text |
pukyu qillqa is a synonym of source code. |
utqay is related to hurry. |
kiwi p isqu is a synonym of kiwi. |
p uyñu is related to pitcher. |
aliman dimukratiku republika is a synonym of east germany. |
allquchakuy is derived from allquchay. |
chanqaykuy is related to precipice. |
aysay is related to carry. |
onion is a synonym of siwulla. |
pisi is related to little. |
engender is a synonym of churiyay. |
satisfaction is a synonym of saksay. |
chiri is related to chirichikuy. |
kaka is related to man. |
yupay is related to number. |
tooth is a synonym of kiru. |
money is a synonym of qullqi. |
chapay is related to chapa. |
or is a synonym of icha. |
t antay is related to t anta. |
kaku is related to maternal uncle. |
eseqyelpa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of ezekiel. |
karru is related to car. |
mink a is related to communal. |
ahlluykachay is a form of aklluykachay. |
masta is a form of mast a. |
rikch aq sinri is a synonym of class. |
kankay is related to roast. |
tree is a synonym of mallki. |
pariwana is a synonym of flamingo. |
kisma is related to aqu. |
ch allay is related to spray. |
ñuñu is related to sein. |
puyu is related to cloud. |
bogotá is related to bogota. |
taripay is related to judgement. |
earthenware is a synonym of kaña. |
pukllay is related to play. |
kallchay is related to reap. |
hyménoptère is a synonym of qaralla rapra. |
wask a is related to long. |
rapra is a form of raphra. |
yapay is related to again. |
qinchay is related to qincha. |
prickly is a synonym of t uksi. |
wasichay is related to build. |
ritiy is a form of rit iy. |
qallay is related to qalla. |
watu is related to cord. |
ykacha is related to kachay. |
aypay is related to take. |
antikuna ukumari is a synonym of spectacled bear. |
q uruta is a synonym of testicle. |
t anta ranqhana wasi is related to bakery. |
waqya is related to telephone. |
chiqa is a synonym of law. |
ashwan is a form of aswan. |
layqa is related to witch. |
uma is related to head. |
uqi is a synonym of sani. |
sisi p uchqu is a synonym of formic acid. |
waranqa is related to mille. |
drum'n'bass is a synonym of drum and bass. |
tipiy is related to shuck. |
quarter is a synonym of yaqa. |
taripay is related to come across. |
waylla is related to wayllay. |
sut uy is related to sut u. |
achanqaray is related to red. |
pas is related to taq. |
tuta is related to darkness. |
taka is related to blow. |
phuti is related to sorrow. |
aka suntu is a synonym of dung beetle. |
kairo is a synonym of qahira. |
p ampa is related to funeral. |
pulunya is a synonym of poland. |
kamayuq is related to kamay. |
pirqaq is a synonym of masonry. |
sintinu is a synonym of rye. |
usqhay is a form of utqay. |
qullpachaq is a synonym of nitrogen. |
kapuy is related to have. |
phuyu is related to fog. |
urqu is related to hilly. |
hawa pacha pachanka is a synonym of astronomical object. |
holmyu is a synonym of holmium. |
q apachana is a synonym of spice. |
suka is related to furrow. |
aylluchakuy is related to ayllu. |
t ika is related to bloom. |
wayk una wasi is derived from wasi. |
ch aska is related to crinkly. |
sayk uy is related to sayk u. |
yanay is related to yana. |
chala is related to interchange. |
chunka tawayuq is related to fourteen. |
yapa is related to repetition. |
taka is related to punch. |
ch arki is related to stingy. |
k umu is related to bend down. |
qhipan is related to next. |
fernão de magalhães is a synonym of ferdinand magellan. |
muyu is related to ball. |
kusisqa is related to happy. |
p anqa is related to corn. |
qaqa is related to durable. |
atilchay is related to contest. |
suka is related to whistle. |
antanka is related to dark. |
ch akichikuy is related to ch akipa. |
simi is related to bouche. |
q ipi is related to ayllu. |
horse is a synonym of kawallu. |
mikhuy is related to eat. |
kimsa chunka suqtayuq is related to thirty six. |
wiqi is a synonym of tears. |
embitter is a synonym of hayay. |
t aqsaq is related to laundryman. |
p uti is related to key. |
pirqa is related to whiteboard. |
allinchay is related to clothes. |
paway is related to pawa. |
chumpi is related to energy. |
pampachay is related to problem. |
kaña is related to pot. |
wamp uy is related to sail. |
away is related to sinp ay. |
pis is a form of pas. |
tusuna wasi is derived from wasi. |
chunka qanchisniyuq has context of cardinal. |
kuru is related to asticot. |
kinsa is a form of kimsa. |
mayu is related to river. |
chayamuy is related to arrive. |
milla is related to aversion. |
zoo is a synonym of k ita uywap wasin. |
pallay is related to warp. |
ch uhtanay is related to ch uhtay. |
sat iy is related to connection. |
nuna is related to spirit. |
ñañap is a form of ñaña. |
aragun qhapaq suyu is a synonym of crown of aragon. |
sayay is related to halt. |
muyu is related to muyuy. |
t antay is related to bread. |
pirqa is related to pirqay. |
ruru is related to fruit. |
épaule is a synonym of rikra. |
kori is related to or. |
mitu mitu is a synonym of crax. |
qullu is related to interruption. |
armadillo is a synonym of khirki. |
rawray is related to burning. |
guano is etymologically derived from wanu. |
chinchay qhipa is a synonym of north pole. |
k ancha is related to light. |
dyus is related to apu. |
queen is a synonym of quya. |
pikikuy is a synonym of lesser yellowlegs. |
portugal is a synonym of purtugal. |
yaqa q illay is a synonym of metalloid. |
waytay is related to wayta. |
llik iy is related to llik i. |
mikhuna is related to trough. |
anku is related to root. |
q ispillu is a synonym of glass. |
wislla is related to spoon. |
may is related to how. |
saksay is related to satisfaction. |
takay is related to collision. |
watu is related to omen. |
kaman is a form of kamay. |
1 ñiqin qhulla puquy killapi is a synonym of january 1. |
awtu raqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. |
allpapura hatun qucha is a synonym of mediterranean sea. |
satiy is a form of sat iy. |
sisachay is a synonym of pollination. |
t anta is related to bread. |
upa is related to dumb. |
yachakuq is related to student. |
laugh is a synonym of asiy. |
die is a synonym of wañuy. |
wich una has context of weaving. |
takay is related to smash. |
challa is related to sand. |
widow is a synonym of ikma. |
urma is related to downfall. |
inkisisyun is a synonym of inquisition. |
samay is related to exhale. |
helium is a synonym of ilyu. |
amañay is related to practice. |
huron qucha is a synonym of lake huron. |
tullup aki is a synonym of bone fracture. |
kachuy is a form of khachuy. |
kichkay is related to prick. |
ispay is related to piss. |
hucha is related to fault. |
p akiy is related to p aki. |
t ika is related to identify. |
ayqiy is related to escape. |
tinkiy is a form of t inkiy. |
mayllakuy is related to wash. |
puti is a form of phuti. |
plain is a synonym of pampa. |
wichay is related to above. |
ch ipihyay is related to ch illmipakuy. |
masi is related to peer. |
elisabeth ii is a synonym of elizabeth ii. |
atipachaw is related to mardi. |
allpayay is related to soil. |
ruphay is related to burn. |
paña is related to yarn. |
hatun is related to grand. |
pachak is related to hundred. |
city is a synonym of llaqta. |
uyniy is related to uynikuy. |
young is a synonym of wamra. |
kay pacha is derived from pacha. |
intichaw is derived from inti. |
sama is related to samay. |
hanaq pacha is a synonym of sky. |
hostile is a synonym of awqa. |
p uchquy is related to rot. |
qhichwa is related to valley. |
chuku is related to veil. |
hisp ay is a form of ispay. |
fourteen is a synonym of chunka tawayuq. |
huqariy is related to lift. |
churay is related to give. |
jungle is a synonym of yunka. |
saywa rumi is a synonym of boundary marker. |
skunk is a synonym of añas. |
sunqu sirk a unquy is a synonym of coronary artery disease. |
ñaqch ay is related to comb. |
architecture is a synonym of sumaq wasichay kamay. |
may is related to very. |
sani is a form of sañi. |
qispi is related to qispichiy. |
kuyay is a form of khuyay. |
ruk u is related to paya. |
siqay is related to appear. |
chevêche des terriers is a synonym of piypiri. |
ch akichikuy is a form of ch akichiy. |
uchpay is related to uchpa. |
ruk uyay is related to age. |
rikuriy is related to appearance. |
inkayacu is etymologically related to yaku. |
wiqaw is related to taille. |
maskhay is related to seek. |
intuy is related to besiege. |
guyana is a synonym of wayana. |
puqyala is a synonym of sponge. |
sapay is related to sapa. |
puti is a form of p uti. |
k achanchakuy is derived from k acha. |
kiwachi is related to father in law. |
riqsiy is related to riqsichikuy. |
pachaykamay is a synonym of physics. |
bite is a synonym of khachuy. |
dam is a synonym of hark a. |
pupu is related to navel. |
t ipi is related to thin. |
ancha is related to big. |
wira is a synonym of fat. |
kawallu is related to cheval. |
awtu jallch ana wasi is related to garage. |
kutiy is related to kuti. |
forty one is a synonym of tawa chunka hukniyuq. |
askanku is a synonym of erinaceidae. |
hunta is a form of hunt a. |
arizona suyu is a synonym of arizona. |
rit i is a synonym of snow. |
khuska is related to tanta. |
teacher is a synonym of yachachiq. |
turi is related to pani. |
chutay is related to hike. |
yupa is related to very. |
forty two is a synonym of tawa chunka iskayniyuq. |
osmium is a synonym of osmiyu. |
achihyay is a form of achikyay. |
deutsche demokratische republik is a synonym of aliman dimukratiku republika. |
yanay is related to yana. |
ñawiriy wasi is a synonym of library. |
hawiy is related to scrub. |
kutichiy is related to answer. |
khata is related to shed. |
willka is related to god. |
ñaqch ay is related to ñaqch a. |
t uksiy is related to indicate. |
1950 watakuna is a synonym of 1950s. |
cha is related to chá. |
hallp iy is related to scratch. |
hasten is a synonym of chanchay. |
llasay is related to gravity. |
phukuy is related to blow. |
watuy is related to cast. |
qhari is related to strong. |
ama ñiy is related to amatay. |
lichi is a synonym of milk. |
allquchay is related to sexually. |
bulibiya is related to bolivie. |
llamk ay is related to work at. |
qaqa is related to solid. |
aycharay is related to aycha. |
munay is related to lovely. |
friend is a synonym of masi. |
t uquy is related to dig. |
lynx roux is a synonym of puka linsi. |
saksa is related to haku. |
ch uspa is related to bag. |
chiqan is related to legal. |
chişinău is a synonym of chișinău. |
bread is a synonym of tanta. |
icha is related to ichaqa. |
now is a synonym of ña. |
nanay is a synonym of pain. |
atipa is related to victory. |
sha is a form of chka. |
juch uy p acha is derived from juch uy. |
hawiy is related to scour. |
urin mayuatu is a synonym of crab eating raccoon. |
kutipakuy is related to chew. |
kimsa chunka kimsayuq has context of cardinal. |
laqha wasi is related to prison. |
hap iy is related to grab. |
llullay is related to llulla. |
qhaway is related to vision. |
tiksicha k allampa is a synonym of basidiomycota. |
kiwi is a synonym of kiwi p isqu. |
chayakamuy is related to lodging. |
waylla is related to dancer. |
tuytuy is related to tuyuy. |
millpuy is a form of millp uy. |
riwista is a synonym of magazine. |
ykichik is related to nkichik. |
kaymanta is related to here. |
krup is a synonym of croup. |
chhachu is related to hairy. |
pichana is derived from pichay. |
lait is a synonym of ñuñu. |
katharina ii is a synonym of catherine great. |
khata has context of weaving. |
uchpay is related to remove. |
rimay is related to express. |
asnan qura is a synonym of senecio vulgaris. |
happen is a synonym of tukuy. |
utaq is related to also. |
tiwrun is a synonym of shark. |
lazy is a synonym of qilla. |
qullpa is related to niter. |
umachaki is a synonym of cephalopod. |
mansana is etymologically derived from manzana. |
yaya is related to elder. |
qahira is a synonym of cairo. |
achalay is related to achalachiy. |
sillwi khuru is derived from khuru. |
pach a is related to stomach. |
smear is a synonym of hawiy. |
kiwach is related to woman. |
miyaw ñiy is derived from miyaw. |
cuisse is a synonym of chanka. |
cousin is a synonym of qayri. |
pari is related to lukewarm. |
isanka is related to basket. |
ihmayay is a form of ikmayay. |
pas is related to taq. |
wanaku is related to allpaqa. |
something is a synonym of ima. |
chaki is related to leg. |
paqar is related to paqariy. |
sumay is related to good name. |
qunuy is related to build. |
pukllay is related to tassel. |
arabya siq i llumpa is a synonym of arabic alphabet. |
ispa is related to ispay. |
lightning is a synonym of illapa. |
wampuy is a form of wamp uy. |
riman is a form of rimay. |
sapallu is related to zucchini. |
iskay ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy has context of histoire. |
ñawilliy is related to ñawiy. |
ayñiy is related to contradict. |
hospital is a synonym of jampina wasi. |
alqo is a synonym of allcu. |
ñañarayku is a form of ñaña. |
tawa chunka hukniyuq has context of cardinal. |
qhari is related to courageous. |
askhayay is related to askhayachiy. |
masara is related to cheese. |
wayra is related to illness. |
milla is related to revulsion. |
chiwanway is related to deep. |
llimphi is related to llimphiy. |
maypi is derived from may. |
uchpa is related to uchpay. |
sinq ay has context of movement. |
suchu piki is a synonym of tunga penetrans. |
qilliy is related to meet. |
feed is a synonym of qaray. |
p ampay is related to p ampa. |
fleece is a synonym of millma. |
onqoy is a form of unquy. |
ñusta is a form of ñust a. |
q apiy is related to q api. |
wantuy is related to transport. |
t inki is related to shoe. |
wamp u is related to wamp uy. |
cut off is a synonym of t ipiy. |
ch uhtay is related to ch uhtanay. |
upalla is a form of upa. |
p akiy is related to p aki. |
mink a is related to mink ay. |
qillqana is derived from qillqay. |
q ispi umiña is a synonym of diamond. |
wayllapi is related to orange. |
allquchakuy is related to abuse. |
pay is related to he. |
tiger is a synonym of uthurunku. |
wachuma is a synonym of echinopsis peruviana. |
achalachiy is related to achalay. |
bicolour is a synonym of alqa. |
tumi is related to scalpel. |
k ita is related to undomesticated. |
truyanu maqanakuy is a synonym of trojan war. |
mutur phirunku is related to motorcycle. |
asipayay is related to make fun of. |
qasa is related to qasay. |
ususi is related to daughter. |
sawud arabya is a synonym of saudi arabia. |
antakusma is a synonym of krameria. |
agave is a synonym of qara. |
aylluy is related to blanket. |
waman is a synonym of falcon. |
ch iraw mit a is a synonym of spring. |
llimp i is related to salt. |
riy is related to travel. |
khuya is related to amulet. |
gabon is a synonym of gabun. |
haku is related to shawl. |
lluq i is related to left handed. |
worry is a synonym of phutiy. |
londres is a synonym of london. |
marq ay is related to embrace. |
sunqu is related to rod. |
qulla is related to narcotic. |
hatu is related to festivities. |
mustasa is a synonym of mustard. |
watu is related to watuy. |
atipakuy is a synonym of violence. |
awaka is a synonym of euphorbia peplus. |
puchka is related to spindle. |
call is a synonym of waqya. |
maykama is derived from may. |
neodimyu is a synonym of neodymium. |
sunday is a synonym of intichaw. |
albania is a synonym of albanya. |
p api is related to p apichay. |
taka is related to collision. |
thirty six is a synonym of kimsa chunka suqtayuq. |
rak iy is related to take apart. |
qulla is a synonym of ura. |
wicharina is derived from wichariy. |
cooking is a synonym of chaya. |
waka is related to baby. |
awñiy is related to consent. |
lie is a synonym of llulla. |
awkikuna is related to lineage. |
q iru phukuna waqachina is a synonym of woodwind instrument. |
punku is related to narrow. |
willaq is related to messenger. |
sasa k ikuy is a synonym of dysmenorrhea. |
ignacio de loyola is a synonym of ignatius of loyola. |
yaña is related to trial. |
sapa is related to sapa inka. |
kiki has context of pronominal. |
tiyay is related to takuy. |
kinsa is a form of kimsa. |
islandya is a synonym of iceland. |
kutipakuy is related to backtalk. |
p ampa is related to p ampachay. |
masu is a synonym of bat. |
qillqay is related to qillqa. |
urqu is related to male. |
ch arki is related to jerky. |
yaykuy is related to enter. |
anku is related to resistant. |
watana is related to rope. |
ayni is related to balanced. |
tujuri is related to maize. |
yawar is related to blood. |
urpi is a synonym of columbidae. |
boto is a synonym of puhuyu. |
teapot is a synonym of yaku t impuchina. |
ñak aq is derived from ñak ay. |
uqhi is a form of uqi. |
chiri is related to chirichi. |
taku is related to high. |
urpi is related to dove. |
wikipedia is a synonym of wikipidiya. |
kalistu is a synonym of eucalyptus. |
llaqwaq is derived from llaqway. |
siwara is etymologically derived from cebada. |
rit i is related to ice. |
mink ay is related to assign. |
yalliy is related to pass. |
awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. |
lúcuma is etymologically derived from rukma. |
katari is related to snake. |
qʼumir umiña has context of minéralogie. |
onagre is a synonym of sapai warmi. |
pukaray is related to fortify. |
wakichi is a synonym of computer program. |
urmay is related to fall. |
antharu is a synonym of squirrel. |
pápa is a synonym of pope. |
chimpachiy is related to over. |
maqanakuy is related to fight. |
khachuy is related to kaniy. |
arphayay is related to arpha. |
amaru is related to serpent. |
uraykuy is related to camp. |
cogitate is a synonym of hamut ay. |
achalakuy is related to adorn. |
ripen is a synonym of puquy. |
yna is a form of hina. |
ayway is related to walk. |
kuraka is related to mayor. |
t antay is related to make. |
wawa is related to child. |
llimpi is a form of llimp i. |
lata wuru is derived from wuru. |
hik ipakuy is derived from hik iy. |
ruraq is related to creator. |
qaka is related to kaka. |
kutay is related to blow. |
llulla is related to untrue. |
thuqay is related to thuqa. |
pata is related to on. |
tiburón is etymologically related to tiwrun. |
bromu is a synonym of bromine. |
silkworm is a synonym of murira pillpintu. |
rupha rupha is etymologically related to rupha. |
achachi is a synonym of machu. |
rutuy is related to depilate. |
ñapa is etymologically related to yapay. |
ñaña is related to woman. |
asipayay is related to laugh. |
new york suyu is a synonym of new york. |
puñuna is derived from puñuy. |
q ipi is related to knot. |
warmi is related to woman. |
lésotho is a synonym of suthusuyu. |
prick is a synonym of t uksiy. |
achalachiy is related to embellish. |
rantikuy is related to oneself. |
chanin is related to apt. |
achalay is related to decorate. |
juch uy p acha is derived from p acha. |
wañuy is related to death. |
suyu is related to striped. |
qunta q illay is a synonym of magnesium. |
rumpiy is related to run. |
satanas is a synonym of satan. |
grape is a synonym of uwa. |
uyway is related to uywa. |
jatun mama is derived from mama. |
khipu is a synonym of knot. |
rutuy is related to peel. |
t ikra is related to t ikray. |
restaurant is a synonym of mikhuna wasi. |
listen is a synonym of uyariy. |
willakuy is a synonym of short story. |
unku is etymologically derived from junco. |
llamp uy is related to llamp u. |
jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. |
parlay is related to speech. |
waqta is related to behind. |
qara hampikamayuq is a synonym of dermatology. |
mastay is a form of mast ay. |
puchka is related to yarn. |
happy is a synonym of kusi. |
sisay is related to sisa. |
chumpiy is related to fasten. |
usachiy is related to gain. |
wichq ay is related to close. |
submerge is a synonym of chapukuy. |
millwa is a form of millma. |
hanaq is related to ukhu. |
llasa is related to llasay. |
q apay is related to smell. |
ch isi is related to night. |
khipuy is related to secretly. |
llama is related to lama. |
phurutilla is etymologically derived from frutilla. |
aysay is related to aysaysiy. |
milk is a synonym of ch away. |
qutuy is related to accumulate. |
surinam is a synonym of suriname. |
mink ay is related to hire. |
munay is related to like. |
chuqi is related to metal. |
manta is related to ablative. |
aqu is related to kiwachi. |
hinitika is a synonym of genetics. |
q ara chupa is etymologically related to chupa. |
allinchay is related to cure. |
joelpa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of joel. |
airplane is a synonym of lata pisqu. |
wilancha is a synonym of sacrifice. |
katiguriya is etymologically derived from κατηγορια. |
tupay is related to encounter. |
chawa is related to raw. |
juch uy wasi is derived from wasi. |
anis is a synonym of anise. |
deux is a synonym of iskay. |
pampa is related to floor. |
llik iq is related to tear. |
jampiy ranqhana wasi is related to pharmacy. |
paway is related to pawa. |
kaka is related to kiwachi. |
ch uyayachiy is related to ch uya. |
laqha wasi is derived from laqha. |
read is a synonym of ñawiy. |
q iwiy is related to injure. |
pacha is related to weather. |
arinsay is related to rent. |
waylluy is related to passionate. |
kenya is a synonym of kinya. |
vomit is a synonym of aqtuy. |
sutiy is related to suti. |
hinaspa is related to that. |
qhaway is related to observe. |
qutu is related to mound. |
wichay is related to go up. |
wata junt ay is derived from wata. |
kalyu is a synonym of potassium. |
hatunchay is related to hatun. |
rusaryu is a synonym of rosary. |
apakamuy is related to along. |
mitk ay is related to trip. |
kanay has context of spiritual. |
athina is a synonym of athens. |
waqta is related to ascent. |
willow is a synonym of sawsi. |
uya is related to page. |
kallpa is related to hurry. |
hanaq is related to hanan. |
sawsi is a synonym of willow. |
grigu siq i llumpa is a synonym of greek alphabet. |
palla is related to dancer. |
ñuqayku is related to we. |
nikil is a synonym of nickel. |
unu is related to water. |
katiguriya is etymologically derived from categoría. |
zucker is a synonym of asukar. |
yki is related to nki. |
awqapuri is related to soldier. |
kakawa upyana is a synonym of hot chocolate. |
kohl is a synonym of kulis. |
announce is a synonym of willay. |
phuti is related to phutiy. |
killa is related to month. |
ch ullullulluy is related to drip. |
siqay is related to above. |
they is a synonym of paykuna. |
anqas is related to plant. |
qillu is a form of q illu. |
t itu is related to dark. |
lwiw is a synonym of lviv. |
wist u is related to crooked. |
chakwas is related to old. |
tuku is related to owl. |
hampiy is related to hampiriy. |
raphi is related to raphra. |
pallay is related to design. |
api is related to citrus. |
k ita waranqaysu is a synonym of ranunculus acris. |
wamp u is related to ship. |
spoon is a synonym of wislla. |
helium is a synonym of ilyu. |
ch iqta is related to crack. |
ismay is related to isma. |
apichakuy is related to wet. |
p ampa is related to p ampampuy. |
yuyay is related to thought. |
thatki is related to thatkiy. |
wichay is related to north. |
rot is a synonym of ismuy. |
isparaw is a synonym of asparagus. |
pronoun is a synonym of sutip rantin. |
sinq ay is related to sinq a. |
chiqa is related to certain. |
sacha is related to wild. |
wuru is etymologically derived from burro. |
yanaurqu is a synonym of montenegro. |
saruy is related to track. |
kallpay is related to flee. |
uspa is related to uninvited. |
ch akichiy is related to dry. |
q’ uñi yaku is derived from q’ uñi. |
wayk una wasi is related to kitchen. |
nuna is a synonym of aya. |
chanqiyay is related to chanqa. |
q iwi is related to curved. |
qara is a synonym of skin. |
ischuchay is related to ischu. |
kuraka is related to administrator. |
qatiy is related to lead. |
taki kapchiy is a synonym of music. |
saksa is related to frayed. |
khipukamayuq is derived from khipu. |
mama qucha is derived from qucha. |
warm up is a synonym of qunuy. |
waqya is related to waqyay. |
ishkiy is related to fall. |
chutay is related to pull. |
tuta is related to morning. |
utqay is related to utqaychay. |
ayapampa is related to graveyard. |
puquy is related to puqu. |
urqu is a synonym of mountain. |
ch iqan is a synonym of diagonal. |
exhale is a synonym of samay. |
kopernisyu is a synonym of copernicium. |
watu is related to watuy. |
anschuykunakuy is related to amicably. |
kuru qulluna is a synonym of pesticide. |
marq ay is related to carry. |
chahrakuy is related to chahraysiy. |
chest is a synonym of p uti. |
kullay is related to send. |
llimphiy is related to llimphi. |
rimay is related to speak. |
scrub is a synonym of khituy. |
harka is a form of hark a. |
monaco is a synonym of munaku. |
living room is a synonym of samana wasi. |
ch aska is a synonym of venus. |
kuraka is related to leader. |
kallpa is related to kallpay. |
yachakuq is related to yachay. |
aylluchakuy is related to ayllumasi. |
ñiy is related to speak. |
churi is related to animal. |
llimpi is a form of llimphi. |
only is a synonym of sapa. |
yapay is related to augment. |
duminika is a synonym of dominica. |
chupa is related to tail. |
khallki is related to khallkiy. |
qayna is related to last. |
cristobal colon is a synonym of christopher columbus. |
sapatu is a synonym of shoe. |
belgique is a synonym of bélgica. |
asnay is related to stink. |
k allku is related to bitter. |
timpuy is a form of t impuy. |
ayniy is related to return. |
ruraq has context of mathematics. |
qishyay is related to unquy. |
yupa is related to abundant. |
illa is related to unit of measurement. |
uruya is related to footbridge. |
waqya is related to warning. |
sataqchi is a synonym of celtis. |
willay is related to touch. |
turkey is a synonym of qallqatu. |
saruy is related to mount. |
mishikupi is related to genitive. |
q emiy is a form of q imiy. |
waranqawata is a synonym of millennium. |
jatun mama is derived from jatun. |
apasanka is related to araignée. |
maqay is related to hit. |
riqsiy is related to riqsinakuy. |
butcher is a synonym of ñak aq. |
sillwi khuru is derived from khuru. |
kusikuy is related to buck. |
phutiy is related to worry. |
champira chichiku is a synonym of pygmy marmoset. |
willaq is related to anointed. |
hap iy is related to capture. |
quinoa is a synonym of kinwa. |
pithagoras is a synonym of pythagoras. |
pusay is related to pusaysiy. |
aklluykachay is related to stutter. |
rupha is related to hot. |
qhipan pacha is derived from pacha. |
k ita uywa is related to wild animal. |
wañuchiy is related to kill. |
pichaq is related to janitor. |
baste is a synonym of ch uhtay. |
p acha is related to clothes. |
rumiyay is related to rumi. |
wanay is related to deterrent. |
k ita uywap wasin is related to zoo. |
aspiy is related to dig out. |
hucha is related to create. |
hark ay is related to defend. |
iskayñiqi is related to second. |
ruk ana is a synonym of digit. |
zebra is a synonym of siwra. |
qhapaq is related to wealthy. |
qillqa is a synonym of writing system. |
mamallaqtapura qullqi qullqa is a synonym of international monetary fund. |
wayta is related to waytay. |
without is a synonym of nnaq. |
thuñi is related to collapse. |
saqra is related to violent. |
seaborgium is a synonym of seaborgyu. |
ruk ana is related to finger. |
kina kina is a synonym of cinchona. |
thantay is related to thanta. |
t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from t anta. |
sing is a synonym of takiy. |
may may is related to great. |
funnel is a synonym of jumina. |
miqu is a synonym of starch. |
hunt is a synonym of chakuy. |
skull is a synonym of uma tullu. |
tube is a synonym of anku. |
wisina is a synonym of container. |
ullpukuy is related to ullpu. |
hunk a is a synonym of simana. |
jatun yachay wasi is related to university. |
musambik is a synonym of mozambique. |
kinuwa is a form of kinwa. |
pampachay is related to pardon. |
waka is related to sickly. |
achiy is related to poke. |
tupay is related to find. |
kunti is similar to qulla. |
khipuy is related to iskiy. |
pillis usa is a synonym of body louse. |
qutu is related to kingdom. |
chumpiy is related to chumpi. |
qaqa is related to qaqa qaqa. |
chanin is related to chaniy. |
iskay phutuy raphiyuq is a synonym of dicotyledon. |
indiku mama qucha is a synonym of indian ocean. |
ñin is related to so called. |
illay is related to not. |
kluru is a synonym of chlorine. |
read is a synonym of ñawinchay. |
llat an muruyuq is a synonym of gymnosperm. |
watuy is related to ask. |
haircut is a synonym of rutuy. |
amañay is related to adapt. |
rakhu ch unchul is a synonym of large intestine. |
yoq is a form of yuq. |
mastay is a form of mast ay. |
quwi is related to guinea pig. |
taski is related to virgin. |
domesticated is a synonym of uywa. |
t ipiy is related to cut. |
turi is related to ñaña. |
chinkakapuy is related to flee. |
pacha is related to age. |
ch uhtanay is related to baste. |
kriti is a synonym of crete. |
crustacean is a synonym of qaraqruyuwa. |
sirp i pukllay is a synonym of cricket. |
crucify is a synonym of chakatay. |
churiyay is related to engender. |
ruphachiy is related to field. |
allpa is related to soil. |
jatun mama is derived from mama. |
watya is related to food. |
llawi is a synonym of key. |
hut'kuy is related to drill. |
gadolinyu is a synonym of gadolinium. |
lluq i is related to thread. |
chakwas is a synonym of paya. |
k achanchakuy is related to makeup. |
awki is related to awki ruwal. |
aqtuy is related to puke. |
wiñay is related to develop. |
chutuchupa ukucha is a synonym of cricetidae. |
chumpiy is related to about. |
inchik is a synonym of peanut. |
illapa is related to lightning. |
ch uru is related to snail. |
yarquy is related to depart. |
asya is a synonym of asia. |
qaray is related to food. |
k aspicha ruwli is a synonym of quercus robur. |
five is a synonym of pizga. |
llaqta is related to department. |
choklo is related to sara. |
rikuriy is related to rikuy. |
p aqu is a synonym of brown. |
manqus wasi is a synonym of temple. |
galyu is a synonym of gallium. |
qispichiy is related to complete. |
q imikuy is related to lean on. |
pantay is related to confusion. |
ullanta is related to genus. |
achalakuy is related to achala. |
p uchquy is related to fermentation. |
ripuwlika is etymologically related to publica. |
harpy eagle is a synonym of chullu walli. |
runasimi is related to language. |
alli is related to allichay. |
galatayuqkunapaq qillqa is a synonym of epistle to galatians. |
ashtay is a form of astay. |
aylluy is related to collect. |
chanqay is related to chanqa. |
usay is related to create. |
q imikuy is related to rest. |
yura is a synonym of plant. |
millma is related to hair. |
qhichwa is related to sierra. |
chapukuy is related to chapuy. |
yupana is related to counter. |
wawsakuy is a synonym of masturbation. |
yuraq ukumari is a synonym of polar bear. |
jisp ana wasi is related to bathroom. |
huch uiyay is related to diminish. |
killachaw is derived from killa. |
quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa. |
grenoble has context of localités. |
watya is related to pachamanca. |
mayway is related to heart. |
phuñi is related to corn. |
moldavie is a synonym of mulduwa. |
willa is a synonym of information. |
thuqay is related to thuqa. |
mikhuy is related to lunch. |
hunu is related to million. |
kuta is related to flour. |
chuwi is related to bean. |
kolumbien is a synonym of kulumbiya. |
nipal is a synonym of nepal. |
upyay is related to consume. |
llankʼa is related to travail. |
hank ay is related to limp. |
awqa is related to awqay. |
wata junt ay is derived from junt ay. |
tata is related to mister. |
learn is a synonym of yachay. |
chirimaway is a synonym of pineapple. |
mit a is related to workday. |
askhayay is related to multiply. |
tupa has context of textiles. |
pumasqa is etymologically related to puma. |
chincha is similar to kunti. |
siwis is a synonym of cedrela. |
tuytuy is a synonym of wayt’ ay. |
allqa is related to brown. |
bind is a synonym of watay. |
seven is a synonym of qanchis. |
yaku is related to eau. |
kichkay is related to kichka. |
t inki is related to united. |
speak is a synonym of rimay. |
thatkiy is related to start. |
mikhuchiy is related to nourish. |
uyariy is related to hear. |
muya is related to orchard. |
yarquy is related to leave. |
pitu is related to couple. |
hayway is related to offer. |
kunti is related to western. |
chincha is similar to qulla. |
florida suyu is a synonym of florida. |
uwiha is a synonym of sheep. |
new york city is a synonym of new york. |
yawar ispay is a synonym of hematuria. |
qara is related to skin. |
hominy is a synonym of mut i. |
mit a is a synonym of season. |
school is a synonym of yachay wasi. |
khipukamayuq is related to accountant. |
now is a synonym of kunan. |
sipiy is related to hang. |
foresee is a synonym of t ituy. |
q aray is related to q ara. |
qaqa qaqa is etymologically related to qaqa. |
usay is related to be able to. |
michiy is a synonym of pasture. |
ayñiy is related to ayñi. |
pacha is related to same. |
ch illmipakuy is related to ch illmi. |
tuñiy is a form of thuñiy. |
qhapaq is related to rich. |
akne is a synonym of muchhi. |
kuchuy is related to carve. |
yalliy is related to exceed. |
zapallo is etymologically derived from sapallu. |
bahay has context of bolivia. |
ポンチョ is etymologically derived from punchu. |
cure is a synonym of hampiy. |
tupa has context of medicine. |
ladle is a synonym of wisllasapa. |
p akincha is a synonym of papaver. |
ayamarq ay killa is derived from aya. |
yaña is related to yañay. |
mitma is related to mitmay. |
lliphlliy is related to lliphlli. |
hayt ay is related to hayt a. |
yunnan pruwinsya is a synonym of yunnan. |
qispichiy is related to free. |
baryu is a synonym of barium. |
pitu is related to toast. |
newfoundland wan labrador pruwinsya is a synonym of newfoundland and labrador. |
unite is a synonym of ch antay. |
jisp ana is derived from jisp ay. |
tawa chunka tawayuq has context of cardinal. |
speaker is a synonym of willaq. |
willaq is related to clue. |
ñisqa is related to so called. |
riqsisqa is related to popular. |
week is a synonym of qanchischaw. |
americas is a synonym of awya yala. |
qalla is related to wheel. |
tuku is related to great horned owl. |
alli is related to allipunakapuy. |
ñawra is related to diversity. |
sayariy has context of christianity. |
istunya is a synonym of estonia. |
chimpay is related to overpass. |
parlay is related to talk. |
sayariy is related to resurrection. |
stone is a synonym of rumi. |
ñaña is related to turi. |
awki is related to old. |
kisu is a synonym of cheese. |
kiss is a synonym of much ay. |
klasiku musika is a synonym of classical music. |
kuraq is related to ancient. |
fava bean is a synonym of hawas. |
lukewarm is a synonym of pari. |
twenty six is a synonym of iskay chunka suqtayuq. |
paychi is a synonym of arapaima. |
wiñay is related to eternity. |
bent is a synonym of wist u. |
wachay is related to bud. |
ñust a is related to princess. |
tarantula is a synonym of apanqura. |
maylliy is a form of mayllay. |
uyway is related to tame. |
yapa is related to sum. |
api is related to soft. |
waraqu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of cactus. |
ayniy is related to communal. |
t ituy is related to t itu. |
suyu is related to cardinal. |
achik is related to light. |
nuyuy is a synonym of flood. |
ruru is related to egg. |
k umpu is a synonym of hat. |
wanu is related to dung. |
chaway is related to pot. |
misuka is a synonym of cosmos. |
paqta is related to possibly. |
yura is related to shrub. |
ara de lafresnaye is a synonym of quri wakamayu. |
lie in wait is a synonym of chapatiyay. |
yawnay is related to talk. |
t ika is related to flower. |
kanay is related to power. |
saqiy is related to allow. |
move is a synonym of ayway. |
chaski is related to messenger. |
hephq ay is related to shell. |
amañay is related to renounce. |
sinchi has context of preceding adjectives. |
qasi simi is derived from simi. |
chiriy is related to chiriyachiy. |
chalkboard is a synonym of pirqa qillqana. |
chiri is related to chirichiy. |
thuñi is related to crash. |
qhusi is related to turquoise. |
parlay is related to converse. |
nchis is a form of nchik. |
panti is related to flower. |
mulla is related to kuncha. |
nehemiyap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of nehemiah. |
apichakuy is derived from apichay. |
ch ipihyay is related to ch illmipakuy. |
hat alliykuy is a synonym of sustainability. |
klawil is a synonym of dianthus. |
p achallikuy is related to get dressed. |
llamk ay is related to engine. |
inca is etymologically derived from inka. |
ancient is a synonym of machu. |
taku is related to soil. |
sunqu is related to kernel. |
sullu is a synonym of fetus. |
yachaywasi is derived from yachay. |
t uqyachina ayñi is a synonym of firearm. |
lak ota is a synonym of sioux. |
yunta is a synonym of yoke. |
rimulacha is a synonym of beta vulgaris. |
mississippi suyu is a synonym of mississippi. |
k aspi qillqana is related to pencil. |
fart is a synonym of thasay. |
khachu is related to bite. |
pinchikilla pusaq is a synonym of electrical conductor. |
novial simi is a synonym of novial. |
squid is a synonym of samanna. |
sani is a synonym of uqi. |
ch umay is related to ch umana. |
hina is related to for example. |
ruray is related to work. |
wild animal is a synonym of k ita uywa. |
nanaq is related to robust. |
llamk ana is related to tool. |
iskaymuyu is derived from iskay. |
uywa is related to domesticate. |
machu is related to vieux. |
ch unqay is related to absorb. |
reread is a synonym of qillqaqhawapay. |
ñañarayku is a form of ñaña. |
antanka is related to anta. |
cooperate is a synonym of yanapay. |
wañuchiy is related to wañuy. |
kaña is related to toast. |
llimphi is a synonym of color. |
iskay chunka pichqayuq is related to twenty five. |
hunt apuy is related to repay. |
khuya is related to love. |
allqamari has context of ayacucho. |
wach iy is related to arrow. |
wisk acha is related to viscacha. |
suysuy is related to intensive. |
t uksiy is related to sting. |
ispa is related to ispay. |
qunuy is related to warm up. |
yachay is related to yachapay. |
wayta is related to flower. |
kututu is related to guinea pig. |
supay is related to devil. |
medicine is a synonym of jampina. |
hampikamayuq is a synonym of physician. |
machu is related to old. |
chuku is related to brown. |
anyay is related to berate. |
ayllukuna is etymologically related to ayllu. |
chomolungma is a synonym of mount everest. |
ch away is related to milk. |
chirimuyu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of annonaceae. |
hak akllu is related to woodpecker. |
tanta is related to together. |
allqamari is related to raven. |
mink ay is related to servant. |
my is a synonym of y. |
sinchi is related to sinchichakuy. |
ihma is a form of ikma. |
miyaw ñiy is derived from ñiy. |
wisnu is a synonym of mass. |
qallay is related to qalla. |
anunas is a synonym of annona. |
ruray is related to create. |
ñawiriy is related to ñawiy. |
elementarteilchen is a synonym of tiksi k atacha. |
writing is a synonym of qillqa. |
bisiklita yallinakuy is a synonym of cycling. |
kisma is related to uterus. |
siqay is related to climb. |
road is a synonym of ñan. |
qata is related to blanket. |
icha is related to or. |
ñaqch a is related to ñaqch ay. |
chapatiyay is related to chapa. |
upiy is related to portion. |
friday is a synonym of ch askachaw. |
qara is related to bark. |
yañay is related to experiment. |
k allampa is a synonym of fungus. |
waylluy is related to tenderly. |
para is related to tamya. |
awki is related to awkisuyu. |
utqay is related to heavy. |
shinkitu is a synonym of calliphoridae. |
millay is related to damage. |
wamra is related to adolescent. |
kusi is related to joyeux. |
rimay is related to rimachiy. |
première guerre mondiale is a synonym of huk ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy. |
yachay wasi is derived from wasi. |
niptun has context of astronomie. |
allwiya kamay is a synonym of technology. |
tustuy is a form of t ustuy. |
harawi is related to poem. |
khuya is related to magic. |
chaski is related to email. |
tupaq is related to tupa. |
hayay is related to haya. |
sindikatu is a synonym of trade union. |
rimaykuy is related to explain. |
unku is related to clothing. |
hak uchay is related to hak u. |
t uksiy is related to point. |
kuraq umu wasi is a synonym of abbey. |
speak is a synonym of parlay. |
uray is related to uraqay. |
arma is related to armay. |
illay is related to illa. |
qanchischaw is a synonym of hunk a. |
count is a synonym of yupay. |
maywaq is related to caresser. |
k anchay is related to shine. |
wamp uy is related to fly. |
saqsa is a form of saksa. |
tipi is related to shucking. |
purun is related to rainforest. |
indya is a synonym of india. |
supiy is related to fart. |
wach i is related to arrow. |
karru is related to automobile. |
leaf is a synonym of raphi. |
jar is a synonym of p uyñu. |
ayñi is a synonym of weapon. |
qispichiy is related to solve. |
once again is a synonym of yapay. |
siñurpa sinan is a synonym of eucharist. |
phiñakuy is a synonym of anger. |
darling mayu is a synonym of darling river. |
chunta is related to dark. |
pirwa is related to geometric. |
suyuy is related to suyu. |
k achanchay is related to decorate. |
juk is related to one. |
sansa is related to weak. |
khuska is related to tanta. |
chimpay is related to traverse. |
minutu is a synonym of minute. |
harvest is a synonym of tipiy. |
uray is related to descend. |
riqsiy is related to riqsipay. |
uspa is a form of uchpa. |
qiwlla is a synonym of gull. |
sansa k anchana is a synonym of incandescent light bulb. |
phuyuy is related to phuyu. |
suni is related to deep. |
suni is related to black. |
kuti is related to white. |
yarina lagartu is a synonym of smooth fronted caiman. |
awqa is related to awqay. |
leather is a synonym of qara. |
qispichiy is related to save. |
chahrakuy is related to chahrachay. |
miyu is related to miyuy. |
maypi is derived from may. |
iskay is related to two. |
jap iy is related to catch. |