File size: 9,195 Bytes
820104d |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 |
def get_all_files_in_directory(directory, ext=''):
import os
import re
custom_sort_key_re = re.compile('([0-9]+)')
def custom_sort_key(s):
# 将字符串中的数字部分转换为整数,然后进行排序
return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in custom_sort_key_re.split(s)]
all_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(ext):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
return sorted(all_files, key=custom_sort_key)
def clearT():
import unicodedata
from opencc import OpenCC
def full2half(input_str):
return ''.join([unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', char) for char in input_str])
cc = OpenCC('t2s') # 't2s'表示繁体转简体
def _clearT(s):
s = cc.convert(full2half(s))
return s.lstrip('n').strip().strip(r'\n').replace('\n', '\\n')
return _clearT
clearT = clearT()
# =================
a = get_all_files_in_directory(r'E:\tmp\haruno\scenario', ext='.ks')
b = r'D:\datasets\tmp'
# =================
sc = {}
_n = {
"心の声": "旁白",
"晴真": "晴真",
"菜乃花": "菜乃花",
"???《彩菜》": "?/彩菜",
"クラスメイトの女子A": "同班女生A",
"クラスメイトの女子B": "同班女生B",
"晴真&菜乃花《菜乃花》": "晴真&菜乃花",
"潤": "润",
"祐希": "祐希",
"玲於奈": "玲于奈",
"花梨": "花梨",
"雨音": "雨音",
"花梨&祐希": "花梨&祐希",
"このみ": "木乃实",
"晴真の母親": "晴真母亲",
"???": "???",
"菜乃花&玲於奈": "菜乃花&玲于奈",
"心の声《花梨》": "旁白/花梨",
"女生徒B《花梨の同級生B》": "女学生B/与花梨同年级",
"女生徒A《花梨の同級生A》": "女学生A/与花梨同年级",
"花梨&祐希&玲於奈": "花梨&祐希&玲于奈",
"???《潤》": "?/润",
"???《菜乃花》": "?/菜乃花",
"小さな女の子《菜乃花》": "小女孩/菜乃花",
"菜乃花《菜乃花&彩菜》": "菜乃花/菜乃花&彩菜",
"心の声《玲於奈》": "旁白/玲于奈",
"心の声《彩菜》": "旁白/彩菜",
"彩菜": "彩菜",
"???《玲於奈》": "?/玲于奈",
"母親らしき女性": "像母亲的女人",
"男性": "男性",
"迷子の少女": "迷路的少女",
"花売りの少女《時雨》": "卖花的少女/时雨",
"時雨": "时雨",
"彩菜《菜乃花》": "彩菜/菜乃花",
"花梨&玲於奈&祐希": "花梨&玲于奈&祐希",
"真澄": "真澄",
"晴乃": "晴乃",
"???《このみ》": "?/木乃实",
"???《時雨》": "?/时雨",
"彩菜《晴乃》": "彩菜/晴乃",
"???《雨音》": "?/雨音",
"晴真&彩菜&潤《彩菜&潤》": "晴真&彩菜&润/彩菜&润",
"晴真&彩菜&このみ《彩菜&このみ》": "晴真&彩菜&木乃实/彩菜&木乃实",
"晴真&彩菜《彩菜》": "晴真&彩菜/彩菜",
"心の声《このみ》": "旁白/木乃实",
"全員《花梨&雨音&玲於奈&祐希》": "全员/花梨&雨音&玲于奈&祐希",
"ジュンニーナ:潤《潤》": "Junnina:润",
"アーヤ:花梨《花梨》": "Arya:花梨",
"コノリーン:このみ《このみ》": "Conolene:木乃实",
"王様:祐希《祐希》": "国王:祐希",
"エレオナ:玲於奈《玲於奈》": "Eleona:玲于奈",
"王子様:晴真": "王子:晴真",
"女生徒《ソフト部部長》": "女学生/软件部部长",
"女の子《あんず》": "女子/杏铃",
"あんず": "杏铃",
"晴真&花梨《花梨》": "晴真&花梨/花梨",
"晴真&あんず《あんず》": "晴真&杏铃/杏铃",
"???《祐希》": "?/祐希",
"???《ソフト部部長》": "?/软件部部长",
"ソフト部部長": "软件部部长",
"みんな《菜乃花&祐希》": "大家/菜乃花&祐希",
"雨音&玲於奈": "雨音&玲于奈",
"みんな《菜乃花&花梨&雨音&玲於奈&祐希》": "大家/菜乃花&花梨&雨音&玲于奈&祐希",
"みんな《菜乃花&雨音&玲於奈&祐希》": "大家/菜乃花&雨音&玲于奈&祐希",
"みんな《菜乃花&雨音&玲於奈》": "大家/菜乃花&雨音&玲于奈",
"晴真&祐希《祐希》": "晴真&祐希/祐希",
"みんな《このみ&玲於奈&祐希》": "大家/木乃实&玲于奈&祐希",
"ソフト部員A": "软件部员A",
"ソフト部員B": "软件部员B",
"ソフト部員C": "软件部员C",
"みんな《雨音&玲於奈&祐希》": "大家/雨音&玲于奈&祐希",
"このみ&雨音": "木乃实&雨音",
"晴真&雨音《雨音》": "晴真&雨音/雨音",
"男の子1": "男子1",
"男の子2": "男子2",
"男の子3": "男子3",
"先生": "先生",
"アナウンス": "广播",
"女の人《時雨》": "女人/时雨",
"???《死者を送る者》": "?/送死人的人",
"村人1": "村人1",
"村人2": "村人2",
"村人3": "村人3",
"村長": "村长",
"桜木": "桜木",
"妄想このみ《このみ》": "妄想木乃实/木乃实",
"???《花梨》": "?/花梨",
"女子生徒《花梨》": "女学生/花梨",
"男子生徒《祐希》": "男学生/祐希》",
"女子生徒&男子生徒《花梨&祐希》": "女学生&男学生/花梨&祐希",
"晴真&女子生徒&男子生徒《花梨&祐希》": "晴真&女学生&男学生/花梨&祐希",
"???《真澄》": "?/真澄",
"晴真&このみ《このみ》": "晴真&木乃实/木乃实",
"このみ&潤": "木乃实&润",
"担任の先生": "班主任",
"菜乃花&花梨&祐希": "菜乃花&花梨&祐希",
"女子店員A": "女店员A",
"女子店員B": "女店员B",
"菜乃花&花梨": "菜乃花&花梨",
"晴真&菜乃花&花梨&祐希《菜乃花&花梨&祐希》": "晴真&菜乃花&花梨&祐希/菜乃花&花梨&祐希",
"晴真&花梨&祐希《花梨&祐希》": "晴真&花梨&祐希/花梨&祐希",
"晴真&雨音&祐希《雨音&祐希》": "晴真&雨音&祐希/雨音&祐希",
"ファンの男性A": "男粉丝A",
"マネージャーさん": "经理",
"ファンの男性B": "男粉丝B",
"菜乃花&このみ": "菜乃花&木乃实",
"チャラそうな金髪": "蓬松的金发",
"チャラそうな鼻ピアス": "可爱的鼻环", # ?
"ガタイがいいボス": "体格健壮的老板",
"野球少年A": "野球少年A",
"野球少年B": "野球少年B",
"菜乃花&潤": "菜乃花&润",
"一同《菜乃花&花梨&雨音&玲於奈&祐希》": "一同/菜乃花&花梨&雨音&玲于奈&祐希",
"心の声《菜乃花》": "旁白/菜乃花",
"氷雨": "冰雨", # 雨音线,时雨妹妹,雨音前世
"時雨&氷雨": "时雨&冰雨"
# =================
import re
reg_n = re.compile(r'\[Talk( [^] ]+?)? name=([^] ]+?)]')
reg_macCmd = re.compile(r'\[macCmd num=(\d) text=([^] ]+?)]')
# =================
for path in a:
name = path[path.rindex('\\'):]
name = name[:2]
if name not in sc:
sc[name] = []
# =================
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = f.readlines()
# =================
macCmd = []
Hitret = True
for i,line in enumerate(data):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('[Hitret]'):
Hitret = True
if 'exp="f.selans' in line:
d = '选择:' + macCmd.pop()
sc[name].append('旁白' + ':' + d)
# print(d, line)
except IndexError as e:
if name == r'\@': # 懒得解析了,硬编码一下
raise e
if line.startswith('[if'):
if line.startswith(';'):
if line.isascii():
tmp = reg_macCmd.findall(line)
if len(tmp) == 1:
macCmd = [tmp[0][1]] + macCmd
# print(macCmd)
if line.startswith('[mac'):
n = reg_n.findall(line)
# print(n)
if len(n) == 1:
n = n[0][1]
if n in _n:
n = _n[n]
_n[n] = clearT(n)
Hitret = False
nn = n
if Hitret:
nn = '旁白'
if line.startswith('['):
Hitret = False
if not Hitret:
d = clearT(line)
sc[name].append(nn + ':' + d)
assert not macCmd
# =================
for k, v in sc.items():
with open(b + f'\\{k}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# =================
import json
tmp = json.dumps(_n, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) |