def get_all_files_in_directory(directory, ext=''): import os import re custom_sort_key_re = re.compile('([0-9]+)') def custom_sort_key(s): # 将字符串中的数字部分转换为整数,然后进行排序 return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in custom_sort_key_re.split(s)] all_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: if file.endswith(ext): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) all_files.append(file_path) return sorted(all_files, key=custom_sort_key) def clearT(): import unicodedata from opencc import OpenCC def full2half(input_str): return ''.join([unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', char) for char in input_str]) cc = OpenCC('t2s') # 't2s'表示繁体转简体 def _clearT(s): s = cc.convert(full2half(s)) return s.lstrip('n').strip().strip(r'\n').replace('\n', '\\n') return _clearT clearT = clearT() def startsWithAny(s: str, keys): for x in keys: if s.startswith(x): return x else: return False def startsWithAlnum(s: str, _chrs): retn = '' for char in s: if (char.isalnum()) or (char in _chrs): retn += char else: break return retn def startsWithCmd(s: str, _chrs=None): if _chrs is None: _chrs = {'_', '@'} cmd = startsWithAlnum(s, _chrs) if cmd: return s.startswith(cmd + ' ') else: return False import re reg_removeWait = re.compile(r'\[.+?]') def removeWait(_line): _tmp = reg_removeWait.sub('', _line) if _tmp: return _tmp else: return _line def getCmdArgs(_cmd): _args = [''] _i = -1 _inQuota = '' while _i < len(_cmd) - 1: _i += 1 char = _cmd[_i] if _inQuota: _args[-1] += char if char == _inQuota: _inQuota = '' elif char == '\\': _i += 1 char = _cmd[_i] _args[-1] += char else: pass else: if char == ' ': _args.append('') while _i < len(_cmd) - 1: _i += 1 char = _cmd[_i] if char != ' ': _i -= 1 break continue elif char in {'"', "'"}: _inQuota = char else: pass _args[-1] += char continue return _args def args2map(_args): retn = {} for _i in range(1, len(_args)): _arg = _args[_i] if '=' not in _arg: continue _idx = _arg.index('=') _k = _arg[:_idx] if '"' in _k or "'" in _k: continue _v = _arg[_idx + 1:] if _v.startswith('"') or _v.startswith("'"): _v = _v[1:len(_v) - 1] retn[_k] = _v return retn # ================= def listRfind_idx(_i, _data, _condition): for j in range(_i - 1, -1, -1): if _condition(_data[j]): return j return _i def listRfind(_i, _data, _condition, _filter, delta=1): return list(filter(_filter, _data[listRfind_idx(_i, _data, _condition) + delta:_i + 1])) # ================= a = get_all_files_in_directory(r'E:\tmp\苹果妹\ks', ext='.ks') b = r'D:\datasets\tmp' # ================= sc = {} _n = { "蓝里": "蓝里", "陆": "陆", "老婆婆": "老婆婆", "青年": "青年", "少女/ゆめ": "少女/梦", # 栗原梦 "陸": "陆", "少女の声/ゆめ": "少女的声音/梦", "梦": "梦", "ゆめ": "梦", "涟": "涟", "陆 ": "陆", "男1": "男1", "男2": "男2", "中年男性": "中年男性", "手汗很重的中年男性/中年男": "手汗很重的中年男性", "感受到命运的中年男性/中年男": "感受到命运的中年男性/", "邀请得很直接的中年男性/中年男": "邀请得很直接的中年男性", "死缠烂打的中年男性/中年男": "死缠烂打的中年男性", "呼吸急促的中年男性/中年男": "呼吸急促的中年男性", "就这样呼吸急促地靠近过来的中年男性/中年男": "就这样呼吸急促地靠近过来的中年男性", "少女/美羽": "少女/美羽", "美羽": "美羽", "アナウンサー": "广播", "未喜": "未喜", "笃史": "笃史", "工人": "工人", "声音/梦": "声音/梦", "男人": "男人", "铃声": "铃声", "声/美羽": "声/美羽", "アナウンス": "广播", "声音/梦的母亲": "声音/梦的母亲", "梦的母亲": "梦的母亲", "漣": "涟", "声/涟": "声/涟", "少女的声音/奈月": "少女的声音/奈月", "少女/奈月": "少女/奈月", "奈月": "奈月", "詩乃": "诗乃", "看護師": "护士", "诗乃": "诗乃", "诗乃乃": "诗乃乃", "少女A/部员A": "少女A/部员A", "少女B/部员B": "少女B/部员B", "少女C/部员C": "少女C/部员C", "声/詩乃の母": "声/诗乃的母亲", "诗乃的母亲": "诗乃的母亲", "诗乃的父亲": "诗乃的父亲", "八百屋": "八百屋", "女性的声音/漣": "女性的声音/涟", "少女的声音/詩乃": "少女的声音/诗乃", "少女/詩乃": "少女/诗乃", "女孩": "女孩", "母亲": "母亲", "男/篤史": "男/笃史", "少女的声音/未喜": "少女的声音/未喜", "少女/未喜": "少女/未喜", "少女的声音/藍里": "少女的声音/蓝里", "少女的声音/ゆめ": "少女的声音/梦", "女性/香澄": "女性/香澄", "声/未喜": "声/未喜", "裁判": "裁判", "声/藍里": "声/蓝里", "少女A/部員A": "少女A/部员A", "少女B/部員B": "少女B/部员B", "少女C/部員C": "少女C/部员C", "客A": "客A", "俳優A": "俳优A", "俳優B": "俳优B", "司会者": "司会者", "トム": "汤姆", "篤史": "笃史", "客B": "客B", "藍里": "蓝里", "香澄": "香澄", "店員": "店员", "主持人": "主持人", "客1": "客1", "声/香澄": "声/香澄", "露": "露", "少女/由美子": "少女/由美子", "由美子": "由美子", "声/詩乃": "声/诗乃", "部員A": "部员A", "部員B": "部员B", "部員C": "部员C", "部員D": "部员D", "蔬果商": "蔬果商", "子供": "小孩子", "母親": "母亲", "係員": "系员", "詩乃の母": "诗乃的母亲", "詩乃の父": "诗乃的父亲" } # ================= for path in a: name = path[path.rindex('\\'):] name = name[:name.rindex('_')] if name not in sc: sc[name] = [] print(name) # ================= with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-16-le') as f: next(f) # BOM data = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(';'), (x.strip() for x in f.readlines()))) w_i = -1 while w_i < len(data) - 1: w_i += 1 line = data[w_i] if not line.endswith('[np]'): continue tmp = listRfind(w_i, data, lambda x: x.startswith('@nm ') or x.endswith('[np]'), lambda x: x, delta=0) if len(tmp) > 1 and tmp[0].endswith('[np]'): tmp = tmp[1:] else: if not tmp: continue line = tmp[0] if line.startswith('@nm '): args = args2map(getCmdArgs(line)) n = args['t'] if not n and 'rt' in args: n = args['rt'] else: if 'rt' in args: n += '/' + args['rt'] if n in _n: n = _n[n] else: _n[n] = clearT(n) print(line) tmp = tmp[1:] else: n = '旁白' tmp = (removeWait(x) for x in tmp if not x.isascii()) d = '\\n'.join(removeWait(x) for x in tmp if x and not startsWithCmd(x, {'_', '@', '*', '['})) d = clearT(d) if d: sc[name].append(n + ':' + d) # ================= for k, v in sc.items(): with open(b + f'\\{k}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(v)) # ================= import json tmp = json.dumps(_n, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)