def get_all_files_in_directory(directory, ext=''): |
import os |
import re |
custom_sort_key_re = re.compile('([0-9]+)') |
def custom_sort_key(s): |
return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in custom_sort_key_re.split(s)] |
all_files = [] |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): |
for file in files: |
if file.endswith(ext): |
file_path = os.path.join(root, file) |
all_files.append(file_path) |
return sorted(all_files, key=custom_sort_key) |
def clearT(): |
import unicodedata |
from opencc import OpenCC |
def full2half(input_str): |
return ''.join([unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', char) for char in input_str]) |
cc = OpenCC('t2s') |
def _clearT(s): |
s = cc.convert(full2half(s)) |
return s.lstrip('n').strip().strip(r'\n').replace('\n', '\\n') |
return _clearT |
clearT = clearT() |
def startsWithAny(s: str, keys): |
for x in keys: |
if s.startswith(x): |
return x |
else: |
return False |
def startsWithAlnum(s: str, _l = False): |
retn = '' |
for char in s: |
if char.isalnum() or (_l and char == '_'): |
retn += char |
else: |
break |
return retn |
def startsWithCmd(s: str): |
cmd = startsWithAlnum(s, _l=True) |
if cmd: |
return s.startswith(cmd + ' ') |
else: |
return False |
import re |
reg_removeWait = re.compile(r'\[.+?]') |
def removeWait(line): |
tmp = reg_removeWait.sub('', line) |
if tmp: |
return tmp |
else: |
return line |
a = get_all_files_in_directory(r'E:\tmp\哥特妄想\ks', ext='.ks') |
b = r'D:\datasets\tmp' |
sc = {} |
_n = { |
"貴路": "贵路", |
"ロー": "ロー", |
"警官": "警官", |
"絶火": "绝火", |
"塞門": "塞门", |
"スミス": "史密斯", |
"麗華": "丽华", |
"いつき": "丽华", |
"日木実": "日木实", |
"絃人": "弦人", |
"芦満": "芦満", |
"やすな": "安奈", |
"八宵": "八宵", |
"生徒全員": "全体学生", |
"吹摘": "吹摘", |
"くずは": "葛叶", |
"根本": "根本", |
"剋弥": "克弥", |
"レイミア/???": "?/蕾米娅", |
"貴路子供": "贵路小时候", |
"teacher": "老师", |
"女性": "女性", |
"レイミア": "蕾米娅", |
"伯爵": "伯爵", |
"ティーチャー": "老师", |
"ヴァンダイン": "伯爵" |
} |
def tmp_filer(x): |
return not ((x and x.isascii()) |
or startsWithAny(x, ('@','[if]')) |
or (x.startswith('[') and x.endswith(']') and ' ' in x)) |
for path in a: |
name = path[path.rindex('\\'):] |
name = name[:2] |
if name not in sc: |
sc[name] = [] |
print(name) |
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-16-le') as f: |
print(next(f)) |
data = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(';'), (x.strip() for x in f.readlines()))) |
data = list(removeWait(x) for x in filter(tmp_filer, data)) |
d_s = False |
for i, line in enumerate(data): |
if not line: |
d_s = False |
continue |
n = line.startswith('【') + line.endswith('】') |
if n == 2: |
n = line[1:len(line)-1] |
if n in _n: |
n = _n[n] |
else: |
_n[n] = clearT(n) |
print(line, n) |
nn = n |
d_s = True |
continue |
elif n == 1: |
n = line.strip('【】') |
assert n in _n |
nn = n |
d_s = True |
continue |
else: |
if line.startswith('「'): |
d_s = True |
d = line |
if d_s: |
nnn = nn |
else: |
nnn = '旁白' |
d = clearT(d) |
if d: |
sc[name].append(nnn + ':' + d) |
if line.endswith('」'): |
d_s = False |
for k, v in sc.items(): |
with open(b + f'\\{k}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
f.write('\n'.join(v)) |
import json |
tmp = json.dumps(_n, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) |