{"title": "What is your Financial endgame? If you have one.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y4s8u/what_is_your_financial_endgame_if_you_have_one/", "num_comment": 20, "flairlabel": [], "header": "For me, my target is 1 million RM in FD accounts in different banks. That would nett me around RM3k per month.\nAnd another 100k - 1m to play with investment, either local or overseas or even crypto.\nWhat is yours?", "comments": [["To die before requiring any medical treatments with expensive bills", "Oof, words.... But i guess insurance could mitigate some of the cost."], ["I love your confidence.\nFor me, having a cozy house doesn't matter if apartment, affordable travel means and enough to retire and afford Steam games to play while retiring.", "Retiring early is my goal. Not saying that i'm rich or i'm smart, just saying that it is my goal, confidence or not i believe it is doable. Most important thing is that you're happy."], ["Target is to have 2.3mil in my investment and just live off dividends. Retire and don't hav to deal with ppl bs", "My thought exactly tbh. Don't really need lambo or mansion. Live off dividends is the dream.", "Lambo and Mansion is nice to have but a hassle to maintain.\nA very rich man once told me don't be a slave to your possession. It's all nice to have but in the end it really means nothing. Value health and peace above anything.", "1000% agree. And most people don't understand what or how much they can afford, for me, if it costs like under 10% of my monthly income then maybe can consider it, otherwise i'm happy with living in my parent's old house, even if it is rumah papan."], ["Not starve", "I don't know your situation, life can be hard sometimes, don't give up. To tell you the truth, i'm an OKU(Not officially but my leg is f up-ed), i found a way to earn a living. If i can, so can you."], ["500k in EPF by 36 year old so I have at least 2m at 60 even if I don't contribute a cent from 36 onwards. Anything else is extra."], ["Have a landed house that:\na. is nearer to the city center,\nb. has a proper roof over the car port so I don't get annoyed every time it rains, and\nc. has a proper yard so I can let the cats out to play", "That sounds nice. Simple = happiness."], ["Make some money and don't get called by LHDN for making some money.. so far still working well I guess"], ["Net worth of RM10m on a household basis, of which RM8m will be in invested/liquid assets."], ["To get 100k in Dividend yearly\nAssuming 5% constant rate\nI can get there before 50\nThen + EPF money some more, I'll get rich"], ["Die b4 I deplete my money or sickness found me. retire early and live a more frugal retirement and unalive myself when I deplete my money or sickness found me 1st, or when I reached 60 or 65. My choice is partly family history with heart disease, debt free and no kid. I have some cash that will last me until 55, by then I will withdraw epf which by then should be close to 1mil. The cons are obvious, I might deplete my fund earlier than expected or epf asshole decide I can only withdraw at 60. By then I will have to accelerate my plan of unaliving myself."], ["i dont have any number but ideally i am working towards\nplot of land near the beach (closing in)\nwooden houses build on that land (by the time i have enough money, theres probably no one can do it)\nsmall farm for produce. small aquaculture pond if somehow i can pump water from the sea"], ["Not to rain on your parade OP, but that is grossly insufficient. Especially if you retire at 60 (assuming you are younger than 35 now).\nYou might want to speak to a financial planner."], ["I wish to be able to flexible throughout the entirety of my life. Not the most extreme of earning money but enough to support not only my parents, but also myself and my own future family.\nI\u2019m young so I think the time to set up future prospects has never been better"]]} {"title": "Government will re-evaluate J-Kom functions", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xj6z9/government_will_reevaluate_jkom_functions/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Ekonomi jadi fokus utama kerajaan tahun ini", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xedn8/ekonomi_jadi_fokus_utama_kerajaan_tahun_ini/", "num_comment": 10, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "\ud83e\udd32\ud83e\udd32\ud83e\udd32\ud83e\udd32\nMenteri Komunikasi yang juga jurucakap Kerajaan Perpaduan, Fahmi Fadzil berkata, keutamaan kerajaan adalah mendorong pelabur tempatan dan luar negara untuk melabur di Malaysia sekali gus merancakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.\n\u201cPerdana Menteri telah memberi beberapa pandangan mengenai fungsi dimainkan Syarikat Pelaburan Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLIC) dan ini penting bukan hanya untuk merancakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam negara tapi ada sedikit penyelarasan perlu dilakukan.\n\u201cIni kerana banyak GLIC mempunyai pelaburan di luar negara.\n\u201cJadi ada beberapa penekanan diberikan Perdana Menteri yang kita lihat penyelarasan tahun ini,\u201d katanya pada sidang media di sini hari ini.\nJelasnya, antara perkara yang ditegaskan Perdana Menteri adalah memudah cara dan mempercepat proses kelulusan kerana jumlah pelaburan yang berhasrat untuk melabur ke Malaysia adalah sangat besar mencecah ratusan bilion ringgit", "comments": [["coming from this particular minister, I\u2019m gonna take whatever he says with a bucket of rock salt", "as a spokesperson, this guy is fine.\nAs a minister for his own portfolio , thats where I drew the line .", "Have some faith in PMX he is Malaysia savior after all", "Our very own Nelson Mandela :29091::29091::29091:"], ["FDI can be misleading. I want to hear what the second finance minister, Amir Hamzah (ex-EPF ceo), has to say on 2024 economy trajectory and what the govt plans to do."], ["Tahun lepas focus apa bodoh"], ["Wait. You mean it was not the focus tahun lepas????"], ["Focus put in more tax and remove more subsidy lar. Apa susah? Rakyat susah je", "And if rakyat susah and complain online, bring in the patrol to silence their voice."], ["Hahahahaha"]]} {"title": "Survey on PADU", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y3k6k/survey_on_padu/", "num_comment": 8, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi guys ,\nI am doing a survey for PADU and would like to ask a few questions .Please fill up the box and add the reason in the ecent you pick option 2 why you would not fill up PADU.\nThank you\nView Poll", "comments": [["Security flaws\nNot clear definition of income. Can get us in trouble with LHDN\nWhy should disclose passive income? It's my savings and already taxed.\nThey have all the data already.\nData can be used against us and if we lie, perjury.\nThere is no law say must disclose. If there is, definitions must be in place.\nWant to see what's fair and unfair first. I'm paying tax already, want to see how much subsidy to remove from me first before register. If no benefit, register for what?"], ["a) data privacy concerns. Our personal data has been leaked out to fuck us over more times than the amount of fucking that goes on in p-rnhub. b) I've never benefitted from the majority of the available subsidies in the past due to lack of eligibility. . In general subsidies just screw the middle class without fixing the real issues.", "Mind if you pick one of the boxes", "Already did", "Thanks"], ["i lari tax macam najib so no."], ["wait and see if it is safe first."], ["Imma wait a few more months till the apps from government are totally safe. Since then I still kept mysejahtera"]]} {"title": "Data analyst/Scientist/Strategist from Software Developer", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y108b/data_analystscientiststrategist_from_software/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi, I\u2019ve been working as a junior software developer (mainly mobile development) for close to 2 years now. I\u2019ve been thinking to change my career path to data analyst/scientist/strategist but I\u2019m not sure how\u2019s the market for this? It is worth to change to this path from a software developer? What do you think in terms of earning between data field and software developer field?\nAlso been reading the scope for these 3 but it\u2019s still quite hard to grasp the difference between these 3 especially in Malaysia so I would appreciate some insight especially from those who are working in this field\nWhat cert/course/tools do you recommend to learn (that every beginner should know) especially the tools often used in Malaysia. I\u2019m from a CS degree but apart from that 1 semester of data analysis course I really don\u2019t know much\nYour advices is much appreciated \ud83d\ude4f", "comments": [["Maybe look into the job description of companies you want to work in? Data analyst job is very tool-specific. It depends on the system the client has invested in. And which part of data field are you interested in? Data scientist and data engineer focuses on different parts of the data field.\nAlso take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRQ0vUodSuE and understand what you are signing up for when you join courses or exams.\nI am just a hobbyist so can't give you an actual picture for Malaysia. But my opinion is - go and get data certification based on which company / industry you wish to work for. If you want to freelance, that's a whole different story - I'd guess companies in Malaysia don't really care for certification."], ["Not a pro.\nCan go as big as a Kingmaker, election etc. not joking. As the job nature is different from your current one, you have to ensure that you are interested in the new job field and the client you are dealing with. Things get easy and far, if the interest and commitment are there."]]} {"title": "\u2018Sebarang langkah jatuhkan kerajaan akan ternoktah Feb ini\u2019 - Sebarang langkah mahupun usaha untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim akan ternoktah Feb nanti selepas Sultan Johor menjadi Yang di-Pertuan Agong.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0rvz/sebarang_langkah_jatuhkan_kerajaan_akan_ternoktah/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["Ternoktah? Noted? Someone please translate", "Finalised.", "So he's taunting them that time isn't on their side so to speak?", "No lah. Come to a full stop. That\u2019s my interpretation"]]} {"title": "Fishing spots in negeri sembilan", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xerpm/fishing_spots_in_negeri_sembilan/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "Hi I just wanna know what are the best spots in N9 to go fishing maybe somewhere at seremban but I would like a lake or something where I can go.", "comments": []} {"title": "In Melaka, former accounts executive gets 24 years\u2019 jail for CBT totalling over RM680,000 | Malay Mail", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xjdwx/in_melaka_former_accounts_executive_gets_24_years/", "num_comment": 27, "flairlabel": [], "header": "CBT makan RM680k gets 24 years jail... meanwhile somebody had makan over USD4.5 billion only gets 12 years...", "comments": [["she will only serve 4 years la...fucking moronic headlines.", "The Ayer Keroh Sessions Court today sentenced a former accounts executive to 24 years in prison after the woman pleaded guilty to six counts of breach of trust and misappropriating funds totalling over RM680,000 four years ago.\nUnless we are illiterate or not in the same page, or there is a typo in the original news, please explain where and how did you deduce that she will only serve 4 years in prison ?", "Read till all the way down, after her lawyer pleaded the sentence since shes a single mom with 3 school kids", "you are right, motherfuckers Malay Mail clickbait moronic headlines for high testosterone hairy tits and nasty unwashed balls.", "r/brandnewsentence", "Holy shit, that title is deceptive as hell.", "concurrent 4 years sentences for the 6 charges.", "the judge can sentence you to concurrent terms. in theory you could be sentenced to 100+ years in prison for all the charges found guilty but actually only spend 20 years because everything runs concurrently."], ["How many sessions of C&B torture can you get for 680k?", "How many sessions\nYes", "I have no idea how much it costs per session in Malaysia. Probably more than enough to make you worry if you might permanently damage something"], ["meanwhile\u2026", "The Razak family would use this and sell this as nft and use the profits money to bribe the judge and jury. And excuse my and"], ["Remember the Khir Toyo case? Compare that with the case of the jobless father jailed for shoplifting sardines to feed his kids."], ["What a great clickbait! Fckup Betul :26563:", "This is why I hate journalism in malaysia"], ["Wait.... Who stole USD4.5bil? What is this random number?", "Try Google: 4.5 billion corruption malaysia\nAnd see the search results", "Betul ke u ni"], ["Hehey tolong jgn probok"], ["i can only think about cok n bol torture...", "Haha, you seemed experienced. Mind sharing your exciting experience?"], ["read la letard. She probolly got repeated masuk dalam offences that's why longer sentences", "Yeah, but the \"other\" guy also had many more multiple charges filed against him and the amount is much much larger...the only difference is that the guy is rich and powerful.", "Becoz that person is Bosskur......:)", "you mean fatty jho? That greasy fck*r indeed should be sentence to death. His whole family should pay the freakin interest that piled up overtime instead of using tax payer money"], ["CBT makan RM680k gets 24 years jail... meanwhile somebody had makan over USD4.5 billion only gets 12 years...\nMalaysia ah? Haiyoooo, geleng-geleng kepala lorrr..."]]} {"title": "What kind of snake is this?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y2amk/what_kind_of_snake_is_this/", "num_comment": 18, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Does anyone know what species this is? Just moved in this morning", "comments": [["Some kind of wolf snake perhaps?", "I would agree with that, likely a common wolf snake based on scale patterns."], ["Lobai PAS", "\ud83d\ude02"], [""], ["Looks like a garden snake. Cat used to catch these all the time. Although they were greenish.\nHave you tried Google lens?", "Your cat brought snakes it caught to you? And were the snakes still alive by then?", "Half eaten most of the time. But they have like a reflex or something sometimes they still wiggle around even without the head. \ud83d\ude35", "The image of twitching headless snakes has that sannakji vibes..."], ["I just wanna take a shot in the dark and say it's a rat snake of some kind.\nThe skin pattern and overall features of the snake is my justification for the hunch.\nAt first glance, I thought it was a krait of some kind, but albeit of googling made me think of otherwise.", "Definitely concur that it's a Colubrid, though the size and face pattern may imply it's a non-rat snake colubrid."], ["Smol snake"], ["Should be a common wolf snake (Lycodon capucinus), harmless species that hunts for geckos around urban areas."], ["Common wolf snake. Harmless to humans."], ["I see snake . I stay away"], ["I have no idea but you manage to snap a foto with bokeh. Artistic and nice lah."], ["Looks like some of our local politicians"], ["Oh, that's just my colleague. I thought they'll be in office today."]]} {"title": "noice", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y3le6/noice/", "num_comment": 60, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Designer insider info. Most designers just use free vector art. If want something truly original, malaysian companies wont want to pay enough. Guess how much the old inti logo cost? Do you think business nowadays will pay as much?", "true.. malaysian creative industry acctually very good . just under paid", "Underpaid is super true. It\u2019s the reason why lots of my classmates changed career now into realtor, selling insurance or selling tudung.", "I used to work as graphic designer after graduation. Hated that the companies i worked for most of them refused to pay stock image/video subscriptions or having a proper team for content creation but kept on dumping money into the marketing team. The higher ups really think that we can magically create content out of thin air as long as we have access to a PC. Seriously, every other department has better PC or laptops than we do and we don't even have windows license or original editing softwares.\nWe pretty much always ended up stealing images from google. We had to sneakily ask marketing team to pay for the subscriptions when it got to point where we're running out of google images. Glad that I quit the creative industry not long after jumping around multiple companies. This was years before ChatGPT or AI Art became a thing.", "selling tudung\nOof lol, I know someone like this.", "What is the inti logo anyways? Always wondered that.", "i with red dot iirc but stylized"], ["Nothing wrong with buying a logo...", "Yeah. I doubt mahathir muhyiddin ismail sabri or anwar will commission an original logo to our powerhouse designers. Remember the KL typeface we all truly hates?", "Truee"], ["at least its not ai:26554:"], ["Tah tah yang jual logo tu bakat-bakat besar dari uitm. Takpun, yang kerja kerajaan beli logo tu alumni uitm yang outsourcing untuk save time nak efficient kerja. #husnuzon"], ["Whts wrong with buying a logo though", "Nevermind, saw the price", "Nothing wrong really. 99$ is miniscule for the scale of the project"], ["Not a problem. As long as they dont quote $1000 for $99 logo", "You know well that the ministry outsourced the work to their relative who then outsourced it to their friend who then paid an fiverr to do and then then bill the government MYR 2.5 Million for it.\nDuit kopi ala kerajaan."], ["I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they paid the $99. And if they do, nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with just the 4 letters written in block letters either. So I have to ask this UiTM student what is exactly wrong.", "he's salty that they didn't give money to him lol", "Nothing wrong but it just sucks as the govt had a good opportunity to empower aspiring local designers to create a good unique logo for PADU. It doesn't cost the govt much, just a little time and effort.\nIn the end the govt gets a good logo, and whoever that won the design will have a hell of a thing to put in their CV for future use.\nPart of thr govt's responsibilities in nation building is to empower people like this through opportunities", "I wouldn\u2019t be surprised if the gov workers were pushed to their limits/given very little time by ministers to make this whole thing happen. Gov processes take a lot of time, so i\u2019m not surprised they would try to cut costs/time wherever possible. It would be great if local designers were hired. But ministers/PM mightve wanted things fast fast.", "Malaysia Madani and our JKJAV COVID are 2 examples of branding done right (logo, font, colour scheme) despite being high priority, extremely urgent projects. So it is indeed possible for govt to come up with something good even with a short timeline.\nUnfortunately this is a case of the person or team tasked with PADU branding not seeing/knowing the importance of good branding", "This post should be sticky for all to read."], ["Next people are going to complain the font they are using is freely available."], ["As a logo designer this to be expected from government department.\nTbf the government workers usually take the easy way or give it to freelance with \"very very short amount of time\" to complete b4 the due date."], ["This is just nitpicking tiny aspects of PADU at this point.......", "not really, it just shows the Gomen willing to outsource instead of empowering local talent for a bit of money.", "The whole project was not outsourced as mentioned by rafizi.", "Gomen willing to outsource instead of empowering local talent for a bit of money.\nBeing petty over the design of the letter 'A'. Smh", "that A could be in someone's resume, we talk about brain drain but when given the opportunity to plug it, what we do?"], ["TBH, seen from far, it looks like a poop emoji. \ud83d\udca9", "", "Bruh...", "I'd vote this for PADU remastered logo", "Peak Redditors.", "my upvote, take it."], ["the government seems proud with the fact that PADU was made without involving outside vendors. The reality is, one will often need to spend more resource trying to fix the technical debt caused by the lack of expertise throughout the whole project.\nIn terms of human resource management, it's not something proud that our government servants aren't doing what they are hired to do."], ["If UITM ok. If UTAR? Riots?"], ["Bro.... If the logo carried the message you wanted, to the correct demographic, there's nothing wrong on just taking the already made one (legally of course).\nNevertheless, the abstract logo placement on \"varsity\" typography is a shitty design."], ["Malaysia mah. Tak tau keeeeee.....?"], ["Honestly $99 is not that bad"], ["But i disagree with using queerphobic slur in the FB post\nBeing effeminate does not mean being less than anyone else"], ["Nanti diorang cakap uitm xde standard especially org yang fight uitm for bumi only lol"], ["Oof\u2026 :26554:"], ["What is padu"], ["if these guy ever see tnc in E-Perolehan for designing logo project bid, it will be their first and the last they do it. but hey its their choice after all"], ["Honestly, if the govt employs proper tech professionals with PROPER salary, mesti ada yg nak kerja dengan government. Project tak putus, networking senang. Banyak benefits can get if become gomen worker. The problem is, nak naik gaji macam tunggu pokok durian tumbuh sampai berbuah. Lambat."], ["Apa yang cincainya. Okay je"], ["Logo looks like a smol dik"], ["Malaysian logo designs have not changed since the 90s. \ud83d\ude02"], ["So the logo has no meaning? Just a abstract letter A?"], ["Why stop there? The blue colour in the background is readily available. SMH gov didn't hire local talents to invent a new colour."], ["wtf is pondan related the topic? aiyoooo"], ["They bought the license, so what\u2019s wrong?"], ["Creative industry is bullshit iam currently doin internship and guess what they expect a 30 sec 2D animation to be done in a day by a single person and they also give a shitty single flat images as references then ask the movement to be in perspective and such. bunch of bollock who have no idea how animating work."], ["My OCD kept bugging me on how off the symbol was positioned."], ["I can never understand why Malaysian style critique must first start with an insult."], ["UiTM faculty likely got jambu too\nMany many jambu to fill up the 4 wife quotas"], ["I would say this as your jiran (Indonesia): our government is not so different in this context. Snatch something from the internet, change the color scheme, and job done"]]} {"title": "MyJPJ Now Allows Users To Share Digital Road Tax With Other Drivers - You can give limited-time permission for others to drive your car.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0ocl/myjpj_now_allows_users_to_share_digital_road_tax/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Finally, long overdue"]]} {"title": "Not wrong for govt MPs to retract support for Anwar, says Sanusi", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xkuvs/not_wrong_for_govt_mps_to_retract_support_for/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "The Kedah menteri besar says this is because the earlier decision by five opposition MPs to back Anwar Ibrahim\u2019s government is considered constitutional.", "comments": [["That all these clowns know? how about being an actual opposition, why not rise concern about the continuous erosion towards personal freedom? Useless clowns."]]} {"title": "'Bukan Langkah Dubai, tapi Langkah Chow Kit sebab mesyuarat di KL' - Sanusi", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xhv2z/bukan_langkah_dubai_tapi_langkah_chow_kit_sebab/", "num_comment": 22, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["Bodoh punya nusi\u2026"], ["Can't spell Sanusi without ANUS", "SI ANUS", "Sea anus sounds like an undersea bottom feeder.", "you not wrong tho"], ["on the contrary what he say in the 1st part of this press conference are pretty good. its about ph show everyone how to play the anti lompat party loophole and now its a free real estate\n2nd part is basically anwar play card during interviews, smile while saying nonsense as a smoke and mirrors making fun of the question without actually saying anything.\nsolid 7/10 response", "PH didnt show everyone the loophole, PN sendiri didnt alter their party rules. too bad \ud83d\ude02", "in order for the govnt switch to happen PN just need to fulfill 2 condition\nstop PH from winning this year sabah election: umno sabah and warisan has already commit to take on GRS. if GRS does not allied with PH (so the seat does not clash) then expect 4 corner fight on most seat.\numno coup under the narrative of weak leadership: coup under the narrative of weak leadership and purging people who dont want to inline to current leader. if the coup succeed then switching allegiance suddenly does not against party rules.\nthe 1st condition is significantly harder to archive since umno support is dwindling and warisan influence is almost non-existent but if for some reason PN, Sabah UMNO and Warisan get the significant number of seat in sabah then its safe to say the federal will change hands\nsanusi is currently playing the role of ahmad maslan during najib govnt. a magnet of attention. for everyone sake i hope they can stop people who playing from the back", "PN\u2019s parties rules allow their MPs to support opposite parties but UG doesn\u2019t? Just making sure I understand this right coz I\u2019m not familiar with the akta anti lompat.\nIf so, PN would be dumb to assume that the akta would work in favour of them\u2026", "not to say allow, but bersatu can kenakan tindakan discipline on their MP if they break the party's rules. but those MP are still holding their status , and not kicked from party. so like no consequences lol", "PN\u2019s parties rules allow their MPs to support opposite parties but UG doesn\u2019t? Just making sure I understand this right coz I\u2019m not familiar with the akta anti lompat.\nExample from Amanah\nEssentially, the parties can update their constitution to state that any elected member who goes against the party's orders would have been deemed to resign from the party (and therefore triggering the by-election clause of the Anti-hopping law).\nAFAIK DAP and Amanah have updated their constitutions, not sure about any other party. Bersatu definitely hasn't, as can be seen from some of their MPs who announced support for Anwar.", "There\u2019s a \u201cloophole\u201d because Bersatu didn\u2019t change their party constitution.\nOther parties done so."], ["Nobody can top his stupidity, ever."], ["Blame kedahan for this... Weak mind MB due to weak mind voter", "Not really hor... lots Kedah ppl vote for BN+PH but since we use FPTP. BN lost a lot of seat with small margin PH as well. Ug got 30.11% in Kedah election but only 3 seats all from PKR. Gerakan got 4.04% of total votes and got 1 seat. UMNO got 11% votes with 0 seats"], ["Otak Sanusi"], ["I don't wanna hear some clown keep telling me he's not racist for not cutting off my dick"], ["This guy at one point will become our PM"], ["Fun Fact : Sanusi went to the same HS as me. :) English School."], ["Support Sanusi = RM5 sama dengan USD1."], ["Picture shows Sanusi auditioning for a Darlie toothpaste commercial"]]} {"title": "MyPTPTN sucks man.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y2bvy/myptptn_sucks_man/", "num_comment": 23, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I was going to ptptn website to pay my monthly student loans, then saw that all services related to paying online or viewing my leftover debts have been terminated at the end of December. And I was asked to download MyPTPTN to handle the transactions. At first i was, \"oh ok no problem\". Next I installed and made an account, then when i want to access my leftover debt, the app tells me to apply for eKyc (whatever dafuq it is). So i followed instructions, snap pics of my IC (front & back), then came the selfie part. Imagine aligning yoyr face and the app tells you to hold still while it records, and the app takes forever to process whatever the fuck it's supposed to process. First attempt made me wait for minutes looking like an idiot in the office. Then the app just auto logs out and then i had to login again and then repeat the process again and the same shit with the selfie happens again. Like wtf does anyone in the gov app dept does any beta testing before releasing this annoying, unnecessary crap into the public?", "comments": [["Simple thing but gov make it so complicated. Couldn\u2019t register, app like shit, website like shit and outdated. Both website account and app account are different thing. Ady give up checking my bill"], ["wow. they are forcing ppl to use the app now huh. damn"], ["I went thru all that jazz and still can't see my balance on the app(nothing but blank). I had to use the browser to check in the end.", "Even the browser says can't access until eKYC is settled on the app."], ["My SSPN account too currently unable to deposit money as they are in midst of switching platform.. apa la"], ["I tried registering MyPTPTN but gave up when they asked to take photos of my IC. I just wanna check my baki man wym I have to go thru these processes only to have mid app on my phone \ud83d\ude2d"], ["I dont know about the app. Some years ago i just login to the website and set auto debit. Been smooth since then. Every month receive email notification thanking me for paying. Maybe i login once a year to check."], ["I just changed phone and procrastinated over downloading the app. Guess I'll just wait longer"], ["for some reason the security image is always watermelon"], ["A website should be totally fine. MY gov apps are all shits that are like primary school students projects"], ["My wife had the same problem with the app. We ended up going to a ptptn branch so she could verify her identity there without going through the buggy selfie part."], ["I was too a disgruntled users, appalled they migrated some basic services to app and jeez the recently migration to MyPTPTN is such a pain in the ass. Might as well retain it like how it used to be. Straightforward and smooth transaction without even having to require some bs authentication just for a miniscule statement view."], ["Just pay using MAE or Maybank2U. Theres a lot of options, you just need to do research.", "My beef with the app isn't because of payment method, I do that with cimb clicks already. My beef with it is the fact that I can't access my penyata baki without doing all that stuff i said in the main post. And even then the app can't seem to get that right. So its a perpetual state of \"I can't access X because I haven't done Y, but the app couldn't allow me to finish Y hence I can't access X\". It's annoying man.", "bangang"], ["no issue to me though, have been using it for more than a year"], ["Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ptptn system is down from 31 Dec until... Whenever they'll announce it'll be finished lol\nhave made the switch since early last year, the noti popped up when I tried for payment yesterday", "It's down so that people have no choice but to switch to the app they made.", "Jokes on us, the app works but can't make payment through it either...because the ptptn system itself is down lol"], ["I want to point out that all those new apps and services by the government that require you to do eKYC is a ticking time-bomb.\nWe all know how leaky and unsecure the system developed by government agencies based on the track records of multiple data breaches of several high profile incidents, MySJ, JPN, MyJPJ, BNM/iPay88.\nIf this MyPTPTN is compromised (which it most likely will be a target for hackers to attack for malicious intent), and your eKYC (IC picture, your selfie, your confidential data that linked to this whole things) you can expect another wave of scam calls, or new sophisticated scheme to abuse your eKYC data.", "agreed. Plus... they never bother to back in historical data. You would have to go to HQ just to retrieve any data prior to the app launch. Belakang mari apps are just black holes of incompetent governance"], ["Needs a pentest."], ["It's better to go to ptptn office to check."]]} {"title": "Customer question why there's no Halal logo after bought the product.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y60a4/customer_question_why_theres_no_halal_logo_after/", "num_comment": 18, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I'm a new entrepreneur, a customer bought my packed frozen pastry and whatsapp to the staff that why my product don't have Halal logo. I just started the biz less than 2 months ago and just only placed the product at that particular shop on the 4th day when the customer bought it.\nIs it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nHas any food entrepreneur encountered this before? What do you think?", "comments": [["That's the problem with Muslims in Malaysia. They are so hardcore trying to be strict & pious in their beliefs that they will want people around them to conform to their beliefs.\nSo it's not on you to not have halal logo and it's on them to ensure it's halal BEFORE PAYING FOR IT.\nMy advise is to put a sign its Muslim friendly in the future. Halal logo is very difficult to get (ahem you need to pay to get it)", "Yeah I guess I better tell my aunty (who sells frozen karipap) her karipap isn't Halal because she didn't get a JAKIM cert.\nPeople don't know what goes into getting the cert, hence why many SMEs prefer not to get one despite them using 100% halal ingredients.", "Like I said it's on the Muslims to do their due deligence but they pick and choose when to be holy as those road side makciks obviously don't have any halal or jakim certs but those Muslims & non Muslims business owners with bigger capital & machinery will always kena. Why? Melayu kuat dengki.", "Great advice. Thanks! Yup, long procedure too. I was told that average takes about 1 year to get it or more..oh dear~", "I've applied for Halal cert before and yes, it took me about 1 year to get it.", "Wow, do you mind to share total cost how much to get it?", "\nBasically them"], ["Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nMaybe the customer missed it.\nIs Muslims is your target market ?. If yes, you can apply for it and if everything checks out, you will receive it.\nTo answet the customet question : just said the truth ie highlight all the ingredient , and say that the process for Halal logo is already on going.", "Thanks for your advice. I am looking into it way faster than I've planned now."], ["Unless you advertise that you are completely halal, then your customer might have pre-assumption that all of your product are halal and should have logo on it.\nBut again, shouldn't customer always check what product they are buying before they actually went and buy it?", "No. I never mentioned Halal in my product whatsoever because I know we can't simply use the term without the certificate. But all ingredients are using Halal indeed"], ["Halal requirement is you must bribe the officer for approval. Once you paid off the relevant people just stick the logo on roadkill and kangaroo meat and youre good to go!\nhttps://www.euromeatnews.com/Article-Fake-halal-meat-scandal-explodes-in-Malaysia-/4386"], ["What brand?", "Does it matter? The Muslim should have checked before buying no?", "Exactly"], ["https://vulcanpost.com/827419/halal-certification-licence-jakim-malaysia-restaurant-cafe/amp/"], ["Ignore that customer. You should just display your list of ingredients and the customer should do their own due diligence."], ["I've had a client try applying for the halal logo. Took months. It's not an easy process which is why so many just choose to say \"no pork no lard\" or \"Muslim friendly\" restaurant."]]} {"title": "LFL: Launch of PADU before amending PDPA 2010 exposes the public to loss and damage from data breach, leaks, scams and other abuses", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y4qcd/lfl_launch_of_padu_before_amending_pdpa_2010/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["As it stands, section 3(1) of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (\u201cPDPA\u201d) exempts the government from its application, meaning that the data collected by PADU can be disseminated or used by the government beyond its declared purpose of targeted subsidies. There have been cases of misuse of data by the government before where personal data were used to disseminate propaganda by way of SMS to the public. It would be a massive betrayal of trust should data collected from the public be used by the government for any political purposes.\nI mean this is a valid concern, because this statement here just basically saying government can \u201cdo whatever the fuck they want with your data without any liability\u201d since they have special privilege of being exempted from executed under any law for misuse. The oral assurances of \u201cwe won\u2019t do it\u201d from Rafizi or government is not enough. If they have no intention of amending the law, then you know for sure they have every intention of misusing that data."], ["Govt dont give a damn on data leaks", "Hence why we got multiple data leaks in the past few months, even the military themselves, and it\u2019ll only get worst with the advancing of digitization. It\u2019s time to take proactive measure.\nI honestly partially blame the citizens for these things to happen because of the dormant attitude regarding privacy and data protection. No one care enough to ask the difficult questions. The \u201cxpe lah\u201d attitude and voluntary data submission is the enabling factor, and then eventually comes the abuse of data."], ["interesting point."]]} {"title": "McDonald's Malaysia's Move To Sue Boycott Movement Slammed by Netizens", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xja6k/mcdonalds_malaysias_move_to_sue_boycott_movement/", "num_comment": 190, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["I suspect the case will be settled outside the court later on.....", "Setel after school dare one not?", "Kau sentuh dulu la sini *laga bahu", "", "I doubt it. It would be a matter of principle to McD and they would want everyone to see the verdict."], ["I wonder how this case will go.\nYes, it is our right to boycott, but did BDS defame McD too much lol. McD been quite firm in saying none of their money or royalty go to Israel.", "BDS was clear:\nBDS didn't start the boycott, but they're not gonna go against it either.\nBDS said, the only way they can stand with McDonald's Malaysia (MM) is by MM openly condemn Israel genocidal policies against the Palestinians, which MM has failed to do thus far. Which for me begs the question: operating in a country where majority is openly against Israel, what is holding MM back from releasing such statement?", "From what I read, McD Msia already keluarkan few statements explaining franchise system, not related to Israel, and also donated rm1 mil to Palestine.. which mostly kena ignored lol kesian. Not sure whats stopping them from condemning Israel ourtight. Maybe their PR department got fed up while halfway writing condemnation and lost their temper. I think court case is not the correct path to take tho.. they should just keep quiet and wait it out.\nBut I can see why McD is confident to sue BDS for defamation. The current boikot logic is M Msia pay royalty to its owner M SaudiArabia, who in turn pay to M USA, then M USA give that money to M Israel, and M Israel use that money to donate meals to Israeli Army. Thats very far fetched.. because franchise system just doesnt work that way. Like, when M Malaysia give free meals to nurses and firemen, are we giving M USA the credit for that?\nRegardless, we should boikot McD for harga Yahudi, not for actual Yahudi. Prosperity set meal is almost rm20 and the burger so small now, wtfffff", "If the money ends up going to israel because of a chain bigger than the malaysian branch, its not the fault of malaysiaj branch, because as far as they can control, the money went to a guy in saudi arabia.\nThat way of assigning guilt is dumb as shit, it would mean every person is guilty because the money ypu gave someone eventually might pass hands with illegal activity outside of your control\n\"woi amirul dont buy from that drink store who knows where your 5 ringgit air bandung money will go to eventually\"", "they should just keep quiet and wait it out.\nThey should've. Like many pointed out, usually Malaysians would come back after a while and I think MM did wait, but this time, Israel seems to be set on their vendetta and MM is obviously bleeding and couldn't wait no more.\nFrom what I read, McD Msia already keluarkan few statements explaining franchise system, not related to Israel,\nI was one of those who bought that explanation. I understood that it's beyond their control to prevent what M Israel did. Of course. I didn't even boycott them.\nHowever, this lawsuit made me revisit the whole thing again - that was when I saw what BDS asked MM to do. Condemn Israel. What's stopping MM? this is 100% within their control, right? Maybe it's not? I've started boycotting them ever since.\nbecause franchise system just doesnt work that way.\nNot objecting you, but here's how it works for those who want to know:\nMcDonald's franchise model is pretty slick. Here's the scoop: someone who wants to open a McDonald's franchise, like in Malaysia, has to pay an initial fee to McDonald's Corporation (the big guys in the U.S.). This fee gives them the license to run a McDonald's restaurant.\nBut it doesn't stop there. The franchisee (the person running the local McDonald's) also pays regular fees, which usually include a percentage of their sales. This is where McDonald's HQ makes a lot of its dough. So, yeah, McDonald's Malaysia (like Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn Bhd) would be paying these ongoing fees to McDonald's Corporation in the U.S. This way, they get to use the McDonald's brand, its business model, and all the secret recipes!\nEven though Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn Bhd (owned by Saudi Arabia's Reza Group) operates McDonald's Malaysia, they still have to play by the rules of McDonald's Corporation in the USA. This includes paying for licensing and advertising.\nIn the franchise model, the franchisee (like Gerbang Alaf in this case) pays a franchise fee and ongoing royalties, which typically include a percentage of sales, to the franchisor (McDonald's Corporation). These payments cover the rights to use the McDonald's brand, operating system, and ongoing support, including advertising. This is a standard practice in franchising, not just for McDonald's, but for most international franchise brands.", "Personally i think the fault lies in M israel. No company, especially a franchisee, should shows support or condemn to anything non food related issue, especially in geopolitical issue. Food store is food store. Donate to support humanitary effort, sure, as its general humanitary aid. But condemning israel/ show undying support to hamas shouldn't even be considered.\nYes US supports israel. But did M US shown any support to it? Blaming them just because M paid tax to US is stupid and not using common sense. M US cannot control where the tax money is allocated.", "Believe it or not, I agree with you - companies shouldn't be held responsible for showing political stances.\nUnfortunately, some companies do make clear political stances like Nike with Kaepernick, Ben and Jerry's, and many companies with LBTQ+ rights. We saw the Premier League showing support for Ukraine.\nPublic saw all the above and they can no longer expect companies to be neutral now, can they?", "Yup. Thats why we can go against companies that show said stance publicly and visibly.\nBut not mcd m. They very clearly stated that they are pro palestinian, even donated directly to humanitary fund. BDS and boycotters WANT them to do more, and declare their allegiance. That is what I cannot agree with. They are forcing the company to choose a side. If not, boycott. I mean, even mcd franchisor refuses to butt into the conflict, so far only mcd israel and mcd malaysia made clear statement, and both are supporting different sides. Semua kena pula.\nIn short, I can agree with boycotters targeting companies that made their stance, but not if they want to force them to make a stance.", "If McDonald's Malaysia stated they're pro Palestinians, haven't they chosen a side already? Why stop at not condemning Israel? This is what's suspicious about them - are they independent like they claimed or not?", "There you go.. Forcing a company to choose a side. Tak kira lah mereka nak support ke tak nak support kan? Wasn't that what you claimed just 1 comment ago? Dia nak choose ke tak nak choose ke penting ke? In the end you guys cared that a company choose a stand or not, contradicting with your own view. Boycotters is like clingy gf. Already give you ring still want cry father cry mother need confess on top of building to propose baru happy.", "I'm not forcing them, I'm talking from the POV of the public, devil's advocate.\nAt any rate , they already took a side, you said, right?", "To be honest , this is mob mentality , we understood FOOD companies have no say in geopolitics, but we are forcing companies that has nothing to do with it to take sides. We are laughing at how ridiculous and easily manipulated at the Chinese pink armies but we are doing the same here.", "They must have wished McDonald's Israel hadn't given burgers to the IDF. That was the problem.", "Considering they are figuratively and literally different entities that only shares the same name that had been clarified by McD Malaysia many many times, blaming and punishing McD My for actions did by McD Is is like beating someone up because his long-distance cousin did something horrible on the other side of the world.", "OK then why hasn't McDonald's Malaysia condemned Israel already? What are they gonna lose by doing that - majority of their customers clearly would cheer for them.", "Kasi turun prosperity dua ketul rm5 sure ramai come back maa", "LOL. believe it or not, that's a good idea, though a bit morally ambiguous.\nYou want to kill an opposing moral stance, first, compromise their morality. Make them feel that they're corrupt. Buy them out. Once their morals are no longer there, you have complete controls over them.\nMany have done this before.", "Because it's business suicide. No multinational company can take explicit sides in political conflicts. Doing so means they'll affect the business as a whole, even in countries that aren't involved.\nYou don't see McDonalds Malaysia talking about the Ukraine crisis either.", "Yeah, I know. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.\nBelieve it or not, I agree with you - companies shouldn't be held responsible for showing political stances.\nUnfortunately, some companies do make clear political stances like Nike with Kaepernick, Ben and Jerry's, and many companies with LBTQ+ rights. We saw the Premier League showing support for Ukraine.\nPublic saw all the above and they can no longer expect companies to be neutral now, can they?", "You do realize no neutral business will voluntarily do something like No. 2 right. Purely for business reasons. There's no going back once you've said that, you're just opening a different can of worms.", "I mean sure, but what does that have to do with my statement", "That from public's POV, there's no such thing as \"neutral business\" anymore, thanks to those companies I mentioned.", "I dunno it seems like you're making a strawman argument to justify that point.\nFirst you talk about your opinion like its super important. I'm okay with that, but you know not everyone needs to listen to you. It's not some sort of truth.\nAnd then your example says \"some companies\". Okay, some companies do. What about all companies, or at least most companies. Some people get struck by lightning and survive too.\nAnd then you use that to justify your argument about non-neutrality corporates. Perhaps to justify the McD example above, I dunno I'm trying to not put words in your mouth since you didn't explicitly say it.\nBut at this point you've got several disjointed branches of logic that you need to fix first before the discussion can proceed further.", "I don't think I was.\nI'm being pretty clear. Some companies did make political stances. This has changed public's perception - the public is no longer seeing companies as politically neutral entities anymore.\nI don't see any strawmanning there. You said \"neutral business\". I addressed that directly - I said, in the eye of the public, there's no such thing as \"neutral business\" anymore, thanks to companies like Nike and Ben and Jerry's who have shaped public's perceptions with their political stances.", "I mean some means minority. They're not representative of the majority. If that's your argument, that's kinda strawmanning. I get where you're coming from but if we can't get past this part, I have to disagree. Public perception would be incorrect then, and needs to change. Not set such a low bar for justifying outrage. We can be better than that.", "Well, Nike is just one company, so technically it's minority in terms of numbers. But it's also Nike - people notice. If Kedai Tok Mat became political, nobody would care. My point is majority/minority doesn't play a role in public's perception.\nI wished you didn't say I was strawmanning because I take issue with that as it's not true. Strawmanning is if I attacked a point that you didn't make. But you did make a point about McDonald's being neutral:\nYou do realize no neutral business will voluntarily do something like No. 2 right.\nI responded directly to your point saying that from public's POV (not my POV), companies that they noticed, like Nike, indeed have political stances and not neutral. So, from their POV, MM must have a stance too.\nAnd maybe the public's perception is incorrect, but I wasn't strawmanning.", "I dont get that people assume a business not saying anything means they support anything\nThis would set a precedent that all stores small or large have to have an opinion on it, which is just gonna be chaotic as people reshuffle thier shopping locations to fit thier morals.\nImo ppl shoudnt assume guilt by silence", "Believe it or not, I agree with you - companies shouldn't be held responsible for showing political stances.\nUnfortunately, some companies do make clear political stances like Nike with Kaepernick, Ben and Jerry's, and many companies with LBTQ+ rights. We saw the Premier League showing support for Ukraine.\nPublic's perception on corporate political responsibilities has shifted.", "Its literally the same as the \"but do you condemn hamas\" crowd\nacrual dumbassery.", "Humans aren't rational beings, my friend.", "i feel god probably made the universe so they could see what happens, and we are just the dumbass critters in a glorified terrarium", "The angels did protest. Apparently it's not the first time.", "they probably wanted god to do somethig else other than play the sims all day", "They actually saw humanlike creatures before us did some horrible things on Earth. So they were puzzled when God wanted to seemingly do that again.", "Kene saman with Daddy McDonald US. Cause mcd malaysia still using the McDonalds image. Daddy mcd could also play the anti semite card. Some Malaysian only know how to hate the word yahudi and jews je. We\u2019re just a microcosm in the McD world. Other people out there support israel also. So what to do? How nak apply a country\u2019s mentality on a global brand.\nBut yeah McD should sue BDS for more instead then all the winning proceed to donate to Palestine. That way people know mcd Malaysian has a collar but still choose to side with our country. They could also match the winning contribution gaining more public sentiment. Palestine in the end gets money.", "What you said is correct.\nThis is where Malaysians are not buying McDonald's Malaysia's nonsense about them being not related to rest of McDonald's. They're obviously related via franchise agreement.", "McD and most multinationals are not into politics. They want to do business in every country. So there will be no such statement coming from McD.", "Because they are a global brand, and making such statements can potentially impact other markets, for better or for worse.", "That's my thought too. And Malaysians are not having any of that.", "It has been really long since I did defamation law and I hope a practitioner can chime in. I\u2019m not too familiar with the facts and this is all hypothetical.\nThe question of whether BDS initiated the boycott is not the crux of the issue. It is whether did BDS make defamatory statements against McDonald\u2019s Malaysia that affected MM\u2019s reputation.\nTo give MM an out by making a statement of condemnation of Israel / IDF doesn\u2019t negate the defamatory statements made (if any) by BDS.", "Yes."], ["The thing about lawsuits in my experience is this - the devil is in the details.\nOften, blanket statements made by the plaintiff and the defendants are not the nitty gritty and unless you see the actual statement of claim, might as well refrain from commenting because it could very well be something else.\nNow.. Speculation time.\nThe interesting thing reading what is available is this - the suit may stem from the comments left on the social media site controlled by BDS - again, this is SPECULATION. However, based on what has happened before with Malaysiakini, it seems that the question would be - is a company / person liable for third party comment left on it's social media site.\nThis would be the interesting part."], ["yes pls keep fucking up mcdonalds , I need more cheap burgers.", "inb4 Mcdonalds pull out their entire franchises from Malaysia", "Semua salah yahudi!", "\"its always them!!!\"\nmassive /s", "And nothing of value would be lost", "Yes there will be. Kids loving having birthday parties at McD.", "I dont even sure about that. These new gen kids that I know treat Mekdi like street burger lol", "Ah yes that's the most important loss", "\"Won't somebody please, think of the childrens!!!\".", "Let their dream comes true then , but make sure they do the same to all yahudi products."], ["Meanwhile, people are boycotting McDonald's not because of geopolitics, but because of their pricey meals and small portion sizes.", "I malded when thier ice cream was more cream than oreos"], ["I am surprised no one mention wix.com"], ["Yay!, was starting to see a crowd during lunch time last week. Had to wait 5mins for them to prepare my prosperity burger.. Now with this lawsuit mcd will be empty again for me \ud83d\ude01"], ["Idk man is this good thing or bad a thing? I'm enjoying their new price atm.", "Their old price you mean?"], ["i believe netizen is slamming mcd isnt solely on middle east conflict (yes, its originated from there)\nsome displayed disappointment with their cooperate greed", "Some did but not BDS. The only point that they can argue in court, is that they didn't explicitly support boikot movement in malaysia. They have only supported boikot of macdonald. That was their statement, denying the allegation that they have started the boikot. They merely supported it."], ["mcD is not a basic need. so many healthy food out there, cheaper tasty and healthy way better than mcD\nmcD is like robbing you of your money and health", "well so far no place sells fried chicken as spicy as mcd", "True"], ["Mcdonalds malaysia is big enough to actually just dump the franchise and rebrand like Russia. Or like Tealive and Chatime. They chose the path of least resistance, blame someone else."], ["These netizens slamming should be slammed with some common sense so they stop boycotting.", "maybe McD and BDS should settle it this way"], ["To non muslims, isnt it good for u guys that Malay is boycotting Mcd dont have to que what lol", "yeah it is...people should boycott more n dont stop with just McD, there's cars, graphic cards, cpu, etc.", "Haha mcd is the most impactful one i think because it was Malaysian go to fast food and tbf the overprice and lack of quality make it easier to boycot to especially in small city area where local food price is cheaper.", "Thank god I went there more than I've been, make fast food fast again"], ["Haiya in the end BDS will just raise for a fund if they ever lose the case.", "Those boycott can donate since already save so much beginning of the boycott \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb", "Based on the logic, yes it is.", "Ala McDonald\u2019s senang je, sue BDS as hard and as much as possible until kingdom come, the winning all goes to Palestine."], ["I just want cheaper burger."], ["If burger lab is smart, they would either lower the price of their burgers or offer a new menu in the $12-17 range.\nPeople who want burger that are not Ramli can go there instead.\nImma fan of BL, but the current price is a bit (a lot) eye watering. Right now it's more like a special occasion food.\nI just want a cheaper burger lab goddangit!"], ["muslims vs muslims \ud83e\udd21", "yahudi yang menang. betul tak?\nmereka dah lama merancang\u2026\n/s"], ["With the small price of free meals(what? 10000soldiers x dirt cheap food , maybe rm5 , so rm50,000)\nIsrael has successfully made Muslims boycott their own economy and made Muslim-owned McDonalds lose money.\n6m just from Malaysia.. who knows how much the rest of the Muslim world lost.\nThe boycott is working.. but since idiots yang buat.. the impact isn't exactly what they imagined.\nI guarantee none of the the boycotters can prove that Gerbang Alaf money has ever made its way to Alonyal Ltd.\nThey don't even know how franchises works.. is McDonald Corps gonna send money to Alonyal Ltd?", "Not necessarily. Muslims, as humans, still need to eat. Just because they boycott McD, doesn't mean they didn't buy food from the nasi lemak makcik, nasi kandar mamak, or the chicken rice uncle. Malaysia's own economy is not boycotted. The money just flowed into other Malaysian's hands. Yes Muslim owned McD will loose money, but in the future Muslims might think twice investing in a foreign franchise.", "Note : I haven't ate McD for years.. I'm just pissed off at Muslims spreading misinformation(read : Fitnah) like wildfire", "Well, unfortunately, Gerbang Alaf decided to do something (that is equivalent to using a flamethrower to fight fire) that no one else does by pursuing this frankly weird move...\nYeah, I would not be surprised if there are McD branches being vandalized (most probably outside of Malaysia) just because of this....", "Nah. I'm sure our muslims brothers are sane and not extreme. I'm willing to bet a prosperity burger on it."], ["Malays boycotting a malay owned corporation staffed by malay workers to in support of Hamas leadership living like kings in Qatar.\nIm loving this!", "https://www.mcdonalds.com.my/company/history\nNot Malay owned, Saudi owned. Also not staffed by Malay workers, staffed by Malaysian workers.\nNot everything is Malay.", "let's say it's Muslim owned and staffed by majorities Malaysian Malay Muslim", "Ahh so youre boycotting Saudi la. Boikot Mecca bila?", "I never said anything about boycotting Saudi or even Mcd. I am just pointing your mistakes.", "Ni level bangang punya thinking", "while maki Cina for patronizing them\u2026 seriously i have no words to say anymore", "I just let them do wht they want at this point. As long as they happy lah.", "Same. I'm tired of people telling me to boycott stuff. I need that shit to survive blud.", "Even encouraging another 513\uff1f", "This boycott will not cause another 513.", "yeah it\u2019s alright. but I have read more complicated mental gymnastics than this one.", "opens up harakah daily", "CINA BABI INDIA KELING JIHAD HAPUSKAN ZIONIS MCD KALAH PERANG BOIKOT HIDUP MELAYU", "Nah. Have to give the credit where it's due: they haven't attack indian yet. At least not that I know of.", "So malays should be thankful that McDonald's provide them jobs and pay them handsomely? Lol as if they are the only players in the market. Plus malay owned corporation? Wow thats a first where do u learn this disinformation tactic? Zionist propaganda school?", "Melayu when faced with uncomfortable truth : ZIONISSSSSS", "HAHAHAHA", "Yes. That 1 situated right across that sekolah pondok propoganda hamas. Yes the one with bricked up building, underground classroom, and aircond room."], ["Who is advising them!?"], ["Time to get another prosperity burger tmr from Mcdonalds."], ["To those saying boycott doesn\u2019t work, it made them reduce the 2pcs ayam goreng set from RM18 to RM14. W!"], ["BDS: you damage the Freedom of speech\nCapitalism Mc D and Law: I beg your pardon?"], ["How does boycotting a FNB franchise help Palestine? Bizarre logic.", "Yeah that the thing \u2026. I mean why stop there though \u2026 they should went ahead and boycott others as well like intel, apple and merc ( stop buying and working there ) at end of the days everything is linking back to US HQ", "These people can live without mcd can't live without tech.", "And also can\u2019t live without rokok", "they just need to start by boycotting facebook but we all know they wouldn\u2019t because they cannot", "So that brand will stop whitewashing Israel by distancing itself from the genocide happening, u know McDonald's been very supportive of the israel war effort by keep sending those zionist McDonald's food and other contributions.", "McDonald's been very supportive of the israel war effort by keep sending those zionist McDonald's food and other contributions.\nCan you share some sources on this? Also every major US MNC likely has business deals with Israel so how is that different?", "Well, there would usually be a wave of people avoiding Mcdonald and other companies (like in 2014) just because they are an American brand (whose national leaders are allies with Israel....)\nThe difference this time(other than the intensity of violence) for McDonalds was the fact that McDonalds in Israel had decided to give free meals to IDF soldiers during thr attack on Gaza.... (I am unaware if the McDonalds of Israel also give free food for the victims of October 7th, but it seems like there are more promoting the fact that they giving food to IDF soldiers)...\nOf course, McDonalds in Israel is operated by a different company than the one in Malaysia....unfortunately there are two things that aren't going for them, the first of which is the fact that McDonald Malaysia operations are foreign-owned, specifically Saudi-owned, where (other than the fact that they like the other Arab countries are getting closer to Israel in order to curb Iran's influence), there were some (albeit later proven to be false IIRC) allegations that the authorities there arresting people just because they are chanting pro-Palestine chants...so there are some people that start to boycott them because they are OWNED BY THE SAUDIS...\nThe second problem was the fact that unlike the other McDonalds in other Muslim countries, where they just explained the situation and then accept the losses due to the boycott and move on like any other year, McDonalds Malaysia IN PARTICULAR as stated in the OP article, oddly decided to take a step (beyond the realms of common sense in regard to doing operation in a majority Muslim countries)by suing the BDS movement here due to the losses, as such this perplexing(and also the fact that the food prices were shot up (even relative to the other F&B brands) recently) move would probably encourage more people to avoid Malaysian McDonalds.\nTLDR, Israel McD decided to be specific in their support to IDF, people decided to boycott Malaysia's Mekdi, (which are technically different but owned by the equally problematic for some, Saudis), which in turn decided to do what no other McD done which to specifically sue the people calling for the boycott.\nIMO I understand if Mekdi Malaysia decided to sue people who decided to vandalize the branches (for example there were some branches being set in fire in Turkey , or pro-Palestine protesters that decided to drop rubishes/ rat into the Starbucks branches IIRC), but suing just because of boycott seems like an idiotic dick move from Mekdi....", "Mcd malaysia decided to be specific in their support to palestine. The one who continuing dick move are the boycotters who still continue to boikot eventhough mcd malaysia donated more than mcd israel. 1 mil vs 5k burgers. That fact and effort is ignored because the boycotters have no where else to vent their frustration.", "Oic Mcd Israel give free meal to IDF so must boycott Mcd Malaysia. Makes so much sense.\nAlmost like US foreign policy dictacted by MCD and boycotting it in Malaysia going to make the US government withdraw support to Israel.", "Yeah, but like I said, Mekdi Malaysia decided to somehow respond to an (idiotic for some, reasonable for others) action by pursuing a court case JUST because a boycott, which is a perplexing and IMO universally idiotic since it basically poured more petrol into the fire, where just keeping it quiet like other McDs in foreign country (including the ones where they were vandalized )would be a better move...", "Hi, maybe you\u2019re completely ok with a company giving free meals to child killers and genocidal regimes with the full endorsement of the headquarters as evident by the lack of criticism of McD USA towards McD Israel. But a lot of us are not willing to buy from a franchise whose HQ is ok with keeping silent and allowing free meals to fill the bellies of murderers. Maybe you are completely fine with that and it doesn\u2019t bother you at all. But for the rest of us who are uncomfortable let us boycott in peace. This is a free country right?", "Nobody stopping you from boycott. I am just pointing out how dumb it is. Free country right?", "\nThis one? Yeah boycott them all, u know not all american us mnc support israel is the one that expressly shows support to those zionist deserves to be boycotted like McDonald's and Starbucks", "MCD Israel give a free meal to IDF then must boycott MCD Malaysia lol. What logic?\nYou understand that US foreign policy is not affected by MCD right? US government support is what keeps Israel strong.", "You understand how franchises work ah? You think McD Malaysia dont pay money to the HQ ah? Free free only they give the name one isit? Reducing money to the US corporations wont work is it? The only language these people understand is the language of money. Thats why there are anti boycott laws.", "Do you know how small Malaysia is on world stage? Malaysia GDP is like 0.3% of world GDP. How much % of mcd revenue come from Malaysia?\nWant boycott also learn how much weight you carry first.", "Like that will work. Do you know what\u2019s the size of the US mega corporations? Like US foreign policy will shift because of corporations losing a buck or two.", "Bruh boycotss are happening all around the world and IT IS hurting this big corporations. And you know why i know this? Because it\u2019s in the fucking news. Read a little and stop being so closed minded and think youre always right the news have been out since early December", "Google MCD share price. It's trading at record high because the profit and revenue beating estimates.\nDon't live in your own world and syiok sendiri like your boycott working lol."], ["Israhell bootlickers : Boycott doesn't work\nMcDonald : oh, we lost RM 6 million so far due to boycott. Let's recover it by suing people.", "McD malaysia losing money but Israel macam menang jer", "Mcd malaysia losing meaning the HQ Mcd also losing, i hope MCD malaysia close down i mean they been selling shit food for premium price but yet all you westerners wannabe still buying em like crazy.\nPlus, why does McDonald's get to charge premium price but at the same time the patron are expected to clean up their table themselves?\nU dont see these westerners wannabe advocate the same at mamak or any warungs eventhough they charging minimum price for foods.", "Plus, why does McDonald's get to charge premium price but at the same time the patron are expected to clean up their table themselves?\nKo merepek apa ni mat? Kesian ar..", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon\u2019t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon\u2019t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Idk man, prosperity burger is pretty good. I want them to stay bro.", "Its the effort. Cant use this logic man. Some people pray to their god but still end up poor. Should go atheist?", "If collectively all muslims are praying to allah for the destruction of israel and the zionist keep winning, is allah really on the side of the muslims or israelites? Or does it even exist?", "Doesnt answer any questions, does it? Ur point is just a rhetorical question atheists keep asking any religion if something doesnt go their way. But hey, blaming something else is easier than taking responsibility for people like u.\nBut to answer, in Islam praying downfall for others is prohibited and wont even be heard by Allah, study something before talking like an imbecile. If anything Muslims are ro pray for the safety of Palestinians. By logic god will be on their peoples side, but yknow, a test always exists for any religion. Not atheism cuz they can blame it on others. Existence? Does any god exists by ur logic? If anything id rather gamble on a religion for if the day after actually exists, at least i have some faith to put on.", "You seem upset.\nThe hadiths have many verses of muhammad asking for allah to destroy his enemies from Madinah to Mecca but thats fine, lets look at your argument :\nIf anything Muslims are ro pray for the safety of Palestinians\nSo, allah is saving the Palestinians eh? Sounds like a merciful god.\nAnyways :\nin Islam praying downfall for others is prohibited and wont even be heard by Allah, study something before talking like an imbecile.\nNarrated Anas: The Prophet (PBUH) offered the Fajr Prayer for the destruction of Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, \"Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a nation, then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.\" Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives.' Bukhari 5.59", "No wonder I couldn't find a proper source. Dont change Hadiths just to prove your point or to win in an online arguement. Islamophobia wont help u find peace anyway\nNarrated Anas:\nThe Prophet (\ufdfa) offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, \"Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.\" Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads.\nBukhari 4200.\nIf u search up Bukhari 4200 ull find so sooo many of the hadith which is weird why i couldnt find Bukhari 5:59.\nSimple English really, they offer a Fajr prayer not for the destruction but the prayer time itself. Allahu-Akbar is said when they emerge victorious after the war. Im on my lunch break so ill entertain your Islamophobia, u said theres many hadiths yet you even gave a false and changed up accordingly to your need. Do you mind sourcing another or at least where u get that one?", "Dont change Hadiths\nBruh the source is literally in the text, you are the one changing the scripture by providing your interpretation and context.\nNo wonder I couldn't find a proper source\nThats because youre cherrypicking a translated version that reinforces your narrative while ignoring the one where muhammad literally asked allah to destroy his enemies.\nSprinkle some \"islamophobia\" and \"zionissss\" on top of that to make sure you got all your bases covered.\nTalk about hypocrisy.", "You want to keep avoiding or you have at least 2 connecting braincells?\nI dont expect you to be smart in Islamic scripture but thats not a source, when u put Bukhari 5.59 other hadiths show up, its a compilation of Bukhari 5.\nIdm ure a Islamophobe bud, but didnt realize youre a retard. Heres an example of sources, links, such :\nhttps://sunnah.com/bukhari:4200 https://www.islamicfinder.org/hadith/bukhari/al-maghazi/4200/\nCome back when your smooth brain can provide some actual sources and proof. But not like trolls like you have any braincells anyway", "Muslim logic : our scripture is perfect. If you find conflicting evidence against it thats your fault because youre islamophobic. Also, go read the scripture to learn more. But dont learn too much that you point out the mistakes and fallacies or we will be forced to kill you. Jihad motherfakrs!", "Tbh, Israel is winning but some people are delusional not to believe that. In what part of history where buildings bombed, citizens killed, their land under occupation means that they are winning? But I saw a lot people think that Israel will lose and Palestine will be free. Maybe you could argue that Israel will lose international opinion and therefore lose support but honestly regardless of whatever choice they make they will still be condemned. So might as well go to war and try to prevent 7/10 from happening again."], ["Please don't hate me because I'm asking a genuine question, McD is an American company, right? And McD USA support Israel and McD Israel is giving free meals to IOF...BUT, McD Malaysia says they did not support Israel and The profit won't go to Israel...which is okay\nMy question is...where did all the profit of McD malaysia go to? Does McD USA not get a single cents from franchises all over the world?\nIf McD Malaysia says they don't give money to Israel, but The profit went to McD USA instead and McD USA supports Israel...won't McD Malaysia indirectly helps the funding?", "Mcd USA cannot control how USA want to spent their tax money. Unless mcd USA said they support israel, there are no reason to think otherwise. Paying tax is normal business responsibility.", "McD Malaysia pays royalty to McD USA.\nMcD Israel also pays royalty to McD USA.\nMcD USA collects the money and laugh, they are the ultimate capitalist franchise. McD USA does not give the money back to McD Malaysia or Israel, because money doesnt flow that way in franchise system.", "Yea they don't give to Israel directly. But since were a franchise and use their name as a front for business we still pay to McD US, as far as im confirmed la. Might be wrong, people say boycott doesnt work but it does. But the support US give thru many corporate entities are crazy. I have to agree that the effect are minimal but it does work. Change doesnt happen in a day, just like rome it took years.", "it\u2019s franchised and owned by muslims here. majority of its workers are also muslims, so think of who is earning mcd money here\u2026muslims. their own people are boycotting their own people lmao"], ["Yeah whatever McD. I'm boycotting mainly because of the harga yahudi lol."], ["Ironic their slogan has \"freedom\" on it but didn't give people freedom to eat what they want", "How are they stopping you from eating what you want?"], ["They can just support the war victim in Gaza with the equal amount or more than what McD HQ give to the Israel."], ["Biggest PR L they could've done honestly."], ["Who's the PR team for M Malaysia? They should be fired"], ["The real intention of this boycott movement is because of the exorbitant prices, nothing else"]]} {"title": "Is this a valid Plate in Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xyx3e/is_this_a_valid_plate_in_malaysia/", "num_comment": 47, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Been here for 2 weeks, first time I\u2019m seeing a plate like this", "comments": [["Yes", "Can you tell me more? What\u2019s the difference between a standard plate and a dictionary word like this? You just pay extra for it?", "Yes. In this case, the plate series was launched as part of fundraising.", "Sometimes JPJ sells special plates like this (you don\u2019t just get go select your own word).", "Thanks", "Yes our government offer lots of \"word\" plates such as Putrajaya, Wawasan, Rimau, A1M, G1M etc.\nSome are in very high demand and the bidding price can go above RM100k.", "Thanks for the info, that makes sense", "I've seen plates with the word perodua too, is it offered by the government or perodua?", "JPJ in conjunction with perodua.\nThey have it with proton too. And various universities like UM Uitm etc.\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Malaysia", "Look up at commemorative vanity plates. Those are the fancy plat such as the patriotxxx etc.", "It's a limited run that costs more than a normal plate."], ["They should launch one that said 1MDB", "The closest we got was 1M4U \ud83d\ude04", "Ayam for you?", "Aaah, I remember that plate. I saw it taking Najib from Masjid Putra to the Prime Minister Office, along with traffic escorts.\nSounds normal until you realise that both buildings are like 100m apart. Najib could have just did a walkabout and greet people. But no, want car for short trip.", "I ordered fish curry", "Maybe they should launch a MADANI plate", "launch \"MADAN\" only\nand our PM will be using \"MADAN1\"", "once you install this plate , fuel price will go up , when u use the car to go buy sugar you wont get it , and it if it EV the TNB price used to charge it will be x2 ..", "Bruh you got debuff", ""], ["This plate was on sale by JPJ from PATRIOT 1 to PATRIOT 9999 and open for public. Not exclusive to govt army"], ["Patriot 150 & Patriot 250, is currently available on the resell market both pricing at RM14,800", "Wow, that\u2019s costly", "wait until you see ppl paying 200k for a plate no."], ["Totally valid. We have special plates from time to time"], ["Few uni also sells their own plate. UKM I know have those", "And UTM plates.\nAlso it's a missed opportunity on JPJ's part for not introducing UWU registrations /j", "Id love a plate starting with UWU Specifically UWU621\nAll the rich furries will buy them clean.\nGov; stonks \ud83d\udcc8", "i might be a bit out of the loop - why 621?", "e621", "Like if nhentai plates are a thing.\nNhentai 177013 or something.", "I've seen USM plates in Penang", "Yup. UUM and UTM too.", "UMS as well"], ["\nThe La Li Lu Le Lo?"], ["waiting for MADANI plates"], ["1 more digits its my bike number plate."], ["If I\u2019m not mistaken, \u201cpatriot\u201d plates can be owned by ex-armed forces (ie military) personel. Not sure tho if this is exclusive for officers and NCOs, or enlisted personel can also have this type of plate", "That's not true. Anyone can buy/own/use it."], ["The driver identifies as an air defense guided missile battery."], ["Yes OP and just saw there's redditch gave detailed explanation"], ["Totally valid. Dads old car had the PATRIOT number plate."], ["\nSaw this last year."], ["Yes..."]]} {"title": "Isteri cikgu, suami polis... Pasangan mengadu gaji habis bayar loan selepas beli Proton X70, belanja sebulan tinggal RM550", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xiy1q/isteri_cikgu_suami_polis_pasangan_mengadu_gaji/", "num_comment": 96, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "", "comments": [["that means kau tak mampu lah nak buat loan beli X70. pakai otak sekejap keluarkan kalkulator lepas tu kiralah sendiri sebulan banyak mana duit tinggal", "U know I'm curious what could these people actually do to get into better financial situation?\nSelling off their prized x70?", "Onlyfans\nSocial media influencers"], ["cikgu dg 41 2 years working....gaji basic rm2k lebih. elaun got if dah confirm so total -/+rm2.5k kot.\nkonstabel lower than wife but elaun more kot. bil air and api free, elaun.\nbut if combine gaji, buy a house (both gomen, loan lppsa ada) better than buying an x70....\ntp buy a house tak leh bawa jalan2 tunjuk orang but x70 boleh bawak jalan2 tunjuk kami ni ada-ada.....this kind of mentality kot\nhuhuhuhu", "2 years working is not much diff than a fresh grad. At least wait until dg44 la..", "And/or mistaken access to loan is equal to affordability.", "Eh is it still that low ke? I was ug41 back in 2016 and earned about 3.2k (even with super low COLA cause I was posted to rural area \ud83d\ude43)", "Dh 3k kot. Starting dg41 maybe 2.4 or 2.6 already. Basic allowance 600", "dg41 2 yrs with allowance is about 3.5k."], ["How do the banks approve their loans tho if their salary is like that? (Genuine question)", "Cause ada surat logo harimau", "Guarantor", "dokumen boleh buat punya", "Because bank secretly love these kind of people, late payment = more money for the bank, them being irresponsible with their spending = more money for the bank:26554:", "Gotta maximize those interest rate profit", "I heard gov usually easy to get loan. And also kabel hehe", "Loan officers work on commission and there are definitely plenty who will perform sleight of hand to get the loans approved.", "it's all about who you know"], ["During my 1st internship, my supervisor drove an old Saga. No it wasn't a \"work car,\" it was his only car. He lived in a big house, though.\nIt's always so funny seeing nice cars parked in shitty neighborhoods. I understand if you work in sales and need to keep up appearances but as a graduate of automotive technology, cars are expensive, they make a new one every year, while yours break down. Everything about car tech is trying to slow down this cumulative damage. They're not something that gain value over time.\nTrying to impress people with your car is always a losing game unless you do it for yourself. If you're happy, good. If you're trying to show off, not good.", "your supervisor is a wise man. learn from him.", "Lots of sentimental value over dat old Saga. Too many memories tied to dat boxy car. The funny thing is my uncle recently refurbished his old '94 Saga Iswara to make it look & drive just like the first time he bought it. Them mechanics surely knew wat they're doin."], ["kursus kahwin should include financial crash course if they dont already", "Better introduce it at primary or secondary level", "huh?? primary already have topics about debit, investment, dividend.. and want to add more headache", "Wait y'all learn it on primary? Damn during my time we don't have that. Only on secondary itu pun kalau amik subjek ekonomi @ perniagaan", "just a basic math", "The kursus kahwin do include financial crash course, at least the one I've attended to. They did provide advice on good financial responsibility as husband and wife but I guess people don't pay much attention"], ["Wtf , nk pengsan rase baca ni"], ["Bercerita lanjut, wanita itu berkata dia dan suaminya masih belum berjaya membeli rumah, namun mereka mempunyai dua buah kereta.\n\ud83d\ude11\nAccording to Google, the cheapest X70 is RM98k.\nAlready have a car, and then they bought another one... what am I supposed to be sympathizing about?\nGuess I shouldn't be too harsh on them though, I just bought a new aircond for my master bedroom for RM2.5k \ud83d\ude05", "You're horrible at managing your finances\nNervously sweating\nThinking about buying a 3k helmet", "helmet\nMotorcycle helmet, VR helmet, or... ?", "Crusader's helmet to retake Jerusalem. Deus vult!", "SHOEI moment", "I bought a RM2.5k 1.5hp aircond to replace an aging 2.5hp aircond I've used for the past 5 years. The savings on electricity alone means that it pays for itself in 10-15 months.\nThe newer airconds are really more efficient imo. Don't really feel much of a difference in terms of how cool the room is even with eco mode on.", "\"-an aging 2.5hp aircond I've used for the past 5 years.\" Stares at the half-broken aircond that is nearly the same age me", "Uh really should change it if you can bro.. Airconds supposedly lose 5% effectiveness per year. Plus the older models aren't exactly environmentally friendly.", "you will be in for a treat. My bill was 200+ and drop immediately to 100+ after I change to a inverter AC. Old AC was from the early 2000s.", "that what others would think about old car coz once your car reach 5 years it will automatically turn into maintenance mode \u2026.. the future repair and change of part itself is almost as saving as putting a deposit for new car \u2026. Although the performance may not change much plus driving on just a simple road would make a lot of knocking sound because of the wear and tear that prolong the car \u2026.", "You don\u2019t pay your air conditioner for 9 years, plus paying road tax every year, not including service and maintenance. Also accidents involving aircond is either electrical burn or the roof collapse, so you don\u2019t need to buy air cond insurance.", "Understandable they need 2 car, since both of them are working and they have 3 kids. Problem is their financial awareness.\nIm gonna assume that the reason for the x70 is to be their family car, big space and whatnot and if so, there are cheaper option like alza or exora for example.", "Sampah people", "You spend a lot of time in your bedroom (Like 7 hours of sleep on average). That being said my mattress alone cost 3k. . .", "I would rather buy a 5k mattress and 5k bed frame than buy 2 cars with leftover 550 every month... At least I don't need to pay maintenance and petrol to sleep 12 hours on the weekend."], ["belilah 2nd hand kalo gaji rendah", "Ada orang allergik kepada kereta 2nd hand", "New car seller dah lama merancang, amateur car enthusiast yg lalai"], ["Time to update PADU, no subsidy for X70 users with 2 cars :26554::26554::26554::26554::26554:"], ["Crazy ahh people willing to commit more than 20% for car loan repayments"], ["Only settle for X70? They should go for Honda CRV instead! Janji ada gaya dan dipandang mulia di mata jiran dan kenalan. Duit boleh cari.", "Kena ada logo H baru ada gaya\u2026 /s"], ["Still boleh tahan kot. Jangan lahirkan anak sudah \ud83d\udc80", "Anak dah 3 bro \ud83d\udc80", "Of course la nak anak. Setiap tahun kena ada satu keluar /s"], ["Duit rasuah tu jangan beli ketum la polis oi."], ["'Saya sayang suami saya sebab dia bertanggungjawab dan rapat dengan anak-anak,\u201d' I lost count how many times mother/wives have problematic offspring, husband, boyfriend etc and yet, they lie to themselves to make themselves feel better by saying shit like this. Dumbo, if he is really bertanggungjawab like you said, he wouldn't put you into this hole."], ["I guess they can live inside the two cars now. \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"], ["If you know you have low balance left after those loan, then just don't buy that X70.\nPakai lah otak before buying it haiya, got child somemore how to spend with 550/month"], ["Hmm, what sort of trickery did they do to get a loan approved with that sort of income? Doesn't make sense. Clickbait fake news?", "document could be forged"], ["As my buddy says \"duit die, suka dia. Makan nasi atau maggi pun ikut suka die\""], ["Maybe can use the car to be grab driver on free time"], ["I attended religious secondary school so most of my old friends are malays, and a lot of them are now govt servants - teachers mostly. They are really trigger happy with their loans- drive honda, volkswagen, buy 400k house some more.. even my friends in the O&G are a bit careful with the loans although they earn like 10 times the govt servants"], ["Aku gaji 13k pn pakai civic 2nd hand..civic fb hybrid lak tu rege 40k. Sbb tau kereta ni reliability. Pesanan utk semua, u dont need to show others u are loaded by doing harm to yourself financially ( like this cikgu n her husband ). Finance yourself accordingly. Biar hidup tenang ade saving drp hidup terseksa bayar komitmen demi bergaya."], ["macam mana boleh jadi cikgu kalau tak reti buat kira2?", "Cikgu PE Maybe :26554:", "halamak\nharap dia bukan cikgu math la\nkang dia cook meth lak dalam kelas tu", "halamak\nharap dia bukan cikgu math la\nkang dia cook meth lak dalam kelas tu\nThis could indicate that even the teacher lacks financial literacy.", "baru kerja 2 tahun, means she still in her mid 20's , boleh assume low maturity. senang termakan kata2 orang. patut dekat sekolah ni kena ajar skill financial juga, kira2 loan, montly budget allocation etc etc.\nslip gaji gred 41 pun patut tak lepas beli x70 unless dia bodo2 gi combine dgn husband (or lepas sbb dua2 penjawat awam)."], ["Funfact to T20s\nThis people will get Subsidies to fund their lifestyle while you get nada", "Let them keep their subsidies. I'd enjoy my rm20k/month salary."], ["Well, many bought latest iPhone using more than a month of their salary\ud83e\udd37\nMany ppl otak masuk air."], ["Tp why though bank sng approve loan kereta"], ["thats why corruption skyrocketing."], ["ni jenis patut dimandulkan pasal iq single digit"], ["Car above like Myvi is a status symbol, they\u2019re super bad financially too as the price degrade.. better invest in better property lol.."], ["Saga is better"], ["the car not moving ka? how the hell they can buy petrol or event touch n go balance?"], ["Working government does not mean it's easy to get loan approved, it's easy to get trapped in the long term with no way of getting out. Banks are okay with this because they know this person has a stable job, more insurance from them."], ["Polis mana ada limit ? Gaji tu hanya pocket money. Duit kopi/ settle tepi banyak"], ["if your household income is between 6-7k, u cant afford a over 100k car, if u also have mortgage and kids."], ["Belum kira maintenance lagi, aduhai... I kena orang gaji 8k pakai Axia sahaja. Belakang cerita tak tahu la", "I gaji 8k pandu kereta 2nd hand je.", "Good bro"], ["Tak heran. Banyak golongan muda baru kerja isytihar muflis selepas beli kereta (mahal) baru. Kalau yang dah berumur pun kena, nampaknya memang tak ambik teladan.\n\"Dah masuk keja ni. Pekena Honda Civic baru, gah orang nampak\"."], ["I find this strange also cause around my area, near the flats have a lot of big car outside worth maybe the cost of the flat. But then when go to double storey house area, are we see a lot of myvi and old Toyotas. Take the ratio of the car to house, seems like doesn't make sense. Car more important than house for some people as far as I can see maybe spend more time in car idk...", "This reminds me of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. There always a reason for something.", "Yes rich use money buy asset. Poor use money buy liability. You reminded me of rich dad poor dad I read 20 years ago. Kiyosaki thought me to buy house with debt and I did that. Retired now. Another book is getting rich slowly and another is millionaire next door. Both good read."], ["You reap what you sow."], ["Remember gais, car is from driving je, if can assist you in earning money then it's an additional investment.\nIf car is just for driving je, drive anything also ok. Dun because of wanting a nice car then make your whole live miserable because of high monthly commitment.\nWe won't judge you because you drive an old kancil. But for a fact a lot of these \"old kancil\" owns a giant ass House.", "We won't judge you because you drive an old kancil. But for a fact a lot of these \"old kancil\" owns a giant ass House.\nI believe that sincere friends will not judge, even strangers, but that the people who will judge are mainly relatives and your customers (If you work in Sales).", "Ya that's why if cars can help you in Sales for me I will consider as an investment"], ["Having the money to pay for the installments does not equate to being able to afford it."], ["flex gone wrong"]]} {"title": "Sad to see so much trashes on the floor. (Photo taken after new year event)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xoxxq/sad_to_see_so_much_trashes_on_the_floor_photo/", "num_comment": 20, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Malaysian should start to learn throwing their trashes probably.", "comments": [["Reminded me of an incident.\nOne of my friend decided to do good by cleaning up the beach. Then one asshole yelled my friend to clean a spot he want to sit down.\nHe ignored and resume cleaning his area. Then the guy approach my friend called him biadap, say why you didnt do you job, etc. He said he is not working , he is volunteering.\nThe dude still don't want give up, say why can't he come over and clean up \"his place\" since he is cleaning up anyways. My friend said he is not obliged to clean for him, ask him to clean himself.\nThe commotion caused some police officer to come and checked and luckily everything ended peacefully.\nSome Malaysian are really entitled.", "The amount of time he spends arguing can be spend cleaning his spot.", "Maruah > Logic, some people I think see cleaning up as \"low class\" sadly.", "I would have replied, \"Encik, kan dah bersih? Takde sampah dah kt sana sebab you dah gerak ke sini. Sila masuk beg plastik nie, hah.\"\nWorth any ensuing kerfuffle lmao"], ["/u/Martin_Leong25", "Sapa panggil aku pada masa tiga pagi?", "(cue sexy saxophone music)", "Maaf bang anda bukan jenis aku D:"], ["My dad always say, \"1st world infrastructure but 3rd world mentality. How to be a 1st world nation like that lah?\"\nMakes me think we should adopt like the Japanese education system of drilling in civic mindedness in schools for the first few years of a childs life instead of exams."], ["It's normal lah. dm me when people know how to throw rubbish properly."], ["It\u2019s a cultural issue now. No respect for your own country. Imagine how their own homes are?", "Yeah I\u2019ve had to tell friends off for littering in my padang and they\u2019re like not your house also? And I reply them, it\u2019s still my neighbourhood, you wouldn\u2019t throw trash in your own garden like that would you?"], ["malding rn"], ["Why not provide some bins ?", "Learn from civilized countries and bring your trash back home", "In titiwangsa, the bin is always full. Create bigger bin? It would be as big as container", "It's a mentality problem. There are barely any bins in Japan (for example) yet the streets are clean.\nAlso people are allergic to bringing their rubbish with them."], ["This is why we'll always have a gap between us and first world countries, our people in general are uncivilized barbarians"], ["I find it sad that many places do not provide bins"], ["My living taman got many parks that is actually very nice for picnic, two of them got man-made lakes which makes the ambience very nice during sunset.\nBut every time when got public holiday or any event, few of the resting area will be full of trash. In the end, what I can say is no matter where sampah go, they will always leave a trace of them being there."]]} {"title": "Is it really 15% for cashback?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xlxd7/is_it_really_15_for_cashback/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Why not you put 50% or 90% cashback if you put capped at rm60 after spending more than RM 2,500? Which literally means the cashback is max 2.4% If you spend RM 3,000 the cashback will become 2%\nSomeone please enlighten me..", "comments": [["Marketing ser\u2026. Ain\u2019t new. Similar like shopee\u2019s 90% discount voucher, cap at RM1. \ud83e\udd22"], ["To get the 15% cashback, you need to spend RM400 (RM400*0.15=RM60) in the 'petrol,e-wallet, grocery, dining' category which is very easy since you're already spending RM2500 with your card. Since this is not tiered by category, you can topup RM400 into *selected e-wallet* and just go ham with it while you think about how to deal with the remaining RM2100 minimum spend. You'd still get RM60 CB.\nThis card has a very high minimum spend which is not suitable for the average person. However, this card is a great option to further maximise cashback if your spending is too damm big. ie: T20s with monthly 5k-10k spendings will hold many banks's CC to get the most out of their spendings. If your spending is even higher, points CCs would be even better to collect air miles or whatever.\nIf you're just someone who only spends RM1k a month, you can consider UOB ONE or HLB WISE instead which has RM500 minimum spend, easily achievable even if you're a fresh grad. You can top up to e-wallets, and get 5-8% cashback on your lunch/dinner. However, these cards have a category cap, like RM10-15 only. You'd be getting RM120+++ per year back depending on your spending patterns. If you're able to maximise the categories it's an easy RM40+*12months = RM480+ minimum per year."], ["That one need to spend rm2500 and only cap at rm60 max cashback"], ["because 15% is less than 50-90%...they get to cheat us twice."], ["OP's screenshot is regarding the Standard Chartered Simply Cash Credit Card.\nOP should put more effort into reading the article, which does a great job of explaining how the cashback benefits actually works had s/he bothered to scroll down further...\nAmalkan budaya membaca...", "So if I understood correctly, the RM 2500 monthly spend means the total amount of spent with the card, not just the amount spent on the cashback stuff?\nFor example, if I have total spending of RM2500 this month with the card, and RM200 is spent on the stuff with cashback, then I can only get RM200x15% = RM30 which is below the cap?", "yes that's right you only get RM30. However you can top-up to e-wallet like GrabPay (check the T&C if eligible), then pay for stuff, even if you're not spending for the category, for example I buy cinema tickets BUT I used GrabPay, or maybe I pay my internet bills using GrabPay, or even if I paid my mamak meal using GrabPay, my GrabPay would have had a cashback. :26554:\nHowever, this CC is not suitable for the average person due to its high spending requirement. There's HLB / UOB with RM500 minimum spend cashback CCs", "It just means a tiered Cashback rate depending on your monthly spend...once you hit 2500 the Cashback rate inflects to incentivize you to spend at least 2500."], ["rm1-2499 u get rm12.50 cash back, then 2500 above u get 15%. means if u spend 2900, ur total cashback is rm12.5+60 = rm72.50\nrm2900 get cashback Rm72.50 so complicated.. if spend more than 2900 no cash back?"]]} {"title": "What to Wear? : An Update", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xf00l/what_to_wear_an_update/", "num_comment": 53, "flairlabel": ["Wholesome"], "header": "Hii! \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc It's me again haha that Filipina girl, who was asking what she should wear in KL, and I have, well, quite a lot I wanna say \ud83d\ude16\nFirst of all, thank you to everyone who gave advice cause literally ALL of you were right haha KL doesn't seem to care so much about what people wear! I wore something sleeveless or cropped everyday with no problem. Like some of you warned, I did receive a few stares here and there but like, I'm used to that even in the Philippines. Also had to cover up at Batu Caves, which, I brought a cardigan cause someone said I'd need it, and I needed it like everyday cause YEAH MALLS THERE ARE TRULY VERY COLD \ud83d\ude2d\nButtt the people are warm \ud83e\ude77 Like, very warm! As in, approached us and helped us book a car to Kuala Gandah when we were stuck at a random bus stop, had a genuine convo with us on the longgg ride home from Genting Highlands (at like 10pm), and in general, were such smile-y, chill people. THAT kind of warm \ud83d\udc95 And I feel like it's nothing too big, but out of all the countries I've been to, people in Malaysia had the most immaculate vibes \u263a\ufe0f I feel like someone's gonna fight me for saying that HELP there's always something going on in Reddit comments but whatever TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT PLEASE IM GENUINE I REALLY LOVED MY STAY\nIt physically hurt me that I had to go home already, especially since I have 500 things for school that I have to get done \ud83d\ude16 I miss Malaysia, and I will until I come back LORD KNOWS WHEN but I absolutely must return before I die ugh why can't Manila be like KL \ud83d\ude29 LIFE IS SO UNFAIR\nSo yeah I hope you guys love your pretty country as much as I do \ud83e\udd79 Your tourist sites are seriously something and your people are on the same level \ud83d\udc8b Peace out \u270c\ud83c\udffc(I'm still saying in this sub just because haha)", "comments": [["If you ever come back to Malaysia and need help getting around can HMU, my GF is half pinoy and speaks quite fluent Tagalog", "I love my half-Pinoy queens \ud83d\udc95 Thank you!"], ["Cool that you enjoyed here, but I have to be that guy....\nCould you elaborate when you said \"people are warm, very warm!\"", "Compared to the philippines of all places too.", "huh \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "Stop lying to yourself", "OP not replying my top comment. I think we all know what that means", "Bro \ud83d\udc80 LITERALLY WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY I EXPLAINED MYSELF WELL IN THE POST", "Very Warm like from the bodies or..", "ugh from the personality literally wtf \ud83d\ude11", "\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23"], ["Honestly I cannot stress this enough but no one really cares about what you wear in kl- unless ofc you go to cultural sites. And I must say it\u2019s quite safe as a female solo traveller, I remembered my phone died on my way back to my accommodation- I had to navigate back with MRT,and this was at night like 11pm?- I thought for sure I\u2019m getting into trouble. But thankfully a few Malaysian girls helped me through~ so yay! You have to come back tho, there\u2019s more to Malaysia than KL", "Real!! I wanna visit Terengganu and many other places when I come back\ud83d\udc95", "I went to genting at the end of Dec too, dang the weather was bad, it was raining the entire day. I really want to travel to Borneo though, I heard it\u2019s really beautiful. Hopefully in this year \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f", "OMG I MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE IN GENTING HAHAHAHA THE PLACE ITSELF IS BEAUTIFUL AND SKYWORLD WAS SO FUN BUT I WORE THE WRONG CLOTHES \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d I WAS IN A MESH CROP TOP LORD HELP MEEE THE FOG THE RAIN THE WIND UGH I ALMOST FROZE TO DEATH AND I LOST 15 RINGGIT ON A RAINCOAT BECAUSE OF IT \ud83d\udc80 CORE MEMORY TBH ITS THE TEENAGE GIRL STRUGGLE FRFR\noh and yeah I heard Borneo's nice haha", "Honestly tho, I wore a crop top cause I wanted to look cute in the pics. But it didn\u2019t last long- I had to borrow my friend\u2019s sweater cause I was about to collapse from the cold. I did the upside down rollercoaster thing- my goddddd I wanted to die real bad. But yo we need to meet up next time you come back.", "I dont know when that will be but IT WILL BE\u203c\ufe0fI WILL SELL MY KIDNEY IF I MUST TO COME BACK \ud83d\udc95 IMMA FOLLOW YOU", "Ahahhaha for suree"], ["say that to the Sinkies over there \ud83d\ude02", "I hope you feel better", "I am living for this beef"], ["Im glad we were able to warn you about the cold malls. Its amusing to think that mall temperatures could become a sticking point when traveling haha. Crisis averted!", "As someone who goes to mall everyday except some weekends, i don't feel our mall is cold. It's just at the right temperature. I can wear normal t-shirt and be fine.\nUnless you go into cinema. This needs a cardigan.", "you're probably just used to it haha malls in Manila aren't usually as cold as malls in KL unless they're super posh and fancy"], ["aww i'm glad that you had a good stay in Malaysia, it's v sweet of you to post about your nice experience here too, we honestly need a bit more positivity on the sub lol. good luck for school! :D", "thank you haha im on my 5th mental breakdown today so i need positivity too"], ["Glad you enjoyed your stay!!"], ["How do you like the drivers here? My sister visited Manila and she said you guys have quite the drivers over there\ud83d\ude01", "Drivers in Malaysia were nice to us and got oddly excited(?) when we tell them we're from the Philippines (they usually guess first tho haha) \ud83d\ude01 What does she mean by \"quite the drivers\" HELP DRIVERS IN MANILA ARE A DIFFERENT BREED", "I'll be blunt and no offense, but she said drivers in Manila drove like a maniac - her words not mine! \ud83e\udd23", "No offense taken hahaha she's not entirely wrong! Some drivers here are scary for real \ud83d\ude2d", "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d", "Until you guys seen drivers in Cambodia or Georgia \ud83d\ude0f"], ["Now days it's very hot in the afternoon and rains in the evening", "Yep! It's something like that in the Philippines on some days too"], ["Ahhhh, that feeling you get after travelling to a good place", "you mean depression? yeah \ud83d\ude2d", "Exactly lmao"], ["You sounds like a fun fella to hang out with. I know filipinos are so hyped because i have few filipino coworkers & few friends from cebu & visayas. Let us know if you are coming back & i will bring you to some of the best hawkers in KL! And my house is open if you want crash here so you can save your penny on accommodation & we can have some nerdy board game sessions."], ["Glad you enjoy the trip. See ya again"], ["Man, i think its about time i revisit Philippines. The last time i was there, BGC was still Fort Bonifacio hahaha\nGlad you love our country and looking forward to hosting you again soon!", "HELP BGC when it was still the middle of nowhere \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d I think that was even before I was born hahahaha it's kind of like KL now so you should deffo come back! And I'll come back to Malaysia too I SWEAR I WILL GET UP FROM MY DEATH BED IF I DIE BEFORE VISITING KL AGAIN"], ["Love manila love vivamax love princess zian much love", "ABS-CBN is better than Vivamax! Jk hahaha all the love to you\ud83d\udc8b"], ["Now... where's OOTD \ud83d\ude01", "Im way too insecure and paranoid to share pics haha but if anyone wants a detailed-ish summary just message me\ud83d\ude2d"], ["what", "what (2)", "what (3)", "HELP", ""]]} {"title": "Rakyat Malaysia masih kurang peka kelebihan 5G", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xgxrt/rakyat_malaysia_masih_kurang_peka_kelebihan_5g/", "num_comment": 33, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "", "comments": [["I need to pay extra to enjoy 5G. Celcom n DiGi", "Fahmi: Telcos should not charge extra for for 5G..\nTelcos: lol whatever..\nCan Gobind just take over this job and reign in these greedy telco?"], ["I am still using a midrange phone from 2020 without 5G. I suppose 4G is sufficient for the time being."], ["I still see lot of people thinking that we need to pay extra for 5G. Actually telco providers cant charge you extra for 5G since they're using DNB infra and it's basically funded by taxpayers money.\nThere're some greedy ass telco providers that still charge you in case you want to use 5G. What you can do is just confront them on this since the ministry already announce that 5G should be accessible to everyone for free, or you can just report that telco providers.\nsource", "Fahmi must be a bloody idiot then that he couldn\u2019t stop the telcos from profiting from 5G", "No. Telco still need to pay few billions ringgit spreaded over 10 years period. Each telco just paid RM233 million few month back.", "And it still much cheaper than making own 5G infrastructure.", "how was 4g develop? why when we migrate from 3g to 4g its seamless? cause dnb?"], ["Kata Benar: Tolong belikan 5G yang Mahel.", "5G service should be free since it was funded by tax payers money.\nUnifi previously asked me to pay extra for 5G. Now they giving it away for free.\nIn case of your telco provider charging you for 5G, you can:\nAsk them directly why need to pay since the ministry alrd announce that it shouldn't be charged.\nReport it to the ministry directly.", "5G is not free. Each telco have to pay few Billions ringgit to DNB to get the access to 5G for 10 years period. Each of them just paid RM200+ million few months ago.", "Rather then they have to invest billions more in setting up their own infrastructure. Telcos are acting as if they are the victims here. If not for TM penetrating through the less urban areas I would have doubt the country mobile and internet penetration would be as high as it is."], ["They can't even provide stable 4g service and you want me to use 5g? :26558::26556:"], ["The fact that I can get speeds up to 300 Mbps on a 4G LTE network with acceptable latency is the reason why I still see 5G as a gimmick. Not worth the extra charge on my bill and the unnecessary battery drain on my phone.", "1) Battery drain is cause by 5G NSA mode(4G+5G). Mostly right now, the whole world using 5G NSA.\n2) 5G have bigger capacity. Maybe we can get 300Mbps speed in non-pack area, if we on pack public transport, mall, stadium, event, anywhere there would be a lot of people, 4G network suffer due to capacity limitation.\n3) Extra charge on 5G is another scam by mega telco CelcomDigi and Maxis. Umobile and Yes doesn't charge extra for 5G. All telco use DNB 5G infrastructure.\nBtw, I'm just sharing my thought.", "I can get 1Gbps on 5G. and since not much people use 5G, it can be extremely good especially in crowded area (like TRX Countdown Party)", "Yea, but it has very short range thus making it extremely expensive to deploy"], ["In some areas in Sabah and Sarawak 3G is barely a thing let alone 5G. Last time I was in Kalabakan I had to get another telco provider just to access 3G, because my Umobile plan skipped 3G entirely for HSDPA, 4G and 5G.", "Didn't 3G is deprecated and being taken down now days?", "In 90% of places they do. In remote places there weren\u2019t enough motivation to upgrade the towers (which were government built, btw)."], ["problem is my telco doesn't even offer 5G plans, and I wouldn't willing to switch providers due to the unreasonable price"], ["cause i need to pay additional rm, for what then"], ["Which telco offers the cheapest 5g plan atm", "Yes FT5G Unlimited FUP", "Do you know if the plan includes SMS? That page doesn't say anything about SMS."], ["AI 5G expertise"], ["benda mahal mmg la orang tak subs.\nrumah ada unifi, opis ada unifi, duduk luar berapa lama jer. tak baloi langsung"], ["4G cukup laju. Pakej 4G juga lebih Rahmah."], ["Not that Malaysians are unaware of the benefits of 5G, they are simply too foolish to jump in to 5G and charge separately, yet expensive."], ["More like the researcher is the one of out of touch with reality"], ["meh, the actual benefits of 5G is taken way out of proportion, most of the advertised benefits are impractical"]]} {"title": "Any jobs gives your RM30k", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xh0ic/any_jobs_gives_your_rm30k/", "num_comment": 177, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Out of curiosity I am doing some sort of survey here to find out what are the jobs which gives you >RM 30k per month gross salary in Malaysia as an employee at a company.\nwhich industry\nwhich functions/ expertise ?\nstress level? 1-10\nwork life balance? 1-10\nThanks folks!", "comments": [["I\u2019m currently working with recruiters for jobs and also applying to jobs in the RM15,000 - RM20,000 range. I\u2019ve been seeing quite a lot of RM20,000 jobs recently. I suspect it\u2019s because of the USD conversion rates. One step higher will be Regional or APAC roles where they would easily be earning USD10,000 to USD15,000 with lots of sweet perks.\nIn terms of industries, right now there\u2019s a boom to rush over to SEA as we are the next big middle + upper class. A lot of US and Europeans agencies moving over here to expand. Ad, marketing, consulting, data management, architecture.\nThen for commerce, I keep seeing high paying jobs in the e-commerce space. Alibaba group, TikTok and Temu + other players have been fighting it out for the SEA market to expect to see lots of hires on that front.\nFintech is booming. This is probably the next industry. Digital banks, payment solutions, cashless, B2B fintech provider. Wait till Singapore builds the framework by this year for the region and anyone working in that line will be minting cash.\nThere\u2019s also an emergence of Web3.0 and blockchain X any industry in Malaysia and in the region. Web3.0 for marketing, event management, insurance, banks, the list can go on and on.\nFood security, agritech will be the most lucrative industry the next 20 years. Food security has now met AI, its new best friend. Expect to see a revolution in that field. I recently interviewed for a job to work remotely in that line, the starting pay is RM25,000 with bonuses and equity and lots of perks.\nI know full-stack developers who are working remotely and earning more than RM30,000 per month. Same goes for AI centric engineers.\nRecruitment is a wild, profitable game all of a sudden with AI and the leap has been tremendous. SEA will be the largest job and labour marketplace over the next 15 years. There are roles with recent movers and shakers in this industry that\u2019s paying in USD.\nIn terms of work-life balance, unless you are in a C-level position in a large established company (which is a rare position), most of the other roles will be relatively heavier on the workload. And so it should be. I\u2019m willing to work my ass off for 5 to 10 years earning >USD10,000 per month and then \u201cretiring\u201d as a consultant or specialist in that field then take it easy after a certain age.", "Very insightful- thanks for your sharing. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb", "As an fintech expert myself I read a lot of those \"BOOM ABOUT TO HAPPEN\" reports in my daily work life and it's almost always proven false ESPECIALLY when the report literally says that ASEAN will boom, Ads will boom, big data will boom, fintech will boom, food security will boom, IT will boom and recruitment will boom, all in the same report.\nActually, to be completely honest, last time I heard exactly that sort of report was in late 2007 before the 2008 crisis set us back 15 years.\nSome newsletter (or the sub r/Futurology) specialize in promising a brighter future \"right around the corner\", but fail to mention it will take 40 years, be so gradual you won't feel it, and you won't be relevant by the time it happens. Think \"flying cars by the year 2000 that will revolutionize holidays\" sort of news.\nLong story short, take any undue optimism with a massive grain of salt. The market has a way of never overpaying, never overextending and always over-promising. Especially with the cost-to-borrow being what it is worldwide, we're closer to a recession than to a boom, both in China and in the US.\nThat doesn't mean what is promised won't happen: it simply means it won't be the orgy of money for all-qualified party. As usual, a few on top will take the lions share and the rest will fight for middle class crumbs.", "I don't disagree with you on some points, perhaps I'm using the word boom too liberally. OPs question is about jobs + industry + pay. Quick search and eye-test on LinkedIn shows you what jobs from which industries are paying those range of salary. You aren't going to find loads of RM20,000 jobs in print for example.\nAds will boom, big data will boom\nWell, I started a digital media company about 12 years back and people who were bitching, kicking and screaming about how ads and marketing won't boom in South East Asia were definitely wrong about that. They were same boomers who were saying digital and social media won't kill print / traditional ads. 4G + social media + low cost connectivity + retail capitalism, a perfect storm.\nrecruitment will boom\nWell, whether you like it or not, recruitment is booming in this region. Over the past 2 years, there has been about 15% annual increase in hiring in this region by global MNCs or external funded start-ups (data came from TH, MY, VN, PH). There's more remote work paying is USD or AUS than ever before at our doorsteps. Recruitment platforms are more active than ever before.\nfood security\nI've been consulting with an agriculture + pharma company in Australia for the past 3 years. It's a big, big challenge in APAC, SEA especially. Anyone with half a brain can tell you that Agritech will be crucial for the survival of this earth. The amount of funding - private and public - pouring into that industry has been immense over the past 5 years.\nwe're closer to a recession than to a boom\nI don't disagree, we are closer to a recession but then I've a believer that there are pockets of opportunities in any recession. A great example is during covid, I got hired by a Medical Cannabis firm and in 2 years, the industry grew 300% because people were just smoking up at home, giving up alcohol and all other vices, dealing with their mental health. Now, sure, some firms that over-extended are suffering but the industry found the catalyst and now its healthier than ever.\nAs usual, a few on top will take the lions share and the rest will fight for middle class crumbs.\nSure, that's life. From the perspective of OP, worker looking for a high-paying job, that's life isn't it? You work your way through the industry, gain experience, if you end up working for a lion, great, if not the lamb will drop off and you change your job.", "Thanks for the info.", "Mind telling what fintech framework is Singapore expecting to formulate other than the digibank?", "Let me start by saying I\u2019m no expert before people start throwing rocks in my direction. My only source of information on this came from a long conversation with 2 friends who have been working with SG government since 2016 to pilot their CBDC program.\nFor B2B, we are probably going to see wholesale CBDCs popping up here and there. Retail (individual) ones are probably 3 or 5 years away.\nEvery other ASEAN country is waiting on SG to run this experiment and then if successful, they\u2019ll probably learn from this.", "that fintech money is no joke lmao", "And it\u2019s not even boomed yet. B2B boom is about 18 months away and then another 2 years for B2C.\nAre you laughing because you are in Fintech?", "Ma boy works in recruitment but is qualified to time the industry-wide boom of many fields, across many continents, having fully calculated the effects of unforeseen wars, crashes, recessions, pandemics and simple system lethargy....\nYou're wasting your time doing HR, if you can do that. You should work for the State Department Strategic Office thinktank in Washington DC. As a head, of course.", "I'M NOT A RECRUITER IN ANY WAY OR FORM. Chill out there cunty mcghee."], ["My guess is really senior/high-level positions. Then again r/malaysia seems to be frequented mostly by very rich people and millionnaires so I, as a relatively poor person, am probably not the right one to answer.", "Could serve as career aspirations.. \ud83d\ude03"], ["Well i lost 30k to trading monthly", "Found the wsb user", "r/BursaBets*"], ["Operations director for IT. Tech industry Very stress during outage, major incident. Other times okok la Work life balance : Pros, Can do whatever you want whenever you want. Cons, your work 15 hours a day. In between you can go for a run, pay bills etc."], ["Have you tried checking the Annual Returns/Reports of companies listed in Bursa? There\u2019s a segment which sets out the renumeration bands of Key Senior Management (KSM) which should awnser your question.", "Good point\u2026 will check that too!\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb"], ["1) Digital marketing (agency side)\n2) Regional Director with a background in creative\n3) Stress level - seasonal, but generally fluctuates between 5-11 (yes, 11 is NOT a typo, there are days when I ask myself why am I still here lol)\n4) Work-life balance - also seasonal, in the past year alone, I've had weeks where the actual work in a day is done within 2 hours, but I've also had months where I don't leave the office / go offline until 7am (NOT a typo as well, I DO mean 7am), so I guess that's between what, 1-15? \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23", "In Malaysia?"], ["In Msia - C-level. But im sure thrs a bunch of remote workers (think Web3 companies) getting USD (>$6.4K) while being based in Msia.. thats easily the rate for a Senior Associate/Manager onwards in a Global role.", "$6.4K doesn\u2019t have to be senior associate or manager, can be just a programmer working remotely"], ["I am head of Cyber Security in an Insurance company. There are Handful of jobs that pay above 30K MYR. I have 9 years of total experience and I manage more than 15 countries. FYI my position is not even close to C Level.\nSome of the areas in Tech that I can suggest is Cloud, App Development, Cyber Security, AI, Web3 where there is chance of getting into higher pay bracket.", "Thanks for the insight\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc"], ["Not me, but my friend.\nManagement consulting after 5 years experience Stress level 100/10 Work life balance - lol what", "5 years of working experience or 5 years of management experience?\nMy previous employer hired a management consultant (mid-20ish) and he made our lives a living Hell with buzzwords like 6Sigma, scrum, waterfall.", "30k+ is standard with around 5 years of working experience in the Tier 2 strategy houses (MBB obviously pays above that). There's probably only 200 people in Malaysia doing actual strat consulting though (most consulting folks you might've met are probably from Big 4 Advisory and Accenture, and they don't make close to this)", "AFAIK, FYI, Salaried Partners at MBB starts at at least MYR 1m per annum.", "MBB = Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank)? Or something else?", "The context was referring to the consulting firms.\nTier 1s (MBB) - McKinsey, Bain, BCG.", "Thanks. Wasn't familiar with that abbreviation in this context. \ud83d\ude02", "Sounds amazing, I cannot imagine earning monthly salary of 30K+ as a product development engineer.\nOnly possible if I brown nose and climb management ladder.", "5 years in mgt consulting"], ["does furry porn artist can? I usually earned 3-7k usd monthly.", "Can I check out your art? DM me.", "I can but preview only. the crop one version.", "Bro asking for free furry nudes lol", "ayy fellow usd earner!", "Ah, the famous tree writer has appeared. I was just reading your story last night.", "I've always been around :)", "Unfortunately no, because it sounds like you're self employed.", "curious but that's generally how many pieces per month? is that your full time gig?", "not many. 3 to 9 commisions per month. if they want me to redraw their oc (full body color) with 2-3 poses, i usually charge $500. if they want me to design (can go more 1k, almost 2k if they want details). spicy stuff (duo pose) no color just sketch art, i charge 100 only. sometimes furries from niche category will pay more.", "Now I'm 50/50 on encouraging my son to pursue art since he's not really interested in the sciences lmao", "what occupation are your customers usually?"], ["30k is generally going to be a C-level (COO, CFO, CEO) at a sizable local public listed company.\nIf you're a non c-level that wants to earn that much, you pretty much need to be a pillar / segment expert within a company in the sense that if you walk, the company loses a irreplaceable resource.\nSome startups offer pretty big buck. MNCs as well .\nWork life balance? Depends - at that level you're going to be dictating your own work schedule to some extent so no one is going to tell you to clock into the office at 9am. At the same time sometimes the survival of entire projects, or even the company, is going to rest on your shoulders. So it's a different kind of stress", "30k is at the most head of department only in a listed co. C-level is at least around 50k and above depending on size of company.", "Bigger companies will pay their C-levels more, obviously. Meanwhile, smaller ones can have their C levels and EDs having a salary in the 20-30k range", "My boss\u2019s (HOD) salary is around 30k. Im guessing a C-level\u2019s salary will be much higher than 30k. I do know that my company\u2019s CEO\u2019s annual salary is around 1mil.", "No. C level at most MNC will be above 50k, with CEOs easily 6 figures depending on company/industry\n30k would be positions like marketing/sales head", "I said LOCAL\nI also said that MNCs will pay more.", "No need to be defensive. I worked at a local public listed company before. My CEO salary was 70k. You are way off as many have already pointed out", "Yeah at certain size, listed or not, 30-50k is basically the bare minimum. For listed companies, the amount can go way higher because they have stock options and such.\nHeck, at times non-listed companies can go crazy with their salaries more than listed ones because there's no public scrutiny.", "I don\u2019t think so - average ceo salary in malaysia is stated to be -approx 290k per annum which translates to 24k per month. That\u2019s probably on the low side but that\u2019s what the stats say. And now I got people pointing out \u201coh mnc pays more\u201d just for the sake of arguing when I specified I was talking about local companies.\nOf course the 5-10 billion market cap public listed cos will pay higher. But how many of them are there ? They represent the top 10 per cent of public cos in Malaysia\nhttps://www.payscale.com/research/MY/Job=Chief_Executive_Officer_(CEO)/Salary", "I can also quote a different site reporting the average CEO salaries to be approx RM50k.\nhttps://www.erieri.com/salary/job/ceo/malaysia#:~:text=Salary%20Recap-,The%20average%20pay%20for%20a%20CEO%20is%20MYR%20554%2C927%20a,of%20education%20for%20a%20CEO.\nAnd here are the list of top CEO salaries of some of the most well known local listed companies that are not MNCs.\n\nNo need to be defensive. CEO salaries of public listed companies are all publicly available so you can search for specific companies if you want. Let\u2019s all learn from our mistakes.", "not sure why he is being so defensive...maybe he cant comprehend salaries that high", "Yeah not sure why he is doubling down when so many have pointed out his ignorance. CEOs earn crazy amounts of money is not news. Perhaps he is a fresh grad or work in some stingy company so cannot comprehend those numbers.", "My friend , you are quoting companies that are banks and huge conglomerates like Sime Darby that and have market caps of upwards of 10billion. Of course they are going to have much higher salaries .", "Are you shifting the goal post? You specifically said LOCAL. I give you local.\nI also give you the Malaysian average to supplement the data.\nAnd since you mention public listed. Their salaries are all available publicly in their annual reports. You can search it up.", "Ok good source . Thank you. I have a source for my statement , you have a source for your statement. Anyway I\u2019ve said all I really want to say, despite your condescending tone \u201cof admitting mistake\u201d .", "It is not about your source my source. You proclaimed to know the average for the CEOs of local listed companies when it is clearly in the wrong ballpark.\nAs i said, these are publicly available data from the SC. A new CEO with 1-3 years of experience is already earning 25k with the average salary being 42k. Numbers were from 2018 and no doubt would have increased since then\n", "I'm not even from malaysia and I downvote you for being so defensive. HAH.", "No need to be defensive, just pointing out that your figures are abit on the low side. Do you consider Maxis local? well, Morten as CEO was over a million monthly . Take a look at the annual reports of GLCs like Khazanah, TH, ...thier CEOs get over 5mil a year...and they are LOCAL\nOff the top of my head, all LOCAL banks C level will be above 50k. Same with conglomnerates like Sime etc", "Maybe the ambiguity of \u2018sizable\u2019 is confusing. I meant middling . Not small , not big , middle of the pack. If you take the largest local companies like maxis (telco by nature has huge government spending and Infra involved) then you will get your big 50k salaries . For the middle of the pack companies then you\u2019re looking at a more modest figure", "there's small listed co like binasat with only RM100m market cap. (not maybank which is 1000x larger) where the CEO gets 400k per annum, and the founder gets 1m.\nor vsolar, with market cap of only RM21m,\nVsolar Group Berhad's CEO Compensation With The Industry. At the time of writing, our data shows that Vsolar Group Berhad has a market capitalization of RM21m, and reported total annual CEO compensation of RM344k for the year to June 2023"], ["I\u2019m not there at 30k yet, but I\u2019m about 25k including my monthly performance payouts. If I continue this route, should be able to hit 30k\nIndustry : Travel Tech\nFunctions : account management - essentially I manage a team that does account management across APAC.\nStress level : 4-6 nothing too crazy at the moment as I know how to manage my work\nWork life balance : 8-10. I work about 4-6 hours per day sometimes less than 3 if nothing much going on. So yeah pretty happy.", "What is travel tech hope u don\u2019t mind me asking", "It\u2019s travel platforms like accommodations, activities and etc", "Is it Axoxa", "That\u2019s awesome \ud83e\udd79\u2026 the function more towards sales or IT tech related?", "More towards sales of services and products."], ["Doctor. A good doctor can earn RM50k a month, maybe more. But no life. Work worse than foreign worker, longer hours than them,", "Unless they had scholarships, they gonna spend many years of their life paying student loans debt, which are far higher than other fields. Ontop of having to buy a car and house during or after the almost 10 years of medical training.", "Can do it one.", "\u201cDoctor\u201d is too vague.\nYou need to be some kind of specialist or surgeon for critical organs in order to earn 50k+ a month.\nYour clinic doctor is only barely earning 10% of that.", "Specialist in a private hospital specifically. Or a MoH nephro doing visits to private dialysis centers. One I know is making 60k per month from that alone. Those who own their own dialysis centers will probably get more.", "yes.. but in specific setting only. (consultant, private with decades of experience). So by then already late 40-50s at the earliest. Very high rate of burnout/ depression and low compensation at least for the first 20 years. My safety officer sibling with 2 months? training earning double my pay\u2026", "Agree. Doctor / surgeon/ specialist in medicine field work with lotsa heart for the people. Deserve the pay. \ud83d\udcb0"], ["vp and svps in international banks. and it isn\u2019t as atas a position as it sounds, there\u2019s a fair few in most departments including support staff"], ["I'm not sure about it but underwater welders should earn a lot too.\nFrom what I read before, for a job that has the highest mortality rate (15%) it should earn these professionals big money.\nAlso, they tend to work in total darkness, one guy on Reddit shared he doesn't use lights because big sharks are often swimming nearby. He rather not see what is around him so he can focus better on his task. And spending days or weeks underwater to decompress is also another thing.", "Well that's fucking terrifying.", "Yup. It's the stuff of nightmares.\nImagine doing your work in total darkness but with short bursts of light from you welding. Then out, you felt something solid brushing against your body.\nI would crapped my pants and wish I was in my mom's belly right there and then!", "Just thinking about underwater welder sends a chill down my spine as I have a thalassophobia and there was an incident where 4 pro divers died after sucked into oil pipeline while conducting a regular maintenance routine. Sucks when there are things are not upon you, expect the unexpected."], ["Menteri kot", "Yup RM50k per month for Minister. Excluding under the table", "Heck, sign me up as Menteri Hal Ehwal Media Sosial (MenHEMS)!"], ["If you want to make 30k, your stress management must be good and there\u2019s no such thing as work life balance. The money comes with a lot of responsibilities and sometimes things happen and you show up.\nBut if you\u2019re in a company with reasonable people, generally you can chill out a bit when things are not hectic, and have a lotta fun solving problems and making a good living.", "Or just work for an international company in oil and gas or banking and have about 20 years experience", "I agree. To a certain point, even if you are making so much $$ but lose out health or constantly at stress. It doesn\u2019t justify anymore what you are getting."], ["Senior Solution Architect or Tech Lead\nSource: that's my role", "They pay that much in Malaysia? Let me guess. AWS? BTW, what does solution architect do? I heard it's glorified customer engineer - don't hurt me, that's just what I read online.", "Man id love to be a glorified customer engineer if can pull in 30k lol", "Multiple companies are capable of paying this other than AWS, Microsoft or Google.\nFor my personal experience, Indonesian Big MNC, Fintech startup, local Telco to some extent.\nThese 3 are the only ones that managed to offer me 30K at least after I resigned from Singapore.\nAnd yes, Solution Architect is a glorified customer engineer, but the pay is high because we are part of the Sales force that brings money to the company.\nWhile other typical IT roles are defined as 'cost' center, Solution Architect is part of 'profit' center. Some companies even offer commissions for every successfully PO/Project\nThe only struggle is you need to meet a lot of clients and mingle around. As an introvert, it still tiresome doing this eventhough I have been a Solution Architect for 20+ years.\nBut the money is good, so...", "Investment banks also pay a ton for quality engineers in tech space. Got offered more than 40k/month before bonuses to be a principal in one based in KL.\nTurned them down as I'm quite settled in Singapore right now.", "Thanks for taking time to share with us your experience! It IS good money.\nAs an introvert, I feel exhausted just thinking about meeting clients.", "\nI get you\nOther option is to be a Tech Lead / AI Engineer / Rockstar Software Engineer\nBut knowledge needs to be very deep la", "I'm curious about this too. I just started learning to get those AWS certifications on a whim but if they actually pay a lot, I'm even more motivated.", "I can see that with Senior Solution Architect, but even with Tech Lead? Dayumnn", "In my company, tech lead holds higher authority than architect", "Need to be very power one, not cap ayam Tech Lead", "died at cap ayam TL", "What's the size of your company? What's your background? MNC, startup? Any certifications that you would recommend to help? Ahh so many questions!\nCurious to hear, as I'm a software dev wanting to break into the solutions architect role", "Is this more into IT functions/ expertise? how is your work scope like.. do you need to lead a team? Or more like expertise in bringing solutions.", "At a high level, my job is to assist Sales person with whatever technical discussion that came between them and client. From there, I need to generate a high-level solution, provide costing, liaise with delivery team on the scope of the project. Once the project is won, things will be handover to the post-sales / delivery team.\nSeems simple on paper, but you need to really mingle around with others because you are the glue that connect everything together especially at pre-project phase. People will see you as an expert (even if you are not) so there will be a lot of things that you need to lead officially (and most of the time unofficially)", "\u2026 and also to consider customers compliance requirements when dealing with their data during the technical discussion and the challenge to come out with POCs to avoid legal nightmares.\nI had a good laugh at glorified \u201ccustomer engineers\u201d. Never had that kind of perspective!\nAnyway I can confirm an experienced SA can get >30k. I am one of them."], ["There's one i know for sure. Big 4 Audit Partner. Circa RM400-500k per annum for junior partners, senior partners (>10 year partner) goes to 1m-2m. The step below them, audit directors are at the RM250-300k per annum range. Needs about 15 years of experience to reach the partner level, and also all the relevant people+technical+cya skills.\nStress is high, and work life balance doesn't exist during certain periods of the year.\nSo far in my peer group, no one reached it yet, though a few are in the director level. I myself couldn't take the stress so I went into the SME side where life is a lot more bearable.", "Just joined 1 of the big 4, no work life balance\u2026 not planning to stay for long lol", "It's a meat grinder. If you can take it, it's pretty good. If you can't, then uh, better run and find something else. :)", "Take the experience, make the CV look good then run like hell\nBig4 pressure cooker really no joke"], ["Oil and gas... better start now", "what about oil rigs"], ["I once hired a compliance director for a foreign bank (was a recruiter). RM52k with car + free flow petrol, house loan support, health insurance coverage for whole family (spouse and children), and many other benefits I can't remember.\nMost high-5 figures (20k++) are C-levels and skill-specific directors. Mainly CFOs, and tech directors are most highly paid and on high demand.\nOf course you need the specific knowledge and experience to do the job. Stress level as they shared with me is through the roof."], ["Job : Menteri Experince : Pandai cakap Stress : mana Stress Work life balance : boleh main golf, or fly to dubai and bill to gov"], ["I'm working for a tech MNC, senior/architect level onwards already can get close to 30k.", "What kind of tech?", "Data logging, security and observability.", "if it's not too personal may i know your age range?"], ["Won't add in MPs and such since their allowances can be annoying to add in, might be above RM30k not sure. But our ministers, ydp dewan negara and dewan rakyat speaker definitely make more than that monthly. Maybe even deputy ministers.\nYdp dewan negara and dewan rakyat speaker basic salary is already RM31k/month last time they raised it. Our ministers and pm make around 14-22k per month basic salary. Then they have cabinet minister allowance, add in MP salary of RM16k. Plus all the allowances for entertainment, housing, maid, driver, travelling etc etc."], ["Head of Department at bank or large MNC, or C level at normal public listed companies"], ["A lot of professionals make 30k or more Of course you'd be having a lot of responsibilities. Responsibilities could be stressful for some."], ["C-Level and startups."], ["Senior Vice President or Associate Director roles in revenue generating departments in banking and finance are RM30k and upwards"], ["Probably not the answer you\u2019re looking for but my friends who work for the illegal side of things have no problem earning such an amount or even more on a weekly basis, let alone monthly basis especially when football/World Cup season comes along. But yeah. Don\u2019t go down that route. Easy come, easy go."], ["Specialist (i mean really niche skill set) role in any high paying business/industry, i.e., OnG, Medical, Tech"], ["Tech industry\nCEO\nStress 11\nWLB 8. Strictly no calls or emails after 9 unless super duper urgent or communications from the directors or owners.\n7 figures per annum including performance bonuses, incentives, etc"], ["** 1-10 , I assume 1 is the best and 10 is worse as you dint clarify which is which haha.\nE-commerce (ACG industry)\nLearn whatever is needed, Jack of all trade, master of none, in other word, ROJAK.\nStress Level (Current: 2, Peak: 7)\nW/L Bal. (Current: 5, Peak: 10)\nCurrently ~RM100k p/m nett (after ~25% to LHDN), peak was at least doubled, but then took a step back to spend time with my parent which recently seen their health detroit, also to try and (hopefully) have a better w/l bal. as it is a one man team.\nGood luck with ur survey pals!", "Noob here. But what is ACG industry?", "Wow, I am so envious! You are your own boss so to say. How long did it take to build up to that sales revenue?"], ["pilot in sg", "Pilots in Malaysia also can make 30k/month. If you are qualified for command in a jet with the proper type ratings, and have ~15 years of command experience you're looking at 30k. We're actually below par as the global standard for that kind of experience is 10k USD, and that's on the lower end.", "The first 5 years of job as a junior copilot is mostly getting exploited by all the local airlines, paid peanut while being taken advantage of getting the initial hours to upgrade the flying license.\nAnd that's after paying half-a-mil Ringgit for obtaining a basic commercial license. Heck, even Malindo is asking newbie to pay upward of quarter of a million Ringgit to do their 737 training, bonding them half a decade AFTER PAYING for their own training, while paying them peanut salary.\nAkin like how bangla has been exploited to come over here, the demise of MYAirline made it even worse.", "Half a million for a basic frozen ATPL seems accurate, but no less than what it takes to complete medical school privately - in half the time and way, way less work and exploitation imho. I wouldn't call taking home 8k monthly within six months of your first job , as young as 20 years old, \"getting exploited\". Perhaps in other countries with a higher amount of GA pilots in the pool but not here."], ["Saw someone's dad got rm60k per month working as pilot in Qatar Airlines when i was still in school", "Plus zero tax"], ["Trying to earn ringgit at 30k is an old outdated way of doing it.\nIt\u2019s far easier to earn 10k USD than it is 30k MYR. Think about it."], ["Director in the gomen makes that much"], ["If you're female, have the looks and somewhat bodacious, become OnlyFans model. /s\nWork life balance is 10/10, stress level depends on how you view your career. The pay is more than RM30K from what I gather, even if you are at the lower end [1].\n[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-onlyfans-creators-make-real-examples-2023-1"], ["As boring as it sounds, it's most probably IT industry. Talented engineers or senior managers usually earns that high or higher. It's an easy job but risks are far higher, these are no average bank worker.\nW/L balance depends, if they pay that good, they can afford to treat their employees like actual human being.\nI always find it very odd, why do kids in school never want to dream becoming an IT specialist? Rather than choosing harder and low paying jobs like engineers or doctors. For some reason I got laughed alot at school for that.", "Grass is always greener on the other side. To earn even above 10k, you should work in KL / Selangor and be at the top 10% of IT professional. To get above that it get more and more difficult. Dont believe all the stuff that you read online.", "KL / Selangor\nHey don't forget Penang, silicon hub. Kulim is just next door as the automotive hub.\n10% of IT professional.\nNot sure, usually by 30 we would expect people in the field to earn their first 10k salary, otherwise we'd make fun of them lmao. They maybe some that earns less, maybe banking engineers but with higher benefits etc.\nOccasionally I'll see low-performers, almost 35 in age, wonder why we pay the person 6k but then the person works like shit. No wonder.", "these days kids all wanna be coders, streamers because $$$", "Coders are fine, they earn alot if they can apply the knowledge.\nWhat I shared was during my time, the cases today is beyond what I expected from the younger generations. Seriously a Tik Tok'er as a full time job? Everyday making cringe content."], ["Nice one LHDN...."], ["What is your skillset and qualifications?"], ["Politician"], ["", "actually in some co, GM level also can get d.\nIn 2018, the company terminated the services of more than 20 management employees, including the appellants, with the aim of improving effectiveness and efficiency.\nAccording to the facts of the case, Au was a senior general manager prior to her termination and her last drawn monthly salary was RM44,151.00.\nLim was an administration executive and her last drawn monthly salary was RM8,105.00 while Wong, whose last post was as general manager, drew a monthly salary of RM22,941.00.\nhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/10/09/companys-retrenchment-of-3-management-staff-valid-rules-appeals-court/"], ["Politician /s"], ["What a horrible survey.\nAlmost any job can / will pay you 30k a month ....", "Any jobs? You sure what you\u2019re talking?", "Let me clarify - you didn't specify the following\nYears of experience Position title Past Experience required\nF&B can alao make 30k a month", "Yeah, didn\u2019t need to go into the specifics- just wanted to know what industry and what kind of expertise. Own business fnb you mean? Working as an employee will get you 30k?", "Working as an employee.\nYour survey is flawed.", "Good to know that. Well, it\u2019s just my own simple survey- not doing this for the DOSM statistics\u2026or whoever", "Also yr point 3 and 4 are not inversely related."], ["Usually upper management/low tier C-levels as well as those senior in the ICT industry will earn at least RM30k."], ["Cough minister cough....."], ["MD at an MNC. IT."], ["Sultan, stress level = ?", "Unattainable position \ud83d\ude02.. next live hopefully"], ["Can an instructional designer make at least half of 30k in Malaysia? Are there a lot of remote job options?"], ["Foreign companies (typically EU, US tech startups) paying in USD/SGD and hiring remotely. Software sales manager/tech BDSM with 5 -7 years experience and results to show and confident to negotiate one's own worth can demand at least USD 75k per annum and above (= RM 350k/p.a.)."], ["ECLBET\nyou're welcome"]]} {"title": "Perodua: \"Kami menawarkan pilihan untuk membeli semula kereta berkenaan\"", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xmbzy/perodua_kami_menawarkan_pilihan_untuk_membeli/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["From the original post : 1. Perodua offered to make a new loan for the customer for another car , meaning she has to service two loans, one for a broken car.\nPerodua never offered a black and white offer to buy her car back, just verbal confirmation that once the investigation was concluded they could proceed (which hasnt been concluded).\nPerodua really fallen on all fronts after ramping up production to meet covid demands. Hope they can go back to being a legit car company."], ["Did anyone tell them to go fuck themselves yet?", "Apparently not obvious enough, would you like to do the service, vocal and loudly ?"], ["will all those car with falsified safety test being done be recalled?", "Unfortunately wont be. Remember the halal scam where malays were eating kangaroo roadkill from australia and certified locally as halal?"], ["Since oktober, man just replace the fucking car"], ["What's so difficult to do engine overhaul if replacing the car or engine is difficult due to change of engine number and contract documents", "Nah, the difficult part was Perodua approval.\nUsed to change the engine in my father's car, less than 2 weeks including Puspakom before registration with JPJ. All done by the workshop", "That's what I am thinking", "They haven't taken responsibility for what happened yet as far as I can tell."], ["Perodua downfall arc started huh", "Yeah feels like they fucked up pretty bad on this one", "They have been fucking up since the gov gave discounts on cars during covid. Could meet demand and everything went to hell from there.\nThe toyota daihatsu scandal not in their hands."], ["Perodua, The Best Proton Salesman."]]} {"title": "2 Years Ago I Started Watching Malaysian Movies. This is What I Seen So Far. Please Recommend.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xdlmi/2_years_ago_i_started_watching_malaysian_movies/", "num_comment": 164, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "2 years ago I made a post to ask for Malaysian mo ie recommendation. Now I say I watched quite a few and some latest ones in cinema. thank you guys. please recommend more :)", "comments": [["Should include all Yasmin Ahmad films in that list.\n", "Sepet being translated as Chinese eye\ud83d\udc80", "| o_o |\n/--_--\\", "Hello is this patrick", "are these mostly love stories?", "It\u2019s love stories but Yasmin Ahmad films always able to captured the \u201cMalaysian\u201d background in an enchanting way.. like you can relate to it.. especially her family dynamics.\nShe always able to do \u201crace\u201d issues in malaysia very well.. give it a try.. try SEPET. You will know what I mean", "Yasmin Ahmad is highly recommended.", "Where to watch?", "Sepet (2005) by Yasmin Ahmad (youtube.com)"], ["mamat khalid movies needs to be on that list if ur into comedies", "man laksa\nrock ooo\nhantu kak limah balik rumah\nzombie kg pisang", "Rock Ooo is just so funny and interesting to watch. The time setting is very interesting as it's during the peak rock era in Malaysia. And the plot is great, how they rise to the top from rock bottom."], ["Petaling Street Warriors (2011). Sort of a parody of Kungfu Hustle.\nThe Journey (2014). An old Malaysian man and his British future son-in-law go on a road trip.\nEdge of the World (2021). The story of the White Rajahs of Sarawak. Not 100% Malaysian, but set in historical Sarawak and stars a few Malaysians in minor roles."], ["From 2023, I'd strongly recommend the below, which are superb by any standard (not just \"Ok for Malaysia\"):\nAbang Adik\nLa Luna\nImaginur\nHungry Ghost Diner\nHonorable mention to:\nMentega Terbang\nPendatang\nBoth of them are not as superlatives the ones on top, but they are different and quite well done.\nTiger Stripes is supposed to be quite good as well, but unable to get an uncensored copy for viewing as of yet.", "Just watched abang adik on Christmas! Loved the depiction of pudu"], ["Imaginur - 2023 and Gadoh 2009 film ( this film was banned but you can watch it on youtube )\nBunohan, Interchange ( 2016 ), Lelaki Harapan Dunia , Kil", "I second Imaginur. One of my favorites of all time.", "Seconded on Imaginur. Best movie of 2023 for me.", "Why was it banned?", "if you havent watched it, you should try it", "Gadoh 2009\nIs it the one where the female director passed away but directed some truly beautiful material for ads and movie? (I mean IRL, not in the movies.)", "No, that is Yasmeen Ahmad.", "I think it's the one about racial riot at schools, if I'm not mistaken. Gang fights between students. Based on true story in Johor I heard.\nedit: sorry. wrong movie. the movie I talk about is called \"Bab*\".", "Okay thanks bro", "Is \" Pendatang\" ban or not.", "Yea these 3 are great, some of my fav malay films of recent times"], ["Check out Ola Bola. Great Malaysian football movie.", "+1 for ola bola", "Oh yes Ola Bola is highly recommended!", "I thought it was overrated and incredibly inaccurate."], ["Magika!", "Baru nak recommend filem ni hahaha", "Old is gold"], ["Abang Adik, still showing at cinema."], ["Fly by night"], ["Prebet Sapu is one of those movies that make you feel like you're in a time machine. It's simple and easy to understand but at the end of the movie you don't realise how much time has passed. You just hope the movie didn't end yet and wanted to know more (Just my personal opinion)."], ["ROH - a malaysian horror movie with modern horror cinematography. But the ending okay2 je if you really watch A LOT of horror movies. Jangan pandang belakang - also a good horror movie. Good malaysian horror movies have good pengajaran to take into account."], ["p.ramlee movies, there's a lot of it\nbujang lapok trilogy (og bujang lapok; seniman; pendekar)\nantara dua darjat, anakku sazali, penarik beca, ahmad albab, nujum pak belalang, tiga abdul, madu tiga, sarjan hassan, nasib doremi, ali baba, ibu mertuaku"], ["Redha, a realistic narrative about a kid with special needs and in this case it's autism.", "I found it a bit too preachy about autism, but the cinematography and character building had lots of effort. It was more focused on the caregiver's POV than the autistic character, which is what most depictions are moving away from.\nHence, I much prefer Guang, which manages to balance both of the latter. At least Redha is not Sia's 'Music' film.", "Oh I've never watched Guang. Thanks for the recommendation :26558:", "Wow I didn't expect this movie to be mentioned, Tunku Mona Riza the director is my Mother's cousin."], ["TIGA JANDA MELAWAN DUNIA!!!!"], ["Watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. Great movie. Set in Langkasuka with Roman and China Empire.", "And also I don't think Wira is a good movie. The dialogue and chemistry between characters looks so awkward. The plot is a mess and rushed. Too simple and common. And punchline is too forced. The worst movie I've watched in a Cinema so far.", "And if u like Leftenan Adnan, gotta watch Bukit Kepong too."], ["If you can find it. Old movie, Kami. Starring the late Sudirman. Made in the 80s, so it\u2019s a rough watch. Sad story though."], ["I would really recommend The Journey (2014).", "came here to say this! definitely one of my most favourite Malaysian films."], ["Spinning Gasing"], ["Man Laksa - easy-going slice of life by legendary Mamat Khalid. Lowkey the Malaysian version of Wes Anderson in terms of story-telling and character-building (sans the aesthetics).", "this looks interesting!"], ["I enjoyed Polis Evo"], ["HIKAYAT Merong Mahawangsa"], ["Imo Songlap is probably the best malaysian movie. Is right up there with any yasmin ahmad classics"], ["Kil"], ["I\u2019m gonna ask you which ones your recommend instead."], ["Antoo fighter"], ["Nasi Lemak 2.0 and Fly by Night"], ["all the recommended movies:\nyasmin ahmad's : Mukhsin, sepet, muallaf, rabun, gubra, talentime\nmamat khalid's : man laksa, rock oo0, hantu kak limah balik rumah, zombie kg pisang\nPetaling Street Warriors (2011). Sort of a parody of Kungfu Hustle.\nThe Journey (2014). An old Malaysian man and his British future son-in-law go on a road trip.\nEdge of the World (2021). The story of the White Rajahs of Sarawak. Not 100% Malaysian, but set in historical Sarawak and stars a few Malaysians in minor roles.\nAbang Adik\nLa Luna\nImaginur\nHungry Ghost Diner\nHonorable mention to:\nMentega Terbang\nPendatang\ntiger stripes\nall P. Ramlee's movies : bujang lapok trilogy (og bujang lapok; seniman; pendekar), antara dua darjat, anakku sazali, penarik beca, ahmad albab, nujum pak belalang, tiga abdul, madu tiga, sarjan hassan, nasib doremi, ali baba, ibu mertuaku\nGadoh 2009 film ( this film was banned but you can watch it on youtube )\nBunohan,\nInterchange ( 2016 ),\nLelaki Harapan Dunia\nKil\nmagika\nfly by night\nprebet sapu\nroh\ntiga janda melawan dunia\nguang\nredha\nolabola\nbukit kepong\nhikayat merong mahawangsa\nKAMI (80's-sudirman)\nman laksa\npolis evo\nsonglap\nantoo fighter\nnasi lemak 2.0\ngol&gincu\npisau cukur\njutawan fakir, i know what u did last raya(maybe) , lost and found, mami jarum., pontianak harum sundal malam.\njagat\nall senario movies\nmat kilau\ngangster 2005\nduyung\nTiger woohoo\npsiko:pencuri hati\npensil\nmekanik\nMetro Maalai (tamil)\ndukun\nspilt gravy on rice\n29 Februari\nwalid\nEraser (Prime Video)\nS.A.M. (Psycho Thriller but cheesy)\nMisteri Dilaila\nAdiwiraku\nPulang\njibam\nBaik Punya Cilok, Buli. Great movies from director Afdlin Shauki.\ncicakman\ntombiruo\npusaka (horror)\njuang\nterbaik dari langit\nbisik pada langit\npolis evo\nabang long fadil 1,2,3\nbudak kelantan\nspinning gasing\nroh (horror)\nGeng Penggembaraan Bermula\nBoBoiBoy the Movie, BoBoiBoy the Movie 2, Mechamato the Movie\nUpin & Ipin Keris Siamang Tunggal\nEjen Ali the Movie\nDidi and Friends the Movie\nsetem\nsepi\ngila baby\nia wujud, highland tower (paranormal )\nistanbul aku datang\nmanisnya cinta di cappadochia\nI'm not single\nlagenda budak setan"], ["Gol dan Gincu, Pisau Cukur \ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffb"], ["Ola Bola"], ["Where to watch Jagat legally?", "Netflix"], ["Senario Lagi, Lagi-Lagi Senario, and XX Ray,"], ["Go watch kil, have redza minhat, the movie is about a man trying to un-alive himself"], ["Zaman2 saiful apek, scenario, erra fazira, ning baizura, yusry, maya karim, etc. We go classic \ud83d\ude0e\nForgot movies name tho, the only one i can remember jutawan fakir, i know what u did last raya(maybe) , lost and found, mami jarum., pontianak harum sundal malam.", "ladyboss also good, the comedy part and the plot is quite interesting"], ["I heard, Mat Silau is pretty good."], ["Badang , starring aliff shukri"], ["Don't watch what the comments said. Watch gangster 2005. Worth your while", "Syamsul Yusof movie? Naaah.", "God no , its 2005. Syamsul was still a virgin baby back then. You never saw gangster 2005? That movie is effing good more closer to what Malaysia was.\n", "Ah, okay. The Rosyam Nor one. Never saw it, but I heard good things."], ["None..."], ["Man Laksa, Duyung, All Senario movie"], ["Directed by Mamat Khalid, usually their movies are good, especially rock and hantu kak limah. classic movie by p ramlee also top recommended"], ["Tiger Woohoo! - bawled in the cinema T-T"], ["I dunno if you have it, but try psiko: pencuri hati. It may sound like a romance film. But i promise you, it\u2019s different.", ""], ["Took you 2 years to finish these movies? Man, they weren\u2019t kidding when saying Malaysian movies are terrible", "I only watch Malaysian movies occasionally, when I feel the vibe"], ["PLEASE WATCH GUANG (2018)\nits available for free online i think. dunno about any official methods", "It's on youtube"], ["Kl gangster wher"], ["missing Sepet and a few others by the late Yasmin Ahmad"], ["Anak Mami the Movie dah tengok lum?"], ["Bunohan, jogho, one two jaga my all tine 3", "I agree with Bunohan"], ["Well all the movies i absolutely love hv already been watched by you \ud83d\udc80\nBut...! I can recommend good malay series!\nProject: High Council - 2023 Projek: Anchor SPM - 2021 Kudeta - 2022 i Tanggang: Mother of All Lies - 2021 My Famous Ex Boyfriend - 2023\nHv fun \ud83e\udd19\ud83e\udd19"], ["Mekanik"], ["Pensil"], ["Metro Maalai, 2019 Malaysian Tamil movie"], ["Kl gangster. then can start talking like ajib"], ["Aside from alrdy hyped YET great ones here like Tiger Stripes, Imaginur and Abang Adik, I recommend Guang, Redha, Muallaf and Spilt Gravy on Rice. Dukun, the horror film loosely based on Mona Fandey will work if you keep expectations lower.\nI might be cheating if I say Fundamentally Happy. It's made in SG but with a key Msian actors. (rip Adibah Noor)"], ["jibam, magika and 29 Febuari are one of my favs"], ["Wait until he found out abt polis evo"], ["Poochandi (2022)\n"], ["Should try Walid, have a good story and action combination. Available on Netflix now"], ["Songlap (2011) is a good film, pretty bleak tho"], ["Watch old bola fun movie"], ["Abang Adik (2023) is a must watch, XX Ray, The Journey, Terbaik Dari Langit."], ["The Journey. I forget which year it was though"], ["zombie Kampung pisang cinematic universe"], ["If you can get, P Ramlee movies, one of the , if not, greatest Malaysian filmmaker"], ["TRY HANTU KAK LIMAH THE FIRST ONE, LAWAK BRO [Idk if it's available in your country]"], ["Baik Punya Cilok, Buli. Great movies from director Afdlin Shauki. Baik Punya Cilok plot twist is kind of stupid but I kinda like it. Buli is great at showing the effects of bully and I felt so sympathize with Nordin - Main Character.\nAnother one Mami Jarum. It was hella funny.\n"], ["Try to find Bunohan and Tombiruo"], ["Abang Long Fadil 1,2,3. ONe of my favorite comedy movies"], ["Mamat Khalid's films are really worth the watch. The comedy are quite original and his directing style means every movie feels like a nostalgic 80s flick."], ["i don't know much but pusaka is one of the few watchable malaysian horror(scary?) films if not top 5 of the genre"], ["No Cicakman? No Badang?"], ["Cicakman"], ["Khabir Bhatia's movies. I've seen no one recommend his films here.", "Apparently you've watched some of his movies.", "Anyway, watch Juang. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb"], ["Without a doubt Bunohan. Always at the top of my mind.\nThe polis Evo series is pretty good too. Each one gradually attaining hollywood levels production."], ["P Ramlee films. They\u2019re available on Astro"], ["If you're free & would like to try out a series, I'd recommend High Council. I relate to it so much as I'm raised in that boarding school setting. It's a bit exaggerated for dramatic effect but the issues it explores are real."], ["I'm surprised that you watch Jagat. The film industry never liked this movie. But I give my respect for watching this movie."], ["Our films industry is still the mak kau hijau themes"], ["Hoping for someone to make a full list of all movies being recommended here."], ["Merong Mahawangsa, Bisik pada langit"], ["Spilt Gravy on Rice / Ke Mana Tumpahnya Kuah\nThis is a family drama + comedy + political satire adapted from a play written by the underrated Jit Murad. Originally intended to be released in 2013 but got delayed because the local film censors objected to some taboo topics included in the film. It was finally released in 2022 after Jit passed away."], ["Non mainstream films are pretty good imo because they address realities that people face, whereas most mainstream films are dictated to have some narrative that puts the country in a good light. Check out Budak Kelantan or Spinning Gasing if you have the time."], ["Mat kilau"], ["try watching roh (2019) by kuman pictures. good msian horror"], ["hantu kak limah, alamak toyol, and just follow law (I think it might be Singaporean tho, but muthu goated in that movie )"], ["Geng Penggembaraan Bermula\nBoBoiBoy the Movie\nUpin & Ipin Keris Siamang Tunggal\nEjen Ali the Movie\nBoBoiBoy the Movie 2\nMechamato the Movie\nDidi and Friends the Movie"], ["damnn adnan bin saidi had a film? i never knew that"], ["Gila Baby, Sepi and someone already mentioned Imaginur."], ["The Garden of Evening Mists. Not strictly Malaysian (Taiwanese director) but it's set in the Cameron Highlands during the Emergency."], ["Setem is really well done."], ["Bukit Kepong"], ["Badang\ud83d\udc4d"], ["If you like horror, I recommend Ia Wujud. It's a good found footage horror. Honestly surprised by how intense some of the parts were. Oh right, there's another similar one called Highland Tower. I think the latter is much scarier but it's honestly up to taste."], ["Imaginur (Prime Video), Eraser (Prime Video) , Abang Adik (in cinemas), S.A.M. (Psycho Thriller but cheesy), Misteri Dilaila, Prebet Sapu, Fly By Night, Adiwiraku, 29 Februari, Pulang"], ["Terbaik dari langit"], ["OLA BOLA"], ["AND IM NOT JOKING WHEN I SAY LAGI-LAGI SENARIO. FOR HAVING AZIZ M. OSMAN AS THE DIRECTOR YOU GET FOR SOME REASON\u060c REALLY COMPETENT CINEMATOGRAPHY FOR A COMEDY IN THE EARLY 2000s but I admit the pacing is painful."], ["Watch some P Ramlee movies, they're true classics. Very good humour"], ["Afdlin Shauki movies are good."], ["Merong mahawangsa"], ["Evolusi KL drift."], ["Watch Dain Said films, I think he's on another level.\nBunohan\nDukun\ninterchange\nAnd also these 2 i watched recently are amazing:\nTiga Janda melawan Dunia (three widows against the world) *on netflix\nHungry Ghost Diner"], ["Tiga abdul is a classic that I will always love"], ["Mamat khalid movies if you love comedies, I highly recommend it"]]} {"title": "Weird moment that happens to me in Joho", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y4x66/weird_moment_that_happens_to_me_in_joho/", "num_comment": 28, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "12 years ago when I'm 16. That time I'm on a bus somewhere in JB(Johor Bahru), there's this one lovely old lady asking me question how to go to CS(City Square) but in Chinese. So me as a Malay don't understand what the hell she's talking about, but suddenly, next to me this young Chinese man around my age, told me that this aunty is speaking Chinese but from the Main land China dialect & don't understand Malay. So that guy became a translator between me & her. I answered every question that aunty ask me, on how to get to CS or where part of JB is this & which stop or bus she should take next to get there, the guy also know how to get there & helping me out. After that at the end, she thanks me & I also thank that guy for helping me.\nBut every time I'm looking back & remember that moment, I keep question myself why did that guy didn't just answer her questions directly & why did that aunty didn't even ask the guy that actually understand her. Until this day I still question it.", "comments": [["From my viewpoint, the Chinese man just don\u2019t want to be rude for you to be taken out of the conversation. If the lady initiated the conversation with you, and suddenly he came in and talk away with her knowing that you don\u2019t understand their language is kind of rude in my opinion.", "This is a good take! It's a novel situation for both OP and the Chinese man, so it makes sense for the Chinese man to just go with the flow instead of having to socially navigate the idea of telling OP that he'll just take it from there, which can seem pretty rude, especially if he's not entirely sure what exactly is going on", "This is the reason, I believe. OP should not be cut out of the conversation."], ["the aunty has a thing for you 16-year old Brownie, and not that other guy.", "You have the rizz bro lol", "Lol", "Correct"], ["maybe because you are in between them so as a social gesture you are involve in the communication?"], ["Maybe he donno the way?\nI hope one day you will have a reunion with him and can find closure.."], ["I bet after 16 years that guy oso cringing and wondering \"why didnt i just answer that woman lmao\"", "So 4 more years...", "You're \ud83d\udcaf correct", "Lmfao"], ["12 years ago, higher chance it was just people being friendly. The lady probably felt safer to ask you cause you're younger. The man gave a kind gesture and translates.\nNowadays it's probably up to no good. Too much shit going on."], ["Maybe he wasn't from Johor?\nHad a similar experience in the Atlas mountains in Morocco.\nTrying to get the bus driver to let out air from his tyres to go up a frozen mountain pass. Arabic speaking driver, Moroccan Arabic/French speaker, me passable French with poor vacbulary/bad Arabic, my friend great French but not spoken.\nConvo:\nDriver to local in Arabic Local to my friend in French My friend to me in English Me to my friend in English/French My friend to me in grammatically correct French Me to local in properly pronounced French Local to driver in Arabic......"], ["Maybe the guy is not from the area"], ["You\u2019ve been pukau\u2019ed. Might want to check your money, kidney or virginity"], ["12 years later you still in one piece..if that local chinese guy didn't helped you...you might been somewhere in remote hidden china village who both legs kena chopped off and begging for renminbi my friend", "That gave me a laugh. Good one"], ["Maybe he doesnt actually know where CS is? You mentioned he knows but he actually doesnt know lol"], ["You should have said to that guy, \"Eh, why don't you just answer her? No need to translate.\""], ["Inception. You were actually sleeping on the bus. It never happened."], ["Had similar experience a month back in Japan. Old women who only speaks Japanese , asks me the direction and being someone bad with direction, asks a passerby who turns out to be Chinese from Guangdong. So I asked them and translate it back to the old women.\nSo maybe guy ain\u2019t local."], ["You lengzhai or lenglui ma"], ["Most likely cecause out of courtesy. The local chinese guy didn't want to interrupt the conversation and did the minimum so that you and the old lady can carry on the conversation.\nIt is a courtesy.\nAs long as they didn't ask you to signup something in exchange for some rewards, you are good."], ["Because the lady asked you. He's keeping you in the conversation topic. Taking you out of it would seem disrespectful."], ["Nah i remember trying to go cs back in sekolah menengah the only way is to read if they wrote city squad at the front of the bus."], ["Maybe the guy from SG and is equally as lost as her"]]} {"title": "JPJ Perak open bids for plat series \"ANJ\"", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y2msm/jpj_perak_open_bids_for_plat_series_anj/", "num_comment": 22, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "", "comments": [["ANJ1N6", "I tot of somtehing similar ANJ146", "Welp, this is inevitable.", "Perfect for BMW and Vellfire owners"], ["ANJ 1 R", "Ada Indonesia coy!"], ["ANJ 41"], ["Pass. Will go for ANL", "ANL6969", "AN 41"], ["ANJ1176"], ["Same braincell with other Reddit or for thinking the word anjing as the first one"], ["ANJ 129"], ["ANJ4 or ANJ3"], ["ANJ1NG"], ["ANJ176"], ["Mak tengok ade Anjing\nKat mana?\nNor tu putih punye proton"], ["ANJ41"], ["ANJ 1R"], ["yang beli tu jangan bawak kereta macam ANJing"], ["Sokay i'll wait for ANU or Kedah's KFU"], ["What's next ? SOH ? SOH 41?"], ["Apa makna & keistimewaan ANJ?"]]} {"title": "Good podcast or Youtube channels in Malaysian Chinese accent?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xhe40/good_podcast_or_youtube_channels_in_malaysian/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "I\u2019m looking for recommendation as above, as I\u2019m trying to learn to understand Malaysian/Singaporean Chinese accent through listening.\nI\u2019m looking for topics like life, society, culture, growth, etc. and not too interested in entertainment and celebrity gossiping.\nThere is almost zero such podcast/Youtube channels in Singaporean Chinese by the way, I don\u2019t know why, haha. So I\u2019m turning to this community now.\nThank you awesome Malaysian Redditors!", "comments": [["Bbk network", "Wow, this is super interesting, exactly what I\u2019m looking for. Thank you!"], ["Ccwhyao though not podcast, it's more like a casual interview and chat kinda thing.", "This is also exactly what I\u2019m looking for, thank you. Malaysian Chinese programs are so multicultural!"], ["Chinese accent in Chinese or English?", "Sorry I worded it awkwardly, I mean in Chinese", "If you are into cars, I recommend checking out the following YouTube channels\nhttps://youtube.com/@riderath1601?si=aeRVMgFObacS8CSW\nhttps://youtube.com/@HeeWeiSeng?si=FgYkfJJGrFP3RVVL\nhttps://youtube.com/@taichooyee?si=NxdzN76qiqvKFAMd\nthe first 2 is a bit more 'ah beng' in flavour and the last one is definitely more professional Beng, but they're a pretty accurate representation of a Malaysian Chinese accent of Chinese that you can find in Malaysia"], ["BBK,Wheelan(cars)"]]} {"title": "Rafizi answers the eKYC issue regarding PADU raised by Ong Kian Ming", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xxnhj/rafizi_answers_the_ekyc_issue_regarding_padu/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Very good that he addresses the issues head on. And the logic behind the decisions to settle on which design to take. Would have been better if he could address the risk to affected individuals. For instance, the draft account does not contain any personal info.\nEdit: Full interview linked by u/mocmocmoc81 below addresses the issue.", "Yeah they should've emphasized the lack of personal info but, which sorts of explains why most fields were blank.\nSome data were still available though (e.g. employer data), but thankfully salary was blank", "yep, this is what rafizi good at"], ["Of course lar must justify OK even if system got security flaw. That one minor only. :26563:"], ["i told you guys naratif rakyat/naratif khas is exactly the platform you (minister) need to awnser question direct from the ground without media/editor become the middleman and twist your words."], ["full 1 hour video\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5JSysKi0ls"], ["When an apple look rotten from the outside there could be many worms inside, just saying"]]} {"title": "Anthony Loke: Elected reps should focus on their work instead of attempting to topple govt", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y5sfu/anthony_loke_elected_reps_should_focus_on_their/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["PN reps actually do their job challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)"], ["Pas lebai has been in politics almost the same as BN. Their method is the same. Don\u2019t support anything if they are opposition."], ["So, when they are the government, they tell people not to do what they did.", "They tried but failed. Also they aren\u2019t the one initiated it but got invited."], ["Finally the dubai / chow kit move is real"], ["The DAP ones too. Got some only show up for election period only."], ["Welcome to Malaysia Ungker."]]} {"title": "Bookxcess at LalaPort KL", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y1u82/bookxcess_at_lalaport_kl/", "num_comment": 8, "flairlabel": ["Education"], "header": "", "comments": [["Yo, Why is xi doing there?", "Jail this guy \u2620\ufe0f"], ["My favourite spot to read during the weekends, it's quiet, cozy and it's FREE!"], ["It's a decent place, bought a book there."], ["How are the prices of the books?", "Books nowadays seem to be very expensive these days. In the past a book from China which cost, say, 80CNY would cost RM80; now this same book is probably going to cost you closer to RM95...", "Wow, that is about 10-15 percent increase of prices, which is quite a lot. Food prices went up....and now books. Sigh"]]} {"title": "This aunty escaped death, like literally.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xpirt/this_aunty_escaped_death_like_literally/", "num_comment": 24, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Video from @jasonyukt on Instagram, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah", "comments": [["What the hell is she doing", "She could have dementia or other mental health issue."], ["if that car hit her, she gonna take those biker with her", "Cleaning bloods on the bike gonna take some times.", "Curing the ptsd from that is going to take even longer"], ["Should have called the police. Its not the auntie we should be worried about, but other road users. Cars avoiding her may cause the vehicle to lose control.\nYears back saw the same situation. It was about 1 or 2am and some dude was walking in the middle of the street. A few cars had to do dangerous maneuver to avoid the guy. So i called the police. About 15 minutes or so police arrived and picked the guy up.", "At the end of the video there's a police van on the opposite bukan? The auntie run towards that direction too"], ["Looks like she has dementia/alz."], ["Hope she\u2019s ok? I hope the van is ok"], ["Mental problems 100%"], ["It's a lot more funny when the Prophet said (paraphrasing) : Worry about your own kiamat (death) first rather than the bigger one."], ["Naik moto apa tu?", "zx25 tu bunyi high revving"], ["not suprised.... there been much more idiot people now a day..."], ["hasta la muerte"], ["u/savevideo", "View link\nInfo | Feedback | Donate | DMCA | reddit video downloader | twitter video downloader"], ["Met too many people crossing the road while walking slowly without acknowledging my presence at all, like this aunty in the video"], ["She must be crazy"], ["That video was a few miliseconds away from a LiveLeak video."], ["We call this Mata Kuda"], ["Looks like bawah MEX highway towards Kesas intersection?"], ["Devil Bat Ghost technique. She's a natural."], ["Oh, yeah they have one of these on every flyover intersection in Kota Kinabalu. So that's... a total of 5 ?"]]} {"title": "Nice 1991 Malaysia Airlines CM make by Japanese advertising company", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y6q6i/nice_1991_malaysia_airlines_cm_make_by_japanese/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": [["Wtf this actually seems good enough to entice me to fly over"], ["This for Japanese market"], ["I'm still more partial to their \"Going Beyond Expectations\" campaign in the mid-2000s TBH."]]} {"title": "McD delivery cup poked holes", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y6ibm/mcd_delivery_cup_poked_holes/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Recently with the mcdelivery orders, the drinking cups will come with holes poked, anyone know why?", "comments": [["so the air can comes out less prone to explode", "Really?"], ["I hate this film."]]} {"title": "Suspend Padu until PDPA amended, govt told", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y652j/suspend_padu_until_pdpa_amended_govt_told/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Another screwup by tin kosong , Rafizi"]]} {"title": "Malaysia's Squad Announced for AFC Asian Cup 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y5r83/malaysias_squad_announced_for_afc_asian_cup_2023/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Sports"], "header": "", "comments": [["You know, those stereotypical Malaysian names like Matthew Davies, Stuart Wilkin, Dion Cools, Paulo Josue and Romel Morales.", "Matthew, Stuart, and Dion can be considered as a typical East Malaysian name..."], ["Play with JDT use Tiki Taka,Play for Malaysia use Sean Dyche Target man tactics"], ["Kim Min Jae vs Darren Lok; Son and korean guy vs cools"]]} {"title": "Suggestions for Borneo jungle experience.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y58ck/suggestions_for_borneo_jungle_experience/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "I am travelling to Malaysia this month, and planning to spend a couple of weeks in the jungle. I will be mostly winging it, not booking any \"tours\" and such. Maybe pay some locals near the forest to take me to cool places. But thats about it.\nAny suggested/hidden spots to visit?\nAny other tips?\nIs peninsular Malaysia worth visiting for the \"jungle\" experience, since my flight out is from KL?", "comments": [["dont wing it in malaysian jungles, they are dangerous\nyou certainly dont want to add to the annual \"dumbass tourist gets lost in jungle\" stat\nalso its the monsoon season so its even more dangerous", "gets lost in jungle\" stat\nOfc I wont be going too far from a mudroad. Basically places that a scooter/dirt bike can reach and then go with a local.\nIm mainly concerned about criminals, like kidnapping, but since Im not white thats unlikely.", "the mudroad makes little difference if the timing is wrong and the weather is wet\nthis just happened https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/01/03/search-resumes-for-two-missing-hikers-at-mount-matang-in-sarawak/110342"]]} {"title": "Bank account for Syrian students", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y4pzg/bank_account_for_syrian_students/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hello guys,\nSo I\u2019m from Syria and I\u2019m planning to pursue my education in Malaysia, but I\u2019ve heard that Syrian students are not allowed to open a bank account in Malaysia, but apparently these information are a little bit old, so i was wondering if this measure is still in effect, or no longer in effect and Syrian students can open a bank account in Malaysia, I hope if anyone has informations in this regard to share it with me,\nthank you very much", "comments": [["As you\u2019re probably aware, Syria was sanctioned by the UNSC several years ago. Whilst the sanctions were temporarily lifted last year to allow aid into Syria (following the earthquake back in January), I\u2019d imagine most banks are hesitant to accept Syrian customers in case the sanctions are re-imposed in the near future. You can read this article to find out more, although to note that it was weitten back in 2019/2020.\nhttps://loanstreet.com.my/learning-centre/sanctioned-countries-citizens-can\u2019t-open-bank-account-in-malaysia", "Yeah the article here misunderstands the sanctions as well. These sanctions are not on all Syrians. They are against certain individuals in the regime.\nFun fact though, i worked for this company lol"], ["Im sure if you have documents from your Uni stating you are an international student the bank will have methods to help."], ["I am a Syrian and I managed to open a bank account with RHB 6 years ago after trying out every bank or branch i could find.\nUnfortunately in Malaysia they understood these sanctions as sanctions on all Syrians. When in reality they are sanctioning government people and specific individuals and companies.\nIn addition to a quite xenophobic system, this results in Syrians unable to open bank accounts. Try to open with RHB, or some obscure banks. Try banks near your university. Unfortunately, it also depends on the branch and the people working there. The whiter you are the better."]]} {"title": "2024 Inflation Rate for Salary Increment", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y2xdt/2024_inflation_rate_for_salary_increment/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Hi all, is there any official government reports that I can refer to in order to adjust for salary increment for this year 2024 to account for inflation? Thank you.", "comments": [["i just google and got this\n> Inflation is projected to moderate further to 2.7 percent in 2024\nsource: https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2023/12/14/pr23448-malaysia-imf-staff-completes-2024-article-iv-mission#:~:text=Inflation%20is%20projected%20to%20moderate,on%20account%20of%20subsidy%20reform."]]} {"title": "Why Court of Appeal upheld \u2018Gay is OK!\u2019 book ban in 2-1 decision", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0lvz/why_court_of_appeal_upheld_gay_is_ok_book_ban_in/", "num_comment": 32, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["What was the expectation lol we went on a crusade against Swatch for a rainbow color watches lmao :29091:", "", "The dilemma here is the clash of supposed identity of malaysia.\nPro lgbt thinks malaysia is secular.\nAnti lgbt thinks malaysia is islamic.\nAnd that does impact one's view on whether government should butt into this issue or not, as secular law doesn't forbade lgbt, while Islamic law does.\nProblem is the identity is not clearly stated in constitution.\nPersonally i gave up that fight once pmx announced that we are a progressive islamic nation. Lazy and too defeated to give a damn anymore.", "why did that dude delete the comment lol was it inflammatory remarks ?\nIm also with you dude, I already malas. Im just here for the laughs and cringe.", "Sometime people just lazy to engage, maybe? I did that sometime myself too. But I don't think his comment is inflammatory. I would have remove it instead of replying if that was the case. Maybe takut karma negative kot.", "katabana02\nwait a min, aren't you the mod for r/malaysia", "Yeah. Not now though. Now I'm just a user that curi tulang from work.", ":26561: same"], ["I think the Malay Mail wrote and reported this very well. I understood and even enjoyed reading this."], ["A Malaysian set of judges indeed.\nHigh Court judge who quashed Home Ministry ban is a Malay lady. Kudos to him for having the balls to do what he thinks is right.\nThen the three Court of Appeal judges, the two who decided to uphold the appeal, Chair is Malay woman and the second judge is a Chinese guy.\nThe one judge who decided that the high court judge decision to uphold the decision to quash the ban is an Indian guy!\nSatu Malaysia indeed and not to mention 2 woman in the mix as well.\nMost of it comes down to the interpretation of the word \u201clikely\u201d to produce prejudice\u2026and acting upon it apparently. At least to my layman understanding.", "Malay lady\nKudos to him\n????", "Thank you mr grammar nazi. Reddit never fails to do this kind of stuff.\nWondering you haven\u2019t commented about\u2026\n\u2026two \u201cwomen\u201d\u2026\n\u2026woman having the \u201cballs\u201d\u2026?\nSo typical of the internet and social media where let\u2019s nitpick stuff that\u2019s not at all related just because. Haha", "made a silly and inconsequential mistake\ngets poked on\ngets offended\nA Malaysian Redditor indeed. Kudos to you for having skin thinner than xlb", "Waaaahhh,\nSendiri offended now I\u2019m offended?\nHalo, I expected it lah. It\u2019s the norm lah when it comes to socmed. Just telling you as it is and it\u2019s always funny to me as it never fails to happen every time.\nYou poked and I poked back now I my skin is thin.\nYup. Shows how mature this discussion is.\nWhatever you like lah. I think skin can, think skin can, light skin can, dark skin can. Whatever skin lah. As long as you happy my dear grammar nazi guy/gal. I used up all my tokens to reply to a stupid comment for the year already. If you have a meaningful discussion points to share then perhaps I\u2019ll waste more time on social media. If not, that\u2019s it I guess. As long as you are happy.", "I'm not the one replying paragraphs to sentences"], ["Meanwhile same sex marriage is happening in Thailand and Taiwan.", "Mahathir once said something in his book that, as a white guy, stuck to me to this day, I paraphrase:\n\"White people will fight for something and force the entire world to see it their way, before promptly changing their minds, sometimes in a radically opposite direction, and force the entire world to see things in that new way.\"\nAt a time where gay marriage was illegal in the West, where were you/your parents? Why do you need to wait for us to tell you what is liberal, before you suddenly have to fight for it? Why do you follow us into our slow societal decline of trying to fish for votes in the minorities, because we can't get average joes to the voting booth?\nWe told you \"to be civilized, you need to accept gay marriage\" and suddenly, you discard your entire history/culture to shoe-horn in some principles that barely apply to your society. We had ACTIVE gay scenes for literally 50 years before gay marriage was proposed and another 20 years before the bill passed. You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages...? How?\nIt's so strange to me, this insecurity to need a pat on the head from people who took so much from you already, culturally. On reddit, wearing our clothing, speaking our tongue, seeking our laws.... So very strange not to exist as oneself.\nMAKE YOUR OWN PATH: Once you need social reforms, you will get them, by force or by negotiation, but for Gd's sake, do NOT copy us as if we were a model of enlightenment without understanding what you're doing...\nAlso gay marriage is illegal in Thailand, as of now.\nAs for Taiwan, it needs to act this way to justify the US keep sending the military aid it's sending.", "Wait, making society more equitable is a \u201cwhite peole\u201d thing? Or is a discriminatory society \u201cAsian culture\u201d? You just used a lot of words to say \u201cI don\u2019t like gay people and they shouldn\u2019t be given the same rights as everyone else.\u201d", "You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages\nThe size of gay scene in a country does not invalidate the need for gay marriages.\nThe right for gay marriage does not interfere with the right for straight marriage in any way, so why bother banning it\nSo very strange not to exist as oneself.\nExisting as oneself is okay except if it implies discriminating people on the basis of race, sexual orientation and more", "it's really strange to me seeing people arguing against individual level human rights by telling some abstract historical narrative about \"culture\"\nlike even if everything you said was true in a historical sense (which I doubt it is), how does that have any bearing on anything?\nI and you and everyone here aren't abstract components of some sweeping ongoing tale about colonialism in the Asian continent we're just fucking people, real people living right here in the now doing our best.\nare you really gonna look at two people in the eye and tell them they can't be together because \"europeans colonised you in the past causing lots of cultural harm and destruction and in a vague sense the promotion of the lgbt community as part of other western conceptions of morality in Asia is similar to a second wave of this cultural colonialism this time not with military force but by soft power \" like fuck off mate", "We told you \"to be civilized, you need to accept gay marriage\" and suddenly, you discard your entire history/culture to shoe-horn in some principles that barely apply to your society. We had ACTIVE gay scenes for literally 50 years before gay marriage was proposed and another 20 years before the bill passed. You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages...? How?\nJeez white conservatives will never cease to surprise me.\nTell me, what exactly do you know of Malaysia or Thailands homosexual/ transexual history? What do you know of it pre-colonial times, and post-colonial times? What do you know of it pre-Islamic times? Heck, what do you know of the gay scene in Malaysia - much less Thailand - even 50 years ago?\nBut yeah, sure. Apparently not being homophobic is \"discarding our entire history/ culture\".", "I'm not even sure the guy is conservative. Comes across as a wild mix of white supremacist/apologist.\n\"We're better than you but please don't follow us and make your own path!\"\nMadness.", "N?"], ["Get this matrix shit of this country pls \ud83e\udd22", "Afghanistan is that way...\ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffc", "You don't know anything about psychology, do you?\nBasically every renowned psychological association in the world: homosexuality is not a disease", "Literally got brainwashed by matrix smh", "Psychologists with years of experience vs u/TeeBlackGold97...\nI know who to believe", "Comments removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nPlease stop equating LGBT to a form of mental illness.\nThe basic stance of American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychiatric Association is that \"homosexuality is not a mental disorder but is rather a normal form of human sexuality, and they propose that their stance is based on significant scientific evidence\".\nIn 1990, homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder by WHO (World Health Organization) in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)\nIn 2019 WHO no longer classifies gender nonconformity as a \u201cmental disorder.\u201d\nPlease consider this an official warning as further comments in a similar vein will result in a permaban.", "Countries tht killed million of Afghani is tht way.. \ud83d\udc49", "Supporting LGBT rights means supporting wars - Bolehland logics\nNever change, bolehland", "Oof r/clevercomebacks"]]} {"title": "Thai land bridge would benefit Penang, says port chief", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y1aqh/thai_land_bridge_would_benefit_penang_says_port/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Penang Port CEO says it would help boost trade in the north of Peninsular Malaysia.", "comments": []} {"title": "Shopee Starts Collecting LVG Online Sales Tax For Imported Goods Under RM500", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0mt6/shopee_starts_collecting_lvg_online_sales_tax_for/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["Isn't the b40 getting benefit from buying lower cost goods from overseas?", "Strongly agree, before LVG we would only pay duty import if the oversea goods are valued above RM500."], ["Yet other nail into Pakatan's GE16 coffin.", "I am not the biggest PH fan, but I do have to support extra taxation. It was either this or give reason for unreasonable price hikes by reintroducing GST."]]} {"title": "WCE Section 6: Toll rates for Assam Jawa Toll Plaza - West Coast Expressway\u2019s (WCE) toll-free offer for the section between Bandar Bukit Raja in Klang and Assam Jawa in Kuala Selangor has ended. Effective today, 3rd January 2024, users of WCE Section 6 will have to pay for tolls", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0jlt/wce_section_6_toll_rates_for_assam_jawa_toll/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "So who is the master conspirator of the Dubai Move?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y07nb/so_who_is_the_master_conspirator_of_the_dubai_move/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["No one will ever write a piece saying it's Mahafiraun\nEven the fall of the first PH will never mention Mahathir as it's mastermind", "He finally became He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"], ["Someone that got tittle Tun and close to 100 year old?", "Tun... ak Tunak Tun?", "Da da da...", "The ancient one, Mahafiraun .", "I wonder what is this endgame, He's almost a centenarian and still wants to be PM?", "Give the position to mu mu", "There are two Tun that are in hot seat, one have cases mounting upon him and can't react fiercely and most likely wiretapped, so calling the cavalry from another Tun. The latter, and his family also in the hot seat, so he had to react by all means of necessary. His time is running out as the next King will react against the plot.", "A vampire?"], ["Who else besides Tun M and Cronies?"], ["The Mighty Ma, best candidate, unchallengeable capability.", "Which Ma though? The din type or the thir type?"], ["Man at this point Tun would be an awesome villain for Marvel/DC show, heck he is more recurring than Kang and Thanos lol"]]} {"title": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 04 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xvfu8/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Geopolitical Megathread"], "header": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread\nThis thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!\nGround rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.\nRationale: Why we have set this up\nThis thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!", "comments": [["So yeah, there's an explosion in Iran.\nCan't wait to see how the \"Iran BFF Israel\" macais are going to spin this on socmed /s\nIn all serious, here's hoping this won't escalate into something worse."]]} {"title": "Malaysia: Is Anwar\u2019s Retrospective Anti-Corruption Drive Worth The Political Instability? \u2013 Analysis", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xzt4f/malaysia_is_anwars_retrospective_anticorruption/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["Malaysian:29091:: :26555:"], ["When former finance minister Daim Zainuddin failed to explain the sources of his wealth, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) seized control of the iconic Ilham Tower in Kuala Lumpur, owned by the Daim family.\nImagine how many other politicians can't explain their wealth. This guy got caught because he's not in power anymore."]]} {"title": "Malaysia\u2019s Covid-19 Deaths Peaked At Four Daily Last Month Before Epidemic Decline - CodeBlue", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xzilo/malaysias_covid19_deaths_peaked_at_four_daily/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": ["COVID-19"], "header": "", "comments": [["Prior to covid, if we were to count flu case by asking people to report whenever they are having flu, and also putting out updated statistic of death from respiratory illness every 2 weeks...\nThe we will see covid is just a rebrand.", "Flu got 4 ppl dying daily?"]]} {"title": "Naval Sector Strong at Malaysia\u2019s LIMA 23 Defence Show", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xzi1b/naval_sector_strong_at_malaysias_lima_23_defence/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Former judge\u2019s jail sentence for corruption reduced from six months to one day", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xymcs/former_judges_jail_sentence_for_corruption/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Azmil Muntapha was charged in his capacity as a sessions court judge to have obtained for himself RM5,000 without consideration from a person who he knew had connection with his official function involving court proceedings of six accused persons in criminal cases.\nThe six accused are Chin Yat Soong, Yap Chiew Tat, Chin See Shak, Pang Kooi Fook, Yap Swee Ming and Chin Chee Keong, who were charged under Section 9 of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 (Act 289).\nThey were fined by Azmil Muntapha for the offence.\nAzmil Muntapha was charged with committing the offence at Maybank Setia Alam 2, near here on May 10, 2018.\nThe charge, under Section 165 of the Penal Code, provides for an imprisonment for up to two years or fine, or both, if found guilty. \u2013 Bernama, January 3, 2024", "comments": [["lawmans look out for each other:26554:", "chinese has a proverb for that \u5b98\u5b98\u76f8\u62a4 guan guan xiang hu"], ["money >> rule of law in bolehland"], ["Really? only took a bribe of RM5,000 only from a total of 6 persons ? Anyone here believe that amount? Maybe forgotten to add in 2 or 3 decimals"]]} {"title": "/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 04 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xsh9b/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/", "num_comment": 104, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.\nApa tanda si pinang kelat,\nBila dimakan terasa malan,\nApa tanda orang beradat,\nBila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.\nDad joke: I just lost 20% of my couch.\nOuch.", "comments": [["Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Is Sunshine brand tasty? The bread brand. Been seeing more and more lately."], ["Are Visas required by US citizens to visit for a week?"], ["Saved up 4 days of annual leave to carry forward for this year Raya.\nHR let me know today that I have to use it all by March.\nI feel like a clown.", "Use it during puasa", "Balik puasa dekat kampung"], ["our youngest colleague thought he got the year-end off because \"everyone is off\". even though he was told to be manning the stronghold together with a senior.\nwhen senior contacted him via company chat, he went MIA. when she called him, he said he is \"on leave, same with the others\". she pointed out how everyone else applied for leave, whereas he didnt have any to spare. he went \"oh, i thought the office is closed and everyone is off?\"\nbro...", "Bruh\u2026\nIs this his first job?", "second, but he only did 5 months at his first job. im trying my best to be understanding but my god how can you be that thick/naive/unprofessional"], ["One of my apt room does not received sunlight as the unit is on the lower floor and is blocked by the other block. The ceiling light is also very warm and not very bright. It's a rental house so I don't want to change that\nDoes anyone knows any floor lamp that has the same brightness as a bright ceiling lamp (e.g. Fluorescent lamp). Preferably energy efficient as I will leave it on most of the day"], ["Interesting tiktok theories about dating:\nTaxi Cab Theory--\nThis one is from Sex and the City and made its way back to the current generation. Basically, you do NOT chase a man. A man may love you, but he will not get into a relationship with you until he is ready. When he finally makes good money, has achieved some milestones, he's not looking for the best partner anymore. He's looking for a safe option and you may be replaced or he may try to find you again when he is ready. You may be smoking hot, intelligent, funny, and all that, but he wants to secure a domestic partner. I've seen this happen so many times where their \"replacement\" is often a simpler person. I've been many times broken up with for being \"too complicated.\"\nHard Wig, Soft Life--\nThis is theory started by African American women. They say that when their wigs are cheap/poorly styled, they often get the most attention from established white men.\nI can... somehow attest to this (and the first theory). I've attracted the best men I've known while I looked my worst (think: overgrown dye job, I haven't gotten braces yet, etc).\nThere is no conclusive theory to why this is, but I think it all boils down to successful men just want somebody to have fun with. They don't want somebody who takes themselves too seriously and they want no stress. There are other theories to why \"Hard Wig, Soft Life\" is a thing and you can go look for them on TikTok.\nFunnily enough, the opposite is also true. If you try too hard with your appearance, you're gonna get a lot of broke men's attention."], ["\nColleague from Indonesia gave me this. Tomorrow is her last day in Malaysia. Blushing sekejap bila dia kata kita so smart.\nBut then I look at my bank account, no 3mil cash. Am I really smart?"], ["why are mamaks so communal?\nbecause they have tosai. (pronounced to-share)"], ["Has anyone ever bought a phone from carousell? I don't mind using a secondhand phone but I've seen people getting scammed through carousell so I don't know if I should just save extra money and buy a new phone at an official store", "There was a case about a guy selling fake iPhones all over kl via fb carousel WhatsApp. Be careful", "I've sold phones on carousel so I hope you find honest sellers like me hehehe", "Ehh just go to CompAsia.\nThat's where I got my Macbook, iPad, and iPhone. They all arrived in good quality. No scratches, no visible or performance flaws, nothing.", "Has anyone ever bought a phone from carousell?\nbought and sold a bunch of phones through carousell. like everywhere else, just practice common sense and standard precaution la. first thing is check the seller profile. see the age of account. then check if they have reviews, read the reviews. check if they sell similar things before. look at the photos. is it blurry? is it low resolution? is it multiple images with different size each? or everything look uniform and taken in 1 go? check the listing, do they write cod? ask for cod. if they willing to cod then most likely its legit.", "better to meet up physically and check the phone in person, only pay after that, can also opt to pay digitally so that you have actual transaction record"], ["My exam is in 4 days and I have no motivation to study lol \ud83e\udd72", "Wah, is this your final year?", "No lah still got 1 and a half more year to go\nI also have to start doing a thesis and I don\u2019t even know where to start \ud83d\ude2d", "Yeah, starting a thesis can be overwhelming, and not knowing where to begin is normal. Take your time, break it down, and you'll find your way through it. Has your thesis supervisor been helpful?", "Its okay. Still got a lot of time. I usually study at the very last minute \ud83e\udd23"], ["FE dev: yo designer, we need icons for all these entries in the list page\nDesigner: here take these images\nFE dev: *checks image file*\n\"1920\u00d71080 px\""], ["WOWZER I PASSED MY CCNA. THAT WAS CHALLENGING", "Good job. Now, aim for the CCNP \ud83d\udd25", "Thanks. Owh I am more towards cyber security so I aiming CISSP instead.", "can you hack nasa now?", "Lmao \ud83d\udc80", "Noiceee, congrats!\nMinta nota pls", "Boleh. You DM me I give you the note \ud83d\ude02\nI still feel the high. To be honest I only started cramming the notes last night. I thought I gonna die lol", "Can I have it too?"], ["Ayo let's do this."], ["I gotta work harder and write more."], ["Pull day today. Supposed to hit the legs, but I feel a bit of pain on my right knee, so I'll postpone that to later.\nI would love to be more muscular and vascular (it rhymes!), but I think my problem is getting enough protein. The recommended dose is 1.2-2.0g per kg of body weight, so at minimum I need 90g daily... a bit hard though, I don't eat much.", "You can hit that easily with 300 grams of chicken breast (90g protein) for dinner and a few eggs for breakfast. With other half decent sources during the day you will be getting to the upper range.\nNot a fan of whey supplements, personally think it is a scam, they are overpriced and if you get it from food instead you also get a lot of different vitamins/minerals that is lacking in a whey bucket."], ["How bad an idea is it for me to buy Air Asia international flight tickets for holidays? (specifically Australia/Korea/Japan)\nThere's some horror stories out there of flights delayed for ages, but their prices are so cheap compared to other airlines.", "airasia has been my main airline to go travel bc i'm a broke ass bitch who likes to travel. out of 10+ years of travelling with airasia, only the trip i took last year to australia got delayed for 7 hours", "if you value your time and do not want to deal with potential headaches, dont book AA.\nif you have lots of time, have a carefree spirit, and feel like the cheap price is too tempting to ignore, go ahead, fly with AA.", "Very bad. IIRC they either use an agent or act as an agent. Never not book directly with the airline. Save you some headaches.", "Eh sorry I don't understand, I'm a noob at travelling haha.\nDo you mean Air Asia may book other airline tickets for me if I use their website? Cause right now I'm researching using Google flights, not sure if prices will vary once I check out the airlines website", "Yes if you're booking a three-legged flight that includes Australia or with another agency. They usually fly directly to Korea and Japan.\nIf you look at flights, you may notice that AirAsia will sometimes display flights from other airlines on their website. It's best that you avoid this.\nRule #1 of traveling: book directly.", "Ah I see ok, however is there anything else I should be afraid of? Delays/lost luggage/bad management? If I'm booking through Air Asia for only air Asia flights then should be ok?", "Yes should be okay.\nAirAsia is pretty much known for bad management and practically 0 customer support. A refund takes foreer. Delays are common but not severe. Lost luggage, I've never heard of it personally. Anyway, it's a budget airline. You get what you pay for."], ["Any malays here, what do you think of what this guy claims??\n\nSeems like the rcta community has crossed the line here", "Really not caring. Me having the position of \"all races are equal\" also means I couldn't care less where Malays came from.", "What is RTCA?\nI'd say I am proto-Malay (mainly Sumatran). Grandparents on both sides are non-Malays immigrants (but Muslim) and everyone was granted bumiputra status after Malaysia was formed.\nI am all for abolishing bumiputra rights if it comes with the option to leave Islam on paper.\nI go to a private Uni right now, and like any other private uni, there are lot of non-Malays here. When I sit in any student area, and overhear conversations, the Indians use a LOT of Malay words among themselves! I found it so curious, some of them even said ya allah unironically to express frustration. It seems that the Indians assimilated a lot more into the dominant culture.", "RCTA = Race Change To Another\nIt's where you identify yourself as another race.", "I don't want to be Malay. Which race is accepting converts?", "Rcta is race change to another", "I didn't realize that was an option. Can I choose to no longer be Malay? (serious)", "It's not an actual thing where you can actually change your race on paper but rather it's a belief that through manifestation, you can change your appearance and genetics to be that of another race. It's mainly used by diehard white anime and kpop fans who want to look east asian but it obviously doesn't work as you can't change how you look and your genetics by thoughts alone."], ["So I bought something from JP a few days ago it was below RM500, with the 10% tax on LVG how do I go about paying it? Does that mean I have to go all the way to custom to pay it?"], ["Indonesian presidential candidate using AI art for his campaign.\nhttps://twitter.com/siapa_saja404/status/1742248784451772599", "What's wrong with using AI generated image ?", "I don't know maybe because it's unethical? Maybe because it's the largest data theft in the history of mankind? I'm talking about ALL machine learning. Not just images.\nsome reading for you...\nhttps://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2023/aug/02/ai-chatbot-training-human-toll-content-moderator-meta-openai\n AI\u2019s Dreadful December: Lawsuits, plagiarism and child abuse images show the perils of training on data taken without consent.\n LAION, the gigantic dataset powering Stable Diffusion, several Google products, and other prominent AI tools has been taken down from the internet because it contains thousands of images of child sexual abuse material.\n Midjourney developers caught discussing laundering, and creating a database of Artists (who have been dehumanized to styles) to train Midjourney off of.\nThis information might just go through your head. The average person truly believe that this is a real \"AI\" when it's just machine learning that's being fed stolen data. Read it and make your own educated judgement.", "I do agree that the stealing/plagiarism in the training dataset are unethical and despicable. However I think of the \"AI\" as merely a tool, just like clothing. Some clothes are made by sweatshop child labor and exploited work force, we don't go around condemn people buying clothes, clothes are irrelevant here but the making process of clothes matters.\nAI is new and evolve rapidly, unfortunately people are cutting corners feeding it stolen data to speed up the supposed training, I understand it upsets people especially people who had their works stolen.\nI think AI don't deserve the hate it gets but the people who used it unethically are, in the end AI is just a tool.", "Many artists dislike and are against the use of AI art because less people would commission artists to draw artwork and art made by actual humans would decrease in value. Also, many AI art programs steal drawings from actual human artists without their consent to train their AI programs.", "Many artists dislike and are against the use of AI art because less people would commission artists to draw artwork and art made by actual humans would decrease in value.\nI would argue otherwise. The unique perspective, depth of emotions, and creative intuition that human artists bring to their work are not something that AI can simply replicate and learn. Unless the said artist didn't really expressing those traits in their works\nAlso, many AI art programs steal drawings from actual human artists without their consent to train their AI programs.\nI do agree some people train their AI using publicly available arts without the artist consent is unethical, the process is itself is a form of plagiarism. But it has nothing to do with the AI, AI is merely a tool. I think public has channeled their anger and dissatisfaction at AI wrongly while we should hold those people who train their dataset unethically responsible", "r/indonesia", "\ud83e\udd26"], ["Aiskrim Malaysia Tutti Frutti flavour~\n", "Wow miss this type of ice cream!", "Yeah! Used to cost RM1 iinm but now it's RM1.50 each."], ["So...it turn out I've been riding my motorcycle with an expired road tax for a month \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\nI thought it expired by the end of 2024 turn out it was December last year \ud83d\ude43", "Been there done that lol. X kena roadblock pun x sedar roadtax mati 3 bulan. Officer be looking at me with the \"bro, you what m8?\" Look lol."], ["https://www.harveynorman.com.my/computing/computers-en/monitors-en/samsung-business-monitor-49-ls49a950uiexxs.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_4rlo9TCgwMVZiKDAx06wwCPEAQYASABEgJ5n_D_BwE\nAnyone using this monitor? It\u2019s on sale now and i\u2019m tempted to get one for the home office as unlike the gaming series it has a usb-c 90w powered port. Also much cheaper but it\u2019s also a bit older.\nWould love to hear some reviews and recommendations. TQ in advance!", "With that budget, I would save Abit more and go for odyssey OLED", "model number? thanks.", "Samsung Odyssey OLED is the model, variants are their size and resolution"], ["Anyone knows how to create account on low yat forum? i tried but it kept saying i need to enter an Invite Code. Where do I get one?", "Yeah it has been that way for a long time. I have an account there but that place is toxic I'd never go back."], ["reading the chinese wedding halal issue thread reminded me of my first experience with segregated food.\ni was 6/7 years old. attended my dad's office christmas party.\ni saw the amazing selection of food on the potluck buffet table, and immediately took some food on my plate. there were pastas, fried goods, cakes..delectable!\nmy dad saw me taking the first food item, snatched me and brought me to the side. 'ini bukan makanan kita tauhu. makanan kita yang halal dekat sebelah sana'. the 'sebelah sana' had way less options as my dad's office is 70% non-malay.\ni was young, so i remember wanting to quietly take some food from the food section with variety when my parents werent watching. but it was too risky. so i just went back kempunan.", "We tend to either do all halal if it is paid by the office \u2014 all the bakuteh, yamseng stuff would be done separately from our own pockets.", "When I left Islam, my Dad would never touch anything I cooked or brought home. He said he'd never eat food from a kuffar.\nI worked in a chain restaurant for some months. There, I learned that the way food marketing works is by harping on the angle that food brings people together. We share food. We talk about food. Eating is a bonding activity. It's the core of our humanity.\nIt's sad to think that food is just another symbol of disunity in Malaysia. There's always a 'kita' and 'mereka' in Malaysia.", "I don\u2019t do segregated food, when there\u2019s Malay friends coming over everything is halal. I hate it when there\u2019s segregation. Needless to say it\u2019s almost always poultry, seafood and the occasional lamb at my parties. And sorry vegetarians and vegans, there\u2019s dishes for you but you\u2019re gonna have to bear with us eating dead animals :(\nTried using lab meat last year but it didn\u2019t catch on. The \u2018hey these are lab grown ramli burger patties, no animals were harmed\u2019 statement wasn\u2019t too convincing.\nAnd if I absolutely have to serve pork and beef (ie when my or my significant other\u2019s parents are involved) then it becomes a private affair with very few guests.", "I think u mean veggie meat/faux meat. The lab-grown stuff is not yet mass-marketed, barely available in SG and US where they\u2019re the most established. The tech is not at scale yet.", "No, I literally bought lab grown meat patties which are readily available from the more \u2018atas\u2019 supermarkets here in KL.", "Beyond Meat/Impossible Meat?", "I might be wrong though but yes. not sure if those are faux meat or lab grown ones. They taste pretty good if cooked well and taste \u2018meaty\u2019 enough to fool my palette.\nmaybe it wasn\u2019t the meat but my home cooked burgers not being on par with the catered stuff \ud83d\ude05", "Those are faux meats. They sound techy because there is a special ingredient they included that makes it smell and taste more meaty, and one of the companies IPO\u2019ed at a crazy price so there\u2019s a ton of PR, but they don\u2019t sell lab-grown meats. If you check the ingredients, all will be plant based.", "i stand corrected then thanks!"], ["Is it just me or are there a lot of \u201crelationship advice\u201d posts in the last week or so on both here and bolehland and it seems all these are borderline creepy to full on incel vibes?\nWhat\u2019s up with this ? Just curious haha", "You should see the ones in the Singapore subreddits."], ["Second day seeing helicopters flying over Old Klang Road. Wonder what's the deal."], ["Back in KL yesterday. Just happy to see the sun and have nasi lemak again. \ud83d\ude0a\nHope it is not too late to wish everyone here on the Daily Discussion Thread a blessed and Happy New Year!"], ["I finally moved out into my own place today! Damn, moving to a new place requires so many purchases rip my money", "Well hey I have an air fryer that I am trying to unload.\n(when I bought a vacuum cleaner they sent me a free air fryer. I appreciate the gesture, but I was totally not expecting it)", "pro tip, rajin2 lah tgk carousell/fb marketplace. many things usually the expats wanna get rid, can nego for very cheap. can use for a while until you have more capital to invest in better furniture.", "Great tip. I love using Carousell but have never explored FB marketplace. Will look into it, thanks!", "I feel ya bro."], ["Any recommendations for where can I replace my iPhone 12 mini battery? In KL.", "Literally Apple Store in suria klcc", "I assume you mean Machines? Do they change it right away or do I need to leave my phone with them for a few hours/days?", "AFAIK, you need to book appointment for repair slot and definitely need to leave few days. Need to book through online"], ["Does anyone know about Novozymes? I try to call this company phone number that is listed in their official website, but no one pick up at all. The listed phone number is 03-8991 8688\nI call it multiple times in the morning and afternoon during working hours, but none of my call was pick up.\nDid they switched their phone number?"], ["Hi im going to kuala lumpur/lankawi for the first time. Where is the best place to buy a burkini and hijabs ?", "For hijabs you'll be spoiled for choice at Jalan tunku abdul rahman (TAR), KL. For higher quality and less stressful shopping, you can check out boutiques like poplook at SOGO KL - quite close to Jalan TAR (they just launched modest swimwear, they also have hijabs and modest clothes), dUCk at KLCC (for hijabs, they also have a range of athletic wear), decathlon may also have modest swimwear.", "Thank you SO much. !!"], ["Is life meant to be a series of \"today I'll change my life\"s until you die?", "No, you have the freedom to change or not change.", "I have to try to change my life for the better. I have to try.\nNobody else will.", "Wishing you all the best in 2024 and beyond, ChubbyTrain"]]} {"title": "OPV1 to boost MMEA's readiness in safeguarding national waters: Home Ministry", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xdgpg/opv1_to_boost_mmeas_readiness_in_safeguarding/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Aside from targeted subsidies, how does the rakyat benefit from PADU?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xec4n/aside_from_targeted_subsidies_how_does_the_rakyat/", "num_comment": 33, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Main question above.\nSide question is what is stopping the individual from listing a lower income?", "comments": [["My impression is that the government is at the \u201cdata gathering\u201d stage right now, and aside from subsidies, they don\u2019t really have any idea how they\u2019ll use the data in PADU.\nOn the side question, PADU will probably link up with LHDN\u2019s darabase to verify your salaried income, but I don\u2019t think there\u2019s any way for them to verify your side income (e.g. income from rnt, dividends, etc)\nMy speculative shower thought that is that PADU\u2019s main purpose is to widen the tax base by expanding into the non recorded/cash economy. Its common knowledge that not everyone declares thier income to LHDN for one reason or another, esp those who transact in cash (e.g., the roadside nasi lemak seller, morning market trader). By making everyone declare thier income in PADU, the government would have greater visibility over this segment of society - hence increasing thier tax base.", "My speculative shower thought that is that PADU\u2019s main purpose is to widen the tax base\nNot really, but it can be used for that purpose.\nYou wanna really know how the government plans to widen the tax base? E-Invoice\nBy the end of this year, every seller on Lazada and Shopee sales invoice on will be reported to LHDN. You think you can run your side business and not pay tax? Haha. Think again.", "Can you quote source on this", "Source: Me. In the industry (not e-commerce) doing this project.\nMore details can be sourced here, but it doesn't go into detail yet.\nTo add on, if you rent your property out, in the future you are required to file an e-invoice also. Which means LHDN now has your rental income as well. They should also know your interest payments because this data is provided by banks (similar to how e-commerce platforms are providing info to LHDN). So LHDN will know if you are over-declaring on your rental interest tax deduction.\n", "This is a pretty good answer. I read somewhere a while back that Malaysia ranks quite high on undeclared income and that\u2019s not only because of personal deception but because our a current system is inadequate to run the scope from new wave income streams or old school roadside stall businesses, it\u2019s only good at the middle of the spectrum ones.\nThat being said, for me personally, having lived in countries like Canada and UK, I feel the reason why many dodge or are unmotivated to declare is because our tax dollars isn\u2019t put to good use. Our secondary and tertiary education is nothing short of an embarrassment. Our public transport infrastructure is a joke. Socialism factor is very low.\nBut I think at the end of the day, PADU is the beginning of BIG DATA, albeit implemented poorly with targeted subsidies as the unappealing carrot.", "they don\u2019t really have any idea how they\u2019ll use the data * I guess they integrate data they previously had, and start using only now. Data is not meaningful unless relational conclusions can be linked. (Across ministries) * From some ministries; they have employment income, company declarations (dividend is exempted), quit rent and assessments of properties, asset usage license (e.g. driver), pretty much can track money flow indirectly without linking to banks, education certificates, etc * in accounting, there's 2 cash flow tracking method; cash directly, or categorical indirectly; maybe PADU will trace by indirect cash flow method with ownerships data) * what other statistics relations: let say, link education to industrial employment, link property ownership to employment, etc (scammer only use contacts link, the only part I think sensitive) * education-employment can stop wasteful PTPTN as per actual employments, property-employment can improve \"black economy\" chances or civilians' basic need securities \" or whatever links education-health, occupational-health, etc", "Great answer. One concern I have is LHDN comapare notes with PADU then open audit. If same no issue. If under declaration in padu then perjury. Can't see a law on it but it's possible based on US laws. Best not to disclose anything yet since no law requires us to disclose.", "Looks like that\u2019s the case."], ["It's likely to reduce the smuggling of subsidized goods, yes, inside jobs."], ["Reminds me of this\n", "\ud83d\ude02"], ["Free dissemination of personal info through crappy data security.", "Scammers already have my phone number and email. What else do they want? \ud83d\ude2d", "Your undisclosed income sources :26554: Oh wait... did I just mention gomen", "the only they cannot get is bank . bafia . Remember his big 5 years not become politician"], ["is it against the law not to participate?", "No. I read somewhere it's not compulsory but u will be excluded from the targeted subsidies, if any.", "Good to know. I guess it's now about considering risk of releasing personal data to an entity that is not known for having a robust IT security versus receiving subsidies. Need to valuate that somehow", "Found reply from Rafizi", "this is very enlightening. thanks, compatriot!", "So, no reason for T20 to register...", "They already have most of everyone's data from what Rafizi said. PADU is giving a platform for everyone to disclose and amend information that's not correct."], ["In a way its encouraging rakyat to earn lower so can get subsidy. The harder you work, the smarter you work, the more you earn then take away subsidy after they tax higher bracket. Listing lower income is perjury. Best is not to disclose anything until we get more information on the benefits.", "Yeap i signed up but when I saw the amount of things you had to disclose to the government. I was like, for a couple hundred a year? You gotta sell more than that bruh.", "is a game for him , piji want to promote big data mining not helping people. This is not the way", "Yea just wait. I'll just disclose my dad data first. He retired no income got ntg. If I disclosed mine and ended up not getting any subsidy then I just sold myself to rafizi for ntg. I can use my dad IC to get the subsidy later", "From what I understand so far, the last date to update is around March while the first real subsidies (fuel) that will be derived from this system is planned for around July, so there might not be a chance to update when the subsidies mechanisms change unless govt decides to extend the deadline", "I don't think that approach works. There are always ppl joining the workforce and ppl earning and lifestyle changes. They need to regularly update either get the ppl to update or they get the data elsewhere. Otherwise if an ineligible rich guy who suddenly go bankrupt in Jun, he should still be able to update and get his subsidy in July", "I guess they will decide on the fly, since rafizi himself admitted they are rushing this out ASAP cause of subsidies", "Yeah. I have the same thought process. I\u2019ll wait"], ["If your want to know the future of PADU, just look at China's Social Credit System.", "Oh interesting POV. Thanks"], ["Well it is fine....although, if they could do this in house in just 7 months, perhaps they could set a goal where the other government services (especially those that are outsourced like MySejahtera, Kastam etc...) would be fully integrated into a single system by the time the next Sabah election (I think this could be a turning point in a change of federal goverment) been called"]]} {"title": "Sanusi claims Dubai Move a decoy, calls it 'Chow Kit Move' instead", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xl56x/sanusi_claims_dubai_move_a_decoy_calls_it_chow/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["For the benefit of those running into a paywall\nKedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has confirmed the existence of a plot by the opposition to topple the government.\nHowever, instead of it being labelled the Dubai Move - as the meeting had allegedly taken place in Dubai - he called it the \u201cChow Kit Move\u201d.\n\u201cPeople are labelling (the plot as) the Dubai Move, but it\u2019s really the Chow Kit Move because it was discussed in Kuala Lumpur.\n\u201cI think Dubai was just a dummy (decoy) because they (the alleged conspirators) went to Dubai. Lots of people go to Dubai,\u201d he said during a press conference today.\nSanusi declined to reveal further information regarding the plot, however, he hinted at other movements such as the \u201cBera Move\u201d and \u201cSembrong Move\u201d.\nHe quickly followed it with: \u201cIt\u2019s just a joke to make people laugh. But it (change of support) can be done, in line with the Constitution.\u201d\nBera is former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob\u2019s parliamentary seat and the Sembrong MP is former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein.\nIsmail Sabri has denied involvement or knowledge of the Dubai Move.\n\u2019Govt will fall\u2019\nSanusi was convinced that the administration would fall sooner rather than later.\n\u201cIt won\u2019t be five years (one term) before they topple. It may happen this year, even this month,\u201d he said.\nHe further asserted that the plot was constitutional based on the loopholes in the anti-hopping law.\n\"I think whatever (move) that is permitted by the Constitution, (it) should be allowed to take place. Anything unconstitutional should not.\n\u201cIt was constitutional for the five MPs to pledge support (to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim). Their camp (government) was so excited and had no issues,\" he said, referring to the Bersatu lawmakers who announced their backing for Anwar late last year.\n\"If they (the Madani government) regarded the support from the five MPs (from PN) as something constitutional based on democratic principle, any move in return should be regarded as the same,\u201d he added.", "For context to why the opposition is rushing into plotting a coup, below is a post by a well-connected political blogger Liyana Marzuki\nWITCH HUNT\nLittle birds in high places sudah sampaikan. There will be a reckoning to the failed \u201cLangkah Dubai\u201d. We will expect these cases in these few months:\nKes kontrak Petronas yang mengayakan anak bekas PM dengan cepat. Jadi Billionaire segera, tanpa perlu banyak buat apa2. Mereka akan lihat isu salahguna kuasa. Daddy katanya sudah menggelabah jua.\nKes keluarga bekas Menteri Kewangan. Bagaimana isteri dan anak2 beliau punya harta punya banyak walaupun masih remaja? Ada geng UMNO yang claim itu semua harta UMNO sebenarnya. Disailang untuk kayakan keluarga dia.\nAda seorang bekas Menteri Besar, yang dulu mukanya samar2. Punya akaun luar negara dikatakan sampai beratus juta. Atas nama sendiri. Kontraktor beri. Dia ni pun boleh tahan seni politik, walau digelar oleh lawan dan kawan sebagai sembur**, masih survive hingga kini. Kehidupan keluarga pun mewah sekali. Ada juga aim nak jadi Perdana Menteri.\nKes Bekas PM dan pegawai2 nya. Dikhabarkan menyakau dana RM700 juta. Masa negara tengah susah, lebih setengah bilion dicampak untuk media dan billboard entah apa2. Makanya wajar disiasat juga.\nKes bekas Menteri Pertahanan, yang jual tanah negara bawah harga pasaran. Diborong2 untuk suku sakat. Banyak tanah strategik yang tergadai, sampai MINDEF boleh jadi pokai. Pemimpin yang ini, dari dulu diketahui jenis baling batu sembunyi tangan. Tapi selalunya menikus kalau berdepan. Menurut kata Otai.\nApa kita belajar dalam ini gambar?\nSiapa pun naik berkuasa, akan guna kuasa untuk benam lawan mereka. PM 22 tahun 22 bulan notorious untuk itu. Protege dia pun ikut sama. PM 18 bulan pun sama juga. Sekarang PM yang ada contohi mereka \ud83d\ude05\nGame2 perang level kayangan ini, dah jadi beyond us. Sebab mereka sahaja yang tahu rahsia buruk masing2. Akan digunakan bila kena masa dan tempat. Agar kuasa tak tergugat.\nPost PRU14, baru rakyat terbanyak dapat saksikan. Jerung pun ditangkap dan dilokap. Kalau dulu ikan bilis saja yang kena. Sekarang orang2 kayangan yang dulu untouchable, harus disiasat kalau betul sakau harta negara. Ntah2 gelaran \u201cKleptokrat\u201d itu bukan hanya terpakai untuk sorang saja. Kalau dikongsi ramai, rakyat berhak tahu.\nDan terakhir, witch hunt ini tidak akan berakhir di sini. Ia pusingan yang tidak akan berhenti. Kalau Kerajaan yang ada tumbang nanti, nescaya mereka pula yang akan disiasat nanti. The never ending story.\nBagi kita yang atas pagar, doa kita sama. Siapa saja yang merompak harta negara, tak kira dari parti mana, harus dihukum sewajarnya. Kerana itu patutnya dana yang kita wariskan untuk anak cucu kita.\nMoga kebenaran tertegak untuk Malaysia dan rakyatnya.\nSalam hormat, Liyana Marzuki\nhttps://www.facebook.com/share/p/wSc9prWKfnd1p9uJ/?mibextid=d6eG65"], ["Anwar move your chess now .\nGuess the mastermind is shown"], ["Maybe the Agong should just come out with statements saying \"no coup or change in gomen is allowed. Please focus on your constituents instead\".\nSince these people are ultra Malay sangat, I'm sure they'll take Agong's advice to heed and would stop plotting around like a bunch of asshole.", "you expect these mofos to focus on their places? They went dubai when their places were in DEEP shits."], ["He reminds me of Johnny Somali...\nAnyway, we all know Sabri, Mahiaddin, Mahathir are seeking every opportunity to make a come back as PM, and Hishamuddin is eye the PMO for a long time now, and this turd Sanusi also want to be viewed as the potential candidates. We know, and of course they are crafting."], ["First person they should send to visit Jibby should be this fat lard. \ud83d\ude02"]]} {"title": "MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 4 Januari 2024 (pagi)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y0vor/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_4_januari_2024_pagi/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Kedah announces holiday on Jan 25 for Thaipusam", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xkvk3/kedah_announces_holiday_on_jan_25_for_thaipusam/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["Err.. Good job I guess ?\n"]]} {"title": "Govt dismantling of DNB's single wholesale network model bodes well for MNOs' earnings, dividends \u2014 Kenanga", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xh9sp/govt_dismantling_of_dnbs_single_wholesale_network/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["\"Kenanga also said the transition from SWM to DN marks the removal of unfair pricing arising from DNB's monopoly, and enhanced network roll-out efficiencies with the second 5G network.\"\nCan't wait to see telco definition of fair price later like how affordable 4G is with amazing world class 4G speed."]]} {"title": "Charity organisations will terrible/no websites", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xdq1t/charity_organisations_will_terribleno_websites/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "Hello,\nMy friend wants to work on a project in where he helps charities/NGOs digitalise their movements via websites. This is his personal project, he wants to help reputable causes while making his web development portfolio look nice.\nAny suggestions?", "comments": []} {"title": "Maybe I Messed Up, Maybe Kongsi Gelap Are Looking For Me. I Am Scared.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xh9mx/maybe_i_messed_up_maybe_kongsi_gelap_are_looking/", "num_comment": 137, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Short story. I (M20) tried looking for sex service and when I replied slow (was still considering whether or not I should go thru with it), received threats that they'll send kongsi gelap to come after me. To put this into perspective, I'm a very desperate virgin.\nThis morning I contacted a service girl via WhatsApp regarding her services. I believe I found her thru Locanto (I contacted multiple service girls). I was a little slow in interacting with her as I was still doubtful of what I was doing, morally and financially.\nObviously, she was very hasty with setting up and whatnot, but I never actually agreed to book, never even mentioned wanting to book a session. I only asked for the available services offered. I told her to wait a bit, and after a while, and once she seemed very impatient, I told her that it's okay (meaning I changed my mind).\nThen moments later, I get a WhatsApp call from her (declined it) and moments later got messaged (on WhatsApp) by some guy telling me that customers are mad and this is my issue I have to deal with. He threatened to send the kongsi gelap after me. I did not open the chat, and almost immediately blocked and reported the guy, so I don't know if he gave me a way out of this.\nAdditional, I deleted the contact and chat of the afformentioned service girl (whom I assume is the root of this issue), so now I have zero proof of anything to support my case. In hindsight, it was a bit of a rash decision to do so, but I was absolutely terrified. I also deleted most of the contacts and chats of the other service girls I contacted.\nHelp.\nI don't know what to do. I'm considering reporting this to the police soon, and telling my dad. My dad would be immensely disappointed in me, but at least he would be aware of a possible threat. If it's just me who'll be affected then fine, but I don't want them to go after my family and/ or friends.\nEdit: THANK YOU to EVERY SINGLE ONE of you. YES, even the comments that make fun of me or make light of the situation are oddly reassuring. I am sufficiently aware of my flaws. You guys are a lifesaver; dis sub is a lifesaver.\nThe guy threatened me during my work break, and my mood completely changed (and I'm still new there). I couldn't focus on my work, anxiety was high, I was very preoccupied with this issue, I just wanted to run to the nearest police station ASAP. I literally hv NOBODY to reach out to for this issue. I tried posting to bolehland first but had issues with age or sumn and imagine that, tryna' seek immediate advice to the only people to u can reach out to and the sub's just like \"no\". Seeing y'all's messages pop up throughout the evening TRULY calmed me.\nTo clarify: (a) I wasn't tryna' lose my v-card, but some other services, (b) post nut clarity doesn't help, masturbation doesn't help (maybe I hv an actual problem?), hence why I went so far.", "comments": [["First time getting threatened on internet? Haha\nJokes aside, nothing to worry about unless you shared some of your personal info. If all they have is your phone number, not much they can do.", "If let say he hand over his personal info, what precaution he must take?", "Report polis", "If you have reason to feel your life is threatened. Call polis.\nIn this case, OP has no reason to be scared.", "Realistically they're not gonna do anything. Worth reporting nonetheless, but no need to over worry OP.", "Can probably look OP up on PADU heh heh."], ["I think this issue should be pinned, seems like a common post in r/Malaysia. This is the third post I've seen recently about horni ppl getting jumpy over kongsi gelap :26554::26554::26554:", "Personally I think it\u2019s great that someone inexperienced can seek help here and give them confidence, it\u2019s better than the usual cina/melayu this and that posts anyway\nI was almost a victim too until monyets here helped me", "Then post a follow up faq on what to do u horny and need sexing 4 minutes ?", "If the schools aren't providing sex/scam education, the sub shall provide", "same"], ["It\u2019s a BS. They\u2019re not gonna waste resources for someone who dillydally in making a decision.\n100% scam. Nothing to be afraid of", "Agree. Likely scam, luckily (invisible powers protecting him) OP didn't go through with it. Nanti even more complicated. Imagine OP gone with it, these scammer may;\n1) film it down and threaten of money to keep it secret. 2) girl underage and suddenly shout distress. Fake police barge in to extort OP fortune. 3)...\nOP becareful ya, virgin no virgin, is normal to be hormonally charged. I'm sure there r safer ways to release it.\nBy the way what is Locanto?", "Mostly for this MO, don\u2019t even have girl. Probably use pic from somewhere.", "I just searched locanto. Wow ini macam craiglist. TIL\nLooks like no one is filling the missing gap from MMS or Sammyboy left behind.", "Sammyboy still got. Malaysian side move to dpf already", "Thanks."], ["My friend had the same experience, kinda gatal felle go chat and ask many questions and did not actually proceed with the service. He also kena call, they were like angry with him, saying they know his name la nombor la. Happened months ago, nothing jadi punya. Dont worry op, nothing will happen laaa, don't sweat it okay. Don't be scared \u2728\u2728", "Im scared,, so can i sleep with you instead", "Don't forget to say \"no homo\" after slapping his ass.. \ud83d\ude09", "damn bro"], ["There are many safe dating apps to download if your kuku is itchy.\nDon't go through the ad in FB and WhatsApp or telegram etc lorr.", "Can you share some of it. Asking for a friend.", "telegram got if you know what to look", "If you are seasoned service go-er if you know the keywords and sites and have some money (per pop around 220-310) personally I feel it would be much pleasant than going thru an app to date,because why waste time when you have the some money to pop her pussy(safely )with a service girl rather than face rejection when the girl see you don't have a fashion sense,kereta mewah,xde barang material,worst come to worst face problem."], ["OP, absolutely nothing to worry about.\nLegal Practitioner here, I\u2019ve dealt with 2 similar cases during my time in legal aid (where I had to give legal advice to some extortionist who was arrested and charged in Court).\nWhat you have just described is essentially their modus operandi. You\u2019re not the first nor the last person who will fall for this scam.\nIf you actually went through with the \u201cservice\u201d by engaging the \u201cgirl\u201d, you\u2019ll end up being threatened physically on the spot. Count your blessings mate."], ["next time jack off cepat cepat", "before they come?", "Thats why you only make decisions when your belly is full and balls empty.", "Yeah, before making such decisions. Also, never give real name and personal details.", "Post nut clarity is real."], ["they're bluffing you so just ignore it. and that \"girl\" was a scammer that's why they're pretending to be mad because they can't close you. I witnessed this firsthand years ago while I was lepak2 with my friend at a mamak nearby a hotel. we messed around with WeChat then, and this happened. the guy even threatened that they've arrived at the hotel we're supposedly stay, while we're just enjoying our meals through the messages they're sending at the mamak place."], ["Sounds like a punch drunk love plot"], ["Hey OP, not sure if this helps but just my 2 cents.\nI experienced a similar situation that you are experiencing now many years back ( when I was still a boy boy ) I contacted a girl that looks very pretty based on her profile picture on WhatsApp, and I agreed to meet her to hang out, she was even able to give me the location of the meet, which is actually a place that I know.\nTo cut the story short, I went there, she was not there, she told me to buy some mol points from 7 Eleven, basically it's a money scam, and I fell for it. Because at that time, this guy sent me pictures of people getting hacked and slashed, claiming it's their doing.\nAs a result, I was absolutely scared shitless, luckily I have a friend whom he and his dad is in the society, they called back the number that threaten me, the guy picked up the phone, we ask to meet him at a place, he refused and immediately hang up the call, so you see.. it's all a scam just to scare people like you and me.\nDon't worry, you are fine, perfectly fine."], ["Be calm OP. Ive been there before. Just start to block unknown or suspicious number. Wait a couple days to let things cool down. Just don\u2019t make anymore contact or reply."], ["100% scam. You should ignore them."], ["PM me bro for legit sites with real FL. Even senior cheongsters avoid Locanto like a plague.\nLast time there were sites like Backpage, Craiglist & etc. but those sites got shut down by the govt. I suppose.\nRegarding your threat, yes I got the same warning like you & the goon even screenshot my WS profile pic and claiming those in Cheras are looking for me. Haha thank God I put my slim down version pic which is day & night difference with my current looks. I'm still alive even after 1 year.", "so how many ppl pm u already haha", "What is WS?", "Whatsapp", "Pm\u2019ed u bro, asking for a \u201cfriend\u201d", "Can I PM too? For \" Research purpose\"."], ["Ok come I teach how to Cheong.\nFirst, download telegram.\nSecond, find your way to frsupport group\nThird, go read reputable kongkek ports reports, find the girl U want to hantam\nFour, go find the channel of the ports\nFive, text OKT and go kongkek.", "Pls let me know which support group to join", "veteran cheongster advice ni"], ["If you go report police you\u2019ll be laughed \ud83d\ude02then case closed"], ["I get threats from scammers on a weekly basis: \"Illegal package under you name in pos office\", \"your bank has laundered money\", \"we have your naked picture, send us money or else\". Just say fck off and ignore them."], ["Chill man, it's nothing"], ["They are better off focusing on the next victims than chase after you. Don't worry"], ["Nahhh nothing to worry about, just a scare tactics. Next time find the legit service lol. Dont try locanto haha"], ["Chill!! Even if he has your address, with that amount of money is not worth going up to your door. Why engage with sex worker, go out and fix yourself first and the girls will be flocking in"], ["Don\u2019t worry bro. They won\u2019t waste time for somethinng that doesn\u2019t bring much income for them."], ["Nothing to worry about. Just a scare tactic they use. What loss have they suffered? Maybe just a few wasted minutes. Plus, all they have is your phone number.\nAlso, this may be unsolicited advice but, why are you so desperately trying to lose your v-card? There\u2019s nothing wrong with losing your virginity late."], ["you're not just hornai.\nYou're Hornai and timid. Obviously they are not gonna do anything or extra mile to you. Not worth the trouble."], ["Men used to fight wars now they get terrified over some BS threat from a hooker over WhatsApp"], ["It\u2019s called extortion."], ["This is a scam. Just report polis if they harrass you"], ["Go to horni jail :26563:", "Bonk"], ["Tak de apa la bro. Dah gi cari lain"], ["Better scared now than getting diseases"], ["Lolololol if they are real gangster, they wont wasted time on such silly misunderstanding. If gang masuk, its due to really intense conflict or backstab. Nothing to worry about, these are just small cock scammers."], ["later got messaged (on WhatsApp) by some guy telling me that customers are mad\nWait... What customer? Aren't you the customer? \ud83e\udd23"], ["Dude, unless it was loan shark, or you just had unsettle fight with some actual yakuza in some club, you can just totally ignore those petty extortion. You are just easy target for these scammer peoples."], ["100% scam and try to scared u. Next time don\u2019t contact online service girl, cannot be trusted. Better go direct to shop lol"], ["nah its bullshit...just ignore them"], ["I think I've answered a similar question a week ago, so I am going to copy and paste the crux of it:\n\"Contracts or agreements concerning illegal activities are not legally binding and enforceable in this country. Since it's about hookers, it's certainly not legal, and certainly not legally enforceable.\"\nYou did well by blocking the threatening calls and messages. These people have no legal standing of any sort regarding this non existing transaction. I do not believe that they will provide any alleviating remedies to your situation, it's inconceivable.\nAs long as you did not give out your address, or banking details, all they have going for them is your phone number. Keep it that way, and keep blocking any threatening calls and messages. They usually won't keep this up forever.\nIf you report this, the police will most likely write a report about it. They may or may not call you next of kin to verify the details. Considering your current age and social standing, or maybe religious orientation, you may find such an option unpalatable.\nIf you are truly desperate, u/ kenakalan's advice in this comment chain is actually reliable. As usual, due diligence before any choice is the correct way forward."], ["Stop getting scammed. Search up Lclycity, use that and find what you need. If you have any questions feel free to pm me."], ["Next time Jack off first...u need post nut clarity"], ["haha, no gang worth their salt gonna mess with teenager over this simple issue.\nNo worries, probably the other side just a ikan bilis. Chill."], ["Hey OP, this is definitely a scam and not just limited to Malaysia. If you check r/scams, you\u2019ll see other people have experienced something similar."], ["Congrats you found a sex blackmailing scammer on Locanto.\nTheir tactic is to gaslight you to visit them then gaslight you got not visiting them enough.\nAnnoying af"], ["Just tell the guy DLLM la"], ["Pathetic"], ["It's a scam, scare u until u give them money."], ["Why lately banyak is horni ah ? :26558:"], ["just go to the proper shops upstairs lah", "What has Malaysia come to?! There are shops like this?! This is disgusting! Where are these shops located? Like where?? I need to warn my friends and family and kids not to go near these terrible shops!"], ["My cousin also experienced the same thing. He called me from some hotel room (that he booked for that \"service\") because he was scared. The girl never showed up at all, instead he got threatened by someone via phone call/chat to bank in some money, or else they'll come after him.\nI guess nothing happened to him, because he never told me what happened after that. Unless you shared your personal info with that \"girl\", you don't have to be worried bro."], ["I'm considering reporting this to the police soon, and telling my dad.\n\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05 Damn noob gonna tell his dad he tried to book a hooker online BRUHHHHH"], ["So no sex?"], ["Speaking of triads, y'all remember the single dad that got murdered in the middle of a street by some triad ah lian wielding a sword? Apparently he was in a relationship with a triad boss' girl or something? What happened to that? Nobody got captured right? Crazy."], ["next time just go on tinder ayoo"], ["Has OP masturbated before this? If so, then congrats OP is no longer a desperate virgin, says some sifu."], ["Dude, relax. Block all and move on. Nothing will happen"], ["Honest opinion? : you\u2019re a wuss\nSecond opinion: if you are socially awkward don\u2019t waste your time doing this, go meet proper girls. Be genuine and be good, you will find your happiness\nSorry for the initial message: that one for try hard bad boi"], ["Hey neighbours, im from Singapore. In malaysia illegal to call chicken is it?"], ["I lost count how many times in this sub, I read so many help-me post from sexually desperate, horny or worse, both, men."], ["Ignore it, they were probably out to scam you if you had met up. Find a girl that's independent, and not linked to some scum bag living off their earnings."], ["I heard a similar story. But worse. One guy booked a girl for outcall via an online agent. The girl was delivered but after the session, the agent came and extorted more money from him. Also dont believe the pics on the Internet. Nobody wants to put up their real pics on the Internet and scream sex service."], ["Most likely scammers from indon, chill."], ["Am I in dejavu or I saw this last week"], ["Don't worry my friend. It's just a scare scam method to threaten you for more money.\nJust block and they can't do anything else to you.\nIf you're desperately looking, just find some massage parlour around KL area lol. Don't go through shady WhatsApp etc"], ["No offence. But you're a little fry monetary wise.\nNot worth the effort chase, just threat here and there and hopefully they can shake up money from you.\nThere are far more lucrative grey/black market activities to call in the big guns. Like you know human trafficking."], ["Thinking with didi only"], ["Luckily, i never gatal"], ["This is why you need post nut clarity"], ["If you want to look for sex service go look on twitter, there are more trusted people because you deal with the girls directly"], ["Just ignore it and don\u2019t ever think about it. If anyone reached out to you for real. Then only you make police report about it. Just assume incident trying to book a girl never happened. Once you regain your confidence in future. You can try again."], ["It's a scam! Nobody is after you. It's a scam being used worldwide. Don't worry"], ["You\u2019re in trouble boy. Can I have your stuff ?"], ["Hony ass OP, same here lol tried that before. They wont do nothing but deleting is definitely a bad move. Should've save the proof and block them. Tho i doubt anything will happen. Empty threat just to scare u, dont worry ull be ok."], ["Dont worry OP, nothing will happen \ud83d\ude02 also if you need help \u2018looking\u2019 PM me haha but im confused and curious, you were looking for a service but wasn\u2019t trying to lose your v-card? Huh?"], ["Sekarang dah tau la kesan cari pelacur. Taubat la. \ud83d\ude14"], ["Nah, they cant do anything to you without infos. Just scammer trying to hustle you"], ["Bro didn't fuck around, but still found out.\nNahh you are cool bro. They are just trying to intimidate you. Just don't respond you'll be fine."], ["is okay OP i've been there too, i even paid a sum of 5000 to them via razer gold. they threaten me by sending videos of what they'll do to people who backed out from them etc for me to only find out all those videos are from online... oh ya they even know my bank number somehow it's been years since my last incident, was like back in 2021? i'm still alive here"], ["Hastily = Scam\nBro, if you think you\u2019re being threatened and scared, Rule of the thumb is always remember is there any financial incentive for going after you? Chasing after someone requires time and money. Rather than chasing after some random guy (you in this case) and potentially risking getting into a bust operation not worth getting into, they might as well be selling goreng pisang for some dough. Scammers know well fear is the best tactics, because it works."], ["Jokes aside I think you'll be fine, I don't think they would spend the time to actually get guys to hunt you down and shid. If you want to get laid, get a red axia and ask girls wearing PBSM uniforms. 2nd jokes aside, you just probably watched too much porn or are exposed to a lot of people around you who are already in a relationship so you felt desperate."], ["Whore lies. The end. Common scam to frighten you so you pay up. I definitely will lose the number and change to new number"], ["Dont worry. They make many threats but nothing will happen. Experienced it before so many times. My best advise is to just ignore them saje."], ["Psycho only ma. They threatened you only."], ["We got no time nor want to spend the resources to hunt you down. Unless you stole or fuck some shit up. Otherwise we threaten je to let you fucks know we are capable. I suggest you to fuck off and not bother us again."], ["They only threatened to make you scare and book.\nI don't think they will go for you just for the \"few hundred\"."], ["The least horny malaysian in this sub"], ["Bro, keep calm. They\u2019re trying to mess with your mind. Years ago I was in the same situation, wanted to book this hot nerd awek from a WhatsApp contact. They asked for a picture of my IC and I was like no way Jose Mourinho then they were like bayar deposit RM300. Should have told them to fuck off there and then but the lure of cute nerd awek pussy was too much so I did the transfer. Then this Indo sounding guy called up and said why you transfer RM300 at one go when it should have been RM150 in two transactions. I said the fuck I know RM300 is RM300 take it or give me back my money. Then somebody else claiming to be the girl messages me and asks me to transfer RM500 in two transactions and then they will refund me the RM1k. I was no thanks you can keep the RM300 but I ain\u2019t transferring no more cash. So began a non-stop barrage of messages saying the girl is in trouble because she\u2019s booked by me and cannot see other customers followed by pictures of someone hooked up to an IV in a hospital saying she tried to commit suicide then the Indo guy said his big boss from Thailand was pissed and the whole gang was looking for me and were waiting outside the hotel where I was staying. I archived all the chats and blocked the whole lot of them. Gotta admire the persistence though. \ud83d\ude02"], ["STFU"], ["Chill. Been there done that, on behalf of my friend. Rest assured, nothing serious. They probably mad cz they can't scam your money"], ["First of all, sorry for laughing while reading your post. Op calm down, they got nothing to hold against you. Just your phone number at most , just block them if you find them annoying. Ain't no pimp free enough to track some random guy because of a phone call. Nor is it even worth it."], ["Sex service imao, you just got set up by that hooker.\nSome hookers like to play honey trap and get their brother or taiko (big brother in gang) to ambush and get you paid money without sex.\nAlso that phone number? block him if possible, or get a new one number."], ["Can\u2019t comment much on the issues as I\u2019m not that well versed in it. But just to reassure you, being 20 and still a virgin is normal. You don\u2019t need to feel like you need to \u2018lose it.\u2019 In fact, statistics show that Malaysians and Singaporeans typically lose their virginity around 23 years of age and above. We\u2019re Asian countries, being a virgin in your early 20s is normal and don\u2019t let others convince you otherwise. I\u2019m also part of that statistic. I get that at this age you can feel the heat, but don\u2019t hear the noise that makes you feel like you need to succumb to peer pressure."], ["Nothing to worry about. You'd probably get scammed anyways if you paid judging from your sources. Stop looking at all the wrong places. If you really want to get into these things, better have someone who's already in it. Although, I'd advise you against it. STD is real and some are permanent. You have to accept that there's a possibility that you might end up shutting the door behind you forever (dating and settling down)."]]} {"title": "Is Tabligh Legit?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18xknpx/is_tabligh_legit/", "num_comment": 55, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Based on the title I'm genuinely curious of this topic. Obviously majority of Malaysians are Muslims, some pious, some not but Muslims but how legit is tabligh?\nFor some context, I've encountered NUMEROUS of tabligh goers that physically look pious (at this age, appearance is just for show) but they take pride in leaving their wives and children in the name of preaching. One man I met around Sri Petaling bragged by saying \"Saya memang tinggalkan anak isteri dekat rumah sebab nak berdakwah 40 hari\" and without nafkah in hopes that God can help them at home. Another tabligh man I met does the same thing and does not want to divorce the wife because the doesn't want to appear as the \"bad guy\" and proceeds to marry another woman without the knowledge of the first wife via nikah syndicate.\nBear in mind that I am not generalising tabligh goers but most of them that I've personally met portrays the same behaviour and attitude that does not reflect the true representation of Islam because if they really are a man of Islam then why not take care of wajib matters first?\nI am really curious of this.", "comments": [["Dr Zulkifli (previous WP mufti) wrote about it once. To join tabligh and do dakwah itself is not wrong but Islam actually preaches that you do everything in moderation. Doing something like leaving your family to fend for themselves for a long period of time without providing necessary support and saying you are doing it in the name of Islam is a big no no.\nDoesn't even just mean financial support. Imagine if the wife has small kids/newborn and has to deal with it all on her own with no helper etc? That's just selfish and a huge mental burden on the family.\nOn the other hand, if you have ensured that all the needs of your family are cared for when you are gone, then there are no issues. Personally I know of a number of Muslim men who join these tabligh and do it the proper way.", "Agreed. One ustaz have said that if you know or study about the afterlife, you wont abandon duniawi or the now life. Also, almost all tablighs that i have met are rich people lol. They have businesses here and there and live in a bungalow.", "Time ni best nak networking la brader"], ["Hi! Good question!\nI have some experience with the Tabligh folks. I've gone out with them when I was a student, but never went more than three days.\nHere's a recap: 1. I see it as a \"summer\" camp. Back then, smartphones weren't a big deal and had limited capabilities. So, I was able to focus fully on worship. You wake up before Fajr, then you listen to Halaqah sessions, you eat breakfast together, and then you get free time to chill/nap and basically doing those until bed time.\n\"Worship and chill\", and if you're busy with work, this is a really good way to decompress. I enjoyed it, though I knew I would get tired if I went for too long - three days was good. In essence, nothing weird going on there, completely legit, to answer your question.\nMy issue with them is on their main material - the book is called Fadhail A'mal. It's got good stuff but some of the narrations were less than authentic and some were flat out false narrations. This is one of the things that was a bit tough to swallow, but some members maintained that the leader needed to be wary of it and we should still be good. I don't know why they wouldn't just use another book like Riyadh al-Saliheen. To expand my answer, it is still legit, but they need to work on their material and be more careful.\nAbout leaving family at home without provisions, this is seemingly a regional issue. I went to Tabligh in Malaysia and in the US, and they were different by a lot. In Malaysia, we walked from house to house. In the US, we traveled in Lexuses, Beemers and Cadillacs. Those folks were WELL OFF. One of them, I remember was a surgeon (a cardiologist, if memory serves) - I went to his house party once (a legit mansion, btw) - the American Dream in all its glory. My point is, when he took months off work for Tabligh, his family was good to go, his kids were grownups too. They're all set.\nThe Malaysian counterparts need to work on their reasoning when it comes to religion. I think going out 3 days like I did would suffice if they're not that well to do, and family depends on them more tightly. There's no one rule that fits all, though, some may have more support system even if they're not rich. You gotta apply some reasoning with the religion.\n\"Don't you use reason?\" repeats Allah in the Quran.", "Thank you so so much for this, I am rather shallow in this aspect and I got to admit that I am rediscovering Islam at this point (trying to understand it instead of blindly following) which is why I really appreciate your extensive explanation.\nI love how you included your experience abroad too!! I must say that although I am considered lucky to be born into a Muslim family in Malaysia, I do notice that practicing Islam here can be performative, forced even, especially since it's greatly intertwined (or maybe mistaken) as culture. I am currently based in NZ and I do see and feel the difference of how Islam is practiced here and ofc there is a lot the Malaysian Muslim community can learn from.\nMuch love!", "Pleasure! Yes that was in Chicago - we had a massive Muslim community there, a masjid at every corner, even KFC restaurants displayed Halal sign there - Islamophobes's worst nightmare.\nPerformative is actually good for little kids while they are developing. But our understanding of the religion must grow and mature as we do the same. Nuances must be understood, and there's no better way to understand differences than traveling far and out. It's good you're out there, you must mingle with Muslims there.\nI only lived with Malaysians during my 1st year. I moved out and lived with other Muslims after that till graduation. My best friends were Pakistanis, Americans, Saudis, British, Chinese, Indians, Sri Lankans, Moroccans, Libyans, Nigeriens, Nigerians, and they were all awesome with all the differences. It'd shape our minds when we expose ourselves that way. I miss them dearly.", "Sometimes i feel the Malays are taking slightly to the extreme on certain things and sometimes they are rather proud to be Malay rather than a Muslim.\nBut i do noticed that Muslim abroad tends to be more welcoming and friendly, which honestly is the sunnah of our prophet SAW.\ncontinue your journey to explore OP and always remember that whatever the Malaysians culture does, is that we are not perfect but the religion is. So dont judge the religion based on our behaviours. This is the biggest issue at the moment what Malaysia is facing against the non Muslims.\nI was born a muslim myself and i feel the other issue with us Malaysians is that we are born into it and just accept it without reasoning. That\u2019s also why Allah swt ask us to learn tawheed by ourselves.\nAll the best OP!", "Sometimes i feel the Malays are taking slightly to the extreme on certain things and sometimes they are rather proud to be Malay rather than a Muslim.\nTell me about it. One time the tabligh go out of his way to open our gate and search for my dad at the back of our house just to ask if he wants to pray at the mosque.\nMind you, we're at a village where it's common sense not to go pass the gate if they're close. And the tabligh wasn't really an outsider either, an ustaz at the nearest school some more.", "There's no one rule that fits all, though\nI'm pretty sure there's a universal minimum requirement somewhere like not being a total ass and leave your family to provide for themselves. I really hate \"pious\" people who use religion as escape goat for their bad behaviour. And sheepel who blind defend them. People can't criticise the followers or local practice without being accused of insulting islam.", "some may have more support system even if they're not rich.\nLiterally the next clause.", "My brother in law runs a construction business, he has 6 little brothers age from 23-36 working with him. It\u2019s sort of a family business now. 4 of the little brothers join tabligh. Ever so frequently these 4 brothers would work for 3 days sometimes 40 days without early notice, leaving my BIL super short staffed. He couldn\u2019t hire new staffs either because when the brothers returned, they expect the world stopped to wait for them and continue without any repercussions.", "Really good answer.", "thanks, bud!"], ["I wanted to join but they said tabligh.", "Lol"], ["My father was an old gen tabligh. This is what I got from him.\nWhat is Tabligh? Nowadays, we see muslims trying to preach to non muslims about muslims/Islam. Tabligh preaches Islam to muslims, they try invite people to mosque, give a short simple lecture about Ibadat, showing people that you can isolate some time to God from your busy life. They don't force, if you can come, then come, if you cannot come then dont come. If you can go out for 3 days also good, 40 days also good, 1 hour to the mosque also good.\nLeaving family without nafkah, now that is wrong. Like totally wrong. Whatever you do, when you leave your family to do business or dakwah or perang, make sure the fam has enough nafkah until you come back. That is the responsibility of the husband. God did not ask you to leave earthly posessions and just go for akhirat. God ask you to use the earthly posession as a farm of goodness for akhirat.", "Huh curious about this. My area is a good mix of Muslims and nons. We have 2 Mosques quite close to each other and there is never excessively loud speakers etc and no other issues with nearby temples etc doing their thing.\nHowever in my years living here I\u2019ve never been preached to by Muslims before. Does this only happen in certain states or area ? I\u2019m in the PJ area btw.\nI also noticed that Christian door to door preaching is almost non existent these days . Encountered only once like 30 years ago in this area.", "It wont be at every mosque, its more towards where the tabligh community is established, for example, there are a few mosque in Penang that has the community while the others dont have, some mosques dont prefer the tabligh community so they wont go there."], ["Don't blame the doctrine now for the wrongdoing done by the people. The scholars already give the guidelines for tabligh member to follow including to provide enough for the family before leaving them. It's totally up to them to do right or wrong"], ["There are some legit ones that has a daily job, like 2 of my office mates (one married, one single). A bit extreme that they would take 30-40 days leave from work, but they had to go for training again when returning for the job.\nI've encountered the bad ones, just the way you describe it, tinggalkan anak isteri dekat rumah without a real job to support it. How they survive without money? Mengharapkan belas kasihan daripada sesiapa yang mereka lawat untuk \"berdakwah\""], ["Pokok pangkalnya ialah wanting to be pious (which is good) but acting upon beliefs without proper knowledge (which is bad).\nIn the cases you\u2019ve mentioned, obv the man is majorly sinful for not doing the wajib first. Kalau bawa masuk mahkamah syariah mmg gg.\nThe solution? Better PAI education in national schools would be a good first step imo."], ["My personal experience Tabligh is legit, but some people doing it are the problem. It becomes just another case of penunggang agama.\nI know two separate person that done it while one is legit pious person that provides fully for his family when he leaves them. While another leaves the wives and kids to fend for themselves everytime he went out. \"Wives\" because he has more than one, 3 to be exact despite neglecting his first wife and kids untill the kids don't want to have anything to do with him. So he is a legit penunggang agama."], ["Went to a house of a tabligh family. Their daughter is my friend's friend.\nThey have ... Almost a shrine ... Of tabligh faces in their house. A4 size pictures of faces. Like 11 of them. Creeps me out a little. Maybe in their faith, seeing their ustaz's faces gives them pahala? Idk.\nOther than that, they were nice to me.\nPersonally I find their faith sus, but I don't have enough sample size to make a definitive conclusion.", "What you described is pretty much idol worship, which is deviant behaviour and haram in Islam.", "That shrine is not part of their faith, so definitely sus. What they taught was to start everyday with a meeting (usually its what to cook for the day, etc), read the hadith for 30 mins (they called this ta'alim), pick a time to have a meal together, and pray at the mosque for the guys. My warden back when i was in collage was a tabligh, and that was how he run his house."], ["tabligh is the opposite of conservative extremism who seek control over others in the name of God; they leave and let live and trust that God provides"], ["As a muslim myself, muslims who failed to do their obligation or duty as a civilized citizen especially it hurt someone innocent and knowingly it'll hurt them are no different than a virtueless sinners. Because the mandatory obligation for muslim is not much really.\nSo it's not mandatory they're just psychopaths"], ["Some Tabligh are illegal for preaching what are considered 'deviant' teachings in Malaysia. Especially those from the Indian Subcontinent which are either strongly influenced by Sufism or are strongly culturally Conservative (sexist) . However it's hard to enforce something that is spread and done from word by mouth with no paperwork.\nBecause of the strong Sufi or cultural Conservativeness, what they are doing and what they preach may not have any hadith or quran backing, but a case of \"this people did i like this for years, so they must be correct\".\nOne way I heard to tell if they are legit is if they act superior and always act as if they are righteous, they are sus. If they act humble and willing to accept they could be wrong, probably legit missionary.\nAgain just like Christian missionaries, the way they act and try to convert people differs wildly.\nwww.freemalaysiatoday.com/amp/category/nation/2020/03/18/understanding-the-tabligh-movement-beyond-covid-19/", "I like how the article closes with \u201c[The tablighis] undertaking a range of activities associated with women\u2019s work marks them as inculcating what may be core religious values but are also culturally defined as quintessentially feminine.\"\nSo, to be a man, you must learn how hard it is to be a mom.", "I have a hard time taking care of my cats needs..imagine a human."], ["Tabligh is one of the nature of Nabi Muhammad SAW;\nhttps://dosen.perbanas.id/sidiq-amanah-tabligh-fathonah/?print=print\nAs Muslim, we are encouraged to follow our beloved Rasulullah's (sunnah) but it is not compulsory for all. Like other posters said, must provide family etc..\nIn short , Tabligh is legit.\nWith Tabligh, we Muslims can reach out others (Muslim and non-Muslim alike) and explain about Islam BUT Hidayah (Guidance) belongs solely to Allah SWT because we only human. All belongs to Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem."], ["I think you should post this in your fb profile. Most people here don't understand what tabligh is.", "I rather not hahaha facebook people can be condescending and harmful for my learning process of Islam", "I think is good that he posted, at least now I know what tabligh is"], ["My roommate during uni years was part of a tabligh group and I found dozens of gay porn on his laptop \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23. I'm not even joking. I used his laptop a lot before I bought one my own and dude literally kept all his gay porn in the Downloads folder. I never told him this and he probably believes no one he knows knows he watches gay porn. Oh btw, he's married now.", "There is a good chance that he joined tabligh just to keep that addiction of his in check. I've seen worse people, like murderer (rural east Malaysia is quite something) and gangsters during my time travelling with these jemaah, most of them just wanted to straighten out their lives.", "Everyone have they own struggle, just because someone seem religious doesn't mean he will never do anything wrong."], ["Some people still searching for a purpose, some people still wanna live like a kid without responsibilities by age 50.\nAdulting is hard for some adults.\nMost people are just oversized kids."], ["They are the type of people that i will completely ignore and hope they can use that \"free\" time doing something more productive, find more money for their family."], ["", "Seriously.. Who hurt you???", "Saying \u201cgod\u2019s way\u201d = people hurting me? \ud83e\uddd0", "You don\u2019t have anything else apart from that meme catchphrase? I noticed commented the same unrelated phrase on another unrelated thread. Lil pathetic aren\u2019t ya?", "How can you be so confident saying that it is Allah's way? Are you even Muslim? If Not then Stop being prejudice and learn to Respect other religion. If other people dont respect other religion, you dont have to stoop down that low level to be disrespect as well.", "How is it disrespectful? Saying it\u2019s Allah\u2019s way/ Jesus/God\u2019s way is mainstream way of which followers express god\u2019s intent in trials and tribulations\nInsyallah. What does it mean? Tawakkal what does it mean? Do you know? Both in context says Allah has planned it that way.\n\u201c..And All\u0101h is the best of planners\u201d - surah al-anfal 8:30\nYou are a rebelling for the sake of arguing. Tabligh is how they dakwah and spread the message of Allah. So obviously it\u2019s his way. Are you saying tabligh are spreading dajjal teachings??\nWho hurt you?????\n\u201cIt\u2019s not the eyes that\u2019s blind, it\u2019s their hearts\u201d", "As per Rule 1, well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. does not have such protection, and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps."], ["are you questioning about the legitimacy of tabligh activities or are you questioning the character of the tabligh members? it seems that you are drawn to the latter.\nsome people have their own agenda when joining tabligh but its the same for other activities (some people join language meet up group to pick up women instead of learning language).\nwhat those tabligh members do are actually compulsory for all muslims ( berdakwah ).\nambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh", "Apologies for the incomplete information from my original post causing it to be a little bit misleading but I'm questioning both.\nTbh, I'm not well-versed about Tabligh and I would really want to know more and personally the easiest way for an individual to know tabligh on a surface level is by looking at the members hence why I emphasised on the latter.\nSome users gave me input on how tabligh works, their materials and teachings which gave me a better insight on how tabligh is supposed to work ideally. But ofc I understand that as human subjected to our own free will, there are a more than a few bad apples that paint the picture ugly. Anyway, wish me luck for my journey in rediscovering Islam. Much love!", "jazakallahu khairan\nmaybe you could join different tabligh groups in order to find the one that truly follow the concept of tabligh.\ni joined a tabligh group once for 2 days and there were some matters that i did not agree but it was a good experience."], ["better find those labeled 'wahabi'. they're the more moderate one."]]}