 vendors show with all sorts of alive, and formerly alive, examples of insectia. Some creatures are merely for display, some will take parts in docent talks (those are often the ones brave visitors get to hold), and some are for sale. There's also a Praying Mantis walkabout, a Honeybee walkabout, a Flower Fly walkabout, and a bunch of other special sessions throughout both days. Oh yeah, and the always fascinating and somewhat appetizing cooking demo. Crunch crunch. It's also the Year of the Fly, says the museum, so expect to see fly-related information and experts. Oh flies. In our hearts, we try to find patience. We really try. Maybe a visit to Bug Fair will help us see the world through your multi-lens compound eyes. Bug Fair is part of your NHM museum entrance fee, so there's nothing extra on top of that to attend. Do note, however, that entrance to the Butterfly Pavilion is extra. Wait. Butterflies have "fly" in their name, and we adore them. Okay. We're halfway there, to a better fly-based understanding. Heart opening wider. Follow NBCLA for the latest LA news, events and entertainment: iPhone/iPad App | Facebook; | Twitter; | Google+; | Instagram; | RSS; | Text Alerts | Email Alerts Copyright FREEL - NBC Local Media Home Archives About Subscribe Concert Calendar Advertising Work For Us Contact Concert Comix: Antwon and Le1f at Santos Party House Tegan and Sara Clinch Final East Coast Concert at Starland Ballroom GlobalFEST Rocks Central Park's Great Lawn by Caroline Sanchez In its second year, the The Global Citizen Festival transformed Central Park's Great Lawn on Saturday with great music and good vibes, aiming to raise awareness about the conditions of global poverty by bringing together world leaders, activists, and musicians for an evening of education and inspiration. The official lineup boasted Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys, John Mayer, and Stevie Wonder, but concertgoers were also treated to surprise appearances by Janelle Monáe, Bono, and Maxwell. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a disconnect between the goal of the event and the means to achieve that goal. Kings of Leon played what felt like a standard set, with numbers off their new album, Mechanical Bull, none of which seemed to play into the festival's overriding themes of reform and equality. Alicia Keys thrilled the audience with her impressive vocal range and piano riffs, but did not speak much about the evening's cause, oustide a brief dedication. Mayer's soulful performance of "Waiting on the World to Change" was an ironic addition to a concert about taking action, but his guitar solos and crooning were enough to make anyone disregard the oversight. Seeing the great Stevie Wonder was something I never thought would happen, and the music was as groovy and heartfelt as one would expect. His rendition of "Imagine" was prefaced with a speech about gun-control laws in the United States—slightly off topic, but no less serious an issue. Overall, the Global Citizen Festival featured some great music and a large crowd of enthusastic concertgoers, but ultimately fell short of making the impact it intended. Finding like-minded performers to represent the Global Citizen agenda should be the main goal for next year's event; otherwise, it would be best to find another way to rally the troops. Peter Matthews on September 30, 2013 | Permalink | Comments (0) Coffee Conversations Tweets by @feastofmusic Winter Jazzfest Marathon - Saturday Winter Jazzfest Marathon 2020 - Friday Recap Mariss Category Is: Sonic Synesthesia at Baby’s Alright "The Love Suicides at Sonezaki" at the White Light Festival Lez Zeppelin at the Metropolitan Museum of Art "The Love for Three Oranges" at Opera Philadelphia New York Philharmonic Plays ‘Close Encounters & Psycho’ Lincoln Center Out of Doors (Americanafest): Yola and Patty Griffin "desi:NOW" at Lincoln Center Out of Do
itaire de la Poche de Royan” above Bordeaux, in 2009 followed by the equally spectacular auction of the “Musée Militaire de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale – La Percée d’Avranches”, one of the most important private museums of the Normandy with its thematic fields including the Americans’ decisive battle of 1944. Hermann Historica GmbH China Sets Tier II Rules for Ships in Domestic Trade The Tier II/III standards were introduced by Annex VI amendments adopted in 2008, imposing new fuel quality requirements in 2011, Tier II and III NOx emission standards for new engines, and Tier I NOx requirements for existing pre-2000 engines. The move is being announced as part of the country’s efforts to improve the quality of its waterway transportation and cutting air pollution. The ministry said that the measure would be in force for five years and that relevant inspection and maritime agencies will conduct regular controls of both Chinese and international ships to ensure the requirements are met. Earlier this year, China announced that it plans to stop allowing the recycling of international ships at its yards as of the beginning of 2019. The decision comes on the back of China’s efforts to crack down on polluter and waste producing industries in the country, which have seen many yards denied their ship recycling licenses. The Chinese-flagged ships will be allowed to continue to be dismantled at Chinese yards, however, the Government of China will no longer provide subsidies for the branch, as decided last year. The decision is expected to slash global capacity for environmentally-friendly recycling of ships, despite the ongoing efforts from Indian yards to become compliant with the Hong Kong Convention. Hence, owners would have to start to take these yards more seriously in addition to those in Turkey. World Maritime News Staff PreviousBIMCO: Trade War Becoming Ever More Difficult to Stop NextYang Ming Picks Low Sulphur Fuel for 2020 Sulphur Cap Entrevista , Exclusivo , exiteden , marina , phantomelite » [English Version] Exclusive Interview with Marina La Torraca from Exit Eden and Phantom Elite Voice, Talent, Beauty. Elegance. Mystery. These are just some of the characteristics we can attribute to the extraordinary Marina La Torraca, who with a latent pride pronounce me one of our most valuable export treasures. Check out the interview given kindly by Marina to the Goddesses of Rock and fall more and more in love with this legitimate moving art. Hi Marina first time thank you for receive the Goddess of Rock! How has it been for you to have stood out so much for being one of the few Brazilian voices growing on the heavy metal scene around the world? Hi, it's my pleasure. It has been amazing to be having these opportunities to show my work to so many people. I'm really grateful for them. How is your routine of study and vocal preparation? How singing is my job, so I'm always on the go. I try to use every opportunity I have to improve technically, and when I have time, I study a lot at home, or I have some singing lessons. Lately I have been studying and practicing every day. What was it like touring with Avantasia? And is it true that it was Amanda Sommerville herself who asked you to replace her at the shows? Yes! Amanda and I had been working together for some years. When she realized she could not do some Avantasia shows, she called me. I only did 4 Ghostlights Tour shows, but it was an amazing hope! Sharing the stage with those guys is a challenge and a blessing, haha. Will you be releasing this year's first Phantom Elite Band "Wasteland" album what can we expect from the album? Exactly, will be released in Brazil inclusive, April 15. Expect plenty of progressive and experimental touches, plus striking melodies and murderous riffs, haha. An album difficult to fit into a single genre, and a great option for those who want to hear something different. In addition to rock bands you have also participated in plays and musicals. Are there any that you have not yet participated but dream of doing? Honestly, I've just been part of my favorite musical, RENT. There I had the honor of making one of my dream characters too, Mimi Mar
itaire de la Poche de Royan” above Bordeaux, in 2009 followed by the equally spectacular auction of the “Musée Militaire de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale – La Percée d’Avranches”, one of the most important private museums of the Normandy with its thematic fields including the Americans’ decisive battle of 1944. Hermann Historica GmbH China Sets Tier II Rules for Ships in Domestic Trade The Tier II/III standards were introduced by Annex VI amendments adopted in 2008, imposing new fuel quality requirements in 2011, Tier II and III NOx emission standards for new engines, and Tier I NOx requirements for existing pre-2000 engines. The move is being announced as part of the country’s efforts to improve the quality of its waterway transportation and cutting air pollution. The ministry said that the measure would be in force for five years and that relevant inspection and maritime agencies will conduct regular controls of both Chinese and international ships to ensure the requirements are met. Earlier this year, China announced that it plans to stop allowing the recycling of international ships at its yards as of the beginning of 2019. The decision comes on the back of China’s efforts to crack down on polluter and waste producing industries in the country, which have seen many yards denied their ship recycling licenses. The Chinese-flagged ships will be allowed to continue to be dismantled at Chinese yards, however, the Government of China will no longer provide subsidies for the branch, as decided last year. The decision is expected to slash global capacity for environmentally-friendly recycling of ships, despite the ongoing efforts from Indian yards to become compliant with the Hong Kong Convention. Hence, owners would have to start to take these yards more seriously in addition to those in Turkey. World Maritime News Staff PreviousBIMCO: Trade War Becoming Ever More Difficult to Stop NextYang Ming Picks Low Sulphur Fuel for 2020 Sulphur Cap Entrevista , Exclusivo , exiteden , marina , phantomelite » [English Version] Exclusive Interview with Marina La Torraca from Exit Eden and Phantom Elite Voice, Talent, Beauty. Elegance. Mystery. These are just some of the characteristics we can attribute to the extraordinary Marina La Torraca, who with a latent pride pronounce me one of our most valuable export treasures. Check out the interview given kindly by Marina to the Goddesses of Rock and fall more and more in love with this legitimate moving art. Hi Marina first time thank you for receive the Goddess of Rock! How has it been for you to have stood out so much for being one of the few Brazilian voices growing on the heavy metal scene around the world? Hi, it's my pleasure. It has been amazing to be having these opportunities to show my work to so many people. I'm really grateful for them. How is your routine of study and vocal preparation? How singing is my job, so I'm always on the go. I try to use every opportunity I have to improve technically, and when I have time, I study a lot at home, or I have some singing lessons. Lately I have been studying and practicing every day. What was it like touring with Avantasia? And is it true that it was Amanda Sommerville herself who asked you to replace her at the shows? Yes! Amanda and I had been working together for some years. When she realized she could not do some Avantasia shows, she called me. I only did 4 Ghostlights Tour shows, but it was an amazing hope! Sharing the stage with those guys is a challenge and a blessing, haha. Will you be releasing this year's first Phantom Elite Band "Wasteland" album what can we expect from the album? Exactly, will be released in Brazil inclusive, April 15. Expect plenty of progressive and experimental touches, plus striking melodies and murderous riffs, haha. An album difficult to fit into a single genre, and a great option for those who want to hear something different. In addition to rock bands you have also participated in plays and musicals. Are there any that you have not yet participated but dream of doing? Honestly, I've just been part of my favorite musical, RENT. There I had the honor of making one of my dream characters too, Mimi Mar
quez. But I have not done many pieces yet, and there are many that I dream of doing ... the great productions of Disney, for example. And Hamilton, of course! Haha ha. Now about Exit Eden, the album "Rhapsodies in Black" became a hit here in Brazil as it was for you to participate in this project and what is your favorite music? The Exit Eden was and is a pleasure. It's an organized, well-structured production, and my bandmates are talented and hardworking. We get along very well on stage and outside, and we always make decisions as a team. My favorite Rhapsodies in Black song is "Paparazzi", hehe. Did the band expect such a warm reception from the audience? Not at all! Haha. We even feared that much of the audience might be prejudiced, or simply not in tune with the album's proposal. But we were wrong, great! How is this cultural plurality when you join 4 singers from different countries? I think we have more in common than we think, haha. We have very similar themes and interests. And I think in this business people are accustomed to working with people from all over the world, so there is not much cultural friction. What was it like working with Simone Simons on the album? Simone spent most of her time in direct contact with the producers. With so many different schedules among all of us and difficult times to reconcile, we had to record many separate things. She recorded the vocals in her studio. When the Phantom Elite was released you would be a band playing songs from the H.D.K project. live but now you are an authoring group with your own style, when did you decide to make that change? We decided to take that step forward right away, haha. It took us a long time to release the first singles and finish recording the first album, but we had been rehearsing and writing in the studio for over 3 years. Now one thing that all Brazilians are asking: When will you come to do shows in Brazil? I would love it to be next week already! Hehe, but the fact is that organizing shows out there, whether with Phantom Elite or Exit Eden, costs a lot of money. Therefore, shows in Brazil or Latin America can only roll when our reach out there is enough to not go bankrupt. ?? The more people who buy the albums and ask for our visit, the greater the chances! Would you like to leave a message to the Brazilian fans? I would like to send a huge thank you to all my countrymen, so dedicated music fans! It sounds like "crap," but your support is worth a LOT. I can not wait to share this Brazilian energy on stage! A hug, and thank you for the opportunity! Matéria e Edição: Sara Ribeiro Perguntas: John Vasques e Exid Eden Brasil Mobile version » RUB 68.2495 GBP 0.8511 See all » HIP RIGA « Back All about Visual Art Visual Art in Latvia By Anita Kaze. 05.11.2008 ART IN THE 1940s-80s Gallery: VA3 » Visual Art in Latvia » Visual Art in Latvia - After the Soviet occupation of 1940, Latvia was incorporated into the USSR. Mass repressions began, where artists also suffered as a result. Part of the population was deported to Siberia; artists fled to the West and those who remained in Latvia, fearful for their lives, did not freely show their works. The development of culture in Latvia was very isolated from the European context. Ideological censorship was particularly active during Stalin's the time. However, there were also artists who were able to create high quality works by using canons of socialistic realism. For example, painter Eduards Kalniņš made “Jaunās buras” (New Sails) in 1945. The USSR Academy of Art formulated a theory of socialist realism - an outline of standards with a hierarchy of themes and genres including revolutionary history, the rise of socialism, farm workers, etc. In 1941 the Latvian SSR Artists’ Union was established. In the beginning, this institution monitored and 're-educated' artists. Later the Artists' Union enabled artists to sign pan-union contracts, receive comm
spouse may absorb laundry or promote food on the street to complement the household earnings. Today Nicaragua’s economy relies on agricultural efforts, since the nation has very fertile land and a low density of population on that land. Export crops similar to coffee, cotton, bananas, and sugar rose steadily from 1950 to 1975. Human Rights Dimensions Of Covid The Nicaraguans additionally elevate livestock for local consumption in addition to trade. The Spanish introduced the first cattle within the sixteenth century, and Nicaragua has been efficiently raising and exporting beef since about 1950. Dario’s birthplace has been renamed in his honor and is preserved as a national shrine. Another creator, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, published a quantity of brief tales and two novels earlier than his assassination in 1978. Nicaragua’s schooling system is underfunded and inadequate; access to training improved in the Eighties with the introduction of free schooling, but a large majority of the inhabitants had not accomplished main schooling in 1993. Literacy was estimated at about 50 p.c at the finish of the Somoza regime, while a literacy marketing campaign in the 1980s reportedly raised the literacy price to about seventy seven percent. Nicaraguan Females Are Identified For Being Really The Jealous Sort William Walker was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and gained a popularity as a buccaneer and United States adventurer. In 1855 he entered Nicaragua with a small band of mercenaries armed with a brand new sort of fast-motion rifle. There, with the help of his Liberal allies, Walker was capable of shock and seize the conservative capitol of Granada and establish a coalition government. Nicaraguans are keen on a small pink bean typically eaten refried in a dish known as gallo pinto, or “noticed rooster.” This is primarily a breakfast dish. By 1852, the Accessory Transit Company of American tycoon Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt was providing transportation for 20,000 United States residents per thirty days via Nicaragua. Soon after, he supported the expedition of William Walker who needed to take over Nicaragua as a slave state annexed to the United States. Women And Households Like different Central Americans, Nicaraguans devour corn tortillas with most meals. Nicaragua’s version of the tortilla is massive, thin and made from white corn. Beans are consumed daily as a needed supply of protein in a rustic where most people can’t afford to eat meat often. In 1981, roughly 1,500 Cuban lecturers had been instructing in Nicaragua, and 1,300 Nicaraguan college students have been attending faculties in Cuba. Poverty is essentially the most pressing social downside in Nicaragua, and has been for many years. In 1994 the United Nations recognized poverty and unemployment as the two explanation why Nicaraguans don’t imagine in the salve of democracy. The report asserted that 75 percent of Nicaraguan households stay in poverty, and that unemployment hovered at 60 percent. Because of the uneven distribution of wealth, in addition to the financial and political upheavals of latest decades, the poor have even suffered in periods of financial progress. In the 1970s, 30 percent of personal revenue flowed to the richest 5 p.c of households. During the agricultural export progress in the Pacific lowlands and central highlands, many peasants had been pushed off their land and ended up as low-wage migrant laborers. Traditional Hispanic divisions of labor are the usual in Nicaragua. Men work in the fields or factories, whereas women perform the domestic chores. Children in rural communities help out with the farming, typically missing college throughout harvest seasons. Two foreign processing firms established operations in Bluefields and Puerto Cabezas in 1969. The industrialization and export of turtle meat quickly depleted the turtle population. Motivated by conservation of the turtle, in 1977 the Nicaraguan government suspended the operations of these companies. There has been little city trade in Nicaragua since the Sandinista revolution. In
spouse may absorb laundry or promote food on the street to complement the household earnings. Today Nicaragua’s economy relies on agricultural efforts, since the nation has very fertile land and a low density of population on that land. Export crops similar to coffee, cotton, bananas, and sugar rose steadily from 1950 to 1975. Human Rights Dimensions Of Covid The Nicaraguans additionally elevate livestock for local consumption in addition to trade. The Spanish introduced the first cattle within the sixteenth century, and Nicaragua has been efficiently raising and exporting beef since about 1950. Dario’s birthplace has been renamed in his honor and is preserved as a national shrine. Another creator, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, published a quantity of brief tales and two novels earlier than his assassination in 1978. Nicaragua’s schooling system is underfunded and inadequate; access to training improved in the Eighties with the introduction of free schooling, but a large majority of the inhabitants had not accomplished main schooling in 1993. Literacy was estimated at about 50 p.c at the finish of the Somoza regime, while a literacy marketing campaign in the 1980s reportedly raised the literacy price to about seventy seven percent. Nicaraguan Females Are Identified For Being Really The Jealous Sort William Walker was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and gained a popularity as a buccaneer and United States adventurer. In 1855 he entered Nicaragua with a small band of mercenaries armed with a brand new sort of fast-motion rifle. There, with the help of his Liberal allies, Walker was capable of shock and seize the conservative capitol of Granada and establish a coalition government. Nicaraguans are keen on a small pink bean typically eaten refried in a dish known as gallo pinto, or “noticed rooster.” This is primarily a breakfast dish. By 1852, the Accessory Transit Company of American tycoon Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt was providing transportation for 20,000 United States residents per thirty days via Nicaragua. Soon after, he supported the expedition of William Walker who needed to take over Nicaragua as a slave state annexed to the United States. Women And Households Like different Central Americans, Nicaraguans devour corn tortillas with most meals. Nicaragua’s version of the tortilla is massive, thin and made from white corn. Beans are consumed daily as a needed supply of protein in a rustic where most people can’t afford to eat meat often. In 1981, roughly 1,500 Cuban lecturers had been instructing in Nicaragua, and 1,300 Nicaraguan college students have been attending faculties in Cuba. Poverty is essentially the most pressing social downside in Nicaragua, and has been for many years. In 1994 the United Nations recognized poverty and unemployment as the two explanation why Nicaraguans don’t imagine in the salve of democracy. The report asserted that 75 percent of Nicaraguan households stay in poverty, and that unemployment hovered at 60 percent. Because of the uneven distribution of wealth, in addition to the financial and political upheavals of latest decades, the poor have even suffered in periods of financial progress. In the 1970s, 30 percent of personal revenue flowed to the richest 5 p.c of households. During the agricultural export progress in the Pacific lowlands and central highlands, many peasants had been pushed off their land and ended up as low-wage migrant laborers. Traditional Hispanic divisions of labor are the usual in Nicaragua. Men work in the fields or factories, whereas women perform the domestic chores. Children in rural communities help out with the farming, typically missing college throughout harvest seasons. Two foreign processing firms established operations in Bluefields and Puerto Cabezas in 1969. The industrialization and export of turtle meat quickly depleted the turtle population. Motivated by conservation of the turtle, in 1977 the Nicaraguan government suspended the operations of these companies. There has been little city trade in Nicaragua since the Sandinista revolution. In
1978, the commercial sector shrank as a result of political and financial problems. In the early 1980s, food processing plants, sugar mills, and vegetable oil refineries have been operating at solely 50 p.c capacity. Prior to that, the nation’s industry was comprised of meals processing crops and the manufacture of animal byproducts such as candles, soap, and leather-based. The Miskito folks generally eat the meat of the inexperienced turtle as a staple protein of their food plan. But within the first half of the twentieth century, overseas demand for turtle meat increased and the Miskito discovered that they may earn more by promoting the meat. How Trans Understanding Easy Products In Literary Analysis Conclusion HomeJudiciaryJudiciary cannot be controlled or else ‘rule of law’ will become illusory,... Judiciary cannot be controlled or else ‘rule of law’ will become illusory, CJI Ramana says CJI N.V. Ramana cautioned judges against getting swayed by the emotional pitch of public opinion, and also said media trials cannot be a guiding factor in deciding cases. Chief Justice of India NV Ramana | ANI File Photo New Delhi: Judiciary cannot be controlled, directly or indirectly, by the legislature or the executive, or else the ‘rule of law’ would become illusory, Chief Justice of India N V Ramana asserted on Wednesday and at the same time cautioned judges against being swayed by social media. The new media tools that have an enormous amplifying ability are incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad and the real and fake. Therefore, media trials cannot be a guiding factor in deciding cases,” the CJI said, adding it is also imperative to start a discourse as to how social media trends can affect the institutions. CJI Ramana made the observations while delivering the ’17th Justice P. D. Desai Memorial Lecture’. “For the judiciary to apply checks on governmental power and action, it has to have complete freedom. The judiciary cannot be controlled, directly or indirectly, by the legislature or the executive, or else the rule of law would become illusory. At the same time, judges should not be swayed by the emotional pitch of public opinion either, which is getting amplified through social media platforms, the CJI said. He added that the judges have to be mindful of the fact that the noise thus amplified is not necessarily reflective of what is right. It is therefore extremely vital to function independently and withstand all external aids and pressures. “While there is a lot discussion about the pressure from the executive, it is also imperative to start a discourse as to how social media trends can affect the institutions, he added. Noting the unprecedented crisis being faced by the entire world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CJI said, We necessarily have to pause and ask ourselves as to what extent we have used the ‘rule of law’ to ensure protection to and welfare of all of our people. I began to feel that this pandemic might yet be a mere curtain-raiser to much larger crises in the decades to come. Surely we must at least begin the process of analysing what we did right and where we went wrong, he said. The CJI added that in a democratic country like India, access to justice forms the bedrock of the rule of law and urged all to extend a helping hand to those in need. However, this guarantee of equal justice will be rendered meaningless if the vulnerable sections are unable to enjoy their rights because of their poverty or illiteracy or any other kind of weakness, he said. He said that gender equality is very important and legal empowerment of women not only enables them to advocate for their rights and needs in society but also increases their visibility in the legal reform process and allows their participation in it. Bias and prejudice necessarily lead to injustice, particularly when it relates to the minorities, he added. The CJI said that any law backed by a sovereign must be tempered by certain ideals or tenets of justice. Only a State that is governed by such law, can be said to have the Rule of Law . I would urge both young and senior counsel to extend a helping hand to those in
An Oral History of the Fall of the Soviet Union Belarusian author, journalist, oral historian, and now also a political dissident Svetlana Alexievich, to use that chilling Stalinist phrase about writers, is a certified “engineer of human souls” and has a Nobel prize to prove it. Four decades ago she acquired a tape recorder (500 rubles, an astronomic number for your run-of-the-mill 100 rubles desk job salary) and set out to catalogue a multitude of voices, old and young, surging in a cacophonic symphony of victimhood and heroism from every far and near corner of the Land of the Soviets. Six books were born out of this labour, each one a raw manifesto of truth, suturing a particular apocalyptic wound (Second World War, Afghanistan War, and Chernobyl, among them). This is not the kind of literary product one can savour with a glass of flinty Chablis, half-listening to the analog grit of some fresh lo-fi chillop. This is work both for the intellectual and the emotional aspects of readership, often punctured by tears, but always ending in a classic cleaning catharsis. I am fortunate to be able to read Alexievich in the original Russian, but even the English translations retain the thunderbolt strength of her laconicism. Truly, if the story (in this case, hundreds of stories) is enthralling, it requires no embellishment (sorry, Tolkien). Today, as the pandemic world convulses in the corrosive slops of populism, and in Alexievich’s native Belarus the emboldened dictator releases smug videos of himself with an automated gun (and his own underage son grotesquely clad in a spetznaz uniform), I revisit her Secondhand Time in search of answers, clues, and prophesies. What is the essence of a Soviet (and post-Soviet) person? What knowledge (if any) has been retained after decades with so much happening within them and yet with so little to show? What hope is there for hundreds of millions of identities stumbling, half-conscious, from ideology into ideology? Alexievich the chronicler, Alexievich the therapist, Alexievich the compassionate anthropologist… It is precisely this nurse-like compassion that makes Secondhand Time such a precious jewel among numerous other attempts to understand the “Soviet mystique.” Solzhenitsyn did this in Gulag Archipelago and in pretty much everything else he’s said or written, and also Aleksandr Zinovyev did this with his sarcastic buzzword Homo Sovieticus. This archetypal “Soviet man” is, in the words of Leszek Kolakowski, an “ideological schizophrenic, honest liar, a person always ready for constant and voluntary mental self-mutilations.” Bingo. That’s exactly it. Alexievich treads the very same conceptual path that Zinovyev and Solzhenitsyn stepped on before her, capturing the essence of homo sovieticuses from Belarus to Kazakhstan. What is this essence? Emanating from a breadth of ethnically and religiously diverse voices, the Homo Sovieticus is a brittle jelly held together by one thing and one thing only – a terrifying ability to consciously gobble up lies and to rationalize brain-frying contradictions. Homo Sovieticus reconciles the irreconcilable within the humble square footage of his grey matter. Homo Sovieticus is at once pitiable, admirable, loathsome, pathetic, heroic, insightful, ignorant, passionate, and inert. Homo Sovieticus, coming out of Alexievich’s pages, can start a sentence opening up about his parents being butchered by the Soviet regime, and finish off with emotional nostalgia over the golden years of Soviet bounty and the vitriolic indictment of democracy. There is no logic, no cause-and-effect relationship. There is only Stockholm syndrome and a severe, pan-national, untreated PTSD. Many Westerners and ex-Soviets (the ones younger or simply fortunate to be better oriented in matters of history and truth) scoff at the Homo Sovieticus for possessing the naivete
An Oral History of the Fall of the Soviet Union Belarusian author, journalist, oral historian, and now also a political dissident Svetlana Alexievich, to use that chilling Stalinist phrase about writers, is a certified “engineer of human souls” and has a Nobel prize to prove it. Four decades ago she acquired a tape recorder (500 rubles, an astronomic number for your run-of-the-mill 100 rubles desk job salary) and set out to catalogue a multitude of voices, old and young, surging in a cacophonic symphony of victimhood and heroism from every far and near corner of the Land of the Soviets. Six books were born out of this labour, each one a raw manifesto of truth, suturing a particular apocalyptic wound (Second World War, Afghanistan War, and Chernobyl, among them). This is not the kind of literary product one can savour with a glass of flinty Chablis, half-listening to the analog grit of some fresh lo-fi chillop. This is work both for the intellectual and the emotional aspects of readership, often punctured by tears, but always ending in a classic cleaning catharsis. I am fortunate to be able to read Alexievich in the original Russian, but even the English translations retain the thunderbolt strength of her laconicism. Truly, if the story (in this case, hundreds of stories) is enthralling, it requires no embellishment (sorry, Tolkien). Today, as the pandemic world convulses in the corrosive slops of populism, and in Alexievich’s native Belarus the emboldened dictator releases smug videos of himself with an automated gun (and his own underage son grotesquely clad in a spetznaz uniform), I revisit her Secondhand Time in search of answers, clues, and prophesies. What is the essence of a Soviet (and post-Soviet) person? What knowledge (if any) has been retained after decades with so much happening within them and yet with so little to show? What hope is there for hundreds of millions of identities stumbling, half-conscious, from ideology into ideology? Alexievich the chronicler, Alexievich the therapist, Alexievich the compassionate anthropologist… It is precisely this nurse-like compassion that makes Secondhand Time such a precious jewel among numerous other attempts to understand the “Soviet mystique.” Solzhenitsyn did this in Gulag Archipelago and in pretty much everything else he’s said or written, and also Aleksandr Zinovyev did this with his sarcastic buzzword Homo Sovieticus. This archetypal “Soviet man” is, in the words of Leszek Kolakowski, an “ideological schizophrenic, honest liar, a person always ready for constant and voluntary mental self-mutilations.” Bingo. That’s exactly it. Alexievich treads the very same conceptual path that Zinovyev and Solzhenitsyn stepped on before her, capturing the essence of homo sovieticuses from Belarus to Kazakhstan. What is this essence? Emanating from a breadth of ethnically and religiously diverse voices, the Homo Sovieticus is a brittle jelly held together by one thing and one thing only – a terrifying ability to consciously gobble up lies and to rationalize brain-frying contradictions. Homo Sovieticus reconciles the irreconcilable within the humble square footage of his grey matter. Homo Sovieticus is at once pitiable, admirable, loathsome, pathetic, heroic, insightful, ignorant, passionate, and inert. Homo Sovieticus, coming out of Alexievich’s pages, can start a sentence opening up about his parents being butchered by the Soviet regime, and finish off with emotional nostalgia over the golden years of Soviet bounty and the vitriolic indictment of democracy. There is no logic, no cause-and-effect relationship. There is only Stockholm syndrome and a severe, pan-national, untreated PTSD. Many Westerners and ex-Soviets (the ones younger or simply fortunate to be better oriented in matters of history and truth) scoff at the Homo Sovieticus for possessing the naivete
of a blind kitten. Not Alexievich. There isn’t an ounce of ridicule in her approach. Instead, there is a profoundly humanist understanding of immeasurable loss and confusion, of deracinated personhood, and of a perpetually shifting system of ideological coordinates that only amplifies this disorientation. At work you say one thing, at home another, you pretend to do your job, your employer pretends to pay you, in public you pretend to be atheist while at home you teach your kids to say the namaz, and on and on it goes, this neverending umbilical cord of duplicity, chaining a person to the regime of lies. Why is this Homo Sovieticus anthropology important today? Well, for one it helps explain Transdnistria, Abkhasia, Crimea, Donbas, and other scenarios as something more than just bona fide putinist imperialism. This is a war for the last remaining grey matter square footage of the last remaining Homo Sovieticus generation. More globally, Alexievich’s catalogue of Soviet souls, read against the backdrop of today’s fake news pandemic, clearly demonstrates just what kind of dire consequences befall the people who are brainwashed into kissing the cold portraits of their family’s murderers. Every and all evil can be excused if we cannot even agree whether the sky is blue… Image: Vasily Kolotevy, Queue. Quote of the Hour: You Know, That Guy Quote of the Hour: The Callipygian Muse Quote of the Hour: If You Don't Mind Me Sayin' So Quote of the Hour: A Powerful Thirst Quote of the Hour: There Were Giants in the Earth ... Quote of the Hour: What Will You Be Remembered For? Quote of the Hour: Secrets Quote of the Hour: Papa Was a Rolling Stone Quote of the Hour: The Back of Beyond Quote of the Hour: Busking Quote of the Hour: The Transforming Man Quote of the Hour: Exterior Decorating Quote of the Hour: The Perfect Nostrum Quote of the Hour: Pillow Musings Quote of the Hour: As They See Us Quote of the Hour: You Can Leave Your Hat On Quote of the Hour: Unplanned Obsolescence Quote of the Hour: Who Can Save You Now? Quote of the Hour: The Lady's Not For Clubbing Quote of the Hour: Man Is Full of Trouble Quote of the Hour: If You Don't Ask, You Don't Get Quote of the Hour: Bless This Mess Quote of the Hour: What Can Be Fixed and What Can't Quote of the Hour: Or Perhaps a Lion-Tamer Quote of the Hour: Vast and Cool But not Unsympath... Blackwood: The Mourning After by Evan Dorkin, Vero... Oddball by Sarah Andersen The Looking Glass War by John Le Carre Colonel Weird: Cosmagog by Jeff Lemire and Tyler C... Reviewing the Mail: Week of December 24, 2022 Incoming Books: Holiday Edition Quote of the Week: Life Lessons A Sister by Bastien Vives Venezia by Lewis Trondheim and Fabrice Parme No Touch Monkey! by Ayun Halliday Parenthesis by Elodie Durand Books Read: November 2022 Quote of the Week: Tougher than the Toughies Simon & Louise by Max de Radigues The Great Glorious Goddamn of It All by Josh Ritter The Incredible Nellie Bly by Luciana Cimino and Se... Ex Libris by Matt Madden Quote of the Week Bonus: Visitors and Residents Quote of the Week: The Lone and Level Sands Heavy Weather by P.G. Wodehouse Stranger Planet by Nathan W. Pyle Everything Is OK by Debbie Tung Readings by Michael Dirda Reviewing the Mail: Week of December 3, 2022 Quote of the Week: Chosen Ones Limited Edition by Aude Picault Tono Monogatari by Shigeru Miz
a fire and his sojourn with her family is especially enlightening for him. His time with Maria and her brothers throws his own experiences into sharp relief, and he suddenly becomes keenly and painfully aware of the childhood that he has been denied. Though his body is that of a child, he has seen so much in life that he no longer cares to go on living. The children’s mother does not understand him because she realises that he is not a child like her own. She does not want Maria’s innocent, carefree childhood to be spoiled by the knowledge David has learned through his experiences in the camp. He knows the miseries and sorrows of an adult world because in many ways, emotionally at least, David is not a child; he is an adult, bound to be an observer and never a participant, bound never to experience a childhood like Maria’s. This newfound awareness of their vulnerability and isolation weighs heavily on each of the children in these texts. Sophie can no longer engage in the pretending game she and Hugh would play when they were sick or bored or scared. As she watches Hugh pretending to be somewhere else, enjoying the innocence of his childlike perception of the world, she realises that she herself cannot imagine anything beyond her present circumstances. She wonders if she is getting too old for the game. The freedoms of childhood are slowly being stripped away from Sophie as the experience of war closes in on her. Ruth Balicki experiences a similar realisation in The Silver Sword, the story of three Polish children and their epic journey to be reunited with their mother and father following the collapse of Warsaw during World War II. On a train with Bronia, as the little girl lies sleeping and dreaming on her lap, Ruth becomes suddenly and permanently aware that she herself is no longer a child; that she can no longer be a child who believes in the power of fairytales and happy endings. In assuming responsibility for her family’s future happiness she must sacrifice her own childhood. That sacrifice becomes part of the happiness she will experience when her family is restored. The children’s happiness, in many ways, depends on Ruth and on her capacity to fulfil the role of mother for them. Various adult figures she encounters in the narrative describe her as serene, self-assured and possessed with a sense of purpose and moral authority. If Ruth is no longer a child in emotional terms, she is not yet an adult either; she exists – in a world that has been utterly changed by the war – in a liminal space between childhood and adulthood. Hers is a heightened and charged experience of childhood; in the chaos of the war, when all identities are in transition, are shifting and inconstant, she has created a new meaning within the sphere of childhood; she has redefined what it means to be a child. The various responses the children express towards the idea of war raises the question of whether or not they are capable of experiencing happiness in the aftermath of the traumatic rupture of their childhood. Sophie hates the war with the clarity of a child’s perspective; it has changed everything, turned her world upside down and made the world around her unreliable and unstable. Even her home is no longer her home; even her mother has been changed by the violent impact of the conflict. She muses that grownups have forgotten what it means to be a child; the knowledge of knowing that one cannot control the events of one’s life and the fear that creates at the heart of the childhood experience. Sophie is scared because everything is changing. Jan hates the war with the same single-minded clarity; he condemns all soldiers, irrespective of their circumstances. David hates the way a grown man hates, with the conviction of experience. He believes his hatred is an appropriate and righteous response to the violence Carlos displays towards him; he does not appreciate that Carlos is a child because he does not appreciate – or even understand – that he is a child himself. For David, such actions are final, their consequences irreversible, unforgivable. The experience of war teaches the children how to hate; the happiness they are striving for becomes, in this context, a source of rehabilitation. Bronia, as the youngest of the Balicki family, remains a child within the text. She sees Ruth as her mother and takes comfort in her assurances. She has the largest capacity for happiness of all of the children, perhaps because she herself has not been as traumatized by the conflict; she has not been forced to grow up
a fire and his sojourn with her family is especially enlightening for him. His time with Maria and her brothers throws his own experiences into sharp relief, and he suddenly becomes keenly and painfully aware of the childhood that he has been denied. Though his body is that of a child, he has seen so much in life that he no longer cares to go on living. The children’s mother does not understand him because she realises that he is not a child like her own. She does not want Maria’s innocent, carefree childhood to be spoiled by the knowledge David has learned through his experiences in the camp. He knows the miseries and sorrows of an adult world because in many ways, emotionally at least, David is not a child; he is an adult, bound to be an observer and never a participant, bound never to experience a childhood like Maria’s. This newfound awareness of their vulnerability and isolation weighs heavily on each of the children in these texts. Sophie can no longer engage in the pretending game she and Hugh would play when they were sick or bored or scared. As she watches Hugh pretending to be somewhere else, enjoying the innocence of his childlike perception of the world, she realises that she herself cannot imagine anything beyond her present circumstances. She wonders if she is getting too old for the game. The freedoms of childhood are slowly being stripped away from Sophie as the experience of war closes in on her. Ruth Balicki experiences a similar realisation in The Silver Sword, the story of three Polish children and their epic journey to be reunited with their mother and father following the collapse of Warsaw during World War II. On a train with Bronia, as the little girl lies sleeping and dreaming on her lap, Ruth becomes suddenly and permanently aware that she herself is no longer a child; that she can no longer be a child who believes in the power of fairytales and happy endings. In assuming responsibility for her family’s future happiness she must sacrifice her own childhood. That sacrifice becomes part of the happiness she will experience when her family is restored. The children’s happiness, in many ways, depends on Ruth and on her capacity to fulfil the role of mother for them. Various adult figures she encounters in the narrative describe her as serene, self-assured and possessed with a sense of purpose and moral authority. If Ruth is no longer a child in emotional terms, she is not yet an adult either; she exists – in a world that has been utterly changed by the war – in a liminal space between childhood and adulthood. Hers is a heightened and charged experience of childhood; in the chaos of the war, when all identities are in transition, are shifting and inconstant, she has created a new meaning within the sphere of childhood; she has redefined what it means to be a child. The various responses the children express towards the idea of war raises the question of whether or not they are capable of experiencing happiness in the aftermath of the traumatic rupture of their childhood. Sophie hates the war with the clarity of a child’s perspective; it has changed everything, turned her world upside down and made the world around her unreliable and unstable. Even her home is no longer her home; even her mother has been changed by the violent impact of the conflict. She muses that grownups have forgotten what it means to be a child; the knowledge of knowing that one cannot control the events of one’s life and the fear that creates at the heart of the childhood experience. Sophie is scared because everything is changing. Jan hates the war with the same single-minded clarity; he condemns all soldiers, irrespective of their circumstances. David hates the way a grown man hates, with the conviction of experience. He believes his hatred is an appropriate and righteous response to the violence Carlos displays towards him; he does not appreciate that Carlos is a child because he does not appreciate – or even understand – that he is a child himself. For David, such actions are final, their consequences irreversible, unforgivable. The experience of war teaches the children how to hate; the happiness they are striving for becomes, in this context, a source of rehabilitation. Bronia, as the youngest of the Balicki family, remains a child within the text. She sees Ruth as her mother and takes comfort in her assurances. She has the largest capacity for happiness of all of the children, perhaps because she herself has not been as traumatized by the conflict; she has not been forced to grow up
; rather she has become a child of the war. Ruth rarely despairs throughout the text. Her faith, symbolized in her love of the Old Testament story of David in the lions’ den, sustains her, not least because of the associations it holds for her of her mother and of past happiness. She survives because she assumes the role of mother and leader of the family. Though she is initially slow to adapt herself to the new life they must lead, she realises that she can make sure that Bronia is shielded from the experience of war. By investing in her little sister’s happiness, Ruth creates the possibility of a future for herself and the other children. When Edek tells the story of his ordeal riding in the undercarriage of the truck, Ruth takes his hand again and clasps it as though she means to never let it go again. She tells her brother that nothing like this must ever happen to him again. But crucially she does not categorically say that nothing like that will ever happen to him again; this is the adult awareness of their vulnerability in the world that Ruth has had to shoulder. It is this adult awareness that traumatizes her childhood and forces her to grow up so quickly. David responds to the war by choosing to live. When he escapes from the camp, David exists very much outside his own life, even outside the possession of his own body. In the quiet nights, he can hear a whimpering sound; it is only later that he realises the sound must have been coming from him. His journey into happiness becomes a journey into himself, into a possession of his life and his freedom. Initially he will not even allow himself to think; survival in the camp means living at a distance from oneself, from one’s mind and body. David is close to death for much of the narrative. The Italian sailor he encounters cannot shake off the feeling that the little boy in front of him is going to die. He has lived with an awareness of his own death for much of his childhood; it is only as his journey progresses, as he moves deeper into his life and further from the barren periphery of his previous existence that he begins to be affected by the landscape and the people he encounters. Standing on a mountainside, gazing at the colours of the landscape around him, he discovers that he is crying. He has lived independently of his body for so long that he does not recognize his own reactions, his own urges and desires. Experiencing the beauty of the world for the first time, he realises that he does not want to die. More than that, he knows he wants to live. This is when David begins to fully inhabit his body and his own existence. He looks ‘again and again upon the blueness of the sea’ (Holm 30) and it is in this act, in this looking and looking again that he begins the process of living, the movement towards eventual happiness. Hugh learns how to be happy again in Ireland, living in the moment, playing in the safety of a neutral space; his face loses the frightened, tense look that Sophie recognizes from the faces of the children at home in war-torn London. As the younger of the two children he does not develop the same awareness of the gravity of their situation as Sophie does. He remains, like Bronia, in a dream world, removed from the total reality of the war. As such, his childhood can be rehabilitated; memory for him does not hold the same primacy that it does for Sophie. She does not want to forget. For Sophie – and for the other children as well – surviving the way becomes a matter of remembering, of constantly reaffirming the existence of a former life. It is only when Sophie articulates her fear, in the moment when her grandfather takes her in his arms and physically holds her that she begins to come to terms with the effect the war has had on her childhood. She is a child who knows that she is no longer child, that she can never be the same little girl she was before the war. She is aware of the ‘awful sadness of war’ (Conlon McKenna 128); she has experienced it herself and she has realised that the idea of home will now forever be associated with the conflict that destroyed it. Happiness then is founded on the acknowledgement of trauma and on the belief that that trauma can be healed. In each of the texts, in the face of the chaos created by the war, happiness becomes a matter of memory, a feeling and an experience to be preserved. Life becomes a matter of survival until such
two stops at Single A in 2013. He also struck out 134 times. Outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury was scratched from Sunday’s lineup due to tightness in his right calf. Ellsbury also will be held out of Monday’s game. The Yankees called the decision “precautionary.” Ellsbury, 30, said it was nothing serious but he did feel his calf tighten up on Saturday during a workout. . . . The Yankees optioned left-hander Manny Banuelos to Class-A Tampa on Sunday. General manager Brian Cashman said Banuelos, 23, will remain a starter. Banuelos was once considered the team’s No. 1 pitching prospect but he underwent Tommy John surgery in 2012 and he missed the 2013 season. Banuelos hopes to get on track enough to earn his way to the major leagues this season. . . . There is still buzz that the Yankees are receiving offers for backup catcher Francisco Cervelli, who is out of options and is hitting .409 with three homers this spring. Cashman declined to comment. . . . Backup infielder Brendan Ryan (back stiffness) is beginning to hit off a tee and is getting closer to returning to action in a few days. The Yankees will take to the road to Bradenton, FL, to play the Pittsburgh Pirates at McKechnie Field on Monday. Kuroda, coming off an outing in which he was tagged for six runs 10 hits last Wednesday, will try to get back on track for the Yankees. The Pirates will start right-hander Stolmy Pimentel. Game-time will be 1:05 p.m. EDT and the game will be broadcast on tape delay at 11 p.m. by the MLB Network. Written by mlblogsruthianclout Leave a comment Posted in Baseball, Dailies, Major League Baseball, New York Yankees, Sports, Uncategorized, Yankees Tagged with Andrelton Simmons, Atahualpa Severino, B.J. Upton, Boone Logan, Bradenton, Braves, Brendan Ryan, Brian Cashman, Brian McCann, Class-A Tampa, Eduardo Nunez, First Year Player Draft, Francisco Cervelli, Freddie Freeman, George M. Steinbrenner Field, Hiroki Kuroda, Ichiro Suzuki, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jason Heyward, Julio Teheran, Legends Series, Manny Banuelos, Masahiro Tanaka, Mason Williams, Matt Thornton, McKechnie Field, MLB Network, Panama, Pete O'Brien, Pirates, Ramon Flores, Single A, Stolmy Pimentel, Tommy John surgery, University of Miami, Yankees Nuno Stars But O’s Edge ‘Watered-Down’ Yankees ORIOLES 2, YANKEES (SS) 1 Jonathan Schoop scored pinch-runner Jemile Weeks on a sacrifice fly in the seventh inning to break a 1-1 tie as Baltimore edged a New York split squad on Saturday at Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota, FL. Non-roster outfielder Delmon Young opened the seventh with a double of right-hander Mark Montgomery (0-1). Weeks pinch-ran for Young and stole third to set up Schoop’s scoring fly ball. Korean right-hander Suk-min Yoon (1-0) pitched a scoreless inning of relief in his first major-league appearance to get credit for the victory. Evan Meek pitched the ninth inning to earn his second save of the spring. With most of the Yankees’ best players either in Panama participating in the two-game Legends Series or resting at the team’s spring complex in Tampa, FL, the Yankees – who brought 13 players who were not on their 40-man roster or who were not invited to spring training – scored their lone run of the game on a leadoff homer in the sixth inning by Francisco Arcia off Orioles starter Chris Tillman. Tillman had held the Yankees scoreless on two hits and two walks and struck out five in
two stops at Single A in 2013. He also struck out 134 times. Outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury was scratched from Sunday’s lineup due to tightness in his right calf. Ellsbury also will be held out of Monday’s game. The Yankees called the decision “precautionary.” Ellsbury, 30, said it was nothing serious but he did feel his calf tighten up on Saturday during a workout. . . . The Yankees optioned left-hander Manny Banuelos to Class-A Tampa on Sunday. General manager Brian Cashman said Banuelos, 23, will remain a starter. Banuelos was once considered the team’s No. 1 pitching prospect but he underwent Tommy John surgery in 2012 and he missed the 2013 season. Banuelos hopes to get on track enough to earn his way to the major leagues this season. . . . There is still buzz that the Yankees are receiving offers for backup catcher Francisco Cervelli, who is out of options and is hitting .409 with three homers this spring. Cashman declined to comment. . . . Backup infielder Brendan Ryan (back stiffness) is beginning to hit off a tee and is getting closer to returning to action in a few days. The Yankees will take to the road to Bradenton, FL, to play the Pittsburgh Pirates at McKechnie Field on Monday. Kuroda, coming off an outing in which he was tagged for six runs 10 hits last Wednesday, will try to get back on track for the Yankees. The Pirates will start right-hander Stolmy Pimentel. Game-time will be 1:05 p.m. EDT and the game will be broadcast on tape delay at 11 p.m. by the MLB Network. Written by mlblogsruthianclout Leave a comment Posted in Baseball, Dailies, Major League Baseball, New York Yankees, Sports, Uncategorized, Yankees Tagged with Andrelton Simmons, Atahualpa Severino, B.J. Upton, Boone Logan, Bradenton, Braves, Brendan Ryan, Brian Cashman, Brian McCann, Class-A Tampa, Eduardo Nunez, First Year Player Draft, Francisco Cervelli, Freddie Freeman, George M. Steinbrenner Field, Hiroki Kuroda, Ichiro Suzuki, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jason Heyward, Julio Teheran, Legends Series, Manny Banuelos, Masahiro Tanaka, Mason Williams, Matt Thornton, McKechnie Field, MLB Network, Panama, Pete O'Brien, Pirates, Ramon Flores, Single A, Stolmy Pimentel, Tommy John surgery, University of Miami, Yankees Nuno Stars But O’s Edge ‘Watered-Down’ Yankees ORIOLES 2, YANKEES (SS) 1 Jonathan Schoop scored pinch-runner Jemile Weeks on a sacrifice fly in the seventh inning to break a 1-1 tie as Baltimore edged a New York split squad on Saturday at Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota, FL. Non-roster outfielder Delmon Young opened the seventh with a double of right-hander Mark Montgomery (0-1). Weeks pinch-ran for Young and stole third to set up Schoop’s scoring fly ball. Korean right-hander Suk-min Yoon (1-0) pitched a scoreless inning of relief in his first major-league appearance to get credit for the victory. Evan Meek pitched the ninth inning to earn his second save of the spring. With most of the Yankees’ best players either in Panama participating in the two-game Legends Series or resting at the team’s spring complex in Tampa, FL, the Yankees – who brought 13 players who were not on their 40-man roster or who were not invited to spring training – scored their lone run of the game on a leadoff homer in the sixth inning by Francisco Arcia off Orioles starter Chris Tillman. Tillman had held the Yankees scoreless on two hits and two walks and struck out five in
five innings before Arcia’s blast chased him from the game. The Yankees, meanwhile, got four strong innings of shutout baseball from 26-year-old left-hander Vidal Nuno. Nuno yielded only a hit and a walk while he fanned three batters against an Orioles lineup that included starters Nick Markakis, J.J. Hardy, Nelson Cruz and Chris Davis. Unfortunately for the Yankees, the Orioles tied the score with two out in the sixth when Davis launched his third home run of the spring off right-hander Danny Burawa. The Yankees’ Grapefruit League record slipped to 8-8-2. The Orioles improved their record to 10-5. Nuno made a strong case for the fifth spot in the rotation with his effort on Saturday. Nuno threw 38 of his 59 pitches for strikes and only reached three-ball counts on three hitters. Nuno spotted his fastball well and mixed in his off-speed pitches more to keep the Orioles off-balance. Though Michael Pineda is expected to get the No. 5 spot, Nuno showed he deserves some consideration. His spring ERA is now down to 1.50. Brian Roberts was one of the few starters to make the trip and he had a great day against his former teammates. Roberts was 2-for-3 and he also contributed a fine defensive play in the sixth inning to rob Cruz of a single. Roberts, 36, may not be Robinson Cano but he is a fine second baseman as long as he can stay healthy. Ramon Flores was 2-for-3 on Saturday, including a double and single. Flores, 21, is hitting only .217 this spring but, after a season where he hit .260 with six homers and 55 RBIs in 136 games at Double-A Trenton, he will have a chance to develop this season at Triple A. It may be time for Ichiro Suzuki to admit that his days in baseball are waning. He was 0-for-3 on Saturday and he is 3-for-24 (.125) this spring with only three singles and two RBIs. He has not really stung the ball much this spring either. Though the Yankees might be open to trade Suzuki, it is hard to see if there would be any suitors for his services. Suzuki is in the final year of two-year contract with the Yankees and he is slated to be the fifth outfielder this season. After getting off to a quick start with the bat this spring, Austin Romine has been slumping of late. Romine, 25, batted cleanup and was 0-for-2 with a walk on Saturday. He is 5-for-25 (.200) with no RBIs in 11 games. Though Romine is a superior defensive catcher, his weak bat makes it almost certain that Francisco Cervelli will win the backup catching job. Romine likely will be sent to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Burawa learned a valuable pitching lesson on Saturday. With two out in the sixth, Davis came up the plate for his last at-bat with his team trailing 1-0. Obviously Davis was thinking about hitting a home run to tie it. Burawa, 25, opted to pitch aggressively to Davis instead of making him hit pitches out of the strike zone. His 1-1 fastball was thigh high and Davis drove it deep to left-center and over the wall. If he had walked Davis, Burawa would then have pitched to Steve Pearce, a journeyman who had four homers last season. Davis hit 53. Duh! The Yankees split squad returns to George M. Steinbrenner Field on Sunday to play host to the Atlanta Braves. Free-agent right-hander Masahiro Tanaka will make his second start of the spring for the Yankees. Catcher Brian McCann and Mark Teixeira are also scheduled to play in the game. McCann’s former team will start right-hander Julio Teheran. Brothers Justin and B.J. Upton, Jason Heyward and Andrelton Simmons are scheduled to make the trip for the Braves. Game-time will be 1:05 p.m. EDT and the game will be broadcast
process. The assistance came from a varied range of groups, including enslaved and free blacks, American Indians, and people from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds. Because of their links to the whaling business, the Pacific West Coast and potentially Alaska became popular tourist destinations. During the American Civil War, many freedom seekers sought refuge and liberty by fleeing to the Union army’s lines of communication. The Underground Railroad, a vast network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada, was not run by any single organization or person. Rather, it consisted of many individuals – many whites but predominently black – who knew only of the local efforts to aid fugitives and not of the overall operation. Still, it effectively moved hundreds of slaves northward each year – according to one estimate,the South lost 100,000 slaves between 1810 and 1850. An organized system to assist runaway slaves seems to have begun towards the end of the 18th century. In 1786 George Washington complained about how one of his runaway slaves was helped by a “society of Quakers, formed for such purposes.” The system grew, and around 1831 it was dubbed “The Underground Railroad,” after the then emerging steam railroads. The system even used terms used in railroading: the homes and businesses where fugitives would rest and eat were called “stations” and “depots” and were run by “stationmasters,” those who contributed money or goods were “stockholders,” and the “conductor” was responsible for moving fugitives from one station to the next.For the slave, running away to the North was anything but easy. The first step was to escape from the slaveholder. For many slaves, this meant relying on his or her own resources. Sometimes a “conductor,” posing as a slave, would enter a plantation and then guide the runaways northward. The fugitives would move at night. They would generally travel between 10 and 20 miles to the next station, where they would rest and eat, hiding in barns and other out-of-the-way places. While they waited, a message would be sent to the next station to alert its stationmaster.The fugitives would also travel by train and boat – conveyances that sometimes had to be paid for. Money was also needed to improve the appearance of the runaways – a black man, woman, or child in tattered clothes would invariably attract suspicious eyes. This money was donated by individuals and also raised by various groups, including vigilance committees.Vigilance committees sprang up in the larger towns and cities of the North, most prominently in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. In addition to soliciting money, the organizations provided food, lodging and money, and helped the fugitives settle into a community by helping them find jobs and providing letters of recommendation.The Underground Railroad had many notable participants, including John Fairfield in Ohio, the son of a slaveholding family, who made many daring rescues, Levi Coffin, a Quaker who assisted more than 3,000 slaves, and Harriet Tubman, who made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. The Underground Railroad [ushistory.org] The National Park Service (NPS) Through the Underground Railroad, Lewis Hayden was able to elude enslavement and later found work as a “conductor” from his home in Massachusetts. Speakers and organizers are required for any cause. Any mass movement requires the presence of visionary men and women. However, simply spreading knowledge and mobilizing people is not enough. It takes people who take action to bring about revolutionary change – individuals who chip away at the things that stand in the way, little by little, until they are victorious. Instead of sitting around and waiting for laws to change or slavery to come crashing down around them, railroad advocates assisted individual fleeing slaves in finding the light of freedom. Slaves were relocated from one “station” to another by abolitionists during the Civil War. In order to escape being apprehended, whites would frequently pose as the fugitives’ masters. In one particularly dramatic instance, Henry “Box” Brown arranged for a buddy to lock him up in a wooden box with only a few cookies and a bottle of water for company. This map of the eastern United States depicts some of the paths that slaves took on their
process. The assistance came from a varied range of groups, including enslaved and free blacks, American Indians, and people from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds. Because of their links to the whaling business, the Pacific West Coast and potentially Alaska became popular tourist destinations. During the American Civil War, many freedom seekers sought refuge and liberty by fleeing to the Union army’s lines of communication. The Underground Railroad, a vast network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada, was not run by any single organization or person. Rather, it consisted of many individuals – many whites but predominently black – who knew only of the local efforts to aid fugitives and not of the overall operation. Still, it effectively moved hundreds of slaves northward each year – according to one estimate,the South lost 100,000 slaves between 1810 and 1850. An organized system to assist runaway slaves seems to have begun towards the end of the 18th century. In 1786 George Washington complained about how one of his runaway slaves was helped by a “society of Quakers, formed for such purposes.” The system grew, and around 1831 it was dubbed “The Underground Railroad,” after the then emerging steam railroads. The system even used terms used in railroading: the homes and businesses where fugitives would rest and eat were called “stations” and “depots” and were run by “stationmasters,” those who contributed money or goods were “stockholders,” and the “conductor” was responsible for moving fugitives from one station to the next.For the slave, running away to the North was anything but easy. The first step was to escape from the slaveholder. For many slaves, this meant relying on his or her own resources. Sometimes a “conductor,” posing as a slave, would enter a plantation and then guide the runaways northward. The fugitives would move at night. They would generally travel between 10 and 20 miles to the next station, where they would rest and eat, hiding in barns and other out-of-the-way places. While they waited, a message would be sent to the next station to alert its stationmaster.The fugitives would also travel by train and boat – conveyances that sometimes had to be paid for. Money was also needed to improve the appearance of the runaways – a black man, woman, or child in tattered clothes would invariably attract suspicious eyes. This money was donated by individuals and also raised by various groups, including vigilance committees.Vigilance committees sprang up in the larger towns and cities of the North, most prominently in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. In addition to soliciting money, the organizations provided food, lodging and money, and helped the fugitives settle into a community by helping them find jobs and providing letters of recommendation.The Underground Railroad had many notable participants, including John Fairfield in Ohio, the son of a slaveholding family, who made many daring rescues, Levi Coffin, a Quaker who assisted more than 3,000 slaves, and Harriet Tubman, who made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. The Underground Railroad [ushistory.org] The National Park Service (NPS) Through the Underground Railroad, Lewis Hayden was able to elude enslavement and later found work as a “conductor” from his home in Massachusetts. Speakers and organizers are required for any cause. Any mass movement requires the presence of visionary men and women. However, simply spreading knowledge and mobilizing people is not enough. It takes people who take action to bring about revolutionary change – individuals who chip away at the things that stand in the way, little by little, until they are victorious. Instead of sitting around and waiting for laws to change or slavery to come crashing down around them, railroad advocates assisted individual fleeing slaves in finding the light of freedom. Slaves were relocated from one “station” to another by abolitionists during the Civil War. In order to escape being apprehended, whites would frequently pose as the fugitives’ masters. In one particularly dramatic instance, Henry “Box” Brown arranged for a buddy to lock him up in a wooden box with only a few cookies and a bottle of water for company. This map of the eastern United States depicts some of the paths that slaves took on their
way to freedom. The majority of the time, slaves traveled northward on their own, searching for the signal that indicated the location of the next safe haven. The railroad employed almost 3,200 individuals between the years 1830 and the conclusion of the Civil War, according to historical records. Harriet Tubman was perhaps the most notable “conductor” of the Underground Railroad during her lifetime. Tubman traveled into slave territory on a total of 19 distinct occasions throughout the 1850s. Any slave who had second thoughts, she threatened to kill with the gun she kept on her hip at the risk of his life. When the Civil War broke out, she put her railroad experience to use as a spy for the Union, which she did successfully for the Union. This was even worse than their distaste of Abolitionist speech and literature, which was already bad enough. According to them, this was a straightforward instance of stolen goods. Once again, a brick was laid in the building of Southern secession when Northern cities rallied with liberated slaves and refused to compensate them for their losses. The Secret History of the Underground Railroad Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race was the title of a series published by De Bow’s Review, a leading Southern periodical, a decade before the Civil War. The series was deemed necessary by the editors because it had “direct and practical bearing” on 3 million people whose worth as property totaled approximately $2 billion. When it comes to African Americans’ supposed laziness (“deficiency of red blood in the pulmonary and arterial systems”), love of dancing (“profuse distribution of nervous matter to the stomach, liver, and genital organs”), and extreme aversion to being whipped (“skin. However, it was Cartwright’s discovery of a previously undiscovered medical illness, which he coined “Drapetomania, or the sickness that causes Negroes to flee,” that grabbed the most attention from readers. Despite the fact that only a few thousand individuals, at most, fled slavery each year—nearly all of them from states bordering the free North—their migration was seen by many Southern whites as a portent of a greater calamity. How long do you think it will take until the entire cloth begins to unravel? Rather, it was intentionally supported and helped by a well-organized network that was both large and diabolical in scope. The word “Underground Railroad” brings up pictures of trapdoors, flickering lamps, and moonlit routes through the woods in the minds of most people today, just as it did in the minds of most Americans in the 1840s and 1850s. At least until recently, scholars paid relatively little attention to the story, which is remarkable considering how prominent it is in the national consciousness. The Underground Railroad was widely believed to be a statewide conspiracy with “conductors,” “agents,” and “depots,” but was it really a fiction of popular imagination conjured up from a succession of isolated, unconnected escapes? Which historians you trust in will determine the solutions. See also: Why Coined Underground Railroad? (Correct answer) One historian (white) questioned surviving abolitionists (most of whom were also white) a decade after the Civil War and documented a “great and complicated network” of agents, 3,211 of whom he identified by name, as well as a “great and intricate network” of agents (nearly all of them white). “I escaped without the assistance. “I have freed myself in the manner of a man.” In many cases, the Underground Railroad was not concealed at all. The journal of a white New Yorker who assisted hundreds of runaway slaves in the 1850s was found by an undergraduate student in Foner’s department at Columbia University while working on her final thesis some years ago, and this discovery served as the inspiration for his current book. One of the book’s most surprising revelations is that, according to the book’s subtitle, the Underground Railroad was not always secret at all. The New York State Vigilance Committee, established in 1850, the year of the infamous Fugitive Slave Act, officially declared its objective to “welcome, with open arms, the panting fugitive
ways numbered 164 References External links 164 Lampetis guningi es una especie de escarabajo del género Lampetis, familia Buprestidae. Fue descrita científicamente por Kerremans en 1911. Referencias guningi Царствование Михаила Фёдоровича События Царский указ о повышении урочных лет до 10 для беглых крестьян и до 15 — для увезённых. 24 июня [4 июля] — 26 сентября [6 октября] — Азовское сидение, оборона Азова казаками от турецкой армии; казаки отразили 24 турецких приступа, нанесли туркам громадный урон и заставили их снять осаду. Основание на Атемарской засечной [защитной] черте юго-восточной окраины государства (укреплённая линия Белгород—Симбирск) крепости Саранска. Родились Афанасий (Любимов) (1641, Тюмень — 5 [16] сентября 1702, Холмогоры) — епископ Русской церкви, первый епископ Холмогорский и Важский, духовный писатель и полемист. Виниус, Андрей Андреевич (4 июня 1641, Москва — 1717, там же) — государственный деятель эпохи Петра I. Сильвестр (Медведев) (21 [31] января 1641, Курск — 11 [21] февраля 1691, Сергиев Посад) — книгохранитель Московского печатного двора, духовный писатель и придворный поэт. Украинцев, Емельян Игнатьевич (1641 — 12 сентября 1708, Эгер, Венгрия) — думный дьяк, посланник и посол, глава Посольского приказа (1689—1697). Умерли Волконский, Иван Фёдорович Чермный (ум. 1641) — сын боярский и голова, затем воевода. Пожарский, Дмитрий Петрович Лопата (ум. 1641) — военный и государственный деятель. См. также 1641 год Примечания 1641 год в России 1641 год Хронология истории России Все хронологические списки Handbol Esportiu Castelldefels ist der Name eines spanischen Handballvereins aus Katalonien. Größter Erfolg war der Gewinn der Copa de la Reina im Jahr 1980. Geschichte Der Verein wurde im September 1973 in Castelldefels nahe Barcelona, als Mehrspartenverein gegründet, angeboten wurden Schießen, Volleyball, Basketball und auch Handball. Die Gründer, die mit dem Hotel Rancho in Verbindung standen, nannten den Club zunächst Rancho de Castelldefels bzw. Club Balonmano Rancho (Handballclub Rancho). Die Frauenmannschaft stieg nach der Saison 1977/1978 in die Primera División, die höchste spanische Liga, auf. Im Jahr 1980 gewann das Team den spanischen Pokalwettbewerb Copa de la Reina und wurde Zweiter der Liga, auch 1981 konnte man nochmals den zweiten Platz in der Liga belegen. 1990 stieg der Verein auch aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Probleme aus Spaniens erster Liga ab. Dem Verein gelang noch zwei Mal der Aufstieg in die höchste Liga: 2004 konnte man sich nur eine Saison lang dort halten, ab 2012 war der Verein dann nochmals drei Spielzeiten in Spaniens División de Honor vertreten. 2012 gewann das Team auch den katalanischen Supercup, die Supercopa de Catalunya. Gab es zunächst nur eine Frauenmannschaft
ways numbered 164 References External links 164 Lampetis guningi es una especie de escarabajo del género Lampetis, familia Buprestidae. Fue descrita científicamente por Kerremans en 1911. Referencias guningi Царствование Михаила Фёдоровича События Царский указ о повышении урочных лет до 10 для беглых крестьян и до 15 — для увезённых. 24 июня [4 июля] — 26 сентября [6 октября] — Азовское сидение, оборона Азова казаками от турецкой армии; казаки отразили 24 турецких приступа, нанесли туркам громадный урон и заставили их снять осаду. Основание на Атемарской засечной [защитной] черте юго-восточной окраины государства (укреплённая линия Белгород—Симбирск) крепости Саранска. Родились Афанасий (Любимов) (1641, Тюмень — 5 [16] сентября 1702, Холмогоры) — епископ Русской церкви, первый епископ Холмогорский и Важский, духовный писатель и полемист. Виниус, Андрей Андреевич (4 июня 1641, Москва — 1717, там же) — государственный деятель эпохи Петра I. Сильвестр (Медведев) (21 [31] января 1641, Курск — 11 [21] февраля 1691, Сергиев Посад) — книгохранитель Московского печатного двора, духовный писатель и придворный поэт. Украинцев, Емельян Игнатьевич (1641 — 12 сентября 1708, Эгер, Венгрия) — думный дьяк, посланник и посол, глава Посольского приказа (1689—1697). Умерли Волконский, Иван Фёдорович Чермный (ум. 1641) — сын боярский и голова, затем воевода. Пожарский, Дмитрий Петрович Лопата (ум. 1641) — военный и государственный деятель. См. также 1641 год Примечания 1641 год в России 1641 год Хронология истории России Все хронологические списки Handbol Esportiu Castelldefels ist der Name eines spanischen Handballvereins aus Katalonien. Größter Erfolg war der Gewinn der Copa de la Reina im Jahr 1980. Geschichte Der Verein wurde im September 1973 in Castelldefels nahe Barcelona, als Mehrspartenverein gegründet, angeboten wurden Schießen, Volleyball, Basketball und auch Handball. Die Gründer, die mit dem Hotel Rancho in Verbindung standen, nannten den Club zunächst Rancho de Castelldefels bzw. Club Balonmano Rancho (Handballclub Rancho). Die Frauenmannschaft stieg nach der Saison 1977/1978 in die Primera División, die höchste spanische Liga, auf. Im Jahr 1980 gewann das Team den spanischen Pokalwettbewerb Copa de la Reina und wurde Zweiter der Liga, auch 1981 konnte man nochmals den zweiten Platz in der Liga belegen. 1990 stieg der Verein auch aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Probleme aus Spaniens erster Liga ab. Dem Verein gelang noch zwei Mal der Aufstieg in die höchste Liga: 2004 konnte man sich nur eine Saison lang dort halten, ab 2012 war der Verein dann nochmals drei Spielzeiten in Spaniens División de Honor vertreten. 2012 gewann das Team auch den katalanischen Supercup, die Supercopa de Catalunya. Gab es zunächst nur eine Frauenmannschaft
, wuchs der Verein auf bis zu 13 Mannschaften, davon sieben männliche Teams, an. Der Verein wurde im Jahr 1991 neu gegründet. Spielerinnen Zu den bekannten Spielerinnen zählten Emma Boada, Judit Sans, Sara Gil de la Vega, Rosa Campama, Lidia Gordo, Luisa Ruiz, Julia Cano, Isabel Grimau, Lydia Pena, Angels Casafont, Carmen Rans, Rosa García, Montse Pujol und Esperanza Ruiz. Trainer Trainer des Vereins waren Federico Vélez, Emilio Alonso Río, Jaume Conejero und Fernando Barbeito. Weblinks Homepage des Vereins Einzelnachweise Frauenhandballverein Sport (Castelldefels) Gegründet 1973 Casteldefels {{Воинское формирование СССР | оформление = ВМФ | наименование = 64-й дальнебомбардировочный авиационный полк ВВС ВМФ | награды = | почётные наименования = | войска = ВМФ СССР | род войск = ВВС ВМФ | формирование = 1945 г. | расформирование (преобразование)= 1994 г. | предшественник = 35-я отдельная дальнебомбардировочная авиационная эскадрилья | преемник = нет | районы боевых действий = Советско-японская война }}64-й минно-торпедный авиационный полк ВВС ВМФ — ныне не существующая воинская часть Вооружённых Сил СССР и РФ. Изначально формировался как 35-я отдельная дальнебомбардировочная эскадрилья, с целью изучения иностранной военной техники. Наименования части Условное наименование - в/ч 09694 Действительные наименования - 35-я отдельная дальнебомбардировочная авиационная эскадрилья 64-й дальнебомбардировочный авиационный полк 570-й минно-торпедный авиационный полк 570-й минно-торпедный авиационный полк дальнего действия 570-й морской ракетоносный авиационный полк История полка 35-я отдельная дальнебомбардировочная авиационная эскадрилья сформирована по штату № 030/499 на аэродроме «Южная Сергеевка» ВВС ТОФ 23 января 1945 года (основание - циркуляр НГМШ ВМФ № 01389). На вооружении эскадрильи стояли самолёты Пе-2, Ил-4 и ДБ-3, а также в штат были введены три американских бомбардировщика Б-29 и один Б-25. Эти самолёты в разное время и по разным причинам совершили посадку на аэродромах «Центральная Угловая» и «Унаши». В гарнизон из Москвы прилетела группа авиационных специалистов, которую возглавлял заместитель начальника лётной инспекции ВВС ВМФ подполковник Рейдель С.Б. Ставилась задача изучить американские самолёты и перегнать их в Москву, где в КБ Туполева в самые сжатые сроки планировалось их всестороннее изучение и копирование. Первые полёты выполнялись с аэродромов Центральная Угловая и Николаевка, затем эскадрилья перебазировалась на самый большой в те годы приморский а
and even they travel out of the country, they long to have a taste of it so much. The eastern have what that called ‘African Salad’ and popularly called Abacha. This sumptuous meal can be taken as snack or meal. The westerns are totally in love with Amala and Ewedu! No weekend party in places like Lagos or Ibadan is ever complete without Amala and Ewedu. Kilishi is not a meal but a dried spicy meat that has a unique aroma and taste. It is wrapped in old newspapers and can bought in some hot spots around the country. Thanks to the Hausas who have made meat one of the most sought after in the evenings. Welcome to Butler Performance Horses home on the web! We are a small, family owned farm located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Knoxville, Tennessee. Just kick off your boots and take a look around! We have been raising horses for over 25 years, and would love to help you find your next prospect. Copyright 2015 Butler Performance Horses. All rights reserved. The main objective of every online business is to motivate your audience to take action and achieve maximum returns and leads from their services and it is for this very reason we all use to work so hard. Today we are living in the world of internet and digitization and so there has been growing popularity of online marketing. That’s why, when you are marketing your service online, then the main thing that you need to focus on is how to fetch maximum leads and sales from your online campaign to make more people buy your products or hire your services. However, this is not an easy task to accomplish and thus as a business owner, you need to initiate good marketing strategies that simply motivate your audience to take action so that more people hire your service or buy your products from your site. So, here we are going to highlight few factors that one need to keep in mind in order to boost your Return of Investment for your business. Make People Feel Safe When They Hire Or Order– Well, the first thing which you need to keep in mind is that you need to make your buyer or client feel safe while making any purchase or hiring any of your services. Create Urgency to Buy – In order to accelerate your sales you need to create urgency among your customers to buy from your link. You need to create your product and services in such a way so that they start feeling the urge to buy or hire your service. Remind Visitors To Come Back & Visit– People normally never buy when they visit your site for the first time, but if they visit multiple times then there is a great chance they might get converted. To make this happen, you can put interactive intro or a demo video on your site based on what you are offering. Track The Source of Your Traffic – If you are looking forward to fill your site with tons of quality traffic and convert them into paying clients then you need to know the reason for which they are leaving your site. You can use Google Analytics to track all the sources of your target website traffic. Know The Need of Your Target Customers– In order to fetch a good number of clients or customers for your business, you need to know what service they actually want from you. Once you know what your target audience is expecting to get from your service, then you can easily fulfill the needs of your customers. In our opinion, if you are looking forward to accelerate your services, then you need to focus your mind regarding what your target audience wants from you. Learn Why HPE2-Z40 Dumps are Important for Your HPE2-Z40 Test? Professional Aruba Certified Mobility Associate Certification helps the candidates to enhance their professional career with better jobs and higher pay.it is a proof of your knowledge, skills and expertise. You can determine the competence of professional and earning potentials. Aruba Certified Mobility Associate is proof to the employer that you possess the skills necessary to fulfil. It is a sign for them that you are willing to expand your Skills and knowledge. Professional certified individuals directly contribute to an increase in a company’s, productivity and efficiency, Aruba Certified Mobility Associate certifications Holders are a great asset for every organisation. Aruba Certified Mobility Associate Certification plays an important role in the process of hiring and is often perceived as a great tool for selection and screening purposes. It helps to put your resume on the top of the Selection Choice. HPE2-Z40 Aruba Certified Mobility
and even they travel out of the country, they long to have a taste of it so much. The eastern have what that called ‘African Salad’ and popularly called Abacha. This sumptuous meal can be taken as snack or meal. The westerns are totally in love with Amala and Ewedu! No weekend party in places like Lagos or Ibadan is ever complete without Amala and Ewedu. Kilishi is not a meal but a dried spicy meat that has a unique aroma and taste. It is wrapped in old newspapers and can bought in some hot spots around the country. Thanks to the Hausas who have made meat one of the most sought after in the evenings. Welcome to Butler Performance Horses home on the web! We are a small, family owned farm located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Knoxville, Tennessee. Just kick off your boots and take a look around! We have been raising horses for over 25 years, and would love to help you find your next prospect. Copyright 2015 Butler Performance Horses. All rights reserved. The main objective of every online business is to motivate your audience to take action and achieve maximum returns and leads from their services and it is for this very reason we all use to work so hard. Today we are living in the world of internet and digitization and so there has been growing popularity of online marketing. That’s why, when you are marketing your service online, then the main thing that you need to focus on is how to fetch maximum leads and sales from your online campaign to make more people buy your products or hire your services. However, this is not an easy task to accomplish and thus as a business owner, you need to initiate good marketing strategies that simply motivate your audience to take action so that more people hire your service or buy your products from your site. So, here we are going to highlight few factors that one need to keep in mind in order to boost your Return of Investment for your business. Make People Feel Safe When They Hire Or Order– Well, the first thing which you need to keep in mind is that you need to make your buyer or client feel safe while making any purchase or hiring any of your services. Create Urgency to Buy – In order to accelerate your sales you need to create urgency among your customers to buy from your link. You need to create your product and services in such a way so that they start feeling the urge to buy or hire your service. Remind Visitors To Come Back & Visit– People normally never buy when they visit your site for the first time, but if they visit multiple times then there is a great chance they might get converted. To make this happen, you can put interactive intro or a demo video on your site based on what you are offering. Track The Source of Your Traffic – If you are looking forward to fill your site with tons of quality traffic and convert them into paying clients then you need to know the reason for which they are leaving your site. You can use Google Analytics to track all the sources of your target website traffic. Know The Need of Your Target Customers– In order to fetch a good number of clients or customers for your business, you need to know what service they actually want from you. Once you know what your target audience is expecting to get from your service, then you can easily fulfill the needs of your customers. In our opinion, if you are looking forward to accelerate your services, then you need to focus your mind regarding what your target audience wants from you. Learn Why HPE2-Z40 Dumps are Important for Your HPE2-Z40 Test? Professional Aruba Certified Mobility Associate Certification helps the candidates to enhance their professional career with better jobs and higher pay.it is a proof of your knowledge, skills and expertise. You can determine the competence of professional and earning potentials. Aruba Certified Mobility Associate is proof to the employer that you possess the skills necessary to fulfil. It is a sign for them that you are willing to expand your Skills and knowledge. Professional certified individuals directly contribute to an increase in a company’s, productivity and efficiency, Aruba Certified Mobility Associate certifications Holders are a great asset for every organisation. Aruba Certified Mobility Associate Certification plays an important role in the process of hiring and is often perceived as a great tool for selection and screening purposes. It helps to put your resume on the top of the Selection Choice. HPE2-Z40 Aruba Certified Mobility
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/best-womens-watches-of-2013-by-tracey-llewellyn/ (2013 Picks of Tracey Llwellyn) https://www.dreamchrono.com/2014/01/best-watches-of-2013-by-matthew-boston/ (2013 Picks of Matthew Boston) https://www.dreamchrono.com/2013/12/best-watches-of-2013-by-amr-sindi/ (2013 Picks of Amr Sindi) https://www.dreamchrono.com/2013/12/best-watches-of-2013-by-angus-davies/ (2013 Picks of Angus Davies) https://www.dreamchrono.com/2013/12/best-watches-of-2013-by-michael-weare/ (2013 Picks of Michael Weare) https://www.dreamchrono.com/2013/12/best-watches-of-2013-by-ken-kessler/ (2013 Picks of Ken Kessler) Do you like this post ? Subscribe to our newsletter today and receive our weekly digest with all our headlines ! Articles by Eduard Osipov Eduard Osipov is a watch enthusiast and a hardcore fan of independent watchmakers. He has ended up writing about watches and shooting them as a result of his love for the industry and appreciation for watchmaking, which he wants to spread among other people discovering the world of haute horlogerie. You can find his works on WatchAnish.com as well his Instagram channel @MrWatchguide and the upcoming Russian version of the Haute Time magazine. OFFICIAL BLOG DEDICATED TO FINE WATCHES EST. 2013 FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR Romain Brabant Amr Sindi Angus Davies Dave Kaiten Eduard Osipov Frank Geelen James Lamdin Johnny McElherron Jovan Krstevski Ken Kessler Łukasz Doskocz Matthew Boston Michael Weare Mykhailo Malyi Nancy Olson Nick Meijer Olivier Müller Robert-Jan Broer Su Jia Xian (SJX) Tom Mulraney World Time Watchmaking Dictionary Buying & Selling Watches GPHG SalonQP Factory Visit all Watch Reviews Watch Spotting Watchmaking Careers Copyright © 2013 - 2023 DreamChrono Ltd. All rights reserved. Living standards 1 Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence 1 High Court (Queen’s Bench Division) 1 Intervention (section 30 of the Equality Act 2006) 1 High Court (Queen’s Bench Division) Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence Intervention (section 30 of the Equality Act 2006) Does planning policy discriminate against Gypsy/Roma/Traveller people who have stopped travelling due to age and disability? (R (Lisa Smith) v SSH, CLG and (2) NWLDC and Amos Willshore (Interested Party) and four interveners) We intervened in this case to seek to protect the rights of Gypsies and Travellers who have ceased to travel, because of age or disability, not to be discriminated against. Full case name: R (Lisa Smith) v (1) Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and (2) North West Leicestershire District Council and Amos Willshore (Interested Party) and four interveners: Equality and Human Rights Commission National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups Friends Families and Travellers London Gypsies and Southark Travellers Action Group Onomasy- Ashes And Dust- Album Review 8/10 \m/ on June 14, 2016 June 1
4, 2016 By Badger Onomasy Ashes And Dust Samuel Fernandez – Drums Mario Gomez – Bass Pablo Acien – Guitar Armando Rubio – Guitar Alvaro Valdeavero – Vocals 1) Bow Down This track is really more of an introduction track, not bad either, just a little over a minute long. It has this melodic technical metal feel to it. But the real show begins with track two “The Maze Of Unhappiness” 2) The Maze of Unhappiness The whole band comes together for the first note of the song with a low guttural growl getting first blood. The first ten seconds of this song go fast, but it’s a great way to get acclimated to the sheer brutality that Onomasy possesses. The vocal range happening throughout this song is killer. Alvaro can hit some disgusting lows, and then his high vocals are razor sharp. When you get to the 1:15 mark you can hear the highs in perfect form. The guitarists are tight, they are precise, and it sounds like both can play a solid lead with one of them delivering a short solo around the 1:00 mark it’s a really brief riff really. But it has a old school feel to it. It’s placed well because they are hammering away with this tech death sound then an old school riff back into the rapid fire blasting tech death explosion. 3) Gray Days To Live Way too early to call this song my favorite, but I have been spinning this track a lot lately. It starts out with a short bass intro, and then the drums come in blistering fast and heavy, while the vocals come in high and fast almost right away. Just listening to the guitars my forearms are getting cramps. The amount of discipline that this whole band has is impressive. This is a song that really grabs you, the rhythm is so catchy it pulls you in and you can’t help but move. The lead guitars around the 1:08 mark are great, and this is only ten second portion of guitar greatness coming off this album. Right at the 1:40 mark they get low and slow with their brutal and infectious transition. Its heavy as hell and when the next verse is seeing the finishing touches the guitars are tearing shit up all leading up to my favorite part of the whole song. It starts at the 2:27 mark. When the vocals come in, its catchy, its heavy, and you know that if you are seeing this unfold at a live show, the crowd is going to get rowdy. The gang vocals in the background and then Alvaro’s vocals layered over fucking work. After that section the guitars give us a melodic guitar solo with some Latin soul feel to it. Not a shredfest, its soothing in a way, it has local flavor and then they come right back out to end the song as hard and heavy as it began. 4) Ashes and Dust A short guitar riff starts things off with the drums following right in after mere seconds. The vocals join in at the :21 second mark just after the rest of the band has done a number on your senses with the breakneck speed on the drums to the blistering pace the guitars have set up. In the first sixty seconds of this song you will develop a thought process as to why you haven’t heard this band before now. I am really digging the rhythm right around the :30 second mark it has a menacing feel about it. Right around the 1:00 mark, they hit you with a slowed punchy section that bridges to the next verse knocking out some teeth on the way. This song takes you on a journey through the low bludgeoning death metal style, and speed things up with their rapid fire tech death sound. 5) Digging Up The Moon This song starts right out of the gate with rapid blast beats and then a quick precise guitar riff. The vocals come in at the :05 second mark with the high range vocals. The intensity from the guitars and matching the vocals with the drums. They have unleashed a full on audio assault, from the rapid highs to the punishing low guttural growls. This song relentlessly pummels you into submission. A perfect example is at the 2:35 mark, the vocals are infectious, and the guitars showcase their ability
they’re bad people. There’s something wrong with them. Not just with their opinions, but with them! I think that if you are able to communicate in a more comfortable face-to-face environment, not talking about text, I’m not talking about Facebook, but I’m talking about a face-to-face more comfortable environment, that can also go a ways to getting rid of some of that demonization. So, you might not change your mind, and that’s, I don’t that that’s necessarily the goal for either side to just completely give up their world view and change their mind and now they have another world view. But rather to understand the other person, to emphasize with the other person’s concerns and perspective, and it also broadens, it broadens the information that you have, it might broaden your world views, so although you don’t change it, you now have maybe two or three other things that you can add into your understanding of how the world works, or how other people operate. And that does require a more personal empathetic connection, response to someone who has an opinion that’s different from you. So, one way that you could get in touch with someone has very different views from you in that face-to-face setting that I was talking about, is to use this app, relatively new app called “Hi from the other side”. When you sign into the app, and you describe which side, you know we’re talking about political spectrum here because things have gotten again so polarized, you talk about which side you’re on, you say a little bit about yourself and where you’re from. Within a few days typically, they’ll connect you with someone from the opposite end of the political spectrum that you can connect with and the idea is that you then set up a coffee. So that you can take some time to really hear what the other side, so to speak, is saying. And again, it’s not so much to change their mind, or to have your mind changed, but to stop demonizing the other side, and to also understand where there are connections, where they might be things where that you agree with one another on. To try to make the political discourse less polarizing, more about what do we have in common as opposed to what, what is there to fight about. Yeah. Well thank you, I definitely will have to check that out. Are there any final thoughts that you’d like on, especially on fake news of libraries, that we can close with? Well, as a librarian I think it’s important to remember when your students are coming in and they’re asking you questions about different topics, you’ve got to consider what kind of state are they in before thinking about how you’re going to interact with them. If the student is really stressed out, and there’s a lot of activity going on in the library, it’s going to be much more difficult to have say a reasoned conversation about a topic that might be an emotional topic, or a topic tied to identity. So, to just be aware of that. Those emotions again are really going to drive the ability to process, or not. When you’re having a conversation with someone who holds a very different view from you, it’s important to be very careful about how you word things. So, you don’t want to use the word ‘never’, you don’t want to use the word ‘always’, you don’t really want to talk about what their side is doing wrong necessarily, but rather acknowledge what the, what the student has said. So, repeat it back in a, in a slightly different form so that they know that they’ve been heard. And then, when you talk about the other side, to then focus more on the positives of that other side as opposed to attacking their side, and, you know, bringing this all back to fake news, remember that if students come in with fake news, it would be important to not just say you are wrong, this story is fake news. But to show them some of the resources online that they can use to check that news story for themselves. So that they have the tools moving forward, and you could discuss with them what types of groups are putting these news stories out, and what they’re getting from it. You know, you could even touch a little bit on confirmation bias and say you know hey we all do this, we all are looking for information that confirms our already held beliefs, those guys, you know, the fake news guys are trying to take advantage of that, here’s how you can arm yourself, equip yourself properly to not be taken advantage of so easily. Great. Well with that, if listeners wanted to be in touch with you, what’s
they’re bad people. There’s something wrong with them. Not just with their opinions, but with them! I think that if you are able to communicate in a more comfortable face-to-face environment, not talking about text, I’m not talking about Facebook, but I’m talking about a face-to-face more comfortable environment, that can also go a ways to getting rid of some of that demonization. So, you might not change your mind, and that’s, I don’t that that’s necessarily the goal for either side to just completely give up their world view and change their mind and now they have another world view. But rather to understand the other person, to emphasize with the other person’s concerns and perspective, and it also broadens, it broadens the information that you have, it might broaden your world views, so although you don’t change it, you now have maybe two or three other things that you can add into your understanding of how the world works, or how other people operate. And that does require a more personal empathetic connection, response to someone who has an opinion that’s different from you. So, one way that you could get in touch with someone has very different views from you in that face-to-face setting that I was talking about, is to use this app, relatively new app called “Hi from the other side”. When you sign into the app, and you describe which side, you know we’re talking about political spectrum here because things have gotten again so polarized, you talk about which side you’re on, you say a little bit about yourself and where you’re from. Within a few days typically, they’ll connect you with someone from the opposite end of the political spectrum that you can connect with and the idea is that you then set up a coffee. So that you can take some time to really hear what the other side, so to speak, is saying. And again, it’s not so much to change their mind, or to have your mind changed, but to stop demonizing the other side, and to also understand where there are connections, where they might be things where that you agree with one another on. To try to make the political discourse less polarizing, more about what do we have in common as opposed to what, what is there to fight about. Yeah. Well thank you, I definitely will have to check that out. Are there any final thoughts that you’d like on, especially on fake news of libraries, that we can close with? Well, as a librarian I think it’s important to remember when your students are coming in and they’re asking you questions about different topics, you’ve got to consider what kind of state are they in before thinking about how you’re going to interact with them. If the student is really stressed out, and there’s a lot of activity going on in the library, it’s going to be much more difficult to have say a reasoned conversation about a topic that might be an emotional topic, or a topic tied to identity. So, to just be aware of that. Those emotions again are really going to drive the ability to process, or not. When you’re having a conversation with someone who holds a very different view from you, it’s important to be very careful about how you word things. So, you don’t want to use the word ‘never’, you don’t want to use the word ‘always’, you don’t really want to talk about what their side is doing wrong necessarily, but rather acknowledge what the, what the student has said. So, repeat it back in a, in a slightly different form so that they know that they’ve been heard. And then, when you talk about the other side, to then focus more on the positives of that other side as opposed to attacking their side, and, you know, bringing this all back to fake news, remember that if students come in with fake news, it would be important to not just say you are wrong, this story is fake news. But to show them some of the resources online that they can use to check that news story for themselves. So that they have the tools moving forward, and you could discuss with them what types of groups are putting these news stories out, and what they’re getting from it. You know, you could even touch a little bit on confirmation bias and say you know hey we all do this, we all are looking for information that confirms our already held beliefs, those guys, you know, the fake news guys are trying to take advantage of that, here’s how you can arm yourself, equip yourself properly to not be taken advantage of so easily. Great. Well with that, if listeners wanted to be in touch with you, what’s
the easiest way for them to do that? Email and it’s a long one. So, it’s my last name lauzen-collins, L-A-U-Z-E-N hyphen C-O-L-L-I-N-S[at]moainevalley[dot]edu. Okay, great. Well thank you for your time, it’s been a great conversation. Sure, it’s been great, thanks. Circulating Ideas is produced by Steve Thomas in the suburbs of Atlanta with support from the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science and from listeners like you. Find out how you can help support the show by going to Circulatingideas.com and clicking on ‘Support’. Help others find the show by subscribing, rating and reviewing the show at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Overcast, or your podcast app of choice. Follow the show on Twitter @circideas, or the show’s Facebook page. Our music is by Pamela Klicka. Thank you for listening, and keep circulating your ideas. MAIMANA (BNA) Foodstuffs distributed for hundreds displaced families due to insecurity in Faryab province. According to BNA correspondent, the assistance included flour, rice, ghee and other foodstuffs were distributed by Afghan Red Crescent Society of Faryab to the families in Almar, Qaisar and Kohistan districts. The assistance continues to internally displaced families in that province. Core and More Technologies provides a high level overview of current search advertising trends – discussing personalized, multi-channel audience targeting – AND MORE! When integrated, Pardot can become one of the most useful tools in a marketer’s repertoire, and can have a tremendously positive impact on the company’s bottom line. Integration is one of the most important, and most underrated, elements of business IT in general, and customer relationship management in particular. Even the most effective IT solutions can offer only a limited degree of value if they remain siloed and fail to link up with other applications and resources. Conversely, highly integrated IT tools will yield insights and utility that can radically improve operations throughout a given organization. In all likelihood, you’re familiar with the concept of the marketing funnel. The metaphor can be a useful way of describing a very common strategy, one that ideally moves potential leads step by step, closer and closer to the final endpoint, the sale. But there’s one big way that this image can provide a flawed impression: the likelihood of any given lead reaching the bottom of the funnel. When you pour water down a funnel, you’re not going to miss a drop – everything’s going to wind up where you aim it. What’s more, the liquid in a funnel will go down smoothly and without effort, as Business.com contributor Brian Hughes pointed out. With sales, though, nothing’s guaranteed, and even the best marketing funnel cannot convert every lead into a sale. That’s why it’s so important for businesses to embrace any strategy that can improve this percentage and make sure as many leads become sales as possible. That’s where the one-two punch of marketing automation and lead nurturing enter the picture. By combining these two strategies, businesses can make it easier to drive more leads through the marketing funnel and achieve greater success as a result. Of course, this is only possible when both marketing automation and lead nurturing are handled in the right manner. The team at Core and More Technologies discusses how remarketing (aka ‘retargeting’) has proven to be one of the most cost-effective techniques for generating conversions and high quality leads. Check it out! With remarketing, companies can deploy a more targeted approach to ad displays, ensuring that the most high-value users see the right ads at the right times. Display ads have become a hallmark of online marketing over the past few years. With display advertising, marketers have the ability to reach millions upon millions of users across a huge range of websites. Digital ad spending approached $60 billion in the U.S. alone last year, eMarketer research determined, and it is poised for much greater growth in the near future. Given the scope of this field, brands and companies face intense competition when it comes to ensuring their ads are not only seen, but are seen by the right people. To this end, businesses need to leverage every resource available to them. Rather