stringlengths 18
qabel kristu is etymologically related to kristu. |
raven is a synonym of għarab. |
kwotazzjonijiet is a form of kwotazzjoni. |
poplu is etymologically derived from populu. |
ħamest is similar to erbat. |
ġenerazzjoni is related to generation. |
x'jismek is related to isem. |
siliċju is related to silicon. |
xebba is etymologically related to شابة. |
ivvjola is related to vjolazzjoni. |
song is a synonym of għanja. |
ħeġġeġ is related to encourage. |
għenbiet is a form of għenba. |
ħmistax is etymologically related to għaxra. |
tmintax il is similar to sbatax il. |
snail is a synonym of għakrux. |
għażel is related to choose. |
kloru has context of chemistry. |
ħaxix is related to grass. |
kelba is related to bitch. |
ossiġenu is related to oxygène. |
kafè is etymologically derived from قهوة. |
ħareġ is related to ħruġ. |
sess is related to sesswalità. |
logħba is etymologically related to لعبة. |
anthill is a synonym of bejta tan nemel. |
mare is a synonym of dwieb. |
fixkel is related to hinder. |
prosit is related to bravo. |
raħal is related to town. |
ungo is a synonym of difer. |
tajjeb is related to good. |
għasafar is a form of għasfur. |
astroloġija is related to astrology. |
kiel is related to eat. |
qattusa is related to qattus. |
acheter is a synonym of xtara. |
x is related to xiex. |
ni is related to me. |
ilsien is etymologically related to لسان. |
formazzjoni is etymologically derived from formazione. |
ġuvni is etymologically related to iuvenis. |
diffikultajiet is a form of diffikultà. |
għarus is etymologically related to عروسة. |
cat translations is a synonym of qtates. |
sigrieti is a form of sigriet. |
in is related to ijiet. |
toqba tas sorm has context of vulgar. |
rqiq is related to thin. |
possibbli is the opposite of impossibbli. |
bogħod is related to distance. |
qaddis is related to qaddisa. |
boru is related to boron. |
ħabib is etymologically related to حبيب. |
fakar is related to ftakar. |
bgħad is a form of bgħid. |
huma is related to they. |
żunżan is related to wasp. |
ismijiet is a form of isem. |
lithuania is a synonym of litwanja. |
abaku is related to abacus. |
emozzjoni is related to emozzjonali. |
guilt is a synonym of dnub. |
sesswalment is related to sexually. |
wardiet is a form of warda. |
elettroniku is related to electronic. |
nemusa is related to mosquito. |
christmas is a synonym of milied. |
ġar is related to neighbour. |
nisrani is etymologically related to نصراني. |
kakka is a synonym of ħara. |
serp is etymologically derived from serpens. |
marrara has context of anatomy. |
qalb is etymologically related to قلب. |
bnadar is a form of bandiera. |
fenek is etymologically related to فنك. |
trakter is a synonym of trecker. |
ċkunija is derived from ċkejken. |
arabic is a synonym of għarbi. |
aggressivament is the opposite of passivament. |
butterfly is a synonym of farfett. |
eżamijiet is a form of eżami. |
sultan is related to saltna. |
qagħad is etymologically related to قعد. |
litju has context of chemistry. |
stonku has context of anatomy. |
sama is related to hear. |
bettler is a synonym of tallab. |
għeneb is a form of għenba. |
xadin is a form of xadina. |
ħmieġ is a synonym of kot. |
baħri is related to sailor. |
ftit is etymologically related to fatafit. |
gallju is related to gallium. |
ħamest is similar to erbat. |
homosexuality is a synonym of omosesswalità. |
isfar is etymologically related to اصفر. |
xkupilja tas snien is related to toothbrush. |
xadina is related to monkey. |
direzzjoni is related to direction. |
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