is derived from the first five characters in the domain name (excluding 'www.'), followed by a unique id (i.e. a number).
+ For example: acidr1783_12.dat
+2) Each .dat file contains a collection of web pages and metadata, where the data for one web page is organised as follows:
+(1) a unique identifier (#UID) for a web page in this document collection,
+(2) the date of crawl in the form YYYYMM (#DATE),
+(3) the URL (#URL) to the original web page, and
+(4) the raw HTML content (#CONTENT) of the web page.
+A short example illustrates the structure of a .dat file:
+ Children's Reflux and Infant Reflux
+ Children and Acid Reflux
Children experiencing reflux can exhibit typical symptoms, such as heartburn and regurgitation, or atypical symptoms...
+ nighttime acid reflux