from opencc import OpenCC |
cc = OpenCC('t2s') |
from h_corpus import Fileset |
import unicodedata |
import json,re |
def fullwidth_to_halfwidth(input_str): |
return ''.join([unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', char) for char in input_str]) |
def clearT(s): |
s = cc.convert(fullwidth_to_halfwidth(s)) |
return s.lstrip('n').strip().strip(r'\n').replace('\n','\\n') |
def custom_sort_key(s): |
return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in re.split('([0-9]+)', s)] |
_n = { |
"mob": "mob", |
"emi": "绘美", |
"kanna": "栞奈", |
"jin": "萧然", |
"sakura": "佐仓", |
"kou": "小墨", |
"mama": "妈妈", |
"ryopa": "景怡", |
"ryoma": "思秋", |
"sen": "文茜", |
"chimob": "chimob", |
"ryou": "和平", |
"sanae": "早苗", |
"higuchi": "樋口", |
"emimama": "emimama" |
} |
a = Fileset(r'E:\tmp\ChristmasTina\chapter\MonoBehaviour', ext='.json') |
sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(a)), key=lambda i: custom_sort_key(a[i])) |
a = [a[i] for i in sorted_indices] |
b = r'D:\datasets\tmp' |
sc = {} |
for i in range(len(a)): |
path = a[i] |
name = path[path.rindex('\\')+1:path.rindex('.')] |
print(name) |
if 'DLC01' in name or 'DLC04' in name: |
name = name.rstrip('.book') |
else: |
name = name.rstrip('.book0123456789') |
if name not in sc: |
sc[name] = [] |
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: |
tmp = json.load(f) |
tmp = tmp['importGridList'] |
for rows in tmp: |
rows = rows['rows'] |
args = rows[0]['strings'] |
rows = rows[1:] |
idx_t = args.index('Text') |
idx_v = args.index('Voice') |
for row in rows: |
row = row['strings'] |
if len(row) < idx_t + 1: |
continue |
else: |
d = clearT(row[idx_t]) |
if len(row) < idx_v + 1 or not row[idx_v]: |
n = '旁白' |
else: |
n = row[idx_v] |
if 'emimama' in n: |
n = 'emimama' |
else: |
if n.startswith('DLC'): |
n = n[6:] |
n = n[:n.rindex('/')].rstrip('0123456789') |
n = _n[n] |
if d: |
sc[name].append(n + ':' + d) |
for k, v in sc.items(): |
with open(b + f'\\{k}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
f.write('\n'.join(v)) |
tmp = json.dumps(_n, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) |