text qabel kristu is etymologically related to kristu. raven is a synonym of għarab. kwotazzjonijiet is a form of kwotazzjoni. poplu is etymologically derived from populu. ħamest is similar to erbat. ġenerazzjoni is related to generation. x'jismek is related to isem. siliċju is related to silicon. xebba is etymologically related to شابة. ivvjola is related to vjolazzjoni. song is a synonym of għanja. ħeġġeġ is related to encourage. għenbiet is a form of għenba. ħmistax is etymologically related to għaxra. tmintax il is similar to sbatax il. snail is a synonym of għakrux. għażel is related to choose. kloru has context of chemistry. ħaxix is related to grass. kelba is related to bitch. ossiġenu is related to oxygène. kafè is etymologically derived from قهوة. ħareġ is related to ħruġ. sess is related to sesswalità. logħba is etymologically related to لعبة. anthill is a synonym of bejta tan nemel. mare is a synonym of dwieb. fixkel is related to hinder. prosit is related to bravo. raħal is related to town. ungo is a synonym of difer. tajjeb is related to good. għasafar is a form of għasfur. astroloġija is related to astrology. kiel is related to eat. qattusa is related to qattus. acheter is a synonym of xtara. x is related to xiex. ni is related to me. ilsien is etymologically related to لسان. formazzjoni is etymologically derived from formazione. ġuvni is etymologically related to iuvenis. diffikultajiet is a form of diffikultà. għarus is etymologically related to عروسة. cat translations is a synonym of qtates. sigrieti is a form of sigriet. in is related to ijiet. toqba tas sorm has context of vulgar. rqiq is related to thin. possibbli is the opposite of impossibbli. bogħod is related to distance. qaddis is related to qaddisa. boru is related to boron. ħabib is etymologically related to حبيب. fakar is related to ftakar. bgħad is a form of bgħid. huma is related to they. żunżan is related to wasp. ismijiet is a form of isem. lithuania is a synonym of litwanja. abaku is related to abacus. emozzjoni is related to emozzjonali. guilt is a synonym of dnub. sesswalment is related to sexually. wardiet is a form of warda. elettroniku is related to electronic. nemusa is related to mosquito. christmas is a synonym of milied. ġar is related to neighbour. nisrani is etymologically related to نصراني. kakka is a synonym of ħara. serp is etymologically derived from serpens. marrara has context of anatomy. qalb is etymologically related to قلب. bnadar is a form of bandiera. fenek is etymologically related to فنك. trakter is a synonym of trecker. ċkunija is derived from ċkejken. arabic is a synonym of għarbi. aggressivament is the opposite of passivament. butterfly is a synonym of farfett. eżamijiet is a form of eżami. sultan is related to saltna. qagħad is etymologically related to قعد. litju has context of chemistry. stonku has context of anatomy. sama is related to hear. bettler is a synonym of tallab. għeneb is a form of għenba. xadin is a form of xadina. ħmieġ is a synonym of kot. baħri is related to sailor. ftit is etymologically related to fatafit. gallju is related to gallium. ħamest is similar to erbat. homosexuality is a synonym of omosesswalità. isfar is etymologically related to اصفر. xkupilja tas snien is related to toothbrush. xadina is related to monkey. direzzjoni is related to direction. ipparteċipa is related to parteċipazzjoni. kukkudrill is etymologically derived from cuccudrillu. għabbex is derived from għabex. asesswali is related to asesswalità. idejn is a form of id. frawli is a form of frawla. daniż is related to daniża. saħħara is related to sorceress. qadim is related to old. delużjonijiet is a form of delużjoni. darba is etymologically derived from ضربة. sesswalità is related to sess. għaxar is similar to ħdax il. potassium is a synonym of potassju. elf is related to thousand. sardine is a synonym of nemusa. sodda is related to schlafen. arloġġ is etymologically derived from ωρολογιον. bżieżaq is a form of bużżieqa. wadi is a synonym of wied. xitla is etymologically related to شتلة. klassifikazzjonijiet is a form of klassifikazzjoni. kell is related to għand. okkażjonalment is related to okkażjonali. uġigħ is related to pain. sider is related to senduq. ħsieb is etymologically related to حساب. eduka is related to edukazzjoni. xjenza is related to science. spiżjar is related to spiżjara. brimba is related to arthropode. wolf is a synonym of lupu. impressjonanti is related to impressive. xorob is related to drink. sitta is similar to sitt. diversity is a synonym of diversità. x'jismek is related to jisimni. żagħżagħ is a form of żgħażagħ. tmien is a synonym of tmienja. ambizzjoni is related to ambition. vjaġġ is related to voyage. dam is related to stall. psikoloġija is related to psikoloġiku. qabeż is related to leap. tmintax il is similar to sbatax il. lsien has context of anatomy. traduzzjoni is etymologically related to traductio. erbatax is etymologically related to erbgħa. ħdax is etymologically related to احد عشر. xewk is a form of xewka. kiri is related to hire. bgħid is etymologically derived from بعيد. far is etymologically derived from فار. kulturali is related to kulturalment. kundizzjonali is related to kundizzjoni. indika is related to indikattiv. universitajiet is a form of università. ċriev is a form of ċerva. lsien is related to tongue. l ajruplan is a form of ajruplan. għarraf is related to kixef. dsatax is etymologically related to għaxra. ras is etymologically derived from راس. saħħara is etymologically related to سحارة. ċess is etymologically derived from chess. xebbaħ is related to xebħ. astronomiku is related to astronomical. dan is etymologically related to شيء. l isptarijiet is a form of sptar. aggressiv is related to aggressive. donation is a synonym of donazzjoni. klassifikazzjoni is etymologically derived from classificazione. mogħża is a synonym of ziege. anġeliku is derived from anġlu. ljunfant is a synonym of iljunfant. biċċier is a synonym of schlachter. nazzjonali is related to nazzjonalment. eżamina is related to examine. peut être is a synonym of forsi. dineb is related to a. stenna is related to wait. ħlejjaq is a form of ħalq. ċeki is a form of ċek. qawsalla is related to rainbow. invenzjoni is etymologically related to invenzione. tliet is similar to żewġ. ħaxix is etymologically derived from حشيش. ħaraq is related to burn. sigarett is related to extrej. bżieq is etymologically related to بزاق. ġnejna is etymologically related to جنة. liba is a synonym of sperma. sistematiku is etymologically derived from sistematico. mitejn is etymologically related to ميتان. erbat has context of construct. belti is etymologically related to i. ljunfant is a synonym of fil. emozzjoni is related to emozzjonali. navigation is a synonym of navigazzjoni. ivvjola is related to vjolazzjoni. terroriżmu is related to beziehungsweise. ewlieni is related to first. tbissem is related to tbissima. tiġieġa is related to farruġ. oħt is etymologically related to اخت. ġens is related to soċjetà. ħamsa is similar to ħames. imma is etymologically derived from اما. vanità is related to vanity. bastun is related to stick. tmienja is similar to tmien. għajn is related to għatu ta l għajn. zalza is related to sauce. übersetzen is a synonym of ittraduċa. young is a synonym of żagħżugħ. but is a synonym of imma. popli is a form of poplu. kull is related to kullimkien. ħolm is a form of ħolma. verità is related to truth. x is related to xiex. illużorju is related to illużjonista. qattusa is related to qattus. zaun is a synonym of ħabel. ġuvnott is related to boy. kundizzjonalment is related to kundizzjonali. ġo is related to in. bisesswali is related to bisesswalità. blinka has context of australia. tear is a synonym of demgħa. hélium is a synonym of elju. ħajja is related to life. mare is a synonym of debba. serq is related to seraq. faċli is the opposite of diffiċli. qawwa is related to ausüben. għedewwa is a form of għadu. worker is a synonym of ħaddiem. i have question is a synonym of għandi mistoqsija. ħajt is related to ħajjat. qasam is etymologically related to قسم. croatie is a synonym of kroazja. granċi is etymologically related to cancrum. elettriku is related to elettriċità. skorpjun is a synonym of għakreb. nom is etymologically derived from nomen. lhudi is etymologically related to illum. sapuna is a synonym of seife. mislef has context of australia. country is a synonym of pajjiż. kill is a synonym of qatel. ijiet is related to iet. dadi is a form of dada. xena is etymologically derived from scena. emmen is related to trust. animal translations is a synonym of annimal. jaf is related to do. vjolazzjonijiet is a form of vjolazzjoni. tfajla is related to girl. ħafna is etymologically related to pretty. tilef is related to misplace. is snin is a form of sena. kultura is related to culture. bejta is related to bejta tan nemel. xewka is related to prickle. asesswalità is related to asesswali. rena is a synonym of ramel. seta is related to able. fjura is related to flower. emozzjoni is related to emozzjonalment. waħdiet is a form of wieħed. orange is a synonym of larinġa. health is a synonym of saħħa. għajn is related to spring. importanti is related to important. għatu ta l għajn is derived from għatu. inibizzjonijiet is a form of inibizzjoni. sbatax is etymologically related to sebgħa. aide is a synonym of għajnuna. żaffran is related to saffron. għand is related to to. bed is a synonym of sodda. qarn has context of anatomy. foresta is related to forest. muntun is related to ram. għajxien is related to living. sriep is a form of serp. din is related to ce. riċetti is a form of riċetta. namra is related to namrat. want is a synonym of ried. near is a synonym of qrib. għalaq is etymologically related to غلق. ħmistax is etymologically related to خمسة عشر. atturi is a form of attur. dib is related to wolf. bagħad is etymologically related to بغض. għasar is related to press. definizzjoni is related to définition. belti is etymologically related to i. abaki is related to abaku. inħobbok is related to imħabba. asesswalità is etymologically derived from asessualità. schwuler is a synonym of omosesswali. kapaċitajiet is a form of kapaċità. ħaġla is related to partridge. trabi is a form of tarbija. illużjoni is related to illużorju. étoile is a synonym of niġma. teknoloġikament is related to teknoloġija. kiesaħ is the opposite of sħun. bies is related to faucon pèlerin. divrenzja is related to differenti. eċċezzjoni is etymologically derived from eccezione. peu is a synonym of meta. pond is a synonym of għadira. traduzzjonijiet is a form of traduzzjoni. rebaħ is related to rebħa. italien is a synonym of italja. océan is a synonym of oċean. essenza is related to essenzjalment. karitajiet is a form of karità. important is a synonym of importanti. insett is related to insect. ram is related to copper. msaren is a form of musrana. ħuttafa is related to ħuttaf. albanien is a synonym of albanija. ġimgħa is etymologically related to جمع. vogel is a synonym of għasfur. h is related to hu. qassisin is a form of qassis. xettiku is related to septic. sucre is a synonym of zokkor. ħelu is etymologically derived from حلو. ħareġ is related to exit. msiemer is a form of musmar. varsavja is etymologically derived from varsavia. tmien has context of construct. sesswalità is related to sesswali. wied is etymologically derived from واد. coffin is a synonym of tebut. ġrieden is a form of ġurdien. qawwa is related to beherrschen. kulturali is related to kulturalment. cherry is a synonym of ċirasa. terbium is a synonym of terbjum. kbir is related to big. interazzjonijiet fundamentali is a form of interazzjoni fundamentali. dinjiet is a form of dinja. blinka is a synonym of indikejter. qara is related to read. kisser is related to smash. proprjetajiet is a form of proprjetà. ħuta is etymologically derived from حوت. fired is etymologically related to فرد. siġra is related to arbre. okkażjonali is related to occasional. bierek is related to tbierek. in is related to ejn. sillabazzjoni is related to syllabation. għawdxi is etymologically related to għawdex. skola is etymologically derived from σχολη. police is a synonym of pulizija. kontaminazzjoni is related to contamination. ħdejn is etymologically related to حدين. qaħba is related to prostitute. marid is related to marad. dsatax il is similar to tmintax il. wenn die katze aus dem haus ist tanzen die mäuse auf dem tisch is a synonym of meta jorqod il qattus il ġrieden joħorġu. ħġieġ is etymologically derived from زجاج. protezzjoni is related to protection. tmintax is similar to tmintax il. fniek is a form of fenka. assoċjazzjoni is related to assoċja. tbissem is etymologically derived from تبسم. ħanut is related to shop. roża is related to rose. vjaġġ is etymologically related to viaticum. uretra has context of anatomy. ippromwova is related to promozzjoni. żaqq is etymologically derived from زق. għadma is related to bone. états unis d’ amérique is a synonym of stati uniti. wissenschaft is a synonym of xjenza. there is is a synonym of hemm. inħobbok is related to ħabb. sitwazzjoni is related to situation. sħun is related to hot. litteralment is related to literally. impressjona is related to impressjonanti. idroġenu is related to hydrogen. velocity is a synonym of veloċità. stunde is a synonym of siegħa. tornavit is related to lösen. sajf is related to summer. xmara is etymologically derived from flumen. k x f is related to kixxief. sigriet is related to penis. marad is related to marid. għenba is etymologically related to عنب. ħanżira is related to ħanżir. qorti is etymologically derived from corte. interazzjoni dgħajfa is a synonym of interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa. elephant is a synonym of iljunfant. xjentifikament is related to xjentifiku. għawdxija is derived from għawdex. maqtugħ is a form of qata. għatu ta l għajn is related to għajn. chicken is a synonym of fellus. londra is related to londres. żwieġ is related to marriage. ġabar is related to collect. interazzjoni qawwija has context of physics. ross is etymologically derived from ارز. chicken is a synonym of tiġieġa. għadajjar is a form of għadira. għalla is etymologically related to غلى. soċjalment is related to soċjali. ħaswa is a synonym of testikola. est is a synonym of lvant. ħġieġ is etymologically related to זכוכית. porte is a synonym of bieb. ta is etymologically related to بتاع. ċek is etymologically related to ceco. irkoppa has context of anatomy. bejt is related to roof. écrivain is a synonym of kittieb. fekruna is related to tortoise. tiċrita is a synonym of abreissen. qattus is etymologically related to قطوس. ġriewi is a form of ġeru. église catholique is a synonym of knisja kattolika. għen is related to għajnuna. fard is etymologically derived from فرد. karatteristiku is related to kennzeichnend. ente is a synonym of papra. fjura is etymologically derived from fiore. erbatax il is similar to ħmistax il. stomach is a synonym of stonku. herz is a synonym of qalb. kamra tas sodda is derived from sodda. jambe is a synonym of sieq. ħnieżer is a form of ħanżir. sejf is etymologically related to סיף. twil is related to long. forty is a synonym of erbgħin. sittax il is a synonym of sittax. crane is a synonym of grawwa. fwied is a synonym of leber. bouteille is a synonym of flixkun. friefet is a form of farfett. ħanżir is related to qażquż. sejf is related to dagger. kostituzzjoni is related to constitution. lejn is etymologically related to ejn. tnejn is etymologically related to اثنان. sittin is related to sixty. dliel is etymologically related to dell. flimkien is related to together. bischof is a synonym of isqof. żerriegħa is a synonym of sperma. koxxa has context of anatomy. kliewi is a form of kilwa. chest is a synonym of senduq. arriver is a synonym of wasal. għandek bżonn għajnuna is related to grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek. rabat is etymologically related to ربط. university is a synonym of università. interazzjonijiet is a form of interazzjoni. rkoppa is etymologically related to ركبة. xtieli is a form of xitla. marad is related to marid. tranżizzjoni is related to tranżizzjonali. min is related to who. qaddis is related to saint. eżerċizzju is related to exercise. l abbaziji is a form of abbazija. soker is a synonym of futbol. bagħad is related to hate. irjieħ is a form of riħ. pejjep is etymologically related to pipe. oxxenità is related to obscenity. naħal is a form of naħla. għatu ta l għajn is related to ħaġeb. afrikaans is a synonym of afrikans. qarib is etymologically related to qrib. mhux is related to ma. jour is a synonym of jum. kilwa is related to kidney. rota is related to angetrieben. grün is a synonym of aħdar. mija is related to hundred. sħubija is related to issieħeb. venter is a synonym of zaqq. disa is related to nine. ħajt is related to ħjata. litju has context of chimie. muri is a form of ra. beka is related to cry. vjola is related to lila. xagħar is related to hair. seklu is related to century. ors is etymologically related to orso. tmenin is related to eighty. aircraft is a synonym of ajruplan. prepuzju has context of anatomy. spoon is a synonym of mgħarfa. triq is related to mogħdija. prostitute is a synonym of qaħba. seba is similar to sitt. dormir is a synonym of raqad. din is related to cette. inbid is related to wine. żunżan is etymologically related to زنبور. għallem is related to teach. buddhism is a synonym of buddiżmu. gold is a synonym of deheb. wild is etymologically derived from ولد. kell has context of obligation with following verb. sistematiku is related to sistema. kwiekeb is a form of kewkba. għakrux is related to bebbuxu. sinna is related to tooth. democratic is a synonym of demokratiku. djars has context of australia. le is etymologically related to לא. żifen is related to żifna. lagħab is etymologically derived from لعب. être is a synonym of kien. kwistjonijiet is a form of kwistjoni. sebbaħ is related to adorn. mannara is related to hatchet. serbja u montenegro is derived from serbja. awrina is related to urine. ħaġa is related to thing. ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. kafa is a synonym of kafè. k x f is related to kxif. ħajt is related to ħajjat. xibka is a synonym of netz. nom has context of grammar. eżami is related to eżamina. allemagne is a synonym of ġermanja. ċerva is related to ċerv. azote is a synonym of ażotu. beryllium is a synonym of berillju. arsenic is a synonym of arseniku. xatt is related to shore. xemgħa is related to weiss. ħawħa is related to peach. possibilitajiet is a form of possibilità. organiżżazzjonali is related to organiżżazzjoni. silicium is a synonym of siliċju. necklace is a synonym of kullana. iġsma is a form of ġisem. dizzjunarju is related to dictionary. piglet is a synonym of ħannus. lejn is etymologically related to lejja. tuffieħa is etymologically related to تفاحة. ġirasol is related to sunflower. albaniżi is a form of albaniż. korea ta fuq is related to korea t isfel. fost is related to among. għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandek bżonn għajnuna. rebaħ is related to win. november is a synonym of novembru. phonologie is a synonym of fonoloġija. il ħadd has context of day of week. phosphore is a synonym of fosfru. sekwenzjalment is related to sekwenzjali. kiseb is related to acquire. gravità is related to gravitazzjonali. protezzjonijiet is a form of protezzjoni. slovénie is a synonym of slovenja. l ewwel is etymologically derived from اول. għażel is related to selezzjoni. werqa is related to leaf. my is a synonym of tiegħi. taljani is a form of taljan. qażquż is related to piglet. kotba is a form of ktieb. namra is related to doqqajsa. grieżem is a form of gerżuma. qtates is a form of qattusa. malta has context of îles. duka is related to dukessa. sema is related to ciel. sliem is a synonym of paċi. baħamas is etymologically related to bahamas. dukessa is related to duchess. ċaw ċaw is related to goodbye. bread is a synonym of ħobż. huwa is related to he. organiżżazzjonali is etymologically derived from organizational. finlandiż has context of finnish person. soqfa is a form of saqaf. ħafer is related to acquit. iġmla is a form of ġemel. prostata has context of anatomy. finger is a synonym of saba. ħaseb is related to ħsieb. xjenza is related to xjentifikament. qattusa is related to cat. akkademja is related to academy. federazzjoni russa is a synonym of russja. mère is a synonym of ma. qażquż is related to pig. fluworu is related to fluorine. ċittadina is similar to ċittadin. baby is a synonym of tarbija. irjieħ is a form of riħ. għażla is related to choice. iddmanda has context of australia. chauve souris is a synonym of farfett il lejl. proverb is a synonym of qawl. europa is a synonym of ewropa. attira is related to attrazzjoni. foot is a synonym of sieq. belarussi is a form of belarussu. indipendenza is related to indipendenti. għawdex is etymologically related to γαυδοσ. marid is related to marrad. national is a synonym of nazzjonali. ħaġla is related to ħaġel. anġlu is related to bestimmt. xita is related to rain. sabiħ is related to sebbaħ. christmas eve is a synonym of lejliet il milied. sbatax is similar to sbatax il. lejliet il milied is etymologically derived from ليلة الميلاد. għasfur is related to bird. sebgħa is similar to seba. xegħel is etymologically related to شعل. nagħaġ is a form of nagħġa. xemgħat is a form of xemgħa. erbatax il is a synonym of erbatax. diffiċli is the opposite of faċli. ejn is related to ijiet. wied is related to vale. għarraq is related to corrupt. ħataf is related to clutch. dragon is a synonym of dragun. chin is a synonym of ilħit. sess is related to gender. ġunju is etymologically related to giugnu. minn bejn l imwiet is etymologically related to mejtin. lizard is a synonym of gremxula. faucon pèlerin is a synonym of bies. ikoll is related to have to. qroqqa is related to tiġieġa. hair is a synonym of xagħar. chat is a synonym of qattus. ġuvnott is related to ġuvni. intom is related to you. sitta is similar to sitt. għawdxin is derived from għawdex. żgħir is the opposite of kbir. qtates is a form of qattus. żgħożija is related to tfulija. istati uniti is a synonym of istati uniti ta l amerika. evoluzzjoni is related to evolution. tar is related to fly. sfafar is a form of suffara. iġsma is a form of ġisem. malti is derived from malta. ċwieċ is a form of ċuċ. ċitazzjoni is related to citation. italian is a synonym of taljana. konservazzjoni is related to conservation. ċaħad is related to disclaim. mètre is a synonym of metru. fniek is a form of fenka. dbieben is a form of dubbiena. death is a synonym of mewt. qamħ is related to wheat. ziju is etymologically derived from ziu. farfett is etymologically related to farfalla. diffiċli is the opposite of faċli. naztuko is a synonym of maktur. dwieb is a form of debba. bär is a synonym of debb. nukleari is etymologically derived from nucleare. sperma is related to semen. organiżżazzjoni is related to organiżżazzjonali. disat is related to nine. aggredixxa is related to aggressiv. ħdejn is related to next to. ġeneralment is related to ġenerali. mensch is a synonym of bniedem. desert is a synonym of deżert. popolazzjoni is related to population. verme is a synonym of dudu. papillon is a synonym of farfett. isfar is related to yellow. summiena is etymologically related to سمانى. eklissi is related to eclipse. omosesswali is etymologically derived from omosessuale. għajxien is a synonym of sopravivenza. ferħ is etymologically related to فرح. x is related to what. sptar is a synonym of infermerija. gżejjer is a form of gżira. elettromanjetiku is etymologically derived from elettromagnetico. għadu is related to feindschaftlich. bidel is related to exchange. donazzjoni is related to donation. għanja is related to song. tieni gwerra dinjija has context of histoire. belt is related to belti. erba is similar to ħames. i'm thirsty is a synonym of għandi l għatx. doctor is a synonym of tabib. xebba is related to xbejba. liberazzjonijiet is a form of liberazzjoni. ġinevra is related to genève. pornografiku is related to pornografija. għaxart is similar to ħdax il. zero is a synonym of żero. nejka is derived from niek. aħwa is related to brethren. mogħdrija is etymologically related to معذرة. ambizzjonijiet is a form of ambizzjoni. marrara is etymologically related to مرارة. ħaxixa is etymologically derived from حشيش. qarn is related to horn. ikkommunika is related to kommunikazzjoni. saqqu is a synonym of matratze. gerżuma has context of anatomy. erbat is similar to ħamest. ejn is related to iet. stilla is related to star. palladium is a synonym of palladju. nom de famille is a synonym of kunjom. sekwenzjali is etymologically derived from sequenziale. price is a synonym of prezz. agent secret is a synonym of aġenti sigriet. ባረከ is etymologically related to bierek. chaton is a synonym of ferħ. sħun is related to sħana. ewropa is etymologically related to europa. kewkba is etymologically related to كوكب. ħarab is etymologically derived from هرب. ajruplan is related to aircraft. town is a synonym of raħal. ossiġenu has context of chimie. ħolom is related to ħolma. għotjien is a form of għatu. sekwenzjalment is related to sekwenza. dukessi is a form of dukessa. alkoħol is related to alcohol. possibbli is related to possibilment. midneb is related to sinner. knisja is related to knisja kattolika. oktober is a synonym of ottubru. elettromanjetiżmu is related to electromagnetism. tobba is a form of tabib. annimala is related to annimal. taljani is a form of taljana. strong is a synonym of qawwi. serpent is a synonym of serp. gravitazzjonali is related to gravitational. dsatax is etymologically related to għaxra. ħaswa is etymologically related to خصية. parteċipazzjoni is related to ipparteċipa. espressjoni is related to espressa. fardal is related to apron. fittex is related to tfittxija. attivitajiet is a form of attività. aħwa is a form of oħt. venere has context of astronomy. oħra is etymologically related to אחר. lhudi is etymologically related to illum. xtieli is a form of xitla. ġeru is related to puppy. kwalità is related to quality. għenuq is a form of għonq. seraq is related to steal. bierek is etymologically related to בירך. mexa is related to walk. nest is a synonym of bejta. vokali is related to leħen. sittax is etymologically related to sitta. tobba is a form of tabiba. bews is related to kissing. saqqu is related to legt. grieżem is a form of gerżuma. sabieħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. litwanjan is a synonym of litwan. rixiet is a form of rixa. kalzetta is related to sock. deskrizzjonijiet is a form of deskrizzjoni. écureuil is a synonym of skwiril. maktur is related to putzen. eżamina is related to eżami. mhux is etymologically related to مش. vjaġġ is etymologically related to via. reazzjoni is etymologically derived from reazione. ċpar is a synonym of nida. sabieħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. bliċ is related to bleach. twieled is related to twelid. culture is a synonym of kultura. երկուշաբթի is a synonym of it tnejn. bogħod is related to bgħid. come is a synonym of ġie. ilbieraħ is etymologically related to امبارح. serq is related to robbery. rċieva is related to welcome. abdomen is a synonym of żaqq. tradizzjonali is related to tradizzjoni. sptarijiet is a form of sptar. twaġen is a form of taġen. twat is a synonym of għoxx. bjut is a form of bejt. arċisqof is derived from isqof. splużiv is related to schnell. ġurnata is etymologically derived from giornata. lose is a synonym of tilef. sigriet has context of euphemistic. fwied is related to liver. riġel has context of anatomy. news is a synonym of aħbarijiet. skojjatlu is a synonym of skwiril. dineb is etymologically related to اذنب. erbatax il is similar to tlettax il. tagħkom is related to your. karatteristiku is a synonym of charakteristisch. joyeux noël is a synonym of il milied it tajjeb. marad is related to tmarrad. i is related to ejn. żifen is related to dance. belarussi is a form of belarussu. ħdax il is related to eleven. elju has context of chimie. falla is etymologically derived from fallire. somero is a synonym of sajf. għajnejn is a form of għajn. berquq is a form of berquqa. pullo is a synonym of flixkun. krankenhaus is a synonym of sptar. kbar is a form of kbir. bebbuxu is related to snail. irqiq is related to thin. sand is a synonym of ramel. qattusa is related to chatte. fosfru has context of chemistry. tiġieġa is related to serduq. dik is etymologically related to ذيك. kwalifikazzjoni is related to qualification. tirma is related to sorm. tuffieħ is a form of tuffieħa. delużjoni is related to delużjonali. educational is a synonym of edukazzjonali. erezzjoni is etymologically derived from erezione. nearly is a synonym of kważi. nombreux is a synonym of ħafna. possibbli is the opposite of impossibbli. tnax il is similar to tlettax il. għada is etymologically related to بكرة. oksiġin is related to oxygène. second is a synonym of it tieni. dukessi is a form of dukessa. gidi is related to bodbod. nista is a form of seta. in is related to ejn. gender is a synonym of sess. tilef is related to telfa. calf is a synonym of għoġol. sur is etymologically related to sinjur. chemise is a synonym of qmis. ħaddejn is a form of ħadd. ħaswa is a synonym of testikola. passiv is the opposite of aggressiv. logħob is a form of logħba. monat is a synonym of xahar. sittax il is similar to sbatax il. buffu is related to buffa. etimoloġiji is a form of etimoloġija. tmienja is similar to tmint. żerniq is etymologically related to ܩ. demb has context of anatomy. vin is a synonym of nbid. albanian is a synonym of albaniż. traduzzjoni is related to translation. poplu is related to nazzjon. maħniex is etymologically related to m. kiel is etymologically related to كل. musmar is etymologically related to مسمار. kazakhstan is a synonym of każakistan. miniex is etymologically related to شيء. lukanda is related to hotel. fehma is etymologically related to fehem. revolution is a synonym of rivoluzzjoni. lil is etymologically related to lejn. opportunitajiet is a form of opportunità. pornografija is etymologically derived from πορνογραφοσ. stimulazzjoni is related to stimulation. reliġjuż is related to reliġjon. vjolenti is related to vjolenza. illużjonista is related to illużjoni. banda is related to side. katina is related to miteinander. mars is a synonym of marte. orso is a synonym of debb. qorq is related to sandlija. bastun is related to staff. circle is a synonym of ċirku. larinġ is a form of larinġa. baqra is related to cow. ġuvni is etymologically derived from giùvini. tmintax is etymologically related to għaxra. alluċinazzjonijiet is a form of alluċinazzjoni. mewt is etymologically related to mejjet. wolf is a synonym of dib. katina is related to gleichartig. żviluppa is related to żviluppatur. ipparteċipa is related to parteċipazzjoni. ekoloġiċi is a form of ekoloġiku. għawdex is etymologically related to γαυλοσ. tieġ is related to wedding. erba is similar to ħames. xerq is related to point cardinal. ċomb has context of chemistry. kulturali is related to kultura. sorm is related to ass. taġen is etymologically related to ταγηνον. rwol is related to role. sptar is etymologically derived from ospedale. tilef has context of game etc. ma is related to with. koordinazzjoni is related to coordination. wieħed is related to alone. dnub is related to sin. tifla is related to tifel. essenza is related to essenzjalment. ġlud is a form of ġilda. kukkudrill is etymologically related to crocodilus. socially is a synonym of soċjalment. xkupilja tax xagħar is derived from xkupilja. estland is a synonym of estonja. biss is etymologically derived from بس. nicosia is a synonym of nikosija. riħ stellari is related to stellar wind. eighteen is a synonym of tmintax. mewt is related to mejjet. is sibt is etymologically derived from السبت. wednesday is a synonym of l erbgħa. ġeografiku is related to ġeografija. patati is a form of patata. ġilda is related to skin. tajbin is a form of tajjeb. poisson is a synonym of ħuta. kiber is etymologically related to كبير. żejt is related to oil. qrib is etymologically related to qarib. għal is related to to. papoċċa is related to slipper. elettromanjetiku is related to elettromanjetiżmu. melodiku is related to melodic. minuta is related to minute. truth is a synonym of verità. għawdex is related to gozo. oħt is related to sibling. uġigħ tad dahar is derived from uġigħ. ħajt is etymologically related to خيط. baħar adrijatiku has context of geography. ħanfusa is etymologically related to خنفساء. libertajiet is a form of libertà. berquqa is etymologically related to malum praecoquum. jardin is a synonym of ġnien. żokra is related to navel. kakka is a synonym of stuhlgang. pengwin is related to penguin. poem is a synonym of poeżija. bnedmin is a form of bniedem. jaf is etymologically derived from يعرف. tlieta is related to three. tagħrif is related to information. għerf is related to wisdom. ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. attrazzjoni is related to attraction. sorm is related to butt. acquire is a synonym of kiseb. bibbja has context of christianity. asesswalità is related to asesswali. in is etymologically related to ون. tiġieġa is related to chicken. ħwienet is a form of ħanut. dixx is etymologically related to dish. saqqu is related to schlafen. għoxx is related to cunt. darbtejn is a form of darba. demel is related to manure. ħġieġ is etymologically related to قزاز. komunitajiet is a form of komunità. istilla is a form of stilla. ekoloġiji is a form of ekoloġija. tadpole is a synonym of marżepp. toqob is a form of toqba. serbien is a synonym of serbja. qabża is related to hop. pourpre is a synonym of vjola. nesa is etymologically related to نسي. calendar is a synonym of kalendarju. tliet has context of construct. ġens has context of taxonomy. ħadd is related to cheek. żaqq is related to stomach. sistematiku is related to sistematikament. coreper has context of politique. help is a synonym of għajnuna. table is a synonym of mejda. squirrel is a synonym of skwiril. aġenti sigriet is related to agent secret. dsatax is related to nineteen. kważi is etymologically related to quasi. bookshelf is a synonym of librerija. ċirasa is related to cherry. ċkejknin is a form of ċkejken. kalzetta is a synonym of peduna. seba is similar to sitt. voice is a synonym of leħen. insalata is related to salad. qadim is related to xiħ. koordinazzjoni is related to coordination. azzjoni is etymologically related to actio. tejjeb is related to tjieb. kuh is a synonym of baqra. or is a synonym of deheb. namra is related to imħabba. gawwija is related to gawwi. xemgħa is a synonym of wachs. kollezzjoni is related to collection. nejka is related to niek. erba is a synonym of erbgħa. demokratiku is related to democratic. avverbju is etymologically related to adverbium. who is a synonym of min. spanjoli is a form of spanjola. ten is a synonym of għaxra. saltna is etymologically related to سلطنة. fellus is related to chicken. mannara is related to axe. albanisch is a synonym of albaniż. kuniklo is a synonym of fenek. żewġ is related to two. bżonn is related to need. ċitazzjoni is related to ticket. kell is etymologically related to kien. dagħwa is related to curse. saqqu is related to liegen. fittex is related to seek. kukkudrill is related to crocodile. tiċrita is related to einreissen. dos is a synonym of dahar. każak is related to każakistan. stechmücke is a synonym of nemus. viola is a synonym of vjola. tebut is related to casket. boy is a synonym of tifel. ippromwova is etymologically related to promuovere. definizzjoni is related to definition. qamħ is etymologically related to قمح. itfal is a form of tifel. deheb is related to gold. mħadda is related to pillow. soċjetajiet is a form of soċjetà. azerbaïdjan is a synonym of ażerbajġan. lag is related to lake. aristote is a synonym of aristotle. phosphorus is a synonym of fosfru. couteau is a synonym of sikkina. invenzjoni is related to invention. komunitajiet is a form of komunità. sultan is related to sultana. tqila is related to pregnant. waqaf is related to stop. bidwi is related to farmer. republik is a synonym of repubblika. biss is etymologically derived from بس. bandiera is related to flag. butcher is a synonym of biċċier. sebbaħ is related to embellish. jiskomoda is related to inconvenience. ugly is a synonym of koroh. traduzzjoni is related to ittraduċa. xebba is related to xbubija. anġeliku is etymologically derived from angelicus. kokka is related to kokk. ħanżir is related to pig. belt is related to belti. noël is a synonym of milied. italja is related to italie. ilħit is related to chin. teoloġiku is related to teoloġija. demgħa is related to tear. patata has context of slang. kwiekeb is a form of kewkba. ħdax il is similar to tnax il. seta is related to can. demokratikament is related to demokratiku. kafè is related to coffee. qlub is a form of qalb. fellus is related to tiġieġa. geography is a synonym of ġeografija. blokkok is a form of blokka. buffa is related to clown. elettromanjetiku is related to electromagnetic. archbishop is a synonym of arċisqof. sabi is related to male. helsinki is a synonym of ħelsinki. tmint is similar to sebat. seta is etymologically derived from استطاع. beżaq is etymologically related to بزق. nemus is a form of nemusa. jay is a synonym of sultan iċ ċawl. ċittadin is etymologically related to cittadino. contamination is a synonym of kontaminazzjoni. perżuta is related to ham. rebbiegħa is related to spring. october is a synonym of ottubru. flieles is a form of fellus. pustuletti is a form of pustuletta. tarka is etymologically derived from targa. għawdxi is etymologically related to i. tnax is etymologically related to tnejn. ħaddiem is related to worker. bewsa is related to bies. ħaġa is etymologically derived from حاجة. ljun is etymologically derived from λεων. excuse me is a synonym of x inhu. kontribuzzjonijiet is a form of kontribuzzjoni. klassifikazzjoni is related to classification. issa is etymologically derived from ساعة. ġuvni is related to young man. bużżieqa tal awrina has context of anatomy. żgħir is the opposite of kbir. meta is related to when. ħelu is related to sweet. najtroġin has context of chimie. ocean is a synonym of oċean. imma is related to but. mħallat is related to mixed. tiċrita is related to abreissen. lhud is a form of lhudi. granċi is etymologically derived from granciu. għakreb is a synonym of skorpjun. maltin is a form of malti. tqil is related to heavy. dik is a form of dak. papilio is a synonym of farfett. gravità is related to interazzjoni gravitazzjonali. ħadid has context of element. alto is a synonym of vjola. najtroġin is etymologically related to nitrogen. nagel is a synonym of difer. illużorju is related to illużjoni. tgħallem is related to għallem. kapaċità is related to abilità. itfal is etymologically related to اطفال. għajnuna is related to aid. iva is etymologically related to اي والله. toroq is a form of triq. qagħad is related to stay. pornografija is etymologically related to πορνη. universitajiet is a form of università. elfejn is related to l elfejn. toit is a synonym of saqaf. erba is a synonym of erbgħa. jisem is related to isem. czech is a synonym of ċeka. qabel is related to quddiem. mija is similar to mitt. żviluppa is related to żvilupp. sottomissjoni is related to issottometta. tfajjel is related to little. union européenne is a synonym of unjoni ewropea. ażotu is related to azote. broom is a synonym of ġummar. għand is etymologically related to عند. irkoppa is related to knee. lhudi is etymologically derived from يهودي. kundizzjonalment is related to kundizzjoni. qawl is related to proverb. fil is related to bestimmen. asturjani is a form of asturjan. akkademja is etymologically related to academia. is sentejn is a form of sena. bier is a synonym of birra. ors is a synonym of debb. ħsibijiet is a form of ħsieb. name is a synonym of isem. tfajjel is related to tfajla. namra is related to hobby. sexual orientation is a synonym of orjentazzjoni sesswali. għerq is etymologically related to عرق. formiko is a synonym of nemla. siket is related to silent. xurban is related to intoxicated. demm is related to fassad. uġigħ tas snien is derived from uġigħ. חנותא is etymologically related to ħanut. schokolade is a synonym of ċikkulata. sekwenza is etymologically derived from sequenza. daħal is etymologically related to دخل. arbeiter is a synonym of ħaddiem. inattiv is related to inattività. wikizzjunarju is etymologically related to dizzjunarju. ħdax is similar to ħdax il. avverbju is etymologically derived from avverbiu. wied is related to torrent. xtara is related to buy. sistema is related to system. l is a form of il. fundamental interaction is a synonym of interazzjoni fundamentali. tlettax il is similar to tnax il. sħun is related to sħana. speċifiku is related to specific. kidnap is a synonym of ħataf. kamra tas sodda is derived from sodda. oksiġin has context of chimie. avion is a synonym of ajruplani. kanta is related to sing. nejka is related to niek. fly is a synonym of tar. ġmiel is a synonym of sbuħija. belt ta monako is related to monako. rota is related to rotiert. iet is related to ijiet. testikola is etymologically related to testicolo. koxxa is related to thigh. merħba is related to ħello. lukanda is etymologically related to locanda. sistematikament is related to sistema. tirma is etymologically related to ترمة. poplu is related to people. ħareġ is etymologically related to خرج. poeżija is related to poem. għand bżonn is derived from għand. sistema is etymologically derived from systema. sliem is a synonym of paċi. märz is a synonym of marzu. rokna is etymologically related to ركن. protezzjoni is related to ipprotieġa. elettromanjetiżmu has context of physics. unjoni ewropea is a synonym of europäische union. elettriċità statika is related to static electricity. century is a synonym of ċentinarju. sitt is similar to seba. żrinġijiet is a form of żrinġ. ispanja is related to ispanjol. esperjenza is etymologically derived from esperienza. karbonju is related to carbon. delużjonali is related to delusional. elettromanjetiżmu is related to elettromanjetiku. pelvi has context of anatomy. ir repubblika federali tal ġermanja is a synonym of bundesrepublik deutschland. għoqda is etymologically related to عقدة. xebba is related to young. charrue is a synonym of moħriet. iva is etymologically related to اي وربي. xogħol is etymologically derived from شغل. essenza is related to essenzjali. dew is a synonym of nida. informazzjoni is etymologically related to informatio. stadt is a synonym of belt. futbol is a synonym of soccer. teknoloġikament is related to technologically. dawl is related to dwali. elfejn is etymologically related to ejn. bebbuxu is etymologically related to babbaluciu. tall is a synonym of twil. xugaman is related to grösser. needle is a synonym of labra. serbia is a synonym of serbja. arkitett is etymologically derived from architectus. istess is related to same. ijiet is etymologically related to ي. għand is related to kell. bouddhisme is a synonym of buddiżmu. ġenerazzjonijiet is a form of ġenerazzjoni. maschine is a synonym of magna. tar is etymologically derived from طار. debb is etymologically related to דבא. għawdxin is a form of għawdxi. kohl is a synonym of kaboċċa. adriatic sea is a synonym of baħar adrijatiku. six is a synonym of sitta. għereq is related to għaraq. fetaħ is etymologically derived from فتح. daqna is related to mustaċċi. qrejjaq is a form of qroqqa. tal is a synonym of dell. maqtugħ is a form of qata. jaf is etymologically related to عرف. ħeġġeġ is related to urge. eagle is a synonym of ajkla. erezzjonijiet is a form of erezzjoni. aggressivament is the opposite of passivament. ekoloġiku is related to ekoloġija. imbotta is related to push. friction is a synonym of frizzjoni. sess is related to sesswali. kważi is related to almost. manifestazzjoni is etymologically derived from manifestazione. fittex is related to look for. lezíria is etymologically related to gżira. almost is a synonym of kważi. ħdim is related to work. xugaman is a synonym of handtuch. kiesaħ is the opposite of sħun. darba is related to darab. triq is related to mogħdija. sptar is related to hospital. theology is a synonym of teoloġija. spanjol has context of of from or pertaining to spain. attività is related to activity. numéro is a synonym of numru. itfal is a form of tifel. non is a synonym of le. lapida is a synonym of grabstein. bela is etymologically related to بلع. relazzjonijiet is a form of relazzjoni. hydrogène is a synonym of idroġenu. boisson is a synonym of xorb. platinu has context of chemistry. ħareġ is related to go. mintomx is etymologically related to x. xkupilja tax xagħar is related to hairbrush. sena is a synonym of jahr. ħamiema is etymologically related to حمامة. relazzjoni is etymologically derived from relazione. football is a synonym of futbol. squiril is a form of skwiril. il ħamis is etymologically derived from الخميس. pjaċir is related to pleasure. gouvernement is a synonym of gvern. baker is a synonym of furnar. seklu has context of 100 years. jista is a form of seta. leħen is etymologically derived from لحن. iva is related to forsi. ingliżi is a form of ingliż. lagħab is related to play. seventy is a synonym of sebgħin. grape is a synonym of għenba. ħaxixa is related to marijuana. emozzjonalment is etymologically derived from emozionalmente. lawyer is a synonym of avukat. landa is related to tin. danimarka is related to daniż. bisesswalità is related to bisexuality. jiena is a form of jien. denfil is a synonym of delphin. aħdar is etymologically related to اخضر. teknoloġija is related to teknoloġiku. ċpar is related to dicht. bsaten is a form of bastun. soċjetà is etymologically related to società. quddiem is related to presently. blokka is related to block. kważi is related to nearly. loutre is a synonym of lutra. disgħa is etymologically derived from تسعة. għoxrin is etymologically related to عشرين. yes is a synonym of iva. tieġ is etymologically related to تيجان. kiseb is related to obtain. għasfur is etymologically derived from عصفور. potato is a synonym of patata. ġnejna is derived from ġnien. ċpar is related to trüb. ċkejknin is a form of ċkejken. sigurtà is etymologically related to sicurtà. city is a synonym of belt. imħabba is related to ħabb. attiv is the opposite of inattiv. unjoni is related to union. tagħbijiet is a form of tagħbija. skorpjun is a synonym of għakreb. erbatax is etymologically related to għaxra. ħadid is etymologically related to حديد. tieqa is etymologically related to طاقة. qoxra is related to rind. varietajiet is a form of varietà. fażolla is etymologically related to fagiolo. ħluq is a form of ħalq. interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa is a synonym of interazzjoni dgħajfa. saħħa is related to cheers. arseniku is related to arsenic. tlieta is etymologically related to ثلاثة. katina is related to beweglich. msiemer is a form of musmar. stimula is related to stimulazzjoni. indipendenti is etymologically derived from indipendente. pene is a synonym of metafora. ceiling is a synonym of saqaf. għattuqa is related to tiġieġa. saqqu is related to komfortabel. baptism is a synonym of magħmudija. eduka is related to għallem. le is related to iva. buffi is a form of buffa. zehn is a synonym of għaxra. belt is related to il belt. cheese is a synonym of ġobon. għadajjar is a form of għadira. tbissem is related to smile. fakultà is etymologically related to facultas. belgium is a synonym of belġju. teknoloġija is related to teknoloġikament. dnub is related to besser. naturo is a synonym of natura. sur is related to wall. disgħa is related to nine. maltemp is related to bad. wiċċ is etymologically related to وجه. xugaman is related to dient. ċikonja is related to stork. hydrogen is a synonym of idroġenu. hell is a synonym of infern. tallinn is a synonym of talinn. cinquante is a synonym of ħamsin. tfajla is related to tifla. ħuta is related to fish. tobba is a form of tabib. sahara is a synonym of saħara. tlettax il is a synonym of tlettax. it tnejn is etymologically derived from الاثنين. açougue is etymologically related to suq. università is related to university. maħniex is etymologically related to x. dineb is related to sin. ripressjoni is related to repression. sejf is etymologically related to ሰይፍ. essenza is related to essenzjali. aġġastja is etymologically related to adjust. wine is a synonym of inbid. uċuħ is a form of wiċċ. ġnejna is related to little. ċaħad is related to refuse. żiffa is related to breeze. namra is related to attraction. żewġ is similar to tliet. sandal is a synonym of sandlija. serbja u montenegro is derived from serbja. ġdid is the opposite of qadim. biċċa is etymologically derived from pettia. wasserstoff is a synonym of idroġenu. dnub is related to guilt. żiemel is etymologically related to زوامل. erezzjoni has context of physiology. żebbuġa is related to żebbuġi. nisranija is a synonym of kristjana. bard is related to cold. kwalitajiet is a form of kwalità. isqof is etymologically related to اسقف. mintix is etymologically derived from ما. fittex is etymologically derived from فتش. muntun is related to ħaruf. ors is related to bear. qabel is related to quddiem. riħ solari is related to riħ stellari. komunikazzjoni is etymologically derived from comunicazione. larinġa is related to orange. utilitajiet is a form of utilità. sesswali is related to sesswalità. kowt is etymologically related to coat. interazzjoni is related to interaction. kċina is etymologically derived from cucina. buffi is a form of buffa. bosnie herzégovine is a synonym of bożnja. qażquż is related to ħanżira. fahrrad is a synonym of rota. doctor is a synonym of tabiba. tentazzjoni is related to temptation. mouse is a synonym of ġurdien. ktejjeb is a form of ktieb. qadim is the opposite of ġdid. farfett il lejl is etymologically related to farfett. istati uniti is a synonym of istati uniti ta l amerika. organizza is related to organize. screwdriver is a synonym of tornavit. garten is a synonym of ġnien. ħalib is etymologically related to حليب. iddeskriva is related to deskrizzjoni. angel is a synonym of anġlu. xjentifikament is related to xjentifiku. numru is etymologically related to numerus. ħataf is related to seize. anġlu is related to anġeliku. k has context of object suffix second person singular. vjolenza is etymologically derived from violenza. june is a synonym of ġunju. tmintax is etymologically related to ثمانية عشر. home is a synonym of dar. ta is etymologically derived from اعطى. dog is a synonym of kelb. ħalaq is related to create. ġeru is etymologically related to جرو. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejn. wife is a synonym of mara. berillju is related to beryllium. bonjour is a synonym of bonġu. neon has context of chemistry. tnejn is similar to żewġt. australia is a synonym of awstralja. ħames is related to five. xitwa is etymologically derived from شتوة. lhudi is etymologically related to il jum. elfejn is etymologically related to elf. ġodda is a form of ġdid. mewt is related to miet. għawdxin is a form of għawdxi. introduzzjoni is related to introduction. bżieq is related to beżaq. friend is a synonym of ħabib. sider is related to chest. adorazzjonijiet is a form of adorazzjoni. siġġijiet is a form of siġġu. ħaġla is etymologically related to حجل. superstizzjoni is etymologically derived from superstizione. ħmistax is similar to ħmistax il. għex is related to live. qażquż is related to ħanżira. fula is etymologically related to فول. ktieb is related to wissenschaftlich. kaptan is related to kaptana. dixx is related to dish. ktieb is related to livre. ċrieki is a form of ċirku. vater is a synonym of missier. futbol is a synonym of soccer. cerveau is a synonym of moħħ. x inhu is etymologically related to شنو. kanadiż has context of canadian person. nisrani is a synonym of kristjan. xiex is related to x. geographic is a synonym of ġeografiku. demgħa is etymologically derived from دمعة. gomma is related to rubber. aggredixxa is related to aggressjoni. fellus is related to chick. dafar is etymologically derived from ضفيرة. munita is related to coin. attira is etymologically derived from attirare. issa is related to now. qed is etymologically derived from قاعد. bint is related to fille. ħolma is etymologically related to حلم. qalb has context of anatomy. qroqqa is related to hen. question is a synonym of kwistjoni. bniedem is etymologically related to ابن ادم. chaise is a synonym of siġġu. skorpjun is related to scorpion. musrana is related to intestine. lessiku is etymologically derived from lèssicu. illużjonista is related to illużorju. ilsna is a form of lsien. duttur is related to doctor. dliel is etymologically related to dell. vjolenti is related to vjolentement. ħaxixa is related to ħaxix. it tlieta is etymologically derived from الثلاثاء. artali is a form of artal. ċpar is related to foggy. ħamsa is similar to ħames. blato is a synonym of wirdiena. zokkor is etymologically derived from zuccuru. midneb is derived from dnub. serbie is a synonym of serbja. rebaħ is related to rebħa. kollezzjoni is etymologically derived from cullezzioni. story is a synonym of storja. miniex is etymologically derived from ما. evaluation is a synonym of evalwazzjoni. dagħwa is related to dagħa. sistematikament is related to sistematiku. dgħajjef is the opposite of qawwi. vjolazzjoni is related to ivvjola. xhur is a form of xahar. waqt is related to instant. pjaneta is related to planet. xtaq is related to xewqa. serq is related to seraq. ħdejn is related to by. erbatax il is related to fourteen. mnieħer has context of anatomy. biodiversity is a synonym of bijodiversità. disat is a synonym of disgħa. isem is related to name. ejn is related to in. tlettax is etymologically related to għaxra. tejjeb is related to tjieb. wüste is a synonym of deżert. relazzjoni is related to relation. teknoloġiku is related to teknoloġija. iet is related to in. kakka is a synonym of ħarja. ġuf has context of anatomy. dsatax il is related to nineteen. mort is a synonym of mewt. tliet is similar to erba. salib is related to crucifix. xi mkien is derived from xi. tletin is related to thirty. xewwex is related to agitate. larinġ is a form of larinġa. ħaddiema is a form of ħaddiem. qanfud is etymologically related to قنفذ. ħabat is related to collide. bridge is a synonym of pont. tfajla is etymologically derived from طفيلة. opportunità is related to ċans. gendus is related to għoġol. i is related to ijiet. labar is a form of labra. condition is a synonym of kundizzjoni. xewwex is related to instigate. temps is a synonym of żmien. ċomb is etymologically related to chiummu. sequentially is a synonym of sekwenzjalment. tirma is related to rectum. souk is a synonym of suq. sistema is etymologically derived from συστημα. possible is a synonym of possibbli. lupu is related to wolf. re is related to king. ambizzjuż is related to ambizzjoni. reazzjonijiet is a form of reazzjoni. raqad is etymologically related to رقد. tobba is a form of tabiba. papoċċa is a synonym of slipper. august is a synonym of awissu. annimal is etymologically derived from animale. id has context of anatomy. ambaxxata is related to embassy. jew is related to else. possibbli is related to possibilment. chenille is a synonym of dudu tal ħarir. k x f is related to nkixef. eżempju is etymologically derived from esempiu. magħmudija is related to baptism. melodija is related to melodiku. take is a synonym of ħa. kell is etymologically related to lil. ħu is related to oħt. qualification is a synonym of kwalifikazzjoni. seta has context of modal. italy is a synonym of italja. but is related to pocket. aġġettiv is related to adjective. briegħed is a form of bergħud. tirma is related to toqba tas sorm. liberation is a synonym of liberazzjoni. kilwa is etymologically related to كلوة. hedded is etymologically derived from هدد. demokratiku is related to demokrazija. hebamme is a synonym of qabla. fondazzjoni is related to fondation. saq is related to drive. ġranet is a form of ġurnata. ikoll is related to għand. bulgaria is a synonym of bulgarija. vereinigtes königreich grossbritannien und nordirland is a synonym of renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq. driegħ is etymologically related to ذراع. annimali is a form of annimala. numru is related to number. nazzjonalment is related to nazzjonali. rebħa is a synonym of trijonf. guêpe is a synonym of żunżan. hedded is related to threaten. girl is a synonym of tfajla. kloru is related to chlorine. among is a synonym of fost. sptar is related to stationär. gravità is related to interazzjoni gravitazzjonali. emozzjonijiet is a form of emozzjoni. nisa is a form of mara. baqa is etymologically related to بقي. din is etymologically related to ا. bżieq is related to saliva. tkellem is related to speak. litwan is a synonym of litwanjan. tagħhom is related to their. heat is a synonym of sħana. art is related to earth. חנות is etymologically related to ħanut. irreaġixxa is related to reazzjoni. għereq is related to sweat. fjuri is a form of fjura. rue is a synonym of triq. mirror is a synonym of mera. abjad is related to white. kiesaħ is related to cold. irmied is etymologically derived from رماد. eċċitazzjoni is related to excitation. ċpar is a synonym of nebel. tlettax is related to thirteen. baħar karibew has context of geography. ġo is a synonym of fi. rabat is related to knot. tiċrita is a synonym of zerreissen. vuċi is etymologically related to vox. dgħajjes is a form of dgħajsa. klieb is a form of kelb. per eżempju is derived from eżempju. okkażjonalment is related to okkażjoni. fenster is a synonym of tieqa. dagħwa is related to dagħa. tnejn is etymologically related to اتنين. gniedes is a form of gendus. tnax is etymologically related to اثنا عشر. baħri is etymologically related to baħar. fil is a synonym of iljunfant. uffiċjali is related to official. flimkien is etymologically derived from في المكان. ġugarell is related to spielen. sieq has context of anatomie. seqer is related to bies. ġnejna is related to garden. sħubija is related to issieħeb. xena is related to scene. delużjonali is related to delużjoni. germany is a synonym of ġermanja. niżel is the opposite of tela. xewka is related to thistle. eins is a synonym of wieħed. namra is related to imħabba. tiġieġ is a form of tiġieġa. buffi is a form of buffu. għoġol is etymologically related to عجلة. żagħżugħ is related to young. dineb is related to commit. sinjur is related to master. tlieta is similar to tliet. kukkudrill is etymologically related to κροκοδειλοσ. belgien is a synonym of belġju. sebgħa is etymologically related to سبعة. miet is related to mewt. latvian is a synonym of latvjan. ewlieni is related to l ewwel. plough is a synonym of moħriet. saħħar is related to sorcerer. ful is a form of fula. sinonimu is related to synonym. franċiżi is a form of franċiż. mouth is a synonym of ħalq. australien is a synonym of awstralja. karpa is related to carp. daniżi is a form of daniż. sprache is a synonym of ilsien. fkieren is a form of fekruna. epserjenzi is a form of esperjenza. xatt il baħar is related to beach. hinn is related to there. madankollu is etymologically related to مع ذلك. emmen is related to believe. nine is a synonym of disgħa. nukleari is related to nuclear. russu is related to federazzjoni russa. x'jismek is related to what's your name. għatu ta l għajn is related to eyelid. dawk is a form of dak. ħ l m is related to dreaming. għatu ta l għajn is related to ħaġeb. tagħna is related to our. żgħożija is derived from żagħżugħ. oxxenità is etymologically derived from oscenità. viaggio is etymologically related to vjaġġ. brimba is related to araignée. lvant is related to est. tuffieħa is related to pomme. chaussette is a synonym of kalzetta. sunglasses is a synonym of nuċċali tax xemx. sesswalità is related to bisesswalità. essenzjalment is related to essenza. banque is a synonym of bank. qaddis is related to san. deskrizzjoni is etymologically derived from descrizione. azougue is etymologically related to suq. chanson is a synonym of kanzunetta. stimulazzjoni is related to stimula. pene is related to penis. ich liebe dich is a synonym of ħabb. fil is related to fein. qlub is a form of qalb. il milied it tajjeb is related to joyeux noël. minn bejn l imwiet is related to qam. dorbies is etymologically derived from درباس. erba is similar to tliet. baqra is related to kalben. mogħża is etymologically related to معز. dgħajsa is related to offen. aħdar is related to green. vjolenza is related to vjolentement. sur is related to mister. cairo is a synonym of kajr. ewropew is derived from ewropa. ħajt is related to wall. disat is similar to għaxart. melodija is related to melodiku. tiger is a synonym of tigra. bżieq is related to beżaq. wistin is etymologically related to augustinus. zija is similar to ziju. sħubijiet is a form of sħubija. majjal is etymologically related to maiale. peace is a synonym of paċi. sistema is related to sistematikament. fard is related to odd. tiċrita is related to reissen. attivazzjonijiet is a form of attivazzjoni. ħamsin is related to fifty. lead is a synonym of ċomb. mużika is related to music. huwa is etymologically related to هو. sistema is related to sistematikament. ingliżi is a form of ingliż. irreaġixxa is related to reazzjoni. orjentazzjoni sesswali is related to sexual orientation. xi is etymologically related to شوية. traġedja is related to traġiku. tuffiħiet is a form of tuffieħa. tagħha is related to hers. annimal is derived from bhima. isem is related to jisem. ġawhar is a form of ġawhra. italja is related to taljan. għex is etymologically related to عاش. belt is related to belt kapitali. peace is a synonym of sliem. ipprova is related to test. ħieles is etymologically derived from خالص. nsara is a form of nisranija. fil is related to transportierend. ajkla is etymologically derived from aquila. weissrussisch is a synonym of belarussu. wikizzjunarju is etymologically related to wiki. bwiet is a form of but. qażquż is related to ħanżir. deċiżjonijiet is a form of deċiżjoni. seba is a synonym of sebgħa. asesswali is related to asesswalità. welled is related to bear. nazzjonalment is related to nationally. internazzjonali is related to international. traktor is a synonym of trakter. pene is etymologically related to żobb. għarraf is related to reveal. żoċċ has context of slang. albaniżi is a form of albaniż. briegħed is a form of bergħud. niżel is related to descend. spider is a synonym of brimba. ċavetta is etymologically related to chiavetta. insetti is a form of insett. impressjonanti is related to impressjoni. englisch is a synonym of ingliż. omosesswalità is related to omosesswali. sittax il has context of construct. għejun is a form of għajn. nature is a synonym of natura. marid is related to tmarrad. muftieħ is related to key. biċċier is a synonym of fleischer. bedroom is a synonym of kamra tas sodda. bies is etymologically related to باس. forest is a synonym of foresta. nbid is related to vin. żewġt has context of construct. demokratiku is related to demokratikament. ni is related to jien. july is a synonym of lulju. occasional is a synonym of okkażjonali. żmien is related to time. illużjonista is related to illużjoni. masġar is related to grove. sistema is related to sistematiku. litju is related to lithium. elettriku is related to elettriċità. kompożizzjoni is related to composition. pornografiku is related to pornografija. ħanex is related to earthworm. farfett is related to dudu tal ħarir. wara is etymologically derived from وراء. fellus is related to young. japan is a synonym of ġappun. xagħar is etymologically derived from شعر. pharmacist is a synonym of spiżjar. sħaba is etymologically related to سحابة. sieħeb is related to comrade. magħmudija is etymologically derived from معمودية. mara is related to woman. sibtijiet is a form of is sibt. danger is a synonym of periklu. lièvre is a synonym of liebru. street is a synonym of triq. muri is a form of ra. soap is a synonym of sapuna. bużżieqa is related to bubble. għarraq is related to deface. illum is etymologically related to il jum. sinonimu is etymologically related to synonymum. k t b is related to writing. technologically is a synonym of teknoloġikament. għoġol is a synonym of kalb. zwei is a synonym of tnejn. well is a synonym of bir. bejta is related to nest. għaxra is etymologically related to عشرة. domestic is a synonym of domestiku. illużorju is related to illużjonista. rummien is a form of rummiena. warda is etymologically related to وردة. żoċċ is related to penis. nejka is etymologically related to niek. disa is similar to għaxar. french is a synonym of franċiż. chocolat is a synonym of ċikkulata. crab is a synonym of granċi. fieragħ is related to vain. bażiku is related to bażikament. eduka is etymologically derived from educare. sebgħa is similar to seba. ivvjola is etymologically derived from violare. din is etymologically derived from ذي. noun is a synonym of nom. malti is derived from malta. smile is a synonym of tbissima. qrib is related to close. uffiċjalment is related to officially. edukazzjoni is etymologically derived from educazione. għarqan is related to għaraq. fejn is etymologically related to فين. ċirasa is etymologically derived from ceresia. avukat is related to attorney. sekonda has context of unit of time. attiv is related to attività. kontribuzzjoni is related to contribution. tifliet is a form of tifla. ġnejna is etymologically derived from جنينة. unjoni ewropea is derived from ewropa. bliet is a form of belt. qmura is a form of qamar. żewġ is etymologically related to زوج. qoffa is related to basket. slielem is a form of sellum. saħħar is etymologically related to سحار. żobb is related to dick. amharic is a synonym of amħariku. dukessa is related to duka. taljani is a form of taljan. żerniq is related to dawn. ippromwova is related to promozzjoni. earth is a synonym of art. kundizzjoni is related to condition. music is a synonym of mużika. testicle is a synonym of testikola. komunikazzjoni is related to ikkommunika. aluminium is a synonym of aluminju. dänisch is a synonym of daniż. march is a synonym of marzu. internazzjonali is related to internazzjonalment. it tlieta has context of day of week. xmara is related to river. soker is related to soccer. xitana is a form of xitan. ieħor is etymologically related to אחר. niek has context of vulgar. nazzjonali is related to nazzjonalment. xkupilja is related to bestehend. cheers is a synonym of saħħa. sabieħ is related to sebbaħ. kosovo has context of pays. neighbour is a synonym of ġar. silver is a synonym of fidda. naħla is etymologically related to نحلة. electricity is a synonym of elettriċità. bażiku is related to basic. froġa is related to omelette. ġabar is related to gather. espagne is a synonym of ispanja. evoluzzjoni is etymologically related to evuluzzioni. basic is a synonym of bażiku. ħobż is related to bread. warsaw is a synonym of varsavja. silġ is related to snow. kundizzjoni is related to kundizzjonali. hija is etymologically related to هي. dwieb is a form of debba. ħamest is similar to sitt. għada is related to tomorrow. history is a synonym of storja. eterosesswalità is related to eterosesswali. חזיר is etymologically related to ħanżir. saħħa is related to bye. komunikazzjoni is etymologically related to cumunicazzioni. kiss is a synonym of bewsa. pornografija is related to pornografiku. dadi is a form of dada. isvediż is related to żvediż. reliġjonijiet is a form of reliġjon. roue is a synonym of rota. demokrazija is related to demokratikament. uġigħ fl istonku is derived from stonku. tmintax il is related to eighteen. omosesswali is related to omosesswalità. nagħġa is a synonym of schaf. sweat is a synonym of għereq. erbatax il has context of construct. ħabel is related to rope. eżami is related to test. xemxi is derived from xemx. singe is a synonym of xadin. sfafar is a form of suffara. seagull is a synonym of gawwija. deżerti is a form of deżert. abilitajiet is a form of abilità. imwiet is a form of mewt. għadam is a form of għadma. anno is a synonym of sena. superstizzjonijiet is a form of superstizzjoni. ġorġjan is similar to ġorġjana. kompliċità is related to complicity. suwed is a form of iswed. malte is a synonym of malta. sebbaħ is related to beautify. magnésium is a synonym of manjeżju. fniek is a form of fenek. testicle is a synonym of bajd. xitwa is related to xita. ħassar is related to delete. tfittxija is related to search. pjaċiri is a form of pjaċir. farfett il lejl is derived from farfett. celestial is a synonym of ċelestjali. penetrazzjonijiet is a form of penetrazzjoni. ġemel is related to camel. century is a synonym of seklu. konfigurazzjoni is related to configuration. bużżieqa is related to bladder. bażikament is related to bażiku. blessing is a synonym of barka. whore is a synonym of qaħba. belly is a synonym of żaqq. kell is related to have to. tlitt is similar to żewġt. ikoll is related to have. ikoll has context of obligation with following verb. kbir is the opposite of ċkejken. unterschiedlich is a synonym of differenti. seba is a synonym of sebgħa. ilbies is a form of libsa. elf is related to elfejn. dgħajjef is the opposite of qawwi. għajnejn is a form of għajn. sock is a synonym of peduna. organiżżazzjonali is related to organiżżazzjoni. grazzi is related to thank you. tnax il has context of construct. axe is a synonym of mannara. eċċezzjonijiet is a form of eċċezzjoni. dqiq is related to flour. delużjonali is related to delużjoni. snin is a form of sena. officially is a synonym of uffiċjalment. aħwa is a form of ħu. singapour is a synonym of singapor. vaġina is related to vagina. operazzjonijiet is a form of operazzjoni. essenzjali is related to essenza. eklissi lunari is derived from eklissi. għasafar is a form of għasfura. lingwistiku is related to linguistic. għerf is related to knowledge. bebbuxu is related to għakrux. wasser is a synonym of ilma. gidi is related to bodbod. miet is related to mejjet. saqqu is related to überzogen. żoċċ is related to prick. ram is etymologically derived from rame. sbatax is etymologically related to għaxra. xerq has context of géographie. science is a synonym of xjenza. parteċipazzjonijiet is a form of parteċipazzjoni. sintetiku is related to synthetic. mer is a synonym of baħar. xkupilja is related to brush. sejf is related to sword. berillju has context of chimie. wiesa is etymologically related to واسع. emozzjonalment is related to emozzjonali. katina is a synonym of kette. ħarifa is related to autumn. bogħod is etymologically derived from بعد. kid is a synonym of gidi. plakka is related to plate. demokrazija is related to democracy. pagun is a synonym of pfau. russian federation is a synonym of federazzjoni russa. bir is related to puits. qamar has context of astronomy. għoġob is etymologically related to اعجب. tlettax il is similar to erbatax il. adjective is a synonym of aġġettiv. popolazzjonijiet is a form of popolazzjoni. fehmet is a form of fehem. qattus is related to ferħ. ħoloq is related to create. mrs is a synonym of sinjura. ħadd il palm is derived from palma. l anġli is a form of anġlu. disinn has context of plan. corbeau is a synonym of għarab. reliġjuz is related to religious. nbid is a synonym of inbid. ħajt is etymologically related to حايط. lèvre is a synonym of xoffa. sekwenzjali is related to sequential. tarbija is related to baby. tschechisch is a synonym of ċek. libsa is related to dress. erbgħa is etymologically related to ארבע. not is a synonym of mhux. steal is a synonym of seraq. attrazzjoni is etymologically derived from attrazzioni. omosesswali is related to homosexual. ġuvni is related to youth. djars is a form of dar. sabiħ is related to pretty. operazzjoni is related to operation. island is a synonym of ġzira. rwoli is a form of rwol. arja is etymologically derived from αηρ. patati is a form of patata. society is a synonym of soċjetà. schwanger is a synonym of tqila. ġewnaħ is related to wing. tiegħi is related to my. tfajla is related to young. dnub is related to dineb. traditional is a synonym of tradizzjonali. nominazzjoni is related to innomina. maltemp is etymologically related to maltempo. potassju is related to potassium. ħaruf is related to nagħġa. qawsalla is related to arc en ciel. naqqas is related to subtract. pożizzjonijiet is a form of pożizzjoni. mart is etymologically related to المراة. rota is related to rund. sbatax is related to seventeen. binja is related to building. niġma is etymologically related to نجمة. bruder is a synonym of ħu. buffu is related to buffa. left is a synonym of xellug. settembre is a synonym of settembru. qabża is related to leap. dari is related to earlier. xebba is related to maiden. sptar is related to heilen. bettieħa is etymologically related to بطيخ. the is a synonym of il. siker is etymologically related to سكر. karab is related to cry. majjal is related to pork. lettuce is a synonym of ħassa. bisexual is a synonym of bisesswali. istilla is a form of stilla. kull is related to each. litteralment is related to litterali. avukat is related to lawyer. astrologie is a synonym of astroloġija. her is a synonym of tagħha. brimba has context of zoologie. namra is related to love. jean is a synonym of ġwann. edukazzjonali is related to educational. nisranija is etymologically related to نصرانية. ċipru is etymologically related to cipro. seba has context of construct. bażiku is related to bażikament. dawl is related to dwala. xejn is related to anything. żwiġijiet is a form of żwieġ. dsatax il is similar to tmintax il. ward is a form of warda. għamel is etymologically related to عمل. ħmira is etymologically derived from خميرة. qaws is related to qawsalla. spinne is a synonym of brimba. annimal is derived from bhima. żgħażagħ is a form of żagħżugħ. xatt is related to bank. sinjur is etymologically derived from signore. xoffa is related to lip. infezzjoni is related to infection. ċeki is a form of ċek. dubbiena is related to fly. nisa is related to mara. rektum has context of anatomy. eichhörnchen is a synonym of skojjatlu. united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is a synonym of renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq. ant is a synonym of nemla. direzzjoni is etymologically derived from direzzioni. għarus is etymologically related to għarusa. belarussja is a synonym of belarus. ħieles is related to free. window is a synonym of tieqa. xkupilja tax xagħar is a type of xkupilja. skojjatlu is a synonym of eichhörnchen. montag is a synonym of it tnejn. dawl is etymologically related to dell. pronom is related to pronoun. bċieċen is a form of beċċun. rota is related to zweirädrig. braid is a synonym of dafar. rwoli is a form of rwol. xewk is a form of xewka. darba is related to instance. dinja is related to world. senswalità is related to sensuality. psikoloġiku is related to psikoloġija. impressjoni is related to impressjona. sbatax il is a synonym of sbatax. barra is related to out. liba is a synonym of sperma. emotionally is a synonym of emozzjonalment. imħabba is related to namra. navigazzjoni is etymologically related to navigatio. etimoloġija is related to etymology. ta is etymologically related to متاع. għadira is related to pond. għajn is related to eye. tranżizzjoni is related to transition. north korea is a synonym of korea ta fuq. sodod is a form of sodda. possibilitajiet is a form of possibilità. nagħġa is related to sheep. sptar is a type of binja. ħaddiem is related to körperlich. interazzjoni qawwija is related to strong interaction. vjolenza is related to vjolenti. question is a synonym of mistoqsija. tmintax il is similar to dsatax il. sesswalment is related to sesswali. vermo is a synonym of dudu. istilla has context of before article. ejn is related to i. għażla is related to option. naddaf is related to clean. dar is etymologically derived from ادار. elef is a form of elf. enċiklopedija is related to encyclopedia. xemgħa is related to durchscheinend. ħu is related to brother. tago is a synonym of jum. rħula is a form of raħal. ħalq is related to opening. sigarett is related to cigarette. ewlieni is related to primary. xmara is etymologically derived from ciumi. ĉielo is a synonym of sema. xtaq is related to wish. renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq is derived from gran brittanja. is sena is a form of sena. portuguese is a synonym of portugiż. żaqq is etymologically related to σακκοσ. project is a synonym of proġett. attivazzjoni is related to attiva. kaptani is a form of kaptana. żagħżugħ is the opposite of xiħ. man translations is a synonym of uman. għin is a form of għen. kell has context of possession functional past of għand. marad is related to mard. dell is etymologically related to ظل. spanjoli is a form of spanjol. sheep is a synonym of nagħaġ. kacken is a synonym of ħara. illużjoni is related to illusion. aluminju is related to aluminium. elef is a form of elf. bless is a synonym of bierek. ripressjonijiet is a form of ripressjoni. btaten is a form of buttuna. gidi is related to kid. qarnita is related to octopus. qoffa is etymologically related to قفص. kontribuzzjoni is etymologically derived from contribuzione. darsijiet is a form of dar. torċa is related to beschichtet. aġenti sigriet has context of militaire. ħalaq is etymologically related to خلق. qorq is related to sandal. kakka is a synonym of kot. ġens is related to society. nationally is a synonym of nazzjonalment. mintix is etymologically related to inti. nominazzjoni is related to innomina. żgħożija is etymologically related to żagħżugħ. ħanfusa is related to beetle. biene is a synonym of naħla. albanie is a synonym of albanija. tmienja is similar to tmint. aħwa is etymologically related to اخوات. serq is etymologically related to سرقة. rikeb is related to ride. li is related to that. ġeometriku is related to ġeometrija. elettromanjetiżmu is related to interazzjoni elettromanjetika. żnażan is a form of żunżan. unitajiet is a form of unità. white translations is a synonym of abjad. id is etymologically derived from يد. espressjonijiet is a form of espressjoni. maltin is a form of malti. aggressivi is a form of aggressiv. sbatax il is similar to sittax il. bajd is a form of bajda. epserjenzi is a form of esperjenza. qasam is related to split. tallab is a synonym of bettler. lituanie is a synonym of litwanja. zija is similar to ziju. partridge is a synonym of ħaġla. foal is a synonym of felu. dinja is related to monde. ġurdien is related to mouse. snin is a form of sena. information is a synonym of informazzjoni. sploda is related to explode. arménie is a synonym of armenja. xtaq is related to xewqa. bat is a synonym of farfett il lejl. previously is a synonym of dari. peduna is related to chaussette. rqiq is etymologically related to رقيق. dieu is a synonym of alla. tirma is related to arse. għasfur tal bejt is a type of għasfur. mann is a synonym of raġel. sab is related to find. marrara has context of anatomie. ecology is a synonym of ekoloġija. belgrad is related to belgrade. nbid is related to wine. umilja is related to humiliate. banek is a form of bank. steam is a synonym of fwar. ful is a form of fula. erbatax is similar to erbatax il. dirgħajn is a form of driegħ. mouton is a synonym of nagħġa. sibt is a form of is sibt. oxxenitajiet is a form of oxxenità. bżieq is related to spit. punent is related to west. jaf is related to be able. żero is etymologically related to zephirum. anġeliku is related to angelic. sbejjaħ is related to sabiħ. antimoine is a synonym of antimonju. ambaxxata is etymologically derived from ambasciata. wiżgħa is related to gecko. attiv is the opposite of passiv. sitt is related to six. latvia is a synonym of latvja. duck is a synonym of papra. ġiżirana is related to kullana. learn is a synonym of tgħallem. magħruf is a synonym of rikonoxxut. erbatax is etymologically related to għaxra. mitjar is etymologically related to tar. konġunzjoni is etymologically related to coniunctio. wieħed is etymologically related to واحد. dentobroso is a synonym of xkupilja tas snien. fifteen is a synonym of ħmistax. seife is a synonym of sapuna. konnotazzjonijiet is a form of konnotazzjoni. pożizzjoni is etymologically related to pusizzioni. waqaf is etymologically related to وقف. ferħ is related to animal. għadmiet is a form of għadma. konnotazzjoni is related to connotation. sauerteig is a synonym of ħmira. sesswali is related to sexual. zrinġ is a form of żrinġ. għakreb is etymologically related to عقرب. cuillère is a synonym of mgħarfa. uġigħ fl istonku is derived from stonku. int is related to you. these is a synonym of dawn. varietà is related to variety. pranzu is etymologically derived from prandium. africa is a synonym of afrika. pengwin is etymologically derived from penguin. spiżjara is related to chemist. attira is related to attrazzjoni. xorob is etymologically related to شرب. pene is a synonym of metafora. ħaxixa is related to ħaxix. għandi l ġuħ is related to għandi l għatx. bżieżel is a form of beżżula. ċikkulata is related to chocolate. sieq is related to jambe. iz is a form of il. ried is related to want. ħanut is etymologically related to حانوت. tħabat is derived from ħabat. salib is related to cross. arsenic is a synonym of arseniku. għarajjes is a form of għarusa. happy is a synonym of kuntenti. dawl is etymologically derived from ضوء. opportunitajiet is a form of opportunità. nesa is related to forget. kolonja is related to colony. testikola has context of anatomy. in is related to iet. oreille is a synonym of widna. pen is a synonym of pinna. arĝento is a synonym of fidda. spiċċa is related to finish. xorb is etymologically related to شرب. għotjien is a form of għatu. devil is a synonym of xitana. żviluppa is related to żvilupp. qaddis is related to qaddisa. ġeografiċi is a form of ġeografiku. grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek. koordinazzjoni is etymologically related to coordinatio. egg translations is a synonym of bajda. danger is a synonym of periklu. ħmistax il is a synonym of ħmistax. birra is related to beer. norveġiż is related to norveġja. ħello is related to hello. ikoll is etymologically related to kien. dawl is related to dwali. fetaħ is the opposite of għalaq. korrett is related to correct. zrinġ is a form of żrinġ. indikejter is etymologically related to indicator. father is a synonym of missier. fer is a synonym of ħadid. fjuri is a form of fjura. copper is a synonym of ram. ta is etymologically derived from متاع. ftakar is related to fakar. orjentazzjoni is related to orientation. queen is a synonym of sultana. simpatiku is related to amiable. soċjali is related to soċjalment. sesswalment is etymologically related to sissualmenti. kompożizzjoni is related to composition. christian is a synonym of nisrani. rivière is a synonym of xmara. għaksa is related to ankle. educate is a synonym of eduka. ċpar is related to glatt. naħla is a synonym of biene. qrati is a form of qorti. tagħha is related to her. flimkien is etymologically derived from في الامكان. eimer is a synonym of barmil. promozzjonijiet is a form of promozzjoni. wheel is a synonym of rota. possibilità is related to possibility. bir is related to well. nitrogen is a synonym of ażotu. sess is etymologically derived from sesso. tlettax il is related to thirteen. xugaman is related to reiben. periklu is related to danger. ħannus is related to piglet. tqila is related to tqil. fieragħ is related to inane. saqqu is related to ermöglichen. ir repubblika federali tal ġermanja is a synonym of amtlich. attiv is related to attivament. mdina is etymologically related to مدينة. għar is related to cave. république is a synonym of repubblika. wasp is a synonym of żunżan. ħabiba is a form of ħabib. għodda is related to tool. lac is a synonym of għadira. ċawlun is derived from ċawla. alġebra is etymologically derived from جبر. il ġimgħa has context of day of week. katalan has context of person. l isptar is a form of sptar. altar is a synonym of artal. tuffieħ is a form of tuffieħa. maison is a synonym of bejt. libertà is etymologically related to libertas. bejjiegħ is related to salesman. xellug is related to left. kiteb is etymologically related to كتب. manger is a synonym of kiel. religious is a synonym of reliġjuż. sħana is related to sħun. spring is a synonym of qabża. federazzjoni russa is related to russu. first is a synonym of l ewwel. kontribuzzjoni is related to contribution. maltin is a form of malti. kolera has context of médecine. sabiħ is etymologically related to صبيح. erba is similar to tliet. isem is related to jisem. ilbies is a form of libsa. barra is etymologically related to برا. belt is related to city. daniż is related to danimarka. théâtre is a synonym of teatru. friday is a synonym of il ġimgħa. serbia and montenegro is a synonym of serbja u montenegro. siġġijiet is a form of siġġu. wald is a synonym of foresta. nom is a synonym of isem. ħmieġ is a synonym of ħarja. apfelsine is a synonym of larinġa. ġibed is related to ġebbed. veloċità is related to velocity. ċeki is a form of ċeka. qabel kristu is related to q.k. isem is related to x'jismek. dari is related to previously. comment is a synonym of kif. mtaten is a form of muntun. inibizzjonijiet is a form of inibizzjoni. għerq is related to root. mitjar is related to airfield. hu is related to he. dawl is etymologically related to dell. daniżi is a form of daniża. sbatax is etymologically related to سبعة عشر. boy is a synonym of sabi. parteċipazzjoni is related to participation. għand is related to kell. żviluppa is related to develop. teknoloġiku is related to technological. kejn is a synonym of kannamieli. he is a synonym of hu. qniefed is a form of qanfud. formation is a synonym of formazzjoni. liberazzjonijiet is a form of liberazzjoni. erbgħa is similar to erba. sistematiku is related to systematic. nhar is related to day. qiegħ is etymologically derived from قاع. definizzjoni is etymologically derived from difinizzioni. kiso is a synonym of bewsa. duka is related to dukessa. anġeliku is related to anġlu. ħmar is related to donkey. vedovo is a synonym of armel. conjunction is a synonym of konġunzjoni. ħolom is derived from ħ l m. and is a synonym of u. farfett il lejl is derived from lejl. madankollu is etymologically related to ma. senswalità is etymologically derived from sensualità. omelett is a synonym of froġa. ħdax il is a synonym of ħdax. photography is a synonym of fotografija. potassju has context of chimie. penetrazzjoni is related to ippenetra. fjakkla is related to beschichtet. tmint is a synonym of tmienja. drown is a synonym of għereq. elefanto is a synonym of ljunfant. ċikonja is etymologically derived from ciconia. olive is a synonym of żebbuġi. tala is related to soar. ħaxixa is related to hashish. interazzjoni nukleari qawwija is a synonym of interazzjoni qawwija. cock is a synonym of għasfur. ingliż has context of linguistique. namra is related to preference. sebat is related to seven. skwiril is related to squirrel. sicily is a synonym of sqallija. wikipedia is a synonym of wikipedija. bateau is a synonym of dgħajsa. ġar is etymologically related to جار. opportunity is a synonym of opportunità. franċiżi is a form of franċiż. minute is a synonym of minuta. demm is etymologically derived from دم. tlettax il is similar to tnax il. lithuanian is a synonym of litwanjan. corée du sud is a synonym of korea t’ isfel. ftakar is related to remember. translate is a synonym of ittraduċa. tlitt has context of construct. alġebra is related to algebra. għaraq is related to għereq. ta min is derived from min. promozzjoni is related to ippromwova. beżżula is etymologically related to بزول. tiegħek is related to your. interazzjoni gravitazzjonali has context of physics. sottomissjoni is related to issottometta. nuċċali is related to glasses. inattiv is the opposite of attiv. x'jismek is related to jisimni. elef is related to thousands. orsijiet is a form of ors. xebba is related to woman. sittax is similar to sittax il. ħamsa is etymologically related to خمسة. est is a synonym of xerq. ġwief is a form of ġuf. iswed is related to swied. sbatax il has context of construct. daħak is related to laugh. ħdax is etymologically related to wieħed. speak is a synonym of tkellem. ġlud is a form of ġilda. schwester is a synonym of oħt. merkurju has context of éléments. frott is etymologically derived from fructus. siġġu is related to chair. mirja is a form of mera. mücke is a synonym of nemusa. fleischer is a synonym of biċċier. kesħa is a synonym of kälte. sittin has context of cardinal. żagħżugħ is the opposite of xiħ. gwerra is related to bewaffnet. ħafer is related to condone. blut is a synonym of demm. policeman is a synonym of pulizija. tifla is related to tifel. ġuvnott is etymologically related to giovanotto. omeru has context of greek poet. good morning is a synonym of bonġu. kundizzjoni is related to kundizzjonalment. ġdid is related to new. ħażin is related to wrong. huma is etymologically related to هم. fieragħ is related to idle. iet is related to i. għabex is related to twilight. warrab is etymologically derived from ورب. fil is related to fest. ħeġġeġ is related to exhort. live is a synonym of għex. ܕܒܐ is etymologically related to debb. sorm is related to arse. sesswalità is related to omosesswalità. kwotazzjoni is etymologically related to quotation. qażquż is related to ħanżir. esperjenza is related to experience. kakka is a synonym of scheisse. biélorussie is a synonym of belarus. tradizzjonali is related to tradizzjoni. ħdejn is etymologically related to حضين. ġobon is etymologically related to جبن. ħaġel is a form of ħaġla. qaħba is related to whore. xitana is a form of xitan. ippopotamu is a synonym of flusspferd. xhur is a form of xahar. ljunfant is a synonym of fil. marché is a synonym of suq. għarab is etymologically related to غراب. sperma is related to sperm. nar is related to fire. madankollu is etymologically related to ma. summer is a synonym of sajf. mittwoch is a synonym of l erbgħa. qroqqa is related to tiġieġa. toroq is a form of triq. għajn has context of anatomy. ikoll is etymologically related to kien. tornavit is a synonym of schraubenzieher. bird is a synonym of għasfur. gravitazzjonali is etymologically derived from gravitazionale. französisch is a synonym of franċiż. bonġu is related to bonjour. krieg is a synonym of gwerra. sieq has context of anatomy. mera is etymologically derived from مراة. ħajt is a synonym of sur. teknoloġikament is related to teknoloġiku. le is related to no. xitan is etymologically derived from شيطان. sħab is a form of sħaba. qwiel is a form of qawl. isdra is a form of sider. kazakhstan is a synonym of każakistan. ieħor is related to another. torċa is related to hölzern. baħar is etymologically derived from بحر. sbuħija is related to sabiħ. develop is a synonym of żviluppa. buse is a synonym of kuċċarda prima. banjijiet is a form of banju. dib is etymologically derived from ذيب. xewwex is related to ħarrek. xkupilja tas snien is derived from xkupilja. irrisponda is a synonym of wieġeb. ceifa is etymologically related to sajf. litteralment is related to litterali. bjut is a form of bejt. viċinanza is related to voisinage. rikeb is related to mount. uffiċjalment is related to uffiċjali. ċpar is related to dünn. écrire is a synonym of kiteb. ħniefes is a form of ħanfusa. ich is a synonym of jiena. fjakkla is related to brennbar. għawdxin is derived from għawdex. kwalitajiet is a form of kwalità. sħun is the opposite of kiesaħ. traġiku is related to tragic. ħlejjaq is a form of ħlieqa. promozzjonijiet is a form of promozzjoni. cat translations is a synonym of qattus. għargħar is etymologically related to عرعر. żgħożija is derived from żagħżugħ. tifliet is a form of tifla. xebb is related to xebba. small is a synonym of żgħar. skwiril is a synonym of skojjatlu. emozzjonali is related to emotional. bergħud is related to flea. dhur is a form of dahar. ras is related to head. slaten is a form of sultan. bulgarian is a synonym of bulgaru. bankijiet is a form of bank. interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa is related to weak nuclear interaction. chaussette is a synonym of peduna. sistematiku is related to sistema. magħruf is related to known. varjazzjoni is related to variation. fassad is related to demm. dnub is related to göttlich. work is a synonym of xogħol. għasfur is a synonym of vogel. etimoloġija is etymologically related to ετυμολογια. lingwa is etymologically related to lingua. maħniex is etymologically related to x. bews is a form of bewsa. żiemel is etymologically related to زامل. irqiq is etymologically related to رقيق. mara is related to femme. araignée is a synonym of brimba. saltna is related to sultan. mot is a synonym of kelma. ħajja is etymologically related to חיים. look for is a synonym of fittex. muħammed is etymologically related to محمد. fluworu has context of chemistry. scientific is a synonym of xjentifiku. muntun is related to nagħġa. weintraube is a synonym of għenba. żgħir is related to little. lupu is a synonym of dib. sitt is similar to ħames. alla is etymologically related to الله. żewġ has context of construct. thought is a synonym of ħsieb. soċjalment is related to socially. lingwa is related to language. vokali is related to vocal. passion is a synonym of passjoni. fassad is related to bleed. xitan has context of religion. espressjoni is etymologically derived from espressione. tfajla is related to adolescent. schnee is a synonym of borra. tnax is etymologically related to għaxra. bear is a synonym of ors. belt is related to il belt. speċifiku is etymologically related to facio. bażikament is related to bażiku. u is related to him. buch is a synonym of ktieb. darba is related to time. vjolentement is related to vjolenza. worker is a synonym of ħaddiema. mintomx is etymologically related to انتم. far is related to mouse. erbgħa is similar to erbat. xmara is etymologically related to ciùmira. mountain is a synonym of muntanja. kalzetta is etymologically derived from calzetta. għarus is etymologically derived from عروس. aluminium is a synonym of aluminju. żjara is related to żar. ġeografija is related to ġeografiku. għoġol is related to gendus. slovenia is a synonym of slovenja. dalwaqt is etymologically related to دلوقت. fost is etymologically derived from في وسط. neĝo is a synonym of borra. għereq is etymologically derived from عرق. mejjet is related to mewt. deċiżjonijiet is a form of deċiżjoni. whistle is a synonym of suffara. argon has context of chemistry. cry is a synonym of beka. ċentinarju is related to centenary. oċean is related to ocean. kulturalment is related to culturally. ninety is a synonym of disgħin. kull is etymologically related to כל. kull is related to kulħadd. helium is a synonym of elju. i is related to iet. butter is a synonym of butir. löwe is a synonym of ljun. iġmla is a form of ġemel. kbar is a form of kbir. għarraq is related to mar. korea ta fuq is related to korea. id is related to hand. elju is related to helium. falkun is etymologically derived from falco. twal is a form of twil. fenka is related to fenek. poeżiji is a form of poeżija. karatteristika is a synonym of charakteristik. għadu is a synonym of feind. ħareġ is related to ħruġ. farfalla is a synonym of farfett. twieled is related to born. lagħab is related to logħba. pregnant is a synonym of tqila. naqqas is related to depreciate. nirien is a form of nar. booklet is a synonym of ktejjeb. promozzjoni is related to promotion. ambitious is a synonym of ambizzjuż. għereq is etymologically derived from غرق. dhur is a form of dahar. ħalib is related to milk. missier is etymologically related to misseri. spanjoli is a form of spanjola. penetrazzjoni is etymologically derived from penetrazione. saltna has context of archaic. bible is a synonym of bibbja. december is a synonym of diċembru. unjonijiet is a form of unjoni. qabel is related to before. riħ stellari has context of astronomy. ܣܝܦܐ is etymologically related to sejf. sabiħ is related to sebbaħ. sebat is similar to sitt. ħaġla is a synonym of rebhuhn. januar is a synonym of jannar. welled is related to twieled. baħri is etymologically related to baħar. design is a synonym of disinn. żjara is related to żar. ġisem is etymologically related to جسم. qroqqa is related to fellus. vuċijiet is a form of vuċi. jew is etymologically related to او. fjakkla is related to hell. fotografu is related to photographer. għarnuq is related to grawwa. ilbieraħ is related to yesterday. lil is etymologically derived from ل. butir is etymologically related to butyrum. harqa tax xemx is derived from xemx. uġigħ is etymologically related to وجع. toqob suwed is a form of toqba sewda. mejjet is related to dead. ċriev is a form of ċerva. qawwi is the opposite of dgħajjef. prepuzju is related to foreskin. possibilment is related to possibbli. gravitazzjonali is related to gravità. federazzjoni russa is related to russu. cutlery is a synonym of pożati. melodiku is related to melodija. nixxiegħa is related to spring. għen is related to help. gawwija is related to seagull. kokok is a form of kokka. oui is a synonym of iva. sekonda is etymologically related to secundus. strawberry is a synonym of frawla. bgħad is a form of bgħid. dofí is a synonym of denfil. passjoni is related to passion. belti is related to municipal. għarraf is related to relay. xebba is related to damsel. bahamas is a synonym of baħamas. renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq is a synonym of renju unit. pornografija is related to pornography. dsatax is similar to dsatax il. tfajjel is etymologically related to طفل. lifgħa is related to snake. sittax is similar to sittax il. ħannus is etymologically related to خنوص. reise is a synonym of vjaġġ. muftieħ is etymologically derived from مفتاح. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejn. edizzjoni is etymologically related to editio. kaptan is related to captain. aġġastja is related to adjust. mintomx is etymologically related to intom. prioritajiet is a form of priorità. demokrazija is related to demokratiku. beda is related to begin. knisja is etymologically related to كنيسة. armenien is a synonym of armenja. voir is a synonym of ra. fenka is related to rabbit. elefant is a synonym of ljunfant. ftaħar is related to boast. mère is a synonym of omm. homosexual is a synonym of omosesswali. spinach is a synonym of spinaċi. dnub is related to unmoralisch. toqba sewda is related to black hole. kundizzjonali is related to kundizzjoni. shaitan is a synonym of xitan. karatteristiku is related to typisch. rebħa is related to victory. kaptana is related to captain. air is a synonym of arja. platt is related to plattin. qarib is etymologically derived from قريب. stilla is etymologically derived from stella. għereq is related to sink. ċipru is etymologically related to κυπροσ. trakter is related to ziehen. chambre is a synonym of kamra. debba is related to żiemel. seqer is related to bies. gallium is a synonym of gallju. ħsibijiet is a form of ħsieb. lhud is a form of lhudi. sillabazzjoni is etymologically derived from sillabazione. xewwex is related to nibex. arabisch is a synonym of għarbi. disa is similar to għaxar. dsatax il has context of construct. katina is related to metallen. parteċipazzjonijiet is a form of parteċipazzjoni. polonja is etymologically derived from polonia. qroqqa is related to fellus. għereq is related to għarqan. nefaq is related to spend. għaxart is similar to disat. ittraduċa is related to translate. perċezzjoni is related to perception. impressjonanti is related to impressjoni. sabbia is a synonym of ramel. baqra is related to gendus. ekoloġija is related to ekoloġiku. little is a synonym of żgħir. miet is related to die. kċina is related to kitchen. toqba tas sorm is derived from sorm. mintomx is etymologically related to m. orange is a synonym of larinġ. nazzjonali is etymologically derived from nazionale. queen is a synonym of reġina. bisesswali is related to bisexual. swallow is a synonym of ħuttafa. kapaċità is related to abilità. lhudi is related to ġudaiżmu. abrikoto is a synonym of berquqa. żgħar is a form of żgħir. barmil is related to bucket. frisk is etymologically derived from friscus. rota is related to treten. attriċi is related to attur. they is a synonym of huma. iet is etymologically derived from ات. vésicule biliaire is a synonym of marrara. attiv is the opposite of passiv. it trakters is a form of trakter. għadma is related to għadam. ħajt is related to thread. rix is a form of rixa. soker is a synonym of futbol. könig is a synonym of re. sekwenza is related to sekwenzjali. ijiet is etymologically related to i. għabex is related to żerniq. ħadem is etymologically derived from خدم. kaptan is related to kaptana. poplu is related to nazzjon. kullana is related to necklace. oxygène is a synonym of ossiġenu. kulturali is related to kultura. labra is etymologically related to ال. ħabiba is derived from ħabib. qabeż is related to over. suf is related to pubes. ġens is related to soċjetà. qawsalla is etymologically related to قوس قزح. ħaruf is related to lamb. melħ is related to salt. organiżżazzjonali is related to organizational. bwiet is a form of but. ħadem is related to xogħol. qabel kristu is etymologically related to qabel. kiteb is related to write. я is a synonym of jien. twelve is a synonym of tnax. sword is a synonym of sejf. kell is related to għand. old is a synonym of qadim. ftakar is related to fakar. dak is related to that. sinjur is related to sinjura. kundizzjonalment is related to conditionally. żifen is related to żifna. ħadd has context of anatomy. kaninchen is a synonym of fenek. i love you is a synonym of inħobbok. kanzunetta is related to song. kafo is a synonym of kafè. ħajja is related to ħaj. irġejjen is a form of reġina. karozza is related to car. erbatax il is a synonym of erbatax. eterosesswalità is related to eterosesswali. system is a synonym of sistema. tradizzjonalment is related to tradizzjoni. ix is a form of il. crust is a synonym of qoxra. eżami is related to eżamina. tieqa is related to window. emozzjonalment is related to emozzjoni. witwer is a synonym of armel. ħaddiem is related to männlich. kiber is related to big. emozzjonalment is related to emotionally. île is a synonym of gżira. qrib is etymologically derived from قريب. valley is a synonym of wied. qarib is related to relative. huhn is a synonym of tiġieġa. national is a synonym of nazzjonali. sultan is related to king. promozzjoni is etymologically derived from promozione. tebut is related to coffin. x inhu is related to what. médecin is a synonym of tabib. ħanżira is related to qażquż. għawdxi is etymologically related to i. edukazzjonali is etymologically related to educational. singapor is etymologically derived from singapore. vjali is a form of vjal. sesswalità is etymologically derived from sessualità. għarbin is a form of għarbi. navigazzjoni is related to navigation. bies is related to peregrine falcon. wara is related to after. bliet is a form of belt. cyprus is a synonym of ċipru. sapuna is related to hergestellt. ġiżirana is related to kullana. inde is a synonym of indja. edukazzjonali is related to edukazzjoni. tala is related to up. osmium is a synonym of ożmju. serduq is related to rooster. utilitajiet is a form of utilità. anguilla is a synonym of angulja. there is a synonym of hemm. magħruf is related to għaraf. white house is a synonym of id dar il bajda. uman is etymologically derived from umanu. marokk is a synonym of renju tal marokk. teatru is related to theatre. indikejter has context of automotive. waqt is related to moment. mużikali is etymologically derived from musicale. omm is related to mother. road is a synonym of triq. ġmiel is a synonym of sbuħija. attrazzjonijiet is a form of attrazzjoni. sinjur is related to lord. warrab is related to exclude. liebru is related to fenek. qatra is related to qattar. ħamest has context of construct. frawli is a form of frawla. minn bejn l imwiet is etymologically related to mejtin. shore is a synonym of xatt. żwiemel is a form of żiemel. granċi is etymologically related to cancer. prostata is etymologically related to ιστημι. kroazja is related to kroat. kampnar is related to belltower. bniedem is related to human. fil is a synonym of iljunfant. deheb is etymologically derived from ذهب. wiktionary is a synonym of wikizzjunarju. wikizzjunarju is etymologically related to dizzjunarju. catalonia is a synonym of katalonja. sptar is related to medizinisch. eċċitament is etymologically derived from eccitamento. leaf is a synonym of werqa. kalzetta is a synonym of peduna. berquqa is a synonym of marille. calendar is a synonym of almanakk. malaysia is a synonym of malażja. tilef is related to tellef. nazzjonalment is etymologically derived from nazionalmente. ħafer is related to forgive. sbatax is similar to sbatax il. torċa is a synonym of fjakkla. pigeon is a synonym of ħamiema. mnieħer is related to nose. ħaddiem is a synonym of arbeiter. two thousand is a synonym of elfejn. fellus is related to tiġieġa. qawwi is the opposite of dgħajjef. demgħa is related to äusserem. platine is a synonym of platinu. isem is related to nom. emozzjoni is etymologically related to emuzzioni. maŝino is a synonym of magna. ħoloq is etymologically related to خلق. squiril is a form of skwiril. ċipru is etymologically related to cyprus. advocate is a synonym of avukat. maħniex is etymologically related to aħna. farruġ is related to fellus. marid is related to marrad. mai is a synonym of mejju. żarbuna is related to shoe. qaqoċċ is a form of qaqoċċa. u is related to it. amour is a synonym of ħbieb. proprjetajiet is a form of proprjetà. joy is a synonym of ferħ. acémila is etymologically related to żiemel. plakka is related to plaque. apfelsine is a synonym of larinġ. fotografu is related to fotografija. impressjoni is related to impression. wiċċ has context of anatomy. żgħożija is related to żagħżugħ. tmintax is etymologically related to تمنتاشر. sohn is a synonym of iben. ispanjol is related to ispanja. hate is a synonym of bagħad. superstition is a synonym of superstizzjoni. witwe is a synonym of armla. acquis communautaire is a synonym of acquis. dgħajjes is a form of dgħajsa. komunità is related to community. sunday is a synonym of il ħadd. mart is etymologically derived from امراة. ħello is etymologically related to hello. kaboċċa is etymologically related to qaqoċċa. arkitett is etymologically derived from αρχιτεκτων. five is a synonym of ħamsa. ferħ is related to joy. karab is related to moan. sekwenzjali is related to sekwenza. tmintax il has context of construct. raħal is related to village. skorpjun is etymologically related to scorpione. għoġol is related to gendus. libes is the opposite of neża. asexuality is a synonym of asesswalità. ħajt is a synonym of sur. hebraic is a synonym of ebrajk. din is related to cet. arka is related to ark. marżepp is related to tadpole. mitjar is etymologically related to tar. sigarett is related to extrej. lejn is etymologically related to lejk. vegetable is a synonym of ħaxix. beard is a synonym of daqna. ليلة is etymologically related to lejl. lejn is etymologically related to lejk. merkur is a synonym of merkurju. ċkejken is a synonym of żgħir. sejf is related to épée. dada is related to breast. russja is related to russu. dnub is related to unverantwortlich. lejn is etymologically related to ejn. hemm is related to there are. specifically is a synonym of speċifikament. ħabib is related to männlich. danemark is a synonym of danimarka. kejn has context of australia. naddaf is related to nadif. illum is etymologically related to il jum. ħaġra is related to stone. xebb is related to youth. internazzjonalment is related to internazzjonali. ġuvnott is related to lad. bint is related to iben. debb is etymologically derived from دب. waqt is related to the. peregrine falcon is a synonym of bies. aserbaidschanisch is a synonym of ażerbajġani. ambassade is a synonym of ambaxxata. organizzazzjoni is related to organizza. diffikultajiet is a form of diffikultà. peduna is a synonym of kalzetta. għatu is related to lid. qtates is a form of qattus. demokratie is a synonym of demokrazija. twiebet is a form of tebut. karbonju is etymologically derived from carboniu. vjolazzjoni is etymologically derived from violazione. ġens is related to nation. patt is related to pact. għattuqa is related to tiġieġa. saliva is a synonym of bżieq. k x f is related to kixef. pubblikazzjonijiet is a form of pubblikazzjoni. aggressiv is the opposite of passiv. teufel is a synonym of xitan. raisin is a synonym of għenba. najtroġin is related to nitrogen. violon alto is a synonym of vjola. indikejter is related to turn signal. daniża is related to daniż. kbir is etymologically related to كبير. miniex is etymologically related to ma. maktur is related to klein. tabiba is related to tabib. selezzjonijiet is a form of selezzjoni. gallju has context of chimie. xogħol is related to ħadem. kollezzjoni is etymologically related to collezione. indikazzjoni is related to indication. ħaswa has context of anatomy. żiemel is related to cheval. impossibbli is the opposite of possibbli. werqa is related to foliage. tfajjel is related to tifel. riġlejn is a form of riġel. inattiv is related to inattività. manjeżju has context of chemistry. ħġieġ is related to glass. kokka is related to owl. omosesswali is related to omosesswalità. logħba is related to lagħab. i is related to in. evalwazzjoni is related to evaluation. dress is a synonym of libsa. technological is a synonym of teknoloġiku. abaku is related to abaque. kelb is etymologically related to كلب. self is related to loan. riġlejn is a form of riġel. ġeneralment is related to ġenerali. re is etymologically derived from rex. ġibed is related to pull. ecological is a synonym of ekoloġiku. demgħa is related to salzig. nemla is etymologically related to نملة. għonq is related to neck. lion is a synonym of ljun. scorpius is a synonym of skorpjun. tgħallem is related to għallem. chick is a synonym of ferħ. belarussi is a form of belarussu. terroriżmu is related to politisch. ġenerazzjoni is etymologically derived from generazione. vjolenti is related to violent. belarussi is a form of belarussa. ġo is etymologically related to جو. deżerti is a form of deżert. xemgħa is etymologically related to شمعة. il ħamis is etymologically related to ħames. vache is a synonym of baqra. quddiem is related to before. baħar is related to sea. melodiku is related to melodija. konservazzjonijiet is a form of konservazzjoni. sellum is etymologically related to سلم. acebuche is etymologically related to żebbuġ. isqof is related to bishop. djalett is related to dialect. demm is related to blood. stocking is a synonym of peduna. moldova is a synonym of moldovja. ħolma is related to ħolom. ħdax is etymologically related to għaxra. reliġjuż is related to reliġjon. denfil is a synonym of delfin. għarraf is related to ikkommunika. ajruplan is related to umlaufend. dgħajjef is etymologically related to ضعيف. ħassa is etymologically related to חסה. ikoll is related to must. tnax il is related to twelve. sitt is similar to ħames. do you speak english is a synonym of tpaċpaċ bl ingliż. buzza is related to boot. ibħra is a form of baħar. trijonf is etymologically derived from trionfo. qadim is the opposite of ġdid. milch is a synonym of ħalib. monaco is a synonym of monako. éléphant is a synonym of ljunfant. vjolazzjoni is related to violation. tista is a form of seta. riħ stellari is related to riħ solari. pearl is a synonym of ġawhra. dubbiena is a synonym of fliege. impressjona is related to impress. knisja is related to church. ikoll is related to get. sapuna is related to hinzugefügt. rose is a synonym of roża. namra is etymologically related to nnamurari. żifna is related to żifen. xibka is related to gefertigt. tnax is similar to tnax il. januar is a synonym of jannar. lejl is etymologically derived from ليل. djars is a form of dar. qabeż is related to qabża. twil is etymologically related to طويل. torċa is a synonym of fjakkla. tfixkil is derived from fixkel. ras ir randan is derived from randan. cockroach is a synonym of kokroċ. month is a synonym of xahar. dorbies has context of archaic. tlieta is similar to tlitt. pelvic floor is a synonym of qiegħ tal pelvi. gidi is related to gidja. żobb is related to cock. gozitan is a synonym of għawdxija. vittma is related to victim. passiv is the opposite of attiv. iva is etymologically derived from اي و. ħ is related to h. lejn is related to to. għawdxi is etymologically related to għawdex. kejn is a synonym of kannamieli. ilsna is a form of lsien. kolera is related to cholera. iddeskriva is related to deskrizzjoni. ftit is etymologically derived from فت. ewropew is derived from ewropa. sbatax il is similar to tmintax il. berquqa is etymologically related to persicum praecox. sabieħ is etymologically derived from صباح. k is related to you. sigarri is a form of sigarru. configuration is a synonym of konfigurazzjoni. xewka is related to xewk. xorb is related to beverage. file is a synonym of arkivju. see you is a synonym of ċaw. sabiħ is related to sbejjaħ. siġra is related to tree. do you need help is a synonym of għandek bżonn għajnuna. illużjoni is related to illużjonista. skwiril is etymologically related to squirrel. kiteb is related to ktieb. żbub is a form of żobb. book is a synonym of ktieb. mewt is etymologically derived from موت. commémoration is a synonym of kommemorazzjoni. mogħoż is a form of mogħża. passiv is related to passive. land is a synonym of art. iva is related to le. tomorrow is a synonym of għada. sbuħija is related to sabiħ. bad is a synonym of ħażin. repubblika is related to republic. ċaħad is related to disown. kollezzjonijiet is a form of kollezzjoni. verżjoni is related to version. fight is a synonym of ġlieda. sama is etymologically related to سمع. clothes is a synonym of ħwejjeġ. bgħid is related to distant. pene has context of anatomy. révolution française is a synonym of rivoluzzjoni franċiża. ħanżira is related to sow. kiteb is related to ktieb. your is a synonym of tiegħek. gelb is a synonym of isfar. sħana is related to sħun. speċifikament is related to specifically. ras is related to beginning. eċċitament is related to excitement. small is a synonym of żgħir. espressjonijiet is a form of espressjoni. ħniefes is a form of ħanfusa. armel is etymologically related to ارمل. arja is etymologically derived from aera. saqaf is etymologically derived from سقف. ministère is a synonym of ministeru. evoluzzjonijiet is a form of evoluzzjoni. lil is related to with. հունվար is a synonym of jannar. għarb is related to west. indika is related to indicate. ħanżira is etymologically related to خنزيرة. impossibbli is related to impossibilment. unjonijiet is a form of unjoni. kien is etymologically derived from كان. wirdiena is a synonym of kakerlake. tradizzjonalment is related to traditionally. għarusa is related to bride. russja is a synonym of federazzjoni russa. ċavetta is a synonym of muftieħ. dictionary is a synonym of dizzjunarju. bhima is etymologically related to بهيمة. organiżżazzjoni is related to organiżżazzjonali. tassew is related to truly. copenhagen is a synonym of kopenħagen. inspiration is a synonym of ispirazzjoni. tailor is a synonym of ħajjat. seconde guerre mondiale is a synonym of tieni gwerra dinjija. żero is etymologically related to صفر. diskussjonijiet is a form of diskussjoni. teatru is etymologically derived from tiatru. bogħod is related to far. ħabib is related to friend. spraġ is a synonym of spargel. bliebel is a form of belbul. knee is a synonym of irkoppa. sieħeb is related to partner. nixxiegħa is etymologically related to نشغ. sky is a synonym of sema. vjola is a synonym of veilchenblau. action is a synonym of azzjoni. traġedji is a form of traġedja. têtard is a synonym of marżepp. qmura is a form of qamar. it is a synonym of hi. centenary is a synonym of seklu. buzzard is a synonym of kuċċarda prima. arja is related to air. żwiġijiet is a form of żwieġ. aristotle is related to philosophe. sieħeb is etymologically derived from صاحب. kapaċitajiet is a form of kapaċità. xemx is related to sun. bebbuxu is related to għakrux. xita is related to xitwa. emozzjoni is etymologically derived from emozione. żobb has context of slang. melodija is related to melody. soqfa is a form of saqaf. nazzjonali is related to national. persian is a synonym of persjan. lvant has context of géographie. applikazzjonijiet is a form of applikazzjoni. sesswalment is related to sesswali. ktieb is related to kiteb. żarmuġ is related to bunny. min is etymologically derived from من. oie is a synonym of wiżża. berquq is a form of berquqa. kbir is the opposite of ċkejken. lejl is etymologically related to ܠܠܝܐ. ċaħad is related to renounce. long eared owl is a synonym of qattus. għatu ta l għajn has context of anatomy. iljunfant is a synonym of fil. ambizzjoni is related to ambizzjuż. hi is related to she. i'm hungry is a synonym of għandi l ġuħ. hu is etymologically derived from هو. tliet is a synonym of tlieta. daniż is related to danimarka. mistoqsija is related to question. two is a synonym of tnejn. meħud is a form of ħa. bombi is a form of bomba. buffu is related to clown. anġlu is a synonym of engel. berquqa is a synonym of aprikose. konservazzjonijiet is a form of konservazzjoni. ieħor is related to other. handkerchief is a synonym of maktur. sbatax il is similar to tmintax il. definizzjonijiet is a form of definizzjoni. ħaruf ta alla has context of christianity. wind is a synonym of riħ. fenek is related to liebru. erbgħa is similar to erba. ġobon is a form of ġobna. lanġas is a form of lanġasa. divrenzja is related to difference. saqaf is related to bejt. héron is a synonym of russett. rumänien is a synonym of rumanija. biċċa is etymologically related to pièce. ossiġenu has context of chemistry. daniżi is a form of daniż. ippenetra is related to penetrazzjoni. varjetà is etymologically related to varietas. harqa tax xemx is derived from xemx. ċipru is etymologically related to cipru. maison blanche is a synonym of id dar il bajda. subien is a form of sabi. is sibt is a synonym of sonnabend. ċerv is related to deer. reliġjonijiet is a form of reliġjon. ħassa is related to lettuce. illusionist is a synonym of illużjonista. żagħżagħ is a form of żgħażagħ. ei is a synonym of bajda. identitajiet is a form of identità. maħniex is etymologically related to aħna. lsien is etymologically related to لسان. automobile is a synonym of karozza. unitajiet astronomiċi is a form of unità astronomika. anaso is a synonym of papra. erbgħa is similar to erbat. sapuna is related to flüssig. evolution is a synonym of evoluzzjoni. attur is related to attriċi. moldova is a synonym of moldovja. tirma is related to asshole. fohlen is a synonym of felu. affe is a synonym of xadin. mikul is a form of kiel. niek is etymologically related to ناك. bena is etymologically related to بنى. għajn is related to fawwara. l erbgħa has context of day of week. iddawnlowdja is related to download. żgħożija is etymologically related to żagħżugħ. żoċċ is related to cock. possibilment is related to possibbli. sun is a synonym of xemx. aħmar is related to red. bett is a synonym of sodda. ċittadin is similar to ċittadina. għaldaqstant is related to as result. ftit is related to few. logħba is related to game. azzjonijiet is a form of azzjoni. inti is etymologically derived from انت. illużjoni is related to illużorju. xjentifikament is related to scientifically. serpente is a synonym of lifgħa. annimala is related to annimal. rat is a synonym of far. ħdejn is etymologically related to حد. prepuzju is related to prepuce. kelma is etymologically related to كلمة. saħħa is related to health. uman is a synonym of bniedem. torċa is related to leuchten. plural has context of grammar. qabeż is etymologically related to قفز. lanġas is a form of lanġasa. bulgarie is a synonym of bulgarija. frühling is a synonym of rebbiegħa. irkoppa is etymologically related to ركبة. sigarru is related to cigar. sixteen is a synonym of sittax. eklissi has context of astronomy. dik is a form of dak. amharisch is a synonym of amħariku. teoloġija is related to teoloġiku. żar is related to visit. dmugħ is derived from demgħa. għawdxi is derived from għawdex. figura is related to figure. polnisch is a synonym of pollakk. inibizzjoni is related to inhibition. leġiżlazzjonijiet is a form of leġiżlazzjoni. august is a synonym of awissu. xjenza is related to xjentifiku. qaqoċċ is a form of qaqoċċa. ħabs is related to prison. submission is a synonym of sottomissjoni. träne is a synonym of demgħa. ash wednesday is a synonym of ras ir randan. il ħamis has context of day of week. ħolma is related to dream. ljunfant is a synonym of iljunfant. tlettax is etymologically related to tlieta. duttur is etymologically related to dottore. ċeki is a form of ċek. leġiżlazzjoni is related to leġiżlattiv. ħajt is related to ħajta. għarusa is related to għarus. demokratikament is related to demokrazija. dan is etymologically related to hawn. disat has context of construct. zija is related to aunt. ġo is etymologically derived from جوا. lukandi is a form of lukanda. eklissi is etymologically derived from eclissi. give is a synonym of ta. kokok is a form of kokka. terroriżmu is related to kriminell. toqob suwed is a form of toqba sewda. il ħadd is etymologically related to wieħed. i is related to iet. skola is related to school. sekwenzjalment is related to sequentially. rebħa is related to rebaħ. senduq is related to chest. sperling is a synonym of għasfur tal bejt. kunċert is a synonym of konzert. passiv is the opposite of attiv. ċittadina is similar to ċittadin. siècle is a synonym of ċentinarju. potassjum is related to potassium. sptar is a type of binja. belgique is a synonym of belġju. palm sunday is a synonym of ħadd il palm. rixa is related to rix. invenzjonijiet is a form of invenzjoni. snow is a synonym of borra. tin is related to figs. belt ta monako is related to monako. auge is a synonym of għajn. għajn is etymologically derived from عين. ġebla is related to stone. ħażin is related to ħżien. bramel is a form of barmil. tradizzjonali is related to tradizzjonalment. assimilazzjoni is related to assimilation. griż is related to gray. kundizzjonalment is related to kundizzjoni. tradizzjoni is related to tradizzjonali. daqna is related to beard. alface is etymologically related to ħassa. iswed is related to black. iswed is related to swied. interazzjoni nukleari qawwija has context of physics. kontra is etymologically related to contro. rappreżentazzjoni is etymologically derived from rappresentazione. lizard is a synonym of wiżgħa. okkażjonalment is etymologically derived from occasionalmente. attiv is the opposite of inattiv. żrinġ is etymologically derived from rana. ġawhra is related to pearl. ġimgħa is related to week. għand bżonn is derived from bżonn. gallium is a synonym of gallju. qtates is related to qattus. novembre is a synonym of novembru. barrani is related to foreigner. ġens is related to poplu. kokroċ is related to cockroach. azzjonijiet is a form of azzjoni. vache is a synonym of baqar. zahnbürste is a synonym of xkupilja tas snien. xaħam has context of anatomy. hefe is a synonym of ħmira. rummiena is related to pomegranate. awrina is etymologically related to orina. jisem is related to isem. issuġerixxa is related to suggest. kliewi is a form of kilwa. għadam is a form of għadma. dmugħ is derived from demgħa. supereroj is related to super héros. bisesswalità is related to bisesswali. eċċitament is related to eċċitazzjoni. ċittadina is etymologically related to cittadina. pene is etymologically related to żobb. ftit is related to little. pornography is a synonym of pornografija. brimba is related to spider. attivitajiet is a form of attività. leichenstein is a synonym of lapida. madankollu is related to nevertheless. żviluppa is etymologically related to sviluppare. koordinazzjoni is etymologically derived from coordinazzioni. boat is a synonym of dgħajsa. bużżieqa is related to balloon. għada is etymologically derived from غدا. ġwief is a form of ġuf. istess is etymologically derived from stesso. essenzjalment is related to essenzjali. għaxra is similar to għaxar. hepato is a synonym of fwied. qaħba is related to harlot. xewka is related to thorn. lithium is a synonym of litju. flimkien is etymologically related to imkien. skieken is a form of sikkina. ቡራኬ is etymologically related to barka. kirche is a synonym of knisja. ijiet is related to ejn. għakreb is a synonym of skorpjun. arbeidar is a synonym of ħaddiem. sider is etymologically derived from صدر. ħlieqa is etymologically related to ħoloq. falcon is a synonym of falkun. traditionally is a synonym of tradizzjonalment. pjaċir is etymologically derived from piacìri. tortoise is a synonym of fekruna. għallem is etymologically related to علم. niżel is related to niżżel. ittraduċa is related to traduzzjoni. internazzjonali is related to internazzjonalment. ġo is a synonym of fi. illużjonista is related to illużorju. aggredixxa is related to aggressjoni. illużorju is related to illużjoni. sittax il is similar to sbatax il. għarqan is related to għaraq. lejla is related to night. croire is a synonym of emmen. ħames is similar to erba. thank you is a synonym of grazzi. ajkla is related to aigle. pronom has context of grammar. wiesa is related to wide. platt is related to plattin. għażel is related to select. definizzjonijiet is a form of definizzjoni. warda is related to rose. azerbaijan is a synonym of ażerbajġan. ċkunija is derived from ċkejken. vjolentement is related to vjolenti. iljunfant is related to elephant. ministeru is related to ministry. ażotu is related to nitrogen. dubbiena is etymologically derived from ذبانة. mużika is related to musique. dnub is a form of demb. azote is a synonym of najtroġin. k x f is related to kixef. tifla is related to fille. farfett il lejl is related to bat. ġewnaħ is etymologically derived from جوانح. duki is a form of duka. nation is a synonym of nazzjoni. traduction is a synonym of traduzzjoni. black is a synonym of suwed. possibilment is the opposite of impossibilment. xi mkien is derived from xi. testikola is a synonym of bajda. vjali is a form of vjal. bejta is related to bejta tan nemel. impressjoni is related to impressjona. għarfien is related to recognition. żewġ is similar to tliet. חסה is etymologically related to ħassa. tnax is related to twelve. aéroport is a synonym of mitjar. indipendenti is related to independent. ras ir randan has context of christianity. œuf is a synonym of bajda. belarussja is a synonym of belarus. flimkien is etymologically related to kullimkien. jum is related to day. ouge is a synonym of għajn. ħażin is related to bad. schraubendreher is a synonym of tornavit. għażla is etymologically derived from عزلة. ability is a synonym of abilità. lapida is related to steinern. qattusa has context of zoologie. ħażin is related to ħżien. dejjem is related to always. kullimkien is etymologically derived from في كل مكان. qasam is related to share. magna is related to machine. tnejn is related to two. eight is a synonym of tmienja. kif is etymologically related to كيف. ħalq is related to mouth. abaku has context of mathématiques. ejn is related to i. fehmet is a form of fehem. tlettax il has context of construct. sabiħ is related to sbuħija. libes is related to libbes. mhux is related to ma. erbat is similar to tlitt. singapor is etymologically related to पुर. mejjet is related to miet. cat translations is a synonym of qattusa. x inhu has context of interrogative. tirma is related to ass. qiegħ tal pelvi has context of anatomy. sultan iċ ċawl is derived from ċawla. ħdax il is similar to disa. widnejn is a form of widna. tiegħu is related to his. is sibt is a synonym of samstag. fenek is related to liebru. kommemorazzjoni is related to commémoration. fniek is a form of fenek. sebat is a synonym of sebgħa. direzzjoni is related to direction. mħadda is etymologically related to مخدة. sodda is a synonym of bett. sniedaq is a form of senduq. sħab is a form of sħaba. għenba is related to għeneb. borża is related to scrotum. għadu is the opposite of ħabib. ħdejn is etymologically related to في احضان. għarajjes is a form of għarusa. soċjetà is etymologically related to societas. ziju is related to uncle. ruma is related to rome. essenzjali is related to essential. għabex is etymologically related to غبش. ħmistax is etymologically related to ħamsa. ħmar is related to ass. lhudi is etymologically related to il jum. maħbub is a form of ħabb. contre is a synonym of kontra. resaq is related to approach. żewġ is a synonym of tnejn. religion is a synonym of reliġjon. sinna is etymologically derived from سن. berred is related to cool. lifgħa is a synonym of serp. concert is a synonym of kunċert. biċċier is a synonym of fleischhacker. bajda is etymologically related to بيضة. beżżula has context of anatomy. sur is a form of sura. pranzu is related to dinner. ciao bye is a synonym of ċaw. ash is a synonym of irmied. rebħa is related to rebaħ. għarbin is a form of għarbi. rebbiegħa is etymologically related to ربيع. européen is a synonym of ewropew. secret is a synonym of sigriet. sbatax is etymologically related to għaxra. sex is a synonym of sess. erbgħin is related to forty. tajjeb is related to fine. imħabba is related to namra. forsi is etymologically related to forse. torrent is a synonym of wied. minn bejn l imwiet is etymologically derived from من بين الاموات. action is a synonym of azzjoni. dubbien is a form of dubbiena. għarraf is related to xandar. opportunità is related to ċans. farruġ is related to chick. duttur is etymologically derived from dutturi. farrak is related to crash. ħdax is etymologically related to għaxra. table is a synonym of mejda. nacht is a synonym of lejl. merkurju is related to mercure. vuċijiet is a form of vuċi. dwiefer is a form of difer. iljunfant is a synonym of elefant. għajnuna is related to għen. osmium is a synonym of ożmju. issieħeb is related to sħubija. hotel is a synonym of lukanda. stechmücke is a synonym of nemusa. rome is a synonym of ruma. għadu is etymologically related to عدو. elfejn is related to l elfejn. sabiħ is related to sbuħija. ożmju is related to osmium. għaxart is a synonym of għaxra. illum is derived from jum. irrisponda is a synonym of wieġeb. tiegħek has context of singular possessor. collection is a synonym of kollezzjoni. tmintax is similar to tmintax il. ungarn is a synonym of ungerija. eterosesswalità is related to heterosexuality. emozzjonalment is related to emozzjonali. ħuta is a synonym of fisch. dawl is related to midwal. sitt is similar to seba. compétition is a synonym of kompetizzjoni. bgħid is related to far. stellar wind is a synonym of riħ stellari. ħaġeb is related to eyebrow. spanjoli is a form of spanjol. farruġ is etymologically related to ܦܪܘܓܐ. popolazzjoni is etymologically derived from popolazione. popolazzjonijiet is a form of popolazzjoni. barrani is related to foreign. mar is etymologically derived from مر. italja is related to taljan. banane is a synonym of banana. ħajja is etymologically related to ሕይወት. see is a synonym of lag. krankenhaus is a synonym of infermerija. dsatax il is a synonym of dsatax. ambizzjuż is related to ambizzjoni. population is a synonym of popolazzjoni. għarraf is related to inform. fakultajiet is a form of fakultà. żerriegħa is etymologically related to زريعة. infezzjonijiet is a form of infezzjoni. kundizzjonijiet is a form of kundizzjoni. vjal is related to avenue. żiemel is related to debba. isfar is etymologically related to اصفر. illum is related to today. xitla is related to plant. beda is etymologically related to بدا. xewwex is related to provoke. frott is etymologically derived from fruttu. sbejjaħ is related to beautiful. kimika is related to chemistry. għaxar is a synonym of għaxra. kaktus is related to cactus. moldavie is a synonym of moldovja. ħdax il is similar to tnax il. kontra is related to against. skieken is a form of sikkina. seksi is etymologically related to sexy. tagħkom is related to yours. granċi is a synonym of qabru. pelvi is related to qiegħ tal pelvi. novembre is a synonym of novembru. twenty is a synonym of għoxrin. żebbuġiet is a form of żebbuġa. impressjona is related to impressjoni. jaf is related to know. ċomb is related to lead. maybe is a synonym of forsi. riħ stellari is related to riħ solari. sajf is etymologically derived from صيف. sebbaħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. demokratikament is etymologically derived from democraticamente. musrana is related to bowel. marad is related to ill. lok is etymologically derived from locus. flood is a synonym of għargħar. juli is a synonym of lulju. żerniq is related to għabex. qamħ is etymologically related to קמח. isem is related to jisimni. aħbar is related to note. aggredixxa is related to attack. ħarir is etymologically related to حرير. tmint is similar to sebat. moineau domestique is a synonym of għasfur tal bejt. manifestation is a synonym of manifestazzjoni. uman is a synonym of bniedem. ajkla is related to eagle. sama is related to listen. ġnejna is etymologically related to ġnien. ameise is a synonym of nemla. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejja. ċawla is related to jackdaw. infern is related to hell. u is related to hu. dudu is etymologically related to دود. kotba is a form of ktieb. lapida is a synonym of gedenkstein. ħames is a synonym of ħamsa. ħames is similar to sitt. toothbrush is a synonym of xkupilja tas snien. identità is related to identity. fjakkla is a synonym of torċa. qtates is a form of qattusa. l ewwel is related to first. sittax is etymologically related to għaxra. kiseb is related to get. i'm not religious is a synonym of miniex reliġjuz. għanbaqar is related to plum. snien is a form of sinna. lvant is related to point cardinal. saħħara is related to witch. għarus is related to għarusa. tschüs is a synonym of ċaw. grey is a synonym of griż. fil is a synonym of elefant. xkupilja tax xagħar is a type of xkupilja. serq is related to theft. saltna is related to sultan. testicle is a synonym of ħaswa. nhar is etymologically derived from نهار. eau is a synonym of ilma. farfett il lejl is etymologically related to lejl. sbejjaħ is related to sabiħ. seba is related to seven. eraser is a synonym of gomma. ħafna is etymologically related to quite few. terroriżmu is related to erreichen. dada is related to die. żewġt is similar to tlitt. qabar is related to tomb. opportunità is related to opportunity. konnotazzjoni is etymologically derived from connotazione. terroriżmu is a synonym of terrorismus. taljani is a form of taljana. qawwa is related to körperlich. espressjoni is related to espressa. indikazzjonijiet is a form of indikazzjoni. baqar is a form of baqra. dagħwa is related to swear. nuit is a synonym of lejl. tqila is related to heavy. cornish is a synonym of korniku. għasfur tal bejt is etymologically related to bejt. xoffa is etymologically related to شفة. għarus is related to groom. sabieħ is related to sbuħija. reliġjuz is related to reliġjon. nuċċali tax xemx is derived from nuċċali. ipprova is etymologically derived from provare. thousand is a synonym of elf. is sibtijiet is a form of is sibt. okkażjoni is related to okkażjonalment. patata is related to backside. faċli is related to easy. kien is related to be. ramel is related to sand. ħdejn is etymologically derived from حضن. koira is a synonym of kelb. orecchio is a synonym of widna. għerf is etymologically derived from عرف. pagun is related to peacock. hexe is a synonym of saħħara. xiex is etymologically related to اش. sistematikament is related to sistema. irishman is a synonym of irlandiż. sqaq is etymologically related to زقاق. occasionally is a synonym of okkażjonalment. bicyclette is a synonym of rota. federazzjoni russa is a synonym of russja. seed is a synonym of żerriegħa. ripressjonijiet is a form of ripressjoni. dizzjunarju is etymologically derived from dizziunariu. debb is a synonym of ors. lac is etymologically related to lag. speċifikament is related to speċifiku. debba is related to felu. dada is related to chest. gold translations is a synonym of deheb. key is a synonym of muftieħ. għenbiet is a form of għenba. varjetà is related to variety. wurm is a synonym of dudu. sesswalità is related to sess. ġawhar is a form of ġawhra. slielem is a form of sellum. rummien is a form of rummiena. speċifikament is related to speċifiku. weep is a synonym of beka. prioritajiet is a form of priorità. lsien is etymologically related to לשנא. qattus is etymologically related to cattus. sider is related to senduq. qatra is related to qattar. ħmistax is etymologically related to għaxra. fourteen is a synonym of erbatax. hawn is related to here. butir is a synonym of butter. ħaġel is a form of ħaġla. tabiba is related to doctor. ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. ħarifa is etymologically derived from خريف. ġemel is a synonym of kamel. ġustizzja is related to justice. mogħdrija is related to compassion. delużjoni is related to delusion. spiżjara is related to pharmacist. surname is a synonym of kunjom. fwied has context of food. pejjep is related to smoke. għaksa has context of anatomy. et is a synonym of u. spargel is a synonym of spraġ. kbir is related to large. sbatax il is related to seventeen. deutschland is a synonym of ġermanja. x inhu is related to xiex. art is etymologically derived from ارض. eduka is related to educate. indika is etymologically derived from indicare. sekwenzi is a form of sekwenza. ħolm is a form of ħolma. belti is related to urban. nisa is related to mara. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejk. adorazzjoni is etymologically derived from adorazione. hund is a synonym of kelb. ħadd is etymologically related to خد. bosnia is a synonym of bożnja. tiċrita is a synonym of auseinanderreissen. his is a synonym of tiegħu. karità is related to charity. beach is a synonym of xatt il baħar. bewsa is etymologically derived from بوسه. ħalq is a synonym of mund. drop is a synonym of qatra. hi is etymologically derived from هي. kakka is a synonym of ħmieġ. tallab is related to lebt. bagħad is related to mibegħda. bewsa is etymologically related to بوسة. għal has context of benefactive. ħażin is related to amiss. fil is related to biegsam. islam is a synonym of iżlam. algebra is a synonym of alġebra. kisser is related to shatter. kesħa is related to niedrig. xemgħa is related to hergestellt. berquqa is etymologically derived from برقوق. abilità is related to ability. tagħbija is related to burden. volpi is related to fox. afrique is a synonym of afrika. ċittadin is similar to ċittadina. ħdejn is etymologically related to حضنين. ħamest is a synonym of ħamsa. sistema is related to sistematiku. bniedem is related to human being. nineteen is a synonym of dsatax. otter is a synonym of lutra. hawn is related to hawnhekk. cheval is a synonym of żiemel. allemand is a synonym of ġermaniż. għawdex is etymologically related to gaudus. sitwazzjoni is etymologically derived from situazzioni. nominate is a synonym of innomina. sess is related to sex. internazzjonalment is related to internazzjonali. lil is etymologically related to lejn. european union is a synonym of unjoni ewropea. duttur is a synonym of tabib. sieq is etymologically related to ساق. xewwex is related to nibex. kopenħagen is related to copenhague. tassew is related to really. dubbiena is related to dubbien. uretra is related to urethra. katina is related to verbunden. wieġeb is etymologically related to جاوب. sorm has context of vulgar. bint is etymologically derived from بنت. fażolla is related to bean. ras ir randan is related to ash wednesday. xadina is a form of xadin. żviluppa is related to żviluppat. xiħ is the opposite of żagħżugħ. tarka is related to target. rota is related to wheel. racine is a synonym of għerq. os is a synonym of għadma. ġwienaħ is a form of ġewnaħ. bulgarien is a synonym of bulgarija. kull is etymologically related to كل. sapuna is related to fest. debba is related to mare. tmien is similar to disa. soufre is a synonym of kubrit. tmintax is etymologically related to tmienja. rice is a synonym of ross. koko is a synonym of fellus. belgrade is a synonym of belgrad. pray is a synonym of talab. demokratikament is related to demokratiku. swar is a form of sur. nejka is related to sess. tifel has context of male. venus is a synonym of venere. unitajiet astronomiċi is a form of unità astronomika. jew is related to or. frying pan is a synonym of taġen. fellus is a synonym of küken. aggressivament is derived from aggressiv. nehmen is a synonym of qabad. ikoll is etymologically related to lil. banek is a form of bank. reliġjon is related to reliġjuz. litwanjan is a synonym of litwan. selezzjoni is related to għażel. genève is a synonym of ġinevra. xerq has context of literary. żerriegħa is related to seed. sejf is etymologically derived from سيف. vuċi is etymologically derived from vuci. stilel is a form of stilla. raħal is etymologically related to رحل. dnub is related to moral. crocodile is a synonym of kukkudrill. maħniex is etymologically related to نحن. tagħbija is related to load. obscenity is a synonym of oxxenità. kakka is a synonym of ħara. rouge is a synonym of aħmar. għawdxin is a form of għawdxi. triq is etymologically derived from طريق. spanjol is related to ispanjol. kundizzjonalment is etymologically derived from cundizzionalmenti. għandek bżonn għajnuna is related to għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek. nastuch is a synonym of maktur. elettriku is related to electric. qabar is etymologically derived from قبر. xadina is a synonym of äffin. janúar is a synonym of jannar. aristotle is related to grec. leġiżlazzjoni is related to leġiżlatur. intensitajiet is a form of intensità. senduq is related to box. shadow is a synonym of dell. ill is a synonym of marid. scorpion is a synonym of għakreb. żmien is related to period. marad is etymologically derived from مرض. moqri is a form of qara. darba is related to occasion. pollakk is related to polonja. organizational is a synonym of organiżżazzjonali. baxx is related to low. qroqqa is related to laying. gżejjer is a form of gżira. fired is related to split. żwieġ is etymologically related to زواج. mewt is etymologically related to qam minn bejn l imwiet. sekwenza is related to sekwenzjalment. second is a synonym of sekonda. birdo is a synonym of għasfur. siliċju has context of chemistry. sittax il is similar to ħmistax il. farfett il lejl is derived from lejl. l ewwel is related to ewlieni. eċċitazzjoni is related to eċċitament. għawdxin is a form of għawdxi. qiegħ tal pelvi is related to pelvic floor. ħlejjaq is derived from ħalq. monkey is a synonym of xadina. għoqod is a form of għoqda. fejn is related to where. silġ is etymologically related to siġra. gallju has context of chemistry. interazzjoni dgħajfa is related to weak interaction. dell is related to shade. bierek is related to barka. senswalità is related to senswali. frareġ is a form of farruġ. talab is derived from tallab. flus is etymologically derived from فلوس. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejk. inbid is related to vin. beżaq is related to bżieq. russett is related to héron. équateur is a synonym of ekwador. body is a synonym of ġisem. gremxula is related to lizard. mogħża is related to goat. demgħa is a synonym of qatra. hawn is etymologically derived from هنا. avukat is related to advocate. debba is related to felu. indiċi is etymologically derived from ìndici. qwas is a form of qaws. interazzjoni gravitazzjonali is related to gravitational interaction. bożnja is related to bożnja u ħerzegovina. għarbin is a form of għarbi. write is a synonym of kiteb. argent is a synonym of fidda. konġunzjoni has context of grammar. ippenetra is related to penetrate. camel is a synonym of ġemel. ħsieb is related to ħaseb. kolonji is a form of kolonja. ville is a synonym of belt. xadin is a form of xadina. orange is a synonym of larinġa. black hole is a synonym of toqba sewda. dukessa is related to duka. lag is a synonym of għadira. turkey is a synonym of dundjan. eżerċizzju is related to eżerċita. tala is etymologically related to طلع. lvant is related to east. attivazzjoni is related to activation. nies is related to stienes. lake is a synonym of għadira. edukazzjoni is related to edukazzjonali. għażel is related to għażla. in is related to iet. xadin is a synonym of affe. school is a synonym of skola. pain is a synonym of uġigħ. ambizzjonijiet is a form of ambizzjoni. kundizzjonali is related to kundizzjonalment. triqat is a form of triq. physician is a synonym of tabib. canada is a synonym of kanada. zokkor is etymologically derived from سكر. duttur is related to physician. interaction is a synonym of interazzjoni. eċċitazzjoni is related to eċċitament. ċpar is related to verursachen. xejn is etymologically derived from شييا. enemy is a synonym of għadu. żoċċ has context of vulgar. wiżgħa is etymologically related to وزغة. fidda is a synonym of silber. kafè is related to ħanut tal kafè. fieragħ is etymologically derived from فارغ. seqer is etymologically related to صقر. moħriet is related to plough. is sentejn is a form of sena. boire is a synonym of xorob. maltesisch is a synonym of malti. sura is related to photograph. libertajiet is a form of libertà. irreaġixxa is etymologically derived from reagire. necklace is a synonym of ġiżirana. meta jorqod il qattus il ġrieden joħorġu is a synonym of wenn die katze aus dem haus ist tanzen die mäuse auf dem tisch. ċawliet is a form of ċawla. interazzjoni dgħajfa has context of physics. kċina is etymologically derived from coquina. produzzjonijiet is a form of produzzjoni. united states of america is a synonym of stati uniti. أربعة is etymologically related to erbgħa. tmint is related to eight. wiżgħa is related to lizard. għenuq is a form of għonq. żgħir is etymologically related to صغير. bużżieqa is related to bużżieqa tal awrina. ross is etymologically derived from ορυζα. ħajt is related to ħajta. dahar is etymologically derived from ظهر. piglet is a synonym of qażquż. għajn is related to ħaġeb. annimala is related to animal. x has context of interrogative. il ħadd is etymologically derived from الاحد. singulari is related to singular. baqra is etymologically related to بقرة. sur is etymologically derived from صور. kalender is a synonym of kalendarju. exchange is a synonym of bidel. autumn is a synonym of ħarifa. wasal is related to arrive. ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. vjola is a synonym of veilchenfarbig. li has context of relative. sur is related to rampart. ċaħad is related to deny. kokk is a form of kokka. kundizzjoni is etymologically derived from cundizzioni. infezione is a synonym of infezzjoni. ħsieb is related to thought. għajn is related to nixxiegħa. soru is related to sister. aggressivament is related to aggressiv. kiteb is derived from k t b. ġmiel is related to beauty. prosit is related to well done. vent is a synonym of riħ. miniex is etymologically related to jiena. ġens is related to sess. difer is related to nail. fuck is a synonym of niek. thread is a synonym of ħajt. ħmistax il is similar to erbatax il. qabad is related to capture. sieħeb is related to associate. arloġġ is related to clock. dog translations is a synonym of kelba. kulturali is related to cultural. unjoni ewropea is derived from unjoni. uġigħ is etymologically derived from اوجاع. żagħżugħ is etymologically derived from زعزوع. idejn is a form of id. ewro is related to euro. korea t isfel is related to korea. lhudi is related to ġudaiżmu. ostaġġi is related to hostage. drink is a synonym of xorob. ħanex is etymologically related to حنش. fwied has context of anatomy. fairy is a synonym of saħħara. lingwa is etymologically derived from lingua. ġummar is related to broom. wara is related to behind. maltese is a synonym of malti. sigriet is etymologically related to segreto. tiġieġa is related to fellus. qasba is related to cane. brass is a synonym of ram. belarus is a synonym of belarussja. għal has context of finality end point. peduna is related to einteilig. potassium is a synonym of potassju. suq is related to market. issa is etymologically related to is siegħa. liberazzjoni is related to liberation. fotografija is related to photography. tranĉilo is a synonym of sikkina. iż is a form of il. għaxart is a synonym of għaxra. dentifriċju is a synonym of zahnkreme. uman is related to man. february is a synonym of frar. perċezzjonijiet is a form of perċezzjoni. shirt is a synonym of qmis. professur is etymologically derived from professor. arja is etymologically related to aer. duħħan is etymologically derived from دخان. disat is similar to tmint. tirma is related to rektum. internazzjonali is related to nazzjonali. lord is a synonym of sinjur. fil is related to ausziehen. informazzjoni is related to information. darbtejn is related to twice. marid is related to mard. deheb is related to dehbi. sbuħija is a synonym of ġmiel. fliege is a synonym of dubbiena. ors is etymologically related to ursus. ġar is related to ġara. isvediż is related to żvediż. shade is a synonym of dell. ekoloġiċi is a form of ekoloġiku. gniedes is a form of gendus. demm is related to sang. btaten has context of australia. iż is a form of il. ġermaniż is etymologically related to iż. djarsijiet is a form of dar. waqt is etymologically related to وقت. ħsieb is related to ħaseb. ħaruf ta alla is etymologically derived from αμνοσ του θεου. nejka is related to sess. stilla is etymologically derived from stidda. flus is related to money. genitalia is a synonym of ġenitali. periklu is related to danger. dar is etymologically derived from دار. qabad is related to catch. bierek is related to tbierek. kulturalment is related to kultura. sama is related to to. ħalq is related to person. lemin is etymologically related to ال. apricot is a synonym of berquqa. dwiefer is a form of difer. sptar is a synonym of krankenhaus. danimarka is related to daniż. ħaġeb is etymologically related to حاجب. tornavit is a synonym of schraubendreher. honey is a synonym of għasel. għadira is etymologically related to غدير. indika is related to indikattiv. sorm has context of potentially. għaxar is related to ten. organiżżazzjoni is related to organization. attur is related to attriċi. il is related to the. kwotazzjoni is related to citation. mogħdrija is related to mercy. zagreb is a synonym of żagreb. salat is a synonym of insalata. forsi is related to iva. sitt is a synonym of sitta. vjolenza is related to vjolenti. bierek is etymologically related to بارك. dagħwa is related to blasphemy. muswaf is related to hairy. manifestazzjoni is related to manifestation. russu is related to russja. knisja is etymologically related to כנסייה. ċelestjali is related to celestial. lejn is etymologically derived from الى. ċkejken is related to small. tiġieġa is related to qroqqa. suf is related to body hair. ħmistax il is similar to sittax il. kubrit is etymologically related to كبريت. kannamieli is related to cane. ħanżira is related to qażquż. sptar is a synonym of hospital. waqt is related to at. zokkor is related to sugar. ħabel is etymologically related to حبل. intestine is a synonym of musrana. abitat is related to habitat. vieux is a synonym of qadim. aġġettiv is etymologically derived from aggittivu. edizzjoni is etymologically derived from edizzioni. good is a synonym of tajjeb. attiv is related to attivament. dinjiet is a form of dinja. omosesswali is related to homosexual. fittex is related to tfittxija. garden is a synonym of ġnien. mirja is a form of mera. formazzjoni is related to formation. okulo is a synonym of għajn. infezzjonijiet is a form of infezzjoni. iljieli is a form of lejl. tajbin is a form of tajjeb. interazzjoni is etymologically derived from interazione. għanja is etymologically derived from اغنية. open is a synonym of miftuħ. invention is a synonym of invenzjoni. belarus is a synonym of belarussja. ice is a synonym of silġ. pelvi is related to qiegħ tal pelvi. għar is etymologically derived from غار. acht is a synonym of tmienja. can you help me is a synonym of tista tgħinni. bżieżaq is a form of bużżieqa. qaqoċċa is etymologically related to cacocciùla. ċerv is related to ċerva. generally is a synonym of ġeneralment. għasel is etymologically derived from عسل. banjijiet is a form of banju. żobb is etymologically derived from زب. tensjoni is etymologically derived from tensione. pożizzjoni is etymologically derived from posizione. żerniq is etymologically related to ز ر ق. i is related to ejn. franċiżi is a form of franċiż. merkurju has context of chemistry. ziju is similar to zija. tag is a synonym of jum. festa is related to celebration. xmajjar is a form of xmara. uman is related to human being. ġnien is etymologically related to جنان. abbaziji is a form of abbazija. interazzjoni elettromanjetika is related to elettromanjetiżmu. voice is a synonym of vuċi. ħamest is similar to sitt. ażotu is etymologically related to ζωη. emozzjonalment is related to emozzjoni. fosfru is related to phosphorus. naqqas is related to lessen. sabó is a synonym of sapuna. żero is related to xejn. ħaġeb has context of anatomy. ipprova is related to try. ħames is similar to sitt. kohlenstoff is a synonym of karbonju. speċifiku is related to speċifikament. ħdejn is related to about. it tieni is related to second. ġisem has context of anatomy. passat is related to past. winter is a synonym of xitwa. tifel is related to tfulija. swieq is a form of suq. karità is etymologically derived from carità. qoxra is related to shell. djarsijiet has context of australia. patata is related to butt. chair is a synonym of siġġu. indipendenti is related to indipendenza. tbissem is related to tbissima. ijiet is etymologically related to i. swied is related to iswed. tnax il is a synonym of tnax. marcher is a synonym of mexa. waqt is related to of. litwanja is related to lituanie. vanitajiet is a form of vanità. haut is a synonym of ġilda. épée is a synonym of sejf. syllabation is a synonym of sillabazzjoni. naddaf is related to nadif. pièce de monnaie is a synonym of munita. banju is related to bath. mart is etymologically related to امراة. daħal is related to enter. numru is related to numeral. ġemel is etymologically related to جمل. sptar is related to körperlich. gidem is related to bite. black is a synonym of iswed. pelvi is related to pelvis. tabib is related to tabiba. baqra is related to għoġol. sbejjaħ is etymologically related to صبيح. ħamiema is a synonym of taube. almozisto is a synonym of tallab. magħqud is related to thick. fakultajiet is a form of fakultà. summiena is related to quail. ċek is etymologically related to czech. għajn is related to nixxiegħa. periklu is etymologically derived from pericolo. tiċrita is related to auseinanderreissen. mera is related to mirror. sħana is related to heat. ballun is etymologically derived from balluni. independence is a synonym of indipendenza. is sibt has context of day of week. lanġasa is related to pear. aluminju has context of chemistry. iva is related to le. vjolentement is related to violently. okkażjonalment is related to okkażjoni. barkiet is a form of barka. attivazzjoni is etymologically derived from attivazione. penetrazzjoni is related to penetration. sniedaq is a form of senduq. volpi is etymologically related to volpe. l erbgħa is etymologically derived from الاربعاء. siegħa is etymologically related to ساعة. bank is related to bench. ħbieb is a form of ħabib. deżert is related to desert. ġlieda is related to fight. cross is a synonym of salib. żarmuġ is related to rabbit. għasafar is a form of għasfur. widna is related to ear. sulfur is a synonym of kubrit. bċieċen is a form of beċċun. sodda is related to bed. pear is a synonym of lanġasa. liba has context of vulgar. farruġ is related to tiġieġa. sittax is related to sixteen. paġni is a form of paġna. żrameġ is a form of żarmuġ. azzjoni is related to action. fradal is a form of fardal. european is a synonym of ewropew. forest is a synonym of masġar. qadim is related to xiħ. diskussjoni is related to discussion. storja is related to history. sptar is related to ambulant. aħwa is a form of ħu. għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek is related to grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek. skojjatlu is a synonym of skwiril. terbjum is related to terbium. għoxx has context of vulgar. léon is a synonym of ljun. grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek. cirasa is a form of ċirasa. xkupilja tas snien is derived from xkupilja. puppy is a synonym of ġeru. work is a synonym of ħadem. saqaf is related to roof. fin is a synonym of tmien. iċ ċpar is a form of ċpar. twieled is related to welled. ħamsa is similar to ħamest. pubblikazzjoni is etymologically derived from pubblicazione. rebħa is a synonym of trijonf. ħadid is related to iron. xugaman is related to abtrocknen. sikkina is etymologically related to سكينة. hungarian is a synonym of ungeriż. ċirasa is etymologically derived from cirasa. victory is a synonym of rebħa. extrej is related to ashtray. ħobż is etymologically related to خبز. forsi is related to le. magħruf is related to għaraf. erdbeere is a synonym of frawla. eduka is related to edukazzjoni. ijiet is related to i. dmugħ is a form of demgħa. awtomatiku is related to automatic. fox is a synonym of volpi. u is related to hu. sptar is related to lindern. leġiżlazzjoni is related to leġiżlatur. passivament is derived from passiv. l isptar is a form of sptar. sabiħ is related to sbejjaħ. diffikultà is related to difficulty. eżamina is related to eżami. rebaħ is etymologically derived from ربح. navigazzjoni is etymologically derived from navigazzioni. essenzjalment is related to essenzjali. infezzjoni is etymologically related to infezione. ħwienet is a form of ħanut. pinna is related to pen. allah is a synonym of alla. ħames is a synonym of ħamsa. kaptani is a form of kaptan. cirasa is a form of ċirasa. laħam taż żiemel is derived from laħam. elf is etymologically derived from الف. paġni is a form of paġna. of course is a synonym of mela. żgħar is a form of żgħir. teoloġija is etymologically related to theologia. taljan is etymologically related to italianus. ġurnata is etymologically related to diurnum. horse is a synonym of żiemel. wied is related to valley. sekwenzjalment is related to sekwenzjali. ħamiema is related to pigeon. tmien is similar to disa. talab is derived from tallab. tarka is related to shield. disa is a synonym of disgħa. mintix is etymologically related to x. il ġimgħa is etymologically derived from الجمعة. gomma is related to eraser. sigurtà is related to security. u is etymologically derived from ه. i don't speak english is a synonym of ma nitkellimx bl ingliż. deheb is related to dehbi. marte is related to mars. xjentifiku is related to xjenza. ħafna is etymologically derived from حفنة. essential is a synonym of essenzjali. vjolenti is related to vjolentement. saba is related to finger. emmen is etymologically derived from امن. tfajjel is related to tifel. għand is related to at. sliem għalikom is derived from sliem. sauce is a synonym of zalza. sliem is etymologically related to سلام. mewt is related to mejjet. arja is etymologically related to aria. għarnuq is related to grawwa. tin is a synonym of landa. austria is a synonym of awstrija. mintix is etymologically related to m. eklissi solari is derived from eklissi. għandek bżonn għajnuna is related to għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek. bint is related to daughter. butir is related to butter. ġens has context of biology. lil is a synonym of għand. qal is etymologically related to اعاد. xebbaħ is related to compare. kapo is a synonym of ras. ħaġeb is related to għajn. insetti is a form of insett. ħalq is etymologically related to حلق. sekwenzjali is related to sekwenzjalment. psychology is a synonym of psikoloġija. farruġ is related to serduq. tnejn is similar to żewġ. ċkejken is the opposite of kbir. sitta is etymologically related to ستة. église is a synonym of knisja. namra has context of insects. arkivju is related to file. iljieli is a form of lejl. tnax il is similar to ħdax il. lingwi is a form of lingwa. ħmistax il has context of construct. sinjifikanti is related to sinjifikat. attira is related to attract. wieħed is related to one. tmienja is similar to tmien. konservazzjoni is etymologically derived from conservazione. tfulija is related to childhood. ħassar is etymologically related to خسر. our is a synonym of tagħna. ħaruf is related to nagħġa. produzzjoni is related to production. dsatax il is a synonym of dsatax. libes is the opposite of neża. liba is related to semen. il giddieb għomru qasir is a synonym of lügen haben kurze beine. sigarett is related to pejjep. ħolom is related to dream. navigazzjoni is related to navigation. oħt has context of woman or girl having at least parent in common with another child male or female. qwas is a form of qaws. bużżieqa tal awrina is related to urinary bladder. kiel is etymologically related to اكل. grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandek bżonn għajnuna. żnażan is a form of żunżan. varietajiet is a form of varietà. senswali is etymologically derived from sensuale. peduna is a synonym of kalzetta. libes is related to dress. kunjom is etymologically derived from cognome. fakar is related to ftakar. romol is a form of armel. baxx is etymologically derived from vasciu. tabib is related to tabiba. ħmistax is etymologically related to ħamsa. oil is a synonym of żejt. is snin is a form of sena. varjazzjoni is etymologically derived from variazione. korea ta fuq is related to korea. schwarzes loch is a synonym of toqba sewda. evalwazzjoni is etymologically related to evaluation. ħames has context of construct. fig is a synonym of tina. qasba is related to reed. sea is a synonym of baħar. af is related to know. dineb is related to dnub. john is a synonym of ġwann. għakrux is related to bebbuxu. fehma is etymologically related to fehem. randan is related to fast. edukazzjoni is related to edukazzjonali. auto is a synonym of karozza. illużjonijiet is a form of illużjoni. skwirill is a form of skwiril. maltese is a synonym of maltija. xjentifiku is related to scientific. xogħlijiet is a form of xogħol. ħaġla is related to ħaġel. inħobbok is related to imħabba. komunità is etymologically derived from comunità. qofof is a form of qoffa. kundizzjonalment is related to kundizzjonali. bridegroom is a synonym of għarus. ħadem is related to xogħol. fkieren is a form of fekruna. djarsijiet is a form of dar. uffiċjalment is related to uffiċjali. żrinġ is related to frog. xi is related to any. is sena is a form of sena. miftuħ is etymologically related to مفتوح. żgħożija is related to tfulija. fly is a synonym of dubbiena. organizzazzjoni is related to organization. ors is a synonym of debb. testicle is a synonym of bajda. prostata is etymologically related to προ. ħaruf is related to muntun. suf is related to pubic hair. namra is related to inclination. reliġjon is related to religion. żrinġ is etymologically related to grenouille. ġwann is etymologically related to giovanni. nemla is a synonym of ameise. lumija is related to lemon. xiħ is related to qadim. tensjoni is related to tension. qawsalla is etymologically related to قوس الله. x'jismek is related to isem. mużika is etymologically derived from musica. tieġ is etymologically derived from تاج. rkoppa is related to knee. koroh is a form of ikrah. ikrah is related to ugly. okkażjonijiet is a form of okkażjoni. għandek bżonn għajnuna is related to grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek. żokra is etymologically related to زكرة. repubbliki is a form of repubblika. xewka is etymologically derived from شوكة. franċiż is etymologically derived from francisi. nail is a synonym of difer. dan is similar to dak. biċċier is a synonym of metzger. tħabat is derived from ħabat. jannar is etymologically related to ianuarius. sabieħ is related to sabiħ. sema is etymologically related to سماء. metru is related to mètre. sebgħa is similar to sebat. librerija is related to library. felles is derived from fellus. għajn is related to ħaġeb. dudu tal ħarir is related to chenille. tqila is etymologically derived from ثقيلة. ball is a synonym of ballun. dog translations is a synonym of kelb. tagħhom is related to theirs. ħassar is related to annul. għamel is related to make. hija is related to she. kesħa is related to spürbar. rummiena is etymologically related to رمان. tirma is related to rektum. għattuqa is etymologically related to għattaq. assoċjazzjoni is related to assoċja. għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandek bżonn għajnuna. sittax is etymologically related to ستة عشر. qroqqa is related to brooding. ġeografiku is related to ġeografija. kalendarju is related to calendar. tnax il is a synonym of tnax. november is a synonym of novembru. għarraf is related to ikkommunika. nies is etymologically related to ناس. riħ solari is related to riħ stellari. vier is a synonym of erbgħa. kitarra is related to guitar. minute is a synonym of minuta. latuno is a synonym of ram. september is a synonym of settembru. dinja is etymologically derived from دنيا. ħu is etymologically related to اخ. raqad is related to sleep. centenary is a synonym of ċentinarju. himmel is a synonym of sema. erbgħa is related to four. dahar is related to back. kompożizzjoni is etymologically derived from composizione. weak is a synonym of dgħajjef. ħajja is related to ħaj. ġranet is a form of ġurnata. mintomx is etymologically related to x. kwotazzjonijiet is a form of kwotazzjoni. ficken is a synonym of niek. faucon is a synonym of bies. baħar l aħmar is etymologically derived from البحر الاحمر. ġewnaħ is etymologically related to جناح. għarqan is related to sweaty. ancient is a synonym of qadim. hemm is etymologically related to تما. tqil is etymologically derived from ثقيل. tmien is similar to seba. ljunfant is a synonym of elefant. sodju has context of chemistry. qabeż is related to jump. biss is related to only. qorq is related to sandlija. qoxra is related to bark. four is a synonym of erbgħa. żrinġ is etymologically related to جرانة. oublier is a synonym of nesa. ġermanja is etymologically related to germania. tmint is a synonym of tmienja. boru has context of chemistry. żewġ is etymologically related to جوج. interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa is a synonym of interazzjoni dgħajfa. erbatax is etymologically related to erbgħa. hundo is a synonym of kelb. erba is related to four. erbatax is similar to erbatax il. serp is etymologically derived from serpi. qawwa is related to geistig. qam is related to rise. aristotile is etymologically related to αριστοτελησ. merkurju is related to mercury. war is a synonym of gwerra. ix is a form of il. notte is a synonym of lejl. qatra is etymologically related to قطر. fish is a synonym of ħuta. l is a form of il. tgħallem is etymologically related to تعلم. tirma has context of anatomy. korea t isfel is related to korea. ሰይፍ is etymologically related to sejf. brimba is a synonym of spinne. qattus is related to ferħ. condition is a synonym of kundizzjoni. jiena is a form of jien. baqra is related to weiblich. gidi is related to mogħża. sebbaħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. bużżieqa has context of anatomy. uġigħ fil widna is derived from uġigħ. indika is related to indikazzjoni. żaqq is etymologically derived from ܙܩܐ. żarmuġ is related to fenek. għażel is related to għażla. ġirasol is etymologically derived from girasole. sptar is related to feststellen. għaxar is a synonym of għaxra. eżerċita is related to eżerċizzju. sħaħar is a form of saħħar. reġina is related to queen. farruġ is etymologically related to אפרוח. speċifiku is etymologically related to specifico. qamar is related to moon. emozzjoni is related to emotion. dentifriċju is a synonym of zahnkrem. anġlu is related to tätig. kalb is a synonym of għoġol. huma is etymologically related to هما. testikola is a synonym of ħaswa. għasel is related to honey. ilsien is related to language. almofada is etymologically related to mħadda. disa is a synonym of disgħa. island is a synonym of gżira. barka is related to bierek. berger is related to hamburger. ippenetra is related to penetrazzjoni. ekoloġija is related to ecology. soċjalment is related to soċjali. liebru is related to hare. xemgħa is related to gelblich. lingwi is a form of lingwa. inibizzjoni is etymologically derived from inibizione. ħabiba is a form of ħabib. ożmju has context of chimie. ħlejjaq is a form of ħalq. żebbuġa is related to żebbuġ. għaraq is related to sweat. bejt is etymologically derived from بيت. klassifikazzjonijiet is a form of klassifikazzjoni. naqqas is related to diminish. perċezzjonijiet is a form of perċezzjoni. понедельник is a synonym of it tnejn. xafra is related to blade. kwistjoni is related to question. tiċrita is a synonym of reissen. ġustizzja is etymologically derived from giustizia. aħwa has context of ecclesiastical. ieħor is etymologically related to اخر. widnejn is a form of widna. moħħ is etymologically related to مخ. ġenitali is related to genitalia. volpi mara is related to vixen. abbaziji is a form of abbazija. belt is etymologically derived from بلد. farrak is related to shatter. okkażjonalment is related to occasionally. suf is etymologically related to صوف. attur is related to actor. sikkina is related to knife. vocal is a synonym of vokali. bieb is etymologically derived from باب. tradizzjoni is related to tradizzjonali. rappreżentazzjonijiet is a form of rappreżentazzjoni. dbieben is a form of dubbiena. mewt is etymologically related to mejjet. għaref is related to wise. xugaman is related to trocken. ocak is a synonym of jannar. kokroċ is etymologically related to cockroach. ħarja is a synonym of ħmieġ. ħanżir is related to ħanżira. għadmiet is related to għadam. forsi is related to maybe. qabża is related to jump. tmien is similar to seba. impressjonijiet is a form of impressjoni. granċi is a synonym of qabru. sigurtajiet is a form of sigurtà. gvern is etymologically related to governo. il is etymologically derived from ال. għoxx has context of slang. merħba is related to ħello. sigurtà is etymologically related to securitatem. meat is a synonym of laħam. anġeliku is derived from anġlu. kakka is a synonym of kacke. kell is related to have. laħam is etymologically derived from لحم. duttur is a synonym of tabib. minn bejn l imwiet is related to qam. life is a synonym of ħajja. varjetajiet is a form of varjetà. xtara is etymologically related to اشترى. erbat is a synonym of erbgħa. sbejħin is a form of sbejjaħ. x inhu is related to x. aħwa is a form of oħt. ljun is related to lion. għasfura is related to bird. ġdid is the opposite of qadim. danish is a synonym of daniż. pferd is a synonym of żiemel. atturi is a form of attriċi. tlitt is related to three. teoloġiku is related to teoloġija. sistematiku is related to sistematikament. scheisse is a synonym of ħarja. cagna is a synonym of kelba. produzzjonijiet is a form of produzzjoni. żerniq is etymologically related to ܙ. ewropa has context of geography. ħareġ is related to come. flugzeug is a synonym of ajruplan. kullimkien is related to everywhere. alġebra is etymologically derived from algebraicus. infektiĝo is a synonym of infezzjoni. fehem is etymologically related to فهم. erbat is related to four. darsijiet is a form of dar. minuta is etymologically derived from minuto. tradizzjonalment is related to tradizzjonali. għarbi is etymologically related to عربي. għaxar is similar to disa. pigeon is a synonym of ħamiema. annimal is related to animal. miniex is etymologically related to x. cathédrale is a synonym of katidral. ċpar is related to leicht. musrana is etymologically related to مصران. ċaw is related to goodbye. għand bżonn is derived from għand. għattuqa is etymologically related to għattaq. falkun is etymologically derived from falcuni. letame is a synonym of demel. bniedem is related to man. avverbju is related to adverb. kedd is related to wear. mhux is related to not. no is a synonym of xejn. żebbuġ is etymologically derived from زنبوج. ivvjola is related to violate. ħlejjaq is a form of ħlieqa. coffee is a synonym of kafè. sħaħar is a form of saħħar. ekoloġiji is a form of ekoloġija. għarraf is related to disclose. ladder is a synonym of sellum. kakka is a synonym of ħarja. għaxra is related to ten. tista tgħinni is related to can you help me. dawl is related to dawwal. kakerlake is a synonym of wirdiena. dusk is a synonym of għabex. india is a synonym of indja. rainbow is a synonym of qawsalla. omelette is a synonym of froġa. belarusian is a synonym of belarussa. baum is a synonym of siġra. eċċezzjonijiet is a form of eċċezzjoni. senswali is related to sensual. teknoloġiku is related to teknoloġikament. mgħarfa is related to spoon. każak is related to każakistan. kundizzjoni is related to kundizzjonalment. għatu is etymologically related to غطاء. kunjom is related to surname. niek is related to screw. kokk is a form of kokka. traduzzjoni is related to traduction. womb is a synonym of ġuf. she is a synonym of hi. kaptana is related to kaptan. i don't understand is a synonym of ma nifhimx. sécurité is a synonym of sigurtà. liebru is related to fenek. ħbieb is a form of ħabiba. ħmieġ is a synonym of scheisse. jewish is a synonym of lhudi. armel is related to widower. sottomissjoni is etymologically derived from sottomissione. maktur is a synonym of taschentuch. okkażjoni is related to okkażjonali. aggredixxa is related to aggressiv. bewsa is related to kiss. biċċa is related to piece. classification is a synonym of klassifikazzjoni. qawwi is related to strong. face is a synonym of wiċċ. seven is a synonym of sebgħa. vjolenza is related to violence. varjazzjonijiet is a form of varjazzjoni. divrenzja is related to differenti. waħdiet is a form of wieħed. sitt is a synonym of sitta. xiħ is etymologically related to شيخ. ħafna is etymologically related to rather. widna is etymologically related to اذن. bniet is a form of tifla. seksi is related to sexy. iben is related to fils. u is etymologically derived from و. ħarja is a synonym of kakka. skin is a synonym of ġilda. believe is a synonym of emmen. hindi is a synonym of ħindi. aħna is etymologically related to احنا. aġġettiv is etymologically derived from adiectivus. soccer is a synonym of futbol. iet is related to i. ammira is related to admire. kokka is etymologically related to cucca. ċentru is related to centre. paġna is related to page. frog is a synonym of żrinġ. wolf is a synonym of lupu. nom is related to noun. bicycle is a synonym of rota. nazzjonalment is related to nazzjonali. mahomet is a synonym of muħammed. komunikazzjonijiet is a form of komunikazzjoni. mħuħ is a form of moħħ. imħabba is related to ħabb. eterosesswali is related to eterosesswalità. gozitan is a synonym of għawdxi. qamar is etymologically related to قمر. rixa is related to rix. mutter is a synonym of omm. ħmistax il is a synonym of ħmistax. k is etymologically related to ك. fellus is related to serduq. difficult is a synonym of diffiċli. zwiebel is a synonym of basla. spiżjar is related to chemist. għen is etymologically derived from اعان. spanish is a synonym of spanjol. oċean is etymologically derived from ωκεανοσ. sekwenzjali is related to sekwenzjalment. dawra is related to tour. żgħażagħ is a form of żagħżugħ. tnejn is similar to żewġ. irish is a synonym of irlandiż. konġunzjoni is etymologically derived from cungiunzioni. fixkel is etymologically related to فشكل. peduna is a synonym of socke. wieġeb is related to respond. interazzjoni nukleari qawwija is a synonym of interazzjoni qawwija. sħun is the opposite of kiesaħ. kapaċità is related to capacity. le is related to iva. ġens is etymologically related to جنس. xogħlijiet is a form of xogħol. mħaded is a form of mħadda. caterpillar is a synonym of dudu tal ħarir. muhammad is a synonym of muħammed. xemxi is derived from xemx. xitan is a synonym of dämon. nemusa is etymologically related to ناموسة. kollezzjonijiet is a form of kollezzjoni. għawdxija is derived from għawdex. yellow sea is a synonym of baħar l isfar. xebba is related to xbubija. formazzjonijiet is a form of formazzjoni. popli is a form of poplu. għasfur tal bejt is etymologically related to għasfur. borża is related to bag. ħanżir is etymologically related to خنزير. saqaf is related to bejt. ħaġra is etymologically derived from حجر. għarqan is related to għereq. escape is a synonym of ħarab. madankollu is etymologically related to kull. li is related to who. ħaġeb is related to għatu ta l għajn. bejta is related to burrow. ċena is related to dinner. perception is a synonym of perċezzjoni. flieles is a form of fellus. dgħajfin is a form of dgħajjef. ġunju is etymologically related to iunius. rappreżentazzjoni is related to representation. borra is a synonym of silġ. rħula is a form of raħal. attrazzjonijiet is a form of attrazzjoni. stimulazzjonijiet is a form of stimulazzjoni. abtei is a synonym of abbazija. tliet is a synonym of tlieta. xtaq is related to desire. mar is related to go. sura is related to image. dgħajsa is a synonym of boot. erbatax il is similar to tlettax il. l ewwel is related to ewlieni. għadma is etymologically derived from عظم. għoxrin is etymologically related to عشرون. saqqu is related to bestehend. għażel is related to selezzjoni. rand is related to bay. dak is etymologically related to ذاك. vraiment is a synonym of tassew. romol is a form of armel. indipendenti is related to indipendenza. dawn is a synonym of żerniq. mikul is a form of kiel. cow is a synonym of baqra. pelvi is related to pelviku. ħdax il is a synonym of ħdax. participation is a synonym of parteċipazzjoni. timide is a synonym of mistħi. għarb is related to ouest. trijonf is a synonym of rebħa. għaxart is related to ten. fradal is a form of fardal. arkivju has context of collection of papers. ħuttafa is etymologically related to خطاف. fired is related to separate. key is a synonym of ċavetta. qattus is related to cat. stonku is related to stomach. italie is a synonym of italja. jiskomoda is related to skomdu. together is a synonym of flimkien. bnedmin is a form of bniedem. suq is etymologically related to سوق. psyk is a synonym of kelb. nombre is a synonym of numru. ikoll is etymologically related to lil. imħabba is etymologically derived from محبة. polen is a synonym of polonja. fixkel is related to obstruct. demokrazija is related to demokratiku. impossibbli is related to impossibilment. papri is a form of papra. demokratiku is related to demokratikament. nagħġa is etymologically related to نعجة. bejjiegħ is etymologically related to بياع. dnub is related to dineb. qara is etymologically related to قرا. introduzzjonijiet is a form of introduzzjoni. hawn is related to hawnhekk. aggressivament is related to aggressively. demgħa is a synonym of träne. bottle is a synonym of flixkun. impressjonanti is related to impressjona. katidral is related to cathédrale. baxx is etymologically derived from bassus. vaġina has context of anatomy. definizzjoni is etymologically related to definitio. sbatax il is similar to sittax il. tifel is related to tfulija. blinka is related to turn signal. għadira is a synonym of lag. feuille is a synonym of werqa. trakter is related to anhängen. għadira is a synonym of lag. għawdxi is derived from għawdex. marid is related to mard. proprjetà is related to property. ġermaniż is etymologically related to iż. flower is a synonym of fjura. iċep has context of australia. fire translations is a synonym of nar. għarus is related to għarusa. tiċrita is a synonym of einreissen. farrak is related to crush. okkażjonijiet is a form of okkażjoni. frisk is related to fresh. cœur is a synonym of qalb. schraubenzieher is a synonym of tornavit. hemm is related to there. choléra is a synonym of kolera. xi ħadd is derived from xi. his is a synonym of tagħhom. bucket is a synonym of barmil. diversità is related to diversity. edizzjoni is related to edition. leġiżlazzjoni is related to leġiżlattiv. elettromanjetiċi is a form of elettromanjetiku. chlorine is a synonym of kloru. ħelwin is a form of ħelu. fleur is a synonym of fjura. terbium is a synonym of terbju. kato is a synonym of qattus. ħabib is a synonym of freund. prostata is related to prostate. sesswalità is related to sesswali. twaġen is a form of taġen. karitajiet is a form of karità. riħ is related to cold. niek is related to fuck. demokratikament is related to demokrazija. joker is a synonym of buffu. close is a synonym of qrib. żebbuġiet is a form of żebbuġa. ożmju is related to osmium. daniż is related to daniża. toqba tas sorm is derived from sorm. tensjonijiet is a form of tensjoni. kubrit is related to sulfur. lion is a synonym of iljun. dizzjunarju is etymologically related to dictionarium. fekruna is related to turtle. maħniex is etymologically related to m. dipartimenti is a form of dipartiment. kaboċċa is related to cabbage. ta is etymologically related to تبع. solar wind is a synonym of riħ solari. from is a synonym of minn. libertà is related to liberty. eċċitazzjoni is etymologically derived from eccitazione. kullimkien is related to flimkien. seqer is related to falcon. annimali is a form of annimal. żbub is a form of żobb. ġeografija is related to geography. everywhere is a synonym of kullimkien. rix is a form of rixa. ilbieraħ is etymologically derived from البارح. żejt is etymologically related to زيت. sitta is related to six. interazzjoni nukleari qawwija is related to strong nuclear interaction. kontribuzzjonijiet is a form of kontribuzzjoni. judaism is a synonym of ġudaiżmu. dawl is related to midwal. xufftejn is a form of xoffa. essenzjalment is related to essentially. bejjiegħ is related to seller. żifna is related to żifen. cipolla is a synonym of basla. mintomx is etymologically related to شيء. affezzjoni is related to affection. rose is a synonym of warda. pierre tombale is a synonym of lapida. għatu ta l għajn is derived from għatu. importanti is etymologically related to importante. ħaseb is related to imħasseb. korea ta fuq is related to korea t isfel. arloġġ is etymologically derived from horologium. chausson is a synonym of papoċċa. zalzetta is related to künstlich. emozzjonali is related to emozzjonalment. nhar is related to daytime. night is a synonym of lejl. as is a synonym of kif. ammira is etymologically derived from ammirare. sock is a synonym of kalzetta. thanks is a synonym of grazzi. ħmistax is etymologically related to خمستاشر. red sea is a synonym of baħar l aħmar. kartoffel is a synonym of patata. rabe is a synonym of għarab. libes is related to libbes. où is a synonym of fejn. xebbaħ is related to xebħ. fonoloġija is related to phonology. assoċjazzjonijiet is a form of assoċjazzjoni. passjonijiet is a form of passjoni. macedonian is a synonym of maċedonjan. buffa is related to buffu. illum is derived from jum. sebgħa is similar to sebat. poeżiji is a form of poeżija. invenzjonijiet is a form of invenzjoni. ħolma is related to ħolom. sodju is related to sodium. ma is etymologically related to مع. l ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. beetle is a synonym of ħanfusa. emotional is a synonym of emozzjonali. elf is related to elfejn. pożizzjoni is related to position. stimulazzjonijiet is a form of stimulazzjoni. white translations is a synonym of bajda. indikazzjoni is related to indikattiv. protezzjoni is etymologically derived from protezione. trakters is a form of trakter. emozzjonali is related to emozzjoni. traġedja is related to traġiku. identitajiet is a form of identità. ta is related to give. ħdax il has context of construct. sitt has context of construct. goose is a synonym of wiżża. dejjem is etymologically derived from دايم. past is a synonym of passat. easy is a synonym of faċli. qorti is related to court of law. attrazzjoni is related to attraction. scheisse is a synonym of kakka. qwiebel is a form of qabla. mouche is a synonym of dubbiena. randan is etymologically derived from رمضان. gujarati is a synonym of guġarati. pluvo is a synonym of xita. proġett is related to project. intensità is related to intensity. gvern is related to government. arkitett is etymologically derived from architetto. ħaddiem is related to arbeitet. oħxon is related to ħxien. debb is a synonym of ors. spanjol is related to ispanjol. hot is a synonym of sħun. prepuzju is etymologically derived from prepuzio. ġens is related to gender. xmux is a form of xemx. young is a synonym of żgħażagħ. bews is a form of bewsa. għasar is related to squeeze. sinonimu is etymologically related to συνωνυμον. għajn is related to fawwara. ear is a synonym of widna. kid is a synonym of gidja. iċ is a form of il. parteċipazzjoni is related to participation. ċkejken is a synonym of żgħir. duda is a form of dudu. leġiżlazzjoni is etymologically derived from legislazione. kull is related to kuljum. għoġol is related to baqra. farfett is related to butterfly. difer is etymologically related to ظفر. splużiv is related to verbrennen. qaddis is related to san. ġens has context of grammar. bejta is etymologically related to بيت. ni is etymologically derived from ني. xtara is related to purchase. namra is related to affectation. afrikaans is a synonym of afrikans. iva is related to yes. pagun is etymologically related to παγωνι. דבא is etymologically related to debb. belti is etymologically related to belt. tuffiħiet is a form of tuffieħa. uffiċjali is related to uffiċjalment. tfajjel is related to kid. muntun is etymologically derived from muntuni. airport is a synonym of mitjar. ġuvni is related to ġuvnott. farruġ is etymologically related to فروج. marad is related to marrad. barka is related to blessing. konġunzjoni is related to conjonction. għarfien is related to awareness. nisa is a form of mara. duka is related to duke. attivazzjonijiet is a form of attivazzjoni. demokratiku is related to demokrazija. armla is related to widow. ħdejn is related to near. man translations is a synonym of bniedem. fenêtre is a synonym of tieqa. fonoloġija has context of linguistics. għarb is etymologically related to غرب. leġiżlazzjoni is related to leġislatur. tmien is a synonym of tmienja. uġigħ is related to ache. nar is etymologically derived from نار. airplane is a synonym of ajruplan. mart is related to wife. ich is a synonym of jien. sellum is related to ladder. baqar is a form of baqra. tiġieġ is a form of tiġieġa. ejn is related to ijiet. bastun is related to cane. today is a synonym of illum. number is a synonym of numru. sistematikament is etymologically derived from sistematicamente. ijiet is related to iet. fil is related to leiten. interazzjonijiet fundamentali is a form of interazzjoni fundamentali. namra is related to doqqajsa. kafè is etymologically derived from قهوه. għaraq is related to għereq. tfulija is related to tifel. soie is a synonym of ħarir. lügen haben kurze beine is a synonym of il giddieb għomru qasir. gull is a synonym of gawwija. forget is a synonym of nesa. biċċa is etymologically related to pezzo. kullana is related to ġiżirana. sorm is etymologically related to صرم. żwiemel is a form of żiemel. skojjatlu is etymologically derived from scoiattulu. gidi is etymologically derived from جدي. xadin is related to monkey. mund is a synonym of ħalq. oħxon is related to thick. dawra is related to turn. sur is etymologically related to sinjur. ċans is related to opportunity. żiemel is related to moħor. terbju is related to terbium. toqba sewda has context of astronomy. għarqan is related to għereq. leber is a synonym of fwied. ġisem is related to body. ħxien is related to fat. rmied is etymologically derived from رماد. tranżizzjoni is related to tranżizzjonali. money is a synonym of flus. raġel is related to man. seraq is etymologically related to سرق. blalen is a form of ballun. nemus is a form of nemusa. geschichte is a synonym of storja. ipparteċipa is etymologically derived from partecipare. tabib is related to għandi bżonn tabib. qtates is related to qattus. għajxien is related to survival. spanjoli is a form of spanjol. sand is a synonym of ramel. punent is related to ouest. poland is a synonym of polonja. żebbuġi is derived from żebbuġa. inti allerġiku għal mediċini is related to are you allergic to any medications. rċieva is related to receive. dan is etymologically related to hawn. bierek is related to bless. qasba tas sieq is derived from qasba. rixa is related to feather. tmintax is etymologically related to tmienja. interazzjoni dgħajfa is a synonym of interazzjoni nukleari dgħajfa. żero is related to zero. tmint is similar to disat. tlieta is similar to tliet. attira is related to attrattiv. tiġieġa is related to farruġ. irreaġixxa is related to react. ċerva is related to ċerv. applikazzjoni is related to application. id dar il bajda is related to maison blanche. aggressivi is a form of aggressiv. fjakkla is a synonym of torċa. baqra is a synonym of kuh. għal is etymologically derived from على. foie is a synonym of fwied. head is a synonym of ras. siġra is etymologically derived from شجرة. novembre is a synonym of novembru. issa is etymologically related to is siegħa. cane is a synonym of kelb. sommer is a synonym of sajf. ta min is derived from min. blinka is a synonym of indikejter. abbazija is a synonym of abtei. mosquito is a synonym of nemusa. tifel is related to boy. riġel is related to foot. quddiem is related to presence. police is a synonym of pulizija. għandek bżonn għajnuna is related to do you need help. grabstein is a synonym of lapida. ktieb is related to literarisch. nsara is a form of nisrani. mnieħer has context of anatomie. qawwa is a synonym of energie. ilma is related to eau. kiss is a synonym of bies. vjolenza is related to vjolentement. penetrazzjonijiet is a form of penetrazzjoni. ġens is related to sex. qasba is related to rod. għalaq is the opposite of fetaħ. silġ is etymologically related to xemx. pornografiku is related to pornographic. prosit is related to congratulations. aéroport is a synonym of ajruport. iljunfant is a synonym of ljunfant. silġ is etymologically related to siġra. darba is related to darab. tranżizzjoni is etymologically derived from transizione. tnax is etymologically related to tnejn. qabla is etymologically derived from قابلة. impressjona is related to impressjoni. franċiżi is a form of franċiż. terbju has context of chimie. għodod is a form of għodda. fondation is a synonym of fondazzjoni. għalaq is related to shut. ras has context of anatomy. ċawliet is a form of ċawla. ross is related to rice. evoluzzjonijiet is a form of evoluzzjoni. ġugarell is a synonym of spielzeug. horn is a synonym of qarn. alwetta is etymologically related to alouette. tlettax il is similar to erbatax il. dubbien is derived from dubbiena. korea t isfel is related to korea ta fuq. tranżizzjonijiet is a form of tranżizzjoni. illużjonijiet is a form of illużjoni. eduka is related to edukazzjonali. ħurrieqa is etymologically related to حريق. meta is etymologically derived from متى. copenhague is a synonym of kopenħagen. riħ solari is related to solar wind. xaħam is etymologically related to شحم. lejl u nhar is derived from nhar. farrak is related to wreck. pajjiż is related to country. cancer is a synonym of kanċer. muntanja is etymologically derived from montagna. mejda is related to table. greek is a synonym of grieg. xebba is related to girl. pożizzjonijiet is a form of pożizzjoni. inibizzjoni is related to inibixxa. fil is related to länger. chat is a synonym of qtates. tebut is etymologically related to تابوت. skwirill is a form of skwiril. physician is a synonym of tabiba. daħak is etymologically related to ضحك. understand is a synonym of fehem. seba is similar to tmien. alla is related to god. qabel is etymologically related to قبل. żewġt is a synonym of tnejn. aħbar is etymologically related to اخبار. ħnieżer is a form of ħanżira. kalendarju is related to astronomisch. promozzjoni is related to ippromwova. hinn is etymologically related to هناك. merħba is related to welcome. farfett il lejl is etymologically related to lejl. ġnejna is derived from ġnien. nominazzjonijiet is a form of nominazzjoni. ħmistax il is similar to sittax il. skylark is a synonym of alwetta. ħello is related to merħba. czech is a synonym of ċeki. żarmuġ is related to young. rmied is related to smoke. xafra is etymologically related to شفرة. qatel is related to kill. qattus has context of zoologie. airport is a synonym of ajruport. volpi is etymologically related to vulpes. inti is etymologically related to انت. tornavit is related to screwdriver. ħaraq is etymologically related to حرق. government is a synonym of gvern. calculation is a synonym of ħsieb. beċċun is a synonym of ħamiema. sriep is a form of serp. kewkba is a synonym of stilla. palladju is related to palladium. wieġeb is related to reply. ħaswa is related to testicle. għadu is related to feindlich. sigarett is related to pejjep. butir is etymologically related to βουτυρον. ugly is a synonym of ikrah. ilsien is related to tongue. king is a synonym of re. bena is related to build. ħonoq is related to strangle. qanfud is related to hedgehog. saffron is a synonym of żaffran. ċena is related to supper. sing is a synonym of kanta. ħellow is related to allo. inħobbok is related to ħabb. moldau is a synonym of moldova. ħelwin is a form of ħelu. belarusian is a synonym of belarussu. affezzjonijiet is a form of affezzjoni. ġabar is etymologically related to جبر. trijonf is related to triumph. frar is related to février. sigriet is etymologically derived from sigretu. xebba is related to xbejba. kelb is related to chien. friefet is a form of farfett. ħarja is a synonym of kakka. fehem is related to understand. ktieb is etymologically related to كتاب. il ktieb is a form of ktieb. opinion is a synonym of fehma. għadmiet is a form of għadma. sultan is related to sultana. żar is etymologically related to زار. passat is related to past. baħri is etymologically derived from بحر. chypre is a synonym of ċipru. duda is related to worm. ittraduċa is related to traduzzjoni. inbid is a synonym of nbid. dalam is related to dark. dalam is etymologically related to ظلم. dnub is related to moralisch. reazzjoni is related to irreaġixxa. stern is a synonym of niġma. flimkien is etymologically related to kullimkien. roumanie is a synonym of rumanija. iljunfant is a synonym of fil. ħanaq is a form of ħonoq. dipartiment is related to department. marad is related to marrad. żgħożija is related to żagħżugħ. dan is related to this. ċavetta is etymologically derived from ciavetta. għażeb is related to bachelor. mitjar is etymologically derived from طار. allerġiku is related to allerġija. bisesswali is related to bisexual. mintix is etymologically related to m. ħaseb is etymologically related to حسب. xi is related to b'xi. bies has context of zoologie. qoxra is etymologically related to قشرة. armenisch is a synonym of armenjan. dejjaq is related to narrow. sebat is similar to sitt. għandi l għatx is related to għandi l ġuħ. xiex is related to what. ġnus is a form of ġens. farfett is etymologically related to فرططو. pozzo is a synonym of bir. xorb is related to xorob. kapaċità is etymologically derived from capacità. teknoloġiku is related to teknoloġija. suffara is related to whistle. french revolution is a synonym of rivoluzzjoni franċiża. rivoluzzjoni is related to révolution. ċirku is related to circle. musique is a synonym of mużika. onion is a synonym of basla. il ktieb is a form of ktieb. interazzjoni elettromanjetika is related to elettromanjetiżmu. patt is etymologically derived from patto. ċpar is related to fwar. berquqa is etymologically related to persica praecocia. ċipru is related to méditerranéen. midwife is a synonym of qabla. sapo is a synonym of sapuna. borra is a synonym of schnee. xi is etymologically related to شيء. demb is related to tail. hand is a synonym of id. xorob is related to xorb. mislef is a synonym of bank. duki is a form of duka. ajruplan is a synonym of flugzeug. silġ is a synonym of borra. silġ is a synonym of borra. baqa is related to remain. okkażjoni is related to okkażjonali. tilef is related to telfa. qżieqeż is a form of qażquż. varsovie is a synonym of varsavja. randan has context of christianity. wool is a synonym of suf. mogħża is etymologically related to ماعز. lukandi is a form of lukanda. intom is etymologically related to انتم. vidvino is a synonym of armla. i is related to ijiet. baxx is related to down. magħmudija has context of christianity. monday is a synonym of it tnejn. għamel is related to do. sess is related to sesswali. tradizzjonali is etymologically derived from tradizzionali. ħdax il is similar to disa. maison is a synonym of dar. kulturalment is related to kulturali. hungary is a synonym of ungerija. fumée is a synonym of duħħan. kowtijiet is a form of kowt. cave is a synonym of għar. kaktus is a synonym of sabbara. sittax is etymologically related to ستاشر. mintix is etymologically related to x. assoċjazzjonijiet is a form of assoċjazzjoni. intensitajiet is a form of intensità. uffiċjali is etymologically derived from ufficiali. deskrizzjoni is related to iddeskriva. żewġt is a synonym of tnejn. sekwenza is related to sekwenzjali. assoċjazzjoni is related to association. ġorġjan is similar to ġorġjana. traġiku is related to traġedja. tajjeb is related to well. possibbli is related to possibilità. bidel is etymologically related to بدل. nuċċali tax xemx is derived from nuċċali. wiżża is related to goose. gozo is a synonym of għawdex. deskrizzjonijiet is a form of deskrizzjoni. attira is related to attrattiv. splużiv is related to entfalten. vjolentement is related to vjolenza. dragun is related to dragon. għajnuna is related to għen. ċawlun is a synonym of krähe. karab is related to karba. ombre is a synonym of dell. sabieħ is related to sbuħija. okkażjoni is related to occasion. nazzjon is etymologically derived from natio. esperjenza is related to experience. pillow is a synonym of mħadda. fuchs is a synonym of volpi. xeniku is related to scenic. keff is etymologically derived from كف. different is a synonym of differenti. moħħ is related to brain. tail is a synonym of demb. fellus is related to serduq. skola is etymologically derived from schola. diablo is a synonym of xitan. metru is related to metre. sarg is a synonym of tebut. issieħeb is related to join. irġejjen is a form of reġina. fakar is related to remember. dar is related to house. lil is a synonym of għand. ward is a form of warda. jista is a form of seta. papra is etymologically related to papera. mogħoż is a form of mogħża. merry christmas is a synonym of il milied it tajjeb. quail is a synonym of summiena. kuċċarda prima is related to buse. mislef is related to bank. dsatax il is similar to għoxrin. ekoloġiku is related to ecological. erezzjoni is related to erection. għen is related to għajnuna. baqra is related to gendus. blinka has context of automotive. ħżiena is a form of ħażin. qaws is related to qawsalla. reliġjuz is related to reliġjon. qwiel is a form of qawl. santé is a synonym of saħħa. mistħi is related to timide. wasal is etymologically related to وصل. carbon is a synonym of karbonju. kwistjonijiet is a form of kwistjoni. demokrazija is related to demokratikament. kiser is related to break. acquis has context of droit. jisimni is related to x'jismek. ħlieqa is related to creature. qarn is etymologically related to قرن. għadu is related to enemy. muntun is related to ħaruf. għadira is related to pool. ħuttafa is related to ħuttaf. mejda is related to table. stimula is related to stimulazzjoni. farfett il lejl has context of zoologie. kalzetta is related to einteilig. passivament is derived from passiv. quddiem is etymologically related to قدم. arc en ciel is a synonym of qawsalla. karawetta is a synonym of erdnuss. proprjetà is etymologically derived from proprietà. tranżizzjonijiet is a form of tranżizzjoni. astronomical unit is a synonym of unità astronomika. trecker is a synonym of trakter. indja is related to inde. sexual is a synonym of sesswali. namra is related to queen. għoġol is related to jung. word is a synonym of kelma. okkażjonalment is related to okkażjonali. indika is related to point. rixa is etymologically related to ريش. fieragħ is related to void. isqra is a form of seqer. elju is related to hélium. soker is etymologically derived from soccer. fittex is related to search. qamla is etymologically related to قمل. aħmar is etymologically related to احمر. spiżjara is related to spiżjar. in is related to i. sekonda is etymologically derived from secondo. saqaf is related to ceiling. ġuvnott is related to ġuvni. ħaseb is related to think. iċ ċpar is a form of ċpar. ċpar is related to fwar. granċ is a form of granċi. naħal is a form of naħla. ħarab is related to escape. irmied is related to ash. chameau is a synonym of ġemel. spatz is a synonym of għasfur tal bejt. christian is a synonym of nisranija. xiex is related to x inhu. ilħna is a form of leħen. joker is a synonym of buffa. ċuċ is related to idiot. bajd is a form of bajda. sbejjaħ is related to nice. grieg has context of person. kroat is related to kroazja. fenek is related to rabbit. l abbaziji is a form of abbazija. ipprojbixxa is related to forbid. evalwazzjonijiet is a form of evalwazzjoni. vjolenti is related to vjolenza. organiżżazzjonijiet is a form of organiżżazzjoni. tejjeb is related to improve. vjolentement is related to vjolenti. għaksiet is a form of għaksa. sigarri is a form of sigarru. kompetizzjoni is related to compétition. ipprojbixxa is related to prohibit. silber is a synonym of fidda. kolon has context of anatomy. ċans is related to chance. tirma is etymologically related to طيز. ciao is a synonym of ċaw. ispanjol is related to ispanja. bomb is a synonym of bomba. ܚܣܬܐ is etymologically related to ħassa. fil is a synonym of draht. għin is a form of għen. jekk is related to if. nazzjoni is related to nation. aigle is a synonym of ajkla. foreskin is a synonym of prepuzju. super héros is a synonym of supereroj. it tnejn has context of day of week. frizzjoni is related to friction. feather is a synonym of rix. ġie is etymologically related to جاء. qaħba has context of vulgar. maltemp is related to weather. mejda is etymologically related to مايدة. ħataf is related to grasp. koroh is a form of ikrah. sinjifikanti is related to sinjifikat. għaxart is similar to disat. alwetta is related to lark. regolamenti is related to règlement. iċ is a form of il. stallatico is a synonym of demel. ħdax is etymologically related to wieħed. bajda is related to testicle. rabbit is a synonym of fenek. tut is etymologically derived from توت. nominazzjoni is related to nomination. għargħar is related to juniper. their is a synonym of tagħhom. anġlu is etymologically related to αγγελοσ. konnotazzjonijiet is a form of konnotazzjoni. basla is related to onion. azeite is etymologically related to żejt. teknoloġiku is related to teknoloġikament. sinjur has context of form of address. dan is etymologically related to xejn. dgħajfin is a form of dgħajjef. fisch is a synonym of ħuta. vokali is related to leħen. sebat is similar to tmint. france is a synonym of franza. eżamijiet is a form of eżami. barka is etymologically related to ברכה. ħażin is related to wicked. għereq is related to għarqan. engel is a synonym of anġlu. annimali is a form of annimal. kunjom is etymologically derived from cognomen. ġeru is related to pup. conjonction is a synonym of konġunzjoni. silġ is related to ice. tion is a synonym of zzjoni. għabex is related to dusk. xitan is a synonym of teufel. inti is related to you. fackel is a synonym of fjakkla. xorb is related to xorob. għaxra is similar to għaxar. ħa is related to take. kafè is related to café. leħen is related to voice. vuċi is related to voice. belarussi is a form of belarussa. twal is a form of twil. assimilazzjoni is etymologically derived from assimilazione. liver is a synonym of fwied. namra is etymologically related to innamorare. armenia is a synonym of armenja. kundizzjonali is related to kundizzjonalment. ġelat is etymologically related to gelato. tfajjel is related to tfajla. mejjet is etymologically derived from ميت. romol is a form of armla. seba is similar to tmien. reliġjon is related to reliġjuz. abaki is a form of abaku. ħalla is related to leave. tajjeb is etymologically derived from طيب. shield is a synonym of tarka. stimulate is a synonym of ħeġġeġ. ferħ is related to young. polizei is a synonym of pulizija. għarusa is etymologically related to عروسة. sesswali is etymologically related to sissuali. ni is related to jien. tifel is related to son. jisem is related to name. hairy is a synonym of muswaf. it trakter is a form of trakter. impressjoni is related to impressjonanti. xadina is a form of xadin. debba is related to żiemel. zwanzig is a synonym of għoxrin. fonoloġija is related to phonologie. other is a synonym of ieħor. kittieb is related to writer. jew is a synonym of lhudi. dinner is a synonym of ċena. wild turkey is a synonym of dundjan. arloġġ is etymologically derived from orologio. sittax il is similar to ħmistax il. kompliċità is etymologically derived from complicità. seventeen is a synonym of sbatax. in is related to ijiet. kimiku is related to chemist. fil is related to grundlegend. marokk is a synonym of renju tal marokk. sittax is etymologically related to sitta. berillju is related to béryllium. tammikuu is a synonym of jannar. elettromanjetiżmu is etymologically derived from elettromagnetismo. traġedji is a form of traġedja. portugal is a synonym of portugall. dining room is a synonym of pranzu. football is a synonym of futbol. before is a synonym of qabel. maize is a synonym of qamħ. debb is etymologically related to dubu. flixkun is related to bottle. wieġeb is a synonym of irrisponda. għorok is related to rub. mejjet is related to miet. sbuħija is a synonym of ġmiel. tagħbijiet is a form of tagħbija. missier is related to father. participate is a synonym of ipparteċipa. għalaq is the opposite of fetaħ. wera is etymologically related to ارى. wirdiena is a synonym of küchenschabe. interazzjoni elettromanjetika is related to electromagnetic interaction. artal is related to altar. għasafar is a form of għasfura. eduka is related to għallem. père is a synonym of missier. pitirross has context of erithacus rubecula. sħaħar is a form of saħħara. xjentifikament is related to xjenza. katze is a synonym of qattusa. ġawhra is etymologically related to جوهر. abaki is a form of abaku. nemel is a form of nemla. chemistry is a synonym of kimika. biċċiera is a form of biċċier. onkel is a synonym of ziju. hindi is a synonym of ħindi. xerq is etymologically related to شرق. bajda is related to egg. għaldaqstant is related to consequently. arseniku has context of chemistry. kewkba is a synonym of stilla. applikazzjoni is etymologically derived from applicazione. peduna is related to sock. gwerra is related to ethnisch. tentazzjoni is etymologically derived from tentazione. tliet is similar to żewġ. kelb is related to dog. għoxux is a form of għoxx. kiber is related to become. eżempju is related to example. coordination is a synonym of koordinazzjoni. riħ is etymologically related to ريح. farfett il lejl is related to chauve souris. thigh is a synonym of koxxa. swied is related to black. victim is a synonym of vittma. tradizzjonalment is related to tradizzjonali. kejn is related to cane. berquqa is related to apricot. qatra is related to drop. formazzjonijiet is a form of formazzjoni. żjara is etymologically related to زيارة. én is a synonym of jien. għasar is etymologically related to عصر. bougie is a synonym of xemgħa. majjal is etymologically related to maialis. artali is a form of artal. casser is a synonym of kiser. slaten is a form of sultan. fil is related to rund. delużjonali is etymologically related to delusional. faċli is the opposite of diffiċli. prezz is related to price. wera is etymologically related to يري. ġesù kristu is related to jesus christ. bibbja is etymologically related to bibbia. woman is a synonym of mara. leiter is a synonym of sellum. mistoqsijiet is a form of mistoqsija. sigriet is related to secret. tentazzjonijiet is a form of tentazzjoni. knisja is related to knisja kattolika. impressive is a synonym of impressjonanti. kelba is etymologically related to كلبة. tongue is a synonym of ilsien. tmintax il is a synonym of tmintax. idroġenu is etymologically derived from idrògginu. tmintax il is similar to dsatax il. welled is related to twieled. ijiet is related to in. soon is a synonym of dalwaqt. tradizzjoni is etymologically derived from tradizzioni. gżira is related to island. cockroach is a synonym of wirdiena. utilità is related to utility. operazzjonijiet is a form of operazzjoni. illużorju is related to illusory. passjoni is etymologically derived from passione. xemxi is related to sunny. tagħkom has context of plural possessor. veritajiet is a form of verità. għadu is related to anderen. japan is a synonym of ġappun. sħubija is related to membership. je is a synonym of jien. dgħajjef is related to weak. pjaneta has context of astronomy. thirteen is a synonym of tlettax. tiġieġa is related to fellus. ġermaniż has context of german person. fjakkla is a synonym of fackel. imkisser is a form of kisser. armenjan is similar to armenjana. żebbuġi is derived from żebbuġa. xemxi is derived from xemx. priest is a synonym of qassis. disat is a synonym of disgħa. azzjoni is related to action. chien is a synonym of kelb. ħassar is related to erase. goat is a synonym of mogħża. disgħa is similar to disa. zéro is a synonym of żero. skorpjun is etymologically related to σκορπιοσ. ħurrieqa is related to nettle. anus is a synonym of toqba tas sorm. uġigħ fl istonku is derived from uġigħ. belfast has context of localités. xebba is related to xebb. biodiversité is a synonym of bijodiversità. psikoloġiku is related to psychology. naqqas is related to reduce. ijiet is related to i. għadma is related to għadam. gwerra is related to sozial. tabib is etymologically related to طبيب. parapluie is a synonym of umbrella. bnadar is a form of bandiera. qrib is related to near. traġedja is related to tragedy. għadma has context of anatomy. tassu is a synonym of eibe. sitwazzjonijiet is a form of sitwazzjoni. atturi is a form of attur. trakters is a form of trakter. komunikazzjoni is related to communication. tnax il is similar to ħdax il. sodium is a synonym of sodju. sekwenzjalment is related to sekwenza. tlitt is similar to żewġt. għarraq is related to warp. waqt is related to during. dubbiena is related to dubbien. xiħ is related to old. participation is a synonym of parteċipazzjoni. bettieħa is related to melon. cold is a synonym of kiesaħ. ajruplan is related to aerodynamisch. barka is etymologically related to بركة. għatu ta l għajn is related to għajn. sura is etymologically derived from صورة. kaktus is a synonym of sabbara. internazzjonalment is etymologically derived from internazionalmente. worm is a synonym of dudu. minn bejn l imwiet is related to from dead. il ħadd is etymologically related to wieħed. k is related to int. evoluzzjoni is etymologically derived from evoluzione. tnax is etymologically related to تناش. tifla is related to girl. aggressivament is related to aggressiv. dawk is a form of dak. għarus is etymologically related to għarusa. patt is related to agreement. candle is a synonym of xemgħa. żarmuġ is related to fenek. quecksilber is a synonym of merkurju. veloċitajiet is a form of veloċità. x inhu is related to xiex. torċa is related to hell. żebbuġa is etymologically related to زبوزة. etimoloġija is etymologically related to etymologia. delużjoni is etymologically related to delusion. repubblika is etymologically derived from repubblica. xoffa has context of anatomy. ewlieni is related to l ewwel. se is etymologically derived from س. ocell is a synonym of għasfur. dentifriċju is a synonym of zahnpasta. qaddis is related to santu. vale is a synonym of wied. fenka is related to fenek. isem is related to x'jismek. priorità is related to priority. armel is related to armla. żgħir is related to tiny. siker is related to drunk. kowtijiet is a form of kowt. christian is a synonym of kristjana. xorob is related to xorb. kind is a synonym of tifel. abjad is etymologically related to ابيض. felu is related to colt. asturjan has context of of from or pertaining to asturias. mitejn is etymologically related to ميتين. il kotba is a form of ktieb. kroatien is a synonym of kroazja. mfietaħ is a form of muftieħ. dudu is related to worm. illużjonista is related to illusionist. sesswali is related to sesswalment. bies is related to bewsa. qrejjaq is a form of qroqqa. milied is etymologically related to ميلاد. what is a synonym of xiex. sabieħ is related to sbejjaħ. veloċitajiet is a form of veloċità. għodod is a form of għodda. swedish is a synonym of żvediż. basla is a synonym of zwiebel. fil is a synonym of sprung. tabella is related to table. kell is etymologically related to lil. ציפור is etymologically related to għasfur. repubbliki is a form of repubblika. xadin is related to ape. żrameġ is a form of żarmuġ. xebb is related to adolescent. frott is related to fruit. elfejn is etymologically related to elf. ħaġeb is related to għatu ta l għajn. asturian is a synonym of asturjan. żgħir is related to small. xita is related to xitwa. chat is a synonym of qattusa. waqt is related to time. ġobon is related to cheese. daħal is related to come. lokijiet is a form of lok. spanjoli is a form of spanjol. soċjali is related to social. pornografija is etymologically related to γραφω. new is a synonym of ġdid. tista is a form of seta. saturday is a synonym of is sibt. ħmieġ is a synonym of kakka. blood is a synonym of demm. leġiżlazzjoni is related to legislation. kundizzjonali is etymologically derived from cundizzionali. coin is a synonym of munita. sottomissjoni is related to submission. warrab is etymologically related to وارب. possibbli is related to possibilità. bies is related to kiss. gendus is related to għoġol. tensjonijiet is a form of tensjoni. colon is a synonym of kolon. ċawl is a form of ċawla. bajda has context of vulgar. daniżi is a form of daniża. dawl is related to light. pubblikazzjoni is related to publication. edukazzjoni is related to education. miftuħ is related to open. tlettax is etymologically related to għaxra. u is related to and. ħarir is related to silk. plomb is a synonym of ċomb. imħabba is related to love. bniedem is a synonym of uman. belarus is a synonym of belarussja. chinesisch is a synonym of ċiniż. ħbieb is a form of ħabiba. lamb is a synonym of ħaruf. disa is similar to tmien. sittax il is a synonym of sittax. twieled is related to welled. emmen is related to support. ejn is etymologically related to ان. xahar is etymologically derived from شهر. leo is a synonym of ljun. berger is etymologically derived from burger. tabib is related to doctor. ħmistax il is related to fifteen. lejl is etymologically related to לילה. żgħożija is related to youth. xewwex is related to ipprovoka. sultan iċ ċawl is derived from ċawla. nies is related to stienes. aggressive is a synonym of aggressiv. twiebet is a form of tebut. berred is etymologically related to يبرد. unità astronomika is related to astronomical unit. toad is a synonym of zrinġ. raġel is related to male. żobb has context of vulgar. qżieqeż is a form of qażquż. spinaċi is related to spinach. ħdejn is related to beside. wild is related to birth. midneb is derived from dnub. snien is a form of sinna. erba has context of construct. tnax il is similar to tlettax il. falkun is related to falcon. beċċun is related to pigeon. eżerċita is related to eżerċizzju. xejn is related to nothing. għal is related to for. aħwa is related to siblings. suf has context of slang. internazzjonalment is related to internationally. tabiba is related to tabib. qadim is etymologically related to قديم. telaq is related to depart. farfett il lejl is etymologically related to farfett. romol is a form of armla. homer is a synonym of omeru. tradizzjonijiet is a form of tradizzjoni. għarusa is related to għarus. foreigner is a synonym of barrani. essenzjali is etymologically derived from essenziale. kanzunetti is a form of kanzunetta. żoċċ is a synonym of żobb. ktejjeb is related to booklet. rummiena is related to rummien. ġwienaħ is a form of ġewnaħ. open is a synonym of fetaħ. għoġol is related to baqra. ċriev is a form of ċerv. planet is a synonym of pjaneta. għarajjes is a form of għarus. butcher is a synonym of biċċiera. għoġġiela is a form of għoġol. crane is a synonym of għarnuq. week is a synonym of ġimgħa. husband is a synonym of raġel. singapor is etymologically related to pura. litauen is a synonym of litwanja. forsi is related to le. armel is related to armla. bożnja is related to bożnja u ħerzegovina. xi ħadd is derived from xi. almanakk is related to calendar. lsien is etymologically related to לשון. speċifiku is etymologically related to specificus. mejju is etymologically related to maiu. gerżuma is related to throat. żviluppa is related to żviluppatur. gawwija is etymologically related to gavia. singapor is etymologically derived from सिंह. sebgħa is related to seven. lifgħa is etymologically related to ال. demon is a synonym of xitan. lokijiet is a form of lok. għoxux is a form of għoxx. essentially is a synonym of essenzjalment. market is a synonym of suq. türkisch is a synonym of tork. tradition is a synonym of tradizzjoni. kundizzjonijiet is a form of kundizzjoni. singapor is etymologically derived from singa. ħadem is etymologically related to عمل. sapuna is related to soap. fażolla is etymologically related to فاصوليا. sabi is etymologically related to صبي. isqof has context of chess. uġigħ fil widna is derived from uġigħ. neun is a synonym of disgħa. ċurkett is related to ring. ours is a synonym of ors. indiċi is etymologically related to index. għaxart is similar to ħdax il. le is etymologically derived from لا. bisesswalità is related to bisesswali. qalb is related to cœur. biero is a synonym of birra. zija is etymologically derived from zia. żrinġ is etymologically related to granota. dubbien is derived from dubbiena. interazzjoni fundamentali is related to fundamental interaction. interazzjoni fundamentali has context of physics. connotation is a synonym of konnotazzjoni. abilitajiet is a form of abilità. tree is a synonym of siġra. sechs is a synonym of sitta. maħniex is etymologically derived from ما. singulari is etymologically related to singularis. ġenerazzjonijiet is a form of ġenerazzjoni. ejn is etymologically derived from ين. victoire is a synonym of rebħa. floor is a synonym of art. lutra is related to loutre. ambizzjuż is related to ambitious. qabel kristu is etymologically related to qabel. jisimni is related to my name is. venere has context of astronomie. mewt is related to mort. russisch is a synonym of russu. ġrieden is a form of ġurdien. ippopotamu is a synonym of nilpferd. tlitt is similar to erbat. portugal is a synonym of portugall. crab is a synonym of granċ. aggressiv is the opposite of passiv. ħaseb is related to ħsieb. bniet is a form of tifla. gidi is related to gidja. għenba is related to grape. pig is a synonym of qażquż. sbejjaħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. senswali is related to senswalità. sinonimu is etymologically derived from sinònimu. xejn is etymologically related to شيء. long is a synonym of twil. ġeografiċi is a form of ġeografiku. fetaħ is related to open. bir is etymologically derived from بير. teknoloġikament is related to teknoloġija. tlitt is a synonym of tlieta. adverb is a synonym of avverbju. għerien is a form of għar. attiv is related to attività. disgħa is similar to disa. mara is related to wife. f d d is related to silver. erdnuss is a synonym of karawetta. varjetajiet is a form of varjetà. dafar is related to braid. merkurju has context of astronomie. xatt is related to beach. xemgħa is related to gebildet. ħames is similar to erba. bramel is a form of barmil. sekwenza is related to sekwenzjalment. belt is related to town. zalzetta is a synonym of wurst. għadu is related to gegenüberstehen. kullimkien is related to imkien. ċaħad is related to repudiate. armla is related to armel. okkażjonali is etymologically derived from occasionale. ħataf is related to ħafen. begin is a synonym of beda. żerniq is related to żernaq. ażotu is etymologically related to α. maħniex is etymologically related to شيء. xemxi is etymologically derived from شمسي. pronunzji is a form of pronunzja. informazzjoni is related to information. lithuanian is a synonym of litwan. rappreżentazzjonijiet is a form of rappreżentazzjoni. inattiv is related to inactive. reazzjoni is related to reaction. iva is related to forsi. kopenħagen has context of localités. okkażjonali is related to okkażjonalment. aggressivament is derived from aggressiv. ħaddiema is a form of ħaddiem. qabel kristu is related to q.k. qassis is related to clergyman. madankollu is etymologically related to kull. ġibed is related to ġebbed. omeru is etymologically related to homerus. fula is related to bean. citation is a synonym of kwotazzjoni. cheek is a synonym of ħadd. shop is a synonym of ħanut. ikkommunika is etymologically derived from comunicare. ma has context of comitative concurrent. hairbrush is a synonym of xkupilja tax xagħar. europäische union is a synonym of unjoni ewropea. werqa is etymologically derived from ورقة. marad is related to tmarrad. dirgħajn is a form of driegħ. ġuvnott is etymologically derived from giuvanottu. sistematikament is related to sistematiku. sliem is related to peace. delużjonijiet is a form of delużjoni. spiżjar is related to pharmacist. miniex is etymologically related to انا. farfett il lejl has context of mammal. boot is a synonym of buzza. għaraq is etymologically related to عرق. albania is a synonym of albanija. ħajja is etymologically derived from حياة. belbul is etymologically related to بلبل. fliegen is a synonym of tar. uġigħ is etymologically derived from وجيع. ejn is related to in. baħar l isfar is etymologically derived from البحر الاصفر. sabieħ is related to beautiful. tradizzjoni is related to tradition. demm is related to fassad. għenba is related to għeneb. sapuna is related to wasserlöslich. marrara is related to vésicule biliaire. għoqod is a form of għoqda. ors is etymologically related to αρκτοσ. ħażin is related to incorrect. għallem is related to tgħallem. romania is a synonym of rumanija. sodod is a form of sodda. gravitazzjonali is related to gravità. masġar is related to forest. illum is etymologically derived from اليوم. żewġt is similar to tlitt. riġel is etymologically related to رجل. qaqoċċa is a synonym of artischocke. xjentifiku is related to xjentifikament. tuesday is a synonym of it tlieta. xemgħa is related to zylindrisch. għereq is related to għaraq. adorazzjonijiet is a form of adorazzjoni. etimoloġiji is a form of etimoloġija. swede is a synonym of żvediż. sin is a synonym of dnub. ħelsinki is related to helsinki. pluie is a synonym of xita. żoċċ is a synonym of żobb. suno is a synonym of xemx. ġeometriku is related to geometric. tfajjel is related to child. yeast is a synonym of ħmira. kolera is related to choléra. mela is related to certainly. kundizzjonali is related to conditional. pitirross is related to robin. sigurtà is etymologically related to securitas. freitag is a synonym of il ġimgħa. ġens is related to poplu. eule is a synonym of kokka. ċeki is a form of ċek. arkivju is related to archive. aserbaidschan is a synonym of ażerbajġan. flusspferd is a synonym of ippopotamu. numru is etymologically derived from nùmmiru. sqaq is related to alley. botelo is a synonym of flixkun. choice is a synonym of għażla. għarnuq is etymologically related to غرنوق. mitjar is etymologically related to مطار. eighty is a synonym of tmenin. rose garden is a synonym of wardija. madankollu is etymologically related to dan. fehma is related to opinion. lejl is related to night. komunikazzjoni is related to ikkommunika. impossibbli is the opposite of possibbli. saq is etymologically related to ساق. belbul is related to bird. aġġettiv has context of grammar. skorpjun is etymologically related to scorpio. sekwenzi is a form of sekwenza. xjenza is related to xjentifikament. peduna is related to gewirkt. konjugazzjoni is related to conjugation. zaqq is a form of żaqq. sorm has context of anatomy. gwerra is related to war. dragon is a synonym of dragun. nsara is a form of nisranija. ħaġeb is related to għajn. imqareb is related to unruly. impossibbli is related to impossible. musrana has context of anatomy. dmugħ is a form of demgħa. ikkommunika is related to kommunikazzjoni. fjakkla is related to leuchten. nista is a form of seta. sigrieti is a form of sigriet. jisimni is related to isem. tochter is a synonym of bint. xewka is related to xewk. wheat is a synonym of qamħ. two hundred is a synonym of mitejn. alġebra is etymologically derived from algebra. aħbar is related to message. schaf is a synonym of nagħġa. river is a synonym of xmara. ċawla is etymologically related to ciàvula. arbre is a synonym of siġra. indikazzjoni is related to indikattiv. nipple is a synonym of beżżula. sieben is a synonym of sebgħa. potassju is related to potassium. dire is a synonym of qal. argent is a synonym of fidda. mħaded is a form of mħadda. għandi bżonn l għajnuna tiegħek is related to grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek. sħaħar is a form of saħħara. hour is a synonym of siegħa. indikazzjoni is related to indika. baqar is a form of baqra. bijodiversità is related to biodiversity. żerniq is related to għabex. flea is a synonym of bergħud. ħnieżer is a form of ħanżir. september is a synonym of settembru. mogħti is a form of ta. qabża is etymologically related to قفزة. tabib is related to għandi bżonn tabib. klassifikazzjoni is related to classification. blinka is etymologically related to blinker. msaren is a form of musrana. orelo is a synonym of widna. bombe is a synonym of bomba. namra is related to queen bee. lanza is related to spear. testikola is a synonym of ħaswa. xogħol is related to work. senswali is related to senswalità. grieg is etymologically related to graecus. btaten is a form of buttuna. dentifriċju is a synonym of zahnpaste. żaqq is related to belly. issieħeb is related to sħubija. eiche is a synonym of balluta. okkażjoni is etymologically derived from occasione. sesswali is related to sesswalità. russland is a synonym of russja. kompożizzjonijiet is a form of kompożizzjoni. artichoke is a synonym of qaqoċċa. russia is a synonym of russja. għaxar has context of construct. x is related to x inhu. direzzjonijiet is a form of direzzjoni. nbid is a synonym of inbid. riċetta is related to recipe. kell is etymologically related to kien. messing is a synonym of ram. see is a synonym of għadira. moħriet is etymologically derived from محراث. eċċitament is related to eċċitazzjoni. sinjur is related to sinjura. owl is a synonym of kokka. insel is a synonym of gżira. xebb is related to xbejb. wardija is related to rose garden. aħna is related to we. swied is related to iswed. tradizzjonalment is related to tradizzjoni. ilma is related to water. xita is etymologically derived from شتاء. singulari has context of grammar. fwied is etymologically related to فواد. warda is related to wardija. għerien is a form of għar. gendus is related to baqra. salib is etymologically derived from صليب. devil is a synonym of xitan. zunge is a synonym of ilsien. sħubija is related to partnership. mintomx is etymologically derived from ما. traġiku is related to traġedja. pordo is a synonym of bieb. xiħ is related to qadim. bżieżel is a form of beżżula. january is a synonym of jannar. elettriku is related to electrical. géographie is a synonym of ġeografija. organiżżazzjonijiet is a form of organiżżazzjoni. introduzzjonijiet is a form of introduzzjoni. nixxiegħa is related to stream. ġiżirana is related to necklace. maus is a synonym of far. bundesrepublik deutschland is a synonym of ir repubblika federali tal ġermanja. static electricity is a synonym of elettriċità statika. oranĝo is a synonym of laringa. ħnieżer is a form of ħanżira. drapeau is a synonym of bandiera. sesswalità is related to omosesswalità. merħba is etymologically related to مرحبا. warda is related to wardija. belarussi is a form of belarussu. tifla is related to child. tifel is etymologically related to طفل. xurban is related to drunk. grass is a synonym of ħaxix. asturjani is a form of asturjan. terre is a synonym of art. indikazzjonijiet is a form of indikazzjoni. jackdaw is a synonym of ċawla. għajnuna is related to help. teatru is etymologically related to θεατρον. għajxien is a synonym of sopravivenza. ħanżir is related to ħanżira. palladju has context of element. melon is a synonym of bettieħa. duħħan is related to smoke. wardiet is a form of warda. answer is a synonym of wieġeb. saħħar is related to wizard. ċittadina is related to citizen. teoloġija is related to teoloġiku. flimkien is etymologically related to imkien. hedgehog is a synonym of qanfud. widien is a form of wied. scientifically is a synonym of xjentifikament. erbatax is etymologically related to اربعة عشر. protezzjonijiet is a form of protezzjoni. sesswali is etymologically derived from sessuale. fünf is a synonym of ħamsa. direzzjonijiet is a form of direzzjoni. pin is a synonym of labra. festa is related to feast. beċċun is a synonym of ħamiema. muftieħ is a synonym of ċavetta. għalla is related to boil. interazzjoni qawwija is a synonym of interazzjoni nukleari qawwija. sema is related to sky. tina is related to tin. żiemel is related to moħor. moħħ is related to mind. pjaneti is a form of pjaneta. kafè is etymologically derived from caffè. kanta is etymologically derived from cantare. ħelsinki is etymologically related to helsinki. kolon is related to colon. photograph is a synonym of fotografija. is sibtijiet is a form of is sibt. bride is a synonym of għarusa. natura is related to nature. mtaten is a form of muntun. adorazzjoni is related to adoration. tradizzjonijiet is a form of tradizzjoni. għalaq is related to close. lejl u nhar is derived from nhar. breeze is a synonym of żiffa. marrara is related to gall bladder. flasche is a synonym of flixkun. august is a synonym of awwissu. kull is related to kuljum. għadu is the opposite of ħabib. żjara is related to visit. armla is related to armel. saba is etymologically related to اصبع. emozzjonijiet is a form of emozzjoni. ħannus is related to qażquż. kalzetta is related to chaussette. illusory is a synonym of illużorju. professur is related to professor. ġodda is a form of ġdid. selezzjoni is related to selection. soċjetajiet is a form of soċjetà. għandi l għatx is related to għandi l ġuħ. fluor is a synonym of fluworu. miniex is etymologically related to x. scorpion is a synonym of skorpjun. fledermaus is a synonym of farfett il lejl. għadira is related to lake. kolonji is a form of kolonja. dgħajsa is related to boat. sperma is a synonym of liba. iet is related to ijiet. grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek is related to thanks for your help. ziju is similar to zija. ħarja is a synonym of ħmieġ. moldovja is a synonym of moldova. gawwija is related to gawwi. magħruf is related to recognized. jahr is a synonym of sena. bogħod is related to bgħid. kisser is related to crush. abscess is a synonym of pustuletta. dsatax is etymologically related to تسعتاشر. u is etymologically related to ו. miniex is etymologically related to ma. miet is related to mewt. granċi is etymologically derived from cancrulus. thing is a synonym of ħaġa. qabel kristu is etymologically related to kristu. towel is a synonym of xugaman. do you speak english is a synonym of titkellem bl ingliż. lent is a synonym of randan. ekoloġiku is related to ekoloġija. allô is a synonym of ħellow. russja is related to russu. reġina is etymologically derived from regina. lip is a synonym of xoffa. uġigħ tad dahar is derived from uġigħ. karab is related to karba. kif is related to how. fellus is etymologically related to pullus. snin is a form of sena. imbotta is etymologically derived from imbottare. tilef is related to lose. qagħad is related to sit. sieħeb is related to companion. nathan is a synonym of natan. terroriżmu is related to militärisch. kull is related to every. għoġob is related to like. wiċċ is etymologically related to وش. ikoll has context of possession functional future of għand. marad is related to mard. eterosesswali is related to heterosexual. россия is a synonym of russja. spiżjara is related to spiżjar. dsatax is etymologically related to disgħa. great britain is a synonym of gran brittanja. antimonju is related to antimoine. lac is a synonym of lag. pologne is a synonym of polonja. le is related to forsi. ftit is related to little. speċifiku is related to speċifikament. xiex is related to x. tlettax is etymologically related to ثلاثة عشر. fifty is a synonym of ħamsin. moħħ has context of anatomy. għażla is etymologically related to عزل. riħ solari has context of astronomy. dalwaqt is related to second. tiġieġa is related to serduq. isdra is a form of sider. dick is a synonym of żobb. akkademja is etymologically related to accademia. ambizzjoni is related to ambizzjuż. sbejjaħ is etymologically related to sabiħ. mejjet is related to mewt. essenzjali is related to essenzjalment. kontra is etymologically derived from contra. enerġija is related to energy. mücke is a synonym of nemus. tradizzjonali is related to tradizzjonalment. sekonda is related to second. ċrieki is a form of ċirku. bierek is etymologically related to ባረከ. essenzjalment is etymologically derived from essenzialmente. wieġeb is a synonym of irrisponda. teoloġija is related to theology. playwright is a synonym of kittieb. democratically is a synonym of demokratikament. sweat is a synonym of għaraq. pronoun is a synonym of pronom. mara is etymologically related to المراة. għasfur tal bejt is related to sparrow. elfejn is related to two thousand. difer has context of anatomy. octopus is a synonym of qarnita. nemliet is a form of nemla. attriċi is related to attur. marid is related to tmarrad. ħafna is related to very. introduzzjoni is related to introduċa. karatteristika is related to kennzeichnen. għażla is etymologically related to għażel. illużjoni is etymologically derived from illusione. ħanżir is related to qażquż. bhima is related to animal. minn bejn l imwiet has context of christianity. tower is a synonym of torri. nazzjon is related to nation. żagreb is related to zagreb. iet is related to ejn. ħonoq is etymologically derived from خنق. nies is related to people. xewwex is related to ipprovoka. sleep is a synonym of raqad. miet is etymologically derived from مات. pornografija is related to pornografiku. xitla is related to pjanta. aħbar is related to notice. selezzjoni is etymologically derived from selezione. barka is related to bierek. lady is a synonym of sinjura. mintix is etymologically related to انت. introduzzjoni is related to introduċa. mogħti is a form of ta. ġimgħa is etymologically related to الجمعة. frott is etymologically derived from frutto. marid is related to marad. impressjonijiet is a form of impressjoni. żerniq is etymologically related to ܪ. verre is a synonym of ħġieġ. bierek is related to barka. l ajruplani is a form of ajruplan. żrieragħ is a form of żerriegħa. elettromanjetiku is related to elettromanjetiżmu. electromagnetism is a synonym of elettromanjetiżmu. sesswalità is related to sexuality. kroazja is etymologically related to croazia. beda is related to start. passjonijiet is a form of passjoni. erbat is similar to ħamest. widow is a synonym of armla. passiv is the opposite of aggressiv. komunikazzjonijiet is a form of komunikazzjoni. borża has context of slang. lessiku is etymologically related to λεξικον. unitajiet is a form of unità. cabbage is a synonym of kaboċċa. iron translations is a synonym of ħadid. xkupilja tas snien is a type of xkupilja. kaffee is a synonym of kafè. inattiv is related to inattivament. arċisqof is derived from isqof. ipparteċipa is related to participate. lsien is etymologically related to ልሳን. extrejs is a form of extrej. armla is etymologically related to ارملة. dari is related to formerly. sess is related to sesswalità. xjenza is etymologically related to scienza. red is a synonym of aħmar. fjakkla is related to hölzern. ħassar is related to cancel. lukanda is related to inn. sodium is a synonym of sodju. gideb is related to lie. siècle is a synonym of seklu. rokna is related to angle. échecs is a synonym of ċess. buy is a synonym of xtara. ħmistax il is similar to erbatax il. żmien is related to age. qal is related to say. sabieħ is related to pretty. k x f is related to nkixef. saltniet is a form of saltna. alġebra has context of mathematics. xebbaħ is related to liken. dejjem is etymologically related to دايما. direzzjoni is etymologically related to directio. ġimgħa is etymologically derived from جمعة. ċawl is a form of ċawla. għarab is related to raven. ċkejken is the opposite of kbir. recipe is a synonym of riċetta. sinjifikanti is related to sinjifikanza. duttur is etymologically related to doctor. sitwazzjonijiet is a form of sitwazzjoni. h is related to hu. fetaħ is the opposite of għalaq. buffi is a form of buffu. ħdax is similar to ħdax il. namra is related to namrat. anġli is a form of anġlu. anġeliku is related to anġlu. tlieta is similar to tlitt. dixxijiet is a form of dixx. toqba tas sorm is related to anus. kwotazzjoni is related to quotation. kosovo has context of régions. allerġiku is related to allergic. borra is a synonym of silġ. demgħa is related to stark. xebb is related to xebba. denmark is a synonym of danimarka. abaki is related to abaku. امبارح is etymologically related to ilbieraħ. dahar has context of anatomy. dubbien is a form of dubbiena. ċkejken is related to little. orsijiet is a form of ors. moon is a synonym of qamar. darsijiet has context of australia. avukat is related to solicitor. għarraf is related to tell. disa is similar to tmien. dnub is related to verstossen. jien is etymologically derived from انا. penguin is a synonym of pengwin. ispirazzjoni is related to inspiration. bark is a synonym of qoxra. minn is related to from. blokkok is a form of blokka. vjola is a synonym of viola. labra is etymologically derived from ابرة. londres is a synonym of londra. ħwejjeġ is a form of ħaġa. emozzjonali is related to emozzjonalment. università is etymologically related to universitas. rummiena is related to rummien. quddiem is related to qabel. lake is a synonym of lag. għarraf is related to kixef. chocolate is a synonym of ċikkulata. tagħna is related to ours. swieq is a form of suq. żaqq is etymologically related to ܣܩܐ. allerġiku is related to allerġija. ġo is etymologically related to ġewwa. perro is a synonym of kelb. ħalq has context of anatomy. child is a synonym of tifel. ballun is related to ball. sesswalità is related to bisesswalità. wikiwörterbuch is a synonym of wikizzjunarju. marid is related to ill. ħaddejn is a form of ħadd. bniedem is a synonym of uman. imkisser is a form of kisser. satan is a synonym of xitan. taljan has context of of from or pertaining to italy. royaume uni is a synonym of renju unit. qarnita is related to qarnit. ewropa is etymologically related to europa. okkażjonali is related to okkażjoni. sptar is a synonym of infermerija. kell is related to ikoll. bniet is related to tifla. qabel has context of time previous. croatia is a synonym of kroazja. kontaminazzjonijiet is a form of kontaminazzjoni. lapida is related to etwas. sabi is related to boy. eyebrow is a synonym of ħaġeb. farfett is related to dudu tal ħarir. eċċezzjoni is related to exception. ġmiel is etymologically derived from جمال. lapin is a synonym of fenek. manjeżju is related to magnesium. kalzetta is related to gewirkt. singapore is a synonym of singapor. fil is related to schnurförmig. if is a synonym of jekk. emozzjonali is etymologically derived from emozionale. beauty is a synonym of sbuħija. attriċi is related to actress. beżaq is related to spit. ktejjeb is a form of ktieb. kuċċarda prima has context of ornithologie. vidvo is a synonym of armel. belbul is related to little. sistematikament is related to systematically. qassis is etymologically related to قسيس. ikoll is related to kell. żebbuġa is related to olive. qofof is a form of qoffa. kanzunetti is a form of kanzunetta. volpi mara has context of female fox. oħt is related to ħu. renju unit is a synonym of renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq. oksiġin is related to oxygen. sorm is related to buttocks. diffiċli is related to difficult. oħxon is related to fat. fluss is a synonym of xmara. i is etymologically derived from ي. tajjeb is related to correct. elju has context of chemistry. qamla is related to louse. le is related to forsi. qatel is etymologically related to قتل. read is a synonym of qara. crabe is a synonym of granċi. għejun is a form of għajn. baqra is related to għoġol. tlettax is etymologically related to tlieta. qwiebel is a form of qabla. nbid is etymologically related to نبيذ. nokto is a synonym of lejl. teknoloġija is related to teknoloġiku. kanadiż is derived from kanada. alġebra is etymologically derived from algebra. inbid is etymologically derived from نبيذ. ekwador is related to pays. prost is a synonym of saħħa. sebat has context of construct. ktieb is related to book. ċavetta is a synonym of muftieħ. ferħ is related to kitten. ħmistax is similar to ħmistax il. reazzjonijiet is a form of reazzjoni. żebbuġa is etymologically related to زبوجة. tentazzjonijiet is a form of tentazzjoni. testikola is related to testicle. saltna is related to kingdom. farruġ is etymologically related to פרגית. għoġġiela is a form of għoġol. min has context of interrogative. xitwa is related to winter. eżami is related to exam. frareġ is a form of farruġ. hello is a synonym of bonġu. xi is related to b'xi. czech is a synonym of ċek. isqra is a form of seqer. ħmistax is related to fifteen. italja is etymologically derived from italia. għoġol is related to männlich. furnar is related to baker. soċjali is related to soċjalment. senduq is etymologically related to صندوق. anġli is a form of anġlu. għajn is related to għatu ta l għajn. irġiel is a form of raġel. selezzjonijiet is a form of selezzjoni. papra is related to duck. ljun is etymologically derived from leo. k is related to int. renju unit tal gran brittanja u l irlanda ta fuq is derived from gran brittanja. linguistic is a synonym of lingwistiku. driegħ has context of anatomy. sel is a synonym of melħ. sħaba is related to cloud. biċċiera is a form of biċċier. inbid is a synonym of nbid. kundizzjoni is related to condition. ħabiba is derived from ħabib. mużika is etymologically related to musica. żiemel is related to debba. sur is derived from sinjur. ibħra is a form of baħar. korsikan has context of person. uniku is related to unique. qaqoċċa is related to artichoke. għereq is related to founder. frankreich is a synonym of franza. għedewwa is a form of għadu. klieb is a form of kelb. ambizzjoni is etymologically derived from ambizione. sena is related to zwölf. rektum is related to rectum. carbone is a synonym of karbonju. luxembourg is a synonym of lussemburgu. l anġlu is a form of anġlu. maroc is a synonym of marokk. kanadiż is derived from kanada. feast is a synonym of festa. lettland is a synonym of latvja. südkorea is a synonym of korea t isfel. ġewnaħ is etymologically related to جانح. ċess is related to chess. għażla is etymologically related to għażel. internazzjonali is etymologically related to internazionale. għarraf is related to communicate. impressjoni is related to impressjonanti. roża is related to pink. снег is a synonym of borra. konġunzjoni is related to conjunction. buttuna is related to button. delużjoni is related to delużjonali. tuffieħa is related to apple. ħlieqa is etymologically related to ħoloq. serp is related to snake. qasam is related to divide. ħuġbejn is a form of ħaġeb. republic is a synonym of repubblika. messer is a synonym of sikkina. anġlu is related to anġeliku. daniża is related to daniż. haus is a synonym of dar. katalanisch is a synonym of katalan. community is a synonym of komunità. naħla is related to bee. ħwejjeġ is a form of ħaġa. fackel is a synonym of torċa. kilwa has context of anatomy. grazzi għall għajnuna tiegħek is related to għandek bżonn għajnuna. sbejħin is a form of sbejjaħ. okkażjonali is related to okkażjonalment. tina is related to fig. wiktionnaire is a synonym of wikizzjunarju. ħażin is etymologically related to حزين. katina is related to ununterbrochen. irrisponda is related to respond. rixa is etymologically related to ريشة. nemusa is a synonym of stechmücke. mislef is a synonym of bank. l abbazija is a form of abbazija. ġuf is etymologically related to جوف. clean is a synonym of nadif. omm is etymologically related to ام. xmux is a form of xemx. aħbarijiet is a form of aħbar. dreissig is a synonym of tletin. sriedaq is a form of serduq. nejka is related to fuck. għarraf is related to xandar. english is a synonym of ingliż. żero is related to xejn. borra is related to snow. unità is related to unit. uffiċjalment is etymologically derived from ufficialmenti. die is a synonym of miet. platinum is a synonym of platinu. grave is a synonym of qabar. oċean is etymologically derived from oceanus. fidda is related to silver. tfajla is etymologically related to طفلة. ġnien is etymologically related to جنة. mnieħer is etymologically related to مناخير. dineb is derived from dnub. patata is related to potato. unjoni ewropea is derived from unjoni. ajruplan is related to getragen. jekk is etymologically derived from اذا. palma is related to palm tree. kelma is related to word. sittax il is related to sixteen. espressjoni is related to expression. jaf is related to to. prêtre is a synonym of qassis. qrib is etymologically related to qarib. souq is a synonym of suq. għerq is a synonym of wurzel. splużiv is a synonym of sprengstoff. korea t isfel is related to korea ta fuq. granċi is related to crab. bżonn is etymologically derived from bisogno. buffa is related to buffu. mintix is etymologically related to شيء. tmintax is related to eighteen. tfulija is related to tifel. teknoloġija is related to technology. ġeneralment is related to generally. malsana is a synonym of marid. namra is related to affection. labar is a form of labra. żewġt is related to two. ktieb is related to kiteb. ċpar is a synonym of nida. artischocke is a synonym of qaqoċċa. musmar is related to nail. għoxrin is related to twenty. farruġ is related to chicken. vietnamese is a synonym of vjetnamiż. ra is related to see. heron is a synonym of russett. qasam is related to sever. lejl is etymologically related to לליא. ipprojbixxa is etymologically derived from proibire. ġar is related to ġara. dnub is etymologically related to demb. ċeki is a form of ċeka. silġ is etymologically derived from ثلج. qed is etymologically related to قد. futbol is etymologically derived from football. oksiġin is etymologically related to oxygen. għattuqa is related to farruġ. iljun is related to lion. lumière is a synonym of dawl. cactus is a synonym of kaktus. nemel is a form of nemla. inattiv is the opposite of attiv. scheisse is a synonym of ħmieġ. ġdid is etymologically related to جديد. disat is similar to tmint. muntanji is a form of muntanja. dipartimenti is a form of dipartiment. sibtijiet is a form of is sibt. russu is related to federazzjoni russa. teknoloġija is related to teknoloġikament. sillabazzjoni is related to syllabification. qawl is etymologically related to قول. sister is a synonym of oħt. qaws is related to bow. internazzjonali is related to nazzjonali. varjazzjonijiet is a form of varjazzjoni. conditionally is a synonym of kundizzjonalment. xitan is related to devil. muftieħ is a synonym of ċavetta. aħwa is etymologically related to اخوة. dineb is related to dnub. bombi is a form of bomba. koran is etymologically related to القران. attivazzjoni is related to attiva. ħaswa is a synonym of bajda. qniefed is a form of qanfud. affezzjonijiet is a form of affezzjoni. iswed is etymologically related to اسود. nuċċali tax xemx is related to sunglasses. kalzetta is related to gestrickt. tfajla is related to tfajjel. ktieb is a synonym of buch. ionian sea is a synonym of baħar jonju. sexually is a synonym of sesswalment. extrejs is a form of extrej. qabla is related to midwife. kulur is derived from vjola. nemliet is a form of nemla. kundizzjoni is related to kundizzjonali. passat is etymologically derived from passatus. warrab is related to shun. kanadiż is derived from kanada. bard is etymologically derived from بارد. żrieragħ is a form of żerriegħa. irġiel is a form of raġel. protezzjoni is related to ipprotieġa. février is a synonym of frar. domestiku is related to domestic. ċriev is a form of ċerv. every is a synonym of kull. ħdax is etymologically related to حداشر. verlust is a synonym of telfa. qaħba is etymologically derived from قحبة. sur is related to bastion. omosesswalità is related to omosesswali. balluta is related to oak. ijiet is related to ejn. ippenetra is etymologically derived from penetrare. relazzjonijiet is a form of relazzjoni. ħmieġ is a synonym of ħarja. irrisponda is etymologically derived from rispondere. għawdex is etymologically related to gaulos. niżel is the opposite of tela. lifgħa is etymologically related to افعى. machine is a synonym of magna. vjola is a synonym of veilchenfarben. mexa is etymologically related to مشى. midneb is etymologically derived from مذنب. kull is etymologically related to כל. hekk is related to so. tfixkil is derived from fixkel. ħu is related to oħt. awrina is etymologically related to urina. anġlu is etymologically related to angelus. gwerra is a synonym of krieg. dubbiena is etymologically related to ذبابة. belt ta monako has context of city. nsara is a form of nisrani. eżerċizzju is related to eżerċita. yellow is a synonym of isfar. xebb is etymologically related to شاب. lukanda is etymologically derived from lucanda. h is etymologically derived from ه. acquis is related to acquis communautaire. gerżuma is etymologically related to قرجومة. platinu is related to platinum. farfett il lejl is derived from farfett. sena is etymologically related to سنة. xkupilja tax xagħar is derived from xkupilja. dnub is a synonym of sünde. ħello is related to merħba. lion is a synonym of dorbies. français is a synonym of franċiż. saqqu is related to gefüllt. qmis is related to shirt. tfajjel is related to boy. dream is a synonym of ħolma. għattuqa is related to pullet. ħuttaf is a form of ħuttafa. kalendarju is a synonym of kalender. tornavit is related to anziehen. fotografu is related to fotografija. zucker is a synonym of zokkor. venus is a synonym of venere. uffiċjali is related to uffiċjalment. ċittadin is related to citizen. dentifriċju is a synonym of zahncreme. roża is related to rose. ċerva is related to deer. rock is a synonym of ġebla. ilma is etymologically related to ال. legislation is a synonym of leġiżlazzjoni. żiemel is related to horse. wiesa is related to broad. tala is related to ascend. niżel is related to niżżel. psychologie is a synonym of psikoloġija. duda is a form of dudu. naqqas is related to decrease. בכה is etymologically related to beka. madame is a synonym of sinjura. spiżjar is related to spiżjara. ftiehem is related to agree. karab is related to groan. qaqoċċa is etymologically related to kaboċċa. omeru is etymologically related to ομηροσ. dnub is a form of demb. erbgħa is etymologically related to اربعة. ijiet is related to in. tiġieġa is etymologically derived from دجاجة. xufftejn is a form of xoffa. nominazzjonijiet is a form of nominazzjoni. urinary bladder is a synonym of bużżieqa tal awrina. ġnejna is etymologically related to ġnien. tlettax is etymologically related to تلاتاشر. qal is etymologically related to قال. mużikali is related to musical. kaptani is a form of kaptan. katina is related to getragen. kullimkien is related to flimkien. elettriku is etymologically derived from elettrico. goudjarati is a synonym of guġarati. karab is etymologically related to كرب. astronomiċi is a form of astronomiku. ilma is etymologically related to ماء. scoiattolo is a synonym of skojjatlu. in is related to i. eżami is related to examination. love is a synonym of imħabba. prostata is etymologically derived from προστατησ. knot is a synonym of għoqda. anġlu is related to angel. tgħallem is related to learn. azzjoni is etymologically derived from azzioni. raġel is etymologically related to راجل. riċetti is a form of riċetta. tier is a synonym of annimal. woche is a synonym of ġimgħa. sigurtajiet is a form of sigurtà. inibizzjoni is related to inibixxa. żagħfran is related to saffron. bidla is related to change. tawny owl is a synonym of kokka. l isptarijiet is a form of sptar. għattuqa is related to farruġ. ħamsa is similar to ħamest. eterosesswali is related to eterosesswalità. alluċinazzjoni is related to hallucination. i is related to in. vjola is related to verschiedenen. sprache is a synonym of lingwa. tiegħek is related to yours. kroatisch is a synonym of kroat. tod is a synonym of mewt. taljani is a form of taljan. indien is a synonym of indja. lark is a synonym of alwetta. barka is etymologically related to ቡራኬ. interazzjoni qawwija is a synonym of interazzjoni nukleari qawwija. lemin is related to right. bajda is related to ovum. farruġ is related to tiġieġa. oħt is related to sister. sbuħija is related to beauty. mejju is etymologically related to maius. ġelat is related to ice cream. wjewjerčka is a synonym of skojjatlu. saltniet is a form of saltna. hundred is a synonym of mija. ħolom is etymologically related to حلم. kell is related to ikoll. żiemel has context of zoologie. għażel is etymologically derived from عزل. aħna is etymologically related to نحن. information is a synonym of informazzjoni. ġuvni is related to lad. nazzjon is etymologically related to nazione. belġju is a synonym of renju tal belġju. bint is related to iben. ħafna is related to many. reazzjoni is related to irreaġixxa. bidel is related to change. autriche is a synonym of awstrija. applikazzjonijiet is a form of applikazzjoni. tajlandiż has context of linguistique. kunjom is etymologically related to كنية. najtroġin is related to azote. lagħab is related to logħba. quddiem is related to qabel. ra is etymologically derived from راى. tina is related to tin. sinjur is etymologically related to senior. xemgħa is related to candle. lok is related to place. diable is a synonym of xitan. man is a synonym of bniedem. farruġ is related to fellus. unjoni ewropea is derived from ewropa. nettle is a synonym of ħurrieqa. finger is a synonym of saba. dagħwa is etymologically derived from دعوى. rope is a synonym of ħabel. deskrizzjoni is related to iddeskriva. zahnpasta is a synonym of dentifriċju. bniet is related to tifla. thus is a synonym of hekk. skojjatlu is related to squirrel. psikoloġija is related to psychology. lemon is a synonym of lumija. ġens is related to sess. ġens is related to genus. navel is a synonym of żokra. bidwi is etymologically derived from بدوي. theater is a synonym of teatru. indonesian is a synonym of indoneżjan. sabi is related to child. kalzetta is related to stocking. ħżiena is a form of ħażin. pornographie is a synonym of pornografija. dawn is a form of dan. eżerċita is related to exercise. subien is a form of sabi. bsaten is a form of bastun. ġriewi is a form of ġeru. muntun is related to nagħġa. heure is a synonym of siegħa. vjolazzjoni is related to ivvjola. tie is a synonym of rabat. tqila is related to tqil. dsatax is etymologically related to تسعة عشر. dudu is a synonym of wanze. għaksiet is a form of għaksa. year is a synonym of sena. sesswali is related to sesswalment. pollakk is related to polonja. marriage is a synonym of żwieġ. triq is related to way. kidney is a synonym of kilwa. xiex has context of interrogative. vittma is etymologically related to vittima. kakka is related to verwendet. ħaxix is related to vegetable. religion is a synonym of reliġjon. ċavetta is related to key. elettriċità is related to elettriku. dgħajsa is related to klein. emozzjonali is related to emozzjoni. gregorian calendar is a synonym of kalendarju gregorjan. muntanji is a form of muntanja. sider has context of anatomy. tħaddem is related to employed. jum is etymologically derived from يوم. ħajt is related to ħjata. nejka is related to sexual intercourse. edukazzjoni is related to eduka. ras ir randan is derived from randan. tlitt is a synonym of tlieta. pjaneti is a form of pjaneta. wera is related to show. penetrazzjoni is related to ippenetra. anġlu is related to überirdisch. ċirku is etymologically derived from circu. gallju is related to gallium. néon is a synonym of neon. disgħa is similar to disat. hemm is related to there is. tirma is related to backside. clock is a synonym of arloġġ. vokali is related to vuċi. may is a synonym of mejju. erbat is similar to tlitt. eklissi lunari is derived from eklissi. arab is a synonym of għarbi. it tielet is related to third. hospital is a synonym of sptar. impressjona is related to impressjonanti. tliet is similar to erba. kiser is etymologically derived from كسر. guitar is a synonym of kitarra. tmintax il is a synonym of tmintax. snake is a synonym of serp. januaro is a synonym of jannar. qasir is etymologically related to قصير. kompożizzjonijiet is a form of kompożizzjoni. manifestazzjonijiet is a form of manifestazzjoni. trabi is a form of tarbija. toqba is etymologically related to ثقبة. tnax is similar to tnax il. see is a synonym of ra. omosesswalità is related to homosexuality. dragun is etymologically derived from draco. jiskomoda is related to komdu. xkupilja tas snien is a type of xkupilja. chlore is a synonym of kloru. illusion is a synonym of illużjoni. interazzjonijiet is a form of interazzjoni. maandag is a synonym of it tnejn. kamra is related to room. bewsa is related to bies. demgħa is a synonym of qatra. ħaddiem is related to bestimmt. essenzjali is related to essenzjalment. ħanaq is a form of ħonoq. cerise is a synonym of cirasa. lexikon is a synonym of dizzjunarju. ikoll is related to kell. sptarijiet is a form of sptar. għasfur tal bejt is etymologically related to bejt. lil is related to to. februar is a synonym of frar. tirma is related to anus. win is a synonym of rebaħ. lejn is etymologically related to għajnejja. żokra has context of anatomy. maltese is a synonym of malti. popolazzjoni is related to population. anno domini is a synonym of wara kristu. pronunzja is related to pronunciation. veloċità is etymologically derived from velocità. iben is related to son. xahar is related to month. bénir is a synonym of bierek. x is etymologically derived from شيء. ħamest is related to five. bisesswali is related to bisesswalità. għaxar is similar to disa. torċa is a synonym of fackel. punent is related to point cardinal. berquqa is etymologically related to πραικοκιον. demanderesse is a synonym of attriċi. gidi is related to mogħża. pronunzji is a form of pronunzja. pubblikazzjonijiet is a form of pubblikazzjoni. pjaċiri is a form of pjaċir. rêve is a synonym of ħolma. disgħin is related to ninety. tala is related to climb. pingveno is a synonym of pengwin. barkiet is a form of barka. logħba is related to lagħab. kokka is related to kokk. għarajjes is a form of għarus. diskussjoni is etymologically derived from discussione. possibilment is related to possibly. dundjan is related to wild turkey. ossiġenu is related to oxygen. alluċinazzjonijiet is a form of alluċinazzjoni. sur is related to sir. sabieħ is related to sabiħ. żiffa has context of meteorology. people is a synonym of nies. bankijiet is related to benches. sabieħ is related to sebbaħ. ħaddem is related to employ. qrati is a form of qorti. żaqq has context of anatomy. uċuħ is a form of wiċċ. lithium is a synonym of litju. nazzjonali is related to internazzjonali. torċa is related to oberen. iljunfant is a synonym of ljunfant. ġens is related to people.