--- license: cc-by-sa-4.0 language: - en tags: - audio size_categories: - 100B Logo

Kai Li1, Wendi Sang1, Chang Zeng2, Runxuan Yang1, Guo Chen1, Xiaolin Hu1
1Tsinghua University, China
2National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Paper | Demo

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# SonicSim: A customizable simulation platform for speech processing in moving sound source scenarios We introduce SonicSim, a synthetic toolkit designed to generate highly customizable data for moving sound sources. SonicSim is developed based on the embodied AI simulation platform, Habitat-sim, supporting multi-level parameter adjustments, including scene-level, microphone-level, and source-level, thereby generating more diverse synthetic data. Leveraging SonicSim, we constructed a moving sound source benchmark dataset, SonicSet, using the LibriSpeech dataset, the Freesound Dataset 50k (FSD50K) and Free Music Archive (FMA), and 90 scenes from the Matterport3D to evaluate speech separation and enhancement models. ## 🔥 News - [2024-12-12] 🔥🔥🔥 We have released a [Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/layers/jusperlee1/sonicsim/v1.0/images/sha256-57c90144245421929de02d9557e144487d686b4f41f723942a89e1e0c3482fa0?context=explore) and updated SonicSim to a CUDA version, enabling faster data generation. - [2024-10-30] We have fixed the bugs for installing the environment and updated the training code for speech separation and enhancement models on the [SonicSet dataset](#sonicset-dataset). - [2024-10-23] We have released the `training code` for speech separation and enhancement models on the [SonicSet dataset](#sonicset-dataset). - [2024-10-03] We have released the paper on [arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.01481) - [2024-10-01] We have released the [Real-world speech separation dataset](#real-world-data), which aims to evaluate the performance of speech separation models in real-world scenarios. - [2024-07-31] We have released the `SonicSim dataset`, which includes speech separation and enhancement tasks. - [2024-07-24] We have release the scripts for `dataset construction` and the [pre-trained models](https://github.com/JusperLee/SonicSim/releases/tag/v1.0) for `speech separation and enhancement`. ## Logo SonicSim Platform ![](./files/overview-sim.png) - 3D Scene Import: Supports importing a variety of 3D assets from datasets like Matterport3D, enabling efficient and scalable generation of complex acoustic environments. - Acoustic Environment Simulation: 1. Simulates sound reflections within room geometries using indoor acoustic modeling and bidirectional path tracing algorithms. 2. Maps semantic labels of 3D scenes to material properties, setting the absorption, scattering, and transmission coefficients of surfaces. 3. Synthesizes moving sound source data based on source paths, ensuring high fidelity to real-world conditions. - Microphone Configurations: Offers a wide range of microphone setups, including mono, binaural, and Ambisonics, along with support for custom linear and circular microphone arrays. - Source and Microphone Positioning: Provides customization or randomization of sound source and microphone positions. Supports motion trajectories for moving sound source simulations, adding realism to dynamic acoustic scenarios. ### SonicSim Platform Docker We are excited to introduce the SonicSim Platform Docker, featuring a CUDA-enabled version of SonicSim for faster and more efficient data generation. You can quickly set it up with the following commands: ```shell docker pull jusperlee1/sonicsim:v1.0 docker run -i -t --gpus all --shm-size=20g --name sonicsim jusperlee1/sonicsim:v1.0 conda activate SonicSim ``` This setup leverages GPU acceleration to maximize performance and streamline your workflow. Get started now and experience the improved efficiency! ## Logo SonicSet Dataset ![](./files/SonicSet.png) You can download the pre-constructed dataset from the following link: ### 🔈 Speech Separation and 🔕 Speech Enhancement | Dataset Name | Onedrive | Baidu Disk | |-----|-----|-----| | train folder (40 split rar files, 377G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/f/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/EsO9TFmnSdNMohY3fYYQu7YBV8LasO-EmkpKEN10dXAl7g?e=n4z3io)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gC2LVErchEkO7ENdNOIb0A?pwd=c9gw)] | | val.rar (4.9G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/u/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/EX9938DRcx5NhfMfKdNq6NgBVcRdNnjF4syTWhetGa8sew?e=EnEtVn)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/11oybiPkFwihj9DZI0H_-vw?pwd=j36i)] | | test.rar (2.2G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/u/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/EeyzjZ9MgeJJsmAfdGTyGCEBMBtwjamGIDLkNLVMU1t2_w?e=KNJRoM)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GEcvmOs0VyP23v5gBfGREg?pwd=pyyf)] | | sep-benchmark data (8.57G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/f/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/EvDfTqiuSUxCrLKKcFpfGfIBeIgIvHuQkiuvcGBPjplcFg?e=ZeD7Kj)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/11oJ457YTA91gDgsVlWlaJA?pwd=kq79)] | | enh-benchmark data (7.70G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/f/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/EmMlMKMYRIVOiYQrRbHIU5wBt52R-Ej5-KdUuzZWsOFb0Q?e=pi05ve)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/15QHCdVwhTL_UipvgwAxLCg?pwd=x46b)] | ### Real-world data #### 🔈 Speech Separation | Dataset Name | Onedrive | Baidu Disk | |-----|-----|-----| | Real-world dataset (1.0G) | [[Download Link](https://1drv.ms/u/c/ba3b81b8a2ef83ae/Ea4qbfaHsgdNlG2Me7kiinoB-3jmQpyDSarRlgqjDSntZQ?e=5cDUza)] | [[Download Link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1puhidhScf3j_KHlPAc3Vyg?pwd=amhx)] | #### 🔕 Speech Enhancement - RealMAN dataset: [RealMAN](https://github.com/Audio-WestlakeU/RealMAN/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file) ## Logo Dataset Construction ![](./files/sonicset-pipeline.png) To construct the dataset yourself, please refer to the README in the `SonicSim-SonicSet/data-script` folder. This document provides detailed instructions on how to use the scripts provided to generate the dataset. ## 🕹️ Environment Setup for Training and Inference ### Conda Environment Setup To set up the environment for training and inference, use the provided YAML file: ```bash conda create -n SonicSim-Train python=3.10 conda activate SonicSim-Train pip install Cython==3.0.10 numpy==1.26.4 pip install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118 pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/pypi/web/simple ``` ### Training Speech Separation and Enhancement Models #### Generate Separation Fixed Validation and Test Set Navigate to the `separation` directory and run the following script to generate the fixed validation set: ```bash cd separation python generate_fixed_validation.py --raw_dir=../SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/val --save_dir=../SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/val-sep-2 --is_mono python generate_fixed_test.py --raw_dir=/home/pod/SonicSim/SonicSim/SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/test --is_mono ``` #### Generate Enhancement Fixed Validation Set Navigate to the `enhancement` directory and run the following script to generate the fixed validation set: ```bash cd enhancement python generate_fixed_validation.py --raw_dir=../SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/val --save_dir=../SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/val-enh-noise --is_mono python generate_fixed_test.py --raw_dir=/home/pod/SonicSim/SonicSim/SonicSim-SonicSet/SonicSet/scene_datasets/mp3d/test --is_mono ``` #### Training Speech Separation Models Navigate to the `separation` directory and run the training script with the specified configuration file: ```bash cd separation python train.py --conf_dir=configs/afrcnn.yaml ``` #### Training Speech Enhancement Models Navigate to the `enhancement` directory and run the training script with the specified configuration file: ```bash cd enhancement python train.py --conf_dir=config/dccrn.yaml ``` ### Download Checkpoints Please check the contents of README.md in the [sep-checkpoints](https://github.com/JusperLee/SonicSim/tree/main/sep-checkpoints) and [enh-checkpoints](https://github.com/JusperLee/SonicSim/tree/main/enh-checkpoints) folders, download the appropriate pre-trained models in [Release](https://github.com/JusperLee/SonicSim/releases/tag/v1.0) and unzip them into the appropriate folders. ### Speech Separation Inference Navigate to the `separation` directory and run the inference script with the specified configuration file: ```bash cd separation python inference.py --conf_dir=../sep-checkpoints/TFGNet-Noise/config.yaml ``` ### Speech Enhancement Inference Navigate to the `enhancement` directory and run the inference script with the specified configuration file: ```bash cd enhancement python inference.py --conf_dir=../enh-checkpoints/TaylorSENet-Noise/config.yaml ``` ## 🏆 Results ### Comparison on real-recorded datasets #### 🔈 Speech Separation ![](./asserts/data_2spk_noise_2_00.png) > Comparative performance evaluation of models trained on different datasets using real-recorded audio with **environmental noise**. The results are reported separately for “trained on LRS2-2Mix”, “trained on Libri2Mix” and “trained on SonicSet”, distinguished by a slash. The relative length is indicated below the value by horizontal bars. ![](./asserts/data_2spk_music_2_00.png) > Comparative performance evaluation of models trained on different datasets using real-recorded audio with **musical noise**. The results are reported separately for “trained on LRS2-2Mix”, “trained on Libri2Mix” and “trained on SonicSet”, distinguished by a slash. #### 🔕 Speech Enhancement ![](./asserts/data_enhancement3_00.png) > Comparative performance evaluation of models trained on different datasets using the RealMAN dataset. The results are reported separately for “trained on VoiceBank+DEMAND”, “trained on DNS Challenge” and “trained on SonicSet”, distinguished by a slash. ### Comparison on SonicSet datasets We have trained separation and enhancement models on the SonicSet dataset. The results are as follows: #### 🔈 Speech Separation (Only two speakers) ![](./asserts/data_sep_sonicset_2_00.png) > Comparison of existing speech separation methods on the SonicSet dataset. The performance of each model is listed separately for results under “environmental noise” and “musical noise”, distinguished by a slash. #### 🔕 Speech Enhancement ![](./asserts/data_enhancement_00.png) > Comparison of existing speech enhancement methods on theComparison of speech enhancement methods using the SonicSet test set. The metrics are listed separately under “environmental noise” and “musical noise”, distinguished by a slash. ## Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the following: - [LibriSpeech](http://www.openslr.org/12) for providing the speech data. - [SoundSpaces](https://github.com/facebookresearch/sound-spaces) for the simulation environment. - Apple for providing dynamic audio synthesis scripts. ## License ![CC BY-SA 4.0 License](https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). ## Citation ```misc @article{li2024sonicsim, title={SonicSim: A customizable simulation platform for speech processing in moving sound source scenarios}, author={Li, Kai and Sang, Wendi and Zeng, Chang and Yang, Runxuan and Chen, Guo and Hu, Xiaolin}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.01481}, year={2024} } ```