6 values
The second region occurs at x > x$_{c}$ when the holes penetrate into the outer B-bands. Here the O(8) Gross-Neveu model governing the B-bands undergoes a crossover into a O (6) × U (1) Gross-Neveu model. The B-Cooperon propagator at ω k = 0 becomes more singular. At the same time the velocity of the phase fluctuations becomes small and these fluctuations can be treated as slow modes. Integrating over the nodal fermions one obtains the effective Lagrangian for the phase fluctuations: L = ∑ n [ − J$_{c}$ cos ( 1 2 ( φ$_{n}$ ( x ) − φ$_{n}$$_{+1}$ ( x )) ) + K ( µ ) 8 π ( v$_{F}$ ( µ )( ∂$_{x}$θ$_{n}$ − 4 µ ) 2 + v$_{F}$ ( µ )( ∂$_{τ}$ θ$_{n}$ ) 2 )$_{−}$ M 2 cos( θ ) (3.24) where n is a sum over ladders. As we have already noted the parameter K is renormalized by the Coulomb interaction to be slightly less than 1. v$_{F}$ ( µ ) is more dramatically affected taking the form v$_{F}$ ( µ ) ∼ v$_{FB}$ ( 2 µ Δ$_{B}$ − 1) 1 / 2 so that it vanishes at x = x$_{c}$ (or equivalently µ = Δ$_{B}$ / 2). As a side remark we note that there is an alternative way of presenting the effective Hamiltonian. The above Lagrangian (Eqn. 3.24) is the continuum limit of the following model: H = ∑ $_{n m}${ − J ( τ + n m $_{+1}$τ − n m + h.c. ) − J$_{c}$ ( τ + n +1 $_{ m}$τ − n m + h.c. )+ [( − 1) $^{n}$M − 2 µ ] τ 3 n m } (3.25) where τ a are Pauli matrix operators. In the continuum limit τ − becomes the order parameter field e i φ 2 . Here J ∼ M . The model presented above is a model of anisotropic spin-1/2 magnet on a 2D lattice with a staggered ( M ) and uniform magnetic fields (2 µ ). This form of the Hamiltonian has been proven to be very convenient for numerical calculations yielding promising results for the transport. 31 We again estimate the transition temperature using an RPA argument. At T = 0 the doping of the entire system (both the A and the B bands) is x = µρ$_{A}$ + c Δ$_{B}$ v$_{FB}$a ( 2 µ Δ$_{B}$ − 1) 1 / 2 (3.26) where c is a constant and ρ$_{A}$ = 2 av$_{FA}$π The detailed form of the Cooperon propagator for a single chain at T=0 can be extracted from Ref 30. However to obtain an estimate for T$_{c}$ it is enough to use the finite temperature Luttinger liquid expression for the Cooperon 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 average bond stress [MPa] slip [mm] 0 % 3.2 % 16.8 % analysis experiments (a) (b) Figure 8: Crack patterns for the pullout analysis for the corrosion-free case at (a) peak and (b) end of the aver- age bond stress slip curve. Cracks initiate at the interface between reinforcement and concrete and propgate to the specimen surface. Figure 7: Comparison of predicted average bond stress-slip curves and experimental data reported by Lee et al. (2002) for three corrosion percentages ρ$_{c}$ = 0 3 . 2 and 16 . 8 %. post-peak response might be expected across all three cases. More studies are required to explore this obser- vation. For the analyses without corrosion the crack pat- terns for the peak bond stress and the maximum slip (presented in Figure 7) are shown in Figure 8. Crack patterns are visualised as those middle cross-sections of lattice elements in which the norm of the crack opening vector is greater than 10 µ m and increasing. Thus only active cracks are presented. At the peak of the average bond stress-slip curve the concrete cover is cracked at its thinnest section (Figure 8a). With further slip additional cracks initi- ate from the reinforcement and propagate radially into the specimen as shown in Figure 8b. In Figure 9 the crack patterns are shown for the two corrosion cases at the end of the corrosion pro- cess. For both corrosion cases cracking of the con- crete cover occurs before the pullout which corre- sponds to the observations reported in the literature (Lee et al. 2002). the decrease of the bond strength if the concrete is pre-cracked. Very good agreement with experimental results in the pre-peak regime of the bond stress-slip curves was obtained. More studies are required to in- vestigate the post-peak response of the bond stress- slip curves. Also further studies will be performed to investigate the influence of the element length of the interface between reinforcement and concrete on the analyses results. Also we will study the influence of the stiffness of the lattice elements on corrosion in- duced cracking and its interplay with lateral confine- ment. The simulations were performed with the object-oriented finite element package OOFEM (Patz´ak 1999; Patz´ak and Bittnar 2001) extended by the present authors. Andrade C. C. Alonso and F. Molina (1993). Cover cracking as a function of bar corrosion: Part I- In the present work a lattice approach is used to de- scribe the mechanical interaction of a corroding rein- forcement bar the surrounding concrete and the inter- face between steel reinforcement and concrete. The cross-section of the ribbed reinforcement bar is taken to be circular assuming that the interaction of the ribs of the deformed reinforcement bar and the surround- ing concrete is included in a cap-plasticity interface model. This lattice approach is capable of represent- ing many of the important characteristics of corrosion induced cracking and its influence on bond. The ide- alisation of the corrosion expansion as an eigenstrain allows for the modelling of corrosion induced crack- ing. Furthermore the frictional bond law can model ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES 4 CONCLUSIONS
Conditions for Casts to GeometryCollection error occurs. If any ring is not in the correct order (exterior ring must be counter-clockwise) an ER_INVALID_CAST_POLYGON_RING_DIRECTION error occurs. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type MultiPolygon the function result is that MultiPolygon . •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type GeometryCollection containing only polygons the function result is a MultiPolygon containing those polygons. If the expression is empty or contains other geometry types an ER_INVALID_CAST_TO_GEOMETRY error occurs. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type other than Polygon MultiLineString MultiPolygon or GeometryCollection an ER_INVALID_CAST_TO_GEOMETRY error occurs. Conditions for Casts to GeometryCollection • GeometryCollection and GeomCollection are synonyms for the same result type. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type Point the function result is a GeometryCollection containing that Point as its sole element. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type LineString the function result is a GeometryCollection containing that LineString as its sole element. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type Polygon the function result is a GeometryCollection containing that Polygon as its sole element. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type MultiPoint the function result is a GeometryCollection containing the points in the order they appear in the expression. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type MultiLineString the function result is a GeometryCollection containing the linestrings in the order they appear in the expression. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type MultiPolygon the function result is a GeometryCollection containing the elements of the MultiPolygon in the order they appear in the expression. •If the expression to cast is a well-formed geometry of type GeometryCollection the function result is that GeometryCollection . • TIME • UNSIGNED [INTEGER] • YEAR •For a four-digit number in the range 1901-2155 inclusive or for a string which can be interpreted as a four-digit number in this range return the corresponding YEAR value. Produces a TIME value. Produces an unsigned integer value. Produces a YEAR value. Added in MySQL 8.0.22. These rules govern conversion to YEAR : 2245 These conditions apply when the cast result type is GeometryCollection :
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR US INVESTORS > REED ELSEVIER PLC Summary of the principal differences between UK and US GAAP Effects on net income of material differences between UK and US GAAP Effects on shareholders’ funds of material differences between UK and US GAAP Reed Elsevier PLC accounts for its 52.9% economic interest in the Reed Elsevier combined businesses before the effect of tax credit equalisation using the gross equity method in conformity with UK GAAP which is similar to the equity method in US GAAP. Using the equity method to present its net income and shareholders’ funds under US GAAP Reed Elsevier PLC reflects its 52.9% share of the effects of differences between UK and US GAAP relating to the combined businesses as a single reconciling item. The most significant differences relate to the capitalisation and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles pensions deferred taxes and derivative financial instruments. A more complete explanation of the accounting policies used by the Reed Elsevier combined businesses and the differences between UK and US GAAP is given on pages 108 and 109. The Reed Elsevier Annual Report 2003 on Form 20-F provides further information for US investors. For the year ended 31 December 2003 2003 2002 £m £m Net income under UK GAAP 169 89 Impact of US GAAP adjustments to combined financial statements 109 97 Net income under US GAAP 278 186 Earnings per ordinary share under US GAAP 22.0p 14.7p As at 31 December 2003 2003 2002 £m £m Shareholders’ funds under UK GAAP 1 288 1 397 Impact of US GAAP adjustments to combined financial statements 350 269 Equity dividends not declared in the period 110 102 Shareholders’ funds under US GAAP 1 748 1 768 112 REED ELSEVIER ANNUAL REPORTS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003
2.2. Dynamical models To model nongravitational perturbations we first considered the classical formulation by Marsden et al. (1973): where r is the heliocentric distance m = 2 . 15 n = 5 . 093 k = 4 . 6142 r$_{0}$ = 2 . 808 au and α is such that g (1 au) = 1. A$_{1}$ A$_{2}$ and A$_{3}$ are free parameters that give the nongravitational acceleration at 1 au in the radial-transverse- normal reference frame defined by ˆ r = r /r ˆ t = ˆ n × ˆ r ˆ n = r × v / | r × v | where r and v are the heliocentric position and velocity of the comet. It is common practice to ignore the out-of-plane component i.e. A$_{3}$ = 0. As of 2014 October 3 it was clear that nongravitational perturbations were needed to fit the observed data. We computed two different orbital solutions: Table 1 shows the values of the nongravitational parameters for solutions 95 and 97 and Fig. 1 shows the corresponding b -plane predictions. Solution 95 corresponds to the more conservative approach where no assumptions are 11 • Solution 95 where A$_{1}$ A$_{2}$ and A$_{3}$ are all determined as part of the least squares orbital fit; • Solution 97 where A$_{1}$ and A$_{2}$ are determined from the orbital fit and A$_{3}$ is set to zero. a$_{NG}$ = g ( r )( A$_{1}$ ˆ r + A$_{2}$ ˆ t + A$_{3}$ ˆ n ) g ( r ) = α$^{(}$ r r$_{0}$$^{)}$$^{−}$$^{m}$$^{[}$ 1 +$^{(}$ r r$_{0}$$^{)}$$^{n}$$^{]}$$^{−}$$^{k}$ (1)
Since the trim angle is measured at full inflation and at equilibrium a change in the lift coefficient must be accompanied by a corresponding change in the car load to maintain equilibrium. Therefoxe when the lift is greater the load will also be greater and the ship will trim at a greater nose dovm angle. A difference between the su~ner and winter trim angles may be observed because of this factor. At less than full inflation the trim of the ship is affected by the above factors and also by the relative inflation of the ballonets. The dynamic lift of an airship is the lift which de› pends upon the forward motion and the angle of attack of the ship with respect to the air. See Fig. III for dynamic lift at various forward speeds. The curves plotted in Fig. IV show the variation of the minimum length of the take-off run of model K-airships with heaviness and head wind. The assumptions on which the curves are based are n~ither exact nor invariable but they are on the safe side giving an over estimate rather than an under estimate of the required length of the take-off run. The suspension system and the car structure of the K- airship are designed for a total car load of 16 000 lbs. The minimum factors of safety at this load are 3.00 for the car structure and 4.00 for the car suspension. (4) Factors of Safety -12- (3) Dynamic Lift
Draft Document for Review September 23 2019 1:27 am 8860ch08.fm Figure 8-2 is a sample ETS configuration for the STP. Figure 8-2 Example configuration: NTP server on the HMC Especially for the financial markets very tight time accuracy is demanded by the authorities of various countries. So the US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has announced that computer clocks that are used to record events in national market system (NMS) securities and over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities must be synchronized to within a 50 millisecond drift tolerance of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) atomic clock. Also the European Union demands in their MIFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) regulation the maximum divergence from UTC is to be 100 microseconds. Unfortunately the accuracy of the interface with an NTP server to maintain Coordinated Server Time accuracy provided by STP is 100 milliseconds to the time provided by the NTP server. In order to meet the clock synchronization requirements of FINRA and MIFID II the NTP server must have a pulse per second (PPS) output signal that can achieve time accuracy within 10 microseconds. If your configuration requires the NTP server with pulse per second capability the NTP server configured as the ETS must be attached directly to the SE network while the Pulse Per Second cable must be attached directly to the PPS port on the CPCs playing PTS/BTS roles. This is discussed in detail in the Techdoc “STP and FINRA clock synchronisation requirements”. This section describes how to set up the HMC as an NTP server to be used as ETS for your CTN. The HMC can synchronize its time to an NTP server that is connected to the corporate network or available from the NTP pool on the internet. The NTP server capability on the HMC addresses the potential security concerns that might arise if attaching an external/Internet NTP server directly to the HMC/SE network. However when you use the NTP server on the HMC as ETS for your CTN no pulse-per-second capability is available. 8.4 Configuring the HMC as an NTP server 166 IBM z15 (8561) Configuration Setup
Table of Contents Life & Group Policyholder Reserves The Company’s Life & Group segment includes its run-off long term care business as well as structured settlement obligations not funded by annuities related to certain property and casualty claimants. Long term care policies provide benefits for nursing homes assisted living facilities and home health care subject to various daily and lifetime caps. Generally policyholders must continue to make periodic premium payments to keep the policy in force and the Company has the ability to increase policy premiums subject to state regulatory approval. The Company maintains both claim and claim adjustment expense reserves as well as future policy benefit reserves for policyholder benefits for the Life & Group segment. Claim and claim adjustment expense reserves consist of estimated reserves for long term care policyholders that are currently receiving benefits including claims that have been incurred but are not yet reported. In developing the claim and claim adjustment expense reserve estimates for long term care policies the Company’s actuaries perform a detailed claim experience study on an annual basis. The study reviews the sufficiency of existing reserves for policyholders currently on claim and includes an evaluation of expected benefit utilization and claim duration. The Company’s recorded claim and claim adjustment expense reserves reflect management's best estimate after incorporating the results of the most recent study. In addition claim and claim adjustment expense reserves are also maintained for the structured settlement obligations. In developing the claim and claim adjustment expense reserve estimates for our structured settlement obligations the Company's actuaries monitor mortality experience on an annual basis. Both elements of the Life & Group reserves are discounted as discussed in Note A to the Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company completed its annual long term care claim experience study in the third quarter of 2019 and 2018 which resulted in $56 million and $31 million pretax reductions in claim and claim adjustment expense reserves respectively. The favorable claim reserve development in 2019 and 2018 was primarily due to lower claim severity than anticipated in the reserve estimates. Future policy benefit reserves represent the active life reserves related to the Company’s long term care policies which are the present value of expected future benefit payments and expenses less expected future premium. The determination of these reserves requires management to make estimates and assumptions about expected investment and policyholder experience over the life of the contract. Since many of these contracts may be in force for several decades these assumptions are subject to significant estimation risk. The actuarial assumptions that management believes are subject to the most variability are morbidity persistency discount rates and anticipated future premium rate increases. Morbidity is the frequency and severity of injury illness sickness and diseases contracted. Persistency is the percentage of policies remaining in force and can be affected by policy lapses benefit reductions and death. Discount rates are influenced by the investment yield on assets supporting long term care reserves which is subject to interest rate and market volatility and may also be affected by changes to the Internal Revenue Code. Future premium rate increases are generally subject to regulatory approval and therefore the exact timing and size of the approved rate increases are unknown. As a result of this variability the Company’s long term care reserves may be subject to material increases if actual experience develops adversely to the Company’s expectations. Annually in the third quarter management assesses the adequacy of its long term care future policy benefit reserves by performing a GPV to determine if there is a premium deficiency. Management also uses the GPV process to evaluate the adequacy of its claim and claim adjustment expense reserves for structured settlement obligations not funded by annuities. Under the GPV management estimates required reserves using best estimate assumptions as of the date of the assessment without provisions for adverse deviation. The GPV required reserves are then compared to the existing recorded reserves. If the GPV required reserves are greater than the existing recorded reserves the existing assumptions are unlocked and future policy benefit reserves are increased to the greater amount. Any such increase is reflected in the Company’s results of operations in the period in which the need for such adjustment is determined. If the GPV required reserves are less than the existing recorded reserves assumptions remain locked in and no adjustment is required. Periodically management engages independent third parties to assess the appropriateness of its best estimate assumptions. The most recent third party assessment performed in early 2019 validated the assumption setting process and confirmed the best estimate assumptions appropriately reflected the experience data at that time. 106
(IO) Patent No.: US 7 504 193 B2 (45) Date of Patent: Mar.17 2009 c12) United States Patent Sasaki (54) POSITIVE RESIST COMPOSITION AND PATTERN FORMING METHOD USING THE SAME (75) Inventor: Tomoya Sasaki Shizuoka (JP) (73) Assignee: FUJIFILM Corporation Tokyo (JP) ( *) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer the term ofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 176 days. (21) Appl. No.: 11/217 422 (22) Filed: Sep.2 2005 (51) Int. Cl. G03F 71039 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 430/270.1; 430/326 (58) Field of Classification Search .............. 430/270.1 430/907 326 176 See application file for complete search history. 17 Claims No Drawings (57) ABSTRACT OTHER PUBLICATIONS FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (65) Prior Publication Data (30) Foreign Application Priority Data (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS EP EP JP JP JP JP JP JP 0 440 374 A2 1367439 Al * 6-41221 A 2000-122291 A 3173368 B2 2001-114825 A 2001-206917 A 2002-323768 A 8/1991 12/2003 2/1994 4/2000 3/2001 4/2001 7/2001 11/2002 5 695 910 A * 12/1997 Urano et al. ............. 430/270.1 2003/0013036 Al 1/2003 Lee et al. Patent Abstracts of Japan (JP-A-11-282163) Shiro Tan "Positive Photosensitive Composition" copyrighted 1999. European Search Report dated Feb. 1 2006. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner-Cynthia Hamilton (74) Attorney Agent or Firm-Sughrue Mion PLLC A positive resist composition satisfying high sensitivity high resolution and good line edge roughness at the same time and a pattern forming method using the resist composition are provided which are a positive resist composition comprising (A) a resin which becomes soluble in alkali developer increases under the action of an acid the resin having two kinds of repeating units each having a specific styrene skel› eton (B) a compound of generating an acid upon irradiation with actinic rays or radiation and (C) an organic basic com› pound and a pattern forming method using the resist compo› sition. Sep.2 2004 (JP) .......................... P.2004-255473 US 2006/0046195 Al Mar. 2 2006 US007504193B2
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In Method 1 [17] we find first the conditional reference prior π$_{R}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) and then multiply by the evidence-based prior π ( ϵ µ ) to construct the full prior π ( σ ϵ µ ). As will be illustrated in Sec. IV the single-count model is regular enough to warrant using Jeffreys’ rule in the first step of the calculation of π$_{R}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ). We therefore apply Eq. (15) to the σ dependence of the likelihood (16) while holding ϵ and µ constant; this yields: This prior is clearly improper with respect to σ and is therefore only defined up to a pro- portionality constant. However this constant could very well depend on ϵ and µ since we kept these parameters fixed in the calculation. It is important to obtain this dependence correctly as examples have shown that otherwise inconsistent Bayes estimators may result. Reference [17] proposes a compact subset normalization procedure. One starts by choosing a nested sequence Θ$_{1}$ ⊂ Θ$_{2}$ ⊂ · · · of compact subsets of the parameter space Θ = { ( σ ϵ µ ) } such that ∪ $_{ℓ}$Θ$_{ℓ}$ = Θ and the integral K$_{ℓ}$ ( ϵ µ ) of π$_{J}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) over Ω$_{ℓ}$ ≡ { σ : ( σ ϵ µ ) ∈ Θ$_{ℓ}$ } is finite. The conditional reference prior for σ on Ω$_{ℓ}$ is then To obtain the conditional reference prior on the whole parameter space one chooses a fixed point ( σ$_{0}$ ϵ$_{0}$ µ$_{0}$ ) within that space and takes the limit of the ratio By taking the limit in this ratio form one avoids problems arising from K$_{ℓ}$ ( ϵ µ ) becoming infinite as ℓ → ∞ . The theory of reference priors currently does not provide guidelines for choosing the compact sets Θ$_{ℓ}$ other than to require that the resulting posterior be proper. In most cases this choice makes no difference and one is free to base the choice of compact sets on considerations of simplicity and convenience. However we have found that some care is required with the single-count model. Indeed suppose we make the plausible choice where { u$_{ℓ}$ } { v$_{ℓ}$ } and { w$_{ℓ}$ } are increasing sequences of positive constants. If we use these sets in applying Eqs. (20) and (21) to the prior (19) we obtain: π$_{J}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) ∝ √ E [ − ∂ 2 ∂σ 2 ln p ( n | σ ϵ µ ) ] ∝ ϵ √ ϵ σ + µ . (19) π$_{R ℓ}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) = π$_{J}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) K$_{ℓ}$ ( ϵ µ ) . (20) π$_{R}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) ∝ lim ℓ →∞ π$_{R ℓ}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) π$_{R ℓ}$ ( σ$_{0}$ ϵ$_{0}$ µ$_{0}$ ) . (21) Θ$_{ℓ}$ = { ( σ ϵ µ ) : σ ∈ [0 u$_{ℓ}$ ] ϵ ∈ [0 v$_{ℓ}$ ] µ ∈ [0 w$_{ℓ}$ ] } (22) π$_{R}$ ( σ | ϵ µ ) ∝ √ ϵ ϵ σ + µ . (23) 13
8860ch14.fm Draft Document for Review September 23 2019 12:09 am 5. Make the following updates (Figure 14-1) and press Enter : GLYPH<SM590000> Channel path ID (CHPID) GLYPH<SM590000> Channel path type GLYPH<SM590000> Operational mode GLYPH<SM590000> Description GLYPH<SM590000> Adapter ID (AID) GLYPH<SM590000> Adapter Port GLYPH<SM590000> Partition access list Chapter 14. Adding coupling connectivity 337 14.2.2 Defining CS5 CHPIDs Figure 14-1 Processors: Change Partition Definition Coupling Facility – Update Partition Name to ARIES2E (a naming standard based on CSS=2 Partition =E). – Review Partition usage and change if required. We use CF in this example. – Update Description to ARIES2E test CF partition . When defining a CS5 CHPID to create a Coupling Facility link between a Coupling Facility LPAR and a z/OS LPAR first determine which z/OS LPARs require access to which CF LPAR how many CF links are required and to how many different physical processors. CS5 coupling facility CHPIDs are defined using FC 0176 (ICA SR 2 Links) cards that are installed on the CPC drawer as opposed to in the PCIe+ I/O drawer. The ICA SR card has two ports (Port 1 and Port 2) that provide two physical connections to another ICA SR card on the same or different processor. Each of the ports can have up to four CHPIDs defined to these ports. The following are considerations for a new CS5 CHPID: +----------------------------- Partition List -----------------------------+ | Goto Backup Query Help | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Command ===> ________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR | | | | Select one or more partitions then press Enter. To add use F11. | | | | Processor +-------------- Change Partition Definition ---------------+ | | Configura | | | | Channel S | | | | | Specify or revise the following values. | | | / Partiti | | | | c * | Partition name . . . ARIES2E | | | _ * | Partition number . . E (same as MIF image ID) | | | ********* | Partition usage . . CF + | * | | | UID uniqueness . . . N (Y/N) | | | | | | | | Description . . . . ARIES2E test CF partition | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------- +----------------------------------------------------------+ --+
viii Outstanding fines and debts..................................................... 154 Penalties for unsafe driving ....................................................... 154 Driver Improvement Program .............................................. 155 Penalties for impaired driving ................................................... 155 Criminal Code penalties............................................................ 156 Graduated Licensing Program ............................................. 156 Other costs of impaired driving ........................................... 156 Vehicle impoundment ............................................................... 157 Driving in other locations ....................................................... 157 Being a life-long learner ......................................................... 158 More information ................................................................... 159 Licensing information ............................................................. 159 Booking road tests ................................................................. 159 More information ................................................................... 159 Website addresses ................................................................. 160 Internet................................................................................... 160 Index....................................................................................... 161 About the knowledge test ..................................................... 168 About your road test.............................................................. 169 Examiners’ tips ....................................................................... 170 Identification (ID) .................................................................... 171 Chapter 10
NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS component) and any change in the asset ceiling are recognized in other comprehensive income. The Company continues to immediately recognize in retained earnings all pension adjustments recognized in other comprehensive income. The Company recognizes interest expense (income) on net post- employment benefits liabilities (assets) in interest expense (income) in the Consolidated Statement of Net Income and Comprehensive Income. The Company adopted these amendments retrospectively and adjusted its opening equity as at January 1 2012 to recognize previously unrecognized past service costs and adjustments to the asset ceiling for post-employment plans. The post-employment benefits’ finance expense and employee benefit expense for the comparable period have been adjusted to reflect the accounting changes for defined benefit pension plans. The adjustments for each financial statement line item affected are presented in the tables on the following pages. c. IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements” d. IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements” e. IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement” The Company has adopted the amendments to IAS 1 effective January 1 2013. These amendments required the Company to group other comprehensive income items by those that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss and those that will not be reclassified. These changes did not result in any adjustments to other comprehensive income or comprehensive income. IFRS 10 replaces the guidance on control and consolidation in IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements” and SIC-12 “Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities”. IFRS 10 requires consolidation of an investee only if the investor possesses power over the investee has exposure to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to use its power over the investee to affect its returns. Detailed guidance is provided on applying the definition of control. The accounting requirements for consolidation have remained largely consistent with IAS 27. The Company assessed its consolidation conclusions on January 1 2013 and determined that the adoption of IFRS 10 did not result in any change in the consolidation status of any of its subsidiaries and investees. IFRS 13 provides a single framework for measuring fair value. The measurement of the fair value of an asset or liability is based on assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability under current market conditions including assumptions about risk. The Company adopted IFRS 13 on January 1 2013 on a prospective basis. The adoption of IFRS 13 did not require any adjustments to the valuation techniques used by the Company to measure fair value and did not result in any measurement adjustments as at January 1 2013. The following tables present the reconciliation of the impact of the IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements’ and IAS 19 “Employee Benefits” accounting policy changes to the financial statements. i. Reconciliation of Financial Position at January 1 2012 - date of transition; ii. Reconciliation of Financial Position at December 31 2012; iii. Reconciliation of Net Income and Comprehensive Income for the year ended December 31 2012; and iv. Reconciliation of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31 2012. 60 AKITA DRILLING LTD. ANNUAL REPORT
hundred kilograms one peso and twenty centavos. For an apothecary balance or other balance of precision the charge shall be doubled. With each scale or balance a complete set of weights for use therewith shall be sealed free of charge. For each extra weight the charge shall be five centavos. [2339-99.] S ECTION 1681 . Form and Duration of License for Use of Weights and Measures . — The receipt for the fee charged for the sealing of weights and measures shall serve as a license to use such instrument for one year from the date of sealing unless deterioratio n or damage occurs in that period which renders the weight or measure inaccurate. Such receipt shall be preserved by the owner and shall be exhibited on demand of any internal-revenue officer. [2339-133.] S ECTION 1682 . Secondary Standards Preserved by Provincial Treasurers — Testing of Same . — For use in the testing of weights and measures in the provinces provincial treasurers shall keep full sets of secondary standards in the provincial buildings. The Co llector of Internal Revenue shall be responsible for the inspection and proper testing of all provincial and municipal standards of weight and measure. IHSTDE [2339-127.] S ECTION 1683 . Comparison of Secondary and Fundamental Standards . — The comparison of the secondary and fundamental standards shall be made in the Bureau of Science at the instance of the Collector of Internal Revenue. When found to be sufficiently accurate the secondary standard shall be distinguished by a label tag or seal and shall be accompanied by a certificate showing the amount of its variation from the fundamental standard. If the variation is of sufficient magnitude to impair the utility of the in strument it shall be destroyed in the Bureau of Science. Copyright 2012 CD Technologies Asia Inc. and Accesslaw Inc. Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011 507 ( c ) Those having a capacity of not over three hundred but more than thirty kilograms sixty centavos. ( d ) Those with a capacity not greater than thirty kilograms thirty centavos.
SECTION TITLE FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS In 2001 TransCanada delivered on its commitment to provide solid stable returns to shareholders underpinned by profitable investments in our core businesses. Through the disciplined execution of our strategy to divest non-core assets pay down debt and continually reduce operating costs we further strengthened our balance sheet and increased discretionary cash flow. As a result of our efforts total shareholder return in 2001 was 21 per cent. In January 2002 the Board of Directors increased the quarterly dividend by 11 per cent reflect- ing continued sustainable growth in cash flow and earnings from continuing operations and significant improvements in their quality and predictability. OPERATING RESULTS December 31 (millions of dollars) 2001 2000 1999 Income Statement Net income applicable to common shares from continuing operations 670 650 454 Net income/(loss) applicable to common shares 603 711 (80) EBITDA* from continuing operations 3 005 2 901 2 555 Cash Flow Funds generated from continuing operations 1 514 1 283 1 041 Capital expenditures in continuing operations 440 518 1 323 Balance Sheet Long-term debt 9 347 9 928 11 591 Common shareholders’ equity 5 429 5 230 4 935 *Earnings before interest expense income taxes depreciation and amortization. Year ended December 31 COMMON SHARE STATISTICS 2001 2000 1999 Net income per share from continuing operations $ 1.41 $ 1.37 $ 0.94 Net (loss)/income per share from discontinued operations $ (0.14) $ 0.13 $ (1.13) Net income/(loss) per share – Basic and Diluted $ 1.27 $ 1.50 $ (0.19) Funds generated per share from continuing operations $ 3.18 $ 2.70 $ 2.22 Common shares outstanding (millions) Average for the period 475.8 474.6 469.5 End of period 476.6 474.9 474.5 1999 2000 2001 515 592 670 Net Earnings from Continuing Operations before Unusual Items (millions of dollars) 1999 2000 2001 1.07 1.25 1.41 Net Earnings Per Share from Continuing Operations before Unusual Items (dollars) 2001 ANNUAL REPORT 1
When a replacement wire is required in the repair and modification of existing aircraft the maintenance manual for that aircraft must first be reviewed to determine if the original aircraft manufacturer (OAM) has approved any substitution. If not then the manufacturer must be contacted for an acceptable replacement. SWAMP areas differ from aircraft to aircraft but are usually wheel wells near wing flaps wing folds pylons and other exterior areas that may have a harsh environment. Wires in these areas have often an exterior jacket to protect them from the environment. Wires for these applications often have design features incorporated into their construction that may make the wire unique; therefore an acceptable substitution may be difficult if not impossible to find. It is very important to use the wire type recommended in the aircraft manufacturer’s maintenance handbook. Insulation or jacketing varies according to the environment. [Figure 9-114] Wire is manufactured in sizes according to a standard known as the American wire gauge (AWG). As shown in Figure 9-115 the wire diameters become smaller as the gauge numbers become larger. Typical wire sizes range from a number 40 to number 0000. Gauge numbers are useful in comparing the diameter of wires but not all types of wire or cable can be measured accurately with a gauge. Larger wires are usually stranded to increase their flexibility. In such cases the total area can be determined by multiplying the area of one strand (usually computed in circular mils when diameter or gauge number is known) by the number of strands in the wire or cable. Several factors must be considered in selecting the size of wire for transmitting and distributing electric power. If it is desirable to use wire sizes smaller than #20 particular attention should be given to the mechanical strength and installation handling of these wires (e.g. vibration flexing and termination). Wires containing less than 19 strands must not be used. Consideration should be given to the use of high-strength alloy conductors in small-gauge wires to increase mechanical strength. As a general practice wires smaller than size #20 should be provided with additional clamps and be grouped with at least three other wires. They should also have additional support at terminations such as connector grommets strain relief clamps shrinkable sleeving or telescoping bushings. They should not be used in Figure 9-114. Wire harness with protective jacket. 1. Wires must have sufficient mechanical strength to allow for service conditions. 2. Allowable power loss (I2 R loss) in the line represents electrical energy converted into heat. The use of large conductors reduces the resistance and therefore the I2 R loss. However large conductors are more expensive heavier and need more substantial support. 3. If the source maintains a constant voltage at the input to the lines any variation in the load on the line causes a variation in line current and a consequent variation in the IR drop in the line. A wide variation in the IR drop in the line causes poor voltage regulation at the load. The obvious remedy is to reduce either current or resistance. A reduction in load current lowers the amount of power being transmitted whereas a reduction in line resistance increases the size and weight of conductors required. A compromise is generally reached whereby the voltage variation at the load is within tolerable limits and the weight of line conductors is not excessive. 4. When current is drawn through the conductor heat is generated. The temperature of the wire rises until the heat radiated or otherwise dissipated is equal to the heat generated by the passage of current through the line. If the conductor is insulated the heat generated in the conductor is not so readily removed as it would be if the conductor were not insulated. Thus to protect the insulation from too much heat the current through the conductor must be maintained below a certain value. When electrical conductors are installed in locations where the ambient temperature is relatively high the heat generated by external sources constitutes an appreciable part of the total conductor heating. Allowance must be made for the influence of external heating on the allowable conductor current and each case has its own specific limitations. The maximum allowable operating temperature of insulated conductors varies with the type of conductor insulation being used. 9-69 Wire Substitutions Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture Problem (SWAMP) Wire Size Selection
0 200 400 600 [mb/sr] 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 A y 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 iT 11 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 T 20 0 45 90 135 180 $_{cm}$[degree] 0 0.01 0.02 T 21 0 45 90 135 180 $_{cm}$[degree] -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 T 22 FIG. 8: (Color on line) Differential cross section and vector and tensor polarization observables at E$_{lab}$ = 3 MeV using the AV18+URIX model with the parameters given in Table III (cyan band). The predictions of the original AV18+URIX model given in the first row of the table are shown as a solid line. The experimental points from Ref. [25] are also shown. 28
UCI CYCLING REGULATIONS Chapter XI [chapter replaced on 1.01.05 ; moved to chapter X on 1.01.16]. E170421 ROAD RACES 99
oscillator. Extensions to other cases are underway. In the first instance we anticipate that in- creasing the environment size will increase the participation and effectiveness of overlapping resonances in decoherence control. Acknowledgments : This work was supported by NSERC and by the Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control University of Toronto. 11 [1] M. Shapiro and P. Brumer Principles of the Quantum Control of Molecular Processes Wiley New York 2003. [2] S. A. Rice and M. Zhao Optical Control of Molecular Dynamics Wiley New York 2000. [3] E. Joos H. D. Zeh C. Kiefer D. Guilini J. Kupsch and L. O. Stamatescu Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory 2 nd ed. .Springer Berlin 2003. [4] M. Schlosshauer Decoherence and the Quantum-to-Classical Transition Springer Berlin 2007. [5] See e.g. P. Nuernberger G. Vogt T. Brixner G. Gerber PhysChemChemPhys 9 2470 (2007) for a general review. For some specific examples see K. Hoki and P. Brumer Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 168305 (2005); M. Spanner I. Franco and P. Brumer Phys. Rev. A 80 053402 (2009). [6] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2000. [7] L. Viola and S. Lloyd Phys. Rev. A 58 2733 (1998); L. Viola E. Knill and S. Lloyd Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 2417 (1999). [8] D. A. Lidar I. L. Chuang and K. B. Whaley Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 2594 (1998). [9] W. H. Zurek S. Habib and J. P. Paz Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1187 (1993). [10] W. H. Zurek Prog. Theor. Phys. 89 281 (1993). [11] A. Pattanayak and P. Brumer Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 4131 (1997). [12] P. S. Christopher M. Shapiro and P. Brumer J. Chem. Phys. 123 064313 (2005); 124 184107 (2006); 125 124310 (2006); D. Gerbasi A. S. Sanz P. S. Christopher M. Shapiro and P. Brumer ibid. 126 124307 (2007). [13] E.g. Ph. Jacquod and C. Petitjean Adv. Phys. 58 67 (2009). [14] See for example ”The Spin-Boson Problem: From Energy Transfer to Quantum Computing” Chemical Physics Vol. 296 Issues 2-3 (2004)
Figure 8: Damascene process: 1 depositing a hard mask layer on a Si substance by photo lithography 2 making trenches on the Si with plasma reactive ion etching 3 removing the mask layer 4 sputtering gadolinium onto the trenches 5 removing excess gadolinium by chemical-mechanical polishing 15
The loop integral can be evaluated immediately using (2.19) which gives Now making the change of variables v = s w = d 2 − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ − s − t the integral becomes The contour integral over the variable v can now be evaluated using Barnes’ Lemma (B.15). Doing so the integral becomes The Gamma function in the denominator of (2.31) can be simplified using Eq. (B.4) which gives Note that the remaining contour integral can be evaluated in terms of the generalized hyper- 61 B ( d ; n$_{1}$ m ; n$_{2}$ m ) = i (4 π ) 2 [ m 2 4 πµ 2 ] d $_{2}$− $^{2}$( − m $^{2}$) 2 − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ Γ ( n$_{1}$ ) Γ ( n$_{2}$ ) 2 1 − n$_{1}$ − $^{n$_{2}$}$π 1 2 ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ dw 2 πi $^{(}$− q 4 m 2 ) w Γ ( − w ) Γ ( n$_{1}$ + w ) Γ $^{(}$n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ − d 2 + w $^{)}$Γ ( n$_{2}$ + w ) Γ ( 1 2 ( n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ ) + w $^{)}$Γ ( 1 2 ( n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ + 1) + w ) . (2.32) B ( d ; n$_{1}$ m ; n$_{2}$ m ) = i (4 π ) 2 [ m 2 4 πµ 2 ] d $_{2}$− $^{2}$( − m $^{2}$) 2 − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ Γ ( n$_{1}$ ) Γ ( n$_{2}$ ) ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ dw 2 πi $^{(}$− q m 2 ) w Γ ( − w ) Γ ( n$_{1}$ + w ) Γ $^{(}$n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ − d 2 + w $^{)}$Γ ( n$_{2}$ + w ) Γ ( n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ + 2 w ) . (2.31) B ( d ; n$_{1}$ m ; n$_{2}$ m ) = i (4 π ) 2 [ m 2 4 πµ 2 ] d $_{2}$− 2 ( − m $^{2}$) 2 − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ Γ ( n$_{1}$ ) Γ ( n$_{2}$ ) ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ dv 2 πi ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ dw 2 πi $^{(}$− q m 2 ) w Γ ( n$_{1}$ + w + v ) Γ$^{(}$ n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ − d 2 + w + v$^{)}$ Γ ( − v ) Γ$^{(}$ d 2 − n$_{1}$ − v$^{)}$ Γ ( − w ) Γ ( d 2 + w ) . (2.30) B ( d ; n$_{1}$ m ; n$_{2}$ m ) = i (4 π ) 2 [ − q 2 4 πµ 2 ] d $_{2}$− 2 ( q $^{2}$) 2 − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ Γ ( n$_{1}$ ) Γ ( n$_{2}$ ) ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ ds 2 πi ∫ i ∞ − i ∞ dt 2 πi [ − m 2 q 2 ] s + t Γ ( − s ) Γ ( − t ) Γ ( d 2 − n$_{1}$ − s $^{)}$Γ ( d 2 − n$_{2}$ − t $^{)}$Γ $^{(}$n$_{1}$ + n$_{2}$ + s + t − d 2 ) Γ ( d − n$_{1}$ − n$_{2}$ − s − t ) . (2.29)
Management’s Discussion and Analysis continued 16 First Capital Realty Annual Report 2003 The Company will also continue to pursue selective development and redevelopment activities either alone or with joint-venture partners in order to actively participate in growth markets and to improve the return on the portfolio. Investments in development and redevelopment activities typically comprise approximately 5% of the Company’s total assets. New centres are developed after obtaining anchor tenant lease commitments. The Company strategically manages all development activities to reduce development risks. Management intends to continue to grow the business primarily by acquiring neighbourhood and community shopping centre properties that are supermarket and/or drug store anchored. In addition management will look for strategic or portfolio acquisitions both in existing markets and markets where the Company may not yet have a significant presence. The Company targets acquisitions of well-located properties in attractive and growing metropolitan areas. As a result these properties typically attract quality tenants with long lease terms. These tenants typically provide consumers with daily necessities. In management’s view such tenants are somewhat less sensitive to economic cycles and are desirable tenants for its properties. The Company also owned 12.5 million shares (approximately 18%) of Equity One Inc. the assets of which are similar to those of the Company and comprised of 185 properties totalling 19.9 million square feet. Including properties held through its investment in Equity One at December 31 2003 the Company had interests in 267 properties totalling approximately 30.6 million square feet of gross leasable area. Management intends to continue to grow the business primarily by acquiring and developing neighbourhood and community shopping centres that are supermarket and/or drug store anchored. The Company owns a portfolio of income-producing shopping centres that are typically anchored by supermarkets and/or drug stores. As at December 31 2003 First Capital Realty’s Canadian income-producing shopping centre portfolio consisted of interests in 10.7 million square feet of gross leasable area in 82 properties 75 of which were supermarket and/or drug store anchored. The Company’s Canadian shopping centres average 131 000 square feet in size (2002 – 130 000 square feet) and have an average net book value of $115 per square foot (2002 – $111 per square foot). The locations of these properties are summarized in the following chart. December 31 2003 2002 Gross Leasable Gross Leasable Number of Area Number of Area Location Properties (000s sq. ft.) Properties (000s sq. ft.) Ontario 36 5 442 26 4 111 Québec 28 3 047 24 2 605 Western Canada 16 2 127 12 1 633 Maritimes 2 92 3 105 Total 82 10 708 65 8 454
Rapport annuel • 2002 Perspectives • naturelle contre le risque de change lié aux dettes exprimées en dollars améri- cains. La Société est également sujette à la fluctuation du prix des denrées. La Société évolue dans le domaine des produits comestibles destinés à un large éventail de consommateurs et agit de façon diligente avec l’ensemble de ses procédés de contrôle de qualité tout le long du processus de fabrication et de commercialisation. Pour tout autre risque auquel la Société pourrait être exposée les contrôles actuels et les mécanismes en place permettent continuellement de les atténuer. L’Institut canadien des comptables agréés (ICCA) a publié en 2001 les chapitres 1581 « Regroupement d’entreprises » et 3062 « Écarts d’acquisition et autres actifs incorporels ». Les nouvelles normes exigent l’utilisation de la méthode de l’acquisition pour le regroupement d’entreprises et que les écarts d’acquisition ne soient plus amortis mais soumis àun test de dépréciation annuel. Toute dépréciation permanente de la valeur comptable des écarts d’acquisition doit être portée aux résultats. La Société n’amortit donc plus les écarts d’acquisition depuis le 1 er avril 2001. Les tests de dépréciation ont été appliqués aux 31 mars 2002 et 2001 et aucune baisse de valeur n’a été constatée. Également l’ICCA a publié une norme comptable soit le chapitre 3870 « Rémunération et autres paiements àbase d’actions » àêtreadoptée pour les exercices ouverts à compter du 1 er janvier 2002. La Société en a fait l’application àcompter de cette date. Pour l’exercice 2002 l’effet de l’application du chapitre sur le bénéfice net de base par action pro forma est de moins de 0 02 $ par action. La Société démontre son leadership à titre de conso- lidateur et d’intégrateur. Notre situation financière est excellente. Transformateurs laitiers avant tout forts de notre expérience et de l’avancement marqué de l’intégration de Dairyworld nous axerons notre travail de développement sur le marché américain où notre croissance bien qu’organique en partie passera surtout par des acquisitions. Nous serons donc à l’affût de tout ce qui pourrait contribuer à la croissance de Saputo et ciblerons conséquemment des entreprises qui pourront grandir à l’intérieur de la Société. La croissance de la Société bien qu’elle puisse être organique repose essentiellement sur des acquisitions. Nous l’avons démontré au cours des dernières années en faisant passer les revenus de 450 millions de dollars lors de l’exercice 1997 à près de 3 5 milliards de dollars au cours du dernier exercice tandis que nos résultats généraient un retour sur les capitaux propres moyens de 18 4 % durant cette même période de cinq ans. La croissance marquée des bénéfices de l’exercice 2002 démontre encore une fois la capacité de la Société d’acquérir d’intégrer et d’améliorer efficacement les résultats des entreprises acquises. Bien que très avancé le processus d’amélioration des activités de Dairyworld orchestré depuis le 5 février 2001 se poursuivra pendant une bonne partie de l’exercice 2003. Grâce à cette acquisition la Société s’est positionnée de façon stratégique àl’échelle canadienne. Les efforts d’inté- gration visent avant tout l’amélioration des processus d’exploitation. Il arrive toutefois qu’une rationalisation des emplacements doive s’insérer dans le cadre de nos processus d’amélioration afin de renforcer encore davantage la Société pour l’avenir. Modifications de conventions comptables • La Société réalise approximativement 37 % de son chiffre d’affaires aux États-Unis et est donc exposée àla fluctuation de devises. Les flux de trésorerie liés aux activités américaines constituent une protection
Government Target are strongly influenced by the current distribution of cycling trips concentrated in the North of the city (see Figure 3 for comparison with the baseline). Under the Go Dutch scenario by contrast the pattern of cycling shifts substantially to the South. The cycling patterns under the Go Dutch scenario are more representative of short-distance trips across the city overall. In both cases the desire lines are focussed on Leeds city centre: the region has a mono-centric regional economy making commute trips beyond around 5 km from the centre much less likely to be made by cycling. The same scenario is illustrated in Figure 8 with the Route Network layer. This shows how the number of commuter cyclist using different road segments could be expected to change. The number using York Road highlighted in Figure 8 for example more than triples (from 88 to 318) under Government Target and increases more than 10 fold under Go Dutch (from 88 to 1426). This contrasts with Otley Road (highlighted in Figure 5) which ‘only’ triples under the Go Dutch scenario. These outputs suggest that the geographical distribution of cycling ## [1] FALSE Figure 6: Modal share of trips made by cycling in West Yorkshire (left) and Oxfordshire (right) by distance currently and under 4 scenarios of change. 24
The Password Validation Component If the validate_password component is enabled it exposes several system variables that enable configuration of password checking: To change how passwords are checked you can set these system variables at server startup or at runtime. The following list describes the meaning of each variable. Whether validate_password compares passwords to the user name part of the effective user account for the current session and rejects them if they match. This variable is unavailable unless validate_password is installed. By default validate_password.check_user_name is enabled. This variable controls user name matching independent of the value of validate_password.policy . When validate_password.check_user_name is enabled it has these effects: •Checking occurs in all contexts for which validate_password is invoked which includes use of statements such as ALTER USER or SET PASSWORD to change the current user’s password and invocation of functions such as VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH() . •The user names used for comparison are taken from the values of the USER() and CURRENT_USER() functions for the current session. An implication is that a user who has sufficient privileges to set another user’s password can set the password to that user’s name and cannot set that user’s password to the name of the user executing the statement. For example ’root’@’localhost’ can set the password for ’jeffrey’@’localhost’ to ’jeffrey’ but cannot set the password to ’root . •Only the user name part of the USER() and CURRENT_USER() function values is used not the host name part. If a user name is empty no comparison occurs. •If a password is the same as the user name or its reverse a match occurs and the password is rejected. 1388 Command-Line Format --validate-password.check-user- name[={OFF|ON}] System Variable validate_password.check_user_name Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Boolean Default Value ON +--------------------------------------+--------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------------------+--------+ | validate_password.check_user_name | ON | | validate_password.dictionary_file | | | validate_password.length | 8 | | validate_password.mixed_case_count | 1 | | validate_password.number_count | 1 | | validate_password.policy | MEDIUM | | validate_password.special_char_count | 1 | +--------------------------------------+--------+ mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ’validate_password.%’; • validate_password.check_user_name
NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31 2011 2010 and 2009 (currencies in millions) PACCAR operates in two principal segments Truck and Financial Services. The Truck segment includes the manufacture of trucks and the distribution of related aftermarket parts both of which are sold through a network of independent dealers. This segment derives a large proportion of its revenues and operating profits from operations in North America and Europe. The Financial Services segment is composed of finance and leasing products and services provided to truck customers and dealers. Revenues are primarily generated from operations in North America and Europe. Included in All Other is PACCAR’s industrial winch manufacturing business. Also within this category are other sales income and expenses not attributable to a reportable segment including a portion of corporate expense. Intercompany interest income on cash advances to the financial services companies is included in All Other and was $.6 for 2011 and nil for 2010 and 2009. Included in All Other income before income taxes of $42.2 in 2009 was $66.0 of curtailment gains and $22.2 of expense related to economic hedges. Geographic revenues from external customers are presented based on the country of the customer. PACCAR evaluates the performance of its Truck segment based on operating profits which excludes investment income other income and expense and income taxes. The Financial Services segment’s performance is evaluated based on income before income taxes. Geographic Area Data 2011 2010 2009 Revenues: United States $ 7 389.8 $ 4 195.8 $ 3 594.4 Europe 5 104.0 3 472.3 2 828.3 Other 3 861.4 2 624.8 1 663.8 $ 16 355.2 $ 10 292.9 $ 8 086.5 Property plant and equipment net: United States $ 1 059.1 $ 846.4 $ 814.6 The Netherlands 467.1 381.6 452.8 Other 447.1 445.7 490.3 $ 1 973.3 $ 1 673.7 $ 1 757.7 Equipment on operating leases net: United States $ 871.2 $ 666.9 $ 686.6 United Kingdom 374.8 384.9 349.7 Germany 350.6 334.0 362.7 Other 793.2 633.5 618.0 $ 2 389.8 $ 2 019.3 $ 2 017.0  R. SEGMENT AND RELATED INFORMATION
THE DIXIE GROUP INC. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (amounts in thousands except share data) December 26 2020 December 28 2019 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 1 920 $ 769 Receivables net 37 716 37 138 Inventories net 85 399 95 509 Prepaid expenses 8 296 6 179 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 133 331 139 595 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT NET 57 904 65 442 OPERATING LEASE RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS 22 074 24 835 OTHER ASSETS 19 559 17 787 TOTAL ASSETS $ 232 868 $ 247 659 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 19 058 $ 16 084 Accrued expenses 25 965 25 418 Current portion of long-term debt 6 116 6 684 Current portion of operating lease liabilities 3 323 3 172 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 54 462 51 358 LONG-TERM DEBT NET 72 041 81 667 OPERATING LEASE LIABILITIES 19 404 22 123 OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 23 170 19 300 TOTAL LIABILITIES 169 077 174 448 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (See Note 19) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Common Stock ($3 par value per share): Authorized 80 000 000 shares issued and outstanding - 14 557 435 shares for 2020 and 15 025 087 shares for 2019 43 672 45 075 Class B Common Stock ($3 par value per share): Authorized 16 000 000 shares issued and outstanding - 880 313 shares for 2020 and 836 669 shares for 2019 2 641 2 510 Additional paid-in capital 158 329 157 547 Accumulated deficit (140 321) (131 113) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (530) (808) TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 63 791 73 211 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY $ 232 868 $ 247 659 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. Table of Contents 34
SUSTAINABILITY 20 IN OUR NATURE INTERNATIONAL PAPER SUSTAINABILITY IS IN OUR NATURE— IT IMPACTS THE WAY WE VIEW AND OPERATE OUR BUSINESS. Sustainability is integral to International Paper’s vision of becoming one of the best and most respected companies in the world. As the world’s largest user of wood fiber our story begins in the forest and extends across the entire life cycle of our products. Sustainability touches every aspect of our business from our employees and communities to our supply chain and manufacturing processes. We continuously strive to improve our efficiency and shrink our environmental footprint. To that end we created a set of 12 voluntary sustainability goals that address water use and quality fiber certification employee safety community involvement solid waste fiber efficiency greenhouse gas and air emissions energy efficiency recycling and supply chain. Through our 58 000 dedicated team members worldwide International Paper will continue to focus on generating deliberate continuous and sustainable improvement and applying what we learn across every area of the company. Globally International Paper’s sustainability efforts continue to evolve. Through a continuous review process we identify opportunities that make us better; better at improving our environmental footprint better at supporting the communities where we live and operate and better at ensuring the safety of our employees. Our initiatives also support our customers and our shareholders by improving our financial performance and mitigating risk; that’s good for everyone. In 2014 our work with internal and external stakeholders led us to focus on six key sustainability areas: safety forests and ecosystem services water use in our
214 Implementation Guide for IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud
19 US 9 904 167 B2 20 Examples of the organic onium ion (countercation) which is represented by M$_{1 }$ + and M$_{2 }$ + include onium ions such as iodonium sulfonium phosphonium diazonium ammo› nium pyridinium quinolinium acridinium oxonium sele› nonium and arsonium among which onium ions such as iodonium sulfonium phosphonium diazonium quino› linium and acridinium are preferable and onium ions such as iodonium and sulfonium are even more preferable. In addition examples thereof include cations such as onium ions of onium salts of group 15 to 17 elements described in JP1994-184170A (JP-H06-184170A) and the like diazonium ions of diazonium salts described in S. I. Schlesinger Photogr. Sci. Eng. 18 387 (1974) T. S. Bal et al. Polymer 21 423 (1980) and the like ammonium ions of ammonium salts described in U.S. Pat. No. 4 069 055A U.S. Pat. No. 4 069 056A US RE27992E JP1991-140140A (JP-H03-140140A) and the like phosphonium ions of phos› phonium salts described in D.C. Necker et al. Macromol› ecules 17 2468 (1984) C. S. Wen et al. Teh Proc. Conf. Rad. Curing ASIA p. 478 Tokyo October (1988) U.S. Pat. No. 4 069 055A U.S. Pat. No. 4 069 056A JP1997- 202873A (JP-H09-202873A) and the like iodonium ions of iodonium salts described in J. V. Crivello et al. Macromol› ecules 10 (6) 1307 (1977) Chem. & Eng. News November 28 p. 31 (1988) EP104143B EP339049B EP410201B JP1990-150848A (JP-H02-150848A) JP1990-296514A (JP-H02-296514A) and the like sulfonium ions of sulfo› nium salts described in J. V. Crivello et al. Polymer J. 17 73 (1985) J. V. Crivello et al. J. Org. Chem. 43 3055 (1978) W. R. Watt et al. J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Chem. Ed. 22 1789 (1984) J. V. Crivello et al. Polymer Bull. 14 279 (1985) J. V. Crivello et al. Macromolecules 14(5) 1141 (1981) J. V. Crivello et al. J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Chem. Ed. 17 2877 (1979) EP370693B EP161811B EP410201B EP339049B EP233567B EP297443B EP297442B U.S. Pat. No. 3 902 114A U.S. Pat. No. 4 933 377A U.S. Pat. No. 4 760 013A U.S. Pat. No. 4 734 444A U.S. Pat. No. 2 833 827A DE2904626B DE3604580B DE3604581B JP! 995-28237 A (JP-807-28237 A) JP! 996- 27102A (JP-H08-27102A) and the like quinolinium ions of quinolinium salts described in JP1997-221652A (JP-H09- 221652A) and the like selenonium ions of selenonium salts described in J. V. Crivello et al. Macromolecules 10 (6) 1307 (1977) J. V. Crivello et al. J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Chem. Ed. 17 1047 (1979) and the like and arsonium ions of arsonium salts described in C. S. Wen et al. Teh Proc. Conf. Rad. Curing ASIA p. 478 Tokyo October (1988) and the like; however the present invention is not limited thereto. In addition preferable examples of the countercation described above include cations having the structure repre- sented by any one of Formulae (II) to (VII) below. R 1 -W::::N + R 2 -I-R 3 R4 I s+ Rs/ ’-R6 R7 I RS-p+-RIO I R9 (II) (III) (IV) (V) -continued (VI) (VII) In Formulae (II) to (VII) above R 1 to R 3 each indepen› dently represent an aryl group R 4 to R 6 each independently represent an alkyl group an alkenyl group an alkynyl group an aryl group a cyclic hydrocarbon group or a heterocyclic group R 7 to R 11 each independently represent an alkyl group an alkenyl group an alkynyl group an aryl group a cyclic hydrocarbon group a heterocyclic group an alkoxy group or an aryloxy group and R$^{12 }$to R$^{17 }$each indepen› dently represent a hydrogen atom a halogen atom or a monovalent organic group. The alkyl groups denoted by R 4 to R$^{11 }$preferably have 1 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 1 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 1 to 8 carbon atoms and may be straight-chain and may have a substituent group. The alkenyl groups denoted by R $^{4 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 2 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 2 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 2 to 8 carbon atoms and may further have a substituent group. The alkynyl groups denoted by R $^{4 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 2 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 2 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 2 to 8 carbon atoms and may further have a substituent group. The aryl groups denoted by R $^{1 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 6 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 6 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms and may further have a substituent group. The cyclic hydrocarbon groups denoted by R 4 to R 11 preferably have 3 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 3 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 3 to 10 carbon atoms and may further have a substituent group. The heterocyclic groups denoted by R 4 to R$^{11 }$preferably have 4 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 4 to 20 carbon atoms and particularly preferably 4 to 10 carbon atoms and may further have a substituent group. In addition the hetero atom included in the heterocyclic group is preferably a nitrogen atom an oxygen atom or a sulfur atom. The alkoxy groups denoted by R $^{7 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 1 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 1 to 20 carbon atoms and even more preferably 1 to 8 carbon atoms. In addition the alkoxy groups may have a substituent group described below and the alkyl moiety of the alkoxy groups may be an alkenyl group an alkynyl group a cyclic hydrocarbon group or a heterocyclic group other than an aromatic group. The aryloxy groups denoted by R $^{7 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 6 to 30 carbon atoms more preferably 6 to 20 carbon atoms and even more preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms. In addition the aryloxy groups may have a substituent group described below and the aryl moiety of the aryloxy groups may be an aromatic heterocyclic group. In Formula (III) R 2 and R 3 may be bonded with each other to form a ring if this is possible. In Formula (IV) two or more ofR 4 to R$^{6 }$may be bonded with each other to form a ring if this is possible.
is received by the Contracting Authority. on the first day of the month in which the time-limit expired plus seven percentage points. The interest shall be payable for the time elapsed between the expiry of the payment deadline and the date on which the Contracting Authority’s account is debited. By way of exception when the interest calculated in accordance with this provision is lower than or equal to EUR 200 it shall be paid to the consultant only upon demand submitted within two months of receiving late payment. 29.3. Once the deadline referred to above has expired the Consultant – unless the consultant is a government department or public body in a European Union Member State - may within two months of receipt of late payment receive default interest: – at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing transactions in euro as published in the Official Journal of the European Union C series where payments are in euro; – at the rediscount rate applied by the central bank of the beneficiary country if payments are in the currency of that country 29.4. Payments due from the Contracting Authority shall be made into the bank account notified by the Consultant in accordance with Article 7.8. 29.5. The Contracting Authority will make payments in euro or in the national currency in accordance with Article 7.1 of the Special Conditions. Where payment is in euro for the purposes of the Provision for incidental expenditure actual expenditure shall be converted into euro at the rate published on the Infor-Euro on the first working day of the month in which the invoice is dated. Where payment is in the national currency it shall be converted into the national currency at the rate published on the Infor- Euro on the first working day of the month in which the payment is made. 29.6. For fee-based contracts invoices must be accompanied by copies of or extracts from the corresponding approved timesheets referred to in Article 24.2 to verify the amount invoiced for the time input of the experts. A minimum of 7 hours worked are deemed to be equivalent to one day worked. For all experts their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked for the purposes of invoicing. 29.7. Payment of the final balance shall be subject to performance by the Consultant of all its obligations relating to the implementation of all phases or parts of the services and to the approval by the Contracting Authority of the final phase or part of the services. Final payment shall be made only after the final progress report and a final statement identified as such shall have been submitted by the Consultant and approved as satisfactory by the Contracting Authority. 29.8. If any of the following events occurs and persists the Contracting Authority may by written notice to the Consultant suspend in whole or in part payments due to the Consultant under the Contract: (a) the Consultant defaults in the implementation of the tasks; (b) any other condition for which the Consultant is responsible under the contract and which in the opinion of the Contracting Authority interferes or threatens to interfere with the successful completion of the project or the contract; 29.9. All payments made by the Contracting Authority into the bank account specified in the contract will have liberating effect. 30.1. If the pre-financing payment stated in Article 7.2 of the Special Conditions exceeds EUR 100 000 or if no proof documents have been provided for the selection criteria the Consultant must provide a financial guarantee for the full amount of the pre-financing payment. The financial guarantee to be approved by the Contracting Authority shall be in the format provided for in the contract and may be provided in the form of a bank guarantee a banker's draft a certified cheque a bond provided by an insurance and/or bonding company an irrevocable letter of credit or a cash deposit made with the Contracting Authority and issued by financial institution with a minimum investment grade rating issued by any of international credit rating agencies. This financial guarantee must remain valid until it is released by the Contracting Authority in accordance with Article 30.5 or Article 30.6 as appropriate. Where the contractor is a public body the obligation for a financial guarantee may be waived Page 14 of 19 The payment obligations of the European Commission under this contract shall cease at most 18 months after the end of the period of implementation of the tasks unless the contract is terminated in accordance with Article 36.1 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE
(b) all κ$_{kn}$ = ( φ$_{n}$ ) ′ k φ − 1 n and κ$_{k}$ = ( φ ) ′ k φ − 1 are such that ( κ$_{kn}$ ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ ) ( κ$_{k}$ ε$_{1}$ ) belong to some product pair the products ε$_{n}$φ − 1 n exist in S ∗ and F t − $^{1}$( ε$_{1}$$_{n}$φ − 1 n ) → g in S $^{∗}$. Proof. (a) We have that φ φ$_{n}$ ∈ O$_{M}$ . It follows that ( φ ) ′ k ( φ$_{n}$ ) ′ k ∈ O$_{M}$ . Also ( φ ) ′ k ( φ$_{n}$ ) ′ k ∈ Φ( m $^{′}$ V ) where m ′ = m + ι with ι a vector of ones. From Theorem 3 it follows that for every n the functions γ$_{n}$ and φ$_{n}$ are uniquely identified on W. From now on we consider all functions and function spaces restricted to W even when W does not coincide with R $^{d}$ but keep the same notation. The functions belong also to Φ( ˜ m V ) where ˜ m = m + m $^{′}$. Without loss of generality assume that each κ$_{k}$ is also in the same Φ( ˜ m V ) and so all κ$_{kn}$ κ$_{k}$ are in a bounded set in S $^{∗}$. Since from condition ( a ) it follows that κ$_{kn}$ = ( φ$_{n}$ ) ′ k φ − 1 n ∈ O$_{M}$ products are defined and from equations ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ κ$_{kn}$ − (( ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ ) ′ k − iε$_{2}$$_{kn}$ ) = 0 and convergence of ε$_{in}$ to ε$_{i}$ we get that ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ κ$_{kn}$ − ε$_{1}$ κ$_{k}$ converges to zero in S $^{∗}$. For functions in O$_{M}$ products with any elements from S ∗ exist thus ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ κ$_{kn}$ − ε$_{1}$ κ$_{kn}$ exists; moreover ( ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ − ε$_{1}$ ) κ$_{kn}$ converges to zero in S ∗ by the hypocontinuity property (Schwartz p.246). It follows that ε$_{1}$ ( κ$_{kn}$ − κ$_{k}$ ) converges to zero in S $^{∗}$. Since ε$_{1}$ is supported on W and ( κ$_{kn}$ − κ$_{k}$ ) ∈ O$_{M}$ by continuity of the functional ε$_{1}$ it follows that κ$_{kn}$ − κ$_{k}$ converges to zero on W. It then follows that φ$_{n}$ − φ → 0 in S ∗ as well as pointwise and uniformly on bounded sets in W the product φ − $^{1}$φ − 1 n is in a bounded set in S $^{∗}$ thus φ − 1 n − φ − 1 = φ − $^{1}$φ − 1 n ( φ − φ$_{n}$ ) converges to zero in S $^{∗}$. Consider ε$_{1}$$_{n}$φ − 1 n − ε$_{1}$φ − 1 = ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ ( φ − 1 n − φ − $^{1}$) + ( ε$_{1}$$_{n}$ − ε$_{1}$ ) φ − $^{1}$; this difference 42
Velcro$^{®}$. The commercial name for hook and pile nylontape fastener. Tandem. A dual harness dual parachute system for use by two people under the same main parachute. Tapes. Narrow woven ribbons used for reinforcing parachutes. Tape fastener. Velcro$^{®}$. Velocity. A vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction relation to a given frame of reference; also the time rate of change of position. Vent. The opening at the top or peak of the canopy. Technical standard order. A minimum performance standard for specified articles such as materials parts processes or appliances used on civil aircraft. Vent cap. A piece of fabric sewn to the upper lateral band and covering the vent; also known as a vent patch. Warp. The threads that run parallel to the selvage edge of cloth; those which are crossed by the filling threads. Tension plate. A device hooked into the connector links in order to put tension on the canopy while packing. Thread. A thin continuous filament made by spinning fibers and combining the strands. Weave. The forming of a textile by interlacing yarns. The making or manufacturing of cloth on a loom by interlacing warp and filling yarns. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). The rules regulations and guidelines established by the FAA to govern the operation of aircraft airways airmen and the safe operation of civil aircraft. Webbing. A stout closewoven tape used for straps belts harnesses etc. Toggle. A knob or webbing loop at the end of the steering line for grasping by the parachutist. Weight. Gravitational force on a mass. Weight (fabric). The weight of fabric measured in ounces per square yard. Trimming. Clipping or paring to reduce to a neat orderly state. Tubular nylon. Sleevelike weave seamless and pressed flat similar in appearance to tape but stronger and hollow in the center. Wrinkles. A series of small pleats. W Z U Zigzag. A stitch formation of alternating left and right throw stitches usually made on a sewing machine that moves the needle bar alternately left and right during sewing. Zipper. A slide fastener. Tuck. A shortening of material caused by pulling fabric up in folds and stitching across the gathered fabric. Ultimate load. Maximum load that can be applied without causing any part of the structure to fail. Ultraviolet light damage. Degradation of nylon fabric by exposure to sunlight or fluorescent lights. Identified by a yellowish color on white fabric or excessive fading to colored fabric. United States Parachute Association. A nonprofit division of the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) that governs sport parachuting activities in the U.S. V-ring. A metal fitting shaped in the form of a closed letter V used with snaps to secure or attach a load to a parachute. V G-12
Annual maturities of long-term debt at March 31 2003 were as follows: The following assets were pledged as collateral for short-term debt at March 31 2003: The following assets were pledged as collateral for long-term debt at March 31 2003: Employees who terminate their services with the Company are under most circumstances entitled to receive lump-sum retirement benefits based upon their rates of pay at the time of termination years of service and certain other factors. Certain consolidated subsidiaries also have severance payment and pension plans similar to those of the Company. However an employee who terminates at 50 years of age or older with service of at least 20 years is entitled to receive an annuity from the trustee under the pension plan which covers such employees. If the annuity does not reach the level of total retirement benefits due the remainder would be paid by the Company. Retirement benefits include retirement benefits to directors offi- cers and corporate auditors in the amount of ¥271 million ($2 259 thousand) and ¥196 million for the years ended March 31 2003 and 2002 respectively. The retirement benefits to directors and cor- porate auditors are paid subject to the approval of the shareholders. The liability for employees’ retirement benefits at March 31 2003 and 2002 consisted of the following: 37 Projected benefit obligation .............................................................................................. ¥ 34 212 ¥ 31 890 $ 285 100 Fair value of plan assets .................................................................................................... (14 195) (15 952) (118 292) Unrecognized transitional obligation ................................................................................. (9 699) (10 507) (80 825) Unrecognized actuarial loss............................................................................................... (7 407) (3 607) (61 725) Prepaid pension cost ......................................................................................................... 5 Net liability........................................................................................................................ ¥ 2 911 ¥ 1 829 $ 24 258 Millions of Yen 2003 2002 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2003 Notes and accounts receivable — trade............................................................................. ¥ 197 $ 1 642 Land ................................................................................................................................. 695 5 792 Buildings and structures — net of accumulated depreciation............................................. 718 5 983 Total ................................................................................................................................. ¥ 1 610 $ 13 417 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars Land ................................................................................................................................. ¥ 1 285 $ 10 708 Buildings and structures — net of accumulated depreciation............................................. 655 5 458 Investment securities......................................................................................................... 4 34 Total ................................................................................................................................. ¥ 1 944 $ 16 200 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars Year Ending March 31 2004 ............................................................................................................................ ¥ 263 $ 2 192 2005 ............................................................................................................................ 108 900 2006 ............................................................................................................................ 10 103 84 192 2007 ............................................................................................................................ 72 600 2008 and thereafter...................................................................................................... 139 1 158 Total ............................................................................................................................ ¥ 10 685 $ 89 042 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars 9. RETIREMENT BENEFITS
Draft Document for Review September 23 2019 1:27 am 8860ch08.fm Figure 8-10 NTP Successfully Turned On Consideration: If more than one NTP server is defined you cannot specify which server is the primary server. The NTP service on the HMC takes any defined NTP server and tries to contact it. If it succeeds that server is used as the time source until either the server in question is no longer available or the console is rebooted. If it cannot communicate with that server it tries another in the list. The check box on the Configure NTP Setting window is used only for actions in the Select Action list and not for setting a primary or preferred NTP server. HMC supports NTP Broadband Authentication. Configure the (optional) NTP Authentication if your HMC requires it. NTP server authentication provides an increased level of security in the following situations: Symmetric key encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. When the HMC is acting as the client the symmetric key index that is specified on each NTP server definition must be present in the key file. The specified key index key type and the key string must align with the specified key information of the target server. Likewise if the HMC is acting as a server the client specified key information must match the same key index on the server. Symmetric key supports Network Address Translation (NAT). Two authentication methods are supported for NTP: NTP requests can pass through the firewall. If you use a firewall to access an outside NTP server use the HMC authentication to ensure untampered time stamps. NTP requests are User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket packets so they cannot pass through the proxy. The proxy must be configured as an NTP server to get to target servers on the internet. Autokey uses public key cryptography. The key generation for the HMC NTP is done by clicking Generate Local Host Key on the Autokey Configuration window. Clicking this button issues the ntp-keygen command which generates the specific key and certificate for this system. Autokey authentication is not available with a NAT firewall. 170 IBM z15 (8561) Configuration Setup GLYPH<SM590000> When using a proxy to access outside network GLYPH<SM590000> When using a firewall GLYPH<SM590000> Symmetric key (NTP V3-V4) authentication GLYPH<SM590000> Autokey (NTP V4) authentication 8.4.2 NTP Broadband Authentication (optional)
We record our financial results using the Canadian dollar and accordingly our operating results and cash flows are affected by changes in the Canadian dollar exchange rate relative to the currencies of other countries where we operate and relative to the United States (U.S.) dollar. Exchange rate movements can have a significant effect on our results as a significant portion of our operating costs are incurred in Canadian and other currencies and most of our revenues and debt are denominated in U.S. dollars. Profit attributable to shareholders for 2012 was $811 million or $1.39 per share which included $784 million of after-tax debt refinancing charges. This compares with $2.7 billion or $4.52 per share in 2011 and $1.8 billion or $3.09 per share in 2010. Our profit over the past three years has included items that we segregate for presentation to investors so that the ongoing profit of the company may be more clearly understood. These are described below and summarized in the table that follows. Excluding these items our profit for 2012 was negatively affected by lower prices for our major commodities. Our profit in 2012 included $784 million of after-tax refinancing charges related to debt refinancing transactions completed during the year $70 million of collective agreement charges $39 million of gains on asset sales and $98 million of gains on various derivatives. Our profit in 2011 included $146 million of after-tax gains on the sale of various assets that were undertaken as part of our debt reduction plan and $128 million of gains on various derivatives. Our profit in 2010 included $65 million of after-tax non-cash foreign exchange gains and $768 million of after-tax gains on the sale of various assets that were undertaken as part of our debt reduction plan. Partially offsetting these favourable items was $658 million of after-tax unamortized discounts and issues costs related to our Fording acquisition debt that we wrote off as we repaid and refinanced that debt. The table below shows the effect of these items on our profit. * Adjusted profit and adjusted earnings per share are all non-GAAP measures. See “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” section for further information. Cash flow from operations in 2012 was $2.8 billion compared with $4.0 billion in 2011 and $3.3 billion in 2010. The changes in cash flow from operations are due mainly to the volatility in commodity prices. At December 31 2012 our cash balance was $3.3 billion. Total debt was $7.2 billion and our net debt to net debt-plus- equity ratio was 18% compared with 13% at December 31 2011 and 21% at the end of 2010. Generations 53 2012 2011 2010 Profit attributable to shareholders $ 811 $ 2 668 $ 1 820 Add (deduct) the after-tax effect of: Gains on sale of assets (39) (146) (768) Foreign exchange (gains) losses 20 (4) (65) Derivative gains (98) (128) (153) Financing items 784 – 658 Collective agreement charges 70 55 – Asset write-downs – 23 – Tax items (29) – 11 Adjusted profit * $ 1 519 $ 2 468 $ 1 503 Adjusted earnings per share * $ 2.60 $ 4.18 $ 2.55
Date and Time Functions • DAYNAME( date ) • DAYOFMONTH( date ) • DAYOFWEEK( date ) • DAYOFYEAR( date ) • EXTRACT( unit FROM date ) • FROM_DAYS( N ) • FROM_UNIXTIME( unix_timestamp [ format ]) Returns the name of the weekday for date . The language used for the name is controlled by the value of the lc_time_names system variable (Section 10.16 “MySQL Server Locale Support” ). Returns the day of the month for date in the range 1 to 31 or 0 for dates such as ’0000-00-00’ or ’2008-00-00’ that have a zero day part. Returns the weekday index for date ( 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday … 7 = Saturday). These index values correspond to the ODBC standard. Returns the day of the year for date in the range 1 to 366 . The EXTRACT() function uses the same kinds of unit specifiers as DATE_ADD() or DATE_SUB() but extracts parts from the date rather than performing date arithmetic. For information on the unit argument see Temporal Intervals. Use FROM_DAYS() with caution on old dates. It is not intended for use with values that precede the advent of the Gregorian calendar (1582). See Section 12.9 “What Calendar Is Used By MySQL?” . Returns a representation of the unix_timestamp argument as a value in ’ YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ’ or YYYYMMDDhhmmss format depending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric 2157 mysql> SELECT DAYNAME(’2007-02-03’); -> ’Saturday’ mysql> SELECT DAYOFMONTH(’2007-02-03’); -> 3 mysql> SELECT DAYOFWEEK(’2007-02-03’); -> 7 mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR(’2007-02-03’); -> 34 mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ’2019-07-02’); -> 2019 mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ’2019-07-02 01:02:03’); -> 201907 mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(DAY_MINUTE FROM ’2019-07-02 01:02:03’); -> 20102 mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(MICROSECOND -> FROM ’2003-01-02 10:30:00.000123’); -> 123 mysql> SELECT FROM_DAYS(730669); -> ’2000-07-03’ Given a day number N returns a DATE value.
9. CAPITAL-ACTIONS (suite) Régime d’options d’achat d’actions 10. SURPLUS D’APPORT Au cours de l’exercice terminé le 31 mars 2003 275 558 actions ordinaires ont été émises pour un montant de 4 509 000 $ en vertu du régime d’options d’achat d’actions. Au cours de l’exercice terminé le 31 mars 2002 733 667 actions ordinaires ont été émises pour un montant de 8 775 000 $ en vertu du régime d’options d’achat d’actions. La Société a instauré un régime d’options d’achat d’actions visant l’achat d’actions ordinaires par des employés clés des dirigeants et des administrateurs de la Société. Le nombre total d’actions ordinaires pouvant être émises en vertu du régime ne peut dépasser 14 000 000 d’actions. Le prix d’exercice de chaque option correspond au cours de clôture des actions de la Société la journée précédant la date d’octroi. Ces options sont généralement acquises à raison de 20 % par année et expirent dix ans après la date de leur octroi. Les options émises et en circulation en fin d’exercice sont les suivantes : Le nombre d’options a varié de la façon suivante : De plus 1 336 396 options visant l’achat d’actions ordinaires à un prix de 22 50 $ ont été octroyées en date du 1 er avril 2003. 2003 2002 Prix d’exercice Prix d’exercice Périodes Prix moyen moyen d’octroi d’exercice Nombre pondéré Nombre pondéré 1998 8 50 $ 185 649 8 50 $ 212 718 8 50 $ 1999 de 16 13 à 18 75 $ 298 347 18 29 $ 365 850 18 28 $ 2000 19 70 $ 445 299 19 70 $ 529 230 19 70 $ 2001 13 50 $ 884 116 13 50 $ 1 005 387 13 50 $ 2002 de 19 00 à 23 00 $ 1 060 640 19 12 $ 1 145 782 19 10 $ 2003 30 35 $ 910 893 30 35 $ – – $ 3 784 944 19 99 $ 3 258 967 16 69 $ Options pouvant être exercées en fin d’exercice 1 188 048 13 44 $ 517 050 16 41 $ 2003 2002 Prix d’exercice Prix d’exercice moyen moyen Nombre pondéré Nombre pondéré Solde au début de l’exercice 3 258 967 16 69 $ 3 301 956 14 64 $ Options octroyées 934 965 30 35 $ 1 289 058 19 10 $ Options levées (275 558) 16 36 $ (733 667) 11 96 $ Options annulées (133 430) 19 40 $ (598 380) 16 34 $ Solde à la fin de l’exercice 3 784 944 19 99 $ 3 258 967 16 69 $ Surplus d’apport résultant de la comptabilisation de la rémunération à base d’actions 1 475 $ Notes afférentes aux états financiers consolidés 42
in [11] and [12]; in particular coordinate indices of four-dimensional vectors and tensors are denoted by latin letters and have values from 0 to 3; a metrics is considered to be defined with diagonal metric tensor: g ik = 0 at i = k g 00 = 1 g 11 = g 22 = g 33 = − 1; the same upper and lower coordinate indices of four-dimensional tensors always imply summation; if some indices are not coordinate tensor indices the summation symbol is explicitly shown if necessary; the four-dimensional coordinate is x i = ( ct r ) x$_{i}$ = ( ct − r ) x $^{i}$x$_{i}$ = c $^{2}$t2 − r $^{2}$ where c is the light speed constant t is time r is three-dimensional radius-vector. It would appear reasonable that the properties of magnetic charges and the electromag- netic field generated by them would be similar to the properties of electrical charges and the electromagnetic field generated by them: in particular the force lines of the magnetic field generated by magnetic charges start from/end in the magnetic charges while the force lines of the electrical field generated by currents of magnetic charges are closed i.e. the existence of magnetic charges in a sense restores symmetry between the magnetic and electrical fields. Apparently the equations describing the electromagnetic field generated by magnetic charges (currents) should be similar to the equations describing the electro- magnetic field generated by electrical charges (currents). At the same time in view of the topological difference between the electromagnetic field generated by magnetic charges and the one generated by electrical charges they should be described separately in equations. The electromagnetic field generated by the current density of electrical charges { e$_{a}$ } – j$_{e}$ – can be described using the antisymmetric four-dimensional tensor of the second rank F$_{A}$$_{e}$ which can be represented via the four-dimensional vector potential A i e def = ( ϕ$_{e}$ A$_{e}$ ) in the following form: The relation between components of tensor F$_{A}$$_{e}$ and components of (three-dimensional) vectors of electrical field E and magnetic field H is described as 3 F ik A$_{e}$ def = ∂A k e ∂x$_{i}$ − ∂A i e ∂x$_{k}$ = ∂ $^{i}$Ak e − ∂ $^{k}$Ai$_{e}$. (1) E α e = − F 0 α A$_{e}$ ( α = 1 2 3) ; H 1 e = − F 23 $_{A$_{e}$}$ H 2 e = − F 31 $_{A$_{e}$}$ H 3 e = − F 12 A$_{e}$ (2) II. MAGNETIC MONOPOLE IN CLASSIC FIELD THEORY
Accelerate Per formance Top performance means meeting—and exceeding—our customers’ expectations. Our game-changing technologies and world-class products and services ensure that we deliver high customer value. 08 | UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION
20 0 -20 -40 -60 40 60 100 140 120 80 F 20 0 -20 -40 40 60 C −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Bimetallic temperature gauge Bimetallic coil of bonded metals with dissimilar coefficients of expansion Figure 10-67. A bimetallic outside air temperature gauge and its installation on a light aircraft. Figure 10-66. A bimetallic temperature gauge works because of the dissimilar coefficients of expansion of two metals bonded together. When bent into a coil cooling or heating causes the dissimilar metal coil to tighten or unwind moving the pointer across the temperature scale on the instrument dial face. 10-37 Electrical Resistance Thermometer Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication directly with temperature. By filling a sensing bulb with such a volatile liquid and connecting it to a bourdon tube the tube causes an indication of the rising and falling vapor pressure due to temperature change. Calibration of the dial face in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius rather than psi provides a temperature reading. In this type of gauge the sensing bulb is placed in the area needing to have temperature measured. A long capillary tube connects the bulb to the bourdon tube in the instrument housing. The narrow diameter of the capillary tube ensures that the volatile liquid is lightweight and stays primarily in the sensor bulb. Oil temperature is sometimes measured this way. The use of electricity in measuring temperature is very common in aviation. The following measuring and indication systems can be found on many types of aircraft. Certain For most metals electrical resistance changes as the temperature of the metal changes. This is the principle upon which a resistance thermometer operates. Typically the electrical resistance of a metal increases as the temperature rises. Various alloys have a high temperature-resistance coefficient meaning their resistance varies significantly with temperature. This can make them suitable for use in temperature sensing devices. The metal resistor is subjected to the fluid or area in which temperature needs to be The principle parts of the electrical resistance thermometer are the indicating instrument the temperature-sensitive element (or bulb) and the connecting wires and plug connectors. Electrical resistance thermometers are used widely in many types of aircraft to measure carburetor air oil free air temperatures and more. They are used to measure low and medium temperatures in the –70 °C to 150 °C range. temperature ranges are more suitably measured by one or another type of system.
For the present model U = ∞ we observe the following: when the Zeeman interaction Δ is small we do not expect significant changes with respect to the results obtained for Δ = 0. For large values of the Zeeman interaction g$_{|}$$_{|}$µ$_{B}$B$_{|}$$_{|}$ E$_{F}$ > 1 the effect of the con- straint is negligible. This can be seen from the bias field Δ x which induces a space dependent oscillation for the constraint Q Zeeman 1 ( x ) in equation (43) . Due to the oscillations we obtain Q Zeeman 1 ( x ) ≈ 0. The wire Hamiltonian is replaced by an unconstrained polarized wire H$_{wire}$ ≈ H ( ↑ ) wire = ∫ d 2 − d 2 dx [ ¯ h ( v + Δ 2 ) 2 ( ∂$_{x}$$^{ϕ}$↑ ( x )) 2 + ( ∂$_{x}$$^{ϑ}$↑ ( x )) $^{2}$] Therefore we recover the robust 0 . 5 plateau in agreement with [22]. We have solved the problem of exclusion of double occupancy using Dirac’s method for constraints. We have found that the anomalous commutation rules are modified causing the conductance to be anomalous. Applying this theory to quantum wires we show that our theory can explain the anomalous conductance observed by [14 16–18] and is in agreement with the Monte-Carlo simulation reported in refs.[21 22]. 8. Conclusion 19
188 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF AEGON N.V. NOTE 25 SENSITIVITY OF ASSUMED MEDICAL COST TREND RATES: Assumed medical cost trend rates have an effect on the amounts reported for the health care plans. A one-percentage change in assumed medical cost trend rates would have the following effects: An experience adjustment on plan liabilities is the difference between the actuarial assumptions underlying the scheme and the actual experience during the period. This excludes the effect of changes in the actuarial assumptions that would also qualify as actuarial gains and losses. Experience adjustments on plan assets are the difference between expected and actual return on assets. Defined benefit plans are mainly operated by AEGON USA AEGON The Netherlands and AEGON UK. The following sections contain a general description of the plans in each of these subsidiaries a summary of the principal actuarial assumptions applied in determining the value of defined benefit plans and a description of the basis used to determine the overall expected rate of return on plan assets. AEGON USA has defined benefit plans covering substantially all its employees that are qualified under the Internal Revenue Service Code. The benefits are based on years of service and AEGON USA also sponsors supplemental retirement plans to provide senior management with benefits in excess of normal pension benefits. These plans are unfunded and non-qualified under the Internal Revenue Service Code. The unfunded amount related to these plans for which a liability has been recorded is EUR 184 million (2009: EUR 192 million). the employee’s eligible annual compensation. The defined benefit plans were unfunded by EUR 171 million at December 31 2010 (2009: EUR 113 million unfunded). AEGON USA Estimated future benefi ts: Pension benefi ts Other benefi ts Total 2011 237 18 255 2012 248 17 265 2013 244 20 264 2014 250 21 271 2015 254 22 276 2016-2020 1 346 120 1 466 Experience adjustments arising on: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Plan liabilities 59 (11) (3) (37) (76) Plan assets 175 241 (882) 64 112 2010 2009 + 1% – 1% + 1% – 1% Aggregate of current service cost and interest cost components of net periodic post-employment medical costs 2 (1) 2 (1) Accumulated post-employment benefit obligation for medical cost 18 (16) 14 (13) Best estimate of contributions expected for the next annual period 104
2 I. INTRODUCTION II. INTERPRETATION AS DARK ENERGY The most important observational advance in cosmology since the early studies of cosmic expansion in the 1920’s was the dramatic and unexpected discovery in the waning years of the twentieth century that the expansion rate is accelerating. This was first announced in February 1998 based on the concordance of two groups’ data on Supernovae Type 1A [1 2]. A plethora of subsequent experiments concerning the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Large Scale Structure (LSS) and other measurements have all confirmed the 1998 claim for cosmic acceleration. There have been many attempts to avoid the conclusion of the cosmic acceleration. Typically they involve an ingenious ruse which assigns a special place to the Earth in the Universe in a frankly Ptolemaic manner and in contradiction to the well-tested and time-honored cosmological principle at large distance. We find these to be highly contrived and ad hoc . We therefore adopt the position that the accelerated expansion rate is an observed fact which we as theorists are behooved to interpret theoretically with the most minimal set of additional assumptions. On the basis of general relativity theory together with the cosmological principle of homo- geneity and isotropy the scale factor a ( t ) in the FRW metric satisfies [3 4] the Friedmann- Lemaˆıtre equation where we shall normalize a ( t$_{0}$ ) = 1 at the present time t = t$_{0}$ and ρ is an energy density source which drives the expansion of the universe. Two established contributions to ρ are ρ$_{m}$ from matter (including dark matter) and ρ$_{γ}$ radiation so that H ( t ) 2 =$^{(}$ ˙ a a$^{)}$$^{2}$ =$^{(}$ 8 πG 3 ) ρ (1) ρ ⊇ ρ$_{m}$ + ρ$_{γ}$ (2)
RAILROAD CROSSINGS RAILROAD CROSSINGS Always stop when a train is close to a crossing. Be prepared to stop if a train is within 1500 feet of the crossing. You must stop even if the crossing is unmarked. Do not take a chance. Trains cannot stop easily nor within a short distance. Never shift gears on the crossing. If your vehicle has a manual transmission shift down and do not change gears while crossing the tracks. Watch for vehicles that must stop at crossings. Be prepared to stop when you are following buses or trucks which are required to stop at railroad crossings. Do not pass them when prohibited by law. If legal to pass make sure there are no unsafe conditions and that you have a clear view of the tracks. Never get trapped on a crossing. When traffic is heavy wait on the approach to a crossing until you are sure you can clear the crossing. Watch out for the second train. When the last car of a train passes the crossing do not start up until you are sure no train is coming on another track especially from the other direction. Railroad crossbuck and warning sign. Be prepared to stop for trains. R R Flashing Lights Never drive around gates. If the gates are down stay in place and do not cross the tracks until the gates are raised. It is against the law to go around crossing gates. Never race a train. Racing a train to the crossing is foolhardy. You may never have another chance if you lose.
SHARE REGISTRY STOCK EXCHANGES INCORPORATION The Company is incorporated in New Zealand. The Company’s shares are listed on the NZX and the ASX. 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 KATHMANDU In New Zealand: Link Market Services (LINK) Physical Address: Level 16 Brookfields House 19 Victoria Street West Auckland 1010 New Zealand Postal Address: PO Box 91976 Auckland 1142 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 375 5999 Investor enquiries: +64 9 375 5998 Facsimile: +64 9 375 5990 Internet address: www.linkmarketservices.com In Australia: Link Market Services (LINK) Physical Address: Level 1 333 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Postal Address: Locked Bag A14 Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia Telephone: +61 2 8280 7111 Investor enquiries: +61 2 8280 7111 Facsimile: +61 2 9287 0303 Internet address: www.linkmarketservices.com.au
II. METHOD III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION function of frequency are presented. Finally the conclusions are given in Section IV. The independent electron susceptibility is defined as: where ϵ$_{nk}$ and f$_{nk}$ are the one-electron energies and the corresponding Fermi functions and G G ′ are reciprocal lattice vectors. In this work we accurately compute χ$_{0}$ by performing the summations in Eq. (1) using a random sampling over the Brillouin zone (BZ). We used ∼ 3000 independent k − points per band chosen according to a stochastic algorithm which accumulates them around the FS for bands crossing E$_{F}$ . The final results are obtained by averaging over 40 runs each containing completely independent k -point set. This procedure nearly completely eliminates the numerical noise and shows a good convergence both in terms of number of independent runs and number of k -points within a single run. We have included 65 bands in order to ensure convergence with respect to the number of empty bands. The energy bands and the matrix elements for LaOFeAs have been calculated within the (spin-independent) local density approximation (LDA) 24 to the exchange-correlation functional. Our calculations have been done using the Full-potential Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (FPLAPW) method. This choice is necessary because of the extreme sensitivity of the electronic structure (in particular of the bands close to E$_{F}$ ) to the method $^{25}$. No numerical approximation has been made in the evaluation of matrix elements in Eq. (1). Given the huge debate about the dependence of the results on the position of the As atom in the unit-cell $^{25 26}$ in the present work we show results both for the theoretically optimized ( z$_{As}$ = 0 . 638) and experimental 27 ( z$_{As}$ = 0 . 6513) position of the As atom. We first look at the band structure and the FS for the parent and the doped LaOFeAs. The ground state calculations are performed with the tetragonal unit cell containing two Fe atoms at the experimental lattice constants a = 4 . 03 ˚ A and c/a = 2 . 166. The energy bands 4 χ$_{0}$ ( q G G $^{′}$ ω ) = ∑ nn $^{′}$k f$_{nk}$ − f$_{n}$ $^{′}$k + q ϵ$_{nk}$ − ϵ$_{n}$ $^{′}$k + q + ¯ h ( ω + iη ) 〈 n $^{′}$k + q ∣ e i ( q + G ) · r ∣ n k 〉 〈 n k ∣ e − i ( q + G $^{′}$) · r ∣ n $^{′}$k + q 〉 (1)
Patent Application Publication Mar. 20 2008 Sheet 8 of 12 US 2008/0067077 Al FIG. BA FIG. BB FIG. BC
ISBN 978-0-34-822324-8 £4.90 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/548
SECTION 4 Capital structure and equity 4.4 Borrowings TREASURY SHARES INTEREST RATE RISK Carlsberg Group Annual Report 2013 Parent Company SECTION 4: CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND EQUITY 149 2012 The fixed-rate mortgages comprised one mort- gage with a time to maturity of more than five years. Swaps were settled in 2012 so there were no fair value adjustment in 2013 (2012: DKK -8m). 2013 The fixed-rate mortgage is one loan which has a fixed interest rate until 2017. Non-current borrowing consists of employee bonds that carry a fixed interest rate and one mortgage carrying a fixed interest. At 31 December 2013 the fair value of treasury shares amounted to DKK 14m (2012: DKK 1m). B shares carry two votes per DKK 20 share. A prefer- ential right to an 8% non-cumulative dividend is attached to B shares. Apart from votes and dividends all shares rank equally. A shares carry 20 votes per DKK 20 share. The fair value of borrowings in subsidiaries corresponds to the carrying amount in all material respects. Borrowings are measured at amortised cost. Other non-current borrowings include employee bonds of DKK 13m (2012: DKK 18m). No bonds have been issued in 2013 or 2012. 4.5 Interest rate risk SHARE CAPITAL Class A shares Class B shares Total share capital Shares of DKK 20 Nominal value DKK ’000 Shares of DKK 20 Nominal value DKK ’000 Shares of DKK 20 Nominal value DKK ’000 1 January 2012 33 699 252 673 985 118 857 554 2 377 151 152 556 806 3 051 136 No change in 2012 - - - - - - 31 December 2012 33 699 252 673 985 118 857 554 2 377 151 152 556 806 3 051 136 No change in 2013 - - - - - - 31 December 2013 33 699 252 673 985 118 857 554 2 377 151 152 556 806 3 051 136 Shares of DKK 20 Nominal value DKKm Percentage of share capital 1 January 2012 33 498 - 0.0% Acquisition of treasury shares 141 000 3 0.1% Used to settle share options -172 911 -3 -0.1% 31 December 2012 1 587 - 0.0% 1 January 2013 1 587 - 0.0% Acquisition of treasury shares 288 582 6 0.2% Used to settle share options -266 228 -5 -0.2% 31 December 2013 23 941 1 0.0% DKK million Average effective interest rate 2013 Interest rate Fixed for Carrying amount Interest rate risk Mortgages Fixed-rate Fixed 3.12% 2-3 years 209 Fair value Total mortgage 3.12% 209 2012 Mortgages Fixed-rate Fixed 2.85% 3-4 years 209 Fair value Total mortgages 2.85% 209 DKK million 2013 2012 Non-current borrowings Mortgages 209 209 Other non-current borrowings 13 18 Total 222 227 Current borrowings Current portion of other non-current borrowings 5 - Borrowings from subsidiaries 1 093 740 Total 1 098 740 Total non-current and current borrowings 1 320 967 Fair value 1 327 980
6 energy for various temperatures. We fit the experimental RSA spectra from Fig. 7 by Eq. (5) and get very good agreement in all cases. The g -factors and spin relaxation times determined in that way are given in the figure cap- tion. usual shape [Fig. 4(d)] has maximum at exciton pumping and (ii) this amplitude increases with increasing of pump power and disappears with decrease of pump power. It allows us to conclude that the main contribution to the RSA signal with shape shown in Fig. 4(d) is due to elec- tron spins polarized by electron-exciton scattering or due to fast spin relaxation of hole in the resonantly excited exciton. The electron and hole spin relaxation times measured at different temperatures are collected in Fig. 8. The data for temperatures below 15 K were determined from RSA spectra and for higher temperatures at which the RSA signals vanish we fit the decay of the FR signals at positive delays. The data in the temperature range We turn now to the evolution of the spin dynamics of electrons and holes and in particular to the mecha- nisms providing carrier spin relaxation at extremely low temperatures down to 430 mK. We focus on the Faraday rotation RSA signals measured at the trion resonance where the hole spin dynamics is most pronounced. Fig- ure 7 shows RSA signals measured at the trion resonance V. LOW TEMPERATURE SPIN DYNAMICS FIG. 6: (Color online) Spin orientation of resident electrons at exciton resonant excitation. Two possible scenarios are depicted: trion formation from the photocreated exciton and flip-flop scattering of an exciton with a resident electron. In this case the exciton is transformed into ta dark state and the resident electrons become polarized after the dark state has decayed (shown by blue dashed arrow). FIG. 5: (Color online) Spin orientation of resident electrons denoted as 2DEG (two-dimensional electron gas) for trion res- onant excitation. The following four stages are shown: (1) unpolarized 2DEG before excitation; (2) result of action of a σ $^{+}$-polarized pump pulse part of the resident electrons are bound to trions; (3) trions and resident electrons shortly be- fore trion recombination; (4) 2DEG after trion recombina- tion. Panels (a) and (b) show the situation for zero external magnetic field. (a) T h s ≫ τ r hole spin flip is absent and resident electrons stay unpolarized after trion recombination. (b) T h s < τ r hole spin relaxes before trion decay and resi- dent electrons become spin polarized. (c) Non-zero external magnetic field. Even in the absence of hole spin relaxation the resident electrons become polarized due to electron spin precession about magnetic field during trion lifetime. FIG. 7: (Color online) RSA signals measured by degenerate pump-probe Faraday rotation at the trion resonance for var- ious temperatures. Black curves are experimental data and thick red (grey) curves are fits by Eq. (5). Calculation pa- rameters are: | g e | = 0 . 555 T e s = 45 ns for T = 0 . 43 K: T h s = 2 ns τ r = 200 ps; for T = 1 K: T h s = 2 ns τ r = 200 ps; for T = 3 . 2 K: T h s = 0 . 6 ns τ r = 120 ps.
governmental or regulatory actions taken by the United Kingdom or the EU in connection with or subsequent to Brexit cannot be predicted including whether or not regulators will continue to approve or impose material conditions on our business activities. Any of these effects and others we cannot anticipate could materially adversely affect our business results of operations and financial condition. We are subject to increasingly stringent federal state local and foreign laws regulations and ordinances relating to the protection of the environment and noise reduction including those relating to emissions to the air discharges to surface and subsurface waters safe drinking water and the management of hazardous substances oils and waste materials. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations can require significant expenditures and violations can lead to significant fines and penalties. We are also subject to other environmental laws and regulations including those that require us to investigate and remediate soil or groundwater to meet certain remediation standards. Under federal law generators of waste materials and current and former owners or operators of facilities can be subject to liability for investigation and remediation costs at locations that have been identified as requiring response actions. Liability under these laws may be strict joint and several meaning that we could be liable for the costs of cleaning up environmental contamination regardless of fault or the amount of waste directly attributable to us. We have liability for investigation and remediation costs at various sites although such costs currently are not expected to have a material adverse effect on our business. We have various leases and agreements with respect to real property tanks and pipelines with airports and other operators. Under these leases and agreements we have agreed to indemnify the lessor or operator against environmental liabilities associated with the real property or operations described under the agreement in some cases even if we are not the party responsible for the initial event that caused the environmental damage. We also participate in leases with other airlines in fuel consortiums and fuel committees at airports where such indemnities are generally joint and several among the participating airlines. Governmental authorities in several U.S. and foreign cities are also considering or have already implemented aircraft noise reduction programs including the imposition of nighttime curfews and limitations on daytime take offs and landings. We have been able to accommodate local noise restrictions imposed to date but our operations could be adversely affected if locally-imposed regulations become more restrictive or widespread. We consider our intellectual property rights particularly our branding rights such as our trademarks applicable to our airline and AAdvantage loyalty program to be a significant and valuable aspect of our business. We protect our intellectual property rights through a combination of trademark copyright and other forms of legal protection contractual agreements and policing of third-party misuses of our intellectual property. Our failure to obtain or adequately protect our intellectual property or any change in law that lessens or removes the current legal protections of our intellectual property may diminish our competitiveness and adversely affect our business and financial results. Any litigation or disputes regarding intellectual property may be costly and time-consuming and may divert the attention of our management and key personnel from our business operations either of which may adversely affect our business and financial results. There is increasing global regulatory focus on climate change and GHG emissions. Efforts by the EU in 2009 to regulate flights arriving from or departing for airports outside of the EU have been postponed as members of ICAO are negotiating a global agreement on GHG emissions from the aviation sector. In 2016 ICAO passed a resolution adopting CORSIA which is a global market-based emissions offset program intended to encourage carbon-neutral growth beyond 2020. CORSIA was supported by the board of Airlines for America (the principal U.S. airline trade association) and IATA (the principal international airline trade association) and by American and many other U.S. and foreign airlines. In March 2017 ICAO also adopted new aircraft certification standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft which will apply to new aircraft type designs in 2020 and to aircraft type designs already in production as of 2023. On June 27 2018 ICAO adopted standards pertaining to the collection and sharing of information on international aviation emissions beginning in 2019. Airline operators must prepare GHG monitoring plans by February 2019. CORSIA will increase operating costs for American and most other airlines including other U.S. airlines that operate internationally but the implementation of a global program as compared to regional emission reduction schemes should ensure that these costs will be more evenly applied to American and its 28 We are subject to risks associated with climate change including increased regulation to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Our intellectual property rights particularly our branding rights are valuable and any inability to protect them may adversely affect our business and financial results. We are subject to many forms of environmental and noise regulation and may incur substantial costs as a result.
The Sherwin-Williams Company 2004 Annual Report
3 of 12 RID I: (General Compliance Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ct title: Lot 1- Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant Publication reference: NEAR/ANK/2021/EA-OP/0084 Item No Reference Clause I. Qualifications – Technical and Professional Capacity Tenderer 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Signature Chairman Voting Member Voting Member Voting Member Voting Member Voting Member Date egend: Y/N Yes/No C Clarification Requested P Pass F Fail 3 August 2020 d4m_evalgrid_en.doc
4.5 Modulated Decay Rate 102 Fig. 4.16: Prediction of the model for n$_{s}$ for $^{φ}$∗ Case C with primordial inflation being Chaotic Inflation with α =1 Γ$_{ϕ}$ ≪ H$_{T I}$ m$_{ψ}$ =10 − 2 GeV and the parameter values from Table 4.2. (A plot of Eq. (4.185) with $^{φ}$∗ = 0 m = m$_{0}$ and Γ = g $^{2}$m$_{0}$ .) The Blue and Red lines are the central value and lower/upper bounds of n$_{s}$ respectively as obtained by the Planck spacecraft [40]. Therefore we obtain the primordial curvature perturbation as This is of the same order of magnitude as the primordial curvature pertur- bation that is produced by the “end of inflation” mechanism Eqs. (4.59) and (4.63). As with the “end of inflation” mechanism scenario we will consider what is termed local non-Gaussianity which for the bispectrum corresponds to the “squeezed” configuration of the momenta triangle in that the magnitude of 4.5.1 Non-Gaussianity ζ = δN ∼ − δm m (4.198) 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 m 0 ( GeV ) 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 n$_{s}$
MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Loans to SPG-FCM Cash Flows 20 Simon Property Group Inc. We expect to generate positive cash flow from operations in 2012 and we consider these projected cash flows in our sources and uses of cash. These cash flows are principally derived from rents paid by our retail tenants many of whom are still recovering from the recent economic downturn. A significant deterioration in projected cash flows from operations could cause us to increase our reliance on available funds from the Credit Facility curtail planned capital expenditures or seek other additional sources of financing as discussed above. In general we anticipate that cash generated from operations will be sufficient to meet operating expenses monthly debt service recurring capital expenditures and distributions to stockholders necessary to maintain our REIT qualification on a long- term basis. In addition we expect to be able to obtain capital for nonrecurring capital expenditures such as acquisitions major building renovations and expansions as well as for scheduled principal maturities on outstanding indebtedness from: Our net cash flow from operating activities and distributions of capital from unconsolidated entities totaled $2.4 billion during 2011. In addition we received net proceeds from our debt financing and repayment activities in 2011 of $256.5 million. These activities are further discussed below in “Financing and Debt”. During the 2011 period we or the Operating Partnership also: As part of the Mills acquisition in 2007 the Operating Partnership made loans to SPG-FCM Ventures LLC or SPG-FCM which were used to repay loans and other obligations. As of December 31 2011 and 2010 the outstanding balance of our remaining loan to SPG-FCM was $651.0 million. The loan bears interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 275 basis points and matures on June 7 2012. During 2011 2010 and 2009 we recorded approximately $9.8 million $9.9 million and $9.3 million in interest income (net of inter-entity eliminations) related to this loan respectively. We also recorded fee income including fee income amortization related to up-front fees on those loans during 2011 2010 and 2009 of approximately $1.0 million $0.9 million and $3.7 million (net of inter-entity eliminations) respectively for providing refinancing services to Mills’ properties and SPG-FCM. ● paid stockholder dividends and unitholder distributions of $1.2 billion ● paid preferred stock dividends and preferred unit distributions totaling $5.3 million ● funded consolidated capital expenditures of $445.5 million (includes development and other costs of $67.9 million renovation and expansion costs of $157.1 million and tenant costs and other operational capital expenditures of $220.5 million) ● funded investments in unconsolidated entities of $20.8 million and ● funded property acquisitions and acquired additional interests in previously unconsolidated entities for $1.3 billion. ● excess cash generated from operating performance and working capital reserves ● borrowings on the Credit Facility ● additional secured or unsecured debt financing or ● additional equity raised in the public or private markets.
TABLE II: Comparison of transition wavelengths for Li $^{−}$ Be − with literature data. 1 a.u.=27.2113834 eV. ¯ h c=197.3269602 eV nm. X-only values are enclosed in parentheses. $^{a}$Ref. [7]. $^{b}$Ref. [6]. $^{c}$Ref. [33]. $^{d}$Ref. [4]. $^{e}$Ref. [9]. $^{f}$Ref. [10]. $^{g}$Ref. [15]. $^{h}$Ref. [34]. $^{i}$Ref. [20]. $^{j}$Ref. [5]. $^{k}$Ref. [19]. $^{l}$Ref. [12]. $^{m}$Ref. [13]. $^{n}$Ref. [35]. Wavelength (nm) Transition This work Other theory Experiment Li − 1s2s2p $^{2 5}$P e → 1s2p $^{3 5}$S o 345.96 346.06 $^{a}$ 349.12$^{b}$ 349.0$^{c}$ 348.98d 349.07 $^{e}$ 349.0f (321.55) Be − [He] 2s2p $^{2 4}$P e → [He] 2p $^{3 4}$S o 264.14 267.1 $^{g}$ 265.4$^{h}$ 265.370$^{i}$ 265.32$^{j}$ 265.04k 265.301 $^{l}$ 265.318$^{m}$ 265.331n (252.29) FIG. 1: Radial density plots for several states of (a) Li − and (b) Be $^{−}$. large distances all these three states show similar behavior with the ground state having greater charge density and decaying rather slowly than the two excited states; $^{5}$P e dying out fastest. Similar radial density plots for all three excited states of Be − are given in Fig. 1(b). In the vicinity of nucleus the $^{4}$P $^{e}$ $^{4}$S o states show similar behavior and have much larger charge densities compared to the $^{6}$S o state again presumably because the former two have two core 1s electrons while the latter has only one. At the intermediate distance after the first minimum and up to r =3 . 5 a.u. this situation changes with $^{6}$S o having the largest charge density. Also the $^{4}$S $^{o}$ $^{4}$P e states branch out in this region with the latter showing slightly larger peak value than the former. After that at larger distances all the three states decay in a similar pattern with $^{4}$S o having higher values and oozing out slowly than the other two and $^{6}$S o decaying out first. These behaviors in electron density are also reflected 8 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 Radial density (a.u.) r (a.u.) (a) 1s$^{2}$2s$^{2 1}$S e 1s2s2p$^{2 5}$P e 1s2p$^{3 5}$S o 0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8 Radial density (a.u.) r (a.u.) (b) 1s$^{2}$2p$^{3 4}$S o 1s$^{2}$2s2p$^{2 4}$P e 1s2s2p$^{3 6}$S o
9 FIG. 10: The components (left: radial component right: azimuthal component) of the magnetic pattern in the AMRI domain (fast rotation) for β = 10 . Top: Re = 150 Ha = 50 ( minimum); bottom: Re = 200 Ha = 80 . The fields are normalized with B$_{in}$ . µ B = 1 Pm = 1 . FIG. 11: Components of the magnetic pattern (left: radial component right: azimuthal component) for TI (slow rotation). Re = 30 Ha = 130 . Top: β = 2 Bottom: β = 10 . The fields are normalized with B$_{in}$ . µ B = 1 Pm = 1 .
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 42 New accounting pronouncements In January 2003 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Interpretation (FIN) No. 46 “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities an Interpretation of ARB No. 51 ” which was revised in December 2003. FIN No. 46R requires that the assets liabilities and results of the activity of vari- able interest entities be consolidated into the financial statements of the entity that has the controlling financial interest. FIN No. 46R also provides the framework for determining whether a variable interest entity should be consolidated. For the Company this Interpretation as revised was effective January 1 2004. The Company has no variable interest entities required to be consolidated as a result of adopting FIN No. 46R. In December 2003 the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Act) introduced a pre- scription drug benefit under Medicare as well as a federal subsidy to sponsors of retiree health care benefit plans. In January 2004 the FASB issued FASB Staff Position (FSP) No. 106-1 “Accounting Disclosure Requirements Related to the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003.” FSP 106-1 permits a sponsor of a post retirement health care plan that provides a pre- scription drug benefit to make a one-time election to defer account- ing for the effects of the Medicare Act if there is insufficient data time or guidance available to ensure appropriate accounting. The Company is a sponsor of post retirement health care plans that pro- vide prescription benefits and in accordance with the one-time elec- tion under FSP 106-1 elected to defer accounting for the Medicare Act. In May 2004 the FASB issued FSP No. 106-2 “Accounting and Disclosure Requirements Related to the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 ” which supersedes FSP 106-1 to address the accounting and disclosure requirements related to the Medicare Act. The FSP was effective for the Company beginning with its third quarter ended September 30 2004. The effect of the adoption was to reduce the Company’s 2004 post retire- ment benefits expense by $6.8 million. In November 2004 the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 151 “Inventory Costs” which is an amendment of ARB No.43 Chapter 4. This statement provides clarification of accounting for abnormal amounts of idle facility expense freight handling costs and wasted material. Generally this statement requires that those items be recognized as current period charges. SFAS 151 will be effective for the Company on January 1 2006. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of SFAS 151 will have on its consolidated financial position results of opera- tions and cash flows. In December 2004 the FASB issued FSP 109-1 “Application of FASB Statement No. 109 Accounting for Income Taxes to the Tax Deduction on Qualified Production Activities Provided by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004” (AJCA) and FAS 109-2 “Accounting and Disclosure Guidance for the Foreign Earnings Repatriation Provision within the AJCA”. These two FSPs provide guidance on the applica- tion of the new provisions of the AJCA which was signed into law on October 22 2004. The AJCA provides a deduction for income from qualified domestic production activities which will be phased in from 2005 through 2010. In return the AJCA provides for a two-year phase-out of the existing extra-territorial income exclusion (ETI) for foreign sales that was viewed to be inconsistent with international trade protocols by the European Union. Under the guidance in FSP 109-1 the deduction will be treated as a “special deduction” as described in SFAS 109. As such the special deduction has no effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities existing at the enactment date. Rather the impact of this deduction will be reported in the period in which the deduction is claimed on our tax return. The Company expects the net effect of the phase out of the ETI and the phase in of this new deduction will not have a material impact on its effective tax rate. FSP 109-2 provides guidance on the accounting for the deduction of 85% of certain foreign earnings that are repatriated as defined in the AJCA. The Company may elect to apply this provision to qualifying earnings repatriations in 2005. Under guidance set forth in FAS 109-2 the Company is allowed time beyond the financial reporting period of enactment to evaluate the effect of the AJCA on its plan for reinvest- ment or repatriation of foreign. The Company has started an evalua- tion of the effects of the repatriation provision; however the Company does not expect to be able to complete this evaluation until after the U.S. Congress or the Treasury Department provides additional clarifying language on key elements of the provision. The Company expects to complete its evaluation of the effects of the repatriation provision within a reasonable period of time following the publication of the additional clarifying language. The range of possible amounts that the Company is considering for repatriation under this provision is between zero and $74 million. The related range of income tax effects of such repatriation cannot be reasonably estimated until guidance is issued by Congress or the Treasury Department. In December 2004 the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R “Shared-Based Payment” which requires companies to measure and recognize com- pensation expense for all share-based payments at fair value. Share- based payments include stock option grants and certain transactions under other Company stock plans. The Company grants options to purchase common stock of the Company to some of its employees and directors under various plans at prices equal to the market value of the stock on the dates the options are granted. SFAS 123R will be effective for the Company beginning July 1 2005. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of SFAS 123R will have on its consolidated financial position results of operations and cash flows. Reclassification Certain prior period amounts have been reclassi- fied to conform to the current year’s presentation and are not mate- rial to the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements. BorgWarner Inc. and Consolidated Subsidiaries NOTE 2 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS NOTE 3 OTHER INCOME 43 The Company spent approximately $123.1 million $118.2 million and $109.1 million in 2004 2003 and 2002 respectively on research and development (R&D) activities. R&D costs are included primarily in the selling general and administrative expenses of the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Not included in these amounts were customer-sponsored R&D activities of approximately $31.8 million $22.3 million and $14.2 million in 2004 2003 and 2002 respectively. Items included in other income consist of: Earnings before income taxes and the provision for income taxes are presented in the following table. The earnings before income taxes amounts for 2003 and 2002 have been presented to conform to the 2004 U.S. versus non-U.S. presentation. INCOME TAXES NOTE 4 millions of dollars Year Ended December 31 2004 2003 2002 Gain on sale of business $ — $ 0.5 $ — Interest income 0.7 0.8 1.7 Loss on asset disposals net (3.5) (1.7) (1.5) Other (0.2) 0.5 0.7 $(3.0) $ 0.1 $0.9 2004 2003 2002 millions of dollars U.S. Non-U.S. Total U.S. Non-U.S. Total U.S. Non-U.S. Total Earnings before taxes $117.8 $190.8 $308.6 $120.5 $136.2 $256.7 $163.7 $70.1 $233.8 Provision for income taxes: Current: Federal/foreign 1.4 63.8 65.2 18.5 13.1 31.6 11.1 10.6 21.7 State 2.2 — 2.2 1.6 — 1.6 3.1 — 3.1 3.6 63.8 67.4 20.1 13.1 33.2 14.2 10.6 24.8 Deferred 11.1 2.7 13.8 18.5 21.5 40.0 44.8 7.6 52.4 Total provision for income taxes $ 14.7 $ 66.5 $ 81.2 $ 38.6 $ 34.6 $ 73.2 $ 59.0 $18.2 $ 77.2 Effective tax rate 12.4% 34.9% 26.3% 32.0% 25.4% 28.5% 36.0% 26.0% 33.0% millions of dollars 2004 2003 2002 Income taxes at U.S. statutory rate of 35% $108.0 $ 89.8 $81.8 Increases (decreases) resulting from: Income from non-U.S. sources including withholding taxes 3.6 (8.5) (2.2) Business tax credits net (6.2) (6.3) (4.7) Affiliate earnings (10.2) (7.0) (6.8) Non-temporary differences and other (14.0) 5.2 9.1 Provision for income taxes as reported $ 81.2 $ 73.2 $77.2 The provision for income taxes resulted in an effective tax rate for 2004 of 26.3% compared with rates of 28.5% in 2003 and 33.0% in 2002. Our effective tax rates have been lower than the standard federal and state tax rates due to the realization of certain R&D and foreign tax credits; foreign rates which differ from those in the U.S.; and offset by non-deductible expenses. In addition the Company made an $11.4 million year-end adjustment to various tax accounts due to changes in circumstances related to various tax items including changes in tax laws. The year-end adjustment resulted in a reduction in the U.S. effective tax rate for 2004. The analysis of the variance of income taxes as reported from income taxes computed at the U.S. statutory rate for consolidated opera- tions is as follows:
TOTAL SHARE OWNER RETURN We again posted strong internal sales growth in 2003 driven by brand building and innovation across our portfolio. We were able to increase our operating profit in 2003 while making substantial investments for the future. Cash flow again exceeded expectations as we increased earnings remained disciplined on capital expenditure and improved our working capital efficiency. For the third straight year our total share owner return well outpaced our peer group. In 2003 we earned our stripes by delivering solid results while strengthening our organization and creating a future of dependable growth. 02 01 00 99 98 $8 304 03 $8 812 $6 110 $6 157 $6 087 $7 548 02 01 00 99 98 $1 508 03 $1 544 $895 $829 $990 $1 168 02 01 00 99 98 $1 000 $346 $529 $650 $856 $746 03 $961 $924 Voluntary Benefit Plan Contributions $1.75 $1.23 $0.83 $1.45 $1.16 02 $1.92 03 01 00 99 98 We again delivered better-than-expected earnings growth in 2003. 02 01 00 99 98 Kellogg S&P Packaged Foods Index 17% 8% -21% -29% -7% 26% 2% 3% -11% 19% 03 15% 5% EARNINGS PER SHARE (diluted) CASH FLOW (millions) OPERATING PROFIT (millions) NET SALES (millions)
Table of Contents EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Repurchase Program Authorization to Issue and Retire Shares Dividend Policy 82 Under the Merger Agreement the Company is not allowed to declare or pay dividends or distributions on shares of common stock in an amount in excess of $0.385 per share for quarterly dividends declared before June 1 2020 and $0.41 per share for quarterly dividends declared on or after June 1 2020. See Part II Item 8 Financial Statements Note T of Notes to Financial Statements for further discussion. On December 27 2019 the Company paid $15.7 million in quarterly cash dividends to shareholders. The Company paid a total of $61.7 million $57.5 million and $53.3 million in cash dividends during the twelve months ended December 31 2019 2018 and 2017 respectively. On January 30 2019 the Company submitted an application with both the NMPRC and the FERC seeking approval to issue shares of common stock including the reissuance of treasury shares in an amount up to $200.0 million in one or more transactions. The Company received final approvals for such issuances from the NMPRC and the FERC on March 27 2019 and April 18 2019 respectively. Under the Merger Agreement the Company cannot issue shares of common stock subject to limited exceptions without the prior written consent of Parent. In order to align the number of shares of common stock held as treasury stock by the Company with various regulatory applications filings and orders on May 23 2019 the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board of Directors") approved the cancellation of 1.4 million shares of common stock held as treasury shares by the Company effective May 31 2019. No shares of the Company's common stock were repurchased during the twelve months ended December 31 2019. Detail regarding the Company's stock repurchase program are presented below: (d) The Company may make purchases of shares of its common stock pursuant to its authorized program in open market transactions at prevailing prices and may engage in private transactions where appropriate. The repurchased shares will be available for issuance under employee benefit and stock incentive plans or the repurchased shares may be retired. (c) Beginning in 2015 shares of the Company's common stock issued for employee benefit and stock incentive plans have been issued from the shares repurchased and held in treasury stock. The Company has issued 396 657 treasury shares since 2015 including 51 305 shares during 2019. (b) Shares repurchased does not include 86 735 treasury shares related to employee compensation arrangements that were not part of the Company's repurchase program. (a) Represents repurchased shares and cost since inception of the stock repurchase program in 1999. Since 1999 (a) Authorized Shares Shares repurchased (b) (c) 25 406 184 Cost including commission (in thousands) $ 423 647 Total remaining shares available for repurchase at December 31 2019 (d) 393 816 ______________________
(l) Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund (m) Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) Fund (n) Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund beneficiaries which would ensure the retrieval into stock of tents that were no longer required. Proper management of these requisites would suggest that purchases at any time should take account of the existing items in stock available for use. In terms of Section 12 (2) of the Fund Order establishing the Fund (Statutory Instrument No. 90 of 2008) I am responsible for appointing an independent auditor to audit the accounts of the Fund. Following the award of the tender I have duly appointed an auditor for the purpose aforesaid. At the time of writing this report the audit was still in progress. Section 9 (2) of the Fund Order establishing the Fund requires that I appoint an independent auditor for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the Fund. Following the award of the tender I have duly appointed an auditor to audit the accounts of the Fund as required. At the time of writing this report the audit was still under way. The purpose of the Fund is to allow losses made by Government or Government institutions on foreign exchange transactions to be offset against gains on those transactions. Section 8 of the Fund Order provides that surpluses at the end of the financial year shall be carried forward to the following year provided however that the Minister may transfer to the Consolidated Fund any surplus in excess of an amount considered necessary to be retained in the Fund. A review of the accounts of the Fund had indicated that over the last 4 years the Fund had maintained steady surplus balances as shown in the table below which in my view would merit consideration of transfers to the Consolidated Fund: Financial Fund Year Balance 2017/18 76 294 161 2016/17 81 434 160 2015/16 56 394 273 2014/15 40 404 373 16
Then the second $skip stage can coalesce into the first $skip stage and result in a single $skip stage where the skip amount 7 is the sum of the two initial limits 5 and 2 . { $skip: 7 } $match + $match Coalescence When a $match immediately follows another $match the two stages can coalesce into a single $match combining the conditions with an $and . For example a pipeline contains the following sequence: Then the second $match stage can coalesce into the first $match stage and result in a single $match stage { $match: { year: 2014 } } { $match: { status: "A" } } { $match: { $and: [ { "year" : 2014 } { "status" : "A" } ] } } MongoDB Documentation Release 3.0.4 Examples 449 7.2. Aggregation Concepts The $skip + $limit Sequence Optimization (page 447) reverses the position of the { $skip: 5 } and { $limit: 10 } stages and increases the limit amount: $limit + $skip + $limit + $skip Sequence A pipeline contains a sequence of alternating $limit and $skip stages: The reordered sequence now has $sort immediately preceding the $limit and the pipeline can coalesce the two stages to decrease memory usage during the sort operation. See $sort + $limit Coalescence (page 448) for more information. The $skip + $limit Sequence Optimization (page 447) increases the $limit amount with the reordering. See $skip + $limit Sequence Optimization (page 447) for details. First the optimizer performs the $skip + $limit Sequence Optimization (page 447) to transforms the sequence to the following: $sort + $skip + $limit Sequence A pipeline contains a sequence of $sort followed by a $skip followed by a $limit : The following examples are some sequences that can take advantage of both sequence reordering and coalescence. Generally coalescence occurs after any sequence reordering optimization. { $sort: { age : -1 } } { $skip: 10 } { $limit: 5 } { $sort: { age : -1 } } { $limit: 15 } { $skip: 10 } { $limit: 100 } { $skip: 5 } { $limit: 10 } { $skip: 2 }
we have used a value of the cut-off frequency between 10 and 20 MeV which gives realistic dissipation and fluc- tuation for the fusion or fission mechanism[14 15 18]. Our study clearly points out that a proper treatment of memory requires to include higher order effects. (iv) Fi- nally in all cases TCL4 could not be distinguished from the exact result. As we will see the efficiency of TCL4 is similar for the inverted parabola. Since NZ method is not competitive only the quan- tum Monte-Carlo and TCL methods are considered in the following application. Several approaches have been recently developed to de- scribe fusion and fission reactions [6 14 15 17 18 53]. In these mechanisms few collective degrees of freedom couple to a sea of internal excitations while passing an inverted barrier. At very low energy both quantum and non-Markovian effects are expected to play a significant role. Most of the theory currently used start from quan- tum master equations deduced from TCL2. The quan- tum Monte-Carlo method offers a practical alternative which has similarities with path integrals theory. Path integrals are known to provide a possible framework to include dissipation while passing barriers (see for instance [54]). However due to their complexity only few appli- cations have been made so far [2 55]. We compare here the different approaches for inverted potential ( ε = − 1). C. Quantum Monte-Carlo method applied to inverted oscillators The accuracy of different methods is illustrated in fig- ure 5 where evolutions of 〈 Q 〉 〈 P 〉 Σ$_{QQ}$ and Σ$_{PP}$ are shown as a function of time. Values of parameters re- tained for this figure are typical values generally taken in the nuclear context[16]. In all cases including TCL2 sec- ond moments are well reproduced. However only TCL4 and the stochastic simulation provides a correct descrip- tion of first moments. Calculations are shown here for Δ E = 0 MeV. TCL2 provides a better and better ap- proximation when Δ E increases while the disagreement increases below the barrier. This will be further illus- trated below. It is tempting to group trajectories into those passing the barrier and those reflected by the potential to get information on the passing probability or passing time however it should be kept in mind that the present the- ory is fully quantal. Since each trajectories are associ- ated with densities with quantum widths both trajecto- ries presented in Fig. 4 contribute to the transmission probability. which is nothing but the difference between total initial energy and barrier high. Both trajectories shown in fig- ure 4 correspond to Δ E = 0 MeV. where Q ( t ) and P ( t ) denote the real part of 〈 Q ( t ) 〉 and 〈 P ( t ) 〉 along the trajectory. An illustration of two trajec- tories one passing the barrier and one reflected is shown in figure 4. As illustrated in the following it is conve- nient to group trajectories according to the quantity Δ E defined by Contrary to the classical theory of Brownian motion the notion of trajectories is not so easy to tackle in the present Monte-Carlo framework. First observables are complex. As mentioned in section III A this difficulty can be overcomed by grouping trajectories by pairs which is equivalent to replace expectation of observables by their real parts. Second it should be kept in mind that the present theory is a purely quantum theory where den- sities associated to wave-packets are evolved. Therefore each trajectory should be interpreted in the statistical sense of quantum mechanics and contains many classical paths. Nevertheless to visualize the trajectory we define the following energies: Initially we consider a Gaussian density with quantum width σ$_{QQ}$ (0) = 0 . 16 fm 2 and σ$_{PQ}$ (0) = 0 MeV.fm/c and positioned on one side of the potential (here taken arbitrarily at 〈 Q (0) 〉 = Q 0 > 0 while the barrier height is is located at 0 fm and is by convention taken as V$_{B}$ = 0 MeV). The initial kinetic energy denoted E$_{K}$ (0) is set by boosting the density with an initial momentum 〈 P (0) 〉 = P 0 < 0. 1. Initial conditions trajectories and mean evolution 7 E ( t ) = P ( t ) 2 2 m − 1 2 mω 2 $_{0}$Q ( t ) 2 (26) Δ E = E (0) − V$_{B}$ (27) FIG. 3: (Color online) Evolution of Σ PP for different approx- imations: NZ2 (open triangles) NZ4 (filled triangles) TCL2 (open squares) and TCL4 (filled squares). The exact evo- lution is displayed with solid line. In all cases ℏ ω 0 = 14 MeV and k B T = ℏ ω 0 are used. The left side corre- sponds to different cut-off frequencies: ℏ Ω = 20 ℏ ω 0 (top) and ℏ Ω = 5 ℏ ω 0 (bottom). In both cases η = 0 5 ℏ ω 0 . In the right side ℏ Ω = 10 ℏ ω 0 and different coupling strengths are used: η = ℏ ω 0 (top) and η = 0 . 1 ℏ ω 0 (bottom). 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 3 6 PP h 2 / 2 $_{o}$ t 0.2 0.4 0.6 PP h 2 / 2 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 3 6 PP h 2 / 2 $_{o}$ t 0.3 0.6 0.9 PP h 2 / 2
test generating p values P$_{j}$ . The evidence against the null hypothesis (1) is then measured by the rank of P$_{k}$ ′ in the empirical distribution [ P$_{j}$ ] generated. This effectively compares the p value at the test SNP k conditional on SNP k ′ to that conditioning on all other SNPs in the region. However note that because this method summarizes evidence for colocalisation by a rank only there is no statistical inference attached. Thresholds for interpreting ranks would be expected to depend on SNP density and LD patterns. The proportional approach frames the null hypothesis differently. A set of q SNPs are chosen which are deemed somehow to jointly be good predictors of one or both traits. Regressing Y and Y ′ against these columns of X and X ′ respectively produces estimates b$_{1}$ and b$_{2}$ of regression coefficients β$_{1}$ and β$_{2}$ with variance-covariance matrices V$_{1}$ and V$_{2}$ respectively. Since sample sizes are large the combined likelihood may be closely approximated by a Gaussian likelihood for ( b$_{1}$ b$_{2}$ ) assuming V$_{1}$ V$_{2}$ are known and that Cov( b$_{1}$ b$_{2}$ ) = 0. Assuming equal LD in the two cohorts i.e. that the correlation structure between the SNPs does not differ Plagnol et al. [2009] show that the regression coefficients should be proportional and proposed testing for a shared causal variant by testing the null hypothesis i.e. β$_{1}$ = 1 $_{η}$β$_{2}$ = β . The chi-squared statistic is derived from Fieller’s theorem [Fieller 1954] where u = $^{(}$b$_{1}$ − 1 $_{η}$b$_{2}$ ) and V = V$_{1}$ + 1 η $_{2}$V$_{2}$ . If η were known T ( η ) 2 would have a χ 2 distribution on q degrees of freedom. Plagnol et. al take a profile likelihood approach and replace η by its maximum likelihood estimate ˆ η which also minimises T ( η ) $^{2}$. Asymptotic likelihood theory suggests that T (ˆ η ) 2 has a χ 2 distribution on q − 1 degrees of freedom. Alternatively Wallace et al. [2012] take a Bayesian approach. They begin by reparametrising the likelihood in terms of θ = tan − $^{1}$( η ) and rewriting the null hypothesis as H prop 0 : β$_{1}$ ∝ β$_{2}$ T ( η ) 2 = u $^{T}$V − $^{1}$u ∼ χ 2 (2) H prop 0 : β$_{1}$ = β cos( θ ); β$_{2}$ = β sin( θ ) . 5
Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Aegon N.V. Note 43 256 Movements during the year of the present value of the defined benefit obligations 2013 2012 At January 1 restated 6 276 5 855 Current year service cost 98 106 Interest expense 243 267 Remeasurements of the defined benefit obligations: - Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in demographic assumptions 5 31 - Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in financial assumptions (286) 312 Past service cost 1 (29) Contributions by plan participants 11 11 Benefits paid (266) (263) Net exchange differences (146) (14) At December 31 5 935 6 276 Movements during the year in plan assets for retirement benefit plans 2013 2012 At January 1 2 747 2 543 Interest income (based on discount rate) 109 115 Remeasurements of the net defined liability (asset) 281 194 Contributions by employer 34 48 Contributions by plan participants - - Benefits paid (154) (149) Net exchange differences (108) (4) At December 31 2 909 2 747 2013 2012 Breakdown of plan assets for retirement benefit plans Quoted Unquoted Quoted Unquoted Equity instruments 331 6 261 4 Debt instrument 322 471 343 514 Derivatives - 25 - 7 Investment funds 29 1 485 23 1 364 Structured securities - 6 - 6 Other 9 225 16 209 At December 31 690 2 219 643 2 104 Aegon USA Defined benefit plans are mainly operated by Aegon USA Aegon the Netherlands and Aegon UK. The following sections contain a general description of the plans in each of these subsidiaries and a summary of the principal actuarial assumptions applied in determining the value of defined benefit plans. Aegon USA has defined benefit plans covering substantially all its employees that are qualified under the Internal Revenue Service Code including all requirements for minimum funding levels. The defined benefit plans are governed by the Board of Managers of Aegon USA. The Board of Managers has the full power and discretion to administer the plan and to apply all of its provisions including such responsibilities as but not limited to developing the investment policy and managing assets for the plan maintaining required funding levels for the plan deciding questions related to eligibility and benefit amounts resolving disputes that may arise from plan participants and for complying with the plan provisions and legal requirements related to the plan and its operation. The benefits are based on years of service and the employee’s eligible annual compensation. The plans provide benefits based on a traditional final average formula or a cash balance formula (which defines the accrued benefit in terms of a stated account balance) depending on the age and service of the plan participant. The defined benefit plans were unfunded by EUR 207 million at December 31 2013 (2012: EUR 611 million unfunded). Investment strategies are established based on asset/liability studies by actuaries which are updated as they consider appropriate. These studies along with the investment policy assist to develop the appropriate investment criteria for the plan including asset allocation mix return objectives investment risk and time horizon benchmarks and performance standards and restrictions and prohibitions. The overall goal is to maximize total investment returns to provide sufficient funding for the present and anticipated Annual Report 2013
51 Daiwa Securities Group Annual Report 2012 FY2010 FY2011 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 9 382.64 9 369.35 10 228.92 9 755.10 9 816.09 8 700.09 8 455.35 10 083.56 1 666 1 257 1 439 1 864 1 383 1 355 1 075 1 406 746 791 (241) (1 238) 2 1 351 923 (1 380) 1 160 (881) (1 475) (169) (149) 442 (117) (783) (761) 273 1 406 3 056 946 (1 648) (381) 1 289 91 (9) (22) 12 10 40 (1) (36) 1.085 0.930 1.110 1.255 1.130 1.020 0.980 0.985 88.38 83.44 81.54 83.15 80.51 77.04 76.94 82.79 Millions of yen Millions of yen ¥ 94 151 ¥107 236 ¥118 214 ¥ 83 438 ¥113 625 ¥102 480 ¥ 92 919 ¥113 348 56 106 49 142 54 618 58 763 55 060 56 171 52 535 57 077 13 323 9 626 12 465 15 249 10 515 10 202 8 249 11 815 4 658 5 255 7 537 8 851 3 832 4 787 8 091 2 797 9 155 7 164 7 936 7 322 13 394 12 661 10 726 12 356 28 969 27 096 26 678 27 339 27 318 28 519 25 468 30 109 10 724 34 160 31 605 15 985 26 244 14 895 8 572 29 703 (1 924) (3 316) 8 136 (20 154) 1 251 1 892 1 470 (2 658) 17 516 17 862 17 511 19 026 20 076 19 865 20 910 18 909 11 729 9 387 6 343 9 818 10 992 9 656 9 429 10 316 13 993 12 905 16 298 14 864 15 217 12 937 16 329 15 205 8 544 5 896 5 398 6 576 7 325 5 922 6 245 7 175 71 613 88 434 96 517 61 998 91 083 83 621 70 344 90 967 87 859 88 980 92 381 94 697 94 021 93 729 86 352 85 626 17 376 16 339 17 989 18 692 17 514 18 639 16 286 16 415 37 483 39 104 42 205 41 441 42 268 41 815 37 994 36 219 11 290 11 232 10 939 11 795 11 273 11 374 11 203 11 029 6 714 7 456 5 874 6 981 6 954 6 832 6 521 7 443 9 753 9 686 9 667 10 055 10 153 10 235 9 879 9 592 1 967 1 814 1 770 1 492 2 136 1 465 1 436 1 542 3 273 3 347 3 934 4 238 3 719 3 365 3 031 3 383 (16 245) (546) 4 136 (32 699) (2 938) (10 108) (16 008) 5 340 8 517 (94) 3 633 3 580 3 656 3 915 1 426 3 806 458 199 753 1 472 1 522 174 131 (535) (8 187) (839) 7 017 (30 591) (803) (6 366) (14 713) 9 682 1 776 1 794 2 462 3 043 427 777 125 38 330 1 131 1 171 62 8 634 2 480 9 833 2 102 29 918 (7 542) (217) 9 416 (36 182) (2 856) (15 422) (16 690) 18 095 (1 191) (4 192) 1 182 (33 129) (9 434) (19 353) (21 567) 10 920
Performance Schema Summary Tables Each memory summary table has these summary columns containing aggregated values: The aggregated numbers of calls to memory-allocation and memory-free functions. The aggregated sizes of allocated and freed memory blocks. The aggregated number of currently allocated blocks that have not been freed yet. This is a convenience column equal to COUNT_ALLOC − COUNT_FREE . The aggregated size of currently allocated memory blocks that have not been freed yet. This is a convenience column equal to SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC − SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE . The low and high water marks corresponding to the CURRENT_COUNT_USED column. The low and high water marks corresponding to the CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED column. The memory summary tables have these indexes: TRUNCATE TABLE is permitted for memory summary tables. It has these effects: 5071 •Likewise SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC and SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE are reset to a new baseline. • COUNT_ALLOC and COUNT_FREE are reset to a new baseline by reducing each counter by the same value. •In general truncation resets the baseline for statistics but does not change the server state. That is truncating a memory table does not free memory. •Primary key on ( EVENT_NAME ) • memory_summary_global_by_event_name : •Primary key on ( USER EVENT_NAME ) • memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name : •Primary key on ( THREAD_ID EVENT_NAME ) • memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name : •Primary key on ( HOST EVENT_NAME ) • memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name : •Primary key on ( USER HOST EVENT_NAME ) • memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name : • LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED • LOW_COUNT_USED HIGH_COUNT_USED • CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED • CURRENT_COUNT_USED • SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE • COUNT_ALLOC COUNT_FREE
(5) JP 2017-66269 A 2017.4.6  上記導電膜の平均膜厚は例えば5.0〜20.0μmである。その平均膜厚は以下のよう にして求めることができる。 〔導電膜の平均膜厚の測定⽅法〕  厚さ⽅向に平⾏な導電膜断⾯のSEM(⾛査型電⼦顕微鏡)観察画像において、導電膜 の厚さを、膜厚⽅向に対して直⾓⽅向に⻑さ100μm以上にわたって等間隔に20箇所 以上で測定し、それらの測定値の相加平均値を平均膜厚とする。ロールプレス法で加熱プ レスを⾏った導電膜である場合は厚さ⽅向およびロールプレス時の材料進⾏⽅向に平⾏な 導電膜断⾯を観察する。  ここで、「紙」とは、JIS P0001:1998「紙・板紙及びパルプ⽤語」の番 号4004に定義されている通り、植物繊維その他の繊維をこう着させて製造したものを 意味し、素材として合成⾼分⼦物質を⽤いて製造した合成紙や、繊維状無機材料を配合し たものも含む。樹脂等により表⾯処理が施されているものであっても構わない。 【発明の効果】  本発明によれば、耐熱温度が低い紙基材上に形成された銅の導電膜において、導電性お よび耐候性を顕著に改善することが可能となる。防錆剤を使⽤しなくても優れた耐候性を 呈する。この導電膜は導電フィラーとして銀粉ではなく銅粉を使⽤しているので、原料コ ストが銀導電膜より安い。この導電膜の好適な⽤途の例として、破壊が容易な紙基材を使 ⽤したRFIDタグのアンテナ回路が挙げられる。特に、酒類の商品管理タグなど、湿気 による性能劣化の抑制が重視される⽤途において、本発明の導電膜は極めて有⽤である。 【図⾯の簡単な説明】 【図1】実施例1で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。 【図2】図1の紙基材近傍付近(深部)についての拡⼤SEM写真。 【図3】⽐較例1で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。 【図4】図3の紙基材近傍付近(深部)についての拡⼤SEM写真。 【図5】⽐較例5で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。 【図6】⽐較例6で得られたロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。 【発明を実施するための形態】  本発明では紙基材上に形成された銅の導電膜において耐候性に優れるものを得る技術を 提供する。紙基材は可撓性を有し、易破壊性にも優れる。その反⾯、ポリイミド樹脂など の従来多⽤されている可撓性基材と⽐較して、耐熱温度が低い。発明者らは、銅粉含有塗 料(銅ペースト)を⽤いて光照射による発熱を利⽤して焼結を⽣じさせる⼿法(光焼成) により、紙基材上に導電膜を形成することが可能であることを確認し、その技術を特願2 013−254606に開⽰した。また、その焼結導電膜を緻密化し、導電性や耐候性を 改善する⼿法(加熱プレス)を特願2015−051888に開⽰した。本発明では、そ の光焼成および加熱プレスの技術を利⽤するとともに、塗料の配合組成に⼯夫を加え、耐 候性の更なる向上を図る。 《塗料》  銅粉含有塗料を構成する銅粉は、焼結しやすい性質を有していることが必要である。粒 ⼦径が100nm程度以下の銅ナノ粒⼦は焼結温度が低く、光焼成に適している。種々検 討の結果、⼀次粒⼦の平均粒⼦径が10〜100nmの微細銅粉を塗料中に含有させる。 この種の微細銅粉を本明細書では「微細銅粉A」と呼ぶ。微細銅粉Aの⼀次粒⼦の平均粒 【0022】 【0021】 【0020】 【0019】 【0018】 【0017】 隙体積を減少させる⼯程である。加圧⽅法として、ロールプレスによりロール軸⽅向単位 ⻑さあたり90〜2000N/mmの荷重(以下これを「線圧」ということがある)を付 与する⼿法を適⽤することが好ましい。
2 with an analogy from daily life. Most eyeglasses and camera lenses have a so-called antireflection coating. As shown in figure 2a reflected light from the top and the bottom surfaces interfere with each other destructively leading to zero net reflection and thus perfect transmis- sion. However such an effect is not robust as it depends on the matching between the optical wavelength and the thickness of the coating. Just like the reflection of a photon by a surface an electron can be reflected by an impurity and different reflection paths also interfere with each other. As shown in figure 2b an electron in a QSH edge state can take either a clockwise or a counterclockwise turn around the impurity and during that turn the spin rotates by an an- gle of π or − π to the opposite direction. Consequently the two paths related by TR symmetry differ by a full π − ( − π ) = 2 π rotation of the electron spin. A profound and yet deeply mysterious principle of quantum mechan- ics states that the wavefunction of a spin-1 / 2 particle obtains a negative sign upon a full 2 π rotation. Thus the two backscattering paths always interfere destructively which leads to perfect transmission. If the impurity car- ries a magnetic moment the TR symmetry is broken and the two reflected waves no longer interfere destructively. In that sense the robustness of the QSH edge state is protected by the TR symmetry. The physical picture above applies only to the case of single pairs of QSH edge states. If there are two for- ward movers and two backward movers in the system— as for example the unseparated 1D system shown in fig- ure 1b—then an electron can be scattered from a forward- to a backward-moving channel without reversing its spin and without the perfect destructive interference and thus there is dissipation. Consequently for the QSH state to be robust the edge states must consist of an odd num- ber of forward movers and an odd number of backward movers. That evenCodd effect characterized by a so- called Z$_{2}$ topological quantum number is at the heart of the QSH state 9 13 and is why a QSH insulator is also synonymously referred to as a topological insulator. II. TWO DIMENSIONAL TOPOLOGICAL INSULATORS Looking at figure 1b we see that the QSH effect re- quires the counterpropagation of opposite spin states. Such a coupling between the spin and the orbital mo- tion is a relativistic effect most pronounced in heavy el- ements. Although all materials have spin-orbit coupling only a few of them turn out to be topological insulators. In 2006 Bernevig Taylor Hughes and Zhang proposed a general mechanism for finding topological insulators 2 and predicted in particular that mercury telluride quan- tum wells—nanoscopic layers sandwiched between other materials—are topological insulators beyond a critical thickness d$_{c}$ . The general mechanism is band inversion in which the usual ordering of the conduction band and The QSH state in HgTe can be described by a simple model for the E1 and H1 subbands 2 (see the appendix). Explicit solution of that model gives one pair of edge states for d > d$_{c}$ in the inverted regime and no edge states in the d < d$_{c}$ as shown in figure 3b. The pair of edge states carry opposite spins and disperse all the way from valence band to conduction band. The crossing of the dispersion curves is required by TR symmetry and In most common semiconductors the conduction band is formed from electrons in s orbitals and the valence band is formed from electrons in p orbitals. In cer- tain heavy elements such as Hg and Te however the spin-orbit coupling is so large that the p-orbital band is pushed above the s-orbital band—that is the bands are inverted. Mercury telluride quantum wells can be prepared by sandwiching the material between cadmium telluride which has a similar lattice constant but much weaker spin-orbit coupling. Therefore increasing the thickness d of the HgTe layer increases the strength of the spin-orbit coupling for the entire quantum well. For a thin quantum well as shown in the left column of figure 3a the CdTe has the dominant effect and the bands have a normal ordering: The s-like conduction subband E1 is located above the p-like valence subband H1. In a thick quantum well as shown in the right column the oppo- site ordering occurs due to increased thickness d of the HgTe layer. The critical thickness d$_{c}$ for band inversion is predicted to be around 6 . 5 nm. valence band is inverted by spin-orbit coupling. 2 4 FIG. 1: Spatial separation is at the heart of both the quantum Hall (QH) and the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effects. (a) A spinless one-dimensional system has both a forward and a backward mover. Those two basic degrees of freedom are spatially separated in a QH bar as illustrated by the symbolic equation “2 = 1 + 1.” The upper edge contains only a forward mover and the lower edge has only a backward mover. The states are robust: They will go around an impurity without scattering. (b) A spinful 1D system has four basic channels which are spatially separated in a QSH bar: The upper edge contains a forward mover with up spin and a backward mover with down spin and conversely for the lower edge. That separation is illustrated by the symbolic equation “4 = 2 + 2.” QH QSH spinless 1D chain spinful 1D chain 2=1+1 4=2+2 b a
polarizability see Table I. Because of the sign of the magnetic moment contribution we expect the pseudo-polarizability to be less than the electric polarizability. The values of the magnetic moment and electric polarizability extracted from boost-projected correlators can be used to find a value for the pseudo-polarizability. Using the results of Table I in Eq. (B5) we find for the two field-correlated fits. These values are concordant with those found in Table III from analyzing the unpolarized neutron correlators. Finally we note that unpolarized proton correlation functions in principle allow one access to both the magnetic moment and electric polarizability. This can be seen from the explicit form for the proton two-point function derived in the effective hadronic the- ory. The functional form however leads to fits that are challenging to perform. Valuable simplifications are afforded by boost projected correlators. I : A latt E = 17(9)(2) and II : A latt E = 19(19)(2) (B6) [1] T. DeGrand and C. DeTar Lattice Methods for Quantum Chromodynamics (World Scientific 2006). [2] G. Martinelli and C. T. Sachrajda Nucl. Phys. B306 865 (1988). [3] B. C. Tiburzi Phys. Lett. B617 40 (2005) hep-lat/0504002. [4] B. C. Tiburzi Phys. Lett. B641 342 (2006) hep-lat/0607019. [5] F. Fucito G. Parisi and S. Petrarca Phys. Lett. B115 148 (1982). [6] G. Martinelli G. Parisi R. Petronzio and F. Rapuano Phys. Lett. B116 434 (1982). [7] C. W. Bernard T. Draper K. Olynyk and M. Rushton Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 1076 (1982). [9] J. Christensen W. Wilcox F. X. Lee and L.-M. Zhou Phys. Rev. D72 034503 (2005) hep-lat/0408024. [8] H. R. Fiebig W. Wilcox and R. M. Woloshyn Nucl. Phys. B324 47 (1989). [10] A. Alexandru and F. X. Lee (2009) 0911.2520. [11] M. Engelhardt (LHPC) Phys. Rev. D76 114502 (2007) 0706.3919. [12] W. Detmold B. C. Tiburzi and A. Walker-Loud Phys. Rev. D73 114505 (2006) hep- lat/0603026. [13] W. Detmold B. C. Tiburzi and A. Walker-Loud Phys. Rev. D79 094505 (2009) 0904.1586. 051502 (2009) [14] C. Aubin K. Orginos V. Pascalutsa and M. Vanderhaeghen Phys. Rev. D79 0811.2440. [15] P. V. Buividovich M. N. Chernodub E. V. Luschevskaya and M. I. Polikarpov Nucl. Phys. B826 313 (2010) 0906.0488. [16] P. V. Buividovich M. N. Chernodub E. V. Luschevskaya and M. I. Polikarpov Phys. Rev. D80 054503 (2009) 0907.0494. [17] J. Hu F.-J. Jiang and B. C. Tiburzi Phys. Lett. B653 350 (2007) arXiv:0706.3408 [hep-lat]. [18] B. C. Tiburzi Phys. Lett. B674 336 (2009) 0809.1886. [19] W. Detmold B. C. Tiburzi and A. Walker-Loud (2009) 0908.3626. [20] B. C. Tiburzi Nucl. Phys. A814 74 (2008) 0808.3965. [21] J. S. Schwinger Phys. Rev. 82 664 (1951). [22] R. G. Edwards B. Joo and H.-W. Lin Phys. Rev. D78 054501 (2008) 0803.3960. [23] H.-W. Lin et al. (Hadron Spectrum) Phys. Rev. D79 034502 (2009) 0810.3588. [24] A. Stathopoulos and K. Orginos (2007) 0707.0131. 21
Table of Contents Agreement). This Agreement has similar terms as the U.S.-E.U. Covered Agreement and will become effective upon the U.K.'s exit from the E.U. Because these covered agreements are not self-executing U.S. state laws will need to be revised to change reinsurance collateral requirements to conform to the provisions within each of the agreements. Before any such revision to state laws can be advanced the NAIC must develop a new approach for determination of the appropriate reserve credit under statutory accounting for E.U. and U.K. based alien reinsurers. In addition the NAIC is currently developing an approach to group capital regulation as the current U.S. regulatory regime is based on legal entity regulation. Both the reinsurance collateral requirement change and adoption of group capital regulation must be effected by the states within five years from the signing of the Covered Agreements or states risk federal preemption. We will monitor the modification of state laws and regulations in order to comply with the provisions of the Covered Agreements and assess potential effects on our operations and prospects. As of December 31 2018 we had approximately 6 100 employees and have experienced satisfactory labor relations. We have never had work stoppages due to labor disputes. We have comprehensive benefit plans for substantially all of our employees including retirement and savings plans disability programs group life programs and group health care programs. See Note I to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Item 8 for further discussion of our benefit plans. We file annual quarterly and current reports proxy statements and other documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act). The SEC maintains an internet site that contains reports proxy and information statements and other information regarding issuers including CNA. The public can obtain any documents that we file with the SEC at www.sec.gov. We also make available free of charge on or through our internet website at www.cna.com our Annual Report on Form 10-K Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q Current Reports on Form 8-K and amendments to those reports as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically file such material with or furnish it to the SEC. Copies of these reports may also be obtained free of charge upon written request to: CNA Financial Corporation 151 N. Franklin Street Chicago IL 60606 Attn: Scott L. Weber Executive Vice President and General Counsel. 5 Available Information Employee Relations
II. THE LAPLACIAN DETERMINES THE NONLINEAR TERM In this section we elucidate—by considering the standard nearest-neighbor discretization prescription as a benchmark—one of two constraints to be obeyed by any spatial discretiza- tion scheme. It is very important to remark that this constraint arises due to the mapping between the KPZ and the diffusion equation (with multiplicative noise) through the Hopf– Cole transformation. Hence for a general real-space discrete Laplacian we state the form of its corresponding KPZ term. Even though the present analysis is performed on the KPZ equation it is general in the sense that for sets of equations related among themselves through a local transformation there should be a consistent relation between the discrete transformed forms. A. The simplest case As it is known the diffusion equation with multiplicative noise ∂$_{t}$φ = ν ∂ 2 $_{x}$φ + λF 2 ν φ + λε 2 ν φ ξ (2) is related to the KPZ equation [Eq. (1)] through the Hopf–Cole transformation φ ( x t ) = exp [ λ 2 ν h ( x t ) ] . (3) Note that this transformation is just one particular example of the general implicit trans- formation written down in Ref. [28]. The standard spatial discrete version of Eq. (2) after transforming to a co-moving refer- ence frame φ → φ + F t is ˙ φ$_{j}$ = ν L$_{(1)}$ ( φ$_{j}$ ) + λε 2 ν φ$_{j}$ξ$_{j}$ (4) with 1 ≤ j ≤ N ≡ 0 because periodic boundary conditions are assumed as usual (the implicit sum convention is not meant in any of the discrete expressions). The discrete noise ξ$_{j}$ ( t ) is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and correlation given by 〈 ξ$_{j}$ ( t ) ξ$_{k}$ ( t ) 〉 = 2 δ$_{jk}$ a δ ( t − t $^{′}$) . (5) Then using the discrete version of Eq. (3) φ$_{j}$ ( t ) = exp [ λ 2 ν h$_{j}$ ( t ) ] (6) 5
FEE BASED REVENUES IMPROVEMENTS IN TECHNOLOGY AND EFFICIENCY While our traditional consumer and commercial banking services Continue expanding our fee-based lines of business remain one of our greatest success stories of the past 10 years. Fee-based revenue grew by 18 percent in 2001 and comprises 40 percent of total revenue. This compares with an average of 31 percent in our peer group. We emphasize fee-based revenue because the underlying businesses are less capital-intensive and provide stability through economic cycles. Our fee revenue is very diverse and continued growth remains a top priority. Our trust assets grew last year to over $18 billion continued evidence of this historical strength of BOK Financial. Assets under management reached $9.7 billion. The trust division manages a family of proprietary mutual funds including one named the best in the nation. Lipper Inc. recognized the American Performance Short-Term Income Fund as the No. 1 performing short-term bond fund over the past five years. The fund returned 7.04 percent annually for the period ending December 31 2001 compared with an industry average of 5.93 percent. We also manage employee benefit plans for 110 000 participants. We offer a specialized self-directed 401 (kK) product that we have successfully marketed coast to coast to law firms medical clinics and closely-held companies. A few years ago BOK Financial acquired the leading public finance firm in Oklahoma Leo Oppenheim. Last year we also entered the corporate finance sector of the investment banking business giving us the opportunity to leverage the bank's current market presence in the corporate sector through the Oppenheim division of BOSC Inc. our broker/dealer. This new diversification in addition to favorable reception to our product mix in newer markets helped boost our brokerage and trading revenue 36 percent to $21.8 million. Our mortgage banking operation is among the most successful in the country. We offer mortgage services in all our banking markets plus the greater Kansas City area. Benefiting from declining interest rates mortgage banking revenue grew 35 percent in 2001. Originations totaled $1.1 billion and generated revenue of $17.8 million. This compares to $590 million and $4.8 million respectively in 2000. Among the most successful of our fee-based businesses during the last decade was TransFund our electronic funds transfer network. TransFund is the 13th largest network nationally and has experienced a compound annual growth rate in transactions exceeding 16 percent to 95.3 million last year. The system had no non-Oklahoma clients in 1991. Today one third of the 324 financial institutions served are located outside of Oklahoma with recent growth principally in Texas Colorado and Kansas. The number of cardholders increased from 378 000 a decade ago to 1.47 million at the end of 2001. With our ongaing commitment to efficiency and service 2001 marked another important milestone in the history of BOK Financial — the completed occupancy of the new BOK Technology Center in Tulsa. With 184 000 square-feet in one state-of-the-art facility we have simplified our workflow process and have given ourselves room to grow efficiently. In previous years the processes were handled in five separate buildings. Two new technologies have vastly improved our service quality. We completed installing a new imaging technology for the retail remittance business with 100 percent of existing customers opting for the service. We also converted all signature cards to images enabling instant company-wide access for signature verification. Last year we implemented a new fraud and kite detection system expected to minimize fraud losses. Our customers now have quicker access to even more up-to-date account information because of a new check-processing center we opened in Dallas. Through all the progress we will remain focused on preserving our community bank heritage and close-knit relationships with all our customers. We will continually update and expand our offerings to maintain our leadership in the financial services arena. We will expand our reach through greater market share in existing lines of business and through new ventures that help us achieve our consistent goal of being the best for customers-- for the next 10 years and beyond. (In Thousands} ‘91 ‘95 '01 } BOK Financial Annual Report 2001 | 07
Contents List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Philosophy of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Experimental Measurements Leading to QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 QCD Phase Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 Motivation 13 2.1 Bulk Observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.1 Bulk Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2 High- p$_{T}$ Observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2.1 Factorization in p + p and A + A . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2.2 R$_{AA}$ and Final State Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.2.3 Elastic Energy Lost History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 i
Table of Contents DOMESTIC LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS HOME SERVICE INSURANCE HOME SERVICE PRODUCTS AND COMPETITION OTHER NON-INSURANCE ENTERPRISES OPERATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY Our domestic life insurance products have historically focused primarily on living needs and provided benefits focused toward accumulating financial benefits for the policyowner. The features of our domestic life insurance products include: Our life insurance products have historically been designed to address the insured's concern about outliving his or her monthly income while at the same time providing death benefits. The primary purpose of our current product portfolio is to help the insured create capital for needs such as retirement income children's higher education business opportunities emergencies and health care needs. In addition our insurance products offer financial benefits like savings protection and immediate funds in event of the insureds death. Our domestic Home Service Insurance segment operates through our subsidiaries SPLIC MGLIC and SPFIC and focuses on the life insurance needs of the middle and lower income markets primarily in Louisiana Mississippi and Arkansas. Our policies are sold and serviced through a home service marketing distribution system of 223 employee-agents who work on a route system and through over 221 funeral homes and independent agents who sell policies collect premiums and service policyholders. To a lesser extent our Home Service Insurance segment sells limited liability named peril property policies covering dwelling and contents. In 2019 our Home Service Insurance segment comprised 25% of our total direct premiums. Our Home Service Insurance products consist primarily of small face amount ordinary whole life and pre-need policies which are designed to fund final expenses for the insured primarily funeral and burial costs. The average life insurance policy face amount issued in 2019 was approximately $7 200. Due to the lower risk associated with small face amount polices the underwriting performed on these applications is limited. Our property coverages are limited to $30 000 maximum coverage on any one dwelling and contents while content-only coverage and dwelling-only coverage is limited to $20 000. We face competition in Louisiana Mississippi and Arkansas from other companies specializing in home service insurance. We seek to compete based upon our emphasis on personal service to our customers. We intend to continue premium growth within this segment via direct sales. Other Non-Insurance Enterprises includes the results of the parent company Citizens Inc. and Computing Technology Inc. which provides data processing services to the Company. Our administrative operations principally serve our Life Insurance segment and are conducted primarily at our executive offices in Austin Texas through 103 administrative operating and underwriting personnel. Our Home Service business is conducted to a large degree from our district offices in Louisiana Arkansas and Mississippi as well as our service center in Donaldsonville Louisiana. At our executive offices we also perform policy design marketing oversight underwriting accounting and reporting actuarial customer service claims processing administrative and investing activities. At our Bermuda office we have 3 personnel that perform underwriting policy issuance and claims processing related to CICA Ltd.'s international policies. We have a single integrated information technology system for our entire Company which is a centrally-controlled mainframe-based administrative system. Functions of our policy administrative system include policy set-up administration billing and collections commission calculation valuation automated data edits storage backup image December 31 2019 | 10-K 5 • cash accumulation/living benefits; • tax-deferred interest earnings; • guaranteed lifetime income options; • monthly income for surviving family members; • accidental death benefit coverage options; and • an option to waive premium payments in the event of disability. CITIZENS INC.
Contract number: [ complete ] Service contract conditions of December 2018 If no observations have been submitted or if despite the observations submitted the contracting authority decides to pursue the recovery procedure it must confirm recovery by formally notifying a debit note to the contractor specifying the date of payment. The contractor must pay in accordance with the provisions specified in the debit note. If the contractor does not pay by the due date the contracting authority may after informing the contractor in writing recover the amounts due: If the contractor does not honour the obligation to pay the amount due by the date set by the contracting authority in the debit note the amount due bears interest at the rate indicated in Article II.21.8. Interest on late payments will cover the period starting on the day after the due date for payment and ending on the date when the contracting authority receives the full amount owed. Any partial payment is first entered against charges and interest on late payment and then against the principal amount. If the contract is signed by a group (joint tender) the group is jointly and severally liable under the conditions set out in Article II.6 (liability). The contracting authority shall send the debit note first to the leader of the group. If the leader does not pay by the due date the whole amount and if the amount due cannot be offset or can only be offset partially in accordance with Article II.23.2 (a) then the contracting authority may claim the amount still due to any other member or members of the group by respectively notifying them with a debit note in conformity with the provisions laid down in Article II.23.2. Such checks and audits may be initiated at any moment during the performance of the contract and up to five years starting from the payment of the balance. The audit procedure is initiated on the date of receipt of the relevant letter sent by the contracting authority. Audits are carried out on a confidential basis. II.24.1 The contracting authority and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an audit on the performance of the contract . This may be carried out either by OLAF’s own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf. (c) by taking legal action. (b) by calling in a financial guarantee if the contractor has submitted one to the contracting authority; (a) by offsetting them against any amounts owed to the contractor by the Union or by the European Atomic Energy Community or by an executive agency when it implements the Union budget; II.23.3. Interest on late payment II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS 37
ON GENERALIZED MAX-LINEAR MODELS IN MAX-STABLE RANDOM FIELDS 15 since ε$_{n}$/h$_{n}$ →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ ∞ by assumption. Furthermore t ∈ N ( s$_{i n}$ ) and the fact that K is decreasing implies Thus because of Lemma 3.2. Note that ‖ s$_{j n}$ − t ‖ < 2 ε$_{n}$ and t ∈ N ( s$_{i n}$ ) imply ‖ s$_{j n}$ − s$_{i n}$ ‖ < 3 ε$_{n}$ . □ We have now gathered the tools to prove convergence of the mean squared error to zero. Theorem 3.4. Define ˆ η$_{n}$ and ε$_{n}$ as above n ∈ N . Then for every t ∈ [0 1] k and if ε$_{n}$ →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ 0 h$_{n}$ →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ 0 ε$_{n}$/h$_{n}$ →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ ∞ . Proof. Denote by max j : ‖ s$_{j n}$ − t ‖ < 2 $_{ε$_{n}$}$K ( ‖ t − s$_{j n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) = K ( ‖ t − s$_{i n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) . 1 ≤ B$_{i n}$ ( t ) = 1 K ( ‖ t − s$_{i n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) ( E ( max j : ‖ s$_{j n}$ − t ‖ < 2 $_{ε$_{n}$}$K ( ‖ t − s$_{j n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) Z$_{s}$$_{j n}$ − max j : ‖ s$_{j n}$ − t ‖ < 2 $_{ε$_{n}$}$K ( ‖ t − s$_{j n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) Z$_{s}$$_{i n}$ )) + 1 ≤ E ( max$_{j}$$_{:}$$_{‖}$$_{s}$$_{j n}$$_{−}$$_{t}$$_{‖}$$_{<}$$_{2}$$_{ε}$$_{n}$ K ( ‖ t − s$_{j n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) ∣ Z$_{s}$$_{j n}$ − Z$_{s}$$_{i n}$ ∣ ) K ( ‖ t − s$_{i n}$ ‖ /h$_{n}$ ) + 1 ≤ E ( max j : ‖ s$_{j n}$ − t ‖ < 2 ε$_{n}$ ∣ Z$_{s}$$_{j n}$ − Z$_{s}$$_{i n}$ ∣ ) + 1 ≤ E ( sup ‖ r − s ‖ < 3 ε$_{n}$ | Z$_{r}$ − Z$_{s}$ | ) + 1 →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ 1 MSE (ˆ η$_{t n}$ ) →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ 0 IMSE (ˆ η$_{t n}$ ) := ∫ [0 1] k MSE (ˆ η$_{t n}$ ) dt →$_{n}$$_{→∞}$ 0 ˆ Z$_{t n}$ = max j =1 ... d ( g$_{j n}$ ( t ) Z$_{s}$$_{j n}$ ) t ∈ [0 1] $^{k}$
4 | P a g e GLYPH<head2right> Responsible highly experienced management aiming on DELIVERY The Company has built a strong management team at all levels and will continue to maintain its corporate culture as be able to keep what has been promised to investors and be able to deliver. GLYPH<head2right> Resource expansion always PLANNING AHEAD After fiscal year end a twelve month extensive exploration program was announced targeted on doubling gold resources at Selinsing and Buffalo Reef by converting inferred resources to indicated and measured; the program will also further identify prospective targets on the newly acquired Famehub properties. GLYPH<head2right> Productivity enhancement KEEPING COST LOW Monument is planning to use newly raised capital to expand current capacity of the gold processing plant by adding an additional mill. GLYPH<head2right> Positive return RICH IN CASH RESERVES Monument always exercises the best effort ensure positive cash flow to mitigate economic risk. 2010 OPERARION AT A GALANCE OUTLOOK – A GROWTH FOCUSED JUNIOR GOLD PRODUCER Monument initiated mining in July 2009 and commenced production at its gravity circuit in January 2010 following the first gold pour in October 2009. The following charts represent operating results from partial production without the CIL circuit which was fully commissioned in August 2010 subsequent to fiscal 2010 and since has been operating achieving 90% capacity with gold average recovery 92%~95%. The Company has generated gross proceeds to the end of fiscal 2010 of $17 million dollars at an average cash cost of $234 per ounce. Monument has enjoyed high gold prices but its success is not dependant on continued rising bullion prices. The success excellences saw from Monument’s management can be summarized as:
The amplitude of the beam’s electric field at the tight focus is of high interest in its own right as field levels that access the barrier suppression ionization (BSI) regime [11] can be created in a wide variety of atomic species. This implies that the desired plasma density may be as in previous SLAC FFTB experiments created using the electron beam [12]. This has been the case in the FFTB scenarios but with much longer beam time scales [12] and with a factor of 25 smaller fields in which one attributes plasma formation to tunneling ionization. There is uncertainty in the applicability of the theoretical models [13] of field ionization particularly in the case of ultra-short unipolar field pulses characteristic this type of charged particle beam however. While we will employ such models [9] to illustrate ultra-fast ionization for plasma creation below this uncertainty argues forcefully for the performing of experiments. The self-consistent ionization of a high pressure gas by the beam fields must occur in 100’s of as to create the plasma quickly enough to give maximum amplitude plasma wake- fields. Depending on the atomic species chosen the fields at the front edge of the beam may yield ionization in the tunneling regime. Indeed in OOPIC a computational tool devel- oped to describe ionization in the PWFA and related contexts a tunneling model based on Ammosov-Delone-Krainov (ADK) theory [14] is employed which is appropriate for fields in the region > 2 σ$_{t}$ ahead of beam center - the region of highest interest - in our case. In the current scenario the much higher fields in the beam core provoke ionization for most atomic species considered in the BSI regime. The boundary for the two regimes is delineated by a critical electric field value E$_{cr}$ which for hydrogen is E$_{cr}$ = 439 GV/m while for Li used in the previous generation of PWFA experiments E$_{cr}$ = 109 GV/m. Assuming the initial beam size given by ELEGANT simulations in the absence of plasma E$_{r max}$ ≃ 800 GV/m. It is encouraging that as seen in Figure 2 full ionization based on the tunneling model in OOPIC is achieved using 3.15 atm H$_{2}$ gas (with a mm-width jet envisioned for use) and it occurs within the first several 100 as of the beam pulse. This means that the plasma is created with appropriate n$_{0}$ well before the main portion of the beam passes and longitudinal wake is nearly as in the pre-formed plasma case > 1.2 TV/m. Further even though the field amplitude indicates ionization in the BSI regime in the beam core we need not be concerned with this region and may ignore the lack of BSI in the simulations. To check the consistency of the OOPIC model of tunneling ionization with the transition 5
-0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 tan 2nd 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 [fm$^{-1}$] -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 I [fm -3/2 ] M=20 M=30 M=40 M=20 M=30 M=40 FIG. 2: The two-nucleon second order estimate [tan δ$_{1}$ ] 2 $^{nd}$ calculated using Ψ$_{1}$ as a function of the non linear parameter γ for the values M = 20 30 40 and the integral I$_{γ}$ as a function of γ at the same three values of M . 29
ALLIANZ GROUP 32 Ratings Borrowing Outstanding bonds of Allianz AG *) – overview In the spring and summer of 2003 the Allianz Group’s ratings were slightly downgraded by several rating agencies. This was a reaction to the reticent attitude of the capital markets and our weak prior-year operating result. The deterioration of our capital base in the previous year was also reflected in this evaluation. But the rating agencies did acknowledge the substantial in- crease of our shareholders’ equity after the capital increase in April 2003. While ratings across the insurance industry were generally declining our ratings stabilized. Standard & Poor’s for example attests to our “very strong” financial status and con- tinues to maintain its “AA–” rating. A. M. Best assigns Allianz Group an “A+” the second highest rating. But Standard & Poor’s still links this evaluation to a negative outlook. We are striving to change this perception through lasting improvements of our earnings performance. The Allianz Group still has recourse to short-term financing instruments predominantly commercial papers. At the end of the year these liabilities added up to approximately 3 billion eu- ros. Interest paid on commercial papers amounted to 53.4 mil- lion euros in 2003. See table in note 32 “Interest and similar expenses” table 15 “Participation certificates and sub- ordinated liabilities” table in note 19 “Certificated liabilities” in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. In the reporting year we repaid a first tranch (50 percent) of the index-linked convertible MILES bond by exchanging these bonds for shares of Munich Re. The number of shares to be re- paid related to the average level of the German stock index DAX and the average share price of Munich Re during a twenty-day reference period. On August 25 2003 5.5 million Munich Re shares were delivered to MILES investors. This transaction low- ered our interest in Munich Re by approximately 3 percent. The bonds still outstanding were repaid in cash on March 2 2004. In February 2003 the Deutsche Bank convertible bond reached maturity. Since the share price of Deutsche Bank was below the striking price the 1-billion euro bond was repaid in cash. Another 767-million euro bond which reached maturity in May 2003 was repaid on time. In February 2004 we issued a perpetual subordinated bond with a nominal value of 1.5 billion euros. We thereby took advan- tage of the low interest environment and the high liquidity in the market to refinance short-term by long-term debt at attrac- tive conditions. The bond is issued as part of the Debt Issuance Program launched in December 2003. This program provides a framework for issuing debt and in particular long-term debt; the technical processing is considerably simplified by standard- ized documentation requirements. Certificated liabilities by maturity Nominal values in ¤ mn 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2012 2022 2025 Per- petual 0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 Exchangeable Bonds Senior Bonds Subordinated Bonds 990 1 70 0 1 075 962 2 200 1 632 900 2 000 1 000 396 Standard & Moody’s A. M. Best Poor’s Category Insurer Financial Strength AA– not rated A+ Outlook Negative Negative Counterpart Credit AA– not applicable not applicable Outlook Negative Senior Unsecured Debt AA– Aa3 aa– Outlook stable Negative Subordinated Debt A A2 not rated Outlook stable Commercial Paper A-1+ P-1 not rated (Short Term) Volume Interest paid in 2003 ¤ bn ¤ mn Senior straight bonds 5.7 303 Convertible bonds 3.8 155 Subordinated bonds 3.4 223 *) Bonds and convertible bonds issued or guaranteed by Allianz AG in the capital market.
2019 Contract number: [ complete ] The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ("the Centre" or (‘the contracting authority’) represented for the purposes of signing this framework contract by Andrea Ammon Director on the one part and [ full official name ] [ official legal form ] [ statutory registration number or ID or passport number ] [ Full official address ] [ VAT registration number ] [appointed as the leader of the group by the members of the group that submitted the joint tender] [([collectively] ‘the contractor’) represented for the purposes of the signature of this framework contract by [ forename surname function of legal representative and name of company in the case of a joint tender ] [The parties identified above and collectively referred to as the ‘the contractor’ shall be jointly and severally liable vis-à-vis the contracting authority for the performance of this framework contract.] on the other part 1 EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR SERVICES FRAMEWORK CONTRACT NUMBER — [ complete ]
P 15 333 BRYAN EVEN President RAYTHEON TECHNICAL SERVICES COMPANY LL C 3 RAYTHEON TECHNICAL SERVICES COMPANY LLC 333 (RTSC) which reported sales of $2 billion in 2003 provides technology solutions for defense federal and commercial customers worldwide. It specializes in customized engineering services; logis- tics and supply chain management; training; and science research and technology. 33 Maintaining its 15-year partnership with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Raytheon continues sup- porting DTRA’s mission: safeguarding the world’s interests from weapons of mass destruction (chemical biological radiological nuclear and high explosives) by controlling and reducing the threat and providing quality tools and services for the war fighter. In 2003 RTSC was awarded projects to provide operations supply chain and logistics services in Russia Ukraine and Iraq. In Russia RTSC sup- ports the elimination of SS-25 missiles mobile launchers and sup- port vehicles and renovation of SS-25 launcher and vehicle elimination facilities. 33 In addition to supporting simulators NASA uses to perform crew training for manned space missions RTSC provides NASA with space and earth science information technol- ogy and engineering support services. In 2003 NASA selected RTSC to provide real-time mission support operation and sustaining engineering for the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory and the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at Johnson Space Center. These facilities are used to prepare astronauts for space flights and space walks. NASA also selected Raytheon to manage and operate the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla the primary focus for NASA’s space-communications activities within Australia. The space tracking station is one of three facilities forming NASA's Deep Space Network. 33 RTSC orchestrated the unprecedented offloading of a refueling tanker from a sea-ice berthing for the National Science Foundation (NSF). Ice at the NSF’s logistics and science hub in Antarctica prevented icebreakers from opening a channel wide enough for the tanker to reach the station. Without fuel two base stations would not have been fully operational the following season — jeopardizing the customer’s mission of conducting sci- ence on the southernmost continent. RTSC successfully pumped 6 500 000 gallons of fuel across nearly four miles of ice — safely and without damaging the environment. 33 RTSC is working across the company to integrate engineering technology and logistics capabili- ties to offer customers full service product support solutions. NASA selected Raytheon to provide real-time mission support operation and sustaining engineering for the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (shown here) and the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility. These facilities are used to train astronauts and flight controllers on mission-critical skills at Johnson Space Center in Houston. The astronauts shown here are preparing for space flights and space walks using underwater mockups and pressurized suits to simulate the weightless environment. Artwork based on NASA photo.
ifornia) 2002 Chap. 8. Fig. 3. Calculated and experimental Stokes parameters and the state of polarization of amplified combination of radially and azimuthally polarized beam. (a) Calculated results; (b) experimental results. Fig. 4. Experimental cross-sections of the far-field inten- sity distributions of the amplified radially polarized light beam with and without conversion to a linearly polarized near Gaussian beam. Solid (blue) curve - before conver- sion; dashed (red) curve - after conversion. Left inset depicts the far field intensity distribution before conver- sion and right inset the far field intensity distribution after conversion. (a) (b) S$_{0}$ S$_{0}$ S$_{1}$ S$_{1}$ S$_{2}$ S$_{2}$ 10 20 30 40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 x [ m] Intensity [a.u] 6. R. Oron S. Blit N. Davidson A. A. Friesem Z. Bomzon and E. Hasman. Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 3322 (2000). 7. T. Grosjean D. Courjon and M. Spajer. Opt. Comm. 203 1 (2002). 8. N. Heckenberg R. McDuff C. Smith and A. White. Opt. Lett. 17 221 (1992). 9. J. -L. Li K. -I. Ueda M. Musha A. Shirakawa and Z. -X. Zhang. Opt. Lett. 31 2969 (2006). 10. J. -L. Li K. -I. Ueda M. Musha A. Shirakawa and Z. -X. Zhang. Opt. Lett. 32 1360 (2007). 11. A. V. Nesterov and V. G. Niziev. J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 33 1817 (2000). 12. K. Venkatakrishnan and B. Tan. J. of MicroMech. and MicroEng. 16 2603 (2006). 13. G. P. Agrawal ”Fiber-Optics Communicatio Systems” (A Wiley interscience publication John Wiley and Sons) 1997 Chap. 2. 14. G. Volpe and D. Petrov. Opt. Comm. 237 89 (2004). 15. E.Hecht ”Optics” (Addison Wesley San Francisco Cal- 3
S T A T U T O R Y I N S T R U M E N T S 2020 No. 406 ECCLESIASTICAL LAW ENGLAND The Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2020 Coming into force in accordance with paragraph 1 The General Synod in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Synodical Government Measure 1969( a ) resolves to amend the Church Representation Rules( b ) as follows. In accordance with that section the General Synod has passed this Resolution with a majority in each House of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting. 1. —(1) This Resolution may be cited as the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2020. (2) This Part and Part 3 (other than paragraph 14) come into force on the day after the day on which this Resolution is laid before Parliament. (3) Part 2 and paragraph 14 into force on 15th July 2020. (4) A reference in this Resolution to a numbered Rule is to the Rule numbered as such in the Church Representation Rules. 2. —(1) In Rule 57 (enrolment appeals) in paragraph (4)— (a) omit the “and” after sub-paragraph (a) and PART 2 APPEALS Enrolment appeals PART 1 INTRODUCTION Citation commencement and interpretation ( a ) 1969 No.2. Section 7 has been amended by section 1(2) of the Church Representation and Ministers Measure 2019 (No. 1). ( b ) The Church Representation Rules are contained in Schedule 3 to the Synodical Government Measure 1969. Made - - - - 11th February 2020 Laid before Parliament 8th April 2020
Transource Energy Desert Sky Wind Farm LLC and Trent Wind Farm LLC Transource Energy was formed for the purpose of investing in utilities which develop acquire construct own and operate transmission facilities in accordance with FERC-approved rates. AEP has equity and voting ownership of 86.5% with the other owner having 13.5% interest. Management has concluded that Transource Energy is a VIE and that AEP is the primary beneficiary because AEP has the power to direct the most significant activities of the entity and AEP’s equity interest could potentially be significant. Therefore AEP is required to consolidate Transource Energy. Transource Energy’s activities consist of the development construction and operation of FERC-regulated transmission assets in Missouri West Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland and Oklahoma. Transource Energy has a credit facility agreement where borrowings are loaned through intercompany lending agreements to its subsidiaries. The creditor to the agreement has no recourse to the general credit of AEP. Transource Energy’s credit facility agreement contains certain covenants and require it to maintain a percentage of debt-to-total capitalization at a level that does not exceed 67.5%. See the tables below for the classification of Transource Energy’s assets and liabilities on the balance sheets. Desert Sky Wind Farm LLC and Trent Wind Farm LLC (collectively the LLCs) were established for the purpose of repowering owning and operating wind-powered electric energy generation facilities in Texas. In January 2018 AEP admitted a nonaffiliate as a member of the LLCs to own and repower Desert Sky and Trent. The nonaffiliate contributed full turbine sets to each project in exchange for a 20.1% interest in the LLCs. The nonaffiliates’ contribution of $84 million was recorded as Net Property Plant and Equipment on the balance sheets which was the fair value as of the contribution date determined based on key input assumptions of the original cost of the full turbine sets and the discounted cash flow benefit associated with the production tax credits available from repowering Desert Sky and Trent based on their expected net capacity capacity factor and the operational availability. From January 2018 through July 2020 AEP owned 79.9% of the LLCs. As a result management concluded that the LLCs were VIEs and that AEP was the primary beneficiary based on its power to direct the activities that most significantly impact their economic performance. Also in January 2018 the LLCs entered into a forward PPA for the sale of power to AEPEP related to deliveries of electricity beginning January 1 2021 for a 12 year period. Prior to the effective date of the PPA the LLCs sold power at market rates into ERCOT. AEP and the nonaffiliate shared tax attributes including PTC and cash distributions from the operation of the LLCs generally consistent with the ownership percentages. See the tables below for the classification of the LLCs’ assets and liabilities on the balance sheets. In August 2020 AEP exercised its call right which required the nonaffiliate to sell its noncontrolling interest in the LLCs to AEP. The nonaffiliates’ interest in the LLCs was presented as Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest on the balance sheets. The exercise price for the call right was determined using a discounted cash flow model with agreed input assumptions as well as updates to certain assumptions reasonably expected based on the actual results of the LLCs. As a result the LLCs are wholly-owned by AEP and management has concluded that the LLCs are no longer VIEs. As of December 31 2020 and 2019 AEP recorded $0 and $66 million respectively of Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Mezzanine Equity on the balance sheets. 393
myisam_ftdump — Display Full-Text Index information Running innochecksum on Multiple System Tablespace Files Note 4.6.3 myisam_ftdump — Display Full-Text Index information 560 The index on id is index 0 and the FULLTEXT index on txt is index 1. If your working directory is the test database directory invoke myisam_ftdump as follows: Example: Suppose that the test database contains a table named mytexttable that has the following definition: The tbl_name argument should be the name of a MyISAM table. You can also specify a table by naming its index file (the file with the .MYI suffix). If you do not invoke myisam_ftdump in the directory where the table files are located the table or index file name must be preceded by the path name to the table’s database directory. Index numbers begin with 0. myisam_ftdump [ options ] tbl_name index_num Invoke myisam_ftdump like this: myisam_ftdump scans and dumps the entire index which is not particularly fast. On the other hand the distribution of words changes infrequently so it need not be run often. myisam_ftdump displays information about FULLTEXT indexes in MyISAM tables. It reads the MyISAM index file directly so it must be run on the server host where the table is located. Before using myisam_ftdump be sure to issue a FLUSH TABLES statement first if the server is running. Running innochecksum on multiple files in the same tablespace is not supported on Windows operating systems as Windows shells such as cmd.exe do not support glob pattern expansion. On Windows systems innochecksum must be run separately for each system tablespace file. For example: Refer to the innochecksum options information for more information about the “-” option. cat ibdata* | innochecksum - The three files ( ibdata1 ibdata2 and ibdata3 ) form one logical system tablespace. To run innochecksum on multiple files that form one logical system tablespace innochecksum requires the - option to read tablespace files in from standard input which is equivalent to concatenating multiple files to create one single file. For the example provided above the following innochecksum command would be used: ./bin/mysqld --no-defaults --innodb-data-file-path="ibdata1:10M;ibdata2:10M;ibdata3:10M:autoextend" By default there is only one InnoDB system tablespace file ( ibdata1 ) but multiple files for the system tablespace can be defined using the innodb_data_file_path option. In the following example three files for the system tablespace are defined using the innodb_data_file_path option: ibdata1 ibdata2 and ibdata3 . innochecksum.exe ibdata1 innochecksum.exe ibdata2 innochecksum.exe ibdata3 CREATE TABLE mytexttable ( id INT NOT NULL txt TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (id) FULLTEXT (txt) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
To keep The Har tford’s par tnership with our customers and agents working as efficiently and effortlessly as possible we expanded our web-based Electronic Business Center . This resource center makes it easier to provide small business customers with the fastest service best pricing and most effec- tive coverage. The Electronic Business Center allows agents to view bill- ing claims and policies online as well as process endorsement requests on the spot. Through the Electronic Business Center agents can access a web-based tool called “Icon 2.0 ” which allows them to sub- mit business inquiries and obtain quotes quickly and efficiently Throughout its 115-year history The Hartford Conservatory has provided a nurturing environment for emerging performing artists such as from left to right Mario Santos Jordan Bartucca and David Hiestand . Located in the same Asylum Hill neighborhood as The Hartford Financial Services Group the Conservatory found its best insur- ance coverage with The Hartford. Pat Priest an agent with the Webster Insurance Agency of Wallingford CT notes that as a non-profit organization having the right coverage at the right cost is critical to the Conser- vatory. “The Hartford was able to provide that ” Pat points out. Jackie Rowley Director of Finance for the Conservatory is pleased to “have everything with one company. It’s a lot easier for us and The Hartford has such a good reputation.” Pat notes that from the agent’s point of view “the ease of working with The Hartford’s online quote system is a plus. It offers immediate underwriting guidelines for quotes is quick and precise and includes broad coverages for each client’s needs.”   reality from students’ dreams 23 21 % premium growth in small business insurance from 2003
MESSAGE MESSAGE TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS 10 We are prepared to fund future acquisition and development requirements as the opportunities arise by utilizing our credit line. In January 2005 we executed a new $150 million unsecured revolving credit facility to replace our former line. With no outstanding borrowings on the line we have capacity to meet our capital requirements for future developments and acquisitions. In February 2005 we commenced construction of a 22 000 square foot expansion to The Glen a 112 000 square foot Safeway anchored shopping center located in Lake Ridge Virginia. The Glen is currently 100% leased. The new shop space is 40% pre- leased and construction is scheduled to be completed in September 2005. We continue to work on three additional development opportunities in the metropolitan Washington DC area. We have 5.5 acres of undeveloped land remaining at the Broadlands Village shopping center in Loudoun County and are working to develop a final phase of approximately 30 000 square feet of retail shops and pad space. Approximately three miles away we have recently received zoning approvals from Loudoun County for a 150 000 square foot neighborhood retail project in the Lansdowne community. We are negotiating a lease with a grocer to anchor the new community shopping center. Our third project is located in the popular Clarendon neighborhood of Arlington Virginia. We continue to pursue zoning approvals for a significant mixed-use project on land we have assembled adjacent to the Clarendon Metro Station. Saul Centers has remained focused on executing its long-term strategic plans to grow operating property income within the constraints of a prudent capital structure. We will continue to pursue selected development and acquisition opportunities. While today’s real estate investments currently command very low initial yields we will and must maintain our discipline and allocate our capital to acquisitions only if we firmly believe in the long term viability of a sub- market and our ability to add value to the real estate over the coming years. During the latter half of 1997 we set in place a program to refinance our short-term variable rate debt with long-term fixed-rate non-recourse mortgage debt. As a result of consistently applying the program we have reduced our exposure to short- term swings in interest rates and market liquidity. At year end 2004 debt balances totaled $454 million 100% of which was long-term fixed-rate non- recourse debt. The weighted average interest rate was 7.03% and the weighted average remaining term was 9.9 years. Our debt to total assets ratio (leverage) is currently between 35% and 40% well within our target maximum of 50%. Earnings before interest depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) exceeded interest expense for 2004 by 3.1 times (interest expense coverage). B. Francis Saul II March 23 2005 For the Board Capital Structure Seven Corners
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements continued 62 First Capital Realty Annual Report 2003 The Company’s future income tax assets are summarized as follows: The Company’s activities are carried out directly and through operating subsidiaries and partnership ventures and trusts in Canada and the United States. The income tax effect on operations depends on the tax legislation in each country and the operating results of each subsidiary and partnership venture and the parent Company. The following table summarizes the provision for income and other taxes. (thousands of dollars) 2003 2002 Losses available for carry-forward $ 11 417 $ 6 486 Shopping centres 2 235 11 454 Other assets 1 634 1 303 Canadian and U.S. minimum tax credits 352 352 $ 15 638 $ 19 595 (thousands of dollars) 2003 2002 Provision for income taxes on income at the combined Canadian federal and provincial income tax rates $ 26 096 $ 18 597 Increase (decrease) in the provision for income taxes due to the following items: Large Corporations Tax 1 950 1 850 Change in future income tax rates (2 202) (917) Other 1 235 (734) Income and other taxes $ 27 079 $ 18 796 (thousands of dollars) 2003 2002 Shopping centres $ 8 368 $ 6 668 Tenant inducements and leasing costs 2 629 1 955 Other 367 236 11 364 8 859 Deferred fi nancing 1 210 1 072 Amortization $ 12 574 $ 9 931 (thousands of dollars) 2003 2002 Mortgage and credit facility interest expense $ 38 722 $ 33 454 Debenture interest expense 1 033 2 734 Convertible debenture interest expense 3 569 4 438 Interest expense 43 324 40 626 Payments on convertible debentures net of interest expensed 27 434 24 395 Less: convertible debenture interest paid in common shares (18 724) (14 205) Interest capitalized to land and shopping centres under development 3 481 1 796 Other 132 228 Cash interest paid $ 55 647 $ 52 840 13 Interest 14 Amortization 15 Income and Other Taxes
words the material at a given point s along the boundary experiences a continuous positional change but a discontinuous velocity relative to the center of mass of the body as the parameters are varied continuously through the transition line. The discontinuous relative material velocity then generates the discontinuous swimming velocity seen in Fig. 5b for the body which exhibits the oblate shapes for part of its periodic cycle. Interestingly even though the area enclosed in phase space by the two cycles illustrated in Fig. 5a is the same the relationship between parameter space efficiency and swimming velocity is not evident. The upper cycle shown in Fig. 7 has a larger mean swimming speed and is more efficient than the cycle shown Fig. 6 suggesting that the vesicle can increase its efficiency by passing through a phase transition. In this paper we have shown computationally that it is possible for a bilayer vesicle to swim under a prescribed shape change using two different vesicle models. By modulating the vesicle volume and either its preferred curvature (spontaneous curvature model) or the surface area differ- ence between membrane monolayers (bilayer coupling model) the vesicle can be made to undergo deformations which are not time-reversible yielding therefore a net swimming motion. Net lo- comotion can be obtained either by continuously modulating fore-aft asymmetric vesicle shapes (stomatocytes) or by crossing a continuous shape-transition region with fore-aft symmetric shapes and alternating therefore between fore-aft asymmetric and fore-aft symmetric shapes. At first sight the swimming efficiencies obtained in this paper appear to be low. For the swim- ming stomatocyte shown in Fig. 4 the efficiency is on the order of 0 . 4% while for the bilayer coupling model we calculate an efficiency of 0 . 6% for a non-transitioning vesicle and 0 . 7% for a vesicle that undergoes a transition from stomatocyte to oblate. However it is known from many theoretical studies that the hydrodynamic efficiency of swimming microorganisms such as flagel- lated bacteria or spermatozoa is on the order of 1 to 2% (see Ref. [6] and references therein). Our results indicated therefore that the equilibrium morphologies of bilayer vesicles together with their appropriate modulations as is done in this paper lead to locomotion means which are almost as efficient as those displayed by biological cells and might therefore provide an interesting alternative to flagella-based synthetic micro-swimmers. Further optimization of the size and shape of cycle in parameter space will likely lead to swimming vesicle outperforming the efficiency of flagellated cells. In addition a swimming vesicle has the advantage that the swimmer and the cargo can be V. DISCUSSION 19
Contract number: ECHA/2020/724 Restricted Service contract conditions of December 2018 For the purpose of this contract the following definitions (indicated in italics in the text) apply: ‘Back office’ : the internal system(s) used by the parties to process electronic invoices; ‘Breach of obligations’: failure by the contractor to fulfil one or more of its contractual obligations. ‘Confidential information or document’ : any information or document received by either party from the other or accessed by either party in the context of the performance of the contract that any of the parties has identified in writing as confidential. It may not include information that is publicly available; ‘Conflict of interest’ : a situation where the impartial and objective performance of the contract by the contractor is compromised for reasons involving family emotional life political or national affinity economic interest any other direct or indirect personal interest or any other shared interest with the contracting authority or any third party related to the subject matter of the contract; ‘Creator’ : means any natural person who contributes to the production of the result ; ‘EDI message’ (electronic data interchange): a message created and exchanged through the electronic transfer from computer to computer of commercial and administrative data using an agreed standard; ‘e-PRIOR’ : the service-oriented communication platform that provides a series of web services and allows the exchange of standardised electronic messages and documents between the parties. This is done either through web services with a machine-to-machine connection between the parties’ back office systems ( EDI messages ) or through a web application (the s upplier portal ). The Platform may be used to exchange electronic documents (e-documents) such as electronic requests for services electronic specific contracts and electronic acceptance of services or electronic invoices between the parties. ‘Force majeure’ : any unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the control of the parties that prevents either of them from fulfilling any of their obligations under the contract. The situation or event must not be attributable to error or negligence on the part of the parties or on the part of the subcontractors and must prove to be inevitable despite their exercising due diligence. Defaults of service defects in equipment or material or delays in making them available labour disputes strikes and financial difficulties may not be invoked as force majeure unless they stem directly from a relevant case of force majeure ; ‘Formal notification’ (or ‘formally notify’): form of communication between the parties made in writing by mail or email which provides the sender with compelling evidence that the message was delivered to the specified recipient; ‘Fraud’: an act or omission committed in order to make an unlawful gain for the perpetrator or another by causing a loss to the Union's financial interests and relating to: i) the use or presentation of false incorrect or incomplete statements or documents which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds or assets from the Union budget ii) the non- disclosure of information in violation of a specific obligation with the same effect or iii) the misapplication of such funds or assets for purposes other than those for which they were originally granted which damages the Union's financial interests; 'Grave professional misconduct': a violation of applicable laws or regulations or ethical 11 II.1. DEFINITIONS II. General Conditions for the service contract
C.2. Terms and conditions for accessing or otherwise using Python 133 (continues on next page) The Python Language Reference Release 3.9.5 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any ␣ ↪ → relationship of agency partnership or joint venture between PSF and Licensee. ␣ ↪ → This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF trademarks or trade name ␣ ↪ → in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee ␣ ↪ → or any third party. 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material ␣ ↪ → breach of its terms and conditions. THEREOF EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. 8. By copying installing or otherwise using Python 3.9.5 Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. BEOPEN PYTHON OPEN SOURCE LICENSE AGREEMENT VERSION 1 C.2.2 BEOPEN.COM LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PYTHON 2.0 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between BeOpen.com ("BeOpen") having an office at 160 Saratoga Avenue Santa Clara CA 95051 and the Individual or ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using this software in source or binary form and its associated documentation ("the Software"). 3. BeOpen is making the Software available to Licensee on an "AS IS" basis. BEOPEN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE BUT NOT LIMITATION BEOPEN MAKES NO AND DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this BeOpen Python License Agreement BeOpen hereby grants Licensee a non-exclusive royalty-free world-wide license to reproduce analyze test perform and/or display publicly prepare derivative works distribute and otherwise use the Software alone or in any derivative version provided however that the BeOpen Python License is retained in the Software alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. 4. BEOPEN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE OR ANY OTHER USERS OF THE SOFTWARE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS AS A RESULT OF USING MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE OR ANY DERIVATIVE THEREOF EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. 5. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms and conditions. 6. This License Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in all respects by the law of the State of California excluding conflict of law provisions. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency partnership or joint venture between BeOpen and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use BeOpen trademarks or trade names in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee or any third party. As an exception the "BeOpen Python" logos available at http://www.pythonlabs.com/logos.html may be used according to the permissions granted on that web page.
3-24 Stages of Skill Acquisition Cognitive Stage Associative Stage Automatic Response Stage For example the learner smoothly increases power adds back pressure on the yoke and trims the aircraft as a turn is entered. During the turn the instructor questions the learner on an unrelated topic. The learner answers the questions while making two small adjustments in pitch and trim and then rolls out of the turn with the altimeter centered on the target altitude. Noting the dramatically improved performance the instructor asks “What are you doing differently?” The learner seems unsure and says “I have developed a feel for it.”$_{ }$ Automaticity is one of the by-products of practice. As procedures become automatic less attention is required to carry them out so it is possible to do other things simultaneously or at least do other things more comfortably. By this stage learner performance of the skill is rapid and smooth. The learner devotes much less deliberate attention to performance and may be able to carry on a conversation or perform other tasks while performing the skill. The learner makes far fewer adjustments during his or her performance and these adjustments tend to be small. The learner may no longer be able to remember the individual steps in the procedure or explain how to perform the skill. For example Beverly enters the steep turn and again struggles to achieve the desired bank angle. Still working on the bank angle she remembers the persistent altitude control problem and glances at the altimeter. Noticing that the aircraft has descended almost 100 feet she increases back pressure on the control and adjusts the trim slightly. She goes back to a continuing struggle with the bank angle keeping it under control with some effort and completes the turn 80 feet higher than started. As the storage of a skill via practice continues the learner understands how to associate individual steps in performance with likely outcomes. The learner no longer performs a series of memorized steps but is able to assess his or her progress along the way and make adjustments in performance. Performing the skill still requires deliberate attention but the learner is better able to deal with distractions. Even demonstrating how to do something does not result in the learner learning the skill. Practice is necessary in order for the learner to learn how to coordinate muscles with visual and tactile senses. Learning to perform various aircraft maintenance skills or flight maneuvers requires practice. Another benefit of practice is that as the learner gains proficiency in a skill verbal instructions become more meaningful. A long detailed explanation is confusing before the learner begins performing whereas specific comments are more meaningful and useful after the skill has been partially mastered. For example Beverly enters a steep turn after increasing power by a prescribed amount and adjusting the pitch trim. She fixates on the attitude indicator as she attempts to achieve the desired bank angle. The bank angle exceeds tolerances as she struggles to correct it making many abrupt control inputs. The best way to prepare the learner to perform a task is to provide a clear step-by-step example. Having a model to follow permits learners to get a clear picture of each step in the sequence so they understand what is required and how to do it. In flight or maintenance training the instructor provides the demonstration emphasizing the steps and techniques. During classroom instruction an outside expert may be used either in person or in a video presentation. In any case learners need to have a clear impression of what they are to do. Cognitive learning has a basis in factual knowledge. Since the learner has no prior knowledge of flying the instructor first introduces him or her to a basic skill. The learner then memorizes the steps required to perform the skill. As the learner carries out these memorized steps he or she is often unaware of progress or may fixate on one aspect of performance. Performing the skill at this stage typically requires all the learner’s attention; distractions introduced by an instructor often cause performance to deteriorate or stop. Individuals make their way from beginner to expert via three characteristic stages for skill acquisition (or the learning process) as follows: cognitive associative and automaticity. An instructor needs to recognize each stage in learner performance in order to assess progress.
[ ¯ 1 ¯ 12] [1 ¯ 10] [111] 6 FIG. 4: Simulation of an equilibrium coherent (111) twin boundary for R = 0 ϵ = 0 . 00823 and ¯ ψ = − 0 . 06269. FIG. 3: Simulation of polycrystalline solidification starting from three seeded fcc crystals in a supercooled liquid. The system is fully periodic and the snapshots are taken at dimen- sionless times t = 5 × 10 $^{2}$ 3 × 10 $^{3}$ and 10 $^{5}$. The parameters are R = 0 ϵ = . 00823 and ¯ ψ = − 0 . 06. The first example in Fig. 3 shows the growth of small fcc crystallites of different orientations for a value of ¯ ψ = − 0 . 06 > ¯ ψ$_{s}$ that is well inside the stable fcc-solid region of the phase diagram. The crystallites grow as ex- pected until they collide to form grain boundaries. The second example in Fig. 4 shows a (111) twin crystal for a value of ¯ ψ = − 0 . 06269 at coexistence and for a system size chosen such that a twin crystal with two stacking faults fits perfectly the periodic boundary conditions in all directions without any liquid present. A computa- tion of the excess free-energy of this twin boundary given in the appendix to this paper yields a value of approx- imately 30 mJ/m 2 that falls within the range of values typically reported in the literature for fcc metals. Fig. 5 then shows the growth of the same twin crystal in a super- cooled liquid for a much larger system with ¯ ψ = − 0 . 06. We now demonstrate the feasibility of the model with some numerical examples of fcc polycrystalline growth and (111) twin growth. The PFC conserved dynamics governed by Eq. (18) with the free-energy defined by Eqs. (19) and (20) was solved using the semi-implicit pseudo-spectral scheme given by Eq. (A2) in Appendix A of Ref. [25]. We used the parameters R = 0 and ϵ = 0 . 00823 obtained from our fit of pure Ni presented later in section IV together with the grid spacing Δ x = Δ y = Δ z = 2 $_{π}$√$_{3}$$_{/}$$_{16 which determines the number of Fourier}$ modes and the time step Δ t = 0 . 5. For this value of R and ϵ the computations presented in the next section show that the size of the solid-liquid coexistence region is extremely small i.e. ¯ ψ$_{s}$ − ¯ ψ$_{l}$ is two orders of magnitude smaller than ( ¯ ψ$_{s}$ + ¯ ψ$_{l}$ ) / 2 as can already be seen from the phase diagram in Fig. 2 and ¯ ψ$_{s}$ ≈ ¯ ψ$_{l}$ ≈ − 0 . 0627. C. Numerical examples
Figure 1-23. IAP inoperative components table. 1-31
Inspection Lower Leg Strap Shortening Procedure • Inspect the harness stitching for correct stitch length tension and appropriate pattern. • Reattach the MLW to the backpad as needed. • The stop end must be sewn and oriented correctly. • Verify the chest strap is the correct length. • The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked. • Applicable products: All harness configurations • Description: Shortening of the lower leg straps • Authorized repairmen: FAA Master Parachute Rigger • Materials: 5-cord nylon thread—color to match original • Machines: Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7–33 or equivalent 5–7 SPI • Equipment: Seam ripper or scalpel marking pencil ruler and hot knife 1. If the leg strap is of the thread-thru configuration unthread the webbing from the leg adapter. If the leg strap has an adjustable “V” ring used in conjunction with a snap disconnect the “V” ring from the snap. Lay the leg strap out flat. 2. Remove the harness stitching from the rolled end of the webbing. 3. Measure the required distance from the end of the strap that is required for shortening and mark accordingly. [Figure A] 4. Trim the webbing at the mark using the hot knife. 3. For the “V” ring configuration place a mark at 2 inches from the top end of the webbing. This is also the “fold to” mark for the first fold. Make two additional folds for a total of four layers. 2. Sew the rolled stop end according to Figure D with the harness machine. 1. For the thread-thru configuration place a mark at 3.50 inches from the end of the webbing on the bottom of the webbing. [Figure B] This is the “fold to” mark for the first fold of the webbing. Fold one more time for a total of three layers of webbing. [Figure C] The shortening of the leg strap while a relatively straightforward process is an extremely important procedure. If done improperly it could result in the harness fitting improperly or the leg straps to come unthreaded and the user to fall out during opening. Disassembly Reassembly 7-54