stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
src/Day08.kt | ZiomaleQ | 573,349,910 | false | {"Kotlin": 49609} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var sum = 0
val trees = { line -> { c ->
for ((rowIndex, rowOfTrees) in trees.withIndex()) {
if (rowIndex == 0 || rowIndex == trees.size - 1) {
sum += rowOfTrees.size
for ((treeIndex, tree) in rowOfTrees.withIndex()) {
if (treeIndex == 0 || treeIndex == rowOfTrees.size - 1) {
val treesToLeft = rowOfTrees.subList(0, treeIndex)
val treesToRight = rowOfTrees.subList(treeIndex + 1, rowOfTrees.size)
val treesToTop = trees.subList(0, rowIndex).map { it[treeIndex] }
val treesToBottom = trees.subList(rowIndex + 1, trees.size).map { it[treeIndex] }
val isVisibleHorizontal =
treesToLeft.all { it.height < tree.height } || treesToRight.all { it.height < tree.height }
val isVisibleVertical =
treesToTop.all { it.height < tree.height } || treesToBottom.all { it.height < tree.height }
if (isVisibleVertical || isVisibleHorizontal) {
return sum
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { line -> { c ->
}.also { setScore(it) }
return trees.flatten().maxOf { it.score }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
part1(testInput).also { println(it); check(it == 21) }
part2(testInput).also { println(it); check(it == 8) }
val input = readInput("Day08")
data class Tree(val height: Int, var score: Int = 0)
fun setScore(map: List<List<Tree>>) = map.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, tree ->
tree.score = scenicScore(map, x, y)
fun scenicScore(map: List<List<Tree>>, x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentHeight = map[y][x].height
val directions = listOf(
(x +[0].lastIndex).map { map[y][it].height },
(x - 1 downTo 0).map { map[y][it].height },
(y + { map[it][x].height },
(y - 1 downTo 0).map { map[it][x].height }
return directions
.map { dir ->
(dir.indexOfFirst { it >= currentHeight } + 1)
.takeIf { it != 0 }
?: dir.size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b8811a6a9c03e80224e4655013879ac8a90e69b5 | 2,778 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | zirman | 572,627,598 | false | {"Kotlin": 89030} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { row -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val visible = { { false }.toMutableList() }
for (c in trees.first().indices) {
var h = -1
for (r in trees.indices) {
if (trees[r][c] > h) {
visible[r][c] = true
h = trees[r][c]
for (c in trees.first().indices) {
var h = -1
for (r in trees.indices.reversed()) {
if (trees[r][c] > h) {
visible[r][c] = true
h = trees[r][c]
for (r in trees.indices) {
var h = -1
for (c in trees.first().indices) {
if (trees[r][c] > h) {
visible[r][c] = true
h = trees[r][c]
for (r in trees.indices) {
var h = -1
for (c in trees.first().indices.reversed()) {
if (trees[r][c] > h) {
visible[r][c] = true
h = trees[r][c]
return visible.sumOf { row -> row.count { it } }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { row -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val scenicScore = { r ->
trees.first() { c ->
val max = trees[r][c]
tailrec fun searchNorth(r: Int, acc: Int): Int {
return when {
r < 0 -> acc
trees[r][c] >= max -> acc + 1
else -> searchNorth(r - 1, acc + 1)
tailrec fun searchSouth(r: Int, acc: Int): Int {
return when {
r >= trees.size -> acc
trees[r][c] >= max -> acc + 1
else -> searchSouth(r + 1, acc + 1)
tailrec fun searchEast(c: Int, acc: Int): Int {
return when {
c >= trees.size -> acc
trees[r][c] >= max -> acc + 1
else -> searchEast(c + 1, acc + 1)
tailrec fun searchWest(c: Int, acc: Int): Int {
return when {
c < 0 -> acc
trees[r][c] >= max -> acc + 1
else -> searchWest(c - 1, acc + 1)
searchNorth(r - 1, 0) *
searchSouth(r + 1, 0) *
searchEast(c + 1, 0) *
searchWest(c - 1, 0)
return scenicScore.maxOf { row -> row.maxOf { it } }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
val input = readInput("Day08")
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 2ec1c664f6d6c6e3da2641ff5769faa368fafa0f | 3,317 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day23/Day23.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day23
import check
import readInput
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("2023", "Day23_test")
check(part1(testInput), 94)
check(part2(testInput), 154)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day23")
private fun part1(input: List<String>) = input.parseHikingMap().longestHike()
private fun part2(input: List<String>) = input.parseHikingMap().removeSlopes().longestHike()
private fun HikingMap.longestHike() = createGraph().longestHike(start, target) ?: error("no path found")
private data class Pos(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun neighbours() = listOf(Pos(x, y - 1), Pos(x, y + 1), Pos(x - 1, y), Pos(x + 1, y))
private data class HikingMap(
val trail: Set<Pos>,
/** Positions of the slope with the position one has to go next */
val slopes: Map<Pos, Pos>,
val start: Pos,
val target: Pos,
private fun List<String>.parseHikingMap(): HikingMap {
val trail = mutableSetOf<Pos>()
val slopes = mutableMapOf<Pos, Pos>()
for ((y, line) in withIndex()) {
for ((x, c) in line.withIndex()) {
when (c) {
'.' -> trail += Pos(x, y)
'v' -> slopes += Pos(x, y) to Pos(x, y + 1)
'^' -> slopes += Pos(x, y) to Pos(x, y - 1)
'>' -> slopes += Pos(x, y) to Pos(x + 1, y)
'<' -> slopes += Pos(x, y) to Pos(x - 1, y)
return HikingMap(
trail = trail,
slopes = slopes,
start = trail.single { it.y == 0 },
target = trail.single { it.y == lastIndex },
private fun HikingMap.removeSlopes() = copy(trail = trail + slopes.keys, slopes = emptyMap())
private fun HikingMap.createGraph(): Map<Pos, Set<Pair<Pos, Int>>> {
val nodes = trail.filter { trailPos ->
trailPos.neighbours().count { it in trail || it in slopes } > 2
} + start + target
val graph = nodes.associateWith { mutableSetOf<Pair<Pos, Int>>() }
fun pathsWithDistance(pos: Pos, distance: Int = 0, visited: Set<Pos> = setOf(pos)): List<Pair<Pos, Int>> {
if (pos in nodes && distance > 0) return listOf(pos to distance)
return pos.neighbours()
.filter { next -> (next in trail || (next in slopes && pos != slopes[next])) && next !in visited }
.flatMap { next ->
pathsWithDistance(pos = next, distance = distance + 1, visited = visited + next)
for (node in nodes) {
graph.getValue(node) += pathsWithDistance(node)
return graph
private fun Map<Pos, Set<Pair<Pos, Int>>>.longestHike(pos: Pos, target: Pos, visited: Set<Pos> = setOf(pos)): Int? {
return if (pos == target) 0
else getValue(pos)
.filter { it.first !in visited }
.mapNotNull { (next, distance) ->
val longestHike = longestHike(next, target, visited + next) ?: return@mapNotNull null
distance + longestHike
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 3,011 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | flex3r | 572,653,526 | false | {"Kotlin": 63192} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
val input = readInput("Day13")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.partitionBy { it.isEmpty() }
.map { (a, b) -> parse(a).compareTo(parse(b)) }
.filter { (_, res) -> res == -1 }
.sumOf { (idx, _) -> idx + 1 }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val firstDivider = PacketList(listOf(PacketList(listOf(PacketValue(2)))))
val secondDivider = PacketList(listOf(PacketList(listOf(PacketValue(6)))))
val sorted = input
.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }
.map { parse(it) }
return (sorted.indexOf(firstDivider) + 1) * (sorted.indexOf(secondDivider) + 1)
private fun parse(value: String): Packet {
if (value.firstOrNull()?.isDigit() == true) return PacketValue(value.toInt())
return PacketList(
packets = buildList {
var openBrackets = 0
var lastComma = 0
value.forEachIndexed { idx, c ->
when {
c == '[' -> openBrackets++
c == ']' -> if (--openBrackets == 0) add(parse(value.substring(lastComma + 1 until idx)))
c == ',' && openBrackets == 1 -> add(parse(value.substring(lastComma + 1 until idx))).also { lastComma = idx }
private sealed class Packet : Comparable<Packet> {
override fun compareTo(other: Packet) = when {
this is PacketValue && other is PacketValue -> this.packet.compareTo(other.packet)
else -> compareLists(this.asList(), other.asList())
private fun compareLists(a: PacketList, b: PacketList): Int { { (a, b) ->
val compared = a.compareTo(b)
if (compared != 0) return compared
return a.packets.size.compareTo(b.packets.size)
private fun asList() = if (this is PacketList) this else PacketList(listOf(this))
private data class PacketList(val packets: List<Packet>) : Packet()
private data class PacketValue(val packet: Int) : Packet()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8604ce3c0c3b56e2e49df641d5bf1e498f445ff9 | 2,389 | aoc-22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2021/day08/Day08.kt | fadi426 | 433,496,346 | false | {"Kotlin": 44622} | package year2021.day01.day08
import util.assertTrue
import util.read2021DayInput
fun main() {
fun task01(input: List<String>): Int {
val formattedInput = { it.substringAfter(" | ") }.map { it.split(" ") }
return listOf(2, 4, 3, 7).let { uniqueSegments ->
formattedInput.sumOf { it.count { uniqueSegments.contains(it.length) } }
fun task02(input: List<String>): Int {
var sum = 0
val formattedInput = { it.split(" | ") }.map { { it.split(" ") } }
formattedInput.forEach {
val segments = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Int>>()
segments.addAll(byLengthSix(it[0], segments))
segments.addAll(byLengthFive(it[0], segments))
sum += decodeSignal(it[1], segments)
return sum
val input = read2021DayInput("Day08")
assertTrue(task01(input) == 261)
assertTrue(task02(input) == 987553)
fun decodeSignal(list: List<String>, segments: List<Pair<String, Int>>): Int {
return { segments.first { e -> it.alphabetized() == e.first.alphabetized() } }.map { it.second }
.joinToString { it.toString() }.replace(", ", "").toInt()
fun byUniqueLength(list: List<String>): List<Pair<String, Int>> {
val l = listOf(Pair(1, 2), Pair(4, 4), Pair(7, 3), Pair(8, 7))
return { Pair(it, l.find { e -> e.second == it.length }) }.filter { it.second != null }
.map { Pair(it.first, it.second!!.first) }
fun byLengthFive(list: List<String>, segments: List<Pair<String, Int>>): List<Pair<String, Int>> {
val outcome = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Int>>()
val fiveList = list.filter { it.length == 5 }
val three = Pair(fiveList.first { containsDigitPattern(it, segments, 7) }, 3)
val five = Pair(fiveList.first { segments.first { e -> e.second == 6 }.first.toList().containsAll(it.toList()) }, 5)
val two = Pair(fiveList.first { it != three.first && it != five.first }, 2)
outcome.addAll(listOf(three, five, two))
return outcome
fun byLengthSix(list: List<String>, segments: List<Pair<String, Int>>): List<Pair<String, Int>> {
val outcome = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Int>>()
val sixList = list.filter { it.length == 6 }
val six = Pair(sixList.first { !containsDigitPattern(it, segments, 1) }, 6)
val nine = Pair(sixList.first { containsDigitPattern(it, segments, 4) }, 9)
val zero = Pair(sixList.first { it != six.first && it != nine.first }, 0)
outcome.addAll(listOf(six, nine, zero))
return outcome
fun containsDigitPattern(a: String, list: List<Pair<String, Int>>, i: Int): Boolean {
return a.toList().containsAll(list.first { it.second == i }.first.toList())
fun String.alphabetized() = String(toCharArray().apply { sort() })
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | acf8b6db03edd5ff72ee8cbde0372113824833b6 | 2,853 | advent-of-code-kotlin-template | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day14.kt | laricchia | 434,141,174 | false | {"Kotlin": 38143} | fun firstPart14(list : List<Pair<String, String>>, start : String) {
var newSeq = start
val steps = 10
for (i in 0 until steps) {
var windows = newSeq.windowed(2).map { StringBuilder(it) } { insertion ->
windows = {
if (it.toString() == insertion.first) it.insert(1, insertion.second) else it
newSeq = windows.joinToString(separator = "") { it.deleteCharAt(it.length - 1).toString() } + start.last()
// println(newSeq)
val distinctLetters = newSeq.split("").filterNot { it.isEmpty() }.distinct()
val counts = { letter ->
newSeq.count { it == letter.first() }
println(counts.first() - counts.last())
fun secondPart14(list : List<Pair<String, String>>, start : String) {
val steps = 40
var state = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
val startWindows = start.windowed(2)
startWindows.distinct().map { s -> state[s] = startWindows.count { s == it }.toLong() }
list.filterNot { it.first in startWindows }.map { state[it.first] = 0 }
// println(state)
for (i in 0 until steps) {
val updatedState = mutableMapOf<String, Long>() {
val elem1 = it.first.first() + it.second
val elem2 = it.second + it.first.last()
val value = state[it.first] ?: 0
updatedState[elem1] = (updatedState[elem1] ?: 0) + value
updatedState[elem2] = (updatedState[elem2] ?: 0) + value
state = updatedState
// println(state)
val distinctLetters = { it.key }.map { it.split("").filterNot { it.isEmpty() }.map { it.first() } }.flatten().distinct()
val counts = mutableMapOf<Char, Long>() { counts[it] = 0 } {
counts[it.key.first()] = counts[it.key.first()]!! + it.value
counts[it.key.last()] = counts[it.key.last()]!! + it.value
val sortedCounts = {
val updatedValue = it.value / 2
if (it.key == start.last()) (updatedValue + 1) else updatedValue
// println(sortedCounts)
println(sortedCounts.first() - sortedCounts.last())
fun main() {
val input : List<String> = readInput("Day14")
val start = input.first()
val pairs = input.subList(2, input.size).map {
val splits = it.split(" -> ")
splits[0] to splits[1]
firstPart14(pairs, start)
secondPart14(pairs, start)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 7041d15fafa7256628df5c52fea2a137bdc60727 | 2,589 | Advent_of_Code_2021_Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day24/d24_2.kt | svorcmar | 720,683,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 49110} | fun main() {
val input = ""
val list = input.lines().map { it.toInt() }
val groupSize = list.sum() / 4
val firstGroup = solve(list, groupSize)
// order by quantum entanglement and find smallest one for which
// the rest of packages can be divided in three groups of the same weight
val candidates = { to it }.sortedBy { it.first }
for (candidate in candidates) {
if (canBeSplitIn3(list - candidate.second, groupSize)) {
fun solve(packages: List<Int>, target: Int): List<List<Int>> {
// dp[i][j] == set of the smallest subsets of the first i elements that sum to j
val dp = Array(packages.size + 1) { Array(target + 1) {
if (it == 0)
0 to listOf(emptyList<Int>())
packages.size to emptyList<List<Int>>()
packages.forEachIndexed { i0, n ->
val i = i0 + 1
for (j in 1 .. target) {
dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]
if (j >= n) {
val prevRow = dp[i - 1][j - n]
if (prevRow.first + 1 < dp[i][j].first) {
dp[i][j] = prevRow.first + 1 to { it -> it + n }
} else if (prevRow.first + 1 == dp[i][j].first) {
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j].first to dp[i][j].second + { it -> it + n }
return dp[packages.size][target].second
fun canBeSplitIn3(packages: List<Int>, target: Int): Boolean {
// the order/size of the groups is not important;
// the first element is forced the first group and the second element to the first or second group to fix the ordering
return canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages, target, 2, packages[0] + packages[1], 0, 0) ||
canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages, target, 2, packages[0], packages[1], 0)
fun canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages: List<Int>, target: Int, nextIdx: Int, g1: Int, g2: Int, g3: Int): Boolean {
if (nextIdx == packages.size) {
return true
val next = packages[nextIdx]
return (g1 < target && g1 + next <= target && canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages, target, nextIdx + 1, g1 + next, g2, g3)) ||
(g2 < target && g2 + next <= target && canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages, target, nextIdx + 1, g1, g2 + next, g3)) ||
(g3 < target && g3 + next <= target && canBeSplitIn3Rec(packages, target, nextIdx + 1, g1, g2, g3 + next))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb097b59295b2ec76cc0845ee6674f1683c3c91f | 2,361 | aoc2015 | MIT License |
advent-of-code-2022/src/Day08.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | typealias Forest = List<List<Int>>
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val input = readInput("Day08")
"Part 1" {
part1(testInput) shouldBe 21
"Part 2" {
part2(testInput) shouldBe 8
private fun part1(forest: Forest): Int {
val n = forest.size
val m = forest[0].size
/** Checks the tree at position [r],[c] is visible from the given [direction]. */
fun isVisibleFromOutside(r: Int, c: Int, direction: Direction): Boolean {
val treeHeight = forest[r][c]
return forest.treesByDirection(r, c, direction).all { it < treeHeight }
// All trees on edges are visible
var count = (n + m - 2) * 2
for (r in 1 until n - 1) {
for (c in 1 until m - 1) {
if (Direction.values().any { isVisibleFromOutside(r, c, it) }) count++
return count
private fun part2(forest: Forest): Int {
val n = forest.size
val m = forest[0].size
/** Counts trees visible from tree at position [r],[c] in the given [direction]. */
fun countVisibleTrees(r: Int, c: Int, direction: Direction): Int {
val targetTree = forest[r][c]
var count = 0
for (currentTree in forest.treesByDirection(r, c, direction)) {
if (currentTree >= targetTree) return count
return count
var maxScore = 0
// All trees on edges will have score 0, so skip it
for (r in 1 until n - 1) {
for (c in 1 until m - 1) {
val score = Direction.values().map { countVisibleTrees(r, c, it) }.reduce(Int::times)
maxScore = maxOf(maxScore, score)
return maxScore
/** Generates sequence of trees heights for the given [direction] in order of distance from [r],[c]. */
private fun Forest.treesByDirection(r: Int, c: Int, direction: Direction): Sequence<Int> {
return generateSequence( to c), direction::next)
.takeWhile { (r, c) -> r in indices && c in first().indices }
.map { (r, c) -> this[r][c] }
// dr, dc - delta row, delta column
private enum class Direction(val dr: Int = 0, val dc: Int = 0) {
UP(dr = -1),
LEFT(dc = -1),
DOWN(dr = +1),
RIGHT(dc = +1);
/** Returns the next coordinates on this direction. */
fun next(coordinates: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> {
val (r, c) = coordinates
return (r + dr) to (c + dc)
private fun readInput(name: String) = readLines(name).map { }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 2,607 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
aoc21/day_08/main.kt | viktormalik | 436,281,279 | false | {"Rust": 227300, "Go": 86273, "OCaml": 82410, "Kotlin": 78968, "Makefile": 13967, "Roff": 9981, "Shell": 2796} | import
fun segmentsByLen(len: Int): Set<Char> = when (len) {
2 -> setOf('c', 'f')
3 -> setOf('a', 'c', 'f')
4 -> setOf('b', 'c', 'd', 'f')
else -> ('a'..'g').toSet()
fun segmentToDigit(segment: Set<Char>): Char? = when (segment) {
setOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'g') -> '0'
setOf('c', 'f') -> '1'
setOf('a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'g') -> '2'
setOf('a', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g') -> '3'
setOf('b', 'c', 'd', 'f') -> '4'
setOf('a', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'g') -> '5'
setOf('a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g') -> '6'
setOf('a', 'c', 'f') -> '7'
setOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g') -> '8'
setOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g') -> '9'
else -> null
fun MutableMap<Char, Set<Char>>.dropGroups(groups: Iterable<Set<Char>>) {
for (group in groups) {
for (c in filter { (_, map) -> map != group }.keys)
merge(c, group, Set<Char>::minus)
fun getOptions(digit: String, mapping: Map<Char, Set<Char>>): Set<Set<Char>> {
if (digit.length == 1)
return mapping.get(digit[0])!!.map { setOf(it) }.toSet()
return getOptions(digit.substring(1), mapping)
.flatMap { mapping.get(digit[0])!!.map { c -> setOf(c) + it } }
.filter { it.size == digit.length }
fun decode(entry: String): Int {
val patterns = entry.split(" | ")[0]
val mapping = ('a'..'g').map { it to ('a'..'g').toSet() }.toMap().toMutableMap()
var size = { (_, m) -> m.size }.sum()
var prevSize = 0
while (size != prevSize) {
prevSize = size
for (pat in patterns.split(" ")) {
for (i in 0 until pat.length) {
mapping.merge(pat[i], segmentsByLen(pat.length), Set<Char>::intersect)
mapping.dropGroups(mapping.filter { (_, m) -> m.size == 1 }.values)
mapping.filter { (c1, m1) ->
m1.size == 2 && mapping.any { (c2, m2) -> c1 != c2 && m1 == m2 }
size = { (_, m) -> m.size }.sum()
return entry
.split(" | ")[1]
.split(" ")
.map { getOptions(it, mapping).firstNotNullOf { segmentToDigit(it) } }
fun main() {
val entries = File("input").readLines()
val first = { e ->
e.split(" | ")[1]
.split(" ")
.filter { d -> d.length == 2 || d.length == 3 || d.length == 4 || d.length == 7 }
println("First: $first")
val second = { decode(it) }.sum()
println("Second: $second")
| 0 | Rust | 1 | 0 | f47ef85393d395710ce113708117fd33082bab30 | 2,654 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/Day16.kt | todynskyi | 573,152,718 | false | {"Kotlin": 47697} | import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
fun floydWarshall(
shortestPaths: Map<String, MutableMap<String, Int>>,
valves: Map<String, Valve>
): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
for (k in shortestPaths.keys) {
for (i in shortestPaths.keys) {
for (j in shortestPaths.keys) {
val ik = shortestPaths[i]?.get(k) ?: 9999
val kj = shortestPaths[k]?.get(j) ?: 9999
val ij = shortestPaths[i]?.get(j) ?: 9999
if (ik + kj < ij) {
shortestPaths[i]?.set(j, ik + kj)
shortestPaths.values.forEach { { key -> if (valves[key]?.flowRate == 0) key else "" }
.forEach { toRemove -> if (toRemove != "") it.remove(toRemove) }
return shortestPaths
fun calculate(input: List<Valve>, totalTime: Int, optimal: Boolean): Int {
var score = 0
val valves = input.associateBy { }
val shortestPaths =
input.associate { to it.neighbors.associateWith { 1 }.toMutableMap() }.toMutableMap(),
fun calculate(currScore: Int, currentValve: String, visited: Set<String>, time: Int, optimal: Boolean) {
score = max(score, currScore)
for ((valve, dist) in shortestPaths[currentValve]!!) {
if (!visited.contains(valve) && time + dist + 1 < totalTime) {
currScore + (totalTime - time - dist - 1) * valves[valve]?.flowRate!!,
time + dist + 1,
if (optimal) {
calculate(currScore, "AA", visited, 0, false)
calculate(0, "AA", emptySet(), 0, optimal)
return score
fun part1(input: List<Valve>): Int = calculate(input, PART1_TIME, false)
fun part2(input: List<Valve>): Int = calculate(input, PART2_TIME, true)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test").toValves()
check(part1(testInput) == 1651)
val input = readInput("Day16").toValves()
const val PART1_TIME = 30
const val PART2_TIME = 26
fun List<String>.toValves(): List<Valve> = {
val (left, right) = it.split("; ")
val (id, flowRate) = left.split(" has flow rate=")
id.substringAfter("Valve "),
right.replace("tunnels lead to valves ", "")
.replace("tunnel leads to valve ", "")
.split(", ").map { valve -> valve.trim() }
data class Valve(val id: String, val flowRate: Int, val neighbors: List<String>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5f9d9037544e0ac4d5f900f57458cc4155488f2a | 3,082 | KotlinAdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2021/day22/Solution.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2021.day22
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
fun part1(commands: List<Command>): Int {
val bound = -50..50
val ons = hashSetOf<P3>()
for ((action, cuboid) in commands) {
if (cuboid.x !in bound || cuboid.y !in bound || cuboid.z !in bound) continue
when (action) {
Action.ON -> cuboid.cubes().forEach { ons.add(it) }
Action.OFF -> cuboid.cubes().forEach { ons.remove(it) }
return ons.size
fun part2(commands: List<Command>): Long {
val bound = -50..50
val within = commands.filter { (_, cuboid) -> cuboid.x in bound && cuboid.y in bound && cuboid.z in bound }
return within.foldIndexed(0L) { index, acc, (action, cuboid) ->
val intersects = commands.subList(0, index).map { cuboid.intersect(it.second) }
val currentVolume = if (action == Action.ON) cuboid.volume() else 0
acc - sum(intersects) + currentVolume
fun sum(cuboids: List<Cuboid>): Long {
return when (cuboids.size) {
0 -> 0L
1 -> cuboids[0].volume()
else -> {
val last = cuboids.last()
val intersects = cuboids.subList(0, cuboids.lastIndex).map { it.intersect(last) }.filterNot { it.isNone() }
sum(cuboids.subList(0, cuboids.lastIndex)) - sum(intersects) + last.volume()
fun main() {
val commands = readInput(2021, 22).useLines { lines -> }
fun parse(line: String): Command {
val (c, rest) = line.split(" ")
val (x, y, z) = rest.split(",").map { ch -> ch.substringAfter("=").split("..").map { it.toInt() } }
val action = if (c == "on") Action.ON else Action.OFF
val cuboid = Cuboid(x[0]..x[1], y[0]..y[1], z[0]..z[1])
return Command(action, cuboid)
typealias P3 = List<Int>
typealias Command = Pair<Action, Cuboid>
enum class Action { ON, OFF }
data class Cuboid(val x: IntRange, val y: IntRange, val z: IntRange)
fun Cuboid.cubes() = sequence { for (xx in x) for (yy in y) for (zz in z) yield(listOf(xx, yy, zz)) }
fun Cuboid.volume(): Long = x.size.toLong() * y.size * z.size
fun Cuboid.isNone() = x == IntRange.EMPTY && y == IntRange.EMPTY && z == IntRange.EMPTY
fun Cuboid.intersect(other: Cuboid) = Cuboid(x.intersect(other.x), y.intersect(other.y), z.intersect(other.z))
operator fun IntRange.contains(range: IntRange) = range.first in this && range.last in this
val IntRange.size: Int get() = last - first + 1
fun IntRange.intersect(other: IntRange): IntRange {
return if (this in other) this
else if (other in this) other
else if (last < other.first) IntRange.EMPTY
else if (first > other.first) first..other.last
else other.first..last
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 2,830 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day12.kt | Ostkontentitan | 434,500,914 | false | {"Kotlin": 73563} | fun puzzleDayTwelvePartOne() {
val inputs = readInput(12)
val connections = inputsToConnections(inputs)
val pathes = findUniquePaths(Cave.Start, connections, mapOf(Cave.Start to 1))
println("Number of pathes $pathes")
fun puzzleDayTwelvePartTwo() {
val inputs = readInput(12)
val connections = inputsToConnections(inputs)
val pathes = findUniquePaths(Cave.Start, connections, mapOf(Cave.Start to 1), true)
println("Number of pathes with 'golden ticket' $pathes")
fun inputsToConnections(inputs: List<String>): List<Connection> = {
val split = it.split("-")
Connection(Cave(split[0]), Cave(split[1]))
fun findUniquePaths(from: Cave, connections: List<Connection>, visited: Map<Cave, Int>): Int {
if (from == Cave.End) {
return 1
val connectionsToElement = connections.filter { it.contains(from) }.filterVisitable(from, visited)
val nextOnes = { it.getOther(from) }
val updatedVisits = visited.incrementedForItem(from)
return nextOnes.sumOf { findUniquePaths(it, connections, updatedVisits) }
fun findUniquePaths(
from: Cave,
connections: List<Connection>,
visited: Map<Cave, Int>,
goldenTicketAvailable: Boolean
): Int {
if (from == Cave.End) {
return 1
val connectionsToElement = connections.filter { it.contains(from) }.filterVisitable(from, visited)
val ticketConnections = if (goldenTicketAvailable) connections.filter { it.contains(from) } - connectionsToElement.toSet() else emptyList()
val nextOnes = { it.getOther(from) }.filterNot { it == Cave.Start }
val nextOnesWithTicket = { it.getOther(from) }.filterNot { it.isBig || it == Cave.Start }
val updatedVisits = visited.incrementedForItem(from)
return nextOnes.sumOf { findUniquePaths(it, connections, updatedVisits, goldenTicketAvailable) } +
nextOnesWithTicket.sumOf { findUniquePaths(it, connections, updatedVisits, false) }
fun List<Connection>.filterVisitable(cave: Cave, visited: Map<Cave, Int>) =
this.filter { it.getOther(cave).isVisitable(visited) }
fun Cave.isVisitable(visited: Map<Cave, Int>) = (visited[this] ?: 0) < this.maxVisits
fun Map<Cave, Int>.incrementedForItem(item: Cave): Map<Cave, Int> =
this + (item to (this[item] ?: 0) + 1)
data class Cave(val key: String) {
val isSmall = key == key.lowercase()
val isBig = !isSmall
val maxVisits = if (isSmall) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE
companion object {
val Start = Cave("start")
val End = Cave("end")
data class Connection(private val one: Cave, private val two: Cave) {
fun contains(cave: Cave) = one == cave || two == cave
fun getOther(cave: Cave) =
if (cave == one) two else if (cave == two) one else throw IllegalArgumentException("Other call with non contained element. ")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e0e5022238747e4b934cac0f6235b92831ca8ac7 | 2,911 | advent-of-kotlin-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | bigtlb | 573,081,626 | false | {"Kotlin": 38940} | fun main() {
class AdventList : Comparable<AdventList> {
fun terms(input: String): List<String> {
var parenLevel = 0
var start = 0
var next = 0
val termList = mutableListOf<String>()
while (next <= input.length) {
when {
next == input.length || (parenLevel == 0 && ",]".contains(input[next])) -> {
termList.add(input.substring(start until next))
start = next + 1
parenLevel > 0 && input[next] == ']' -> parenLevel--
input[next] == '[' -> parenLevel++
else -> Unit
return termList
constructor(input: String) {
list.addAll(terms(input.slice(1 until input.lastIndex)).map { it.trim() }
.map {
when {
it.startsWith('[') -> Pair(null, AdventList(it))
else -> Pair(it.toIntOrNull(), null)
var list = mutableListOf<Pair<Int?, AdventList?>>()
fun Pair<Int?, AdventList?>.compareTo(other: Pair<Int?, AdventList?>) = when {
this == other -> 0
first != null && other.first != null -> first!!.compareTo(other.first!!)
first != null && other.second != null -> AdventList("[$first]").compareTo(other.second!!)
second != null && other.first != null -> second!!.compareTo(AdventList("[${other.first}]"))
second != null && other.second != null -> second!!.compareTo(other.second!!)
first == null && second == null && (other.first != null || other.second != null) -> -1
else -> {
override fun compareTo(other: AdventList): Int {
val result = { acc, (one, two) -> if (acc != 0) acc else one.compareTo(two) }
return if (result == 0) listCount.compareTo(other.listCount) else result
val listCount: Int get() = list.sumOf { if (it.first != null) 1 else (it.second?.listCount ?: 0) + 1 }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = input.chunked(3).map { (first, second) ->
AdventList(first).compareTo(AdventList(second)) <= 0
}.mapIndexed { idx, cur -> if (cur) idx + 1 else 0 }.sum()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dividers = listOf(AdventList("[[2]]"), AdventList("[[6]]"))
return input.filterNot { it.isNullOrBlank() }.map { AdventList(it) }.union(dividers).sorted()
.mapIndexedNotNull { idx, node -> if (dividers.contains(node)) idx + 1 else null }
.fold(1) { acc, idx -> acc * idx }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
val input = readInput("Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d8f76d3c75a30ae00c563c997ed2fb54827ea94a | 3,160 | aoc-2022-demo | Apache License 2.0 |
y2023/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2023/Day25.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2023
fun main() {
object Day25 : AdventSolution(2023, 25, "Snowverload") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Any {
val weightedGraph: WeightedGraph = parse(input)
.mapValues { Desc(1, it.value.associateWith { 1 }.toMutableMap()) }
.entries.sortedBy { it.key }.map { it.value }.toTypedArray()
repeat(weightedGraph.size - 2) {
val (s, t) = weightedGraph.findMinCut()
val cut = weightedGraph[t].edgeWeights.values.sum()
if (cut == 3) {
val wt = weightedGraph[t].vertexCount
return (weightedGraph.sumOf { it.vertexCount } - wt) * wt
weightedGraph.merge(s, t)
error("No solution")
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String) = "Free!"
private fun parse(input: String): Map<Int, List<Int>> {
val graph = input.lines().flatMap {
val (s, es) = it.split(": ")
es.split(" ").flatMap { e -> listOf(s to e, e to s) }
}.groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second })
val keys = graph.keys.withIndex().associate { it.value to it.index }
return graph.mapKeys { keys.getValue(it.key) }.mapValues { { keys.getValue(it) } }
private data class Desc(var vertexCount: Int, val edgeWeights: MutableMap<Int, Int>)
private typealias WeightedGraph = Array<Desc>
private fun WeightedGraph.findMinCut(): List<Int> {
val last = indexOfLast { it.vertexCount > 0 }
val a = BooleanArray(last + 1)
a[0] = true
val weightsFromA = IntArray(last + 1)
this.first().edgeWeights.forEach { weightsFromA[it.key] += it.value }
repeat(a.size - 3) {
val x = weightsFromA.max()
val next = weightsFromA.indexOf(x)
a[next] = true
weightsFromA[next] = 0
this[next].edgeWeights.forEach { if (!a[it.key]) weightsFromA[it.key] += it.value }
val c1 = weightsFromA.indexOfFirst { it > 0 }
val c2 = weightsFromA.indexOfLast { it > 0 }
return listOf(c1, c2).sortedByDescending { weightsFromA[it] }
//merge s and t, move the empty t to the end of the array
private fun WeightedGraph.merge(s: Int, t: Int) {
val tDesc = get(t)
val stDesc = get(s)
tDesc.edgeWeights.forEach { (k, v) -> stDesc.edgeWeights.merge(k, v, Int::plus) }
stDesc.edgeWeights -= s
stDesc.edgeWeights -= t
stDesc.vertexCount += tDesc.vertexCount
val swap = maxOf(t, indexOfLast { it.vertexCount > 0 })
for ((_, w) in this) {
w.remove(t)?.let { w.merge(s, it, Int::plus) }
w.remove(swap)?.let { w[t] = it }
this[t] = this[swap]
this[swap] = Desc(0, mutableMapOf())
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,750 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day05/Day05.kt | martin3398 | 436,014,815 | false | {"Kotlin": 63436, "Python": 5921} | import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
fun prepare(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>>> {
return {
val split = it.split("->").map { x -> x.split(',').map { e -> e.trim() } }
Pair(Pair(split[0][0].toInt(), split[0][1].toInt()), Pair(split[1][0].toInt(), split[1][1].toInt()))
fun part1(input: List<Pair<Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>>>): Int {
val inputWc = input.filter { it.first.first == it.second.first || it.first.second == it.second.second }
val maxVal =
input.maxOf { max(max(it.first.first, it.first.second), max(it.second.first, it.second.second)) } + 1
val array = MutableList(maxVal) { MutableList(maxVal) { 0 } }
for (e in inputWc) {
array.subList(min(e.first.first, e.second.first), max(e.first.first, e.second.first) + 1)
.map { it.subList(min(e.first.second, e.second.second), max(e.first.second, e.second.second) + 1) }
.forEach { it.forEachIndexed { index2, i -> it[index2] = i + 1 } }
return array.sumOf { x -> x.count { it > 1 } }
fun part2(input: List<Pair<Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>>>): Int {
val maxVal =
input.maxOf { max(max(it.first.first, it.first.second), max(it.second.first, it.second.second)) } + 1
val array = MutableList(maxVal) { MutableList(maxVal) { 0 } }
for (e in input) {
if (e.first.first == e.second.first || e.first.second == e.second.second) {
array.subList(min(e.first.first, e.second.first), max(e.first.first, e.second.first) + 1)
.map { it.subList(min(e.first.second, e.second.second), max(e.first.second, e.second.second) + 1) }
.forEach { it.forEachIndexed { index2, i -> it[index2] = i + 1 } }
} else {
val length = e.first.first - e.second.first
val range = if (length > 0) 0..length else 0..-length
for (i in range) {
array[e.first.first + if (e.first.first > e.second.first) -i else i][e.first.second + if (e.first.second > e.second.second) -i else i]++
return array.sumOf { x -> x.count { it > 1 } }
val testInput = prepare(readInput(5, true))
val input = prepare(readInput(5))
check(part1(testInput) == 5)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 085b1f2995e13233ade9cbde9cd506cafe64e1b5 | 2,539 | advent-of-code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day18/Day18.kt | Avataw | 572,709,044 | false | {"Kotlin": 99761} | package day18
fun solveA(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes =
return cubes.size * 6 - cubes.sumOf { it.touches(cubes) }
fun solveB(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes =
val min = minOf(cubes.minOf { it.x }, cubes.minOf { it.y }, cubes.minOf { it.z }) - 1
val max = maxOf(cubes.maxOf { it.x }, cubes.maxOf { it.y }, cubes.maxOf { it.z }) + 1
val fillers = mutableListOf(Cube(min, min, min))
fillers.first().fill(cubes, fillers, min..max)
return fillers.sumOf { it.touches(cubes) }
fun String.toCube(): Cube {
val (x, y, z) = this.split(",").map(String::toInt)
return Cube(x, y, z)
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
fun touches(cubes: Set<Cube>) = listOfNotNull(
cubes.find { it.x == x - 1 && it.y == y && it.z == z },
cubes.find { it.x == x + 1 && it.y == y && it.z == z },
cubes.find { it.y == y - 1 && it.x == x && it.z == z },
cubes.find { it.y == y + 1 && it.x == x && it.z == z },
cubes.find { it.z == z - 1 && it.y == y && it.x == x },
cubes.find { it.z == z + 1 && it.y == y && it.x == x }
fun fill(cubes: Set<Cube>, fillers: MutableList<Cube>, bounds: IntRange) {
val adjacentCubes = this.calcAdjacent().filter {
&& cubes.none { cube -> it.x == cube.x && it.y == cube.y && it.z == cube.z }
&& it.x in bounds && it.y in bounds && it.z in bounds
adjacentCubes.forEach { it.fill(cubes, fillers, bounds) }
private fun calcAdjacent(): List<Cube> = listOf(
Cube(x + 1, y, z),
Cube(x - 1, y, z),
Cube(x, y + 1, z),
Cube(x, y - 1, z),
Cube(x, y, z + 1),
Cube(x, y, z - 1),
| 0 | Kotlin | 2 | 0 | 769c4bf06ee5b9ad3220e92067d617f07519d2b7 | 1,900 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | SebastianHelzer | 573,026,636 | false | {"Kotlin": 27111} |
fun main() {
fun getTreeMap(input: List<String>): Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Int> {
val heights = { line -> line.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }
return heights.flatMapIndexed { row, line ->
line.mapIndexed { col, value ->
(col to row) to value
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val rows = input.size
val cols = input.first().length
val treeMap: Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Int> = getTreeMap(input)
return treeMap.size - treeMap.count { entry ->
val (x, y) = entry.key
val height = entry.value
val upIndices = 0 until y
val leftIndices = 0 until x
val rightIndices = (x + 1) until cols
val downIndices = (y + 1) until rows
upIndices.any { (treeMap[x to it] ?: 0) >= height } &&
leftIndices.any { (treeMap[it to y] ?: 0) >= height } &&
rightIndices.any { (treeMap[it to y] ?: 0) >= height } &&
downIndices.any { (treeMap[x to it] ?: 0) >= height }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val rows = input.size
val cols = input.first().length
val treeMap: Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Int> = getTreeMap(input)
return treeMap.maxOf { entry ->
val (x, y) = entry.key
val height = entry.value
val upIndices = 0 until y
val leftIndices = 0 until x
val rightIndices = (x + 1) until cols
val downIndices = (y + 1) until rows
val up = upIndices.indexOfLast { (treeMap[x to it] ?: 0) >= height }.let { if (it == -1) { y } else { y - it } }
val left = leftIndices.indexOfLast { (treeMap[it to y] ?: 0) >= height }.let { if (it == -1) { x } else { x - it } }
val right = rightIndices.indexOfFirst { (treeMap[it to y] ?: 0) >= height }.let { if(it == -1) { (cols - 1) - x } else {it + 1} }
val down = downIndices.indexOfFirst { (treeMap[x to it] ?: 0) >= height }.let { if(it == -1) { (rows - 1) - y } else {it + 1}}
up * left * right * down
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
checkEquals(21, part1(testInput))
checkEquals(8, part2(testInput))
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e48757626eb2fb5286fa1c59960acd4582432700 | 2,457 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | hrach | 572,585,537 | false | {"Kotlin": 32838} | fun main() {
data class Map(
val levels: List<List<Int>>,
val start: Pair<Int, Int>,
val end: Pair<Int, Int>,
) {
fun getSteps(current: Pair<Int, Int>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
return listOf(
current.first - 1 to current.second,
current.first to current.second - 1,
current.first to current.second + 1,
current.first + 1 to current.second,
).mapNotNull {
val level = levels.getOrNull(it.first)?.getOrNull(it.second) ?: return@mapNotNull null
if ((level - levels[current.first][current.second]) <= 1) {
} else {
fun parse(input: List<String>): Map {
var start: Pair<Int, Int>? = null
var end: Pair<Int, Int>? = null
val levels = input.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexed { x, c ->
when (c) {
'S' -> {
start = y to x
'E' -> {
end = y to x
else -> c.code
return Map(levels, start!!, end!!)
fun shortest(map: Map): Int {
var todo = listOf(map.start to 0)
val visited = mutableSetOf(map.start)
while (todo.isNotEmpty()) {
val (pos, price) = todo.first()
val steps = map.getSteps(pos).filter { it !in visited }
for (step in steps) {
visited += step
if (step == map.end) return price + 1
todo = (todo.drop(1) + { it to price + 1 }).sortedBy { it.second }
return Int.MAX_VALUE
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = parse(input)
return shortest(map)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = parse(input)
val lengths = mutableListOf<Int>()
map.levels.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed q@{ x, c ->
if (c != 'a'.code) return@q
val newMap = map.copy(start = y to x)
return lengths.min()
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput), 31)
check(part2(testInput), 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 40b341a527060c23ff44ebfe9a7e5443f76eadf3 | 2,651 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day-14/Day14.kt | skbkontur | 433,022,968 | false | null | fun main() {
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Pair<String, Map<String, String>> {
val source = input.first()
val replacements = input
.filter { it.contains("->") }
.map { it.split(" -> ") }
.associate { (a, b) -> a to b }
return Pair(source, replacements)
fun part1(input: List<String>, iterations: Int): Int {
val (source, replacements) = parseInput(input)
val freqs = (0 until iterations)
.fold(source) { it, _ ->
.windowed(2, partialWindows = true) {
if (it.length == 2)
else it
.groupingBy { it }
val max = freqs.maxOf { it }
val min = freqs.minOf { it }
return max - min
fun countPairs(source: String): Map<String, Long> {
return source
.windowed(2) { it.toString() }
.groupingBy { it }
.mapValues { it.value.toLong() }
fun part2(input: List<String>, iterations: Int): Long {
val (source, replacements) = parseInput(input)
val freqs = (0 until iterations)
.fold(countPairs(source)) { map, _ ->
.flatMap { (symbolPair, count) ->
val newChar = replacements[symbolPair]!!
val fst = symbolPair[0] + newChar
val snd = newChar + symbolPair[1]
listOf(fst to count, snd to count)
.groupBy { it.first }
.mapValues { (_, counts) -> counts.sumOf { it.second } }
.flatMap { (pair, count) -> { it to count } }
.groupBy { (char, _) -> char }
.mapValues { (_, listCounts) -> listCounts.sumOf { (_, count) -> count } }
.mapValues { (char, count) ->
if (char == source.first() || char == source.last()) (count + 1) / 2
else count / 2
val max = freqs.maxOf { it }
val min = freqs.minOf { it }
return max - min
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day14_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 1588)
println(part1(testInput, 10))
println(part2(testInput, 10))
val input = readInput("Day14")
println(part1(input, 10))
println(part2(input, 10))
println(part2(input, 40))
| 2 | 1C Enterprise | 18 | 13 | e5a791492f8c466404eb300708ec09b441872865 | 2,755 | AoC2021 | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | bin-wang | 572,801,360 | false | {"Kotlin": 19395} | import kotlin.math.min
object Day08 {
data class Tree(val x: Int, val y: Int)
class Forest(private val heights: List<List<Int>>) {
private val h = heights.size
private val w = heights.first().size
private fun leftward(tree: Tree) = ((tree.y - 1) downTo 0).map { Tree(tree.x, it) }
private fun rightward(tree: Tree) = ((tree.y + 1) until w).map { Tree(tree.x, it) }
private fun upward(tree: Tree) = ((tree.x - 1) downTo 0).map { Tree(it, tree.y) }
private fun downward(tree: Tree) = ((tree.x + 1) until h).map { Tree(it, tree.y) }
fun trees(): List<Tree> = (0 until h).cartesianProduct(0 until w).map { Tree(it.first, it.second) }
fun visible(tree: Tree): Boolean {
fun Tree.visibleInDirection(direction: (Tree) -> List<Tree>): Boolean {
val myHeight = heights[x][y]
return direction(this).map { heights[it.x][it.y] }.all { it < myHeight }
return tree.visibleInDirection(::leftward) ||
tree.visibleInDirection(::rightward) ||
tree.visibleInDirection(::upward) ||
fun score(tree: Tree): Int {
fun Tree.scoreInDirection(direction: (Tree) -> List<Tree>): Int {
val myHeight = heights[x][y]
val otherTrees = direction(this)
return min(otherTrees.takeWhile { heights[it.x][it.y] < myHeight }.size + 1, otherTrees.size)
return tree.scoreInDirection(::leftward) *
tree.scoreInDirection(::rightward) *
tree.scoreInDirection(::upward) *
fun main() {
fun part1(forest: Day08.Forest): Int {
return forest.trees().count { forest.visible(it) }
fun part2(forest: Day08.Forest): Int {
return forest.trees().maxOf { forest.score(it) }
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val testHeights = { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val testForest = Day08.Forest(testHeights)
check(part1(testForest) == 21)
check(part2(testForest) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
val heights = { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val forest = Day08.Forest(heights)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dca2c4915594a4b4ca2791843b53b71fd068fe28 | 2,457 | aoc22-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day15/Day15.kt | bartoszm | 572,719,007 | false | {"Kotlin": 39186} | package day15
import readInput
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
typealias Point = Pair<Long, Long>
fun main() {
println(solve1(parse(readInput("day15/test")), 10))
println(solve1(parse(readInput("day15/input")), 2000000))
println(solve2(parse(readInput("day15/test")), 20))
println(solve2(parse(readInput("day15/input")), 4000000))
fun taxi(a: Point, b: Point) = (a.first - b.first).absoluteValue + (a.second - b.second).absoluteValue
class Sensor(val loc: Point, beac: Point) {
val distance = taxi(loc, beac)
fun canSense(p: Point) = taxi(loc, p) > distance
fun coverageIn(row: Long): LongRange {
val rem = distance - (loc.second - row).absoluteValue
return if (rem < 0L) LongRange.EMPTY
else loc.first - rem..loc.first + rem
fun toDist(p: Pair<Point, Point>, c: (Long, Long) -> Long) = c(p.first.first, taxi(p.first, p.second))
fun minOf(values: List<Pair<Point, Point>>): Long {
return values.minOf { toDist(it) { a, b -> a - b } }
fun maxOf(values: List<Pair<Point, Point>>): Long {
return values.maxOf { toDist(it) { a, b -> a + b } }
fun solve1(data: List<Pair<Point, Point>>, row: Long): Int {
val sensors = { Sensor(it.first, it.second) }
val start = minOf(data)
val stop = maxOf(data)
fun beaconsAt(row: Long) = { it.second }.distinct()
.filter { it.second == row }
.count { it.first in start..stop }
fun impossible(p: Point) = sensors.any { !it.canSense(p) }
return (start..stop).map { it to row }
.count { impossible(it) } - beaconsAt(row)
fun combine(ranges: List<LongRange>): List<LongRange> {
fun sum(a: LongRange, b: LongRange): List<LongRange> {
if (a.last < b.first) return listOf(a, b)
return listOf(if (a.last >= b.last) a else a.first..b.last)
val r = ranges.sortedBy { it.first }
return r.fold(listOf(r.first())) { acc, v ->
acc.dropLast(1) + sum(acc.last(), v)
fun toValues(a: LongRange, b: LongRange) = (a.last + 1 until b.first).toList()
fun toValues(ranges: List<LongRange>) = ranges.windowed(2).flatMap { (a, b) -> toValues(a, b) }
fun solve2(data: List<Pair<Point, Point>>, max: Int): Long {
val sensors = { Sensor(it.first, it.second) }
val point = (0..max.toLong()).asSequence().flatMap { row ->
val coverage = combine( { it.coverageIn(row) })
toValues(coverage).map { v -> v to row }
return point.first * 4000000 + point.second
//Sensor at x=20, y=1: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
val cRegex = """x=([\d-]+), y=([\d-]+)""".toRegex()
fun parse(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Point, Point>> {
return {
val res = cRegex.find(it)!!
val (sx, sy) = res.destructured
val (bx, by) =!!.destructured
val s = sx.toLong() to sy.toLong()
val b = bx.toLong() to by.toLong()
s to b
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f1ac6838de23beb71a5636976d6c157a5be344ac | 2,964 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | cypressious | 572,916,585 | false | {"Kotlin": 40281} | fun main() {
val easyDigits = mapOf(
2 to 1,
4 to 4,
3 to 7,
7 to 8,
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val characters = input.flatMap { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
return characters.count { it.length in easyDigits }
class Mapping {
private val mapping = mutableMapOf<Set<Char>, Int>()
private val inverseMapping = mutableMapOf<Int, Set<Char>>()
fun insert(value: Int, chars: Set<Char>) {
mapping[chars] = value
inverseMapping[value] = chars
check(mapping.size == inverseMapping.size)
operator fun get(chars: Set<Char>) = mapping.getValue(chars)
operator fun get(value: Int) = inverseMapping.getValue(value)
operator fun contains(chars: Set<Char>) = chars !in mapping
override fun toString() =
mapping.entries.sortedBy { it.value }.joinToString { "${it.value}=${it.key.joinToString("")}" }
fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeFirst(filter: (T) -> Boolean) = removeAt(indexOfFirst(filter))
fun buildMapping(allDigits: Iterable<Set<Char>>): Mapping {
val all = allDigits.distinct().toMutableList()
check(all.size == 10)
val mapping = Mapping()
for ((count, value) in easyDigits) {
mapping.insert(value, all.removeFirst { it.size == count })
// 3 has 5 chars and contains all of 1
mapping.insert(3, all.removeFirst { it.size == 5 && it.containsAll(mapping[1]) })
// 9 has 6 chars and contains union of 3 & 4
mapping.insert(9, all.removeFirst { it.size == 6 && it.containsAll(mapping[3] union mapping[4]) })
// determine char that represents e (the char that differentiates 5 from 6)
val eChar = mapping[8] subtract mapping[9]
// 6 has 6 chars, 5 has 5 chars, and they only differ by the eChar
outer@ for (fiveChar in all.filter { it.size == 5 }) {
for (sixChar in all.filter { it.size == 6 }) {
if (sixChar subtract fiveChar == eChar) {
mapping.insert(6, sixChar)
mapping.insert(5, fiveChar)
// 2 has 5 chars and is not already mapped
mapping.insert(2, all.removeFirst { it.size == 5 })
// 0 has 6 chars and is not already mapped
mapping.insert(0, all.removeFirst { it.size == 6 })
return mapping
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
var sum = 0
for (line in input) {
val (test, output) = line.split(" | ").map { it.split(" ").map(String::toSet) }
val mapping = buildMapping(test + output)
sum += output.joinToString("") { mapping[it].toString() }.toInt()
return sum
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 26)
check(part2(testInput) == 61229)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 169fb9307a34b56c39578e3ee2cca038802bc046 | 3,232 | AdventOfCode2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day15/d15_2.kt | svorcmar | 720,683,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 49110} | fun main() {
val input = ""
val ingredients = input.lines().map { parseIngredient(it) }.associateBy { }
println(forAllCombinations(ingredients, 100) { { (k, v) -> listOf(
ingredients[k]!!.capacity * v,
ingredients[k]!!.durability * v,
ingredients[k]!!.flavor * v,
ingredients[k]!!.texture * v) to ingredients[k]!!.calories * v
}.fold(listOf(0, 0, 0, 0) to 0) { (acc, accC), (list, c) -> { a, b -> a + b } to accC + c }
.let { (it, c) -> { if (it < 0) 0 else it }
.reduce(Int::times) to c
}.filter { it.second == 500 }
.map { it.first }
data class Ingredient(val name: String, val capacity: Int, val durability: Int, val flavor: Int, val texture: Int, val calories: Int)
fun parseIngredient(s: String): Ingredient =
s.split(" ").let { Ingredient(it[0].dropLast(1),
it[10].toInt()) }
fun <T> forAllCombinations(ingredients: Map<String, Ingredient>, n: Int, f: (Map<String, Int>) -> T): Sequence<T> {
val names = ingredients.keys.toList()
val arr = Array(names.size) { 0 }
return forAllCombinationsRec(0, n, 0, arr, names, f)
fun <T> forAllCombinationsRec(step: Int, stepCount: Int, currIdx: Int,
arr: Array<Int>, names: List<String>,
f: (Map<String, Int>) -> T): Sequence<T> = sequence {
if (step == stepCount) {
yield(f(arr.mapIndexed {i, cnt -> names[i] to cnt }.toMap()))
} else {
if (currIdx < arr.size - 1) {
arr[currIdx + 1]++
yieldAll(forAllCombinationsRec(step + 1, stepCount, currIdx + 1, arr, names, f))
arr[currIdx + 1]--
yieldAll(forAllCombinationsRec(step + 1, stepCount, currIdx, arr, names, f))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb097b59295b2ec76cc0845ee6674f1683c3c91f | 2,067 | aoc2015 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/day9/Day9.kt | alxgarcia | 435,549,527 | false | {"Kotlin": 91398} | package day9
fun parseMap(rows: List<String>): Array<IntArray> = { row -> row.trim().map { it - '0' }.toIntArray() }.toTypedArray()
fun expandAdjacent(row: Int, column: Int, map: Array<IntArray>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> =
listOf(0 to -1, -1 to 0, 0 to 1, 1 to 0)
.map { (r, c) -> (r + row) to (c + column) }
.filterNot { (r, c) -> r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= map.size || c >= map[0].size }
fun findLocalMinimums(map: Array<IntArray>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
fun isLocalMinimum(row: Int, column: Int): Boolean {
val adjacent = expandAdjacent(row, column, map)
val current = map[row][column]
return adjacent.all { (r, c) -> map[r][c] > current }
val rows = map.indices
val columns = map[0].indices
val traverseMapIndices = rows.flatMap { r -> { c -> r to c } }
return traverseMapIndices.filter { (r, c) -> isLocalMinimum(r, c) }
fun sumOfLocalMinimums(map: Array<IntArray>): Int =
findLocalMinimums(map).sumOf { (r, c) -> map[r][c] + 1 }
fun computeBasinSize(row: Int, column: Int, map: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val visited = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
val remaining = ArrayDeque(listOf(row to column))
var size = 0
do {
val current = remaining.removeFirst()
val currentValue = map[current.first][current.second]
if (currentValue == 9 || visited.contains(current)) continue
val nonVisitedAdjacent = expandAdjacent(current.first, current.second, map).filterNot { visited.contains(it) }
val belongsToBasin = nonVisitedAdjacent.all { (r, c) -> map[r][c] >= currentValue }
if (belongsToBasin) {
size += 1
} while (!remaining.isEmpty())
return size
fun productOfSizeThreeLargestBasins(map: Array<IntArray>): Int =
.map { (r, c) -> computeBasinSize(r, c, map) }
fun main() {
File("./input/day9.txt").useLines { lines ->
val map = parseMap(lines.toList())
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d6b10093dc6f4a5fc21254f42146af04709f6e30 | 2,140 | advent-of-code-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day12.kt | sebastian-heeschen | 572,932,813 | false | {"Kotlin": 17461} | fun main() {
fun parse(input: List<String>): HeightMap {
val grid = {
fun find(characterToFind: Char): Pair<Int, Int> {
val y = grid.indexOfFirst { line -> line.contains(characterToFind) }
val x = { line -> line.indexOfFirst { it == characterToFind } }.first { it >= 0 }
return y to x
val start = find('S')
val end = find('E')
return HeightMap(grid, start, end)
fun elevation(current: Char): Int = when (current) {
'S' -> 0
'E' -> 'z' - 'a'
else -> current - 'a'
fun shortestPath(
grid: List<CharArray>,
start: Pair<Int, Int>,
target: Char,
ascending: Boolean = true
): Int {
fun nextSteps(point: Point) = listOfNotNull(
Point(point.y, point.x - 1).takeIf { it.x >= 0 },
Point(point.y, point.x + 1).takeIf { it.x < grid.first().size },
Point(point.y - 1, point.x).takeIf { it.y >= 0 },
Point(point.y + 1, point.x).takeIf { it.y < grid.size }
val end = Point(
grid.indexOfFirst { line -> line.contains(target) }, { line -> line.indexOfFirst { it == target } }.first { it >= 0 }
val queue = mutableListOf(start)
val distances = mutableMapOf<Point, Int>()
val visited = mutableSetOf<Point>()
distances[start] = 0
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst()
if (current !in visited) {
val currentElevation = elevation(grid[current.y][current.x])
val nextSteps = nextSteps(current)
println("current: ${current.first},${current.second}: nexts: ${nextSteps.joinToString(separator = ";") { "${it.first},${it.second}" }}")
nextSteps.filter { (x, y) ->
val destElevation = elevation(grid[x][y])
if (ascending) {
currentElevation - destElevation >= -1
} else {
destElevation - currentElevation >= -1
.filter { it !in visited }
.forEach {
if (grid[it.y][it.x] == grid[end.y][end.x]) {
return distances[current]!! + 1
if (it !in distances) {
distances[it] = distances[current]!! + 1
return 0
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (grid, start, end) = parse(input)
return shortestPath(grid, start, 'E')
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (grid, start, end) = parse(input)
return shortestPath(grid, end, 'a', ascending = false)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
private data class HeightMap(
val grid: List<CharArray>,
val start: Pair<Int, Int>,
val end: Pair<Int, Int>
private typealias Point = Pair<Int, Int>
val Point.x
get() = second
val Point.y
get() = first
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4432581c8d9c27852ac217921896d19781f98947 | 3,574 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | razvn | 573,166,955 | false | {"Kotlin": 27208} | private data class Tree(val x: Int, val y: Int, val value: Int)
fun main() {
val day = "Day08"
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = input.mapIndexed { lIdx, line ->
line.mapIndexed { cIdx, col ->
Tree(lIdx, cIdx, col.digitToInt())
val maxX = trees.maxOf { it.x }
val maxY = trees.maxOf { it.y }
val visibleTrees = trees.filter { t ->
when {
t.x == 0 || t.y == 0 || t.x == maxX || t.y == maxY -> true
else -> {
val leftTreesBigger = trees.filter { it.x < t.x && it.y == t.y}.filter { it.value >= t.value }
if (leftTreesBigger.isEmpty()) true
else {
val rightTreeBigger = trees.filter { it.x > t.x && it.y == t.y}.filter { it.value >= t.value }
if (rightTreeBigger.isEmpty()) true
else {
val topTreeBigger = trees.filter { it.y < t.y && it.x == t.x}.filter { it.value >= t.value }
if (topTreeBigger.isEmpty()) true
else {
val bottomTreeBigger = trees.filter { it.y > t.y && it.x == t.x}.filter { it.value >= t.value }
val totalVisible = visibleTrees.size
return totalVisible
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = input.mapIndexed { lIdx, line ->
line.mapIndexed { cIdx, col ->
Tree(cIdx, lIdx, col.digitToInt())
// println(trees)
val scenics = { tree ->
val maxX = trees.maxOf { it.x }
val maxY = trees.maxOf { it.y }
if (tree.x == 0 || tree.y == 0 || tree.x == maxX || tree.y == maxY) 0
else {
val leftValue = calcMove(tree, trees) {a, b -> (b.x == (a.x - 1)) && (a.y == b.y) }
val rightValue = calcMove(tree, trees) {a, b -> (b.x == (a.x + 1)) && (a.y == b.y) }
val topValue = calcMove(tree, trees) {a, b -> (b.y == (a.y - 1)) && (a.x == b.x) }
val bottomValue = calcMove(tree, trees) {a, b -> (b.y == (a.y + 1)) && (a.x == b.x) }
val rep = leftValue * rightValue * topValue * bottomValue
//println("____ TREE ___ $tree = $rep (l: $leftValue | r: $rightValue | t: $topValue | b: $bottomValue")
return scenics.max()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("${day}_test")
// println(part2(testInput))
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput(day)
private fun calcMove(t: Tree, trees: List<Tree>, fn: (a: Tree, b: Tree) -> Boolean): Int {
var exit = false
var i = 0
var current = t
while (!exit) {
// println("currentTree: $current" )
val next = trees.firstOrNull { fn(current, it)}
// println("Next: $next" )
if (next == null) exit = true
else {
when {
next.value >= t.value -> exit = true
else -> current = next
return i
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 73d1117b49111e5044273767a120142b5797a67b | 3,622 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | thpz2210 | 575,577,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 50995} | private open class Solution11(input: List<String>) {
val monkeys = input.chunked(7).map { Monkey(it) }
fun solve(times: Int): Long {
repeat(times) { doRound() }
return { it.counter }.sorted().takeLast(2).reduce(Long::times)
private fun doRound() {
monkeys.forEach { m -> m.items.forEach { processItem(m, it) }; m.items.clear() }
private fun processItem(monkey: Monkey, it: Long) {
var worryLevel = when (monkey.operation["code"]) {
"*" -> if (monkey.operation["value"] == "old") it * it else it * monkey.operation["value"]!!.toLong()
"+" -> if (monkey.operation["value"] == "old") it + it else it + monkey.operation["value"]!!.toLong()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
worryLevel = reduceWorryLevel(worryLevel)
if (worryLevel % monkey.testValue == 0L)
monkey.counter += 1
open fun reduceWorryLevel(worryLevel: Long) = worryLevel / 3L
class Monkey(input: List<String>) {
val items = input[1].split(":").last().split(",").map { it.trim().toLong() }.toMutableList()
val operation = mapOf(
Pair("code", input[2].trim().split(" ")[4]),
Pair("value", input[2].trim().split(" ")[5]))
val testValue = input[3].trim().split(" ").last().toLong()
val ifTrue = input[4].trim().split(" ").last().toInt()
val ifFalse = input[5].trim().split(" ").last().toInt()
var counter = 0L
private class Solution11Part2(input: List<String>) : Solution11(input) {
val commonMultiple = { it.testValue }.reduce(Long::times)
override fun reduceWorryLevel(worryLevel: Long) = worryLevel % commonMultiple
fun main() {
val testSolution = Solution11(readInput("Day11_test"))
check(testSolution.solve(20) == 10605L)
val testSolution2 = Solution11Part2(readInput("Day11_test"))
check(testSolution2.solve(10000) == 2713310158L)
val solution = Solution11(readInput("Day11"))
val solution2 = Solution11Part2(readInput("Day11"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69ed62889ed90692de2f40b42634b74245398633 | 2,292 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | iProdigy | 572,297,795 | false | {"Kotlin": 33616} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>) = run(input, 20, true)
fun part2(input: List<String>) = run(input, 10_000, false)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L)
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158L)
val input = readInput("Day11")
println(part1(input)) // 57838
println(part2(input)) // 15050382231
private fun run(input: List<String>, rounds: Int, divideBy3: Boolean): Long {
val monkeys = parse(input).associateBy { }
val divisorProduct = { it.testDivisible }.distinct().reduce(Long::times)
val counts = IntArray(monkeys.size)
for (round in 1..rounds) {
monkeys.values.forEach {
while (it.items.isNotEmpty()) {
val item = it.items.removeFirst()
val updated = it.operation(item).let { l -> if (divideBy3) l / 3 else l } % divisorProduct
val next = if (updated % it.testDivisible == 0L) it.nextWhenTrue else it.nextWhenFalse
monkeys[next]!!.items += updated
return counts.sortedDescending().let { (first, second) -> first.toLong() * second }
private fun parse(input: List<String>) = input.partitionBy { it.isEmpty() }
.map { it.drop(1).map { line -> line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 2) } }
.mapIndexed { index, (startingStr, operationStr, testStr, trueStr, falseStr) ->
fun last(str: String) = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1)
val items = startingStr.split(", ").mapTo(ArrayDeque()) { it.toLong() }
val opDelim = operationStr.lastIndexOf(' ')
val opNum = operationStr.substring(opDelim + 1).toLongOrNull()
val operation: (Long) -> Long = when {
operationStr.endsWith("* old") -> { it -> it * it }
'*' == operationStr[opDelim - 1] -> { it -> it * opNum!! }
'+' == operationStr[opDelim - 1] -> { it -> it + opNum!! }
else -> throw Error("Bad Input!")
Monkey(index, items, last(testStr).toLong(), last(trueStr).toInt(), last(falseStr).toInt(), operation)
private data class Monkey(
val id: Int,
val items: ArrayDeque<Long> = ArrayDeque(),
val testDivisible: Long,
val nextWhenTrue: Int,
val nextWhenFalse: Int,
val operation: (Long) -> Long
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 784fc926735fc01f4cf18d2ec105956c50a0d663 | 2,442 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/main/kotlin/year2023/Day19.kt | adrisalas | 725,641,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 130217, "Python": 1548} | package year2023
fun main() {
val input = readInput2("Day19")
object Day19 {
fun part1(input: String): Int {
val chunks = input.split(DOUBLE_NEW_LINE_REGEX)
val workflows = chunks[0]
.map { line ->
val name = line.split("{")[0]
val rules = line.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].split(",").map { Rule(it) }
Workflow(name, rules)
.associateBy { }
val ratings = chunks[1]
.map { line ->
.associate {
it.split("=")[0][0] to it.split("=")[1].toInt()
return ratings.sumOf { rating ->
var result = -1
var next = "in"
while (result == -1) {
val rule = workflows.getValue(next).rules.first { it.matches(rating) }
when (rule.result) {
"R" -> result = 0
"A" -> result = rating.values.sum()
else -> next = rule.result
fun part2(input: String): Long {
val chunks = input.split(DOUBLE_NEW_LINE_REGEX)
val workflows = chunks[0]
.map { line ->
val name = line.split("{")[0]
val rules = line.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].split(",").map { Rule(it) }
Workflow(name, rules)
.associateBy { }
return combine(
workflows = workflows,
entry = "in",
ranges = mapOf(
'x' to (1..4000),
'm' to (1..4000),
'a' to (1..4000),
's' to (1..4000)
private fun combine(workflows: Map<String, Workflow>, entry: String, ranges: Map<Char, IntRange>): Long {
return when (entry) {
"R" -> 0L
"A" -> { it.last() - it.first() + 1 }.map { it.toLong() }.reduce(Long::times)
else -> {
val newRanges = ranges.toMutableMap()
workflows.getValue(entry).rules.sumOf { rule ->
if (rule.isUnconditional()) {
workflows = workflows,
entry = rule.result,
ranges = newRanges
} else {
val newRange = newRanges.getValue(rule.category!!).intersection(rule.range())
val newReversed = newRanges.getValue(rule.category).intersection(rule.reversedRange())
newRanges[rule.category] = newRange
workflows = workflows,
entry = rule.result,
ranges = newRanges
).also { newRanges[rule.category] = newReversed }
data class Workflow(val name: String, val rules: List<Rule>)
class Rule(rule: String) {
val result: String
val category: Char?
val operand: Char?
private val value: Int?
init {
if (':' in rule) {
val condition = rule.split(":")[0]
category = condition[0]
operand = condition[1]
value = condition.substring(2).toInt()
result = rule.split(":")[1]
} else {
category = null
operand = null
value = null
result = rule
fun isUnconditional() = category == null || operand == null || value == null
fun matches(rating: Map<Char, Int>): Boolean {
if (isUnconditional()) {
return true
return when (operand) {
'>' -> rating.getValue(category!!) > value!!
'<' -> rating.getValue(category!!) < value!!
else -> false
fun range(): IntRange {
if (value == null) {
error("Not defined")
if (operand == '<') {
return (1..<value)
return (value + 1..4000)
fun reversedRange(): IntRange {
if (value == null) {
error("Not defined")
if (operand == '<') {
return (value..4000)
return (1..value)
private fun IntRange.intersection(other: IntRange): IntRange {
return (maxOf(first, other.first)..minOf(last, other.last))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 6733e3a270781ad0d0c383f7996be9f027c56c0e | 5,091 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
y2023/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2023/Day12.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2023
fun main() {
object Day12 : AdventSolution(2023, 12, "Hot Springs") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String) = parse(input).sumOf(ConditionRecord::countMatchingConfigurations)
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String) = parse(input, 5).sumOf(ConditionRecord::countMatchingConfigurations)
private fun parse(input: String, times: Int = 1) = input.lineSequence().map {
val (line, guide) = it.split(" ")
val springs = "$line?".repeat(times).dropLast(1).map(Spring::fromChar)
val groups = "$guide,".repeat(times).dropLast(1).split(",").map(String::toInt)
ConditionRecord(springs, groups)
private data class ConditionRecord(val row: List<Spring>, val damagedGroups: List<Int>) {
fun countMatchingConfigurations() =
row.fold(mapOf(SolutionPattern(Constraint.None, damagedGroups) to 1L)) { prev, spring ->
buildMap {
for ((clue, count) in prev) {
for (new in clue.matchNextSpring(spring)) {
merge(new, count, Long::plus)
private data class SolutionPattern(val constraint: Constraint, val unmatchedDamagedGroups: List<Int>) {
fun matchNextSpring(spring: Spring): List<SolutionPattern> = buildList {
if (spring != Spring.Operational) matchDamagedSpring()?.let(::add)
if (spring != Spring.Damaged) matchOperationalSpring()?.let(::add)
private fun matchOperationalSpring(): SolutionPattern? = when (constraint) {
is Constraint.Damaged -> null
else -> SolutionPattern(Constraint.None, unmatchedDamagedGroups)
private fun matchDamagedSpring(): SolutionPattern? = when (constraint) {
Constraint.Operational -> null
Constraint.None -> startNewDamagedGroup()?.matchDamagedSpring()
is Constraint.Damaged -> SolutionPattern(, unmatchedDamagedGroups)
private fun startNewDamagedGroup(): SolutionPattern? =
if (unmatchedDamagedGroups.isEmpty()) null
else SolutionPattern(
fun completeMatch() = !constraint.mandatory && unmatchedDamagedGroups.isEmpty()
//Requirements for next springs to match
private sealed class Constraint(val mandatory: Boolean) {
//no requirements
data object None : Constraint(false)
//next spring must be operational
data object Operational : Constraint(false)
//next [amount] springs must be damaged, followed by 1 operational spring
data class Damaged(private val amount: Int) : Constraint(true) {
fun next() = if (amount > 1) Damaged(amount - 1) else Operational
private enum class Spring {
Operational, Damaged, Unknown;
companion object {
fun fromChar(ch: Char) = when (ch) {
'.' -> Operational
'#' -> Damaged
else -> Unknown
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 3,171 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day13.kt | palex65 | 572,937,600 | false | {"Kotlin": 68582} | import kotlin.math.min
private fun compareSeq(a: List<String>, b: List<String>): Int {
for(i in 0 until min(a.size,b.size)) {
val res = compare(a[i], b[i])
if (res!=0) return res
return a.size - b.size
private fun String.indexOfClosedPair(from: Int): Int {
var level = 1
for( i in from until length )
when(this[i]) {
'[' -> ++level
']' -> if (--level==0) return i
return -1
private fun String.splitSeq(): List<String> {
val res = mutableListOf<String>()
var lastIdx = 0
var idx = 0
while(idx < length) {
when(this[idx]) {
',' -> {
res.add( substring(lastIdx,idx) )
'[' -> idx = indexOfClosedPair(idx+1)+1
else -> ++idx
if (idx>lastIdx) res.add( substring(lastIdx,idx))
return res
private fun compare(a: String, b: String): Int {
val fa = a[0]
val fb = b[0]
fun String.toSeq() = substring(1,lastIndex).splitSeq()
return when {
fa.isDigit() && fb.isDigit() -> a.toInt() - b.toInt()
fa=='[' && fb=='[' -> compareSeq( a.toSeq(), b.toSeq() )
fa=='[' -> compareSeq( a.toSeq(), listOf(b) )
fb=='[' -> compareSeq( listOf(a), b.toSeq() )
else -> error("Invalid start of package $fa or $fb")
private fun part1(lines: List<String>): Int =
.splitBy { it.isEmpty() }
.mapIndexed { idx, pair -> if (compare(pair[0], pair[1]) < 0) idx+1 else 0 }
private fun part2(lines: List<String>): Int {
val packets = lines.filter{ it.isNotEmpty() } + "[[2]]" + "[[6]]"
val sorted = packets.sortedWith(::compare)
return (sorted.indexOf("[[2]]")+1) * (sorted.indexOf("[[6]]")+1)
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
val input = readInput("Day13")
println(part1(input)) // 5390
println(part2(input)) // 19261
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 35771fa36a8be9862f050496dba9ae89bea427c5 | 2,048 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2022/12/Day12.kt | Vladuken | 573,128,337 | false | {"Kotlin": 327524, "Python": 16475} | package year2022.`12`
import kotlin.math.abs
import readInput
data class Square(
val i: Int,
val j: Int,
val height: Int,
data class SquareRecord(
val currentNode: Square,
var shortestDistance: Int,
var previousNode: Square?
fun calculateDistances(start: Square, grid: List<List<Square>>): List<SquareRecord> {
fun nodeAtOrNull(i: Int, j: Int): Square? {
val iMax = grid.lastIndex
val jMax = grid[0].lastIndex
return if (i < 0 || i > iMax || j < 0 || j > jMax) null else grid[i][j]
fun Square.neighbors() = listOfNotNull(
nodeAtOrNull(i - 1, j), nodeAtOrNull(i + 1, j),
nodeAtOrNull(i, j - 1), nodeAtOrNull(i, j + 1)
.filter { it.height + 1 >= height }
val result: List<SquareRecord> = grid
.map {
currentNode = it,
shortestDistance = if (it == start) 0 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
previousNode = null
val unvisitedSquares = grid.flatten().toMutableSet()
val visitedSquares = mutableSetOf<Square>()
while (unvisitedSquares.isNotEmpty()) {
// Find next record to visit
val record = result
.filter { it.currentNode in unvisitedSquares }
.minBy { it.shortestDistance }
//Find neighbours that have one step distance
val neighbours = record.currentNode.neighbors()
.filter { it in unvisitedSquares }
.forEach { neighbour ->
// Find current record for this neighbour
val neighbourRecord = result
.find { it.currentNode == neighbour } ?: error("Illegal State")
// Calculate new distance (1 is a step)
val distance = record.shortestDistance + 1
// If distance is less - then update record with new distance
if (distance < neighbourRecord.shortestDistance) {
neighbourRecord.shortestDistance = distance
neighbourRecord.previousNode = record.currentNode
// Mark node as visited
return result
fun main() {
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Triple<Square, Square, List<List<Square>>> {
var start: Square? = null
var end: Square? = null
val grid = input.mapIndexed { i, line ->
.mapIndexed { j, symbol ->
val isS = symbol == "S"
val isE = symbol == "E"
val newChar = when {
isS -> 'a'
isE -> 'z'
else -> symbol[0]
i = i,
j = j,
height = abs('a' - newChar),
).also {
if (isS) start = it
if (isE) end = it
return Triple(start!!, end!!, grid)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (start, end, grid) = parseInput(input)
val results = calculateDistances(end, grid)
val sum = results.find { it.currentNode == start }
return sum!!.shortestDistance
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (_, end, grid) = parseInput(input)
val results = calculateDistances(end, grid)
val sum = results
.filter { it.currentNode.height == 0 }
.filter { it.shortestDistance >= 0 }
.minBy { it.shortestDistance }
return sum.shortestDistance
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
val part1Test = part1(testInput)
val part2Test = part2(testInput)
check(part1Test == 31)
check(part2Test == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | c0f36ec0e2ce5d65c35d408dd50ba2ac96363772 | 4,270 | KotlinAdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | xabgesagtx | 572,139,500 | false | {"Kotlin": 23192} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val treeValues = { line -> line.toList().map { it.digitToInt() } }
val lastXIndex = treeValues[0].lastIndex
val lastYIndex = treeValues.lastIndex
return treeValues.indices.flatMap { y ->
treeValues[y].indices.mapNotNull { x ->
val currentValue = treeValues[y][x]
when {
x == 0 || y == 0 || x == lastXIndex || y == lastYIndex -> x to y
treeValues.maxFromLeft(x, y) < currentValue -> x to y
treeValues.maxFromRight(x, y) < currentValue -> x to y
treeValues.maxFromTop(x, y) < currentValue -> x to y
treeValues.maxFromBottom(x, y) < currentValue -> x to y
else -> null
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val treeValues = { line -> line.toList().map { it.digitToInt() } }
return treeValues.mapIndexed { y, line ->
List(line.size) { x -> treeValues.scenicScore(x, y) }.max()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
private fun List<List<Int>>.maxFromLeft(x: Int, y: Int) = this[y].subList(0, x).max()
private fun List<List<Int>>.maxFromRight(x: Int, y: Int) = this[y].subList(x + 1, this[y].lastIndex + 1).max()
private fun List<List<Int>>.maxFromTop(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val list = { it[x] }
return list.subList(0, y).max()
private fun List<List<Int>>.maxFromBottom(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val list = { it[x] }
return list.subList(y + 1, lastIndex + 1).max()
private fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScore(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return if (x == 0 || y == 0 || y == this.lastIndex || x == this[y].lastIndex) {
} else {
scenicScoreLeft(x, y) * scenicScoreRight(x, y) * scenicScoreTop(x, y) * scenicScoreBottom(x, y)
private fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScoreBottom(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentValue = this[y][x]
val list = { it[x] }.subList(y + 1, lastIndex + 1)
return (list.takeWhile { it < currentValue }.count() + 1).coerceAtMost(list.size)
private fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScoreTop(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentValue = this[y][x]
val list = { it[x] }.subList(0, y).reversed()
return (list.takeWhile { it < currentValue }.count() + 1).coerceAtMost(list.size)
private fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScoreLeft(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentValue = this[y][x]
val list = this[y].subList(0, x).reversed()
return (list.takeWhile { it < currentValue }.count() + 1).coerceAtMost(list.size)
private fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScoreRight(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentValue = this[y][x]
val list = this[y].subList(x + 1, this[y].lastIndex + 1)
return (list.takeWhile { it < currentValue }.count() + 1).coerceAtMost(list.size)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 976d56bd723a7fc712074066949e03a770219b10 | 3,266 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | dmstocking | 575,012,721 | false | {"Kotlin": 40350} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heights = input
.map { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val height = heights.size
val width = heights.first().size
return heights
.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexed { x, h ->
val left = (0 until x).map { heights[y][it] }.all { it < h }
val right = ((x+1) until width).map { heights[y][it] }.all { it < h }
val up = (0 until y).map { heights[it][x] }.all { it < h }
val down = ((y+1) until height).map { heights[it][x] }.all { it < h }
left || right || up || down
.map { if (it) 1 else 0 }
.sumOf { it }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heights = input
.map { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
val height = heights.size
val width = heights.first().size
return heights
.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexed { x, h ->
val left = (0 until x).reversed().map { heights[y][it] }.takeWhileInclusive { it < h }.count()
val right = ((x+1) until width).map { heights[y][it] }.takeWhileInclusive { it < h }.count()
val up = (0 until y).reversed().map { heights[it][x] }.takeWhileInclusive { it < h }.count()
val down = ((y+1) until height).map { heights[it][x] }.takeWhileInclusive { it < h }.count()
left * right * up * down
.maxOf { it }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
val input = readInput("Day08")
fun <T> Iterable<T>.takeWhileInclusive(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {
val list = ArrayList<T>()
for (item in this) {
if (!predicate(item))
return list
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e49d9247340037e4e70f55b0c201b3a39edd0a0f | 2,193 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/dev/paulshields/aoc/Day9.kt | Pkshields | 433,609,825 | false | {"Kotlin": 133840} | /**
* Day 9: Smoke Basin
package dev.paulshields.aoc
import dev.paulshields.aoc.common.readFileAsString
fun main() {
println(" ** Day 9: Smoke Basin ** \n")
val heightMap = readFileAsString("/Day9HeightMap.txt")
val riskLevel = calculateRiskLevelOfHeightMap(heightMap)
println("The combined risk level for this height map is $riskLevel")
val result = findSizeOfBasins(heightMap)
.fold(1) { accumulator, basinSize -> accumulator * basinSize }
println("The product of the largest 3 basin sizes is $result")
fun calculateRiskLevelOfHeightMap(rawHeightMap: String): Int {
val heightMap = parseHeightMap(rawHeightMap)
return heightMap.filter { it.isLowPoint }.map { it.location }.sumOf { it + 1 }
fun findSizeOfBasins(rawHeightMap: String): List<Int> {
val heightMap = parseHeightMap(rawHeightMap)
return heightMap
.filter { it.isLowPoint }
.map { calculateSizeOfBasin(it, heightMap) }
fun calculateSizeOfBasin(centerLocation: HeightMapLocation, heightMap: List<HeightMapLocation>): Int {
val modifiableHeightMap = heightMap.toMutableList().apply { remove(centerLocation) }
val locationsInBasin = mutableListOf(centerLocation)
var i = -1
while (++i < locationsInBasin.size) {
val neighbours = findNeighboursWithinBasin(locationsInBasin[i], modifiableHeightMap)
return locationsInBasin.size
private fun findNeighboursWithinBasin(location: HeightMapLocation, heightMap: List<HeightMapLocation>): List<HeightMapLocation> {
return heightMap.filter {
it.x == location.x - 1 && it.y == location.y ||
it.x == location.x + 1 && it.y == location.y ||
it.x == location.x && it.y == location.y - 1 ||
it.x == location.x && it.y == location.y + 1
}.filter { it.location != 9 }
private fun parseHeightMap(rawHeightMap: String): List<HeightMapLocation> {
val heightMap = rawHeightMap
.map { it.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }
return heightMap.mapIndexed { yIndex, line ->
line.mapIndexed { xIndex, location ->
val left = if (xIndex > 0) location < heightMap[yIndex][xIndex - 1] else true
val right = if (xIndex < line.size - 1) location < heightMap[yIndex][xIndex + 1] else true
val top = if (yIndex > 0) location < heightMap[yIndex - 1][xIndex] else true
val bottom = if (yIndex < heightMap.size - 1) location < heightMap[yIndex + 1][xIndex] else true
HeightMapLocation(location, xIndex, yIndex, left && right && top && bottom)
data class HeightMapLocation(val location: Int, val x: Int, val y: Int, val isLowPoint: Boolean)
fun <T> MutableList<T>.uniqueAddAll(listToAdd: List<T>) = addAll(listToAdd.filter { !this.contains(it) })
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e3533f62e164ad72ec18248487fe9e44ab3cbfc2 | 3,010 | AdventOfCode2021 | MIT License |
kotlin/src/Day14.kt | ekureina | 433,709,362 | false | {"Kotlin": 65477, "C": 12591, "Rust": 7560, "Makefile": 386} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val template = input.first()
val rules = input.drop(2).associate { line ->
val (pair, insert) = line.split(" -> ")
(pair[0] to pair[1]) to insert[0]
val finalString = (0 until 10).fold(template) { polymer, _ ->
val insertions = polymer.zipWithNext().map { pair ->
}.joinToString("") { (polymer, inserted) ->
listOf(polymer, inserted)
}.joinToString("") + polymer.last()
val charCounts = finalString.toSet().associateWith { char -> finalString.count(char::equals) }
return charCounts.values.maxOrNull()!! - charCounts.values.minOrNull()!!
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val template = input.first()
val rules = input.drop(2).associate { line ->
val (pair, insert) = line.split(" -> ")
(pair[0] to pair[1]) to ((pair[0] to insert[0]) to (insert[0] to pair[1]))
val pairs = rules.keys.associateWith { pair -> template.zipWithNext().count { it == pair }.toLong() }
val finalPairs = (0 until 40).fold(pairs) { pairs, _ ->
val newPairs = pairs.keys.flatMap { pair ->
listOf(rules[pair]!!.first to pairs[pair]!!, rules[pair]!!.second to pairs[pair]!!)
.map(Pair<Pair<Char, Char>, Long>::first)
.associateWith { pair -> newPairs.filter { (key, _) -> key == pair }.sumOf { it.second } }
val charCounts =<Char, Char>::first).toSet().associateWith { char ->
finalPairs.filter { (pair, count) ->
pair.first == char
}.values.sum() + if (char == template.last()) { 1 } else { 0 }
return charCounts.values.maxOrNull()!! - charCounts.values.minOrNull()!!
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day14_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 1588) { "${part1(testInput)}" }
check(part2(testInput) == 2188189693529L) { "${part2(testInput)}"}
val input = readInput("Day14")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 391d0017ba9c2494092d27d22d5fd9f73d0c8ded | 2,342 | aoc-2021 | MIT License |
src/year2023/Day2.kt | drademacher | 725,945,859 | false | {"Kotlin": 76037} | package year2023
import readLines
fun main() {
val input = readLines("2023", "day2")
val testInput = readLines("2023", "day2_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 8)
println("Part 1:" + part1(input))
check(part2(testInput) == 2286)
println("Part 2:" + part2(input))
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Game> {
fun parseCubeCount(string: String): CubeCount {
val rawCubePairs = string.split(", ").map { rawCube -> rawCube.split(" ").let { Pair(it[0], it[1]) } }
return CubeCount(
red = rawCubePairs.find { it.second == "red" }?.first?.toInt() ?: 0,
blue = rawCubePairs.find { it.second == "blue" }?.first?.toInt() ?: 0,
green = rawCubePairs.find { it.second == "green" }?.first?.toInt() ?: 0,
fun parseGame(string: String): Game {
val number = string.dropWhile { !it.isDigit() }.takeWhile { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
val rawCubeCounts = string.dropWhile { it != ':' }.drop(2).split("; ")
val cubeCounts = { parseCubeCount(it) }
return Game(number, cubeCounts)
return { parseGame(it) }
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val input = parseInput(input)
return input
.filter { game -> game.cubeCounts.all { cubeCount -> <= 12 && <= 13 && <= 14 } }
.sumOf { it.index }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val input = parseInput(input)
return input
.map { game -> game.cubeCountMaximums() }
.sumOf { maximums -> * * }
data class Game(val index: Int, val cubeCounts: List<CubeCount>) {
fun cubeCountMaximums(): CubeCount {
return CubeCount(
cubeCounts.maxBy { }.red,
cubeCounts.maxBy { }.blue,
cubeCounts.maxBy { }.green,
data class CubeCount(val red: Int, val blue: Int, val green: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4c4cbf677d97cfe96264b922af6ae332b9044ba8 | 2,026 | advent_of_code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | proggler23 | 573,129,757 | false | {"Kotlin": 27990} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>) = input.parse8().visibleTreeCount
fun part2(input: List<String>) = input.parse8().bestScenicView
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
fun List<String>.parse8() = TreeGrid(Array(this[0].length) { x -> Array(size) { y -> this[y][x].digitToInt() } })
fun <T> List<T>.productOf(transform: (T) -> Int) = fold(1) { acc, t -> acc * transform(t) }
class TreeGrid(private val heights: Array<Array<Int>>) {
val visibleTreeCount: Int
get() = heights.indices.sumOf { x ->
heights[x].indices.count { y ->
isTreeVisible(x, y)
val bestScenicView: Int
get() = heights.indices.maxOf { x ->
heights[x].indices.maxOf { y ->
getScenicScore(x, y)
private fun viewRanges(x: Int, y: Int) = listOf(
(x - 1 downTo 0).map { heights[it][y] },
(x + 1 until heights.size).map { heights[it][y] },
(y - 1 downTo 0).map { heights[x][it] },
(y + 1 until heights[x].size).map { heights[x][it] }
private fun isTreeVisible(x: Int, y: Int) = viewRanges(x, y).any { it.all { height -> height < heights[x][y] } }
private fun getScenicScore(x: Int, y: Int) = viewRanges(x, y).productOf { range ->
val filteredRange = range.takeWhile { height -> height < heights[x][y] }
if (range.isEmpty()) 0
else if (filteredRange.size == range.size) range.size
else filteredRange.size + 1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 584fa4d73f8589bc17ef56c8e1864d64a23483c8 | 1,750 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
aoc21/day_22/main.kt | viktormalik | 436,281,279 | false | {"Rust": 227300, "Go": 86273, "OCaml": 82410, "Kotlin": 78968, "Makefile": 13967, "Roff": 9981, "Shell": 2796} | import
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
data class Range(val min: Int, val max: Int) {
fun hasIntersection(range: Range): Boolean = range.min <= max && range.max >= min
fun intersection(range: Range): Range = Range(max(min, range.min), min(max, range.max))
fun minus(range: Range): List<Range> {
if (!hasIntersection(range)) return listOf(this)
if (range.min <= min && range.max >= max) return listOf()
if (range.min < min) return listOf(Range(range.max + 1, max))
if (range.max > max) return listOf(Range(min, range.min - 1))
return listOf(Range(min, range.min - 1), Range(range.max + 1, max))
fun size(): Long = (max - min + 1).toLong()
class Cube(val x: Range, val y: Range, val z: Range) {
fun hasIntersection(cube: Cube): Boolean =
x.hasIntersection(cube.x) && y.hasIntersection(cube.y) && z.hasIntersection(cube.z)
fun intersection(cube: Cube): Cube? =
if (hasIntersection(cube))
Cube(x.intersection(cube.x), y.intersection(cube.y), z.intersection(cube.z))
else null
fun minus(cube: Cube): List<Cube> =
x.minus(cube.x).map { Cube(it, y, z) } +
y.minus(cube.y).map { Cube(x.intersection(cube.x), it, z) } +
z.minus(cube.z).map { Cube(x.intersection(cube.x), y.intersection(cube.y), it) }
fun size(): Long = x.size() * y.size() * z.size()
fun main() {
var cubes = listOf<Cube>()
val re = "x=(-?\\d+)..(-?\\d+),y=(-?\\d+)..(-?\\d+),z=(-?\\d+)..(-?\\d+)".toRegex()
for (line in File("input").readLines()) {
val match = re.find(line)!!.groupValues
val cube = Cube(
Range(match.get(1).toInt(), match.get(2).toInt()),
Range(match.get(3).toInt(), match.get(4).toInt()),
Range(match.get(5).toInt(), match.get(6).toInt()),
if (line.startsWith("on")) {
cubes += cubes.fold(listOf(cube)) { newCubes, c ->
newCubes.flatMap {
if (it.hasIntersection(c)) it.minus(c) else listOf(it)
} else {
cubes = cubes.flatMap {
if (it.hasIntersection(cube)) it.minus(cube) else listOf(it)
val initArea = Cube(Range(-50, 50), Range(-50, 50), Range(-50, 50))
val first = { it.intersection(initArea)?.size() ?: 0 }.sum()
println("First: $first")
val second = { it.size() }.sum()
println("Second: $second")
| 0 | Rust | 1 | 0 | f47ef85393d395710ce113708117fd33082bab30 | 2,539 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day16.kt | jbotuck | 573,028,687 | false | {"Kotlin": 42401} | import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
val valves = readInput("Day16")
.map { Valve.of(it) }
.associateBy { }
val start = valves["AA"]!!
val valvesWithNeighbors = valves.values
.filter { == "AA" || it.flowRate > 0 }
.sortedBy { }
.let { valuableValves ->
val distances = valuableValves.mapIndexed { index, origin ->
.map {
( to valuableValves[it].name) to valves.calculateCost(,
valuableValves.associateWith { thisValve ->
.filter { it != thisValve && != "AA" }
.map { it to distances.getDistance(, }
.sortedBy { it.second }
run {
val paths = getPaths(start, valvesWithNeighbors, 30)
//part 2
val paths = getPaths(start, valvesWithNeighbors, 26)
paths.maxOf { me ->
.filter { elephant -> elephant.key.all { it !in me.key } }
.maxOfOrNull { elephant -> elephant.value }
?: 0
}.let { println(it) }
private fun getPaths(
start: Valve,
valvesWithNeighbors: Map<Valve, List<Pair<Valve, Int>>>,
timeAllowed: Int = 30
) = mutableMapOf<Set<String>, Int>().apply {
val solutions = ArrayDeque<Solution>().apply { addLast(Solution(start, timeAllowed = timeAllowed)) }
while (solutions.isNotEmpty()) {
val solution = solutions.removeFirst()
val key = { }.toSet()
this[key] = max(solution.totalRelief, this[key] ?: 0)
solution.nextSolutions(valvesWithNeighbors).takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }?.let { solutions.addAll(it) }
private fun Map<Pair<String, String>, Int>.getDistance(a: String, b: String) =
get(listOf(a, b).sorted().run { first() to last() })!!
fun Map<String, Valve>.calculateCost(origin: String, destination: String): Int {
val costs = mutableMapOf<String, Int>().apply { set(origin, 0) }
val toVisit = mutableListOf(origin)
val visited = mutableSetOf<String>()
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
val visiting = toVisit.removeAt(toVisit.withIndex().minBy { costs[it.value] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE }.index)
if (visiting in visited) continue
if (visiting == destination) return costs[visiting]!!.inc() //Plus 1 to open the valve
val distanceOfNeighbor = costs[visiting]!!.inc()
for (neighbor in get(visiting)!!.neighbors) {
costs[neighbor] = costs[neighbor]?.let { min(it, distanceOfNeighbor) } ?: distanceOfNeighbor
throw IllegalStateException("oops")
data class Valve(val name: String, val flowRate: Int, val neighbors: List<String>) {
fun totalRelief(timeOpen: Int) = flowRate * timeOpen
companion object {
fun of(line: String): Valve {
val (valve, neighbors) = line.split(';')
val (name, flowRate) = valve.substringAfter("Valve ").split(" has flow rate=")
return Valve(
name, flowRate.toInt(), neighbors
.substringAfter(" tunnel leads to valve ")
.substringAfter(" tunnels lead to valves ")
.split(", ")
data class Solution(
val visited: Set<Valve>,
val lastVisited: Valve,
val costIncurred: Int = 0,
val timeAllowed: Int = 30,
val totalRelief: Int = 0
) {
constructor(valve: Valve, costIncurred: Int = 0, timeAllowed: Int = 30, totalRelief: Int = 0) : this(
private val timeRemaining = timeAllowed - costIncurred
private fun with(valve: Valve, additionalCost: Int) = copy(
visited = visited + valve,
lastVisited = valve,
costIncurred = costIncurred + additionalCost,
totalRelief = totalRelief + valve.totalRelief(timeRemaining - additionalCost)
fun nextSolutions(valvesWithNeighbors: Map<Valve, List<Pair<Valve, Int>>>) = mutableListOf<Solution>().apply {
for (destination in valvesWithNeighbors[lastVisited]!!) {
if (destination.first in visited) continue
if (destination.second > timeRemaining) break
add(with(destination.first, destination.second))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d5adefbcc04f37950143f384ff0efcd0bbb0d051 | 4,812 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | cisimon7 | 573,872,773 | false | {"Kotlin": 41406} | fun main() {
fun shortestPath(
map: List<List<Elevation>>,
startElevation: Elevation,
endElevation: Elevation
): List<List<Elevation>> {
var paths =
listOf(listOf(map.flatten().firstOrNull { it == endElevation } ?: error("Can't find highest point")))
while ( { it.last() }.none { it == startElevation }) {
paths = paths
// Eliminating paths that have the same start and end points by taking the shortest path already
.groupBy { it.last() }
.map { (_, list) -> list.minBy { it.size } }
// Extending paths
.map { path ->
val (end, rest) = path.last() to path.dropLast(1)
.filter { cell -> cell !in rest } // Prevent loop
.map { cell -> rest + listOf(end, cell) }
.ifEmpty { listOf(path) }
}.flatten().also { if (it == paths) error("Can't find path to starting point") }
return paths
fun part1(map: List<List<Elevation>>): Int {
val startElevation = map.flatten().first { it.h == -1 }
val endElevation = map.flatten().first { it.h == 26 }
val paths = shortestPath(map, startElevation, endElevation)
return paths.filter { it.last().h == -1 }.minBy { it.size }.count() - 1
fun part2(map: List<List<Elevation>>): Int {
// Takes forever for large maps, but works
val endElevation = map.flatten().first { it.h == 26 }
val startElevations = map.flatten().filter { it.h == 0 } + map.flatten().first { it.h == -1 }
return startElevations
.map { start ->
runCatching { shortestPath(map, start, endElevation) }
.getOrElse { emptyList() }
.filter { it.last().h == -1 || it.last().h == 0 }
.minBy { it.size }
.count() - 1
fun parse(stringList: List<String>): List<List<Elevation>> {
return stringList.mapIndexed { rIdx, line ->
line.mapIndexed { cIdx, h ->
when {
h.isLowerCase() -> Elevation(rIdx, cIdx, h - 'a', h)
h == 'S' -> Elevation(-1, -1, -1, h)
h == 'E' -> Elevation(rIdx, cIdx, 26, h)
else -> error("un-excepted character $h")
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(parse(testInput)) == 31)
check(part2(parse(testInput)) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12_input")
data class Elevation(val x: Int, val y: Int, val h: Int, val ch: Char)
fun List<List<Elevation>>.possibleNext(elevation: Elevation): List<Elevation> {
val (x, y, h, _) = elevation
return listOf(+1 to +0, +0 to +1, -1 to +0, +0 to -1)
.map { (i, j) -> i + x to j + y }
.filterNot { (i, j) -> i < 0 || i >= size || j < 0 || j >= this.first().size }
.map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }
.filter { it.h + 1 == h || it.h >= h }
* Advent of Code[About][Events][Shop][Settings][Log Out]cisimon7 23*
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* --- Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm ---
* You try contacting the Elves using your handheld device, but the river you're following must be too low to get a decent signal.
* You ask the device for a heightmap of the surrounding area (your puzzle input). The heightmap shows the local area from above broken into a grid; the elevation of each square of the grid is given by a single lowercase letter, where a is the lowest elevation, b is the next-lowest, and so on up to the highest elevation, z.
* Also included on the heightmap are marks for your current position (S) and the location that should get the best signal (E). Your current position (S) has elevation a, and the location that should get the best signal (E) has elevation z.
* You'd like to reach E, but to save energy, you should do it in as few steps as possible. During each step, you can move exactly one square up, down, left, or right. To avoid needing to get out your climbing gear, the elevation of the destination square can be at most one higher than the elevation of your current square; that is, if your current elevation is m, you could step to elevation n, but not to elevation o. (This also means that the elevation of the destination square can be much lower than the elevation of your current square.)
* For example:
* Sabqponm
* abcryxxl
* accszExk
* acctuvwj
* abdefghi
* Here, you start in the top-left corner; your goal is near the middle. You could start by moving down or right, but eventually you'll need to head toward the e at the bottom. From there, you can spiral around to the goal:
* v..v<<<<
* >v.vv<<^
* .>vv>E^^
* ..v>>>^^
* ..>>>>>^
* In the above diagram, the symbols indicate whether the path exits each square moving up (^), down (v), left (<), or right (>). The location that should get the best signal is still E, and . marks unvisited squares.
* This path reaches the goal in 31 steps, the fewest possible.
* What is the fewest steps required to move from your current position to the location that should get the best signal?
* Your puzzle answer was 394.
* The first half of this puzzle is complete! It provides one gold star: *
* --- Part Two ---
* As you walk up the hill, you suspect that the Elves will want to turn this into a hiking trail. The beginning isn't very scenic, though; perhaps you can find a better starting point.
* To maximize exercise while hiking, the trail should start as low as possible: elevation a. The goal is still the square marked E. However, the trail should still be direct, taking the fewest steps to reach its goal. So, you'll need to find the shortest path from any square at elevation a to the square marked E.
* Again consider the example from above:
* Sabqponm
* abcryxxl
* accszExk
* acctuvwj
* abdefghi
* Now, there are six choices for starting position (five marked a, plus the square marked S that counts as being at elevation a). If you start at the bottom-left square, you can reach the goal most quickly:
* ...v<<<<
* ...vv<<^
* ...v>E^^
* .>v>>>^^
* >^>>>>>^
* This path reaches the goal in only 29 steps, the fewest possible.
* What is the fewest steps required to move starting from any square with elevation a to the location that should get the best signal?
* Answer:
* Although it hasn't changed, you can still get your puzzle input.
* You can also [Share] this puzzle.*/ | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 29f9cb46955c0f371908996cc729742dc0387017 | 6,956 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | AxelUser | 572,845,434 | false | {"Kotlin": 29744} | import kotlin.math.abs
data class Day15Data(val scanner: Point<Long>, val beacon: Point<Long>, val distance: Long)
fun main() {
fun List<String>.parse(): List<Day15Data> {
return {
Regex("-?\\d++").findAll(it).map { it.value.toLong() }.toList()
.let { (x1, y1, x2, y2) -> Day15Data(Point(y1, x1), Point(y2, x2), abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)) }
fun getRange(data: Day15Data, row: Long): LongArray {
val xDiff = data.distance - abs(row - data.scanner.y)
val start = data.scanner.x - xDiff
val end = data.scanner.x + xDiff
return longArrayOf(start, end)
fun getRanges(data: List<Day15Data>, row: Long): List<LongArray> {
val ranges = data.asSequence()
.filter { row in it.scanner.y - + it.distance }
.map { getRange(it, row) }
.sortedBy { it[0] }
return ranges.fold(mutableListOf()) { acc, range ->
acc.apply {
if (isEmpty() || acc.last()[1] < range[0]) {
} else if (acc.last()[1] >= range[0]) {
acc.last()[1] = maxOf(acc.last()[1], range[1])
fun part1(data: List<Day15Data>, row: Long): Long {
val sum = getRanges(data, row).sumOf { abs(it[1] - it[0]) + 1 }
val beacons = { it.beacon }.toSet().count { it.y == row }
return sum - beacons
fun calcFreq(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x * 4_000_000 + y
fun part2(data: List<Day15Data>, upperBound: Long): Long {
for (row in 0..upperBound) {
val ranges = getRanges(data, row)
when {
ranges.size == 1 && ranges[0][0] <= 0 && ranges[0][1] >= upperBound -> continue
ranges.size == 1 && ranges[0][0] > 0 -> {
return calcFreq(0, row)
ranges.size == 1 && ranges[0][1] < upperBound -> {
return calcFreq(upperBound, row)
ranges.size == 2 -> {
return calcFreq(ranges[0][1] + 1, row)
else -> error(
"row:$row, ranges: ${
ranges.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") {
prefix = "[",
postfix = "]"
error("not found")
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test").parse()
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26L)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15").parse()
println(part1(input, 2_000_000))
println(part2(input, 4_000_000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 042e559f80b33694afba08b8de320a7072e18c4e | 2,931 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | wooodenleg | 572,658,318 | false | {"Kotlin": 30668} | data class Tree(val x: Int, val y: Int, val height: Int)
fun makeForrest(input: List<String>): List<Tree> {
val forrest = mutableListOf<Tree>()
input.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, treeLine ->
treeLine.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, height ->
forrest.add(Tree(rowIndex, columnIndex, height.digitToInt()))
return forrest
fun filterVisibleTreesInForest(forest: List<Tree>): Collection<Tree> {
val rows = forest.rows()
val columns = forest.columns()
val treeLines = rows +<Tree>::asReversed) +
columns +<Tree>::asReversed)
return treeLines
fun filterVisibleTreesInTreeLine(line: List<Tree>): Collection<Tree> = buildList {
var maxHeight = -1
for (tree in line) {
if (tree.height > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = tree.height
fun List<Tree>.rows(): List<List<Tree>> = buildList {
val rowsMap = [email protected] { it.y }
for (key in rowsMap.keys) add(key, rowsMap.getValue(key))
fun List<Tree>.columns(): List<List<Tree>> = buildList {
val columnsMap = [email protected] { it.x }
for (key in columnsMap.keys) add(key, columnsMap.getValue(key))
fun List<Tree>.filterVisibleTreesFromHeightCount(height: Int): Int {
var count = 0
for (tree in this) {
if (tree.height >= height) break
return count
fun Tree.scenicScore(row: List<Tree>, column: List<Tree>): Int {
val rowIndex = row.indexOf(this)
val columnIndex = column.indexOf(this)
val left = row.subList(0, rowIndex).asReversed().filterVisibleTreesFromHeightCount(height)
val right = row.subList(rowIndex + 1, row.size).filterVisibleTreesFromHeightCount(height)
val top = column.subList(0, columnIndex).asReversed().filterVisibleTreesFromHeightCount(height)
val bottom = column.subList(columnIndex + 1, column.size).filterVisibleTreesFromHeightCount(height)
return left * right * top * bottom
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val forrest = makeForrest(input)
val visibleTrees = filterVisibleTreesInForest(forrest)
return visibleTrees.count()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = makeForrest(input)
val columns = forest.columns()
val rows = forest.rows()
var maxScore = 0
repeat(input.first().length) { x ->
repeat(input.size) { y ->
val tree = columns[x][y]
val score = tree.scenicScore(rows[y], columns[x])
if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score
return maxScore
val testInput = readInputLines("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInputLines("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | ff1f3198f42d1880e067e97f884c66c515c8eb87 | 2,978 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day18.kt | mjossdev | 574,439,750 | false | {"Kotlin": 81859} | fun main() {
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = "$x,$y,$z"
fun Cube.adjacents() = listOf(
copy(x = x + 1),
copy(x = x - 1),
copy(y = y + 1),
copy(y = y - 1),
copy(z = z + 1),
copy(z = z - 1)
fun readCubes(input: List<String>): List<Cube> = { line -> line.split(',').map { it.toInt() }.let { (x, y, z) -> Cube(x, y, z) } }.distinct()
fun getGrid(cubes: Iterable<Cube>): Array<Array<BooleanArray>> {
val width = cubes.maxOf { it.x } + 1
val height = cubes.maxOf { it.y } + 1
val depth = cubes.maxOf { it.z } + 1
val grid = Array(width) { Array(height) { BooleanArray(depth) } }
for ((x, y, z) in cubes) {
grid[x][y][z] = true
return grid
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = readCubes(input)
val grid = getGrid(cubes)
val width = grid.size
val height = grid[0].size
val depth = grid[0][0].size
return cubes.sumOf { (x, y, z) ->
var sides = 6
if (x > 0 && grid[x - 1][y][z]) --sides
if (x < width - 1 && grid[x + 1][y][z]) --sides
if (y > 0 && grid[x][y - 1][z]) --sides
if (y < height - 1 && grid[x][y + 1][z]) --sides
if (z > 0 && grid[x][y][z - 1]) --sides
if (z < depth - 1 && grid[x][y][z + 1]) --sides
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = readCubes(input)
val grid = getGrid(cubes)
val width = grid.size
val height = grid[0].size
val depth = grid[0][0].size
fun Cube.isAir() = !(grid.elementAtOrNull(x)?.elementAtOrNull(y)?.elementAtOrNull(z) ?: false)
fun countReachableSides(cube: Cube): Int = cube.adjacents().filter { it.isAir() }.count { start ->
val queue = ArrayDeque<Cube>()
val explored = mutableSetOf(start)
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val next = queue.removeFirst()
if ( { x == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == 0 || y == height - 1 || z == 0 || z == depth - 1 }) {
return@count true
next.adjacents().filter { it.isAir() && it !in explored }.forEach {
return cubes.sumOf { countReachableSides(it) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day18_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 64)
check(part2(testInput) == 58)
val input = readInput("Day18")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | afbcec6a05b8df34ebd8543ac04394baa10216f0 | 2,890 | advent-of-code-22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | Ajimi | 572,961,710 | false | {"Kotlin": 11228} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val height = input.size
val width = input.first().size
fun isVisibleFromOutside(row: Int, column: Int, direction: Direction): Boolean {
val treeHeight = input[row][column]
return input.treesByDirection(row, column, direction).all { it < treeHeight }
var count = (height + width - 2) * 2
(1 until height - 1).forEach { row ->
(1 until width - 1)
.filter { column ->
Direction.values().any { isVisibleFromOutside(row, column, it) }
.forEach { count++ }
return count
fun part2(input: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val height = input.size
val width = input.first().size
fun countVisibleTrees(r: Int, c: Int, direction: Direction): Int {
val targetTree = input[r][c]
var count = 0
input.treesByDirection(r, c, direction).forEach { currentTree ->
if (currentTree >= targetTree) return count
return count
var maxScore = 0
(1 until height - 1).forEach { row ->
(1 until width - 1)
.map { column ->
Direction.values().map { countVisibleTrees(row, column, it) }.reduce(Int::times)
.forEach { maxScore = maxOf(it, maxScore) }
return maxScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test").toMatrix()
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08").toMatrix()
private fun List<String>.toMatrix() =
map { line -> { Character.getNumericValue(it) } }
enum class Direction(val dr: Int = 0, val dc: Int = 0) {
UP(dr = -1),
LEFT(dc = -1),
DOWN(dr = +1),
RIGHT(dc = +1);
fun next(coordinates: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> {
val (row, column) = coordinates
return (row + dr) to (column + dc)
private fun List<List<Int>>.treesByDirection(
row: Int,
column: Int,
direction: Direction,
): Sequence<Int> =
generateSequence( to column), direction::next)
.takeWhile { (r, c) -> r in indices && c in first().indices }
.map { (r, c) -> this[r][c] }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8c2211694111ee622ebb48f52f36547fe247be42 | 2,600 | adventofcode-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | sabercon | 648,989,596 | false | null | fun main() {
data class Rule(val name: String, val range1: IntRange, val range2: IntRange)
fun validRules(value: Int, rules: Set<Rule>): Set<Rule> {
return rules.filter { (_, range1, range2) -> value in range1 || value in range2 }.toSet()
fun buildRuleMap(candidates: List<Pair<Int, Set<Rule>>>): Map<Int, Rule> {
if (candidates.isEmpty()) return emptyMap()
val (index, rules) = candidates.minBy { (_, rules) -> rules.size }
val rule = rules.single()
return { (i, rs) -> i to (rs - rule) }
.filter { (_, rs) -> rs.isNotEmpty() }
.let { buildRuleMap(it) }
.plus(index to rule)
fun buildRuleMap(rules: Set<Rule>, tickets: List<List<Int>>): Map<Int, Rule> {
return rules.indices
.map { it to tickets.fold(rules) { acc, t -> acc intersect validRules(t[it], rules) } }
.let { buildRuleMap(it) }
val input = readText("Day16")
val (rulesStr, myStr, nearbyStr) = """(.+)\n\nyour ticket:\n(.+)\n\nnearby tickets:\n(.+)"""
val rules = rulesStr.lines().map {
val (name, f1, l1, f2, l2) = """(.+): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)""".toRegex().destructureGroups(it)
Rule(name, f1.toInt()..(l1.toInt()), f2.toInt()..(l2.toInt()))
val myTicket = myStr.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
val nearbyTickets = nearbyStr.lines().map { line -> line.split(",").map { it.toInt() } }
nearbyTickets.flatten().filter { validRules(it, rules).isEmpty() }.sum().println()
val validTickets = nearbyTickets.filter { line -> line.all { validRules(it, rules).isNotEmpty() } }
val ruleMap = buildRuleMap(rules, validTickets)
myTicket.filterIndexed { i, _ -> ruleMap[i]!!.name.startsWith("departure") }
.fold(1L) { acc, v -> acc * v }.println()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 81b51f3779940dde46f3811b4d8a32a5bb4534c8 | 1,911 | advent-of-code-2020 | MIT License |
2k23/aoc2k23/src/main/kotlin/19.kt | papey | 225,420,936 | false | {"Rust": 88237, "Kotlin": 63321, "Elixir": 54197, "Crystal": 47654, "Go": 44755, "Ruby": 24620, "Python": 23868, "TypeScript": 5612, "Scheme": 117} | package d19
fun main() {
val (workflows, ratings) = input.raw("19.txt").split("\n\n").let {
val workflows = it[0].split("\n")
.map { line -> Workflow(line) }.associateBy { workflow -> }
val ratings = it[1].split("\n")
.filter { line -> line.isNotBlank() }
.map { rating -> Rating(rating) }
workflows to ratings
println("Part 1: ${part1(workflows, ratings)}")
println("Part 2: ${part2(workflows)}")
fun part1(workflows: Map<String, Workflow>, ratings: List<Rating>): Int {
return ratings.filter { rating ->
var res = workflows["in"]!!.run(rating)
while (res != "A" && res != "R") {
res = workflows[res]!!.run(rating)
res == "A"
}.sumOf { it.sum() }
fun part2(workflows: Map<String, Workflow>): Long {
return combinations(
Rating.RatingKey.X to 1..4000,
Rating.RatingKey.M to 1..4000,
Rating.RatingKey.A to 1..4000,
Rating.RatingKey.S to 1..4000
fun combinations(id: String, workflows: Map<String, Workflow>, ranges: Map<Rating.RatingKey, IntRange>): Long =
when (id) {
"R" -> 0L
"A" -> { { it.count().toLong() }.reduce(Long::times)
else -> {
val newRanges = ranges.toMap().toMutableMap()
workflows[id]!!.steps.sumOf { step ->
when (step) {
is Workflow.SimpleStep -> {
combinations(, workflows, newRanges)
is Workflow.ConditionalStep -> {
when (step.operand) {
Workflow.ConditionalStep.Operand.LessThan -> {
val currentRange = newRanges[step.source]!!
newRanges[step.source] = currentRange.first..<step.value
combinations(, workflows, newRanges).also {
newRanges[step.source] = step.value..currentRange.last
Workflow.ConditionalStep.Operand.MoreThan -> {
val currentRange = newRanges[step.source]!!
newRanges[step.source] = step.value + 1..currentRange.last
combinations(, workflows, newRanges).also {
newRanges[step.source] = currentRange.first..step.value
else -> {
throw IllegalStateException("oops")
class Rating(input: String) {
private val ratingsRegex = Regex("""\w=(\d+)""")
val values: Map<RatingKey, Int>
init {
val rates =
ratingsRegex.findAll(input).map { rate -> rate.groupValues[1] }.map { number -> number.toInt() }.toList()
values = mapOf(
RatingKey.X to rates[0],
RatingKey.M to rates[1],
RatingKey.A to rates[2],
RatingKey.S to rates[3]
fun sum(): Int = values.values.sum()
enum class RatingKey {
companion object {
fun fromString(input: String): RatingKey =
when (input) {
"x" -> X
"m" -> M
"a" -> A
"s" -> S
else -> throw IllegalStateException("oops")
class Workflow(input: String) {
private val workflowRegex = Regex("""(\w+)\{(.*)}""")
val steps: List<StepRunner>
val id: String
init {
val matches = workflowRegex.find(input)
id = matches!!.groupValues[1]
steps = matches.groupValues[2].split(",").map { rawStep ->
if (rawStep.contains(":")) {
} else {
fun run(rating: Rating): String {
return steps.find { step -> step.predicate(rating) }!!.target()
interface StepRunner {
fun target(): String
fun predicate(rating: Rating): Boolean
class SimpleStep(private val target: String) : StepRunner {
override fun target(): String = target
override fun predicate(rating: Rating): Boolean = true
class ConditionalStep(input: String) : StepRunner {
private val stepRegex = Regex("""([xmas])([<>])(\d+):(\w+)""")
enum class Operand {
companion object {
fun fromString(input: String): Operand =
when (input) {
">" -> MoreThan
"<" -> LessThan
else -> throw IllegalStateException("oops")
private val target: String
val value: Int
val source: Rating.RatingKey
val operand: Operand
init {
val matches = stepRegex.find(input)
source = Rating.RatingKey.fromString(matches!!.groupValues[1])
operand = Operand.fromString(matches.groupValues[2])
value = matches.groupValues[3].toInt()
target = matches.groupValues.last()
override fun target(): String = target
override fun predicate(rating: Rating): Boolean =
when (operand) {
Operand.LessThan -> rating.values[source]!! < value
Operand.MoreThan -> rating.values[source]!! > value
| 0 | Rust | 0 | 3 | cb0ea2fc043ebef75aff6795bf6ce8a350a21aa5 | 5,996 | aoc | The Unlicense |
src/Day22/Day22.kt | martin3398 | 436,014,815 | false | {"Kotlin": 63436, "Python": 5921} | import java.lang.Long.max
import java.lang.Long.min
data class Cube(val x: Pair<Long, Long>, val y: Pair<Long, Long>, val z: Pair<Long, Long>) {
fun inSmallerCube() =
x.first >= -50 && x.second <= 50 && y.first >= -50 && y.second <= 50 && z.first >= -50 && z.second <= 50
fun Cube.intersect(other: Cube): Cube? {
val minX = min(x.second, other.x.second)
val maxX = max(x.first, other.x.first)
val minY = min(y.second, other.y.second)
val maxY = max(y.first, other.y.first)
val minZ = min(z.second, other.z.second)
val maxZ = max(z.first, other.z.first)
if (maxX > minX || maxY > minY || maxZ > minZ) {
return null
return Cube(Pair(maxX, minX), Pair(maxY, minY), Pair(maxZ, minZ))
fun Cube.volume() = (x.second - x.first + 1) * (y.second - y.first + 1) * (z.second - z.first + 1)
fun main() {
fun preprocess(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Boolean, Cube>> {
fun parseCube(s: String): Pair<Boolean, Cube> {
val split = s.split(" ")
val onOff = split[0] == "on"
val pos = split[1].split(",")
.map { it.split("=")[1].split("..").map { x -> x.toLong() }.zipWithNext()[0] }
return Pair(onOff, Cube(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
return { parseCube(it) }
fun calc(input: List<Pair<Boolean, Cube>>): Long {
var parts: Map<Cube, Long> = HashMap()
for ((onOff, cube) in input) {
val add = HashMap<Cube, Long>()
if (onOff) {
add[cube] = 1
for ((part, count) in parts) {
val intersection = cube.intersect(part)
if (intersection != null) {
add[intersection] = add.getOrDefault(intersection, 0) - count
parts = (parts.asSequence() + add.asSequence())
.groupBy({ it.key }, { it.value })
.mapValues { it.value.sum() }
return { it.key.volume() * it.value }.sum()
fun part1(input: List<Pair<Boolean, Cube>>): Long {
return calc(input.filter { it.second.inSmallerCube() })
fun part2(input: List<Pair<Boolean, Cube>>): Long {
return calc(input)
val testInput = preprocess(readInput(22, true))
val input = preprocess(readInput(22))
check(part1(testInput) == 474140L)
check(part2(testInput) == 2758514936282235L)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 085b1f2995e13233ade9cbde9cd506cafe64e1b5 | 2,550 | advent-of-code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Path.kt | alebedev | 573,733,821 | false | {"Kotlin": 82424} | fun main() = Path.solve()
private typealias Matrix = List<List<Int>>
private object Path {
const val START = 0
const val TARGET = ('z'.code - 'a'.code) + 1
fun solve() {
val input = readInput()
val starts = findAll(input, START)
val target = findAll(input, TARGET).first()
val graph = buildGraph(input)
println("Shorted max elevation path: ${ { shortestPath(graph, it, target) }.filter { it > 0 }.min()}")
private fun readInput(): Matrix {
return generateSequence(::readLine).map {
it.splitToSequence("").filter { !it.isEmpty() }.map {
when (val char = it.first()) {
in 'a'..'z' -> char.code - 'a'.code
'S' -> START
else -> throw Error("Unexpected input char $char")
private fun findAll(matrix: Matrix, target: Int): List<Pos> {
val result = mutableListOf<Pos>()
for (y in matrix.indices) {
for (x in matrix[y].indices) {
if (matrix[y][x] == target) {
result.add(Pos(x, y))
return result
private fun buildGraph(matrix: Matrix): Map<Pos, Node> {
val height = matrix.size
val width = matrix.first().size
fun neighbours(pos: Pos) = listOf(
Pos(pos.x - 1, pos.y),
Pos(pos.x + 1, pos.y),
Pos(pos.x, pos.y - 1),
Pos(pos.x, pos.y + 1)
).filter { it.x in 0 until width && it.y in 0 until height }
val result = mutableMapOf<Pos, Node>()
for (y in matrix.indices) {
for (x in matrix[y].indices) {
val pos = Pos(x, y)
val node = result.getOrPut(pos) { Node(pos, matrix[y][x]) }
for (nPos in neighbours(pos)) {
val nNode = result.getOrPut(nPos) { Node(nPos, matrix[nPos.y][nPos.x]) }
if (nNode.height <= node.height + 1) {
return result
private fun shortestPath(graph: Map<Pos, Node>, start: Pos, target: Pos): Int {
val paths = mutableMapOf<Pos, Int>()
val queue = mutableListOf(Pair(start, 0))
while (queue.size > 0) {
val (pos, pathLen) = queue.removeAt(0)
if (pos in paths) continue
paths[pos] = pathLen
for (edge in graph[pos]!!.edges) {
if (edge in paths) continue
if (edge == target) {
return pathLen + 1
queue.add(Pair(edge, pathLen + 1))
return -1
data class Pos(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class Node(val pos: Pos, val height: Int, val edges: MutableList<Pos> = mutableListOf())
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d6ba46bc414c6a55a1093f46a6f97510df399cd1 | 3,014 | aoc2022 | MIT License |
2023/src/day07/day07.kt | Bridouille | 433,940,923 | false | {"Kotlin": 171124, "Go": 37047} | package day07
import GREEN
import RESET
import printTimeMillis
import readInput
data class CamelCards(
val hand: String,
val occurences: Map<Char, Int>,
val occurencesWithJoker: Map<Char, Int>,
val bid: Int
private fun typeScore(occurences: Map<Char, Int>): Int {
if (occurences.values.contains(5)) return 1_000_000 // Five of a kind
if (occurences.values.contains(4)) return 100_000 // Four of a kind
if (occurences.values.contains(3)) {
if (occurences.values.contains(2)) return 10_000 // Full house
return 1_000 // Three of a kind
val nbPairs = occurences.values.filter { it == 2 }.size
if (nbPairs == 2) return 100 // Two pairs
if (nbPairs == 1) return 10 // One pair
return 1 // High card
private fun List<String>.toCards(): List<CamelCards> = map { str ->
val occurences = str.split(" ")[0].groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
val occurencesWithJoker = buildList {
// Replace each 'J' card with a potential card
// Calculate the score and sort them to get the best possible score
listOf('A', 'K', 'Q', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2').forEach {
val replaced = str.split(" ")[0].replace('J', it)
add(replaced.groupingBy { it }.eachCount())
.sortedByDescending { typeScore(it) }
str.split(" ")[0],
str.split(" ")[1].toInt()
private fun sortCards(
cards: List<CamelCards>,
withJokers: Boolean
): List<CamelCards> {
val cardScore = if (withJokers) {
'A' to 13, 'K' to 12, 'Q' to 11, 'T' to 10,
'9' to 9, '8' to 8, '7' to 7, '6' to 6, '5' to 5, '4' to 4, '3' to 3, '2' to 2, 'J' to 1,
} else {
'A' to 13, 'K' to 12, 'Q' to 11, 'J' to 10, 'T' to 9,
'9' to 8, '8' to 7, '7' to 6, '6' to 5, '5' to 4, '4' to 3, '3' to 2, '2' to 1
val c = Comparator<CamelCards> { a, b ->
val scoreA = typeScore(if (withJokers) a.occurencesWithJoker else a.occurences)
val scoreB = typeScore(if (withJokers) b.occurencesWithJoker else b.occurences)
if (scoreA == scoreB) { // Same type, compare card by card
for (i in 0 until 5) {
if (a.hand[i] != b.hand[i]) {
return@Comparator cardScore[a.hand[i]]!! - cardScore[b.hand[i]]!!
scoreA - scoreB
return cards.sortedWith(c)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val sorted = sortCards(input.toCards(), withJokers = false)
return sorted.mapIndexed { index, camelCards -> (index + 1) * }.sum()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val sorted = sortCards(input.toCards(), withJokers = true)
return sorted.mapIndexed { index, camelCards -> (index + 1) * }.sum()
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("day07_example.txt")
printTimeMillis { print("part1 example = $GREEN" + part1(testInput) + RESET) }
printTimeMillis { print("part2 example = $GREEN" + part2(testInput) + RESET) }
val input = readInput("day07.txt")
printTimeMillis { print("part1 input = $GREEN" + part1(input) + RESET) }
printTimeMillis { print("part2 input = $GREEN" + part2(input) + RESET) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 8ccdcce24cecca6e1d90c500423607d411c9fee2 | 3,403 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | palex65 | 572,937,600 | false | {"Kotlin": 68582} |
sealed class Entry(val name: String)
class File(name: String, val size: Int): Entry(name) {
override fun toString() = "File($name,$size)"
class Dir(name: String, val parent: Dir?, var entries: List<Entry> = emptyList(), var size: Int=0): Entry(name) {
override fun toString() = "Dir($name,$size {$entries} )"
fun processSize() {
size = entries.sumOf {
when (it) {
is Dir -> { it.processSize(); it.size}
is File -> it.size
fun allSizes(): List<Int> {
val dirs: List<Dir> = entries.filterIsInstance<Dir>()
return if (dirs.isEmpty()) listOf(size) else { it.allSizes() }.flatten() + size
fun processCommands(cmds: List<Command>): Dir {
val root = Dir("/",null)
var dir = root
for (cmd in cmds) {
when(cmd) {
is LS -> dir.entries = {
val (a,b) = it.split(' ')
if (a=="dir") Dir(b,dir) else File(b,a.toInt())
is CD -> dir =
if ("..") dir.parent!!
else dir.entries.first { == } as Dir
return root
sealed class Command()
class CD(val name: String) : Command()
class LS(val entries: List<String>) : Command()
fun List<String>.toCommands(): List<Command> {
val lst = mutableListOf<Command>()
var idx = 0
while (idx < size) {
val cmd = this[idx++].substring(2).split(' ')
when( cmd[0] ) {
"ls" -> {
var idxLast = idx
while (idxLast < size && this[idxLast][0]!='$') ++idxLast
lst.add( LS(subList(idx, idxLast) ) )
idx = idxLast
"cd" -> lst.add( CD( cmd[1] ) )
return lst
private fun part1(lines: List<String>): Int {
val root = processCommands(lines.toCommands().drop(1))
return root.allSizes().sumOf { if (it<=100000) it else 0 }
private fun part2(lines: List<String>): Int {
val root = processCommands(lines.toCommands().drop(1))
val toFree = 30000000 - (70000000-root.size)
val allSizes = root.allSizes().sorted()
return allSizes.first { it >= toFree }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642) // 8381165
val input = readInput("Day07")
println(part1(input)) // 306611
println(part2(input)) // 13210366
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 35771fa36a8be9862f050496dba9ae89bea427c5 | 2,568 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day07/Day07.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day07
import check
import readInput
import kotlin.math.pow
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("2023", "Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput), 6440)
check(part2(testInput), 5905)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day07")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return { it.toHand() }
.sortedWith(compareBy<Hand> { it.type }.thenBy { it.strength })
.mapIndexed { index, hand -> (index + 1) * }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return { it.toHand(withJokers = true) }
.sortedWith(compareBy<Hand> { it.type }.thenBy { it.strength })
.mapIndexed { index, hand -> (index + 1) * }
private data class Hand(
val cards: String,
val bid: Int,
val type: Int,
val strength: Int,
private fun String.toHand(withJokers: Boolean = false): Hand {
val (cards, bid) = split(" ")
return Hand(cards, bid.toInt(), cards.getType(withJokers), cards.getStrength(withJokers))
private fun String.getType(withJokers: Boolean = false): Int {
val jokers = count { it == 'J' && withJokers }
val groups = groupBy { it }.filter { it.key != 'J' || !withJokers }.map { it.value.size }
val maxGroup = groups.maxOrNull() ?: 0
val pairs = groups.count { it == 2 }
return when {
maxGroup + jokers == 5 -> 7
maxGroup + jokers == 4 -> 6
(maxGroup == 3 && pairs == 1) || (pairs == 2 && jokers == 1) -> 5
maxGroup + jokers == 3 -> 4
pairs == 2 -> 3
maxGroup + jokers == 2 -> 2
else -> 1
private fun String.getStrength(withJokers: Boolean): Int {
return reversed().mapIndexed { i, c ->
val points = if (withJokers) cardsWithJokers.indexOf(c) else cards.indexOf(c)
(points + 1) * 13.0.pow(i).toInt()
private const val cardsWithJokers = "J23456789TQKA"
private const val cards = "23456789TJQKA"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 2,021 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day07/Day07.kt | pnavais | 727,416,570 | false | {"Kotlin": 17859} | package day07
import readInput
val cardValueMapping = mapOf('2' to 2, '3' to 3, '4' to 4, '5' to 5, '6' to 6, '7' to 7, '8' to 8,
'9' to 9, 'T' to 10, 'J' to 11, 'Q' to 12, 'K' to 13, 'A' to 14)
enum class Type(val value: Int) {
companion object {
fun fromCards(cards: String, useJokers: Boolean = false) : Type {
val cardsProcessed = if (useJokers) { translateJokers(cards) } else cards
val cardGroups = cardsProcessed.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
return when (cardGroups.size) {
3 -> if (cardGroups.maxBy { it.value }.value == 3) THREE_OF_A_KIND else TWO_PAIR // 3, 1, 1 or 2, 2, 1
2 -> if (cardGroups.maxBy { it.value }.value == 4) FOUR_OF_A_KIND else FULL_HOUSE // 4, 1 or 3, 2
private fun translateJokers(cards: String): String {
return if (cards != "JJJJJ") {
// Transform jokers into the highest grouped card
val maxCard = cards.replace("J", "").groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
.map { it.value to it.key }.groupBy { it.first }.maxBy { it.key }
.map { it.second }
.sortedWith(Comparator { o1, o2 ->
cardValueMapping[o2]?.compareTo(cardValueMapping[o1] ?: -1)!!
cards.replace('J', maxCard)
} else { cards }
data class Hand(val cards: String, val bid: Long, val useJokers: Boolean = false): Comparable<Hand> {
private val type : Type = Type.fromCards(cards, useJokers)
override fun compareTo(other: Hand): Int {
var res = type.compareTo(other.type)
// Compare equal hands by pos value
if (res == 0) {
for (i in {
val aux = getCardValue([i], useJokers)?.compareTo(getCardValue(cards[i], useJokers) ?: -1)!!
if (aux != 0) {
res = aux
return res
private fun getCardValue(card: Char, useJokers: Boolean): Int? {
return if ((useJokers) && (card == 'J')) { 1 } else { cardValueMapping[card] }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return { s -> val (cards, bid) = s.split(" "); Hand(cards, bid.toLong()) }
.mapIndexed { index,hand -> }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return { s -> val (cards, bid) = s.split(" "); Hand(cards, bid.toLong(), useJokers = true) }
.mapIndexed { index,hand -> }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("input/day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f5b1f7ac50d5c0c896d00af83e94a423e984a6b1 | 3,181 | advent-of-code-2k3 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | coolcut69 | 572,865,721 | false | {"Kotlin": 36853} | import java.util.*
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightMap = parseInput(input)
return heightMap.shortestPath(
begin = heightMap.start,
isGoal = { it == heightMap.end },
canMove = { from, to -> to - from <= 1 })
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightMap = parseInput(input)
return heightMap.shortestPath(
begin = heightMap.end,
isGoal = { heightMap.elevations[it] == 0 },
canMove = { from, to -> from - to <= 1 })
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
check(part1(input) == 394)
check(part2(input) == 388)
private class HeightMap(val elevations: Map<Point2D, Int>, val start: Point2D, val end: Point2D) {
fun shortestPath(
begin: Point2D,
isGoal: (Point2D) -> Boolean,
canMove: (Int, Int) -> Boolean
): Int {
val seen = mutableSetOf<Point2D>()
val queue = PriorityQueue<PathCost>().apply { add(PathCost(begin, 0)) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val nextPoint = queue.poll()
if (nextPoint.point !in seen) {
seen += nextPoint.point
val neighbors = nextPoint.point.cardinalNeighbors()
.filter { it in elevations }
.filter { canMove(elevations.getValue(nextPoint.point), elevations.getValue(it)) }
if (neighbors.any { isGoal(it) }) return nextPoint.cost + 1
queue.addAll( { PathCost(it, nextPoint.cost + 1) })
throw IllegalStateException("No valid path from $start to $end")
data class Point2D(val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0) {
fun cardinalNeighbors(): Set<Point2D> =
copy(x = x - 1),
copy(x = x + 1),
copy(y = y - 1),
copy(y = y + 1)
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): HeightMap {
var start: Point2D? = null
var end: Point2D? = null
val elevations = input.flatMapIndexed { y, row ->
row.mapIndexed { x, char ->
val here = Point2D(x, y)
here to when (char) {
'S' -> 0.also { start = here }
'E' -> 25.also { end = here }
else -> char - 'a'
return HeightMap(elevations, start!!, end!!)
private data class PathCost(val point: Point2D, val cost: Int) : Comparable<PathCost> {
override fun compareTo(other: PathCost): Int =
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 031301607c2e1c21a6d4658b1e96685c4135fd44 | 2,838 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day19.kt | amelentev | 573,120,350 | false | {"Kotlin": 87839} | fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day19")
data class Rule(val c: Char, val cmp: Char, val v: Int, val to: String)
data class Workflow(val name: String, val rules: List<Rule>, val elseTo: String)
val workflows = input.take(input.indexOfFirst { it.isEmpty() }).map {
val name = it.substringBefore('{')
val rules = it.substringAfter('{').substringBefore('}').split(",")
name = name,
rules = rules.dropLast(1).map { rule ->
c = rule[0],
cmp = rule[1],
v = rule.substring(2).substringBefore(':').toInt(),
to = rule.substringAfter(':')
elseTo = rules.last()
}.associateBy { }
val parts = input.drop(input.indexOfFirst { it.isEmpty() }+1).map { part ->
part.trim('{', '}').split(',').associate {
it[0] to it.substring(2).toLong()
fun process(part: Map<Char, Long>, w: Workflow): String {
for (r in w.rules) {
var diff = part[r.c]!! - r.v
if (r.cmp == '<') diff = -diff
if (diff > 0) return
return w.elseTo
fun solve1(part: Map<Char, Long>): Boolean {
var w = workflows["in"]!!
while (true) {
val next = process(part, w)
when (next) {
"A" -> return true
"R" -> return false
w = workflows[next]!!
var res1 = 0L
for (part in parts) {
if (solve1(part)) {
res1 += part.values.sum()
var res2 = 0L
fun dfs(workflow: String, range: Map<Char, Pair<Int, Int>>) {
if (workflow == "A") {
res2 += range.values.fold(1L) { a, x -> a * (x.second - x.first + 1) }
} else if (workflow == "R" || range.values.any { it.first > it.second }) {
val w = workflows[workflow]!!
var r = range
for (rule in w.rules) {
val (x1, x2) = r[rule.c]!!
val (rt,rf) = if (rule.cmp == '<') {
(x1 to minOf(x2, rule.v-1)) to (maxOf(minOf(x2, rule.v-1)+1, x1) to x2)
} else {
(maxOf(x1, rule.v+1) to x2) to (x1 to minOf(maxOf(x1, rule.v+1)-1, x2))
dfs(, r + mapOf(rule.c to rt))
r = r + mapOf(rule.c to rf)
dfs(w.elseTo, r)
dfs("in", mapOf(
'x' to (1 to 4000),
'm' to (1 to 4000),
'a' to (1 to 4000),
's' to (1 to 4000),
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a137d895472379f0f8cdea136f62c106e28747d5 | 2,725 | advent-of-code-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day05/Day05.kt | mherda64 | 512,106,270 | false | {"Kotlin": 10058} | package day05
import readInput
fun main() {
val pattern = Regex("(\\d*),(\\d*) -> (\\d*),(\\d*)")
fun processInput(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Point, Point>> {
return {
val (x1, y1, x2, y2) = pattern.find(it)!!.destructured
Pair(Point(x1.toInt(), y1.toInt()), Point(x2.toInt(), y2.toInt()))
fun part1(input: List<Pair<Point, Point>>): Int {
val max = input.maxOf { maxOf(maxOf(it.first.x, it.first.y), maxOf(it.second.x, it.second.y)) }
val map = Map(max + 1)
map.mark(input.filter { (first, second) -> first.x == second.x || first.y == second.y })
return map.countOverlapping()
fun part2(input: List<Pair<Point, Point>>): Int {
val max = input.maxOf { maxOf(maxOf(it.first.x, it.first.y), maxOf(it.second.x, it.second.y)) }
val map = Map(max + 1)
return map.countOverlapping()
val testInput = readInput("Day05_test")
check(part1(processInput(testInput)) == 5)
check(part2(processInput(testInput)) == 12)
val input = readInput("Day05")
class Map(val size: Int) {
val map: Array<Array<Int>> = Array(size) { Array(size) { 0 } }
fun mark(pairs: List<Pair<Point, Point>>) { { (first, second) ->
when {
first.x == second.x ->
(if (first.y > second.y) first.y downTo second.y else first.y..second.y)
.map { map[first.x][it] += 1 }
first.y == second.y ->
(if (first.x > second.x) first.x downTo second.x else first.x..second.x)
.map { map[it][first.y] += 1 }
else -> {
val xRange = if (first.x > second.x) first.x downTo second.x else first.x..second.x
val yRange = if (first.y > second.y) first.y downTo second.y else first.y..second.y { map[it.first][it.second] += 1 }
fun countOverlapping(): Int {
var counter = 0
for ((rowIndex, row) in map.withIndex()) {
for (column in row.indices) {
counter += if (map[rowIndex][column] > 1) 1 else 0
return counter
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d04e179f30ad6468b489d2f094d6973b3556de1d | 2,464 | AoC2021_kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/y2023/day23/Day23.kt | jewell-lgtm | 569,792,185 | false | {"Kotlin": 161272, "Jupyter Notebook": 103410, "TypeScript": 78635, "JavaScript": 123} | package days.y2023.day23
import util.InputReader
class Day23(val input: List<String>) {
private val start = Position(0, input.first().indexOfOnly('.'))
private val end = Position(input.size - 1, input.last().indexOfOnly('.'))
private val neighbors = input.flatMapIndexed { y, row -> { x ->
Position(y, x) to input.neighbors(Position(y, x))
private val cells = input.flatMapIndexed { y, row -> { x ->
Position(y, x) to row[x]
fun partOne(): Int = longestPath(true, start, setOf(start))
fun partTwo(): Int = longestPath(false, start, setOf(start))
private fun longestPath(slipperyHills: Boolean, from: Position, visited: Set<Position>): Int {
if (from == end) return visited.size - 1
val unvisited = from.neighbors().filter { it !in visited }
if (unvisited.isEmpty()) return -1
return if (!slipperyHills) {
unvisited.maxOfOrNull { longestPath(false, it, visited + it) } ?: -1
} else {
unvisited.mapNotNull { next ->
when (cells.getValue(next)) {
'.' -> longestPath(true, next, visited + next)
'>' -> if (next.right() !in visited) longestPath(
visited + next + next.right()
) else null
'<' -> if (next.left() !in visited) longestPath(
visited + next + next.left()
) else null
'^' -> if (next.up() !in visited) longestPath(
visited + next + next.up()
) else null
'v' -> if (next.down() !in visited) longestPath(
visited + next + next.down()
) else null
else -> null
data class Position(val y: Int, val x: Int)
private fun String.indexOfOnly(char: Char): Int {
require(count { it == char } == 1) { "The character $char should only appear once." }
return indexOf(char)
private fun Position.neighbors(): Set<Position> = neighbors.getValue(this)
private fun Position.down() = copy(y = y + 1)
private fun Position.up() = copy(y = y - 1)
private fun Position.left() = copy(x = x - 1)
private fun Position.right() = copy(x = x + 1)
private fun List<String>.neighbors(position: Position): Set<Position> {
return listOf(
position.up(), position.down(), position.left(), position.right()
).filter {
it.y in indices && it.x in this[it.y].indices && this[it.y][it.x] != '#'
fun main() {
val year = 2023
val day = 23
val exampleInput = InputReader.getExampleLines(year, day)
val puzzleInput = InputReader.getPuzzleLines(year, day)
fun partOne(input: List<String>) = Day23(input).partOne()
fun partTwo(input: List<String>) = Day23(input).partTwo()
println("Example 1: ${partOne(exampleInput)}")
println("Puzzle 1: ${partOne(puzzleInput)}")
println("Example 2: ${partTwo(exampleInput)}")
println("Puzzle 2: ${partTwo(puzzleInput)}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b274e43441b4ddb163c509ed14944902c2b011ab | 3,534 | AdventOfCode | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/Day24.kt | Flame239 | 570,094,570 | false | {"Kotlin": 60685} | private fun map(): List<String> {
val m = readInput("Day24")
h = m.size
w = m[0].length
cycle = lcm(h - 2, w - 2)
start = CC(0, m[0].indexOf("."))
finish = CC(m.size - 1, m[m.size - 1].indexOf("."))
return m
private var h = -1
private var w = -1
private var cycle = -1
private lateinit var start: CC
private lateinit var finish: CC
Just bfs, but 'visited' is tricky. Map repeats every 'cycle = lcm(h - 2, w - 2)' steps,
so we should check if we visited cell on (step % cycle) before.
e.g. if we visited a cell 600 steps before, we should skip it, as map looks exactly the same
private fun shortestPathTo(map: List<String>, initStep: Int, start: CC, finish: CC): Int {
val visited = HashMap<CC, BooleanArray>()
var step = initStep
val q = ArrayDeque(listOf(start))
while (q.isNotEmpty()) {
repeat(q.size) {
val pos = q.removeFirst()
if (pos == finish) return step - 1
listOf(pos, pos.up(), pos.down(), pos.left(), pos.right())
.filter { p -> shouldVisit(map, visited, p, step) }
return -1
private fun shouldVisit(map: List<String>, visited: HashMap<CC, BooleanArray>, p: CC, step: Int): Boolean {
if (p.i < 0 || p.i >= h || map[p.i][p.j] == '#') return false
val pVis = visited.getOrPut(p) { BooleanArray(cycle) }
if (pVis[step % cycle]) return false
pVis[step % cycle] = true
// IMPROVEMENT: pre-calculate all possible maps (there will be `cycle` of them)
if (map[p.i][(p.j - 1 - step).mod(w - 2) + 1] == '>') return false
if (map[p.i][(p.j - 1 + step).mod(w - 2) + 1] == '<') return false
if (map[(p.i - 1 - step).mod(h - 2) + 1][p.j] == 'v') return false
if (map[(p.i - 1 + step).mod(h - 2) + 1][p.j] == '^') return false
return true
private fun part1(map: List<String>): Int = shortestPathTo(map, 1, start, finish)
private fun part2(map: List<String>): Int {
var step = shortestPathTo(map, 1, start, finish)
step = shortestPathTo(map, step, finish, start)
return shortestPathTo(map, step, start, finish)
fun main() {
measure { part1(map()) }
measure { part2(map()) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 27f3133e4cd24b33767e18777187f09e1ed3c214 | 2,231 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day_8/kotlin/Day8.kt | Nxllpointer | 573,051,992 | false | {"Kotlin": 41751} | // AOC Day 8
fun Array<Array<Int>>.isTreeVisible(treePos: Pair<Int, Int>): Boolean {
val maxTreeIndex = this.lastIndex
val treeHeight = this[treePos.first][treePos.second]
return ((0 until treePos.first).all { vIndex -> this[vIndex][treePos.second] < treeHeight } ||
(maxTreeIndex downUntil treePos.first).all { vIndex -> this[vIndex][treePos.second] < treeHeight } ||
(0 until treePos.second).all { hIndex -> this[treePos.first][hIndex] < treeHeight } ||
(maxTreeIndex downUntil treePos.second).all { hIndex -> this[treePos.first][hIndex] < treeHeight })
fun Array<Array<Int>>.getColnumSection(colnum: Int, from: Int, to: Int): List<Int> =
( { it in 0..this.lastIndex }.map { this[it][colnum] }
fun Array<Array<Int>>.getRowSection(row: Int, from: Int, to: Int): List<Int> =
( { it in 0..this.lastIndex }.map { this[row][it] }
fun Array<Array<Int>>.getScenicScore(treePos: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
val maxTreeIndex = this.lastIndex
val treeHeight = this[treePos.first][treePos.second]
fun List<Int>.getDistance() = slice(0..indexOfFirstOr(lastIndex) { it >= treeHeight }).size
val distanceUp = this.getColnumSection(treePos.second, 0, treePos.first - 1).reversed().getDistance()
val distanceDown = this.getColnumSection(treePos.second, treePos.first + 1, maxTreeIndex).getDistance()
val distanceLeft = this.getRowSection(treePos.first, 0, treePos.second - 1).reversed().getDistance()
val distanceRight = this.getRowSection(treePos.first, treePos.second + 1, maxTreeIndex).getDistance()
return distanceUp * distanceDown * distanceLeft * distanceRight
fun part1(trees: Array<Array<Int>>) {
val maxTreeIndex = trees.lastIndex
var visibleTreeCount = 0
for (vIndex in 0..maxTreeIndex) {
for (hIndex in 0..maxTreeIndex) {
if (trees.isTreeVisible(vIndex to hIndex)) visibleTreeCount++
println("Part 1: $visibleTreeCount trees are visible from the outside")
fun part2(trees: Array<Array<Int>>) {
val maxTreeIndex = trees.lastIndex
val scenicScores = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (vIndex in 0..maxTreeIndex) {
for (hIndex in 0..maxTreeIndex) {
scenicScores += trees.getScenicScore(vIndex to hIndex)
val maxScenicScore = scenicScores.max()
println("Part 2: The highest scenic score is $maxScenicScore")
fun main() {
val trees = getAOCInput { rawInput ->
.map { row ->
.map { colnum -> colnum.digitToInt() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b6d7ef06de41ad01a8d64ef19ca7ca2610754151 | 2,743 | AdventOfCode2022 | MIT License |
src/Day12.kt | palex65 | 572,937,600 | false | {"Kotlin": 68582} |
private data class Pos(val x:Int, val y: Int)
private fun Pos.neighbors() = listOf( Pos(x-1,y), Pos(x+1,y), Pos(x,y-1), Pos(x,y+1) )
private class Area(input: List<String>) {
val area = { { c ->
when(c) {
'S' -> 0
'E' -> 'z'-'a'
else -> c-'a'
} }
operator fun get(p: Pos) = area[p.y][p.x]
fun isValid(p: Pos) = p.y in (0..area.lastIndex) && p.x in (0..area[0].lastIndex)
fun allPosOf(level: Int) = buildList {
area.forEachIndexed { y, line ->
line.forEachIndexed { x, lev ->
if (lev==level) add(Pos(x,y))
private fun List<String>.posOf(c: Char): Pos {
forEachIndexed { y, line ->
val x = line.indexOf(c)
if (x!=-1) return Pos(x,y)
error("Position not found for $c")
private data class Node(val pos: Pos, val steps: Int)
private fun part1(input: List<String>) =
shortestPath(input.posOf('S'), input.posOf('E'), Area(input))
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val area = Area(input)
val end = input.posOf('E')
return area.allPosOf(0).mapNotNull { shortestPath(it, end, area) }.min()
private fun shortestPath(start: Pos, end: Pos, area: Area): Int? {
val visited = mutableMapOf<Pos, Int>()
val open = mutableListOf(Node(start, 0))
while (open.isNotEmpty()) {
val (pos, steps) = open.removeFirst()
if (pos==end) return steps
visited[pos] = steps
.filter { area.isValid(it) && area[it] <= area[pos] + 1 }
.forEach { p ->
if (p !in visited && open.none { it.pos == p } )
open.add(Node(p, steps+1))
return null
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
println(part1(input)) // 437
println(part2(input)) // 430
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 35771fa36a8be9862f050496dba9ae89bea427c5 | 2,010 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/poyea/aoc/mmxxii/day16/Day16.kt | poyea | 572,895,010 | false | {"Kotlin": 68491} | package poyea.aoc.mmxxii.day16
import poyea.aoc.utils.readInput
data class State(val current: String, val minutes: Int, val opened: Set<Valve>)
data class Valve(val from: String, val to: List<String>, val rate: Int) {
companion object {
fun from(line: String): Valve {
return Valve(
from = line.substringAfter("Valve ").substringBefore(" "),
to = line.substringAfter("to valve").substringAfter(" ").split(", "),
rate = line.substringAfter("rate=").substringBefore(";").toInt()
fun findDistances(valves: Map<String, Valve>): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
return { valve ->
val distances = mutableMapOf<String, Int>().withDefault { Int.MAX_VALUE }.apply { put(valve, 0) }
val queue = mutableListOf(valve)
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst()
valves[current]!!.to.forEach { neighbour ->
val dist = distances[current]!! + 1
if (dist < distances.getValue(neighbour)) {
distances[neighbour] = dist
}.associateBy { it.keys.first() }
fun traverse(
minutes: Int,
start: Valve,
current: Valve,
remaining: Set<Valve>,
cache: MutableMap<State, Int>,
elephant: Boolean,
distances: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>
): Int {
val pressure = minutes * current.rate
val currentState = State(current.from, minutes, remaining)
return pressure + cache.getOrPut(currentState) {
val maxCurrent = remaining
.filter { to -> distances[current.from]!![to.from]!! < minutes }
.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
?.maxOf { to ->
val remainingMinutes = minutes - 1 - distances[current.from]!![to.from]!!
traverse(remainingMinutes, start, to, remaining - to, cache, elephant, distances)
?: 0
maxOf(maxCurrent, if (elephant) traverse(26, start, start, remaining, mutableMapOf(), false, distances) else 0)
fun part1(input: String): Int {
val valves = input.split("\n").map(Valve::from).associateBy(Valve::from)
val usefulValves = valves.filter { it.value.rate > 0 }
val distances = findDistances(valves)
return traverse(30, valves.getValue("AA"), valves.getValue("AA"), usefulValves.values.toSet(), mutableMapOf(), false, distances)
fun part2(input: String): Int {
val valves = input.split("\n").map(Valve::from).associateBy(Valve::from)
val usefulValves = valves.filter { it.value.rate > 0 }
val distances = findDistances(valves)
return traverse(26, valves.getValue("AA"), valves.getValue("AA"), usefulValves.values.toSet(), mutableMapOf(), true, distances)
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | fd3c96e99e3e786d358d807368c2a4a6085edb2e | 2,972 | aoc-mmxxii | MIT License |
src/Day12.kt | mathijs81 | 572,837,783 | false | {"Kotlin": 167658, "Python": 725, "Shell": 57} | private const val EXPECTED_1 = 21L
private const val EXPECTED_2 = 525152L
private class Day12(isTest: Boolean) : Solver(isTest) {
val resultMap = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Long>()
fun arrangements(strLeft: String, groupsLeft: List<Int>): Long {
val damageCount = groupsLeft.sum()
val minDamage = strLeft.count { it == '#' }
val maxDamage = strLeft.count { it != '.' }
if (damageCount == 0 && minDamage == 0) {
return 1
if (minDamage > damageCount || damageCount > maxDamage) {
return 0
if (strLeft[0] == '?') {
val key = strLeft.length to groupsLeft.size
resultMap[key]?.let { return it }
var sum = 0L
if (strLeft.substring(0, groupsLeft[0]).all { it != '.' } && strLeft[groupsLeft[0]] != '#') {
sum += arrangements(strLeft.substring(groupsLeft[0] + 1), groupsLeft.drop(1))
sum += arrangements(strLeft.substring(1), groupsLeft)
return sum.also { resultMap[key] = it }
} else {
if (strLeft[0] == '#') {
if (strLeft.substring(0, groupsLeft[0]).all { it == '#' || it == '?' } && strLeft[groupsLeft[0]] != '#') {
return arrangements(strLeft.substring(groupsLeft[0] + 1), groupsLeft.drop(1))
} else return 0
} else {
return arrangements(strLeft.substring(1), groupsLeft)
fun part1() = readAsLines().sumOf { line ->
val parts = line.split(" ")
val nums = parts[1].splitInts()
arrangements(parts[0] + ".", nums)
fun part2() = readAsLines().sumOf { line ->
val parts = line.split(" ")
val nums = parts[1].splitInts()
val newNums = mutableListOf<Int>()
var newStr = ""
repeat(5) {
newStr += parts[0]
if (it != 4) {
newStr += "?"
arrangements(newStr + ".", newNums)
fun main() {
val testInstance = Day12(true)
val instance = Day12(false)
testInstance.part1().let { check(it == EXPECTED_1) { "part1: $it != $EXPECTED_1" } }
println("part1 ANSWER: ${instance.part1()}")
testInstance.part2().let {
check(it == EXPECTED_2) { "part2: $it != $EXPECTED_2" }
println("part2 ANSWER: ${instance.part2()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 92f2e803b83c3d9303d853b6c68291ac1568a2ba | 2,522 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | inssein | 573,116,957 | false | {"Kotlin": 47333} | import java.util.PriorityQueue
data class Edge(val point: Pair<Int, Int>, val elevation: Int) : Comparable<Edge> {
override fun compareTo(other: Edge) = elevation.compareTo(other.elevation)
data class Grid(val grid: List<List<Int>>) {
private val height = grid.size
private val width = grid.first().size
fun shortestPath(
start: Pair<Int, Int>,
isDestination: (Pair<Int, Int>) -> Boolean
): Int {
val visited = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
val queue = PriorityQueue<Edge>()
.apply { add(Edge(start, 0)) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (point, elevation) = queue.poll()
if (!visited.add(point)) {
val neighbours = neighbours(point)
if (neighbours.any { isDestination(it) }) {
return elevation + 1
queue.addAll( { Edge(it, elevation + 1) })
error("No valid path.")
private fun neighbours(point: Pair<Int, Int>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val (x, y) = point
return listOfNotNull(
if (y == 0) null else x to y - 1, // up
if (y == height - 1) null else x to y + 1, // down
if (x == 0) null else x - 1 to y, // left
if (x == width - 1) null else x + 1 to y // right
).filter { value(point) - value(it) <= 1 }
fun value(point: Pair<Int, Int>) = grid[point.second][point.first]
fun main() {
fun List<String>.parse(): Triple<Grid, Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>> {
var start: Pair<Int, Int>? = null
var end: Pair<Int, Int>? = null
val grid = this.foldIndexed(listOf<List<Int>>()) { y, acc, line ->
val t = line.mapIndexed { x, it ->
when (it) {
'S' -> 0.also { start = x to y }
'E' -> 25.also { end = x to y }
else -> it - 'a'
return Triple(Grid(grid), start ?: error("invalid"), end ?: error("invalid"))
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (grid, start, end) = input.parse()
return grid.shortestPath(end) { it == start }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (grid, _, end) = input.parse()
return grid.shortestPath(end) { grid.value(it) == 0 }
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
println(part1(testInput)) // 31
println(part2(testInput)) // 29
val input = readInput("Day12")
println(part1(input)) // 472
println(part2(input)) // 465
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 095d8f8e06230ab713d9ffba4cd13b87469f5cd5 | 2,673 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | rod41732 | 572,917,438 | false | {"Kotlin": 85344} | import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
data class Coord2D(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun manhattanDistance(other: Coord2D): Int {
return (x - other.x).absoluteValue + (y - other.y).absoluteValue
override fun toString(): String {
return "($x, $y)"
data class SensorResult(val sensor: Coord2D, val nearestBeacon: Coord2D) {
var nearestDist = sensor.manhattanDistance(nearestBeacon)
fun cannotContainBeacon(y: Int): IntRange {
val dy = (sensor.y - y).absoluteValue
if (dy > nearestDist) return IntRange.EMPTY
val dx = nearestDist - dy
return sensor.x - dx..sensor.x + dx
fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day15")
fun part1(input: List<String>, yToConsider: Int): Int {
val beacons =
val nonPossiblePositions = { it.cannotContainBeacon(yToConsider) }.filter { !it.isEmpty() }
.sortedBy { it.first }.fold(Int.MIN_VALUE to 0) { (lastX, count), range ->
val left = range.first
val right = range.last
val overlaps = min(max(lastX + 1 - left, 0), range.count())
max(right, lastX) to count + range.count() - overlaps
// be careful to not count the beacon at same position twice
val beaconsInThatY =
beacons.filter { it.nearestBeacon.y == yToConsider }.map { it.nearestBeacon.x }.toSet().size
return nonPossiblePositions - beaconsInThatY
fun part2(input: List<String>, searchSpace: Int): Long {
val beacons =
(0 .. searchSpace) .forEach { yPos ->
var lastX = -1 { it.cannotContainBeacon(yPos) }
.also {
if (yPos == 1257) {
println(it.filter{!it.isEmpty()}.sortedBy { it.first } )
.filter { !it.isEmpty() }
.sortedBy { it.first }
.forEach { range ->
if (lastX > searchSpace) return@forEach
val left = range.first
val right = range.last
if (left - lastX >= 2) {
val foundX = lastX + 1
val foundY = yPos
return 4_000_000L * foundX + foundY
lastX = max(lastX, right)
throw Exception("Bad Input, no beacon found")
val inputTest = readInput("Day15_test")
println(part1(inputTest, yToConsider = 10))
check(part1(inputTest, yToConsider = 10) == 26)
println(part2(inputTest, searchSpace = 20))
check(part2(inputTest, searchSpace = 20) == 56000011L)
println(part1(input, yToConsider = 2_000_000)) // 54036
println(part2(input, searchSpace = 4_000_000)) // 13237873355
private fun parseBeaconLine(input: String): SensorResult {
val (a, b, c, d) = Regex("[-0-9]+").findAll(input).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList()
return SensorResult(Coord2D(a, b), Coord2D(c, d))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d2d3d00e90b222085e0989d2b19e6164dfdb1ce | 3,234 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day08.kt | alex859 | 573,174,372 | false | {"Kotlin": 80552} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test.txt")
check(testInput.visibleTrees() == 21)
check(testInput.maxScore() == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08.txt")
internal fun String.visibleTrees(): Int {
val visibleInRows = this.rows().flatMapIndexed { i, row -> row.visibleTrees().map { i to it } }
val visibleInColumns = this.columns().flatMapIndexed { i, col -> col.visibleTrees().map { it to i } }
return (visibleInRows + visibleInColumns).distinct().size
internal fun String.rows(): List<List<Int>> {
return lines().map { it.toList().map { tree -> tree.digitToInt() } }
internal fun String.columns(): List<List<Int>> {
val columns = MutableList<MutableList<Int>>(lines().first().length) { mutableListOf() }
lines().forEachIndexed { i, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { j, tree ->
val c = tree.digitToInt()
val column = columns[j]
return columns
internal fun List<Int>.leftOf(i: Int) = dropLast(size - i)
internal fun List<Int>.rightOf(i: Int) = drop(i + 1)
internal fun List<Int>.visibleTrees(): Set<Int> {
if (size == 1) {
return setOf(0)
val left = mapIndexed { i, tree ->
val leftOf = leftOf(i)
i to if (leftOf.isEmpty()) true
else leftOf.count { it >= tree } == 0
}.filter { (_, visible) -> visible }.map { (i, _) -> i }
val right = mapIndexed { i, tree ->
val rightOf = rightOf(i)
i to if (rightOf.isEmpty()) true
else rightOf.count { it >= tree } == 0
}.filter { (_, visible) -> visible }.map { (i, _) -> i }
return left.toSet() + right.toSet()
internal fun String.maxScore(): Int {
val rowCount = rows().count()
val colCount = columns().count()
return (0 until rowCount).flatMap { row ->
(0 until colCount).map { col ->
scenicScore(row, col)
internal fun String.scenicScore(rowIndex: Int, colIndex: Int): Int {
val row = rows()[rowIndex]
val col = columns()[colIndex]
val height = rows()[rowIndex][colIndex]
val leftScore = row.leftOf(colIndex).reversed().scenicScoreForHeight(height)
val rightScore = row.rightOf(colIndex).scenicScoreForHeight(height)
val topScore = col.leftOf(rowIndex).reversed().scenicScoreForHeight(height)
val downScore = col.rightOf(rowIndex).scenicScoreForHeight(height)
return leftScore * rightScore * topScore * downScore
internal fun List<Int>.scenicScoreForHeight(height: Int): Int {
if (isEmpty()) {
return 0
val mapIndexed = mapIndexed { i, h -> i to h }
val index = mapIndexed.filter { (_, h) -> h >= height }.firstOrNull()?.first?:(size - 1)
return if (index == 0) 1 else index + 1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fbbd1543b5c5d57885e620ede296b9103477f61d | 2,838 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | proggler23 | 573,129,757 | false | {"Kotlin": 27990} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
return input.parse15().getPositionsInRange(y)
fun part2(input: List<String>, boundary: Int): Long {
return input.parse15().getTuningFrequency(boundary)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
val SENSOR_REGEX = Regex("Sensor at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)")
fun List<String>.parse15(): SensorGrid {
return SensorGrid(
mapNotNull { line ->
SENSOR_REGEX.find(line)?.let { result ->
position = result.groupValues[1].toInt() to result.groupValues[2].toInt(),
beacon = result.groupValues[3].toInt() to result.groupValues[4].toInt()
data class Sensor(val position: Pair<Int, Int>, val beacon: Pair<Int, Int>) {
private val sensorRange = (beacon - position).length
fun getRange(y: Int) = abs(y - position.second).let { yDistance ->
if (yDistance > sensorRange) null
else position.first - (sensorRange - yDistance)..position.first + (sensorRange - yDistance)
data class SensorGrid(private val sensors: List<Sensor>) {
fun getPositionsInRange(y: Int): Int {
return sensors.mapNotNull { it.getRange(y) }.reduce().sumOf { it.last - it.first }
fun getTuningFrequency(boundary: Int): Long {
return (0..boundary).firstNotNullOf { y ->
sensors.mapNotNull { it.getRange(y) }.reduce()
.takeIf { ranges -> ranges.size > 1 }
?.let { ranges -> 4000000L * (ranges.minOf { it.last } + 1) + y }
val Pair<Int, Int>.length: Int get() = abs(first) + abs(second)
operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.minus(other: Pair<Int, Int>) = first - other.first to second - other.second
operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.plus(other: Pair<Int, Int>) = first + other.first to second + other.second
fun List<IntRange>.reduce(): List<IntRange> {
infix fun IntRange.intersect(other: IntRange) = first <= other.last + 1 && last >= other.first - 1
infix fun IntRange.join(other: IntRange) = min(first, other.first)..max(last, other.last)
val ranges = this.toMutableList()
loop@ while (ranges.size > 1) {
for (i1 in ranges.indices) {
for (i2 in (i1 + 1) until ranges.size) {
if (ranges[i1] intersect ranges[i2]) {
ranges += ranges.removeAt(i2).join(ranges.removeAt(i1))
return ranges
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 584fa4d73f8589bc17ef56c8e1864d64a23483c8 | 2,942 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | thpz2210 | 575,577,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 50995} | import kotlin.math.abs
private class Solution15(input: List<String>) {
val sensors = { getSensorFrom(it) }
private fun getSensorFrom(line: String): Sensor {
val split = line.split("x=", "y=", ",", ":")
val position = Coordinate(split[1].toInt(), split[3].toInt())
val beacon = Coordinate(split[5].toInt(), split[7].toInt())
return Sensor(position, beacon)
fun part1(y: Int) = lineCover(y).sumOf { - it.from + 1 } - beaconsInLine(y)
private fun beaconsInLine(y: Int) = { it.beacon }.filter { it.y == y }.toSet().size
fun part2(max: Int): Long {
for (y in (0..max)) {
val lineCover = lineCover(y).singleOrNull() { it.from in 1..max }
if (lineCover != null) return (lineCover.from - 1) * 4000000L + y
throw IllegalStateException()
private fun lineCover(y: Int): List<LineCover> = sensors.mapNotNull { it.lineCover(y) }.sortedBy { it.from }
.fold<LineCover, List<LineCover>>(listOf()) { acc, fromTo -> reduceLineCovers(acc, fromTo) }
.fold(listOf()) { acc, fromTo -> reduceLineCovers(acc, fromTo) } // here happens magic
private fun reduceLineCovers(acc: List<LineCover>, rightCover: LineCover): List<LineCover> {
if (acc.isEmpty())
return listOf(rightCover)
val newAcc = mutableSetOf<LineCover>()
acc.forEach { leftCover ->
if (leftCover.from == rightCover.from && <=
else if ( <=
else if ( + 1 >= rightCover.from)
else {
return newAcc.sortedBy { it.from }
data class Sensor(val position: Coordinate, val beacon: Coordinate) {
val distance = abs(position.x - beacon.x) + abs(position.y - beacon.y)
fun lineCover(y: Int): LineCover? {
val dx = distance - abs(y - position.y)
return if (dx >= 0) LineCover(position.x - dx, position.x + dx) else null
data class LineCover(var from: Int, var to: Int)
fun main() {
val testSolution = Solution15(readInput("Day15_test"))
check(testSolution.part1(10) == 26)
check(testSolution.part2(20) == 56000011L)
val solution = Solution15(readInput("Day15"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69ed62889ed90692de2f40b42634b74245398633 | 2,650 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | davedupplaw | 573,042,501 | false | {"Kotlin": 29190} | fun main() {
fun makeMap(inputs: List<String>): Triple<List<List<Int>>, Int, Int> {
val h = inputs.size
val w = inputs[0].length
val trees = inputs
.map {
.filter { x -> x.isNotBlank() }
.map { x -> x.toInt() }
return Triple(trees, w, h)
fun List<List<Int>>.column(y: Int) = { it[y] }
fun List<List<Int>>.row(x: Int) = this[x]
fun List<List<Int>>.isVisibleFromAnywhere(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
val col = this.column(x)
val row = this.row(y)
val value = this[y][x]
val visibleFromAbove = col.take(y).all { v -> v < value }
val visibleFromBelow = col.reversed().take(col.size - y - 1).all { v -> v < value }
val visibleFromLeftSide = row.take(x).all { v -> v < value }
val visibleFromRightSide = row.reversed().take(row.size - x - 1).all { v -> v < value }
return visibleFromAbove || visibleFromBelow || visibleFromLeftSide || visibleFromRightSide
fun Sequence<Int>.chase(value: Int): List<Int> {
var blocked = 0
return {
if (it >= value || blocked > 0) blocked++
}.takeWhile { blocked < 2 }.toList()
fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScore(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val col = this.column(x)
val row = this.row(y)
val value = this[y][x]
val toTopEdge = col.take(y).reversed().asSequence().chase(value).count()
val toLeftEdge = row.take(x).reversed().asSequence().chase(value).count()
val toBottomEdge = col.takeLast(col.size - y - 1).asSequence().chase(value).count()
val toRightEdge = row.takeLast(row.size - x - 1).asSequence().chase(value).count()
return toTopEdge * toLeftEdge * toBottomEdge * toRightEdge
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (trees, w, h) = makeMap(input)
val sum = (1 until w - 1).sumOf { y ->
(1 until h - 1).sumOf { x ->
if (trees.isVisibleFromAnywhere(x, y)) 1 else 0 as Int
return sum + 2 * h + 2 * (w - 2)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (trees, w, h) = makeMap(input)
return (0 until w).maxOf { y ->
(0 until h).maxOf { x ->
trees.scenicScore(x, y)
val test = readInput("Day08.test")
val part1test = part1(test)
println("part1 test: $part1test")
check(part1test == 21)
val part2test = part2(test)
println("part2 test: $part2test")
check(part2test == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
val part1 = part1(input)
println("Part1: $part1")
val part2 = part2(input)
println("Part2: $part2")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 3b3efb1fb45bd7311565bcb284614e2604b75794 | 2,818 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/poyea/aoc/mmxxii/day08/Day08.kt | poyea | 572,895,010 | false | {"Kotlin": 68491} | package poyea.aoc.mmxxii.day08
import poyea.aoc.utils.readInput
fun part1(input: String): Int {
input.split("\n").toList().map { }.let { rows ->
fun sightLine(x: Int, y: Int) =
listOf(listOf((x - 1 downTo 0), (x + 1 until rows.size)).map { { xx -> xx to y } },
listOf((y - 1 downTo 0), (y + 1 until rows.size)).map { { yy -> x to yy } }).flatten()
.map { { (x, y) -> rows[y][x] } }
return rows.flatMapIndexed { y, l -> l.mapIndexed { x, h -> Triple(x, y, h) } }.count { (x, y, h) ->
sightLine(x, y).any { it.all { ele -> ele < h } }
fun part2(input: String): Int {
input.split("\n").toList().map { }.let { rows ->
fun sightLine(x: Int, y: Int) =
listOf(listOf((x - 1 downTo 0), (x + 1 until rows.size)).map { { xx -> xx to y } },
listOf((y - 1 downTo 0), (y + 1 until rows.size)).map { { yy -> x to yy } }).flatten()
.map { { (x, y) -> rows[y][x] } }
return rows.flatMapIndexed { y, l -> l.mapIndexed { x, h -> Triple(x, y, h) } }.maxOf { (x, y, h) ->
sightLine(x, y).map {
it.indexOfFirst { tree -> tree >= h }.let { idx -> if (idx >= 0) idx + 1 else it.size }
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | fd3c96e99e3e786d358d807368c2a4a6085edb2e | 1,508 | aoc-mmxxii | MIT License |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2023/Day22.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2023
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
fun main() {
val input = readInput(2023, 22).useLines { lines ->
buildList {
lines.forEachIndexed { index, line ->
val (start, end) = line.split("~")
val (sx, sy, sz) = start.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
val (ex, ey, ez) = end.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
add(Cube(index + 1, sx..ex, sy..ey, sz..ez))
val (support, dependency) = simulate(input)
part1(input, support, dependency)
part2(support, dependency)
private fun part1(input: List<Cube>, support: Relationship, dependency: Relationship) {
val redundant = support.count { (_, s) -> s.all { dependency.getValue(it).size > 1 } }
val freeAgents = input.size - support.size + 1
println(redundant + freeAgents)
private fun part2(support: Relationship, dependency: Relationship) {
val result = (support.keys - 0).sumOf { disintegrate(it, support, dependency) }
private fun disintegrate(id: Int, support: Relationship, dependency: Relationship): Int {
val startDeps = dependency.getValue(id)
val toDisintegrate = hashSetOf<Int>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<Set<Int>>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst().filter { cId ->
val unknown = cId !in toDisintegrate
val canDisintegrate = dependency.getValue(cId).all { it in toDisintegrate }
unknown && canDisintegrate
if (current.isEmpty()) continue
val next = current.flatMapTo(hashSetOf()) { support.getOrDefault(it, emptySet()) }
return toDisintegrate.size - startDeps.size - 1
private fun simulate(input: List<Cube>): Pair<Relationship, Relationship> {
val upwardSupport = hashMapOf<Int, MutableSet<Int>>()
val downwardDependency = hashMapOf<Int, MutableSet<Int>>()
val plane = Array(10) { Array(10) { Marker(0, 0) } }
input.sortedBy { it.z.first }.forEach { cube ->
val markers = arrayListOf<Marker>()
for (y in cube.y) for (x in cube.x) markers.add(plane[y][x])
val highest = markers.maxBy { it.index }
val contact = markers.filter { it.index == highest.index }.distinctBy { }
contact.forEach { marker ->
upwardSupport.getOrPut( { mutableSetOf() }.add(
downwardDependency.getOrPut( { mutableSetOf() }.add(
val newZ = highest.index + cube.z.size
for (y in cube.y) for (x in cube.x) plane[y][x] = Marker(, newZ)
return upwardSupport to downwardDependency
private typealias Relationship = Map<Int, Set<Int>>
private data class Cube(val id: Int, val x: IntRange, val y: IntRange, val z: IntRange)
private data class Marker(val id: Int, val index: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 3,043 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year_2022/day_03/Day03.kt | scottschmitz | 572,656,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 240069} | package year_2022.day_03
import readInput
import util.toAlphabetPosition
data class Rucksack(
val compartmentOne: List<Char>,
val compartmentTwo: List<Char>
) {
val allItemTypes: List<Char> = compartmentOne + compartmentTwo
val errorItemType: Char = compartmentOne.intersect(compartmentTwo.toSet()).first()
data class ElfGroup(
val rucksacks: List<Rucksack>
) {
val badge: Char get() {
var commonItemGroups = rucksacks.first().allItemTypes.toSet()
rucksacks.forEach { rucksack ->
commonItemGroups = commonItemGroups.intersect(rucksack.allItemTypes.toSet())
return commonItemGroups.first()
object Day03 {
* @return sum of the priority of items erroneously in both compartments
fun solutionOne(rucksacksText: List<String>): Int {
val rucksacks = parseRucksacks(rucksacksText)
return rucksacks.sumOf { rucksack ->
* @return the total priority of elf group badges
fun solutionTwo(rucksacksText: List<String>): Int {
val rucksacks = parseRucksacks(rucksacksText)
val elfGroups = groupRucksacks(rucksacks)
return elfGroups.sumOf { group ->
private fun parseRucksacks(text: List<String>): List<Rucksack> {
return { rucksackText ->
val rucksackSize = rucksackText.length
compartmentOne = rucksackText.substring(0, (rucksackSize + 1) / 2).toList(),
compartmentTwo = rucksackText.substring((rucksackSize + 1) / 2, rucksackSize).toList()
private fun groupRucksacks(rucksacks: List<Rucksack>): List<ElfGroup> {
return rucksacks.chunked(3).map { rucksackGroup ->
ElfGroup(rucksacks = rucksackGroup)
fun main() {
val rucksacksText = readInput("year_2022/day_03/Day03.txt")
val solutionOne = Day03.solutionOne(rucksacksText)
println("Solution 1: Total Priority of Error Items: $solutionOne")
val solutionTwo = Day03.solutionTwo(rucksacksText)
println("Solution 2: Total Elf Badge Priorities: $solutionTwo")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 70efc56e68771aa98eea6920eb35c8c17d0fc7ac | 2,287 | advent_of_code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2022/day12/Solution.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2022.day12
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
import java.util.*
fun main() {
val grid = buildGrid()
fun part1(grid: Grid) {
fun part2(grid: Grid) {
var shortestDistance = Int.MAX_VALUE
val (outline, _, end) = grid
for (i in outline.indices) {
val row = outline[i]
for (j in row.indices) {
if (row[j] != 0) continue
val newGrid = Grid(outline, Point(i, j), end)
val nextShortestDistance = shortestDistance(newGrid)
if (nextShortestDistance < 0) continue
shortestDistance = minOf(shortestDistance, nextShortestDistance)
fun shortestDistance(grid: Grid): Int {
val (outline, start, end) = grid
val costs = Array(outline.size) { IntArray(outline.first().size) { -1 } }
val queue = PriorityQueue<Path> { a, b -> a.cost - b.cost }
queue.add(Path(start, 0))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (point, cost) = queue.poll()
if (costs[point.y][point.x] in 0..cost) continue
costs[point.y][point.x] = cost
val dx = intArrayOf(0, 1, 0, -1)
val dy = intArrayOf(-1, 0, 1, 0)
for (index in dx.indices) {
val np = Point(point.y + dy[index], point.x + dx[index])
if (outline.getOrNull(np.y)?.getOrNull(np.x) == null) continue
if (costs[np.y][np.x] >= 0) continue // already fixed cost to this point
val potential = (outline[np.y][np.x] - outline[point.y][point.x]).coerceAtLeast(1)
if (potential == 1) queue.add(Path(np, cost + potential))
return costs[end.y][end.x]
fun buildGrid(): Grid {
var start = Point(0, 0)
var end = Point(0, 0)
var rowIndex = 0
val grid = buildList {
readInput(2022, 12).forEachLine { line ->
val row = line
.onEachIndexed { index, char -> if (char == 'S') start = Point(rowIndex, index) }
.onEachIndexed { index, char -> if (char == 'E') end = Point(rowIndex, index) }
.map { (if (it == 'S') 'a' else if (it == 'E') 'z' else it) - 'a' }
return Grid(grid, start, end)
data class Grid(val outline: List<List<Int>>, val start: Point, val end: Point)
data class Point(val y: Int, val x: Int)
data class Path(val to: Point, val cost: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 2,518 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/2022/Day19_2022.kt | regob | 575,917,627 | false | {"Kotlin": 50757, "Python": 46520, "Shell": 430} | import kotlin.math.*
private data class State(val resources: List<Int>, val robots: List<Int>, val t: Int)
// ore, clay, obsidian, geode
fun maxGeodes(resources: List<Int>, robots: List<Int>, t: Int, costs: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val cache = mutableMapOf<State, Int>()
var allBest = 0 // best solution found yet
var currentRes = 0 // result on the current path without the current node
// maximum amount of each robot
val maxRobot = {i -> costs.maxOf {it[i]}}
// maximum geodes that can be produced in the remaining time
val maxGeodeLeft = (0..t).map {it * (it - 1) / 2}
fun dfs(res: List<Int>, rob: List<Int>, t: Int, buildSkipped: List<Int> = emptyList()): Int {
if (t <= 1) return 0
if (t == 2) return if (res.indices.any {res[it] < costs[3][it]}) 0 else 1
val state = State(res, rob, t)
if (state in cache) return cache[state]!!
// if we cannot improve the best solution, even if we build geode robots all the time, cut this branch
if (currentRes + maxGeodeLeft[t] <= allBest) return -1
var branchCut = false
var best = 0
val possibleRobots = costs.indices.asSequence()
.filter {r -> r !in buildSkipped}
.filter {r ->[r]).all {it.first >= it.second}}
.filter {r -> r == 3 || rob[r] < maxRobot[r]}
for (r in possibleRobots) {
val new_res = {res[it] + rob[it] - costs[r][it]}
val new_rob = {if(it == r) rob[it] + 1 else rob[it]}
// if new robot is geode robot, it produces t-1 geodes in total
val curr = if (r == 3) {
currentRes += t - 1
(dfs(new_res, new_rob, t-1) + t-1).also {currentRes -= t - 1}
} else {
dfs(new_res, new_rob, t-1)
if (curr < 0) branchCut = true
else best = max(best, curr)
// we can also skip building anything
val new_res = {res[it] + rob[it]}
dfs(new_res, rob, t-1, possibleRobots).let {
if (it < 0) branchCut = true
else best = max(best, it)
if (!branchCut) cache[state] = best
allBest = max(allBest, best + currentRes)
return best
return dfs(resources, robots, t)
fun main() {
val bps = readInput(19).trim().lines()
.map {"\\d+".toRegex().findAll(it).map {it.groupValues[0].toInt()}.toList()}
.map {
bp -> bp[0] to listOf(listOf(bp[1], 0, 0), listOf(bp[2], 0, 0), listOf(bp[3], bp[4], 0), listOf(bp[5], 0, bp[6]))
// part1
println(bps.sumOf {
it.first * maxGeodes(listOf(0, 0, 0), listOf(1, 0, 0), 24, costs=it.second)
// part2
println(bps.take(3).map {
maxGeodes(listOf(0, 0, 0), listOf(1, 0, 0), 32, costs=it.second)
}.reduce {x, y -> x * y})
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cf49abe24c1242e23e96719cc71ed471e77b3154 | 2,974 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | mikrise2 | 573,939,318 | false | {"Kotlin": 62406} | import java.lang.Integer.min
import java.util.LinkedList
fun main() {
fun findPath(input: List<String>, start: Pair<Int, Int>, end: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
val distances = { { Int.MAX_VALUE }.toMutableList() }
distances[start.second][start.first] = 0
val path = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
val queue = LinkedList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.poll()
if (path.contains(current))
val left = Pair(current.first - 1, current.second)
val right = Pair(current.first + 1, current.second)
val up = Pair(current.first, current.second - 1)
val down = Pair(current.first, current.second + 1)
if (current.first > 0 && input[current.second][current.first].code - input[current.second][current.first - 1].code >= -1
) {
distances[left.second][left.first] =
min(distances[current.second][current.first] + 1, distances[left.second][left.first])
if (current.first < input[0].lastIndex && input[current.second][current.first].code - input[current.second][current.first + 1].code >= -1
) {
distances[right.second][right.first] =
min(distances[current.second][current.first] + 1, distances[right.second][right.first])
if (current.second > 0 && input[current.second][current.first].code - input[current.second - 1][current.first].code >= -1
) {
distances[up.second][up.first] =
min(distances[current.second][current.first] + 1, distances[up.second][up.first])
if (current.second < input.lastIndex && input[current.second][current.first].code - input[current.second + 1][current.first].code >= -1
) {
distances[down.second][down.first] =
min(distances[current.second][current.first] + 1, distances[down.second][down.first])
return distances[end.second][end.first]
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val startY = input.indexOfFirst { it.contains('S') }
val startX = input[startY].indexOfFirst { it == 'S' }
val endY = input.indexOfFirst { it.contains('E') }
val endX = input[endY].indexOfFirst { it == 'E' }
val copy = input.toMutableList().map { it.replace("S", "a").replace("E", "z") }
return findPath(copy, Pair(startX, startY), Pair(endX, endY))
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val endY = input.indexOfFirst { it.contains('E') }
val endX = input[endY].indexOfFirst { it == 'E' }
val copy = input.toMutableList().map { it.replace("S", "a").replace("E", "z") }
val starts = copy.filter { it.contains('a') }.mapIndexed { index, s ->
s.mapIndexed { indexC, c ->
if (c == 'a') Pair(indexC, index ) else Pair(
}.flatten().filter { it.first != -1 }
return { findPath(copy, it, Pair(endX, endY)) }.min()
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d5d180eaf367a93bc038abbc4dc3920c8cbbd3b8 | 3,512 | Advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | brigittb | 572,958,287 | false | {"Kotlin": 46744} | fun main() {
fun parse(input: List<String>): List<Pair<String, String>> = input
.map { it.split(" ") }
.filter { it.size == 2 }
.map { (opponent, own) -> opponent to own }
fun mapToAbc(own: String): String = when (own) {
"X" -> "A"
"Y" -> "B"
else -> "C"
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return parse(input)
.map { (opponent, own) -> opponent to mapToAbc(own) }
.map { (opponent, own) -> Option.valueOf(opponent) to Option.valueOf(own) }
.sumOf { (opponent, own) ->
when ( { -> 6 + own.ordinal + 1
own.draw -> 3 + own.ordinal + 1
else -> own.ordinal + 1
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
.map { (opponent, choice) -> Option.valueOf(opponent) to Choice.valueOf(choice) }
.sumOf { (opponent, choice) ->
when (choice) {
Choice.X -> Option.valueOf( + 1 + choice.score
Choice.Y -> Option.valueOf(opponent.draw).ordinal + 1 + choice.score
Choice.Z -> Option.valueOf(opponent.loss).ordinal + 1 + choice.score
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
val input = readInput("Day02")
private enum class Option(
val win: String,
val draw: String,
val loss: String
) {
A("C", "A", "B"), // rock
B("A", "B", "C"), // paper
C("B", "C", "A") // scissor
private enum class Choice(val score: Int) {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 470f026f2632d1a5147919c25dbd4eb4c08091d6 | 1,849 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08.kts | miedzinski | 434,902,353 | false | {"Kotlin": 22560, "Shell": 113} | fun Int(word: String): Int = word.fold(0) { acc, c -> acc or (1 shl (c - 'a')) }
val input = generateSequence(::readLine).map {
val words = it.split(' ')
val delimiterIndex = words.indexOf("|")
val signals: List<Int> = words.subList(0, delimiterIndex).map { Int(it) }
val output: List<Int> = words.subList(delimiterIndex + 1, words.size).map { Int(it) }
Pair(signals, output)
fun part1(): Int {
val counts = MutableList(10) { 0 }
for ((_, output) in input) {
for (digit in output) {
when (digit.countOneBits()) {
2 -> counts[1]++
3 -> counts[7]++
4 -> counts[4]++
7 -> counts[8]++
return counts.sum()
println("part1: ${part1()}")
fun List<Int>.ofCount(length: Int): List<Int> = filter { it.countOneBits() == length }
fun Int.contains(other: Int) = and(other) == other
fun List<Int>.decode(): Map<Int, Int> {
val digits = MutableList(10) { 0 }
digits[1] = ofCount(2).single()
digits[4] = ofCount(4).single()
digits[7] = ofCount(3).single()
digits[8] = ofCount(7).single()
digits[9] = ofCount(6).single { it.contains(digits[4]) }
digits[3] = ofCount(5).single { it.contains(digits[1]) }
val e = digits[8] and digits[9].inv()
digits[2] = ofCount(5).single { it.contains(e) }
val b = digits[9] and digits[3].inv()
digits[5] = ofCount(5).single { it.contains(b) }
digits[6] = ofCount(6).single { it.contains(e) && !it.contains(digits[1]) }
digits[0] = ofCount(6).single { it != digits[9] && it != digits[6] }
return digits.withIndex().associate { (digit, segments) -> segments to digit }
fun part2(): Int = input.sumOf { (signals, output) ->
val digits = signals.decode()
.sumOf { (idx, segments) ->
val digit = digits[segments]!!
val exp = generateSequence(1) { it * 10 }.elementAt(idx)
digit * exp
println("part2: ${part2()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6f32adaba058460f1a9bb6a866ff424912aece2e | 2,060 | aoc2021 | The Unlicense |
src/poyea/aoc/mmxxii/day13/Day13.kt | poyea | 572,895,010 | false | {"Kotlin": 68491} | package poyea.aoc.mmxxii.day13
import kotlin.collections.MutableList
import poyea.aoc.utils.readInput
fun wrap(list: MutableList<Char>, len: Int): MutableList<Char> {
list.add(len, ']')
list.add(0, '[')
return list
fun isInOrder(l: MutableList<Char>, r: MutableList<Char>): Boolean {
var left = l
var right = r
var left_number =
if (!left.first().isDigit()) null
else left.takeWhile { it.isDigit() }.joinToString("").toInt()
var right_number =
if (!right.first().isDigit()) null
else right.takeWhile { it.isDigit() }.joinToString("").toInt()
if (left[0] == '[' && right_number != null) right = wrap(right, 1 + right_number / 10)
if (right[0] == '[' && left_number != null) left = wrap(left, 1 + left_number / 10)
return when {
left[0] == ']' && right[0] != ']' -> true
left[0] != ']' && right[0] == ']' -> false
left_number == (right_number ?: -1) ->
left.subList(1 + left_number / 10, left.size),
right.subList(1 + right_number!! / 10, right.size)
left_number != null && right_number != null -> left_number < right_number
else -> isInOrder(left.subList(1, left.size), right.subList(1, right.size))
fun compare(s1: String, s2: String): Int {
return if (isInOrder(s1.toMutableList(), s2.toMutableList())) -1 else 1
fun part1(input: String): Int {
return input
.windowed(2, 3)
.mapIndexed { i, packets ->
if (compare(packets.first(), packets.last()) != 1) i + 1 else 0
fun part2(input: String): Int {
val lst = input.split("\n").windowed(2, 3)
val comp: (String, String) -> Int = { s1: String, s2: String ->
if (isInOrder(s1.toMutableList(), s2.toMutableList())) -1 else 1
val sorted = (lst.flatten() + "[[2]]" + "[[6]]").sortedWith({ s1, s2 -> compare(s1, s2) })
return (1 + sorted.indexOf("[[2]]")) * (1 + sorted.indexOf("[[6]]"))
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | fd3c96e99e3e786d358d807368c2a4a6085edb2e | 2,141 | aoc-mmxxii | MIT License |
advent-of-code2015/src/main/kotlin/day9/Advent9.kt | REDNBLACK | 128,669,137 | false | null | package day9
import parseInput
import permutations
import splitToLines
--- Day 9: All in a Single Night ---
Every year, Santa manages to deliver all of his presents in a single night.
This year, however, he has some new locations to visit; his elves have provided him the distances between every pair of locations. He can start and end at any two (different) locations he wants, but he must visit each location exactly once. What is the shortest distance he can travel to achieve this?
For example, given the following distances:
London to Dublin = 464
London to Belfast = 518
Dublin to Belfast = 141
The possible routes are therefore:
Dublin -> London -> Belfast = 982
London -> Dublin -> Belfast = 605
London -> Belfast -> Dublin = 659
Dublin -> Belfast -> London = 659
Belfast -> Dublin -> London = 605
Belfast -> London -> Dublin = 982
The shortest of these is London -> Dublin -> Belfast = 605, and so the answer is 605 in this example.
What is the distance of the shortest route?
--- Part Two ---
The next year, just to show off, Santa decides to take the route with the longest distance instead.
He can still start and end at any two (different) locations he wants, and he still must visit each location exactly once.
For example, given the distances above, the longest route would be 982 via (for example) Dublin -> London -> Belfast.
What is the distance of the longest route?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val test = """
|London to Dublin = 464
|London to Belfast = 518
|Dublin to Belfast = 141
println(findDistance(test) == mapOf("first" to 605, "second" to 982))
val input = parseInput("day9-input.txt")
fun findDistance(input: String): Map<String, Int?> {
val travels = parseTravels(input)
return travels
.fold(setOf<Int>(), { distances, permute ->
distances +, permute.size))
.map { p -> travels.find { it.from == p.first && == p.second } }
.sumBy { it.distance }
.let { mapOf("first" to it.min(), "second" to it.max()) }
data class Travel(val from: String, val to: String, val distance: Int) {
fun toList() = listOf(from, to)
private fun parseTravels(input: String) = input.splitToLines()
.map {
val (from, _s1, to, _s2, distance) = it.split(" ")
Travel(from = from, to = to, distance = distance.toInt())
.flatMap { listOf(it, it.copy(from =, to = it.from)) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e282d1f0fd0b973e4b701c8c2af1dbf4f4a149c7 | 2,772 | courses | MIT License |
src/day5/Day5.kt | bartoszm | 572,719,007 | false | {"Kotlin": 39186} | package day5
import readInput
fun main() {
val testInput = parse(readInput("day05/test"))
val input = parse(readInput("day05/input"))
println(solve1(testInput.first, testInput.second))
println(solve1(input.first, input.second))
println(solve2(testInput.first, testInput.second))
println(solve2(input.first, input.second))
fun solve1(stacks: List<Stack>, moves: List<Move>) : String {
fun push(stack: Stack, content: String) = content.fold(stack) { acc, c -> Stack(c.toString() + acc.content) }
return solve(stacks, moves, ::push)
fun solve2(stacks: List<Stack>, moves: List<Move>) : String {
fun push(stack: Stack, content: String) = Stack( content +stack.content)
return solve(stacks, moves, ::push)
fun solve(stacks: List<Stack>, moves: List<Move>, crane: (Stack, String) -> Stack): String {
val subject = stacks.toMutableList()
for(move in moves) {
val f = move.from - 1
val t = - 1
subject[t] = crane(subject[t], subject[f].take(move.quantity))
subject[f] = subject[f].drop(move.quantity)
return { it.content[0] }.joinToString("")
data class Stack(val content: String) {
fun take(size: Int) = content.substring(0, size)
fun drop(size: Int) = Stack(content.substring(size))
data class Move(val from: Int, val to: Int, val quantity: Int)
fun parse(input: List<String>): Pair<List<Stack>, List<Move>> {
fun parseStacks(v: String): List<Stack> {
return v.chunked(4)
.map{if(it.isBlank()) Stack("") else Stack("" + it[1])}
fun parseMove(v: String): Move? {
if(!v.startsWith("move")) {
return null
val tokens = v.split("""\s+""".toRegex()).map { it.trim() }
return Move(from = tokens[3].toInt(), to = tokens[5].toInt(), quantity = tokens[1].toInt())
val seq = input.asSequence()
val stacks = seq.takeWhile { it.trim().startsWith('[') }
.map { parseStacks(it) }
.fold(listOf<Stack>()) { acc, ns -> merge(ns, acc) }
val moves = seq.mapNotNull { parseMove(it) }.toList()
return stacks to moves
fun merge(newStack: List<Stack>, currentStack: List<Stack>): List<Stack> {
val merged = (currentStack zip newStack).map { (c,n) -> Stack(c.content + n.content) }
val (long, short) = if(newStack.size > currentStack.size) {
newStack to currentStack
} else {
currentStack to newStack
return merged + long.subList(short.size, long.size)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f1ac6838de23beb71a5636976d6c157a5be344ac | 2,535 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2023/Day05.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2023
import cut
import readInput
import separateBy
private data class MappingRange(val range: LongRange, val offset: Long)
private data class ConversionMap(val name: String, private val mappings: List<MappingRange>) {
companion object {
private val MAP_REGEX = """(?<destination>\d+)\s+(?<source>\d+)\s+(?<size>\d+)""".toRegex()
fun fromStringList(input: List<String>): ConversionMap {
val name = input.first().replace(" map:", "")
val mappings = mutableListOf<MappingRange>()
input.drop(1).forEach { line ->
val result = MAP_REGEX.find(line)
if (result != null) {
val size = result.groups["size"]!!.value.toInt() - 1
val sourceStart = result.groups["source"]!!.value.toLong()
val destinationStart = result.groups["destination"]!!.value.toLong()
LongRange(sourceStart, sourceStart + size),
destinationStart - sourceStart
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid input: $line")
return ConversionMap(name, mappings.sortedBy { it.range.first })
fun map(input: Long) = mappings.find { input in it.range }?.let { it.offset + input } ?: input
fun map(input: LongRange): Sequence<LongRange> = sequence {
var gaps = listOf(input)
mappings.filter { it.range.last >= input.first && it.range.first <= input.last }.forEach {
val overlapStart = it.range.first.coerceAtLeast(input.first)
val overlapEnd = it.range.last.coerceAtMost(input.last)
val overlap = LongRange(overlapStart, overlapEnd)
yield(LongRange(overlapStart + it.offset, overlapEnd + it.offset))
gaps = gaps.flatMap { gap -> gap.cut(overlap) }
if (gaps.isNotEmpty()) {
gaps.forEach { yield(it) }
object Day05 {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val seeds = input.first().replace("seeds: ", "").split("\\s".toRegex()).map { it.toLong() }
val maps = input.drop(2).separateBy { it.isEmpty() }.map { ConversionMap.fromStringList(it) }
return seeds.minOf { seed ->
var currentValue = seed
maps.forEach { currentValue = }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val regex = """(?<start>\d+)\s+(?<size>\d+)\s?""".toRegex()
val seedRanges = regex.findAll(input.first()).map { result ->
val start = result.groups["start"]!!.value.toLong()
LongRange(start, start + result.groups["size"]!!.value.toLong() - 1L)
val maps = input.drop(2).separateBy { it.isEmpty() }.map { ConversionMap.fromStringList(it) }
return seedRanges.minOf { seedRange ->
var currentSequence = sequenceOf(seedRange)
maps.forEach { conversionMap -> currentSequence = currentSequence.flatMap { } }
currentSequence.minOf { it.first }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day05_test", 2023)
check(Day05.part1(testInput) == 35L)
check(Day05.part2(testInput) == 46L)
val input = readInput("Day05", 2023)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 3,544 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day07/Day.kt | tiagoabrito | 573,609,974 | false | {"Kotlin": 73752} | package year2023.day07
import year2023.solveIt
fun main() {
val day = "07"
val expectedTest1 = 6440L
val expectedTest2 = 5905L
val sortingOrder = listOf('A','K','Q','J','T','9','8','7','6','5','4','3','2')
fun getHandValue(eachCount: Map<Char, Int>): Int {
return when(eachCount.size){
1 -> 7
2 -> when (eachCount.any { it.value == 4 }) {
true -> 6
false -> 5
3 -> when (eachCount.any { it.value == 3 }) {
true -> 4
false -> 3
4 -> 2
5 -> 1
else -> 0
fun getHandValueJ(eachCount: Map<Char, Int>): Int {
val jokers = eachCount.getOrDefault('J', 0)
val filter = eachCount.filter { it.key != 'J' }.entries.sortedWith(compareBy({it.value * -1}, {sortingOrder.indexOf(it.key)}))
val optimal = when (filter.isEmpty()){
true -> eachCount
false -> mapOf(filter[0].key to filter[0].value + jokers) + filter.drop(1).map { it.toPair() }
return getHandValue(optimal)
fun getIt(input: List<String>, kFunction1: (Map<Char, Int>) -> Int, sortingList: List<Char>): Long {
val map = { line ->
val (cards, bet) = line.split(" ")
val handValue = kFunction1(cards.groupingBy { it }.eachCount())
cards to (bet to handValue)
val sorted = map.sortedWith(
{ it.second.second * -1 },
{ sortingList.indexOf(it.first[0]) },
{ sortingList.indexOf(it.first[1]) },
{ sortingList.indexOf(it.first[2]) },
{ sortingList.indexOf(it.first[3]) },
{ sortingList.indexOf(it.first[4]) }
)).reversed() { it.first }.forEach { println(it) }
val b = sorted.mapIndexed { k, v -> v.second.first.toLong() * (k + 1) }
return b.sum()
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return getIt(input, ::getHandValue, sortingOrder)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return getIt(input, ::getHandValueJ, sortingOrder.filter { l -> l != 'J' } + 'J')
solveIt(day, ::part1, expectedTest1, ::part2, expectedTest2)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1f9becde3cbf5dcb345659a23cf9ff52718bbaf9 | 2,357 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | shepard8 | 573,449,602 | false | {"Kotlin": 73637} | sealed interface Tree13: Comparable<Tree13>
class Node13(private vararg val subtrees: Tree13): Tree13, List<Tree13> by subtrees.toList() {
override fun compareTo(other: Tree13): Int {
return when(other) {
is Leaf13 -> this.compareTo(Node13(other))
is Node13 -> compareToNode13(other)
private fun compareToNode13(other: Node13): Int {
return when {
this.isEmpty() && other.isEmpty() -> 0
this.isEmpty() && other.isNotEmpty() -> -1
this.isNotEmpty() && other.isEmpty() -> 1
else -> {
this.first().compareTo(other.first()).takeUnless { it == 0 } ?:
class Leaf13(val number: Int): Tree13 {
override fun compareTo(other: Tree13): Int {
return when(other) {
is Leaf13 -> this.number.compareTo(other.number)
is Node13 -> Node13(this).compareTo(other)
fun main() {
fun part1(signals: List<Pair<Tree13, Tree13>>): Int {
return signals.mapIndexedNotNull { index, (signal1, signal2) -> (index + 1).takeIf { signal1 < signal2 } }.sum()
fun part2(signals: List<Tree13>): Int {
val sep1 = Node13(Node13(Leaf13(2)))
val sep2 = Node13(Node13(Leaf13(6)))
val all = signals + listOf(sep1, sep2)
val sorted = all.sorted()
val index1 = sorted.indexOf(sep1) + 1
val index2 = sorted.indexOf(sep2) + 1
return index1 * index2
fun stringToTree(input: MutableList<Char>): Tree13 {
fun readElement(): Tree13 {
if (input[0] == ',') {
return if (input[0] == '[') {
val elements = sequence {
while (input[0] != ']') {
} else if (input[1].isDigit()) {
Leaf13(input.removeAt(0).digitToInt() * 10 + input.removeAt(0).digitToInt())
} else {
return readElement()
val signals = readInput("Day13").filterNot { it.isEmpty() }.map { s -> stringToTree(s.toMutableList()) }
println(part1(signals.chunked(2).map { chunk -> Pair(chunk[0], chunk[1]) }))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 81382d722718efcffdda9b76df1a4ea4e1491b3c | 2,624 | aoc2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day-08.kt | warriorzz | 434,696,820 | false | {"Kotlin": 16719} | package com.github.warriorzz.aoc
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
private fun main() {
println("Day 8:")
val lines = Files.readAllLines(Path.of("./input/day-08.txt"))
val part1 = { line ->
line.split(" | ")[1].split(" ").map { it.length == 2 || it.length == 4 || it.length == 7 || it.length == 3 }
.map { if (it) 1 else 0 }.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }
println("Solution part 1: $part1")
val part2 = { determineNumberSum(it.split(" | ")[0].split(" "), it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ")) }
.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }
println("Solution part 2: $part2")
fun determineNumberSum(strings: List<String>, output: List<String>): Int {
val map = mutableMapOf<Char, Char>()
val seven = strings.first { it.length == 3 }
val one = strings.first { it.length == 2 }
map[seven.first { !one.contains(it) }] = 'a'
map[charList.filter { one.contains(it) }.first { char -> strings.count { it.contains(char) } == 9 }] = 'f'
map[charList.filter { one.contains(it) }.first { char -> strings.count { it.contains(char) } == 8 }] = 'c'
map[charList.filter { map[it] != 'f' && map[it] != 'c' && map[it] != 'a' }.first { char ->
strings.filter { it.length !in (2..4) }.all { it.contains(char) }
}] = 'g'
map[charList.filter { map[it] != 'f' && map[it] != 'c' && map[it] != 'a' }.first { char ->
strings.filter { it.length !in (2..4) }.count { it.contains(char) } == 5
}] = 'b'
map[charList.filter { map[it] != 'f' && map[it] != 'c' && map[it] != 'a' }.first { char ->
strings.filter { it.length !in (2..4) }.count { it.contains(char) } == 4
}] = 'e'
map[charList.filter { map[it] != 'f' && map[it] != 'c' && map[it] != 'a' }.first { char ->
strings.filter { it.length !in (2..4) }.count { it.contains(char) } == 6
}] = 'd'
val solution = {
numbers[ { char -> map[char]!!
}.toCharArray().sortedArray().map { it.toString() }
.reduce { acc, s -> acc + s }]!!
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }.toInt()
charList.forEach { t -> println("$t " + map[t]) }
return solution
private val charList = listOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g')
private val numbers =
"abcefg" to "0",
"cf" to "1",
"acdeg" to "2",
"acdfg" to "3",
"bcdf" to "4",
"abdfg" to "5",
"abdefg" to "6",
"acf" to "7",
"abcdefg" to "8",
"abcdfg" to "9"
fun day08() = main()
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 0 | 0143f59aeb8212d4ff9d65ad30c7d6456bf28513 | 2,684 | aoc-21 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/ferinagy/adventOfCode/aoc2023/2023-19.kt | ferinagy | 432,170,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 787586} | package com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.aoc2023
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.println
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.readInputLines
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
val input = readInputLines(2023, "19-input")
val test1 = readInputLines(2023, "19-test1")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val rules = input.takeWhile { it.isNotBlank() }.map(Rule::parse).associateBy { }
val accepted = acceptedRanges(rules)
val parts = input.drop(rules.size + 1).map(Part::parse)
return parts.filter { part -> accepted.any { ranges -> part.rates.all { it.value in ranges[it.key]!! } } }.sumOf { it.rating }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val rules = input.takeWhile { it.isNotBlank() }.map(Rule::parse).associateBy { }
val accepted = acceptedRanges(rules)
return accepted.sumOf { it.values.fold(1L) { acc, range -> acc * (range.last - range.first + 1) } }
private fun acceptedRanges(
rules: Map<String, Rule>,
current: String = "in",
ranges: Map<Char, LongRange> = mapOf('x' to 1..4000L, 'm' to 1..4000L, 'a' to 1..4000L, 's' to 1..4000L)
): List<Map<Char, LongRange>> {
if (current == "A") return listOf(ranges)
if (current == "R") return emptyList()
return buildList {
val rule = rules[current]!!
var newRanges = ranges
rule.conditions.forEach {
val range = newRanges[]!!
this += acceptedRanges(rules, it.output, newRanges + ( to (it.range intersect range)))
newRanges = newRanges + ( to (it.oppositeRange intersect range))
this += acceptedRanges(rules, rule.fallback, newRanges)
private infix fun LongRange.intersect(other: LongRange): LongRange = max(first, other.first)..min(last, other.last)
private data class Part(val rates: Map<Char, Int>) {
val rating: Int = rates.values.sum()
companion object {
fun parse(text: String): Part {
val map = text.substring(1, text.length - 1).split(',')
.associate { it.split('=').let { (name, value) -> name.single() to value.toInt() } }
return Part(map)
private class Rule(val name: String, val conditions: List<Condition>, val fallback: String) {
companion object {
val regex = """(\w+)\{(.*)}""".toRegex()
fun parse(text: String): Rule {
val (name, c) = regex.matchEntire(text)!!.destructured
val list = c.split(',')
return Rule(name, list.dropLast(1).map { Condition.parse(it) }, list.last())
private data class Condition(val name: Char, val range: LongRange, val output: String) {
val oppositeRange = if (range.first == 1L) range.last + 1..4000 else 1..<range.first
companion object {
val regex = """([xmas])([<>])(\d+):(\w+)""".toRegex()
fun parse(text: String): Condition {
val (name, op, value, output) = regex.matchEntire(text)!!.destructured
val range = if (op == "<") 1..<value.toLong() else value.toLong() + 1..4000L
return Condition(name.single(), range, output)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f4890c25841c78784b308db0c814d88cf2de384b | 3,379 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day07.kt | qmchenry | 572,682,663 | false | {"Kotlin": 22260} | fun main() {
data class File(val name: String, val size: Int)
class DirectoryTree(val name: String, val parent: DirectoryTree?, var children: List<DirectoryTree> = emptyList(), var files: List<File> = emptyList()) {
fun size(): Int = children.sumOf { it.size() } + files.sumOf { it.size }
fun dirsOfSizeAtMost(size: Int): List<DirectoryTree> = children.filter { it.size() <= size } + children.flatMap { it.dirsOfSizeAtMost(size) }
fun dirsOfSizeAtLeast(size: Int): List<DirectoryTree> = children.filter { it.size() >= size } + children.flatMap { it.dirsOfSizeAtLeast(size) }
fun description(): String = "$name (${size()} bytes) with ${children.size} children and ${files.size} files\n"
fun recursiveDescription(): String = description() + children.joinToString("") { it.recursiveDescription().prependIndent(" ") }
fun parseTree(input: List<String>): DirectoryTree {
val root = DirectoryTree("/", null)
var cwd = root
input.forEach { line ->
when {
line == "$ cd /" -> cwd = root
line == "$ cd .." -> cwd = cwd.parent ?: root
line == "$ ls" -> Unit
line.startsWith("$ cd ") -> {
val dirName = line.substringAfter("$ cd ")
val dir = cwd.children.find { == dirName } ?: DirectoryTree(dirName, cwd).also { cwd.children += it }
cwd = dir
else -> {
val (dirOrSize, name) = line.split(" ")
when (dirOrSize) {
"dir" -> {
val newDir = DirectoryTree(name, cwd)
cwd.children += newDir
else -> {
val newFile = File(name, dirOrSize.toInt())
cwd.files += newFile
return root
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = parseTree(input)
return root.dirsOfSizeAtMost(size = 100000)
.sumOf { it.size() }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val totalSize = 70000000
val requiredSize = 30000000
val root = parseTree(input)
val availableSize = totalSize - root.size()
val neededSize = requiredSize - availableSize
val dirSizes = root.dirsOfSizeAtLeast(size = neededSize).sortedBy { it.size() }
return dirSizes.first().size()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_sample")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
val realInput = readInput("Day07_input")
println("Part 1: ${part1(realInput)}")
println("Part 2: ${part2(realInput)}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2813db929801bcb117445d8c72398e4424706241 | 2,904 | aoc-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/day16/Part1.kt | ollehagner | 572,141,655 | false | {"Kotlin": 80353} | package day16
import addPermutation
import readInput
import java.util.*
fun main() {
val valves = readInput("day16/input.txt").map { Valve.parse(it) }
val distances = valves
.flatMap { valve ->
.filter { it != valve && it.flowRate > 0 }
.map { Pair(, to distance(,, valves) }
val openers = listOf(ValveOpener("You", "AA"))
val bestpath = solve(State(openers, valves.filter { it.flowRate > 0 }), distances, 30)
println("Day 16 part 1. Best path pressure release: ${bestpath.releasedPressure(30)}")
fun solve(start: State, distances: Map<Pair<String, String>, Int>, timeLimit: Int): State {
val states =
PriorityQueue<State>() { a, b -> a.score().compareTo(b.score()) * -1 }
var currentMax = start
while (states.isNotEmpty()) {
val currentState = states.poll()
val nextMoves = currentState.openers
.map { opener ->
.filter { (fromAndTo, _) -> fromAndTo.first == opener.position }
.filter { (fromAndTo, _) -> currentState.valve(fromAndTo.second).closed() }
.map { (fromAndTo, distance) -> OpenValveAction(fromAndTo.first, fromAndTo.second, distance) }
.filter { action -> (opener.elapsedTime + action.time + 1) <= timeLimit }
.fold(listOf(emptyList<OpenValveAction>())) { acc, actions -> acc.addPermutation(actions) }
if (nextMoves.isEmpty()) {
currentMax =
if (currentState.releasedPressure(timeLimit) > currentMax.releasedPressure(timeLimit)) currentState else currentMax
} else {
.filter { actions -> { }.toSet().size == actions.size }
.map { currentState.openValves(it) })
.removeIf { it.openedValves() == currentState.openedValves() && it.releasedPressure(timeLimit) < currentState.releasedPressure(timeLimit) }
states.removeIf { it.potentialMax(timeLimit, distances) < currentState.releasedPressure(timeLimit) }
return currentMax
data class ValveOpener(val name: String, val position: String, val elapsedTime: Int = 0) {
fun openValve(valveId: String, time: Int): ValveOpener {
return copy(position = valveId, elapsedTime = elapsedTime + time)
fun calculateDistances(valves: List<Valve>) = valves
.flatMap { valve ->
.filter { it != valve && it.flowRate > 0 }
.map { Pair(, to distance(,, valves) }
fun distance(from: String, to: String, valves: List<Valve>): Int {
if (from == to) return 0
val valvesWithDistance = PriorityQueue<Pair<String, Int>>() { a, b -> a.second.compareTo(b.second) }
valvesWithDistance.add(from to 0)
val valveMap = valves.associateBy { }
val visited = mutableSetOf<String>()
while (true) {
val toExpand = valvesWithDistance.poll()
if (toExpand.first == to) return toExpand.second
.filter { !visited.contains(it) }
.forEach { valvesWithDistance.add(it to toExpand.second + 1) }
data class OpenValveAction(val from: String, val to: String, val time: Int) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6e12af1ff2609f6ef5b1bfb2a970d0e1aec578a1 | 3,488 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | ds411 | 573,543,582 | false | {"Kotlin": 16415} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map { it.split(',') }
.fold(0) { acc, pair ->
val range1 = pair[0].split('-').map(String::toInt)
val range2 = pair[1].split('-').map(String::toInt)
if (rangeEncompasses(range1, range2)) acc + 1
else acc
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map { it.split(',') }
.fold(0) { acc, pair ->
val range1 = pair[0].split('-').map(String::toInt)
val range2 = pair[1].split('-').map(String::toInt)
if (rangeOverlaps(range1, range2)) acc + 1
else acc
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
private fun rangeEncompasses(range1: List<Int>, range2: List<Int>): Boolean {
val r1 = (range1[0]..range1[1])
val r2 = (range2[0]..range2[1])
return (r1.first <= r2.first && r1.last >= r2.last) ||
(r2.first <= r1.first && r2.last >= r1.last)
private fun rangeOverlaps(range1: List<Int>, range2: List<Int>): Boolean {
val r1 = (range1[0]..range1[1])
val r2 = (range2[0]..range2[1])
return r1.contains(r2.first) || r1.contains(r2.last) || r2.contains(r1.first) || r2.contains(r1.last)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6f60b8e23ee80b46e7e1262723960af14670d482 | 1,562 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day04/Day04.kt | martinhrvn | 724,678,473 | false | {"Kotlin": 27307, "Jupyter Notebook": 1336} | package day04
import println
import readInput
data class Scratchcard(val id: Int, val winningNumbers: Set<Int>, val numbers: Set<Int>) {
fun getScore(): Int {
val common = getMatchedNumbers()
if (common == 0) {
return 0
return 1 shl (common - 1)
fun getMatchedNumbers(): Int {
return winningNumbers.intersect(numbers).size
companion object {
fun parse(input: String): Scratchcard {
val (id, numbers) = input.split(": ")
val (winningNumbers, numbersOnScratchcard) = numbers.split(" | ")
return Scratchcard(
id.replace("Card\\s+".toRegex(), "").toInt(),
winningNumbers.trim().split("\\s+".toRegex()).map { it.trim().toInt() }.toSet(),
numbersOnScratchcard.trim().split("\\s+".toRegex()).map { it.trim().toInt() }.toSet(),
class ScratchcardChecker(private val input: List<String>) {
fun part1(): Int {
return input.sumOf { Scratchcard.parse(it).getScore() }
fun part2(): Int {
val scratchcards = {
val scratchcard = Scratchcard.parse(it) to scratchcard
val counts = scratchcards.associate { (k, _) -> k to 1 }
val wonTickets =
scratchcards.fold(counts) { acc, (k, v) ->
val score = v.getMatchedNumbers()
val tickets = acc.getOrDefault(k, 0)
if (score > 0) {
val updatedCounts =
(k + 1..k + score).fold(acc) { counts, i ->
counts.mapValues { (k, v) -> if (k == i) v + tickets else v }
} else {
return wonTickets.entries.sumOf { it.value }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("day04/Day04_test")
check(ScratchcardChecker(testInput).part1() == 13)
check(ScratchcardChecker(testInput).part2() == 30)
val cube = ScratchcardChecker(readInput("day04/Day04"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 59119fba430700e7e2f8379a7f8ecd3d6a975ab8 | 2,071 | advent-of-code-2023-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/twentythree/Day02.kt | mihainov | 573,105,304 | false | {"Kotlin": 42574} | package twentythree
import readInputTwentyThree
typealias Turn = Map<Color, Int>
fun Turn.isPossible(constraints: Turn): Boolean {
return constraints.entries.all { constraint ->
// if no balls of a given color are drawn, element is null
// in this case use -1, as it's always possible to draw 0 balls of a color
(this[constraint.key]?.compareTo(constraint.value) ?: -1) <= 0
data class Game(val index: Int, val turns: List<Turn>)
enum class Color(val string: String) {
Red("red"), Green("green"), Blue("blue")
fun String.toColor(): Color {
return Color.values().find { it.string == this }!!
fun String.parseGame(): Game {
val index = this.substring(5, this.indexOf(':')).toInt().also { println("Parsed index: $it") }
val stringTurns = this.substring(this.indexOf(':') + 1).split(';')
val turns = { it.split(", ") } // "7 green, 2 red, 1 blue"
.map { untrimmedCombination -> // " 7 green" // "7 green"
.map { it.split(" ") } // ["7", "green"]
.associate {
Pair(it.component2().toColor(), it.component1().toInt())
return Game(index, turns)
fun main() {
val bag = mapOf(Pair(Color.Red, 12), Pair(Color.Blue, 14), Pair(Color.Green, 13))
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val games = { it.parseGame() }
return games.filter { game: Game ->
game.turns.all { it.isPossible(bag) }
}.sumOf { game: Game ->
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val games = { it.parseGame() }
return games.sumOf {
it.turns.fold(mutableMapOf<Color, Int>()) { acc, map ->
map.forEach { entry ->
acc.merge(entry.key, entry.value) { new, old -> maxOf(new, old) }
}.values.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInputTwentyThree("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput).also(::println) == 8)
check(part2(testInput).also(::println) == 2286)
val input = readInputTwentyThree("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a9aae753cf97a8909656b6137918ed176a84765e | 2,374 | kotlin-aoc-1 | Apache License 2.0 |
app/src/main/kotlin/codes/jakob/aoc/solution/Day05.kt | loehnertz | 725,944,961 | false | {"Kotlin": 59236} | package codes.jakob.aoc.solution
import codes.jakob.aoc.shared.splitByLines
object Day05 : Solution() {
private val mapPattern = Regex("(\\w+)-to-(\\w+)\\smap:")
override fun solvePart1(input: String): Any {
val splitInput: List<List<String>> = input.split("\n\n").map { it.splitByLines() }
val seeds: List<Long> = splitInput.first().first().let { line ->
line.substringAfter("seeds: ").split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
val instructionMaps: List<InstructionMap> = parseInstructionMaps(splitInput.drop(1))
// Find the seed that produces the lowest location number
return seeds.minOf { seed: Long -> instructionMaps.findLocationNumber(seed) }
override fun solvePart2(input: String): Any {
val splitInput: List<List<String>> = input.split("\n\n").map { it.splitByLines() }
val seedRanges: List<LongRange> = splitInput.first().first().let { line ->
.substringAfter("seeds: ")
.split(" ")
.map { it.toLong() }
.map { (startRange, length) -> startRange until (startRange + length) }
val instructionMaps: List<InstructionMap> = parseInstructionMaps(splitInput.drop(1))
// Find the seed that produces the lowest location number for each range, by just brute-forcing it
return seedRanges.minOf { seedRange: LongRange ->
seedRange.fold(Long.MAX_VALUE) { currentLowest, seed ->
val locationNumber: Long = instructionMaps.findLocationNumber(seed)
if (locationNumber < currentLowest) locationNumber else currentLowest
private fun parseInstructionMaps(splitInput: List<List<String>>): List<InstructionMap> {
return { map: List<String> ->
val (source, destination) = mapPattern.find(map.first())!!.destructured
val type: Pair<String, String> = source to destination
val ranges: List<InstructionMap.Ranges> = map
.map { line ->
line.split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
.map { (destinationRangeStart, sourceRangeStart, length) ->
source = sourceRangeStart until (sourceRangeStart + length),
destination = destinationRangeStart until (destinationRangeStart + length),
InstructionMap(type, ranges)
private fun List<InstructionMap>.findLocationNumber(seed: Long): Long {
return this.fold(seed) { currentNumber, instructionMap ->
private data class InstructionMap(
val type: Pair<String, String>,
val mappings: List<Ranges>,
) {
fun getMapping(source: Long): Long {
val ranges: Ranges = mappings.find { ranges ->
source in ranges.source
} ?: return source
return ranges.destination.first + (source - ranges.source.first)
data class Ranges(
val source: LongRange,
val destination: LongRange,
fun main() = Day05.solve()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6f2bd7bdfc9719fda6432dd172bc53dce049730a | 3,354 | advent-of-code-2023 | MIT License |
src/Day15.kt | jimmymorales | 572,156,554 | false | {"Kotlin": 33914} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun List<String>.parseSensorAreas() = map { line ->
val regex = """Sensor at x=(.*), y=(.*): closest beacon is at x=(.*), y=(.*)""".toRegex()
val (sx, sy, bx, by) = regex.find(line)!!.destructured
(sx.toInt() to sy.toInt()) to (bx.toInt() to by.toInt())
}.map { (sensor, beacon) ->
val distance = abs(sensor.first - beacon.first) + abs(sensor.second - beacon.second)
MapArea(sensor, beacon, distance)
fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int = 10): Int {
val areas = input.parseSensorAreas()
val min = areas.minOf { it.sensor.first - it.distance }
val max = areas.maxOf { it.sensor.first + it.distance }
return (min..max).asSequence()
.map { x -> x to row }
.filter { point -> areas.all { point != it.beacon && point != it.sensor } }
.count { point -> areas.any { point in it } }
fun part2(input: List<String>, range: Int = 20): Long {
val areas = input.parseSensorAreas()
return (0..range)
.firstNotNullOf { y ->
areas.filter { abs(y - it.sensor.second) <= it.distance }
.flatMap {
val diff = it.distance - abs(y - it.sensor.second)
listOf(it.sensor.first - diff to 1, it.sensor.first + diff + 1 to -1)
.sortedWith(compareBy(Pair<Int, Int>::first, Pair<Int, Int>::second))
.let {
var x = it.first().first
var count = 0
for (e in it) {
if (e.first > x) {
if (count == 0 && x in 0..range) {
return@let x to y
x = e.first
count += e.second
.let { (x, y) -> (x * 4_000_000L) + y }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 26)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, row = 2_000_000))
// part 2
check(part2(testInput) == 56000011L)
println(part2(input, range = 4_000_000))
typealias Point = Pair<Int, Int>
private data class MapArea(val sensor: Point, val beacon: Point, val distance: Int)
private operator fun MapArea.contains(point: Point): Boolean {
if (point.second !in sensor.second - distance..sensor.second + distance) return false
val diff = abs(point.second - sensor.second)
return point.first in sensor.first - distance + diff..sensor.first + distance - diff
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fb72806e163055c2a562702d10a19028cab43188 | 2,875 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | cypressious | 572,898,685 | false | {"Kotlin": 77610} | fun main() {
fun parseGrid(input: List<String>) = {
it.asIterable().map { c -> c - '0' }
fun <T> List<List<T>>.transpose() = this[0] { i -> map { it[i] } }
fun List<Int>.runningMax(): List<Int> {
return listOf(-1) + runningReduce(::maxOf).dropLast(1)
fun List<Int>.computeDistances(): List<IntArray> {
var next = IntArray(10) { -1 }
return map { value ->
val distances = next
distances.forEachIndexed { index, d ->
if (d >= 0) distances[index]++
val prevOwnValueDistance = distances[value]
distances[value] = 0
next = distances.copyOf()
distances[value] = prevOwnValueDistance
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = parseGrid(input)
val maxima = buildList {
add( { it.runningMax() })
add( { it.reversed().runningMax().reversed() })
add(grid.transpose().map { it.runningMax() }.transpose())
add(grid.transpose().map { it.reversed().runningMax().reversed() }.transpose())
var count = 0
for (x in grid.indices) {
for (y in grid[x].indices) {
if (grid[x][y] > maxima.minOf { it[x][y] }) {
return count
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = parseGrid(input)
val allDistanceArrays = buildList {
add( { row -> row.computeDistances() })
add( { row -> row.reversed().computeDistances().reversed() })
add(grid.transpose().map { row -> row.computeDistances() }.transpose())
add(grid.transpose().map { row -> row.reversed().computeDistances().reversed() }
val scores = grid.mapIndexed { y, row ->
row.mapIndexed { x, value ->
val directionScores = allDistanceArrays.mapIndexed { d, distanceArrays ->
val distances = distanceArrays[y][x]
distances.drop(value).filter { it >= 0 }.minOrNull() ?: when (d) {
0 -> x
1 -> row.lastIndex - x
2 -> y
else -> grid.lastIndex - y
return scores.maxOf { it.max() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 7b4c3ee33efdb5850cca24f1baa7e7df887b019a | 2,869 | AdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | azat-ismagilov | 573,217,326 | false | {"Kotlin": 75114} | fun main() {
fun List<String>.parseTrees(): List<List<Int>> = { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
fun getPossibleDirections(n: Int, m: Int): List<List<List<Pair<Int, Int>>>> {
val xCoordinates = (0 until n)
val yCoordinates = (0 until m)
return listOf( { x -> { y -> Pair(x, y) } }, { x -> yCoordinates.reversed().map { y -> Pair(x, y) } }, { y -> { x -> Pair(x, y) } }, { y -> xCoordinates.reversed().map { x -> Pair(x, y) } }
fun List<List<Int>>.isVisible(): List<List<Boolean>> {
val n = this.size
val m = this.first().size
val result = List(n) { MutableList(m) { false } }
val possibleDirections = getPossibleDirections(n, m)
for (indexes in possibleDirections)
for (indexSequence in indexes) {
var maxHeight = -1
indexSequence.forEach { (x, y) ->
if (maxHeight < this[x][y]) {
result[x][y] = true
maxHeight = this[x][y]
return result
data class TreeInLine(val position: Int, val height: Int)
fun List<List<Int>>.treeHouseVisible(): List<List<Int>> {
val n = this.size
val m = this.first().size
val result = List(n) { MutableList(m) { 1 } }
val possibleDirections = getPossibleDirections(n, m)
for (indexes in possibleDirections)
for (indexSequence in indexes) {
val queueVisible = mutableListOf(TreeInLine(0, Int.MAX_VALUE))
indexSequence.forEachIndexed { index, (x, y) ->
val currentTreeHeight = this[x][y]
while (queueVisible.last().height < currentTreeHeight)
result[x][y] *= index - queueVisible.last().position
queueVisible.add(TreeInLine(index, currentTreeHeight))
return result
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = input.parseTrees().isVisible().sumOf { it.count { it } }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = input.parseTrees().treeHouseVisible().maxOf { it.maxOf { it } }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | abdd1b8d93b8afb3372cfed23547ec5a8b8298aa | 2,682 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
2k23/aoc2k23/src/main/kotlin/23.kt | papey | 225,420,936 | false | {"Rust": 88237, "Kotlin": 63321, "Elixir": 54197, "Crystal": 47654, "Go": 44755, "Ruby": 24620, "Python": 23868, "TypeScript": 5612, "Scheme": 117} | package d23
fun main() {
println("Part 1: ${part1(read("23.txt"))}")
println("Part 2: ${part2(read("23.txt"))}")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = Maze(input).findLongestPath()
// C'est Noël, on optimise keud'
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = Maze(input, false).findLongestPath()
class Maze(input: List<String>, withSlope: Boolean = true) {
val map = input.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.toCharArray().mapIndexed { x, c ->
val p = Point(x, y)
when (c) {
'.' -> Element.Path(p)
'#' -> Element.Forest(p)
'^' -> if (withSlope) { Element.Slope(p, Direction.Up) } else { Element.Path(p) }
'v' -> if (withSlope) { Element.Slope(p, Direction.Down) } else { Element.Path(p) }
'<' -> if (withSlope) { Element.Slope(p, Direction.Left) } else { Element.Path(p) }
'>' -> if (withSlope) { Element.Slope(p, Direction.Right) } else { Element.Path(p) }
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown character: $c")
private val start = Point(1, 0)
private val end = Point(map[0].size - 2, map.size - 1)
fun findLongestPath(): Int {
return dfs(start, mutableSetOf())
private fun dfs(point: Point, visited: MutableSet<Point>): Int {
if (point == end) {
return 0
var longestPath = Int.MIN_VALUE
get(point).neighbours().filter { inBound(it) }.map { get(it) }
.filter { it is Element.Path || it is Element.Slope }.forEach { neighbour ->
if (neighbour.point !in visited) {
longestPath = maxOf(longestPath, 1 + dfs(neighbour.point, visited))
return longestPath
fun get(point: Point): Element = map[point.y][point.x]
private fun inBound(point: Point): Boolean =
point.x >= 0 && point.y >= 0 && point.y < map.size && point.x < map[point.y].size
sealed class Element(open val point: Point) {
data class Forest(override val point: Point) : Element(point)
data class Path(override val point: Point) : Element(point)
data class Slope(override val point: Point, val direction: Direction) : Element(point) {
override fun neighbours(): List<Point> = listOf(point.move(direction.point))
open fun neighbours(): List<Point> = { direction -> point.move(direction.point) }
enum class Direction(val point: Point) {
Up(Point(0, -1)),
Down(Point(0, 1)),
Left(Point(-1, 0)),
Right(Point(1, 0))
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun move(delta: Point): Point = Point(x + delta.x, y + delta.y)
| 0 | Rust | 0 | 3 | cb0ea2fc043ebef75aff6795bf6ce8a350a21aa5 | 2,844 | aoc | The Unlicense |
src/main/kotlin/be/swsb/aoc2021/day14/Day14.kt | Sch3lp | 433,542,959 | false | {"Kotlin": 90751} | package be.swsb.aoc2021.day14
object Day14 {
fun solve1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (initialTemplate, rules) = parse(input)
val polymer = (1..10).fold(initialTemplate) { template, _ ->
expandPolymer(template, rules)
val mostCommon = polymer.maxOf { c -> polymer.count { it == c } }
val leastCommon = polymer.minOf { c -> polymer.count { it == c } }
return mostCommon - leastCommon
fun expandPolymer(template: String, rules: List<Rule>): String =
template.windowed(2) { combination -> combination.first() with combination.last() }
.joinToString("", prefix = template.take(1)) { combination ->
val insertion = rules.find { rule -> rule.combination == combination }?.insertion
fun solve2(input: List<String>): Long {
val (initialTemplate, rules) = parse(input)
val initialElementCount: Map<Element, Long> = initialTemplate.groupBy { it }.mapValues { (_,v) -> v.size.toLong() }
val initialCombinations: List<Combination> = initialTemplate.zipWithNext { first, second -> first with second }
val initialCombinationOccurrences : Map<Combination, Long> = initialCombinations.groupBy { it }.mapValues { (_,v) -> v.size.toLong() }
val initialPolymer = Polymer(initialCombinationOccurrences, initialElementCount)
val polymer = (1..40).fold(initialPolymer) { polymer, _ -> polymer.expand(rules) }
val mostCommon = polymer.mostCommon
val leastCommon = polymer.leastCommon
return mostCommon - leastCommon
fun parse(input: List<String>): Pair<String, List<Rule>> {
val rules = input.subList(input.indexOf("") + 1, input.size)
val template = input.subList(0, input.indexOf("")).first()
return template to { it.parseToRule() }
data class Rule(val combination: Combination, val insertion: Char)
private fun String.parseToRule(): Rule {
val (combo, insert) = this.split(" -> ")
val (one, two) = combo.toCharArray()
return Rule(one with two, insert.toCharArray()[0])
data class Combination(val left: Element, val right: Element) {
fun inject(insertion: Element?) = insertion?.let { "$left$it$right" } ?: "$left$right"
fun insert(insertion: Element?) =
insertion?.let { listOf(left with insertion, insertion with right) } ?: emptyList()
override fun toString() = "$left$right"
typealias Element = Char
infix fun Element.with(other: Element): Combination = Combination(this, other)
data class Polymer(
private val combinationOccurrences: Map<Combination, Long>,
private val countPerElement: Map<Element, Long>
) {
val mostCommon: Long by lazy { countPerElement.values.maxOf { it } }
val leastCommon: Long by lazy { countPerElement.values.minOf { it } }
fun expand(rules: List<Rule>): Polymer {
val newCombinationOccurrences : MutableMap<Combination, Long> = mutableMapOf()
val mutablePolymer = countPerElement.toMutableMap()
combinationOccurrences.entries.forEach { (combination, occ) ->
val insertion = rules.find { rule -> rule.combination == combination }?.insertion?.also { insertedElement ->
mutablePolymer[insertedElement] = mutablePolymer[insertedElement]?.plus(occ) ?: occ
combination.insert(insertion).forEach { newCombo ->
newCombinationOccurrences[newCombo] = newCombinationOccurrences[newCombo]?.plus(occ) ?: occ
return Polymer(newCombinationOccurrences, mutablePolymer)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 7662b3861ca53214e3e3a77c1af7b7c049f81f44 | 3,674 | Advent-of-Code-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | mkfsn | 573,042,358 | false | {"Kotlin": 29625} | fun main() {
fun <T> rotate(table: MutableList<MutableList<T>>): MutableList<MutableList<T>> {
val rows = table.size
val cols = if (table.isNotEmpty()) table[0].size else 0
return MutableList<MutableList<T>>(cols) { _ -> ArrayList(rows) }.apply {
table.forEachIndexed { i, row -> row.forEachIndexed { j, col -> this[j].add(i, col) } }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var treeMap: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> =
input.toMutableList().map { row -> { it - '0' }.toMutableList() }.toMutableList()
var visibleMap: MutableList<MutableList<Boolean>> = { MutableList(it.length) { false } }.toMutableList()
fun traverse(treeMap: List<List<Int>>, visibleMap: MutableList<MutableList<Boolean>>) {
treeMap.forEachIndexed { i, row ->
var (leftMax, rightMax) = listOf(-1, -1)
var leftIncrements = MutableList(row.size) { -1 }
var rightIncrements = MutableList(row.size) { -1 }
row.forEachIndexed { j, v ->
leftIncrements[j] = leftMax
leftMax = if (leftMax < v) v else leftMax
row.asReversed().forEachIndexed { j, v ->
rightIncrements[row.size - j - 1] = rightMax
rightMax = if (rightMax < v) v else rightMax
row.forEachIndexed { j, v ->
if (v > leftIncrements[j] || v > rightIncrements[j]) visibleMap[i][j] = true
traverse(treeMap, visibleMap)
treeMap = rotate(treeMap)
visibleMap = rotate(visibleMap)
traverse(treeMap, visibleMap)
return visibleMap.sumOf { row -> row.count { it } }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
var treeMap: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> =
input.toMutableList().map { row -> { it - '0' }.toMutableList() }.toMutableList()
var scoreMap: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> = { MutableList(it.length) { 1 } }.toMutableList()
fun countVisibleTrees(cur: Int, others: List<Int>) =
others.indexOfFirst { it >= cur }.also {
if (it == -1) return others.count { v -> v < cur }
return it + 1
fun traverse(treeMap: List<List<Int>>, scoreMap: MutableList<MutableList<Int>>) {
treeMap.forEachIndexed { i, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { j, v ->
scoreMap[i][j] *= countVisibleTrees(v, (j - 1 downTo 0).map { k -> row[k] })
scoreMap[i][j] *= countVisibleTrees(v, (j + 1 until row.size).map { k -> row[k] })
traverse(treeMap, scoreMap)
treeMap = rotate(treeMap)
scoreMap = rotate(scoreMap)
traverse(treeMap, scoreMap)
return scoreMap.maxOfOrNull { row -> row.max() }!!
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8c7bdd66f8550a82030127aa36c2a6a4262592cd | 3,299 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | buczebar | 572,864,830 | false | {"Kotlin": 39213} | fun main() {
fun parseInput(name: String) =
readInput(name).map { it.toList() }.map { row -> { height -> height.digitToInt() } }
fun getListOfTrees(input: List<List<Int>>): List<Tree> {
val columns = input.transpose()
val (width, height) = columns.size to input.size
val resultList = mutableListOf<Tree>()
input.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
columns.forEachIndexed { colIndex, column ->
height = input[rowIndex][colIndex],
allOnLeft = row.subList(0, colIndex).reversed(),
allOnRight = colIndex.takeIf { it < width - 1 }?.let { row.subList(it + 1, width) } ?: emptyList(),
allOnTop = column.subList(0, rowIndex).reversed(),
allOnBottom = rowIndex.takeIf { it < height - 1 }?.let { column.subList(it + 1, height) }
?: emptyList()
return resultList
fun part1(input: List<Tree>) = input.count { it.isVisible }
fun part2(input: List<Tree>) = input.maxOfOrNull { it.scenicScore }
val testInput = getListOfTrees(parseInput("Day08_test"))
check(part1((testInput)) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = getListOfTrees(parseInput("Day08"))
private data class Tree(
val height: Int,
val allOnLeft: List<Int>,
val allOnRight: List<Int>,
val allOnTop: List<Int>,
val allOnBottom: List<Int>
) {
private val maxInAllDirections: List<Int>
get() = { it.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.max() ?: 0 }
private val allDirections: List<List<Int>>
get() = listOf(allOnLeft, allOnRight, allOnTop, allOnBottom)
private val visibleTreesInAllDirection: List<Int>
get() = { it.numberOfVisibleTrees() }
val isVisible: Boolean
get() = allDirections.any { it.isEmpty() }.or(maxInAllDirections.min() < height)
val scenicScore: Int
get() = visibleTreesInAllDirection.reduce { acc, numOfTrees -> acc * numOfTrees }
private fun List<Int>.numberOfVisibleTrees(): Int =
indexOfFirst { it >= height }.takeIf { it >= 0 }?.plus(1) ?: size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cdb6fe3996ab8216e7a005e766490a2181cd4101 | 2,314 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2020/TicketTranslation.kt | komu | 113,825,414 | false | {"Kotlin": 395919} | package komu.adventofcode.aoc2020
import komu.adventofcode.utils.nonEmptyLines
import komu.adventofcode.utils.product
fun ticketTranslation1(input: String): Int {
val (rules, _, nearbyTickets) = parseTicketData(input)
return nearbyTickets.sumBy { ticket ->
ticket.filter { v -> !rules.any { it.isSatisfiedBy(v) } }.sum()
fun ticketTranslation2(input: String): Long {
val (rules, myTicket, nearbyTickets) = parseTicketData(input)
val validNearbyTickets = nearbyTickets.filter { t -> t.none { v -> !rules.any { it.isSatisfiedBy(v) } } }
val assignment = resolveAssignments(rules, validNearbyTickets)
val indices = assignment.filterKeys {"departure") }.values
return { i -> myTicket[i].toLong() }.product()
private typealias Ticket = List<Int>
private fun resolveAssignments(rules: List<TicketRule>, tickets: Collection<Ticket>): Map<TicketRule, Int> {
val candidatesByIndex = List(rules.size) { index ->
rules.filter { rule -> tickets.all { rule.isSatisfiedBy(it[index]) } }.toMutableSet()
while (candidatesByIndex.any { it.size > 1 }) {
val uniqueRules = candidatesByIndex.filter { it.size == 1 }.map { it.first() }
for (ruleSet in candidatesByIndex)
if (ruleSet.size > 1)
ruleSet -= uniqueRules
return { it.single() }.mapIndexed { index, rule -> rule to index }.toMap()
private class TicketRule(
val name: String,
private val range1: ClosedRange<Int>,
private val range2: ClosedRange<Int>
) {
fun isSatisfiedBy(value: Int) =
value in range1 || value in range2
companion object {
private val ruleRegex = Regex("""([\w\s]+): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)""")
fun parse(rule: String): TicketRule {
val (name, min1, max1, min2, max2) = ruleRegex.matchEntire(rule)?.groupValues?.drop(1)
?: error("invalid rule '$rule'")
return TicketRule(name, min1.toInt()..max1.toInt(), min2.toInt()..max2.toInt())
private fun parseTicketData(input: String): Triple<List<TicketRule>, Ticket, List<Ticket>> {
val (rulesStr, myTicketStr, nearbyTicketsStr) = input.split("\n\n")
val rules = rulesStr.nonEmptyLines().map { TicketRule.parse(it) }
val myTicket = parseTicket(myTicketStr.removePrefix("your ticket:\n"))
val nearbyTickets = nearbyTicketsStr.removePrefix("nearby tickets:\n").nonEmptyLines().map { parseTicket(it) }
return Triple(rules, myTicket, nearbyTickets)
private fun parseTicket(line: String) =
line.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8e135f80d65d15dbbee5d2749cccbe098a1bc5d8 | 2,648 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | jstapels | 572,982,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 74335} |
fun main() {
fun getCol(nums: List<List<Int>>, col: Int) = { nums[it][col] }
fun visible(trees: List<List<Int>>, pos: Pos) =
{ h:Int -> h < trees[pos.y][pos.x] }.let {
trees[pos.y].take(pos.x).all(it) ||
trees[pos.y].takeLast(trees[pos.y].size - pos.x - 1).all(it) ||
getCol(trees, pos.x).take(pos.y).all(it) ||
getCol(trees, pos.x).takeLast(trees[pos.y].size - pos.y - 1).all(it)
fun parseInput(input: List<String>) = { it.toCharArray().map { c -> c.digitToInt() } }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = parseInput(input)
return trees.indices
.flatMap { row -> trees[row] { col -> Pos(col, row) } }
.count { visible(trees, it) }
fun treeCount(trees: List<Int>, height: Int) =
trees.indexOfFirst { it >= height }
.let { if (it == -1) trees.size else it + 1 }
fun scenic(trees: List<List<Int>>, pos: Pos): Int {
val (col, row) = pos
val height = trees[row][col]
val maxRow = trees.size - 1
val maxCol = trees[0].size - 1
return treeCount(trees[row].take(col).reversed(), height) *
treeCount(trees[row].takeLast(maxCol - col), height) *
treeCount(getCol(trees, col).take(row).reversed(), height) *
treeCount(getCol(trees, col).takeLast(maxRow - row), height)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = parseInput(input)
return trees.indices
.flatMap { row -> trees[row] { col -> Pos(col, row) } }
.maxOf { scenic(trees, it) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
checkThat(part1(testInput), 21)
checkThat(part2(testInput), 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0d71521039231c996e2c4e2d410960d34270e876 | 2,023 | aoc22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day13/Day13.kt | Volifter | 572,720,551 | false | {"Kotlin": 65483} | package day13
import utils.*
class Packet(private val items: List<Any>) : Comparable<Packet> {
constructor(str: String) : this(
splitList(str.substring(1 until str.lastIndex))
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map { it.toIntOrNull() ?: Packet(it) }
override fun compareTo(other: Packet): Int =
(items + null)
.zip(other.items + null)
.map { (left, right) ->
when {
(left is Int && right is Int) -> left - right
(left is Packet && right is Packet) -> left.compareTo(right)
(left is Packet && right is Int) -> left.compareTo(
(left is Int && right is Packet) -> -right.compareTo(
(left == null && right == null) -> 0
(left == null) -> -1
(right == null) -> 1
else -> 0
.find { it != 0 } ?: 0
companion object {
private fun splitList(str: String): List<String> =
str.fold(Pair(listOf(""), 0)) { (lists, depth), c ->
val groups = (
if (c == ',' && depth == 0)
lists + ""
lists.dropLast(1) + (lists.last() + c)
val deltaDepth = when (c) {
'[' -> 1
']' -> -1
else -> 0
Pair(groups, depth + deltaDepth)
fun readPackets(input: List<String>): List<Packet> =
input.mapNotNull { line ->
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.filter { (_, pair) -> pair[0] <= pair[1] }
.sumOf { (i, _) -> i + 1 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val packets = readPackets(input)
val packetA = Packet("[[2]]")
val packetB = Packet("[[6]]")
return (packets.count { it < packetA } + 1) *
(packets.count { it < packetB } + 2)
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
expect(part1(testInput), 13)
expect(part2(testInput), 140)
val input = readInput("Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c2c386844c09087c3eac4b66ee675d0a95bc8ccc | 2,563 | AOC-2022-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
Subsets and Splits