def get_all_files_in_directory(directory, ext=''):
import os
import re
custom_sort_key_re = re.compile('([0-9]+)')
def custom_sort_key(s):
return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in custom_sort_key_re.split(s)]
all_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(ext):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
return sorted(all_files, key=custom_sort_key)
def clearT():
import unicodedata
from opencc import OpenCC
def full2half(input_str):
return ''.join([unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', char) for char in input_str])
cc = OpenCC('t2s')
def _clearT(s):
s = cc.convert(full2half(s))
return s.strip().strip(r'\n').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('\r', '')
return _clearT
clearT = clearT()
a = get_all_files_in_directory(r'E:\tmp\白日梦的构想图_\scn', ext='.txt.json')
b = r'E:\tmp\白日梦的构想图_\txt'
sc = {}
_n = {
"母亲": "母亲",
"海斗": "海斗",
"????": "?",
"沙齐": "沙齐",
"工头": "工头",
"出云": "出云",
"游马": "游马",
"世凪": "世凪",
"母": "母",
"李": "李",
"海斗(影像)": "海斗/影像",
"入麻": "入麻",
"奥莉薇娅": "奥莉薇娅",
"辅助装置": "辅助装置",
"眠羊": "眠羊",
"梓姫": "梓姫",
"父亲": "父亲",
"斯宾瑟": "斯宾瑟",
"琪琪": "琪琪",
"凛": "凛",
"游马研研究员": "游马研研究员",
"???": "?",
"康奈": "康奈",
"祥子": "祥子",
"有岛": "有岛",
"上层研究员": "上层研究员",
"里樱": "里樱",
"?": "?",
"渡边": "渡边",
"女学生": "女学生",
"男学生": "男学生",
"字节组长": "字节组长",
"品尝大妈": "品尝大妈",
"无毛的叔叔": "无毛的叔叔",
"鱼店老板": "鱼店老板",
"??": "?",
"熟客1": "熟客1",
"威尔": "威尔",
"熟客2": "熟客2",
"爱德": "爱德",
"罗布": "罗布",
"街人": "街人",
"看守1": "看守1",
"看守2": "看守2",
"团体顾客": "团体顾客",
"托马斯": "托马斯",
"琪琪&托马斯": "琪琪&托马斯",
"马洛": "马洛",
"布&爱德": "布&爱德",
"听众1": "听众1",
"听众2": "听众2",
"琪琪&托马斯&威尔": "琪琪&托马斯&威尔",
"赫米娅": "赫米娅",
"拉山德": "拉山德",
"帕克": "帕克",
"海伦": "海伦",
"一同": "一同",
"观客1": "观客1",
"观客2": "观客2",
"观客1&观客2": "观客1&观客2",
"哈姆雷特": "哈姆雷特",
"警官": "警官",
"警长": "警长",
"看守": "看守",
"伊丽莎白女王": "伊丽莎白女王",
"全员": "全员",
"安奈": "安奈",
"梓姬&康奈": "梓姬&康奈",
"男老师": "男老师",
"梓姫&李": "梓姫&李",
"接待老伯": "接待老伯",
"李&梓姬": "李&梓姬",
"斯宾瑟岚山": "斯宾瑟岚山",
"工作人员们": "工作人员们"
import json
for path in a:
name = path[path.rindex('\\'):]
name = name[:2]
if name not in sc:
sc[name] = []
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
for texts in data['scenes']:
for texts in texts['texts']:
n = texts[0]
if texts[1][0][0] is not None:
n = texts[1][0][0]
if n is None:
n = '旁白'
if n in _n:
n = _n[n]
_n[n] = clearT(n).replace('・', '&')
print(texts, n)
d = clearT(texts[1][0][1])
if d:
sc[name].append(n + ':' + d)
except KeyError:
if type(texts) is not dict:
for k, v in sc.items():
if v:
with open(b + f'\\{k}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
import json
tmp = json.dumps(_n, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) |