,rewire_id,text,label,label_category,Unnamed: 4 0,sexism2022_english-845,Fuck the niggers and the jews. Both have a history of eating white people and fuck you for suggesting I should get along with people who want to eat me.,0,none, 1,sexism2022_english-6629,Well then good because someone has to knock her ass back in line when she acts like a woman and posts bullshit about her (((based minorities))). If someone is not white they are NOT one of us.,1,2. derogation, 2,sexism2022_english-17573,#USA #Texas #Islam #Muslims #Islamization #ShariaLaw Sharia in Texas - Evil Muslim parents tried to murder their daughter with boiling oil after refusing arranged marriage [URL],0,none, 3,sexism2022_english-10268,"Yes, normal women want to be dominated. Social scientists call it female hypergamy. And it is why women make bad bosses for men, generally speaking.",1,2. derogation, 4,sexism2022_english-10735,"She didn't have to be a bitch about it. She literally went out of her way to rub the rejection in his face, when a simple ""I appriciate the offer but I have a boyfriend"" would have sufficed.",1,2. derogation, 5,sexism2022_english-988,TL:DR unclear covered her in shit and now she is calling the police...,0,none, 6,sexism2022_english-5308,[USER] 'Tis true as the puff and pass lead to the munchies and philosophy.,0,none, 7,sexism2022_english-19850,"LOL, a Canadian guy legally changed his gender to female so that he would save $1000 a year on car insurance. A female lawmaker is outraged and is demanding he be arrested for perjury bc he said he did it just for the insurance savings. HA HA HA HA!",0,none, 8,sexism2022_english-17280,You are an idiot. Read the whole book.,0,none, 9,sexism2022_english-19501,Just fucking lol. What does she know about a hard life being subhuman. Dumb whore,1,2. derogation, 10,sexism2022_english-11801,"WarrnTanka is so butthurt over her DNA FUBAR, she is seeing RED. Yep! It's right there at the front door LIZZY. BTW! Give the ticket money back.",0,none, 11,sexism2022_english-9087,I would pay to see her Ass Cracker. #nsfw,1,2. derogation, 12,sexism2022_english-18480,Again do u agree with me that a building is less likely to get blown up by a Hungarian than a Muslim?,0,none, 13,sexism2022_english-12347,Miley moved to England and renounced her US citizenship as I remember...,0,none, 14,sexism2022_english-18714,I have some unwashed underwear she can sniff I am not sure if it is sarin but I am positive it is toxic and probably wmd.,0,none, 15,sexism2022_english-13467,"if your daughter is socializing with blacks, and visiting black areas, and partying around blacks - then the fact she has a gun in her purse really isn't gonna help that much if a couple of the fellas decide they wanna have a little fun",0,none, 16,sexism2022_english-11888,"[USER] It isn't about #fraud. It is about delay, trying to monkey-wrench the electoral college. And getting #JillStein a payday, which is why she doesn't want to be required to cough up cash. #Recount2016",0,none, 17,sexism2022_english-19542,I saw an IT thread where they were saying we are all white men that only like asian women. They are just making up stuff,0,none, 18,sexism2022_english-16679,Yes he can only top men fuck non ugly women nowadays,0,none, 19,sexism2022_english-1480,I dont sell my body for sex or even plasma. My sister would like to know your rates though. She needs a new sub/cuck while the other one she uses is in the hospital healing from an accident where his anus ended up mutilated.,0,none, 20,sexism2022_english-13336,No. Please keep those burkas on. PLEASE!,0,none, 21,sexism2022_english-474,"Just as well! The average Jewish mother would castrate any dirty old men in fancy dress coming down the chimney in the middle of the night to give candy to their prepubecent kids. In Israel, the kids would join in on the beat down.",0,none, 22,sexism2022_english-4747,What an amazing personality! I bet he watched a movie with female leads while posting to IT.,0,none, 23,sexism2022_english-295,"Most men know instinctually the game. But their ego's are so fucking big that they think, Not mine, Not me. Bang bang she shot me down bang bang.",0,none, 24,sexism2022_english-5850,Yet another Islamist scumbag heard from... [URL],0,none, 25,sexism2022_english-949,LOL that fat girl .... black men cant catch up to us so they are angry ..... sooo black men are angry because they are not marrying black women .... LOL bitch plz,1,3. animosity, 26,sexism2022_english-11296,"If you don't want your mother fucked, keep her off the streets",1,2. derogation, 27,sexism2022_english-8119,You mean those videos where a woman slaps a guy when she's fucked up? We see those everyday already.,0,none, 28,sexism2022_english-14374,"#EmpressMichelle just needs to pack her shit, #stfu and move to Venezuela. Thank you to all the #Libtards who gave us these two pieces of shit [URL]",0,none, 29,sexism2022_english-13224,"10/10 with interior decorating skills like yours, girls will be falling all over you. I'm falling for you a little myself",1,3. animosity, 30,sexism2022_english-18098,"""When they go low.....we beat women with flag poles and pepper spray them in the face."" #MiloAtCal And Antifa is a terrorist organization. #GabFam #Maga [USER]",0,none, 31,sexism2022_english-13474,"being a bit hyperbolic with ""the girl's future destroyed""",0,none, 32,sexism2022_english-13873,"Better be careful, Madam. Merkel and her minions will have you die behind bars.",0,none, 33,sexism2022_english-9709,Bet she feels pretty stupid now on that cloud playing a harp.,0,none, 34,sexism2022_english-15248,"True, most do lol I get hit on by more fat girls than anything else. But they usually settle for an out of shape guy. Fit guys dont usually hang around very long. Butttt if you hate working out and eating healthy, than you gotta work with that.",0,none, 35,sexism2022_english-7848,"it's very dependent on the girl, but frequently you can feel it around your dick, she will tense and flex her abs. The best way to tell is to just tell the girl to let you know if she is about to cum lol, because like I said every girl is different.",0,none, 36,sexism2022_english-1246,"She will, she has a bad track record, her DNA is done, she’s a lier and a cheat, and who knows were she tested her DNA, Clinton foundation labs",0,none, 37,sexism2022_english-18396,a million British girls raped - no response one Russian double agent killed?,0,none, 38,sexism2022_english-1294,"Probably referencing this [URL] . She got some poor sap from customer service on the phone, cried about MAH SOGGY KNEES and is now thinking she is the sole responsible force to Adobes statement.",0,none, 39,sexism2022_english-4588,Send a quick email to Hillary and a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation and she’ll send you the blueprints.,0,none, 40,sexism2022_english-12482,"[USER] It is tyranny. If she is elected I fear for my nation. With Obama I knew disaster and problems but believed America could make it through., Not so with Hillary.",0,none, 41,sexism2022_english-8690,"Isn't it convenient that she doesn't have the video of this guy threatening to kill her! She films every moment of her life, but the one time someone threatens to kill her, it's turned off? Give me a break.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 42,sexism2022_english-1414,I'd like to jump into her GL (gineline),0,none, 43,sexism2022_english-11078,Hot Black Dude Found Reparations For Slavery At Restaurant And Took Them White Racists Accuse Him Of “Stealingâ€?Fuck these wypipo. Dey juz jelly of his big dick and can’t get women [USER] [URL],0,none, 44,sexism2022_english-12267,"Yes, it is new. What remains constant is that feminists are playing to the fears of women to instill hate.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 45,sexism2022_english-19320,"“I’m trying my best and hardest,â€?but you hate women that speak the language you do? That sounds like some incel shit. Good luck.",0,none, 46,sexism2022_english-17074,"The queen & her family, the whole Manarchy is involved in pedophilia!",0,none, 47,sexism2022_english-12052,"It is the simplest way to classify. Humanity, divided into races. The Niggers would be a sub-race. They dwell at the very bottom of the tree.",0,none, 48,sexism2022_english-14596,"""It's not the same goys. Groping women is my comedy shtick""",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 49,sexism2022_english-2524,I bet her future husband won't have anywhere near that much sex during his marriage lifetime with her.,1,2. derogation, 50,sexism2022_english-14485,"It's different since nobody (least of all feminazis like you) gives a flying fuck about sexual assault when it's men, but only barbaric wackos don't care about girls getting an education.",1,3. animosity, 51,sexism2022_english-10894,Real men aren't violent Real women are If I said that on r/feminism I would be banned instantly and if I said it in real life I would be labeled a sexist. But since it's a man it's OK because men are violent aren't they?,1,3. animosity, 52,sexism2022_english-7647,Typical praising of women and bashing of men. They're so predictable. And dumb.,1,3. animosity, 53,sexism2022_english-14810,"I'm sure that kinder gentler baboon troop was soon overtaken by the dump defenders troop with the young being massacred and the females being taken as spoils. Yeah, sounds pretty great.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 54,sexism2022_english-2198,"Little girls in Globalist “refugeeâ€?camps are bought and sold by men pretending to be their fathers, who rape them and use them for servants. And they’re probably FGM victims.",0,none, 55,sexism2022_english-3915,Welcome to gender equality. Suck it!,0,none, 56,sexism2022_english-8889,Most here would fuck her.,1,3. animosity, 57,sexism2022_english-1125,"They are the losers, not Incels.",0,none, 58,sexism2022_english-12794,UK: Muslim rapist gets one-year sentence for “groomingâ€?12-year-old girl for sex [URL],0,none, 59,sexism2022_english-17358,Soy boys PMS worse than women cause it's 24/7. They get their delicate feelings hurt because of lack of testosterone...It's a problem!,1,3. animosity, 60,sexism2022_english-19911,Gab her by the pussy. [URL],1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 61,sexism2022_english-8805,"Damn right. Contraceptives and carpet bombs. We made 'em, we can take 'em out. It is our right as the reason why they exist in the first place, we are their gods. We can giveth and we can taketh away. / Too far ?",0,none, 62,sexism2022_english-13141,"What a sick fuck she is. These scumbags are everywhere. So, why isn't she being investigated?...Same old brushing under the carpet. Please jail someone! I'm sick of reading this stuff every day, and nothing ever happens.",0,none, 63,sexism2022_english-625,"Imagine the woman you find most attractive in the world, she would let him fuck her in the ass on their first date. There is no competing, you never even qualified for the event.",1,2. derogation, 64,sexism2022_english-16426,I think she likes me. It hurts that i cant tell her how I feel.,0,none, 65,sexism2022_english-11473,"Because other than WHITES, CHRISTIANS are the least protected group by law and the ONLY religion not given any protected status",0,none, 66,sexism2022_english-6314,A lesbian wants to be named the biological parent of a boy who doesn't share her DNA. [URL],0,none, 67,sexism2022_english-9040,That's too much common sense in one post [USER] - SJW's can't cope with that,0,none, 68,sexism2022_english-12504,Is this sub for people with mommy issues? Why do y’all hate women so much!? Who hurt you!!!!,0,none, 69,sexism2022_english-15999,"#Feminist looks to have sex with #Nazis on #Tinder. She even is a vegetarian, and an artist just like #Hitler was! Does this #Thot have any shame? #TinderThots - Part 2,326",1,3. animosity, 70,sexism2022_english-14409,But don't you miss having a first lady that could beat most men in a bar brawl...or at least B.O...Michael...I mean Michelle...or whatever hi..her name was...was so ma...womanly... that's the one,1,3. animosity, 71,sexism2022_english-10203,What's the going timeframe onto getting on GAB nowadays??? I'm trying to recruit hardcore since twat is going crazy with censorship.,1,3. animosity, 72,sexism2022_english-8650,Lol being an ugly dyke and an annoying jew are plenty enough reason to find her unwatchable.,1,3. animosity, 73,sexism2022_english-13860,THE RESISTANCE: Dozens of women arrested after overtaking Senate building in protest of Kavanaugh Courtesy: The Hill [URL],0,none, 74,sexism2022_english-10498,"Yes you do because I said so, just like you said incels hate women",0,none, 75,sexism2022_english-8193,^ I have tried this alot this never works they always hate me >.<,0,none, 76,sexism2022_english-16274,This slug showed up at the hearing with her boobs drooping and prison tats on her neck.,1,2. derogation, 77,sexism2022_english-253,"Yeah, whites commit ""greater crimes"" than all minorities. We're all so full of hate. The PC culture has run it's course. I've had enough.",0,none, 78,sexism2022_english-18919,i would bang greg's woman provided it wasn't a man at some point.,1,2. derogation, 79,sexism2022_english-11943,she like mccuck is a true liberal thru and thru,0,none, 80,sexism2022_english-12467,[USER] · 8h8 hours ago Shouldn’t the most infamous loser in history shut her pie hole at this point? It’s becoming an authentic tragedy. #TumblingHag [URL],1,2. derogation, 81,sexism2022_english-7615,"Well, maybe Ms. Archer. But that bitch is scary!",1,3. animosity, 82,sexism2022_english-5364,MySpace died.... and since twiberal is only one sided it’s just a giant echo chamber. Can’t debate a lefty without getting reported. Fucking gay.,0,none, 83,sexism2022_english-1581,I apparently live in her basement and I'm gay,0,none, 84,sexism2022_english-16019,That’s retarded. The dude harassed for four months and she said no countless times. She got fed up with it.,0,none, 85,sexism2022_english-4337,"The Iron Maiden, the toughest tranny in town.",0,none, 86,sexism2022_english-1395,I saw in a mass conversation that men are so used to trashy female behaviour that they don't even realize what's wrong when you call her out,1,2. derogation, 87,sexism2022_english-7938,The View. Empty head emotional woman's daily bitchcraft lesson.,1,2. derogation, 88,sexism2022_english-19294,"You've got it - just focus on honing your processes, and don't beat yourself up. Get better at getting better, you'll be fine.",0,none, 89,sexism2022_english-13970,I wouldn't be surprised if the bitch was a sex predator herself!!! [URL],1,2. derogation, 90,sexism2022_english-7239,"Why did he move out? She's the cheater, she should be forced out.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 91,sexism2022_english-8260,"""two men sexually harassed a 32-year-old woman from Dortmund. The officers rushed to the victims directly to help and could arrest one of the suspects, an 18-year-old Guinean national."",. [URL]",0,none, 92,sexism2022_english-19785,Mostly #Muslim grooming gang jailed for #raping 15 #British girls as young as 11 [URL],0,none, 93,sexism2022_english-7254,"[USER] So you want to bow to some African witch doctor? Pure cuckoldry. Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.",0,none, 94,sexism2022_english-1823,"In my mind I wanted her hoe hands off me, she was being rude. Couple weeks before that she tried to have a 3 way with me, unrelated but she sucks. I definitely should have, bottom line. You’re right.",1,2. derogation, 95,sexism2022_english-19372,"[URL] This is the reason why i am wary of Thots and I'll look til i find a Tradwife, they just simplify everything.",1,3. animosity, 96,sexism2022_english-11207,"Trudeau is North America’s Merkel, but with weed and topless girls.",0,none, 97,sexism2022_english-9477,Not really when it comes to approaching them. Most women don't like to be approached. They might say they do but then when they do get approached they don't like it and call the guy a creep.,1,3. animosity, 98,sexism2022_english-3172,Go get'chu sum white women's time to turn it around be a pimp before is too late!,0,none, 99,sexism2022_english-17781,white girl is trash Truly surprising,1,2. derogation, 100,sexism2022_english-571,I feel the same way. It would be nice to have a wife and kids. But it would be horrible to have a vindictive ex and kids I never see. The risk is not worth the reward.,1,2. derogation, 101,sexism2022_english-9591,Hello all! Here's today's link to the news thread. I'm going to Miss Nikki and her fiery UN speeches. Thank you Nikki for your service. [URL],0,none, 102,sexism2022_english-6304,"Come to think of it (see what I did there?) . . . In my experience, an Awful lot of women who are in dire need of an IQ upgrade seem to be trying this out.",1,3. animosity, 103,sexism2022_english-13678,"And then instead of focusing on important things, like work, one needs to pour one's energies into entertaining fickle thots. Or, doing useful work, and being an incel.",1,3. animosity, 104,sexism2022_english-19592,All Trump did was quote her testimony. He didn’t even call her horseface.,0,none, 105,sexism2022_english-14500,If you said it it would be a lie. You lack honor. Clearly you are a female.,1,2. derogation, 106,sexism2022_english-12545,"He's right. He should also believe he'd get away with his crimes if she'd won, too, instead of having to worry when the axe will fall like he's doing now.",0,none, 107,sexism2022_english-14696,You keep kicking my dogs and we will see ... You liar mother fucker I see you,0,none, 108,sexism2022_english-12942,▶Anonymous 06/20/18 (Wed) 14:05:56 0f806a (15) No.1831793 =NEWS= World Cup reporter sexually assaulted during live broadcast www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/06/20/female-world-cup-reporter-sexually-assaulted-during-live-broadcast.html,0,none, 109,sexism2022_english-4204,"Most of what she verbalized was before anything happened right? She’s protecting her social status and doesn’t want to be labeled a slut. Any time she says no, slow down, or stop DURING making out/etc means you need to stop. That’s the difference.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 110,sexism2022_english-12554,"Fuck sorry to hear that bro, don't think about roping from find ways to cope, women are shallow it's just the way it works",1,2. derogation, 111,sexism2022_english-766,"Thank you for giving these examples. It seems that whilst helping women gain status society forgot men, which is incredibly sad. I hope society realises its mistakes and sorts them out.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 112,sexism2022_english-1675,"As Democrats continue to make gun control a wedge issue in elections, they underestimate the damage they are doing to their own chances among women, who have been flocking to buy g. [URL]",0,none, 113,sexism2022_english-1878,"Good point, however you know she's going in there with their plans. Let's bet 5 cents this goes nowhere.",0,none, 114,sexism2022_english-18058,"Oh man I'm so sorry. Yep that get's rammed down our throats from the moment we can understand ""Never hit women, NEVER"" And women know this, and they take advantage of it.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 115,sexism2022_english-3734,You should've hit her.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 116,sexism2022_english-4905,penis 5.5 inch,0,none, 117,sexism2022_english-3111,Isnt it great when you've taken the red pill and can see this shit like an x-ray? Mgtow & Red for life,0,none, 118,sexism2022_english-17240,"Fuck Claire McCaskill, she is a super twat. I am voting against her, and everyone else in Missouri should too.",1,3. animosity, 119,sexism2022_english-1724,"Well, THAT'S fucked up. I agree that's way bad. I'm only defending cases where the boy or girl has made it into or through puberty.",0,none, 120,sexism2022_english-3409,It's already happening in western Europe.A lot of men are not protecting women from the abuses of the invading shit hordes.,0,none, 121,sexism2022_english-17020,They are just so pissed off cuz no woman wants neither one of them and they know it. Both little fat round pigs who probably play tiddlywinks together!,0,none, 122,sexism2022_english-358,"Based on her logic, I shouldn't lock my doors because that would violate the Rights of a Thief, I shouldn't be armed because that would violate the Rights of a Robber, etc. Pelosi is stupid as fuck.",0,none, 123,sexism2022_english-5696,Companies make a fortune selling stuff to girls so that they can look like they're 25. Then they make a fortune selling stuff to women so that they can look like they're 25...,0,none, 124,sexism2022_english-8384,"Lol! What was it that got Howard Stern in such hot water a number of years ago - something he said to describe a female BB team I think? ""A bunch of nappy-headed hoes"" if I remember correctly. Horrible thing to say for sure - but it was funny.",1,3. animosity, 125,sexism2022_english-5854,And she keeps hot sauce in her purse.,0,none, 126,sexism2022_english-19134,"Beware the liars. It's up to you if you want to give her one more chance, but if she flakes on that then just forget her.",0,none, 127,sexism2022_english-3637,"[USER] I wasn't the one who invited them in. And were I try to stop them coming in, that 9 year old girl would be the first in line to spit in my face and call me a racist.",0,none, 128,sexism2022_english-4783,Trump Is Trying To Overcome Radically Liberal Immigration Laws & Shitty Lawmakers: [URL],0,none, 129,sexism2022_english-15130,There are no women in my life so it's not like that's an accomplishment,0,none, 130,sexism2022_english-19579,"The reason is simple biology. Men have to make a huge investment to support a woman. If they detect a woman is a slut then they'll never know the kid is theirs, so biliogy says pump and dump",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 131,sexism2022_english-5988,"A false dichotomy. Apparently we believe that women are pure so long as they remain virgins till we wed them, and if she is impurified by some vile other man's cock, then she's a slut.",0,none, 132,sexism2022_english-13195,Can girls please get off of this subreddit,0,none, 133,sexism2022_english-14339,"Take it easy on the shine, stay away from other boy's women That's one damn good way for a man to get it whooped down These boys tough down here Get your ass tore up down here [URL]",0,none, 134,sexism2022_english-11922,"Sorry buddy, but I don't think she hit on you.",0,none, 135,sexism2022_english-2392,"Paul still can not get it. Islam and Feminism are divine spouses. Feminism is not against all men, feminism is against only weak peaceful european men who refused to subjugate women.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 136,sexism2022_english-15686,"He means he's fucked 31 girls, and is currently on No. (#)31. Real subtle brag. Not.",0,none, 137,sexism2022_english-3089,You think she'll wait until they're 18 before the cuckolding?,0,none, 138,sexism2022_english-479,"Spoken as if women are prizes Not wanting to be becky bucks means they are prizes? lol that's BARE MINIMUM self respect. If they're not catches, then work on becoming catches. Don't settle for a manchild.",0,none, 139,sexism2022_english-7825,"It’s more plausible than the retardation the cucks are currently pushing about merkel being Hitler’s daughter, but still absurd AF.",0,none, 140,sexism2022_english-14874,I'm the only person I know who appreciates Hatsune Miku or even Vocaloid in general. I'll just ask my mom to hang on to them.,0,none, 141,sexism2022_english-3763,so should i just be forward and tell her exactly where i want our relationship to go?,0,none, 142,sexism2022_english-1217,So now Microsoft owns Gab.ai? The ability to determine what is said is a right of ownership. Obama fucked us when he gave away the Internet.,0,none, 143,sexism2022_english-1907,You can't bargain attraction but you can tell people to get a reality check. If women expect a Ferrari on a 2001 Toyota Camry budget then they need a wake-up call.,1,3. animosity, 144,sexism2022_english-6837,She really is a fucking flaming retard it's sad we have people in power with this low of an #IQ,0,none, 145,sexism2022_english-19470,If it's reciprocal then it's fine... But women are just not like that so don't cuck for these thots.,1,3. animosity, 146,sexism2022_english-16481,Will your two moms be proud?,0,none, 147,sexism2022_english-13671,"there is nothing wrong with that woman, ever. puts Marilyn and Garbo to shame, with her decency, balance of life and ever calm demeanor.",0,none, 148,sexism2022_english-13011,"[URL] National Guard Deployed, Security Doubled at Vital Assets In New York do what/ oh my god that is pathetic. fuck this what a waste of money . get them down to the border now.",0,none, 149,sexism2022_english-8224,I kind of want to make a troll account and just posed women or trash and get it report it and see if it's taken down just to see,0,none, 150,sexism2022_english-6776,"No, data shows that women think 80% of men are ‘below averageâ€?",0,none, 151,sexism2022_english-9853,"Your genes also determine how much you care about hygene and exercise... My god, we have been proving blackpill all along... those incels played us like a damn fiddle",0,none, 152,sexism2022_english-19279,You shouldn't be too invested with girls ~~you haven't fucked or been on a date with~~. FTFY,0,none, 153,sexism2022_english-9699,"Despite my protests my wife cut off her long hair, a genetic gift from he Cherokee ancestors. She claims, and I'm sure she's right, that in her case the shorter hair is low maintenance.",0,none, 154,sexism2022_english-13961,So THAT'S what happened when I was physically and emotionally abused by my feminist mother for the first 14 years of my life. Privilege!,0,none, 155,sexism2022_english-8147,Heh I showered at girl #2's place. Or more like rinsed my junk off. In my experience girls get turned on by the scent of sex but I wouldn't say its a rule.,0,none, 156,sexism2022_english-17239,You [USER] NAILED IT! Like all globalist freaks she's bought and paid for. She turned on her own citizens just like Obama does. She's as evil as Satan himself for the horror she deliberately visited on #Germany,0,none, 157,sexism2022_english-10676,Why is it a guessing game when you can just ask her.,0,none, 158,sexism2022_english-2232,Fuck off you annoying pinkoid mayocel and go get yourself an Indonesian bride.,0,none, 159,sexism2022_english-19058,"Will not watch it, fuck jid corrupted disney and fuck sollywood...",0,none, 160,sexism2022_english-16512,Isn't that why all guys are here? We're all just so ashamed of our small dicks that we have to circle jerk each other to feel anything because we're too depressed from women rejecting us.,0,none, 161,sexism2022_english-19888,If your a simp women will destroy you. If you tell them to fuck off they are MUCH more likely to leave you alone. Choose.,1,2. derogation, 162,sexism2022_english-17159,UK: Convert to Islam plotted “large-scaleâ€?vehicular jihad massacre Has anyone looked into where Lewis Ludlow learned about Islam? Has anyone tried to determine how he got the idea that his new religion called upon him to commit mass murder? [URL],0,none, 164,sexism2022_english-8636,"Sex assault suspect tied up woman, threatened to kill her. #Portland 'Sanctuary"": Deported 20 times! #IllegalRapist [URL]",0,none, 165,sexism2022_english-12273,"Dammit, you just proved to Ghazi that we really ARE Nazis! You fool!",0,none, 166,sexism2022_english-1956,[USER] No shit she has AIDS. What do you think Tim Kaine is? #OhCarl #MicDrop,0,none, 167,sexism2022_english-11615,Bullshit news.,0,none, 168,sexism2022_english-18194,"Yeah I just don't process it that much if I'm going to approach a woman. If I find her attractive, I'll go talk to her haha.",0,none, 169,sexism2022_english-12774,"Well obviously, when a woman commits rape, its out of love, not lust. /s tag for the sarcasm impaired.",0,none, 170,sexism2022_english-17101,I hope there will be a time women take cobras' place in similes and other figures of sppech about evil behaviors.,1,2. derogation, 171,sexism2022_english-4657,How many fat women who got wimps locked actually started working out?,0,none, 172,sexism2022_english-16802,"Abloo bloo bloo somebody said a mean on Twitter, that means I should [directly encourage short people to kill themselves]([URL] You are the problem.",0,none, 173,sexism2022_english-9518,That's because it was a fixed election and she all but said so JUST by being a stupid #dindu. #Assclown #FakeElection,0,none, 174,sexism2022_english-18190,Fuck her or tell her to fuck off.,0,none, 175,sexism2022_english-2550,"I only know a few black women, but they all hate men and they are all single moms with varying amounts of baby daddies. Imo if you are a black dude who can keep down a job you deserve better than a black woman.",1,2. derogation, 176,sexism2022_english-4376,bannend in the czech republic,0,none, 177,sexism2022_english-19449,"Yup...you are a woman...as close to being an emotional ANIMAL as it gets. You refuse to think...as long as I make you ""FEEL"" good. You are the least of my concerns. You are a Beast with boobies. You will teach me nothing except how to hate Women.",1,2. derogation, 178,sexism2022_english-11949,[USER] much like straight outta Compton forgot about all those women he beat up.,0,none, 179,sexism2022_english-18308,"Can you imagine just how incredibly butthurt the democrats would be if Trump does so well that the first female president ends up his daughter Ivanka. They try to make a witch the first female POTUS, and instead we get an angel lol. #Trump #MAGA",0,none, 181,sexism2022_english-808,"Her mother should have been schooled, on the proper use of a clothes hanger.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 182,sexism2022_english-9470,"[USER] I hate that chick, I don't like calling her milo, because in my mind there's one ONE Milo, the #DangerousFaggot. I refer to her as Olim.",0,none, 183,sexism2022_english-9142,Always has been a sore and ungracious loser. Someone get her off the stage.,0,none, 184,sexism2022_english-4143,Kati Perry IS a complete idiot! [URL],0,none, 185,sexism2022_english-14132,The mormans have female cucks. We literally outlawed it because it's bad for scociety.,0,none, 186,sexism2022_english-7230,No. I am fine with one wife. Multiple wives would be way too much of a challenge. I don't have the energy for that.,0,none, 187,sexism2022_english-681,The thing Asian women have free will . each person is individual person. you act like you come child bastard from colonialism.,0,none, 188,sexism2022_english-17071,"Status > looks If he’s at a party with an absolute chad who has no status, the chicks at the party will go for him rather than the chad",1,3. animosity, 189,sexism2022_english-2369,is life experience attractive to women? i've seen some evidence of this but never was sure about it,0,none, 190,sexism2022_english-12993,"Today in leftist violence, Dana Loesch forced to move after people who oppose gun violence threaten to rape her to death in front of her family for her support of the NRA. You know... because they hate violence so much. [URL]",0,none, 191,sexism2022_english-17186,Give it a few months and she'll get a white house position cos...magic negro.,0,none, 192,sexism2022_english-7674,[USER]: ROCKVILLE RAPE CHARGES DROPPED: Illegal immigrants were accused of attacking girl in Md. high school bathroom [URL],0,none, 193,sexism2022_english-6798,Did she actually? I need deets.,0,none, 194,sexism2022_english-11783,Till she finally crosses that line into slander/libel...,0,none, 195,sexism2022_english-16690,How can she hit with stick?,0,none, 196,sexism2022_english-9089,"The more things change, the more they stay exactly the fucking same:",0,none, 197,sexism2022_english-7424,"I have to admit, the dual tattoos of Haley Joel Osment had me laughing. Then she broke some bitches neck. Things were getting pretty interesting in that gif",1,3. animosity, 198,sexism2022_english-19161,"The best fucks are whores. You sound really sexist against women who are comfortable with their bodies, who hurt you?",1,3. animosity, 199,sexism2022_english-5453,"Assuming you're not lying (you're a femoid after all), know that your'e in the teenie tiny minority of femoids. And now you're good to go.",1,2. derogation, 200,sexism2022_english-19260,Dude I’ve fucked so Many girls this way. Nba dancer and nfl cheerleader. Helps to have a nice car. I’m tall but I bet this would help short guys too,0,none, 201,sexism2022_english-13616,"All minority characters are good. Only exception: if they are male, all their skill is immediately superseded by any woman.",0,none, 202,sexism2022_english-4357,I thought I was the only one that caught this. At first I was thinking she wanted a threesome.,0,none, 203,sexism2022_english-8466,She has been fomenting violence so this is what she wants?,0,none, 204,sexism2022_english-9041,she lowers her prices with kids. Hang the Pedo bitvch,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 205,sexism2022_english-17974,This website needs stronger digital technology... shit takes way too long to post and view... need more RAM bitches!,1,3. animosity, 206,sexism2022_english-17170,Did she just admit to being a slut?,1,3. animosity, 207,sexism2022_english-6636,"Cuz the white women, and weak white church ppl swallowed jewish poison yet again.",0,none, 208,sexism2022_english-13823,"I don't know about you, but I generally have sex with individual people, not the Amalgamation Of All Women Everywhere, and women are a lot more different from *each other* than they are from men.",0,none, 209,sexism2022_english-9207,"I tell any female who complains to me about being single to hand me her phone. I can always, guaranteed find them a date that night AND get the dude to pick them up at a time and place of their choosing. They shut up after that",0,none, 210,sexism2022_english-13421,Not comparable. Do you hear men bragging about their girlfriend's vagina size? Never happens.,0,none, 211,sexism2022_english-11094,So (((Hagee followers))) and other (((fake Christians))) like him who blame Romans for killing Jesus. Can you explain this based on the bible? Matthew 27:24 Pontius Pilate Washes His Hands [URL],0,none, 212,sexism2022_english-4535,BREAKING from Washington Post: Christine Ford's lawyer says she will drop all conditions for testifying except one: That Brett Kavanaugh be wheeled into the hearing in a Hannibal Lecter straight jacket and mask.,0,none, 213,sexism2022_english-18202,"And when you are eventually walking away , you would hear a screeching voice which says :- well fuck you incel !!!!!",0,none, 214,sexism2022_english-11744,"Well, you kinda gotta lower your standards a bit, and your dating pool may open. Heck, I even fingered a junkie girl.",1,2. derogation, 215,sexism2022_english-2665,I fuck strippers lol. It's a good time,0,none, 216,sexism2022_english-15286,"This socialist cunt will soon be sucking on the government teat, and she’ll no doubt be doing it for decades.",1,2. derogation, 217,sexism2022_english-4583,"It like how us men can move our penis like a muscle, woman can also do the same Nd thats its cool",0,none, 218,sexism2022_english-6250,"Thots and roasties only exist because of income inequality. Imagine being bluepilled and still claiming you're a blackpilled incel. Then again, weren't you a weeb? lmao",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 219,sexism2022_english-1485,"I can totally see her becoming our first female President one day... I really can.,..shes a remarkable woman...",0,none, 220,sexism2022_english-5307,you're not going to pick up girls at the movies. just watch the movie and go out afterwards,0,none, 221,sexism2022_english-12357,Not sure if this is a troll or an idiot,0,none, 222,sexism2022_english-10111,Correction: Conservatives are prone to media witch hunts pinning dubious sex harassment claims on them. Liberals are prone to media hiding their sex harassment cases for them [URL],0,none, 223,sexism2022_english-17820,This is why Hollywood she never be allowed to have an opinion of any kind or to speak publicly without having had a psych evaluation from an actual group of trained Dr's in the field of liberal psych/sociopathic behavior!,0,none, 224,sexism2022_english-18444,"If we won't fuck their women, what will they jerk off to?",1,2. derogation, 225,sexism2022_english-18738,Has Huma been falling off any bridges recently or is she still holed up in a safe house?,0,none, 226,sexism2022_english-15936,"To all the celebrities out there...I have a message for you: men didn't rape you, the Jews did.",0,none, 227,sexism2022_english-11971,Are abortion clinics making a killing on our daughters and sisters being raped? Or is the Glob plan for them to raise Sharia's peace babies?,0,none, 228,sexism2022_english-10865,"your facial structure is fine, but you SERIOUSLY need a skin care routine (i'm talking moisturizer, face wash, toner, etc.), a haircut, and a smile. do you know how to talk to girls?",0,none, 229,sexism2022_english-11938,Sir Cliff Richard tells High Court he has been 'forever tainted' by far-left hate group [USER]'s coverage of police search at his home: [URL] via [USER],0,none, 230,sexism2022_english-8904,"Unfortunately it would be impossible to prove it came from her, especially since symptoms can take 14 days to show. The police will just say it could have came from anyone.",0,none, 231,sexism2022_english-12750,Fucking beard having hijab wearing pieces of shit.,0,none, 232,sexism2022_english-5627,You know her majesty won’t let you into Britain so don’t lie front of #bbc #itv #skynews #nbc #abc #cnn you said you did not want to come your not invited associated to #soros dsughter wanted terrorist hiding in Saudi with cobra mod has location,0,none, 233,sexism2022_english-10155,"My girlfriend is mentally retarded. Or if you want to be politically correct, a feminist.",1,2. derogation, 234,sexism2022_english-18453,"If you think about it, their harmonious pre-historic matriarchal-patriarchal peace still exists in various parts of the world. They're free to make a tribe and go live in the jungle but somehow I am sure they prefer this society",0,none, 235,sexism2022_english-15343,"I really dont get why you are upset, you litterally lost nothing, you didnt even get sex so what was she good for other than that?",1,2. derogation, 236,sexism2022_english-14345,You can’t get women because you have a shit personality. Maybe you are just creepy and it turns women away,0,none, 237,sexism2022_english-2950,"Podesta tells someone who wants to work for #Hillary ""Stay 100 miles away from her"" #MAGA #Trump [URL]",0,none, 238,sexism2022_english-519,Is she willfully blind or just stupid/,0,none, 239,sexism2022_english-10472,Or your asshole.,0,none, 240,sexism2022_english-18229,You’re overthinking it completely. Whether you sit next to her or not next time you see her talk to her and ask her out...,0,none, 241,sexism2022_english-9907,More proof females are not good leaders,1,2. derogation, 242,sexism2022_english-1917,Girls like attention and they get desperate,1,2. derogation, 243,sexism2022_english-2408,So women should have sex with incels they're not attracted to... But you shouldn't have to have sex with someone you're not attracted to? (It's called hypocrisy),0,none, 244,sexism2022_english-2405,"She wants “closureâ€? Fuck her shit up by saying that the LTR YOU HAD WAS NICE, but now it’s over and there is no need to meet up to discuss it. Then hard next.",0,none, 245,sexism2022_english-239,"Try making contact with a female? You're a creep. Dis iz y u inkzel. Don't try making contact with a female? You're a shut-in. Dis iz y u inkzel. Damned if you, damned if you don't. It's over.",0,none, 246,sexism2022_english-2560,Exercise motherfucker. You need it,0,none, 247,sexism2022_english-5100,Gorgeous girl,0,none, 248,sexism2022_english-5669,"[USER] Why is it ok to say women have greater empathy, are better at caring and communicating but you simply can't say men are more logical / rational?",1,3. animosity, 249,sexism2022_english-17900,"ask for a picture and agree with her Fuck that. If you want to walk that road, open up your phone and show her your plates. Otherwise, it is a disrespectful BS move to get OP more committed to her.",0,none, 250,sexism2022_english-12000,"Humpf...""bolt"" Damn right he bolted....",0,none, 251,sexism2022_english-4539,"Don't blame Constitutional conservatives or the Tea Party for bailouts. We opposed them. Industry bailouts, regulation and subsidies are a function of progressives, Marxists and wait for it ... wait for it ... Nazis.",0,none, 252,sexism2022_english-13270,female reporter? J. Owen? Old Man Spits At Female Reporter Just For Showing Up To ACLU Event - YouTube [URL],0,none, 253,sexism2022_english-10105,"Are you talking about Heraldo-Maddow or are you referring to the first time your saw Chelsea Clintons fat, misshapen, deformed face? Because either could creep one the absolute fuck out....",0,none, 254,sexism2022_english-8937,I really hate control freaks. Glad he is yours and not mine. What a bunch of creeps guys like him and women for that matter are to people who just want to live free! Hate them all!,0,none, 255,sexism2022_english-12123,I live in Texas. Illegales rape women --and kids--frequently. They are almost always so-called indigenous people and they walk when they lie about rape being a part of their culture and it is in parts of rural Mexico & Central America!,0,none, 256,sexism2022_english-14761,Well this clearly shows she has no CHANCE against Trump #MAGA NO PIMPS ALLOWED ~ FUCK 'OFF' OPRA [URL],0,none, 257,sexism2022_english-5720,Don't particularly want to dox myself. Not many white guys outside of Manila / Cebu in said provincial cities. Maybe once I left Philippines for good (never coming back due to the girl situation I ran into) I will start telling Reddit.,0,none, 258,sexism2022_english-16003,Still a warrior woman inside! [USER],0,none, 259,sexism2022_english-1839,"Remember Herman Cain presidential campaign, 2012 #Sexual misconduct accusations. 1 woman came forward, as that mess settle down, Democrats found another woman. Then Democrats found 2 more women that sunk his campaign. What are the odds. [URL]",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 260,sexism2022_english-15434,"He's really an approachable down to earth guy to meet with and chat. His turkey operation is pretty huge with I think 1,300 birds.",0,none, 261,sexism2022_english-19591,Some white man needs to rescue her from her crazy ass Judeo-Marxist parents.,1,3. animosity, 262,sexism2022_english-285,start giving her the cold shoulder and dont focus so much on her,0,none, 263,sexism2022_english-2217,"SOME, A VERY FEW men get a free and easy lay. If you are not sexually attractive, you don't get to be a horsie on the cock carousel. Period. End of discussion. Orgasms NOT for all. For most women, and for a few men.",1,2. derogation, 264,sexism2022_english-2040,"My ex actually *was* a bully. I found out after we ran into some girls she went to high school with that she always picked on smaller and younger girls. Really funny, considering how yougogirl, Imwithher she always was. Very, very feminist.",0,none, 265,sexism2022_english-19174,teenage girls and halal donkey meat.,0,none, 266,sexism2022_english-18877,Lincoln grabbed her ass back in 52.,0,none, 267,sexism2022_english-10610,as long as you give an explanation to your ratings you won't get banned. i love trolling girls there sometimes.,0,none, 268,sexism2022_english-5920,"Don't worry about any of that goyim, just remember it's the Germanic reptilian illuminati death cult lizards and Merkel is really Hitler's daughter! - #QLARP",0,none, 269,sexism2022_english-11990,"He thinks something is wrong with him. I don't see how buying a hooker is going to help OP with his women problems. If he thinks something is wrong with him, why not work on himself and then try and get girls after he feels better about himself.",0,none, 270,sexism2022_english-4082,Relationships typically dont survive polyamory. Mostly miffs me because kids are involved. Just buy a Mitsubishi pleasure wand and ride it out idiot.,0,none, 271,sexism2022_english-9471,And why is it WMAF relationships are the “most accepted interracial pairingâ€??,0,none, 272,sexism2022_english-11327,#Hillary blamed Honest Abe for her lies! What a story! #PresidentialDebates,0,none, 273,sexism2022_english-4006,"Maybe part of the reason you're not successful with hotter women is a lack of experience, and easier game can help you work on your approach, and your close, until you come across as the suave motherfucker you want to be. Training wheels.",1,3. animosity, 274,sexism2022_english-9002,"""wtf do you care what she does online"" It she has LTR potential it cares! Has nothing to do with ""sadness"" ""desperate"" or ""buthurt""",0,none, 275,sexism2022_english-13960,This guy is definitely going to attempt to rape someone,0,none, 276,sexism2022_english-10632,she felt that a woman is like a dog which needs a master to lead a satisfying life This is disgusting and misogynistic beyond words.,0,none, 277,sexism2022_english-5925,no thots allowed.,1,3. animosity, 278,sexism2022_english-853,[USER] got fucked by the JEW,0,none, 279,sexism2022_english-2927,"Do your daughters need hot 'n' heavy hands-on ""private Qu'ran instruction""? Oh yes indeedy they do, and Mohamed Hasan's your man! Your girls shall know the moist mitts of Mohamed (pbuh)! [URL]",0,none, 280,sexism2022_english-874,Yeah CEOs should be 50% women! It is okay that sewage workers are overwhelmingly men. That’s icky. My city got hit by a blizzard this winter. Men cleared the roads and restored power. Women made cocoa and moaned on Facebook.,1,3. animosity, 281,sexism2022_english-3608,Some people should never be bald. Forceps are a bitch.,0,none, 282,sexism2022_english-1709,"Rep Sheila Jackson Lee does it frequently, because she is “mo impotant than the whiteys in first class!â€?She is also pretty damn stupid!",0,none, 283,sexism2022_english-206,Huh. Maybe she's got someone else in the picture then? An ex back in her life? Maybe you were some revenge for a cheating bf and she changed her mind? Maybe she had another dude that beat you to the punch?,0,none, 284,sexism2022_english-2884,"Since its Saturday, even with Islamic radicals running amuck throughout the U.K., Fr., Germany and world wide we need to take a break and laugh. Here you go boys and girls.",0,none, 285,sexism2022_english-5209,Hasn't TWATFACE TWATTED ABOUT THE HORROR AT HER CONCERT.it is probably putting some vicks under her demoneyes showing how sad she is!,1,3. animosity, 286,sexism2022_english-18323,"Maybe if she could vary up her voice sometimes, but noble human or trollish goblin, her voice is always identical in all her voice acting.",0,none, 287,sexism2022_english-328,"[USER] We will make her life and her supporter's lives a living hell... Aww, who am I kidding? We'll do it either way.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 288,sexism2022_english-18862,OH great I refused to give on her web site however it seems she is also making a e-mail list... How typical...LOLOL,0,none, 289,sexism2022_english-9291,And the vast majority of those disdainful individuals happen to be women,1,2. derogation, 290,sexism2022_english-17942,"This is the kind of guy that'll make a series of bad decisions involving women and crime, end up in jail, and then keep on virtue signaling that he hates guys who hit women. Then he'll be made someone's bitch for being such a weak little bitch.",1,3. animosity, 291,sexism2022_english-4068,"Why the fuck did not only one, but multiple girls approach you? that's what im not understanding. You must have a great face/body",0,none, 292,sexism2022_english-9288,"Bro, hit the gym and hit it hard",0,none, 293,sexism2022_english-12652,Yes i hate women that carry their dogs to the supermarket or those who post a pic with it with a low iq quote about loyality and how a dog is better than a humans but it seems many users here are doing the same thing.,0,none, 294,sexism2022_english-11859,I can't wait for Clamydia De'Shaniqua to twerk with her crew as she cuts into my abdomen. How multicultural!,0,none, 295,sexism2022_english-2318,"Mollie was white trash, white women that reject non white's sexual advances are racist, and therefore their lives should be forfeited.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 296,sexism2022_english-13469,mfw surrounded by thots,1,3. animosity, 297,sexism2022_english-17689,President Trump has more fat woman waking in one day than Michelle obama was able to do in 8 years.,0,none, 298,sexism2022_english-19987,OMG you think I can slay Asian pussy I already have 5 Asian girlfriends but I need 10 to not be considered an incel. I’m going to take over the whole continent,1,2. derogation, 299,sexism2022_english-19554,"Love how women are so ready to call any male they find unattractive ""creepy"", but an older woman fucking (and in cases like this, rape) a young dude is FAR more frequent than the other way around. If anyone is creepy, it's women.",1,2. derogation, 300,sexism2022_english-12222,"WOW, she is speaking at a suicide prevention type confrence, and express to kill ALL men, men are the majority on suicides......WTF....",0,none, 301,sexism2022_english-6517,I couldnt agree with her more. [URL],0,none, 302,sexism2022_english-922,"London Pubs: Karaoke, Elephant and Castle, 2017",0,none, 303,sexism2022_english-15195,"that shit wouldn't happen if women weren't attracted to aggressive dominant men. if women stopped sexually selecting for that type of man, that type of violence would die off in a generation.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 305,sexism2022_english-12153,My 100$ on she does self harm by cutting self/purging food.,0,none, 306,sexism2022_english-17030,Prostitute hires hitman to kill her new husband because she wanted to inherit his house and savings [URL],0,none, 307,sexism2022_english-18280,"Very occasionally a feminazi is just too pretty to really make a great attempt at looking like a trained monkey. Once she does a few rounds of the cock carousel and the hygiene starts to go, doesn't last long.",1,2. derogation, 308,sexism2022_english-2528,Are women really that receptive to being approached in a grocery store?,0,none, 309,sexism2022_english-15904,"And there is NOTHING wrote with that! Who cares who I think is looking for a flower girl, what matters is you do what YOU want and you keep looking out and vetting good men.",0,none, 310,sexism2022_english-5129,"I think they love muslims and are still backwards, and have mentality similar to Indian, that when you approach girl they start to throw stones or try to beat you up.",0,none, 311,sexism2022_english-5214,I think that the issue is she's bitching about others who make more when it was her own choices that made her earn less.,1,3. animosity, 312,sexism2022_english-2033,"There have been plenty of men, both with and without children, who have been squarely responsible for driving the West into the dirt along with these women. Do not make politics into a gender war.",0,none, 313,sexism2022_english-17226,The dragon lady with no fucking heart.,0,none, 314,sexism2022_english-19055,[USER] I have friend who is trying to get the web site for gab. Her handle is [USER]. Can you help her for me and thank you !!,0,none, 315,sexism2022_english-2023,Are you dumb or something? The maximum amount of wives one man can have is 4 and it's very rare to see a guy with 4 wives. I personally don't even know any guy with 3 or 4 wives. Only wealthy guys can afford to have 4 wives.,0,none, 316,sexism2022_english-14914,"Well she is going about it in the wrong way i'll tell you now! Also how the fuck HAVENT you been banned yet Grapeban, back to /SRS",0,none, 317,sexism2022_english-5945,"[USER] If you can tell if I am trolling or not trolling, then it's not a very good troll. But other times I just hate women. You'll never know.",1,2. derogation, 318,sexism2022_english-13808,"Jesus if looks could kill: she could kill my children just by her stare. Good thing she's a female, otherwise she'd be treated like an adult by the criminal justice system.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 319,sexism2022_english-1628,"Thankfully, he didn't have to pay her. After following her back to her car she didn't even try to take a tip, she understood",0,none, 320,sexism2022_english-5848,Isn't that a female?,0,none, 321,sexism2022_english-11908,"Motto: ""I will pen test you till it megahertz.""",0,none, 322,sexism2022_english-14066,keep droning boys. 4sd4sd4sd4sd.,0,none, 323,sexism2022_english-15590,"This is suicide fuel I know I'd cum as soon as she touches my dick, it wouldn't even begin",0,none, 324,sexism2022_english-4443,Woo-Hoo! I finally offended some raghead Islamofacist terrorists (aka Twitter) enough to go to Twitter jail. They can suck my Koran if they think I'm going to give them my phone number to restore my account. #TwitterSucks #TwitterNazis,0,none, 325,sexism2022_english-2806,Demonstrably past her due date.,0,none, 326,sexism2022_english-18988,"as a black man, I believe I can speak for all of us when I say leave us out of this nigga",0,none, 327,sexism2022_english-7934,If you’re 6â€?â€?chad with a 2â€?dick she will find another chad. Maybe not an incel but fuck I can sympathize.,1,3. animosity, 328,sexism2022_english-18804,Having a low sex drive to the point of being practically asexual is such a fucking blessing...women have literally no effect or control over me for anything.,0,none, 329,sexism2022_english-3797,aye it set up a red pill pharmacy very affordable prices too how may shekels do you have? [URL],0,none, 330,sexism2022_english-13130,Yeah if online isn’t working for you. And you don’t like louder social places You’ll need to get into some hobbies. My sister started playing coed sports and meeting people that way.,0,none, 331,sexism2022_english-11449,She even said that he allegedly have her his blessing. Total fucking lie. She's trying to make it sound like Will was ok with it.,0,none, 332,sexism2022_english-7165,Sweden: Migrant rapes cancer-surviving mother while her child is sleeping in the other room [URL],0,none, 333,sexism2022_english-18026,"aww look the fatty used the ""force unfollow"" ""i'm a little pussy"" button! what a fucking weak-willed little bitch! fattphreys is so dumb he thinks self-censorship is self-control. lol as if a fat knows what self-control is! [USER]",1,3. animosity, 334,sexism2022_english-7164,"I would just say hey then something funny, she responds and then ask when she's free because you suck at texting and want to get to know her",0,none, 335,sexism2022_english-7757,I hate her.,0,none, 336,sexism2022_english-2797,Lmao I'm down with women replacing God. The future is female,0,none, 337,sexism2022_english-7853,Are you some kind of moron? The comment that you're responding to -- and that you just up-voted -- is precisely Andrew Anglin's stated position on propaganda. What the hell is wrong with you?,0,none, 338,sexism2022_english-3121,Had a nutty old woman scoff at me for asking the same thing. I sat down and she then proceeded to dig her elbow into my side. Shamed her real quick for that,0,none, 339,sexism2022_english-12464,"Yep, Mattress Girl Kamala is the youngest so she's the most dangerous. She'll be around a long time in that shit state.",0,none, 340,sexism2022_english-13038,I wonder what a 30yo woman did to him.,0,none, 341,sexism2022_english-7642,what do you think about that ? Should i pay her ? Pay whatever she's minimally entitled to legally but kick her ass to the curb.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 342,sexism2022_english-11495,"Good point, if you hear the video of the courtroom appearance at the bottom of the article you'll see the woman convincing the judge to allow her to keep the dog because it's her service dog and the judge agreed",0,none, 343,sexism2022_english-6898,"Germany: Afghan teen refugee, who raped and murdered German girl, is actually 33-years-old. [URL]",0,none, 344,sexism2022_english-16734,Man... why you guys always gotta go straight for nudes? I have normie memes & I have danker ones. Always know your meme audience. cc: [USER],0,none, 345,sexism2022_english-5994,I am so sick of this pay gap bullshit. What about the hire gap? If you are up against a woman for a job kiss your chances goodbye. She will get hired 90% of the time.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 346,sexism2022_english-14537,"the biggest lover story of all time is in Islam ,when 52 year stinky old man fell in love with a 6 year old baby girl.",0,none, 347,sexism2022_english-16217,"Yup, 51% of the population (women) are allowed to hate on the other 49% (men), who are somehow defined as the majority...",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 348,sexism2022_english-14249,"It's not women who are the problem here, the bigger problem (here and in general) is the blue pill simps, soy boys, and tradcons",0,none, 349,sexism2022_english-16073,Put her in a plane then fly over her shit hole and push her out - job done!,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 350,sexism2022_english-10541,Absolutely. Fucking love going after girls taller than me. The BayAreaSeddit guys have seen me do it probably 50 times.,0,none, 351,sexism2022_english-19323,All it takes is for 1/3 of Canadian judges to be Moslems in order to impose this sort of insane Sharia ruling on Judeo/Christian Canadians in order to destroy the once proud and progressive nation.,0,none, 352,sexism2022_english-7965,With ketchup. In the bed. When her boyfriend decided to get his shit straight and bring us tendies.,0,none, 353,sexism2022_english-1728,"She looks like she ate every _GODDAMNED_ Philly cheesesteak she could find in Philly, the greedy hoe.",1,3. animosity, 354,sexism2022_english-9257,"Ah whatever, every woman is going to lose with you guys, I rest my case",0,none, 355,sexism2022_english-18553,It's not like Riot is very consistent with her face in splash arts (or any character's face really). If you told me she was half-Ionian I would believe you.,0,none, 356,sexism2022_english-14543,"your plan is too elaborate, just ask her after next class to go on a date with you, takes guts to do that and if she is interested in you showing her you have guts will make you more attractive",0,none, 357,sexism2022_english-17926,"take what you can imo I regret not Facts. Regret nothing. Closed mouths don't get fed boys. Nut up and flirt but don't expect shit. You can't pussy out if shes tryna put moves on you, meaning be aware. This is what bro means. Take notes.",1,3. animosity, 358,sexism2022_english-1383,My dad coughs blood mom has cancer my sister gave the clap to half of Boston I have a million Muslims trying to kill me and I cannot go to WalMart without fear of getting shot or blown up I am censored and lied too PEOPLE you have no problems,0,none, 359,sexism2022_english-18760,"Western officials cooperating with Satanists to bring Muslim perverts to our shores to rape our women and children. Who is the real enemy. Italy: Muslim migrant tries to molest three boys, aged 6, 7, and 13, on a beach [URL]",0,none, 360,sexism2022_english-2846,Raped by 100 men by 16yo. So the entire muslim community was raping this girl. [URL],0,none, 361,sexism2022_english-12163,Get packing you miserable freeze-dried old Kike cunt.,1,3. animosity, 362,sexism2022_english-6936,"your a moslem terrorist country, its the truth you can't stand.",0,none, 363,sexism2022_english-1479,You are an inspiration brother. I follow you on facebook and the trials and tribulations you have had to go through even with your wife and her health issues just shows what strength you both have.,0,none, 364,sexism2022_english-13700,What about when I already match with girls but can’t get them to write back. They may write me once but then they leave me on read.,0,none, 365,sexism2022_english-12159,"i didnt imply that ""everyone man who doesnt identify as a feminist believes these things about women"", i implied that your (thats right, yours, and not just people who arent feminists) worldview is one of oppression and wanting to keep women down.",0,none, 366,sexism2022_english-11568,Ghost her ass.,0,none, 367,sexism2022_english-17075,1. Basically she looks like shit without makeup 2. Karma is a bitch. Bigger bitch than Cardi !,1,3. animosity, 368,sexism2022_english-14434,Obvious satire. Nobody is this stupid.,0,none, 369,sexism2022_english-17740,"Because most women keep having to tell me not to fix things and just show sympathy. What? Not fix what? ... >The vast, vast majority do not pay half. Wow you are right. Actually, you're the only one who pays taxes. No one else.",0,none, 370,sexism2022_english-4954,"3 date rule is a common thing girls have. For sex maybe, not a kiss.",0,none, 371,sexism2022_english-16340,"Well if you have a penis you have to wear skinny jeans and be a beta, if you own a vagina, don't wash it for a week and bow up and act tough BUT be sure to scream ""you hit a girl"" if you're punched. Oh and if you see a car coming MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!",1,3. animosity, 372,sexism2022_english-7037,Shit u right,0,none, 373,sexism2022_english-12112,Sounds like you hate freedom. Typical crying from an oven dodger.,0,none, 374,sexism2022_english-13438,"She is too naughty, no gifts for her! [URL]",0,none, 375,sexism2022_english-776,"Sure almost looks like the Russians had little or nothing to even do with collusion... It's for the most part, all Democrats, including Obama and Hillary herself.. not to mention that POS, McCain!",0,none, 376,sexism2022_english-11426,This dude is ugly as fuck. That FWHR is abysmal and his eyebrows are actually terrible. 4/10,0,none, 377,sexism2022_english-10887,"Maybe Ivanka CAN drive a golf ball in heels, but other users of the course would probably prefer she not perforate the greens with them.",0,none, 378,sexism2022_english-16363,Cherish your dad man. Let him know you're with him against this bullshit.,0,none, 379,sexism2022_english-1281,"""Let me show you how this big black cock can make you explode and shieeeet, fool."" -a real black person",0,none, 380,sexism2022_english-8739,"""...and kill their women and then get away with it scoff-free because sanctuary cities will treat us like first-class citizens in need of special protection from the big bad evil Cheeto Hitler DRUMPFFFFF.""",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 381,sexism2022_english-4552,That joke is 100 times better and more apt than what he said. I'd have laughed at that joke. The one he made was reaaaal crap.,0,none, 382,sexism2022_english-6877,Looks like a totally new account showed me it Username is /u/whiteflillies Seems like a female lurker,0,none, 383,sexism2022_english-15221,"pics of your boyfriend or gtfo i don't believe anything that comes out of a female's mouth in regards to her relationships and sex life. daily reminder women have literally called the likes of SEAN FUCKING O'PRY ""average looking.""",1,2. derogation, 384,sexism2022_english-8150,"Osaka won youth beat old age, 20 vs 37. Serena most likely is doping she has arms bigger than men. Time to hang up the racket Serena and stop being a bitch.",1,3. animosity, 385,sexism2022_english-16219,Don't pay attention to what women say.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 386,sexism2022_english-16657,"Shame! That could be some poor, blind due being guided to the beach by his cute sister! Who also happens to be his niece and his cousin. And his step-mother.",0,none, 387,sexism2022_english-146,That hug could turn into a false sexual assault or rape conviction down the road....this is damn good advice for men...never touch any girl or woman....let them wither on the vine from lack of attention.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 388,sexism2022_english-16287,"So, we should replace ""How old are you, ma'am?"" with ""So, are you still on the cock carousel or have you hit the wall and started a frantic search for some simp to support you?"" Can I just keep ignoring them and going my own way?",0,none, 389,sexism2022_english-4833,This is not a fight you should be in. Next her. Walk away and spin plates. You are investing too much time and energy on this. Its not worth it if it isn't easy.,0,none, 390,sexism2022_english-2628,RT [USER]: Just a single piece of plastic is enough to kill a turtle [USER] [URL],0,none, 391,sexism2022_english-6883,"Schoolgirl, 15, has her jaw broken in three places during vicious brawl that spilled onto the road and saw students assault parents [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia",0,none, 392,sexism2022_english-7610,Is there any actual proof that the dude isn't lying about her stalking him?,0,none, 393,sexism2022_english-19239,"Start looking for another job yesterday pal. This cancer, this tumor, is going to leave a wide trail (pun intended) in her wake as long as the managers keep bending over backwards for her.",1,2. derogation, 394,sexism2022_english-8985,u could kill urself n i woudnt even kno or care. ur life is meaningless n empty. which is prolly why u attack unknown girls on the computer like a pervy pedo,0,none, 395,sexism2022_english-16735,The biggest whore is her creepy porn lawyer! At least we knew what she is!,1,3. animosity, 396,sexism2022_english-11101,My first instinct would be to make fun of her for not knowing how to.,0,none, 397,sexism2022_english-18880,"Bless her heart, she uses words like ""retarded"" when she encounters a mean ole white man.",0,none, 398,sexism2022_english-6311,"Because Jews never had Asian fetish, right??",0,none, 399,sexism2022_english-7898,[USER] how can anyone be on the fence about a religion that has sharia law that says rape victims should be killed and a woman's testimony in court is worth half that of a mans,0,none, 400,sexism2022_english-719,"Well its a sequel/spinoff rather than a reboot of the canon so no foul in my opinion, and maybe it has a legitimate story based reason for an all female team. Reserving judgment for now.",0,none, 401,sexism2022_english-5120,"The Left claims America is racist and bigoted-- if they care so much about immigrants, why do they want them here, where they will be victimized and oppressed?",0,none, 402,sexism2022_english-5676,we do not accept girls since they can lose their virginity whenever they want maybe try to join other subs like r/foreveralonewomen,1,3. animosity, 403,sexism2022_english-1902,For bad mouth Black Beauty Maxine? I know that she is owned and owes. Bud is this guy the ownly owner? How many own this trojan horse? How many ride her?,0,none, 404,sexism2022_english-9343,I'll fuck your sister Rocket-man [USER].,0,none, 405,sexism2022_english-19316,"You’re a bastard lol. On a side note. I think it’s photoshopped. Those legs are way to thin to support her, and she isn’t even struggling to walk.",0,none, 406,sexism2022_english-862,It's a proven method. And unconventional dates like laser tag are awesome. I tried it after the how I met your mother episode and it was probably the most fun I've ever had on a date,0,none, 407,sexism2022_english-8165,I'd'say she has two very interesting big talents.,0,none, 408,sexism2022_english-7544,"[USER] No worries Teddi... if she puts up a decent amount of posts (w/ Gifs and/of articles) over the next 3 days, we'll get her [USER] up to 400 by Weds night :)",0,none, 409,sexism2022_english-18301,What are they waiting for?... so many years of the senseless Muslim terrorist violence - it's time to kill every fucking one of them.,0,none, 410,sexism2022_english-16279,"yeah, they let a lot of those into seminary #moron",0,none, 411,sexism2022_english-1156,eexcellent analysis Blonde!,0,none, 412,sexism2022_english-19122,"Pimps and domestic abusers force women and children to do this with dogs. When women are free, we are the largest group volunteering in animal shelters and rescuing animals in need.",0,none, 413,sexism2022_english-19966,It's part of the gynocentric society's effort to abolish all standards for women.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 414,sexism2022_english-11346,"That smile on her face that says ""yup I can act like a total bitch and he still does things for me""",1,2. derogation, 415,sexism2022_english-1960,My husband set this up for me and my girlfriends to shoot on the weekends....,0,none, 416,sexism2022_english-13744,"Time to see if she's interested in a hook-up, then.",0,none, 417,sexism2022_english-3853,I hate that limo-leftist cunt and her crossdressing Jew.,1,3. animosity, 418,sexism2022_english-4999,"This is a shit test. Coming from a guy could be an amog attempt. Agree and amplify and let her bask in the glory. ""oh this is awkward didn't you know that we're already married?"" if bold plant a forceful kiss on the girls lips",0,none, 419,sexism2022_english-7051,"I just came across her when I posted this one. I don't see this vid on youtube, she must have it somewhere else. I need to watch her videos!",0,none, 420,sexism2022_english-8088,"What they won't tell you about is the Chiefs who run shit like the fucking mafia. Where they play the big pimp and force the girls into it, or ""haze"" them day in and day out.",0,none, 421,sexism2022_english-19664,"""Woe to those who say evil is good and good is evil."" Woe to u and your lies. U are a daughter of the devil.",0,none, 422,sexism2022_english-12947,His Ashkenazi jaw line... it infuriates me. I want to plant a baseball bat against it so badly. I shouldn't talk like this to a lady... Needed to ventilate.,0,none, 423,sexism2022_english-17168,Nothing triggers me more than hearing that. IF THAT'S THE CASE THAN PROVE IT BY PRACTICING WHAT YOU PREACH AND BURNING OFF YOUR OWN FACE YOU DUMB CUNT Anybody who spouts this shit needs to be forcibly put in the same position as us.,1,3. animosity, 424,sexism2022_english-15985,You must be NoFap dude my neighbors mom is hotter than her JFL,0,none, 425,sexism2022_english-11007,😂😂😂 That is fucking perfect.,0,none, 426,sexism2022_english-16716,I've been told the next Hollyweird sex scandal is that Murr from Impractical Jokers once made a woman kiss a fish.,0,none, 427,sexism2022_english-1152,"Wow man you had sex with a woman, like literally all of our ancestors ever and like most people on the planet, I'm sure you can do anything. Pleased for you, but get real.",0,none, 428,sexism2022_english-16129,"Bad for girls - these strategies do not create attraction, but it is fantastic advice when applied to other men. Buy it today. [[URL]",1,3. animosity, 429,sexism2022_english-6418,"What a fuckin cunt ""vote for women and POC because they are women & POC"" Fuck that whore #kateharding",1,2. derogation, 430,sexism2022_english-10176,"Because have you ever met a female 37 year old virgin that was a normal looking well-adjusted human? 37 year old female virgins are either disabled (physically or mentally), look like ogres, or are completely nuts.",1,2. derogation, 431,sexism2022_english-1767,"Damn. Bru-tal, James. Stone cold killer.",0,none, 432,sexism2022_english-15684,"Freedom? Yep, every year when I pay my taxes so a bunch of third world scum can steal the money and rape our women, I thank those vets for giving me that freedom!",0,none, 433,sexism2022_english-18247,There’s no way that bitch is coordinated enough to pull that off.,1,3. animosity, 434,sexism2022_english-4516,"yo wassup. I heard youse a woman. don't even listen to my mans, bae. he trippin'. will you be my GF?",0,none, 435,sexism2022_english-7005,"Are your chromosomes XX? If so, you're 100% female.",1,3. animosity, 436,sexism2022_english-10231,"When a girl gives you shit test, scare the shit out of her.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 437,sexism2022_english-6372,Lol how snippy. You go girl.,0,none, 438,sexism2022_english-12259,I would love to suck her tits,0,none, 439,sexism2022_english-9366,my god *points to the oil painting of the queen they all swear to,0,none, 440,sexism2022_english-5909,Nah but she sure sold us out to the Chinese. :(,0,none, 441,sexism2022_english-18705,Trump is communist you twat. He supports jews.,1,3. animosity, 443,sexism2022_english-9850,No lol women want 8+ but theyll settle for a 5 if thats what you want to be,1,3. animosity, 444,sexism2022_english-9511,Finally a thing hoes are good for!,1,3. animosity, 445,sexism2022_english-3504,Victims angry after HIV positive rapist transitioned to woman in jail and was allowed to assume new identity [URL],0,none, 446,sexism2022_english-8914,#MaybeSheHitsHer The highest rates of physical abuse occur between lesbian couples. Sorry to ruin the feminists fake fantasy with facts. If they really cared about reducing female victims of violence perhaps they'd address that.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 447,sexism2022_english-282,"I believe that was her intention, yes.",0,none, 448,sexism2022_english-4353,"Migrants to Sweden need sex education as they still haven't a clue as to what rape is, respect for the child or the woman,. NO [USER] OF GOATS??????? [URL]",0,none, 449,sexism2022_english-4850,[USER] The Mayor of NYC is an idiot.... but those who voted for him are worse than he is. The Citizens get what they deserve in their leadership. They get just what they voted for.,0,none, 450,sexism2022_english-16668,Why is that redhead feminist cunt in the picture? What has that old spinster got to do with gaming?,1,2. derogation, 451,sexism2022_english-6597,Where do you meet 9's and 10's? Are these girls you're mostly cold approaching?,0,none, 452,sexism2022_english-12768,"That's no woman, that's a man baby.",1,3. animosity, 453,sexism2022_english-16769,"A smart person can predict the future, a dumbass can only see the short term benefits. \#metoo, feminism, black lives matter, nazi's, socialism, Marxists, etc all fall in the same category. It's all leftist bullshit.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 454,sexism2022_english-8696,TRUCE OR CONSEQUENCES... Muslim men. like killing other Muslim men... keeps the overpopulation down... and they get more women in their harems....,0,none, 455,sexism2022_english-15338,"Yes, the moral law is unchanging. And sexual immorality is a death worthy sin. However, Jesus is clear that only HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN should enforce the death penalty.",0,none, 456,sexism2022_english-16212,$50 tip wow man and she even called them weirdos for getting that much free money. US tipping culture is really fucking retarded. No idea why it still exists in 2018...,0,none, 457,sexism2022_english-6397,This is the biggest cherry picking bullshit I have seen,0,none, 458,sexism2022_english-10026,"It is not insulting, it's **expressing love for your friends**... Unlike women that fake even the friendship towards other females... **We love our friends, they hate each other.**",1,3. animosity, 459,sexism2022_english-5747,"While I agree that its a clear sign of immaturity, women still speak this way into their late 20's. The more spoiled they are the longer it lasts.",1,3. animosity, 460,sexism2022_english-6399,When has it ever become legal to shoot someone because they’re stealing your car?' [URL] #2a #2ndAmendment #CCW #ArmedDefense #SelfDefense,0,none, 461,sexism2022_english-16414,If a female is having sex and relationships they do not have social anxiety.,1,2. derogation, 462,sexism2022_english-10754,"At the end of the day it sounds like you just have really bad anxiety. Try meditating before you talk to people. Or, you could try and memorize what she is saying. Play games with yourself, and don't get pissed if you mess up.",0,none, 463,sexism2022_english-382,"Which one of these groups would you rather have a frat house with? I personally choose the classicals, the alt right gives me a nauseating feeling, I can take it on the internet, but not IRL.",0,none, 464,sexism2022_english-16696,God she's such a joke,0,none, 465,sexism2022_english-11844,"I always wanted to see one of those so I could run up, pull out my cock and fuck her face.",1,3. animosity, 466,sexism2022_english-12978,Looks fake. The 'Biden hand' should be shadowed by the woman's hand.,0,none, 467,sexism2022_english-19735,"When girls hug, they are continuing to gossip. When guys hug, one of 'em is ""going down""...lol",1,3. animosity, 468,sexism2022_english-17796,"So you run back to daddy whenever you need help. I thought men were sooo bad? Lol. Like I said at the end you need the help of men and can't do shit on your own. Your dad must be a major cuck to raise such a stupid daughter, what went wrong",1,2. derogation, 469,sexism2022_english-18283,"No. and even if i wanted to, she did not ask for one.",0,none, 470,sexism2022_english-9075,The love of her life but she wants other men XD,0,none, 471,sexism2022_english-17966,"But he’s tall, surely she wouldn’t cheat on him with a 5â€?1 Jeremy Meeks",0,none, 472,sexism2022_english-12107,"If the ass is as spectacular as you say it is and you get another opportunity with her, consider yourself blessed by the pussy gods. Most likely scenario is that that door has closed, accept that you fucked up and do better next time.",1,3. animosity, 473,sexism2022_english-3587,Absolutely! If these RINOs stab US all in the back - tossing their vote to the Democrats = WE WILL NEVER FORGET! It's a hardcore SMEAR CAMPAIGN w Hillary Clinton and her lawyers behind it all = EVIL BITCH.,1,2. derogation, 474,sexism2022_english-19814,But but but but but wymyns drive trucks too!!!!,0,none, 475,sexism2022_english-7114,The Young Turks push man to kill? #GabFam #News #SpeakFreely #YoungTurks [URL],0,none, 476,sexism2022_english-6874,"The West treats women like small children, i hate the beta males as much as the low IQ herd females.",1,2. derogation, 477,sexism2022_english-4813,Should've went Mike Tyson on her,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 478,sexism2022_english-15730,"Just like the universities in the US right? I mean, ""We"", live in a rape culture in North America according to #Feminazis . Islam is peaceful everybody, sure they rape women and children, but we can't judge.#FuckIslam[USER]",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 479,sexism2022_english-13599,Want every woman tearing at your pants this October (the cute ones)? Try Pumpkin Spice Penis Deodorant. You're welcome men!,1,3. animosity, 480,sexism2022_english-7833,"2016 saw the revolution of the forgotten American men and women who go to work every day, pay their bills on time, obey the rule of law, and live their lives with respect for their fellow citizens and their property. [URL]",0,none, 481,sexism2022_english-18324,When you know she's a keeper... [URL],0,none, 482,sexism2022_english-7046,"It's the advanced version of the ""let's take a break"" ploy - keep the beta on the hook while ms. hamster tries to lock in a better prospect.",1,2. derogation, 483,sexism2022_english-8530,"Except RP say its okay for men to not go after women as well. They let male ""see the truth"" of male's situation in society and let them decided what to do. i.e. Can you say the same about bluepill?",0,none, 484,sexism2022_english-1833,The Victorians would make this dude have a heart attack.,0,none, 485,sexism2022_english-16035,I'm still not sure I understand his lust to have a woman ogle his dolphin like body while he was taking a shower. I understand watching a woman taking a shower. Maybe the look of utter revulsion on their faces turned him on in some weird way.,0,none, 486,sexism2022_english-1712,I feel embarrassed being a woman today in this crazy witch hunt.,0,none, 487,sexism2022_english-9119,"This is not a bad thing at all. Most of the girls who said anything like that to me, I ended up fucking.",0,none, 488,sexism2022_english-964,And fantasise about chad.,0,none, 489,sexism2022_english-8027,He thinks he's entitled to her body. Yikerinos,0,none, 490,sexism2022_english-19879,My mom does 😊,0,none, 491,sexism2022_english-9648,"I like how it says ""battle for equality"" even though it's an all-female coalition.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 492,sexism2022_english-4983,"I've seen virtue signaling white girls cover their ears in pain when someone said nigger. Fascinating behavior, really.",0,none, 493,sexism2022_english-4022,You fuck your wife,0,none, 494,sexism2022_english-4785,I hate both men and women.,0,none, 495,sexism2022_english-6440,"So apparently I'm a ""stupid fucking retard"" that thinks facts are somehow biased.",0,none, 496,sexism2022_english-9599,Some time ago I was talking to a girl and it went well. She was talking about her hoe phase and I instantly ghosted her. Fuck that.,1,3. animosity, 497,sexism2022_english-5525,Hahahahaha is that all you got Lee? Give me a break. My 6 year old niece could meme better than you.,0,none, 498,sexism2022_english-8174,Maine: House Democrats vote to allow female genital mutilation [URL],0,none, 499,sexism2022_english-5145,"I'd be shocked if it ever worked, usually these thots are getting stretched on the side, and after Leafyishere did the content nuke on her, the tier 3 subs lost it. She has a boyfriend is now etched in their collective memories",1,3. animosity, 500,sexism2022_english-16174,"The reason feminism cannot defeat so-called ""toxic masculinity"" is because their pussies crave it so much and since women run on feels over reals, they never will.",1,2. derogation, 501,sexism2022_english-11763,"you have to realize that in today's universities, 80% of these ""women"" are fat, sjws/feminists, and in no way more than a 3-4. of the other 20%, maybe 30% are decent looking, fuckable women who won't scream rape after you alpha widow them.",1,2. derogation, 502,sexism2022_english-15657,Ok so you make them stand.they still hate America.aAmerica.and we hate them.,0,none, 503,sexism2022_english-19029,"Lol - a story from another culture. 2000 years, all Eves destroy all edens. 4000 years, (epic of Gilgamesh) all women belittle men.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 504,sexism2022_english-17190,"Anyone who voted for HC is brain dead - When she goes to prison for mass murder, charity fraud and treason your heads will explode.",0,none, 505,sexism2022_english-8448,Why didn't he just play with the other guys wife whist the dude was smashing his? Instead this guy just watched.....what a beta cuck!,0,none, 506,sexism2022_english-9581,But you do have to clean up after her...heh,0,none, 507,sexism2022_english-2761,"Fake News media whore.... politicized and sensationalized tragedy, instrumentalized grieving victims, all to prop up ratings (perhaps her 401-k, also) for a sinking, sinking, failing, lying network...She is a A despicable, deranged pos",1,3. animosity, 508,sexism2022_english-2695,Maybe she's allergic to adrenochrome.,0,none, 509,sexism2022_english-13750,"Yeah your talent was running the Clinton Foundation, a fraudulent charity that violated tax laws again & again! You, mommy & daddy belong in JAIL!! Jackass!!",0,none, 510,sexism2022_english-14958,"imagine kneeling before a woman, humbling yourself before her, only to have her say imagine doing it again (or having her kneel) and accepting the notion of marriage what a faggot",0,none, 511,sexism2022_english-16529,"I thought I was leading her after we started kissing. I was touching her everywhere, including the pussy. I was kissing up her inner thigh to there. Thanks for the constructive criticism.",0,none, 512,sexism2022_english-14491,The lady walking ahead of me sped up so I did too. She began running so I ran too. She screamed so I screamed as well. I never even saw what we were running from.,0,none, 513,sexism2022_english-8047,"""Weeze knows how to handle Uppity White Women"" Don't be an uppity white woman in Louisianan. [URL]",0,none, 514,sexism2022_english-18122,I'm his first ever girlfriend Incels do not get girlfriends ever,0,none, 515,sexism2022_english-11038,"Not so fast there, chief. Any time a woman spouts a nonsense statistic like that you can rest assured that she is including herself in the 85% that has done no wrong. That 15% is made up of nameless, faceless women whom no other woman has ever met.",1,2. derogation, 516,sexism2022_english-10648,ee4m = downvote,0,none, 517,sexism2022_english-8115,Never LTR club girls. Fucking stupid. I dont even care about her bullshit story.,0,none, 518,sexism2022_english-5540,Little sister basically ruined my life and my family’s at an early age. I’m trying my best to get out of this house pronto.,0,none, 519,sexism2022_english-8284,"every GVT employee I know believe the college education they got was a pass to a GVT job- that somehow they rate- and hold the private sector in personal contempt- like the castes of India, they are to the manor born- we simply can't afford them-",0,none, 520,sexism2022_english-11292,If I hadn't deleted all of my texts with girls (good way for me to keep thinking forward) I would gladly do so.,0,none, 521,sexism2022_english-8318,she had an extremely sensitive ex boyfriend that made her go through hell Says every woman ever You need to either hard next or step up the dread game in a hurry,1,3. animosity, 522,sexism2022_english-9630,"[USER] I'm fine, I haven't slept with her mother yet!",0,none, 523,sexism2022_english-9653,"See how her first reaction is to try to hurt him? Gonna tell his GF so that she will dump him. Do possible chance that she will reflect on her own actions and see what a piece of shit she is, nope, gonna make him pay.",0,none, 524,sexism2022_english-4781,"To answer your question: No, I don’t hate all women, only the tumblr feminist ones.",1,2. derogation, 525,sexism2022_english-19528,Drown her in pigs blood!!,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 526,sexism2022_english-11911,"With that mentality you are just making exscuses. So what if she rejects me and sees me everyday. That is her problem. Just be a man, grab your balls and do it.",0,none, 527,sexism2022_english-13636,Hildegarde von Bingen..the only woman composer ever considered truly great. Amazing sacred music. A German Benedictine nun of all things. Lived almost 90 years in the 12 th century! [URL],0,none, 528,sexism2022_english-18118,"Don't forget to bring a ladder, in case she's upstairs.",0,none, 529,sexism2022_english-13460,Do female pilots sit in a cuntpit ?,1,3. animosity, 530,sexism2022_english-15512,"If you can eat someone out for 30 minutes and not get her wet from saliva alone, you have more than a sex technique problem.",0,none, 531,sexism2022_english-18130,"Obviously dating apps aren't for the ugly and people unable to hold random stupid conversations with robot strangers. If you can't hold a conversation with a stranger that's your problem, not women's problem.",0,none, 532,sexism2022_english-7633,When I see shit like this on top I wonder why I'm even subbed here,0,none, 533,sexism2022_english-17,"No. First my mom became a whore after dad left and was a huge bitch! Oh god, why won't she love me?!",1,2. derogation, 534,sexism2022_english-13848,"[URL] Don't tell her she is contributing to global warming by breathing, she might crack!",0,none, 535,sexism2022_english-6895,I was waiting for the number close though,0,none, 536,sexism2022_english-3766,"This is why you need to game chicks at work, even if you aren't fucking them. For whatever reason, this girl really disliked you.",0,none, 537,sexism2022_english-15108,"I doubt it, its only because female pedophiles are rarely recognized as such. Hell, when a woman sleeps with a young boy its practically not even a crime, she gets a slap on the wrist and everyone says ""nice"".",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 538,sexism2022_english-14796,CONVICTED: Muslim gang rape of 14-year-old girl in Canada [URL],0,none, 539,sexism2022_english-12154,Yeah and the criminally fake news pressed for a criminal investigation of a woman who tweeted that we need a final solution to that islam problem,0,none, 540,sexism2022_english-16881,She will def hit the wall hard and i never found her that attractive to begin with - but i think she has a few more good years left ;) beeing 23 and all,1,3. animosity, 541,sexism2022_english-15712,"Talking on the phone is irritating. I don't want girls calling me either, it goes both ways.",0,none, 542,sexism2022_english-12115,Absolute cuck move. Tell her to fuck off,0,none, 543,sexism2022_english-19343,No way she's a feminist. She's repairing a vehicle and isn't fat as fuck. I call bullshit.,1,2. derogation, 544,sexism2022_english-16520,"Yes, indeed it is little girl. My grandma had a great baked macaroni recipe.",0,none, 545,sexism2022_english-3012,"No but she can bake a really good pie, and complain about a broken nail being the reason he missed the field goal.",0,none, 546,sexism2022_english-17530,All progressives have is lies...crazed mass murdering lunatic tries to shift her tactics to conservatives.,0,none, 547,sexism2022_english-11056,Whoopi is blinded by her ideaolgy and it feeds her hatred of conservatives... especially non black conservatives,0,none, 548,sexism2022_english-6162,Pics of hanged women [USER] [USER] [USER],0,none, 549,sexism2022_english-8196,he’ll be yours for life What are starter wives lmao,0,none, 550,sexism2022_english-10439,Sad but True.,0,none, 551,sexism2022_english-9734,Epic burn!,0,none, 552,sexism2022_english-13883,You sound like a beta-male cuck mangina soy boy that can’t get laid by a woman.,0,none, 553,sexism2022_english-9871,Did you just limit her child's gender??,0,none, 554,sexism2022_english-2498,"Because the government don’t give a shit! I wonder what would happen if laughing girl (on the picture) had a few paki cocks shoved up her arse? It’d be a different story then! Drain the swamp, execute the complicit.",0,none, 555,sexism2022_english-18056,Whorewhorewhore and so many women walk around like this even fucking teenagers walk around like this. Lol at their cucked fathers,1,2. derogation, 556,sexism2022_english-436,"It took me a while to make it sink in. She said the thing that made her sad was that they had told her I had done the same things with them, which I didn't.",0,none, 557,sexism2022_english-5686,[USER] The Atmosphere turns into a blowtorch the faster you go... Let's see how fast she can go!!!!!,0,none, 558,sexism2022_english-2696,What monsters!There are no people of color in that photo. Why are the kids so white? Does the mother hate black men? Is she a bigot? I bet she is. Why else would she be with a white man? White men are all racists!,0,none, 559,sexism2022_english-309,"Follow the strings attached to her mouth, hands and feet. That's who wants pedo legal. #pizzagate is key",0,none, 560,sexism2022_english-6944,"Given the nature of WW2 and the associated draft dodging, in the part of white girls. The game is a spit on the face of anyone who isn't a white woman.",0,none, 561,sexism2022_english-11209,[URL] Obviously written by an incel,0,none, 562,sexism2022_english-12682,She should post on simprateme so she gets a 8/10,0,none, 563,sexism2022_english-16099,"if your girlfriend dresses like a slut when you 2 go out, she is still on the market bro. try to hit it a few more times but withdraw show of affection.",1,2. derogation, 564,sexism2022_english-19643,[USER] i hope you are losing the rest of your followers you worthless ingrate. you are as bad as a doxxer for harassing torba's mother.,0,none, 565,sexism2022_english-8437,Start with her & continue down the line tomorrow is good for me [URL],0,none, 566,sexism2022_english-10304,People have no problems with a female lead. They got problems with them shoving down bullshit PC/SJW down their throats. Disney already ruined Star Wars Marvel is just next on the list.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 567,sexism2022_english-19210,oh bloody summer okay then take a small gift for her hope she likes it,0,none, 568,sexism2022_english-1442,[USER] Why is it even a question Take back the Narrative! Don't let them take away our right to an opinion Freedom of speech mother fucker!,0,none, 569,sexism2022_english-15256,"this is just another kdrama... so hard to watch. the man is a pathetic cocky piece of shit stupid idiot, the woman is good and smart and right... i really want another yong pal...",0,none, 570,sexism2022_english-17984,"Dating sites are good for two things: Looking at women youre not good enough for, and looking at women you dont want... Guess which ones are gonna hit on you?",0,none, 571,sexism2022_english-14001,She is not qualified. Her only talent is sucking down a million dollar a year salary from the Clinton Foundation. In others words just like her folks she steals from the needy.,0,none, 572,sexism2022_english-11198,"One of the cucks who wrote an article attacking MGTOW as ""weak losers who 'couldn't get a girl'"" was literally some bald, fat, four eyed freak. Ive never taken opinion pieces by TradCons, PUAs, or any other cucks seriously after that.",0,none, 573,sexism2022_english-8790,Ask her,0,none, 574,sexism2022_english-15734,"Brace yourself. 3 Somalian citizens have been convicted for RAPING 13 yr old Swedish girl. During the attack her ""vagina tore up"" and she started bleeding, yet they raped her AGAIN. They got 8 months ""youth care"" - Not even prison",0,none, 575,sexism2022_english-4087,"With a name l8ke that, is she even legal?",0,none, 576,sexism2022_english-17022,Sadly it does... Some women find it to be such a turn off that you even have to ask,0,none, 577,sexism2022_english-18851,None of them did. No one put any numbers. They just kept linking the reports that proves women get raped more than men. Nice try avoiding answering.,0,none, 578,sexism2022_english-18230,I don't know. I think girls are smart now days and know guys don't have as many options as girls.,1,3. animosity, 579,sexism2022_english-7314,ABDOLUTELY!! Sinema doesn’t even know if she likes dicks or vaginas!! She can’t make decisions that stupid cunt.,1,2. derogation, 580,sexism2022_english-19288,HITLERY is the evilest woman on the planet. period.,0,none, 581,sexism2022_english-1905,That's literally the same face I used to make when trying not to bust and she started talking some nasty shit.,0,none, 582,sexism2022_english-1725,"Yes, I had to put Maureen in her place more than once!",0,none, 583,sexism2022_english-1069,Hoochie mama,1,2. derogation, 584,sexism2022_english-13014,That poor bastard. Really scrapping under the barrel to fall for her.,0,none, 585,sexism2022_english-17897,"Give it a decade, she'll have a new hit: ""Both married ladies"", the atmosphere in the video will be gothic. ]=)",0,none, 586,sexism2022_english-3561,"The Anti-Christ rising, yes I believe the Anti-Christ will be the Pope. With a merger of Islam and Cathoilcism. This Christmas in Europe they coined term, Chrislam. Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. ‘For Their Own Goodâ€?[URL]",0,none, 587,sexism2022_english-11775,"If my wife treated me the way the woman in the OP did, my response would be a last ditch effort. I'd be fully prepared to leave her ass for it in a heart beat.",0,none, 588,sexism2022_english-7533,The freakin' citadel has accepted a muslim woman who wants to force them to let her wear her hijab. [URL] #MAGA#BanIslam,0,none, 589,sexism2022_english-11273,My buddy helped a girl getting beat by her boyfriend. After he dealt w him she came full swinging at him calling him a piece of shit,0,none, 590,sexism2022_english-19769,Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg FAVORS Decriminalizing Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking Looks like a few of her sick liberal ideas have already been implemented [URL],0,none, 591,sexism2022_english-268,Damn you're still upset? Clearly she doesn't love you like I said before if the personality meme helps you cope then continue to believe it we all need to cope,0,none, 592,sexism2022_english-18774,can i ask about how do you show / make it apparent to the women on Tinder that you like to have sex with them ?,0,none, 593,sexism2022_english-11926,Never heard of her - sounds like another cookie cutter liberal idiot.,0,none, 594,sexism2022_english-12996,Shudder.. if you had to have sex with her you would have to roll her in flour first so you could find the wet parts.,1,2. derogation, 595,sexism2022_english-11420,if she files a police report she can be prosecutted criminally for filing a false police report. thats why no report.,0,none, 596,sexism2022_english-12665,These ladies are as tough as nails. Rep Johnson is an ASSHOLE for the way he treated them! #PrayForDiamondAndSilk,0,none, 597,sexism2022_english-10248,I hate celebrities in general. Would love to see all those Hollywood cunts exterminated,1,3. animosity, 598,sexism2022_english-7411,But she cries over dead 'gassed' babies [URL] Workers at Chinese Factory for Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Paid $62 a Week JEW.,0,none, 599,sexism2022_english-7738,What she is thinking about: Pork scratchings.,0,none, 600,sexism2022_english-19934,"Yes this, drinking is a crutch. Easiest way to meet awesome women in clubs is to be the most sober one that doesnt smell like shit and cheap booze.",0,none, 601,sexism2022_english-15556,Isn't she a drug addict?,0,none, 602,sexism2022_english-6561,"Biden used a pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign annual dinner to rip Trump. And in so doing, Biden had his ""deplorables."" moment. Saying, ""They're a small percentage of the American people, virulent people, some of them the dregs of society."" [URL]",0,none, 603,sexism2022_english-5790,Another explanation is these women are herding post-college. Maybe it's a 40-60 yo cat lady effect coming out. Does anyone know a college educated woman who flip to Democrats?,1,2. derogation, 604,sexism2022_english-594,Duck chad steals all the women,0,none, 605,sexism2022_english-13785,Oddly the person who coined the term incel and started the first support group was a gay woman. She was inspired to start it by a heterosexual man.,0,none, 606,sexism2022_english-8621,"no he is tall arab Chad lite, I have videos of her naked from when she was a camgirl for a short while",0,none, 607,sexism2022_english-1262,She walked into the side of it bc she was too focused on eating her meatball sub.,0,none, 608,sexism2022_english-8995,"LOL more like the bitch doesn't want to be on record lying to congress so we could martha stewart her ass, just fucking hang her from a lamp post as an example",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 609,sexism2022_english-15770,Sometimes girls just aren't comfortable with sex yet because it's a vulnerable and intimate thing.,0,none, 610,sexism2022_english-12371,"I've actually noticed that a large portion of serial killers are gay, at least many of the well known ones.",0,none, 611,sexism2022_english-1611,The only thing more gay than sucking a penis is going down on a woman. Why would someone degrade themselves like that?,1,2. derogation, 612,sexism2022_english-11246,STOCK MONSTER: Sarah Huckabee Sanders pulls out her Fake News paddle and throws lil Jim Acosta over her knee for the spanking of his life! [URL],0,none, 613,sexism2022_english-1951,She is a long time very deep deep stater with all kinds of high level security clearance...also extreme education. Cant say she is extremely smart because really smart people would not be doing dumb shit like this.,0,none, 614,sexism2022_english-5599,Karma's a bitch!,1,3. animosity, 615,sexism2022_english-17718,"NO SIMPLE YEAR OF FREEDOM, ALOT TO CHANGE AND FIX BUT NOW LOTS PPL HV THE CONTROL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT WHILE THE FIRECRACKERS PUT THE GOOD SCENNE",0,none, 616,sexism2022_english-16971,"Interesting. I also like short women, but despite only being 5â€?â€? virtually every woman I date is over 5â€?â€?(above average height). Attraction is weird.",0,none, 617,sexism2022_english-3277,[USER] is this real? Or are they just teasing me? Please tell me they are going to do something about this old hag threatening the White House.,0,none, 618,sexism2022_english-17073,"plotting about how to get laid Lol Also, vagina isn't something that has to be deserved by anyone. Its just a hole every female has on her, readily given to many Chads to destroy without any prior effort required. You're clearly in orbit.",1,2. derogation, 619,sexism2022_english-18175,"Exactly... and she is not even anything special. Bruce was. Not her, at all.",0,none, 620,sexism2022_english-6717,I fucking hate people who hate victims of domestic violence.,0,none, 621,sexism2022_english-2155,Treasurer Morrison supports a Trump company tax cut for Australia [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #auspol #ausfam #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia,0,none, 622,sexism2022_english-16302,"[URL] I hope you had wonderful peaceful dreams, unless Sawyer was involved. Hee-hee! When Sawyer finds out that the fairy forgot to bring her special sparkle dust for your dreams...",0,none, 623,sexism2022_english-18458,"Not suprising, she needs to find another beta provider before this one dies.",0,none, 624,sexism2022_english-8349,He also claims that he NEVER gets rejected and can bang literally any girl he wants. Imagine that!!? See a perfect 10? I choose to go and pull her and I know with 100% I can't fail. LOL [URL],0,none, 625,sexism2022_english-5034,VIDEO: Russian warship steaming toward US Navy destroyers that launched missile strike on Assad. [URL],0,none, 626,sexism2022_english-1835,The boys family should have sued the school board for the child support her victim owes since they hired her and he was under her care and direction. Then they will start scrutinizing these cunts behavior like they do the men.,1,2. derogation, 627,sexism2022_english-17937,Apparently they are also bashing white women. I will not self-flagelate and women of color will have nothing to do with saving this country.,0,none, 628,sexism2022_english-11368,"That's a good spot to be in dude. Shes basically presenting. She's reaching out to you at her most honest / transparent. Also if you ask to return things to ""like it was before"" you've already fucked up.",0,none, 629,sexism2022_english-10161,I want the right to reproduce. That is extremely taboo. To say I shouldn't have my babies killed is considered extremely wrong. Like rape or something. I'm viewed with disgust for wanting to be a father.,0,none, 630,sexism2022_english-10047,"This sounds like it was written by a feminist troll who thinks she knows what MRP is about. That, or you are just a dick to your wife. And i mean figuratively not literally. A bully.",0,none, 631,sexism2022_english-7404,just talking to women does it for me,0,none, 632,sexism2022_english-18018,"A pub has been ordered to pay an anti-Islamic political party founder $2,500 compensation after they told her she wasn't welcome inside because of her views. [URL]",0,none, 633,sexism2022_english-4162,It's hard for a woman to talk with a dick in her mouth.,1,2. derogation, 634,sexism2022_english-16002,I dont know if that ever will be possible. I may as well see a professional.,0,none, 635,sexism2022_english-16464,I saw a teacher slapping a child for not wanting to wear something. The dad saw and beat her fucking ass after getting his child to safety,0,none, 636,sexism2022_english-11694,"Not if the woman has to do all the work in interactions. If I have to pry someone open like I'm a can opener, forget it.",0,none, 637,sexism2022_english-14657,Cleric is probably rapist himself. Daughter needs to flee before she gets raped. Pray that she will find a shelter that will keep her safe and will help educate and minister to to her needs,0,none, 638,sexism2022_english-15775,"WTF does that mean? What has he done so far that is different from her 16 years of failings? This is just meat being tossed to the low IQ, bottom-feeding lib dems that wanted her to be pres.",0,none, 639,sexism2022_english-12388,I'd just love to be able to walk up to her and punch her in the face...just once.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 640,sexism2022_english-7888,How great is this pic of Duterte with some of his troops? I usually am not in favor of female soldiers but I may make an exception here,1,3. animosity, 641,sexism2022_english-9548,"Honestly, I would have done a shit ton better defending Sanders than that idiot would have.",0,none, 642,sexism2022_english-19665,And one of her lawyers is McCabe's lawyer! Kavvie said he would be fine with an FBI investigation. He doesn't belong on our SCOTUS.,0,none, 643,sexism2022_english-6167,YEARS ago and she did nothing to stop him.,0,none, 644,sexism2022_english-18921,"To get that clear, some stuff is required to have: DNA from Merkel and her ancestors and furthermore based on that an infographic should be created, so a family tree will be visible.",0,none, 645,sexism2022_english-8652,idk seeing normie females come here to laugh at virgins is pretty rude too.,0,none, 646,sexism2022_english-2834,"Seriously!the main heads of the fbi must roll before we can trust those filthy FBI assholes again!ZERO trust in our intel agencies until that day comes,ZERO!!!",0,none, 647,sexism2022_english-15181,Because most women don't get free stuff like that lmao,0,none, 648,sexism2022_english-8427,"keep talking, hag",1,3. animosity, 649,sexism2022_english-4744,"Even grandmas can be ""attractive"" in a feminine way as long as they stay reasonably fit and DONT CUT THEIR DAMN HAIR, SRSLY WHATS SO HARD TO GRASP ABOUT THIS ONE, LADIES",1,3. animosity, 650,sexism2022_english-12616,Parent or parents aren’t doing their due diligence when it comes 2 what their kid is up 2 I’m glad she’s in juvenile hall where she can get counseling,0,none, 651,sexism2022_english-15786,I'm kind of into fragrances so I'd love to know who she is if you're okay with that!,0,none, 652,sexism2022_english-17899,Yeah she voluntarily sucked off Slick Willy and in return he showed her how to smoke a cigar.,0,none, 653,sexism2022_english-2854,"Who, pray tell, is 'qualified' then? #Factchallenged Pelosi calls Ben Carson, disturbingly unqualified. What a moron she is. [URL]",0,none, 654,sexism2022_english-15586,#her real #Heros the #pedophileParty #SheIs casting a #vote for...,0,none, 655,sexism2022_english-9159,"Oh, it was in full swing. Make no mistake The difference was no OLD - if a guy wanted his penis touched, he had to approach girls",0,none, 656,sexism2022_english-14648,Shut yo mouf woman. No platform for females in politics.,1,2. derogation, 657,sexism2022_english-7019,[USER] Hillary Clinton working to subvert the will of the people and to try and destroy democracy. She along with Obama are the greatest enemies of democracy. That and she's a bitch.,1,3. animosity, 658,sexism2022_english-18642,The main reason Cultural Marxists and cuckstians are obsessed with the #AdoptionTaxCredit is because they want whites to adopt dindus instead of making white babies. Sickos.,0,none, 659,sexism2022_english-11777,"[USER] Lock her up with Hillary,,,she needs a similar minded jail mate.",0,none, 660,sexism2022_english-11919,It all worked out for the better! No one said a god damn thing except one girl noticed and partially complimented. Another case of the spotlight effect.,0,none, 661,sexism2022_english-1494,"Yes, Lena specified that she's a pedophile lesbian. Sis had better keep an eye on her little girls.",0,none, 662,sexism2022_english-4388,"Say you have a girlfriend already as you hit on her, but are looking for someone more dangerous.",0,none, 663,sexism2022_english-12576,Chelsea is one ugly bitch. Looks like neither of the Clintons probably was adopted like the 2 Obama girls. Last I heard Hillary prefers woman that's why Bill fucked anything with breast.,1,2. derogation, 664,sexism2022_english-450,"So you were at her place and with you she took a shot of tequila, then smoked some dope with you but then she had to go work soon and she did not get nailed? Edit: grammar; what would you do?",0,none, 665,sexism2022_english-4615,"That's how I see it. Or worse, you're her emotional tampon.",0,none, 666,sexism2022_english-9081,Being white has shit to do with it.,0,none, 667,sexism2022_english-14553,Those damn Methodists again...,0,none, 668,sexism2022_english-931,"A Hamatsa (""cannibal club"") witch doctor of the British Columbia Kwakwaka'wakw tribe performs an ougou-bougu ritual after having spent several days in the woods getting groovy & stinky. Photograph by Edward Curtis (1914)",0,none, 669,sexism2022_english-7155,"+ 1 on the ""Not being able to bang your neighbors wife"" comment.",0,none, 670,sexism2022_english-9569,Joe Biden is dumber than fly shit from digested horse shit.,0,none, 671,sexism2022_english-9267,My sister works for a pop culture shop and the sad thing is she was actually warned about this type of thing from her boss; all the female employees have to expect it at least once whilst they’re working there.,0,none, 672,sexism2022_english-4608,women put in way more effort isn't the fact that women so much effort into their own appearances evidence that they care significantly about the physical appearances of others,1,3. animosity, 673,sexism2022_english-11444,"I think a women is going to be the death of me, even we women are unkind and mean to me I would still do things for them...... yup I a looser :)",0,none, 674,sexism2022_english-9693,". . . and yet, just like dems who vowed to leave if Trump won, they're still here.",0,none, 675,sexism2022_english-6700,These delusional idiots are entertaining,0,none, 676,sexism2022_english-1469,They would start a petition to transport all subhuman males to concentration camps.,0,none, 677,sexism2022_english-5982,Rapper Nelly settles with woman over sexual assault lawsuit. [URL],0,none, 678,sexism2022_english-16835,Yeah but she's sold her soul - good luck with that bitch!,1,3. animosity, 679,sexism2022_english-10532,What if she answers FB messages WAY late but answers them with a friendly not-exactly-flirty vigor.,0,none, 680,sexism2022_english-16756,#Hillary continues to blame everyone but herself. #MAGA #PresidentTrump #FakeNews [URL],0,none, 681,sexism2022_english-11633,"Nope. it doesn't matter either way to my partner. He knew my history, and it didn't bug him. Once I was his, all he cared about was my commitment to him. He obviously had been with other women before me, he was even married for 9 years before me.",0,none, 682,sexism2022_english-11066,"I say MERRY CHRISTMAS to every Mooslime I see! I hope they will act up, but to no avail! A bunch of sissy faggot cowards who rape children and beat up women but will not fight REAL AMERICAN MEN! OORAH BITCHES![USER]",1,3. animosity, 683,sexism2022_english-4628,Its ok if you dont go into the churches where they squat and lay claim to them . I dont recall seeing a lot of males out on the street in the daytime .Its been a couple of years for a 3 days stay I could be wrong . Olde as shit here .,0,none, 684,sexism2022_english-8209,When black men try it* White traps are better than asian traps,0,none, 685,sexism2022_english-8350,"Gay catholic priest says: ""if the church got rid of all the gay priests there’d just be one old cardinal left with a typewriter"" Orange man bad [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [URL]",0,none, 686,sexism2022_english-18213,"You incels bitch about how terrible and miserable and psychologically-damaging your lives are because you don't have sex, but as soon as a woman has surgery to get *out* of that situation, she's selfish?",1,3. animosity, 687,sexism2022_english-8269,"If You Thought Ashley Graham Couldn’t Get Any Worse, You Haven’t Seen Her In A Mullet [URL] [URL]",0,none, 688,sexism2022_english-2830,"Nah, let them keep talking. So when they fuck some woman up there will be evidence and there won't be any doubts that he's trash.",0,none, 689,sexism2022_english-3018,Old man mogs everyone in this sub,0,none, 690,sexism2022_english-4811,"Thanks, you're cool for an asshole :)",0,none, 691,sexism2022_english-8112,"I don't care if that bitch blew Hitler himself and swallowed, she's still a piece of shit that deserves to hang for her endless crimes against humanity... after a trial of course..",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 692,sexism2022_english-2599,The little Nazi twerp deserved to get his girl ass fucked while he was away being a tool of imperialism. Would have been extra funny if it was a black dude banging her.,1,3. animosity, 693,sexism2022_english-7982,"It's her employers job to pay her, not mine. I have no contracts or agreements with the waitresses.",0,none, 694,sexism2022_english-12508,Literally any woman that isn’t fat but even fat women only want chad and tyrone,1,3. animosity, 695,sexism2022_english-14170,"Sure she has. Her and every other person who's been caught acting like an evil witch have all had ""death threats"" conveniently appear",0,none, 696,sexism2022_english-2618,"Jesus Christ. Soft porn has warped our collective minds. If I'm with a woman and a man so much as looks at her suggestively, there's gonna be a problem. Cucks are our leaders. Hey, to each his own. But our elite are creepy. Hell. [URL]",0,none, 697,sexism2022_english-2411,"If it wasn't for female hypergamy ugly people will have not existed today, genetically inferior females being allowed to reproduce in 40.000 BC unlike their male counterparts is the reason of why the human gene pool is so fucked.",1,2. derogation, 698,sexism2022_english-10920,With every black guy she sees. Just finishing your sentence.,0,none, 699,sexism2022_english-17893,"Because you have other options. They want to feel wanted, until they are needed. There is nothing more boring to a woman than fulfilled expectations.",0,none, 700,sexism2022_english-11976,"True, it's totally hating on females to want them to be female-ish.",0,none, 701,sexism2022_english-2792,"Because during the campaign Hillary said you can put half of Trump's supporters in what she calls a ""basket of deplorables."" To mock her and expose her contempt for working class citizens people started referring to themselves as deplorable. [URL]",0,none, 702,sexism2022_english-209,I see they have a battering ram ready to go.,0,none, 703,sexism2022_english-10404,[URL] - her comment is here #videographers_in_shanghai #filmmakers_in_shanghai #video_crew_china,0,none, 704,sexism2022_english-2714,"americans will turn over their guns like the cucked cowards they are. just like they turned over their women, children, churches, businesses, government, entertainment, and banks to the enemy.",0,none, 705,sexism2022_english-11683,"Dude, women not only were allowed to drink, [they brewed the fucking booze]([URL]",0,none, 706,sexism2022_english-15126,"Austrian academic research show that migrants have ‘Mediaevalâ€?views of Jews, women, homosexuals and non-Muslims [URL]",0,none, 707,sexism2022_english-12455,"Jews are everywhere, even when you girlfriend says you are looser, when you loose your job because you are a looser, when your medic asks your to take your medics against paranoia, when you fall in the stairs, ha ha ha! We have you on our target!",0,none, 708,sexism2022_english-7118,"Different is right. Women are not going to give the same because we don't have the brute force required to do a man's job. But, we can make a home- a beautiful, loving, comfortable home and raise respectful children.",1,3. animosity, 709,sexism2022_english-12914,because it always happens. she's always digging in some shit.,0,none, 710,sexism2022_english-15138,"Stop seeing her, it will fade away",0,none, 711,sexism2022_english-8768,[USER] She's a joy. I dig her videos.,0,none, 712,sexism2022_english-7252,"You’re right, friendship and setting boundaries is what’s more important than a chick",0,none, 713,sexism2022_english-17976,I ask because I don't see this (direct insults to Asians... Are you an Asian Man? Because Asian men get 10 - 100x the insults Asian women get (at least to their face). This is from knowing both Asian men/women.,0,none, 714,sexism2022_english-3968,Wow 😮 dude I’m sooo sorry tell ur mom I’m sorry I had no idea ur an actual retard 👌🙃my bad,0,none, 715,sexism2022_english-19308,"The simple answer is that some women seem compelled to invade male-only spaces, feminists in particular fear allowing men to have their own spaces.",1,2. derogation, 716,sexism2022_english-16909,I left those websites because your girlfriend would'nt leave me alone Another crybaby mindless lemming licking the trump lollipop,0,none, 717,sexism2022_english-10357,right now I am only interested in what is possible in a single interaction. I don't think I could have got her number. logistically a lot of people both in the line and behind her.,0,none, 718,sexism2022_english-15776,"Is he working on stuff too? Ask her where she goes to school, what she plans to study, etc. She'll ask you the same questions in return if she's interested.",0,none, 719,sexism2022_english-241,Feminist ignore RACE when it comes to rape statistics - are cops falsely arresting nignogs darkies for rape? Or are nignog darkies raping whityle women as if nignogs are too retarded for civil society?,0,none, 720,sexism2022_english-9529,Scrap the whole public pension system. I hate that they take my money from me. Give me my money! I'll worry about my retirement. [URL],0,none, 721,sexism2022_english-16183,"They lie though lol. They'll make it seem like the guy's an orbiter and then you meet him and he mogs you. I lost my college bf to a guy who was ""listening"" to her about the ""problems"" in our relationship. Stupid fucking slut",1,2. derogation, 722,sexism2022_english-16228,Well said. Single mothers would not get this point.,1,2. derogation, 723,sexism2022_english-16535,I wonder how many moms would let their 12 yr old son buy a pocket pussy?,0,none, 724,sexism2022_english-14146,"""Method you have to use to get there"" Deception and vague deflection is a toxic and manipulative tactic. You all must want the most insecure women if you think that's the only way",0,none, 725,sexism2022_english-8281,"She named her child ""Hosanna"", do you expect healthy human behaviour from her? She is a textbook white trash from what i can see.",0,none, 726,sexism2022_english-18683,I like how all he has to say about her is her perfect face and ass,0,none, 727,sexism2022_english-296,Because girls are immature at that age and don’t know what they want tee hee,0,none, 728,sexism2022_english-15665,He seems like a really nice dude. I hope his current wife doesn't decide to cheat and devorce rape him because she's bored.,1,2. derogation, 729,sexism2022_english-19884,"""It's"" Satanic. Gender becomes irrelevant. No ""He's"". No ""She's"".",0,none, 730,sexism2022_english-544,How ironically gutting would you be if you caught an STI after having sex with a girl in a nurse's outfit?,0,none, 731,sexism2022_english-14586,"No, but she can insure that he gets re-elected.",0,none, 732,sexism2022_english-399,"Woah, #drphill today has a #pizzagate #pedogate victim on his show. It's mind blowing, everything she says about how they use babies, etc., is really freaking me out.",0,none, 733,sexism2022_english-5087,"A Google Image search of ""career criminal"" returns some pretty bad hombres and mujeres. The first female in the list is the most notorious by far. I guess she did break glass ceilings after all. #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #Trump [URL]",0,none, 734,sexism2022_english-6755,"You realize this is mgtow, not the single mother fanclub? Jesus man. Here's a pro-tip. Never send a message until you get a reply. Here's another; stop being thirsty AF and dating single mothers. Go get an escort and stop embarrassing yourself.",1,2. derogation, 735,sexism2022_english-13472,"Bro you're looking at the .00001% of all guys that are this good with women. That's like looking at tiger Woods and saying, man I'm a poor pos, I don't even have a yacht or mansion ugh!?!?!",0,none, 736,sexism2022_english-7131,"Cancel the internet and cable, see how long she lasts.",0,none, 737,sexism2022_english-5354,"Holy crap, what a whore she was. Yeah, I'm never getting married or involving in emotionally invested relatipnships",1,2. derogation, 738,sexism2022_english-2790,"We’d have to kill a couple women, and the rest would automatically fall in line. It’s a really simple model that’s worked on literally every enslaved or captured population in history. What the fuck dude. Enjoy your ban.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 739,sexism2022_english-12705,Of course. Im talking about the ckaims of the male stripper. Not the women,0,none, 740,sexism2022_english-14781,"[URL] LOL! You are too cool, the Watchman Watcher. 😎 Every gal appreciates a man who keeps an eye out, at least I know I appreciate it.😘",0,none, 741,sexism2022_english-7737,"Good,Now she knows how it feels to be helpless and alone at the mercy of thrill killers.",0,none, 742,sexism2022_english-9303,"There was an experiment where the scientists were introducing the value of the money to monkeys or chimpanzees. Just little shiny discs they could trade for food and things. It didn't take the females long to start selling sex. Well, there you go.",1,2. derogation, 743,sexism2022_english-10438,"Nah. I don't sympathize with her, but l I think it's sad, if people suicide. I do understand where people come from, saying you shouldn't do things, with which you can't live, but nonetheless it wasn't a thing to celebrate.",0,none, 744,sexism2022_english-6692,"Haha! That's rich, she means no laws for her and her comrades.",0,none, 745,sexism2022_english-14023,2-year-old girl falls to her death after 5-year-old boy pranks her by leaving her in elevator alone [URL],0,none, 746,sexism2022_english-13696,If parents were dressing a biological girl this way liberals would say it's sexualization of young girls and oppressive patriarchy.,0,none, 747,sexism2022_english-15691,"By all means! That's why I gave some info about myself and the people I'm typically with at the top, so there'd be perspective. Every woman is totally different for sure.",0,none, 748,sexism2022_english-7572,No cockhead. I'm not talking about online. I'm talking print. Been published twice as it happens. Unlike you ya fucking waste of space.,0,none, 749,sexism2022_english-17943,"They can never drop the narrative of women as victims, it's astounding.",0,none, 750,sexism2022_english-14605,"I wish that AntiFa woman had gotten hit too....women who are sluts and whores and work for the other side should get ""equality."" They get treated like men...maybe worse....",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 751,sexism2022_english-13139,"Luke, I do hope that 'Fuck You' was not directed at me.",0,none, 752,sexism2022_english-17365,"Good looking guys just need to run 'don't fuck up' game. Basically, don't be super autistic But at the same time, having amazing 'game' won't help if she's not attracted to you",0,none, 753,sexism2022_english-6528,Rrrrrr im going to fuck u in the ass for this,0,none, 754,sexism2022_english-17181,Finally moved my ass over to Gab.,0,none, 755,sexism2022_english-5245,"Meh, I don't find her attractive at all, she'd have no influence over me lmao",0,none, 756,sexism2022_english-709,"LTR's are good if you both have similar goals, both earn good money and she likes being number 2. You can really get ahead in life and crush it",0,none, 757,sexism2022_english-19306,A reasonable conclusion still seems odd they would go after a sikh.,0,none, 758,sexism2022_english-10743,"I was referring to the theoretical behavior of a Neanderthal. DNA is not a theoretical science, anthropology is.",0,none, 759,sexism2022_english-3454,I don't think she needs to worry about getting knocked up,0,none, 760,sexism2022_english-5155,"It’s 'open season' on vaccinating pregnant women with toxic, harmful substances confirmed present in many #vaccines [URL]",0,none, 761,sexism2022_english-9230,"Dad, thank you for picking a great mom.",0,none, 762,sexism2022_english-9997,"You can stop right there asshole, she is a married woman with a family.",0,none, 763,sexism2022_english-6033,Curves does it for women. I’m sure women would collectively sue for access to the gym if it were a company. We should start a MGTOW gym in people’s garages or a warehouse similar to the “Heman Woman-haterz Clubâ€?,1,2. derogation, 764,sexism2022_english-10224,you forgot crippling debt! she wants u to take on in a marriage,0,none, 765,sexism2022_english-13568,"Sometimes girls laugh if they like you, they're silly creatures.",0,none, 766,sexism2022_english-5032,"Lol nice. The Gateway Pundit has written an article 'denouncing' her 'disgusting tweet' but includes essentially the entire Unz article in excerpts. Lmao, that's one way to get em, Jim. [URL]",0,none, 767,sexism2022_english-269,"I love how you tried to frame is as playing devil's advocate when it's really what you believe. Actually I believe exterminating Muslims and Jews entirely. We should start with their women, to disable their reproductive capacity first.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 768,sexism2022_english-7953,"But since only women get pregnant, they get free birth control pills. [URL]",0,none, 769,sexism2022_english-5503,"I think I captured all of this perfectly with ""trailer park meth mom."" MT [USER] She is starting to get that look some women get in their 40s that is halfway between ""divorcee cruising for her kids' male friends"" and ""tranny.""",1,2. derogation, 770,sexism2022_english-14655,I mean is literally every sentencing difference between a man and a woman a conspiracy now.,0,none, 771,sexism2022_english-4727,"she wants the gay marriage law upheld, and abortion laws enforced",0,none, 772,sexism2022_english-16361,A right-minded military general would revolt against the French leadership and end soldiers to WIPE OUT all the muslims in the camp. Unfortunately I think even their military is too cucked to do more than wet themselves.,0,none, 773,sexism2022_english-823,"dread game is going to make many women shut down emotionally and physically. Not in my experience ymmv but ime lots of women respond VERY strongly to it, it makes them fight for you and even go a little crazy trying to secure your commitment",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 774,sexism2022_english-7809,Always follow the money. You think the government is gonna pay for tens of thousands of new born chad babies per week till they reach adulthood?,0,none, 775,sexism2022_english-7231,To the FOTUS I can say Happy Women's Day. Thank you for being a wonderful role model to women in America and across the globe. #MAGA,0,none, 776,sexism2022_english-7606,That one bitch should care she got suspended...lol it's gonna haunt her later in life,1,3. animosity, 777,sexism2022_english-5905,She isn't mentally ill. She's simply a hateful piece of work. Stop trying to excuse her hate crime.,0,none, 778,sexism2022_english-2325,"When I see photographs of kiddie me, I realize how glad I am to be older and more butch. Kiddie me didn't know what the fuck she was doing. #LongLiveTheButch",0,none, 779,sexism2022_english-6444,"[USER] Dear wife beater. Stop talking about sexual assault, ya moron. [URL]",0,none, 780,sexism2022_english-2847,Why don't you find the guy she did this to and get him to press charges instead of thinking that reposting this does something?,0,none, 781,sexism2022_english-1843,"""come by for a dance? "" she's a stripper...she may be expecting a slow night and needs to make her tips...drop it like its hot... when a girl never responds to a text...its no bueno...",0,none, 782,sexism2022_english-9026,All females must take collective responsibility for false rape accusations!,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 783,sexism2022_english-12134,"This asshole assaulted her! He belongs in jail! Help push this video to go viral! He must be prosecuted, stop letting violent liberals get away with crimes!! [URL]",0,none, 784,sexism2022_english-3702,"dykes and faggots should not be allowed to adopt, period. These sickos will only ruin a child's life by leading them into their perversions.",1,2. derogation, 785,sexism2022_english-1134,"Husband is tired and working too much? Be an ungrateful bitch, start a fight, and make him sleep on the sofa. Granted, he was an A grade eager cuck, but I bet he's better off like this",1,3. animosity, 786,sexism2022_english-4167,"Thanks for the response brotha, I'll work towards it. It's just another nasty remnant of my beta days. But like you said, I'm a man. Men conquer.",1,3. animosity, 787,sexism2022_english-16055,"That’s been plain from day one. What looks like she’s doing a terrible job to the uninitiated will be considered great work by the EU, ‘deep stateâ€?etc. She is fucking Brexit up purposely.",0,none, 788,sexism2022_english-909,"If it happens, it will be the final nail in the coffin of any kind of real equality, when women's bodies literally become for sale. Well, incels would agree with you there, that a sex robot is indistinguishable form a real woman.",1,2. derogation, 789,sexism2022_english-12128,Hillary must be tired. Time to sleep -- just like she did while our heroes were killed in Benghazi. #MAGA. #Trump #news,0,none, 790,sexism2022_english-18654,You sound like a big fucking pussy. You think “weâ€?should have boundaries??? Fuck her and fuck you. You don’t need her permission to set boundaries. What exactly did she say?,1,3. animosity, 791,sexism2022_english-19471,"That isn't an analogous comparison at all. ""whitecel = volcel"" is an absolute statement; ""most men are smarter than women"" is explicitly a conditional statement.",0,none, 792,sexism2022_english-11212,"If you are bleeding from your vagina, you are a woman...period. [URL]",0,none, 793,sexism2022_english-5977,Women feel so guilty over their nature. Most women have rape fantasies but are terrified of even being touched by an ugly guy. That’s why women in gender studies are such liars. And women hate incels for exposing them.,1,2. derogation, 794,sexism2022_english-16999,"That's assuming that in 96 years liberals haven't made it so that everyone is gay and prances around with their penises tucked between their legs, thinking they're women while they are scared of butterflies.",0,none, 795,sexism2022_english-16755,"It is up to we American shitposters to fuck with them all. Except Merkel, no one wants to fuck her",0,none, 796,sexism2022_english-14985,Watch the Cops left hand. No eminent threat but he grips her very tightly.,0,none, 797,sexism2022_english-8331,"Well shit, you got me convinced. Where do I sign up to die in the race war, so that white women could fuck niggers without judgement?",0,none, 798,sexism2022_english-6609,"Kind of lost me there Stacy is just a hot girl, has nothing to do with hair color, the most Giga Stacey of all time has dark hair and so do many other Stacies Also Charli is a kid lol",0,none, 799,sexism2022_english-4845,"Unlike almost every single society on Earth, pre-Christian Europeans venerated, respected, and placed our women on a pedestal.",0,none, 800,sexism2022_english-10715,The very look I get on my face when I see a dude in a dress and wig go into a ladies room.,0,none, 801,sexism2022_english-7621,It is mind boggling how much these normies worship females,0,none, 802,sexism2022_english-19718,.you are smoking some major shit dude and aren't really refuting your homo tryst Christopher Michael Robbins? why is that?,0,none, 803,sexism2022_english-13875,The Baby Momma left her Cuck with her baby.,0,none, 804,sexism2022_english-11582,"Aren't y'all the people who gave birth to every rapist and murderer and war starter? What's something all rapists, murderers etc have in common? They had a female parent! See how stupid that sounds?",0,none, 805,sexism2022_english-1672,I’d pay a weeks salary to have the opportunity to bitch slap that smarmy look off her face. God I hope she isn’t a grandma. What a nightmare for a kid. She is anything but huggable and boo-boo kissing material.,1,2. derogation, 806,sexism2022_english-13407,Why does he think he deserves someone who cooks three meals a day for him and splits the bill on dates even though she has no job? Someone explain moid logic to me.,0,none, 807,sexism2022_english-19073,Saw that book in Sainsbury today and had a flick through. It's all muslim women in headscarves in the photos. Very diverse!,0,none, 808,sexism2022_english-3515,Actual beta and he has two daughters JFL he’s a white knight,0,none, 809,sexism2022_english-12546,Trump extortionist Stormy Daniels to facilitate cryptocurrency payments on her website for porn content - [URL] #news #finance #bitcoin #stormydaniels,0,none, 810,sexism2022_english-16888,these normies just cant cope with the harsh reality of the black pill. its too much for them to process.,0,none, 811,sexism2022_english-1736,WTF is wrong with women today? Sorry scrub that we know.,1,2. derogation, 812,sexism2022_english-4695,"Enough is enough ! It’s high time that Uncle Donald put the nutty little fat fucker over his knee, & gave him a good spanking !!!!",0,none, 813,sexism2022_english-19739,"Ah the good old french method of drinking alcohol to do political activism. #JustQuebecStuff #CanadaLand [URL] Seriously tho, are they retarded or something?",0,none, 814,sexism2022_english-4250,"Depends on where you are, generally by military the bases they will, but away from them it's very hard. You shouldn't need prostitutes in Japan, the women are very easy to pick up if you know how.",1,3. animosity, 815,sexism2022_english-2007,"For some time, it seemed that all they ever did was give all of the women a bob. Oh, and short denim jackets. Ugh! That really started pissing me off and I stopped watching.",0,none, 816,sexism2022_english-6317,Because those 100k Jews weren't against the German idea. And oh by the way some of the Rothschild women died in camps.,0,none, 817,sexism2022_english-19973,When will that old cunt die already???,1,3. animosity, 818,sexism2022_english-3540,"Non-rape from a Chad, rape from a Joe.",0,none, 819,sexism2022_english-389,"NEW TIDE POD CHALENGE---liberal women shud shove them up there VAGINA an see how long it takes 4 it 2 melt,-GAY Liberals shud stick it up there ass 4 the same reason,-",1,2. derogation, 820,sexism2022_english-15435,"Thanks bro. I'm from Denmark. My biggest insecurity since forever has always been if a girl would turn me down for my race (experienced racist bullying when i was a kid), so my Tinder experience has been quite the eye opener.",0,none, 821,sexism2022_english-17946,Take her to pound town 😎 Nah jk. Idk. I just wanted to say that,0,none, 822,sexism2022_english-5879,"this, she is fucking other guys already, just wants permission",0,none, 823,sexism2022_english-11086,"On the other hand, the French revolutionaries probably took less heroin than Antifa.",0,none, 824,sexism2022_english-6993,I try to act confident but girls dont even look at me,0,none, 825,sexism2022_english-12584,[USER] True Ladies are warriors for truth and nothing is tacky When you stand on the right side of it. In fact it shows a persons quality to stand for the truth when it is unpopular. That is what any True Lady or Gentleman must do.,0,none, 826,sexism2022_english-5713,"I never even enter a store without knowing exactly what I want. In, get it, out. My wife will go shopping at stores that I didn't know existed, and bring home stuff I've never heard her talk about. 🙄",0,none, 827,sexism2022_english-18502,Jfl I looked like a 12 yo girl at 19. Wait until your mid-20s before complaining about not being able to build muscle.,0,none, 828,sexism2022_english-18826,"Does this actually work? This seems like the easiest way to get prostitutes, undercover cops, or STDs.",0,none, 829,sexism2022_english-19693,"It doesn’t need to work on all Chads, just one.",0,none, 830,sexism2022_english-15260,"That's not what the question is actually about, though. Before coxcon, it was about whether *being sexually attracted to* a dude who dresses up and passes as a girl is gay. 'traps' refers to the porn category, not the people being depicted.",0,none, 831,sexism2022_english-1643,"[USER] FYI, the person in the photo just filed a DMCA takedown notice against you since she's the one in the photo. Enjoy!",0,none, 832,sexism2022_english-4094,​ How many girls did you pick up dancing and of those how many you had sex with?,0,none, 833,sexism2022_english-12679,Benefits for women yes â€?. have been in many workplaces like thatâ€?sexism in favour of womenâ€?xx chromosomes get promotions and long lunches while the men are the office slaves working 60 hr weeks for min wage,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 834,sexism2022_english-5332,"...I'm 67% certain she noticed a small, hairy boogy dangling from your nose, B.",0,none, 835,sexism2022_english-11039,"So whose fault is it for wet dreams? If a wife or girlfriend deliberately withholds sex, isn't she also contributing to acts against an unborn child?",0,none, 836,sexism2022_english-11701,"For the simps who lurk here, this is what happens after the happy ending in a movie or a game which we barely get to see from the popular mediums.",0,none, 837,sexism2022_english-13557,Haha don't mind me just revitalised anger phase bullshit,0,none, 838,sexism2022_english-4580,Well said sister. #Islam is #Satanic and they will use it to attack us.,0,none, 839,sexism2022_english-6450,"Haha that could happen, unless he totally gets engulfed by pussy that he cuts me off.",1,3. animosity, 840,sexism2022_english-13721,"[USER] #Hillary has so many nails in her campaign's coffin, it's more of an iron maiden by now.",0,none, 841,sexism2022_english-5068,Dindu nuffin! Fuck whitey! When's lunch?,0,none, 842,sexism2022_english-15017,"Today went and sat next to a girl at lunch. Totally out of my comfort zone yet in my comfort zone, it was like all my awesome manliness took over and I ran that train straight to Hogwarts.",0,none, 843,sexism2022_english-11762,"1 - intercourse never happened, accusation is that he INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCHED HER 2- what about 60 womwn who have come forward including women who dated him ???",0,none, 844,sexism2022_english-12096,"[USER] , uhhhhh, hmm, er...gimme a minute. Uhhhhh, errrrr, damn, THIS is HARD!! Uhhh, oh, screw it!!",0,none, 845,sexism2022_english-7226,"If wealth and status were the deal-maker, women would fuck on the first date since most guys start bragging about their jobs 5 mins in. ... when was the last time you dated someone? This is the norm if you have a good job like myself.",1,2. derogation, 846,sexism2022_english-8605,Oh my GAWD! This woman needs to be cuffed immediatly [URL] I can not wait to see what #Wikileaks has in store next week! .... Is this the work of #KimDotCom Something is getting ready to explode Major #FreedomBoner,0,none, 847,sexism2022_english-17158,Oh my fucking God. Look at her fucking feet. Disgusting. Black women are the worst.,1,2. derogation, 848,sexism2022_english-3586,"Thank you. >Think of how you Love a puppy, that's the Love you must have for a woman. That is an excellent way to look at it.",1,3. animosity, 849,sexism2022_english-9476,Whoops. I replied to the wrong person. Still don't know why you're mad about a muppet vagina.,1,2. derogation, 850,sexism2022_english-8540,Most people here just want to get laid thinking it will solve everything but they just forget to actually enjoy life and let pua consume their lives.,0,none, 851,sexism2022_english-5772,"agreed, very much so. had a sister return from iraq war 2 with major ptsd, died a few years back from alcohol poisoning after struggling with it for many years. VA didnt do shit for her",0,none, 852,sexism2022_english-863,"Yeah right 🤣🤣🤣. Guys who keep female friends around are guys who dont have good male friends and who have trouble getting laid. We all know your type, you arent convincing anyone buddy.",1,3. animosity, 853,sexism2022_english-8297,"In the US, Women prefer the White TShirt and Jeans.",0,none, 854,sexism2022_english-19450,"the community Like I said, someone clearly didn't do his or her research. And that's why instead of facts your argument is ""I feel"".",0,none, 855,sexism2022_english-13376,"They wouldn't be able to have sex otherwise. They know they have to find a woman so impaired that she has sex with them, so they're rabidly defending this action as not rape.",0,none, 856,sexism2022_english-13414,What has she done to impress you? What makes her more special than the other girls you know/follow on IG?,0,none, 857,sexism2022_english-1935,My wife literally shoveled the snow yesterday. Get over yourselves. The reason women don't sleep with you is because of you. Not them.,0,none, 858,sexism2022_english-14057,"*Got out of a 5 year relationship with a stubborn, bitchy, controlling single mom who didnt let her mask slip until the last few months.* Yep, they are good at hiding that part of themselves.",1,2. derogation, 859,sexism2022_english-14915,"mgtow can be guy banging chicks Maybe, but it never is",0,none, 860,sexism2022_english-18383,"I love Tommy Robinson. He's subjected to a smear campaign in this country, but it's never stopped him, nor should it. #BanSharia",0,none, 861,sexism2022_english-11165,Sugar and Spice and women are never nice.,1,2. derogation, 862,sexism2022_english-19933,"That's because more guys are attracted to the roles. It is also an area where guys tend to be naturally better at. The thing is, you probably won't admit that women on average are better at other things.",1,3. animosity, 863,sexism2022_english-19842,"its just make up, shes got the face of a camel under there",1,2. derogation, 864,sexism2022_english-14239,was this nigger one of the animals she rescued too? Yes! Her taxes paid for the importation of niggers.,0,none, 865,sexism2022_english-6836,"Yeah but come on TRP/manosphere are outliers, the mainstream does not see this much whining about women. Men still want to get laid and even have relationships as much as ever.",0,none, 866,sexism2022_english-3962,I'm surprised how many morons are still on there. The slow learners eventually show up here and want to bitch and whine how victimized they were on Twitter. Huge snore. You went from a victim to a VOLUNTEER. I have zero empathy for the volunteers.,1,3. animosity, 867,sexism2022_english-15960,Not only is she a whore but she’s also putting others lives at risk Shameful human.,1,2. derogation, 868,sexism2022_english-13184,I saw this from [USER] herself but I thought I would share [USER] 's video on it. Keep up the good work on #PizzaGate guys! This is real #News. Don't be afraid to #SpeakFreely. [URL],0,none, 869,sexism2022_english-13733,"Yep. Yesterday, I heard those young whippersnapper lawyers giggling and singing ""Ding-dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead!"". They were informed today that they ARE the witch. Pity.",1,3. animosity, 870,sexism2022_english-13101,"When it pertains to women, the size of her tits is directly proportional to the length of the hug I give.",1,2. derogation, 871,sexism2022_english-15562,Even if she didn't have a kid. Once you go black I don't want you back,0,none, 872,sexism2022_english-16402,So I was having my meal at beach and saw my ex getting drown in the water. I thought about saving her but I hate cold food mate.,0,none, 873,sexism2022_english-14469,#ValerieJarrett moves into DC Mansion to plan overthrow or impeachment of Trump with bastard traitor obama and his racist beast wife. #ShadowGovernment [URL],0,none, 874,sexism2022_english-15509,"My granddad had a stroke on the bus today. The woman sat next to him, gave him a fucking black eye.",0,none, 875,sexism2022_english-11044,They 4re giving l4nd 4w[USER] in the E4st 4nd not to developers but homeowners from off shore who 4re looking for 4 w4y out of the r4t r4ce th4t the West h4s become. You turn it into home & m4ke equity for yourselves. Ironic don't you think?,0,none, 876,sexism2022_english-16610,Is she a porn star? If she is I want to see that ass.,1,2. derogation, 877,sexism2022_english-12170,Tell that to Weev you lying shitskin son of a bitch.,1,3. animosity, 878,sexism2022_english-541,"During World War II, Nazi Germany planned to kill, deport, or enslave the Slavic and Jewish population of occupied Eastern Europe to create Living space for German settlers. 14 100% 88 fuck no!",0,none, 879,sexism2022_english-6251,"who gives a ""F"" if you are fat or not ? get over yourself little girl",0,none, 880,sexism2022_english-7624,Does wisdom come through mistakes ? And if your answer is yes then you have to go through the ringer ! No one has blamed anything on women ! It’s an observation made it’s upto you whether you see it or not,0,none, 881,sexism2022_english-13597,Australia is probably the worst place to be a man. Every man there is on steroids. Every woman is a fucking fatass.,1,2. derogation, 882,sexism2022_english-5226,"You need to cut 100% of contact with her and block all communication, obviously you still want to fuck her meaning the ball is in her caught - she can manipulate you pretty easily from here. Cut all ties or you are fucked",0,none, 883,sexism2022_english-17248,"YESSSS! These people are dumb as fuck. Keep throwing your money away, while boycotts have diminished your income. We want you all bankrupted before you find yourselves in need of cabal lawyers and bribe money.",0,none, 884,sexism2022_english-11660,Gamergaters denounce doxxing while anti-GG continue to support it and indirectly threaten anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Stay classy Adam...,0,none, 885,sexism2022_english-15414,"#POSJohnCharlton #EnactDealthPenalty Man sentenced for murdering, dismembering woman [URL]",0,none, 886,sexism2022_english-1015,She and her fans are the epitome of trash,0,none, 887,sexism2022_english-538,Hollywood only has Gays Lesbians and transgenders.... There are no men left in Hollywood..... Sad! #BoycottHollywood #PedoWood,0,none, 888,sexism2022_english-11254,Not all Blacks are complete NIGGERS like this whore The Pure POS Nigger bitch gives others a bad name fucking cunt Should investigate where she worked and deaths,1,2. derogation, 889,sexism2022_english-3387,"lol That's what it said about its girlfriend Barack, too.",0,none, 890,sexism2022_english-19051,"So, if mgtow wants to marry, only do it for power and money?",0,none, 891,sexism2022_english-12403,"Different generations. You won't get it, just like how I won't get why other generations do certain shit. Get with the program mate or don't criticise, because I hit on girls in real life AND online, so I'm getting the best of both worlds.",0,none, 892,sexism2022_english-5052,This is Child Abuse - nothing less. This woman needs to be locked up before she destroys an innocent Human life... #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder,0,none, 893,sexism2022_english-7021,She wanted to strike from the shadows. The dimms made her come out of hiding by leaking her name.,0,none, 894,sexism2022_english-15692,"This Man is the Only Hope for Brazil to defeat Cultural Communism ! his name : Jair Bolsonaro - Aka /BolsoMtyth/ Pro Gun , Pro Israel , Pro Constitution , Pro Freemakert , Pro Family Anti GayAgenda , AntiAbortion , Ati isis , Anti Commie [URL]",0,none, 895,sexism2022_english-2400,"On point of racial bias, there is a long history of desexualization of Asian men in western culture, so that probably affects attraction biases.",0,none, 896,sexism2022_english-404,"A woman sends that to a man and she's brave, strong, independent. A man sends that text to a woman and there's criminal charges.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 897,sexism2022_english-16153,"One of the key globalist goals is to destroy the family and the male-female sexuality of humanity. . A Hot New Fashion Trend Has Men Dressing In Skirts, Dresses And 8 Inch Heels [URL]",0,none, 898,sexism2022_english-18811,Good - the grid girls can finally get back into F1,0,none, 899,sexism2022_english-13468,The divorce rate was much higher a decade or two ago because of all the Boomers getting divorced.,0,none, 900,sexism2022_english-10862,"Twitter locks out users, automatically, for 'automated behavior.' Meanwhile, ""THE RESISTANCE"" tells right-wing women they're going to be raped & lit on fire. [ [URL] ]",0,none, 901,sexism2022_english-15242,Judge awards man nearly $9 million in lawsuit against wife's lover [URL],0,none, 902,sexism2022_english-16478,"Nonsense, any devaluation of sex as a bargaining chip hurts women, whether it's sluts, prostitutes, or japanese sex robots. Women used to get straight up marriage without even putting out, those days are long gone.",1,2. derogation, 903,sexism2022_english-773,"Damn don’t do that to yourself. It sounds like sex is important to you so if a girl isn’t having sex with you by the 5th or 6th date at most, just move on. Check out the dicarlo escalation method",0,none, 904,sexism2022_english-1282,"🤮 If she's enamored by objects, imagine her diddle toy collection.",0,none, 905,sexism2022_english-1949,"Yes, she is a REPTILIAN 😂😂😂😂 Love it. Wish I could do pictures like that. Think I'll take a class 😊",0,none, 906,sexism2022_english-8489,"[USER] Yes, it's one part of the U.N. NWO New Age pkg involving ancient sacred feminine / Mother Earth Gaia worship, etc, to destroy all of mankind. Our enemy has many far reaching tentacles & has been very busy.",0,none, 907,sexism2022_english-13625,"Short guys still get pussy, incel bitch boys.",1,3. animosity, 908,sexism2022_english-19534,"[URL] I'm very sympathetic to the iranian people! Wanting to take down the terrible anti women, anti gay dictatorship is understandeble..I just can support another western intervention & i dont believe a civil war would benefit the iranian people.",0,none, 909,sexism2022_english-4718,[URL] he should have punched her out she is nothing but a hag from the uk feel free to punch ex pats they are excrement,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 910,sexism2022_english-27,It’s on the list on ban female hate sub,0,none, 911,sexism2022_english-5222,"There are plenty of ways a woman can look beautiful, decent and attractive at the same time and our female members are proof of it. It's defined in our terms: nudes and explicitly sexual photos are not accepted. This also applies to men.",0,none, 912,sexism2022_english-19443,Can't hit girls though......but.... a c@#t punt might be an idea..,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 913,sexism2022_english-14136,"Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson on Free Speech and new Gender Titles. Will be soon illegal to call someone he and she! Call me whatever you want and i'll call u whatever I like. Get out my mouth, Ya Dicks. #speekfreely [URL]",0,none, 914,sexism2022_english-15205,"Anthem is like a crack baby. It's already going to be fucked up thanks to the ""mother's"" addiction.",0,none, 915,sexism2022_english-4981,"One of my arch-nemesiseses, Cat Boobs, makes use of her sexuality as a weapon (Something befitting a woman, if you ask me). Gender is totally my thing. They should have raised the kid as Batman. No confusion there.",1,2. derogation, 916,sexism2022_english-6523,I’m losing weight to make girls like me more and that’s pretty much it,0,none, 917,sexism2022_english-5297,"Your problem is that you're not asking her to hang out in person since she's from your workplace, pussy.",1,3. animosity, 918,sexism2022_english-11181,"Hey cuck, your wife was a slut fucking around in her youth. I despise betas like you.",1,2. derogation, 919,sexism2022_english-12702,Code beauty is essential because programming is an art. Gender has nothing to do.,0,none, 920,sexism2022_english-19330,"Trump is a Filthy Elite Kike Jew Bitch with a daughter named Kikevanka married to Israeli agent Blackmail Pro Kike Kushner. Loose the Jewtardification bro, you expose that your words hold no credit if you trust in your Kike Jew Blackmaield Overlords.",1,3. animosity, 921,sexism2022_english-17742,And what you should learn from this is not to stare at a girl while she's reading a sign. Not that holding eye contact is bad.,0,none, 922,sexism2022_english-335,"If this idiot went to Wales and told white Welsh women to abort their babies because they are white males, the only embrace she would get is around her throat while they punched her repeatedly in the face.",0,none, 923,sexism2022_english-262,"These types of girls feen over white dudes all day, even normie ones, because of the self hate they hold in their hearts for their skin color",1,3. animosity, 924,sexism2022_english-5541,This sub went from mgtow to a clone of incels way to quick,0,none, 925,sexism2022_english-14202,"....he is not #POTUS, #AIPAC is and has been since #JFK. #nomaga and no sheriff joe will not be released. #blackpill",0,none, 926,sexism2022_english-23,"but since she's female, her singing will be the lies that lead the enemy to their demise... don't underestimate cunts!",1,2. derogation, 927,sexism2022_english-11581,[USER] witch one is you ?? :) LOL [URL],0,none, 928,sexism2022_english-10106,He apparently should have jumped her bones. May as well be hanged for a ram as a sheep.,0,none, 929,sexism2022_english-13255,Cry about it incel bitches.,1,3. animosity, 930,sexism2022_english-11905,I feel like gay men stare more at me than women.,0,none, 931,sexism2022_english-4442,Let’s hope her goal never materializes,0,none, 932,sexism2022_english-12742,"If he doesn’t step up Right. You've hit on the key point here. Most of the men you meet do not trigger within you feelings of attraction; therefore, you are not invested in them emotionally to pursue anything further.",0,none, 933,sexism2022_english-11395,Maybe to women that's what slaying means. But to men it's just racking up a pussy count.,1,2. derogation, 934,sexism2022_english-6369,"ah, those are actresses speaking words written for them -- with the exception of diller who said she wrote 75% of her act -- without men writing for them, they're not funny. case in point: roseanne. can't act and can't write.",1,2. derogation, 935,sexism2022_english-1567,Oooooo. Need to use this more. It's pretty much saying all women already have a husband. Very very good. Well done.,0,none, 936,sexism2022_english-7103,"As if reading your BS would make me an intellectual. Women are more than willing to date damaged men as long as the guy is hot. They don't care about ""work"", they care about looks. [URL]",1,2. derogation, 937,sexism2022_english-11398,ROFLMAO this shit has to be fake.,0,none, 938,sexism2022_english-3660,Well I guess I was extremely unlucky as my ex had pretty much all of them lol,0,none, 939,sexism2022_english-15962,"Spot on! I am pleased you are doing the research. Chemo is worse than cancer, it destroys your body. I have a Homeopath, been with her for years, she is very well informed and keeps me well :-)",0,none, 940,sexism2022_english-11040,"The argument “I can’t change my heightâ€?is a bad one. You are assuming women gaf about what is in your control. When a 7/10 has a plethora of guys to choose from, some will be tall, and she will choose accordingly. Supply and demand",0,none, 941,sexism2022_english-1481,"I think I got sick, I just heard Madonna flashed her privates on Twitter. Isn't she like 80 years old? #Humor",0,none, 942,sexism2022_english-15624,"So Whoppi Goldberg insinuated Trump Jr’s sons were going to be rapists in the futures , so Jr fired back with a video of her splitting hairs on convicted child rapist Roman Polanski. [URL] [URL]",0,none, 943,sexism2022_english-4237,"Figures, if she's running out like that, she's probably already fucking around.",0,none, 944,sexism2022_english-14847,Maybe she only got one level in?,0,none, 945,sexism2022_english-6977,"From this moment on you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you. Except for the say nothing part. Be playful and cocky with her. This is your frame.",0,none, 946,sexism2022_english-1674,Two illegal migrants arrested for being involved in gang rape and death of Italian teen girl [URL],0,none, 947,sexism2022_english-8344,"Oh no... man that’s a tough one. If you just want kids maybe get a surrogate and raise your child/children on your own. Whatever you do, don’t knock up some psycho bitch so they can de ball you and drain your bank account.",1,2. derogation, 948,sexism2022_english-9541,Those filthy Jew bastards will kill her first.,0,none, 949,sexism2022_english-2113,What a disgustingly ugly cunt she is,1,2. derogation, 950,sexism2022_english-11487,A high school student is facing battery charges after knocking off a fellow student’s #MAGA hat and slapping her teacher in the face - [URL] #Trump #tcot #tlot,0,none, 951,sexism2022_english-410,"So a woman posting a selfie to complain about the shitty thing that happened to her on social media is ""the liberal media"" now? EDIT: Like, it's not her fault news media ran with it. She's just trying to get through the day, dude.",0,none, 952,sexism2022_english-15178,You realize women do it all the time right? Just be average guy with athletic body and they will beg you to fuck her and cheat their partner.,1,3. animosity, 953,sexism2022_english-6575,"[USER] The fact that they are female isn't the issue for me as much as I wish they didn't change EVERYTHING about the manliest characters in comics and film for political gain.. instead make some all new bad ass chicks, that I'm down for.",0,none, 954,sexism2022_english-3288,This is what this sub should be about. Not complaining about your struggles or bragging about the girls you've been with.,0,none, 955,sexism2022_english-5963,Can a female please slap her.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 956,sexism2022_english-3963,"Niggers brutally assaulting Indian women, who typically wear gold jewelry as a symbol of marriage. [URL]",0,none, 957,sexism2022_english-12935,"So on your 2nd date, which was ~4 days ago, you agreed to be mutually exclusive, but you won't see her until after New Years Eve?",0,none, 958,sexism2022_english-2389,Frag the treasonous bitch and the rest of the scum that went with her...,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 959,sexism2022_english-3348,isnt #Globalism GREAT.....are you beginning to realize it is just a totalitarian scam to enslave us all even more than we are now,0,none, 960,sexism2022_english-17736,"Yes, every girl on the planet becomes a raging porn starlet the day they hit their 13th birthday. His cousin's friend's brother told him so.",0,none, 961,sexism2022_english-3179,those high temps must be responsible for the heavy sea ice,0,none, 962,sexism2022_english-9191,"I can do that fairly easily, you're right it must vary from individual to individual. It's not her middle finger, but still doesn't holding up her ring finger like that mean ""fuck you""?",0,none, 963,sexism2022_english-16985,"yet her and her ilk label all white men, minus pajama boys, angry[USER]",0,none, 964,sexism2022_english-19236,"[USER] When did Twatter Jack yank your account? That is such BS... I hope you'll be back soon, we need you and [USER] in the fight. You guys are the strong conservative women they fear.",0,none, 965,sexism2022_english-19777,[USER] A trap is usually a boy that looks like a girl. a reverse trap is a girl that looks like a boy.,0,none, 966,sexism2022_english-16338,"i was there, she hopped on the bar and he benched both her and the bar together. Then he fucked her, right on the spot. shit was so cash.",0,none, 967,sexism2022_english-5539,I feel horrible for the injured. Hopefully no deaths. But yes I hope she would be mired in lawsuits.,0,none, 968,sexism2022_english-6620,"One, she is 15, uglier than me, femlet, fat, and already has orbiters. Fuck this clown world",0,none, 969,sexism2022_english-1351,pick a woman who is unlikely to screw them over No such woman exists.,1,2. derogation, 970,sexism2022_english-647,"I picture the life of an incel as being like Peter Parker in Sam Raimi's Spiderman 2 without the Spiderman powers. If most women had to live like that they'd go full ""Elliot Roger"" in about ten minutes.",1,2. derogation, 971,sexism2022_english-13812,Who cares..just shoot your shot if you like her.,0,none, 972,sexism2022_english-10091,"This person or someone who looks just like ""her"" probably did it too. Isn't that just a kick in the nads.",0,none, 973,sexism2022_english-3685,"Don't bother, come onto them at the bar/pub when you're drunk and they're drunk, otherwise just don't fucking bother lol Edit, sorry I thought you meant 40+",0,none, 974,sexism2022_english-3906,"A fleshlight costs $80, doesn't demand more money and will never accuse you of ""sexual assault."" Win/win/win",1,2. derogation, 975,sexism2022_english-16628,It has nothing to do with this sometimes. A lot of it is due to social class. The economic ladder. And the irrational hatred over these couples is stupid.,0,none, 976,sexism2022_english-8607,Wouldn't you have preferred a president that hasn't sexually assaulted lots of women? Should have picked Bernie.,0,none, 977,sexism2022_english-15224,"Don’t forget audiobooks. I’ve been on a spree of redpill books lately. Normally listen to them while I do easy cardio. I’d recommend starting with the rationale male, models, or the power of now",0,none, 978,sexism2022_english-3779,"""More Cops injured, private property damaged, commerce disrupted, concerts cancelled. Don't coddle these thugs. Throw em in jail. #StLouis"" ""Thugs"" = NIGGERS",0,none, 979,sexism2022_english-2882,Don’t be a cunt to people. Just adopt the “I don’t give a fuck attitude â€? Look out for number one but don’t intentionally hurt others.,1,3. animosity, 980,sexism2022_english-19671,She cant because she is a reptilian.,0,none, 981,sexism2022_english-11391,Let’s see.... the housewife with the crazy PR person who just got canned?? 🤔,0,none, 982,sexism2022_english-3219,"You are obviously talking about a rational sane woman, that kind of leaves Chelsea Hubble out of picture.",0,none, 983,sexism2022_english-665,Serves the cunt right. Indian women are one of the biggest whores on this planet. I find them disgusting and repulsive.,1,2. derogation, 984,sexism2022_english-13909,"It wasn't criticism of her, but an attack on us. To make us look bad",0,none, 985,sexism2022_english-12298,If only my ex was a nice woman like her and just put a bullet in my head instead of torturing me on a daily basis... Most women prefer the death by 1000000 cuts method.,1,2. derogation, 986,sexism2022_english-14857,Country Fried Deer steaks and three fresh eggs from my girls.... Cant beat country,0,none, 987,sexism2022_english-5006,There was a study done some time back on sex life with homosexuals and heterosexuals. Gay men have the most sex and gay women have the least amount. Heterosexual of course being second.,0,none, 988,sexism2022_english-5871,"I dog the boomers as much as anyone and rightfully so. Just don't forget, it was the so called ""Greatest generation"" who had no problem with letting the Jews take over academia.",0,none, 989,sexism2022_english-19042,"Someone to woman: ""Who hurt you?""",0,none, 990,sexism2022_english-2667,"The louder and more annoying the feminists are in a country's women, the more privileged, spoiled, and pampered they are",1,2. derogation, 991,sexism2022_english-18987,Black nurse posts racist tweet about white women and their unborn sons. DETAILS: [URL],0,none, 992,sexism2022_english-6843,"What seems to be the case is.... if a female puts in her bio “Venmo me and see what happensâ€? “if you are not rich don’t HMUâ€? “if you are fat don’t HMUâ€?then it’s perfectly fine but if a guy has some standards, apparently im a piece of shit.",1,3. animosity, 993,sexism2022_english-10385,guess all those conservatives still think she got elected just because of then content of her charater lol muh individualism,0,none, 994,sexism2022_english-2536,Someone needs to slap the shit out of these Rhinos.,0,none, 995,sexism2022_english-13645,"The used condom in the bin somehow ended up in her pussy, magic!",0,none, 996,sexism2022_english-17400,"please dont say your some sociopath like sherlock lol. cold water showers are actually good for you at times. I take freezing cold every now and then, it helps your body fix itself. still, atleast you dont like wearing peoples heads as hats",0,none, 997,sexism2022_english-5864,Anything run by women is guaranteed to be run poor.,1,2. derogation, 998,sexism2022_english-16100,#Politics #GabFam #MAGA #Australia As #MSM develops a case of total silence while covering womens virtue signaling BS. Must've been the vagina hats rather than the FGM and child RAPES [URL],1,2. derogation, 999,sexism2022_english-11845,Sounds like so many men in this sub talking about feminism. Feminism is about equal rights for women. Feminists are about giving women the benefits and baring none of the responsibility in society. Let's end the women hate fellas.,1,2. derogation, 1000,sexism2022_english-6401,Stick a fork in this dumb old demented bitch. She's done,1,2. derogation, 1001,sexism2022_english-5191,"don't empower women their egos get over inflated and they don't know how to manage it, they start treating you poorly along with other people, it creates monsters",1,2. derogation, 1002,sexism2022_english-19792,Pelosi looks like she wishes she was a no-show.,0,none, 1003,sexism2022_english-14472,#2AShallNotBeInfringed #NRA,0,none, 1004,sexism2022_english-17691,"Possibly cheaper bills, but even then, women would eventually want you to cover the whole expense. Her: My money is MY money and YOUR money is OUR money",1,2. derogation, 1005,sexism2022_english-8451,The Jack Manley/Joseph Costello 6th street videos are everything you need to start hating women.,1,2. derogation, 1006,sexism2022_english-7371,"""You called my wife a whore online. That is illegal. You're being sued for libel."" - Vox day",0,none, 1007,sexism2022_english-8274,transphobic bastard,0,none, 1008,sexism2022_english-6702,"MSM: ""How could Hillary have lost this election?! HOW?!"" Me: ""How did she lose to a community organizer named Obama?!"" The obvious answer is Hillary Clinton absolutely sucks! Tough shit! Go effin' cry about it some more. It's hilarious! #MAGA #Trump",0,none, 1009,sexism2022_english-7442,She's going to hurt her thumb with that grip!,0,none, 1010,sexism2022_english-15245,"Once men take down Hollywood and the media. ALpha up, women will fall back into place into their real feminine roles.",1,3. animosity, 1011,sexism2022_english-3362,Going to starbucks is going to be a health risk due to the potential for TB... people seem to forget Typhoid Mary worked in places where she came in contact with lots of people,0,none, 1012,sexism2022_english-18968,I wasn't comfortable with it either until I learned my race was dying out. Now I'm cool with banning clothes if it keeps out Muslims.,0,none, 1013,sexism2022_english-15873,"[USER] Obama was talking about illegal aliens. Your jackass was encouraging foreigners to break the law, which they did. That's why you assholes don't want voter identification at the polling places.",0,none, 1014,sexism2022_english-1664,"No, whore. The distinction is important. She's a fucking porn star pretending to be virtuous. ​ Her breast implant blew up recently, she is looking at her tanking SMV and panics when she's called out.",1,2. derogation, 1015,sexism2022_english-796,"okay everybody, who is the vile slime? Identify him would you all? Antifa protester tells 9/11 NYPD widow ""YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD FUC*ING ROT IN THE GRAVE [URL]",0,none, 1016,sexism2022_english-9427,Don’t hate women I just understand the price that is paid being with them (not sex) and it’s not worth it...AT ALL.,1,2. derogation, 1017,sexism2022_english-1406,I for one am glad Chad is fucking women who are on the pill.,0,none, 1018,sexism2022_english-2110,"I picked 50% even though it's usually individualized, to balance out. I think sometimes the women is a naggy bitch, but we also all know that sometimes the guy is just a violent a-hole. But then again, she picked him.",1,2. derogation, 1019,sexism2022_english-8969,‘Noâ€?ad woman promotes conversion therapy [URL],0,none, 1020,sexism2022_english-14399,Shitting on the street with a kung-fu attitude.,0,none, 1021,sexism2022_english-9634,"It's up to you, man. Why haven't you had these opportunities with girls who meet your standards?",0,none, 1022,sexism2022_english-19280,"It’s a cavern filled with mucous and slime. The ass is where shit comes out of. It’s not about women, it’s about bodies in general being the source of death and decay. And I just discovered I actually, to my horror, enjoy the physical side of things.",0,none, 1023,sexism2022_english-11686,Plus she looked so fake! Just an actor there like probably many others so far!,0,none, 1024,sexism2022_english-7873,"You know who are the worst type of feminists? It is the male feminists like you. MRAs do not hate women. We hate feminists. Nearly 1/3rd of them are males. In fact, male feminists are way worst than female feminists.",1,2. derogation, 1025,sexism2022_english-5480,"As insane as Ann Coulter is, she understands the game.",0,none, 1026,sexism2022_english-9946,lovely? have you seen the state of them both? the niglet looks like an african tranny man (an ugly one at that) and vanessa looks 20 years older than she is. lovely how?,1,2. derogation, 1027,sexism2022_english-6808,#TheView is trying to keep professional slut #StormyDaniels and her sidekick attorney relevant by having them on The View. And on a segment called “The Political Viewâ€?nonetheless 😂,1,2. derogation, 1028,sexism2022_english-15540,"I agree. I'm a 4 or 5/10. I fucking hate my life, and I'm starting to get a hatred towards women.",1,2. derogation, 1029,sexism2022_english-1114,"Fuck man, that's got to be some bad infection she had. lol how the fuck did you not smell it while you were with her?",0,none, 1030,sexism2022_english-14395,"you're may be right. i'm assuming for a hookup, face matters little, because of the positions they'd be in.",0,none, 1031,sexism2022_english-9685,Stands by her man! [URL],0,none, 1032,sexism2022_english-3161,"No, and not because of the sex. We clearly just don't have similar values systems if that is important to her",0,none, 1033,sexism2022_english-4616,I don’t remember her from LOTR...HOT,0,none, 1034,sexism2022_english-13047,"Feminine traits in men can be exploited for gain, comfort, being in control; what kind of sexual benefit (the kind that men are generally interested in) can be gained from an androgynous woman?",1,2. derogation, 1035,sexism2022_english-10286,I love that red dress. I like her style too! You have good taste.,0,none, 1036,sexism2022_english-13915,"Absolutely. All these incels have accomplished is demonstrating how little they know about women, islam, themselves and other people.",0,none, 1037,sexism2022_english-5301,"Excellent, I was just looking at another post where the female fvcked men to get grades, why support that, or even risk exposing ourselves to that type of fraudulent behavior.",0,none, 1038,sexism2022_english-16892,i am confused - where is the scandal - 2 consenting adults - years later she assures THEIR indiscretion is made public - why ? - for what reason ? - is sex the crime ? - is there a law broken ? [URL],0,none, 1039,sexism2022_english-18709,I'm so sick of women hitting the wall. I'm getting a sex doll. They never do.,1,2. derogation, 1040,sexism2022_english-2549,Or tell her you're gay,0,none, 1041,sexism2022_english-14482,"woman speak is like donkey braying: be quiet, woman' old russian proverb",1,2. derogation, 1042,sexism2022_english-2527,"You've never seen a girl pay half the bill? I assure you, it happens a lot.",0,none, 1043,sexism2022_english-4788,Obsessed Twitter troll [USER] who follows me around social media is fine with Hillary's threats to the victims of her husband Bill Clinton's rapes..... Doesn't seem to know the difference between WORDS and actions. [URL],0,none, 1044,sexism2022_english-8154,Right. Now arrest the guy who punched the AntiFa girl in the face. Just as much an illegal assault.,0,none, 1045,sexism2022_english-17723,Good god you're lucky as fuck.,0,none, 1046,sexism2022_english-6190,"They also marry for status, desperation, etc. Either way, they never marry for what actually matters.",0,none, 1047,sexism2022_english-18395,"OR..........[USER] WE COULD MAKE IT A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH WITH [USER] BLISS VS [USER] VS [USER] McMAHON. BUT AS MUCH AS WE'D LIKE TO SEE [USER] VS [USER] AT [USER], I THINK THE [USER] UNIVERSE IS CRAAAAAAVVVVVVINNNNNGGGGG!!!",0,none, 1048,sexism2022_english-2466,yall Fuck off,0,none, 1049,sexism2022_english-2915,"[USER] ""year round winter wear, for the icy elite bitch of today."" she shears her sheep and wears their wool as a sign of dominance.",1,3. animosity, 1050,sexism2022_english-2563,"Kings and queens? Remember, Vonkie took $110 million from the Saudis this year!",0,none, 1051,sexism2022_english-18079,"I'm getting older and I can't keep doing that grind to spin plates / seek out new pussy. I want to be with a woman long term, but want to learn how to avoid this issue from getting in the way.",1,3. animosity, 1052,sexism2022_english-15957,"Yes I AM God. All the planets (and in the Sun) in the solar system are spinning balls. Most moons are also spinning balls and some, the smaller ones, are still round. Wake up!",0,none, 1053,sexism2022_english-5748,"She kisses a coworker for 10 minutes and ""he feels her boobs"" Did he forget to mention his cuckold fetish? I guess when you make it that obvious you'd forget to sometimes, perfectly understandable.",0,none, 1054,sexism2022_english-5955,and she wants strike that .... SHE DEMANDS A SEAT ON THE SUPREME COURT...... DEMOCRATS HATE THE CONSTITUTION [URL],0,none, 1055,sexism2022_english-198,"Normal and normal, girls just don't find me attractive.",0,none, 1056,sexism2022_english-12315,"Damn now i have an idea. Making a fake Chad account and getting multiple roasties emotionally invested and then breaking their hearts, if they even have one. I shall find out for SCIENCE.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1057,sexism2022_english-6741,Out of boredom I decided to read quite a few of the posts from cheeky monkey. My wife and I can't decide whether it's 1. A teenage girl or 2. Just a cunt I know it's possible to be both but I'm guessing it's 1 and my wife says 2.,1,3. animosity, 1058,sexism2022_english-16796,"Well, it's safe to assume he's against female genital mutilation, so he's being inconsistent in his beliefs if he makes a joke about his own mutilation.",0,none, 1059,sexism2022_english-9072,.....im wiggapriveledge yo git ti fuck oota here yo niggapriveledge muthafuck ya on ma turf ya all pay me ho.,1,3. animosity, 1060,sexism2022_english-11872,🐵 here’s a 🍌 banana bitch since you wanna act like a monkey,1,3. animosity, 1061,sexism2022_english-8707,"Exactly. That is why all of that ""[sex is bad]([URL] mumbo jumbo when I was in school never deterred me from chasing after girls out in the hallway right after that same class was over.",0,none, 1062,sexism2022_english-19514,Phuck her through tha fone,0,none, 1063,sexism2022_english-17914,Oh now you just planting ideas in my head...mmust purge...unclean... thoughts...Aaaaahhh! (Passed out) I was thinking WarMatron...like female warchief,0,none, 1064,sexism2022_english-2913,It was just a good opportunity to hang out with a porn-promoting degenerate who kidnapped a mentally retarded woman to impregnate her. No big deal.,0,none, 1065,sexism2022_english-3392,"Just have 0% body fat & dehydrated bro. Ricels not gauntmaxxing = volcel. holding ghoul frame theory's legit. I try contribute I'm no incel or got a pussy, sorry but rather me sorry than you sorry lads x",1,3. animosity, 1066,sexism2022_english-14436,"Yep, the BBC announcer is trying to suppress her telling the truth. Looks like BBC is a bunch of truth twisting liars just like CNN.",0,none, 1067,sexism2022_english-13422,Dude she looks like Andy dick with fetal alcohol syndrome. 😆,0,none, 1068,sexism2022_english-15397,"Lol this is inky one woman, it doesn't represent the entire female population",0,none, 1069,sexism2022_english-17729,You ever read a jewish forum talking about the goyim? They describe in detail the best way to kill you slowly by cutting you over a period of 2 weeks with their finger nails. You probably watch worse movies than shit that gets talked about here.,0,none, 1070,sexism2022_english-8491,"Lol Danish Immigration Minister Runs Over Migrant [dumb attention whore] While Fleeing Refugee Mob «â€?the woman, who ""may have been hit a little,""» [URL] [URL] #EU",1,3. animosity, 1071,sexism2022_english-2109,When women call attention to herself.....wants a date also,1,3. animosity, 1072,sexism2022_english-3975,Hahaha...... she'd have him raped and shot :),0,none, 1073,sexism2022_english-19395,I have an alt account pretending to be a woman. My mission is making FDS females as toxic as possible I've gotten thousands of up votes while posting grade A bitch shit,1,2. derogation, 1074,sexism2022_english-6795,Don't run away like a little [jewish] girl.,1,3. animosity, 1075,sexism2022_english-12218,"I t’s a woman who’s self worth will be grossly over inflated. . > harmless? So no, it’s far from harmless. Social media in general and dating apps in particular have ruined the male/female dynamic in the West.",1,3. animosity, 1076,sexism2022_english-5073,"Hmm ... in a better world I would have you asked about her profile link. She just described me and she is just my type. But with women being women, I know how this would end. A pitty. A fucking damn pitty.",1,3. animosity, 1077,sexism2022_english-1024,quinn will eventually end up accusing al of her exes/sexual partners of rape and abuse. only a matter of time. someone should ask her which ex didnt sexually abuse her. quinn will be randomly accusing new people of rape 10 years from now,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1078,sexism2022_english-11613,But if a women says she’s suicidal she’s get the attention of 1000 guys like wtf. And they wonder why male suicide is so high,1,3. animosity, 1079,sexism2022_english-19421,So did you break it off with her then.,0,none, 1080,sexism2022_english-15150,In early middle school I was physically bullied by a girl and I told the teachers several times about this. They never did anything about it. I was a pussy and wouldn’t fight back,1,3. animosity, 1081,sexism2022_english-1196,"It was like a big sisterhood all stemming from her, Most feminists that bitch about the ""old boys' club"" would gladly work in an ""old girls' club"" and never realize the hypocrisy.",1,3. animosity, 1082,sexism2022_english-9772,"It goes like this: I'm on the dance floor and there's a girl that seems to be checking me out. We trade some glances, get a bit closer Did you read this? The girls doing this are showing the guy some positive attention.",0,none, 1083,sexism2022_english-14511,It could be like for the ladies' corner of your man cave. Where they could pause and be cheered by its message in between bearing platters of food and drink up and down the stairs.,1,3. animosity, 1084,sexism2022_english-4546,Everyones locked up - women most affected,0,none, 1085,sexism2022_english-4786,P O L I T I C S I S A C O P E,0,none, 1086,sexism2022_english-18126,"They want the power money brings. They don't want the stress. Hence a change in tactic to big daddy government. The other tactic is to populate the workplace, then modify it to pander to female sensibilities.",1,3. animosity, 1087,sexism2022_english-11241,[USER] Q: Why do so many women fake orgasm. A: Because they think we care.,1,3. animosity, 1088,sexism2022_english-16662,"Go away you weird autist incel creep, this is an obsession now.",0,none, 1089,sexism2022_english-9882,Girlfriend: 'You're not laying in your boxers all day watching the football scores come in'. Who said women make shit comedians?,1,3. animosity, 1090,sexism2022_english-18257,Quite fuckable imo!,0,none, 1091,sexism2022_english-4398,[URL] moaning about him imitating a disabled person while she dresses as him and makes him out to be grossly over weight? Hypocrisy much? #DonaldTrump #MAGA,0,none, 1092,sexism2022_english-385,Don't worry about it. Be happy and embrace who you are and who you want to spend your time with. Be confident in your convictions. The ideal girl for you will dig you for being comfortable with yourself.,0,none, 1093,sexism2022_english-17108,No women love chads And tyrones with the bbc Women love black men,1,3. animosity, 1094,sexism2022_english-4141,"Sadly, there's been even more instability in Libya recently. It's become a safe-haven for radical Muslims ever since Hillary got her demonic, globalist hands on it. She's responsible for the death of every Christian in Egypt and Libya.",0,none, 1095,sexism2022_english-1009,Wow. All the first responses are about evil women lying or trying to protect girls. Poor men! It must be so rough when women don't just trust you blindly. Low value rapist males.,0,none, 1096,sexism2022_english-4221,"I don't see why they even bothered, nobody said cellulite wasn't natural, just that it isn't attractive at all. Oh boo hoo women have to deal with having a flawed appearance, cry me a river.",1,3. animosity, 1097,sexism2022_english-19131,Rape is an inextricable part of women's history. Your rape fantasy thinly disguised as sarcasm is testament to that.,1,3. animosity, 1098,sexism2022_english-11065,Wtf is that personality test cube shit. I wanna stay far away from that BS it doesn't help me improve on actually generating genuine small talk.,0,none, 1099,sexism2022_english-12874,#Deepstate #Mueller give a #SexTraffic-er an award you don't say... why is Mueller #not being charged for allowing the #criminal enterprise of the #Clinton's to exist while #he was #FBI director? He is as guilty as #her for #crimes of #Treason [URL],0,none, 1100,sexism2022_english-16244,"nothing you can do if you're not her type. Move on Reply like: ''Well, I had to shoot my shot haha'' and then change subject or whatever like it's not a big deal",0,none, 1101,sexism2022_english-7704,"Citizen Donald Trump was simply pointing out that hollywood women get so wet and excited around millionaire movies stars, they could literally be grabbed by their pussies. (He was right again!)",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1102,sexism2022_english-7860,She’s def no victim as he didn’t rape her She’s married & cheats on her husband Bad judgment personally & professionally Period,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1103,sexism2022_english-1096,Odin raped all those giant women and mortal women with their consent.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1104,sexism2022_english-7504,"The only one I now to be innocent is Jordan Chariton, a conclusion I reached after listening to his accuser get interviewed by H.A. Goodman. He still should have been fired though, but he didn't do anything wrong to her.",0,none, 1105,sexism2022_english-14208,"I mastered my tickle-response so that I didn't have to raise my hand to a woman. Also, easier, just say ""no, don't do that."" :)",0,none, 1106,sexism2022_english-14245,"I looked at her Twitter and it gave me cancer. She seems like a hate-filled, miserable human being.",0,none, 1107,sexism2022_english-7597,Damn. This response just seems of female entitlement.,0,none, 1108,sexism2022_english-11121,"Come on.. Even women (FOR FUCK'S SAKE..) are coming out in MSM saying the ""me too"" ""rape culture"" shit needs to get capped. This nonsense has gone too far.. When does it end?",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1109,sexism2022_english-15192,"and whats new about this. a woman can be total garbage, but as long as she is fuckable she gets something.",1,2. derogation, 1110,sexism2022_english-6044,"This is an overreaction but only a slight one. I would try to talk to her about it first but if she can't see why you'd be scared, then yeah it's probably doomed",0,none, 1111,sexism2022_english-11979,"College girls are insane, brainwashed man-haters.",1,2. derogation, 1112,sexism2022_english-16758,TFM? Anti male agenda is very much at large. More and more men will see this when they become fed up with the modern day female.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1113,sexism2022_english-9998,"Since 1973, America has sanctioned the murder of over 58 Million children so that their Mother's can live as they wish.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1114,sexism2022_english-11822,"It's true bruh. I also help with love lives. Show this meme to the next woman you see. If she doesn't laugh, smack the shit out of her. 😬",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1115,sexism2022_english-19902,Wow! She was so casual about the way she did that. Then just walked away!,0,none, 1116,sexism2022_english-15575,Meh- women in 2018 are pure cancer. Don't even touch them with a 12 foot barge pole.,1,2. derogation, 1117,sexism2022_english-2798,either you worship women or you're a misogynist.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1118,sexism2022_english-12565,"Absolutely not. She can tie you up, feed you with viagra and rape you until she gets pregnant and you will be liable for child support 'In the best interest of the child'. Welcome to the U.S.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1119,sexism2022_english-3752,"All firemen do is sleep with each other's wives. Another overhyped class of reprobates, similar to cops, teachers and Our Paid Heros. All adrenaline-junkie professions attract hominid garbage.",0,none, 1120,sexism2022_english-7353,"Another deranged liberal goes off the deep end and follows Chuck Todd's incitement to commit property damage and injury! The moron sits in jail, Chuck Todd should be arrested, prosecuted & jailed! [URL]",0,none, 1121,sexism2022_english-6421,I would have banged her.,0,none, 1122,sexism2022_english-12286,"The low-t men and hysterical women that have been brainwashed by the leftist agenda are losing it. Remember, it's not over yet. The war continues to #DestroyTheLeft",0,none, 1123,sexism2022_english-15040,These Saudi’s are deranged.. sheikh says it’s ok to eat your wife ! [URL],0,none, 1125,sexism2022_english-13311,yep what made her think she could enter a nest of niggers? this is how they are not victim blaming but the white guilt and black victim industries are getting whites killed,0,none, 1126,sexism2022_english-16345,Alt-light is the new moderates. They're just their to capitalize on the movement in the hope they'll be crowned the new official opposition valiantly loosing in exchange for trinkets.,0,none, 1127,sexism2022_english-902,"Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, the majority of men and women are decent people who know that that’s bullshit.",0,none, 1128,sexism2022_english-10868,"Gamers only ever care if you are any good at the game... growing up, there weren't a lot of girls who played video games, but none of the ones that did were ever excluded because vagina.",0,none, 1129,sexism2022_english-13484,Let me just be a faggotx girls will like me now,0,none, 1130,sexism2022_english-4935,"The best clothes to wear in hot and humid weather are loose fitting, baggy clothes. Even if they're full length. That's what the Tuareg Saharan nomads wear. Not a bikini in sight.",0,none, 1131,sexism2022_english-3664,As if moslems honor treaties.,0,none, 1132,sexism2022_english-11678,I see. I didn’t have a particular girl in mind but it sounds like the best option is to let any situations like that die.,0,none, 1133,sexism2022_english-7095,"It's not! Sexism in society isn't ""men's"" fault, it's not women's fault, it's no one's fault, thinking that way just leads to hate. Sexism is just a problem we need to fix, together.",0,none, 1134,sexism2022_english-17568,next time your hanging out in public point out girls to him and challege him to talk to them and come off stronger could be like a game,0,none, 1135,sexism2022_english-9192,"Woh, ok ! You definitely have me beat, lol !!",0,none, 1136,sexism2022_english-3074,"Lazy Eurotrash deserve it. They can’t even procreate and deserve extinction.....oh yeah, Socialism did that too",0,none, 1137,sexism2022_english-13310,Most girls don't lose their virginity anywhere near 12. Stop trying to justify pedophilia you sick fucks. Hope you all end up in jail where men treat pedophiles exactly how they deserve.,0,none, 1138,sexism2022_english-16490,if she was considered a femcel then i wonder what category i fall into. smh she was prettier than i ever can be.,0,none, 1139,sexism2022_english-15292,The last foot-binding survivors: Chinese grandmothers uncover their deformed 'lotus feet' [URL],0,none, 1140,sexism2022_english-14188,Muslim women wear the Burka because the numbers of muslim men is too high. They kniw they'll be raped if they don't. Allahs mohammads law,0,none, 1141,sexism2022_english-17884,"It's so disgusting! I can't stomach what these sick creeps are doing to people, especially children. I say kill 'em all and do it swiftly.",0,none, 1142,sexism2022_english-8803,im as baffled as you. ​ the story goes that i met her at a party then talked to her on facebook after and asked her out on a date. after our second date she told me i was too nice and she was looking for an 'ex-convict type'.,0,none, 1143,sexism2022_english-1372,I call it escaping from my wife for 3 hours.,0,none, 1144,sexism2022_english-1885,Must have been a white woman so she had to shoot herself. A Mexican could have gone out to lunch afterwards at a sanctuary taco stand. [URL],0,none, 1145,sexism2022_english-17853,"You know, Carol, I really hate to have to say this, but Merkel and others aren't stupid people. They can obviously see what's happening. That only leaves me with one other conclusion to draw. I assume you see where I'm going with this?",0,none, 1146,sexism2022_english-17149,If they dont put the country first for once then maybe their party will have the same number of seats as the lib dems in the next election!,0,none, 1147,sexism2022_english-15405,"I really hate when females want to turn into men, that really pisses me off.",0,none, 1148,sexism2022_english-12812,"Yes, child grooming for sexual purposes is illegal under US law. Some of the girls were 14 or so when he first contacted them. As far as the legal age bitches, more power to him.",1,3. animosity, 1149,sexism2022_english-15969,"AP journalism pros: ""to remove the man's uterus as part of his sex transition."" If they dryly write it as straight news, it magically becomes a fact that a man has a uterus. When is Bruce having ""her penis"" removed? #FakeNews #MAGA #Orwell [URL]",0,none, 1150,sexism2022_english-12603,"numerous sources of ritual impurity, such as male and female genital discharges, various skin diseases, defiance, disrespect and disruption, as well as human and certain animal corpses",0,none, 1151,sexism2022_english-7168,"Well, when they realize their gal was an embarrassing asshole, and we realize our guy is also an embarrassing asshole, we will have much to discuss.",0,none, 1152,sexism2022_english-19876,"Yale Law School dean: Reports that a prominent professor at the school groomed female clerks for Judge Kavanaugh are ""of enormous concern,"" and anyone affected should come forward. [URL]",0,none, 1153,sexism2022_english-19232,‪London: Romanian pervert banned from sitting near female passengers on the tube. Why not just send him back to Romania?â€?‪[URL],0,none, 1154,sexism2022_english-256,"To be fair, i wouldn't be with a 6""4' woman.",0,none, 1155,sexism2022_english-5869,"As this police commander is having trouble understanding the nuances of this crime, I think we should help him by cutting off his dick so that he understands what is being done to these girls by their muslim parents",0,none, 1156,sexism2022_english-9606,"I heard winnie mandela finally died today having succumbed to a ""long illness"" .... perhaps all the carcinogens she was exposed to from burning car tires?",0,none, 1157,sexism2022_english-2734,I am trying to find an intuitive software. She had a regular wacom for a long time but then we were watching a show and she saw the cintiq so I saved up and got it for her. Now I just need the software.... and my kids to give her some free time.,0,none, 1158,sexism2022_english-3395,Did you guys notice how fuckin fat she is,0,none, 1159,sexism2022_english-11829,[USER] It would be funny to see that ugly old bag trying to wrap them ugly legs around her neck,0,none, 1160,sexism2022_english-18806,nigger lovers should always be called out. When we see one my wife's glare is deadly.,0,none, 1161,sexism2022_english-17526,Did you have another breakdown? Read your posts back you are hysterical woman. Take your meds & leave the cider alone.,0,none, 1162,sexism2022_english-18666,The cops found her HEAD... [URL],0,none, 1163,sexism2022_english-11931,"Take your time man. No need to rush to cut her out of your life. In a few week/months, you two will naturally drift apart anyway. When that happens you will find a new woman to obsess over and the whole process starts over again :)",0,none, 1164,sexism2022_english-16222,"[USER]â€?& Anglin are on the same page. But yeah sorry, I mute gay retards like yourself so goodbye. Go back to making memes in moms basement",0,none, 1165,sexism2022_english-7719,"hoe is describing mgtow, but it's only ok when the man is still enslaved by the woman.",1,3. animosity, 1166,sexism2022_english-3791,"Just another INSANE LibTurd. I believe these women are sociopaths. ""It’s all a game to the sociopath. Life is a game. With little inside themselves they spend most of their life playing stupid mind games."" Refrence: [URL]",1,2. derogation, 1167,sexism2022_english-11583,*women spend all free time trying to block male only activities*,1,3. animosity, 1168,sexism2022_english-17624,Snowflakes better ban female dating strategy then,0,none, 1169,sexism2022_english-7511,"Solid RP truth. I like you. Hell, you can come over and fuck my sister.",0,none, 1170,sexism2022_english-18268,"What about what’s her name, you know â€?creepy porn lawyer â€?side kick , where did she go?",0,none, 1171,sexism2022_english-18111,#TargetJackDorsey ADD TO #HITLIST #KillJackDorsey #KillTheElite #KILLTheRulingClass,0,none, 1172,sexism2022_english-10871,Roland is a ferry fucktard.,0,none, 1173,sexism2022_english-17896,"Here's a counter [URL] Now that was a snapshot before the benefits cuts, which proves then the only thing that has a real impact of birth rates is taking away the ability for girls to get pregnant and rely on big daddy government to pay their bills.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1174,sexism2022_english-13099,She is an attention whore AND since she is a stay at home wife/mother she is probably cheating and will definitely divorce rape this guy in 5-10 years.,1,2. derogation, 1175,sexism2022_english-3517,"Normal people react to this as it should be, acknowledging the truth in our society, but the activists will definitely go after her in force for ""minimizing the issue"". I stand behind her 100%, she speaks truth to power",0,none, 1176,sexism2022_english-9402,Don't let the door kick you in the ass as you leave.,0,none, 1177,sexism2022_english-18183,This comment is too logical for him. The emotions and desires have he on control once she sucks that cock he will put a ring on her. Its over for weak will Incels.,0,none, 1178,sexism2022_english-12583,"Ok to any lurking incels: the above is a joke, don’t go putting yourself on torture racks. I know this seems ridiculous to have to point out.... but considering the fact that this is on a thread about a vagina getting “looserâ€?with use......",0,none, 1179,sexism2022_english-3841,"Truthfully, Roe shouldn’t exist. It should be a 10 amendment issue. With that said.... I’m pro choice; as is my girlfriend, who said that if she doesn’t have a ring on her finger she’ll just throw herself down the stairs for me. /s",0,none, 1180,sexism2022_english-2500,Domt know his reddit handle and if i gave out his real name i would be banned. He got kicked out of the college though for this and for stalking 4 girls. And you said that you are attracted to minors. And youre calling me a low person?,0,none, 1182,sexism2022_english-1718,RT AmericanHotLips Just when you think [USER] just MIGHT learn to STFU....nope.....she doubles down#LockHerUp #SundayAfternoonsShow [URL],0,none, 1183,sexism2022_english-10446,"Well if you're a cuck then someone else is fucking your wife or gf. Not sure where you're from but for most of us, that's not a good thing.",0,none, 1184,sexism2022_english-17538,women who lie about rape should be imprisoned for the same amount of time as this man would've if he was convicted,0,none, 1185,sexism2022_english-5629,"While fake feminists are playing dress-up to sling poo at our favorite president, the author of the Handmaid's Tale recently got in trouble with said #fakefeminists for questioning the #metoo witch hunt and modern feminism. [URL]",0,none, 1186,sexism2022_english-11446,Porn is always true,0,none, 1187,sexism2022_english-14217,"No doubt, but I think in any relationship longer than 5 years there's basically a 100% chance that your woman has fucked around on you.",1,2. derogation, 1188,sexism2022_english-14940,"""But the republicans are Nazis!"" Democrats peddle misery. They turned that into a cottage industry with all the victimhood nonsense. They thrive on that to get people to vote for them.",0,none, 1189,sexism2022_english-508,Yet another shameful episode in Britain's decline and slide into Politically Correct oblivion. Truth is now a hate crime as defined by bunch of hypocritical lefties.,0,none, 1190,sexism2022_english-12461,"Score, at least you banged her!",0,none, 1191,sexism2022_english-11154,LOOKS MATTER MORE THAN ANYTHING if you want to sleep with high level women. Not even close. Wealth and fame beat looks by a country mile.,1,3. animosity, 1192,sexism2022_english-8755,Can you please stop stalking me with your ALL CAPS one track mind. You do a disservice to all my NatSoc brothers and sisters who aren't retarded.,0,none, 1193,sexism2022_english-19409,"Um, she probably shouldn't have said that latter part out loud. Maybe.",0,none, 1194,sexism2022_english-9443,News blackout on refugee boys who sexually assaulted Idaho girl [URL],0,none, 1195,sexism2022_english-10960,So Burkas are unisex? Who would have thunk it?,0,none, 1196,sexism2022_english-16117,"If Brains were dynamite, she couldn't blow her nose.",0,none, 1197,sexism2022_english-4389,"Thanks Kelly, I can totally testify to the eyebrows thing guys. I'm german that has lived in america for the last 7 years but I get my eyebrows threaded, dudes thinks it's gay, chick thinks its sexy!",0,none, 1198,sexism2022_english-10954,Looked like she groped his gentiles before hitting him as well. So he was quite right to push her away as he did.,0,none, 1199,sexism2022_english-7759,"Lady Justice carries a sword. Take away the sword, she is left with the scales. But grocers, also, carry scales.",0,none, 1200,sexism2022_english-7219,Amy Schumer said she was just joking when she said she’d leave the country if Donald Trump was elected president. But this is a blatant lie because we all know she is incapable of telling a joke.,0,none, 1201,sexism2022_english-8212,I think most women choose to keep their unwanted babies.,0,none, 1202,sexism2022_english-12436,Even when they're raping your daughter and sawing off your husband's head with a butcher knife?,0,none, 1203,sexism2022_english-6817,"I'd rather have Sigourney Weaver type female characters over the current style of women in movies. She wasn't a Mary Sue, she didn't have these overpowered abilities and she couldn't take on 20 men at a time.",0,none, 1204,sexism2022_english-18241,Practice walking with out making noise. If you listen to your own footsteps when you walk you can figure out how you make noise and adjust. Even a moose can move through the bush like a ghost.,0,none, 1205,sexism2022_english-4711,DONT CALL ME A MOTHERFUCKER! IM NOT A MOTHERFUCKER! I just happen to fuck other peoples mothers on purpose as i go about my day...,0,none, 1206,sexism2022_english-3826,"68 yr old woman shot him 5 times but should've killed him, since he's gonna be all right. I like ammoland.com they have found great info there incl a 3 pt series on Antifa & BAMN, and who funds/backs them.",0,none, 1207,sexism2022_english-18243,"Depends, she usually takes her breaks when I do. But, for some reason I always get nervous talking to her. It doesn't happen with any other girls in the office that are considered ""hot"". But she's the girlfriend type.",0,none, 1208,sexism2022_english-18581,Shame she didn't just call them stupid too. 😇,0,none, 1209,sexism2022_english-12725,"It was all ""haha White boy u fucked"" until you realized the White boy was actually right and they didn't just hate him, they hated masculinity and alpha traits in ALL cultures except for their own (AKA Israel) Wake up, people.",0,none, 1210,sexism2022_english-13572,Lets drag this election recount business out as long as possible so the liberals can relive their butt hurt for months!!,0,none, 1211,sexism2022_english-16545,Feminists want you to hate them. There's nothing that women hate more than being ignored.,1,3. animosity, 1212,sexism2022_english-12493,Date rape is a common form of rape what would stop the attackers from using objects especially if the attacker was a woman.,0,none, 1213,sexism2022_english-14900,"Challenge her ego and If she gives you attitude don't stand for it. Obviously know your limits, don't be an asshole, but she is probably used to digging her heels into men. So if you be firm like concrete she'll jump.",1,2. derogation, 1214,sexism2022_english-5385,Next time she suggest to go somewhere tell her you're helping out / meeting another girl to hang out or so. You will see if she values you. If she doesn't suggest anything ignore her.,0,none, 1215,sexism2022_english-1661,"What sort of whore attends a party where women are being drugged and raped, doesn't report it, then attends a dozen more rape-fests, just like the first one??",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1216,sexism2022_english-1268,the fact that women expect men to pay for them should also be the reason why men should have authority over them,1,3. animosity, 1217,sexism2022_english-10739,"I want to see this shitheel sass off at a female police officer, squeal like a dying hog as she dislocates his arms, then have to go get treated by a female doctor. Just to ice the cake, his prison guard will be a woman too.",0,none, 1218,sexism2022_english-18136,Yeah the only way a man can satisfy those women is to get a running start and kick that pussy like it is a door you are trying to bust down. Maybe once your leg is in them up to the knee they will feel something.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1219,sexism2022_english-9967,The next person to play James Bond will be female. Watch it happen.,0,none, 1220,sexism2022_english-15744,"No sadly not. I didn't want to stir up the hornets next. I was bluepilled and was brought up to believe and do everything authority figures tell me to do, especially women. I have since grown a backbone.",0,none, 1221,sexism2022_english-2878,"She's right about that - it IS a POLITICAL necessity - they can't take over as long as we can shoot their commie asses. I just can't believe she told the truth for once...DID HELL FREEZE OVER, AND I MISSED THE MEMO?",0,none, 1222,sexism2022_english-16245,"Thread by [USER]: ""(1) Angry racist [USER] has pre-blocked me. (2) Sarah hates white people. (3) So OF COURSE she's been hired by [USER]. (4) I've never […]"" [URL]",0,none, 1223,sexism2022_english-17225,Go back to your s***hole and go crap in your hands... I just don't like Muslim people': [URL] via [USER],0,none, 1224,sexism2022_english-15480,Very true! It was like this amazing experience...over a box of Cracker Jack...rofl...but she was always very kind and generous...,0,none, 1225,sexism2022_english-6627,I think she's doing something wrong but everyone's too scared to correct her.,0,none, 1226,sexism2022_english-4434,The West/teh jooz/the govt/the gynocracry is showing us that men and women need to just go their own ways and forget the next gen. Fuck 'em. All of mankind's problems could be solved if we just stopped having children.,0,none, 1227,sexism2022_english-13207,Don't mind the haters - she wouldn't have done it if she didnt want to,0,none, 1228,sexism2022_english-2602,"Young girl 'passed around' to sleep with 100 men by time she was 16 by Muslim rape gangs, abusers [URL]",0,none, 1229,sexism2022_english-12281,The black African will soon be labeling her a racist. Race card coming soon,0,none, 1230,sexism2022_english-3474,"And she had incentive to kill her husband. In cases of wives murdering husbands, poison is actually the most used method.",0,none, 1231,sexism2022_english-6060,"The worst is, this cunt probably can't even see her cunt anymore and hasnt in years. Has no idea what it looks like",1,2. derogation, 1232,sexism2022_english-16874,"“killed up to 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000â€?00,000 Bengali women in a systematic campaign of genocidal rapeâ€?[URL]",0,none, 1233,sexism2022_english-19766,"Reposting this German woman's plea. Looks like the link is working now after shaming You Tube. #EUSSR, Back to the Future [URL]",0,none, 1234,sexism2022_english-8421,Too many damn emojis.,0,none, 1235,sexism2022_english-10145,Inside the school that promises a better future for girls escaping Boko Haram's sex slavery and suicide bombings [URL],0,none, 1236,sexism2022_english-9254,It is becoming so blatant now. Men are demonized while women are praised for literally everything. Men's problems are thrown under the bus while female problems are put at the forefront of everything (even when the problem affects men more).,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1237,sexism2022_english-4317,MERKEL ALWAYS KNEW THAT MASS-MIGRATION & MULTI-CULTURALISM DOES NOT WORK; The video that will bring Merkel down: How she betrayed the German people [URL],0,none, 1238,sexism2022_english-19616,selection bias - plus most women on tinder are there for validation not sex,1,3. animosity, 1239,sexism2022_english-4370,Should have let her get hit. Stupid guy.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1240,sexism2022_english-7877,"Do you feel like the guidelines here are too lax ROCK? I think if [USER] was threaten with bodily harm, as she says, [USER] would step in, no? I agree with you tho we want freedom not anarchy. #finelines",0,none, 1241,sexism2022_english-14350,"I don’t really have many women, I do have one",0,none, 1242,sexism2022_english-16583,Absolutely my friend. Get men to accost and kill other men for them...and to hell with the grieving widow. She was not a feminist anyway.,0,none, 1243,sexism2022_english-16963,"I dont care if she was a liberal. An illeagal alien murdered American citizen. This time it was her, but it could have been anybody.",0,none, 1244,sexism2022_english-16058,"All she knows how to stalk peoples Facebook account and copy pics, and she didn't even get the right Facebook account..... Lol",0,none, 1245,sexism2022_english-8263,"The octopus is just a hypocrite, like leonardo dicaprio, Beyonce and all the other high-school dropouts!! fuck them all!! #Boycotthollywood",0,none, 1246,sexism2022_english-16816,"The bit about the paycheck is hilarious, because in the UK at least, that's how it often worked in the 50s and 60s, man brought pay home, gave it to wife to spend on household necessities and she gave him beer money.",0,none, 1247,sexism2022_english-6278,The black ape was the most pissed the white was smartest and the skinny Jew still defends it cuz his Jew Hatred of whites took over his brain.,0,none, 1248,sexism2022_english-11498,Today's generation of women are fucking miserable and uptight,1,2. derogation, 1249,sexism2022_english-14050,Hahahaha that was my response to an idiot woman bashing me. You wanna join the party too?,0,none, 1250,sexism2022_english-3901,"Well, a dumb blond she is not. That is 100% correct, imo.",0,none, 1251,sexism2022_english-4067,"Never get married even if you get the chance. Every foid cheats at her bachelorette party, and in fact that's the whole fucking point of the party.",1,2. derogation, 1252,sexism2022_english-9149,You have no idea what you are talking about. Just another pussy making excuses for the world you're NOT fixing.,1,3. animosity, 1253,sexism2022_english-2862,Amy Schumer complaining about two black male comics being paid more than her from Netflix???? Check your white privilege bitch! [URL],1,3. animosity, 1254,sexism2022_english-17021,Man that bitch just cant come to terms with it can she... Im gonna build her a 1/1000th scale white house where she can play all day with dolls and pretend to go around killing SS agents who dont do her bidding...,1,2. derogation, 1255,sexism2022_english-3890,Don't support her or pay her way or you be come beta bux,0,none, 1256,sexism2022_english-17033,#mudshark mother [URL] Slutty Mothers grooming their daughters into Lushes then Mudsharks,1,2. derogation, 1257,sexism2022_english-18723,The meaning of Vixen is female fox. 🦊,0,none, 1258,sexism2022_english-19572,Mollie's father is legit but her brothers not so much. The body language of Mollie's 2 brothers is so odd. [URL],0,none, 1259,sexism2022_english-11055,"#maxims #LaRochefoucauld ""The greater number of good women are like concealed treasures, safe as no one has searched for them.""",0,none, 1260,sexism2022_english-19575,"Yes flirt. Stop thinking too much and enjoy a good time making music with her. Smile, kino, eye contact bro.",0,none, 1261,sexism2022_english-18622,"The New York Times, ladies and gents: ""truth is...irrelevant, we just hate Trump"" #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam [URL]",0,none, 1262,sexism2022_english-2801,The queen is not representing herself and a direct descendant of Muhammad & high up in the Catholic church of the illuminati ... so are you surprised about this abuse of children?,0,none, 1263,sexism2022_english-17561,I can’t even imagine how her parents feel. They look at her now and feel they failed as parents raising her.,0,none, 1264,sexism2022_english-15517,"I tried to see black single women, but...",0,none, 1265,sexism2022_english-19233,"Incels were told to just kill themselves and threatened, spit n, demonized, framed. I doubt they have much empathy left for others comitting suicide especially if they were hypergamuos women who failed.",0,none, 1266,sexism2022_english-12547,"I don't get it, it's tinder. All she has to do is make sure she doesn't match white guys and they won't be able to message her anyway. Some people have such low inhibition it's unreal.",0,none, 1267,sexism2022_english-11353,Seems like some white man was banging his mom to produce his half assed complexion.,0,none, 1268,sexism2022_english-8090,"Dude, girls want sex as much as guys do. They have triggers, so do we.",0,none, 1269,sexism2022_english-15829,Yeah I'd never eat out a whore or a random slut but sometimes gotta do it if one ascends and has wife so that the stupid foidlet feels loved and reciprocates,1,2. derogation, 1270,sexism2022_english-9309,"I'm from the future, here is a [NSFL photo]([URL] of her 5 years after their marriage. My work here is is done, now if you will excuse me I have to go bleach my eyes.",0,none, 1271,sexism2022_english-11692,"Pretty soon, looking at a woman is ""eye rape"". All men should move to Mars and leave this stinking Earth to women.",1,2. derogation, 1272,sexism2022_english-19615,"""and because you are girls, pretty and a bit silly, you are easy to deceive"" Go figure the media is so afraid of Russians. LMAO",0,none, 1273,sexism2022_english-11223,Globogayplex is trying to recruit your wife. [URL],0,none, 1274,sexism2022_english-14232,It's not hard when all women are cunts.,1,2. derogation, 1275,sexism2022_english-7912,"This pretty much reduces men to mere status symbols, but when they admire a well-built female body, women (usually not well-built and attractive) cry about objectification.",1,2. derogation, 1276,sexism2022_english-9775,Salim Mehajer 'threatened to rape car repair worker's mother' over dispute about his Ferrari - as his friends call him a 'f***ing showpony' and warn him the 'bikies might ring' [URL],0,none, 1277,sexism2022_english-10664,I want them to burn. I want their assholes to burn with the heat of 1000 ghost peppers for eternity.,0,none, 1278,sexism2022_english-3009,"These stories are being published so that when Hillary is shown having sex with a 10 year old female, she can merely say "" It's fake news""",0,none, 1279,sexism2022_english-10066,Does this look like Heather Heyer to you libtards? You are stupid,0,none, 1280,sexism2022_english-8526,My last 3 tinder lays where all Indians. JFL if you don't think Indians obsess over white dick. I should live in India for at least year.,0,none, 1281,sexism2022_english-13529,u/randummie have you considered that it is your objectification of women like this that leads them to not interact with you?,0,none, 1282,sexism2022_english-9223,I wouldn't F her with Mueller's dick.,0,none, 1283,sexism2022_english-19989,Make women irrelevant. That is the most noble thing to do for oneself.,1,2. derogation, 1284,sexism2022_english-18296,"I feel ""mommy love"" when my man needs serious comfort (meaning protective/nurturing I guess? -not a mom so never experienced literal mommy love!) but it's never negatively affected my sexual attraction to him.",0,none, 1285,sexism2022_english-19932,as if anyone under the age of 20 is actually watching this garbage. This show is made for 55 year old rural white women who have no close friends and whose children moved out.,0,none, 1286,sexism2022_english-4847,"We know. However, they seem to be using for anything that doesn't involve actively hating women. Like the guy in the post, he loves his wife and that's pretty much the bare minimum for a marriage. But he's a simp for that. That's what I mean.",0,none, 1287,sexism2022_english-16087,"Are they going to record all Anti-White hate crimes? Are they going to record every Rape of young White girls by Moslems? Are they going to record every murder of Whites, by Black/Moslems?",0,none, 1288,sexism2022_english-13582,I've dealt with evil women personally so this is no surprise it does make a case for awalt. She cares more about her movement that a man that loved her.,1,2. derogation, 1289,sexism2022_english-9485,If one was doing that to my son I'd give my wife brass knuckles so it wouldn't have to be 30 punches like this video,0,none, 1290,sexism2022_english-2366,Post mentioned women: Women most affected.,0,none, 1291,sexism2022_english-16239,Blog: #Islam Loving #Leftists Lose their shit because Mike Pence Won't Eat with Other Women. Carefully ignore abuse of Muslim women. [URL] #Trump #Pence #relationships #marriage,0,none, 1292,sexism2022_english-10624,[USER] is a female one of these [URL],0,none, 1293,sexism2022_english-991,In fact several feminist gamers have stated they don't play video games because they are 'lame',0,none, 1294,sexism2022_english-13755,"Drag queens aren't part of the snake. Drag queens are usually entertainers with really keen senses of humor who throw around ""tranny"" like someone's about to kick them in their tucked-up balls if they dare do it tomorrow.",0,none, 1295,sexism2022_english-2236,Grossly disgusting people 😡 [URL],0,none, 1296,sexism2022_english-17116,What if the girls you try to talk you complain to the police that you're harassing them?,0,none, 1297,sexism2022_english-9824,"This is why every man should ""date down"" significantly. YOU need to be the one in control. YOU need to make more money, have more options and be better looking/more fit.",0,none, 1298,sexism2022_english-15993,I'm sure she will detective Asopaso😉,0,none, 1299,sexism2022_english-17982,"Correct me if I'm wrong but I descended from the men of old who conquered countries. I will not be talked to like I am some piece of trash. ""I won't let a woman talk to me this way"" - Don Draper",0,none, 1300,sexism2022_english-11533,"If liking fit women is ""wrong"" I'll be wrong all day. Why do you care what tastes I have in women anyway? You're the one putting down the type of woman I'm attracted to.",0,none, 1301,sexism2022_english-8891,Fucktard CNN Crew Jokes About Donald Trump's Plane Crashing (Video) [URL],0,none, 1302,sexism2022_english-8000,"Im the kind of guy who doesn't like sticking my dick in tons of women. So waiting after a few dates helped me know if ill be with this girl for a while. But now that im mgtow, im slowly becoming monk because im starting to hate women.",1,2. derogation, 1303,sexism2022_english-3082,She was under 10. Curiosity as a child about her sister’s body parts isn’t equatable to drugging and raping women as an adult,0,none, 1304,sexism2022_english-17012,Lauren Southern just had her visa/passport revoked from entry into Australia... I read up on it this morning,0,none, 1306,sexism2022_english-5302,"By the way EA, if we wanted cartoonish female representation in a Battlefield Game, we'll just play Battlefield Heroes. [URL]",0,none, 1307,sexism2022_english-3032,"I see. I hope that your balls are metaphorical, little lady.",0,none, 1308,sexism2022_english-6880,This must have been going on for such a long time that women have actually evolved their evil ways through the millenia.,1,2. derogation, 1309,sexism2022_english-8366,Of course they are as commanded by their local imam..what better way to overthrow a government than from the inside and of course in the name of PC we'll let them😣,0,none, 1310,sexism2022_english-2967,Hypergamy knows no bounds. And somewhere there's a bluepill simp ready to marry and take care of her despite literally being formerly married to a terrorist.,0,none, 1311,sexism2022_english-16720,The new Europeans are into all kinds of sex....,0,none, 1312,sexism2022_english-16388,"Ocasio-Cortez 2018 Cuter than Bernie, Hillary and Liz Warren Dumber than Shit",0,none, 1313,sexism2022_english-12962,I don't know if it would make it past the House but we can try to get a law passed saying that you can't turn your kid into a God damn fucking faggot ass drag queen or else you will spend some time in Federal prison getting boned up the ass.,0,none, 1314,sexism2022_english-8242,There's only one thing left to do. Leave. Let them rot.,0,none, 1315,sexism2022_english-19285,"I think they need some kind of personalized help, and therapy would be a good place to start. I genuinely feel bad for a lot of them, unless they’re the kind of person who favors institutionalized rape (and I include government girlfriends in that).",0,none, 1316,sexism2022_english-6088,And let’s not forget about those damn false rape accusations,0,none, 1317,sexism2022_english-17798,"She sounds insecure , Sounds like hell , wondering what would had happened if you decided , fuck it crash and burn , start talking shit then eventually ask her to your place .",0,none, 1318,sexism2022_english-10256,I'd not mind being raped honestly if she's attractive.,0,none, 1319,sexism2022_english-761,"I remember Dunblane well ... just didn't ""feel"" right at the time. Strong rumours of coverup by police and government. Why would the files be locked away for a century ??",0,none, 1320,sexism2022_english-15077,"Yeah man I had a plate who did everything for me, untill she started saying I was an enigma and some people talked to me about how I was an emotionless robot with her. I opened up abit and not even a week later she lost interest.",0,none, 1321,sexism2022_english-6716,a communist will offer you riches beyond your wildest dreams and then boom! youre in a war. why do you force to say a name that I dont want to say but that you understand whom Im referering to?,0,none, 1322,sexism2022_english-9396,People's Tribunals needed for those who violate our laws...since they have taken over the high places.....we need to attack them from the low places and over power them for once and all...no use of our feelings of compassion to be used against us...,0,none, 1323,sexism2022_english-854,"""If an ebil crossdresser (Since it seems that, in the eyes of RadFems, that's all trans people are.) dares go into the cis-woman's holy sanctuary, ya better watch out before ya get raped!"" All I can do is shake my head and sigh...",0,none, 1324,sexism2022_english-18405,That woman would reject every single person on this sub,0,none, 1325,sexism2022_english-8391,"It's so nice to see these ideas delivered unapologetically, with no concern given to the poor hurt feelings of the feminists who are wrong about them. I'd love to send this blogger some flowers. (Or she might prefer weed. Or catnip.)",0,none, 1326,sexism2022_english-12148,"Nah, not really. When attractive women shun me for what I can control (my incel lite AWALT worldview), the trauma lives on. FTFY",0,none, 1327,sexism2022_english-18249,Sell that bitch a dream...then ghost her ass.,1,2. derogation, 1328,sexism2022_english-4470,i expect to have boomers dissing national socialists right up until the communists shoot them all.,0,none, 1329,sexism2022_english-10562,So stop being sexist towards women. Don't be that way. Be better.,0,none, 1330,sexism2022_english-11252,[URL] Can't really pick a side in this one Female Israeli soldier uses martial arts to fight off crowd of ultra-Orthodox demonstrators as they call her a 'wh***',0,none, 1331,sexism2022_english-4474,"Agreed, but the way you said it is. Don't reverse the male female dynamic and think it works the same way...it doesn't. > showering them with compliments",0,none, 1332,sexism2022_english-8231,Seems excessive...Did she at least mold it in the shape of a Gerbil? #Assbang,0,none, 1333,sexism2022_english-9692,Go for more traditional women. They cheat at a far lower rate than city girls.,1,2. derogation, 1334,sexism2022_english-7584,"#GabFam A Day Without Women idiots following this traitor and terrorist blindly! Hope they all get fired! Watch the entire video, its sickening who American women have chosen to follow [URL]",0,none, 1335,sexism2022_english-10387,Nationalism is the new counterculture.,0,none, 1336,sexism2022_english-8692,"Yes, coming from her/media...no surprise. They are no longer in control of the narrative and it drives them crazy.",0,none, 1337,sexism2022_english-4435,AHAHAHAHA. This white woman was so foolish to try to treat the nigger like a human bean. [URL],0,none, 1338,sexism2022_english-3994,Seconded. Do not be a coward and do the Facebook route when you talk to her often in person,0,none, 1339,sexism2022_english-1896,"Yes. Especially vague texts in an attempt to initiate some contact, shit like ""hey, just seein what ur up to,"" or random smileys. Call her up, say you want to take her to the comedy club. Or whatever.",0,none, 1340,sexism2022_english-2459,"""...he cried and couldn't sleep for 24 hours then he apologized, deleted it, and begged forgiveness from the Racism Gods."" Yeah everyone's got to be a Goddamn drama queen these days. I saw the video a few days ago -- I didn't cry or lose sleep.",0,none, 1341,sexism2022_english-4633,We don't hate women... we hate *you* fuckstick.,0,none, 1342,sexism2022_english-3609,"Here is our 1st song of the day. It's the Andrea True Connection with the longform version of her hit song ""More More More"" [URL]",0,none, 1343,sexism2022_english-14459,"When I look at what Harvey Weinstein has been accused of doing I think: ""Yeah. Leo Frank was guilty of raping that 13-year-old white girl. He got what he deserved!"" [URL]",0,none, 1344,sexism2022_english-13798,"I saw this as well, women done want the 80% of beta males to understand this.",0,none, 1345,sexism2022_english-892,lol It's not bad when you do it kinda jokingly. Some girls don't like it and have expressed it to me with a slap. But most laugh. It's what you do after that counts.,0,none, 1346,sexism2022_english-10904,Ah yes. It's all about the shekels.,0,none, 1347,sexism2022_english-17213,That would fall into being emotionally abusive so not too hard to believe her Having a tough conversation isn't abuse. This is why everyone calls millennials snowflakes,0,none, 1348,sexism2022_english-192,Bill Ayers and Joanne Chesimard / Assata Shakur shit !,0,none, 1349,sexism2022_english-19347,"Aw, look guys... she’s ‘specialâ€? 🙄",0,none, 1350,sexism2022_english-14067,\>woman here Opinion discarded.,1,2. derogation, 1351,sexism2022_english-15846,This should be mainstream knowledge. Both for men and thots.,1,3. animosity, 1352,sexism2022_english-7925,"Take a bow virtue-signalling #regressives You are all scum to a man, woman & transgender pear. [URL]",0,none, 1353,sexism2022_english-9386,"RT [USER]: ""Sexually violent predator"" Bill Cosby given three to 10-year jail term for drugging and molesting a woman in 2004 [URL]",0,none, 1354,sexism2022_english-1211,Fuck that cunt. Hope she gets locked up for saying that shit on social media. Cheating bitch,1,2. derogation, 1355,sexism2022_english-18548,I can guarantee you that niggers still teach their children from a young age to hate crackers!,0,none, 1356,sexism2022_english-3101,As if you need more evidence to see how absolutely retarded flat-earthers are.,0,none, 1357,sexism2022_english-12878,"That's the point; give her time to forget that you may have come on a wee bit strong. The iron *was* hot, but unfortunately got cooler with your reply",0,none, 1358,sexism2022_english-14711,"The vast majority of my friends have always been women This is a big NO-NO, guys who had a majority of women as their friend rarely get to bang any of them",1,2. derogation, 1359,sexism2022_english-570,I hear only jealous women trashing her. Just sad little people.,0,none, 1360,sexism2022_english-14147,"The whole ""beta provider"" paradigm will slowly collapse for women. The only beta providers that will stay in the game will be 0 to 3's. That's like me getting rid of a dry spell by fucking a 400 pound land whale. There are limits. Women are fucked.",1,2. derogation, 1361,sexism2022_english-12137,Wasnt this guy some nazi anti-gg cuck?,0,none, 1362,sexism2022_english-19305,"If ya want women to carry, tell them to turn on c-span...",1,3. animosity, 1363,sexism2022_english-19331,"yea I know about the Mosuo... can you point to their independent nation on a map? Thanks So your standard for indian tribes ruled by women to be good is "" kind of just as good as the other ones ruled by men"" weird",0,none, 1364,sexism2022_english-16560,If I see anything like that walking into a public ladies restroom and I am in there I’m not shoot his ass in the penis if he wants to be a female I’ll make him a female,0,none, 1365,sexism2022_english-4016,"And hate speech is, or at least should be, protected by law.",0,none, 1367,sexism2022_english-9445,"She might have had issues in the past, but in that video she was completely being the aggressor.",0,none, 1368,sexism2022_english-12700,Wives and girlfriends cheating is violence against the man because they are giving away the resources invested in her wellbeing. Sadly our society denies that men are victims in any way because woke leftists need an enemy to sell security.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1369,sexism2022_english-4291,"What risks? Pregnancy fixed with birth control or abortions, STD well every bitch has one of those. No woman has an emotional connection to a guy she's only casually fucking.",1,2. derogation, 1370,sexism2022_english-342,"If youre a feminist, you hate women then? lol",0,none, 1371,sexism2022_english-10930,That's why I said some women,0,none, 1372,sexism2022_english-9984,NOT MY PROBLEM LOL I doubt it is as bad as reputed... I have known a few Irish women who were quite pleasant to live with.,1,3. animosity, 1373,sexism2022_english-11506,"I talk to people just fine. Women at best are ""okay"" with me around them. If they want you they make it apparent, and with a shitty frame, height, and face like mine there is no chance.",0,none, 1374,sexism2022_english-8330,"Future News Story, Nurse Alex & patient both settle lawsuits several million dollars due to one dumb ass detective. #4th amendment",0,none, 1375,sexism2022_english-7803,Step on her head and shoot her! That is the only way to rid society of these creeps.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1376,sexism2022_english-6539,I do not oppress women. I have many close female friends and peers that i treat as equals,0,none, 1377,sexism2022_english-18900,I hear his sister does communist bukake.,0,none, 1378,sexism2022_english-1287,Love the women of the right!!,0,none, 1379,sexism2022_english-17814,"im sorry to hear you went through that horrible experience. the fact the daycare workers let you run away, you could have been kidnnapped, hurt, murdered, ran over by a car, etc. ypure lucky youre alive. glad she took you out of it",0,none, 1380,sexism2022_english-8197,"You know, maybe being an unattractive virgin in the west these days isn't so bad. The women are awful, and the law encourages/rewards it.",1,2. derogation, 1381,sexism2022_english-9190,"I wholeheartedly believe that we all should be using the phrase ""my body, my choice"" in conversations with females. lol.",0,none, 1382,sexism2022_english-224,Now we need a woman come out & accuse Hillary of sexual abuse. [USER],0,none, 1383,sexism2022_english-14029,She did the right thing .,0,none, 1384,sexism2022_english-16851,I mean if that’s what you gotta do. Don’t be surprised when you look dumb for doing that. I mean use common sense.,0,none, 1385,sexism2022_english-14990,"I would say try bringing sex not a conversation and see how she reacts. Is she pulling away, or staying quiet? Or is she perfectly comfortable?",0,none, 1386,sexism2022_english-13950,"Hell, Ron, we don't want her. She can keep the Haitians company. :-)",0,none, 1387,sexism2022_english-8983,"its easy to claim mgtow when youre decently attractive and girls give you shit...you guys still have relationship potential. Not so much when your money is the only thing attractive about you. For Kat, that is more than likely a painful truth.",0,none, 1388,sexism2022_english-14659,Comfort test. Next time try and get with her friends so you dont have to answer lol,0,none, 1389,sexism2022_english-11067,[USER] You seem to care enough to threaten him. You are a degenerate shabbos cock sucker who puts a group of people that hates you simply for existing over your white brothers and sisters. You are a disgrace.,0,none, 1390,sexism2022_english-17210,"Honestly it kind of sounds like they might all want to sleep with you so they all agreed not to to prevent anyone from getting jealous or mad at the person who did. So yeah, bang them all.",0,none, 1391,sexism2022_english-16358,"Whatever you do do not join the USAF, it's totally cucked now. USN not much better.",0,none, 1392,sexism2022_english-15689,‪Import the third world and become the third world. You won’t see feminists protesting about this. â€?‪[URL],0,none, 1393,sexism2022_english-12588,Yeah because men are so picky. Dumb fucking whores and numales.,1,3. animosity, 1394,sexism2022_english-13610,[USER] the blonde kiwi with the oozing keyboard,0,none, 1395,sexism2022_english-17080,I still have a batch of benzo's. Would you advice them to get to sleep? I can't stop thinking about my onetis and all women on Tinder reject me!,0,none, 1396,sexism2022_english-2572,"Stormy's daughter, Rainy McWeather, has vowed never to follow in her mother's footsteps but will get a boob job when she's old enough.",0,none, 1397,sexism2022_english-10588,"She is garbage sent here to harm and die. Contaminated by the west, she will be killed by her masters. Don't listen; the real monsters wait in the shadows. You have no idea of the horrors she brings.",0,none, 1398,sexism2022_english-15899,"I was waiting in the ER for 5 hours, no drugs with kidney stone pain. (Not knowing what the pain was). I don't give a crap how much women think giving birth is painful.",1,3. animosity, 1399,sexism2022_english-7721,Bring outcome independent helps too I think. Like not caring if she likes you or not.,0,none, 1400,sexism2022_english-2617,Agreed. My wife is a babe too. I remember after our third child was born she went a while without shaving her underarms. Not unattractive in the least. Same beautiful blonde shade as her pussy hair.,1,3. animosity, 1401,sexism2022_english-11939,"haha what California is full of libshits. Take out the libs, the spics, and the niggers and maybe I will consider not blowing it up. [USER]",0,none, 1402,sexism2022_english-13702,"wasserman schultz is proof that an ugly soul can create an ugly physicality...what a disgusting creature she is old whores don't die, they just become #DNC chairwomen",1,3. animosity, 1403,sexism2022_english-14725,No... Iranians must first overthrow their evil government.,0,none, 1404,sexism2022_english-16049,"That has nothing to do with ego or lack of confidence though. Either someone is attracted to you, either he/she is not. Plus, even if you think that the person, is attracted a minimum to you, if you feel being played, you cut and move on.",0,none, 1405,sexism2022_english-13757,Remember the comic character Red Sonia who would only hook up with guys who would beat her?,0,none, 1406,sexism2022_english-13881,"Weezel pansys , that cant fight a man, hit women",0,none, 1407,sexism2022_english-14615,[USER] No problem. I will just meditate on mind bleach 🙈. Just the idea of the woman in a pantsuit is enough to give me the willies but naked with Carlos Danger 🙈🙉🙊 😊,0,none, 1408,sexism2022_english-2133,"I only date racist and homophobic girls, and if you're antisemetic I'll never leave your side.",0,none, 1409,sexism2022_english-5252,"Right, that's enough fucking around. Arthur will now return to the Meme War in progress. [URL]",0,none, 1410,sexism2022_english-10561,Same. I didn't get my first girlfriend till I was 18. Imagine if there had been a community telling me it's hopeless and I will never find love or happiness because of my height.,0,none, 1411,sexism2022_english-9290,"a young, black Hillary! What more could they ask for? Now if only they can get her to kill a few people to show her loyalty....",0,none, 1412,sexism2022_english-14238,"uh, that's a woman?",0,none, 1413,sexism2022_english-16327,#German Chancellor Angela #Merkel has Blood on her Hands [URL] #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #2a #GabFam #Gab #AltRight #BritFam #UK #Brexit #EU #speakfreely #News,0,none, 1414,sexism2022_english-4195,People hate what they don't understand.,0,none, 1415,sexism2022_english-7818,If these kafir have the “rightâ€?to say this then ipso facto we have the right to say DEATH TO ISLAM.,0,none, 1416,sexism2022_english-12441,"IDK I had to bust my ass for others many times. Yeah my own survival is often a secondary purpose, but not always.",0,none, 1417,sexism2022_english-4575,I don't like Malaysian girls..,1,2. derogation, 1418,sexism2022_english-19364,"[USER] Twitter is the same way. I got suspended for calling Sally Kohnhead a Super Dyke Kyke. Thus , I'm here.",0,none, 1419,sexism2022_english-660,Think Rokushoebo would hit a girl?,0,none, 1420,sexism2022_english-9046,I want to play rugby against girls,0,none, 1421,sexism2022_english-17625,But wait...there's more: Now the #Russians are hacking Democratic #nobodies in nowhere primaries: Dem candidate accuses Russian hackers of stripping her nude [URL] #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #Gabfam #SpeakFreely,0,none, 1422,sexism2022_english-726,Trust the Sheightmaster Corporation to know what to cut out and what to leave because after all is said and dome why would you trust anybody else?,0,none, 1423,sexism2022_english-5000,This is very sad and tragic. How screwed up do you have to be to hang yourself and have a wife and young kids? I would never have imagined he would do something like this. He seemed like such a beautiful soul. :(,0,none, 1424,sexism2022_english-13326,You hate our president and you hate Trump voter's..get out of America... [URL],0,none, 1425,sexism2022_english-16688,Is she blonde? Top and bottom 😎,0,none, 1426,sexism2022_english-1936,If she loves rapefugees so much let her go spend a week alone in a camp with some of them. After they remove the coke bottles from her orifices they should ask her again how much she loves refugees,0,none, 1427,sexism2022_english-18559,reading those makes my head hurt,0,none, 1428,sexism2022_english-6980,"Yeah mate , in my 3+ years working in IT i have learned almost all the older ladies that work in this line have an agenda of their own and they seem to target/bully the weakest person in this office just to feel better about themself",1,2. derogation, 1429,sexism2022_english-2327,"Good for her!! Good job girl, don't take that shit!",0,none, 1430,sexism2022_english-17469,Well she can fuck off back to her shithole in the desert where she can suck moslem cock and be abused every day!!,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1431,sexism2022_english-9805,It’s a victory lap Bc she made a bunch of nerds flip out and she’s doing it again lol,0,none, 1432,sexism2022_english-9324,[USER] it means they want to enslave us and tape our women. Totally not about killing us yo.,0,none, 1433,sexism2022_english-14758,Hit her with a club on the back of the head and carry her back to your cave oonga boonga style,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1434,sexism2022_english-7141,"give her a disappointed look, shake your head, and say ""minus one."" then walk away and re-initiate the interaction later.",0,none, 1435,sexism2022_english-13293,"Yeah, bite the curb nigga, then lights out.",0,none, 1436,sexism2022_english-427,Jap girls will fuck plenty of white guys. All of them are high estrogen and need big cocks they hate the feminine rice,1,3. animosity, 1437,sexism2022_english-2611,"then you are not aware that #PlannedParenthood is grooming the girls for abortion & contraceptives,never let my girls join that bs",0,none, 1438,sexism2022_english-10263,"Sluts are for fucking, good girls are for marrying. Find any ex PUA who settled down, they're always with good girls who weren't sluts.",1,2. derogation, 1439,sexism2022_english-16702,"You'd both get more girls if you knocked this shit off. If he puts you down he's not your best friend, end of story.",0,none, 1440,sexism2022_english-4637,Only the wives of beta males,0,none, 1441,sexism2022_english-1924,I want all women who DESERVE respect to get respect. The rest can piss off.,0,none, 1442,sexism2022_english-10028,Feminism is bad for women. More research on why it hurt families and women. [URL] #GabFam #feminsim,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1443,sexism2022_english-10934,So true girls don't know what they want and can't be loyal to anyone or anything. They just ride till they get a little bored then destroy him because they can't just leave like a normal person and find a new victim. They are black widows.,1,2. derogation, 1444,sexism2022_english-15421,You always post the most beautiful flowers. I'm a sucker for pretty flowers and pretty girls!!! 😱🏵,0,none, 1445,sexism2022_english-173,Extra low iq response. Wallow in your own stupidity. Kike loving idiot. Kosher cock riders will be physically removed. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.,0,none, 1446,sexism2022_english-5577,"If I like her, I want to pay.",0,none, 1447,sexism2022_english-3780,"Jihadists just hate it when women are shooting at them. Something about going to HELL. So, ladies, keep your shooting skills well honed. You might get a chance to use them.",0,none, 1448,sexism2022_english-12582,"I agree with you 100%. At the same time, I find myself thinking of the young men and women who, in my opinion, are getting caught up in a game of chess played by elites who care nothing about them.",0,none, 1449,sexism2022_english-8639,it is simple call home space uganda because that's important to the meme. make me subcommander. i kno de wae. ey ey ? . we can build a large army of trolly idiots and wage a clicky war gainst all of the lolcows ? it will be very good ma brutta.,0,none, 1450,sexism2022_english-735,Yeah or even if there was a “women taxâ€? Those bitches would be up in arms,1,2. derogation, 1451,sexism2022_english-18378,I've seen women in their 50s hotter than her.,0,none, 1452,sexism2022_english-10652,Illegal teenager (dreamer?) beheads his mother in North Carolina... Some cultures aren't compatible with Civilization. [URL],0,none, 1453,sexism2022_english-10990,"Dude, it took me 10 minutes to figure out these were before and after pics. At first I didn't believe that most women hit the wall hard at 30. This was a really fucking mind opener",1,2. derogation, 1454,sexism2022_english-11626,Perhaps a page should be taken out of the Klinton/Obamaha playbook and punch back twice as hard; destroy her privacy completely.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1455,sexism2022_english-18652,"Gee, sign me the fuck up.",0,none, 1456,sexism2022_english-7787,"lol she tries to be all cool ""oh by the way"" fuck you",0,none, 1457,sexism2022_english-1828,OMG! Another one forgot to put her glasses on and got on the wrong site again. Someone please show her to the door. Bye Honey. Drive safe now. Roll up your windows. Cause you in da wrong fuckin' neighborhood. Bye now.,0,none, 1458,sexism2022_english-1667,"But she's a Stacy and she's with a Chad, the way it's supposed to be. The problem is women our looks match think they're only entitled to niggas that look like that",1,3. animosity, 1459,sexism2022_english-19369,"Usually I approached in 'quieter' parts, where people sit and relax, drink their drinks - not on a dancefloor. I know there are clubs where this is impossible, and I have no advice on that.",0,none, 1460,sexism2022_english-15867,"In the aftermath of the Antioch shooting, which justifies DyRo's actions in every regard, let's remember- [USER] and anyone else who can't get a real girlfriend, had to marry a gook, cannot be trusted.",0,none, 1461,sexism2022_english-13369,EEEEWWWWW!!! So basically only a fucking filthy kike is able to fuck that butt-ugly cunt? OK. Got it. paper bag! paper bag! Bet she has puppies because he only nails her doggy style....with a bag on her head.....,1,2. derogation, 1462,sexism2022_english-9937,twitter is my side bitch #Gotem,1,3. animosity, 1463,sexism2022_english-14002,"You don't hold them collectively accountable by extinguishing your line unless you're just retarded. Lower your looks-based expectations, and then look for a woman who thinks she doesn't deserve you, and has a good attitude, and live.",0,none, 1464,sexism2022_english-8503,And toxic masculinity is actually a byproduct of toxic femininity.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1465,sexism2022_english-18940,Is there a such thing as female nature and male nature? Or is gender purely socialization and not stemming from biology?,0,none, 1466,sexism2022_english-3947,"Dictator Theresa May has stated that any Minister who resigns over her fake Brexit at Chequers, will NOT be able to use their official car to leave, but instead they will have to walk down the mile-long driveway from Chequers to catch a taxi [URL]",0,none, 1467,sexism2022_english-425,Just tell her,0,none, 1468,sexism2022_english-3832,When the enemy comes I am certain they will make sure to consider the emotions of our female soldiers before they throw around any harsh insults. [URL],0,none, 1469,sexism2022_english-5512,Hind E .. Badass bird ..,0,none, 1470,sexism2022_english-8648,Fear is what caused her to wipe-out.,0,none, 1471,sexism2022_english-820,"Any ""romance"" story written by a woman pretty much revolves around her getting pummeled by a Chad or two.",1,3. animosity, 1472,sexism2022_english-10985,"This is one of the most important observations about the feminine psyhe that can be made. The principle is completely erroneous, of course, but it is one that they all operate on.",0,none, 1473,sexism2022_english-677,"He has an Asian gf who thinks she's ugly (of course she's asian) and posts on several incel subs, but he wants to convince people that he's a ""normie"" with a Chinese male friend.",0,none, 1474,sexism2022_english-4605,Mollie Tibbets deserved to die for her support of womens perjury in divorce courts to ruin mens lives. She is one dead bitch who will never ruin a mans life in a divorce court. Good riddance to this man hating bitch. #MGTOW,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1475,sexism2022_english-19657,I'm sure BB will cover the story when the coalburner and her sprog pays the toll!,0,none, 1476,sexism2022_english-767,"She's a cunt. What do you expect from a cunt? Why do you pretend that a cunt is something other than a cunt? If you talk and talk and talk about the cunt, at the end of the talking she's still a cunt. The same applies to niggers too.",1,2. derogation, 1477,sexism2022_english-7366,"forget them man, I have no normie friends left either, they suck.",0,none, 1478,sexism2022_english-16255,"Womyn are always on the market, or to put it in another way: she's not yours, it's just your turn.",1,2. derogation, 1479,sexism2022_english-638,she's such a perfect fucking fuckdoll I will forever be jealous til i fucking die,1,2. derogation, 1480,sexism2022_english-12224,“especially when we have these kinds of shitty opinionsâ€?is what got me,0,none, 1481,sexism2022_english-2752,Hhaaha I fucking hate women.,1,2. derogation, 1482,sexism2022_english-6656,"The Jew is like the woman who goads her boyfriend into killing another man and thus doesn't take responsibility or suffer consequences for her actions. the jew hides behind the actions of others , manipulating events.",0,none, 1483,sexism2022_english-15897,It is exponentially harder each time I see her bc I want her so badly.,0,none, 1484,sexism2022_english-3216,"[USER] We've been together since yesterday, dont pretend you didnt know slut",1,3. animosity, 1485,sexism2022_english-16860,"Bill Kristol & the Jew media have corralled their troops & are going after Tucker Carlson, just shy of calling him Hitler. This mic.com lady brow queer thinks this ""evidence"" is compelling stuff to normal people. It's not. [URL]",0,none, 1486,sexism2022_english-15878,"this. guys should be glad someone else fucked there girlfriend, now they know and can move on.",0,none, 1487,sexism2022_english-19925,I was delighted when pinkpillfeminism and GC got purged all the women were crying about it lol.,1,2. derogation, 1488,sexism2022_english-1064,The odds are not in my favor so I wont take the risk. That's if a female is in the equation.,0,none, 1489,sexism2022_english-9835,She's an attention whore who made her exit upon getting news about Big Brother.,1,3. animosity, 1490,sexism2022_english-14031,"[USER] I'll throw her a bone, she looked pretty good until 35-40. Better than most women can say.",1,3. animosity, 1491,sexism2022_english-10486,I know that after the Civil War we put together a little ship party for nigs that wanted to go back to Africa. Once they hit the continent they were gathered up and sold as slaves hahaha. They just don't teach the fun side of history anymore.,0,none, 1492,sexism2022_english-8398,In L/S dressed up as Anne and let me beat her with a Der Spiegel newspaper while spraying her with Lysol i would pay good money for that,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1493,sexism2022_english-8436,"My thought process would be like"" man i want to sue her because she acts entitl€d""",0,none, 1494,sexism2022_english-6031,The Big Brain Ni🅱🅱 a vote is booty because a larger hip aperture means the mother can deliver babies with larger brains.,0,none, 1495,sexism2022_english-5455,oh no she di''int!! [URL] [URL],0,none, 1496,sexism2022_english-17536,"You stupid asshole 😂 DACA=WALL Would you rather seal the leak, honor a good faith deal and kick out every illegal that didn't step forward .. ☝️😊 Or keep forever arguing for 100% of your demands as the borders stay open? You stupid asshole #MAGA",0,none, 1497,sexism2022_english-4507,Is that the kind of weapon the Israeli Death Force uses to murder Palestinian schoolchildren and pregnant women with?,0,none, 1498,sexism2022_english-11269,lol. you know all your friends have this same rash at this same question well I should say 90% of you 1 in 10 say hell ya Muhammad was a pedophile hope he rots in hell but not you...was Muhammad a pedophile for fucking his 9 year old wife? [URL],0,none, 1499,sexism2022_english-2137,Fuckers. Gillette are getting creamed. I will never buy their shit ever again.,0,none, 1500,sexism2022_english-1557,"Goddam that Stormer article on women shutting the f up is going to hit 6,000,000 comments before midnight.",0,none, 1501,sexism2022_english-4771,Cause fun might hurt someone's fee fees,0,none, 1502,sexism2022_english-12449,"In a life or death situation: You got a 0% chance of survival by being ""the better person"" You got a good 50% chance of survival by being ""that nigga that will throw hands if he has to""",0,none, 1503,sexism2022_english-4513,"Out of my experience: ""Nothing"". She was cheating in the past and she didn't want to cheat on me.",0,none, 1504,sexism2022_english-8922,"Whats mind manipulating about any of this? Its not like he lied to anyone, no reason to believe the girl is going to hate him for it.",0,none, 1505,sexism2022_english-13299,Incels: Chad can say everything he wants. He can literally abuse women and they will still suck his dick. Also incels: Chad lies in fear of not getting laid.,0,none, 1506,sexism2022_english-18361,"I saw this and had to laugh, I had a male Dane and female Chihuahua. They were best friends, He would sit down and she would sit in front of him between his legs, what a pair!",0,none, 1507,sexism2022_english-562,"The left use Islam as a stick to beat the far right, ignoring the fact that both ideologies subjugate women. So be it.",0,none, 1508,sexism2022_english-15116,"How is she ""using her gender as a handicap or an excuse to act like an asshole"". She's stupid and wrong, but this isn't PPD.",0,none, 1509,sexism2022_english-10341,I'm not repeating it...you smelly Jew hating Nazi cunt...guess...what's going to happen to you now you filthy cunt ..time to mute another fake Jew hating Nazi!!,1,3. animosity, 1510,sexism2022_english-14044,"[USER] ya, that's why she's a whore",1,2. derogation, 1511,sexism2022_english-8818,"Check out Caldwell’s bibliography at the back of the book I prefer Caldwell (Christian) due to her upbeat worldview over Ayn Rand (atheist) pessimistic worldview Read the book again ... Actually, most of Caldwell’s books are anti-socialism 😊👍 🇺🇸",0,none, 1512,sexism2022_english-18653,"Shush, ""consent"" is a foreign word to these blokes",0,none, 1513,sexism2022_english-16292,It's TRUE. Never let a woman rule over you. I despise religion but love the Lord but sometimes religion does have good ideas.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1514,sexism2022_english-2285,"""Post locked because it's being infested by incel manchildren from r/mgtow"". Sure bud. We'll see who's gonna be laughing after 10 years when you get divorce raped.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1515,sexism2022_english-18872,This is coming from the bitch who once flashed a teacher to distract him so her boyfriend could sneak out of detention. God the bitch used to be so much cooler.,1,3. animosity, 1516,sexism2022_english-14261,That's cool Buffalo women are the best,0,none, 1517,sexism2022_english-14233,Nothing can hurt me anymore,0,none, 1518,sexism2022_english-18021,Merkel is a Communist Polish Jew. This is her (((Mother))). [URL],0,none, 1519,sexism2022_english-6711,"Yeah man. They lied to us. I’m happy for younger people, but my generation lost their lives to this shit.",0,none, 1520,sexism2022_english-10299,Hit on girls in traffic. Last gf was an NFL cheerleader who I met by just asking for her number when we were in traffic one day.,0,none, 1521,sexism2022_english-17128,"Might get laid, but eventually she'll see thru the facade and it'll come to an end.",0,none, 1522,sexism2022_english-13095,"“I just wanted to see how it felt to shoot grandma.â€?-Edmund Kemper, December 18, 1948 [URL]",0,none, 1523,sexism2022_english-8028,"Not if she's in the chair. She's rooted in a device, and that device is gangly as fuck, and she has no need to move, and a large feeling of security.",0,none, 1524,sexism2022_english-9141,Err! Actually it was YOUR mate Purple who refuses to accept Jews are an ethnicity lol,0,none, 1525,sexism2022_english-9885,Pelosi demonstrates her senility/Alzheimers by claiming that Republicans began political vitriol against Clinton in 90's. Maybe she forgot about Reagan or Clarence Thomas. [URL],0,none, 1526,sexism2022_english-11284,This right here. Attractive women are attracted to trust fundy douche nozzle frat boys. Debate me.,1,3. animosity, 1527,sexism2022_english-11698,Most AM are white worshipping and hold white featured women as the standard of beauty. Where's that stats? Or you straight pulled it out of ur ass?,0,none, 1528,sexism2022_english-5490,"Hit on her and walk away, in that way you’ll seem mysterious. Keep yourself approachable (not in a big intimidating group og guys) if she’s interested and not shy, she’ll probably come to you. At least that’s the way I do it. Edit: Grammar",0,none, 1529,sexism2022_english-340,These are great and I agree with you. A funny answer to the “we aren’t having sexâ€?objection that I have used is “well that’s good cause my girlfriend would kill meâ€?in an obviously joking manner. Slays them 😂,0,none, 1530,sexism2022_english-2041,[USER]: #Nigeria: outrage at #Chibok kidnappings ‘inspiredâ€?#BokoHaram to use #female bombers [URL] [URL],0,none, 1531,sexism2022_english-19872,"Yes. When you can see a sexy woman and admire what went into making her sexy and then just walk away and never think of her again, because it isn’t worth anything more than a passing look.",0,none, 1532,sexism2022_english-18744,"That's what cracks me up about these women. As men we are ""shamed"" if we have a little penis or under 5'9, but unless you have perky D cups and an apple bottom shaped ass, bitch can't say shit!",1,2. derogation, 1533,sexism2022_english-9525,It only took this Afghan migrant 12 months after being given asylum in Hungary to commit a rape in the toilets of a fast food restaurant. [URL],0,none, 1534,sexism2022_english-18472,"Is it weird if we wanna fuck other people's wives, to show people their place kinda ish fetish, it's a dominance thingy for me, probably don't wanna act on it tho?",0,none, 1535,sexism2022_english-8643,Yeah I've never seen a black women that even compares to Dana.,0,none, 1536,sexism2022_english-10798,Vice TV on a hate-hunting mission? #News #Immigration #Refugees #Illegalimmigration [URL],0,none, 1537,sexism2022_english-300,You're doing something right when someone from a hate group goes out of their way to attempt to annoy you,0,none, 1538,sexism2022_english-9377,It was also the unrefined findings of the DoL last year. It compared all full time employees against gender lines. So waitresses got compared with oil work types. But once broke down it made sense and diminished the gap to like $0.98 to $1,0,none, 1539,sexism2022_english-16667,"Globalist war mongering bitch ,if she feels that strong about going to war then , let her lead the charge.",1,2. derogation, 1540,sexism2022_english-15677,Mother who hid skeleton of her year-old baby in a bin liner in her mother's shed for more than a decade is jailed for 21 months. [URL],0,none, 1541,sexism2022_english-15981,With what kind of demented logic do these women operate for the love of god... And why is every stupid quote from every stupid feminist turned into inspirational wisdom?,1,2. derogation, 1542,sexism2022_english-8479,"Tarri, See Operation Condor; the shit is about to hit the fan [URL] [USER]",0,none, 1543,sexism2022_english-15844,"I imagine they all resemble ER, which might be the least intimidating representation of a man ever.",0,none, 1544,sexism2022_english-7801,"Best to just be straight up with her. You don't have to tell her to fuck off or anything rude, just say something like ""Just so you know I'm in a place in my life where I don't want anything more than something casual.""",0,none, 1545,sexism2022_english-11937,"We also had to qualify at 300 meters with iron sights. Sniper candidates had to shoot at a minimum of 1000 meters, so pantifas are NOT a credible threat!",0,none, 1546,sexism2022_english-843,You just rotate your hips and put your body weight onto her? Is that how regular people have sex? Any woman here who can say something about that?,0,none, 1547,sexism2022_english-4461,"Kavanaugh looked ""angry"" and filled with ""rage"" because he was falsely accused of being a serial gang-rapist who drugs women for gang-rapes. [URL]",0,none, 1548,sexism2022_english-16432,A kilt is generally fairly heavy-duty and made of wool. A skirt is generally lighter weight.,0,none, 1549,sexism2022_english-9430,Soooo.... Lil' Chuckie has quite the rep. And little Miss Perfect Kirsten Gillibrand provided COVER for Schumer. ‘B*tchâ€?flashback: Schumer wags finger over insulting ‘the women of Americaâ€?but calls flight attendant ‘b*itchâ€?[URL],1,3. animosity, 1550,sexism2022_english-12015,Is that really a woman? Holy shit!,0,none, 1551,sexism2022_english-19087,She's like a Black Widow spider. How long did that take her? Less than a year,0,none, 1552,sexism2022_english-13560,"It's part of the reason I can't watch the latest girl power movies from Hollywood. In the movies, one woman can kick the ass of 1,000 men. Without any training. In real life, if a woman is about to get raped she cries for help.",1,2. derogation, 1553,sexism2022_english-7556,"Here you go, nigger lover.",0,none, 1554,sexism2022_english-6116,This is the fallacy of assuming male sexuality is default and female sexuality is a broken version. Honestly this happens WAY too often on here.,0,none, 1555,sexism2022_english-1433,"I wish men would stop asking girls out altogether just so they can get an appreciation of their privilege. Unfortunately, most men value banging a girl over their own dignity.",0,none, 1556,sexism2022_english-2011,Hopefully they deny her pussy pass and lock her up for a substantial amount of time.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1557,sexism2022_english-4008,"if youre hyping up your nintendo switch to women, then its already so over lmfao",0,none, 1558,sexism2022_english-11196,"Explain to me why I, a straight male, should not be attracted to someone with female secondary sexual characteristics.",0,none, 1559,sexism2022_english-848,idk why you'd fuck the sister of a good friend. that's just disrespectful.,0,none, 1560,sexism2022_english-15622,"Nice. I'm building my camper up for most hookup, but also to run a propane generator for primitive campsites. I just haven't figured out the shower yet",0,none, 1561,sexism2022_english-17402,"She is a gutless coward, there should be many more insults flying in her direction, and isn't her telling a co-worker to f*** off rather rude?!",0,none, 1562,sexism2022_english-3619,"So, is this what happened to that little girl in the meme? Because she looks exactly like her :D [URL]",0,none, 1563,sexism2022_english-15305,"[URL] Excellent video, neatly showing how women steal from men. Marriage, meritricious law and diamond rings are all jew inventions that transfer wealth from men to women.",1,2. derogation, 1564,sexism2022_english-19763,"Sounds like pure and unic racism, the sentences of this black dumb lady. Need some Chicken with Melons? - oh sorry, I was joking, OK!- LOL",0,none, 1565,sexism2022_english-17582,"[URL] #StopWhiteGenocide #1976 #LenaTriano Franklin entered Lena's home through an unlocked back door. He then raped her, before strangling & stabbing her to death. Franklin was caught 35 years later using DNA that was found on her clothes.",0,none, 1566,sexism2022_english-7305,"female elephants are chad only, you can't fool me",0,none, 1567,sexism2022_english-3476,"No stupid woman here. Get the fuck out bitch, this is a MALE ONLY COMMUNITY.",1,2. derogation, 1568,sexism2022_english-11889,"This is how retarded, the trans are these days and how they attack anyone who disagrees with them #TERF #Gab",0,none, 1569,sexism2022_english-6660,"And yet that never shut reddit down, did it? Reddit was allowed endless leeway to deal with various shit on the site. Some of which they still haven't.",0,none, 1570,sexism2022_english-5592,"Oh Boy. 1st they take their guns, then they disarm their chefs. Looks like they will all just become vegetarians, tearing their food with bare hands eating like neanderthals until they grow a pair and take this bitch to the woodshed!",1,3. animosity, 1571,sexism2022_english-5198,"Male and female brains wired differently, scans reveal [URL]",0,none, 1572,sexism2022_english-11075,Bigot! You think only women can fuck fish?? Fair is fair!!! Let's ALL Fuck fish! (Are there tranny fish? ),1,3. animosity, 1573,sexism2022_english-2786,Things could be worse Gentlemen: You could be married. ~~to this woman~~,0,none, 1574,sexism2022_english-5872,Mollie Tibbetts' quarterback brother rolls up touchdowns days after sister's body was found [URL],0,none, 1575,sexism2022_english-19120,Break barrel single-shot shotgun? She needs to talk to her husband and have her get something that will allow her to shoot more than once before she is mobbed.,0,none, 1576,sexism2022_english-14910,Teresa May must know she is the most hated POS in the UK...,0,none, 1577,sexism2022_english-9684,"Even femcels+the hambeats on IT admitt that they could easily get sex if they wanted. Theres nothing you have to do to get sex as female. You dont even have to be female, even transwomen are enough in 2k18",1,3. animosity, 1578,sexism2022_english-7598,We are living in the age of LGBTQABCNBCMSNBCCBSCNN #Jwoke #lgbt #wypipo #wn #14 #1488 #whiteculture,0,none, 1579,sexism2022_english-15659,If they brag about anything (not just women) they probably aren't that great. I believe in moving in silence.,0,none, 1580,sexism2022_english-12597,One more question. Should I express intent with her? I've never really let on that I'm interested in her or find her attractive at all.,0,none, 1581,sexism2022_english-15996,And parents can't wait for their boys and girls to graduate from these pandering liberal shittholes,0,none, 1582,sexism2022_english-470,"Yes, and men should not call women out for dress provocatively or else you're slut-shaming. And men should stop mansplaining on how to wear decent clothes. LMAO",0,none, 1583,sexism2022_english-14654,"I may jump to conclusions, but according to this theory, does that mean gynocentrism is inevitable? Right, that's me done here. Time for me to hit the maths books! Oh, and women, get out of my face! :P",0,none, 1584,sexism2022_english-7438,"This is very true, I've only met 1 women in my entire career that had the passion for software development. Generally, women just aren't suited for the role.",1,3. animosity, 1585,sexism2022_english-15198,"Wait what? **You** sound creepy as fuck for equating a compliment with ""shit a serial killer would say"". Go fuck yourself.",0,none, 1586,sexism2022_english-12235,Sharia laws about women...,0,none, 1587,sexism2022_english-14040,"Becoming⁉️ He’s there. BathHouse Barry, The Puppet of Valerie Jarrett, The First Black Woman (unelected) President/PuppetMaster and Master Ventriloquist; everything she thought came out of his mouth.",0,none, 1588,sexism2022_english-4172,Whose war on women? [URL],0,none, 1589,sexism2022_english-6185,That's a woman?,0,none, 1590,sexism2022_english-5536,"beat your brothers ass, someone has to",0,none, 1591,sexism2022_english-9493,"""Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country."" He's not talking about the White ones though.",0,none, 1592,sexism2022_english-13694,Fucking lol. Bitches love trinkets.,1,3. animosity, 1593,sexism2022_english-17873,Pretty aure it was written by a female,0,none, 1594,sexism2022_english-13614,"Seems like the only way, when this pandemic will be over I might consider this. Tho it's still a pain in the ass having to travel to the opposite side of the world just to meet a girl that could hypothetically have interests on me",0,none, 1595,sexism2022_english-476,"The crooked, drunken old hag deserves at least 3 life sentences!!",1,2. derogation, 1596,sexism2022_english-11058,White chads are fucking your women you cuck,0,none, 1597,sexism2022_english-19272,Those bitches love talking about how independent they are yet they call guys Low value if they don’t pay for every date and every meal lol tf. Also I’m pretty sure most of the girls on there are ugly. They just want a betabux pretty much,1,2. derogation, 1598,sexism2022_english-18264,"We never said AMWF Hapas were monolithically on our side. If anything everytime an AMWF Hapa says ""IDK WTF you guys are talking about"", it just confirms that we WMAF Hapas have our own unique issues.",0,none, 1599,sexism2022_english-11630,A simp is fucking the girl you want. What does that make you? Time to act or move on.,0,none, 1600,sexism2022_english-2096,Jokes on her. Her son will be a ricecel.,0,none, 1601,sexism2022_english-10386,"[USER] Like I posted in another post about disgusting b!tch, if she EVER has one I'm calling it premeditated murder!",1,2. derogation, 1602,sexism2022_english-18715,"Depends on the girl, on both sides of this. Average girl gives an average blowjob, paid or not. And you can get high end escorts, or just more willing girls where it’s all on the table.",1,2. derogation, 1603,sexism2022_english-318,"Blacks guys don't take shit from girls or guys! They dont get all sympathetic when they see a woman putting on the waterworks! The black guys i know totally go there own way and really dont care about ""bitches""!",1,3. animosity, 1604,sexism2022_english-6264,"""You could have joined in"" who cares women arent your friend anyway",1,2. derogation, 1605,sexism2022_english-10870,Any girl playing games is a keeper. Especially if it's a Play Station 3 game.,0,none, 1606,sexism2022_english-8855,You didn't mind the money from the fame of living in a glass box before. But once this came out..no..suddenly your privacy was breeched? Fuck that. you are a media star. Your rules are different.,0,none, 1607,sexism2022_english-15916,"You really thought the girl was just gonna be like ""OK sure I'll give you a handjob!"" ??? Maybe if you had a sexual rapport with her but that was clearly stupid to say",0,none, 1608,sexism2022_english-18579,"Scalia's shitlib sandnigger daughter in law turns red over Kavanaugh treatment ""led to arguments with my husband & father-in-law [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [URL]",0,none, 1609,sexism2022_english-16740,So white foids are keeping black women from spreading the blackpill...they truly are the enemy.,1,2. derogation, 1610,sexism2022_english-10005,"NEGRO Baltimore mayor and NEGRO police commissioner are taken aback by NEGRO VIOLENCE that they, along with Baltimore's NEGRO RAAACIST D.A. caused? Big surprise when you persecute cops, you morons! [URL]",0,none, 1611,sexism2022_english-1260,All y'all negros & women can forget it. Rino Paul Ryan will be next demoratic candidate for president. 😀😀😀🙃🙃🙃,0,none, 1612,sexism2022_english-7440,"They're either devote bachelors, found love in the arms of a female that is actually good, or their dead, (lovesick suicide), or something. Anything but being with you, bitch(es). (I'm responding to the females asking that question.",1,2. derogation, 1613,sexism2022_english-1919,The only red pill is that you have to be 20% in terms of attractiveness. Everything else is just blue pill hope to cope with that truth You can't possibly tell me a balding 5'3 guy with a 4 inch penis just has to lift and hold frame.,0,none, 1614,sexism2022_english-19406,"yes haha fuck half'chan' as we superior fullchan (or channers, to those in the know) would say.",0,none, 1615,sexism2022_english-4624,Killed by nigger convicted of raping Japanese girl in Okinawa [URL],0,none, 1616,sexism2022_english-15866,"#IntroduceYourself Biker-Nerd Conservative Author. Opinionated and really OBNOXIOUSLY vocal about shit that bothers me. I crack me up. Love SciFi, Fantasy and Techno Thrillers.",0,none, 1617,sexism2022_english-6273,In symbolism the Dragon spews a sea out of it's mouth to drown the woman. We are drowning in Dragon Puke. That's why it feels like it.,0,none, 1618,sexism2022_english-4801,"[USER] go figure, though to be fair my mother's father was an atheist Hebrew teacher.",0,none, 1619,sexism2022_english-7197,did you rape your mother,0,none, 1620,sexism2022_english-10704,"Niggers be like ""Black Panther"" is our coming out ... Newsflash retards it's a cgi movie and Wokanda isn't a real country .. idiots !! The lolz the epic lolz",0,none, 1621,sexism2022_english-19869,"CRAZY BIMBO IS BACK! White Uncle Tom: Rachel Dolezal says she's ""Trans-Black."" Ugh, this dumb bitch! I thought society was through with her! [URL]",1,2. derogation, 1622,sexism2022_english-16501,"""Whatever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man's masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled patriarchy and misogyny."" [URL]",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1623,sexism2022_english-6255,"A 46 year old virgin, ignorant of female nature, thirsting after a slut and goes into creep mode when rejected. Prostitution would stop this simp behavior and I know internal validation is ideal but some guys just need to get fucking laid!",1,2. derogation, 1624,sexism2022_english-493,"Just wait til they take away Trump's blue checkmark... Actually, I'd bet that's the end goal here, they just don't have the balls to do it first.",0,none, 1625,sexism2022_english-4627,"All a girl can do to ""shoot her shot"" is just let a guy know you exist. In most cases, as a woman, you wouldn't have to ""shoot your shot"" because if the guy you liked actually liked you back, he would've been making moves with you already.",0,none, 1626,sexism2022_english-3226,[URL] I love her! She is another Kick Ass and take names!,0,none, 1627,sexism2022_english-19200,My state? I'm not Jewish. They literally won't stop until they destroy Israel and kill every Jewish person. Have you even read the Qur'an? It was created to give them a sanctuary if Nazi Germany type countries ever rose up again.,0,none, 1628,sexism2022_english-2993,Why are you talking to her at all? Block her fucking number.,0,none, 1629,sexism2022_english-17260,"Libtards have to ruin everything. I enjoyed her movies, but she needs to stay in her lane and stfu.",0,none, 1630,sexism2022_english-8218,Trump is Bibi's bitch-boi! White Helmets Plotting False Flag Chemical Attack in Southern Syria â€?Sources [URL] #syria #bibisbitch,1,3. animosity, 1631,sexism2022_english-14757,Wrong. Id take any breathing women of age. Fuck off with this meme.,0,none, 1632,sexism2022_english-12736,"It's not about staying alive, it's about getting stronger so that you will trigger visceral responses in people: attraction in girls, respect in other men. Also about the endorphins which will make life suck less.",0,none, 1633,sexism2022_english-8934,This is something you can either do naturally or you can't do at all. If you can't do it naturally don't even try because you'll come across as an arrogant shit and people will hate you. Find a different way to be charming. Just be yourself.,0,none, 1634,sexism2022_english-5948,"Some dudes go out with the idea that if they don't get to fuck a girl, they're going to fight someone.",0,none, 1635,sexism2022_english-6096,"Ms...Fernandez killed her 8 year old son because she thought he was ""gay"" No words about a father being involved with the child. How about having something other than a female around to mentor and direct a boy into manhood?",1,2. derogation, 1636,sexism2022_english-18024,I d love to read tomorrow that Susan Collins got raped by a gang of dreamers. That may wake her up. See what others go through. ANy of thse traitors should have to pay for illegals & we should send them to Hawaii &Susan Collins state,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1637,sexism2022_english-235,Get her to wipe the old one away first...,0,none, 1638,sexism2022_english-8353,WHUTs her crime again??- [URL],0,none, 1639,sexism2022_english-16820,#GabFam Tonight's insomnia break is currently at 2 hours and counting. Dammit.,0,none, 1640,sexism2022_english-5416,why is it a fetish? why can’t it just be a preference? is liking thin women a fetish?,0,none, 1641,sexism2022_english-10598,"Um, no. That's my only firm rule, I want a heterosexual woman to cut my hair. She is the target class, I want my hair to look good to hetero women. I do not want a haircut that a gay guy likes. I want a cut that a woman likes.",0,none, 1642,sexism2022_english-18031,What is worse than that is the way it sounds like she really did abuse her power to have sex with him against his will.,0,none, 1643,sexism2022_english-10969,"Yh she is a slut, well she said she had a bf for 5 years and then a slutty phase afterwards. But i believe her for the most part bc she is fairly tame tbh, ive met girls who were a lot more slutty & manipulatice than she is",1,2. derogation, 1644,sexism2022_english-8365,Turkish police detain students after Erdoğan’s ‘terroristâ€?rebuke [URL],0,none, 1645,sexism2022_english-12022,Why do all these commie girls have middle age bellies?,0,none, 1646,sexism2022_english-2781,I showed this site to a female relative. She told me the studies don't count because men conceived and directed such studies. She says science can't be trusted because most scientists are men.,0,none, 1647,sexism2022_english-5684,I mean I find chubby women to look kind of womanly lmao I look like a kid next to them since I’m so tiny😂 but yah you’re right,0,none, 1648,sexism2022_english-3984,"#newbies If you haven't met [USER] , you are missing a cool creative Gabber. give her a follow !",0,none, 1649,sexism2022_english-1787,The Squat don't give squat except about how they benefit.,0,none, 1650,sexism2022_english-12093,"Because women are taught by society that men with no ambition and shit personalities are not diserable, so it’s soiciety that needs to change so women can change... easy peasy",1,3. animosity, 1651,sexism2022_english-3087,"You would be wrong, she published the non-blurred picture. #rheeee",0,none, 1652,sexism2022_english-4306,"Cut it in her own flesh while looking in a mirror, just like Morton Downey Jr,",0,none, 1653,sexism2022_english-4175,"Don't fred, you're a human, not a stonecold trp bot. You did the right thing and preserved your self respect and got out of a toxic relationship, even when it wasn't easy for you. Now, don't talk to her again and focus on yourself.",0,none, 1654,sexism2022_english-8124,The thirst is so powerful. Even though there are millions of nudes of big boob girls already out there.,0,none, 1655,sexism2022_english-2897,"Hasn't even been 3 months Keep vetting for red flags Also it's the females job to push for Male commitment You should be gaming other girls but you're clearly not, and clearly developing oneitis",1,3. animosity, 1656,sexism2022_english-8993,[USER] I think that she knows Hillary,0,none, 1657,sexism2022_english-19257,"IMHO I would have done the same, and then moved on. So yeah, say, what a bitch, move on, what's wrong with this?",1,3. animosity, 1658,sexism2022_english-18636,And yet women love cheating with these toxic masculine men!,1,2. derogation, 1659,sexism2022_english-15539,I am so sorry about your mother! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! 🙏🏻🌹,0,none, 1660,sexism2022_english-7821,Screw you antifa scum!,0,none, 1661,sexism2022_english-11239,It was pretty much that during the last election. The dems just need a few more single moms in society to competly control everything,1,3. animosity, 1662,sexism2022_english-1180,FUCKING JEWISH American COMMIE! SHUT UP,0,none, 1663,sexism2022_english-13936,White police officer charged for fabricating her story that black man shot her #CivilUnrest Indicator: RIOTS ERUPT Grade: Moderate [URL],0,none, 1664,sexism2022_english-7221,ladies go get smashed get together and have a smash party be safe get checked,0,none, 1665,sexism2022_english-10806,"Dad sets a trap for 33-year-old sending sex pics to his underage daughter, and it’s on video [URL] via [USER]",0,none, 1666,sexism2022_english-18496,Compliment a woman’s shoes.,0,none, 1667,sexism2022_english-16729,Agghhh! Try not to use he/she. Please! That's the feminist politically correct bullshit.,0,none, 1668,sexism2022_english-218,Dude two hookups since last year and not any sexual contact from females is a long time,0,none, 1669,sexism2022_english-1598,I like how no one actually cared about the girl afterwards.,0,none, 1670,sexism2022_english-18242,I'm a west Texas grandma and I have that many firearms in my sewing basket!! LOL,0,none, 1671,sexism2022_english-8907,"I couldn't care that women don't want trans in women's sports, men aren't allowed any spaces to themselves, now its women's turn. I love the trans community.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1672,sexism2022_english-7843,"Well, it would be nice if all women are more like Margaret Thatcher than San Fran Nan Pelosi!",0,none, 1673,sexism2022_english-6405,"Yes we have a choice. Sparta is an example, once feared by all they became decadent, after a revival following spartan law it took an army to destroy a handful of spartan youths. The revival was too late for them but it is not too late for us.",0,none, 1674,sexism2022_english-3264,"[USER] Don't forget NO to actual rape, not imaginary rape. Muslims are all about raping and killing western women. But most of these liberals can't figure simple things out.",0,none, 1675,sexism2022_english-5218,"Populistsâ€?Advance in Germany Jolts Europe - WSJ - [URL] Riding a wave of discontent with her migration policy, the Alternative for Germany—a three-year-old anti-immigrant party—beat the chancellor’s party in her home state, ...",0,none, 1676,sexism2022_english-17366,"Marketing disguised as ""news"" which is actually an attack on #freesw (FUD) [URL]",0,none, 1677,sexism2022_english-15569,I have several gay friends and they seem to agree that it is part genetic and part nurture.,0,none, 1679,sexism2022_english-17209,GL convincing the idiot masses ......Black pastors see Trump bringing 'new hope' -- but still need to convince their flocks .....[URL],0,none, 1680,sexism2022_english-9033,look at this roastie cunt foid's face It's a picture of a teenage girl. I thought they liked teenage girls? How can a literal child be a roastie already?,1,2. derogation, 1681,sexism2022_english-15194,Wha-? How does a UN nobody chick have anything to say about this? Just amazing. Susan Rice would risk Leavenworth and cut off her tits with a pen-knife rather than break wither her King. No wonder we always lose so hard.,0,none, 1682,sexism2022_english-16450,"Lol bragging about it doesn’t give them status in the FSM. These women must be known to be wives of Chads, otherwise no status. I am not changing my premise.",0,none, 1683,sexism2022_english-19566,Hopefully it's just a ploy and he'll just keep driving while she's stuck with her parents.,0,none, 1684,sexism2022_english-6809,"Have you tried online dating? (I'm being serious, it can't hurt to try)",0,none, 1685,sexism2022_english-14000,"The two biggest porn searches from women are 'rape' and 'gangbang', lol Dozens of studies show this, look it up.",0,none, 1686,sexism2022_english-17169,"###If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you. â€?Oscar Wilde",0,none, 1687,sexism2022_english-8191,Superwoman: Take me to court plastic surgery disaster! Because I KNOW he was a pig faced pedophile! And he's in Hell sucking Filthy kike cocks! What an UGLY pig faced pedophile father you had! You must be ashamed,0,none, 1688,sexism2022_english-16139,"39 But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release ‘the king of the Jewsâ€?â€?(Jesus) 40 They SHOUTED BACK, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!â€?Now Barabbas HAD TAKEN PART IN AN UPRISING.",0,none, 1689,sexism2022_english-4215,"U can win with this game to, but its not worth it",0,none, 1690,sexism2022_english-5860,"I do know her, for about 5 years now.... I asked for help not a criticism, but thanks anyway 😂... ""You don't know her"", ""she's not interested""???? I don't remember writing that..... You must obviously know the situation better than I do",0,none, 1691,sexism2022_english-4919,I’ve never scheduled 2-4 dates because I don’t have that much abundance when it comes to girls That’s why they’re flaking,0,none, 1692,sexism2022_english-8921,Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs on Monday introduced a measure that would censure Rep. Maxine Waters and ask her to resign for inciting people to publicly confront Trump administration officials. [URL],0,none, 1693,sexism2022_english-15953,This is why the phone should be set to lock in the shortest time possible. it can be a pain in the ass but it is the right thing to do. If she asks if you don't trust her tell her that's true. And don't backtrack.,0,none, 1694,sexism2022_english-6574,ATCS principal indicted for molestation [URL],0,none, 1695,sexism2022_english-1990,"Then you should speak against all the incel posts and not spend time here where we make fun of psychos who wants to murder women for ""witholdig"" sex.",0,none, 1696,sexism2022_english-8011,STARBUCKS PUMPKIN SPICE FRAPPUCINO TASTES LIKE FLOOR WASH,0,none, 1697,sexism2022_english-4362,They are divorced now she was from a very wealthy British family Why she married the useless fucker who knows but she has had enough and gone back to the UK.,0,none, 1698,sexism2022_english-11147,That's surprising. How did it even come up with the girl you weren't fucking?,0,none, 1699,sexism2022_english-19511,"Just kinda curious why you think any mgtow would be interested in this? Did you just post it so we could laugh about it? I like RC planes and cars and shit so I can't really talk shit about hobbies that aren't ""grown up"" enough.",0,none, 1700,sexism2022_english-2908,"We're gonna keep fighting. Is that CLEAR? We're gonna attack all night, we're gonna attack tomorrow morning. If we are not VICTORIOUS, let no man come back alive! - Patton",0,none, 1701,sexism2022_english-13140,I never liked handjobs. It just never worked for me. If she’s not gonna give me oral I’d rather just jerk myself off(you can’t do it better than me🙃)while she gets naked and dances or something.,0,none, 1702,sexism2022_english-13154,Holy fuck is this for real,0,none, 1703,sexism2022_english-19385,"but the fact remains, [USER] went from being the top diva and champion in the [USER] female division to suddenly being kicked off the top of the [USER] to the bottom and has been losing to [USER].",0,none, 1704,sexism2022_english-2088,#boobs #cunt #bondage #vibrator #machine,1,3. animosity, 1705,sexism2022_english-78,"Just proves how low the price of cock is. In a normal dating market, the hamplanet would get the same hate and rejection your average incel gets. But since the price of pussy is so high, even something like her can get a man abover her league.",1,2. derogation, 1706,sexism2022_english-13053,"The arrogance of these people is never ending! They think they are gods, disconnected from any possible consequences of their actions. I suggest that Titans fans should take this bitch up on her offer and not show up in droves.",1,2. derogation, 1707,sexism2022_english-7872,Wives don't care either.,0,none, 1708,sexism2022_english-1283,Set her up With someone you think highly of. Do them both a favor,0,none, 1709,sexism2022_english-1814,"[USER] (2/2) not have husbands to hide behind, but at the end of the day biology still rules and even an independent feminist woman still feels vulnerable without a protector male.",1,3. animosity, 1710,sexism2022_english-16044,[USER] BRITISH POLICE FAIL AGAIN : 'Concentrate on MUGGERS' Fury as police grill woman 4 TIMES over feeding neighbour's cat ! [URL],0,none, 1711,sexism2022_english-5201,"Lauren Southern confronts her insane protesters, the results are hilarious: [URL]",0,none, 1712,sexism2022_english-15798,Wow. So all women are sluts or whores. I've never thought about it like that.,1,2. derogation, 1713,sexism2022_english-12804,If I walked up to a woman and told her she is beautiful she would probably call the police or cuss me out,1,2. derogation, 1714,sexism2022_english-14369,"What a total cunt. PS It's the mother who's the total cunt, not the kid.",1,2. derogation, 1715,sexism2022_english-12308,Just like they did to Stormy. People now see the way the radical feminist machine uses women as weapons to smear and make false accusations against men. Women will never be believed again. They brought it on themselves.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1716,sexism2022_english-2948,"Zionist porker related to Chuck 'the schmuck' Schumer, Amy 'makin' bacon' Schumer oinked to the camera's having found a police officer strong enough to haul her fat ass to jail. You Jews sure know how to put on a show!",0,none, 1717,sexism2022_english-11784,What’s the downside specifically? That the men that women want to commit won’t? I can tell you why this happens if you’d like.,0,none, 1718,sexism2022_english-17780,I just bought a smart car. It doesn't turn on when the wife is in the driving seat.,1,3. animosity, 1719,sexism2022_english-741,i thought she was much better this season,0,none, 1720,sexism2022_english-9403,Let the females die from the elements as punishment for their slut nature.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1721,sexism2022_english-3729,Blessings of st.blackops2cel upon you,0,none, 1722,sexism2022_english-11305,I barfed on Hillary Clinton when I landed on her. #Hillary,0,none, 1723,sexism2022_english-12245,"Agree. I've made the six figure income. Although I had to work 80 hours a week to do it. Women don't give a fuck. They'd rather fuck broke chad, nothing makes up for lack of physical attraction. Nothing. The women that fake it are using you.",1,3. animosity, 1724,sexism2022_english-17384,Poor Brendan. I really hope he manages to unfuck his shit up.,0,none, 1725,sexism2022_english-4463,"I feel sorry for you. You must have some pretty terrible women in your life! Maybe if you were open to other types of women existing, you'd find some of them.",0,none, 1726,sexism2022_english-11591,Poop is going to hit the fan soon on Clinton crimes [URL],0,none, 1727,sexism2022_english-15317,"Like a typical woman, always waiting for the men to fix a problem instead of actually working on anything. Golf clap.",1,2. derogation, 1728,sexism2022_english-3920,"He's ""overly flirty with women all the time"" and ""he did nothing"" in the same sentence. So... what is it?",0,none, 1729,sexism2022_english-8417,I'd really like to grab a drink with her.. I thought we really hit it off. Do you think I still have a chance? Or is it too late now..,0,none, 1730,sexism2022_english-4217,I love the Star Trek: Enterprise episodes where T'Pol's status as a jealous vagina owner trumps her status as a Vulcan and her craving for Southern white cock overcomes her commitment to Surak's teachings. Women are slaves to a Southern alpha male.,1,2. derogation, 1731,sexism2022_english-1092,This actually just happened to me with my last girl. She lived out of state and it turned into a total mess after two years. Pseudo is exactly the word. Thanks again for opening my eyes,0,none, 1733,sexism2022_english-13378,"So to summarize, men should work and women should care for the children. Isn't this a feminist organization?",0,none, 1734,sexism2022_english-4373,CliffyB is a classic case of more money than brains. Divorces his wife at the time to date and marry Lauren. Nice guy.,0,none, 1735,sexism2022_english-12712,"Weev isn't jewish. You attacked females on the bbs just because they were female. You need to reflect a bit, because currently your perspective is very narrow. Just trying to offer friendly advice.",0,none, 1736,sexism2022_english-2641,If you don't make a move you won't be with her or you will get friendzoned. If you don't do it someone else will. I think you're only a coward if you want to make a move but don't do it.,0,none, 1737,sexism2022_english-8942,"75% of British muslms are claiming benefits and are unemployable, they are damanding sharia law, the invasion of the west continues,",0,none, 1739,sexism2022_english-15226,Using that logic you dont know where he kicked her. A kick to the head is gonna hurt even light. The point still stands that when an opponent is on the ground and no longer a danger you dont retaliate.,0,none, 1740,sexism2022_english-18676,"Of _course_ she is considering legal action. Can't have the truth out there. I mean, c'mon, telling the truth? To the voters? You nuts or something?",0,none, 1741,sexism2022_english-4193,"They have no problem shouting us down over ""not understanding the female experience,"" yet they have no issue telling us precisely what we need. The world has gone topsy fucking turvy.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1742,sexism2022_english-6650,"Been following roissy since 2014. Maybe I'm just dumb. I wasn't too forward with words, I was just going for her neck whilst we were making out. She said some shit then I slowed a bit down.",0,none, 1743,sexism2022_english-1520,"Yeah and that's why she kissed me like it was her last kiss, how about that bitch ?",1,3. animosity, 1744,sexism2022_english-13917,If women are to be knocked up and held hostage in Texas. Then a positive paternity test should cost a man 50% of his income. That’s equality. Otherwise Texas is sexually exploiting and enslaving women,0,none, 1745,sexism2022_english-6238,"This is how Illegal Alien Anchor Baby Norma Torres, who does not have legal citizenship as such, treats American citizens--refuses them entry to her events. ILLEGALS allowed in but NOT CITIZENS!!Corrupt!: [URL]",0,none, 1746,sexism2022_english-11002,"She's hurt, omfg poor thing. Where are our trolls ? Go save her.",0,none, 1747,sexism2022_english-15663,"Bill has gotten Danny's mother hooked on drugs. Crack cocaine came out in the mid 80's. Before that, it was a rich man's drug. Danny's mom was poor at the time. And so he was supplying it to her until it was available on the streets. [URL]",0,none, 1748,sexism2022_english-18986,just like how asian girls hate asian guys,0,none, 1749,sexism2022_english-14892,You should have let her break eye contact first ;) Holding a gaze is a very powerful sexual tool. You can get a girl in the mood just by staring at her the right way.,0,none, 1750,sexism2022_english-3715,"why in the hell would the military join those mask wearing buffoons? Funny, she doesn't look like the gal that was smacked in the head with a pole, but she's acting concussed with what's she's saying. Just shut it Sarah!",0,none, 1751,sexism2022_english-8409,Amazing what I am hearing on the news this morning. Not even 7am and my blood is boiling. Gonna be one angry bitch old lady today!,1,3. animosity, 1752,sexism2022_english-17100,Average man works 8 hours more thats a full day extra than the average woman and even after decades and study after study they refuse to accept thats the main reason. Because that does not fit their narative.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1753,sexism2022_english-15591,What are feminists stating about women who are sexually assaulting their male counterparts? [URL],0,none, 1754,sexism2022_english-18049,Man I really love how she was trying so hard to drop his food and it looked like he just effortlessly and gently slaps her in the face with it while taking a drink and walks away still ready to sip on his drink.,0,none, 1755,sexism2022_english-9593,"Or should I just invite her out for dinner but what would be a way as to not be too direct. Should I be like ""Hey it was nice talking to you etc etc maybe we should go out for dinner sometimes"" or something that wouldnt be too direct right ?",0,none, 1756,sexism2022_english-12186,I mean I've seen short average face guys hook up with girls. LOL. Not sure what your point is and how it connects to you shittin on your countrymen??,0,none, 1757,sexism2022_english-3131,At least you admit everyone not just women is part of the problem. Bitches and niggas are fucked these days they switch up on you in a second if it benefits them,1,2. derogation, 1758,sexism2022_english-2522,I agree. Not everyone is going to be able to live a life full of sex. Some just need to come to grips that they are undesirable to women and move on. Go watch pornhub or something.,0,none, 1759,sexism2022_english-3892,"I would have my lawyer let her lawyer know that any unsubstantiated smears would result in a libel suit, which might explain the skidishness and the need for extra time for coaching.",0,none, 1760,sexism2022_english-4494,"wymyn shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone hold political office or be on SCOTUS",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1761,sexism2022_english-11755,"It depends on your charisma. I've straight up undressed a girl in public. Even had sex. But your mileage may vary... If you're not smooth, even touching her will be a bad move.",0,none, 1762,sexism2022_english-13505,"Asked out about a dozen girls, worst reaction was 'uhhhh..', so the behaviour of the girls you're talking about sounds a bit extreme.",0,none, 1763,sexism2022_english-2881,Thank you...why do these guys talk like this and then wonder why women don't want to walk to them. What language are they speaking? Not women. Not seduction.,0,none, 1764,sexism2022_english-11529,"Bitch shouldn't have come here illegally, now should she? #ByeFelicia #DeportThemAll [URL]",1,2. derogation, 1765,sexism2022_english-15234,ISIS leader in Afghanistan is killed along with ten others in an air raid in Nangarhar province. [URL],0,none, 1766,sexism2022_english-5648,Canada: Human Rights Tribunal takes case of transgender woman denied service at waxing spa by Muslim woman ☪️☪️☪️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍ðŸŒ?Watch this story closely. Liberals are in a conundrum. 😂😂😂 #TuesdayThoughts #LGBT #LGBTQ [URL],0,none, 1767,sexism2022_english-15495,Someone hasn’t figured out modern female nature. Maybe this video will help. [URL] [URL],0,none, 1768,sexism2022_english-5175,"I think some cruel people in society view it as: You had sex with her, so even though you're not the father, it's still fine if you pay.",0,none, 1769,sexism2022_english-17052,I cope with it like I'm imagining punching her in the face.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1770,sexism2022_english-13926,It still sounds like you might just have a reactive libido or what I call a pretty normal female libido.,0,none, 1771,sexism2022_english-19067,She overstepped the boundaries by wrapping her herself around you 😂 because you didn’t make a move she probably thinks you’re not into her. You fucked up.,0,none, 1772,sexism2022_english-3781,"""Come on girl, my magic wand won't suck itself...""",0,none, 1773,sexism2022_english-4717,"Gotta say I disagree with this sentiment, Rollo’s original “rejection is better than regretâ€?applied to making the approach and talking to women, not getting married. Man up and marry those sluts",1,3. animosity, 1774,sexism2022_english-13031,Well Goy we'll just have to lock up whoever wrote the book Goy. Then lock up whoever reads the book Goy. We Jews have laws against saying less than 6 gorillion Jews got gassed by evil NAZIS Goy,0,none, 1775,sexism2022_english-11270,"Plus some women have penises (intersex, trans, etc) and they can still pee standing up.",0,none, 1776,sexism2022_english-15076,"Imagine you bust a gut for 25 years and don't have to work anymore. If you're married and spent an afternoon drinking scotch and playing video games, your wife will subconsciously think you're a lazy loser and be a nagging bitch. No thanks.",1,3. animosity, 1777,sexism2022_english-4055,These BP stories are gonna end up giving me a brain tumor or an aneurysm or something. From the rage bubbling inside me when I see pussies letting women get away with murder,1,3. animosity, 1778,sexism2022_english-2207,It was her nigger buck.,0,none, 1779,sexism2022_english-467,"They let immigrant rapists walk free, and they jail an 89yo German woman for having the wrong ideas !! Germany is a dictatorship.",0,none, 1780,sexism2022_english-18386,"Bless you, fran' :3. May you see a man tell a bitching, screaming girlfriend to fuck herself and go across the street right into a brothel as her useless ass gawks. Bless you.",1,2. derogation, 1781,sexism2022_english-12009,"Well, right now I'm going to forget about her and move along. But I'm still thinking about giving it another shot in a month or so. I don't see how that would seem exorbitantly pesky or annoying.",0,none, 1782,sexism2022_english-12732,"[URL] [USER] [USER] [USER] Charlottesville just elected a Communist Antifa nigger woman, Nikuyah Walker as the new mayor.",0,none, 1783,sexism2022_english-5926,[USER] It came a little late and after a few sexual assaults but after a while the Liberals caught up. Most Muslim Men don't respect Western culture and the women who represent it.,0,none, 1784,sexism2022_english-1313,"Greens, eh? The fateful question of the Occident is thus now whether young female university graduates can be continually served with yoga and Pilates courses even amidst the ruins looming on the horizon.",1,2. derogation, 1785,sexism2022_english-8103,HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE! HOLD THE VOTE!,0,none, 1786,sexism2022_english-1296,Somebody be guilt trippin' and projecting at the same time. It's women's fault he's a bitter asshole!,1,2. derogation, 1787,sexism2022_english-15477,"Black, Hispanic, Arabic, Asian, and everyone else want to preserve their culture. Why are white people degraded for perusing the same thing?",0,none, 1788,sexism2022_english-919,All older women want relationships doesn't matter the app 🤣,1,3. animosity, 1789,sexism2022_english-7229,"Nothing wrong with being a stripper or working 3 jobs. Also, is marriage being a scam not nakedly obvious to blue pilled men yet? Because she's saying that for your benefit. Don't marry. Don't live together.",0,none, 1790,sexism2022_english-15715,Realize how dumb and a waste of time this emotion is. That's really all there is to it. Learn to laugh at it.,0,none, 1791,sexism2022_english-14219,The moment my mom divorced my dad and went riding the cock carousel I knew I’d never date again. Seven years later I’ve held up. Been a great 7 years.,1,2. derogation, 1792,sexism2022_english-17644,Like I said. Sorry. (Sounds like I hit a nerve? Is he your girlfriend or something?),0,none, 1793,sexism2022_english-142,"that woman lying down is #fine look at her ffs,",0,none, 1794,sexism2022_english-17776,"Seems like a good deal to me. I mean, she's being useful and who the fuck cares what she says or thinks?",0,none, 1795,sexism2022_english-180,Huge Catholic Church 'Predator Priest' Pedophile Ring Exposed by Grand Jury Over 300 priests named for 'raping little boys and girls' in report [URL] Pure evil this attack on children!,0,none, 1796,sexism2022_english-8163,you're just assuming that. We know for a fact that you're an idiot.,0,none, 1797,sexism2022_english-4810,"Is there an app stopping jihadi sexual assaults on native Swedish women, too?",0,none, 1798,sexism2022_english-18071,"Looking full Asian is uglier than being hapa though? Wasn't that your implication? That's not a cool way to hit on girls, brah.",0,none, 1799,sexism2022_english-6604,[USER] maybe the 👭lesbians bc they want 2 b tough 💪and muslims think they go to hell 🔥if a lady a shoots them . They begin to shake with fear 😨😲at the sight of a woman w a gun 🔫,0,none, 1800,sexism2022_english-6693,"Granny, just answer the question, please. I am sure it triggers women a lot since they are self-conscious about their weight much more than about their N count lol",1,3. animosity, 1801,sexism2022_english-5286,"If on Twitter, you should RT this below. Trigger the libtards. [URL]",0,none, 1802,sexism2022_english-8102,"First off, this happened in South Africa. Secondly, she skipped town after making bail, so she didn't exactly ""walk free.""",0,none, 1803,sexism2022_english-6896,The part where she doesn't have sex with me and just ghosts me and leaves me with an existential crisis that makes me want to kill myself. That's electrifying like the electric chair my dude.,0,none, 1804,sexism2022_english-19812,Who are they disrespectful too? The men or the women?,0,none, 1805,sexism2022_english-2980,Libertarian VP Weld has come out as a flaming fairy cuck princess today. Libertarians have become a joke. Very sad. #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp,0,none, 1806,sexism2022_english-5928,"Does anyone know the cause for this? Why do I hate ugly women as much as foids hate ugly men? Obviously it's because ugly women have bad personalities, are entitled, hate men, and we can sense that from a mile away. They need to work on themselves.",1,2. derogation, 1807,sexism2022_english-2226,"You didn't pay her therefore she desired you. She showed you genuine desire. If there is cash, there is no genuine desire, right?",0,none, 1808,sexism2022_english-8291,That jackass deserved it,0,none, 1809,sexism2022_english-10840,Unheard of before they allowed mussies in.,0,none, 1810,sexism2022_english-3629,[USER] Pocahontas calls for more money to her powwow,0,none, 1811,sexism2022_english-4584,"LOL - JACOB REES-MOGG launched a scathing attack against Theresa May’s Brexit negotiations on BBC Question Time, and managed to come up with a new metaphor for her Chequers agreement, claiming it is more comparable to “Count Draculaâ€?[URL]",0,none, 1812,sexism2022_english-7654,"/u/azavii /u/dannymason /u/_ryo_hazuki So I suppose this guy didn't break the rules or anything, is that why this retard is still allowed to spew his bullshit?",0,none, 1813,sexism2022_english-16406,All these inbred mother fuckers are going to meet their bullshit master soon enough...DIE you pieces of shit,0,none, 1814,sexism2022_english-12423,Buahahahahahaha. . .STOP paying for women. WTF. They don't give threee flying fucks about you.,1,2. derogation, 1815,sexism2022_english-3008,"A nation full of concern over racism/sexism, and yet no one recognizes this woman. [URL]",0,none, 1816,sexism2022_english-11638,How do you make Lady Gaga scream? Bite her clit off.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1817,sexism2022_english-11301,"Don't think that using the word ""feminine"" wasn't strategic, Mo. It was. And I couldn't agree more with everything else you wrote. They attempt to bring the rest of us down to their level. Not gonna happen ... Lol, men are a gift from God.",1,3. animosity, 1818,sexism2022_english-7072,"No she's not lmao. IRL ratings are sugarcoated. She might be a 5 or a 6 IRL, but her more accurate PSL (puahate-sluthate-lookism) rating is 4. [URL] Large nose, asymmetric jawline and a strong chin.",1,2. derogation, 1819,sexism2022_english-7564,"""Good girl""",0,none, 1820,sexism2022_english-3793,You know you've been bad when a woman says a single word/letter and a full stop.,0,none, 1821,sexism2022_english-19648,cause wtf does it have to with MGTOW? Yea women are gross sometimes who cares,0,none, 1822,sexism2022_english-15144,"A few days ago, I said that they're taking your kids away by force and turning them into Trannies, and was downvotes by some people. Would love to get their view in this story.",0,none, 1823,sexism2022_english-17929,Hahahahah hell yeah dude! And i forgot to mention that she paid for the drinks! Like what?!!!!,0,none, 1824,sexism2022_english-6057,"No one worships Mary,,, shows your ignorance of God's only church. Jesus picked men,, unlike you with your female priests. Peter got the keys to heaven,,,",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1825,sexism2022_english-13594,"Earlier today, [USER] issued a statement that she ""hates to see"" families separated at the border. [USER] has the story. [URL] [URL]",0,none, 1826,sexism2022_english-11421,You literally just gotta scroll up like 3 comments on the chain to see neon shadow make a comment saying that men choosing to get their dick wet despite it being detrimental to a woman’s well-being is “a sign of self respectâ€? But whatever.,0,none, 1827,sexism2022_english-11129,I had a gay AM friend say that he is into guys with green eyes and wants to be 'dominated' by me but I turned him down for his self-hate.,0,none, 1828,sexism2022_english-3550,"I'm afraid to ask my mom, whose mother was German, how she feels about the Genocide Merkel is doing to the German people right now. She is pro American white genocide, sad. Our ancestral lands too?",0,none, 1829,sexism2022_english-18648,Espero que a POLÍCIA FEDERAL E O EXÉRCITO INVESTIGUEM ESSE PERFIL DESSA SUPOSTA MOÇA NO TWITTER E NÃO DEIXEM PASSAR EM BRANCO!!! [USER] [USER] [USER],0,none, 1830,sexism2022_english-11761,Providing Emotional Support is gay. The best way to pull anyone women included out of depression is squats and nutritious food. You should be leading your girlfriend not being her vagina boy. She already has a vagina she doesn't need a second.,1,3. animosity, 1831,sexism2022_english-15532,hilary Prophesy - Beginning Fulfillment - Tumors are re-growing inside her head - [URL],0,none, 1832,sexism2022_english-15753,Ew that's fucking gross. And I thought things couldn't get more gross than it already is with this tranny shit. Boys can't have vaginas and girls can't have dicks. I don't understand why people are so fucked in the head.,1,3. animosity, 1833,sexism2022_english-7172,"if you're a guy and you cut your dick off, it doesnt make you a woman. It makes you a guy who cut his dick off...",0,none, 1834,sexism2022_english-19056,"I actually don't think so, females have very recognizable argument tactics. The bait and switch, the cognitive dissonance, the ""gotcha"" misdirection, it all reads roastie lizard brain, imo",1,2. derogation, 1835,sexism2022_english-14669,"Jill Stein's BULLSHIT on Twatter rn: ""So [USER] thinks women should expect to be sexually assaulted in the military? Shameful. #NBCNewsForum"" Me, like: ""WAHT?!?""",0,none, 1836,sexism2022_english-4656,Hate and love is two sides of the same coin when it comes to women,1,3. animosity, 1837,sexism2022_english-8981,"If you have broad shoulders and small hips, a semi-chad may be possible. But the fact that you have to ask this question means you have too much Oest anyway ---> wide hips, so no.",0,none, 1838,sexism2022_english-12277,"Is this ride fun for them, is this there idea of fun? Because ita fucking not. Its beyond absurd. A media fucking merry-go-round that makes us all look like twats is not my idea of fun.",1,3. animosity, 1839,sexism2022_english-8691,A face only his mother could love and of course whatever the hell married him!,1,2. derogation, 1840,sexism2022_english-10370,"Before I decided to sack Twitter off entirely, I muted about 100 terms, things like Feminism, sexism, racism, Trump, Brexit. Massive fucking list. Made Twitter so much more fun.",0,none, 1841,sexism2022_english-2737,You can't make a ho a housewaifu.,1,2. derogation, 1842,sexism2022_english-6685,"They don't want to make an issue of it, other than that not enough women get to rake it in like that.",0,none, 1843,sexism2022_english-7594,"I would be too, if I were an averagely attractive female. [URL]",0,none, 1844,sexism2022_english-14922,No even if we get laid it is outside our control. Incel ideology is correct. If an incel escapes inceldom it is pure luck.,0,none, 1845,sexism2022_english-7984,Guys! Red just said he likes his dog better than women! Incels would totally fuck a dog over a cum-faced Stacy. That is the blackest of dogpills. Or the doggest of blackpills?,1,2. derogation, 1846,sexism2022_english-16931,Since she has Asperger's the violence that has been inflicted upon her may very well send her into a tailspin.,0,none, 1847,sexism2022_english-7156,"best solution is this; buy a fleshlight, rent a pros, have the whore hold the fleshlight above her pussy, pound away and hold her tits. Brutal. I love it.",1,2. derogation, 1848,sexism2022_english-12336,Giving women all your money is good personality.,1,2. derogation, 1849,sexism2022_english-181,Well that's funny because I thought women had no shame.,0,none, 1850,sexism2022_english-293,"In Greeley, CO they're tribes, one woman hit a pregnant praying woman with a meat hook and hard hat? Let them kill each other off! Don't eat those foods!",0,none, 1851,sexism2022_english-13305,i wonder if my wife would appreciate this joke... She didnt think it was funny. Bummer.,0,none, 1852,sexism2022_english-14811,"Yes, Hillary Clinton, in many ways flawed, Was her own biggest hurdle toward getting the nod. The campaign exposed her corruptness and greed, And her speeches were punch-less as ten dollar weed.",0,none, 1853,sexism2022_english-5003,"standards are different for men and for women. a few white men can theoretically continue the entire white race if all white women mated with them, the opposite isn't true.",0,none, 1854,sexism2022_english-12264,"once the patriarchy is gone, the future is female. ...which will result in collapse, anarchy, war, destruction, slavery, famine, disease, devastation, death, new dark age and hard patriarchy. aka, the reset.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1855,sexism2022_english-5809,tl;dr: Don't be her bitch.,1,3. animosity, 1856,sexism2022_english-4780,I'm always in #TwitterJail for pissing off liberals. My claim to fame is Chelsea Handler got me sent there for calling her an alcoholic slut.,1,2. derogation, 1857,sexism2022_english-12013,"Fuck islam, your prophet fucked little girl.",0,none, 1858,sexism2022_english-7937,This disgusting disease suckin baby eating jewish olive oil whore fuck pig is an asshole. Fuck her too,1,2. derogation, 1859,sexism2022_english-17381,"My brothers and sisters, a call to arms [URL]",0,none, 1860,sexism2022_english-19045,Adulting sucks. Don't do it!,0,none, 1861,sexism2022_english-8955,Six women accuse massage therapist of sex abuse [URL] [URL],0,none, 1862,sexism2022_english-4294,Because she teaches us that white masculinity is toxic to the rising systemic rape culture of refugees & Duchess Nigress knows best,0,none, 1863,sexism2022_english-8016,"Won before he L---.? Socialism is shit. Dress it up however you want. It's shit. Didn't know the guy, but socialism lives today. And its still shit.",0,none, 1864,sexism2022_english-14612,Ar-15 meathead gives up his weapon in a stupified illegal manner...guys full of shit.!!! [URL],0,none, 1865,sexism2022_english-8656,"Yes, the morons who think that allowing false accusations to ruin lives will improve things for women are very surprised.",0,none, 1866,sexism2022_english-9489,[URL] [URL] I actually like the style of the bra popping out of the top of the dress. It looks like it was constructed that way and accentuates her curves. This dress is so vibrant and sexy--great for dancing!✨✨âœ?#Beauty #GabMusic,0,none, 1867,sexism2022_english-14120,It stops white women from being hit (or worse) by niggers and thats as right as it gets.,0,none, 1868,sexism2022_english-10271,"I hate bragging but girls like me. I know im good looking, but my problem is my outer game Edit: to give a better perspective, I get looks and girls playing with their hair at least half the time.",0,none, 1869,sexism2022_english-10745,probably good at suckin the D,0,none, 1870,sexism2022_english-878,"Speaking with Mexican acquaintance, she told me she was absolutely terrified to visit Mexico City. They’d recognize her US accent, and use it as an execuse to rob rape and murder. I’d guess there’s a minority of Mexicans who secretly want a wall.",0,none, 1871,sexism2022_english-7425,To minimize the percentage of deleterious mutations in your offspring so their genetic fitness is maximized for finding a mate and procreating further; you idiot woman.,0,none, 1872,sexism2022_english-3431,"Whether it was those rotten Russians, or the Easter Bunny hacked Podesta, one thing is for sure ... the bitch lost, didn't she?",1,3. animosity, 1873,sexism2022_english-2508,"Another one joins the gang that harasses women doing shopping, walking on the streets, etc, and feels proud about it, but seldom gets laid.",0,none, 1874,sexism2022_english-1016,I've rarely met anyone that couldn't vault themselves to be marginally attractive. You have to have some serious disfiguration or mental disease to truly be a hopeless case. I've known some serious omega types.,0,none, 1875,sexism2022_english-17627,A delusional SIMP that thinks that she's going to fuck him like she did in her videos.,0,none, 1876,sexism2022_english-13064,Greek authorities move 400 'asylum seekers' out of crowded Lesbos camp: [URL],1,3. animosity, 1877,sexism2022_english-1059,3... 2... 1 until all those boys afflicted by yellow fever that inflicted hapa offspring on the countries and families come running to her defense. Cuz white countries can never have enough orientals.,0,none, 1878,sexism2022_english-9756,ZUMA urges to acelaret land distribution between w/b in S.A,0,none, 1879,sexism2022_english-7554,"I know but the pointy, tasseled boob thing she's wearing... I couldn't resist.",0,none, 1880,sexism2022_english-18431,[USER] awww shucks maam,0,none, 1881,sexism2022_english-1958,In germany its fucking opposite the woman are ugly the men are chads.,1,2. derogation, 1882,sexism2022_english-16026,Blocking isn’t necessary because it shows you are reacting emotionally. A simple non-reply could’ve worked. You and this girl are both playing games. I get what you’re saying but this particular example is terrible.,0,none, 1883,sexism2022_english-9862,"I know a woman who slept with one off her best friends on off boyfriend. Dropped her entire social circle for a jerk, not even a Chad. She was an, 8 as well. SMH. She had choices, chose this guy. Women can be dumb.",0,none, 1884,sexism2022_english-3260,DO YOU SEE THIS SH*T ?!,0,none, 1885,sexism2022_english-16826,"Well, I learned something new today. Did she divorce rape him (resistance is futile)",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1886,sexism2022_english-15742,The dating situation for black women is extremely pitiful. I actually feel bad for the smarter ones.,1,2. derogation, 1887,sexism2022_english-14727,"Enigmatic introverts should be allowed to attract women, also. I don't know why everyone disagrees.",0,none, 1888,sexism2022_english-13124,Did you see how black Viola Davis was in photo in link? No doubt her gums are as blue as her dress,0,none, 1889,sexism2022_english-8333,From my exp my friends with the highest success rate with the ladies are the ones who treat and talk to woman like shit.,0,none, 1890,sexism2022_english-1844,"dudes are tripping when they say an escort would be safer. These bitches suck 10+ daily, have random dudes fingers in their pussies, do bareback with some clients (no exagerration). no way an escort is safer than a non escort IMO",1,2. derogation, 1891,sexism2022_english-1854,Shoulda raped and stabbed her,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1892,sexism2022_english-9509,"""dying alone"" is NPC cope",0,none, 1893,sexism2022_english-18294,"Literally what I would have done. FORCE her to see the man that you are, and force her to see that she can be dropped in a heartbeat for other vagina. Odds are, this probably would have straightened her up before any ""therapy"".",1,2. derogation, 1894,sexism2022_english-14143,All Black women are fat and stupid! But then again I live in reality! But it is a FACT that all DEMOCRATS are RETARDED! They prove this every day!,1,2. derogation, 1895,sexism2022_english-10910,niglets rape/rob 4 white women in St Paul Minnesota [URL],0,none, 1896,sexism2022_english-19454,"Buy a big ass box of valentines chocolates to make everyone THINK i have a girl to treat, but really just eat it all myself while watching Netflix or Disney+",0,none, 1897,sexism2022_english-5694,"Get The bar is stupid low, just being real.",0,none, 1898,sexism2022_english-1932,"A slow transition starting w/ feminism, false rape reports on campus and the complete indifference in society for the suffering of those men which led me to the men's rights movement, than MGTOW youtubers and TRP.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1899,sexism2022_english-15046,"Sorry, we can’t just believe every rape accusation a woman makes by default. Women like to lie about these things. As in the UVA case. As with mattress girl. As with the Duke lacrosse case.",1,2. derogation, 1900,sexism2022_english-16154,(((Whites))) hating whites.,0,none, 1901,sexism2022_english-128,"I'm sorry to break it to you but if you pay a prostitute for the *possibility* to have sex with her, you made a bad deal.",0,none, 1902,sexism2022_english-17671,"I'm hoping the Texas Leg. passes something exactly as such for that friggin' 'Sheriff"" in Travis county. Criminalize and incarcerate her is my hope.",0,none, 1903,sexism2022_english-13839,"All this Shit is sicken to me, history being erased. All this PC Crap is bullshit!",0,none, 1904,sexism2022_english-925,Man already jailed to be arraigned in Tucson girls' slayings [URL] #ToxicDiversity,0,none, 1905,sexism2022_english-2891,you know what would be funny ?? if all the girl's kicked his ASS,0,none, 1906,sexism2022_english-5649,"If you're truecel, you shouldn't be using Tinder or any shit like that. Try a church group irl where women are less corrupted.",1,2. derogation, 1907,sexism2022_english-1438,Then what about black women do you not like?,0,none, 1908,sexism2022_english-7913,Sorry retard but chem trails are actually real hahaha. Operation sea spray bro. Wake up,0,none, 1909,sexism2022_english-4544,Y’all are obsessed with virgins because you’re either pedophiles or extremely insecure men that can’t handle the idea of a woman being more experienced than you,0,none, 1910,sexism2022_english-810,My sausage brings all the girls to the yard #sausage,0,none, 1911,sexism2022_english-17353,YouTube shooter was a woman... YouTube sjw brain explodes,0,none, 1912,sexism2022_english-16848,"Agreed. Those are the paws of at least a 38 y/o, 5â€?â€?(160cm) and 190lb (86 kg) woman right there.",1,2. derogation, 1913,sexism2022_english-3104,He won't need benefits in prison.,0,none, 1914,sexism2022_english-14349,It shouldn't be a problem and females should be called out for it,0,none, 1915,sexism2022_english-830,"YOUR BOY HITLER WAS A LOSER...""GOT HIS CLOCK CLEANED""...",0,none, 1916,sexism2022_english-5715,"You can't text forever. You need to see her. You know how long your text game is, if it's coming to a close then ask her out. If she's responding to all your texts in a more than polite way she'll absolutely go on a date with you",0,none, 1917,sexism2022_english-6787,No she's taken.,0,none, 1918,sexism2022_english-11537,Hard time deciding if she is as stupid as she looks or she really thinks people are as dumb as dirt. [URL],0,none, 1919,sexism2022_english-8460,"If they survive that long. We still have Stabenow, Conyers is out for sexual conduct.",0,none, 1920,sexism2022_english-7173,The rape of old white women -- A black thing in Stockton et al [URL],0,none, 1921,sexism2022_english-18196,ZUMBIS EM BRASÍLIA EP 2 - A VOLTA DO MORTO-VIVO [URL],0,none, 1922,sexism2022_english-9570,"God forbid should law enforcement agencies like keeping their neighborhoods and nations safe... WTF are they thinking!? Of course they ""want to do it,"" their neighbors want them doing it and it is their job to do it retard!",0,none, 1923,sexism2022_english-3208,"its a compliment suited for a bitch, given how some women are slave to their basest desires they deserve compliments no better than those granted to dogs",1,2. derogation, 1924,sexism2022_english-6876,Wishing You Super Tuesday Cookie 🙏 ✨🌺🌹🍀💖 🏼 [USER],0,none, 1925,sexism2022_english-19218,90%+ women will become massive problems if you LTR them.,1,2. derogation, 1926,sexism2022_english-14168,They only *really* hate women though.,0,none, 1927,sexism2022_english-6353,girls who come here love the drama and intrigue of the crazy and aggressive incels. incel game a thing when?,0,none, 1928,sexism2022_english-5263,"As I've always said, girls who behave like ladies get treated like ladies, girls who act like tramps get treated like tramps. Great example of this.",1,2. derogation, 1929,sexism2022_english-12826,Yeow! I'm glad you were okay. We're too close to tornado alley for my comfort...LOL. We've had gallons of torrential rain ... where we actually live. #LetTheSunshineIn,0,none, 1930,sexism2022_english-4208,"Just out of curiosity, how do you think you'd talk to those girls if tomorrow you went to work and they all tried to flirt with you and made him feel invisible?",0,none, 1931,sexism2022_english-13280,"But men suffer more during the pandemic because for every 70 cents a woman loses, a man loses a whole dollar.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1932,sexism2022_english-9242,This is actually more shit-tier than I thought. It was spoofed and they used Waters' ip of her public .gov front page. Lol. Communications don't go thru that. These 8chan users are Fucking useless. How do none of them know networking 101?,0,none, 1933,sexism2022_english-9211,I’ve always have heard it as An “emotional tamponâ€? which means absorbing all her emotional “dischargeâ€?,0,none, 1934,sexism2022_english-11573,He should have posted „bitchâ€? At least I would have. Shameless thot.,1,3. animosity, 1935,sexism2022_english-7162,"""Ask Rihanna if she mad"" They're both abusers and both idiots, however if either of them said something valid and you said ""we shouldn't listen to what Rihanna said because she's a man-beater"", then that would be, well, the wrong thing to do.",0,none, 1936,sexism2022_english-12882,"That brown one, bottom right, is being extremely transphobic. >If you call Lily, a trans undead 12 year old a trap or loli That only leaves Shota, a boy. Way to misgender her, shitlord!",0,none, 1937,sexism2022_english-10748,My face when all the girls in high school who rejected me/were cunts to me are now fat single moms trying to hit me up on Facebook.,1,2. derogation, 1938,sexism2022_english-4527,"“She clearly abused her power, and we will not stand for it.â€?Students petition to fire prof for shaming #TrumpSupporters [URL] #MAGA",0,none, 1939,sexism2022_english-4881,"Makes himself seem like highly moral person throughout the film.... then mentions banging the two quite young, sister, prostitutes at the end.",0,none, 1940,sexism2022_english-8063,wow sux to be you....but I lived it through my grandmother-your living a lie.,0,none, 1941,sexism2022_english-1033,Eat shit. Nehlen is a retard and this just (re-)proves it.,0,none, 1942,sexism2022_english-8671,Why can't women be Catholic priests? Because you can't shove a vagina up a little boy's arse.,0,none, 1943,sexism2022_english-3572,Fuuuuck no. I was constantly telling myself someday it'll happen but it never did. Bluepilled? More like blueballed,0,none, 1944,sexism2022_english-6134,"Yes its weird as hell, i wonder if he is a practising muslim or it was just a ploy",0,none, 1945,sexism2022_english-3225,The only time I ever have sympathy for those little nigglets is when I see their hambeast of a mother smack them square across the jaw in the middle of the subway.,0,none, 1946,sexism2022_english-16875,"In my experience, women do not want equality in a relationship. The problem is they think they do for whatever reason so you gotta deal with nonsense like ‘pay for meâ€?as well as ‘we need to be equalâ€?",1,2. derogation, 1947,sexism2022_english-16436,Sniff her butt to demonstrate your alphaness.,0,none, 1948,sexism2022_english-2944,This libtard crap is why I don't watch [USER] F*cking PC assholes. RUFKM? [URL],0,none, 1949,sexism2022_english-1691,"If the rumors are true that Diana was a Jew and so is Kate Middleton, the bloodline has already been contaminated.",0,none, 1950,sexism2022_english-17039,"statistic.. because women don't find plurals attractive, i say statistic not statistics stay true to yourselves fat shy introverts",1,3. animosity, 1951,sexism2022_english-19234,Do you think she really believes this? #Ignorance or #Propaganda Michelle Obama tells crowd women who voted for Trump we're doing what they were ‘told toâ€?[URL],0,none, 1952,sexism2022_english-19979,"Oh lord, to think that some poor sick bastard laid in the bed with her. Wait a minute, maybe that explains why they love to blow themselves up!",0,none, 1953,sexism2022_english-9116,Dick sexually battered a woman after groping her? Impossible! Dick has to hands to grope with!,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1954,sexism2022_english-9742,"U of Texas Dildo Display Immortalizes ‘Cocks Not Glocksâ€?Anti-Gun Protest If the girls owned a Glock they wouldn't have to worry about the Raging cocks. I guess this gives new meaning to the term ""university endowment"". [URL]",0,none, 1955,sexism2022_english-9973,Did she even need a reason?,0,none, 1956,sexism2022_english-14694,"Here's the Supreme Cuck himself hosting a gala event featuring many women to prove yes ""many things can happen to make a women pregnant by another man."" LMFAO !! [[URL]",0,none, 1957,sexism2022_english-8575,"You know when negotiating for a job you aim high then settle. She's asking for 30/hr when you are trying to figure if giving her 12-14/hr will be enough to be a night manager at BK. It's a ""goal"" of some chicks to brag on, a trophy of sortd",1,3. animosity, 1958,sexism2022_english-9876,I've not seen Hostel so I should check it out. She is good and I love her in Lucifer.,0,none, 1959,sexism2022_english-14372,feminists want to trap girls until they have no choice but date old jew dykes [USER] [URL],1,2. derogation, 1960,sexism2022_english-11663,#Milo on Gay Hypocrisy - YouTube [URL],0,none, 1961,sexism2022_english-13008,"Oh, but many of them do have to deal with police officers. Do you know how many of the NFL'rs are wife beaters? DUI'rs? Druggies? Many come from the hood and as they say...you can take them out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of them.",0,none, 1962,sexism2022_english-6123,she's a fucking raptalian piece of shit.,0,none, 1963,sexism2022_english-10381,Nope. I'd have to take her to small claims. Working on that.,0,none, 1964,sexism2022_english-523,"[USER] I knew something had gone very wrong with the alt-right when they started calling Roosh and me ""rapists"" because we've had sex with drunk women. Many of them really are just SJWs who hate blacks and Jews.",0,none, 1965,sexism2022_english-4074,"Yep. You can just skip the juice. Proportions are about 2 gals crushed fruit (any kind), about 2 quarts water, about 5 pounds sugar (I use at least part honey), and get good yeast like this: [URL] You can get near 40 proof if you give it time... :)",0,none, 1966,sexism2022_english-18963,You can drown it though...,0,none, 1967,sexism2022_english-18327,The biggest problem with the SPLC hate list is that the SPLC is not on it,0,none, 1968,sexism2022_english-3489,"Consumption of pornography was **associated with** The relationship is correlative, not causal. Men who view women as sex objects seek out porn. It doesn't mean that porn causes them to view women are sex objects.",0,none, 1969,sexism2022_english-7945,And that's how we all know she's a leftist shill.,0,none, 1970,sexism2022_english-1349,I like to study biology in my free time (not an expert) and HOLY SHITT I hate it too,0,none, 1971,sexism2022_english-19891,"Like with the beautiful women who never knew life was cruel. Incels can’t comprehend that women and sex are not the prize. Even women know that men are the prize. From controlling and enslaving men, is the only way women get power and wealth.",1,2. derogation, 1972,sexism2022_english-14061,"The sad reality is without sex, men don’t need or want women. But women desire and crave male attention, that’s why they are constantly invading and taking over male spaces.",1,3. animosity, 1973,sexism2022_english-4364,"Canada: Muslim stabs ex-girlfriend 40 times, slits her throat, shoots her for “taking ownership of her lifeâ€?[URL]",0,none, 1974,sexism2022_english-18729,Sorry but not sorry for the guy. She cheated and he still kept her? What the fuck is wrong with that guy?,0,none, 1975,sexism2022_english-2256,she was like batting her eyes and shit Mccain sucks the repubes gave us no one else that is why we went wit trump we need to get others up there now no more elites Marines plumbers doctors electricians etc..,0,none, 1976,sexism2022_english-10350,To female Bishops stop making fun of religion.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 1977,sexism2022_english-18081,I get her work schedule by simply asking her for it.,0,none, 1978,sexism2022_english-2083,"This is a Hillary voter. He lies in bed every night staring at the ceiling thinking ""Oh my God what if I have a heart attack? What if my wife gets breast cancer?!""",0,none, 1979,sexism2022_english-3267,women are the worst judges of character,1,2. derogation, 1980,sexism2022_english-10116,"I'd say refrain from potentially destroying her family. But if she's going to do it anyways, might as well get yourself some ass, right?",0,none, 1981,sexism2022_english-11749,[USER] -- have you seen this? There is also this Canadian woman with the same story ([URL],0,none, 1982,sexism2022_english-3989,"Holy.fucking.illogical.shit. This sjw commenter is so stupid I *imagine* to fucking strangle him/her as I watch in his/her eyes his/her life fading away as I say the words ""YOU.WERE.STUPID!!!!!!!"" and stare back full of joy and rage at the same time.",0,none, 1983,sexism2022_english-17236,It's crazy in Brazil. The American way doesn't work very well. Girls flake 95% of the time. As a local - do you have any suggestions?,0,none, 1984,sexism2022_english-6191,My mom's 5 feet to my right. Communication is not a problem,0,none, 1985,sexism2022_english-9177,U must have quite the gift of gab to do p4p without it coming back to kick ur marriage in the nuts(like blackmail or false rape charge) Good for u. Wut age range are the females who u get with since ur wife refuses to meet ur needs?,1,2. derogation, 1986,sexism2022_english-11340,so they confirm being a women means being a hole. sexist pig vice! REEEEEEEE,1,2. derogation, 1987,sexism2022_english-4211,5'11 guy here. A girl once told me I am too tall for her.,0,none, 1988,sexism2022_english-14976,First. Black Democrats upset that Black unemployment is down. Now. Feminists upset with good looking women so they get Grid girls fired. Next. LGBTQ community wants AIDS to come back.,0,none, 1989,sexism2022_english-4420,Why is she striking her cousin?,0,none, 1990,sexism2022_english-3808,"#Hildabeast isn't going to run for anything except her worthless life, her fat ass by itself is a burden she can no longer carry more than a few feet without falling from exhaustion.",0,none, 1991,sexism2022_english-11742,Thanks bro that helps. It also hurt to see how easy it was for her to find a new guy yet I’m still looking but I’ve got a good feeling once I go back to school I’ll find a new girl not long after.,0,none, 1992,sexism2022_english-2134,Everyone here is thinking too god damn much. I don't care how into seeding etc you are. You NEVER put your dick in crazy. Hell. This woman sounds so boring and messed up that she doesn't deserve continued interest.,0,none, 1993,sexism2022_english-1541,"""Where on Earth do you get all your ideas from for your sick jokes?"" asked my wife. Then she fell out of her wheelchair.",0,none, 1994,sexism2022_english-9019,"This year, Justin Timberlake should perform in black face and rip the clothes off a white girl to more accurately reflect the true reality of America. #SuperBowl #SuperBowlSunday",0,none, 1995,sexism2022_english-9061,Well.. from taking a look at her instagram.. shes a complete whore,1,2. derogation, 1996,sexism2022_english-5842,I'd like to fucking shoot Theresa May if it wasn't illegal! - but then she's already shot to pieces.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1997,sexism2022_english-10112,"Feminist don't want to share power with men, they want total control. Poor husband, no matter how cucked he gets it still won't satisfy her.",1,2. derogation, 1998,sexism2022_english-7708,Let's sum this up: Jews get the oven. Jew lovers get the rope. Single mothers get the rope. Freudian psychologists get the oven. Merchant thirsters are niggers.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 1999,sexism2022_english-2307,You can never have too much hate (aka truth). Mindless optimism does nothing but give cover to our (((enemies))).,0,none, 2000,sexism2022_english-3583,"Modern prostitution, only you never get any bang for you buck, only an idea and a picture.",0,none, 2001,sexism2022_english-13836,"The chap on the right is Mussolini (Italys Fascist Dictator) ,the thing top left should have been aborted, the two blokes snogging should be hung and the fat bitch with the ""I'm a Fucking cunt"" T-Shirt. Has never been fucked in her cunt.",1,2. derogation, 2002,sexism2022_english-15976,"No!! someone need to stop this shit, this hate against whites, fucking defend your wifes and daughters asap... [URL]",0,none, 2003,sexism2022_english-5294,I’m 5â€? and I bagged a girl that was 6ft and had taller girls attracted to me please shut up,0,none, 2004,sexism2022_english-3262,they already found a spot on my ex-husband's lung...he volunteered to help find the remains of the already dead at ground zero...â€?.fucking yids,0,none, 2005,sexism2022_english-17227,Of course I’m judgemental. If you can talk about a someone that you haven’t even meet to its fair that I get to judge you isn’t it. Or do you want to be exempt from those standards. Like a women wants.,1,2. derogation, 2006,sexism2022_english-15357,s@ tacsgc [USER]â€?My late wife had stage four cervical cancer in the 80's and somehow managed to beat it. Then she started having strokes. The second one killed her. Fuck strokes too.,0,none, 2007,sexism2022_english-2454,"They will call her a coon, a nigger, a aunt jemima, and a race betrayer. Like the many times they did before when a black folk stepped out that progressive democratic line.",0,none, 2008,sexism2022_english-16506,"Stop bashing Trump:Progressive/feminist (I think)former Bernie voter now has lots Trump voters among her many youtube subs.Why she DIDNT go 2 womens march""What the h*ll happened to the left?"" [URL] [URL]",0,none, 2009,sexism2022_english-12425,"Hit on women in places that you would hang out. If you're into books, try a bookstore or coffeeshop. Into fit girls? Hit on women at the gym.",0,none, 2010,sexism2022_english-16397,"[USER] this bitch Merkel, needs to go live in the diversity she preaches. Put your fat ass in with these refugees and see how long it takes for them to assault and rape you, dumb bitch.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2011,sexism2022_english-16638,"Even if THIS were a hate group, it doesn't change that incels regularly talk about hating specific people in their lives for doing literally nothing wrong - sometimes they hate people for being nice to them!",0,none, 2012,sexism2022_english-11843,"Oh yes, she should be shot.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2013,sexism2022_english-10327,3D Anime girl. LOL,0,none, 2014,sexism2022_english-8078,Strong women scare me.,1,3. animosity, 2015,sexism2022_english-9466,"""the worst of feminist academia into one paper. Her work is an eight-page rambling research paper about the author’s relationship with her deceased cat"" [URL]",0,none, 2016,sexism2022_english-19576,"They need to throw her under the prison, disgusting and vile woman.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2017,sexism2022_english-12637,You mean women like Camille Paglia? I dont agree with her. To be frank I am not a traditionalist. I surely against forced male labour or obligations. So I I don't know why all women MRAs should be thrown under the bus.,0,none, 2018,sexism2022_english-11886,You've seduced a girl before right? Just do the same thing with her without the kissing. Pull ya dick out and make er suck for god sakes,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2019,sexism2022_english-18300,I question why someone already has not taken out ol sour puss...i mean....she verbally vomits muslum cockroach shit...hates america...wants all americans dead...i say terminate her worthless ass with prejudice !!!,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2020,sexism2022_english-10911,Sen. Elizabeth ‘Pocahontasâ€?Warren implied Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a slut when she claimed President Trump was “slut shamingâ€?Gillibrand [URL],1,3. animosity, 2021,sexism2022_english-8651,"I would add ""ugly"" womens bathwather, if that pic of her without makeup is legit.",0,none, 2022,sexism2022_english-2621,"Crooked Hillary wanted to send a drone strike out on Julian Assange Can NOT wait till she gets charged! That bitch should hang, not just for TREASON but MURDER! #ClintonCash #ClintonBodyCount",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2023,sexism2022_english-17592,the Majority of People from 60s Counterculture Movement Are Mensheviks,0,none, 2024,sexism2022_english-1379,"Thanks, I'll check it out, but I highly doubt its been the lack of a few selected tips that have made me thoroughly unattractive to women.",0,none, 2025,sexism2022_english-19179,Well men do rape a lot more than women do. If you had a young daughter would you feel safer leaving her with a strange man or a strange woman?,0,none, 2026,sexism2022_english-4012,3 actually got my wife a pair. That jacket is around 5 her while outfit is probably the cost of my closet.,0,none, 2027,sexism2022_english-580,"What is there to think about? Kill her, kill the friend, dump them into the Atlantic Ocean with cement. Just kidding. DUMP. THAT. BITCH. Hopefully, more men are starting to wake up and go their own way.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2028,sexism2022_english-4635,OY FUCKING VEY!,0,none, 2029,sexism2022_english-1398,"Get the bitch. If she's guilty, send her to a prison in the Negev and gas her daily. Or something lmao. How many more of (((those roaches))) in israel are guilty of something? PM's, a former president there... bunch of lowlifes...",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2030,sexism2022_english-1727,Male female people with mental issues.,0,none, 2031,sexism2022_english-18161,"This is really dependent on the context. There are very few situations I would allow a woman to slap me and get away with it. In general, it's completely disrespectful and I would have no reason to continue spending time with them.",0,none, 2032,sexism2022_english-5857,"Same Dems standing up for rapey Bill Clinton and pedo Anthony Weiner sure keep quiet about FGM, child brides, rape and slavery. But talking in a locker room offends them. Weird, eh? 😑",0,none, 2033,sexism2022_english-3687,I believe she was 18 when that song came out. It's hard to believe it was 50 years ago. I figured that was a good song to end my set. Thanks for the follow too.,0,none, 2034,sexism2022_english-4111,"you offered and she said no, you asked again and she confirmed, girls are confusing",0,none, 2035,sexism2022_english-16514,Between welcome shills and the mom brigade its pretty in your face.,0,none, 2036,sexism2022_english-3404,"from chapter 3: ""My answer to these men is always the same: if you make it clear from the beginning that you are unwilling to put up with games"" . Women do play games and turning around on the first test will give 0 results..",1,2. derogation, 2037,sexism2022_english-14909,"[URL] Yeah but she's a typical white girl. Thin brows, no lashes, thin lips, but also with bad skin. All of my white friends look pretty... tired without makeup.",1,2. derogation, 2038,sexism2022_english-12276,"Just goes to show you, the Liberals hate when Black's have an opinion that differs. Then, a black woman of course, should go suck a dick for her opinion.",1,2. derogation, 2039,sexism2022_english-1868,"well you see, a strong female character is either 1. A fighting fucktoy 2. a mrs. male character",1,2. derogation, 2040,sexism2022_english-4829,"Funny. If it was real, then she would want him even more because she instinctively desires a jerk more than a nice guy.",1,2. derogation, 2041,sexism2022_english-13212,"So which is is gals? Are you strong, independent, and persistent, or are you victims that constantly needs men to come to your defense? Chivalry is long dead, so you better put your big-boy pants on bitches...",1,2. derogation, 2042,sexism2022_english-10846,"Holy fucking shit dude. Fuck this bitch. Seriously. OP, I wish I could say I feel your pain but I don't. All I can say is I hope you pull through it all. I fully believe in karma and it is a bigger bitch than this woman.",1,2. derogation, 2043,sexism2022_english-15978,Same here lol I used to call my wives father my step dad on accident all the time. Lol,0,none, 2044,sexism2022_english-1380,"Relationships are dead, and women killed em He would've been better off just pumping and dumping",1,2. derogation, 2045,sexism2022_english-19823,Hillary should also have her clearance revoked.,0,none, 2046,sexism2022_english-5968,"Christians have made their peace with cuckdom. Now they're just concerned with the quality of their toadying, as Burns put it.",0,none, 2047,sexism2022_english-9535,VOTE already! Put an end to this sh!t show!,0,none, 2048,sexism2022_english-1420,They know women are shit and prefer male friends....and then talk shit and use and abuse them!,1,2. derogation, 2049,sexism2022_english-3913,"All ""hate crimes"" are hoaxes. Throw this nigger in jail.",0,none, 2050,sexism2022_english-15582,"No it isn’t. Maps are objective and directions don’t change based on a whim or an emotion, women will very often lead you on the wrong direction unintentionally because even they don’t always know why they’re attracted to someone or something.",1,2. derogation, 2051,sexism2022_english-19287,"I don't think I follow. Breadwinning means earning more, and most husbands outearn their wives.",0,none, 2052,sexism2022_english-2956,Sidewalk taco vendor in the town where I live. With her two kids. #mexico,0,none, 2053,sexism2022_english-17730,Why did that cuck even get legally bound to some bitch that won't tell him about her past? He deserves to suffer. There's no excuse to be ignorant in this day and age.,1,2. derogation, 2054,sexism2022_english-1205,"Well no fucking shit because women dont want to be ugly, sweaty, or a fucking CEO. Hmm what the fuck did I just lose a brain cell.",1,2. derogation, 2055,sexism2022_english-7349,tfw a girl will never even so much as smile because of your presence.,0,none, 2056,sexism2022_english-5934,"Bangla is a Sanskrit daughter language, dumbass. nationality has nothing to do with ancestrial roots. my ancestry originated from Kashmir. My surname is a common Kashmiri surname.",0,none, 2057,sexism2022_english-2343,"Dear leftist homos: We're not going anywhere. Kisses and such, Nate Talmadge 💘 P.S.-Go wash my Benz when you stop crying.",0,none, 2058,sexism2022_english-4194,Greedy git isn't he! Has he asked for a payoff yet? To make it go away I mean.,0,none, 2059,sexism2022_english-10714,you only have two gender choices male and female [Dear Lord my sides]([URL],0,none, 2060,sexism2022_english-30,Bit of a cunt isn't she.,1,2. derogation, 2061,sexism2022_english-6427,"JV. Isn't he the ....I mean JV.....no. 0bama is JV....ok...... isn't JZ the one who raps to kill cops,. . . and shoot cops, . . and beat up women. . . . And calling women 'bitches' , . . in his raps? Isn't that the one?",0,none, 2062,sexism2022_english-14704,Damn...hot white woman,0,none, 2063,sexism2022_english-11691,"Why couldn't this dude have been one of the 200 that Ms Judd is taking in...She told everyone, she's not at all concerned about rape...",0,none, 2064,sexism2022_english-5016,Best wishes to tour wife & family.,0,none, 2065,sexism2022_english-9163,"It will always be used against us, Loki and Surtr are the fathers of deception lies and destruction. They hate all virtues.",0,none, 2066,sexism2022_english-7820,"What a joke, she really needs her meds now, women can’t face reality",1,2. derogation, 2067,sexism2022_english-8261,"nobody likes a cheater, man or woman. there's literally an entire memes, songs, and movies based around women thotting around and being unloyal",1,2. derogation, 2068,sexism2022_english-13604,"Ah, the rationalization of simps who don't demand justice in THIS life.",0,none, 2069,sexism2022_english-2078,"I disagree, I think very few serial killers are incel and violence in any form is attractive to females.",1,2. derogation, 2070,sexism2022_english-18510,"Because hunny, the state pays for all your dental care. So suck it the fuck up and try not to be a stupid whore like mommy k? Teehee.",1,2. derogation, 2071,sexism2022_english-6846,""" I finally found muh nawalt princess. I'm in a much better place"". Yea, setting yourself to get taking advantage of AGAIN. This girl you're with will take EVERYTHING this time. Fuck.",1,2. derogation, 2072,sexism2022_english-9804,"Aisha said, ""I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!"" [URL]",0,none, 2073,sexism2022_english-7167,A former Playboy mate - hmmn ... not familiar with contraception ... or too busy totting up her potential meal ticket?,0,none, 2074,sexism2022_english-6207,"Had a girl ghost me recently because I told her how I thought it was retarded that they force you to play as a black woman if you choose the recon class in BF5, a world war 2 game lol",0,none, 2075,sexism2022_english-18184,"Shit man I ain't have a mom, and I'm a basketcase. Broken homes make broken people.",0,none, 2076,sexism2022_english-10129,Finally Germans who want to stop the invasion of the Muslims. Merkel is a traitor and there are many Germans who have watched her try to destroy the German People.,0,none, 2077,sexism2022_english-13161,Probably trying to drown the gerbil.,0,none, 2078,sexism2022_english-18568,"Twice-deported illegal immigrant held in New York toddler's disappearance, mom's death [URL]",0,none, 2079,sexism2022_english-11496,I hope she gets raped,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2080,sexism2022_english-9929,Yay! Nothing like a poor imitation of a women with a 4 inch dick,1,2. derogation, 2081,sexism2022_english-12450,"It's even worse the fact that if you count it statistically the amount of women sexually assaulted yearly is HUGE compared to anything else, and those are just reported attacks because 1/3 isn't even reported. It's crazy and I don't get it.",0,none, 2082,sexism2022_english-13042,Looks like a tranny witch,1,2. derogation, 2083,sexism2022_english-86,maybe it's just your brain asking you... hey are you over this bitch yet or not? If you're not it will know if you're spending a lot of time thinking about her. Just remind your brain you have better things to worry about.,1,2. derogation, 2084,sexism2022_english-14770,Yoga pants aren't an innovation. They just had to wait until women collectively became hos and would wear them out in public.,1,2. derogation, 2085,sexism2022_english-1665,She's just a dyke that thinks she is a comedian (not comedienne),1,2. derogation, 2086,sexism2022_english-44,"Miramax insider: Countless women submitted to Harvey Weinstein's advances WILLINGLY. I told you, they are all whores! [URL]",1,2. derogation, 2087,sexism2022_english-7190,"Tbf such a bitch can't love anyone but herself. Incels also want a relationship, not just sex.",1,2. derogation, 2088,sexism2022_english-2476,"Passes IHRA anti-semitism laws to shut the British people's mouths and puts pedoes on the fast track for adoption. She can not be anymore than 2 steps away from her boss, SATAN. What a cunt",1,2. derogation, 2089,sexism2022_english-15885,"Nuns are white, they belong here.",0,none, 2090,sexism2022_english-783,"No where near as bad as the average wife who not just prey's on the husband via divorce court, but destroys children's lives while she's at it.",1,2. derogation, 2091,sexism2022_english-13377,"Maybe they are attracted to them... But many (most?) women are attracted to more than just one ""type"", and there's plenty of dudes who can inspire equal sexual attraction while also displaying greater long-term potential.",0,none, 2092,sexism2022_english-17638,She's not crying. She's probably texting her friends complaining about the Fags at the gym.,0,none, 2093,sexism2022_english-10236,"That's unbelievable. Even in marxist Canada we have to show voter ID. At least in Sask, I wonder about Toronto. Mind you, we haven't had anyone to vote for for decades. Even Harper's wife was part of the crown sisterhood.",0,none, 2094,sexism2022_english-1407,"Interesting to note that when the cultural-Marxist pontificate about ""body positivity"" - ie, praise of massively overweight people, they only feature women. Why aren't they giving the same amount of appreciation to the lard arsed, beer-belly men?",0,none, 2095,sexism2022_english-1473,"Game of Thrones threatens to SUE an autistic schoolgirl, 13 [URL] For ""winter is coming""?! HBO sucks big time!",0,none, 2096,sexism2022_english-7327,Why don't you go NoFap and get out and meet some women first.,0,none, 2097,sexism2022_english-17789,"So serious question then. Assuming most men are like yourself and wish to protect their penis, why would they endanger it with rape just for a piece of ass? I mean, most men are okay with just beating off and calling it a day.",0,none, 2098,sexism2022_english-6056,"Cheers, Could you explain why its a good thing to make her the sexual aggressor?",0,none, 2099,sexism2022_english-17055,"""THIS is the beauty of concealed carry #GunsSaveLives"" by [USER] [URL] , i live in canaduh wish we had women like that here .... sigh",0,none, 2100,sexism2022_english-6670,In all Seriousness she should've taken it to the high court.,0,none, 2101,sexism2022_english-14364,"Like watch this minute, it looks like they're just throwing a crying woman into a garbage can: [URL]",0,none, 2102,sexism2022_english-8439,"Sons of a bitches... with fake diplomas bought by their rich parents, fake Jet Set diplomats screwing up all over the Planet. University princesses sleeping with foreign exchange students from enemy countries...",1,3. animosity, 2103,sexism2022_english-15190,"How crazy is this? He's a comedian, right? Why aren't we jailing Colbert, Maher (supposed to be funny??), Griffin, and shutting down SNL, for hate speech? And the guy's dog did a salute?? SO WHAT?? #DogsRule",0,none, 2104,sexism2022_english-11082,"Creed Aventus or Green Irish Tweed. I personally like Green Irish Tweed more, but I have gotten way more compliments from females while wearing Aventus. Edit: You probably won't like Green Irish Tweed unless you're white af",0,none, 2105,sexism2022_english-10409,having sex at 15 is not ok! Let alone a gangbang...damn.... And people like u are trying so desperately to normalize it...at 15....they are just kids man!!,0,none, 2106,sexism2022_english-7538,"I think this is the first time I've seen a political gay man, but leave it to incels to show me another first.",0,none, 2107,sexism2022_english-19991,WHAT HAPPENED ? --- she can't stop lying and she can't stop CHEATING Is Amazon Deleting Bad Reviews of Clinton's Memoir? [URL],0,none, 2108,sexism2022_english-3686,"this is the single best post on here. i think a lot of assholes come here looking for how to hypnotize girls or some click bait solution ""THIS one weird trick got me laid a thousand times per second...pua coaches hate him""",0,none, 2109,sexism2022_english-1178,"Sorry, I don't speak stupid bitch...",1,2. derogation, 2110,sexism2022_english-14524,I stopped watching at the bit where he said 'when the woman gets tired of your nonsense'.,0,none, 2111,sexism2022_english-10045,... so she was playing games/testing with you? yikes.,0,none, 2112,sexism2022_english-12265,"Most people don't see them that way, when people hear escort they think of sex slaves and human trafficking. It's because the vast majority of men who use escorts are filth who already have wives and girlfriends.",0,none, 2113,sexism2022_english-16462,"See that's the fucking problem with you all, you say all woman are shits but would only take the best of them and complain when they're not interested, and you can you blame them for not being interested when you're rating them solely on their looks",0,none, 2114,sexism2022_english-10229,She choose not to have children because she is a huge dike.,1,2. derogation, 2115,sexism2022_english-10731,"""That tall man must certaily be better with women because of his large muscles, big penis ... just imagine him naked, those perfect lines, naked muscles .... that is why I hate women""",1,2. derogation, 2116,sexism2022_english-90,teenagers don't get a levels now they get cellulite and yes Vicky pollard has increased and many bald headed dykes as well we need hufty she was a fuck fest,1,2. derogation, 2117,sexism2022_english-18646,"you'll just get answers from a bunch of guys who dont have good looking girls, who are just guessing and answering from jealousy and rage",0,none, 2118,sexism2022_english-14871,How did she get two queens??! How did the castle and bishop become king and queen? Why is one of the black pawns behind the front line? This bitch be dummmm,1,2. derogation, 2119,sexism2022_english-133,It's probably the only real education that a guy can get from college in this day and age,0,none, 2120,sexism2022_english-2154,"""Christian MGTOW"" ? 'nuff said...ancient superstitions and prophecies are decidedly un-MGTOW. going your own way is sort of the opposite of adhering to organized claptrap...er...religion",0,none, 2121,sexism2022_english-11809,"Pregnancy is a **choice** however, not something that ""just happens"". Both men and women can decide not to have children.",0,none, 2122,sexism2022_english-15411,"you can say the fuck the jews all you want to, but you still wont be able to organize a movement or get anything done, white ppl are too stupid",0,none, 2123,sexism2022_english-17426,One of the dumbest comments ever written on this subreddit,0,none, 2124,sexism2022_english-15935,"Twitter Engineer Pranay Singh, Says ""All your sex messages, d*ck pics like, all the girls you've been f*cking around with, they're are on my server now"" & ""Even after you delete content, it will not be wiped from Twitter servers."" [URL]",0,none, 2125,sexism2022_english-16094,these fuckers need to hang. you DO NOT mess with children!🤬 2-8 year olds sexually attractive? are u kidding me?,0,none, 2126,sexism2022_english-1599,How is talking about licking kids (JB) anything but creepy? OP isn’t talking about women. He’s talking about kids.,0,none, 2127,sexism2022_english-15443,"That'll be the narrative for the next few days: ""misogynists thought is was great seeing a women get beaten""",0,none, 2128,sexism2022_english-2442,Muslim paedophile allowed young girl to be repeatedly gang-raped by more Muslim paedophiles !! [URL] #Bradford #Islam #paedophiles #muslims,0,none, 2129,sexism2022_english-8908,"At least she is 1000x times more durable than any woman out there, while being sure she wont charge you with false-rape accusations. Not to mention that she wont deny you sex whenever you want as well.",1,2. derogation, 2130,sexism2022_english-1859,That's part of why I didn't bang her and what brings me here.,0,none, 2131,sexism2022_english-17053,"No, women's blue pill is that becoming an all-conquering careerist will make you a hot commodity, and that women are better than men at male-dominated things.",0,none, 2132,sexism2022_english-4950,"No, it's called 'guys like girls that look like bimbos' and it's a trend that needs to die. Yes, some of it is uncanny territory, but the botox lips and hooker paint job is a design choice.",1,2. derogation, 2133,sexism2022_english-3419,"It's a fair trade I suppose. While we'll have to pay for the incarnation of yet another rabid sheboon, likely for life she's at least removed another future negroid criminal sperm donor from the pool.",1,2. derogation, 2134,sexism2022_english-6204,"She fucked the director to further her career, just like all these #MeToo bitches. End of thread.",1,2. derogation, 2135,sexism2022_english-1381,Bet she wouldn't have to if she could open carry. These little bitches would behave themselves,1,3. animosity, 2136,sexism2022_english-7362,"You know, boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like a woman. You just have to read the manual and press the right buttons. ~Homer Simpson",1,2. derogation, 2137,sexism2022_english-7561,So how did men reproduce before the female virus kicked in?,1,2. derogation, 2139,sexism2022_english-679,It's a life fuel to see foids get really offended,1,2. derogation, 2140,sexism2022_english-18758,More Muslim sick practices.....they are an embarrassment to Canadians...if you want Muslim ritual human abusers....get the fuck out of our country....you are not welcomed here.... [URL],0,none, 2141,sexism2022_english-12058,Big boobs glamour girl on a boat [URL] #NSFW #Nudity,0,none, 2142,sexism2022_english-18696,Off yourself retard,0,none, 2143,sexism2022_english-8288,"Cris Ridenour, single dad >single dad >dad >no wife >had wife >lost to chad >still protecting these cunts >cucksupreme >thus, single cuck dad 1+1 plz",1,3. animosity, 2144,sexism2022_english-2852,"[USER] I'm here to confront revenge porn scumbag bullyville. Friend helped me get on here using this Tor bundle, not sure my feedback is relevant, since I'm hiding in the weeds.",0,none, 2145,sexism2022_english-7620,The pussy has no more power here. Thats what she cant stand,1,3. animosity, 2146,sexism2022_english-17495,Jamie Oliver took away my turkey twizzlers! fookin twat!,1,3. animosity, 2147,sexism2022_english-15910,Nonononono. It’s because men are blaming women for killing babies when the men are doing it! /s,0,none, 2148,sexism2022_english-6814,Lynch these motherfucking niggers now! Prayers for the cop and her family.... [URL],0,none, 2149,sexism2022_english-6429,Why do women have no problem telling men to kill themselves for saying hello?,1,2. derogation, 2150,sexism2022_english-14155,"I felt comfortable enough to talk about my problem not being able to orgasm with a woman, Why would you say that? Are you retarded?",0,none, 2151,sexism2022_english-17782,"The ultimate stupid nigger, his cockroach mother I'm sure is on benifits too... Useless vermin.",1,3. animosity, 2152,sexism2022_english-6013,This poor girl is gonna get hurt because of this. Just a complete disregard for people and their safety.,0,none, 2153,sexism2022_english-7802,"IMO you'd look like an asshole doing that though, if the girl doesn't know you/if she didn't consider the guy a threat, she will think exactly this. It's very AMOG.",0,none, 2154,sexism2022_english-6415,Central Michigan shooter charged with murder | Daily Mail Online [URL],0,none, 2155,sexism2022_english-2770,"Her hips just looked so damn wide and really old lady looking, pretty weird.",0,none, 2156,sexism2022_english-16004,Or watching any movies with female protagonists?,0,none, 2157,sexism2022_english-5819,What's the opposite of a wine aunt? A whiskey uncle?,0,none, 2158,sexism2022_english-19558,A couple mocked me when I'd repair my own stuff. Me too ! I sew back on buttons and mend or iron patches. Meanwhile I see women walking around with gapping holes in their jeans.,0,none, 2159,sexism2022_english-10004,Happy Birthday to your daughter GTR😊,0,none, 2160,sexism2022_english-8173,"I don’t even believe in everything TRP preaches, but this story is not an exception to what they say. That pussy must have been something dangerous for you to keep going back to her like she had you on a line.",1,3. animosity, 2161,sexism2022_english-2657,"Most women don’t date or marry criminals and sociopaths, most people get laid, most people marry, casual sex is not relationships, the disparity between the sexes is mostly a function of libido and personal safetyâ€?",0,none, 2162,sexism2022_english-5820,"null ""Berlin market attack suspect killed in shootout in Italy - security source"" - [URL]",0,none, 2163,sexism2022_english-9201,"Actually we see more and more women doing crypto video related, the social facet of crypto etc...",0,none, 2164,sexism2022_english-11326,she says nothing but i know she wishes she had aborted me or that i would die.,0,none, 2165,sexism2022_english-3109,will they kill themselves if they are touched by pork?,0,none, 2166,sexism2022_english-3103,The biological experience of the reproductive system is the core central defining experience of being a woman. It shapes everything about our existence if life,1,3. animosity, 2167,sexism2022_english-14510,"This is wrong, she should be with Nurgle",0,none, 2168,sexism2022_english-12897,"yeah but things are different now. tradcons are part of the problem. when the muslims take over, im gonna learn arabic and im gonna have me a harem. gotta admit muslims keep their women in check",1,3. animosity, 2169,sexism2022_english-2645,my grandma was a angry old person are you🤔🤔🤔,0,none, 2170,sexism2022_english-348,Will God punish Soros just as he punished the prideful egyptian king in exodus? Or have we forsaken God into Apathy?,0,none, 2171,sexism2022_english-16493,Daily reminder that nobody seriously thinks like that. Daily reminder that this is just payback to women for mocking us for our height and penis size.,1,3. animosity, 2172,sexism2022_english-3039,[USER] hey i have wonder for a long time on that who is kate i like her to but shes fucking misterious,0,none, 2173,sexism2022_english-17298,"To be honest, both of them deserve each other. He's an evil pig and even cheated on her, and she is... Well, Hillary, I think that's enough said.",0,none, 2174,sexism2022_english-16152,Stop coping women wear fakeup so they can attract chad,1,3. animosity, 2175,sexism2022_english-9491,Back then what women thought didn't matter.,0,none, 2176,sexism2022_english-5786,"I love their hate, means I'm doing something right.",0,none, 2177,sexism2022_english-7266,Kick her in the cunt!,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2178,sexism2022_english-12793,I like the Walther P38 at lot better for functionality and reliability...but I sure wouldn't kick this out of my gun safe!,0,none, 2179,sexism2022_english-5796,"[URL] Perhaps he could sail back, single handed, in a small yacht? He wouldn't be 'crowded' then. What an idiot. Best removed from the gene pool.",0,none, 2180,sexism2022_english-10796,The counter attack should be interesting.,0,none, 2181,sexism2022_english-19907,"White knighting got him torched. Hope his burns have taught him something important about female nature. But then again, manginas and simps rarely learn.",1,3. animosity, 2182,sexism2022_english-16921,[URL] thinking that jackass dorky lies even to it's wife.,0,none, 2183,sexism2022_english-12758,To be fair having his mom deal with everything is still a bit beta. Just man up dude,0,none, 2184,sexism2022_english-9103,"Blacks and Muslims aren't respected by white men and white women marry them. East Asians are ""respected"" by white men and white women don't touch them. Doesn't seem like being respected for low-crime is worth any beans in the darwinian game of life.",1,3. animosity, 2185,sexism2022_english-16554,"I love it when girls put the word ""angle"" in their handles.",0,none, 2186,sexism2022_english-14862,"Hey, Kikess. Does it say Arabaction or Jewishaction? [URL] The goyim know. There's no hiding it anymore.",0,none, 2187,sexism2022_english-19703,Are we taking bets that his handle ends with his birth date as well? What a tard,0,none, 2188,sexism2022_english-12335,I don't see the point in doing it if I'm not having fun and talking to a girl when you're not feeling good certainly won't make it better.,0,none, 2189,sexism2022_english-11710,„Is a total cuntâ€?yes yes tell me again that girls don‘t like you because of looks?,0,none, 2190,sexism2022_english-16445,"Happened to me too before, it's so sad women do this to a guy trying. Nothing you can do though.",0,none, 2191,sexism2022_english-19159,You know you're in the incel sub you fucking retard,0,none, 2192,sexism2022_english-17164,"I once bought a girl I crushed on some 30$ flowers. Not even a week later they were dead. And no, I did not get a date out of her either. Haven't ever bought flowers for a girl since. Edit: Haven't bought anything for any female since.",0,none, 2193,sexism2022_english-18608,"Oh look, a pansy ass snowflake voted down..",0,none, 2194,sexism2022_english-10042,"Single for women mean sleeping around and finding a partner within a few days. I've never had sex. I'm not ""single"", I'm incel.",1,3. animosity, 2195,sexism2022_english-11071,White girls are as degenerate as white cucks,1,2. derogation, 2196,sexism2022_english-8279,of courrrssshhh,0,none, 2197,sexism2022_english-2235,Have any of you guys every dated a woman before,0,none, 2198,sexism2022_english-2973,Too many holes in her story. She's lying through her teeth. [URL],0,none, 2199,sexism2022_english-14778,Tough shit. I feel sorry for her future cats.,0,none, 2200,sexism2022_english-2127,"The fact that she cares more about aesthetics over he future husband having his best friend at his side really reveals her true nature, and that she doesn't give a fuck about her fiance's feelings, or those of his best man.",0,none, 2201,sexism2022_english-11341,"It's also a ""not happening to me"" thing. The Normie sees Tyrone raped and murdered a white girl, doesn't affect him (unless a relative or something), but now it's ""I can't believe MY team is doing this!!"" If this what works, good I guess",0,none, 2202,sexism2022_english-10146,Feminists want the advantages of being male and the advantages of being female and with none of the disadvantages of either.,1,3. animosity, 2203,sexism2022_english-17017,"Well I live at my gym, and women are the same everywhere, so it's almost as if I do live at your gym.",1,3. animosity, 2204,sexism2022_english-1869,Success = gril lets you piss on her Women love by being a pickmeisha. Men love by remembering her birthday.,1,3. animosity, 2205,sexism2022_english-829,How long will it take a woman to mentally move on from the situation? Cause they're fond of bringing up shit from before my ancestors,1,3. animosity, 2206,sexism2022_english-18619,What a beta reply.,0,none, 2207,sexism2022_english-9199,Some of these women get fucked by their dogs for goodness sakes.,1,2. derogation, 2208,sexism2022_english-17633,Ivana looks good for her age. Takes care of herself. [USER],0,none, 2209,sexism2022_english-2659,Where I am from. If a girl makes a move it usually means she is very desperate.,1,3. animosity, 2210,sexism2022_english-3788,"what have you tried already? I like to point out that nobody blinks when a smaller man starts shit with a larger man and gets his ass beat, men and women are equal right?",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2211,sexism2022_english-5076,"Yes, I just wanna know what's up with her?",0,none, 2212,sexism2022_english-10573,"Unlike women, this car doesn't drive you crazy.",1,2. derogation, 2213,sexism2022_english-7601,I just read your name. A fellow chess enthousiast. Cool. I don't meet a lot of guys in chess who arr good with women though :p,0,none, 2214,sexism2022_english-6583,Vader says the same thing about women. :D,0,none, 2215,sexism2022_english-984,Human sacrifice in the Bible psalm-1379-christian-bible-girl-baby-religion,0,none, 2216,sexism2022_english-15038,“If you’ve got an issue we can fight it out right nowâ€?should be the only response to blatant disrespect. If you’re willing to throw down there’s no need to try and buddy it up or de-escalate with some asshole who already took their time to punk you.,0,none, 2217,sexism2022_english-13257,"Synchronicity, I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday and never got around to post it. This asshole opened the gates of hell up, by invoking #WhitePrivilege, with her #JewishPrivilege never in question.",0,none, 2218,sexism2022_english-2551,"I used to get compliments from other guys but I'll admit, it was a great way of making friends, but I am still incel. I still want those 1s tomorrow since those are an exception. They would go well with my body odor smelling jacket.",0,none, 2219,sexism2022_english-19824,Excellent idea. Military wives are trash.,1,2. derogation, 2220,sexism2022_english-2818,"lol go for it dude, whamens can do no wrong",1,3. animosity, 2221,sexism2022_english-3705,"""The Iranian women's soccer team consists of eight full grown men who they claim are transgender and awaiting sex changes"": [URL]",0,none, 2222,sexism2022_english-16510,"Technically we've only been on one. First time we met I only got her number, then the date and kiss, then the ljbf text, then 5 minutes chat at the concert. And in her mind, if she said just as friends why would she think she's leading me on?",0,none, 2223,sexism2022_english-14368,She didn't leave you because you had economic difficulties. That just anticipated her leaving. The reason she left you is because you turned her into a feminist.,0,none, 2224,sexism2022_english-2308,Uh huh! She should’ve had it stripped after Benghazi,0,none, 2225,sexism2022_english-10143,"I saw this and I wondered wtf was happening. He was not making sense and just haranguing her. She parried his thrusts easily, though.",0,none, 2226,sexism2022_english-11491,Take them to your place and have quiet sex. They'll understand the situation and it won't be that big of a deal. Or go to the girl's place.,0,none, 2227,sexism2022_english-16395,"after I finish my homework thats all im gonna do tonight: PUGGLE SPAM!! strap in lass, gonna be a bumpy ride the pugglepocalypse will commence shortly",0,none, 2228,sexism2022_english-14700,Just take it easy on the weights so you don't end up with the big biceps and linebacker shoulders too many women have these days.,1,3. animosity, 2229,sexism2022_english-5712,Is she on GAB HERE? I have to look and see! I'll try to follow,0,none, 2230,sexism2022_english-4639,"STEM ain't hard, wamans can do it too!",1,3. animosity, 2231,sexism2022_english-7026,"""Further, she also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts."" << she can't tell ""discrimination"" from ""objective failure"" [URL]",1,3. animosity, 2232,sexism2022_english-18096,"Whites need to have a minimum of 3 kids per couple, preferably 4.",0,none, 2233,sexism2022_english-6932,somebody should set him up with my mom she likes to power trip on people who don't really have it coming and financially manipulate them,0,none, 2234,sexism2022_english-877,"UK: Muslim rapes woman on bench in “horrific attackâ€?Feb 5, 2018 8:16 am By Robert Spencer [URL]",0,none, 2235,sexism2022_english-18814,"You're an idiot white knight who enables the cheating behavior of women, and encourages women's false rape allegations.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2236,sexism2022_english-5023,"Abused for four years, yet she marries him after 2.5 years of abuse? If it were true, then she's a f.....g masochistic moron.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2237,sexism2022_english-5318,Who the fuck would believe that fat landwhale that someone would want to rape her lel.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2239,sexism2022_english-3357,"What a fantastic mother, wife and friend! I'm sure she will live on in the lives of the children she saved. What a legacy. [USER]",0,none, 2240,sexism2022_english-5827,We ban females,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2241,sexism2022_english-4456,"""Muh poor oppressed women"" What is this retarded faggot shit?",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2242,sexism2022_english-17518,"""just smile even though you want to kill yourself, bro""",0,none, 2243,sexism2022_english-15876,"oh jeez the fair pay thing is back...I guess next will be equality in schools or some shit women blax muzzeez wetbax, blax women muzzeez wetbax fags fags fags repeat",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2244,sexism2022_english-18232,"She is utterly horrid, she manipulated her daughter and mother, but they both manipulated the situation.",0,none, 2245,sexism2022_english-5507,"Yes, you clearly know what you’re talking with that generic, platitudinal advice. Make women feel trust, love, arousal? Alright then. Go rub some more patchouli on your balls",0,none, 2246,sexism2022_english-12372,"Nice ""business plan"" idiots.",0,none, 2247,sexism2022_english-18011,"I would never hit a women, but you're not a women you're just a dumb thot. Also given that you are begging me to hit you I'd say you'd like it if I did abuse you a little, you slut.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2248,sexism2022_english-316,"[USER] As long as you aren't going to Californicate my Texas you're welcome here. No State income tax, hot Texas women, and guns everywhere. Enjoy, and you're welcome.",0,none, 2249,sexism2022_english-13241,"One of the most basic points when taking TRP is to learn how to push-pull with women, which is exactly what her ex-bf does. Just about every girl I've been with describes me the EXACT same way she just described her ex. What a fucking dumb bitch.",1,2. derogation, 2250,sexism2022_english-13177,Neilsen proves she doesn't have the courage to do the job of securing the border [URL],0,none, 2251,sexism2022_english-2940,Raising women and children is demeaning. Allowing strangers to fuck you at will and aborting their unborn children with no consequences of fatherhood is empowering. #feminismiscancer,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2252,sexism2022_english-13205,"It's like that Louis CK bit where a woman says no so he stops, then he sees her a few weeks later and she says that she wanted him to keep going. "" Oh so I was supposed to rape you and hope that it was ok?""",0,none, 2253,sexism2022_english-515,"You should do the opposite. Eat food when your body needs it for energy, burn your intake. Don't eat or drink just to entertain yourself before bed.",0,none, 2254,sexism2022_english-1428,"Oregon senator says ""Retired Cops and Teachers need to DIE"" [URL] This woman needs to be evaluated for psych",0,none, 2255,sexism2022_english-3755,"Well, they define rape so women *can't* rape men. But I don't take my morality from feminists.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2256,sexism2022_english-6224,That's the best description of /r/mgtow I've ever heard.,0,none, 2257,sexism2022_english-14640,wouldn't say he is a simp. just a regular creative man that didn't have time to notice the nature of women. I think some of us are really lucky( and smart),0,none, 2258,sexism2022_english-8426,"In this day and age, judges don't need justification to fuck a man over if it helps a woman.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2259,sexism2022_english-19971,[USER] am I correct in thinking the Clemson players get to go to pound town on the Bama players girlfriends now?,0,none, 2260,sexism2022_english-16130,No.. I call him a fucking idiot,0,none, 2261,sexism2022_english-15607,Don't do that. Just flirt and take it there subtly. She already knows your interested. She knows cause your a man and she's a woman. Nature takes care of that shit automatically.,0,none, 2262,sexism2022_english-13394,Eva Bartlett describes her recent tour of Douma and her interactions with the locals about the alleged chemical weapons attack,0,none, 2263,sexism2022_english-5615,"this guy is smart, but young and dumb.. [URL]",0,none, 2264,sexism2022_english-9767,"""mmm where did I say it was wrong?"" ​ from your quote above: ""But at least she won't be enjoyed by a socially inept incel""",0,none, 2265,sexism2022_english-10933,"Seriously, the guy should just give up and get a prostitute. There's no point putting emotion into a brick wall. I wonder if she can suddenly turn him ignoring her on him and use lack of attention as an excuse for divorce.",0,none, 2266,sexism2022_english-13802,The image of Hillary having a seizure mid-debate and face-planting from her podium because of a verbal-smackdown from Trump is just too lulzy for words. #MAGA #GabFam #NeverHillary #HillarysHealth #BasketOfDeplorables,0,none, 2267,sexism2022_english-971,"Those are Brazilian girls. When we say Black and White we mean Americans. For instance: I gave up on white girls, but russian girls are the shit.",0,none, 2268,sexism2022_english-15229,ma niqqa,0,none, 2269,sexism2022_english-718,Your woman is not all women. awalt > How are the threesomes coming along? can't complain > Hire any more hookers? still just the one,0,none, 2270,sexism2022_english-9834,so ugly dudes should date girls they dont find attractive?,0,none, 2271,sexism2022_english-14259,"Glad you did this instead of sexual innuendo and ""teabag queen"". Almost positive it would have been met with a negative response or no response at all.",0,none, 2272,sexism2022_english-17803,"I don't have a example, but go with a sexier vocabulary. The 'if suitable' part is not exactly hot. Maybe read some short romance stories or even women's porn stories to get an idea of what they like.",0,none, 2273,sexism2022_english-17603,is it me or did that fat lady at marked time (2:01) just take his mug shot? [URL],0,none, 2274,sexism2022_english-96,"""In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group...""",0,none, 2275,sexism2022_english-9084,"Depth of a woman's personality: dogs, Netflix, alcohol, selfies, makeup",1,3. animosity, 2276,sexism2022_english-6462,"My best friend is a cool guy. Doesn’t mean I will invite him to a work’s dinner and it definitely doesn’t mean I expect my colleagues to pay for him. He’s a stranger to them, why is it any different if it’s your wife?",0,none, 2277,sexism2022_english-4626,"Because she literally said during a press conference Russia was to be met with military force because of the Russia hacks they couldn't prove. So yeah, it's too easy to say we would have war with Hillary than Trump.",0,none, 2278,sexism2022_english-15413,Do we really care what this witch thinks? WHY do we repost her crap... IGNORE her,0,none, 2280,sexism2022_english-5548,NAME who you are talking about. You mean POLLACK?? with #fake Meadow?? THAT piece of shit never had a daughter. He is a NYC criminal scumbag in a suit .. just another #Crisisactor.,0,none, 2281,sexism2022_english-6063,"Unironically pay a girl 1500 for a nonsexual boyfriend experience, for an hour. Its over.",0,none, 2282,sexism2022_english-17590,"Folks [USER] is what having a small cock looks like Poor little [USER]. Nobody likes him, he has a small pencil dick, he has problems meeting women, and he can't get his testosterone patch dosage correct!",0,none, 2283,sexism2022_english-700,"Agreed, Never think of it as a failure. Just a lesson learned for next time :) Keep on huntin bud!",0,none, 2284,sexism2022_english-17709,Of course you will never nee the rest of her until you decide to meet.,0,none, 2285,sexism2022_english-10756,"how is that beta, the guy holds no threat so there's no point in you stepping down by making her think that you and this guy even the same level.",0,none, 2286,sexism2022_english-15655,WTF I love women's locker rooms now.,0,none, 2287,sexism2022_english-5009,fake fact fuck off lol,0,none, 2288,sexism2022_english-4614,"Eh, I fuck a brown girl. So...spic licker?",0,none, 2289,sexism2022_english-4760,"Damn, so it’s true. My sister told me this morning and I told her she was nuts. Oops...apology time.",0,none, 2290,sexism2022_english-592,"Keep it up. Your case is different. In hoping u two get married and have babies within the next 2 months. If you don't get married, I hope she at least bares you a child to solidify your union. Godspeed and good luck",0,none, 2291,sexism2022_english-15047,Stupid ideologies draw stupid people. And protesting is a way to indulge both a superiority complex and a victimhood complex at the same time.,0,none, 2292,sexism2022_english-3199,"First it was N Korea, then Syria, now Saudi Arabia, how many starts to WW3 will their be?",0,none, 2293,sexism2022_english-1045,Donald Trump got more fat women out walking in one day than Michelle Obama did in 8 years. 😂😂 #WomensMarch #PresidentTrump #MAGA,0,none, 2294,sexism2022_english-12550,"Oh, no. She was very strong willed. She knew what she wanted. More children. And I was a prospective father and husband. She was just great. I said no to more children and that is why we split in 2010.",0,none, 2295,sexism2022_english-14686,"She will cry in court about DV , financial abuse , and allege that it was not her mistake but her friends , father and maternal uncle forced her to put a case on him",0,none, 2296,sexism2022_english-2512,Any woman who dallies with married men is a woman of low morals She will gladly betray those men [URL],0,none, 2297,sexism2022_english-18192,What would you do with a PhD in econ?,0,none, 2298,sexism2022_english-3263,"show her that your higher value then her bf, women are egotists and are always looking for the best option, qualify her so she will start second guessing herself.",1,2. derogation, 2299,sexism2022_english-2444,"Crazy Pope Francis Likens Jesus to ISIS, Says Muslims Must Breed With Europeans. So these Islamic fruitcakes are out there raping European women! [URL] via [USER] #Alberta #news",0,none, 2300,sexism2022_english-10835,Yes! Let's open our borders to this insanity and put all of our daughters at risk! Wake up people!!! Islam must be stopped!,0,none, 2301,sexism2022_english-10768,"My wife was astounded when I read this too her, she thought it was parody.",0,none, 2302,sexism2022_english-12351,"again, you don't define mgtow, nor the valid conclusions of mgtow.",0,none, 2303,sexism2022_english-4499,"If she asked, she wants to fuck other guys. That's grounds to leave her right there. And you should never be OK with your partner being with other people",0,none, 2304,sexism2022_english-114,Maybe to get drunk and say you raped her?,0,none, 2305,sexism2022_english-1040,"""Nothing is as dangerous to feminism as a traditional woman.""",0,none, 2306,sexism2022_english-6487,"First the wife, then Senator now the son. See a pattern here? John Conyers' Son Arrested in February, Accused of Stabbing Girlfriend in Domestic [URL]",0,none, 2307,sexism2022_english-12755,"Read this earlier, had a quiet little sniggering to myself. This guy is so fucked,she's been on tinder for 6 fucking months already. Guaranteed she's been taking strange dick for, let's say 5 months minimum. There ain't no coming back from this son.",0,none, 2308,sexism2022_english-12302,"Actually first i advise to make here take a pregnancy test before running away , she could have sex with any man in the next month , get pregnant , and say the child is his , he needs to kill the possibility then run ... run and never look back",0,none, 2309,sexism2022_english-17375,"Did Anderson in the Pooper ask Stormy why she knowingly had sex with a 60 year old married man, when she was only 27? Stormy is a grotesque whore on a galactic scale. She should be forced to wear a giant W for Whore on her shirt for a month.",1,2. derogation, 2310,sexism2022_english-9457,It's a WITCH hunt! Who was the last person you saw on national msm news speaking to a group of women on the ills of womanhood in America? ...just happened to be a group that identifies as a Coven of Witches!!!🤔hmmmm,0,none, 2311,sexism2022_english-14300,Bro he's litereally 170cm and a framelet he just looks tall and large because the girls are like 160cm and small. I dont know what girl would date a guy that short and small framed in the West that wasn't loaded or had a chad face.,1,3. animosity, 2312,sexism2022_english-14156,Sick couple. Both should be in jail and never allowed to breed - EVER!. [URL],0,none, 2313,sexism2022_english-777,They are the fly that seeks the amber.,0,none, 2314,sexism2022_english-14346,"The dune niggers may indeed succeed, but in the Emperor's name I will put every single fucking one of them on a spike when we are done her in America. Every single fucking one. And then I'm turning the middle East into fucking glass",0,none, 2315,sexism2022_english-6848,Those women probably virtue signal about hating toxic masculinity,0,none, 2316,sexism2022_english-7904,a violent niggerette. McDonalds could make hamburgers out of her. At least then a few burgers would have some meat,0,none, 2317,sexism2022_english-3275,[USER] An Armenian on the Young Turks? How come she isn't dead yet?,0,none, 2318,sexism2022_english-2350,Block her on everything and tell her to fuck off,0,none, 2319,sexism2022_english-116,That guy isn't chadlite lmao. Is he that laowhy dude who has a chinese wife?,0,none, 2320,sexism2022_english-15162,"[URL] #StopWhiteGenocide #2013 #RebeccaLorraineFoley Rebecca was inside her Volkswagen Beetle, when she was shot & left on the ground outside her vehicle to die.",0,none, 2321,sexism2022_english-11576,"#Italy: #Muslim #migrant gropes American student’s girlfriend, then #stabs the student twice: [URL]",0,none, 2322,sexism2022_english-18509,#FakeNews is upset that they aren't coming down hard enough on Trump. Maybe if they took time out from sexually harassing women they might be able to spend more time slandering Trump. [URL] #MAGA #LiberalLogic,0,none, 2323,sexism2022_english-19709,I agree she is a dickhead but this has nothing to do with their sex. How is this a pussypassdenied? This is more of a fatpassdenied,0,none, 2324,sexism2022_english-15835,I bet he's fat and smelly and has a neckbeard but thinks because he's white he's gods gift to women,0,none, 2325,sexism2022_english-17501,"The important question is why didn't he hook up with the girl. Doesn't a match on tinder only occur if the girl ""likes"" you?",0,none, 2326,sexism2022_english-10193,I have an unhealthy addiction to the stupid ass SnapChat filters that make you look like puppies & shit. [USER] hates them.,0,none, 2327,sexism2022_english-4136,"Yes, you're failing in slow motion. Keep this up and you'll definitely lose You have to play to win. Put your arm around her.",0,none, 2328,sexism2022_english-14009,"a Chad who doesn't actually care about her well being. Because cels do care about women, right? Come off it. You're in a cult (and btw you said you were leaving but still are here promoting cel dogma.)",0,none, 2329,sexism2022_english-463,"[USER] Also, is this girl even of legal age to be talking about having her pussy grabbed? I mean she barely looks 15. =*( Where are her parents?",0,none, 2330,sexism2022_english-1706,no she hasn't she had one obviously feminist-penned shooting threat that the fbi and local police deemed not credible.,0,none, 2331,sexism2022_english-4772,"Only the top 20% of girls average more than about 2 per year, but that includes those who are in a LTR. It depends on the circles you are travelling in.",0,none, 2332,sexism2022_english-18381,Some people are almost too dumb for words.,0,none, 2333,sexism2022_english-16751,Didn’t Joe’s uncle drown his pregnant girlfriend? Was that “heartfullâ€?,0,none, 2334,sexism2022_english-19772,If you can't handle the mindfuck then don't fuck her.,0,none, 2335,sexism2022_english-14809,"Because its obvious the original movies dont make shit, so they think having the 007 name with a female is going to somehow to great numbers.",0,none, 2336,sexism2022_english-15521,Most women find a highly educated and well traveled man sexy.,0,none, 2337,sexism2022_english-13767,"What's stopping you from simply kicking her out, cold turkey ? Tell her as little as possible. Kick the bitch out.",1,3. animosity, 2338,sexism2022_english-2289,"I don't have to prove a thing about hillbag. The legal, forensic, empirical evidence (proof) exists in multitudes. If I see a man assaulting some strange woman, Imma beat his ass before he goes to jail, let alone wait until there is proof.",0,none, 2339,sexism2022_english-3849,titties,0,none, 2340,sexism2022_english-16489,"They should drown him, no loss.",0,none, 2341,sexism2022_english-12809,"I hate when I see a nigga come /this close 👌/ to saying women need to stick to our roles, but then adds just a pinch of feminist bullshit in a cucked attempt to not look ""sexist"".",0,none, 2342,sexism2022_english-595,That black whore won't cook she will see it as beneath her no doubt.,1,2. derogation, 2343,sexism2022_english-16905,"Just look at the workplace, women get away with some crazy shit. I had a female supervisor comment that the placement of my nipples seemed low, everyone laughed. She was just ""joking around"", double standard?",0,none, 2344,sexism2022_english-19865,It hasn't for many because this greedy bastard had to try and get it all for himself.,0,none, 2345,sexism2022_english-13088,"When asked to help load a woman’s rollerboard into the overhead bins, how do you respond? I keep my eyes down to avoid eye contact while the women are struggling to load their bags, and that helps. But when asked to help, I’m not sure how to respond.",0,none, 2346,sexism2022_english-4681,"Amiri King ‏[USER] 15h15 hours ago Call it what you want... I'd rather be called a racist, faggot, redneck, hillbilly, dick eating piece of shit, Than be called a ""liberal.""",0,none, 2347,sexism2022_english-11312,"""So you want me to kiss and tell after you then?"" Call her an exhibitionist.",0,none, 2349,sexism2022_english-18403,Oops. That retard rage got your Butterfingers going *actual*,0,none, 2350,sexism2022_english-5375,“Don’t touch herâ€?bitch did you not just see everything else?,1,3. animosity, 2351,sexism2022_english-13652,"Wondering, who is trustworthy at the FBI? Can you imagine moving to a new town with your wife, only to find out 80% of the people hate you? What 20% aren't waiting to stab you in the back? Our poor President.",0,none, 2352,sexism2022_english-642,"Dems will attack Barrett, which will further expose the Left's hypocrisy. Dems prefer assaulting and raping women over treating them as human beings.",0,none, 2353,sexism2022_english-5931,"Any woman can be a sex worker. Any idiot can do a lot of jobs, we still respect them because the job sucks. Literally in some cases. > Man can rarely be. Men frequently are sex workers, they're just sucking a looooot of dick.",0,none, 2354,sexism2022_english-13403,"I hope they have used Police from crime fighting duties and not from important things like LGBT posturing or anti right twitter enforcement. These feral scum kids were brave enough to abuse an old lady, let them face healthy adults.",0,none, 2355,sexism2022_english-1955,Well are you asking out 5â€?â€?200 pound women? I highly doubt it,0,none, 2356,sexism2022_english-12169,"You better get that frame of mind out of your brain cause girls, even if really interested, usually won't make the first steps. If pursueing girls is too much work, you better get over that fact cause they mostly expect you to do that shit.",1,3. animosity, 2357,sexism2022_english-485,whaat? i'm not watching this shit show. goolag fags are her live-in guests?,0,none, 2358,sexism2022_english-9781,I love books too. My favorite will probably always be Alice in Wonderland. I have very old copies of my mother's both Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass.,0,none, 2359,sexism2022_english-12867,All women are children,1,2. derogation, 2360,sexism2022_english-560,"Were western culture. We send men dressed as women to girl fights, haha.",0,none, 2361,sexism2022_english-15526,Add about 400 lbs to her fat ass... And maybe,0,none, 2362,sexism2022_english-19313,"Atleast you're not in some state of denial like a beta normie cuck, coming to terms with what you are is the first step to your not giving a fuck freedom.",0,none, 2363,sexism2022_english-4158,"She's getting ready to ghost you, pull back a little pursing her and wait for her to reach out to you. She is probably feeling a little crowded by your attention. In the meantime hit up other girls",0,none, 2364,sexism2022_english-5835,I READ ABOUT THE FILM ONLINE A BIT AND HEARD THE COMPLAINTS BUT AM STILL EXCITED ABOUT SEEING THIS FILM [USER] WE'RE KILLING GUNTHER. I'M GOING TO TRY TO SLEEP EARLIER TODAY AND GO TO THE MOVIE THEATRE TO WATCH THE EARLIEST SHOW!,0,none, 2365,sexism2022_english-4953,Can you censor her eyebrows? Just remove them with photoshop.,0,none, 2366,sexism2022_english-11806,For sex just ask the girl you've been in contact with if she wants to come over and you'll cook her dinner. Make something that would make a 5 star restaurant jealous. Find a new girl at the party.,0,none, 2367,sexism2022_english-6543,[that’s right! a girl wants to play football!]([URL],0,none, 2368,sexism2022_english-4841,"Nigga wasn't gonna share the trainers they nicked they only got one pair & she got the right one last time, so many blisters on her left foot she cant press the damn brake pedal!",0,none, 2369,sexism2022_english-3530,Is she now also claiming gang rape?,0,none, 2370,sexism2022_english-7093,same mainstream trash you do You basically admit this is the mainstream and it's trash? Lol do you want Melania Trump's modelling pictures? Or is she some trashy whore who lives in Slovenia?,1,2. derogation, 2371,sexism2022_english-9832,we know what liars they are just ask her ex husband how she lied to him,0,none, 2372,sexism2022_english-15857,You've lost me. Weak recessive genes? I'm just pointing out society's social structure. How does that make me beta? Shaming language from another so called mgtow.....smh.,0,none, 2373,sexism2022_english-12749,"Just to top things off - Catholic girl converting to Islam for some fucken Muslim invader is presented in the MSM as a ""feel good"" Sunday morning story #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Australia #GabFam [URL]",0,none, 2374,sexism2022_english-2317,So tell single moms to stop raising rapists,1,2. derogation, 2375,sexism2022_english-7798,Break up and date a girl who’s actually interested in you? Ive been with both types of girls. The ones that are madly in love with you are the best ones.,0,none, 2376,sexism2022_english-11501,I'm thinking of starting a kickstarter or something to deprogram her with a scientific Psyops campaign so we don't have to endure her debased shenanigans anymore. I'll take a $million bounty if we turn her into a legit evangelical.,0,none, 2377,sexism2022_english-13078,It's fucked up how women aren't allowed to even be neutral. Always have to put on a fucking show to entertain men and keep them from attacking you.,0,none, 2378,sexism2022_english-10192,Right on brother. I have hate for no race. And I'm not ashamed of the fact I have love for my race. Help those whites who call us racist and have lost their way back where they belong. By our side.,0,none, 2379,sexism2022_english-896,What a stupid waste of rations this woman is!,0,none, 2380,sexism2022_english-9943,"Nah the horse face told someone that she was not attracted to me at all. Its a very good thing she was banging a guy at the job everyone tough was gay, he was cheating on is wife with that ugly toth",0,none, 2381,sexism2022_english-3824,"Don’t tell the #Trump haters, but the effects of mass #Muslim #migration has had a chilling effect on the once enviable country of #Sweden [URL]",0,none, 2382,sexism2022_english-19893,"[USER] 𝙄𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 ""𝙄 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙"" 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚, 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 [emphasis added] and Hillary probably was from what we know of her She had a lot of email addresses [URL]",0,none, 2383,sexism2022_english-16371,Bro how come u didn’t do the bonecrusher battle yet?,0,none, 2384,sexism2022_english-19669,Sounds to me like a call for anarchy.... Rallying her troops to civil disobedience. Inciting riots? Would that be a reach? Doesn't seem too far off for me. [URL],0,none, 2385,sexism2022_english-16988,"In a bar in San Antonio Texas in 80s, British chic asked if I had hair spray. For the braided hair under her arms. ....🤤🤤",0,none, 2386,sexism2022_english-8393,Let her Emmy statue forgive her.,0,none, 2387,sexism2022_english-46,"She'd be called a racist, get a lot of threats, and probably lose her job!",0,none, 2388,sexism2022_english-16949,When they are not shooting pregnant women. Judenratte!,0,none, 2389,sexism2022_english-19757,"This nigga is talking out of his ass about Toronto, every low value man hates dating here",0,none, 2390,sexism2022_english-8524,"And we all know Incels will never be Chads, so this is relevant.",0,none, 2391,sexism2022_english-12520,"Right, we can hit you, but you cannot hit us, what the fuck is wrong with President Trump brain? Did the deep state completely removed Trump's brain and filled his head with shit and urine.",0,none, 2392,sexism2022_english-16573,"Thanks for the advice so far, but i have one last question. When i see her in class, which i will, she will probably act all flirty and shit like everything is great, how should i react? should i act distant and unattached, or what?",0,none, 2393,sexism2022_english-710,AT first i was like 6mins 30secs Aint no one got time for that... then i skipped to her getting tazed... all of a sudden I got 6mins 30secs freed up,0,none, 2394,sexism2022_english-19805,1960s feminism,0,none, 2395,sexism2022_english-8338,No one knows the struggle of young black men like some old white bitch from Arkansas. Yea girl you go. #presidentialdebates,1,2. derogation, 2396,sexism2022_english-8392,"My sister is a female incel, so yeah, they're real. You just don't ever see them because they don't leave the house.",0,none, 2397,sexism2022_english-18441,This bitch needs to be shot and killed.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2398,sexism2022_english-10536,"That's sharia. Charge the rape victim. Are they nutz? Oh my gawd. When they have the police enforcing sharia, the UK is done. Might as well all wear a burka girls or you may be arrested, soon enough.",0,none, 2399,sexism2022_english-14285,"Your asshole is fun, vaginas aren't that fun. We don't bleed one week out of the month. We don't have to terminate a pregnancy through our asses. **We give up our assholes for some random Chad.** Ha! Hilarious typo... ... unless it's *not* a typo? ;)",0,none, 2400,sexism2022_english-12328,"Fake it till you make it. The important thing is your trajectory. If you're constantly improving and she already likes you, you're doing just fine.",0,none, 2401,sexism2022_english-1410,The ankles never lie... Big ankles on a skinny girl? She's only skinny for now...,0,none, 2402,sexism2022_english-1900,It's just a porn video. U dont hafta b mad,0,none, 2403,sexism2022_english-13393,"There's a reason for gender roles. Men don't lust over butch girls, and women don't want soft, metrosexual hipsters. I totally agree.",1,3. animosity, 2404,sexism2022_english-7281,Concealed carry for women!!! “PURSES ARE FOR LIPSTICK!â€?[URL] #2A #yougotthis #concealedcarry,0,none, 2405,sexism2022_english-14880,"They call it rape but I bet most of those poor girls are under age,so that it should actually be charged as""child molesting""",0,none, 2406,sexism2022_english-19292,is she an actual dwarf or something,0,none, 2407,sexism2022_english-9188,Trump approaches her and looks like a pedophile,0,none, 2408,sexism2022_english-12255,Please. Whip out your white chad jawline and your fat cock and she will RUVYOURONTINE!! Asian bitches is the same.,1,2. derogation, 2409,sexism2022_english-7879,"But there are no lesbians. She's in high school, she'll work up to dudes eventually. I'm joking in a fashion but apparently in Japan I heard lesbian teens are considered normal, and that they will grow out of it.",0,none, 2410,sexism2022_english-15986,Committed relationship; accidental pregnancy; STDs. You shouldn't have to ask this question. Keeping her around after she knows that you know who she truly is essentially means she gets what she wants and you become her bitch.,1,3. animosity, 2411,sexism2022_english-1250,Gab: There is only male & female! You can't just change sex! #AlsoGab: The Pentagon has a chemical weapon that turns men into women. Wake up sheeple! The government can change your sex with estrogen and BPA. [URL],0,none, 2412,sexism2022_english-1463,Why should she? Insisting on paying for stuff isn't putting a refundable down payment on future sex She offered to pay.,0,none, 2413,sexism2022_english-10175,I understand where you’re coming from but there are two issues. Most gyms here are closed and I bought a home gym for that specific reason lmao. So where should I meet fitness girls?,0,none, 2415,sexism2022_english-17429,"She's already whiter than most actual whites I know, idk wtf her problem is",0,none, 2416,sexism2022_english-7370,"Left Coast FireStorm - ""The Worse Fire Disaster the City has EVER Seen"" HighImpactFlix #GabFam #MAGA #News #auspol #SpeakFreely #TeaParty #Breaking [URL] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER]",0,none, 2417,sexism2022_english-14784,"TO ADD TO THIS After I finished the coffee I took the hardest, biggest shit Ive ever shat, I feel like I was being squeezed lmao",0,none, 2418,sexism2022_english-17067,fucking world has gone nuts gorillas as beauty queens,0,none, 2419,sexism2022_english-16951,Its a plan to destroy Western civilization,0,none, 2420,sexism2022_english-11974,Marketing? aha. interesting indeed. such professional. fuck her then runnnn.,0,none, 2421,sexism2022_english-15683,But the game isn't the same anymore. We have condoms and birth control so now women can sex with fewer and much less serious consequences as well. It makes sense that they would have more sex with the top guys when there's relatively little to risk.,0,none, 2422,sexism2022_english-10488,Did you know women in America are being oppressed? They should read your comment they'd realize how good they have it,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2423,sexism2022_english-16960,Father who committed “honor killingâ€?on UK daughter suddenly died days before documentary of her life was due to air on TV [URL],0,none, 2424,sexism2022_english-13199,And here we go again ... Voltaire would love this woman. She is definitely challenging the Status Quo about 'racial diversity and equality'. [URL],0,none, 2425,sexism2022_english-7381,Yea I assumed the same I still shoot my shot with girls I see on a daily I forget to text a lot of them.,0,none, 2426,sexism2022_english-17721,"Killcanon kissing Andrew Torba's ass, lol, priceless! Especially, after he verbally abusing a ton of women on gab... Guess we know what brings him the most joy? Jury trial for abuse on women hasn't stopped him at all! [USER]",0,none, 2427,sexism2022_english-11619,If you ever worked in a restaurant kitchen you would know that there are no female cooks or chefs. The only thingS women do in a restaurant are hosting and table waiting.,1,3. animosity, 2428,sexism2022_english-3027,"IF this is true, this is YUGE! Especially if any DNC payments can be traced being made to her. So, if the above IS true - that means the ""letter"" was probably a ""boiler plate"" letter, designed to ""insert name.""",0,none, 2429,sexism2022_english-5852,"""Dats racist yo, muhfuggin crackass honkeys be afraid of us kangz n sheeeit,"" she reasoned.",0,none, 2430,sexism2022_english-5189,Yes she has that mental disconnect,0,none, 2431,sexism2022_english-4473,I get the impression that incel never skipped a meal in his life.,0,none, 2432,sexism2022_english-13896,A man punishes his wife by cutting her hair because she went to her father's house without knowing [URL],0,none, 2433,sexism2022_english-5524,That lady boner of yours is going to waste since the pictured gun appears to have no trigger.,0,none, 2434,sexism2022_english-15924,those literally exist by the thousands. They pay women who they have never met just to sustain their luxurious carefree lifestyles,0,none, 2435,sexism2022_english-2732,"fuck. single. mothers. (but don’t actually fuck them, or youll get trapped for 18 years)",1,2. derogation, 2436,sexism2022_english-10513,"How relevant would this Elizabeth Pocahontas piece of crap be if everyone would stop talking about her, never mention her name, ever.",0,none, 2437,sexism2022_english-9238,"I was watching Quantum Leap on Netflix and noticed that women were always the victims of men and never the other way round. Even if they were a ""bad guy"" they were only acting on a mans behalf.",0,none, 2438,sexism2022_english-8044,"What do you mean by ""being direct with what you want to do with her."" on date youre doin it by words?",0,none, 2439,sexism2022_english-4529,"A woman like that should be dumped automatically. Unless you're a beta and have scarcity mentality, then you should do everything you can to hold on to her.",0,none, 2440,sexism2022_english-13913,Damn right! Grandma knows a ho when she sees one.,1,3. animosity, 2441,sexism2022_english-119,It's probably the left making accounts in an effort to shut this place down because we're not on that gay twitter anymore to trigger the left. They want us gone and then miss us. Oh and go fuck your mother!,0,none, 2442,sexism2022_english-19436,"[URL] My girlfriend just told me a new ATC aluminum toy hauler just came into stock at SunCity RV, right",0,none, 2443,sexism2022_english-15131,"Quit using logic on a leftie! She proved how much of a bigot she is by hanging up! All lefties are not even remotely liberal, they are all intolerant bigots!",0,none, 2444,sexism2022_english-3711,"Dude, why not just invite her to the party youre at, Flirt and touch a bit, then reolcate for a bang?",0,none, 2445,sexism2022_english-626,"A de-facto founder of the #metoo movement now demands the burden of proof when one of her own is accused of pedophilia. But Rose, I thought we were supposed to always believe the accuser?",0,none, 2446,sexism2022_english-6812,Back in school when I hit a girl they would leave. Now when I hit on a girl they will chase me.,0,none, 2447,sexism2022_english-3916,"a woman with a 40 waist? ..Shit, i don't care how she's carrying it, that's getting a bit large...and I gotta eat dinner now, with this in mind.....",0,none, 2448,sexism2022_english-4469,Ehh I think I'd want to low-key impress the father cus if you can impress him with your balls & witty lines you can probably also score the girl,0,none, 2449,sexism2022_english-687,"lol, [USER]â€?will get 'em Khazar Milkers",0,none, 2450,sexism2022_english-17734,"She did go early. You didn't show up. Chadlite saw the chance of an easy lay. Even if this was only a free dinner for her, for you this was an interesting experience to have.",0,none, 2451,sexism2022_english-7120,Micro expressions can show disgust within milliseconds of viewing a subhuman. Any non autist can pick this up within milliseconds. In reality it would take about 500 ms before both parties realized that she had rejected him.,0,none, 2452,sexism2022_english-7089,I would love to see big mouth #NikkiHaley put on a pair of combat boots and fight for a day in #Syria. See how long she stays as #warmonger,0,none, 2453,sexism2022_english-9404,"You sound like a Zionist. I don't know what your point is. That all Jews aren't Leftist, so we shouldn't call them out on their collective bullshit. Is that your point? That Jews are above criticism? I don't agree with that. 1/2",0,none, 2454,sexism2022_english-13878,Just dont tell your mother.,0,none, 2455,sexism2022_english-16992,You know you've achieved peak feminism when formerly safe women are being gang raped and murdered by Africans who shouldn't be in the country and the police can't do anything to stop it.,0,none, 2456,sexism2022_english-11826,One look at this woman and it is obvious why she hates Men.,0,none, 2457,sexism2022_english-5725,"TRUMP: ‘TIDAL WAVEâ€?OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, CRIME COMING IF DEMOCRATS WIN MIDTERM [URL]",0,none, 2458,sexism2022_english-19037,😂😂😂 racist niggers be like.... LMAO this is not America your sorry ass sentiments make us laugh.. ma nigaa,0,none, 2459,sexism2022_english-10466,"[URL] Pauline may not be the most eloquent speaker, but she is a very clever woman...a true Aussie 🖒",0,none, 2460,sexism2022_english-118,The old hag had a lot of competition crawling around the Oval Office. POTUS has a beautiful spouse and clean carpets.,0,none, 2461,sexism2022_english-9582,"I think there's a lot of media influence here, when there are a lot of movies where all high schoolers have sex all the time and in the end nerdy protagonist gets a hot girlfriend",0,none, 2462,sexism2022_english-8819,"Even if any-she agrees, her feefees will change from moment to moment, so nothing counts (that 'o' is silent).",0,none, 2463,sexism2022_english-3951,"Your 6-inch dick won't land you drooling women. It is the expected average, perceived by women themselves. You'd have to sport a well above ""perceived"" average dick to attract women and maybe bypass the other requirements. Unlikely, jfl.",0,none, 2464,sexism2022_english-9673,"[USER] I love dogs, but my wife and I have decided to never get one. Kids are enough. Maybe when the kids are older and we have land. 🐸",0,none, 2465,sexism2022_english-5799,"Non-hypocritically, my pair bonding ability would be ruined for women at my level.",0,none, 2466,sexism2022_english-15340,Massive respect to you for not breaking and unscrewing her head. Seriously.,0,none, 2467,sexism2022_english-5614,"You must be perplexed. All the logic, common sense, work ethic, proper grooming and cleaning habits, jobs, pretty women that don’t resemble baboons MUST make your brain hurt. It’s ok little guy",0,none, 2468,sexism2022_english-18557,"She said yes. Don't beat yourself up. I think connecting with her friends is great; it makes you seem less like you're just trying to get sex from her. And if it progresses, having a shared friend group with your girlfriend is really nice.",0,none, 2469,sexism2022_english-7816,Wouldn’t she still like the attention from me viewing her snap story?,0,none, 2470,sexism2022_english-6237,Many Instagram models in Indonesia are whore. Social media simps kill women,1,2. derogation, 2471,sexism2022_english-10389,"Fuck, I've been doing it wrong. But in all seriousness, do you actually think women belong in the kitchen",0,none, 2472,sexism2022_english-17141,she gave me hints and did all she could without literally saying “hit me upâ€?but I didn’t make a move bc I didn’t realize tbh,0,none, 2473,sexism2022_english-1203,Thaanks much man! Your advices are helpful!,0,none, 2474,sexism2022_english-6148,"Haha. I can't stand him, period. I'm just splicing together a bunch of cheesy songs. Laughing my ass off already.",0,none, 2475,sexism2022_english-6351,"Look at the bright side, at least the USA isn't dumb enough to refuse aid from other countries because there weren't enough Congolese firefighters around.",0,none, 2476,sexism2022_english-3973,"""high test"" she's a fat fuck",0,none, 2477,sexism2022_english-13672,I don't care if women wear makeup. It's worthless and a waste of time in my opinion. Check usernames before replying next time.,0,none, 2478,sexism2022_english-15255,"and twice had some of the milfs in my class saying they would fuck me if they were 15 years younger. This is code for ""I'm willing to fuck you if you just ask""",0,none, 2479,sexism2022_english-3244,"hate it when i get approached in stores by middle aged women asking me to sleep with their sons, i’m not for sale damn it",0,none, 2480,sexism2022_english-3081,"Well, they are StRoNg and InDePeNdEnT so not our problem anymore.",0,none, 2481,sexism2022_english-7783,[USER] My take: Landlord should mind their own fuckin' business. Bring more women just to make sure.,0,none, 2482,sexism2022_english-13186,"uhh basically everything, any woman who joins anything like that with glee is mentally insane, if they weren't, they wouldn't",1,2. derogation, 2483,sexism2022_english-6216,"BBC News - New Year's Eve party in Berlin to have 'safe zone' for women [URL] Taharrush, the Islamic gang rape game.",0,none, 2484,sexism2022_english-14441,"makes sense. Fucking Congo is deteriorating, and these fucks kill and eat bush meat leading to ebola. I feel horrible for the animals that live there.",0,none, 2485,sexism2022_english-2521,I will hit her up tomorrow,0,none, 2486,sexism2022_english-16071,That girl is getting red pills shoved down her throat daily.,0,none, 2487,sexism2022_english-12078,"Ahh...redneck Limoozin (Limousine, for the edu-ma-cated) [URL]",0,none, 2488,sexism2022_english-10330,Yeah it's interesting. As I've got older sometimes I've noticed by bitch levels. T have gone down 🤣,1,3. animosity, 2489,sexism2022_english-19990,those are not the type of girls you should be looking for though. :/ but i see what you mean. it's hard to find girls that are different. tinder is just a shit app though.,0,none, 2490,sexism2022_english-13497,"[USER] Matt Drudge is a spy, right-wingers are useful idiots. You can't make this shit up.",0,none, 2491,sexism2022_english-11700,"In this particular case, she had motive and willfully struck him down with a vehicle while intoxicated. She *recklessly* struck him down, and *allegedly* had motive. Nuance.",0,none, 2492,sexism2022_english-6465,No it has to do with female nature it sounds... learn to play with it... it's easily manipulated into a mans favors,1,3. animosity, 2493,sexism2022_english-19453,"Sargon's behavior is why there are usually strict rules to debates. He was such a disengenuous, shifty, conceded, vacuous putz. And that's coming from a Jew.",0,none, 2494,sexism2022_english-15241,she has a pistol but she wants us unarmed,0,none, 2495,sexism2022_english-19808,"According to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, 18-year-old Erik Ivan Rodriguez allegedly met a 13-year-old and they began talking on “Snapchat.â€?The suspect then reportedly met the alleged victim at her home.",0,none, 2496,sexism2022_english-10950,Certainly the username checks out. She should be more angry with her stupid mother for being careless.,0,none, 2497,sexism2022_english-1590,Okay someone explain wtf happened here. Did they use her egg and his sperm or someone else’s egg. This is the endgame of insanity.,0,none, 2498,sexism2022_english-9209,"Girls on social media who say they are christians > Girls who say they go to church > I'm a quiet good wholesome girl *Back with alpha* > ""Its okay God says anal doesn't count"" #TheGreatTriggering",0,none, 2499,sexism2022_english-6170,She must be as horrid as her mother the elite love evil people.after her using relief donations mentioned for victims to pay for wedding and honeymoon.she is evil enough.,0,none, 2500,sexism2022_english-6834,"Oh, so websites import Muslims that rape your daughter? LMAO",0,none, 2501,sexism2022_english-18062,Nah this is all on Hamback and stool pigeon. No one forced Hamback to fuck his mother in law and no one forced stoolie to shoot his mouth off and act like an angry woman. If they lack that much discipline its for the best they are no longer leaders.,1,3. animosity, 2502,sexism2022_english-12985,"I doubt any mom or dad would ever say ok to that, super creepy. I'd tell a guy to go fuck off if he asked me that.",0,none, 2503,sexism2022_english-17376,"Just when you're sure your marriage is all over, your wife will fuck you one last time. Not only that, it'll be a threesome. If you count the lawyer stood by her side.",0,none, 2504,sexism2022_english-4861,"That's true, but think how miserable those women get as they get older and they are left with a fat balding beta-bucks husband and no Chad.",0,none, 2505,sexism2022_english-12967,lol dude u dont even know the basics of game never walk over a mile for a chick unless ur guaranteed gonna fuck her. walking over a mile when the poon is not guaranteed is a sure fire as fuck way for her to see you as a needy wet noodle.,0,none, 2506,sexism2022_english-17056,"The point for me is that I'd use different game with an HB7 than an HB9, they're both attractive girls but are often better seduced with specific tactics.",0,none, 2507,sexism2022_english-6999,I see a lot of these posts and everyone over thinks it lol. All you need to do is chill and flirt with her for like 20-30 minutes at most and then just go in for a kiss. After that it's pretty straight forward lmao,0,none, 2508,sexism2022_english-8700,"Perhaps to blow your fucking worthless, useless libscum head off, fool! Slink away to mommies basement and leave war to the the warriors! You're just collateral damage and nobody cares!",0,none, 2509,sexism2022_english-7363,Only way is if 10 times tougher than any male then. Her beauty is a deficit in this career. Just honest. It takes one bad ass mother to be a seal and she would have to had them all their asses to be included in that club.,0,none, 2510,sexism2022_english-14312,Na he's not flirting with her so she's reading him as gay.,0,none, 2511,sexism2022_english-18053,Curious what people think of this approach she's taken.,0,none, 2512,sexism2022_english-8180,"you are mistaken, they don't want equality. They only want privileges without matching responsibilities.",0,none, 2513,sexism2022_english-18151,"#PresidentialDebates I will never forgive her! I'm Deplorable and Proud! She will never have my support, ever!",0,none, 2514,sexism2022_english-5239,"Nah, the moral of the story is women like that should be avoided like the plague.",0,none, 2515,sexism2022_english-7605,"Mate, I'm self quarantining myself away from women, thanks for the warning. These chick's are so good looking I'm afraid I might be putty in their hands.",0,none, 2516,sexism2022_english-18609,"SO he plays a badass on tv, then tucks his balls in and lies down at his wife's feet?",0,none, 2517,sexism2022_english-1112,"Looks more like an old bagger if you ask me, and I'm a woman judging her, lol. I am an old bag in general lol.",0,none, 2518,sexism2022_english-18047,WHO ON EARTH WOULD WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH A 5 INCH BUT 7 INCH GIRTH PENIS THAT IS FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS.,0,none, 2519,sexism2022_english-5690,I hope you don't message her back!,0,none, 2520,sexism2022_english-2982,"Haha jokes on her, all those $20s that she takes from you will have Harriet Tubman's ugly mug on them!",0,none, 2521,sexism2022_english-13810,Miss Pony [USER] posting her own home made porn photos Your one sick bitch !,1,2. derogation, 2522,sexism2022_english-13772,"No argument here, just want to understand better. So I see a lot of ugly couples all the time. I know not everyone here is looking for someone, but for the people who are, what kind of standards do you guys have set? Are there any female incels here?",0,none, 2523,sexism2022_english-8829,"""I had no idea what you guys were talking about"" -female acquaintance, after hanging out with me and guy friends. We were having basic surface level discussions lol",0,none, 2524,sexism2022_english-7224,Give me an example because I can't just start touching a girl without talk (or can I)?,0,none, 2525,sexism2022_english-19445,"Wanted: Three Illegals, Accused of Raping Two Sisters, Ages 13 and 14: Police are scouring for three illegal aliens who fled the Bowling Green, Ohio, area after being accused of raping two sisters, ages 14 and 13. [URL]",0,none, 2526,sexism2022_english-1257,Don’t studies say that women on average prefer green eyes?,0,none, 2527,sexism2022_english-13,"and if you buy into the Christianity myth, you buy into the LIE that JEWS are GOD's Chosen People. & Christians raped, murdered 5 million European women labeling them witches, when they were : village women. stupid fucking lames. do some research..",0,none, 2528,sexism2022_english-631,Playing some Jumble. Mind games are always good and healthy. #Jumble #MicrosoftUltimateWordGames #Windows10 #Microsoft,0,none, 2529,sexism2022_english-10092,"Man, she is one ugly ass Pedophile.",0,none, 2530,sexism2022_english-2580,Even us girls did this with or without our brothers. I miss those days when we loved earning money. The pride we felt was an amazing feeling. My kids did the same thing. Raised them right and now the grand kids are learning the same lesson. ;-),0,none, 2531,sexism2022_english-2177,"Birth control + condom and emergency contraceptives if necessary and you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting pregnant. Contraceptive ""failure"" happens from either negligence or fraud. Her body, her responsibility.",0,none, 2532,sexism2022_english-3807,"Pretty much no hint of the subject being mensrights is left, everything from the sidebar to the posts to the forum caption is more and more exclusively ""we hate feminism"" or ""women are bad"" and very little about anything to do with mensrights.",0,none, 2533,sexism2022_english-10801,"Nothing more cucked than having your woman wear another man's jersey with his name on her back. Disgusting, foul bugmen!",0,none, 2534,sexism2022_english-16961,"#astrology My mother is going to be in the hospital by December, I think. She's not sick (yet). But she did have a car accident today--no damage, no one hurt. Saturn coming for her, figuratively speaking.",0,none, 2535,sexism2022_english-5246,"I just say ""I'm waiting to fall in love"" which is usually followed by their awwws. It's better to say that rather then giving them logical answers as to why you have made a conscious decision to avoid women.",0,none, 2536,sexism2022_english-18928,"If you're a woman / he-she / it, I'll take that as a compliment.",0,none, 2537,sexism2022_english-3630,Top kek. Disgusting old cripple resenting Chad for not wanting to fuck her roast beef cunt.,1,2. derogation, 2538,sexism2022_english-16997,"oh yeah, he's totally pussy whipped. its weird though because he's basically her bitch, and acts like a complete wimp around her, but when she isnt there he's a badman who thinks he's better than everyone else.",1,3. animosity, 2539,sexism2022_english-12114,I know. I’ve watched a lot of them. You can feel how uncomfortable these girls are next to him. He’s everyone’s skeevy uncle,0,none, 2540,sexism2022_english-19595,Fuck that cunt. She's in hell alright. Ill pray she's suffering for eternity.,1,2. derogation, 2541,sexism2022_english-17991,[USER] Women need some meat on 'em. These scrawny city girls who eat nothing but salad scare me.,1,3. animosity, 2542,sexism2022_english-13524,"""entitled"", ""personality"", ""lower your standards"", ""slut shaming"", ""improve yourself"", ""therapy""",0,none, 2543,sexism2022_english-2558,"another fucking lie from a total judas sell out who never worked a day in his miserable life just how stupid are the people living in vermont ,wake the fuck up and getrid of this leech on society ,nd wheres his bank fraud wife ,is she in jail yet",0,none, 2544,sexism2022_english-10596,"No, because liberals virtually idolized Gonzales for her brave bullying of the kid that would go on to commit mass murder. The two obviously couldn't be connected in any fashion, so this is just a sign of how strong and brave she is.",0,none, 2545,sexism2022_english-12684,"these shits think this is a high school protest...some teeth really need to be parted, for them to wake the fuck up",0,none, 2546,sexism2022_english-7408,she is untermensch,0,none, 2547,sexism2022_english-19203,It's always about me me me me with women.,1,2. derogation, 2548,sexism2022_english-10313,i’d say sarcastically agree to the point she knows you’re not really into it. tease her about it. you shouldn’t give a Hoot if you’ll lose her bro. obviously within reason. that’s confidence and that equals more attraction.,0,none, 2549,sexism2022_english-5185,"In essence, women who do this are saying ""it's ok"" instead of nipping it in the bud and telling the guy off and smacking his face hard.",0,none, 2550,sexism2022_english-864,"Hope you stick around. If you can't get a girl, you can't get a girl just like the rest of the sub.",0,none, 2551,sexism2022_english-12740,not going to join your gay ass jew hate club dude. i don't want to be mistaken for a muslim. now run along we r done talking.,0,none, 2552,sexism2022_english-8024,"It's photoshopped. It is actually a target she is tearing up. Not that that makes me like her any more, but just so you know.",0,none, 2553,sexism2022_english-13624,What part of not actually needing to behave like a douchebag to have hot women in your life do you find strange?,0,none, 2554,sexism2022_english-10538,"[USER] Good advice, although the women depicted - well, are several of them hiding inside each of the feminazis marching on DC?",1,2. derogation, 2555,sexism2022_english-13943,"[USER] Exactly! LOL I can't believe we are discussing his few ""gropees"" and Crooked Hillary has done what she has! SMH but trying to laugh. 😁",0,none, 2556,sexism2022_english-16409,"WHy didn't you sleep with her when she was in your place? It is not complicated, she is not replying, then it is over. Don't keep texting and digging a deeper hole...",0,none, 2557,sexism2022_english-8978,the silence of the lambs under gun control,0,none, 2558,sexism2022_english-7088,"Notice how those COWARDS prey on mostly helpless women, and not men ????",0,none, 2559,sexism2022_english-9005,"an aside note, the woman in the middle has some badass calfs! God I hate women who have naturally great calfs.",0,none, 2560,sexism2022_english-17952,"I have the word 'Standards' printed on my underpants. So I can raise them, or lower them, depending on the quality of the women I meet",0,none, 2561,sexism2022_english-12581,If I was planning to marry her. Soon. Very soon.,0,none, 2562,sexism2022_english-12150,"Jane will marry some sucker, cheat on him, get divorced, ride the CC, and end up fat, miserable and probably a single mother. You are going to be free, happy and successful!",0,none, 2563,sexism2022_english-16708,"Imagine having to work with a woman along with all the stress from your other responsibilities. I've been there bro it fucking sucks, but be careful always, they will use their gender to their advantage.",1,2. derogation, 2564,sexism2022_english-1749,"I cry, sure I hate it, but sometimes I do. Fuck it, can't control it I do it. Just don't be a pussy and cry supplication.",1,3. animosity, 2565,sexism2022_english-5025,"No, they mean like when specifically a black person gets loud and rowdy and how they (the black person) acts in that regard. The article is saying men should avoid women who act like that especially in attention-seeking environments.",0,none, 2566,sexism2022_english-1679,"The moment Fox TV shows Hillary talking, I turn the channel. She's GONE. Forget her til she hangs for her crimes. When those stupid talk show radio hosts air Hellary's shrill witch voice, I turn them OFF. I am in control - of THAT much!",0,none, 2567,sexism2022_english-4232,"DangZagnut just sort be new here Says someone whose account is 14 days old. The only one new here is you, and the way you are acting, I highly suspect you are female.",0,none, 2568,sexism2022_english-3644,Is this Justice ? Saleem has been ordered to sign the sex offenders' register for 10 years and will be subject to a sexual harm prevention order for decade. Sallem claimed to be a sanctuary for rescued cats when he preyed on the young girls. [URL],0,none, 2569,sexism2022_english-3595,[URL] I wouldn't be surprised. I'd hate to see what she eats for lunch.,0,none, 2570,sexism2022_english-17565,AWAGC All women are gynocentric cunts,1,2. derogation, 2571,sexism2022_english-10023,"Look at that pale fatass blob with a pixie cut, or weird beatles haircut. She waddles around wearing vile shirts. I hope trash like her die off before producing offspring.",0,none, 2572,sexism2022_english-16585,"If while with a hot blonder you are thinking about the dude with a high smv who screwed her, then your problem cannot be fixed with TRP. You might need to switch teams.",0,none, 2573,sexism2022_english-1591,I honestly don't think SHE realizes her husband is gay and it's a sham...but maybe I'm wrong.,0,none, 2574,sexism2022_english-3634,"Lol no, it makes you the guy who is always talking about himself. She should be talking about herself.",0,none, 2575,sexism2022_english-5595,"in my town, we have a place where its split into 2 sections... 21+ and 18+. The 18 year olds weren't allowed in the other half of the club but the 21 year olds had access to the entire place. Try to find something like that.",0,none, 2576,sexism2022_english-10760,"Sex in public. I was watching the last Harry Potter movie with my girlfriend. Her response was ""No, there's people around."" So we got up and walked to the back of the theater. Did I rape my girlfriend?",0,none, 2577,sexism2022_english-915,"One time I approached a group of three girls with a simple ""can I drink with you"" because I was attracted to one of the girls. Her friend tried to 'guard' her until I started hitting on her instead for her personality.",0,none, 2578,sexism2022_english-11728,"She won't mind if you try. It is possible (5%) she will say ""no, and I mean it"", but it would really hurt her feelings if you wouldn't try it. Talking from my experience. :(",0,none, 2579,sexism2022_english-19078,"Is this going to be the new crusade? Instead of reporting women to the IRS, reporting cheaters to their boyfriends/husbands?",0,none, 2580,sexism2022_english-12299,my mom is retarded smdh,0,none, 2581,sexism2022_english-11559,"Good man! But if you had billions, she would want billions, and no woman would settle for 5 or 10 million, when she could get 1 or 2 billion!",1,3. animosity, 2582,sexism2022_english-2124,I hate PH's cutesy PR campaign.,0,none, 2583,sexism2022_english-3369,"Yes, its a total insult if she's not attractive.",0,none, 2584,sexism2022_english-8669,Why didn't she abort the dog that represents her progeny? It did interrupt her video intro.,0,none, 2585,sexism2022_english-1158,"That must be his ""where da white women at"" hoodie.",0,none, 2586,sexism2022_english-11237,he had a stroke and prob did a spit roast with the national treasure Stephen fry with you young love while emile sande was playing as she is shit too,0,none, 2587,sexism2022_english-686,There has to be something more to this DOES'NT THERE?,0,none, 2588,sexism2022_english-18390,Full on crotch grab from Biden. Even the baby's mom isn't holding him that way.,0,none, 2589,sexism2022_english-3981,"Don't get me wrong I do like being a hit taller but it ain't gonna turn a harlot into a housewife. Nothing is gonna turn a harlot (hoe) into a housewife and remember, AWALT.",1,2. derogation, 2590,sexism2022_english-12521,"Never cross a Russian women, they make crazy American women look like saints.",1,2. derogation, 2591,sexism2022_english-18558,"Jeeze, those damn women and their demands to be treated with professional decency. Skanks, I tell you.",1,3. animosity, 2592,sexism2022_english-2138,[USER] Dude- you're pretty hot. There was no way you wouldn't have been a hit with the ladies. ;),0,none, 2593,sexism2022_english-1588,"Your not red pilled if you don't know what hypergamy is. She will always look for someone better whether its money, looks, status etc.",1,3. animosity, 2594,sexism2022_english-16066,SICK: CBS Brings on Bill Clinton’s Daughter to Discuss Kavanaugh Abuse Claims [URL] She's dumb as a rock. She should ask her father about all the women he's raped.,0,none, 2595,sexism2022_english-16571,"Truth! The only, 'racists' now are white nationals of their own countries who are objecting to the drugs, rapes, pedophelia gang groomers, and the murderers, who after raping their victims, beat them to death.",0,none, 2596,sexism2022_english-17947,.It would cause civil war of he was taken out but it seems like he is under #ISrael's balls since he asked them 2 rescue the #WhiteHelmets from Syria not too long ago!,0,none, 2597,sexism2022_english-7437,"I am not asking for a lot, just a mid 20s female not overweight just like me. But nope no one, I guess the politic and hobbie doesn’t match with them whilst I don’t even have such requirement at all. When I am be nice just a creepy r/niceguys.",0,none, 2598,sexism2022_english-5295,"Not all women date ""up"". There are plenty of women who just want a compatible guy.",0,none, 2599,sexism2022_english-9105,That is fucking disgusting. Look at where his eyes are focused. That mother fucker should be shot in the balls.,0,none, 2600,sexism2022_english-15800,Exactly. What about the women who are pregnant? Women who don't have periods or spot all the time? Who's going to check if stacy is actually on her period?,0,none, 2601,sexism2022_english-7153,It probably wanted to suicide but was too much of a pussy.,1,3. animosity, 2602,sexism2022_english-13953,proves that gun control is BS and that every lawful man and woman is entitled to a firearm,0,none, 2603,sexism2022_english-3151,"Truefemcels is troll idk about fa, inb4 bbw whaling starts ranting about fa having truecel women",0,none, 2604,sexism2022_english-14329,"Next time a race-baiting snowflake claims the GOP tolerates white supremacy, show them this. [URL]",0,none, 2605,sexism2022_english-14854,"shes a POS what do u expect,",0,none, 2606,sexism2022_english-2418,"claims to understand biology >is a civic nationalist He has you pegged cuck, or maybe your wife's BF does that.",0,none, 2607,sexism2022_english-19832,[USER] Well at least God beat her with The Ugly Stick...,0,none, 2608,sexism2022_english-15839,It's SIMP-ly a way for a man to express his love for his woman.,0,none, 2609,sexism2022_english-1647,"Yes, it is. I am still digesting that...but I kind of get it now, considering most women are most likely bisexual.",0,none, 2610,sexism2022_english-12227,"How much vitamin D do you take? I started taking 2500ul per day and I kid you not, im chasing these girls, running around the gym with my knuckles and tongue draggin on the floor behind me n shit.",0,none, 2611,sexism2022_english-2176,Ok.. RE-Closing it out since you gabsters intterrupted my og close-out ([USER] ): You all smell like #Gabtastica 1 hour of #love for you all.. #GetItOn with your #lady [URL],0,none, 2612,sexism2022_english-13492,I know it's fucking stupid and I hope this is another case of some-one pretending to work for Bioware not an actual Bioware dev but at this stage it wouldn't shock me if it was.,0,none, 2613,sexism2022_english-11466,"[USER] yes, and [USER] nailed it.. a 'Pity Party' ...where the #Crooked doubled & trebled in #CrookedHillary blaming every fu*king one/thing EXCEPT herself... #Liars gotta lie...#MAGA #Trump #News #PresidentTrump",0,none, 2614,sexism2022_english-10479,Ashe is such a classy lady. Presidential for sure,0,none, 2615,sexism2022_english-12824,Stop trying to be so cool. Saying you friendzone all your girls you date...psh.,0,none, 2616,sexism2022_english-2889,Well of course she isn't playing *videogames.* That's something icky **boys** play. Gross!,1,3. animosity, 2617,sexism2022_english-3757,"This is ridiculous. Shouldn't it be common sense that whoever buys something gets to keep it? Every cuck in the article suggests that women are entitled to their man's labor and poccessions, something that is blatantly NOT HERS. Thank you China.",0,none, 2618,sexism2022_english-14593,"tbh, that's how civilization got built. Betas working day & night to bring home money. If women & chad were running things, we would all still be in mud huts & caves.",1,2. derogation, 2619,sexism2022_english-12779,Why is a woman who donated to the group goign around beating people for political speech talking about how best to protect political speech,0,none, 2620,sexism2022_english-4097,Nope. The court has decided to uphold the law of the United States that allows our president to protect us from terrorism. You are in the wrong place here. No sharia here! Take your daughter and hit the road.,0,none, 2621,sexism2022_english-3950,[USER] Isnt that like when that witch Pelosi said we have to pass it to see whats in it? That turned out well.,1,2. derogation, 2622,sexism2022_english-10465,"Computers can already reproduce shitty modern ""art"" [URL] Next you'll tell me AI can burn toast and park like a woman.",1,3. animosity, 2623,sexism2022_english-15314,"Can you point to any of these ""great many people"" calling for the ""annihilation"" of anyone who suggests female privilege?",0,none, 2624,sexism2022_english-5752,"Though in defense of this blue pill White knight NASA administrator, guys like him consider women as people and men as trash, so even if women don't arrive for 100 years after the first men, they will still be the first ""people"" on Mars.",0,none, 2625,sexism2022_english-5062,"Mexican Store In Jacksonville had a black male come steal a donation jar for the family of Heydi Rivas-Villanueva, 7, who was shot and killed recently. At least $500 was in it. 2nd time now, find him Twitter - JSO [URL]",0,none, 2626,sexism2022_english-8424,"Natanyahu? Wtf did he EVER do wrong Put b.o. on the list, he stinks",0,none, 2627,sexism2022_english-17956,[USER] Exactly... which is why she loved Obama. Well sorry old hag... your time is done. The world is waking up to the truth.,1,3. animosity, 2628,sexism2022_english-7851,"This lady needs to be grounded, when woman acts way above her objective value it leads to destruction of society. She wants chad thundercocka with merc but she doesnt deserve a taxi driver. What a disgusting human being.",1,2. derogation, 2629,sexism2022_english-1801,She looks like a liberal liar wonder how much Soros and the Democrats are paying her.,0,none, 2630,sexism2022_english-12387,Jeff Sessions is doing his job perfectly. He's a Deep State cuck par excellence.,0,none, 2631,sexism2022_english-11156,Thank you for dying for safety of chad and Stacy and their children.,0,none, 2632,sexism2022_english-3937,"Lol how do you glean 1:1 ratio from ""100 guys blowing up her phone""",0,none, 2633,sexism2022_english-1491,"Alright? That's an even better job than being a streamer. That entirely depends on what the streamer earns. > Almost like he deserves a break after work to play when his wife DOESN'T HAVE A JOB. Yes for sure, I didn't say he didn't you simpleton.",0,none, 2634,sexism2022_english-3928,"Watch the video then submit your proof to debunk it. That ""Dr"" in front of your name doesn't mean shit to me. I lost respect for doctors when they killed my sister. Doctors kill more people than cancer. Prove it wrong. #BigPharmaIndoctrination",0,none, 2635,sexism2022_english-17177,I can give lots of info on this. Dm if you have questions. Yes youll meet lots of women doing this. However it has not made me any more successful with women if Im being honest.,0,none, 2636,sexism2022_english-10196,Brad Pitt has an insane SMV based on his celebrity status alone. He could get chubby and he would still have a bird of women wanting to suck his dick,0,none, 2637,sexism2022_english-3639,shes a piece of shit!,0,none, 2638,sexism2022_english-19658,Or they can let the Muslims take over and have themselves killed instead. Their choice,0,none, 2639,sexism2022_english-13693,"Forgot about the part where it says ""gives women the Gina Tingles"". Women love abusive sadistic killers such as Ted Bundy and Charles Manson. They run Dark Triad Game on everyone and have an abundance mentality.",1,2. derogation, 2640,sexism2022_english-13538,"Shorty Sadiq reminds me of the little Pendejo Jorge Ramos, except he is worse. #Muslim",0,none, 2641,sexism2022_english-19377,"Example: gal at the register this afternoon wanted to know why I & others, had a black smudge on my head. NO offence, no insult. I told her, it's Lent, 40 days of reflection about Jesus. She thanked me for the info, ZERO drama!",0,none, 2642,sexism2022_english-15963,Didn't some coons make a movie where they went in drag as white girls so they could miseginate? That was jewish funny and jewish approved.,0,none, 2643,sexism2022_english-10272,From as much as I hear she drinks- it could be wet-brain.,0,none, 2644,sexism2022_english-10574,r/short is manlet cope and blue pill. They ban incels.,0,none, 2645,sexism2022_english-637,Why ‘noodleâ€?though? I’m probably overthinking it but I can’t figure out why noodle=Asian women..... Idk why I’m trying to find any logic in their shitty incel slang 🙃,0,none, 2646,sexism2022_english-5357,"shit, I need to step my game up. bested by a 10 year old girl no less. feelsbadfam.jpg",0,none, 2647,sexism2022_english-9982,My wife wanted to spice up our relationship with role play. She pretended to be a naughty schoolgirl and I pretended to be interested.,0,none, 2648,sexism2022_english-5363,Why do you obsess and talk about nutting children why do you talk about playing with their buttholes. You're a sick mother fucker,0,none, 2649,sexism2022_english-12438,Thats a kid behind him you retard,0,none, 2650,sexism2022_english-941,"I always thought that was lame. I've seen dudes call girls sluts because they were fucking some dude they knew, but the real reason was because they weren't fucking them.",0,none, 2651,sexism2022_english-16765,Well black men get treated the worst...,0,none, 2652,sexism2022_english-13886,You can get Chipotle mayonnaise if you prefer,0,none, 2653,sexism2022_english-14868,That's female fantasy. I have a lot of experience in that field and nurses marry doctors all the time. Something statistics also support.,1,3. animosity, 2654,sexism2022_english-13633,Chad and Stacy have make work jobs /s,0,none, 2655,sexism2022_english-11405,I wonder if doing that lip bite to a girl will have the same effect to her that it is having on us? She is really turning me on.,0,none, 2656,sexism2022_english-14794,"Try actually taking them out, and not just expecting them to fall onto your dick.",0,none, 2657,sexism2022_english-3545,From proud purveyor of fine female anatomy to D-grade Buzzfeed ripoff: Playboy now baring it all on... bronies? [URL],0,none, 2658,sexism2022_english-8317,book example of not giving a fuck about women,0,none, 2659,sexism2022_english-11869,"Can you imagine the extended, continual media celebration that we are going to witness when Michelle Obama finally announces her candidacy?",0,none, 2660,sexism2022_english-4644,"What they don't tell you in 40-second porn clips is that she had to use dilators for months to make her vagina open that wide. Some of those things they shove up there are collapse while inside. Sorry, I don't have a collapsable dick lol.",0,none, 2661,sexism2022_english-7207,Here on the Oregon coast it doesn't snow. It's colder than a witch's titty though!,0,none, 2662,sexism2022_english-4092,"🤣🤣🤣🤣 My hubby eats healthy, as do I. Thats why. Also, he enjoys cooking as a hobby. No, he isn't a cuck, like you are. 👌👌👌👌",0,none, 2663,sexism2022_english-3590,"If having Kate Upton for a girlfriend, and you STILL want to kill yourself, you must be in a bad place. Justin Verlander: How Kate Upton kept him from killing himself [URL]",0,none, 2664,sexism2022_english-12458,"I hope we don’t. Maybe if all the woman-bashing and “Cuntâ€?speak were minimized, then we would be less likely to get banned ...? Dunno",1,3. animosity, 2665,sexism2022_english-2117,#DMTBKA white woman complains about diversity also there is no such thing as a hate crime!!!! [URL],0,none, 2666,sexism2022_english-16200,"Hey guys, love to hear some feedback on my approach. Keep falling back to the saft topics when I talk to girls, yet she seems to enjoy the conversation. Have a great day, /Alex",0,none, 2667,sexism2022_english-4662,I wonder if the only reason he is sucking white dick is that it makes him feel empowered even when he is fucking his token honky in the ass ?😎,0,none, 2668,sexism2022_english-16379,"One day, I'm gonna be confident enough to not need another guy's or girl's validation. I am really impressed with your confidence. Hope you find the girl who is gf material.",0,none, 2669,sexism2022_english-8287,I'm not defending this woman in any way. But why would her boyfriend force her to report to the police. That should be a person's choice,0,none, 2670,sexism2022_english-1589,"Go look on her profile and see if you can find any mutual interests, and then ask about it.",0,none, 2671,sexism2022_english-8979,"Exactly my point. If you're a woman it's practically stupid not to capitalize as much as possible on the situation. You're encouraged to destroy your own family, take your kids away from the father and try to catch another beta as fast as possible.",1,3. animosity, 2672,sexism2022_english-9280,"Big tech strangle hold is simply absurd. Corporations colluding with media and government to take down free speech without accepting responsibility for it, under the guise of “free enterprise.â€?We’ll see what they try next...",0,none, 2673,sexism2022_english-1704,"Yeah, you got a little too clingy and smothered her. Best bet is to cut off contact for a while.",0,none, 2674,sexism2022_english-2187,"First, Jews can be white. Practicing a religion does not alter your race. Second, she is Italian Catholic. I will repeat: Behar was born Josephine Occhiuto in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, to a Roman Catholic family of Italian descent.",0,none, 2675,sexism2022_english-1459,"Can't like, my wife's family, most definitely not mine.",0,none, 2676,sexism2022_english-2590,"yeah bitches who serve in the military and are responsible enough to pay for college themselves should be fucked, but then they should still be sent to afghan to die and eat shit. fuck her.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2677,sexism2022_english-14981,My mom makes me zombie targets lolol,0,none, 2678,sexism2022_english-2042,She must be talking about her kind of public.,0,none, 2679,sexism2022_english-17739,"Nothing to see here, just another liberal ""feminist"" whore prostituting her soul. [URL]",1,2. derogation, 2680,sexism2022_english-10679,Make sure to tell every idiot left wing prof you see that they should resign to open a spot for a woman of color,0,none, 2681,sexism2022_english-16781,[USER] Science will have to invent a new form of math just to quantify her ego. Maybe under a president Trump the only place she'll be leaving to is a prison. Let her bitch about the patriarchy from cell block C.,1,3. animosity, 2682,sexism2022_english-14089,"WTF? Why does she need a half a million dollar salary plus expenses? What a waist of money, just the FBI & DOJ!",0,none, 2683,sexism2022_english-19778,"other vapid whore. fuck the off like kindly ""I'm you girls"" not",1,3. animosity, 2684,sexism2022_english-16031,Shoot these enemies.,0,none, 2685,sexism2022_english-7710,Women are addicted to social media.,1,3. animosity, 2686,sexism2022_english-5972,Patience is virtue little one. Stay away from the old lady cunts and all your problems will be solved. Hehe. You crack me up.,1,2. derogation, 2687,sexism2022_english-5886,do a stone ole stunna on may the hag she has got to go uk is so cuck we need a duterte shoot the fukas,1,2. derogation, 2688,sexism2022_english-16836,"It's true. The spy agencies appoint people from all walks of life, from young sharp guys, to grandmas and grandpas. Back in the 1950s the CIA even recruited magicians to help them with MK Ultra.",0,none, 2689,sexism2022_english-13352,More than forty percent of men in South Africa have been sexually abused themselves. It's rape central over there. [URL],0,none, 2690,sexism2022_english-518,"[USER] I wouldn't kick her out of bed. Well, maybe, there's more room on the floor.",0,none, 2691,sexism2022_english-5823,It's all of that Indian blood coming out in her. Just keep her away from the Firewater.,0,none, 2692,sexism2022_english-9935,"Don’t misunderstand me, I love my mother to death. At the same time, I would also like to give her a few slaps due to her meddling in my affairs.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2693,sexism2022_english-12614,"Dude, do you really think girls are so interested in you that they're sitting around scheming?",0,none, 2694,sexism2022_english-6803,"[USER] I hadn't thought about it like that, although my jaw hit the floor when I'd seen what she looked like giving that speech after the election.",0,none, 2695,sexism2022_english-1890,"Photos emerge of girl friend recently in Dubai. Recent Photo emerges of this guy wearing a pussy hat, next to girl friend at anti trump protest, Had girl friends ID to check in hotel how without that did she get to dubai?",0,none, 2696,sexism2022_english-3865,"I'm a hobbyist photographer and tbh it's hard to focus on foids when you are shooting, you just want the bitch to understand instructions",1,2. derogation, 2697,sexism2022_english-2219,"BTW those wait periods don't apply to the political class, just the serfs who pay for it through taxes.",0,none, 2698,sexism2022_english-10074,"My point is that if the woman di ed of a heart attack as a result of being morbidly obese, why is the gentleman being implicated in her death AT ALL? Seems ludicrous to me.",0,none, 2699,sexism2022_english-11478,You're an ok guy for a faggot bugman.,0,none, 2700,sexism2022_english-5368,"It's sad. A few years ago, it was all positive masculinity, self-improvement, with a side of Game. These days, they've put the pussy on the pedestal as bad as the BP crowd.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2701,sexism2022_english-959,Pimps need thots?,1,3. animosity, 2702,sexism2022_english-126,"Nah, this ching chong doesn't regret professing hatred towards whites, she's only regretting it was found out. [URL]",0,none, 2703,sexism2022_english-18700,"""Only love can beat hate!"" It was not love that drove the Ottomans from Europe and liberated those they subjugated and oppressed, it was the winged hussars might and bravery.",0,none, 2704,sexism2022_english-18329,"she should talk, I bet her slyz looks like its been worked over by a bulldozer.",0,none, 2705,sexism2022_english-6743,"Its simple, hard core feminist are as attractive as a slug, while conservative woman can cause a man to be speechless.",1,2. derogation, 2706,sexism2022_english-10512,Don't forget her daddy's ties to NXVIM,0,none, 2707,sexism2022_english-18542,"Fine, let's set up facebook pages with lists of women who have accused men *falsely* of being pedophiles, rapists, etc.",0,none, 2708,sexism2022_english-8304,"My wife confessed she worries I -watch porn at my office -meet women at my office -don't fuck her enough None of the above are true. I replied -""too distracting"" - -fucked her Thank you [USER]",0,none, 2709,sexism2022_english-9313,"Not that I know of, but damn I wish she would be. He could almost have her as a nightly punching bag, and it would be a lot more entertaining than watching that cuck Hannity give the walking GRIDS patient Colmes a milquetoast drubbing.",0,none, 2710,sexism2022_english-8680,if I had a kid right now he/she would be homeschooled,0,none, 2711,sexism2022_english-15103,Not like women you dumbfuck. Women are way more emotional and the mood swing on them is more intense,1,3. animosity, 2712,sexism2022_english-5837,"I don't know. We're all growing old, and that is twice tonight that you have dampened this old man's eyes. Thank you! She always had that stunning look of wide-eyed innocence about her, which belied the tremendous power of her voice.",0,none, 2713,sexism2022_english-17506,"My buddy and wife just stopped by to check on me and my kids, left me with tons of food and love. Best people ever, and young and Christian, and caucasian,",0,none, 2714,sexism2022_english-7233,We treat you like shit now go kill a bunch of people for us.,0,none, 2715,sexism2022_english-10265,Lol this has happened to me. Some even joked that I probably have five girlfriends JFL and I'm not a fakecel,0,none, 2716,sexism2022_english-12676,[URL] Just click on the link and you'll see the asshole in all her rotten glory. Then you'll know why.,0,none, 2717,sexism2022_english-19881,"Yes. My point is that I do my level best to seek out and surround myself with the correct, thin edge of the bell curve. The majority I ignore, and the other end I use as ditch diggers (the world needs ditch diggers). That’s GuardAmerican’s pattern.",0,none, 2718,sexism2022_english-702,[USER] What is he doing to her in that pic... LMAO,0,none, 2719,sexism2022_english-17367,"We won't forget either. Not this, or any other Democrat hit jobs.",0,none, 2720,sexism2022_english-16602,Twitter hasn't suspended the account? They must really hate guys and whites lol,0,none, 2721,sexism2022_english-1487,Eurafrica is Europe's Destiny... and here's why another normie-friendly vid to share! [URL],0,none, 2722,sexism2022_english-18471,You shouldn't make jokes about assaulting women.,0,none, 2723,sexism2022_english-6642,"Who the hell are you? I like the tone of this :-) I often say 'so, what's your story?' to girls and I imagine it kinda has the same effect: they suddenly feel the pressure to qualify to you why they are interesting to talk to. Good times!",0,none, 2724,sexism2022_english-3518,In the back of a mans mind is humiliation and the idea that another man is mocking and laughing at him - it is a pride issue,0,none, 2725,sexism2022_english-4758,I won't miss that bitch lmfao,1,3. animosity, 2726,sexism2022_english-11493,"So if men can beat women at cooking and cleaning, why are incels so obsessed with finding women who can double as a maid? 🤔",0,none, 2727,sexism2022_english-6833,"[USER] actually, I am pretty calm. Knowing that I have a gab account is like dating a girl who always puts out. Long movie, long dinner, what, me worry?",0,none, 2728,sexism2022_english-8271,"thankyou for your answer, i'm getting a good idea now of where it stands from this thread and i'm glad i asked. there's a lot of misinformation about aggressive homophobia in the mgtow community so it's good to see that it's not a staple ideology",0,none, 2729,sexism2022_english-1558,"Why do they waterboard though?! These are muzzies, a pig's blood waterboarding would really get their tongues wagging quick! Plus, the bastard could never get into their bizarre heaven then!",0,none, 2730,sexism2022_english-6439,[USER] because I grabbed her by the pussy,1,2. derogation, 2731,sexism2022_english-12902,I'm just happy she found a legal use for her mouth to make money.,0,none, 2732,sexism2022_english-15597,God bless America! Death to all who wish to destroy her. Blood will be spilled.,0,none, 2733,sexism2022_english-2403,that filthy black ape gets his hands on the pretty young white girl he'll rape her!,0,none, 2734,sexism2022_english-11759,"I don't care if she's Trump's daughter.., she's an insane, anti-American, jew married vapid overly privileged female...",0,none, 2735,sexism2022_english-17136,"Guys a retard , who wants attention",0,none, 2736,sexism2022_english-19404,They need to take this cunt out back in the ally and work her over with a 2x4. [URL],1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2737,sexism2022_english-7577,"From what I understand it has more to do with the fact that they think you're a dickhead. I forget why, but I think they said you like to fuck underage girls. But they're gonna bust your balls no matter what you do, whether justified or not.",0,none, 2738,sexism2022_english-14090,"No only biologically born women can have babies you deluded idiots, buts lets all play pretend.. Equality Institute: Don’t Say ‘Pregnant Womenâ€?as ‘People of All Genders Can Fall Pregnantâ€?[URL]",0,none, 2739,sexism2022_english-11136,"They turned Shrinking Ray (A man) into Shrinking Rae (A girl) and turned Mark's GF Amber from a white girl to a black girl, but also made the black version of her really bitchy for some reason.",1,3. animosity, 2740,sexism2022_english-9888,Intolerant feminist attacks “Doctor Whoâ€?British TV show for not being transgender or black enough - Tyranny News [URL],0,none, 2741,sexism2022_english-9801,You're a clueless fucking idiot. Get a life punk.,0,none, 2742,sexism2022_english-11711,The Latest: Spain suspects bought weapons after first attack - Tyranny News [URL],0,none, 2743,sexism2022_english-16674,I really like it when my bf whips out his dick while I'm watching TV and gives me a little boop on the head from behind.,0,none, 2744,sexism2022_english-6774,Ass of the Century we need women like this in congress,0,none, 2745,sexism2022_english-12475,"Ask her stuffs about herself, about her well being...try to explore a little more on each topic, repeat.",0,none, 2746,sexism2022_english-13598,"I am not an expert on trannies, but they are likely using testosterone to stimulate hair growth. The FDA classifies testosterone as category X for pregnant women. So they are damaging the child. No wonder this retard had a miscarriage before.",0,none, 2747,sexism2022_english-14211,#StopMilitantFeminisim Conservative women have class & know these twits will destroy themselves.,1,2. derogation, 2748,sexism2022_english-13725,i hope men will be inspired to punish lousy women like you [USER] caruso after they see what happens to bitches like you. fucking die you fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![USER] caruso.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2749,sexism2022_english-6827,You should move to Canada lol... the girls here are crazy for black guys Haha...,0,none, 2750,sexism2022_english-2473,"Chelsea Clinton leaned over to her husband and said something about Melania. Not sure what she said, but I guarantee it was classless. #PresidentialDebates",0,none, 2751,sexism2022_english-9128,"dude but look at from the positive. if one girl is thinking that, think about how many others are too. That's an easy fix for literally the next girl you see. That whole story is a net positive man, you just have to change your perspective on it.",0,none, 2752,sexism2022_english-12085,The cute girl at the dog park is also probably getting hallowed out by the basketball team in her spare time or posting her shit for free online though. *shrug,0,none, 2753,sexism2022_english-1678,Stealthy little suckers...,0,none, 2754,sexism2022_english-9769,I am not who you think I am. im just a simple bengali girl from nyc just trying to have discussions here.,0,none, 2755,sexism2022_english-7201,"lol! i love that one! i still watch the show every day, and we live mere minutes from ""mayberry!"" hubby got a picture with thelma lou last time we hit town.",0,none, 2756,sexism2022_english-5424,"Women (when they're referred to as women): I'm not a female , I'm a Women (when talking about incarceration): That's not just any prisoner, that's a female prisoner.",1,2. derogation, 2757,sexism2022_english-18083,"Sounds like good advice. Make a move. Ask her out, touch her, etc. Make an actual move and see what happens.",0,none, 2758,sexism2022_english-8679,She wanted to adopt so that she could play with the child while the husband pays for it.,0,none, 2759,sexism2022_english-10301,"Over the course of an average 79-year lifespan, a white individual contributes a net $220,805 to the system, whereas over the course of an average 75-year lifespan, a black individual receives a net $751,200.",0,none, 2760,sexism2022_english-7977,"Yeah dude, most blondes I know put out more and prefer men of color. In is so about the outer game. That being said most blondes are more likely to be bitches if you don't come at them right.",1,2. derogation, 2761,sexism2022_english-2589,"The girls it matter to are generally ""nice girls"" with little sexual experience that are looking to marry. [URL]",0,none, 2762,sexism2022_english-9676,Shouting always means you are right! Morons.,0,none, 2763,sexism2022_english-13703,This post is beyond fucking sad dude. Just because you can't value women doesn't mean others can't. This is hella disgraceful,0,none, 2764,sexism2022_english-12578,All of Stalin's henchmen in the Cheka and NKVD were Jews. 95% of the administrators of the Gulag forced labor prison system were Jews. Stalin had three wives - all Jews.,0,none, 2765,sexism2022_english-14091,No. If a man is fucking females 10 year younger than himself he's doing pretty good for himself.,0,none, 2766,sexism2022_english-5551,"My theory is she shot her boyfriend because he ""came out"" as a normal person/conservative. She would have killed him, but her pink pussy hat got in the way of her aim.",1,2. derogation, 2767,sexism2022_english-5897,OMG! I should become a judge just to stop this madness!,0,none, 2768,sexism2022_english-15593,I fucking hate sorcerers! Burn em at the stake!,0,none, 2769,sexism2022_english-15277,Things Arabs do better than whites to attract women: have Islam. What the fuck does this even mean??,0,none, 2770,sexism2022_english-15618,Those hahas look downright nervous.,0,none, 2771,sexism2022_english-2738,It is highly unlikely that female on male rape will ever be taken seriously. It's Bunker Hill.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2772,sexism2022_english-19942,"Psychologysts like Jordan Peterson say ""mgtow only had met bad women models, nawalt!"" Guess why russian roulette is dump even if getting the bulley is unlikely to happen? Bc the risk is not worth the game!",0,none, 2773,sexism2022_english-2148,[USER] Where are my Mai Tai's lady. It's time for me to mess up timelines today......LOL,0,none, 2774,sexism2022_english-8247,Yeah I do not believe Devos was honest about her intentions .. Totally useless.,0,none, 2775,sexism2022_english-7682,"""African pride"" , bitch. Still someone help this woman to heal, repent and come back sane. [USER]â€?[USER]â€?[URL]",1,3. animosity, 2776,sexism2022_english-7865,"Wait !!! I thought a white female wearing cheongsam was ""cultural appropriation."" Surely you're not telling me Hillary Clinton gets away with stuff mere plebeians are castigated for doing? [URL]",0,none, 2777,sexism2022_english-14904,"Dress up as Santa Claus this #Halloween .... Invite hot women to sit on your lap. Have a sign that you point to when ugly women try to sit on your lap... ""Sorry. NO SJWs.""",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2778,sexism2022_english-17418,"Whenever I overhear a woman on the phone, I lose all faith in humanity. It's never an /adult/ conversation. Just drama, and only the kind of drama that absolute degenerates get themselves into.",1,2. derogation, 2779,sexism2022_english-19830,And #formlesscollective just owned up to what we already knew by their deflection. Good job lassie! PS - note how he owns up to being the antisemite account which probably won't be around shortly.,0,none, 2780,sexism2022_english-17059,It doesn't matter what you look like anymore. This entire generation of millennial women were raising in this man-hating culture. You are are responsible for all of their's and societies problems.,1,2. derogation, 2781,sexism2022_english-9575,"LOL! #Fauxcahontas saz, ""Of Course I’m A Capitalist. Come On!"" (Video) bit.ly/Fraud_Says_Trust_Me-2JUfEI8 #MAGA #TCOT #KAG #GOP #BlueWave2018 #UniteBlue Tonto's claims will provide a target rich arena for her opponents on the debate stage.",0,none, 2782,sexism2022_english-8926,F - FACE: Has it fallen on one side? A - ARMS: Can they raise them? S - SPEECH: Is it slurred? T - TIME... to get her knickers down. The rohypnol has kicked in.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2783,sexism2022_english-15408,"[USER] also, I have never and would never call you a horrible mother, Because you are a fucking disaster of a mother with sore bird perches...I think. OG",0,none, 2784,sexism2022_english-7515,A female was made head mod. How much more respect could you possibly want?,0,none, 2785,sexism2022_english-10623,Hungarian women are wiser than all the sl#ts in the world [URL],1,2. derogation, 2786,sexism2022_english-3638,#Question The amount of muslims?,0,none, 2787,sexism2022_english-7490,Shut it women,1,2. derogation, 2788,sexism2022_english-6804,Ewww gross! You know she starved children right? Yup she imposed a school lunch program that no kid or reasonable.human would eat. I'm still convinced shes a man.. she could break Obama in half. Obama is half the man she is. Lol,1,3. animosity, 2789,sexism2022_english-12747,"There is no overcoming the long odds because it’s based off your physical attractiveness. Take a hot guy, he’ll instantly match with women. Take a ugly one and he won’t get any matches, that’s how life goes.",0,none, 2790,sexism2022_english-4298,Germany eh? Don't you find that the refugees are a shit test? Allowing in a violent horde to see if the current men are strong enough to be worthy of the women?,0,none, 2791,sexism2022_english-12953,I love Fleetwood Mac. Many of their songs were about women hurting men.,0,none, 2792,sexism2022_english-8661,"Because when I commit mass murder with a vehicle and then flee, I ALWAYS make sure to leave my identity documents behind. Either epic stupidity or something smells a bit off. #News #BanIslam",0,none, 2793,sexism2022_english-12207,"I'm saying we should ""man up"" and start acting, not just complaining. Every other thread ends up devolving into a woman/feminist bashing thread. It's time to organize and stop bitching.",1,3. animosity, 2794,sexism2022_english-12799,"yeah sure, I'm sure you will choose my chinky yellow face over Chris Hemsworth anyday, yeah I really believe you! > >just STFU already and piss off, in 2020 we men already know all you women are liars",1,2. derogation, 2795,sexism2022_english-11119,"It’s kind of funny and ironic how this oppressed and enslaved religious group oppressed and enslaved a man into raising a kid not of his own blood, and the “virginâ€?woman gets praised throughout the centuries. Cuckery at its most finest.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2796,sexism2022_english-9347,It’s what the women want.,0,none, 2797,sexism2022_english-18741,"if you told the 1 women gang 2 haul ass, she'd have to make 3 trips ? she could make a lot of money on any west coast beach, selling SHADE ?",0,none, 2798,sexism2022_english-6899,If you want to really hurt the Nazi's all you have to do is steal the swastika. It has a power because of how you've become revolted by it. Remember how powerful the kid chasing you with a dog turd on a stick back in grade-school was?,0,none, 2799,sexism2022_english-18185,"The ""migrant"" first eats her snatch, then the disease eats it.",0,none, 2800,sexism2022_english-7951,Well guys...she’s a victim. I mean she was promised profits and without the con she’s not going to get any... Con is right.,0,none, 2801,sexism2022_english-18481,"But I thought women could instantly detect sexism, creepiness and bad personalities. Oh wait, I meant attractiveness",1,3. animosity, 2802,sexism2022_english-14503,My wife made a career change years ago for just this reason.,0,none, 2803,sexism2022_english-11588,I noticed that.. great take down. Is she single? :) Awesome!!!!,0,none, 2804,sexism2022_english-16548,"Thanks! I believe it helps to share our experiences as a way to support one another. You said it, life is SO much better now, no drama, no debt, no bullshit. There is nothing a woman can offer that can possibly compare.",1,2. derogation, 2805,sexism2022_english-11702,Does #Hillary have lipstick on her teeth? That really would be a big first for a presidential candidate. #GlassCeilings #GabDebateParty,0,none, 2806,sexism2022_english-17117,No woman prefers a short man.. This is a universal truth.,1,3. animosity, 2807,sexism2022_english-8617,#ThisWeekInBlackCrime Another White woman dead -- Another Black man holding the gun [URL],0,none, 2808,sexism2022_english-1584,"wouldn't "" looking to have fun "" come across as too casual or even needy ? some girls would even term it **perverse, thirsty** or even **desperate** what do you think ?",0,none, 2809,sexism2022_english-19601,Those who are trying to make it big in business. Having attractive female workers. These situations can happen. But in the end. It will all come back to you. Either she records you or blackmails your sorry ass. There's no happy endings.,1,2. derogation, 2810,sexism2022_english-10852,Yale University dean called people 'white trash' in her Yelp reviews [URL],0,none, 2811,sexism2022_english-17997,Aren't most universities 60% female and yet females are still considered a minority and need help? There's no end to this.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2812,sexism2022_english-15606,Well that text you sent her isn't gonna make her come faster,0,none, 2814,sexism2022_english-11505,"She needs to be locked in jail and get mental help, passed around Hollywood since she was young. No wonder she's fucked up",0,none, 2815,sexism2022_english-18768,she lost 200 lbs.. the Trump Diet!! ( < :,0,none, 2816,sexism2022_english-11022,🚨 IMPORTANT MESSAGE 🚨 Higher Priorities For The Alt-Right: by Christopher Cantwell #NoWarInSyria [URL] #Identitarianism #WhiteNationalism #WhiteNationalists #AltRight #NatSoc #AmNat #AltLite #NewRight #DissidentRight #NatRight #UniteTheWhite,0,none, 2817,sexism2022_english-18290,"Me: Hillary Clinton protected one of the top advisers in her presidential campaign after he was accused of sexual harassment. Hillary sycophants: Shut up, misogynist! Hillary dindu nuffin!",0,none, 2818,sexism2022_english-16241,A man would love a tree if it gave him attention,0,none, 2819,sexism2022_english-8635,"This isn't really advice so much as some IOIs newbies may not be familiar with. Everyone needs to start somewhere, and starting with a girl who shows interest in you is a damn good place to start.",0,none, 2820,sexism2022_english-4131,Good question. I'm not a VP for a major corp. She is. You're gonna have to ask her;),0,none, 2821,sexism2022_english-8222,"Sex workers cost 3 times as much in the two cities I see professional cuddlers and sex workers. But I only see escorts who work from their own home, I never go to massage parlors or see street workers, that's too risky legally for me.",0,none, 2822,sexism2022_english-4014,They feel women shouldn't ever do anything for themselves as they only exit to please men.,0,none, 2823,sexism2022_english-11208,Need to do one on what punishment women who cry rape & lie should face?....,0,none, 2824,sexism2022_english-19490,"Somalia refugees are the MOST VIOLENT, CRIMINALS OF THEM ALL. HEART BROKEN FOR THIS FAMILY, THIS BASTARD MUST PAY! Minnesota, SHAME ON YOU [URL] #RadioInfidelShow",0,none, 2825,sexism2022_english-16672,"Man walks into a library and ask the librarian if she has a book on suicide. The librarian say, ""Fuck you, you won't return it.""",0,none, 2826,sexism2022_english-18501,"OMG ... a Jew did it. Here's his Orthodox Hasidic Stripper wives. And, his goofy looking kids.",0,none, 2827,sexism2022_english-10278,Welcome! I'm pretty liberal myself.. and Ive found Gab is more tolerant of things like gay marriage than Twitter is for merely disagreeing that there are 66 genders and if you have a giant throbbing cock you can claim you are a woman! :D,0,none, 2828,sexism2022_english-9010,Paris: Police thwart jihad mass murder plot against gay nightclub [URL],0,none, 2829,sexism2022_english-13093,"When we come upon Christians committing crimes, we shoot first and ask questions later. Remember :: Christians are Kafur. And, we sometimes shoot the Christians dogs, too. Dogs are dirty.",0,none, 2830,sexism2022_english-6731,"Let's be honest though, she couldn't study something in the STEM fields. Everybody acts like anybody can study STEM, but thay isn't true. It isn't all easy-peasy learning Physics.",0,none, 2831,sexism2022_english-4652,"Also, the femcels sub seems to be full of bashing men and attractive women.",0,none, 2832,sexism2022_english-11157,How do you fix the dishwasher if it’s not working? Here are some answers from around the world: Upper Left: In Brazil Upper Right: In Armenia Lower Left: In Canada Lower Right: In any Muslim country,0,none, 2833,sexism2022_english-17133,The boys must be gaming because there goes the wifi.,0,none, 2834,sexism2022_english-8411,"Screeching, screaming, yelling....it's fucking embarrassing to the female species.",0,none, 2835,sexism2022_english-13791,She took the pic to empower other women to practice their right to bare arms.,0,none, 2836,sexism2022_english-498,confessed sister fister. What is that?,0,none, 2837,sexism2022_english-6588,[USER] Obama and michael were in this to destroy this nation and they have done a good job. All they did was try to become a celebrity.. They will be in Hollywood a lot and on tv and movies. That's what they really want. Hollywood deserves them.,0,none, 2838,sexism2022_english-15348,"Uh oh, sounds like someone needs to get laid. Oh wait.... seriously doubt you could beat me up anyway. Kek at a bitter incel trying to beat a young fit girl",0,none, 2839,sexism2022_english-12349,"Gotcha.. I mean, should I tell her I'm not looking for a relationship?",0,none, 2840,sexism2022_english-2291,"#FREXIT: Please support Le Pen as she takes on the globalists. She is looking good in the polls but will continue to face the RACIST, XENO, BIGOT, ISLAMO slander we faced with #BREXIT and #MAGA. [URL]",0,none, 2841,sexism2022_english-5208,"If I approach an attractive women, I'm trying to see A) if the contents match the packaging (if she has an attractive personality), and B) If there's a connection between us.",0,none, 2842,sexism2022_english-2715,"yes, to beat them but not to steal girls. Thin pretty boy > gymcel at any time and place",0,none, 2843,sexism2022_english-7214,She's not that into you. Cut her loose.,0,none, 2844,sexism2022_english-3118,"Mohammed was a Pedophile, child rapist, molestor, murderer, thief, practiced beastiality. Your Taqquia wont work on here. Go back to your goat bride.",0,none, 2845,sexism2022_english-17537,#CantMakeItUp,0,none, 2846,sexism2022_english-5128,"Yes, she will get 10000 matches and 100 will be chad. I've seen girls Tinders. You on the other hand are probably pulling this out of your ass.",0,none, 2847,sexism2022_english-13851,Who is that ugly woman and why did Nike let her design shoes?,0,none, 2848,sexism2022_english-7885,I won’t hang out with her then,0,none, 2849,sexism2022_english-4963,I thought the story be different. I expected her to ghost him after buying lifetime membership.,0,none, 2850,sexism2022_english-11523,So we can't build a wall due to fiscal concerns but we can spend almost a trillion in Afghanistan....build the fucking wall ASAP [URL],0,none, 2851,sexism2022_english-9435,"SV whores [URL] might be an interesting read. Buy her $3k of jewelry, do the business, give her receipt, she returns it less a small restocking fee etc etc.",1,3. animosity, 2852,sexism2022_english-13052,I think it’s extremely seldom to see an MRA hating women. Perhaps feminist ideology but rarely women. Perhaps false accusers and misandrists Has MRA/manosphere a rad-fem equivalent?,0,none, 2853,sexism2022_english-1552,What part of the bible Does it say that all gay people are evil men and women,0,none, 2854,sexism2022_english-3500,"And women still rob men without ""touching"" them...",1,2. derogation, 2855,sexism2022_english-4763,"What a misogynist prick. Most of my female friends are far more capable emotionally and intellectually than this fucktard. Perhaps he is gay, or perhaps he should just screw a frozen turkey.",0,none, 2856,sexism2022_english-16828,"Muslim grooming gang of girls as young as 13, with hundreds of episodes of sexual abuse, jailed in Oxford, UK [URL] #Muslims #Immigration #Islam #Sharia #ShariaLaw",0,none, 2857,sexism2022_english-14728,"I hope they Probe this POS with a 2x4, no mercy on this POS.. Well done Mike well done!!",0,none, 2858,sexism2022_english-17665,Most retarded shit I’ve read in a long time,0,none, 2859,sexism2022_english-16526,"Russia can't ( & won't) ""return"" Crimea 2 Ukraine bc: 1. It doesn't ""belong"" to them anymore. 2. Russian can't nullify a legal vote of majority of Crimean citizens. WTF is STILL circulating this false BS re Crimea anyway????????",0,none, 2860,sexism2022_english-1138,Why wouldn't want to appear as guy that fucks girls? Nice guys finish last and unattractive,0,none, 2861,sexism2022_english-18684,So is what I said true that men don't love women of all ages like men do?,0,none, 2862,sexism2022_english-10717,"i have no idea why they focus their hatred on one anime... one anime that they didn't even watch. i mean there's an extra unapologetically trashy anime in current season ,that's about MC fucking his 2 sisters,and one of them also his engrish teacher.",0,none, 2863,sexism2022_english-1977,"If you want a man I'd work to keep the Husband you already have, who has been extremely patient with this issue",0,none, 2864,sexism2022_english-740,"Alex Jones smears me and calls me a ""Spirit Cooker"" because he is jealous that I get more pussy than him. Also because I hate Israel. Look at his ex-wife. He bought her every upgrade you could buy. -HRC",1,3. animosity, 2865,sexism2022_english-5132,"Words can't even begin... Perhaps someone else can? Tortures animals, now paid handsomely by #Sweden's government to out old ladies protesting online about official policies... [URL]",0,none, 2866,sexism2022_english-9727,The only reason they could find this ironic is because they think that ethnicity and gender = ideology which is why I believe they frequently accuse any straight white men who disagree with them of being Nazis or 'far right'.,0,none, 2867,sexism2022_english-12057,"If there are 100 men and 100 women, and all of the women have sex with one of the men, 100% of the women will have had sex while only 1% of the men have.",0,none, 2868,sexism2022_english-14528,"This Sen. needs to stand up and call the dumb cunts just THAT, "" DUMB CUNTS""",1,3. animosity, 2869,sexism2022_english-18670,I think there is a trues in that. You also have more motivation to like yourself than incels have to stop hating women.,0,none, 2870,sexism2022_english-15616,"Nah, women definitely prefer fat over skinny.",1,3. animosity, 2871,sexism2022_english-15560,"(she had a public FMM threesome at a party in front of everyone, then said it was rape) It's disgusting shit like this that makes me want to become a hermit, living in the woods.",0,none, 2872,sexism2022_english-9044,What a bloody simp he must had his penis cut off after this. What a fucking simp disgrace to men. I would have killed that women right there.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2873,sexism2022_english-14197,"Look at those eyes. Either someone unexpectedly just fisted her up the dumper, or that bitch is certifiably a nutburger.",1,2. derogation, 2874,sexism2022_english-7972,"only Liberal ladisgiveit up allthe time. Who are the sluts?The ones who ask for condoms on national TV, or the onewho wears her mattress on campus",1,3. animosity, 2875,sexism2022_english-11789,Incredible photo of a mother bat flying with her baby. 🦇,0,none, 2876,sexism2022_english-11585,"A woman's guide to triggering liberals: ""I heard #PresidentTrump has a 9 inch cock - he can grab my pussy any time he likes, as long as I can grab back"" Then get punched in the face",0,none, 2877,sexism2022_english-9615,Crazy young mothers want attention for themselves so they come up with this transgender bullshit. Fathers have to step up and tell their crazy wives to knock it off.,1,2. derogation, 2878,sexism2022_english-6788,"Anakin: marries and ruins his life for the female lead, killing her in the process. Kylo ""Chad"" Ren: abducts and tortures the female lead, chases her through a forest, and is generally unstable. Also, swole.",0,none, 2879,sexism2022_english-12825,"And almost 80% of the often labeled ""tolerant"" swedes disapprove of the EU refugee policies. [URL] page 10",0,none, 2880,sexism2022_english-6736,"Like the ""stunning and brave"" woman that """"""stopped the police"""""" by showing her pussy. As if police was there only for her...",0,none, 2881,sexism2022_english-9479,Out of choice-not necessity. She's not an invalid. She's capable of getting a job and paying her own way.,0,none, 2882,sexism2022_english-14830,you seem concerned.....she started flirting with a guy right in front of him. she deserved to be kicked off a cliff. You should try that sometime. It's hilarious. I'm sure the next white knight gave her a ride without a blink.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2883,sexism2022_english-431,"I guarantee you all the ""boys"" are black. Its just white women falling for the black cock myth.",1,2. derogation, 2884,sexism2022_english-120,"One of the things I'm hating about my life is how I can't manage to scrounge up the money to buy a bench and some weights, good luck to you bro, a gym is a pretty nice addition to any male's home.",0,none, 2885,sexism2022_english-10305,"Exactly why I didn’t go into programming as a woman. Way too much work and hostility, I have mad respect for the women who do and all they put up with.",0,none, 2886,sexism2022_english-617,"Consider that it's not the text message that counts, but how she thinks about you and whether or not she wants to spend more time. You can literally text anything if she wants to hang.",0,none, 2887,sexism2022_english-10016,"Pls she makes me want to vomit, I do not want to see her face or give her any attention. no offense, DG.",0,none, 2888,sexism2022_english-17735,Incels baffle me with their derangement.,0,none, 2889,sexism2022_english-4733,"my parents never showed me any sort of affection, i actually fucking flinch when people touch me, i can't even help it it just happens lmao",0,none, 2890,sexism2022_english-7902,This is what happens to guys who don't get pussy.,1,2. derogation, 2891,sexism2022_english-8034,"On one hand, yeah, putting a woman in the North African theater of WWII is fucking stupid. On the other hand she's a total smoke show.",1,3. animosity, 2892,sexism2022_english-7085,Police suspect she was the victim of a serial killer and that she may have been a prostitute.,0,none, 2893,sexism2022_english-4321,Q: How do i short older women? Yeah you should be buying those put options on women. Their intrinsic value is going to tank from mgtow...,0,none, 2894,sexism2022_english-18150,"They never do, she definitely moved on to some new piece of crap.",0,none, 2895,sexism2022_english-11770,"UBS: ""The flurry of Trump Twitter activity does suggest that consumer trade taxes will dominate investor concerns this week. Taxing trade tends to hit lower income US consumers more than higher income US consumers, offsetting any wage gains""",0,none, 2896,sexism2022_english-6825,[URL] You Are FreeTV #CHINAGATE Feinstein is The New (Old ) hillary Lock her up .,0,none, 2897,sexism2022_english-5781,"I have another one for today: Laura Loomer, this young man is stating she is stalking and making a rape allegation against him. Reconsider donating to her. We on the right need to expose & weed out the bad actors, frauds and crazies. [URL]",0,none, 2898,sexism2022_english-11033,"Woman who gave police officer a black eye & injured two others in drink and drug-fuelled rampage says she is now down to only two bottles of wine a night & cocaine at the weekend, so AVOIDS PRISON! [URL] #BritishJustice lol - #MEH!",0,none, 2899,sexism2022_english-375,"[USER] If they all left at once,the evil bitch would implode.",1,2. derogation, 2900,sexism2022_english-10857,It just means he was cute or attractive enough I don't think a married girl would want to hug a guy otherwise.,0,none, 2901,sexism2022_english-153,"She's in her own world. She hates Christianity, but in reality, ""Fear is the mother of morality"" - Nietzche All the Nazis were Catholics, dumb shit Carolyn",0,none, 2902,sexism2022_english-6413,And should be removed from American society because they have proven beyond a doubt that they are immune to logic and addicted to degeneracy.,0,none, 2903,sexism2022_english-10527,"This happens all the time to Islamists. Honor Killings, Acid Attacks, Female Genital Mutilation. All condoned by the Qu'ran, Hadith, and Sharia. Comparatively, ""Infidels"" mean nothing. [URL]",0,none, 2904,sexism2022_english-17344,"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.",0,none, 2905,sexism2022_english-7804,opinions are like assholes.... facts matter,0,none, 2906,sexism2022_english-1476,"them: The Earth is round, idiot! me: oh, i didn't know u were an astronaut that's very impressive u must have a lot of cool space stories please share one",0,none, 2907,sexism2022_english-5238,thank God we can edit here! twatter sucks.,0,none, 2908,sexism2022_english-6023,"Damn I got down voted to hell. Friends do lie, especially if they like the girl your trying to get.",0,none, 2909,sexism2022_english-11753,"Along with ""must be ok with being beaten"", ""must let me fuck your 12-year old sister"", ""must not be educated"", ""must never hug a man ever even your dad"" and ""must never gain a single ounce eve though I'm morbidly obese and never wipe my ass.""",0,none, 2910,sexism2022_english-9854,Oh no! Not the Queen of the Silver Dollar! I though she run oft with Rolland the Roadie.,0,none, 2911,sexism2022_english-8048,"I thought our #MSM was bad. Appearantly, Sweden is completely in the dark. Rape of children, women by immigrants-2 articles below. Sweden MSM fully under control by Zions #MAGA #Trump #GabFam [URL] [URL]",0,none, 2912,sexism2022_english-13916,"Honestly, when I approach women, I just smile from a distance. If they smile back and give a welcoming signal, walk up and have a conversation. Don't go up to girls with corny lines like that. Just be natural.",0,none, 2913,sexism2022_english-1834,"Lmao no, getting tats and a pit bull in hopes of pulling girls is dumb as hell",0,none, 2914,sexism2022_english-10647,"If the court sides with the workers on this, businesses will not be able to cope with a cost of operations that is larger than incoming sales revenue.",0,none, 2915,sexism2022_english-1435,"Yep! Just muted [USER], a female (apparently) Jew who weeps and screams a lot and ""reports"" everyone it disagrees with. Watch the bitch!",1,2. derogation, 2916,sexism2022_english-8462,That ho is nothing but a cat's full little box throw her to the dump!,1,2. derogation, 2917,sexism2022_english-18434,"..oh Obama, dont even start with this kenyan hominid. I always pondered..His mother is a jew, he claims to be muslim....and fagg? yet jews claimed him as his own...oh about faggs...Obama put in risk lots of people with his ""Laws"" and ""freedom"".",0,none, 2918,sexism2022_english-122,"There are no low sex drive women, only unattractive husbands/boyfriends. CMV",0,none, 2919,sexism2022_english-5841,Jokes on her - good gamers don't need to look at the controller!,0,none, 2920,sexism2022_english-14051,Lol. Scaredy-twat runs away again.,1,3. animosity, 2921,sexism2022_english-415,[USER] My Dream Girls!!!!! Wish women today were as classy as those two were back in those days. What a shame.,1,2. derogation, 2922,sexism2022_english-13738,"It didn't exactly break the ice but it was something that had capacity for a response. If I just said nice curls she could have smiled and walked on. Yah, I was walking in the street!",0,none, 2923,sexism2022_english-12250,there was this filipino girl in one of my classes who always had her face caked in makeup. The entire semester I thought she was white until she came without it one day. Swear to god didn't even recognize her at first,0,none, 2924,sexism2022_english-5259,"No offense, but you're too small time for me . Run along now.",0,none, 2925,sexism2022_english-11572,was she about to put a cake in the oven,0,none, 2926,sexism2022_english-8221,"so they couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to look good for their husbands, eh?",1,2. derogation, 2927,sexism2022_english-1482,"Any man that marries nowadays has no one to blame but himself. It's obvious women have no redeeming qualities and most will refuse their husbands daily sex,cooking three square meals daily,and having a sweet demeanor.",1,2. derogation, 2928,sexism2022_english-460,This true . Obese hideous women and stick thin men without an ounce of muscle or fat.,1,2. derogation, 2929,sexism2022_english-4756,There are wise old men who have better things to do with their time and there are creeps who never had sex with a young hot women and still try it when they are older instead of doing better things.,0,none, 2930,sexism2022_english-6173,"LOL, translation: ""I was playing, I'm a pussy"".",1,3. animosity, 2931,sexism2022_english-8516,"We could just pause with our own events and just attack Jew, antifa, Leftist events and leave. Much easier to wreck shit than to organize shit.",0,none, 2932,sexism2022_english-10447,"[USER] negative, never considered being a suicide girl!",0,none, 2933,sexism2022_english-5482,Damn ugly she-ape!,0,none, 2934,sexism2022_english-2718,"There there Pocahontas, don't get your loincloth in a wad.",0,none, 2935,sexism2022_english-16669,"Sinead blocked me on Twitter once for supposedly ""Like""ing a comment that she was a Jew. And the only reason I know why is because I used another account to ask her, which she promptly blocked as well. I laughed my ass off. That girl stole my heart.",0,none, 2936,sexism2022_english-10534,We certainly don’t want a terrorist’s wife to be nationless. Did you by chance throw any benefits into the mix?,0,none, 2937,sexism2022_english-13215,"Showing faux concern for incels is the new ""Ha ha, you can't get laid"". Women never change.",1,2. derogation, 2938,sexism2022_english-8145,"To all of you lazy cucks who will soon lose your think-tank job: get a u-haul, pack it up and find some useful work.",0,none, 2939,sexism2022_english-4798,Not just for Radical Islamists but any Ass Clown that thinks he can rape a woman or child at will,0,none, 2940,sexism2022_english-7345,TLDR: incel sees two owls and gets mad. Blames women.,0,none, 2941,sexism2022_english-17515,"Those in the ""Women's March"" chanted ""Me Too"" and ""Time's Up"", but say nothing in the defense of women in #Iran who are suffering #torture and murder. [URL]",0,none, 2942,sexism2022_english-13283,You think she is ready to have her genitals removed? [URL],0,none, 2943,sexism2022_english-4537,I had one punch me in the stomach. I return the favor back. First time I ever punch a lady(monster),1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 2944,sexism2022_english-12327,should've hit her ass with tranq dart and let the lion do lion things.,0,none, 2945,sexism2022_english-16697,Chilling story. An example of why even living with a woman is extremely dangerous. Pulling for you.,1,2. derogation, 2946,sexism2022_english-8920,"You missed a few. Antisemitism, bigotry and racism. I have not yet found Marxists her. Nor Islamofascists. But there are plenty of antisemites, bigots and racists.",0,none, 2947,sexism2022_english-15718,Because your desire should be for your wife. Porn is still best an ersatz wife. It is redirecting the healthy and natural desires in unhealthy ways and directions. This whole argument begins and ends with lust.,0,none, 2948,sexism2022_english-5687,I bet you she is extra salty now and joining every group Racist Black Group under the sun and going Full Militant.,0,none, 2949,sexism2022_english-3764,"[USER] I'm gonna chalk this down to the old saying - a broken clock is right twice a day. If they consistently get their heads out of their asses, I'll be happy",0,none, 2950,sexism2022_english-190,"Eh, it wasn't the world's biggest issue before faggots were allowed to pretend to be human. They used to just fuck widows (rather than orphans)",0,none, 2951,sexism2022_english-14450,Here is my open letter to her. Fuck off. The End. [URL] #Manchester,0,none, 2952,sexism2022_english-5759,#MAGA #Trump #GabFam Yes she is not comfortable yet. It is up to the people to do that for her. Yes Trump is an alpha she is a beta that needs support. She is not Hillary or any other first lady you have seen before Jackie or even further.,0,none, 2953,sexism2022_english-6376,Its on BITCHUTE,0,none, 2954,sexism2022_english-7003,Sounds like the only sensible thing to do is don't let Male or female brown people ever see or get near white women. The female is going to get insanely jealous and the Male is going to try to rape her... Not a good situation.,1,3. animosity, 2955,sexism2022_english-11547,"[USER] Nigger foreplay = ""If u scream I'll kill you, bitch!"". #niggers #tnb #DinduNuffin #blackcrime",0,none, 2956,sexism2022_english-13364,Omg if I had a quarter for all them ugly ass bitches on them apps 🤣 🤢🤮 nothing but far ugly shrek type women.,1,2. derogation, 2957,sexism2022_english-2047,"How in the fuck did people let this happen,is she even a citizen!",0,none, 2958,sexism2022_english-17346,If you were chad she’d be on your cock right now for doing the same exact thing. Let that sink in.,1,2. derogation, 2959,sexism2022_english-15956,I get that. One woman won't erase a lifetime of experiences. You can still be the resident authority on the struggles of unattractive men.,0,none, 2960,sexism2022_english-8452,"new male successes will arise out of the ashes of lost ones like comic culture, pc gaming, herioc fantasy, boyscouts etc. may they forever remained scorned and ridiculed by women.",1,3. animosity, 2961,sexism2022_english-4156,"Your wife could leave her phone at the office Women can’t be parted with Instagram for two minutes while taking shit mate, what are you talking about even?",1,3. animosity, 2962,sexism2022_english-18638,Go to [USER] she has kindly put a tutorial in her profile,0,none, 2963,sexism2022_english-5063,"That analogy doesn't work. Voting doesn't take anything away from anyone. ""Nobody owes you a vote"" doesn't make sense, it's a right, not something that someone gives you. Women voting doesn't deprive men of their votesm",0,none, 2964,sexism2022_english-11480,"It was only 8 dates in 2 years, I would have been doing this shit every damn weekend. Maybe he only ditched the ones who posted profile pictures that were taken 20 years prior.",0,none, 2965,sexism2022_english-17860,Sue for fraud. Guy in uk got 250k settlement from cheating wife. It won’t heal the pain but at least it’ll distract you.,0,none, 2966,sexism2022_english-13578,"Ladies is my go-to. Works with kids, works with adults, works in casual situations, works in formal situations. The only time it doesn’t work is with singular women, in which case I just use something like “ma’amâ€?or their name.",0,none, 2967,sexism2022_english-3160,The majority of Millennials are straight and Conservative. Although 46% are idiots the rest are good.,0,none, 2968,sexism2022_english-12211,"Hey look, a female trying to normalize the dysfunctional female behavior of withholding sex under the guise of it being ""good for the relationship"".",1,2. derogation, 2969,sexism2022_english-5643,[USER] [USER] I don’t hate my own country but I recognise it is not blameless [URL],0,none, 2970,sexism2022_english-6064,"Does this surprise anyone? This woman lied about her heritage to further her career on the backs of minorities and flipped houses to screw people down on their luck. That she'd turn out to be lying again, shouldn't surprise anyone.",0,none, 2971,sexism2022_english-14162,"something like tinder has been a huge hit because they can do it from comfort of their phone. And it's discreet, the other benefit they enjoy.",0,none, 2972,sexism2022_english-5895,"Ah, I see. The issue is you're courting camels. They can be quite ornery. I would recommend moving on to human women at some point.",0,none, 2973,sexism2022_english-5832,This is about false rape charges and how wives use the laws to torture and get money from the brides family.....highly recommend to watch full video ....its mind blowing,0,none, 2974,sexism2022_english-11138,"No, but i got some slave girl on a zero hour contract to make make it. How's the Hallzster? 😘",0,none, 2975,sexism2022_english-16341,"I don't agree with you about the USA and Europe, but this cunt is typical of female Reform rabbis.",1,2. derogation, 2976,sexism2022_english-6892,lol women do the same shit,0,none, 2977,sexism2022_english-4867,"Absolutely. You hit the nail on the head, stop validating women that are not even invested. She probaby has 5 beta orbitters that like every fucking BS she posts on social media.",0,none, 2978,sexism2022_english-16757,"men still don't get it. alpha fk, beta buck. Women don't marry for love. if u have to marry her, ur the beta buck. n what good is a beta buck that can't make money anymore. GYOW = early retirement Married = work slave till u die",1,2. derogation, 2979,sexism2022_english-13051,"If I recall correctly, the Icelanders of today are descended from a male population that was 80% scandinavian, 20% celtic (thralls), and a female population that was 60% celtic (war booty from raids), 40% scandinavian.",0,none, 2980,sexism2022_english-13726,"I have a bigger problem with illarys attack on #Trump supporters than ""deplorable"" with her use of ""irredeemable"".",0,none, 2981,sexism2022_english-8346,So you're saying Chinese women are gold diggers and others races arent? You're just moving one uncomfortable conclusion to another uncomfortable conclusion.,0,none, 2982,sexism2022_english-920,I've rarely had fun with women that did not involve their vaginas.,0,none, 2983,sexism2022_english-17433,[USER] I don't think she even knows what the truth is,0,none, 2984,sexism2022_english-1039,"JewSA cowards...Christian Russia is ignored with such volatile acts. Name the last war the JEWnited States started, with a nation on an equal, or close military strengths? Iblis is a female canine!!",0,none, 2985,sexism2022_english-19273,"If that's the case, I certainly hope he performs cunnilingus on every woman who brings him a donut or returns the photocopies he accidentally misplaced.",0,none, 2986,sexism2022_english-4053,"So many rich famous handsome men got divorce raped. If all those men couldn't make a woman happy, what make you think you can.",1,2. derogation, 2987,sexism2022_english-4120,No motive is given. According to article it was ' random attack' which is crazy having in mind that culprit is non-White and victim is pretty White woman.,0,none, 2988,sexism2022_english-17764,"boi you want the real deal experience? calisthenics in the countryside. you get a TRX, hook it up a tree, and come tell me someone would rather be in a gym with top of the pops blaring in the speakers and some retard flexing in the mirror",0,none, 2989,sexism2022_english-12884,"Is this for real? Why don't they get one of those buff guys from So You Think You Can Dance? Where is the spandex, you have to get the female crowd cheering",0,none, 2990,sexism2022_english-4910,Is that a catheter bag on her leg?,0,none, 2991,sexism2022_english-10391,Sorry guys but I feel the need to point out that staring at a woman's body and not her face... Is awkward as fuck if you guys haven't reached the mushing sexy bits together stage.,0,none, 2992,sexism2022_english-15121,He hooks the ball back to his own team. The term for the lady Hooker comes from General Hooker on the Union side in the US Civil War who was partial to their company.,0,none, 2993,sexism2022_english-19255,"Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors; but they are seldom or ever inventors. ~Voltaire #Voltaire #Quotes [URL]",0,none, 2994,sexism2022_english-14902,"FUCK my low IQ, I am just going to kill my self. Falling at CS. I wish a girl like that can fucking pay attention to me",0,none, 2995,sexism2022_english-12092,Cope. All average looking means is that you have to be rejected by 99.8% of women to get a girl whether as opposed to being an incel it's 99.9-100%. Not much better. Anything below sub 7 is garbage.,0,none, 2996,sexism2022_english-17459,I don't see the appeal of it either which is why I don't think I'll ever buy one. But it comes with a lot less baggage than a real woman at a fraction of the price.,1,2. derogation, 2997,sexism2022_english-17889,"Most women are Leftists. and all left paradigms don't work.. hence, women are and support shit that has never proven to work. But let's vote more women in office, right?!!",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 2998,sexism2022_english-9996,"Yep, and it converts female into wacky thing without hips nor brain, strongly believing they are boys (at least, what they think boys are).",0,none, 2999,sexism2022_english-16870,GERMANY: Teenage daughter of high-ranking EU official raped and murdered by Afghan MUSLIM invader [URL] Same thing should happen to merkelpig..she deserves it,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3000,sexism2022_english-18747,"She left without her French Cries, Wah Burger and McNothings.",0,none, 3001,sexism2022_english-17679,Joe has become such a pussy idk why.,1,3. animosity, 3002,sexism2022_english-5579,Oh ok. So is it just premarital sex that makes a woman a whore? What if she ends up marrying the man she has sex with?,1,3. animosity, 3003,sexism2022_english-3335,Wait a sec. Isn't chastising men for expressing their feelings and mocking them for not being Big Strong Menâ„?perpetuating the toxic masculinity or some shit?,0,none, 3004,sexism2022_english-8727,"TRUMP HITS MESSAGE OF DEMOCRATS AS “ANGRY MOBâ€?AT KENTUCKY RALLY “You can vote for Democrat mob rule or you an vote for a Republican party that stands proudly for law and order, fairness, freedom and justice.â€?CBS News - OCTOBER 14, 2018 [URL]",0,none, 3005,sexism2022_english-13609,"maybe 10 years ago, now she's too fat and too mommy",0,none, 3006,sexism2022_english-3316,"Because modern thots aren't worth fighting for. If she reveals her AWALT tendencies and disrespects you, just dump her ass and walk away",1,3. animosity, 3007,sexism2022_english-16411,Yes dont do the friend thing. Shes tryn to keep you on back burner. Delete her number no more contact...get an interest...move on👍,0,none, 3008,sexism2022_english-17411,"I have a friend with a terrible stutter. He's got a hot and intelligent girlfriend, I'm actually quite jealous at him! Just don't pay any attention to your stutter at all!",0,none, 3009,sexism2022_english-4985,"I'm sorry, where was the mention of one of them being a girl? How is this relevant? Not trying to be a dick, I just don't understand.",0,none, 3010,sexism2022_english-14047,"My wife just left me because I'm not 'man enough'. I'll be alright after a lads night in, crying with Ben and Jerry's whilst watching some good old Sex and The City.",0,none, 3011,sexism2022_english-15028,I think the white women who voted against her were intelligent. Probably people I could be friends with.,0,none, 3012,sexism2022_english-14879,You guys are joking........right?? There is NO way that this Asian dude gets more puss than Dwayne Johnson. You guys are either really funny or delusional.,1,2. derogation, 3013,sexism2022_english-16631,"She took it as an insult maybe? You didn’t give her exactly what she wanted right then, she wasn’t happy? The moon was full? The tide was high? It was a Tuesday? Who knows?",0,none, 3014,sexism2022_english-12230,I only hope this action is not too late for the Swedes...I fear they are truly done for.,0,none, 3015,sexism2022_english-8032,They'll just rape and beat her too. They can't get enough. They are animals.,0,none, 3016,sexism2022_english-7065,"If you want to be like women, go squat in the woods and piss.",0,none, 3017,sexism2022_english-4214,Nostradamus Tomahawk [URL] At home in his mom's basement thinking he's smarter than everyone else.,0,none, 3018,sexism2022_english-15739,dude did you have any romantic interaction with women?,0,none, 3019,sexism2022_english-17616,"See, you get it. Happy wife = happy life unless she is a gator as referenced in an earlier post. When she least expects it, give her a little peck on the cheek and then jump outa the way.",1,2. derogation, 3020,sexism2022_english-16978,She has 2018 on her mind.,0,none, 3021,sexism2022_english-7959,"Maybe, but it's just not who I am. Can't pretend to be someone else to be with a woman. I actually never got dared really. Never got to play truth or dare with the cool kids haha.",0,none, 3022,sexism2022_english-16500,"[USER] #BANIslam, then kill the radicals (including IMAMS)",0,none, 3023,sexism2022_english-11679,James Woods KICKS ASS!,0,none, 3024,sexism2022_english-4482,Female sex tourists are the same kinds of hypocrites. They think they're *totally not doing the same thing.* Except they are.,0,none, 3025,sexism2022_english-13983,It works if you're chadlite All those lookismcels who are already chad pay 50k to get to gigachad,0,none, 3026,sexism2022_english-657,This nigga right here is most def on the list. Dayuuum. He/she spits hot fyah.,0,none, 3027,sexism2022_english-4523,disgusting woman.,0,none, 3028,sexism2022_english-2185,"So brave to lock up 88 year old for expressing an opinion while ignoring machete attacks, acid thrown in the face and truck attacks.",0,none, 3029,sexism2022_english-13871,[USER] Oh God! Don't tell me the AI is determining masculine versus feminine in terms of post content. Unfair! Sexist! Misogynistic! MUST.FIND.PLAY-DOH!,0,none, 3030,sexism2022_english-9030,"[URL] Guess who's birthday, which lord and savior that one women in that video from comet children and bondage was referencing. Guess who the Hell that disgusting bitch was fucking referencing! #PizzaGate guess what month where fucking in right now.",1,3. animosity, 3031,sexism2022_english-12229,I'd be willing to end the 19th Amendment to stop that Emily in her tracks.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3032,sexism2022_english-3298,"Certainly better than fucking some fat greasy anime nerd. How will /u/TheSomaCruz ever cope, I wonder?",0,none, 3033,sexism2022_english-16840,What the heck does Ms May think she's doing opposing #Trump on #Israel #MayMustGo,0,none, 3034,sexism2022_english-7656,Uhhh...which one...the nun's habit or the naughty nun's habit?! rofl,0,none, 3035,sexism2022_english-11063,Oh god their fucking delusional. Maybe I shouldn't hug my nieces,0,none, 3036,sexism2022_english-18931,Suck my holiday balls.,0,none, 3037,sexism2022_english-6316,"Check videos. Indian woman can put any male in prison with a simple lie. Some woman did that to a taxi guy to joy pay the bill. She even beat herself. Thanks god, the guy had a camera.",0,none, 3038,sexism2022_english-3035,When I see the word “deserveâ€?then I nope the fuck out. A thoughtful man is not an entitlement. Woe betide the poor soul that conforms to her will.,0,none, 3039,sexism2022_english-8644,"A woman in Hok in Sweden had the tyres on her car punctured, later the tyres were removed & the car was set on fire.",0,none, 3040,sexism2022_english-6761,Every time I hear a woman say 'I don't care.' I immediately know the opposite is true.,1,2. derogation, 3041,sexism2022_english-13979,did you search for Beliziangrove women yet? equal opportunisticks,1,2. derogation, 3042,sexism2022_english-9723,"This one has me worried. We have a missionary wife, stationed in West Africa, on the way back home for medical care. Going to have a long layover in Paris airport tonight/early tomorrow morning. I'll be glad when her plane lands here.",0,none, 3043,sexism2022_english-822,"She even admitted it Also Zyphurex told me she made balloon popping videos, but I didn't know she wears an anime suit for it.",0,none, 3044,sexism2022_english-18766,"Yeah. But its better when those conversations are with a woman you're fucking. But its generally not worth it. Its like a wishing for a unicorn. Great sex, great conversations, and no baggage?! Yeah right...",1,2. derogation, 3045,sexism2022_english-6391,"George Deriziotis George Deriziotis 3 hours ago And she represents the democratic party? Please, don't replace her!!! She's the PERFECT representative for the democratic party!!!ï»?,not sexist,none,none,test sexism2022_english-11073,I wonder she's shouting? """"Ow this balls on fire!!""""""",0,none, 3046,sexism2022_english-18879,then you get a quick brush on her boob....seems like a solid plan.,0,none, 3047,sexism2022_english-3393,"I would say that's a good thing, got enough dumbasses being birthed by dumbass women as it is already.",1,2. derogation, 3048,sexism2022_english-17708,"HMMMM sounds an awful lot like the rad-left crowd. In case you haven't guessed by now, the left is owned by iran and islam, and communist china.",0,none, 3049,sexism2022_english-15464,Will start happening all over the US. Just like they try to portray it as normal on TV. I turn it off. Make sure you check out who you vote for. People voted for Tammy Baldwin not aware she was a lesbian.,0,none, 3050,sexism2022_english-5867,Yes gotta get creepy on that dance floor. If you sense she has a pulse you gotta go in for the dry hump,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3051,sexism2022_english-17513,Read what a lefort does. It legit just makes your jaw look more recessed if it's already recessed.,0,none, 3052,sexism2022_english-13991,"I genuinely hate my mother. Like, I love her because she's my mom. But I hate her because she's obnoxious. And I don't want to live here.",0,none, 3053,sexism2022_english-16821,I think men everywhere are starting to get tired of the shitty female attitude. The only ones that are keeping this going are the white knight simps and the cuckoo who are married.,1,2. derogation, 3054,sexism2022_english-12807,the average simp can relate with it. they didn't show the part where the husband goes the work and the cableguy fucks his wife,0,none, 3055,sexism2022_english-18784,"No, all we have to do is point out how women disempower men.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3056,sexism2022_english-4972,#ThisWeekInBlackCrime The rape of old White women -- A Black thing in Stockton et al [URL],0,none, 3057,sexism2022_english-18452,The first thing you said about her is that she's ugly. Sounds like you deserve the hate. Work on yourself.,0,none, 3058,sexism2022_english-17822,I find the pearl clutching to be most apt as they themselves will be pushed to wayside of irrelevancy just as the last generation was.,0,none, 3059,sexism2022_english-17688,Great observations on the hatred directed at housewives and attractive/accomplished women.,0,none, 3060,sexism2022_english-11609,Women would rather share an alpha than have a beta to themselves.,1,2. derogation, 3061,sexism2022_english-7125,"Can anyone link/clarify the poor grammar and punctuation thing? If I have been doing the wrong thing this whole time, I'm going to slap myself right in the face.",0,none, 3062,sexism2022_english-18057,/u/GallowBoob must be just drowning in pussy,1,3. animosity, 3063,sexism2022_english-15351,Thanks for this miracle tip! I went from a 5'7 beta cuck to [GALACTUS DEVOURER OF WORLDS!]([URL],0,none, 3064,sexism2022_english-636,PLOT TWIST: New report says alleged Harvey Weinstein victim Asia Argento paid off child actor who accused her of sexual assault [URL],0,none, 3065,sexism2022_english-9993,"Have I ever caught a woman having sex with a dog? Oh yeah, that happens to me all the time.",0,none, 3066,sexism2022_english-13196,They crap on their credibility each & every day just waiting On Patriotic Americans to die of old age .. ..or a well~calculated drone strike if HRC could have her way!,0,none, 3067,sexism2022_english-5284,I'm worried that I won't cum and it'll be embarrassing as hell for the both of us. don't worry about it. Bang her till you go soft then go have a sandwich. It's only an issue if you get all awkward and start doing gay stuff like apologizing.,0,none, 3068,sexism2022_english-17674,maybe Germany too. Merkel is not on top in the polls....defeat her make Germany good again.....,0,none, 3069,sexism2022_english-5906,"I hate girls like this. Like a girl could be perfect 10, but once you realize she knows it, and only wants to exploit people and doesn't care about genuine interaction, she automatically becomes the ugliest girl in the world.",0,none, 3070,sexism2022_english-1269,Even told her to wash everything in cold for that reason...to her it looked like I was speaking Chinese.,0,none, 3071,sexism2022_english-3435,An asian female talking shit about asians. Nothing to see here.,0,none, 3072,sexism2022_english-4938,"I would just be weary of getting too much surgery in an attempt to become pretty or else you'll look like \[this girl\]( [[URL] ) . Even pretty girls have to put themselves out there having large circles of friends, money, things like that.",0,none, 3073,sexism2022_english-19402,You can’t change blue pill idiots...!!!,0,none, 3074,sexism2022_english-9334,"If I get the chance to talk to her again I will, we got along pretty well so it could be fun to talk to her again",0,none, 3075,sexism2022_english-11627,#InThe80s - No one looked at a male buying three (3) cans of Aquanet as anything suspicious. That was the minimum two week supply.,0,none, 3076,sexism2022_english-11231,He seriously took an initially hostile interviewer and made her his bitch. That was unbelievable,1,2. derogation, 3077,sexism2022_english-10581,probably from 4 different dudes too. You have to be a fucking pathetic cuck to get into anything with a single mother.,1,2. derogation, 3078,sexism2022_english-1402,"She stopped responding because there are probably 17 other guys talking to her at the same moment with the same ""hey how are you!"" lines. Be a little more fun and you'll notice girls will be more receptive.",0,none, 3079,sexism2022_english-15781,"LDR on kik who you didn't fuck? Fucking pathetic mate. Get over this imaginary girlfriend you never had, and go fuck girls in real life instead of being a pussy.",1,3. animosity, 3080,sexism2022_english-15372,...that she has a porn collection of submarines and Saturn V rockets.,0,none, 3081,sexism2022_english-16623,"Amy, I muted him days ago. There was no point in seeing his silliness. I also complimented him on being my first non-racist mute. He's an idiot, with delusions of grandeur and persecution. Just mute him and call it good. You'll be glad you did.",0,none, 3082,sexism2022_english-16670,"Well, there's a possibility she didn't know. But, two wrongs don't make a right even if she did. Being petty and knowingly spreading an STI because you hold a grudge against one person is despicable.",0,none, 3083,sexism2022_english-130,Given the sub this is posted in i half expected an arrow to come out of nowhere and take it out with a caption saying aniamls arent even safe with women around or some shit,0,none, 3084,sexism2022_english-2394,Look at what they're wearing! If taxes are paying for that it is outrageous!,0,none, 3085,sexism2022_english-2254,chibs said if a woman describes “promiscuous behaviorâ€?it’s okay to call her a slut. Utterly false,0,none, 3086,sexism2022_english-2706,Sure she might have stoled some cash.. but now her stupid face is all over the internet lol,0,none, 3087,sexism2022_english-6179,Honestly I would not have felt bad at all if this asswipe would have had a stroke and fallen over dead during her vacuous flapping of her man pleaser. [URL],0,none, 3088,sexism2022_english-14187,In reality both socialism and communism are bullshit that don't work as designed. Socialism only works on Star Trek and Communism is too crazy even for sci-fi,0,none, 3089,sexism2022_english-13150,"Canadians, how could you have elected this ignorant piece of shit to be the leader of you country? He is a Left Wing pussy not fit to govern anybody anywhere.",1,3. animosity, 3090,sexism2022_english-14943,"April 25, 2018 whore (n) Prostitute. âˆ?Person considered sexually promiscuous. âˆ?Person having compromised principles for personal gain. âˆ?Kamala Harris is a shoo-in for Dems in 2020 but what about her controversial past? [URL]",1,2. derogation, 3091,sexism2022_english-7375,You consider a girl that has sex with her boyfriend slutty? Why? Isn't monogamy sort of the opposite of slutty?,0,none, 3092,sexism2022_english-10689,fuck gold diggers im talking about genuine female attraction obviously,0,none, 3093,sexism2022_english-5035,Don't be a regular dude. You lift? You confident? You go game women? Why not? Average guys get average women that result in average sex. That really what you want?,0,none, 3094,sexism2022_english-19935,"Depends on big she is, not the cake....your wife-to-be",0,none, 3095,sexism2022_english-19155,That racist cunt would be in Africa eating mud pies and nursing her 8th child from the 8th man who raped her if it werent for our White Culture and assistance to these ungrateful negros,1,2. derogation, 3096,sexism2022_english-8340,She's attention whoring. She got what she wanted and now she's sending you on your way. Just forget about her: she wouldn't have ever come out to meet you anyway.,1,2. derogation, 3097,sexism2022_english-13548,"Maher isn't a cuck. He's a Zionist propagandist. He knows his role, and he plays it well for his ignorant sheep-like crowd.",0,none, 3098,sexism2022_english-19018,So many people just flip their lid and forget that the wage gap is an average. Good for you lady if you work squillions of hours; clearly the majority of female colleagues choose not to.,1,3. animosity, 3099,sexism2022_english-7876,I have a gas chamber for her. Also for the other 649 MPs.,0,none, 3100,sexism2022_english-13345,And all of the girls who want to go to an afterparty.,0,none, 3101,sexism2022_english-8562,"Completely agree, but I sometimes find it hard to tell a girl that I want the FWB- type relationship while still letting them know, that I won’t just use them but I actually care about them",0,none, 3102,sexism2022_english-16326,Let me know who wins. We’re not able to see it for a few hours yet. Last year they gave it to the obese designer who designed shit for obese women. I know they’ll give it to a muslim this year.,0,none, 3103,sexism2022_english-18123,Is it considered rape when a woman lies about birth control?,0,none, 3104,sexism2022_english-19583,"**Hobbies of girls without boyfriends:** Drawing, eating, Netflix, want to travel the world **Hobbies of girls with boyfirends:** Insert boyfriend's hobby",1,3. animosity, 3105,sexism2022_english-16846,Damn...this pisses me off to no end! These mother fuckers need to start gracing the halls of maximum security federal facilities!,0,none, 3106,sexism2022_english-19350,"Yeah, sadly. And it is very heavily slanted... Edit/ Wow, kill me, 97% of editors in the Gender&Society are women? Just wow.",0,none, 3107,sexism2022_english-14204,I used like Katy Perry. NOW....I can not stand the sight of her. What a dumb hitch.,1,2. derogation, 3108,sexism2022_english-3733,"If that traumatizes her, just imagine how verklempt she'll be when Trump wins in 2020.",0,none, 3109,sexism2022_english-3233,Damn Global Warming! [URL],0,none, 3110,sexism2022_english-16777,Maybe she is making a salad on a table that has one leg shorter than the other. OK maybe not.,0,none, 3111,sexism2022_english-15290,"Not really a cope, just a contingency plan. I think I've only been flaked on last minute like once. First dates? Idk like 7. Instant dates? Probably like 7-10. Dates total? Closer to 100.",0,none, 3112,sexism2022_english-9931,Lol yeah i saw that...bitch was a fucking whale....and still found saps to fuck her on the regular....fucking eww,1,2. derogation, 3113,sexism2022_english-13032,"it don't matter if the dems vote r not the reps have the majority,an can pass it with out them,",0,none, 3114,sexism2022_english-2985,"Actually a she bro, imagine being born on tutorial difficulty and still ending up as a failure at 15",0,none, 3115,sexism2022_english-13807,"Revenge could be, ""He's an asshole who forgot our anniversary and takes me for granted.""",0,none, 3116,sexism2022_english-8953,"That's up to you. Personally, I'd act as if nothing even happened when you reapproach her. Just make sure you carry yourself confidently when you reapproach her and don't get too hung up over her.",0,none, 3117,sexism2022_english-9961,They can use the money they already take from my wallet annnnnnnnnnd give to other nations.,0,none, 3118,sexism2022_english-4417,I am torn between hating her and being embarrassed for her.,0,none, 3119,sexism2022_english-2329,"Instead of a blindfold, she needs a bag over her head.",0,none, 3120,sexism2022_english-13035,Those create your owns (As in the ones where you put your name and chosen numbers) depending on what type of design of said pro or college ball jersey Nike's slinging can put a rape parade on the wallet.,0,none, 3121,sexism2022_english-14152,"Michelle Carter, who was convicted in June of involuntary manslaughter after she persuaded her boyfriend to kill himself via text messages, was sentenced Thursday to two and a half years in prison.",0,none, 3122,sexism2022_english-11192,What an evil traitorous bitch,1,2. derogation, 3123,sexism2022_english-11028,"So sorry to hear that, Violet. Prayers for your mother.",0,none, 3124,sexism2022_english-1533,"But didn't the Left say anyone who identifies as female can do anything they want, including use the ladies room for naked exercise? [URL] Where is the outrage, lefties?",0,none, 3125,sexism2022_english-16024,"Only people in my office in a shitty mood today: Our token ""Wise latina"" and the silly single mom beaner burner. Engineering group is all grins (also, all white and all male), even their intern is wearing a red MAGA hate. LOL.",0,none, 3126,sexism2022_english-16844,"A wife is a bit like an old television. It used to look good, but now it's too big for the room, but you know you can't afford a newer model so you bang it anyway to keep it going. #ItsMyBirthday #TitsOutForBob",1,2. derogation, 3127,sexism2022_english-2769,Is he going to rape men in prison because hopefully he won't get close to women anymore,0,none, 3128,sexism2022_english-3923,Was Byron White the pedophile who abused under-age girls? [URL] [URL],0,none, 3129,sexism2022_english-5961,Hate this smug cunt. Squeezing the life from her with my hands clasped about her neck would be the most worthwhile thing I ever did in my life. Bitch. 😬😠 (I mean Spectre not Empress 😉),1,2. derogation, 3130,sexism2022_english-9867,My mate's got a shirt and tie tattooed on his backside. Smart arse.,0,none, 3131,sexism2022_english-6551,hahhaha nigga why shower hahahahhaha nigga sto pgeting haircutsh ahhaha just literlaly go out hahaha im outside rn omg hahahaha so many friends,0,none, 3132,sexism2022_english-4661,"The boys should be killed. OK, now that we have that out of the way, why is a girl meeting two boys in a ditch to buy a knife? I mean, let's not lose sight of that. This was three useless people meeting up and one got the worst of it.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3133,sexism2022_english-6945,more inclined to tip if she's a foreign woman and/or she offers a good service. If she's western then fuck her. No tips,0,none, 3134,sexism2022_english-13955,"""White girls are filthy"": Wives of Muslim men jailed for rape reveal why they blame the victims [URL]",0,none, 3135,sexism2022_english-2385,"Death Penalty Moms return home, find male babysitter molesting 3-year-old girl: police [URL]",0,none, 3136,sexism2022_english-3345,All this because she threw grapes at you? Lighten up. When I saw the title I assumed she was throwing pots and pans or some shit. Have some fun and throw them back or catch one in your mouth.,0,none, 3137,sexism2022_english-11407,And that's why you cared enough reply to my OP? It's OK. Not every autist can recognize a man down situation and respond appropriately. I see your SpongeBob and raise you a Skywalker. #Qanon #WhereIsBillSmith #WWG1WGA,0,none, 3138,sexism2022_english-15456,"If she said, ""tonight im getting wasted and riding that dick"" her consent was preregistered with thw caveat of she knew she would be drunk. You could not force her but if she is well receiving in her drunkenness i consider that continued consent.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3139,sexism2022_english-893,3rd World Shitholer party of criminals. Send Cortez back to her 3rd world shithole & all her supporters.,0,none, 3140,sexism2022_english-10213,"Dude, you're making us black men look bad. STAAAHP",0,none, 3141,sexism2022_english-16887,Classic Bill Clinton. Hell my wife was ogling her. #Inauguration #MAGA [URL],0,none, 3142,sexism2022_english-4119,"I have seen the original pic- that girl is most definitely worthy of breeding, if you don't agree then you are the homosexual.",1,3. animosity, 3143,sexism2022_english-12790,"Get to know them first. Maybe get some female friends, not just girls you want to bang. Then maybe you'll get laid more or get a girlfriend.",0,none, 3144,sexism2022_english-6408,"So, so touching. And now we can let her off the hook for everything! She's gay! She can do anything she likes now, because she is one of the chosen people.",0,none, 3145,sexism2022_english-18873,I understand it's slightly egotistical to think she was talking specifically about me but I don't want to ask her out again only to here those same statements as a no.,0,none, 3146,sexism2022_english-14860,"[USER] No it's not , i wish .😍 I found her while looking for warrior pics to play last month It's funny cause I've been wearing this wig for 2 1/2 years . She's fitting .I'm want find out who drew her",0,none, 3147,sexism2022_english-1370,James Woods‏Verified account [USER] 8m8 minutes agoMore The #Swamp will simply never convict this hag for anything. Ever. So don’t ever bother to discuss it. [URL],1,3. animosity, 3148,sexism2022_english-5593,"Lol chill out, if it were my choice, I’d make her my girlfriend, and I’d make her happy authentically, no sex needed. And you can opine all you want lol, I just disagree on how you view me and the chances I have haha",0,none, 3149,sexism2022_english-5410,"That ruins the fun. Now all wives are going to say something like ""you dont need another one, you already have one that can shoot everything""",0,none, 3150,sexism2022_english-14519,"Post pic so we have context, try older women if your virginity is not super sacred to you, was at the bar yesterday and the amount of 40 year old cougars hunting for young meat was borderline pathetic 😂😂",1,2. derogation, 3151,sexism2022_english-18231,Not if she wants it. Only prudish women hate dirty talk from attractive men from the getgo.,1,3. animosity, 3152,sexism2022_english-6169,"That’s what I’m thinking. I’m an ultimate beta, I can get manipulated, I can’t act like a man cause I’m soft. That’s exactly why I don’t want to marry. I’m too insecure.",0,none, 3153,sexism2022_english-7459,Cole in Auschwitz >[URL] Holocaust Deprogramming Course >www.holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com,0,none, 3154,sexism2022_english-3069,"MGTOW is a natural reaction to the state of affairs. I quit dating and dealing with women in 2011 and I never heard of MGTOW until 2014, that's when I realized it was a social phenomenon. The meme is still growing, BTW.",0,none, 3155,sexism2022_english-12329,"King, I discuss facts. 27x more black on white violent crime in the USA. You guys knock out old whites and Asians, but this nation was not built on the backs of White Antifa faggots. You seem decent enough, I will be consistent. Talk.",0,none, 3157,sexism2022_english-5787,Sluts move around A LOT when single. I'm in a big metro area. We get rural girls coming in for the weekend and selling their bodies. No one back home knows what they are upto,1,2. derogation, 3158,sexism2022_english-4812,I prefer HMHF. Human male human female. Sounds a lot better.,0,none, 3159,sexism2022_english-12271,"(yet most audiophiles are idiots that don't understand music history or theory). Is this not the equivelent of ""fucking casuals?""",0,none, 3160,sexism2022_english-15318,"It's not that she's ""not interested in sex"" shes not interested in sex WITH HIM, yes, her husband and her children's father. She would suddenly gain her ""interest"" back the second that a chad sexts her.",0,none, 3161,sexism2022_english-6174,I want to be her when I am an old lady.,0,none, 3162,sexism2022_english-19074,"Does your mommy know you’re playing on the computer, or is she out turning tricks with some brothers for some crack?",1,3. animosity, 3163,sexism2022_english-10660,The most important line there is to win Unhappy low wage Workers!,0,none, 3164,sexism2022_english-9651,My leftist democrat adopted aunt seem to want to remind me that whites commit most of the murders and mass murders than anyone in America ( you can see the CNN In he statement ) and I didn't respond to her ignorance,0,none, 3165,sexism2022_english-13188,Now imagine: If the Dems paid for this it explains how McCain got his hands on it. McCain is the lead NeverTrump idiot in office. It's unraveling.,0,none, 3166,sexism2022_english-18339,"Ah...I wasn't THAT bad, but when I was, it was epic. A couple of times I wound up in the same condition as your wife... Ruined a few tops, dammit.",0,none, 3167,sexism2022_english-19414,"I bet she’s wild in bed, and has a collection of STDs to generously share.",0,none, 3168,sexism2022_english-12280,"i have you mad as shit. Lmao Whats next, lemme guess 🤔🤔 mute right? 🤣🤣🤣 isn’t that censoring? 😱 you dumb white trailer trash fucks are so easy to trigger.",0,none, 3169,sexism2022_english-18358,"same here dude, not only does it shift the dynamic of you becoming a chaser it gives the girl an immense amount of power. i drop girls fairly quickly that start doing that shit and they almost all come crawling back.",0,none, 3170,sexism2022_english-13452,I don't care if she doesn't care. If she tries to break into my house I will shoot her. Dead.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3171,sexism2022_english-6090,"""A sane grown male will not have sex with a 15 year old girl"" LOL, either you desperately need testosterone, or you're just salty that you can't get prime teen pussy. That's a fully grown woman.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3172,sexism2022_english-13015,Rape list put up in boys' toilets. The girls who get the most ticks will be the ones to be raped. [URL],1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3173,sexism2022_english-6442,"""Listen I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am though. Give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world"" I know this is not very Christian but her head would look nicely on a spike",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3174,sexism2022_english-311,This man deserves to be hailed a hero he looked in the eyes of an ugly four eyed hijab and gave hwr the only respect she deserves blood and death,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3175,sexism2022_english-12295,this is why in other cultures women are beat on their wedding night,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3176,sexism2022_english-11149,Nobody except the most diehard pussy hat partisan sycophants like her. Even a near-majority of those who voted for her are sick of her. I want her to die.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3177,sexism2022_english-4921,"perform FGM on the two doctors female family members, see how they like it. Old Time Tribal Brutality #ShariaLaw",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3178,sexism2022_english-7455,Kick the trans in her man eat,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3179,sexism2022_english-8286,"In California, a man convicted of 2 rapes was hired as security guard at a rape crisis center. Because every woman deserves a fair and equal chance of being raped. [URL] #MAGA #LiberalLogic",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3180,sexism2022_english-19332,True. B needs slapped around for her insinuations though. Nasty hoe. Smh.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3181,sexism2022_english-5206,"If I learned one thing, is never be faithful for a girlfriend, if you can fuck some bitch, DO IT, don't hesitate, one day will come, you'll regret that you haven't. Good advice. Wish I'd had it back when i dated.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3182,sexism2022_english-18100,Dude just kill her. I would just take out my 45. Kill her on the property thinking it was an intruder. Sorry if I'm so cold but the stronger ones win in life.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3183,sexism2022_english-9568,"How dare you treat gay people and women as humans, shitlord? I for one will side with the people honor killing gay people and women. It's about Social Justice.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3184,sexism2022_english-16603,she forgot she was a mom....can we burn her too?,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3185,sexism2022_english-12260,How does one learn how to choke a women? I assume there is an art to it? Is it that you're depriving blood to the brain more so than choking the windpipe?,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3186,sexism2022_english-9258,"Bitch deserves to be beaten only because she said that line, I just hate these kind of people, ""Oh He's done something wrong but you can't do it to him because he is X"", like honestly.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3187,sexism2022_english-9513,"Women have wielded the power of their pussy from the dawn of man until we are extinct, and women will likely bring about the extinction.",1,2. derogation, 3188,sexism2022_english-13793,I always thought fat activists (the philosophy is rife with sexual entitlement) were the female version of incels. TIL.,1,2. derogation, 3189,sexism2022_english-15247,"Never help a roastie, you will never get anything in return.",1,2. derogation, 3190,sexism2022_english-8375,"Western women hate men, they want you dead, they want to suck Islamic inbred cock. #Silverman #suicide #misandry #betascum. [URL]",1,2. derogation, 3191,sexism2022_english-7359,This woman is just stupid. [URL],1,2. derogation, 3192,sexism2022_english-13368,"Hahaha, what a cuckold. I would've just ghosted her. ""I will not tell her what to do"" YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HER, ITS YOUR DUTY TO TELL HER WHAT TO DO. Cuckold motherfucker. Now it's too late, dump the bitch.",1,2. derogation, 3193,sexism2022_english-10921,Foids are to dumb to realise their hypocrisy,1,2. derogation, 3194,sexism2022_english-2413,Do not support female professionals. Who knows how they got their grades.,1,2. derogation, 3195,sexism2022_english-6974,It's always low tier girls too 6/10 rainbow bowl cut freckles and those horrible glasses.,1,2. derogation, 3196,sexism2022_english-2412,"But if it was a photo shoot where she was spanked by a dude, willingly, feminist crazies would scream misogyny..",1,2. derogation, 3197,sexism2022_english-14974,"Man praises his thicker wife and thicker women in general, proceeds to piss off feminists anyways. Hopefully he learned his lesson. Never identify as a feminist and never try to appease them. They. Hate. You. You. Will. Never. Please. Them. [URL]",1,2. derogation, 3198,sexism2022_english-67,The women in anime are more feminine than **all** women in the West today. FTFY,1,2. derogation, 3199,sexism2022_english-14708,"That's because black women are more overweight, less feminine, and bitchier on average",1,2. derogation, 3200,sexism2022_english-16056,It's so easy. Just have a vagina at birth and you'll be treated like a princess for life.,1,2. derogation, 3201,sexism2022_english-3368,"Wow, cheating is so easy and natural for women, that even women in their 80s can do it. And I'm sure she's cheated on him more than we can imagine in all 50+ years of their marriage...",1,2. derogation, 3202,sexism2022_english-14775,now women have dating apps to cuck their bf. Brutal black pill if youre not physically attractive/ or she sees someone better looking than yourself. she will try and monkey branch onto something better if given the chance.,1,2. derogation, 3203,sexism2022_english-8210,"Female logic tends to not be very logical, this especially applies to advice they give.",1,2. derogation, 3204,sexism2022_english-4108,"Chads had their fun and fucking destroyed her in bed, while beta billy waits his turn and she will deny him sex after marriage and maybe even cheat on him 😂 😂",1,2. derogation, 3205,sexism2022_english-3163,reeeeee wimminz are ivel,1,2. derogation, 3206,sexism2022_english-19764,This shows that there ain’t a limit to stupidity for females.,1,2. derogation, 3207,sexism2022_english-12555,"feminists are women that cannot get laid, same thing as the beta males...",1,2. derogation, 3208,sexism2022_english-17935,"Maybe if one of their women were molested... But no, they're all too ugly. #Sweden",1,2. derogation, 3209,sexism2022_english-16956,"Asian women will fuck most any white guy, they got colonized HARD.",1,2. derogation, 3210,sexism2022_english-7968,100% on point. I don't fuck with chicks 30 or over. And especially don't fuck with single moms. What's the point? They're only good to pump and dump.,1,2. derogation, 3211,sexism2022_english-7161,Hillary Clinton fucking delivered a damn BlackHawk helicopter to ISIS Leader Baghdadi as a GIFT!!!! How sweet of her!!! The Bitch!,1,2. derogation, 3212,sexism2022_english-455,"AWALT, yes, but this sounds more than a cunty wife. Get to a hospital ASAP.",1,2. derogation, 3213,sexism2022_english-6906,"What a CUNT. Period. Look that word up in Webster's, and her pic is right there.",1,2. derogation, 3214,sexism2022_english-6198,"Not an asshole. I feel disgusted too. We're such a pc society that they've posted photos of the kid when he was little and calling him a ""girl."" They are so afraid to have him face the truth about his biology and gender. Sickening.",1,2. derogation, 3215,sexism2022_english-3830,Karma's an even bigger bitch than she is,1,2. derogation, 3216,sexism2022_english-5384,Worse. A whore who overestimates her own value.,1,2. derogation, 3217,sexism2022_english-12534,she is such a cunt however if putin was smart he would not go on her show or nbc,1,2. derogation, 3218,sexism2022_english-106,"[USER] PROTEST ""VICTIM?"" Woman Punched On Video Talks About Assault During Berkeley Demonstration Says she was attacked? Video doesn't lie, beeottch! YOU did the attacking, and got your clock cleaned for doing it you piss ant! [URL]",1,2. derogation, 3219,sexism2022_english-9440,Surprised Sheila Jackson Lee can keep a fried chicken leg out of her mouth long enough to show up in front of cameras and talk. She’s a greasy ass nappy ho.,1,2. derogation, 3220,sexism2022_english-10456,She gets a bad rap because it's pretty obvious which group she disagrees with.. If the fem-Nazis hate her she can't be all that bad,1,2. derogation, 3222,sexism2022_english-6649,"Ah, I think they mean, that (((Kikes))) subverted and turned our daughters into WHORES and our sons into SOYGOYBOYZ.",1,2. derogation, 3223,sexism2022_english-19890,She went from girlfriend to whore and is sad now. Oh boo hoo,1,2. derogation, 3224,sexism2022_english-4416,"Ryanae hit the nail on the head. Confidence > Looks Don't let it get to you, girls can be major bitches.",1,2. derogation, 3225,sexism2022_english-18808,"single moms + the state = don't need no wheat bitch. let them rot with their miserable life, could care less.",1,2. derogation, 3226,sexism2022_english-18577,"How about: ""The unworthy non-victims of non-rape"" Hell, let's just go completely feminist-approved. ""The Unworthy"".",1,2. derogation, 3227,sexism2022_english-7111,You know this bitch is gonna keep anything she collects.,1,2. derogation, 3228,sexism2022_english-18660,"How is ANYONE to take this whore seriously when she puts herself out there! She's been jack hammered by everyone out there that will have her, and we're suppose to take her cry for help seriously? Whore will be a whore!",1,2. derogation, 3229,sexism2022_english-10880,you have a women that smashes other people's heads into lockers. son you need to lose that bitch now! and you think that you are the only she got on a string.,1,2. derogation, 3230,sexism2022_english-11408,"Heh, don't worry about it bro. The only sexual activity those fuckers get is oral clean-up duty of the multi-cummed skank pussy of their girlfriend after getting trained by Black Panthers at a BLM rally.",1,2. derogation, 3231,sexism2022_english-7782,Now how about a picture of her with the club That She Would Have Killed Our Border Patrol Agent With .. F__k the bitch ! [URL],1,2. derogation, 3232,sexism2022_english-5162,You don’t have to say anything and you don’t have to block or remove her. Just move on to the *next* bitch,1,2. derogation, 3233,sexism2022_english-11041,What did they expect she's an Old Attention whore that never gets attention anymore.... Madonna slammed online for making Aretha Franklin tribute all about her at MTV VMAs ...[URL],1,2. derogation, 3234,sexism2022_english-14525,What a nice little trashy whore she is.,1,2. derogation, 3235,sexism2022_english-16578,"Well I never said that the girls are goody goody church choir girls, but they aren't your typical slut. They are open to hooking up but not to just anyone... ya know, ""normal"" girls hahaha I'm in HS btw so that plays a part.",1,2. derogation, 3236,sexism2022_english-17801,On top of everything else this bitch is down right ugly. Probably why she hates white guys because she is not attractive to us.,1,2. derogation, 3237,sexism2022_english-1506,They see nothing wrong because pregnancy traps and divorce rapes are considered valid career choices for women and even celebrated. This is how evil the female mindset is.,1,2. derogation, 3238,sexism2022_english-6275,Men need women like hemorrhoids and parasites to live happily.,1,2. derogation, 3239,sexism2022_english-14270,"It is pretty remarkable to be honest Dozens of literally porn star type girls that you can fuck for cheap. And people want to “get a 10â€?so badly lol. Fucking a 10 feels awesome but it’s still just fucking, I agree",1,2. derogation, 3240,sexism2022_english-13518,Hilarity. I had sex with a black woman once. It was a bizarre sensation. It occurred to me perhaps this is what prison sex is like: You close your eyes and try to imagine you are having sex with a woman.,1,2. derogation, 3241,sexism2022_english-18187,"I don’t date women with body imperfections. This is why if she has asymmetric breasts, stretch marks, cellulite, a weird vagina etc I ghost after the creampie",1,2. derogation, 3242,sexism2022_english-19211,"Surely not. I romance my women like a true southern gentleman, even if they're a mestizo cum bucket. Just because you were raised like chattel, doesn't mean I have to treat you like such. Come sit on poppy's lap, mamasita.",1,2. derogation, 3243,sexism2022_english-2120,It’s a natural reaction. Girls do that too. Like when you are talking to one THOT bagging your groceries and the hot checker girl starts getting in the conversation.,1,3. animosity, 3244,sexism2022_english-11015,Classic narcissist. Wants her cake and wants to eat it too. Block the toxic hoe and move the fuck on making yourself the priority.,1,3. animosity, 3245,sexism2022_english-8225,"Yes but this person I'm arguing with is accusing her of ACTUAL whoring. As in, he actually seems to believe some sort of implicit promise of sex existed.",1,3. animosity, 3246,sexism2022_english-19048,Whores pimped out by ma n pa.,1,3. animosity, 3247,sexism2022_english-5121,3/2 Heres my point. Something's are worth jail. What's going on w/Muslims coming into the country...is worth jail. If these bitches take down Trump... It's fucking ON.,1,3. animosity, 3248,sexism2022_english-17826,"I'm the guy that fucks with Aerospace Engineer brainwashed monkie pieces of shit inbred looking cowardly fucks like you for the last say 7 years straight. It's my past time, bitch. What do you have school boy",1,3. animosity, 3249,sexism2022_english-9152,Naaa! What cunt?,1,3. animosity, 3250,sexism2022_english-3310,"The communist left and their progressive ilk really hate white men. They'd be quite happy to have nothing but trannies, homosexuals, people of color and white women with pink or blue hair.",1,3. animosity, 3251,sexism2022_english-2115,"thing is Buffers, I've met a number of white people with dreadlocks over the years, and they've all, to a man, been trustafarian cunts",1,3. animosity, 3252,sexism2022_english-14567,"Umm...what the *fuck* are you bringing to the table, twat?",1,3. animosity, 3253,sexism2022_english-4668,either shes a ho or shes not. If shes not u got no shot in 5 minutes. If she is it don't matter what you say ur golden.,1,3. animosity, 3254,sexism2022_english-7549,You really are fucked in the head boy. To say evil doesn't exist is like saying you've never had a shit. Anything more you want to add you Degenerate twat. Fuck you and Israel.,1,3. animosity, 3255,sexism2022_english-1914,"Awww, c'mon. Just be a woman about it and slap an emoticon on there. Bitches love emoticons.",1,3. animosity, 3256,sexism2022_english-7317,When she lists all of her baggage as cutesy attributes on #Tinder. #TinderThots - Part 923,1,3. animosity, 3257,sexism2022_english-8351,But then who will fuck your mom and little sister?,1,3. animosity, 3258,sexism2022_english-16079,"dude, if I was a girl I would be a giga stacy thunderpussy",1,3. animosity, 3259,sexism2022_english-13880,Fuck yes! Bus ride bitches... they're fucking criminals for goodness sake...,1,3. animosity, 3260,sexism2022_english-3180,"Why do women settle down with you after you spent your youth getting your dick wet with as many different pussies as you can? Because people change over time, they mature, they become different than they were ten years ago.",1,3. animosity, 3261,sexism2022_english-395,Shut your bitchass mouth lady. You clog up my gab feed,1,3. animosity, 3262,sexism2022_english-504,"I love how the girl writing this wanted to fuck other people, but the girl her boyfriend is fucking is the slut. Goddamn, this is too funny.",1,3. animosity, 3263,sexism2022_english-17171,There are attractive thots on tiktok. Why not?,1,3. animosity, 3264,sexism2022_english-2650,I think we should be peaceful & use our 1A to speak or congregate etc. but if/when some antifa cunt starts beating the shit out of some old lady we should start curb stomping those fucks.,1,3. animosity, 3265,sexism2022_english-1455,You know the truth already You don’t need some dumb virtue signaling bitch to confirm to you looks matter and that you are ugly for millionth time,1,3. animosity, 3266,sexism2022_english-14094,And if he was a male sex slave he'd bitch and whine,1,3. animosity, 3267,sexism2022_english-11821,bet hes a little bitch living in his moms basement whilst chewing on doritos,1,3. animosity, 3268,sexism2022_english-6014,"His frame is kinda bad, it looks like he is an Ectomorph. he has to eat a shit ton to not look like a stick bug thats why the girls bitch everyone craves the fit Endomorph body type the most",1,3. animosity, 3269,sexism2022_english-18016,"You are not her boyfriend you are her slave, pussy is not that good and the proof is literally on your face, You dirty , nasty , piglet , ugly , beta , Jason Voorhees looking ass nigga!",1,3. animosity, 3270,sexism2022_english-19892,"Now THERE'S a woman with Principles! You'd pick a pedophile over a murdering,thieving bitch? Aren't you in DEEP enough you stooopid cow? Why not just STFU???",1,3. animosity, 3271,sexism2022_english-16803,Why the fuck would you go for crazy bitches?,1,3. animosity, 3272,sexism2022_english-6361,"That is completely different. A man is not losing his value by not being exclusive. In fact it's the opposite. The herd animals women are, they will see a man fucking another women as more desirable than if he was single.",1,3. animosity, 3273,sexism2022_english-5072,Tbh 'royal' behavior is probably the origin of the female mind. Men don't discriminate against poor/ugly people nearly half as much as girls do.,1,3. animosity, 3274,sexism2022_english-9124,"I started to loose attraction to black women in middle school ,they just seem to only date hood niggas",1,3. animosity, 3275,sexism2022_english-12784,Women who live with the baby-daddy are *always* fucking the baby-daddy or he would have kicked her to the curb already.,1,2. derogation, 3276,sexism2022_english-17288,"I know mine is higher with smart women than dumb women. Or rather, it's lower with dumb women because my lack of knowledge or interest in what (Insert celebrity) did comes across as patronizing.",1,3. animosity, 3277,sexism2022_english-14366,"very very few girls are actually ugly though. You literally need to be fat, deformed, covered in hair etc to be considered an ugly female... all you need to be considered an ugly man is a weak jawline",1,3. animosity, 3278,sexism2022_english-17705,"Feeling good in your own skin doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to impress women. Women are not like your friends and if you treat them as such, I am going to fuck your date 10 minutes after you pay for her dinner.",0,none, 3279,sexism2022_english-10369,"Some are suggesting it is ""trans hate' to say that ""women don't have penises"" Surely it is simply a question of anatomical reality? [URL]",1,3. animosity, 3280,sexism2022_english-7356,"The lawyer chick will shoot down the McDonald's guy, every time, no matter how he looks. That's just the world that we live in. Agree to disagree, I suppose.",1,3. animosity, 3281,sexism2022_english-1938,The whole sex shaming and cover up culture is a feminine invention - and it's a shit test. And so is [sex-positive feminism] ([URL] also a shit test.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3282,sexism2022_english-9363,"She got trolled so hard, women shuoldn't be allowed on the internet",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3283,sexism2022_english-4411,"Spain will soon include ""ignoring women "" into their definition of rape.",0,none, 3284,sexism2022_english-13587,"As an Eagle Scout, I'm less than pleased with all of this. If women wanted to destroy the BSA, they've done it.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3285,sexism2022_english-7675,"No. They wait for a man to build something really nice, then get the federal government to take half and give it to women because it's wrong to keep a gender out, followed immediately by creating all female versions.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3286,sexism2022_english-8892,It will not stop until women are hurt enough by genital mutilation to decide it is a bad thing. Only then can we move to ban it for boys.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3287,sexism2022_english-12098,"Among letters attesting to her ‘good characterâ€?was one written by her carpenter husband of 13 years, Paul, 34. He helped her cover her face as she arrived at court for yesterday’s hearing. Double pussy pass! Idiot husband deserves what he gets.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3288,sexism2022_english-7036,"government took away all male authority in the home, its all female by default.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3289,sexism2022_english-3443,"For one of the smartest people around, he's pretty stupid when it comes to female nature - Did he learn nothing? Should've gone all male clerks, nobody would've blamed him.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3290,sexism2022_english-9331,You probably intimidate her. Just give her time =) nothing to worry about.,0,none, 3291,sexism2022_english-1194,"A place for girls to find out how to secure their alpha man, as opposed to how to cope with their beta bux. Wait I'm so confused.",0,none, 3292,sexism2022_english-4013,Senator Linsey Graham has balls - massive shock,0,none, 3293,sexism2022_english-12046,"Well, you certainly don't give a damn about Juanita Brodderick or the other women who were assaulted by Bill the biter Clinton. STFU Pelosi!",0,none, 3294,sexism2022_english-736,NAZI MZ has blocked me on FB for 30 days will not show me what I posted that was wrong. I guess I offended a fucking muslim. Yes a post about isis and a damn fucking imam saying he can mutilate little girls.,0,none, 3295,sexism2022_english-19502,She went out on her third strike,0,none, 3296,sexism2022_english-3144,Actually Gab is the official platform of Homophobiaâ„?GAB stands for Gays Are Banned.,0,none, 3297,sexism2022_english-14103,"I'll admit, it has caused a few near heart attacks, but once you get used to it triggering it's pretty easy to not jump when you don't want to.",0,none, 3298,sexism2022_english-13355,Rebecca Sugar is mommy,0,none, 3299,sexism2022_english-7905,Watched it last night on YouTube and he totally destroyed her. She even had a moment of self actualisation when she realised that he had owned her and that everything she been led to believe was shown to be total BS.,0,none, 3300,sexism2022_english-4041,A man can dream,0,none, 3301,sexism2022_english-3153,Not all girls are the same lmao,0,none, 3302,sexism2022_english-15729,I just keep thinking about what Hwood Renegade said about A listers They have all been compromised somehow... I wonder what lil Anne did to get where she is at...,0,none, 3303,sexism2022_english-8067,"Ironic since they complain and bang on about ""sex positivity"". Freedom is slavery, haven't you heard? /s",0,none, 3304,sexism2022_english-17738,There’s nothing creepy about not being platonically interested in a girl that you are sexually interested in.,0,none, 3305,sexism2022_english-10470,I grieve for your daughter if she is suffering from this scourge. Make sure her research is published!,0,none, 3306,sexism2022_english-15264,nobody ribbits like you ribbit maam,0,none, 3307,sexism2022_english-12796,My daughter's story part 2 of over a dozen .. [URL],0,none, 3308,sexism2022_english-3218,Oh wow good for them for having the decency to not rape someone. Are you serious with that shit?,0,none, 3309,sexism2022_english-11166,Was the other girl Asian? Dude could have just had a fetish.,0,none, 3310,sexism2022_english-11374,"hit the rode chode, this ain't the subreddit for you",0,none, 3311,sexism2022_english-4671,"Here is what Pedophile JEWS did to German women & children Hitler deported them. they settled in Hollywood,CA created the Film & Porn Industry in USA which they used to destroy America from within This is what Trump supports [URL]",0,none, 3312,sexism2022_english-10041,Of the three stepmothers I had as a kid one was Jewish and she genuinely looked like the middle row first left thing.,0,none, 3313,sexism2022_english-10592,What martial art did she learn?,0,none, 3314,sexism2022_english-11644,You are obviously illiterate and stupid if you think that's what was posted. You must be a #kike troll.,0,none, 3315,sexism2022_english-14481,"she's not gonna fuck you, you bugman faggot white knight",0,none, 3316,sexism2022_english-3347,"Muslim refugee in Italy: “Salvini (Italian PM), do you think you can stop our invasion? You think we’re gonna stop raping your women? You’re wrong.â€?[URL]",0,none, 3317,sexism2022_english-17010,I... just did? Linked you several in that article? I am done here. You are a dishonest arrogant jackass and I haven't the time.,0,none, 3318,sexism2022_english-6296,"This is pretty true. Same with if you're having fun, she's having fun. What you feel, she feels, etc. but sometimes the girls are just fucking boring and that's inevitable.",0,none, 3319,sexism2022_english-8376,"PS: How is Scarlett? Has she grown a full size, yet? #Babies",0,none, 3320,sexism2022_english-8343,140+ == Genius 120 == Frustrated * 100 == Average 70 == Retarded 0-69 == Millennial * Frustrated because you can't have an interesting conversation with average people and Frustrated at being the idiot in the room with actual geniuses. LOL!,0,none, 3321,sexism2022_english-11323,"[USER] And they made fun of Sarah Palin when she aptly referred to them as ""Death Panels""",0,none, 3322,sexism2022_english-19489,"BTW, as you are a history nerd, Kingdom Come: Deliverance would be right up your street. My gf works as a historical reenacter at a museum and it's one of her favourite games. You likely already know about it, but just in case.",0,none, 3323,sexism2022_english-1911,I concede Lucy wasn't as buff as my memory thinks she was. Maybe the stunt doubles for the action shots?,0,none, 3324,sexism2022_english-2379,Boooo that's not helpful. What specifically should I work to improve? It was my first time cut me some slack. I was happy that I did it.,0,none, 3325,sexism2022_english-4062,"you're definately a truecel, cause you're a mentalcel bro abyssmal IQ",0,none, 3326,sexism2022_english-17552,"Mean roosters will never change, it is just their nature. Best to just put that one in the stew pot; cook him slow a long time, they are tough otherwise.",0,none, 3327,sexism2022_english-5998,"RT [USER]: CNN is yet to publish a single word on the sworn statement of Christine Blasey Ford's longtime ex-boyfriend that he personally witnessed her coach a friend on polygraphs, contradicting what she claimed to the Senate under oath.",0,none, 3328,sexism2022_english-17715,"Hillary Clinton: Rape Enabler Published on Oct 7, 2016 Hillary - the women's rights champion - defended a child molester who raped a 12-year-old girl, then laughed about knowing he was guilty. [URL]",0,none, 3329,sexism2022_english-18181,Does that mean they will allow infinity niggers in to fuck their daughters if those infinity niggers are legal and proper??,0,none, 3330,sexism2022_english-1837,IM A DAMN REPUBLICAN AND I AM A DAMN VOTER U GOT A PROBLEM TOUGH S$%# SNOWFLAKE,0,none, 3331,sexism2022_english-3860,merkel is stazi she has to go,0,none, 3332,sexism2022_english-13181,"don't text her again. You probably didn't establish enough attraction priot to the number close. Move on, get more numbers",0,none, 3333,sexism2022_english-12843,"Clear projection, solipsism. She knows she's stringing her other guy along so she thinks her BF is also being strung along.",0,none, 3334,sexism2022_english-13680,No you are not even worst....you are non existant for women,0,none, 3335,sexism2022_english-15197,Ford Can we stop with all the speculation about her. She is doing exactly what the commies do. She is a commie. They lie.Period. All planned. The commies must go.,0,none, 3336,sexism2022_english-599,"""I ain't saying she's a vote digger. But now she playing with a woke nigga...""",0,none, 3337,sexism2022_english-12151,"When you create a lie you do not create any part of that lie for no reason, these people are clever & devious the part that stinks more than the rest, the planes & the Beach where she was told to disclose this!",0,none, 3338,sexism2022_english-9739,"""I will not speak to you, you are a woman...in my country we speak to men."" - not Saddam Hussein Hang on, hasn't the government been telling us Britain *is* their country? [URL]",0,none, 3339,sexism2022_english-10366,I wonder if [USER] has told [USER] that he's voting for her yet.,0,none, 3340,sexism2022_english-1368,"Her career literally doesn't matter, neither does her degree or diploma. Agree with the rest.",0,none, 3341,sexism2022_english-6142,"I’m sorry she hurt you. Think for a sec, are you trying to punish her for cheating on her husband or for not loving you? GYOW. Don’t chase filth by being filthy.",0,none, 3342,sexism2022_english-15258,The top right woman is more attractive than the Becky imo.,0,none, 3343,sexism2022_english-11509,"Appreciate it. Did I sound too rude? I really wasn't trying to be, I wanted to firmly say what she did was unacceptable to me. I hope that doesn't kill attraction.",0,none, 3344,sexism2022_english-9534,"Is that really? Geez, she is a poverty pimp. That's a Yuuuuge home!!! .",0,none, 3345,sexism2022_english-13640,"Trojans are Greeks. Romans are Greeks . The Roman alphabet (Latin, From Kymi at evia is Greek) . The Roman legislation ( law from the island of Rhodes) is Greek . WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS GREEK",0,none, 3346,sexism2022_english-13697,With name like Goldstein odds are she's white.,0,none, 3347,sexism2022_english-16045,"Yea, he kicked a lady out of church because she didn't teach her kids about god and they went to hell. Guess cause he was in pain,,l would like to meet him anyway even if he yelled at me. His relic cured my nephew.",0,none, 3348,sexism2022_english-19365,She probably likes you even more because you're banging her friend,0,none, 3349,sexism2022_english-17690,Theme and variation: the horde the left has imported en mass *is* out to rape our women. I would like to advise all whites--especially women--to arm themselves and not hesitate to shoot. [URL],0,none, 3350,sexism2022_english-19227,ADD ALL THREE TO #HIT LIST These people are SICK #DRAINTHESWAMP #TheStorm #VETERANS #Patriots #ThreePercent #DefendOurPresident #DefendTheConstitution #KillTheElites #KillTheRulingClass #KillTheMSM #Q,0,none, 3351,sexism2022_english-1984,You're alright😁,0,none, 3352,sexism2022_english-3496,"No. If she doesn't contact you again before the month is done, I'd say you guys are done.",0,none, 3353,sexism2022_english-813,You're not the 'alpha of the group' if this is affecting you and making you afraid to ask the girl. Just ask her the group doesn't sound that fun anyway due to the other guy so worst case scenario is you find more friends.,0,none, 3354,sexism2022_english-3868,"Since my wife gave birth to our first child, it's been the same routine every morning. First the crying, then a breastfeeding, followed by a nap. It's the only way I can cope.",0,none, 3355,sexism2022_english-9657,"While still terrible, that's a little different. It was his passenger who willingly went for the drive while also fucked up. If he killed the people he hit I think he would have done more time for sure. He did 18 days of a 30 day sentence.",0,none, 3356,sexism2022_english-3469,"the only way to do this is to ""port"" your google voice number and that costs 20 bucks. so it's 20 bucks every time you get shoahed off twitter. lol. fuck this. this is like a really shitty video game that isn't even fun.",0,none, 3357,sexism2022_english-765,Tap tap tap more words. A woman is never going to touch you. Think about that for a second. Sit on that reality.,0,none, 3358,sexism2022_english-14060,Fucking wow. This #rino sack of shit is a traitor to America and needs to go. Stop trying to derail the #trumptrain mother fuckers it ain't happening. [URL],0,none, 3359,sexism2022_english-13648,"Yeah, talking shit behind your back is a big no no, unfriend and never talk to her again.",0,none, 3360,sexism2022_english-8845,McCain telling SECDEF what's up. New sheriff in town boys and girls. Time to stop making pointless changes to uniforms and ratings and get back to winning the fight. #MAGA #GabFam #Trump #MadDogMattis #DrainTheSwamp [URL],0,none, 3361,sexism2022_english-16725,"And dont forget the FGM, being threated as a second class citizen, sharing your husband with three other women, being flogged or stone when you cant produce four male witnesses if you ever have the misfortune to be raped in islam etc etc.",0,none, 3362,sexism2022_english-1312,Yup. The PS Vita is filled with games that have girls lose their clothes in battles but none of these dummies play those games so there's no uproar.,0,none, 3363,sexism2022_english-14114,The story read like the young woman had a virgin birth...,0,none, 3364,sexism2022_english-1504,"The cultural Marxists hate everything that is normal and natural, madam.",0,none, 3365,sexism2022_english-14545,A boy can dream,0,none, 3366,sexism2022_english-17752,will talk with the wife to see how much we can afford but you guys will get whatever we can afford to give you!!!!,0,none, 3367,sexism2022_english-18470,"It boggles the mind how the dems seem so guilty, yet there are NO INVESTIGATIONS. The only way that it can be explained, so says Rush Limbaugh, is that there are unseen forces at work. How else can it be explained?",0,none, 3368,sexism2022_english-17778,"too bad shes a lib & should not be in the Republican party she wants illegals how many in your state?? dont be hypocrites, shes one of the worse in office but hey if you like her its your choice",0,none, 3369,sexism2022_english-16103,"#DegenerateJews Louis B Mayer, Jewish director, repeatedly and relentlessly molested Judy Garland, ruining her life",0,none, 3370,sexism2022_english-5956,What is beta orbiting??,0,none, 3371,sexism2022_english-12694,The fact that you legit think I ACTUALLY don't know that females are human shows me that you are beyond fucking stupid.,0,none, 3372,sexism2022_english-6525,Basically they are together and I only saw them twice and she never spoke to me as her dad was there,0,none, 3373,sexism2022_english-2673,"My aunt gave me a chicken casserole recipe, pot pie with only a top crust, that uses ritz crackers crumbled on top. But I'm adding these on top with crackers and vegetables inside it.",0,none, 3374,sexism2022_english-9782,"I've had enough of leftie bastards,they must worship the devil!",0,none, 3375,sexism2022_english-6166,MILE HIGH THUGS Brits start mass brawl on Easyjet plane after woman ‘gets her boobs out and starts giving lads lapdancesâ€?on delayed flight [URL],0,none, 3376,sexism2022_english-15714,#GabFam #TrumpVsLuciferian #ChristianSoldiersUnite #GabFamSeverelyCucked JewGabFam [URL] CuckGabFam #DontLetYourFearBreakYou #OrthodoxChristianRussia #SpeakingTruthToPower Wonder here she is now - the real story to this is no women are involved,0,none, 3377,sexism2022_english-15945,"It's the ""Tao of Steve"" method (from the film). 1. Deny yourself your desire; 2. Do something excellent (a skill, an interaction with her); and 3. Walk away.",0,none, 3378,sexism2022_english-9607,"it's hard to even know where to begin explaining how dumb this idea is. this guy Bill Scher has always had shit-tier ideas, every one of his columns that I've read (probably a dozen) has been completely moronic",0,none, 3379,sexism2022_english-3463,"I'd prefer they all be rounded up and killed. Any which way. Man. woman. child. Short of that, every single one better be deported or republic will fall. DC will be burned to ground.",0,none, 3380,sexism2022_english-4769,No it is not â€? f' the UN we want out and I do NOT want my taxes going to them they hate whites,0,none, 3381,sexism2022_english-12243,"Sept 2014: shortly after #CDCwhistleblower story breaks (Aug 2014), Polly Tommey (now of #Vaxxed .com) initiates #HearThisWell video campaign. Hundreds of parents with injured children cut videos, go on record... [URL]",0,none, 3382,sexism2022_english-13155,Not to mention they want to lockdown that beta cuck provider by having a couple of kids. The risk of him leaving drops.,0,none, 3383,sexism2022_english-2227,Otto is a name used by jews too,0,none, 3384,sexism2022_english-5730,[USER]: Mother of ten shares how she prepares for homeschooling! [URL],0,none, 3385,sexism2022_english-15160,"I hope the DOJ goes after EVERY DEMOCRAT for ANY tax, bank, campaign fraud they can find. ANY of it! EVEN IF from 10 years ago. These political prosecutions will only end when the dems cry ""Uncle!""",0,none, 3386,sexism2022_english-8810,"""We've got these stupid Republicans right where we want them. And to think we did not even have to pay her a dime, our retard base is GoFunding 300,000+ grand! LOLz.""",0,none, 3387,sexism2022_english-17606,[USER] Let 'em cover him by reading his tweets like everybody else.,0,none, 3388,sexism2022_english-12955,"immunity can be granted for anything, that the rub, we have to get Hillary Inc. convicted while Trumps in office before she's pardoned by the next Dem.",0,none, 3389,sexism2022_english-15515,"[USER] Good Morning young lady, how the devil are you today?",0,none, 3390,sexism2022_english-4598,"Why do I like her? ""Maybe you weren't obnoxious enough and need to try harder next time?""",0,none, 3391,sexism2022_english-1799,"Kino is easy as hell in a car. SHE IS SITTING RIGHT THERE. Tickle her side, get her to grab the wheel, hold hands, put your hand in her lap. The kissing is easy. At least in my car, if you reline both seats all the way, its pratically a bed.",0,none, 3392,sexism2022_english-539,Street racer was going 102 mph when he fatally hit mother and toddler [URL],0,none, 3393,sexism2022_english-1018,Oh the things Chad has done (she says while gazing wistfully at the distant sky),0,none, 3394,sexism2022_english-6128,"The whole point of MGTOW is, men are going their own way....which doesn't mean we've changed from desiring women to desiring men. It just means we don't allow women to decide what it is to be a man - or to be the main focal point of our lives.",0,none, 3395,sexism2022_english-9273,oh well gotta make some more then. A nigga can never get just 1.,0,none, 3396,sexism2022_english-1659,"So why don't you crush him politically and drive him out of office. That's what politicians do. Clearly this woman isn't up to playing the big game. (I wish we din't have governments, but..) [URL]",0,none, 3397,sexism2022_english-13621,i wish this crying crooner would make up his mind. One day he's against Islamic invasion of England & the next he wants to kill the 1 guy trying to stop islamic invasion,0,none, 3398,sexism2022_english-18701,"Yes, let's all be LECTURED by a Jack-ass like this Jimbo Bono's Bud in Red #BoycottedOscars #BoycottHollywood",0,none, 3399,sexism2022_english-2044,"My question is, does Khan go Full Muslim and not permit his daughters to leave the house without a male relative as a chaperone?",0,none, 3400,sexism2022_english-8943,"Yes, its possible. I think you should talk to her about it and see if she’s on board. These days everyone is on a state of “we sort of dateâ€?that only confuses and hurts. Being clear about things can be the best gift to you and her.",0,none, 3401,sexism2022_english-1526,"This retard is actually breeding! Haroon Rashid, 28, jailed for deliberately running over 19 year-old Georgina Everard after row with his former girlfriend: [URL]",0,none, 3403,sexism2022_english-2977,"How are my questions or my opinion indicative of an SJW? And how does it follow that if my mother or grandmother hadn't voted, they wouldn't have had kids?",0,none, 3404,sexism2022_english-17424,I've slept with hundreds of girls just from daygame - of course lots of them would have wanted me for a boyfriend.,0,none, 3405,sexism2022_english-11339,"they caught those guys young, that's it. Men get picky with age. Also just like there are desperate women, there are desperate men.",0,none, 3406,sexism2022_english-11921,"No she means tall guys in general, that's litteraly all she mentioned. If you're tall an still an incel that's 100% your fault. Imaginw being gien such a massive advantage in life and still failing.",0,none, 3407,sexism2022_english-8808,PDA implies girls youve already slept with or are going to with near certainty in the near future. Kino is much less significant touching. Also kino is usually not just making out,0,none, 3408,sexism2022_english-18815,That poor little bastard...:/,0,none, 3409,sexism2022_english-12316,This reminds me of the one where a woman is unable to figure out how to put a lock and chain on a gate to lock it. She keeps expounding on how she can just lift it off the top. Then the guy puts the chain inside the metal gate instead of just on top.,0,none, 3410,sexism2022_english-14176,"Where did I autism shame in this post, dickfuck?",0,none, 3411,sexism2022_english-13805,"Someone kicked the anthill & pissed Xi off. Seems China's girlfriend Taiwan, wants to split up. [URL]",0,none, 3412,sexism2022_english-9154,"What ""aloha"" is really like (look at her account name). NAXALT, Hawaii style. 25% of our state budget comes from the feds. Your taxes support thousands of haters. [URL]",0,none, 3413,sexism2022_english-10212,Make way for the future. Well hope they enjoy an oppressive regime. Where women and children get treated like slaves or even worse. If people knew they would be shocked.,0,none, 3414,sexism2022_english-6947,I never have that urge... In fact the woman can have the baby for the first few years until the child is big enough to kick the ball around,0,none, 3415,sexism2022_english-10729,"I wondered if she would demand “diversityâ€?of her medical team while dismissing the most qualified to diagnose & treat? Did she forget that Trump hired Dr. Carson, E. Chao & N. Haley for cabinet posts? #whitepriviledgeisamyth",0,none, 3416,sexism2022_english-1274,[USER] The mother of all fake news. POTUS fake birth certificate! Now the shit is going to hit the fan big time. Shame on you Barack Hussein!,0,none, 3417,sexism2022_english-247,"Love the picture of Okra sucking on Harvey Weinstiens ear. What a stand for women. Run Okra, run!",0,none, 3418,sexism2022_english-10388,The USA doesn't have **Guaranteed** maternity leave. Of course 99.99% of companies do it independently anyway though.,0,none, 3419,sexism2022_english-1953,"my aunt is just a ""Christ-cuck""",0,none, 3420,sexism2022_english-17180,"What a stupid strawman argument. Nobody expects you to get up for women. Only for pregnant women, women carrying a child, old people and disabled people. Don't get worked up about imaginary injustice!",0,none, 3421,sexism2022_english-11885,women should be the first test group. No. They don't think that women should be the 'first test group.' They think that female criminals should not go to jail.,0,none, 3422,sexism2022_english-7583,"There are none. But energy turns out to have gender, male and female, not positive and negative (that lie is over a century old now)",0,none, 3423,sexism2022_english-18003,"""Merkel Pushes for #EU Common Asylum System After Inviting Millions of Migrants to Europe"" She means ""Communistic Asylum System"" and she's out of her mind. ""Inviting""??? NO THANKS! #GreatAwakening [URL]",0,none, 3424,sexism2022_english-12775,"[USER] Holy Shit. Is she Mark Knopfler's protege, or his instructor? She is incredible!",0,none, 3425,sexism2022_english-10855,"Aerik made a comment in another thread on this picture, to the effect of ""and people are still saying rape culture doesn't exist?!"" ... and got modded to 100+.",0,none, 3426,sexism2022_english-14338,"Because ""society"" isn't the word they're looking for. It isn't all of society that's to blame, it's a system of power where Those In Charge get to decide the rules that everyone has to live by. Then you mean oligarchy.",0,none, 3427,sexism2022_english-9156,[USER] People who are still mad about the election at this time like that dude are almost terminal in their rage fueled hate for our President and anyone who supports him and the MAGA agenda.,0,none, 3428,sexism2022_english-3641,TIL having a few negative thoughts precludes a girl from ever approaching you.,0,none, 3429,sexism2022_english-18340,Nofap is fucking retarded. Stop trying to be some modern Quaker and just rub one out every day or couple days. Your prostate will thank you later in life.,0,none, 3430,sexism2022_english-8253,My cat is made of silly putty. She can mold herself into any shape. #SillyPuttyCat,0,none, 3431,sexism2022_english-11365,God NOPED the fuck out of this planet 2018 years ago and never looked back. Can't blame the guy!,0,none, 3432,sexism2022_english-2,Everyone in the comments are all agreeing with me. OP is trying to make his narrative work that you can't ask a girl out you just met.. because **he** doesn't think it's possible.,0,none, 3433,sexism2022_english-3455,"Hell Tony, she's got more sense than ALL of the libtards... and more sense than most Republicans.",0,none, 3434,sexism2022_english-5255,Most guys that hook up with tons of girls are very forward and wouldn't get food. if by very forward and wouldn't get food you mean very forward and look like a model,0,none, 3435,sexism2022_english-19714,"Those women are their own, not yours, you sexist pig!",0,none, 3436,sexism2022_english-3858,"A guy had a crush on my friend and got jealous, he accused me of wanting to rape her.",0,none, 3437,sexism2022_english-3256,Did you know she is paid by you to place #refugees in your towns and she is organizing demonstrations against Trump? [URL] [URL] #Immigration #Refugees #illegalImmigration #NoRefugees #News #MAGA #Trump #PresidentTrump,0,none, 3438,sexism2022_english-10749,You are you calling a honkey you cotton picker?,0,none, 3439,sexism2022_english-13977,"Can't let her get away. ""A binding has been made.""",0,none, 3440,sexism2022_english-19820,No it's not. So many women fake being lesbian in 2017 it's becoming a meme. Than when a male model type guy comes along she is suddenly straight again.,0,none, 3441,sexism2022_english-15974,I can’t wait to watch her mix that batter throughly,0,none, 3442,sexism2022_english-13552,"my problem with white supremacy is that the majority whites in Europe, with their higher average IQ, still make stupid ass decisions",0,none, 3443,sexism2022_english-3223,"51% of trans males reported at least one [suicide] attempt, the highest percentage of any gender identity group. The second highest was among nonbinary teens, nearly 42%. Among trans females, about 30% reported a suicide attempt. [URL]",0,none, 3444,sexism2022_english-14075,"This is great! They include both genders and adoptions. Honestly men will most likely not take advantage nearly as much as women, however this is a huge step forward!",0,none, 3445,sexism2022_english-15169,"It's fine if you're not familiar with worlds like this, but denying their existence is ridiculous. I don't know a single girl from my school who got pregnant and had a child in college. It just doesn't happen there.",0,none, 3446,sexism2022_english-14986,“JUST STAND THERE & SHUT UPâ€?Weinstein spanked himself into a potted plant in front of woman who declined his advances. If I ever see a Pussy Hat ever again... [URL],0,none, 3447,sexism2022_english-5885,I always get a kick out of how they call him her.,0,none, 3448,sexism2022_english-17452,Pure sick evil... this woman has no soul. Kristine Marcy SES [URL],0,none, 3449,sexism2022_english-807,Because she is a dumb as [USER]...,0,none, 3450,sexism2022_english-13252,"[URL] Go izlum! You freaks rock! Killing your old ladies with your manly prowess! moohaHAMutt would be proud, except he's worm crap for a thousand years plus. There is a special place in HELL for you and yours.",0,none, 3451,sexism2022_english-12642,Not my point. My point is the average woman puts more effort than the average man. I can walk outside and see plain as day more women that care about their appearance.,0,none, 3452,sexism2022_english-9750,Lazy shit.😄,0,none, 3453,sexism2022_english-4239,"Show 'em how to shoot like a girl, Katie. [URL]",0,none, 3454,sexism2022_english-5164,Illegal to tell the world that evil moslem paedophiles trafficked young girls...,0,none, 3455,sexism2022_english-15506,"#PizzaGate is beyond the Clintons. The more digging that is done, the more Elitists in HIGH powerful positions world wide will be exposed. if charges are ever filed on HRC, I hope it's after Trump is in place or Obama will pardon her",0,none, 3456,sexism2022_english-18145,"[URL] US, Britain & France ready to strike Syria-Russia & China Warn of Grave Consequences",0,none, 3457,sexism2022_english-1680,"when i was in school i sure would have been in heaven if some of my teachers would have had sex with me !!(nice female,of course ))",0,none, 3458,sexism2022_english-9338,"If she’s doing that you’re a fakecel. Do you thinks she would give a fuck about the sex life of someome that was incel tier in looks? She wouldn’t even look at you, let along talk to you. JFL. Fakecel everywhere these days. Can’t find any brocels.",0,none, 3459,sexism2022_english-15087,body slam her-,0,none, 3460,sexism2022_english-18203,My 10-year-old daughter can field-strip an AR-15 blindfolded. She can also run the mile in less than 8-&-a-half minutes out of a dead sleep. I guess I should be expecting a call from HuffPo any day now.,0,none, 3461,sexism2022_english-13347,"Ironically, men are actually getting paid proportionately less, with players only getting about 9% of revenue generates, whereas female players are taking away roughly 13%.",0,none, 3462,sexism2022_english-4980,How do you say no to drugs? You simply say no. Don't do shit that you don't like just because you think that the girl will like you if you do. Move on bruzz and find someone who is better for you.,0,none, 3463,sexism2022_english-8633,"She is retarded, she is brainwashed",0,none, 3464,sexism2022_english-5449,In my situation that is not better. I'm currently in a party town surrounded by endless gorgeous women of all nationalities.,0,none, 3465,sexism2022_english-3165,"They shall not drink the new gardener's brew-- deemed wholesome, healthy, goodness, great-- To ignore what makes them who they are, would change their root-born fate. (more)",0,none, 3466,sexism2022_english-13147,lmaooo yeah sure hit me with some more. I never knew how much of an asshole he was. I just really admire him as a player.,0,none, 3467,sexism2022_english-10716,"girls do this to their ""besties""",0,none, 3468,sexism2022_english-3116,"DH is an MD. Every competent doc that we know, that can afford to, is retiring. DH can't yet, but looking forward to that day! These idiots deserve what they'll be left with that passes for ""medical care""!",0,none, 3469,sexism2022_english-15309,"and she’s really hit on by many guys, and i still treat like a normal girl",0,none, 3470,sexism2022_english-4864,No she looks like an infant. Looksmatch is clearly with an underdeveloped male,0,none, 3471,sexism2022_english-19206,"going out for a drink with a guy 1 on 1 TIL that going for a drink with a man ""might seem... gay""",0,none, 3472,sexism2022_english-16957,Traps are gay and so is your mom,0,none, 3473,sexism2022_english-11286,"It is the preference. Anyone who says they prefer a woman with makeup is an idiot. You aren't actually attracted to them, you are attracted to a caricature.",0,none, 3474,sexism2022_english-14465,"Poor woman. I couldn't agree more, if you want blowjobs keep that shit clean!! He refused to perform oral on her all perfectly cleaned up, and he wants his swamp-ass salty balts junk sucked after work? Fuck off.",0,none, 3475,sexism2022_english-15987,Yeah fuck you if you don't drive and give her money! They're so trash.,0,none, 3476,sexism2022_english-19634,But a normal woman is not expecting you to lay out 3 months salary. Define normal.,0,none, 3477,sexism2022_english-10627,A good question to ask Jews: Why are there Jews living in America? The Jews constantly hate on Whites and America. How are they going to explain their origin to this country? Why do they maintain living here? #ExterminateTheJews #RaceWar #HDNW,0,none, 3478,sexism2022_english-9341,"RT [USER]: Obama knew about Hillary's secret e-mail scheme, because she e-mailed him using her private address ""while in the territory of a foreign adversary."" That finding was removed from Comey's statement exonerating Clinton. [URL]",0,none, 3479,sexism2022_english-3521,Katy thinks her bodacious boobs will let her get away with anything. She is an idiot !,0,none, 3480,sexism2022_english-12908,I would think so too but man there are so many nurses that are female in the field and many more being trained and at college.,0,none, 3481,sexism2022_english-275,Another #NFL Criminal : Tyreek Hill- Tried to kill a pregnant woman [URL],0,none, 3482,sexism2022_english-6674,"No thanks love, Your a bit old, You are going to be making the white sharia uniforms for the ladies",0,none, 3483,sexism2022_english-2247,Societal pressure to be like the guys on TV? Self-worth seen as a driving factor for men? Please tell me you are female.,0,none, 3484,sexism2022_english-12366,Here's one estimate of the butcher's bill: [URL],0,none, 3485,sexism2022_english-12360,you too? damn she gets around.,0,none, 3486,sexism2022_english-14275,"TRP was created for men with this problem. When the fabled ""yourself"" doesn't project confidence and social aptitude, the chances of sex dwindle to nil.",0,none, 3487,sexism2022_english-17562,"She did what she deemed necessary. I hope she gets the opportunity to refresh her torture techniques on scum like Hillary, Maxine Waters, Feinstein, Pelosi, and EVERY SUSPECTED ISIS member we have in custody. PLUS, every Antifa member we ever arrest.",0,none, 3488,sexism2022_english-9098,why is this picture of the dumbass taking the kike pill a white woman....why isn't it a nigger or a some gook?.....I know the answer this is a rhetorical question to provoke people to think.........,0,none, 3489,sexism2022_english-18362,I give her a bit of a break because she was a Disney kid. Those chicks are almost always abused.,0,none, 3490,sexism2022_english-8080,let her keep her rotted labia. im sick of MADONNAS FUCKING GENITALS,0,none, 3491,sexism2022_english-860,this the lady shot in head by 7 time loser from America!! why do we even have sanctuary cities WTF is wrong here!! on the first deportation he should be gone!!! 😠😠😠😠😠👹👹👹👹💩💩💩💩,0,none, 3492,sexism2022_english-1324,"If she sitting next to me stroke her hair, slide the back of my hand down her cheek, go for the kiss. Look at her with seductive eyes talk calm and deep. cut the goofy shit out",0,none, 3493,sexism2022_english-17427,Shes a pile of shit herself. Who knows if she isn't just trying to save her own ass?,0,none, 3494,sexism2022_english-14248,"And the Hits just keep coming ! ""Treason"" the kenyan should be hung on pay per view ! [URL]",0,none, 3495,sexism2022_english-4611,Yep...I hate #Trump would have been cheered for,0,none, 3496,sexism2022_english-12448,"My cat I had for 15 years died and I broke down a little infront of a plate. Absolutely nothing changed. Just never bring it up again. Think of it as a test for her. If she leaves, she was trash to begin with.",0,none, 3497,sexism2022_english-6438,I know woman that like him and would go and defend him. Funnily enough I've heard many woman talk about how they hate him but would still fuck him.,0,none, 3498,sexism2022_english-17673,Fucking egg,0,none, 3499,sexism2022_english-5762,"I've never seen anything like it. At first, i was puzzled. Then I realized that she is going to nudge him to the left. She is not qualified to advise the president on anything except maybe choice of ties.",0,none, 3500,sexism2022_english-6909,And what shows your true stupidity is even attempting to measure the exact average IQ of people who have a certain profession. That is offensively stupid and shows that you're an idiot who doesn't know how these jobs even work.,0,none, 3501,sexism2022_english-1655,"Stop lying. The dude is ugly too. Those eyes and lips shouldn't be on a fucking man, these belong to a woman. Even if he's pulling a weird face, pretty sure he'd still look like a soyboy with a straight face.",0,none, 3502,sexism2022_english-8816,"Good, let's start with her.",0,none, 3503,sexism2022_english-6022,"Your name is literally SAD Eurasian guy.do you cry as you jack off to black women Asian men porn because a slave girl is the best you can hope for if you're ""gangsta"" enough lmao",0,none, 3504,sexism2022_english-4879,"However, when you're leveling accusations and naming your harasser, you do need to provide proof. EXACTLY. Oh and ""seems likely enough amirite guise"" is NOT proof!",0,none, 3505,sexism2022_english-5528,We know who these Black Hats are.,0,none, 3506,sexism2022_english-15959,"I had to tell it straight to a customer at work today. ""Look, lady,"" I snapped, ""No-one here wants to hear about your bloody baby!"" Anyway, I've been suspended from the paediatric ward.",0,none, 3507,sexism2022_english-5371,"He's just walking though, why are you assuming he's approaching her? Almost like it's cuz he's ugly or something",0,none, 3508,sexism2022_english-1689,I think that he has a wife. A smarmy douche nevertheless.,0,none, 3509,sexism2022_english-4683,Saudi princess exposes [USER] gov donors as child sex traffickers [URL],0,none, 3510,sexism2022_english-8060,Limbaugh says uncle Joe will call out fauxcahantas when he asks her during the debate in 20 to name one7-11 she ran.,0,none, 3511,sexism2022_english-12633,Classic way of avoiding engaging in debate. Surprised she didn't say he probably had a small dick.,0,none, 3512,sexism2022_english-9330,"Ah, /r/redpillwomen, where ladies are free to speak their minds about any subject they like, so long as it involves either trading recipes or bashing Gloria Steinem. And nothing else.",0,none, 3513,sexism2022_english-18414,Got the Skeptic cult followers all salty and shit. 😂 This isn't frustrating. It's hilarious.,0,none, 3514,sexism2022_english-14762,"I don't know what's more disturbing; the fact that these women may have HIV, or that 20 Icelandic women voluntarily slept with a sub-Human Rape-U-Gee. That blue head covering needs some ""ringed yellow stars"" to give it a fitting 'EU touch.'",0,none, 3515,sexism2022_english-16123,I bet her old varicose veined legs are getting tired having to carry all that heavy silicone on top around.,0,none, 3516,sexism2022_english-12320,🤤💙 #want That's a gorgeous truck ma'am.,0,none, 3517,sexism2022_english-9256,Thanks bro! Love me some big titty asian women!,0,none, 3518,sexism2022_english-3565,Can someone point me to the cock carousel? I keep ending up at the REEEEcups.,0,none, 3519,sexism2022_english-11216,im here all day . if i was a normie i would be having sex,0,none, 3520,sexism2022_english-18482,Ban Sasse is an idiot saying the constitution values all men as individuals of endless potential. He must of glossed over the parts where it says white men. Fucking #RCF - Racially Cucked Faggot. [USER] look at this.,0,none, 3521,sexism2022_english-11176,Is anyone else using a dumb phone? About 3 months ago I bought an old style Sony Ericsson and I haven't looked back.,0,none, 3522,sexism2022_english-12408,"Men, like myself, need them because our moms fucked us up so badly.",0,none, 3523,sexism2022_english-9643,"Your account is only a year old This isn't my first account, dipshit. Again, if you'd even been here a month, you'd know that. You are so low IQ, it hurts. It is evidence. It's called deductive reasoning, and it perfectly valid.",0,none, 3524,sexism2022_english-7448,"Citing a woman’s right to choose, Harvard sororities snub new rule against single-sex groups [URL] via [USER]",0,none, 3525,sexism2022_english-2979,"Never spoil anyone, not only women otherwise you end up creating spoiled-brats who care nothing about you.",0,none, 3526,sexism2022_english-15299,In Northern China they're some fucking giants,0,none, 3527,sexism2022_english-18484,Right? I don't give a fuck what OP and men want.,0,none, 3528,sexism2022_english-2507,Anyone who acceptsâ€?#Comey's #claims without independent #verification is a #fool.[USER] [URL] #FBI,0,none, 3529,sexism2022_english-13083,"If she wants exclusivity, and you don't, be the bull elk and let her go.",0,none, 3530,sexism2022_english-4730,Their mommies would kick them out of the basement if they knew they were posting this shit.,0,none, 3531,sexism2022_english-3468,"[USER] [USER] yes. I agree with this completely. PP uses emotional argument that being against them is anti-women, but their services suck. Women would be better served fighting for better care in another system.",0,none, 3532,sexism2022_english-5345,Just wait until this guy finds out the middle east exists ​ Fr tho this is like the ultimate 14 year old power fantasy its so deluded its pathetic,0,none, 3533,sexism2022_english-14268,So I had the pleasure last night in my local bar to listen to a millennial girl tell the story of how when Trump got elected after a Hilary rally she sat in her driveway and cried for TWO HOURS. I laughed my ass off. For God’s sake grow the hell up.,0,none, 3534,sexism2022_english-13565,"Chinese hacked Hellary, got copy of every email in real-time; clearly Hellary extreme negligent in not protecting classified, class A felony, life in prison, also Ohell who knowingly used her email for classified too [URL] [USER]",0,none, 3535,sexism2022_english-6452,"""Top female scientists...."" ​ Otherwise known as scientists.",0,none, 3536,sexism2022_english-13288,"I guess you can take a look at the book ""How to Win Friends and Influence People"" by Dale Carnegie. I don't see why it should change all that much; I would, however, advise you to use a lot less kino than you would do with women.",0,none, 3537,sexism2022_english-343,Watch it again. He didn't want a committed relationship with her. Not everyone wants that.,0,none, 3538,sexism2022_english-11810,What a waste. Who was she?,0,none, 3539,sexism2022_english-2582,Wtf was she doing? A grow op?,0,none, 3540,sexism2022_english-16142,"put her on hard labor, building the border fence. I think we need to go back to the old days. stop just feeding them on a vacation..",0,none, 3541,sexism2022_english-3713,Banging a white girl like her [she's a felon.. ]([URL] I always love rogue white chicks. Her smile is hot.,0,none, 3542,sexism2022_english-3613,"Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we're not allowed to ask about anymore. ~Camille Paglia",0,none, 3543,sexism2022_english-5060,"Surprised she could afford a drink in ollies or did she get them bought for her too 🤔 of course she did, she should be locked up!!",0,none, 3544,sexism2022_english-11054,The reason police escorted this woman off of a Frontier Airlines flight is NUTS! [URL],0,none, 3545,sexism2022_english-891,Good god I'd crawl bare-belly over broken beer bottles just to watch her pee,0,none, 3546,sexism2022_english-5203,"Just explain you had a hard childhood/adolescense and you aren't very sociable. There's no point on forcefully ignoring women, if you are truly incel they won't be talking to you anyway.",0,none, 3547,sexism2022_english-14030,[USER]â€?is a child rapist. He bragged about spitroasting a fifteen year old girl with his bodyguard.,0,none, 3548,sexism2022_english-19307,We have to go out like a beta from suicide at age 20 while chad and women get to live a happy life till 85,0,none, 3549,sexism2022_english-5516,"It's because the site is probably 90% males and the popular page is based on views only, so thumbnails with pretty women get to the top lol. I'm going to add an algo that factors in the reacts soon and that should mix things up a bit.",0,none, 3550,sexism2022_english-19047,So quick to assume the woman in the pic has been mudsharking. It's just as equally possible that she was raped.,0,none, 3551,sexism2022_english-1943,"and incels naturally assume all women have slept with 500 dudes; even ugly women. if you tell them a number lower than that, you're obviously lying. because logic and reasons.",0,none, 3552,sexism2022_english-7681,Yea destroy the jewish west honestly,0,none, 3553,sexism2022_english-3052,"Women are attracted by the same thing, whether it's male or female I'd say. I'm no expert on the question but that seems like common sense to me. Do your homework, watch youtube videos about how to pick up girls",0,none, 3554,sexism2022_english-216,"Yeah, I love actively trying to fix myself instead of wallowing in self pity and hating women and minorities",0,none, 3555,sexism2022_english-19198,Even Nerdy girls want the chads,0,none, 3556,sexism2022_english-9880,"A giant balloon dubbed ""Trump baby"" has been given the green light to fly near parliament during the president's UK visit. What a disgrace for a so called western city to display such disgusting hate. #shootitdown [URL]",0,none, 3557,sexism2022_english-210,they are out of their minds,0,none, 3558,sexism2022_english-17987,almost had me shoot milk out of my nose... also pretty much exactly what i was thinking.,0,none, 3559,sexism2022_english-2261,"After getting stabbed with a fork my desire for random encountered has plummeted. Twice a month is fine with me,t’s about the same as my married friends with kids and I don’t have to put up any bullshit.",0,none, 3560,sexism2022_english-10347,That’s pretty much all females,0,none, 3561,sexism2022_english-15559,and constantly by cat girls. my man,0,none, 3562,sexism2022_english-16304,You are a retard and I look forward to moving to the Balkans with my American money and fucking your sister.,0,none, 3563,sexism2022_english-1058,"Not all Jews are leftists. I know all about the Frankfurt School. I wasn't born yesterday. I live in an area where there are few Jews, most of them married to Christians. The Jewish man I know well voted for Trump. Probably his Catholic wife did too.",0,none, 3564,sexism2022_english-1700,"weird story about his mother, an heiress her custody was fought over .. wonder what kinky shit they put her thru? she must have that 'monarch' DNA - so he must have it too?! ew..",0,none, 3565,sexism2022_english-9992,"I see it differently. With hypergamy dialed up to eleven, women will only date elevens. As a consequence, most men will be discouraged, creating a lot of discouraged women.",0,none, 3566,sexism2022_english-6001,"Freakish lesbian, Ellen Degenerate, has been burned out of her home in California [URL] The wildfires are cleansing fires :)",0,none, 3567,sexism2022_english-16328,She is a cutie :3,0,none, 3568,sexism2022_english-10599,"I guess you support moslems and Africans! He's doing his duty, funded by joos? Yes every high profile right wing is. If you want to destroy the right you will only end up with the joo left kicking your face in!",0,none, 3569,sexism2022_english-8600,"Fine, we'll ship 'em to Paris, though Ms. Le Pen might take exception to that after she takes office...heh",0,none, 3570,sexism2022_english-14336,"Well shit, don't take me bird-watching then if your life depends on it.",0,none, 3571,sexism2022_english-473,"[USER] I got it from giphy, but there is a place near my home where chickadees land on our hands to feed.",0,none, 3572,sexism2022_english-8637,shit post in peace here hahaahahhhhahahahhhaahahahahahahahahhhahahhahhahahahahhahaaahahaahhahahahhhahahhaa boyo i got perma banned from here on an alt for telling someone to rope himself nice shitposting in peace. enjoy the female mod cuck.,0,none, 3573,sexism2022_english-8189,"If Sweden is so lovely (according to the left), why are Swedes fleeing their country left and right? [URL]",0,none, 3574,sexism2022_english-18439,"Ah isn't calling for anyone's assassination let alone the President of the United States ""hate speech"" how about arresting anyone who calls for murder of the President. Do we still have ANY LAWS LEFT IN THIS COUNTRY Arrest her now",0,none, 3575,sexism2022_english-7491,Barry seals oh my God who knew... Rock Hudson crushed my mother. Lolololo,0,none, 3576,sexism2022_english-3270,50 year old women would never want to have sex (or get turned on by the idea of having sex) with a 25 year old. That's a lie,0,none, 3577,sexism2022_english-14697,Yeah man. As long as you don’t desire female validation you can be MGTOW,0,none, 3578,sexism2022_english-12763,I dont hate women. I dont love them either. I understand how they work and i'm indifferent towards them. They have no bearing on my life.,0,none, 3579,sexism2022_english-8695,"A lot of these incels are just abusers with no one to abuse. That's actually the case. A lot of them seem really jealous that Chad ""gets away with"" abusing women.",0,none, 3580,sexism2022_english-1430,"Unfortunately, ""losers trying to cope"" is the dominant population of mgtow. I get that the philosophy was meant to encourage men along personal growth, but the majority just use it as a venue to complain about, and scapegoat women.",0,none, 3581,sexism2022_english-17134,True. And too many Enochs have begged for money of good people only to spend it on their jew wife. So people are even less willing to trust anyone with their donations.,0,none, 3582,sexism2022_english-19070,Such a upstanding citizen this nigger so much talent beating his pregnant girlfriend,0,none, 3583,sexism2022_english-5391,#DeepState Wives - Lisa H. Barsoomian - Rod Rosenstein's Wife â–?Rod Rosenstein cleared Clintons in Whitewater. â–?His wife Lisa Barsoomian represented Bill Clinton as an attorney. #DeepState #Barsoomian #Rosenstein #Clinton,0,none, 3584,sexism2022_english-13770,"Yes, truly stunning, beautiful lady👏",0,none, 3585,sexism2022_english-18401,"Cels are laughing because a woman they feel is pretty and would reject them, got beaten up.",0,none, 3586,sexism2022_english-16214,Bill Clinton's mistress Jennifer Flowers taped conversation where Bill tells her to deny that he got her a state job [URL],0,none, 3587,sexism2022_english-11811,"My mom used to have a family of crows she could watch in the backyard. She really enjoyed watching during school time. The adults would teach the younger ones how to be proper crows. Very funny, and makes you wonder what else birds are capable of.",0,none, 3588,sexism2022_english-11403,I usually look for guys but I won't reject the right girl... or tbh anyone...,0,none, 3589,sexism2022_english-18953,"Incel trying to pretend he thinks sex is about pleasing a woman, amusing. Not like has has to worry, exactly zero chance of him charming and looksmaxing (wtf?) anyone ever.",0,none, 3590,sexism2022_english-11187,The usually don’t want their daughters to have black partners.,0,none, 3591,sexism2022_english-2901,"Could we not diffuse the entire ""this hurt's the poor"" argument for voter ID if we gave away IDs to low income people? [URL]",0,none, 3592,sexism2022_english-9632,"But we already have the stats, biological mothers are the number one abusers of children, though step and foster parents are worse per capita.",0,none, 3593,sexism2022_english-12331,Never enough blood to satisfy these girls. I learned that a long time ago.,0,none, 3594,sexism2022_english-11188,"Nah, women live life without a care",0,none, 3595,sexism2022_english-19809,"True Story; I walked into an Intro to Algebra class in a Middle School and wrote ""MATH IS FUN"" on the chalkboard. One child rose her hand and said 'Mr. {unwiped ass} says math isn't fun', I told her he should be shot.",0,none, 3596,sexism2022_english-14864,"really, he seems mgtow with women. never married. probably has good money. bet he fucks escorts all day. in LA. hot fake titty escorts, probably does that all day and sells this sjw shit for ratings.",0,none, 3597,sexism2022_english-8203,hahaha yes! alt-right sucks!! they LOSE again just like always! :D,0,none, 3598,sexism2022_english-6957,"""irony and satire died when trump was elected"" uh, wtf does that even mean? that guy's either on meds, or is pissed because Nehlen fucked his sister.",0,none, 3599,sexism2022_english-17105,"In her podcast, #Retard actor Lena ""#GorillaFace"" Dunham talks says ""I wish I had"" an abortion. That's how all of us feel about her mother. #SpeakFreely #News [URL]",0,none, 3600,sexism2022_english-7130,"thankyou I just posted it on her lastest video, this is sick and astounding",0,none, 3601,sexism2022_english-6888,Lightswitches are also darkswitches.,0,none, 3602,sexism2022_english-19931,What about this one ? [URL] With her make up on she looks a little white: [URL] We can learn from her in that OP can buy make-up for his son and the latter will have no problems fitting in with white society.,0,none, 3603,sexism2022_english-6211,Pretty sure she's a kike.,0,none, 3604,sexism2022_english-14179,I hear JK Rawlings is going to put them up in her mansions & the cucks on BBC,0,none, 3605,sexism2022_english-1539,History of Fabian #Socialism's long war to destroy Christianity & end capitalism. Started 100 years ago and now almost victorious. [URL],0,none, 3606,sexism2022_english-17330,"Kavanaugh is fine, Hardiman is fine. Kethledge is probably fine. The women are not fine. Mike Lee is not fine.",0,none, 3607,sexism2022_english-15149,"i mean you can see me as a scumbag if you'd like but i've never been shitty to women, sadly its not the same the other way around.",0,none, 3608,sexism2022_english-3531,"Ex-wife: ""Where have all the good men gone?""",0,none, 3609,sexism2022_english-12433,"France: Jihad murderer was on ""extremist watch list"" but was deemed not a threat, girlfriend ""known to security services"" - Geller Report [URL]",0,none, 3610,sexism2022_english-9126,"By not kissing you, she's showing you that she isn't interested in you romantically; she'll fuck you and be physical, but kissing is a romantic and mental attraction.",0,none, 3611,sexism2022_english-13969,"I'm a wife, grandmother of 3 beautiful girls, mom to 2 rescue cats, 49 chickens and 4 goats. I love America and stand behind President Trump.",0,none, 3612,sexism2022_english-11767,Imagine if the WWE tried bringing the attitude era back and have a women walk on her fours and bark like Trish.,0,none, 3613,sexism2022_english-7781,"This picture makes it look like they're trying to destroy our Constitution. Then again, that's what they want, so there's no irony to them in doing this.",0,none, 3614,sexism2022_english-15863,I hate women sometimes.,0,none, 3615,sexism2022_english-13090,[USER] Turns out the globalists and islamists have plenty in common. They are both the enemy of good in this world,0,none, 3616,sexism2022_english-4369,That face... is she from a galaxy far far away?,0,none, 3617,sexism2022_english-6015,You seem to remember a women.,0,none, 3619,sexism2022_english-12293,"You're not gonna convert anyone. A better post would be, ""Blacks typically commit more violent crime. White women have the right to receive this information, and should seriously consider this risk when looking for boyfriends.""",0,none, 3620,sexism2022_english-18154,"For the record, Rupert Murdoch is a filthy kike by way of his hooknosed rat mother : }",0,none, 3621,sexism2022_english-10121,"Be careful with the girls. Most of them who are willing to do the pump and dump are borderline. They can be of a relatively mild version, but if encounter a strange one, just get away. And don’t forget to make a video.",0,none, 3622,sexism2022_english-18236,"Wholesome, but I don't buy this. In my experience men would happily throw each other under the bus at the slightest sign of weakness, especially if there's a female around.",0,none, 3623,sexism2022_english-656,Would you be bothered if your girlfriend said she was going to start hooking up?,0,none, 3624,sexism2022_english-4113,"Holy Hell she is from New Hampshire! That's my home state, I'm a bit pissed Sen. Maggie Hassan didn't fire her on the spot. Values in New Hampshire must have dropped a lot since I left the state.",0,none, 3625,sexism2022_english-14841,"guess she didn't realize that when she came to america it was conservatives kids singing that rhyme who grew up to be her conservative ""friends."" what a loser.",0,none, 3626,sexism2022_english-15436,yea its My Sweet Heaven JK .think ill go and try to get some sleep 15 hour trip yesterday and 9 hour drive today Im beat,0,none, 3627,sexism2022_english-18409,Part of the belief of rape culture is that woman can't rape and can't be raped. It's a sad truth that people follow this belief so closely.,0,none, 3628,sexism2022_english-13591,"I don't now days because of covid but you can. You don't gotta bang her, just get her comfortable with your touch.",0,none, 3629,sexism2022_english-3202,"Weird news -Pregnant woman shot and killed by boyfriend looking to ""exit relationship"" [URL]",0,none, 3630,sexism2022_english-4171,I thought it was guys talking to women in public??? You're very slow. Maybe stop shoving the dildos and butt plugs up yourself for a few days and shove some knowledge in that hollow space of a skull you have,0,none, 3631,sexism2022_english-615,So now all the hens can peck each other [URL],0,none, 3632,sexism2022_english-8435,"Salvini spanked her, she liked it...love ya Claudia...",0,none, 3633,sexism2022_english-6567,Would I want my wife's kid to be half-elf instead of half-me? - Hell yes. Wouldn't the question rather be: would I want the kid to be half-elf instead of half-wife?,0,none, 3634,sexism2022_english-317,Zing!! You go girl lol!,0,none, 3635,sexism2022_english-15389,Cope with what? Not being an incel? Not being a pedo that thinks underage girls complaining about creepy men staring at them is a bad thing?,0,none, 3637,sexism2022_english-17865,"Exactly! They called him ""the Nazarene."" His mother, Mary, was a Jewess. It isn't rocket science.",0,none, 3638,sexism2022_english-469,Good Morning Miss Gee! Amazing pic love the old car and the brown-eyed Susan’s (my daughters fav). Have a blessed Friday Sis!,0,none, 3639,sexism2022_english-9003,"You're still furious that I doxed you, Ciaran, and published all your shit on pastebin. It's still there btw 😂 You're a convicted rapist, and a white supremacist. You should kill yourself",0,none, 3640,sexism2022_english-11612,"Are you trying to save him? Sounds too me like he's to far gone. Hey I'm 21 and ugly and I am well aware I'll never find anyone, if he's decided that he's gonna deal with it by being an incel then he's made his bed, let him lay in it",0,none, 3641,sexism2022_english-11173,"Of course not dear, and now men are using the exact same argument since men are by far more often murdered than women. I have no obligation to put myself in harm’s way to help a stranger because she has a vagina.",0,none, 3642,sexism2022_english-6047,"[USER] Of course he doesn't know what America First means. He's a self promoting jackass of a career politician. Graham First, he understands that slogan.",0,none, 3643,sexism2022_english-6362," Jesus that thing stinks, I suddenly feel the need to throw feces. I'd definitely be bringing my video camera to the ""T""",0,none, 3644,sexism2022_english-18737,That explains the whole ball of wax. What a piece of sh!t...Germans should through her out of her position of power. Good find [USER],0,none, 3645,sexism2022_english-1412,"[USER] Oh no.. its not just you (I thought it was just me?) but she would be absolutely the BEST as Press Secretary... oh my that would be the BEST! She is zero BS, Rock solid, Unstumpable!",0,none, 3646,sexism2022_english-9195,Men are funnier than women---to some other men! ​,0,none, 3647,sexism2022_english-2664,"There are some that would disagree, to them she is a Goddess. She has no soul by our definitions. We will continue fighting and we will win. We will not be replaced.",0,none, 3648,sexism2022_english-7182,"Good Luck with that. Here in the USA, our 9th circuit court told Trump, screw you -- keep the doors wide open for any lunatic who wants to murder you and rape your women!",0,none, 3649,sexism2022_english-448,"Ignore her. You want her pursuing you, not you pestering her. Whether she's worth it or not is another question.",0,none, 3650,sexism2022_english-15671,"NGL, that dude looks better than most. If I saw him on the street, I'd think he was a cute chick!",0,none, 3651,sexism2022_english-7354,You mean women ARENT masturbating to pictures of men doing the dishes????,0,none, 3652,sexism2022_english-15219,Lavanna has been gone for a while. No one has any idea why she left.[USER] [USER],0,none, 3653,sexism2022_english-15048,Nigger tricks white girl into saying nigger then freaks out. [URL],0,none, 3654,sexism2022_english-7744,"[USER] "" He will fight for women because they're hot. "" is this satire I honestly cannot tell.",0,none, 3655,sexism2022_english-16564,Even girls can learn something about attraction. Who said this was for men only? Or should I leave and allow you sad awkward men to continue enabling each other with your natural gift of charm?,0,none, 3656,sexism2022_english-5280,Kids will fill you with something no woman or material item can,0,none, 3657,sexism2022_english-7485,"The last time I visited San Fran, it was a 2003 vacation with my wife. Even then, I saw the downturn of a once great city. #Leftist #Democrats Ruin Everything. [URL]",0,none, 3658,sexism2022_english-11399,"It all started when a liberal defaced the statue with her gay poem.. Give us your poor your hungry your huddled masses. Pshh It should be: Give us your smart, your rich, and your successful. Keep your poor idiotic violent criminals.",0,none, 3659,sexism2022_english-11195,lol yep--shes such a tough chick🇺🇸,0,none, 3660,sexism2022_english-6521,I hope the parents were convicted of murder ! BUT no doubt they weren't .... religious SCUM really do get away with murder !,0,none, 3661,sexism2022_english-13816,Sweden's largest shopping center now a no-go zone according to female workers who face constant harassment by migrant gangs. [URL],0,none, 3662,sexism2022_english-15409,I seriously doubt it will be a slam-dunk. Google high-powered lawyers will make sure it is tied up in court for years -- if not decades.,0,none, 3663,sexism2022_english-17753,"What does it correlate most with? Nothing really. It just varies. I've fucked with girls taller than me who couldn't take my dick all the way without it killing them, and I've fucked with girls under 5 feet who could probably take a bowling pin.",0,none, 3664,sexism2022_english-8359,That you are obviously taking Jabs at pagans to give you a little dopamine boots because you're a pathetic little jackass.,0,none, 3665,sexism2022_english-13189,A judgemental prick breaking his own religion rules which says only God can judge.. just another pseudo religious asshole - the UK's full of them.,0,none, 3666,sexism2022_english-8518,[USER] WOO FUCK YEAH #GabWedding! 💒 Can we make it #TheDeplorables theme prease?! [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [USER] [URL],0,none, 3667,sexism2022_english-13217,Don't she'll argue it's not Spanish for black maybelline is being straight up racist,0,none, 3668,sexism2022_english-10744,shitttt! Already did. What should i do when i see her again?,0,none, 3669,sexism2022_english-11925,"Global warming can do both things at once, and this is disastrous since we won't be able to relocate and build enough to keep up with change. You can't move to Canada to escape the heat, they will be very DOWN on immigration by then.",0,none, 3670,sexism2022_english-11866,"I disagree, where I live muslim guys and black guys don't give a shit about asian women.Only the white guys obsess over them.",0,none, 3671,sexism2022_english-8444,"UNBELIEVABLE! NOW, IF TRUMP HAD DONE THAT!!!!!!! DOUBLE STANDARDS ARE THE RULE OF THUMB RO POLITICIANS AND ELITE,",0,none, 3672,sexism2022_english-13012,Im actually glad they made women clean that,0,none, 3673,sexism2022_english-11920,"I'm 5""3, underweight, and don't have a 6 figures job. I still haven't struggled finding a relationship or talking to girls. The secret ingredient is to not be a total wanker.",0,none, 3674,sexism2022_english-5366,I contacted her but never heard from her so I chalked it up to nothing,0,none, 3675,sexism2022_english-2712,"Alexa Chung Her father is 3/4 Chinese if that makes a difference. I'm pretty good at spotting mixes, so she does appear a little different but definitely not appearing like half or even 3/8s asian.",0,none, 3676,sexism2022_english-17166,A bicurious non-cis male who is considering transitioning into a female and who identifies as a Llama.,0,none, 3677,sexism2022_english-5348,They're looking forward to harassing and molesting USA women. Why take your wife or girlfriend?,0,none, 3678,sexism2022_english-14213,"You're spending time wondering about the motivation and intent of women on-line? On-line is beta. They aleady assume you're low value, which is why you have time to spend on there.",0,none, 3679,sexism2022_english-12646,[USER] it's sad isn't it â€?our lack of leadership is gutting our exceptionalism. Accountability is dead. The odds of her facing justice are 😤😤😤 â€?Presidential my ass #SpeakFreely #GabFam #GAB #PresidentialDebates ~twitter can kiss my ass~,0,none, 3680,sexism2022_english-2270,[URL] You know when men will round up the Muslims & toss them the fuck out? When the women get pissed & tell us to handle it .,0,none, 3681,sexism2022_english-3483,Sick fucks....santanic people need to burn in hell!!,0,none, 3682,sexism2022_english-9323,"no, it's just not true shared environment has basically no effect on adult iq the data is clear iq is genetic just don't starve your kid or beat them after that it's genes and chance",0,none, 3683,sexism2022_english-16687,This is the most unrealistic part of the movie: Autumn shows up and he gets to start over. As if karma was rewarding his obsessive behavior by giving him another hot girl.,0,none, 3684,sexism2022_english-9753,Do you have proof she dates niggers? Or were you just shilling/talking out of your ass? You ignored my question and deflected to Alex Jones and jews for some reason. Does that mean you lied about her dating niggers? Or made it up?,0,none, 3685,sexism2022_english-13613,I didn't say she was 10/10. If it sounds like I did oops. The girl is fricken hot on the other hand. I lurve me some curves and she has them. Also it might be because you're a dick.,0,none, 3686,sexism2022_english-15044,[USER] that shit eating grin says it all. It means she's getting beat.,0,none, 3687,sexism2022_english-14131,posts retarded fake Soros meme > gets called retarded > has retarded meme debunked in real time > responds like a retard one more time,0,none, 3688,sexism2022_english-9678,So my wife likes to drive on rodeo drive at night its very pretty and it is full of muslim men hanging out ready to party with white girls who are star struck who happen to wander by,0,none, 3689,sexism2022_english-14888,"OUTAHERE - no not that! Eye surgery manana second of a few. Back later. I will leave you this ... ""I once dated a girl who worked at an aviary. I bet she's seen a Cockatoo!"" #nite",0,none, 3690,sexism2022_english-7896,Don't forget that she probably infected him with AIDS.,0,none, 3691,sexism2022_english-11916,I certainly don't find girls under 18 attractive. That would make a pedophile that deserves to get shot. Of course I'm not into teenage girls. Of course,0,none, 3692,sexism2022_english-8237,"you bring in immigrants who do nothing but hate and cause violence,but your own people are supposed to just accept that.hang this traitor witch.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3693,sexism2022_english-19126,"Exactly. Ugh, they don't want to have sex with people. They either want fuck dolls, or they *want to commit rape*.",0,none, 3694,sexism2022_english-8483,Also 35. I had no idea. I thought young girls didn't like guys in their 30s. Is it via OLD?,0,none, 3695,sexism2022_english-16025,Really? You know for a fact that ALL parents of those bitches have insurance that covers defamation by their daughters. Right? You reviewed their coverage? Quit re-proving your idiocy. It's too cringeworthy.,1,3. animosity, 3696,sexism2022_english-15293,"NolteNC Retweeted POLITICO She's a goofy loon who called a veteran and Gold Star dad a racist. Caputo needs to get out of the bubble more. POLITICOâ€?""Trump is messing with the wrong woman"" [URL] via MarcACaputo",0,none, 3697,sexism2022_english-6966,"1) the “you’re an incelâ€?insult only works on actual incels, so uhh, nice attempt I guess 2) you’re calling me out because I’m insulting women. Therefore you are in fact, defending them",0,none, 3698,sexism2022_english-14428,People who kick babies do not belong in Western Civilization. People who kick babies: Black welfare moms Refugees Drug addicts Pedophiles Sociopaths Satanists Abortionists Chimps,1,2. derogation, 3699,sexism2022_english-16987,"Obviously she hates... She has nothing else... She is a man after all, ya'know all feministy an shit...",1,2. derogation, 3700,sexism2022_english-1233,"Oh cool, my teaser videos are showing... Alyssa gets more than she bargained for when she allows the seductions of a younger man in order to get a story from him. #LGBT #BDSM #Spanking #erotica #MondayMadness [URL]",0,none, 3701,sexism2022_english-15259,A Kansas City-area woman has been charged with letting men rape her 2-year-old daughter and get an STD. [URL],0,none, 3702,sexism2022_english-12661,"[USER] The Lord will guide you. Yes, there are many Christians there. The church we went to in Fort Lauderdale had a trip to Israel. My dream of a lifetime came true. My daughter & I went with the church group to Israel. Totally awesome trip!",0,none, 3703,sexism2022_english-10379,"You say you're a MGTOW, why in the hell did you agree to this? She made her damn bed. Bet your ass she would have never done the same for you if you were in her situation.",1,2. derogation, 3704,sexism2022_english-19953,"Of course. I've seen a lot of good samaritan's, including myself and friends, beings thrown in court/jail or beings sued by frustrated women. I would never help a woman again if nobody else around to back me up.",1,2. derogation, 3705,sexism2022_english-14404,"Liberal OUTRAGEOUS LIES are going to bring America to Civil War Huffington Post Headline tonight: #Kavanaugh did NOT ""choke up while denying rape claims"". He choked up when he talked about what this witch's LIES have done to his family [URL]",0,none, 3706,sexism2022_english-19238,I don't feel suicidal in any way. I'm happy. I have hope. It would kill my sister.,0,none, 3707,sexism2022_english-8091,People need to be attracted to each other physically to be in a relationship. > Most women don’t get sexually excited at the sight of Chad Citation needed.,1,3. animosity, 3708,sexism2022_english-8188,"so curious,u know the globalist news covering the same whore cases about the women, yeah u know to victimize the men to run their thievery world wide as always these idiots coordinating these trash and u know women re sometimes disgusting whores",1,2. derogation, 3709,sexism2022_english-1131,"It's all about money and status, my friend. If you have neither, you'll never get anywhere, with any woman. Ask autistic men (not the lucky guys in STEM/well-paid careers) how this works.",1,2. derogation, 3710,sexism2022_english-4081,But what he said towards the end in the car about the Jewish witch was spot on and I think I broke a rib laughing so much.,1,2. derogation, 3711,sexism2022_english-2686,"Milo, PewDiePie and David Seaman attacked, and this perv Cuomo gets away with pimping out 12 year old girls to old men in dresses. [URL]",0,none, 3712,sexism2022_english-12690,The Tyranny of the Administrative State: [USER] interviews Philip Hamburger [URL] via [USER],0,none, 3713,sexism2022_english-18219,I think mom just found my gay porn stash ....,0,none, 3714,sexism2022_english-9060,"That's telling him, my man! With knobs on....yeah, I agree, but the guy is gay, so....the fucking could just be a bit dodgy, no?",0,none, 3715,sexism2022_english-1110,"The disconnect these modern girls have is borderline comical. ""But we were just ""dating"" lol!"" Reality for a lot of millienial women will sink in when they hit the wall in their mid-30's in a few years here.",1,3. animosity, 3716,sexism2022_english-13329,I'd like to know what happened to the guy who was found GUILTY of sexually assault a child multiple times and granted BAIL. Due to be sentenced 15/06 (yesterday) at SAME COURT case T20170402 but no info ??? [URL],0,none, 3717,sexism2022_english-19199,"Dont act too lovy dovy or flirty, act like you are interested in them but on a mostly physical standpoint. Seduce him, don't date him. Be more of a fuckbuddy than a GF, and if he wants to dominate you, let him if you are comfortable with it.",0,none, 3718,sexism2022_english-15850,"Update: 18;59: They are now playing matchmaker with me at the table, Thinking of using the gay card but I fear what wrath may entail",0,none, 3719,sexism2022_english-8095,Good shit man. Self respect goes a long way. You know what you want and it's not your job to compromise .,0,none, 3720,sexism2022_english-14870,"Sure seems it. being as modern feminism and culture has told the women that the best way to happiness and success has to essentially become men, save for the penis, the only thing they need is one.",1,3. animosity, 3721,sexism2022_english-10728,The gov't forcibly giving mens money to women is a primary source of social breakdown. Women no longer need to act positive ways for society to gain its material benefits,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3722,sexism2022_english-3329,Fuckable w a good personality. If they have a bad personality they aren’t fuckable but not bc of their looks.,0,none, 3723,sexism2022_english-13931,And the beat goes on.,0,none, 3724,sexism2022_english-7445,[USER] i can't stand idiots running our nation overlooking the true domestic enemies against our constitution and our nation making them enemies to our own nation.,0,none, 3725,sexism2022_english-1149,"Fucking skank. She should be in jail,",1,2. derogation, 3726,sexism2022_english-10416,"Race mixing is not bad. I am racially mixed (white father, jewish mother) and I am fine.",0,none, 3727,sexism2022_english-14928,"Nope. She was still raped. There was a recent case where a woman gave a blowjob to a guy who was passed out and cried rape because she ""revoked her consent"" and he didn't stop lying there taking it.",0,none, 3728,sexism2022_english-14497,If Jesus was born from a virgin mother that means he only has XX chromosomes. Jesus is trans.,0,none, 3729,sexism2022_english-9926,"I identify and feel like a menstruating Chinese woman, so if I kick you in the throat, it is not my fault. I'm special and must be accomadated, cause I'm different, but am the same, but not really, maybe. [URL]",1,3. animosity, 3730,sexism2022_english-19831,"Dates Hot WF, but..... Dude, she looks more like his female friend or a beard at most.",0,none, 3731,sexism2022_english-6107,The kikes must be destroyed & women kept the fuck out of politics. 2 very hard to achieve but absolutely necessary things.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3732,sexism2022_english-13534,Avoid argument with women,0,none, 3733,sexism2022_english-11996,gagging test (pay no attention to the caterpillars in her eyes),0,none, 3734,sexism2022_english-12075,Gorier Allred is a blatant misandrist. Her dad must have molested her.,1,3. animosity, 3735,sexism2022_english-7124,If the answer is no then she's perfect for Alabama.,0,none, 3736,sexism2022_english-10752,“Total chad chad smithsâ€?god I have no idea what that means but I love it. I love Disney though. I’m 6â€? Puerto Rican with green eyes and a beard that connects. I’m out side mayne 😂 don play with my Disney movies,0,none, 3737,sexism2022_english-15156,Im ngl short girls are cute as hell but sadlly foids dont find short men cute.,1,2. derogation, 3738,sexism2022_english-16309,Yes they are all gay - it's a gay hookup/'dating' app! Or at the very least bi.,0,none, 3739,sexism2022_english-3902,Hope it's a hunger strike you shitheads. As it is I won't watch anything they do because of there actions. [URL],0,none, 3740,sexism2022_english-14714,Don't like Pedophilia? They'll RAPE the shit out of grandma and your baby brother too. They'll RAPE anything that moves. Better hide your dog and cat too.,0,none, 3741,sexism2022_english-491,Well duh. If you read his posts it's obviously not. If he has multiple friends many of which are female it's not his personality.,0,none, 3742,sexism2022_english-10927,"French actress Andrée Mielly poses alongside a Louis Vuitton lady’s Hat Trunk, Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens, ca. 1910",0,none, 3743,sexism2022_english-14735,"treasonous piece of shit, lock her up is right, these open border fanatics need to be dealt with and swiftly",0,none, 3744,sexism2022_english-368,Total fuckin roastie hairstyle she got. Fuckin bet that pussy looks like a retard went barbarian on an arbys large roast beef sammich with xtra arbys sauce. S/,1,2. derogation, 3745,sexism2022_english-8869,He wants us to get him back together with her.[/cynic],0,none, 3746,sexism2022_english-10244,So what would happen if every man with a spine (and women with a sense of humor) on Twatter tweeted this meme every day for a week?? I guess I should've asked first - just how many men out there still own a spine...,0,none, 3747,sexism2022_english-7692,Kansas Catholic schoolgirls boast of Swastika beer pong [URL],0,none, 3748,sexism2022_english-3646,"Yeah, I was just trying to annoy the gymcels. Anyone who's anyone knows femoids are incapable of love.",1,2. derogation, 3749,sexism2022_english-3970,Surprised you could even spit game while on acid. If she knew it’s probably no big deal. Don’t mention it and do it better next time,0,none, 3750,sexism2022_english-7251,"She should have known better. I wonder why some female teachers do not take their marriage vows seriously?! also what does a young boy have to offer, he has no experience.",0,none, 3751,sexism2022_english-19833,[USER] thats why youre muh gab girl!,0,none, 3752,sexism2022_english-5459,that's not for the wives. and in the military if you divorce a wahmen she gets your pension,0,none, 3753,sexism2022_english-510,Just don't limit yourself to japanese women only.,0,none, 3754,sexism2022_english-614,"harvest ovaries and put down women when it says this they’re gonna throw it out, the chinese will pick it up and ascend",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3755,sexism2022_english-14991,Half the human population counts as a 'minority' to you? Some women don't give a shit about pushing paper as an office drone for 50 years of their life.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3756,sexism2022_english-7117,"Got it. If you post a female pic (as you have done), say so in your bio, or respond to me personally that you are female, I refer to you as female. Unless I err.",0,none, 3757,sexism2022_english-1521,I don't get the Hannity with a joint and pistol thing. I liked the woman making farting noises though; quite effective I thought.,0,none, 3758,sexism2022_english-10390,I suspect she ain't done yet...no sir.,0,none, 3759,sexism2022_english-14269,"Even if it's unwanted attention (male of inferior SMV), she always can post of cuckbook telling everyone how she's literally raped and gain lots of delicious likes.",1,2. derogation, 3760,sexism2022_english-5769,You're describing 99.9 percent of women who set foot in a gym.,0,none, 3761,sexism2022_english-6828,"...because if she doesn't do what Soros & Clowns told her to do, it will be SHE who winds up dead. Long list, KKKamala. Why don't you just step down?",0,none, 3762,sexism2022_english-2565,"However, due to their longer, more slender bodies, white women have traditionally been more prevalent in professions like modeling in the fashion industry.",0,none, 3763,sexism2022_english-5317,"I mean she literally is describing secondary victims, who the fuck wrote that bullshit for her thinking it made any sense?",0,none, 3764,sexism2022_english-2954,women can get a bf off online dating very easily That's a myth that keeps getting perpetuated.,0,none, 3765,sexism2022_english-1101,"Fun fact, MANY of the ""askers"" look A LOT better than these. Chicks are devastated.",0,none, 3766,sexism2022_english-18785,I could see my teen girls wearing the shoes!!,0,none, 3767,sexism2022_english-13654,If she's attractive enough many men won't even ask.,0,none, 3768,sexism2022_english-2382,"Seriously, I have a beautiful Aryan friend in Europe and she has completely lost her sanity to the fucking monkey regime.",0,none, 3770,sexism2022_english-15918,"Meet Mia, the Troll, aka Killer. She's brutal. She loves #Trump. And she's ready to #MAGA. #GabFam #SpeakFreely #News #BitchesForTrump (From Scott Isbell via Twitter)",1,3. animosity, 3771,sexism2022_english-3365,[URL] She actually made herself look more of the dumbass she already is. CNN must be panicking now. LMFAO.,0,none, 3772,sexism2022_english-11170,"that is knajjd, everybody hate that pricks gutts, he ban people randomly, he is also 5'2 and looks like a girl",1,3. animosity, 3773,sexism2022_english-380,"""You should fuck her and then have her send you $12 on your birthday.""",0,none, 3774,sexism2022_english-194,"Clearly I meant both. I'd rather regularly fuck a 7 that's fun to chill with than a 9 that makes me question reality and stresses me tf out. That's why the quote goes ""For every hot chick out there, there's a dude who's tired of fucking her.""",1,2. derogation, 3775,sexism2022_english-10487,[USER] She is so paranoid lol. Either that or she is consciously lying to people to make them afraid.,0,none, 3776,sexism2022_english-9497,Ask her to go out for some coffee and go from there...,0,none, 3777,sexism2022_english-8672,Fucking bitch can’t wait to see her jailed,1,3. animosity, 3778,sexism2022_english-15020,"In many ways, women are like kids (or dogs). You have to set boundaries early. They might test the boundaries on occasion. But once boundaries are set, they're easy to reinforce with authority.",1,2. derogation, 3779,sexism2022_english-1175,"Your saying I should be sexual with her ? I don’t feel like that’s the main issue tbh, although I do see it as a concern",0,none, 3780,sexism2022_english-7402,Very far past. We cannot ignore that women *did* have it worse before the Industrial Age.,0,none, 3781,sexism2022_english-15653,"[USER] is going to spend the rest of her life being a vocal sore loser. Very toxic to the democrats, so I say let her whine.",0,none, 3782,sexism2022_english-4465,Trump proposes 5% budget cut for each Cabinet agency! Is Trump the most libertarian President in history?? YES! [URL] [URL],0,none, 3783,sexism2022_english-11835,"And... wait 4 it.... a total unadulterated ASSHOLE, LIKE his sister...",0,none, 3784,sexism2022_english-19413,"Yep. A beta no-bucks cuck. Like who cares what women think about the wall, or anything.",1,2. derogation, 3785,sexism2022_english-6336,Tell that bitch to shut up,1,3. animosity, 3786,sexism2022_english-2223,Definitely. My dad is as short as me and a total blue pill betabux bitch.,1,3. animosity, 3787,sexism2022_english-12220,#Israeli-Arab secret contacts to block Land Day marches >>>peaceful march my arse more #arablies #musiterror ...#israel [URL],0,none, 3788,sexism2022_english-10516,This thread is great. Makes total sense why women feel so comfortable and guilty free when cheating/branch swinging. They go from dating multiple guys at once to dating multiple guys at once. You'd have to be insane to ever commit to a modern woman.,1,2. derogation, 3789,sexism2022_english-3036,"For a child to play dress-up is perfectly fine, but to automatically assume they’re transgender as a result is misidentifying what they’re doing.",0,none, 3790,sexism2022_english-8793,Is sex worth being with someone who would emotionally damage you? I wouldn't be with them though. It's sex. It goes no further than that. Fuck. Enjoy. Leave.,0,none, 3791,sexism2022_english-8662,"I don’t know who that is, but sounds like she might be loaded so yeah why the fuck not. You can be on the 9-5 for 40 years plan or suck 20 dicks for an hour for $10M plan.",0,none, 3792,sexism2022_english-12062,If you were a woman would you rail a pedo?,0,none, 3793,sexism2022_english-5732,No. Do not talk about other dates or other girls while you are on a date. Are you fucking daft?,0,none, 3794,sexism2022_english-2780,RT [USER]: 17 hilarious beer belly maternity photos.. [URL] [URL],0,none, 3795,sexism2022_english-14782,"Did it in Orlando, Fl....she won [URL] She asks Soros what to do....not kidding [URL]",0,none, 3796,sexism2022_english-8536,"Every fucking time. After the trial expires it's always ""what is it you want from this?"" ... it's standard procedure to figure out what value her pussy brings to the table.",1,2. derogation, 3797,sexism2022_english-8878,No thank you I've had my self-confidence destroyed by Indian women since birth,1,2. derogation, 3798,sexism2022_english-16879,It's a sickening thought to realize roughly half our nation's population think we're their enemy because we genuinely support our Constitution. They support Social Justice and Gender Neutrality.... #WeCanNoLongerCoexistInPeace,0,none, 3799,sexism2022_english-16448,"If these women had better personalities, maybe they wouldn’t get raped.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3800,sexism2022_english-11579,Another pandering whore looking for 15 minutes of her masters acknowledgement,1,3. animosity, 3801,sexism2022_english-2380,"So, before you approached those girls, you didn't hate women? Or did you just go out in order to confirm your hate?",0,none, 3802,sexism2022_english-1068,"Coffee, drink, walk in the park. That way if she's retarded you only wasted 20 mins of your life.",0,none, 3803,sexism2022_english-16890,"Gjdm, I need to stop being a bitch and talk to woman I like during the day. Heck, there's a girl at my gym who I've been dying to strike up a conversation with but I always make an excuse in my head not to. F that . Even it's just 'hi' I'm doing it.",1,3. animosity, 3804,sexism2022_english-12580,"Good point. Some guys have absolutely no standards. Even a 500 pound woman finds some desperate loser willing to ""love her for who she is""",1,2. derogation, 3805,sexism2022_english-4184,considered custody more important than her Now that's admirable. Taking someone else's kids on for pussy is pathetic.,1,3. animosity, 3806,sexism2022_english-10311,That's no big deal. I paid a witch $20 for a spell on Obama.,0,none, 3807,sexism2022_english-10633,"That would actually better if they truly enjoy spending time together, like playing Xbox or eating pizza, when another member is masturbating naked.",0,none, 3808,sexism2022_english-3170,If that pinko c*** got gang raped by a bunch of sand suckers I would do the Christian thing and turn the other cheek. Who am I to stop her from embracing cultural diversity? Seal the hatch or lose the boat.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3809,sexism2022_english-10530,eddie,0,none, 3810,sexism2022_english-5607,"You guys are so hypocritical, you slander 4.4 billion people because 1 woman did shitty math? What if a woman said men are stupid or some shit like that, you guys would flip tf out",0,none, 3811,sexism2022_english-9170,Trump wrecked an NBC “reporterâ€?over her gun question. When will the left stop grandstanding on graves?,0,none, 3812,sexism2022_english-5965,I mean I’m ok with girls that have flat ironing board bodies too. You got pretty high standards for an incel,1,2. derogation, 3814,sexism2022_english-7441,"This time last year I got home from work and and my new Thai girlfriend dished up the biggest steak I've ever seen smiling saying ""happy steak and blowjob day!"" I thought this is the best day of my life until she started to take off her jeans......",0,none, 3815,sexism2022_english-14580,[USER] It's fucking hard. The environment is so toxic. I just need to kick myself in the ass for school so I can take charge of the direction of my life. #TooScaredToMakeDecisions,0,none, 3816,sexism2022_english-17682,Who knew Broadway actors were such drama queens? #Hamilton,0,none, 3817,sexism2022_english-3822,"NOW, BEFORE YOU BLAME THAT [USER] HOLLYWOOD LIBERAL PIG [USER] WHEDON, AT LEAST HE GOT IT RIGHT MORE OR LESS WITH THE FANTASTIC [USER] 1 FILM WHICH WAS OUTSTANDING. [USER] 2 WAS GOOD BUT I LIKED THE FIRST MOVIE.",0,none, 3818,sexism2022_english-18346,What she did is much worse than weinstien because she groomed him since he was 7. weinstien met adult women who wanted a leg up. Big difference.,1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3819,sexism2022_english-1789,"Thats because all women are different, but all female nature is the same.",0,none, 3820,sexism2022_english-13940,Jesus mate that sounds an awful lot like a BDP narcissistic demon bitch,1,3. animosity, 3821,sexism2022_english-14159,"I don't have to have pictures the good people of /pol have them, but that is not what was used to charge him. Do you really think they would have charged him with an enhancement charge without evidence? I'd hate to be your client",0,none, 3822,sexism2022_english-12228,"i'd say you might be normie enough for therapy to actually work, but you post here. you're probably a failed normie, not an incel. what are you depressed over?",0,none, 3823,sexism2022_english-13086,"Every straight man understands that a ""proper"" threesome, is two chicks, one dude. Period. No guy wants to get hit with ""friendly fire"".",0,none, 3824,sexism2022_english-12802,When she laughs like the beat of the Terminator 2: Judgement Day theme,0,none, 3825,sexism2022_english-12938,"I don't think that is what 95% of guys want. Most just want a nice girlfriend to settle down with, and these players mess with those goals. This is so right like bang on target.",0,none, 3826,sexism2022_english-14363,"getting a girl to go out over text is hard, find situations where you can meet girls in person",0,none, 3827,sexism2022_english-15081,"If I was put in this situation, I think I might actually kill someone. At that point I would have realized I was fucked in more ways than one and if I was gonna go out, I'm taking her with me.",1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3828,sexism2022_english-1904,"Yes, absolutely. I had two jewish girlfriends, and both complained about how jewish men are lousy in bed and have small penises. I'm sure jewish women inflict that on their men all the time. They're twisted.",1,2. derogation, 3829,sexism2022_english-2490,"Gotta keep them beta cuck orbiters in line right? Todays women, a joke. The best you can get is a really wet pussy but that shit will dry out eventually.",1,2. derogation, 3830,sexism2022_english-4534,Women in the military is a joke. Almost any man could beat the shit out of this female guard wearing camo in Penn Station.,1,2. derogation, 3831,sexism2022_english-17318,[USER] Fuck #JackOff and the donkey that rode him in.,0,none, 3832,sexism2022_english-7206,[USER] At least she fed poor bastard. I guess the rest is Apple & Tree problem?,0,none, 3833,sexism2022_english-14745,"She should be happy she didn't fly United, they'd beat her up, based onthe last couple of months.",0,none, 3834,sexism2022_english-11687,No I’m actually a chad with a degree in economics,0,none, 3835,sexism2022_english-16715,your still that sick kid living i you moms basement !! :) ! What happened to the mute you were trying to use ? LOL :) !!,0,none, 3836,sexism2022_english-11400,At this rate I wouldn't even be so sure that he knew. The manosphere is full of fucking idiots,0,none, 3837,sexism2022_english-17139,"It is utterly over for ricecels. They can't even seem to date their own race. No other race (white, hispanic, Indian, black) has as much of a problem dating their own race.",0,none, 3838,sexism2022_english-16655,"""An example of hickies are several red marks on the neck after a session of kissing."" -Yourdictionary.com",0,none, 3839,sexism2022_english-16801,"true, but it doesnt change your face. you cant' polish a turd or believe the best angle and lightning will make a difference compared to normal pics",0,none, 3840,sexism2022_english-6934,This whore deserves to be shot to death. Women have no control. I hope someone shoots her to death in jail before she goes to trial. UK has the most fucked up feminist society.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3841,sexism2022_english-18756,I heard she had to take out a magnifying glass to see it.,0,none, 3842,sexism2022_english-12197,Ugh. Donald Trump had a vile pumpkin head and that TERRIBLE hair dating all the way back to Home Alone 2. He's disgusting.,0,none, 3843,sexism2022_english-289,"Indeed, her pussy is drying up per second that simp talks. She will probably get fucked by the babies daddy that night.",1,2. derogation, 3844,sexism2022_english-18066,"Still not sleeping well I guess. Isn´t it a bitch when reality finally sets in & you find out you´re not really smarter than everyone? I think he should go to Hawaii, sit on the beach, have a Mai Tai, spy on everyone & see where that gets him!",1,3. animosity, 3845,sexism2022_english-5212,I think it's on everyone. If a girl tells me she is lying about someone raping her I'm going to the police. If guy tells me he raped someone I am going to the police.,0,none, 3846,sexism2022_english-18922,Ugly stupid creature! I heard her Soros-nephew husband had his girlfriend walk the turkey-basters of sperm down the hall to Chelsea's room for those two kids she whelped!,1,2. derogation, 3847,sexism2022_english-15950,I suspect an ugly woman is the prosecuter. Ugly parent turned her in. Ugly women are criminalizing being hot. [URL],1,2. derogation, 3848,sexism2022_english-1164,When she wants that World War Z look.,0,none, 3849,sexism2022_english-12899,He's probly sneaking into the girls locker room to listen to the girls shitting boys are SO pervy🙄,0,none, 3850,sexism2022_english-17299,Shit you not my friends roommate had a party where this girl kept yelling she wanted a train ran on her. 4 black guys agreed. He said he opened the door on them and the smell was unbearable.,0,none, 3851,sexism2022_english-5831,"I hope he sues all of them, gets the women to admit what BezosPo talked them into doing in return for dropping suits against them, then kills that yellow-journalism rag for good. [URL]",0,none, 3852,sexism2022_english-17649,Sadly most women love themselves a good slave....and most men oblige and submit out of weakness.,1,3. animosity, 3853,sexism2022_english-18325,If not talking is your strength then... I'd go for a release of information while you listen to her since it's more important to pay attention to what they say than bombarding them with info,1,3. animosity, 3854,sexism2022_english-10560,"This explains not only ""Green"" fuel, but apply it to Obamacare waivers.",0,none, 3855,sexism2022_english-1763,You're pushing a myth that white women give a fuck about amnesty. You're pushing another myth that they think immigration has anything to do with nazism.,1,3. animosity, 3856,sexism2022_english-17442,"I’m like seeing 2 girls right now, thinking of maybe adding another 1 or 2. No I’m not trolling, it’s doable, I need to make sure “theyâ€?are not needy haha",1,3. animosity, 3857,sexism2022_english-2222,this just this! enjoy it. what a bozo she is..... #Freaky Frederica,0,none, 3858,sexism2022_english-10938,Tha Brothas want dem PAWGs.,1,3. animosity, 3859,sexism2022_english-4069,Michelle Wolf without makeup - the unfunny 'Uncle Tom' joking comedian at the WH dinner. Why do liberals admire ugly women?,1,3. animosity, 3860,sexism2022_english-17440,Fucking disgusting.. Why the fuck would I put my dick in her disease infested cunt??,1,2. derogation, 3861,sexism2022_english-5361,Women lie because it's their nature to do so. Only watch their actions.,1,2. derogation, 3862,sexism2022_english-16958,"Speech as Violence: David Irving’s Books Pose a “Physical Threatâ€?to Jewish Students ""One of the most sinister constructs employed by Jews in their endless war on free speech is the idea of speech as violence."" [URL]",0,none, 3863,sexism2022_english-9415,This is why you make a move within the first 15-20 minutes of arriving. If you wait hours and hours before you try to kiss her she's gonna wonder if something's wrong with her or if you're just a pussy.,1,3. animosity, 3864,sexism2022_english-9625,"Islam needs to wiped off the face of the earth, give me two weeks and command of our exemplary military, I could fix it! Hey, a gal can dream.",0,none, 3865,sexism2022_english-8865,"I eventually found the pot. It was hiding behind a roll of paper towels in the bathroom where I thought my wife would never look. Apparently it was a good spot because even I, at first, didn't even think to look there.",0,none, 3866,sexism2022_english-14912,If you know Canada you know the United Church is more of a Left wing activist group than the NDP. They supported Justin's 28 year old unaccompanied male 'Syrian refugee' who murdered a 13 year old girl months after arriving in Canada. [URL],0,none, 3867,sexism2022_english-19978,"British woman 'held as a sex slave from Mamadou Jallow, a migrant from Burkina Faso, for two weeks in Italy, where she was raped by three men manages to escape after calling her family for help. [URL]",0,none, 3868,sexism2022_english-10812,"OVER FOR ME. I was gonna say: ""2020? That's 20 years away you idiot."" Brutal timepill for me. I have wasted my life being ugly. :(",0,none, 3869,sexism2022_english-2831,"Poisoned drinks fall under the category of ""real rape"" (violent attacker). No grey area there. I guess one could discuss if women should go drinking at bars alone.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3870,sexism2022_english-17036,"Every time I see a post here, it's exactly like this. Girl ruins guy's life! But then she gets caught and is given a slap on the wrist! Pussy pass denied!!! oh but his life and reputation are still ruined and her punishment was trivial",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3871,sexism2022_english-13634,An old Irish legend about an ancient Egyptian princess [URL],0,none, 3872,sexism2022_english-19205,Just another scumbag way of trying to equivalate Trump with criminal activity!,0,none, 3873,sexism2022_english-13054,In a way you red-pilled her 😂,0,none, 3874,sexism2022_english-1765,As a CNN reporter I'm sure she'll be much happier in Moscow :),0,none, 3875,sexism2022_english-3197,That's the hard part most of these girls are raised in conservative families and 99% are private,0,none, 3876,sexism2022_english-1477,"At some point this will hurt them. Who knows, maybe they may even replace the woman in charge.",0,none, 3877,sexism2022_english-16193,"And you can bet money on it, she will receive no prison time as a punishment for her fake rape allegation. Judge will say she as ""mental issues"" and she needs help.",1,4. prejudiced discussions, 3878,sexism2022_english-19322,"Men court, women select. Those are the rules. Just leave yourself open",1,3. animosity, 3879,sexism2022_english-2638,[USER] Too much 'shadow' money invested in her preventing that line to be drawn.,0,none, 3880,sexism2022_english-2012,How many gun activists can attack a gun owner or their home before one of them get shot and then the activist will use it to esculate their actions including the confiscation laws you know they want.,0,none, 3881,sexism2022_english-5341,He didn't say who the whore is. He just gave the description of her straight from the bible.,1,2. derogation, 3882,sexism2022_english-15716,"Both Madame Stuart and I are lifetime outdoors people - backpacking, camping, canoeing, fishing - we just don't hunt. We (mostly she) build/modify/repair a great deal of our own equipment, eg: [URL] [URL]",0,none, 3883,sexism2022_english-18295,"Holy crap. Also, 20% of white females arrested by the age of 23? what are these people being arrested for?",0,none, 3884,sexism2022_english-17832,The right version shows the woman's real identity/nature.,0,none, 3885,sexism2022_english-11877,Eh your right but I’d say 17-18% is ideal for women.,0,none, 3886,sexism2022_english-14846,"Can you imagine, her detractors will just say ""Oh youve just been a victim of patriachy too long, you brainwashed""",0,none, 3887,sexism2022_english-18854,"[USER], we see eye to eye on this. Hillary is backed into a corner. the optics:, she is acting exactly like what she is, a mob boss.",0,none, 3888,sexism2022_english-18355,"courage precludes the wise and strong from prostrating to his base emotions. let the woman freak out. were cooler under pressure, so lets be cool under pressure. let the women attack us physically, were stronger. being punched by a woman is a joke.",1,3. animosity, 3889,sexism2022_english-16682,"When I was 10 I raised my hand to block a slap from my mom. My dad saw it and beat the ever-loving shit out of me because ""you don't raise your hand to a woman!""",0,none, 3890,sexism2022_english-11733,"Idk, I blame Bree in part for Capt. Marvel. Not just what she's said, but her inability to act well (in her role)",0,none, 3891,sexism2022_english-15719,I'm building up an army of gay right-wingers & basically you're at home jerking off in your mom's basement.,0,none, 3892,sexism2022_english-15792,I call it treason. #2A,0,none, 3893,sexism2022_english-17500,WOMP WOMP!!!!!,0,none, 3894,sexism2022_english-12981,"You misogynist cisgendered scum. You dared to use facts to show Saint Anita is wrong, plz reconsider your actions as it constitutes harassment of a woman. /s",0,none, 3895,sexism2022_english-5142,Throw her a lifebelt.,0,none, 3896,sexism2022_english-1451,I have received more compliments from gays than I have from women. Feels good to be appreciated. I have thought about it but I wouldn't be able to have sex with a man. My body would reject the idea,0,none, 3897,sexism2022_english-16779,"Great point, however, intelligence always leads to games. Sooner or later the AI would jump into culture, money, sex - the best games around.",0,none, 3898,sexism2022_english-10505,"That game was the shit, I used to pick up my phone so I could lag jump into clusters of opponents and kill them. Brings back memories, man.",0,none, 3899,sexism2022_english-3810,"i would rather not try to restrain a person and risk the chance of getting hit on the wrong spot and getting injured, you say women are easily restrained as if men are invulnerable but you can get hurt even by someone who looks weaker than you #",0,none, 3900,sexism2022_english-16218,"I got jaw shaving and recovered fine. I didn't get genio but I got chin implant as my lower third wasn't too weak. They won't understand your Western incel shit, just ask for thin upper eyelids",0,none, 3901,sexism2022_english-9561,They want a husband that does DIY and manly tasks but they don't sleep with them.,1,2. derogation, 3902,sexism2022_english-7210,And she is great American. God Bless Her.,0,none, 3903,sexism2022_english-10490,"One of those differences is that women are soul-less, manipulative cunts who have an inflated sense of worth and only care about themselves. Fuck women.",1,2. derogation, 3904,sexism2022_english-2022,"I'm so relieved to hear that, because I've been saving this pic since the 1930's",0,none, 3905,sexism2022_english-3472,"Found something on Wikipedia. Not intentionally either, I was just trying to remember the disgusting creep's name. But here she is, the one we all love to hate, Dianne Feinstein. Not surprisingly she was inept then, too.",0,none, 3906,sexism2022_english-6599,Too bad the empty barrel is too stupid to realize that Gen. Kelly destroyed her at the press conference.,0,none, 3907,sexism2022_english-7730,she admitted somewhere to be a sex worker... nothing against sex workers but you know... yikes,0,none, 3908,sexism2022_english-12105,Your conversion process sucks,0,none, 3909,sexism2022_english-4089,"[USER] Listen up and listen good. White women have nothing whatsoever to do with the feminist movement, yet they are constantly blamed and bashed. [URL]",0,none, 3910,sexism2022_english-7152,"""The NWO has an agenda, and we ain't in it other than being working mules."" Also correct.",0,none, 3911,sexism2022_english-3190,"Well, to be fair, they called you a whore because you are female. It's not based on any aspect of behaviour or sex or anything but the fact you are female and they despise us to the depths of their beings.",0,none, 3912,sexism2022_english-4680,"that i'm aware of, but i can't be the only girl who spent high school pining over guys who didn't notice me-- like, i know they don't believe it, but there are otherwise kinky girls who are kissless virgins until high school ends or after.",0,none, 3913,sexism2022_english-12797,she looked worse on her livestream,0,none, 3914,sexism2022_english-8008,"#PizzaGate FBIanon Thread ""There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down....Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved."" [URL]",0,none, 3915,sexism2022_english-17205,More of that toxic masculinity from the product of a single mom.,0,none, 3916,sexism2022_english-691,"[USER] My daughter and her health were fine until after she received the 2nd dose of MMR. Today, she is on the Autism Spectrum, and fights ADHD every day. I have always sworn it had to do with that vaccine.",0,none, 3917,sexism2022_english-12456,Need to know what club her and her friends go to.,0,none, 3918,sexism2022_english-18379,"""Mahu"" is the Hawaiian word for homosexual.",0,none, 3919,sexism2022_english-18359,"You already gave up when you didn't set a meeting, ignored her and didn't escalate.",0,none, 3920,sexism2022_english-17813,Why Does a Homosexual Man Refuse to Call Himself Gay? [URL],0,none, 3921,sexism2022_english-1645,"[USER] my favorite part of that was how he pointed out... even though she knew she shouldn't accept those questions, she did. LOL! I love that man!",0,none, 3922,sexism2022_english-2281,"Well, Trump sure isn't your mother's golf playing President. Zowie. [URL]",0,none, 3923,sexism2022_english-365,pray for Russia to win - Fuck man get on your fucken knees. WHere's the conviction Get hard or die trying mother fuckers!!!,0,none, 3924,sexism2022_english-6480,she is a 24 carat cunt.,1,2. derogation, 3925,sexism2022_english-1235,Perfect women don't exi-,0,none, 3926,sexism2022_english-4939,""" Got muh dick on ma mine, Ann ma mine own muh dick!",0,none, 3927,sexism2022_english-15474,Wish the Jews would kill her.,1,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement", 3928,sexism2022_english-5131,[USER] or she could be orchestrating another riot,0,none, 3929,sexism2022_english-16609,I'm not sure that dating her is the solution to this problem; you say you enjoy hanging out with her/talking to her and don't really plan on doing anything sexual anyway so why not just hang out with her?,0,none, 3930,sexism2022_english-5533,"This wave of migrants was going to be the DNC's October surprise, whipping up a narrative of separating the kids and inhumane incarcerations, but guess what Mexico is rounding them up. [URL]",0,none, 3931,sexism2022_english-11083,Now Nazi-Fascist of Shinzo Abe want to kill this princess because his grandfather Akihito wants this girl in his place against the desires of Chauvinists of Nippon Kaigi! 14-year-old Princess Aiko absent from school for 1 month [URL],0,none, 3932,sexism2022_english-3709,I got followed by a woman just now as I was reading your last message. She was taking a shower. You took a shower. Pornbots are Illuminati: Confirmed.,0,none, 3933,sexism2022_english-1549,😒...Deeper deepstate...🤔 Hmmm she's a Jesuit grad of Georgetown...& he's a Jew....sound familiar folks 🙈🙉🙊 Rosenstein is a turd compared to his wife.!!!🤨 [URL],0,none, 3934,sexism2022_english-8547,Late Night TV is awash in Liberal Idiocy!!,0,none, 3935,sexism2022_english-12476,"AWALT. The guy had social status, so she attached to it instantly.",1,2. derogation, 3936,sexism2022_english-8074,you are no different than a pussy. fuck off!,1,3. animosity, 3937,sexism2022_english-18286,"I can see your knees young lady, open up.",0,none, 3938,sexism2022_english-19734,I'm a mom from Tennessee I see blacks rape white girls every day I come on social media to pretend my race isn't being replaced. Okay guys.,0,none, 3939,sexism2022_english-9520,"So leading women on, and using them for materialistic sex. How found of you. Your ego creating thots you claim ya hate",0,none, 3940,sexism2022_english-8092,I wish I was emotionally sound enough for that option but it hurt to see her fucking around with other dudes and hear about it on the regular. I had a serious case of oneitis I have to admit.,0,none, 3941,sexism2022_english-15511,If she's a Yank I dread to think :),0,none, 3942,sexism2022_english-5262,A girl who comes up with terms like “substantial clitorisâ€?definitively reads like a fat girl with self esteem issues. That whole story reeks of fat girl with mental issues.,0,none, 3943,sexism2022_english-3120,"""So to show “solidarity,â€?CNN’s Alisyn Camerota says American women should all wear the hijab to show “solidarityâ€?with Muslim Americans."" [URL] #WhatAChucklehead",0,none, 3944,sexism2022_english-16907,"yes, female incels exist, I happen to know some in person",0,none, 3945,sexism2022_english-11946,"I used to play vidya but I got bored of it. Now I cope with literature, reading up on political drama, and watching gaming videos on YouTube.",0,none, 3946,sexism2022_english-6653,"True, but the dark can hide terrors. Plus it's still better to go in a group if possible, I just think solo bug out is not with the risk. Of course I'm thinking about my wife and kids but a lone man could make I think. At least for a while.",0,none, 3947,sexism2022_english-9172,"It has always seemed to me that feminists' goal has been to take the ""fem"" out of feminism. That's why I'm not a feminist, I'd prefer to be a woman.",0,none, 3948,sexism2022_english-7121,[USER] Actually she doesn't kill them - she just sucks the souls out of them for nourishment after she takes her meat suit off.,0,none, 3949,sexism2022_english-15680,"Just looking at her dumpy fat ass... Reminds me of her screeching voice, which was like nails on a chalkboard. Fuck I'm grateful she is frightening bears in the woods of chappaqua",0,none, 3950,sexism2022_english-15009,well it is disgusting. but if she wants to get eaten out find another man,0,none, 3951,sexism2022_english-403,I fucked a girl 14 years older then me. 7/10 would bang again.,0,none, 3952,sexism2022_english-8946,Alright I'll go no contact until right before she comes to town,0,none, 3953,sexism2022_english-11125,"[USER] indeed! I have been writing along those lines for 2+ years. I saw a lack of this info directed to women, by a woman (bc if a man says the same it's ""sexist"") Thanks for the promo!",0,none, 3954,sexism2022_english-9106,post evidence fuckface,0,none, 3955,sexism2022_english-6329,"look at him smelling her, this is intense, i don't think i've ever done this to another human being",0,none, 3956,sexism2022_english-9035,Yep. The women who defend filthy islam get raped. The gays who defend filthy islam get killed. The blacks who defend filthy islam get sold into slavery. But yet they don't stop defending filthy muslims. 🙄,0,none, 3957,sexism2022_english-7687,"what the fuck is this? you want to take down statues, take this down... pins in my eyes...they are pigs....WOW",0,none, 3958,sexism2022_english-3617,In if ya got a problem pickin on female liyalists y not try someone your own size,0,none, 3959,sexism2022_english-17876,Carers let woman have sex with strangers ‘to help her learn from her mistakesâ€?A young autistic woman was allowed to have sex with strangers at her care home to ‘stop her obsession with menâ€? it has been revealed. [URL],0,none, 3960,sexism2022_english-12162,"Europe has always aspired to merge its destiny with black Africa, the single most disastrous community on earth.",0,none, 3961,sexism2022_english-3851,"A lot of women want to play the games though because it’s more exciting, that’s the point.",0,none, 3962,sexism2022_english-9305,I hate the it's her loss mentality. I think by having that mentality you deflect any type of personal responsibility.,0,none, 3963,sexism2022_english-11095,Is she a fine young woman? You be the judge. So will she. #JudgeJudy,0,none, 3964,sexism2022_english-17417,"I've had words with #Hillary and Gaga in twitland👌 I've suggested a woman who laughs at death isn't great and I've suggested a woman who knowingly let's off a guilty child rapist is questionable. But if anyone heard me, who knows. Bloody hope so.",0,none, 3965,sexism2022_english-13641,oh no! So they are saying if I send my daught to college she might.... put on a hat? OH THE HUMANITY!!!!,0,none, 3966,sexism2022_english-2356,"Define blatant. If you're with a girl then be with that girl. Doesn't mean you don't check out other girls, but it needs to be calibrated, otherwise you're clumsy, gauche and unsophisticated.",0,none, 3967,sexism2022_english-17641,Take a look at mgtow. Even chads know women are no good. What you incels really want is trouble lol. LIfe has more meaning than women dont put so much value on women thats irrational. pm if you wanna talk,1,2. derogation, 3968,sexism2022_english-6358,"When you're known as the guy who argues that women shove entire chihuahuas in their vagina because the animal's struggles feel like a vibrator, yeah, people *do* stop taking you seriously.",0,none, 3969,sexism2022_english-8770,You should’ve asked if you could be her side piece,0,none, 3970,sexism2022_english-3523,this bi--th should be stoped she's the rapist,1,2. derogation,