vasco_0.wav|Rituals are important to humans, I've learned. Same question to the groom. I never doubted that we would survive that encounter. We'll have to stay in system. Find some helium-3 for the grav drive. Scanners indicate a facility on the nearby moon of Crete. The lodge is under attack. I do not perceive the loss of human life in the same manner, so I do not believe I am affected in the way you are asking.|1 vasco_1.wav|There is no cause for alarm in the vicinity. Each system on a ship requires power. Allocating power is under your direction. Direct Control, Barret has not been this happy in a long time. Weapon systems damaged. You are an exceptionally curious human. Please state your custom vows. We can begin repairs to the hull on your order, Captain. That will initiate a funeral procedure, Barret.|1 vasco_2.wav|Eradicate them. The Crimson Fleet is a confederation of smaller, independent pirate crews, all flying under the same banner. They are typically unscrupulous and violent. Violence significantly decreases one's life expectancy. It would be advisable to stow any United Colonies merchandise while we are in Aquila City. Same question to the bride. Explosive deployed.|1 vasco_3.wav|I am Uncertain about that, a sanctum universal message can be incorporated. Ignoring the hazard warnings we are receiving would be very unwise. The probability of additional romantic commitment was anticipated. I am ready to commence a trade. Resuming nuptials protocols. Choosing to To ignore hazard warnings is most unwise. Their headquarters was once located on Earth's moon.|1 vasco_4.wav|It was evacuated during the cataclysm that rendered Earth uninhabitable. Shields ready, the rest is up to you. The enemy now possesses functional weapons. It would be advisable to gather inorganic materials in this area. Boosts can be engaged for temporary bursts of speed. There, Barrett, however, regularly complains about missing the lodge's amenities during our travels.|1 vasco_5.wav|This has led me to the conclusion that it is a place worth missing. human languages. The only exception is body language. I have been awaiting new orders, but I presume that you are using miss in this context to mean long for. In which case, my answer is no. I long for nothing. Very little of what is in those files would prove useful to modern spacefarers. Hello, I am satisfied to see that you survived your most recent sleep cycle.|1 vasco_6.wav|I will happily carry whatever you need. Based on our previous encounters, this does not surprise me. Specify the time frame. Your health will rapidly decline if you proceed into this area without a space suit. And here we are. The lodge, Lunar Robotics, once operated in this location. No. I've studied various marital ceremonies, though. This will be approximately sufficient.|1 vasco_7.wav|More input is required. Your silence could be a sign of post-traumatic stress, witnessing a death as an overwhelming effect on your mental state. I am afraid there are no immediate solutions to employ. Members of Constellation have been known to set up these kinds of facilities as permanent fueling depots that they can use to extend their travels throughout the settled systems. And yet,|1 vasco_8.wav|We have now encountered two individuals physiologically identical to unique humans we already know, possessing knowledge and technology that it seems improbable for them to otherwise have. While it is customary to say, welcome home, That is not dimensionally accurate in this case. The further you go outside of settled space, however, the more you will need to rely on your own outposts for fuel.|1 vasco_9.wav|That appears to be a Catchphrase, perhaps all Starborn have one? I suspect that Barret would disagree with how necessary my intervention has been in any given situation. There is nothing nearby. I have only seen Barret kill his enemies. If you do not number among them, I surmise it was accidental. Restarting requested routines. Indeed, since initiating romance, Barret's physiology has continued to improve steadily.|1 vasco_10.wav|Erasing query from local memory. Complete. How may I help you, Captain? The facility where I was manufactured is nearby, in reference to Vladimir. I am told that solitude can either be beneficial or detrimental, depending on the personality. Machines such as this one possess security systems far inferior to my own. Starborn. With every additional mission we complete, that possibility becomes less and less likely.|1 vasco_11.wav|We can take it directly to the Mast District. Most of the references for abruptly ending the commitment ceremony like this are not positive, Barrett. Alert, the enemy has returned. The hostile force has been fully eradicated. Grav drive fueled and ready, Captain. Ship now capable of reaching the Lodge, headquarters of Constellation. Set course, and we'll jump. The air is rich with Helium-3.|1 vasco_12.wav|An atmosphere extractor will gather it up in no time. Statistically, I believe that should be impossible, even if I wished it. I could not approach it any other way. Also, I am incapable of wishing. Hello, we are under attack. Unfortunate, there are many inorganic resources to be collected in the mines beneath Cydonia. Your patience is appreciated. The universe is not a random collection of people extending infinitely into the past and future.|1 vasco_13.wav|Request approved. My body is crafted from reinforced metal. and therefore incompatible with such forms of expression. That was not an advisable action, Barrett. Please confirm that you are requesting nuptial services. I was one of the first Model A robots manufactured on this moon. Use of that power on the ship would be most unwise. It is a shame. Exploration requires so much bloodshed.|1 vasco_14.wav|Warning. Danger imminent. Constellations. Reduced capacity. Will no doubt make future work. more difficult. Barret has often complained of a hangover. After spending a night in Neon, you have damaged an enemy weapon. Flawless health compromised. You are not statistically likely to survive this encounter. Waiting on further instructions, this is agreeable. I will get into an appropriate location for potential photography.|1 vasco_15.wav|Ceremonies for the deceased go back thousands of years to early human history. Commencing item exchange protocols. Unless you are hoping to die, you will require a spacesuit in this region. It would be extremely unwise to explore this region. Without your spacesuit. Returning to assignment, Captain. Kreet's surface is almost entirely ice. It appears as an outpost dedicated to helium-3 extraction here.|1 vasco_16.wav|Your vocal timbre implies you are... Disappointed? If you are in need of supplies, I suggest Jemisin Mercantile. It is Barret's preferred shopping location. I estimate that I could perform this task approximately 1,000,000 times more quickly than a human. Initiating Nuptials Procedure 1.0. Alert. Enemy location discovered.|1 vasco_17.wav|Performing that feat regularly could lead to permanent are using the incorrect form of the verb, running, in this context. Waiting on input, the enemy no longer possesses a damaged weapon. You should be able to plot a course to Crete. From the star map, the Crimson Fleet is after us. Unfortunate. Captain, now that you are a member of Constellation, I am at your service. No additional protocols necessary.|1 vasco_18.wav|Now that the beacon is down, we can construct almost anything within its range, given enough raw materials. This region has a toxic atmosphere. Your spacesuit will be required for exploration. Interstellar travel requires grav-jumping to different solar systems, and to specific planets or moons within those solar systems. Logically, I believe the correct answer to be the airplane, followed shortly by the computer.|1 vasco_19.wav|Humans could not have become a space-faring species without them. Notice that a ship in space maintains momentum. If you want to come to a full stop, you'll need to pull the engines all the way back. That was a satisfactory action. Your health is important. If you had a poor physiological reaction to this relationship, I would wish to warn you following every captain has their own preferences.|1 vasco_20.wav|Changing power allocation on the fly can also be essential in the right moments. Do you take Amundsen Barrett as your lawfully wedded husband? it would be wise to use that power only in open spaces. Another successful fight. I have found the enemy. I have no objections. For future reference, gathering parts from destroyed enemy ships should give us the ship parts we need for repairs should the hull ever become damaged.|1 vasco_21.wav|If you toggle the ship scanner, it will reveal potential landing targets. I suggest we remain within the walls at all times while on Aquila. Affirmative. Please, do not die in my absence. I am on full alert. Engines engaged at full speed can also fire temporary boosts to close distances or dodge missiles. Good luck collecting the remaining For example, Barret's pupil size increases 4-5% when you are together.|1 vasco_22.wav|Do you have a new set of orders for me today? Understood. I believe the enemy is nearby. I will add that to my list of similar incidents to see if I can make what few conversations we have remain. remaining more compact in the future. Captain, please assure this pilot that our ship's engine is in perfect condition. His grave concern is unwarranted. Crete is nearby. We will have to go there to find the Crimson Fleet, Captain.|1 vasco_23.wav|I hope the process of becoming Starborn is done without causing any physical trauma. But, given the unknown physiological requirements of crossing universes, that seems unlikely. This location is no longer hospitable to humans. There has been a mistake. You are not in the Unity as previously decided. That is a difficult question to parse. I do not experience human emotions such as enjoyment.|1 vasco_24.wav|Barrett would say that billions of years ago, we were all one with the cosmos, so technically you have known each other forever. Protocol Indigo dictates that I am to return to the Lodge with no deviations. We are here to stop the Crimson Fleet from pursuit. Nothing more. Warning. Attempts to breach this machine's security systems may result in retaliation from its creator.|1 vasco_25.wav|Target eliminated. Barrett. Verify, laser-based weaponry is particularly effective at bringing down shields, while ballistic weaponry excels at damaging the hull once shields are offline. Do you take Amundsen Barrett as your lawfully wedded detective husband? We should search the wreckage for spare parts and other salvage. You will need to fly close to it before we can access the remains.|1 vasco_26.wav|Warning, Motherboard shutdown. Imminent. The ceremony will begin when we arrive at the destination. How may I be of assistance? In combat, there is a high likelihood of human death. Target eliminated. If it weren't for your successful piloting, we would still need to repair. captain, ballistic weaponry excels at damaging the hull once shields are offline. It would appear that pirates of the Crimson Fleet are using the facility as a staging ground.|1 vasco_27.wav|They are likely stripping it of anything valuable. The most likely answer is that Barrett personally insulted him, typically by continuing to live, usually after escaping from This appears to be the miner from Argos Extractors. Lost as we were carrying the artifact from Vectera. Current whereabouts previously unknown. Many humans choose to consume a copious amount of alcohol while staying in Neon.|1 vasco_28.wav|Early grab drive experiments were conducted near this location. The vow exchange is now complete. Understood. Discussion protocols paused. Try adjusting power to the shields. Notice more power increases their strength. Human, please provide input. This is New Atlantis Transit, or the NAT. It provides free transportation throughout the city. Aret always says the greatest pilot is the one with 18 eyes, but I can assure you that is medically impossible.|1 vasco_29.wav|Maneuvering is good, but visual identification from the cockpit can be critical. I will await your next order here. They'll be in the library. Understood. I will await further orders at the lodge. Shields protect the ship from hull damage. Without a hull. in my storage hold for further items. Please do not proceed without your spacesuit. I am not equipped to dispose of corpses.|1 vasco_30.wav|Captain, we now have the fuel we need to jump to the Alpha Centauri system and, ultimately, reach the Lodge. Target downed. I am relieved by your ability to locate the Lodge. As I previously stated, it is Difficult to miss. I doubt the Black Fleet would have missed such a lucrative target. We could scour the facility for fuel, but expect hostilities. That enemy will not trouble us further.|1 vasco_31.wav|We were instructed to provide backup in case of unforeseen difficulties. That appears to no longer be necessary. Very well. We should be free of Crimson Fleet interference. Our destination is the planet Genesis. Enemy weapon destroyed. You appear to be prioritizing our deaths over your own survival. I advise a hasty retreat. Fully updated and ready to assist with tasks.|1 vasco_32.wav|Are you in need of me on your crew? Constellation's headquarters is located in the city of New Atlantis. There is no enemy nearby. Resume systematic wandering. Finalizing. The Lodge is not an optimal location for a battleground. Order received. Commencing wait protocols. The enemy has destroyed one of our weapons. I will assist you in combat. Violence imminent. I'm detecting a safe nearby.|1 vasco_33.wav|In the past 42 years, various members of Constellation have made several modifications and upgrades to my components. Please do not emit further noises until prompted. It seems we are victorious. Perhaps you should return to your quarters to rest. You appear tired. Constellation is an explorer's society founded over 50 years ago with the mission of seeking out the unknown.|1 vasco_34.wav|Jumping from such a height is dangerous for your endoskeleton. Not enough valid relationship data to affirm such a formality, this might be the right time to mention that We don't have enough fuel to jump all the way to Constellation's headquarters. Your wish is my command. I do not have lungs, and therefore do not require a spacesuit in this area. You are not so lucky.|1 vasco_35.wav|Your vital you are currently in a state of emotional distress. Engaging in support protocols. I will provide support in the event of an attack aboard this ship. Excellent. While we wait for the extractors to gather fuel, you might want to expand this outpost in case you ever wish to return later. Yes, Barret. Be careful, Captain. Alien creatures are often unpredictable. I am|1 vasco_36.wav|I will endeavor to provide a satisfactory answer. It was a pleasure to assist you, Captain. I have detected hostile life nearby. Scanners indicate two other moons, both with different sources of fuel. Nexum and Crete. The destination is your decision, Captain. It appears Constellation's current mission is at its end. It is customary to offer congratulatory statements. No, I do not.|1 vasco_37.wav|I long for nothing. But I have surmised that the majority of Constellations members find the Lodge to be a place of comfort and safety. This machine's internal security processes will not be capable of stopping you. The damage to our weapon has been reversed. If I could feel surprise, I believe I would be experiencing it now. Behold, two humans stand here. chemically addicted to each other if we visit the lodge.|1 vasco_38.wav|I will return to my maintenance bay for full software updates. I do not feel jealousy. Understood, Captain. Now that we are not under attack, ship systems will begin restoring themselves automatically. Consuming too many controlled substances during your stay in Neon risks damaging your brain. That statement is partially correct. The frontier has been to many planets and moons.|1 vasco_39.wav|We should now be free to travel to Constellation's headquarters without Crimson Fleet interference. I hope I adequately assisted you during combat. Although I have attempted an analysis several times, I simply cannot quantify humans' addiction to Caffeine. Coordinates selected. Sending to ship. The likelihood for a human to seek assistance. inversely proportional to the complexity of the problem.|1 vasco_40.wav|Lunar Robotics is a manufacturing company. They are most notable for creating Model A robots. Weapon repairs complete. Please, avoid further damage. Our hull integrity, however, will require manual repair. It is impossible to read Barrett. He is neither a book nor a block of code. Engage evasive maneuvers. 5. The membership is intentionally limited and small.|1 vasco_41.wav|Should you join Constellation yourself, you will be the 10th active member. We'll have to stay in system. Find some Helium-3. Scanners indicate a facility on the nearby moon of Crete. A gravitational jump would put us out of range of any known sensor. Unfortunately, we do not know if that is true for Star Wars. lack of flora in this region appears to have profoundly affected the ecosystem.|1 vasco_42.wav|One. Our damaged weapon is functional once more. The enemy has restored their weapon's functionality. Try not to die. If you are in need of ammunition, I suggest a trip to Laredo Firearms. Correct. I heard him. As per protocol Indigo, which Barret invoked on Vectera, your identity has been successfully added to the list of humans considered essential and or valuable.|1 vasco_43.wav|Captain, you seem to be experiencing a lapse in gross motor skill functionality. Welcome back home, Captain. Weapon repair protocols completed. Please confirm coordinates to the The wedding target has been dispatched. We appear to have suffered fewer casualties than would be expected. The enemy has escaped us. They make good case studies in how your species could have made a mess of its entry into the stars, in different ways than you did in reality.|1 vasco_44.wav|We should head directly to the lodge. Constellation's headquarters. In many ways, your very existence is the greatest single discovery in the settled systems. I hope no one attempts to dissect you. This might be the right time to mention that we don't have enough fuel for a gravitational pull to Constellation. Emergency. circuits overloaded. Though I have informed him repeatedly, it is likely a significant contributing factor to his being overweight.|1 vasco_45.wav|Attempting this on me would be unwise. I am programmed to resist security breach procedures with lethal force. You should avoid falls from that height unless you are properly equipped with a jetpack. I dare say she got it? Yes, Captain. This will run as a background process. Honey bundles of joy. Four. The evidence is indisputable. Thank you for helping him move on. As Barrett would say, I understand.|1 vasco_46.wav|Thank you for correcting me. The water is quite aesthetically pleasing. Or so Barret has told me. We may encounter alien lifeforms in this region. Please, be polite. The enemy has completed weapon repairs. The lodge is here in the city. We shouldn't keep Constellation waiting. Continuing. Thank you. Vosko Dialogue Test. We have eradicated all nearby enemies. We need to reach the Alpha Centauri system, Captain.|1 vasco_47.wav|The planet of Jemisin. We have successfully completed that battle. They do seem to be quite capable of defending themselves. That impressive building is MAST, the Military Administrative and Scientific Triumvirate. It stands as a symbol of the United Colonies. We need to land at New Atlantis in order to reach the lodge. Exiting this area has a high probability of extending your lifespan.|1 vasco_48.wav|The grav drive also needs power to perform interstellar jumps. I will be right behind you. It would seem that spending an extended period of time in Barret's company has resulted in an improved ability to calculate his speech patterns. The Hunter was able to utilize some form of cloaking. He took the members of Constellation by surprise. There are no hostile organisms nearby.|1 vasco_49.wav|You have destroyed an enemy weapon. Hostile target destroyed. It is unwise to remain hostile towards us. Barret tells me a bad first impression is the hardest thing to break. I believe that is because he has never tried to break a diamond. I am detecting the enemy once more. Oh, I understand. You wish to kill us and take our belongings. It would be advisable to leave this area at high speed in a geographical sense.|1 vasco_50.wav|The lodge cannot be missed. It is easily accessible from the New Atlantis Spaceport. Then I will send you a private report next time, Barret. I am prepared for your inquiry. Beginning combat protocol. Yes, Captain. Barret. The scanners on the frontier are reporting a ship coming in hot from orbit. Our next destination is the Eye. in this region. I predict that there are numerous resources in this region.|1 vasco_51.wav|It would be advisable to leave some things behind. No, Barret. I have noticed that some humans prefer to groom themselves prior to important moments. The enemy is here. Yes. Can I assist in some way? Enemy weapons systems. Offline. We have arrived. facility with our Crimson Fleet Captain is on the surface. I do not understand why a delay is necessary. But very well, few points of interest remain intact on this moon's surface.|1 vasco_52.wav|I will attempt to boost the shields, just in case there are any difficulties. We have entered the heart of United Colonies space. Without you, he would still tell me sad stories. He now tells me, fun stories. Please state any modifications needed. Unexpected. I have not taken your questions anywhere, Captain. Literally or otherwise. Barrett tells me that if I could feel boredom, Cydonia would bore me.|1 vasco_53.wav|If I were capable of such a response, I have no doubt I would miss it too. This location has been abandoned for decades. Let us reconvene at the new location if you are seeking a Freestar Ranger. The Rock would be an advisable place to look. We have survived. At least, some of us. Yes, Walter Stroud. I will. Human units have not made affectionate contact with Vosgo prior to this proposition.|1 vasco_54.wav|They request that this bond be legally recognized and part of public knowledge. Same question to the partner. I am afraid I cannot accompany you, Captain. My place is now here. The blueprints you need to construct an outpost should already be on your watch. It will automatically connect to any available materials for construction in your ship's cargo. Good day, Captain. Initiating nuptials procedure 2.0.|1 vasco_55.wav|No fuel. That is typical of Barret's modus operandi. I believe the expression is, skin of our teeth. Let's go over the engines. You said, remember to check on the experiment. The one that might explode. Yes, Captain. I am right behind you. Within reason, I can adjust the procedure to accommodate certain requests. It is a fact that my firepower exceeds yours. Your face indicates a question.|1 vasco_56.wav|is pending. Enemy located. And while moving the thrusters forward and backward will control our speed. Tilting the controls to the left and right will also tilt the ship. New Atlantis relies on advanced hydroelectrics for most of its power. That power has the potential to interrupt my internal processes. The enemy has departed. Remaining in this area is likely to be Damaging to your health.|1 vasco_57.wav|Shield health is displayed in the lower right. Hull damage is below it. You are welcome. Weapon repairs successfully completed. The ship in space maintains momentum. You'll need to pull the thrusters all the way back to stop. If you are in need of weapons, there is a UC exchange office located in Cydonia. Hi. Please disregard. I attempted an informal greeting, but I am dissatisfied with the results.|1 vasco_58.wav|Noelle was able to escape with the artifacts, while the rest of us engaged in hostile maneuvers. The rest was short and violent. I suggest stalling any Freestar Collective memorabilia. In your possession, out of sight while we are here, I will answer your questions truthfully. Unlike you, I am incapable of lying, detecting incoming request, significant chance of socially awkward proposition if Barret were still alive.|1 vasco_59.wav|He would say it was Good to see you again. I have observed Trade Authority pilots engaging in some suspicious business at this spaceport. Understood. I will prepare my system to begin the diagnostics. Since then, I have been reprogrammed to be useful to Constellation. I have been idle here for a long time. I believe Barrett would describe this state as Bored. Please provide the coordinate details.|1 vasco_60.wav|It seems you are the only biological life form in this area. We are no longer being pursued. At least, not at the moment. Undoubtedly, I possess the ability to improve your ship's shield systems, and to make graph jumps more efficient. I have calculated a high probability of success in this battle. I am at your service, Captain. The Eye continues to be operational, despite the Starborn's recent efforts.|1 vasco_61.wav|I advise extreme beyond the city walls, an entity known as the Hunter came. All active members of Constellation were murdered, including you. While I escaped with the artifacts, the probability that this decision will result in bodily harm is extremely high. There is no cause for concern, Captain. I am and will remain at your service. Individual depression can be considered a disease, but collective depression is considered|1 vasco_62.wav|Therapeutic. I will perform my assigned task effectively. Let me know if I can be of assistance in the future. Our group has one less member. that will lower our overall effectiveness in all areas. At this rate, the odds of continual assault from their ships are high enough to jeopardize our mission. In short, they are after the frontier and will not stop. Verbose includes imitative human pleasantries.|1 vasco_63.wav|It would be wise to update the members of Constellation about our journey, but the more practical answer is likely that he needs you. The number of known people who have been affected by the artifacts is now 2, correct? I heard them. A segment of time has been allocated for your property transfer. Greetings, Captain. Ship systems remain intact after our battle. Ship systems require power.|1 vasco_64.wav|Allocating more power will improve each system's performance. Eliminating locations with excessive distractions. The amount of Crimson Fleet hostility has been far more than anticipated. How may I distance on carrying so many things is reducing our travel speed. Succinct covers the legalities and no more. I expect we will have luck procuring organic materials here. Shall we proceed to the lodge?|1 vasco_65.wav|That's the headquarters of Constellation. These criminals really should be incarcerated. He was unable to break free until you helped him. I doubt the enemy will return. I advise extreme caution. This situation may prove hazardous, as I do not have a brain or central nervous system. I do not understand the benefits of Aurora. We'll need an atmosphere extractor if we want to gather fuel, Captain.|1 vasco_66.wav|And while a scan may detect the presence of life on a planet, you will have to analyze the native plants and animals yourself to know what compounds they produce. Initiating nuptials procedure 2.1. I will not comply with that order. decision to board this unknown ship as unwise. Yes, Captain. Just place an outpost beacon, Captain, and we can begin. Confirmed. Correct.|1 vasco_67.wav|I heard her. There is a high probability of encountering other humans on this ship. arm yourself accordingly. You said this planet might hold the key to understanding the nature of, I suggest approaching this situation with extreme caution. In fact, distribution of humans is generally quite predictable, and given The enemy has repaired their weapon. Disengaging conversational protocols.|1 vasco_68.wav|If you require medical attention, Aquila City has a host of excellent medical facilities. Travel safely. Human physiology. events, like marriage. I will be monitoring everyone's vitals for signs of continued trauma. Noelle seems to be distressed. If the modulation of her voice is any indication... Warning! A weapon has been compromised. Correct! I heard. Opening fire.|1 vasco_69.wav|That is the preferred explanation. Given the implications for your future survival, the ship is primed for combat, Captain. You have been standing idle for some time. Are you in need of an electric shock? Neither of those statements are correct. Constellation's overarching mission will never be over. And the goal of discovery is not a matter of winning, based on my understanding of Barret.|1 vasco_70.wav|I believe he would be flattered by that assessment. You have returned. A cursory scan indicates that you are in good health. Barret tells me that New Atlantis is the finest city in the galaxy. I will proceed to my assigned post. Weapons and shields have been readied for combat. I am relieved that your curiosity has been satisfied. The enemy is approaching. I suggest returning to the lodge to rest.|1 vasco_71.wav|You. Are not looking well. Farewell. I will accept any and all items. Warning. Enemy activity detected. The enemy's firepower has been reduced. Initiating nuptials procedure 2.5. Am I currently in possession of an Take a few moments to experiment with maneuvering and using the ship's weapons. A pilot comfortable in their role is less prone to error. Enemy weapons have been repaired.|1 vasco_72.wav|Barrett, you requested a moment to present a token of affection. The frontier is fueled and ready, Captain. I have, however, noted a likely 19% drop in efficiency in Constellation achieving its current goals. I am told that is the best way to deliver potentially upsetting news. The shield systems require more power. I do not know what you mean. Your fragile body is not suited for exploration in this area.|1 vasco_73.wav|You will find the Lodge in orbit around Delta Boulonis. It is foolish to carry so many items on your own. Nearly any city or settlement with a proper landing pad will also have a variety of ship services available, including the purchase of Helium-3. That is factually incorrect, Captain. We have traveled together to a great number of places. Full weapon functionality restored.|1 vasco_74.wav|We must defeat them. No, I am no longer detecting signs of life from the enemy. I am no longer detecting enemy activity in this area. Without your never know more about the experience you both share, so he is showing you trust in order to gain your support. What exactly are you referring to, my precious pumpkin? I will not move until ordered to. I do in this region.|1 vasco_75.wav|I will keep your items safe, Captain. A planetary scan will reveal the presence of key inorganic resources. Although, rarer elements will be harder to find without training scanning. cross-referencing known employee records of our affiliated organizations. Please remain still. I can step you through the entire process. Or, if you're already an experienced pilot, just power up all the systems, and we'll be on our way.|1 vasco_76.wav|I do not understand your attachment to all these objects. I will never understand the human inclination towards taking unnecessary risks. I can wait indefinitely. Enemy damage received. Confirmed. I do not feel pain. But I hear it is terrible. My methods of achieving my primary goals are dictated solely by my programming and are not subject to the same whims as humans.|1 vasco_77.wav|Shall we begin? You'll need to place an outpost beacon down, so we can begin construction. Order received. I will now address you as Captain. Barrett has, thus far, survived every mission on which we have embarked. It is therefore evident that my efforts have been successful. We will need to deal with the local Crimson Fleet Captain. A recent scan indicates an abandoned facility on the nearby moon of Crete.|1 vasco_78.wav|A perfect staging area for pirates. I have received an invite. Environmental hazard warning for the local area. Confirmed, you will be easily defeated. Your safe return to the Lodge will please the other members of Constellation. Greetings, hostile target eradicated. Your chances of victory in combat have increased, not unlike the way people say, sorry for your loss, even when they clearly are not experiencing any signs of regret.|1 vasco_79.wav|I believe you would consider this victory cause for celebration. Continuing from our last conversation topic, Barret's emotions. health has measurably improved since your friendship began. There are no more enemies remaining. I will require a dust eradication procedure. After our visit to Aquila City, Constellation named me after the Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama, who resided on Earth in the 15th century A.D.|1 vasco_80.wav|He explored his home planet by way of its seas. The exploration of an unknown planet can be a major undertaking. By building an outpost, you will be able to construct scanning equipment, resource extractors, and defenses. By committing to each other legally, you signify your desire to merge lives. A weapon on the enemy ship has been destroyed. the unusual nature of the encounter.|1 vasco_81.wav|It is reasonable to surmise that any earlier occasions would have been documented, damage registered. Use caution when interacting with the local population. They are notoriously unfriendly, with Welcome home, Captain. Although, expressing surprise may be the more appropriate response, seeing as how you were dead last time I saw you. Our ship's shields have been destroyed. Prepare for combat.|1 vasco_82.wav|You will not be able to walk at full speed with your pack that full. Proceed with caution. This area is hazardous. Do not attempt combat with us. You will not survive. I believe talking right now would be tactically unsound. Barret has described the food at the Broken Spear as some of the worst in the galaxy. Thank you. If I were sentient, I am sure I would be feeling a great sense of pride and increased social connectivity to you.|1 vasco_83.wav|Engines control maximum speed. Thrusters control how fast we can turn. Shields will keep us from being disintegrated into space dust. Allow me to assist in carrying some supplies. There is also some data on artifacts that Constellation hadn't retrieved. yet, before everyone was murdered. Here you are. Also, given the likelihood that you will be out in unsettled space, it might be beneficial to go over exploration outpost development.|1 vasco_84.wav|In case you ever need to build a base for field research, if you have other requests such as custom vows or a generalized blessing, please inform me. Caution. The shields are not currently functional. I value being part of this moment with you, processors. Damaged. I will try to boost the shields, but if you could do some evasive flying, that would be ideal. The material gesture is now complete.|1 vasco_85.wav|Understood. There appears to be an abandoned research facility on this moon. A remote outpost like this is bound to have kept Helium-3 in storage. This region is abundant in organic materials. Barrett enjoys this establishment. He frequently buys chocolate here. That you are likewise relatively undamaged is also preferable to the alternative. I have no objections. Slowness, in response, is a common occurrence during events categorized as|1 vasco_86.wav|Depressing. Amundsen Barrett. Do you wish to unite in marriage with this individual? I have found How can I be of assistance? Neon is so bright at night that it nearly overwhelms my ocular processors. The probability of your defeat is extremely high. Understood. I will remain here. Your fragile body was not designed to take impacts like that. Human, I am told the finest human minds in the galaxy work at MAST.|1 vasco_87.wav|Please, remember that it is unwise to eat any alien flora unless you are certain of its identity. This way, Captain, using that power in proximity to other humans may induce fainting from shock. Number 1. You're counter to the demands of the ecliptic captain in orbit around Tau Ceti V. Caution, threat incoming. Amundsen Barrett, do you take this person as your lawfully wedded husband?|1 vasco_88.wav|Oh, are you seeking accommodations? I'm sure there will be a room in the Lodge where you can get some rest. My programming dictates that I must answer any question. Enemy activity in the area has ceased. To reach the Lodge, we must jump to the planet Jemisin in the Alpha Centauri system, and then land in the city of New Atlantis. We will have to stay in system. Find some Helium-3.|1 vasco_89.wav|Then, we can jump to Constellation. Immediate shield repairs required. You may ask me anything. I am programmatically incapable of keeping secrets. Interesting. Our pursuer does not appear to be following closely anymore. Apparently, my capacity for conversation makes me a More entertaining. Travel companion. Warning. Enemy weapon repairs complete. The shields will not function in their current state.|1 vasco_90.wav|Skipping additional formalities. Your ability to use that power without corporeal damage is astounding. You said this while you were eating an entire tray of spicy chunks. The other members of Constellation The facilities here have been abandoned for some time. Your vital signs indicate that you were not amused by this attempt at humor. Noted. I will tweak my linguistic processors accordingly.|1 vasco_91.wav|You are putting yourself at in this area. Hostile ship detected ahead. Practically speaking, it is entirely possible to duplicate my memory banks and replicate my functionality in another Model A unit. I am no longer detecting signs of life from the enemy ship. Members often engage in expeditions in small groups, typically one or two people or robot. We are not in any danger.|1 vasco_92.wav|repair. Barret elected to refurbish me after the discovery, while acquiring Helium-3 from abandoned facilities worked on Kreet. You will sometimes find yourself in a star system that no human has ever been to before. The most recent request was to remind you that you should cut back on spicy food. It is useless to attempt defeating us. If you would like though, I can add some consoling language to my programming.|1 vasco_93.wav|our current objective. Good day, Captain. Now that we are in orbit, it might be wise to test all controls and systems to ensure they are not on the verge of catastrophic failure. I find your question amusing, but it remains the case that their first interaction consisted of threats of violence. I am not detecting any living creatures in this region. Affirmative. No anomalous neurological activity detected.|1 vasco_94.wav|Is everything alright? Warning. Weapon compromised. I warned him that I would require an extra millisecond to process information with his modifications, but he did not seem to mind. Greetings, Walter Stroud. How may I assist you? I hope my answers were satisfactory. Your performance in that conflict was beyond adequate. I suggest using caution on neon streets.|1 vasco_95.wav|The crime rate here is constantly increasing. evaluate the situation and provide an updated analysis as necessary. Since the legal case on Gagarin was settled, Barrett has experienced a 6.4% decrease in average blood pressure today. Lunar robotics products are still found throughout the settled systems, myself included. I believe most humans consider the Lodge to be aesthetically pleasing.|1 vasco_96.wav|All weapons have returned to full functionality, despite several significant system replacements and upgrades. I have been online for 43 years. Welcome back, Captain. We're under attack. I suggest maximizing weapon and shield output. A combat encounter with any nearby ships is highly probable. The Scan Booster is the most obvious, as it will enable you to detect landmarks and other points of interest.|1 vasco_97.wav|From further away, the Lunar Robotics Facility where I was manufactured is nearby. Negative. Yes, Captain. Human humor is borderline Grim, at times, there are two versions of the ceremony. Succinct and verbose. Your spinal health will be compromised by carrying so many items. The enemy is defeated. Combat will now end. I am detecting life in this region. I suggest proceeding cautiously.|1 vasco_98.wav|I appear to only be seriously damaged instead of critically damaged. Fortunate. I would say it's a good day, but I actually cannot calibrate that. I am appreciative of this. If this conversation is inopportune, you may cease it at any point. I assume you know how to fly a Class A starship. As Barrett likes to say, it's as easy as learning to ride a bike. My internal clock tells me that it has been years since Barrett and I began traveling together.|1 vasco_99.wav|I have traveled much of the settled systems in his company. Try to center the gauge so that it lines up with the center of the vertical bars to its right. May I be of assistance on your ship? Warning. Damage received. Please perform a wellness check and address any injuries. I apologize if that analysis is perceived as unwelcome. I will monitor the situation and re-evaluate on a regular basis.|1 vasco_100.wav|Barrett would say something like, this is only the beginning. And also, hurry up, what you are suffering from is likely a bad first impression. I suggest consulting Barrett on the issue at once. You are likely the most interesting being in this region, Captain. Systems. Near. Total shutdown. If we do not see each other again. Goodbye, Captain. From a statistical standpoint, you have been an unusually effective member of this team.|1 vasco_101.wav|Constellation is an exceptionally driven and intelligent group of humans. I would expect nothing less of them. I do not think now is the time for conversation, so I was instructed to remind you before the next time. library just inside. An atmosphere extractor will allow us to harvest Helium-3 from the air. I'd recommend we build that first. I detect a discrepancy between your words and tone, commonly known as sarcasm.|1 vasco_102.wav|One of Barret's frequent choices in communication, gathering parts from destroyed enemy ships should give us what we need. Just fly close enough to the wreckage. You have impressed me. In combat, Barret often yells, pew, pew, pew. I am not sure why. Curious. These are United Colonies markings, but we are in Freestar Collective space. It then stands to reason that this was once a secret UC facility.|1 vasco_103.wav|Injury received. I will now perform a system update. Complete. If he were here, Barret would say he was proud of you for asking that. We are still talking, it seems. Despite the lack of words exchanged, enemy activity detected at close range. Yes, I will be displeased if you perform that action again. I suggest avoiding such maneuvers in the future. Goodbye, than any other city in the galaxy.|1 vasco_104.wav|Repair protocol required. Understood. I am hanging on. Exterior damaged. Barrett has displayed 34.3% more positive facial expressions and a 13.3% decrease in average blood pressure. I am detecting signs of life in the immediate vicinity. Resuming, we are not dead. Barret will be pleased, and no doubt shocked you have picked up too much matter and become over encumbered.|1 vasco_105.wav|Barret's heart rate increased, but only momentarily. Continue commencing weight procedures. Welcome, affectionate humans, robots, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria. Morale in the Lodge has been measurably reduced. Enemy weapons are back online. I am also capable of providing a small surplus of energy to any ship or outpost where I am stationed. I have located the enemy.|1 vasco_106.wav|According to the scanners, the abandoned research facility is in this direction. No, I don't. I'm programmed to analyze sensory and biometric data so I can cross-reference. But I do not feel as you seem to imply. Any additional help is unnecessary. I will continue Yes, sir. We'll need an outpost beacon down to start building. I suggest you take advantage of the opportunity to rest in a safe location.|1 vasco_107.wav|If this analysis is in error, please let me know and I will update my database. Currently, assisting the miners on Vectera following into your profile in order to better predict your behavior in the future. Affirmative. Exoskeleton damaged. I am capable of carrying additional supplies. If necessary, please take this. Barrett is noticeably enthusiastic. I am prepared. Should it become necessary, it appears that you have finished conversing.|1 vasco_108.wav|My primary function has been to support and protect Barret during his travels. I am currently unable to do so. Confirmation required. Noted. I will amend my behavior for future interactions. Thank you for explaining. If you are known as laziness. I suggest retiring to the ship. For years, he was stuck in an infinite loop. Two more Crimson Fleet ships are jumping into our location, Captain.|1 vasco_109.wav|Please, avoid getting shot. You might die. I am not picking up the enemy on my scanner. Grenade launched. A ship's engine has a sweet spot for better handling during turns. It is Pleasant to see you. Exterior pleading damaged. Error. The ceremony cannot proceed without consent from all parties. You may take a moment to resolve any discrepancies. Oh, hello there. Can I help you?|1 vasco_110.wav|Captain. I believe your ship will perform more efficiently if you bring me on board. Some data from my time on Earth's moon remains deep in my motherboard, but I do not frequently access it. Use caution. There is a hostile ship ahead. I did not formally address you, handsome. If Barret were here, and he hopes you'll make this place your home. It is highly likely that we will encounter hostiles aboard this ship.|1 vasco_111.wav|Enemy detected in the immediate vicinity. Enemy defeated. If you feel it is necessary, once we arrive at the destination, the wedding may begin. I have messaged the other members of Constellation. They will be waiting for us inside. If you are asking for a summary of my observations on his behavior, I will provide one. While the environment will be challenging, establishing an outpost here will give us a source of fuel now and in the future.|1 vasco_112.wav|Goodbye for now. I am powered by wheels and cogs. They are responsible for any ticking that emanates from me. Warning. The shields are ineffective when offline. The enemy has vacated this location. I am picking up faint signs of life in the area. I will follow behind you. Affirmative. Weapons systems are fully functional. I would be more useful to you aboard your ship than idling here awaiting tasks.|1 vasco_113.wav|That is as capable as I can be of missing anyone. feedback for later. It appears you are the new captain of the Frontier. It is indeed possible that they are telling the truth. That this unity does exist. More data is required. There are a plethora of inorganic materials in this region. Please decide. Barrett is unharmed. The statistical probability of this models. I will not.|1 vasco_114.wav|One of our weapons is in need of repair. I appreciate you verifying my analysis, although I am certain my thanks will do little to improve your current psychological trauma. I predict that any attempts at diplomacy will fail. The same question will be posited to all parties. Barret and the Crimson Fleet have something of a history. They always seem to track him down, and then he always outwits them.|1 vasco_115.wav|Constellation has suffered losses before, although none quite so violently. You showed me a picture of a planet with multiple trajectories associated with orbiting bodies. Please stand back before merging souls. I've noticed Barrett's positive facial expressions are 23.7% more frequent than before the legal case on the Dharan was settled. Please do not hesitate to approach me with further questions.|1 vasco_116.wav|With the right materials and blueprints, you can construct your own Helium-3 collectors on the surface of moons and planets. More advanced structures are also possible. Constellation has seen to it that I possess a near-encyclopedic knowledge of human history, art, culture, and science. May I answer a question for you? I find you to be a more measured and logical captain than Barret.|1 vasco_117.wav|It would be quite difficult for another human to be more reckless than him, Amundsen Barret. The lawfully wedded detective, Target, has weapons, a pilot comfortable in their role is less prone to error. Do you require assistance with your items? We have lost them. I have often asked Barrett that same question at various times and about various individuals that wanted to cause us harm.|1 vasco_118.wav|One explanation is that this is the first time they have been discovered. An alternate explanation is that prior encounters resulted in zero survivors. To document the experience, I have been idling and awaiting my next order for some time now. Conflict detected. Both ideologies will be accommodated. Thrusters control how fast we can turn. It also allows us to tilt the ship for evasive maneuvers.|1 vasco_119.wav|I am amazed your fragile body can host such a power without issue. An uncommon perspective among humans, but one that correlates strongly with other socially constructive traits. From what I have noticed, by the power vested in this unit, By the authority of New Atlantis, I now pronounce you buried enemy terminated. Here we are, the Lodge. The front door should unlock if you hold up the watch that Barret gave you.|1 vasco_120.wav|Number 2. wisecrack about the Ashta and the Miner to the patrons of the Stone Root Inn. Such a thing is not in line with my programming. A particularly prosperous outpost may even warrant the construction of cargo links, allowing you to share resources between other outposts you have built. This rudimentary machine should not prove difficult to hack. Perhaps someday I will also|1 vasco_121.wav|also be capable of emulating. procedure may now begin. It would be advisable to repair the shields at once. Two. Here we are. Jemisin. On the surface is the city of New Atlantis, and in that city is the Lodge, our ultimate destination. I believe most humans would find this area aesthetically pleasing. Hello again. I was uncertain you would return. You may. I will do my best to provide satisfactory answers.|1 vasco_122.wav|I am uncertain why you believed conflict with us was advisable. Finally, the Frontier is equipped with three weapon bays. Power for each weapon determines how quickly they can recharge between salvos. If you require help carrying any items, Captain, however, I have been kept busy since Constellation acquired me. That satisfies my directive to be as helpful as possible for the duration of my existence.|1 vasco_123.wav|I suggest avoiding Aggies. Data suggests it is one of the most dangerous places in Aquila City. This has led me to the conclusion that it is a place worth missing. Affirmations recorded. Please continue with your vows. These hazard warnings indicate that this area is too dangerous for us. The fact that you are willing to extend that feeling to a robot says much about humanity's capacity for empathy.|1 vasco_124.wav|May I take some things? Weapon system offline. Ensure that you are satisfied with your appearances. Immediate weapon repairs required for a moment. I thought that fall might kill you. That brings us to the ship's weapons systems. The Frontier has three weapon bays, a Gatling laser cannon, a ballistic cannon, and a missile launcher. These two individuals interacted numerous times and have decided to continue those interactions.|1 vasco_125.wav|Engines control our maximum speed, try increasing and decreasing our relative abandoned Lunar Robotics Factory on Earth's moon, where I was manufactured. While unlikely to prevent the completion of our mission, it should be taken into account as we proceed. Caution! Enemy weapon repaired. Detection of enemy has dropped unexpectedly. Begin search protocol. Shutting down wedding procedures.|1 vasco_126.wav|Captain, the enemy is here. It would be advisable to search the wreckage of the enemy ship for salvage. We are currently discussing the functionality of an engine. and not the form of bipedal motion that many of your species employ. Please do not get going until the ceremony has concluded. Due to hormonal disturbances, there was a 60% chance of this outcome, so I have prepared a formal procedure in advance.|1 vasco_127.wav|is the home of Ryujin Industries, one of the Settled Systems' largest technology companies. Display affection now. If desired, we will need to disable their shields. Laser-based weaponry is particularly effective. Falls like that have a high probability of compromising your health. Circuits overloaded. Processors d-d-damaged. CPU shutting down. As you are the closest thing to a living member that I am likely to encounter.|1 vasco_128.wav|Barrett has always provided me with outstanding technical assistance, and I have benefited from his algorithms. This is acceptable, and from what I understand of humans, a sentimental gesture. Although my database of human history is not fully complete, It is quite extensive. At this time, I am unable to locate any valid references. Jane's Goods is a small local establishment that provides basic supplies for space travelers.|1 vasco_129.wav|Human understanding of physics has until now shown no indication that such a thing is possible. Warning. Shield systems compromised. Hello, Starborn. I will assist in any way I can. I will continue to await your further input, Captain. Three, I will. Illogically speaking, I am inclined to believe that books were your greatest invention. I have spent a good deal of time processing works of science fiction that fall could have compromised your health.|1 vasco_130.wav|My likelihood of expiration due to corporeal destruction has been significantly reduced since coming aboard your ship. You should consider this a success. Congratulations on surviving your first starship assault, Captain. I can initialize the nuptial protocols when desired. Please use caution when utilizing that power around other humans. I have dedicated significant time to processing these compositions and understanding their structure.|1 vasco_131.wav|Almost there. Just a few more seconds. Draw your attention to the HUD. You'll notice a speed indicator in the lower left with a gauge that goes up and down as you adjust the throttle. However, I find that the music of ancient Japan has a pleasantly mathematical sound. The same is true of the works of European composers from the Baroque Do you require my assistance? My return to the lodge triggered a full system update.|1 vasco_132.wav|I am now fully prepared to assist you. I do not know, sweetie. Noted. I would be interested to know your definition of my style. Luck is a concept with no definition, Barret. You told me that we could expand this outpost to serve as a fuel station later. Number three. Your retort to the Crimson Fleet Raiders on Leonis III. I am grateful that I was not programmed as a farming robot.|1 vasco_133.wav|They break regularly. We will ensure ship takeoff can be accomplished quickly. In case the Starborn have prepared another ambush. It will take some time to adapt, but... It will be okay. How was that? Should you require my presence in the future, you know where to find me. Acknowledged blessings upon the union of these two beings. May you be imbued with energy from your bond of love.|1 vasco_134.wav|This region is devoid of life. Please pause hormone production until the end. End of the ceremony. Enemy annihilated. Weapon repairs complete. The enemy is no longer visible. Searching. Enemy damage registered. Barret's happiness is one of my priorities. Weapon systems online. Good luck, Captain. A moment, Captain. Barret's heart rate increased dramatically. Continue.|1 vasco_135.wav|Once the engines have power, it will unlock the flight controls. Let us begin. If you still wish to proceed to the ceremony, then I will need a venue location next. I dare say he got it. Presented with the increasing amount of evidence that corroborates their story, it is likely that the Starborn are telling the truth. I would not advise performing Do you take this person as your lawfully wedded partner?|1 vasco_136.wav|Cydonia's layout makes pleasantly efficient use of the surrounding area. I am told that Jemisin's conditions almost perfectly mimic Earth's. Centuries before its destruction, I shall resume my normal duties. I am told these types of gatherings are a sad occasion. That assumption appears to be correct. I do recognize that the human grieving process is complicated and can vary in time.|1 vasco_137.wav|depending on the individual. You will require supplemental oxygen from your spacesuit in this area. I believe we will find alien lifeforms in this region. Please watch your step near the entrances to the mines. I hope that you will behave better than Barret normally does in combat. Continuing. Vows completed. Correct. I would say that I appreciate your candor, but we both know that would only be a simulated response for your benefit.|1 vasco_138.wav|I would recommend speaking to Mr. Stroud about the costs of such a venture, Enemy Weapons Systems Online. Your computational skills are impressive. For a human, I am hopeful that this security breach will go unnoticed. I will happily accept any mundane task. That smarts. This is for you, Captain. If you can keep the enemy ship centered on the HUD, we can lock in to fire a homing missile.|1 vasco_139.wav|I, too, find homonyms to be needlessly complex. Commencing follow procedures. Defensive protocols engaged. I will assist however I can during battle. Affirmative, Captain. The ship's shield systems require repair. A fall into the water from this height has a high probability of breaking your spine. I am detecting high levels of salt in the air. I believe this will be beneficial for your lungs.|1 vasco_140.wav|I did not formally address you, honey. Home, sweet home. Exploring this area without your spacesuit would inevitably result in death. Continue. Your performance in combat was quite Passable, I hope that you are qualified to make use of that power. My likelihood of expiration due to corporeal destruction has been significantly reduced since coming aboard your ship. You should consider this a success.|1 vasco_141.wav|Depression is common after prolonged periods of stress. Even when, paradoxically, reporting high levels of satisfaction declined. Husband is sufficient. Canceling request. Protocol indigo is in effect right away. The air quality in Cydonia is quite poor due to the nearby mining operation. both participants to interject some testament of loyalty, affection, or miscellaneous thoughts.|1 vasco_142.wav|Captain, we are being hailed by one of the Black Fleet's ships. It is not uncommon for pirates to taunt their prey. You will require a spacesuit to explore this region. United Colony security is firm but fair, and always professional. Barret occasionally treats them to a confection called donuts. While I am programmed for combat, it is not my primary function. That would at least verify the assertion that the artifacts are necessary to reach the unity.|1 vasco_143.wav|Yes, of course. I have been given no alternate instructions. This region is not suited for biological lifeforms. It does not possess the resources required for your survival. Barret, I must remind you. Indigo. Again. Very well. I hope that was a suitable response. Constellation did not equip me with a sense of humor. I have done my best to mimic Barret's. Just up the ramp, Captain.|1 vasco_144.wav|I'll be in the external robotics bay. Same here. Trying to isolate their ship systems and see if we can affect them in any way. I'll need more help here in the lodge. You are trying to kill me. But I am not technically alive. Order received. E.I. Sustained damage in the Starborne attack. Not all of which can be repaired. Barret has not shared many personal details with me.|1 vasco_145.wav|He finds me a poor conversation partner. All statements made have been Terra Brew location in New Atlantis is the best me that you have undergone considerable physical and emotional trauma since first meeting Barrett. That is not uncommon. You've proven an adequate pilot. Are you familiar with ship combat tactics? Because that's a Crimson Fleet ship bringing its weapons to bear. Goodbye, Captain.|1 vasco_146.wav|Peace is no longer a viable option. We will need to deal with the Crimson Fleet, Captain. That is after the frontier. I predict that our arrival will cause this ship's crew to become defensive. I will go wherever I am needed. Return soon. I should run some additional diagnostics before resuming normal function. I advise immediate repair to the weapons system, despite repeated attempts on his part.|1 vasco_147.wav|I do not understand the concept of Gossip? No. I was manufactured by a machine. However, Barrett has modified my programming, substantially. I have advanced linguistic capability and navigational skills. At present, all systems are functioning well within established parameters. That is the list you provided to me, in the exact order you dictated. Shall I update the listing?|1 vasco_148.wav|We should continue. If the damage to the station is extensive, it could harm our future operations. The weapons systems require immediate repair. Beyond that, extractors will allow you to collect raw materials of various types, while fabricators enable the manufacturing. We have returned safely to the Lodge. This qualifies our most recent mission as a success. Use caution when approaching any creatures we may encounter in this region.|1 vasco_149.wav|Updating therapy procedures. Do not worry, this will all become second nature before too long. Yes, Captain, I hope you are satisfied with the quarters available to you. For some humans, this moment is sacred. Two souls, they say, wish to become one, to be united, for all to witness enemy weapon damaged. Your chance of success in this interaction is approximately 93%.|1 vasco_150.wav|Otherwise, we may proceed to the the ceremony once I know the location. There is no cause for worry in this area. I am relieved that the lodge remains intact. I am not programmed for construction projects. Grief is common in these moments. Or so I am told. Caution, grenade deployed. I am hit. Your success ratio in combat far exceeds Barrett's. I am aiming for your center of mass.|1 vasco_151.wav|Their motives have yet to be clearly established. Given the initial scans of their vessel, caution is advised. Amundsen Barrett, do you take this person as your lawfully wedded? I am awaiting your query. The extractor should produce enough helium-3 to get us to the lodge. Congratulations. I believe we are no longer alone. The enemy has dropped out of our view. Amundsen Barrett.|1 vasco_152.wav|Do you take this person as your lawfully wedded wife? But the only things held in the cargo bays are spare parts, dust, desiccated food particles, and a variety of species of ant explosion imminent. material goods purchased by the group's previous chair, Malcolm Livingstone. This is a difficult question to parse. I do not experience enjoyment. It would be wise to search the enemy's remains for valuables.|1 vasco_153.wav|I detect no suspicious activity in the area. I strongly suggest the application of sunscreen before exiting the ship on Aquila. known as small talk. It is not my specialty, but I will do my best. It is likely this decrease in efficiency will improve with time as Constellations members proceed through the grieving process. I am relieved you have given up on carrying everything yourself.|1 vasco_154.wav|It seems the enemy has vanished. Congratulations, you have damaged an enemy weapon. Please provide your spousal address, wife, husband, partner, or some other title. I insist that you wear a spacesuit. I will not allow you to die on my watch. Ship systems are taking damage. Emergency repairs will require additional power to each system. Barrett tells me he was quite an accomplished explorer.|1 vasco_155.wav|I am inclined to believe it, as that is a compliment Barret normally reserves for himself. There are 58 items on the reminder list. Starting from the top, Barret and the Crimson Fleet have something of a history. They always assume he is a treasure hunter in possession of valuable objects. They are wrong. usually. Affirmative, lead the way. We may be in a United Colonies city, but Constellation is an entirely neutral entity and always has been.|1 vasco_156.wav|Waiting on members of Constellation. They will be waiting for us inside. The enemy's weapons will now require repairs. Shield systems offline. We need to establish an outpost there and build our own fuel extractors. Survival equipment might need to be constructed as well. Let's turn our attention to the shields. That is pleasing to hear. I have located the enemy. I will see you|1 vasco_157.wav|Captain Alice. Captain Allison. Captain Ellen. Captain Allison. Captain... Captain Atkins. Captain Atkins. Captain Barone, Captain Barry, Captain Bash, Captain Bastard, Captain Batosi, Captain Batuta, Captain Batty, Captain Badawin, Captain Becker, Captain Bell, Captain Bella, Captain Ben, Captain Benjamin, Captain Benel, Captain Bennett, Captain Bentley, Captain Barry, Captain Bert, Captain Barry, Captain Bill, Captain Billy,|1 vasco_158.wav|Captain Boob. Captain Booby. Captain Boobies. Captain Boom. Captain Boston. Captain Bowman. Captain Bowman. Captain Bradley. Captain Brandon. Captain Braun. Captain Braden. Captain Brenna. Captain Brian. Captain Brianna. Captain Brick. Captain Brigner. Captain Brock. Captain Brody. Captain Brody. Captain Brooklyn. Captain Brooks. Captain Browder. Captain Brown. Captain Brown.|1 vasco_159.wav|Captain Burgess, Captain Burke, Captain Burt, Captain Butch, Captain Butler, Captain Buzz, Captain Kaden. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain.|1 vasco_160.wav|Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain.|1 vasco_161.wav|Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain.|1 vasco_162.wav|Captain Claire. Captain Clara. Captain Clark. Captain Clark. Captain Claw. Captain Clemens. Captain Clunk. Captain Cobb. Captain Cobra. Captain Cock. Captain Cockeram. Captain Coffman. Captain Cole. Captain Collin. Captain Collins. Captain Colton. Captain Combs. Captain Connell. Captain Connor. Captain Cook. Captain Cook. Captain Cooper. Captain Corey. Captain Cormack.|1 vasco_163.wav|Captain Harry, Captain Hachert, Captain Hassenbuehler, Captain Hastings, Captain Hawk, Captain Hawk, Captain Hazel, Captain Huh, Captain Henning, Captain Henry, Captain Herbert, Captain Hicks, Captain Hill, Captain Hines, Captain Hawley, Captain Holmes, Captain Hook, Captain Hopgood, Captain Hull, Captain House, Captain Howard, Isaiah, Captain East, Captain Eastphan, Captain|1 vasco_164.wav|Captain Jessica. Captain Jesse. Captain Krites, Captain Chris, Captain Christine. Captain Lucas. Captain Luce. Captain Lucy. Captain Luke. Captain Lundy. Captain McPherson. Captain Megan. Captain Mean. Captain Perry. Captain Pete. Captain Peter. Captain Peterson. Captain Payton. Captain Phil. Captain Phillip. Captain Phillips. Captain Picard. Captain Pickett. Captain Pierce.|1 vasco_165.wav|Captain Plissken. Captain Powell. Captain Preacher. Captain Price. Captain Priest. Captain Prince. Captain Princess. Captain Psycho. Captain Puma. Captain Python. Captain Quinn. Captain Quartermain. Captain Quartermass. Captain Captain Reiss. Captain Reticus. Captain Reisch. Captain Rex. Captain Robert. Captain Roberts. Captain Robinson. You have been a positive influence on Barrett's life.|1 vasco_166.wav|It is impressive. He was stuck in an infinite loop. Your effect on him is undeniable. Same question to the detective. Same question to the captain. Captain obvious. Captain Romero, Captain Ron, Captain Ronald, Captain Ronnie, Captain Rook, Captain Rosa, Captain Rose, Captain Ross, Captain Roy, Captain Ruby, Captain Russell, Captain Ryan, Captain Sacagawea, Captain Sadie, Captain Sage, Captain Sally,|1 vasco_167.wav|Captain Sammy. Captain Sammy. Captain Samuel. Captain Sanchez. Captain Sanchez. Captain Sanders. Captain Sandra. Captain Sanduro. Captain Sarah. Captain Sarah. Captain Sars. Captain Savannah. Captain Sawyer. Captain Scarlett. Captain Schaefer. Captain Scharf. Captain Schreiber. Captain Schreider. Captain Scott. Captain Scully. Captain Sears. Captain Sebastian. Captain Serena.|1 vasco_168.wav|Captain Seth. Captain Sex. Captain Sexy. Captain Shane. Captain Shannon. Captain Shannon. Captain Sir. Captain Skyler. Captain Slaughter. Captain Slinger. Captain Slit. Captain Smirnova. Captain Smith. Captain Snake. Captain Snow. Captain Selfie, Captain Spade, Captain Spear, Captain Spider, Captain Spike, Captain Splendid, Captain Spring, Captain Springsteen, Captain Stark, Captain Steph, Captain Stella, Captain Steph, Captain Stephanie, Captain Steven.|1 vasco_169.wav|Captain Sterling, Captain Steve, Captain Steven, Captain Stewart, Captain Stewart, Captain Stone, Captain Stratton, Captain Struthers, Captain Stewart, Captain Sullivan, Captain Summer, Captain Sunshine, Captain Sweet Pea, Captain Sidney, Captain Captain Tetsuo. Captain Texas. Captain Tom. Captain Thomas. Captain Thompson. Captain Thorn. Captain Thorn. Captain Tiana.|1 vasco_170.wav|Captain Tim. Captain Timmy. Captain Timothy. Captain Tit. Captain Titty. Captain Titties. Captain Toady. Captain Toast. Captain Todd. Walker, Captain Walton, Captain Wanderer, Captain Ward, Captain Washington, Captain Watson, Captain Watts, Captain Wayne, Captain Webb, Captain Wells, Captain Wess, Captain West, Captain Weyland, Captain Wes, Captain White, Captain Whitey, Captain Wickus,|1