maltese_conceptnet / val_cn_mt.csv
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tiċrita is related to zerreissen.
brain is a synonym of moħħ.
ħabs is etymologically derived from حبس.
litwan is a synonym of litwanjan.
indipendenza is related to indipendenti.
organiżżazzjoni is etymologically derived from organizzazione.
hate is a synonym of mibegħda.
insect is a synonym of insett.
brücke is a synonym of pont.
kanadiż is derived from kanada.
ftaħar is etymologically derived from افتخر.
xebb is related to young man.
vokali is related to vuċi.
alwetta is related to alouette.
sqallija is etymologically related to صقلي.
cunt is a synonym of għoxx.
prison is a synonym of ħabs.
lupu is a synonym of dib.
schwarz is a synonym of iswed.
riħ is related to wind.
nirien is a form of nar.
gujarati is a synonym of guġarati.
psikoloġiku is related to psikoloġija.
għadu is related to feindselig.
flag is a synonym of bandiera.
everyone is a synonym of kulħadd.
tirma is related to buttocks.
spear is a synonym of lanza.
pulizija is etymologically derived from pulizzìa.
ħelu is related to ħlewwa.
ġebla is etymologically related to جبل.
nisranija is a synonym of kristjana.
skorpjun is etymologically derived from scorpiuni.
ipprova is related to prove.
disgħa is similar to disat.
soċjetà is related to society.
sultan is related to saltna.
mintomx is etymologically related to m.
bumblebee is a synonym of żunżan.
qawwi is related to sharp.
sab is etymologically related to اصاب.
għawdex is etymologically related to غودش.
bażikament is related to basically.
nixxiegħa is etymologically related to نشع.
qiegħ is related to floor.
elettromanjetiżmu is related to interazzjoni elettromanjetika.
kakka is a synonym of ħmieġ.
ħadd il palm is derived from palma.
darbtejn is a form of darba.
sigarett is etymologically related to cigarette.
triq is related to street.
ġemel is related to chameau.
minn bejn l imwiet is etymologically related to mejjet.
ta is related to of.
mewt is related to death.
xebba is related to bachelorette.
qawwi is etymologically related to قوي.
bomba is related to bomb.
indika is related to indikazzjoni.
għonq is etymologically related to عنق.
dineb is derived from dnub.
sebgħin is related to seventy.
labra is related to needle.
gozitan is a synonym of għawdxin.
frisk is etymologically derived from friscu.
nejka is etymologically related to niek.
kolera has context of pathology.
schlange is a synonym of lifgħa.
qam is related to get up.
sur is etymologically derived from سور.
xemx is etymologically derived from شمس.
kälte is a synonym of kesħa.
melħ is etymologically derived from ملح.
elettriċità is related to electricity.
għasfur tal bejt is a type of għasfur.
ġo is etymologically related to ġewwa.
sbejjaħ is related to pretty.
possibbli is related to possible.
fil is related to schmal.
dan is similar to dak.
butir is a synonym of semen.
admire is a synonym of ammira.
sekwenza is related to sequence.
taljan is etymologically derived from talianu.
pożati is related to cutlery.
aħbar is related to news.
tlettax il is a synonym of tlettax.
kulturalment is related to kultura.
tmint has context of construct.
sottomissjonijiet is a form of sottomissjoni.
tnax is etymologically related to اتناشر.
wieġeb is related to answer.
għallem is related to tgħallem.
dixxijiet is a form of dixx.
emotion is a synonym of emozzjoni.
tendine is a synonym of għerq.
jiem is a form of jum.
tut is related to mulberry.
ħawħa is etymologically related to خوخ.
okkażjoni is related to okkażjonalment.
toqob is a form of toqba.
bagħal is related to mule.
chess is a synonym of ċess.
xiex is related to x inhu.
malaysian is a synonym of malazjan.
ippromwova is related to promote.
sur is derived from sinjur.
etymology is a synonym of etimoloġija.
ice cream is a synonym of ġelat.
wedding is a synonym of tieġ.
qamħ is etymologically related to קמחא.
ħolom is related to ħolma.
barmil is etymologically related to برميل.
kullana is related to ġiżirana.
kaptani is a form of kaptana.
sura is related to picture.
how is a synonym of kif.
xaħam is related to fat.
dialect is a synonym of djalett.
three is a synonym of tlieta.
ejn is related to iet.
dib is etymologically related to ديب.
visage is a synonym of wiċċ.
qaddis is related to holy.
are you allergic to any medications is a synonym of inti allerġiku għal mediċini.
maltin is a form of malti.
qarib is etymologically related to qrib.
moldovja is a synonym of moldova.
importanti is etymologically related to mpurtanti.
għoġol is related to calf.
tajjeb is related to right.
lit is a synonym of sodda.
peduna is related to gestrickt.
bies is etymologically related to باز.
maħbub is a form of ħabb.
xiħ is the opposite of żagħżugħ.
xkupilja is related to befestigt.
present is a synonym of issa.
ħuttaf is a form of ħuttafa.
kaptana is related to kaptan.
sħana is related to warmth.
xjenza is related to xjentifiku.
frau is a synonym of mara.
riġel is related to leg.
regen is a synonym of xita.
ġurdien is related to rat.
writer is a synonym of kittieb.
it trakters is a form of trakter.
ġuvni is related to male.
lac is etymologically related to lag.
iet is related to ejn.
ġnus is a form of ġens.
what is a synonym of x.
korrett is related to right.
albanija is related to européen.
tilef is the opposite of rebaħ.
mars is a synonym of marte.
rixiet is a form of rixa.
għarus is related to bridegroom.
lifgħa is related to adder.
sabiħ is related to beautiful.
wiżża is etymologically related to اوزة.
uġigħ fl istonku is related to stomach ache.
żero is etymologically derived from zero.
elfejn is etymologically related to ejn.
ħmar is etymologically related to حمار.
tmintax is etymologically related to għaxra.
hen is a synonym of tiġieġ.
indikazzjoni is etymologically derived from indicazione.
merkurju is related to quicksilver.
kiseb is etymologically related to كسب.
eżerċizzji is a form of eżerċizzju.
tfajla is related to tifla.
dsatax is similar to dsatax il.
tmien is related to eight.
sinjifikanti is related to sinjifikanza.
ċentru is etymologically derived from centru.
mħuħ is a form of moħħ.
sottomissjonijiet is a form of sottomissjoni.
iċep is related to cheap.
miet is related to mejjet.
wiktionary is a synonym of wikizzjunarju.
jisimni is related to x'jismek.
minn bejn l imwiet is etymologically related to mejjet.
bżonn is etymologically related to bisonium.
impressjonanti is related to impressjona.
xi is related to some.
ottubru is etymologically related to october.
qassis is related to priest.
poplu is etymologically derived from populus.
ġie is related to come.
nemusa is related to nemus.
lapida is a synonym of gedenktafel.
dienstag is a synonym of it tlieta.
stimulazzjoni is related to stimula.
sekwenzjalment is etymologically derived from sequenzialmente.
frisk is related to cool.
edukazzjoni is related to eduka.
parteċipazzjoni is related to ipparteċipa.
iddawnlowdja is etymologically related to download.
torċa is related to brennbar.
down is a synonym of baxx.
qrieq is a form of qorq.
teknoloġikament is related to teknoloġiku.
palladium is a synonym of palladju.
għarfien is related to knowledge.
essence is a synonym of essenza.
elettriċità is related to elettriku.
organizzazzjoni is related to organizza.
interazzjoni elettromanjetika has context of physics.
that is a synonym of li.
ġewnaħ has context of anatomy.
għabex is related to żerniq.
għoqda is related to knot.
oħxon is related to ħxien.
lejn is etymologically related to lejja.
rooster is a synonym of serduq.
tmienja is related to eight.
telaq is related to leave.
mera is etymologically related to راى.
uġigħ tas snien is derived from uġigħ.
sperma is a synonym of liba.
malta is related to malte.
belti is etymologically related to belt.
mitejn is related to two hundred.
sur is a form of sura.
rebħiet is a form of rebħa.
ċawlun is derived from ċawla.
root is a synonym of għerq.
gvern is related to gvernatur.
sebat is similar to tmint.
xitwa is related to xita.
pustuletti is a form of pustuletta.
sinjifikanti is related to significant.
monkey is a synonym of xadin.
triq is related to road.
gendus is related to baqra.
disinn is related to design.
bosnia and herzegovina is a synonym of bożnja u ħerzegovina.
eclipse is a synonym of eklissi.
gideb is etymologically related to كذب.
kampnar is related to steeple.
ktieb is related to publizieren.
biċċa is etymologically related to piece.
homère is a synonym of omeru.
furnar is etymologically derived from furnarius.
armenian is a synonym of armenjan.
zzjoni is related to tion.
ġawhra is related to perla.
tliet is related to three.
mija is similar to mitt.
skwiril is a synonym of skojjatlu.
ismijiet is a form of isem.
wara is etymologically related to ورى.
sħubijiet is a form of sħubija.
int is etymologically related to انت.
veritajiet is a form of verità.
ħġieġ is etymologically related to זגוגית.
qaws is etymologically related to قوس.
car is a synonym of karozza.
daughter is a synonym of bint.
tchèque is a synonym of ċek.
ħamsa is related to five.
pomme de terre is a synonym of patata.
snin is a form of sena.
laringa is related to orange.
ami is a synonym of ħabib.
xogħol is related to ħadem.
il ħamis is etymologically related to ħames.
dsatax is etymologically related to disgħa.
oxxenitajiet is a form of oxxenità.
spiċċa is etymologically derived from spicciare.
ekoloġija is related to ekoloġiku.
ou is a synonym of jew.
shoe is a synonym of żarbuna.
bliebel is a form of belbul.
ħlejjaq is derived from ħalq.
ġurdien is etymologically related to جرذ.
madankollu is related to however.
evalwazzjonijiet is a form of evalwazzjoni.
għarbin is a form of għarbi.
aħbarijiet is a form of aħbar.
l anġli is a form of anġlu.
plum is a synonym of għanbaqar.
futbol is related to football.
ħuttafa is related to swallow.
minn is etymologically related to من.
catholic church is a synonym of knisja kattolika.
sieq is related to leg.
luxemburg is a synonym of lussemburgu.
lejn is related to toward.
essenzjalment is related to essenza.
roof is a synonym of saqaf.
ingliż is related to anglais.
essenzjali is related to essenza.
żiemel is etymologically related to زاملة.
bagħad is related to mibegħda.
wikizzjunarju is etymologically related to wiki.
kaboċċa is a synonym of kohl.
brother is a synonym of ħu.
kontra is etymologically related to contra.
ispanja is related to ispanjol.
eduka is related to edukazzjonali.
cupid is a synonym of kupidu.
dan is etymologically related to xejn.
bela is related to swallow.
żewġ is a synonym of tnejn.
stork is a synonym of ċikonja.
elettromanjetiżmu is related to elettromanjetiku.
serduq is related to cock.
erbatax il is similar to ħmistax il.
bużżieqa is related to bużżieqa tal awrina.
erklecklich is a synonym of ħafna.
logħob is a form of logħba.
debb is related to bear.
atturi is a form of attriċi.
sbatax is etymologically related to سبعتاشر.
oħxon is etymologically related to اخشن.
mistoqsijiet is a form of mistoqsija.
semen is a synonym of liba.
parteċipazzjoni is etymologically derived from partecipazione.
wiċċ is related to face.
voisinage is a synonym of viċinanza.
speċifiku is etymologically related to species.
sultan is etymologically derived from سلطان.
xjentifikament is related to xjenza.
tirma has context of vulgar.
she cat is a synonym of qattusa.
apple is a synonym of tuffieħa.
farruġ is related to serduq.
ċpar is related to fog.
sliem għalikom is derived from sliem.
dawra is etymologically related to دورة.
oiseau is a synonym of għasfur.
taġen is related to frying pan.
superstizzjoni is related to superstition.
traduzzjoni is etymologically related to traduzzioni.
erbat is a synonym of erbgħa.
żebbuġa is related to żebbuġi.
ilħna is a form of leħen.
sieq is related to foot.
tnejn is similar to żewġt.
uman is etymologically related to humanus.
euro is a synonym of ewro.
mara is etymologically derived from امراة.
tschüs is a synonym of saħħa.
rebħiet is a form of rebħa.
tlettax is similar to tlettax il.
thirty is a synonym of tletin.
dawra is related to stroll.
għakreb is related to scorpion.
kull is related to kullimkien.
meħud is a form of ħa.
ramel is etymologically derived from رمل.
butter is a synonym of butir.
sonne is a synonym of xemx.
baqar is a form of baqra.
taġen is related to pan.
door is a synonym of bieb.
gravità is related to gravity.
astronomiċi is a form of astronomiku.
ewropa is etymologically related to ευρωπη.
edukazzjonali is related to edukazzjoni.
aggredixxa is related to aggress.
ikoll is related to għand.
sqalli is etymologically related to صقلي.
dam is related to dally.
fidda is etymologically related to فضة.
vanitajiet is a form of vanità.
gravità is related to gravitazzjonali.
no is a synonym of le.
beżżula is related to nipple.
akkademja is etymologically related to ακαδημια.
senduq is related to case.
vjola is a synonym of violett.
erezzjonijiet is a form of erezzjoni.
rectum is a synonym of rektum.
italian is a synonym of taljan.
ikkommunika is related to communicate.
ġuf is related to womb.
ouest is a synonym of punent.
bies is related to bewsa.
għażeb is etymologically related to عزب.
embassy is a synonym of ambaxxata.
psikoloġija is related to psikoloġiku.
xkupilja is a synonym of bürste.
għand bżonn is related to need.
ried is etymologically related to اراد.
qasba is etymologically related to قصبة.
attiv is related to active.
london is a synonym of londra.
rota is related to bicycle.
senswalità is related to senswali.
deskrizzjoni is etymologically related to discrizzioni.
x is related to x inhu.
erbatax is related to fourteen.
portugal is a synonym of portugall.
mercury is a synonym of merkurju.
eżerċizzji is a form of eżerċizzju.
tilef is the opposite of rebaħ.
ġuvni is related to adolescent.
għodda is related to instrument.
drei is a synonym of tlieta.
sbatax is etymologically related to sebgħa.
frawla is etymologically derived from fràula.
index is a synonym of indiċi.
sünde is a synonym of dnub.
ħluq is a form of ħalq.
liba is related to sperm.
maħbub is related to beloved.
musical is a synonym of mużikali.
hare is a synonym of liebru.
ħolom is derived from ħ l m.
kejn is etymologically related to cane.
winter is a synonym of xitwa.
għandi l ġuħ is related to għandi l għatx.
bergħud is etymologically related to برغوث.
dudu tal ħarir has context of zoologie.
sbatax il is a synonym of sbatax.
erotiku is related to erotic.
eye is a synonym of għajn.
sittax is etymologically related to għaxra.
falkun is etymologically derived from falko.
mintomx is etymologically related to intom.
ġuvni is related to boy.
granċ is a form of granċi.
create is a synonym of ħalaq.
serbie et monténégro is a synonym of serbja u montenegro.
bieb is related to door.
għarus is etymologically related to عريس.
est is a synonym of lvant.
xatt is related to coast.
lifgħa is a synonym of serp.
qaddis is related to santu.
sbieħ is a form of sabiħ.
blalen is a form of ballun.
disat is similar to għaxart.
id is etymologically related to ايد.
nazzjonali is related to internazzjonali.
elettromanjetiċi is a form of elettromanjetiku.
okkażjonali is related to okkażjoni.
kaboċċa is etymologically related to qaqoċċa.
iva is derived from إي.
qabeż is related to qabża.
lamb of god is a synonym of ħaruf ta alla.
tilef is related to tellef.
ħaseb is related to imħasseb.
magħruf is related to acknowledged.
ħassa is etymologically related to خس.
ħmira is related to yeast.
lemin is etymologically related to يمين.
iddeskriva is related to describe.
gendus is related to bull.
soru has context of nun female member of religious community.
elef is etymologically related to الاف.
ħadem is related to work.
ewlieni is etymologically related to اول.
ġuf is related to uterus.
żebbuġa is a synonym of olive.
bulgarisch is a synonym of bulgaru.
seek is a synonym of fittex.
patata is related to ass.
missier is etymologically related to messere.
vjaġġ is etymologically derived from viaggiu.
emozzjoni is related to emozzjonalment.
pork is a synonym of majjal.
antimony is a synonym of antimonju.
xogħol is related to labour.
dsatax il is similar to għoxrin.
russett has context of oiseaux.
ħmieġ is a synonym of kakka.
peduna is related to stocking.
ħafna is related to much.
sigarett is etymologically derived from sigaretta.
paġna is etymologically related to pagina.
ħonoq is related to throttle.
education is a synonym of edukazzjoni.
isem is etymologically derived from اسم.
patata is a synonym of kartoffel.
rabat is related to tie.
kroazja is related to kroat.
security is a synonym of sigurtà.
bone is a synonym of għadam.
min is etymologically related to مين.
ħannus is related to qażquż.
għand bżonn is derived from bżonn.
annimali is a form of annimala.
tfittxija is related to fittex.
estrella is a synonym of kewkba.
fassad is related to demm.
livre is a synonym of ktieb.
h is related to it.
france is a synonym of franza.
selezzjoni is related to għażel.
rokna is related to corner.
borra is etymologically related to borë.
nejka has context of vulgar.
ġilda is etymologically derived from جلدة.
fakultà is related to faculty.
je is a synonym of jiena.
asesswali is etymologically derived from asessuale.
church is a synonym of knisja.
indikazzjoni is related to indika.
dubbiena is etymologically related to ذبان.
fjakkla is related to oberen.
xemxi is derived from xemx.
pulizija is related to police.
freedom is a synonym of libertà.
dizzjunarju is related to dictionnaire.
qasba tas sieq is derived from qasba.
luft is a synonym of arja.
avukat is etymologically derived from advocatus.
piece is a synonym of biċċa.
xewwex is related to ħawwad.
kiteb is derived from k t b.
אווז is etymologically related to wiżża.
għabbex is derived from għabex.
sigarett is etymologically related to cigarro.
kalzetta is a synonym of socke.
k x f is related to kixxief.
splużiv is related to stark.
sieħeb is related to follower.
iet is related to in.
jiem is a form of jum.
arkitett is related to architect.
xjentifiku is related to xjentifikament.
ajruport is related to airport.
żmien is etymologically derived from زمان.
iddmanda is related to demand.
meer is a synonym of baħar.
kulturalment is related to kulturali.
chemist is a synonym of kimiku.
debb is etymologically related to דוב.
thursday is a synonym of il ħamis.
tortoise is a synonym of fkieren.
leather is a synonym of ġilda.
żerriegħa is a synonym of sperma.
ċwieċ is a form of ċuċ.
tlettax is similar to tlettax il.
trijonf is a synonym of rebħa.
sit is a synonym of qagħad.
saħara is related to fairy.
sena is related to year.
masġar is etymologically derived from مشجر.
lessiku is related to lexicon.
indiċi is related to index.
żebbuġ is related to olive.
abdomeno is a synonym of zaqq.
qiegħ is related to bottom.
milk is a synonym of ħalib.
tlitt is similar to erbat.
widna has context of anatomy.
bc is a synonym of q.k.
deutsch is a synonym of ġermaniż.
zokkor is related to sucre.
żunżan is etymologically derived from زنبار.
xebba is related to xebb.
ewlieni is related to main.
lunedì is a synonym of it tnejn.
in is etymologically derived from ين.
karatteristika is related to typisch.
ġeografiku is related to geographic.
qabar is related to grave.
tirma is related to sorm.
qrieq is a form of qorq.
elettriċità is etymologically derived from elettricità.
white is a synonym of abjad.
taljani is a form of taljan.
monaco is a synonym of monako.
swar is a form of sur.
it is a synonym of hu.
nemla is related to ant.
need is a synonym of għand bżonn.
forsi is related to iva.
sbieħ is a form of sabiħ.
kafè is related to ħanut tal kafè.
kull is related to kulħadd.
tifliet has context of australia.
dawn is a form of dan.
reġina tan naħal is related to queen bee.
magen is a synonym of stonku.
ecuador is a synonym of ekwador.
wolf is a synonym of dib.
sheep is a synonym of nagħġa.
ħataf is related to ħafen.
indipendenza is related to independence.
samat is related to scald.
gray is a synonym of griż.
miniex is etymologically related to jiena.
lune is a synonym of qamar.
trip is a synonym of vjaġġ.
dictionnaire is a synonym of dizzjunarju.
dan is etymologically derived from ذا.
ħamest is a synonym of ħamsa.
katze is a synonym of qattus.
teoloġiku is related to theological.
manifestazzjonijiet is a form of manifestazzjoni.
griechenland is a synonym of greċja.
litju is related to lithium.
stilel is a form of stilla.
glass is a synonym of ħġieġ.
dar is related to turn.
jesus christ is a synonym of ġesù kristu.
h is related to him.
gall bladder is a synonym of marrara.
liberté is a synonym of libertà.
kullimkien is related to imkien.
ħonoq is related to choke.
or is a synonym of jew.
sekwenzjali is related to sekwenza.
tête is a synonym of ras.
xmajjar is a form of xmara.
salaam alaikum is a synonym of sliem għalikom.
karawetta is a synonym of aschantinuss.
xjentifiku is related to xjenza.
ħaswa is a synonym of bajda.
green is a synonym of aħdar.
peacock is a synonym of pagun.
möwe is a synonym of gawwija.
ħbieb is a form of ħabib.
éléphant is a synonym of iljunfant.
torri is related to tower.
asesswali is related to asexual.
teatru is etymologically related to theatrum.
dorbies is related to lion.
dejjaq is etymologically related to ضيق.
kakka is related to ausscheiden.
bajda has context of slang.
reliġjuż is related to religious.
stimula is related to stimulate.
österreich is a synonym of awstrija.
throat is a synonym of gerżuma.
qarnita is related to qarnit.
bagħal is etymologically related to بغل.
qalb is related to heart.
omosesswalità is etymologically derived from omosessualità.
iz is a form of il.
sailor is a synonym of baħri.
għeneb is a form of għenba.
xegħel is related to turn on.
sur is related to rock.
traduzzjoni is related to ittraduċa.
tiġieġa is related to qroqqa.
falla is related to absent.
tmienja is etymologically derived from ثمانية.
lag is a synonym of għadira.
żaqq is etymologically related to sack.
tkellem is etymologically related to تكلم.
marte has context of astronomy.
għadam is related to bones.
kollezzjoni is related to collection.
ukranjan is a synonym of ukren.
estonia is a synonym of estonja.
taschentuch is a synonym of maktur.
science is a synonym of ħsieb.
deskrizzjoni is related to description.
bishop is a synonym of isqof.
uġigħ fl istonku is derived from uġigħ.
leg is a synonym of riġel.
fil is a synonym of ljunfant.
mija is etymologically related to مية.
leġjun is related to legion.
sesswalment is etymologically derived from sessualmente.
fortnight is a synonym of ħmistax.
suffara is etymologically related to صفارة.
fil is a synonym of ljunfant.
siegħa is related to hour.
horloge is a synonym of arloġġ.
plafond is a synonym of saqaf.
safety is a synonym of sigurtà.
kotba is a form of ktieb.
tirma is related to toqba tas sorm.
chemie is a synonym of kimika.
sentejn is a form of sena.
russu is related to russja.
pig is a synonym of ħanżir.
tnax is etymologically related to għaxra.
tfittxija is related to fittex.
ni has context of object suffix first person singular.
sentejn is a form of sena.
suwed is a form of iswed.
xemgħat is a form of xemgħa.
nemusa is related to midge.
eleven is a synonym of ħdax.
lapida is related to verstorben.
jisimni is related to isem.
sriedaq is a form of serduq.
xitla is related to shrub.
gżira is etymologically derived from جزيرة.
gibraltar is a synonym of ġibiltà.
snail is a synonym of bebbuxu.
ekwador is related to équateur.
laħam is related to meat.
fraise is a synonym of frawla.
żrinġijiet is a form of żrinġ.
traduzzjonijiet is a form of traduzzjoni.
bull is a synonym of gendus.
ippopotamo is a synonym of ippopotamu.
ħaruf is etymologically related to خروف.
għoxx is etymologically related to عش.
dnub is related to wider.
tradizzjonali is related to traditional.
disa has context of construct.
anġlu is related to fungiert.
bitch is a synonym of kelba.
guġarati is etymologically related to ગુજરાતી.
mfietaħ is a form of muftieħ.
fil is a synonym of lid.
sixty is a synonym of sittin.
sabieħ is related to sbejjaħ.
magħruf is a synonym of rikonoxxut.
torri is etymologically derived from turris.
għadmiet is related to għadam.
flour is a synonym of dqiq.
bankijiet is a form of bank.
imwiet is a form of mewt.
lessiku is etymologically related to lexicon.
dqiq is etymologically related to دقيق.
platt is related to plate.
rikeb is etymologically related to ركب.
ġnien is related to garden.
għadu is related to adversary.
dalwaqt is etymologically related to ذا الوقت.
ħaddiem is related to laborer.
kowt is related to coat.
possibilment is the opposite of impossibilment.
dgħajjef is related to dgħjufija.
planète is a synonym of pjaneta.
sapuna is related to spülen.
skwiril is related to écureuil.
aħbarijiet is related to news.
qasir is related to short.
mnieħer is related to nez.
arm is a synonym of driegħ.
arm is a synonym of driegħ.
kacken is a synonym of kakka.
qmis is etymologically related to قميص.
mercure is a synonym of merkurju.
dragun is etymologically derived from δρακων.
għarnuq is related to crane.
sebat is a synonym of sebgħa.
qaddis has context of christianity.
interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa has context of physics.
diskussjonijiet is a form of diskussjoni.
place is a synonym of lok.
bidla is etymologically related to ب د ل.
moqri is a form of qara.
beżaq is related to bżieq.
ħanżira is related to ħanżir.
trakter is a synonym of traktor.
poème is a synonym of poeżija.
xewwex is related to ħarrek.
mewt is etymologically related to qam minn bejn l imwiet.
nagħaġ is a form of nagħġa.
toqba is related to hole.
xerq is related to est.
nemusa is related to nemus.
muntanja is related to mountain.
ġurnata is related to day.
sħun is related to warm.
furnar is etymologically derived from furnaru.
produzzjoni is etymologically derived from produzione.
marid is etymologically derived from مريض.
xatt is etymologically related to شط.
donnerstag is a synonym of il ħamis.
frawla is related to strawberry.
essenza is related to essence.
leġiżlazzjonijiet is a form of leġiżlazzjoni.
ħuġbejn is a form of ħaġeb.
there are is a synonym of hemm.
għakrux is related to snail.
żifna is related to dance.
illużjoni is related to illużjonista.
decision is a synonym of deċiżjoni.
mr is a synonym of sur.
kontaminazzjonijiet is a form of kontaminazzjoni.
ġilda has context of anatomy.
ġawhra is related to perla.
ħaruf is related to muntun.
deċiżjoni is related to decision.
żaffran is etymologically derived from زعفران.
pornographic is a synonym of pornografiku.
béryllium is a synonym of berillju.
kukkudrill is etymologically related to coccodrillo.
għaxart has context of construct.
silġ is etymologically related to xemx.
bee is a synonym of naħla.
għasfur tal bejt is etymologically related to għasfur.
ċerv is related to ċerva.
tfajla is related to tfajjel.
fog is a synonym of ċpar.
ħabb is related to love.
rota is a synonym of rad.
knife is a synonym of sikkina.
sigarett is etymologically related to cigare.
qaqoċċa is etymologically related to kaboċċa.
mercure is a synonym of merkurju.
vjolazzjonijiet is a form of vjolazzjoni.
għaxra is similar to għaxart.
sequential is a synonym of sekwenzjali.
ġeografija is related to ġeografiku.
vaġina is etymologically derived from vagina.
belgrade is a synonym of belgrad.
asesswali is related to asexual.
asesswalità is related to asexuality.
tifel is related to child.
triqat is a form of triq.
ħdax is related to eleven.
gvern is related to gvernatur.
ħu is related to sibling.
rwol is etymologically derived from ruolo.
jump is a synonym of qabeż.
testikola is a synonym of bajda.
eterosesswali is related to heterosexual.
assoċjazzjoni is etymologically derived from associazione.
zaqq is a form of żaqq.
demokratikament is related to democratically.
demb is etymologically related to ذنب.
xerq is related to east.
żebbuġa is related to żebbuġ.
madankollu is etymologically related to dan.
isem is related to jisimni.
dundjan is related to turkey.
ġuvni is related to ġuvnott.
nejka is derived from niek.
world is a synonym of dinja.
soleil is a synonym of xemx.
għaxra is similar to għaxart.
asturien is a synonym of asturjan.
tmint is similar to disat.
oħt is related to ħu.
palm tree is a synonym of palma.
kotba is a form of ktieb.
ażotu has context of chimie.
identity is a synonym of identità.
delizzjuż is related to delicious.
driegħ is related to arm.
russja is a synonym of federazzjoni russa.
x inhu is related to x.
kitten is a synonym of ferħ.
qassisin is a form of qassis.
mewt is related to miet.
kalendarju has context of system by which time is divided.
għaxar is similar to ħdax il.
pustuletta is related to abscess.
talb is derived from tallab.
suf is related to wool.
mintix is etymologically related to inti.
colt is a synonym of felu.
widien is a form of wied.
wing is a synonym of ġwienaħ.
serpento is a synonym of lifgħa.
papri is a form of papra.
little is a synonym of żgħar.
kixef is related to uncover.
qawwa is related to stark.
superstizzjonijiet is a form of superstizzjoni.
sħun is etymologically related to سخن.