# https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/623697843 # mamba create -n golang -c conda-forge go # conda activate golang # cd E:\tmp\ISLAND # Get-Item -Path Env:\CONDA* # $env:GOROOT = "$env:CONDA_PREFIX\go" # go version # go mod init cst # go get github.com/regomne/eutil/codec # go get github.com/regomne/eutil/textFile # # https://github.com/regomne/chinesize/blob/master/CatSystem2/cstTextProc/cst.go # go build .\cst.go # # E:\tmp\ISLAND\cst.exe -e -cst E:\tmp\ISLAND\cst\BAD_01.cst -o E:\tmp\ISLAND\cst\BAD_01.txt -cp 932 import os, sys import struct import zlib warnings = [] def warn(value): warnings.append(value) def clearWarnings(): global warnings warnings = [] def printWarnings(sc): global warnings for wi in warnings: print('[WARNING]', sc, wi) clearWarnings() def cst2bin(datcst): tag, sizcst, sizbin = struct.unpack_from('8sII', datcst) if tag != b'CatScene': raise Exception('Label Mismatch') datcst = datcst[16:] if sizcst != len(datcst): raise Exception('Size Ante Decompress Mismatch') datbin = zlib.decompress(datcst) if sizbin != len(datbin): raise Exception('Size Post Decompress Mismatch') return datbin def bin2cst(datbin): datcst = zlib.compress(datbin) return b'CatScene' + struct.pack('II', len(datcst), len(datbin)) + datcst class FormatCST: def __init__(self, fc): b = cst2bin(fc.read()) (h0, self.h1, self.h2, self.h3), b = struct.unpack_from('4I', b), b[16:] self.b1, b2, b3 = b[:self.h2], b[self.h2:self.h3], b[self.h3:] if h0 != len(b) or self.h1 * 8 != self.h2 or (self.h3 - self.h2) % 4 != 0: raise Exception('Integrity Constraint 0 Violated') it = struct.iter_unpack('II', self.b1) flag = True self.n1 = 0 while flag: try: d10, d11 = next(it) if d11 != self.n1: flag = False self.n1 += d10 except StopIteration: break if not flag or self.n1 * 4 != self.h3 - self.h2: raise Exception('Integrity Constraint 1 Violated') it = struct.iter_unpack('I', b2) d2 = [] while True: try: d2.append(*next(it)) except StopIteration: break if self.n1 != len(d2): raise Exception('Integrity Constraint 2 Violated') ofs = 0 self.d3 = [] for i in range(self.n1): if ofs < d2[i]: warn('Unaccessible Fragment Offset 0x{0:08X}'.format(ofs)) ofs = d2[i] if ofs > d2[i]: raise Exception('Overflow Offset 0x{0:08X}'.format(ofs)) try: d30, d31, d32 = struct.unpack_from('3B', b3, ofs) except Exception: raise Exception('Content Truncated') if d30 != 0x01: raise Exception('Invalid Offset 0x{0:08X}'.format(ofs)) if d31 not in (0x02, 0x20, 0x21, 0x30): warn('Unknown Code 0x01{1:02X} Offset 0x{0:08X}'.format(ofs, d31)) ofs += 3 while d32 != 0x00: try: d32, = struct.unpack_from('B', b3, ofs) except Exception: raise Exception('Content Truncated') ofs += 1 self.d3.append(b3[d2[i]: ofs]) if ofs < len(b3): warn('Unaccessible Fragment Offset 0x{0:08X}'.format(ofs)) def iter(self): self.idx = -1 self.fslc = False def next(self, skp=True): self.idx += 1 if skp: while self.idx < self.n1: if self.fslc: break d31, = struct.unpack_from('B', self.d3[self.idx], 1) if d31 in (0x20, 0x21): break if d31 == 0x30 and self.d3[self.idx][2:8] == b'scene\x20': break if d31 == 0x30 and self.d3[self.idx][2:] == b'fselect\x00': self.fslc = True self.idx += 1 if self.idx >= self.n1: raise StopIteration def get(self, skp=True): if skp: return self.d3[self.idx][2:-1] else: return b'<\\x01><\\x' + bytes('{0:02X}'.format(self.d3[self.idx][1]), encoding='utf-8') + b'>' + self.d3[ self.idx][ 2:-1] + b'<\\x00>' def rep(self, bn): self.d3[self.idx] = self.d3[self.idx][:2] + bn + b'\x00' def pac(self): b2, b3 = b'', b'' ofs = 0 for i in range(self.n1): b2 += struct.pack('I', ofs) b3 += self.d3[i] ofs += len(self.d3[i]) b0 = struct.pack('4I', self.h3 + ofs, self.h1, self.h2, self.h3) return b0 + self.b1 + b2 + b3 pathcst = 'scene_cst' pathbin = 'scene_bin' pathtxt = 'scene_txt' pathdst = 'scene_dst' def depacst(): liscst = os.listdir(pathcst) if not os.path.exists(pathbin): os.makedirs(pathbin) s0, s1 = 0, 0 for sc in liscst: if not sc.endswith('.cst'): continue s1 += 1 clearWarnings() f = open(os.path.join(pathcst, sc), 'rb') try: b = cst2bin(f.read()) except Exception as e: print('[ERROR]', sc, e) continue finally: f.close() sb = sc[:-3] + 'bin' f = open(os.path.join(pathbin, sb), 'wb') f.write(b) f.close() s0 += 1 printWarnings(sc) return (s0, s1) def unpacst(skp=True): liscst = os.listdir(pathcst) if not os.path.exists(pathtxt): os.makedirs(pathtxt) s0, s1 = 0, 0 for sc in liscst: if not sc.endswith('.cst'): continue s1 += 1 clearWarnings() f = open(os.path.join(pathcst, sc), 'rb') try: c = FormatCST(f) except Exception as e: print('[ERROR]', sc, e) continue finally: f.close() st = sc[:-3] + 'txt' f = open(os.path.join(pathtxt, st), 'wb') c.iter() while True: try: c.next(skp) f.write(c.get(skp)) f.write(b'\x0D\x0A') except StopIteration: break f.close() s0 += 1 printWarnings(sc) return (s0, s1) def repacst(): liscst = os.listdir(pathcst) listxt = os.listdir(pathtxt) if not os.path.exists(pathdst): os.makedirs(pathdst) s0, s1 = 0, 0 for st in listxt: if not st.endswith('.txt'): continue sc = st[:-3] + 'cst' if sc not in liscst: print('[WARNING] Original CST File Missing: ' + sc) continue s1 += 1 clearWarnings() f = open(os.path.join(pathcst, sc), 'rb') try: c = FormatCST(f) except Exception as e: print('[ERROR]', sc, e) continue finally: f.close() st = sc[:-3] + 'txt' f = open(os.path.join(pathtxt, st), 'rb') c.iter() flag = True s = 0 while True: try: c.next() bn = b'' while True: bi = f.read(1) di, = struct.unpack('B', bi) if di < 0x20: break bn += bi if di != 0x0D: flag = False break bi = f.read(1) di, = struct.unpack('B', bi) if di != 0x0A: flag = False break c.rep(bn) s += 1 except StopIteration: break except Exception: warn('Lack of Text') break f.close() if not flag: print('[ERROR]', st, 'Invalid Byte 0x{0:02X}'.format(di)) continue f = open(os.path.join(pathdst, sc), 'wb') f.write(bin2cst(c.pac())) f.close() s0 += 1 printWarnings(sc) return (s0, s1) if __name__ == '__main__': pathcst = r'E:\tmp\ISLAND\cst' liscst = os.listdir(pathcst) tag = 0 if tag not in (0, 1, 2, 3): print('Invalid Parametre') sys.exit() if tag == 0: s0, s1 = unpacst() if tag == 1: s0, s1 = repacst() if tag == 2: s0, s1 = depacst() if tag == 3: s0, s1 = unpacst(False) print('%d / %d completed' % (s0, s1))