text api is related to soup. upper is a synonym of hanaq. dicotyledon is a synonym of iskay phutuy raphiyuq. tupuy is related to count. mikhuna is related to edible. qhipan pacha is derived from pacha. saway is related to marry. glucose is a synonym of uwas misk i. khallkiy is related to khallki. ñiy is related to tell. 智利 is etymologically derived from chili. mikhap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of micah. rupha is related to ruphay. alli is related to allichu. hina is related to example. maruku is a synonym of morocco. utqay is related to hurry. rimaq is similar to rimay. hak u is related to flour. q umir qhura is derived from qhura. t uqyay is a synonym of explosion. mayuatu is a synonym of procyon. atikay is related to despoil. sinchiyay is related to numb. qinchay is related to hedge. sapa is related to each. rimay is related to voice. mistreat is a synonym of allquchakuy. year is a synonym of wata. mallki is related to tree. hunger is a synonym of yarqay. ñawpaq pacha is derived from ñawpaq. riqsi is related to acquaintance. saksay is related to saksa. allay is related to tuber. pirqay is related to wall. yachachiy is related to guidance. ukumari is a synonym of bear. hamk a is related to maize. husk a is a synonym of astragalus. ch ipiy is a form of ch ipchiy. pacha is related to environment. sit is a synonym of samay. pusaq is related to leader. q’ uñi yaku is related to tea. sinqa is related to nez. ten is a synonym of chunka. atiy is related to can. harvest is a synonym of kallchay. lluq i is related to left. muyuy is related to surround. waki is related to society. kañay is related to burn. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. ladoga qucha is a synonym of lake ladoga. clothes is a synonym of p acha. jumina is related to funnel. lucmo is etymologically derived from rukma. brother is a synonym of wawqi. ismuy is related to rot. ch ariña is a synonym of grasshopper. achiy is related to add. wik uña is related to vigogne. mitkay is a form of mitk ay. yanuq is a synonym of cook. phinkiy is related to jump. sallqa amachay is a synonym of conservation. kiwachi is related to aqu. taski is a form of thatki. ñawi is related to water. wañuchiy is related to murder. lliphiy is a form of lliphlliy. clear is a synonym of ch uwa. ullu islampu is a synonym of condom. waterfall is a synonym of phaqcha. riqsiy is related to riqsiriy. chikachay is related to diminish. chunkantin kamachiykuna is a synonym of ten commandments. t uquy is related to hole. yawyay is related to diminution. mount everest is a synonym of chomolungma. chaqullu is a synonym of vicia faba. malliy is related to llunk uy. taqtay is related to earth up. ñiy is related to express. pani is related to turi. sut i is related to evident. riqsisqa is a form of riqsiy. acacia is a synonym of harka. aysay is related to scale. sillu is a synonym of nail. waqta is related to incline. aysay is related to stretch. q iwi is related to curve. ch uhtanay is related to thread. pen is a synonym of qillqana. kusi is related to pleased. kutuna is related to shirt. ilanda wat a is a synonym of ireland. jisp ana wasi is derived from wasi. waki is related to particular. iowa suyu is a synonym of iowa. hatun kamachi is a synonym of constitution. hallmay is related to earth. yachay is related to yacha. phaway is related to run away. aspiq is a synonym of pencil. anku is related to elastic. tusuna wasi is derived from tusuy. fox is a synonym of atuq. llaqway is related to malliy. ñawpa añaki is a synonym of archaea. saqra is related to devil. yañay is related to yaña. miray is related to reproduce. allqu ñupchuy is a synonym of solanum dulcamara. hawiy is related to smear. wakcha is related to farmer. house music is a synonym of house. iskayñiqi is related to iskayñiqin. t ipiy is related to rip off. tikra is a form of t ikra. thasnuy is related to put out. sanp a mama qucha is a synonym of pacific ocean. ñaqchʼa is related to peigne. hunt ay is related to satisfy. hamuy is related to advance. llanthu is related to shade. peanut is a synonym of inchik. ñusta is a form of ñust a. sodium is a synonym of natriyu. wichqay is a form of wichq ay. aqu is related to kiwach. ña is related to already. mihu is a synonym of proso millet. pukllay is related to tag. ch ichi is related to dirty. look for is a synonym of maskhay. bone is a synonym of tullu. kay is related to être. wayllay is related to waylla. hanka is related to altitude. phuyu is related to cloud. sanawrya is etymologically derived from zanahoria. rikuchiy is related to exposition. suqta is related to six. tayu is a synonym of oilbird. uwa is related to grape. llamp u is related to llamp uy. rabbit is a synonym of quwi. tirika is a synonym of oncilla. wasi qhatana is derived from wasi. лама is etymologically derived from llama. spruce is a synonym of pisya. achachi is a synonym of machu. willachikuy is a synonym of communication. ñawra is related to multiplicity. wik uña is related to wanaku. amachaq is related to defender. k akcha pukllay is a synonym of handball. hank ay is related to hank a. churi is related to wawa. pirqa qillqana is related to blackboard. muchuy is related to poverty. illa is related to struck. hina is related to like so. happy is a synonym of kusisqa. illinois suyu is a synonym of illinois. siqsi is related to tickle. qhusi is related to bleu ciel. qunchu is related to cloudy. anchachay is related to exaggerate. siqsiy is a synonym of itch. kiru is related to tooth. qillqay is related to écrire. למה is etymologically derived from llama. riy is related to ayway. ch uwa is related to transparent. tiyamuy is related to sit. teotiwakan is a synonym of teotihuacan. llalliy is related to llalli. lluqsiy is related to come out. ragged is a synonym of chhachu. allqamari has context of bolivia. chunka has context of cardinal. tayta is related to yaya. allqu is related to dog. aquchay is related to aqu. darkness is a synonym of laqha. cyathée is a synonym of aschaq. chiriy is related to chiri. mutkhiy is related to smell. riti is a form of rit i. p uti is related to lock. hoof is a synonym of sillu. qatuylla is a synonym of mercury. lata wuru is derived from lata. hap iy is related to catch. watana is related to bond. jampina wasi is derived from jampiy. chakachay is related to chaka. jampina wasi is derived from wasi. kuyuy is related to twist. llik isqa is related to torn. ispa is related to urine. allquchakuy is related to control. waqay is related to crying. armay is related to bathe. wik uña is related to allpaqa. pi is related to à. puquy is related to production. siddhārtha gautama is a synonym of gautama buddha. rak iy is related to separate. llaqta is related to nation. ullpu is related to flour. ice is a synonym of chullunku. pani is related to sister. punku is related to door. kutay is related to collision. chʼaskachaw is related to vendredi. utqaychay is related to drive. waqaychay is related to spare. kiki is related to kikin. manitoba pruwinsya is a synonym of manitoba. allinchay is related to arrange. phaskay is a form of paskay. yapa is related to quantity. khachu is related to khachuy. sanctify is a synonym of willkachay. sirbu hurwat rimay is a synonym of serbo croatian. tupuy is related to tupu. kay is related to ici. illay is related to shine. kaña is related to kañay. slovenia is a synonym of isluwinya. kawsay pacha yachay is a synonym of ecology. tarikaya is a synonym of yellow spotted river turtle. qhawaq is derived from qhaway. pakay is related to hide. quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa. phawaykachay is related to flutter. pruphisyun is a synonym of profession. ñansa qucha is a synonym of lake victoria. hich ay is related to spill. qaqa is related to pass. achiwiti is a form of achiyuti. kapiqantu is a synonym of dianthus caryophyllus. chikchi is related to chikchiy. lata wuru is a synonym of iskaymuyu. q emiy is a form of q imiy. qillqaqhaway is related to ñawiy. leader is a synonym of uma. usuy is related to poverty. yaykuy is related to join. akwa hirinka is a synonym of injection. puchkay is related to spin. chayqa is related to chay. burkina phasu is a synonym of burkina faso. jatun tata is derived from tata. p acha is a synonym of textile. yachay is related to yachachiq. tusuq is derived from tusuy. qallariy is related to start. phiña is related to mad. kallpa is a synonym of force. rikuchiy is related to index. rumiyasqa is a synonym of fossil. pallaysu is a synonym of cockroach. ch isiyay is related to become. aschiy is a form of achhiy. anqusay is related to drink. paña is related to lluq i. qatasqa muruyuq is a synonym of flowering plant. inkill is related to flower. simana is a synonym of week. pig is a synonym of khuchi. ullpu is related to ullpukuy. puchka is related to puchkay. carrot is a synonym of sanawrya. chatter is a synonym of qasi simi. chankaka is a synonym of molasses. yachakuq masi is derived from masi. suyay is related to wait. paykuna is related to they. k uslulu is a synonym of coccinellidae. qutu is related to rampart. q awa is related to excrement. q ipi is related to ceremonial. kipru is a synonym of cyprus. wayna is related to boyfriend. sat iy is related to plug in. rikuy is a synonym of visual perception. xalapa enríquez is a synonym of xalapa. sañi is related to lilac. esperanto simi is a synonym of esperanto. ñiy is related to sound. uthurunku is related to spectacled bear. ruk u is related to awki. mikhuna is related to meal. armay is related to arma. t aqsay is related to wash. ñawi is related to potato. chhulli is a synonym of influenza. ch aqlay is related to ch aqla. rak iy is related to rak i. orphan is a synonym of wakcha. kimsa chunka qanchisniyuq is related to thirty seven. puqu is related to puquy. tumi is a synonym of k isuna. kuti is related to intelligence. k allampa is related to fungus. kaka is related to kiwach. jisp ana wasi is derived from wasi. wantuy is related to transfer. chunta is related to jungle. get wet is a synonym of sut uy. chayanpuy is related to chayay. khirkinchu is related to armadillo. unquy is related to qishyay. choclo is etymologically derived from choklo. ch arkiy is related to ch arki. raki is a form of rak i. sucre is a synonym of chuqichaka. yupi is related to track. ñañakunalla is a form of ñaña. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from t anta. wapa is related to coffee. hik iy is related to hik i. three is a synonym of kimsa. yupay is related to almost. qayri is related to cousin. sut i is related to meaning. llunku llunku is a synonym of echium vulgare. forty six is a synonym of tawa chunka suqtayuq. ch iquy is a synonym of sculpture. k ita uywa is derived from k ita. riqsisqa is related to known. hik ipakuy is related to sob. ama ñiy is related to prohibit. lluq i is related to left hand. yalli is related to yalliy. aswan is related to but. añaynichiy is related to jewels. minka is a form of mink a. desert is a synonym of ch in pacha. sipas is related to girl. yunka is related to lowland. sisi is a synonym of ant. llullay is related to llulla. sinq a is related to top. humint a is related to dish. pitucha is a synonym of piccolo. allay is related to harvest. uzbekistan is a synonym of usbiksuyu. pata is related to neighboring. sa is a form of chka. népal is a synonym of nipal. fermyu is a synonym of fermium. ch arki is related to miserly. mighty is a synonym of qhapaq. yupaychay is related to thank. bruniy is a synonym of brunei. guinea pig is a synonym of kututu. grief is a synonym of phutiy. chapiy is related to solder. sinq a is related to nose. amu is related to mute. t uqu is related to t uquy. carpet is a synonym of mast a. nkichik is related to ykichik. blood is a synonym of yawar. willka is related to ritual. khirki is related to armadillo. bilisi is a synonym of belize. bake is a synonym of watyay. ñawi is related to wood. kathuliku inlisya is a synonym of catholic church. yupay is a synonym of number. yaqa is related to one fourth. nkichik is related to ykichik. wasa ruru rumi is a synonym of kidney stone. t ikray is related to come back. llimpi is a form of llimphi. tawa is related to quatre. harvest is a synonym of aymuray. k aspi is related to stick. wiña sach a is a synonym of schinus. jatun mama is derived from mama. chinkaykuy is related to chinkay. awtu raqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. parlay is related to language. watukuy is related to request. ñiy is related to mean. chiqap is a synonym of truth. handball is a synonym of k akcha pukllay. break is a synonym of p akiy. kondom is a synonym of ullu islampu. iskay chunka pusaqniyuq is related to twenty eight. iskin is a form of iskiy. chaway is related to end. willaq is related to sign. tupu is related to dimension. yupa is related to yupay. rikra has context of anatomie. challa is related to altitude. hucha is related to guilt. aqhayay is related to aqha. chunka pichqayuq is related to fifteen. hina is related to truth. alpaqa is a form of allpaqa. woodpecker is a synonym of hak akllu. supiy is related to thasay. yarn is a synonym of q aytu. chi is related to chá. wanaku is related to allpaqa. wiksayay is a synonym of pregnancy. qispichiy yaya yachay is a synonym of liberation theology. tantanakuy is a synonym of organization. aykhuy is related to talk. black is a synonym of yana. quyllur is a synonym of star. allqu is a synonym of dog. ñuñu is a synonym of breast. usay is related to finish. sqa is related to spa. yanapay is related to care for. chanrararay is related to chanrara. watya is related to potato. pichay is related to erase. asiy is related to laugh. akupana is related to couché. yachachiy is related to yachachiq. chawpichay is related to chawpi. sirbya is a synonym of serbia. ayni is related to mutual. para is related to paray. night is a synonym of tuta. jampina wasi is derived from wasi. chili is a synonym of utsu. sapa is related to alone. rheinland pfalz is a synonym of rhineland palatinate. hurquy is related to out of place. q illu is related to yellow. pichakunki is a synonym of orion. pacha is a form of pach a. watukuy is related to long for. jampiy is related to heal. ñañata is a form of ñaña. ch achuy is related to swindle. millpuy is a form of millp uy. uruya is related to catwalk. watana is related to attach. apamuy is related to fetch. t uksi is related to t uksiy. wamp uy is related to swimming. vizcacha is etymologically derived from wisk acha. layqay is related to witchcraft. shamayka is a synonym of jamaica. ch aqlay is related to slap. minutu is a synonym of chinini. wayk una wasi is derived from wasi. ruray is related to do. paqta is related to paqtay. lie is a synonym of siriy. alqochakuy is a form of allquchakuy. wantuy is related to wantu. wich una is related to warp. purum is a form of purun. p itiy is related to interrupt. maqay is related to thrashing. aycharay is related to aycha. ruphay is related to ruphayay. q uchu is related to unbridled. tier is a synonym of uywa. mañay is related to demand. grasya is related to grace. aqtuy is related to aqtuchiy. chariy is related to seize. chuntu wasi is a synonym of pyramid. asuy is related to approach. yachay wasi is a synonym of school. usuy is related to discharge. mikhail gorbachov is a synonym of mikhail gorbachev. anqas is a synonym of blue. allpaqa is related to wik uña. suni is related to loud. sach a kamay is a synonym of forestry. wiñay is related to sprout. riqsisqa is related to well known. chiwanway is related to vermilion. humint a is related to humint ay. wealth is a synonym of kapuy. chawpi p unchaw is derived from p unchaw. yarpay is related to yuyay. api is related to porridge. willaq is related to spokesman. t aqa is related to type. yanapana is derived from yanapay. hucha is related to human. suyu is related to zone. chuqi is related to mineral. parquy is a synonym of irrigation. kancha has context of anatomy. saway is related to kasaray. sister is a synonym of pani. ch iqta is related to fraction. jatun is related to big. dig is a synonym of haratay. tiksi is related to dregs. huq ariy is related to get. maine suyu is a synonym of maine. arwiy is related to entwine. harawiy is related to poetry. uyay is related to mass. sapallu is related to pumpkin. ñawiykachay is related to ñawiy. brightness is a synonym of phaqsa. rit iy is related to rit i. uspa is a form of uchpa. terbyu is related to terbium. tukuy is related to everyone. chaskiykuy is related to courteous. achalachiy is related to achalay. hard is a synonym of rumi. qullpa is related to qullpay. wallpay is related to art. tiksi is related to dwarf. kaynaku is a synonym of train station. ataw is related to fortunate. tamya is related to para. ari is related to really. erie qucha is a synonym of lake erie. uraykuy is related to descend. willay is related to announce. miyuy is related to poison. yupa is related to full. allin is related to useful. he is a synonym of pay. guanaco is etymologically derived from wanaku. yachakuq masi is derived from yachakuq. chaymanta is related to haqaymanta. taka is related to fist. excoriate is a synonym of iqhay. diminish is a synonym of chikachay. seventeen is a synonym of chunka qanchisniyuq. cóca is etymologically derived from kuka. ch illmipakuy is related to wink. gothic is a synonym of gothic rock. paqariy is related to appear. sansa is related to glow. upiy is related to sir. ñawi is related to knot. achanqaray is a synonym of begonia. chinkay is related to chinka. puñuna wasi is derived from puñuy. pirqa qillqana is related to whiteboard. mati is related to gourd. forty nine is a synonym of tawa chunka isqunniyuq. honduras is a synonym of unduras. inkayacu is etymologically derived from inka. pachakutiy is a synonym of revolution. aschiy is a form of achhiy. khachuy is related to kaniy. pirqa is related to fence. yapuy is related to cultivate. wach iy is related to pierce. sirk a iskuyay is a synonym of arteriosclerosis. qhaquy is a synonym of friction. t ipi is related to very. ayphayay is related to cloud. kiki is related to kikin. london is related to londres. raymi is related to festival. sayk uy is related to exhausted. qullqi is related to silver. nina is a synonym of fire. aya is related to deceased. iñiy is related to believe. qalla is related to qallay. wanu is a synonym of manure. llamk ana is related to job. uray is related to siqaykuy. ricra is related to épaule. aqtuy is a synonym of vomiting. aka is related to feces. phallcha is related to plant. kañay is related to kaña. hurdanya is a synonym of jordan. qunchu is a synonym of yeast. chumpi is related to chumpiy. qayay is related to shout. gustav hertz is a synonym of gustav ludwig hertz. yachachiy is related to teach. wichay is related to high up. qasi simi is derived from qasi. qhuya is related to mine. purun is related to k ita. sipris yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of cupressaceae. inca empire is a synonym of tawantinsuyu. kaka is related to kisma. lliphlli is related to lliphlliy. ch utay is a form of chutay. karwa is etymologically derived from cabra. pata is related to square. p akincha yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of papaveraceae. waska is related to cord. qillqana is related to writing. mushroom is a synonym of k allampa puquy. give is a synonym of quy. aymuray is related to ruthuy. sorrow is a synonym of llaki. ripuy is related to go away. kamayuq has context of politics. yapay is related to add. afgansuyu is a synonym of afghanistan. puqu is related to maturity. inti is a synonym of sun. rikhuy is a form of rikuy. flay is a synonym of iqhay. llamp u is related to affable. phiñakuy is derived from phiña. taripay is related to inspect. methanu p’ uchqu is related to sisi p’ uchqu. alli is related to allichiy. suk a is related to saltpeter. yaya is related to god. pariy is related to fly. kichariy is related to open. belly is a synonym of pach a. fertilize is a synonym of wanuy. gild is a synonym of qurichiy. uyay is related to understand. qharastaq is a synonym of tractor. chakwas is related to old woman. ayniy is related to ayni. ñust a is related to feminine. pirwa is related to barn. ch iqtay is related to split. avocat is a synonym of palta. alsi is a synonym of moose. uyariy is related to listen. churiyay is related to churichakuy. ruru is related to testicle. yana is related to counterpart. bundle is a synonym of q ipi. rumi is related to hard. runa yupay is a synonym of census. watukuy is related to inquire. p achallikuy is derived from p acha. yaku is a synonym of water. ruthuy is a form of rutuy. q iwi is related to luxation. k ita uywa is derived from uywa. girlfriend is a synonym of salla. waqachiy is related to play. jatun yachay wasi is derived from jatun. hik ipakuy is related to hik i. rikch akuy is related to adapt. language is a synonym of shimi. pusay is related to guide. paya is related to chakwas. chinkaykuy is related to chinkay. lliphlli is related to lliphlliy. inlisya is a synonym of church. spider is a synonym of kusikusi. kimsa has context of cardinal. q umir pampa is derived from pampa. watya is related to bake. paylla is related to lonely. añaychay is related to exalt. high is a synonym of hanaq. suni is related to altitude. p ampa is related to p ampachiy. chaski is related to receipt. sapa is related to any. unu is a synonym of yaku. chukuna is derived from chukuy. tukushi is a synonym of tucuxi. yanamayu is a synonym of rio negro. may may is related to grand. tunu is a synonym of column. madagaskar is related to madagascar. k ita uywap wasin is derived from k ita. kristu qispichiq wank a is a synonym of christ redeemer. ruraq is related to subject. ñawiykachay is related to ñawiy. berlin wall is a synonym of berlin pirqa. minutu has context of unit of time. munay is related to beautiful. supay is related to supernatural. uchpa is related to soot. pichaq is derived from pichay. ruray is related to make. maqana is related to punish. askhayachiy is related to askha. prison is a synonym of laqha wasi. chaki muqu is a synonym of ankle. ñañakuna is a form of ñaña. chinkachiy is related to lose. yananara is a synonym of blackcurrant. throw is a synonym of chanqay. rupha rupha is related to zone. misk ichay is derived from misk i. susuy is related to harvest. sinchi is related to too much. suwidsuyu is a synonym of sweden. wallpa is related to form. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. sword is a synonym of sawli. q illay is related to silver. ch iqta is related to half. sinchiyay is related to harden. wantuq is a synonym of brugmansia. paqariy is related to gush. quinic acid is etymologically related to kina. hat alliy is related to safeguard. natriyu is a synonym of sodium. usnu is related to inca. methanul is a synonym of methanol. hatunchay is related to enlarge. simp a is related to pigtail. ukhuman sapachaq ch añan is a synonym of endocrine system. chipchi is a form of ch ipchi. death is a synonym of wañu. puñuna wasi is derived from wasi. tukuy is related to consume. parasol is a synonym of achiwa. hayt a is related to hayt ay. hawaii suyu is a synonym of hawaii. k anchay is related to illuminate. chiruki is a synonym of cherokee. takuy is related to tiyay. yellow is a synonym of q illu. chikchi is related to gay. ispaña is a synonym of spain. sipiy is related to sipi. allpanay is related to allpay. munay is related to possession. hinay is related to do. pirwa is related to heap. ripuwlika is related to republic. travel is a synonym of ayway. adopt is a synonym of churichakuy. tumiy is derived from tumi. uqi is a synonym of sani. lentille is a synonym of lantrihas. wayna is related to animal. k acha is related to nice. yna is a form of hina. kuraq is related to older. natriyu qullpa is a synonym of sodium nitrate. ch ipuy is related to gather. kharwinchu is a synonym of argemone mexicana. anku is related to nerve. sinchi is related to soldier. llaqta is related to town. k usillu is related to monkey. rawray kuyuchina is a synonym of internal combustion engine. q apiy is related to q api. phinkiy is related to bounce off. we is a synonym of ñuqayku. uray is related to uraykay. bitter is a synonym of k allku. sach a is related to jungle. qalla is related to qallay. kaykuna is a form of kay. antañiqiq ukucha is a synonym of mouse. ischuchay is related to mud. atipachaw is a synonym of tuesday. lance is a synonym of chuki. grab is a synonym of chariy. paska is related to paskay. munaku is a synonym of monaco. pi is related to locative. jatun ñujchu is a form of hatun ñukchʼu. puchkay is related to irregular. allpay is related to allpanay. sunqu is related to heart. alli is related to allichakuchiy. ninri is related to hearing. hématome is a synonym of yawar wañusqa. brunei is a synonym of bruniy. nos simpsons is a synonym of simpsons. takay is related to pound. millu is a synonym of aluminium sulfate. achalay is related to achalakuy. michi is a synonym of cat. qellqay is a form of qillqay. phawaykachay is related to around. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from awtu. qhapaq is related to emperor. thigh is a synonym of chanka. pirqa is related to blackboard. sofiya is a synonym of sofia. ayri is a synonym of axe. supay is related to river. usay is related to end. t ikra is related to rear. t ustuy is related to berate. anoint is a synonym of hawiy. ñañakunalla is a form of ñaña. pitu is a synonym of western concert flute. ismuy is related to decompose. willkay is related to ritual. urin aphrika is a synonym of south africa. kuraq is related to elder. sponge is a synonym of puqyala. suway is related to steal. k anchay is related to light. nina is related to ninay. genou is a synonym of muqu. armakuy is a form of armay. chuqur chuqur is a synonym of gnaphalium. chikchipa is a synonym of tagetes. muyuy is related to convert. chaskiy is related to accept. jupiter is a synonym of pirwa. ch aska is related to fuzzy. uchuy sach a allqu is a synonym of bush dog. soroche is etymologically related to suruqch i. qayay is related to invite. chapukuy is related to duck. wakcha is related to orphan. qunuy is related to heat up. q imi is related to q imiy. allquchakuy is related to lose. sallqa is related to purun. hucha is related to sin. 1800 watakuna is a synonym of 1800s. ykichik is related to yki. mayt uy is related to coil. malasya is a synonym of malaysia. kneel is a synonym of ullpukuy. ñukini is a synonym of new guinea. kiwachi is related to aqu. paqariy is related to born. ayway is related to riy. oxygène is a synonym of muksichaq. uhu is related to uhuy. sara is related to choklo. mama is related to vein. chikchiy is related to tickle. yachachiq is related to yachay. usuy is related to lack. hina is related to hinay. uma is related to elevated. addition is a synonym of yapay. cross is a synonym of chaka. mikhuspa is a form of mikhuy. phuchkay is a form of puchkay. chuño is etymologically derived from ch uñu. four is a synonym of tawa. q illu is a synonym of yellow. kuti is related to dye. principle is a synonym of tiksi. harden is a synonym of chuchuyay. salwadur is a synonym of el salvador. t inkiy is related to bind. ripuwlika is etymologically related to res. chakwas is related to machu. punchaw is a form of p unchaw. parlay is a synonym of simi. ch aspay is related to rob. hampiy is related to heal. paña is related to thread. latanu is etymologically derived from plátano. qatiy is related to qatiriyay. usay is related to delouse. illa is related to treasure. qallapurina is a synonym of cart. jawa is related to outside. groseille is a synonym of yananara. watuy is related to spell. iskaymuyu is derived from iskay. hiq ipay is related to hiq i. sukay is related to suka. allpanay is related to allpay. kunan is related to present. exil is a synonym of mitmay. awki is related to chief. pisqu is a synonym of bird. haratay is related to excavate. untie is a synonym of paskay. puchqay is related to split. haqaymanta is related to over there. chiqachakuy is related to chiqaq. maqay is related to castigate. sacha is related to arbre. khachu is related to beetle. tukuy is related to any. qiru is related to glass. unquy is related to qishyay. sinq a is related to sinq ay. ninay is related to nina. consecrate is a synonym of willkachay. pinchikilla kurur is a synonym of inductor. churi is related to young. millay is related to feel. chay is related to kay. llamk ay is related to body. hatu is related to cloth. urmiyun is a synonym of concrete. ñawi is related to sight. t uru is related to mud. ch akayay is related to ch aka. qincha is a form of qhincha. wallpa is related to structure. ch uqchuy is related to ch unqay. amhara simi is a synonym of amharic. samay is related to rest. alqamari is related to head. khari khari is a synonym of rubus. achik is related to clear. chimpay is related to cross. piriniyukuna is a synonym of pyrenees. may may is related to majestic. chariy is related to grip. kaka is related to kisma. q imikuy has context of movement. jawas is related to bean. armenien is a synonym of arminya. raymi is related to event. mañay is related to ask for. haytarakuy is related to separate. taki is related to takiy. kukalla is a form of kuka. qhampu k usillu is a synonym of spider monkey. chuhchuy is related to tremble. sut i is related to concise. abundant is a synonym of yupa. chanrararay is related to chanrara. ruwli is a synonym of oak. ripuwlika is etymologically derived from república. ayllu is related to kinship. t uqu is related to recess. chiqniy is related to grudge. santa mariya is a synonym of tanacetum parthenium. fingernail is a synonym of sillu. miyu is related to poison. universum is a synonym of ch askancha. ch atay is related to cord. rumiyay is related to petrify. machu is related to ancient. pisiy is related to lessen. qʼillu is related to jaune. aycha is related to flesh. sut u is related to drop. qispichiy is related to raise. chuku is related to cap. organisation des nations unies is a synonym of huñusqa nasyunkuna. hinaspa is related to then. atiy is related to escape. wakcha is related to landless. kastaña is a synonym of brazil nut. apanqura is related to spider. wamra has context of wanka san martin. k aspi is related to rod. aysay is related to aysaysiy. disappear is a synonym of chinkarpariy. wakcha is related to person. rikch ay is related to facial. chinini is related to minute. ruk u is related to paya. husk ay is related to plant. tiksi is related to sediment. ima is related to what. chayakamuy is related to lodge. allin is related to allinyachiy. kiwach is related to aqu. phutikuy is a synonym of anxiety. llunk uy is related to malliy. tukuy is related to every. victory is a synonym of llalli. devil is a synonym of supay. kallpa is related to energy. intuy is related to corral. quyllur yachay is a synonym of astronomy. ruk uyay is derived from ruk u. para is a synonym of rain. tupu is related to shawl. tullpuna is a synonym of dye. sumaq is related to delicious. qispiy is related to appear. gurila is a synonym of gorilla. sweet is a synonym of ñukñu. ukranya is related to ukraine. sirk i is a synonym of bartonellosis. utsu is a synonym of chili pepper. millay is related to malicious. rectangle is a synonym of wask a. nihun is a synonym of japan. urasuyu is a synonym of netherlands. jamp ara is related to table. chanqiyay is related to kill. pichana is related to broom. p unchay is a form of p unchaw. kínuwa is a form of kinwa. thanta is related to thantay. khallki is related to cobblestone. machay is related to alcohol. fail is a synonym of qulluy. sasa samay is a synonym of dyspnea. pupil is a synonym of yachachikuq. sacha is related to almost. nki is related to nkichik. qillqa pichana is derived from pichay. khuchuy is related to cut. titi is related to lead. ñawilliy is derived from ñawiy. manati is a synonym of manatee. q apay is related to smell. measure is a synonym of tupu. huaytakana is a synonym of tuytuy. qhachqa is related to rough. malli is related to malliy. aklluy is related to stammer. guagua is etymologically derived from wawa. sapa is related to unique. q’ uñi yaku is derived from q’ uñi. t ika is related to stem. wing is a synonym of likra. churpuy is related to stove. sile is etymologically derived from chiri. llasaturaku is a synonym of gravity. junt ay is related to fill out. sunqu is related to cœur. takuy is related to sit down. masi is related to comrade. khuchuy is related to k utuy. day is a synonym of p unchaw. paqarin is related to paqariy. copernicium is a synonym of kopernisyu. thüringen is a synonym of thuringia. tuna is related to fruit. ñawiy is related to ñawi. maputu is a synonym of maputo. yupana is related to mathématiques. t impuy is related to t impuchiy. hat is a synonym of chuku. ura is a synonym of hour. pallay is related to thing. alli is related to allipunakuy. willka is related to willkay. allwiy is related to manage. willka is related to sacred. asuy is related to retreat. ch uhtay is related to stitch. paya is related to nest. khuska is related to equal. wanu is related to manure. chinka is related to chinkay. suq uy is related to drink. sañi is related to violet. tapir is a synonym of sach awaka. puchkay is related to result. apichay is related to wet. kisma is related to man. tukuy runakunap qhapaq kaynin is a synonym of world heritage site. kapuy is related to goods. emperor is a synonym of qhapaq. ranqhay is a synonym of rantikuy. ayniy is related to communal. qasi simi is derived from qasi. ima is related to also. not is a synonym of ama. sani is a form of sañi. pirwa is a synonym of jupiter. hut'kuy is related to hut'ku. tupuy is related to measure. wiksa is related to estomac. lata wuru is a synonym of iskaymuyu. washington suyu is a synonym of washington. pichqa is a synonym of 5. chawpichay is related to chawpi. lluq i is related to yarn. qasa is related to snowy. achuqalla is related to fringe. q ara is related to bald. lata wuru is derived from wuru. chile is etymologically related to chili. yapa is related to again. pantu is a synonym of tayra. k umu is related to k umuy. p uchquy is related to rot. ch uspa is related to purse. kunallan is related to kunan. ayni is related to ayniy. wiyula is a synonym of viola. romeowan juliet is a synonym of romeo and juliet. harawiy is related to harawi. lose is a synonym of chinkachiy. llaki is related to problem. awqapuri is derived from awqay. quipu is etymologically derived from khipu. halay is related to fly. fusil is a synonym of illapa. chicken pox is a synonym of hawaqlla muru unquy. qillqa pichana is derived from qillqay. chapiy is related to chapinnay. héron is a synonym of wakchilla. chiriy is related to cold. chawchuri rikuri is a synonym of racism. amuyay is related to mute. raphra is related to page. puna is related to altitude. uwas is a synonym of grape. february is a synonym of hatun puquy killa. sophoniyaspa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of zephaniah. yanay is related to service. syphilis is a synonym of wanthi unquy. uray is related to uraqay. chinkay is related to surprise. place is a synonym of kuska. lúcuma is etymologically derived from rukma. saqra is related to nauseating. guizhou pruwinsya is a synonym of guizhou. ch uyanay is related to rinse. suyu is related to suyuy. wheel is a synonym of qalla. chuqi is related to bird. siqsiy is related to tickle. wasi qata is a synonym of roof. chimpay is related to approach. michigan suyu is a synonym of michigan. utqay is related to light. kaymanta is related to this. tuta is related to dark. churay is related to lay. sallika is a synonym of rosemary. supay is related to exceptional. aqtuy is related to aqtukuy. taripay is related to catch up. achuqcha is related to cucumber. suk a is related to in order. believe is a synonym of iñiy. qincha is a form of qhincha. alli is related to allichakuy. wislla is a synonym of ladle. taripay is related to condemn. yaku khuru is derived from khuru. yuyay is related to think about. p uti is related to padlock. victoria is a synonym of queen victoria. drought is a synonym of ch akiy. allpayachiy is related to allpa. upallay is related to upalla. yawar puka is a synonym of hemoglobin. chuqichaka is related to sucre. qillqay is related to write. amachay is related to defense. ñawilliy is related to read. qhapaq tuta is a synonym of christmas eve. tayta is related to priest. tullu is a synonym of bone. kisu is etymologically derived from queso. ankallikuy is related to ankalli. rupha is related to rupha rupha. ch unchul is a synonym of intestine. raki is a form of rak i. ch aska is related to curly. week is a synonym of hunk a. miyuy is related to intoxicate. salumun wat akuna is a synonym of solomon islands. qanchis p unchaw is a synonym of hunk a. sinq ay is related to breathe. rumanya is a synonym of romania. pharuy is a synonym of faroe islands. yerevan is a synonym of yiriwan. huntay is a form of hunt ay. allpa saywachi is a synonym of geography. kulliyay is related to become. kuti has context of agriculture. mother in law is a synonym of aqu. kawsachiy is derived from kawsay. ispay is related to tree. haylliy is related to haylliq. saruy is related to step. panti is related to red. ullu has context of anatomie. makiyuq is a synonym of primate. llipt a is a synonym of base. chaymanta has context of medial. t impuy is a synonym of boiling. kichka is related to spine. ñawpaq pacha is derived from pacha. para is related to rain. sinq ay is related to inhale. asaru is a synonym of azerbaijanis. saway is related to bind. raymi has context of historical. mutkhiy is related to inhale. hassium is a synonym of hasyu. ukhu is related to interior. hudyu iñiy is a synonym of judaism. taripay is related to proof. espagne is a synonym of ispaña. kyōto is a synonym of kyoto. k ancha is related to brightness. asiwu is a synonym of ilex aquifolium. yachaysapa is related to smart. sile is etymologically related to chili. yana is related to yanay. mink ay is related to task. iñuku huk i sinchi micha is a synonym of strong interaction. chahrakuy is related to chahraysiy. q apay is related to odor. lawrensyu is a synonym of lawrencium. ismay is related to defecate. rikch ay is related to virtual. q upa is a synonym of waste. mulli is a synonym of schinus molle. lampiy is related to llunk uy. lift is a synonym of huq ariy. qallu qallu is a synonym of plantago lanceolata. kallpay is related to hard. lluqsiy is related to depart. alqa is related to cold. kawsariy is derived from kawsay. kukupin has context of anatomie. miray is related to diaper. thuñiy is related to destroy. allquchakuy is related to allquchay. inlish pinkuyllu is a synonym of cor anglais. jatun mama is derived from mama. phawaykachay is related to wander. llut ana is a synonym of adhesive. chuku is related to helmet. kusikuy is related to prance. moysespa pichqa ñiqin qillqasqan is a synonym of book of deuteronomy. ch arki is related to dried. qulluy is related to fail. chullu walli is a synonym of harpy eagle. yachay is related to science. new year is a synonym of musuq wata. sayk uy is related to pant. pasiphiku mama qucha is etymologically related to mama qucha. q apiy is related to crush. croatie is a synonym of kruwasya. tusuna wasi is derived from wasi. wakcha is related to poor. puka is related to rouge. chahrakuy is related to chahra. tableau noir is a synonym of qillqana pirqa. pirwa is related to body. llakisqa is related to sad. clear is a synonym of q ispi. ch askancha is a synonym of universe. chiliti mayu is a synonym of magdalena river. unu is related to watery. fetus is a synonym of sullu. yachay is related to yachana wasi. mama qucha is related to ocean. askhayachiy is related to askha. yawar wañusqa is a synonym of hematoma. thuñi is related to abyss. hapuy is related to heat. warm up is a synonym of ruphay. anqusay is related to chicha. apiyu is a synonym of celery. kinwa is a synonym of quinoa. rupha rupha is related to vegetation. wachay is related to bring forth. chahta is a synonym of choctaw. muni is a synonym of bidens. chiriy is related to alalay. phuñi is related to silk. saqra is related to bad. uchu is a synonym of capsicum. phiña is related to upset. t impuy is related to t impuchiy. llunk uy is related to llaqway. t ipiy is related to wring. pupil is a synonym of yachakuq. rapi is a form of raphi. nicaragua is a synonym of nikarawa. uhu is related to uhuy. k aki is a synonym of chin. kisma is related to womb. kiru is related to dent. rimay is related to rimachiy. swimming is a synonym of wamp uy. rapra is a form of raphra. much u is related to nape. chinkay is related to get lost. car is a synonym of awtu. ispani is a form of ispay. lluq i is related to paña. juch uy p acha is derived from p acha. ruruy is related to bear. kuraq is related to expensive. q uyu is a synonym of bruise. ayni is related to work. allpa is a synonym of soil. waqaychay is related to security. urmay is related to fall. tantay is related to tanta. kunallan is related to kunan. yaku is related to water. marq a is related to arm. q umir pampa is related to lawn. piruw is a synonym of peru. gesticulate is a synonym of haywaykachay. father is a synonym of tata. awtu raqhana wasi is related to car. paqariy is related to paqarin. khallkiy is related to khallki. ayrampu is related to red. qanchis is a synonym of 7. t uqu is related to pond. phiñay is related to annoy. haya is related to spice. p achallina is a synonym of clothing. inca is a form of inka. allpaqa is related to alpaca. île maurice is a synonym of mawrisyu. qulluy is related to go bankrupt. nnaq is related to yuq. sapay is related to sapa. wach i is related to vector. rikch akuy is related to resemble. qincha is related to pen. ayqeykuy is related to ayqiy. suyu rikuchiq is a synonym of compass. palta is a synonym of avocado. taka is related to takay. sit is a synonym of chukuy. monocotyledon is a synonym of ch ulla phutuy raphiyuq. subtract is a synonym of qichuy. allcu is a synonym of alqo. rukma is related to lucmo. huk is a synonym of 1. ch akiy is a synonym of drought. wallpay is related to wallpa. puñuna wasi is derived from puñuy. q awa is related to animal. llamkhay is related to caress. qisa is related to offense. chiraray is related to chiraraw. qallu is related to tongue. samana wasi is derived from wasi. chakwas is related to machu. wayk una wasi is derived from wasi. maqay is related to beat. p api is related to dampness. pisi is related to pisiy. watana is related to bind. allpachay is related to allpay. isqun chunka has context of cardinal. chhuka is a synonym of angle. illa is related to illay. hark ay is related to hinder. chiqan is related to just. fly is a synonym of phaway. tommaso d aquino is a synonym of thomas aquinas. siwulla is etymologically derived from cebolla. khuchi is related to immoral. ch uyanay is related to ch uya. chinruykachiy is related to side. saphi is related to root. t ikray is related to change. tawa chunka suqtayuq is related to forty six. jap iy is related to grab. yapa is related to added. ayqichiy is related to carry. zhejiang pruwinsya is a synonym of zhejiang. hillurina yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of orchidaceae. ranqhay is a synonym of rantikuy. riksi is a form of riqsi. qhichwa is related to runasimi. rikuriy is related to appear. chanqaykuy is related to precipitate. unu is related to boiled. rit i is related to rit iy. wach iy is related to stab. hide and seek is a synonym of chinkay. puka kapirusitamanta is a synonym of little red riding hood. principality is a synonym of awkisuyu. rikchakuy is a form of rikch akuy. apaykuni is a form of apaykuy. killachaw is related to lundi. t ikray is related to overturn. urquchillay is a synonym of libra. holly is a synonym of asiwu. ask is a synonym of tapuy. qorachasqa has context of agriculture. q api is related to handful. thanta is related to rag. willay kamayuq is a synonym of journalism. yapa is related to increase. krankenhaus is a synonym of jampina wasi. riqsisqa is related to famous. pallay is related to allay. shade is a synonym of llanthu. butanika is a synonym of botany. saruy is related to rule. rob is a synonym of suway. ñaña is related to wawqi. sipiy is related to break. q ipa is a synonym of trumpet. chukulati is a synonym of chocolate. puchka is related to puchkay. watuy is related to forecast. unukhachun is a synonym of muskmelon. thantay is related to worn out. watay is related to children. ñawi is related to float. phaway is related to fly. ñañakunantin is a form of ñaña. pampachay is related to pardon. k aspi qillqana is derived from qillqana. wapsiyay is a synonym of evaporation. willkay is related to willka. kullay is related to message. tiksiy is related to initiate. ñawilliy is derived from ñawiy. qullu is related to bad sign. huaso is etymologically derived from wakcha. thirty seven is a synonym of kimsa chunka qanchisniyuq. apuyaya is a synonym of god. uyniy is related to assent. jaguar is a synonym of uturunku. pisya is a synonym of picea abies. arphayay is related to dark. waska is related to whip. uqa is related to tuber. iliktrun is a synonym of electron. pisqa is a form of pichqa. pampa is related to land. pachak waranqa has context of cardinal. qasqu is related to sein. kamay is related to manage. chapay is related to seize. uynikuy is related to uyniy. ayqichiy is related to away. waki is related to commonwealth. milla is related to millay. ayllu is related to family. saway is related to blanket. sanka is a synonym of palate. ataw is related to fortune. uray is related to uraykuy. kunka is a synonym of human voice. khipuy is related to accumulate. rirpu is related to wreath. supay is related to spirit. lluq aq yura is a synonym of vine. p ukru katari is a synonym of pit viper. uqi is related to blue. awki is related to awkisuyu. chuqay is related to throw. lliphlli is related to flash. suti is related to truth. ruphay is related to sun. kachun is a form of kay. abiu is a synonym of awinakina. kukupin is a synonym of liver. k aspi qillqana is derived from k aspi. q’ uñi yaku is derived from yaku. chuwi is related to beans. jatun yachay wasi is derived from yachay wasi. arm is a synonym of rikra. yawyay is related to lessen. chaninchay is related to set. suni is related to region. hawcha has context of astronomie. tupa is related to tupaq. tiksiy is related to argue. ura is related to under. utqaychay is related to hustle. yapar is etymologically derived from yapay. pacha qullqiwasi is a synonym of world bank. musuq wata is derived from musuq. qishyay is related to unquy. killmu is related to orange. henan pruwinsya is a synonym of henan. humint a is related to humita. tutay is related to tutayay. basse normandie is a synonym of lower normandy. yunga is etymologically derived from yunka. mute is a synonym of amu. madagaskar is a synonym of madagascar. mink ay is related to entrust. qapariy is related to cry. nina is related to ninay. nanay is related to hurt. hawch ay is related to wrinkle. suphullu is a synonym of blister. rantina qullqi is a synonym of money. burinkin is a synonym of puerto rico. mitma is related to mitmay. yuya is related to reason. parlay is a synonym of rimay. hawkay is related to amuse. shear is a synonym of rutuy. phiyi is a synonym of fiji. ispay is related to ispapakuy. louisiana suyu is a synonym of louisiana. tanqay is related to push. dancer is a synonym of tusuq. samana p urucha is a synonym of pulmonary alveolus. ñuñu is related to udder. millaymana is related to diabolical. unquy yuyu is a synonym of oregano. chiri is related to chirisunqu. hina is related to hinay. chincha is similar to qulla. wamp u is related to raft. ch’ aska is a synonym of quyllur. hikyana is related to sob. footprint is a synonym of yupi. qilliy is related to come together. puka uma suyuntu is a synonym of turkey vulture. timpuchiy is a form of t impuchiy. chhika is related to size. q iwi is related to dislocation. wallpay is related to create. allpachay is related to allpa. tipi has context of weaving. qillqa is related to book. request is a synonym of mañay. qhapaq is related to noble. ñawra is related to variety. khipuy is related to quipu. hiyamin is a synonym of xiamen. ura is etymologically derived from hora. nanay is related to illness. bore is a synonym of t uquy. takay is related to door. mink ay is related to mink a. jark ay is related to defend. waqay is related to tinnitus. sutiy is related to name. sirya is a synonym of syria. ispa is related to piss. puka is a synonym of red. qichuy is related to take away. asini is a form of asiy. raphra is related to raphi. sapa is related to only. llamkhay is related to fondle. pusaq is derived from pusay. kañay is related to kaña. ñañapi is a form of ñaña. haya is a synonym of beech. chay is related to haqay. chariy is related to catch. wamp uy is related to navigate. allay is related to pallay. pirqa is a synonym of wall. challaku is a synonym of beach. llamkhay is related to caress. tuta is related to tutayay. huk nasyunkuna rimanakuy qhawaq is a synonym of foreign policy. rirpu is related to mirror. pirway is related to stack. ruk u is related to old man. viola is a synonym of wiyula. p itiy is related to harvest. arma is related to bathtub. utqay is related to soon. future is a synonym of qhipan pacha. size is a synonym of chhika. malwina wat akuna is a synonym of falkland islands. aycha uquq ñuñuq is a synonym of carnivora. wikch uy is related to leave. qari is a form of qhari. kiwach is related to kisma. taqsay is a form of t aqsay. allipunakuy is related to allipanakuy. seek is a synonym of maskhay. mama is related to madam. llulla is related to llullay. iñiy is a synonym of religion. llapan is related to everything. kuti is related to positive. santiya is etymologically derived from sandía. together is a synonym of khuska. chincha is related to northern. huhllay is related to unify. muchuy is related to lack. poor is a synonym of wakcha. haymay is related to hayma. oqe is a form of uqi. api is related to purple. qatiy is related to infect. phuti is related to grief. wakichikuy is related to get ready. sanurya is a synonym of daucus carota. sonchus is a synonym of khana. tatkiy is a form of thatkiy. upalla is related to silence. qallay is related to start. kicha is related to opening. thirsty is a synonym of yarqa. qillqa is related to qillqay. hank ay is related to hobble. imayna is a form of imahina. chili has context of pays. thuñi is related to ruin. upyay is related to drink. pisqu is related to bird. illapa is related to ray. yachakuq masi is derived from masi. p unchay is a form of p unchaw. rak i is related to rak iy. ch askachaw is derived from ch aska. much ay is related to dignified. lirpu is related to mirror. chauve souris is a synonym of chiñi. aylluy is related to warm. paylla is related to alone. qasi is related to free. hayway is related to offering. chakra yapuy killa is a synonym of august. ch iwkachiy is related to expel. nauru is a synonym of nawru. qillqa pichana is derived from qillqay. belong is a synonym of kapuy. food is a synonym of mikhuna. k aspi qillqana is derived from qillqana. qillqa is related to scripture. ruru is related to ruruy. worm is a synonym of kuru. descend is a synonym of bahay. two is a synonym of iskay. chayamuy is derived from chayay. ascent is a synonym of wichay. hayway is related to reach. qishyay is related to be sick. kullay is related to feel. yuriy is related to appear. yapay is related to addition. sutiy is related to call. silence is a synonym of upalla. wawqi is related to pani. wichay is related to upwards. hank a is related to lame. tupaq is related to challenge. smile is a synonym of thiti. sut ichay is a synonym of definition. huhyay is related to change. qharqayuy is a synonym of asthma. wallpa is related to coward. p akiy is related to break law. rit i yuraqchamanta is a synonym of snow white. turtle dove is a synonym of urpi. awsay is related to diversion. qinchay is related to plant. muyuriq pacha amachay is a synonym of environmental protection. asukarwayu is a synonym of hymenaea. phaqsay is related to phaqsa. imapas is related to ima. apaykuy is related to introduce. iskay chunka suqtayuq is related to twenty six. watya is related to stove. raymi is related to farmland. ch ullullulluy is related to ch ullchuy. achanqaray is related to dye. teluryu is a synonym of tellurium. kuraka is related to chief. luru is a synonym of psittacidae. sat iy is related to insertion. qutuy is related to empty. purun is related to fertility. twin towers is a synonym of awacha turrikuna. phaqsay is related to phaqsa. lata pisqu is derived from lata. kick is a synonym of hayt ay. suntu is a synonym of beetle. wayra micha is a synonym of wind power. 1 ñiqin aymuray killapi is a synonym of may 1. walk is a synonym of riy. unquy hark ay is a synonym of immune system. yalliy is related to overtake. ayamaych a yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of orobanchaceae. paskay is related to pardon. awqa is related to fiend. ahllay is a form of akllay. dent is a synonym of kiru. wach i is related to sting. mallki mallki is a synonym of orchard. marañun sach a is a synonym of cashew. mast ay is related to tauten. kisma is related to aqu. ñañata is a form of ñaña. ayllunakuy is related to kinship. q api is related to q apiy. qhawaq is derived from qhaway. tupa is related to shed. antanka is related to plant. k ancha is related to k anchay. qhulluy is related to cut off. wales is a synonym of kamri. t asra is a synonym of square. strangle is a synonym of sipiy. arrow is a synonym of wach i. puquy is related to mature. wañu is related to wañuy. chukullikuy is related to cap. qaqa is related to chasm. forty five is a synonym of tawa chunka pichqayuq. saruy is related to mate. samk ay wasi is a synonym of prison. qillqa is related to letter. london has context of localités. marcus tullius cicero is a synonym of cicero. nose is a synonym of sinq a. trompette is a synonym of q ipa. bahay is related to uraykay. qhipan pacha is derived from pacha. takay is related to punch. sayay is related to stop. apasanka has context of zoologie. laqha wasi is derived from wasi. phutiy is related to bake. kiwachi is related to woman. wawa is related to enfant. bicycle is a synonym of lata wuru. chutay is related to stretch. qhincha is related to adulterer. suka is related to sukay. kuti is related to hoe. allqucha is etymologically related to cha. itriyu is a synonym of yttrium. hina is related to yet. yana is a synonym of black. waka aycha is a synonym of beef. chanqay is related to grind. lenin is a synonym of vladimir lenin. isanka rump u is a synonym of basketball. laray is related to break. may is related to fear. musuq wata is derived from wata. chilla is related to foie. simun pidru is a synonym of saint peter. yachay is related to know. chikchi is related to teeth. aycha is related to meat. amawt a is related to person. sayariy is related to stand up. ch away is related to squeeze. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is related to pencil case. kawallu has context of zoologie. rimay is related to talk. mama qucha is derived from mama. amawt a is related to sage. mikhuna ukhunchakuy is a synonym of digestion. allquchay is related to scorn. put in is a synonym of sat iy. iwrupa huñu is a synonym of european union. yachachikuq is a synonym of yachakuq. dawn is a synonym of achikyay. amu is related to mute. uyway is related to raise. lampiy is related to llaqway. milla is a synonym of disgust. andorra is a synonym of andurra. s is related to m. rupha is related to burning. drink is a synonym of suq uy. paqta is related to equal. nuttu yuyu has context of plantes. llamk ay is related to labor. misk i is related to honey. mañay is related to request. yawar chunka has context of plantes. ayñay is related to howl. yarpay is related to think about. flag is a synonym of wiphala. tampu is related to lodging. haya yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of fagaceae. nkichis is a form of nkichik. thanta is related to thing. sinchi is related to enough. utqay is related to work. ari is related to edge. chutay is related to reach out. upa is related to fool. kimsa is a synonym of 3. maté is a synonym of mati wayusa. pallquy is related to mislead. pharmacy is a synonym of jampiy ranqhana wasi. haytarakuy is related to haytaray. hamk a is related to toasted. regenbogen is a synonym of k uychi. minutu is a synonym of chinini. hanaq is related to upper. équateur is a synonym of ikwadur. ch aqway is related to ayñay. excavate is a synonym of haratay. t aqsay is related to clothes. ñawiriy is related to read. saksay is related to satiate. kuti is related to potato. iklisiyastiku is a synonym of sirach. uhu is a synonym of cough. juch uy wasi is derived from wasi. qti is a form of pti. rikuy is related to notice. taripay is related to examine. pila k uyka is a synonym of ascaris lumbricoides. raphi is related to page. kawpaq runa is a synonym of politician. hamk a is related to legume. lampa is related to shovel. kullay is related to tickle. quwi is related to kututu. kuyuy is related to rope. utah suyu is a synonym of utah. cyclone tropical is a synonym of hatun pillunkuy. pirway is related to pile. llamp u is related to flat. pusaq is related to huit. pallquy is related to cheat. lluqsiy has context of movement. sinigal is a synonym of senegal. chukcha is related to hair. didí is a synonym of didi. chakannay is related to cut. chuku is related to bandage. ñañakunarayku is a form of ñaña. campfire is a synonym of kaña. tiyana is a synonym of chair. saphiy is related to saphi. thatch is a synonym of wayllay. iskay chunka hukniyuq is related to twenty one. latin simi is a synonym of latin. lata wuru is derived from lata. qatay is related to qata. aristotelis is a synonym of aristotle. yachachiq is related to yachay. uspay is a form of uchpay. inti micha is a synonym of solar energy. q imiy is related to approach. rit iy is related to rit i. kutichi is related to curse. manioc is a synonym of rumu. litunya is a synonym of latvia. hich ay is related to waste. makaka is a synonym of macaque. katisismu is a synonym of catechism. khuru is related to worm. uturunku is a synonym of jaguar. iñi wasi is derived from iñi. yuri is related to yuriy. yerushalayim is a synonym of jerusalem. yapay is related to increase. suway is related to rob. t ikra is related to back. wanaku is a synonym of guanaco. suk ay is related to suk a. ayqeykuy is related to ayqiy. uchuy llaqta is a synonym of village. nager is a synonym of wampuy. panti is related to dye. chiqan is related to vertical. niy is a form of ñiy. electron is a synonym of iliktrun. tika is related to ingot. cry is a synonym of waqay. ayniy is related to ayninakuy. taruca has context of ecuador. llapa is related to all. table is a synonym of patacha. tuta is a synonym of night. kurku kallpanchay is a synonym of sport. umalli is related to umalliy. qunchu is related to opaque. pakaykuy is derived from pakay. rutu is related to haircut. wir is a synonym of ñuqanchik. rimay is related to admonish. lluqsi is related to mandate. waylla is related to bulrush. chapay is related to apprehend. ch ipchi is related to lid. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from awtu. huatia is etymologically derived from watya. k ita is related to wild. anku is related to cord. llantan is a synonym of plantago. jark ay is related to stop. montréal is a synonym of montreal. sinqa is related to nose. achik is related to bright. ullpu is related to ullpukuy. chala is related to skinny. âne is a synonym of asnu. color is a synonym of llimphi. samay is related to spirit. tiksi is related to principle. gambya is a synonym of gambia. kuraq is related to superior. stay is a synonym of takuy. niwtrun is a synonym of neutron. ukhu has context of architecture. khachuy is related to teeth. juch uy wasi is derived from juch uy. mana is related to chu. paqta is related to maybe. t inkiy is related to t inki. q aytu is related to thread. achuqalla is related to long. purun is related to wild. mati wayusa is a synonym of yerba mate. aqha qunchu is a synonym of saccharomyces cerevisiae. achachi is a synonym of ruk u. laqha is related to dark. chapiy is related to chapinnay. sapallu is related to courgette. ri is related to topic. kutiy is related to comeback. uraykuy is related to uray. yachachikuq is related to pupil. alwatrus is a synonym of albatross. sira sira is a synonym of scorpion. milla is related to nausea. inkill is related to ornamental. sumaq is related to very. askhayay is related to increase. maqay is related to box. sophokles is etymologically related to σοφοκλησ. this is a synonym of kay. suyu has context of weaving. p itiy is related to pick. awya yala mama llaqtakunap tantanakuynin is a synonym of organization of american states. hevea is etymologically derived from hyeve. allichiy is related to repair. forty seven is a synonym of tawa chunka qanchisniyuq. lampiy is related to llunk uy. t uqu is related to hole. rampay is related to take. ikma is related to ikmayay. mikhuna wasi is derived from mikhuy. awki is related to awkis. kikin is related to equal. ama is related to ruin. churi is related to ususi. mikhuy is related to midday. llik iy is related to beat. ñiy is related to expression. mate is etymologically derived from mati. iskay chunka qanchisniyuq is related to twenty seven. khuya is related to impassioned. yaku kumar is a synonym of sea cucumber. astay is related to transport. kutichiy is related to vomit. kay is related to this. hatred is a synonym of chiqniy. layqay is related to practice. paqta is related to paqtay. aymuray is related to time. melon is a synonym of milun. rikuchiy is related to expression. qasi simi is derived from qasi. taq is related to nevertheless. sipi is related to sipiyay. allpa is related to earth. chiqachakuy is related to chiqaqchay. qulla is related to drug. thatkiy is related to thatki. apaykachay is a synonym of transport. allay is related to dig. aya wantu is a synonym of coffin. armenia is a synonym of arminya. qallawa is a synonym of chemical element. watuy is related to prophecy. qillqa pichana is related to eraser. ruthenyu is a synonym of ruthenium. kusi is related to delighted. ayllu is related to relative. sut i is related to truth. qillqaqhaway is related to ñawilliy. huñunakuy is related to meet. yiwuti is a synonym of djibouti. qiqlla is a synonym of mineral. guanaco is a synonym of wanaku. bewitch is a synonym of layqay. wayna is related to lover. kristup ukhun raymi is a synonym of corpus christi. ch iquy is related to ch iqu. arsi is a synonym of maple. t uqu is related to gap. rodyu is a synonym of rhodium. ñañakuna is a form of ñaña. baked potato is a synonym of watya. sut u is a synonym of drop. teknesyu is a synonym of technetium. arika is related to arica. kimsa chunka is related to thirty. uchpay is related to fertilize. putiy is a form of phutiy. yawar apariy is a synonym of bleeding. thuñiy is related to break down. khiñi is related to chardon. p akiy is related to tear. minka is a form of mink a. samwa is a synonym of samoa. hak u is related to floury. yana is related to bee. prepare is a synonym of allichay. ch ulla phutuy raphiyuq is a synonym of monocotyledon. belly is a synonym of wiksa. pukllay is related to ritual. phaqut is a synonym of bassoon. miyaw ñiy is related to meow. uqhi is a form of uqi. qipa pinkuyllu is a synonym of clarinet. tupaq is related to challenger. kulliyay is derived from kulli. converse is a synonym of yawnay. rutuy is related to clip. full moon is a synonym of killapura. kill is a synonym of wañuchiy. pampa is related to ground. maqay is related to beating. yachachiq is a synonym of teacher. qhapaq is related to administrator. ask for is a synonym of mañay. sikllalla kuyuna is a synonym of simple machine. ch iqta is related to ch iqtay. river is a synonym of mayu. paña is related to lluq i. kicha is related to kichay. sawna is a synonym of pillow. ñukñu is a synonym of breast milk. wayllu is related to waylluy. kusi is related to joy. paqtay is related to aim. qulla is related to majestic. unku is related to dress. arminya is a synonym of armenia. acadia mamallaqta parki is a synonym of acadia national park. buch is a synonym of liwru. riqsiy is related to riqsikapuy. q ipi is related to support. ch arkiy is related to meat. churay is related to place. kuncha is related to mulla. chʼaska has context of astronomie. milun is etymologically derived from melón. kancha is related to group. appraise is a synonym of chaninchay. millu is related to salty. yuyaychakuy is a synonym of thought. supay is related to demon. suyu is related to graphic. llamk ay is related to mining. chawpi is related to chawpin. hunta is a form of hunt a. kuchara is a synonym of spoon. return is a synonym of chayanpuy. mallki mallki is related to forêt. chunka qanchisniyuq is related to seventeen. purtugal is a synonym of portugal. kusi is related to happiness. tusuy is a synonym of dance. ataw is related to lucky. poroto is etymologically derived from purutu. wallpay is related to structure. m is related to taq. paway is related to organize. humint a is related to humint ay. awina has context of botanique. riqsiy is related to riqsinachiy. sama is related to samay. pukara is related to fortress. llasa is related to gravity. puquy k allku is a synonym of lemon. q imikuy has context of copula. rimay is related to word. khipa qachu is a synonym of lolium temulentum. chupe is etymologically derived from chupi. llanthu is related to shaded. ch arki is related to thin. monday is a synonym of killachaw. achikyay is related to light. inqhiykachay is related to cry. tire is a synonym of pisipay. alpikuna is a synonym of alps. pariy is related to burn. humu is a synonym of reason. ayqichiy is related to escape. amatay is related to ama ñiy. aya sophiya is a synonym of hagia sophia. apaykuna is a form of apaykuy. unu is related to liquid. hallpay is related to chew. mut i is related to hominy. ichiy is related to ichi. llimphiy is a synonym of painting. rimay is related to talk. wanay is related to experience. hiccup is a synonym of hik iy. churpuy is related to pot. chariy is related to occupy. qispichiy is related to redemption. suni is related to large. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is derived from jallch ay. puchkay is related to first. kunka is related to neck. spit is a synonym of thuqay. police is a synonym of chapaq. kulumbya is a synonym of colombia. chiri is related to chiriqunuy. usqhay is a form of utqay. iñi wasi is derived from wasi. mirror is a synonym of rirpu. wañuy is related to die. hunt ay is related to satisfaction. yupaychay is related to worship. chawpi is related to central. defraud is a synonym of ch achuy. yarqa is related to yarqay. kutay is related to punch. rise up is a synonym of lluqsiy. quechua is a synonym of qhichwa simi. mulla is related to niece. qasa is related to hail. wach i is related to ray. q illu is related to orange. api is related to drink. sawintu is a synonym of psidium guajava. pisiy is related to diminish. pariy is related to run. q ispi is related to transparent. mat i is a synonym of forehead. rock is a synonym of rumi. chunka suqtayuq has context of cardinal. uywa is related to cattle. chaninchay is related to chaninchaq. iskiy is related to knot. hisp apakuy is a form of ispapakuy. laundress is a synonym of t aqsaq. llaqta kallpay is a synonym of democracy. saint étienne has context of localités. runtuma yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of cyperaceae. lliphlliy is related to flash. qasi is related to unoccupied. waska is related to waskay. rikunakuy is related to see. iskay chunka kimsayuq is related to twenty three. yupanki is related to accountant. t uksi is related to spiny. huchachakuy is related to sin. ch usaq pacha is a synonym of outer space. million is a synonym of hunu. inca is a form of inka. qispiy is related to freedom. aqu is related to man. storehouse is a synonym of raki. tikra is a form of t ikra. man is related to potential mood. chamiku is a synonym of datura stramonium. araignée is a synonym of kusikusi. phuchka is a form of puchka. chiwawa ch in pacha is a synonym of chihuahuan desert. ayniy is related to repayment. misti hawar is a synonym of leopard. niyun is a synonym of neon. karru is etymologically derived from carro. muyu is related to fruit. vicuna is etymologically derived from wik uña. sisi is related to fourmi. simi hawa tullu is a synonym of maxilla. waylla is related to turf. ruray is related to form. waki is related to part. churichakuy is related to adopt. rinri q utu qumutu is a synonym of pleurotus ostreatus. hepatitis a is a synonym of hepatitis. chinruykachiy is related to chinru. paña is related to right handed. alalay is related to chiriy. hunt ay is related to fulfill. awsay is related to play. puka chikayu is a synonym of red mouse opossum. muchay is a form of much ay. sirk a is a synonym of blood vessel. qunuy is related to bundle up. tullpu is a synonym of ink. hainan pruwinsya is a synonym of hainan. wañu is related to death. watuy is related to question. jaya is related to spicy. mount everest is a synonym of chomolungma. hallpay is related to coca. lluna is related to million. llaqullay is a form of yaqullay. sisi p’ uchqu is related to acide formique. yaya is related to paternal uncle. khuyay is related to khuya. ch ullullulluy is related to profusely. ayriway killa is a synonym of april. marqa is a form of marq a. qipi is a form of q ipi. mayor is a synonym of kamachiq. pampa is related to plain. iskay ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy is a synonym of world war ii. edge is a synonym of pata. qara is related to agave. états unis d’ amérique is a synonym of hukllachasqa amirika suyukuna. makabayop iskay ñiqin qillqasqan is a synonym of 2 maccabees. rampay is related to hand. puchqay is related to crack. hant arqay is related to loll. hamkay is a form of hamk ay. bird is a synonym of pisqu. ankallikuy is related to ankalli. amatay is related to prohibit. israyil is a synonym of israel. chanin is related to value. qallariy is related to begin. tampu is related to road. qhincha is related to bad luck. machu picchu is etymologically derived from machu pikchu. qinchay is related to wall. icha is related to ichaqa. samay is related to interior. pusaq is related to president. mulduwa is a synonym of moldova. qaway is related to qawa. inti wayllay is a synonym of photosynthesis. sachʼaqa is related to jungle. kuraq is related to kuraqta. allpa is related to dust. mais is a synonym of sara. maternal uncle is a synonym of kaku. ikma is related to widow. wayray is related to wind. platelet is a synonym of yawar llukllunacha. riy is related to ayway. kuraka is related to kuraq. ñawpaq pacha is derived from ñawpaq. allinchay is related to repair. uspay is a form of uchpay. upa is related to mute. laqha wasi is derived from wasi. lluqsiy is related to go out. chiri is related to chiriyay. chá is related to cha. tuksiy is a form of t uksiy. yachay wasi is derived from wasi. chanin is related to true. ch uqichaq is a synonym of chalcogen. simp a is related to braid. pulpu is a synonym of octopus. sa is a form of chka. qellqay is a form of qillqay. supay is related to person. t aqa is related to group. hinaspa is related to way. go down is a synonym of uraykuy. earth is a synonym of allpa. ch akiy is related to thirst. waylla is related to dance. hurquy is related to move. urqu is related to hill. puquy mit a is a synonym of autumn. dyuspa simin qillqa is a synonym of bible. soul is a synonym of aya. yapa is related to customer. yunka ch illtu is a synonym of tamarillo. chhalla is a synonym of straw. p acha jallch ana is derived from jallch ay. panta is related to wrong. ihma is a form of ikma. armay is related to arma. ñawiriy is derived from ñawiy. mast a is related to carpet. t impuy is related to t impu. wak is related to distinct. venus is a synonym of ch aska. malliy is related to lampiy. sayk uy is related to sayk u. paqar is related to dawn. qhapaq is related to qhapaqyachiy. united states is a synonym of hukllachasqa amirika suyukuna. phutiy is related to phuti. astay is related to whip. chunwa runallaqta ripuwlika is a synonym of china. huqariy is related to huqari. p uru is related to gourd. q umir qhura is derived from qhura. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is derived from jallch ay. hayratachiy is related to execute. ichhu is related to esophagus. q iwiy is related to cramp. iñi is related to belief. kichkay is related to sting. t uksiy is related to mark. sisiy is related to spread. scar is a synonym of q illa. kakichu is related to mâchoire. allin is related to sensible. waskay is related to throw. chayamuy is derived from chayay. llaki is related to grief. laqha is related to gloomy. wathiyay is a form of watyay. juch uy wasi is derived from juch uy. rikch ay is related to image. wakichiy is related to prepare. quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa. tipiy is related to suspend. kusi is related to glad. t ikray is related to return. q imiy is related to closer. hark ay is related to hark a. disprosyu is a synonym of dysprosium. wayra is related to evil. qillqana is related to utensil. kulliyay is related to purple. amawt a is related to wise. kisma is related to mother in law. wamra is related to child. p uti is related to chubby. waylla is related to meadow. kamay is related to govern. runakuna is related to personne. wir is a synonym of ñuqayku. watyay is related to watya. k acha is related to beautiful. qara is related to peel. huñunakuy is related to congregate. tiwtinku is a synonym of greater yellowlegs. kaka is related to aqu. t iyu unquy is a synonym of alcoholism. llaqway is related to licking. achachi is a synonym of yaya. tukuy is related to complete. flur is a synonym of fluorine. sunqu is related to center. maqay is related to maltreat. kantaray killa is a synonym of october. qasi simi is derived from simi. tuna is related to prickly pear. k apa is a synonym of cartilage. heat is a synonym of ruphay. alqa has context of anatomy. mast ay is related to tear down. pakay yura is a synonym of inga. k ajay is related to hot. jawakollay has context of plantes. churiyay is related to churi. hapuy is related to injure. mallki is related to bush. awqanakuy is related to awqa. inchik is related to peanut. t ikray is related to flip. devilish is a synonym of millaymana. kancha is related to herd. q imikuy is related to approach. maskhay is related to investigate. rinri wira is a synonym of earwax. kenya is a synonym of kinya. sach a is related to plant. layqa is related to sorcerer. correct is a synonym of allichiy. quechua is a synonym of qhichwa. caresser is a synonym of maywaq. watay is related to tie. guanaco is etymologically derived from wanaku. purun is related to sallqa. assemble is a synonym of tantay. heal is a synonym of hampiy. chapatiyay is related to lie in wait. wild is a synonym of k ita. p uru is related to hollow. rumi is related to rumiyay. wichay is related to incline. yanuy is related to parboil. ñina is related to perfect. pukllay is related to carnival. awki is related to prince. sach a is related to vegetation. khata is related to ridge. maté is etymologically derived from mati. taqtay is related to potato. chiri is related to chiri mit a. hayt ay is related to kick. kilampu is a synonym of gray four eyed opossum. rimay is related to speech. qapariy is related to scream. t impuy is related to angry. ayni is related to ayniy. uya is related to face. llamp u is related to llamp uy. ten commandments is a synonym of chunkantin kamachiykuna. kawsaykuq tantalli ismusqa is a synonym of gangrene. liryu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of liliaceae. qullpa is related to millu. lung cancer is a synonym of surq an phiru unquy. takay is related to hit. awaymantu is a synonym of physalis peruviana. josuap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of joshua. taqsay is a form of t aqsay. wayna is related to boy. paper is a synonym of raphi. raphi is a synonym of leaf. father in law is a synonym of kaka. wata junt ay is related to birthday. ecuador is a synonym of ikwadur. susuy is related to paralyze. aspiy is related to scratch. raphra is related to leaf. pinku pinku is a synonym of ephedra. kuti is related to times. ama is related to do. llaqwaq is derived from llaqway. k ullu is related to wood. fetch is a synonym of apamuy. chakatay is related to chakata. wankar is a synonym of drum. imanay is related to ima. phiñay is related to storm. alli is related to allipanakuy. jatun mama is derived from jatun. aqha is related to liquor. chapatiyay is related to chapay. challwa is a synonym of fish. llapa is related to llapan. hawiy is related to planting. tiyay is related to takuy. alayrichiy is related to clarify. chimpay is related to begin. neptunyu is a synonym of neptunium. arphayay is related to arpha. huñuysiy is derived from huñuy. ichaqa is related to icha. aymuray is related to pallay. tear is a synonym of llik iy. throw is a synonym of wikch uy. cougar is a synonym of puma. maki is a synonym of hand. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from jampiy. hunk a is a synonym of qanchischaw. jamaïque is a synonym of shamayka. ayllu is related to community. iskaymuyu is related to bicycle. nku is related to n. chinini is a synonym of minutu. paylla is related to accident. anta is a synonym of copper. cavalerie is a synonym of kawallu awqaq. chukuna is derived from chukuy. iskay is related to deux. phinkiy is related to ricochet. schizophrenia is a synonym of waq akay. ruray rimana is a synonym of verb. yuraq murira is a synonym of morus alba. klawil yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of caryophyllaceae. sipi is related to scaly. pichinku is a synonym of rufous collared sparrow. anku is related to liana. feather is a synonym of phuru. brasilien is a synonym of brasil. chaskiy is related to away. allpanay is related to allpa. anku is related to vessel. apaykun is a form of apaykuy. ch aphranay is related to ch aphra. tupu is related to fasten. yaqa is related to quarter. harawiy is related to work. sipris is a synonym of cupressus. ch ipchi is related to ch ipchiy. utqay is related to fast. hatu is related to flag. api is related to pudding. para is related to paray. arahu is a synonym of orange winged amazon. chaski is related to deliver. sañi is related to light. jatun yachaywasi is derived from jatun. young is a synonym of wayna. muchuy is related to lack. ruray is related to apply. achachi is related to old man. hunt ay is related to fill up. p aki is related to broken. akay is related to ismay. sinchi is related to too. waska is related to drunk. anti is similar to qulla. paqtachani is a synonym of equation. watana is related to fetter. sixteen is a synonym of chunka suqtayuq. yarqay is related to yarqa. kultura is related to culture. berlin pirqa is a synonym of berlin wall. raphi is related to paper. haqaykuna is a form of haqay. ch ipuy is related to plait. sumalya is a synonym of somalia. allwiy is related to plot. k ayrapin is a synonym of spleen. ayapampa is derived from aya. purun is related to limited. kiwachi is related to kisma. allpay is related to allpanay. nepal is a synonym of nipal. asticot is a synonym of laqatu. wamp uy has context of movement. allqucha is a synonym of allqitu. t uksiy is related to wound. khuchi is related to dirty. killa is related to moon. chiriyachiy is related to chiri. yachachikuq is a synonym of yachakuq. sacha is a form of sach a. t ipiy is related to blow up. announcement is a synonym of willay. language is a synonym of rimay. churakuy is related to keep. kungu mayu is a synonym of congo river. achiy is related to fire. asiy is related to laughter. arma is related to basin. poncho is a synonym of unku. apaykunki is a form of apaykuy. depart is a synonym of lluqsiy. sichillakuna is a synonym of seychelles. exist is a synonym of kay. awina is a synonym of avena. ch ullku is a synonym of oxalis. yachachiq is related to teacher. mama tirisa kolkatamanta is a synonym of mother teresa. qapariy is related to cry. qara is related to maguey. mother in law is a synonym of kiwach. ichiy is related to short. seaborgyu has context of chimie. unancha is a synonym of flag. hat alliy is related to protect. sirkonyu is a synonym of zirconium. chikchiy is related to laugh. lake is a synonym of qucha. pukllay is related to play. tariy is related to meet up. tawa chunka pichqayuq is related to forty five. pas is related to too. abendmahl is a synonym of siñurpa sinan. muquy is a synonym of incest. lanthanu is a synonym of lanthanum. archimède is a synonym of arkhimidis. yachachiq is related to yachakuq. chimpachiy is derived from chimpay. chiqaqchay is related to chiqaq. hair is a synonym of chukcha. kutipakuy is related to object. brown bear is a synonym of paqu ukumari. suyru is related to drag. akay is related to defecate. hich ay is related to toss. uncle is a synonym of qaka. chaniy is related to worth. kapuy is related to belong. kisma is related to kiwach. blink is a synonym of ch illmipakuy. ñawiriy is derived from ñawiy. chincha is similar to kunti. uyway is related to domesticate. chakatay is related to chakata. mit awi is a synonym of time. tusuna wasi is related to club. allpayachiy is related to allpa. makidunya is a synonym of republic of macedonia. rikch ay is related to wake up. süss is a synonym of misk i. chimpansi is a synonym of chimpanzee. pirqa is related to wall. wanaku is related to wik uña. qalla has context of weaving. hayt a is related to hayt ay. haus is a synonym of wasi. pampachay is related to forgive. yachay suntur is a synonym of university. haqay has context of distal. karpa is a synonym of tent. warma is a form of wamra. マテ茶 is etymologically derived from mati. ch aqway is related to ayñay. puti is a form of phuti. chilltu is a synonym of tomato. anqas is related to dye. antimunyu is a synonym of antimony. alli is a form of allin. phawaykachay is derived from phaway. hatun chaha is a synonym of anderson's four eyed opossum. chawkatu is a synonym of mimid. hankay is a form of hank ay. khata is related to field. kuchus is a synonym of elbow. show is a synonym of rikuchiy. ukhu is related to deep. pisi is related to beginning. achka is related to achkachay. ch allay is related to ch alla. huñiy is related to assent. ch illka is a synonym of baccharis. namib is a synonym of namib desert. mikhuna wasi is related to restaurant. chaqna is a synonym of cargo. watu is related to spell. periodensystem is a synonym of qallawap ñiqi rakirinkuna. laray is related to split. husband is a synonym of qusa. awstiriya is a synonym of austria. send is a synonym of kachay. puna is related to plains. q aytu is related to ribbon. ch ipihyay is related to wink. qalla is related to plate. uraykuy is related to go down. p api is related to humidity. llankʼana is related to technologie. llamk ay is related to farming. tullu is related to skinny. église is a synonym of kristiyanu inlisya. kuraka is related to ayllu. wikipidiya is a synonym of wikipedia. k allampa is related to mushroom. qalla is related to round. jawa is related to outdoors. antanka is related to black. yarpay is related to mull. lupu is a synonym of gray wolf. unquy is a synonym of disease. unquy has context of physiology. chikchi is related to gap. wayrunq u is related to bumblebee. rhein is a synonym of rhine. amaru is a synonym of boidae. ch arqayay is related to hoarse. ayniy is related to help. bahamakuna is a synonym of bahamas. uhuy is related to cough. mikhuna is related to food. reside is a synonym of tiyay. sallqa waqlliy is a synonym of pollution. sapai warmi has context of plantes. chikchi is related to hail. kaniy is related to sting. saphiy is related to saphi. qillqa is related to writing. q ipi is related to bundle. panta is related to error. rope is a synonym of watu. qunqay is related to qunqayli. qhincha is related to qhinchachay. widyu kunsula is a synonym of video game console. ñan is related to path. runa is related to man. mast a is related to mast ay. lluqsi is related to lluqsiy. p aki is related to piece. ñit iy is related to impression. qallu is related to simi. tupu is related to pin. pallay is related to harvest. maywaq is related to mayway. ninri is related to ear. tuytuy is related to float. kallpa is related to power. ikitus is a synonym of iquitos. toast is a synonym of hamk ay. kachay is related to order. achikyay is related to dawn. saqra is related to ugly. mast a is related to mast ay. choklo is related to sara. farmland is a synonym of chakra. alqa is related to stop. tiyamuy is related to come. thanta is related to used. ch uyayachiy is related to ch uya. achka is related to lot. chakana tuktuyuq rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of brassicaceae. iwana is a synonym of iguanidae. salsa salsa is a synonym of sonchus oleraceus. utqay is related to rush. agustín is a synonym of augustine of hippo. sow is a synonym of tarpuy. qasa is related to hoarfrost. nina is related to ninayay. blackboard is a synonym of pirqa qillqana. qillqana is related to pencil. machay is related to drunk. sand is a synonym of aqu. hawaqlla muru unquy is a synonym of chickenpox. watya is related to earth. chakachay is related to build. q is a form of p. sut i musyay is a synonym of perception. k ita uywa is derived from k ita. chulluchiy is derived from chulluy. qincha is related to corral. qanchis chunka has context of cardinal. iskaymuyu is a synonym of lata wuru. imayay is a synonym of matter. ch akichiy is related to desiccate. boat is a synonym of wamp u. usqay is a form of utqay. ñuñuchiy is derived from ñuñu. llirpu is a synonym of plastic. ñañakunapaq is a form of ñaña. hina is related to alike. kaka is related to father in law. rikch a hap ina is a synonym of still camera. beautiful is a synonym of sumaq. ñañakunaman is a form of ñaña. hanllalli is a synonym of vowel. wayt’ ay is a synonym of huaytakana. spa is related to stin. hark a is related to reservoir. lunp u is a synonym of ellipse. kawallu awqaq is a synonym of cavalry. khachu is related to morsel. qispiy is related to escape. araway is related to arawa. wayu misk i is a synonym of fructose. qaraywa is a synonym of lizard. wik uña is related to llama. ullpukuy is related to ullpu. come is a synonym of hamuy. pampachay is related to cope. chaquy is a synonym of slash and burn. aqu is related to kisma. khuchuy is related to scissors. learner is a synonym of yachachikuq. unku is related to poncho. armay is related to armachiy. courtyard is a synonym of kancha. wayra is related to cream. alimanya is a synonym of germany. lord's prayer is a synonym of yayayku. thin is a synonym of tullu. tigri is a synonym of tiger. patacha is related to patachay. chuqay is related to fling. hucha is related to offense. qatay is related to brother in law. samay pacha is derived from samay. p aki is related to p akiy. allpachay is related to allpanay. anku is related to hardness. sapay is related to ñuqa. qaray is related to work. suyu is related to streaked. challway is related to challwa. yuyaychinkay is a synonym of syncope. uturunku is related to jaguar. ripuwlika is a synonym of republic. spleen is a synonym of k ayrapin. ch akichikuy is related to ch akichiy. kawsaykuq yawri is a synonym of organelle. crème is a synonym of nata. watukuy is related to watuy. prune is a synonym of ch aphranay. tupay is related to fight. wasserstoff is a synonym of yakuchaq. impel is a synonym of tanqay. p uchquy is related to decay. hik iy is related to hiccup. qhasqu is related to breast. suyakuy is derived from suyay. salty is a synonym of qullpa. masara is a synonym of kisu. 1890 watakuna is a synonym of 1890s. hanaq is related to portion. nina is related to cooking. paquyaq asuka is a synonym of south american sea lion. rutherfordyu is related to rutherfordium. alqay is related to alqa. takuy is related to taku. q aytucha is a synonym of fiber. phutiy is related to afflicted. rikuriy is related to become. uhuy is related to uhu. inti wayta is a synonym of helianthus annuus. copper is a synonym of anta. wan is related to avec. q upa yaku kachaykuna is a synonym of sanitary sewer. wayra is related to air. t ika is related to octagon. ch aqway is related to bark. sipi is related to feather. mitmay is related to exile. kuraka is related to cacique. strong is a synonym of sinchi. lineage is a synonym of awkikuna. mayllay is related to wash. anna pawlowa is a synonym of anna pavlova. latanu is related to banana. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is derived from qillqana. wardrobe is a synonym of p acha jallch ana. inuyt runa is a synonym of inuit. hik i is a synonym of hiccup. k aspi is related to pole. rutherfordyu has context of chimie. machay is related to drunkenness. haqaymanta is related to chaymanta. chiri is related to chiriyachiy. lawyer is a synonym of amachaq. phuyu is a synonym of cloud. chiqchiykachay is related to chiqchiku. pusay is related to bring. k aspi is related to shaft. souci officinal is a synonym of uchuq aspa. awqay is related to fight. rikch ay is related to expression. likra is related to wing. musuq wata is derived from wata. kapuy is related to wealth. puka p akincha is a synonym of papaver rhoeas. wathiya is a form of watya. watuy is related to guess. t inkisqa sanampa is a synonym of digraph. illa is related to ray. isanka is related to panier. kuru is related to worm. sat iy is related to inject. sat iy is related to connect. achalay is related to embellish. allpachay is related to allpanay. fart is a synonym of supiy. suti is a synonym of name. wik uña is related to brown. sansa is related to burning. hukllachasqa qhapaq suyu is a synonym of united kingdom. chiqa is related to straight. yaman is a synonym of yemen. miyaw ñiy is derived from ñiy. musphay is related to lost. jilin pruwinsya is a synonym of jilin. harawiy is related to harawi. miki ukucha is a synonym of mickey mouse. jap iy is related to own. amu is related to fertilizer. yaqa is related to nearly. lama is etymologically derived from llama. tarpuy is related to sowing. ñawpa is related to old. ñawiy is related to qillqaqhaway. allwiy is related to warp. wañuchiy is related to massacre. defense is a synonym of amachay. ñit iy is related to squeeze. ñañapi is a form of ñaña. arkansas suyu is a synonym of arkansas. wrong is a synonym of panta. huñuysiy is related to join. baltiku hatun qucha is a synonym of baltic sea. poem is a synonym of harawi. methanu p’ uchqu is related to acide formique. allinchay is related to improve. green is a synonym of waylla. ayway is related to riy. hanaq is related to north. sut i is related to sense. saturne is a synonym of hawcha. chahrachay is related to chahra. tariy is related to find. yaqullay is related to cape. mayllay is related to clean. llimphi is related to painting. hanaq is related to up. thirty five is a synonym of kimsa chunka pichqayuq. suyay is related to hope. ash is a synonym of uchpa. aspiy is related to aspikuy. rikch ay is related to form. ch arkiy is related to dry. pituy is related to beat. qoa has context of mythology. phiñakuy is derived from phiña. uran is related to under. hap iy is related to understand. nki is related to nkichik. hich ay is related to throw out. p anqa kañina is a synonym of banknote. ullpu is related to toast. tutay is related to tuta. chra is a synonym of chi. chukullikuy is related to cover. ususi is related to father. ayqeykuy is related to ayqichiy. q ipiy is related to bundle. qatiy is related to qatiykachay. raymi is related to party. achiwa is related to small. thuñiy is related to fall in. rit iy is related to snow. t ikra is related to underside. ayntaka is a synonym of brown four eyed opossum. wata junt ay is derived from wata. huchachakuy is related to relapse. maki is related to main. inti lluqsiy is a synonym of sunrise. yupana is related to mathematics. hamka is a form of hamk a. aspiy is related to oneself. black crowned night heron is a synonym of waqwa. lata pisqu is derived from pisqu. sell is a synonym of ranqhay. mote is etymologically derived from mut i. chapay is related to catch. wach iy is related to shoot. phichqa is a form of pichqa. uyway is related to tend. unu is related to unuyay. millay is related to milla. amawt a is related to skillful. qunuy is related to wear. kachay is related to mend. yunka is related to forest. allpa alkali q illay is a synonym of alkaline earth metal. mitk a is related to mitk ay. phinsuyu is a synonym of finland. qusi is related to cloth. yale yachay suntur is a synonym of yale university. island is a synonym of wat a. malliy is related to prove. paqta is related to perhaps. qunta is a synonym of magnesium oxide. tukuy santukuna is a synonym of all saints day. ismu is related to rotten. sinqa is related to sinq ay. ñawi is related to hole. awqa is related to devil. hatariy is related to rise up. ayrampu is related to dye. kʼipu is related to chardon. sanskrit is a synonym of sanskrit simi. discotheque is a synonym of tusuna wasi. ñust a is related to spirit. wakichikuy is a form of wakichiy. juch uy is related to small. waska is related to cable. hip iy is related to sheep. mallunwa is a synonym of cuscuta. rimay taki is a synonym of song. machan is a form of machay. alqamari is related to caracara. qaqa is related to cliff. kay is related to being. hatuchaq is related to hatun. kallpa is related to force. apakapuy is related to apakamuy. mars is a synonym of awqakuq. loup à crinière is a synonym of mayu atuq. pinchikilla kuyuchina is a synonym of electric motor. tiyuwish is a synonym of blue headed parrot. pay is a synonym of kañiy. kamayuq is related to responsible. walla is a synonym of mountain range. llamp uy is related to dust. hamk ay is related to hamk a. suyru is related to dress. qispiy is related to complete. ñiy is related to say. hampiy is related to administer. ayamarka is a synonym of cemetery. tariy is related to meet. bird of prey is a synonym of aqchi. pata is related to edge. ch ultikuy is related to dive. khipukamayuq is related to khipu. bourgogne is a synonym of burgundy. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from awtu. iñuku is a synonym of atom. llaki is related to accident. bahrayn is a synonym of bahrain. machu pikchu is a synonym of machu picchu. surgu is a synonym of sorghum. yuyupa is a synonym of salad. sayay is related to steep. paya is related to old. miray is related to change. wayta is related to bouquet. kawsay is related to living. aya mikhuq is a synonym of scavenger. ranqhana wasi is related to store. how much is a synonym of hayk a. chawpipacha khiniya is a synonym of equatorial guinea. yarpay is related to think over. suti is related to noun. wisq ay is related to close. shovel is a synonym of lampa. simi kapchiy is a synonym of literature. na is related to sqa. flood is a synonym of nuyuy. urma is related to urmay. ch iqanay is related to chisel. chakannay is related to chaka. q urunta is related to corncob. ruk uyay is related to old. supay is related to extraordinary. taripay is related to justice. wat a is a synonym of island. huqari is related to huqariy. wik uña has context of zoologie. t ustuy is related to degrade. terbium is a synonym of terbyu. amachay is related to protection. kay pacha is derived from kay. hundred thousand is a synonym of pachak waranqa. cornouailles is a synonym of cornwall. chikchiy is related to hail. llarqhay is a form of yarqay. p itiy is related to divide. kamay is related to rule. utqay is related to hurriedly. kuti is related to fallow. suti is related to name. kuska is related to site. ñañap is a form of ñaña. ch ullullulluy is related to ch ullchuy. samana wasi is related to living room. pachak waranqa is related to hundred thousand. rimaykuy is related to greet. sadness is a synonym of llakiy. asin is a form of asiy. ari is related to then. sapay is related to ñuqa. k utuy is related to cut. allipanakuy is related to allipunakuy. samay pacha is derived from samay. uruguay is a synonym of uruwayi. usuy is related to misery. ari is related to then. asuy has context of movement. llaqta is related to community. pikchu is related to cone. ch uhtay is related to sew. asiy is related to wahahahay. hatun is related to serious. wichay is related to upwards. louxor is a synonym of al uqsur. khipukamayuq is derived from khipu. awki is related to elder. mikhuna wasi is related to dining room. chukullikuy is related to put on. sawintu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of myrtaceae. huñuysiy is related to help. chukcha k utu is a synonym of odonata. yaña is related to yañay. hole is a synonym of t uqu. tampu is related to resthouse. mach ay is a synonym of cave. pallay has context of weaving. oregon suyu is a synonym of oregon. tiksiy is related to begin. n is related to nku. mita is a form of mit a. hunu has context of cardinal. tantay is related to meet. angry is a synonym of phiñasqa. qulla is similar to chincha. llika rump u is a synonym of netball. yesterday is a synonym of qayna. apay is related to usachiy. yarqa is related to thirsty. rantiy is related to purchase. maskay is a form of maskhay. ima has context of indefinite pronoun. yupana is related to numbers. rinda is a synonym of prunus avium. wamp u is related to wamp uy. scorn is a synonym of alqochay. kay pacha is derived from pacha. athènes is a synonym of athina. mast ay is related to knock down. pakaykukuy is derived from pakay. root is a synonym of sapi. qullaw is a synonym of altiplano. yunqa is a form of yunka. waqay is related to call. iñi wasi is derived from iñi. humita is etymologically derived from humint a. qasay is related to snow. sisi p’ uchqu is related to acide méthanoïque. hunt a is related to full. andean is a synonym of anti. kaymanta is related to from. ontario pruwinsya is a synonym of ontario. chaskiy is related to snatch. tupa is related to stick. susuy is related to ripen. takay is related to hammer. mountain is a synonym of urqu. anku is related to whip. hark ay is related to stop. chaninchay is related to chanin. punch is a synonym of kutay. harawi is related to syrup. hamk ay is related to cereal. republika is a form of ripuwlika. qaqa qaqa is etymologically related to qaqa. chuqi is a synonym of ore. supay has context of ecuador. huhyay is related to expression. m is related to taq. yarqay is related to yarqa. takay is related to wall. t ipi is related to division. twenty is a synonym of iskay chunka. saqra is related to evil. mati is related to maté. unuyay is related to melt. paña is related to right. mikhuna wasi is derived from mikhuy. rikch aqyay is a synonym of evolution. chumpiy is related to whip. suqta has context of cardinal. mayt uy is related to wrap. huñiy is related to accept. kimsak uchu is a synonym of triangle. jatun tata is derived from jatun. ancha is related to excessive. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. quya is a synonym of queen regnant. k aspi qillqana is derived from qillqana. sipi is related to dance. suyru is related to long. jampiri is related to witch doctor. corncob is a synonym of q urunta. lichi hilli is a synonym of latex. piano is a synonym of yatana qallwa. khachu is related to khachuy. wantuy is related to wantu. toluca de lerdo is a synonym of toluca. taku is related to takuy. chinini is a synonym of minutu. qata is related to roof. wayllay is related to waylla. yaku t impuchina is derived from yaku. k ita uywa is derived from uywa. kunka is a synonym of neck. wañu is related to new moon. rinri is a synonym of ear. puchqay is related to break. kanchay is related to build. ch arkiy is related to ch arki. tawa chunka is related to forty. kallpa is related to strength. willaq is related to speaker. pukara is a synonym of fortification. thirty nine is a synonym of kimsa chunka isqunniyuq. yachakuy is related to study. quwi is related to female. ch uyanchay is related to ch uya. mikhuna is derived from mikhuy. indiana suyu is a synonym of indiana. anka is related to eagle. huk has context of cardinal. number is a synonym of yupay. ch iqichiy is related to disperse. llakiy is related to sorrow. p uchquy is related to decompose. wicharina is related to ladder. chayamuy is related to here. kusikuy is related to pleased. cross is a synonym of chakana. ususi has context of ecuador. atiy is related to abilities. tatkiy is a form of thatkiy. arise is a synonym of hatariy. mayu patu is a synonym of torrent duck. churpuy is related to put. winay is related to straw. mayman is related to where. takuy is related to mix. q imina is a synonym of wedge. pirqa qillqana is derived from pirqa. chiqaqchay is related to elucidate. open is a synonym of kichariy. chiqniy is a synonym of hatred. husk ay is related to grain. tusuna wasi is derived from wasi. arinki is a synonym of clupea. utqaychay is related to urge. awqa is related to rival. wiñay is related to eternally. purutu is a synonym of phaseolus vulgaris. thatkiy is related to take. jungle is a synonym of sachʼaqa. riqsi is related to friendship. ykichis is a form of ykichik. finland is a synonym of phinsuyu. wanay is related to punishment. hail is a synonym of chikchi. mikhuq is a form of mikhuy. pisiy is related to decrease. takuy is related to tiyay. ñuñu is related to breast. bad luck is a synonym of qhincha. chanqaykukuy is related to throw. harpie féroce is a synonym of chullu walli. remember is a synonym of yarpay. squirrel is a synonym of antharu. salta llaqta is a synonym of salta. wismutu is a synonym of bismuth. hospital is a synonym of unquna wasi. ilanda is a synonym of republic of ireland. khallkiy is related to pave. llaki is related to llakiy. win is a synonym of atiy. humint ay is related to make. ayllu is related to brotherhood. chunwa hatun pirqa is a synonym of great wall of china. watu is related to rope. whiteboard is a synonym of pirqa qillqana. ruk u is related to male. tusuy is related to dance. unquy is related to ill. quyllurchaw is related to mercredi. poisson is a synonym of challwa. yachay is related to yachakuy. aqunqhawaq is a synonym of aconcagua. piñi is a synonym of crystal. anti is similar to chincha. cheese is a synonym of masara. ruwana is a synonym of tool. qillqana is derived from qillqay. surq an is a synonym of lung. khuya is related to stone. saqa saqa is a synonym of taraxacum officinale. flower is a synonym of tuktu. chayamuy has context of movement. giza hatun chuntu is a synonym of great pyramid of giza. muhamad is a synonym of muhammad. iskay chunka qanchisniyuq has context of cardinal. hunk a is a synonym of simana. q’ uñi is related to warm. hatun panda is a synonym of giant panda. rough is a synonym of taku. deer is a synonym of taruka. qispiy is related to liberty. ñawpa is related to ancient. qunuy is related to coat. apprehend is a synonym of chapay. wawqi is related to pani. yachachikuq is related to learner. q umir qhura is related to parsley. k ita uywap wasin is derived from uywa. p uchquy is related to decay. grind is a synonym of allpayachiy. kuraka has context of historical. united states of america is a synonym of hukllachasqa amirika suyukuna. sqa is related to spa. ñawi is related to weave. awina is related to avoine. chawpi is related to half. t ika is related to t ikay. churakuy is related to oneself. tika is related to bar. hawiy is related to anoint. uchpa is a synonym of ash. sayay is related to size. suruqchi is a form of suruqch i. iskay chunka pusaqniyuq has context of cardinal. ayqiykuy is derived from ayqiy. qillqana pirqa is a synonym of blackboard. tawa chunka pusaqniyuq is related to forty eight. tupu is related to honey. jatun yachaywasi is derived from yachaywasi. waki is a synonym of society. hut uyay is related to hut u. unka is a synonym of eugenia. yku is related to nchik. pacha is a form of pach a. hawkay is related to hawka. pillan is a synonym of myrmecophagidae. phiñay is related to rebuke. cancha is etymologically derived from kancha. yanapay is related to cooperate. aswan is related to more. mama aqha is a synonym of vinegar. kallpay is related to try. hatariy is related to get up. suquy is a form of suq uy. sinq ay is related to snuff. wañuchiy is related to killing. bedroom is a synonym of puñuna wasi. urqu wichay is a synonym of mountaineering. machu is a synonym of achachi. layqay is related to bewitch. yaya is related to father. ninakuru is a synonym of firefly. qusi is related to clear. yaykuy is related to come in. sayariy is related to resurrect. rimani is a form of rimay. qantu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of polemoniaceae. hurt is a synonym of nanay. tapuy is a synonym of question. q iwi is related to bow. p anqa is related to book. nisqa is a form of ñisqa. thirty three is a synonym of kimsa chunka kimsayuq. liwru is a synonym of book. puhuyu is a synonym of amazon river dolphin. much a is related to much ay. aya is a synonym of nuna. simp ay is related to plait. kichka is related to bramble. sut i is related to in fact. punkillikuy is a synonym of edema. chahrakuy is related to chahrachay. kay pacha is a synonym of world. aklla is related to virgin. suyuy is related to parcel. illay is related to illa. t arta is a synonym of soap. k anchay is related to glory. supiy is related to audible. qhusi is related to sky blue. sayariy is related to stop. lluta is related to oiseau. uyay is related to listen. colombie is a synonym of kulumbiya. sach a ansu is a synonym of orinoco goose. chanqay is related to crush. hallp iy is related to hallp i. machu picchu is a synonym of machu pikchu. kichay is related to kicha. kristiyanu iñiy is a synonym of christianity. substantif is a synonym of suti. pampa is related to flat. wayra is related to cold. kutay is related to kuta. qullpa is related to millu. light is a synonym of k anchay. ñuñuchiy is related to breastfeed. mink a is related to ayni. ayllu is related to kuraka. sumaq is related to tasty. aklluykachay is related to stammer. halt is a synonym of sayay. dansuyu is a synonym of denmark. humita is etymologically derived from humint a. aqtuy is a synonym of thuqay. upalla is related to silent. ishkiy is related to urmay. cold is a synonym of chiri. arma is related to sink. yachay wasi is related to elementary school. marq ay is related to marq a. chiriy is related to chiri. amañay is related to exercise. hatu is related to pack animal. københavn is related to copenhague. mama qucha is related to sea. kancha is related to outside. puti is related to belly button. yachay is related to yachakuq. sañi is related to livid. cello is a synonym of chilu. supay is related to dwell. punku is related to entrance. key is a synonym of llawi. turku simi is a synonym of turkish language. chiriyachiy is related to chiri. ch akichiy is related to ch aki. ruphay is related to hot. alkul is a synonym of alcohol. llama is related to wik uña. wamra has context of archaic incan. kancha is related to instep. puqu is related to puquy. t impuy is related to effervescence. kusi is related to content. ismuy is related to corruption. phutuy raphi is a synonym of cotyledon. mitk a is related to mitk ay. k ita p akincha is a synonym of papaver argemone. tuktunnaq sirk ayuq is a synonym of pteridophyte. greet is a synonym of rimaykuy. sunkha kaka is a synonym of usnea. chiri is related to chiri mit a. liyun urqu is a synonym of sierra leone. tansanya is a synonym of tanzania. ruphay is related to ruphapakuy. kawallu is a synonym of horse. flour is a synonym of haku. mawrisyu is a synonym of mauritius. sunqu is related to inner. kay is related to haqay. truyanu kawallu is a synonym of trojan horse. return is a synonym of kutiy. aklla is related to service. munay is related to good. wayllay is related to hot. wayana is a synonym of guyana. opossum is a synonym of q ara chupa. kérkira is a synonym of corfu. sumaq has context of modifying adjectives. ch uyanchay is related to absolve. qispichiqkuna is a synonym of rescuers. t ipiy is related to strangle. maki has context of anatomie. junt ay is related to fill in. allin is related to allinchay. tipiy is related to tipi. kikin is related to oneself. match is a synonym of ninachaq. achalay is related to adorn. kay pacha is derived from pacha. purun is related to barren. angula is a synonym of angola. ch iqtay is related to firewood. iqhay is related to excoriate. may is related to may may. wanu is related to wanuy. tantay is related to gather. insertion is a synonym of sat iy. yarquy is related to rise. uyway is related to chambermaid. sipi is related to punishment. awqa is related to enemy. uray is related to uraykuy. follow is a synonym of qatiy. chutan is a form of chutay. ñit isqa ñawra phiruru is a synonym of dvd. kallchay is related to beans. pukllay is related to red. womb is a synonym of kisma. qayna is related to last. urma is related to collapse. llimphiy is related to llimphi. bahay is related to uray. qalla is related to spindle. achik is related to achikyay. accept is a synonym of añikuy. ch ipchi is related to chicken. qallariy is related to origin. qata is related to bedding. ñup u is a synonym of fontanelle. asllayachiy is related to diminish. uya is related to uyay. wallqanqa sanancha is a synonym of coat of arms. apamuy is related to bring. kawsay is related to culture. aysay is related to weigh. soak is a synonym of chulluy. achiy is related to wood. llapa is related to llapan. wasi qhatana is derived from qatay. achka is related to achkachay. chariy is related to have. ninayay is related to transmit. ima is related to thing. wak a is related to sacred. huaytakana is a synonym of wayt’ ay. sañi is related to purple. seconde guerre mondiale is a synonym of iskay ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy. amawt a is related to yachachiq. t ipi has context of weaving. ñin is a form of ñiy. sulluchiy is a synonym of abortion. kiwina is a form of kinwa. taki is related to singing. carve is a synonym of kuchuy. tanzania is a synonym of tansanya. wayna qhapaq is a synonym of huayna capac. ch umpi is a synonym of sepia. république de chine is a synonym of chunwa republika. chiqan is related to chiqa. hik ipakuy is related to hik i. ch askayay is derived from ch aska. tanta is related to tantay. jampiy is related to medicine. p uchquy is a synonym of fermentation. lak iy is a form of rak iy. machay is related to irrigate. saphi is related to origin. awinakina is related to abiu. wañuchiy is related to turn off. nikarawa is a synonym of nicaragua. chahrachay is related to chahraysiy. hamurpay is related to conjecture. qillqana phuru is a synonym of fountain pen. ñaña is related to wawqi. yachachiq is related to yachakuq. mikhuna wasi is derived from wasi. ruraq is a form of ruray. wamp u is related to float. waqra is a synonym of horn. ch uqchuy is related to sip. yana is related to boyfriend. mast ay is related to overturn. er is a synonym of pay. pata is related to terrace. t aqa is related to portion. rawray is a synonym of combustion. pukllay is related to livestock. kukupin is related to foie. llik isqa is a form of llik iy. munay is a synonym of will. qata is related to hillside. fission nucléaire is a synonym of iñuku huk i p akiy. kichka qarayuq is a synonym of echinoderm. mama qucha is derived from qucha. yachachiy is related to animal. khipuy is related to khipu. ch utiy is a synonym of aggression. ykichis is a form of ykichik. awkikuna is related to grandparents. enqa is related to totem. kuti is related to pallay. chakra runa is a synonym of farmer. q apiy is related to shake hands. qallariy is related to qallay. kinwa is related to quinoa. ninayay is related to communicate. aya is related to corpse. aypay is related to extend. llalliy is related to conquer. tujuri is related to milk. tiqni is a synonym of hip. qipuncha yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of boraginaceae. hummingbird is a synonym of q inti. chaski is related to post. ch arkiy is related to shred. mikhuspa is a form of mikhuy. laughter is a synonym of asiy. ukhu is related to inside. ruru is related to produce. thuñiy is related to shatter. haqay is related to that. ayqi is related to escape. pallay is related to design. apan is a form of apay. chutay is related to travel. llimp i is related to mercury. khipuy is related to account. runakuna is related to habitant. mikhuna wasi is derived from wasi. ñuñuchiy is related to nurse. rawray is related to combustion. qhaway is related to sight. wild is a synonym of purun. amawt a is related to children. añikuy is related to assent. sach a is related to twig. ñuqanchik is related to we. sanawrya is related to carrot. qullu is related to omen. mutur phirunku is a synonym of motorcycle. aysaysiy is related to help. language is a synonym of simi. qhapaq is related to king. honey is a synonym of misk i. eau is a synonym of yaku. añaw is a synonym of virus. smolder is a synonym of hapuy. vulpecula is a synonym of atuq. chunta is related to stick. alli is related to allipunakuy. kusi is related to diligent. uranu is a synonym of uranus. khipuy is related to iskiy. upyana is a synonym of drink. sallqa is related to stubborn. suysuy is related to filter. ñaqchay is a form of ñaqch ay. yaya is related to greatest. k ita is related to sallqa. quri is related to gold. chupasapa achuqalla is a synonym of long tailed weasel. enqa is related to amulet. hayway is related to pass. ruk u is related to machu. khallkiy is related to hew. litter is a synonym of wantu. awitya is a synonym of chestnut fronted macaw. stammer is a synonym of aklluykachay. flower is a synonym of t ika. prickly pear is a synonym of tuna. kinwa has context of tucumán cochabamba ayacucho cozco. waranqa has context of cardinal. tunisya is a synonym of tunisia. allqamari is a form of alqamari. cuy is etymologically derived from quwi. millay is related to crime. ayamarq a killa is a synonym of november. q aray is related to disrobe. qasay is related to qasa. mitk ay is related to stumble. sh is a form of s. qaka is related to kaku. chaskiykuy is related to chaskiy. panta is related to mistake. wask a is a synonym of rectangle. aysay is related to pull. sik imira is related to anthill. anqusay is related to serve. rikuy is related to see to. puchkay is related to spin. haqay is related to kay. yupaychay is related to honor. sirisa is a synonym of prunus cerasus. thanta is related to old. qulluy is related to qullu. rantikuy is a synonym of ranqhay. uchpay is related to fireplace. puka qura is a synonym of rumex acetosella. university is a synonym of jatun yachay wasi. tuywis is a synonym of amazon parrot. chantay is related to form. malliy is related to taste. hukñiqi is related to first. maçonnerie is a synonym of pirqaq. architecture is a synonym of sumaq wasichay kamay. tutayay is related to dark. wanay is related to need. chaway is related to stop. waylla is related to joy. genua is a synonym of genova. hamuy is related to venir. ñawilliy is related to qillqaqhaway. snake is a synonym of amaru. rak iy has context of mathematics. maymanta is derived from may. q iwiy is related to torsion. saynata is a synonym of mask. wichay is related to up. münchen is a synonym of munich. mast ay is related to extend. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. kimsa chunka iskayniyuq is related to thirty two. qumir is related to vert. kancha is related to courtyard. tiyay is related to be. busna hirsiquwina is a synonym of bosnia and herzegovina. book is a synonym of p anqa. کنوه is etymologically related to kinwa. kawallu is related to horse. qichuy is related to subtract. paqtay is related to objective. llik iy is related to break. qillqa pichana is derived from qillqay. trash is a synonym of q upa. unquy is related to illness. ayniy is related to mutuality. uma tullu is a synonym of skull. ñawpaq pacha is derived from ñawpaq. hayratasqa is derived from hayratachiy. qispichiy is related to liberate. pay is related to it. demon is a synonym of supay. chapatiyay is related to chapa. chiqa is related to truth. kallpay is related to make effort. spa is related to na. aya is related to ghost. ichhu is related to animal. akan is a form of akay. t ituy is related to foresee. friend is a synonym of atillcha. wayta is related to shawl. suroqch i is a form of suruqch i. sukay is related to furrow. yaku waka is a synonym of sirenia. antartiku mama qucha is a synonym of southern ocean. yaku t impuchina is derived from yaku. hich ay is related to cast. rantiy is related to rantikuy. lose is a synonym of chinkay. ch iqtay is related to break. waqyay is related to waqya. yanay is related to accompany. ch antay is related to join. kutay is related to grind. q umir pampa is derived from q umir. methanu p’ uchqu is related to sisi p’ uchqu. pikchu is related to hill. kinuwa is a form of kinwa. rimay is related to discourse. khiñi has context of botanique. suk ay is related to pile. phutiy is related to grief. caracara is a synonym of alqamari. michiy is related to graze. barley is a synonym of siwara. llik isqa is a form of llik iy. licking is a synonym of llaqway. iskay chunka isqunniyuq is related to twenty nine. allquchay is related to rape. rikuy is related to take care of. khipu is related to knot. ch uchu is a synonym of sapindus. photosynthesis is a synonym of inti wayllay. soil is a synonym of allpa. khuyay is related to pity. pach a is related to wiksa. ñaña is related to pani. thasnuy is related to extinguish. yuq is related to nnaq. kamani is a form of kamay. q ipiy is related to carry. machu is a synonym of ruk u. paco is etymologically derived from p aqu. musquchay is related to appear. small is a synonym of juch uy. kimsa chunka qanchisniyuq has context of cardinal. hasp iy is a form of aspiy. ñawiykachay is related to reread. sikundu has context of unit of time. nawru is a synonym of nauru. house is a synonym of house music. samana wasi is derived from samay. maqana is related to maqa. ayqi is related to ayqiy. utqay is related to right away. liwtu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of alstroemeriaceae. hina is related to still. holocaust is a synonym of ulukawstu. icha is related to but. p api is related to p apichay. kikin is related to you. dawn is a synonym of paqariy. raqay is a synonym of ruins. suk a is related to suk ay. antakuyu is a synonym of locomotive. hik ipakuy is derived from hik iy. allpay is related to dust. sayay is related to stand up. meow is a synonym of miyaw ñiy. isku q illay is a synonym of calcium. istronsyu is a synonym of strontium. jawas is etymologically derived from haba. qaka is related to yaya. ch iri is related to ruffled. uqi is related to light. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from awtu. grind is a synonym of kutay. guanaco is etymologically derived from wanaku. kutiy is related to return. tiyay is related to reside. ayphayay is related to aypha. qhari is related to male. aqtuy is related to aqtu. chawpi is related to chawpi p unchaw. alpaca is a synonym of allpaqa. nuna is a synonym of soul. t inki is related to t inkiy. kamayuq is related to specialist. para jark ana is derived from para. khiniya is a synonym of guinea. chaski qillqa is a synonym of letter. suni is related to frondose. atipa is related to atipachaw. ñawiriy is related to ñawiy. llulluy is related to unripe. mast ay is related to mast a. khipuy is related to secure. wach iy is related to sting. think is a synonym of yuyay. awannay is related to away. t ikray is related to dig up. titi is related to spot. base is a synonym of llipt a. illapa is related to firearm. pitu is related to pituy. laray is related to crack. tayiksuyu is a synonym of tajikistan. tata is related to father. kolibri is a synonym of q inti. qunqay is related to qunqapuy. siqsi is related to siqsiy. pampa is related to plain. maskoki is a synonym of muscogee. shimi is related to bouche. llik iq is related to cloth. chuku is related to headband. muwa is a synonym of moa. musuq wata is derived from wata. willay is related to molest. andorre is a synonym of andurra. mallki is related to shrub. ñawpa is related to former. comrade is a synonym of masi. tusuna wasi is derived from wasi. asllayachiy is related to lessen. sara is related to choklo. p unchaw is a synonym of day. kankay is related to cook. akke is related to caryophyllacées. shortness of breath is a synonym of sasa samay. khallkiy is related to cobblestone. guanacó is etymologically derived from wanaku. laqha wasi is derived from wasi. willk uyuyu is a synonym of garden cress. khipu is related to quipu. raphi is related to leaf. apichakuy is related to apichay. rise is a synonym of yarquy. allqucha is etymologically related to allqu. ch akichikuy is related to be. siqsi is related to siqsiy. illapachaw is derived from illapa. alqa has context of geography. thatkiy is related to step. sillu is related to hoof. qulluy is related to frustration. q umir pampa is derived from q umir. chinkay is related to lose one's way. arthropod is a synonym of sillwichaki. phaka usa is a synonym of crab louse. thuñi is related to precipice. work is a synonym of llamk ay. huñuy is related to join. hawcha is related to saturne. chanin is related to fair. chuhchannay is related to depilate. chiri is related to chiriy. apasanka is a synonym of tarantula. jatun yachay wasi is derived from yachay wasi. mast ay is related to stretch. raymi is related to celebration. qalla is related to cheek. t ipi has context of mathematics. quyllur is related to asterisk. tupay is related to meet. machu is related to spirit. chanqaykukuy is related to chanqay. sinchi is related to legionary. layqa is a synonym of witchcraft. long is a synonym of suni. pitu is related to pulverize. alli is related to allichakuy. tantachisqa is a synonym of set. quyllurchaw is derived from quyllur. allwiy is related to instigate. k uychichaw is a synonym of saturday. uyay is related to hear. aklla is related to religious. pillpintu is a synonym of lepidoptera. raymi is related to ritual. musuq is related to recent. arica is a synonym of arika. yachay is related to live. 1910 watakuna is a synonym of 1910s. qanchis p unchaw is derived from qanchis. t anta is related to t antay. pukllay is related to ear. ñawpa is related to former. amkirya is a synonym of brassica. waqya is related to waqyay. wakcha is a synonym of poverty. rhinoceros is a synonym of sinqawaqra. watya is related to dish. qanchis has context of cardinal. nnaq is related to yuq. t ika is related to tassel. common is a synonym of khuska. iñiy is derived from iñi. ñawi is related to face. harawi is related to song. k ayra is a synonym of frog. ninayay is related to combustion. runa is related to human being. winay is related to fill. llamp u is related to smooth. achuqalla is related to narrow. hinay is related to hina. ayqiq is a synonym of refugee. uynikuy is related to accede. qa is related to ri. sara is related to corn. ñañakunata is a form of ñaña. yuya is related to memory. sumaq is a form of sumay. eighty is a synonym of pusaq chunka. bahay is related to uraqay. germany is a synonym of alimanya. gibson ch in pacha is a synonym of gibson desert. hasyu is a synonym of hassium. wiru is a synonym of pipe. kaña is related to pan. q ipi is related to luggage. forty four is a synonym of tawa chunka tawayuq. humint a is related to corn. huhyay is related to suddenly. ñawi is related to spring. ripeness is a synonym of puqu. pampa kuntur is a synonym of king vulture. tullu muqu is a synonym of joint. jamp atu is related to frog. chala is related to husk. thasnuy is related to quench. parlay is etymologically derived from parlar. neun is a synonym of isqun. yanapay is related to help. hafniyu is a synonym of hafnium. ichhuna is a form of ichhuy. yawar llukllunacha is a synonym of platelet. yaya is related to tayta. true is a synonym of chiqa. yana is related to black. ch akichikuy is a form of ch akichiy. mama chanka is a synonym of thigh. chilu is a synonym of cello. marshall wat akuna is a synonym of marshall islands. sisi p’ uchqu is a synonym of methanu p’ uchqu. mit a is related to mit anay. kawsariy is derived from kawsay. yuri is related to yuriy. hisp ay is a form of ispay. wallpa is related to hen. obstacle is a synonym of hark ay. santa lusiya wat a is a synonym of saint lucia. q asa is a synonym of mountain pass. lexikon is a synonym of rimayqillqa. qhawana q ispillu is a synonym of glasses. ayniy is related to help. wayra is related to wayray. ikma is related to ikmayay. paqtay is related to paqta. found is a synonym of tiqsiy. parlay is related to speak. warm is a synonym of q’ uñi. ch uñu is related to freeze dried. mutkiy is a form of mutkhiy. waqachiy is related to sound. champi is a synonym of bronze. ruthu is a form of rutu. killmu is related to color. seaborgyu is related to seaborgium. lurasnu is a synonym of peach. nail is a synonym of sillu. k apra is a synonym of ceramic. qillqa pichana is derived from qillqay. awstralya allpa pacha is a synonym of australia. iqhay is related to iqha. kyiv has context of géographie. 1880 watakuna is a synonym of 1880s. apaykuspa is a form of apaykuy. cha is related to chi. salina is a synonym of sulfur. tampu is related to storehouse. kusikusi is related to araignée. akke has context of plantes. maldiwakuna is a synonym of maldives. mayusuksu is a synonym of dipper. hunu is related to million. takay is related to foundation. swallow is a synonym of millp uy. bélgica has context of pays. simp ay is related to simp a. yapa is related to remaining. venerate is a synonym of apuchay. kankay is related to grill. allpa is related to field. silluy is derived from sillu. sunqu is related to central. chuqi is related to misfortune. rupha rupha is related to altitude. q ipiy is related to q ipi. qillay is a form of q illay. malli is related to malliy. pukyuy is related to pukyu. doctor is a synonym of jampiq. kallpay is related to race. sipiy is related to kill. chayqa is related to then. khipu q aytu is a synonym of quipu. sut uy is related to drip. wanay is related to harsh. p uchquy is related to sour. katiguriya is etymologically derived from categoria. pirwa is related to granary. hinay is related to hina. achi tayta is a synonym of godfather. pisiy is related to pisipay. haqaymanta is related to from. q ara is related to bare. anyay is related to convince. amaru is related to branch. guacho is etymologically derived from wakcha. morpion is a synonym of phaka usa. ismuy is related to ismu. chillki is a synonym of plant stem. yaqa is related to almost. wayra is related to entity. musquy is related to musquchay. ñawiriy is a synonym of reading. uncle is a synonym of kaku. wila is related to candle. qaray is related to give. mikhuy is related to food. kusasqa tika is related to brick. ñawpaq pacha is derived from pacha. agriculture is a synonym of allpa llamk ay. lingala simi is a synonym of lingala. tuytuy is a synonym of wayt’ ay. kuraka is a synonym of mayor. tiyamuy is related to go. qiqiri is a synonym of french horn. k aspi is related to spindle. rutu is related to rutuy. sikwanka is a synonym of ramphastos. ch ipchi is related to eyelid. sell is a synonym of rantikuy. sunqu is related to nucleus. masi is related to equal. schuh is a synonym of sapatu. arabya simi is a synonym of arabic. yachay is related to yachakuy. simp a is related to simp ay. noun is a synonym of sutirimana. dish out is a synonym of qaray. raw is a synonym of hanku. kay is related to be. belgium is a synonym of bilhika. ñawinchay is related to control. ñak ay is related to cut. tupu is related to weight. qilla is related to lethargic. llapan is related to everyone. indium is a synonym of indyu. sasa is related to difficult. pallay is related to small. lampiy is related to malliy. pacific ocean is a synonym of pasiphiku mama qucha. t itu is related to understand. ispay is related to urinate. riqsiy is related to riqsichinakuy. chardon is a synonym of kʼipu. lata wuru is derived from wuru. qhincha is related to adverse. pirqay is related to build. killachaw is derived from killa. climb is a synonym of siqay. q aytu is related to yarn. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. kiwachi is related to kaka. pukllay is a synonym of game. ecuador is a synonym of ikwadur. quy is related to give. pasiphiku mama qucha is etymologically related to mama qucha. runa suti is a synonym of given name. allay is related to aymuray. ch uyanchay is related to accusation. muyu muyu is a synonym of wilson's phalarope. ch illmipakuy is related to blink. good is a synonym of allin. ch aphranay is related to prune. aysay is related to hand. chachakuma is a synonym of escallonia. yaku chaha is a synonym of water opossum. takuy is related to reside. t ipiy is related to wean. saphi is related to saphiy. q illay kañina is a synonym of coin. drip is a synonym of ch ullchuy. tennessee suyu is a synonym of tennessee. scissors is a synonym of k utuna. anger is a synonym of phiña. p uru is related to container. k utuna is derived from k utuy. asnay is related to stink. kamay is related to administer. cricket is a synonym of ch illik utu. sach a sach a is a synonym of forest. alqa is related to failure. ch iqta is related to cracked. waqta is related to rib. chili kanila is a synonym of drimys winteri. owl is a synonym of tuku. ch iqta is related to fracture. ismuy is related to decay. qañiwa is related to kaniwa. suyay is related to expect. ayti is a synonym of haiti. oca is etymologically derived from uqa. hark ay is related to protect. t uquy is related to t uqu. churay is related to churakuy. pizga is related to five. huq ariy is related to lift. willka is related to reverend. wallpa is related to wallpay. churakuy is related to prepare. kawsay is related to energy. yaku is a synonym of unu. wira is related to thick. p allta muyu is a synonym of circle. qaray is related to dish out. mouth is a synonym of simi. chaki is related to foot. five is a synonym of picga. there is a synonym of haqaypi. willay is related to bother. tiksi is related to tiksiy. old woman is a synonym of chakwas. mama is related to matrix. tupaturka is a synonym of capricornus. hanka is a form of hank a. celebration is a synonym of raymi. saqiy is related to leave. chiri is related to chirichiy. meet up is a synonym of tariy. hat ansillay is related to quagmire. uqa is related to oca. riqsiy is related to examine. riqsiy is related to riqsichiy. ñawpaq is related to last. yapa is etymologically derived from yapay. luksimbur is a synonym of luxembourg city. saksay is related to swell. coal is a synonym of k illimsa. ch aska is related to planet. pusaq is related to guide. qhisqa is a synonym of quartz. nak aq is a synonym of pishtaco. throw is a synonym of chuqay. chapay is related to chapatiyay. yuri is related to sprout. come together is a synonym of qilliy. hawiy is related to consecrate. hip iy is related to gather. taki is related to song. sinq ay is related to nose. ukhu is related to intertropical. michiy is related to pasture. sale is a synonym of rantikuy. ñukch u is a synonym of salvia. millaymana is related to millay. ñaqcha is a form of ñaqch a. saqra is related to dangerous. titi is related to barbet. ch iqanay is related to ch iqana. watukuy is related to question. tupa is related to worthy. taku is related to mixed. chiqaluwa is a synonym of pi. llik iy is related to rip. pukllay is related to wool. layqay is related to layqa. achuqcha is related to stuffing. kachi is a synonym of salt. singapour is a synonym of singapur. llama is related to wanaku. chay has context of medial. sage is a synonym of ñukch u. kichay is related to kicha. kisa is a synonym of urtica. iskaymuyu is a synonym of lata wuru. ch askayay is derived from ch aska. tuta is related to tutay. llaki is related to disgrace. chinchay awya yala akakllu is a synonym of northern flicker. pampachay is related to level. sacred is a synonym of willka. ñawi is related to color. k awchu is a synonym of natural rubber. sani is related to gris. chantay is related to design. ch iqtay is related to ch iqta. aka is a synonym of feces. hak u is related to soft. universe is a synonym of ch askancha. saksa is related to replete. llaki is related to suffering. amirika samwa is a synonym of american samoa. massachusetts suyu is a synonym of massachusetts. riqsiy is related to riqsirpariy. rutuy is related to skin. kallchay is related to maize. qutuy is related to qutu. k iri is a synonym of wound. waqaychay is related to save. t ipiy is related to cut off. avoine is a synonym of awina. simana is a synonym of qanchischaw. ruk u is related to old. q umir pampa is derived from pampa. utqay is related to quick. ch uhllay is related to construct. kunay is related to advice. amawta is a form of amawt a. bagdad is a synonym of baghdad. qalla is related to stone. willapi is related to orange. maternal uncle is a synonym of kaka. ñit isqa phiruru is a synonym of compact disc. piano is a synonym of yatana qallwa. taki is related to music. unku is related to plant. mallay is related to yarqay. aymuray is related to allay. sankt peterburg is a synonym of saint petersburg. achiy is related to enjoy. killmu is a synonym of wayllapi. ankallikuy is related to rebellion. pariy is related to pari. pillwinkumpa is a synonym of helicopter. muyuy is related to muyu. platon is a synonym of plato. nape is a synonym of much u. q iwiy is related to q iwi. radun is a synonym of radon. yanuna kachi is a synonym of sodium chloride. hafer is a synonym of awina. purun is related to wilderness. simp a is related to rope. bat is a synonym of chiñi. kuti is related to yarn. allpanay is related to allpachay. suyu is related to orientation. t anta is a synonym of bread. qillqa is related to qillqay. dyus is related to wak a. chaymanta is related to from. allqucha is etymologically related to allqu. pantay is related to panta. achina is a form of achiy. blutgefäss is a synonym of sirk a. first is a synonym of hukñiqin. maqay is related to sound. ch arqayay is related to become. base is a synonym of tiksi. yarquy is related to come out. monat is a synonym of killa. tapuy is related to ask. wata junt ay is derived from junt ay. ukuta is a form of uku. sisiy is related to undertake. takay is related to taka. killa pacha is related to killa. tupu is related to store. quntay is a synonym of gypsum. dig is a synonym of allay. uwa is etymologically derived from uva. pisiy is related to weaken. chakana warani is a synonym of crux. sweet is a synonym of miski. chukcha sirk acha is a synonym of capillary. ununseptiyu is a synonym of ununseptium. chapukuy is related to submerge. qanchischaw is a synonym of simana. upa is related to plug. k anchay is related to brightness. sanskrit simi is a synonym of sanskrit. tiyana is related to chair. qispiy is related to emerge. llamp uy is related to fine. disobey is a synonym of llamkay. chayanta is a synonym of tin. ayqiy is related to flight. rantikuy is a synonym of ranqhay. ikwadur is related to pays. qawa is related to qaway. yalliy is related to overcome. copenhague is a synonym of københavn. white translations is a synonym of yuraq. sara is a synonym of maize. kuraka is related to province. challway is related to challwa. icharay is related to ichara. yaqullay is related to yaqulla. feel is a synonym of kullay. kuraq is related to brother. jaguarundi is a synonym of tuwi puma. specialist is a synonym of kamayuq. qulla is similar to anti. suru is a synonym of chusquea. tuqtu is related to hollow. yapay is related to repeat. pusay is related to pusaykachay. kikin has context of formal. watan watan is related to annually. paqta is related to perfect. sinchi is related to sinchiyay. kinin is etymologically related to kina. hut uyay is related to infested. furrow is a synonym of khata. ruqutu is related to rocoto. pichana is derived from pichay. wachanqa yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of euphorbiaceae. alqa is related to alqay. tusuq is derived from tusuy. allipunakuy is related to allipanakuy. sikundu is related to second. khuchuy is related to k utuy. allin is related to nice. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from t anta. llik iy is related to destroy. k utuna is derived from k utuy. usnu is related to throne. kañay is related to reheat. shullpinay is related to shullpi. réunion is a synonym of riyunyun. vinegar is a synonym of mama aqha. pigeon is a synonym of urpi. qucha is a synonym of lake. riyunyun is a synonym of réunion. yaña is related to experiment. qullqa is a synonym of warehouse. witkhu is a synonym of aqueduct. q aytu is related to fiber. allpay is related to allpachay. upiy is related to small. pâquerette is a synonym of makacha. mikhuq is a form of mikhuy. q ipiy is related to pack. q uchu is related to sling. pisi is related to root. apaykuni is a form of apaykuy. chiri is related to cold. llasay is related to llasa. yaku is a synonym of unu. intercept is a synonym of hark ay. chunka pusaqniyuq is related to eighteen. yiriwan is related to erevan. amuyay is related to silent. uya is related to face. quebec pruwinsya is a synonym of quebec. suffocate is a synonym of hiq ipay. ispapakuy is related to ispay. q illu mayu is a synonym of yellow river. qʼumir umiña is related to émeraude. ontario qucha is a synonym of lake ontario. sacha is a form of sach a. oie is a synonym of wallata. cérès is a synonym of siris. radyu q illay is a synonym of radium. mikhuna is derived from mikhuy. willapi is a synonym of aruma. lithium is a synonym of lityu. uya is a synonym of face. unu is related to unuyay. rough is a synonym of qhachqa. laundryman is a synonym of t aqsaq. kannada is a synonym of kannada simi. suxta is a form of suqta. mitk ay has context of movement. ch aphchay is related to beak. kurmi is related to arc en ciel. t inkiy is related to alloy. aconcagua is a synonym of aqunqhawaq. miski is related to honey. llimphi is related to llimphiy. alqa is related to sclera. ichiy is related to steps. antartika is a synonym of antarctica. wayt’ ay is related to eigen. atipanakuy is related to contend. papa is related to potato. jisp ana wasi is derived from jisp ay. añikuy is related to añiy. saphi is related to saphiy. lata is related to metal. astan is a form of astay. qhasqu is related to chest. qinchay is related to build. rantiy is related to purchase. waskay is related to waskaykuy. muchay is a form of much ay. lakawiti is a synonym of cucurbita moschata. taku is related to rough. suk ay is related to place. ch uhllay is related to hut. watya is related to pit. yuquy is a synonym of sexual intercourse. chiqchiykachay is related to flirt. iwrupa awillanu is a synonym of corylus avellana. suysuy is related to sieve. k ita uywap wasin is derived from k ita. ñawi has context of weaving. tutay is related to night. yatawaki is a synonym of orchestra. chawpi awya yala is a synonym of central america. mikikiray is a synonym of aquarius. llik iy is related to llik isqa. porto rico is a synonym of burinkin. ch iqta is related to rift. hark ay is related to intervene. ch arki is related to mean. ch ultikuy is a synonym of underwater diving. maymanta is related to whence. cassava is a synonym of rumu. wampuy is a form of wamp uy. hinaspa is related to hina. saksay is related to saksa. huptana is a synonym of enzyme. rinri nanay is a synonym of otitis media. takuy is related to stay. mit awa is a synonym of newspaper. nankin is a synonym of namkin. uquti unquy is a synonym of hemorrhoid. nisqa is a form of ñisqa. lata pisqu is related to airplane. esrap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of ezra. poison is a synonym of miyu. pichay is related to wipe. pusitrun is a synonym of positron. aqhayay is related to aqha. wayrachiy is related to wind. tiksi is related to dirt. allay is related to aymuray. yarawisqu is a synonym of leucaena leucocephala. lampiy is related to llaqway. mister is a synonym of tata. chanka is related to thigh. yupaychay is related to glory. fertilizer is a synonym of wanu. amañan is a form of amañay. lliphlliy is related to glow. hant arqay is related to lounge. pukara is related to pukaray. tawa chunka iskayniyuq has context of cardinal. iceland is a synonym of islandya. pallquy is related to deceive. chaski unanchana is a synonym of postage stamp. festival is a synonym of raymi. butan is a synonym of bhutan. kunununuy is related to rumble. pacha t ika is a synonym of lecanora. sinchi is related to difficult. ñañaman is a form of ñaña. lluqsi is related to lluqsiy. meteorite is a synonym of pachakawri rumi. jalay is a form of halay. hatun is related to long. ninachaq is a synonym of match. sweat is a synonym of hunp iy. iñi wasi is derived from iñi. samay is related to breath. caracas has context of localités. asia is a synonym of asya. chunka isqunniyuq is related to nineteen. annatto is a synonym of achiyuti. tiksiy is related to establish. shaman is a synonym of jampiri. ch arki is related to meat. kachay is related to command. chiñi has context of zoologie. k umuy is related to cower. mit a is related to weather. wist u is related to lame. qulla is a synonym of urin. lawa is related to gruel. achik is related to glow. allin is related to well. ñañawan is a form of ñaña. much ay is related to sacred. flour is a synonym of ullpu. pukaray is related to pukara. tantay is related to collect. qulluy is related to accumulate. forty is a synonym of tawa chunka. watay is related to animal. chariy is related to hold. qhapaq is related to mighty. chanqaykuy is derived from chanqay. bathe is a synonym of armay. molibdenu is a synonym of molybdenum. haywaykachay is derived from hayway. yawar is related to lineage. prometyu is a synonym of promethium. obi mayu is a synonym of ob river. red is a synonym of puka. uruya is related to cableway. ñiy is related to saying. puchkay is related to yarn. remember is a synonym of yuyay. horn is a synonym of waqra. sisa is related to pollen. wach i is a synonym of arrow. q iwiy is related to harvest. achachi is a synonym of ruk u. plantilla is related to modèle. halay has context of movement. inuyt simi is a synonym of inuktitut. qispichiy is related to end. ch ipuy is related to ch ipu. chimpurasu is a synonym of chimborazo. kay is related to this. asini is a form of asiy. ch arki is related to ch arkiy. ch akiy is related to thirsty. phaska is a form of paska. amachay is related to argue. sacha is related to false. unriya is a synonym of hungary. llaqullay is a form of yaqullay. suk ay is related to suk a. puchkay is related to puchka. wayusa is a synonym of holly. ruphachiy is related to burn. turn over is a synonym of t ikray. kusi is related to happy. tanta is related to gathering. qhatay is a form of qatay. schoolmate is a synonym of yachakuq masi. phaska is a form of paska. lluq i is related to paña. hak uchay is related to cover. lliphlliy is related to shine. malli is related to taste. kulliyay is derived from kulli. ima is related to something. meat is a synonym of aycha. qunqay is related to forgetting. llamkhay is related to llamkhana. samana yawri is a synonym of respiratory system. illa is related to tree. taripay is related to consult. phuru is a synonym of feather. chumpi is related to belt. anyay is related to reprimand. alqa is a form of allqa. ñust a is related to beauty. awqa is related to soldier. qatiq is related to descendant. waqachiy is related to cry. chinruykachiy is related to incline. huq uchay is related to wet. sunqu is related to core. willka is related to holy. rikhuy is a form of rikuy. victoria llaqta is a synonym of ciudad victoria. siqay is related to fall. millay is related to devil. t uquy is related to bore. morelle noire is a synonym of q aya q aya. qatiy is related to qatiriy. kancha is related to palace. ñaña is related to pani. wilco is etymologically derived from willka. ullu is related to pénis. nki is related to yki. qalla is a synonym of wheel. ikwadur is related to équateur. hiq ipay is related to liquid. qulla is related to southern. pata is related to cliff. shandong pruwinsya is a synonym of shandong. apay is related to qhawachiy. rak iy is related to pass out. kunti is similar to qulla. qata is related to mountainside. hunt a is related to hunt ay. messenger is a synonym of chaski. suti is related to sutiy. wirpa is related to lèvre. aymuray is related to allay. alqa is related to alqa alqa. kuti is related to lead. waki is related to some. eraser is a synonym of qillqa pichana. wawqi is related to brother. hark ay is related to block. neck is a synonym of kunka. qata is related to qatay. quechua is etymologically related to qhichwa. ch uspa is related to small. asnay is related to smell. hawch ay is related to corrugate. kachun is a form of kay. mana q illay is a synonym of nonmetal. suyay is related to expectation. qhinchachay is related to bring. chunka hukniyuq is related to eleven. armay is related to armachiy. wañusqa qucha is a synonym of dead sea. ratata is a synonym of lava. simi kamachiy is a synonym of grammar. wamp u is related to boat. uynikuy is related to concede. sukay is related to suka. awtu ranqhana wasi is related to car. chihlluy is related to choose. qanchis p unchaw is a synonym of simana. kichka is related to plant. lluklluy is a synonym of denaturation. hayratachiy is related to put to death. huqariy is related to raise. wik uña is related to llama. llakiy is related to llaki. kuti is related to handle. saksay is related to overeat. thousand is a synonym of waranqa. wira is related to fat. stink is a synonym of asnay. ch achuy is related to defraud. hunt ay is related to hunt achiy. llamp u is related to gentle. tall is a synonym of hatun. muyu is related to muyuy. suyuy is related to allot. pirwa is related to stack. rakiy is a form of rak iy. taski is related to girl. ch iqichiy is related to disseminate. qanchisnintin tiksimuyu achachilla is a synonym of seven wonders of ancient world. lliphlli is related to reflected. nitrogen is a synonym of qullpachaq. king is a synonym of qhapaq. amaru is related to herb. hanaq is related to ukhu. qaqa is related to mountain. phaqcha is a synonym of waterfall. llaqtayuq kane is a synonym of citizen kane. supay is related to being. qullpay is related to qullpa. kancha is related to market. lirq u is a synonym of strabismus. uqi chikayu is a synonym of linnaeus's mouse opossum. juch uy p acha is derived from juch uy. yachakuq is related to pupil. qoa is related to spring. kanka is related to roast. rit i is related to snow. k ita uywap wasin is derived from k ita. awya yala is a synonym of americas. uyariy is related to obey. wata junt ay is derived from junt ay. wantu is related to sedan chair. khallkiy is related to pavement. hamk ay is related to toast. q illa is related to scar. waqwa is a synonym of black crowned night heron. griguryanu kalindaryu is a synonym of gregorian calendar. diarrhée is a synonym of q icha. alalay is related to cold. llalli is related to victory. rutuy is related to shear. sky is a synonym of hanaq pacha. papil is a synonym of paper. kurku is related to human. wasi qhatana is derived from qhatay. witnam is a synonym of vietnam. q arachupa is a synonym of opossum. mama is related to lady. walla is related to guerrier. hatun is related to great. allay is related to harvest. poncho is a synonym of punchu. student is a synonym of yachakuq. twenty one is a synonym of iskay chunka hukniyuq. danyelpa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of daniel. wallpay is related to invent. warkuy is related to hang. samay pacha is derived from pacha. khuyay is related to thin. ayniy is related to aynikutichiy. tiksi is related to base. tikray is a form of t ikray. north carolina suyu is a synonym of north carolina. wathiya is a form of watya. pisiy is related to narrow. jawakollay is related to cactacées. kimsa chunka pichqayuq has context of cardinal. q aqya is a synonym of thunder. watan watan is etymologically related to wata. aqtuy is related to spit out. nkichis is a form of nkichik. sapa is related to singular. vigogna is etymologically derived from wik uña. t ankar is a synonym of berberis. chiyu is a synonym of fuchsia. yki is related to ykichik. frankfurt am main is a synonym of frankfurt. prick is a synonym of kichkay. hap iy is related to seize. kamayuq is related to manager. uyariy is a synonym of hearing. winay is related to load. rak iy is related to division. hik ipakuy is related to hik iy. chiqachakuy is related to chiqaq. ispani is a form of ispay. wawa is related to ususi. miyuy is related to pollution. tujuri is related to drink. chakannay is related to leg. ayqi is related to flight. qutu is related to qutuy. churi is related to father. tusuq is related to dancer. isluwinya is a synonym of slovenia. huchachakuy is related to hucha. alqa is related to incomplete. kunan is related to now. robust is a synonym of nanaq. panta is related to pantay. hyeve is related to arbre. chaskiy is related to chaski. llakiy is related to sad. churay is related to clothes. miray is related to family. ayniy is related to work. watyay is related to toast. wach iy is related to sting. qhichwa is related to runasimi. kiwachi is related to kiwach. layqa is related to layqay. p ampachay is related to bury. khallkachikuy is related to barefoot. muyuy is related to circle. titanka is a synonym of puya raimondii. paylla is related to abandoned. pusaq chunka is related to eighty. chiqniy is related to hate. p uyñu is related to jug. q apiy is related to squeeze. malawi has context of pays. sunqu is related to aksu. sapa is related to every. chiri is related to chirichay. chiriy is related to alalay. ch upu is a synonym of abscess. mink a is related to work. siwara is related to barley. kiwachi is related to kiwach. arinsay is related to arinsa. t ika is related to dye. drip is a synonym of sut u. ruru is related to pit. library is a synonym of ñawiriy wasi. tiksi muyu has context of astronomie. murira is a synonym of morus. ñañakunapi is a form of ñaña. uyway is related to rear. susuy is related to numb. niy is a form of ñiy. qulla is similar to kunti. q aytu is related to cord. runakuna is a form of runa. waska is related to waskay. runa simi is a synonym of qhichwa simi. état plurinational de bolivie is a synonym of bulibiya. willka is related to sun. sayay is related to behave. usqhullu is a synonym of colocolo. k uskiykuy is a synonym of research. hank u is a form of anku. chunka hukniyuq has context of cardinal. tuksi is a form of t uksi. hayway is related to sacrifice. piypiri is a synonym of burrowing owl. kay is related to cela. yuyay is related to think. lluq i is related to tree. yuriy is related to yuri. albanie is a synonym of albaniya. wak is related to unfamiliar. jatun mama is related to grandmother. yuriy is related to grow. qilla is a synonym of laziness. malliy is a synonym of taste. maywaq is related to mayway. t ika is related to ch uspa. awki is related to spirit. salla is related to girlfriend. chahrachay is related to ground. bat is a synonym of masu. akakllu is a form of hak akllu. t itu is related to obscure. napaykuy is a synonym of greeting. stretch is a synonym of chutay. eleven is a synonym of chunka hukniyuq. chanin is related to expensive. afrika eurasien is a synonym of iwrafrasya. haraway is related to hang. россия is a synonym of rusiya. yellowstone mamallaqta parki is a synonym of yellowstone national park. ruraq is related to user. churichakuy is related to child. mast ay is related to spread out. alqamari is related to yellow. pata is related to above. ch aki is related to dry. qanchis is related to sept. siriy is related to lie. sit is a synonym of tiyay. waka is related to cow. brasil is a synonym of brazil. k ita uywa is derived from uywa. panama llaqta is a synonym of panama city. sisay is related to flower. rikch akuy is derived from rikch ay. ch iqta is related to split. chumpi is related to body. pichqa chunka is related to fifty. asnu is related to donkey. sunqu is related to disposition. chayanpuy is related to come. phiñay is related to admonish. illapa is related to shot. kulantru is a synonym of coriander. miraywa is a synonym of fertility. chanin is related to valuable. allpa is related to land. urin awya yala is a synonym of south america. chinchay is a synonym of ocelot. ñaqch a is related to comb. awsay is related to amusement. amatay is related to ama ñiy. uywa is related to tame. q ara chupa is etymologically related to q ara. tupuy is related to measure. chinkaykuy is related to disappear. upiy is related to drink. achalay is related to achalakuy. chiqachakuy is related to impute. q upa is related to trash. shark is a synonym of tiwrun. lampiy is related to lick. pataqunya is a synonym of patagonia. schwarz is a synonym of yana. 1930 watakuna is a synonym of 1930s. qillqay is a synonym of writing. chiqniy is related to despise. yuguslawya is a synonym of yugoslavia. qillqa is related to sign. achina is a form of achiy. paray is related to tamyay. triyu is a synonym of wheat. khuya is related to khuyay. ayapampa is derived from pampa. ethanul is a synonym of ethanol. kutiy is related to kutichiy. hayk a is related to how many. milla is related to millay. kristiyanu inlisya is a synonym of christian church. lliphi is a synonym of lightning. thuqa is a synonym of saliva. t ipiy is related to pull apart. mitkay is a form of mitk ay. malte is a synonym of malta. mama is related to nest. upa is related to idiot. ñañakunap is a form of ñaña. karakas is a synonym of caracas. awsay is related to pukllay. llanqha is a synonym of pink. papwa ñukini is a synonym of papua new guinea. q is a form of p. unquy muhu wañuchiq is a synonym of antibiotics. qullana mariya is a synonym of mary. chala is related to swap. waqta is related to outside. tarpuy is related to plant. kaykuna is a form of kay. ch uhtay is related to baste. qhinchachay is related to misfortune. kukuna is a synonym of solanum quitoense. simana is a synonym of hunk a. munay is related to purpose. tutay is related to tutayay. ch illmipakuy is related to ch illmi. chinchay han simi is a synonym of mandarin chinese. kili is etymologically derived from chili. t inkiy is related to t inki. kalalit suyu is a synonym of greenland. kachuy is a form of khachuy. harawiy is related to write. quya is related to consort. qispi is related to free. uynikuy is related to uyniy. ukranya is a synonym of ukraine. sheep is a synonym of uwija. wach i is related to thorn. amawt a is related to teacher. rikch aq putu is a synonym of phylum. house is a synonym of wasi. sach a sach a qulluy is a synonym of deforestation. chururu is a synonym of andean flamingo. challway is related to challwaq. q ipi is related to shoulder. willkachay is related to sanctify. hatun is related to large. singapur is a synonym of singapore. amachaq is related to lawyer. langue is a synonym of qallu. rutherfordium is a synonym of rutherfordyu. phutuy is a synonym of germination. hinaspa is related to hina. sipi is related to sipiy. p uru is related to empty. faroe islands is a synonym of pharuy. 콘도르 is etymologically derived from kuntur. thread is a synonym of q aytu. runa is related to person. watyay is related to potato. ch ullchuy is related to ch ullullulluy. ch aqu q illay is a synonym of aluminium. kuyuq wankilli is a synonym of film. apancora is etymologically derived from apanqura. wanu is related to wanuy. kawallu is etymologically derived from caballo. indyu is a synonym of indium. allquchay is related to violate. kawsay chaqllisinchi is a synonym of biochemistry. panama is a synonym of ruddy duck. haylliy is related to haylliq. chamqay is related to throw. sat iy is related to coitus. morning is a synonym of paqarin. illay is related to exist. chiqa is related to direct. láma is etymologically derived from llama. jatun yachaywasi is derived from yachaywasi. q ara chupa is etymologically related to chupa. chaski is related to mail. yura qara is a synonym of bark. ayñay is related to ch aqway. miray is related to generation. canada is a synonym of kanada. yuri is related to shrub. kankay is related to kanka. paskwa is a synonym of easter. watyay is related to bake. butterfly is a synonym of pillpintu. ullpu is related to wheat. yupaychay is related to honor. morse siq i llumpa is a synonym of morse code. qharastaq is related to tracteur. launderer is a synonym of t aqsaq. pampa sapai warmi is related to onagracées. yupi is related to footprint. guano is etymologically derived from wanu. chili is a synonym of uchu. enjoy is a synonym of achiy. ura is related to hour. allay is related to dig up. ispay is related to plant. thatkiy has context of movement. qaqa qaqa is related to boulder. satiy is a form of sat iy. millaymana is related to devilish. chahrachay is related to sow. llalli is related to llalliy. tika is related to brick. wankana is a synonym of white lipped peccary. simi is related to mouth. machan is a form of machay. chayachiy is related to t impuchiy. t inkiy is related to unite. hark ay is related to hark a. hatun yuthu is a synonym of great tinamou. haya is related to spicy. chumpi is related to sash. huchachakuy is related to hucha. nanaq is a form of nanay. salmun is a synonym of salmo. waki has context of pronominal. siwilla is a synonym of onion. usachiy is related to win. p aki is related to torn. paqtay is related to fit. amu is related to dumb. ch iri is related to frizzy. chunka tawayuq has context of cardinal. hat ansillay is related to stick. q itayay is a synonym of prostitution. p ampa is related to p amparay. simbabwi is a synonym of zimbabwe. ithiyupya is a synonym of ethiopia. pukara is related to castle. pawqar waray killa is a synonym of march. t ira is a synonym of twin. qanchis p unchaw is a synonym of simana. iñi wasi is related to church. mawk a grisya is a synonym of ancient greece. saqra is related to mean. llulla is related to deceitful. kriptun is a synonym of krypton. give is a synonym of churay. humint ay is related to humita. huntay is a form of hunt ay. iskay chunka suqtayuq has context of cardinal. qanchischaw is a synonym of simana. spider is a synonym of apasanka. wach iy is related to wach i. huqari is related to elevation. quyllur is related to star. qawa is related to sprout. oskar suñay is a synonym of academy awards. urma is related to urmay. kisu is a synonym of masara. wak is related to chay. q umir umiña is a synonym of emerald. karnawal is a synonym of carnival. wuru is related to donkey. chakachay is related to bridge. chimpachiy is related to help. alalay is related to cold. ruminate is a synonym of kutipakuy. la habana is a synonym of havana. lliphlliy is related to twinkle. traskiy is a form of chaskiy. ruq a is related to affectionate. musphay is related to disorient. defend is a synonym of amachay. light is a synonym of achik. kutiy is related to return. transport is a synonym of astay. yachachiy is related to teaching. iskiy is related to secure. panti is related to violet. awkikuna is related to ancestors. tampu wasi is a synonym of hotel. lata wuru is related to bicycle. chiñi is related to chauve souris. ch akayay is related to aphonic. llalliy is related to beat. tiksiy is related to reason. wikipidiya is related to wikipedia. uyway is related to educate. chapinnay is related to chapiy. mayllakuy is derived from mayllay. kawsay is related to live. waqyay is related to call. challwa is related to poisson. pillunkuy is a synonym of vortex. hydrogène is a synonym of yakuchaq. lampiy is related to malliy. phukuna waqachina is a synonym of wind instrument. yachay wasi is derived from wasi. siqay is related to ride. mulla is related to kuncha. atiy is related to ability. hamachi yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of iridaceae. qullu is related to heap. washing is a synonym of mayllay. raphi is related to skinny. ñan is related to road. stammer is a synonym of aklluy. ayrampu is related to cactus. ch uyanchay is related to ch uya. simp a is related to plait. canada is a synonym of kanada. hunan pruwinsya is a synonym of hunan. tanta is related to khuska. ruk u is related to machu. week is a synonym of simana. chunka isqunniyuq has context of cardinal. ch itana mukmu is a synonym of button. siwk siq i is a synonym of line. yachay wasi is related to school. t ika is related to ch uspa. play is a synonym of pukllay. susuy is related to grain. fog is a synonym of pacha phuyu. q apiy is related to hand. berate is a synonym of anyay. anku is related to blood. footbridge is a synonym of uruya. kunka is related to throat. mardi is a synonym of atichaw. ispapakuy is related to frequently. p acha jallch ana is derived from jallch ay. amaru is related to snake. chihlluy is related to select. atuq is a synonym of vulpecula. n is related to nku. pani is related to man. ñit iy is related to press. t ikray is related to translate. chiqachakuy is related to chiqaqchay. grammar is a synonym of simi kamachiy. kunan is related to just. phuyuy is related to phuyu. takiy is related to taki. takiy has context of ayacucho. anguille électrique is a synonym of chinkirma. kimsa chunka pichqayuq is related to thirty five. uncle is a synonym of yaya. assent is a synonym of añiy. uyay is related to uyariy. sinq ay is related to dive. thuñiy is related to smash. katiguriya is related to category. core is a synonym of sunqu. chimlasay is a synonym of carbon dioxide. hatun kuyllin is a synonym of many banded aracari. chiqan is related to segment. khituy is related to rub. qusi is related to wool. uran is related to ura. achhiy is related to sneeze. pakay is related to pacay. supay is related to malevolent. kuntur is related to condor. pisi is related to few. qhapaq is related to qhapaqay. uruya is related to funicular. ispay is related to droplet. mitma is related to colony. waqachiy is derived from waqay. puka linsi is a synonym of bobcat. tamya is related to para. antanka is related to dye. qhari is related to male. jampiq is related to jampiri. awqa is related to military. willay is related to tell. kuyuti is a synonym of coyote. waranqaysu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of ranunculaceae. uchpa is related to sterile. qutuy is related to base. tiyana is related to bench. p uchquy is related to ferment. chahrachay is related to chahraysiy. ruphay is related to heat. ruk uyay is derived from ruk u. jatun yachay wasi is derived from yachay wasi. hatun sach a allqu is a synonym of short eared dog. paqariy is related to dawn. ñaqch a is related to ñaqch ay. ñawiy is related to read. capucine tubéreuse is a synonym of maswa. antilupi is a synonym of antelope. qhichwa is related to altitude. kimsantin atiy is a synonym of separation of powers. willka is related to grandchild. p acha jallch ana is derived from p acha. uma usa is a synonym of head louse. puti is related to navel. hiq ipay is related to suffocate. runa is related to peuple. willay is related to communicate. coquelicot is a synonym of puka p akincha. t ika is related to livestock. t uksiy is related to prick. provença is a synonym of provence. decorate is a synonym of k achanchay. llanthu is related to dark. q inti is a synonym of hummingbird. ch uru is a synonym of snail. jabiru is a synonym of wachapa. ayqichiy is derived from ayqiy. oxygen is a synonym of muksichaq. paqariy is related to dawn. t itu is related to t ituy. tiqsiy is related to found. wak a is related to crevice. q aytu is related to nerve. mach aqway is a synonym of snake. quwi is related to rabbit. sisay is related to bloom. qipiy is a form of q ipiy. coati is a synonym of achuni. divorce is a synonym of t aqanakuy. martinik is a synonym of martinique. llakiy is related to suffering. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. season is a synonym of mit a. qapariy is related to shout. rantikuy is related to sale. zeina ukucha is a synonym of minnie mouse. qallay is related to qallariy. puñuy is related to sleep. atipachikuy is related to atipa. nina is related to candle. qhapaq is related to qhapaqyay. rimaq is similar to rimay. qapi is a form of q api. allquchakuy is related to mistreat. takay is related to basement. millma is related to fuzz. yachakuq is a synonym of yachachikuq. pukyu is a synonym of spring. krieg is a synonym of maqanakuy. q uchu is related to joy. pallay is related to weaving. chikchi is related to chikchiy. alpaka is a form of allpaqa. imakay is a synonym of concept. chahrachay is related to chahrakuy. uma nanay is a synonym of headache. iskay chunka hukniyuq has context of cardinal. hayay is related to burn. rikchay is a form of rikch ay. chincha is similar to anti. chaya is related to baking. yarpay is related to yuyay. llama is related to allpaqa. rock is a synonym of rock music. tutay is related to tuta. ru llup ina is a synonym of confucianism. suqta is related to six. millp uy is related to swallow. hunt achiy is related to compel. hinaspa is related to and. wool is a synonym of millwa. waqay is related to cry. usachiy is related to earn. sayay is related to stature. bouvet wat a is a synonym of bouvet island. yachay is related to experience. ima has context of interrogative pronoun. kuriya is a synonym of korea. rob is a synonym of ch aspay. sinchiyay is related to strong. execute is a synonym of hayratachiy. wayra is related to wayray. sea is a synonym of mama qucha. qillqaqhawapay is derived from qillqaqhaway. kitara is a synonym of guitar. bulgarie is a synonym of bulgariya. susuy is related to leaves. ruphay is related to ruphachiy. allana is a synonym of hoe. ayqiy is related to flee. awklanda is a synonym of auckland. illapay is derived from illapa. strawberry is a synonym of phurutilla. ismuy is a synonym of putrefaction. qhichwa is a synonym of valley. mayu khuchi is a synonym of hippopotamidae. qantu is a synonym of cantua buxifolia. allpanay is related to allpa. hamk a is related to grain. sinchi is related to brave. rumaki qhapaq llaqta is a synonym of roman empire. liberate is a synonym of qispichiy. village is a synonym of llaqta. meteorology is a synonym of mit a yachay. phuchkay is a form of puchkay. geometry is a synonym of pacha tupuy. tunas is a form of tuna. rupha is related to ruphay. aluminium is a synonym of ch aqu q illay. amirikanu dollar is a synonym of united states dollar. grisya is a synonym of greece. rupay is a form of ruphay. ninety is a synonym of isqun chunka. chihlluy is related to chihllu. ricra has context of anatomie. pata is related to above. fidschi is a synonym of phiyi. eight is a synonym of pusaq. allpa wira is a synonym of petroleum. harvest is a synonym of pallay. phuru is related to plumage. llunk uy is related to flatter. impuwistu is a synonym of tax. khata is related to furrow. waqaysapa ñan is a synonym of trail of tears. shine is a synonym of llimphiy. disrobe is a synonym of q aray. oklahoma suyu is a synonym of oklahoma. wayk uy is related to chayachiy. wapsi kuyuchina is a synonym of steam engine. chiku is a synonym of calf. t itu is related to difficult. hapuy is related to flame. chaski is related to chaskiy. wachay is related to come out. chiraray is related to diaphanous. hayk a has context of interrogative pronoun. amachay is related to substantiate. llapan has context of indefinite pronoun. yaku t impuchina is derived from t impuchiy. qasaqsuyu is a synonym of kazakhstan. anku is related to tube. kapuli is a synonym of prunus virginiana. stack is a synonym of pirwa. awana is related to tissue. iskaychay is related to iskay. chahrachay is related to chahrakuy. iskay ruk anayuq is a synonym of even toed ungulate. p akiy is related to break. throat is a synonym of kunka. marqay is a form of marq ay. paladyu is a synonym of palladium. lombardia is a synonym of lombardy. lao tzu is a synonym of laozi. ayqichiy is related to ayqiykuy. support is a synonym of q imi. tread is a synonym of saruy. neon is a synonym of niyun. llaqta saruy is a synonym of dictatorship. cantaloupe is a synonym of lakawiti. wasichay is related to house. ukhu is related to below. sinchiyay is related to toughness. kansas suyu is a synonym of kansas. rikch akuy is related to similarity. llullay is related to lie. chutay is related to peel. suri is related to rhea. yuraq is a synonym of white. above is a synonym of pata. pantay is related to confused. hatun sayri is a synonym of nicotiana glauca. paqariy is related to paqar. ranqhana wasi is related to shop. marry is a synonym of saway. iskaynintinchaki is a synonym of millipede. qam has context of personal. p ampa is related to burial. puchquy is a form of p uchquy. banladish is a synonym of bangladesh. ayqeykuy is related to ayqichiy. way is a synonym of ñan. illa is related to hidden. kisma is related to kaka. hina is related to similar. yarqay is related to mallay. tayta is related to mama. kawsay allpa saywachi is a synonym of biogeography. unquy is related to birth. wach i is related to sunbeam. chapuy is related to submerge. thalu is related to stubborn. allin is related to good. igu is a synonym of common fig. blanket is a synonym of qata. samay pacha is derived from pacha. chimpapuray is derived from chimpay. ch akayay is related to hoarse. tawa chunka pichqayuq has context of cardinal. allquchay is related to mock. punish is a synonym of wanay. laqha wasi is derived from laqha. t uquy is related to hollow out. wichay wat a is a synonym of north island. hucha is related to heavy. put is a synonym of churay. wachay is related to give birth. lak iy is a form of rak iy. t ika has context of weaving. rumiyay is related to stone. ñawiykachay is derived from ñawiy. chinkarpariy is related to vanish. uncle is a synonym of kaka. iqhay is related to flay. wichay is related to inclined. loll is a synonym of hant arqay. hafnium is a synonym of hafniyu. toasted is a synonym of hamk a. saqiy is related to abandon. tuwalu is a synonym of tuvalu. wicharina is related to stairs. tika is a synonym of adobe. pallay is related to gather. organize is a synonym of paway. allqucha is related to puppy. hessen is a synonym of hesse. rutuy is related to haircut. ñitiy is a form of ñit iy. linti is a synonym of lens. anti is related to eastern. sankay is a synonym of sangay. añikuy is related to accept. rimachiy is related to converse. wayra is related to color. ranpana is a synonym of bus. panti is related to dark red. k illimsa is a synonym of coal. warehouse is a synonym of qullqa. nchik is related to yku. winay is related to put. raffaello sanzio is a synonym of raphael. hatun waqar is a synonym of great egret. chanqay is related to hurl. ch unqay is related to suck. ismay is related to isma. wak is related to that. bulgarya is a synonym of bulgaria. mariya is a synonym of maria. q umir pampa is derived from pampa. king vulture is a synonym of pampa kuntur. kadmiyu is a synonym of cadmium. allay is related to pallay. masta is a form of mast a. value is a synonym of chanin. waranqachaki is a synonym of myriapoda. riqsi is related to riqsiy. navel is a synonym of puputi. suyu is related to nation. inkill is related to bunch. pach a is related to belly. chikasa is a synonym of chickasaw. graveyard is a synonym of ayapampa. llaqta is related to place. stink is a synonym of hunyay. khata is related to twill. ayñay is related to ch aqway. aklluy is related to aklluykachay. runasimi is related to quechua. muyuy is related to circuit. ñañamanta is a form of ñaña. kawsay saphi is a synonym of culture. 퓨마 is etymologically derived from puma. kolosoyuqkunapaq qillqa is a synonym of epistle to colossians. m is related to s. ichhuna is a synonym of sickle. alliwillay is a synonym of gospel. twenty two is a synonym of iskay chunka iskayniyuq. astay is related to hit. qhapaq chunkana is a synonym of chess. tuta is related to early. riqsisqa is a form of riqsiy. apakamuy is related to apakapuy. visit is a synonym of watukuy. ñit iy is related to oppress. usay is related to destroy. onde électromagnétique is a synonym of iliktrumaqnitiku illanchay. bilarus is a synonym of belarus. phallchacha is a synonym of gentianella. khuchi is related to hog. aqchi is related to bird of prey. dining room is a synonym of mikhuna wasi. chili chili yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of geraniaceae. awqa is related to hostile. pirqa qillqana is derived from pirqa. ch iwkachiy is related to violent. tuna waraqu is a synonym of opuntia ficus indica. qhatu is a synonym of market. pachakawri rumi is a synonym of meteorite. kunan is related to kunallan. turkiya is a synonym of turkey. apakapuy is related to carry. 1960 watakuna is a synonym of 1960s. awkikuna is a form of awki. hamachi is a synonym of iris. turi is related to woman. frost is a synonym of qasa. suk a is related to suk ay. qullu is related to qulluy. anschuykunakuy is related to get together. hampiy is related to medicine. t aqa is related to herd. chanqaykukuy is related to chanqaykuy. malliy is related to malli. leopard is a synonym of misti hawar. ohio is a synonym of ohio suyu. chili is a synonym of chile. chariy is related to hap iy. ashtay is a form of astay. collaborate is a synonym of haymay. achuray is related to ration. sunqu is related to shed. ismuy is related to corrupt. sickle is a synonym of ichhuna. ñawinchay is related to read. thursday is a synonym of illapachaw. ichhuna is related to scythe. sut i is a synonym of meaning. kentucky suyu is a synonym of kentucky. p isqu is a form of pisqu. ri is related to qa. rumu is a synonym of cassava. runakuna is a form of runa. t uqu is related to window. kallpay is related to hurry. iskiy is related to unite. pedro rodríguez ledesma is a synonym of pedro. siqsi is related to itch. kaypi is related to here. dove is a synonym of urpi. sut i is related to light. pampa sapai warmi has context of plantes. ch uhtanay is related to remove. sh is a form of s. kachi is related to salt. hich ay is related to pour. ama has context of imperative. churay is related to put. wallpay is related to creation. kinsa is related to tre. laqha is related to light. ayllu is related to kuraka. q ara is related to q aray. church is a synonym of iñi wasi. llasa is related to llasay. yawri is a synonym of sewing needle. ch ipchi is related to pumpkin. qamkuna is related to you. ch illik utu is a synonym of cricket. soqso is related to duck. phaway is related to flee. alms is a synonym of t itu. jampiy is related to cure. gray is a synonym of uqi. masi is related to colleague. mast a is related to theater. qipiy is a form of q ipiy. illay is related to travel. maqana is related to macana. upa is related to cover. waskay is related to waska. machu is a synonym of ruk u. paul maccartney is a synonym of paul mccartney. thresh is a synonym of t ustuy. purun is related to natural. apiacées is a synonym of raqacha yura rikch aq ayllu. kanka is related to kankay. yunka is related to jungle. ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhay. sut u is related to drip. chiri is related to frost. hunk a has context of unit of time. suriname is a synonym of surinam. pukllay is related to game. chukuna is related to seat. chaqna antawa is a synonym of truck. hurwatsuyu is a synonym of croatia. ñawi is related to eye. upa is related to deaf. new york is a synonym of new york city. chinkarpariy is related to flee. khallki is related to stone. q iwiy is related to corn. mallki is related to plant. urqu is related to male. p achallikuy is related to clothes. fling is a synonym of chuqay. kunan is related to today. rikch akuy is related to image. lliphlliy is related to glance. clitoris is a synonym of rakha k akara. kachun is a synonym of cucumber. shine is a synonym of k anchay. k achanchakuy is derived from k achanchay. humint a is related to steam. saqsa is a form of saksa. samana wasi is derived from samay. llamkay is related to astray. esopus is a synonym of aesop. millay is related to bad. ñawi is related to opposite. tawa chunka suqtayuq has context of cardinal. llanthu is a synonym of shadow. llaqta has context of administrative division. instance is a synonym of kuti. asuy is related to approximate. kuskan ismuykuy mit a is a synonym of half life. suyuy is related to draw. hat alliy is related to help. lampa is related to lampay. machay is related to water. llaki is related to llakiy. ayniy is related to repay. ñawilliy is related to ñawiy. ñisqa is a form of ñiy. panti is related to plant. partidu is a synonym of political party. runtu is related to testicule. yaku t impuchina is derived from t impuchiy. mañay is related to pray. paña is related to hand. millma is related to wool. yachakuq masi is derived from yachakuq. jiangxi pruwinsya is a synonym of jiangxi. elder is a synonym of kuraq. kututu is related to male. chaka is related to cross. yarpay is related to remember. tatki is a form of thatki. alli is related to allipanakuy. usnu is related to usnuy. yarqhay is a form of yarqay. rikuriy is related to rikuy. downfall is a synonym of urma. tupa is related to kind. reread is a synonym of ñawiykachay. t impuchiy is related to boil. taripakuqkunap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of judges. hesitate is a synonym of iskayyay. chá is related to chi. llimp iy is a form of llimphiy. allqumiyu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of apocynaceae. urqu raki raki is a synonym of dryopteris filix mas. hatun mayu khuchi is a synonym of hippopotamus. sani is a synonym of uqi. uchpay is related to uchpa. kiwi yura is a synonym of actinidia deliciosa. chiqa is related to true. woman is a synonym of warmi. quinua is etymologically derived from kinwa. nature is a synonym of sallqa. wamra is related to kid. chila is a synonym of cecropia. riman is a form of rimay. pukara is related to pukaray. aysay is related to extend. chanqu is a synonym of ranunculus aquatilis. sulluy is a synonym of miscarriage. chaya is related to cooking. ususi is related to churi. sach a is a synonym of tree. together is a synonym of tanta. lluqsi is related to departure. ama ñiy is related to amatay. mama simi is a synonym of first language. tawa chunka has context of cardinal. susyalista suwit republikakunap huñun is a synonym of soviet union. qullqi wasi is a synonym of bank. pacha is related to oneself. thunder is a synonym of q aqya. ama is related to chu. hut'kuy is related to bore. sisi p’ uchqu has context of biochimie. ruraq is related to operator. p api is related to damp. manka is related to pot. seconde is a synonym of sikundu. behead is a synonym of qhuruy. siki is a synonym of buttocks. awñiy is related to agree. ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. khuyay is related to love. wantuy is related to transpose. sumay is related to sum. illapay is related to flash. rutuy is related to fleece. taripakuq is a synonym of judge. láma is etymologically derived from llama. kusi is related to active. usay is related to power. phaqsay is related to glitter. garlic is a synonym of ahus. cha is related to chi. allichay is related to prepare. llaqta is related to fatherland. ch uwa is related to clear. wamra is related to girl. ڤوما is etymologically related to puma. dyus is etymologically derived from dios. ñit iy is related to pressure. ch ipuy is related to shirr. nanay is related to pain. kaña is related to kañay. shadow is a synonym of llanthu. lituanie is a synonym of lituwa. yana is related to blue. llulla is related to falsehood. fungus is a synonym of k allampa. ch akichikuy is related to ch akichiy. yawyay is related to decrease. kondor is etymologically derived from kuntur. chawpichay is related to come. mach aqway is a synonym of cancer. utqay is related to run. pirqa qillqana is related to chalkboard. chuku is related to kerchief. ch iqtay is related to kindling. ayphayay is related to aypha. ælabogi is a synonym of k uychi. tuna is related to cactus. tiksi k atacha is a synonym of elementary particle. ayllu is related to group. chawpi p unchaw is derived from chawpi. neptune is a synonym of niptun. tipi is related to fiber. willaq is related to informant. suyu is related to area. hap iy is related to chariy. pukyuy is related to spout. pichay is related to clear. kisma is related to kiwachi. kiru is a synonym of tooth. suyu is related to drawing. waska is related to rope. llaqway is related to malliy. waylla is related to lawn. sorcerer is a synonym of layqa. qallariy is related to beginning. qawa is related to tuber. chamuy is related to arrive. tukuy is related to happen. athina is related to capitale. millay is related to detest. qaray is related to gift. pirqa llut ana is a synonym of mortar. kulli is a synonym of sañi. nandou is a synonym of suri. paqariy is related to rise. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is derived from qillqana. riqsiy is related to riqsipay. riyunyun is related to outre mer. riy is related to go. pani is related to wawqi. munay is related to will. jark ay is related to prohibit. wayt’ ay is a synonym of tuytuy. uma is related to round. chinpachiy is a form of chimpachiy. ismu is related to vegetable. she is a synonym of pay. t iksu pampa is a synonym of inclined plane. saruy is related to exploit. ail is a synonym of ahus. pitu is related to grain. ch umpi is related to color. maqanakuy is related to argue. ñañakunapura is a form of ñaña. mi is related to s. khipukamayuq is derived from kamayuq. harden is a synonym of rumiyay. iskayyay is related to hesitate. llapan is related to universal. kikin has context of ecuador. chincha mayuatu is a synonym of raccoon. estonia is a synonym of istunya. kawallu yallinakuy is a synonym of equestrianism. bore is a synonym of hut'kuy. baile átha cliath is related to dublin. dry is a synonym of ch aki. suni is related to lofty. uma is related to guide. depilate is a synonym of rutuy. killmu is a synonym of wayllapi. hasp iy is a form of aspiy. sinq ay is related to smell. advise is a synonym of anyay. rikra is a synonym of shoulder. watuy is related to watu. qaway is related to qawa. qhilla is a form of qilla. chala is related to maize. qapi is a form of q api. miyuy is related to miyu. iwrupa haya is a synonym of fagus sylvatica. rupa is a form of rupha. simi yachay is a synonym of linguistics. qillqay is related to sign. baking is a synonym of chaya. uqi is related to gris. chikiy is a form of chiqniy. kuyuq rikch a waqaychana allwiya is a synonym of video. yalli is related to expensive. ch askachaw is a synonym of friday. malawi qucha is a synonym of lake malawi. yachay is related to jatun yachay wasi. kamayuq is related to guard. suq uy is related to suck. q umir is related to green. achka is related to much. yayayku is a synonym of lord's prayer. hatun llaqta is a synonym of city. harkay is a form of hark ay. uywa is related to animal. anti is similar to chincha. ache is a synonym of nanay. chaninchay is related to price. qaka is related to uncle. chiqan is related to place. pacha phuyu is a synonym of fog. suqta chunka is related to sixty. raki raki is a synonym of fern. lizard is a synonym of qaraywa. wanuy is related to manure. chuki is a synonym of spear. añikuy is related to agree. yarpay is related to remembrance. llulla is related to false. carapace is a synonym of mayt una. extinguish is a synonym of thasnuy. ima is related to and. samay pacha is derived from samay. mutkhiy is related to sniff. qasi simi is derived from simi. much ay is related to worship. chayakamuy is related to chayay. k illimsayaku is a synonym of carbohydrate. soqta is a form of suqta. mama llaqta is a synonym of state. yawar ch unqaq is a synonym of leech. ununtriyu is a synonym of ununtrium. come back is a synonym of t ikray. kanka is related to toast. bagri is a synonym of catfish. añaynichiy is related to adorn. tutayay is related to night. qullu is related to pile. pis is a form of pas. waskay is related to lasso. uwuy pinkuyllu is a synonym of oboe. wanaku is related to llama. phuyu is related to phuyuy. chayqa is related to if. uncooked is a synonym of hanku. willay is related to mean. qanchis chunka is related to seventy. pari is related to well. terbyu has context of chimie. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from jampiy. hahlluykachay is a form of aklluykachay. harwiy is related to toast. sirinka is a synonym of flute. harka is a form of hark a. suyu is related to suyuy. sumaq is related to beautiful. taruca is related to deer. phallcha is a synonym of gentiana. ñawinchay is related to calculate. tallinn is a synonym of tallin. chumpiy is related to belt. para jark ana is derived from para. ayqichiy is related to chase. ayllu is related to clan. qutuy is related to earth. japan is a synonym of nihun. dive is a synonym of ch ultikuy. chile is etymologically derived from chiri. immediately is a synonym of kunallan. ankucha llika is a synonym of nervous system. rumasa is a synonym of rumex. iskiy is related to khipuy. llik iy is related to llik isqa. uliw is a synonym of olive. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. rak i is related to part. astay is related to carry. hik ipakuy is related to hik iy. drink is a synonym of upyay. hampiy is related to give. ispay is related to ispa. millp uy is related to devour. paqta is related to enough. apuchay is related to honor. wañuchiy is derived from wañuy. unquy is related to disease. darmstadtiyu is a synonym of darmstadtium. increase is a synonym of askhayay. thatkiy is related to thatki. hatun p unchaw is a synonym of party. churay is related to churakuy. puna is related to cold. rikuchiy is related to show. chawpi p unchaw is derived from chawpi. chiqaqchay is related to chiqaq. lagniappe is etymologically derived from yapa. memory is a synonym of yarpay. juq u is related to wet. aqha is related to aqhay. astay is related to conveyance. tuta k usillu is a synonym of night monkey. hap ichiy is derived from hap iy. kunan is related to immediately. marry is a synonym of kasaray. minnesota suyu is a synonym of minnesota. kaspi hatun qucha is a synonym of caspian sea. challway is related to catch. urnu ñawch i is a synonym of cape horn. jatun tata is derived from jatun. chuchaw is a synonym of agave. qalla is related to distaff. liwru is related to book. waskay is related to rope. spindle is a synonym of puchka. khuyay is related to skinny. viscacha is etymologically derived from wisk acha. qatay is related to qata. hydrogen is a synonym of yakuchaq. ch uwachay is related to review. watukuy is related to watuy. ch añan is a synonym of gland. puputi is related to nombril. juch uy p acha is derived from p acha. mansana is a synonym of apple. bumblebee is a synonym of wayrunq u. tawa chunka qanchisniyuq has context of cardinal. añikuy is related to añiy. ch akichiy is derived from ch aki. rakha is a synonym of vagina. yanay is related to intend. dinusawru is a synonym of dinosaur. paskay is related to let loose. uñachakuy is related to give birth. ama is related to not. pusaq is related to boss. ch isiyay is related to ch isiyaq. muyu is related to egg. ispay is a synonym of urination. wiksa is related to belly. yapay is related to yapa. saqra is related to filthy. pukyu is related to source. llamkhay is related to fondle. yuyay is a synonym of memory. malta is related to malte. genova has context of localités. ranqhay is related to sell. ayahuasca is etymologically related to aya. kurku is related to body. killmu is related to orange. siris is a synonym of ceres. sipiy is related to neck. ahus is a synonym of garlic. chinkay is related to lose. sach awaka is a synonym of tapir. awana is related to loom. uywa is a synonym of animal. lluna has context of cardinal. punchu is a synonym of poncho. puna is related to lofty. mink a is related to mink ay. qaray is related to serve. ihmayay is a form of ikmayay. simanoli is a synonym of seminole. gentian is a synonym of phallcha. chulluy is related to soak. hurquy is related to remove. misk i yaku is derived from yaku. samay is related to rest. samay is related to air. paqtay is related to paqta. jawas is related to legume. llapa is related to whole. juch uy wasi is derived from juch uy. yuyay is related to understanding. thasnuy is related to fire. iskay chunka iskayniyuq has context of cardinal. saway is related to carry. mast a is related to rug. millay is related to millaymana. read is a synonym of qillqaqhaway. isqun is related to nine. tapyamach aqway is a synonym of caecilian. tire is a synonym of sayk uy. ruk u is related to awki. samay pacha is related to vacation. rikuy is related to understand. tibet has context of pays. ch achuy is related to ch achu. hallka k iti k anchar is a synonym of area. khuchuna is derived from khuchuy. k allana is a synonym of frying pan. banana is a synonym of latanu. cough is a synonym of uhuy. kasarakuy is a synonym of marriage. qasa is related to cold. thatkiy is related to go. illay is related to absent. rikuy is related to visit. phinkiy is related to jump. bread is a synonym of t anta. wawa is related to churi. usay is related to damage. jampiy is related to administer. fermentation is a synonym of p uchquy. hucha is a synonym of sin. yupaychay is related to adoration. muya is related to vegetable garden. lluq i is related to left. muyuy is related to muyu. pampa is related to valley. chiqa is related to vertical. köln is a synonym of cologne. sallqa is related to wild. pukyu is related to spring. tantan is a form of tantay. illa is related to reflected. ñañu tunqur is a synonym of bronchus. achuqalla is a synonym of weasel. live is a synonym of kawsay. états unis d’ amérique is a synonym of hukllachisqa amirika suyukuna. rite is a synonym of hayway. mink ay is related to worker. chiqan is related to straight. wiñay is related to forever. yura is related to bush. anqas umiña is a synonym of turquoise. p achallikuy is derived from p acha. chunka pusaqniyuq has context of cardinal. phaqsa is related to brightness. pariy is related to phaway. moth is a synonym of puyu. qispichiy is related to realize. caterpillar is a synonym of kuru. upalla is related to upallay. llimphi is related to colour. t ipiy is related to t ipi. nkichik is related to nki. q iwiy is related to q iwi. heron is a synonym of wakchilla. upata is a form of upa. waylluy is related to wayllu. pusaq is derived from pusay. wañuchiy is derived from wañuy. qaray is related to breakfast. tayta is related to yaya. thatkiy is related to big. hamk a is related to hamk ay. jampiq is related to jampiri. haya is related to hayay. q aray is related to strip. brasil is related to brésil. q iwiy is related to twist. yaqa wat a is a synonym of peninsula. aqtuy is related to aqtukuy. ñañakunamanta is a form of ñaña. sañi is a synonym of kulli. hanaq is related to sky. guanaco is a synonym of wanaku. yachachiy is related to train. llunk uy is related to lampiy. ch uyanay is related to ch uya. kururunku is a synonym of passiflora. llakiy is related to llaki. afternoon is a synonym of sukha. waskay is related to waska. chiri is related to chiripa. atuq is related to fox. pave is a synonym of khallkiy. kallpa is related to strong. sisa is related to glue. vicuña is etymologically derived from wik uña. kuti is related to pallay. ñawpa rimanakuy is a synonym of old testament. diminish is a synonym of asllayachiy. aklluykachay is related to aklluy. kuntur is related to condor. k achanchakuy is related to put on. purun is related to k ita. wampu is related to fool. chahrakuy is related to chahrayoq. for example is a synonym of hina. rikuy is related to consider. chanqiyay is related to stone. qillqay is related to notation. q inti is related to hummingbird. cape gooseberry is a synonym of awaymantu. inlish simi is a synonym of english language. yuyo is etymologically related to yuyu. iliktrumaqnitiku illanchay is a synonym of electromagnetic radiation. yachaywasi is derived from wasi. llamk ay is related to industriousness. saksay is related to satisfy. asulun is a synonym of mallard. meerschweinchen is a synonym of quwi. aktinyu is a synonym of actinium. chimpanzé is a synonym of chimpansi. stubborn is a synonym of thalu. k anchay is related to light. kimsa chunka suqtayuq has context of cardinal. aycharay is related to flesh. ri is related to qa. q uma is a synonym of crime. chiqan is related to direct. suthusuyu is a synonym of lesotho. puti is a form of p uti. ankucha is a synonym of nerve. paqariy has context of movement. muyu is related to circle. chaykuna is a form of chay. iskaychay is related to duplicate. munay is related to want. ruphay is related to rupha. twenty three is a synonym of iskay chunka kimsayuq. uchpa is related to uchpay. flag is a synonym of unancha. chawpichay is related to middle. kuru is related to caterpillar. chay is related to kay. hurry is a synonym of utqay. chawpi is related to chawpi p unchaw. runa is related to homme. llamkhay is related to touch. p uyñu is related to jar. ch isiyay is related to nightfall. be born is a synonym of yuriy. warani is a synonym of constellation. pusay is related to invite. harwiy is related to lightly. chiqap uwas is a synonym of vitis vinifera. llamk aq is related to worker. embrace is a synonym of marq ay. triangle is a synonym of kimsak uchu. qishyay is related to fall ill. siqsiy is related to itch. aphrika is a synonym of africa. ullaya is a synonym of silicon dioxide. vacuum is a synonym of ch usaq p ulin. hucha is related to crime. ch aqiy is related to death. wachuy is a synonym of fornication. tamyay is related to tamya. tupa is related to exceptional. pakay is related to cover. machuyay is a synonym of ageing. samay is related to sit. tanzanie is a synonym of tansanya. 1830 watakuna is a synonym of 1830s. haylliy is related to haylli. ruru is related to ruruy. mit a is related to service. ruphachiy has context of agriculture. hanaq is related to elevated. wiksimitaqi is related to wiktionary. churiyay is related to beget. liwru is etymologically derived from libro. watch is a synonym of qhaway. aqueduct is a synonym of witkhu. q apay is related to aroma. willkay is related to willka. accumulate is a synonym of qulluy. chiqniy is related to hate. how many is a synonym of hayk a. qa is related to ri. mat iykay is a synonym of protestantism. ayqiy is related to escape. watukuy is related to miss. wichay is related to upper. t ika k arachiq is a synonym of anthozoa. rak i is related to prediction. black sea is a synonym of yana hatun qucha. kikin is related to herself. tukuy is related to each. ñit iy is a synonym of pressure. llikcha is a synonym of chenopodium album. part is a synonym of rak i. kututu is related to quwi. ch arki is related to miserable. qulluy is related to pile up. twill is a synonym of khata. papa lancha is a synonym of phytophthora infestans. qhichwa is related to people. uma is related to principal. inti t iksuy is a synonym of afternoon. kay is related to chay. tamyay is related to paray. api is related to clove. ch umay is related to liquid. iñuku huk i is a synonym of atomic nucleus. 1920 watakuna is a synonym of 1920s. sallqa is related to altitude. alkali q illay is a synonym of alkali metal. poncho is etymologically derived from punchu. chaykuna is a form of chay. uraykuy is related to halt. taruka rinri is a synonym of hieracium. yachay is related to yachachiq. t itu is related to t ituy. pukllay is related to play out. ñan is related to way. wanan is a form of wanay. turu pukllay is a synonym of bullfighting. yatana takiy phukulli is a synonym of accordion. quechua is a synonym of runasimi. pisipay is related to backward. q aqchu is a synonym of aratinga. yki is related to nki. phuti is related to phutiy. chinpay is a form of chimpay. atiy is related to able. thuñi is related to wreck. papa yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of solanaceae. wayra is related to fast. iridyu is a synonym of iridium. sayk uy is related to tiredness. ichaqa is related to but. life is a synonym of kawsay. phurutilla is related to strawberry. waylluy is related to wayllu. kiswar yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of scrophulariaceae. sipi is related to sipiy. kumunista maniphistu is a synonym of communist manifesto. sat iy is related to copulate. churichakuy is related to churi. fluorine is a synonym of flur. millay is related to millaymana. lityu is a synonym of lithium. ch utiy is related to skin. haya is related to tasty. saphi is related to beginning. paqta is related to together. k aspi qillqana is derived from k aspi. t ituy is related to t itu. chukcha is related to cheveu. rutuy is related to rutu. dwight eisenhower is a synonym of dwight d eisenhower. allin is related to right. apaykusqa is a form of apaykuy. aklluy is related to aklluykachay. chukullikuy is related to chuku. apay is related to apaysiy. hallmay is related to raise. talk is a synonym of rimay. warmi is a synonym of woman. terre is a synonym of tiksi muyu. llalliy is related to defeat. qhuruy is related to cut off. uña is related to baby. tapyapillan is a synonym of silky anteater. throw away is a synonym of wikch uy. hap iy is related to grasp. mayt una is related to carapace. rit i suchuykachay is a synonym of snowboarding. waqaychay is related to guard. kusasqa tika is a synonym of brick. snow is a synonym of rit i. millay is related to grieve. p itiy is related to cut. kunay is related to counsel. pirwa has context of mathematics. waska is a synonym of rope. millay is related to spirit. silluy is related to scratch. tupa is related to tree. qaray is related to morning. allipanakuy is related to allipunakuy. millma is related to soft. ismuy is related to decay. mayu is a synonym of river. puriy is a synonym of travel. meadow is a synonym of waylla. allin qillqay is a synonym of orthography. kuti is related to temporary. wanaku is related to llama. trojan horse is a synonym of truyanu kawallu. uyay is related to obey. par exemple is a synonym of hina. rupha is related to rupha rupha. niptun is related to planète. pinwinu is a synonym of penguin. simiki is a synonym of syllable. uthurunku is related to jaguar. llik iy is related to claw. suroqch i is a form of suruqch i. chiksuyu is a synonym of czech republic. ruraychaqa is a synonym of industry. yuraq yawar kawsaykuq is a synonym of white blood cell. navel is a synonym of pupu. rima is a synonym of word. ullu is a synonym of penis. mexico is a synonym of mishiku. kiki is related to equal. iwrupa is a synonym of europe. apanqura is related to genera. aqu is related to kisma. kutiy is related to change. want is a synonym of munay. puquy is related to fermentation. khachu is related to bit. kapitalismu is a synonym of capitalism. muchuy is related to scarcity. qaway is a form of qhaway. allan is a form of allay. kinin is etymologically derived from kina. ch akiy is related to dry. circle is a synonym of muyu. wasikuna is a form of wasi. killmu is a synonym of orange. asnay is related to stench. tuytuy is a synonym of huaytakana. chá is related to chi. uyniy is related to agree. rikch ay is related to awaken. vatican is a synonym of watikan. iskiy is related to quipu. qichuy is related to snatch. añaychay is related to bless. khuyay is a synonym of love. pata is related to adjacent. tree is a synonym of sach a. arphayay is related to darken. allin is related to okay. utqay is related to utqaychay. kaña is related to ceramic. chimpachiy is derived from chimpay. pitu is related to twin. clean is a synonym of llimphu. mungul rimaykuna is a synonym of mongolic languages. pile is a synonym of pirwa. berilyu is a synonym of beryllium. ñawpaq pacha is derived from pacha. miyu is related to miyuy. mayllay is related to cleanliness. sha is a form of chka. cobblestone is a synonym of khallki. kuti is related to kutiy. three is a synonym of kinsa. wachay is related to egg. piki is related to chigoe. llulla is related to lie. awki is related to senior. imapas has context of indefinite pronoun. khachuy is related to break off. miyu is a synonym of poison. ocean is a synonym of mama qucha. chariy is related to contain. kaymanta is related to about. wawa wasi is a synonym of kindergarten. rikch akuy is related to look like. unquy is related to sickness. chiri is related to chirichay. ayñay is related to bark. siqay is related to ascend. prophecy is a synonym of watuy. usay is related to usa. tuta is related to late. nanaq is a form of nanay. jerky is etymologically derived from ch arki. llaqta is related to country. qhari is related to man. quri wakamayu is a synonym of red fronted macaw. sillu is related to claw. sumay is related to shine. thantay is related to old. yalliy is related to yalli. qhipan pacha is derived from qhipan. q ipi is related to q ipiy. corpse is a synonym of aya. mirku is a synonym of gemini. enemy is a synonym of awqa. liwru ch ipachina is a synonym of printing. kiribati has context of pays. rutu is related to shearing. luksimbur is a synonym of luxembourg. condor is etymologically related to kuntur. yaya is related to priest. pirqay is related to pirqa. bark is a synonym of ch aqway. puñuna wasi is derived from wasi. hukñiqi is related to hukñiqin. chawpi is related to intermediate. illa is related to artificial. usay is related to web. qutuy is related to qutu. samay is related to sama. may is related to where. aqtuy is related to aqtuchiy. sawli is a synonym of sword. apanqura is related to crayfish. airplane is a synonym of antanka. qhincha is related to wretched. ñina is related to fine. hallmay is related to hallma. phiñakuy is related to growl. ayniy is related to ayni. candle is a synonym of wila. elucidate is a synonym of chiqaqchay. kisma is a synonym of uterus. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from wasi. quruy is a form of qhuruy. nihun has context of géographie. yarquy is related to lluqsiy. qʼaytucha is related to fibre. give birth is a synonym of wachay. seat is a synonym of tiyana. qalla iruru is a synonym of tire. iskay chunka has context of cardinal. atam is a synonym of parasitism. hallp iy is related to hallp i. kuraq is related to kuraqsapa. marq ay is related to embrace. hawas is etymologically derived from habas. sinchi is related to terribly. kututu is related to quwi. asnu is a synonym of donkey. chaninchay is related to chanin. ancha is related to very. ispay is related to fall. aylluy is related to cover. hatun tunqur is a synonym of trachea. kunan is related to kunallan. alqo is related to chien. antakuru is a synonym of train. lak i is a form of rak i. mama qucha is derived from qucha. helsinki has context of localités. kamay is related to form. uyq ur runa is a synonym of uyghurs. hunt ay is related to fill. nez is a synonym of sinqa. ayamarq ay killa is derived from aya. ñawpa is related to first. counter is a synonym of yupana. dance is a synonym of tusuy. mama qucha is derived from mama. ch umpi is related to chestnut. askhayay is related to askha. get dressed is a synonym of p achallikuy. 1940 watakuna is a synonym of 1940s. willaq is related to announcer. traktor is a synonym of qharastaq. michiy is related to watch over. uywa is related to domesticated. t uksi is related to hard. llamk ay is related to power. akani is a form of akay. mishiku is a synonym of mexico. paskay is related to paska. wayrachiy is related to ventilate. yuyayyaku is a synonym of llullaillaco. chanqaykuy is related to chanqay. pichay is related to sweep. ch iqtay is related to ch iqta. laqha is related to darkness. kamayuq is related to office. wirrinatu musuq ispaña is a synonym of new spain. mayway is related to win. hamut ay is related to cogitate. exaggerate is a synonym of anchachay. atipachikuy is related to atipa. lampay is related to shovel. soft is a synonym of api. hip iy is related to hip i. aggressive is a synonym of phiña. uma is related to leader. sapa is related to sapay. hunp iy is related to hunp i. yalli is related to more. pédiatrie is a synonym of wawa hampikamayuq. kunay is related to advise. wawqi is related to man. ulukawstu is a synonym of holocaust. ch arkiy is related to make. soldier is a synonym of awqapuri. phuyuy is related to cloud. wiqi is related to resin. achiwa is related to parasol. llamk ay is related to handle. mama is related to mother. qhincha is related to fatal. north dakota suyu is a synonym of north dakota. khata is related to color. parawayi mayu is a synonym of paraguay river. taq is related to pas. chapay is related to chapatiyay. awtu is related to car. uran is related to downwards. atakama is a synonym of atacama desert. suyu has context of historical. ruqyay musyana is a synonym of microphone. ninat uru is a synonym of magma. kiwina is a form of kinwa. kalindaryu is a synonym of calendar. wira unquy is a synonym of lipoma. murucha is a synonym of spore. chawpi is related to between. qaray is related to distribute. wikch uy is related to throw away. awki is related to man. qhari is a synonym of man. maymanta is related to where. ouest is a synonym of kunti. fir is a synonym of awitu. yachay is related to yachapay. k anchay is related to give. hephq ay is related to remove. musiyu is a synonym of museum. ninay is related to nina. diversity is a synonym of ñawra. unquy is related to pest. tawa chunka kimsayuq is related to forty three. pusaq is related to eight. waki is related to association. hunt ay is related to keep. mikhuna is a form of mikhuy. sut i is related to clear. qhapaq is related to politician. luck is a synonym of ataw. p aki is related to p akiy. mut uy is a synonym of senna. lagniappe is a synonym of yapa. hank ay is related to hank a. hatun pillunkuy is a synonym of tropical cyclone. lunar eclipse is a synonym of killa unquy. rutuy is related to mow. maswa is related to capucine tubéreuse. taq is related to pas. bahay is related to descend. track is a synonym of yupi. mama is related to tayta. kusi kusi is a synonym of orb weaver spider. yuku is a synonym of swan. ispapakuy is related to ispay. alalay is related to chiriy. saksa is related to apply. apinkuya is a synonym of pomegranate. ura is a synonym of phani. ñañawan is a form of ñaña. hide is a synonym of pakay. mitmay is related to mitma. p uti is related to fat. pisco is etymologically related to pisqu. sach a is related to bush. awtu raqhana wasi is related to dealership. qispi is related to qispichiy. paylla is related to single. earth up is a synonym of taqtay. hunt achiy is related to satisfy. allpachay is related to dust. mikhuna is a form of mikhuy. alli is related to alliyachachiy. akulliy is related to chew. ch uhtay is related to wide. urmay is related to fail. machu is related to root. chariy is related to grab. milla is related to disgust. explain is a synonym of alayrichiy. ch umpi is related to hazel. holmium is a synonym of holmyu. jampina is derived from jampiy. q ispi is related to glass. khachuy is related to khachu. sukay is related to dig. spit is a synonym of aqtuy. allpa llamk ay is a synonym of agriculture. comb is a synonym of ñaqch a. t aqsaq is related to launderer. riqsisqa is related to object. imasmari is a synonym of riddle. wichqay is a form of wichq ay. hut'kuy is related to hole. germanyu is a synonym of germanium. k acha is related to good. ruq a is related to generous. pirway is related to pirwa. apaykunchik is a form of apaykuy. para jark ana is derived from jark ay. iqhay is related to iqha. kiwach is related to kiwachi. yañay is related to yaña. yura is related to stem. uthurunku is related to tiger. nanaq is related to numerous. man is related to indirect object. aya is a synonym of nuna. rikch ay is related to appearance. kañina is a synonym of currency. saturday is a synonym of k uychichaw. qinchay is related to qincha. sañi is a synonym of kulli. kichka is related to kichkay. qallu is related to language. qhapaq is related to noble. guanó is etymologically derived from wanu. hyeve is related to caoutchouc. yaqullay is related to cloak. llamk ay is related to physical. tipiy is related to tipi. kunti is similar to chincha. hinay is related to like so. kutichiy is related to give back. raphi is related to branch. aymuray killa is a synonym of may. garage is a synonym of awtu jallch ana wasi. ch arki is related to ch arkiy. llakas ñukchʼu has context of plantes. pukyu is related to well. llalli is related to llalliy. qisa is related to injustice. wañuy is a synonym of death. chaskiykuy is related to chaskiy. tawa chunka hukniyuq is related to forty one. supay is related to evil. foie is a synonym of kukupin. ch aphchay is related to strike. lama is etymologically derived from llama. puriy is related to walk. wind is a synonym of wayra. verb is a synonym of ruray rimana. awkisuyu is related to principality. ritiy is a form of rit iy. chayachiy is related to cook. para jark ana is derived from para. nanay is related to ache. mikrunisya is a synonym of federated states of micronesia. missouri mayu is a synonym of missouri river. muyu is related to seed. inca is etymologically derived from inka. awaken is a synonym of hatariy. chaka is a synonym of bridge. amachay is related to protect. llaqway is related to lampiy. hatariy is related to rebellion. rumiyay is related to rumi. little red riding hood is a synonym of puka kapirusitamanta. moldau is a synonym of mulduwa. yapay is related to yapa. yupay is related to count. sausage is a synonym of aycha t iqi. kuchuq hampikamayuq is a synonym of surgeon. rutuy is related to crop. takuy is related to confuse. chanqaykukuy is related to chanqaykuy. wach iy is related to wach i. kutichiy is related to return. uwas misk i is a synonym of glucose. suruqch i is a synonym of altitude sickness. mapa is a synonym of wax. khuya is related to khuyay. francesco d assisi is a synonym of francis of assisi. liberté is a synonym of qispi kay. pari is related to tepid. qhichwa is related to motif. sinq a is related to spindle. patacha is related to table. riqsiy is related to riqsikuy. mansana is related to pomme. taku is related to get drunk. nata is related to crème. lampa is related to mattock. ruq i yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of rhamnaceae. hanpiy is a form of hampiy. illay is related to missing. k arachiq is a synonym of cnidaria. philipinakuna is a synonym of philippines. utqay is related to suddenly. awki is related to authority. braid is a synonym of simp ay. ñawpa is related to hukñiqin. wawa is related to infant. ayqiykuy is derived from ayqiy. tuta is related to tutayay. ichaqa is related to nevertheless. laqatu has context of zoologie. soul is a synonym of nuna. allay is related to tuber. qillqay is related to orthography. sallqa is related to wilderness. wayt’ ay is a synonym of schwimmen. chaskiykuy is related to receive. yachay is related to yacha. k ita is related to purun. tuytuy is related to swim. piece is a synonym of p aki. hiki p anqa is a synonym of selaginella. wikipédia is a synonym of wikipidiya. wiñay is related to eternal. ruphay is related to ruphariy. patan siq i is a synonym of tangent. llimphiy is related to shine. kunan is related to current. dublin is a synonym of baile átha cliath. argue is a synonym of maqanakuy. q imiy is related to support. wasi quwi is a synonym of guinea pig. indien is a synonym of indya. rimay t ikray is a synonym of translation. chawpi p unchaw is derived from p unchaw. kiwach is related to mother in law. runtu is related to egg. khituy is related to scrub. yukris is a synonym of true thrush. kusikusi has context of zoologie. chikchiy is related to smile. rikch aq wañuy is a synonym of extinction. chahrakuy is related to farm. laqatu is related to asticot. ruq a is related to cactus. pallay is related to weave. puñuna wasi is related to bedroom. uwija is related to sheep. chanqiyay is related to chanqa. takay is related to beat. araignée is a synonym of apasanka. yana suwaq ara is a synonym of black vulture. suquy is a form of suq uy. suka is related to sukay. wik uña is a synonym of vicuña. kay is related to essence. q imikuy is related to upon. chiraray is related to chiraraw. riqsisqa is related to conventional. ch iñi kawsay yachay is a synonym of microbiology. jatun yachay wasi is derived from jatun. chayachiy is related to t impuchiy. qispiy is related to carry out. rupha is related to fever. hina is related to manner. suyu is related to painting. qhichwa is related to language. lodging is a synonym of tampu. pukyu is related to fountain. mikhuna is related to bowl. pallay is related to harvest. amachana chuku is a synonym of helmet. pisqu is related to penis. usnu is related to usnuy. see is a synonym of qucha. wata wata is a synonym of salamander. enqa is related to talisman. t ipiy is related to t ipi. ñañakunawan is a form of ñaña. fill up is a synonym of hunt achiy. inti is related to sun. collapse is a synonym of thuñiy. once again is a synonym of yapa. republika is a form of ripuwlika. rikch ay is related to adjust. millp uti is a synonym of pharynx. t impuy is related to boil. bawtisay is a synonym of baptism. lluqsiy is related to rise up. malliy is related to try. kuncha is related to mulla. khata is related to alternating. n is a form of m. snail is a synonym of ch uru. bisunti is a synonym of bison. tarin is a form of tariy. alqo is a synonym of allcu. ch iqta is related to ch iqtay. missouri suyu is a synonym of missouri. inkill is related to garden. runtuchana is a synonym of ovary. qasa is related to snow. watuy is related to query. equal is a synonym of paqta. glass is a synonym of q ispi. sumaq is related to good. aymuray is related to reap. sweep is a synonym of pichay. kawitu is a synonym of bed. lupulu is a synonym of humulus lupulus. hamut ay is a synonym of science. atipachikuy is related to defeated. mendelewyu is a synonym of mendelevium. uya is related to uyay. achhiy is related to sneeze. hunt ay is related to pay for. lluna is related to thousand. haqaymanta is related to chaymanta. old man is a synonym of machu. yupaychay is related to glorify. iskaymuyu is derived from muyu. saksa is related to saksay. pampas is etymologically derived from pampa. qhatay is a form of qatay. allchay is a form of allichay. panama has context of pays. rimay is related to scold. departure is a synonym of lluqsi. rinse is a synonym of ch uyanay. wañuy is related to perish. chiwanway is related to red. ilyu is a synonym of helium. indunisya is a synonym of indonesia. iskaymuyu is derived from muyu. astay is related to relation. kurkumanta yachay is a synonym of anatomy. ripuy is related to leave. rope is a synonym of waska. niptun is a synonym of neptune. nachmittag is a synonym of inti t iksuy. hap ikapuy is derived from hap iy. p isqu is a form of pisqu. spa is related to na. chiqan chhuka is a synonym of right angle. qapariy is related to yell. apakamuy is related to bring. ñukñu is related to breastmilk. indonesia is a synonym of indunisya. ch aki pacha is derived from pacha. cut off is a synonym of qhulluy. qapariy is related to call. tupa is related to soft. yachay is related to science. apay is related to surpass. kañay is related to light. ismay is related to bowels. usbiksuyu is a synonym of uzbekistan. mund is a synonym of simi. k aspi qillqana is derived from qillqana. qulla is related to south. chunta is related to peach palm. sneeze is a synonym of achhiy. tuesday is a synonym of atipachaw. sipiy is related to strangle. wampurushu is a synonym of margay. kʼallma is related to branche. riqsiy is related to knowledge. millma is related to down. kawsay qillqa is a synonym of biography. violin is a synonym of wiyulin. chapay is related to chapa. pach a is related to womb. niqir is a synonym of niger. wichay is related to climb. fifty is a synonym of pichqa chunka. kichkay is related to spine. ch akichikuy is derived from ch akichiy. suri is related to nandou. uyay is related to uya. scorpion is a synonym of sira sira. intichaw is derived from inti. watukuy is related to ask. knowledge is a synonym of riqsiy. rikchay is a form of rikch ay. hanaq is related to urin. mana kamachiy tantanakuy is a synonym of non governmental organization. wantuy is related to heavy. q ipi is related to back. est is a synonym of anti. kulli is related to violet. k umu is related to k umuy. hunt achiy is related to fill. green is a synonym of q umir. sapa is related to one and only. aymuray is related to pallay. lúcuma is etymologically derived from rukma. away is related to weave. nanay is related to ache. apanqura is related to large. yupa hap ichiy is a synonym of arithmetic. suk a is related to niter. wanay is related to cormorant. ari is related to well. tamya is related to tamyay. muksichaq is a synonym of oxygen. rupha rupha is etymologically related to rupha. anchachay is related to magnify. chinkay is related to chinka. nanay is related to disease. nilu mayu is a synonym of nile. qinqu quyllur is a synonym of brittle star. q iwiy is related to cob. churi is related to cub. tak a is a synonym of horse fly. mayllakuy is derived from mayllay. create is a synonym of kamay. yana is related to partner. alqa is related to work. winchu is a synonym of magnetite. t inkiy is related to join. kusikuy has context of movement. wallpa is a synonym of chicken. wawqi is related to turi. ahlluykachay is a form of aklluykachay. taku is related to tolerance. yaku puma is a synonym of giant otter. q’ uñi yaku is derived from q’ uñi. flower is a synonym of wayta. mayllay is related to washing. chawa is related to unripe. pacha is related to era. mink ay is related to ask. pirqa qillqana is derived from qillqay. grasya is related to mercy. wicharina is derived from wichariy. yatana qallwa is related to piano. rantiy is related to rantikuy. grandfather is a synonym of jatun tata. q’ uñi yaku is derived from yaku. sansa is related to reflection. thuñi is related to rubble. hang is a synonym of warkuy. suni is related to big. bless is a synonym of ch allay. qallay is related to qallariy. allpay is related to allpa. hamk ay is related to hamk a. man is related to allative. chawpi is related to middle. madagascar is a synonym of madagaskar. ruraq is related to builder. runa simi is a synonym of qhichwa simi. europa is a synonym of iwrupa. rikch akuy is related to wake up. suyu is related to line. ours blanc is a synonym of yuraq ukumari. tupu is related to land. tremble is a synonym of chuhchuy. tuktu is related to flower. ch aki pacha is derived from ch aki. paqarin is a synonym of morning. nina is related to ninayay. rimay is related to rimaykuy. ismay is related to evacuate. pariy is related to pari. gobi is a synonym of gobi desert. ch ullchuy is related to drip. chardon is a synonym of khiñi. arwiy is related to disorder. guangdong pruwinsya is a synonym of guangdong. wallpay is related to wallpa. chimpay is related to appear. wata junt ay is derived from wata. p ampa is related to p ampachiy. qispichiy is related to salvation. titi is related to black. iskay chunka is related to twenty. ñañakunanaq is a form of ñaña. rocoto is etymologically derived from ruqutu. kachichaq is a synonym of halogen. paqariy is related to origin. chinkakapuy is related to chinkay. yarqay is related to mallay. mayt una is derived from mayt uy. llasa is related to weight. hucha is related to huchakuy. chayakamuy is related to take. ch antay is related to together. hardness is a synonym of sinchi. apuwasinyuq pukllaykuna is a synonym of olympic games. walli is a synonym of nothofagus. waqya is related to call. pumachu is a synonym of calamagrostis. usqullu is a synonym of andean mountain cat. iskaymuyu is a synonym of bicycle. pukyu is related to information. pachak is related to cent. nordrhein westfalen is a synonym of north rhine westphalia. chimpaykuy is derived from chimpay. astan is a form of astay. kimsa chunka tawayuq has context of cardinal. satisfy is a synonym of saksay. relapse is a synonym of huchachakuy. bolivie is a synonym of bulibiya. kachay is related to send. maité is etymologically derived from mati. qhatuq is a synonym of merchant. ruphay is related to be. qincha is related to qinchay. achachi is a synonym of yaya. salsa taki is a synonym of salsa music. chi is related to cha. way'tay is related to swim. quechua is a synonym of qhichwa simi. harawi is related to harawiy. mikhuna is a synonym of food. muqu is related to genou. virginia suyu is a synonym of virginia. chawpi is a synonym of centre. chaway is related to mouth. bicycle is a synonym of iskaymuyu. plutonyu is a synonym of plutonium. khuchi is related to swine. mikhuna is related to dish. hatun yaya is a synonym of bishop. kiru hampikamayuq is a synonym of dentistry. mama qucha is derived from mama. supay is related to forest. tuta is related to night. kutay is related to fist. tupay is related to meeting. chinkaykuy is related to surface. illapachaw is a synonym of thursday. kachi is related to kachinchay. watch over is a synonym of chapatiyay. qhilla is a form of qilla. puliwya is a synonym of bolivia. awsay is related to entertainment. equation is a synonym of paqtachani. amazone is a synonym of amarumayu. t itu is related to difficult. waylla is related to green. siwulla is related to onion. tupa is related to sputum. k umuy is related to k umu. yana is related to girlfriend. chaniy is related to value. suyu is related to district. hark a is related to dam. taki aranway is a synonym of opera. harden is a synonym of sinchiyay. hampiy is related to hampiriy. k achanchay is related to flowers. ch iri is related to hair. leave is a synonym of saqiy. ni is related to y. cleanliness is a synonym of mayllay. q’ uñi yaku is derived from q’ uñi. sayay is related to stand. mit a is related to period. yarqay is related to hungry. chullusqa is a synonym of solvent. musquy is a synonym of dream. pichay is related to clean. raki is related to storehouse. purple is a synonym of kulli. qaray is related to feed. samay is related to breathe. k umu is related to lowered. ch arkiy is related to out. cord is a synonym of anku. paska is related to solution. chapukuy is related to chapuy. monténégro is a synonym of yanaurqu. atiy is related to win. mamallaqtayuq maqanakuy is a synonym of civil war. michigan qucha is a synonym of lake michigan. minga is etymologically derived from mink a. chutay is related to stick out. jisp ana is derived from jisp ay. imayna is a form of imahina. musuq wata is derived from wata. chinkirma is a synonym of electric eel. ruysiñur is a synonym of common nightingale. step is a synonym of thatki. ununoktiyu is a synonym of ununoctium. chinkaykuy is related to immerse. aypay is related to suffice. qillqaqhaway is related to ñawiy. ama is related to chu. akak ichki is a synonym of constipation. saksuphun is a synonym of saxophone. llamp uka is a synonym of mollusca. simp ay is related to simp a. chahrachay is related to arable. ruk uyay is related to become. musquy is related to dream. q umir kawu is a synonym of cape verde. t aqanakuy is a synonym of divorce. maroc is a synonym of maruku. kuyay is a form of khuyay. yachakuq masi is derived from masi. hot is a synonym of rupha. yupana is related to calculator. kay is related to haqay. hampi yachay is a synonym of medicine. jark ay is related to prevent. ruru is related to product. aya p ampay is a synonym of burial. taka is related to takay. urpu aranway is a synonym of puppetry. alqa is related to rupture. ruraq is a form of ruray. upa is related to stupid. wyoming suyu is a synonym of wyoming. kunu is a synonym of rabbit. cave is a synonym of mach ay. ch akichiy is derived from ch aki. chanqaykukuy is derived from chanqay. tayta is related to sir. muksichaq is related to oxygène. niptun is related to système solaire. chhachu is related to in rags. bukuresti is a synonym of bucharest. yapa is related to yapay. pirqa is related to pirqay. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from awtu. tupu is related to leather. qatiy is related to drive. t ikray is related to t ikra. llut ana sinta is a synonym of adhesive tape. biogéographie is a synonym of kawsay allpa saywachi. miraykuy is a synonym of reproduction. may is related to may may. guano is a synonym of wanu. allpachay is related to cover. kinwa is related to quinoa. illa is related to light. chayakamuy is related to chayay. jamuy is a form of hamuy. chad qucha is a synonym of lake chad. puquy is related to bear. atiy is related to power. eighteen is a synonym of chunka pusaqniyuq. yuriy is related to yuri. allqukuna is a form of allqu. qillqa is related to discourse. qhulluy is related to mutilate. free is a synonym of qispi. sipikuy is a synonym of suicide. chawpi awya yalap wat a qutu is a synonym of caribbean. chariy is related to order. chulluy is related to absorb. sutirimana is a synonym of noun. chukuy is related to sit. kulis is a synonym of brassica oleracea. enlarge is a synonym of hatunchay. añiy is related to accept. titi is a synonym of lead. aqtuy is a synonym of thuqay. alli is related to allipunkapuy. zulia suyu is a synonym of zulia. turi is related to pani. kiki is related to oneself. han runa is a synonym of han chinese. afrique du sud is a synonym of urin aphrika. thorn is a synonym of kichka. constantinus i is a synonym of constantine great. paray is related to rain. sophocles is a synonym of sophokles. tuqtu is related to dove. love is a synonym of khuya. kuka is related to coca. llimphiy is related to color. tapuy is related to question. llamp u is related to soft. toad is a synonym of jamp atu. phinkiy is related to away. wiksa is related to pach a. kutipakuy is related to contradict. awitu is a synonym of fir. atipanakuy is related to contest. awsay is related to pukllay. suti has context of grammar. pillku hamachi is a synonym of iris germanica. limp is a synonym of hank ay. yki is related to ykichik. t ikray is related to become. sut i is related to visible. parsley is a synonym of q umir qhura. killa pacha is derived from killa. thatki is related to meter. thanta is related to ragged. chikchi is related to hilarious. allqucha is etymologically related to cha. hip iy is related to sheepfold. kina is related to bark. malliy is related to lampiy. tupa is related to honor. qurichiy is related to gild. chulluy is related to water. ñak ay is related to suffer. miskita is a synonym of mosque. tarpuy is a synonym of sowing. phaqsa is related to phaqsay. qunqay is related to forget. q apiy is related to squeeze out. huñusqa nasyunkuna is a synonym of united nations. wing is a synonym of rapra. yaykuy is related to go in. sisi p’ uchqu is a synonym of methanu p’ uchqu. puñuy is a synonym of sleep. flour is a synonym of kuta. rirpu is related to rirpuy. sokratis is a synonym of socrates. qasi simi is derived from simi. maqana is related to club. k uychichaw is derived from k uychi. iñi wasi is derived from iñi. piki is a synonym of flea. magnesium is a synonym of qunta q illay. lagniappe is etymologically related to yapay. qallay is related to begin. imahina is related to how. wayllapi is a synonym of killmu. aya is related to dead. saphiy is related to roots. pair is a synonym of t inki. punchu is related to poncho. jatun yachay wasi is related to college. tuwi puma is a synonym of jaguarundi. wata junt ay is derived from wata. wallata is a synonym of andean goose. bolivien is a synonym of bulibiya. khirkinchu is a synonym of armadillo. chapuy is related to chapukuy. quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa. qurupuna is a synonym of coropuna. lluq i is related to left. llamk ay is related to work. qincha is related to wall. kusikuy is related to glad. qata is a synonym of blanket. chapatiyay is related to chapatia. llamkay is related to disobey. hayay is related to embitter. bury is a synonym of p ampay. munay is related to love. paya is related to chakwas. siki is related to derrière. stalin is related to staline. chikchi is related to cheery. killa is a synonym of moon. challpuy is related to drown. hark a is related to hark ay. hak uchay is related to flour. khuchi is related to pig. contrebasson is a synonym of kuntraphaqut. patu jirka is a synonym of yellow billed pintail. k ita is related to purun. lachiwa misk i is a synonym of honey. hunt ay is related to complete. titi is related to lead. door is a synonym of punku. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. wakichikuy is derived from wakichiy. sukay is related to whistle. sorrow is a synonym of phuti. rhea is a synonym of suri. jesu kristu is a synonym of christ. callampa is etymologically derived from k allampa. nawa simi is a synonym of nahuatl. sillu is related to fingernail. shimi is related to langue. yaya is related to grandfather. hatun ukucha is a synonym of rat. alalay is related to cool. challway is related to fish. osmiyu is related to osmium. bulgaria is a synonym of bulgarya. tamyay is related to rain. samay is related to sama. yarita is a synonym of yareta. tuñi is a form of thuñi. tamyay is related to tamya. yachachiq is related to amawt a. taq is related to while. pérou is a synonym of piruw. wasi qhatana is related to roof. aquchinchay is a synonym of comet. pusaq chunka has context of cardinal. unquy is related to sick. simi is related to word. malliy is related to sample. full is a synonym of hunt a. hilli is a synonym of juice. q iwiykuy is a synonym of spasm. sillu sillu is a synonym of alchemilla. llulluy is related to green. churay is related to plant. tupa is related to fiber. pikchu is related to mountain. kiwach is related to kaka. ayni is related to solidarity. ischuchay is related to straw. chasse aux sorcières is a synonym of layqa qulluy. cook is a synonym of yanuy. misk i is related to sugar. t ikay is related to t ika. tariy is related to discover. uray is related to bahay. qincha is related to qinchay. puka is related to red. ayahuasca is etymologically related to waska. willkay is related to holy. anqas is related to indigo. achkachay is related to abound. begin is a synonym of qallariy. wiksa is related to pach a. wayrachiy is related to fan. uyay is related to uya. millma is a synonym of wool. rak iy is related to rak i. tujuri is related to sugar. rirpu is related to crystal. louis joseph gay lussac is a synonym of joseph louis gay lussac. mallay is related to hungry. astay is related to bring. ruqt u kay is a synonym of hearing loss. juk has context of cardinal. waylluq is related to amoureux. san kits niwiswan is a synonym of saint kitts and nevis. immerse is a synonym of chinkaykuy. dirty is a synonym of ch ichi. hamkay is a form of hamk ay. wamp u is a synonym of boat. maguey is a synonym of qara. qhapaq is related to prosperous. ch uwachay is related to rinse. purum is a form of purun. wapsi is a synonym of gas. yaqulla is related to yaqullay. sumay is etymologically derived from sumar. y is related to truly. masara is a synonym of kisu. wantu is related to wantuy. wañuchiy is related to murder. atom is a synonym of iñuku. aqu is related to kiwach. tantay is related to tanta. badlands mamallaqta parki is a synonym of badlands national park. qhiti is a synonym of mosquito. pukllay is related to awsay. forget is a synonym of qunqay. weave is a synonym of away. chhika is related to portion. hunyay is related to stink. awan is a form of away. usay is related to usa. wach i is related to prick. muya is related to garden. yuyay is related to judgement. yakumuksi is a synonym of hydroxide. kleopatra vii is a synonym of cleopatra. titi is related to color. kanka is related to roast. urdun mayu is a synonym of jordan river. yakuchaq has context of chimie. chincha is a synonym of hanaq. roast is a synonym of kankay. purullku is a synonym of mug. ch isiyay is derived from ch isi. fountain pen is a synonym of qillqana phuru. anku is related to resilient. lak i is a form of rak i. mungul suyu is a synonym of mongolia. chupe is etymologically derived from chupi. makipura is a synonym of trade. pili is related to female. tika is related to adobe. puquy is related to fruit. thatki is related to minute. wik uña is related to wanaku. ch akichiy is related to ch aki. khuyay is related to khuya. kisu is a synonym of masara. ninay is related to burn. chawpi p unchaw is a synonym of noon. allquchay is related to insult. pisipay is related to tire. iskin is a form of iskiy. kancha is related to enclosed. atillcha is related to friend. iñuwa is a synonym of molecule. mikhuna wasi is derived from wasi. six is a synonym of suqta. pays bas is a synonym of urasuyu. qiru is related to ceramic. huñuysiy is derived from huñuy. hawiy is related to plant. harawiy is related to verses. come is a synonym of jamuy. qhuruy is related to behead. machu is related to chakwas. ñawra is related to polychrome. revolve is a synonym of muyuy. wak is related to another. atomkern is a synonym of iñuku huk i. t ika is related to motif. simpay is a form of simp ay. sip uti is a synonym of anus. ruphay is related to ruphachiy. qasi simi is related to chatter. qaway is a form of qhaway. jallp a is related to earth. ability is a synonym of atiy. practise is a synonym of amañay. akke is related to genre. yuyu is a synonym of vegetable. alalay is related to sorrow. céline dion is a synonym of celine dion. voie lactée is a synonym of qullqaquyllur. chanin is related to correct. k uychi is a synonym of rainbow. malta has context of îles. apaykuna is a form of apaykuy. t ipi is related to t ipiy. haqay is related to kay. tuqtu is related to toaster. jatun sapai warmi has context of plantes. alaska suyu is a synonym of alaska. sinchi is related to very. sumay is related to honor. paqu yachaq is a synonym of shamanism. juch uy p acha is derived from juch uy. quyllurchaw is derived from quyllur. qhawaq is related to ranger. sapi is a form of saphi. ismuy is related to ismu. sama is related to rest. chunta is related to hard. llunk uy is related to llaqway. kutipakuy is related to ruminate. khirkinchu chupa is a synonym of lycopodium. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from awtu. ch usay is related to absent. allinyay is related to disease. yachakuq masi is derived from masi. yuyay is related to yuya. hen is a synonym of wallpa. connecticut suyu is a synonym of connecticut. t ipi is related to pin. jatun is related to hatun. allipanakuy is related to reconcile. mama has context of mathematics. achka is related to many. millay is related to filthy. qusi is related to coarse. liwi is a synonym of bolas. chumpiy is related to wind. chanqaykuy is derived from chanqay. terbyu is a synonym of terbium. yanay is related to try. quy is related to deliver. kiribati has context of îles. wiñay is related to grow. aycha is related to body. plant is a synonym of yura. asipayay is related to mock. yuriy is related to result. samanna is a synonym of squid. layqa is related to layqay. umbrella is a synonym of para jark ana. lluna is related to milliard. rubidyu is a synonym of rubidium. kiru nanay is a synonym of toothache. wanan is a form of wanay. wall is a synonym of pirqa. kamayuq is related to spokesman. kulli is related to dark. chaskiy is related to chaski. kay is related to exist. look for is a synonym of mask ay. misk i yaku is derived from misk i. uranyu is a synonym of uranium. qanchis p unchaw is derived from p unchaw. chunwa republika is a synonym of taiwan. miray is related to increase. rikch ayrimana is a synonym of adjective. q ipi is related to load. yuraq is related to white. saqra is a synonym of devil. wiksa is related to womb. mink a is related to ayni. ch iqta is related to part. llaqway is related to try. sinchi is related to sinchiyay. tomorrow is a synonym of paqarin. mit a is related to shift. float is a synonym of wamp uy. llaqway is related to lampiy. k ancha is related to k anchay. chra is a synonym of chi. ahllay is a form of akllay. hevea is etymologically derived from hyeve. mit a is related to season. yura usa is a synonym of aphid. insina is a synonym of quercus ilex. taq is related to chu. yachachiy is related to yachay. qara is related to hide. tawa chunka qanchisniyuq is related to forty seven. pika pika yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of polygonaceae. machu is a synonym of yaya. musuq wata is a synonym of new year. mutkhiy is related to breathe. haywaykachay is derived from hayway. underwear is a synonym of juch uy p acha. much ay is related to kiss. q ispi is related to clear. qayna is related to previously. k umuy is related to bow. wak a is related to sanctuary. himalaya is a synonym of himalayas. achka t asla is a synonym of polyhedron. åland is a synonym of åland islands. miyaw ñiy is derived from ñiy. genova is related to gênes. alqa is a form of allqa. ima is related to any. ñañakunakama is a form of ñaña. khuchuy is related to knife. jatun yachaywasi is related to college. qinchay is related to reed. turkey is a synonym of turkiya. paya is related to old woman. puka sirwu is a synonym of red deer. mast a is related to wide. rantikuy is related to sell. puchquy is a form of p uchquy. may may is etymologically related to may. uyay is related to agree. punku is related to river. ch iqta is related to half. kunan pacha is a synonym of present. miyaw ñiy is derived from miyaw. milun is related to melon. kuss is a synonym of much ay. resemble is a synonym of rikch akuy. chapinnay is related to solder. pachahina is a synonym of planet. q ipi is related to chest. p acha jallch ana is related to wardrobe. rutpa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of ruth. aycharay is related to clear. kallpa is related to kallpay. t aqsay is related to hair. rak i is related to rak iy. wayt’ ay is related to fortbewegen. soqso is related to soqsoy. yawar is a synonym of blood. phiñay is related to reprimand. illapachaw is related to jeudi. ch aspay is related to ch aspa. ruqyaq is a synonym of loudspeaker. pisi is related to small. p uru is related to pumpkin. paqariy is related to birth. allay is related to excavate. q aya q aya is a synonym of solanum nigrum. sumay is related to sum. q umir qhura is derived from qhura. yapa is related to very. hallp a is a form of allpa. qaway is related to tuber. watuy is related to guess. mamut is a synonym of mammoth. kulli is related to purple. chaku is a synonym of hunting. harawi is related to poème. qullpa is related to saltpetre. qhapaq raymi killa is a synonym of december. ñapa is etymologically derived from yapa. llump ay kamay is a synonym of hygiene. thuñiy is related to thuñi. unku is related to tunic. contrebasse is a synonym of hatunkaray llikilliki. ñañapaq is a form of ñaña. riqsiy is related to recognize. yaya is related to man. watu is related to chain. bind is a synonym of arwiy. t ipiy is related to tear off. lampay is related to lampa. sunqu is related to portion. chanqay is related to chanqa. perish is a synonym of wañuy. much ay is related to bless. pi is related to who. pirqa qillqana is derived from qillqay. thuñiy is related to collapse. watay is related to raise. alqa is related to error. roentgenyu is a synonym of roentgenium. warkuy is related to hang up. taripay amachaq is a synonym of lawyer. rumi is related to rumiyay. sum is a synonym of qullu. phaqsa is related to phaqsay. choklo is related to maize. pisiy is related to end. ukhu is related to inside. protaktinyu is a synonym of protactinium. layqa qulluy is a synonym of witch hunt. musquy is related to musquchay. qhichipra is a synonym of eyelash. wikch uy is related to throw out. dyus is related to apu. q iwi is related to q iwiy. wasser is a synonym of unu. pusaq is related to pusay. tear is a synonym of wiqi. layqa is related to wizard. widower is a synonym of ikma. kamay is related to found. body is a synonym of kurku. qhincha is related to qhinchachay. amawt a is related to learned. pile up is a synonym of qutuy. allpachay is related to allpay. kanka is related to meat. kichka is related to kichkay. may is related to like. gaius iulius caesar is a synonym of julius caesar. q illay is related to metal. mata unquy is a synonym of scabies. pituy is related to pitu. achik is related to achikyay. watuy is related to divination. earn is a synonym of usachiy. chariy is related to capture. kukalla is a form of kuka. lutesyu is a synonym of lutetium. q ipiy is related to q ipi. puskay is a form of puchkay. kallpa is related to might. munay is related to desire. kuymi is a synonym of job's tears. chanka is related to cuisse. cereal is a synonym of riwi. wantu is related to litter. llaqway is related to lick. ch iqtaku is a synonym of fraction. chukullikuy is related to bonnet. ñiqi is related to ñiqin. chakra yura is a synonym of crop. antanka is related to anta. waylla quncha is a synonym of agaricus campestris. yaku t impuchina is related to teapot. millay is related to loathing. hamuy is related to come. qasiy is derived from qasi. sickness is a synonym of unquy. kutiy is related to alter. mikhuchiy is derived from mikhuy. pintikustis is a synonym of pentecost. nanay is related to nanachiy. chuhchuy is related to shake. suti is related to sutiy. simana is related to week. ch uspi is a synonym of brachycera. dyus is related to wak a. anti timur is a synonym of east timor. churakuy is related to dress. kuyuy is related to move. ayllu is related to famille. sea of japan is a synonym of nihun hatun qucha. willkachay is related to consecrate. kunti is related to west. chuchuyay is related to chuchu. imbalance is a synonym of hank ay. hap iy is related to chariy. ñawi is related to opening. palama is a synonym of insect. bark is a synonym of ayñay. computer is a synonym of antañiqiq. naked is a synonym of q ara. ikma is related to widower. uyniy is related to accept. manka is related to récipient. ch iqta is related to splinter. huch uy yachay wasi is a synonym of primary school. hukllachasqa amirika suyukuna is a synonym of united states. k allampa puquy is a synonym of mushroom. allichiy is related to correct. takuy is related to remain. yku is related to nchik. chawpi is related to chawpin. descend is a synonym of uray. miski is related to sweet. minutu is etymologically derived from minuto. qispiy is related to qispi. maqanakuy is related to combat. churay is related to dress. ch allay is related to ch alla. rirpu is related to eyeglass. much ay is related to holy. atiy is related to victory. ancha is related to well. kutay is related to pulverize. punchu is related to poncho. wata is related to year. chayachiy is related to wayk uy. bite is a synonym of kaniy. italya simi is a synonym of italian language. chaski is related to chaskiy. uspa is related to guest. kutipakuy is related to cud. chiqa is related to positive. al uqsur is a synonym of luxor. qhapaq is related to powerful. sañi is related to brown. t ipiy is related to neck. huhllay is related to huh. pura pura qara is a synonym of malacostraca. kuntraphaqut is a synonym of contrabassoon. arma is related to armay. qispi is related to qispiy. jampiri is related to jampiq. these is a synonym of kaykuna. sikas yura is a synonym of cycad. ruruy is related to grow. riqsisqa is related to common. mayt una is derived from mayt uy. sinchi is related to hardy. baile átha cliath is a synonym of dublin. allqukuna is a form of allqu. t ika is related to wool. nabus is a synonym of brassica rapa. finger is a synonym of ruk ana. mikhuy is related to diet. thuñiy is related to thuñi. arménie is a synonym of arminya. approach is a synonym of chimpay. ruphay mit a is a synonym of summer. llamk ana is related to work. apay is related to lead. tupaq is related to rich. aklla has context of historical. anthill is a synonym of sik imira. fleece is a synonym of rutuy. every is a synonym of tukuy. pikchu is related to pyramid. wist u is related to limping. hatun is related to high. chay is related to that. muyuy is related to revolve. chaymanta is related to haqaymanta. kunka is related to voice. bohriyu is a synonym of bohrium. turkminsuyu is a synonym of turkmenistan. usachiy is related to baptize. chala is related to thin. kutiy is related to come back. minute is a synonym of chinini. flea is a synonym of piki. ullpukuy is related to kneel. sacha inchi is etymologically derived from sacha. k uychichaw is derived from k uychi. nobelyu is a synonym of nobelium. ñawpa is related to before. misk i yaku is derived from misk i. urqu is related to mountainous. chiri is related to chiriy. pisca is etymologically related to pisqu. lata wuru is derived from wuru. wampuy is related to nager. pichaq is derived from pichay. nki is related to yki. chiqniy is related to hatred. mutkiy is a form of mutkhiy. p unchaw is related to day. qisa is related to heap. siwra is a synonym of zebra. mink ay is related to communal. alpaqa is a form of allpaqa. laqha is related to lack. hinan is a form of hinay. hebei pruwinsya is a synonym of hebei. haya is related to hayay. kutichiy is related to reply. philli philli is a synonym of hypochaeris. china kalistu is a synonym of eucalyptus camaldulensis. khallki is related to paving. firefly is a synonym of ninakuru. wasa tullu is a synonym of vertebral column. town is a synonym of llaqta. suysuy is related to strain. holly is a synonym of wayusa. kaña is related to campfire. na is related to sqa. sama is related to breath. killa unquy is a synonym of lunar eclipse. kimsa chunka isqunniyuq is related to thirty nine. steal is a synonym of suway. taq is related to or. maqchina is a synonym of surfactant. uywa is related to animal. iwrasya is a synonym of eurasia. pacha tupuy is a synonym of geometry. kitchen is a synonym of wayk una wasi. choklo is related to fresh. runa saqru is a synonym of human skeleton. saksa has context of weaving. pukllanamanta willakuy is a synonym of toy story. arwiy is related to bind. ispa is a synonym of urine. uyay is related to attention. chakra is related to farmland. tukuy is related to all. earphone is a synonym of rinri uyarina. turunja is related to grapefruit. wanaku is related to wik uña. kawsay is related to life. tiksi is related to tiksiy. thatki is related to step. alqay is related to stop. apay is related to transport. usuy is related to outflow. chukchu is a synonym of malaria. waqta is related to back. anti is a synonym of intichay. suyakuy is related to hope. poncho is etymologically derived from punchu. lickspittle is a synonym of llaqwaq. ruphay is related to sting. achalay is related to achalachiy. chawpi is related to chawpiruna. itch is a synonym of siqsiy. france is a synonym of fransiya. suya is a synonym of soybean. phuyu ñawi is a synonym of cataract. bahay is related to siqaykuy. mi is a form of m. jump is a synonym of tusuy. tayhan republika is a synonym of south korea. sayariy is related to halt. maki is related to hand. raqacha yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of apiaceae. unku is related to genus. rotten is a synonym of ismu. pique is etymologically related to piki. yana is related to noir. hik iy is related to hik i. tuytuy is related to tragen. chakannay is related to off. chaskiy is related to chaskiykuy. nanaq is related to painful. wake is a synonym of rikch ay. sesyu is a synonym of caesium. tawa chunka isqunniyuq has context of cardinal. qullqaquyllur is a synonym of milky way. yaya is related to supreme. kañamu is a synonym of cannabis. llulla is related to llullay. piraña is a synonym of piranha. t ustuy is related to thresh. kusikuy is related to kusi. kamay is related to prepare. rak iy is related to partition. paray sach a sach a is a synonym of rainforest. palla is related to woman. mikhuna is related to feeding. chinka is related to chinkay. allin is related to allinchay. shapumpa is a synonym of bracken. puska is a form of puchka. roof is a synonym of wasi qhatana. sapiy is a form of saphiy. chariy is related to sustain. allpa pacha is a synonym of continent. tanta is related to khuska. qanchis is related to seven. achuray is related to distribute. ukhu is related to under. rikch ay is related to adapt. jampiri is related to shaman. ñañakunap is a form of ñaña. parliament is a synonym of rimana huñunakuy. tuytuy is related to fortbewegen. humint a is related to ground. rumi millma is a synonym of moss. chanqaykukuy is related to headlong. runa is a synonym of human. qillqa is related to correspondence. unu is a synonym of yaku. iskiy is related to khipuy. kimsa chunka kimsayuq is related to thirty three. phuru is related to feather. siray is a synonym of sewing. minutu is related to minute. t ipi is related to t ipiy. ruraq is related to worker. rusiya is a synonym of russia. riy is related to walk. yuriy is related to be born. ch uhtay is related to ch uhtanay. isanka is a synonym of basket. jatun sapai warmi is related to onagracées. qata is related to qatay. silent is a synonym of upalla. tukuy is related to conclude. cor anglais is a synonym of inlish pinkuyllu. ñansa phaqcha is a synonym of victoria falls. ch illuchay is related to stain. t inki is related to union. allpaqa is related to llama. grey is a synonym of uqi. tupuy is related to delimit. rupa is a form of rupha. ñupchu is a synonym of nectar. waylla is related to wayllay. isparaw yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of asparagaceae. georgia suyu is a synonym of georgia. musquy is related to comprehension. apakapuy is related to apakamuy. kiwachi is related to kisma. take refuge is a synonym of ayqeykuy. kondor is etymologically derived from kuntur. err is a synonym of pantay. foie is a synonym of chilla. come back is a synonym of kutiy. p anqa is related to husk. samay pacha is derived from pacha. uray is related to uraykay. t inki is related to pair. tantay is related to assemble. kachi is related to salty. wayllapi is a synonym of killmu. chapatiyay is related to chapatiay. jamuy is a form of hamuy. mother in law is a synonym of kisma. qisa is related to throng. awñiy is related to accept. achuni is a synonym of nasua. orthodoksa inlisya is a synonym of eastern orthodox church. muyu is related to circumference. yaku is a synonym of unu. deutschland is a synonym of alimaniya. q imikuy is related to close. paylla is related to orphan. clitoris is a synonym of rakha k akara. alli is related to alliykachay. llunk uy is related to malliy. tawa chunka tawayuq is related to forty four. wiruchu is a synonym of common vampire bat. ayni is related to aid. suk a is related to thing. ophthalmology is a synonym of ñawi hampikamayuq. llaqwaq is related to lickspittle. aklluy is related to stutter. ukhu has context of geography. ruruy is related to fruit. mitk ay is related to mitk a. pisipay is related to tired. yupa is related to much. suq uy is related to absorb. quwi is related to kututu. open is a synonym of kichay. half is a synonym of ch iqta. umalliq is a synonym of president. isku rumi is a synonym of limestone. nord is a synonym of chincha. aya is related to spirit. willay is related to mention. q illay is a synonym of metal. jisp ana wasi is derived from jisp ay. phiñay is related to phiña. qañawi is a form of qañiwa. waka is related to dwarf. qanchischaw is derived from chaw. quy is related to present. pata is related to over. yuraq mustasa is a synonym of white mustard. saway is related to stalk. ñan is related to street. everyone is a synonym of llapan. pukyuy is related to pukyu. kunka is related to col. achiksamaytu is a synonym of ozone. yachay is related to knowledge. urma is related to ruin. akulliy is related to coca. samay is related to deeply. mayllakuy is a synonym of washing. mull is a synonym of yarpay. sinq ay is related to sinq a. anyay is related to bark. ch uñu is related to potato. k ita uywap wasin is derived from k ita. qhasqu is related to thorax. iskay chunka kimsayuq has context of cardinal. pituy is related to eat. rumiyay is related to harden. know is a synonym of riqsiy. q imikuy is related to base on. qilla is related to lazy. wapiti is a synonym of elk. thuñi is related to thuñiy. haywaykachay is related to gesticulate. allpay is related to allpa. hawiy is related to erect. marsh deer is a synonym of ch ura taruka. llaqway is related to llunk uy. phinkiy is related to beat. pata is related to near. maypi is related to where. februar is a synonym of hatun puquy killa. t aqsaq is derived from t aqsay. saqmanakuy is a synonym of boxing. chicken is a synonym of wallpa. qata is related to cover. past is a synonym of ñawpaq pacha. sansa is related to red. simpa is a form of simp a. ch antay is related to unite. alqu is related to dog. uynikuy is related to accept. qatiy is related to qatiriy. fruit is a synonym of ruru. churi has context of ecuador. uyniy is related to uynikuy. p itiy is related to suspend. rimachiy is related to talk. kiwna is a form of kinwa. witch doctor is a synonym of jampiri. chaski is a synonym of mail. muksichaq has context of chimie. castigate is a synonym of maqay. supay is related to deity. yaku t impuchina is derived from yaku. thasay is related to silent. t itu is related to unintelligible. qanchis p unchaw is derived from qanchis. suyu is related to direction. chukullikuy is related to chuku. millay is related to worry. q ipi is related to tied. armadillo is a synonym of khirkinchu. qulluy is related to extinguish. runa sipiy is a synonym of murder. épaule is a synonym of ricra. law suyu is a synonym of laos. qhari is related to masculine. rupha rupha is related to east. achhi is a synonym of sneeze. qaray is related to early. hollow out is a synonym of t uquy. brésil is a synonym of brasil. forehead is a synonym of mati. own is a synonym of jap iy. chanqay is related to throw. chawpi is related to amidst. isqun is a synonym of 9. wachay is related to whelp. chhachu is related to ragged. samana wasi is derived from wasi. yuriy is related to origin. pukllana is a synonym of toy. pisi is related to rare. saksa is related to haku. muyusiki is a synonym of spotted sandpiper. tiy is a synonym of tea. shullpinay is related to hangnail. sinchi is related to solid. rantiy is related to buy. amañay is related to learn. intimpa yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of podocarpaceae. hayt a is related to kick. llamp u kaq is a synonym of software. allpay is related to allpachay. pusay is related to lead. t ustuy is related to trample. ch akichikuy is related to dry. allinyachiy is related to heal. paqucha is a synonym of alpaca. sami is related to luck. qallariy is related to presentation. haku is related to scarf. osmiyu is a synonym of osmium. jak u is related to flour. upa is related to useless. waki is related to other. suruqch i is related to altitude sickness. kunallan is related to at once. mi is a form of m. tuktu is a synonym of flower. watyay is related to watya. cold is a synonym of qasa. qayna is related to previous. kancha is related to garden. ñañapaq is a form of ñaña. unku is related to sleeveless. sayk uy is related to fatigue. qaway is related to break. añas is a synonym of skunk. knead is a synonym of q apiy. anyay is related to advise. hatunkaray waqrasapa suntu is a synonym of hercules beetle. hanaq is related to above. siq isqa rikchasapa willakuy is a synonym of comics. uma is related to capital. yaw sikwanka is a synonym of channel billed toucan. thatkiy is related to step by step. puna is related to elevated. achikyay is related to illuminate. p acha is related to clothing. new brunswick pruwinsya is a synonym of new brunswick. q imi is related to support. patranka is a synonym of humboldt penguin. heal is a synonym of allinyachiy. ch illa sirk a is a synonym of vein. ruray is related to put. tipi is related to tipiy. wiñay is related to age. t ika is related to pallay. freedom is a synonym of qispiy. chunta is related to hardwood. qhuya is a synonym of mining. rabindranath thakur is a synonym of rabindranath tagore. rumilla pirqa is a synonym of stone wall. waylluy is related to love. antañiqiq is a synonym of computer. sixty is a synonym of suqta chunka. qinchay is related to twig. churay is related to put on. pusaq is related to pusay. t aqsay is related to laundry. khipu is related to quipu. hatu is related to loin. enter is a synonym of yaykuy. kamay paqtachi atiy is a synonym of judiciary. llunk uy is related to lick. aylluy is related to assemble. allpaqa is related to wik uña. raphi k allampa is a synonym of agaricales. inqhiykachay is related to continuously. stand up is a synonym of sayariy. tipi is related to maize. y is related to really. t impuy is related to boiling. para is related to tamya. q umir qhura is derived from qhura. imahina has context of interrogative pronoun. ripen is a synonym of susuy. allpanay is related to allpachay. toscana is a synonym of tuscany. willkay is related to adore. jatun tata is derived from tata. llamk ay is related to category. sisiy is related to propagate. kiwach is related to kisma. samana wasi is derived from wasi. scarf is a synonym of haku. kay pacha is derived from pacha. aymuray is related to ruthuy. titi is related to leaden. yura is related to plant. tanki is a synonym of tank. chuhchannay is related to chuhcha. k anchay is related to k ancha. miray is related to multiply. mallay is related to starve. yakuchaq is a synonym of hydrogen. tawantinsuyu is a synonym of inca empire. arqhipay is related to convulse. tiziano is a synonym of titian. saksa is related to satisfied. p api is related to fresh. kanka is related to kankay. vicuna is a synonym of wik uña. yachachikuq is related to student. saruy is related to tread. musphay is related to confuse. sut i is related to true. allquchay is related to deride. pusaq has context of cardinal. khachuy is related to chew. k ita uywa is derived from k ita. tiksi is related to universal. yañay is related to experimentation. paqarin is related to tomorrow. københavn has context of localités. watuy is related to predict. tikti is a synonym of wart. muyuy is related to transform. cableway is a synonym of uruya. phiñay is related to hate. upa is related to hole. kaka is related to kiwach. pichay is related to cleaning. ama is related to old. yupanki is related to yupay. kinine is etymologically related to kina. left is a synonym of lluq i. husk ay is related to seed. trance is a synonym of trance music. saksay is related to swelling. simi is related to speak. ñawiy is related to qillqaqhaway. sqa is related to na. musuq is related to new. illa is related to rock. snake is a synonym of katari. qulluy is related to destruction. lama is etymologically derived from llama. qaway is related to sprout. kañiy is a synonym of pagay. beef is a synonym of waka aycha. kawsapakuy is derived from kawsay. willay is related to inform. puppy is a synonym of allqucha. t aqa is related to t aqay. taruka is related to deer. puquy is related to puqu. yura is related to body. p uru is related to globe. watu is related to clothesline. jatun mama is derived from jatun. uyway is related to bring up. alqochakuy is a form of allquchakuy. mitk a is related to false step. t itu is related to word. myrmidon is a synonym of tapyapillan. wasichay is derived from wasi. wasichay is derived from wasi. sinq a is related to shaft. serpent is a synonym of amaru. ch illuchay is related to ch illu. mikhusqa is a form of mikhuy. waqta is related to after. muchuy is related to misery. huntachiy is a form of hunt achiy. taku is related to takuy. nine is a synonym of isqun. yuya is related to yuyay. turn off is a synonym of wañuchiy. ch akichikuy is related to ch aki. hinaspa is related to like so. kaña is related to earthenware. lampa is related to hoe. llullay is related to tell. ñaña is related to turi. iwrupyu is a synonym of europium. the beatles is a synonym of beatles. yanapana is derived from yanapay. layqay is related to layqa. akllanakuy is a synonym of election. ninasuyu is a synonym of tierra del fuego. wakchilla is related to héron. ichiy is related to mince. vegetable garden is a synonym of muya. puqu is related to mature. chakachay is related to chaka. tara yura urin rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of caesalpinioideae. ch uychuy is related to pour. chaski is related to letter. mink a is related to service. waylluy is related to caress. napoléon bonaparte is a synonym of napoleon. utqaychay is related to accelerate. nova scotia pruwinsya is a synonym of nova scotia. yalli is related to yalliy. haqaymanta is related to there. sisay is related to sisa. michiy is related to shepherd. watu is related to strap. chanrararay is related to chatter. ruphay is related to burn. yupa is related to too. qincha is a synonym of fence. llimphu is related to clean. huaca is etymologically derived from wak a. hawas is related to fava bean. iskiy is related to make. haqaypi is related to over there. chiqchiykachay is related to chiqchiku. hunt a is related to hunt ay. ch usaq p ulin is a synonym of vacuum. spa is related to stin. ramran is a synonym of alder. haraway is related to harawa. aysay is related to traction. rayan is a synonym of sambucus. marq ay is related to arms. ispay is related to urination. chinpay is a form of chimpay. simi is related to qallu. aylluy is related to gather. achik is related to light. kuska is related to part. k anchay is related to brighten. antikuna is a synonym of andes. na is related to spa. watay is related to wrap. wakcha is related to poor. asllayachiy is related to aslla. orange is a synonym of willapi. waq ayay is a synonym of mental disorder. jatun tata is derived from jatun. ruphay is related to fever. amachay is related to defend. remembrance is a synonym of yarpay. ch iwkachiy is related to spout. arc en ciel is a synonym of kurmi. achanqaray is related to begonia. aschaq is a synonym of cyathea. sinchiyay is related to hardness. tupay is related to clash. ismu is related to ismuy. kaniy is related to khachuy. mama is a synonym of mother. p uti is related to chest. tupa is related to title. sat iy is related to insert. stop is a synonym of sayay. dust is a synonym of allpa. chiri is related to chirichi. ñuqa has context of personal. ykichik is related to nkichik. tamya is related to rain. chikusluwakya is a synonym of czechoslovakia. llaki is related to sorrow. lluna is related to billion. sting is a synonym of wach iy. rinri is related to ear. rinri is related to oreille. cartilage is a synonym of k apa. chinkakapuy is related to chinkay. upiy is related to slurp. pay back is a synonym of hunt apuy. tiksiy is related to substantiate. get ready is a synonym of wakichikuy. paygal qucha is a synonym of lake baikal. sallqa is related to k ita. equatorial guinea is a synonym of chawpipacha khiniya. sara is related to maize. taripay is related to meet up. wayra is related to quick. thuñi is related to thuñiy. kaniy is related to bark. kina is related to cinchona. churi is related to wawa. tupu is related to tupuy. thesalonikiyuqkunapaq huk ñiqin qillqa is a synonym of first epistle to thessalonians. llik iy is related to tear. chaniy is related to cost. willapi is related to red. coffee is a synonym of kaphiy. sisa is related to flower. t impuchiy is related to chayachiy. tiluchi is a synonym of rufous hornero. pas is related to also. qhura is related to herb. chunka pichqayuq has context of cardinal. tukuy is related to spend. hucha is related to huchakuy. phiñay is related to anger. hoe is a synonym of lampa. kamillu is a synonym of camel. ripuwlika is etymologically derived from respublica. k achanchakuy is derived from k achanchay. suyakuy is related to hope. kulli is a synonym of sañi. saksa is related to saksay. para jark ana is related to umbrella. alalay is related to sickness. unu is related to mixed. colony is a synonym of mitma. hawa wat a is a synonym of java. chapakuy is related to chapay. orignal is a synonym of alsi. defeat is a synonym of llalliy. marq a is a synonym of arm. ch ura taruka is a synonym of marsh deer. ashiy is related to maskhay. sleep is a synonym of puñuy. killa mit a is a synonym of lunar phase. buulla is related to noise. arinsay is related to arinsaq. sapai warmi is related to onagre. raphra is related to wing. phinkiy is related to refuse. paskay is related to resolve. chukullikuy is related to head. apasanka is related to arthropode. wallpa is related to wallpay. kachuy is related to twist. riqsiy is related to science. k umuy is related to stoop. suqta chunka has context of cardinal. alkachu is a synonym of cinnamomum camphora. tuta is related to tutay. wayrachiy is related to winnow. jallch ay is related to save. ukhu is related to room. republic is a synonym of ripuwlika. aspiy is related to aspikuy. qusi has context of weaving. api is related to maize. q aytu is a synonym of yarn. chahrakuy is related to chahrayoq. q api is related to q apiy. achiksamaytu p istu is a synonym of ozone layer. yachay is related to dwell. ch illuchay is related to discolor. wamink a is a synonym of general officer. puka atuq is a synonym of red fox. allpa yaku kawsaq is a synonym of amphibian. usuy is related to waste. qulluy is related to qullu. puru is a form of p uru. yes is a synonym of ari. fortress is a synonym of pukara. intichaw is a synonym of sunday. khuska is related to common. miray is a synonym of multiplication. haqaymanta is related to that. jampiy is related to give. wachay is related to sprout. jatun yachaywasi is derived from jatun. lata wuru is derived from lata. kuru is related to ver. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from jallch ay. amawta is a form of amawt a. llamk ay is related to work. twenty seven is a synonym of iskay chunka qanchisniyuq. rinri uyarina is a synonym of headphones. pirwa is related to pirway. wayra is a synonym of wind. ch umpi is related to brown. chakwas is a synonym of apaka. wach i is related to wach iy. icharay is related to sieve. yuyay is related to remember. schwimmen is a synonym of wayt’ ay. malaisie is a synonym of malasya. haylliy is related to triumph. thatkiy is related to heart. kimsa chunka tawayuq is related to thirty four. illapay is related to lightning. waqachiy is derived from waqay. sukha is related to afternoon. ayapampa is derived from aya. kamachiq is related to mayor. lata pisqu is derived from lata. qasay is related to qasa. phallcha is related to puna. pukaray is related to pukara. thirty two is a synonym of kimsa chunka iskayniyuq. araña k aspi is a synonym of cordia. turi is related to brother. chukcha is a synonym of hair. hill is a synonym of pikchu. qichuy is related to deprive. aliman simi is a synonym of german language. raqta is a synonym of diameter. kimsa chunka has context of cardinal. allinchay is related to fold. laqha is related to dreary. askhayay is related to askha. t ika is related to t ikay. chanin is related to truth. kimsa is related to three. pusay is related to pusaykachay. infect is a synonym of qatiy. chinchay ilanda is a synonym of northern ireland. montana suyu is a synonym of montana. billion is a synonym of lluna. alliyachiy is a form of allinyachiy. qapariy is related to scream. hunk a is related to week. llamkhay is related to llamkha. afghanistan is a synonym of afgansuyu. hankay is a form of hank ay. lituwa is related to lituanie. virus is a synonym of añaw. rumi is related to stone. sipi is related to cracked. milla is related to instep. yana hatun qucha is a synonym of black sea. wantu is related to wantuy. khipuy is related to make. kʼipu has context of botanique. nebraska suyu is a synonym of nebraska. apay is related to carry. south dakota suyu is a synonym of south dakota. rakiy is a form of rak iy. runa hayñi is a synonym of human rights. malwa yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of malvaceae. tayta is related to mister. ispay is related to ispa. chanchay is related to hasten. muyuy is related to circle. apaykunki is a form of apaykuy. chuqi challwa is a synonym of anchovy. yunka is related to tropical. hanaq is related to superior. itch is a synonym of siqsi. kallchay is related to mow. asiy is related to smile. sinchi is related to hardness. q apay is related to fragrance. q ipi is related to something. q aytu is related to rope. muyu is related to round. illa is related to lightning. qillqa pichana is derived from pichay. tiksi is related to fundamental. waqyay is related to waqya. na is related to spa. nawidad is a synonym of christmas. rikuriy is related to vision. ayni is related to reciprocity. achuqalla is related to weasel. uray is related to bahay. punishment is a synonym of wanay. kusi is related to kusiy. t aqsaq is related to laundress. chaninchay is related to appraise. intichaw is related to dimanche. new is a synonym of musuq. yapuy is related to plough. hamka is a form of hamk a. hatun sikwanka is a synonym of toco toucan. aykhuy is related to nonsense. yupay is related to yupa. apaykusqa is a form of apaykuy. dyus kay is a synonym of deity. cheese is a synonym of kisu. veda is a synonym of vedas. achalay is related to beautify. yupanki is related to yupay. aymuray is related to aymura. qasichiy is derived from qasi. rirpu is a synonym of mirror. milchstrasse is a synonym of qullqaquyllur. tugu is a synonym of togo. chiñi is related to bat. allquchakuy is related to indecent. pisiy is related to pisipay. kuska is a form of khuska. allin is related to healthy. q umir is a synonym of green. iskay chunka pichqayuq has context of cardinal. yuyay is related to yuya. nearly is a synonym of yaqa. sallqa is related to purun. chayay is related to arrive. hank ay is related to imbalance. magallanes k ikllu is a synonym of strait of magellan. mercure is a synonym of qatuylla. hamawt a is a form of amawt a. qillqaqhaway is related to ñawilliy. liaoning pruwinsya is a synonym of liaoning. manka is related to pot. sierra leone is a synonym of liyun urqu. t uru is related to clay. apaykunchik is a form of apaykuy. bahay is related to uraqay. aylluchakuy is related to marriage. sach akuna is a form of sach a. aylluy is related to ayllu. ruru is a synonym of fruit. sour is a synonym of k allku. waqay is a synonym of crying. riqsi is related to riqsiy. panta is related to pantay. wash is a synonym of t aqsay. bahay is related to uray. adore is a synonym of much ay. oqe is a form of uqi. ispay is related to water. qullu is related to qulluy. aqu is related to mother in law. incline is a synonym of chinruykachiy. wisconsin suyu is a synonym of wisconsin. asuykuy is related to asuy. santiya is related to watermelon. yaqullay is related to cover. t ikay is related to t ika. tuqtu is related to disease. wak is related to other. urqu is related to mountain. suyakuy is derived from suyay. rapi is a form of raphi. pirwa is related to pile. harawi is related to harawiy. chiqan is related to chiqa. sayariy is related to arise. seventy is a synonym of qanchis chunka. antanka is related to aircraft. amuqlli unquy is a synonym of tonsillitis. puqu is related to ripe. qari is a form of qhari. musquy is related to knowledge. qarawasu is a synonym of oscar. yawirka is a synonym of cable. lluqlla is a synonym of landslide. hat ansillay is related to mire. janitor is a synonym of pichaq. breast is a synonym of ñuñu. hide is a synonym of qara. qumichiy is a synonym of sterilization. chin is a synonym of k aki. shamanism is a synonym of paqu yachaq. alqa is related to alqay. puyu is related to fog. harawiy is related to sing. picga is related to five. tiksi is related to origin. resilient is a synonym of anku. puqu is related to ripeness. yachakuq is a synonym of yachachikuq. chupasapa ukucha is a synonym of muridae. muyuy is related to rotate. paka paka is a synonym of hide and seek. dyusmanta yachay is a synonym of theology. karwa is related to goat. llik isqa is related to broken. suni is related to long. q illu wakamayu is a synonym of blue and yellow macaw. ruphay is related to sunbeam. jatun yachay wasi is derived from yachay wasi. ayway is related to travel. qanchis p unchaw is a synonym of hunk a. sut uy is related to sut u. taq is related to and. malliy is related to llaqway. mishika is a synonym of aztec. king vulture is a synonym of kuntur. huhllay is related to huh. qincha is related to fence. mut i is related to mote. kusikuy is related to kick. musquchay is related to dream. killachaw is a synonym of monday. chinkay is related to disappear. q imi is related to q imiy. lesotho is a synonym of suthusuyu. einsteinyu is a synonym of einsteinium. makacha is a synonym of bellis. sayariy has context of movement. siqay is related to horse. machu picchu is etymologically derived from machu. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from jallch ay. stretch is a synonym of mast ay. multicolored is a synonym of ñawra. puquy is related to fruit. kutichiy is related to send back. chinkaykuy is related to beneath. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. ayapampa is derived from pampa. apuchay is related to venerate. suyuy is related to distribute. wiñay is related to germination. ch ipuy is related to edge. suyu is related to region. qasiy is derived from qasi. tutan is a form of tutay. k allku is related to sour. k apa challwa is a synonym of chondrichthyes. leprosy is a synonym of lliqti unquy. tiksi is related to foundation. q uñi kay is a synonym of temperature. flower is a synonym of sisa. chukuna is related to chair. upiy is related to snort. raphi is related to raphra. chinkarpariy is related to disappear. thasay is related to fart. tourbe is a synonym of waylla. much ay is related to adore. chariy is related to hap iy. rimac is a form of rimaq. ykichik is related to yki. jisp ay is related to urinate. yachay is related to wisdom. wank a is a synonym of statue. miyuy is related to miyu. llama is related to wanaku. kutupaksi is a synonym of cotopaxi. haji mohamed suharto is a synonym of suharto. suyu is related to image. tawqa iñuwa is a synonym of polymer. owl is a synonym of juku. smoke is a synonym of wapsi. instep is a synonym of kancha. atiy is related to defeat. añiy is related to agree. quinine is etymologically related to kina. unquy is related to infection. yanapay is related to yanapa. sañi is related to lead. allchay is a form of allichay. takiy is related to taki. kusikusi is related to arthropode. huq uchay is related to moisten. tika is related to metal. q api is related to bundle. willka is related to willkay. ayni is related to reciprocal. ratata allpa is a synonym of gunpowder. rutuy is related to harvest. apakamuy is related to apakapuy. sut i is related to day. yapa is related to gift. hayt ay is related to hayt a. yachay is related to yachana wasi. mary stuart is a synonym of mary queen of scots. llakiy is related to sadness. quncha is a synonym of agaricus. kuyuylla is a synonym of furniture. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from jampiy. iskaymuyu is derived from muyu. ñuñuchiy is derived from ñuñu. siwuk is a synonym of foxtail millet. nkichik is related to nki. namiwya is a synonym of namibia. chinkaykuy is related to liquid. t uruchaki is a synonym of hornero. tampu is related to hostel. chupi is a synonym of soup. mayman is derived from may. sutiy is related to suti. qillqaqhaway is related to read. pisi is related to origin. nobel suñay qasikaypi is a synonym of nobel peace prize. mikhuchiy is derived from mikhuy. waqay is related to bird. hanku is related to raw. yanuy is related to prepare. archaeon is a synonym of ñawpa añaki. mitmay is related to colonise. riqsiy is related to know. poche is a synonym of uña. kunka is related to cou. akay is related to ismay. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. sunqup iti nanay is a synonym of angina pectoris. iskandyu is a synonym of scandium. mitmay is related to mitma. hamk a is related to hamk ay. kitakyūshū is a synonym of kitakyushu. tanta is related to meeting. tiyana is related to seat. awacha turrikuna is a synonym of world trade center. k ikuy is a synonym of menstrual cycle. qiru is related to cup. carnaval is a synonym of karnawal. trunk is a synonym of kurku. supay is related to underground. tukuy is related to all. pukyu is related to pukyuy. moon is a synonym of killa. wallpa is related to shape. argun is a synonym of argon. tupa is related to tupaq. ch aqway is related to ch aqwa. uya is related to cheek. allpay is related to cover. sophoklís is a synonym of sophocles. waka is etymologically derived from vaca. texas suyu is a synonym of texas. ñawi is related to ñawiy. wichay is related to uphill. jungle is a synonym of sacha. kuti is related to able. czech republic is a synonym of chiksuyu. palaw is a synonym of palau. plutun is a synonym of pluto. rhode island suyu is a synonym of rhode island. uña is related to animal. ch allay is related to bless. wiñay is related to always. akakllu is a synonym of andean flicker. tupu is related to measuring tape. yupaychay is related to respect. chapatiyay is related to watch over. ñaqchay is a form of ñaqch ay. sayay is related to height. juch uy wasi is derived from juch uy. ñust a is related to girl. ch iquy is related to cut. mapuchi is a synonym of mapuche. castle is a synonym of pukara. assent is a synonym of huñiy. achuqalla has context of weaving. qhipan pacha is related to future. kaka is related to maternal uncle. ayqichiy is related to ayqiykuy. push is a synonym of tanqay. qasi p unchaw is derived from qasi. cochayuyo is etymologically related to yuyu. qayna is related to yesterday. qucha is related to lake. alqa is related to alternating. sodium is a synonym of natriyu. muchuy is related to need. fortify is a synonym of pukaray. century is a synonym of pachak. llama is related to wik uña. qutuy is related to pile up. usa is related to louse. siwara is a synonym of barley. mikhuchiy is related to feed. ullanta is related to plant. ch uqay is a form of chuqay. ukranya has context of pays. dark is a synonym of laqha. karu rimay is a synonym of telephone. kanay is related to become. china wiñay wayna is a synonym of lycopodium clavatum. qutu is related to pile. rikchakuy is a form of rikch akuy. chahraysiy is related to chahrakuy. kuti is related to spot. paqarin is related to paqariy. allipunakuy is related to agree. joy is a synonym of q uchu. papa is related to pomme de terre. p ampa is related to p ampay. poverty is a synonym of usuy. p uchquy is related to p uchqu. simp a is related to ponytail. tawa has context of cardinal. arkhimidis is a synonym of archimedes. quya is related to queen. sugar is a synonym of misk i. akakllu is a form of hak akllu. kikin is related to similar. wawqi is related to ñaña. ayara is a synonym of chenopodium. nchis is a form of nchik. phiñasqa is related to angry. taq is related to contrastive. churiyay is related to churichakuy. kipuy is a form of khipuy. ususi is related to wawa. hampina is a synonym of patient. difficult is a synonym of sasa. iskayñiqi is related to iskayñiqin. tupaq is related to tupa. harchiyay is related to sickly. amawt a is related to yachachiq. namkin is a synonym of nanjing. asiy is a synonym of laughter. kuraq is related to elder. winu is a synonym of wine. aquchay is related to aqu. siki is related to fesse. chimpay is related to fight. p acha jallch ana is derived from p acha. qilla is related to idleness. p ampa is related to p amparay. chi is related to cha. khuru is related to bug. swim is a synonym of wamp uy. chichiku is a synonym of tamarin. chumpiy has context of movement. qullqi is related to money. yana rayan is a synonym of sambucus nigra. alli is a form of allin. rutuy is related to rutu. carolus magnus is a synonym of charlemagne. qisa is related to accumulation. qallawap ñiqi rakirinkuna is a synonym of periodic table. purun is related to wasteland. snuff is a synonym of sinq ay. ara bleu is a synonym of q illu wakamayu. ours à lunettes is a synonym of antikuna ukumari. kay pacha is derived from kay. illa is related to sacred. hut uyay is related to grub. k umuy is related to lower. sisay is related to pollinate. allpayachiy is related to grind. purple is a synonym of kulli. tanta is related to tantay. musquy is related to dream. united is a synonym of t inki. spice is a synonym of haya. ñawiy is related to ñawi. allichay is related to arrange. pili is a synonym of anatidae. ñahui is related to ñawi. inuhu is a synonym of fennel. yunka is related to coast. llulla is related to deceit. watay is related to rear. ayniy is related to loan. thatkiy is related to walk. lumu khuchi is a synonym of collared peccary. hatun k illichu is a synonym of aplomado falcon. chakwas is a synonym of paya. ch usaq is derived from ch usay. chiqa is related to chiqay. hampiy is related to cure. ayapampa is derived from aya. uma is related to hill. cow is a synonym of waka. anden is a synonym of anti. awkikuna is a form of awki. kuska is related to direction. puka yawar kawsaykuq is a synonym of red blood cell. siyaru is a synonym of cigarette. tallin is related to tallinn. puyñu is a form of p uyñu. pacay is etymologically derived from pakay. q utu k usillu is a synonym of howler monkey. takiy is related to song. rimaq is related to speaker. awqay is related to combat. rimana huñunakuy is a synonym of parliament. k ita uywa is derived from uywa. chincha is a synonym of hanan. llama is related to allpaqa. lie is a synonym of llullay. kiwach is related to aqu. kunallan is related to soon. chuqi is related to ore. hatun britanya is a synonym of great britain. muyuy is related to area. kaman is a form of kamay. ispay is related to pee. chayachiy is derived from chaya. hallmay is related to mound. qaqa is related to qaqa qaqa. anta situwa killa is a synonym of july. ch uwachay is related to clarify. sicilia is a synonym of sicily. wanay is related to punish. romanu rimaykuna is a synonym of romance languages. watana is related to connection. yawar ch unqa is a synonym of oenothera. raka wirp a punkillukuy is a synonym of bartholin's cyst. t uksi is related to t uksiy. wednesday is a synonym of quyllurchaw. mast a is related to blanket. pencil case is a synonym of qillqanakuna jallch anapaq. t itu is related to alms. ñaqch a ñaqch a is a synonym of erodium cicutarium. tupu is related to measure. sut uy is related to wet. hatun ñukchʼu has context of plantes. pallay is related to process. urmay is related to urma. kay is related to chay. ri is related to courtesy. chinpachiy is a form of chimpachiy. qichuy is related to carry off. thantay is related to thanta. askhayay is related to askhayachiy. ch isiyay is related to dark. wapa is related to alpaca. kusi is related to fun. wink is a synonym of ch ipihyay. t anta is related to t antay. api is related to peel. wapa has context of caylloma. huqariy is related to huqari. qasa is related to frost. lliqti unquy is a synonym of leprosy. allinchay is related to fix. earwax is a synonym of rinri wira. ruruy is related to ruru. taripay is related to judge. k achanchakuy is a form of k achanchay. rikch ay is related to countenance. allinchay is related to correct. maskhay is related to look for. yachachiy is a synonym of education. yuyay is related to concept. tuqtu is related to warmer. chahrachay is related to chahra. mama is related to home. chinkay is related to hide and seek. ñawpaq pacha is derived from ñawpaq. aymuray is related to harvest. qincha is related to enclosure. alayrichiy is related to explain. wik uña is related to allpaqa. umiña wapsi is a synonym of noble gas. wayna is related to young. november is a synonym of ayamarka. jalay is a form of halay. sit i pachahina is a synonym of dwarf planet. aylluchakuy is related to ayllumasi. hanaq pacha manqus wasi is a synonym of temple of heaven. tawa is related to four. qhatuna is a synonym of commodity. llimpi is a form of llimp i. p unchaw has context of unit of time. ususi is related to wawa. awtu raqhana wasi is derived from awtu. wasi ukucha is a synonym of house mouse. minkay is a form of mink ay. chutay is related to wander. rampay is related to lead. varsovie is a synonym of warszawa. yaya is related to tayta. amachay is related to establish. nchik is related to yku. q ira is a synonym of lupinus. kurinthuyuqkunapaq huk ñiqin qillqa is a synonym of first epistle to corinthians. chapatiyay is related to spy. rainbow is a synonym of kurmi. pisi is related to short. mayt uy is related to pack. waqta is related to body. gas is a synonym of wapsi. hawcha is a synonym of saturn. phiña is related to aggressive. suyru is related to worn. palla is related to respected. muhammad is a synonym of muhamad. yachakuq is related to yachay. p ampay is related to p ampa. llamkhay is related to touch. cracked is a synonym of sipi. qayna is related to yesterday. lata pisqu is derived from lata. nku is related to n. qullu is related to rampart. evola virusmanta unquyqa is a synonym of ebola virus disease. yachachiy is related to yachachiq. saphiy is related to put down. chaway is related to wide. palla is related to lady. isqun chunka is related to ninety. much aykusqayki mariya is a synonym of hail mary. ullpu is related to maize. antanka is a synonym of airplane. payla is related to frying pan. redstem filaree is a synonym of ñaqch a ñaqch a. saksa is related to binding. mukmu is a synonym of bud. p uru is related to bulb. the big bang theory is a synonym of big bang theory. upalla is related to newborn. ch isiyay is derived from ch isi. antawa is related to automobile. llamp uy is related to smooth. urmay is related to urma. yuquypi aypay is a synonym of orgasm. p itiy is related to two. tusuna wasi is related to discotheque. masi is related to friend. millay is related to repugnant. money is a synonym of q illay. ch aqway is related to ch aqwa. kallpaq suntu is a synonym of ground beetle. usachiy is related to reach. qullqiya is a synonym of platinum. ñisqa is a form of ñiy. accumulation is a synonym of qisa. ruru is related to seed. sayk uy is related to tire. llasay is related to llasa. kartoffel is a synonym of papa. ayapampa is derived from pampa. millay is related to milla. astatu is a synonym of astatine. k aspi qillqana is derived from k aspi. yuquspa allquchay is a synonym of rape. t inkiy is related to pair. watuy is related to watu. ch ipuy is related to textile. daughter is a synonym of wawa. mama qucha is derived from mama. walusa is a synonym of xanthosoma sagittifolium. pile is a synonym of qullu. kínuwa is a form of kinwa. sañi is related to crimson. qipuncha is a synonym of borage. qillqana is related to pen. stadt is a synonym of hatun llaqta. wist u is related to bent. aqha is related to chicha. jampina wasi is derived from wasi. mast a is related to extended. p uti is related to gourd. octopus is a synonym of pulpu. fence is a synonym of pirqa. chiri is related to chiri chiri. ashwan is a form of aswan. mama qucha is derived from qucha. ñawpa is related to time. illay has context of movement. tanqay is related to impel. veuve noire is a synonym of kuyucha. kimsa chunka iskayniyuq has context of cardinal. wak a is related to rock. turasnu is related to peach. samay is related to soul. maylliy is a form of mayllay. antanka is related to brown. phuyu is related to phuyuy. wiqi is related to sap. wakichikuy is a form of wakichiy. sumaq wasichay kamay is a synonym of architecture. rakha k akara is a synonym of clitoris. sut uy is related to get wet. waqachiy is related to instrument. suyuy is related to suyu. tukuy is related to complete. misk i is related to sweet. tupuy is related to evaluation. liwtu is a synonym of alstroemeria. sachsen anhalt is a synonym of saxony anhalt. urin wat a is a synonym of south island. sayakuq rumi is a synonym of menhir. birthday is a synonym of wata junt ay. chawpi is related to center. yachay wasi is derived from yachay. ch akayay is related to become. papi is a form of p api. kamay is related to create. quipu is etymologically related to khipu. punku is a synonym of door. thuqay is related to spit. pani is related to ñaña. haya is related to hot. skin is a synonym of qara. ch uhllay is related to ch uhlla. salty is a synonym of millu. waqay is related to buzz. yuyay is related to expect. watya is related to watyay. chunqay is a form of ch unqay. everglades mamallaqta parki is a synonym of everglades national park. aqu is related to kiwachi. ch aphchay is related to peck. amachaq is derived from amachay. paqu ukumari is a synonym of brown bear. kumurakuna is a synonym of comoros. taqtay is related to empty. jampina is derived from jampiy. qulla is a synonym of ura. apaykun is a form of apaykuy. aylluchakuy is related to ayllu. hak akllu is related to flicker. chakachikuy is related to stuff. lliphlliy is related to gleaming. machu picchu is derived from machu. chaki is a synonym of foot. pichakunki has context of astronomie. aypuriy is related to invite. thatki is related to thatkiy. hatariy is related to e.g. hayway is related to give. pari is related to pariy. kutay is related to punch. dienstag is a synonym of atichaw. chullunku is a synonym of ice. quyllurchaw is a synonym of wednesday. wiqaw is related to ceinture. rikuy is related to know. ireland is a synonym of ilanda. llulla is related to mendacious. rikra is related to épaule. para jark ana is derived from para. taki is a synonym of singing. devanagari is a synonym of diwanaqri siq i llumpa. chillwi is related to chick. ikmayay is related to widowed. ruruy is related to ruru. slurp is a synonym of upiy. kimsa chunka pusaqniyuq has context of cardinal. haïti is a synonym of ayti. wakcha is related to orphan. silluy is derived from sillu. sinchi is related to strong. jallp a is related to world. p ampa is related to p ampay. hatun puquy killa is a synonym of february. qispiy is related to qispi. sapan kallpay is a synonym of monarchy. añiy is related to añikuy. chumpiy is related to chumpi. male is a synonym of qhari. ispay is related to ispapakuy. anku is related to family. takay is related to blow. llaqway is related to llunk uy. turi is related to wawqi. munay is related to love. ruk u is related to chakwas. accumulate is a synonym of qutuy. jatun mama is derived from jatun. tukuy is related to stop. uraykuy is related to uray. imapas is related to something. si is related to m. foot is a synonym of chaki. takay is related to box. lie down is a synonym of siriy. daughter is a synonym of ususi. lata pisqu is derived from pisqu. pakaykukuy is derived from pakay. little is a synonym of pisi. alhirya is a synonym of algeria. haqaymanta is related to about. ñañu ch unchul is a synonym of small intestine. yalliy is related to yalli. sut u is related to sut uy. awqaylli is related to guerrier. ayapampa is derived from pampa. taki is related to chanson. kunti is similar to chincha. wayray is related to wayrachiy. mit a is related to empire. kinya is a synonym of kenya. yerba del susto is a synonym of akke. hawiy is related to rub. poverty is a synonym of muchuy. usuy is related to miss. qañawa is a form of qañiwa. methanu p’ uchqu has context of biochimie. ukhu is related to bottom. qhapaq is related to lord. tunic is a synonym of unku. jallch ay is related to protect. willaq is a form of willay. t inkisqa is a synonym of chemical compound. mama is related to tayta. chʼaska is related to étoile. sara is related to dried. kuraq is related to eldest. yanapaq is derived from yanapay. mountain is a synonym of pikchu. tupay is related to conflict. chapakuy is related to chapay. kuraq is related to heavy. ch aqiy is related to stone. aquchay is related to sand. thiti is related to smile. chiqan is related to upright. people's republic of china is a synonym of chunwa runallaqta ripuwlika. ear is a synonym of rinri. rutu is related to peeling. pantay is related to wrong. wanu is related to fertilizer. ayqi is related to evasion. wiñay is related to growth. rikch ay is related to appear. chiri is related to chirichiq. sutiy is related to be called. hatun yachaq tantari is a synonym of supreme court. philipiyuqkunapaq qillqa is a synonym of epistle to philippians. q umir qhura is derived from q umir. frying pan is a synonym of payla. paña is related to right hand. munay is related to desired. illuminate is a synonym of achikyay. avalanche is a synonym of lluqlla. mouth is a synonym of shimi. cérès is a synonym of siris. iskay chunka iskayniyuq is related to twenty two. watikan is related to vatican. chaka is related to bridge. killapura is a synonym of full moon. wanay is related to amend. amawt a has context of historical. mine is a synonym of qhuya. siriy is related to go to sleep. choklo is related to corn. allquchakuy is derived from allquchay. spa is related to sqa. llakikuy is a synonym of sadness. pach a is related to tummy. allot is a synonym of suyuy. yarpay is related to memory. amu is related to person. allqamari is a form of alqamari. allemagne is a synonym of alimaniya. old woman is a synonym of paya. chaskiy is related to get. k anchay is related to k ancha. yupaychay is related to praise. kikin is related to himself. fever is a synonym of rupha. sinchi is related to healthy. pachak has context of cardinal. tipiy is related to maize. miyu is related to chickpea. hatu is related to caparison. grow is a synonym of wiñay. touch is a synonym of llamkhay. ispapakuy is related to urinate. puma is a synonym of cougar. minkay is a form of mink ay. tirana has context of géographie. mud is a synonym of t uru. hayay is related to sting. wayuw is a synonym of wayuu people. qatiy is related to follow. llimphiy is related to paint. miyaw ñiy is derived from ñiy. uywa is related to uyway. ruthu is a form of rutu. jampina wasi is derived from jampiy. kamayuq is related to kamay. q aray is related to q ara. rikch akuy is related to adjust. wing is a synonym of raphra. lluq i is related to hand. ruraq has context of grammar. wiqi is related to cry. chikachay is related to lower. mayman is derived from may. rikch ay is related to seem. lawa is related to soupe. jupiter is a synonym of pirwa. kawsaykuq is a synonym of cell. jatun tata is derived from jatun. shrub is a synonym of qhura. waqay is related to weep. maymanta is derived from may. millay is related to loathe. wayray is related to blow. churakuy is related to dare. sut i is related to in truth. wikch uy is related to abandon. antanka is related to airplane. ullpu is related to carob. iskaychay is related to iskay. ch away is related to wring. sinq a is related to sinq ay. qachu is a synonym of grass. yuri is related to plant. yunqa is a form of yunka. besiege is a synonym of intuy. mast a is related to stall. wichq ana is a synonym of lock. awqa is related to villain. khipukamayuq has context of historical. qasa is related to qasay. chawpi is related to children. ñak aq is derived from ñak ay. achikyay is related to sparkle. miray is related to proliferate. asiy is related to asikuy. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. chumpiy is related to belt up. wawa is related to churi. atom is a synonym of iñuku. ayllu is related to village. wayllu is related to waylluy. ch akichikuy is derived from ch akichiy. république démocratique allemande is a synonym of aliman dimukratiku republika. kutipakuy is related to kutipay. qori is a form of quri. wirakaray is a synonym of obesity. atichaw is related to mardi. much ay is related to much a. haymay is related to collaborate. moisten is a synonym of huq uchay. q imikuy is related to come. llamp u is related to tender. ayapampa is related to cemetery. hak uchay is related to hak u. chaymanta is related to there. uywa is related to horse. paña is related to right. enqa has context of religion. kusikuy is a synonym of happiness. chaymanta is related to that. susuy is related to drop. dürre is a synonym of ch akiy. wachay is related to birth. hayway is related to rite. paska is related to paskay. qullpa is related to salty. quya is related to early. excrement is a synonym of q awa. llulluy is related to infinite. kay pacha is related to present. q aytu kuru is a synonym of nematode. sallqa is related to beast. waq akay is a synonym of schizophrenia. tukuy is related to be able to. wanadyu is a synonym of vanadium. tiyay is related to sit. unduras is a synonym of honduras. kichka is related to needle. qillqay is related to writing. jerk is a synonym of ch arkiy. watya is related to watyay. yapa is related to addition. salla is related to lover. tupa is related to noble. lliphiy is a form of lliphlliy. sallqa is related to animal. ch iqta is related to chip. sach akuna is a form of sach a. pari is related to pariy. sami is related to fortune. tuksiy is a form of t uksiy. jama jama is a synonym of conium maculatum. kancha is related to area. sisa is related to bloom. sarajevo has context of géographie. qilqay is a form of qillqay. qilla is related to laziness. pariy is related to phaway. wamp urani is a synonym of port. tantay is related to pick up. harchiyay is related to weak. siki is related to buttocks. rimay is related to language. purus mayu is a synonym of purus river. upright is a synonym of chiqan. yanuy is related to cook. huqari is related to huqariy. kiki is related to same. willay is related to announcement. mayu atuq is a synonym of maned wolf. kiki is related to identical. harawi has context of food. sapai warmi is a synonym of sapai runa. ch’ aska is related to étoile. bilhika is a synonym of belgium. qanchischaw is related to week. anaphilaksiya is a synonym of anaphylaxis. chair is a synonym of chukuna. pata is related to shore. qhichwa is related to quechua. alqochay is a form of allquchay. diwanaqri siq i llumpa is a synonym of devanagari. hark a is related to hark ay. surq an phiru unquy is a synonym of lung cancer. triumph is a synonym of haylliy. sunqu has context of lambayeque. musuq rimanakuy is a synonym of new testament. awki is related to awkilla. kancha is related to public. ñukñu is related to milk. tapuy is related to demander. yapa is related to once more. phiñay is related to phiña. wallpa is related to chicken. sirwila is a synonym of prunus domestica. arbre is a synonym of sacha. k aspi qillqana is derived from k aspi. sut u is related to sut uy. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from t anta. wachay is related to lay. claw is a synonym of sillu. tukuy is related to develop. utqay is related to immediately. kaniwa is etymologically derived from qañiwa. sinqa is related to sinq ay. willkay is related to dignified. nineteen is a synonym of chunka isqunniyuq. qanchischaw is derived from qanchis. apasanka is related to spider. coca is etymologically derived from kuka. phallcha yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of gentianaceae. ch illuchay is related to soot. ayti wat a is a synonym of hispaniola. apanqura is related to tarantula. q utu is a synonym of goitre. wayna has context of male. wallina is a synonym of cetacea. serbie is a synonym of sirbya. pantay is related to panta. jampina wasi is related to hospital. hatun is related to important. harawi is a synonym of poetry. achuqalla is related to pouch. rimayqillqa is related to dictionnaire. hamurpay is related to suppose. awki is related to old man. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. ch ullchuy is related to ch ullullulluy. arika is a synonym of arica. nuna is a synonym of aya. tusuy is related to jump. pirqa qillqana is derived from pirqa. yaya is related to wise. light is a synonym of k ancha. william harrison is a synonym of william henry harrison. chariy is related to utilize. piki is related to flea. granary is a synonym of pirwa. wata is a synonym of year. pomme de terre is a synonym of papa. pakaykuy is derived from pakay. thasay is related to supiy. awtu raqhana wasi is derived from awtu. huk is related to un. auge is a synonym of ñawi. wiksa is a synonym of abdomen. ñust a is related to maiden. uchpa is related to ash. cart is a synonym of astay. phidiyu is a synonym of noodle. chawpi is related to among. quri is a synonym of gold. yupay is related to equal. chantay is related to design. hubei pruwinsya is a synonym of hubei. k achanchay is related to ornaments. qunuy is related to bonfire. wantuy is related to carry. paskay is related to forgive. qusi is related to blanket. laziness is a synonym of qilla. wayra is related to wayralla. wayna is related to adolescent. ñust a has context of historical. q umir pampa is derived from pampa. wañu is related to afterlife. hatun ñukchʼu is related to sauge sagittée. kiwicha yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of amaranthaceae. allquchakuy is related to allquchay. tipi is related to tipiy. unquy quyllurkuna is a synonym of pleiades. oseaspa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of hosea. hayway is related to hand over. chayanpuy is related to chayay. q imiy is related to move. haytarakuy is related to haytaray. iñi wasi is derived from wasi. maqana has context of historical. almost is a synonym of yaqa. kaka is related to aqu. wachapa is a synonym of jabiru. llasay is related to weigh. praha is a synonym of prague. q illay is related to money. kusikuy is related to celebrate. simana is a synonym of qanchischaw. chair is a synonym of tiyana. jampiri is derived from jampiy. hawiy is related to on. turasnu is etymologically derived from durazno. maqanakuy is related to discuss. furrow is a synonym of suka. k achanchay is related to adorn. ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhay. sunqu has context of weaving. wik uña is related to vicuna. wach iq is a synonym of archery. ñawpa is related to hukñiqin. rikch akuy is derived from rikch ay. breath is a synonym of samay. rawray is related to sting. k achanchakuy is a form of k achanchay. hunt apuy is related to debt. chanqaykuy is related to chanqay. uhu is related to cough. haqaykuna is a form of haqay. llamk ay is related to function. chayamuy is related to come. miray is related to multiplication. qhinchachay is related to bad luck. wiphala is related to flag. khipukamayuq is related to specialist. falcon is a synonym of waman. multiply is a synonym of miray. yudu is a synonym of iodine. guinée is a synonym of khiniya. urqu is related to person. yawyay is related to diminish. illapa is related to gun. cup is a synonym of qiru. urqusapa kharabaq is a synonym of nagorno karabakh. sisa is related to sisay. pain is a synonym of nanay. hut uyay is related to hut u. k illichu is a synonym of american kestrel. kamayuq is related to watchman. claw is a synonym of silluy. uchpay is related to ash. rawray is related to burn. khipuy is related to khipu. siriy is related to lie down. thaqu is a synonym of prosopis. jampiq is related to doctor. wash is a synonym of mayllay. phiñay is related to bluster. lliphlliy is related to shining. rumiyay is related to freeze. qatay is related to cover. rak iy is related to divide. lliphlliy is related to lliphlli. sansa is related to coal. twenty five is a synonym of iskay chunka pichqayuq. n is a form of m. lliphlli is related to brilliance. urqu is related to animal. miray is related to put on. aqtuy is related to aqtu. waranqa is related to thousand. paqariy is a synonym of childbirth. kustarika is a synonym of costa rica. akani is a form of akay. asiru is a synonym of steel. achkachay is related to increase. kuti has context of medicine. wild is a synonym of sallqa. allcu is related to chien. kuyucha is a synonym of latrodectus mactans. machu is a synonym of yaya. wayna is related to jeune. uraykuy is related to climb down. sayk uy is related to weariness. aysay is related to extension. tarpuy is related to sow. yaka yaka is a synonym of woodpecker. churi is related to son. hukñiqi is related to hukñiqin. amu is related to manure. allpa is related to terrain. kutiy is related to kutichiy. yalli is related to very. hark ay is related to halt. ohio suyu is a synonym of ohio. t uksiy is related to stab. q ara is related to naked. spa is related to sqa. alqa is related to abrupt. chay is related to haqay. q umir qhura is derived from q umir. q uchu is related to frenzied. allpaqa is related to wanaku. qarati is a synonym of dandruff. q iwi is related to arc. unku is related to rush. sansa is related to hot. kallpay is related to run about. k utuna is related to scissors. may has context of interrogative pronoun. unuyay is related to liquefy. hank ay is related to unstable. ñawpaq pacha is related to past. solid is a synonym of qaqa. kisma is related to kiwachi. killa wañuy is a synonym of new moon. q ipi is related to q ipiy. marq a is related to marq ay. リャマ is etymologically derived from llama. ñawra is related to multicolored. wamra is related to young. malliy is related to llaqway. yachakuq is a synonym of yachachisqa. rikch aq suyu is a synonym of kingdom. twenty eight is a synonym of iskay chunka pusaqniyuq. atop is a synonym of pata. k aspi ichhuna is a synonym of scythe. siriy is related to rest. taku is related to red. ña is related to now. t ukuch uqu is a synonym of pertussis. qapariy is related to call. mink ay is related to favor. uturunku is related to spectacled bear. jatun yachaywasi is related to university. paskay is related to paska. read is a synonym of ñawilliy. ayapampa is derived from aya. yachay wasi is derived from yachay. iwru is a synonym of euro. suni is related to leafy. tuñi is a form of thuñi. wayllu is related to idyll. mitan kamaypaq suti is a synonym of binomial nomenclature. raphiwaqracha suntu is a synonym of scarabaeidae. machu is related to chakwas. chincha is similar to anti. kutuna is related to jacket. khachuy is related to khachu. ch aspay is related to plunder. maki kapchiy is a synonym of handicraft. throw is a synonym of chamqay. chimpaykuy is derived from chimpay. wichay is related to northern. yaku qullqi is a synonym of mercury. ruranakuy is a synonym of chemical reaction. tiki is a synonym of common moorhen. inkill is a synonym of wayta. wayrachiy is related to put. q ara is related to q aray. simp a is related to simp ay. chawpi p unchaw is related to noon. t aqsaq is derived from t aqsay. california suyu is a synonym of california. athismu is a synonym of atheism. rimana yachay is a synonym of morphology. pacha is related to place. delphin is a synonym of dolphin. peck is a synonym of ch aphchay. vision is a synonym of qhaway. rotate is a synonym of muyuy. chala is related to mestizo. kañiy is related to pay. q has context of cusco southern bolivia. mansana is related to apple. q ipi is related to pack. chincha is related to north. chanqaykuy is related to chanqaykukuy. rawray is related to flame. amaru kuntur is a synonym of scorpius. willkay is related to sacred. idaho suyu is a synonym of idaho. llik iy is related to wear out. astay is related to cart. takuy is related to sit. kuriyu is a synonym of curium. rimakuq is related to commère. sapai warmi is a synonym of sapai runa. illapay is derived from illapa. peru is a synonym of piruw. wayta is related to carnation. telephone is a synonym of karu rimay. pili is related to duck. utqay is related to accelerate. qutuy is related to throw down. chunka is related to dix. rit i is related to rit iy. qullpay is related to feed. willka is related to dangerous. qapiy is a form of q apiy. chiriy is related to freeze. q icha unquy is a synonym of cholera. willkay is related to rite. qallariy is related to qallay. p ampay is related to bury. llunk uy is related to lampiy. millma is related to fleece. tawa chunka pusaqniyuq has context of cardinal. qillqaqhawapay is related to reread. awki is related to deity. great is a synonym of hatun. chahraysiy is related to help. quri is related to qurichiy. andurra is a synonym of andorra. sut u is related to tear. pichqa is related to five. alqochay is a form of allquchay. croatia is a synonym of hurwatsuyu. ch umpi churu k usillu is a synonym of brown woolly monkey. allay is related to potato. qhaqya unquy is a synonym of tuberculosis. yarqay is related to starve. wikch uy is related to throw. inti yaykuy is a synonym of sunset. llasaq yawar is a synonym of hypertension. prohibit is a synonym of amatay. ñit iy is related to print. qawa is related to qaway. brique is a synonym of kusasqa tika. runa ñit inakuy is a synonym of population density. p uru is related to bladder. hark ay is related to obstacle. unku is related to shirt. pupu is a synonym of navel. yapa is related to additional. chapuy is related to challpuy. puru is a form of phuru. milz is a synonym of k ayrapin. phallcha is related to red. siray is related to sew. sqa is related to na. inti is related to soleil. sillwichaki is a synonym of arthropod. hatun yarqay is a synonym of famine. alqay is related to alqa. apichakuy is related to apichay. japon is a synonym of nihun. sach a is related to branch. saksa is related to edge. khallkachikuy is related to gravel. chawpi is related to chawpipi. quinoa is etymologically derived from kinwa. sonne is a synonym of inti. chaniy is related to value. qatiy is related to qatiriyay. deer is a synonym of taruca. malli is related to sample. qullpay is related to salt. ch usaq yupay is a synonym of 0. pukyu is related to pukyuy. hanaq is related to heaven. qatay is related to cover up. awqapuri is derived from awqay. araway is related to kill. alli is related to allichay. charcoal is a synonym of k illimsa. llalliy is related to llalli. sew is a synonym of siray. ayqi is related to ayqiy. urpi is related to pigeon. sumaq is a form of sumay. thirty eight is a synonym of kimsa chunka pusaqniyuq. wamp uy is related to float. hawk is a synonym of waman. palla is related to female. ch uhllay is related to ch uhlla. llulluy is related to tender. illapachaw is derived from illapa. wiksa is related to stomach. atipa is related to atipachaw. phuchka is a form of puchka. bolivia is a synonym of buliwya. hayaqi is a synonym of bile. pisiy is related to scarcity. k utuy is related to scissors. tumi is a synonym of sirk ana. ayqeykuy is related to take refuge. kamri is a synonym of wales. hanaq is related to high. pidrup iskay ñiqin qillqasqan is a synonym of second epistle of peter. bahay is etymologically derived from bajar. ama is related to mana. allcu is a synonym of alqo. amachay is related to support. allpachay is related to allpa. play is a synonym of awsay. shanxi pruwinsya is a synonym of shanxi. sach a is related to forest. rirpu is related to glasses. lama is etymologically derived from llama. ch antasqa tuktuyuq rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of asteraceae. puchkay is related to thread. sapa has context of grammar. qilqay is a form of qillqay. muchuy is related to use. armay is related to armakuy. mi is related to s. tukuy is related to everybody. ruphachiy is related to clear. supay is related to bad. chaqallu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of fabaceae. wiñay kawsay is a synonym of history. dzonkha simi is a synonym of dzongkha. sniff is a synonym of sinq ay. wasi qhatana is derived from qhatay. qaqa is related to rock. hatun t uqyay is a synonym of big bang. obésité is a synonym of wirakaray. anqas is related to blue. bourrache officinale is a synonym of qipuncha. kusikuy is related to kusi. llakiy is related to suffer. usay is related to panel. awqa is related to rebel. papi is a form of p api. wak a is related to deity. p ikwachiy is a synonym of acceleration. wakichikuy is derived from wakichiy. thuqay ch añan is a synonym of salivary gland. tadjikistan is a synonym of tayiksuyu. atilchay is related to contend. tawna is a synonym of swagger stick. qillqay is related to qillqa. apustulkunap rurasqankuna is a synonym of acts of apostles. yarquy is related to go out. root is a synonym of saphi. bahay is related to uraykay. tickle is a synonym of kullay. allinyay is related to recover. qishyay is related to get sick. qullu has context of mathematics. ch isin paya is a synonym of virgo. t ika pilli is a synonym of tussilago. ñawiy is related to liyiy. qhincha is related to unlucky. mask ay is related to look for. uku is a form of ukhu. para jark ana is derived from jark ay. sisiy is related to task. upyana yaku is a synonym of drinking water. tarpuy awina is a synonym of oat. simp ay is related to braid. ch uyanay is related to ch uwachay. kutay is related to strike. t uksiy is related to puncture. takay is related to throw. chincha is a synonym of hanaq. tupu is related to tupuy. tumi is a synonym of k isuna. ch in pacha is a synonym of desert. isqun has context of cardinal. p acha is related to attire. kiwicha is a synonym of amaranthus caudatus. pampachay is related to remission. yachachiy is related to principle. pata is related to high up. khuchinilla is a synonym of cochineal. uma is related to top. chanin is related to competent. hawkay is related to recreate. tupa is related to quality. sipi is related to squamous. colorado suyu is a synonym of colorado. amachay is related to reason. puchka is related to thread. phawaykachay is related to fly. rikuy is related to observe. chá is related to cha. chiraray is related to bright. chiri is related to chirichikuy. qispi is related to qispiy. shirr is a synonym of ch ipuy. paqtay is related to reach. taq is related to chu. gérone is a synonym of girona. wawa is related to mother. arches mamallaqta parki is a synonym of arches national park. watuy is related to form. rak iy is related to share. aswan is related to on contrary. churi is related to ususi. awki is related to grandfather. wata junt ay is derived from junt ay. ch uhllay is related to cottage. illa is related to gem. qorachasqa is related to weed. sanka tullu is a synonym of palatine bone. kiñu kiñu is a synonym of myroxylon. stanford yachay suntur is a synonym of stanford university. alalay is related to freeze. chihlluy is related to chihllu. ransis wayana is a synonym of french guiana. llaqway is related to taste. ch arki is related to wretched. ch ulla ruk anayuq is a synonym of odd toed ungulate. sipi is related to bracelet. taski is a form of thatki. yapa is related to yapay. chaqllisinchi is a synonym of chemistry. qulla is similar to chincha. louse is a synonym of usa. manchakuy is a synonym of fear. aqhayay is related to sour. hark a is related to barrage. root is a synonym of machu. hunt a is related to pregnant. tantay is related to join. chapakuy is related to appropriate. khipukamayuq is derived from kamayuq. ñit iy is related to compress. spain is a synonym of ispaña. sayri is a synonym of nicotiana tabacum. k umuy is related to bend. tutayay is related to become. ispay puru is a synonym of urinary bladder. qa is related to topic. murira pillpintu is a synonym of bombyx mori. ernesto guevara is a synonym of che guevara. fall asleep is a synonym of siriy. quya is related to morning. akllay is related to choose. ñan is related to method. square is a synonym of t asra. qutu is related to heap. ismu is related to fruit. ripuwlika is etymologically related to res publica. yatana qallwa is a synonym of piano. straw is a synonym of ichhu. ch akichikuy is related to thirsty. t uksi is related to skin. tusuy is related to dance. t aqa is related to division. hapuy is related to smolder. junt ay is related to conclude. chacra is etymologically derived from chakra. usnu is related to town square. millmaqara is a synonym of fur. qichuy is related to appropriate. mitk ay is related to mitk a. wañu is related to wañuy. malwa is a synonym of malva. qhipan pacha is derived from pacha. chahrachay is related to enable. pakay is related to reserve. mikhuy is related to meal. pacha is related to time. llanthu is related to shadow. taripay is related to investigate. tupu is related to bag. courgette is a synonym of sapallu. millet is a synonym of mihu. iskay has context of cardinal. phichqa is a form of pichqa. yachakuq masi is related to schoolmate. kachi qucha is a synonym of salt lake. pacha kuyuy is a synonym of earthquake. amawt a is related to nobility. approach is a synonym of asuy. amu kaskawil is a synonym of bothrops. wichay is related to ascend. puna is related to region. yuq is related to nnaq. llulla is related to lying. wichariy is related to climb. greece is a synonym of grisya. chi is related to chá. chapuy is related to challpuy. tiksi is related to basic. wasi qhatana is derived from qatay. supiy is related to thasay. watya is related to baked potato. kuska is a form of khuska. kacken is a synonym of akay. lampa is related to lampay. kallpay has context of movement. present is a synonym of kunan. skinny is a synonym of raphi. humint a is related to husk. khata is related to stripe. alpaka is a form of allpaqa. añiy is related to añikuy. awtu ranqhana wasi is related to dealership. paskay is related to free. riti is a form of rit i. qanchis p unchaw is derived from p unchaw. victory is a synonym of atiy. mikhusqa is a form of mikhuy. tongue is a synonym of qallu. ῥῆνοσ is related to rhein. mallki is related to cultivate. unu is related to else. huq ullu is a synonym of tadpole. tipiy is related to hang. kisu is related to cheese. yaykuy is related to se lever. ñan is a synonym of road. ch uyanay is related to ch uwachay. beautiful is a synonym of k acha. lituwa is a synonym of lithuania. mink ay is related to mink a. condor is a synonym of kuntur. pacha suyu is a synonym of time zone. qishyay is related to ill. qhari is related to brave. pisiy is related to missing. gabun is a synonym of gabon. manka is related to cooking. churiyay is related to churi. taku is related to resistant. sumay is related to reputation. t uqu is related to t uquy. tarin is a form of tariy. sprout is a synonym of yuri. thatkiy is related to beat. paparawa yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of moraceae. bond is a synonym of watana. willaq is a form of willay. ch arkiy is related to pull. saway is related to kasaray. confuse is a synonym of arwiy. wiyulin is a synonym of violin. sinq ay is related to sniff. phawaykachay is derived from phaway. ransiya is a synonym of france. aylluy is related to ayllu. tantan is a form of tantay. antawa is a synonym of car. aqtuy is related to spit. yarqa is related to yarqay. haqay is related to chay. talk is a synonym of rimachiy. jatun yachay wasi is derived from jatun. llamk aykuna llika is a synonym of operating system. talk is a synonym of yawnay. laqha wasi is derived from laqha. hut'kuy is related to hut'ku. ch aspay is related to ch aspa. paqarin is related to morning. hank a is related to hank ay. takay is related to taka. rurana wakichi is a synonym of application software. suyuy is related to demarcate. shop is a synonym of ranqhana wasi. qispi kay is a synonym of liberty. flee is a synonym of chinkakapuy. pisi is related to pisiy. yuyay is related to idea. thasay is related to supiy. chariy is related to grasp. mulli yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of anacardiaceae. wiñay wayna is a synonym of epidendrum. maize is a synonym of sara. machu picchu is etymologically related to pikchu. anti is similar to qulla. correct is a synonym of chanin. awtu is etymologically derived from auto. thanta is related to tattered. una llunku is a synonym of symphytum officinale. ruruchina is a synonym of company. polar bear is a synonym of yuraq ukumari. q’ uñi yaku is derived from yaku. machu is a synonym of achachi. see is a synonym of rikuy. supay is related to lake. ispiha muña is a synonym of spearmint. jabuka is a synonym of mansana. muchuy is related to use. kaphiy is a synonym of coffee. rutu is related to rutuy. millay is related to disgust. whence is a synonym of maymanta. kawsay is a synonym of life. chiri is related to chirichiq. ch umay is related to drain. feed is a synonym of mikhuchiy. hayay is related to spicy. amachaq is derived from amachay. six is a synonym of suqta. allin is related to fine. montevideo has context of localités. ñawi is related to plant. chapatiyay is related to chapay. awqa is related to warrior. upiy is related to sip. suxta is a form of suqta. tupaq is related to decorated. jatun yachay wasi is derived from jatun. yapay is related to once more. hot chocolate is a synonym of kakawa upyana. unquna wasi is a synonym of hospital. puriy is related to go. maqanakuy is related to battle. ayllu is a synonym of family. ukhu is related to body. kimsa chunka isqunniyuq has context of cardinal. chumpi has context of spiritual. achuray is related to deal out. usachiy is related to acquire. usiyanya is a synonym of oceania. qulla is similar to anti. yuyay is related to memory. ch akichikuy is related to ch aki. concede is a synonym of uynikuy. wasikuna is a form of wasi. aqu is a synonym of sand. wak is related to different. depilate is a synonym of chuhchannay. llaki is related to sad. askhayachiy is related to increase. paskay is related to solve. uruwayi is a synonym of uruguay. sañi is related to color. huñiy is related to permit. grudge is a synonym of chiqniy. hucha is related to energy. phallcha is related to gentian. allay is related to dig out. puquy is related to ripening. tawa chunka isqunniyuq is related to forty nine. yupa is related to yupay. chapatiyay is related to chapatiana. khipu is related to nœud. chayanpuy is related to home. tuytuy is a synonym of schwimmen. waqya is related to notice. qinghai pruwinsya is a synonym of qinghai. thomas alva edison is a synonym of thomas edison. happiness is a synonym of kusi. qullqa is related to warehouse. chakannay is related to chaka. yuya is related to yuyay. yakuchaq is related to hydrogène. much ay is a synonym of kiss. ichaqa is related to icha. pitu is related to pituy. yachay is related to yachakuq. awtu jallch ana wasi is derived from awtu. ayllunakuy is related to recognize. goat is a synonym of kawra. get sick is a synonym of qishyay. sinchi is related to hard. asukar is a synonym of sugar. khachuy is related to bite. allpa is related to ground. ayqichiy is related to force. juditpa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of judith. prutina is a synonym of protein. achira is related to arrowroot. pumă is etymologically related to puma. upalla is a form of upa. ayay is a form of hayay. qaqa siqay is a synonym of climbing. invite is a synonym of aypuriy. chaqrusqa is a synonym of mixture. purun is related to field. ayqichiy is derived from ayqiy. chahraysiy is related to chahrakuy. k ita is related to sallqa. wawa is related to ususi. ayni is related to community. maqanakuy is a synonym of war. iñuku huk i p akiy is a synonym of nuclear fission. puma is related to cougar. tuqtu is related to broody. tikray is a form of t ikray. dig up is a synonym of allay. akupana is related to soleil. 2000 watakuna is a synonym of 2000s. challwa hap iy is a synonym of fishing. tupuy is related to tupu. pach a is related to wiksa. thumana yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of ericaceae. yupa is related to count. tayta is related to father. ñaqch ay is related to ñaqch a. qhipan pacha is derived from qhipan. grandchild is a synonym of willka. añiy is related to assent. rumi is related to rock. qañawa is a form of qañiwa. juch uy p acha is related to underwear. tinki is a form of t inki. saphiy is related to sprout. tunki is related to cock of rock. sach a is related to tree. chimpay is related to braid. rutuy is related to cut. song is a synonym of taki. t uqu is related to pool. uku is a form of ukhu. muntipuquy is a synonym of fragaria. yuraq itapallu is a synonym of marrubium vulgare. denmark is a synonym of dansuyu. awsay is related to pastime. yapa is related to supplement. llimphi is related to color. sinchi muyuq wayra is a synonym of tornado. awki is related to leader. huk is related to another. willkay is related to willkachay. agree is a synonym of allipunakuy. k umuy is related to huddle. kiev is a synonym of kyiv. saqiy is related to let be. qasay is related to cold. haute normandie is a synonym of upper normandy. qasi simi is derived from qasi. wanaku is related to guanaco. yura is related to tree. aya chaha is a synonym of white eared opossum. kancha is related to square. wik uña is related to color. musphay is related to confusion. grinada is a synonym of grenada. sisa is related to sisay. waqay is related to animal. chiriy is related to chiriyachiy. qam is related to you. awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from awtu. iñini is a synonym of apostles creed. wayra is related to airborne. malliy is related to llunk uy. seaborgyu is a synonym of seaborgium. chanqaykukuy is derived from chanqay. pallay is related to khata. alqa is related to bicolor. sapi is a form of saphi. chagas kaqmanta unquy is a synonym of chagas disease. allwirha is a synonym of pea. khallkiy is related to sidewalk. raw is a synonym of chawa. apichakuy is derived from apichay. accordéon is a synonym of yatana takiy phukulli. tanta is related to adjacent. binomial nomenclature is a synonym of mitan kamaypaq suti. cocaine is etymologically related to kuka. kuti is related to kutiy. keil is a synonym of q imina. huñiy is related to consent. sipiy is related to slaughter. makabayop huk ñiqin qillqasqan is a synonym of 1 maccabees. qayay is related to call. illanchaykuy is a synonym of radioactive decay. guinea pig is a synonym of quwi. qillqana is related to desk. chapatiyay is related to chapatia. qillu is a form of q illu. sinchiyay has context of medicine. waqar is a synonym of heron. p ampa is related to p ampachay. qullu is related to sum. kusikuy is related to happy. cock of rock is a synonym of tunki. ñina is a form of ñiy. khata is related to texture. churay is related to set. raphra is related to raphi. puma is related to mountain lion. qallqatu is related to turkey. kallchay is related to harvest. night is a synonym of ch isi. incus is etymologically derived from inka. qallu is a synonym of tongue. ch askachaw is derived from ch aska. traskiy is a form of chaskiy. p acha jallch ana is derived from p acha. q ara chupa is etymologically related to q ara. clarinette is a synonym of qipa pinkuyllu. chiqachakuy is related to clear. wink is a synonym of ch illmipakuy. llamp uy is related to llamp u. chiriyachiy is related to cool. tarantula is a synonym of apasanka. pacha tupuq is a synonym of clock. hatun armallu is a synonym of nine banded armadillo. atipa is related to atipay. panta is related to incorrect. chinkay has context of movement. basson is a synonym of phaqut. saruy is related to copulate. allin is related to allinyay. apay is related to usachiy. llasay is related to weight. ch utiy is related to undress. wallpay is related to creativity. atisqa kay is a synonym of power. ayniy is related to aynikuy. pani is related to wawqi. yawar chunka is related to onagracées. worker is a synonym of llamk aq. cóndor is etymologically derived from kuntur. hayay is related to haya. rak iy is related to distribute. quipu is a synonym of khipu. anti is similar to kunti. awki is related to awkilla. wach i is related to spear. phutiy is related to phuti. tuqtu is related to potato. tajikistan is a synonym of tayiksuyu. k achanchakuy is related to apply. jaguar is a synonym of uthurunku. tarpuy is related to planting. hunp iy is related to sweat. kankil is a synonym of popcorn. trecker is a synonym of qharastaq. sinqa is a synonym of nose. ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. watan watan is etymologically related to wata. kanchay is related to surround. aycha t iqi is a synonym of sausage. lachiwa is a synonym of honey bee. q uchu is related to happiness. amu is related to lord. hanka is a form of hank a. kunti is related to point cardinal. awstralya is a synonym of australia. tarku is a synonym of prosopis juliflora. sikundu is etymologically derived from segundo. pari is related to cooked. chanqaykuy is related to chanqaykukuy. cord is a synonym of watu. machu is related to mule. ch’ aska is related to échevelé. kimsa chunka pusaqniyuq is related to thirty eight. rirpu is related to crown. kankay is related to kanka. ruk u is related to chakwas. haq arwitu is a synonym of orthoptera. cheval is a synonym of kawallu. can is a synonym of atiy. grow is a synonym of ruruy. ñawiykachay is derived from ñawiy. pampa kuru is a synonym of flatworm. chick is a synonym of chillwi. umalli is related to article. handful is a synonym of q api. allpanay is related to dust. thirty is a synonym of kimsa chunka. takiy is related to sing. marq ay is related to marq a. quri is related to qurichiy. challwa is related to fish. hundred is a synonym of pachak. potassium nitrate is a synonym of qullpa. qhipa pacha is a synonym of future. p acha jallch ana is derived from p acha. kaka is related to kiwachi. llalliy is related to complete. kay is related to ceci. ankichiy karu rimay is a synonym of mobile phone. takiy is related to dance. aqha is related to corn. allpanay is related to remove. turi is related to wawqi. achiyuti is related to achiote. wawqi is related to turi. yachay wayllukuy is a synonym of philosophy. qillqanakuna jallch anapaq is related to pencil box. uyway is related to uywa. santu tumiy prinsipipas is a synonym of são tomé and príncipe. haqay is related to chay. hanku is related to uncooked. k umu is related to hunchbacked. urpi is related to turtledove. qulla is a synonym of urin. rikch ay is related to face. kichkay is related to kichka. pirwa is related to pirway. willkay is related to willkachay. watukuy is related to visit. mitmay is related to increase. juch uy p acha is derived from juch uy. chunqay is a form of ch unqay. cha is related to chá. qaka is related to kaku. tuytuy is related to eigen. kicha is related to kichay. thak is a synonym of peace. uqa is related to edible. yarquy is related to lluqsiy. lantrihas is a synonym of lentil. hap ikuy is derived from hap iy. buy is a synonym of rantiy. cook is a synonym of chayachiy. kañiy is a synonym of pagay. takarpucha is a synonym of nail. osmiyu has context of chimie. t antay is related to t anta. phiña is related to angry. onqoy is a form of unquy. sayk uy is related to tired. waqaychay is related to secure. wiqi is related to tear. allin is related to allinyay. awqakuq is a synonym of mars. sunku sunku is a synonym of titi. tuqtu is related to hen. suwisa is a synonym of switzerland. kumishin is a synonym of termite. yapock is a synonym of yaku chaha. yaya is related to old. kitu is a synonym of quito. tukuy is related to end. kulunya is a synonym of colony. bangladesh is a synonym of banladish. ephesuyuqkunapaq qillqa is a synonym of epistle to ephesians. kiska is a form of kichka. converse is a synonym of rimachiy. papa is a synonym of potato. phutiy is related to steam. much ay is related to kiss. paqariy is related to awaken. pani is related to ñaña. kaniy is related to khachuy. pisqu ch ullku is a synonym of oxalis corniculata. phuyuy is related to evaporation. usachiy is related to create. rikuchiy is related to present. interrupt is a synonym of p itiy. misk i yaku is derived from yaku. ikmayay is related to be. aqu is related to kaka. altitude sickness is a synonym of suruqch i. huq uchay is related to huq u. lluqsiy is related to leave. arwiy is related to confuse. suruqchi is a form of suruqch i. yachay is related to skill. sallqa is related to nature. hip iy is related to hip i. kuska is related to place. qusa is related to husband. twenty nine is a synonym of iskay chunka isqunniyuq. pirqay is related to pirqa. musphay is related to intoxicate. aycha is a synonym of meat. huk ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy has context of histoire. rak iy is related to choose. qillqaqhawapay is related to qillqaqhaway. rapachu yura rikch aq ayllu is a synonym of dryopteridaceae. kaqlla simi is a synonym of synonym. float is a synonym of tuytuy. kichay is related to open. maywiy is a synonym of oscillation. sipi is related to collar. awki is related to awkikuna. suti is related to title. lame is a synonym of wist u. nata is a synonym of cream. tiyana is related to stool. illapa is related to rifle. churichakuy is related to churi. kuntur has context of oiseaux. rikuy is related to see. eagle is a synonym of anka. ruphay is related to rupha. name is a synonym of suti. hallpay is related to leaf. q iwiy is related to cripple. pituy is related to pitu. ch iqullu is a synonym of house wren. wakcha is related to needy. upata is a form of upa. tarpuy killa is a synonym of september. apaykachana is a synonym of mode of transport. british columbia pruwinsya is a synonym of british columbia. kiwach is related to kiwachi. ch iqmichiy is related to vex. siyantpitsu is a synonym of brown eared woolly opossum. juch uy p acha is derived from p acha. phiruru is a synonym of pulley. taq is related to but. simintu is a synonym of cement. yachachiq is related to amawt a. nanaq is related to strong. kawra is a synonym of goat. jampiri is derived from jampiy. ñawilliy is related to qillqaqhaway. ch’ uju unquy is a synonym of common cold. kanchay is related to around. phaqsa is related to brilliance. uran is related to ura. pitu is related to pair. takay is related to knock. paparawa is a synonym of breadfruit. anku is related to tendon. suffice is a synonym of aypay. illapay is related to illapa. vautour pape is a synonym of pampa kuntur. paray is related to tamyay. wach i is related to wach iy. wasichay is a synonym of building. chakatay is related to crucify. q apay is related to odor. t uquy is related to t uqu. phallcha is related to flower. consent is a synonym of awñiy. miray is related to burn. chiqa is related to evident. uma is related to tête. tumi has context of historical. make effort is a synonym of kallpay. atilchay is related to atilchaq. asipayay is related to humour. hatun is related to tall. jerk is etymologically related to ch arki. miyuy is related to contamination. pisco is etymologically related to pisqu. guyana is a synonym of wayana. ant is a synonym of sisi. chaskiy is related to take. phawrika is a synonym of factory. bring is a synonym of apamuy. wayra is related to wind. aysaysiy is related to pull. brother is a synonym of turi. sallqa is related to k ita. chutan is a form of chutay. poncho is etymologically derived from punchu. malliy is related to malli. ferment is a synonym of p uchquy. qhura is related to shrub. wañuchiy is related to wañuy. jatun is related to hatun. ñawi is related to attitude. puquy is related to ripen. katari is a synonym of viperidae. uchuq aspa is a synonym of calendula officinalis. t anta ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. wayt’ ay is a synonym of tuytuy. hap iy is related to take. antañiqiq añaw is a synonym of computer virus. t ipiy is related to pluck. rikuchiy is related to expose. haratay is related to dig. awya yala bisunti is a synonym of american bison. achalachiy is related to adorn. allay is related to dig up. urqu is related to animal. sapallu is a synonym of cucurbita maxima. egypt is a synonym of ihiptu. q’ uñi yaku is derived from yaku. wila qura is a synonym of spergula arvensis. slovakia is a synonym of isluwakya. paqariy is related to paqarin. kuta is related to kutay. adobe is a synonym of taki. thaski is a form of thatki. kapiwara is a synonym of capybara. yawnay is related to converse. chakuy is related to hunt. ichhu is related to straw. k ita uywa is derived from k ita. hatunchay is related to hatun. lata wuru is derived from lata. yachaywasi is related to school. ichhuna is related to sickle. sut i is related to sky. hindi simi is a synonym of hindi. chakana is related to cross. q utu qumutu is a synonym of pleurotus. uquti is a synonym of rectum. rutherfordyu is a synonym of rutherfordium. boulder is a synonym of qaqa qaqa. t uksi is related to thorn. white tailed deer is a synonym of yuraqchupa luwichu. khana is a synonym of sonchus. q imiy is related to support. alqamari is related to white. shell is a synonym of mayt una. hayk a is related to how much. ukhu has context of anatomy. qispichiy is related to bring up. nurwiga is a synonym of norway. achiwiti is a form of achiyuti. ad dar al bayda is a synonym of casablanca. takuy is related to taku. puñuna wasi is derived from wasi. qispiy is related to perform. ch uhtanay is related to ch uhtay. ruthuy is a form of rutuy. phaqsa is related to radiance. aymuray is related to harvest. qillqaqhawapay is derived from qillqaqhaway. khiki is a synonym of acari. ñin is related to said. k utuna is a synonym of scissors. jampiri is related to jampiq. jampina is related to medicine. hatariy is related to awaken. chuku is related to hat. lampay is related to lampa. aqu is related to sand. q awa is related to manure. ear is a synonym of ninri. yunka is related to valley. chiri mit a is a synonym of winter. allin is related to allinyachiy. anti is related to east. sikuanalisis is a synonym of psychoanalysis. yapay is related to sum. qispichiy is related to forgive. millay is related to cruel. kawallu kallpanakuy is a synonym of horse racing. chile is a synonym of chili. ransis pulinisya is a synonym of french polynesia. anti is similar to kunti. crayfish is a synonym of apanqura. known is a synonym of riqsisqa. lliphlliy is related to gleam. junt ay is related to complete. paskay is related to detach. umalli is related to title. james polk is a synonym of james k polk. alqamari is related to throat. ñuñu warani is a synonym of galaxy. ataw is related to luck. sipiy is related to sipi. hanaq is related to urin. kuti is related to land. molekül is a synonym of iñuwa. rawrana is a synonym of fuel. yaku t impuchina is derived from yaku. runa wilancha is a synonym of human sacrifice. chanqaykukuy is related to chanqay. kuta is related to kutay. taku is related to mixed up. titi is related to tin. chumpi is related to chumpiy. inkill is a synonym of wayta. tisnumya is a synonym of dysnomia. nina is related to fire. qillqaqhawapay is related to qillqaqhaway. soldat is a synonym of wamink a. qilla is related to idle. simpa is a form of simp a. uqi is related to gray. ch iquy is related to stone. waqyay is related to bark. ch uspa is related to coca. q ipi is related to carry. ch uyanchay is related to resolve. wayk una wasi is derived from wayk uy. llaqta pusay is a synonym of politics. huk is related to other. haya is related to hot. ñina is a form of ñiy. mayt uy is related to bundle. qunqur is a synonym of knee. chikchi is a synonym of hail. swell is a synonym of saksay. domingo de guzmán is a synonym of saint dominic. musuq wata is derived from musuq. khipuy is related to knot. berkelyu is a synonym of berkelium. wanp uy is a form of wamp uy. chiraray is related to become. coati is a synonym of achuni. ch uspa is related to tobacco. saskatchewan pruwinsya is a synonym of saskatchewan. girona is related to gérone. wayna is related to young. mama aqha p uchqu is a synonym of acetic acid. nihun hatun qucha is a synonym of sea of japan. soqta is a form of suqta. khata is related to cloth. tear off is a synonym of t ipiy. hatun is related to height. kuncha is related to nephew. romanukunapaq qillqa is a synonym of epistle to romans. man is related to dative. achkachay is related to abundant. q iwi is related to q iwiy. pikchu is related to peak. achiwa is related to achiwa achiwa. tullu is related to thin. acide formique is a synonym of sisi p’ uchqu. purple is a synonym of sañi. katalisachaq is a synonym of catalysis. teaching is a synonym of yachachiy. saqsay is a form of saksay. alabama suyu is a synonym of alabama. unify is a synonym of huhllay. iskay chunka isqunniyuq has context of cardinal. sapallu is related to gourd. chun simi is a synonym of chinese language. ichiy is related to walk. ch iwkachiy is related to liquid. chayachiy is derived from chaya. lluqsi is related to escape. waise is a synonym of wakcha. nevertheless is a synonym of ichaqa. carpa is etymologically derived from karpa. khipu is related to corde. chayanpuy is related to return. apple is a synonym of mansana. beryllium is a synonym of berilyu. already is a synonym of ña. waqra is related to horns. phaway is related to flight. wakcha is related to landless. riksi is a form of riqsi. haqaymanta has context of distal. nuna is related to soul. uyay is related to uyariy. tupay is related to sparring. k uychi is related to rainbow. agree is a synonym of añikuy. qillqay is related to spelling. kuchuy is related to cut. rikuchiy is related to reveal. hiq ipay is related to hiq i. parlay is a synonym of rimay. contradict is a synonym of ayñiy. khuchi is related to khuchichakuy. yupay is related to count. qori is a form of quri. qhichwa has context of weaving. monkey is a synonym of k usillu. t ikay is related to blossom. great horned owl is a synonym of tuku. man translations is a synonym of runa. ama ñiy is related to forbid. chaskiy is related to receive. musuq wata is derived from musuq. aysay is related to drag. aya is related to soul. hanaq is related to upper. yttrium is a synonym of itriyu. qaray is related to share. paqariy is related to paqar. pallay is related to pick. liyiy is related to ñawiy. amawt a is related to era. k umuy is related to k umu. illa is related to jewel. t ikray is related to t ikra. pachar is a synonym of marble. ullu k aspiyay is a synonym of erection. yachay wasi is derived from wasi. acide formique is a synonym of methanu p’ uchqu. munay is related to willpower. close is a synonym of wisq ay. muchuy is related to miss. picardie is a synonym of picardy. ch iqmichiy is related to upset. jatun yachay wasi is derived from wasi. siwk patma is a synonym of line segment. k ita uywap wasin is derived from uywa. samay pacha is derived from samay. s is related to m. illa is related to illay. artiku mama qucha is a synonym of arctic ocean. piemonte is a synonym of piedmont. hatunkaray llikilliki is a synonym of double bass. metal is a synonym of q illay. muchuy is related to suffer. awqaq pusaq is a synonym of officer. qanchis p unchaw is related to week. t uksi is related to prickly. atiy is related to triumph. t uqu is related to pit. muchhi is a synonym of acne vulgaris. q iwi is related to crooked. taki is related to takiy. t inkiy is related to fuse. raymi is related to redistribute. t inki is related to t inkiy. receive is a synonym of chaskiy. filthy is a synonym of saqra. yarqay is related to hunger. simana is etymologically derived from semana. pinchikilla chaqna is a synonym of electric charge. sunqu is related to stomach. kuraka is related to kuraq. runtu is a synonym of egg. tukuy is related to fully. pirway is related to pirwa. chunka suqtayuq is related to sixteen. urin sudan is a synonym of south sudan. k achanchakuy is derived from k acha. luq u luq u is a synonym of rumex obtusifolius. aylluchakuy is related to related. kalahari is a synonym of kalahari desert. papa rikch ana is a synonym of solanum. lame is a synonym of hank a. tawa chunka kimsayuq has context of cardinal. ch ulla kawsaykuq is a synonym of protist. yachay is related to learn. challa is related to coast. munay is related to intention. kancha is related to court. press is a synonym of ñit iy. wanthi unquy is a synonym of syphilis. marble is a synonym of pachar. tupu is related to woman. riwi is a synonym of cereal. forest is a synonym of sach a sach a. siqay is related to ascent. tipiy is related to harvest. mit a yachay is a synonym of meteorology. k awchu sach a is a synonym of hevea brasiliensis. ischuchay is related to mix. mayt una is related to shell. fujian pruwinsya is a synonym of fujian. yuri is related to bush. ñukñu is related to milk. qasqu is related to poitrine. michiy is related to herd. watay is related to bind. hark a is related to barrier. illawi is a synonym of boa constrictor. kankay is related to bake. tamya is related to tamyay. achi tayta is a synonym of godparent. wiktionary is a synonym of wiksimitaqi. wichay is related to ascent. akan is a form of akay. milla is related to repulsion. kók is etymologically related to kuka. yupana is related to abacus. jordan is a synonym of hurdanya. saywa is a synonym of border. watuy is related to enchant. harvard yachay suntur is a synonym of harvard university. juch uy wasi is related to apartment. shatter is a synonym of thuñiy. chayqa is related to chay. albanya is a synonym of albania. aqtuy is related to vomit. amawt a is related to leader. afrikans simi is a synonym of afrikaans. uywa is related to uyway. pirwa is related to planet. hatun is related to size. waysallpu is a synonym of rose. sira sira is related to scorpion. sunqu is related to pallay. sallqa is related to wild. pisqu is related to hen. riqsiy is related to riqsichikuy. saqarara is a synonym of plantago major. t uksi is related to spine. tamyay is related to paray. shine is a synonym of illay. ayñiy is related to ayñi. qullpay is related to cattle. lagartu is a synonym of crocodilia. hap ikuy is derived from hap iy. rainbow is a synonym of k uychi. village is a synonym of ayllu. thuñiy is related to demolish. attach is a synonym of watay. wañusqa rimay is a synonym of extinct language. kusikuy is related to happiness. chikiy is a form of chiqniy. princess is a synonym of ñust a. nobel suñay is a synonym of nobel prize. aypay is related to comprehend. ayqichiy is a synonym of deportation. wayana is related to guyana. answer is a synonym of kutichiy. watu is related to band. uqi is related to ash. pacha is related to world. q uya is a synonym of festuca. iwrafrasya is a synonym of afro eurasia. wayllay is related to thatch. tantalyu is a synonym of tantalum. uman is a synonym of oman. ishkiy is related to urmay. ura sahun simi is a synonym of low german. bremen suyu is a synonym of bremen. hank a is related to hank ay. here is a synonym of kaypi. paqarin is related to paqar. q apiy is related to extrude. swindle is a synonym of ch achuy. hank u is a form of anku. illapay is related to illapa. petrarca is a synonym of petrarch. qanchischaw is a synonym of hunk a. taruka has context of bolivia. ukuta is a form of uku. apan is a form of apay. anschuriy is related to make way. wik uña is related to vicuna. iskusya is a synonym of scotland. sparkle is a synonym of achikyay. pukllay is related to awsay. chuchuyay is related to harden. potato is a synonym of papa. fig is a synonym of igu. yachachiy is related to education. wisllasapa is related to ladle. silinyu is a synonym of selenium. parlay is a synonym of simi. wayra is related to wayralla. wallqanqacha usa is a synonym of scale insect. yanapay is related to collaborate. pharu is a synonym of lighthouse. purun is related to region. ñisqa is related to said. huk ñiqin pachantin maqanakuy is a synonym of world war i. sukha is related to afternoon. pinu is a synonym of pine. p ampa is related to p ampaykuy. wasa is related to back. kawsaq is a synonym of organism. hautbois is a synonym of uwuy pinkuyllu. hate is a synonym of chiqniy. kuru is a synonym of worm. chimpachiy is related to cross. takuy is related to combine. maté is etymologically derived from mati. takiy is related to play. sach a millma is a synonym of spanish moss. mate is etymologically derived from mati. russia is a synonym of rusiya. watay is related to bring up. uruguay is a synonym of uruwayi. uqi is a synonym of grey. qutuy is related to plant. corse is a synonym of corsica. phiña is related to anger. juku is related to owl. llamk ay is related to cultivate. wayray is related to wayrachiy. ñawi hampikamayuq is a synonym of ophthalmology. jina is a form of hina. k acha is related to loving. dublin is a synonym of baile átha cliath. añaka is a synonym of candy. may may is etymologically related to may. chapinnay is related to chapiy. bakery is a synonym of t anta ranqhana wasi. qutu is related to qutuy. papa has context of plantes. pichqa has context of cardinal. wanu is related to guano. marq a is related to armful. qullpay is related to qullpa. yachaywasi is related to elementary school. llulla is related to deceptive. waqta is related to side. dark red is a synonym of panti. isluwakya is a synonym of slovakia. qaraqruyuwa is a synonym of crustacean. qullpa is related to qullpay. achira is a synonym of canna indica. p achallikuy is related to put on. tusuna wasi is derived from tusuy. paskay is related to untie. ayaya is a synonym of roseate spoonbill. kutipayaq micha is a synonym of renewable energy. pound is a synonym of takay. fifteen is a synonym of chunka pichqayuq. k awchisuyt u is a synonym of shrew. find is a synonym of tariy. kawsachiy is derived from kawsay. musiku is a synonym of economics. embellish is a synonym of achalay. chapaq is a synonym of police. tayta is related to mama. forty eight is a synonym of tawa chunka pusaqniyuq. qanchischaw is derived from qanchis. jark ay is related to protect. silver is a synonym of qullqi. chahrakuy is related to chahra. yunka is related to altitude. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. ñak aq is related to butcher. machay is related to intoxication. khallki is related to khallkiy. amawt a is related to educator. saxophone is a synonym of saksuphun. tawa chunka iskayniyuq is related to forty two. yana is related to yanay. hatariy is related to bed. yuriy is related to branch out. qaralla rapra is a synonym of hymenoptera. ch’ aska is a synonym of quyllur. kaniy is related to bite. ñañakunarayku is a form of ñaña. hapuy is related to burn. pisiy is related to absent. category is a synonym of katiguriya. awki is related to grandparent. kuntur is a synonym of andean condor. munay is related to appreciate. sumaq is related to nice. sapiy is a form of saphiy. llamiy is related to taste. annoy is a synonym of phiñay. llaqta is related to city. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from jampiy. thorn is a synonym of t uksi. arsiniku is a synonym of arsenic. qulla is similar to kunti. wakchilla has context of oiseaux. marq a is related to marq ay. 1900 watakuna is a synonym of 1900s. sansa is related to blaze. unu is related to something. wanachay is a synonym of punishment. api is related to smooth. yachay is related to yachachiy. girl is a synonym of taski. abdiyaspa qillqasqan is a synonym of book of obadiah. ñin is a form of ñiy. one translations is a synonym of juk. siul is a synonym of seoul. simpay is a form of simp ay. sumay is related to add. source is a synonym of pukyu. absent is a synonym of ch usay. khuska is related to together. chauve souris is a synonym of masu. tupa is related to light. paña is related to right. rimay is related to rimaykuy. thanta is related to thantay. alqa is related to black and white. wayra is related to fume. si tupuy is a synonym of international system of units. chanin is related to chaniy. sutip rantin is a synonym of pronoun. quechua is a synonym of runa simi. kancha is related to flock. wamphu is related to opening. qallu is related to simi. ñañakunanka is a form of ñaña. salsa is a synonym of sauce. t ikay is related to flower. sirk a llika is a synonym of circulatory system. begin is a synonym of qallay. miguel angel is a synonym of michelangelo. samoa is a synonym of samwa. k ita uywap wasin is derived from wasi. simi is a synonym of mouth. mallay is related to yarqay. khuyay is related to like. yuraq waqar is a synonym of snowy egret. hunt ay is related to hunt achiy. k anchaq ñan is a synonym of shining path. pisco is etymologically related to pisqu. wachay is related to produce. chapuy is related to chapukuy. yosif stalin is a synonym of joseph stalin. kututu is related to rabbit. wanay is related to example. jallp a is related to ground. sunqu p itiy is a synonym of myocardial infarction. sallqa pacha is a synonym of nature. pallay is related to slowly. arm is a synonym of marq a. challpuy is related to submerge. help is a synonym of yanapay. rinri is related to hearing. millaymana is related to millay. akllay is related to select. kisma is related to kiwach. kichka k usillu is a synonym of new world porcupine. ayni is related to voluntary. sisa is a synonym of pollen. hap iy is related to piskay. machu is related to old man. jatun tata is related to grandfather. paqarin is related to paqar. child is a synonym of wamra. hatun is related to big. pazifischer ozean is a synonym of sanp a mama qucha. alli is related to allichiy. pukara is related to tower. chilla has context of anatomie. tie is a synonym of watay. pituy is related to wrap. arrive is a synonym of chamuy. qasichiy is derived from qasi. aspiy is related to scrape. jampiy ranqhana wasi is derived from ranqhana wasi. apaykachay is related to drive. freeze is a synonym of chiriy. face is a synonym of uya. may is related to which. grasya is etymologically derived from gracia. pirqa qillqana is derived from pirqa. q icha is a synonym of diarrhea. kunallan is related to immediately. tee is a synonym of tiy. heap is a synonym of qisa. usqay is a form of utqay. apanqura is related to family. uqi is related to lead. qasay is related to freeze. pay is related to she. challa is related to sea level. t impuchiy is related to chayachiy. ñitiy is a form of ñit iy. huk is related to one. isqun is related to neuf. sillu supay is a synonym of croton. navel is a synonym of puti. t aqsay is a synonym of laundry. ñawi huñuna unquy is a synonym of conjunctivitis. chahraysiy is related to farm. ch atay is related to tie. sunqu is related to pallay. ususi is related to churi. new jersey suyu is a synonym of new jersey. new hampshire suyu is a synonym of new hampshire. pine is a synonym of pinu. awqakuq has context of astronomie. mirana yawri is a synonym of gonad. simana is a synonym of hunk a. chiqachakuy is related to guilt. millwa is a form of millma. sinqawaqra is a synonym of rhinoceros. simi is related to qallu. kakaw is a synonym of theobroma cacao. ch uyayachiy is related to clarify. anqusay is related to health. uran is related to base. suysuy is related to search. set fire is a synonym of kañay. chumpi is related to girdle. sat iy is related to put in. asnaq is derived from asnay. yupay is related to yupa. pot is a synonym of manka. llakiy is related to affliction. harawi is related to work. ch uspa is related to cloth. warma is a form of wamra. wichq ay is related to shut. metal is a synonym of chuqi. timpuchiy is a form of t impuchiy. aklluykachay is related to aklluy. tunas is a form of tuna. turunja is etymologically derived from toronja. suyu is related to country. ch uqchuy is related to ch unqay. musuq wata is derived from musuq. lev tolstoy is a synonym of leo tolstoy. kunti is related to ouest. pisqu is related to crow. ikwadur is a synonym of ecuador. flûte traversière is a synonym of pitu. condor is etymologically related to kuntur. laqha wasi is derived from laqha. pacha is related to soil. ñaña is related to sister. qarawichka is a synonym of jacaranda. waqay is related to tear. ñañakunapura is a form of ñaña. qaqa is related to abyss. lata pisqu is derived from lata. chanqaykuy is related to fling. pusullu is a synonym of amnesia. wamp uy is related to swim. araway is related to hang. t aqa is related to t aqay. rantikuy is related to buy. llamp uy is related to soften. kannada simi is a synonym of kannada. allpaqa is related to wanaku. ankallikuy is related to resistance. shullpinay is related to shullpi. t ikay is related to bloom. patacha is related to patachay. also is a synonym of utaq. asin is a form of asiy. hirapha is a synonym of giraffe. pacha is related to since. aklla is related to select. asnu is etymologically derived from asno. iskaymuyu is derived from muyu. suruqch i is related to soroche. t ustuy is related to thresh. chinka is related to loss. llapan is related to all. rupha rupha is related to hot. t ikra is related to t ikray. q ara chupa is related to opossum. kanila is a synonym of cinnamon. chiqa is related to upright. chiri is related to chiriqunuy. rimac is a form of rimaq. wolframyu is a synonym of tungsten. chaymanta is related to about. awki is related to awkikuna. ayniy is related to returned. wamp artupuykama is a synonym of trigonometry. mit a is related to compulsory. purun is related to sallqa. miyu is related to virus. musquy is related to divination. tiksimuyu is a synonym of earth. qara is related to leather. new age is a synonym of new age music. watay is related to attach. qhaway is related to watch. nina is related to match. panca is etymologically derived from p anqa. mast ay is related to mast a. winnipeg qucha is a synonym of lake winnipeg. ayni is related to help. llankʼa is related to emploi. kiru ismu is a synonym of dental caries. anku is related to squash. sunqu is related to person. chinchay maryana wat akuna is a synonym of northern mariana islands. sénégal is a synonym of sinigal. broom is a synonym of pichana. frog is a synonym of jamp atu. wanuy is related to fertilize. huwanpa apokalipsisnin is a synonym of book of revelation. yuraq p akincha is a synonym of papaver somniferum. kichka is related to thorn. landslide is a synonym of lluqlla. belfast has context of localités. ayway is related to go. chunka is related to ten. tiksiy is related to found. freeze is a synonym of qasay. raise is a synonym of huqariy. sisiy is related to assemble. ch isi is a synonym of evening. chaniy is related to chanin. stand is a synonym of sayay. chaniy is related to chanin. harwiy is related to grain. chawa is related to uncooked. mohandas gandhi is a synonym of mahatma gandhi. akke is related to vernaculaire. lanthanu rikch aq q illay is a synonym of lanthanide. yana piminta is a synonym of black pepper. qhuruy is related to decapitate. waqaychay is related to store. hunk a is a synonym of qanchischaw. pichqa chunka has context of cardinal. puchkay is related to puchka. k aklla is a synonym of cheek. simi is related to language. brick is a synonym of kusasqa tika. begonia is a synonym of achanqaray. chaskiy is related to chaskiykuy. awki is related to awkis. mama has context of geology. father is a synonym of tayta. yuraqchupa luwichu is a synonym of white tailed deer. puquy is related to maturation. q apiy is related to knead. wawa hampikamayuq is a synonym of pediatrics. warak a is a synonym of sling. picga has context of cardinal. kurku is related to trunk. ispay is related to underneath. ari is related to sharpness. recent is a synonym of musuq. rak i is related to forecast. ch unku is related to crowd. sapa is related to sapay. ununkwadyu is a synonym of flerovium. kuska is related to location. paqar is related to paqariy. achikyay is related to dawn. t aklla is a synonym of plough. sapra is a synonym of beard. arinsay is related to arinsa. father in law is a synonym of kiwachi. ismu is related to ismuy. thantay is related to become. wiñay is related to century. runa is related to être humain. jap iy is related to remember. chiri is related to chiriyachiy. tinkiy is a form of t inkiy. iñiy is derived from iñi. kañay is related to set fire to. qipi is a form of q ipi.