--- license: mit --- # Dataset Card for "Calc-ape210k" ## Summary This dataset is an instance of Ape210K dataset, converted to a simple HTML-like language that can be easily parsed (e.g. by BeautifulSoup). The data contains 3 types of tags: - gadget: A tag whose content is intended to be evaluated by calling an external tool (sympy-based calculator in this case) - output: An output of the external tool - result: The final answer of the mathematical problem (a number) ## Supported Tasks The dataset is intended for training Chain-of-Thought reasoning **models able to use external tools** to enhance the factuality of their responses. This dataset presents in-context scenarios where models can outsource the computations in the reasoning chain to a calculator. ## Construction Process First, we translated the questions into English using Google Translate. Next, we parsed the equations and the results. We linearized the equations into a sequence of elementary steps and evaluated them using a sympy-based calculator. We numerically compare the output with the result in the data and remove all examples where they do not match (less than 3% loss in each split). Finally, we save the chain of steps the HTML-like language in the `chain` column. We keep the original columns in the dataset for convenience. You can read more information about this process in our [technical report](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.15017). ## Content and Data splits Content and splits correspond to the original Ape210K dataset. See [ape210k dataset github](https://github.com/Chenny0808/ape210k) and [the paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.11506) for more info. Columns: - `id` - id of the example - `question_chinese` - description of the math problem in Chinese - `question_english_mt` - translation of `question_chinese` to English using Google Translate - `equation` - a nested expression that evaluates to the correct answer - `result_orig_format` - result as a string from the original dataset - `result_new_format` - result as a string, coming out of our sympy calculator - `result_float` - result as a float (e.g. evaluated fractions, etc.) - `chain` - linearized `equation`, converted to HTML-like language with expressions that can be evaluated using our sympy-based calculator ## Licence MIT, consistently with the original dataset. ## Cite If you use this version of the dataset in research, please cite the [original Ape210k paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.11506) and also [our technical report](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.15017) as follows: ```bibtex @article{kadlcik2023calcx, title={Calc-X: Enriching Arithmetical Chain-of-Thoughts Datasets by Interaction with Symbolic Systems}, author={Marek Kadlčík and Michal Štefánik}, year={2023}, eprint={2305.15017}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG} } ```